04-Aprilmi m P Q p S i a l e s t s V h 'h a t y j p rn n y d i-c s ts C ie fl i.. K ,.r;M ):r|!lO ,ii||., 1 w th e U te jld is c o J ‘••ni.*, '^ o o'.lji'r- J ^''rira. h jt. i„ (.iTicioa ■iyi!uvr-,:,n,lp,.,„,a,J IndiTOsUnn ■«-o, Sour Ptfin'-.-i ^cl:ich(>,Gastral,^in;( [results ofimpirfett i by E. C. Deiv-fl a |. t'. A . j y LOftXOm. Snii ■ LATnreEa of a« teabs’1 f e C T " a j j ' d I . K . W & O W i PA T E N T tA W V C nS, ] I Patent Office, W-.tHiN P® SS5® 38^55T^ ■ijjers.ono yora* one |v .'i::acL Y T L \rr:s,| Ili-jhmond. V;i, |)n ly Fifty < 'e:its a i inclm lcs ;ib*ohite!j fi.iran Momhly.] J./Uranl, 1*1 i ’TA’ AND fc>0:DA-5 / ^'rirm J<»-. rnal nn<l L I Now (>n]y >.* i \ r Yl . i'c r M-julii by m SA |iic> D.sillily- to! tlia.'C il' M ’nil <m tlic l-Alit fOR SAL':i |7r.:ier>,-s of ir.iid f.l I'eir.re cotton iml »-'.l iiiiil wiilercil. t a j;. ir. M o r r isjroaksville ® 3 P (§ 1 x3 0 = 5 ^ L K T O G O ^ - ' W C C i & E C T I ^ D avie R e c o r d . D!KH-m o c k s v i l l e , N . C ., W E D JT iSD A Y , A P E IL 3, 1901!K U M B EE 52. g s V I E -----[ITma-.Y WliCNESDAY. J rrs-'"'-'^ ■ . so - KDITOR. . SixlojWP?' |jteCO?V' ,,K COOK ON "■■'■ ij r i ’E A C llJlK X T . li.,itodaveverv Americau citi- I'rt tS ^u.y ro,a.a tor his eviTV ami evei-y Jj'iuaepi;u<ieiu-i- auii integrity, lislai-k ''ill' vi'iifiMlHni :iu<l re- tiiothe t)i' 31tir* ; >\,r is North t'aroliua w ith- iadii'ial ht-mfs of her own. So Limli<.-ialii»le;>en.ie:ice.siiall ;imireJ. SI. l..i« juiln'ial ni- ^tv-liMli iie rib.Arte^l, so long „ -Jio of T. ylor m d Heii- .,iiamlK'.i;!'jaml (Jasiou aud :»„ii and Nasli rea:aia th e uutoiiiyol tiio l-'CLch aud .'iiutufllif enliic litizcuship State, were g reat 1^ , iu,!n‘.!. I'ut tio^y "■ei-'-' Jt,!otonao-vr.i!t c f l!:eu- na- ;^t«iii^aiH!:ilii!ily alone, bu l ■' aii'l as m en th e y | iiiiuiepi.ii'iwi'. luifetteie.l a u d ; r latim e.'of political s trile „.;ovtr\vliiditlity presided or .liclitbevv.eie menibera w as; the i-uiis>.-rvaiive loree th a t! ;isa.liu!«aik against the iu- aul iiei»u;!l liberty and pri- pwlierty. :>estioy this iu- ..mlpiin'aiiil you not only place iifkleoa eVL-ry Judge’s seat, roa emian^er ti;e rights of the inliiiiia-l!'! The qr.estiou l;e- iitocor.rt does uot eoncerii ijeDiiraiCsaj.d .Iiv.lge D ong- :to. Ii is the (jiiei^tien of of the judiciary Xurth Carolina v.liich alone iftlieri|;lit to jjrououuee, in- bittaud cqjoiiuii the la'^- of iiste. It i' in the pei'son of Ksiwaik'iits that this inde- ■Ifiiceiiiay hire be violated. :s;ire asked U' ihi e upon th eir Mil acts a coi:- r '.etion which liTteapiw.'lea’ f^r evil iu the 1(1 (Hue. !n tue h:uguage of r.ffekti-rat ti:e .rial of Judge k'jtt: "iLjay [ieiii.ips oven ate ' iEpfctance of thi‘ uecasiou to pslii.'veliari-; nut I confess teappe.irtoiiieth.it if th is lv jivf it- s,ii;et il Ml to some of ipriiicipals -.vhieli have b e e n . ftirraloi! tliis occasion, then | isapower ii; the .Stsite above iloKiiiitioii ami the law —a ■ isseiitiaiiy ;:r!;ricary an d 6t, tbe exercise of .vhich m ay aiftiiaiigeioiis. If iinpeiicli ” l»i,ut ujdi'i-tlie ru le o f th e lilntibL iuiil the h n ;s, th e n 'elieiKlde not only for th o se 'my lie imi^eHchcd' b n t for "“Cts. 1( the full benefit o f ?WiiHitut;iinal iirivisiou au d ; law be uot ex ten d ed *^l'-^>idenls. tlieir c<’>se be- stae ca^e of all th e people o f ;^_oiuuiou«ealth. T he C onsti- 's tbe I eoiile's C o n stitu tio n ; '^I'eiaaiit it for th e ir on n ‘iMaiiil lor these respou- anmn-tlin rest. T hey a re fi.r conviction, “fwire m,t ,),eir ru in . I f ■ * iiuii'-oiierly condem ned, “Noilly are tl;ey condem ned, 'i/Siife of t !ie v.'h'jle people '“^c'ardeij.'’ E X A C T L Y . M ajor G u th rie, line genllem an th a t 1:6 is; tiu th fu l, hcuorable gpiitleiuan th a t he is. m ade a grave niis-stateuieu;: iu his speech in th e iiu p tach n ieu t trial, concluded yes­ terd ay niorning. H e is reported to ha-ve said to th e coiiit: ••The people dem and, through th e house of representatives, th a t you sti ip them (th e judges) of th e ir robes of ofiice lo r th e prolectiou of th eir lib erties. ’ M ajor G u th rie is quite m istaken ab o n t th is T ..e people dem and uothiug of th e k iud. T hey are q u ite on th e o th er side, as w ill be fonnd iu d ue tim e. The m ajor has confounded th e t vo l ” s — th e People an d th e P oliticians. — C harlotte O bserver. X o one has stated tlie facts iu th e case m ore strongly o r tru th ­ fully th a n has b ro th er C aldw ell in this sh o rt piece. M aj. G u th rie iu ISOC th o u g h t th a t th e people de- m-anded his election as G overnor, b u t w h en th e votes w ere counted, he found th a t th ey (lid uot w ant him by a large m ajority. T his iuipeaoU inent was conceived iu th e braius o f th e p ean u t politicians of th e low est an d vilest order, and th e history of th e fu tu re w ill le- cord uo glory for th e principal ac­ to rs.' JO B C O U U D N ’T H A V E STO O D IT If h e ’d h ad Itc h iu g P iles. T hey’re terriltly annoyiu.j; b u t 'B uckleu’s A rnica Siilve w ill cure th e w orst c a s e o f p ila ou earth . I t bas cui-ed thousands. F or In ju ries, P ains or B odily E ri’ptions it’s th e best silvfi ill th e w orld. P rice •2i)0 a box. C ure g uaran teed . SoUl by C. C. S anford. ^ 'Confined to my tali I'oW on ta e lunm . F iaallv mv |w(.’ 2 \ '’°Mle of One Hfinute K la 'n a speedy EU.S.S1.\. seems to be on the eve of «'-oluii,„,. The C zar’s alined, iiiiil he lives in apprcheusicn of losing |j^ ,^ '‘‘‘C ‘Cntb al the hands deplor- ‘te n sth a t the hour has in Eu&sia. r»P‘earem le.n.y a despotic T lUieie is little liberty n eniasi,e,5. Russia is get- ’s a men- linisli* Europe. Bl.: ? ^'Jlaiiil and e.xiled ° aad m ade serfs OXJK D ESTLSY . A unique trib u te of respect and adm iration wa,s paid to th e m em ­ ory of th e late E epreseutative Jlar- iio t B rosius, oi P a ., w heu by spe­ cial perm ission of th e B oard of E d ­ ucation, th e peroration of th e ad- dre.SB be delivered on M em orial D ay o f last year w as read in th e W ashington puVilic schools. F ol­ low ing is a portion of th a t p erora­ tion: “ W heu I contem plate th e suprem acy of th a t lofty stauiiard of patrioti.sm w hich w ill guide o u r footsteps in th e pathw ay to nation­ al d u ty an I honor, a vision of in- eliable splendor bursts upon m y in>agination. I see th is Eepublic. iu th e v an g u ard of th e worlil, -tandiug d istinctly for h n m anity, liberty, justice, an d progrej^, th e essential priacijiles of "S^'estcrn C ivilization; pdvancing in h a r­ m ony w ith th a t p ro v id e rtia l o r­ d er by w hich a 1 races are a t last to com e undej' a h ig h er social regim e. I see th e extension of language, o n r lite ra tu re , o u r law s, onr in stitutions, aud our com m erce over th e v ast spaces of th e earth and th e islands of th e sea. I see th e greater A m erica w ielding w ith a ju s t a u d benevolent h and h e r suprem acy, holding th e sceptor of com m ercial an d financial em pire. I see th e realization o f th e dream o.< p atrio ts aud th e aspiration of statesm en th a t o u r country, through its social, political aud com m ercial influence, should be­ come th e m eans of diffusing civi­ lization am ong th e backw ard peo- ijles on th e oceanic spaces to th e west of us as w ell as those on th e shores of A sia. I se« a people m eeting tb e ir m easureless respou- sil)ilities, follow ing th e pointing of d u ty and destiny w'ith a profound sense of obligation to those ethical priucipies w hich constitute th a t righteousness which ex alts nations, never forgetting ‘T h a t m any is m ore th a n nature; th a t w isdom is m ore th a n glory; th a t v irtu e is m ore th an dom inion of th e sea, and th a t ju stice is th e saprem e good.” LEM O N S F O E SM A L L PO X . j. A n Ironton O hio, physician j treiited him self for smallpo.x w ith lemon juice, and reports th e pro­ cess and results as follow's- I squeezed all th e juice I possibly could o u t o f one lem on into th e glass, to w hich I added about two teaspoonfuls of w ater, and dran k it. I then opened th e rin d aud sucked th e balance of th e juice. In about tw enty m inutes I took another lem on, and used it in th e jsam em an u er. In a sh o rt tim e I 1 felt very cold, as if I w ere lying iu close proxim ity to a large m ass of snow or ice. M y pulse h ad dro p ­ ped to six ty . I sh u t m y eyes to see if th e unpleasant visions were gone. I not only found th a t they were gone, b u t by placing m y hand upon m y head, I found th e pox on luy head h ad gone also. M y head w as bathed w ith grauni- ous-like fluid w hich h ad exuded from th e pox. I t stained th e n ap­ kin 1 h ad applied to w'ipo it off. It seemed as if each had given up its contents au d w ilted dow u to a level w ith th e surface. T he sam e had takeu p ace Avith those upon m y face. M y beard w as glued to­ gether w ith th e sam e k in d offluid. Those upon m y neck h a d not burst, but h ad sh ru n k aw ay and dim in­ ish dd considerably. I laid dow n aud slept tw o hours com fortably. I awoke X presum e, from cold, al­ though I h a d plenty of cover over me and the lire w as still burning iu the g iate. I felt so w ell pleas­ ed th at I took a little m ore lem on juice. 1 k ep t m y pulse a t from sixty to sixty-seven for th irty -six hours, wheu all eruptions an d ele­ vation had disappesiied from niy skin. I th en bid good-bye to lem- ou juice aud sm all-pox. So strong- I ly aui I conviueed in th e pow er ot lemon ju ic e to cure any aud ev­ ery C!we of sm allpox, if adm inis­ tered as I adm inistered it to m y­ self, th a t I look upon it as a spe­ cific of as m uch certainty a a d pow ­ er in sm allpox as quinine is iu in ­ term ittent fevei'. 1 therefore p u b ­ lish iiiy exi>erience, hopiug every physician having a case of sm all­ pox will give it a fair tria l aud re ­ port the result to me. SfciUn'r you try tof»lf dys))e|)jia b j star- heartily. You Pien-.yofiioodfood prop- Dyspepsia Cure ■ -ome elem ents o£ food JUitiriiij it is th e one '^Foster ' ^ are alwavs „ ’“fill things ar “ I had piles so bad I could g et no re st nor find a cu re u n til 1 trie d De­ W itt’s W itch H azel Salve. A fte r using it once, Ifo rffo tl ev er h ad an y - thiug-like P ile s.” E. C. B oice, Som ­ ers P o ip t, N . Y . Jjook o u t fo r im ita ­ tions. B e sure you ask fo r D e W itt’s. C. C S anford an d M. A . F o ster. .1. P ’S. T he D em ocratic L egislature ap pointed 70 Ju stice of th e Peace for F orsyth county. T his looks lik e allow ing th e peojile iu tb e w hite counties to elect tb e ir own officers. ^Vhen th e h isto ry of th is legisla­ tu re is w‘ritten , it w ill show th a t hundredfl o f offices w ere created to bestow tipon favorites, a n d all to be paid for b y tii|a A p p le . A g reat deal of it ^ ^ ^ ^ fc ie c e s s a ry and our friends sw er to th e peo] Inutesnot n C K E F T H IS L E G . Twelve years ago J . W . S u lli­ van, of H artford, Coun , scratched his leg w ith a rusty w ire. Infla- luntiou and blood poisoning set in. F or two years he suffered intense­ ly ! Theu th e best doctors urged am putation, ••but,” he w rites, “ I used one bottle of E lectric B itters and l i boxes of B uckleu’s Arnic^i Salve and m y leg w as sound and well as ever.” F o r E ruptions, Eczem a, T etter, S alt E heum .S ores, and all blood disorders E lectric B itters has no rival on e arth . T ry them . 0 . C. Sanford w ill g u aran ­ tee satisfaction or refund m oney. O nly 50 cents. To show th e grow ing im portance of th e export tra d e in A m erican boots and shoes it is necessary only to refer to $(i51,333 as th e value of it iu 1891, aud to $4,274,174 as th e value of it in 1900. liTearly 28 per cent of th e 1900 tra d e w ent direct to A u stralia, an d som e m ore, no doubt, by w ay of G reat B ritain. In 1897 th is tra d e am ­ ounted to only $285.679—an in ­ crease of nearly 400 p e r cent in tw o years.— Protectionist. A EA G IIvG , EO A E IJT G FLO O D W ashed down a telegraph line w hich Chas: C- E llis, of Lisbon, la ., had to rep air. “ S tanding w aist deep in icy w 'ater,” he w rites, “ gave m e a terrib le cold and congh. I t grew w orse daily. F in ally the best doctors in O ak­ land, N eb., Sioux C ity and O m aha said I had consum ption and could not live. T heu 1 began using D r. K in g ’s New D iscovery and w as w holly cured b y six b o ttles.” Positively guaranteed for C oughs, Colds aud all T h ro at an d L ung troubles by C, 0 . Sanford, P rice 50 cents.. N o p a rt of th e lau n d ry w ork is, as a rule, so unsatisfaetory as th e w ashing of th e w oolen garm ents. T he structure of wool fibre is so diflerent from th a t of linen aud cotton th a t it should receive diff­ erent treatm ent id th e lau n d ry . E ab b in g and w ringing cause th e wool fibres to kcot:, th u s giving i B a thickened aud shrunkened fabiic; therefore woolen goods should be sopped and sq-aeezed to rem ove th e d irt, and Ihe w ater should be pressed-ont, not w rung o u t.— L a­ dies’ H om e Jourual. “ I had been troubled w ith indiges­ tio n fo r te n years, h ave trie d mafay th in g s and spent m ucn m oney to no purpose u n til I trie d K odol D yspepsia C ure. 1 h ave ta k en tw o b o ttles and g o tte n m ore re lie f from th e m th a n a ll o th e r m edicines ta k en . I feel m ere like a boy th a n I h av e fe lt in tw en ty years ” A nderson B igge of $}unnj L ane. T ex.,_ TbouBands liave .te s tiiie d a a ^ d M c id ^ g s . G. C; San- ' ’T IS E A SY TO F E E L GOOD. C ountless thousands have found a blessing to th e body in D r. K ing’s New L ife P ills, w 'hich pos­ itively cure C onstipation, Sick H eadache, D izziness, Jaundice, M alaria, F ever and A gue aud all L iver and Stom ach troubles. P u re ­ ly vegetable; never g ripe or w eak­ en. O nly 25c. a t C. 0 . Sanford’s D rng Store. I t is probable th a t there w ill be some changes in th e tariff in th e course of tim e, for expei-ience m ay show th a t some duties are too high and others too low, or th a t some are inoperative either for protection or revenue. B nt w henever th e tariff is revised this w ork should be under th e direc­ tion of th e friends of protection. T he industrial interests of th e country cannot aftbrd to have th e tariff revised by th e opponents of th e protective policy, or in th e interest of foreign m anufacturers and foreign trad e.— Protectionist. AMERICA’S REPRESENTATIVE FASHION MAGAZINE Published nonthly WITH HANDSOME COLORED PLATES. ALSO IIXUSTRATES TI5E C H L E B R A T rD - Standard Patterns TIis only reliable patterns, because I ih cy aliow seams. Subscription Prico; $ 1 .0 0 a y e a r. 13 ccnta for si.iglo copies. CANVASSERS WANTED F03 THIS PL'SLIC.VriOH. liberal cash corair.isEian. Writo for sample co',iy and term ^ta Subscrip­ tion Department, T H E D E S I G N E R , 3 3 W est 1 4th S t., N ew York C ity. T -e C au se o f A m e ric a ’s S u c c ess. London, M arch 17.—^The D aily M ail w hich m akes a b id for tariff protection, declares editorially th is m orning th a t th e real causes of A m erica’s w onderful com m ercial success m ay be sum m ed u p in th e w ords, “ tariff and great alertness.” F ree trad e E ngland is beginning to open h er eyes. T he people of th e S outh, a m ajority of them for th e p ast 30 years, have voted in favor of F ree T rade. I t ’s tim e for the business people of th e South to vote for w hat they need and q^iit follom ng dem agogical politic­ ians, for they are disgracing our state now'. N o rth Ca r o i.in a In Superior Court. D a v ih Co u n ty. ) F . M . P hillips, f A. T. Grant, CSC. e t al C harles H ow ard, NOnCE ofRSSAlE e t al J P ursuant to au o rder m ade by A . T. G rant. C lerk Superior C ourt, D avie couuty, in above eutitled cause, I w ill resell a t public auc­ tion at court house door in M ocks • ville, ou S aturday th e 27th day of A pril, 1901, th e follow ing lands situated iu D avie county. Shady G rove tow nship, near B ixby, and, bounded as follow'S, to-w it: Be-' ginning a t a post oak, C harlie El lio tt’s and Tom H ow ard’s corner, N . IG chs to a pine, C has. E llio tt’s and A llen’s corner, E . 41 chs, 75 Iks to a stake or stone, on th e bank of a branch, M assey’s corner, S. 31 chs and 25 Iks to a dogwood, E . 22 chs aud 72 Iks to a stake, S. 15 chs and 77 Iks to a stiike, th e begin­ ning corner of th e Jen k in s’ tract, W . 10 chs and 75 Iks to a hickory sapling on th e Jo h n O brion old tract, S. 13 chs £5 Iks to a stone, O brion’s corner, W . 14 chs to a dogwood sprout, B ogan H ayw ood’s com er, W , 27 ehs and 50 Iks to a sweet gum , 20 Iks to a post o a t, th e beginning coruer,contaiuiu 154 acres, 71 poles m ore or less. See old book 4, page 375. Term s of sale:— $75.00 of p u r­ chase m oney to be paid in cash, balance on six m onths c red it se­ cured t y bond w ith approved se cu rity, w ith in terest from date. T itle reserved u n til purchase m oney is paid in fn ll. M arch 25th, 1901. C. A . H a ix , Com. B y J acob St e w a r t . A tty . The Portraits Of Our Presidents With BiograpUeal Sketches B Y G e n e ra l C h a rle s H . G ro sv e n o r, Title page designed bj Tillhny. T he In au g u ral year, w hen the public m iud is aroused over Pres- ideutial questions, is a fitting tim e to issue G eneral G rosvenor’s book. Its sale is already trem endous, and w ill jierhaps exceed th a t of G eneral G ran t’s Personal M em oirs. E very p atriotic A m erican de­ sires to read w h a t G eneral G ros­ venor has to say of G eorge W ash ­ ington, Thom as Jefferson, A ndrew Jackson, A braham Linco n, P resi­ dent M cK inley and th e other C hief E xecutives oi th e N ation. Everybody desires to read w hat G eneral G rosvenor, th e staunch old E epublican leader in Congress, w ill say of th a t staunch old D em o­ crat, A ndrew Jacksou, th e F ath er of th e D em ocratio P a rty . G eneral G rosvenor has throw u into his sketch of Jackson all th e fire aud and energy of h is nature. The biography of Thom as Jeii'erson is gran d . T he biography of Lincoln is as beautiful as a sunrise over the hilltops. G eneral G rosvenor has personally know n all the P res­ idents since th e tim e of Jam es B nchanaii. T be G eneral’s book w'ill therefore contain history w hich has never before been p u b ­ lished, w ritten from his ow u p er­ sonal observation of these great m en. G eneral G rosvenor has ser­ ved in Cougress for nearly twenty^ years, and he has served his couu- tiy in w a r and iu Congress for nearly forty years. T he book con­ tains tw enty-four large Photogra­ vure E tchings as fine as steel plates prin ted by hand, on heavy plate pai>er m ade especially to order. These 24 Photop-aV ure E tchings are in different tin ts, and ai e w ell ivorth S2 each. These P o rtraits are m ade from th e P aintiugs en­ dorsed by th e fam i'y and near re ­ latives of th e Presidents, Two years’ tim e aud a fortune have beeu expended in securing these reproductions. T he com plete book is well w orth $50, b u t th e price has beeu placed so low th a t th e m ost hum ble A m erican citizen can owu it. T he biographical sk e tc h y v‘“„pi’inted in large open tv p e in “ colors; tb e w ork is so beauti- , th a t w hen people see it they T he advance sale is very < President; M cK ruley was y S rst subscriber. T here is one W ion know n as T he P resident ilition de G rand L uxe, in itial itters b au d painted, P o rtraits h and colored, title page h an d il lum inated, registered and num ­ bered; subscription price, $50(). O rders aud applications for te rri­ tory are com ing in rap id ly . A high class m an or w om an of good social standing can soou m ake a sm all fortune tak in g orders in th is com m unity. Ssnd references and a p p ly for term s quick, as th e te r­ rito ry w ill all be assigned soon. A ddreiss T H E C O N T IN E N T A L PE E SS, C o E C O E A if B u i l d i n g , O p p o s it e U n i t e d S t - a t e is T r e a s - U K Y , W A S H IN G T O N , D . 0 . B U Y T H E SEWING MACHINE D o no t be deceived by those w ho ad- vertiso a $60.00 Sew m g M achine for $20.00. T his k in d o f a m achine can be bought fixim us or an y o f our dealers from $15.00 to $18.00. WE HAKE A VARIETY. t h e h e w h o m e i s t h e b e s t. T h e Feed determ ines th e strength or w eakness o f Sew ing M achines. T he I t o a b l e F e e d com bined w ith other strong points m akes th e N e w H o m e th e best Sew ing M achine to buy. Wiitnlir CIRCULARS S S S 2yfQ manufacture and prices before purchafilng TSE m EOHE SEWine lieBIHE go.ORANGE. MASS.28 UiUfln Sq. K. Chicago, IIL, Atlanta, Ga., St^ZfOnl^Mo., BalIaa,Tdx.,SanFrancl800,«Cal ron 9ALC BY E. E. Huirr, ; M ooksviUe, s . G> J f J-'--'-i \ 'ki G. T. GUSCOCK & SONS, Q EB EN SBO EO , n , c . .GEilFJlAL FOUNDERS iillD MACBlinST^ -M .iT T O F A C rtT K E B - W ater W heels. B and Sawa, W ood L athes. E m ery G rinders, Saw A rbors, G rate B ars, Job C astings every description. A lso m anufactures Ca k o l isa Cook Stoves, H eating Stoves, H ol­ low W’’are and Feed C utters, T he C arolina Cook Stove ia sold on its M EB ITS. E very Stove G uaranteed. F o r sale by E. E. HUNT, MocksviUe, N. 0. to call a t th e B ed F ro n t and see onr new lot of ready- m ade skirts. W e carry a nice line of D ress Goods aud Trim m ings, W hiteG oods, Law ns, Silks, H am burgs, Tjaccs, Y o u W i l l F i n d O u r 5 t o c k C o m p l e t e and up to date. W e also carry a nice line of Shoes for all. W hen in Slocksville give m e a look. I wall alw ays m ake prices O . K . Y’ours anxious to please, R e c o rd A g en ts. T he following gentlem e n are au ttiorized to tak e subscriptions for th e E e c o r d : M . 'W^.Mackie, Y adkinviU e, N . C. D . I. E eavis, Cross E oads C h u n h . W . G . P atterson, E ast B end. C. B. E eavis, Foote\’illc, Ben Shore, G rant. S. F . S hcts, Shore. J . C. P innix, M arler. A , P . W oodruff, Boonville. c f o u a m I fbronedoQarre- cdye by freight prepaid, one of OQi famous D ietz C ry s ta l L a n te rn s yon are ^i> ly ^standing in your own light | by fa ilin g to "stand in ours.” lyg 5 0 Y E A R S * E X P E R IE N C E Tliis Lantern is as t] as sixty years of Lantern 1 IiaTC rendered possible. It is strongly put together, con­ venient of adjustment, has Glass Oil Fot, which cannot leak and as a **light'g^Ter” it stands alone. Perhaps our little illustrated cata­ logue of Lanterns might interest you? Shall we mail it ?—*ti5 free. R . K . D IE T Z C O M PA N Y Laight Street xn 1840. Net7 York T rade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone sending e sketch and description njay qnlckiT ascertain onr opinion free whether lu: luTcntJon 18 probably pat^tKhle. C(»mmnn1«i- ttonsstrlctljrconedcntiol. Iluudbookon Patent: eent free. Oldest osency for securlofr patents.Pntentfl token tbrouirh 3Iunn & recclr* tpeeial notiu, without charge, in tbeScientific Htnei ican. A hiuidMniely lllMtrnled wceHjt. I^TCest rt. enlatlon ot unj scientlflc Journal. Terms, t-i ^ yefir; foor months. 81. Sold byaiJ newsrtealera. MUNN New JojlsBranch Office. 625 7 81. W aahteR ton.D .C .___ Greensboro iNurseries, ^G EI'EN SB O EO , N , C.. W e have a large surplus of standard W in ter A pples. Now is the tim e to set; place yor.r order before th e assortm ent is broken. Special term s to those w ish- in g to p la n t largely. A ddress. JO H N A . Y O U N G , P ro p rietcr. Wood’s Seeds are grown anU selected with special reference to their adaptabihty to the soil aud clim ate of the South. On our seed farms, and in our trial grounds, thousands of dollars are expended in testing and jprowing the very hflst seetls th a t it is possi­ ble to grow. By our experim ents we arc enabled to save our custom­ ers muclL expense and loss from planting vaiieties not adapted to our Southern soil and climate. W o o d ’s S e e d B o o k fo r 1901 is fully up to date, and tells all about the best Seeds for the South. I t surpasses all other pub­ lications of its kind in helpful and useful infoi'matiou for Oardeners, Truckers and Farmers. Mailed free. W rite for it. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Snil Sromis .& M iKials. R IC H M O N D , V A . U I 8 E»T SEE0 H p B U IN .H E t o m L E G A L N O T IC E S. Legal notices w ill be <!harged or as follows: $3.00 notice fot «2,50; $3.50 uotiC€S lo r $2.00; $5.00 notices for $4.00. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. T H E , . . S T A N D A E D E A IL W A Y O F T H B S O U l’H . T he D irect L ine tc all Points. J TE X A S, C A L IF O E N IA . F L O E ID A , C U B A A N D P O B T O E IC O .| Strictly Fiist Class Equip­ ment on all Through and Ll cal Trains. P ullm au Sleeping Cars onall N ight T rains. F ast and Sale schedules. T r a v e l b y t h e S o u t h e r n a n d y o u a r e a s .s u r e d a S a f e , C o m - J 'o r t a b l e a n d a n E x p e d i t i o n <1 o u r n e y . J.J to Ticket Agents f&r T im e T al bles, Uates and General Infor­ mation, or address B . L . / E R N O N , F , K . D A B B Y T . P . A . C . P . & T . A . Charlotte N .C . A shB v iU eN .C . SO XBflUBLBj TO ABSWER QUIFneH S E H A E D ^C K i »• P .A . W 4 S H I N G T 0 1 I ,D C -'-m iliLS T M E Statement to Miners Issued by the General Committee. WAGE SCALE WILL BE CONTINUED riie CommlUce Eeporled TJiat It Had A&snrancefl of Future Recognition of «he Union If Petty Strikes and DU- turbanceslVere Discontinued—BTelhod of Presenting Grievances Provided. AVilkcs-Barrc, renn.—The threateuGd strike of U3.000 miners in ilic hard- coal region will not take place. At a meeting ot tlie Executive Committee of (he United Mine W oikers of tlie tiiree anthracite districts, held in this city, it decided that tiie men shonid continue at work. This Committee w as given arbitrary power by the general convention of miners, held at Hazleton in the fore part of the month, to declare a strike if the eircumstances w arranted it. In the opinion of the Committee, in a lengthy address, which w as prepared Ly Mr. Mitchell himself, the circum­ stances did not w arrant a strike at this time. Some members ot the Committee, so It is said, were in favor of pursuing a radical course on the ground that if the operators did not recognize the miners' union now the opportunity would be lost forever. President Mitchell, however, soon convinced the Committee that a conservative course w as the only one to pursue at this time.The statem ent ls.sued by the Com­ mittee is, in part, as follows:“A conference w as secured w ith rep­ resentatives of the coal carrying rail­ roads. at which your Committee pre­ sented the claims of the mine woikers. The representatives of the operators listened attentively to the presenta­ tion of our argum ents, and while they would not agree to meet in general joint conference w ith the miners tills year they did agree that the no­ tices which were posted continuing the advance in wages until April 1. J!)02, and agreeing to take up and ad­ just w ith their mine employes any grievances they m ight have should be interpreted nnil construed to mean tb at such grievaneea sliould be con­ sidered and adjusted w ith representa­ tives or committees of the Mine W ork­ ers; and they hold out the hope that if during the present year the mine workers dem onstrated their willing­ ness and ability to abstain from en­ gaging In local strikes full and com­ plete recognition of the organization would unquestionably bo accorded at a future date. “In consideration of vast interests involved and iu view of the fact that at least partial recognition of our or* gnni^tlon has been secured, and with the hopes that a greater degree of jus­ tice will be obtained in the not distant future, your Committee would respect­ fully recommend that work be contin­ ued, and that committees be selected a t each mine, colliery, stripping and washery and Instrticted to w ait upon the mine stiperlntendonts or other per­ sons in authority and in a respectful, conservative, fearless and able man­ ner present any grievances, cither as to prices or conditions of em ployment that the mine woi'kers may have, and ask th at such giievances be adjusted.” SI,000.000 FIRE IN RICHMOND. Jefferson Hotel Burned —Gaests Escaped W ith Dlfflcnltr. Eiclimond, Ya.—The Jefferson Hotel, of this city, which was erected by the late Lewis Ginter, at a cost of build­ ing and furnishing of about $1,000,000, was destroyed by fire.The flames were discovered in the upper part of the main street side shortly before midnlcht. and in a short time that part of the building was a roaring furnace. Although the hour w as late when the fire broke out, an immense crowd w as attracted. The guests who were driven out of the Main sti’eet portion and those In the Franklin street part took refuge iu the lobbies of the latter, and there the scenes of distress and excitement beggared description. The magnificent structure covered half a block in the ultra-fashionable part of the city, wds built of buff brick, and granite foundation, and w as regarded as semi-fire proof. There were in the notel many fine works of art, Including, in the Frank­ lin street court, Valentine's ma^able statue of Jefferson. T H E NEWS E P ir O M I Z E D WASIIIKGTON ITEMS. RppuMiC!in Katlon.ll H eadquarters at W ashington were closed. Charles Ifomm . thirly-tw o years old. of the P atent Office, committed suicide by shooting him self in the head. Sick­ ness had unbalanced his mind. The capture of Asulnaldo gave great satisfaction to President McKinley and members of the Cabinet, who con­ sider it the final Wow to organized in­ surrection in the Philippines. Secrcfaiy Root and Adlutant-Oener- al Corbin expect to. visit the Pliiiip- pines in the sum m er for the purpose of personally studying the m ilitary situation. The Government, through Secretary H av, declined to i>rotest against the seizure of M anchuria by Russia. The replv of fho British Government declining to accept the amended Hay- Pauncefote treaty w as made pnbllc. A ttom ey-tieneral Griggs tendered his resignation to President McKlnle.v, and announced his plans tor resuming the practice of law. OUn ADOPTED ISr.ANDS. More emlgrants^ -pniled from Porto Rico for H aw aii, 400 for Cuba, and 2000 are under contract to go to Ecua­ dor. Five members of the JIando-Dncat secret society In the Philippines were sentenced to death. The Philippines Commission sailed from Iloilo for Sulu to c6nfer w ith the Sutfan. General Miles thinks the Cubans will agree to the proposals of Con­ gress and the A dm inistration at Washington. The work ot raising the wreck of (he Halne in H avana harbor w as begun. Governor Alien expects to leave Por­ to Rico in a fortnight for W ashington to co-fer w ith President McKinley. iGOINAlDO A PBISOHi General Funston Cap'ures tiie Insur­ gent Leader. OARING PL^N 13 SUCCESSFUL rh« Falplno Chief Brouglit to M anila I>y tiio Intrepid Volunteer Soldier on Board the Ounboat VIcksbnrB — Was Scrprlsed In Ills Hidlns Place in the Fravlnw of Isabella, Island of Inion, Manila,—General Frederick Fun- ston’s daring project for the capture of General Emilio Agulnaldo in his hiding place in the province of Isa­ bela, Island of Luzon, has proved completely successful. Agulsaldo w as captured .March 23. The United States gnnho.it Vicks­ burg, Commander E. B. Barry, w ith there last told of the return of Majox M arch from his long chase .-itter A guin^do In the highlands ot Cagayan. The men were worn out by their hardships, and only thirteen ot the fifty iioraes they had out w ith them snryived. Na­ tives reported the Insurgent chief as wounded in the shoidder. M ajor M arch, however, had a package of letters captured in the baggage of a notorious leader T\'hlch he had seized. igulnaldo’s w ife and sister we;c captured on ,Tanuary 1 of last year at Talabin, Province of Bontoc, iiy Ma1or M arch. Four rebel officers, eighteen of their men and one Amer­ ican suvrerlcred w ith the women. Ills m other w as also captured. One sou died during the flight of the fam ily before the American troops. The women have been well treated In llanlla. '' GENEIIAI. FONSTON’S CAKEEB. Tlie AdventnrouB I.lttlc Kansan Is a Ver­itable Soldier of Fortune, G eneral Frederick Funston is n veri­ table soldier of fortune. H e w as born In Ohio in 1800, and w as raised on a farm near lola, Kan., to which his father removed when he w as tour years old. He attended the K ansas A BRILLIANT MILITARY STROKE DENMARK'S OFFER TO US. Condllions Under TVliich She Will Sell WeBt India Islands. London.—The Copenhagen corre­ spondent of the Daily News says he has the best authority for the state­ ment th at tae Government has com­ municated to the United States the following conditions under which it will sell the Danish W est Indies: First, the sum of $4,000,000 shall be paid to Denmark; second, the i>opula- tlon shall decide whether they will re­ main Danish or be transferred to the United States; third, if the inhabltauts vote to be transferred they shall imme­ diately become not only American subjects, but citizens, and fourth, that the products of the islands shall be adm itted into the United States free of duty. Explosion Killed tlie Cblers Fortj Wives In connection w ith the defeat of the native chief, Fodey Kabba, by a French expedition at Maudlna, W est Africa, it is announced th at an explo­ sion of the chiefs powder magazine killed his forty wives. DOHIESTIC. Near Six Mile, W. Va., Charles Cors shot and killed a seven-year-old son of .Tohn Hogan because some one stoned his horse. The flow In the second gusher of the Beaumont (Texas) oil well is 20,000 barrels. Four men were arrested at Thoin- ville, Ohio, suspected of burglarizing the Somerset Bank. A million dollar mauseloum as an Abraham Lincoln memorial is project­ ed for Sprlugfleld, III. New trials were ordered in the cases of two of the men convicted and sen­ tenced to life imprisonment in connec­ tion w ith the Goebel m urder In K en­ tucky. Corporal HaiTy K. Yeakley, Forty- third B attery of Coast Artillery, who had been a physician at W inchester, Va.. committed suicide a t New Tx)n- don, Conn., by drinking wood alcohol. Although no date has yet been set for the launching of the battleship Maine, now in process of construction at the Cramp Ship Yards. In Philadel­ phia, it will take place in a few weeks. Members of the W oman’s Sabbath A.lliance, at New York City, inveighed ,'igainst compulsory Sabbath desecra­ tion at coilfges. It w as said that the Rogers l/ocomo- tive W orks, at Paterson, N. J., were sold to a syndicate headed by August Belmont. The Jliunesota State Senate defeat- •d an Anti-Cigarette bill, and there were rumors of a boodle fund supplied by cigarette m anufacturers. The village of Sing Slug, N. Y-, gave up its nam e for th at of Ossining, an [ndiau Chief of the seventeenth cen­ tury. John Keith, aged ninety-nine years, at Upper Sandusky. Ohio, choked whMe eating and died two hours later. Fire, started by a stroke of llght- aing, destroyed St. Andrew's Roman Catholic Catlicdral, at Grand Rapids. Mich. Loss, $50,000; insurance, $20,* DOO. The new toipedo boat Tlngley w as launched a t the Columbia Iron W orks, at Baltmore, Md. A satisfied mortgage for $100,000 w as burned in St. Andrew's M ethodist Episcopal Church a t New York City. Several Union Pacific trains were stalled by snow drifts in Nebraska, where ** blizzard w as raging. A one-legged man robbed Joseph Schultz, at Chicago, and fifteen crip­ ples were airested, but Schultz could not identify his man. M innesota w as reapportioned into nine Congressional districts. The City H all at Rutland. V t, was destroyed by fire. All the records were saved. The loss is $30,000. By a compromise decree the cele­ brated inom pson will case, involving $1,300,000, w as settled a t Brattleboro, Vt., the heirs receiving $200,000 and the rest going to form a trust fund for charity. Won’t Dan the Snitan of Morocco. The State Department, at W ashing­ ton. abandoned its plan of demanding an apology from the Sultan of Mo­ rocco. and the cruiser New York was ordered to proceed from Taugier to Manila. Burglars Commit Doable Slnrder. Burglars entered the home of John Favalona, at New Orleaus, La. They w ere resisted, and killed Favalona and his daughter, Anue. A fter commit­ ting the double m urder the burglars ransacked the house. Died Before His Pardon Arrived. President McKinley has granted a pardon to H enry Beach, a Federal prisoner received a t the Ohio ix^niten tiai*y, a t Columbus, from the Indian Ttrrltory, but it came too late. Beach died on M arch 10. He was scntonced to fifteen years for larceny. Hjrpnottam Forbidden in Uoncary. In consequence of the num ber of crimes committed of late iu H ungary which have been attributed to hypno­ tic influence, the H ungarian Govera- ment has forbidden the practice of hypnotism except by medical men and uiiU?;' special permission. General aiacArHiuT’s BepoTt of ll*e CbF’ taro of tbo FlllpJno C h i e f — Becona- mends Ib a t FuuHton Be Made ft BrlE* ad!or—Praises Navy For Its Co-opera- lion<-IIoi)es For Karly End of War. W ashington, D. C.—General JlacAr- thur, cabling from JIanlla, gives all credit and praise to General Fredericli Funston for the capture ot Agulnaldo, and recommends th at he be given commission as Brigadier-General m the regular arm y. H e expresses his confidence In the speedy cessation ol hostilities throughout the phlllpplo® H is message is as follows: "Im portant messages fell into hands G eneral Funston February 28, from w hich Agulnaldo was located at Pa­ lauan. Isabella Province. “E.\pedltlon organized, consisting or Agulnaldo’s captured messenger, four form er Insurgent officers and seventy- eight Macabebes, who spoke Tngato arm ed M ausers, Remingtons, dressed to represent insurgents.“Funston commanded, accompanlea by Captain Russell T. H azzard, Kiev- enth Cavalry; Captain H arry W. ton. Eleventh Cavalry; Lieutenant Bnr- ton J. MItcheU. F ortieth Infantry, GENERAL FR E D E R IC K FUNSTON. (The captor of Agulnaldo, the insurgent leader). General Fonston and Agulnaldo on board, arrived here Thursday morn­ ing. Several reports have been received from tim e to tim e during the course of the campaign In the Philippines th at Agulnaldo w as dead, and several ef­ forts have been made to capture him, but up to the present tim e It w as not known certainly w hether he w as alive or dead. Early In the w ar there w as a story that he bad been shot while crossing river, and his body had been seen Boating aw ay. LatA In 1899 M ajor Peyton 0. M arch, of the Thirty-third Infantry, conducted a long search for bim through the Benguet M ountains, but finally abandoned the pursuit, and FOKBTGN. Russian students sent “sentences of death” to the W ar and Interior Minis­ ters at St. Petersburg. Mme. de Gallifet, wife of the form er French M inister of W ar, died a t Paris. Mrs. W illiam Cowan, aged sixty- eight, w as found murdered in her home at Galt, Ont.; robbery w as the motive. French troops killed Fodl Kabbas, the old slave trader; killed or wound­ ed 150 of his followers, and took fifty prisoners on the w est coast of Africa. Three Bulgarian revolutionists were condemned to death at Salonlea. Lord Lansdowne, the British F or­ eign Secretary, stated iu the H ouse ot I^rd s that both G reat B ritain and Germauy had w arned China against making separate agreements w ith other Powers involving territorial conditions. Records of Egyptian kings who ruled before the first dynasty, 4800 B. C„ w ere found in Abydos. The bubonic plague is reported to be spreading a t Cape Town. South Africa, and in India. The Russian Government decided to adopt more lenient m easm es in the eases of students charged w ith riot. It was reported th at a mine w as dis­ covered under the palace of the Czar, at Tzarskoe-Selo, Russia. It Is believed in Mexico City th at American railroads are absorbing the great lines of Mexico. Boer raiders succeeded in capturing m any cattle iu Zulniand. The British General French defeated several Boer forces in his campaign, taking 1200 prisoners, and many guns and cattle. A rthur Chamberlain, son of the British Colonial Secretary, received an aw ard of $1000 dam ages in a suit for libel against the London Star. The Rev. J. Stonehouse, of the Lon­ don Missionary Society, w as murdei'cd by brigands near Tlen-Tsln, China. J..P.1U is reported to have detennined to oppose, a t all costs, any agreem ent between Russia and China as to terri­ tory contiguous to Korea, U niversity at Lawrence, but left after finishing his sophomore year. Mr. Funston w as employed on new spaper at F ort Smith, Ark. w as not very profitable. H e theh w ent on a botanical expedition to D eath Valley In the following year and later to Chilkoot P ass in a bliz­ zard. A t the head of the Yukon he built a canoe, in which he w ent down to the Klondike country, where Daw son City is now situated. General Funston two years later made arrangem ents w ith the Cuban Junta to enlist as a lieutenant-colonel In the Army ot Liberation, joined a flibusterlng expedition and landed at Cnmaguey in August of 1890. H e be­ cam e second in command in charge of artillery to W. D ana Osgood, and- had much hard fighting. Osgood w as killed by a Spanish bullet, and Funston as­ sumed command. A t Bayaino he led a cavalry charge w ith 500 mounted Cubans attacking 2500 Span­ ish Infantry. A t Las Tunas Funston w as shot and had his horse killed under him. The horse fell on him Although Funston w as badly wound ed he crept to the headquarters and protested against the execution of fif ty Cuban guerillas, who w ere cap tilred, fighting under the Spanish flag. iFunston returned to New York City ii< 1898. W hen w ar w ith Spain w’as declared Funston a t once offered his sqrvices to President M cKinley. H e wins commissioned colonel ot the Tw entieth K ansas, and w as afterw ard offered a position on General Miles’s staff, because of his knowledge of Cuba. Funston fought through the Spanish w ar ond then returned to Kansas, 'ite r going to California, w here he / .’as m arried. Six hours later he ailed w ith his regim ent for Manila, e The K ansas soldiers who had wrlt- 0n home about General Funston told f how, although suffering from a :pme leg, he slept on the firing line, in d how he led the charges. H e was yVlth his regim ent tvhen It charged I nto Caloocan and w as the first white so ld er to enter Malolos. H e w as the first American officer to cross the river a t Calumpit. Genera! Funston w as charged in May, 1900, w ith sum m arily executing tw o natives in the PriJVi bales. It developed th at General Funston caught the natives in the very act of m urdering bound Macabebe scouts, and his action In view of the circum stances w as considered Justifi­ able. AllGEEIllfTOFOl Mac''.rthur Gives Kansin Hi?h Prasa For the Capture o! Asuinald.'t eaknings and prices CO M PA RATIVE W A G E S IN D IFFEREN T CO U N TRIES. T1.B I!at« o t ComiHOTM tlon Incrcaneti intlio Vn!te<l SUt«», Wl»ll« tUe Co.l „r I.lvlns A»ei»s«s Tlian It Ulrt Ten Tears Aro. An exam ination ot the general drift nf w ages and prices during the past ten years should prove interesting to the free ti-ader who is again concerned over the income and expenses ot the masses. W e take all the figures given „plow from the “Am erican A gricultur­ ist Year Book” for 1901. F irst, as re- »„ards the com parative w ages In dif­ ferent countries, the average daily wages paid laborers in 1900 were as follows: United States............................................. r S n c e a n d C e n tra l E u r o p e..............................M German Empire........................................ Auatro-Hungary....................................... A sia M i n o r . . . . . . . . . .....................................................S p a in a n d P o r tn g a l......................................................^ T u rk e y m .............................................. «A rm enia an d Persia................................ .35 THE WIPE OF AOmNATJIO. Officers dressed as American privates and represented prisoners. “Expedition sailed M anila March C. Vicksburg landed M arch 14 east coast Luzon tw enty miles south Caslguran. Reached Palanan, m arching at 3 in the afternoon M arch 23. “N atives completely misled. Sup­ posed detachm ent insurgent re-enforce­ m ents for which supplies furnished. Agulnaldo also sent supplies and had his escort, forty men, paraded to ex­ tend proper honor. "Short distance Aguinaldo'a quarters disguises discarded, com bat followed, resulting tw o insurgents killed, eigh­ teen rifles, 1000 round ammunition cap­ tured, together w ith Agulnaldo and tw o principal staff officers. No casual­ ties our side."Splendid co-operation navy, through Comm ander B arry and officers and men Vicksburg indispensable to suc­ cess. Funston londly praises navy. Entire arm y Joins in thanks sea serv­ ice. “The transaction w as brilliant in conception and faultless In execution. All credit m ust go to Fnnston, who under supervision General W heaton organized and conducted expedition from start to finish. “H is rew ard should be signal and im mediate, w ith General Wheaton,) who recom mends Funston’s retention volunteers until he can be appointed BTigadier-General regulars. ■I hope for a speedy cessation of jstilltles throughout the archipelago a consequence of this stroke. As a iult of the conference now in pro- !ss It is probable th at Agulnaldo will lue an address advising a general ider, delivery ot arm s and an ac- ciptance of American supremacy. “MACARTHUK.” EBiLio Aonntuno. (The captnred Filipino leader.5 In M ay last h w as leported th at the Filipino leader, driven into the woods by M ajor M arch’s command, had been slain by the savage Igorrotes. W ith­ in a few weeks, however, he w as said to be personally organizing a large arm y in the north. A dispatch from ManlUi. op June C Killed nimseir With Dj^amite. Samuel H agerty, a prosperous farm ­ er, a t Payne, Ohio, took a quantity of dynam ite and w ent to the field, an­ nouncing his intention to blast stumps. L ater a violent explosiop alarm ed the neighbors, and on investigation they found a few scattered rem nants of the mon. An inquest developed the fact th at he had placed the explosive In a large stump, sat thereon, and deliber­ ately lighted the fuse. Oennany ConllKatei Ameilcsn Fruit. Advices from Consul-General Guen­ ther a t Frankfort, Germany, state that linder the German law dried fruits which have been treated w ith liuipbur are consTQered hijurlous to health and are subject to confiscation, ill several instances this actually has taken place. Anstralla'a iHg TTheat Crop. It is officially estim ated th at the wheat yield oT A ustralia will reach 17,790,570 bushels, or an increase of 2,552,028 upon last year’s yield. Seal Catch Close to 400,000. Sealing steam ers which have arrived a t St. Johns, N. P., report th at all the other ships have from 10,000 to 25,000 seals each aboard. The com­ plete success ot the season Is now as­ sured. The whole catch Is likely to approach 400,000, being the largest In tw enty years. China Did Not Signed An^rcement. China had not signed the agi’eement w ith Russia respecting Manchuria w’ithin the tim e set for its acceptance or rejection. Neway BrevlUeB. Bombay, India. sho\vs a decline in population of 50,000 in ten years. There are in Geneva about 30,000 French, who show a disinclination to bccome Swiss citizens, to cscape cer- taiu duties. A British punitive expedition has Imrned the capitals of the tw o m.iraud- Ing Em irs In Nigeria and released 200 .slave women. Arrangements exist In Athens for ann u al special excursions for archaeo- loglsu to the Greek Islands and the Paleponuesns, To Honor a Briwe EosHshuian. The bronze tablet to be set up by the Navy D epartm ent at Santiago, Cuba, in memory of Frederick Wol­ laston Ramsden, lias Just been fin­ ished at the W ashington Navy Yard and is now ready for shipment. As Consul-General of G reat Britain Ramsden rendered conspicuous aid to Hobson and his little hand of heroes by w ay of ailievlating their sufferings during imprisonment. Smallpox In Porto Rico. Smallpox, to some extent, is preval­ ent in Porto Klco. INSTTKGENTS DISHEABTIOrED. iportant Sarrenders Follow the Cap­ ture of A ^lnaldo, Manila.—A fter being convinced ot nilnaldo’s capture. General Geronl- 0, the insurgent leader In the Prov- ce of Morong, Luzon, has surren- red, w ith six officers, forty-six men id fifty rifles, to Colonel J. Milton lompson, of the Forty-second regi- ent, in San Mateo. General Capristano, commanding e Insurgents In Mindanao, has sur- to General Kobbe, KILLED HIS THREE CHILDREN. Insane Soath Dakota Farmer Then Cat Own Tbroat. Devil’s Lake, S. D.—Bmll Segerln, a Farmer living eight miles northeast of lown, killed his three children and stabbed him self to death. H e w ent to the bam accompanied by his little laughter, Della, aged seven, and Lilly, aged five. As he did not come to din­ ner his eldest daughter. Esther, aged alne, w as sent to call him. I t Is thought th at before she reached the bam her father had killed Della and Lilly and im mediately killed her. He iras insane. Special Duty For Hobaon. N aval Cohstractor Hobson will be ordered to W ashington for special duty in connection w ith the Bureau of Con­ struction and Repair of the Navy De­ partm ent. H is sick leave is about to expire. Tax on Marrying Bachelors Proposed. Senator Thom as J. Lawson Intro­ duced in the State Senate of Illinois a bill to provide th at all bachelors who apply for m arriage licenses after thev are over forty years ot age m ust nav a tax of ?100. Italy and Malto. . Morocco and 'lunis.......................................^ Chinese limpire ............................................" J a p a n e s e llm p ir e ..................................................... in April, 1900, there w as compiled for t h : inform ation ot the Houco ot Representatives, from reports furn­ ished by labor unions, a tabulated statem ent showing the increase in wa"cs by percentages, in fifty-nine trades, from 1890 to 1899. These in­ creases run from three to fifty per cent, averaging som ew hat over tw en­ ty per cent. The report shows that iu every industry w ages w ere increased between 1896 and 1899, w hile in tw en­ ty they were increased in cacli of the three years, 1897, 1898 and 1899, and in thirty-five they w ere Increased in both of the tw o years, 1898 and 1899. The report proves an unquestionably substantial increase In all wages from the reductions m ade neccssary during the free trade period from 1894 to 1897. Now. as to the comparison o t present wages w ith the last protection period, 1890-2. Using 100 as a basis the rate Is as follows: 1891, 100.00; 1892, 100.30; 1S99, 101.54; 1900, 103.43. Thus, tliree facts are established: We are getting the highest w ages in the world; w e are not only getting much better w ages than from 1894 to 1897, but even higher w ages than from 1890 to 1892. Aud It m ight bo added that more people are getting tliese wages than ever before iu the history of our country. But. we are told, the poor farm ers and tlie iwor mechanic have to pay so much more for w hat they buy. W ell, here are the figures given for the prices of commodities in January, 1890, and July, 1899; C o m m o d itie s. 1890. F o o d ................................................................. 39.2 85.9 C l o t h i n g .......................................................101.9 84.5 F u e l a n d lig h tin g ................................... 90 80.8 M e ta ls a n d im p le m e n ts....................106.S 107.9 L u m b e r a n d b u ild in g m a te ria l.. 104.1 99.9 D ru g s a n d c h e m ic a ls...........................104.5 95.9 H o u se fu rn is h in g g o o d s..................100 92.1 M is c e lla n e o u s...........................................94.1 9.5.7 A ll .....................................................................102 92.9 W ith one exception everything Is cheaper, while the whole cost of living Is about ten per cent. less thiin ten years ago. This Is an old tim e protec tion argum ent exemplified and sus taincd: More people a t work. More money for w ort. More purchases for money. Protection w ants no better (lefeose protectionists w ant no better argu ment. NOT GOING OUT OF B U SIN ESS. DnUl Free Trade I.ei>enes Disband Pro. tectlonUta W ill Continue the FlEht. The free traders w ho occasionally take tim e to suggest th at the Amerl can Protective Tariff League and oth­ er associations w hose object 1s the protection of A m erican industries go ont of business, on the ground th at the .tariff is no longer an issue in politics, apparently do not think th at the same advice applies to them selves or to their co-workers. The New England Free T rade League keeps on doing business a t the sam e old stand, still using the sam e old methods, and, let it be re­ m arked, still putting forth the same old disproved and discredited argu m ents. It is still engaged in efforts to secure the publication In free trade papers of a series of articles which lay the evils ot trusts to the protective tariff. The B ryanites m ade as much ,of th at claim as could be m ade of it during the last campaign. W hat the people thought of it may be gathered form the election results. The free traders profited once before, however, from the forgetfulness and overcon­ fidence of the general run of the peo­ ple. and from the fact th at m any loyal protectionists w ere caught T apping, and they hope for a repetition of their experience. The lesson of 1892 and following years w as a pretty severe one, though, and is likely to last for some time, perhaps even until the “T ariff and T rusts” articles of the New England Free Trade League are ex­ hausted. B ut it is ju st as well to keep an eye on the enemy and to m atch free trade falacies w ith good sound protection facts and .rgnments. H ence the free trade advice to “go out of business” will not be taken by as­ sociations of protectionists ju st yet aw hile. .And it m ay be suggested that one of the first steps which would in­ dicate good faith on the part of the free traders in saying th at the tariff is no longer a political issue would be the disbandm ent ot their free trade leagues and their open acceptance ot the verdict of the American people, w hich has surely been given em phati cally enough, th a t the system of giving protection to Am erican industries still to be th e “American system.” They Will Fall. Every little while some ncws™,„ pnbllshcs a story to the effect ’f" Congi-ess Is contemplating a of our surplus revenue by " reduction in our tariff rates tm ’ than by the removal ot ccrtam ot I f internal revenne taxes, it is to i ticed th at the newspapers p„bli.,i,!J;; such stories arc InvarlaWv tree i~, papers. The whole perform,mce i7- latnre of a schcme to wotkM“ free trade sentiment. Dlscoura»M / their utter faiinre to make anv” 110,7 way by openly advoca'inq frei. these papers resort to auv mctlici k which they think they caa artviwl their pet economic tlieorv. it j. to prcdict that the pre.sent Connvw will not make any material eii.i„.» in the provisions ot .he IMajlev hw and it Is equally safe to say tli« i free traders will fall as ooa'ipleidv'i! their veiled efforts to create tree traoe sentim ent as they l.avc tailed in Ihelt more open attacks upon our i)rote<-iivi> tariff system. S lenlflcant l*erc«ntASPB, The greatest percent,age „f „■ our different chisses of exports for 1900 w as made in our exports ot mano. factures. The gross amount of increase w as greatest in our exports ot agricni tural products, but, -n-hile the iiercent age o t increase in those exiwrts tvaa 15.G per cent., the iv reentnge ot in. crease in exports ot mamifactiirea was slightly hirger, being J5.9 per cent The people of this eonntry l.ave Ion,, known that, becausc )t the snppiyiu, of onr vast home market f.v ou.- lioms manufacturers, this country liad i*. come the greatest industrial nation in point of production, and tlie.v hate for some tim e been cognizant of iiie tact th at the United States Is making rapid strides tow ard holding Indnslrlal su­ prem acy in the markets ot the world. Such facts as the above go to streu”lh- en and justify this belief. They iSns. trate w hat a century of protection to American industry has broiigLt to pass. .Minor Blentton. The postoffice a t Hudson, N. Y has been advanced cue grade to third-class rank. Plans for the consolidation of Boa ton electric light companies are be­ing made. ™ TheThe m anufacture of the old nhos- K ing Edw ard VII. has ordered that court di-ess or uniform m u « bT w om at aU royal functions. A corporation w ith a caoltni iokOM,000, to supply electee been in MoutreaL " XXe is Feeline nnH« Well. One of tlie Impatience for a I’etligrcwlcss Sen­ ate may be one of (he prime causes kT | an extra session.—Wasiiiugtoa I'ost. Alaska has but ono lishtnoiise, r.l that is not of much force. It is Bnii- lying, however, to know that It is sit­ uated in American territory at Sitka. SO U T H E R N RAILWAY." O e o ta l Time st J*ctootivllIe and SATannai I E ^« to ra Tlm o a t O ther Points. 6 obedaIe In Effect Jan. Z7th. IML .jum L- .. [partanborg At-OindnBair I] ijiAi .............IifiJlliS a.....7iSl2*SP...I415fl 7^1;!:::: I“ I “ TrentoD ...Ir Aiken Ar. analterine ...• Ar. Angnata....... More Americ*xi Competition. A bout ten years ago the free traders declared tb a t tin plate could not m ade In the U nited States in qoalit; and price com parable w ith B ritish tin plate. The quality w as long ago ac­ knowledged to be equal to the best In the world, and now the English Trade Reylew w arns W elsh tin plate m anu­ facturers th a t they, “may shortly find A m erican tin plate m anufacturers com peting in thi8^t^ade, as In others, in G reat B ritain.”—O ttaw a (IlL) Re- publican-Tlmes. The on fever has struck Iowa and the health authorities have nq P* "fUmping it ouV* « ^ 5 ^ tfle g a a ra n te o d ^ _ f «sts a ^ ' O rcU M d \tI jferv o u s P r ,»re dangrerously I ‘i J d u t y o f your p h y l ” .th e nervous system ! and you sleep w <| ,^ “ were not alarm e * then you tossed' •__a1o<*n. I Mbs. a. Habti; I f o u o u g h t t o J l ^ ® ^ lltlie n y o u c e a s e d t o b e r t Iso rscl and y°“I,at cause, th a t thero I Itronhle somowhoro. J I Yon ought to know th.i liih a u s tlo n . w om b (L lu n tin g , dizziness, lie | Ibiidiache send the n e rv | Tiifrldht, and you cannot ■ I Mrs. H artley, of 3 3 lT ^ laicairo. 111., whoso porl I llsh, suffered all these n s entirely cured by U I tarn's Vegetable Compoi lllionld be a w arning n I her care carry convictioJ I ol every suffering I Wling efBoiency of Lyo I Vegetable Compoimd. Dr. Bull’s Cures a congli or c o lj a t o n o Conquers croup, b ro o c h ili.| grippe and cousum ption. " I ItiB. W lM low'B S o c th in s s l I teetbiae, ao ttcn Iho g u m s, r l I lion, alJayd p.-vin, cn ren wintU Lions a n d tig e rs a re I power to ru n m o re th a n i l l la m ita re ris o ’s C n r o fo r (I ay life throe y e a rs a g o .—Mi I iraa, M aplo S t., N o rw ich , I A lire h as b e e n ra g in g i l I raaia coal field fo r f o r ty - tl Seratohos, saddle Eall.s, I liwoonoy, cut-*, bruise?, a I every kind, cared at once | I Liniment, NOTES AND CC The Chicago TribunJ I Jfarch 17, published a I earnings of certain, cla^ I wo:kittg people that i^ I (ieres.iing at a time wh j said of prosperity. A l I ^wiog ot the Tribunq I portion of Chicago’s pj earnings are so pMfuli]1 to excite the wonder I Tatdoa does not ex I TIic lavestlgation wa. I Miss Nellie Out^ten, a , I of ihe departm en'J I In tlie Ilniiversity of f I Oiitten found people wq I oost unbelleTable a. I Mi cold and darkne™ I tadusiry th at she i l I nWBhtag work" ou cll I »ere found w orking I I **>'ly wages did n o t| I Jfflts, or a tittle lees t I TOugh Of course this I ^ked upon as am. avd the statement is 1 ot the wages paidl I stops is only $77 a yl I J«e of (ihe earnings of I [ « put down at onlf Mnum. Miss Outten I tlie statement th a t I v t “’imber of I I tla oonoemilng the *>»terests In tn. I ^ to the Herald thel t measure a f whi.»kev-« 4? ? .than 3,0 W wit^ Behind the I S less «ha I “ oreI tlhe firemen i I In ad saloon* th l tfli? ”'™>'>er of drinH I ;j^_^ulatiott. eisf JP!ios»| l-R-eon New yort, wiill than all IT / o u r druggist o rl ^ 'o r t h e f u l l n a l '“ ported by Fir, ” *WSTEB repeat! P 'l Fan. J e some ncwspape, ■o tlic citcct t C Ip la tm g a redncuon leu u o by m a u in r“ rates l » ot certain ot our It is to a " »spni>ers publi6l,ing Ivanably ire* P perform ance ig in J c l.c m e t o w o r k u p f t . D is c o n r a g c a b yI to mal5e any i,eaa. I *"S free trade I <0 auy mctliwl hey can advance J <l>eory. u j, ■c present Congresg T , "'••'‘erial eUangcs b t .be Dingioy law. |n f c to say tliat i.-o |!>il .IS comnlulely in I to crcate free trade I b are failed in their I upon our prote*;livc I IVrcenUgM, , Irccntage ot gain irf | ^ o s o£ exports for lour exports of mano- I s am ount of increase l i r esports ot agricnl- ■t. w bilc tbe iwrcent- tbosc exports was |e p-rccntagc ot in- Jof m auuraetnres was f e ln s 1.5.0 per cent , ■ s connlrj- have long ■use of tbe supplying I m arket Dy on.- home i |1 1 S country had te- R industrial nation in fu . and tiiey bave tor ogniMint of tbe fact J ia tra Is maiiiug rapid I lo ld in g industrial sn- ■ larkets ot tbe world. ■ above go to slrengtb- lis belief. They illus- Itu ry ot protection to ■ry has brought to line Outt« Well, t r tlie Cansef. | r a Pettigrcw less Sei lo f the prim e causcs fm 1.—W aslnugton Post. lit on© lightnouse, a n il iu c h force. It is grati-f I to know th a t It is slt- an territory at Sit) JjftckaonvlUe uid SaTi K m o a t O th e r P o in ta. 1 E ffec t ia a . g7th . 1931. NoJOW » r« n o w n stn g ““ („r sore th ro a t, h o a rse n e ss 1 1 wlisa nil «•““ *»*•- The lo r m a n o r b e a st; r T ^ T i W ^ e to get dlTorced ^ '“ % " ” M “ o r S i a S L , o f t h o iW ff" !i,..ro a p l, rc to h le ttB d efflclen t. BUST aEEP Scrvous Prostration. I j.n''crouslv sick w hat isI ” 'ta'v of vouf phvsician ? Hesystem, be deadens miietly in the beginning, Ot’alarmed and w hen vou night after mg-ht |i S ^ , ev-5 fairl.v burned in the ' ” th « vou tossed in nervous fo r sleep. JlEi. A. HiKTIXV. I tm oncht to have known th a t Itovoo “> « g u la r in your l ^ a o d voa jren- irritable w ith- R aaso. that thsro was senous W indigestion, ■ X nstion. womb displM ements, l^ ia j. dimness, headache a n d l^ ita e Ksd the nerves w ild w ith lt*r:rh» and vou cannot sleep. ■ ^ HartleV, of 221 W . C o n g ress S ^ , IscsfO . III..‘whose p o rtra it w e p u l^ ■ a l» S e ro a all these airo n ie s an d Ins Bitirelv cured bv L y d ia E. P in k - I a n ’s Veectable C o m pound; h e r ca se l i j a l d be a w arning to o th e rs , a n d ■BOTe ca-Tv conviction to th e m in d s ■ j,rerv siifermfT woman of the un- laiti'eficiencyof Lydia E. Pinkham a ■feflsM e Oompo-Jnd^________________ l^ u lP s Cough I ta ts» w osli CT coM a t once. _ ICSCKTS «^up L roachitis. a V r U Dlpip?s4aJo;a»aaj;icva. r^c. J I Sp. WmsloT*-: >o^thins Sjrap for childr&a fthp^ rif.rtgn I’n gutn>. rcdiioea inflam raa* - siv ip iin . carss w indcoU c^25cabo6tio J lira? ar.-l tigers ire too weak in lung l;_TTi:r 10 run inDrc than half a mile. I Ia:.TTePL'o'5CTircforCon5uinption saved ylifclLreC'j-tarsago.—Mrs. TeoaiAa Roc- Ss.Hcple St., Norwich. K.Y., Feb. 17, 1900. J A Etc lias boon mcing in a rich Pennsj’l- Ism cc-al fielJ for loriy-two years. Isaaich??.-ad'Jl-* calls, sore shoulders, psrj, cut-, l-ruisef, Dud lameness of cured at once oy Goose Qrease NOTES AND COnHENT. J Tie Cbic2go Tribuns oa Sunday, ■ibrcli IT. published a study of the ■oniisgs of cenaia classes of Chicago ■ iCfiing people that is specially In- ■ cr.iiac It a ;irae when so much is la s of pro>?er:iy. According to the |^ ::z o ! the Tribune there is a vast ■ JtrJoa of Chicago's population whose ■ s.’trea are so pi:Sfuliy inadequate as ■ tottciie tbe woDder that actual star- ■joa does r.ot exterminate them. ■ wlaresasaiion was condnctod by ■fe Nellie Cm".en, a graduate stu- of -.he dr-pirtment of sociologj' Iw '' o' Chicago. Miss■teen found people working under al. unbelievable conditions of filth lEi cold ana darkness. The particu- I* fc;dus:ry that she investigated wag ■ -*s:nig TTcrk” on clou ing. W omen working whose average ■*«lr wages did not exceed forty cr a Uule less than ?21 a year. I S npon as an average case. Yet *l‘e aver-■ S tt the wag« paid in the sweat The aver- Ik ™ . of a whole fam ily I L l, ““’y I297.T9 per■ Miss outten adds to all this are steadily Of tie M ontreal interesting statis- magmitude ot tbe ‘^*‘5'- Accord- ^ of the ’^tiskey-selling space, at 3,000 men <ould ■ ‘"s rubiy.ng el- |fcr-2» o ' the o>ty1,200 men as ■ t ^ f ; ’; " “ ore than tw ice as ls t K,L, and police of the addition to this l<fe in ,V 500 gro-where liquor is sold. I®K one fn places pro- “ wage.e3rner8 of 1-i?® tWrty-Blne m JBSog*land and Wales ia a pauper. G o r e s J E e m e m a , I t e M a s ^ B lo o d B a lm ) te n o ir reo> o ^ i a e d ^ o e r ^ a n d n n c u re fo r B cse m a , I t e l ^ g 8 t o . H o m o n , Soatw , S cales, W a tery P im p le e , A c h in g B onee o r Jo in ts , P ric k lin g P a in in th e S k in , O ld E a t W 8oT«8. U lc ers. B o ta n ic B lo o i ® ^ “ ^*aken in te rn a lly c o re s th e w o rst a n d m o st deep -< 6 ated cases b y e n ric h in g , purify­ in g ond v lta liria g th e b lo o d , g iv in g a fiealtfiy b lo o d r a p p ly to th e sk in . O th e r re m ed ies m a y re lie v e , b u t B . B . B . actu aU y c u re s, h eals e v e ry so re , a n d g iv es tb e ric h glo w o f h e a lth to th e e U n . B . B . B . b n ild a n p th e b ro k e n d o w n b o ^ a n d m a k es th e b lo o d r e d a n d n o u r- ish in g . B . B . B . te s te d SO y e a rs. O v e r 8000 v o lu n ta ry te stim o n ia ls o f c u re s b y B . B . B. W . T ria l tre a tm e n t fre e a n d p re - p a id ^ v w ritin g B lo o d B alm C o .r ia M iU u^:u S t., A tla n ta , G a. D e sc rib e tro u b le , a n d free m e d ic a l a d v ic e g iv e n . T h e re a re se v e ra l la rg e fa c to rie s in th e L rn ite d S ta te s d e v o te d to th e m an u factu i* c o f ro s e ir a te r . D o n ’t fo rg e t a ll p a in s re lie v e d , a t o a c e by O o o M Q re aa e. N o c d e k. k o B e rlin p o sse sse s n o w m o re th a n 50,300 te le p h o n e s .____________ H a p p in e ss c a n n o t b e b o u g h t, b u t o n e o f th e g re a t h in d ra n c e s to its a tta in m e n t c a n b o re ­ m o v ed b y A dam s* P e p sin T a tti F r u tti. P i t t s b m p a r tie s a r e g o b b lm g n p oil la n d s in T e x a s . F o r l . a G r i p p e a n d B e a d a e l i e . T h e se d is a g re e a b le a n d d a n g e ro u s d is­ e a se s m a y b e re lie v e d im m e d ia te ly b y th e t m e ly u s e o f H ic k s' C a p u d in e H e a d a c h e C u re . 15c, 25e a n d W c a t aU d r u g k to re s . If y o u r d ru g g is t d o e s n o t k e e p It s e n d 6c fo r p o s ta g e o n tr ia l b o ttle . H ic k s C a a m c A i. C o., R a le ig h , N . C . R ice ’s G o o se G re a se w ill a b so lu te ly c u re Cb o u f, Co d o b s a n d Co zjib q u ic k e r any* th in g k n o w n . , 10c. fo r e v e ry p a c k a g e o f P c r - SAM F ^e l e s s Dy e th a t fa ils to g iv e eo tisfac- tio n . M on ro e D ru g C o., U n lo n ^iU e. M o. It is claimed that the courts of Kansas have never passed upon the question of abating pubhc nuisances. Too many ancestors have spoiled many a good mam_________________ ^ S t a t e o p Oh io , Cit t o p To l e d o, ) L u c a s Co p x t v. j **• FnaiT E J . C h e k e t m a k es o a th th a t h e is th e se n io r p a r tn e r o f th e firm o f F . J . C h e m b t & C o. .d o in g b u sin e ss in th e C ity o fT o le d o ,C o u n ty &nd S ta te a fo re sa id , a n d th a t sa id firm w ill p ay th e su m o f o k b ncm D aE D d o l l a b s fo r each a n d e v e ry case o f CATAaan th a t c a n n o t b e c u re d b y th e u se o f H a l l ’s C a ta b b h C u b e. F iia h e j . C h e it e t. S w o rn to b e fo re m e a n d su b sc rib e d in m y 1 p re se n c e , th is 6 th d a v o f D o cem b er,SEAL \ A . D ., 1886. A . W .*6LBASOir.— ' 3^0/ary Fublic. H a ll’s C a ta rrh C u re is ta k e n in te rn a lly , a w l ac ts d ire c tly o n th e b lo o d a n d m u c o u s eurfacea o f th e sy stem . S e n d fo r tostim oniaL i, fre e . F . J . Cb e k b t ft C o ., T o led o , 0 . S o ld b y D n ig g ist» ,^ 5 c . H a ll’s F a m ily P ills a re th e b e st. A theatre in Philadelphia has girl nsh- crs. _____ C a r t e r ’s I n k b e st fo r sch o o l, h o m e a n d oiB ce. I t co sts n o m o re th a n p o o r in k . A lw ays a ^ f o r C a rte r's. I^ast year the number of t educated free in Berlin was ‘y s a n d g irls •7.510. 'M y Hair “ I had a very severe sickness that took oS all my hair. I pur­ chased a bottle of Ayer’s H air Vigor and it brought ail my hair back again.” W . D. Q uinn, M arseilles, III. O n e th i n g i s c e r ta in ,— A y e r ’s H a i r V ig o r m a k e s t h e h a i r g r o w . T h i s is b e c a u s e i t i s a h a i r fo o d . I t f e e d s t h e h a i r a n d th e h a i r g r o w s , t h a t ’s a ll th e r e i s t o it . I t s t o p s f a llin g o f t h e h a i r , to o , a n d a l­ w a y s r e s t o r e s c o lo r to g r a y h a ir , « ti.N abM IC . A llln n M L I f T our d ru g g is t c a n n o t su p p ly y o u , se n d u s o n e d o lla r a n d w e w ill e x p re ss you a b o ttle . B e su re a n d g iv e tb e n am e o f y o u r n e a re st ex p ress office. A d d re ss, J . C. A Y H l C O ., L ow ell, M ass. $3.00PERiOOO T H S ALlitiCATOB l< )H inB K 'r CO., CB'AaLESTOIii, ■. O. T A T E S P R I N G , ^ ^ £ H . T B 0 9 . T O I K l i l R M I f , O w n e r * P r « p r . T A T E S P W N O .----------------------- k T T E N T IO N is faclllto ted If y o u m en tio a I ttils p aper w hen w ritin g ad v ertisers. So. 14 “ T h e 8a« e etli» * w » d e W « e tP o I« tfa» O B ^ » MclLHENNY’S TABASCO. r “ T A K E TH IS l My Bilious Friend,” ^Vtr, asUd the doctor, “ it ia the best lazatiTe mineral water known to medical science.'’ A.U.O, B n m a d llfiiM will Oo more for a disordered stomach or a torpid liver than all the pills in the world. •T CURES CONSTIPATION AND BIUOUSNESS. V d ^ glassful on getting np In m om iiig. lsl(„ Of grocer will get it for you. name, H unyadI J tn o a ." Blue Ubel. red centre puieL »>y Pirm sf ANDREAS SAX LEHN ER, 1*0 PultOB St., N . Y. tMMtMCH ESTER W W ‘ ‘ MEW m V A L ^ ' „ ^ FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS BEPttnilfl MMS CO. . . .iM H N N ieM l ■ II n . Acquitted By tb e Seoate-Coert oo Every Charge. elev en DEMOCRATS VOTED “ NO.” Famous Trial Finished—Court Ad> Journs “ Sine Die and Forever,” and Tired Senators do Hamei, Sugg—2C. The various articles were then voted on. On article 3 the vote w as guilty 24, not guilty 2G. On article 4 tbs vote w as guilty 25, not guilty 25. NOT GUILTY 34, GUILTY 10. A rticle 6 had the following vote: Guilty—Bray, Burroughs, Foy, Gud- ger. Justice, Lindsay, Miller, ot Pam li­ co;, M orton, Scott, Smith, Tra­ vis, Vann, W ard, W arren, Webb. Wood—10. N ot guilty—Alexander, Arrington, Aycock, Broughton, Brown. Buchan­ an, Calvert, Candler, Crisp, Currie. Dula, Foushee, Glenn, Henderson, Jam es, Leak, London, Long, M arshall, McAllister, M cIntosh, M cIntyre, Mc­ Neill, Michael, M U er of Caldwell, Mor- Eoberson, Speight, The high court of Impeachment at noon Thursday, by a vote of 27 to 23 ' tison, Pinnix, against conviction on article 1 of th e , Stickeleather, Stringfield, Sugg, Tbom- Impeachment charges exonerated Chief •Justice D. M. Fuches and Associate Woodard—34. Senator H enderson then offered a Justice R. M. Douglas from charges judgem ent as th e will of the Senate that they had violated the laws and th a t the respondents, D. M. Fushees constitution of N orth Carolina by issu­ ing a m andam us to compel the pay­ ment of $800 salary to Shell Fish Com­ missioner W hite. The vote on each of the other four articles of im peachm ent follow: Ar- Ucle 2. guilty 20, not guilty 24; article ! S, guilty 20, not guilty 24; article 4. guilty 25, not guilty 25; article 5, not and R. D. Douglas were found not guilty on all the articles of im peach­ ment. Adopted. Ayes 40. A t 1:45 o’clock Senator M orrison moved th at the court adjourn sine die and forever. Adopted. And the court adjourned. Im m ediately on adjournm ent an im ­ m ense throng pressed forw ard and ing of the first ballot th at none would be perm itted. There w as hand clap­ ping w hen the court had been an­ nounced adjourned sine die. inPEACHlW ENT ARTICLES. guilty 34, guilty 16. Thirty-four votes a^ook the hand of the judges in con- were required for conviction. There gratulation. There had been no dem- were 11 Republicans and Populists in onstration w hatever during the two the court, all of whom voted for ac-1 hours of taking the vote, the presi- quittal. An average of the above , dent having announced before the tak- votes, shows 20 for acquittal to 24 for conviction. The Senate cham ber w as filled to overflowing w hen President Turner called the high court of im peachm ent to order at 10 o’clock. Spaces in the lobbies reserved for ladies were occu­ pied at 9 o’clock, so anxious were peo­ ple to get a se a t Fifty Senators an­ swered to the roll call. WATSOS: EESLIIES H IS ARGUMENT Mr. W atson, for the prosecution, then resumed his argum ent Mr. W atson closed a t 11:15 o’clock. Senator London moved th a t a vote on Impeachment be had a t once w ith­ out debate. Senator Travis said he thought it best to have a short conference in ex­ ecutive session. Senator Brown said each Senator Substance of the Charges Against Jus­ tices Furches and Douglass. In substance the five articles of im ­ peachm ent are as follows: A rticle 1—That on or about October 17, 1000, Judges Pushes and Douglas, w ith Chief Justice Faircloth, now de­ ceased, under color of their offices, did unlawfully and in violation of the con­ stitution of N orth Carolina, in the case of W hite vs. Auditor, cause to be is­ sued a m andam us compelling the pay­ m ent of a claim of salary to Theophl- lus W hite, shell fish commissioner. Article 2—That on the same date as above the said judges “did usurp had five days in which he could file his I " ^ e l v ^ ^ l M v 4 X n cT o n s! opinion. > I Intending to bring the General London’s m otion prevailed, ayes noes I. Senator Justice moved th at Senator have two m inutes to expl his vote instead of ten m inutes allowed by rule. Adopted, ayes 4' The clerk then read article 1 of I peachm ent The vote on said a rtl was ayes 27, noes 23. Guilty—^Alexander, A rrington, cock Bray, Broughton, Burroughs, vert, Foy, Gudger, Jam es, JustI Lindsay, McNeill, Miller, of Pamli^ Morrison, Morton, Scott. Smi Speight, Thomas, Travis, V ann, W a W arren, Webb, Woodard—27. Not guilty—Brown, Buchanan, ler, Crisp, Currie, Dula Fush Gleim, Henderson, Leak, Lond Long, M arshall, McAlister, Me tosh, M cIntyre, Michael, Miller, Caldwell; Pinnix, Roberson, Stic] leather, Stringfield, Sugg—23. Democrats voting not guilty Brown, Currie, Foushee, Glenn, derson, Leak, London, Long, McAli ter, McIntyre, Stringfield and Sugg. M anager Allen then arose and sal be hoped the future would show th: the action taken here today was wise one; th at article 1 was the mi serious of all the charges, and if m et w ith the approval of the Senal the m anagers would w ithdraw other charges. Senator A rrington moved th at verdict of not guilty be entered on tl other charges. Senator Justice and W oodard they desired to go on record and wii ed either th a t the articles be withdrawn or voted on. The pi dent ruled Senator A rrington’s motii out of order. Senator Aycock moved th at the i agers he allowed to w ithdraw the cles of Im peachm ent Senator H enderson opposed the tion. Mr. Jarvis, of counsel for res] dents, said they had no authority agree or disagree to the w ithdraw l charges. Aycock’s vote w as not p' and the clerk proceeded to read articj 2, of the articles of im peachm ent The vote was as follows: G uilty-M essrs. Alexander, A rring­ ton, Bray, Broughton, Burroughs, Cal­ vert, Foy, Jam es, Justice, Mc­ Neill, Morton, Scott, Smith, Speight Thomas, Travis, Vann, W ard, W ar­ ren, Webb, Wood, W oodard—24. Not guilty—^Aycock, Brown, Buchan­ an, Candler, Crisp, Currie, Dula. Foushee, Glenn, Gudgen, Henderson, I,eak, Lindsay, London, Long, M arsh­ all, M c.\Iister, H clntolsh, M cIntyre, Michael, M iller, of Caldwell; Pinnix, Roberson, Stickeleather, Springfield, Carnegie for Hay or. New York, Special.—The district cominlfct«e of ithe Tw enty-first Assem^ biy D istrict Republican Club, at a m eeting held Monday night, adopfea resolutions endorsing Andrew Carne­ gie as m ayor of G reater New York. A commditiiee was also appointed, of whioh A'braham Grueber Is a member, to com municate w ith Mr. Carnegie and secure his consent to be a candidate. M rs. N ation in K entucky. Lexington, Ky.. Special.—^Mrs. Car­ rie Nation opened her lecture tour here, a sm all audieace being present In the opera house. H er lecture on th e "Home Defender” waa In th e m ain an impassioned review of her experi­ ence in K ansas. She called on Lex­ ington women to follow her examp.e in ridding the Staite of saloons. In the slums Mrs. N stion prayed w ith t ’ e Inmates ot resorts and klafied eeveral good-bye. To produce the best results in fruit, vegetable or grain, the rertilizer used must contain enough Potash. For partic­ ulars see our pamphlets. We send them free. - GERMAN KALI WORKS,93 Nassau St., New York. FRAGRANT Sozodont T o o th P o w d e r in a n e w P a te n t B ox, h an d y SOZODONt'u QUIO .25c Q C * ' UrieUQUID&POWDER,75c C i l l A t a l l th k S to ic s, o r Bv M ao. A d d rb s^ HALL 4 nUCKV^ NCW YORK Use CERTAIN .SAW MILL MACmNERY, PLANING MILLAacliiaery, BRICK MACHINERY, ENGINES AND BOILERS, all Types, Machinery and Sup- 17 plies of Every Descriplioo. S Lar;e Stocks and Quick Shipments.W. H. GIBBES & CO.COLrnBIAi 8« C. F R E E I CATALO0 ! OF SPORTING 600DS.RAWLINGS SPORTING GOODS COMPANY, . 880 L .e o .t St., ST. LOUIS. MO. SICK HEADACl lbs reidllj to the «<iS7 reaaedr to tak* A n a tu ra l'tn 'v llctn a J w atoi --- - -- l^ x a tlv ^ fen lc . p pw tflc ijl?o"Yl^nVfrrtrtraac fTund bower lle«rtb«^. H«k D yw atcrr CaanilM tlM i. PUc*.CTAb O rc h a rd W n trr la thenioatef^ cad o 'M o f th e n a h ira l m in e ra l watejs; m oa* c o Q T e n i^ n tin ta k e; m o st eco n o m ical to b n ;. T b e c c n a ln o Is unld h r a ll druffB lfts v lth C rab A ppI tra d e m a rk onlB V )E © very b o ttle. *• ” ■* CRAB ORCHARD WATER CO.. L o u istille. X ^ V DiaCOVBRT;_ _I gaick rnlinfnnd cnr«« wi>ralqoiu -.......................... ...............lUand lUdnjs'truatmSr. B. B. QI£F.H'S SOUS. Sox B. AtUat*. 9m. W . L. D O U G L A S $3 & S3.50 SHOES made. Tbe teal worth of my f-r.90 and f3.-V) shoes compared with other ma%«a la 84.00 to #9.00. 3>Iy 51.00 OUt Edge Line cannot bo equalled at any price. Beat in the world for men.1 reate.C •»»»* ««H more fl«e OnodyenrW«Mtllo«<]>SeTrr(1 I*ro«««»). IIi»b »b j other mnnuritc. tnrerlB the world. Ivrillptty Sl.OOOtoany onevrbociuiprove my atMiomeat ia trne.__ ^ ^Q (Signed) W . I.. non(tlnn.T a k e mo aabiititn tet I»slstonhaTlD9W.I«.Doiiciasshne3 with oame an4 price stamped on bnttom. Yo«ir dealer sbouhl keep them ; I glYe one dealer excluslre sale In carh town, it bo docs not kr - *•-------■ —* — --------t keep tliem and wUl not ool factory, enclotlnff price ana 1 K utlsQcd wearers. >'< bo c---------direct tram f ..OTcr 1.000.0W »TM-ri M or^'ota sMd mliumlj. jt them ftir you, order . . 2Ac. extra for carrlaKe. New SprtnK Catalog free. W. L DOUBIAS, Brocktsfl, U iz i, Piano Factory Burned. M ilwaukee, W ls- Special.—Fire F ri­ day udght wiped out the big piano es­ tablishm ent ot WilU^m Rohiang and Sons, on Broadway, and wrought further destruction to adjoining prop­ erty, entailing a loss close to J300,000; fully covered iby insurance. The fire started in the Rohlflug store. The bmilding and contents were licked up In the space of an half hour and the fire quickly spread to buildings -.n either side. The cause of the fire is unknown. Enormous O range Crop. Chicago, Special.—Officers of the Sante Fe railroad confirm reports from California th a t m illions of dol­ lars w orth of oranges in th a t S n te are rotting in Bie packing houses and o» the grounds of the groves becauso cif lack of transportation facilities to move the enorm ous crop. According bo W . R . Jason, assistant to President Ripley ,the trouble is not entirely due to a derth of cars. “The railroarfls,'' !'.e su!d, ‘‘have moved out of southe n v'slifornia 60 per ce n t m ore oran-se^ that at this tim e In previous ye»rs.” Cyclone in Ohio. I Cleveland, O., S pecial.-A epeoial from Saiadusky says: “A severe wind tHorm' passej over th e w estern p art of Erie county Monday^ The principal Euilerer was the setjtlemeni: of Mus- ..asch, on the shore of Sandusky Bay, where ievcral roots were blown from h3Uc£ 3 and trees wore blown down. NX) cae was injured. Tile tc ard of governro-.a of tne New T c-k siock cxchongs has decided to sn-iiend tu:i!n<es on Gcod Frida/ Apiil 5. aad Saturday, ApriJ 6, A LUXURY WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL! The consumption of W a tch o u r n ex t a d v e rtise m e n t. L I O N C O F F E E has increased immensely, and this coffee is now used in millions of homes. The grocers all over th e country keep us busy deiiveriag LION COFFEE to them . You will find no stale L IO N 0 O F F E E on his shelves—it sells too fast to grow stale. Why? Because it is an absolutely pure coffee. Strength, Pnrity and Flavor. Please bear in mind that X j i o n O o l T o o is not a glazed article; it is not coated with egg mixtures or chemicals in order to give it a better appearance. We do not need to resort to such measures—we have no imperfections to hide! In every package of LION COFFEE you will find a fully illustrated and descriptive list No houscV-eeper, in fact no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find in the list some article which ^v^ll contribute to their happiness, comfort and convenience, and which they m ay have by simply cutting out a certain number ot Lion Heads from the wrappers of our one pound sealed packages (which is the only form in which this excellent coffee is sold). W OOLSON SPICB CO ., TOLEDO, OHIO. APPENDICITIS t h a t d r e a d fu l fie n d t h a t t h r e a t e n s th e life o f r ic h a n d p o o r , c a n a t t a c k a n d k i l l o n ly t h o s e w h o s e b o w e ls a r e sio t k e p t t h o r o u g h ly c le a n e d o u t , p u r ifie d a n d d is in fe c te d t h e y e a r r o u n d . O n e w h o s e liv e r is d e a d , w h o s e , b o w e ls a n d s t o m a c h a r e fu ll o f h a lf d e c a y e d fo o d , w h o s e w h o le b o d y is u n c le a n in s id e , i s a q u ic k a n d r e a d y v ic t im o f a p p e n d ic it is . I f y o u w a n t t o b e s a fe a g a in s t th e s c o u r g e , k e e p in g o o d h e a l A ^ th e t im e , K E E P C L E A N I N S I D E I U s e t h e o n ly t o n ic la x a t i v e , t h a t w i ll m a k e y o u r b o w e ls s t r o n g a n d h e a lt h y , a n d k e e p t h e m p u r e a n d c le a n , p r ^ k p m E & 1 c D S iA is i ^ l? » ^ s : C A R E T S , t h a t w i l l k e e p a n d s a v e y o u . T a k e t h e m r e g u l a r ly a n d y o u w i l l fin d t h a t a l l d is e a s e s a r e a b s o lu t e ly P R E V E N T E D B Y lO c. 25c. a ll DRUGGISTS. ■ S T f i S O R T H E N E V E R S O L D I N B U L K . RIIRFU U I I k m o a « h .h e * d a e lie ,lD d lso ^ o ^ F jM g ^ palDS after eatln s. IW er trontiie» eaUowa a A d U s ln e e e . W h e a y o o r b o w e l*larlT y®a are cettlns «Ick. fclU# ii»or»people tbmm aU oAor dlMaae*SutUt for th« ehronle allmonU ranrlaK Uiat come altenrard*. No ^le Ton« start taklitc wUl aoTer eet well aad. be well ^ t l a € A S C A B B T S to-daT jnnder a n abiK>la«e s o a i*aateotoeareorm^ejr relWnded* m GUARANTEED " U I S B I CO.. -T ' ■' iSPfTKSVILLE, N. C., APBIL 3, 1901. Entered at th e post o ffic e at iIOCIiS^^I-LE, N. C., AS SECOND CLASS m atter, May 12t h, 1899. Amval and Departnre of Trains. Bouth Bound—Dally except Sunday. Leave Mocksvllle................ IflOpm Leave Mocksville.................. 6:15 pm North Bound. L e a v e M o c k s v i l l e............................. 7 :1 5 a m Leave Mock.^ville..................11:50 a m Mooks^-ille Produce M arket. Corrected by ■Williams & Andersen Prodnce in good demand. Corn, per tu ............................... Wheat, per bu............................. Oats, per bu................................ Pea.s, perbu............................... Bacon per pound...................... W Bacon, W estern...................... Hams............................................ 10 Butter...........................................12tol3 Spring Chickens...........................«to 8 LOCAL HOm AMD IKCIDEirrS All job M-ork spot cash, before it leaves the office. W . H .O rrellof Advance paid us a call last W ednesday. Chattel mortgages for sale at the post office. Look out next week for ads of M, A . Foster, Ephesus, N. C. T. W . W ood & Son’s Garden Seeds at W illiams & Anderson’s. Jas. Harbin lost a horse last ■week. Canse of death imkno^\Ti. You will find nice silk for shirt Avaists at Miss Annie P. G rant’s Millinery. A very large crowd attended couit Monday. One of the largest v.’e have ever seen. Early Kose, Peerless and Btir- b uk seed potatoes at W illiams & A idersou’s. Old papers for sale at 10 cents por hundred at the Eecord office. II. X. Foster of Coruatzer paid ns a call last Thursday and sub- sjribed for the Eecord. A nice line Percales, Lawns and Dimities at W illiams & Ander­ son’s. Black Sam Jones will preach an 1-iister sermon here Snuday at 11:30 a. in. AVinchester Hams, breakfast strips, etc., at W illiams & Ander- ton’s, J. W . Eeavis, of Sheffield, called in to see us last week and subscri­ bed to the Eecord. .lob printing of all kinds done M’.th neatnessaod dispatch. A ll work guaranteed. 3 or 4 new sewing machines co trade for cattle. Call on the E di­ tor of the Eecord. Judge H . E . Bryan and wife came to Mocksville Friday even­ ing and are stopping at the Kelly Hotel. If yon want a nice lot of job printing done, call on the Eecord, Mocksville, K. 0. Bo.’C renters will please read ex­ tracts of postal laws and regula­ tions on back of box rent notices, and be governed accordingly. . Miss Anne P. Grant has a full line of nev.' spring millinery. Call on her, one and all. Dr. Copple of Cooleemee has Bned theconnty for medical servi­ ces rendered daring the smallpox epidemic. If yon want a nice sewing ma­ chine, call on the Editor. H e can snit you in prices. The celebrated W issner & Leck- erling Pianos. PiEDMOKT M u sic Co. Winston, N. 0. The storm last week did some damage near Eedland. It blew down a colored school house. No one injured. * Another car load of high grade fertilizers just received. Call and bee ns lieforo buying, H obn Beo s. & J o h nstone. I bought a pig from Sam Snider the 20tli of March. It got out the same evening. It Is a red and black spotted female pig. Any one knowing of this pig please no­ tify me and X will pay them for Iheir tiouble. I Uve at Jake Bhoafe’s. J ane ChapUk, If you are not already a sabecii- lier to the Eecord, this is an invi­ tation for you to beoome one. DO YOU? mm Do you want to loan, or bor­ row, or invest! Uo you want to keep your ac­ count at the best placet The People’s National Bank, of Winston-Salem, N. C., de­ sires to serve you. It Wants You J . to know that it is the United , States Government Deposi- Sj?- tory for this section and that it will do for you anything that any conservative Insti­ tution can do. ' John W . Fries, President, W m. M. Blair, V . P ., T. A. Wilson, Cashier. W rite today. AllCIassesoI Persons are beuEfitted by using DR. SAMPSON’S HOT DROPS The great Nerve Tonic ami. Pain K iller, that cures La Grippe,. Coughs, Colds, Croup, Indigestion, Cholera Morbus, Flux and all nerve and stomach troubles, and D R. SA M PSO N ’S S N A K E ROOT B ITT'EES that purifies the blood and cures constipation and all Liver trouble. If your dealer does not keep them, write to tbe SAMPSON M EDICINE CO., W inston, N. C. For terms to Agents. If you want a nice sewing n chine, call on the Editor. In answer to the question, what has become of old coonf some one says the dogs have run him to his den. W hat about it. Old Coon! Come aronnd and look at our spring and summer tamples. If you want a tailor made, up-to-date suit, come around to the postoffice, M. F. Masten represented the Union Eepublican at Davie court He is a hustler, and paid us a pleasant call. Pianos $185 to $550. Organs $.S5 to $125, warranted. Piedmont Music Co. AVinston, N. C. General Funston has captured the wiley Philippino chief, Agni- naldo. It IS to be hoped this will soon bring the insnrrection to an end. W ANTED—Half dozen Grand­ father or hall clocks with brass woiks. W ill pay fair price if you have one for sale. Address, Ed w A ED Sm ering, Chester, S. C. C. F. Sheek who is stationed for the present at Greenville, S. C., Wiis in town one day last week. Hia family have been visiting rela­ tives in town. The Celebrated Owl Brand Fer­ tilizers for sale at W illiams & A n­ derson’s. It will be impossible for us to give the proceedings of the Su­ perior court in this issue. W e are too unwell to do it. W ill give full proceedings next week. Mr. Thos. Penry, of Calahaln, died Sundayat 3 p. m., at his old home. H e was quite an old man and was a good citizen. The be- leaved have our sympathy. Quite a number came in and paid us lor the Eecord, for which we are profoundly thaukfnl. Quite a number forgot us, and they need not be surprised if we forget to send them the Eecord longer: Pay us up friends, we need it. Court convened Monday morn­ ing with Judge Bryan presiding. H . L. Green, prosecuted the dock­ et in the absence of the solicitor. W e believe M r. Mott has attended one court at this place since hi^ last election, one out of five. W on­ der if he will be a candidate next yeart To the Teacheisof Davie County: The law is so changed that there will be uo examination until in July, Drawing and A gricultural Chemistry have been added to public school branches. Hope you will post yourselves on these new branches, and read up, as you may ha>'e time and opportunity on the older branches, so aa to be able to stand a good examination in Jnly. J . D. H odges, Co. Supt. Those famous little pills, D eW itt’s Little Early Risers will remove all impurities from your system, cleanse your bowels, make them regular. C. C. Sanford and M. A. Foster. B p b esu s Ite n ig . W niie Beeker and sister, Miss Jessie, of Jernsaiem spent Thurs­ day at M. A . Foster’s. A rthur Daniel and consin Miss Lula spent Sunday evening with Miss Bessie Poster. B. F. Stonestreet was in o berg last week. Miss Sallie Swic^;ood, of Tenny­ son, visited her sister. Mns. C. D. Lefler the i»ast week. Tom Hendrix and Fred Booe made a flying trip over in the neighborhood of Jericho Sunday. Miss ^ l i e McClamroch of Cana, is visiting friends and relatives here. J.C . Giles spent Sunday 'with M ends near Jerusalem. A rte nr Allen and sister. Miss Bealah of Jericho, were in onr ■vil­ lage last week. Messrs Boone Ijames and George Gibson of Cooleemee were visitors in car village Sanday, -Onrrah & r the Beoord, it is a go o d ^p er. K entucky Bellb. JUDGES ACQUITTED. The high court of impeachment at noon to-day, by a vote of 27 for to 23 against conviction on article 1 of the impeachment charges, ex­ onerated Chief Justice D. M. Fur- ches and Associate Justice B. M. Douglas from charges that they had violated the Ihws and consti­ tution of North Carolina by issu­ ing a mandamus to compel the payment of $800 salary to Shell Fish Commissioner W hite. The voter on each of the other four articles of impeachment fol­ low: Article 2, guilty 26, not guilty 24; article 3, guilty 26, not guilty 24; article 4, gn Ity 25, not guilty, 25; article 5, not guilty 34, guilty, 16. Thirty-four votes were required for conviction. Tlicre were 11 Eepublicans and Popn lists in the coui't, all of whom vote! for acquittal. An average of the above votes, shows 26 lor acquittal to 24 for conviction. The above from the Charlotte Observer shows the vote on each article. On the first article twelve Democrats voted against impeach­ ment as follows: J A Brown, Geo H Currie, H A Fonshee, JD Glenn, John S Henderson, J A Lesvk, H A London, Jas A Long, H C Mc­ Allister, Stephen A M cIntyre, \V W Striugfield and J E W Sugg, W e are truly glad, not only on account of the Justices, but for the good name and the future of the old state. W hen the time comes in any state that its Judges are to be impeached just because they are not in accord with the dominant party in control of the Legislature, liberty wi;l have ti- ken its flight, and anarchj' and revolution will follow. This im­ peachment has done North Caro­ lina much injury already. It will take years for it to recover from its baneful effect. H ad we loved party and party succcss more than j ustice and the future welfare and the good name of the old State, we could have wished that these ju d ­ ges be convicted. It is over, and justice has been done the innocent, and all fair minded conservative men will applaud the honest Dem­ ocrats who aided in thwarting this great crime against the state and her people. It is to be hoped in the future, whatever party is in control, that its l>est and most con­ servative men will be seuc to Ral­ eigh to make the laws. These lit' tie peanut fellows should be rele­ gated to the rear. You cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy cheeks and sparkling- eyes if your liver la sluffgish and your bowels clogged. De^Witt’s Little Early Ris- er>i cleanse the whole system. They never gripe. 0. C. Sanford and M A. Foster. Kurfoeg Jteins. How are you going to spend Easter! It will soon be here. J. Lee Kurfees made a trip to Ephesus one day last week. D. C. W ilson, Sr.. is on the sick list. Our farmers are b a n n in g to prepare their corn land. W ilburn Stonestreet has pur­ chased a new hammerjess gun. Mib8 Katie Cartner visited her sister, Mrs. Amy Ijames recently. Mrs. Maggie Snider is seriously' ill at her home near here, Mrs. Della Little who has been visiting relatives near Salisbury retnrnsd hom elast week. One of our young men made flying trip to see his best girl last Sunday. M r. and Mrs. John Emerson spent last Sunday with r^'latives near Bailey. Success to the Eecord. SoLDiEB Bo y. Skin troubles, cuts, burns, scalds and chafing quickly healed by the use of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It is imitated. Be sure you get De- W itt’s. C. C, Sanford and M. A. Poster. Buy The Celebrated m m n w i LECKERLING ' PIANOS. The highest Standard ever reach­ ed in the .Piano makers art. 20 yeara in advance of all other makes. Sold at strictly factory prices. The world renowned Mason & Hamlin Organs, Moller. BMett & Sterlini Onans, Everything in music sold at about half price others charge, on terms to snit you. W e have never been undei-sold. W rite today for catalog and prices. PIEDM ONT MUSIC CO. W inston, N. C. Dr. M. D Kimbrough, P hysician and Suhgeon. Office first 3oor South of Hotel Davit* MOCKSVILLE N. C. NOTICE! Having qualified as Adm inistra­ tor of the estate of Elizabeth Horn, dec’d, all persons holding claims against said deceased, are hereby notified to present them to the un­ dersigned on or before the 23rd day of Feb. 1903, or this notice will be plead in ta r of their recov­ ery. All persons owing said es­ tate will please call and settle at once. This 23rd day of Feb. 1901. G. E. Hokn, Adm r. A . T. Gbant, Jk ., A tt’y. ^ J0 B W 01^K.^ W e solicit the work of the g ^ merchants and business men S s I S of the county. ^ Kag W e have a nice stock o f | ^ S Note Heads, j Bill Heads, b Statements, ■ Envelopes. Shipping Tags, A.nd in fact, anything you need, and are prepared to do F IK S r CLASS work on SHOUT NOTICE at reas- onaI>le prices. Call on or write to ns for priccs on anything you want ^ in onr line. Address, I M O llB IS & STKOUD. I MocksvtUe, N. C J, RENA SHEEK, vs I Notice Of Sale. LILLIE RIGE, etal) By virtue of an order made by A. r. Grant, ('. S. C., in Ih'i above entitled case, I will sell, for cash, at public auction, at the Conrt- honse door in the town of Mocks­ ville, "u Monday the 8th day of April, 1901, the following town lots, situateil in the town of Mocks­ ville, N. C. and bounded as fol­ lows: 1st lot, beginning a ta stone Ml'S. E A Eice’s corner on S side of Mineral Spring St, thence S. 15° "with Mrs E A Rice’s line. 372 to a Slone, Jlrs. E A Eices’ coi- ler, thence S 70“ E 100 ft with ‘ e line of mill lot, to a stone, in •n alley; Kice and W illjon’s por- ler, thence N 15° E 372 ft to a tone, on S. side of Mineral Spring it, thence with sjiid street to the ginning, containing ninei-tenths f an acre, more or less. 2nd Lot, beginning at a stone, . E. H unt's and Mar3 Eose cor- icr, thence S 70° E 21G ft to a itone in H unt’s line, tlieiice N 15° 134 ft ;-o a stone, Eice and Wil- in’s corner, thence N 70° W . 21'4 feet to a stone, Eose line, thence :o the beginning, containing two- hirds of an acre more or less. This the l.st day of March 1901. Tuoh. N. Chaffin, Commissioner. r r CJ URFEBS PAINTS! Are now recognized as one of tbe best i>aints that has ever 1 een- placed on tbe m arket. The sales have been far beyond our Siinguinc expectations and are constantly in- crciising. AVe wish to kindly thank those Avho have so liberally patronized us and tor the many kind words they have spoken in favor of BUSTED. Locke Craige’s Senatorial bub- l)le has busted, and the statesman from Buncombe no doubt feels like he has been Jjuocoed. The' sweet- scented twins from Bertie ’oved. and lost, and their names will go down to Ehe vile dust -from ■which they sprw g, unwept, anhonored' and unsnng. Exit. ' A u g u sta D ots. Prof. J . D. Hodges has suspen­ ded his school until the Fall term . Official business calls him to B il- eigh. J. N athan Foster lost a fine Jer­ sey cow a few days ago. Sesse C. Pack teaches school for J. A . Grubb at the Haii'Stou school this week. The new distillery on E. M. James farm is now ready for the machinery, a part of which is now on the yard ready for placing. C. A . Da'ris is confined w ith the grippe this -n-eek. Bev. D. E. Sampson will preach at Augusta Sunday next. Mrs. Granger of fW eem ee, is ■visiting her daughter, Mrs. N athan Foster, near this place. Madam Eum or says that there w illb ea wedding soon. One of the Augusta boys makes frequent ti'ips to the Eedland section. John H . Butler has opened a Sunday school at his old stand, Turrentine school house. The e&ects of the grippe epi­ demic remain with us. M any are unable to attend to their avoca tions. Long m ay the Eeeord live to ad­ vocate the principles of right and jnstice; If this don’t find the waste bas­ ket X wlU write again. - A g e ic o ia W e guarantee evei-y gallon liear-' ling tne label and traile mark of J . F. Knrfees Paint Co., Louisville, |Ky. Call and see me or write me igivinp; exact size of your house and [I will tell you to the cent what it will cost you to paint it, or see my agent, B. F, Stonestreet. H e will [cheerf.illy tell you the rest. )Tours anxious to please, J . LEE KUBFEES, \ Kurfees, N . C. A good No. 32 breech loading rifle lor sale or trade. Call on the Editor. J U S T . I S a U E D N E , w E . D I . T I O N W e b s te r*s In t e rn a tio n a1 D ic tio n a r y N e w P la te s T h ro u g h o u t 2 5 ,0 0 0 N e w W o r d s Phrues u d D*riallioa» # Prepared under the direct superviaion of W. T. HARRIS Ph.D., LL.D., United States Commissioner of Education assisted by a Urge coipa of competent specialiBtt and editors. KIch Bindini*. « 23(4 pw,- SOOO IlliutraUona B etter T h an E t o fo r B om *. School, and O fnca. Wc ftl«o pnbUth Webster’s Collegiate DlcHaaarv a^dmen pa ga, etc. oI both booict seat on application. G .d C .M E R R IA M C O . P tib U s h e ra S p r ln g n e ld . Hmma.J: FURNITURE! FURNITURE! For Furniture in every line go to EOM INGER & CRIJI FU EN IbH IN G CO. They have the largest stock in W inston, and at prices that cannot be matche<). OURW IAlillS are, lEO N K IN G COOK STOVES, KIM BALL OR­ GANS AND CLIMAX CHAIKS. Set; us and we will save you money. ROMINaERA CRffl FHRHISHING CO! -1.30-438 Main St. fn front Bro\m*s Warehouse. ^ Yearly to Chris- ptian man or wo- ^ y man to look af­ ter our grow'ng business in this and adjoining Counties, to act ^ aa Manager and Correspondent: k work can be done at your home. Enclose .self-addresstd. stamped ^ envelope for particulars to .1. K A. KNIGHT. General Manager. 3 Corcoran Building-,opppsite Uni­ted States Treasury, i® m a r l i n sin* b.rr. bSfhMj,™li*e"d to™ 3 sump"; Mnr'a a.m. Co.. Dyspepsia Curl D igests what you eatlIt jirtiflcially tliRcsf s the tom! and ai,I Mature in slrengtlicning awi 3 itriictin;; tlio exhausted .n t aiid tnnir. I^o other prcDantiJ ;an .ippr(.:uh it in tOidonrv h t l ■rantly rel iotos and pcriiiaDf m h' Dyspepsia, IndiijeslioD, lU w buJ CTatidenre, Sour Sloniach, Ssn-J 111 other results of impcrfcct digcsiio Jnall size. Book all abuut Uvspi pvia P r e p a r e d b y E . C . D eW iT l & C 0.. Cljl C. C. -S.vlif'-l-il; il. A.I'osli-r. aa g w aa sg g sg g g g aK ton, D . C. FOUR PAPERS FOR $1.15. pmipUn>ToeBr*d.OBNOFZE.or photo fi>r fre« report on fatcntabilitj. - UtivltoObt»iaU.8.tt*d Foreign r*lcnf.isatlTr»iell«li.'FSEE. Faircut terras eter otlcrt-d to inniVx PATElfT LAWYERS OP 2S TEARS' PiACtlCli ^,.20,000 PATENTS PROCURED T11B0U6H WX 'All btuiBPM cviinilrntiil. S0061J 4<it:cv. ii.tift;10 serrice. Modorstd char^jts. .’';i“ C .A .S N O W & C O .| PATENT LAWYERS, ® 0pp. U. S. Patent Office, WASHiSIOT. 0. [ I 'Wc will send you the Davie Ee­ cord one year, price f l; the Kioli- moml ■\V'eekly Times, price i50c The Farm .Toiirual and The Tara- gou M onthly, all four pjiiwrs for $1.1.5 per year. This is a rare oflFer for a small sum . ^n<l 91.1.5 to the Editor of the Kecord, Mocks- vill ■, X. C., anil you will {cet all tv ur of thi-se i)apcrs one year. Throe Papers,one year e.'icii. only'-I W EliKLY TlMKi, Ilichnionil. Va. N o\r Only Fifty CentiJa Vtiir, and includes ,'il>'olutcly lru>: F h e P>-ra”an Mun’.lily, Nt-u Vui T.he F arm .luurnal, rhilaJtliiitid T H E DAILY AND SLXDAV including' Parni .lo' rn:il ami i’ar.'::~| M onthly, Now Oniv 1’ r Wai: 21)-. I'er.M oi.t] l.yMail. Aedross UliKTIMiiS. U-climonil. Va, I T H E lilG IlT OP T H E W OKLD —OR— OTJR SA V IO R IN A R T Cost nearly $100,000 to publish. C'on- tains nearly' one hundred full-pajfe enjpravinjis copied direct from the World’s Greatest Paintings of Our Savior and His Mother. Contains History of Painting, Biofrraphy of Painter and the Gallaries in Europe where the Original Paintinfr may be seen. The most beautiful publica­tion ever issued. The strongest hearts weep at the sight of these wonderful pictures of Jesus and His Mother. Uverybodysays they are (frand, sub­ lime; matchless, mafTuificeot. beauti­ful. Inspiring and uplifting. The sale is unprecedented. The presses are running'day and nipht to fill the or­ ders. Twelve carloads of paper were required for the last edition. Small fortunes are being made by the thrif­ ty with this marvelous, work. Con­ tains also a child’s story beautifully written to fit each picture. This wonderful book, matchless in its pur­ ity and beauty, appeals to everv mothers’ heart and m e'^ery Chris­tian home, where there are children, it sells itself. A Chris', lin man or woman can soon clear one thousand dollars (il,000) taking orders in this community. Others are doing this. ■Whv not vou? We are advertising in nearly ten thou.-iand newspapers in thi'i country, Canada. Kngland and I Australia. ■ Shipping books to every English-speaking country in the | world. We shall promote our best workers to positions of Sfate Mana- V^er.-, Correspondents and Office As- jsistauis We also own and publish i large Fhoto-gravure Etchings of the i Great Paintmga in the Galleries of I Europe. One or more of these El ch- . lags can be sold in every home. By I carrying the book and the engrav ; ings your success will je tremendous. Mrs.'Waite. of Worcester, Mass., has sold nearly four thousand dollars worth of books there. Mrs. Sackett has sold nearly two thousand dollars 1 worth of books in New York. Both of these ladies answered our advcr- ■ tisemei t: nnd had never sold a b ok before. T jo k 14 orders first tw o • days—H. (Jolwell. Took 5 or<lers 'fin td a y ; 2ii orders first week, cleariug over $50—H attie Lem- well. Thousands of others like above. It is piloted on velvet-finished paper: bound in Cardinal Red, Green and Gold and adorned with Golden Boses and Lillies. W rite quickly for terms as the territory is going rapidly. When you prove your success, we will promote you to the position of Mana­ ger and Correspondent under yearly , contract. , We shall soon move into our new Slid elegant structure to be occupied I solely by us, and to be known as the Light of the World Building. Address THE £BinSE-AH£RIOM CO. ^rc»ran Buildii^, . O p]^ite United States' Treasury, ; Washington, D. C. A GOOD DSOP Sewing Machine foj Sale. A ny One D.sirii),:,' to I’lirj cliasc ill ^ Call on tlic FOa SALE All nt 175 acres of li.nd ;g-'™»i the Coolcenifc coll"" ""*1'’, ' * timbered anil wjitficil. (.ii"'' address.K. II. Moms .VdCASvillt' >'• T H R O U G H iS E P H '^ :; Korfouoo|ouj-■“ -I a o s E C o » m ‘ .r o a n o k e .V '^ PITJLISIH'O i:'.; K . II. One copy, One 'i Ont copy, Bix :-■ One copy. Thrci S i The .loiiriiii! : I ers H'C jinr of the Vi hiiJ • oiirly (late t;> Ui'f intiv be (leome 1 . h'iilV o ftlie m oni to 1 e helil u»r ;i| icdoranaw s-.it lion. T he w liiil fy owe these n ii| iinil atiiv esiip il know th a t the ran do, b at it e I its iulei'fSt in til l:i this coii’iel ii\:iy a-s well n-:)! is to be a c )ii!l strife in l!ii^ i‘i-1 i;reat patio:,ce. o!' pr.)SC(v,il:o 1 i j t'.iey e:ui ,t;ive csivc. T!;e S'-L-Kius. e if caiiii'.)t ’ Ih-An l) ^ Ml-. Watson fmiu the iiii>i;:;;| It is easy to eii | I!.tt w:K-nevei- : ty of tliis iStaiie roii.scior.siio.-is o ij iuid pei-si.-it€<l trouble Tlie r.-l ein^ oil a vok-aii| nal. S;icl> th reats >1 g,)Otl grace fr;niil tram plu.l iilion il eral eonstitiit,ioif coniinitte-.l all i.l onlpi- VO perpyii!| ]).)«e:-, iiif;i v.ii . a love for t'.ic 1i.>ii th a t t'.-.ey Iil till- oiUees jiHljIO-s l'’r.r>''' - (•ri!c:- tliafc th e . Si itc-Suprei-:> ■ zan I ’o-rocrats > i!:e lawle.i'i iinu :| ia ils V, iloil bei''iU- u J tl-.;;t yoii si'.preiae c.ux;rS l o have lueu o ii| v.oiilii ni;}:i);ii Iil of tlie aia-v‘iiii| which yini o r.! ' niilcs.s yoa jil.j who !j;it! . ioa lU Would so be unfit to se r. j Tiio l»eniiifi'al,i.-.| ta.i for vioiaii.i'l l;e conviete<l o r| ibauii ."ii;ity, that ll;o tSe -.ate | "I’.iascsii faii- v>fi-e ii-it SiiiU j laid .‘.s ■ fi'-'ure 110 o:je. ' oM Bciiliuier.t ri’ototyp<^i jr:. J'O'l t )ok yo-.ir governiiio'il giii to arouse lijJ of the W est, J u i piibliciiii Aiiglo-I <iwelU ia tii^i.iir >aiu fast.ieyses£;| '"g, lie is not a | afr.ua. H e h a i stored ia Ciiuri-’J 'fiiicli to shoot iJ tlieir rights .ns J - Is u wrong to iu | It is wrong to •-re iuuocei;t. 1| that which the wrong to enJ »‘y “ thoi:ei.:,bi ou a volcano.” tefore J on let hd ' Shame; "hy don’t yonr as the a' gooil citizens law IS enforced Y o u d o a j Salisbury Lad fire last wMk, J '‘•'“■til of propel t| waste T in , ‘“ ‘''f f e - 'itio u o l t r ^ y o '- r s e lf . i f p lcn t' r/ ITn ^ x a Co., ,a,^ , psia Cl what you ei :iifresfstlicfoodan:^ g th cn in g and di-csti I.itetd isco v erp d t JSo o lh er prepa It. In efficioiipy. ^andpcrniancritlyirtiKeslioD, lleait our Stom ach, Ki ,G astraIpia,C nm ii sof impcrfectdige Lareeslzpcontaln/jl llabijutdyspcpsiaihai C. DeW'TT a CO.. ct V inf.-nl; M . A . J-'o sto r.l LOBHOm. fcoinodtm ^«rtoBpateotability, »..k • 'o»igftr»unt3»ndTmdc-iIs fna« e»er o?l«r»d to inr« U or 3» TEAPS* PRAC S PFOOJREO THROUSK THEIrntitl. 8oo&d adritv. i-’a eUa%*«. S N O W & I ENT LAWYERS. ffice, WASHi«GTCH, I one y ea r each, oiil| :K L Y TIMI-ZS, iiiiiond. V a. ■'ift)* a y«jn^ Li'les ab"oliitcl»* ire | M onthly. New ' rii;vl, ' P hiliiileli AXD SU^'DAY T1 n .To* rn;il and I’ar O n 'v ¥.■ P r W ar; M oht 1 by M ail. T H E T IJIK sf Il-chm ond.'' DROP E E \ Machine wjor^rjerA i D i s i r i n g to I c i l l D o W e ll o n t h e I'x lito r^ IFOR SiLE Irrc s o f J:ir-*1 f fc w tlo ii h(l watcrcU. Call < E. II. Jloriis JJocligville >■ ' j Q o a [l q k T h e D avie R e c o r d . M O CIvSV ILLE, K . C ., ^\^!:DI^^ESDAy, A P E I L ^ 9 0 1 ]JfUMUEK 1, HBGil SIA l:Y L.V K D -S D A X G E i!. Sc‘i:iitor I.onis E . jMcCoiiiiiP,of; TWO YEARS OLD. 'With this issue v.’e begiu ou oiir i:.;- G OOD. Foitnniite for th e good nam e of am i - j;i)!T O i;.|:i" !t liic re siilt ofilieroceiU : oi w uat w ei D ouglas were acquitted iind th e _______ Kts I h aU iave been m ade in tiif i>s an E ditor, p artisan auarchi,sis .failed in th eir la'v v .ill bt-lo U i e . l e t r i m e i i t o r t i i , - had several little tills M ^ryljuul iM (-rilidsin!{llieM ar> - th ird volum e. Eor t-.vo years we th> Sfate J«d«re Fnrchcs ■andeleettoa la .-,n a .o s it a ,.,..a r , , , , labored In behalf of w hat w : i » t “ purpose. It was not by any big C-.-0 i - 81 ■ nusi v'!'. rwill be sT .t to" learn to m ach of onr alientioii to th e pa- ' IVnni Uius conntj «■“'! i> ll is believed that ' per, co:ise.{uently it has been often tliree.lo iiriliso f tl.e l)Iui-k ii.w i.-jted. In enlw in.r upon our biist bdw rous, thank- ih e sunport and assuring h;;l ii '11 ;:i ,(■ >a:.tkr. ('■ivu':- ;;m!, ie:>n!.l cans ,„,v i\cl: i-i-.iicinbi r tl-a* il there Ica.n i '/■'.Mi, a l..),!y of in- ii,em that we .shall strive to do cv-jy (lriin!;cu red .shirt auarchislsI t- .i t .x .o M i l l M 'ltli ‘ A EAGING, EO AEIXG FLOOD W ashed down a telegr.aph line which Chas: O- Ellis, of Lisbon, la., had to repair. “ Standing waist deep in icy w ater,” he wri'te.Sj" “ gave me a terrible cold and' eb'ugh. It grew worse daily. Finally the best doctors in Oak­ land, Xeb., Sioux City and Omaha Siiid I had eonsuftiption and conld not live. Then 1 began xising D r. K ing’s Xew Discovery and was wholly cured I>y six bottles.” Positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung troubles by C, C. Sanford, Price SO cents. G. T. GLASCOCK & SONS, GUEEJfSBOEO, S', O. .G EM R A L FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS- U'gi.slature (deceased) av;is elected po itieal anarchists edited papers and conducted the campaign iu some sections and wonld not per­ mit a!iy blit Democrats (red &liirt variety preferred) to speak. The lives of the people were endauger- sci;ea,e c.f t;;“ Uemocratie ^ers ai the )k)Us. man i- ^ ret.iin th tir trieudsUip and support, i ‘.'.'o i!i;:.it siiy rigUt here, tiiat Ee- and the m ajority of the Democrat­ ic x;ai)cr.s either looived upon the pr.iccedings with approval or else ca i m-.it.;' !).^:;.>cr.;t:i5 pa; -cord IS as dari e beeu abid- The fu- some sorry their re- ius that made by >i erations lia\ e voted the Deisiocr re.idy to do our v. hole (Inty in ta:v a:-.i;;fea by t\e. feeling in ‘iie uj-jrood g.)vef!!ment, and '.he this one. Tlie ta.'c-payere w ill........1 im iiies ot ilie pc'<p!e who tor gcii-! . . , i j. i i .<•v.mr.};-. .'om i.iKic.. , , .A. 1 : ni-oaiution ot th e w elfare ot the ! nuv,'have to p ay about .^7,000 for L et r.s v.’c r’.c t.igether lor ; the inipeac.hr.ieat proceedings. It th a t another such i-armcrs will never legislature of K orth nom e. i;i‘"a tiate !'.ad fed uiimiiittA >'f crimes ia ill: t:.c;n..icives in ii.'.e: We will not rest until we restore | Jiea who l.ave 0--r fair election lav." to Die statute | tioriks.-’ ! V.'liPther or nnt thi.s be true we ' }>ovA 1.* n'*" Inif W'U K X G LA X D 'S FIiT K ^^33H IP. Ill )kiiig over tUe llks of The Xinies (»f i8ilo we ranie across a:j ‘'I had been troublcil indi^jcs- tio n fo rtc a years, have tried m any thinjr?^ ar.d m ucii m oney to no )::ri>ojc im tii I tried Kodol D yspepsia CJLirc. .1 have tak en tw o bottles and rh o : lelicate (jue.stion to d eal | inondly interest in cur side of thep:H'M with : r T T i.'Iiti-'l t.fif* ____ ______ moad sent calilegram s, ju s t before w;h- was declai’o;!. instriictiu.afUieii- 11,^'ents in the event of w;ir to re- l-.Mse all em ployes who siiouM de- liem th e ir sal- were avray. and .1 bout an attem pted retorr-i in a i n u 'l m e n -i i o M t n 'i i S open for them I J i i u 'i : .>:i tliO bench who j left tr c 1-ist i u'ltil they should re tu rn . This 'VuiiU li:c i :.ii;-.LUa;iou,;i;.y I-Uiite oI ti;c m an worse Ilian liie I was d(m j not only in Eiclim or.d, - v. itli. Tile V irginia negro is a j ;i.-ht. A ll the E nglish compaii- ” , . ; liiTcicnt Tro.’Iuet from th e ne.gio ies w hich had agencies iu Itich- r-.. Who v:,y.iU ^ b e h a v e not ‘ * i.c~ :a..c:i;n« 111 this i.;a!e, j|.p j-uiie coiidiiions iu th is State i=iis;vr .ii^ duiair. it was sa g -■ tliat they have in Mississippi, Ala- utv.; ii-L- .\u ci!i-i eleciiia. 1 au 1 J.(!uisi:!i'.u, or oven in alt employesi , . .......... , 1 X rrth Carc.lina and S ju th Caro- s ro to enlist, pay th ............... I... H c'iintares tells us a"ies w liilc Uicy vrcr t .Ja^tires, in j,., i-ttem nted ret^)rm in a i h ild th eir positions ( KO EJ1JTOLS IK H ELL. An editor died and slov.-ly wen­ ded his way to hell. The devil met him ami said: “ For many years.hast thou borne the blame for the priors thy printers have maile in the paper. 'J'he printei-.s iiavc deviitd thee on Satnrday e\ e for ■basics when thou hadst not .i >'0 :! .■■..p:(.S-.e I all opill ira 1;; ;;:id laeil w ho ; s.: c:c,):i.- > iiieiii..^rh'es A oaid .......... nil th e L'Cncii. i;,‘-::.r;-ars in.lic- t-1 for' . i':v lii'.v V iil not i,.I.,.i ],;),|i UU JfcS Ci-d lo l.i ;K taM li ;-■(. \v,>aid g iv e th e iair tria l a a d if th e y i.-'t I,;:;];;-, th e y w o ald s;. f..;. '.o :r tiiro a ts, yoii X /ii is th e S iine "ii W'ij:ii;,e.;t lU tcred i y y o u r Tr.it.jly;,,.:; , I.-.,,, (g jggfj .jvljcri t!,;k !»;) a n a s a g sin sl V .'hen }ou be- p!i tii A;lglo-^\l.■cou lion Hie Vi c.-'t, (io irl distv .rb th e E e- piiiilii-iiii A;i.;lo-;.;axou lio.i, fo r l e '‘^ a l.iia tiic in M s to f th e m oan- i,- > : h e i s ;iot IU . h id - ■'■i. in.-i.s u<;l a.deep, nor Is he snuij, jj,. -\Vini-hesters i:; caai-li U asaaeiits w ith {., sboot laea lor e>:eiei.si:ij' I as A m erican citizens. "'‘■''■In t'J ia.iiet men tor crimc? !is ly p.Diisi! luea w ho 'j’ciiiiioeci.t. it is )vr0!i2 to do 'te which the law forbids, b u t “"t '.vtoi!;; |., cliforce the law . Y ou "tiii- j;cii ,idic;;ns arc dancing ®-'i Mil.-atio.’’ Iciug th e Ih’c bel s wm let her ’splode. Hhanie! .Siiaiae: If you w ant peace * J liou t your crowd stop such the aL'ove, and jo in all W «ii;:ci;s ia Bceing th a t th e ■‘S (.‘iiliirccil against all offeu- 1 You dua t v,-aut peace. ‘'alishuiy 1.11,1 co n sid e rab le o r §10,000 ^“ oflirupcity d estro y e d . "aslc tim e if you try to ■•vr.riiiag froai T.Iarylaud.— Eich aor..; Ti'.i!C.3. Tho a 'l )ve article from t!ie H ich- :i,.n;l Ti.aes, a D om ocratic paper, s’l :W3 wh i': th e l>;‘.iu.o;;ratic p arty as d 1110 au-i is doing v.-herevcr it h f! e cliance. iVe see tuem in .M aryland, V irginia and K entaa'.iy djln^: ju s t like they d id here, and iy o ther states fu rth er saa th . T his lo. il.neat is g( in.; to rs to ind, an t th eir sins are going to lind 't ieaio iit. J^othing is settled un- f ! it is settled rig h t. T hoir ways are vlark, devioas and devilisb. “Last winter I v.-as conrinecl to my bed vriih a very bad cold"on tae lun<rs. NolhinL^ ijave me relief. Finally my ’v^fe bou-rht a bottle of One Minute Jouffh Cure that afT^ctcd a Fijoe-jy 'Ih i'i'n 'a s o n ly one o f th e 111:1111-! , . . t i> • i f . s t a t i o n s o f th'l sym pathy of t h e ; not come in. In tnis place E n g l i s h psiple a s individuals and ' there will be a coutiunal dannuig as a whole with their kicsa en on | of delinquent subscribers (hell is this side of the A tlantic in oui'j full of them) aiid the sad wailiugs struggle with Spain, to say not!.- In*'- oi' th e liiY m ore im p o rta n t lactt ^ ‘ 1 •th a t w hen w c w ere th re a te n e d by to an a m a te u r b rass b aird p la y in g a t l e i - s t t w o oftheB nropeau pow -la dirgo iu r;ig tiinp. Begone! ers with iiitcrfereiice, Great Brii-1 Heaven is your Iiome.” —Ex- ain served notice th at those w !io i thought to strike the United !5tatcs .-i:::;-— wojild have to reckon witli her. ^ j I t is a stra n g e th in g ta a c A m or- r...Q ^ curii u n til I trie d Dc- J.ins sh o u ld so soon h a v e 1‘orgot-I \v itt\s V^itch Ha'ocl Salve. A fte r [ 2;^^ iu(li:re. Ii"- That 1 t <^at heartily. ^ — Rtrivflil ntyof jrood food prop- I Uj - iiodol lJ)yspei)sia Cure R*fcarrh of scientific re-would di- elements of food ie.ins Bat that G reat; irking it oi;c». I forgot I ever Jiad ar.y-_ l-T _ ?__ 1 J T*111 « 1 1 ^ *.»■ Sauford and M. A. Forfter. Itm n s t not be forgotten that this paper is iiidependent in poli­ ties. Some-'.veeks ago some De inocratic friend sent us w ord that l;e v.’as glad tliat he had lived to see us again safely back iuto the arm s of the dear old Democi'atic pai-ty. W e can stand the sm all­ pox, measles, 7-year eczema, and the grip but we have a place where thP line m ust be drawn and a halt called. The next brother who per­ sists in sending us word liow glad lie is to find us in the arm s of the Democratic party will be called to account w ithout any extensive prelim inary proceedings. — Our Ilome. ov. n acco u n t a a d w 'hen sonic of th e pow ers of E u ro p e ace sho\^ing a threatcaiiig attitute toward her, Amoricaus are holding meetings a’l oyer the country, denouncing Great Britain and giving their sympathy and enconrageinent to horcneuemies. It U rarely in the history of the world that there ha-s beeu such a display of national ingi'atitude.— Eichinoiid Times. V out for imita- tiouH. B'j sure you ask for De'VVitt’s. C. C fc-au^’ord and M. A. Foster. H e Jiadn't thought he would propose, but fate is so absurd; her doughuiits pleiised liim—facts dis­ close-and SO he said the word. ’TIS EASY TO FEEL GOOD. Couutless thousands have fonud a blessing to the body in D r. King’s l\ew' Life Pills, which pos- Y is ,’ti-s true, thai in g ra t t ule , cure Constipation,. Sick is displayed by many. Euglaud is onr mother coiuitry aud our friead, yet a certain class of demagogues are always trying to array' senti­ ment against England. She is the biggest bnver of the world of the ! Amaricau farm ers products. W e 1 G ^v. Ayoock has appointed M. . . . „ u h ., II>, »;5S5-“ ^25trJ» Headache, Dizziness, Jaaudice, ,'\Ialaria, Fever and Ague and all Liver aad Stomach troubles. Pure­ ly vcgefeible; never gripe or weak­ en. Only 2")C. at C. C. Sanford’s Drug Store. nr dyspepsia by atar- « That ouly m akes it V o n > A aiSt <lo eat Iieanlly. Y o uliU I** ^ 3 . ' ntyof srood food prop- And it ia the one ! tlwt will c • t'oster.i” C . C. Sanford JO B COULDN’T H A V E STOOD IT I f h e ’ d had Itching Piles. They’re terribly annoying; but Bucklcu s A rnica Salve will cure the worst caseofpil23 on earth. It has cured thousands For In ju ri^ , Pains or Bodilj' E rnptions it’s the best 8a,lve iu -the world. PriM 2.5o a b o s . C u re guaranteed. Sold b y C . C . f*anfoi-d. • and i.t laast give h?r oar sympa thy wiien iu Irou! le. She is a world power, and we need her friendship. Il.-i KEIT? H IS LEG. Twelve years ago J . W . Sulli­ van, of H artford, Conn , scratched his leg w ith a rusty w ire. Intia- luation and blood poisoning set in. For two years he suffered intense­ ly ! Then the best doctors urged am putation, “ b u t,” he writes, “ I used one bottle of Electric Bitters and 11 boxes of Backlen-'s Arnicii Salve and my leg was sound and w:ell as ever.” For Ei-uptions, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Ehenm,Sores, anil all blood disorders Electric Bitters has no rival on earth. Ti-y chera. C.'C. Sanford will guaran­ tee satisfzefion or refund money. Only 50 cents.'' new d is tric ts w ere c re a te d by th e last legisl:itnre, -which aUils about !;!10,00"0 m ore to th e tax -p ay C iS biirdor.s. The im p each m en t has a lre,;d y coFt o v er .*S,000. Y'ou ]);!,ys y o u r m oney a n d ta k e s y o u r choice. Spring coug-ii!) are specially danger- o'Jo and unless cnred at once, Ferious le-jults ofieu follow. One Minute Cou!>h Cure acts like magic. It is not a common mixture but a hlg-h grade remedy. C. C Sanford and M. A. Foster. R e v ..IohII Jasper, colored," of Eichmond, noted for_ the express­ ion th at “ :he suu do'nu>ve, ’ died last week, at the age of nearly 90. He was a very popular lUBaeher in Eichmond, and the -Eichmond Times says his funeral will be a l' most as largely attended as was the reinterm ent of Jefferson Davis. It is now in order for the me^ too editors to chime in one chorus about the result of the impeach- 'Jient Tcrdict, by saying that they knew that the Senate conld be de­ pended npou to do the proper thing and th at the verdict of ac­ quittal was the right thing, etc: If thi- judges had iieen convicted tliese me-too fellows would have suug the .same song. 'With them anything that Democrats do is the proper thing. They will not say auyihiug about the little m atter of ¥7,000 that the tax-payers will have to cough up to paj' the ex~ Ileuses iucurred by the partisan pluudereis wiiose months were wateriug for the places held by the ascusEdjudges. A little thing like that is merely incidental and is not w’ortli mentioning. W e sug­ gest that the Wadesboro Messeu- g-er-Iiitclligeucerleado.fr with the choriis'fiu- the other ine too boys and we’ll have some good music. Let llie eoiigi-egatiou now rise and hear thesiug'iig.—Oiir Home. The Portraits Of Our Presidents ■V?i'.h liiojranliioil Skctcie? liY G en eral CI:a:'!o.-i M. G ro.svenor, TiUo i’ayc*’.c.-^.:STtud l>j Tiffauy. The Inaugural year, when the jiublic mind i:5 aroused over Pres­ idential que.ttions, is a fitting tim e to i.ssue General Groyve-aor’s book. Its Silie is already tremendous, and -will perhaps c.\cced that of General G rant’s IVi-sonal Jlemoirs. Every p atriotic A iuericau de- res to lead w hat Geueial Gi'os- \ enor lia.s to .“ay of (ieor^c AVash- ingtoii, Th;;i;!;is Jetferson, Audrew Jackson, Abraham Ijinco'n, Tre-ii- dent McKinley and the other Chief Executives of the Is’ation. Everybody desires to read what G ereral Grosvenor, the staunch oW Kepublieau leader in Omgress, will say of that staunch old Demo­ crat, Andrew Jackson, the Father of the Democratic Party. General (irosver.or has thrown into his sketch of Jack.son all the fire and and energy of his nature. The biography of Thomas .Jefferson is grand. ThQbiography of Lincoln is as beautiful iis ii siinrise o\'er the hilltops. General Grosvenor has personally known all the Pres- iilents since the tim e of James Buchanan. The General’s book will therefore contain history which has never before beeu pub­ lished, -writtcu fi-om his own per­ sonal observation of these great men. General firosvenor has ser­ ved iu Coiigre.^ i'or nearly twenty yeai-s, and he Jias served his conn- tiy iiiw a r and iu Congress for ue;irly forty ye;irs. The book con­ tains twenty-four iarge Photogra­ vure Etcliings as line as steel plates printed by baud, on heavy plate paper made especially to order. These 2 t Photogravure 15tchings are in diii'erent tiuts, and aie well worth §2 e;ich. These Portraits are made from the Paintings en­ dorsed by the family and near re- larivcj of the Presidents. Two years’ time and a foitnne have bee-j expended in securin' these reproductions. The complete book is well worth .?50, but the price has been placed so lov/ that the most hum ble American citizen cjin own it. The biographical sketches are printed ia large open tvpe in two colors; the work is so be<T,uti- fnl that when people see it they want it. The ad-. ancesale is very large. I’residenc lIcK ruley was tfie tiist subscriber. There is one edition known as The President Edilion de Grand Lu.vo, initial letters hand painted. Portraits hand colored, title page liand il' luminated, registered and num­ bered; subscription price, §500. Orders and applications for terri­ tory are coming iu i-apidly. A high cfaiis man or wom-an of good social standing can soon fliake a small fortune takiug orders in- this community. Scud references and apply for terms quick, lus the tei-- ritory will all be assigned soon. Address T H E C O S 'rilJE X T A L PEESS, COECXJEAN BUn.DING, P ppo s it e-TJ>'itb» Sta tes T r e a s-- TJBT, W ASHINGTON, D. C. -3iA 5rtrFA C T trE Ea- Watei* W heels. Band Saws, Wood Lathes, Ealei-y Grinders, Sa\y Arbors, Gnite Ears, Job Oiistiags every description. Also mannfac'tn.ves Cauolixa CcfOK SrovB.-i, Heating Stoves, Hol­ low'W are and Feed Cutters, The Carolina Cook Stove ia sold on its M EEITS. Every Stove Guaranteed, For sale by E, E. HUNT, Mocksville, K. C. nnm^T f o r g e t to call at the Eed Front and See ottr new lot of ready' made skirts. W e carry a nice line of Dress Goods anil ✓ Trimmingj, W hite Goods, Lawns, Silks, Hamlrargs, Laces, Y o u W i l l F i n d O u r S t o c k C o m p l e t e and up to date. W e also carry a nice line of Shoes for all. W hen in Ulocksville give me a look. I will always make prices O. K . Tours anxious to please, J". T . B & I T Y . R ecord A gents. The following gentlemen' are an thorized to lake subscriptions for the E ecoed: M. \V.JIackie, TTadkinville, 17. C. D. I. Eeavis, Cross Eoads C hurih. W . G. Patterson, East Bend. C. B, Eeavis, Footeville, Ben Shore, G rant. S. F. Shore, Shore. J. C. Pinnix, M arler. A, P . W oodruft, Boonville. 50 YEARS’ E>:PERIE[-iCI£ LEGAL JfOTICES. Legal notices will be tiliargal or as follows: $3.00 notice for S2,50; $2.50 notices for $2.00; $5.00 notices for S4.00. 0. C. SANFORD, Agent, M otkivilie;N . O. Trad e Ms b k s D esigns . . V. • C opyrights &o.Anyone sonillnR a Bketr’n and drKriplion mayfinlcK Ir a sc « rta ’in o u r opm U m fre e w u o tn e r a c nyenMon ta probably patentnhlo, Conimuntc.i- tto n a B tric tlr conttdanU aL Iln n rto o o k u u I'a tc c b ; s e n t /rc o . O Jrtost n c cn c y f o r e e r jr io p p a te n ts . P rtterits ta ia n th ro u s!) M uim A C o . r c c e ir ' tpeeUUnoticc^ w U lio u t c hR rge, l a t a aScientific Jinjericaii A handaomely lllnatnitM weoklT. Ijanrcst ct colHtton of any scientlOc joamal. Terms. U w jenr; foar months, $L ^ lil by all rcwan.*ttJor'. M l)N N SC o.3B 'Eroai«a,.pjew Y Q rkBranch OfflMrCSi F SU Wasbtagton. I». C. Greensboro Kurseriss, •«GEEEKSBOEO, K, C., W e have a large surplus of standard W inter A pples. K'ow' is the tim e to Ect; place your order before fho asscrtment is broken. Special terms to those wish- in g to plant largely. Addros(<. JOHJT A . yOXJKG, Proprietor. M T H W RAILWAY. T H E . . . STASDA ED EA ILW A Y OF THE SOUTH. The Direct Line tc aU Poinfei j TE X A S, C A L IF O E IflA , FLO EID A , CUBA AN D POBTO EICO.! Strictly Fiiat Class Equip­ ment on all Through and Lv.- cal Trains. Pullm an Sleeping Carson all Kight Trains. Fast and Sale ischedules. T ra v e l b y th e S o iitb o m a n d y o u a r e a s s u re d a S a te , C om - tb i-tab le au cl a u litxpecU tioux •T ourney. A pply to Ticket Agents for T im e T a ’ bles, liates and General Infor­ mation, or address R , L . V E R N O N , F . R . D A R B Y T , P . A . C. P . & T . A . Charlotte S . C. AshRvillcK.C, NO TH0DBLI2 TO A K S ^llU tE ^C H 8 H. HABDWICK, ft. P . l . V 4 S H IN S T 0 N .D C S W S I B N N EW a tto rn e y -g e n e ra l ip JjIJjJJLg fL Q if |(| HH ible to Acree to the Russian De­ mand For Manchuria. The Presideat Appoints Philander C Knox to Succeed John W. Griggs. CANNOT FAVOR ANY ONE POWEK t i l s C o m m lis l o n W a s S lff n c d I iu tn c ili- a t e l y A f t e r Ul«» A c c e p t a n c e W a s A n n o u u c c d t o t h e C a W u o i. T h e F o r m a l N o llf lc a f lo n Sm j s T b » t , O w - l o g t o t h e A tt i t t i d e o f t h e P o w e r s , C h i n s ! • N o t A b le t o S ig n t h e S T a n - c h n r l a n C o n T e n tio n ^ C o n r t S a id t o D c - c p a l r o f a F e a c e f b l f ie t tlc m e n t . Pekin, China.—The Chinese Go vein- m ent has form ally notified Rnssin that Chinn, owing to the attitude of the Powers, Is not able to sign the Man* cUuria convenliou. “It Is China’s desire,” says the form al notlficatlcn, “to keep on friend­ ly term s w ith all nations. At present she Is going through a period which is the m ost perilous in the empire’s history, and it Is necessary that she ehonld have the friendship of all. “However much she m ight be will­ ing to grant any special privilege to one Power, when others object It Is impossible th a t for the sake of mak­ ing one nation friendly, she should alienate the svrnpathies of all others.” Li-Hung-Chang says this letter set­ tles the m atter definitely. Prince Cbing asserts th at every Chinaman except Iji-Hung-Chang was against signing the convention. J a p a n 's W a r l i k e A t t i t u d e . t<ondon.—“The Japanese press con­ tinues bellicose,” says the Yokohnma correspondent of the Daily ^rall. “Count Oknma. formerly Prem ier and now leader of the Opposition, de­ clares in an Incisive article that Japan m ust assert herself or the work of thirty years will he lost, Korea,” he says, “is not a Russian chattel, and Russia's action Is a direct ohallenge to Japan." ,. Washington. D. C.—President JIc- , Kiuley announced to his Cnblnet the appointment of P. C. Knox as Attor- ney*General to succeed John W. GriKgri, Immediately after the nu- nouncement Mr. Knox’s couiiuissioD was made out. Philander C. Knox was born in Brownsville, Penn., ou May C, 3S53. His father was David S. Knox, a banker. He attended Mount Union College, Alliance, Ohio, graduating in 1S72. In his college daj-s he became acquainted with l^resldent McKinley, who at that time was prosocntlng at­ torney for Stark County. After com- S i i t u o r o f I n n d ln ir W a r . *■ Canton, China.—It is reported here th at the Viceroy has received a tele- pram from the conrt to the effect th a t a peaceable sentiment of affairs is impossible. Tlie Viceroy Is de­ scribed as much disturbed by this communication. COUNCILMEN ARE COERCED. I f t d l f f n a n t C itU e n a P r e v e n t t h e G r a n d o g o f V n p o p n l a r S t r e e t R a i l w a y F r a n c h l i e a . K ansas City, Kan.—At a meeting 'Of the City Council some measures granting valuable franchises to the M etropolitan Street Railway Com­pany Were up for consideration. The balconies were crowded witli citi sens who oppose the measure, and when the Franchise Committee report­ ed favorably upon the bills, the crowd surged to the floor of the chamber, and only the more conservative ele* ment saved the Councilmen from vio­ lence. Ropes were In evidence, and serious trouble w as im minent for time. . Action on the measure was deferred until the nest meeting of the Council, but before adjournm ent the protest­ ing citizens compelled each Council man to stand on a table and swear th at be would vote against the grant­ing of the franchises, and the Mayor w as forced to sw ear th at be would veto the measure if passed. DRANK SH A RK’S B LO OD TO LIVE, S b l p w r e c k e d B te n P i c k e d U p A f t e r U a n y D a y s o f S n f r e r ln s . Cape Town, South Africa.—The Nor­ wegian bark Andromeda has landed a t this port part of the crew of the French bark Psyche. The men were picked up In mid-ocean after having undergone terrible sufferings. The Psyche, which w as bound from C aleta Bnena for the English Channel, w as wrecked on January 30. The cap­ tain and thirteen men entered a large boat and the mate and five men small one. The next day a sail w as sighted, and the mate’s boat attem pted to intercept It. but never returned. Several other ships were sighted, but the ship­ wrecked men were unable to attract their attention. Rough w eather Increased their suf­ferings. W hen the small supply of food w as exhausted a shark was caught and the men drank Its blood. The cook died insane and a sailor also succumbed. CHICAGO CORN KING SQ U EEZED. G o o r^ e H . F h t l l i p s . A tta c k e d b y t h e B e a r s , F a t s U p 8 8 0 0 ,0 0 0 i n M a rf f liis . Chicago.—George H, Phillips, leader of an arm y of farm ers and country in­ vestors in the Dull campaign In com, oats and wheat, w as attacked by the united bear forces of the Board of Trade, led by half a dozen great speculative generals, ^nd given such a fight as brokers will speak about for years to come. He saw three cents clipped oft the price of wheat, tw o cents off com and more than a cent off oats. H e put up $200,000 in margins, in addition to $600,(K)0 he had put up within three days. H e sacrificed all his wheat holdings in order to make himself stronger In com and oats. A t the end of the day he w as as confident as ever th at he would wlu in tao end. Now he predicts sixty cent com by the end of the month, Instead of fifty cent com, which he had talked be­ fore. I n c r e a s e d B e v e c n e i n H a l t e d K ln jr d o to . The revenue retum s for the United Kingdom for the year ending March 31 total $700,003,120, an Increase over those of the preceding year of $51 C09.470. s t e e l E x p o r t s I m m e c s o . Exports of iron and steel manufac­ tures from th2 United States continu'^ to increase. An analysis of the figures shows th a t the total for the eight months ending with February, 190L i{ $6,500,000 i3 excess of the i:nparal< leled figure of last year. l? e w T o r k !T ra d e T V K h I t a l y . A coatract has been signed by the various sliipiiing comp::uies ruanina between New York City and Italian ports for tha resnlation of emigration traffic and rateSj^ F o u n d S l I ^ O O i n S p a n i s h G o ld . A lot of Spanish gold, valued at $12,000, has been fouud In the wall of an old building at Damariscotta. Mo. The house w as sold recently and was being torn down. The gold was in au iron pot which had been placed in a cauvfls-covered box. It is believed th.it the treasure had ueen hidden for ■'uiore than 100 years. n a r r i s o n K e - £ i e c t c d B l a y o r o f C h lc a );D . Mayor Carter n . KaiTison V as re- d ettw l by (Uu‘ Di’iuovrats ot GUicago U^OB'.lng Judge Haaw.v. PBILUIDSE 0. KNOr. (Tbo new Attorney-Qouer.il.) Jones Murdered Millionaire Rice at Patrick’s InstigatioHi CONFESSION WITHOUT PARALLFL pletlng his college com*se Mr. K nos w ent to Pittsburg, and entered the law office of II. B. Swope, then Uni­ ted States Dlstrict-Attomoy, continu­ ing his services w ith Mr. Swope's suc­cessor, David Reed. Mr. Knox w as adm itted to the Allegheny County bar in January, 1875. Soon afterw ard he was appointed Assistant United States Attorney for the W estern D istrict of Pennsylvania. H e resigned this office in 1870 to resume private practice. In March. 1877, he formed a partnersliii) w ith J. H. Reed, -which exists at pres­ ent. Mr. Knox has been connected w ith many well-known suit.®. He was President of the Pennsylvania B ar As* soclatlon in 1807, and attracted ntten- tlon by an address before that body on corporation law. He Is a member of the Dnquesne Club, of Pittsburg, and w as its President three years. He is also a member of the Americus Club, the Pittsburg Golf Club and the P itts­ burg Country Clul). Ho also belongs to the Union Iveague and the Ij.'iwyers* Club, of New York City, and the Law* yers’ Club, of Philadelphia. MRS. NATION TO RULE THIS TOWN N e w O A lc la la o f C o n c o r d , K e b ., P l e d g e d t o A c c e p t H e r A d v lc o o n A U Q a e s tlo n s . Concord. N e b .-F o r the next yeiir this town will be conducted under the direct advice of Mr.**. Can*Ie Nation. This w as the Issue here, and the Carrie Nation ticket received nearly a unani­ mous vote. The temperance people put In nomination for Mayor Judge R. C. M itcheltree and a full City Council ticket. They signed the following pledge before being nominated: “We pledge ourselves to use all hon­ orable means to secure the services of Mrs. Carrie Nation as our solo adviser In our official duties, if elected, and to adopt no ordinance or measure of Im­ portance relative to the town’s govern­ment w ithout receiving Mrs. Nation’s approval.” The Mayor-elect said he had w ritten to Mrs. Nation telling her of the vote of the people, and the readiness of the new ofilclnls to acccpt her advice In all things municipal. An appropriation will be made to pay for her services. She Is asked to come to Concord as soon as possible for a conference. The greatest curiosity pi*evalls as to the result of the novel situation. Con­ cord Is a village of 1100. BO Y MADE A FU LL LIEUTEN AN T. A n U n n s o a l P r o m o t i o n I n t h e A r m y F o r G o o d W o r k . W ashington, D. C.—An appointment aas been made in the volunteer arm y that is unusual. Second Lieutenant Rudolf E. Smyser, of the Forty-sev- enth Infantry, has been raised to a first lieutenant In the same regiment, the commission to last during the life of the volunteer arm y. Lieutenant Smyser Is from York, Penn., and Is not yet nineteen years old. W hen the Spanish w ar came on he was under fifteen, and had to get the consent of his parents to join a Penn­ sylvania regiment aa a private. He made such a good record and became so popular th at he w as a second lieu­ tenant when th at regiment w as mus­ tered out at the close of the war. H is record in the Philippines has been a good one, and Senator Penrose is trying to have him made a lieuten* ant in the regular army. • 1 8 5 ,0 0 0 S h o rtQ G re I n H a n l l a . Lieutenant Frfederick Boyer, of the Thirty-ninth Volunteer Infantry, Chief Commissary for the Second D istrict of the D epartm ent of Southern Luzon, P. I., has been charged w ith misappro­ priating fifty cases of bacon and w ith other irregularities. It is alleged that the shortage in the commissary depot in M anila aggregates $185,000. K a m e F o r C o p D e f e n d e r . Constitution is the name for the New York Yacht Club yacht that has received ofilclal sanction as the craft that, if proved w orthy In the trial races. Is to defend the America’s Cup in the international race nest fall. A w A a M o r t a l i t y i n B t u s l a . Fam ine and typhus are raging throughout the Governments of K her­ son and Bessarabia and portions o£ the Governments of Kleff and Taur­ ida hi Russia. The m ortality Is thirty per cen t of the entire population. 'W h ite D o v e s F l y a t a I ^ u n c k i n K . Miss Mary P. Mallorj-, (laughter of President Mallory, released u .ilock of w hite doves as the now steam er Den­ ver, to run between New York City and Galveston, Texas, slid down the ways a t AVilmington. Del. The doves were covered w ith fragm ents of white paper, which floated in the air. A ^ l n a Z d o X o t C o m ln c ? H t P ^ e u t . Secretary Root, at \Vushluffti>n, said thejslories that Aguinaldo had befn In­ vited to come or w as com ms to' tye lu tljtt tut«w t h e n e w s e p i t o m i z e d Tlio S^»an|:c6t, Most Awfol Story T^vcr I l c a ^ I n .*» N e w Y o r k C o u r t T o ld h y C h a r l e s F . .le n p s . V o le t a i u l M u r d e r e r o f ■ W lllln m M a r s l i E ic e , t h e H e n n l t f l l l l l i o n a f r c —T h e F o r g e r y o f t h e W ill. New York City.—Charles F. .loucs, valet of the aged millionaire, W. M. nice, whose mysterious deatli resulted In the arrest of Jones and Albert T. Patrick, a law yer, on the charge of murder, made public a second confe.s- slon of his part in the crime. lie gave it under oath In the course of the ex­ am ination In Patrick’s case before Justice Jerome. It differed maferi.illy from his first “confession,” which was also sworn. In the former ho charged Patrick w ith the actual killing of Eice. In the latter he accused him self of the actual killing, but charges Patrick w ith Instigating the act. The valet makes the singular statem ent that Rice did not know Patrick at all, and saw him only once, and that tim e by accident. The forgery of the old man's alleged will w as also minutely detailed by the witness, who -was allowed to tell his own story w ith hardly any in terruption from counsel. The self-confessed m urderer told the story of the plot from its Inception. Jones began w ith his first acqimint* ance w ith Patrick In October, 1S09, when he called at Mr. Rice’s home In Madison avenue, but did uot see him. Ho told of the growing friendship, and of the gradual approach to the discus slon of Rice’s affairs, which resulted finally In propositions to defraud, and Jones yielded. Then came ihe story of the transfers and conveyances ot real and personal property to PatrieU over the forged signature of Rice; the stealing of the blank checks from Rice’s check book; their dellverj' tc Patrick and the forgery of Rice’s sig­ nature to them in blank; the proposi­ tion to piit the old millionaire out of the w ay by continuous doses of nier; cury to weaken him; tjie rejection, tlic w avering and the acceptance; the call­ ing In of a physician at frequent Inter­ vals to provide for the Issuance of a death certificate when tiie time cnnie. and the extrem e care witJi which this plan of slow poisoning w as carried out.Then, as calmly as though unfoldln.:; the plot of a dram a In whicli be was? Interested only as an auditor, .Tones led up to the day of the murder. He related how Patrick had furnished him w ith mercury pills of different compo­ sition from those first administered; how the old millionaire defeated the purpose of the plotters by refusing to take them. Tlien, Jones said, Patrick began to display impatience. He brought tw o ounces of oxalic acid to Jones, and Jones swears he told him to dilute one ounce In tw enty times Its weight In w ater, and give the mixture to Rice for the purpose of wcakeninq his heart again. One dose w as not ef­ fective. It w as tlie cum ulative effect that w as depended upon to dispose of the aged millionaire. The oxalic acid w as too slow for P at­ rick, according to the confes.«ion. and .Tones w as asked to get chloroform and laudanum. Ho sent to Texas for them. They came by express and were delivered to .Tones, who turned them over to Patrick. This, the valet said, w as followed by a meeting in the street w ith Patrick, who told him that the old man m ust be put out of the w ay at once; that .Tones should do the work, and th a t there would bo no harm in It because Rice had thre.i- tened to poison ’jIs own w ife years ago. Jones says he resisted this command to commit m urder for a lime, but finally yielded. He described his return to Mr. Rice’s apartm ents, and finding the old man sleeping peacefully in bed; lio told of his stealthy search for a napkin, and the fashioning of it into a cone shape, as directed by Patrick, and the pin­ning of a sm all sponge In the mouth of the cone. Then he told of saturating napkin and sponge w ith chloroform, and holding It over his own nostrils to test the effect. It w as a t this point that the crowd In the court room became still. .Tonca continued his story w ithout a break or a trem ble in his tones. H e described his approach to the bed w ith the satur­ ated napkin In his hand, the placing of It over the old man’s face, the hold­ ing of It in place for a moment, and then the flight from the room, and the w ait of thirty minutes. In accordance w ith Patrick’s Instructions. At Iho expiration of that time he returned, he said, and found old man Rice dead. H e threw open the windows, to free the room from the odor of chloroform, telephoned to Patrick th at the deed w as done, sent for a physlclnn, and, after expressing his grief for his em ployer’s death, w'ent to bed and fell into a sound sleep. No w ords nor phrases in t?n?c can convey the coolness and steadiness of the w itness as he related these several circumstances, which he swore w ith uplifted hand w as the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, nor is It possible to present a faithful word picture of the attitude of the man ac­ cused of plotting the crime. Patrick listened w ith attention, and occasion ally made notes. H is hand w as as steady as a rock. H is face w as an im­ mobile mask. H e displayed neither anger, fear nor resentm ent in his eyes or in facial movement, and w hen Jones reached vhe description of bow the Bleeping m an w as smothered, Patrick stroked his beard The confession w as the climax of a rem arkable recital, in which was laid bare the details of a subtle con­ spiracy which had for Its object the seizure of three million dollars in cash and negotiable seiiurities and the conversion of three millions In realty to the uses of the chief conspirator. A t the close of the hearing Assist­ an t Distrlct-Attorney Csborno was asked when he got the second con fesslon from Jones. Osborne said hc> got it about tw o weeks after Jones made the attem pt on his life lu thr •Tomba TTASniXCTOX ITUMR. Cener.ll SfncArtlinr cnbk’S thnt fi.S' ()pr cciit. of liis men are fick—In all ann. rreslilent SIcKinley siBnpil the nev; cmnnilssions of fienerals l'’iiustou, W henton nml Smilll. Tlio Unltoil Rtnfos -ivill not take r.-irt in irnrrlsoulne tlie IVkiu-Takn line, and prefcr.s disn'iiutlins to raz.ns 111? Chinese forts. Secretary Cinc^e bought $2.000.00(^ four iii-r cV-nt. lionil.<! In tlie uiarlcot, to llie .flirin-iso of Wall rtrert. Sliocki'cl bv roporia of extensive fraiiijs In tlio Commissary Departm ent in tlie I’liillliplnes. War ncpartment ofllclals have ordered a full investiga­ tion. Oovernmcnt otnccrs are trylnpr In vahi to get au ofTor for the transport Terry, which cost $150,000, besides ?2r>,d00 for refitting. Secretary Gage reduced his estlmnte of tho surplus on Juiio SO from $80,- 000.000 to JROO.OOO.OOO. rresldent MoKhiley appointed dele- gnt(>s to tlio r.'ni'American Congress find members of the St. Louis World’s l’’nlr Commission. Three million ncres of public land In Iho Kiowa ludlnu Re.servatlon may be opened to settlors under a Govern­ ment lottery plan. OUR ADOPTKT) ISJ.ANDS. The Phil’ipplnes Commission formu- /;ired n new scheme for municipal and provincial government for the archi­ pelago. The relations between the House and Senate of the Hawaiian Legislature are inufh strained owing to quarrels over rights and courtesies. yiiiyor Pedro Grinan, of Santiago, Cuba' was exonerated from tiie charges preferred against him and reinstated. Since Agulnaldo’a surrender many i-lfies iiave been surrendered by Insur- ;ents. The son of former Congressman Crowley was arrested in San Juan. Porto Rico, in connection with alleged postal frauds. Oovernor Alien appointed sixty-eight Police Judges and established a new code for the District Courts of Porto Rico. ________ DonrKSxrr. Tiia New^ York Legislature finally passed the IdU nmendlng the charter nf X( w York City. Commander Houotte, of the French praetioe ship Dugeray Trouiu, was formally welcon\ed to Raltlmore, Md., by the Mayor of that city. Cenernl George C. (“TiTe”) Ander- ron. tiie famous Confederate brigadier, died at Anniyton. Ala. A liullot In the head killed Mrs. Ceovge Ilencscer. of Memphis. Tenn., the liusTiand being arrested, suspected of murder. Kentucky ordered an armed quaran­ tine against Tennessee on account of small-pox. Colorado’s Legislature expired by [imitation. Former State Senator Alonzo White­man, of Duluth, Minn., who passed a worthless check, w'as convicted ofl grand larceny at New York City. Many arrests were made and prison­ers held for trial in New York City for violating the law against expectorat­ ing in public conveyances. Rolla Wells. Gold Democrat, was rlccted World's Fair Mayor of St. Louis, Mo., by from 8000 to 10,000 plu- rality. Mrs. Lawton, at Louisville, Ky., has received a letter from Major John G. Ballancp, at Vlgan, South Illcos, P. I.. saying the name of the Plaza of Yigan has been changed to “General Lawton Square.” Rear-Admiral A. J. Read took com­ mand of the Portsmouth (N. H.) Navy Yard, vice Rear-Admiral Bartlett J. Cromwell, who is to take command of the Pacific squadron. Municipal elections were held throughout Arkansas, and In nearly every instance w'here party lines were drawn the Democratic nominees were elected. The United States Naval Academy’s fencing team defeated the team of French midshipmen In Annapolis, Md. Oue razor served to kill Christian Lelx and Jacob Mooth, at Mayville, Mich.. ^looth being the murderer and suicide. .Toseph A. Colln, a New York post- office clerk, concerned In stealing $43,- DOO In registered mall, got four years in Sing Sing. The Grand Jury handed up five In dictments as the result of the demoli­ tion of the isolation hospital at Orange, N. J., by mob violence threfe weeks ago. The Women’s University Club of New York refused to admit women physicians as members. Smallpox Is bothering the health au­ thorities of St. Joseph, Mo. The skin of Farmer Frank Krlp- plinger, of Bluffton, Ind., Is turning black. Discoveries of oil wells in Fountain Valley, Colorado, have temporarily overshailowed gold speculation and caused a rush to file claims. 'H E T A E I F F IM B IiO G L lO RUSSIA'S RETALIATION ACA’NST THt UNITED STATES. P r o o i t n o n t P e o p l e . Senator W. P. Frye, of M amt, nas gone to San Domingo in search of health. Attorney-General Griggs is a chess enthusiast. F or out-of'door exercise he takes to golf. J. Pierponc Jlorgan has donated a valuable collection of m inerals to the Museum of N atural Historv, at Ne*., York City. It Is recalled th at this Is the secoml tlm a ihut Mr. Cleveland has boeii Ih t wjl.v m jug forfti^i' PregUleut oP \h^ '- J F O R B I G X . Incediaries burned the palace of the Governor of Trieste, Count Gless, In the Austrian Tyrol. One hundred and fifty-five municipal physicians at Lelpsic, Germany, struck for better pay and more considerate treatment. A merchant of Liverpool, Englhnd, promised to pay a reward of $">00 to the officer commanding the company which shall capture General De Wet. Five persons were killed by soldiers during political riots In Para, Brazil Elections in Denmark resulted in an overwhelming defeat of the Govern­ ment party. Prince George of Greece, the High Commissioner of the Powers, has dls missed the Foreign Minister, M. Venl selos, for having said Crete should be independent. A bad outlook for the steel trade Is reported from Great Britain. The consular reports for the last three months, which are slowly com­ing in, seem to show a decrease of ex­ ports throughout Germany to tte Uni­ ted States. The flagship of Prince Henry of Prussia, the Kaiser Friedrich III., ran ashore near Arcona and was seriously damaged. The new German loan of 300,000,000 marks was largely oversubscribed. Lord Kitchener lias granted permis­ sion to three Rand mining companies to resume work with fifty stamps each. LI Ilung Chang has left Pekin for China, giving the excuse that he is in­disposed. A earthquake shock was fel'. at Consiaiiiiuople, Turkey. T h e steam er P ariE . o f a co ast line, fQWUdeieu off NgrtUumberlftttd, di*ow«- lag sin s 8S TKE LECI^UIURl. SccreUrj Action in t5»e IrtuUer CouiitorvrtfU.»s Undo? Sc.cm* t«» Kml>oldenGd Iho Treo Trailrr-* I'rishlcncd Soino Tiiuiil l*volccU In tlie vast quantity o£ L-omuu-nt called forth by the diM.-lsiou of Scciv- tary Gage regarding tlio enrorccuicn of the Dingley law relating to com:- tervailing duties and the relaiiatory action of the Uu.ssian Government m connection willi that decision, it gratifying to encounter the cool com­ mon .sense, the level-headed logjc. wiih which this question is treated editor­ ially by the Cincinnati Times-Star. This is all the more refreshing in view of the contrast which It presents lo liie attitude of a consideral)le portion oi the newspaper press oC Iho Unitou States on the s-’ame subject. ^Vilh one accord and actuated by the cotujnon impulse of discrcdillni! the protection policy, the free trade Democratic jour­ nals liave sprung to the front v.'ith in> perativo demands for the repeal of the Dingley tariff. Nothing short of w»i>* ing this law from the Federal statute books will satisfy them. To these su­ perior minds It docs not matter tiiat the decision of Secretary Gage was rendered in obedienet* to a mandatory provision which left him no dlserclion or option; it is of no consequence Ihnt the decision serves and was iulended as the shortest possible route to a ju­ dicial determination of tlio question whether Russia has been evading Uie sugar bounty provision of our laws by roundabout methods; uot of the least importance is. in their judgment, the plain fact that the neglect of our Gov­ ernment to enforce countervailing du­ ties on Russian bounty-fed sugars have been construed and resented l»y other bounty paying countries as dis­ crimination against them and undue favoritism toward Russia. None of these considerations alToct (lie free trade Democratic newspapers. They denounce the Secretary’s deci.sion as provocatory of a Continental com­ bine for -he puii)o.sc of shutting out all Imports of American products, and they demand the repeal of the Dingley law and the abandonment of the Amer­ ican system of protection as the only way out of the ditficulty. Here and there a weak-kneed, half-hearted pro­ tectionist newspaper expresses similar alarm, and In cfTect counsels a similar surrender. To the latter class of shlv- erers, as well as to the considerable element of domestic producers to whom the programme of European re-, taliation presents itself as somelliing so terrible in its consequences as to justify any and all sorts of concessions for the sake of effecting a compromise —to all such comes with peculiar perti­ nency this pointed Interrogation of the Times-Star: ‘Do the manufacturers who .are pro­ testing against the present Russian tariff imbroglio ever stop to consider this proposition: ‘If the American tariff is to be altered every time some European nation liuds its provisions objectionable, what will ultimately be­ come of the protective policy?’ ” ‘Oho!” says the free trade Democra­ tic propagandist, “it is ca.sy euougli to answer that question!” So It is. from that point of view. The answer is as easy and simple as was that of the em­ inent Tammany otTicehoIder when ho disposed of a great issue with the fa­ mous exclamation: “To hell with re­ form!” Substitute protection for re­ form and you have in a very brief phrase the free trade Democratic so- 4utlon of the Russian tariff imbroglio. But is that the answer to be given by our industrial captain, and by the doubting Thomases of the half-breed protectionist press? Saj's the Times- Star: “They must not forget that there is In existence in tliis country a party which is wrapped up in the free ti-ade Idea, and which in every speck of the horizon sees n tariff war which will justify them in i^houting tlieir disas­ trous doctrine. They must not forget that this party is desperate for a new Issue to present to the people, and that if it could take up the tariff issue In now form ■would willingly do so, though their underlying hatred to the protective principle would be but lily concealed. “It is probably true that the present situation is disastrous to some indlvid ual enterprises, but not in the degree which It w as at first sought to Impress upon the public. Don’t let European nations get the Idea that when Russia to whom w e sell less than one-half of one per cent, of our total exports, threatens to cut off that intinltesimal trade, we are prepared to bow down and alter our tariff laws, or other Gov em m ents of more moment to us as cus tom ers may decide th at it is i)ossible for them to secure like changes. “Don’t forget th a t all commercial Europe Is alarm ed at the aggressive commercial and industrial gi*owth of America, and th at the leading econo m ists of the Continent are urging just such a policy. Don’t forget that these features are not to be overlooked and th at they involve questions of more mom ent to the American m anufactu- rer-than the trade w ith Russia.” Talk of this kind is good for weak knees and lame backs, if taken prom ptly and in liberal doses its effect as a tonic and a nerve stim ulant can not fall to be beneficial in all cases where diagnosis clearly Indicates the need of som ething to brace up w ith W e commend It to all those who per­ ceive in the displeasure of any for­ eign country, or of all foreign coun­ tries, if it shall come to that a good and sutEcient reason for abandoning the policy of protection to American labor and industry. wPmS not K o t b i n e t o F e a r . D riven thereto by American compe- tiOon, there is some talk of G reat B ritain abandoning iier policy of free trade ana giving protection to some of Iier domestic indDBtries. B ut Amer­ ican enterprise lias now made sueli strides tiiat it has nothing to fear from such a change.—Minneapolis Tribune. M iik e r a o t F l a ^ s . to theUnited States. They have an lnvest->d capital of *12,000.000 ana pay in W ork of fh e A djcuriscd S ession— Sm all A llcndancc. The adjouraed session of the legis­ lature moi on W ednesday, with four Conators and twelvo membars of the Louse present. A few bills wore pas;- ed. these b d s s loo^l 1° nature, with a tow verbal corrections in bills P2EMJ (lurlns Vlio resuiar Ecssloa. Ti;o point oi "no quorum' raiEcd. THURSDAY’S SESSION. The adjourned session of the Gen- j era! As£«ai.'jly Thursday ga.YO anotiier vigorous tu rn to tie wlieei ot legisla­ tion and then adjournerl sine die. Both Houses n:et a t noon aad re­ mained lu session som ething like an hour and a half, passing ‘bills and ratifying acts. It was an easy-going sort of body, with five members and the Speaker in the Hoaso, and three Senators and the prealde®t pro tern in the Senala They did not stand mneh on the form­ ality o£ thins3—'.-hOio nine Bolons— for they would pass a bill or tv/o aad ijien sit uround and ch.'it and laugt till somcibody else lirought in a bill they warned passed, and then they'd jTi-ind th at oiSr. _ Th«y began by appointing Louli J olinron a justice of the peace for IJorso Creek townsiilp, Ashe county, ana ended by i.lioll'obing the om ca ol Earoillng Cleri: and pu/Mieg the en- volHng business under chlirgo the Sccrcltary if State. He is to have it done at ten ccJits a copy sheet. This bii! was introSuccd at the regu­ lar Sfisiioa of the Legislature and w ert through tlie House, bot \ras prom ptlj tabled in the. Senate. Tha.t body, how. aver, seeirs to have change its mind— ait aniy rate it f^ook the bill off th« table and passed it and sent it back to' the House for concurrence In an am endment.W hen it arrived and w as read some surprise waa expressed a t its appear­ ance thero a t this time, and Mr. W atta of Iredell, said: “1 don’t ki';Ow wflicther we ought to rnira th at bill or not. It looks lo me | like we are geiiling rid ff£ nw st all of I our patrinago. Some of us mighjr com© down here again and have some people th a t we m ight w ant to get in office.” ^ ^ Mr. W inslcn said the House had passed the MU once and he didn’t see how it could afford to 'back wajtCT now. T te till w ent 'through and the En­ rolling Cierit’s oIElca is a thing of tha past. T H E H O U S E . The folicming bills were introduced and passed in the House: By Mr. W inston; Au Act appoint­ ing I-ouis Johnson a Justice of the peace for K orse Crc«k .township, Ashe county. This nan’-c wus lott out Ot i;he enrolled omnibus m agistrate bill passed by the recent Legislature. By Mr. W inston; An Act supple, menital to an act to am end ch.ipter 82, Laws of 1898. This corrects an error in the enrollm ent of an act providing for an issue of l^onds 'by th© city of Xew’Dcrn. The original act provided that the bonds should he of denomina­ tion? not grca'ter than $1,000 nor less than. $10; the enrolled act reads “not greater than ?1,000 nor less ithan $10,- 000.”By Mr. Vi^atts; An Act to increase the num ber of coJnmissioncrs for Ire­ dell county from three to five. ■By Jlr. "Watts; A resolution in re. g.ird to adjcurnm eat o£ 'uhe General Assembly. Bv Mr. W inston; An A ct permit- tin s all per?on3 rG<;uired to give bond to the Sliite a; N orth aarolino. to give such bond in a surety company, to b.: duly anorovcd ar.-l subjeo; to such regnlallona as the Governor and the denartmc-nt in vrtiich the '.;ona is given w ay prescribe. Additional security m sy 'he required whenever it is deemed ncccssary. Tiie foilovrtcg 'oills sen't over from the Senate v.'ore psfsod by th e House; An Act abolishing th e office ot Enrolling Glerk and putting the work ot that orriccr in the nands ot the Secretary of f'ttJte.A t 1:30 Speaiter Tr.oorc declsred the General Assembly of N orth Carolina adjourned sine die. TH E SENATE. Senator I.ondon, president pro tem., called tiie Senate to oruer Qt 12:10. There w«ro Ihreo other Sena,tors pres- en.t; Arring'loa, W oodard and Brough- ton. A resolution from the House that tho General Asaombly adjourn sine die a t 12:30 'A-as passed. The tollowing 'bills w ere passed on their saveral readings: H ouse bill, to Increase the number o! commissfoners of Iredell county to five, to become effcc-Uve after She nexi general election. H ouse hill, to elect Louis Johnson a justice o t the peace for Horso Creek township, Ashe county. The bill to abolish 'the oulce of en- roliing clerk and put this duty in the hands of th e Secretary of S:ate, was taken from th e table and passed. A bill introduced by Senator Wood­ ard increaeing the num ber ot com­ m issioners for W ilson county to five after 1902, was passed. ■President Ix>ndon then ratified the bills awa.Mng his signature, and the Senate adjourned sine die. TH E LAWS e n a c t e d . 'Following are th© bills passed a t this adjourned session and duly ratified by the presiding houses:Amending the Judicial D istrict act of 1901. Amending the W ayne stock law T o allow clerks per diem and mile­ age for this adjourned r y \ HE life ot pain ott 1 «>akestl.ei,eaf.j peace. slior.-rscaubrlnsnob'^i to seedless soil. Opportuniii.j make olill5all,,cs Aer,thetic3 lie Imilt oa ctliips The social „rd table IS tho <.m. Icse of eanililin;. The Yoke nr Christ is made tor two, Himscit aal | No diiy can be lircii twice. Wakefulness is not walctifiiinps; A troubled corriciencc nukfc a hard I pillow. ' The loose tongue usually betokens a rattle-brain. Yovj sins may overtcp |,„t they can. I not cover one and: her. iS o m e c h u r c h e s a re neeccrs c t money I in s tO ’id o f fis h e rs o f m en . ' Every church ought t.i Inve a corral I for the kicker to air his licels. The world needs aa Insiilc religioa I evidenced in cutslilc realities. Tiio branches grow out of the vice | as long 3s they stay in tl.e vine. Tho wise man is like a tree. h?:a(i-| 'ing often but never dinngini; ijjsc. A few who oan live trr< h a;o iKtlcrl than mtiny who talk of ilyin^ tor it. I When you seek lo bjlance rirhejl w;ith right tic one will rifo as tli.;| •o th e r fa lld . The church thnt is at poirc wlthl wickedness can never know the peatel of God. Every knave Is an uuconscioxts fooll You can tell a m:m’s price v. ix^n you I fcrjow 7.''hat ho will do for a princiDl'!. f Love has a lo g ic o f iiis ow n. A w in d - b r e a k o fte n h id es the sun. | T h e S c u lp to r a iiJ l i i s AVori:. w seriously In l K ™jll have and Comndsslonor of i th e prospect Of ' '" ’tiiCT tbousbtlul m en J ' the outlook for an ind vras askd To regulate fees ot witnesses officers in Iredell county. To strike out W ake county from ithe prim'aiiy election act. T o allow the people of Mitchell county to vote on a compulsory school aistendance law. , . ^ . To am end the county board ot edu- cation act so far as CaUwha is con­ cerned (correcting a nam e). To allow 'the increase to ?300,000 of the capital stock of the Goldsboro Lum ber Company.To appoint J. B. P C erson, G. W. Langstln and W. H. Collins and ers, justices of the peace in W ayne *^°For^the relief of B. B- K nch, public school teacher in TO Provide tor the puDlicalion o f the proceedings oif tho court ot im- ’^ o '^ t a c r ^ e number ot eommlssion- ors In Iredell county. To abolish tho otHce of enrolll'Dg In craae n u m to • r s lu W liso n oounty. B o th th e H oM * H 4 fip V * •« » ^ The doctors have discovereil a w nervous disease, which thoy d. rm atinitis.” It ainicts young wonv of cicctional tcmporanient. and is can cd by looking at tho stars two-thirty and five in tho afternoon- SO UTHERN RAILWAY. Ocntral T im o JasksoaviUe and E ftsto rn Tim e o t O ther Pointa. S c h e d u le in E ffe ct J an. 27th. IML BOBTHBOXn«S. Lt. J a c k so a v lU o (F .•' Bavannah (J4o. Ry.)..* *• E a r u v r o U ............................. " B ia o k v iilo ------- is. C olttinhi.^......................... Lv. C harleston, (So. B y .:..................................... *• B ra a c h v U lo ..................... *' O r a u g e b a r g.....................•• KinffviUo................... A r. U o lu in b ia .......................... •V. Au«iiaia, ISO. Kf.)....V. U i-au itev iU o ............. iV. A i k e n ................................... A*. .................................................“ Johaston...................A r. Q olum bia,Lv. ^ iu m b la , (BitlB a t...“ 'W im isboro...................... " O be:itor ............................ “ K o c k H ill......................... A^r. Ch arlo tto ..................— A r. D an v iU e A r. K lohm ond ^ ’oshingtoa .■■■;-■........ “ E altim oro iP a.B B )........ F M io d o ip b ia “ K cvt Y o r k .. E/pTCv’um bia . . . . Ax. 2?pA 7tanbttrg.“ ArthcviUe ... ____A r. K noyylU o ........... • A r ^ c i n n a U . . . . . ^ ^ ^ 4 ^ ; - ^ : - A r. X xm isyilio................. “ iW 'Illi'’' BOirrnnouKn. Lv. K aox^e Asho>’Ule •' bportanbarg Ay. Ooitttnbift ______ Lv. ^orkiPa-K.B) —• • •“ ....................................... E altim oro ..........r.T. Wimhl’itfn |bo.RyJ^^- us!:-r^'T bM >i^ '. L v. K i'3/im ona...........r A r. O oiuinlUulumbia, Jo h n s to n . “ T r e n to n ..............Ar. Aikon ............A r. G n in itev illo .... Ar- A ugnata ‘ ......i s / •iw ji2 i3 i l l i l i f Lv. (Joiuinbla Ibo- ..................................................•• .....................................•' .....................................'* ...................................... A r. U h a r le ^ to a ...........Lv. Ooirunbia ibo. Ky.).....•• .....................................“ ..................................... S a v a c n a h ■ .........At .Tg-y^^^nTil-e — Sl.epin*C arSarV -c- si . cly ori’alin.tta ^^j^.rvator? VfJ Uoi’jnibi'v r-»„^“',i(5oJOTnbi»-, twcea Cbar^'s on ana uudV-n.-aunisb. ^ Mwl- .J V.\ ti.TA .'JA .. f /t r o m th e heavy m o ^ ’T l generolly supposec “ jt l^ « e a g o w ill be dJ 'T ’coHoo^ n " farm ers to I of fertiliser v o { »®f“tore in’“C w g e o r th o a m o - m tJ •‘I’® f^re Is IncroaseiJ. 4 .. 4iii3ffO nti In i -„T ea“ “ u t the salea ■ *'’irt of th e Increased 1 C r t a favorable season I IhU Is -Ite reason for tne pi| l r ' l " p r ! c ? “‘o n d o u | Ibero was no prospect tor I l a t h i s season than f ' S frture cotton wou« ''^5A ?trtho experience oH [tOT«ver, continued <iie cod ’l cannot heliove thnit our N farmers are going to at the sacrifice of food pre U tho past ‘y comefincc th^e war, and this been accomplls^hcd by the ted. A few years ago. atta brousht about five cent tanner then-.soKes by raising home supplies^ Ing cc.'ton and tobacco lart pi® crops. It they con,llnl n;)llcy, as I cannot but Tplll* they co t reap I of tho high prices of tM years, but at c.ny rate swaxipod by IndelKednes* Is tW o ovidence of a _ crcQ5« in acrcage thronghj “The sE.me danger e x | southern States of ioo II crease of cotton, but effoP made by leading farm erd organizations in th e snoilfi tbe fa.rrccrs to within nife lx>und. The I era Association la talitni in flhls direction in alu etates. MfliJ. G raham . J of the NorrtU Carollnxi ^L organization, h'ss is s u a j iDg the farm ers of the c| in this StSiie -to Bpcctlve court bouses discuss the preson.t c o tl and for protecting the P pocslblc from adverse I Graha.m aptly sayl “If V.TQ wl&h to susm I price for future crops w a glut on tthe markeft L crop when prcxluccd. I acroase th-ls year -will P degreo the price of hand, and reduoo tha An E lectric ] Elkin, Special.—Th of the elcctric road 1 Sparta are having thej This company which d from tho last Ijegisl| such public spirited Chatham, \V. C. Fiell Doughton. It w ill bJ this eectio-a and b rin | this portion of tho i the sumnior. riaj. Martin’s! The M artin csmbezl f'TrJs coctMnues to a The 512,000 of Sa>tur4 $15,000, and: the cndl tlon of the books la Nottody, save possll can guess wihat th e ! when, the iraveatlgatf ^>lcfced. M any -are i ^ill reach thr©e or aow k n o ^ to h av f htm. The w onder »uoces3fully eludec long a tim e. It is : tould l^ v e stolen. . from ithe ponitenltia have done the saml * public institution fl tcDp bekrw cost o l ^uaition Is in our I w’ganlza.tion nothii pl«JLed.» Oommlssioner * ^ not too H«t)e to tte la-ni^ intended crop, and tiie a good crtjp of CO Mainly be on the <tency of food cro, ^ a t of the coCton downward.** N ew ton C Newton, Speclall Ca-tavrba College " 031 May 12th an The m arshals fo., electea Friday nil P^we is chief. 1 thean Socioty w l ^W w eli, Piney I W ariicit, R eepsvl N ew tonl Atht'iaaan S o cie t/ Gray, M aitiitdalJ Erick ObuTcb, I v m , 9t UAH'S COTTON ACREAGE. |IE showQnOod’s “fo>^uL‘s r f - - « „ , - ^jj^V lll P“‘ Pf*“ » hZtlo. ««esUon in N orth IS Sio fear th a t the {ax- * »ln« ■» seriously Injure , ^ by planting so laJige a crop .tat ■wo will have another f^aitoa crop. Mr. S. 'U Pat- '-yte Coni'missloner ot Agrl- fre that prospect ot a big Is troubling Mm as it Is Totter tbouffhtful men In ithe ' '" o . HlmsoTt , : l i'-cd twice. Of "-atchtulness. nukes a harfl I'STially betokens a i-rl= p b u t they, -« o .c e r s „ t :„o„e,j low out of fJ- >n the vine, like a tree, bcmI.' ‘■’■^'ising base. live trr-:h arf» i.r* aik of dyins tor t lo bdlance rich, |ne will ri.ij ;is a t poacc I'v cr know the Will Ia n uaconscioi:^ foo] ^ n n ’s p r ic e v rh e n yoj 1 d o f o r a p rin c ip le . ■ of its own. h id e s th e su n . ^ aiiul I lls n i : p v e discovered a n j w hich they nr: I atnicts young won npcram cnt, and is ( I Jit the stars betw© ; *0 in the afterno RAILW AY.! flasksoaviile and 6avi ne at Other Points. I Effect Jan. 2Tth. 103L H f T ).......... ■ » r- }.......... No.S T i 5 12351 4 a ^ oifit KoMDidiy J S pl2dA4 mi£8a010a ru e 7 ^ 86Se 9 29b 1016a 1100a 11^ ■ J.......... 40Sp417P 71S-J I p U dla 0OIFP 1016$ ■ 11 OOP • '! ! $ : 020a i 72a»ii SlSai: 64Sal^ II I B p ] dXap ■< S ', a.)......... ■ id ff tit.......... B ........ uuua i . ..J ..............1 81£t 2590 1 d£Sa j 1 .......................J 140ti 8 OpJ 7 6V 4 Sa i l ^ J t 4 5 a j 7 40p 7^.« J ....... |b o . K y ).. i?e (P.8.>... Ip ia C Servioa. J .-a—Kuw York oad I foopt tonnday, conipoa^M pau Qixcet Dran-io^ fioor* JsJioiit and Observatory ( 1;-'Jc. Ooliaal.-ia And i>t. Auj i^ W e ^ bet^eeo Aug- !-■» iork, nxaa fi-om *u * l^.'ajkVlUe. Purior <•s'oii tt.i'j OoJombla.M''*—>i'ew Vork and .' B n ^ T tx tm tUcOiiar cars I■ i^'ow^ VorJc JPui)moo d■ : iirs bo; weon Port Ta^fl■u.iau \Va.-ihfiigtonaiid V« ■ :uf7 caiB bo;-n-cOJ C lu irtf mJ.:uug cani between Of * W r . s . Pn.-rt M aii. .■'■‘fierfxjiK buiTet BJecpiag ■KivitK- nad N ow yorV ^ ■ orirs b oivreon A ugiw fa ^Br c/ira .'Wiro nil moajs ' ff: iag rcT:} l>cfwflea J r' fe o a ro u to d a iJ r befw ee ffJiji-fli, v ia A sSevfne.H. B .SA S WKshiDg| i .itrii- M gr., ih .c . outlook tor ^.n tn crc^e '-;:fn»acrMScr w asask o d th e .5„or. He said-. r,>,tfron> rooTemcnt V- It is tlie evldenit purpose pla.nt very large ! ;s gcnerolly supposed that f will be devoted 1*^ rt,-,on though there is a ^ .non" f.irDiors to use a ? J f « ot fertilizer per acre rn'ore. In either case, whe- .f „ " ;.ig e o r th e a n .o ^ to tte - ■ ''% « is incroas^. t t e re- sn IncrMsed yield. judge an Increased ,f nf fe rtiH z e rs ? ., It- reports of lertlM zer in- ^ ^ ^ S o Irelo o W n safterth e le- tie tratfle te rtllU e i^ fnd „Vnsod sale ot fertlllzCT me <ale« of last year w ere uu- ” caW hut the sales th is sea- '-'^d all past records. I caa- “fo f course, tM l all o r r o'She increased .pmrchas« frfiirers will go undor cotton. 1 K m e portion .>111 ge under V ftru X crops, but the ^ mresslon seems t o be ■llhat m ost ritl bP (JeTOted lio cotton. C ^ i l l be the c ftc t o t a largo te was asked, firiih a favorable season, It the in proportion to the acreage K lr to r that the larTDers toU'C s 't^ te g r e tth e in a U n g o ts o a cio.n. I tear we shall sea five tliS^k that this fertm zei was no prospect lo r » t , rtU Sfason than -was raised last fntv.T« cotton would go up i ’l Jninp. which would effect pres^ "fficj the experience o t th e past, |..™rcr continued th e oommlssloner, !;nr.>ot believe tbolt our N ortli Caro- formers are going to ra,ise c < ^ n P'-lf fjcritioe ot food products. Dur- •th? piot two y ^ r s they have be- -."independent than a* any tim e I-'; tte wtir, and this result has '^^3 rcDmplishod by the policy adop- P’ A. y^s.rs ago. after the pasilc i-M about five cent cotton, the »ier ma.J3 them selves independent Jr„l=in? home supplies and produc- vinton and tohacco la,rgely a s sur- tis crops. It they continue this wise i,Ucv as I cannot but believe they ril-'thev roar not reap the boneftts ■Jf'tio li ii pi-lees of the ja st tw o lars. bm at any rate they w ill no t be ■fBTD^cd by IndcKednesa. U tb<T0 c-vldence of a general In- ®35<! in acreage through tbe South? ■Tte same danger exists in other toith'm States of too large a n In- otsm c! cotton, hnt el£oi>ts are he'ng lafc bv leading farm ers and tanners oro-i:kions in th e South 50 per- stss> tSe farmers to keep the aw eags wi;Mn life bound. The Cotlon Grow. «5 Affociatioa 13 ts ilo g active rteps 2 *ls direction in all th e c^-O n Ettt-p. G r a b a m , t h e p r e s id e n t c( tte Xorth Carolina branch o t *hl3 mgiclKl'cn. h5s Issued a notice urg- l3g tbe farmers of the cotton counUes ic this S t-ite '".o aftH Jm b le a t t h o i r r e - gpectWe c o n r l b o u s e s t o c o n s id e r a n 4 &CUSS5 th e pr6 scQ .t c o tlio n c o n d itio n s , asd for p ro te c tin g th e p r ic e a s far as poc?ible fro m a d r e r s o m a n ip u la tJ o G S . MaJ. G raha.m a p tly s a r s : “If Tna wish to snstalo the present price for future crops w e m ust prevent a glut on ilhe maTket and own the ere? TThen prcducod. An excessive acro3ee this ye^r will affect t^o sonie fiegrec tlie price of cottOQ now on bud. anfl reancs th a t ol tb e next An Electric Road. Hkin, Special.—The incorporatxjTs ot Lhe ek-ctric read from E lldn to £?aria are having the route surveyed. TMs company which secured a cfcanber the last Legislature, em braces E’-ch public spirited citizens as Hug-h ^atiGTO. w . C. Fields and R. G. ^tw^htou. It will be a bles^ng to Iliis sertioa and bring fthousands to tji>s poTnion Of tho moTintains Co spend «ie 8ua:mor. n oj. M a rtin 's S h o rta g e . The Ji.arlin embez7lame:^t 'a! p^.iblic coD*iRucs to grow in am ount 512,000 of Salurdiay has gore up to $15,000, and the end ot tire exam ina- tton of the books Is not yob finished. iJoltody, save possibly Mad. Martin^ can guess wih'3t the total sum will bo »bea the siwesligsitlon has bean com­ plied. Many arc ■predicting itihat It ^^11 reach tJiPM or four itl'meQ th e sum Jtw known to have been taken by Dita. The wonder of it all is th a t he eticcessfu\ly eluded detection to r so loog a time. It is rcasonied th a t if he ^uld have stolfta ^16,000 o r m ore from ithe ponitemtiary fund, be could fiare doiie the same w ith ti e other PQWic institution fui^ds in his hands below cost of prodiictiOTi. Tb% sSt'UaUon is in ofur hands, bu t w ithoui w ^liatio n nothing caa be accom-pHaSh^/. . OommlEsioner Patterson added: 'I t ^ not too h<je to devote a piortion of leaid^ intended for coA>ton to the crop, and tjie fanner who m akes J^eood cmp of com th is yeox v ill cer- be on the safe side, for the ten- Jl^cy of food crops Is upward •wtolle ^a t of the coCtoa crop la decidedly «oiniwaxd.»» N ew ton C m m e n ce m e n t. Nev.ion, Special.—Oommancemeoit a4 ^iv.’ba College this yeaj* will begin May 12th and last until the 16th. n-arshals for the ocoasion were euctcd Friday night. Mr. Herbeitt E. P h ilo m a - ^ M e s s r s . T . M . Mills. S. C.; J. D. R ow e C .: a n d D , E . ^ S 2S Newton, N. 'c .'From the F. W. H o w t o S e le c t V a rte U e s. Sclect th e varieties th a t sre know n lo do -well In th e locality rather than fake th e advlcc o l any one from a dla- (ance, and especially Is this advice pood it th e sncccBs has been on soils (ind eiposnrcs sim ilar to your own. It is true th a t there are varieties th a t can be planted In alm ost any p art of the country, tor they endure all kinds ot pllmate and m ost kinds of soils and S*posures. B ut In the more exposed places, or rafbcr in the colder sections, varieties arc few th a t can be planted pver a w ide area w ith certainty of suc­ cess. Yet the fact rcmflins th a t there are enough successes In m ost parts of th(^ country to be a guide for those seeking Information. V arieties of apples should bo chosen that w ill cover the entire season, and tills Is now easily done u n d jr good con­ ditions tor keeping fru it over w inter. It Is true th at the m atter o t kcepiug fruits has been neglectcd In recent years, because of th e prevalent notion th at m odern cold storage methods (vould revolutionize the w hole business, whilo caves, fn jit houses and even cellars have been neglected, and all be­ cause there w as a belief th a t this new m ethod w ould take the place of the old way. Tho farm er m ight refuse to build a hay b am under the m istaken notion th a t the silo Is soon to take th e place cf the haymow. This reference is not m ade w ith an Idea th a t there Is a Blmllarlty In tho lllustrotlon, further than to try to show th e Impracticabil­ ity of th e now m ethod as applied to the keeping o t fru it for th e Ijomo, for the cold storage plant is too expensive. It not entirely im practicable for the small operations on th e average farm , while the cave. If properly constructed, will be found a chcap and effective method of carrying over the necessary late fruits until the time of use, or sale in ease there is a suri)lus.—American Ag­ riculturist. Ewes th a t are providing for young lam bs should not be kept on grain and hay only. Turnips, carrots, or even ensilage, will be found excellent for prom oting the m ilk yield, and keeping the anim als thrifty. Tho young lamb that receives an abundant supply of m ilk will get into nm rket early and bring a good price. SBABOABD A IB I.1NB KAIL-w aT* The c»p«“* I<lne—n» HagQia. e e trtT U ro a s fc a n d L o c a l P * a u p - „ S e rv ic e B e tw e e n th o E a a t a n d S o a th a n d S o n lh tre ^ t. T h e ecB tiiJajd A ir L in o R a ilw a y U called th o ‘'C a p ita l C lt» L in o ,” b e c a u se It B M ors th e C ap itals o t lh e s ix S ta te s w h ich It tr a ­ verses, cxolualve o f th e N a tio n a l C a p ital, th to u s h W hieh Its tr a la a ru n so lid tro m N ew Y o rk to Jiio k so n v illo a o d T a m p a , P lo ri.la It ru n s th ro u g h B Iclin io n a, V a., liaiu ig li, jj C o lum bia, 8 . tJ*, A tla n ta , G a ., U o a tg o m o rv ' A la ., n n d T a lla h a ..e < ., F la . *■ >• T h U ro a d w ill e o n tln a e to ru n th e ta m o u a F lo rid a a n d M e tro p o lita n L im lle d , a n d tijo F lo rid a a n d A tla n ta P a s t M ail T ra in s, alT ord- lu tf th o o n ly th ro u g h liiitlto d eccv tce d uiW iDOludlDg S u n d ay , b e tw e e n N ew Y o rk » o a F lo rid a , a n d l9 th e s h o rte s t lin e betw o su th e so po in ts. T h e ss s p le n d id ly m o d e rn tra in s o f th e 8®a- b o a rd A ir L in e Railway a rriv e at a n d d e p a rt from P e n n sy lv a n ia Ruilway S tH tloas at W aB hlngtoo, B tU ilm oro, Pliiloaelphia and N ew Y ork, cn rry lD g P u l l m a n m o s t Im - Droved e q u ip m e n t, w ith u n ex c e lle d d ln ln e - Sar serv ice, c o m p a rtm e n t, d ra w lo g -ro o m and observation c a rs . I t h a s Pullman e e r- vlco five tim e s p e r week o ach w a y from Wiisbin/jtoii to that c e le b ra te d re s o rt, P in o - ^*l” b’oB ibe short line to and from Rfcbmond Norfollr, Portemouth, Raleigh, ijoutheni Ploofl, Columbia, savaooab, JaoksoQTllle Tampa and Atlnata, aod the principal eliled between the South and East. It Is aho tho direct route to Athoas, Augusta and Mao n. I n A tiflota d ire c t cooD W tlons a re a a d e in th e U n io n S ta tio n f o r C b a ttM o o g o , N a sh ­ v ille an d M em phis, a lso jfor N ow O rlea n s a n d a ll p o in ts In T e x a s, C a lito m id a n d M ez- ^ ^ In ad d itio n , it Is th e o n ly lin e o p e ra tin g tb ro u R b tr&iu&i a n d P u llm a n ela ep fn g c n te b etw een A tla n ta a n d N o rfo lk , w h o re conneo* tlo n s a re m a d e w ith th e O ld D o m in io n B leam sh lp C o m p a n y , fro m N ew Y o rk , ih e M . & M . T. C om p an y , fro m B o sto n a n d P ro v i­ d e n ce , th e N o rfo lk & W a sh in g to n S te a m b c a t C om p an y , fro m W a e h ln g to n , th o B a ltim o re s te a m P a c k e t C o m p a n y , fro m B a ltim o re , a n d th o N . Y. P . * N . n a liw a y , fro m N ew Y ork a n d P h ila d e lp h ia . Tbrou^;h Pullman cam also operated on quick schedules between JackeouvUle and yr li')Ui£>, via Uontioello, and between Jao&- sonvlllo and New Orleaoc>, In addition to through trains with Buffet Ctiair Cars be­tween Ssvannah and Montgomery. T h e lo cal tra in se rv ic e la flra t-c la ss w ith m o st c o n v en ie n t s c h e d u le s. In fact th e S e a b o a rd A ir L in e Xlall- w a y w ill tic k e t p a sse n g e rs fo r a n y p o ln e, n ffo rd io g th e q u ic k e st s c h e d u le , fin est tra in s a n d m o st c o m fo rta b le se rv ic e . I ts 10 0 0-m ile b o o k s, s o ld a t $25.00, a r e g o o d fro m W a-sblngton, D . C ., o v e r tb e e n tire sy s­ te m o f 2,6G0 m iles, in c lu d in g F lo rid a . The W atcrbury -American, says: “People who are appalled a t the thought of a liquor license fee of $1,- 000 ought to consider th e case of F all River, where the liquor dealers are trying to sea If tliey cannot get the present fee of $3,000 reduced.” T o Keep Cabbage. Cabbage Is easily kept all w inter by being buried in the ground head downr ward. Select the m ost firm heads, cut off the root sm oothly and pack them in plies much as apples, turnips or sim ilar things are treated. W hen re­ moved, a few leaves m ay be found epoiled, and it will be necessary to thoroughly clcanso the whole head, tearing off cacb leaf before boiling the head, as a small brown worm, easily detected, is liable to* work Its way In am ongst the leaves. T he flavor is per­ haps not quite as fine as when tho heads aro fres2, but the lover of cab­ bage w ill readily dxcuae this in order to get a right good dish at such a sea* son. Government In the Insurance Business. The German governm ent not only I ells life insurance to Us subjects, but it requires those who earn less than a certain am ount to be insured against {llncss and old age. hj^^® th a t lays is not the lazy WE WISB TO MAKE YOU A PRESENT OP A VOLCMB OP‘■Tai5 STOKY Ol' MV I.IF1! AND WOKK” jV^BOOKBH T. WASniNGTON. So««l U s Y o n r N a m e n n tl A d d re s s . W e w an t you to b a re a copy o f ih isa n to b iu g ra p b y o i rba p ro atoss liv in g N egro fo r th e purpoeo of in tro ­ d u cin g It In y o u r com ­ m u n ity . W e aJfio w an t flgonts In ev ery county a n a d istric t l a tb o coun­try to se ll It. O nly a lim ite d n u m b o r of fre e <^plos to eacb tow n. W rtto now a n d bo sm o to got o n e. AdUresB J.L. NICHOLS 4 CO. Atlanta, Oeoboia. $3.00 PER 1000 C ores C ancer, lll« o d P o iso n , Old Sore*^Oo««« N otbing t« 'fry . B lood M iso n a n d d ea d ly c an cer o re easily c u re d w non B o tan ic B lood B alm is ta k e n . I f y o u h a v e b lo o d p o ison, u lc ers, b o n e pain s, p im p le s, m n co n s p8.tofaee, fa llin g h a ir, itc h in g sk in , sc ro fu la , o ld rb e n m a tlsm , o ffensive fo rm o f c a ta rrh , scab s a n d scales, d ea d ly cancor, ea tin g , b lee d in g , fo ste rin g so res, sw ellings, lum pB ,_per8i3tent w a rt o r so re, ta k e B o tan ic B lo o d (B . B . B .). I t w ill c u re ev en th o w orse c.nse a fte r o v a ry th in g else fails. B o tan ic B lood B alm (B . B . B .) d ra in s th o p o iso n o u t o f th o sy stem a n d tb e B lood, th e n o v e ^ soro h e a ls, m a k in g th o b lo p d p u ro a u d ric h , a n d b u ild in g u p th e b ro k e n dow n bo d y . B . B . B. th o ro u g h ly te ste d fo r SO y e a rs, l ^ g sto res, $ 1. T ria l tre a tm e n t fre e b y w ritin g B lood i3alm C o., 12 M itchoU S t., A tla n ta , G a. D e­ sc rib e tro u b le a n d fre e m ed ic al a d v ice giv en u n til c u re d . B o tan ic B lood B alm d o es n o t c o n ta in m in e ra l poisons o r m e rc u ry (os so m a n y a d v e rtise d rem ed ies d o ), b n t is co m ­ p o se d o f 3Pnre B o ta n ic In g re d ie n ts. O v er 3000 te stim o n ia ls o f c u re b y ta k in g B . B . B . T he postage Rtamp sticks to one thing u n til i t gets th ere. For Ija Grfppo anA llcBdaclio* T h o se d isa g re sa b lo a n d dangeron.^^ d!s> e a se s m a y b e re lie v e d im m e d ia te ly b y th e t m e ly u se o t H ioks* C a p u d ln e H e a d a c h e C u r a 15e, 26c a n d 600 a t a ll d ru g I to re s . II y o u r d ru g g is t d o es n o t k e e p It so a d Co fo r p o sta g e o n tr ia l b o ttle . Uic k s Ch e h ic a i. C o., R a le ig h , N .C . Side UoAdaclie Is o n e o f th o m o st com m on afflictions o f tho p re se n t d a y . A siiiglo dose o f C rab O rch ard W ater w ill p ro m p tly reliev e it. I t c u rc s by rem o v in g th o cause. I t is th e a m b itio n o f e v e ry w o m a n to liv e u p to h e r p h o to g ra p h s- Ptjtnaw Faivei.'ess T>t£S do tvot slain th« h a n d s o r sp o t th o k e ttle . S old b y all d ra g m atterrelaUro to y M M BiW . »Ka boBt rubon earth forRhcurootlam.NeurBlgu and all >-alna Prt. e 2Sc, Wc and ei.OU. Sample mailed for i5o. Address T H I S A L L I G A T O R lif lN iltlB N 'r C O ., C llA R L U S T O N ', S . O . n P O D ^ V BISOOVfiRT; fives 1 ^ 1 ^ W l I quick roliefand oares worrt geos. Bi>..K of t«»tiin«inial3 and 10 days’ treatment arntt). cr. s. h. oaEstf’a boss, box b. Atunta. Oa. UsECERTAIflS'CliRE, R A I<ATE!5T >*0IVf3K. 1)1^ partaee. lOo. .Address. K Sl'MIJ\\ia«F..PraiiKUn®llehmon<^^^ U O N C O f F E E A L U X U R Y W IT H IN T H E R E A C H O F A L L ! T h e L i o n s e t s th e sty le for m an y a co m m o n dog* lt* s h u m an n atu re to Im itate g re a t th in g s. L I O N C O F F E E IS IKITATEO. W atch our next advertisement. B u t th e a ro m a a n d stre lig th p e c u lia r to LION CO FFEE Is n ever fo u n d In th e s e Im itatio n s. Taste L IO N e O F F E E and then taste the others that are glazed and coated with egg mixtures and chemicals to m ate them “ look better" and in order to hide imper­ fections. Try a package of L io s y C O F F il a n d yo u w ill u n d crsb in d th e re a so n o f Its p o p u larity. T h e p e n m a y b e m ig h tie r th a n th e sw o rd , o u t th e sw o rd n e v e r g eta a m a n in to lib el su its.____________________ S om e m e n liv e so ra p id ly a s to d ie o f o ld ag e a t fo rty . Ca.iarrU Cnnnot bo Cured W ith lo cal a p p lic atio n s, as th e y c a n n o t re a c h th o se a t o f th o disease. C a ta rrh is a b lood o r c o n stitu tio n a l disease, a n d in o rd e r to c u re it y o u m o st ta k e in te rn a l rem ed ies. H alP s C a­ ta rrh C uro is to k en in te rn a lly , a n d ac ts< lirect- ly on th o b lood a n d m ucous Burfuce. H a ll’s C a ta rrh C ure ia n o t a q u ack m cdicino. I t w as p ro sc rib e d b y o ne o f th o h o st phvbicians in th is c o u n try fo r years, a n d is a re g u la r p ro - (icription. I t is com posed o f th o b e st to n ics kno w n , co m b in ed m th th e b e st b lo o d p u rifiers, a c tin g d ire c tly ou th o m n co n s su rfaces. T ho p e rfe c t co m b in a tio n o f th e tw o ing rcd !cn t« is w h at p ro d u ce s su ch w o n d erfu l ro su lts in c u r­ in g c a ta rrh . Ser>l fo r testim o n ials, free . P . J . C h e n e v & C o., P ro p s., T o led o , 0 . S old b y D ru g g ists, p ric e , 75o. llu ll’s F am ily P ills aro th e b est. M o s t m e n a c c e p t ad\*ico a s if th e y w e re d o in g th e g iv e r a fa v o r. M rs. W inslow ’s S o o th in g S y ru p fo r ohildvan le o th in " , so fte n th o g u m s, red u caa in fiam oia- iio n , alley s p a in , cu rcs w in d co lio . 25 o a b o ttb T a lk is c h c a p u n til y o u Avant to u se a lo n g -d is';an cc te le p h o n e . P iso 's C u re fo r C o n su m p tio n is a n in fallib le m ed icin e fo r co u g h s a n d colds.— N .W . S astoel, O ccau G ro v e, N . J ., P eb . 17, ISOO. T h e b a k e r d o e sn ’t p o se a s a h o rtic u l­ tu ris t, b u t h e k n o w s a ll a b o u t flo u r rais* in g . _____________________________ H a v e y o u ev e r e x p e rien c ed th o jo y fu l sen- eatio n o f a goo d appefcito? Y ou w ill if y o u chow A d am s’ P o p sm T u tti F ru tti. T h o a v e ra g e h e ig h t o f th o h e a v y ra in clo \td is 1680 y a rd s ; o f th e d e lic a te , ileecy c irru s, 9700 y a rd s. A lw a y s k e e p th e c a lf p e n s d r y a n d c le a n , u s in g p le n ty o f l i t t e r . A d ir ty p e n is c o n d u c iv e to s c o u r s . F o r s e v e r ­ a l c a lv e s f e d to g e th e r , f it u p n a r r o w s ta ills a t o n e s id e o f tb e p e n a n d f a s te n e a c h c a lf b y a ro p B o r s ta n c h io n to fe e d e a c h s e p a r a te ly . T h is w ill p r e ­ v e n t th e s tr o n g e r c a lv e s f r o m g e ttin g m o r e t h a n t h e i r s h a r e . K e e p th e m f a s te n e d o r tie d f o r h a l f a n h o u r a f t e r e a tin g to p r e v e n t t h e i r s u c k in g e a c b o th e r s ’ e a r s . T h e p a lls u s e d f o r fe e d ­ in g m ilk s h o u ld b e th o r o u g h ly c le a n ­ e d a n d s c a ld e d w ith b o ilin g w a te r e a c h d a y . F R A G R A N T g W i O W f In every package of LIOII C 0 F F £E you will find a fully illustrated and descriptive lis t N o housel:eepcr, in fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find in the list some article which will contribute to their happiness, com fort and convenience, and which they m ay have by simply cutting out a ceitain num ber of Lion H eads fi'om th e w rappers of our one poimd scaled packages (which is the only form in which this excellent coffee is sold). WOOLSON SPICE CO., TOLEDO, OHIO. ! a perfect I L ip id D inilfries SeZODONTTOOTH POWDER, 2Sc Q S C E.arse UQUID and POWDER, 75s ^ Q At all the Stores, or by Mall for the price. H A L L A R U C K E l. N EW YORK *‘TIte S a n rc th a t m ade W est P o in t fam ons.” M cSLHENNY^S TABASCO. AT T i£ ^ T IO N is facilitated If you m ention tills paper w hen w ritlnir advertise: A -woman is sick—some disease peculiar to her sex ia fast developing' in her system. She goes to her family physician and tells him a story, but not the whole story. She holds back something, loses her head, becomes agi­ tated, forgets w hat she w ants to say, and finally conceals w hat she ought to have told, and tm s completely mystifies the doctor. Is it a wonder, therefore, that the doctor fails to cure the disease ? Still we cannot blame the woman, for it is very em­ barrassing to detail some of the symptoms of her suffering, even to her family physician. T h is is th o re a so n w hy tanndrods o f th o u sa n d s o f -w om en a re noiv in c o rre ­ sp o n d e n c e w ith BIrs. P in k liiim , a t L y nn, M ass. To her they can give every symptom, so that when ske is ready to advise them she is in possession of more facts from her correspondence with the patient than tho physician can possibly obtain through a personal interview. Following we publish a letter from a woman showing the result of a correspondence with Mrs. Pinkham. A ll su ch le tte r s a re c o n sid e re d a b so lu te ly e o n lid e n tia l by M rs. P in k h a m , and are never published in any way or m anner without the consent in w riting of tiie patient; but hundreds of women are so grateful for flie health which Mrs. Pinkham and her medicine have been able to restore to them that they not only consent to publishing thoir letters, but ■write asking that this be done in order that other women who suffer m ay be benefited by their experience. Mrs. Ella Rice, Chelsea, W is., w rites: “ De a b Mna. P in k h a m ;—For tw o years I w as troubled w ith falling and infiaramation of tlie womb. 1 suffered very much w ith bearinij-down pains, headache, backache, and w as not able to do anything. W hat I endured no one Imows bu t thoso who have suJfered us I did. I could hardly drag myself across tho floor. I doctored w ith the physicians of this tow n for three m onths and grew worse instead of better. My husband and friends w ished mo to w rite to you, bu t I had no faith in patent medi­ cines. A t last I became so bad th a t I concluded to asK your advice. I received an answ erTit once advising me to take your Vegetable Compound, and I did so. Before I had taken tw o bottles I felt better, and after I hud taken five bottles there w as no happier woman ou earth, for I was w ell attain. I know th a t your Vegetable Compound cured me, and I wish and advise every woman who suffers as I did to try Lydia £ . Pinkham*s Vege» table Compound. Believe me alw ays grateful for the recovery of my health.”—Mits. E l u a. H i c e, Chelsea, Wis. an OiBAff A R M Otviog to the fnct that some skeptical U b MW M B 5II people have from time to time questioned gW AABgU theceauinene&.so(tbetcstiiuuniallettcra uaiH ww we are constantly PublinhinK, we havedeposited wUh the National City hank, of Lyon, ?5-«vhicb will be paid to any perwm who will ahow that the abo'----=-* not genuine, or was pnbliihcd before obtaining' ‘ TjYUIa E .P in k iia u M b o ic in b Co. B o w e ls M o v e ? Caused by over-work! Over-eating! Over-drinking! No part of the human body receives more ill treatment than the bowels. Load after load is Imposed until the intestines become clogged, refuse to act, worn out. Then you must assist nature. Do it, and see how easily you will be cured by CASCARETS Candy Cathartic. Not a mass of violent mercurial and mineral poison, but a pure vegetable compound that acts directly upon the diseased and worn out intestinal canal, making it strong, and gently stimulating the liver and kidneys; a candy tablet, pleasant to eat, easy and delightful in action. Don’t accept a subslitute for CASCARETS, t to I r*i briig a sargcon.-ueweler’a Weekly.' | £^7, R u le F o r F e rtiliz in g . Tho application of fertilizers should bo made under the most favorable cir­ cumstances, if possible. Tbe loss from rains and snows Is less when the fer­ tilizer is incorporated with the soil. W hen broad-casted on the surface by hand there may be too much applied in places and an insufficiency In others. The use of a fertilizer drill will give good results when using fertilizer at time of drilling seeds, but a hari’ow on the surface, after broadcasting the fertilizer, will aid In more evenly dis­ tributing it In the soil. Coal ashes, If scattered over sandy land, will tend to make the soil heav­ ier. They do not possess any fertiliz­ ing value of consequence, but may sometimes prove beneficial in prevent­ ing the attacks of some kinds of in- irB. So.i5 I sects. Used for mulching currant and gooseberry bushes coal ashes have been found of advantage In protecting against currant worms. Harduppe—“W igwag Ikes to be thought eccentric.” liorrowell— ‘Ye?.; he even pays his bills.” Two hundred bushels o f po. tatoes remove eighty ^pounds g.j. of "actual” Potash from the Unless this quantity is returned to the soil, the following crop will materially decrease. W c h a v e b ooks tclltnf; about com position, u se a n J value of fenilizers fo r various crops. T h ey a re se a t te e . G E R M A N K A L I W O R K S , 93 N a s s a ' ^£., N ew Y ork. Ofohard Sash Lock and i B Brshard Dosr Holder I fliwayn a stootly demand for otir iMilt * ... *— «0.” PWladolDUii free tor^Sc stamp ia. ra» “ I have Bono 14 d»ya at a Uroo w ftbocst | m** moVGRienS ta e 1m;w c1«. C bronlccor-"--tlon foreCTOii years placed mo in thla --------condlUon; I eTorytlilnc I board _ofJmtjioTer OR nd an r re llv f u n 1111 beican ti now hftvo fm a ono to UiroA p f I waa rich I woiild civ-Bont: It sncn Slor>> Inform ation. Tommy—P do tv out —^te** *n 1 I CATALOG i OFF R E E SPORTING GOODS. RAWLINGS SPORTING GOODS m P kH l G*0 Locnitt S«„ SX. LOUIS. Bio. S o .15. S 4 A DAY SURE Sj.'jsir/L”,A man with rig to Intnxluco oar In tJj« conntrj Hanaaa Pood Co., Ui;pt. 4li. k'aa-fisCJI^. il.J- B¥SPEFS!A yielde to natura’9 medicine. DrBpeiwla and all Btomac!i, b;>w<;i dlmrdcn). An on* riv:tii;;u it;>urieD( arid Inxatlvo; InTlCor^tM and tones tbo wiiolo «*rst<‘ni. A tialural wafer of tho hlaJM^t mj-dicioal vulae, cca- cen trated toxuolco It oasior aod chca.'wr to bi»Ule^---------* — A 6-r>z.------------------ZtmUons^of ancon«U*Dfled wator.Sold by dm««i«f8 evory-TO/mc j whera Crab Apt*le trade- 'mark on hrerr liOttK CRAB ORCHARD WATER CO.. Louisville. Kf. B E S T F O R B O W E L S A N D L I V E R . TH IS IS T H E T A B L E T » CVKE Dll bow«I troabl*#, apPCBiHcltls,............—------------ w i n d o a ( h o e to m a r h . b lo » * « d f o o l__________> J n a i w U o n . c a t l n c . l i v e r C ro a M c . u H o t v c o m A f 1 « r \r « r d a . W o ta u C C c r w b a t y o u , c ( a i< C n K iaff a «yoM w i l l n c T e r K o t w e l l a n d >«o k 11 tlio tim e u n t i l y o n p « tH s k t . T ttk ® © w r tM lT-ieei n t u r l « i f Ji C A -S C A S iC T S to d a y , u n d e r * n ahnotr.i^ W c o r e o r w o a c y r « fa iid c tf . lO c.' 2 5 c . 5 0 c . SEVER SOLD IN BULK. D R U G G I S T S U u D d c e t y o u r m o n e yIf If III n A nu nt»ac«r wk»C iUl» you—ntArt t«dny. W . L . D O U G L A S $ 3 & S 3 .S 0 SH O E S MADE. Tbo real w orth of my P3.W «i<I ft3..50 shoes com parPd w llh other m akes U gl.Oii to gS.M. Bly ^4.00 « |lt K«l{te Liao caunot bO equaUed a t any price. IK-st lu the w orld to r num.I m n k ts a ii« l a(*ll m o r n ui«*n'M H u u G n o ^ r o t rW e lt(II» ii4 l< M c w e il P rA O c a « )jjlh n B n a y o t h e r n jiin u f s ic t u r e r l n t h e w o r l d . I w i H p a r 9 1 , 0 0 0 ( u u u y o n e tv lio c a it pr«»ve m y » t» ic m c u t f t n o t trs«o.O * It. noacUi*.Tnkc ,40 flob^tltut*** Ir.hJstouhavJugW.lMl>«mrlassin.c3 w ith nam e an<1 i»rlco «tainiiOd ».-u boiiom . Ynnr«!<‘alcrsU ouia keep them ; I ?lve oiu* dealer cschislro sale l:i r.l«:h town. If he dors wot tl -in and n o t i?*t thctrt S»e y-m, onl«:rdirect from fac*t.ir>', rrlco an^ ?-V. e x tra for carriage.O ver l,OOO.Wh) s.nll.sfli«5 w eartrs. Snrlnc CtitaW.K free.raatCoiori:rniettBMdfic:9ci«»i7. !V. I. DOUGLAS, Brociktcn,Mass. H-riloforoHr» M.1RD,’ S>lD. Eye Walar . TlijJn ttMlV: A:i.l3rDe.'t l.uufcli oivi-nl. 1tr. »,s 1 I ;5 COED. ENTEUED at th e post o ffic e at ilOCKSVILLE, N. C., AS SECOND CLASS jiiATTEn, Ma y 12t h , 1899. Amval and Departure of Trains. So u th B ound—Daily except S undaj L eave M ocksville..................... 1:00 p m L^ave M ocksville.....................0:15 p m No rth Bou nd. Leave M ocksville..................... 7:15 a m Leave Mock.M'iiie.....................11:50 a m Blocksville Produce Blarket. Correctea by W illiams & Anderson Produce in good dem and. GO 70 ■1.) 1.00 10 Corn, per bu ............................. W heat, p er bu ......................... O ats, p e rb a ............................. •Peas, per bu ............................. H acoa per pound Bacon, W estern......................... 9 H a m s.................................................... 12} Ejfffa.................................................. 10 B a tte r.................................................. 12tol5 Spring C hickens............................. G to8 LOCAL KOTKS AKD KCIDEKTS J . M . M illikan, S. U . M arstall for'this D istrict, has been resvp-. pointed, and lia,s re-appoiuted nearly all of his deputies. The big raius for th e p ast few weeks have done considerable dam ­ age, w ashing land, and in some lo­ calities sw eeping aw ay bridges. Pianos to SS.'jO. O rgans .$:i5 to $12.5, -narranted. PiED M oxT M u s ic <3o. AViuston, K C. M aj. W . fr. MarMu,' E.':-Cleik in S tate T reasurer’s office, plead guilty to em bezzlem ent of state funds, and was sentenced to 10 years in tho penitentiary by Judge Starbuek. The am ount stolen m ay re ich over § 12,000. The C elebrated Owl B rand Per- long again. Seveial cases ou the civil docket w ere disposed of a t’this term , and court adjourned Tuesday evening. The rewjrd of IJavie is good, for it only take-sfrom two to three days to finish up basinass a t our courts. Iil>Iie.sus Item s. T his is E aster M onday aud w hat a lovely uiorniug. M iss Gusdie Booe spent Kiister w ith b e rliie n d . M iss A lm a G aith- ci' of County Line. Mis.s i’Tannie Bcssent, ol Cleni- mon.sville, i.s visiting h er parents a t Jer'isalc:n. .T. C. Giles m ade a business trip to Ilannoijj- the jiast week. Tlie public school w ill close at this place ne.\t F riday. Y; h at has lieco-iie of Old Coon an d S iek; w ake up and w rite a- ffiiii. O ld Soldier Boy, come a- D o you w ant to loan, or bor­ row , or iuvcsti Do you w ant to keep your ac­ count a t the best place? T he People’s N ational B ank, of W inston-Salem , N . O., d e­ sires to serve you. It Wants You J , A ll .job work spot cash, before it leavi s the cffice. Hfiss M aude England spent E as­ ter in C harlotte. for sale at< h;iUel m ortgages the po.^t otBce. J . B. Johnston m ade a tii? to Paiisbury hust week. T. AV. W ood & Son’s G arden reeds at W illiam s & A nderson’s. AW G. Douglass, of County Line was in tow n Friday, ^ l.>.rlyEose P ^ r l^ ^ and the 20th a t 1 o’clock p. m ., t o ’ar l iink seed potatoes at W illiam s ix |___________________ r.:.. ...t... A ndereon’s. tilizers for sale a t W illiam s & A n­ dersen’s. M rs. M illey P arker, m other of M rs. W . G. P . Etchison, died Mon­ day m orning. She was about S."» years old. A good old woman has passed over the river. M is. P a r­ ker Ti'as buried a t B ear Creek C hurch Tuesday. M r. D . G. W ilson died a t his iioiiie near town last Satm d:i\'. M r. AVilson was about S3 years of age and one of D avie’s snbstantial farm ers. H e left a large fam ilv of sons and da ightera. one son live> in Texiis. H is rem ains were laid to rest Sunday a t B yerly’s C hapel. R e-TJnion o f O ld S oldiers. The Clem ent cam p of old sol diers of D avie Co., are requested to m eet at the court house iu M ocksville, Friday, lifay lO tb, 10 o’clock, a. 111. for the purpose of electing oilicei’S for the ensuing year, and for the trjinsaction of other business, after w hich they w ill repair to the M asonic picnic grounds w here they wiU be enter­ tained by speeches from gentlem en who w ill be invited to address them . O ld soldiei-s aud friends are requested to bring well filled baskets. The officers are req uested to meet a t the court house A pril SUCCC.SS to the Record. K e n t u c k y B e i .i .e . 10 W . F . Jarvis called around to f ee us v.i.ile iu town M onday. Old papers for sale a t 10 cents per hundred a t the Eecord office. llrs. Z. N . A nderson aud b roth­ er spent E aster w ith relatives in ' tatesville. A nic.e line Percales, Law ns and D',:uities a t AVilliams & A nder- ^ O il’.S. The Gypsies, as they are ciilled ipgular plug traders, were here court week. 'Wiuche.ster H am s, breakfast strips, etc., at \\ illiam s & A nder­ son’s. S. E. A nilianis, A ttorney, from Le.'zington, vi-as here last week a t­ tending court. .Tob printing of all kinds done wit'.i nca'ne.'^^s and dispatch. A ll work guaranteed. I'i B. Jones and A . H . Eller, A dcrnoys j'rom AViuston, attended ( i.uit Lere Ia.st week. ;5 or -1 new sewing m achines ira.’c for cattle. '.or of the Record. M rs. B. H . M orris and children f-pe.if Jiister w ith her parents at 1‘cv. er, Forsyth Co. jf you w ant a nice lot of job rrin iin g done, rail ou the Eecoid, 5;oc;ksville, >T. G. C. L. K im brough, of Sm ith Grove, was iu town M onday and gave us some job w ork. If j ou w ant a uice sewing ma- <; :iiie, call on the E ditor. H e cau suit you ia prices. D r. K im brough, G. AV. Sheek H!i(l li E. H u n t attended Federal tou; t a t Greensboro last week. I'or bargains in shoes, hats, dry goods and notions’ call on M . A . J os', or, Ephesus, 5T, C. The celebrated W issner & Leck- €iling Pianos. PiEDM oKT M u s ic Go . W inston, N . G. O. M . H unt, A gent a t Coolee- rcee Junction, is taking a rest for a short w hile, among h is friends iu the city. A nother ear load of high grade fertilizers ju st received. Gall and see us before buying. HoBN B k6s. & JOHSSTONE. AV. X . Coley, representing th e EaleigU H orning Post, was here last w eek in the interest of his p a­ per. Tho^c fam ous little pills, D eW itt’s IJ ttle K arly R isers will rem ove all im p intiei) from your system , cleanse yo'jr bo'.vels, m ake them reg u lar C. C. S anford and M. A. Foster. John H ow ard, representing the Tm th-Inde.'c w as in tow n last week in the itfterest of his paper. AVhile hero he paid us a call. John is a D ai^ ilaA range a prjgium m e for the enter­ tainm ent. You cannot enjoy p erfec t health, rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver 1.S sluffg-isli and vourbuvvels clogged. DeV^'itt’s L ittie'E arly R is­ ers cleanse th e whole s3-siein. They never g^ripe. G. C. S anford and M A. Foster. A dvance .No';vs. L uther M . Sm ith, of B edland, o u eo fH av ic county’s best i^iim- ers, was iu town todiiy. V . H. Faircloth made a busiue.t.'i trip to W inston Saturdiiy. Tiie v.'heat crop iu our p a it of the county is looking tine. The merclii'.nts of our tow n all hiid a good Ei;itei- tnulc. Postm aster E . - H . 3torris, of M ocksville was fn town lust S at­ urday. T he young people of our town are p ic n ic irg a t the M arch hov.se today. Jfack O o tts of M ayodan. J». G. is spending a few days at liiis place w ith his faihcr, J . M . Crotts. M r. (1 F . Sheek, spent Saturday and Sundiiy iu our toirn. to know th a tit is Ihe U nited State.s G overnm ent D eposi­ tory for this section aud th a t it will do for y in a'ly th in g th a t any conservative in sti­ tution cau do. T he highest S tan d ard everreaeh^ ed in th e Piano makei^^s a rt. 20 yeai-s in advance of all othci ni.ikc . Sold a t stric’.ly factory prices. The w orld renowned Mason & Hamlin Orpns, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MoUer. Buftet & All Classes of Peisoas Sterlli Orians, are beiif fitto-d by usin.g I E verything iu mu.sic sold a t F(1T nisnp? halt price otliers charge, ouDR. .AliVm S HOT DROPb | ^ye have uever T he great N erve Toaic and P ain been undersold. AVrite today for K iller, lh a t cures L a Grippe,. caralo.g and prices. e p t John AV. Fries, Pi-esident, AA'ui. M. B lair, A'. P ., T, A. W ilson, Ca.shier. V .'rite today. Euy The Celeljraied ' j ‘ a. LECKERLING FURMTDRE! FURNITURE! ' ' i )\ U ' iii. V J 11,. ■'I'I hi. 'I' ,1 F o r F u rn itu re in every lini-^ go to R O JH N G E R /; CIJIJI F U liX Ia lllN G CO. Tl.ey' have the largest stock in, W inston, and a t prices th:il ',^^1 caunot be m atched. AV. C. AVhite & (’o., are having their new store painted which w ill ad a great deal to its appearance. John E , B. S hutt, w hile driving his wagon one day iast week liad the m isfortune to got hislegcanglst again.st a stum p, but: we are glad to say his leg was not broken. i'fr. G. J . D ellinger, who beeu sick for some tim e, sorry tos.iy is no belter. AV. A . Leonard, who w as t;ilk- ing of putting up a m illinery and furniture bnsine.^s in thi.x "place, has decided Congiis, Colds, Croup, Indigestion, (,'holei'ii lilorbus, F lu x and all nerve and stonuich troubles, aud D R . S A jV IPSG N 'S S N A K 3 fvCO T B IT T -E R S th a t purities th e blooil aud cures constipation and :ill L iver Irouide. I f your dealer docs not keep them , w rite to tLe ' S A jirS O N M E D IC IN E CO., W iiistou, N, C. For term s to A gents. , PIED M O N T AITTSI'3 CO. AA inston, N . G. If you are not already a subscri- !>er to th e lleeorJ, taiii is an iuvi- la*;ion for you to bettnn-c* one. THE KORFEES PAINTS! A re now recognized iis one of the b:.vit jiaiuts th a t has ever b e en : placed oil th e m arket. The .sales; have been far beyond onr sanguine expectations and are constantly in- crca.sing. AVe w ish to kindly tliank tlioae wl;o have so lilicrally lio has I patronized us and lor the m any w e are j !;ind v. (.ids they have spoken in ! favor of fifS lS T A X PA T Eii.S X O TICE. A s every single S tate in stitu ­ tion is clam oring for its oppropria- tions aud the expense of the Legis­ lature has run the T ie.isury dowu low, I feel called upon to request th a t the sheriffs exert them selves to collect th eir taxes aud let me have them at the earliest possible m om ent. The above statem ent from the State Treasurer. I m ust have the m oney. U nless paid I will add cost and collect as the law directs. Saturdays, the 1.3th, 20th and 27th I w ilf be at ray office. Y ours truly, J . L. SiiEEK, Sheriff. Skin troubles, cuts, burn.-i, scalds and chafing- quickly healed by the use of D‘jW itt's W itch ea zel Salve. It IS im itated. Be sure you g et D e- W itfB . C. C Sanford and M. A. F oster. nut to do so, b u t tliinks of going to O klahom a about I AVe guarantee every gallon bear­ ing Ihe label and Iraile m ark of Mav 1st. X;)itTii C.\i;oMX’A 1 in Superior Court. D avii.; Coustv. | F . M . I'iiiliips, ) A.T.Grant, OS C. et al I (..Uiarles H ow ard, 1 l!Ori"E of RESALK et al J P ursuant to an or.lcr m ade by A . T. G r:iut. Clerk SuperiorG o irt, D avie county, iu above c u tilh d cause, I w ill rcjell at pi’.blic au c­ tion at court house door in Mock.s ville, on .Saturday the 27th day ofi A pril, li)0 l, th e tbl'o.viiig lands I situated in D avie eoinuy, Sh.-.dy| G iove tow nship, near B ixby, and bounded :;s folloHs, tc-w it: B e­ ginning a t a post oak, C harlie El lio tt’s aud Tom H ow ard’.s corner, N . If) chs to a pine, (.'has. E llio tt’s and A llen’s corner, E. -11 chs, 7.") Iks to a sljtke or stone, on the l)aiik , of a branch, M assey’s c(H-ner, S. 3 1 ' ^ elis and 2;"» Iks to a dogwood. E . 22 chs aud 72 Iks to a stake, S. 15 chs and 77 Iks to a staVe, the begi'i- ni;ig ctn n cro f th e .lenkins’ t:'iict, W . l(i elis and 75 Iks to a hickorv are, fTION K IS G COOK STOV'liS, K IM liA L L OK- G .\ XS A N D C L I Af .V X G lfA ia S , See us ar.d w-j w ill save ; ou inonev. R03IS3SR& CEIM ICSKISHIKG CO. 430-438 M ain S t. fn fro n t B row n’s ‘Warehoii^o. I $ 9 0 0 arly to Chris- ^ ,^nnro ii: tia n m an or wor j Junictin.L; tin Dfgsstsivhatyod I t r t 1 n r :1 y d ! u'.iE. f ;(J (1... ............ S lIC'IC. mao to look :if-^ , .gans. It, istliolnti-si.discoWj te r our g’ro\v’n<r bnsine.ss in this p '■ ard tunic. V.. ..i-..___1 C ooleem ee Item s. The m ill has been sh u t on nil ev Siipiiiisr on the John ed'rion oh! F. K urfw a P aint Co., iLonisvillo, tract, ,S. 1." clis 1!:..« to a .stone, K y. C.ill and .'■■■ee me or w rite n-.e, O brion’s corner, V,'. 14 chs to a Kiviup: exact size of your tiou.se and j dogwood f.piout, ISog-an H ayw ood’s I will tci! you (0 the eciit wlia.t it | corner, . 27 cl:s !iiu! ."jO Iks to a oaV, .54 See Court Proceedings. The following cases were dis- Call ou the Edi- posed of last week. Ia order to make the report short we w ill give the names of the parties and th s disposition ot the case: State vs F rank A m on, dischar­ ged. State vs George A Carter,, iudg- m eut suspended' on paym ent of cost. State vs Ifew t Lyons, nol pros. Dock Mason, larceny, no! pios v.-ith leave. Tom Joyner, afifray, not guilty, Sanford Barueycastle, abaudou- m ent, nol pros w ith leave. II A W ood, a d w’ nol pros w ith leave. Jam es A Pnelps, affray, nol pros. E dw ard Freem an, d r w, capias. John Etchison, retailing, g u ilty six m onths in jail, w ith leave to hire out. A lfred Phelps, e e w, capias. N oah Spry, CO w, gnilty; ju d g ­ m ent suspended on paym ent of cost. Noah W ilkerson & Sallie Moore, f & a, guilty; judgm ent suspended upon paym ent ot cost. John and W ill Taylor, d r c, not guilty as to AVill Taylor, capias for John Taylor. AV G M cBride, stock running a t large, guilty, judgm ent snspem iea ou paym ent of cost. property, Jim Allison, retailing on day of election, guilty; judgm ent suspen­ded on paym ent of cost. Joseph A tvood, discharged. John W illiam s, a d w, guili:v; judgm ent, §0 and costs. ^ b c r t Eoan, afFraj', gnilty, jndgment suspended on pw m ent of cost. ‘ . AV M W ebster, a d w, g u iltv fine «40 and cost. “ C hasO rrell, capias. June Caton, a d 'w ; gniUv; 10 m onths on Forsyth roads. L uke Deadmon, capias, w H BaUey, assault, p l e ^ g m lty; judgm ent snspended on paym ent of cost. ' • lieard P . E. Sloop hns th e contract for buiUiin;; some houses. R. II. Shenk is doing .some rock work. Some niachiuery is coming- in every week. W e have from one to three ser­ mons every Sunday; we hiive one m inister living here, and two lav, - ycrs. Some of the boys were arrested l.ast week and were tried before C. D , Letler. The.v were acquitted. 0.;arlie Deadm on took his te st girl to Elbaville Sunday. Galvin Jlau d ay moved from ouri town last week. T here are several \d.siting in Cooleemee. , M iss Id allo w ard from E ll’aviUc, is visiting Mr.s. J . A . Fritz. J lr. A . B riuegar’s bantam s fea- theis fell ytstordoy evening. John Tatum w ent to Salisbury on business Satuifiay M r. AA'inzor and fam ily of Tnr- nei-sburg, visited J . AV. Cham ber- l:tin. ^ Miss 0 . W ebb aud M rs. E . L, E lliott, of Rowan, are visiting M rs. R . A . Fritz, W e h.ive a considerable cro'wd here now. AVishing the Record success. O1.D C oon. JU ST ISSUED N E , W E , D I T I O N W e b s t e r ' s N o w P la te s T h ro u g h o u t 2 5 ,0 0 0 N e w W o r d s P h ra se s a n d D e fin itio n s ^P repared under the direct supervision of W .T . HARRIS Ph.D., LL.D., United States Commissioner of Education, assisted by a large corps of competent sp ecialists, and editors. R .ich B in d in g s. jO 23tf4 P ag es 5000 Illu s tra tio n s Better Than Ever for H om e, School, and O ffice. pur- paid in cash, bahin-e on six nior.tlis crcdit se- cun-d ! y bond wilh api rovc-l s?e curity, v.ith ii.'teie.^t from date. TiUc reserved uir.il purchase niune.v i.s |\iid in f::ll. Miir.-h 2')i;-., l !)i;. C. A. l.f.M I., Com. By J.U'OI! STEWiKT. A tt\ . B U Y T H E J - - - -..... a ------* ^'0 (iihf r Tir.« and .idjoinmg tountics, to act ^ | !^n -ippr.iai h it in cniri.r,., as Mana.irer and Corre.spondent: W i staatly relicvor. am! work can be done at vour home. ^ I Dyspepsia, Inilyeslmn i|, a Eaclo.-ieseif-addresstd. stam])ed \ !b eavclop.j fur particulars to .1. (1. j 0 A. KNKiH I’, General Manairer, J; !g CorcoranBi!ilding,opj)|.siteIJni- H; I LiwiLr,..;’'! ti'.d S tates T reasurj-, W a sh in e -k I g ton, D . C. ^ 1 Prepared Vj E. C. DLH.i-p dccl ^ ^ >!. A.I-f FOR $1.15. AVe w ill .'■■end you th e Dr,vie r e ­ cord one year, pri(-e irt; ibe IJieh- nionil A\’ec!;ly Tim es, price T he F arm Journal and TI e Paia- gon M ontiily, all four p: pers for >1.15'pi.r yoiir. Tliis i.s u r;iro offer for a sniaM sum . Send to th e F jlitor «.f llie ’ c ord, Moek.s- vlil;.?, N . and you will get i ll i\ 111* of these |>ai'ers one \e a r. "We also publish W e fb s te r’s C o lle g ia te D ic tio n a x y w ilh O loasaryof ScottishW ords and T hrascs. " F irst d a ss io quality, second class in size.” Specimen pages, etc. of both books sent oq application. G .fSC .M E R R IA M CO. Publishers Springfield, Mass. SEWING MACHINE Do not be deceived by those who ad­ vertise a $60.00 Sewing Machine for $20.00. This kind of a machine can be bougUt from us or any of our dealera from $15.00 to J18.00. THE WE MAKE A VARIETY. HEW HOME IS THE BEST. THE I.!OHT 01’ THK AVOiti-K - o ; j - o u n S A V IO R r a A R T - C ojt nearly ?10:),ni)010 puhUsh. ('oi:- lains nearly one luniilr^'d tall-page enjrravinjra copied direct. frt)i:i the Vv’o rld ’3 G reate st Paiuiinj».s uf Oi;r Sa io r and Hi.s Motlu-.r. C-Jtitain.** H : to r • of P ain tin g , I5io^ra})h3 i>l P ;’n t i and th e G aU aricd in LCurojiv. \vh. r , the Orij!,»-inalPaintim»' m ay bt seen. T he m ost beautiful >>nblica- tiou ev«‘r issued. T hestronij; st learl? w eep at th e si^^’h t of these v on lerfui ' ruV ' ' ’ ” M A R L ! N H I V <For Trap or FU!dSkootii2,<ox);iUilt< of outline, perfection of tahnce, e*.'< c apart and quality off n!sh aftbebcsti'-! whh the saperiority in sigUtiag #5-lrhc single barrel, an J al«o pwsffj flre and msgazin; capacity of M.AREPEATING RIFLES.,liOralog o! arms ctjd *mn»onition, co^rta: OsFh auS| mailed for 3 stamps. Map.lim Firs Arms Co., Nr# The Feed determines the strength or of Jcsps and His ...otherweakness of Sewing Machines Ttie ''-vervbod}- s:iys they are firand. suh- D o n b le F e e d eombined w ith other n-.atchless, may-niiicenl, Strong pomts makes the BTew H o m e in.spiring and uplifting. Thc.“aK'the best Sewing Machine to buy. j is unjirecedented. The presses are1 running day and nijrhc to Till the or- ferent'^ti?ra*^/ carloV.its of pa| cr w'cn-_ , , , . SowlneM^hlnefl reouired for the last edition. SnialJ wo manufecturo and prices before purchasing fortunes are bein}; made bv the thrif- mNPW DnHlM[pli7iM/riii/T»T.w« 1 ty with thid marvelous work. t:on-HfiW flOME SEWIM fligfllJHB ffO. tains also a child's storj' beauLiju!l\ I w ritten to fit each picture. Thir wonderful book, matchless in Its pur- Write for C IR C O liR S f e D jy 'e s . o, ORANGE, MASS.28 Union Sq. N, Y., Chicago, liL, Atlanta, Ga- BU Loui8,Mo., Dalias,Tex., San Francisco,*CW FOR SALE BY B : . m . D lim b r o r ilV S ir iA ;; ’■ Oirice finit Uwr :v>;:l!i I’i ii‘ ' .V (ic K .--.v ii,!.t: vsxes!^:rr^-ffszei-x!s^ '^*'~ '■■■ A s;on,l N... :■:! ; ri;le lor sa e '.r H''-' - the !:<lili-r. i'y:; in C T H T , Mocksville, If. 0. to every, C 'ery Chris- addre.ss. For Sale Ana Recommenflea by C. C. Sanlord, MoeW e N. C ily^ and beauty, appeal:: mothers* h e a rt and in , tia n hom e, w here th e re are children, it sells it!«ei.f. A C hris, i'ln m an oi wom an cau soon clear one tliousand dolwTrs($1,000) takin^r orders in this coi m inity. O chers "are doii^jr lh^^^ W hy not 3'0!i? W e a rc advertising- ir. nearly tc*n thousand news]'apei-rf in -this country, C anada. En«.fland and I Au.-jtralia. Shippinjr bookd to every* K u^’i:j!i-speakin‘r co-m try in thi w odd. AVe th a ll prom ote oi:r bes; w orkers to positions of S»ate M ana­ g er , ' 'orrespondents and Office As- siistHi'i.s W e also ow n and p.ibli-h lar«rc Photo-j^ravu*e K tchinjrs of the G reat Paintin»-.H in th e G.illeric-: o ‘ E urope. Gn i or m ore of these E;ch in<j3 can be sold iu cvcrv home. J-y carrym *; th e book an d ’ th e enjfrav in.«rs yo’.ir success will be trc'^neiulou.'::. Mrj5. W aiie. of W orcester, Mas.-*., ha^ sold uearlv fo u r thou^sand dollars w orlh of bookt; th e re. M rs. S ncketl has sold nearly tw o thousand dtillars w orth oi boolcH in Nev.- Y ork. Both of these ladie.s answ ered our advir- tisem en t; and had never sol<l ^ ^before. T o o k l - t ord«r.s firs t tw o <lay.s—H . Colwell. T o o k 5 o rd e rs f ir s t Clay; 2 a o rd e rs f ir s t ive^k, c le a rin g o v e r $5 0 —K a ttie Lem- w ell. T housands of others like above. Tt is p iia te d on velvet-finished p i))er; bound in C ardinal Red, G ret n and Gold and adorned w?.th Golden Roses? and Lillies. W rite quickly fo r term s as th e te rrito ry is jroing rapidly. W h eu y o u prove your success, we will prom ote you to th e position of M ana- grer and C orrespondent under yearly i co n tract.j W e shall soon movp. in to our new ;^ndeleg-ant stru ctu re to be occupied solely by us, aud to be know n as the L ig h t of th e W orld B uilding. Address THS BRmSH-AMESICAIf CO. C orc«ran Building, O pposite U nited S tateo T reasury, W ashingtoD j D . C. AU 5.1•hi' r.a::ii v.i THHOUOH <•-«»!-?Wmm IHS D.1V1S ^1 ' II. AIORKl^^. T-j.’rMS o f ftCBSCIllJ 0„eCOpy, one y e ar, 0„e copy. Six Mon.hs, O„ecopy. Three-M onths| t h e i’H ll g„,„e ol the anti-im pj :„ v in ? t h a t the eap tu i.l : „;ulo will e:iib irras.s t I ;,„.io u | that the Pres.dl kci retu-e b e h in d thel ,f;U' existed a n d that til lu'nst be put d o w n , b n t i mat the rebel'.ion is pi j iuiead, the A d m in istij sho«- its iuuul— ni'ist j„rt of a policy it is .yoil gne tow ard th e F ilip in I There ought not Io bJ larrassm ent, anil in o l there will be uone. Ilf opposed ptditically t J )I:!!Ciiiley, b.it it ha.s ti| fairly w ith him aud it felt dispo.sed to joiu in I ,vho have deiioance.l tlj hecaiiseof his eonduet Ayiiiiialdo rebeliiou. j,iuc Island-, are ouis a responsible f.fl' the Ko' t| tv.cm, and have been fell into our iiauds. and his t'ollo-.vei-s ref.isel iiiit tlicm.seives to the af tilt U nited Stales (lovcl liHik up arm s against ill ta ll claim ed lhat if w el Killy declared our iil give the Filipinos th e if ileni e there v. ouid li-.w.l iiidiin-cction, b u t be I lull mul w ithout discu.^siii^ f had policy of such a it is I fact th a t there v,| siiireclioii, llia t A ^'uinl war upon th e .Vnieiul and there was bui one t| ti.aoaud th ;it w ar to fire ar.d to UFC all ih ''\ oiir coimnaiul to l»riii.:X rwtiomsl5 to trn n s pKice UJi'i onk:r. A ^ul now been captured a n d | ttc oatli of •ille,::iiauee. ion is practically at an i upp«iranees at lea>t. lieaec and order rc sto n l l-ing to do is to set u p | form of "overiim eiit in j liin«) aud to -aid th e il Mikiiifr out th e ir o « | The Filipinos do uot '.'I this tim e to retire and Io Iheiiisjives— a p rc y ,| loiuc other pow erlul As an intelligent rc p ie l the islanders sjifd in a | tlrtss in this ci y, the their A 'nerieui frien l tlieai the prote:-lioii, f..j at least, of the stars auil to aid them iu Cmid governm ent and their resources. It is I »‘y what shall be douel '•'ith the.se islands. I'ceii com m itted to ti.s twpousible for thoai. at this tim e aiid l i''liliino.s to thenistlve.-l •‘"thing less th an cruelj srdly desertion. W e ! ■ to do p iiiiip p iu eJ jo>t begun to do it. l | ^ ‘‘epg-ained th a t Ag : 'topped fighting and 8>*nee. L et us ,g o o l iK w lw ork. L e tu s m J •ix>usii,i.jtie.s of th e e J '*it do our duty th e re I :^ s io n for embail “ icliuiond T im es, (lie) "'HI .waste tim e m *fe mdijrestiou or dvspl yourself. T hat S I •«jse when you do e at h i plenty o{ siolg'y diircsted. Kodol D \| ^•“\« s u lt of years of'P ^ jc h for sQinelhins tH P t noc only some elenJ '^fery kind. And i)that Kill do it.M. A. Foster. 'IVi'B.BEViLL.G8r:3t2\ , fr ie n d tl «u d to settle d o t littl |ttI am a n a c to r, ^ I w as coi] l*ot>^„ I'ery.bad cold Ife relief. & « h t a b o ttle of ;^ |h C are th a t affecm ®Peak tl rem edy.’! M anataw ne\| |fc. and .M. a . F o ste l 8 p S i i Issts ivhat yd |c;al!yd!-ostu;iefl I la s;ruii!iiiicn:!i.. IIs t!ji! c.':lwustc'd'’(l| TisthelitesLdiscoTiItonir. Kooih.ri brj«i:h It. in ccicirl folievre and pcrijiaiir fJii, Indlgesiion, p(*e, Sour StomacL bnacho, Castralela 1 I results of impfirfcq LriTirestzemnJ I i>^kai!;vb.-utdvsih iJ ^ fcy E. c. CcUi-rr £.c C . S.-.iilni-t!; -M. A . I fJ L i K J r e p e I S SHOT] r Field Shooiiag, eoipiice fl I perfection o f balance, eca p ualiry o ffialsb o fthebestq B perlorii^ in sigbilaK ssd a B arrel, £dJ also possess ibe fT fN G m F d 'g s ? '!p s e n d sm m tJO itioD j c o lo rd nailed for 3 etanps. | ^IRS ARK6 CO.« New H J L B Kimbr I s iC IA N A X D S C l! O i;| ■- -.loor 3;»ull] tif lio j ■ O f K S V iL I.K X . ; Id Xci. :;2 |:i c or tra lc. I'l'- roil SAl^Jj 177. of "I I'i-liKf Clillllll ];. TJ. :i7(irris ' .VookBville : T h e D avie IvOU M O C K SV ILLE, N . C ., A\T5DSTESDAY, A P B IL 17, 1901 KUMBEK 2. \VKUNI:SDAY. £.11 - ED IT O K . o r svhscbiption; 1 Oiu- Y ear. - Sl.OO Thrci- M onths- 2T> Tin-: I’n iL iP P ix iiS . t'.io :.nli-iniperialistsiire of A siii- tli« Ailiiiiiiis- lllii.rti; Hi:>! “''S ta- L.J r f l i i } ; * * t l i c la'.'t tb u t aiKl tlm t llie rebellion Ht In'll'it ill'''"!', lllial ;!if is iiracUtMl y at til" A ilaiinisrration imisi llm iis iuiiul-ia'isl sho.v w liat sdrfa i' ’'’''-'' t .w:ir>l ilie I'ilipilioS. Tii-reoii^hl iiol Ui be ar.y em- aacl in our opiiiiou liidi. sdll be none. The Times is L;.[wsi‘il to Presiileut lI.Aliili-y- l'-‘l ^rlv wiiii lain and it liiis never ( , ; t 10 joia iu w ith those ltd iKivt lienoancetl th e I’reiiilent liviiiseul'iiis i-oniluct tow ard tlie ijaiuahlo rebeliioii. T be Philii-- |,ii:el;l:ia(!> are oins aud wo are I'.l?- till- K overuiueiit ol liii'.l liave been since they jgjiitiid'.ir lianiis. A guinaldo Lu his l'oiii> .vei-s refaseJ lo sub- Littiicw.'-eives lo li;e aulliority ol liicruiled .Sraies U overnm tnl ami k.inp;:iias against it. It hub liiat if we had origi- lullv de.-iared our intention lo setbe I'ilipiiios tlieir im lepeu- ifiiittlieie wonUt have been no liwinertioii, but l)e tliat :is it m ay iilriilwut disc.ud.sing th e good or llilp'licv of such a ileclaratiou, i;is »fcxUhat there « a s au iu- ismcii.m, tliat A guinaldo m ade KruiBin tlie A m erican trofips, lui'i ihiTe was 1ml one th in g ior us ndnaiiii liiat was to retu rn his freas'l t.Mi>'c all Hie mejiiis at mrmiuii'und to bring tlie iusur Wi()lli^ls to terni.s an<l rcsti.irc ]«re;ui4 (iiilcr. .-\guinalrto has aarUtn raptured and has t ikeii temtii Ilf atle„Mance. T he rebell- i«i.siir;utirally at iiQ end, to al! !f[«iraiiie.s at least, and, wiiL jKrtanil order restored, the ue.vi [Ling tu i!o i~ til ?et np a suitable of government in th e P hilip- jliiitsauil to aid the I'ilipincs in kticiiif uut Uieir own destiny. Be Filipinos do not v a u t us a; fetime t.) ri-tiie aud leave them |»i'j‘iiis.-lve>—a ])rey, perhaps to ‘locotlisr i»iwcri'iil govcrnineiit. isau iute'.li;:i’;il repreie.-tat.ivf <i. IktUiaiuler^ siiid in a receut ail bsiii thisci y, the F ilipinos asl- tl«r A-neric m Ine-iUS to give Iwitheprutejtion, fjr th e tim e 'if tiie .stars aud stripe.- “ultoaiil iheni in establish iuj f*»l?iivwijiiioiit aud (leveloiiin- tiitir ies')ui'ce.s. It Ls too soon t '•} »li'Jt sli;d! tje done evcntiiall; 'i'litiii^e iflar.ds. T hey bav» 'i*»eouimitte.i to us and we a n ■'qwasible fur th'jai. To w ith '•••'attiiis time and leave the ftiiiiiKjs to tlieiiistlves woiiltl be ‘**iiiig less than cruel am i cow- *il‘.' ile,striioii. W e have a work- |"l“iiuhe Philippines. VVe havi ^*l«;'im toiloit. It is a grea. %gaiD«l that A guinaldo has *^Peil li;;btiiig and s'.voru alle- U t us go ou w ilh the '“I'vork. Let us meet th e re- ilia? of the ease. If we * I'u our liiity there w ill be no ^'1011 fur embarras-sment.— ^tuoud Timas, (D em .) L , • “astt time if you try to L ^iTOi|;estioii or dyspepsiab? Btar- That only ma'kes it kiS . ''■> '-■at heartily. Yod Wvii'r ? o f ffo o 'l I’™ P ' ^ iTOi|;estioii or dyspepsia b 7 s ta r T hat Snl, ■ r|im _ __ ___________ '’‘Odi'i D yspepsia Cure slk .'■'-•ars of scientific re r*'*^Qnieihin'r th a t would di- elem ents of food And it is th e c ne J^^t& atv;iliaoit. C .C . S anford -"v. Foster. ),■,!’ friendt, ven do yon ‘§ir I little account?” 1,,'' : * am an actor, n o ta p ro p h - ■rirl yiLLG cneran t A N O K E I . v a ^ was confined to my C'-iiioK 0" ta e lungs. F inally m y '*?kCnrl.‘li, One M inute IcaL affected a speedyi f e t .speak too hifflfirof “'Hai ‘■'^“ edy.” Mr. T. K. S 'j n a ta w n e y ,: .V F o ster. K D IT O IJIA L C0 1 I.\IE X r. T he cases against th e D euioerat- 13 regislriirs, indir-ted in th e U ni­ ted Stat<!s D istrict court a t Greens- Ixii-o, w ere no pressed yesterday. D istrict A ttorney H ollon and Judge Uoyd spoke beeotniiigly ou tlie occasion, and are to be com­ m ended for Ihe language used and Ihc conrse taken. Thecase.s were n >1 pr-'.s cd w ith leave to reinstate them , lull th is is th e lorni, as we unilerstaud it, in nearly all crim i­ nal cases, and Ihe p articu lar la-i- giiage signifies nothing— th e cases are, to all inteuts and purposes, as ett'ectiially and finally disposed of as if iliey had never iieeii Iro u g it. 'I'hus, -a num ber of clcctiou oftii er< are iiint of a lot of tro jb ’.e a d e.v- pease, lo say no m ore. S.»iie of them m ay have bten guilty of tech­ nical violation of th e law , and, if th e cases hail com e to trial, all of them m ight liave been couvicted and sent to th e penitentiary, for verdicts of ju ries are proverbially iinccrlain. T hey w ill feel much m ore cj.miforlable in th e kno-v- ledge th a t I hey do not have to come to trial, and on every account UiiTe is reason for personal and .general gi-am lalion oil Ihe tcr-ni- nation of th is proceeding. The i-on.scrvative people of llie Slntc are to be particu larly congratula­ ted upon th e fact tliat th e unw or­ th y D em oeratic eii'oiT;, m ade a t the l::st m om ent, to goad lhe.se R^'pub- lican court oflicials into e.-ctreme me4i£iures, failed. Tliey resisted th e provoci tio-.i to p artisan action, am i tliereby a good m any of oiir people are s-aved th e liab ility of teri! R a t Bing Sing or A lbany,— C harlotte O bfervcr. T he K'lses against the D em ocrat­ ic R egistrars have been nol pross- e l. J lr. Ifoltoii aud Ju d g e Uoyd expre.s.-^ed them selves on th e sub­ ject, and w hile w-o m ay not be able to endorse tb e coiicliisious arrived at, we hope for th e best. THen wh6 know ingly aud w iiriilly violate the law, aud deprive thousands of citi­ zens of tb eir legal and eoas'.itu- tional rights, deserve to b ei^unish' ed, am i the puuishnieut m eted out should be such -as w ould deter men from future violations. I f the ac­ tion of th e court a t G reensboro w ill bring peace, and insure hon- ftst cleclior.s in th e future, it will have 1 een for the best, for every honest, good citizen of th e state de- sire.s ])e.ace, liouest and fair elsc- tions, aud the building u p of the stale from JIanteo to C herokee. W e m ust say though, th a t v e bave 11U IViith or conlideuce iu th e D e­ m ocratic niaehine. G ov. A ycock has show n th a t he is a tool iu the bauds of Sim m ons et al. T he a p ­ pointm ent of SUCh m eu as Francis D. W inston, show s th a t he ism ore an.xioiis to rew ard m eu totally u n ­ lit lo sit on th e bench, (ban he is prom ote peace and rew ard th e bet­ ter elem ent. Y ou can’t g ather figs of thistles, nor can you get virtue and goodness o u t of th e D em ocrat c 11 at;hiue. A s long as Boss Sim- uons dictates and controls, hie puppets .vill do his bidding. Men A-ho w ill cheat aud shoot nejroes, .vill cheat w hite E epublieaus if ,hey deem it iieeessary to p arty success. A F IG H T . Are notice that Congressman Bellamy has beeu iu a fight with Attorney Meaies at Wilmington. It is hard to understand this un­ less the Congressman was in a quandary and had no chance to run.—Caucasian. That’s what we thought a jont it. It will be remembered that during the last campaign the Con- gre.ssman opened his mouth and spake to a newsp-aper reporter and said that Senator Butler should be ruu out of the State. The Samp­ son county man may be deficient in some respects but he has nerve and courage enough to compare with the average, at least, and he promptly wrote the 'Wilmington Cjugressman aud suggested that as they were both uieu that he (Bellamy) undertake the job of running him out of the State, whereupon the apparently brave Congressman subsided, cooled off almost to freezing temperature, went into his hole and pulled the hole in after him. That he jo t in­ to a fight is certainly a mystery. — O ur H om e. “I had been troubled with indiffes- tionforten years, have tried many thine-3 and spent mucn money to no pX ?sc SnSl I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. 1 h av e taken two bo « lea^a gotten more rel ef frqm them tton 111 other medicines taken. I feg ijii-o a hov th a n I h ave fe lt in twenty years ” Anderson Megs of S y Y a n T le x , Thousands tave testified as did Mr. Biggs. C. C, San ford aM M. A. Foeter. I AVHY SU RK . I The W adesboro M essenger-In- ; telligencer th in k s the only decent course left open for the “ accused judges,” is for them to resign th eir seats ou th e Suprem e C ourt bench. , AN cll, well, well! liesign because I a crowd of h ungry D em ocratic p a r­ tis lu place h unters have under- 11iken to im peach them so th a t ' their positions m ight be filled w ith ^ sweet scented D em o?iats— like th a t I fellow w ho w anted to ride the dis- Iti-iiit w ith-the negro Geo, II. AVhite ‘ fjr in stiu se. B esigu becaase a I fci.- ilirty nose rag papers have im- : pagne.l th e ir m otives and sworn j w r.ith and vengeance against the 1 ju Iges, who, l y th e w ay, w ould be pure aud spotless statesm en if they were w earing th e D em ocratic lag. W e are uut personally ac liiuaiute l w ith th e judges whose I places tlia D aaiocratic m -iehiue trie.l get, b-at anybody w ith sense eiioagh to get out of a show ­ er of r.iiU; can soe clearly the basis of the iufam ous im peachm ent p ro ­ ceedings and anybody th a t knows which end is up w-heu he’s w alk­ ing kaoivs th a t the im peachm ent proceeding.^ w ould never have beeu dreaiued of if th e “ accused judges” h ad beeu w earing tbe same party label th a t th e origiua- lorsoi the im peachincut proceed­ ings are w earing. B a t w e e.Kpect to hear of th e judges stepping down and ont after they learu th a t it IS the de.sire of t.,e W adesboro paper th a t they do so—th a t is, if they hear of it.— O ur H om e. W e clip th e follow ing tw o edi­ torial paragraphs from th e W ash - ingloii Post: ‘■The X orth C arolina people otve mach t j those D euiocratic m em ­ bers of ihe S tate Senate w ho de­ clined to jo in in a political raid ou the Suprem e C ourt.” The X orth C arolina D em oerats have beeu saved from th e schem es of some decidedly reckless leaders. Court sm ashing is alw ays a d an ­ gerous practice.” The Post is rig h t iu both of the above paragraphs. T he people of the State are grateful to th e tw elve DeinocKi.tic Senators w ho refused to obey the dictates of th e Sim ­ mons red sh irt m achine to m ake a political raid on th e court for the purpose of securing offices and packing the court. B pt th e law aud evidence w ere so strong iu favor of th e judges aud against th eir im peachm ent th e only thing strange to th e people of K orth Carolina is th a t a single Senator coi’ld have voted for couviction, even though tb e p arty laslx was laid on m ost vigorously. The Post is right in the second paragraph when it says that these twelve Senators have saved their party from doing a reckless aud dangerous thing. Indeed, nothing could have- dam aged th e D em ocratic parly more and nothing cocld have m ade it more certain th-at th e opposit­ ion would go into pow er th e next election than for th e Sim m ons m a­ chine to have convicted th e judges by brute force aud num bers.— Cauc.isian. He Got it at Last. The bullying m anner som etim es assum ed by certain barristers in cross-exam ination in order to cou- fuse a w itness is notoiious, aud m any are th e tales told o f w ituess' es w ho ha ve tu rn ed th e tables on their prosecutors. The following relates to a. case o f this kind; In a civil action on m oney m at­ ters the plam tiff h ad stated th a t his financial position w-as alw ays satisfactory. In cross-exam ina­ tion he w as asked if ever he had been b in k rn p t. “Iso,'’ w as th e answ er. K ext question w as: “ Kow, be careful; did you ever stop pay- m enti” “ Y es,” w as th e reply. ‘•A h!” exclaim ed th e counsel, I thought we should get it a t last. W hen d id th a t happen!” “ A fter Ij)a id all I ow ed,” w as N O L PKOS O F ELEO TIO X CASES. G reensboro, A gril 9.— Ju st be­ fore the adjonrninent of Federal C ourt, th is afternoon, th e cases against the D em ocratic registrars, w hich w ere set for trial a t the present term , w ere nol prossed. In m aking the m otion D istrict A t­ torney H olton m ade th e following statem ent, w hich w as concurred iu by A ssistant D istrict A ttorney Price: “ In view of the situation iu this State and the ' general dfesire for peace and quiet, aud in consider­ ation of w hat w e conceive to be for th e beat interest of th e Slate, we respectfully re:»m uiend to the c.o;irt th at, in these cases, a nolle prosequi be entei e I upon the term s aud conditions following; th a t is to say: “ F irst, th a t the U nited States attorney leserves th e rig h t to rein­ state if his opiniou, th e public good requires it. “ .-iccoiKl, we are prom pted to pursue this conrse iu considera­ tion of the reeoium endations to us by ICjidiug conservative meu of the State, ot all political parties, as th at fioursa would, iu th eir opin­ ion, best subserve the pub ic wel- faie, regardless of tb e g u ilt or in ­ nocence of the parties. “ T hird, Thai, this conrse is re- conim e-jded w ilhout passing upon th e question of th e gu ilt of the parties inasm uch as, according to tiie testim ony in th e ijossessiun of the governineut, th e defendants, in our opinion, m igiit properly be convicted; but w ith th e so e desire to f irth e r w hat is couceived to be prom otive of peace aud q u iet in the S tate aud w ith the firm belief on o u t p a rt th at it is th e law abid- ing citizens of th e S late to secure and enforce th e coustitutional rig h t of every citizen and fully pro­ tect biiu iu tb e exercise of bis elec­ tive franchise and privileges. “ If these com m eudablii purposes can be accom plished or tubserved we consider to be for th e best in ­ terest of the State, in th e present state of affairs, to discontinue the further prosecution of these cases, w ith th e undorstam liug th a t con­ ditions hereafter are to bo such th at there w ill be no necessity for the prosecution ol such ca.ses,” In ordering th e cases nol pross­ ed, Judge B oyd said: “ T he court approves th e conrse takeu by th e district attorney, be­ cause I believe th a t it w ill better subserve th e future peace and good order of the S tate than w ould a fu rth er prosecutiou of the ladict- m euis. I am not oblivious of the conditions w hich surround me, aud I am satisfied th a t those who represent th e best classes of citi­ zens desire to uphold th e good name ol th e State, and preserve th at harm ony and good w ill a luong our people w hien ought to prevail for th e best interest ol all. I have coulidenee in th e integrity of those who have suggested the action takeu today iu these cases, aud com m end th e district attorney th it he has responded to a request w hiah seem s to come to him as a CO nm aud from representatives o. the best social and business ele­ m ent of th e State. T he ces.satiou of the turm oil w hich has afflicted us, the restoration of peaceful acd cordial relations am ong our people are considerations far above those w hich m ay enter into any individ­ ual prosecutions. “ B elieving th a t th e discontinu­ ance of these' cases is a long step tow ard th e realization of condit­ ions so m aterial to th e fn tn re w el­ fare of the com m unity, I desire to expiess m y hearty approval of the action w hich has been taken and I am sure th a t all g o o l citizens w ill join m e in th e hope th a t w hat has beeu done here today w ill have th e effect to cem ent together onr people in closer bonds of friend­ ship and i’jiire to th e inestim able blessings of peace and good order am ong c s.” — C harlotte O bserver. the answer. JO B C O U L D N ’T H A V E STO OD IT I f h e ’d h ad Itch in g P iles. T hey’re terrib ly annoying; b u t B ncklen’s A rnica Salve w ill core th e w orst case of pilja on earth . I t has cured thousands. F o r Injuries, P ain s or B odily E ruptions it’s t te b est salve in th e .w orld. ' P rice 25c a box. C ore guaranteed. Sold by C. C. Sanford. “ I had piles so bad I could g e t no re st nor find a cure u n til I triei^D e- W itt’s W itch H azel Salve. A fter usinir it once, I fo rg o t I ever had any­ th in g like P ile s.” E. C. Boice, Som ­ ers P oint, N. Y. Look out for im ita­ tions. Be sure you ask fo r D eW itt’s. C. C b aoford and M. A. F oster. A E A G IJfG , E O A E IN G FLO O D ■Washed down a telegraph line w hich Chas: 0- E llis, of Lisbon, la ., h ad to repair. “ Standing ,v-aist deep iu icy w ater,” he writes^ “ gave m e a terrible cold and cough. I t grew w crae daily. F inally th e best doctors in O ak­ land, N eb., Sionx C ity and O m aha said I h ad consum ption and cx)uld npt live. T hen 1 began using D r. K ing’s Now D iscovery aud w as w holly cured, by six bottles.” Positively guaranteed for Coughs; Colds aud all T hroat and L ung troubles by C, C. Sanford. P rice 50 cents. S pring coughs a re specially d an g er ous and unless cured a t once, serious lesu lts often follow. O ne M inute Cough C ure a c ts like m agic.. I t is not a c o m m en m ix tu re b u t a high grad e rem edy. C. C. Sanford an d M. A F o stet. i. J u d g e F u rch es a t H is Old H om e. W hile Judge Furches w as rest­ in g np he cam e over to D avie and spent tw o or three days, w ith his brother aud sisters near Farm iug- ton, this county. H is friends in D avie were glad to have him w ith them and gladder still to know th a t D avie’s honored son returned to his old hom e w ithout a elond or staiu upon his eschutcheon. H e has risen from a poor farm ers boy to the ^ i e f justiceship of liis state, an honor of w hich he and -his friends feel proud. H e has lived a sim ple life of de­ votion to his profession, and has won th e adm iration and respect of (he people of th e state. W hile he ii a staunch E epnbltcau, Iiis life has beeu th a t of a good m an and au u p rig h t citizen, aud w hile th e shafts of parfizaii hate and spite have beeu h urled a t him w ith deadly intent, th ey have falien at his feet harm less. W ith a con­ scious iiride of innoceuce, w ith love and devotion for his kindred and friends, he returns to his Da­ tive heath, to pay trib u te to th e dead brother who dieJ w'hile he was detaiued a t E aleigh, aud to m ingle w ith th e living loved ones of his old iiom e. H e can rest as­ sured th a t he w ill carry w ith him through life the respect and ad- mii-alion of all good meu who hon­ or a m an for w hat he is, and not for w'hat h is enem ies say or do M ay he li . e long iu the enjo.yment of th e love, respect and adm iration of his fellow citizens. Ii;- K E P T ULS LEG . Tw elve year.s ago J . W . Snlli van, of H artford, Conn , scratched his leg w ith a rusty W ire. Infla- m ation and blood poisoning set in. F or tw o yeiu's he suffered intense­ ly ! Then the best doctors urged am pntation, “ b n t,” be w rites, “ I used one bottle of E lectric B itters aud 11 boxes of B ucklen’s A rnica Salve and m y leg was sound and well as ever.” F o r E ruptions, Eczem a, T etter, S alt E heuni. Sores, and all blood disorders E lectric B itters has no rival on earth . T ry chem . C. C. Sanford w ill guar.an- tee satisfaction or refund m oney. Only 50 cents. W h at a F in a u c ic r H e W ill M ake. H e w as a w-ise youth, although not verv old. O ne day his father brought hom e a little bank to keep his savings iu. “ Now, W illie, he said, “ ■we’ll Start a b an k ,” “ I choose to be cashier,’’ in ter­ ru p ted th e boy. “ ■Very well, you can be the cash­ ier and I w ill be th e board of di- reotors. T hen you and y o n r. sis­ ters aud yonr m other and I w ill be the depositors. Now, I w ill p u t these five pennies in to sta rt w ith . 'vVh-iit w ill you do!” “ I ’ll p u t in m y seven pennies,” he respoudeil. H is m other dropjied in a couple of dim es aud each of his sisters a penny. D uring th e next tw o weeks num erous deposits were made and all ra n sm oothly. Then one nioroiug paterfam ilias found him self sjiort of change aud a b ­ stracted -a quarter from th e bank. B ut th e ?agle eye of th e young cashier dletected the shortage, and be prom ptly t -.ok w hat w as left. T he next m orning th e young fi­ nancier’ll father, w ashing tO oiustill a little m ore business know ledge into his head, said: “ Now,: W illie, suppose one of th e depositoi-s w ished to draw out some m ohey, w hat w ould yon dol” The boy sim ply pointed to th e bank, on w hich w as th e following placard: “ Suspended P aym ent.” “ W hy, W illie, w hat does this m ean!” inquired his father. “ D irectors overdrew th eir ac­ counts, so th e cashier w ent off w ith th e rest,” w as th e laconic re spouse, “ Yo-d don’t m ean th a t you have taken th e m oney th a t was in there, d 3 you!” in a tone of p-ained sur­ prise. “ Y es.” “ B ut don’t you know th a t this is not honest!” “ T he directors beg?n tam pering w ith th e finances.” “ M y boy,” said th e fath er ad ­ m iringly, “ some day yon w ill be a g reat financier, b u t first you have a few things to learn. N ever w ait for th e depositors to prosecute. Now, come w ith m e to _ th e n u r­ sery and b ring a stra p w ith yo u .” “ F ath er!’’ replied th e youth, persuasively, “ can’t w e com pro­ mise th is m atter iu somo w ay! It you won’t prosecute I ’.ll see tlia t th is bank resum es i>aymentr and won’t say anything abont th e d i­ rectors draw ing out m oney on th e sly .” A n d so th ey arranged it. If you w ant a, m a­ chine, call on th § E ditor. ’T IS EA SY TO F E E L GOOD. C ountle^ thousands have found a blessing to th e body in D r. K ing’s New Life P ills, w hich pos­ itiv e ly , cure C onstipation, Sick H eadache, Dizziness, Jaundice, M alaria, Fever and A gne and all L iver and Stom ach troubles. P ure­ ly vegetable; never gripe or w eak­ en. O nly 25c. a t C. C. Sanford’s D rug Store. T he .leffersou hotel in Richm ond w hich is said to have cost one m il­ lion dollars, w as destroyed by fire about a week ago. AVhen a girl advises a m an to m arry some other woman, she is usually only trying to find out his sentim ents tow ards herself. TA X P.A Y EH S N O TIC E. A s every single S tate institn- tion is clam oring for its oppropria- tions aud the expense of th e Legis­ lature has run th e Tre.isury down low, I feel called upon to request th a t the sheriffs exert them selves to collect th eir ta.xes and let me have them at the earliest possible m om ent. Tbe above st-atement from th e S tate Treasurer. I m ust have th e m oney. U nless paid I w ill add cost and collect as th e law directs. Saturdays, th e 13th, 20th and 27th I w ill be at m y office. Y ours tru ly , J . L . Sh e e k, Sheriff. e O Y E A R S ' E X P E R IE N C E ' P a t e n t s TRADE MARKS D c s iq n s Copyrights &e.Anyone sending a tketrb and descripUon m*T qnickir ascertain oar opinion free wbetber ao invention is probably patm table. Commnnica* tiona strictly confldentuL Handbook on Patent;SSfeSiSST"™ "StKttflric Jtmerican. A handsomely i!histrat«d weekly.enlation of any sclentiac JoDmal. yiwr; lour montha, f t Sold by all liareest Terms. tS u -----' lalen* l0^361Brotdway. I fiS 7 Bt, Waabin^n' 1). C SODTHERN RAILWAY. Greensboro Nurseries, G EEEN SB O EO , N, C.. I W e bave a large surplus of standard W in ter A pples. Now is the tim e to set; place yonr order before th e assortm ent is broken. Special term s to those w ish­ in g to p lan t largely. A ddress. JO H N A . Y O U N G, P ro prietcr. T H E . . . STA N D A R D R A IL W A Y O F T H E S O U T H . The D irect Line to all Point*. TEX .4S, C A L IFO R N IA . ' FL O R ID A , C U BA A N D PO RTO EICO.I Strictly Fiist Class Equip­ ment on all Tlirougli and Lt- cal Trains. Pullm an Sleeping C arsonall N ight Trains. F ast and Safe Bchednles. T rav el by tU e S ou th ern a n d }'ou a re tkssiircd a Safe, Com- I'ortable a u d a u Ex|>editiou!4 .1 ouruey. Apply to ' bles, lu te s and General Infor­ mation, or address R. L. '(rERNON, T. P. A. Charlotte N. C. F. R. DARBY C. P. & T. A. Asheville N.C. MO TROUBLE TO AMSWHt QUESTION S H HARDWICK, fl. P. A. ■WA.SHINGTON.D C W . H . L E O N A R D , WINSTON, N. C. Tiic old Reliable up to date Jeweler and Optician, will give you One hundred cents worth for every dollar, one price to all and til? best goods for the LOWEST POSSIBLE FRIGFS. W atches, Diam onds, Jew elry, Spectacles, Eye Glasses, C hina and rich C ut Glass- o o o 406 L iberty S treet. G. T. GLASCOCK & SONS, GKEBNSBOEO, N , C, .GENERAL FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. -M A N U FA O TU R ES- W ater W heels; B and Saws, W ood L athes. Em ery G rinders, Saw A rbors, G rate B ars, Jo b Castings every description. Also m anufactures CABOi-iNi Cook Stoves, H eating Stoves, H ol­ low W are and Fee<l C utters. The Carolina Cook Stove is sold on its M ERITS. E very Stove G uaranteed. F or sale by E. E. HUNT, Mocisville, N. C. D O H ' T F O B . G B T t o call a t the R ed F ront and see o ur new lo t o f ready­ m ade skirts. W e carry a nice line of D ress Goods and Trim m ings, AVhiteGoods, Law ns, Silks, H a m b u i^ ,L ac e s. Y o u W i l l F i n d O u r S t o c k C o m p l e t e and u p to date. W e also carry a nice line of Shoes 'f o r all. "When in M ocksville ^ v e m e a look. I 'wiU alw ays m ake prices O. K . Y ours anxious to please, J . T . B A I T Y . '■ I' ■11 ABEM N BEEF BABIED British Armv Will Use None Cu! Hom>3r8J Pr.duc:. FAR-REACHING EFFECT FEARED T he n rills li G ovcrniacnt ITaft l^xcloded A ll B eef Kxcppt* Ilom e'lS rcd F ro m tlio A rm y Contrac^8 — C lilcaeo P ackers T liin k T liat Tlitd St«p W ill ScrlouBly C ripple K aR]npS8~3IiIIIons a t S fake. TVnshlufftour D. C.—The Pcpnrl* Jncnt of A|?i*icnlluro has rccoiveil * dis­ patch from a promiuont paokinc oom- pany of Chicago onnonnclns that It has jusc been advised that the B .Ish l.overnraent has excluded nil beef, ex­ cept homo-bred, from the British Army contracts. This, it i.s str.ted. Is to be effective June 1 next. Secretary flay han cabled to Aml)assador Choate an inquiry Into the reason fo? the order o' the British Government. This action is taken at the instance of th» D epart­ m ent of Afcriciiltnre. The Cliioafro concern Iins asked Ihe Airricultnral Departm ent for any as­ sistance it can render. It hag pointed o’lt that th<* '•ctiou of the British Covernment Is a severe blow to Amer­ ican beef and cattle exporters and in-oducers. aud means not aloue the loss In novornnient trade, but It Is feared It -will serve very m aterially tow ard inciting a prejndlce on the part of tlio peonle of G reat Britain njralnst the beef and cattle of this country. To dem onstrate tlie Importance of the move now said to be contemplat­ ed. it is pointed out that the vr.liie of our annual exports of live animals o G reat Britain am ounts to $40,000,000, while the total of animal products ex­ ported from the United States to Great Britain Is stated to be, In round num­ bers, $200,000,000. It is pointed out here tliat this pro­ posed embarpo may really be a sequel, in greater or less degree, to the pro­ ceedings Instituted at New Orleans Against shipments of horses ana mules from tiiat port for use In the Soutli A trlcan campaign. While this is, of course, merely conjectural, it Is very . strongly hinted that the New Orleans incident probably is the direct Inspira­ tion for the step. It is pointed out that If the English really decided to take the action ve- ported in the advices ju st rcceivcC, they m ight turn to A ustralia for their meats. It is clnimod. however, that m eats cannot .be obtained there of as good a quality or as chcap as in the United States. London.—The British W ar Of­ fice confirms the report that it Is going to try the ex­ perim ent of supplying the arm y w ith only home-grown beef. The experi­ ment will extend six months, from June 1. TH E NEW S EPITO M IZED C EO RC E CANNON, MORMON, DEAD. F o rm er AposU e an d U tah D elegate In C ongress F ro m 1873 to 1880. Monterey. Cal.—George Q. Cannon, who was an apostle of the Mormon Church, died here after a brief Illness. U e had been one of the leading men of U tah and of the Mormon Church. The body w as taken U Salt Lake City. George Q. Cannon w as born in Liv­ erpool, England, January 11, 1S27. He came to America iu IS ii, and w as or­ dained an older of the !ormon Church in 1845. In ISiO he joined the main body of the Mormons from Nauvoo. in., on the w ay to Utah, and reached there in 1847. In 1849 he w ent to Cal­ ifornia on missionary work, and iu 1850 w ent to the H aw aiian ~3lands and remained there for four years. In 1855 he established the W es‘ rn Stand­ ard In San Francisco. In 1800 he was made a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. H e w as a Delegate in Congress from 1S72 to 1880, and T. -.8 one of the counselors to the Pres­ ident of the Mormon (;hurch. H e w: i connected w ith many of the business enterprises of Utah. F L E IT OF DE ST .R 0 Y E R 3 DAMAGED B ack o f O ne B ritish W a rsh ip B roken hy a W ave in th e B rlU sh C hannel. London.—The Telegi-aph says that disaster has overtaken the Devonport Uotilla of torpedo boat destroyers since the inauguratlou of the sys'tem of cruises of three weeks. A fter the latest of these practice voyages eight boats returned to port disabled. The most serious case w a ^ h a t of the Seal, the back of which w as brok­ en. It is feared that she is unfit for further service. The seven other ves­ sels were variously damaged. Be­ sides these there have been fifteen disabled boats of this class recently undergoing repairs at Portsmouth. The trouble is ascribed to the un­ suitability of torpedo boat destroy­ ers, which are necessarily of some­ w hat flimsy constructlor, to knock about In such weather as causes larger vessels to seek shelter. Their plating Is only an eighth of an inch thick. B loslem B ehelU on in A u stria. The Moslem population of Adachale Island, near the Iron CJate of the D an­ ube, rebelled. The troops were called out. but met w ith much resistance. Sixteen Moslems were killed aud fifty others wouncled. A ssistant P a te n t C om m issioner Rc^iicns. W alter H, Cham berll.. of Chicago, has. tendered to President McKiulev his resignation as United States As­ sistant Commissioner of Patents. W am lttK to B ritish T roops. The British W ar Otfice has issued the following special order regardinir surrenders hi-the field: “Any olSceror soldier, who, w^hen In the presence of the enemy, displays a white flag or other token of surrender, will be tried by general court-martial." Y ellow F ev er in Jam aic a. Yellow fever has made Its appear­ ance at Port Itoyal. the entrance tj Kingston, Jamaica. Two casrs have been ofllclally reported aud one deaiu has resulted. U n e n D n sters F o r C om m encem ent G arh. Considerable feeling has been aroused iu the University a t Madison. ^Vl8., by the senior law clas adoptlui; lluen dusters aud a straw bat us tbV • olticial garb at commencement instead of the cap and gown. They were re­ quested to vote ou the cap aud gown question. ' Delgado, Governor of Iloilo, P. I. General- M artin Delgado, the chiel insurgent commandar Iu the* Island of uu;n his soirender in Jaooar?, hM been appointed Governor of the Province of ypiio, R I • W A RR IN G TO N 1TB »IS. President McKInlcy appointed Colo­ nel W allace F. Randolph chief of the ArtilIer3’»Corp.s of the army. Ne-otlatiouf are iu progress for a new Isthm ian canal treaty between the United States and Gie.'.t Britain. A statue of General John A, Logan w as tjnvplled, addresses being made by President McKinley and Senator Depew. The Snnnish W ar Claims Commis­ sion held ItH first meetlng--'and adopted rules of procedure. Charles V.. Flint testified before the Indiisti’Ial Commission In upcrnrd to the effect of great combinations of capital. The battleship W isconsin will not be sent to the Pljlllppines to replace the Oregon, as Avas confemplalnjl. Officials of the Agricultural D epart­ ment are taking nains to prevent the Introduction of the foot and mouth disease into this country. Secretary Long ordered the establish­ ment In Newport. R. I., of a Bchool for enlisted men of tbo navy. O U i: A D O PTED ISr.A N D P. The natives In 5?amoa under ihe Uni­ ted States Government num ber 5800. according to a census just taken. All t . i Provinces of Panny Island. P. L. are being organised im dcr civil government. Acrlculturally, Porto Kico ha.' en­ tirely recovered from the effects of *he cyclone of nearly two ycar.«? ago. Emilio Agulnaldo. at Manila. P. I.. has signed the ppace manifesto drafted by Justice .\rellano. The H avana newspaper La Discuelon was suppressed by Ciovernor-General Wood for caricaturing President ^fc- Klnlev. General Wood aud Senator O. H. Platt. A dead h*tfor ofiice was ordered for Konolulu, Hawaii. The ^Manila street railway w as pur­ chased by a comi'tany, and will be con­ verted Into an elcctric line. General Areola, a colonel, twenty- nine otiier officers and 800 men sur­rendered theh' arm s at Nuova Caceref* P. I. _________ D O T .IE R T IC . The Mliuipsota Legislature passed the bill prohibiting the m arriage of Im­ beciles. the inpfine and epMcptlcs. W^IIl Black and H enry Wilson, ne- gi’oes. who murdered Ivy W ilson a year ago, were hanged i.t Magnolia, Ark. W hen ho saw his sweetheart driving w ith another man. Jack Dodd, a young white man. dropped dead near Bir­ mingham, Ala. Four steamers from European ports arrived at New York C5 - w ith an ag­gregate of 4178 Immigi'ants. The Connecticut Ixjgislature reject­ ed a bill m aking eight hours a day’s work. The Minnesota Legislature instructs the Attorney-General to Inve.stlgate proposed consolidation of rallroaxls. A huge mass of gnow and rock swept down from the mountain near Ade­ laide, Col., burying a w ork-trabi and killing three men and seriously injur­ ing four others. The m'-n were clear­ ing the debris of an earlier slide. New York City officially thanked Andrew Carnegie for his $5,200,000 library donation. Burglars who attem pted to rob the private bank of S. W. Clark, ,*»t Spen­ cer, Ohio, were frigliteued aw ay before securing any money. J. P. Morgan & Co.. announces the formation of a powei'ful corporation composed of dry goods jobbing houses and .departm ent stores a t New York, City, and capilali5?od at $20,000,000. : W ith death by electrocution or tuber­ culosis close at hand, a respite was given lailgi Storti. condemned m ur­ derer. at Boston. Mass. After being pardoned. Frank Coles, n burglar in jail at lllchmond. Va., declared he would be u missionary. A 70.000 barrel oil property hi the uew Texas field sold for $1,250,000. Students at H arvard U niversity are not opposed to hazing by the secret societies. M ajor W. H. M artin, a defaulting clerk of the North Carolina Treasury, was sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary. A resolution for a constitutional amendment legalizing the use of voting machines was lost in the Wisconsin Senate. Governor W hite, of W est Virginia, pardoned Ellas Hatfield. Jr., a mem­ ber of the Hatfield faction, who had' served twelve years for killing “Doc”! Elils In Wingo County. John Zollinger, an old and eccentric; recluse, who had hoarded $4000. blew out his brains at New York City. The headless body of a man w as found near Ferrisburg, Vt., and the identity is a my.stery. FOEETG N . The British Indian regiments In China are to return to Calcutta. President Castro, of Veuezuela, formed a Cabinet, on obtaining legal sanction for his dictatorship. The Russian student dem onstrations h^ve spread to Siberia. Le Slecle, leading Dreyfusite organ, suspended at Paris, France. Brigands have destroyed three townsi iu Thibet. • M. ZInovieff, Russian Ambassador, a t Constantinople, made representa-i tions to the Turkish Government ou the supineuess of the Porte l!i allowing' British aggression in tSouthern Arabia., Em peror William unveiled an eques-l triau statue of his grandfather, K aiser Wilhelm I., at X*ulSilam, (Jermauy. The Chinese vessels Ilungfui and' Sunchow collided near Uoug Kong, China, and l>oth sauk. Seventy China­ men were drowned. Thirteen were saved. W elland, who threw the bolt whicli wounded Emperor William at Bremen. Germany, in an epileptic lit tried to kill his attoniey. The burned Russell Theatre, at Ottawa, Ont., valued a t $100,000 aud insured for ^jU.UOU. is a total loss. One hundred and fifty persons were rendered homeless by fire in Andover, Hainpshire, lOnglaud. Tlie Persiuu Government raised all import aud exi>orc duties ou goods to and from Russia to five per ceut. ad valorem. Arrangements were made for a re­ sumption of diplomatic relntlous between Venezuela aud France. The special mission to announce King Edw ard's accession to the Brit­ ish throne w as well received by the German Emperor. The m em beraof a ^facedonian revo* iutionary committee were arrested in Sofia. * By the end of May, says a Moscow correspondent, the Rnssiau army iu llaocbnrli^ will uuuiber 30^000 lutoi,. M ONTANA CITY SHIFTING A Portion of Butte Has Kovcd io ths Southward. T racks o f th e S treet ISallw ay IJn o P u sh ed O u t o f P lacc — C oologlsti E x­ p lain th e P henom enon. Butte. Mon.—.A iwrtlon ci Butte, be­ lieved to em brace the larger part of the big hill upon which all of Ihe Aua- conila mines are situ att-, has made a very perceptible moveineut sov.thward during the past few days. A t the foot of Anaconda Hill the slide pushed the tracks of the street railw ay line about six hicbes for a distance of about 300 feet along the road. As there are no large buildings In that part of the city no dam age w as done except to the railroad tracks, and but for their dis­placement the slide would not have !)een noticed. Geologists and scientific men pay that the entire range of mountains about Butte Is constantl:/ inovlns. and that the sliding process which has been going ou for ages ami iias crushed and mixed the copper »ilns and bodies in the Butte district and displaced many of them Is still golpg on. About a year ago a sim ilar slide occurred In t -e western portion of the city and riffht In the heart of the resi­ dence portion. The County Court House, the handsome resldemre of Sen­ ator W. A. Clark, several church bulldlng.s and other buildings were se­ riously cracked. The statem ent Is made by well- known mining men that the cellar of a shaft of the Green M oimtain Mine, one of the Anaconda properties, has moved about seven feet In ten years. The phenomenon Is regarded w ith in­ terest by scientific men, but no danger Is feared from It. PITTSBURG BURGLARS KILL TWO. The Victims ft Grocery Merchant and n City Detcctivc. Pittsburg. Penn.—Thomas D. Kah- no. a Mount W ashington grocer, was Shot and killed in his home by three burglars while defending his wife, who w as being chloro ormed. A few hours later the rendezvous of the al­ leged robI)er8 w as discovered and a force of detectives i)ut to work ou the case. In a desperate fight which fol­ lowed. City Detective Patrick E. Fitz­ gerald w as Instantly Ulleil and one of the alleged robbers, who gave his nam e as Edw ard W right, who fired the shots that killed Fitzgerald, was badly wounded. Two men and two women were ar­ rested, and d!amoud.s aud other prop­ erty w orth from .$3000 to $4000 re­ covered. The whole ql the gang is be­ lieved to be in custody, and the de­ tectives say they have evidence that the men are responsible for the num'-v- ous burglaries of the past month or two in and around this city.The wounded prisoner w as remove 1 to Mercy Hospital. The otherj arrest­ ed gave their nam es as Robert Wilcox and his wife, Jennie; J. B. W right, a brother of the alleged murderer, ar 1 a woman said to be his wife. They were taken to Central Station, where it w as learned that all were from Chi­ cago. PO NCE T R E A SU R Y EM PTY. K carly E v ery O th e r T ow n in P o rto B ica in th e Sam e C ondition. Sau Juan. I’orto lUco.—It Is a fact w orthy of the study of specialists that nearly every town In Porto Rico has an i;nii>ty treasury. Several weeks ago In Ponce, -when th at city was threatened w ith an epidemic of small­ pox. the chief medical officer ot the Superior Board of H ealth, an insular body, suggested to the Mayor th at the first step to be taken should be to erect a tem porary hospital In which the cases could be quarantined. The M ayor shnigged his shoulders and ad­ m itted the feasibility of the scheme, but replied that there w as no money available for the project. The building' suggested w as to cost only 5300. Eventually the hospital was built by a subscription raised among tfle business men. A fter It w as ready to receive patients It w as found that the city had no money w ith which to purchase supplies. These had to bo furnished by a m erchant of Ponce, who took over a city debt as security. r - O REAT B A T T L E IN ARABIA. S u ltan o f N ojd A ccovers K ingdom A ftct T ra p p in g A rm y o f B fabaronk. Bombay, India.—Ibu Ilaschid has re­ covered the Kingdom of Nejd, Central Arabia, after defeating Mabaronk. Sheik of Koweit. who recently seized the city of Nejd and deposed Ibu Ras- chid, after a pitched battle. The arm y of M abaronk w as lured Into a narrow gorge, and the hordes of Ibu Raschid swooped down from the m ountains and overwhelmed their enemies. Fugitives who have reached gulf ports declare th at 5000 men were killed. The fate of M abaronk is not known. M RS. HALL S U ES FOR A MILLION. A lleges T h a t S he is th e A dopted D au g h ­ te r o f G ilm an. H artford. Conn.—Mrs. Blakely H all Ijegan action in the United States Court for the recovery of her alleged share of the estate of the late George F. Gilman, of Bridgeport, the tea mer­ chant. Mrs. H all In her declaration claims that she Is the adopted daughter of Mr. Gilman and that she llvetl w ith him as his daughter, that he treated her as such. She estinmtes the value of the estate a t $1,500,000. F a ta l E u co a n tcr W ith G ypsies. In an encounter between a baud of rol)bers, gypsies aud a constable’s posse at Summit, Penn., Deputy D. C. Tittler was mortally wounded, one gypsy w as killed and another badly hurt. The trouble grev out of tlie looting of a Duncausviile store by ihe gypsies._____________________ N o Blorn B ritish B u lnrorcem cnts. The Loudon Daily Express saj's It understands tha; the British (iovern- mcut has decided to cease seniliug i-«. Inforcements to South Africa. S portlasr B rev ities. W illiam C. W hitney announces that Ballyhoo Bey's wind .s affected. A trotting match hiis been arranged between ’he Abbot aud Boralma. The Shamrock II. aviU have the larg­ est m ainsail ever carr’ d by a racin:: yacht. The Toledo Golf Club has takun the mitlative tow ard organizing a rival association Iu opiwsition to the United states Uo\t Association. ■' -\ever before has the irvington-MH- ..uu (X. J.) road race course been In 's grand shape as at preseut. It is .iredicted that records wiU be lowered ip ihe race of May 30, B1G.1LY COMPLIMSNTFD. N orth Csro!ina C a'IeJ “ One of the R :cliiSt S tates In th : U nion.” An agreeable fast and very klad and com plim entary allusion io the Old N orth State are contained ia the fol­ lowing from the Charleston Kews and Oaarier: ‘■North Carolina is one of the richest States in the Union, aaS will m ake an exhibit at Charleston th at will Cost from $10,0C0 to $15,600. The exhibit ia already nearly available, the State departm ent of agriculture having do- voted for years a great deal qf inte:l- gent attention to the establishm ent of a a a te museum in wWch ia assoaibled specimens of nearly every m ineral, wood, crop and m anufactured product In the State. Mr. Bruner, who has been engaged In the work of waking these collections tor the last 20 years, and Professor Holmes, who enjoys a national reputation In his special Held, have already gone into the work wi'.h energy and enthusiasm , and promlisa th at the N orth State will m ake a bril­ liant display at Charleston. The Go«- ernor Is hearUly in sympathy w ith the enterprise, and the money for m aking the erihiblt is available. Philadelphia and Baltim ore and the N orthern and W estern States will find in the exhibit from N orth Carolina much to Inform them as to tie richness of the Southern field, whica they will find It to their interest to cultivate. W e shall have to work very'hard if South Carolina is m t to be beaten on Its own soil by other, and in some respects, the greater Cato. Una.” WlATHER A^D CROPS. Alaj Martin’s Defalcatrons. The discovery Is now m ade that Maj. W. H. M artin has stolen funds of the State Hospital, the A gricultural and M echanical College, the Blind In­ stitution, and the A gricultural De­ partm ent. H e says v/hcn first arrested that the stealings w ere from the peni­ tentiary alone. Now th at the facts are known he confesses th at he stole from the four other Institutions and De­ partm ents above named, but says he stole from them only to pay up steal­ ings from the penitentiary. Nobody believes anything he says. The com- jnlttee w ent out to the penitentiary to see M artin, and it was then he made the new confession. He declared he had not stolen from the other asylum s or school. The total am ount stolen from the penitentiary appears to bo *10,000. Tar Heel Notes. The citizens of Back Creek have de­ cided to put In an electric light plant. Rev. E . A". Oshorn will move to Monroe and become pastor of St. Paul's Episcopal church. Congressman K itchin, of th e Fifth district, will address the Salem lodge of Odd Fellows on the 5th anniversary May 6th. Orange Presbytery is in seslon at Graham. The opening serm on was preached by Rev. J. W. Goodman, of Hillsboro. The E ast Carolina railroad from Tar- boro to Farm vllle will be completed by the Fourth of July. It goes through a very rich country. Franklin, Macon county, had a Are last week, and the Episcopal scJiool building was destroyed. Several near­ by buildings were saved only by the herols effort of neighbors. A epeclal from Salisbury to tie Char­ lotte Observer says; “Mr. J. 3. Tatum, book-keeper at the ODoleomee Mills, has on foot a scheme to put a steam ­ boat on the South Yadkin from CoDlee- mee Junction, on the N orth C irollna Midland, to the mills, to carry freight and excursion parties. There is already a home-made steam boat on the main stream , with headquarters a* the toll- brldge. It is a flat-bottomed affair and was very popular w ith the Easter Mon­ day picknicters. The fact th a t the YndWn is navigable by flat boats tor flffy miles up stream ha^ entered into the calculations of the street railw ay people In planning an excursion to the river." Chinese Indemnity. Pekin, By Cable.—The comm.lt'tee ot m inisters which is considered China's financial resources, has reached thD conclusion, baaed upon w hat inform a­ tion is obstalnaJjle, th a t $500,000,000 in gold can be raised w ithout Injuring China’s resources. The exam ination by the committee Into the subject is thus far incomplete, and it will probably bo subsequently learned th at other Chi­ nese resources tor Indem nities are available. The m inisters openly express their desire thot the foreign troops leav-3 Pekin. They are seemingly as anxious for the departure as wore the besieged m inisters anxious for the arrival of the troops. Oen. Thos. Taylor Dying. LoulsvlClle, Ky., Special.—General Thomas H. Taylor, a veteran of t)ie Mexican and civil war, died p.-lday fpjin pneumonia, aged 75. D uring the Mexican w ar he was elevated from distinguished services through the va­ rious grades from private to m ajor and In the Confederate arm y from captala to brigadier general. Vice President of S. A. L. New York, Special.—Jam es M. Barr was elected vice president and general m anaser of the Seaboard Air Line at a m eeting ot the directors In tljls city. The pool of the company’s first m ort­ gage bonds was dissolved and It was decided to retire f2,4S.'!,oro 5 per cent, bonds on the Georgia & Alabama RaiU road on J^lly 1, at an ascni«d IMoro:t. Mrs. L-awson, wife of the Boston m lll'onaire, who goJs advertised so much on everything from pinks to yachts, is said to be determined to get posaessicn of box 34 a t the Boston Horse £fcow, which Mrs. Jack Gardner hDs, occupied for so many years comes in a few days and the pictures of the rival ladies now appear side by side in the ne>wspa.pcrs. Elobbs—“W hy did she Jilt you?" Slobbs—“She r!6tected the odor- of beer ou my breath.’* Blobbs—“A ; prude, oh?" Slobbs—“N ot a t all, b u t) there, was another fellow whose hreatb smellod ol. champagne." Conditions Favornbls at the OpsnI-"j of the Season. The past w inter has been miia. with a considerable deficiency In rain­ fall and alm ost no snow. The coU- est w eather occurred during the ter p art of February and early March, and oh thfe Cth of M arch the lowest tem peratures for the winter were recoirded In many places. w heat was winter-killed, and suffered by the heaving ot the dry soli. Th- entire absccnco of warm periods re­ tarded the groT/th of vegetation, anl spring is late. The long period cf dry w eather In M arch enabled th-3 farm ers to m ake excellent headway w ith prelim inary farm work. Itainy w eather set in on M arch the 25th, which broke the drought, compact- ed the soil about the roots ot v.-heat and started its rapid growth. Tho w eather duriUg the week end- ins Monday, April 8, 1901, was very unfavorable for farm work, chicfly on account of tha excessive rainfall on April 2nd and 3rd, which aver­ aged m ore than 3.00 for the State. Heavy freshets occurred on all tho rivers, bottom lands w ere submerged, and freshly plowe:! fields v.'cre con­ siderably w ashed or packed. The rainfall exceeded the norm al by over 2.00 Inches, and the soil was too wet to plow during the rem ainder of the week. Tho tem perature conditions also were quite unfavorable. The entire week was very cool, and the m ean averaged over 5 degrees below the norm al daily. Light frpsts oc­ curred the m orning of April Sth, w ithout doing any dam age. Satur­ day w as som ew hat w arm er, and the maximum tem perature reached was slightly over 70 degrees. he amount of sunshine vras abundant. High winds prevailed the entire w cei, which helped to hinder farm v/ork, so that very little was accomplished during tho week. N evertheless, in many counties preparations for corn and cot­ ton w ere well advanced: farm ers are ready to apply fertilizers and begin planting actively when weather con­ ditions will perm it. A very little cotton has been plant­ ed, end th a t in the extrem e south portion; preparaiioas are unde^ headway for a full crop. Planting corn has progressed slowly: a little early planted is up in the south. To­ bacco plants in beds have started growing nicely. The cool, rainy wea­ ther has been extrem ely beneficial to wheat, which has greatly Improved and now looks very promising. The season in the southeast trucking re­ gion is m ore backw ard than else­ w here and truck crops are late. Irish potatoes have been planted.peas and cabbages look well, and ship­ m ents of radishes and lottuce have been made. F ruit is still safe throughout the State: peach and plum trees are in bloom everywhere east of the Blue Ridge, but are hold­ ing back well in the west. Straw­ berries, while later than last year,are blooming heavily now and berries are beginning to grow. Th3 A. & M. Com m ncen:cr.t. The com m encem ent exercises ol the A. & M. College will probably be held in Raleigh this year instead of at the college. Preparations are al­ ready being m ade aud selections of the orators from the members of the Senior Class has been the most sig­ nificant move so far. The Senior Class com prises twenty-six young men, and the faculty decided recent ly th a t a selection ot five speakers should bo made, selected in the fol­ lowing m anner; Two by the faculty, selected for scholarship during the past four years: one be the Senior Class, and one by each of the two literary societies, thus making five. The selections have been made as follows: By the faculty—Fletcher Hess B arnhardt of Norwood, Stanley county: W illiam Dailison Faucette of Halifax, H alifax county- By the Sen lor Class—Jesse Jam es Liles, Wades- boro, Anson county. By the Pullen Society—M artin Kellogg of Sunbury, Gates county. By the Leazar Society —F rJd W olhelm Bonitz, Wilmington, New H anover county. Hospital Directors Meet. M organton.—Special.—A t a m eet ing of the directors of the Morgan­ ton H ospital, Mr. P. M. Scroggs was re-elected stew ard and Mrs. C. A. M arsh m atron. A com mittee com­ posed of R. N. Page, .C. H. Arm- field and J. P. Caldwell was appoint­ ed to confer w ith a com mittee from the Raleigh H ospital to prepare rules and regulations to carry out the new law providing th at all Indigent Insane shall be cared for at the hospitals, before any others are rM eived. The new buildings, for whicii the last Legislature m ade an appropriation will be finished by the early falL ’The rienhaden Fishery, W ilm ington, Special.—The m en. haden or “fat back" fishery down the river, near Old Brunswick, and the plant for the m anufacture of flsh scrap for fertilizers Is now in full operation and is proving a paying in­ vestm ent In previous years twenty- three or thirty vessel cargoes of this m aterial Bkve beeen brought to the several buano factories here from New Jersey and ‘Virginia coast points. Now it is proposed by the new plant to furnish a part of this m aterial at home. Negroes Surrounded In a S w onp. Mobile, Ala., S pecial.-’The police of Mobile have been asked to apprehend two aesrocs charged w ith setting flre on Saturday night, to a store in 3 a y M lnette, Baldwin county, Ala. The ne­ groes were overtaken by a posse and a rnhnlng fight ensued. One of the ne­ groes was hit. They returned the shole wounding a m an nam ed McGowan In the arm and leg. They were traced to H urricane bayou swanp, which is now surrounded and dogs are employed in following th et trail. New School Law Digest. The S tate Superintendent of Public fnstuction Is now a t w ork on a digest ot the now public school law for the use of school teachers and officers throughout th e State. Besides the provisions of thcr regular school law the book will conU ld'the free library act and the bUl providiaB tor State adopUon ol bookf. ' TilE ELECTION LAW. riis E ;e= t;on, S y stiin as C reated by th e L ast Legislat.iire. ThS hew election law provides tor t'-o ap;o;ntm ont ty lie Covernor of a"ct3te E ojrd ot Elections, five in n'lmber, to hold o.“Ei'>;e 2 years, begiu- niag jc n e 1, leC-l. to t more than i^-ree ofiihe m em bers to be of the s?.mc Dorty- There shall be in every county a couL'ty board of elections to con- ■>'st of three persons, a-ppointed by the Ktate boar.d of elections, holding oUlce tivo years, re t more than two ttem - beri to belong to :lie sam e party. The State chairm an ot each party shall h,-ive -lie right to recommend persons for appointm ent on the county boards, and the S tats board shall appoint th t coun'Ly boards from th e names recom- m e"ded: provided they be recommend­ ed on or before the first Monday in August 'Of the year w hen appolnt- meats are to be made. The S tate board of ci’ectlons shall meet in P-.-.lelgh on the first Monday ia July; lool, tor organization. The members shall receive f,s compensa­ tion $4 per day tor tim e actually en gaged, togcither w ith actual traveling expenses, etc. The county board of elections in each county shall appoint registrar! and judges of election. T5ie State board shall have power to remove any meoibeT cf a county bcaord for incom- pciency, failure of duty, or any other satisfactory cause. The cO’Unty boa.nl shall have power 1 0 remove any \os- iatrar 'or Judgs ot election tor satisfac. tory caiiie. The county board shall m<iet not later than the first 'Monday in Sep­ tember, 1902, and ‘blennial'y there­ after, and a:t any other times as tho chairm an or any tw o memlj-;rs may direct, to divide th e counties Into election precincts and fix rhe polling places. They m ay adopt tie present election precincts or may estiblis'.i new ones. There shall be ot least one po'Uing place in each tow nship, con­ veniently located tor the m ajority ot the voters. Before the next general election on the Tuesday after the firs', Monday li. Novemher, 1902, there shall be an en­ tirely now registra'lon of ali persons entrtled to register in every voting precinct of the State, and only such persons as are registp.red shall be en­ titled to vets. Every person present­ ing him self for reglstratlo/i bh.=..U be Oible to read and v.-rite any seotion ot the CorstltM t'on In the English lan­ guage, provided, iSia; no person who was on or befora Jaru ary 1st, 1867, en­ titled to vote in any Sta'e. an.l no lineal descendant ct such perscn. shall be denied the rijh.t to re,i!is-tcr and vote by reason of his liiilure to possess lihe education:!! iiualMication aforesaid. In all csaes, the app leant for reg­ istration shall be sworn and shall an­ swer all questions m aterial to his iden­ tity and qualification. The regietrar. if in doubt, may require other evi­ dence as to qualification ot applicant. No person shall be entitled ito vote unless he shall have paid his poll tax for 'the previous year,^ except in case ot those esem'pt from poll tax. Removal f"om one election district to another in the Same county shall not deprive any person of the righit vote in the district from which ne has removed iin'til four m onths after such removal. The residence of a m arried man shall be Where his fam ily reside, and that ot a single man where he sleeps. The county board ot elections shall select, on or betore the first Monday in Sevptemiber, 1S02, and biennally thereafter, one registrar for each ifownshi'p Or precincd. The registrar shall, between 9 a. m. and sunset for 20 davs preceding the day for closing the ie7ldtr.'.i;ion books, keep the books dien. On the second Saturday before each election, the hooka are to be closed. On the Saturday preceding- the election, the regisitraiUon books shall be, from 9 a. m. until 3 p. m., open for tho inspection ot the electors, any of iwiiom may objedt to the name of any person on the books, in which case the registrar shall appoint a tim e when he, together v,’Kh the judges, shall hear and decide the ob­ jection, giving due notice to the voter objected ID. B ut no elector sha.ll be prohibited from challenging the name ot any person registered at any tim e other Ilihan th a t above specified. The county bo.^rd shall appoint two judges of eleetion at each place ot holding elections. No person holding office under the United States or the Sta.te ot N orth Carolina, except Jus­ tices ot the peace, shall be eligible. No re.glEitTaitIon shall ’be allowed on the day of election, except Io case a person shall prove th a t he h'as becoma qualified after the tim e for registra­ tion.The polls shall be open on the day of election from sun rise to sun set. In ease ot challenge, th e registrar and Judges shall exam ine the challenged person, and adm inister ithe prescribed oath: but, even If he takes the oath, the registrar and Judges may: never- the Jess refuse to perm it him to vote. They are authorized to adm inister necessary oaths to witnesses broufebt before them. A space of not m ore than fifty feet in every direction from the polls "ball be kept clear of all persons except the judges, registrar and election bailiffs, and after the elector has entered no one exc'ept registrar or Judges shall be perm itted to com municate w ith him. In case ot challenge, one challenger for each party shall be entitled to en­ te r the space during the hearing Ot tho chllenge. The ballcit m ay be deposited by the voter or by one of the Judges or ithe registrar. The registrar and Judges may ap­ point one or m ore bailiffs for each preclnot to keep the peace, protect the voting place and enable all persons to vote w hen others are not voting. ’There shall be 'ballot boxes for each class of oflticers to 'be voted for, and each one shall he labelled In plain Ro- letters. Any ballot found In the wror.5 box shall not be counted un­ less the registrar and Judges shall be satisfied th a t It was lilaced there bj mistake. The reglsti'ar and judges ohall eo- one of thei.r num ber to attend the meeting of tiie Board ot county CanvaDsers and the members of the several precinct boards of election so appointed shall consUtutc the Board ot County Canvassers. The CouBly Board of Canvassers shall m eet on the second day aOter ev­ ery eledlion, a t the court house, except In th e counties of Carteret, Hyde and Dare, wheie the meeting shall take place on. the seventh day after toe ■Slerj iou. Tne Beard shall then, in the presence of such electors as choose to attend, open and Judicially determine the returns, having f ower I'D genfl lor saseiB and peisinis lo r exam isati'ca. Any. person who shall vote more than once, or shabi« vote, shall be guilty crime, and imprisoned nat let six nor more thna twelva foOO, and any registrar, or cisrv copyist making any fraudulpn ” sballbeIl.hIetotLsa4;V-'',!shall be a, misdemeanor to br^ai any election, deprive ihe o5i»r, tie ballot-boxes, disturb Hc re-:-.,!’ or Judges in their duties or them’ s Board of Canvassers, behave In a ,i!s.orderly manner in the prcacnce nt Lu oBlcers, whi-.e discharging their diml frrat with cither meat or d rL S intent <o influence an election ^ threaten or attempt to intimidate J ' voter because ot the vote he mav or m'3.y not have east, bribe anv eleV-nr or bei upon any election The regis'^rar shall receive thrtt cents for each naire resisterea i„ new registration herein orderca, and thereafter In tho revision of the reck tm tlon book he shall receive one cent for each name cOplod from the orisi nal registration book. Each chalrmaa of the county board ot elcrtions be allowed one dollar per dav for fm» actually employed, and five cents net mile tor distance travrieil, lor mak. lug Iho returns for S=nators. Each sheriff shali receive thirty rents for each notice he Is tequircd to servo un. der this act. The Board of Sta'c Can. vassers may employ t i o clcrk^ at tour dollars each per day, during the ses­ sion ot the board. The membets ot the county boards of eleciions i^hall each be allowed one dollar per day for each day actually employed. The com­ pensation of the rejistrars and judges shall not exceed one dollar ench tor holding the elcctioas. The clcctloa baiUffs shall be enfitled to one dollar per day each. The registrars shall re­ ceive In addition one dollar per day for each Saturday during tho period of registration. The governor and tour memljers ol the Skate Board ot Elections shall constitute the Board of State Can­ vassers: but no member thereof shall take part in canvassing the votes for 2ny office for which he himself ia a candidate. This board shall' open the abstracts transmitrrd to the Secretary cf State, examin? the returrs i,om all ithe counties and conduct a public canvass in the hall of the House of Representatives. Any person registering In more than one election precinct, or in one In which he Is not ontitinJ to vote, or who shall falsely personate any regis­ tered vo:er, shall be guilty of an in­ famous crime, and punished by a iins I not exceeding $1,000 or imprisoned a! hard labor for a term not eicecdins two years or both. Any person v.'ho shall give away In­ toxicating liquors, except iipon prc scrlptlon ot a practicing physiciai within five miles of the pcliins place, and within twelve hours next precd- fng or succeeding any public election, shall be gulKy of a misdemeanor and fined not less 'Ihau $100 nor more than $1,000.The persons elected as eleotors ol the President ot the United States, shall assemble on the second ^lonilay I of January next after their eleri'. i.‘ I at the capital in Raleigh and gita [ their vo'cs on behalf of the State fct President and Vice President They shall be e.liowed the same compcnsa- I tlon as members of the General As- sem ily, and shall be entitled to ths | same privileges. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Central Tlmo at Jacksoiivillo anl Saraaaah Eastom Time at Other Pointi Schednlo In Kxfoot Jan. ?7th. iCrJL KORTHBOOXD.Daily Daily Mali [ Lv. Jacksonvllio “ bavaaunh (Jio. By •) •" BarnweU................“ Blackviilo............... Kt. O o la m b la ....................... B3ia rCp.y.^? liiiil'41.^.....i>.-CniXb3 Lv.“ SoiumcrviUo............ “ B r a a c h v ilio ...................“ Orangeburg.............“ KinifTille.................Ar. (joimnbia ................ iV. AutHiaio. ) • ’ iV. (iraaitovUiO ...........iV. Aikea......................L.V. 'rreiiioo...................“ Johnston.................Ar. Ooluiabia, (L.D.)...- Lv. Columbia, (Bid •* W inusboro “ Chester ...hock Hill.Ar. Obnrlotte A r. W aiihiag'.on ............ B allim oro (Pa.B H ) “ H iilad o lp h ia . --J-- » >~c»w Y o rk........ L v rC o 'u m b ia .......S p a rta n b u rg ... “ A d b cn lle .......... A r. K noxvlJlo -■ A r. O iu c m n a ii. Ar. ljo u ia ri]ie...... SOtmiBOUiTD. 4^irpfllop 7ila 02all* loB1100a Lt. LonisTiUo.................— Cv. Uiiigjpnati ................... Lv. KnuxriH©....................“ ......................................“ ^ rta a b u rg................Ar^Wa-nbla Lv.S?wVork^Fa.tt.B)......PhllaUelphia................“ Baltimoro...................Lv. 'Wadbi'gt’n - r.r. Hitrftmoud.................. Lv. DnnvllJa . 3uop-flljp - Lv. Ul«!irloue.......................» Bock Hill .....................“ Cheater .........................“ Wlnnaboro...................Ar. Columbia, .......Lv. Columbia, UJ. D.)..........“ Johnston.......................“ Trenton.........................Ar. Ajken ...........................\r. G^nuitevilJe..................Ar. ............................... ..Lv. Ooluiabia ^»o. By).................................................“ Oi ...................................B rK nchvllJe............. .“ ........................................ u ij.-’ , i/.’fi_ ,.\r. C-mrleUoa...... L v . 0 J ltu n b i'i iS o . B y .)........... i iji:i i oTa, »•• .......................................- ......................................f:»v:m nah A r ^ ________ ::i;7pl= s c a r sorvlc. _ ^ d o lly J o K O n g c r IV.eon A»’-' id A ik e a ftiid V n v l o r k . J ^ T UoiumWti VIU F-a ■l/OUX__V- Ti irdV-P. -S ' \\ W. H. TALOB, PivH-Aj'tCJen.Fasa. Ag'fc, JJISO * * ‘”1 „as c a ic a s » n = - 'v | Ul” “ C onor'. T U aii W cro ell fcol P ^ 'l T la took in tho P.jris ‘^*‘‘ “ w,TOato s k ill a n d « ia .rvoaiin'! '''ICar‘ or d»'l, and with a | f j livjnff O . J to l U l£ ‘ ‘SlfSpanV in t h . w o rld . I Sitcri to ‘"j e^hibiia t.uproaic ll t l ’’’'' miucJ f « - olStir-l m anl Klo»iy vcraict, whi. h ^ (I & « = ' ^ cv c n I>e=ro>!: |C f”- ,;tn'rdiliitictaB . Tf „ r high dccorat;d i jaditio'l rLCci%-crlJ fcios ‘, 1 , licniy-nic.o in all, I'ol Officor ot th'.' I.W on olj , f ol tho I.c .iucciaH'‘i''ilici.tc o f 11..: 5S»S“of‘Merita .^^r!.: J 4l.riai..... 14iiSaiC luiliy L uCpi I W I oiwv UW *"■' I J id P llM P......... 4i;p,ir2“P......I 8iSalI*’P Ota I I I 6 ^ J-lg I l i r i s K S s d S ith o to il c n tn t3t..'a 1.) th ■ P ^ o r Company tho prCf:-r.a,loJ E ^ r a ir f n t cih ib it. Siy rpL'Ciall rS 'b it h“« '‘“Iot Arts iina Sciencca M I .>rl » pc-rnmm-nt fu.urJ Exhibit and c j “ S w . both of -rhich rocJhnvo by rcquci.t U -n im w l C olh'R O Ol F rr.a= y .^ J ^•ro WHS no h'-'-'iin conn.;c<nin i m l i e T b u t th o m o ..t im iio v ta n t fov. f C U its c a io n u iu i lioU l un*l-.T tb c a | C& um V.xptvt Coniuu;-..,Kin ;.t r a r i n o f T o .n y k . S .h e r . Wtomh. All tlio Auu’ w a r b in c s r ’:*ru«-ii A K L ti to th 'j iiu>.*t •'W fron;fnt A '-iric u itu rw t. 11; ' ' a w a n u d th e D tv i-iu } ;fcTtbc'Uraml saver Mc.ii! -.f t J l ^ c u U u r c and v-it.-J award. IjAix-erini; !Ir.rvcf.l*-v ^\(*iks ur | L o ftln ^ ir r . | tjL -v -H ftR 'l tm p li.y in i? !'0r/0 B (Hpipp^'d wit’i ■•‘' • ’Iia&i.nKiiiv o f w b U li pcrioria t l u l ^ avc to iiri..v'U h a m b . V ■ CVrapaiiv its al-;o tlio 1 Kr.-r oi Uiml'.r T*.vi;iy in thi-1k» firrtt to pvoduco ii!r(l-r-sir::j Cs.-.f<u; U r.H is i!i ^fcr a th ir d c f l b - j n o f 1 tol.l. T h j< a :ir :tt - i it.= l:-.<-Loiy i | kyirur.M lie r. ;.n.ii;i.1 ti:-- • J ica:;tr.r. w iih iic v iT i.M h ’;;" ; t;»1 ^ cir.v.ial -i'' :^‘dUt’nlv uiilc.; l- i;.?. 1i: wt.n’.d r;’;uh luro;-. .-j J ^ ti:i -:it fro ra o o c ::a t«> «k c. '.n. I inacliir.'-; i-v-.' V:ii.'.vn ■ feT i'.'n , C ovu li;.rv L t.:v r.’, : II[' TiiisCoT.ranvoxh'liit«’>l 'Ji- hen an A ucD iuolii!-* M ew - r . v .1 EO.'b atlailic.n, und I [r.’jo tu * o f Iitv.’ ii: ■ U irou;;h»)ul iliu For pa.'W mur be reUi‘v>-1 llT.fly o t lU v k V C .ijjU '’.;;: • Cun-. IG/, %.* r.nd j o a r do:--.s m > t l.t- : ■j.titn;;!! i,u tr iill ll ICi)., N 0. DO YOU FEEL L!K'[ Ton I 'ir iu r o I'cr \V (| - "1 um si> n e rv o u s , tin . _ I wll ini'h in ir.y \vn*.»lt? I i-'lyl iweak at my ; I’.d I Ifestion horribly, Jiuil p:ill Bthehfiirt, and I :tm illhea(l:u-h»‘ :;n«l l‘tu'k:u‘lio nj luK-.auil y«;stt*rd;>y I nc;irly 1 I ics; there i.s a '.vdj^ht ia tiu j ■ of my bov.-els bcaricjf tl«>’ itimi;. ami pjiins in mv i- 1 thighs: I canijct sle^-p. w i I ind 1 Udiovc I 5:in ! I .no one ev e r sufTi n 'd a s I F [ Tliis is a co .strip tic.n rf tJ [ caK's w hit'h ccitsi,' t*» ^ !rs.l ittin tio n d a ily . A n in !h n | Ccratfd co n d itiim o f thi* : »omb can produc-c a ll o f Drtiiy Ufti'y ^ I T iS 1 UM8lCa114^ - I m Hi*'" I'X- :i :J MlW. JoilK WlLL!.\ and no wom an i “ rself to reach t.uch a misery v.'!,eu the.-x: is u. ?"■.'! V' ’t- The sul>iei tl m this skettdi. M rs.| *n?ljdito-.vn, X..J.. has "JJd of such illnew e i K. Pinkliiim’s V. _i k-' T'l f uidinir ill! ‘™thiimut l.ynn,,.Ma '5. f ! , “° ‘>ther mi-<Ueini-l.a'i I : “ •absohito cures, .in.l 1.1 ;. "’nt a cure i.hould insi.l I t» ‘’inkhum 's V r| I - P ""'' ''vhen th-,-v a.^k u>r| r ■'"'''‘e a lett.-.- ftan, at r.ynn, Ma.ss., iiiJ i troubles. H er advi fragra^ iiq^jd i i g J ‘ IQul'J anl POWDRsI Umo. • »“»» lUegally ' Of an Infamous ed not Qesa than LOO nor more than rar. « clerk or fraudulent entr» e same pehaUj it inor to break «« dtthe registrar <”■ the Stato '• tehavc In a ais- le prMonce ol said ir g m g t t c t r d u tie s ^'"-Ink with m election, injure to intimiaate any e vote he may or •tion any elector ail receive three J registered 4n the rein ordered, and flslon oJ the regls- 11 receive One cent e<l from th e origin >k. Each chairman 1 ot elcc'tions shall ir per day for Um* and five cents per traveled, for mak- Ir Senators. Each th irty cents for quired to serve un- )oard of State Can. tw o clerks a t four ly. during the ses- The niemhers ot |of elections shall ; dollar per day for mployed. The com- ;;i5trars and judges ae dollar esch for ions. The election 'itled <o one dollar registrars shall re- >ne dollar psr daf iTiring tb e period ol d four members ofi of Elections sha _ of State Can-4 em ber thereof shall! ESing the votes fon h he him self is aj oard shall open thq rd to tbe Secretar I th e returns froiu id conduct a publiq 1 of the House tering in more tlian cinct, or in one iq n titl^ to vote, personate any regi£_ [b e guilty of an in i punished by a fin 00 or imprisoned erm not exceedinj 1 shall give away in except upon prd I practicing pbysiciaj of the pcIUng plao : hours next pn any public eiectio a misdemeanor an 1 flOO nor more tha: ■ted as eleotors < lih e U nited State! th e second M ondal I after their electi- Raleigh and givl ■half of the atflte fof President. Thei I the sam e compens;^ ot the General 1 be en'titled to RAILWAY. K juville a n d S arano: 0 a t O th e r P o in ts, ffcct J a n . 27th. 1Q3L INo.84[JTo.9 jD allj feH;....... bSja1253r 1 1. Om 741a lu lOB II 00ft m417phbSo ri;jpsoip saypt<8up: 7Sja916a £03pl liaii} TCiUffXiou iiSS ^«SaiSMSSofl 1015P ii11- .21ia 7 22a »lBa 64Sa Ofeti lt» poap «5yp ifii 6 23al Na ‘ lOp 15P,l5o 7:^- 7 4U-^ i 6a>a; 1125a 2 m 7fr>P 7 4to| 7 5oal •o^iNo.83;N<i ••-Dftllycxi 7 45a, B»«| 7 46p bwp| 1800aIl4iiA ^05p613Peevg. i.H)......v<06p|827-' FoOale.m'.inito m v p i^ ie ijga i*d5p 10 lea li 03ft1125a 11^ niiOa 4 90a Uip 14SP 22UP 2I3P aw? 7U1P 5670 S Ifip iil - TB*n w . 7 80a 71» yuOa i i 0 AT riR IS I \ 1900. rair=?» H a rv c .ic r ?i!orc and »i»»rican <a= '** ,11 rror.*] of Ibe inlcr- Sf.jr.lv.; i in Uio r-'i-is Eipo- p s C a r S s r v l o e Lpos^ngor servicoiTork. JM o w Y o rk a n d F lo rid a J J t £ )tm d a ri crimpOi^cd o * llix ic s t D n tw in g lioom .'lad O l/!t& rra!ory Uaxi ■C k>JuaM tt a u dwrs (MtwccQ AngTRSW r^'k. nuM trf>u Au^nstL ^.a.'krlU e. J^ario r c a r a l a i u C ointnM .a. M'l-.ow tork a n d F lo r id r f •w ui car.-i boV f I**' T o rk . n u lm a n d r a « Its i.L*-.M-ooi5 piorf ItimpOfS M Via-ihii;gtoaamlVewM I r a r s bc.v.-< ej U h arlo tM uMrd bctWVL'ji Oiuq l-V. A. Font -/•r.Kiaj iKUfe:1:^.' aud Jfew York .■ind J E o«??w».-ca An;f-.irt:a pi's ;c m ' uJ! m euis ttu y f cars bcii»'<!Ojj Jaatuaff m tc d iU (r bo M'cea lA jLibeviwO to a»*vjinccmcnt o tlitT in a n u - [♦*- “( ^ g re a te r irv.’is;«>us to its c rc d lt ,■ .1,. rx' o-iii.'iJ v.rre prompt to n’prrnii? lionora, ofi'it’ir.l niiiiidata to i i: -t. wliii-h was dou3 in ‘t w.-Il-mcriU.-d. !>j:ni;;TCx!iibits secured ii: ‘‘I’*- to (icror.itioti.'J, .. - i n-fciv cd tw t n ty - 1*1-'“ follows: r"or ll:.- I.c-jTion o f H o n o r, -..I'ivr c f tliO L e g io n o f (*' • oi OCicer o f M critc l-‘‘c .. »!»■ ' 'iiitiitf o f IIo :io r, T h e sHv^r 3li..ualf!, Lncluding r II of H o n o r waa in - .iT! w hoa T ird t is. i-<'55't'rr« d in recog-l •h n v ii.irv rrciv il acb icv c- ’u.'. t (li;:tii:ction in th e g^ft i:*' ilori:.'' Aj?r*'^olo is a n h r.< iu ii'o rtan co , wbit-h K.-.- » b o have c o n trib u te d 1 l Uivi’t o f a g ric u ltu re . Oi Honor was accord- ;-,':tvt'(sV3 Kxliibit. wbicb ill barvcsting ma- )•...: c. ninry, and excitc«I V lii “ l-'finib Covornment lUriJotcd to thj Decring *. ti;.- i'rof.'’r.ation of tbia liM.-. l\v rpt-'Cial request ; {.l i-st-utrd to tbt* Nationid i st.i''ni*es at I’aris, wberc -riuunont futuro of tbat ; r:rbi!>it a n d C o m H a r- [i oi w bicli rcc-'*ivo<l tb s .• l;y ro ju c h t o f tb o F rc n c b r. s n to J to llio K ation!'.! rrr.nce.^ : trl.’J . ciiisvr oH irial o r ........ >-xi.'a w iili tliv T arw E x p o - • la:ibv- iin] ovtciit fovoign cont<.'bt .‘II b ;ld uml'.’.rtb e a u sp ic es o f -liin ril-i: i ‘‘-‘“ >-j-"icn a t tb o O ov- n n s «-f T om rk. S ib tria , A u g u st ■ i-:h. .‘.:i t':;v lv;--iing A m erican a n d , jM rd rip atcd a n d w ere ililU cnlt te sts b v tb o ;:urL<t. T bo lixjM 'rt C oin- .................... ITavvebtcr C om - i i .u r u a iMlv^-r J'k u y l o f tb ^ 31iuistt.T and l^'U i.’in , v b itb w ad the ^Ik-nn-: Jlr.rvt .Wo:ks a rc tb e la rg - r*.-r. I ill :b c w v rM ,ro v c riu3eigbt.T- i:u]v.yiijg fCOO p eople. T h e y :A v.-iil; n:od‘.m juU om atic ra a- :.~ u 7 ( :n b ;-u j.'CTrurui tb o b b o r o f iiumb. .: .. ir.iiso Jho Inrgcst mr.nufae- . r i •..ine in tbe world, b-iviiJg In I :• -luco finslo-stmnd binder : ij.-- i- i’l :vui nd uee tod.'iv, waking .l:m 1, - I * product of tbo entire i-.l ifcs fr.ctoi'y for a liuijflo >; :• : r.fl r.ruund tbo c?rtb at tb-3 : r;;l uiilcfi tobpar^*. ,--;u lion \iouM fiU r. freight r,i. Ml!'.,, j’-nj. JI;'.do into a mat t’.To ••. ■I r.-atli acrors iiio Amtrican : ■ I i.::u to occ.an. cvo kno\m aa Ligtit ■.'.-‘.-.r. I, .i'l tlr.-’ of liindvrp, Mo-wera, . ivi'u ii..rvci r-jrj, tUrcddcri and f a t Ibp P a r h Expo< i- pcii-it;;': ■Icw.-r, wliicb a ttr.ic ed :.r. l c!.L!l.itioiw wrro f?hea . ' iu tbe vi;:iiiity u/ I— 7'1>, Jr^r I. . <Il^'rdaclio. a::d dangerous dls- ' J v l ifna3«‘diatfiy by tho It: '’■jijrj-iino lli^adacbo ! ro.'.r. all uKliJ tores. If > 1!:A il s ‘ud C;: for .. JlicK.< CnrMicAt, ISHGli FEa UKS TK!S? Po;i I 'ii f o r V .'o i i i c n . ; ;.:n s<; r;--:rrou.<. there is not a l^-in-h’r.iv.y l-ody. I am so ;j.y :i s iiii h n v c in d i- l-* in ;.u d p a l p i t a t i o n o fIfbmrl. Ml.; f i-.r.i flesh. This l-irhv ;n-i i-:.i I<f.ohe nearly kills p.8:;'ly.I nearly had hystcr- in the lower part inTWv;vl;« \rtjaric{f Cown all the -. an-] p: ;ns in my proins and I sk‘<'p. walk, or sit, tlll-.IIeve 1 ;.n^ d!H'aFx*d all over; aiT,-.‘ ivrr .‘^MfTi nd ;is I flo.” J is ;■ >\r- o f lh c » i:s a n d s o f |C rty .h ;.:i . f j M rs. I 'i n k h a m ’s ICejiti- ii A n iuihiTncH l :m d iil- ■ tetstl ‘jf th e i:e c k o f th e l«C bt-un prodx;co a l l o f t h e s e sy m p « # 8 Said to Be Anxious to Obtain Japan*- Co-operation in the East* CHINESE REBELLION SPREADING Joimn's Pl0satlBfactlon U Not W ith tbe Treaty. But W ith Bossla's Generai I’locccdinffB in Blanchuria-The Pow- €!•• DcmaQding' an Indeinntty From Clilun AmouDtiQi' to S500,000,000. roU iu, China.—The Xlusslau M inister to Cliln.q, il. de Glers, responding to the letter from Prince Chlug and Li llu u g Chang regarding M anchuria, m erely refuses to hold further com- munleation w ith them upon the sub­ je c t Loudon.—“Russia has how ciiauged her tactics*,” s;iys a dIsi)atcU to the l>ai)y M ail from Toklo, “and is m aking desperate efforts to secure not only Japan’s neutrality, hut her benevolent assistance tow ard Itussia’s F a r E ast­ ern schem es.” A ccording to the St. Petersburg cor­ respondent of the Daily Mail. Uussia ■will dem and Indem nity from China to the am ount of $90,000,000. Yokohama, Japan.—Tho dissatisfac­ tion of Japan w ith R ussia's action is not in regard to the M anchurian agree­ ment, the leading papers hero affirm. TOM JOHNSON A HUSTuER Cots a Lively Move On and Stirs Up CleTeiand, Ohio, New Mayor Ovcrlianling Tax Talnatlonj bi Every PIcco of Realty In towd—XoikB to Connell: falcvcland, Ohio. — Tom Johnson’s pre-elect ion prom ise th a t he -would be an active; not an honorary Mayor; bids fair ot fulfllmeut, dnd Tuesday saw the beginning of his activity. Tiie first thing he did w as to set Peter W itt, a local tax reformer, to ivork ■with a force of 100 clerks and nearly 1000 ni.ips to m ake a tax valuation ot every picce ot land in Cleveland. John­ son proposes a complete readjustm ent of taxation here. Tlien tiie M ayor started out in ear- nc.st.ta tea? doivU al! old and shaky buildings iii the city. H e alsd says nd more frnflid.buildlnga shall be erected in tiie lire limits: H e .sciit.a Fire Ue= partm eut truck w ith d building llispec- tor to 121 Erie street; w here a tramo structure owned by County Exam iner Black had Just been completed. This w as torn down, the tearing down pro­ cess bi'ginuiug before tbe occupants had taken tlieir belongings out. An­ other buiUliug on Vermont street -was torn down. Notices to tear down their buildings were served on hundreds of land owners. If at the expiration of twenty-four hours tbe buildings were not removed the Fire D epartm ent had orders to pull them down. All the enormous signboards on va- MAP OF TH E COUNTRY T IIE POW ERS ARE NEGOTL\TIXG ABOUT. but w ith Russia’s action in M anchuria. Hence Japan declines, accordiug to an im portant section of the press, to con­ sider the abandonm ent of the agi*ee- m eut as a settlem ent of the M anchu­ rian question. It Is urged th at this question should be brought before a conference of the m inisters, like the other Chinese questions. ISEDKLLION IN CUZNA.'-j:.- yuii. .J.JI-.V \V,i.i.£am3. ^ ni> wfiman Bboiild allow •’"‘^h a perfection of re is abholutely no ti't«ih>ect of our por- lTt=> p miseryVegetable Com' n«i‘‘5ng advice of Mrs. jC .i'*J^''‘iii-ine I/as such a record C5f j' ’..v‘ '‘"'cs. .-nd no other mcdi- ^ L.s po4«l.’' 'Women who getting >rri. , Vcf^etiible C-om- \.UT. 5:sk for it at a store, v.-rutt a k lter to Mr.s. Pinlc- i!cr ;:dvice is free. f r a g r a n t iiqiiid (icniiirice lor the M o u th I Pp.:';?, Sft?- ----- I iWiffili, 25; ^■WJaa-Ji.aWDH»,75c ii/.!fo r th e pricc.j;. iMi inc N e w Y o rk . tznpcrlal Court Said to Bo Alarmed Over the Outbreak. Pekin, China.—Li H ung Chang and Prince Chlug are authority for the statem ent th at the Court is alarm ed over the news th at a rebellion headed by General Tung F u Sian has broken out in ^i.ongolia and Shensi. It Is stated th.nt the i-ebel com mander has 11,(KX) trained troops w ithin 150 miles of Sian Fu, the present Chinese capi­ tal. Tho M ongolian Prince Olaskan, father-in-law of Prince Tuan, proves to be an Im portant factor in the re­ bellion. ■ H e urges the rebellious troops to m arch on Sian Fu. Chinese knowing General Tung Fu Sian say tne Em peror brought the re­ bellion upon his own head w hen he published the edict threatening the G eneral w ith future punishm eut. On account of his present power and influence General Tim g F u Sian would not perm it this, and naturally de.«ired to i)rove th at power. H e has tho entire M ohammodnn population w ith him. Prince Tuan has a large following, w hile Prince O laskan con­ trols the entire province of Mongolia. lloform io China Uz^rcd. Shanghai, C hina.-T he Y angtsc Vice­ roys and Governors have forw arded a memorial to the throne recommend­ ing certain reform s. They suggest am ong other things th a t the i*oyal princes and students of good fam ily should travel and study in foreign countries; th a t the entire arm y be drilled by W estern m ethods; that S(?liools and colleges be extended, and th a t a standard dollar currency be adopted. In d e m n ity D em an d ed o f C hina." W ashingtou, D. C.—Secretary H ay presented to the Cabinet Information from Envoy BockhiU w hich shows tbat the aggregate indem nity de­ manded of China is about $500,000,000. The State D epaitnient believes th a t any am ount over ?200,000,000 or ?2a0,- 0 0 0,0 0 0, if insisted upon, would in­ evitably lead to the partition of the Chinese Em pire. Attomey-Geneml Knox Takes the Oath. Philander C. Knox, of Pittsburg, Penn., -n'bo succeeds Attorney-General Griggs at the head of the D epartm ent of Justice, w as sworn in a t W asbing- ton. Justice Shiras of the Supreme Court adm inistered the oath. Fatnlly Killed by a i:,anasll<ie. The fam ily of Jam es Smith, Includ­ ing llie fatJier, m other and four chil­ dren, w ere instantly killed in their home a t Cripple Creek, Col., by the sliding of tlie huge dam p of the G ran­ ite Mine. niipino Governor Itebels. Since the Philippine Commision w as a t Bacolod, the capital of the Island ■jl" Kegros, tbe native Civil Governor of tile island, Se-aor Soverino, has at- teuipted to sta rt an insurreetiou ugaiiisc the estaolishing of tlie com­ mission’s new system ot civil govern­ ment. lie failed to secure a following. GainnborouKb H ut ARain. Fasliionable m illiners in London are :luoted as expressing the opinion that in c.iuseijueuce of tiie reeovei-y of the JJut-he.ss of l>ev«ushire’s portrait tiie Gainsborough bat VlU agalii beeomc tbe rage for women’s headgear, ■ cant lots, signs th at are eyesores, are being removed by the order ot the Mayor. Another Joimson order c.ills for the removal of .ill barns now inside of the fire limits. The Mayor acted as his ow n bouncer, pntting a drunken caller out of his office, using piiysical force. M ayor Johnson w as lionized at a meeting of tile Council. H e outlined a few in­ structions for the Council. The M ayor called attention to his communication vetoing several oi-dinances because of their slovenly appearance, and de­ clared that he would take the sam e ac­ tion on ail city documents th a t came before him in such shape. Incident to the day of tbe M ayor’s activity was the renewed announce­ m ent that the citizens’ sgnad of po­ licemen would hereafter cease sneak­ ing around saloon side doors for evl' deuce. ‘T he laws of this city sh.all be en­ forced,” said the Mayor, “w ithout re­ sorting to sneaking.” COLD STO LEN ON LINER. Tbreo Barg, Worth 6(}0,030, Minglng From thn Kaiser AVllhclm der GroHSe. Cherbourg, France.—On the arrival hero of the North Germ an Lloyd Steamer K aiser W ilhelm der Grosse, C.iptain Engelbart, from New York City, it was announced th at three gold iiai-s, worth $20,000 each bad been stolen in tbe course of tbe voyage. All the baggage landed here w as examined w ith the utm ost care by the cnstoms officials and detectives, but the gold w as not discovered. One hundred and fifty passengers landed for Paris, and several detectives trav­ eled in the special train w ith them. A R R ESTED F OR H-LEC A L VOTING. First AVoman to ISe Charecd W ith £ le o tlon FrandH. Denver, Col.—Denver has tbe dia- Unction of having the lirst woman to be arrested for fraud in politics. On information sworn to In the D istrict Attorney’s office by Sidney C. Bundle, a w arrant w as issued for the arrest of Mrs. M. A. Uatcliffe. Sh6 is charged w ith voting “unlawfully, knowingly, wilfully, fosely and corruptly In the V'rong precinct.” Mrs. Ratcliffe got out and hustled for the Democratic narty in the last campaign. She Is thirty-six years of age, good looking, dresses w’cll, and is regarded as a raluablfe party worker. •U aitlc sh lp K e n tu c k y a t C tiv ltc. The battleship K entucky has arrived a t Cavite, P. I. Indiana*8 Yonng Adjutant-General. Governor D urbin has appointed .John R. W ard, of Mouticollo, who w as a young lieutenant in Governor D urbin’s regim ent during the Spanish w ar, as A djutant-G eneral of Indiana. H e is the youngest m an ever to hold the officfe, behig but tw enty-nine years old. Death For Cape Colony Uebcls. A w arning w as Issued by the British authorities in Cape Colony that here- after rebels would be tried under the old common law, w hich included the death penalty.' Prominent People. « The Mexican official G azette denies th at President Diaz Is going to Europe^ President M cKinley says he never misses a chance to see a mountain sunrise. Sir John Stainer, the fam ous organ­ ist, composer and w riter on musical' topics. Is dead. John W. Griggs, form er Attorney- G ene^l, has resu m e t^ is law practice in Paterson, N. J. Sarasate, the great Spanish violin ist, uov.* afty-seven years old, began studying \bc vlolUi w hen he wat^ twelvg. Life ia real to the one who pays tha bills, and "eoxncat” to hustlcra. ji a o ’s C u re is tb e boet n ied icin e w e e v e r nso d fo r a ll o ffectio u s o f th ro a t a n d hiit^ta.— 0. Endslw, Vanburen, Ind., Fob. 10,1900. ^ a p h o ris m ia g o o d o n ly w h e n i t is b a d , a c c o rd in g to m a n y . . I f jo ri v a a t “ g o o d digcB tioh to m iit u p o n y o u r a p p e tite ” y o u e b o u ld o lw a rs chow a b a r W A datoa’ P e p a in T u tti l? ru tti; R ental of-G razing Lands. tJnder the stim ulus of com petition among the cattlem en the rental of thd grazing lands of India ""erritory has gone up. Fortunately t /lands yield­ ed only ten cents per >. Now there is a demand for thenl. at 30 and 40 cents per acre. Bids recently opened in W ashington for 70,000 acres of pas­ ture belonging to the Kaw Indians, for which only $6,000 a year was obtainfed under former contracts, aggregate now J26,000 per annum under the oilers of tbe sudcessful bidders. S p r i n g « l e n n l n s r IV fA de E m ay * U n c li o f th o te rro r o f sp rin g clea n in g m ay b e av o id ed b y p ro p e r p re p a ra tio n . S ettled w eatb o r sh o u ld bo selocto<l fo r th e w o rt, a n d Every cottori planter should write foroupvaluable illustrated pamphlet, “ Cotton Culture.” It is sent free. Send nam? nnt] address to GERM AN K A LI W ORKS, 93 N assau St., N . Y. FOR GOUT, TORPID LiVER m CONSTIPATIOS9. N d me^icme In the world can relieve yoa like the Natural Mineral Laxative 'Wateff provided by nature herself and diar g covered more (han 30 years ego and now used by every nation in the wcrH.MusiyadI J’i.iios Recommended by over one thousand of the most famous physklans) from whom w e have testimonials^ as the safest and best Natural Lasativc "^ater known ts medical science. Its A ctioa Is Speedy, S u re and G entle. It ocv er gripes. Every Druggist and General Wholesale Grocer Sells It. for the full name, | D | | | £ Lftbel with *‘Honyadl Janos." | Bed Centre Panel. 5ole Im porter, R n n of Andreas Saxlehner, 130 Fulton 5 t., N. V« C o n s t i p a t i o n a su p p ly o f all n ocded a rtic le s in readiness. iT o ry S o ap wiU b e fo u n d b est fo r wasblriR ^indow fi, p a in ts a n d flo o rs; it i h 'rm lesB . an*] T ory effectivo in m akiD g tb e honao clean an d is easily cu red a n d the. bow els rostcrod to a h ea lth y coaditioB by th e o s o o f fresh -£ liz a K. P a rk e r. E a c h p ack ag e o f P u tn a m PA D aL sss Dt z co lo rs e ith e r B ilk. W ool o r C o tto n p e rfe c tly a t o n e boilin g . S old b y aU d m g g ista. ^ M a n y p e rso n s a rc c o m m en d ed fo r sk ill in d tag u ism g th e ir feelin g s w h o h a v e n o n e to h id e. N o livinK th in g is so lo n eso m e aa a frie n d le ss ch ild . ■ lo w ’s T ilts 1 W e o ffer O ne H u n d re d D o llars H ow ard fo r a n y ease o f C a ta rrh tlaat ca n n o t b e c u rc d b y u iu i’3 C a ta rrh C ure. r . J . C h e r k t & C o., T o led o , O. W o, th o n n d e rsig n o d , liovo k n o w n F . J . C hen ey fo r th o la s t IS y e ars, a n d b elieve h im l)e rfe c tly h o n o ra b le in a ll busin ess tra n sc c - tio n s a n d fin an cially ab le to c a rry o n t a n y o b lig atio n m ad e b y th e ir firm . W xsT & TnuA X W holesale D m gK iBte, T oledo. O hio. Waldino, Eik^tak & HAXtYzrr, Wholesak) Dmggiste. Toledo, Ohio. H a ll’s C a ta rrh C o re Is ta k e n in te rn a lly , a c t­ in g d ire c tly n p o n th e b lo o d a n d m u co u s sn r- faooa o f th o syatem . T cetim ontala se n t freo. P ric e , 75o. p e r b o ttle . S o ld b y a ll D ru g g late. H aU ’s F a m ily P ills a ro th o b est. Pugilism seems to have a black eye. So have a good many pugilists. I I Y o u H » v o D y s p e p slA S en d n o m o n ey , b u t w rite D r. S boop, B acine, W is., B ox 14S, fo r six b o ttle s o f D r. w hoop’s ite sto ra tiv o ; ex p ress p a id . I f c u re d , p a y $5.50; if n o t, i t is fre e . T h e re a re so m e th in g s th a t e v e n th e m o st a b sen t-m in d c fl o f u s c .in n o t fo rg e t. NEW DISCOV ERY; ritMquick rr>liefand c u m wortit______ __ ji«J^ n d lO i l a y s ’ trm lm eiKF r e e . Pr. B. n . obsxh'b bomb. Sox O. S4 A DAY SUREn tnun w ith to Intnxtuce our goods In (he couii- tr;. H annas Foocl(.‘o..I>vpc. 4 0 , K na'us City, Mo. UseCERTAIW^OURE.?! th e n a tn m l rem «^y lo r a ll *tom acb, bow el, liv er an d kidney troublcti. By o n r m stb o d o f co n c cn tra tio a c.ach d oz. k o ttle id o q n i» a le o tto tb ree sullona of tb e sp riu g w ater. fo ld b y all dru$r« fftfts. Crob appfe tra d e m arU on .|Bine ev ery Iw ttle l£ = ^ CRAB ORCHARD WATcR CO., Louisville. Ky. F R E E ! CATAlOe OF SP0RTIN8 GOODS. RAWLINGS SPORTINS GOODS COMPANY, O iu L o c n .t S I ., S T . i . o i ; i s . m o . $3.00 PERIOOO Paid for dlftributJn; adrert'sla» matt< A L L IO A T U K LIA IM EtV T. tli-a boa: forRbenm attarn. NeoraJRla aad nil ^ a m atter relative to boa: rub on eartb____________ _ _ IM alas. Prt. e 230,sue and 8LU0. Sample maUoJ for l9c. Address X U IB A L lilG A T O It L IN IIT IE M T CO., C H A H f.U K T O N , S. C. SVABOAUD A IR I.1NE RA ILW A Y . T he C apital City liliio-ltM IWaKnlfl- (*enl T liroii;;h utid liOeal PasMeny:er Servlcc B etw eeu tho U ast au d South und Soiiiiiwettt. T h e S e a b o a rd A ir L ia o B a llw a y Is called tb o “ C a p ita l C ity L in e ,” b c c a u se it e a te rs tb o C a p ita ls o f th o six S ta te s w b ic b It tr a ­ v erses, e x c lu siv e o ( th e N a tio n a l C ajjiial, th ro u g h w h ic h its tra in s ru n so lid fro m N ew Y o rk to Ja c k so n v ille a n d T a m p a , F lo rid a . I t ruuH th ro u g h lU cbm oud, V u., llnlelf»h. N . C.. C o lu m b ia, 8 . C ., A tla n ia , G a ., M o u lg o m o ry , A i:u, a a d T aibtba.ssou, F ia , T h is r.>ad w ill e o n tiu u o to r u n tlie fam o u s F lo rid a a u d M e tro p o lita n L im ite d , n o d tb e F io rid a a o d A tla n ta F a s t M ai! T ra in s, alT ord- itiK th o o n ly tbrouM h liiiiitu d .iicrvice d aily , In e lu d iu g tsu a d a y . b etw ee u N ew Y o rk a u d F lo rid a , a u d is th e e b o rte s t lin e betVTuen tbe^u p o in ts. T hosu sp le n d id ly m o d e rn tr a ln s o f th e S e a ­ b o a rd A ir L in e U nilw uy a rriv e a t a n d d e p a rt fro m P euuf*ylvania K nllw .ay S ta tio u s a t W :i:«bIugtoD, l> altlm o re, P h ila d e lp h ia a n d Now Y ork, c a rry in g I’u llm a u ’a m o st Im ­ p ro v e d e q u ip m e n t, w ith u a o x o e lle d d ln iu g - e a r se rv ice, e o m p a rtm e tit, d ra w in g -ro o m a u d o b se rv a tio n c a rs. I t h a s P u llm a n se r­ vice five tim e s p e r w eek e a c h w a y from W asbiD gtou to tb a t c e le b ra te d re s o rt, P in e - b u rs t, N . C. I t h a s th e s h o r t lin e to a n d fro m llic h m o n d , N o rfo lk , P o rts m o u th , lU ileigb, sJo u th eru r in e s . C o lu m b ia , S a v a n n a h , Jack.«ouvll!e, T a m p a a n d A tla n ta , a n d tb e p rla e ip a l citie s bo-w eun th o B o u lh a n d E .is t I t al.<o tb o d ire c t ro u te to A tbous, A u g u sta a u d M ao -n. In A tla n ta d ire c t coDneetious a r e m a d e ia th e U n io n S ta tio n fo r tb a tta n o o g n , Na.<^b- ville a o d M em p h is, a lso fo r N ew O rle au s a u d a ll p o in ts la T e x a s, C a lifo rn ia a n d M ex­ ic o . In a d d itio n , it is th e o n ly lin o o p e ra tin g th ro u » ih tra in s , a n d P u lim a n s le e p in g c a rs b etw ee n A tla n ta a n d N o rfo lk , w h e re con n ee- tio n s a re m a d e w ith th o O ld D om lR ion S te a m sh ip C o m p an y , fro m N ew Y ork, th e M . & M . T . C o m p a n y , fro m B o sto n a n d P ro v i- d e n ce , th o N o rfo lk & 'W a.'b in g to n S tu a m b c a t C o m o a n y , fro m W a sh in g to n , th o B a ltim o re S te a m P a c k e t C o m p a n y , fro m B altim o re , a n d th o N . Y . P . & N. H allw ay , fro m N ew Y ork a n d P h ila d e lp h ia , T h ro u g h P u llm a n e a rs a lso o p e ra te d o n cfuick so h e d u le s b etw ee n Ja c k g o u v lllo a n d Sit. L o u is, v ia M o n tieello , a u d b e tw ee n J a c k ­ so n v ille a n d N ow O rlea n s, in a d d itio n to th ro u g h tra in s w ith B uiT et C h a ir C ars b e­ tw e e n S a v a n n a h a n d M o n tg o m e ry . T h e lo c al tr a in se rv ic e is flrst-c la ss w ith m o st c o n v e n ie n t sc h e d u le s. In fact th e S e a b o a rd A ir L in o H all­ w a y w ill tic k e t p a sse n g e rs fo r a n y p o ln t*, afT ordlng th e q u ic k e st s e h e d u lc i, O uest (ra in s a n d m o st c o m fo rta b ie pervico. U s ilOOO-mile b o o k s, so ld u t $25.00, a re g o o d ^rom W ;isb io g to n , D . C ., o v e r tlio e n tire eya- to m o f 2,600 m iles, in c lu d in g F io rid a , So.lC T h e AincrlcnM P eo p le A ro th o g re a tra t su ffo rera f r m I'o n s'ip.atloa. M ftuy ca fc s bavo b eeu cu re d effectually wltJi sm all doses of C ratJ O rch ard W jao r. A L U ^ U ^ Y W IT H IN T H E R E A C H O P A L I .I W a tc h C 'jr n e x t a d v e r t is e m e n t . i Tablespoooiul to a Gup. — 1 15 THE RULE rO R MAKING COrrCC. BUT % OF A TABIESPOOWFUL OF Lion Coffee will give you strong-er coffee than a tablespoonful of any other kind. Here is v/here you save money! USE LiON C OFFEE! Always insist ifpon g-ettingf it. L I O N C O F F E E is absolutely pure, and not a coffee which is glazed or coated with Ggg mixtures or chemicals in order to hide imperfections. In every pftclraj:© of L!OW COrFES you will find a fully illustrated and descriptive lij;t. No housekeeper, in fact, no woman^ir.an, boy or girl will fail to find in the list some article Nvhich will contribute to their happiness, com fort aud coxi\ enicace, find which they m ay have by simply cutting: out a certaiti n*amber of Lion H eads from tho m appers of our ono pound sealed packages (which is the only form in v/hich thi*? cxccUent coftco is =old), W OOLSON SPICB CO.. TOLEDO, OHIO. •‘T h e .'9 a iic c th a t m a d e W e s t P o in t fn m o n * .” FaclLKENHY’S TABASCO. F f S £ E I w m a s tE s r m l W i n c h e s t e r §” - ® O Our iGo page * illustrated cata- • logue. F R E E B H O T S S S ^ M S) and « » FACT0/ i r i0 AD£ 0 S//OTG U//SrEU Sj # th e w inniog com bination la llie £ eld o r a t O th e tra p . A ll de.ilers sell them . § WINCHESTER REPEATING ARNIS CO. |180 W in c h e s te r A v b ., N e w H a v e n , C o n n . Factory loaded shotgun s h e lls , “N EW RIVAL,” “LEA D ER ,’’and “ R E P E A T E R .” A trial will prove their superiority. W . L . D O U G L A S S3 & $3.g0 SHOES UNION ________________________ MADE. The rp.il worth of my ?3.00 »nd ?3.?>0 shoff.s compnrod w ith ot her makes is *14.0(1 to igs.ow. My?4.(MMfUt Llue cannot bo c*malledatany price. IJe.stbi the worlil formca.I in iik o Mttd i«*-H m o re mcn*N fin e sIum*-, 0 « « n j e n r TWU(BS:tn«l..SewrO l»rore«.), ihftn an y o th er tiirc r In tiio 1 wUI p ay » t,0 0 0 to uny ono w ho ct^n p ru v c t h a t lu y ^ Tnke no ■alwtJtiUr! Insist on h.'jvinR W. L. Dom'las shoM'r n k e n o in s is io n hj«vjiik n . j,Ith n a m e a n d p ric e stam ia*.! on h o tto lu . 'i ■mr d e a le r slm nld th o rn ; I p iv o o n e d e .iie r exchiH lve salo l» ea«h to w n , ifV eep tn o m ; i psvo o n e u v .iic r rs tm u n w i.< i....... . . . . . . . . .h o <lo(‘» n o t k c t'p th(*ii) a n d tvIH n o t u c t th e m fo r y e n , o rtlc r a ir e r t fro m onirloshis: p ric e a n d 2.1c. e x tra fo r carrJnK c.O v e r i.OOO.OM -irvtjsflod w ea re rs. PjirlHR Caxalo» fro s. F w t Color.:7'»’*tsti«)deidM lT ely. ff, L. DOUGLAS. Brockton, Wass.* ^ , " ' I * ’eta n«)d dual 1 g m m n m H r m m m n S I S m S L iV e r D o n ^t A e t? You know very well how you feel when your liver don’t act. Bile collects ir. the blood, bowels become constipatecl and your v/hole system is poisoned. A lazy liver is an invitation for a thousand pains and aches to come and dwell with you. Your life becomes one long measure of irritability and despondency and bad feeling. CASCARETS act directly, and in a peculiarly happy manner on the liver and bowels, cleansing, purifying, revitalizing every_ portion of the liver, driving all the bile from the blood, as is soon shov/n by increased appetite for food, power to digest it, and strength to throw off the waste. B e \ A / a r e o f i m i t ^ t i o n s l I swimminV'—VS^liington Si_f. !- ^r- J i ■ T H I S I S T H E T A B L E T Jd bo '*>•"11 K»1 tho tliHC n n tn you i»ot y o w J»owe:« ffllht. T»V c V u ? ad t!i« ;V < a rt w irh 0.1 SCA JIETK tod»y. u n d er a n iU>.oli.t. iruaraotev to eu re o r n o n ey i*eruncet.. ^>4 D R U G G I S T S 3 G IT A K A IfT C K D X O CfTIEKt PIv® vc-^r* a c o Ib o Ormt t e x o f OA.S- ^ 5 w m «*old. K * w I tla o v c r a lx tv in m n botces a y r a r t { rr« * (« r th n n » a y ; © • « » - -iM^vrwhat aa d th a cofpty 1m s to icet^nrw H i^-.•Attvr w h a t all* yon—stitrt todity. DAVIE BECOBD. M O C K S V IL L E ,N . C . E . H . MOEBDS, - - EDITOE. M0^K3Vit.i-i!, N. a , A p ril 17, 1901. ENTERED AT THE POST OFFICE AT ilOCKSVILLE, K. C., AS SEOOHD CLASS matter, May 12th, 1899. LOaiV HOTBS AKD KCIDEirrS A . T. L< fle •, spent Friday in the city OD business. T. W . Wood & Son’s Garden Seeds at W illiam s & Anderson’s. G. AV. Sheek, and daughter, Tdiss C7Ivde. spent Friday in Salis­ bury. Early Rose, Peerless and B ur­ bank seed potatoes at W illiams & Anderson’s. Miss Einina Brown, of Salisbury, Visited Mrs. J. H . Stewart last week. A nice line Percales, Lawns and Dimities at W illiams & Ander­ son’s. . jO. M. H unt returned to his post at Cooleemee Junction Monday evening. W inchester Hams, breakfast strips, etc., at W illiams & A nder­ son’s. As Eev. W . L. Shen-ill will be out of town Sunday, Eev, J. M. Djwnum will pi-each at 11 a. m. Thos. N. Chaffin showed ns a nice biiuch of radishes Monday; the first we have seen this year. Mrs. E. G. Painter, of W est V ir­ ginia, who has been visiting rela­ tives and friends in Davie, went down to Advance Saturday and af­ ter a few days visit with her sis­ ter, Mrs. Allison, will return to ber home soon. See add of Southern Chemical Works, of W inston. This is home enterprise, and the farmers should patronize it. providtd they get as good fertilizer for the same money. We must stand by each other if we expect to build up our state. Come around and look at our spring and summer samples. If yon want a tailor made, up-to-date sait, come around to (he postoflice. J. LEE KTJEFEES has a spec­ ial price on the KUEFEES Paints and the present low price is likely not to hold good b-it a short time. I make this announcement in be­ half of onr Davie county friends and neighbors. W ith the hope that those who need PAINTS will not wait a single day, i ut write me or see my agent, B. F . Stone- street at or.ca before prices ad­ vance. Yours very truly, J. LEE KTJEFEES, Kurfees, N. C. 3 or 4 new sew ing machines lo frade for cattle. Call on the Edi­ tor of the Eecord. .lacob Stewart and T. B. Bailey left for Statesville Monday evening to attend Federal Court. Just leceived at M. A . Foster’s, now lot dry goods and notions all S hich will be sold at bottom prices. The Piedmont Music Co., ol V ii\stou. will treat yon right if yiu need anything in their line. The celebrated W issner & Leck- erling Pianos. PiEDMOKT M u s i c Co. W inston, N. C. ■■'iss Emma Brown who atten- de;l the Donthit-Powell wending re uined to her home in Salisbury Sfouday. Another car load of high grade fertilizers just received. Call and UR l)eforc buying. H o r n B b o s. & Jo h k s t o n e . Jliss Mamie Steele, of Eocking- h:tni, who hiis been visiting her si-stjr, Mrs. J. II. Stewart, has re­ lum ed to her home. Mrs. W . 4.. Griffin has received a beantiful line of millinery aud T ill l>e glad to have every one C iill Mill see it before buying elsewhere. •T. L. Sheek is sending out no- tiies to taxpayers. If you have not paid your tax, you had better do so at once and save cost. "file Celebrated Owl Brand Fer­ tilizers for sale at Williams & A n­ derson’s. J, Ijee Kurfees has something to fay to yon abont paints iu this is- Kiie This paint is manufactured by Davie county boys. ' I’ianos^lSa to $550. Organs S.i5 to warranted. P i e d m o n t M u s i c Co. W inston, N. C. See W. H . Leonard’s new ad in this issue. It j'cn need anything iu his line call on him when yon go to W inston. C. C. W illiams has bought out O L. Williams, and is now asso- ciateJ with Z, N”. Andetson in the mercantile business. F. M, John­ son is uo longer with tbe firm. Mrs. .Tames McMartin and lit­ tle daughter. Bessie, from Johns­ town. N. Y., returned last week after spending a month a t Ingle side luu. The Dr. Sampson Medicine Co., of Winston-Salem, is a home en terprise, and deserves the patron­ age of our people. There is merit in their medicines. ‘•Our neighbor, the Eecord, is two years old; and Editor Morris certainly deserves success for tbe good pjiper he is giwng the peo­ ple ’’—Davie Times. The Editor <if the Beeoi'd appreciates such kind, nice compliments from its friends. W e have tried to do onr dnty, ami have advocated that w hioi we conceived to be the right. The spirit of good feeUng shonld be cultivated, one towanl anoHier, havjng a common pnrpoBe ill view --lhe prosperity and well- lieiu" of the people. ' J»lrs. W. A. C lem ent Dead, airs. Clement, wife of Capt. W. A. Clement, ol this place died Monday. She had been sick a long while with consumption. She leaves a husband, three sons and one daughter to mourn her loss. Oar sympathies are 'extended the bereaved family. E . D ..IIIK T . I EX PERIEN CED BA RBER. 2 sa S sh a rp Razors. C lean T ow els.^ g S u re Dandruff Cure. M oney re-g g funded if not satisfactory. | jRazors ground and Concavad j I Shop on M ain S tree t, W eant i IBIock. G ive m e a tria l. ! DO YOU? Old papers for sale at 10 cents per hundred at the Eecord office, Skin troubles, cuts, burns, fcalds and chafing quickly healed by th e use of D eW itt’g W itch H azel Salve. It is im itated. Be sure you g e t D e- W itt’s. C. C S anford and M. A. F oster. D o u t h i t —P o w e ll. The event of the past week in Mocksville, was the marriage of one of Mocksville’s prettiest, fair­ est and most popular young ladies, Miss Minnie Douthit to Mr. J. G. Powell, of Mt. Airy. Early W ed­ nesday evening the friends of the bride began to assemble at tbe Methodist church, and by 8 o’clock the church was crow'ded, and a great many could not get in. The church was tastily decorated with evergreens aud flowers; in the rear of the chancel a large horse shoe was suspended, surrounded by a net-work of evergreens. Just be­ fore the bridal party rjrived, Miss Emma Brown, of Salisbury sang that beautiful old song, “ Always,” T. M. IJailey and Henry Kelly, ol Mocksville, were the nshei-s. Miss Elva Kelly presided at the organ, aud rendered Mendelsohn’s wed­ ding march, while the bridal par­ ty entered iu the following order, preceded by the ushers. Mis.^ Laura Powell, of Eeidsville, sister of the groom, and Mr. Albert Brock, of W inston; Miss Pearl Donthit, sister of the bride, and Mr. Frank Donthit, of Winston; Miss Isabelle Brown, of Salisbury, and Mi . W . L. Sanford, of Mooks- ville; Miss Minnie Brock, of W in­ ston, Maid of Honor, was followed by the bride, leaning upon the arm of her uncle, F. M. Johnson. The gi’ooni entered from the rear with his best man, Mr. Banner, of Mt. Airy, and met the bride iu front of the chancel. Eev. W . L. Sher­ rill, assisted by Eev. W . C, W il­ son, performed the ceremony iu an impressive manner. A fter the ceremony the bridal party repaired to the residence of the bride’s uu- cle, F. M. Johnson, where an ele­ gant reception was tendered them and a sumptuous repast was serv­ ed. The bridal couple left on the 11:55 train Thursday morning for Winston-Salem; from there they will go to Florida on a two weeks trip. On their return, they will make M t. Airy their .tuture home. May the sunshine of happiness follow them through along, peace­ ful, prosperous married life. A uffusta D ots. Several of our A ugusta boys and girls picniced at Cooleemee Easter. . Vf'heat is looking finein Eedland ■section. Oats are backward. A few of our farmers are done planting corn. Mrs. Xathan Foster is coufined to her room with the Grippe. This place is very dull now, there beiug uo school iu either of the three buildings. Mr. John Crofts and Jesse Dwire were up in Eedland again Sun­ day evening. When may we ex­ pect that happy event, boyst W e need a preacher at Turren- tine school honse, as the young people gather there, preach or uo preach. Can some one suggest a way out of the diffioulty? C. A. Davis has had a second attact of Grippe, which proved lo be more severe than the first. W e noticed M r. W a'ter M artin iu our sec,tion Sunday, looking very much plciised. Must be some at- ti-action. Thos. .Tames made a bnsine&s trip to Salisbury last Friday. Mrs, F. A. Foster has a cuiioa ity, au egg seven and a half inches long, shaped like a common gourd with a well developed handle four inches aud the bowl three aud a half inches. ■ Mr. Goshen McCulloch aud fam­ ily have the Grippe. Mr. IJngii Sanford and brother John, W . H. Graves and sou, all of Jlocksville, visited M r. Graves mother Easter Monday ou a fish inj; trip. Agricoia Do you want to loan, or bor­ row, or invest! Do you want to keep: your ac­ count at the best ])lacet The People’s National Bank, of W inston-Salem, N. O., de­ sires to serve you. It Wants You J . to know that it is the TJnited Y States Government Deposi- tory for this scctiou aud that .!bji ' it w ill do for y n i a ’lything ^ that any conservative insti- /j' tntiou can do. John W . Fries, President, W in. M. Blair, V. P ., T. A. W ilson, Cashier. W rite today. Buy The Celebrated W IS S ER P iO S . LECKBRUNG PIANOS. The highest Standard ever reach- C(1 in tlie Piano m akers art. 20 veai-s in advance oiallotlierinaKes. SoUl at stric^.ly factory pru-es. The woi'ld renowned Mason k Hamlin Organs, ______________Moller. Bnrdett & AUCIassesoI Persons Sterlini Orps. are beuf fitted b v u s i u " ! E veryth ing iu m usic sold ataie ueufntte.i oj usiu„ ^about hall price othei-s charge, on DR. SAJIPSGN’S HOT DK0P3 | terms to suit y on . W e have never The great Jferve Tonic and P ain , beeu undei-sold. W rite today for FURNITURE! FURNITURE! \tm "'"k I ol'll,,. For Furuif ure in everv line'i go to EO.MIX(iEi{ n;j.M i FU K X IsU IN G CO. They! have the largest stintk in Winston, aud at prices that caunot be matchei'. ■ § ’ ‘•‘Hliily. Xiiic Killer, that cures La Grippe, Coughs, Colds, Croup, Indigestion, (’holera Morbus, Flux and all nerve aud stomach troubles, and D R. SA M PSO N ’S SN A K E ROOT B IT T E R S that purifies the blood and cures constipation and all Liver trjuble. If your dealer does liot keep them, write to the SAMPSON MEDICINE CO., W inston, K, C. For terms to Agents. THE KURFEES PAINTS! catalog and prices. PIUDJIOXT MUSI'J CO. Wiuston, N. C. OUR m i l l I IMS If yon are uot already a subsscri- ber to the Kecord, this is au invi­ tation for you to become one. Noi£TIi Cai{Oi.ix,\'| In Superior Court. D.VVIU ColTNTY. ) F. M. Phillips, ) A.T.Grant, CSC. et al '( (Uiarles Howard, 1 NOxlCE ofRESAlE ct al J Pnrsnaut to an order made by A. T. Grant. Clerk Snperi( rC uirt, Davie county, iu above entitled cause, I will resell at public auc­ tion at court bouse door iu Mocks , . ville, on Saturday the 27th day ofAre now recognized as one of the b^st paints that has ever I'wu rouurv, Sh.-.dy placed on the market Ihe sales; y township, near Bixl.v, au.l have been far beyond onr sau^nm.e I expectations i=nd are constantly in- creasing. W e wish to kindly thank those wno have so libi-rally patronized us aud tor the niiiny kind woids they have spoken iu favor of IIK Those fam ous little pills. D eW itfs L ittle E arly R isers will rem ove all im purities from your system , cleanse y o jr bowels, m ake them regular. C. C. Sanford and M. A. Foster. K urlces Items. The wheat crop in this section Is looking fine. Mrs. Sallie Bowles visited her mother near Elmwood recently. Mr. M art Godbey and wife of County Line spent Eafeter here with relatives. Our sick are improving, we are glad to state. M. A . Foster and J: C. Giles, of Epheans were in our berg last week. Mr. Daniel Safreltand wife from near County Line visited their daughter, Mrs. Bowman Prather recently. J. Lee Km-feesmade a business trip to Statesville last w eek. Mrs. Maggie Snider contimias quite sick. Bill Jones, of Kappa, was iu this vicinity the past week. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Emerson spent Easter Monday with rela­ tives near Bailey. Mr. John Kurfees and wife of Bowan county, were visitors in this eommnnity recently. W alter W alker, Irom near Coun­ ty Line, was in this section Sun­day. Mrs. Mag Booe is viciting her sister, Mrs. Eobert Moore at A l­pha. of Bailey, ^ e d her grandmother, Mrs. Pol- ly Karfees laat week. Tom Hendrix, of Ephesus, was m oor berg Sunday. H e is quite a Ireqnent visitor liere. , .^ Soldier Bor. You c,-innot enjov p erfect health , rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver is sluggii<h and your bowels \^'e guarantee every pillon bear­ ing the label and trade mark of J. F . Kurfees Paint Co., Louisville, K y. Call and see me or write me giving exact size ofyonr hou.se iin l I will tell yon lo the cent era cleanse th e whole system . ’ T hey never gripe. C. C. Sanford and M A. Foster. clogged. DeW itt’s Little Early Ris-‘ ^..ra the : Will cost y ou to paint it, or see niy agent, B. F. Stonestieet. He will cheerfjlly tell you the rest. Vonra anxious to please, J . L E E KVHFBE&, Knifoc^s, N. C. Advance liews. Our town has about ffot rid of the Grippe. L M. K eeton and Miss Em m a Evans w ere m arried in this place Sunday, G. Talbot, Esq., officiating-. It is reported th at a certain yoano- Tian has bought some real estate in this i^lace. I g-ness it means anotber weddinff. Bailey & Bailey ai/e running their mills a t its fullest capacity. Mr J. C. .Tones, the miller, is making- some good flour. Rev. M r. B ennett preached here in th e B ap tist church la st night. Mrs. C. J. Delliug-er, who has beei lingerinof for some time, died thi.- morning- a t 11 a. m. Mrs. Dellinger leaves a husband and four childrei and a host of friends to mourn theii loss. Her remains were carried tc Lincoln county on this evening\‘ train. Ed Morris, Editor of the Davie Re­ cord, was iu town today. Th3mas Potts, son of George W. Potts, died April H th 1901, was bort .Tune 21st 1880: age 20 years 9 month? aud 20 days. Mr. Potts was one of Davie county’s brig-htest young men, and was liked by everybody who knew him. He was an obedient boy to his parents, and wa^ always wllling^ to do anything to please his father and mother; he was his fath er’s pride and his m other’s j^y. It looks hard to have to give up our children in the bloom of life, but God knows best. The people of our town sympathize with the bereaved family. The re­ mains were laid away in Shady Grove gra^^eyard. Rev W . L. Sherrill of Mocksville conducted the burial ser­vice. Success to the Record. Slick. J U S T I S S U E D N E, W E . D I . T I O N W e b s te r*s In t e rn a tio n a l lioti’s aud Toui Howard’s corner, N. Ifi chs to a pine, (;hHS. Elliott’s and Allen’s corner, E. 41 chs, 75 Iks to a stake or stone, ou the bank of a l)riinch, Jlassey’s corner, S. .31 chs !Hid 25 Iks to a dogwood, E. 22 chs aud 72 Iks to a stiike, S. 15 chs and 77 Iks to a stake, the begin­ ning corner of the .Tenkius’ ti-.wt, W . 1() chs and 75 Iks to a hickory sapling on the .lohn Obrion old tract, S. 13 chs 25 Ik.s to a stone, Obrion’s corncr, W . 14 chs to a dogwood sprout, Bogan Hiiywood’s what itl corner, flis and .W Iks lo a sweet gum, 20 Iks to a post oak, the bfgiuniiig corncr,coutainiu 1.54 acres, 71 poie.s more or less. See old liook 4, page "7.5. Terms of sale:—$75.00 of pur­ chase money to be paid in cash, balance ou six months cie-lit se- cmvil ! J- lioud with approved se curity, with inteiest from date. Title resej-vcd until purchase money i.sp.iid in full. Mai-.-h 2.')th, IJ) 11. C . A . H a i.i., C u m . By J acoi! STKW.tuT A ttj. are, lEO X KING CO )K STOVES, KIMI5ALL OR­ GANS AND CLI.MAX CHAIR.S. See us and wt will save ; ou money. ROMINGER& CRIH FURRISBING CO. 4.TO-4.38 Main St. tn front Brown's Warehouse. ! ii • ;ill I!cn.„>i, K llV fl T;ijs ■•uivllii,,. »«■'!, Mud ;„-e ,,r,,I d o l - ’l i : s r ( 'I , . \ s s , v „ , . ^ s i i o u r . \ o T i n ; o n a h l e p r ic i s . C a ll o n o r w r ilo lu v p n i - c s " U iiii} th iiij;i„ „ „ ..j in o u r lin e . A .ld n w , MOUUIS&sTltoiiJ -1Io<'k.svilh'. X. I J And i]i i;„-i, .1 POUR PAPERS FOR $1.15. Dyspepsia CiDigests what you (It artiacially digests the timilai, vaiure in strengthening ami i, itructiug till) o.tiinustcd ili"BiiJ .'jans. Itisfhokite-ftdiscovwcddr I aiit and tonic. Ko other preriai 1 can appn.a«-h it in om<-ioncTr D ic tio n a r y N ew P la te s T h ro u eh o u t 2 5 , 0 0 0 N e w W o r d s P h ra « e » a a d O e fla ltio n * ^Prepared under the direct Bupervision of W. T. HARRIS Ph.D.» LL..D., United States Commissioner of Education, assisted by a large corps of competent specialists and editors. R.ich Blndlnas. ^ 2364 Paces 5000 Illu stratlo as B etter T han E ver fo r H om e, School, and O ffice, We also publishWebster's Collegiate Dictionary w ith G iotsaryofS cottifh W ords and P hrases. •• F irst cIm s in quality, secood d a ss in liie .” books sent *00' application. G .aC .M E R R IA M CO. P ublishers Springfield, M ass. ©, wubisn Loolucueh . iMcn»aar W e will send you the Davie lie- cord one year, price ; the Eich- inoud W eekly Times, price 50i- The Farm Journal and The Pam- gon M onthly, all fonr ])apei-» for $1.15 per yeiir. This is a rare offer for a small fsuni. Seiul $1.1.' to the Editor of the Record, Jlocks- ville, X . ('., aud you will get all fonr of these jiapers one year. Sick ITeadiicho, Gnstrai(;iH,Crai\iJ all ot her results of i mpcriect digt :*Tlce50c. an d ?1. L:irao.«!}j-«‘pontains SQuil t »ize. Bouk all aU^ut P re p a re d by E. C. D eW iP &C0.. C J c . LUGAL XOTICIiS. Legsvl notices will be eliarged for as follows: •‘s^.OO notice foi -i2,.50; u->tices for S2.00; ^5.00 notices for$4.0<'. BUY THE SEWING MACHINE Do not be deceived by those who ad­ vertise a $60.00 Sewing Uaohine for $20.00. Tliis kind of a machine canbe bought from us or any of our dealers from $15.00 to $18.00. w e MAKE A VARtCTY. THE NEW HOHE IS THE BEST. T h e Feed determines the strength or weakness of Sowing Machines. T h e D o u b l e F e e d combined with other strong p<^nts makes the 9Tew H o m e the best Bewing Machhie to buy. lteforCIRCliLAR8& |! i..« s w e m a n u lla c tu ro a n d p rlc c a S e fS e TBE M S iOHg SEWING HAgSlAE ga. OHANftC. MASS. 28Unk)nSq. N. Y., Chicago, IIL, Atlanta, Oa- BU l4onls,Mo., Dttllas,Tex.,San IPttmdsoo/CU FOR SALC BY E, E, HUNT, Jlocksville, N. C. |ir Sale Ana Recomienclea M C. C. Sauiorfl, MocksTille N. C. R soord A gents. The fi rowing gentlemen are au­ thorized to take s. b ci ipt ions foi the R i-x-ohd: 31. W.Miickie, Yadkinville, N. C. D. I. Ileavis, Cross linadF Chnrch. W . O. raftersou, 1-jist I5e. d C. 15. I’eavis, Footeville. Ben Shore, G ianf. S. F. Shore, Shore. J.C . Pinnix, M arler. A. P. Wooilruft, Boonville. Saiif-'Vi!; -M. A.F.Irr.I .R «LI] M ARLIN For Trap or FUld Sheotiat, wmbioc tb e^ of outliae* p^eetioa ot baUoce,•o«rt aadqaslitTorfloish oftheb«sid«Nil with the saperlofity In slfhtini sod■ barrel.apJtlsopossesjtWfi,---, ss afidtn laut, 0M anuM n « « a«m s Co., m«w M*wbbJ ibe »ifl|fe barrtl.tpJ 0re flod m in z to i R E P C A T f N G l------------tIo ( o f arm s afidsmmumtioa, colored « O stbaut, m illed for 3 ttsBips. Or. M, D Kimbrou rnvsici.vN A.VU SLiiiaji.v. )ITii-f firsi :loor S.iiitli of H"ti-1 i>j MOL'KSVIU.I-: X.C. A {io(k1 Xo. fiile lor sji c or tlie Kilitor. li-n If. FOR SALE Al> ut I75iirrps of he Cooleemrc colt"" C.O.SAHFORD. Agent, Mo.k>vill , N.C T H B D IB T ZDRIVING LAMP Is about as near perfection as 50 years ol Lanip>M aking can attain t a It bum s kerosene, and gives a powerful, clear, white light, and w ill neither blow n w lar out. W hen out driving with tt tbe darkness easily keeps about two hundred feet ahead of your 'm artest horse. W hen you w ant the very best D riving Lam p to be had. ask your dealer for the ** Dietz.** W e Issue a special Catalogue of tWs Lam p. and. if you e ver prowl around aftar U gb t-fall it will interest you. T i t m ailed free. S.1^DIBT25 CO., e o l ^ h t St.,MeiyYarlc. •pM ipl t « o * t» Q u w liia o ftO M ii. KORFoyao^y-^ C L O S E C O M O M T o m B o m Ch ic W.B.BEViLL.Geneiall^-'S R O A N O .K C y A - i BAVI3 i| i;VlUV J , i l . jk)i;kis, - " TKi:MS O f one co'.'y- 01.. c ry . O;,ecopv. T hroe M o. T^) I'.i-st s 'V.ii! .i ! V I lel f> tbo. t y 1 iner--M ev : I t.i ! i i e •Xl.t !';o '-I „ri::.nios(.n.<r.. 1.. > ! tjrii Sia!' ! ' • ■ - the a s:c;;d.-' ' ’/ l,eroi fcvu.i ^ I ff.l t!ii'"u;rli-’l_- ‘ i‘ V.'asUii'.si!’'-'' I1 :aiio. it tlinl liu-so ' .■ ,.()ii);iic;s -1' i;u-. aic1',- i'i- iii i t ' l c ■■I 1 5- l;uii:s in 11 sci:. io!i..1:;: till-; i;i -.r.i i t'lccu-iy o;;;:' lo I'-"- >' tin. - : i:i'j:it iUnii si-.fl'iii■-'--■'I ' to raise a 'li.i I vf.'.r.s l>i>i ‘ l.;r;-! propi^iiioii ni v.'iiou Ui-.. t;!:i:;s;ui Is bviiig iM.ii':'' vcs;ui-l p:iy !:i:di i;- iiiDrliiar'cs. 'I'hc ov. I;0\V [lOUi'illr^ i'-'t-' >• J (iicy ii.ive ui-Mcy v. ;tl Imy soo;! 'a:i i>ijselves coviil’ortal.ly l!:iivc.st I'l-oliia!-!'' i i' • “There is cvc:•.^■ r licvegood tinu-.s::”'- i faimers ol i!u- I'-i \ve.st. Tiie eaorai liic cull! v;ite ! n (d the iavo,-.;.-.! cm !>tates caasc.l ;i 1 1 lo.v i)r;:'L‘S lo;- 1 (>,r;.illy f.>>- i'll jKirs p';p;ilt:li.:;'- (,nt ol';;!! prDj-orri':: of prodWi-tivc : i (aui:ul Ijo lU.-'.u'.il ' '' iiiiiiul fiu- :is lo :even in tiie Xo;thv i-.-;| of ti-.e h:-.;\i l>y tiiuaini lir.'-i U;o tlie Xorlliw.s; the co-.i;!'.ry lii;s -“,i i!ol k‘;-s tli;in jiiuj-i' i I I'aiir'.mtis oiVer lo'-v r;‘J V. lio O t,. ^ l.ii.iis.'' As v. u Wi'.dl nMilci'^‘i-l!ttl Vvii;. :■;> aiitls scfk viio.^e c-l ;Ml few til-.- ni'M!':-. l')!;s ^ liis of {1:1' S.)iin| soil, ;i!id it in i.s 1:'.t‘-;u:!5 ill ll;c tbe i;K-iii-<i; -‘Tiic i'-irt' to tur-.sc v. ii| Au-St to ;'i.This is not cci-taiiily is coiH-f ir.vd. Uv^lilllhSllip (!) IkI lSntiiTis-,1 ai;.,i il..- ;u'J *'i, i’.olro.’.rls c;li;:'.‘.i _ ietes ia lUi.iSl-.ite 'vlJ W'tlic \Ve;t i{ iniin':!.- Iliousaiuis ■.•■p-J oi'iiiyiil lii-oi'-li-to . Oi:;- Soutl.ci-I I'l ^ 'uforiiiatioii l,urc:;i;il su m s oi' inol Tei'tise the ailvaiiul but. are ao.:/.- ‘'■seofexleiuliug oj);! ‘^Sfekcr.s to coiae uii;l H Scivfsi. I 'v e have l>erv>! e rc-| 'teBiiiith more th.uil fennel ever coi'M | the people p ut the 'acli I'ehiiKl them’—d Tiie above article cl ‘<^^1 for thought, a{ heyouil the I’o-M ^■^■Seuator Butler, fJ Dema.-ogiaij "*‘lniach to do with I I and devel-.r| [ and today, ui| ’“en and state.-uieu ■ “‘«^“‘>der, there is cl t J* running aa t^auigoguehas iivcdl Mteninl, v.-hile the sl I red iHij-ona humal fires of hate J t =‘Te been kept alive] L®“ baser pas-sious; in "ei-e, have bee p W{;i? coiiMly. n i.o st,, 111 Ilfat.s, T:, I" •'•iH, iiii.vtliiii »'i-‘ pre,.;,, «'I.A.S.S w<i ^t x o t i c i : j„ ! prici s. '■>" w rilo Id i,J l« iiji„ jtl,i„ „ y o u ] lino. A.UIiess, f»I£I.S A: S T itoi 3Io<-k.svilI<!.: d lepsia C| i w h a t y o a i Illy digests th e food J Istre n jrllic n in g anil llio exh.m stcd rtigc: fhel.-itestdiscoTercu h ie. -No o lh er p re l h<h it- in cfTicionpvJ liiTesand porruans-ntl IndigeslioD, lie , Sour Slom ach, Jchc, G ast ralpia, Ciii. iu It s of i m perfect d i | pi. IjirBesi7.CTOnt.ilii! l*k a ll aLx>nt } E . C .D C K IT I 4 CO.. M. A. F sk I 'i / dSlKt-.!k>a of balance, e ■j ot fiflisk of the beat d 9rity ia siffatiBt and sb<;i, ao j also possess the n a t e c ^knd ammnaition, colored I for 3 ataBp*. I A«M« COm NSW MAI D K i m b r o l I c T .lN A N D S r B G E D ! | i J o o r S o u t h o f H o t e | L 'K S V I L L K N . C . I Xo. 32 breecli ll Ic o r traile. FOR SALE ■> acres of Jam! a.il Imre fiiltim n U K j laiiil «alcrtii. Ciilj E. H. Morris M o c k s v ille : i # ' JQIKI Qjic [t o C o l O ^I H L L G e n a ril ^a n o k e ; T h e D avie R e c o r d . MOCKSVILLE, N. C., W EDNESDAY, A PBIL 24, 1901 K T JifS E S 3, D i V i j n ;:vj i:v \vi:I'M ‘s i-ay. . - \ iy \ r o \ i . 0-: • ;. snisrrvirTiDN • ,..o V c ::r. - •hi‘ TUr. o 2-^ T > " -- i:;t' ' I ■ T-) T in;; \v iiT i:. »::•> ;ilv,^r- i '-'i ‘I.* ‘.-i ":'n !i li S t ) -i'Ti'Mi r rj.iiu le '.p lii I IiJ- ■NmI I'M-' lii: : ; ’ ;i‘ o '.i l .v e ic i'.itlp .'s ,■ •.; :i "'o 'N ■ ii*l !1 1 :;f :V U 11 )'V . :^ ii!('0 r V ! v ii ii'.v l i i d 'o i . i i 'i r . c f i:i t h i ' iiiiiii- i 1 ‘ •' '>-> I ' . . .. . .'i r i. i’iiul. lo r ,..,i i c x p liiin o i i'"i iiic-r ' ! ; ■■Si- r.i])!- I iy la ii! - !"V ill" :r;v«- .V M O ii.-a ;;-; (in o sl-, :i:i 1 r i lu V iiv r ii _ ,1 I - '•••>!.! t U e i r s m a U ' i >!■•!., ;uig<M>!ie in " ; i l i - '; - c : i b v ! v o c n . ■■i, . I,-:;; :i;\ i ;j! ;t iii s . i a i:i:- IS. Tlic:i . ' . ;U i:p :'.'i :a u i y h:*.;i 1-f ; - iiM p - r ly »-i! /W r *>' ‘-I’ . , , ■■ iL ^oy s 'l - i i i l i lie a ^ e r i i s o f V! M-.;;-';i-i iU;s.l>rrT ti) ;L j,,...'. j , ;:oii oi' t!ic SfnU 'i'.s, ■, ■hi',; ■: ■!' « 'iic ;U i'c ii ■ ' i:.:;: if-i ■■■.;; : t h e i i i s e l - '? -m : ;-:iv o il t u c i i - lii-i'l;;. - s . ' T :;o p v - .iiiv M’lv> i l P i ;.a*i....i'h!“ i Xoi'tbw erjt i v -.o i'ii'ii'-'O 'i i'; i r i i i c w , a i i 'i - j., v -'!tll w iii.'^ h to I l>r' j I'.iaitiU'.iuthei!!- Im if-t Ci-ops. . •■Thoi-i-i- e v e r y r e a - ^ i n t o l> c- l i M i - s a r e i n s t-.s re i'o r t l i c ,V--1 '('•’e.W a i i 'i N o i 'u i - T h '; c ;;‘,c;iiL > ;ia i:i.? rc .if.(; i;i i iv : (1.L.v".-i oi the csi-'(n.s-.i:-'. a i >r." poi'i')-l <>i' ' ' Ji;,i.iril! p r u t - u c t s , i s u t lo " s c .- e i- a i ^ iia r ^ f P'ii:;:'-boi'ii j:r • i'lirc iii:'. t o l i i C frr o '-v li; (rfpivi a iii! t ; i e , 1.” Vv':;0!l iilC tl'-’' MSii‘i l l - ■■■,•.!; b o s n e i ! ; a I 'i c i i H '- r c im jI I U ii/U v '•'■'ea lii •• I- in spile i I eft:;,-h:.:ii !>y K.i!- It is Wsiuii iiii'! U:c i;!iniij;i':iii<Mi iiilo I tkr>.:.; V i'.oiii Hi her points oi fcl .'.i::;!';, i;i!< '‘.-.IS'-I! Will l'C:i.-llI i'3l ]i!;i-sims. Th;- N in'i:;!',''..V -.-i'iir.v n ite .S ( o ll-i'/.- t- h i , ', 4'- tw l t o i!!3 l.» :i,i ll.;-,- b - .’ i .e w e c a r .; o 1-iiv :;;) 11.a n y 1iu> !if!- :!:■.■ 1, iiv’rf! • rw ie KSf iL.ui' r'^iiiuii O ne re:i *«, i; i; •! !:il:i'.o.'S !i p'.toiitiiJI &. Iiy li;i: t-eri l‘"i»i;! ii.c <-ii;:pii;s fr'in i;;';vs '.-.I t;;i si; v .iu i lie .sii'C t o g v I i: r::-j ^ 1.1 hlllU: 1'U' i'- i:<;t T jeiiiiiiici ill ('-c fe ih . K -;';;ii:;!y s :i f:U- a s t h i s 8 l : i i ( ' i'(i)iic!n'.;-,i. ' U liu tr th e w ise «bon'iiV.’etl fi'o is i • ; n . ; iliC ' lu lv D C .it'J .s tlie i'C ''i i ; ; ; ', ; g r a n t ) ii- :v i- !!ie roads V.'c.J 1 ,y Wlli'-ll lilCJ is;.;.., ti.,;us!um s ‘ ■! j'l-'r,!'-iI■ -' llie luilid ti;! iu ;,; i- y t o l l i e i i i . ;i ru a d i inaiiitaif' l!';ij'c;ir.s "Jitl s]>enii : ;'!iii'.s (,;■ m o n e y t o a < l- ijj(, ;> iv il!lt.!.i;0 5 o f l i l t ai-,. iSci.iK'l t h e....................... ...... privi- I -ifKle.ifiia^ opjioilunities to It'i cuiae ua:l scu i’or tlieir. UeKfo [•'fi'cs. ''ei;;iv'-l,!,r,,ve roaiarke:! j aiar ili;i!i.i;;i)..;isa!, lias iiijiireil iwijHih ( pu.siilsucc or f-ver coi'Ul. Vt'bcu will Pwijle ]i;it tiie pi oniotere ol iiolieies aud iiielh' •^'«'.ii'i;i tlio!i!?_I{a!eig!i Post. 'T'lc above ai ticle contains uiiieb «f(ir tiio'.i;;ht, and one must ^ ’^Wymiil the Post-s thrust at ^-■'Sc;iatiir liut'.sr, for some of the lJtii;;:;;o,L:i.Sia truly, lias '“I'li ii t;i (ll) with retarding the ^*1*1 aiiil (level-•piucu!; of the aiitl today, unless her wise 3 and faj;e hold of ‘*«ra;ia,, lew m en. T!ie tiino has come wlien th e people . sho;;lil no loagei-he led hy siicli nicji. T!ie fiitiiro possibilities ol ; oil!- country, she [leace, ifood oriicr . I'.iul llic adviiiiecMient o fa ll o a r ic- : s.)ui'iM‘.s c;ills for t!;o best men ar.d t'.ie lie?t iuo;isuirs to prom ote :i cosninori end. \*/hcrc luisbilces li;ivo !>e?n niude a lino SjiouM be .il.'.uvn, am i a post ]'.lanted a", a ; war.iiii;.; for tlio Aitiifn. Poli(i;‘s I have l.ikeii up too uiiidi of (he poop'.u’a tim e a ;il thoaglits, re- .iiardioss of v.’h at was be.'^t fc.r oni' cauiitiT . T he inaciiiiie elei’iieiil in ’t'.:?S,:!Ul> have tiie d , hibrro l aii.l ' kept lip tiie sti-iie. :>!eii am i I bei;- b:isji.(\i,<o.s have been m ade To siin’- cr by reiiiion of opinion, ostracism a;hi boycott liave been used to ' loi'ce iiien to kceji in I'.nc, and the : c .vi.se ]i', ia js i ioll.j'.vin;; are too plain to adm it of doabt. 'roda.y in :som-j pbi'joo it if rife a.? ever. Jfea . v.-lio are more p u-Ii.-iaijt l!i;!ii lovoto nftlK 'ir S tate a ’ll c > iit:v , wi!! lir.y and tr;id'3 ivitii sti-ang?i'.S from di.-.taaee, aii.l jiay th e fri-i:,d;l , a:i 1 ercpre? r itbai- tlia-i p ;tro ii;'c inon ill th eir o,vii o u 'itie-i ami tmo'i V,-11 1 ;u-e v.-orkiii„' lor ail honeit living', men vrho are Bp>:!';i:i,i; th eir tiai'.'; an 1 luouej’ t-.i Uoip build up th e ir sections and to'.va;, j-.ist bo;'.'i.^o these iii3;i dif- ;er ivllh t;icm p jliiically . Is it any W'>;idei; tliat ni?:i iesvc o ar ,S ia'b!;i 11; I.i it any vroii'lLr thai me:! v.-iio dc.'-ira a eh:-.n3;e w ill go e'?e-v!ierc r.ithei- t'i';Ln come ii;no;rj; II-? Tito only r:‘j^on m nra d o n 't; ^o a'va.y, Ls liecau.'sc they caunot.^ If tlie conditions th a t have so Ion-;; c'cistc'! Iiere, and •.vjiieli have been [ . v. orse for the pxst few years, Cioii- | tiiim-, tlierc \vi!! b;j a. grsater iin-1 it!i;;;u!:!0!i from the.se p a rts tlian | ever bofoi e. The negro h;is been j m 1 !c the c.--;cusc ior a g reat deal of tho do'.-iimc’.it of tnspa.'jt. The ne- j;r.) problem seem.s as far from set- tl;;m’.’ut iw ever. Yo'.t can liardly ti'va t!]) a jrip ar b at v.'hat you find som ething about it. T his negro qaeoti'j:: -.viH never bo settled tiy one politic.ll p arly , and it never will be .■^eltlod i!:i!il it is settled ri^'iit, an.! once a :;l f.ir all tim e to com e. Yna cannot sc-ttle it by d;ib:);;ig llie li'^publicau p arty the “ nigger p a rty .■' You caunot sot tie it by stirrin g up raeo hatred, pas.'siou and prejudice. Y ou can­ not settle it by v.cariug red b u t­ tons and red sh irts, and egging K epiiblican speakers. Y on cau- oot s.e.1 tie it iiy force, fraud and open, flagrant violations o f the law a;id by tram pling tiiiderfoot ti;e (,oiistitution. Y ou e.inuot settle ;t as Ion ; as sr.cli m en as Josephus ! aLiiels and iiis ilk arc th e shapei-s o fp tib lie sentim ent. Tiiero are oiioii^h good inea iu both parties to 'f ttle all perple.xing qi.cstions, and Kettle them rig h t, b u t they ii.ive. got to lose sight of sei£ and lellioii m otives to do so. Instead of ab'i?iiig B ntlerism as the Pobt term s it, v. h j' did not the last two legisiatiu’es repeal th e objection- aiile railroad hiws, and th u s pro­ m ote em m igralioa Eoathward? A fraid, eb! Y ou can’t loager hold Sir. IJiitler responsible for present conditions and thaii is no way to remedy them . There is -a work for all to do. Itow shall it be done; right or wroiigi You win waste tim e if you trj' to cure indl^festion or djspejwia by star- vin;r 3'o'irHelf. T hat ooly makes r. w.irjitt when von do eat heartily. ^ ou ! A ^^■^OLESO.MP) ' P R O P o siT ro i^ . There is no department of the government which is sntijected to more fraud than ihe Post office De­ partment, aud no branch of this U.'iiartment so imposed upon as tiiat of seo■ond-cla^s mall matter. I'he goveriimeiit, with the best of intciitioiis to pr.blisher.s and pub­ lic, admits to the mails, at pound rates of pos:a;:c, ne-.vsp.ipcr.j and -oriodicals having bona i;do lists .,rs‘;l«eribors and p;ibli.-;he.l as legitimate mediums for the di;isem- ;i;;!io;i of news, litiv;anie or kin- (ire 1 matter. Taking advant;ige I.frills liberal pr.v.i-tion of law, han.lreds, perhii.p-i thousand.-i oi irablications. purely advertisbig ventures, ii;ivii(g only a noiiHniil .■■.;:'.;.>;-r;ptio:i price, h.’.ve v.orke;! Ihcms'.'lves into t!io maii;? to tiie dir;advanta.:,'eof legitimii'c piilili- -ati'/ns and at eaormoas c.oafc to tiio g'lvoi'nment for (Mi-riino. <;u;i- gross has failed torig..t this wrong and Tiiird As.sisl;i;it Postm;isier (Joacral Madde:! h;u t;ikeu the niaiter in hand wilh the view of j; ii.:'.'.o;iicE re,g;ilatio:i whiah will C',iai'\dit, An Assoeiate;l Pre.>.-' (lisptilcn this moi'iiiag recites the siL:i:'-lio;i :iud the piMpo.sed renie dy, and The 0!«erver ii;uH one ol tiie ;'ironlars cf inquiry referred to a.s having been sent oiit to a given ;iamij-.‘r of puijlisliers. The fjlan pri'ii’cted sliould have the eordi.il .<aii;iort of every iMitilisher in tiie. co.’.atry v.'ho i.s condactiiiga Ic.gili- m:;!:' Imsine.s, not alone iie-jansc il V,::! prove a proteclion to hlm- scl: i.Tit be,'.iiii;‘e it v.'ill slop a fVaU' daiciir x)‘'f><^'^cding an<l save the go\ crnmont fr.im a. form of inipo- -i;i<>n vi'hich is costing it millions o; m .ney.—Ch;irlotre Observei'. Yi'e siuocrily hope the Postoilite J)c;!;;rtmeat will proceed to stop t!io abuse referred to. Something noeds to tie done. tiicre is danger of the '■mnnng a.ground. The ■leiias lived, thrived aud , v. liilc the South has suf- l^VoiKl human estimation. of hate and prejudice t«eii kept alive l)y appeals to. J'easonR, iiave been dcihryned, ly aiffeatea. ii.oa<.u v i»i.v i-i the result of year.s of scientific re- .■search for something that would di- ,re^t not only some elements of food but every kind. .\nd it the one remedy that will do it. C. C. Sanford and M . A . Foster. ' A subscriber to a certain paper died and left 14 ye.arssnbscriptiou iinpaid. Tlie editor appeared at the grave as the lid of the coiBn was beiijg screwed down for the last tim e and put in a linen dus ter, a therm ometer, a palm leaf fan and a receipt for making ice. Editors, as a rule, are not pros­ perous, but they arc kind hearted aud cousidorate.-^Ex. . \\^h irJK ^C d 1 m 3ley indices- m any to “ I had been troubl^ed ^ tio n fo rte ii years, have i n S r “ “ S i “ » ‘. s ail o th e r m edicines ta k en . I •e lik e a boy twenty years Sunny Lane. T ex. testified as'did M r. Tlig^s. ford and M. .A. " ’ C .C . A K A G IX G , K O A IU X G FLO O D ■\Tas!u!:l down a to!crra;>h iir.c which Clias: C- K ills, of i.isboii, la., had to repair. “ Standing wai,-'t deep iu icy -n-ater,” he writes, “ gave me a territile cold and cough. It grcv.’ v.'oi'.se dail.y. Fiiialiy th e best doctors ia Oak- b;:d, iNcb., S;on.\ C ity and O m aha sail! ! had c.iiisnm ption an:l could not live. T hen 1 isegau using I'r. K ing'.i Xb'w Discos ery and v. as whol;;, citi'e.I by si.'c bo.ties.” Posiiivc-ly giiaiT.iitsed for Coughs, Colds ami al! T hroat and Ltuig troubles by 0 , C. R aufonl, Pricc 50 cciiis. OUK THA>CKS. The Bavie KeconT, of ’ilocks- 8, ' thir.'l itshas ju s t entered year. The llecord is an ex­ cellent paper aud w tll deserves the sappoit of its friends.— U ick > ory rrc.S:i. The D avie R ecord, of jMoc'.s- ville, X. C ., ];as .jiLst entered its third year. E ditoi Jlo riis is to be congratulated on h is exce.Iem paper.— A she .'i'le Gazet.te. Sprlr.g coi'.g-h.^ are sjiccially ons and iniioss cured iit once, io-5ult.s O n e MiuxiU Couijh Cure r.cti Uko It u nov acoG im unm ixrure but a Iji'rli remedy, cj. C Sani'orJ aiid M . A. IPosici. MI?, W U IX LOTTE. Vt’e regret tliat lim i'.el space preveni:; cur givirg oiir readeis the spe.’ches of Chinese Minister iVii and tseaator jiIcLauriii, of^Sr. 0., at (Charlotte last week. Sena­ tor lUcijatiriii souuded the key note for the fnturo of our country. Time.*! and conditions have chang­ ed and we must adjust ourselves to the new conditions w'hich have arisen. The dead past should be p it beliind u.s, aud we shou'd reach out aud grasp the present and futnre grand possibilities stretebcd out before us. This ij oui eoiiDtry, and w e.shojld recog- uizethc fact, aud press forward to the goal w ithin our reach. Sena­ tor M cLanriu’s speeeli should be scivttered broadcast over the entire South. JOE COTJLDlf’T H A V E STOOD IT If he’d had Itching P il^ . They’re terribly annoying; but Buckleu’s Arnica Salve will ' case of pibs on, cured thousands. Pains or Bodily Eruptions it’s tlie best salve in . the world. Price 25c a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by C. C. Sanford. but cure the worst earth. I t has For • Injuries, There is no less than 7,000 mag istrates iu thiS State. It is an ex ceedingly great num ber. In the county of Craven there is one for every'10 white voters.' This is really absurd. There was- a dis pute between two factions of De­ mocrats in that county aud the l i g a t u r e dected both sets of nominees. This action is being sharply critieised.-^O nr Home. T1i3 San-y Soutli r-io Great Literary Weekly. W e ta:ke pleasure in calling at teution to the advertisem ent of The Snnny South in this issi This spleudid publication has en­ tered its tw enty-sixth year aud appears now in better w eekly form than herotofoic. It is th e Sonth- ei-n L iterary W eekly so long look­ ed fyr by onr peoi.le. For the com ing year a t least, il is a poptt- 'a r price, less than a penny a cum ­ ber, Hfiy ccnt-i a-j-ear. T he put)- lishe-.'s prryrise an e.-ccfcllent value in such an investm ent. It c(;nl;iins luim crous literary feaiures; e'.litorials of the highe.st order a colum n of ^‘Snnshiue,” specia' departm ents, tlie “ ilouse- h olil'’ and various sketches and ■?li!i-iC3 appealing to every he;u-tli- «t;me. Uesides presenting a great T ristr.iin of iJiont, l.iy A n­ thony ilope now iu its m id inter- e.st. Tiie Snnny South ha,s aira n - god l\>r the publication of an ex- i-eP.eiit new ^eci;d story, ju s t be- gin:iiig, it.'f.ilyiide’s Lover.s,” by .Uiiarl'jc Thom pson, Tiiis , well known aiitiii;!-, whose death was reoenlly announced, was especi.illy p'.oaslng to th e people iu his “ .Al- i(;e of O ld Vinc(3ane.s,” “ A T alla­ hassee G irl.” and in “ SweeiLca'fc •U auett-.” T his his last story, is in a deiighlfal style and iiortrays Soiitlieru scenes w ith th e real a r­ tist’.'-, delicate touch. It m ay well be regarded by the editors as a splendid feature, replete \; ith ro- maulii'. detail, jucturesquo and a t­ tractive from beginning to end. iJon t miss it. T he Sunny South is to be devo­ ted to liici-iiture, roniauce, fact aud iiLitiou. T his is a v.-ide iield au d is being v,c!l covered if we nia,v speak from the copics exam ined. ■Vnd only fifty ctn ts a year, veith no let do-.vii i i splendid m d-:e up and m alter of special Southern in ­ terest, every we-3k. E . » . M N T . EXPERIENCED BARBI5R. .• Itazors. Clean To : Dandruff Cure. Lloney funded if not satisfactory. i jjround and Concavcd. Siiop on M ain Street, W e a n t JjBlock. Give m e a trial. Ill': IC lil'T lilS I/ECJ. Tw elve .vcars ago J . W . SulU- v;rn, ot Ila itib rd , Conn icratchcd liiH log ’.vith !! rusty w ire. Intia- m ation and blood poisoning set in. For two years he stifi'ered intense- l \ ! Then the liest doctors urged am putation, ••I'ut,” he w rites, “ I used one bottle of E lectric B itters and 1-t boxes of B ucklen’s Arnicji Salve and m y leg wiis sound and v.ell as c-vcr.” F or E ruptions, Eczema, T eitcr, Salt llhetim .Sore.s, and all blood disorders E lectric B itters has no riviil on earth . Try (:hcm. C. (.k Sanford w ill guaran ­ tee sntisf:>ci ion or refund m oney. Only 50 cents. for a Mr, Claude Kitchen, new her of Congress, advertises candidate for W'est Point cadet­ ship, aud among other require­ ments the i)oy must toll the com­ plexion of hi.s politics. This is not o;dy a new idea but one which is likely to handicap ihc lad in after life. The arm y aud uav^' are above the arena of x'olitic.s —Ex.. The above, if true, stamps Ciaiul;; j\itehei! a very small mao, and totally unfit to represent any­ thing or anybody in Congre-sa. 3acri men have and are doing more to injure oar state and sec­ tion riian anything else. How long will the people follow such men to their ov/u hurt and de­ struction? God save the state from such little fellows in the fu­ ture. “ I Iiad piles so bad I could get rest* nor lind a cure until I tri-;d no Dc- W'itt’s W itch Hazel Salve. After ■jsiii!; it ouce; I forgot I ever had any- ■ • liice Piles.” E , C. Jioice, Som- l.ook out for iraita-thing Piles.’' ersPoirt, N . Y . tions. B e sure yon ask for D e W it t ’s. C. C. aanford and M , A . Foster. A G randm other a t 26- Gaffney, S. C,, Special to A tlanta Constitiition. It is reported by reliable an thority that there Is a woman liv­ ing iu the mountains of Oconee county, this State, who is 26 years old and has 14 children and one grandchild. The woman married when only 11 years old and hiis enjoyed jem arkable health ever since. It is wonderful how th ^ e mountain people ignore the law, yet they attach very little impor­ tance to any of the law's. They do just as they feel inclined to do re­ gardless of the resalts, and it is very seldom that when any one violates the law it is ever known outside ol their mountain settle­ ment, and while this woman has been m arried for 35 years it has very recently reachied the outeide world. It is doubtful i f there is similai case anywhere on record-. “ Last winter I was confined to tny bed with a very bad coldon tne lungs. Nothing gave m e relief. Finally m y wife bought a bottle of O n e Minute CougliCure that affected a speedy cure. I cannot speak, too highly of that exceUent rem edy.” M r, T . K . Housem an. M anataw ney, P a . C . C. Sanford and M . A . Foster For sale bv .E. H MORRIS. liR EE PAPERS FOR $g.OO. W e will send you the DAYIE EECOKI), ATLA.>sTA COXSTI- TFOX and Tirti: SUXKY SOUTH all three weekly paucra, one year for iji2,00 TH E SVXXY SOUTH is a tine literary ar.d slory paper and is worth the price asked for all the three. H and us in your subscription and .get these papers ^ -................ 'lE D ,a t once.D A V IE i!E t::o: iHoek.svillc, N. C. SreeasDoro Murseries, GEEEXSBORO, F , C., W e have a large surplus ol staudard \M nter Apples. Kow' is the tim e to set; place your order before the agsortment is broken. Special term s to those wish­ ing to plant largely. Address. JOHJT A . YOUXG, Proprietor. SODTHERI RAILWAY. T H E , .. STAl-TDAED EA ILW A Y OS' THE SOH'i'H. The Direct Line tc all Points. :a s . CALIFOEXIA. FLOPvIDA,, CUBA AXD POETO RICO. Strictly Fiist Cltiss Equip­ ment on all Through and L.- cttl Trains. Pnllm au Sleeping Cars on all Xight Trains. Fast and Sale schedules. Travel t>y tl you are as.siu-ed a Safe, Com­fortable aad a ir Expeditious .Toamey, Apply to Ticket Agents for Tim e T a bles, itates and General Infor­mation, or address R . L. V E R N O N , T . P . A . . Charlotte N . 0 . HO lEOUELK TO S H HARDWICK, ■WASHING' ’TiS EASY TO FEEL GOOD; C ountless th o u san d s h a v e fo u n d a blessin g to th e bod.y iu D r. K in g ’s K ew L ife P ills, w h ich p o s­ itiv e ly c u re C o n stip atio n , S ick H ead ach e, D izziness, Ja u n d ic e , M ala ria, F e v e r a n d A g u e a n d a ll L iv e r a n d S tom ach tro u b les. P u re ­ ly v eg etab le; n ev er g rip e o r w eak ­ e n . O n ly 25c. a t C . C . S an fo rd ’s D ru g S to re. Come around and look at onr spring and summer tiimples. If you want a tailor matle, uji-to-date suit, coine aroucd to the postotliec. I I BO y e a r s * .E X P E R IE N C E P a t e n t s FRAOE m A R nS De s ig n s COPYRK>HT9 & C.Anyone sending a akctch and description mi quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether t tii'rciition ta probably patentable. Commnnic tconsRtrictlyconQdeiitlal. UaadbookooPatenw scut free, oidest ncency fcrBecnrinOalonta.Pntenu taken tBn)aeh UanD &Xlarnoetr* fptcial notiUt without cbnn;e, in tooScientific Jlintilcaii, S “ S " ! O T S . S ® f i W . H . L E O N A R D , WINSTON, N. C. Tne oul Kcliable up to date Jeweler and Optician, will give you one luindrod ccnts worth for eyery dollar, one price to all and th? best goods fur the LOWEST POSSIBLE PEICFS. W atches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Spectacles, Eye Glasses, China and rich Cut Gla.«s- o o o 406 Liberty Stree^< a. T. GLASCOCK & SONS, G REEX SBO EO, X , C, .GEii^RAL FOUNDERS AND lA C H iN IST S. -M A S n iF A C T U E E S - W ater W heels, Band Saws, Wood Lathes, Emery Grifiders, Sa\r Arbors, Grale Bars, Job Castings every description. Also mannfactnves C.utoi-IXA Cook Sxo\'E.s, Heating Stoves, Hol­ low W are and Feed Cuttei-s, The Carolina Cook Stove ia sold on its MERITS, Every Stove Guarantefed. For sale by ■ li.HDNT, Mocbville, N. C. B O H ' T to call at tic Eed Front and see otir new lot of reaity- made skirts. W e carry a nice line of Dress Goods am i Trimmings, Vv'hiteGoods, Lawns,Silks,;Hambtirgs,Laccs. Y o u W i l l F i n d O u r S t o c k C o m p l e t e and up to date. W e also carry a nice line of Shoes for all. W hen ill 3Iooksville give me a look. I will always make pilces O. K . Yours anxious to please, J . T. B ATTY. F ,B . D A B B Y C. P . & T . A . A shev iU eN .C . QUEfnON P. A. I C Vinzr Ccr-la a E3 TSiaia a N asabcs* T I I E S O U T H ’S L .- I T E I I A .R Y W E E K L Y r-i!cs A U anta, Ga, A fter a c-iirecr of Tnof(a or less :^f.tivity iu tho Southern Held for over a qu:irter ui I'.tt-ui.'iry i !r-- 'iir.isv tiu ih has again become a weetciy. betieraiut lu-.ire .*-e:idai>ie tliun Mt:ir:y tim e in its history. I t contuiiis wi-iai :ti.'r;cn .iron: ihv ! e.-t know n uuthcra the world over. I t ia c-cv,>le-d to ,-ji--uih-;;r;'- ;L-;ideis :ii;d Houthom w riters and is their ov. u liwi-y v^i e.-. s^t'jri^-s, skett^he-^, incidents of w-ar and of pcaic, -ilJiL-.i i't !i.)i:-.^ aud alleid, pcoms, ideas, fash­ ions, binis fur Imme K^ijiier.s everylbni? of inteifestto old and yon-ng v. ili f;opcai' in its c-..cc!ienii "v-. tekly' m ake np. The t- o ‘ Ot'P.LtM',-"' by A ntho ny ilo i'E (iio-.v in pr.y-Ti-a-.s v-.ith iu!i tynopi-is to cover form er In- btaltmeni;?), and .i >»;ry!>. jo ’.i L (iV crs,"by iU aurice T h o m p - .son, to b « i;i A pril 2Titi,' w ill be read w ith absorbing Interest tiu-ougbcut Uie v.hcle Eonth. Tlilb is your oi'ix>rtunity, and -only 50 cents for .i ti;!! yc; r of it. 'j.hink c-f It! 5') cents. fSuh.»c-fii-tio;i piico is o ii'y f.ity , cc n ts a y e a r. K oagents’ Ciimniissioa. Tbo paper £j its ow n Lest oSfcr an d argum ent to the subscriber. s-anip;^ copy fre e to a o:i n iid to y o u r six n -iglibors w htw - n im c i a iiJ :;dJres'C H yo.i s-.n J im a r o s - ta l c a rd , pi-ovided you i-cnd a t once. A c:ub of five a t 60 cents e.ich, aw snniiauifi! t.y t.ba full cm onnt ^2.50 n e t to us, entitles the sender to T he .'iunay yontii a w hole year free. I'h e Sunny Kwith li your cld iiientl iu a ne^v fonn, al­ w ays im proving, every Ifsuo to excel the last one. T he ijouth’s literary paper is here a t las t. O lder it to-day.'1 he S iiiin y S m ith in com bination w ith th e o f all S o u th e rn VVeelily N EV V SPA PliK S—T he A thinta W eekly Constitution—both for onlv it 1.23 a year. Itein it th a t am ount to T h e S u n n y S o u th , and get these tw o great papers—One L ite ra ry ; th e other Ne-w.s. Addrcffl all Jettera an d rem ittances to T H E SU K N -Sr C O U X JI, A T L A N T A , G A ,11 <• ; ’ I 'I *' I ' T m V. rJ 'I i /a \ ' •' 1^ -' T he Filipino Leader Adnowiedges American Sovereignty. URGES NATIVES TO TAKE OATH H to.A ddM M to th e F U lplao P eo p le M »de F ttb llc » t M aaUiM -H« E ztoln tb e flte n a n d S tripe*, w id S ajv T h * t » iM tln e P eaee !• D e ttn b le — G enernl BUcAr- th « r B eleaee* P ric o a e n o f %Vmr. Manila.—The following Is Aguiual- do’e address to the Filipino people; “ I believe I am not In error in pre­ suming that tbe nnbappy fate to wblch my adverse fortune has led me is not a surprise to those who have been fam iliar w ith the progress of the war. The lessons taught w ith a full mean­ ing, and which have recently comc to my knowledge, suggest w ith Irresist­ ible force that a complete termination of hostilities and lasting peace arc not only desirable, but absolutely es­ sential to the w elfare of the I’nilip- pine Islands.“The FiUpInos have never been dis­ mayed a t their weakness, nor have they faltered In following the path pointed out by their fortitude and courage. The time has come, how­ ever, in which they find their ad­ vance along this path to be impeded by an Irresistible force which, while It restrains them, yet enlightens their minds and opens to them another course, presenting them the cause of peace. This cause has been Joyfully embraced by the majority of my fel­ low-countrymen. who have already united around the glorious sovereign banner of the United States. “la this banner they repose their trust, and believe that under its pro­ tection the Filipino people will attain all those promised liberties which they are beginning to enjoy. The country has declared unmistakably In favor of peace So be It There has been enough blood, enough tears, and enough desolation This wish cannot be ignored by the men still in arm s if they are anim ated by a desire to serve our no­ ble people, which has thus clearly m anifested its will. So do I respect this will, now that it is known to me.“A fter m ature deliberation, I reso­ lutely proclaim to the world that 1 cannot refuse to heed the voice of a people longing for peace nor tbe lam­ entations of thousands of families yearning to see their dear ones enjoy­ ing the liberty and the promised gen­ erosity of the great American Nation. “By acknowledging and ai-ceptiug the soverelguty of the United Stares throughout the Phillppiue nrc-hipelago, as I now do. and without any reserva­ tion whatsoever. I believe that I am serving thee, my beloved country. M.-iy happiness bo thine.” To signalize this imporiani step in the pacification of the country, (ien- eral M acArthur orders the releaise. ou swearing alleglaneo to the United States, of 1000 Insurgent prisonei*s.. W A SH IN G TO N IT E M S . General John C. Gilmore. Colonel in the Adjutant-General’s Departm ent, w as placed on the retired list by opera­ tion of law on account of age. President McKinley appointed form ­ er M inister John B arrett a delegate to the Pan-American Congress. ^ Solicitor-General Richards fiied~^ a brief In the United States Supreme Court In opposition to the motion to adm it former Captain Oberlln M. Car­ ter to ball. The engagement of Adjutant-Gener­ al Corbin and Miss Edythe -‘atten. an heiress, was announced. The M arquis dl Carbonari Is to suc­ ceed Baron Favn as Italian Ambassa­ dor at Wasliinglon. The Secrelnry of the Treasury pur­ chased $1,000,000 short-term four per Cv A. bonds at $11f5.55. Professor Frank Benton, of the Agri- cnltural Department, w as fined SIO for ill treating a boy. __ OCR AI>OPTKI> ISlJiNDS. Michael J. Dndy, the Brooklyn con­ tractor. w.Ts awarded a .5550,000 con­ tract to dredge Cardenas H arbor, Cnb:i. Governor-General Wood commuted the sentence to die by the garrote of two CiiuaDs, Dunbar and Sosa, of Ma- tansas, to life Imprisonment. The Navy D epartm ent plans a $5,- 000,000 naval station in the Philip­ pines. The Caban Oonstltutional Convention chose a committee to treat w ith Presi­ dent McKinley on relations between the United States and Cuba. The United States Supreme Court practically declared H aw aii an In­ tegral part of the Republic and made it a part of tbe Ninth Judicial District. FOUR KILLED B Y A SNOW SLIDE, Tw o E n s in e t And a F low S w epl Fiotn th e T ra ck i In to a G orge. Boulder. Col.—While bucking snow at Frances tAvo locomotives of the Colorado Northwestern Railway were struck by a snowslide, lifted’ bodily from the rails and caiTied down a pre­ cipitous gorge. W’lth them w ent the snow plow, and they found lodgment on the switch of the Big Five tunnel, 100 feet down the hill. An avalanche of snow and rock coveta6 the engines and four of the crew. The dead are: W. .7. H anna, tiiirty- flve. married; John M. Milner, thirty, married; E. B. Fitzgerald, twenty-six, single; W. H. Bair, forty-five, married. Engineer Jam es M arks was recov­ ered aiive from the snow after an hour’s hard digging. One arm was broken, and an iron rod penetrated one foot. He will recover. W AN TS YOUNG MEN TO M ARRY. P rie tt Axmounee* T h at H ereafter H e W il] T ax B aehelors in H U O oairre(ation. Boston, Mass.—At the eighth annual reunion and Irish night of tlie St. Mary’s parish, of Cambridge, the Rev. Thomas Scully declared that hereafter he intends to tax all nnmarrled men in his parish over twenty-five years of age t25 a year until they reach the age of thlrty-flve, ^yhen they will be taxed *50. A fter that age they will be ex­ em pt from the tax, as the priest says that no woman would care to marrv them then. “I do not propose to open a m atri­ monial agency, but something has got to be done to keep so many of these bright intellieent young men from be­coming bachelors.” _ SUFFERIN G IN ALASK/I. Tw o M en P rom N om e T ell SU irie. ol O eM h. AIook th e C o iit. Seattle, W ash.—The Skagway News, of April 18, which has ju st arrived, s ^ s : “Two men, names unknown, who ar­ rived from Nome, briug sensational re­ ports of wholesale deaths by freezing along the coast. They report that 200 persons had died from exposure or freezing before the middle of January a t various points up and down the Their stories are not credited “Teams are still arriving from W hite H one w ith freight ,nnd paesengers, making good time. The trail Is hold­ing rem arkably well.” GA LVESTO N 'S W ONDERFUL RECO RD, D n p lte D U u te r, » o r . B o.ineM D one T e»r Tlimn E v er B erore. London.—A British consular report from T ^ s for 1900 says the pios^erl- g of that State is unimpaired, and that more business was done in Gal­ veston in 1900, notwithstanding the d to te r , than during any previous Most of the damage done by the Gal­veston disaster has been almost whol­ly repaired. K ew . o r tb e T o U en . No able-bodied man need be Idle In New Zealand, 'ihe Government give* every applicant work, and pays him at the rate of eight shillings a day. Cotton miUs la Lawrence and Fall River. Hass., have closed down their work* tm a brief period, throw ing 23,. 0 0 0 workmen out of employment. AU paintera and paperhangers a; Fort W ayne. Ind., went on strike de­ m anding twenty-seven and ooe-'half centa per hour and a nine-boar day. Tbe Tennessee Legiilatnre- has a bill against the employaicnt of ehildren ander fourteen years of w e In mUto, b ^ r t e t , «tc. D O JfE S T IC . A manganese iron oie field w as dls- coveml twelve miles south of Little Grande. Utah. -indrew Miller, a wealthy farm er whose land adjoin!! that of President McKinley, In Columbiana County. Ohio, w as shot from ambush. Burglars cracked the postofSce safe at Tarpon Sprlnps. Fla., and got over fJOOO in cash and some stamps. Passengers from Klondike report a glacier fifteen feet thick on the hlll- glde back of Dawson. Form er Congressman Melvin R. Baldwin, of Minnesota, committed suicide by shooting at Seattle. Wash. The transport Roseorans. w ith a por­ tion of the Tliii-t.v-fifth Regiment, ar­ rived at Sau Francisco, Cal., from Manila. ,T. K. Lamsley. of I.iOwelI, Ohio, ?liort In his accounts, drowned him­ self In the Muskingum River. Dabney Cosby, m anager of a brick works at Richmond, Va., while feed­ ing clay into the hopper of a brick inacliEne. lost his b.'ilance, fell head- lonc In and was ground to death. Robbei's entered the postoffice at Wnshlngton, Ind.. obtained in stamps and $300 In money, but over­ looked *2000 in stamps. Rev. B. J. Oliver, pastor of the Evangelical Ciiurch a t Peru, Md„ aged tlilrl.v-four .vears. and unmarried, was killed by jum ping from a moving train. W eary of waiting for trial, nine pris­ oners escaped from the Sussex Coun­ ty Jail, iu Delaware. Mrs. William it. Day, wife of the former Secretary of State, who re­ cently suffered a paralytic stroke at Canton, Oliio, is much inproved. Judge Jerome held A lbert T. Patrick for the Grand Jury, a t New York City, on the charge of having murdered w il­liam M. R ir'. M inister trfK>mIs arrived at New Vork City from Venezuela. A Mormon colony of 800 fam ilieE w in trek from U tah to the Big Horn basin In Northwestern W yoming e a rly in May. William H. Hussman, office employe of a m anufacturing concern at St. Lonis, Mo., confesses to embezzlement and forgery to the extent of $4000. He was arrested. A system of submarine signalling w as tested In Boston harbor, and its successful operation announced. A physician In Evansville, Ind., be­ lieves that he brought a woman from death to life by injecting Into one of her arm s a normal salt solution. P O K B IG N . Argentina Is alarmed at an announce­ ment that Chile has opened passes in the Andes leading into the form er's territory. Mexico signed the convention of The Hague Peace Conference. China. Lux­ emburg and Turkey are now the only countries which have not signed. Count von W aldersee nearly lost his life in the fire which destroyed the Bmpress’s palace at Pekin, China, in which General Schwartzkopf perished. President Lonbet returned to Paris from his tour in Southern France. British capitalists are at work on a plan for the establishm ent of a fleet of 10400-ton steam ers between Can­ ada and England. Toe Macedonian Revolutionary League demands an im mediate upris­ ing against Turkey. Thieves cut from fram es in the Mu­ seum of Pine Arts, at SanUago, Chile, ten paintings w orth $36,500. The punitive expedition sent out af­ ter the m urder of Sub-Commissioner Jenner, of Jubaiand, E ast Africa, by the Ogaden Somalis, captured the Sul­tan and subdned the tribe. Wide-epread bribery m arked the sup­ plementary elections in Chile. At a dinner in Pekin. In honor of Major-General Chaffee's birthday, rep­ resentatives of other nations paid hlgii compliments to tbe American forces In China. A cage filled w ith natives fell down a deep shaft of the Geidenhuis Miue, a t Johannesburg, South Africa. The :liip owners of Genoa, Switzer­ land, decided to lay up their vessels rather than accede to the demands of the dock laborers. Bubonic plague increases at Cane Town, Sooth Africa, one of the vic­tim s being the hospital matron. An Italian punitive expedition bom­ barded the palace of the Sultan of Mijertalu, Italian Somaliland aud captured his sdn. The Colombian Government decided to sell the exclusive right to work tlie pearl and coral fisheries in Colomb'an w aters to the highest bidder, for a term of fifteen years. Urging China to send troops to caln. Manchuria, Japan makes an apnareiit move to oust Russia from the p;oviiuv. Senor Plo Gullou was appoints I Governor of the Buul: of Spain. The working popultttiou of riie F.n^; End of l.oud8u fear a heavy Jew.au ta n .l|n O eB (ram W tiM yu Surs{)e. Enormous Cost of th e Boer W ar Made Clear to th e Nationi ro BORROW $ 3 00,000,000 MORE t h e B u d eet S tatem en t o f S ir M icUoel H iclM -Bencli Is S aid to B e th e W o n t E v er H e ard In P a r lia m e n t- H e A n­ n o u n ce . P la n . F o r N ew T a x a tio n - D o ty on S u g a r-E rp o rt D u ty o n Coal. London.-T he long-deiayed budget .statement of the Chancellor of the Ex- cheuuer. the Right Hon. Sir Michael Edw ard HIcks-Beach, w as made in tbe House of Commons. The House is always crowded on such occasions, but this year the interest in the budget was far greater than usual, and there was not an inch of spare room either on the floor or in the galleries. J. Plerpont Morgan w as one of thosei who heard Sir Michael Hicks-Beach’s speech. H e sat In the Distinguished Strangers’ Gallery. The entire press. Liberal and Con­ servative alike, is loud In praise of the coui’age, Iionesty, and candor of Sir Michael Hicks-Beach’s statem ent, which was delivered w ith great ability and lucidity, but w ithout any attem pt nt rhetoric. Never before have the Immense sacrifices entailed by the w ar In South Africa been so brought home to the nation.The Chancellor of the Exchequer sketched the situation in hard, pitiless outlines. “I aim at no transient popu­ larity.” he said. “I ask for no cheers, .nnd I expect none. I come to tell the nation the truth and the whole truth. It Is necessary for the salvation of the nation that I should do so. You have had your feast. You have all, Liberals and Tories, been mad for rioting and expenditure. Now comes the reckon­ ing, and you m ay laugh or not as you please.”The estim ated expenditures for 1001-2 am ount to $938,010,000. an in­ crease of $163,505,000 over the esti­ m ate for last year. The national balance sheet for 1900* 1001 show receipts of $651,925,000 and expenditures of $917,9U0,0(K), leaving a deficit of $2GG,035,000. The Chancellor of the Exchequer asked permission to borrow $300,000,- 000. the loans to be in consols. H e also asked to be allowed to extend the pres­ ent borrowing pow ers of the Govern- niont, and proposed to suspend the' sinking fund. In view of the heavy w ar charges nud the condirion of the national finance. Sir Michael Hicks-Beach pro­ poses increased taxation, as follows: Two pence increase of the income ia,K, m aking one shilling two pence. Increase in the duties ou beer, wluc or tea, but no increase in the duty on spirits or tobacco. A duty of four shillings tw o pence per hundredw eight on refined sugar. W est Indian sugar not cxcepted. A duty of two shillings per hundred- w ejght on molasses. A duty of one shilling and eight pence per hundredw eight on glucose. A shilling per ton duty ou exported coal.Jlaw sugar polarizing l>elow ninety- eight. to pay a duty gradually dim in­ ishing. according to each degree of po­ larisation, to a minimum of tw o shil­ lings at a polarization of seventy-six. Tne new taxation Is e.'cpected to yield $55,000,000, $10,500,000 to come from coal. This export duty on coal has been unknown In England for forty-five years. This and the in­ creased duty on sugar Sir M ichael de­ fended as unlikely to be greatly felt. From molasses and glucose he an­ ticipates a yield of $25,500,000. From this tax the W est indies will not be exempt. The increased tax on incomes is ex­ pected to realize $19,000,000. The Liberals declared th at the bud­ get proposals afforded them the best electioneering weapon they had had for tw enty years. One Liberal figured out th at the w ar had cost $3000 for every Boer killed. The coal duty seems destined to ex­ cite the keenest opposition. It has created consternation in W ales and the north of England. The North Country exporters to the Continent assert that the duty alm ost w ill prevent effective competition abroad w ith W estphalia coal. In South W ales it is urged th at m e duty w ill Injure the m iners and m aterially assist the U nited States and Germany. The Daily News, w hich seizes the oc­ casion to attack the Government’s w ar policy, says: “There is no discernible and scarcely any Imaginable end to the ruinous and fatal drain upon our national resources caused by the most calamitous enterprise in w hich Eng­ land has ever been engaged.” P o o r 8a c a r U a k in E SeABou K n d i. The maple sugar m aking season In Vermont Is practically closed, most of the m akers have taken in their buckets and stopped boiling. The sea­ son has not been as good as w as ex­ pected. The typical sugar w eather has been absent M ost of the farm ers have made syrup this year. Sugar brings twenty-five cents a pound, an unusual­ ly high price, and not plenty a t that. T ello w F e v e r In M osqnito B ite . Surgeon-General Sternberg, a t W ash­ ington, has ju st given his approval, w ithout reservation, to the report of the special M edical Board composed of Surgeons Reed, Carroll and Agra- monte upon the “etiology of yellow fever,” in which the conclusion w as reached th a t the mosquito is responsi­ ble for the transm ission of this fell disease. B oys B u rled in ft S and B ftnk. W hile playing in a sand bank near Durall, Ind. Ter., five boys were buried by a cave-in. Four of them, Jam es and Presley Rhodes, aged thir­teen and four years old respectively: Claude Etheridge, aged fifteen, and .John Bain, aged thirteen, are dead. Claude Bain, aged fifteen, worked his way out bare-handed. K Idk E d w a rd 's C oronation. The coronation of K ing Edw ard will take place at the end of June, 1002. Sportins Brevities. The American jocseys are not carry­ ing all before them in England. W ork on the yacht Constitution is so far advanced th a t it is thought the yacht will be launched on M ay 4. American trap shooters have agreed on the term s of the British challenge for a series cf contests w ith clay birds. The Abbot and rretcens :i!c* matched to trot at Brighton Beacli. Long Island, N. Y., iu August, for $32,000. Owen Kimble, the bicycle raqer. hn-! changed his mind about retiring, un ; will once more be 9eeu ou the iacln:r llWll tjll» IWMB, ManyPromfiient Educator* «t Win- ston.Salem Last WMk. W inston-Salem, tinguished scholars were here last week than have ever before been gathered in N orth Oarodina. The Southern Conference mem as Lyman Abbott, Bishop ^ Parkhurst, Dr. Curry, philanthropists who are * » p ly in­ terested in educaUon n Moat of them prim arily became In­ terested in negro education, but la tt^ - ly they have broadened their interest and are Interested in the betterm ent of all education of the South. A special train from New York, bnnging fifty- nine educators, leaders and pU ian- thropists, reached here at 2:£0 o clock Thursday and were carried at once to the hospitable homes of leading citi­ zens where they are entertained. w . A, Blair, chairm an, M ajor Baton, Rev R E. Ciildwell, Dr. H. T. Robin­ son 'and John W. Fries composed the committee that m et th e members of the Conference at Greensboro and accom­ panied them to the city.A t 3 o'clock the first session of the conference held in Salem Fem ale Col­ lege was called to order by Dr. Curry, who introduced Bishop Doane, of New York, who made a hearty address in sympathy w ith the Southern problem, paying a high compliment to Salem Female College. President Ogden presented Govei'nor Aycock. who made a happy and tim ely address of welcome. He was received with such cotttinued applause th at ie saJd: “If this continues I shall think the campaign of ISflO is still in pro­ gress.” He emphasized the events th a t have made N orth Carolina great In ail history, a history th a t has not been adequately w ritten. H e opened the eyes of some by his allusion lo great events, w inning hearty cheers when he made a happy allusion to the fact th a t after furnishing m ore troops for the Conference arm y than any other State, N orth Carolina cemented the love between the sections by giv­ ing the first blood in the w ar with Spain. Bishop Rondthaler also delivered a warm and fitting and able welcome for Salem. ■‘We have labored w ith a double bur­ den in the South In education,” he said, “because the whites have to pay most for the education of the blacks as well as tor their own children." He then spoke as follows: "It gives me pleasure in th e name of the W inston-Salem com munity to welcome you. the members of the Edu­ cational Oonterence to our Southern homes. I have the additional satis­ faction, in behalf of the trustees and the president of the Salem Academy of asking you to use the facilities of our college for the prosecution of your im portant educational labors. It seems especially appropriate th a t the chapel of a M oravian Institution, which for a hundred years has ueen educating the daughters of the South, from the Potomac to the Edo Grande, should become at this tim e, the ofiiclal home of a conference, destined under God, to stim ulate the cause of educa­ tion over th a t sam e vast area of States. “For me, an occasion like this has a peculiar charm , in view of my own life experience. My earlier service was given In great cities, where I came Into touch w ith the. best N orthern sentim ent. Then in th e Providence of God, I was transplanted into the South, where am id everwidening ac­ quaintance I have learned tO' love the people as if I had been bora among them. H aving such Intim ate esteem for l» th sections of our great country, I have often said to myself: “W hat a pity th a t the best N orth and the best South do not know each other better.” This national need is being m et by Conferences like th e one now assem­ bling, It is not am id the clash of poli­ tical am bitions on, an arena like that which the city of W ashington furnish­ es; it Is not amid the speculative strain of a New York bourse, or a New Or­ leans cotton m arket; It is on the broader field of a hum an interest in the fellow m an th a t N orth and South m ay learn to know each other well enough to have the esteem which they really deserve from one another. The South has, during these recent yea:s of new experience, been carrying a double educaitdonal load. She has be?n obliged to divide her school money be­ tween w hite and black, although the la.tter a com paratively sm all element in the tax list, while they form a very large elem ent of the population. Be­ cause of th e needs of the other race, the w hite public schools have had, especially in country districts, a very limited and struggling existence. “It is right, while at the same time It is generous, th at our N orthern brethren should In various private and unconstrained ways, assist us in our double task. And it is both wise and fair th a t they should come to visit us, in order to learn the problem w ith which we have to deal, face to face, and to hear w hat we, who live In dally struggle w ith them have learned about them. In the hard school o£ ac­ tual experience.“If some educatiional need were to arise, we will say, in the State of M assachusetts, and we In N orth Caro­ lina should feel ourselves constrained to help solve the problem of our East­ ern brethren, it would be proper for us to go to the scene of that problem and hear w hat th e best people have to say about it; otherwise our help might involve some very costly failures and m ight tend, in the end, to irritate rather than assist. And such is the ex­ act case of the southern educational problem. It needs to be learned on the spot, by friendly advice and contact with those who live amid these emer­ gencies of a new time. It is in this fair and kindly spirit th at you have eome to see us and we have gathered to welcome you. “We are not m et on an occasion which calls merely for sweet words and soft speeches. A banquet m ight make such courteous demands upon us, but not an earnj^t conference of national Im port W e do not w ant the paint pot, or the varnish brush to be here em­ ployed. We need rather to have the great educational problems of the south stand in their native wood as­ pect, showing all the knots of dlffllcul- ty just as they are. W hat we w ant from one another is the truth. If aiiy one has a vital question .to ask, let him freely ask it; If any one has an ascer­ tained fact to give, let him communi­ cate It w ithout constraint. It is one of the most im portant occasions which can occur in a Ufe-Qme, or strictly fol­ lowing the scripture Injunction, to speak the truth in love,’ The entire ooaffrence waa a prp- ooupctd Proem s of Planting and Preparation for Cultivation. 'The week en«Miifi Monday, April, 13th, 1901, w as ohBmaoteinizod by lo* tamipefraitures, frorty ndglilto, cJaar skies emd almosit aoiiiianiuoualy high winds, until SaturdBiy .wihieit Hgtot laln occur- reni, and', thioufph generaiUy Janwrable for lajim' work, th e condttions were uniflit (or « ie grow th of crops, gemm- notiioD; lof seeds amid th e grow th ol oraje. Veg«tall£cm' oonittmues maioh be­ hind th« aveiage for th e season. The ilemipeiraituine wlas below thie noitsml during tihe enitire week, the mean sblowlnig a n average daily dofiolency Of over 6 degrees; th e tem perature rB.ngeid 'between 75 degirees and 82 de­ grees. iiLgMS frosts loocurred on sev­ eral diailies, especially F riday morn- ins, th e latih, buit th e damage done was oomparatdveliy slight, asJdie from th e chieck in growttih of young planlts amd sbmwberriies. The week fortu- naltely wtas quite diry ■uinitil th e general radn on Saturday, which averaged aborut am dnch In lUho oemtral-west i» r- Itiion. but mjooh less elsewlhiere. This railn was quite b«a®ficiial for the high w inds early In tie week had rapidly dried OUI6 and hardened itihe soli, mak- inig it dilfHcuit to pJow. The am ount ol suni^toB was abundant, but the press- icig need now Is warm'ar wieothar and 1«SB wind. F arm work m ato consider- afble progress in sipite of Wie uncom- tort;a;ble dondlltions under -wlhaoh the w ork w as carried oni amd' 'mnirh plant- tag w as acoampllshed, lanid prfipared and aome gardening done. Large aanoumts of ferOlizers have been i^rsald, but miudi of (this 'work re- miadnlng ,tt) be done. W M le large acres of cntton land are ready, progress in planitlng cotton has been very slow. It is ndt odvisaWe, ‘hiowever, to put th e seedla in ground which is so cold and uafit for germ i­ nation Itihalt tihe young plants could nett seouxe a good staiit Planting com on uiplainds has proceed'ed raipidiy, ara-d in some southern and easltem eountiles the work ds practically finished. E3ariy plarated com is aonoioig up slowly, and is not vlgOirauB In appearance on ac­ count of th e cJold weather. Lowlands are « I1 4oo w et to be plowed or ptejnlbed. Tobacco plants la beds while itthey seouTed a good start, 'have been cihlecked In grow th and are very small; it is pos^bie th a t tobicoo planirs will be scarce and late; some caunplalnts w ere i-eeelved of damage by fiea-bugs. GiaiTd'ening Is very backward, and the growith of vegetable slow. This is also true of Itmick crops in (tlhe east, how­ ever. peas are fine, early cabbages are in good «ondli:ion and are heading nicely, beaina aire up 'and 'onions doing iwbU. T he ■main 'part of tihe Irish po- Itato crop has been plantea ,bu!t pota- Itoes are slow in grow th, and here and there th e tops were nipped by light froEit.iWhieat, rye and oa'ils conllitouie to im- pmove. Spring oal2s are nearly aiU seed­ ed and are coming up to good stands, Rice pGlanltinig hes begun on the low er Oape Fear river. Proshs this week did IM le it any damage to fruit; peacihe plum ,cherry and apple trees are in -bloom, and th e prospeots foi fruit dUll exceptaionally .glood. Straw­ berries are blooming freely, but th« berries are backward in growth. Fish for th e Exposition. One of the cars of the Unltted States Fish Commission is now at Moreheao City colleoUng speBimens to be used a1 the Buffalo Exposition, which begin? the first of May. N orth Carolina wlVj make no ofHclal exhibit at this expcsi Hon, for the reason th at the legislatun did not feel th a t the condition of th- State’s finances a t this tim e justified an appropriation for the purpose; and be^des th e ti'me aUowad was ijoo lim it­ ed to prepare a wise expend'i tuTe of the money . Such an exhibit would Jiav.i cost some $12,000 or $13,000. There will however, be quite a numbtir of individ­ ual exhibdte from tlJuis State ali the ex. jjoslUon, notahly, the manufacturers. Sinking Ferry Boat. D etroit, Mich., Special.—The Grand Trunk ferryboat H uron ran aground in the slip a t W indsor w ith fully ten feet ol waiter In h er forw ard oompanlmient. S(h« ran afoul of a huge boulder Sat­ urday m orning but it as supposed no damage was done. On the last trip she oafrrled a passsmger tra in from BrusS street depot and when in midstream It was discovered th at th e boat was leak­ ing badly. By eroding on steam thi ferryboat reached the W indsor sll; and th e train was gotten oft with diffi. cuKy. Despite the eftorts of steam pumps she sank. Miners’ Strike Settled. B ast Liverpool, O., Special.—Th* strike of the m iners employed by the Balem Goal Company, Cherry V aliej Iron Company and the Grafton Coal Oomjiany has been sieiStlea amd the mln- ere, njumbering ai'most 500 mcai, hlaive returned to work. The demands ol the men were granted and they will receive an increase oC 5 centa on ell •qal mined. Sharps and Flats. The m ost recent trium ph of tha French postal adm inistration is an In­ genious little m achine, which not onlv autom atically w eighs letters and sam ­ ples, but records on an indicator at th« side th e am ount required for thp stam ps. W hen the article denoslfM the balance exceeds the regulation w eight the indicator pro m p tlT [o i.te Uie sign, “Too heavy." There are some things th at ev»n mOTt absent-m inded of us cannot for! The P iaE u eln n ich ltan . C h l ^ , Special.—A dispatch to the fteoHd-Herald from Ann Arbor, Mich '.ih® medical deipanament and <nu> m ost noted bacterto lo g u V ^„“‘ S e countey, appeared before th« aiTt® board of heakh and pnuucaiiy ac” l^ w led g ed th a t tbe case o fa u d e “ t C ^ le s B. H are is one S b o n ?: P ! ^ e . He assured the board th at there would be no s p r e a d T tte ^ ~ e , a . an preoautions had b W u k en to prevent it. end t b s 'a ^ u d e ^ u All Sorts of Charters Granted by the Legislature, The last session of the N orth Caro­ lina legislature created a num er of new oorporaticns. A full list of these is given beloiw: RAIIiROADS CHARTERED. The following railroad and traction com panies were Incorporated; Dur­ ham Traction C om jany, Southport and WcEitem Ralilroad! Com'pam.y, HaB.bn Railroad and Logging Company, pied­ m ont and A lleghany Railroad Com- pan(y. Blue RM ge and ACl'ajrac Rail­ way Company, Duplin and Onslow Railw ay Oompany, T rent River and Cape F ear Railw ay and Logging Com­ pany, R utherfordton R ^lroad Com­ pany, New R iver Valley Railroad Com- painty, Jeickson Springs Railroad Com- pamiy, M arion aiiid Nordhwestem Rail­ w ay Oomffianiy, Oharlotlie, Monro and Columibla Rall'noiald Comipamy, Thom- *aville ajid Eldorado Railroad Oom- paimy, WWite Oa.k R iver and Ons­ low Traimiwuy Compamy, Raleigh and Virgl'uaa Hallway Company, South and W asteni' Railwaiy Oomipaiiy, Trajisyl- vanila Rall'paad Comipany, RiiBherford- ton, 'Hickory N ut Gap and Asheville Railway, Washdnigjlioini and Plymouth Railroad' Companiy, Asheville and Way.n.esvllle Railw ay and Power Com- pamy of Buneombe County, Elkin and Aaiaghamy Railw ay amd Power Com. paay, F i^ o h Broad and Soiathern Rallrdaid Ooan'painy,Montana Road and Power OormipBjiT, Soutliport, W llming- tom amid D urham Rall'road Conupany, Atliainit'ic and N orthw estern Railway anid M intog Comipany, K'emersvilla Air lin e Raii'lroad, A U antlcandN orth- weateniii Railroiid Company,The Green­ ville amdi VancelKjro Railroad Com­ pany, Scotianid Neck and Roajioke Elallrioaid Comipany, Raleigh and Cape F ear R. R. Oomipaniy, SanlteeliaHaairoad Ctomptamy, D urham and RallegSi Elec- 'tric Rallwaiy Comipamy, Wlayne and Sampson Railroiad' Ooinipainiy, Raleigh amd V lrsinJa Railway Oocmpaniy, The Aberdeen and Gibson Rfailroiad Com- pauy. BANKS CHABTERTD. The foMowing banks, bankin*, trust and insurance ocimpanies were incor- .popaitied: H ertford Bamkiing Com- 'pamy, S im y Oou'tiy Loan and Trust Company, Ban'k of Hendersonviiie, Bam'k of OliniSon, Security, Life and AmBiuity Oom'pany, Bank of Mt, Olive, Bank or Frem ont. Commieroial Bank of Rtttherfordlton, Bank or Ranffle- mam. B ank of Plym outh, Statesville Loan, and T rust Conipanlj', Bam'k ol MOmflgomery, Bank of Red Springs; Vance Banking and Loan Companiy, Snow H ill Banking and T rust Com­ pany, Fayeititevllle Savings and Trust Company, Chapel H ill Investm eni Compani}-, Robeson Coun'ty Lean and T rust Oompany, Khe T rust Company of N orth Carolinai, the SouHhem Loan and Savings B ank of Oharlotte, N. C.; Richm ond County Savings Bank, Charlatite Counity Savings Bau'k, Oh'ar- lotte Savinigs Bank, Farm ers’ Bank of Rockingham , Bank of Dunn, Eastern InBur'amee Com pm y, Soulthiem Manu­ facturers’ M utual Insrurance Companjr, Greenville Bamking and T rust Com­ pany, Farm ers’ Bank of LaGrange, llhie Kindton Savings and T rust Com­ pany, Gilliam and Lyon, Bankers. Toisnot Banfcing Oompainy, Bank ol Youngsviile. Southern States Trust Company, BanR of Beaufort, Citizens Savings Bonk of Klnstoni, Bank ol Benson, Bank of Davie, Central Tnisl Comipaniy, Oiltizens’ Bank of Frankii'n. SaMsbury Loan and T rust Company, Clayton Banking Oom'pany, Asheville Savings I'ustltuilon, Farm ers’ Mutual P ire Insurance Association of Edge- com'be county. Citizens’ Battkm g and Trus't Oomipaimy. TOWNS INCORPORATED. ’The following towins were incor­ porated:. Biscoe, Miongomcry county; W'ttnga'te, Uni'on county; Miaplcton, Her'lford coini'bty; Rose Hill, IJuplin coiunty; ITas: S p ace r, Row an oouniSy; M erry Oaks, Chai;ihiam oounty: Pin- n'aclo, St'Okcs oounty; Spencer, Rowan county; Bushnell, Swa-n coun;*j-; Rae- ford, Cumborl'a'nd and Robeson coun­ ties; Eost Lum berton, Robeson coun­ ty; Parkbon, Rbbeson county: Chock- Halifax county; Toxaway, 'Prana.vflvania county; Lawrence; An­ gler; Joneevilie, Yidlkin counity; Lan­ dis; Woodeide, Rowan cmmity; Swana Sta-tlon. iMiocre and HamaHt counties; aarkllion, Bladen county; Speed, EMge- combe oounty; M ildred, Edgecombe ooumty; Macclesfield, Bdgecombt county; Dover, Craven, county; Staley, RlandOliph coumty; R utherfard College, Burke oounty. SCHOOLS AND AOAiDBMIES. The foHowing societies, associaitions and ch'urdhas w ere incorporated: Uniitied SoinB and D aughters of Salem, Wtlm'InfJIion' Liodge No. 532, B. P. 0. E lks; ahamToer Of Oommaroe a* W ash. feiBton. N. C.; T i» CSh'arlotte Brother­ hood, Oasis Tempae, Ancient Archie Order, 'Nobles of the MysWc Shrine; Trustees of Lincoln H ospital, Pied- mionit Gnin and Aitihietlc Club, United Aimertcan BVee W ill B aptist Denomi­ nation (oodored), Wdneltion Aid and Benevol'ent Associalion of Noptih Oar- oHma, Bresd W tainers’ Mutuail Bems- vOlant AssodatSon, Pam lico Lodge No. 73, K. Of P.; Home Missl'On Commit­ tee of the Preshytery of French Brood, KtStreBs M. R OhOTcih, JLadiea’ AM Slocloty of th e M. E. Clhuroh South, of Miorfreesboro, H ertford counliy, oer- tla&i chiich-cs in Robeson cK>unlt7, chiirchics in Snow Creek Towoship. M'lSohiell ooumty; Oaipe FelaT- Free W ill Beipitist Ccmiterence, Coriutbian Lodse No. 230. A. F. anKJ A. M„ of Rocky M ount; Carolina Benevolant Associa­ tion, Greenville Lodge No. 284, A. F. and A. M.; UnHtiy Cem etery A,asocda- ■tlan of Hooky M ount, Board of ’Trade of A^hieville, NOrtrh O aroiina Poultry AsBoetatHon, J. M. R ay C taip of Com- fedenate peillerans. W est Aslheville Cemetery Assoclaibton, Belaver Island B aptist churcih', Rocklnghaim counity. SOOI'ErriEB AND CHUROHES. The foUowing named' schools, acad- emi<B, oolleges and Institutes were in ooiiporaitad hy epeoiial acts: Clervelamd OonMuepoial OoHeee, of Shelby. Oleve land oounty; W tntenlU e H ieh School. P ttt counlliy; FruMIand InslStuilie. Hen­ derson ooumty; Tuckaseegiee High School, Jachson oounty: Yadkim V al­ ley InsUtute, YjidWn comity; Free ■WiM B aptist Theological Seminary; Oxford Seminary for Girls: Yadkin VWIey N orm al and Industrial Acad- eany for th e colored race, ais WSlies- to o ; Sylvan Sdwol House. RulttB TowmsMp, Ridhmond counitiy; WMtie Oak Academy, Jam es Sprumt Instdtnte of Duplin county, Peru School House in Anson coumty, Beigirade Institute in Onslow ooun,ty. DISPENSARIES ESTABUSHED. DIspensarteB were esta,hl4»lied la th e , lel^ow bf coQBiUw fln4 Towb- Lucama, WHson “ "aty., SU'NDRY OOiHPAJfog K rm PORATED Companira of various kinA, Incorporated under the m nam es: Eagle Hoaa ™1ow1ib of Q re^b o ro ; Goldsboro of, 'Pany, The Oaroltoa T ? , r ^ r tto r d County Teleiphoae Valleyitown Cemirterj. i„ county. ^hertM e Wood W orkllT '* Paay, New River North Carolina. Kuzabfir, C v , Comipany, Yadkin Kalis Eimric pany, ^ h a m and P o S S S 'paniy, French Bread Piwpr Power Company, Xonh”S ; linia Talc and Mining Coop.a, n ^ ton anid Dunn Tetoptene ' Swicegood Toll Rriiio. Rowland Lumber Coirp-nv of v? "'' Marion. Bamsvrlle .a id ^ 'E a lS Tumipike Compaav: l i a 'i h , ? ! Northampton Development CoTna^f W ratera Oaioiinu Power Sadisbury Light ami Power ConSaJl' Weldon Bridge. S;eambo;,t and Kem Cfcrafpar#-, Oroa.:an L evriopaent pa,ny. XmiSh 9:ato M ir-., S a i S ' am'ithfleJd Fire Company.' •' TTiicle SntnV rn sy r,a>- I'l I v j V ■ - - C o n d itio n N e v er B eltpf. C o n tr a r y to -ih o a sse rtio n s of e r u tic n e w s ita p e rs ihi* of the I m a s s e s b a s im p ro v o d w ith in ilu‘ la sti h a l f c e n tu r y a n d couUduos to iiuproTe.l a c c o r d in g to tlic ro iio rt o f Cnrroil D .| W r ig h t, th e G o v i'n im o m ( ’omniis.‘<ion-| e r o f L a b o r. W a g e s Inive ii‘H only m -l c r e a s e d , ))Ui p r ic e s o f necessirit-s liavel d e c r e a s e d , o r rc n ja in tlio >imw M r.l W r ig h t s a y s th a t w njros to-djiy a re l w o r th m o ro th a n iifty y e a rs :iiro. or at I a n y c o n tin u e d p e rio d (h trin ,' tlie la s ti lif ty y e a r s , 'i'h o w o rld ovi*:-. tin- eti>.| u o n iie c o n d itiu ii o f tin* w iukm an w a sl n e v e r h o tte r .— L<'i.';uioJi J.Oliio.i \Vest«f e r n S ta r . SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Central Time at Jacksoavillo .m i S»Taaa»h. | EUitem TiTnc ai Other Points Sohedule in Efftct Jan- l£»n. KOnTOBOUKU. £t. Jack.*<oaTilie iP. »). •* Savannah Ico. ity )•“ Eani'weii................“ BlaekvlUe.............. Aj . Colum bia ■■ ........ ■ bv. (JliaVlesTOfl,B \im m ervilie.............. " B rtm ehviiio ................ “ O ro :ig O i> u rg.................» Kicsrtii®................A-r. Coiitcibia jV. Au^jotfta, j,ao. r.y.).jv. (+rftaiLi8Till© .......... jV. Aikon ........................./r. T ry & to n....................... J o h n s to n...................... A r. O oluiabia, lU .Lv. Ooliim biri, (B ldg Ht. •• \V in2i.s b o ro..................'• OoG^tar ................. “ K & ck H iU .-................ A r. Q U srlgtte ■■ Ir. VfaliuBtto 7^^.. B altim ore lP a.E R ) •* Phi:adoix)hia........... •• N ew Y o rk.......... liOUIUBOCNO. Lt. LoraHTiHo LvrCiuf- I—.— ----------------------------------7— Ly. Oharlotie ** Q ock -............“ ........................«» ......................................icmbiy (BldctSt......Itiiahia, (U. D.)......... Lv. GomiaUia (So- - ■ •• K l n p r i i l e ........................ " S u m u ie rv iU o Ar. O.*iar]e<tott • L v. O oiuT ubto (iio . 1:7.)•• B lackviU ®.................. •• B a m w o U.................... ** S a v a n n a h ........................At. Jaeky>gTiUe <P. D a t le s o f E s k im o W Jve«. W h e n a S m ith Sound Eskimo choos*| es a w ife h e ap p aren tly has regardl o n ly to housew ifely qualities. Shel m u st be ab le to do the cooIiiDg and to l sew . a n d to chew bides. Ttiis last Is ii| sin e q u a non. F u rs arc the only I sib le d ress, an d of th esf thfy raustl h a v e an ab u n d an ce, cl.se tiipy willper*] ish w ith cold. Lv. uo'nm tjia .......................... t r - -i At. KnoxvUJe .........................! — ", i r . O ini*innisti.. Pred!c«nw ^ t weeks ago a noted n ne of the local rail m eet a friend, says ‘ .s '" “ upon tl b o ard a tram . was carrying a numb m h“hrte of four children I , difficulty she was tryi “ The clergyman appro; offered hi.-! assiatan. ' ,cep ted . a fte rw a rd th a n „oved out of sight, and M ”is way thinking of the eJ l “rtMities one has for doJ 1*° »li at once he discovercl rrying a beautiful silll Ifw U h^earl and gold trimmT I'* ,Mil gentlem an is now I Ifrresa of mind, fearful th a l of his absent-m indedJ 06 day discover him in thd Bobby BamV CottacJ i ronside'-a*’'® a lte r a tio n s a v c l IJ being c a rrie d o u t a t th e I 1 “ ^ b e r t B u rn s, k n o w n a J a t A llo w a y , S c o tia l IS ttndcd to re m o v e a h a ll a l i r b a c k o f th e co tt.ig o , u s e d i l ! n o an d te m p e ra n c e r e l n and to tra n s f e r th e B il B m m 'this to a n e w a n d la rg i ■ range o f c o tta g e b u ililin i ■ ‘„ e ju st b ee n c o m p le te d -n | lunds attached to the cot# __(ai;er and his family, \vj l l ^ o f the cottage, have aisol ■Sed with accommodation.-! il «,lldings. The cottRse w ill Instored as far as possible t l ■tiULl condition.__________ P J Sackcloth h a s b e e n p u t Iplior. __________________ I Aik Y o u r l> e» l« r fo r A llen** j I i Bowder to shake in io v o n r sbneL I w t Cure.^ Corn.-*, B u n io n s S w l l E t ' CaUoufl. A ching. S w ea tin g F | IJ jiin p X a U s . AUen-B F o o t-L a s o l ■ « tight phoas ca.sy. .Kt ."ill u r l IS o e lto re B . 25 ct3. SrnivU * m :i| jl£e*9 Lof 1 In O hio a m in o r m u> t h av e |c ip a re n t o r g u a rd ia n in ov:.ci' I HftU’B C a tarrh C un- n ik n iid j I i-jgrnallv, e n d a c ts dii-.'ct*/ ui>oL luidmucoM U 6Urr:icc<« o f tb ? s; I testimonials, frc-o. S ol.l b y O rn rl ■ F. J. Chenev a Co.. Pr.uisl I There a re m o re s|»in^l*-r I than tb e w orld lin jcs b e i5 | J FirS p-cnnancT .tly No f itj iM w a fte i fin-t <wy s n iv o. D r. I | I HeryoRestorer. tri.-.l l.o tU e.y ;.! I Dr. R .H - K i ^ . . Many a m a n v. iia a 1 I bid hearty__________________________ A Colonel in tbr* S o l inny says th a t A d.vn-.' * iU w iog'tohifl iiicn v.-liiU- n m ^ rriil I All arc tic d o g s a rc p ro v id e d ’I mat ol w ool u n d e r th e ir h a ir. lave an Abj Pinkiiam ’s :n ..;{>Tf..35'Xa3l D^Uy Daiiy I YTTp'iJ^I.... i'-iJ? I....; 4o;3 I...,! W-i'. i/ca 5l«P I ....: C3>' .....1*7 U.A I..... SOiP 1.... oi%a, I... 8251 I .... !olL a i'la : .... ba^a I yyjp, I __' 4I/.1/ U00?'...... ..... 4i;j- ii2f;p......i 5wv 21ia ••.v: I TI.-IV ' H»l)! r I j; ^ T5a’ ...... il 3w p,--r- • : i i i r ^ a n i i S lo e v in g S erv ice ^ ExceUent daily^J«.^nger ««rv:.-e n o r id a a n d N e w \o r k . nr.d Flw daW ®N os. LI a a d .2-N > w 'ioriC etcW UtKl. Daily e»ce:-.r S-eglively or Pulim as iDif. C o o jp a n i2«uit an d pfc9«rj* S r M n 2fe%v Y ork. S*^Ct»rIcston»iiS'OJ.|nmWjj Rorid> S Nos. blMid W-ifew A aK U Sla a n d p o rt m n d S a v a c n a h .^ , v a ii.N q». a i a n d sa—t . gieejia? t^ lm o n sieepiag Tllk-*ndCtacInn»Tl.Tia As.ie FBANK s. CJANNON. (JTJiird V-P. & t^eu. Mgr.. D- W WfcShii'.r'.on, D. C. W, E. t a:.o3. . W ter years of stru p sll »nd steadfa.st helief tl'iiJ good faith, and honesty f ine satisfactioQ it is to 4 meritad confidence of n vl Thus stands tlie I’lnlf « d nowhere is tho faith 1 «an in New England, iti o r g a n ic IN F l,A m f . Mrs. jm bled very badly Tii of the hladrter, w a^ Jltll It. I had tw o d<x tl A frilJdia E. Pinkhara's V el J»md, and it help(;d m e.l “ « n thri'. bottles of I “ tirel—„^:red. It is a | Woman, and I n oulil f "»ny one suiferin^ as 1 J “ most of the w om enl your m cdleinJ P f ? to the doctors, til off. The Com pol my husband of kid^ fiev Mabei, (,‘«0- M eehauict Ne r v o u s p r o s t I j ears I s i prostration, t | S t» d ly .a n d a t tim e] suffered w ith heal taek, and in l l hS I BO d ilre re a d of Lydia E. P il concluded to | ^’inkham l •t o S letter in ret J the use of her v J & d » n d Blood PurifieJ ; It I havJ\ y y periods, c a l i J w ithout vJ 1‘ is a s p le i 1 fer W jI in. T ~ M bs. ,I. W. j ■ Plain, m J S’ act E. Pinkhan Hiat h e its , ' tn . som ething I produce the e ^ | •o . I I . * OOimty; li^^ y o d e o u in o o r-1 vajtUm k in ^ ^ J» T taie fo iio ^ p o ^ W o r t a > J S ‘ ■ er Dev«aopmtnt T t o b a c i o;;y -VF^ J ’-'ills Eloctric I l=-!-t and Powftr T ad Flower Ooni’DaaJ Jim pany. Xorth ^ CampQTiy ( Telephone Comn 1 P-’-icge Compa J Con; pan y of Falso IIIP and Bakwsvn |a ^ y : Halitax M l-elopmen.t Coijpatt M ,P ° ’‘-er Coffipa? |n d Power Compan p:eambo>.t and Per J n Levp’opn;ent r |t e M inicg Cioaip: Com pany. IJn sy Yvar. ■' 3 I X erer Belfet-. ' asseriious of DemJ |-s ibc couiUtiou of tlT rovod w ithiu tlio laf I eouiinues to iiuprovl ^ report of Carroll ] |(»rm nont Coiumissio lise s lijive not only i 05 of necessiries iiaij Kniniu the sniuo. |a t waires to<1ay I liffy years j^jro, or i period iimiii:^ tlie la • worl<l over, tbo J of the workman ■-••l‘;uiou (Ohlo.i We I £ < > k lm o W iv e s . I Sound Eskim o cho< hparently has ■ifely qualities. |d o the cooking and i hides. This last is | fu rs are the ouly poll of these they mu hce. else they will ] In railway. krisoaTill© and Savanni tie at Other Points. Effect Jan. 27th. 19J1. r ...........ilfa i .1;-I ................ Sijy ii2 » - H■ ... 7isf'-’------.t I k C »i- S o n r lo e - ^rjijcager servif^o fc'Iw V Q rt'anday. coniposeQX)ra:Ai=gKMmBlej K S r i l '. o . P » rlo r c a rs o f i^iw eon F ort f c S l i S S ! cnn ■gate - «, yi*-----■ox.i.Mpr., cnra k'Ui ^ Pr«<lloam»iil. , * ago a noted m inister (H* of the local railroad ste- ” i-rt a frien‘1. says a Cleve- nion entering the station ■‘‘S z aromd he saw an elegant- K «"«"■ ''■"®p^boardatrain. ■' « rarn ing a number of par- " L .m a s , and besides had with r,n « of f”'"' l.i=mr tlJinliing iiifi onP lias for doing good. ‘'.II at oncc he discovered that he ^'‘-rrvioP ■■' I'fautifui silk umbrel- Y '- i jpntlcnian is now enduring ^ of niinil- fearful that the vic- f lit absfnt-minrtedness may ’ 'jjyflWover him in the pulpit. nohliy Ilurm ' C ottace. |....-Sfrai'It' alterations are in cour.se l:S g carried out at the birthplace li-jfrL 1!>""*‘- *^”own as “Burns' AIIo'.vay. Scotland. It is to rrmnve a hall attached to tyfl; of iSP cotta.s;o. used as a mu- r 2„:i lemperance refreshm ent t ' 10 transfer the Bum s relics - this !ti a new and larger hail in rotta!;e buildings which Cremated In Jidwi.Japan Is the country In which cre­ m ation is practiced on the largest scale. In an Interesting aU tem enl m ade to a hygienic congress, Mr. Ya- mane, chief police surgeon of Tolcio, gave the reasons for this practice. The burning ot corpses had ' beginning in Buddhism, a Buddhist priest,..lt is said, having been crem ated at Shln- ‘■"el’fe hundred years ago. In 1876 Jffl. r.ilv sl'c "'‘'s *''*'’ I '"•ders were issued regulatingr The riergyman approached the i the practice of crem ation, and to-day d offcr.-'l hi.« assistance, which i in the environs of Tokio alone there r*' ,5^1 .afterward thanking him | arc seven crem atories. According to tor the kindness. The | the authority quoted, crem ation is ac- '^vodolit of sight, and he went | complished in less tim e in Japan than ”L., thinking ot the endless cp- | in other countries. In two or three hours the body is completely reduced to cinders, and that w ithout the slight­ est odor. W iiereas in European coun­ tries there are seven or eight classes of funerals, there are In Japan but five, the prices of which range as fol­ lows: 55.40, 53.80, 52.80, 51,60 and 80 cents. At Kioto and Osaka, as well as In a num ber ot other towns, it Is estim ated th at tw o-thirds of those who die from infectious diseases are crem ated, and of others tw o-ntths. In 1898 out of S8.899 dead, 21,943 were burled and 17.95G, or forty-flve per cent cremated, — Philadelphia Record. T ill* W ill In tc re a l n a n T . awajabsolutely free. B. B. B. »ill poBiiively all blooil and skin tronblee—ulcers, car cnre cancera,T\asi l>?ni canipleteci w ithin the ______ ______ ______^ attacnefl to the cottaee. The ] ^K^rofwIa.cczcmn.eatingBoroa.itchin’jfhumorfl’, ■;4‘ ,ind Ills family, who inhabit carbuncles, bone _________catorrh, conta^qm bloodjf ihf octtapc. have also been pro- ii»Trith accommodations in the new TIiP cott^ice will thus hv ■.-.•red as fnr as possible to its orig- /mnditioa. j 12 Siitchell St., Atlanta, Ga. Deecribe troa-r 1>lc .-ind free medical advice given until cured.Isfkcloth lias ocen put a^^ a> m ca..i- . JJ ^ cures old, deep-soated cases that re- ! fuse to heat under patent medicinee or doc* I tors’ treatment. poison, affecting throat, bones and joints or mucous patclioi?, B. B. B. makca tbo blood pure and rich, heals every sore or eruption and Biopa aU achcb and paina. Druggists, fl. For free treatment, address Blood Balm Co., iToor Dealer for Allcn'i Foot‘Ettse, V tft -hake into yonr EiioeB: rcBts the I- fiire.' I’orn-'*. Bniiion?, Swollen, Sore, V Ceifiu-' Acbins. Sweatinj? Feet and In- ^ - .’Nail-. AUvn's Foat-Ease makes new F tiv fho.'s »asv. At all druggists and f^r.mplt* mailed FRliE. All^^n S. Olmsted. LeRoy, N. Y. IbOaiO' a min-*’.- must have the consent IriTtai puarJmn in order to marry. -------------------------------------_ ’ The demand for candles in C'hina is veryCatarrh Cun- i?* .t liquid and !r taken ■ large, owing lo the fact that they are used rcfjlv.r.uil dlivctly upon the blood j at all religious ceremonies.tiii's.- stein. Send for j ------------------------------- fr::. by ‘Dnifjgistfi. 75c. ] F.neh package of Pctsa>i Fadeless Dtb F.J. Chenly iV Co.. rroi>f.. Toledo, O. ] colors more goods than any oth^v dye and ----------------- ' colors them better too. Sold by all druggists. JIarble is abundant in the southern ranges of the Dalk^iu Mountains. X be C rcatesit B cu etils From the use of Crab Orohntd Water are ex- peric-nced by taking it in pmall doses, and us* ' iug it regUiuriy. Small doses stimulate the i sccretlons of the stomach and bowels, and re- ' 8torc them to their normal condition. llbfTfi ^pinste^ so by choice 3 the vorld!iT!<T!5 woaai believe. v.:rod. No fits or ncrvotis-InrSpcmiriTi'!--IV v.:r^ tiftfru r : c;:v‘s iisi.- of Dr. Kline's Great restorer. i; jrl.-.l L*otile and treatise free tin . Kl!NT. 1.1*1.. 1:^1 Arch St.. Phila.. I'a. |M:''va maa v.iili a line bead has a vciy i %hean. _________ 1 Tl;c use of acetylene abroad is very much more general than it is in the Uni­ ted States. The bigycst hero is the man Avho is seared mci»t aud runs least. A ^noiitti’e Test l-'rcc« If von have iiUcunmwism, wi ite Dr. Shoop____________________ _ . Shoop, Il Coloacl in llw l<onth .WcKn \ n«ciKe, Wis Box iis, for sii bottle, of hu■ rrays tbr.: ■J iiiti Fmlti naa a i nhcum«t_.o_Cari>._ exp. paid. Send no money. ;gic hi^ v.liilp marching.j Vay S^y.vOifctircd. |i 2arctic dogs are provided with a thick j Most men beat their v.ives—th at la, iofvool under their hair. | when it comes to a gam e of cards. iw Enghnii Women ave an Abiding F aith in Lydia E. Pink'iiam’s V egetable Compoiind. After Tears of struggle to attain and m erit public confidence, w ith a firm 5teadfa,‘.t belief tb at some day others w ould recognize in us the tru th , faith, and honest v of purpose w hich we know w e possess, w hat a genu- Mtisfacticn it is to succeed, and to realize the uplifting influence of the confidence of a vast arm y of our fellow beings. IhiLs stands the Pinkham nam e in New Kncfland, and all over America, jfi^aowhere is the fjiith in I.vdia E. Pinkham 's V egetable Compound greater New England, its home. M erit, aud m erit alone, can_^ain_this. organic INFI.AMMATION. “Dear Mns.PisKUAM : — I w as very badly w ith infiamma< ^ ol the bK:ddc;r. was sick in bed I had two doctors, bu t they A friend gave me t-. Pinkharas Vegetable Com- g ‘d.aaditheirH,dme. I have now tiip. ^bottk-8 of it. and I am brl!' a God-send to ^ would recommend it 1 think, ftiti. ^hc women would take Ral? m.'dicine instead of ,<^oc'tors. they w ould be tn J ^ \ Compound has also “ly ImsbaDd of kidney trouble.” Bo, le. Mabel Gookin» Mechanic Falls, Maine. ■nervous p r o s t r a t io n . I .vears I suffered from tbe result of 'fcrTh:»?i ^ leucorrhoeatioi xf- V’* 5it time of m enstrua- 41*0 stiff i” to go to bed.with headaphpR. Tiain i«und -^A E. Pinkham’s Com- I M ^ it aI ni 1 ‘‘‘‘ ^i®kham, and received I ‘toacPtS return. I began PAINFUL PERIODS. I cannot help b u t feel th a t it is mv duty to do som ething in regard to recom m ending your w onderful medi----------------cine. I m ust say it is the g r a n d e s t k m edicine on earth, [and have advised great m any suf­ fering w ith female troubles to take it. I tell i)eople 1 wish 'l could go on the I platform and lec- ‘ tu re on it.“ My trouble was _____ painful m enstrua- ation. The suffering I endured pen cannot describe. I w as treated by one of our m ost prom inent physicians here for five m onths, and found myself getting w orse instead of better. At th e end of the fifth m onth he told me he had done all he could for me, and th a t I had b etter po to the hospital, faithfully, and am now cured of my trouble, and in perfect health, m any thanks to your medicine. I cannot praise it enough, and w ould recom­ mend it to aU w ho suffer from any fem ale w eakness;”— Mbs. H. S^. Ba ix, 461 O rchard St., Kew Haven, Conn. —W e h av e deposited w ith th e K atlpn «oti(x.«v reium. A negan I Vegetable (5m-I BT,i„ 1?^ Purifier, and am now ■ *^Oonthi I have no more pain|»o^3;P«»-'ods, can do my Swn I gained ten pounds. I IS^^3und Vegetable I fcr for what ithas done I !*“'■ lie W '** “«! at once, ar.d do no t let any drup clerk i » r s ^ e votI ^ to of his own -svhicli is better, for tb a t is absurd. AflU ■' the evidence-we do. $5000 isOOOrwbich “UNJUST TABIFF LAWS.” favorite ex pressio n o f amerl CAN FREE TRADERS. It Woiiia Be Hard to Nsine a Sincle In Wre.t That 1« 1-MiTlou.Iy A ffect,...ItB e the F o r.i„ and tUe Domestic Pawnbroker. -Our unjust tariff law s” Is a phrase much in use these days by the profes­ sional American Cobdenite and the free trade press in geuerai. U njust t» whom? THE NATIONAL TBEASDBY ? ' For I wo years our custom s'duties have averaged ?20,000,000 a month, nearly h.ilf the expenses ot the Govl ernment, cxclui<lvo of the postal de­ partment. which is nearly self-sustain­ ing. Our custom s revenue w as never so larKC, aud It is paid by those who can afford to pay it. THE CAPITAUST ? Anierli-au capital w as never so l.orge- ly or profitably employed as now, not ouly at home, but the -world over. THE WAGE EARNER ? More people are employed to-day In the I'uiled States than ever before In our history, aud these people are in­ dividually and collectively workIn.g more da.v.>! in the year and getting more pay tor each day's labor than iu any previous year or period. THE CONSDMEB ? The cost of living Is much lower to­ day than during the period w hen the Wilson-fJorman free trade law w as in operation, and Ihe general cost ot liv­ ing is as low or lower than any time in twcniy-Dve years. There is such a thing as commodities being too cheap. THE FARMER ? He I.S selling all he can rai.«e at good prices. He has paid off millions ot morlgages iu the last three years, and his farm has doubled In value. THE RAILROADS ? The only com plaint th at comes from railroads these days is lack ot cars. They arc carrying more passengers and more freight and paying higher wages to more men, aud stoekbolders are re­ ceiving better dividends. OCR HANKS, BCILDING AND LOAN AND INSURANCE COMPANIES? These great depositories for money reflecl the prosperity of the w orking class, by which we mean all who work tor wa.se or salary. Snrplus income is put in the bank, in the home or in the Insurance policy. This not only pro­ vides for the future, but it furnishes capital for great an.l small enterprlse.s and increases the num ber ot employed and adds lo the great home m arket which (-rentes such a huge dem and for products (if the farm er aud factory. In tills way our industries are diversi­ fied .ind Ihe cudless chain ot interde­ pendence is ceaselessly continued, gaining in volume and strength at every turn. Again we ask. T7njust to whom ? AVe can think ot ouly one class and tb at is the pawnbroker and his liind. Perhaps, however, our tree trade friends have in mind the foreign m an­ ufacturers. Yes: onr tarltt law may be unjust to them, but w hat law, di­ vine or human, demandij th at we go naked and hungry and cold ourselves to provide tor our neighbor who should provide for himself? There never w as a more ju st tariff law on oiu* statute books than the so- called Dlngley law' now in such suc­ cessful operation. As a m easure tor revenue and for protection to our di­ versified industries and our millions ot laborers it is more than fulfllling the expectations of Its fram ers and most thoroughl.v vindicating their wisdom. W hen it needs to be amended, as do all tariff taws, to meet changed condi­ tions, It will be am ended on a ju st ba­ sis to continue the greatest good to tho greatest number. SEABOABD AIK LINE BAII.WAY. The Capital City I,lBfs-IC. HaBiilfl- cent Tbroneli and Ijocal Passenser Between the Ea»t and South and Southwest. The Seaboard Air Line railway la called the ‘‘Capital City Line,” because it enters the Capitals of the six States whloh it tra­verses, exclusive of the National Capital, through which its trains run solid from New York to Jacksonville and Tampa, Florida. It — — n ^.UUklUUO l>V> lUU lUIUUUSFlorida and Metropolitan Limited, and the Florida and Atlanta Fa« Mail Trains, afford­ing the only through limited service daily, including Sunday, between New York aud Florida, and is the shortest iioe between these points.These splendidly modern trains of the Sea­ board Air Line Bailway arrive at and depart from Pennsylvania Ilailway StatloDS at Washington, Baltimore, PbUadelphia and New York, carrying Pullman’s most Im­ proved equipment, with unexcelled dining- car service, compartment, drawing-room and observation cars. It has Pullman ser­vice five times per week each way from Washington to that celebrated resort, Pine- hurst. N. C. Ithos the short line to and from Richmond, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Raleigh, Southern Pines, Columbia. Savaunah, Jacksonville. Tampa and Atlanta, and the principal cities Pieo's Care cannot be too highly spjken of as a cough core.—J. W, O’BaiEK, ^ Third Avenne, N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6, 1900. dog is found in Siberia, icrica. The Esquimau dog is is well as in North Amc] Mn. Winslow’s Soothing Symp for ehildrsa leething, soften the gums, reduces inflamma­tion, ahays pain, ctures wind colic. 2ficaboktld Montana still has about 30,000,000 acres of unoccupied land.____________ Marriage by Arsessment. M arriage iH adm ittedly always a hazard, but in Scrvia It has been made the basis of a novel variation on the usual modes of speculation. There so­ cieties for providing bonuses on m ar­ riage were formed, and flourished to such an extent as to greatly accele­ rate the m arriage rate. The funds were obtained on the assessm ent sys­ tem, and, as many members who got a bonus and a bride abruptly stopped their contributions, the aspiring celi­ bate subscribers who were left found their obligations increasing more rap­ idly than is the experience of most m arried men. Consequently liquida­ tion has set in among these companies F o r lia G rippe a n d H eadaehe. Theee disagreeable and dangerons dis­ eases may be relieved linmedlately by the timely use ot Hieka’ Capndlne Headache Cura. 15c, 25c and 60c at all drug »torea. If your druggist does not keep it send 6e fcr postage on trial bottle. Hicks Cubmical Co., Raleigh, N. 0. The Chicago girl manages to gat there with both feet. S a 17. F R A G R A N T jU>TODONT a perftet liquid dtntifriea for tiiaTeeth and Mouth New Size SOZODONT LIQUID, 2ic • SOZODONTTOOTB POWDER, 2Sc V » « lute LIQUID and POWDER, 75c f a V At all Ston», or by Mall for the prt(». H A LLA RU CK EU N ew York. FR E E ! SPORTING GOODS. RAWLINGS SP0RTIII6 GOODS COMPANY, 620 Loeuat St.. ST. LOIJIS. S O . WANTEDAGENTS Brohard Sash Locit and Brohard Door ilolder ActiT© workers everywhere can earn biff mon«y: always n sU>atly rtomnna for oar goods. S ta tio n *»biladelp: Use CERTAIN i»GURE.f§ A C’TIV E MAN by larjre Mannfiwtnrinff H o w ; *^*36.00 Incasih paitl for W d»ya* trial: promotiOB i»na permanent I'oaition it aatisfw^tory. Addrcsfc Q b ;P . CO., 723Chwtnat Street. I'hil»aelphi». between the South aod East It is aUo tho ; c,«»v«»Htv anti thp hnnm indirect route to Atheus, Augusta and Mac n. j w ith great ae> erlty. and the Doom in In Atlaattt direct oouneoSons are made In I — ............the Union Station for Chattanooga, Nash- ' vllle and Memphis, also for Now Orleans ' and all points in Texas, California and Mex- matrim ony is likely to be followed by a slump.—London Financial News. ico. In addition, it is the only line operating through trains, and Pullman bleeping cars between Atlanta and Norfolk, where connec­tions are made with the Old Domiuicn Steamship Company, from New York, IheM. & M. T. Company, from Boston and Provi­dence, the Norfolk & Washington Steamboat Company, from Washington, tbo Baltimore Steam Packet Company, from Baltimore, and the N. Y. P. & N. Hallway, from New York and Philadelphia,Through Pullman cars also operated on quick schedules between Jucksoiivlile and St. Louis, via Monticello, and between Jack­ sonville and New Orleau^^, in addition to through trains with Buffet Chair Cars be­ tween Savannah and Montgomery.The local train service is ilrst-class with most convenient schedules.In fact the Seaboard Air Line ilail- way will ticket passengers for any poiu s, affording the quickest schedules, flnest trains and most comfortablo service. Its 1000-mile books, sold at $25.00, are good from Washington, D. C., over the entire sys­ tem of 2,600 miles, Ihciuding Florida, •‘•The great trouble about m atri­ mony,” says the M anayunk Philoso­ pher, “is th at people take each other for w hat they pretend to be, and not for w hat they are.’ Nell—“W hen they came back from their wedding trip he had $2.89 in his pocket.” Belle—“He always wau close! •» W hen it rains cats and dogs the opti­ m ist is thankful that it isn’t raining monkeys and parrots. No crop can be grown witiiout Potasti. Supply enmigh Pot­ ash and your profits will be large; without Potash your crop will be “scrubby.” Our book.-, telling aboat composition of fertilirera best adapted for all crops, are free to uJl luTncrs. GERMAN KALI WORKS. 03 !Ca:is:iU St., New York. W . L. D O U G L A S $3 & S3.50 SHOES iSISi nf my 80.00 and $3.50 shoes compared irlth 0 tofft.OO. Sly 84.00 c u t EiiKe LUio cannot be :ce. Best in the norlU tur men.m ore Dien'!*• fla e sh o fa , C Sootlyear th a n n n y o th e r m a n u ritr- The real worth of m; other makes Is 04.00 to equaUed at any price.I m nk« ttiirt s e l l----------------------------- p ro v e ih « . m y .U .c e « e n t 1. o o t^ ^ .e . ^ T a k e no iinb«tltnte t Insist on haring W. L. Donzlas slines with name and price stamped on bottom. Your dealer should keep them : I elve one dealer exclusive ssie in each town, it ho does not keep them and wUl not get tlieni for you, order direct from factory, ejiclosing price and 2.V*. extra for carrlace. Over 1,000.0#0 satisfied wearers. _ ^ New Sprliiff Catalog free.FutCoi.r,r-.<.t. Wdndu«nlr. W. L OOUGUS, BrocMon, Mass. SEM DNOHOM EYISi^l n»n.le*d BsHlckaIm, Uroplietd, FUe.Urawfr, Oti CsbtBcl, XO-j»u ntnmttfd BBHMa 8.»IBS fcr frelcbt C. O. D.. S'JaitBT TO HAMIHATIM. Toocan examine it a t your freight depot, anfl lt fouad pertecUy « _________wJjDIBrCL BAIOilS ETCm______ Y O rU M 05ET ANY DAY YOP AKE NOT BA*--------- rtecuy wtu* Hag p oa Te fear motion teod. selt tlireadlne ▼!- bratCiffa. .-^tle, automatic bobbla winder, adjost- lable be*rl09B, patent tciulOQUberator.improTOd looM wheel and shuttle carrier, adjustable pred- guard.t»eratJftil n ic k e ltrlm n ln p , noweai w tlA iU r Sniahcd aolld oak flTC [G H TB lJN N lN «.a»arl7 ■•iMlet*. 5H complete with 1 cloib n ld e , 1 bobblOB, 1 package ot needles, otl ...• foot, patent drees guard. t»eraU ^l,nickel ^ Im n ln n , noweai atvle hondeemely carrcd b ea atlfu llr flniahcd aolla oak flTe« . a ra w e rd S p b 5 ^ « W * it. V E R Y L IC H T R ^• i AT * 1 4 O B we fumiiOi tbe IPRDICK H complete V-------3 3 S J I I 5 l* tO D Qullt«r.Secr«wdrlTer».8bobblnfl,lpaekaaeot---------^'3 8 M n a A laairacllM BMk which makes «TerTtbIO(r so plain tbat even a child -> can ooerate the machine. Ver I f ctats extra, or II3.A0, we furnish In addiUon - ’ dlfferSlt Widths up to ii of an inch. I s ord erli* , aay,ra foot attaohaienU a t 75 oenta addltlQ aai:At Sll.tt we funiisb oar kl^h olw u io li. 1> o r» rl> « , W it.i, llliulr.ll«. il.n j n u> U » ir ;o a w ut e iir a fo.t .,7 5 --------- any otherconcern nom fttt'erbow attractiye tte'o tr?r‘m ^*8«m f nnt^il*?^ ----- nigh Arm Bv«Itk L _____thimt, »kitk wa larakk at»la Uo b ' “ ...... W lie re th e F a n n e r C o m e s I n . According to a recent announcement of the Agricultural D epartm ent, the farm ers of the United States received $18o,li9(i,I72 more fortheircorn, w heat, oats, barley, rye, buckwheat, potatoes and hay in 1900 than they did iu 1899; the total receipts for last j’ear being $1,8G1,4(;G,582, as against $1,076,170,- 410 in 1809. This increase is in part accounted for by the fact th at the av­ erage prices for each of the products enum erated w ere higher in 1900 than in 1899, although In some instances the advance w as but a fraction of a cent. The greatest advances were in corn and hay, the advance in the lat­ ter giving the farm ers over $33,000,000 more iu 1900 for a crop of 50,000,000 tons than was received in the previous year for the crop of 56,615,756 tons. If the increased value of stock and other property w ere added to the in­ crease in the valne of products, it would probably be found th at the four years of Republican adm inistration had returned to the agricultural inter­ ests of the nation a large proportion of the bullion dollars’ shrinkage in values which resulted from the preceding. Democratic adm inistration — Spring­ field (Mass.) Union. Protection »nd Wafire Earnef*. A London cablegram of M arch lY says: “Owing to the depression in various trades and general business through­ out England. 220,000 English w ork­ ingmen have had to accept an average reduction of tw o shillings (forty-eight cents) a week in their w ages w ithin the past thirty days.” Loss of m arkets through the compe­ tition of American m anufactured pro­ ducts is chiefly a t the bottom of the industrial depression now complained of in G reat Britain. Two protectionist countries, the United States and Ger­ many, are w inning world trade aw ay from British producers, and are even displacing B ritish goods in the B rit­ ish m arket. The blow falls fii*st upon English wage-earners, who are com­ pelled to accept a reduction of pay as the only way to hang on to such em­ ploym ent as they have. The same thing happened in the U nited States iu 1894-07, w hen a Democratic tariff law allowed foreigners to displace American goods in the American m ar­ ket. B ut the Dingley law restored the American m arket to American produc* ©rs, and in place of w holesale reduc­ tion of wages, as In England, w ages have increased in our country, and . "nployment w as never before so plen* tifnJ. That Is how protection affects w ages and wage-eam ers. ^ / —- - — in 182^0, 8U we«K8 to California; la 1900, five dE79 \o CaUfoniiA. A L U X U R Y WeTHSN T H l REAOH OF A L L I W a tch o u r next a d y e rtise m e n t. Lion Goffaeis absolutely pure, no glazing, no coating with egg mixtures or chemi­ cals to hide imperfections Purity is kept up->- PDly by Cdnstaot Kickiflg “ d Coflstafit Watching. We have our eye on the purity of LION COFFEE. It will always be kept up! We shall kick if it isn’t. You will never need to kick if you use lion Ooffee D Y S P E P S I A need not be endured a day longer 11 y oaose Aperumt, laxative, timlc. Anpeclflc tor all llTer, kl3n«r, puimach and bowel dlsordera. It cures-T orpId IJver, IMUQaaaej*. Ja«»- d!c«s Cbr«nle O rcb a r« f“W » ie r fH* the m ost effi­cacious of the n atural m ineral water*; moet co n reale n tto C ^ e; m ust economical to bnj’. T he (rennlne is nold by aU druRBlrts with Crab Apple trade m ark on TOPEevery Ijottle. ------»CRAB ORCHARD WATEn CO.. Loi Fo r All Pa in s. I C u re s K h tiim iM sm . X e u ra lc la . B e st ru b 1 fo r B ru ises « iid s^prains. I f y o u r d e a le r d o n t 1 h a v e it, fw^nd 35 c tn ts ; w o d e liv e r to a n y ad - : A^JflGATOK lUlNl JIEN T CO.,<:RlAKliKVI'<»N, N. C. D R O P S Yetsae. BouK of teetm onii N EW D I8 C 0 T B E T ;ftw i qniok raliafand e a rn wovel c»e». _______iiaU and 1 0 d a y s ’ *re*ti«en»P r e e . »r. H. H. OBXEK’S 80*B. Box B, AtlaaU , •*. @ 4 A DAY SUREam un with rlf; to introduce our goods in the coua- I trj. Kaoana Pood fo., Dt-pt, 40. kaaias Mty, Mo. , “ T h o S m a ce th m tin ad e W ea tP elB tfam o a ^ . IB c lLH EN N Y ’S T A B A S M - In every package of LION COFFEE you will fiud a fully illustrated and descriptive list. No housekeeper, in fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find in the list some article which will contribute to their happiness, com fort aud convenience, and v/hich they mny havo by simply cutting out a cei*taiu num ber of Lion Heads from the wrappe»»5 of our one potm d sealed packages (which is the only form in which this escellent coft'ee is sold), W00L4ON SPICE CO., TOLEi», OHIO. : i H 3 s S S «BALTncor.B.Mx>. W o r m s s S s S S e S c h should properly'nourish the" body, are dislodged by Cascarets Candy Cathart.c ^ One or two tablets usually drive them out, and persistent use is sure to do away with older people suffer from worms without knowing it, and get thin and weak, althouph their The best way to find out is to take Cascarets.- Never accept a substituiel d e (Jne or two taoieis usuaiiy unvc uiciu uui, <tnu — -- ^ tKAir Many cMdr.n » d 2!?=r,peopl= suff.r_ from worms witho^ _k„o«|„g appetite is good. jo v eio . A c a iit., 'V j i th e n w - o f Vud b o u i — B ro o k ly n C itiz -.i. **A ta p e w o r m c is h to M i f e e t l o a c f tt le a st cam e on th e scene a fte r m y u k in g tw o C A SC A R ETS. T h is I a o su re b a a ca u sed m y b a d h c a lih fo r th e p a st th re e years. l a m s till ta k in s C ascarets, th e only c a th a rtic e Twsis T H E T A B L E T _matt] lOc. 25c. 50c. im rERSO LD m BX JLK . DRUGGISTS tSi« firs2 I 1 1 ^ . W T ^ei- «ceajM» * ^ T%.a4 WAHI*f a r b * tii K o * e * .j|to o war :I •^1 ' ; i l 1 ! I '‘ I ' m Vrj 1 / TBS DAVIE EECOED. MOCKSVILLE, E. H . 3IORKIS,, K. C. EDITOR. M ooisviLLE, N. c., Ap r il 24, IflO]. ENTEKED AT THE POST OFFICE AT ilOCKSVILLE, K .-C., AS SECOND CLASS MATTER, M a y 12t h , 1699. Arrival and Departure of Trains. So u th b o u n d—Daily except Sunday Leave Mocksville................... 1:** p m Leave Mocksville...................0:15 p m No rth Bou nd. Leave Mocksville................... 7:15 a m Leave Mock.sriile...................11:50 a m Mocks\iUe l»rO!lucc Market. Corrected by Williams & Anderson P ro d u ce in good d em an d . Corn, per b n................................ <!0 \¥lieat, per bu.............................. '‘0 Oats, p erb u.................................. Peas, per bu................................ ]3acou per pound ....................... Bacon, W estern.......................... ^ ................................................................. 124 Effgs................................................. 10 Butter..............................................12tolo Sprins: Ciiickens.......................... 6t o S LOGA.L KOTiJS AND INCIDESTS 15 1.00 10 All jol) work spot cash, before it le:iv> s the olTico. Bnpcrior coiirt at Y adkin next week. <'l:;;UeI mortgages for gale at the poot ofRce. Oscar H unt si)eut Suuday iu Mocksville. Old papers for siile at 10 cents per hundred iit.the Eecord oflice. The Daily Triith-Iudex of Salis­ bury has suspended. T. W . Vi’ood & Sou’s Garden Bceds at W illiams & Anderson’s. Mr. Grubi), the Photogi-apher is holding forlh at Cana. I f j on want a nice sewing ma­ chine, Ciill on the Editor. 'So much rain is putting the far­ mers behind w itli'their work, The Celebrated Owl Brand Fer- ti:ii:ers for sale at Williams & An- •ii. L. Gaither, Esq., attended .S.;i ry S:ipe: ior court last week. Ifjo u want a nice sewing ma- '■liine, c<ill on the Editor. He eau M:it you in prices. Mrs. .Shackleford, wife of Thos. S;;acklcford, died Saturday night. < 'all and examine the Jones light r inaiug biuuer. For Sale by J. 1’, C!f I'u. Sheriff Shcek wants you to pay y ).ir tax and save troulle and cist, b printing of all kinds done v. iUi r.e;itness and dispatch. All W i-ri; giiai-duteed. .T;icob Ktewart, Esq., attended rc ’,e!-;il CoHrt at Statesville last cek. Kivly liose, Peerless and Bar- b.iiik t^eed potatoes at W illiams & Audcrsou’s. The Howard lands wi]l be resoM Saturday the 27th at the Court Ifoiise door. Miss Julia'Sharpe, sister of Mrs. John Lefler. died at Cooleeniee Sunday and was buried at Liberty yesterday. Another car load of high grade fertilizers just received. Call and see us before bnying. Horn Bkos. & Johnstone. Kichard Anderaon, of States­ ville, left for home Friday night after a week's visit to relatives iu the county. Mr.s. W . i . Griffin ha-s received a be,iutiful line of niilliuery and will be glad to have every Oiie c^tll and see it before buyiug elsev.here. If yon -n-aiit one of ihe best reap­ ers and mowers on the market, call around and get our prices on the Buckeye. Pianos $lS.j to 8550. Organs ■$35 to 6.125, warranted. PlKMIONT JlUSIO (’O. AYinstou, X. C. Mr. C. A. Ilartr.ian, of Farm ing­ ton, passed through Mocksville Thursday on his way home from Federal Court. The celebrated 'Wissuer & Leck- erling Pianos. I'lEDM OST M u sic Co. Winstou, N. C. We will ba in ^adkinville Mon­ day and Tuesday and hope our subscribers who owe us will meet us and settle up. The Sunny South in and around about Mocksville was treated to a tall of snow Saturday night and Monday luoruiug. See ad of Sunny South iu tliis issue. You eau get the Sunny South, A tlanta Constitution and i>eeord one year for $2. Another lot of job material ex­ pected this week. Bring us your work and see how quickly and nicely we will finish it up for you. J. LEE KUKFEICS has a stieo- j ' Sheffield, K. 0., 4-22-1901. ial price on the KXJEFEE3 Paints jXr. Editor: and the present low price is likely gj,.. w jn you state through the not to hold good bnt a short time, columns of your paper tliat I have I malce this announcement in be­ half of our Davie county fiiends and neighbors. AVith the hope that those Vvho need I-AIXTS will not wait a single day, ! ut write mo or see my agent, 13. F. Stune- street at .once before prices ad­ vance. Yours verv truly, J. LEE KUKFEKri, Kurl'ees, <J. G, M'. Green & Son, of Cana, will soon move iheir saw mill to this place; -which will give our people a chance to get lumber right at their door, whiel'. we hope will induce some of them to build homes to rcflt. Houses are badly needed. W c cannot expect Tilocks- viile to build up v. ithout houses for people to occupy. It would be no bad idesi for some of the hiud owners to lay. off lots, and pnt them on the market at reasonable prices. Mr. C. F. Cheshire, of Harmony carried a traction engine home sev­ eral days ago. He is going to run .several threshing machines Ihe coming season and may have some­ thing to say to the f:;rmers through the Eecord later on. \ nice line Percales, Law ns and D im ities a t AYilliams & A nder­ son’s. V.'. A. Bailey and A. C. Cor- Eatz r, of Advance, attended Fed­ eral Court last week. W inchester Hams, breakfast strips, etc., at M illiams & A nder­ son’s. Sfrs. J. B. Johnston and iittle B >n Knox, are visiting her father’s family at Cleveland. ;; or 4 new sewing machines lo trade foi cattle. Call on the Edi­ tor of the Kecord. Dr. Kimbrough, G. W . Sheek, J. A Current and E. H. Morris at­ tended Statesville Federal Court. Just leeeived at M. A . Foster’s, new lot dry goods and notions all which will be sold at bottom prices. A Charter for the chair factory at this place has been api)lied for and we hope it will soon Ije in op­ eration. If you want a niee lot of job ' l inting done, call on the Beeoid, Mocksville, ir. 0. Onr did friend, David Liven- fo&<]. i.f Jeniealem, was iu town 5[i)iiilay. A good farmer, citizen and friend. Tlie magistrates of Davie concty arc hereby notified to meet in their respective townships on the last Saturday of April to organize as perSao -- of road law passed by jtiii Le^^tlatnre. B . O .M o b e i s , Eegiefer. Ex-Congressman H arry S'kinner has announced his allf^iaiice to the Eepublicau party. V.'e will give our readers his views in next week’s issue. The cross mark on your paper this week is to remind j'ou tliat }'ou are iji aireai-s. Friends, we need it. ChU iu and pay us what you owe us, A M r.' Eowden, an Attorney from Chic.igo, spent se\ eral days in Davie and Yadkin looking up evidence in a law suit between par­ ties in Texas and Chicagc. M r. McKelvie, representing the P. F. Collier Publishiug honse, spent sevenil days iu Mocksville last week selling books. He suc­ ceeded in placing 10 or 12 sets in this place. u The Chair Factory at this placc seems to be an assured fact. AYe understand that the Brown Bros., old factory and lot has been pur­ chased and will be used for the facto’y . A good location and we hope it success. The more the better. The Musicale at Sunny Side Academy Monday night, under the management of Miss Maude Eng­ land, musical insti n'rtor, was a de­ cided sueeess. The receipts were $9.80. The house was crowded with an appreciative audience: Mrs. Snider, wife of S. P . Sni­ der, died Saturday night. She was the daughter of B. G. Ijames, and leaves a husband and four cr five small children. Our sympa­ thy is extended to this family iu this irreparable loss of arife aud mother. Ed Houser was np before the court Sunday for the larcany of a vest from W . L. Sanford. He was bound over to court in a bond of $25. W ith as many loafers as there are in town, it’s a wonder that more mischief is not done. Idleness is a breeder of vice aud crime. Clarence Grant, (he little son of Mr. aud Mrs. li. S. Gi-ant, of Moeksville, gave a birthday din­ ner last Saturday to his little friends, on the occasion of his fonrth birthday. Quite a number of the Jtttle folks attended, and af­ ter eujoying a nice dinner, put in some time at games and plays. The Xorth Y adtin river is re ported to have been higher the past few da.ys than it has been since the great August freshet be fore the war. P art of the trestle on the Forsyth side of the river washed out, and trains are not ex­ pected lo cross before Wednesday or Thursday. It is reported that the Electric power honse en­ tirely undet water. The lail-road company Is rnshing retail's. Cooleemee Item s. Mr. H. Thompson v.ont lo Salit- bury on busiuess last weel:. The river was very high Siiii- day, but is falling now. The mill is not runijiug this morning. Mrs. .lohn Cope is very feeble and has been several days. fouud a 1,'ale of cotton iu an old piney iield near luy place. The cotton is supposed to l)c stolen from some place and phteed there. Any party haviug cotton stolen will inform me, giving particulars. Hespectfully, T. A. Ci-VEY. Skin troubles, cuts, burns, scal'ls and chafing- quickly healed by the use of D e W it t ’s \vitch Haael Salve. It is imitated. W it t ’s. C. C Foster. B e sure j'Ou t^et D^- danford aud M . A . anecdote! ’ asked ' answered “ W hat is an the teacher. ‘‘A shoi-t, funnv tale’ the little fellow. “ That’s right,” said the teach­ er. “ Now, Johiiny, you may write a sentence on the blackboard containing the word.” Johny hesitated a moment, and wrote this: “ A rabbit has four legs and one anocilcte. Buy The C e l e l) r a t e d The highest Ptaudaidoverreach­ ed in the Piano makers art. ^ 0 years iu advance ofallothcrraakes. Sold at stricMy factory prices. The v.orld renowned C U R L = 0 5 S S a wonderful preparation, holding the hair in perfect curl for flay-i, resist­ ing the eft>cts of perspiration and all moisture in the atmosphere It is easily applied. Price $1. Sam ple iwck.ig-e 25c. W e prepay ail trans­ portation charges. Address Tto fujeuM Preparations Company. 3G N e w Street, N e w York. DO YOU? er. Bfflilett S tM i Organs. Evervthir.g in music sold at about halt pru-e others charge, on terms to suit you. We iiave never bw n uudci-sol.l. AVritc today for catalog iiiiil priceii. I’lEUMOXT 3IUSI0 CO. Ali.'iston, If. C. If you are not already a subscri­ ber to the liecord, this is au invi- t.itioa for von to become one. FURKlTDRE! J iO B Y/ck ■i ii :i,|. Fov F urniture in every lin e ’ go to i:O M iX G i:i? S: ClJl.’.i I F U IilflsIIIX G CO. Tl-evi ■ i have the largest stock in | ^ W inston, and at prices that cauuo! be matched. j ...... M l’S. sick- George Howard is quite Sliss Julia Sharp died yesterday, the 21st, Mr. Laughlan, of Salisliury has begun ou hjs coutract, building houses. Oi.D Coox. Tho.=e famous littl; pills. D e W it t ’s Little iCarly Kisers n-il! remove :ill imp-.irities from yoi:r Bvstein, clean-;i- your bowels, m ake the-.n r-, C. C. Sanford and M. Foster,' K o cks-nlle Gro-vviiig. The follovring for the years ISflO and Ifll)/) shows the increase of business at Jlocksville Post-ofiice: Receipts for ISnn, ]07!).0fi. Receipts for 1900. 2201 .OG Inci-ease for 1!)00, 211.40. You cannot enjor perfect health, rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver is sluggish ami your bowels clogired. D eV 'itt’s Little Early Eis- ers cleanse the v,-hele svstem. They never gripe. C, C. Sanford and M A . Foster. Do you want to loan, or bor­ row, or iuvfst? i;o you want to keep your ac- couut at the best place? The People’s Kiitioual Bank, of Wiuston-Salem, X. <-., de­ sire:- to serve you. It Y/ants Yon V/to know that it is Ihc Vnited St:ites Government Deposi- toi-y for this scction and that it-ivill do for y >u a'^ylhina 'I* that any conservative insti- 'j' lution can do. John Ar. Fries, Pi-esideut, AV'm. M. Blair, V. P., T. A. Wilson, C:ishier. Write todaj-. All Classes Of Persons are bencfittad by uaiiig Sa. S.«^P30!^’3 EOT I«RO?S The great ^serve Tonic and Pain Killer, that cures La Gripyic, Coughs, ('olds, <'rou]>, Indigc.stiou. (lolera Morbus, Flux aud alt nerve and stomac.li trouljles, and— ---------------------------- IDS,. SAMPSOK ’3 A EE Recognized at AYaehington.. j f.COT EITT'EES The only instance ou record v. heu U hat puriHes the Idnod aud cures a post olHoe has beeu named after coust!pati(,'ii and all Liver (roul.'le. a patent medicine,-was last year,; If your dealer dues not keep when iu AYetzel County, W. A’^a., ' them, wrile to the anew postcffice wa.s established! SAMP.-iOS MEDICiKE ('O., and nan:ed Kcdoi, after the fam-| ous Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, mauu-' 4. , . factured by E. C. DeNVitt & or terms lo Ager.is. of Chicago. It had given sucli -------------^ LEGAL >;0TI01-:S. LegJil notices will be (■liii'-!.-;K; XoK-i’i!C.u:oi.!N.i'| In Sao.Tior Court. D avik CnuN'rv. ] F. M. Phillips, ) A.T.Grant, CSC. et al ) Chai'les Howard, I H0riC3 ofRESALE et al j Pursuant lo an order made by A. T. Grant. Clerk Superior Court, Davie county, in above entitled .-ause, I will re.=ell at public auc­ tion at conrt house door in Mocks ville, on Saturday the 27th day of April, i;)Oi, -.he" fol o-.ving lands situated iu Davie county, Sh.idy Giove tov. nship, near Bixl y, aud bounde! as follows, to-wii: Be­ ginning at a post oak, Ciiarlie El liott's :iml Tfuu Howard’s corner. N'. 10 chs to a pine, C!i;:a. E ihotr’.' and Allen’s cor;icr, E. 41 chs, 7; Iks to a stake or stone, on the bnnk of a braucli, 3Iassey's corn.ei-, S. 31 c.hs anil 'J~i Iks to a ilogwo<>d, E. 2: ohs aud 72 Iks to a stake, S. l.T chf aud 77 Iks to a sta'.e, the begin­ ning corner of the Jenkius’ tract W. .10 chs i-nd 7.") Iks to a hiekor\ sapling on !lie .lolrn Obru'n ol(^ irac|-, S. 1:; chs :5 Iks to a stone Ohrion’s coriii-r, W. .14 chs to : dyg'.vooil spr;Mit, Bogai! Hay wood’.- corner, , -_“7 clis and .">0 Iks to ; s'Acet gnui, 21) Pks to a post 0:11;. the i-cginnihg ('orner,<-ontainiu .15 ! acres, 71 p-.iies more or lets. Kei old l)00k 4, page ;!7.">. Terms of sale:—*7.i.00 of pui- chase money to be p:iid in c4isii. Iiahii-ce on six nionlhs cre-.lit sc cnr>-ii !.y iioriil with approve,!, se curity, with iutei-.i^t from dale. Title reserved until purchast uoi-.ev ispaiii ii! fidl. JLu-ch 2-,th, 1!H)!. C. A. n.M.i,, Com. By J.ic'or. STEVv'AjiT. A lly. satisfactory re,sults thsit the name was unanimously selected liy the p eo p le fo r th e now oniec a u d a d o p -i for „s follow s: ftJ.OO notice h a ­ted l>y th e d e p a rtm e n t a t A Y ash-15:0 r,M I>. ('. '>-5.00 iJOtifes For Sals bj E. H- Morris Mnclrsville H. G. SEWmG MACHINS D o no t be deceived by those w ho ad- •vertise a $00.00 Sewhig M achine for $20.00. T h isk in d of a m achine Ciin be bought from us or an y of our dealera from §15.00 to S18.00. WE MAKE A VARre-TY. THE REW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines the strength orweakness of Sewing Machines. The D o n b le i ’ccd coiahined -with other strong poLnts makes the Ke-W ICom c the best Sewing Machine to buy. w e w m s s s a swe manxifacture ana prices before purchasing THE HEW HOME SEWlRg HA6BIRE SO. ORANGC. MASS. 28 Union Sq. N. Y., Chicago, HL^ Atlanta, BU Louis,Mo., Dallas,Tei.,San Fraaclsoo.*Cal : FOR SALE BY ' E. S. HUHT, M ocksville, 3“% ^ Ana RecommenM by C, ,C. Sanlord, MockSTllle N. G. O liiia iru iLfti ire, K IS G COOK ^TOA^Efi, KiMI5AT.L OR­ GAN'S AXI> C L r jr A K CHAIKS. See :!S ar.d w; will save _ op. mouoy. E0’iI5GER£ CRIM FUSKISHINa CO. -138-43S lla in S t. fn front Brown's V.’arehou.se J U S T I S S U E D N E . W E , D I T I O N Ne-W- P l a t o s T h r o u g h o u t 2 5 ,0 0 0 N e 'w W o r d s P h ra s e s a n d D e fin itio n s ^ Prepared under the direct supervision of W . T. HARRIS Ph.D., LL.D., United States Commissioner of Education, assisted by a large corps of com petent s p e c ia lists and editors. K !c h B in d in g s. ^ 2364 P ag es 5000 Iliu s tra tio n s B etter T h a n £ v e r fo r H o m e * S c h o o l, O ffic e . W e .“ilso publish W ebster’s Collegiate DictionarywithGlos.=i;iryofScoitishV\*ord.‘5.iiid I’hniscs. First class iu qua’iiy.secontl class iasize.’* Specimen }>apes, ctc. of both books sent on nppilcition. G.JSC.MERRIAM CO, / Puhiishers SprizigfioSd, hiaso. I j I 'i . I ,1 j j I ’5 OiiidiU' pvii. s. ' 1 i Ciili :;n (;1- 'A-riu. ,,J i ii! d:u- !iiio. Ail-licss, ^ sTi!o:-I s’ I ,■3 ■'^!o-ksvii|:..i| Oppepsia Digests what you j lt:irtiflciLiily(li;.rre(.ii;icMl .MJiiro la siroiiunSicniiiL'atifll , itnicUnt? tii.i drt J ; ?ans. lL isU ie l;i^ ‘.sl;(li.K;ova« -^ntaiKl toni!', (itbcr prepi can .ippmach it- in rrslr,icn'’T!| : vtantly roVrnv-.iml r'-rii.iareniJ i DyHpciyhi, }i«ij ' Fhitulence, Sour Stf-aiacb, a . iiick Tic.iflachp, Oustrarl i allotLcrrosullsofiriiiK irfcctdiJ i Price5«}o.5ui-l?J. I..:in:t;si7.i'conlatr!5j ; Prepared by e:. C-Oe'AnT dCO.. q 0 . r . A. K -u l (!. 0. SANFORD, A,? nt, 3rctk.7vili3, foronecollarre- ccirj b j trdght prepcid, one of cur £a=:ous Dietz Crystal L aateras you are simply ’'standing in light” r f OVr-n failin g to “stand in otas.” Uus Lantern is as thoroughly g (^ as sjAj years cf Lantern bmlding have rendered possible. It is strongly put together, con­ venient o£ adjustment, has Glass Oil Pot, which caikot leak and ss a "light-giver” it stands alone. Perhaps ocx litllc iUusirated cata­ logue c£ Lanterns might interest you? ShcU w enaH it?—’tisfree. R.E. DIETZ COMPAl-iy Laight Street • Established in 1840. Nerv York V0 L U 3IK i n . Ip DiW iu Rj For Trap Of Fifld Shooting, ccmbincihs eiJ of outline, perfscjion t>i balanc^ ca« ol ■ apartBa(lquali:y of finish ofthebesioon.-# with the sapcriofity iu sigfttiag and sfcwl the siDgIc barrel, and nlso po.isws fire and imF.ii.inc cafsc;iy of MArtREPEATING RIFLES.aios of arm s and amma*)Uion, coijceaw^ O sihaus, iDsI’cd fOT 3 sraraps. Marlin Fine A s«s Co., Ntw ■irjm sfsj H 9 r s s ‘S B i i $ . d T O M B & i d t i f SrMS^i3 W.B.B£V'iLL,5s.vr<^r^^'' .R O A M O K t- .'* ' :.iskb:u e v e k y v,-;I Or. M. B iiiatroii FiiYsu.-i,\.N J.Iii-t.' first -ioiir Siititli <'f iHK-KSVII.!.K I A X'l. I’iile I'll-.'H e 111- till 1-. **" .,iie i-Miiiir. FW iALi he C .-lcriiK c i-iill‘':i [ iiiilici-i-! aii-1 .d.ii-y.-v-i. , . if. . PCB iT. MOiUUS, ^ Of scusciaJ one copy, O - O n c c o w , 0„.CD„V. ^ r e e j^ n th .j jT-VIiKY special to t'.ie Olisoi-vo-.j ‘Wasiiiustoi:, l^u-!-v ‘■‘''■■’‘‘'‘I , „;,uiro;naiel;^ ais;riet, he,irli!y ..tor jkL.iVii-!u-sCl.a.-iI but takc-s e.'ccei.tUiii to p:w-ty.^’ ‘- lie .shouM iiuil !-> til-.- iii'l c'.L'iil l)05t illKll of tliO S o iitll.j “belic-'C ill r'-'l-j 1're.siacnt rac-K iiiU -y's I lioii '5 i| w ith th e a.iniiiii:it!-;itio!| ijiiport.uit q-.-.eslioiiS i.ll audltiiiiik tbey ' vifa it. C.mi'.ilioiiS o| ami can ’oe such as to luou cf ti.e I the i:cn-,r.i'.ica'.i iwrty lieuo;ue llo p ii'o iiu a.u . gi-c-ssive t. .si::css eie-.iil iioiith, men iil »iUi the ii-.it;-.nial P'>| ]!cpiil>iicaii parly, i-ail fuieiiced ;.>y i-'e.ier;;! I'.al rcspw tiiliilH y oi aS 'o o il seutial to iilcniilirati-] lleyublit-au jiai-ty. iippoiatiDeiil.-i ill llie '"I lie mat’c friiiii aiaoii^' ill pic of ll.e coiiiuuinity, c.vjici'vative business t'aeok' >e:i>ocratii- p.ij ai-e iwtl 'ihc class of men wliuse Tie'.vs <.if natil pdicy (.-(.iatitlc; willi of the aJmiuioli-atiiju lK\se<l of men who v, | oiVice, tlieir iutei-(.'st being lueiely a <’.i.-siio cr.il authority sboiiia | led l.y Iht l.-es' class He said lie bad ina<| ill believing in silver and uow reinuiiates I lieve,-’ lie said, “ that! toi-osls of ike Amtb vvl by tl;oi.;c men of tl-.e I are in s\ mpatby v. ilbl leiiresen.ed by tVicI piirty, allying tbeintl cully with the adniinl aidiug the I’rcsiuent I liUmeiit of lii.s good il w.irrts the So-.ilb. I I i’liLsat iirc.<enl cxi.slij id ulVicc-boliling das.-] iie.s;re or- v. onld .si;;.;,u| fiiidt is not .so imich 1 luiiley as that id tiiJ ii'.eiit of the hfouth, « j l-'anw better, Imt '.vhl refuse to lend bim a I or hau:!, unci who ar| ®:s>C; cuiideniii and i| !;w)(l iiiiiii xvlio may '■'Cpt a position niuieJ “A very considcl tioa of the men of ^ath — men of tbc cial position, higliestj t'-'grily and ihe la| iiitere.st—believe in ““iUerate profectionj rrovcmont, a rexsonj Siilv ami ;u expansiij 'i::tiou on these b’J tliom iieimblicaus, !ickao",vledge it o r u (| ’■'■lat they cim se rv e of th e ir .section g a n try by o p en ly , lBe!a.selves w h at th e '^“-operatiug ellecti-J ^‘epublicau p a rty . I The P re sid e n t c a il them to n | “«l'es« ith the ],f„ properly belonl ‘"g th e utmost ctu-J “ler-dl service iu tl standing. Jfothin- ^•“■ongh the distribl but mneh is Pfshea b y putting [ high character iil >0D8. A. great ml V® '«>‘'ize that tf is construetivl i'o, and is a saJ prineiples wj