03-March>DS< State. IIE S . [E UKB OV Yoon Truly, BROW N, STSTOiJ, N. C. D EALERS, rtoii. N. c. lY o c r- '’iipleaiem OiJ o ' ■• i i O o . F eii, j IsroN N-C- ou l«rgains in ail eit, D iniug Tables, and all th in ^ to ri.’E t: HOUSE. CHAiffFE-SFT! n i U m Iclnres and Fraxpes. iar.os., sntl fheOW etlliam O r;pus ■iJ'C tti'^n. as they ■j.i-' >■ •■ r s y P s y s i i t treated right call ili u jrtir. to l a n d . land. S VND cjisiaiE ® * iU-* |c 3 flW o rk * « - sn’iiE. Satisfaction UK.^ T he D avie R ecord . M O C K S V nX E , N . c ., W E D N E S D A T , M A R C H 7, 1900. DaTie Record, BID KVEBY WBONMDAY. J. UORRIS. Editor. , o r *c«scription: one year, - - * ’ Six Month*, • • - SO ' Jkee Month* - •25 IS, N. C., MiB. 7, 1900, PCBLICAN TICKET. Tor President 1900. - M c K I N tE Y OF OHIO, Ipor Vice President. rEBC. PRITC H A RD )r>OBIH CAEOLISA. For Governor. I JAMES E. BOYD OF OCILPOBD. r Congress, 7th District. - A. B A IL E Y OF DAVIE. Bhll is the Rikg.” I, blit to die, au«l go we know |ere. T.) lie iu ctld ubstrnc- 1 Jlo r t, tais sensible vrariu [ tiilieiouie A kueaded clod; e iielijfliied epirit To batbr ti'i-Kis, ..r to resi e in »re; ion6 of thick rll>bed \i he imprisoued in the view- ciis, Aiiii i: own with rest- lent-c Miinil about the pen- urld; or tu be worse than Oi'those tbat lawless and i.ii tbonghts Imagine howl- t’e tc<j horrible; \.K»rierst and most loathed life Ti at age, ache, pen- 1 im])rlsonmeDt Can Ifty on i#ap;uadise To what we death, , Alas! Sweet “ Doctor” let fein»l\Volseyjn«t before he exclaimed; “ O, CronweU, t.U Had I but served niy it!i half the zeal I served a?, be would not in mine :;ve left m? naked to mine t-' . Dr. Stallings in flie Index laty 21th jumps on the .;trcnry?nd Becobd, and jerformance, displays » aiof partizan gall. The s added to his many and ^WKompUshmentB that of » »yer, and a deviner of M es piU. Why he »ctnally know» [ UD a Bepablican. and why Click is a Popnlist U one ) his bold amertions for the I in inch cases.—If a Demo­ uld not howl “ p ieand nig- would be depriTed of t part of their «m paign |iea. The Dr. has something f abanl Bkining a flea for it* I and tallow &c. W hile he t not get as much cot of the I we wonld softest th at he find that occupation more than skining Badicals nlists, for while skinning Iwoald be a smail basinees for Vlleman of bis distingnished yet Dr. you wonld earn ting gratitude of aflBicted nity (especially the ladies) ' ” ng them of a great pest, t on the other hand, when yon 1 to Treak your vengeance on K)r devils, you will be violat- iBibical command, and this |c»nnot afford to d o -u id be at. Kow Dr. in all serions- I you should not show yonr k at the editor of theBEOOBD |becanBe your Bro. Click dealt * -‘solar plexus,” he is abun- able to take care of him «df. »Dr. yon shoold not in yonr lin opbolding whakt you believe ■» right—forget that greatest of ‘‘“ ■"an graces, “ CHAsrtY,” ISOtt slioald not bear Iktee wit- * ^ io s t your neighbor, for "yousay the Editor of the w a Bepublioan w ith tic leanings, yon assert that I » not true, »j fitr a i the illstic part of it is concerned, they are opposed to fraud, ballot box stuffing and intimidation, they are opposed to red shirts, shot gnns and winchesters in order to induce or persuade people to vote contrary to their honest conviction. Now D r. if voting w ith the PopnlistB in favor of honest elections and in op­ position to these things, in a plaiu straight forward way does not set well on yonr stomach, just go a round to the drug store and get some of Simmons (not F. M. Sim­ mons) Begolator and take a good doee, go home read a chapter, whis­ per yonr evening vespers before you give vent to yonr feelinge, or maKe a serious attem pt to skin any thing. It is indeed gratifying to your friends in Davie to learn that the Simmons crowd with your as­ sistance are going to do more in the next 8 years toward educating the poor whites than has been done in should not make anch ’ ‘“ out proof. The Editor sBeoobd cauTeiyeoosistMit- the PopnlistB in ooan- *™ inftivorofbonertelectk)». the last 2000 years. And you are going to educate the negro too: then pray tell us what good your am endment will dol Kow Dr yon say ‘‘we do not intend that there shall (le an anregiatered white male 21 /eaiH old January 1st 1908, if the iegislatnre and the common school iiithorities can prevent it.” The ibove D r. is a little misleading if 1 im. not m istaken. Certainly all vhites can register who are 21 years old, provided the 5th claage ■ )f yonr amendment, (if adopted is aot de j ’.re:) unconstiti’.tional, b .t ,;n whites who become 21 yfeirsoli; iiler December 1st 1908 if unable to read and write a sention of the coDStitation in theEnglish language will be disfranchised and conse­ quently the ednaated negro as I have before said will enjor rights and privlages which your crowd propose to deny to these unfortu­ nate whites. Now D r. in all se- rioasnessis not th at language of yonis above quoted calculated to mislead and deoeivet Now when you say th at “ you think” the B E O osD isthe most “ rash, aofoir, abusive radical sheet yon ever saw” yon do ns an nnjustice, and dis­ play yonr own gross ignorance and exhibit yonr extrem e littleness, and you further show your rank intolerance as a partizan. The BEOOBDhas avoided abuse, mis- representationB, personalities and nnfkiraesa to the extent of its abili­ ty, only when forced to it. W e are ready a t all times to correct any error we may make, but if differing w ith the Democratic press on political qnestions makes ns nn- lairthen w epleadgiltyandit really seems th at the tim e has come, when all who do not bow down and wor­ ship a t the throne o f Simmonism are to be abused, ostracised, boy­ cotted and misreprasented. The editor of the Beoobd is able to take care of himself, he shall con­ tinue to express his views candid­ ly, eonrteonsly and fearlessly. And it prefers to see its party go down in defeat a t the next state election, rather than gain a sw eepins victory by the sacrifice and destruction of the rights and liberties of the great common people. I t prefers to be ruled and goverened by ignorance, rather than by prejndiceand intol- eiance. Now in conclusion, when the Democratic party shall have re gained the pie counter, we hope the bosses will not forget yon (dear D r.) who are a t least serving them to the beet of yonr ability. I hope yon will not have to console your dedining years with the same th o u f^t th at brought snch bitter- neas to H enry the 8ths distinguish­ ed oharchm ail, bntshonld yon foil, oome up in Gods, country, and we will pass around the hat as of yore. Xow D r. lets discuss the issues w ithout personalitiei, for I am s u e the people care very little a- bont our personalities. Lets talk soberly, honestly and fiankly, leaving out bitter isnoorous abuse. LeU lead the people by leaaon, and logiC( and all wiU be well in this worid, and th e hereafter. . “ O, how wretched, Is that poor man th a t hangs on princes &v<hs; there is, betw ixt th a t smile we would a*piie to, th at sweet aspect of princes, and tJieir m in. More p u g s and liaan than w «« ot wom­ en have: A nd when he £ftUs, he fiaisUke Lncifer, Never to hope again.” M ore on th e Caucus. The Davie Times seems not to be satisfied abont his false report of a Republican caucus here a few weeks ago, but comes back again, says I that he cannot prove that there was a caucus, but adm its th at he did get the day of the week wrong. Several gentlemen from a distance were in Mocksville, and beoanse they were paid some little attention by some of the Bepubli- cans in town, of course it had to be a caucus in the fertile imagina­ tion of certain people. The Be- pnblicans are not ashamed orafraid to hold a caucus in Davie whenev­ er they feel disposed, and when they do, we know of no one who objects to its being commented upon by the Times or any other paper. Its a little early to show so much anxiety about the Bepub licans. W e don’t know ju st exact­ ly who the gentleman is, who the Davie Times says is of excellent character, which we do not gain say, b at it is rem arkably strange, that this gentleman would be going around where Bepublican cancusses are thought to be in session unless he was invited, I suppose he ju st accidentally dropped in, foucd out what he wanted to knoT, and made his re­ port to head quarters. tVhenever we hold a caucus, if we need a Democratic reporter, we will notify head quarters. A nd the reporter need not go to the trouble of swear­ ing and kiraing a book. Gentle­ men of character are generally be­ lieved when they make statements j and are not ashamed to give their names to the public. W hat the B eoobd said before need not be repeated. W henever the Becobd has to get np affidvits, and go into pnt- ting men on the stand to prove w hat it says is true, it will shut up the shop and go out of business. Take the case gentlemen and be­ lieve w hat yon like. W ages Gk> tip. Fittebnrg, Feb. 28.—The H . C. Frick Coke Company today pos­ ted notices granting to all its em­ ployes an advance in wages which will average 12i per c e n t., A s all the other coihpanies in the Con- nellsville Field have agreed to th same wage increase, 20,000 men will be benefited, including coal miners, mine laborers inrnace operatives. The increased wage rate is to count from tomorrow, and the men will receive higher wages than they ever got bofoFe, even dnring the Civil W ar. W ith scch things as this before us, and w ith cotton mills, and oth­ er indofitrial plants going up all over the country, with a great and increasing demand for products and labor. In striking contrast to the conditions that existed un­ der a Democratic adm inistration. How can the prople longer fail to recognize the difference; yet a great- m any of them listen and applaud the clam ity wallers, and next No­ vember will vote againslilheirbest interests. W e prefer prosperity to hard times, and soup houses to feed the poor. Lets vote against the soup h-tpse contingent. G ood Advice. “ Party organs and party leaders (in Kentucky) have lashed their constituencies into rage, into in- j sane hate, have defeated the very ends that political parties exist to subserve, have given ns the spec­ tacle of political parties and lead eis subverting the liberties of the I people and prostituting im pular I governm ent to their own selfish end<i. W hen political parties oome to this, it is high tim e for all good men to w ithdraw their sup­ port. W hen a party m ak e^ n un- foir election law to perpetuate it­ self; in the very act it confesses its unworthiness. W hen a ^U tical l ^ e r undertakes to override the popular will, |in th at moment he bewmes the worst of traitors to free government. TTn&ir laws, de­ sire for ofBoe rank partlsan^ip, leaden determ ined to win, indiff­ erences to the State, party hatred, cam paign threats, newspaper hill- ing4 ;ate, intim idation, have over­ thrown Uber<7 in K entucky; and they will overthrow it anywhere. H ie tim e has oome when partisan­ ship is a menaee, and partiesaceto be feared than the evils they promise to oortect Let North Carolinians, bsw in the first b ^ n - nings of a campaign, resolve to vent th tir paasiona notnpoa each other, b n t npon the stnm p speak* er, newspaper w riter or editor who ' padog as their M end seeks . to iik. flame them to hate their fellow citizens, or to encourage in them the spirit of violence. The patri­ ot wijl seek to make votes by reas­ on and love instead of passion and hate, ^ m em b er this, and no m atter in what guise he comes you will know your man. It is time the people were saving them sehes from the political parties and their leaders. Lee ua have no more violent campaigns. The lesson of Kentucky in this hour is th at hor­ ror is the frnit of violence.” —Bibi- cal Hecorder. $1.50 V ersus $150-00. Mess. Wooten & Co, Prong, North Carolina^ saya: One of onr custom* ers, a ^prominent man in this com* musity. suffered with liver complaint be consulted several physicians but thev failed to benefit* him. We pre> ▼ailed upon him to try the RamonPills and Pellets* He soon bought more and is now a well and hearty man, and has gained in flesh. He eays the pills saved his life and the six boxes cost him only $1,50, while his trip to New York to consult the doctors, cost him $150.00. For sale by J. Lee Kurfees. Pa Elaborates on Mr. Cecil Rhodes. “ W ho is Cecil Bhodes and what did be do!” Them was the words maw H url­ ed at paw when he was Eatin Breakfast yistady mornen. “ M*ell,” paw says, “ I ’ll tell yon I alwais Like to incurridge peeple what ast about it when they Don’t no things. That’s the trabble with so menny Folks. They set a- round and Don’t ast bccoz they are alade they m ite G it Looked Down on, and so they Go thru life without Findin out Lots they wisht they knew and they ot to no,” ‘•Did you ever ast ennybuddy ennythirgt” little albert says, Paw looked over the Top of his glasses at him fer abont a minit, but little albert give the best im- mnttanhen of a ninnosunt lam I ever seen and Bit off another Link of soesidge, so paw went on: “ Nobuddy never lost a friend yit by not purtendin to no it all. You can!t make enny man nwd by Betti n Him think he can tell yon lum thing You don’t no. There was a man come into the store day before Yistaday and Begin talken to the manager and astin qaestions He sed he never understood How the Bulls and Bairs run the m arket np and Down, and the manager Told him, and I never seen a per­ son as interested in Ennything Be­ fore, and when H e found out all the manager didn’t no about that H e ast the manager a lot of other Things I bet he new all about H im ­ self, and jjst before he got Beddy to go he borrowed fifty Doleis from the manager. “ W hat was that yon ast me a- bout! Oh. yes, Bhodes. H e’s the rltchest man in South Africky, but he wouldn’t be if it wasen’t fer one thing.” “ W hat’s that!” maw ast. “ He can’t git out,” paw says ‘They got Him snrroanded. They say he owns a Bushel of dimunds, and when the naber’s chickens git to scratcben in his garden he throws goid nuggets at them ifthey ain’t ennything else handy, Peeple offen wunder why a Purson with all H is munny wants to Live away over Thare around the corner from the world’s back door when He conld Eeturn to his native Land and mingle with the Bitchest brew­ ers in Englund if he wanted to. B ut you see if he would do that him and J. Peerpont Morgan wonld be on the same iside of the erth and they wouldn’t be enny­ thing to keep it trom tippin up.” “ I read somewhare the other day maw says,” “ that he is a prea<'h- er’s son.” “ Yes,” paw anserd, “ and only goes to Sho they are a good deal of trnth about the old sayin that preachers has the worst boys on erth. I offen think I was cut ont for a preacher ’f my fambly are enny sine. . Cecil pretends to be offul pie ns, and has a Faverite him , but mebby th at’s only becoz all the grate men like Lincoln and Gladstone had faverite hinis. So every Sunday after he gets a clean shave and Explains to the visaters that the rite way to pronounce his firunt name is Sessel be sings: Bock of Ages, cleft for me. If there’s enny gold abont I mnst look around aud see How to crowd the others out. Let the water and the blood Plow in rivers if they must; England fites the battles while I keep heapen up the dust. “ Still,” paw says, “ they ar one Thing about him I can’t help but adm ire.” “ W hat’s thatt” maw ast. “ He ain’t m arried,” paw says. Maw pnrtended to be looking at the Hem stitohen in the tablecloth for awhile, and the veins begin to swell npon paw ’s tem pnls becoz he was trying so hard to keep from bustin out laffin,. but after awhile she let on she didn’t notus ii and sed:“ I w isht yon would getthem an- ager to tell yon a few things, paw, Mebby he m ite promote you it you ast him enough qnestions.” “ T hat’s the trnbble w ith m e,” paw anserd. “ I can’t go aronnd purtendin I’m ignerant eveii if it would help me in my Blzness.” “ W ell,” I says, “ yon m ite jn st act natcheral.” Then I tride to do the Isnosnnt lam stunt, bnt it didn’t ' seem to make a bit witji paw. So I omit the painful d etails.-G eo x |^ , in C hift^o Times-Herald. •%:> NOTICE. By •'irtnre of an order made by A . T. G rant, Sr.. C. S. C., I wUi sell at public auction at the court house door in the town of Hocks- vilb, N. C., ion Monday the 2nd day of A pril 1900, the following real estate; adjoining the lands of Lewis H arper, et al., and bounded as follows to wit: Beginning at a stone, Lewis H arper’s comer, W . 20 lH>les and 15 links to astone in P ott’s line; thence S. 70 d^rees W ., 24 poles and L.. to a stone in Pott’s line; thence E. 15 d ^ rees N ., 20 poles and 20 links to astone to the b a n n in g containing two acres, 105 poles more or less. Tebmsoe Sale:—*26,00 cash, balance on six months time, with bond and approved tecuri^; in- trest at 6 per cent from day of sale Title reserved till purchase money is paid. This 2nd day of M arch 1900. Thos. N. Chaffin. Adm r. of 6 . H . Lippard. T. B. Bailey, Attorney. AMERICA'S REPRE5ENTATIVB FASHION MAQAZINB T H E D E S IG N E R PnMlslied noathly « $ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ $ $ ¥ $ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ » ¥ ¥ « ¥ Wm HAMDSOMI C O L O R E D P L A T E S .’l ALSO ILIUSTIATU THE CELEBRATED m S ta n d a rd P a tte r n s Tha ooiy reliable pattenu, becsoM they alloir Subscription Price: (1.00 a year. 10 M«t« for (logJi eopln. CABVASSEM^WANTCO FOR TMM PUBUCATION. Ulwal east Writs fbr •uspit topy aatf taraa lo SakMrip- tlM Bipartaut, THE DESIGNER, a s W est Mth St.. New Yoric CMjr. Dr. B. R. Anderson, -------DENTIST.------ Office: First Door Sbiith of Dr. Kimbrough’s. M0CKSVIU.E, N. C. D B . W. a M A B tiN GiTcs special attention to disease* of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Spectacles fitted by the aid of retino- scopy. Teeth extracted by the pain­ less process. Office at residence in I^orth MocksvUle. DR. F. G- CHEEK. E Y E S P E C I A L I S T . Office over Jacobs' Clothing Store, W INSTON, N. C A Superb Newspaper. T B I-W E E K L Y T R IB U N E . Secord Free Oifts. 1 S etof F am ltn re (Spiocas.) 1 Sew ing M achine. 1 Stove. 1 C hattanooga Plow. 1 R em ington S hot G un. One dollar psys^for the RECORD me year and you get two tickets; 50 cts. for six muiiths, and you getune tirk' et Send in your subscription iibdget the paper during the n in ' if n . Don’t Suffer, T he Electropoise Cures all dissases without the usecf medicine. A pure Oxygen treatment, by absorption. It cures where every- toine else fails. It is needed in every farnQ;, for it will relieve every weak­ness or ailment, to the most persistent chronic disease; and without the use of a nain of medicine. Thousands of psopTe all over the United States trom private citizens to.Lawyers, doctors, preachers, Supreme Judges Edi­ tors. etc., even crowned heads of Eu­ rope have given written testimonial* of these facts. Book of testimonials, and matter of great interest with price of instruments sent free. Bvery family should have an Electropoise; it saves money, induces health. Send your address at once and see what people say who have thoroughly test­ed its merits. Agents wanted. THE BUjbctbopoise Co., 51S 4th Street, Louisville, Ky. B am ingtoB S iagla B a n a l Braaok Loa^Ung Oun, • t*4S0 Others - - . - ««.S0, N .M Loaded Shelia, 36e a box. Shot, 7c. per ponnd. Prim eis, 12c. a box. A ll O ther Goods Equally tiaw F . M . B O B E B IS, 445 Liberty Street, W INSTON, N. C. SOUTHERN RAILW AY. T H E . -. STANDARD BA ILW A Y OF TH E SOUTH. The Direct Line to all Points. TEXAS, OALIFOBNIA.. FliOBIDA, CUBA AN D POBTO BICO, Strictly Fiist Class Equip, .inont on all Through and Lo­ cal Trains. Pullm an Sleeping Oars onall Night Trains. Fast and Safe schedules. T ravel by tli« Soathern and you are assnred a Safe* Com- fortable and an E xpeditioiv Joam cy. Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Ta- blefl, Bates and General Infor* mation, or address B. L. VEBNON, F. R DABBY, T. P. A. C. P. A T. A.Charlotte, N. C. Asheville N.C, HOTROmS TO ANSWER QUESnOHg. m m s. GAMOK, M. CDLP 3dT. r. t 6«n U u. Tnf. b n . W. A. TDRK 8. P. A. W A SH IN a-TO N . D. C. PATENT BOOK OilC./I^SWOMf « C O , Patot Lswtoi. W AS HIN OTO N. D .C. F u n d tu r e ! I f '2'oix XLead. Furniture of any K ind IT W IL L PA Y YOU TO BBB |B. F. Himtley’s Stock, ------H E SET.TJt------ FIBST-CLASS FUBNITUBB A T the Sight pritM, itodi iln y t CMfltk. 426 and 428 Trade SiMet, W lNSffON, K . C. • W B Z B I S r TOU GO TO WiDStoo, N. G. -CALL OH— B R O W N . TB» JB W *Lrt. t have a Nice Line of '^atehe» Jewelry and Silver W ar^^^pecCa cles and Eye G lassa,'ate. Fin* Repairing done while yon wait and fully insured for one year. Prieea to snit^the times. Yonrs for bosinew, BBOW N. Th e Jn m ,E X . 448 Liberty Street. K«xt door t» Robert’s the gni mui. I Want Tour Egfi, CHICKENS, POTATOES, ONIONS AN D o t h e r ' FABM PBODUCB. Tki ligknt Ibriut FriM WiU ta flit CaU on m« when YOTT COMB TO TO TW f^irs A w «n tM aotad S tock o f O ro o ^ ries A tw aya On H and. T otus to Serve, D. M , JB tlJ S R , Sallshnry, Korth Oarolina. The New York Tri-W eekly Trib­ une has snperaeded and taken the place of the former Semi-W eekly Tribune, and is an ontgiowth of the demand for more frequent issues. I t is printed on Monday, W ednes­ day and Friday. Price 91.50. | In effect. The Tri W eekly Trib­ une is a fine, fresh every-other-day j newspaper, each issue of which is as good as| a daily of the same date, and in one num ber of which, every week, large space will be devoted to the pictorial, literary and humorous features of the Illus­ trated Snpplement to the Sunday Tribune. W e believe th at The Tri-W eekly { will be the best substitute yetfound i for a metropolitan daily. It has one more issue per week than the old Semi-W eekly, and costs half a dollar lees a year. W e are fi^^nently able to priiit in this edition, which is sent to press before daylight, the official w ar cable dispatehes of The Trib­ une fiom Europe, which are sent fh)m there about 1 a. m. T H E TBtBU N E. YoA City. R e c o r d “ ^ ^ i P r e s e n t s t ’h ' llM lTSIim iSIM lIl. — j ^ '■ General Buller’S* C a v a ^ lA der Lord D'jiidon^d Enters liie City. BY THE BOERS __ itent release la pelectinii: a 9 3nt the ono tb; *ewB the 18 m ost durabli thread if rnn ba er tfaa lightest vpooi Tvire, Butomatic ball.beftriog. etc, THE WHEELER & tflLSOS poBse5>fles ail the above points of su­ periority oveT any other make. Costs oothioK to examine ou%'. F or pale by BOW EN, WioattjD, X. C.^ Kodol Dyspeps'a Cure D i g e f t s w h a t y o a c a t . 6enm-»l Trnnpn Were fJviiic on >reat Jin*l >r«al When Sticrnr Arrivml—TrtiniiUoim D«mon«rratlnnR South Africa—Stovy of the Siegre* 000 to th e R ussian G overnm snt. But th»Boers were not beaton. They onl g £ Q U R E S A M E R IC A N LO A N off railroad eommuDicatloa With I^Qiiy 1smitU and hefjau slielUuij the Cag!ish pOfiB . --------------tion at Dunaoe. General VnlOvWUo suol ' c -f 0=; AAAyeeaed General Symons, was forceU M j^eW York Syndloai,a Lends ubaudOD tlJO town, leave Ula wounded an4 all big stores and maUo a terrible forced march of throe days. The inea reaobed General Wlilto’a oatposts iu a frlffbtful condition. A oohimn of (JOO Boers sent to cnt Off Tale’s retreat was met by Qenerai Whlte’3 men at Elands Langto. Only M Boers xrere in action and they wore routed:On October General VTblto made a re*.’onnaiBsance, resulLlnff in the battle oi Klonfonteln, when the Dritisb lost 12 Itllled and 104 woundefl. A week later the EDgllab 1 again tried to ' • aster of N'cholson Jktoney W ill Be Left in Tltia Couulvj For Parcliasea of Iron. SteeJ. Coal aud FhiiBhed Frotluvts. London (Jiy Cable).—L&iivsmith baa been relieved after a terrible simaslo. which lasted four aiontlis, at tbo cost of nearly 7000 mftu. For 113 days the little town in A'atal bas boon besieged. For tbree months •m army of 40,000 mea has been within twenty miles of it. The pco;*ie in the be­ leaguered city were fa.siug stravatlou. Thu first news tbnt Ladysmith had been f<»Sf!iied was ill a disputcb re-fjived by ibe War OjJIjo i’rjiri G«ncrnl Enller. nn<i it read: ••Lntb3lo:i'^ Ifea dmiarLflr?. — General Caadou'ild. with ibo Natal Carblnuursaud a composite roR iracnt entered Ladysmith i Wednesrtay niffht. The couu try betwoen I aie a:m r.iidy^mitii is reported clear of the i enemy. I .nu movinf? oa Neltb orpe. ’! The War Olfi'io subsequently received the ! followia;? mess.it;e from General Bnllei*: i i “Nur.Tuourn.—C Iiave juat retursod from j i LiidyamUh. R.’ccirp': a small ;?iinrd north ' of Surprise Hill Mie whole of the «nemy lately be.«?lei?iai? the town have retired In hot haste, and to the fionth of the town the country is quite eiear of them.■ a,.,,. —_________ - “The jjarrtrj.i were on half a pound ofT? m-t.iririftnvrtjcrPMsi.hpfos'.dandaidS meal per luan a day and were anppleraeut- l.a iW .in a ijin iY -i. M rpfon- la? the moj»t raMon by horses aud mnlcs. Nature T!ie mor. will want ji little miBlns liefore-tmetmRtiiP'-.si.au-.-i-d a gestivc nr- , -.j ;o, the liei.l. " psr.?. It. i.-- (iK- liitf'st rl_.::cn-.oreddiffc.'tr ; " ” ________ n n ta n c -.r.ir. 'Tootl-.t r lirr^paraTn-n n iiirfs a jtEjrorciNc;.»!!' In ^I'V'i-.'ncy. It in* —;<tanli” r(»iieV ’r5;»iKl f/ntfm over tl»« .<it;or«»pe» in iTeartbura, | Houth FlatnWiK:. . Sour Stoni.if.li, N m sw i, (By (J.-iblaJ.-Tu.i nss-.. -if tiie re- IRIII S lJL i L A Quod Idea. Tiie Stale Su-perintendent oi Publii- Instructlon has issued the tollowins well-timed cir^iiUar to the county su- perintendenrs: “This is to say to you that I have det^ided that the special appropriation of $100000 is to go to che benefit o£ rhe i-hildren direct w ithout any shaving >lowa by com aiisoioas tor CGunjv treasurers or other officials. 1 ......................................... . ani quite sure the Legislature intended WhitoToains'ci killed, 211 wounded, and > Ijmaient has coraeto New York City for a pq^. jijja spei iai upproprlation to go di- ^ ;i::L e lo m p a u io .-h .v e j« s ta rra „ .e .i iih a t i. d e n . IncUidiuff the famoua “Louk Tom,” ami . Ijm purchase of an issue of T>ii5.000,000 ot and cne peoi);t; are wilhn^ to S i\c tn.s the loQR bombardmeut began. | m bonds, renresentinc a firstSickness laid moro of the men than ' wiadikawkaa railway (•annon and rlfie. ,v&tam The principal and Interest of theseAt ono time the death-rate w«t ' ^i,*. n.iQoi.m r,.-»v. Nj:w i*onK. CITV- v;«p6oittll.—I.;iioriu« Qer- led. A week later the Eogllai: , r p.^ris and the other Eiiropoan epidemic, ten a day.General White had foodstuffs and -*mad- arm ammuiutlon to last for three months naiufeiifi . .t i'jhum.ii, Naus*;;^ Lo:;r . , . . FIer;djf*h*'.(’^«tnilina.<ji'*nips,an(l i o? i-m‘lT.-;mrth was zeei^ivcsi with the aU oU '‘--^r'-;f«;’.i:.''-of Im perrectd'ffestion ' Pi-yspdred -y E- C. DcWitt iCo.. CiiicaQO - a n f o rdC. C. TH Y T H £ - J ® ! > < v 4 # j-r SP ahewk'.ft the di<WHITE FOR ClRCUUSS j ^ n t ,Sewin? V3ch:nes we manutactura ar.d thnr pnc«s bcfors you purchar^ any other. THE m HOME sEWiliB n m m i GO., O R ^ y u /V-, >?-# SA-. if IJjtlon ■S«« F.-^ivUw,C-.i. ■ FOR SALE 3V i greatest enthusiasm. The Lord ifa^or of Loudon immediately lelegrapijed iiis con* ijratuiiitious to Gen­ erals U'hiteaudBuiler. When rbc Qaeeu re- .•t-ivrtU l!i« hows at Wjndac]' <>aHCM>> rhe bi‘llr5 on tlio Curfew Tower n? t'.;e ■•vere njc'c.I. W!ien the iJtjWi '.-c- •‘ume ijeuera’.iy known Lon<ion Ilt-rrally went m.id wJi?i joy. aud Fio^'iand :'jo ."i-'je' wim(i.3:Je.l no f^arailel in Dl :;do%-avo. li'.oiuorlep. Af tU5-A ■ ;.-eaer.ili.')n. Tl*c p<iur un jubilaUan at the relief of ICimberleyaau the *l« J-Ja: •»? CroajG' could no ioi;;;.?r he .ronlroHed, and with tiiis ero-vrtiu^* triumph die pu^’ional trait or :^elf-re:^tniint was thrown ro the TiniJ:^.All over the irnlced the oat- b’lrsts of enlbiisiaf A 'iapii-Mtcd.At Gi.i7‘.;r.'. i.;\vrnr;.jl I.rr.'.i'jsbaai.■ EdiDbur::h. ar i, in fact, in ail toe cities*, big and Htii-j flew everywher-*,' whistlea roote.! bell.= .shimfvl and -rowd** paraded me nireet^. patrioticI lJ'.i?ir.c.^3 was ?iven up for the day. i^<3.sehof'ls -verft closed, in th-j harbor.^ all i.,» ves^'^’ls dressed ship, ar.d at the mill- .:iry atiil naval ilepot.=i s’.eni!? of the wIM- ; ist eathu?Ia?m prevailed. special fund for the benefi'i ot‘ the ehil- •drsn, ihen che county treasurers can , svDkt,;o. r____I , surely handle this special mouey w ith- Douds is guarunteed by the Russian Goy- ^ commission." This leaer ia ' ernment, and is payable ui American sold | in i*es.?onse to county superin- i ** Tulnntliro anJ aizo ot this Iona au.l tUe ‘ lenden’s WU'D are m aking eiforre CO i disclosure W hich it malcea of ih ls conntry d i h.ive the special fund haadled w iuout I preseut po.-.ition us a tluaaciai power of ! a^v ;;ost to t.he eh.ldren. ic may oe ■ ihe wjrld is its moat interestini; reature. j ..ouiiry trei-i^ursrs are na: tie- ■ Another Is the durprjslug sbowint? it re« j a »*c.TiniIs3icn. but the eases ■ r r S’» S £ W n " ^ c S ;f'‘^'"«T- i .h e re .he BRYsN holds to view s fo r m e r antu »d'.er«s t» Hi* Positiou atJ AU-ie ___ M.« TlanJrtlBvlAres He Kajsatdiac tUe Denial ^ix JO American W«ol Grow-o t Frotecti*^" ^ ^ D„wn. ,“:,.M low ihS P ar»S vapU ::agparasvaph: \ “ » City eorrespoudent • iana & Co., of thia .Hr. Wm. T. Bryan, t cicj. to C taii, asaui'eil m iu3 , aad grow ers in priTata ‘ r ^ tL a that lie U.id cliangad liii eonversati.^ a a J t’aoag’a ha m ind onT/ooli consent to reduction Ot Ju- 1 iabed machinery. Besides, thero is the in , i 't(»rp.<Jtlug fact of a crold loan ;?nuraiitaud ; by one of the sreat European Powers sell- j ' in^? in the American murliet at a price ; which nets the syndicate slijjUtiy more | demand buj bsen made. r.nld rest assured thab lie neve^ wo._ r °j.2peitfc the paragripU , a a r.i-e “ ‘rfectiy prepared to faraisli ' it is !:»: aa.1 Ui-e y persona w ao -were Tlie rppcrr be a mtKv.y sea:. B ir;er :ru :i , D i£Sitiifi'i.,;n aL-tivlty. A fionb!e-fae;^i m;;:i one (lirecricn. I' the (iev:l ev.*;- ■ause iom.' 7 M^^l3S^ranJa that the wool taria the hear-, rii-: .. titV j. n lb 1-3 aa is.fn.5 aaJ tiiit the heiring. r^nfn,.tioui»i; w iaheJ to T jte fcv 'Wli.it moui,* nw;p,e i,.. m iiit Jo so w ithout fej,L- , san-Jtiou. ra-.h,.v nan ,a: tliB benea'ceni a a ty w cai.l be re- x h . h«irV.- fi-ol-»V Brvan now mnkea this pnblicii- I Forglvene.-;.-- of nn nnnece«savT. however, by a pub* ; f^in freedom L’rora ploage, which, or cou.se. A U reat O pportunity. The ri.=r...^a S^-vnn.eeu’-h , than ronr yer eenr. i SiU'ts Convmcion oi the N orth Caro- i It mav he ritated positlroly that thj drst j Sunda" .“t;hoat AaaCi.-ijiioa in ;*10,0M,bunott!i.i!)oa.Uh:iVBjrt3t be^a .J-. , 14i!i, 13::i a n i lUiii, liviu-e.1 la N.1W Yori: City, iiu.l that ii i«iy- ; • ,.i,p ^reirp:--: c ^ c r - ■ :,S, ,ttjt!iia uu woo'- i i , h e W st-io o i;hablv the most remurUab'e p;irt of the 1 workers cC rbi.i iM te. Tue i.i.-r. ta at ; - autuoiuty a.suao*/ ^ ..... „,1 ^ . ------------ ... . Ijiio ted b j th at x^aper, ot .Xaiiaa’7 l i as f'ol- ,!1 p r i ^ e o: per^oQa! a ,s a ri;i« 3 In aa iufcef- ..•h Tliere between :..;n.s -^ ] -I'* Sr-r. inai ■m. s a Zi^iA :2:vin:r 'i;) .n >ulvaiiiu i::.n; •It:"!-:, - | Operation lies in tbe fact that all of the i 3 , p. Ja;>cbs. o£ Chioago. is to j j he ' ■ cash to be paid by the syndicatij for thi}. ; ni.gcpnr, and fake part in the work 0£ j . ’-‘•}»ai*s (Ibond^ will remain lathi.-country.and that. | f'r.;”' i : s i suit'nenr ?uaran-fi,r,r.»rcrLv there will be no -listurbance hi f t ja»en..*ca la .1 suii.~ieii.. «u-i ^ ,,n ailie.l res-iraij-g tUe repol'i Uaa chau5«^l Ilia cn tils aEx2n.1L .'Sin ucuUge whith. Ocmmander ot tbe belea?\iered Ladysmit; forces.) “ .Uaturbaaoo.. , ^ A special arrauifcaieut-. made with tbe j m en: from iriart. to nniin. aud tua: Riis.«Ian Oovernracut by a reproiuatative 1 eveiy session will ije fuli c «)f tbe syudicat.i ' ..............from St. Petersburi the money for the f.jrred to Ensr*iaamouat.^ are to be in .>o.v .at; . w .. •'•r". i “ ~ T "tt m/>«City to the'Credit of tbe Goverament and’ ; jii Sumlay ^J dools. 1: wa.s i:e :uat • u riif o’! wooi. B ryan s..Ueil m>.. dishurae I under direction of the Eussiau , rh^ ide.i nf h'a laiernacional i chaS Ue had m ade no under ordinary circum.‘?tance.3. The num-* ber of Boero about Ladysmith and betweeh there aad the Tnffftla P.iver ba*l vacie-'' froni 10,000 to 25,000 ineu, eommaiidod b; General T.o\:bert. .Ifter the flrsc bornhardiuftnt G-fUorai.t' • J • ---u - -----— I- - - -^ I • ---- ------ - ^•,.* r>,‘fit!n!i-2!u Steel Company. theCaldwiu 1 nf-rhnns the bes: rnintr 0^ tJC '.v.iclw;:the culy roa.'Jon that tariff on aud for jadjiDient receive:* tarit? is not.eapable oi wieldins plek or ^5hov.il had benn ‘^■:,''nije**tToe \vit!» the cout^tru itionhis naek ia hniicsc soil, and the irravel! |>fau.-*Siberiaa Raii.vay aa I the ^»reat de- .•li/T->« or the .<i-:jamlot wiil roaiaiu a lasting y »io’)ni.'n*- of h^’r airrlcaltural prodcit^ iu-te-'itimonv to wliac men can do wheui rtfna‘e oufv Liie*bet?iuains of Ru?'.%ia ? nur- miived by a senjc of nhyaical dansfer. in thi.-i eountrv.The m.ijority of deSver.- wt‘re able t.r ih e V.-w Yorl: Herald. oiaaientin;; X o::h rsro iin a that ha^ a desire f , • “ 7!' \v‘hetii'er lie lioes or does aot,w hether tijirpiiV'iug o^a Hus.^iau toaa i-^ the Unite I .Srates. --ayi:. ‘-ra .•omparisou with laaay yraat loan.- * ftrTecied hv the leadin;* Po.ver-* the .-ium w i;ot -■‘O large!i5to -jwrtlethe ilaaucial world J-.y liny mean.^.I • fiat tbe teem.- under wbieU the loan h ; made, tbe non-witbdcawal oi’ the a.-nouuE I furnidbcd, tbe o’-ject-i for ’??h!e!i the money; iP o s H io n s. .. S u a r a n to e d ■pTCe taitiAiu We ^ive one or mere free schol- , arshJpp in cvety counvy io the T*. s. T^rite n.-' W.:l accent a.5l#s lortoition ' orcan dor.os:t r.'.oney inhr»niv •intit fxwtion i.-5 secnrcrt. Car fare paiJ. >:.1> ^«cnJicT>. Kn- tcr.iuaavtitue. Oj>i«for’.v>ih sexes. C’h^ao ocarJ. 5erulf.5r---------------------free UmstratCi!: catalo^as.Address J. F. Dracgumj, Pre«’t. at cither 5<lace. D r e i u s t h o r « ’« P > ra c tiC £ i.S „ « . B u sin e ss .... =eenre dome minlat? talent to aid them ir.' tbeir work. Otiier.^ with ioncjer pur5R« on-' iijitcd the 3erTiO'*3 of .noidiers, who broog'ht! rhe rudimciiU of military fortlllcat:.^:^ toi bear upon tbeir labori?. Others, imbueili only with the instinct ot 3clf-pr::3erv.atIon,. hurrowa^l sharts pecpendieulac to the back,; tbal the cliff fai’.fl hore tbe appearance ofa nesting hoaie of mamniotb-and mar- .......................................... tiO~- . . . . . . . M.^ to be ex-^endftd. and tbe r.i;rt that the,‘ •Rut Ije j^r^ace^t d^ense Oi.^-u» was tbaC rtnaaeiarinV baa been (juickly jic;*o’nplisaeil of tbe fmperial Liffbt nor.»e. xhe m.-»jor-, j sosue Earopeaa money cenin*. maice it an affair tbac has deep iu n'.any ways.••Tbe moaoy is to bii leC: b-^re lobe es- p.‘ i-’.o I iu pnr.-^base? of mauufacture-l • materUl f^r L!»e Traus-.Hiberiaii Railway. : aad <-.:hec work.-, oE pab'd-: Import.anen : to r.::5sla. It lu-iaas tbat tbi.-* customer I I )iT our rrr^'at mills and foaairies I'j ti> ; be a larger cus'.omer tbau ever: that P.a.^-sia l.« at tnc door a.-s a buyer. Jind U deposicin:? a i,ir:;e suai beeause -■ilie cspeets to give larger orders tbau ever ia tliG fiilace-that not o?ily o-ir .?ooimer* ' eial marlcet i.^ oue iu wbieh Ru?^ia will be ft lar;;e operator, oa the rig:it side of our ;,>.jj»ers, but that .s!»e (ia<l3 our tlcan'iier^ 5>ady to a joomrnodite her, to their j >ini: ttroftV, as well. ’ ^ashviile, Tenn., d « oavsBM h, Ga., ^ Gaiyeston, Tex.. Texarkana, Teii. Sr.»B V OF THE SIEGE. iMdkkctplnz, Shorthand, Typew rifinjr, etc.'ijie m-X IhorHr^k, praetf'luu and prctrr'ssh'*. ..'Vbf^U ot Ih-..' kind in th/*-wor.tl, and the h*d ' in the'-oiilh. iQ'ior-fd byliai:k- ■'.ra, mer^wnt.'s m;nt&ter.4 and othery, Foar , ____ Pr«.'?ident, is .mlhor ot Drauijhoa’s ICew Syat^ci ! Oeaeral White and HU 3feu.of Bcckkcepiiig:, “Double Entry Made Easj’." s^W^hand. Write for price fist •Hom^ Study.” ; h^e»> ^taat LadysmUh would ba\e Exfract. "Puoi'. rwAronox—I learned Iviv.k " kecpin/rat home f.-om vor.-book--. whilehoWin a position 3$ nigrht tclcj ^ ^ .a ^ f a e o u .e . eolleets a .o ^ - u i i aaa IK.a c; Niirrh. i pea.atory Jn tv froai tue con3nmei; ot Reduced rare.-i na-v.- bcaU ^cvsired cu ^ cvooleu Joo-.U aad pay.> it over to the ■ail the railro.j,as. an*! rhe ijood peopie' rrool-growei’, or coUecta aiid ^eep s ifc of Charlotte ill enrertain :v?o of | or doesn'c collect ifc afc ali, ; ha:'s»". ! ind thsrel'.ire doesn't nee-l it, lanx ------------- i -or free wool.*’R ates to Sunday 3choul C oaventioa. j j.jj; 3£,-. Bryaii'^i irieuds ia The foll-r^'lii^ round :rip rates frcm | or the otkei: W estern States junctional poinrs have been a.lowed i to aeek the votes of w ool-^ow - to perscua attending :ii? annual Sun-j jiojnjv,ca w kis- diy school eouvenrica a:. Charlotte,, that the tree trade >ran-h 14. 15 and Ifi: Bla.ckiJU'-g. m avliie. 5ti.:p; Durhojn. $*>.30; t’ayerreviile. $o.63: Forest r*ity. rrisronia. ?1.10: ■Greensboro. ?4.4j : Goldsboi-o. S3: Ksa- (Terson, ST.C-O: Klckory. KeU'jnl S12.70: l.y s u i‘1 ■ „f 0 ,,,. ta e Bo^tou | forces, ; There U • .0 m'H’h xy-'-.-x ' eruse wli:i-h -.rfjj's • •" j Cro5a. The 5evm.-n m - ;•> ' truly do«;tr:aal z.: •• I Rom ani. The m an u io -a:: - on th«» brak-.-i ,is * i, will havt'^ TUr w.-ll a sir. ..,;i ■, ; eii insi'lp on~ • v K iiay reiT':- Sa!i«»r DIsth..; ■*.( s,. Sir Redv."v Be:' beins of rhar rvju ■ ,5.. •‘butcher’s tta n T'-O" to O'’ iar-i person who wi!! l.. v . ; considera:::n.i r.-, w hat he r.hir.;i i- • ; - • v at a dinn.-r i- b:.- ; ; • A cerr ;i:i \r. t* and told an -n- . *'off-iuior* ta .r .;•• ... ce=siv“ly disp>a - W heu rb»» d:r.“- .• v -- vers ran? rhe •- ' he orriered ■ :•• ;• - . *’I do U':i: e:^P' \y." said Mr. an -. >.r.: sleam of deri- 2 • Redvers did !!■;• ; = A. by rhe arui. .i;:: :.x . the hall. "Tr ":n- ’ - he said quiet;/ »a-: :v ^ plink of tlie Chicago platfonn 13 not jn i'sae. TTree wool h aa issue of 19()0. air. JJi-ya-a baa ma-.ie ic no b j hU -wn pai/iio ntrcranee a: Colom bia, M irion. Vr. Slisa., Jar.nary I.', 1500. T he private Ejm i.id L.iija.-r Most of the ?. .z .zna h^cxT, ':r ‘rji i j n Ccadan'?3l GENERAL VIEW OIT LAI>\S>n?H. (cgraph operator.I,BvnxGwirrx.......Wholesale f;rocerc. _ ____{Jtent'on this finf>sr v>h^»t hvjkfce«er fc. . _ rc. South Chtcazn. Ill iT.id it not been for tbe fact tbat a great •eJievIng army wa3 within a *A likeiy taat Ladysmith wo’ rendeced before relief came. rhoW5n.< Of 0 0 great Strategic Imporlaa-je, it b;n c. : cost naaov thousands of lives to rescuc icy of these mon aet Johannesburg miners, and tboy at /icce becran to undermine their carup with .sLsfia mid gallerle.^. Com­mandeering ovciy eo»;ored man that veu- KILLED DAUGHTER AND SWEETHEART Cleiin C’«>snmitt«»1 d l>anb!e SlarJer in a i:aar« and Tlieu Cat Hi* TUrurtt. n^Lr-AiaE, Obio (Special}.—JaaiesGleiiu, a farmerof Littlesburg. W. Va., near here. forl>ale bis seventeen-ye5i.r-oId tiaugbter Lllen to keep company with Albert Marsh, :i?ed twenty-tbcae. The father, on re- t-iraing homo a few ci;;bta z'^o. found a n flangbler In company with b-ir swcjtbeart. He ordered the youncj man to loave.I Au.ijry woDld ensued, which resulted la : Glenn going into another room where lie secured a doubled-barrelied shotgun with icn. $7.T)i: ’W iniica.-Siiem . ^5.65. Tickets lo b«^ on iale -\LirCh. i:J. 1\ and 13. final Umic March 19. Continuoa.^ passage in each direc^ tion. F or i>olnts heyonj afaove nacied add five cents pgr Dniy surrender and free silver, b a t a Icop to the old free wool basis of -wenty-seven centa a secared pound juncrtoiis : ordinary fine inediam U tah wooL =r mile. Hi* W estern wool-grower will do well to pouder this and to cub o at >Ir. Bi-5?aa‘s interview for reference w hen Rev. Mr. Che general i lancdal a^ent for the Baptist F em ale, 'Oiaiiiei'c-.ai LuL e.in. Nortiibcan.i. N'.: N otes • ftnancdal a^» T.'ni'versity at R a le i^ says he ha.-? ihua ; far collected I60.CCO for it in cash. The \ indebtedness is.now $2.".000. The pl-e-i dges ag^pg'ite JIO.OOO. The great i work ahead now is ra prepare ; for ISO m ore sludents. Thas: : f,r. A::ama.i3 •• buf--rd.~ “ ij.nii.fim...“ y - . Air;.-. - Lt. X “ W‘mobster. tiired near their camp, they «!ut ten. shaft."* secured a doubled-barrelied shotgun \Wtii In the riv.tr cliff, and, working ilav and ! whicb he attempted to shoot Jarah. His - = - ■ • ’ • daMi^btor rushed between tbam, tbe shot taking efte-'t; io lier neck an<l head, killing i;er instniuly. Jfarsh rdcoiv.i.l the con- touts of tfie (jtber barrel In tbe abdomen. )<wn:.u. pr.?-.-s, rVvotuI;^. f-iCn-.s. I'of.r-•«T>*AnvBNTl Ras BV Sfc V A.ND I^ocn, WiT/.r.o TlL,*>iroP, Bro'-.RAri’V, St iHNf r, wnilcental i.-iiorniaticn. Dcpartrmnts: t'/tU dr^t, tfflftr* ', j\Hlhor.-\ Z'r>x,I'Cm Oniyhr:/-h iiloRlmtodiit'^.irvioumiti <>{r'4t)enjlcirr';l;«tion pnhiished in J ii«» Mal^ for Her>^r «: vicJtf^r ; tijo«o «bnt up la Ihe town. Pnblic opinion , compelled tbe British Government to make - , » pMdiglor.s effort to Rave it. Not slnct* tbe days of the Indian mutiny bas an Eng­lish .army been so long beleaguered. While tbe conferences e.ugtneered by Joseph Chamberlain and Sir Alfred Mllnor were going on. General Sir George White. V. C., who bad been Commander-fn-Cblaf of tbe British forces In India, wa^t sent to Natal to take command of tbe British troops that had been poured steadily Into Kouth Africa. Ladysmith wa«i tbe military heail-ioar- ters of tbe colony. When President 1 Kruger sent bis ultimatum to tbe British Wblte had small rjigbc for forty-eight hours, coastruct--d ac { iiudprground g.iibirv capable of holding imif ihe garri.^ofl." Wiie:'. General .-^Ir Redvers Buller was 60if. TAYLSS’S ? :;;^ ^ ^ — ^FREE LOVE LETTERS ft^.d ao C«*ntr. for i:.r^o mr-nth s tr. ■! R;;l>scr!Ft!o::/'/«' A.Vc/-a.v,j' .\asJivill/*.T^rn.Karh leUcr }■& wcil jilj-t-atrri. Th-v p.r-aiUlrrss^.l tol Mlf Vaa,, i.frls. E.-rhelors.nmmnter*. KitJdl.;; s, fiji:iPran‘R. 5:.v!ljcr>'in-f.aw,SiH)rl4itton, 5.>;^>lhr3r;R, T«-arhrr<;.rh«'y *n» forsicWM the Jrst v.<- \ t.S;st h;3 e\er rr.n’pfrom '*iiv. V.ivlnr'i*fi<Mi Hi a ; rif'r. f^raU r, a;iU cu!‘r'-.u.:fti.«! aSTria^aat!i<* TOf^W ;:<!r if, ______________>fnii'ic:!.{/'v;.a>t^:r.iniot.t: 5y Govftrnmont, General garrisons scattered up tbe neck of Natal as far as Newca-stle. Xhejie he was obliged to recall, as well as tbo troops gnarding Lalng’i) Nek, tbe pass through which tbe railroad enters Natal.He left 4000 men under Geueral Hymons made Commaader-iu-Chirtf of tbe British force^i iu Sontb Africa be took uoou him- .^eSf tbe task of reliov- ing Ladysraitb. H-3 landed la Uurbau,Natal, iu Novembi'r. He manag-;d to rcaob tho Tugfila Kiver by December 15, when hlfl army of oO.CCO w.is defeated at Goienso with t r e m 3 n d o « s losaw.P.y this ti-no eggs were -selling in Lady* smith for ii.ZO ?. do?:* en, fifty potatoes brought 6I->. aiid wbtsfcy %33a bottle.General Bailer “=at tight” for nearly » <*e-v. i.yT-:i,Erox. month to recover and to be reinforced 3Xake a >'ofe o f I /. BiHcitasing the lnab»2r tuade. E . 0. Baker, of the B iker B rotheix' L am ber room . Company cf Piattabar*/. is reported to aum - hava said recently; "ber ot new ones nave applied already “ The Inniber trada is lu an nnnsa- for adm ission nest aucumn and will ally pco.'^nerocis condition. T h e ro is a p i s e t h e c f b o a rd e rs :a a t i g re a t d e il m o re m a rk e t th a n w o e a aea= t 30« T h e = >f n o w eix- ; a f “ ==^=>‘‘7 aJvaacia^. fromwbicbbH died one honr afterward. | date the 130. and ic can be hullt for increased prices do not seem -- *• $15,0 0 0. to slave interfered .Titb b auduig m any i wav. The cuilook for contin'ieu ac- Clyde 3ellei=. a mrgro conliued In j tivity ia very briglit.” jail at Greensboro, made his escape , . a dacidsdiy difiereub' sifc'ia* aboiit 4 oVIcck M ciday m oniiag und-r i th^ -ft-il- ■peculisr circnm staaces. He donned a ' boo'sa. w om ai-s dre^s, aad represeathrg Mm-,lur- cMf ' oT^ • fr. ; Thonsan.la ot Itrm bar-seir to Tie ». female tni^.,. gom g far : :d" Grri!nri;> - ■■2“ fwarbur,* • '■“ L-faifc* ‘•* b.a.-k-b-:-.: -•• Ki:g = H- ‘ ..“ ■ •» —•• i^hATU, fAr. (jre nsb-jrui U tlieii cut bis throat from ear to car dyiug In a few minutes. FOR THREE CUBAN REGIMENTS. J l a r F o iin N ucleus o f Jfatlv e A rm y— W ith d ra w al o f A iu ericao Forcc«». W.vsup-aroy, D. C. (Special).—Is ia un­ derstood to be the purpose of the War De­ partment. in carrying out its already an-! a hiickeij water, passed the guard ^ !n..in..edpoH =yo!'reda=lagth, H is ;o s ;;c e ° ™ |pnKn tf\ iiAoin wifbin I ^ I was maru.eti. _ . . . f *, *io »o»fc Tvw luou uuiici ueuciai ojruiuus jx*3 utaue «i general advance ou Januar D“„id?«“ V n r r ? ' “ "‘“ rt ’" r - ; WM nghtins ne.arly evsryTfc^ Yoa' Aeft I cli. C'>.> Ti kb. [ I January ■£&. While tbe British tool Jie made a general advance ou January 10 . , and then wiw figbtlng nearly every daplies at Dnndee and Gloncoe. General untilJanuary 26. W 1 White wanted to fall back to the Tagela. s^v^ral posirfon.a, it wa«? at tremendou* ihuthesacrincedm llltaryreasonstopolitl. fost. and they were found untenable.no' 1 ] cal one«. tabl-/ Snion ICop. I When Lhe Boer? wade that rfWlft and un- Tbcr? wa.=« u lull in tbe fighting for a'-'w i j ftspe^tcd dftsecnt on Natal the British werii 'uiy.-. (Jenoral Bnller 'alUng back to Vb# ' amn^jeJ. War wi« de-'lared on Occober 1 2. TugeJ". f)n Fehri:ary 3-S Ciencral Bollor Amoricau troops iii Cuba, to begin within sl.x weeks the rednccion of tbe prefsenC for^e of 9,000 to about 5000. wblch llmic will be reached by the beginning o' sum­ mer.Tue proposition Is onder consideration to organise three complete Cuban regiments; with Cuban officers, to replace the Vnized Btates troops in garrtson=, and to form the nucleus of the Cuban army which would exist wbon tbo Island passed from the Unit* ed States control. j m ere was m arxet. Lum berm an wiU not detected for some time wiiea he j do weU to n alte a aote ot th e coatraat ■was •probably miles from Greensboro. | aad to rsaem b er it w hea th e tim e • The engaged the Ligllflb outpoac ! OJtoiwr H.! Gea'eral Symons made an atLaclc on ; OctCiMei'20 at Glencoe and Ibe Boers fell = back with a loss Ibat the British estiiuated ' at 509 killed nod wounded. Tbe British ; loss was thirty-six killed, Idl wounded and : li08 prisoners, a sqaadron of the Eighteenth j Hujjaars falling Into a Boer trap, the flrs-t of tbe war. General Symon‘5 was mortal­ly wonudeil. :ary resnrr^j.i opcratfons. Lord Loborts’a <^am- ’.jajga having flrawa p.way ma»v Boer.'^J Sfncf: tbeu General Bn Her bas made pretty ste.<dy progpes.^, meeting only .one chaok, Witan tue InnlskllliDg t ’aslller^ lu attempt­ing to rash Pieter's Hill suffered frightful- V. rosJn;r rourteen o! seventeen officers Ul.led and wound-dd and 250 men. Lidy^mitb wa.? saved in the nicl: o! time. Its^'arrison was almo« at Its las gasp. i;um e<1 to De.ttli in a Wreck. The Mii»sourl PaclJlc’s local pa'i?eDgi=T urain from St. LouLs rau into the rear end of the same road's 8t. LouLs day eipra.« a mile east of Independence, Mo. A blind­ing snow.'^torm v.-ag in progress, the worst known in years. The rear car of the ei- pretw was a Pnllman. It w:ia completely wrocked and soon after il? debri.? caught rtre. Two women were burned to dc.itb. Dae was Mrs. J. G. iicbmidtapp, of Cincin­ nati, Obio, aud tbe other has not been identilled. Hi.i otber passengers and a nremaa were slightly burned and scalded. 'Mr. John T. Sink, Jr.. o! Lexin;^on tGW'uship, Davidson countj'. killed a t-c.s last week th a t is rem arkable for the am ount cf cash it has netted its owner. It was a sew and weighed 50? pounds when killed. Mr. Sinks Sdvs he comes a^ain to choose betw ean “ tjiriST reform” and the coatinaance ot our present prosperit-y-briugiug protective tanii. The latam utiiinal Cru.^v. Thera is uo tariiT on a'll-. mobiles. raise* IIT pigs from this sow. which | B at there is a so-called autom obile ‘"i™®-” an authorized capital of ^'5.000,000. This-wonldsasgest that A New OTSter SyoiUcate. Tbe movetnanl to form an oyster trust Ite^cned I'roui the Filipino*. .Kh a result of Jaformation brought tc !danila by a t>oatload ot Spanish pzlsonecs who escapsd from tho Insurgents, the tracsport AIrva with fifty marines from tbe m .-.--------- rruJsur Brooklyn was seat to the Gulf offour Htatea iu t'l© water* of which lue new iiagAi on tbo south coast ot Luzon and the company M to operate oj»tlon.^ on gcoau«U ; iroous sjiceeeded in re-culne 500 Soani^bl OOO.OOJ have been b.'>t:glit. Theeompauv i ♦fstiinuteft tbat U'-.?l.l dlstrlbuto ia the mnf- ! with a uapKal of al>out-t3,D00,0C0 haa taken •aape. 'I'ho corporatioo Is to be known a^» tbe Coniiolldated Oyster Company, with beadqnarter.4 In Sew Yoik Oltr. In the lYouan SaQrasist to Xtai»« a Tund. . 3iiasSnsanB. Anthony has undert.ikea to raise an endowment fund of *500.000 for tUe National Suffrage Asao-iinlion. The . fund will be placed In tbe liands ot twenty' I -nroflnVtouo trustees, wbo shall uso It as they see j lac.arcd-pioduct. fit to secure equal political rights for worn2C. he sold for $353. Add to this present worth cf pork per . pound, say five ■ceats, and it will 'be seen th a t he re* alizcd exactly sy77.40 from, one hog. A furniture -factory w ith a paid up capital o! $20,0 0 0 has been orgranised a t Oxford w ith 5. W. P arker as presi­ d en t The State has chartered the Sanford Furniture Company, authorized capi­ tal stock, $100,000; stockholders. J. W. Scott, W. J. Edwards and others. Meetings of the foianers of Chatham county are called for to-iaorrow to dis­ cuss tbe recent increase in the prke of iertilixers. advise utilizing home fer­ tilizer and buyins less of the man:i- Lr <4re *i-?^-'rv - • a t. .......... At. . Ar. Siohaionc.- Ar. Wi:i.*-r •* f^ o r-P .c. “ New i->rk. ------------r,:' £oatIiLaund. Ui..:-' * Lv. N.V.. ?.•».£.; ** i'h'oCiiiiuiu “ \V.;.>iL't./n ;•.: « r< Cl t • ' Lt. Bichmon-i.. Lt-. Diuiviiic ..i.-- Lr. Noi'oik. Ar- (i: e’n;ibor'>■ Lv. Gre'ndbiyrr:- Ar. Charicire. I.T <4as*r<mli.“ Elns: , il-. “ E.a-tibar?: •* Gainey, ^fpar'bnr.:“ Gre«nTii..i** Cmtrai “ frer.*~ra “ W'mias:r?r *• ri*. Airy. ; o • i.) iU; ^ ;: 4';^ ' ■'' ♦iet tlnibulk of tbo oysters used, or ue.arly 4,000,000 Irasbels every sensou. InoftDdiarlam at Martinl4|«e. More Trooptf For Soatk Africa. Tbo Brili&h .'irmy e.btlm'ates show au iu- •treaae of 4200,000,000, aud LordLansdowue r.unounced ia the House of Lords that &■>,. <500 more r*3Pn would be sent to Sooth, , a, , 'irj uiuTK mt*:! wumu utt »eni lo ooucn the W .2"o?°M .rSq“ui? i a. .rraQ sern^t, 00..K1 U ' U U i m ^ ( 3 5 3 K O R F O L K U p C O L U M B U S . c L o s E c o s m m m ;d>^. W . B.BEViLL.Genesalfe.'s&.AgQit R O A N O K E . V A . «iiea iiinss* Coal bas been dlscov**rdJ near D.awson Alaska. lSoer*Brltlsb irav Tbe baby oarriage trust U going to ad- ^aoc« prie«4 thirty cent. Chicago, Boston. Cleveland and PbUadel- The anci^l castio gates ot Tokio, Japan relies of feudal days, have been de».ol- ished. Old soldiers In Unglaud have been askei^ to volunteer for home defense. • Author Conan Doyle bas Invented an ef* ..... . frttftlve new riae-sigbWug appUanoe foiAutomobile elul« have bwu organized at the British Goveruoient. I A factory at Benuos, Frauoe, lua re« j celved an order from the Trunsvaal Gov- • israinet for 150,000 artillery shelU. ■ Stationers in' I«oudon hay tbat the ue* muud for moutnlQg paper fs greater nuw„ . . .................... U huuat ftuy lime since tbe oholeru epl-;»iitucket iHlaud, oojoys a ! detclo of 3W<^*40. ' Chnrlps H ^iri Gtbl>s, tho ii^ei.fer of a lighthous<> 0!i Kaiit •aaiary ot 61 a year. v ‘ Tt*e Leglslaiure of Hisslssippi bas passed ft Ull forbldaing the sale o{ eoeaiue^ezoept OB tb i prascriptiou of a physielaot president MoKluley replied to the ra , qaeet ot a Oanton COuio) maas luedtlug'fm oiodiatlon by aendmg the ohaifiQan a oupy ptm s AooaiJ AWfifttfO.;v Seutenced for Sellina; **sapt>o.” Frederick Kahler, .a dealer in books, wa^ feentencej by Judge Finleiter, in thcCrim* Inui Court In PbHa-Iolphla, to oue year imprlHoniueut for seillug c.jpie> of Dua< det’s novel. “.Sapbo.” Four I'ruzeu to Death. .Mrs. Pradenoe Pa?e, aged olghty-seveu years, wandered from home In Philadelphia clad In a uigbtgowu aud was frozen tu death. James Johusou, seventv-ibvde yeais old. a rloh resident of Pomeroy, Peuu., wuS frozen to death iu a roml Meat ^is home.Near Archibald, Veuii., uu uuidfeutliled m.an was found fr<>zuu lilllT.Alexander Oouglas«i wf Puyttr, \Xel., pur-islifld In a auowdfl|‘ oo>>l^ Hill, PoL View* nr Two '»nipr!‘>‘\M Qeimt«l K«iso«, i. IflMS 8»H »hfl »«v- wonder ut nenocul j •t'-'r- -rUslp itau At a mass meeting o( the Preaby terians cf Charlotte »13.000 was saii- scrRied to enlarge the Presbyterian col- leso tor H'omen in tha; city. T h U amount comiiletea the fund ot JJO.OOO KhiL-h the trusieed dec-icled to a.'teapi to raise a ffcw months ago. wlta J300 to bvare. It is bald tliat Raleig?! capital will establish a large Ice-matittg piint on the line of the aeaboard Air n^ar Southern Waes, using the Terr clea* water of thai aaudhiU region. A charter haa ,beea groated ra, Oapelsie Ooiion .Milte, at or near T r ^ Monlsomery county, auciloriiea U l w w ow>; AY. K. Ca®il aad omers. 0/ .MontgamMy couatj-, and d a . 60ua M 4 C o .. <rf «^K hohler«„ The mans w in »la-.» IFaif tor ttTists. There is another m terest- i •» Ltui.' tngfacfcfA eonncction with :hi3 atti:o- “ mobile “ traat.” It is that, a.:coraiiis , » “ S S u to report, tae proinoc.irs ot the com- ' bication parposo to anlfce aU the im- rtanra. portant British and American aatomo- biie ecEctiriis into one organization. When a trast c^n be fornitrd iu re- : specfe to a product on which, no tariff j is imposed, and when, fortheraiore, ! ^ t tru st eoatem pU tea the uniting of ’A T % __ -_1 . . . 1 •i5 laaij :<) .• Between I.iU I W ILE x . Xo. i3. 5T A i.- ’>- ■ Sju.0. D:iily _ 8 10 p 11 06 a Lv .1.^'-^ .8 5t*p 11 W a • '4,^7-'^-:.8 50p- 11 y ii Ha.-*:-. ... B ritish aud Americaii interest.^ into ^ !2 ri»pAr_c_" ocecom paay. It onght to b e se lf-e v i- : . “A” a- m. “F ' p- ni- *- ^ Ctesa??er.ke Line 5r‘r~ -v 'i. J butweea Norfuilta^iii- •".Vi----1 Noe. i'i and . .... .| de2.ti to all bat the wilfally blind that th-e trust problem is atterlv distiucfe from any question of tariiik'' Not Forsottcn. OL. yes; the vague impression is still witli as that oar laborers were dnly warnad in 1S32. L at tiiey voted to turn themselves oat of work. Re­ sult: Soup hoase and aemi-starvatioa Wilson tariff. Oh, yes, ^ve r^ e m b e r Suaihv.-esttfin ~Pui-maa5;et*r;ui^ -a« -•? : . 5i“W lirleans. via V yilonr«on:cry. aad a.^’ ^ -” .^ ''''1 atecipUis. v’3 ^ asmmgf^anx. Also e:eci— - . OttaavATio:*Yoik. 'F^rstvlass tb-:_r tweta»'Wasiiic;5ton an-a- ■erveali mea.s en rr- • .s.r, JSa^t or rrosi>«rl»7. locust—“I ttuderataad prosperity SM made Kausaa fiarmets forget £te« silTar.” E»asa» Fatmer—“ Oh, indeed! Test vVTias U3 tatmers is mostty dispntia’ ^oat cow is whether a cyeloM sailer a ooghter b« built in the Qoeaa Aaais e’lonial styler'_Datn>it Jour- . bejweea • vit u d v : ru:iiaauar»>kLaii;i'.'--:.- ■ - 1 Greeasboro and >orto^-c . • .♦ Norfolk for OtD Fyis^.'Jios.35 anda^I-nite-i.- '- ; 8o,*i«i between Wasninr - - < • J via 6cu:aem Kaiiway.L. 4 X. B. s.. being ;'msd coaches. throGiC '*r:•engQr^ of an classes,*le«}’tng cm» betwe»'=leans. Ti» Atlasta tween t'bariotte and ••rve all meals en «Nots. n, JSk W and betwcea Eiclanvad anfYiile»si)atiibOttaii>os. **KoaMaJsdlS- nujiKSNiiANSU-;.Third V-P. * Qen. ii'_ J yj ■W.A.TCBK. a. y . f .It rh e u m , o r a n y h i l L e cu red b y T e tte rin J I S ' . » n d th « _ = V “ ^ J F t w e fficacy IB ■n-ell 4 Bnndreds of toslim onia J ® T T Shnptrine, S i J 50C. for a b o s i lour d r u g e ^ ’ -j^iihelnninaaFine Ska'.e queen of Uollan.l | I “rpllent l.orscl>ack rulel r a cr. l-e«-l.-.diosa,l I V e pa>=U“ »'-T. ot her entourage d lj Jiitin s ®" '*’? 1linocii the palace .uardoi;4 tis tbb'iiue'-’" " “ '.‘’“ Il a centlemon sliatc tori Vouns I-ea»a“ fl r , .ind lishcrmcn Lstencd to wooden .^hul to rn l p a rly ’'itlio u t t h e ! tie* ge »' ‘“■‘lK e r S'veet -C.oc m orsel lect the part.v. TIh-.c .s| Ictlmes I.iat for several I 1 r „ r c n Col.l lnO,.c l>a.vl Vggi^-___.................... . I i,as 1 frr^iriiitii.ii ri.v < h | r IS I;kO' E^,1-. U l:i HUUplr H-..M HM. Inform. •.ure—uwi>.*y. l| IulnKeTaionii wi'-houi i'i^t Impllnn. Ualway.eur.-..-. •os, Xw'.hnm. ■ )d Arc C urc:l by lu rin e s Blood. lures hiptions, dicates j-ofula. *‘l WJt«-1 roi llWot^-'he.- '.‘a i| and l»o^!i:i llood’.s H:j- Alt<*r talJnu o l I wab cn iir-'lvf .Miss I;- : iJiuik-^l.urK. Al| “.\ly iT -lir !M!:iU>r ill till v;hi'')i brtKvoffri^'!ttfu^ S.»rfn;'«r!Un :i jnuiH'nliv' iMii 71. L. i:j.L[.s| Laun l. N. 1. T -My littl.i b l »nr«o .s.-rorulT ill.s L*;.-k. l p | ;i b o rilfo rilo H:ipHrilla ni.dj I tak*‘ ll.'-O'if ?.priiti.' »'•! MtN' !K s.-i vii|... N. V feluro.^ 01 Utcur p a ii.-st aitcctioii ::;u.>iv.r I Croup and Whooping J Vlled for Consum ptives. I Jk, s:trc rcs'ulls. KtfiibC buIj.-liP ^sJ’illscureHih'citjiifss^ Tru:.’] So. lO. IIMERING G9RnEGT£d ■Write liiiii for ard pi traded Use of a Sarccpha ^sor .Tacol) Krnll of Blujrist, lu .i<>ut'ui':-liml L ou his wjiv to ih«‘ |ss iu ivom*-, CHUM* ;i ail auciciu lOjjyplI |us of roso jinm ilf. 11. [ j iu Eqypt sixty yenr«J ;J ■hii;h \v:)s lo lu'i’.i;: ili<[ p hiul to stoj) at 'i'ricst I .Vs socurily for ih*> <-d :."0. the sar>*ophay:m^ I aud placfil Ui iht? i u»n E‘-> rt*sid«'i!*;c,.'ViM»n* 11. i Inally as a wa<hiu« tio orijiinal h.iuio ilu* ponged to Sullssaciil. « isL dijjuitaW rs <ii' J It is ai)out y. ai ipes to keep \i. . ■in the froniicr tlic wor<f 1 almost cxclusivcly to : in v iie e l t o w r P i n k h a m fa * about iheSr i > P i n k h a m f e l P M ’S H O ^1 (jerra-KUItr. T . onlv • ‘‘ooe! i \ - T ^ loiiaijv 1, c?t in livii ’ "Omni Sillier Dl.n.l«,e<l the (i„„, .lervcn- P.„;ie,. ^ ot I hat typ,, „r ^ cr f I'lii" ii lataor more I ot tn b? l.irge. That he is, v.b'3 wi.I aKovn- Kuv orJi etatiM is to s v u vc ' liij,, 10 til;rk«i=hi5 inn.-i IE Ins hntise uot lont, .in we!:-Knov,-n ica:; wajpr'eJ )!,1 j.r. r,a.-Ldoic vhir-h wa, >;u; - liiat the l.;d;r., , ■ly (lispleasc-d ; n.] dist-es the riinnfi- was over Si* i 'nstilP i-.e'l -l!r. A.'s ran crpd vlicn ibe Imtler ajpu, :ict exiicct lay ijrougaam io ilid Mr. A., an<l and there is of (l'?!iance in his eyei , i-s did noi leply, but he took J the arm. and Ie,| him geati.tii lil. •'It is timp for yon to 5^ d qii.etly aad his guest wcttl Ey«* and t-auftcr. (■; of the patlc-ats Ja laniUci nvp b^’ov.-n or black erei. lU T n E R N "" RAIEWAV.I Ji5a??i ofPa«?2;crT Iii E^Te ’t ^Xov. 18. lS7i». , Ves.|tbeoti<l. Xo. 1:3. X«». J5f I'jL ‘.\’aj ;uv:>y Daily Suu. i ■ ?n^a 1210=: 4oJpU,iTi s;-''a It*. • j .>'1'! .. . ' 4' !i ... ’’ j;r^-r«L • la iA>a . .....; i«;r: i• '..I- 1'.* 13 r.1J-J:. :i:: . - .1 Ii -5:-.Air.i. i*il cv : H■ai!rsier., 1-'at. ?.......' 1-j 1 W] rr!ivi;i<' ! - .ii j . —F nr bar?.'*-^v- C>c- i 4cOi. :<-! a;“5p’ :23p;Jg2 i: r s v;? ... S^-r-i !s 2i'r3 3:' P: f wp, . ■ 4 te n«;N ‘Tyj•It...::. Ii ‘r.p 1! 5* r 3 0 S' • ■i::.- .::............ I ........»■- .......:::!jjjja iVrS. ; , iLoutid. Xc, :i5. f ; tv.pp.u. i2 3.is ■.......ki::mo-<.'.. 6i'2a : ii 15n Ichiiivo i.. IToTS’ ii» r‘ iii!;'- |.!;viilc.. 0 o;;!. Jiv'risb>ro' ■iBricno..: Ift.-ronii. jLncV >.!?.-•■a -Itabai ):Tifft-cj-..|.fcr bur^.:L-3Vii;y.jn tia i .. -I.............1 2 i'6T ini.j>.:iT-t........• 3 2 KW V •• . 5 Ua' luiDi’! wo<«{ ’i’ g ; ' U p\’-i IB ■ola. . -i 4 lT«, « jl’S' _&ord. . 4 ................ §;8vl lororofi. 5 ^ 3‘**vfV-' 10^'jjta.ET-l mOc' 4Tlanta.CTjSWaL.Si’i - r : ^ Xo. 13.' STATiOXS- . D.iiiy.. I p' 11 *«Ip' 11 «>5al.v.!{. •• MaysnUo . j Jn^erl ■ i> II .*2 a “ HarmoJ.' I a S i^ Ij: Me clo-^ conaociio” ”*“■* urli-Kiii. 'i* «V^mcr^, and alw '*'2'“ tWi'»u piiis, via ■Ras ;m?Wt ^ IJ Urn, Ateo cIsRM'uvATioii CakkR rstcisrih o ^ g ;- V f in?r s;cHipmjrc«r liiugton and Sai»h a J draw m p-roow coau? tall rr.eaJs eon MoacHjs. ^ n?r s;cHipmjrj»r biugton and Sai»l a J draw m p-roow jJ o tP .^ coas* ijsboro and ^43lk for OLDS as anti 30—c ® >iVf!b?m een Washington **;u:bcm K ai'W . y . f . a ., being oa.:bof«. tbroavb till Classes. jjip <-*r« H VostS®®S*(!,. n» At:anta ™1 f'h arlo ttc «nd Atla® .nit m «al8 en f^.}I, hi-. Hi “ d 1.:—MU Bichraund JB6uthjoimdS<».U •» ■84 and 1^- j. r ™ A tetter, eczema, or anything o § “■“ .nredbv Tettenne. It t ^ 'i :" „ l t h c Ekin becomes r '? “‘’i*cacT is -n-ell estab- ,„ a . of testimonials can n :'", T Sbuptrine, Savun- ’ "• 1 'iof for a box post- Wilheln’'"®„a,’fn of llollaiul is no! r rider Jmt r,.«-ladi.-s aro her [■“'•. As soon as ilie h.T .'i.toiirasc discover r " . Ml i. r on till' c.iinils ivitll C l " ' ’■?■ ' n:',,« Y..ir,!i iicasiints wiij tishorni.'u «ilh ihoii a to woc.cU'11 siloes II;-- t J.I!T.‘ "f " fV r%W''> j .:., II,.'I«iri.v. T!..-se Skatlus last for several bour, L rur, a •V . T1EI.F.T3. \1Is.TlvE i, i, ,„,i,,„,-,.r.>. - ,,.,.'i.-r..-o to <lve Mith i’trr •■i"'”'’,',,-, ' t-Iaii.ly Coilii.K yoLt <v,i!ilic tnt'nu- ■ ^ j.,... for rhiU.< ' . ; 1;;. .if *;!:OVE r> TaVTH-FK* Kv'ii 1: Ji-i:-;•:•• Kit.i <iaiiiiiio iaN.. .-u-c-Bvj.;ir. Vrl-.-o3u5 tod Miimors Arc Curcrf iJJf r s a p a r illa iPurilies i Blood. ICures Eri'Dtions. ladicates erofula. •I wa* :rnv-M*'-l with b!ou*Ijt.- 0:1 uiy fiiee, •inU tnkiri'.?Scir-apari!!:!. A:tt‘r laSiin*; Ofn' hoiila I v.iib fiijir-'lv cur«-tl.” M » Jlnrt::. MjaKR,I'iiiik-'LiiirK. Ahlsf*. ••Mv !i:i«I a ’ '.::i mT ill his blood v.bi-ii br.jko out i» frifrlitfm H*j■'ctrarj tnkitj;: Il'iod's it per-ti::iii*-:itiy Sii:n.’* T[. L. i.ixis, Mouiit T-uuP'l. N. .T. •'My litlJis boy !u»‘l a soro onill.' L*‘t-k. 1 j.un'JiJiieil :i of IToO'lV Sar-and it riiriMJ. I ?ak'- j!.-« Tuv-l^hnu- s.Tii.-.-’ Mus. M-v' If; S. E.vi:, Tarlsij- viii-. N.V wi;.!r I'-a ilogs i? ilb- ['■■ •>. 'ii£r Xeu* York mm m Is Croi;p and Whooping-Cough §'eI!H5 for Coa.«uinptiv*es. Gives, rc:-u:>. K<.ft;sc ia’ja;itul'.-s. y.':F.!:scu}ei::::cu.;:fii, TriaI,zofor$c. So. 10, t e l S G ODRREGTcD ^ '•-•ill.-1.1,11 r..r I afSi. li.-. aril p-jrii .ular-^ I;$r3(icd l>e of e Sarccpiiagu^. P'—or .lan:it Knill of Vicuua, |i‘'l'Os{. ill .i->nr)n>yin*z jktoss tia oii liN v.:iy m ih« Orieutnl ;u J'oiiii-. c,M»5i‘* In liii aiK.-ivui Kjrypliau sar- |?(i< of r<ix.- It wns dis- U in Kcyiit sixty yn\Y< Tbe ■v.bicli \v:»> ly ilu* liud 10 ^■11 h.;i.l 1 :»* Trlci^tc foi* rc- .V': >!'.-v.riiy for iho cost of re- l ;i.<* sr.iv-uphajru^? whk left ftUil ill ;5i(. .-ui'.rrysml of ' ?!' 0, \vl;OV(‘ it.wsis u.-eJ |i«n;iliy ;is a ivonirb. "ri':in:il li..jiif‘ shi* s:»i‘roph!i- p'-lorj^'ol iM Suiis-'ucat, ou«* of tlie 't. i'.f Pharjioli'.s |. Il is ;ihc;n y.-ar.s uid. Aus-' tn jt. . I . AGBiCOLTOBiL feassjiiHiaBiaeiaiej^^ Value or tUo Scparfttor. Tho nse of the eeparator is <loiug fuacli toward m aking winter dairying profitable. If it ia properly maiJOged nil tlitj butter can be tsken from the milk, or so near it as to amount to a . loss of aboat one uonnd in a thousand, while the old system of settiag the milk iu a roooi where it might freeze often oansed a loss of two or three pounds in a hundred, aud sometLnies the butter refused to come at all, or was worth but little when it did come. W ith separntor and all the other im* prored appliances iu the dairy room, a kanwledge of what is good food, aud all the other dairy information which has been disseminated iu the past twenty years it would seem as if the dftirymeu should have an easy and a jn’olitable business, much better than wc Lad twenty years ago. How Fertlllurd Aflecl Votatoet, ~ Thi ee years’ test at the Virginia ex­ periment station seems to warrant the eonciUflion that potatoes grown with­ out fertilizers contain the greatest amount of dry mattei*. Tho addition Ol fertilizer tends to diminish the dry maUwT iu proportion to the amount j i;pp]ied. Potatoes grown with sulphate j ol potash contain more dry matter than : where muriate was used. The ash did uot iippear to bo affected to any appre­ ciable extent and the same is true of ttarcb. Neither the kind nor tho r.mount of fertilizer seemed to have ! :.hj effect upon the percentage of ui- trogen, phosphoric acid aud potash, bat the percentage of uhloriue was j considerably higher wheu muriate of • patp.ah was nsed and iucreased with ihe amount aj^plied. rr.>Qucu( AlilUiiii;* I has been well established by L-.iincroas experiments by scientists, iiiat iho longer lime that elapses be­ tween milkiug.«j, the less solids will llie cow yecrete in her milk, .'?ays Iioai*d*s Dairym an. Those who have i::ade tests oE cows for pnrpo.ses of competition have also noticed that a cow will give considerable increase iu holids, ns well as in qaautity of milk r-ov.', if she is milked three times a licy iubte.id of twice. T'.ie physiological Iaw.«, whicli in- Hueace aud govern the tiov.* of milk, fthonld meet with m uch more study by cow owners than is done. W e arc loo apt to go along in a careless and indilTereut manner, forgetting that tt’ir success with tbe <?ow can be j/rcatly increased cr dimiui&hedthere- by, Kvery m an wIjo milks a cow is •Isaiicg with one of the most complex f.'^d delicate machines iu existence. JIc ought to be a sinccre, earnest stu­ dent of the wonderful varyiug forces v.-Lich may atiect that muehine to his 1'vjiiL or loss. t’laiiDinc; Farm Wovk. The farmer should decide upon the iielda he intends to cultivate next sea- •son long before the time comes for putting the seed in the ground, and shotild try to decide what crops he will put upon them. In making his decision, he should consider not only t!:e auitptutiuu 01 the soil to the crop, but hov.- the work upon the various crops can be eo planned that he will not have too m any ii-ons in tho fire. W o know something about it, for we hive been there nnd have hud to plow up a fair-looking crop while growing, because it was so weedy as uot to be woith hoeing, as wc had been busy cu another field. But the best plans may be changed sometimes when one hus to do with anything ho tickle as the X c w England v/eather. Even in­ sects m ay force a change, as we were once forced to -chango an onion bed into a ir(]uash field, because the ouiou maggot had appeared in such n u m ­ bers that we saw the crop would be a failure. W e admire peraeverauce, but there is such a thing c*? being too obsiiuate, and striving against the in­ evitable. Give up when fairly beaten, and try to rettioyc fortune iu some other way. — American Cultivator. hatching, ibey are contented witll that. la this way some strains of pure bred fowl may have been so kept ant managed that tUey produce a lesi num ber ot eggs in a ycai* than Ihej would under better conditions^ aud a^ the chickens inherit the propeusitie^i of tbe parent aud tho grand pai*ent.H they deteriorate iu productiveness, m uch as a herd of dairy cattle would if kept in such a way that they werd not up to their standard in milk pro'- ductiou, But because certain strains under this management do not produce m any eggs. It does not disprove tho state­ ment with which we begau. Place the pure-bred hens and chickens u n ­ der the care of a good feodcr, and in three generations they can be made to produce more eggs than can bo pro­ duced by any cross-bred or scrub-bred, fowl. B y selection of eggs from tho best layers among them, this can be brought about, and the poultry keeper who expects to gi*ow chickens next spring ehoald begin this winter to feud his hens for egg production, aud should watch them to see w'hich to save eggs froui for hatching. W e have never attained the twenty dozen a year mark, and never expect to, for we cannot devote our time to the poultry yard, but we believe it to be possible and desirable and think it possible without losing any of iho juncy points called for by the poultry standard, though it might take a long­ er time if we tried to combine tho fancy points aud the egg production at the same time than it would be i£ we only selected the best layers without regard to the markings, as it would limit our number to select from. A Back For FeetUue Corn FotMur. Feeding uushredded corn fodder is hard work, on account of the difficulty of handling. There is also a greater part of the stalks that the cattle will not eat. This accumulating under the iU n ilic fri'iViicr t!\o vrord gun was ^ 1 almost CAclurivcly lo pistols. S.^ehu* D o u b le G lnxed. O q c of the ways iu which poultry r.ud other stock suffer is frooi the vapiil radiation of heat from the win- da.TS at night. Double windows are soi4elime3" u s ^ bat these are expeu- «iv.-», someVhal of a bother to put -on ttu l hard lo keep clcan. T h e cut shows a single eash, double g Uzed, v.’hicU a pouUrym an has re­ cently deeeribcd. . Ti^e sash is made fnviies§ to w H ia t o K n k h a m f o r f r » e a b o u t th e g i> h e a ia . Si P in k h a m i s a w o - S 3 ® * a c & e s o r w or ifyQ ntoB*Q s e r i o u s y ffm e a , w r H e t o s h e h a s m tabie Com pound Is l ^ ’lS u sa B lssp a k e n T ^msreise c a a p o s s l - V ^ ^ o s u i^ fo h a lp s u f- W o o t h o r ^ w n a feag h a lp o d s o " ' A ® *r Iia else Is aug- h a n d Is r com m it. SASII V.-iXH I>OL-3LE GLASS. .SO tbat tilo glass cau bo set on both i-Mea of tbe wooden bars, leaving a half iucli or moro of spase between. Tliis ff^ives a dottble w i^ o w uud tbe cost is saiil to bi: uot moi-e tUnn tw eiir ty-iive cents extni par sasli for the glass and :tUi labor of sciLiu?. Those u'ho drc pi-oTl'lins windows for nev,- oi- lem oilelcd poiiUry bouses, will do well to experim eut w itli this plan. The Klaziu« m ust be tiglit .ind cai-efnlly done to kaep out all ilirt an 1 dust from tb s inner «urface8 of tlie glass.—Xew E ngland Bom estead. rru c itc ftl P o u ltry Point»i. The pnfe-bie* lien will usually lav more eggs tbaa any cro.<i8 of lUe same breed, and many moro iban the scrub hen witU a laixtura of halt a dozon different breeds iu her inake- uij. If sbe does not it is tlie fault of tho one who cares for her. Some breeders really know m ore about tUe markings of tbe feathers aud shape of tha comb tbau they do about feed­ ing tbeir'pbnltry, .and they care more ab o u t h a v in g IbeBe p o in ls ja s t rig h t llian they do about the number of efig.s they recoive; says a wfiter in tbe Cnl- tivtttor. I t they can get egga m the •pring, when ikey are wact^d fer AX rX C ELLEST FEE1> BACK. cattle's fecit or about the feed lot soon becomes a nnisancc. Accompanying this description I send the sketch of a rack that will be easy to fill and which will retain tho stalks, allowing the cat­ tle to strip oil the leaves, corn and tender, eatable portions. The uneaten portion can be cleaned out before fill­ ing anew, and the useless stalks piled up for nauling away or mixed witli ihe accumulating manure heap, where the refuse of barn and stable is piled be­ fore being hauled to the fields. | The rack is to be built against tho fence, so that the filliugcan be done from the outside of the manger at “ a” beiug only high enough to retain the fodder. T h e frame of the rack should be m ade of 2sls. Tho rack “ b” should be made of four-inch fencing lumber, the slats about four inclics apart. T he outsiderack, “ c,” should- bo set out far enough so the cattle can easily reach down inside fco pick up the chair. T o guard against any waste here, it is well to have the bottom, ‘V ,” floored, aud the floor surrounded by a six-inch board. .Therack can bo made leoy length, according to the amount of stock to be fed.— J. L. Ir­ win, in American Ag^riculturist. PruuinsT Apple Trees in Winter. Thei-e has been a great deal of argu­ ment as to which is the best season for pruning apple trees. Some as­ sert that the work should be done at a certain period, while others are equally emphatic that some other sea­ son is m uch to be preferred, says a writer iu tho Mississippi VaUey Democrat. A ud there are a great many, in all, who think that the m au who advised that tho pruning bo done “ when tho tools are sharp” was about right. It is true that the ex­ perts assure ns thi^t pruning should be comnicnced when the tree is small, aud be so closely followed, year after year, that thei-o will be no necessity for removing brandies of m uch size, even after the tree has reached its full growth. Doubtless this is ail right from the expert’s poiut of view. For tlie m an wbo is able to give hie whole time aud attention to the care of his orchard there may not be a better plan. Sucb a m an •can watch his growing trees, and with a pruning knife, or shears, or at most a fiue- toothed saw, he eau keep the top of the tree in good shape and can prevent the growth of branches wbicli would prove useless or worse than useless, if they were allowed to remain upon the irce, instead of being destroyed when they vrere buds or only pmall shoots, ijut tbo mau wbosa principal business is farming aud whose lime is largely occnpied with tho cultivation of the soil au(t the care of live stock, fimlR such a course is altogethci' im- practiea!. H o wants and ongUi tn have, something of an orchard, but he must care for it more iu a general way and at “ odd jcbs,” ralber Ibaa follow tho olaborato methods which the professional fruit grower finds it desirable, or perhaps, even necessary, to adopt. For the reason above noted, ihe great majority of farm orchards need pruning, aud, while it is easy to over­ do the work, a great many of them need u-<gocd deal of labor to bring the trees into the best possible condition for future usefulness. W h en this work tthaU bo done i» a question for each owntn* to answer for himself, aud the answer, if it be a wise and judicious one, will depend very large­ ly upon his location and circum- .«»tancf>s. If located in the far north the farmer will uot attempt to- do i m uch with his apple trees until tho I nest spring is fairly opened. This, I for tho doable reason, that during the ; winter tUo cold is luucti too severe to i work iu tbe tree tops with any degree I of comfort, and because wUeu low I temporatures prevail the removal oS ■ branches at this season would be al­ most sure to pormaneutly injure tbe j t r e e s . _____________________' I Whifln a do? barks.at uia'it iu Japan ■ the owuer is arrested aud sentonced I to wort for a year for the jleighbora .-whosB slotabers nay-bare bocu dis- I t u x b e a .:^ ^ ,- ,; _ ^ GOOD ROADS NOm Connoctlcnt HlKbwaT>> The annual report of Highway Com, miBsiouer McDonald, just issued,; niinga out some new and importand featares of the work for highway im< provement iu Couuectieut. There arc now some 1.5,000 miles of highways oJ all kinds iu the State, ot which the# Commissioner implies that about one- half are practically useless,but caunot' 00 diseontinned on account ot costl^ questions of laud damages. The maguitude ot the general work highway improvement is indicated by, the expenditure, actual or to come, of about §800,000 during tli© years 1899’ and 1900. AltbougU the smaller aud' poorer towns are, more commonly thau heretofore, availing themselves of State aid under the new law, the weallhier towns taking it are still iu the majority. Altogether, however, since the State aid plan Avas adopted, 138 towns out of 168 in the State have taken the State aid. There is an in- creased tendency to use the S ta ^ funds in grading and gravelling. Only two towns did so in 1895, aud twenty- one towns in 1898. T he Commissioner believes that tho m axim um width of a State aid road should not exceed sixteen feet. H e opposes the long trunk roads to bo built by the State, until the local work of improving roads under the care of tho towns is more advanced. H e points out that, as all the shore towns but two have taken State aid, there will eio long be practically a truuk line along the shore reaching from tho N ew York io the Rhode Isl- and State lines, a distance of 120 miles. H e commends the work of the League of American Wheelm en iu erecting sign-boards at Connecticut cross-roads. The importance of good roads in attracting summer residents from tho cities is strongly emphasized. H e urges that the Federal Government create a fund of $50,000,000 to be ap­ portioned among the States in aid of highway improvement. Maryland Improveinents. Figures gathered by the State G eo­ logical Survey in Maryland as pre­ liminary to the work of road improve­ ment in that State show that of tho 14,183 miles of public road in the State only 13G0 miles are improved. Tho road laws are not of a character to insure good roads, aud, as a result, the roads are badly located, badly graded, badly drained and badly sur­ faced, causing a very heavy tax on all ■hauling. The average distance each Ton of freight is hauled to or from tho Maryland farms is 0.7 miles; tho laverage cost is twenty-six cents a mile •per too, or §1.7-1 a ton for the whole, haul. There are about 5,000,000 acres! .of farm land in Maryland, aud there, jis about one ton of freight hauled an- ■nually per acre to or from each farm.' •'The total cost, therefore, of this trans­ portation is over §8,500,000 a year/ T h e cost of hauling iu N ew Jersey has been reduced one-half where the ^oads arc improved. Therefore, by ■improving Maryland roals one-half ot this sum could be saved. M aking a liberal allowance for the fact that part of the hauling is done over toll-roada, and that some of it goes over unimpor­ tant roads that could not be immedi­ ately improved, it is estimated that at jeast 63,000,000 a year could be saved by improving the main roads iu tho fState. A similar estimate is reached .by considering the reduction in the haumber of draught animals necessary, nd the saving in the wear aud tear ou nimals, wagons and harness by good oads.— Now York Post. T H E N E W S E P IT O M IZ E D . IVaihlaston Itemi* A report on Pacific cable surroys by ComTtander Hodses, ol tbe Nero, ebows that a thoroughly practicable route was discovered. Tho Mon. Lilian Pannoefote, tbird daugh­ter ot Sir Julian Fannoofote, British Am­bassador to tbe United States, was mar­ ried to Mr. Bobert Bromley, Honorary At­ tache of tbe British Embassy, In the 'pres- onoo of a distlnguisbed company. General Otis bas askad the War Depart- meov for lOOO pairs ot bandcuffs and 200 pairs of shackles. They are to be used .principally to restrain insane American soldiers. C. W. Clart, sou ot Senator W. A. Clark.of 3Ioatana, tre.asurer of bis father’s cam­ paign committee, testlfled before the Sen- r*.o Committee that no votes had been bonsbt in tho Senatoriul contest, though lie admitted having spent $113,000. Secretjiry Hay, iu replying to former- OoDSul 31acrum’s charges, said that an al­liance between the UnUed States and Great Britain wus latpossible. Our Adopted Itlandf. There are abont 62,S00 soldiers tn the Philippine?, of which about 31,000 are resrular troops and abont 31,500 are volun- tee:,:?. Cuba’s iudepondenee day was generally ob...errt.d !n Havana by processions ot clubs and outdoor sports. Already there are 100,000 Cuban cblldrea at school on tbe island, and it is ostlmuted that by the 1st of May there will be 50,000 more. WashInj?ton*s Birthday was quietly cele­ brated In filaoila. In the mornlug Oolonel Freccb, of the Twenty-second Infantry, raised tbe American flags »vbleh bad been firesented to tbo children over the sobool- louses. During tbe exercises tbe children laug patriotic soui^s. Governor-General Wood bas decided to permit Cubans wbo are naturalize AmprU can citizens to vote at the c«xiiId&,' elec­ tion'*. Washington’s Birthday was observed generally tbroughoat Porto Kioo. The day was u general holiday. Doinesttc. Co'nvicl Labor ou Kuads. Effective use of convict labor iu roadmaking is reported from Colum­ bia, S, C., where an average of eighty prisoners has becu employed iu this work for tho past two years. Last year thirty-one miles of road radiating from the cily were remade, graded, ditched, laid with sand ou clay or ^clay on sand, aud converted into ;smooth nnd satisfactory highways, W pablo w ith tim ely aud system atic Icaru of indefinite m aintenance in good 'condition. D aring the preceding 'year fully ten m iles had been rem ade, ;so that LOW there are over forty miles of thes3 perm anent roads leading out of Colum bia. W ith the levy asked for tbo mileage oau be doubled this year, the work an each road being ■taken up at its present term inus, from fivo to seven miles from tho city, and carried an equal distance beyond. By ■following this plan every m ain road in the county can be rem ade in from .three to four years more. “ Colum bia is now far m ore accessible by highway than it has ever been,” com ments the State of that city; “ a fact daily evi- ■donced by tho num ber of wagons aud icarto com ing to and going from tho city, the traffic on certain roads at ceriaiu hours assnm ing processional proportions.’•—Sew T ork Post. To Cliaiiffe the SyBteni, G overnor .Stone, of Penusylvauia, has anuoauced theappointm eut of the Special Comaiiasiou to present a bill !to tbe next Ijsgisliture of tbe State, whiob, in the opinion of the Commis- jslon, shall best meet the demand for *a change in the present system of road 'building. Tho Cotumissioa consists |of A. J. Cassatt, P resiJen t of the Teunsylvania B ailroad; ex-Goveruov Beaver, Joliu P. Elkin, Attoruey*Grea- ,eral of the State; H. B . Worrell, .Chairman of the League of A m erican W heelm en H ighw ay Im provem ent Committee; H. JI. Breckenridge, of iLatona, aud H. C. Snavely, ot Leb- anon. This Commission is appointed in keeping w ith a resolution intro- (luced at tho instigation ot the Penn­ sylvania Division of the Laagne of American W heelm en, and the bill to be presented is the one tbe League is hopeful of having passed next year. Arc Friends of tlie ^Farmer. The wheelm en during their bicyole trips and tbe horseless carriages dur­ ing their pereRriuations in the coun­ try may oceaaionally scare the farmer’^ horse; bu t none the less the farm er should give them welcome. They are the advance agents and apostles of the gospel of good roads, and to the farm er good roads are of th e first ne- cessity.—Philadelphia Becord. W suted:.An Object I.e88on^ F nerto Bico offers a virgin field for the good roads organizations of the United States. Let them cultivate it ftfid~mbiEit the result to this eountry. ^_fi|>i6QtU9Bon.ina'DowerfalteschCT. The P.islnff Sun (Md.) Postofflce was broken into and robbed of 8800 Id mouey and stamps. The tblnvcs escaped. The safe was forced with dynamite. The Democratic State Cocamittee of In* diuuu fixed Juue C as tbe date ot the State Convention. Tho convention will beheld at Indianapolis. Tho Virginia LoRlalature has made Juno S, JefCerBon Davis’s birthday, a legal holi­day In Virginia. Tom Hammond aud C. C. Goary w«re ar­ rested at Jacksonville, Fl>:. ‘Itarged with ujufderlng the three meru!. .of the Hob- erts family ten days ago, aud with robbing them of $10,000. Mri«. J. A. B. Scully, who married her graudmoiher’s coachman and recently ia- berlted $200,000, ban entecei suit against her imsbaud for separation in the Probatd Coart of Fall Blvor, Mass. Mrs. Henrietta Snell, widow of Amos J. Scell, the Chicago capitalist, whose mur­ der bas not been solved, is dead from heart di.soase. A severe storm was felt In Northern O'llo and tho upper part of New Tork bia'.e, and in the gale oiT tlie New Eugland coast two coal barges wont ashoro near Boston Light. , At 3rechanlusville, S. C., James Gardner, aged flfty-flve, a prosperous merchant,! after making a will leaving all his property to tbo young girl who had rejected him, took strychnine and died. Chief Wash A. Hie, ofliie Eastern Sho­shone Indians, died on Wind River reser­ vation, in Wyoming, at tho ago of nlnoty- tliree. Somotlme ago bo was baptized by an Episcopal minister. His son will succeed him. Iu one of the bonzola corn oil tanks at ihe plant of the Decatur Cereal Mill Com­pany at Decatur, III., Ed'.vlu C. Vance, the mauanger, aud Irving Edgar, one of tho attond ints, met Instant death. They were overeome by the fumes of the bensola. Henry C. Miner, who had had a success­ ful carecr as a theatrical manager and owner o! theatres, and a former Congress­ man, died suddenly at his home In New York City. Jesse Overstreet, author of tho House financial bill, was ronomlnated for Con- pros.ei from tho Seventh Indiana District by the Bepubllcan district conveation. The nomination was by acclamation. The Republicans and Populists of Lonis- jana are arranging a compromiso by which tho vote of the disaffected Democrats of tho Stato may be controlled in tho Stale ca-npalgn May next. A conccrn in Iowa is making farm wagons wholly of steel, and it can scarcely 1111 the orders that pour in from the wheat grower.-* out In tho Dakotas and othor parts of the West. Tlje Hazleton (Penn.) authorities havo taken vigorous steps to suppr-iss tho sale of cigarettes to bofs at tho public schools. Forelsu. The independence ot Slam is said lo be threatened by a proposed Frsnch expedi­ tion to seize Haiuac. ArtiQcial coal is being made at Kill and tiaunboim. The situation lUroughout Ger­many Is desperate. Italy’s foreign trade last year aggregat­ ed $537,5r5,600 aud surpassed all records. Harr Ilg, King Meuellk’s cblof, who Is ftt MnrseiUes, France; refutes the story that the King Is plauniug an anti-English coup In Abyssmia. Five Egyptian officers hove been cash­ iered in tbe Soudan for iosubordinatlon and sent as prisoners to Cairo. Dlscovory of the mutilated body o^ Thomas M. Atkinson, a marine of the United States cruiser Prairlo, in the canal at Havre, indicates that he was murdered and robbed by seaport thugs. Tbe Colombian newspapers are discuss­ ing tho reported discovery by a Gsrttoan engineer named Krwiese of an Isthmian canal ronte which is only eleveu miles long. Tbe German Gdverumeat was defeated in thu Reichstag on a motion to repeal a mea.?ure enforced in Alsace-Lorraine. Tbe reciprocal convention wltli the United States wa3 approved by tho Ja­ maican L'Jglslatwre. Tho British House cf Commons rejected the Irish Evicted Tenants’ bill. General Buller, iu his fourth attempt to relieve Ladysmith, Nutal, succeeded In oc- «upyi:»5; Klangw.ma Hill, a position of tho utmost strategical importauce. Tho Gorman Forcijgu Oril-se bus informn.- tion that tbe situation between Chile aud I'eru aud Bolivia and .Argentina is lesa serious than has been roproseate.-l by the oabla aoeoaats. It Is not cipected that them wlU be a raptnce.A British olOcial uttaohe 1 to tho Boun­ dary Commlsslou, named Hart:^, whaa tocring tbe Burmo-Chincie frontier with an escort, engaged and routed two for.;o5 of bosllla Chinese from Sllcn Kowug Pa. kllllog tho leader of the CiiiuHmeu aud seventy follower.*. A tarlCf war with the Umted Htnlcs is propbe.»lod by the German newspapers if thd amended Meat Inspection l.Ui be pjiiaed. - la the British Hoiiso of Commons the Government admljrted thstt tbe reports of tbe large increase In the number of Bus* vjnn In A.sia ware tcaa. Tne American gunboat Hanger is inakiug a survey of La Boc i wharf, the Colombian Government’s permission having been ob­ tained.The modus vlvendi regarJinj? the Fcenab aborowas nnanimoasly exteudad for one year by tbe Newfoundland Legislature. : Heavy defalcations have been discovered In the accounts of Japan’s General Army Staff. •The new Bolivian Minister, Jose Slanuel Braufl, was publicly roceived at Lima, Peru, and apeaohesof aVery cordial nature were made.It Is ofBciaily and xmpbatizady ao- nonnced in London that Great Britain h<i.s never at any time made any uiplomatle or other advances for an alUaaoe with the United States or Gnrraaay.Biisaia Is planning to dig a nanal from the Baltic to the Ulnos Sna. i length o tlie tnnal as r.irveyoJ will be i)M iniies, hul oiilv 125 isllci c£ urtiUcIai exjavatloa n'lU tw uesensary. ' IIXBOM travhrfh in this '^tlon « eormtry th u all otlier dlseaees put t anduitilttelwtiewrears wa0 rap Incurable. T w a many 3■llt( • ’ "-----ferononnoed local remedi )nstitational dsease and therefore requ: consticatlonal treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure* maauf octnrod by I*. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio. i» the only constituticAal cure on the market. It is taken Interaally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonrnl. It acts directiy on the blood and tnuoons surfaces of tbe system. Sold by DmegiBt^ I HaU’s F a ^ y PiUs are the beat* Mr#. W!n8low'«8<lOthlng^y^lpfor children utthinB.sof tens thatlon.alfa;Bpala.oareawladooilcSSoa hot&le Vitality low, debilitite l or exhausted cured bv br Kllne\-i Inv gorating i'onlc Frbr $l trial bottle for:) weeks’treatment. Dr. ■ line, 031 Arch St., Phi adoiphla. Founded 187L I Look 2 ^ Years Younger " 1 m now seventy-tw o yejfs of age and m y W is >s dirk iS it w is tw enty-fve years ago. People say I look it least that m uch younger tlian 1 im . 1 w ould be entirely bald or snow- w hite if it were n o t fo r your H air v ig o r." — M rs. A nns Lawrence, Chicago, 111., D ec. 22, 1898. Is Yours Snow-white ? There is no getting around such a testim onial as this. Y ou can't read it over w ithout being convinced. These persons do not m isrepresent, for their testi-' mooials ate all unsolicited. A yer’s H air V igor restores color to gray hair every time. A nd it is a w onderful food to the heir, making it grow rich and heavy, and keeping it soft and glossy all the tim e. It is also an elegant dressing. il.U a botUc. All draiEi^ Write the Doctor If yon do notobtainall tbolionelits you desiire Jn.m the use ot tbo Vijn»r, write tho Doctor almut ic. llev.'i]l tt^liyou ju:<t the right thing to do. and will send you his book on the Hair and Scalp if you request it. Address.Dr. .T. C. A\r.JJ, T.ot\eH, G R E E N S B O R O , N.C. r-jTlha tnafimnt of THE UQUQR. OPItlU, MORPHINE an) )’^ r Drug Aatfictkwa The ToMacro Habit, Nerve ExhaustioB - W B I X K V S P O t t I n e i A NATURAL HAGHETIC Oil FROM TEXAS. DUooieredlvll B JO'VKS, D ill... Te«*i. I»!«?. The n:ost wontifrful dtwoveryof the age aad « puzzle toDie medical vvorid BheumatUm.acuwpw- f f f T r c S i T u ? a ? “ -Agen1s W a n M THK BROAD K.VER .MEOICIXE < 0.. ^ r. O. Bo.t Ko. 1. He«rtella,A.C* O WENS CHERRY TREES FIneet F rn lt itnd Sfaade Tree tn Ibe W orld. L arseet Tree mod. F ru it. a i bnya 6 drllTercd* pr»- >.«td. A ddreas, D R. B B IG ilT , cm n fjox 607, CHAKLOTTE, N. C. PLANT CHERRY TREES, The Am os O w en s Famous Black Heart C herry la Best For Fruit and Shade. I There ia no tree on the market today producing a more beautiful shade than tbe Owens Cberrr. They prodaco a tree from 50 to 86 feet high, with long spreading branches, making a denie growth and a beautitul shaped tree, which would be well worth the plantrng for ornamental purposes alone. Thirty- ■ix towna in K . C., 6. O . , Va. andGa.,. have planted them in quantities on their streets. The tree attiins its growth rapidly, soon getting up ont of reach of Btbok« and requires but littlo attentico, and its life is indefinite. iSix treei^ eeni prepaid for dl cash with order. dress Pr. Bright, care box 607, Char­ lotte. N .,C . ^ " Always iu the human mind, up to its prepent stage of development, is the impulse to self-defense. It is the relic of very ancient animal instinct. It is a later reminder of times wheu fewer m en than now dwelt together in peace, and every m an’s arm had to be ready to strike for himself and his own at an instant’s notice. Tb-day v.*e may not so m uch fear attaixk. W o are glad, nevertheless, to feet that we are ready to meet it. Preparation for eelf-detenae is a groat conlributor to fi sense of self-reliance, which every capable mau shonid have. To earn one’s living aud place in the world is a great privilege. Tt> bo able to lake care ot' one’s self in an industrial or social* emergency is a great power. It is hardly less desirable that a man ^ should have his atrpugth so trained ■ lhat it may be his dependence in an smergoncy gf force observes the New ^ork W o r ld ._______________ Spiral artnleis of copper form good protection for liie arm in battle, and the- king of Dahomey uses his ai defensive Kvcaoons. NOT ALW AYS SA V ED . ^IIK cheapest is ooi tbe ^st, but the bast is the cheapest, and the^ best Buggy is none.. too good. Then why practice economy at the wrong end? For a dollar or m mere you get as good as can be made,and you might as well reap the benefit as not. Did it ever occur to you in s . . ,u r « „ n t or diJi:'t R O C K C h o i c e V e g e t a b l e s will always find a ready market—but only that farmer can raise them who has studied the great secret how to ob­ tain both quality and quantity by the judicious use of well- balanced fertilizers. No fertil­ izer for Vegetables can produce a large yield unless it contains at least 8% Potash. Send for our books, which furnish full information. W e send tliem free of charge. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 53 Xassau St., N'ew York. fipelti- . Whatli UI_ _ _ _ _ Cataki raaixjr’s Steds are Warruttd te Prtlace.XtfaiiiAa Ln:hi>r. K.TroT.Pa..MWtiUli«l ibe wet 14^/ brKni»iiiK3AaiiB9h<li RlKKo?rU&!«: J. Brfltier, 1 f MithS'Mtt, Wi«., IM barWr: »i.d H. t.oTcjsj.J ac4n's«f.UiB*.bj^»iB^:i?(ib«U3..‘t»lx«r’«cerB 'J p?r *-re. Ifycu-ioubt. writ-fbet*. |I JOD.OWEeir ej.tomw*. hcncc wiiHtaJ eo UUl 10 DOLLARS WORTH FOR tOe.I \3 pt%» «r rftre iu-in SkU BuVd. tbe a-ewc< _I Coro—Sr'itx- l>ndaclas M>b«<b. foal ><»14 oaa bar I peracrr—kbvieoatiasilbjiiir. B*ea:iislucrrnU —llie crexteit (rasi ua carUi: SeUtf $ag» to. ,L Rai>». SpriDt WIicBt. &c., ioeludiuk; onr si«m> ‘ BOihriAnt. FruUauit SeM'.'KUio?. Uillnfmll .‘ tbnct s Urr&t MUHoa DallarFotslo. aU mailnl fur lAc. pciuje; 'b S>0 t< Please . seadthh adv. nllh I 10e.toBalzcr. ^Cataloff] alone»ec»t 41;— I Send your name and iddress on a j postal, and we will send you our l56- ) paffc illustrated catalogue free. fi WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. ^ 176 Winchsster Awenue, Hew Kaven, Conn. W . L . D O U G L A SUNKMAC O L D S O L D IE R SUnionsoldiersandwidowsofsoldierbwho made homestead entries before June 22.1874 9‘ V j6oacres (0 0 m atter ifakaudoaed or relinquished), ifthey have not sold their additional hom estead tights, should address, w ith fall particulars, in g disUict, &C. BE2IS? 37. CQFP, WuhSagtea, 9- Q- {POTATO ESreSf.;X larccst«»e4FOTATOCraji^^nameriea i \ a*«erthl«\ l ™ i S i s C L O V E R lf ^OiUf V SALZKB SEED CO., U CUOSSIy WIS. i. C, f DYSPEPSIA! No M ediciie te Swaitowl S j« fo7a PA K u to W u le d S t^ —M W -<e.hsni1ilrg g g A 3 . 5 0 S H O E S ^•*/orth$4to$6coisipared - with other makes. .^udoreed by uver^ 1,000,000 wearers. T he a«ntiin9 have W. L. Douglas’ name aod pnce sUmpcd on bottom. Take i no substitDte claimed to be as good. Your dealer should keen them—if I oot,w ew ill.sendapiIr'^ ion rewipt of price ant rjC. --'JcxtTA for camajBT. 5t^,te Va«d ot le a t^ , use liir. and widUi, pUh» or can toe. t^t: free.W. L DOU6IASSHOE GO., Brockton,« » . A G E H T 5 ! A G E N T S ! A G E N T S !Xbe(;ran(lest&n<l/(i^«a(ae{{t/tabook«vcrr‘Qbli*1t«dtsOARKNE$S:l)AYU£liT or LIGH rs and SHADOiVS OF NEW YORK LIFE----Wtra HTTBODCCTID^^ —B T JtKV. LTM Ay ABitf>TT. SpIendid^iUostrated with 2 o 0 saw rb eagxaViap tTomfiaA'Uwitphotoqraph^ofrt'tiUje. otnlstM r «*y: "Oo4 Bp«ctl |f.‘*'Bverjonei3agha andcTMW oT«r at.»ad AcentsM-salUBiilt &;/::if)u«an(ii>.t3rjO0O iaore Asea s vantea aU tbe Sovtb—men-SBd women. 9 j0 t> to 8 2 0 0 a m o a th in ^ . b<md; for' Temwi to A^rata. Address HARTFOKIK FUBlJWHlIifa CQ.» Hartfwrd, Com , NEW DISCOVBBY; cItm frte* 9r. B .> .« i n i ’SMSS.SasS.ltUate.ta. iT T E N T IO X Is fA R lltta ta d if yoa m entloa A thUpMperwh»awrttlaKsdT«rtUerbS«. 10 \ 11^ M&abriwTflto, N. c. B r ^ li. illO BB IS. KOROB ANB'PUBUSW. ElCmXD AT TBK POtT OFFICE AT MOCKSTnXE, N. C., AS SBOOHD CLAM' ilATTBB, ICAT UTH, US». M aelanUa Pradnae Marlrat. Corrected b; W iUiuH * Asdenon. <5«m, pjT in ......................................Wheat, per Wb ....................... Oata, pcrbB ...;......................... Peai, p estu ................................ Bac*n «er pound... Bacom, W ettcra---- B u b s. * « »......................................................B atter....... .................................•prioK CUek%tu......................... W40 »8-157 12 10 uciL jHfok i h tscnam. —M n. C. p . Meroney it o& tbe tick UM. W illw M & A ndetw n t»ke all kinds of country produce in ex ^ a n g * forgoods. —W . H . P im ell is aome better ■we are glad to learn. . ^Toa irlU Jhid.» good ^ AarienoM . Coninii»ione« t»n*- Melti Tvatine ba^Deaa Monday. T hirty egg cn tes Mtd. th n e «kiek«n eoops for «»le, di««p. CU l at the pott ofSee. _ W . R. M etoneyofStaterrille, Tidted his parents here last week. SHOES.—Good 8ho « a t Jow IriMS »t W iU isjnsft Andenons -W d ter M artin kavcs eoeta for T sdkin Crflege to enttir school. —Any mse wishing to attend D ianchoi^ Businesa Ccdlcge at SMbvUl, Tean., can » v e Bwnjy by writing to'Che TSditor of the S boosd before they go- W . A. Bailey «iid Bob Bri»ick«r Esq. of Advance w e rt' in town Honday. Aafr «tte w iabit^ to boy ■ixnit 4^0 woHfe «4 W A fm it trejj flSTc rnoai^ by ertltog on » . H . I to r ii, —Hr*. J . B. Johnston is vlsit- her poxentB a t Cleveland. -W iU iam s & Andenon have le- Mlved more goods since oar 1«M is- •ne. C W toJeetto*. —E. M . J rtw i 0? W adesboro call- «d io to see ob one day laet week. — Sew goods the nicest »nd beet iitow nJoR t recelTed, also Jrish jMtatoea, aud fresh ««»d«> "ed** ■I'WUHm * Atadeiaoua. —U issU inoie Brock of W in- «ton is visiting M us Uinm e Doath- it. Bnbber Coata and O rer Show at WUIiaias * Andetaoaa. -O n r friend WiUiam W alker JCrom K appa was is the d ty Uon- 4ay. Fot Mie, M OdeU typewriter, lAeap, At the post«rfBoe. —W . B. Meroney is again areri- dent of :be Bill will worts is the fotaitsA isu^<M7 . Old papers tor ssle a t 16 eente ■pm hsndted a t the BiaooCD office. —TheSheriffiB on his last round. .SU those -trho do not pay np pmmply will have co*t added, —If you wish to hear the political issues ably discussed. Come to llockarille Monday and Tuesday 61 conit A pril 2nd and 3id. —B. P .S olinan ct Ib o n trille paid US A Isiidt ToiM ay. B e caiue up to bis old home to take a hnnt. and retnm ed Wednesday sight to his work. -^Ftanfc B. Benbow of T adkia- TiUe spent Wedneeday night in town w iA frienda. Frank is a live oanfidate ftar Otm legto- )froB Tadkin to we hear. H e la a fellow^ sa d w ill inake a goaii tmm. —F knllaflyM eandaaa ct e -r Itiend P . a. Eatfy Bm}.., 4»ied FHday Maaeh tb»2M .aM tba i«- v«iM wcrefoterfcd {M ofdayeran- Jw in tb e Bow^ bns^kng g m a d Fkul was a atoot tookis« y a ^ iBan 1* yew i old, no «■» Ju te tiMOght two w eA s ega titat bew onldM aooD pa*s a«i9> It « w in d a ua forcibly th a t we- a ie re rta L O nr sym pethiw a n **- ((Bded to the benav«d —liie death of oar ym ng M M d Scott Lindsay, in tte K tondtteis peeaHarly esd. H e M t K otth < 'am liaa a l»w ^«ais ago fc* flsat- tte. and k te r a i went to Alatdca. H e died at iiaw aoeC ity oa Febm - »ryS2, tboosaad of inaes away fromhoiMjHiAloTCdeBCB, in the frm en ngioiH tlie K orA WiM. To Ilia acid iatber, antf hla hm th »>ii and wrte*», w eerten d o rr^ e* ^ Msi PUBLIC SPEA K IN G . The Hon. Spencer Blackborn and 8 . J . T om er luid other pm m j. nentSfepabUcan speakeia wilt ad- dreta the people in the ootitt bonsa at Mocksville, Monday and Tue»‘ day of Conrt week. (A pril 2nd and 3rd)- W ill devide tim e w ith auy Democratic speaker if desired. M aKh 2nd 1900. M. D, KIMBKOUGH. Cham . Be p. ex Oom u . o r Davik Co. A vanoe Item s- This is tbe first Spring day of the season, people b ^ n to plant irsh posatoes, peas, onions ‘-''&c Charley Thompson is very busy getting op his lom ber for his new hoBse. W e are glad to Icnow that H r. Thompson hks decided to set­ tle in onr town. B ut the question who will be the Mistress of the honseT Miss SallUe Sne Ellis, near this place and Miss Jessie Chaffin of Mocksville were in town to day. Mias Tiimie Mock will open her millinety store in a few days with a nice liiie of ladies hats &«. M ts. E . H . Morris and children of Mocksville M e visiting relatives and frt& ds a t this place. W e are glad to see Mr. Andrew Sherman ont again, he had an at^ tack of pneamonia. H r A . C. Green left this mom ing for Mayodan N.C., where he is engaged in the butcheis trade. M r. John Allen near Fork Chnrch was in town to day. There will be a marriage in our oommnnity some tim e this month, guess who it will be. Frank Amau who was mail car­ d e r from Tadkinville to Statss- ville aftd who tebdeted his lesig nation as mail carrier on account of his wifes illness was in town one d a y U s tw e ^ . , Miss Lelia M artin has been vis­ iting friends in this place. Miss Lilia was once a stndent fn oor school here Bbd she has many fileads in this place. SUck. JaricoN ew s Notes- Mbs Lngene Walker retnmpd to her home near Kantia. last werk alter spending S2veral weeks with h eranntM ts. Mamie W alker. Z. C. Kurfees is very sick, he has Lagrippe. B«r. Jam es W illson of States­ ville visited his uncle D. C. W ill­ son Saturday andSuiiday. Several from this place went to Center Sunday evening to preach ing. Bev. W . H . L. McLaoric preached. H e will begin a pro­ tracted meeting a t tiardison Chap d 2nd Sunday. Fred Booe was in this Ticnity Sunday. J . Lee Kurfees went to Ephesus Monday on bosineas., J . P . Seaford made a “ fiying trip” north Sunday.] Misses Daisie and M ary T n rm r visited in MocksviUe Friday. W ade Knrfees visited his broth­ er near Cooleemee recently. Sncoeas to the Beoord. “Lucy.” FootvU e QoibbUneB. A . P . Woodruff, Sheriff of Y ad­ kin oonnty, was a t onr village, on March 3d, gathering in the “ gold­ en grain.” J . W . PerklM , a horte jockey firom Virginia, spent Friday night last w ith M r. C. B. Beavis. H e w aaonhiaw ay to I^nngton, N. C., where he will show the “ boys” bow they do budness in the Old Uunioioa. Mi . C. B. Bevis and daughter Itiia liucy, have returaed from I ^ a s Xezaa, where they have beitt visiting. They say that Tex- aa lit jgmatk ta lesenroes as wallas in a n a . In old T adkU , o» atl questions th at toudi ibe teterest of Slate and nation, there is a discrepancy or oirfnion; b n tifto tt thm itd sonnd her pec^e on one particular ques­ tion, you would find nnanim ity of opinion: T hat the roads are one solid m itt hole from thw incipien- <y to their term ination. M . Bnatoeaa KarUoea. In ao n e p u ts of AiHea sUves an sH U th e baais of aU financial reckonii^'. lii*>B>Rl«t Evans. Hinsdale, ni. "rttes, “ I aever filled to relieve my children fra n crm p a t once by useior One MinnteCoiigfa Cure, I would not feelaafe wlthaut itQ u ic k ly c u re « «»Wb»c«Ms,Krtppe and all throat aad hnv^iseues. a a Sanford. “ W hatatassaH fU haU elo(^!» xdaim ed th» vjaitor. «Tca,” a a id lIn . Caswdl. <<it lo fM H iy , ttliepen-ktes just oM e «vBiy sec: Business Notces(—Con.). M rs. Calvin ZStntnerman, Mlleaburg, Pa.,says, "A* a speedy cure for coughs, colds, croup aad sore throat One Minute Cough Cure is unequaled. It is pleasant for children to take. i heartily recommend it to It is the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung diseases. I* prevent consumption. C. C. Sanford. Don’t forget Th e a Good Sewing Machine, » t hatte- no(«» Chilled Plovr, and a K«m- ington Breeeh-loading Shotgun. One dollar pays fo ra y e a ^ s sib scriptiou and two tickets; 50 cents M* months and one ticket. Levis Ackerman,Coahen, Ind.,says, ‘•DeWltt’s U tae Early Risers always bring certain reUef, cure my headache and never grip.” They gently cleanse and Invigorate the bowels and liver. C. C. ?anford. A gteatman does not always at, taic the oldage; in foot, haw ly half of the gatest men of modern and ancient times have reM hrf that lim it of age ie t by the Bible —seventy. Ticket No. 456 gets T h e OB0*8 prize gun. AnyoDtj hoi Jing this ticket can, by presenting it to the Editor, get the gun. A ll th < ^ holding tickets will please take care of them, as there are four other prizes yet to be awarded. Save your tickets until all the prizes are awarded. •riKodol ‘‘I used Dyspepsia Cure in niy family with wonderful results- It give* immediate relief, is pleasant to take and U truly the dyspeptic’s best friend,” says E. Hartgerinlc, Overisel, Mich, Digests what you eat. Cannot faU fo cure. C. C. Sanford. X govemmeiit report, popula- oeliefto the contrary, says that bachelors ont number the spirsters by a large majority, there beiu 7,- 127,7i>7 bachelors to3,224,494 spin­ sters. —T icketN o.456getstiiegun. Xo one up to th'is tim e has brought in the ticket. Come on before all the tickets are gone and get the Hbtohd for six months for 50 cents. There are four other free gifts besides the <ran. Some one will get a nice free sjifl for the price of the Becokd for Six mOWhB. To secure the original witch haiel ,alve, ask for DeWitt’s Witch Hazel ialve, well kaowu as a certain cure tor piles and skin diseases. Beware ,f worthless counterfeit, they are iangerous. C. C. Sanford. KewCook. “ W hat does your husband like for his bteakfast, ma’am?” . Mrs. Growells. “ Oh, he likes anything we haven’t got.” This is to certify that I opened the envelope containing Gun Prtee Ticket and found that Number 4BS drew Che gun. F. M. JOHNSON. Judge—-‘EifQr dollars and costs P riso n er-“ B ut it is impossible for me to raise that amount at once yeti'- honor.” Ja ige—“Then, take yonr li ne Six months.” M . B Smith, Bnttem ut, M ich., says, “ D eW itt.s Little Early Risers are the very best pills I ever used for costive- aess, liver and bowel troubles.” O. O- Sanf ord- “Well Willie,” asked his grand­ ma, “did you get as much dinner as you wanted.’’ ____ “ N o ,/ answered little WilUe, ‘but I have had all I can eat.” Bev. W. E. Sitier, W. Canton’ N. "X writes, “I had dyspepsia over twent years, and tried doctors andmedlcnes irlthout benefit. I was persuaded to :ise Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it help­ ed me from the start. I believe it to be a panacea for all forms of indiges­ tion” It digests what you eat. C.C. Sanford. Doodness!” exclaimed Margiet looking at a fnngns growth on a tree; “ 1 dess zat twee’s woots thti^sked up somethin’ w’ong.” •Wm. Orr, Newark, O., says,"'We aever feel safe without One Minute Cough Cure in bis house. It saved my Uttle boy’s life when he had the pneu- aionia. We think it U the best medi­ cine made.” It cures coughs and all lunc diseases. Pleasant to take, harmless and gives immediate resulto. C. e. Smford. “M y hat Wowed off,” SMd Mai- gie in ik «ec»nt experience, “ an’ I tomed tlear ham® wiz me head barefooted.” R eco rd A «ents- The following gentlemen a te au­ thorized to take suhecriptions for the Beoord: M. W . Mackie, TadkinviHe, S . e . » . i. Keavis, Cioes Boads O hnn*. W . O . ftrtierson. Bast Bend. O. B. Bf«v»> Footeville. Ben Shot*, G ra»t. S. F . Show , Shore. J.C .P in n te , M arier. A . P. W oetoifi^BoowrBle. Four apples eateT every day ^ said to be effective in removing the deiiw ior intoxicants. O neahoald be mtea hm khst, one e ^ h a t 11 A .M ., and 3 P . M. and 6 : K- ■ DON’T W A IT A M INUTE. Good Watcbbs ABSoi.tiTEi.Y fbee. We want your name for PASTIME, I a brlg-ht, clean, illustrated story and 1 humorous paper for the family circle, 16 large pages, only 75c a year; on trial 4 months, 10c. We give a nickle silver watch to each subscriber, a neat medium-sized watch, guaranteed for one year. Will keep time for many years as accurately as a >100 watch. And for a little work we give Gold watches. Bicycles, sewlBg machines, Guns, etc. Samples and particulars free. Send us your address to-day If you do no more, and see how easily you can get something nice you want. We will surprise you. Please don’t wait a minute, send now. Better en­ close 5 stamps for trial subscription and present, or 28 stamps for watch and paper while the watches are eoine free. The PASTIME Pub. Company; Louisville, Kv. or stock, A Good Investment.—‘•Knowledge is power” according to the old adage, but it is also said that a man never knows a thing until he can tell it, and he who can express his knowledge in language more terse. Vigorous, and appropriate than others becomes a leader of men. In gaining this .pow­ er of expression as well as knowledge itself there is no aid so helpful, from which so much may be obtained, and for so small an outlay as Websters International Dictionary. This work is the universally acknowledg'd stan­ dard for the derivation, spelling pro- nuncuation, and meaning of words, and with its numerous tables of use­ ful and reliable information it quickly and satlsfactorly answers the thous­ and and one questions which are con­ stantly arising in our reading and study. The purchase of this source of knowledge and power will prove a profitable investment for every house hold, and for every teacher, scholar professional man, and self-edwcator. l!or Sale by J. Lee li.uiit.cs. Sue<Muor o ft/ie •• Tm ooooooooo«o< W e b s te r ’s ^ I n te r n a tio n a l D id iio n a r y standard o;th«n.8.0or'tPrintlin < W arm ly Com iuendedti7 8Ute Snwrlalendtnti j denlMndotberEoncKtois almost wlUwut iituubcr.KnTalnable ' In th« bonMboId. and to 2 ■ cdac»tor. < ;t h b b e s t fo r pr a c t ic a l u s e .; It Is Msy ta Sod tlis w ^ waatsd. FDTE STOCK FO B SAliE. to buy a Jack or other fine __ ___ on T. A. BRUNT, Farmington, N. C. O r e e n s b o r o Vuraeries, OBBENSBOBO, N . C., F or all kinds of i<Vtiit, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Vines and Plants. . I am the Intro­ ducer of the famous OBEBNS- B01K> andC 0N N E T ’S South­ ern E arly Peach. Oreensboro H erd of Begistered PO­ LAND CH IN A and Mammoth Bhick Hogs, O n e o fth e fi« « t herds in the South. W rite tor prioM. John A . Totrao, Prop’r. TAX NOTICE!!! L a st Bound! I will meet the T ax Bayers of Davie oonnty a t the following times and places to collect taxes for the year 1899. . > MocksviUe, S atuH ayi ahd Mon days of February. County Line, Thursday, M arch 1st, 10 a. m. to 12 m. Calahaln, Thursday, M arch 1st, 1 p . m. to 3 p. m . Nestor, Friday, M arch 2ud, 10 a. m. to 12 m. Sheffield, Friday, M atch 2 ,1 p. m. to 3 p. m. Farm ington, Tuesday, M arch 6, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Smith Grove, W ednesday, March 7th, 1 p. m. to 4 p. m. Advance, T h u ^ a y ; March 8th, I p . m . to 4 p .m . Fork Chnrch, Tuesday. March 13th. 1 p. m. to 4 p. m. Jerusalem , W^ednesday, M arch 14th, 1 p. m. to 4 p. m. MocksviUe, Saturdays 3 ,10, 17, all day. All taxes not paid by the 16th of March will be collected as the law directs. , ^ J. L . S H E E K , Sheriff of D avie C ounty. p r a n k C . B r o w n , W holesale and Betail Dealer ia g e n e r a l m e r c h a n d i s e . ----------------0---------------- C O tfPL FT E hIKK O F DBY QOODB. Best StodL of Shoes in the st%u, H E A D Q T 7 A B T E B i 5 F O B G B O C E B I E s , j j j O T H E B W O B D S I H A V E A C O M P L E T E U S B 0? O E N E B A L H E B C H A K D I S E . I W ill be "glad to have you call. Yonit c. brown, CrtBer Fourth and M ain Streets, - - - WIKSTOS, S, c. R. B. CRAWFORD & CO. I T Sign of................ U o n and Anvil. HARDW ARE D1 Winston. N. C. -T h e R ig h t P lace to B uy Y our- Owt Stoves, Oims i Fanning Impla Arrival uid D«p»rtnr8 of Trains: South Bound—Daily except Sunday, Leave MocksviUe................... 1:00 p ni Leave MocksviUe...................6:00 p m North Bound. Leave MocksviUe.................... "rlSana Leave MocksviUe..................11:30 a m Dr. M. D. Kimbrough: P h y s i c i a k a n d Su r g e o n. Office, First door South of Hotel Davie, MOCKSVILLE, N. C. Jadge Hont’a Consaat{iti(m and Bionoluts Can. It surpasses all other remedies known for Constunption, Bronchitis, Croup and Disordered Liver. It cures when all else - ----- Joes not kee George E-Prlce 50 cents per bottle.For sale bv C. C. Sanford. National Hotel, b b f u b n i s h e d . u n d e r n e w M ANAGEM Binr. B A T E S, * 1.00 P E R D A Y . J . H . Bam set, Prop’r. Main St. SALISRUBY, N . C. G. T. GLASCOCK & SONS, (3 R £ E N » B 0 S 0 , N . C .» FOUNdEBS ANB HACHINISTS. M anufacturers of Turbine W ater W heels, The OABOLIKA OOOE STOVE, H eating Stoves. C'oal Grates, Country Hollow W are Plows, Plow Castings and Feed Cutters. SPECIAL CASTINGS O F ANY DBSCBIPTIOir. r Every A rticle M annfacturedby U s Guaranteed in Every Beapeet. E . H . MOBBI8, A gent. a t M O C K SV IIil^ N. C. HEH- W ho ivaut H EA V Y CAL> LINED SHOES come and lee iH T .A H T B tt_____ l^lio want 8TLISH , COM- KXTABLE SHOES don’t mim our Store. ____ CHILDBEN---- W ho are tongk <m •oiesahould try a P air of onr SCHOOL SHOlifl —they viU last. “ Old ladies w ith I te d e r - ^ , Ftui‘ of 0 « rS (» T B A S Y T H E BEGULAB SHOE Comer 4th and I jib tty WIK tfim f,. S . C. S X E I i Y 4 O O U I I C TO S E S T J S m C A L L BROS Ten Per Cent. F u n i lt 'a i e S a 108 W est F ifth S t., w I N S T O N . N . C-1 W ant yonr trade and w ill give yon bargain* in all Styles of Bed-Boom Sets, Odd Dressers. Dinint; Tablei, Beds, W ashstands, Lounges, Couches and all thiopto be fonEd in an V p To D ate F U E N m JB E HOUSE. S O U H E W M j S U im r il L designs U dishes, GH1IB£B-Sn8 III I W a also have a Beautiful Line ot Pictures and Fiamd. The New England and Needhaai Pianos, and the Old Sellable Estey Organa and the Needham Organa m sold by U-. and n * ^ no recommendation, as they ait» W -U Known. All Goods Sold lor Cash or Fasj Faj Come to our plae* and if yon are not treated right oil no moK, but if we treat you right, call again. OAGAHS PSOM $25.00 IIP. PIANOS FSOm $190 CALL BROTHERS U auufacturen’ Agents, ;W IN8IO N . . . N . C. Branch House: m a e o t n s v il l e, v a . Cw ilwaj* Gin U w «t friMS Qi Ov Lot. j. E. CARTLAND, ----- 8U CC E880B T O - H . H . C artlan d , G REJO N SB O RO . - • - ^ W ‘A m X U M B D F CliO TH ES AU D CASIMEB* o n BA U D . 1 F ill C w f L sf Ik* W erkm ta. i*Write for Bamplew and 'M easuring M anhs. - S»tiafi«stkm6n»r*»**^l 4 M l a > i d M e a w i i ] t a a i i d l a B i t t ] p i ^ .a 'I Davie !g . aiOBBW . E d it <,<.,CIi8CBtPTI0Hj fc- Oue Y e a f, > ' Si* M onths, - fkree Months- ^C B M C A S TICKI For A JI M cK IN I-^ OF OHIO. Wnr Vice-President. ■ rE S C P K IT C H A , O? KOKTH C..BOU>-I| For Governor. JAM ES E .D O Y D | OF OUll.FOKD. Oboitd la Motrt Tol he last few days a j jensaid by the 1 with reference to kallegedtohavel . Spencer Blaekbnr J iatN e« to u . M r.B^ ,,nied the reported l a question ot w ^ the speaker and f , will give 1 reported to have |r . Blackburn, here it] emocrati in N orth I warning from the iQ eabel.” his a threat! W e fa| I dark form, bio , and riot. D id ! leading D em ocrata| r take thn field I and his partiian the Courier Jo Democrat P»-P I denounce, the law, > edeoy th at this t responsible for the | lofaflaitaezistii 1 a t thi# time! Hav I uiachiae passed| I this State, and under s to carry the < si H ave they lan d declarod th »of carrying the I no difference w h at| Lets see if we see if some of th iiaU have not i t treasonable io tL | »5 Take th e Charlo r March 7th, it quo I m adeby thegalli I A. U . W addell a t | aa fallows: kin event th e ^mingtou wonld < river w ith . Caldwell adds to ii one misfortnne on outbreak ij the reepontibili alls apportioned t><| \ of the Den the n ^ ro es lOhar'.ona 14th language used | odent H . E . C. hnvmd county. ito take bis i , ublieana carried I > by 1280 m ajority Allows: Bep. 395| hia 2851 B ep, or |saya only aboct ( ^iug 4451 negro vo »see how this eo nu| j hia fignres a clea: I over the whites I Democrats in 18 and Uie’ the Democrats I jltyof 89«Totes. „ > t>«(nociata reoeiv4 ith a a the _ I taking his *1 figurca show 11 •*ot agood * “5Po«a ot tb a ito. • ^•d ig teiaed ju rt) JkS^nt ir o w n , fu y 'T o u r- E T J s ALL BROS ?er Cent. T u v jitu r e le i n s t o n > N . C- [you bargainc in all B. Dining: Tablet, les and all thing* to IIT U E E HOUSE. 3. CHAMBEB-^ETS ml UD ll| ‘ictnres and FramM. Pianos, and the Old *dham Organ* *i« a»ion, a*theyai«M Fasy Pa] treated right call all agaio. • LOm tl90 HF< I'S :.-. AND, i n d , 5 . 0 - c i s m i w * 1 W orkB«0. T he D avie K ecord . I^enler ia 1 1 A X D I S K )Y G O O D S . in the mk. I r o c e b i e s . COM PLETE L ists 0 ? JSOISTS- Y oui» Traly, C . B R O W N , . 'v ris a n o s , 5 , c. M O CSSV tLX iE, N . C., W E D N E S D A Y , M A R C H 14. 1900.K 6 0 Dane , IV»BT WBDSBSDAY. a m o b b is, Editot. j,,or»cs»ciiiMioM : Oae Yeit. ‘ ‘ * - Six Month!, - . - Ly, fkre-; M oathi - • •1.00 SO 2S , ariK. 14, 1900. ^CBLICAN TICKET. F(ir rwsiJen*'McK IN L E Y OF OHIO. “ K ITC H A RD 'o? !■■ • >• <■ A. Ki'.LIN A. _ ].'(ir Oo'ernitr. jr J E S S- BOYDOF (iL'll FOBD. r Consress, 7th District. LiM A. B A IL E Y OF DAVIE. CsowD li Moot to Bx^m e ltliela«tfew d»y*«K «»td«»l lu id by the Democratic b with reference to » c e rta in alleged to have bMO it Spencer Btaekbnrn In hii iM Seston. H r. Blackburn iniedthe reported Unguage ,t qoestioD of Teracity be- ,tbe*peaker»»dtlie repott- f« will give our readers tbeU n e reported to b a re b aen naed fc. Blackburn, here it is: ‘‘Let aU in North Carolina w*ming from the a te of 1 GMbel.” Ithisathreatl We fail to «*e tb»d»rt fwm, blood ehed, •r, and riot. Did not some e leading Domocrata of Ken- ly Ukr ttir. field agaiiwt M r. lUnii his partiian •ethodsf I not the Conner Jonm al the )ia| Democrat p»per of the e denouDce, the law, and doei e deny th a t thi* G oebel law t iMpoosible for tlM disgrace* e of aflalrs existing in Ken- at ihi« time! Have not the laoas uachine passed % Goebel |iathi*State, partizan in the and under which they t to carry the election a t all Have they not made laud declared th*ir inten- »o( carrying the election, it i no difference w hat th e oonae- Uti see if we ace right. I tec if some of the leading ;i»u have nut used language h]it trert-cibie in tie past few Take tha Charlotte Obser t of March 7th, it qnotes from » I made by the gallant, ehiral- I A. H. Waddell at Goldsboro i ai follow*: “ That in a eveat the Democrats of |ilmioj^n wonld dam the Oape river with carcaaan." and I. Caldwell adds to It by saying, fue one misfortane about the ilainjton outbreak in 1898 was the rtsponsibility was not apportioned bat that the 1 of the OeisQcrats waa vinited ths nejtoes alon«.” Also etW o n * ObserTer of M arch c 1th langaage used by its cor- “ odentH. B. C. Br^rant about county. Mr. B ryant I to take his fij^urea, th at the nblicans carried the county in I by 1280 majority w ith a vote •folUows: Bep. 2951 Dem, 1671 fthii 2951 Bep, or Foaion TOt* 6 «»y» only abopt 500 were whl*e, aving 2151 n«gro voters. In 1898 “to Bee how this county which ha* f hi* figures a dear negro majori- roTOthe whites of 280 rotes, ‘•DemocraUin 1898 polled 2«i9 and the FasiooUts 1760 the Democrats a clear ma- ■ity of 836 rotes. In other words ‘ Dwioorsu teoeived 478 more '"•"tttB the combined whit* [rtetakiBjjhis fifrares for 1896. “ > firirta show that the Demo- »tot agood vote « 8 from joit a Uttla In giv­ ing tb« aboT« fignrea 1» o*^" *® (iv ean iUnatmtion. Kow in thia letter Mr. B ryant uses the folVtw. ing language. « It is here that the negro ia must numerous; here, th at the white people have felt the gal ling yoke of negro rule, »hd here, that the good white people are de­ term ined to win in the coming campaign b e g a rd le ss o r conse- <IUBNCES.” Note the laat thr»e words “ re ptrdless of ooasequeaces.’' W ha iloe# that meant P nt your own con Htructioo on the language, and vbeu yon compare such utterances made by Democratic and what they say Blackburn said, you are bouad to adm it of the two, onr Demo- jnitic frientls nsed stronger language and it carries with it a detenninatlon to carry the election by lair or fonl means. W hat hap­ pened in W ilmington in 189ST S->me dozzen or more nejjroes were m urdered by the “ law and oM erI’i uot iiniii'ic. It'i- lu'laii' '’•'u**-- 'I - Ikcre vns 'Yaddell had a band in the mob at ihat pliine. Xow what does our friend Caldwell mean by bis Ian rJngeT I coiistrne it to mean, that it was a misiortune that white Bepabiicans were not also killed as well aa negroes, if my construction doea him injoatace, I am readv to make km eudi, bat the B escobd Th K D tt’B “fbo bon o pobuoo .” The Records question is in sub- Stance * this: If Cancasion blood and inteligecce and experience and trainining make it right and con­ stitutional for a white person then cannot read to vote up to 1908- why is it not right and constitu­ tional for all time! w hy disfran­ chise illiterate blacks after 1908. Before answ erii^, we will adm it that we had said in a form er artio- that there moat be a lim it after 1908 is considered the proper lim it. There ii no reason ao far a t the respective characters andiw orthin ness of the whites and blacks are concerned; but there ia a good, substantial, legal reason. There is such a thing as Public proposes to stand by the people and the right a* he sees it, It is a- gainst lawieasneas of all kinds. It deprecates the use of incendiai? language by any one, and we enter onr protest right here against aU petaons or parties who indulge ib the oie of threats and inflamatory language. The excitement in d . dent to a political campaign shuuld not be taken advantage of, in order to stir ap strife and law- lessneas. Lets pnt our foot down hard npoD those who attem pt it. Lets wield onr pen and give enr entire inaoence to the causa of right, law, order and jnstiee. And when crim e is committed by who­ soever, lets invoke the law, to punish the crim inal, for lawless­ ness b ^ e ts lawlessness, crime be­ gets crime, and to participate, and inooufage it, m ake ns eqoally guil­ ty as the one who fires the fatal shot. A id the |p d is anarchy revolution and ruin. The Becobd is for the right, aay w hat yon will about ns. M r Simmons pretends to nn- earth a plot or conspiracy every week or two, and forthwith has himaelf inte^iew ed, and in his in­ terviews, he breaths out threats of violence against white Bepcblicans. Now in the first place there has been no conspiracies or plots form­ ed by the Bepnblicans, and any nu n with three grains of brains in his bead knows it. This stuff of Mr. Simmons is all for effect, he would like to have a good excuse to kick up a racket, and then ap. peal to the passion and prejudice of the people in order to hide th e diabolical schemes already mncoc ted in order to rob the people of their rights and libertiss. The Be- pnblicans are against these schemes. They w aat a lU r elec­ tion, a free ballot and a <sir count. They w ant uo yiolence, and do not propose to use aay, b a t they have ■ome righta in this state, a id they do not propose to be kicked andcnf- fed around like brutes. Their righta are a^ inalienable as those of the opposite p i^ y . and they are determ ined to mainUiin and defend their rights as free American citi- sens, Bastem , W ilmington m eth­ ods are not going to work in the W est. The people understand or they rather b ^ n t* catch on to Mr. Simmons racket. A nd when they hn il back defiance at his threats, of force and fteud. they do it w ith no intention to bring on trouble, but rather to prevent it. Topr crowd M r. Simmons, can boycotte, ostracise, and misrepre sent OS, but you cannot set your snare and force ns to walk into it, in order to give yon an excuse to bring out the W inchesters laid a- way ^ c e 1888, and which yinr crowd would like to use to shoot people in the back w ith again. W e do not w ant guns, we are against their use on election occasions and you are not going to m ake the peo pie’ believe such rot as you are sowing broad cast from one end of the state to the other. Its a dis­ grace to our state, and M r. Sim moni>'the aduow ledged head of the Democratio party tqgather with the News and Observer are doing more to stir up strife than aU the BepnMicans combined. W e are for the B ight, and you cannot frighten ns from onr purpose to uphold the Policy, i. e, any thing that we inate- ly know to be manifestly and nn- 4i'i«stionably civilization jo d the pnblic pfoA is illegal and m y act of the Legislature which authorized such a thing would hs inconstitutional and void. Public M isy demands the encouragement ; yegimeut. the Eoynl Irish KiUes, two LLiattf-nes-nf .-ifitiUei-y. aucltlio----- - right to r^fister and vote after 1900 until 1908, while such privi lege is withheld from the black is jast and right npon the basis of the ricial superiority of the white and does not violate the principle of Public Policy, but rather tsvors it; for it is “pko boho fd b u o o .” It is DOW a necessity to protect White men, who are ju st as virtn - ouB and worthy as any other whites but unfor<r:ii ely cannotread. It rewards the inferior coloied man who has acquired some education and so puts a premium npon it and is in the line of Public Policy. The lim it is necessary to encour­ age the whites to educate their children and every one to educate himself. I t is the best coapnlsory educational law ever enacted. Ill­ iterate negroes liave the incentive of (atizenship offered them to learn to read, so they can register and vote; the whites hav* the enoour agement of the jn st recognition of racial supsrionty and the preset- vatioaofhisfrau'^hise which his & thers won for him and which he deserves because of his good citi- zanship, Hut ttiey are taught tbe great duty to see that every white child is educated by or before 1908. The foilure to eduoata is the &il- ore to have the right to vote. Pttblie policy demands the lim it. W ith no lim it, or an unreasanable ooe, the act wo'Ud be unconstitu­ tional. The U nit is reasonable and is Csvorable to the rule of P ub­ lic Policy, bein^ manifestly “pbo BONO ru B u o o ,” hence is right and constitational. Tiie Democratic party intends tnat there sh :^ be no ilU tent* whites after 1908. b the Becord answere<l? Let the people jud^«. The Becord would better rem-3mber the maxim of law: “ Q uiU Euir in lite ba, HEBTT IN ooktice:.” Bo the form­ er aigam eat in the Truth-Index is not a failure from a lkgal stand­ point. as the Benord facetiously de- clarss, The jury, i. e., the people have the case. W e agreed to publish the D r’s, answer to oor question, and above yon have it. As the D r. misquoted US, «re give the exact words of our question, and refer you to the Beookd of February 28th to bear OS oat. H ers is the question. “ If the Am endment is adopted, and is held constitntional with the lim it o f1908 in it, why would it not be ooBStitutional w ithout this lim itt la other words if it is constitution' years, why not for ^1 Now read this and 'read a lfo rS tim e!” w hat the D r. gives as my question and sea if be did not m isrepresent me. This 1908 lim it has nothing to d o with the negro, bnt Demo- erats like the D r. bad to p u t him in. Lets see if the D r’s conten tion has anything in it, so far as the legality me constitatioiiality ol this 1908 lim it iscoDoemed. W e say not unless Public Poli«7 and pnblie good dem and and require the exclnsion firom the privilege of voting of all who caniiot read and write a •action of tha oonstitutton in theKogliah langaage. If it ao de­ m ands, then the pablic good isheld in abeyance nntU 1908. A ocordingto the D r’s argum ent, P ablic Poliey and Pablic Good d e­ m ands and requires the ezdusion of all illiterates after IM S. Again, ifn o ia lsap erib rity qualifies the whites althont^ illiterate, and does noi vielatw the jtrindple P ablic P«>U<v, then Public F«4i<7 would not be violated alter 1908, n nlen raeial superiority ceased to exist after 1908. I deny th at it will esase to exist after tliat date, her efore the tim e lim it Is not nec- •y, and has notbing to do with the constitationality of the act. If your contention is true, which I deny, you ought not to show your inconsistency by holding the P ab ­ lic good in abeyance for even • years. I am opiwsed to the entire scheme, for w ith the unoonstitu tional Bth clause, and the poll tax clause, it is going to disfranchise many or more whites than blacks; your good intentions to ducate them to tha contrary not- withstanding. If being nnable to read and write a section of the eon Btitution in the English language is manifestly and unquestionably against civilization and the Public Good as you, and the Democratic leaders contend, then the Public Good demands and requires an ed ucated citizeusbip, and yon don t show your consistency by your i ^ al attitude on this question. 1 deny your contention so far as re- for there are hundreds oJ unletter ed men in this State of fine sense, possessed of the highest integrity, and who have more brains and good horse sense than m asy of the educated. Now D r. if by reason of the white mans racial superior ity be is allowed to register and vote until i»03, and the principle or public policy favors it, it sorely favors him by reason if this racial superiority, therefore PubUc Policy does not require or demand his dis francbisement at all. The 14th and 16th Amendments to the con- itittttion of the U nited States for bids a discriminatioo and as the 15th prevents tUe states depriving the negro of his vote by reason of race, color or previous condition of gervitude, thca according to the Democratic contention this 15th amendment is against Public Poli­ cy, and in its operation it U m ani­ festly and unquestionably against civilization, therefore it is uncon stitntional case Dr. you should lhasten to in­ form Mr- F. M . Simmons, so th-a,t he can take a portion of th at »1200 sent in from W ilmington and em­ p l o y some of those great constitu^ tional Democratic lawyers and have it declared unconstitutional tMfore the LegisUture awembles in June, and that' august assembly of 8olons can change the. Amendment BO it will not disfranchise a single white man. ThU is the easiest and .im plestw aycfsettU i^ this vex- ing question Dr, no doubt about that. Consound that rigamarole of latin you fling a t me, D r. we folks ap here ia Davie don’t know m uch about it, b at I am going to give my readers the English of it as I see it. It means, “ w hat’s a man’s, is his (EVIM HIS WOOT TO TOTE) as long as be Uves, and when de dies he has a right to take it with him whithersoever he goeth, unless th at Simmons D ejiocr^ic I ^ l a t u r e passes some constitu­ tional tow to prevent lit.” Now Dr. In all seriousness, your party has shown by the election law and this amendment th at it is more anxious to silence the poor w hite voters than the negro, and I will prove it. I t m akes th e pay- oM ntoftha poll tax on or before the 1st of M arch a prerequisite for voting, and it makes it a lien only on assessed pioperty, so the poll tax cannot be collect by law only from those who own assesBed property. This isone of your :hardest licksat tbe poor man, and invites him to give up his right to voU rather tban contribute his m ite toward lo c a tio n Ac. W hy m ake it the 1st of M arch, unless you w a n ^ to knock out the poor man who is flometimee nnable to pay his tax at k.t allt A gain the voter m ust be tb le Vo r e ^ the ballot and A e to- bel on tbe ballot box, or he is like­ ly to lose his vote by putting It in A e wrong box w here H wiU not to ooonted b n t throw n out. The Democratic party boasts of its w ealth and intelligence, therefore the wealth and intelligence is pro­ tected, while insnrmoantable riersare erected on all sides against the poor man. These are tocto, Mad the laws and see for yourself. T roth In b e i plbabe copy. $ 1.50 V ersus $150.00. Mcbo. Wooten & Co, Prong, North Carolina, «aj»: One of our custom­ers, a Cpromment man in this com­munity, suffered with llTcr complaint he consulted several physicians but they failed to benefit him. We pre- Tailed upon him to try the Ramou Pill* and PeUets. He soon bought more and is now a well and hearty man, and has gained in flesh. He says the pills saved his life and the six boxes cost him only $1,50, while bli trip to New Yoric to consult the doctors, cost him 1150.00. For sale by J. Lee Kurfees. Becord Free Gifts.I NOTICE. By "irture of an order made by A . T. Grant, Sr.. C. S. C., I wiU sell at public auction at tbe court house door in the town of Mocks- vilh, N. C., on Monday the 2nd day of A pril 1900, the following real estate; adjoining the lands of Lewis H arper, et al.. and bounded as follows to wit; B a n n in g at a stone, Lewis H arper’s corner, W . 20 poles and 15 links to a atone in Pott’s line; thence S. 70 degree W ., 24 poles and L., to a stone in Pott’s line; thence E. If, degrees 1 S etof F um lturt! (Spleeas.) 1 .Sewing M achine. l-Stove. 1 C hattanooga Plow. 1 R em lngtoniShot Gun. One dollar pays for tbej RECORD t ne year and you get two tickets; 50 cts, for six months, and you’getone tick' et. Send in your subscription iiiidget the paper during the <Mn» ifr. D on’t'SufTer, T he Electropoise N ., 20 polM and 30 links to a stone "M uutlrom 'dust. rifwas tW ltaiHHM L tW oJ -’to the beginmug acres, 105 poles more or less. Term s OE Si l e :—$25,00 cash, balance on six months time, with bond and approved security; in- tre s t a t 6 p e r c e n t from d a y o f sale T itle reserv ed till p u rc h a se m oney is paid. This 2nd day of March 1900. Thos. X. Chaffin. Adm r. of G . H . L ippard. T, B. Bailey, Attorney. ».‘0«000^ »00000000000000000^ I "W ebster’s^ In te rn a tio n a l D i d i i o n a r ySuccfort/Uu VnabrUfd." Cures all dissases without tbe use cf medicine. A pure Oxygen treatment, by absorption. It cures where every­thing else fails. It is needed inerery family, for it will relieve every weak­ness or ailment, to the most persistent I B Yoii’can dipp tTIil'jpownwairli'chronicof a grain of medit ,',^‘" Thousands Of psopTe all over th'e'Onited States, from private citizens to Lawyers, doc- tors, preachers, Supreme Judg^es Edi> tors, etc., even crowned heads of Eu- rope have given written te.stimonlala of these facts. Book of testimonials, and m atter of in^eat interest with price of instruments sent free. Every famil}^ should have an Electropoise; it saves money) induces health. Send your address at once and see what people say who have thoroughly tcBt> ed its merits. Agents wanted. T he Electropoisb Co., 613 4th 9tre«t, Louisville, Ky. B em iagton Single B arral B iaaek l.oadiii8 a tm , - t».BO Others - - - - H.SO, Loaded Shells, S5c a box. Shot, 7c. per pound. Prim ers, 12c. a box. A ll O ther Goods Equally Law F . M . ROBERTS, 445 Liberty Street, W INSTON, N. C, SOUTHERN slmu wllkout aamlMr. iB v a lu b leIh. koimlKM, .nd lo aussfiT 'skj-ssr ^ THE BEST FOR PR A ^C A L USE.; It l> M>y to flaS tiM wmS mataS. It U M>T to ucrUUa tk.It Is MS7 to tnw. ih. cmrtli It I* SMjr t* fcsra wku ■ war Tlia JTmr O r / m u ta y a i QBT THE BEST.nf^.^peeUnen paffet setU on toO. sSr C. JrJBSJtX43T CO.,8prin£&9M, Maam,, V. 9.4. C A r T I O N . coilM •« W«(wter‘a AUmntbMticmbrtilfrm«>ta or tbelBMraattMftl inths rarioDt siaM bear onr tndnnArk tlie front eom m ibowa in th« cats. RAILW AY. Dr. B. S. Anderson, --------D E N T IS T .-------- OSce: First Door South of Dr. Kimbrough’s, MOCKSVU.UC, N. C. Kodol “I used Dyspepsla«ure in my family with wonderful results' It give* immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is truly the dyspeptic’s best friend,” says E. Hartgerink, Overisel Mich. D'-gests what you eat. Cannot fail fe cure. C. C. Sanford. D B . W. C. M A R TIN Gives special attention to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Spectacles fitted by the aid of retino- scopy. Teeth extracted by the pain­less process. Office at residence in North Mocksville. D R . F . G- C H E E K . E Y E S P F X IA L IS T . Office over Jacobs' Clothing Stori, WINSTON, N. C A Superb Newspaper. TBI-WBE!KL.T TBIBUmS- The New York Tri-W eekly T rib nne has superseded and taken tbe place of the former Seini-W eekly Tribune, and is an on^row th of the demand for more frequent issues. It is printed on Monday, W ednes­ day and Friday. Price $1.50. In effect, The Tri W eekly Trib­ une is a fine, fresh every-otber-day newspaper, each issue of which is as g ^ as; a daily of the same date, and in one num ber of which, every week, large space will I e devoted to the pictorial, literary and humorous features of tbe lllns- tratedS upplei .*ntto the Sunday Tribune. W e beUeve thatT he Tri-W eekly will be the best substitnte yet found fo ra metropolitan daily. It has one more issue per week than the old fiemi-Weekly, and costs half a dollar less a year. W e are f lu e n tly able to print I in this edition, which ia sent toi press before daylight, the official war cable dispatches of The Trib­ ane from Europe, which are sent from there about 1 a. m. T H E TBIBCNB. New V«rV f itv THE , . . STANDARD B A ILW A T OPTHESOXTTH. The Direct Line to all Pointa. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA. FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RIOO. S tric t'y F iis t C lass £quip> inent on all Through and Lo cal Trains. Pailm an Bleeping Cars onall Night Trains. F&st and Safe ejchedoles. T ravel by t.!i« Sonthem -««1 you are assured a Safe, Com­ fortable and an Expeditions Joam ey. App'v to ’''•'cket Affents for Time Ta bits. Bates and General Infor­ mation, or address R. L. VERNON, F. R. DABBY. T. P. A . C. P. Jk T.Charlotte, N. C. Asheville N.C, 50TR0DBLK TO ANSWER QUfiSTlONi FRiNK 8. QAinfOK. M. CULP 3JV. F. 4 Oen Mm . T tif.lbii. W. i . TDM 6. P. i . ■WASHINGiTGN. D. C. ■ W I i E 3 2 5 T TOn 60 TO Winston, N.C. -CALL ON- PATENT mpySigKotIdSISiPIIOTECTlOfl. Send model, iketcb, or photo, for free examinstien aad advioe. BOOK OH P A T E M T S r.rM Ji£ t ^ ll'* C .A .S N O W & a O , PstaltLswTsn. WASHINGTON, D.C. B R O W I 7 . T m t Jt w v m . [ have a Nice Line of W ateh* Jewelry and Silver W «re, SpiH a (dee and Eye Ulsases, ete. Tin* ^ p a irin g done while yon wait an4 fully insured for one y w . PrioM to suit the times. Tours for business, B R O W N . T h e JT«w *LiB - u s T ibert.y Street. Next door to ri^ U fcl lo b e rt’s th e g a a i I Want To«r {3IICKBN8, POTATOES. ONIONS AND OTHSR 3F A R M PRODUCB. The Highest Htrket ?riM> mQ PiM Call on me when Y017 COMB TO T O W *. A w ell Belected Btoek of O ro e» ries A lw ays On H aad. T obib to Serve, D . H . M ILLER, BaUsbnry, North (>ioliBa- Record W.OO i>ayB for paper »q<1 tiejfetsi Presents * 4 - \ smn ci Col. IVy. of Swain county, 1» out aa a ciiidid'ate fof corpo-ration commis- sionei'. Col. W. M. Walton, tli^J near Mov- gam on on Tuesday In his Sdtli year. He was Wgihly esteemed. Col. r<. 11. Barrou died at hi:> home aieai- Teniperan:-e H.xll in Edgeoomljt : (\'.ui.,y on W s.Ine-iiay of last week. In eelccling n Sewing M achine, pick i WsUnesray nig'n: Ilenty W alsh met an t the ono that rnns the lightest, ! j,is ,|ea;ih in- filling off the O. H. &. 0. «WB the faBtcst, makes the least noise ; Gieu„oc:l. n eir Marion. ia m ost dnrable. will not break th e , .............. „ „ thread if run backward, vpill not pack-1 »<«■■ *'■ Cavidson «;M speik er the lightest fabrics, has patent | on the anien.imen: at H cl SDring. spool wire, antoaifttie^tentiou release ; bftll beariDg, etc. Manth I2ih. :«ncl at Biyson Ci:y. April Is-:. THE WHEELER &WILSON poMesses all the a b ? ^ ^SQinte of su­ periority over any other nfake. Coats aothiog to examine ont*. For sale by K. J. BOWEX, W inston, X. C. Kodol Dyspeps^ Oure D i g e s t s w h a t y o a e a t . Itartlliclallydipepts th e food and jiicl}* N atu re in strenixthennp and rocon- btructinjr tlh'oxliaii di^»estive or- gaos. I t is j ho disi^overed dipcst- j i Tii-e iniM.imeuLs ag-irni: ibe Sor.lii- ern R.illway fo-;* issuing fre? passes to T. X. Hallibui'ron '3i}.1 S. Hufl'man are being iritd a-: Bmko ;.oui-t this week. The Y. M. C. A. Fiaie (onvcn;:o:i , meKs ill Cri-eeiicboi-o. Ai>i ll 5-8 Sun­ day. April will be observed as a sj>ec*iTl C.-xy of p i'sy ?'/ foj* ilic yc-;ni^ •-iicn of the Srntc. Jchri A. Roeblliis iias resigiifd iii< l>D£iticii .?? rcjd sup-erin.endo!it of f)nr.x'‘r.3i.'bo tcuniiy lor the reason r«haL he n:<-; nc“'f Jr.' "n's k'?al*h cleniliy gjoJ for him ‘o give iHopsr at- icndcii 10 -:he du:'.z^ cf th.: office. He ^eneiuu^ly £erve.? ;v:i;hn;it compenss'a- oiw.. • Tlic A-hoville 1>le|>;'.oue Coiupaiiv has b.-cn inccTp'^: i:ted aivd a.-cin’res rJie teleplicne .^.nd rights held by iir:cr-pc':.v;xir5 a? in'ilvidi:a!s. The ofiice’i.-j ar^ H'r^rlan P. Pi o-::cvr. IT. an.l ^frs.lBBBP?!y*TP?u*~T? ' fr.UR. TO DEFEND 11 GANAl Mri Davis’s Amendment in tiie Hay- Pauncelote T reaty. T H E N E W S E P IT O M IZ E D E D W A R D * J. P H E L P S D E A D . W a sh ln c to n Item i.E m inent Law yer an d Scholar Ex­ pires at His Home in New Haven. SoDfttor Davis bas prepared iiu amend- mont to the Hay-Pauncefoto treaty author- Izlufj the United States to fortify nud con­ trol, police tiud patrol tlio Niciirngni Canal. _____ A favorable report wns made iu tli< ' House on tbo bill roorgaulzlng the Con- REPORTS MADE TO THE SENATE, j a^c ----------- ■ — '; conn.the Fourth Alabama District, in favor o Edward J. Pbeip?. former Minister to Great Mr. Aldrlcb, who was proscptlysworn in. Britain, died at his home on Humphrey 8onate Commiltee on Foroigii Itelatiou: drcet after an Hlnoss of about two months, i UiD Many Pnbllc Services-He Waft Min­ ister to Great Uritalii and Served on Important Coiumisslou*, The Aiucndiiieitt J*r«vide5 For Our Con tr«l of ilio Nicarns»A Canal Agrainat au Ktieiny 111 Titue of Wav^Ttie C.inal to Be Oin»n Ml .VII Times Id reaceful Coininercc—Scn'atot' Murjcaii‘s Report. m e ."BRER’ W!SE OOMME^NT Hii,.r'.ia'> Wjrck’s-K elation. | an amalga'InaUor' UeS* Ol . An»a»nnlattf. I Sh*;; Bryau becau'-e <,f i •'•'Hi,- -------- j on the 3ul,je, t of tbi'oC tlio Tru« Iiiwara- | and aconso!. iiiui o[ ues* With an (irgan i^atio n A ntasroniatic to j Republic ............................ — illness of auouttwo montus. «• • - xrhia Vnntv-turnsc i^eague, aa- • .me lann 000 liereafter. ; hours before ho passed away ho was un- T h e te rm o f L o rd P a u n e e fo te , th e B iiL lsli .c o n s c io u s . T h e re w e ro p re s e n t a t th e b e d - T. . ‘ A m b a ssa d o r, im s b e e n in d e U n ite ly o x to n d - gii^e b is w ife , b is s o n C lia ric s, o f B o sto n ; Wa s h is o t o.v, 1). C. (& i)o e ta l).-P ro m p l . • |,is d a u g h te r , M rs. H o ra tio L o o m is, o f N ew action wus Uikea Trid.iy by tbe Soiiato ; ycpreseutativo Levy Introduced a reso-. | Vbric, and l»i-s pbysiciau, Commlltoe on Foruign llolations with tbO' lutiou reiiulriuff Cuba to reimburse tint;------------------ auliiliiij.jj,, n rP risi‘« “‘ oe tU’ D im ycrats, f a„,|, — th ’ •Tudgf' ■“» oocnpa- | fact that taiifl're(,„a than tbravoliii’ aro u n 'tU ’ ooun- | n « wl-ich the jiarloi- cars telliQ’ fnuuy yarns | trm m ijhed m amendment offered by Chairman Davis to the Ilay-PaUDcefote treaty and intended to provide for the dofense of the United ; States against attiek by way of the Nicar.apfua Canal ia thn event of war with a foreign power. . Following i.<5 tlie text of the amendment: ‘•Insert at the eud of .section five of ar- i tielo Iwo the following; It i.s agreed', how' I ever, that none of the immediately fore-1 (;o!)jg conditions au:l stipulations In see* : lions number one. two, ibroo, four and live ' of this act siiall appiy to measures whicii, tbe Uuitea States may llud it necessary to ’ take foriseciiring by its own forces tbe de- • fense of the United States and the main- ' lonanoe of public order.”’The report aeco.upauylng tbe treaty was >lgnod by all the members of tiie commit­ tee except }<euator Morgan. After dis­ cussing the effect of tlr) Clayton-JJiiiwer treaty an<l going over tbo history of the ' futlro ease the roport, toticbmu' upou tLo ' Strategic importaneaof tbo canal, say.‘:“ V.’e .Stipulate agaln!*t tbo blockade of the canal J*y any nation. In condition.^i . tl’at may noi. e'utirelv remote wo woiiki ' llud this i>4^vlfel->:i, in‘ letting oar aiiip- U n ito d S ta te s fo r e x p e n se s in c u r re d o n thi* is la n d 's a c c o u n t. iiM WRITE FOR CIRCWLfiHSS^a^^ 'i;.Sew inr M achines we m anufacture and their prices before you purchase any other. T IE NEW HOME SEWING MUKlNE CO., OJiAXOL', iS IT aionScanie, N . V. Ghlc.-'so, HL St. Lonix, Mo DaUu,Tez«3. San Cal. .dUsitta, <i&. rO R SALE BV Iserietary .-in'J iJica-iirer. T’je (-aiiilal |i s $80,000, W . R . I’ip p en li-i. y e .ir *12TJ worth of tl‘<y la5:'::r. Tiie r€?‘i of the iw ork he did ihn:-:)f. He soul pr'.i- Im its aih1 tnbj;-:o to ihr amouiK ol ?80o lan d made more ^;bau enough jne.U and I brea-d for h:a J :.aiily an.l more :hau I enoiig'h f.Tsn and fc.iier for his te.^m. Mr. .-\. F. .Abrnuc-th.v. ct Hi:tiv.-Jiy. hJS I rued the Hiekory Electric Companyfor ldani.iges to p.rrper:y adjoining rhe de- I tendan't*^ ele^^rlc liglr. plant, and seek^ ■to iiavc ib.2 said plant Mccl'.^red a mii- I sanoe, allesin* ' ‘^21: the m?.:ninery is defeoMve .ind (Kingsrui:*. and i.s an an­ noyance t*> :h& f-3nMnn-n-:ty. in the man­ ner in which :: is cpr-'aCEJ. Tbe tra?G ■is being tiicJ at Xevvion. We see i-r. £:j::ed th*v: it takcs balos cf cc'.:0n a.year to r.in .he Hen­ rietta cort'on nr.Hs. This catJon i-osis fll,UOO.OUO. Tlie mill prapeity jg val­ ued x t There are over five hun'dred fdcroiy Jiouscs t'here 311 .ivev- • ag<‘ value of ever whi:h am ounu to fSOOO.OOO. 'J iie ouipu; of cbes^e mill.'? is simply eno.'‘mou5. Entei prises 0* this ^)<h3raciir build busy to\\Tis. Mt-mi:*.. s of 'die Xortb Carolii:.i syn­od co.Ti.-nl.tPe cn the college que*stion were a: Hic’k».ry ThuKvd-ay, where they jiooked ov^r the propei ly of Lenoir col- I lege. ■■ The jury in Kalfigh awaide-.l $li.- r-00 to Mr. Sc*ni Coley y.'gain.si the Sciii-hcin railway lor the I'os*: of bi.< ann. wbic-h was cr.i: ofi by the shifting engine in Cioldjbcio about two year.'. I Sinice August 1. $40,000 wc-rih oi' new ; ma<rhi«ry has l^en pl*ed it. il>c Sal- ^ a s ii/o n s , . • S u a r a n to e d Under reasoKcble comditiovs .... ■\Vilt accept R-Mes? for tuitisu , orcandep«>sit coucyinbanU until po^iitioa is .'-ci.ured. C er ' fare paid. Xc ^-acation. -En­ ter at any *;2:e. O pcnforlw th ssxts. Ch-r2T>board. 5endfor iHustreted c a tilo ^ e .place. , isbuiy cc-:tcn mIH and Lhe mill lias not lia'A to £;hi;t down until Saturday. The employe? are now enjoyiT.g a brief hci- iday while new dr>cis v*‘re being €ed. w ys the Salij-buiy Sun. • Bi.fhop GaUow\ty i-ome-i 10 Xoi :h Ca="- olina next week in th? ir.'.ercc-: cl t,h“. tweniUeth tentujy mDVFmec:. speaks as i'cllows: <«reeus1ioro. Mon­ day wight, Marr.h 12: W insron. 0;i ftatna'd-jy. :h^ lUh: Charlolio. 13: S.il- isbttiy. 14: Suslby. i.i: Abhovii’e. 36. A t \Vi!mingfon Tnui'Edwy juoiiTi-icj Address J. F. Dn,\uouor:, Prci’t, ai- either D r a u s h o n ’s P r a c t i c a l . . . . . B u s i n e s s . . . . rieshvllle, Tenn., GaU'sston, Tex., oivan n sh , Ga., *4^ Texarkana, Tex. bookkeeping. 5hortiiand. Tvnewritln.^, etc,Tbe most tJMroHff/i, praciiccl iiud prucrfisive . Mr. John Caut*. a section fO'.f'.iv.iuT. f**1I .^c^ls of the kind »u f.;e ^-orld. ami the b,sl , Vfrr>m th» Iom of u '-onl f.U-varn- ■;>' :hc ^<rt»«r>«foDe^i«thc^^..lh. Indorsed brhr.nk-! . .. Jv*'' ! ’''f t.CVa .O. S ^♦.r?, merchant'. jiilni.-ier.-; ::nd other?.’ Four Coait. T^ne do-K aa-.i rc:-eiveJ in ^jkkc-eping with arc equal io J injuries /iCai which he dlftl. The un- identas autior'of'nL'lBiio.'!-- tci/iin-iLe mpii ivas (liiei'tlii.s a fwce nl_.w,-----•— ......... .. .. . . . . eleva-.cc. .ind i't some unac.-ou7:t.at)lc iKgiirer. sruinblsd anti feli froni .he dizzy insight to ihe Extract. ‘‘PKOK.’Da'AucTnox—I k ' 'vliarf l)elow. Ivvery bone in th?? vic- kwpin^at hoiue from yourBook^.’.vhileholcHnif' tim ’s bcclv wa.5 L-r«r hfcd.‘as wfll as his? l.e liv e d three '* j ho^i's and t0r.‘scicu5-i« the end. A broom laciovy is io be established In Salem in about ten dayn. The Sa- K nitting Mill is enlarging its ca­ pacity by addition of new machinery. The Oakland Manirfactti'ring Company will will begin nianufarturing fu:aitu;e ,«t an early date. The company will elect officers next Monday. The plant will be two miles from W ington. be- tw'e^n, the Southeia and Norfolk & W estern Railroads. Saturday a lloens.5* was obtained fvoim the register cf (LeUi c£ P itt county I’o? the m ai'riige or Mr. Jesse Jamei^. of w e ^ iu twelve we P re d d e n tu author of Drr.iighoi'rs Xc-tt Svj=t#jm OI B oc^eeping, “liouhre lintr>* M.ide i-Iasy.” fftome stM iy. ^Ve have prenatwl.^ for homa Ftady. books oil ^bookkaeniiijr. penin2n>--hip and j shorthand. W nte for pncc list “Home Stndv.” ■Wholesak- Grocers. South Chj«igo; 111 _____{.AfeHtufK t/us pixpcr ?SX r FREE ^“V E f E n E l i S , ^ lo ihtHiHSlrateJ i vnt'n-.uf .i v 'iVm ,Fj.rh letter is v.-.-U 5 ll»striu< !. Th,-. a r - • to l’K leStiUj r«iai.-bi»ss, jllrannerN , rldkilMK)Kisli«ri>K-M.3Io1hers-{ii.|,a», ' ^ r U a e n , (an<i|.:atr-, Tcafhers.They are considrred the >-Wtt wdrk Hial has exor | come from (.iov. Tavlcr’s giftnl t>f*n. IIU r.'i«iJ;t- '■ Im nas a .>m:or, :.nd ,i:!erl,,h:.r \IS » wjde u8 the v.orld JiM-If T ie H lu g fra f,:i } >nt!, \ v J.; x sc n u in jv ill-'- 5oornal.l6lo8:> <i. vol. cilo I-k'i.l.n. IN.j!;- 'RT, Auv^ti-kes hy Si..\ .\N!i I^^xn. Wir.A' :i HcWOR, BlO<iBAPIIV, T u.\M1..S, SflRN. ^ iU.d g n m l inforiiialMi::. DrpmtjuM. s: If iamren's • » ld watdi. diani-j.Ml rh.-, or h]-v^\c by cloin- a l a ^ work .for us. S:u«j«!^ top'cs' AiWW, The Ton laod Agfi rulu <’o., '.islivHle.Teiip .ic. Onlyhi;h^rJoV.r»r^;Vlu:^ ma.rnage c-r .uirw^^lcir^latiou pitbiishc-j tiig ^-iiiv.' : Bethel township, to The daughter of , Mr. E. S. Lewis, of Belvob* to.vnahip. Sunday young .lames went to Lewis' home for the purpose of wedding tlie J! girl. The fauher objEcred to lhe mar- 'riage and .Tames left. Sunday night .lamei?. ac.-ompanied by -his bro-iher, •'.Sam .lanves. and some friends, again wen'L i;o Lewis’ home lo take the girl by fore?. Tbs falher again ohjec-tecl ; aoHl the visit resulted in a fight, rifles ; and pinrols being used. When the smt>ke <>f ba:tle cleared away Je*se , Jam es.'the would-be-bridesreem, was wmm-detl. hi^ brct>.e-r Sivm. was dead j lankl Mr. Lewis had a pii^tol oaU in his hip and a v^ountl'on his hea-d; The proprietorfe of the Salisbury Rol­ ler 'Mill are having new machinery placed in their m;ill. by which the ca­ pacity will be 4oubled. They will make a finer grade of flour than here­ tofore. The Fries M anufactm iug and Power Company, of W inston has purchased an ace-making pU nt. with a op acity of I 30 tons a day. It will be in' operation , the first of May. i Wafinjin. Klnjg:, colored, was execut- } cd at Pensfcbla, Fla.. Friday. He mur- : dered :a‘ negro girl. • » I Craven eounity Jia^s iu live years yiel- I ded ftheVStajte |5,33I. revenue Crom the I 'sh'ell f i^ .tax. _________ _ : The total number of tho-e taken outCLOSEmmmoMS^ Tomb From Thursday, for New York to undergo an overJiaulltig to cost $150,000. has arriv­ ed tlicre. THe-journeymen plumbers have-tod the strike inaugurated tw o days ago at :NeTport J«ew«, Vo.; the Smployera con- » nine-hour t!«v at t3 a ■*y. m N o r f o l k T O C 0 L i i M B u & W. B. BEVILL,Geneial Eass..^^^ ,ROANOKE,VA.v tbo ene:ny of great .security lo our coastwiso trado. With our naval l-.i«e« i at Manila, Houohild, tjau Frauc:'?«o and Saii Diego, ou ooo side, aad . at Sau Ju”.u. Porto lllco. the fsle of Piues au'l K:iy We.st, with other forliaed ' naval stations, on tlie other side, it is o.\- tromcly Improbable that.i tlcct would cross ■ cither of the great ocean.s and approach the canal to (iu«l a gatoway to the coasts of thft other oceau. U w>; aio not able to handle au enomy unilcr sucli rtisadvao- lages to tliem, oar [lowt^r of rosistam’c to ' such a campaign would be unworthy of our country, if It would Jiot bo ludieroii.*'."As to the prohibition of fortillcatlons tbo report siiy:i:“ With tlic* militnty poiice of tiie I'liit-jil fstfite.'?, I'jrovided for in thl^ convention for the proteiitlon of the cuual, i(.s defense can be made perfect against any foreign power that is not strong enouKh to occupy the country and hold it tigalust ali comer.=>. '*Jn ;iny event, If wars are to comu that ' will involve tbo ownership or control of tbe canal or tbo ii;;ht of pas-sagu through it. no battle- should ever be fought in tbe , repcioa noar to it. To make the caual u battle ground i<> nvcessnrilv to exposo ti tc destrnction. ami t he erection of fortresso.? for its protection will invite hostililie.5 tv> ils locality. “Cut the real danirer to tbo canal, from thu ab:ience ot fortillcations, is ko slij;ht and improbable that ItH discussion appears to bo unnecessary. Tti.5 sc.arcely coneeiv- ablotbat Or^'at Britain would send a floct across tbo Atlantic to attack our western coasts, or aerose the Pacillc to attack our eastern coasts.•*Xn time ofwar. Jis iu times of peaeo, the comtnoroe of the world will passthrough it.«! portals in fortect scenrity, enrichiug all tit«‘ nation.-^, and we of tho EngUsh- si'eakln;? poopJes will cither fo.-;;et that this grand work will ever cost us a day of bilternc.?s, or wo will rcjoico that our eon- tontions have delayed our progress until the honor h.is fallen to our tcrand riepnJi- Ile lo ninnbor thi.^ amon;? our bo.st works for tho {foo:l of m:»ukiud.”Senator Morgan later in the day llled a minority report oppo.«ing tho am^'jdmout of the committee. O ur .:tdo])tC(1 IsliU )d4. One iiundred thousand rubbor troe^ wilj be planted in Hawaii to see If thk*y cac bo = prolUably grown. Fiilpinos aro said to have rai.sed a largo fund and to have given Major-General , Lawlon’.s ?iayer •*25,000. The total exportations of liomp from t!i» riiilipplnc If-lands to December 81 last- amounted to 5)5,070 ton.^,. valued at s^lO,-y.W,uOO. Lieuiunant Koehler, of tbo Ninth Infau- j ;ry, was lurcJ into an ambush and killed ■ Ly Filipinos nmir Tarlac. ‘General ilaxlmo (JomeH lias wriitoa to the Havana newspapers to .-.'lytbat he can- ’ LOt Jiceept any ofior of monetary assist-' auce, espo:ialiy at a tiino vWien, owing to ( tib.i’« misfortunes, h^‘ treasury in thu hand.-* of tho foreigner. })rij^adiHr-Cieneral Fiin!«ton took 230 moa through tbo mountains to Daler nn the •':ii?tern coast without meeting an insur- penl. 'j’iio peojjie of Porto Illco are f*bowing ■rinnent shou^ traveleri., whicb. ,„ves th ’ (Ibrum m ers lots ! into JIv. l!i av mouev tbeT w ad otlierw ise ’ave •nt on iU’ tbevaters tn r am nsem int. . 41,' ....ffvraiut niaile iu lie’s favor be • “ A great than„,. . > li= th £ ^ H o g '’- “S‘“ ^(l.I-n-ts au’th o t 13, tb -Ju d g e appears ;siastic to ’aveam onopolyavth’faunystories. an’ gives ibim away gratis.• 1. <]i’ <'Ase. how r, ' I'rOTu-, f; Coutmmiig i,s sertiou oi Ereat %..J B.......... ' Vil'giuu, aioiiaj„, , This i hil '■ • 1* bves. or tU’ funnv ' cn’eat speech 4l'i. gi-eat s,,eBeh „u 1I.0 m a k e a \ e u th n s ia s m . tbi; deutial olaiiuaul i„r i.,nVr? tlie courajruui ii„i, out at hi, <iugerci„’,.;;,-:| pbenouieiiou i.s t„ l,e„L.:T‘| rBorEs.soR i:ii\v Aub The remains were taken Vt., for int«‘rraenf-. ;;re of Congress to prov for tho Island. THE QUEEN IN LONDON. Au Outburst ot I<03*aity >'ut Surpassed by th e ScciiRS u f th e •Tahllce. London (By Cable).—Queen Victoria (raveled frdm Windsor to Buck*ngbam Pal­ ace, and afterward drove n to the city ol London. She was everywhere received with uubounded onihusiasQ'). the demon­strations of patriotic loy.'ilty belnj? morn, remarkable than even those of !ier Dia­ mond .Tnbilee. Her Majesty’.s train arrived at Pad lin};- ton from Windsor at 12.15 ji. m. Tbe Qaecn was welcomed by tbe Prince ot Wale.-*, the r.dward John Phelps came of ancestors r their legal learning and prooj- i^ovornor-General Wood o[ Cnlm .«ays he nence in ’ Im s decided not to op;!ii any more s cIjo oIs Phelp.=, a representative to the General r.; present, a.=j tho 2?CiO seboolrj nlroutly c^- .Court of Connecticut in 1,7’44, wa.t; bis groat- tnl'Sishod practieallv meet all tho rt.^rjiiire-' graudfath«r: John i'holps. a K«'voluiIonary n;‘'nt.-?. ' soldlep, hl.a grandfather, and S;imnel s. _________ IMielps, Uiiitetl States Senator from Ver­ mont. ids father.Professor Phclp.s was born on July U, * 1822. a t J lid d le b u ry . V t.. w a s c r a d u a te d a t M i>J«Uobury C olloj?e iu th o C la ss o f 1«40, •.•studied Jaw at Vale and afterward with iror.'ilio Seymour wa« admitted to the bar in Mlddlebiiry in and sit Ihe.ugeof twoiity-one l.t>{?aii his )>rofessional earcer iu b5s nalivo town. Ho lelt Middleburj* two yc:;rs lati'r for IJcnuinKton, Vt.. ami iu 1861 ■ cnicr.od.u^ioa bi’3 llr.<t public oflice, that of Second CJoutroller of the Treaf-urv. wiilcb be held to the ;rlose of Pre.^ident I'llimore's iidmintstration. .In ISTO l;c wa.-r a tl*-lesate to tlie Vermont Cou.stlturionnl (’onvention, and received I h<s degree of Doctor of L:iw.s from bis Alma 3later. In 1S77 ho rresi<!ed over tho cen­tennial cer^'iuonie.H of tlio battlo of Ben- iilngton. Thr»?o years later he was nomi- natoil liy the Democrats for U*ivcrnor of Vcrinoni. and dcr;;atod. llewas t.'ion Pres- Ident of th e -\merlcan Bar Association, be- . fore wiiieli iie delivered au addres.? on *• Jiisticn ;>larshun .mil the Constitutional Law of His Time.- In Ifi.-jl he beeaine Kent Professor ot Law at Yale, and in pueeeeding years reaped fre.«h laurels by Ids scholarship. In 1S92 lie locturetl before tite Boston University law studentf ou rouslltutional law. lie*: alao 'wrot** o.xteuaivoly on t?ohsHtutIonnI and internati' iial law. In 1H85 he was ap­ pointed by President Glevelanil Mlni.^ter Plenipotentiary to f}r»-at Britain. Pre- fessor Pbt'lp- Iield hi* post four year.**. He not only matin war»u friends ot 'many dis- tiuguishedBritish publicl.sts, but sn^'^eeded ill ^*roditabSy safeguarding American in- tenvst.s. .Mr. Piielps reached home in l''e))ru;iry, l.SSl). and wont lo Versnont to rest; In Oc- lober. lfi!)0, be was dofoated for the Unite-I .,Slate.s S^e.'iate by Senator Jlorrlll. Xext year he made a .‘'tirriug speech at the un- vt.dllng of the Bjnnington Battle ?Ionu- ment. In rumor selectoil him for Mr. Clevfland’s' .'^ecoiul Cabinet. Instead bo , served as senior eounsol for tho United Slates Goveri.ment in the Court of .•Arbitra­ tion over tbo Berlnif .Sea controversy. Uverwoiii caused him to break down and , he’Was forced to r«'st jiRain.In March, lS5>d, l)eforo tbe Brooklyn In­ stitute, .Mr. Plielp.s condemned Pro?i<lent Olove!and\*5 famous iac5sago ou tho Ven- e/>u‘.dan case. Later, when the Venezuelan .\rbitration- Oommissioti wa9 luimod, be was :ij)polnte<t ono ot its members. David W. i:eeves, tbe well-known band- Uiislor, died at Providence*, H. I., froai paraiysis after a short illne.ss. Ho was iifty-two yours old. Major James Barroll W{i.^biu;;toii. ‘a former Confederate soldier, died in j^iiis- burg. Penn., agod si.\ty-ouo. His «n)at- ;?raadfather was .Tolin Augustine Wushing- 1013, brother of George WashiugLOu. Lllen Duff, a mendicant, when searched tbe City Lodging-Hpu.so in New York (.'ity was found lo have Sli.OOO deposited ir. banUs. X. L. MicliaeJ. Vice-Presideni of tho A:ucrican Bank at Lima, Oiiio, thnf was mysteriously robbed of StS.ODO nion; than a year ai?o, was arrc.nteil -tliar^ed wilJi tiie robbery. Michael brands his arre-t as blackmail. The Uepublie.in (‘oji"re.?sional Couven- lion of the f?ixth Dlstriet of Indiana, re­nominated Bcproseutatlve .lames Wat- .son by .icclamatlon. Tbosprins tide ot immigration is now at- its height. During the past week ending more than tonthousnnd imnugrantslanaed at the Barge OlJico io New York City. T.ribor troubles f*alminated in a riot at Thirty-sixth and Wallaco streets. -Chlcaijo. Wiiliaui iiehlndler was ^hot in the breast by Joseph Wnlti?. He will die. Six otliers v.’ore injured. Frank B. Callaway, a wifi* niur.’lerer. vvho wa.*; to have been h»ng»'«l Monday, com- niitled suicide In his coll at St. Louis, Mo. A dnngerous new counterfeit bill, a coai- l;inatIon of one-dollar note and a ton-doi- lar nolo, has been discovered through t!»o arrest ot Douglas Force, a '.jard writer In Chicago. A proclamatiou has been is.^ud 1 by Oov- ernor St/isiley deoUiring aiiuarautiue whieli practically excludes tho.“bi[.mcnt of dairy cattle into Kansas. Tho <|iraranti;)‘> is oii- labiished In order to prevent tbo fiirtiier introduction of tuber-iulosi? into Kansas herds. An appropriation of 5'10,00!) bas been voted by tho Mississippi l^esl-*bitiire for thu establisment-'of a textile souooi at the Agricultural and Me(’;ianicai College. Tho transpoft Warrc.'i arrived at Sau Praucisco, 0;i!., from Miinila, afler a voy- Jiaro of jortj'-ono days, wit b UeneraiMosepb Wheelcron board. The order for the shipment of guns and .'iramuuition from lhe Stale armory at Frankfort to London, Ky.. by tbo llepubll- j can State authorities has been revoked. : pect th- playacthor byes, or tb ’ funny bves av th’ iioospapers, to m ake a ,i^in’ be.seliiu’taeu- w it to 111’ they- aters or tb ’ uoospapers, us tb ’ case ‘“ ■“ j't’r ye.-T ousiu-sible,” iuteriected --------- DouUu, aiul iuim ireJ, -ilo T e r L ncle i of bis fo llo w ,, j,, Till) tb ’ eomuiarsliall tbraveler, know j gres.s. bat i.? m,)., ' a„v ’av these lad'ly bucks?” , tbi_3 de-'ierli,,!. i, ,i,, • ■‘•\Ie uuL-le,” rejoined O’F laberty, i betoro m tli.,- Ui~!,,iT 'kuows tbini be heart, au’ be .lays tb ’ ) was there f ’ „xist.‘i only beufttlie tU’ hats av ; iug autl e-iiovciii- ibe D,,.'; BUto Uuriiustou. tb ’ prisi(lii'‘;>i‘’ secretary, who started ; riflTpolioy as tlim is ; -------------- -------------------------------------------------------- i la n d is covereil , Plies in . ierprise.' If IlieHemo.’S S beeurigbtinit.O uugT O iisi', Bition to the i-votcctiT.. mucU greater is lhe jr.niii;^ I releuilcss warfare npou li.jlt aucl .>ipoliatioii of (lie Iiinglrti! .. T ruth aud ju.sti,‘,- iruiiil" exteuuaiioH in liebiil: u['m, 'j' ■ H e bas not ileseile.l fu.. i of tariff rel'ona. H.!isoalv^ iug for tbe tiiiio iicinj ui isbeil zeal. "Hrci' iiilj!*, . low ." Mr. iirjTii’a v;au(, ileul muL-li ni.ji^i' iliau ijf ■wear tbe maiitie '.i Williji, Ui| W ilsou. 1'etv.ucii ;i i lieu ou tiie eie'jativecliairiiiaiJ precaiioiis ricle uii ilie si] -” few free traiie Deiiwcra!-. V tbe cbi'Jr every tiiai-. beiiL-;.. delpbiii l.eciirvl leuieiulitr - tbing« auil lie vi:ai is all right on lie iiiriii; l.e-^i luoutb aTo hi! imlili,;lr s'jaojijJ t c o n tra d ic tio n oi a curreul w::*: • bis views ou ilu .sulj’cct oi • all iliitics ou iuipui'tsut f.jrei:.* i hail nndei-goue u-. ; “ The Prisiiliut w rote a Icttber to M istiier Croker, av tU’ T aniraauyH all turns!-, lellin’ him ho hail rayaiueil from th' Eepublican party an’ wud fui-ow lb’ iuHooence av tb ’ Comm ar- shall Thravelcrs’ N asbinal League on th ’ sida av tb ’ Tam iaauy thrust, or any owUl thing wid money iu it.” S 0 U T I :E R N RAiLW<| ACCUSED OF COEBEL’3 MURDER. K en tuukiiin in C ustody a n d W ar- ta iif h I n a n u d P ol- O tlic r ji. out ^Yid a skaiue to git lb ' 500,000 commarshall m iu av tii’ oonutbry to jine iheir League, at au expense av ■\vau ilollar a year each. “ This wud m ake a balf a m illion dollars a year to divart tow ards tb- jjocktts av this git ricb-qniok League, do yeiuoind? ' „ . i ought console ua.I w - - A v co o rse lb eo m m a rsb a l^ m u > ;,^ ; R e to i.j. ,v«v a’.ii wlia i< w h o .ire h a y in a li k in d s a v s illy a fJ .r* | fre e w,».l iiii 1 jli , l ■ m aile to th im b o p e o p le w h o w u d w a n t | j „ , p i i , / t o th e faraiev.s uf lia Fs o_b-,iy t h ’ e a r th w ic a d is c o u n t a v t « ^ ; lo iv es ali a u s ix ty d a y s u a tin , c n a a i i _ ^_________ fee til’ ueedsisity av i>ayiu’ a baU » i cnlliou ilollar.s a year fur ilaj’caye^ | goose eggs, air ilecliueil witl thankSi “ Thiu tb ’ prisiiliut gits mail bekaso \ he cudu’cm akc a tb rn st av tb ’ ilhrum - m ers, fur he's own binifit, an’ wroto a )e!tbef to M istber Crokev, av th* ' Tammany H all th ru st, tclliu’ bim ho ^ raysiuetV from tb ’ Eepublican party : aud’ wuil throw lb'' iudooence av th* ■ Commarshall Tbraveler.s’ N ashinal League ou IL’ sioo av th ’ Tam m any thrust, or au r owUl thiug w id money in ir. *‘.\s Ml3tb e r‘’^Crokcr know s m ore about polyticks, au’ giiliii’ tb ’ biggisfc share av th’ spoils than bo do abonf; conmisr.shail inin. bo b it loike a , hungry lish nt dead bate, thinkin’ ] Lv. Toe.- thot th ’ high'Sonudin’ tam e av th ’ " Comm arshall- T bravelers’ X asbiual Leagne wnd catch famished- gudgeons; Condf’n«!-'‘l S-':''In’--' f>.' In N ’V.r.».liO. 1 \\-5. '-0 N urllibtiund. Xi"*. IV. N" 1-^ Lv. .\tlan«:«.CT 7 d)u•• Atlanta ET h :a ;•“ Non*ro5s . . I'Bofurd. . liM'.i;- “ fiRinf!?vii!«- " l a i i n .... i I'J :»“ C orr-.-U a.. .! •* '-'^ =Mt. .\iry...[ '1 minster.; lie’ll!' Seoeci*. .-i I--’-; •*. Cf'ntral... j *• G5'<fiivii> • ^>p.■»^'ba^lr ' Queen’s cacrlngo had fo bo forced by tho troops. Dcafenin>' choers followetl tlie royal procession alt along the rout*!, and thousands of Union Jacks were waved. Tho enthusiasticscoaes of noontimo were repeated in tlie afternoon, when tho Queen almost encircled London Iu a drive ex- tenaing from Buckingham Palace aloog the Thames embankment to St. Paul’s: thonce alouR Holborn to Piccadilly aud back to St. .James’s Palace.Tbe Queen's drlvo around the city w.as a memorable event. Tbe royal o.iuipaRo passofl through t!«e (jnarters of all cbiases. but everywhere was the enthusiasm ono nud unbounded. w.as killed in a blcy< Mich.le coliisiou at Detroit,Captain .iohn Davis, policeman of tbo Statu Capitol Square. The warrants charge As tho result of a street duel lud., Bryan Culien was shot and Allen Marshall and Desoto wounded. - William J. Garland, chargtid with tbe murder of bis wife at Pb'fbus, Va., on Feb­ ruary 14, was acquitted after a detention of two weeks iu jail. His wife was seventy years ohl. He is forty-flve. “ Me uucic towld me there’s nary a commaruhall nor hotel jnon ou b e’sLdat Linton . acces.sories To tho • ou lie s Ar. Kichn>o,:d.. nd killed and’! Jissassinatlon ami warrants against route from Boston to Sbaaykago tbofc , Ar. Whingtou. .. ■ -Ward were ; tb ’ concaru, , I! -.Jp________ SecretarytState Powers, wero sworn out and sent to Wbltloy County for service..'Several wituesf-es who testllled at tbe Edward Cavanaugh was arrested in Xetvork City charged with .stealing $60I)G I . ................ .......................... worth of jewelrj*. Dr. Ashton Buchanan i .Issued Imve been uuder tbe strictest sur-’iV-lHint' {c Ilia a/amiciai. ' V'f>I M ii ii .-ta <.1.^ ^ — thot th ’ hotels they m auo m ash t ba loike M cFadden’s father’s Irish castle, trial of Hari'aa W itta ie r' T«e;;i“av s'w.TrS cMtnbIev\n’ “' T that the sliota nt tiie time ot tbe'Goobel f'^‘'‘’«ley au ataiile evei^tbm ’ la t)i’ iissasslnatiou woio llrod tiom the iliron. bonse. KRUGER SUBMITS PEACE TERMS. Tlic E llort to R etain th e In d ep cu iieu ce of th e T w o Ite p u b llrs. London* .'By Cable).—It has been learned thdt the peace reports which have been in circulation were founded ou the fact that President Kruger had appealed to Lord Salisbury for a-ce.ssatlon of bostilities, of­ fering, at lentftb, by cable, tbe terms wblcti York City cbargci ■ worth of jewelrj*.Talbot is bis accuser. Schaeffer, of the ITniversity of Pflunsyl- , vania, niadoa now amateur swimming roc- j i ord for 200 yar.i nt Boston, bis time being 2:30 2-5; previous record. '2-M7 2-5. The Xorth Atlantic s<iuadron will join Ii celebrating tbo 125th aunlversary of the battle of Bunker Hill, at Boston, Juno 7. rreaieu lu ,>ew | Hon of Powcrs's office, and be and all of iteallng $60I)G I the parties for whom tho warrants were he is willing to acccpl. Qfllcial circles here regard tbe proposi- ; tiou as .-.lerely a ni.se of the Boers lo gain time and do not consider that President Krucer Is yet ready to consider tho sweep. : lug demands which Great Britain will make asrelmbar.semeni for tbe loss of life and great expenditure.* Dod U with auids of Lord _______., ____ .3 believed, said that no such attempt to ■ maintain tbe Independence of tbo Trans- ; vaal could bo considered for a moment by i *:he British Goverument. i ;veiilance over since the assassination. A FORTUNE FOR A HORSE. :»I. Bliuic rays Sl»U,S7a For Flying Pox, u Thoroujfhbve I Kacer. L o.x b o.v ijjy Cablol.-Fiying Fox, son ol Oriue-Vampire, and the iioer ot England's .thorouRhtired raeera: ‘ was sold at public :aiiotlou tor *l!i(i,87o, the larRest price over I'aid for a race horse. Monsieur E. Ulanc uiilliOilairo rrenellmau, and son of the fonader ot Moote Carlo, was thesiiecessrui bidder. Flying Fo.i was eutercd ia 111 the late' Duke of Westminster’f race horso;'. Tho snio ‘‘Th’ hotel m iu tow bl me uncle tbot they ’aye u? consum in’ day.sire to com­ pote wid free soup bouses, an’ prefer open milhj to tbira, an’ th o t clowns, fur coruinarsball m iu, are not iu aa -uiueh dem and aa they appear to bo fur D im ycrat I’risidinsliall candy- dates.” •' , l o r o t e n . Tho British Consulate at Bordeaux, Franco, was attacked by French students and others. Queen Natali** of Scrvia has eancelleti her will drawn in favor of her sou. Kiny Alexander, through disgust at bis acquies- cenco in tho virtual dictatorship of bis un _______principled father. Milan, and bjis drawn s ; spocts tbo most notable new one, leavlnj? her millions to tbo pool i annals of tbe turf. Louk _____—« of Servia and France. j *‘^*>iounced for the bo>;lnuiug of tbesaletbe If la tin jfti-ai-’/xrt/q'it nf-n ^ t- ,1 Geuorul Pepiu, foraicr Govcruof of'San ' nt Kingolere was a scene of tUoIt is understood lhat Pro»ideat Kruger’s ; Snnto Domluco beaded a revoli ^ B^oatesfc animation. Tariff. Ira«t« aud I'rices. A ttention ia called to tbe fact th at whila tbo A m erican price level is seventeen per cent, bigber tbau a year „ **“'® tru sts illEngland. B ut if E ngland, w ith no tariff except for reveuuc, bas trusts. What becom es of tbe plea th at tbe •• King s Mr.. •* <-'aston;:!.: •’ ;'• t'tutrioUo..;Ar. l'ir(*’ii.s^>!>n 5*----------— —— — Lv. l.4r«--’nsb 'V At. Norfoi’tt - Ar. D.i!ivill<'.it Ar. Uichmoi:d.ti Ar. W'hingtou.*• B'nji>rcP.h“ Fh'delphia.-N<-w\orl:. i-NtM.iSculhbound. Ua-ir Lt. N.Y..Pa.K.: rj 15 r. “ Ph d'*lphia.; .Hrr-'i:** Paltinii.re.." Wash’ton..1 11 I.’.:’ Lv. Richmond..I ’ 01 T. Lv. Danville.. Lr. Norfolk. ..Ar. fice'cab'jro Lv. (■Hrfe’nsbon> r 111,\r. Oharlotje..., IJIWILv C'?a«'tonia.-1-. 41* !••• KlnpsMt.,“ BJa -k;*harg 11 Si I“ <Taffney..II*• Spar’barg ,VI :.fisGreonrilit- j I r.” rcntraJ . .?-pneca. 1“ W'minstcr** TtlOCOG.. - .3 25:»" Mr. Airy...“ (Jomelia...•• Lula........"4'i.bHttainis'viijo;; 4 :::j a" Buford. -1 4 .V> Ii ** Norcrtiss. !1 5 -An Ar. Atlanta.ET’r. !<■» n “ Atlanta.CT;.) 1U:» V.s Vo..': N Ihii.r Ih;-.' flat 1' 'i'r 1-. 45:- FOUR KILLED BY EXPLOSION. Ula»tins: PowiUr Works at Fompton, J.. ISlown to Pieces. POMPTOJJ, N. J. ('Special).—Four peraoas were killed, ono wa^ bndly injured, and four buildings werj blown to pieces by an explosion in the fuse-testing room of the H. Julius Smith Blasting Explosive Works In Wanaque avenue. The dead are: John Khoda, William Cadmus, William H. Tal- mage and John Merritt, a boy. The shock of the explosion was felt six rolles-away. In the village it broke mauy windows and otherwise damaged property. K'Uted His Colored Serrant. Pliuey Hill, a colored man, was killec after a disagreement by Luther McBse, ownoi of H dlatUlery near Greenville, S. C. ! McBee Is a bachelor, about thirty years old. and Hill was bts servant and livetf in his house- The body of Hill was fonud in HcBee’s room. 3IcBee slept late In the room with the corpse. Then be rode Into town, visited bis lawyers and surrendered to tbe BherilT. ('ondcmncfl u an Sao{; on OaHCTTS. Cool and resigned, singing "Nearer,‘iSy ,God, to Thee,*’ Edward Williams, colored the slayer ot Minnie Eisley, marched to the scaffold at Trenton, N. J. His neok — broken, and he <Ued easily Tbo Dowager Empress at Pekin. China received the wives oX the forehfn Ministers in audience. Both the Emperor nud thi new heir apparent lo tbe throne wen present. . The British House of Comir.Qns, in Com-v m ittaeoftue Whole, adopted a resolutiou to autborlzo a loan of 8173,000,000. Tho vote stood 161 to 26. A case of bubonic plague has developed on board a steamer nt Cape Town, South Africa, from Ilosario, Argentine BepubHe The vessel bas been quarantined. The Prince and Princess of Wales opened tho new tenement buildings at.Bethna' Green, London, co.?ting $1,050,000 anc , accommodating 5590 people. The Theatre Fraucais, the historic bomt ot the Comedle Francaise,in Paris, was de­ stroyed by lire. Many art treasures were lost.Jand Milo. Heuriot, au actress, burned to death. , • The Xewfoundlaud CjmservaUve Minis­try of^ir James Wihtfer lias resigned. Mr. Bond, the leader or the Liberal opposition, was asked by Governor McCallum to form a cabinet.The Yu(|uis interoopted the mail at Po* tam, Mexico, dispersed 300 soldiers and hanged two of them to trees. Colonel i^rra, Minbter of Home Affairs, has left Umn, Peru, with live hundred sol­ diers t»^ubdue the revolt iir tbe depart- ^aei^4 t A'mauonas. A’formidable rebellion against the goV* ,Mnment»of the Empress Dowager lias been ferfiranlzed in China K iiled in H"ls b w n D ealli T rap . WiiMam- Pierce. *a farmer, pf De Soto, are being taken to gaardlhe Ciar. , oOrt K i yraneise^^ fo?S?™ that - v ‘■''•sts;Tho Dowager Empress at Peliin. China, j. ‘ 8150,000. th at America has tru sts in articlesfb« wivAs nf fr»rflfrt»i "XTtnisiHpc ... ■* »?:»*!.» .. _ .. _ mUL ai€ UOt proteCted ftS well QS ill Betw eon lu lii .-•0“ Ek!‘‘;Xo.l3.'rtTAX;0N^ Bud. I Daily.I_________ ^ a iup! 11 03uLv "'• ■8 3«pl II aos -Marsvi®,.those th a t are; th a t p art o f 'tb ra ir - Xo., set a death irap with a sholgua7e“; T ”.'® “ *® "‘■'‘'•'’escontrolled i _O JSJ>iJ.-»'C -V -;:'thieves who had been rnbhint. hi. i trosts 13 due to their m aninnlalion ' Note close conaKiioo« £^-. -e XI . ; niam imo trains.thieves who had been robbing his corn crib a tew days ago^ He forgot about the trap aad opening the door ot the crib to eelved the tall contents of the gon in ttio abdomen. He died soon after. Five Tliousand Penons Saw Him RanE«<). Anthony Hopkins was banged at Beau­ mont; Tex„in tho presence of .5000 persons mauy of them' women. He killed Panf *1* and was aeqnitted. Then he hanged ^ wife, aad for this crime w.-)s Woman Sumage Beaten In Iowa. Woman suffrage was defeated In the Lower House of the Iowa Leglelature by a vote ot 54 to M. nearly 200,000 voters and women had petitioned for tho passage oP the resolution submitting a constltntlonal amendment to allow women to vote and « thorough campaign has lieen carried oSfor two years. '‘ uuior Used Djnainlte to Stop Fire. Fire which started In the DalkeubnrB barroom at.Lead,^8,p ., consumed lottv buildings before It was ■AxtlngalBhed anrt which la estimated at is 5 was found necessary to blown n buildings In the path ot tbellre with dvai? mite in order to stop its sptead. .and that a few of th e T u X w S ^ M ve th u s . abused tbeir pow er bave 1 existence of a : high tariff on those atlicles, lo pnsb ' prices a b it bigber than w ould bave been possible if com petition w ith tbe om w orld prodttofc bad been free, Aot the tariff, but the com mercial main 1: •*A"II- E-y-fl- Chesapeake Line -Ibetween NorfoU: and Nos. ST and i-r-.-i''MSouthwcstorn 'P ubm aa ^^et•I.lnir (•arn .4'^JKpw Orleans, via Ne*-.rMonttf Mempl—. mingham^ power for good and for ill, even to tho Wisest and m ost careful ot observer?, W still a problem .-^St. P aul Pioueer- is, Via Was.T:nKt''C- ___„-jn . Also advantages';:;:;! 7 u e I «ock Jobbing .-0 b \e u “tbe"“^a7eu?s i '^“ o sereal Washington and Ssu Pullmandr3\nue:ix-oLnpH • Greensboro nod They E,pect. i!® l)rosperity of the coau- ft/* u ® oaneed no relaxation of cHorts K epnblicau adm in- Bi-n. Congress to increase our prosperity to provide for its oon- ^ a n c e . T he people know by ei- M 08MT*f always expect theR epubliean party. (CaL) Independent;. Nog. as and as^ \ Asolid beiwcen Wasbmufoa >J Tia SouthernIi. & N. R. B.. heingJ and coaches, throa«h Jeeagrrs of all clas.*o^- JBlecpiac cars beiw«n leanl ^^a Atlanta tween Charlotte and •erveall meals ea -'cfNo.s. 11, &J. 84 and between B lchm ^ ,nd fl. »• Iville, soathbound JIos- H * , | No*. 34 aud W. FRANKS.GANNOX Third V-P. & Gen. il^r. ^ -TTT k riTI I L>T7 S- ^ V y. ™ easny sc i forever,f ," nerve and visor, ta’., «a-'Tr, fiiatinaiies w „iVj McorSt. Cure i^d sample tree. ca . C I.icaso^^e 7 , ;days to , w’Otld. ______ I-rosrriptiou for C lJ . n b o ltle .<f G kOVK*« 1 1ir i-i 4i!uply irun au(i„ No curt— i| ,„1C of Uif L n ittd l ,„er.- in lhe ^>■^vlng D iooa Deep.1 «.Pirs c cie.'tn °^ tit C a r e ts ,, ind and keep .t c ’* L" boils, blotthes b.a fff; hilioiis cgmplexum 1 ite-.ty i'o r ‘“ “ •"'p;:aaion gu.*ranteed, H 't.-J ost c.-;clu;^^c!y tp, p.. r .ir .- n C o l.l i.i <>»o '> '>1 i"»'..i;ualun. H " "'.-olor a" I'"-" ■"’I l',,, .ixiy-lhrcc inil’bcl t .,. i,.p Vonr m ;ln cr.f r s s s ’i i s y y i - c s 1..H-.I Hyh...: X*:.- otl-.-rs j! frYourBow*l^'^HI»<n| cure con.siipa if C. C. C.fail, drugcistsr'-r-ii ■j.om'p::!- i-nu an S p .n n g ^ 8 { 3 < d i o i n ' ... , |> iii'i 'h .........I** l a - i: l.i.T.-'-^ t:-i '-v ....1 i 11 Ri-;irilia. in fa-l. .S;'ri- _* js ;iiii>t!i*T iui:n'- f- r II • i 1 rilla. I'>> not .:.-l;iy takiij t j>iit ilnirtiH y-.ur hosili'.ir l()M 1 .w to I'O JiftM-1. S arsap an \-.ii a • i-nri’-'i viiur 1-U> ‘ I. "Vi jllir-'d fi-i'linjr. i:iv«* >«>:i t;| i .’.iu’-*-li'*' .-lri*nu'th :n»-.l : •-. |;.j-;iro to a.-k f. r lio I -i;r<-ihjit you ;^et II --j -H-'ii -in^ ni-jni-y ‘'uii l*’iy Ilk ro.HAV All <lr>i. TO THE P E M T E N i M i J riei! Convicted for Tl |S to n es at S. A L. I r r f i‘ ir iinDlhfr illiirriati' i :'ni> ::f tho I :;r (. * 11‘ ‘ S/ ‘ll llh is liiGining. r.‘ :hf' i f J n Ai;,3 pri.-:-:T ;n tl-- f:h',-r i u i;.\u i| • ; I- la:: 'i i ..:i. : -n ia iir.f-srion is (;;u| 1'- I\- :nibi r. I Ijp '•’.I-.- \e.-.!;!ul' I ; nli i-.ir. ! r.v i::yk«*.i ir.:n la? ti jj. i-.ilic r::s i;i I'.: ' f .11 • .he .tl Up .-.••h m ‘..r| ■ whl; h 1 w' ii- jr : A- xf ||!r;).« r I,-.';;.,. j i > Liiir^n.. S. witsi fi‘<f ur-'^ic-,-. I'j \ dU'l .}. I..— !-:. |picv(,j guilty i;i:. ■- \ 10 fM.a vf U.4 :;i [-•:» p:Ritc*ii:i.!iy."- I-:| flin. G«-rnuiuv. i-v , .,,1 pr.jinid raihvity _ \ r BEAUTIFUL BAB> ‘ Uappj I, J pnkl.nm-n Vcki-.uI.!.. < , frojn T^o V.'ho pUhlrt-n. Mu-.. I'lNKHAM : ij P t desire to have u t i': f J married Ihreo veurs |Iebs, so w rotte to you l(| lilt* roa.son. r lowiujr y o u rl vice and ta k f K. Pinkhit! table Coui^xl <-anH*Th'. a beau Ii "Woy. the I home, fat. h ca ll th a n k s to j cine.” - MjT F i n k i.e J N. V .| Hron_, M rl•• T)kI Pl.NKlI WJ’Otfl “ y <=ase to'vou.1 1 ,1, through ,a tlee"' ’'“ I'aa.e. k f iJeeo,''* i” I ’■*“■'••..c.,,„ '"'I,... I | e PUiiaaeI»Ui, I’ecanpe^f i - ^ord«„,, ^n!samatiouoi.;-"“eioej^ Pl'ljcaiis ami fr„. “ ‘‘■"iipen^ l^>'i offforthei loei-ata. Xh« 1' ^ soDiii | i ' M r. l?,.vai, ,iear-"“«aIiS ■iailure to ‘“'isfamr liarifl- as ti , tte I* "U.CU tbo ■» Itei l-ioual eler^tiuu,. «Me I Ml-, r.i ya.r* „rn™ li.tia n iu g it, \ L%r‘ |> i'’siiK.c Iu>‘wat o u V T ' f u ' l>-mocial<; i,i ,I 'lief r ' ’ ’’'■■''■'■■^emative i 'f -f ) ii-m .a, ai-onaj ou after tUc latlei- !.S / =^peeeU ou ihc- „h,v ■isia^m ,.f tbe f„ H auger cii,!^. ; ,*“5c |.o .u e u o ,n s to b e o h ;e ;;‘''|> foli„w oii j.i ■a<-seriioii ,.« ,ij,. , .“ "i'll I ; ; - * !- historv 1‘1‘f ' ■'^‘ “'" ‘''j liee.l „f ^lim l euioi-eia^ tbe n , Tolu-v as .urre L --' '-■»• Sr J c . I f '> e I i e m o « 5 u r ^ ■‘Siir m Its !o.,g coutiuuedoj l ‘" tlie I'lotcjtive .vsterS Is ro a te r is the jan>iu'ea,“j’i l « s .vanaie upou lo im tio u of the .1)iu « le v rj fcii aud jiistkv faiio n iu I.ebalf of M, S j > not leserle.1 the sao«d3 ■ftrefor™ . H e i s o u l v O ■ the tim e l.cmpc bij nildj Kabbir, B.1 I -'Ir. lirvati wauls toi.e PtJ Jaucii luoi-e thau he racul |.ie m antle of William Left ; l.iciv.eeu a foat re _i tiie fjecaiivecbair auiia'bia ■ion.s ri.le ou tlie sbciM asoll ti Aiie Democrat-. )je lir every ticit-. Lei tbs Vh _.i Recor.l rememhti- il« J ftUil }.»e reasouable. Mr I |:g h r ou i!ie TaritT. Ussthai ■ a^o be publicly aunoauce^l ■iictioii of ix i-arreul report. tJ lu 's ou xh.2 subject of reaoS lie s oa impol•t^• of foreigu i ■luderfjoue u-.. rhauge. *.’OU«o!o ;iutl reassure la . Any mau who is caj;abl«| g free wool au] all rliat (T ■: to tl.e faruiers of the U ni l i s a gooJ euonjyli free rrftdol luTIiHRN RAiUVAY.I -ti'o of Pfi5<oap«rTrsia I t X"V. 1>. l;'sX». \ \ ‘S. So I?. Frfi • u r'l. X.-'. i‘2. X'.'. oS. Kr. .Vc.J r>ai:j .Sun. Ui I.Tira.CI ; 5)a 12 i 3JP U|1 i:a m b cvr .. »i- Ul i *ro5j» . f. itr> 11 ic.i-Iu 05 ;•UP'V 11 Ir -;vil!.:• ivj.: :i2 4op ? y>?; uI ..’: “5 ••-S.il' .. * • a...!i t>H:-tmi). ?s Minster.1' .Him ... • b . . - i U -VJ: j i i - i i'!i-...' l-nvi:>1' :a \.*1 ......1 2IIr bars: 'li 37 r iM-.......■ 61 Ir.y . r. 4 U-j. ' V ':>• «■....... ii h-'-’V-..C, t:: >3 fr.s'.orf;{1 10 ■ _'i3 n 21-V II 5f'I- Ot'Jfl \orJ: , C4Va : 1«. i:>a ]•> 4 ni r\t.M a Vcs. „ ound. N>. :;5. .Vo.•?^ Ua lr |..P h.k'1 7 ! 5s ......I-li»*5l(h!a.; 8S-JU; .........\"|ijn(»re..’ «?2t> ......I'lou-.i U loi. J M5r 17^3 ll h-;i7c.r', OK^ ■folk. . T nsbvn Jr^V)r<■rlcMto.. ■conia. fc s M r . l_k-iyrar? ■r.*> y .. k;iin5:e • l:rHl bd,v fi lea : Uv Ij <)0t. 3-> li'r n 1-1 yil 4fif. i-? L6 6 1 2:, r. ,........T '2 tkaiiinstpr ■ ■ Airy.'.: iV -:ia. ! Mviilr; l>TvJ. Jerosfi. ■intu.ET: fci)tu.( ;xi ■j'liK< :aa «5S:•■■ i p 1 1 = ■ 2 i5pi :sp. !a a u p. sffi'i »” ''i tpl'i .........! 9 isr; J i m m « t w e o n L q Ia • STATIONS i | | | s I hv -LuJa Aj; }J jSl; |jI II Wc •• 3farsrilJc ; j j IJ1 £2 a “ Earrooay I p |J 2 30 p A r . A lhfnf. Jrio>e conneciioD «a'- Kn. Also c i e ^ t ■a t io nCa r*-between >Jl-iretclBKb tborougWft »'i:;,hin!<ton and A tia"' .jnff »J | l joeals e n ^ u t e . ^ jmi I ■t t;oepi3pcor»nnrton and Sau F r a n a ^ g c a r s ^ liw o e n ^Mthcrn --wm■ k. K., Ijeing Mihv^i. throaithf o f all claescs. P “J ^ Y & * rfV J I , a r . l>rt»-een I-c '' > * l o Atli.Dt« <md ^ , 1 . IW **/ I?harl«jiie and A uS" i K mealH ea ro«i*®v>-iiTnaii p . a;. W and l->-:^p,P3rtott2^3j I K lchinond and C »u*<^Eithtenjil No®*[u tiU . I S. tiAlv'NONV y % , I V P . & tieo. « giiU I „:i34;1 loori-jfc 1«#J. ,-rY --a forever, be map- ^--^.fr/rvVana^i?or, lake No-To- : : J-‘'" .-i- ri2i!t iniiiies vcalJ »«•*>■ If., Curepuaran- freo. A<Mrc.«s , 'cai>as» " ."'.L’l' ’® jonrncy GOOD EOADS KOTES. T h e X a tio iia l M oT<-n'f"'' H E anuouncenieut •' ■n'onld be iireseuteil iu C'ou- gress on belialt of tlio l-'CnS'io of Aiuericjlii "Wbeolwcw aak- sug^-r au appropriation lu .'^’.000,000 for good roads was the beginning of , tb e ^ood roads agitation :i'« si XttUonnlI movemenl. The Icagnt' oHi.Mrtls be­ lieve th at now is au ajtpiopviiite liino to introauee sncb a biif. au<l nil lUe luacbiuory of tbe wheelmen'f^ nvgaui- zatiou has been sot in m(»tio.u lo?=eeurtj itB passivge. T he i-egnlai’ v. celii.v bnb letiu of tlio League of Amevieau W heel­ m en write.s thus of tbe raoveiaent; ‘'As for the aierila <’f tl'.e liiii, there 1 be no (juesliifa. Jt :i ieeo.<5- nized fact now that yoo.,1 lig h w a js ickheads, 1 are an economical ueeessit.'-, in wliich Ilb.vtakinp j this couutry . i.s ceutuvii’s hehiuil I ' ' ',;V- <0T ten H'lit'. I E urope. T hat snch a bill " ill receive |.;.„,:io3 " • ‘ au exteuaetl supjiort c.r.niot be. ,•1,. , I *.i{orK « T4>'TEt.rs.s i - I . >11 aii.l iu^ jiav. J’ricoWc. . ' I niic'.l .-.•uint; innchiiK | I Tn nicojl D eer. ' ' 1 v>-‘arc:s-C.uidyCailuu- ;livcf it v-lraii. by , L*au I live* aiHiurivn.f.ai' nn- , to-day Ic . itjot*! cs. blackiioad '^'-Xhcixs consrIcAion by lakir I , .. r.’i- woril gun -A'iSr tG pistols. (, f iir>- :» HH''' 1,1 in t»ne l»ii.v. ovwi^y. T»r.t.frrs,. AU '. , x- tf it fails to rure.wh IKJX. yoc. public nn'nu- r Y.»i:r liijJacyi #.i': SAfa>■' -fliu’aco orN. Y- !•«;;.-i: v»:i<.■tu* of .• Unhi^^. lalf l«*»r »■’”;c- euro cor_snT»3;ion lorever.I ;;c.c'c.faii.uru50si6r-.r>jcd money. M-:- iM i.ixony 'i 'i--ur. S p rin g J ,M edicine. J t . I . ■■■ ■:. .'-ri-i:.- M^ li- ^ -r :;ii i:- i- r II .••i-!’.- S:ir- ^ AV t t Sarsaparilla j ; 1 ;ijo 1- i-.i- i: - -.viii,-:! .l.'HS I’-T'aV ji-' f.i'-; Mf li- r II .••■•!•.-S:ir- • la lv iiiK it. . y.-iir licjiitl* touo ;::t"!. Hood’s iti'. I J’.rify \ :r . ' i. <jvrr-*onnt ts;. ntnl ;i!id <tOi:-ly • . ;i-l: f.'r H*)«)I)'S. ...I :>ya If . t l i c rtiVfiui }>!jy irof ‘!i\\ All ENT TO THK PE N IT E N T IA R Y . [« .lei! Convictcd for T hrow ing Slones .It ?. L. Train. • : •• : ilh b rra tio n .” r? , -.^:s cf ;he o?er- t. ‘ s r ’br.a'.-^ A t c' :ho ij';: "Ai.ii ' •vr.o r..:;-:-r ;n li'tow ing fctcnp.'s - : n: • iiiovins tiy.n-5 - ■•• • h ' < X.- Tj g-.isf. • • qv- - icn is c:ie thal o.'*- ■ • I I;' -.. Til? '• •• V... • M,i: 1 : ■■ •• ;,-:.k^n ' ■ •-- t; •ii. It -5 likely ' r:,’niirv aio * Air Lino ' • • •;i and - I- - -J I w' 'I hr. ,-'ly TIT ' ‘ ‘ ’ • - ji : w u-.-.l r;> in ,- I'-:-:.'.: .fr.r’zs Br .::in ! ■-. with 1 :•!•: : ■•' . .Jc-rph f^;:Il. h051:- ! ■ • ■,'• •!• ic=pc. r!velv. :: S i::.:;. ; i .i ! . : ha — .^ .\T. 1 ' ' • •• y-- ’.: :n :he Sfrjr;} { •' !■ -i’'-ti::.-;y.”- P c :. x..a;h | ,.| au ci.veuueii sup]>orr c.uiu--*i wo I doubted, as it is fram ed iii tbe in ter­ ests of w beelm ou. fflnuurs. antoiuo- bilists, aud the commercial <‘onimu- nity generally. •‘T his piirlietilar biil U in ihe nutaro of ail experim ent, to W\ liic popuhvr status of such a meaenro, :in»l, if suc- ceasail, to dem oustrate to tbo cuiintry at btrgc th e j)raoticabi ily i>*' f ueh ap­ propriations audtbeneci->si’y lor bel­ ter roadd. A ruite-I uepar!- lueut officer oommissiouc I Ui iuvesti* i(ate this subject, has rop.')rtcil as hi.'< belief that, bcoausc of lU'J bi'^k of proper higUwaysj the anmi:*! loss to the country is over ba)i fi l*illiou of dollars. M uch of this ij< roin-eponteil iu a:i annual loss to the sinitil •farnior. ‘* \s a N ational bii!, lac one i)ro- ■ ^ irly part of the ceninrv Hiorc was ^ luauguratod a good road-? nu*venienl Uiat was ou a m uch hirgev s^ca!'* tliau the oue now uuiler llu* g;'iiduucc of the wheelmen. This v.-as :il Jhc tim e >vhen the roads were the snlc depenii- encies ot oouim eree fc»r ibi? luinliugor - tbe produete of all tUo Siiites to ihe 1 m arkets or to the S'n\bo;ird conuec*- tioiis, such as canals and rivL-rs. *‘The l;rat good roads m ow aient >f ■ any im portauce was liic bniidinji’ of a , i-roposod X ational hi"bv*aT in connect ‘ Ibo K ast aud W est. This waa knowu as the Cum berland Turnpike, pari of which is still iu csistence an«i is kept , in good repair. Tiia lalicr part ot i this highw ay was ab’anduned because I of the building of raiIro;jds lo cover practically Ibo tam e territory, but : nothing ha<? i)cen done to buiid tbe feeders to these railroad sy.steiaj:-. j TJi ? appropriations niado for lliis and i other roads by Congress ti:c tl:o con­ stitutionality for th(5 jn-esent bii!, and there are uo legal objections against the measure. ‘‘As to the probability ul tbe bill i becom ing a lav,-, th&i-e is not so much doubt as miftht at iirat api)e:ir. In the tirst place, i ‘;e am ount asked utr i.s a very sm all sum for a Congressioual ■ appropriation. As n m niter of fact, : there are m any lav.’s carrying larger j appropriations passed that never got nea:* the publicity this one will re- i ceivc. T hat llie bill should be sup­ ported by Cougressinou there ars al! I kinds of reason*; to ot'er. .The Lp;ignc of A m cricau W heelm en has l)ec'u able ‘ to advanes many reasons of au ecou- • omic natnre for the support of its I goo .1-roads agitation, aud has saccecd- I ed iu iuleresting th e farmer.* aU over : tbe country iu the m utter, until :it : present the farm ei.s’ organizations and the league are w orking iu bav- m ouy in several of the Stales. “ As to the support this bill wiil re­ ceive, it may be said thal a fystem - atic cam paign will be iustiUiled and kept up iu its favor. . Thia will givo e.T;erj S tate division*of Ib i leaguo somethiDg to do iu bringi^.:; pressure to bear upou the.Senators and Iicpre- seutatives of each particular State. ISLijy of these are already members of the League of A m cricau W heelmen, aud as such will form the nucleus of rej.z. j \]^Q support of the bill. * O thers have been approaebed for an opinion on the bill, aiid not a siugTc objection lo it, has yet i)eeu heard. Still others have a friendly interest iu the league be­ cause of eoctact w ith il in local fdi'uiry of the p ast.” SOUTH AFRICAN WAR INCIDENTS. Hr. SI. H. Adcock, of Charlton Kings, a suburb of Chelteuhamj has, •. .1 1 1‘eceived a letter from his l.»rl„rSco„®c. =“PPe'^Eugineors, wifch the K im ­ berley relief colum n, in w hich Iho writer says: I w itnessed one of the m ost horrible Bcenes th at ever a lad could w itness last night. A bout eight o’clock some officers of the Army M edical Corps came alongj and askcil for volunteers to bury the dead; About tw enty of us turned out aud w ent. AVe had toi walk about a m ile to the place. At* last th e ollicsrs took off their caps a«. a sentry challenged us to halt. W ell,; we passed all right, and then a sighti w hich I cannot describe or ever forget; m ot my gaze—rows upon rows of dead.| W ell, the first grave we dug was nbou^j th irty feet long and three feet deep,' and—w’ould you believe itV—wo put; tifcj-three Scotsm en into it—thirty-’ four of the B lack W atch alone. It; was som ething horrible, and- every* m an of 4is was crying all th e tim e we w orked; and when, after we had placed them all iu, the burial service w as go* iug on before we covered tU'em* over, three or four fainted, w hile the others crieil so loudly that you could hardly hear th e luinieler. A fter the bugpipea had played the D ead M arch wc cov­ ered them over, and started ou an­ other grave, wheU'somc of our gallant sailors came and relieved ns, und we all w ent back to our train crying. A letter from a corporal in tbe Sec­ ond N orthum berland F usiliers give.s some graphic details i- e s a r d t o th e d i s p t e r at Strom barg! H e says: “ Ou 1b~ I‘ii'niit i'~^ our D EA TH ENDS L O N G S L E E P . Remarkable Case of Elida Wilbur, of San Francisco, Cal. Girl \TrtR in a Trauca For 71ore Tliiin Tn-o Yciivs anil CouUI Jfot be Kc- felorccl to Coneciousue98» Sax Fu.\Ni'I.siO, Cal. (Special).,—Elitiil ■Wilbur, a beautiful girl, wiio had been in rt tranco for more tliau two years, died hor*J Tuftsdaj morulnR. Her relatives had hoped because o! signs of roturnios conscious* ness that in a day or two sho would re* cover. The case has been a mystery to the med- ienl pto[o.«.><ion, but it is believed the girl bulT.inia from :i r.iro form of hysteria. She wuut to slBDp iu Vcbruary, 1893, and uevor really awakened. Her mother fonud her lying on a louuse iu her room with on« hand exteuded as if she Inid just dropped a novel wlikdi whs lying ou the floor. Tbo Kas was turned on, hut there was no tl:ouf;Ut tliat dbo had altemptod to commit j fcuici.le. It looked as if, overtired, sho Uad I falieu asleep. : Ja!ne.-i Duaphy, a young insu who had ; paid eourt to her, called np tho Wilbur 1 house ou the telephone at seven o’clock ; that tuornin;;. and In>«l3teil that he tnnst , 8j>eak with ihu ^»irl. Mrs. Wilbur, annoyed ' at so fiulya call, aud at Duuphy’s persist- cuee, cout*oufod to go lo her room nnd see if sho was awake, aud found her iu tbo tninui!. Her yye-i were open and staring., j’iiyslidatis woro sumaioneil. aud from that liuio ua ovcry posslblo effort was made to av/alcen h-r. ' Kiectricily and all meaos known U> phy- Ficiaus wijcc Irted without effect. Tbcu they tried hypnotism and osteopathy, but lhii«'3 mothoils also failed. Tbo yomi(f - woman lost flush to some oxlont, but was iiot emachUed. No one could tell what tho matter wa««. Mls.'j Wilbur spoka abrmt six weeks ago as K la a dream, sayin;?, “Nobody loves uu*," atid thoa n-lapsud Into silence ajjaln. 4t few days YICTMS OF FIRE DMP. Terrible Disaster in a Coal Mine in' Wesl Virginia. fIRE FOLLOWED THE EXPLOSION. I i‘> c«)ji>lrnci an '•'tiiiji .‘^J5.eoo.- BEAOTiFyi BABY BOY Coiitpontitl ' iT^ri WIir> y „ w H av« WVy..n,-j, M-»J, llapi.y Im I.vdin E . Vc^M-fabl^I fr„,„I O-iWr..,,. mi'ntti'' ' ‘''tinAM ; —Il whs nivf;^QU.<re to have ;; t.j.ji,]. i l,ad r niarri.-d three years and was f ■ s(j v.rotc to yon lo find out til** r»-a.scn. Afl<*rf<»l- your kind ad- •\e and taking Lydia b. M nkham's Vt*#re- lablc Compound, I bc- ‘•an;<*theniolbt'Vo£ a l»eant5fnl haby boy. the joy of our home. He is a fat. beaUhv baby, llianksloyour mcdi- cuje."—Mrk. Mim*a t'i.V K i.E, Koscoe. N. V. Krom G rateful M rs. Lane • D k a k M r s. l ’iX K jiA \f: — I wrote you a let- p, some tim e *'>™ugl, my bo%vels, ,, M l lired I u tl,e ‘‘Qe. "-as trouliied ^ followed vour r"'-- "0<! it ' ’'"Actable tom - l'i.uveV ,„ food. I ’ "onl,! 1,J ^ "''•'•‘ainly be- Vege- _ " as ii,.!,' ^ ™ T easy f"'-' yonr I ill thp ^ ^ godsend to‘S' “ '“‘‘‘tton in w hich I for t ‘ Kor ISettcr Rou^In In reunsylr.inia. ‘'T he roatlg and highw ays of Penn- fiylvania in nearly every portion of tUs State are a standing disgrace, and i»i is im perative that a step forw ard shall be made r>o that good roads may be assured iu the near fu tu re.” The.-e were the words of H ibberd B. AVcr- reJl, who was elected president of Ihe Peuiisylvauia S tate lioad Commissiou, At a ijieeting of th at body ia the oiiico of Pre.sident C assatt of the Penusyl- vauia K ailroad iu - Philadelphia rc- ! cently. T he memlters- of the Com- I m ission, who were recently axipoiutc-d j by G overnor Stone, are A. »T. Cassatt, i W illiaui.L . Elkiup, H . .C. Breckin- I riilge. cs-G overuor Beaver, 11. C. ! Suavely and H. B. Vrorrell. The sin­ gle objcct iu view ia th e cojiKideratiou of the w hole subject of roadm akinjr, and the prepai*ation of a com prehcu- ftive m easure, ou th e Kubject, to bo subm itted to the next- Legislature iu January, 1001. M r. W orrell has been for m ore thau ten years au eafuest .‘•tadent of-the-various road Hy.^tems in Pennsylvania aud other States, and he is at present Chairm an of the State High-.vay Com m ittee of the League of A m erican W heelmen. liKyiroviii}; tliO Itoadff. Betw een th e w heelm en and the faiQierE it ought to be possible to mako th e question of N ational highw ay itn- provem enta a very live issue. Plenty of subjects which are petty aud absurd by contrast, have won m uch atfcention in C ongress. I t is tim e th at the im­ provem ent pf public highw ays had its bhare of th e in terest ceulered upon queer canal schem es aud the improve- Iment of dubious little rivers v;hich can never have any com m erce w orthy of th e nam e.— C leveland L eader. A u to m o b ile s am i G ood ltoad$. “ The San Francisco CaU notes tha. the increasing use of the automobile creates a demand for better roads. A “ Thus a new and important factor is added to tho side of progress,” says •the Call, aud we have no doubt that tbe automobile factor will quickly inure to the advautagdof the country-, T lio C ftntral S pot o f ri>«lant1. On th e Tillage green at M eriden, iu W arw ickshire, there is a large stone Cl 03B w luoh is supposed to m ark the. e e u t r » l p o i n t o f E n g U n a regim ent, the Royal Irish Eitles, two batteries of artillery, and the m ounted infantry proceeded from P eiters K rall to MoUeno, a distance- of teii-im lca. W'ben we arrived it was about nine o’clock, and then we all form ed un aud G cjieral G atacre inform ed us that he was going to do a night attack on Ihe B oers’ position at Strom berg. aud that there was to be no tiring and no shouting, and to use the bayonet only. W e started oft’ at ton o’clock to inarch thirteen m iles io Strom berg, w here wc hoped to arrive about two o’clock i^i the m orning: we kept m arching all night, but n^y^r go! there. It was broad daylight when we were at the foot oJ’ some high, in ­ accessible rocks, w hen the guide we had,turned to the G eueral aud, p o int­ ing to the top of the rocks,said,‘There is your i)osition, and there is your enem y,’ and im m ediately started to gallop oil; but.before he had gone two yards G eneral G atacre shot him twice through the body, saying, ‘3lau, you have done me, but you arc the first to go.* Those arc the exact w ords that w ere said, because wo w ere told bj the G eneral’s orderly. W hen \lie (J^neral saw how we v/ere trapped he cried like a child, and said, ‘Oh. my poor boys, w hat have I done?’, so the G eneral a aide-de-cam p told an olliccr.'’ T he Cape Tov.*n correspondent of the L ondon Tim es, says: .. . “ In view of tue ex- agS ^vatediaea. cur. rent that I ho Boer?< have been largely helped by forcigi’ m ilitary advisers,it is w orth w hile quot­ ing the statem ent of a gentlem an who baa jiist arrived from D elagoa Bay. ’ ' ^'ile says that tbe Boers arc at a loss to know w hat to do, and th at the advice tendered' them , being based np:^n opposing ideas of tactics, is val­ ueless, aud only leads, when adopted, lo loss Ox life. It nppears that during G eneral .-,foubert’s illness G eneral Scbalk B arger v.-ired to D r. Loyds to send men able to shoot jdraight and experts to m ake explosives aud to- w otk m ines, but not useless advisers.” ‘T r o m what T saw. myself of the Boer forces at ihe outbreak of the war, I knov.' tliat the Boers have flprofound d istrust aud contenipt for E uropean jniiitary m ethods, and, virith the ex­ ception of Com m andant A lbrecht, they have jjractically no foreign of- licers, even in the artillery. “ T he Traubvaalera, hoM'cver, ac­ know ledge that they ha<io- learned- use’ful taciical devices from the ' Free S taters, e«peciallyin m aking entreneh- m euta in leust-expaeted places, and at tho foot of kopjes instead of only on ridges.’*<f * Som e wouderi'itl escapes arerelateLl. W hile a m au was lying in a bet! a shell entered the wiu- s..,..c n-..n>i=ifui ijig passetl over the beil a few inches above hiiu, ailtl buried ilsoif in the iloor, thvow iug it up auil w recking iho wootl worli ot t’Uo.house. .V carabineer was sittin g ou a box :ji;tsiilc h'ia lout, w hen a large fraf;- m eut oI a shell pas-sed between his legs, destroyed the box, and sm ashed Ihrecrillcs w ithin the tent; .'S trooper stood betw een two horses, both horses were killed, the m au was unhurt. \ shell iiieroed tbo wiill of a room w here a civiliau was shaving. I t passed w ithin two feet of tho mau. wrecked the rooni, hut left him w ith .scarccly a scratch.—L adysm ith Corre.spoudeuce Lo:idou ^lail.# * *: T h e M ir, a H ussophile uew spaijcr, I'.uhlishes a letter from a B;t!,!;arian ex-ottieer now serv- arm y: | I am now in tho eutreuchm euts of J the Boer arm y before L adysm ith-----, S had a com pany of 110 soldiers iu- ^ trusted to m e, and, as a pioneer ollicer, ! my task is very im portant. B earded, ; stalw art, hardy fellows aro these j B o ers.... Good people! bu t how te r - : ribly they hate the English! W e never hated tho T urks so m uch. All of them are good shots, good horsem en, and good C hristians. Thoso of them who have finished thoir tasks of digging ^■it down to rest w ith their B ibles iu t ’aeir hands; they know no other book. T hey believe in God and th eir rights. O ar tactics here and everyw here along Ihe firing lino are “ keep in your trencheswe get ourselves entrenched and w ait for the enem y. T he E nglish m ake their attacks iu the open, think­ ing th a t they fight tbe S udanese: we tire volleys at them and m ake havoc in their ranks. H undreds are left on the battletield, and the others letire. W e captured eight of them , w ith a correspondent, and, oh! how proudly they hold them selves. The EnglisU Channel is nearly as larfco as Jjake S uperior, _ For the iast few days the Ktrl has neon - siffic give^ wa^y : udvr the ioug stndu. Uvev One Unndreil Miner:) Iflntombed by nn Kxplosiou at (he Ited AtU M ine^ Ifanl M ork of Itcscue—Scores of UotUcs lU>i!ovore«l—GoTeroor Atkinson Orders an liivestisHliou« CuAitLESTOK, W. Yh. (Speclftl). — i'fae greatest miuiug horror ia tho New River roglon oeeurred at Ked Ash about el«ht o’clock Tuesday morning by an explosion in the drift mine of theKed Ash Coal Com­ pany. There were 125 men iu tho mine and the explosion occurred near the entrance, which was closed by falllDR slate. The ex­ plosion made only llttio noise, aud ttio ac­ cident was tirst discovered by a laborer at the entrance. The scene of t’..o accident is three miles above Thurmond, on tho Che3apo.ako and Oblo road. Thu prinolp.al ownor of the jniue Is J. Fred Efliager, of Staunton, Va. Tli(5 munagor h Ferdinand Ilowell. Tho news of the disaster swept through tho town and within a few mlnatos huo- dreds of men, woin«‘u and children, rela­tives of the uiifortunate mluors, were upou tho-8C!f>no. As tho conviction that the roscitnof the cutoinl)od laea allvo was hopeo less, they became frantic in their endeavors to reach their dead aud dylog iu tbo wrecked shaft, and tho work of attempted rescue was organized with extreme dif- flculty.The miKO is on the mountain side abovo water, nnd the coal is similar to that found In tho Pocahontas distrlet. Ou tbis account It is said hure that tho accident canuot have been caused by ftredamp or by «as, but from dust, as was tbe case in ono of tho tragedies somo years ago In a Pocahontas “ f u r 50,003 V.EN IDLE IN CHICAGO. • UniMinx SlHlKriul JTiniis CIoso Their i’l.tnU 0.1 Account of the iitrikc. Chk'a-.o (Spasial). — Cuiidiug material Ilrms wiucU supply tha Chicago market , voted to L-Ioso tUeir i)lnnt3 until conditions h) the balMlng Industry ot the city shall liavo chan.^’c.l for tlie'betlor. The reason givoa for this move w«is that [•“cause of tliu paralysis in bulldlns opera- tcans broiisjht on by labor troubles they have heeu condactiui? tUeir busmess at a I los.H since last i)etob:u*.J)y tbo oloi'ing 10,000 men employed ia the stone qaarrlej!, brlckyanls, aud plants VTiiore llaio, cerriunt, rubblo stone, coiling, lU'Usliod stouu and other materials aro handled aro inad-j-i.lle.: Added lo the 3J,0D0 idle in the building ! hid'isiry. tho 7.^00strikuig macbinlsts,and ‘ the 300!) ou strike ia other ihies, It makes the total number of uuamploj'od iu the ' city fully yU.OiO. __________ CURRENCY BILL APPROVED. I’he .Senate .\dopti; the Canfcrcnco Keporf i:y a Vote of 4 1 to SO. WA.>'HiX(iTtn\, I>. C. (Special).—The .Sen­ ate passed the currency nnd bond coufer- once report by a voto of U to 2*;. The vote on the pas.satre of the Currency bill Itself ou rebriiary ]j wa.? 4(5 to 23, so lb:it Ihi.'? voto sliov/s au appareufc gala of ono for tbe advo';;;tes of tho :?old standard. Mr. Chandler was tho only Hepublicaa to opposi> his party’s offorts to make good one ot Ihe vital pledges of Us most recent Xatioual plnlfor;». 7ilcssrj*. CJaffey, ol Louii-iana, and Llmlsay. of Kentucky, the two (lol 1 Democrats lu tho Senate, voto.l for tiie r<rport, as th*»y did on I'ebru- ary 15 tor the bill ilstdf. Mr. Kyb», of Kouth Dakota, now classlfle.l as a Republican, was again ab.scut without u pair. CONCRISSMAN HARMER DEAD. '.‘F a th e r « r tliP llon^o” K xpircs a t H is lio iu e ia G e n n an lu w n . rniLAi'Km-KiA (Special). — Congressman ! Alfred O. lIarmer,ot‘the rifth Pennsylvania District, and tho “Father ot tao HoU9C,’« died at his home iu Gerinautowu, a suburb of tbisHr. K inner had been ill slucc last Xo* vember \vu*?n lu; was stricken with a severe attat:k of kidney trouble. He recovered snfnelentJv to attend tbe oponiaK of Con- ^ "teas in December, but later was again , coullacdto hi.s he.l.I A few days ago he aulTered a relapse imd sneedliy failed,until Monday ove.-iiug,When ’ ij’o died, snrroanded by his wl(e,-three sons ; .aud two daxiRhtor.--.* Alfred 0. Ifiu aier was born iu Germau- : towu on Atigii.-l S, IS25. He WJis elected to ■ Congress in 1-7H. aud re-c'ected to every I snb.«equont Congress with the exception o.' the Forty-fouvtb. MRS. LAV^ON GET3 PEOPLE’S GIFT. T ho F u n d of SDS,407.0“ T raw sJerred to Iho W idow o f Ihe C cneval. Wauiiixgto.n, D. 0. (Speeinl).—;\U inter, .ostiug sceno occurred at the lllggs Nation­ al Ihiuk a few days ago, when tho fimd raised by Ibe people iu reooguittoa of iho sers'ices of tlf,» late Major-General Lawtou WH3 formally iransferred to his widow.Gf'neral 1‘orldn, as treasurer of the fund, drew a ehack for i^U3,-107.07 lu favor ol Mnry C. l^avvlou, and saw that it was transferred to her credit ou tbo books of Ibe bank. General Corbin said ho did not eare for a roc-.’ipl. but Mrs. Lawton in- gistnd on «ivi»K him oue.' ’ lu’addUion to tbo money the commiltee a*so lurned over to Mrs. Ijawton all tbe Jetteti reeelvuil Ireai .■iabserlbera to tbe fand. ______________________ PARTY LINES IN THE SEN.i^Tt. W ith .>Ir. ll:ir;rs K iitrance ItcpnU licans N ciinbcr F lfty -tu o . WasjuniJTOk, l>. (Special).—ifr. Uird, tho uowly eli.-cted Senator from CaUfnrnia, has taken his seat iu tho Upper llou.so. His entry into tbo S-juato raises llio present luom bershlii Of th a t body to oighty-soveo, Ihero beiu;,' sUll throo vacauclci—from Delaware, renasylvanla .and Utah.With Mr. li:ird t!>e }tenublicau Senators •now nuiuiti!!.- llfty-two. Thcro aro twenty- live Democrat?, two Gold Deniocruts— Messrs. Lindray and CalTery—roar Popu- Msts and four Silverlle.“. Counted as Popn- lists aro MC'=rs. iluLler, Alleu, iJarris, ot Kansas, aud Ifjitfeld, and as Silverltes Messrs." Teller. Jones aud Stewart, of Xovada aud J’ettitfrew. •which is a south branch of Nor^ovW^Wf** iuj; its month at Thucmoud. It is about sixty-llve miles from this city. Tho force of such an explosion caused au immense falling of ihe shdo aud other debris, so that the entrance was filled up for a great distance, aud the diflieulties in digRins through Jt caused delay in the work of rescue. As. many men as could work at one time! were digging away with all their might, nad were relieved in short relays by other men, so as to expedite tho work of rescuing, as much as po.s.'lblo.Tho llrst succe.s.?Ud strike of tho rescuers- was about ten o’clock in tho niorning,when ten bodies wore recovered. Seven of them were already dead, and tho other three were dyiog. As tho uiiiiers were located at diiti^rout places iu the drift, and the explo­sion caused the falling slate to blockade tho rooms iu different parts of tho mine, the work of rescuo met with oue great ob-^ structiou or another.After tho men got under headway lu the work of rescuo they reaciied the first oarty in less than an hour, but they met greater difRculties after that tim*}. It was then that telegrams were sent lo Montgo'mery, Charleston and other places for physicians, nurses aud coiHas.AU work W!JS stopped in tho surrounding, mines of tho district, and the people with-: In a radius of many miles assembled on tho grounds of the lied Ash company.Tho population of the mining village i*j five hundred. All are miners, and the calamity will reach almost overy llttlo house iu the mining town. The managfirs and bosses of all tho mines in this district came to the scone ns soon as possible and joined iu tho work of rescuo. It Is iuiposslble lo describe iho amount of work done by this concentrated army of men, but tliey were rreatly im­ peded because of tho extent cX the enor- mou-s blockade at thoeulraneo to the drift. The largo heavy side tirc.^ of l5io entrance wore blown out to somo distance, together with a lot of heavy timbers. Even mules were blown our some distauce.Chief 5fiuo Inspector J. \V. Paul, Gov- erner Atkinson and.others left boro Tues­ day night for the scone of tho disaster to make an Investigallon. Mr. Paul stated that the mlno had been In splendid con­ dition, and if tho explosion was caused by flro dami‘, as reported, ho was at a loss to account for Its presence.Tho mlno v.’as las-t inspected on October 2i, 1899, when it was found to be perfectly safe. The lied Ash mine was operated by the Hod Asli Coal Co:npany. composed of .T. Fred Eniuger, of Staunton, Va., and other Staunton parties. I C o u l d H a r d l y Breathe “ 1 Lad s terrible cold and Could Rardly bfeatlie. I t te a tried A yer’s C h ttry Pectoral and it gave me immediate relief, I don’ t l>elievc there is a coagh rem edy in tt c w orld anywhere near as good,"— ^W. C . Layton, Sid ell, 111., M a y 2g, 1899. * Cures Night Colds H ow will your cough be tonight ? W orse, probably. F or it’s £rst a cold, then a cough, thea ' bronchitis or pneumonia, and at last consum ption. C oughs always tend downward. I t’s frst the throat and then the lungs. They do n 't nattjrally tend to get well. Y ou have to help N ature a little. Y ou can Stop this downward A y e rs C herry Pectoral. Then- it tonight. Y oa w ill cough less in d sleep bette;', and by tom orrow at this tim e you will be greatly improved. G R E E N S S O R O . N .C .Forthg treatment of THE UOUOR. OFIUK, MORPHINE iM other Dnjg Aodictions. TheToUKtcco Habit, Nerve ExhaustilD W R 1T £ VS FOU- • m ^JO-HE A NiTURAL MAGNETIC Oil FROM TEXAS, J)l.ro.crf J liy II n .lOXES. n«ll»". >«The ut» t wondorful dL«fovor.v.*r lh»agc and» puzzle to thr medk-al world Rhfun.Htlsqi.acutep y - ;iv!l«,5plu.H »ir»cln.n».<tlltj.imIJ.prysl|«>la3,t-atjiTb. \IrUJ to this OU i!kenn-Ki«;aiid iM^-tivol^-cureslastwn. te ,’ W S .5 a ^ '? ? ^ 2 ‘'-A g8B tsW antid! , , ^ M ^ — I'iu c u t F r n I t a n d S b a d e T re e tn tA c \» 'o rl« l; L a r s i- s t T re e n n d F r u i t. $H > u y » G d t* lir« re d , p re ­ p a id . A<ldrejii«i D B . M B IC illT , c a r« Hox 007, ^H .% K I.O T'rE,^, 0. PLANT CHERRY TREES. T he A m os Owens Fam ous Black H eart C herry is th e B est For .Fnxit and Shade. : There iano tree on.the m arket today producing a more beantifnl shade than the Owens Cherry. They produc« A: tree from HO to 80 feet high, with long spreading bracchep. maktug a dense gTowtU and a beantiful shaped tree, which wonld'be w6ll worlK the planting for ornam ental purposes alone. Thirty- - “ ” IP s.. You can get a small l»o<-tlo of Ayer’s riiorry I’ectoral, now. for *.*5 «jents., Kor lujrd coughs, bronciiitlsjasthlna.and tlio <-n>ni>. tho 50 cent sizo 1» iiettvr. For <-hruuic irnse^, as consaniption, and to keep on hand, tbo .'?1.»*0 size Is-most cconoiuical. A Sure Cure. ' “T wish they wouldn’t all laugh a» nu> wboncvor I get up to make a f^\V rem arks.” .<iid tbe-legisbilor. ’ •*.My denr follow,’’ r('turn«.*d tlurw ise num. '•there >s a sure w;iy lo stop that.” •*iiowr» ••Try fo be humorous.”-C hicago Post. - - ................ PiSxj'e. C’liro is; a woiidnrful Cougli medioinc*. —Mrs. W. PicKEKT, Van Si^’len and Blake Avet!., Brooklyn, N. Y.. Oct, 2n, 1894. . tiic biTSTTlcs* iuou,i. preserve :t hfgc part of ib;u <lill ucll^. to'-e^tod region /roni the rhvagcs of ilio lun'bt-ruiah. ViTAT.rrY low, debiiitite'l or exhausted cnred bv Dr Kline’s Inv noratln;; IodIc Fiikk $l trial rottle for:! woeks’treatment. Dr. sUno, Ld., iOl iX ch St., Phi adolplifa. Founded 1871. I.aic statistics sSiow th.it tn Lou*lon more thaji ..^oo.coo families earn lets than scvcuty-livi- ccnts a day. REAR-ADMIRAL WATSON RELIEVED. O rdei'ed to T ranfsfcr H is F Ihb to th e B altlin o ro iin d P ro ceed H om e. Wasuin-gto.n, D. C. (Special).—On ac­ count of tho delicate couditlou of Koar- Admiral Watson’s health ho has been or* dered to transfer his dag to the Baltimore and to nroeeed homo by way of tho Suez Canal and Medlterraueau Hea, stopning at such Euroneau ports :is he deems proper, tis was done In tho caao of Admiral Dewey. To fnro Constipation rorovonTake C;isc:iveCs t!anilv t-'aibartia 10c or C5c. l| C. C. C. fail lo cure, dragiiisfts refund money. Painlcr^ in tbo car shops at-Kuoxvillc arc v\-orking 15 to 17 hours a day. . Sfr.s. NVin-lo'v’.-' Sooth-rg -.\rnpforchiUlrfn j teetlitnff. ‘oft ns tbe jiunt*. rediicii le inMautH- -i t on. »1layj> pain cnre.s wind co ic a buttle,'; ■ $ 1 0 0 I t c w a r d . ^ 1 0 0 . Tbe roailers of tliinpap'r will be plpaswl fo learn *hat there isat least oue dre.uled dls- ea-e that xdem-c has boun ah:p to «'ur‘* in all its SwiiKes. and that I ('atarrh. Hall'sCatdrrh I’ure i*s tbo on^y-"po>dtivo rnre n«iw known, to tl onu! iical frat-jrail v. Cac:»rrl> l;ein : a uoa- 8titutiui'..al d!st‘.««<‘. rerjuirrs a oonAtil'tti'.nai tri'atment. H U‘S Catrth Curels taken int-jr- ■ ually, acttnji dire-tly upon tha blofnl and inn- c:>u« surfaco-4 of the systeni. thereby destro- ln< tho ft)Und*»tk>n f)f‘hodisoase, aud glviuz the patu-nt frtrea«tli by h»ntding up the c*«>ij- Htit tion and a«».l>ting nan:re In rioing its work. ‘!'ho proprietor'h.".VC so mufh faith ia itncu'-ative pc»wer s hat ^hey offer One Hun- dicd ’^>oi;ars .'crany case that it faiN to t-urt*. Send loriist jftc.'^tlinonialH. AfldrcssF..T. • UKSt:v& Co., .oledovO. .SoUl by Druggist-. 7-V.Hal > famUy Pills ar-j the l.e-t. W . L; D O U G LA S S 3 &3 .5 0 S H O E S « iW orth S 4 to $ 6 com pared w ith o th er m akes. Jiid o r^ fd by ovin* > j,ot>o,ooo wc:ji:e¥s. Tftr ff^^nttine have W. L.DoHgLi.s’ n.ime and price stiiupcd on bottom. T<ike< no substitute claimcd to be as ^ood. Your dealer ^ shoitid Icfcn them—if> Hot, wewill s6hd aloa r«.-cdpt of fjrice ;«nt. -----IcTtra for caoia^e. Sut^ .kind of^ leathrr, — ancl widtlj. plain or ?aji toe. Cat-- fr«.. W- L D1WLAS SHOE CO., Brockton, Mass. FOR i4 CENTS XO t i’kir. C’Uy (infill n Hoist, V.. F k g Karl’rtt Kin. rjiidl’nctimher I '• LaUrortfii'MwketLottoco. t “ tU raw lH -rry M elon, 5oi ** I t Day Hadi-h, OcK urly R ipo rat» b aa» , -w « . KSTly U in tirr O nion, tirilliiin t F lo w e r S eeds.W ^rtb *1.00. ror_l-l t-rnt*. A bove 10 P k c ? ; Y o rth Sl.OO.’w e w ifi' mail you frtto, lucotber with anr e re a t u 'fttafo jrjtcIH irp all ftKont SAUER S HIlllOH D0UA9 POTATO - c p u n re c e ip t of tn ie n u tlc o a t 'l c . e'.am pi. W e in v ite y n n rtr^ d e i a o d kunv.- nrhcn you oncc try S a l x c r ’ s ism;d."i ri> nw ill n r v e r .ln n iC h o at..........- ’«j5eoo P rizen o n S a ’ie r'a IW UOy,r«r-e«t ►ariici't’l'ijnjato Giant on ctrtb; C— JlllS.f ,4. SILZKR bl^EU CO., Li (ROSSK, fTIlt. PROFESSOR MOSES APPOINTED. f if th au d I.a st M ouiber o f th e >'ew P h ilip p in e C om m ission. WisniyoTON. D. C. (Special).—Professor Bernard Moses, of the University ot Cali- foruia, had a conference with'thoPresldent H few dai's ago. Mr. McKinley tendered tho vncaut place on tho new Philippine Commission to Ijim, and Proftjssor Moses accepted it.This coaipletes tho Commission, whose personnel is ns follows: Judge Taft, of Olilo President; ProfossorDeau C. Worces­ter, of Michigan; General Luke E. Wright, ut Tennessee; Ueury C. Ide, oE Vermont, aud IJernard Moses, of Oalirorula. C o lle ;;a Profosfior t» Suicide. Francis L. Harvey, Professor of Natural History at the University of Maine, com­ mitted fcuioido at Orono, Me. Professor Uarve}’ has been breaking down for some time on nccouot of overwork. Professor Hftrvey was born near Ithaca, N.-Y., !j\ 18:>0 und graduated from Iowa Agrlcul* tura’i College in 186S. Ho went to the Uni- jTersity of Maino iu 18SC. He leaves a wife nnd live children. [C o n g re sR u ian H i t t B e n o m in a tfid * B. B. Hitt was renominated for Oongress f Aoolamation at tbe ^£ubU eaaj^0A ^ s a •orO L D S O L D IE R S r«ior> M'UHer.-isithl widowwors'oldiers who made hom-.slcad l)clurc Jr.uc of less thanlOoncrc-i (tio nviUorifuhaiidone.lor rctinquiNhed). ifthey have not-sold their addrtloHitl I10mct.tc.3d i:2bL*i,..should addt.c^i^, with fall particulars. Riv­ ing dtsitricl, &c. ES2TS7 IT. COP?, Wsahiagi;:, S. C. O T A S H ' gives co/or, \ llaz'dr ;ind Jinuncss ti> | fm ii.s. No good fruit j DYSPEPSIA! No Medicine to Swa low! < Ab^orpllfrtfIn ffldiyp.if not t..:nentieU money retuoded. hook free on oppilratloD. 8e»d . *r.iWfoi*«i'VAI» to the ^ I A \.\1 \G O R O C H B Y CO.. M sn n lP fcS i C. M L E AUTS. i o il N. C.. 8. C. AHJ> OA. ni:.^n-Ai>MtuAL w.\tsok. (llear-Admiral Ilsiney has boon appointed } hla successor in command of tbe Asiatic ; Station.) | ROOFiNC (M A TERIA LS. F^lack and Galvanized Corrup;ated Iron \Vr.r.*h tis e ^ lliirn :..A .:. K i'. O alvanlzetl O o tte m I D.>^«u 'lin I’l.-it'-tof aU kIncliL N lm uioI S iv le. >!a;i-l'.«'O j.| M vl... »n.x«* >o J{c*avy U oaW ^• and l.JUl.-iii: all ‘tai«j»i*l. •♦JairantiCJ. W. 0^ .M .'lllO A (.0 ., ;i4S. Oiilvm St, lialt.more, Md. He will probably arrive iu European jwuters somo time during the summer, nnd may visit tbo Paris f.xposltton.Kear-Admlral Remey, at present in co:u- mand of the Portsmouth (N. H.) Navy Yard, will bo ordered to succeed Re:ir*Ad- miral Watson in eommaud of the Asiatic ^talion. S tran so K pU lciuic o f K arache. There is Jin cpidoinie of earache in New York City. Tbe clinics in tho ear wards of the hospitals aud iunrmarles are kept busy, anu tbe usual trcatmcut <loes not s*jem ef­fective. It is au iaflatnmalion ot a coue* shaped bouo behind the ear, aud i( it is not treated promptly is apt to result iu au.ub- s e e s s ._____________________ J n p a n ’t» C row n P rin c e Kncfajred. Diplomatic circles in Berlin iiave received iDformatlon that tho Japaneso Crown Prince, Yoshlhito HaritnDniiya, is engaged to Princess Suda, of the Japauess House of K u j o . ________________________ I h e liab o r W orld. The steel casting plant at Lliua. Ohio, which has been iiile for a number of years, is being repaired and equinped for early resumptiOQ. Because recogniliou of thair union was rolused 603 macblulats of tUo work* of Frazer & Chalmers aud of Crosby A Co., at Chicago, III., went ou strike. • *Thetwo hundred watch ca.se eusravers who are ou striko against the Watcj Case Trust In Sai? Harbor and PhiladolpUta-are leaving for other oltios. AU the cabmen of Nap»e.«, Italy—nimber- Jug not far from teu thou^iaud—strjck In nn endeavor to prevent tbe introluction of antomobir cabs, as proposed by ihelr emj>loyen. be raised without Potash. I'ertilizers containing at least 8 to 10",; of Potash will give best results on all fruits. Write fo r o u r p a m p h le t? ;, w h ic h o u g h t m i m i to be in-every farmer's librar>'. l 1 « ;. S I T M th s i , , ta a » liiim lo u , J>. C . Thev are sent free. I Most t.-iJkHl of potato on e arth : C a r Catalog tcllB-80 alKo about'Sal- zer’a KarlieBt W eeks’ Potato. Lars«s: /arm and veKetuble 6ee<l I eroTT*rsiD U.H. Potatora.$1.2»and1 op a btJ. Rend this notice and .‘'■c. i_^ _______g ctftmp for BU CftMloK. ■ .*jjnHNA.SALZERSEED&L>H 'RQS5gWlsfl e»^s- Book ct testinioai&'i Aod ID d ari* ' F r e e . Or.-H. B. Ga£CN'S80H8.Boz AUaB(A,«*. GERMAN KALI WORKSb ' 93 Nassaa St., Nc^fTYo.k. INSOMNIA h a v e b e e n n a i n s C A S C A « £ T S f o rInsomnia, with which I have been afflicted for over twenty years, and I can .say that Cascarets have given me more relief than any other reme­dy I have ever tried. I shall certainly recom­mend them to my friends as being all they are represented.” Taos. GIllabes Elgin, III;- ' S E C I K U IJ O R F aeR efundtdadvertised rr«T. Frt-o «d- TAMMERiNl CORRECTEDI V WOOIhi.Hnn AfUonio.ToxVi..BT wmc blm ror^paiDvli^st atd yarttcnlm,. .. ^ . T7/ rr"]T7is facilitated If rpti meA^oa iis.caperwhenwritlagadTertleerKSo. 41 • ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ...Iteritof CosMiiyt CUeM^ iMtmU K«w Yorfc. 318 i .. .> ^' -■ ' m r ^ r ‘^A-- ^ ,'- Ilie DaTie ReconI, XoalBTffle, M. a mt K. fl.M O « B U , EDROB AKB ‘ PUBUUBB. Kh t e b e s a t t h b po st o m c B a t MOCKSVIIJ.B, ir. C., AB UOOM» CLABS MATTEB, Uat UTX, ItN. H oeksnlla rrodne* Iterkat. Cerrcctcd b j W illiaau * AadcrMB. e*™, per I*................................. 10 Wheat, per bu............................. m Oate, per bu................................ 40 Pea*, perbu................................ Ti BaroB gm peiud....................... t-UBacoa. Wettera......................... THams............................................. II * S t»...................................................... 10Ratter............................................ ij^ Sprta* duckcBB....,................ (T u o iL K vtn i i v n o D iin . — M ias M ollic S pu-k* is vM U dc relatiTes »Bd friend* in a * eity. Old p spcn tor bbIb a t IS oent. par h an d n d «t th* Kbooss offio*. —W . H . FiarneU haa so nuielt W e bope onr frieadB will pnt in I M r. A . Tanner who has bad a little time in aiding OB to increaM : charge of the factory building at oor ciiculation. We want to do all | Cooleemee has settled np and re- the good we can, and yon can ma- taiiaD ; aid ns in the good work. O or thank* in advaaee. —F . A , Fester of Avgniita call­ ed in to see ob Saturday and paid np hie snlwcription to th* B e o o b d . Frank and the editor were aehml boys tqgettier. Frank is a clever fellow and a good citizen. - M r . W iM iam 'K elly, brother to oor towmmen J . A . and T. L. Kelly of tb it place, died at hii home in the oonntry Sunday. Mr. Kelly leaTesa wife and WTeral children. The leHains were interr­ ed Monday at Joppa. '^toT T njust received, alw iriah ^)tetoes, aud fnris garden aeed i, VTiUiams & AndenoiM. —Sir. C. T. Mnrriion who rep- reseatailB. H . A »lrew a * Co., of Ctwrlotte-apent Bsveral day* in town the paat vaek. Bobber Coat* and O r tt iSbee* •! W iiiiam • Andetaan*. -D r. F. O. Cheek. E^* S pecif ixt of iVinstoo, will be ft Mock*- viUe at Hotel Darie, Tneeday March 28th. One day «idy. For Bale, an Odell typevrftw , cheap, !»t the poetoflie*. —M iaiM ary Kelly eanv in Sat­ urday from Charlotte. Sh« hae bw n attending a buaincaa e o U ^ at that place. —Any one wiriiing to attend Disnghoa* Btaiin*** O rfbge a< KaahviU, TMia., ean eaTe money , by writing to the Editor of the « 'fiaoOKD b*fot* v». B. CriU paid n* a call Vos- day, M r. Critz ha* moved back to b1( old kome near Felix. W e wel come him iMck to IW ie. Any oae wiihing to boy aboni $10 worth ot nice fruit tieea can Wkve money by ealling «a B. B . Morria. The Fosi CIBce at Cooleemee i* pe 1 for ihe disnatcb of budine^- . •M ail.for that office goeito Vei:* is'tw ned Drum that {tliweb^ a sarrter. fiH O Ba.-O ood Shofli at’ lew pneet at W illia M * A ndetM * —Capt Parker who ha* been Tiianing on the paaaenger tn in be- t.<v«<>n''f>v>mviUeand Winston i» reported *ick with iniall pox. He made hi* last run on laat Tueiday* r Thirty egg crat« and three rk!ckea eoope for tale, aheap. CMLat the peat ofiea. —'''r John f Woodriifr who lutd a paralytic etioke Bone- time ago hita iiupn.\e . hot l.tile* W e Lope he will r<eu; er. Air. Wood- riif is an old man, and e {,ood dti- aen. T««w illflBd a good'llrB'and «(i eoamudaving clerka at W illiaM i Aadetaoas. AttoziM y Oan- W alaer And T h* ObM rver. To tka editor of The Obeerrer.; My attention haa ju st been call­ ed to,the statement in the Charlotte Observer that I would support the pending constitntional amend­ ment. I will thank yon to *tata that I will not support the coai.tu- tional ameadment. Thanking yea ia advance for making the correction, 1 am. Yonia. very truly, Zeb V . W alser. ^B ington N. C., March 7 1900. adxMi* note th> .<(^^A.ttomey Bepub- ina have to wateh » n in order to correct ntiarep- Icntation*. *7f*rly every Democtatic paper 1 aee says Mr. W alser is for ibe lendmeat, yet yon see what Mr. altai' says him srif. Brotlter .Idwell says bis iaformant was a ipublican but he dot* not give B name. W hen a man goes a- und to th e o e w ^ p e n reporting, t onght to know what he is talk- ig about, and when he pretends • g iv atb e views of other people [afore he haa ascertained the factd the caae, he certainly should [{ive bis name to the public, that le mfty be held responsible for the 'silSnprseentatioD. A nd we, as 'dtasemenatoia of news onght to be oareftil about giving credence to every tbiB f we hear, unless we are satisfied beyond a reasonable donbt of its truthfullnsss. W e don’t be­ lieve Bro. Caldwell m eant to mis- teprew nt M r. W alser but he shonhlbessoieearafol in the fu- tUM. JericoN aw a Notca- On laat Thuiaday morning a t the MtySiw* B. F . Btoncstreet of this p i a ^ H r. Mnmford willseo and Miss J>eUa Qarwood were hap­ pily united la niarrlsKe. B. F. Stonextreet perforTied theneremony Mr. Willson is a brof<ber of Bev. w. C. and Jas. wlllsM . we extend them oor heartiest eongr.’rtulations. T. a. Emerson has about oom- plated the new pablie school ^ouse at this plaee. Mia. liUzia G rant i* visiting be.' parenta this week. Qoite a number attended preach iog at Hardison* Sunday evening and at night. Bev. H . H . Jordan cached a t 2:30 o’clock, and Bev. . H . li. McLanrin at night. The protiacted meeting was postponed. U ttle Benlah the 10 vontha old child of Mr. and Mia. C. S, Brown died of pneumonia on last Friday morning. The funeral aervisca were conducted by Bev. w . H . L. McLaurin and the remains were iuterred i» the Joppa bnring Atunads Saturday. The greatest 'onaelation we ean extend to the •ereaved ia in the word of he Lord, whera Christ lays. ‘Suffer little chiM ien to come nnto ;iie. and forbid them not; fur of s.ich is the Kingdom of God.” we 4iiOttld confide in his- ftoasaef. “Lucy.” turned to Spartanburg S, C. W ide Awake. B usiness N otices- In some parts of Africa slaves are stUl the basis of all financial reckoning. H n. Harriet Evans. Hinsdale, III. writea, “ I never failed to relieve m ; children from croup at once by useinc One Minute Cough Cure, 1 would not feel safe without i t Q u i c k l y curc coughs colda , ^ippe and all throa andlun3 diseasea. C. C. sasford liittle minds are too much woun­ ded by little things; great minds see all, and are not even hurt.—La Boucbeefoucauld. Mn. Calvin Zimmerman, Milesburg Pa.gHayii, “As a speedy cure for coughs, colds, croup and Bore throat &ne Miiuite Cough Cure is uuequaled. It is pleasant for children Co take. 1 heartily recommend it to mothtrj.” It is the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe anu throat and lunf diseases. It will prevent consumption. C. C. Sanford. To endevour to forget anyone is the certain way to think ufcotliiug else.—i a B ruyere.^.t.."-^ — . 'B br’t forget T h e B ecobd’b free gift oiTers: A No. 20 Carolina Cpok Stove, aSet of Furniture (3 pie>je8,) a Good Sewing Machine, a ('hatta nooga ( hilled Plow, and a Bern ington Breeeh-loading Bhotgun. One dollar pays iVir a year's nub scription ami two tickets; 60 cents six months and one ticket. There is ao time in life when books do BOt influence a man.— W alttr Beaant. Lewis Aclcermaa, Coahen,Ind., says. ‘•DeWltt’s Little Early Risers alv-ay brinKcertain relief, cure my headache and never grip.” They gently cleau:ii.' and invigorate tie bowels and liver. C. C. Hanford. D O N T W A IT A M INUTE. Good Watches absolutely fbee. J--~ ^T fa2 ty £ S rH ain efO T 'P A S T IM E ; a bright, clean, illustrated story and humorous paper for the family circle, 16 large pages, only 75c a year; on trial 4 months, 10c. We give a nickle silver watch to each subscriber, a neat medium-sized watch, guaranteed fov oue year. Will keep time for many years as accurately as a $100 watch. And for a little work we give GoM watches, Bicycles, sewing machines, Guni, etc. Samples and particular.< free. Send us your address to-day if you do no more, and see how easily *------"liing nice you want. you. Please don’t W hat’s money w ithout ituU er i.iyt:v::. happi —Sevetvl tvpographical Ifot in onr la*te weeBs paper. Onr fcinter leads Ikster than be qicdls and onr proot m d e r some tii •re r look* tfce misspelUng. haviag so many things on his band*; WilliMDs- & Andeiaan taka d l kind* of oouBtry prodnoc in n - •k a n g e forgaw ls. tSoe chiinge of B. F*, M—ttoy ’s 341. It is now Huntley ft B ill. This is a good xeli«blr and yon ean do no better nimt yoa «ant anything in thair Um . w a y ke*p a foUlioe, and saU at al'le OgarM. O n ly a r t e w a s u Batn S w t e Muperioreoott. w eh ap atto M of uor frieuds at ■ ijjstanea Who a n not taking the Bboo9D wJU m m frepared to stibscriba. Ifswrimbrr I lie election fiir oM ^tr «acc»w m «*offiB AugiHt. M naBdM ntwlUalM sW vetaA m aw * want to thapanpla A dranee Item s. L ittla Grovar iihntt *M o» G. H. '7. Sbntt we are satiy'to say is no tetter, be &a» pnanotinia. ■d BaBBhamp had a hog stolen from the lot of A . B , Hartm an a f«* night* ago and M r. Kiechamp awoiv'oat a **arch warrant and found the meat near Sandy W yatts hand . Sandy W yatt 8r. and Sandy W ja tt Jr. and Ann Wyatt was arreetecE and br-^nght befoit J . B. Williams and F. M. William* Isqs.. and Sandy wyatt Sr. waa bound over to court in.. a bond ct flOO which he gave. Ko CTidanoa ag*bi*t other partiea. n a n k M artin entared Khool >;t thi* place Monday. 8am Howald waa in town todav H r. H ow ud B orad to' Cooteemce tiaeag o . w . C. Cbastsr who ia fo m aa at tkaBhnttlb'& etm y haa moved in toU siM w lioaaaw bftA iiioa jkHi ■ M iaB dm odS t. a ta r kfrw odc. O iek. KaiwaVkem H r. S m m b V M w la ca the sM cH sf W W W te g ie fla c wa | i M » f i i a m H a a d iix m i C h m W A i w d a a b M i a m t i ^ to T iak^ No. 4.56 gete Th e B ec OBo’a prize gun. Anyone holding this ticket can, by preseuling it to the Kditor, get the gun. All those holding tickets will please take care of them, as there are fonr other prizes yet to be awarded, Saveyout tickets until all the prizes ar* awarded. Unless a man has an ezceplion ally good memory he will ntvcr be come a soooi.isfal liar. —TicketNo. 436 gets tLe gnu. No one up to th is time has brought iu the ticket. Come on before all tue ticketsiue goneand get the Keoouu for six mouths for 5U cents. There aia four other free gilts besides die gun. Some one tvill get a nice free giil for th e price of the KEcuitb for six months. I tis impossible that an illnai'ir ed man ean havn a public spirit, for how should ha love ton thous­ and men who has never loved one. —Jix. To secure the original witch haze salve, ask for Dc W itt’s Witch Hazel SaWe, well kmowu as a certain cure for piles and akin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeit, they are dangerous. C. C. Sanford. Prudent persons are like p in » ^ their heads prevent them from go­ ing too far. This is to certify that 1 opened the envelope containing Gun Prize Ticlret and found that N um ber 45tt drew Che guD. r . M . J O H N S O N . There is nothing on eartli equal to a woman’s persistency. She ;uade a wrong start in the garde!; of Kden. but sbe has been trying .« ^ t her n;;hts ever since. M. B Smith, Bhtternut, M ic h .,y ^ itt,s Little Early Risers ar<..... very best pills I ever used for cos::.'. tieasy liver aud bowel «ioubl- C.*C- ^auford. Nature works wccfUn, and tht enterprising dime ma».eai» mana­ ger gathers them in and‘,works tLe public nt 10 cents pec head.— tjx. Rev. \V. E. sitzer, . C ant on’ ^. ■Jrritee, “I had dyspepsia over twe'; years, and tried doctors andmedicni.s %Tii.hout benefit. I was-persuaded 1 use Kodol Dyspepsia Care audit ht;':*- ed me from the start. I believe it to be a panacea-fov all forms of indite - ion" It digests what you eai. 0. 0. SanloriV A w riter in the Louden Lancet demonstrates that sausages are made nowadays which do not con tain meat at all, unt only bread tinged with red oxid» ot iron mix­ ed with filt. 3 » . OrTr Newark, O., aays," We B?ver feel safe wiLhout One M.nute Cough Cure .in his house. It saved m Uttle boy’►life whenbe had the pne-j- monia. We think ft is the best cine made.** It cures coughs and all luBf diseases. Pleasant to* take, harmlew and gives immediate results. 0. C. ^nford.» G nen blind* tbat have become tided nmy be'ienawed by robbing w fO ia lag salnaoted wHh linieedon. . PU B L IC SPEA K IN G . The Hods. Spencer Blackburn and S. J . Turner and other protai Bent Eeoublican speaketi will a d ' drees the people in the court honSg at Mocksville, Monday and Tues­ day of Court week. (A pril 2nd and 3rd)- W ill devide time w ith any Democratic speaker if desired. March 2nd 1900. M. D, KIM BBOUGH. CbjlM. Bep. kx Comm, of D a tie Co. R ecord A gents. The following gentlemen are au­ thorized to take subscriptions for the E e c o b d: M. W . Mackie, Yadkinville, N. C. D. I. Eeavis, Cross Boads Church. W . G. Patterson, East Kend. C. B. IJeavis, Footeville. Ben Shore, G rant. S. F . Sl.ore Shore. J . C. Pinnix, M arler A P. Woodi'Bfl, Boonville. you can get something nice you want. We will surprise you. Please don’t V. ait a minute, send now. Better en- .;Iose 5 stamps for trial subscription i‘nd present, or 28 stamps for watch and paper while the watches are going ree. ^ e PASTIME Pub. Company, Louisville. Kv. A Good Investment.—‘'Knowledge ia power” according to the old adage, but it is also said that a man never knows a thing until he can tell it, and he who can express his knowledge in language more terse, vigorous, and appropriate than others becomes a leader of men. In gaining this pow­er of expression as weli as knowledge itself there is no aid so helpful, from which so much may be obtained, and for so small an outlay as Websters International Dictionary. This work is the universallv acknowledged stan­dard for the derivation, spelling pro- nuncuation, and meaning of words, and with its numerous tables of use­ ful and reliable information it quickly and satisfactorly answers the thous­ and and one qucbcions which are con- stautly arising in our reading and btudy. The purchase of this source- of knowledge aud power will prove a profitable iuvestment for every house hold, aud for every teacher, scholar lirotessional man, and seif-edwcator. F IN E STOCK FO B SALE. Any person desiring to buy a Jack or Jenny, or Jenny colts, or other fine stock, will da well to call on’ T. A. BRURf, F a ra isfto D f N. c< Greensboro X^orseries, OBEEKSBOBO, K . O., For all kinds of iTmit, Shade and Omafflcntal Trees. Vines and Plants. I am the Intro­ ducer of the famous GBEBNS- BOBO and CONNET’S South­ ern Early Peach. Greensboro H erd of B ^ s to re d PO­ LAND CHINA and Mammoth Black Hogs. One of the finest herds in the South. W rite for prices. JoHS A . Youwo, Prop’r. TAX KOTICE!!! L a st Bound! I will meet the Tax Payers of Davie cjunty at the fi^ iR n g timM T nii'^acestocoiiect tax«'ite^-4te- year 1S99. Mocksville, Saturdays and Mon­ days of February. County Line, Thursday, March 1st, 10 a. m. to 12 m. Calahaln, Thursday, M aich 1st, 1 p. m. to 3 p. m. Nestor, Friday, M arch 2nd, 10 a. m. to 12 m. Sheffield, Friday, M arch 2 ,1 p. m. to a p. m. Farm ington, Tuesday, M arch 6, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. * Smith Grove, W ednesday, March ;th , 1 p. m. to 4 p. m. Advance, Thursday; March 8th, 1 p. m. to 4 p. m. Fork Church, Tuesday. March ISth. 1 p. m. to 4 p. m. Jerusalem, W ednesday, M arch 14th, 1 p. m. to 4 p. m. Mocksville, Satunlays 3 ,1 0 , 17, all day. All taxes not paid by the U th of March will be collected a* the law directs. _____ J . T1. S H wj , Sheriff of D avie C oun'^. Frank C. Brown, W boleaale and R etail D w tor ih g e n e b a l m e b c h a n o i s e . O O M FtSTB LINK O F D B T GOOSfl. Stock of Shoes ii the HEADQUABTEBs ' FO B GBOCEBIEa. IN OTHBB W OBD8 I H A V E A COMPLBTK LUfj qi- B est Sljle. OENBBAL u e b c h a n d i s s . I W ill b* ^Tonn Truly, V R A N K C . b r o w n , Com er Fourth and M ain Streets,w ix sro 3 ? ,s ,c . R. B. CRAW FORD & CO. Sign o f............... l i e n a n d A b vIL W inston, N.C. -T he B ig h t P lace to B uy Y our- Cook Stores, Giins i F a n ii Impte K grjjn C J O I ^ I L T O T J f Arrival and Dopirture of Tniis: South BonNi>—Daily except Sunday^ Leave MocksTtUe...................1K)0 p m Leave Mocksville...................6:0G p m North Bobnd. Leave Mocksville.................. 7:15 am Leave Mocksviiie...................11:50 a m or 3 lL e by J. L,ae Xj rfee s. Or. M. ]>. Eimbrongli, Physician and ScneroN. Ofllce, First door South of Hotel Davie, MOCE8V1..LE. N. C. Jnige Kmt’s Coiuumption and Bnnehits Con. \ It surpasses all other remedies knovra for Consumption, Bronchitis, Croup and Disordered Liver. It cures when ail else fails ! If your druirtfisc ioea not k e^ it, send direct to Jud^fe CJeorge E. Hunt, Lexington, N. C. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by C. C. Sanford. Katioual Hot^, b e f u k n is h e d . u n d e b n e w MANAGEMENT. B A T E S, $1.00 P E B D A Y . J . H . Bamsey, Prop’r. Main 3t. SALISETJRT. N . C. a. T. GLASCOCK & SONS, CRErKRBORO, N. C.. FOUNdEES AND MACHIHIST8. \!Hunfacli’:ers of Turbine V. ater W heels, TheO A BO LIX A COOK .'TO Tli, Heating Stoves, ( oal Grates, Country Hollow W are Plows, Plow Castings and Feed Cntters. SPECIAL CASTINGS O F ANTI DESCHIPTIOll. ' : very Article M anuf^turedby Us Gokranteed in Every Bespeet. r:. 11. MOKRIs, Agent. at M OCKSVILLE, » . C. MEN— W ho want H EA V Y CALP LINED SHOES come and see us ? x ^ £ E 3 -------- W ho want STLISH, COM. ^ A B L B SHOES don’t bum CHILDBEHW hoaie try » P air of out —they wm last. Old I ^ e s — W ith l>Dder VeeU-1 F air of oor aO FT EASY (w soles shonia JHOOLSHOBS T H E BEGULAB SHOE 8TOBK, ' Com et 4tb and Liberty 8ta., W INSTON, K , O MXELT * CALL BR03J Ten Per Cent FnrnitnxeE I N.CIW I N - W ant your irajTe re d will g ite voi' :i' ri' S tjleso f red-r.iA.n-. fe»», Cdc I'MSftn*. !'• I ' -i. £e£s, Vi'afLstcnCt, 1 ccn^ts, <<iic5-tr kud :;ii te fttE d it i t 1 1 I c r 6lt IX EN lTlM 'i. H I’. .-K SOU HEW ind tEACHrU DlilGHS ii DIEBL3. r s;if.-f • Wo also have a Beautifcl Line ot I’icUires ami • 1' The New England and Neeuhaui Pi»u<*, hli! lUl i« BeKable Estey Organs snrt tiie >.'ee<ll a-• sold by n . and n~«i no reconiweui: ■ n, .S.?y sifS' W '!! Kuowii. Ail Gctds "lOid L r Cssh or '^sv Pspi’j Come to our piaeo and if you are not tre:Hi"i riji";! no more, but if v e treat >ou right, cjil agai;. ^P.6AHS FFOH $25.00 UI. PIANOS FEOm C A L L B R O T H E R S M anufacturers’ Agents, W INSTON. . . N . C. Branch Honac: M A BTU fSVILLB, V A . aw lim y* 6iv( Uwest PriMS Ob Sruytliiiig ia Oar DaYie Red SHSD KVBBY WEONd H. M OBBIS, Edid ItSRM S o f SUBSCBIPTid opy. One Year, Lpy, Six Months, - Ipy, Three Months - bTII-L*, H.C., MAK. : t i c ^ Far Fre<iitie»t IE mXTA?.-: K o l OF OHIO. r'or Vi»'e-Pr.--si<iei! j;rE E C .p iiiT C i OF SOUTH CAROLI^ For Governor. JA M E S E . BO'S O F G U II.F O E D . for Con<rresa, 7th Dis L,LIA.M AOF DAVIE. £lectioB Law I. 27. That aU the I officers shall be of That all the bal lo the supreme, sup :nal courts and solic the same size. Tha [or county officers sh ■me size. That all I wuship ofiiceFS 8hal| size. That all the I inted upon white pal ornament, symbol i shall amtiiu nothil ur names of the IS voted for, the they reside, and tl| such person <ir ided to be chosen, wl names and shall be printed. | board of election^ ■ thSlV a“N7 lii^': —1.1 ^ 0 n-hiil "'.-A lie he ^■“"iWldor of J tear |is to aud c( llate «me, Bani ■the ■year >ti. ^ shall r of bal Jideiitiai fois, ai layia f «liall pi r of all I amend' f e people I in the I tue cnU D t'„ l>i ou or beft Illy iu every fty election ! the size am I (for) mcmbei jnibly in their land fir the F respective, [township offli |ive ooimti«8, P* •>« printed i: s|ters: Provi, coutaic, J"ro n i \o»L_ |«tn jiBii pari^ K12e ; _ JS '■'ny KiTi' iua UTi; |-eoa drn;>« T“‘«d tea ^duty of ' to noli] • Politi, “astatei Mud *“atioQai Tthe - snperl Roiii-itl MoiT pu»fi'i «'hicl :lu(8 I'o] aDil] i*r f ^ > i y ,iS 'e sc ril " ^ .•llo u l aSi J. E. CARTLANDj — 8UCCESSOB TO- 3. H.Gartland, G l E l N S B ilK O , • • ■ s . I ■ 9 -A F m .L U lT B O F CliOTHES AKI> CASU*®** ON HAND. i F all Oorps »f ike Works**- 'W rite ib r uoA U M M ring Blanks. SatisflKtioB^ OUl and Me m n id ei and k m price*. mi. | « . H . M O R R I8 .iien t. - * . 'for Pofhip *fthe i:i- llj le statf ihestl party f !nt of ( of all! lllots f shall I herein tifce shil state of tin piipei] be p ri the duty If appJicafiJ [le to each stf lan of a , and he 3 sample f Pubiid’'spaper I sleigh; ne conn ifythcJ politicf ai and ■“re, I withii If the the tin ■tv • r o w n , r in l A N D l S E . POCEBIES. jmplstklbtbof fDlSK . ■To®" TnO,, c . B R oW n , WISSTOJ?, K, c. RE DEALERS I [instoii, N. c. 3uy Yoi] S 3 E i XJ ir; N .: ! C N N -C | [<■ \ c ’.- Iiaiifiiin'' ii' '■‘■ [•KK'tis. I; ;■ "J. iiltt ll.il li.iujii liNiTi'i i. i.o; -i; p i8 1.1 I’i* tr.res ami ' III I f u . ; D , .‘ . ! ? y s i v ^ < fli. tst s s y P a y s'^ - j : CO '. l r e ; n < v i r i b 'l l ill, agaii . lUE FROm mtO Vi' m . t l a n d . rtla n d , . . - s a n d c. i»«e«d W#rk**»- |g BUnka. MOCKSVILLE, N. C., -W EDNESDAY, M ARCH 21, 1900.NO. 51 Record, tuSHSD EVKRV WEDNBSDAY. H. MOKBIS. Editor. I t e r m s O f S C B S C E IP T IO S : ' OM Year, - - - W-00 50 25 WPJ'ipy, Sis -Months, - . ,pf. Three Months - - r.Tn.LK, ^.C ., MAB. 21, 1900. ty chairman of each political party in their respective counties a sam­ ple of such paper .lud shall pre­ serve at least oue sample thereof. And they shall publiisb iaid state­ ment in some news^per in said county, and if there is uosuoh then at the court house door. Sec. 28. That the county ^ r d of elections, or upon tbeir failure, the r^strar and judges of election shall provide for each election pre­ cinct in their respective counties ballot boxes for each class of offi­ cers to be voted for in which to de­ posit (he ballots for such oificers respectively. Each of siiid boxes shall have an openin.!; tlirough the lid of sutficieut size to a»lmit a sin­ gle folded ballot aud no more. Aiid i each be-'c siiall be hibeled iu p!«in roman letters desis-iatiiig the ofti- cere voted for; Tliat I he said bal­ lot boxes shali be «e,)t by the reg- istRsr and j’vip-'j-i.»! e'.tcliou for ; >c use i>f the Jtvtr -i prpciri t-, re.i.jeo lively; uiiu liic f^iii ri'^ieirur .imi Wit of ,‘icolioii lielVTfi vt'iliiijj l)c- joy the tights of free men for all time to comet Yonr . rights and liberties are at stake. Your hands are about to be tied, and when once bound you are powerless to throw ofif the galling yoke of the oppressor, yoflr -»ote is your only defence, your only weapon to pro­ tect your rights, your liberti«s and that of your children, lose this right and you are a degraded be­ ing, yonr rights and your wishes are no longer respected. Take no chances, for the enemy ia alert aud active. Bemember that ‘ ‘eternal VIOILI-ANCE 18 THE PBICE OF I.IB- EBTY.” T!ie intelligence and wealth of this country can protect and take lare of iteeK, but the rights and liberties of the masses are in their own keeping and they ciicnot be taken from you, but by ling iHiplenrt. i:rE R C PR ITC H A B D ^01- Nouru CAKOLINA. flf For Covernor. JAMES E- BOYD 0FUi.ll.FOKI>. iF.ir Co:i?re.«. 7th District. A I Vii A. B A IL E Y o r r.A V lK , t'ic-ciioB Law yonr own act Vote away your . "ins shall <.;ireful!,v I'janiinc tholH^ht to vote, and yon cannot as- Isixc.s see llial there ia sisi in restoring th;<t right. vVhen «. 2r. That all the b.iUots for eoffirers siiall I* of the same That all tlie ballots for jud- lofthe.snpreme, superior and \inal courts and solicitor shall f the sane si/e. That all bal I for couutj officers shall lie of iKime «ize. Tbat ail the ballots Ituwuship officers shall be of the |ieN.:e. That all the ballots shall irintedupon whitepaper, with- orntiTueut, symbol or device, ihall « >otiiu nothing except ^ Mine iir iiau.es of the person or i vmeil fur, the county iu licb they r<«ide, and the office to lichsucb peisou or persims are 1 to be chosen, which name nimes and effice or Bsball be printed- That the Mjpard of electjaBf!,SfaliLBI"or ♦tt^fSTlim day iu Ju ly of year u which a general elec- ®' be held, prescrilie the (lor of pa per of all ballots [“ •'jUicers, for judge , of the superior and criminal ® wiiirilor; and on or be **‘'rst Monday ia October iu J®iu which a congressional i""*’'il electi4iu is to be held ‘ "''^pretcrlbe the aize an ‘ ®ff<lot« forcongretismenanil '"*■* and vice-president iai ;<K». a.} or before the tirst laj'in ,„iy^ nineteen hundred, *'“•1 1-escribe tho siie and "fall y i 0 tg for the constitu- amenunent to Ije submitted Inc people the .Angust elec- "1-1 the yt^r nineteeu hundred; taecuutv board ofelecti»ns ' • *'■ •’«f<'re the first MondayJuly m every ^-ear in which a . IJ tieclioii is to be held, pre color of all bal- "(for) men of the general smbly lu iht r jtespective coun- amlfwtlie xfunty officers of ir respective ^unties, and for twiiahip rtffittgrg jn their re- aivecoimties. That all ballots I ,, PriDtsd i j plain long prim- leltera: l’t.vi(jed, that nothing n TOuiaii.eiB shall prevent the ‘ « rt'in Jug a ticket partly r -'ly priuted of the ‘ i<!. Mzi <“'ioror trom ‘’i.v raiiil opoaii.e priateii 'Ji w^ing Dther names *Oi-.r;vjqy„ thei-eou otber That it shall be le state board of elec- thestate chairman of party by^ mailing to it of the" prescribed all state district ilots within ten day^ shall have been a- a^Aerein provided and "■liu h-.j K time ehall file with the state two hundred '^";'M«*of tht paperon whieli said ^•■etsire to be printed, and it nail Iw'the duty of secretary of sppliration to lurnish ^H'iile to each Btate and dis- Inct ebai in tlie 6ia(| « lta it ‘Ed they in a , |becityot dntv of f'w tiori lo “>»n « f __ ““'•ingtohi pr«*irib»d for jjlfWhipoffics *[tbe t:uie^f the adoption of Anl the said oonnty time •hail fur- tta l r foort of th«rJ^^ive conalU »t loMit twenty. of X « id npoD uothiug iu iheiu. Sec. 29. That when the elec­ tion shall tie tinisheil the registrar and judges of election, iu the pres­ ence of such of the elwtors as may choose to attend, sball open the Imxes and count tJie iKillots, read­ ing aloud the names of the persons which shall appear on iviilot; and if there «h:illbe i«i> (>r more ticuets rolled up tojrftlicr. ■■ or any ticket shall contain the •ijviiies of more persona than such e'siptor has a right »o vote for, or shall have an ornament, symbol or ^device upon it, or shall be manifestly of different size and color thaim the B;ze and color prescribed by the state board of elections aim the oonnty board of ele<?tions or', shall l)e found in the wrong boi, in either of those cases such ticket shall not be numbei'ed in taki'ngthe liallots, but shall l»e void, and raid counting shall b« continned with­ out adjournment until completed and the result thereof declared. the shackles are placed upim yon. j’ou are powerless to remove ttijem. Ood protect and defend the ri{ hts and liberties of tha great common people of this tountry. Extravagance, Another thing I wish to call your attention to with reference to our Democratic friends position during this campaign. They prate TO much about Bepulibcan or Fus­ ion extravagance. Had yon thought of the expense of two elections this year? The expense of an entirely new Begistration of all voters. Also notice that their State board of election commissioners get ^!4,00 per day and expenses, and they give the papers a tip, by requiring publication iii the city of Baleigh and in each county. f e d u t v o f f»U tnni J politi limastal 1‘reaiKt Inatioaal liter tie pan of a political party and he shall preserve ^sample of said fpaper; ~1 publish such state- l^'spaper published in gh; and it shall be eonnty board of ^fy the eonnty chair- . political party by La statement of the and color of all kture, county and 9 within five days i toUieGOiui- |«e. Sec. 27. This is a very iiM^r tant section ot this election (Taw and should be read rarefully, fjor it proves conclusively theobjectjS of the framers of this unfair law.’ It preseribesjha-fflie of the ballot, and the color of the paper, that there shall be no ornament, symbol or device on the ballot, etc. etc. Now why areour Democratic friends so nice and particular a'lwut the size^ud color of the ballot! Is it at all necessary in order to get a fair election, does it materially ef feet the object and result of the election whether a ballot be a lialf or a quarter of an inch longer or wider than another ballott Is it essential to the purity and honesty of the election that all ballots should l>e of the same size and col­ or) Not at all, it is done for a purpose, » purpose which is dis­ closed later on, and shows one of the infamous features of this Goe­ bel Simmons law. Read it care­ fully and see the many tricks and schemes disi'losed by which they propose to carry the coming elec­ tion by defeating the will of the majority. You will have to pro­ vide yourself with a measuring stick, and a spy glass would not be out of order in uetermiuing the ex­ act color of the ^aper upon which your ballot ic printed. Sec. 05- Tiii“ section is i:ulike uiaiiy others- for there is no trick discl.ised in it. There is nothing iu it to criticisc so we will pa • on to the next. Sec. 29. Here you will find dis­ closed the hidden secret, the dark, infamous plot of the schemers, bent and determined upon setting aside the will of the majority upon a flimsy pretext. H»>re is disclosed the object and intent of those who are such good friends to ths poor man, that party which pledged and promised so mach during the last campaign. If yonr ballot happens to be a little larger than the sized prescribed by thic antocratic board it is thrown oat, and you lose yonr vote, if it happens to be a different color from that prescribed, out it goes and yonr vote is lost, if you b« unable to read the fMllots on the box, and happen to deposit yonr ballot in the wrong box, its no good and you lose your vote. Poor white men of North Carolina are yon ready, are you willing to be robbed of your birtb righto in BQch a manner! Are yon not free ment Are yon not sons of BevMu' tlonary aeiae, who fought the bat­ tles of fieedomi W io bled ^ tbat theirixmnttT might ibe- their ehildren might en- • Exactly. T!ie.^vie IJccord. Bemiblir^n np.otes The Observer as saying (•''.at “the one miafortnne nbout the Wi!niinirtonontbre.-»k in 1898 was tbat fho responsibility was not equally »iroDortioned. brl the wrath of tne Demoarats was visit­ ed upon the nesrroes alone;” and *avs that it coiistrnes this to mean that it was a misfortnne that while Rennblicans were not killed well as n^roes. and adds tbat if this construction doe* the Observer in­ justice it is ready to make-^niends This construction does us ho ini us- tioe whatever; on the contrary, our Bepublican contemporary follows us accurtely. Intelligent white men who pnrpTsely incite ignorant negroes to deeds of violence are far more guilty than their dupes and should he delt with firct. If some white men had been killed at Wil­ mington iu 1898 it wonld not h:>ve beeu nec4!ssary to Kill so many ne- Objicrver. The above cHp^d from"the Down Charlotte Observer of March 16 shows which way the wind is blow ing, and whileiti an honest admis­ sion that the Recokp was rijrh in its construction of the Observers language, "tre must warn brother Caldwell against such in.enrtiary utterani es. If v. hitc men whether intelligent or not, are <:uiWy of in­ citing negroes ti, deeds of violence they de»erve to be ^eierely pnu’sh- ed, and should be dealt with accor­ ding to legal and civilized methods. The law is supreme, the judiciary has not been exhausted, then why invoke force and violence to mp- pess a violation of the law, wlieu the courts are open and ready to punish the guilty! “Where there is a wrong there is a remedy.” Our forefathers have provided, courts, and have invested them with authority to punish all kinds of crime. And ;rhen the people tpimple upon the law, and defy the courts, they are sowing the seeds of discoid and anarchism, murder is made a fel­ ony punishable with death, aud its a serious thing for a crowd of men to arm themselves with guns and go ont and shoot i>eople in viola­ tion of the law, We are opposed to lawlessness of all kinds, and we will not be found condoning fraud murder or any other kindred offen ces. The courts of New Hanover eonnty are surely capable of deal­ ing with both white and black criminals, though we have not seen or heard of anyone being arraign ed for the open and flagrant viola­ tion of the laws of the state in that eonnty in 1898. If the negroes and whites committed violence there, whydow not the grand jury indict and bring them to justice. ^'hat crowd of Bough Biders beaded by Dowling and bis crew, according to his own confession oommittedicrimes against the peace and dignity of the State, why not put a grand jury after them also! Lets bring them all to justice both white and black. Lets teach them Where do you Stand. The Editor of the Bibical Eecor- der says the following of Goebel and his election law. “Mr. Goebel got the noiuiuation for Governor by deception, trick­ ery and force; that many of th c best people in Kentucky foreswore his ijarty vhen he became its head: that he fathered an election law whicii iu the hour of his burial his most dev<it«il worshipei-s agreed to repeal I ec uise of its uufairnesg. We I'udersiand that the man whom hA killed was found unarmed. ! I ! Mr. Goebel may haye made auti-gambling laws but when shot he fell into the arms of a notorious gambler and cut-throat his boon comiianion; he may have oeeu iucoiruptablc, but he made an election law that was the legali- xition of corruption; he may have beeu a tuial alistaiuer; but he was Ine idol of the liquor element. He did fight one corporation but others fought for him; but it is not yet iu evidence that he ever fought for anything nobler than personal power.—Bibical Bccorder. We take it that the writer of the above has read the North Caroa lina election law, and we would be glad to have an expression from ihe same writer on this law. The Goebel law has already done its in famous work in Kentucky audit is now an opportune time to denouce and repudiate a simular law in North Carolina, the anticpiateu •jperatious of which threatens the welfare aud happiness of our peo­ ple aud the prosperity and life of uur State.—Union Itcpubliean. $1.50 V ersusi$150.G O . Mess. W ooten & Co, Prong, Noriu Carolina, iays: O n e of our custom­ ers, a {prominent m an in this com­ munity, suffered with liver complaint he consulted several physicians but they failed to benefit him. W e pre­ vailed upon him to try the K am on Pills and Pellets. H e soon bou|<rht more and is now a well and hearty m an, and has gained in Besh. H e says the pills saved bis life and the six boxes cost him only *1,50, while his trip to N e w Y o rk to consult the doctors, cost him 1150.00. For sale by J. L ee Kurfees. Record Free Gifts. NOTICE. By wirture of an order made by A. T. Grant, Sr.. C. S. C., I will sell at public auction at the court house door in the town of Mocks- vill3, N. C., on Monday the 2nd day of April 1900, the following real estate; adjoining the lands of Lewis Harper, et al., aud bounded as follows to wit: Beginning at a stone, Lewis Harj^r’s corner, W- 20 poles and 15 links to a stone iu Pott’s line; thence S. 70 degrees W., 24 poles and L.. to a stone in Pott’s line; thence E. 15 degrees N., 20 poles and 20 liuks to a stone to the beginning coutaiuing two acres, 105 poles more or less. Terms OE Sai.e:—825,00 cash, balance on six months' time, with bond aud approved seciirity; in- trest at 6 per cent from day of sale Title reserved till purchase money is paid. This 2nd day of March 1900. Thos. N. Chaffin. Admr. of G. H. Lippard. T. B. Bailey, Attorney. 1 S e t o f P u m i t u r e (S p le c M .) 1 S e w i n g jHacIUiie. 1 Stove. , 1 Chattanooga Plow. 1 SemlnKtODiShot Gun. One dollar pays for th» RECORD one year and you get two tickets; 50 cts. for six moiilhs, and yoii’getone tick' et. Send ill your subscription aiidget the paper during tlie cam»igi). D o n ’t SufTer, T h e E lec to the B a s i s . " E uropean ' W e b s t e r ’s \ I n t e r n a t i o n a l e D i ^ i o n a r y Suaxumr of the ■■ Vnairiilttd:' manMardof th«U.8.R0T'traBtlnf i once. tb« u. 8. Ruprctu \ Court, all tbc ftu- 3 IV annly contm endccl nuaber. inTalubteIn Um bomrboM. audio 3 - ___ edUMior- J___ (THE BB5T PORPRApWCXLU8e.S------ItU —............ A'««r OrJeuuM Pieaxvae aayat^ Cures all dissases without the use cf medicine. A pure Oxygen treatment, by absorption. It cores where every- n e else fails. It is needed iu every __ jiily, fQr it will relieve every w eak­ ness or-ailment, to the moat persistent chronic disease; and without the use of a n a i n of medicine. Thousands of laople all over the United States, jrom private citizens to Lawyers, doc­ tors, preachers, Suprem e Judges Edi­ tors. etc., even crowned heads of E u ­ rope have given written testimonials of these facts. Book of testimonials, and matter of great interest with price of Instruments sent free. Every family should have an Electropoise: it saves money, induces health. Send your address at once and see what people say who have thoroughly test­ ed its merits. Agents wanted. T h e E lectro p o ise Co., 513 4th Street, Louisville. K y. Bemington Single Barral Brsech Loading Sun, - $«.60 Otheis ■ - - - $4.30, ««.00 Loaded Shells, 36c a box. Shot, 7c. per pound. Primer*, 12o. a box. All Other Goods Equally Law P . M . ROBERTS, 445 Liberty Street, WISSTON, N. C. ' hrtUt:tuc achoini_eompi lubUabcdSft---— Dunug the depression from 1893 ,.0 18i>a all sons of theories were iiiivauced lo account for chaugei; coudiiions. Oue of the pet ikeor- ies urgiied principally by mauufac- turers was to the ell'ect that the Liuited iStatcs wao being pre ty thoroughly developed; that the (lorkiug classes would have to come down to the level of tijeir cousins iu Europe; that less money would be iu cinjulatiou; that the rich would become richer aud the poor become poorer, etc. This prattle continued until the spring ot the present year. Theu someuody rubbed the lamp and genii of prosperity jumped forth, liverj body suddenly awoke to the fact that this country was not near­ ly developed, that iustead. it was practically bari-eu and that it will take several years of hard bustling to come anywhere tear supplying the demand. The laboring man has not been brought to the level of his European competitor, iu lad he is more in demand today than ever before; there is more money in circulation; the rich are uot secur­ ing a cornnr on the wealth of the land and the poor are getting greater percentag.’! of the per -api ta than ever before. The ‘^N’ew World” (Ainericia) is yet au in-funt and fortunes can be made just the same as ever. The peculiar fe-iture of the preilictious that have failed to materialize is the fact that the old men whom we are wont to look to for, wisdom, aud who were the promulgators of tht above doctrine have, as prophets, in this instance proved failures. European manu­ facturers are seriously considering the advisibility of adopting our tactics and bnsiness methods, which are now considered the best, rather than that we should adopt their worn out policy.—American Manu­ facturer. OET THE BEST.^ dT'Speelmen paff$* 9ent ott ap^tc<tHon to i \G ,Jb C , m R R IA lH C O ., PubliMberM, SpringSaid, Maa9.» U. 5. A, called **Wcb^r*« DictlMwtos.**' autbcatle ftbridcoM nu of the IntcrnaUei ' tn th e rarlOBf visM beftr oar mtbe front eover ushown in tb« euti. Dr. B. B. Anderson, -----DENTIST.------ Offlce: First Door South of Dr. Kimbrough's. M o c k s v i l l e , N . C . SODTHERN ■ R A IItW ' THE. .. ST.ilI!Asfc> RAILWAY ' OF THE SOLTH. Tho Direct Line to all Pi)iB»»r TEXAS, OALIFJ T’BA a n d PORTO RICO. S trictly F’iis t C lass E q u ip - Tfi6V,V wiaiUr^r9ji^gh and Lo (5;ii Trains. ' . Pullman Sleeping Carsonall Night Trains. Fast and Safe achetlnles. T ra v e l b y tn o So uth e rn a n d y o u are assu re d a S afe, C o m ­ fortable a n d a n E xp editio n * J o u r n e y . Apply to Tirket A»'rnts for Tim e T i bits, Rates and General Infor­ mation, or address R . L . V E R N O S , F. R . D A R B Y , T . P . A . C . P . Sl T . a . Charlotte, N . C. ABheyillc N .C , NO TROUBLE TOAHaWllR QUSSII0N3. m ux S. GAMOS. M. CDLP 3dV. F. 4 Gen Man. Ttif. Mm. W. A. TTOK G. P. A. •w A SH IN G TO N . D. C. Fa rn itu re I I f 'T T o -c l n e e d L Fum itnre of any Kind IT WILL PAY YOU TO 8EB Hnntley ft HiU’i Stock —THEY BELL— FIR8T-CL.AB8 FURNITTTp- a T Ui. Right *'**1* Cmjin,.- <28 Trade Streat. w m sT ox, s . c. TOU OO TO Wiiistoii,».c., - C a l l o n - B R O W N . Th* 3ewm.ra. I have a Nice Line of Waksher. Jewelry and Silver W are, Speci»- cles and E^e Glasses, eto. Fine Repairing done while yon wait and to ;uiiTh?1,£f.‘>“« w - Yonra for bnaineoa, BROWN. Tuk jB W K tn* 448 Liberty Street. Next deer to' Robert’s tb e g u mm. D B. W . C. M A B TIN Gives special attention to diseases if the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. •Spectacles fitted by the aid of retino- jcopy. Teeth extracted by the pain­ less process. Office at residence in North Mocksville. D R .-F. G- C H E E K . EYE SPFX IA LIST. Oflics over Jacobs’ Clothing Store, j WINSTON, N. C P A T E N T PROTECTION. S en d m o d el, tk e tc b , o r photo, fo r Creo e m n in a tlo n a n d odTice. BCQX ON PATENTSS^S^Mi ^ { ^ C .A .S N O W & G O .P>tontLaw7>n. WASHINCTON.D.C. I A Good luTertment.— ‘-Knowledre i pu .tfe. ' accurdiag to the old ada^e, but it is also saidthat a m ao never cnons a thing until he can tell It, and he who can express his knowledge lu language more terse, Tigorous, and appropriate than others becomes a ' leader of men. Ia this pow- ,:r of expression as well as knowle'^g : Itself there is no aid so helpful, fiom -hich “T mu-h m av h obtained, an 1 for DO small aa outlay as Webttcrs nternaaonal Dictiorary. This work s the universally aclcnowledgrd itan- ard for the derivation, spelling pro- xmcuation, a m eaning of words, ind with its nuoierous tables of use- I "al and reliable information it quickly ; and satisfactorly answers the thous- i and and one questions which are con- : .tantly arising in our reading and i .tudy. Thepurchase of i his source of ■ cnowledge and power will prove a ' .jrofitableinvestment for every honsu : hold, and for every tescher, scholar professional m an, and telf-edwcator. ■ A Superb Newspaper.! T E I-W E E K L Y T B IB U N E . to respect the laws aud good name of old North Carolina if an ad­ dition has to be put to the state priaonto aocomadate this crowd., ‘<Jnstioe and mercy are the habi­ tations of H is throne.” ‘-tteh shall not kill,” this oomand applies M W eirtb aT Je m d cw V a s'to a ^ pnblieac. Lets otegr this oom- i^ndn^Bt to the letter. Out of these evidences of pros­ perity can be dra vu added reasons why the intelligent business and working men of the country should give their support to the party of sound inouey and protection in tv- ery contest which arises, whether in city, or state, or nation. The diffeteuce between good and bad legislation can be estimated by the difference between the good years we are now enjoying and the bad years ot the Democratic regime.— San Francisco Call Kodol “I used Dyspepsia Cure in my fandly with wonderful results' It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is-truly the djrapeptic’s best I -'ind,” says E. Hartgerink, Overi jit ;h. Digests what you eat. Cannof I el i9 c jr j. C. C. Sanford The New York Tri-Weekly Trib-! nne has superseded and taken the i place of the former Semi-Weekly j Tribune, and is an outgrowth of the demand for more frequent issues.' It is printed on Monday, Wednes­ day and Friday. Price C1.50. In effect. The Tri Weekly Trib­ une is a fine, fresh every-other-day newspaper, each issue of which is as as a daily of the same date, and in one number of which, j every week, largo spam will be' devoted to the pictorial, literary and humorous features of the Illus­ trated Supplement to the Sunday Tribune. We believe thatThe Tri-Weekly i will be the best substitute yet found for a metropolitan daily. It has one more issue per week than the old Semi-Weekly, and costa half a dollar less a year. We are flu en tly able to print in this edition, which is sent to press before daylight, the official war eable dispatches of The Trib- ■ne from Europe, which are sent from there about 1 a. m. T U e TBIBCNE. ..0\> pays for H O R N f eood-, m o r e poaHia p i fe a. iKrie TrtOi .11 - ! b u t a T w y « n tlie -wMii is Ibt taie bGltIh n tg j uffli m iy lie ! t neror gabs 'iety Is n o t untH ty t» niot simply 1 wardtce is *hie i is a plpasnre to i !d decUue iu th e n <^“Hcges th a try. T iiep ro ju in en l u aie niorc readily a 1C opinion; n atn ralf 111 this reform , a n j ‘■“ allei- colleges li, , S. ^‘zorpus Bh f .bv President Jloflai u ana Jeftersou Uni3 lore to the list of ntionM, • have lOO student i ini) 500 Tvitli it.'t i e S b o u \a B e B o t O n e Kepablican party reli ense of the people to « r a ll n d m i u i s t r < t i o a i IV itaelt the Ueavtiest c it hom e and abroad. ■ istorj of its progress L i States stood am ongl f the earth where it stl Xever in the history ol lent has tlils coanti'y a )d of prosperity as prej lint these are ihe c| •yan and his followiq !, for the better, ^8 ili ell the artisan, the 0 day laborer how u« conditioPs would be 1 .•atic-Frce - Silver - Eej 'rade- Auti-Expansion-i s m an w ho toils hard iread is slow to take proffered service. 1* bird iu the hand is war sb; tLat hie hom e h^ so m any luxaries as he ly; and his good sense J i'eanuot efford to give u or chimeras an d pretty I him as lie goes to the p 1 see iiqw he casts hii eally loves his wife, lie hom e, iiud his couiL ircely lie but one resil Seb,') Kepnblioan. l U T H E R N R A I L \ [auied S c h e d o le o ? P a sse n g e r 1 l a E ffe ct N o v . 1?, 1839. jita.C T nt*.Ba* J ie lia ...lAiryr. b ln titer. I Ve».So. 12.iNo.3S. Dai/j-.lDailv. 7 5Ja; ]2C0id SfitJa lOUii9 S aa ...............10 05 a .......IV as a;lU £8 a 11 25al II 8Ua!11 nsa:12 sin)12 ta p1 46f-2 S4r> 8 a : Pi 4 2npi t z i \fi25p'6 90pi «52p| 10 47P, 2 26p 2 iSp 8 33p i isp 5 22 p6 ISp6 46 y.7 02i ■fi ispj So. l&l E.X. SutL. 4 83p 5 5Wp6 Zipropp T 83p 8 UJp 8 3T>p PW»I' kiHlf-rn-F>lk. '111 « p |...........1 8 v6 .|.......... |.ine...!11 25p| 11 66p!..........1 Lend..CUOoj eooa .........1 inglos.!..........breP.B ...........Upbia..............fYopk.............. 0 42a! 8 OOal 10 15 c 12 4ju, FbtMa Vt®. |» u n d . Xo. i>5. .Vo.37.Djiily. Daily. \ P a .B . IS 15 Iphia.I 8 60 a i:o re ..| 6 22 a 46 6 5 p » 2Up 10 45P II OOP; No. 11 D a ily 11 WP[ lTlle..7.| e 02pi 6f0flf 6 10*! '-Up\ loir ' 10? 8 86p 6 I5a; 7 05c 9 2Sa10 o: i i « r "'a1146p:12 2 6 fil^ t 84a, 1 25 a 2 ?8 a 'sa'a 4 IS a4 8tfa 45 25a6 10 al 5 10 12 20p i SOp 2 i 5 p 8 I4p 4*55p| 8 55 p! TSraL..| 12 0to!...| ll2p-..rIS S p . ’aoflp. 5SSr0 25Pa 7 OOp 7 28p 7 32p8 OJp 8 2 0 P8 48p 9 18p 10 OOp P uop S T A T IO N S .X 0.1S. PailT I0 50»| 10 I9»l i , =o"g;i ss 0 5 a X T ...L n l* -A r 96 » | “ M ay sv ille ‘ 58 al “ H a rm o n y “ flO p A r. A th en s r ~TT I c o n n e c tio o inwi© •* .Una. ... i ••F ’ p . Jn. " iT ' ■ ik e L in e S te a m e rs in d aily B Ve«ab.U« . lal8obetween>e?f I Btclasa th o ro n * b Po?i t Oo j o o w . i- U n ile d S ta te s I ^ ‘ > o ri»ITMhlngtoj ‘ ,Bnk r - o f li-rPMt of Soiitlr .1 e^»t extent is in.; * mslii Hottentot* ‘ :«m ot banks and •ng whom . tbli banking obtains' the south of t^c. e uatlTes eom^ luntry to trade iges and towBs In; with the Boers foi;' to Kaffraria. ■ K c c U im ln ff A b M d o n a d F a r m s . A farmer in Faxton, Worcester County, Hass., who settled npon sn ibandoned farm about two years ago, is reported to have raised on eight acres this year 7500 bnshels oE pota­ toes, '25,000 cnbutabera—the latter from ft sinfelo acre—800 barvels ot ! cabbages, 700 bnshels ot tomatoes, ■> facilities ^re ■ ver.T j J5Q fiftn . cnUrely of.bank^ T 'm '^Itliout banks of dls- and they have no 850 barrels ol earrots,, 600 bnshels ot parsiiips, 110 0 bushels of tnrnips, 100 bushels ol beets and, 110 0 heads of tuvj um i- u» I eaniiflow er, besides sqdsahes and some MU they eujoy banking , * 4 libitnm , and all the as they are. : vegesables used by th e Ism ily. Of who trade, of their ow n . conrso it is presttm ed th a t these pro- scloc-t one, who for the | -------------- _i - !i be their banker. H e Is to a bank o t deUoslt by . 1<> money oC those whose into a bag, and then they the stores to buy w hat- /Ic is purchased by any in this banking er- tico of tlie article is I*'., ^K or from the deposit 1 several tiniies'and ^seller of the article, Uie bank 'deirositars ;*nker iu the pre&eiice .Jseleeled: 1 mueli;" This is then ivitnessos. The gen- Hes ijetw een the ►eral deposItOrK, , VT-'Ihave been- natives de- I ;!» r « Wilds.-Tit-Bits. ^krrs in Saxony on hour.- ■ { m o r s s e B l o o d .ducts -were marketed- at a proBt-, and that being the case, it is easy to see w hy m any of N e w E n g U n d ’d aban- ddned farms are being reclaimed,— Boston Coltiv^or. ‘ (iro w lB K T a r n ip i. W a have- never seen a crop ot 1000 j bnshels of turnips grown oil an acre, ' though 1V0 saw one field that came very naai' it, exceeding 900 bushels, it we remember rightly, but at a farm­ ers’ iastitnte in N e w Brunswick one speaker told how he succeeded in ' growing 1000 bushels per acre. H e took a poor piece ot ground in the fall, unii after he had plowed it he pat on thirty tous of manure to the acre I and harrowed it in. H e wau.'s no j manure plowed in unless it is to be T plowed up again in the spring, harrow j lightly and farrowed two feet apart I ftbont two iuchea deep, lu the fur­ rows he strewed 250 pounds of super- i phosphate to the acvc. H o uses two i pounds of spi^cially selected turnip ' seed to the acre. W h e u they arc two j inches high he thins them to eighteen ; inohas apart. After this he keeps j the horse cultivator running two or i three times a w eek between the rows, .eutageofallthe i A s he grows them principally as a V ® 1. ’ 8uccn\entwinter food for bis stock, he -rj per cent, of ■ early, that they may have time hVare cnve^ every year by ; to grow. W h e n w e used to grow tbem jlU b o p eb y 1 w e gave greater distance betweeu the , i£rcttlieotber25 j rows and did not sow them until July, I ^ of them grew as large as 'ju'ke ® ir i T 'dealers cared to bave tbem for table '.•iKire * : use, wbile tbe. small and tbe very ..Mlres than «n y .other Urge were saved for tbe stock. W ho u ' * ' SvuiUl. Its strength : we could sell the beat at fifty cents a bushel or more we tbougbt it was more than they were worth for stock feeding. Trobably IvntliiY i i& dem onstrated by S aitR h ^ u m r BdM s, P im p le s fl’jm or P so riasis ^ir.g R h eu m atism M alaria, Etc. j.revalent at this sea- X-iiscil Hood’s Sarsaparilla jll ih Tou wonderful good. F «eU to m F iu ia ti. Never before in the history of the ; trade has there been so wide a margin between half'fat and prime, ripe beeves as exists at pr^^eiit. The : offer:? every indacemeut for feed^s to ; m ake their cattle fat. and on the other ; hiand the wide range iu value plainly ; poin-s to the penalty that must he paid*by those who disregard the law I A p H Ia of supply and dem and and persist in 1 1 1 9 ; crowding half'Hpe cattle on a market t-already over-snpjjlied with that class. .................■-! M any o^ the untinishod cattle marketed H*-. 11:. .\MK FA>tors. during the past few weeks wonld with If.v f(‘ll oiii uf II window ^ gjsty to ninety days’ longer feed have I 'iT'liriiij V ;’"^ I bro^ h t aeventy-flvo cents to $ 1 more ilifc hnni1 ICWli-ten.*'! liii.'. ho kept back Kiug cinstflvuR A dolphus, prophesied that *li'.. liat\ -xxAi self control ~i7)er~bnnjroft'tWmdS^which would be ^ almost all clear profit, 2 in weight would nearly oftset the corn 1 and labor. W hile we do uot antici fchiini; wouiftu fell into a dos-? have l't*en drow ned but liffuwgt; cf :j boy V ho sprang sbe.'autl uianageil to keep her tiiilsiioat f:ni\e to tbe rescue. k.r emergencies. ! pate any further advance, except for a isttli. f. r tin: laJ became the | fancy holiday cattle, we <!0 look L=h!iHal I’dufv. j tor a good steady demand and s^tis- i rectory prices for well-fattened cjittle i for an indefinite period. Where a I mail is feeding a considerable number I of cattle it is an excellent plan fo keep . . ! topping ont the bnnoh and sending in .WlDIois ii.Imired- the boys ) j load or two of the fattest as fast as -:i®s ai,.l kiu.liiess of heart,. i they are ready. This uot only divides .,;n l„s reeklessntss ; the risk aud gives the cattle lett be- mifrlit have cost ^ better chance to maturi but . ’ ilso avoids the dead loss of holding«.an...aiaj, and m con- ig -.fc ..U.: tmJs that these ; feeding a steer after he is readjf for I market. It is poor policy to h»ld a big drove of cattle simply because there is a light end of one or two loads . . . . • ,, ilhatisnot finished. The feeilcr who ^ W s drove aud ships = - i tbe fattest steers as fast as ripe and ^ ! then pushes the others along to the to'.-rush flowers j ^ame condition is, other things being d iffe r ,„lor. and would then ! ea«»l, tbe successful one. .if j-icfures on the white j ■t’fjiis fjitlierV oottage in th^ ‘ llirT iHiife. ^iii' skis caara<rtt*n««tics ull through. '15 sm alert timt uo one could »lieDh«? noiiM iimke an attack •^re-i f'hirtcil soKliers, bo brave Kxliaual«d Soilt. Vrofessor L . H . Bailey, ot Cornell h He k n o ^ to t M i University Experiment Btation, says ' i that impoverished soils are usually' -!tfr on h c k a c h e s of i those that have been neglected, ^ot having been tilled they have become ! cloddy, hard and foul. They may ! lack iu hum us, which can be reme­ died by stable manure or plowing under green crops, or they may lack ' some one of the three important fer- i tilizing elements. .\u average of ! thirty-four analyses of soil shows that an acre of land may *“ eight inches of the surface soil 3il / pounds of nitrogen, 398tf pouuds of phosphoric acid aud J7,597 pounds of potash, beside what may be in stones om en a n a th e y im U o a im j This w ould be enough to grow '‘trouble somewhera. ' 20? Tv «rfion of l^orts io bsar tho OuU l T- W e»:C0 » » » « a " * * humus to develop bum.c O O n l / m i * .this water must be ' th e c a u s e I s r o - : through the surface »?“ * penetrate : bed below, that the “ ‘ yjrabsorbs- ,the soil. If it doe» not, ^ hett, evaporates :„g off and colJ. W h e n the 7 “^ ‘l ‘ T b e c o m e s the surface is well „ „ up by warm, and the water ,^™’ eventing capillary “ « r “ Uop, thus P .^ loss by drought aswell , _ | „ t s to the dissolved the plant the surface or near ft, ‘soils roots can aud till- theee two items of fertilizer.^ age are more needed w a though most eflfeotual wn is made light or porous »“ yegetable the addition of hum us 01 veg K^nkhsm - , Vegdiie Compound • an more cartaMy other metUakie. jen doing H far ^ y e a r s . n /a a far « haa ^ the heahh at i , S 5" w o w e i i . t ta a a Jl^aful leUera ft 12. E s c e ta lT e F a t F rc T e n ta ^ ^ In some way ejoessive tbe bieedipff power of well known by the m en -p.f in what is called show coBiiit»°“ - , in the hen seems to destroy “ o ^ tho power of elaborating e g g s , “ U the power of the organs to produce the embryo of the egg • S h e n that is not fat and, m ay not be laying eggs at **** large numbers of embryonic eggbe found. S o m e tim e s t h e s e enibry eggs remain undeveloped ' long time, showing that ® 8 tbit produce them are b«»7 ,* ^ e W o r « tb« organs U u t develop the eggs U r e begun work. Evidently tbe Utter require periods of rest be­ tween every clntoh of eggs. But a very fat hen w hen killed shows not the slightest trace of these em­ bryonic eggs. T h e function to even produce the germs seems to have de- i w t e l T h e writer has killed hens that he did ®ot think too fat to lay and haa found them in thisoonditlou. and that, too,' at a season when other hens were laying vigorously. At just what stage of fatness the heu is rendered impotent to produce egRs science has uot yet determinod, or whether this stage varies in the hens of different ages. It is without doubt true that m any hens are kept for vears at a total loss as to cost of keeping, for certainly m any do not lay an egg from one year's end to another. There m ay be other elements enter­ ing into the question that we do not yet understand, and it may be thal other things beside excessive fat pre­ vent egg formation and development. B at with the limited light we now have on the aubject it is probable that the best fay,to keep a flock culled down to the actual layers is to keep the fat hens killed OS’. This leads to the remark that some hsus get fat under any system of feeding. The writer has been surprised wheu teed- ing a ration balanced against fat to find here aud there a hsu laying on faf aud ceasing to lay eggs. Evidently fowls show the same cUaracteristius breeds ot larger live stock— the ability with some to develop size and fat at the expense .of every other func­ tion. Pin. For the Uairj xaruier. The. best and most profitable way of disposing o£ skim milk and bnttermilk is to feed them to pigs. W here but­ ter is m ade extensively, or even ou a small scale, there is opportunity for keeping pigs at a very slight cost. If the required number are uot raised upon the farm, they may be purchased at six weeks old, or at weaning time, fo r a few weeks at least after weauing they will thrive best on sweet skim milk. Buttermilk is also good," but should not be fed undiluted, or scours may result. W ith plenty of warmed milk combined with bran, shorts or other ground feed— of which corn should form but a small portion, it any— pasture if convenient, aud puro water al all times, jiigs which have re­ ceived good carc through the mother pi evlous to weaning them will grow to thrifty maturity. T he practice of keeping over pigs or sholes until a year old or more is al­ most if uot quite out of date. (Juick returns make the profit iu raisiug hugs for market. It must be an exceptional case which would warrant keeping them longer than six to eight mouths. .A.S fast as the pigs of one lot are fattened and sold, others should be ready to take the places of those dis­ posed of. It is far better, iu the writer’s estimatiou, wliich is based upon considerable experience, to feed milk to pigs rather than to calves, ex­ cept iu the case of heifers or an ex­ ceptionally fine male, v.’hieh it might be desirable to raise. A pig at six mouths will bring nearly as mnoh as a,.. steer at three tiuijs that a g ^ - ^ ^ e s - eut prices of larcatt^, no farmer cau afford to raise them for beef, while in six months the pig will be i.n prime condition for sale and return a good profit. T he hog is one of the most profita­ ble animals the farmer has. Consuming as it does the refuse of which no other disposal could well be m ade upoa the farm, looked upon as the lowest of domestic an­ imals, doomed too often to exist iu filthy quarters aud receive only the slightest atteution as to material com ­ forts, yet the pig repays his owner tenfold proiit for his keeping. While pigs undoubtedly thrive better wheu given a liberal supply of sweet skir.-, milk for a time after weauing, they will do fairly well without it, if fed upou bran aud middlings made into a slop with water. W h e y from chcese factories while sweet is belter than water- for this purpose, but is not available iu m auy localities. I'urm aatl Gariieti Note*. bkimjajlk aud Indian meal are '.h^ very best foo3 for pigc. Flat b t^e s where abundant are the cheapest and beet meteiial .for floor­ ing pigpens. Probably the best lice exterminator for poultry is a good dust box filled with com mon road dust. Potash is the chief fertilizer to be applied to fruit trees, particularly af­ ter they come into bearing. A pound of meat scraps to twenty- five hens is about ibe right propor­ tion. Feed every other day. Often w hen pallets are not laying, a ration of meat twice a week at this time of year will start them at work. In most cases, it is ciowdiug that makes hens get into the feed trough. M ake the trough loug and give them plenty of room. Boots and straw are very deQcieut in albuminous material, consequently where a little oil cake or pea meal is added to a di^t of this kind excellent results are reported. In arranging a pigpen, give special attention to the construction, so that it cau bo easily cleaned aud supplied with fresh bedding. A pigpen should be cleaned out every day. There is every reason to believe that iu order to have good layers it is necessary to have good laying stock. This is the rule applied to cows, horses, sheep and hogs, so w hy should it not apply to the poultry as well. I>r»ft horses should rarely be driven faster than a walk iu taking exercise. They require m uch less than road­ sters or running horses. N o draft horses should have less than tive or six miles a day and roadsters can eas­ ily go to six to ten miles. T he moulting period is one that all poultry have to go through, and at this time they should receive a little more atfention than is generally gijen.. Keen item out of draughts and feed oily fooa, such a s sunflower seeds and linseed oilmeal, and you will hud it a great help to the birds. r lioostsers iu the majority of eases aie ot (po use to the farmer, and should lie have any around that are e as breeders, the best thing is to turn them into money. . will lay just as well, if not ithont them, though theegg* for hatching p n t p « M ^ , GOOD ROADS N(m T h e W id e T ire I« w . 8 it is evident that the publio generally will pay no atten- Udd to the wide tire law an* til it has been tested iu the conrts;— that, in fact, being the Cali­ fornia practice as to all laws— those w ho were active iu securing the pas* sage of the law should lose uo time in filing information against those who violate it. It should not be done in malice, nor should any general crusade be commenced, for public sentiment is in favor of the law, aud the failure' to prepare for complying with it isj due partly to its ambiguity, but mainly', to the arrogant position assnmed by the trade, some of whom openly avow tbeir intent to defy the law. Test cases should be carefully selected so iB to avoid those expressions in the jaw which are ambiguous or which jdeal with interstate commerce. The State probably has power to prevent the sale of wagonn which it deems im­ proper to be used. It certainly haa ^ower to prevent the use of such wagons upon the public roads. T h e only question iu this case is as to whether the Legislature has expressed its intent so clearly that the courts feauuot avoid convicting on proper evidence. For example, the law speaks of a “ tubular or iron axle,*’ wheu it means a “ tubular steel or iron axle.” If a m an is found using a narrow- jtired “ ateel” tubular azle wagon he w ay claim that the law does uot reach his case. Prosecutions should not be left to private ioitiative, which would lead to bad feeling in neighborhoods; the law fails to m ake it the duty of any public official to prosecute o&euses and we may be certain that no such official will move iu the matter. It will be proper for granges, wheelmen or other organizations specially inter* ested in good roads to take up the matter aud airange to at ouce bring a sufficient number of test cases iu each county, aud against both those selling and those using wagons whose tires ;do not comply with the law, with the, 'understanding that when once it has' ibeen made clear that the law will jptand, there must be immediate and universal compliance with its pro­ visions.— San Francisco Chronicle. A o s b a t t r u c k o a k d e ii Mextc« May Sapply Us witk Our Early VefeUbIe% ^ - of uo ^ he can t The he bett«r, 1 are uW T ho tiooil K unas o f Jejae y . The great movement for iminoved roads in the United States originated, H IS generally believed, in Esse.v County, N. J-,, more than thirty years' ago. Some progressive men ‘in the' ;«o«rd of -Freeholders conceived the: idea of buudiug a system of hard roads by the macadam piocess, and a special act was passed coustitutiuR a Road Board. The bulk ot the cost was assessed upon the eonuty at large aud was provided for iu tbe iiaid foiir- nfths o* this tax. There was much opposition aiifl constant protest, but the work went resolotely ou. Tho good results soon became evi­ dent. East Orange, Montclair aud' other suburbs attracted the best cla-s ofjiopulatiou. aud.handsoaie h i^ e s nent up by the hundreds, while property prices euoruiously increased. Ihe roads buiit were ot excellent workuianship, and excited the wonder aud admiration of striiugers who drove over them. Uniou County subse­ quently procured a law for county aid to road building, aud the work was prosecuted there with the same energy aud good results. This led to the enactment of tho law foi State aid, under which hundreds of milasof new imi>roved roads have been built iu all sections of the State. In Essex County the improveoient has gone ou under the State Aid act until the' county is a network of good roads. For road improvements projected tor the present year tho county will pay about 335,000. -r J. The law imposes one third of the cost of uew roads ou the State, ten per cent, on the property' owners aud' tbe balauce ou the county. By the. new law townships can petition inde­ pendently-of the Board of Fi eeholders for State aid, and this will promote road building in counties which have oeeu backward by reason of the ua- willinguess of the county authorities -to assume the county’s sharo of the cost. U im cu tt lio a d lluiU tiiij- ill XuiIIu iih. DeKalb County's famous siuk hol» is giving the Commissioners no little- trouble and expeuse. This swamp' perhaps comes nearer being bottom­ less than any other spot iu northern Indiana. At least three bridges arc known to have sunk out of sight, and’ now the Commissiouers have given the contract to Charles Kugman, of Auburn, to construct the bed upon; which another bridge will be erected.' The work of gi’adiug commeuced three weeks ago, aud the dirt which was filled in it, gradually kept sinking, and by the nest day none of the pi'ev*' ,ioua day’s work would be in sight. This method of filling was contiuued' for s e T e r a l day?, bslieviug all the. j time that a solid footiug would ^o u be found, but xrith no avail. The earth failing to remain j)i .sight; .tbe, workmen were seuti to the woods, and ! brush to tho depth of si.'c feet-was j piled in the roadway, after which loug logs were laid lengthwise across, with one end resting on the solid banka. Ou these were fastened planksj and then the earth hauled in and the road­ bed formed. Several attempts have been made to ascert^iu the depth of this hole, and it is known to bo at least eighty-nine feet deep. It is be­ lieved to be mucky at least to a depth of 200 feet. T h e We«t H a s th o F e r « r . Abicycle.dealer says:“The Westhcs ibe road fever bad, or perhaps I should &aygood, because it is the bcst‘ fever that any section of the country’ ever got. Every penny put into a good road comes out of it again one huu dredfold. The mistaken idea that the bicycliBts are the only people that reap the benefit of good i oada is disappear­ ing as rapidly as a mjsty theory of that kind oQght to. I suppose every weJI- informed person to-day rcalizea the many advantages of road improvement. In the West last year there were con­ structed thousands upon thousands of miles of good roads. Now, I figure that evei’y mile of good road means a sale of from ten to twenty bicycles, >depeoding mainly upon whether the Iroad runs through a thicklr or sparse- populated neigbborhood,’*' From recent developments it Is ap­ parent that the Southern States ■vrill not possess the monopoly of supplying uorthei’n cities with garden products, uays the Philadelphia Record. Tho science of refrigeration and the con- titruction of refrigerator ships and r<*- frigerator ears has .rcaehod such a high state that !t Is uow^ possible to raise fruit, it might bo said, in almost any part of the world, and carry It to any other part. The-fact has been for years demonstrated by the shipment of carcasses from Australia to England by the shipload, where an enormous trade has been built up. The same principle can l>e ai)plied to the transportation of fruits. A very large proportiou of the product of California is now' shipped castw'ard in refrigerator cars, aud some of the finest fruits on display in tho East come from that State In this vray. The agriculturists in the South have re­ cently had their attention directed to the advisability of diversifying crops by the high price paid for garden pro­ ducts. The market garden has of late years become a very important factor in southern agricultural cconomy. Enterprising capitalists, since the de­ velopment of Mexico by railroads have been looking at the possibilities of cli­ mate there, and have taken stops iu some cases to establish plantations for the growth of fruits on a large scale, which it is their intention to ship by re­ frigerator processes to United Slates ports aud then to inland points. The schemes read well, and apparently are well based. There appears to be no reasou why garden truck could not be raised in Mexico and delivered safely and profitably to a great mauy cities aud towns throughout the United States. A great .m any products there are four to eight weeks ahead of the Soutli. Dairy farming has become very profitable. Milk iu large cities Bells at 25 cents iu Mexico: butter at3G to 48 cents a pound. Labor costs only from 12 to 25 ceuts a day. Sugar cane lurued into brown sugar yields from $70 to $05 an acre gross. (Jreeu barley aud corn are raised in large quantities for fodder. Cattle raising since ihe Spanish wsir has been greatiy (Stimulated, aud the western -cattlemen arc now there lay­ ing the foundations for big ranches. W heat is cultivated ou the high table­ lands of Central Mexico, but it is not as good as that grown iu. the States, Such products as coffee, vanilla, rub- bei, cpcoanut and cocoa are all raised in certaiu sections and raised profita­ bly. Business failures in Great Britain dur­ ing 1890 were 8,600, against 8,895 if* 1898. Wfl offer tee Ht^^DoUai^ Reward for * T a n - I i. W h o le sa le D n M » lsta,T o l.d o , W a l d i m . Kis h a x « M A BV iir, W h d t t t l a Drp^sts, Toledo, Ohia ■ H sl's^tarrhC tirelstakeiiinteniallr.aot-iD^T d ire c tly u p o n th e b lood a x ^ gQf, g w e s o f th e T entlm onliU s s e n t'fre e . The late Lord Hylton was one of the few surviving officers o f the Bala- klava charge. T o C o re s C e ld In O n e D » y . T a k e La x a t it s Bromo i^C iK nri T A B im . A ll re fu n d th e m tm ey « it fa lls to cure. K. W . Qm t x s a U a a tu re Is on e ac h iMX. Late statistics show that in London more than 300,000 families earn less than sevcnty five cents a day. \ S w ea t a n d fru it a d d s w ill n o t d iM o h jr g o o d s d y e d w ith P t J i s i i t F a d e l e s s Dyes So ld b y a ll d ru g g lata . I c a n n o t sp e a k to o hljrh ly o f P iso ’s C u ie fo r C o m s u m p tlo ^ —M rs. F bajtk Mo b b s, 215 W . 22d S)t., N «w Y o rk , O ct. 29, 1894. te e th in g , so fte n s th e gum >, re d u c in g in fla m a . t on, a lla y s p a in c u rc s w in d coUo 25c a b o ttle , Berlin, Germany, is to construct an, ^erground railway costing $25,000,- T h e B e it l*re«cripU on fo r ChUla GhOTS’S TASXBLlsai 18 Simply iron and quinine laa tasteless form, ^o cure—nopay. Prtce Wo. A man Walking day and night without resting would take 428 days to journey around the woild. rem edy for^ # | a E S l J l l S c h ild r e u a n d - a d u lts .^ ^ C ures n t once COU5I1S. GfiEEfFor«h.tniiiMiitof1 •UwDnii/MlclimT W R I j i H ie Raleigh, N.C. Honumeiitsaiiil HeaditmiM, All sizes and prices, De-' livered at your Depot same price as at Shbp. W rite for C atalofue. 11 JO-HE i HilURAL HiGNETIC OIL FROM lEU S. to the medical world B heam atlsm ^w ote^ ptaal AffAottoii*.iUtt jointa.ery»tpelas.qatanfe. > tbU OU lUe n a tlu and poattrely cons h it 10 IB iDICINB • H«rI.U«,> The old-fashioned mother sometimes . tears her daughter chatter to young men of subjects' which even now bring a hot blush to her,_ withered chee&s. but she does not reprove her. Susy has gone through- college. She talks fA flippantly of Huxley and Renan as if ithJey had played m th hei* in h-ex cra­ dle. She - has spent a year without a chaperon in Dresden studying music. W hat is there that she doas not know? : H o w should this poor lady advise or j correct her daughter as- mothers used I to do when they, stood upon a higher ; plane than their children— ^March La* I dies’ Hom e Journal. R H «V M A TI6M. P A IX I\ B.4t K. L aG lllP P E , C B O tP *04 4.0LI)8. OraaUmotltcrQMd 1(. why BO» you? tbe ereatest mrdlclne known. Sold by all (iru ^sta and g'*neral atom . Kede ootr by GOOSE OM ASELtlflM B.NTCO.. O attsncB O .Sc. (f. To M y Friends in Ueergia, M a n y o f w h o m h ^ . ^ k n « |j j ^ * ^ i n y lo n g sjnitlerin^from ' £ o z e m a ; “ I a m p r o u d to y ^ u ^ i f u l m e r i t s o f T e t t e r i n a , w h ic u h & ^ ^ ^ l i d m o a s s o u n d a s a g o ld d o l­ l a r . a f te P m o r e t h a n $ 4 0 0 .0 0 f o r o th e ^ r e m c c t t f e i ^ ^ i t h o u t t h e s l i g h t ­ e s t r e lie f . Y .'m . M a n a g e r M u t u a l R e s e r v e F u n d L j^ M f c ^ s e o c ia t i o n . ” 5 0 c . b o x a t d r u g g is t;< ^ . - f r o m J . T . S h u p t r i n e , B a v a n n a h , U » . Accuracy. ••Now.'* said llu* elicui. takin;: out Uis^ pocketbook, "how much aro your ser­ vices worilr.*’ “That lias noiiiiiig to do with t.ht case,” answered ihf* professional mnn of tipe distinctions. “What, you ought to have askctl Ls merely -.«*w much J am going to charge you.*’ W . L . D O U G L A S i 3 .5 0 SHOES 'orth $4 to $6 compared with other makes, i Indorsed by over f ^ 1,000,000 wearers, i Themhuine haveW . L. | O ougl^’ name and stamped on bottom, no substitute claimed to ,be as good. Your dealer ^ should keen them —*'if^ not, we will send ain receipt of jiricc anc 55c. _____.extra for carriai^e. Jcindjbf leather,rsiieV'anif'wliflli, plain or cap toe. Cat. free.W. L DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton, . S T O P P E D FREEt Permanently Cured bf I ^e r eI t o r e r I ** T sii _____to r Jv vatiCBU *ha p«7 Perwtanent Cure, uei only temporary t«IS______«owi Epile|i<r. Snasvk. St. VtTRIVp«bi!i<r.nxh.<i.tiot>. D R . B . n .K M B f i^ E v m931 Arch Street, Philadelphia. F«u»4e4ini. There never was a time, in fact, in the history of. American social econo­ m y wheu the old domestic-servicc. problem was so close to its natural so­ lution. and when the whole wage-earn- ?ng question of women was so near its- own logical adjustment as at the pres­ ent. The twentieth cenlury win in no other aspect be so marked as in tho naural and divine division of the world's labor which America is des-. lined to prwent to the .world: men for business and. women for the homev with an equal standard in each ease, for both .empioy^r.'and employee.— Ed­ ward Bok, in'the March hadies’ Home Journal. f O R 1 4 C E N T ! ^ rW’a wish to s^in'tbis year SOO,UO ^ nfin cuatnmer<, aud nooceoBer t Piiir. Citjp G srdfo B ert, ICo 1I Pkg KAtl’at Emerald c^nvomberlbcII “ I.a Crcaae Market L«ttDC«. lie 1 *' Utrawberrr .V«iOu, I60., 1 “ l'< Dav Radinb, lOo[ 1 “ KarlyRIpe Oahbage, luo k 1 *' Larlj IMnner Otjioo, 10c ' :i ** B rilliantFluw frSaada. Ko W orth *1.00. for l l'i-eeta. (H e AboTO 10 Pkc«. worth 91.M), wo will mitil 7oa frt-Pf tozetb ar w ith oar creai <Jatalof;,tel(iu.r all eb o it SAUER S MlUlON DUUII POTATO np')irreceipt nfttaia ROtU'e A l4 C t aiainpo. W e iuTileyotjrtrn'la, »nd i koow when jo n once try .S«le d * yuQ wiil n e rrr do ettb o a t. too Prixeaon Salxet’a ISlOO-rar- rtTom ato G iant oc eartb. ■ T - DCO., U(JtO&SE,ni9. I (enns. C. B. And T A M H E R IR G‘ »................*rtf' S . ' t P P S ] iMinmcniiiaIt) W.U.LKB wooneTTT!!rw- Wiite him fprpam^'hlttl r D ISCOVERY; 1 F r e e . »r. jL ‘h. ''S S - 8 “3 0 8 8 . ^ ^ ^ 4 2 l ilN I Eno^aged Conditionally. F.dythe—Are l*ercy a^id llealrlce en gagedV Etbel—Well—er — condiii^onaily! If her papa's wlieat deal goes through all right, of coursi‘ sho woiiUI look higher than Percy; nnil If her papa's wheat deal goes to smash, of course, Percy ■would lake to the woods!—Puck. ^.Trser. i A T T liN T IO M s farllit-.tu,! f i n tb lsp a p e rw h o n w riU n u a iiv e HE reason we can seM the best at on^ or somore than cheap work is bccause we maW , many of them. We a%*erageJ last year a complete--T job profit n the bostevery 42 mlnutosend 14 seconds, al that rate conote, is in reach of you? $1.00 per. Why pay big profits, whep the Soo our Afont or vrito direct.R O C K H I U .° r ^ f i'n & ° i;c j DYSPEPSIA! I No M edicine to Swallow!Cured by Abcorptincln :'«days. .If notbesefltied mjoey refonded. 1Book free on •ppllcftuoo. '•l.nofcraPAirtoihe- , MAK1VI.'V« « R 0 C E R V CO.. N a u l n ^ a C.tOLM AOVS. lOR K. C.. «. O. AXD Oa. j M O J C K Y fo r O L D S O L D I E R S L 'u io n s o ld le r s a n d w id o w s of.«oI<Iiers w h o m a d e h o m e s te a d e n tr ie s beC .ire J a o e 22.1374 o f le s s th s.» I i6 o a c re s (n o m a tte r iC :ib a iid o n e d o r re lin q u is J ie d ). ‘ if th e y h a v e u o t K>1(1 tiie ir a d d itio o a l h o m e s te a d : r ig h ts , s h o u ld a d d re s s , w ith fu ll p a r tic u la r s , g iv - | i n s d is tric t, & c . COFF, Wssbifigto:, D. Z. 1 A G E N T S ! A G -EN TS! A G E N T S I i Tbe|?randMt*iid/«3(^»‘«Hi»itfbookeT^rpublislie<li* 1 DARKNESS^ DAYLIGHT or LIGHTS and SHADOWS OF NEW YORK LIFE |----WTTB BtTBODDtrriOS---- \ . B Y R E V . X^TM Ay A B liO T T.SplenditUi'i/lafllretm) withfrom/la9h-lignf]ihvU>araph»<ifrcartif>’. MlnIstB.5 t "Go^^ gpred it." F.reryorve langlis and rnes ovrf tt. a n d A g e n ti^ a ra se llin c U JI>vtA <>u«am 2A .n^l09O 1more .\gen:s wanted aU tliyuush the South-m en : and women. «IOf» to ® 200» month made, fcend 1 for TemH to Ap»nts. iWldress HARTFOKI> .rCBUamNG CO., Hmrtfetd, Cmmm. O c r o p c a n g r o w w l t h = o u t P o t a s h . E v e r y b la d e o f G rass, every grain o f Corn, all Fruits and V e g e ta b le s m ust have it. If enough is supplied you can count on a full crop— . if too little, the grow th will be scrubby.” S e n d for our books tcUtng all a b o u t com posiuon of fe rtilim v b est a d ap te d for all crops. T h e y cost you b o th iag . R.\L1 WORkS,93 St., New York. S U C C E S S F U L S H O O T E R S S H O O T WINCHESTER Rifles, Repeating: Shotg;uns, Anunanition and Loaded Shotgun Sfielk Winchester gfons and ammunition are the standard of the world, but they do not cost any more thaji poorer makes. All reliable dealers tell Winchester goods. F R B K : S?ud name and address on a pcstaJ-for JSfl page Illustrated Catalogue dcscriMng ail th; guns and ammunition made by theWINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS GO., 176 WINGHESTER «VE., KEW HAVEN, CON*. A 200-Page Illustrated Book of liiformation M r CENTS W and Recipes for the Parm er a^d / * 1 i n p o s t a «j k ^.Lt.. r---------1.. \ ^ MM /SBm N‘ tlie Farmer’s Wife. 4 V A n d e v e ry o th e r m a n a n d w o m a n trh o is d e siro u s o f b e n efit in g fro m tb e e x p e rie n c e o f th o s e b n iin y a n d p a tie n t souls* w b o lia T e b e e n e x p e rim e n tin g a n d p ra c tis in g tb e re* s u its o f th o s e .« x p e rlm e n ts , g e n e ra tio n a fte r g e n e ra tio n , to o b ta in th e b e a t k n o w le d g e a s to b o w c e rta in th in g s c a n b e a c c o m p lU tie d , u n til a ll th a t v a lu a b le in lo rm a tlo n is g a th e re d to g e th e r fn tb ls v o } aiae, t o b e s p re a d b ro a d - c a s t fo r th e b e n e ftt of m a n k in d a t th e ' p o p u la r p ric e of nO U M H O L fc 3 5 C e n t * ik P o n t a g e S t a m p s . T h e low price is only m ade pos- ^ w i f f f sible by the enormous num ber of A l W I N k 1 ^ the books being printed and sold. Im t U W It treats of almost everything in the way of Houaehold Matter.i, Includin* Dlf«eASE.« OF T H E HOR.SE,Cow. Sheep, Hog, Dog and Poultry, w ith m o it EiBrtciooff T re«tsi«at. M lS C E L L A N E O t'N K E C E IP T 8 , Cnnij»r}flBf «lm cst B \»rv*hinjr yoa thlBg of, Cl«*QinRW hite B E C ;ii> E S F O R F A M IL Y U S E .CoTerln« ail theCom m oB CompIaintB . and (rtvlai tha 8Unple«t a sd m ost Ap* j' ^ proved M ethod* of tre a tm e n t. @ “S S S ®/xSL and Supper.~ lan^oREN, itratk^ w%y • th ey are O U .— o f P lain and B reakfast. D la a tr 'cake of oa.Xn the znoft nto thvi»e thj^l^Ote eaou^ to can Q -1^ — ________F»lnt to&eeptog VatterBweet. H O .W E T R E A T M E S T o f D1SEA81 Axrafised Alpbabetically. Ki^lav ' - BrmpfoBa of each Dis>aie w itk the E u ie at. Q uickest and aiO fttS itU fring . M tthodof CurtoR. In antUeCaceef____i9*Too nuraorotu to mention—a Teritable Household AdTiser.I emergency such ai eomee to erery family not containing a doctor, tbla book U worth many timee Ue low price. S e n t Peatptttri for 2 5 C e n ta in S t a m p s . BOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE,134 LEONARD STREET. NEW YORK CITY. C.i if:' > f ^ -- In selectiog a S eving HacbiDe, pick etit the one tb»t rnns th e lightest, tews the fastest, makes th e least .iioise is m ost durable, will not b i« ^ tbe thread i! rnn backward, niU piick- er the lightest fabrics, has'^patfnt spool wire, autom atic tendon release b d lb e arin g , etc. ' ‘ ’ ■ THE WHEELER & WltSDM -possesses all tbe above points su­ periority over any other make. Costs nothing to exam ine one. - . F or sale by K. J. EO\VEN. AVinBtoAi.iEI.. 0 . K o d o l Dyspeps'a Cure Digests what yon eat. It artiiipially digests the food and aids Nature in strcnptheninp and recon- ttriictini.'llir pxliau:.t<"d digestive or- Rans. It is tlio latest disoovereddigest- ant and toiiip. Nootlior preparation can approach i! in elliciency. It in- stautly rc-iievt'siiijil iierniaaentlycures nyspopsia. Jndii'TOtinn, Heartburn, F!atii!':iico. .«i)iii Ktoniacli,' Nausea, Siclincafiaciio.ftiistralgia.Cramps.anO a3l otiici- result'! of IniperfectdigestioD Prcpr.rcd iv E. C. ColVltC S, Co., Chicago C . (J. S a n fo r d 'udgt,' Allows a W itness to W M r'a Veil and Glasses in Court. ' h PROTECTION FROM HIS GAZE. rue Woman, SbleldiHl From the Hypnotic In lla e n o e o f th e A c c u ^ , M a V e i ii F a ll C o n f e u lo n ^ H e U A cco F ed o f th « M ur> d e r o f a u IV if e 'a w l .o f ■ D e r B o tb a iid —A d A tM m p t'to K ill ( b e P r iio n e r . . pLExiNotox, Neb. (dpeoiai).--Tlie case of piDsmore, tbe bypnotlst, chafffOd wltUibQ’ murdej^of bfs wife and Fred Lane, «n iotorratiag Bta^e wbeir tbe attornefstor the defeodaoC moved to‘ bavo all -tjio testir mouyof Mrs. Laue strickea from the rw - ofdptMeause she did not faoeand contront Ibe nccQSod durlas ber testimony. Thl:i is tbe ciimax ol'tbe charge tbat Ibe accused mau la able to control the witness, Sirs. Lauc, to sueb dn extent ns uot to per* mlt her to tell tbe truth. After many futile efforts to get the woman to testify In tbe case she* was placed on tbe stand. She wore a lieavy blnck veil and blue glasses^ .<»ompletely shading ber face. A dose of mdri'iblhe was given to boron tbe advlce of •tbo'pbysicia'us who were present, to oflfsot f K E .PROGRAMME. UoMse . Comroittae on .Two ■ 'Battleships ajd..Six Cruisers. Tlte Prico.-or-Armov at SMS a Toik ^ ...F o r the. Confpletlojp. of Hhlpt Now Being Constrarted. WASBiy<iTos,.P.p.‘_(Speolal^.-;-Two bat* tiesblps, tbroe armorea cruisers and three protected cruisers were agreed' upon by tb^-9oi)so Committoo on Naval Affairs a3 tbe increase of tbe^aV y tp 'be authorised by the Naval Appropriation ‘bill. It was agreed also that the SecreUry. 8Upttl4,;l>9 allowed to contract for armor p la te ^ n f-^ a ton for sufficient armor to complete tbo alilDS now needtof;’ nrmoc,„esUmated flit 7400 tons; :•Tlio question ol slieatWBg sblpe,jrWc;h bas excite I much IntereXna naTal clrcreS, * was determined by adopting a provision leaving the question of sheathing to'the* discretion of tho Secretary of tbe Navy. Prior to the action on the bill Navy Con­ structor Capps, who served with Admiral Dttwey In tbe rblllppluea, was lieard ou tbe sheathing questloo. He urged In par* tlculartbat vessels to be used la tbtf foreign' service should bu sheathed, as forolgx: dry docks were not always uvaliable..The commlttoe did uot provide«peolt\oaliy forlbe bUlfding of any bf tbe new ships In Governmeefc' yards,.a» 1ms been urged by delegations. Irom^rooklyo and elsewhere, so that it is expectVicl that the usual pro* THE NEVi^i. EPITOMIZED’ Wasbl 1 Itm u . Beat-Admlal KempS nominated Llenten- ant Vletot Bine as hU Flag Llsntenant lot Huty ori the Aslatlo' Station. Seoretarj T^ong eonflrmed tbe selection. The Director ot the Census appotated the widow ol Bill Anthony, ot "Maine!', lame, a cleric In the Census Bureau. , In the Senate Mr. Allen (Neb.) and Mr Butler (yiO.) annennced tbelr belief fa the Free and nnllmlted coinage ot silver at the tatlo o( levo i; It Is explained tbat this Government in (endefing its good offices to terminate tbe, war in South Afrioa merely transmitted a request for peace terms Irom tbe Boers to Sreat Britain. The House seated R. A. Wise (Rep.) In place of W. A. Yoang (Dem.) as Repre- leBtattve from the Second Virginia DIs- Itrlcfv: . !P o s c lio n s .. , S t:a r a ..:t c s d fTndrr Condition Free tuition. We g5va one or more free schoU ftrsb:ps in every coaniy in the U. S. Wriie us. Will accept cole? forttddou orciii dcjwsit irioneyin bank ■itiiil position ia fcccured. ^ r icre naiJ. No vacation. J!n- lorat.Tfiytinie. Openforboth______________^rctcs. Ch.;ap board. Send for, , free illustrated catalogue. A,ddrcisJ. 15R-U’i>j:o.v. at either place. D p a t i s j h o r j ’s F * r a G t i c a l < ..., B u s i n e s s , , , . ■.’aEhv'ille, Tsiin., GsSveston, Tex., oavannsii, Ga., Tsxarkana, Tex. pook!ceep5air. £.horfhancf. Typewriting, etc. iiie ino?fc /hoxflitir//, prcctical and prvsrcssive schools oi the kind in the world, and the best patronized i.i thc'Scutli. IndOTSPd by bank- •.rs merchants, ministers nnd others. - Four weeks jn l.K>okkeeping vitU us are equal to Lwelve weeks l>y iJie oIJ plan. T. F. Draujrhon. Our Adopted Islauils. ^ • Sflcretftry of War Bootj In an interview ati Havana, said tbat be was satisfied tbat tbM Cubans would be capable of self-govern-j ■&bnt. He added tbat tbe United States^ would keep faith with them. Benor Flores^ wbo was Secretary of War in Aguinaldo’s so-called C.iblnet, has sar* rendered to General MacArtbur. General Otis at Manila shipped for Bar- celona, Spain, 533 Spaniards, including olgbty>four officers and 427 enlisted men of tfie Spanish army wbo had boen rescuedl from tbe Filipino Insurgents. j • Tbe Governor of Noitb Camaribes wltb bis staff surrendered to tbe Amnricans au Nueva, Caqeres, r . I. He also ordered? runners sent out through tbe country to proclaim American sovereignty. * Agulnaldo’s Infant son, wiio was cap­tured in November and taken lo Manila, and. who had been suffering from small­ pox, ia dead. The campnl Caj’ay^rorto Rico, selected A SU CCiESSrU LIA IM EI. THEY HAVE FBOSPEBED. B x'Seutor M. W. R iuom Bny« Aa* other Lmxe Farm. - The well Iniow n "Pqlenta" farm , sit, dated on tJbe Roanoke river, six. miles trom Rich Square, and com prising ibout 2,200 acres, w as sold laat^Ionday by Samuel <R. Buxton, esq., executor of the late John W. B uiton, and-w as bought by GSeneral M att W. Ransom tor $G,DOO. This Is one of the m ost raluable stock farm s in th e state. Tha net profits for last year am ounted to more than 12,300. G eneral Ransom now owns about 20,000 acres of arable land, in N ortham pton, besides his hold­ ings in H alifax. Much of Ithls land li worth from |25 to »50 per acre for tarm ing purposes. H e is the largest cotton farm er in the state. H is cot­ ton crop am ounts to from 1,200 to 2,000 bales .^nnually. and he owns and works m e r 200 horses and mules. WHAT THE PLATE COLLECTION CENSUS PROVES. CaatTlbatloaa For tbe AdvMc to t] iilcfw in progi;es3-ot ocganlzatl dusignated “Camp Henry.” A special Court doalgnntcd us a Board iiaa been appointed by General Otis to for- saulate a cumprebonslvo system or civil government fOr.the Pblllppiae Islands. Smallpox Is common among the natives In the Philippines. '■ "Wteclcers recovered tbe safe ot llie Span- -lab destroyer Furor, near Santiago deCuba, ■'jut It was seiiied by American officers, isiog an army tug. IlB iam a n d M o ra U tT B «t « a m U y l a - e n u a d S ln iia t b e A d v u t a t x K o K Iii, 1*7 a n d F n M p e r ltT ." T he results of th e plate collection eensns io stitated by th e A m e r i^ ProtectiTe T ariff L ra g ae show the extent to w hich tbe cause ot religion and m orality has shared in th e great increase of prosperity w hich cam e to th e people of th« TTnited Statea di­ rectly following th e election in 1896 o{ W illiam U cK inley as P resid en t of tbe U nited S tates. T his uni^ne and interesK ng'eollection of statistics is ▼alnabla, instrnctive and gratifying. I t proves beyond qnestion th a t a gain in the m aterial w elfare of a country carries w ith it a gain in th e spiritnal w elfare ot its people. I t proves th a t it is not trne, as some enem ies of pro- ' tection have claim ed, tb a t the inter- ; ests of th e C hristian religion are best A nnouncem ent is m ade o£ tbe e n -i ^y poverty w ant, depriva- &liell,y. N. C.. 10 Mv. a i d e H . H m j-,! ^ n the 'talented editor of the Shelby Star. | jjjg lim ited tim e allotted for th e The Invitations read as foltows: *'Tbe ! collection of these church statistios it honor of your presence is -requested at j is not surprising th a t no larger nnm - Ibe m arriage of Mis* Be?Eie G ardner to j ber than 123 • reports w ere received Mr. civdc 11. Hoev, on Thursday even- ' from tw enty-four S tates and Territo- ing.'M arch 22, 1900.- ” es in answ er to th e Tariff L eague’s ______ inquiry as to th e difference in th e N ew s N otes. collections d aring the_W ilso» n r . C . R . Moey to W e d . po^o ltlcan’tottallou ot 1899. Tho surj ot .th e ^ e p ^ v e r that so m any as 123 ehu factoP S F -bottom S B igpl^^irs of ^ ganizatians consented to m a f ^ • MAIN STREKt IN.JO.HANXfiSBURG, SOUTH AFRICAN , (The Boers hiive tbi-eatexied^to dtistroy.ibu city for military reasons If tbo'firUIsU be-' ' ■ '■ sWge r-retoTirf;) - - ’ ’ i- - i P i^dert. i:? r-uthor cf Draughon’V Kc-.«- Svrtem of Bockkt-..pm{j, ‘•Double Kntty 3Iadc Ha^.” study. We have prepared, for home fitudv. books on tyjokkecniujr. pemijanship and fchorthand. Wnte for price list ‘•Home Study.” Extract. DRAUGnoN*—I learned bc»k-kcepinir.it hoir.e from yourbook-s ivhile liolding a position as uijcht telegraph operator.”—C R . I^FiNGVEix. IVxjkkeeper for (ierhe^ Who’e-^air r.rocers South Chicago. Ill (.l/cn.'.-i;,*; ///;'s *.apcr u;}tcn N.& W . KY. NORFOLK«V> W ESTERN SCHKDCU: IN KFI'ECT Nov. X9 1500. Winston-!>alem Dividiou. duily^zcept Sunday P .M .A .iI. P.M . A.M. 4 45 8 00 Lv W inston Ar 9 50 9 00 5 23 8 43 “ W alnut Cove ** 9 05 8 18 5 53 9 18 “ M sdisun “ 8 28 7 43 5 56 9 2*3 “ M ajodan “ 8 22 7 41 C 55 10 30 “ M artinsrillo “ 7 15 0 40 . . . . 1 10 Ar Koannko X v 4 35 . . . . Westcouud. Lt'uvo lioanoke dally, 5.10 a. m. fVestibuled Lim ited) for B rirstol and iatorm ediat^ points, and Kco.Kville and Chattanooga, all points Soutli and W tst. Pnllm an Sleepers to M emphis andNetv Orleans. 4,23 p .m . for Blucfield, I’ocabonta?, Kenov, Columbiie anil Chicago, and all pointa • west, Pnllm an Sleepers from lloanoko to Co! umbus, albo for Badford,' Bristol, Knoxville, Chattanooga aud in­ term ediate jioints. Pullm an Sleeper Roanoke tc Knoxville. North and Ka^t Bouud leave Jioanoke l>aily, * 1.50p. m. for i ’eteraburg, Kichmond and Norfolk. 1.52 p. m . for W asbingtoc, Ha/»ere- towo, Philadelphia and Xew York. 12.05a.m. for Uiehm ond nnd Norfolk, Pullm an Sleepera Roanoke to X or folk and L jn ch b n rg to Bichmpnd^ 12.05 a .m . (Veetibaled Lim ited) for W ashington and -New York Poll m an Sleepers to W ashington, P hil ad6lphio|dud Now York via LTnchburg* Burhnm l^iri:iou—I>ai]v Except Sundav P .M . A .M . ■ I'.M . A'.M, •1 45 7 OU L t D urham A r 9 15 9 35 ti 07 8 10 “ Itoiboro “ 7 48 8 16 6 .37 8 45 “ Denuiston “ 7 15 7 45 ti 53 9 12 Ar Houtb'Boston “ li 55 7 2a 11 -lo “ Lynchburg L v 4 10 _____ Por all additicniil information apply at ticket ofKce, or to 31. F . B R A G G , W .^B . B E V lL iL , Trav. Pas& A gL Gea, Pass. A g t, Itosaoke, Va. fSKc i nionth-s tri.al siibsdipilon V ^‘*‘‘stratcdj Otti/i NHShville. Tenn. VViJa*2dresscd ^ ■ e le Sam, l»oHtIcI*nK, Boyg, Wlrh. Bachelor*, Hildlrrs, \ isbrrnicn, XotherK-in.Law, tbe alleged hypiiotlc lo Uuenco of-DluS' more.:...Thus fortiflod the woman told the story .ofhow^bewas approached by Dlnsmore and asked to eutur into a plot lo murder ber busKind and Dinsmore's wife, and how she consented tMcausu ot his peculiar lu- fluencc over her. They wero tu ho married a year later. She said she lay by ber hus­band's side in bed while Dinsiuore crept forward nod shot him, and together they proceeded to 21rs. Dinsmore's room aud she held the woman while the husband forced poison down ber throat. The attorneys for the defence objected to tbe evidence at every question aud re­peatedly demanded that the witness re- move her veil and glasses. Tho State’s At­torney explained tliat it was absolutely necessary to give the witness tbu protec­tion from tbe prisoner’s known power as a hypnotist and the court ruled to permit it. This established a precedent in which ju­dicial bodies recognizt! hypnotic influence. An attempt was made toshoot B. F. Dins- more, tho defendant. Tho jury had just ?ou'j out and the Sheriff bad started with Diiismorc for the jnil,when John Taussiug, a County Commissioner, broke through tho crowd, revolver In band, and sought .-to kill Diusmore. After a tussle ho'was'dTs* ' armed and was locked up. He was one of the principal wltuessos for the Stato and it Is believed bis mind was uabalanced by brooding over tbe case. RELIEF FOR PORTO RICO. s»rt«Diin, fjinlluatos,-SireethMrlii, Tciduit.'They are considi'rcd the bt st work that has ev« come from iipv. Tuvlor’s gifted peo. His repnta- Uonas a Aitmony/, orator^ and en(friamerwide.'jsllie world itself. I a semimonthlyjOTmal, 16 to 32 pase*, devoted to Ficrio.v. 1'oet- 5iT?- Ska axd Laxd. W it andT«AVi.us, Science, and. 5™.^* .Jnfo™>allon. Depatrtinents: lVo>at>n'f, s AiUfwr.s', KwvjUJ^c £ox\»t^ hi;rh-^rade illustratedliterarvjoiimalrf nationalcuxrulation published in the Souti. Make a TOld watch, diamon.l ring:, or bicycle by doing a work.for uy. S.impTe copies fcee. Add^a TheTott land Age I‘nb. Co., >ashTille,Teaa. T here is no use denying th at zation has its drawbaekfr-. I t has brought in its train a long list of vicissitudes which prim itive man never experienced—dyspepsia. « oras. ap« I'endicitis, dentists and such thiuge. O ur savage anc<:8tors were no germ chasers; a whole gourd full of mi­ crobes did n 't «care them even a little bit, aud the }iiqu wbo atlym pted to ffet up a scare over the im purity of *he w ater M as either told at bargain ;^t€s to .some neighboring tribe or •^ a tiy baikcd ia a m ud ovcii. In that . age good health was contagicus, end ihe person who contracted ji disease was accused of pam pering him self with luxur es. Life was a Tranquil joy, sim ple far.* aud absolute,rfreedom- from th© perils which ^tteud m odern ■progress. . - ^ l-iv :.A ; riie Senate Pastes the Bill Appropriating Over S?.000,009. Washi.sgtox, D. C. (Special). The House bill appropriating ove^ two mllUoa:» for the relief of Porto llico wn« taken up in the Stiuato, the <taostion being on the amendment offered, by Mr. Allen (Pop.. Neb.) declaring that by force of the Paris troaty of peace, the Constitution was ex­ tended'over the island of Porto IMco and Its Inhabitants.Mr. Allison catered a motlou to lay tbo amendment on the table, but withheld It whllo 3(r. Chilton (liem., Tcx.is) ad­dressed the Sennt<) ou the general propo* .sltlon of th'j ameudment and tho Porto Kicau qudstlou. Mr. Allison renowed hts motion to l.ay Mr. Allen’s ameudmeot on tbe table. Agreed to—yeas 33, nays 17, as follows:Yeas—Alltsou, Baker, Bard, Beveridge, Carter, Davis, lieboe, £lklns, Fdlrbanks, Foraker, I'oster, OalHnger, Gear, Hale, JIauna, Hawley, Kean, Lindsay, Lodge, McBride, McComas, McCumber, McMtl%, Penrose, Perkins, Pritchard, Quarles, Boss, Sewell, Shoup, Simon, Spooner, Tburaton, Warren, Wellington aud Wetnwre—36.Nays—Allen, Bacon, Butler,Chilton, Clark, oi Montana; Clay, Cockrell, Culberson, Harris, .Kenney, McLaurtn, Morgan, Rawlins, Tillman, Turley—l?.After a brief debate‘jand the with-- drawal of several amendments which had been offered the blH .'.^was passed wlthont the yeus and nays. visions as'.to Vuilding will bu inserted In* the bill, with i»osslbly some tUscretlonary power with the Navy D.epartment as to utilizing Government yards for ttls pur­ pose.It was determined not to provide any gunboats, lu view of the opinion expressed by Admiral Dowey that General Otis's re« cent purchases of aetvlceablo boats of this character met present gunboat require­ments. A Naval Strategic Board. WASHiNatox, D. C. (Special).—One ot tbo most Importauk; steps ever uudertakeu in tbo UUtory of the Navy will' ba' the .ap* polhtm6nt.9 rai<oneral board to meet onco a month and consider general plans of cam­paign to be used in ease of war. Tho board Is Intended to meet tho demands ot tho modern theories of-preparedness for war. Admiral Dewey is. to be at the bead of the board, ou which also probably will be tho Chief of tbe'Bixreau of Navigation and rep> resentatlves.of the War College and tho office or Naval rntolllgence. ^ • THREATS ABOUT JOHANNESBURG.' Uuineitic. :• "A flro destroyed five of the chief build­ ings in tbe business part of Hopklnton, Mass., and caused a loss estimated at be- t^fween 475,000 and $100,000. ....A tank of molten glass tu the Woodbury Glass Works, at Woodbury, N. J., burst, TRTid the-blow rs and.other employes woro compelled t'o floo for their lives. The mol- -ten glass flooded tho room. llepresentattvo William A. Calderhoad, of Maryville, was renominated by acclama-- tlon.by the Bepubllcan Convention of tho Fifth District of Kansas. Tli'eYicinity of Jackson, Miss., was sur- prised by the heaviest snowstorm of tho season. It snowed all day, but melted as it fell. Snow was never hoard ot thoro in Ihe middle of March. The Southern Kansas Methodist Confer­ence expelled Rev. S. D. Osborne, pastor of the First Motbodlst Church at Peary- vllle, Kan., for practicing faith healing. Four mon held as alleged ncoessorles. to the assassination of Goebul have been taken to Frankfort -from Louisville, Ky, Announcement is made of tbe engage­ ment of Miss Mabel McKtnloy, niece of the President, to Hermanns Baer, a medical student. They will bo married o.irly next autumn, protobly at tbe Whito House in Washington. . - . Western twlno mautifacturer.s are pro- jesting against competition In their bus!-- ness from the Kansas Stato Penitentiary,' where a factory has been started. • The Philadelphia Grand Jury has de­ cided that "Sapho” is uot au immoral oi obscene book. Steamship bookings for Europe are now growing tremendously in volumo. It is estimated that b<stween April 1 and August 170,000 ilrst cabin passengers will leave the port of New York. Four times the doctors weighed tho new horo last summer. T urner McDoweil, a sm all w hite boy who lives in the suburbs of Greens­ boro, got hold of a piece of iron piping Monday afternoon and rigged up a gun. He loaded it w ith scrap iron, and after supper w ent out into the back yard to fire a .salute, w ith the re­ su lt th at he lost an eye and ;had sev­ eral pieces of iron imbedded in hts head and bodr. Tho im provised gim was pickrd up several yards from where ithe hoy fell. The w'ounds are serious, aud will piobably prove fatal. inations, it appears th at there was during tho D ingley tariff year of 1899 ■ m arked and sabstantial increase in the sums of m oney deposited on the plates and in th e contribution boxes ts contrasted w ith th e 1895 low tarifi period of poverty aud depression. The increase for 1899 am ounted to 29.58 per cent. A very creditable showing for “ M cKinley and ijrosperity” in the churches, is it uot? The largestnum ber of reports c^&me From Ohio, w here th e increasa w ai BB.95 percent. In b u t four States out of the tw enty-four reporting was a de crease show n—in one case of 25 per The Boers Slay Blow Vp the «oId City Tor Strategic I'teasohN.: Nkw YofiK CiTV (Special).—Mr. Mon­ tague White, the representative In this country of tho South African Republic, In a statoment issued by him sffid that the Boers will, if they are forced to it, razQ and de- stroy the city of Johannesburg for strateg­ic reasons. The destruction of tho city would mean a loss of $150,000,000. Mr.White said: !*'WIth regard to the fate of Johannes- tburg 1 cannot see bow. for strategic' rea­sons, it can be left as a base from which the British can operatu a^aldst Pretoria. .''he cover which the buildings woul^.{.fford, tho vast amount of supplies that' could be stored there, Its proximity to Pre­ toria—thirty-flvo miles—Its water-'-supply, a hundred other things, would make It most invaluable to au invading force bont upou taking Pretoria.“For these reasons I think'the destruc­tion of Johannesburg would ba necessary ns a military iue:isiire for the Boers. Tbe j loss Involved n-ould bo at least s5!l50,000,- i Attorney-ooneral Of ^ebraska has 000, and of courso the setback and paraly- tho State forsis of JobunDosburg’H indu.strj’ would be %<i.O(W,000 ponaltlos for violations of tho luflnltcly greater. But tho Boers will sacrl- flce Johaunosburg and all its beiutlful buildings aud modsrn adjuncts to civlllza- tlon if they are forced to it. Then it will beu light to tho last drop uf blood for Pre- J... British Warding to-.Presldent..lkruger. Lokddx (By. CabIe).~Tho Secretary of State*^or tho Colonies, Joseph Chamber* lalu, answering a qu*}stiou in tho House of Commons as to the throats to de­ molish tho mines and raze Johan­nesburg, said that at the beginning of thQ WOT Prraldent Kruger was warned that hoand'hls Government would be held per­sonally responsible for any act contrary to the usages of civilized communities. THREE SISTERS HAPftY M OTHERS. T b r e e S e U o f T w h ^ s B o rn W ith in F o u r D o n r s In M o rris to w n , N . J . MoBBisTawx,^'. J.: (Spbclal).r-Slx chil­ dren, all cooslns. were bdrfi to three moth-, ers within four houn in tiie littje village of Mendbam. ;'. Two boys were born in the. home of J. W. Garrabrandt at 8 o’clock. Before the doctor had left-the house, and while he was congratulating Mr. Garrabraudt, a messenger arrived to summion-him to tbe home of Charles Freemuu. Within an hoiir after tne birth of the first palr'ot twins, the doctor was congratulating Hr. Free* man upon having become the father of two boys.The doctor had scarcely, reached bis home when be was called to the.house of Frederick Ouerln. Before midnight two little girls were brought Jnto tbe world to ibear tbe name of Ou^rln. M rs/Ouerin, 'Mrs. Garrabrandt and Mrs. Freeman are sisters. _____________________ A lle g e d B o y c o tt o f C a n a d la o i. D. Meo:iIos, Canadiea Collector-' of Cus­ toms at tbe Atlin gold fields, who arrived at Vancouver, B. G., from tbe Klondike country, said Ju revenge for alleged bad treatment ot Aserloans at Atitn a commit­tee bas been formed at Oape Nome to run all Canadians out of the Amerlcaa placer fields. RHODE ISLAND DEMOCRATS. A State Ticket No*uilnat«d and the Chi­ cago Platform Keafttruied.* Phoviul'kce, R. I. (Special).-The Dem* •ocratle State Convention, which was held here, nominated the following ticket: For Governor—Nathan W. Littlefield, o* Pdwt.upkeij' for Lleulenant-Governor—Dr. Joseph U. Ducher, of Woonsocket; for Secretary of State—Ciarko Potter, of North Kingstown; for General Treasurer—Fay­ette Bartlet, of Burrillvllle; for Attorney- GenerHl—Dinnis J. Holland, of Provt dence. • Delegates wefe named for the National OoBveutlon to beheld at Kausu.^ City, Mo.The platform starts off with the para* graph from the'Declaration of Indepen^ djBOce beginning **We hold these truths to be self-evident,” and *%dorses and reaf­firms the principles set forth in tbe plat­form of the Democratic National Opnven- tlon whiob nominated for President \nil- iam J. Bry^n.’* Magistrate Gets Fourteen Tears. In tbe Princess Anne County Court at Nqffolk, Va., OgcarI. Fleming, tbe Magis­ trate wbo shot a‘ud’ killed Ci'arencd I. Sny­ der, of Norfoifc, last November, was con­ victed of murder in the second degree and eentehe^ to . fourteen years Jn the peni­tentiary. -v- ________________ '* ' Bad Boy W hipped in Coort. ' WilUe G dld^r, nine years old, who con- Commander W oh«d Walnwilght, wiio.: that he had sel several buildings on .ommanded the auxiliary crulsei Olouoes- -I to see the firemen flght tbe flames, ter at Santiago, has iissumed h|s sew I was given a whipping lu the police court duties as Superintendent of the Naval i at £van6vltie, Ind., upon the order of Judge Academy, at ADoapoIls, Md. ; J. G. Winfrey. l^aby of Mrs. Patrick Lavery, of Bridge^ port, Conn., and each scale gave the sumo result—twenty-tour and one-halt pounds. It is a boy. The town of Concord. Mass., has voted to appproprlate f2500 for the celobration on tbe 19th of April next of the 125th an­ niversary of the Concord light. luhalatioa of illuminating gus killod William L. Cochrane, twenty-four years old, In New York City. He was a sou of formor Judgo Oochrano, ot tbe Virginia Supreme Court. The grip has assumed epidemic propor- tlo&?-lir Boston. It has been eighteen I years since the disease has been so gonoral I in the elty. Tho Attorney-General of Nebraska bas Maximum Rato law. Naval Ae rB«ad. T h e P u r c h a s e o f S t. T h o in a s , I>. : It is learned in Washington ttiat tbe pur- j pose of the Government to acquire the Isl- | uud of 6t. Thomas from Denmark for Newsy titeantnzs. Now Jersey township elections h^ire been held on issues invoivlng good roads. reasonable ^ consideration bas ’not been Iabandoned. nofwltlifitandlBe tb« ' f«r tlie >ear 1893 was 2W,000,000 toes.abandoned, notwithstanding tbe state* ments attributed to the D a ^ h Ministers I Immlgntion at the port of York Indicating a decision not to part with the j been unusually heavy and e..‘t:,y this Island. I sptlng. Village elections have been held through­out Michigan. Locul issues were pre-Hanged Three Days After Sentenee. ________^ William W. Calder was hanged at Lewis* | dominant.*’ own, Mon., for the murder ot F. McRae ast September. Only three days elapsed >etw'eea bis senteooe and ills exeention, '.bQ Judge declaring it a crime to keep the A free medical dispensiiry bas been opened iu Chinatown. San Francisco, Xt Is believed tbac the recent burning ot -^ ^ « n g jM « e r .«t«;Sl8 last hope CiUoago wss tieirn rk ot F o r e ls n . Riots at peace meetings were condoned by Mr. Balfour lu the British House of .Commons, who said tbe responsibility rested on tbe peace advocates. His rem ark were severely criticised. A revolution has brokon out in Entre jRlos, Argentina. The Insurgents liaveoc* 'cupled three of tho principal towns of th( province. Tho Orango Freo State seat of govern­ment has been removed to Kroonstadt, 120 miles north of Bloomfonteln. General Joubert, the Boer General, says this tribute to tbo British soldiers: *‘The courage of the British soldiers is beyond question. They rushed tho kopjes aud In- trenchments in a fearless manner, but were not a mutch for the Mausers, which sim­ply mowed them down.” The Turkish Government is worried ovei the Czar’s refusal lo^ modify demands for railway concessions In Asia Minor. . Mr. Bond, leader of the Opposition in the ;Newloundl(Tnd Legislature, has consentou to take office. It was stated iu Paris that tho French Government was wllllnB to extend the time ‘for the ratification of the commercial treaty with tho United States If the latte; requested It. A cable from Johannesburg reports that :he condition of the German group of uold mines in the Transvaal is satisfactory, and tbat tho other groups have suffered only inconsiderably through tho stoppage. 2fajor Francis, of: the army of the re* public, bas discovered and reported to tbe President of Brazil a consplrady to restore the monarchy. Many officers of the armv are involved and will be arrested. China bas sentenced a monopoly promo- terto Imprlsonmont for life. * Olive Schreiner's husband and some Brit. Isb sympathizers with tlie uoera wero mobbed while dining In a restaurant at Scarborougb, England. In the Italian Cljamber of Deputies tlie Minister oj Foreign Affairs, the MarqulS VlBcontl-yenosta, Introduced a bill em- tfe Sifted lta°t^'“ " ' “ '^‘•b George Clark and Seotty McKay two AlMrloanloeomotlvo engineers, aoeuied ot bavtng eaused a railway* wreck, hw e been In prison at 0rl3aba, Mexico, for ten months without trial and there Is no earlv K c a U o ! .r t'” “ “ The American Association at Sbanehni ‘o pre­vent nulllflcatiou ot tbo "open door” oS- ioy a^lng from tbe attitude of the Em. fn^lua'™ *”' toward the reform element Tbe Belebstag, at Berlin, Germany ha, passed the Coinage bill, which provide for tbe coinage of silver lo tbe extent of afteen marks per capita of tbe population. The debt of tbe Danish West Indies to Denmark aggregates *3,216,000, which to ijuoted as a reason wby the islands onabt not to be sold to tbo Uolted States of the fact. has three quilts bound w ith red w hite and blue th at .con tain 36,120 pieces. One quilt has 7,010 pieces, one 12,096 and tbe third 17,- (II. W hat lady can beat that? Mrs. J . W . W ilkinson, of W e st: >“ ““ “‘her 8 p er cent., in an- Statesville, has m ore tban an ordinary : » * P«- »“ <} .................................................................. number, bt ohurchea reporting was- small, anil it is certain tb a t returns from a larger num ber w ould have.pro- Inced a very different show ing. T he denom inations reporting th e largest The Southern B.-<ilway is building a | Keformed', C hristian s , . „ , - i... i W KC ot Motganlo.. ! tU. otflet Lam ed. " ' ^ . \ The A uditor’s report as regards ta x -; -------------------- — - r iiblc property c.ame from 'tho printer this week. It ehows 27.110,351.acres of j land, valuation $110,563.70; 84,182 tow n; lots, MS.648,416; 171,827 horses, ?6,153,- ' 146; 125,858 mule?, ?49,991,74a; sheep,! J09.403, ^311,174; goats. 48,835, ♦32,-j pnip im ported into the*U nitad States, 236; cattle 586,206, $4,345,010; hogs 1 ,-I as a means of destroying tho so-called £33,653, $1,601,185. The value of 11- “ 0“ »P0ly in th e dom estic production RAM’S HORN BLAST * / i - J f V A B Jealousyl 'om piim ei•> our , I’be oint »ot bet "■Itbout ill stone, -America IKC04 p more imlitics. Hell is a hole with i j trance but a very smalt |it ] Wiheni the w i ^ is thfliught tlie tett will loi Truth may be , out it never gats iteart 6 Societr is not tdenlty is n<* Oowarliice i, the ud tyrannr. It is a plrasm-e to m.li tinned (lecliue in tbe pn tiling at the culleges country. Tbepromiuent.ld which are more readilv i„fl| public opimoD, uatual,. ' lead in this ’ A la te r from Guilford county say, | « | J895 and _the^ D in g le, _____________________________ shoes in five days la sT week. The ; the fa7ts"reg'avding’'th ram o u n te r S V work of lasting, pegging and trim m ing ized from plate collections. • was done by hand. One o t the men | From tha returns received, embrac- drove pegs at tbe gala week in Greens- | ing eleven different religious denom the smaller co T ^ taU n by Pres:(lent JIuliali ( ington ana Jeflersou V„i" ' one more to the list "S institution., --‘r said ‘•have luo student ingth.in 500 v,-itliit. ’ PAPER, PULP AMO TARIFF. - -Voabtrul TVlldom of Ihe PolIcT of B. inoTlni; FrotectlTo Oaties* . ' In moving for the rem oval of all tariff duties from paper aud paper Thet« shoultl Ue liul One I.„ The Kepnbliean party relies"] jood sense of tbe people lo cgL m pow er au administration wbil won for itself tbe heartiest com J lions at home and abroad. xJ the history of its progress D nited States stood amonc; ihL tions of the eavtb where it staul d ay ., ^> vsr in tbe history of i | velopment has ibis country sesi a period o£ prosperity as prcvsi day. B ut these are the cgiil Bryan anil bis following 1 change, for the better, ,as lliev j They tell the artisan. Ilie uTef and tbe day laborer bow nine proved conditions would be ui Popooratic-Frce - Silver - litpiibl Free-Trade-Anti-E.'[ijausiuu-et;J but the man who toils bard fj daily bread is slow to talie autj ■of the proffered servicc. lie I that a bird in tbe brtudis wortiil the bush; that bis home tiasl ^ known so many luxuries a.i lie !il I it,to-day; and his good sense teij that he cannot sSord to givenpl thing for chimeras anil pretty tlil W atch him as he goes to tbe [loll fall and see how be easts iiis | If he really loves his wife, dren,-his home, aud his conutrj can Bciircely be but one rcsn!| Cook (Neb.) Bepubiican. of paper, certain claim s are advanced by the publishers w hich, if baaed on a correct know ledge of all th e facts and conditions, w oald seem to be nn- answ erable argum ents in favor of tha proposed change of tariff schedules. B u t it does not appear on carefnl e i- |am ination that these claim s are sup- T ^1. ■ . i ported by tho facts and th e condl- kr ll ' V V L T ! ; ! tions. I t does not, for exam ple, ap-If the New \o rk Life Insurance C om -| ,,ear that tho placing of paper and brarles is given as $358,596; money on liand o r deposit, $17,240,764; stock in incorporated companies in .ISe State, H ,825,148; tobacco. $1,288,568; cotton, U.217,049; gi'oss income on property aot >taxcd, $6,291; incomes from salar­ ies and fees, $788,000. >any in the Carolinas. has resigned his ^ pulp on the free list w ould have the^ nOSillnn jsnil will Imvo fnr iU^position and will leave for New York, where he will be asst>clated w ith his brother in the largest co-operative business in the world. Mr. .Martin A. I.iyon, ot Charlotte, succeeds him . The State charters the-W . T . W ea­ ver Power (,'ompany, ot Asheville, a iwlll develop eleotric power a t some point on the French Brgad river. The capital is $30,000, and the'stocklioldw s are W . T . W eaver. T. P. Davidson. W. W. Raoul, J . W agner. W. B. W il­ liamson and John H . Lange. It is learned a t the A uditor’s office that New H anover is tbe only county which pays less taxes this year than it did last year, the am ount of falling being about $500. iSecreUrj' Roofs Alimy Reorsaniisa- tion bin has aroosed the greatest oppo. •itiion am ong tbo sit'Hr offlcets. SsOTetOTy Root has arrived a t Ha- rama, jV Iwmib » js .thrown Fri'diy 'througt I *. window al the Paiis residents ot Al-' frea Prcard, Ccimm'lssionap General ol tba Paais Exposition. It d«v mot ex- ploSe. A Hady wh.t> an-w itiw'o oKen- •Ti'rfii ■the.fuEe and w ho bare the alaim -was attacked and severely handled thejtt. S O U T H E R N RA ILW A I O ondeused Srhean^e o' Pas«ngcr T.’sd la Effect Nov. n V09. { Ves. No. lS.rJ Iforthbonnd. ;Xo. l:;. .\o. 3;?. Kx. .V| iU.'ii.'r :Djsily SuD. 1 by Terry M tGovern. of Brooklyn kuockf^ « u t Oscar G ardiner, the Oma­ ha K id,’! ,in th e third round of w hat was to 'have been a 25-round bout be­ fore th e Broadway A thletic Club. The D olphin left tbe W ashinrton aavy yard Friday w ith th e m em b er of the H ouse Comm ittee on N aval Af (airs for a short vtelt to N ewport News ^ inspei^ the battleships K earsarge •n d iKentucky. Goveifnor Longino, desired effeci:, tb a t of cheapening tbd price of tho product, for the very obvious reason th a t the price of new s­ paper is now cheaper in th e U nited States than iu any other country. In fact, tbe advance has been greater in paper prices in E urope than in this country. The paper on w hich new spapers are printed is dutiable iu tie D ingley tariff at three-tenths of a cent per pound, or about fifteen p er cent, of the present prA"! of paper. T his is a m uch lower ru'ce of duty than tb at which is im posed on alm ost all other lines of m anufactures. O n wood pulp the current rate ot duty am ounts to about seventeen per cent, of the nor­ mal value of the pulp. N ot au exor­ bitant rate ou either paper or pulp, it j m nst be conceded. T he tariff on | iiAwspaper is now practically tb e sam e I as it bas been for th e past tw enty or j Iwenty-five years. I t is practically | Ihe same as it was under the W ilson 1 law of 1894. In view of all these facts and con­ ditions, it is uot easy to see ju st how the m anufacturers of paper are un­ reasonably protected under th e D ing­ ley law, nor is it any easier to see tbe wisdom of depriving of th e advantages of protedtion a giaut in dustry which has grow n up as the resu lt of protec­ tion, and which has dem onstrated in I notable degree th e advantage of the orotective policy in constantly low er­ ing th e cost of the product to th e coi»> sumer. Such, as a niatter of indis*. putable fact, is the history of paper m aking in the U nited States as regards •he steady cheapening of prices. I.r. Atlanta.CT Atlant».El‘|“ Norcross.. 9Wa “ Buford. .. 10 “ G«inesr}l]<, lUcoa*• I.nla........“ Cornelia....“ Bft. Airr.-..Lv. T{«:ct.a. ...Wminrtter.“ Soaeco. ..•• Centra)....** Greenville.Spnr’burg.,“ GalTnev..“ Blftcknb-artf•• King's Mt.." Ga«u>niH...'* CharloJ'.f..Ar. Grc'niib-'jrf 53 tt rJ(On> ! Wi'. I'J a II 11)0 II :Vj6 11 r.'? a li Jjlni ■2 Wp: JS!.‘.i :j7p 4 aip 4 aap 0 i«p s Wp: 6 r»' i; ■j:5r2 o:-r.p 4 l.^^ a i:»i fi <0 r : ..*1 >1 IS; ID }• Lv. Gre'asl* -ro Ar. Norfolk. Ar. DanvUle...;11 25p i 1 5*)p Ar. Bicbmond..C tOri Ar. W'hing'on *• BmoreP.n •• Pb'delpjjJa.l '* New York .; 1 C 4 '.^ 21i iu 15 c 13 4 111 I'stMn Southlioutid. iXo. ii.')..; Daily so. r».:Daily. 1 LT.N.y.,P..E.| •* Ph'delpbis. •* Baltirocre.".! •• Woah'toa.-i 12 15 a 3 50a’ 6 2-ia 11 15a 4 30p! tf .'Si*' I* 201. 10 4op Lv. Richmond..:Oln■ 13 '^P Lv. DanviUe....j 6 (CJp f.fOit Lt. Norfolk....: Ar. Ore'nsboro;sa p5 Lt. Gre’nstorc; “ ilp- Ar. Charlotte..: 10 ^ Lv 0«ston:»...i 10^ •(in<I25« K in g 's M r.. . Blo^^sbu jieuedt to tbe flbtnad it^ e .' T he effect of prot«.ctiou is m erely toGoveimor Longino. of Mississinnf in e ettect oi proi«.cwon is m erely to has appiointed Hon- S. S. Calhoun fS com petition to a peo-.Tai'IrcATi fn fliA afltnn lawa on.9Jackson, chief of teh M ississippi su­ prem e court to fill the ^•ac•ancy caused by the realgnition of Judge Thom as H. W oods. The appointm eht w as con- fi.rmea by the Senate. •Capt. H. S. Bishop, of th e F ifth Cav­ alry, stationed in P uerto RIcO', report­ ed on the frightful condition to vrtiob m any islanders are reduced. Orders will be Issued by Seft-etarv Long organizing a board w hlfo wiii take prelim inary steps In the e& b lish m ent of a naval ^ t l o u at P earl h .r bor, Hawaii. _ A t the United B rethren Church con­ ference at Bolling Springs, Pa., Bishop H ott announced th e appoinm ents of m inisters for the com ing year. A story has been made public in Fiiankfort. Ky., to the effect th at men conspired ^o m urder Goebel and drew lots to see who should be the actual assassin. SeCTeUry Long told the House N a­ val .Committee th at his cnlet reason for opposinE the hullding o( -w ai^ in . at the naval yards w e r e W t T t ^ ? j cost m ore than a t the yards of private ftrms and th at the danger f r a i pou! tics entering Into th e plan was ' pie eabject to the sam e laws and gov em ed by the same aspirations. B ut, as the creation of the greatest steel and uron industry in tbe w orld and th e tre* m endons success of other m asnfac- tores w itness, the im position of heavy protective duties has not w orked to Btifle com petition in th is country. On “ Central..." ^Qf>ca __** W’minster Toccos-. . « Mt. Airy.- *• Cornell*...V Lula.........' “ GatoesviiJe •• Buford..“ Norcrosa. Ar. AtIanta,ET •• Atlanta.CT a i ]5a 4 Si a i Tw a B i4p3 »Fi 8 0jI’ Jt20p, hfjp. 5 25 a — ■ *u Wp ^6 1()«-Ilia .liul' B .tw ..n L=la and Nq.ll.__ .7 iiaiir iEx.Eun. th e contrary lated i1 ing Ama inoidestal tb e enti p art of it 1 decreased I processes f sequent: ed S an F ran cil , Thei >• _ have polici< possibll wiU le npon perita" grm oualy stim n- narily benefit- kive tariff has benefit npon r at least that In ced by the ■to im proved I and th e con- odnction.— 1 of the South statesm en ivbo th e national .Thavc m ade this growtL Ltime the people in D ixit \p re c ia te the principle* fiheir industrial pros- lest.—Peoria (III.) Jouc 8 lOp tS4p8 Up9 “ ■ Dally.] 11 OoaLr .I.u!a 11 S6a; "Maysvil,. : i [J» ! " H annoa.r I . „ „ » 30 p Ar Note close coniiecnon vain lisb trains. “A” a. m. "P” p. m.■M'ncoB. Chesapeaie Line ' Kew Orleans. TJ* iSv jS S nMontgomerv. imd aJ»Uemphls, v5a^ashjngtoD. r;st miogbam. A wOasRBVjiTlosCAHsbeiW C n Tork. PirstclMS tween Washington and taarlotte and M rd V-P. * ^ O J ^ W S ! b«*‘",er9l '®1 re tu rn to K a f f r a r i J 'f a c i l i t i e s a r d ^o< l e n tir e ly oil iftoe ■ ^ J^hout b a n k s I h a | ^ H as they are. " ^ w h o tr a d e , o f th e i t o n e , w h o I * h e th e i r b a n k e r . Ji b a n k o f d t-M •''he m o n e y <>i' thos«.>l in to 51 b a g , a u d th«| th e s to r e s to b u jf is pnrrha.^'d I in thl.s banki tieo of tho ar ker from (lie Vl soviTal tiiii r seller of the bank d eJ |nk<*r in the p j ‘••Iceted: I niiHi!” Tliis I ivitnessos. T il lx*?weel " 1 ! \ f n i i .1.-1 phases h u \”| tlu* uaTj .rbaf' 4 3;p ]|iduj. r .'•■hr 3|hTiiip . i S No. 18.1 STATiOXi .NO: li %1 to " < aovre me . itl'- lini: ,^'au.l >" l i t lJ e B l c e rta in l - c r W o S ^ “ I _ P r o b a b ly T'-' ^peoi.leare curcia every J , S a rsa p a rilla , ’' e Ljjirtisemeut t.^ get tbe I»iUotaI:eH..^>o(V3 Sars flBiiuilcmore ipeople well, „«tilcrial than-an „ . . e i a lUe^vorlil. Its s I T r tp " ” *?'-''' U r e l c a s i f « - « of I S a l t R h i Bails, P i Kadsofltf'-''"®' Psorlasll E i?olso?ir.S R f s u T i 3tli 1 M a la ria J prevalent at tl I Yju need Hood’s Sars| Ij Jll do you wonderfu > a rilla lii&i-M ^»r«iat08t Blood l^EC.OCR FAMOlj ■jsiri-B b ‘>y fell out of a ] ^k o i: uj) s“i itigiiteued lii>?. ho kept 1 King GustavuR A | \osiw th-i tircideut, p ro p h el t boy who liad »ueh n elf lalJmkea mau for em en |tfas right, fnr the lad be<j ins (Jeiieral leaner. |in Itftlian woman foil in to l I ffonM have been drow l Jrlhecourngc of a boy whq iafter ber ami m anaged to * it till a boat came to th e | t ypeftators ndm ired- th mptness a n d k i n d n e s s J c o u im c jitfd o n ii i s r e c k l p b . th e y s a id , ju ig U t h i fliisiife. IpiMioy G aribaldi, ari hin life one tinds t | ebis eharaeteri-tics all I was so alert th at no __ P^heu he would nm kc a l ohia red shirted so ld iers,! ODiognaiiiuious that th e w f H is praises, uud w itlial « nr tn make his fello^^l ii litMverc iti (.Juinea. ■•'mile boy used to eras thfir ,-olor. aud w^ ail s irts (if pictures on I P bis futber’s c o tta l r®. He bei.[.nie know i’l r"l later (in ns the b c l r a c i of O f f f l [ ^ e a r y / n g b e y W o n a n a t h e y l. • t r o u b l e s o m e y to b e a r , ®r® *orofo, hi "Ot o v e r o o m a low c a t t s o Ar 10 i^l I ;ftoa»Pinkham’s V^ctbk So. 12. V / •S.Tbe Davie I M , Mocksviiie, IJ. O. By B. H. M O B iaSf E ditor a w PuBusbkR. ■n t e r b d a t t h e p o s t o r n c B a tMOCI^SVILLI^ N. C., AS SiXXySD' CUA8S h a t t e r , M a y 12th, 1899. Uocli«»ine fftaduce iMarkct. tkirrec»«a by WiUixin ft Atideraon. <^«.n, per ba.............________60 Wheat, per bu........................... MUati, per hu................................ 40PcAi, perVa....... Bacoa per pound.. ............. 8-15kacon, Weitem................ 7E anu.................................... 12 K|Cr>..............................10Butter.......................................... 12*Sprint; Chickcn*..-..................... S 7 LOCiL N0T18 13(9 fifC IS ^ . Mrs. A . M.- B«U rctnrned from 'Wiuston latit week. O l d p a p e n lor «al« at 16 cents Iter hunilred at tbe B e o o s d office. Call aroand to tbeSECOBB office couit week, wili be g k d to see you. — C. If. EinibrOugb of Smith tSrove WQS in the city one day last Week. Call at Williama A-nd Anderson and sec tbeir l^c white goods and dres: L'ood4 etc. —Don’t forget to com* ont and hc«r the political issaes discussed Monday and Tuesday of Court A]^ril :ind and 3rd. (Jcicbraled Owl Brand Fertilizerg for cottouand tobacco. For gale by Williamn & Andennn. —Mr. Stone apbotognpber is in town and will soon open up. so we tear. --N ew goods tbe oieest and bci‘ Itt, t*'.vn just receive, also iribu potatoes, aud fresh pardeu seeds, at W illiams & Audei-»ju!>. —Ed. Myers of W inston visited « ^ iv e s iu jlockesville last week. —Hal. Hobson uf Jerusalem re­ turned from Winston T bnndaj night, aud spent the night with his uncle B, O. Morris. -D r. F. G. Cheek. Eye Special­ ist of •Vinston, will be in Mocks- Tille at Hotel Davie, Tuesday Marah 28th. Oue day only. — D ep u ty Collwtor Shote w m in tbe city last w «ck on- official titi^'^ Oonm to court Monday and Taw- day and b e n Hon. Spencer Black­ burn and other distinguished speak­ ers On tbe political tsooes. Tbe amendment and election law will be ably discassed. Don’t forget tbe days. —O ut eoRMpondents will please \tear in mind t ^ we go to piesa on Tuesday evening of each week, and we ^ n n o t get m attn in tbe paper that reaches us later than 8 o’clock on Tuesday a. m. Please don’t foiget this. —The Beooeo’s subscription list continnes to grow. W e had to incesase our order for paper. W e have also ordered another lot of type. Hefp us to improve the Beoobd friends, we are working for the people, —All of those who subscribed for the Record last A pril will look oat for the 2 m ark on their paper week after next. W e hope they will all renew promptly. W ith the n e it issue we complete our first year, th e B ecoidis battling for the rights of the people, and we waiit yoa to give u sa helping hand.' D r. RichM ^ Anderton of Albe marie Stanly county, died last week. H ew m abrother of Mr, A.- Anderson of Oilahaln this county. D r.' Anderson was about 70 yean of age. H e attended Ie<* tures with Dr. McGuire. The Dr. was raised in Davie, and has many relatives in this eoopty, —It would do the Calamity W allers good to go down to Cool eemee and look at that magnificent cotton mill, and tbe hundreds of beantiiCul cottages erected for tbe operatives- Prosperity has struct-, old Davie, have yoti beard abou: it. Go see It a n r quit your crok- ing. Have the Simmonites become sn exhausted, that they have had t< fall back and bring in lovely wom­ en to the rescue? Its a reflectioi. on the party of wealth and intell gence to say the least of it. Our friends are in desperate st.aits. this there latest move proves it con clusively. fo o trU le QuibbUngB. For sale, an Odell typewriter, shiap, at the postoffice. Mr. Gaither of' the Sheffield ntighborhood has' opened up a •fore in Booe town. —Any one wishing to attend Draughoos' Business College at Kaahvilie, Tenn., can save money by writing to tbe Editor of the SxcoBD before they go. Mrs. Carter who has been visit­ ing friends aud relatii'«s in ‘ lili- uoia returned to the city last w eet. Any one wishing to buy about $10 worth ol nice fruit trees can save uioney by calling on E. H. ktorris. —When yon have nothing else k> do, come around to Loafers !;• reat and read the Untait news anu warm your shins. CloTcr and Garden teed at W ilU anu A n d Anderson. .—John D, Veach the hufitling merchant at Cornatzer was in town Monday and ealled in to see us. T hirty ^ crates and three •hicken coops for sale, cheap. i2all a t the post office. A Mr. Rnssell of Stanly county was in town tbe first of the week looking after the mail \iu 3a V —. w £.'.«teuuiu. Ton will find a good fire and ac M taodating clerks at WSKams & AM etsoaa. ;^ei«in is seriously interferine . with the fanners. It looks like it J» going to be impossible to get anoat crop sowed-.- Frah-supply of fertiUzers justreived. Popular brands at TODuhiT prices. Call and see m. Horn Brosi.& Jobnatot. Last Tuesday morning, Sanlotd, Allison and Isam Haynes left for Union City, Indiana. Indiana seems to be a depositary )•.: our surplus population; and when the spirit of emigration begins to swell up in the souls of our hids, they hie them bit-ber to the utopia of tiieu' dreams. Union City, Ind, George Faate. a member of the sable-hued race of this community has a horse tbatis decidedly ^ n - tric. H e says that it will eat eggs; chickens, drink coffee and whiskiey. W e just wish to state that such a hors* U nui •uitable for a poor man. W ith the opening of the Spring comes the measles, and this is one of the most apportone spots on this green earth for the measles to get in a good job; no one scarcely, has -bad them, neither old nor young. W e learn that there will be a eb o i^ iag at W m. Booes this after­ noon. A t aucli times they always «at drink and make m erry. M. Knives be dippea • water, as it losseus tne hand- in hot ____ TO THE TAX PATEKS D A V IE COUNTY. OF There ^11 trm ains unpaid on my tax books a mnsiderable a mount of taxes. 1 will be compel led to force tbe collecting of the same as the law directs unless paid in a few days. Mocksville N. C. March 16th 1900. J . L. Sheek, Sheriff of Davie-Jounty. Advance Items. L ittle Grover Shutt has been right sick for some time, but it im­ proving some now, C, AC-Orrell of Yadkin College, was in town Sunday. B . F . Penry, who closed his school dear Farmington last week entertd the Advano* H i|'b «Bhool la A U ^ iid iiy . Jm r L. Garwood iil 6n the sick list; W aritin'Fartel col., who “ h o o t ed” a pair of shoes from Wood ft Mock here last Friday was tried before £isq. Tolbert and buohd over in a bond uf $100 which he failed to give aud was committed tu jail, his home was iu Davidson county. Thos. O. Baity will cloM! his school at Mock’s achool house next Saturday, with base ball and spell­ ing. Big wedding in our city Thurs day, just keep on guessing who. Jimmie” was visiting In the coun­ try Sunday, some attraction out tf town for him. Hiss Maggie Foster of Jerusalem is attending the Advance High School. The school has over 160 pupils enrolled. at“ Bud” Peebles visited Elbaville last Sunday. A . Fieeblea Winston ] Theie wag a quilting and c&si»^ at J. l a Ortelte last Ihunday which was a very enjoy- •ble occasion. Slick. in to«ee us last week. g S te see buB he always weara a sm i^ will ,a«u in’ to the surroundag c o i m t^ ,^ ^ T h ^ seems t» be a smalT M ^ re in to w o i ^ r e y Brow»^ wln>> w e r e ^ tke excluded Aoo^ sdumT f6j ^ toys. W e have aH akm r . losots about there being aease ni smail pox in the ~ JeriooN ew s Notes. Miss Minnie Dwiggins of Bailey visited heroonsin Miss Stella Seaf- ord several days tast weekv- Miss Allioe Prather is visiting her brother Mr.- Boman Prather this week. Quite a num ber went to Oak G roveto tb r protracted'm eeting Sunday .- M n . AIBce Ijames of CooleraiM ^isited her daughter M is. Maggie der Sunday. b s. Neely Prather visited k U- tiv t^ V > r K appa last week. C ak* ^ ig g ia a of Bailey waa ia oar berg Sm day evening. Boone Ijames o f Gooteemee wasia this vicnity fhiaday. X n . Bister Mrs. laatw eek. ^ ym uA her Moore of Bowan Ne-nrs-From E -^ esu s. about M r. and M rs.;?. C, Gresham and tam ilyare oi£a visit to Spartan burg 8. C. ? Rev. 'Si D. Swaim preached at Cooleemee Sunday evening and or­ g a n is t a Sunday School of 60 members. M r. John Creason Sr., happened to the ioisfortune of getting serious­ ly hurt by one of his horses while currying him in the stable Satur­ day evening. H iss Sadie Tatnm will open school at Cooleemee this morning. M r. *IsbmaeI Caudle an agpd citizen who lived near Taouyson died recently. W e had a rough spell ef wintry weather beginning Thursday even­ ing, raining, hailing, sleeting and blizzaMing generally. W e now hope winter is over and that gen­ tle spring will soon be here with its b ^ u tifal flowers. Long live the B e c o b d . Mcarh 19th. Pansy. ‘Ju stitia S unm cinque distri- biut.” The saddest day of our life has at last come. Tne Truth Index edited by the preacher editor has wtablished a quarantine against the B ecoud. It reminds us forci- lily of what Judge Robinson said to a defendant tr:i^l for disti-n^ ^ig teligeons worship, in an adjoining county not long since. “ K ekp AWAY FEOM THESE PULPIT POUN- DEB8 TOUNG MAN.” W e hope our friends will at least extend us their sympathy in this trying ordeal. “ D r you shouldn’t ought to done it.” B ier Simmons surely is badly frightened. W e notice that a large num ber ol Democratic ladies at Raleigh have entered the fight as campaign fund raisers, and dis- tributon of Democratic literature. W e aresofiy for these ladies, for its bad enough for men to engage in politics and we can but feel sor­ ry for the ilair sex who take such a step. Its a desperate case with our Democratic friends. les The blades may be placed upright in tbe water in a mug, by X ch plan the handles may be kept dry. l^w is A ckerm an, Coslien, Ind., says, - DeW itt’s Little Early Risers always Vin ecertain relief, cure m y headache anduevererip.” T hey gently cleanse and invleoratette bowels and liver. C . C . Sanford. T he mica windows of coal stoves can easily be cleaned with a soft cloth dipped in vineger and water. This should be done when putting the stove np. tick et No. 456 gets T h e R k OBji’s pria« gun. Anyone holding this ticket can, by pr“ e“tirig it to the Editor, get the gun. A ll th < ^ bolding tickets will please lake c4re of them, as there are four other prizes yet to be awarded. Save your ticketo until all the prizes are awarded. M . B Smith, Bntternut, Mich., say}. •■■DcWirt,3 U t ile Early Kisers are the rery best pills I ever used for costivt- .iess, Uver and bowel troubles. C. C- “ anford. Kitchen tables may be made •‘white as snow’’ if washed with goap aud wood ashes. R ev . W . E. Siizer, T»'. Canton' N . 1 writes, " I had dyspep»is. over ^«•enl years, and tried docto rt art n.«.£icr.^ vithout benefit. I was persuaded t<! .se Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it help­ ed m e from the start. I believe It to pe a panacea for all forms of inuiRcs ion” It digests whau you C . C . Sanford. Refrigeratoi'S should be thor­ oughly cleaned once a week, every tliiu!{'rem >ve.l, shelves and racks washed in warm soda water, wiped dry, and then sunned, if possible. ^ m . Orr, N ew ark, O .. -sys.*' W never feel safe without 0!ie Minute Cough Cure in his house. It saved m j little boy’s life when he had ihe pne monia. Wc think i- is tic best cine ujade.’* It curcs coujfhs a i . .li: lung diseases. '^lca^;aiK io tali harmless and g’ivea; immediate res;;Ks. C C.Srtiford. The most effei-inal leniedy lor slimy and >:reiisy ilr-.iin pipes is copi^ras dissolved and left to work gradually through the pipes. This is to ccrtify that I opened the envelope containing G u n Prize Ticket and found that N u m b e r 4 5 6 drew the ifun. F . M . J O H N S O N . This is the same Viiid of tariff which our Democratic brethren ha\-B always declared to be a thief and a robber. Let ns have a whole lot more of siicli rubbers aud a lit­ tle less of t!;c I)em!KT;;cy. - S'-heu- ectady (F. Y .) I uioii. —Ticket No. 456 gets the gun. Xo one np to this tim e has brought in the ticket. Come on before all the tickets are goneand get the REc»nfr for six months for .50 rents. There are four other fi'ee gifts besides rl;e gun. Some one will get a nice fri« gift for the price of the B ei.obd for six months. - Arrival and Departure of Trains: •OUTB Bou.MD— Dally except Sunday. •tave Mocksville.................... l:00pr.-L eare Mocksville.................... b:00 p t. North Bound. L eave Mocksville....................^ L eave Mocksville.................... ‘ PU BLIC SPBA.KING. The Hons. Spencer Blackburn and S. J . Turner and other prom ent RcDubliCan s p e a k ^ will ad-n drew the people in the court hons^ at M ocksville,-M onday and Tues­ day of Court week. (A pril 2nd and 3rd)- W ill devide tim e w ith any -Democratic speaker if desired.. March 1900. M. D, KIM BROUGH. CUAV. R e p. ex Comm, of D a t ie Co. ik C. Brown, G ] de and Betail Dealer in iL M E R C t lA N D L s '■I' R ecord A gents- The following gentlemen are au­ thorized to take subscriptions for the B e c o u d : M. W . Mackie, Yadkinville, N. C. D. I. BeaVis, Cross Boads Church. W . G. Patterson, Kast beuit. C. B. Keavis, Footeville Ben Shore, G rant. 8. F. Shore Shore. J . C. Pinnix, M arler. A P. Woodruff, BoonviUe. LINK O F DRY € ^ D 8. B e st S to ck of S lio es in the State, HBADQUARTERsi FO B GBOCEEIES. DT OTHEB W ORDS I H A V E A COMPLETE UXfi 0 | GENERAL M ERCHANDISE. I W ill be glad to have you call. Tour* Trulj^ P a A N K C- BROWN, Com er Fourth and Main Streets,AVINSTOS, X. c. DON’T W A IT A MINVTB. Go o d W a t c h e s A b s o l u t e l y f r e e . We want your name for PASTIME, a bright, clean, illustrated stor;^ and humorous paper for the family circle, 16 large pages, only 75c a year; on trial 4 months, 10c. We give a nickle silver watch to each subscriber, a neat itaedium-sized watch, guaranteed for oue year. Will keep time for many years as accurately as a $100 watch. And for a little work we give Gold watches. Bicycles, sewing machines. Guns, etc. SampJes and particular^, free. Seiui your address to-day 1/ you do Tio ;uort‘, ^ see how easily you can gei son-f tbingnice you want. We will at’.iprise you. Please don’i wait a miuute, send now. Better en close 5 siau)p;s for iiubscriptio:-and present, or attamps for watcl' and paper while the watches are goin • free. The PASTIMK Pub. Company 'Louisville. Kv. R. B. CRAWFORD & CO., HARDW ARE DEAoi* Winsl^.ii, N.clSign o f................ Lilon abd Anvil. -T ha R ight Plac'V to 3 -;. BccinecB Notices. Mfe. Harriet Evans. Hinsdale, 111 writes, ** I never failed to relieve mj children from croup at once bvtfisgi^ OnsiftnuJ*«a»ofi Cure, 1 would not |4eel safe without i t .” Quickly cure cMipIi* colds , (frippe and all tiro i «ndlun3 diseases. C. C. sanford Preserve the wings of turkeys, geese and chickens. They answer fordnsting the stove or range, or to clean-the turniture, and are the best tbings^ possible for washing and cleaning windows leaving no lint, as cloth does. Mrs. Galvin Zimmerman, Milesburg Pa.,says, “As a speedy cure for coughs, colds, croup and sore throat One Minute Cou^h Cure la unequaled. It Is pleasant for children to take. I heartily recommend it to mothers.” It is the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung diseases. It will prevent consumption. C. C.^Sanford. Don’t forget Th e Bboobd’s free gift offetB; A No. 20 Carolina Cook Stove, aS et of Fnm itnfe (3 pieces,) a Good Sewing Machine, a Chatta­ nooga Chilled Plow, and a Bem- ingtoB Breeeh-loading Shotgun. One dcdUr pays for a year's sub ieription and two tickets; 50 cents s u BOBtbaand one tidiet. To Mcure the original witch haxe ■al*c,a(k for DeTOtt’f W4teh Haie ^ aw ases,- Jew are -I cooaterfclt. th*j m D r . M . D . E im b r c T S ^ L Pbysictan and Sceg: Office, First door South of Hotel' MOCKSVILI-.E, N. C. ,EOM. jtclVai i diff H unt’s Consmnption and Broncbiis Cure. It surpasses all other remedii Irrown for Consumption, Bronchili.• ’ro »p and Disordered Liver. It cur*. . heii all eU-'c fails! If your druggie •e:. - ot keep it, send dirtct lo Judp ' torf^c E. Hunt, Lexington, N. ( Its 50 ccuvs per bottle. *.. rie by C. C. Sanford. National Hotel, licFU K N ISH ED . UN D ER NEW MANAGEM ENT. R A T E 3, $1.00 i?’^ ,D A Y . Main St. S A Iie i r L T , N . C G. T. GLASCOCK k SONS, F O U N d E E S A 2 fD M A C I I I F I S T S . M anufacturers of Turbine M ater W heels, The l A EO LIN A COOK S T O V E , H a ti n g Stoves, to al G m t« , Country Hollow W are Plo w s, Plow Castings and ieed Cutters. SPECIAL CASTINGS V ANK DESCRIPTION. Every A rticle Mannfacturedby Us Guaranteed in Every Kespwt. B. H . M ORRIa, Agent. at MOCKSVILLE. N . C. v m — W ho w ant H EAVY CALF LIN ED SHOES come and see us LADIES___ W ho want S T U S H , COM- POT ABLE SHOES don’t miss oar Store. CHUDBEN___ W ho are tough on soles shou try a Pair of onr SCHOOL SHO E —they will last. O ld l a d i e s — . W ith Tender Feet—B ay a P air of oar aO FT EASY SHOES T O S E . E U ‘ Fifth St., Ten Per Cent. F u m i t n r e ] WINSTON N-CI W ant your rade and will give yon bargains in all Styles of Ped-Roum Sets, Odd Dressers, Dining T»bto, Leds, Wai^hstands, Lonnges, Couches and all thiagito be found in an l^p To D ate FTJBNITCBE HOVSE. SOME N£W and EEAUTIFDL DE8I6S8 in DISHES, CEAMfi£R-SITS d I W o also have a Beautiful Line ot Pictures and Fnna. The New England and Needham Pianos, anti the Old Keliable Estey O i^ n s and the Needham Organs «t sold by u". and n"^d no recommendation, as they areiu W~U Kuown. 411 C oods ^ cld fcr C ash or ‘^asy Payi Come to our place and if you arc not treatetl riglil tall no more, but if we treat you right, call agaip. 3£GANS FBOM $25.00 UF. I t f f i L ^ e H O t H E R S M anufactnrera’ Agents, W INSTON, . . N . C. Srauch House: M A RTINSVILLE, V A . F I A H O S F B O m $ 1 8 0 1 -las Always Oive Lowist PricM On Evciythiag la Onr Une, J. E. CARTLAND SVCCISSOB TO- H. B.^Cartland, - c ; i i : i N s B - - • (9 .A F C IX liD fC O F C IX m iE S AND CASWIEBS O S HAND. ■•a. SB Q U LA B SHOE SSORB, s r a t T ft r a w r a . i F all C srf s «f th* B «tt B xjer jraetd W trk i ^W rite for Ssaiples u id M ew ari; ■<: Blanks. - ......... - - Satisfootion Go»i»»n Q iU Bw BMnries and le u n prioes. M o ck sv il"' 5.1 DaTie R luS H ID BVEBY WElj H. 3IOKBI8. ■ tUBSIS of 3CBSCRI1 T p j , O u e Yt;ar, Lpv Six Moatha, Lpy, Three Months - VILLK, M cI OF OHIO. For Vice P n^idJ 3T E B C -P B IT C T OF S O U T H C A K O L For Governo) JA M E S E . B O l OK GL'Il.KOKI] or Congress, 7th Ij IIX IA M A- B / O F D i V I E . fUBLICASS MISEKF I is oli«erve>l that m l Im eiitationagaiust tl Itituliunal aiueuilnieT kpposed uncoustitiitj l^unroiistitiiliiaia]. |Ktaudp<dut <>rt!:e I n ol ill .h re «pil .1 .. * .I V IB- i - l •• 1 I it, blit iuu^i > ro< k s ire that it I lie liifScait t> undel ) are so u-iisy alHiutl I'jhsciTe:-. e ai:ove article ell ■ esteemed ooutcmf HoUe Obsei ver, B our Demo<‘raU« isrepreseut Kepublj t aur;iri3«:l at .sjj j !)c!u.)r,rj‘ie “ -Ve.i I paper of the Oh inC;:>!;c in s:i.-l btemem uf fa;-(s .vij je a!!ic‘inii;u-’it is »nilI)reii>n«iM!;. «■ iy the Htpiifiiinsiis an i| ; ■•MiKi.i: -.-aU 'Vhii-ti 11 iJ I the C<Jiisfil utioiij lii.H a wii'.Je II. Oar couteutiol < that it is coaEtil J «!)t ihe 5lh (.'ial |constitutiunal lawl 1 States, oue of ' itor Edmunds, ause is nncoiistitl alance of the act 1 au.l that the u >u »the 5th e'auae ring with the balaij ^tora UcEnery an oiwi^na, say tie i <>I the Louisian k-h is I b e sameaa til the North Carolii;-.:! lunconstitutiona'. Vemporary will refr| V a little and we are p that he has iiniutej eve, misrepreseate ^ns. We are ag-ainf J t and electioB law| t contend that the i is nnconstitiL pttgiveus credit tJ ^ <^DBtitatioD^ laJ^ Nothing tt^-isUte. can './wlifications. _ jprescribing qualiSc are not alloi nminatiuns which, |tbtheUthaudl5tu| constitution Do You seel nr 6th claust^ is tmj I if the courts iipb ^Wican Cuateniiou, »• will <litfram hiM ‘.e blsckg, b!=t , P® in the state wiioi ^rit« a section ofl the iinglish * ^wlranchised an(j ^avotennlei thj l*^P«»led, which ■ ^••iUTiedone • o w n , * m A N D IS C ^ D B . « » State. i I E 8 . p P L E T E L I 5 K 0 » 5 I S E . T o u r * T ru ly ^ c. BROWJI, A V aX S T O K , K . c . \ < IE D E A iii:” N . C iir,f Iiaplemesii -»var^ jm u r L L i R O S j fer Cent. Furnitiire Kea,! I S T O N N . C - f o n b s i ^ i n s in all *n. Dining Tabka, and all tbingfto U S E HOUSE. CEAKBEE-SETS u d U 1K | tares and Fnmes. k a n o H , a n d th e O ld W h a m O r ^ D S a ic p *ioQ , a s t h e j ' a re *o P s y o e i tre a te < l rig l'.t caU a ll a g a i p . $ 1 8 0 H ? . a n d , ' ' • i c. 1 C A S I M E B S M o e k a T h e D a v i e K e c o r d . M O C K S V I L L E , N . C ., W S a i N E S D A T , M A K O a ,2 8 1 9 0 0 .N O . 6 2 Dane Record, ,U 5.W - r v T " - « .« o o u t y o n r 5 th c la u s e , a n d tb e s u p r a a ie c o u r t o f t h e U n ite d S ta te s w ill b e U te c o u i i to p a s s u p o n th e __I a m c Q d n ie D t, a n d t h e le a rn e d a t ­ to r n e y w h o p r o p o s e d p a c k in g th e N o r th C a r o lin a S ta te S u p re m e c o u r t, w ith f o u r a d d itio r u l p a r ti- zan D e m o c r a ts w ill n o t s a v e i t . W h o is h e a n y h o w t H e is a p r o - f a u u d a n d le a r n e d la w y e r. copj- copy cepT. Oa«iSis Moarh«. - Three .Months - 2 8 . 1 9 0 0 - 10, |B ^ 'B 1 .1 C A S t i c k e t . For President 1900. Iw H X IA M M c K I N U E TOF OHIO. I For Vice I’TPsident. IjErERCPKITCHAEDOF XOBTH C A E 0U S .1. For Governor. JAMES E. BOYB or (ji'ij-i'oaD. (ForCoD^irss. 7th District. WILLIAM A. BA ILEY or BIVJE. ariiUCAXS illSEha-BSSESTED, t in ol)«rv*‘l that much of tbe __Illation agaiust tbe pr«ip*iseti jtilu lio n a l a i n e i i d n i e n t t e f e n ! t o uippofw l u n c o w a t i t a t i o n a l i t y . I f I u n iiiiistitiitK U ia l. t h e n , f r o m 1 «»!jilr»'iiit .■fii-e or.|«j»ition i: ,ri|l I n -.i.f <>1 its :'-dupl!0’i I h re opi'flS . to i '.l> - IK. I; f e - . — i.in . t i i i i m i e : [ iti«i it, l)iit ;ii;i< i!U Ji!h a s t b e v 8 to w k 8 i r e t l i a l i t i s J o t , i i i s ttleii.fficjit ti uude;B and wh\ tiy are so ii-iisy alHiiit it.—i'liar ;f vbsciTe:'. ITi;« a; ^ive article dipped from r ttteemed ooutemporary, the arioU* Obbeiver, shows how eour Demucxalic friends are Imisrepreseiit Kepublicans, W e iMtsar.irise:! at .s;»mc of the ;le !)«'ii.(;;ratii; “ Veaklies’' bus A Sngcestion- W e t h i n k w h ile bo n is n y n ia n n - & c ta r in f ; p la n ts a r e g o in g u p in t h e S ta te , t h a t s o m e o f o u r R e p u b ­ lic a n f r ie n d s m ig h t m a k e a g o o d t h in g o u t o f a n e s ta b lis h m e n t .to m a n u f a c tu r e s p y g la s s e s a n d r u le s . U n d e r t h e e le c tio n la w s e c tio n 2 9 o f t h e la w r e q u ir e s t h e b a llo ts to b e o f t h e p r e s c r ib e d siz e a n d c o lo r, a n d a t e a c h p r e c in c t w e w ill n e e d a r u l e o r m e a s u r in g s tic k , a n d a s p y g la s s to d e te r m in e th e s iz e a n d c o lo r o f t h e b a llo t, a n d t b e f ir s t t h i n g o u r f r ie n d s k n o w , th e D e m o ­ c r a tic m a c h in e w ill h a v e a n o p tio n o n a ll t b e p a p e r , r u ie s a n d s p y g la s s e s . L o o k o u t M r. H o lto n , o r w e a r e g o n e i f th e y g e t th e s e o p . tiova b e fo re w e l a y in a s u p p ly . A n d a n o th e r im p o r ta n t p o in t is n o t to l e t th e m g e t a ll t h e lo n g p r im e r t y p e , fo r t h e la w r e q u iie s t b e b a llo ts in lo n g p r im e r le tte r s . W e h a v e g o t to n a t^ -h a s w e ll a s p K iy t h i s y e a r , fo r t h e e n e m y h a s s e t s o m a n y s n a r e s in e v e ry d ir e c tio n , t h a t o n e h a r d l y k n o w s w h ic h -iire c tio n to t u r n o r ta k e to k e e p i!it o f o iie u r t h e o th e r . I ts man d ikB li.e l i o u ^ i i K n ip e ro rs la ffs w h ic h w e re p o s te d s o h ig h , t h a t th e p e o ­ p le ( o . : l ; n o ! r e a d th e m , a n d w e re p u n is lte d fo r w h a t th e y d id n o t k n o w . T b e L atest S c a n d a lo a s tion S u g g e s g iv e t h e h is to r y o f h is c o n n e c tio n w ith t h e c o n s titu tio n a l c o n v e n tio n . H e s a id t h a t h e b a d b e e n in v ite d to a d d r e s s t h a t b o d y u p o n t h e o r ­ g a n iz a tio n , b u t t h e l e t t e r in v itin g h im h a d bieen s e n t to h is h o m e in F r a n k lin , w h ile i t w a s w e ll k n o w n t h a t h e w a s in W a s h in g to n a t t h e tim e . H e a f te r w a r d r e c e iv e d a te le g r a m fro m t h e T im e s -D e m o c ra t a s k in g h is o p in io n a s to t b e c o n s ti­ tu tio n a lity o f s e c tio n 5 , a n d h a d a n s w e r e d t h a t , in h is o p in io n , it w a s u n c o n s titu tio n a l, in t h a t i t c a r r ie d w ith i t a n e le m e n t o f f r a u d S u b s e q u e n tly h e re c e iv e d a te le ­ g r a m fro m H o n . A n d re w P r ic e , a s k in g i f h e c o u ld o ffe r a s u b s titu te fo r t h a t s e c tio n , a n d h a d re p lie d t h a t t h e b e s t s u b s titu te w a s i t s e li- m in a iio n a lto g e th e r . H e r id ic u l­e d t h e id e a t h a t t b e n e g ro w a s e l i ­ m in a te d w h e n h e f i g u ^ in c o n - v e n tio u a b a s e d o n p o p u la tio n .” T h e p r e s e n t d e m o c r a tic o r g a n i­ z a tio n In t h i s s t a t e h o ld s a J th e in - s tita tio n s o f r e p u b lic a n g o v e r n ­ m e n t in c o n te m p t, in c lu d in g p o p ­u la r s u ffra g e a n d t h e c o u rt« . I t s la le s i p ro p o s itio n to p a c k th e s ii- p r e u it c -ju rt o f N o r th C a ro liu a , I p le d g e d tof a papc-r <;f ilie O b s e rv e rs s t a n J - ; m a c h iu e flo iuL L iy' i?s a irla rin g ja tte r is lio . W e lie lie v e , h o w e v e r, tuifiueni < f ;V-t i .% !th re fe ie iic e ;tu a tliie iie iip ! e > if tlie * l;ile h a v e su m I i, re a U y Ix v o u .l ‘jb o u l lU ii. «.•» a lw a t iiili {itUer ra u ifh -n a e r p^0ll0^iltlobi6 «.m i,re.„ W e U uve : O iv ^ a u iii'a o a . 1«:«, -V .b « =aM .-ies w r ia e u b y | ..o r g a n iz a tio n ” iu te .id e d to i a i i i '^ c iiio t'ra ’.s i [}ig c o a s til'itio n - -.o its in g ie a iu e u d m e iit, \v a v iu g Ih o in s e u - liiilt 'j, vh;i-:i ii ;b >:iiuleuik-d 'iia r y b :iu u e i o f K a c c H a ir e d - A y - 5 £ ..u « tiiu E io u al A m e m l -in to tiie g .w e ri> o i> ;n p , S iia ■ ■ . I . I m o iis iu to tb e <ic-uate, e t« . T h e y» ' " ' i j i r o v i u e d a s iib s tilu te v e iiic le , to i»i. O 'U -M u ieu iio a, m y d e a r | o f jja e u ie rg e u c y , in ■'b ... ■ iX !aE titiitioa;ii e a v « th e S im m o n s f r a u d e le c tio n la w . fjiiacte*): Ui* r-ili tia u s e , th e ali-1 T h e w h o le s c h e m e is jita n ip e d w ith |o u ta s u te s , o n e o f w h o m is E i - \p i,e n th e y p a s s e d th e b a llo t b o x Uor E d m u n d s, s a y s t h a t t h e s ta llin g e le c tio n la w th e y c o n fe sse d t h a t th e y d i d n o t c o m e b e fo re th e w h ic h th e y P o l l B o o k E v id e n c e . T h e A s h e v ille G a z e tte q u o te s S e n a to r C a ffe ry to g e t its im fo rm a - tio n a s to t b e w o r k in g o f t h e n e w c o n s titu tio n a l a m e n d m e n t in L o u ­ is ia n a . T h is is f ittin g . S e n a to r O alT rey is t h e id e a l p o litic ia n fo r t h e G a z e tte to q u o te , fo r h e b o lte d h is p a r t y i n 189C a n d s u p p o r te d M c K in le y a n d is n o w a c tin g w ith t h e r e p u b lic a n s o f t h a t s t a t e . I f th e G a z e tte w a n ts to k n o w h o w th e rw > u isian a a m e n d m e n t o p e r a te s le t i t g o to t h e p o ll b o o k s . O u t o f e v e r y 1 ,3 0 0 n ig r o v o te r s -in N e w O r le a n s , w h e r e th e n e g ro e s a r e b e s t e d u c a te d , a ll e x c e p t 1 3 0 a r e e lim i­n a te d . T h a t ’s t h e w a y i t w ill w o rk in N o r th C a r o lin a .— N e w s a n d O b s e r v e r . O u t o f 5 0 .0 0 0 w h ile m e n in N e w O r le a n s , a ll b u t a fe w h u iid re < ! a r e e lim in a te d u y t h e p o litic a l n ie th o d ii o f w h ic h t h e *‘n e w c o iis titiitio u a l a m e n d m e n t” is t h e p r o d u c t. T h e le w h u n d r e d w h o se s u p r e m a c y h a s b e e n e s ta b lis h e d c o m p o s e w h a t i s k n o w n a s t h e g a n g . T h e y c o n tr o l t h e s u itr a g e o f N e w O r le a n s , a n d i t m a k e s n o d iffe ra n c e n o w w h e th e r t h e r e m a in d e r o f t h e p o p u la tio n g o th r o u g h t h e m o v e m e n ts o f p la c in g t h e i r v o te s in t h e b i l l t b o x e s o r n e t— th e y a r e flo c k in g w ith t h e e d u c a te d a n d u n e d u c a te d n e g ro e s a s l a r a s t h e i r v o te s in th e g o v e r n m e n t is c o n c e r n e d . W e h a v e g o n e to t h e p o ll b o o k s to s e e h o w t h e a m e n d m e n t w o rk s in L o u - is ia ::» , a n d t h i s is w h a t w e h a v e le a r n e d fro m th e iii: I n 1 8 9 8 L o u ­ is ia n a c a s t 110“ 0 0 0 v o te s lo r c o n h e ta l k lik e a n A m e n c a n c itiz e n liv in g u n d e r a r e p u b lic a n fo rm o f g o v e r n m e n t a n d w illin g to a b id e b y th e ,la w s a n d t h e w ill o ^ th e m a jo r ity , h o n e s tly e x p r e s s e d th e p o lls ! “ T o r u le b y la w is to d is f r a n c h is e a ll w h o o p p o s e t h e m a c h in e ; to r u le b y f r a u d is o n e o f t h e h ig h e s t c rim e s b e lo w t h e g r a d e o f a c a p ite l fe lo n y is a s p e c ie s o f la r c e n y , a n d a c o n ­ v ic tio n a tta c h e s t h e o d iu n o f a f e l­o n ; to r u le b y fo rc e le a d s to m u r d e r a n d a s s a s s in a tio n ,” s a y s t h e W i n ­ s to n H e p n b lic a n . T h e r e c a n b e n o m is u n d e r s ta n d in g a s to th e - M a w ” to w h ic h M r. A y c o c k re f e r s , fo r h is c o n c e p tio n o f la w a s a p p lie d to e le c tio n s w a s e n g r a f te d o n t h e N o r th C a ro lin a s ta tu te b o o k b y th e la s t le g is la tu r e . I t is a le g is la tio n o f th e FORCE a n d fraud to w h ic h h e so b ra z e n ly c o n fe sse s h is o r g a n ­ iz a tio n is r e a d y to r e s o r t. The Foreign Trusts. S a y s t h e N e w Y o r k J o u r n a l: “ B y r e m o v in g t h e (f) h ig h ta r if f th e p o w e r o f t r u s t s w o u ld b e g r e a t­ ly c u r ta ile d .” W h a t fre e tm d e r s y<?arn a f te r w ith s u c h a m ig h ty b a n k e r is a r e tu r n to t h e g o ld e n f re e tr a d e e r a w h e n fro m 1 0 to 2 5 p e r c e n t o f o n r w a g e e a r n e r s w e re ro b b e d o f w o rk a n d w a g e s b e c a u s e A m e ric a w a s a t th e m e rc y o f fo r- e ig h tr u s ts , e s p e c ia ly T in tr u s ts . C o tto n C lo th tr u s ts . M a c h in e ry tr u s t, W o lle n G o o d s t r u s t . B o o t a n d s h o e .r u s t . W ir e a n d W ir e n a il t r u s t , H o s ie ry t r u s t . K n i t U n ­d e r w e a r t r u s t . L in e n G o o d s tr u s t H a iiv lo tb t r u s t , b e s id e s o th e r m e r ile s s fo re ig n tr u s ts to o n u m e ro u s to e n u m e r a te .T h e fo re ig n t r u s t s d id , h o w e v e r, le a v e u s o r c r e a te fo r n s t h e fre e ir a d e s o u p h o u s e s o f 1 8 5 7 a n d l!> i)3-4. I n t h e e y e s o f f re e t r a d e r s e a r th p r e s e n ts n o lo v ie r s ig h t th a n a g ig -a n tic fo re ig n t r u s t w h ic h ro b s o u r la b o r e r s o f jo i)s . A n d e s p e c ia lly w e re fo re ig n , t r u s t s b e a u tif u l b e y o n d in e a s u re in t h e e y e s o f fi-ee t r i e r s b e a c u s e u n ­ d e r fo re ig n t r u s t s a>ioil8=w ere fro m 2 5 to 7 5 p e r c e n t b ig le r th a n u n d e r s o -c a lle d A m e r ijin 'lo i- ts .— A m e r ­ ic a n E c o n o m is tJ i 1.50 V ersus $ 1 3 0 : 0 0 , M ess. W o o te n & COi P ro n g , N orlU C a ro lin a , say s: O n e o f o u r cu ato m - erd , a [p ro m iu e u t m a n in th is com ­m u n ity . su ffered w ith liv e r c o m p la in t h e c o a s u lte d s e v e ra l p h j'sic ia n a b u t th e y fa ile d to b e n e fit h im . W e p re ­v a ile d u p o n h im to tr y th e R a m o n P ills a n d P e lle ts . H e soon b o u g h t m o re a n d is now a w ell a n d h e a rty m an , an d h a s g a in e d in C es'i. H e sa y s th e p ills sa v e d h is life a n d th e six b o x es c o a t h im o n ly *1,50, w h ile M s tr ip to N ew Y o rk to c o n su lt th e . d o c to rs, c o st h im $150.00. B o r sa le b y ' J . L e e K u rfe e s . ' NOTICE. B y < -irtn re o f a n o r d e r m a d e b y A . T . G r a n t, S r .. 0 . S . C ., L w ill s e ll a t p u b lic a n c tio n a t th e c o u r t h o u s e d o o r in th e to w n o f M o c k s- v ill3 , N . C ., o n M o n d a y th e 2 n d d a y o f A p r il 1 9 0 0 , t h e fo llo w in g re a l e s ta te ; a d jo in in g t h e la u d s o f L e w is H a r p e r , e t a l., a n d b o u n d e d a s fo llo w s to w it: ! ^ g in n in g a t a s to n e , L e w is H a r p e r ’s c o rn e r, W . 2 0 p o le s a n d 1 5 lin k s to a s to n e in P o t t ’s lin e ; th e n c e S . 7 0 d e g re e .s | W ., 2-1 p o le s a n d L ., to a s to n e in P o t t ’s lin e ; th e n c e E . 1 5 d e g re e s N ., 2 0 p o le s a n d 2 0 lin k 's to a s to n e to th e b e g in n in g c o n ta in in g tw o a c re s , 1 0 5 p o le s m o re o r le ss. T e r m s o e Sa l e :—8 2 5 ,0 0 c a s h , b a la n c e o n s ix m o n th s tim e , w ith b o n d a n d a p p r o v e d p e e n r ity ; in - f tr e s t a t 6 p e r c e n t fro m d a y o f s a le T itle re s e rv e .! till p '.irc h a s e m o n e y is p a id .T h is 2uvl d a y o f M a rc h 1 9 0 0 . T h o s . N . C h a ffin . A d m r . o f G . H . L ip p a r d . T . B . B a ile y , A tto r n e y . Record Free Gifts. 1 S e t o f F i i r u i t u r e ( 3 p ie c e s .) 1 S e w in g M a c h in e . , 1 Stove. 1 C 'h a tta u o o g a P lo w . 1 I t e i u i u g t o n i S l i o t C ru n . One dullnr pays Ur the UEOORDine year unil you get two tickets; yO cts, for si.x m u i i i l i s , and youjgetune tiffc- et. Send ill your siibscn(itir.n itiid^et the paper duriiig tho i n m > i f r . 9 0ooo p oo o o oo o oo o < K > o o oo o < W e b s t e r ’s I n i e m a t i o i i a l ^ D i c t i o n a r y Sveensar of tlte *• Vimbridgcd” D o n ’t S u f f e r , T h e E le c tr o iK iis e C u re s a ll d w sases w ith o u t th e u se c f mcdicinc. A p u re O x y g e n tr e a tm e n t, by a b so rp tio n . I t c u re s w h e re e v e ry ­th in g e lse fa ils . I t Ls n e e d e d in e v e ry fa m ily , fo r i t w ill re lie v e e v e ry w e a k ­ness o r'a ilm e n t, to th e m o st p e rs is te n t c h ro n ic d ise a se ; a n d w ith o u t th e use o f a g r a in o f m e d ic in e . T h o u sa n d s o f paopTe a ll o v e r th e U n ite d S ta te s , fro m p riv a te c itiz e n s to L a w y e rs, d o c­to rs , p re a c h e rs . S u p re m e .Turiges E d i­to rs . e tc ., e v e n c ro w n ed h e a d s o f E u ­ro p e h a v e g iv e n w r itte n te s tim o n ia ls o f th e s e fa c ts . B ook o f te stim o n ia ls, a n d m a tte r o f g r e a t in te r e s t w ith Ijrice o f in s tru m e n ts s e n t fre e . E v e ry la m ily sh o u ld h a v e a n E le c tro p o is e ;. i t sa v e s m o n ey , in d u c e s h e a lth . S en d 3*our a d d re ss a t o n c e a n d s e e w h a t paoiJle sa y w ho h a v e th o rc u jh ly te s t- e l i t s m e H t s . .\g e n ts w a n te d . T h e ^ E le c tb o p o is e C o., 513 4 th S tr e e t, J Louisville, Ky. R e r a l n g t o n S in g le B a r r e l B re e c h '- L o a d u w j G u n , - $ 8 .S O > O th e i-s . . . - 9 4 .S 0 , liHS.OO L o a d e d S h e lls , 3 5 « a b o x . S h o t, 7 c . p e r p o u n d . P r im e r s , 1 2 c . a b o x . A ll O c h e r G o o d s E q u a lly L o w p . M . R O B E R T S , 4 4 5 L ib e r ty S tr e e t, WINSTON, N. a F r e e T r a d 3 S e v e r a l E e p u U i .a n n e w s p a p e r^ in th e c o u n tr y \ h ic h c la im th a l tr e e tr a d e is a d a id issu i;, b e c a n s c o f t h e n n e x a m p le il p r o s i e r i t y , a r e S t a n d a r dprjbc V. 8. OoT'U^rl^^ < v s'a ^ V h S s-u .i.ndof_____________premeConrta,a ndof near­ly aU tbe Scboolbootu. W a r m l y C o m m e n d e d Schools, ^uiir|c« « irat- adt‘nta^ndfltb«rEdncatnra V almoM without uutuber. o I n - v a l n a b l e 111 the hottschoW. niid to J tbe teacher, Bcbolnr, pro- l ffwloual iiuiu, nod ««U* S SOUTHERN RAILW AY. Fn n d tn re ! i l f . T o i a . X L e e c S l . u r n itn r e o f a n y K in d I T W I L L P A Y Y O U T O S E B Huntley & Hill’s Stock - T H E Y S E L L — F IK S T -C L A S S F U R N I T U B E A T the R ight prices, stock alw ays Complet*. 4 2 6 a n d 4 2 8 T r a d e S tr e e t, W I N S T O N , N . C . S THE BEST FORPRACTICALUSE.; It b eaiy to find the word w ut«d. 0 It is easy to ascertain the pronuttctatkm. O It is easy to trace the growth of m word. 9 Ills easy to learn what a word means. T h e N e w O rlem na P le a y a n e a u y s : | H •ttindi now R monnm *nt tn patient IndiiBtrT, ' brllUniit Bcholanhip, and. luecbuiitCHl »kni. aud one or thtt moat complete atid usetul w orks over pttblishvdin this conutry. jurl 01 i^oriQ v;aroiiua I jgi^ya cast Ilfr.OOy votes lor ct>n-„ r-.- .ti''** Io carry out the will ot gressioual candidates l'>>onghout !Prol>ably not aw a.e of t e iue is oiilrageously char- the state; in 1 8 9 8 (after the pass-; “>a“y sections of t.ie eou t r i , .iM t.I.,“___our colleges in particular, are bt , dausfiiB unconstitutional and balance of tbe ict is coiistitu ical au'l thit the coarts c»a el- .iaat« the 3tb c’ause without in- tering with tbe balance of the act ratuis JIcEnery and Caflery of iiiir;:.Ba, nay ll.e grandfather -'i tbe Lottif-iana amendment Uch is ibe um eas tbe ;>tb clause tlieXorih Carolinu": anic.ndment nncoustitiitiona'. We hope onr iteinporary nill refresh.bis mem little anil we are sure he will i that he lias nnintentionally. we lUeve, niisrepreseuled the Repub- in*. We are against the amend- it and electioB law, but we do contend that the entite amend- i« nnconstitsflea fr pveus credit for having a constitutional lawyers in our 'P- Nothing is plainer thaa t y »tat»» can regnlate antf- laliiioaiions. bat the states ' Prwcribing qnaliiiciitions lor its Joters are not allowed to make naiiuatiuns which will conflict fitb th« [till iu j i5 tjj ajaeaa:ae»l8 ^the constitution of the United *t«8. Do Vuu nee the point? |iour 5th elansc is imconstitutional ■ 1 if the canrw itptiold tiie Ite- '.itc ia - ■ '.y>: • r'.J’i i 3 f r c age of the am endm ent; the entire colleges i . vote of the state of Louisiana was m g^ooiied with free trade 3 1 ,0 0 0 tor the congressional tan.li- ture, especially of the kin dates. that (he prcjtected Y fs wp h-ivp referm l ro (j.e«e ha^e leferred to t“e ,,i'it is, that t pal! (woksot Lon.simw ior « i- pro^azandist are ro-ei^in . ence oirne working ot the J Eet) ,!.!h v i.tin .o rth e io rc ig n m a .^ t . . . . to folio.vin Buftnige m atters ir i''* '" V ^rsuaciccN orth Cirolina, and we have learn-! ^^at c e r ta ^ of o .r in- ed that^more wuite men .;ho vot- i- - - - r p C s ^ i ^ T o , .'"im ake considerable c o n ^ io n , to I89S thau there were tiegro^ ‘'ell-:^ ra.uate<l ” lu v f y many districts ; ^ of the state no where near as many crcised fcLe right o f sunrage. T h e. ^ proiessci frfeids OET THE BEST. 0 i:;^Specim e}ipa{fC ssentonapplicallonto < X G. df C. MERBIAMCO., Pablinben, J A SprittgBeldt M a ss., U. S. A. : I CAUT IO N . • > called ** Webster’s Dictloiiartea.** All $ authentic abrtdf^mentsoX the Intomstional In the Tarloas sizes bear our trade-mark <h»tbe front cover m shown in the cuts. p e o p le w ith is s u e s o n t » u l d fig h t a f a ir b a ttle w ith th e ir o p p o n e n ts . T h e y c o u ld h o p e to w in o n ly b y “ e o n tr o lliu g th e e le c ­tio n s e n tir e ly th e m s e lv e s , b y h a v - intc m e n w h o a r e t h e i r to a ls re g is ­ t e r t h e v o te ra a n d c o u n t t h e b a llo ts . Sow th e y c o m e f o r w a r J w ith th e c o n te m p tib le p r o p o s itio n t b a t th e y b h a ll a p p ly t h e r u le o f th is S im ­m o n s e le^ itio n la w to th e s u p re m e c o n r t o f t b e s ta te , fillin g tb e b e n c h .v itii t h e i r h e n c h m e n , p le d g e d tiis t •it a ll io d e .:la re a v io la tio n o f th e • jo r s titu tio n o f t h e L 'n ite d S ta te s a m n s titu tio n a l a c t in N o r th C a ru li n a ! T b e id io tic fo o lis h n e s s a s w ell a s t h e o u tra g e o u s n e e s o f t h e p ro p o ­s itio n m u s t a p p ^ l to e v e r y h o n e s t a n d s e n s ib le c itiz e n . I t is o f im - jw r ta n c e ,.b o w e v e r , a s s h o r i n g th e p o e s iB iliti« ia 'lttS ' lftiC iR < ^ ,ttlih i* la w -d e s p is in f; g a n g o f p o litic ia n s o b ta in e d f u ll c o n tr o l o f t b e afl^ d rs o f t h i s s ta te .'^ - G 92B tte . k n e ll to p o litic a l lib e r ty s tr u c k in L o u is ia n a w h e n f r a u d w a s e n g r a f t­ e d o n t h e c o n s titu tio n a m i i i i t s h itu te b o o k s o f th e s t a t e .— (J a z e it e "Wicau *i!l n o t o n ly a ll‘ -e p. T h e C a m p a i g n i n L o u is ia n a . A g a in s t t h e o lig a r c h y o f p e lf a n d i r a u d in L o u is m u a , in tr e n c h e d b e h in d a tu ie v in g e le c tio n la w a n d a c o n s tiiu tio n a la iu e u d m e n t i h a t h a s r o b b e d t h e s t a t e o f i t s p o litic a l lib e r ty , S e n a to r 0 * lf te y is b u ttlin g in v a iu . H e c a n e x p o s e th e c o r r u p tio b o f t h e g a n g t h a t r u le s th e tita te , b n t h e c a n n o t a l t e r t h e r e s u lt o i i h t c o m in g Ib rc e , s till , c a lle d a n ’e le c tio n ,” t h a t w ill c o n tin u e o f th i sthe “ supreiiiacy” of tliis gang of the 6,4.6 ' I plunaei-ers. in one of his speeches a t ^ readi le.v Oitys ago Senat-jr Caarev »t Bon in f t, of theConstitu i tem pted t» explain the fact that he “ dM,. langmuM will “«>“ * sttennonsly oppoeed<«lfan,hisea a n i I the am endm ent cwhioh is alio now , ' propotwu by the political oligarch," have CA'me i" iiiink that its is .i:>> uicn^ii-e i Ity Viie ever •i!id a"i;i'e.'wi' e fiee trade ment. —Tiic i’roteeti<mist. B iifety a c tiv e m o v e In Chatham County. E d ito r o f th e G a z e tt® : I t m a y b e so m e e n c o n r a s e m e n t to y o u r f r ie n d s in t h e w e s t t o k n o w t h a t C h a th a m i s w ith th e m in t h e fig h t f o r p o litic a l lib e r ty .T h « le p u b lic a n s a n d t h e p o p u ­ lis ts a r e a u n it a g a in s t t h e G o e b e l e le c tio n la w a n d t b e d is f r a n c h is in g c o n s titu tio n a l a m e iid m e u t. a n d m a n y d e m o c r a ts a r e o p e n ly o p p o s ­ in g t h i s s c h e m e o f S im m o n s , D a n - ie te & C o m p a n y to d e p r i v e t h e p e o p le o f t h e i r r i g h t s a t t h e b a llo t b o x .W e h a d in 1 8 9 8 a b o u t 2 0 0 m id - ..£ L Q :^ -th e -ro a d p o p u lis t, a n d t h e y a t e n3<K .g lin o ^ w ith o u t a n e x c e p - tioQ , a i^ n srK lir* 8 S 9 e o 4 5 1 S S t b itte r ly d e n o u o o e t b e b u l T e le c tio n la w .U n le s s a ll s ig n s f a ll. C n a th a m w ill g iv e a t le a s t o n e th o u s a n d a g a i u s t t h e a m e n d m e n t, a n d I tb iu K th is a v e r y c o n s e r v a tiv e e s tim a te . P itts b u r o N . 0 M a r c h 1 7 .V e r y tr u l y .J , A . G ile s . 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dr. S. R. Anderson, ------DENTIST.------- O.'Uce: F ir s t D o o r S o u th o f D r. K im b ro u g h 's . Mo c k s v il l e, N . C . T H E . . . . S T A X D A E D K A I L W A Y O F T H E S O U T H . i T h e D ii’e c t L in e to a l l P o in ts . It b x .a s , } (.^ A L IF O E N I.V . : FLORIDA, ;C U B A A N D P O K T O K IC O . ■ S tiiet^ y t 'l i i s s E q u i f ^ . n e i i t OI) ail Through and L> i;il 'I’rainx. t’u llm a n S le e p in g 0 .i r a o n a l l N ig h t T ra in s . Fa.<it a n d S a f e s ic b e d a le s . Travel by the Southern mirt yon are assured a Safe. Coin- iurtable and an Expeditio:i>i J onruey. ..pplv to T iclcet-A g -en ts f o r T im e T a hies, B a te s a n d G e n e ra l In fo r­m a tio n , o r a d d re ss R . L . V E B N O N , F. R . D A R B Y „ T . P . A . C . P . & T . AC h a rlo tte , N . C> A sh e v ille N.^J, NO TROUBLE TO ANSWER QIT»’3TX0N3. FRAIfiC S. SASS9N , M. CULP 3dV. i''. & fion Man. Traf. M ai W . A. TURK G. P. A. W A S H I N G T O N . D . C . A a r o n B a r r .s F i g h t A g a i n s t F a t e “ A a r o n B n r r w a s s ix ly y e a r s o ld w h e n h e re s o li e d o n c e m o re to b a t ­ tle w ith f o r tu n e ,” w r ite s W illia m P e r r i n e o f " t h e M y s te rie s o f th e C e n tu r y ,” in t h e A p r i l L a d ie s ’ H o m e J o u r n a l. “ G o in g q u ie tly in to N e w Y o rk h e o p e n e d a n office fo r t h e p n ic tic e o f la w , a u d in a f o r tn ig h t h a d e a rn e fl tw o th o u s a n d d o lla r s in fe e s . B u t h a r d l y b a d h e w r itte n to h is d a u g h te r a b o u t h is lu c k w h e n t h e r e c a m e fro m S o n th C a ro lin a t b e n e w s t b a t h e r b e a u tif u l b o y , w b o h a d b e e n t h e id o l o f t h e a m b itio u f s ta te s m a n w a s d e a d . B n t tb e i-e w a s i n r e ­ s e r v e f o r B u r r a s t i l l h e a v ie r b lo w I T o w a rd t h ? c lo s e at t h e y e a r 1 S 1 2 J T h e o d o s ia A lls to n m a d e p r e p a r a - m s to v is it h e r f a th e r in N e w r k . P a s s a g e w a s e n g a g e d o n t h e iH er, “ T h e P a t r i o t ,” fo r IpEia. h e r p h y s ic ia n , a n d h e r t h e lo v e ly w o m a n w a s it h t h e e .ip e s ta tio n o f D R . W . C . M A R T I N Gives special attention to diseases of uhe ICye, Ear, Nose a n l Throat. Sp-ctacles fitted by the aid of retino- dCopy. Teeth extracted by the paiu- less process. Oliice at residence in North MocksTille. DR. F. G- C H E E K : E Y E S P E C I A L I S T . O fiice o v e r J a c o b a ’ ClothinfiT S to re , W IN S T O N , N . C A Superl) Newspaper. t r i -w e e k l y t r i b u n e . ■ W H i E j a s r YOTT GO TO Winston, N.C .„ -CA LL O N - B H O W N . T h e .Jkw elfb. f h a v e a N ic e L in e o f W a tc h e r , fe w e lry a n d S ilv e r M 'a re , S p e c ia - lie s a u d E y e tJ la s s e s , e tc . P in * R e p a irin g d o n e w h ile y o n w a it a n d ■>illy in s u r e d f o r o n e y e a r . P r ic e a to s n i t t h e tim e s . Y onrs for business, BROWN. T he Jeveleb* 4 4 8 L ib e r ty S tr e e t. N »xt- d o o r to B o b e r t’s th e g ttD o ia n . P A T E N T f o r f r e e e i a m i n c u o i i ■ ECOi( m FATEI!TS?o‘e'!fi^‘;.?S.i • W ASHIKGTOM .C.C. S D O irT-iW A lT A MIXVTB. ^ooD Watches ABsoi,nTKi,Y free. W e w a n t y o u r n a m e fo r P A S T [M E , I bright, c le a n , illu n tra te d s to ry an d m m o ro u s p a p e r f o r th e fa m ily c irc le , ! > la rg e 'paffes, o n ly 75c a y e a r; 00 t r ia l 4 m o n th s, 10c. W e give a n ic k le -iiv.:.- w a tc h to e a c h su b sc rib e r, a a e a t medium-sized w a tc h , ^ a r a n t e e d f o r Ja-i y e a r. W ill k e e p tim e fo r m a n y ye irs a s a c c u r a te ly a s a tlOO w a ts h . A id f o r a little w o rk w e give G old w itc h e s . B ic y c le s, se w in p m a c h in e s, "} in s, e tc . S a m p le s a n d p a r tic u la r s fre e . S e n d u s y o u r a d d re ss to -d a y I f yo ti do n o m o re , a n d se e h o w e a sily yo I c a n g e t s o m e th in g n ic e y o u w a n t. '.V • w ill s u rp ris e y ou. P le a s e d o n ’t w a it a m in u te , se n d now . B e tte r en - 10 ie 5 s ta m p s fo r t r ia l su b sc rip tio n lu d p re s e n t, o r 28 s ta m p s fo r w a tc h .nd p a p e r w h ile th e w a tc h e s a r e e o ln g re e . T h e P A S T IM E P u b . C o m p a n y , ^ u is v ille , K v . M r . A y c o c k is a n id e a l le a d e r in s u c h a c o n te s t a s w e h a v e b e fo re u s t h i s y e a r .— C h a r lo tte N e w s . H a y h e a v e u fo rfo n tl, f a r t h i s is a d ir e p r o p h e c y ! O , B . A .y c o c k i t a p n b l i j s p e e c h a t H il G r e e n e » )o u n ty , o n F e b r u a r y 2 a th 1900, a n d p u b lis h e d iu t h e K a le ig P o s t o f M a rc h 1 , r e f e r r in g to t h d « t« r i^ n a tio u o f t h e d e m o c m tic e n ia c b io e t o r a l e u s e d t b e fo llo w n ig la n g u a g e :“ T h ^ a r e t h r e e w a y s; i n w h io h ----------------- V»> q u w t« , w e m ilv r a l e , b y fo rc e ,.b v if r a a d r o ' t h e h; ............................ ^ '’Olc QuIms fU ' ^ ^ propUBOU wy u*c * ■*P«alea vfhi .h *™e°dment in N orth Carolina) lim iting will J ’*** not be- r4ge and violating the oonsiitotidn ?0 B oaonot deny sc h 'Th _ m a id , a n r a d ia n tm e e t i n g ^ e r f a th e r w ith in th e 'u e .x t fiv e o ^ s i x d a y s . 'T h e P iitr io t' T rc m C h a rle s to n o u t in to th e in C h ris tm a s w e e k , a n d no c ,tig e o f h e r w a s e v e r a g a in , a n d i t is s n r m is e d - b u t n 't h ­is k n o w n a s t o h e r f a te , t h a t lo n d e re d o ff t b e c o a s t o f H a t- D a y a f te r d a y , a n d lo n g a f- J h o p e h a d b e e n a b a n c ’o m e d , m ig h t b e s e e n o n t h e B a tte r y •V Y o rk th e lo u e ly a n d u n b a p - le r, p e e r in g f a r d o v n th e i f h e w a s s c a n n in g tb e s e a ,il- O f b i t a g o n y A a r o n ,\e t h e w o rld h a t l i t t l e in:sb el tei te r th e : a t ? p yb a y fo r a B u r r iv ie w ; T b e N e w Y o r k T r i W e e k ly T r ib ­ u n e h a s s u p e rs e d e d a a d ta k e n th e p la c e o f th e fo ’-m er S e m i-W e e k ly T r ib u n e , a n d is a n o u tg ro w th o f t h e d e m a n d f o r m o re fre q u e n t is s u e s . I t is p r in te d o n M o n d a y , W e d n e s ­d a y a n d F r id a y . P r ic e 8 1 .5 0 . I n e ffe c t, T h e T r i W e e k ly T r ib ­ u n e is a fin e , fre s h e v e r y - o th e r - d a y n e w s p a p e r, e a c h is s u e o f w h io h a s g q o d -a s a d a ily o f th e s a m e d a te ,^ a i]^ in o n e n u m b e r o f w h ic h , e v e r y la r g e s p a c e w ill b e dev<A iad to th e p ic to r ia l, liie r a r y a n d h u m o ro u s f e a tu re s o f t b e I llu s . t r a te d S u p p le m e n t to t h e S u n d a y T r ib u n e .W e b e lie v e t h a t T h e T r i- W e e k ly w ill b e t h e b e s t s u b s titu te y e t fo u n d f o r a m e tro p o lita n , d a ily . I t h a s o n e m o re is s u e p e r w e e k th a n t h e o ld S e m i-W e e k ly , a n d c o s ts h a l f a d o lla r le s s a y e a r . /'W e a r e f r e q u e n tly a b le t o p r i n t w h ic h i£ s e n t, tovein* worm iw In this edition, -----had schooled hioseif in press before daylight, the oiuuial lit of never exltibiting bis war cable dispatobes of The Trib bat in one of his letters anetiom Europe, which are seot ihai he as it he tiom then about. 1 a. m. - - ----------- a • e c o r d * ' ” ’””' ^ ;P r e s e n t s ' ’.^y~ V- In felecting a Sewing Macliine, pick ont the one tb at rnna the lightest, lews the faeteet, makes the least noise is moEt darable. v ill not break the thread if ran backward, will not pnck- er tha lighteet fabtica, haa patent ■pool wire, autom atic tention release h«U bearing, etc. THE WHEELER & WiLSON possesses all the above points of en- periority over any other make. Costs nothing to examine onv. For Eale by B. J. BOW EN, W inston, N. C. K o d o l Dyspeps^ Cure Digests what you eat. Itartificlallj- digests thefood and aids Nature in-strengthening and recon­ structing the exhausted digestive or­ gans. It is the latest discovered digest- ant and tonie. N o other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in­stantly relieves and permanently cures nyspepsia, Indiwstion. Heartburn. Flatulence. Sour Stomach, N a u se i Sick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and all other resaltsofimperfectdigcstiooPnpared iy E. C. DeV/itt aco., Cljicaso C. C. S anford Free tuition. We fjive one or niore free sschol- OTships tQ every coanly ia the U. S. Wnteos. Will accept notes for tuitior or can deposit money in bani until po.sition is secured. Cat {are paid. Ko vacation. En- iPosiiions.,. Suarct>:taed Under reasonable condiiioKs.... Gsiveston, Tex., Texarkana, Tex. ter at am.-time. Open forboU: ^ c s. (fhsapboard. Send for fiee iilustrated catalogue. Address J. F. Dracghon, Pres’t, at cither place. D r a u s h o n ’s F ^ r a c t i c a l . B u s i n e s s iiashville, Tenn., d«Savannah, Ga., ^ lyookkee^ng, S!!orthend, Typew'iltin?, etc,tfhe most thor/}itfr>t, practical and progressive spools of the kind in the world, and the besi ones iu the South. Indotsod bybank- 'jTs, merdiant<;. ministers and oUtbrs. Four in bookkeepinz \rith cs ere equal to twdve weeks by the old plan. J. F. Dniughon, President, is author of Draughon's New System of Bockkeeping, “Doable Entry Made Easy.” Hotoe stody. Wc have prepared, for home stndy. books ou bookkeeping;, penmanship and shorthand. Write for pnce list “Home Study.” Extract. “Pnor. DaAUGHOX—I learned book- keepincat home from vourbook.«. \rhile bolding a posituin as niffht tefegraph operator.”—C E. Lepfingwell, Bookkeeper for Gerber Z. Wholesale Grocers. South Chicago. IlliMeKh'on this paper when uriiin^,) M.& W . RV. N ORFO LK & W B ST £R ir PCHEDDLE IN’ EFFECT Xov. 19 1000. WlnstoQ'Salem Division, daily exeeptHuaday P;M .A ,M . P.M .A .M , 4 45 8 00 Lv W inston Ar 9 50 9 00 5 23 8 43 “ W alnut Cove “ 9 05 8 18 6 53 9 18 M tdison “ 8 28 7 43 5 56 9 23 “ M ayodan “ 8 22 7 41 G 55 10 30 “ M artinsville “ 7 15 6 40 . . . . 110 Ar Boanoke Lv 4 35 . . . . 'WestcoanU. Leave lioaooke daily. 5.10 a. m. (Veetibaled Lim ited) for B rirstol and interm ediate points, and K coxville and Chattanooga, •U points Sonth and Weet. Pnllm an Sleepers to M emphis andNew Orleans. 4,23 p. m. for Blnefield, Focahonta?, Kenov, Colnmbne and Chicago, and all points w est Pnllm an Sleei>ers from Boanoke to Col- nmbns, also for Badfcrd, Bristol, Knoxville, Chattanooga and In­ term ediate points. Pallm an Sleeper Boanoke to K noxville. Korth and Eaat Bonnd leave Boaoolce Dally. 1.50p. m. for Peterebnrg, Kichmond and Norfolk. 1.52 p. m . for W ashiogton, Hagerfl- towo, Philadelphia and New York. 12.05a,m .for Bichmond and Norfolk, Pullm an Sleepers Boanoke to N or­ folk and L jnchbnrg to Bichmond. 12.05 a. m. (Vestibnled. Limited) for W ashington and New York Poll- m an Sleepers to W ashington, Phil adt^lphis|dnd New York via Lynchburg, Durham Dlvisoii—Daily Except Sunday. P.M .A .M . P.M . A.M. 4 45 7 00 Lv D nrham A r 9 15 9 35 6 07 8 1 0 ” Boxboro “ 7 48 8 16 6 37 8 45 “ D enniaton “ 7 15 7 45 6 55 9 12 Ar South Boston “ 6 55 7 25 . . . . 11 45 “ Lynchburg Lv 4 10 . . . . F ocall^dditional inform ation apply a t ticket office, or to M. F. BBAOO, W . B. B EV ILL, Trav. Pass. A gt Gen. Pass. A g t, Bovnoke, Va. fSKr cents for three month’s trial subscrlt>* Ion V Nashville, •fenn.ailclresseil D naaen, FliWleri, ( iibrruei, Kolhervi.-IjiK, bnitm ei, UDdluales, SwertliMrtii. leaclieri. Tney w coDsidned th;; brst work that Iiu ever cjjmelrom Gov. Taylor’s giited oeiu Ilis repi^ta- lion&s m vrrU^, Jmmenyt, orator^ aiid citlerla;i;e% iaiu iviite as the world ilselt . /U itm ifd 1 onU and A n la a scaiiiKiiilIily 18to *2 pages, devoted lo Fltmox, PocT- JT jJtovi^R IB »v Sl!A AND Laso, WiT J1N1 » ^ R , aooRAP,,,, ^AVEIJ, SCIINCS, anda « » a l infomation. Departments: K no^lcdgt Cox, S5l2 or hicyclc by doinn »i’ample copies free. Addres TlieToif '»»<A gel-.l..C o..‘>..I.Tlllc. Ie.D . F o lU o t t b . Look S kirt. In the course of a public discuasioi on women's dress at Berlin the othei day Prof. Rubner condemned the lonj •Iclrt as a frequent cause of accidenb u d as a promoter of neuralgic pains, which were brought on by constantly holding up the dress. Prof. Brock- mneller, the artist, while not denyln; the graoefulness in general of trains pointed out th at in any quick n^ove • n e n t the effect was the reverse ol grae.ful an d ' recommended ahor dresses, espectoUy at dances. -Mme .. M e t advocated the short sklrte be- 'cause it was unworthy of women to yield to a fashion which made the w earer a slave to her garm ents, and >^acause the short skirts made those wi6x -« re them look younger. In the end thb\ meeting resolved by a large m ajority'that long*walluiig dresses are ^rrecoDciliable w lth tli^ modem ac- ' qutranenta of hygiene, u K $ y of move- •. beauty. — L o b » s^ D tny TAR HEEL NOTES. I-t is verv likely tfliat Evangelist Pear­ son will hold a meeidng in the Presby­ terian church at Raleigfi aa jM^on as the new church building is flnlshed. He has Iwen invited to do so, but Ms reply haft oot yet been received. A civil engineer in the em ploy of the d:»uthem railw ay is ait Donnaha mak- Ing an estim ate for the Ixridge across the Yadkin river, for the benefit of pa­ trons ot the Southern living in Yadliln. The company may also build a bridge across Roaring river. iMr. Baker, a N orthern capitalist, has lust begun th e erection of a |20,000 lum ber and planing mdll and dry kiln 'at Folkstone, on the Ne.wbeme branch of the AUantic coast line. TCio estab- lisiunent will be locaited in a fine tlm - ber region and will employ 25 to 30 bands, besides the logging force. The “Forsyth Holler 'Mills,” of 'Win- *ton, capital stock $10,000, has been in­ corporated. Incorporators: 'W . A . iTy, R. J. Reynolds, A. E. Holton, . j . Cromer. J . F. Griffith, A. F. „.esick, J . J . Norman, V. P. Moir, and J . J . W allace. The ibusiness proposed is grinding and dealing In grain anil doing a general milling busineas. There arc eighty-five savings, state, tand private banks in N orth Carolina, [rhc returns a t the corporation commis- Bion show th a t tw enty new State banks Ihave been orgamlied during the past Wear, wiiijoh very near one-fourtlj of She entire number. Ot the State banks there are flfty-three; tw enty-three pri- vaie bamks; and nine savings banks, m aking a total of elghty-flve. An invaluable donation to the State m useub by R. F. Dalton is a copy of the fime-honored Davis Revival oi N orth Carolina in provincial times. II was published in 1774 and was ^ the property of Jam es H unter, the wisest and stauncihest friend of th e people in his day, and great-great-great grand- fafh«r of Neil fillington, and great- great grandfallier of R . F. Dalton, the donor. It will now rest safely beside other contemporaneous works, the per­ sonal property of. Jethro Sumner and GftJier revolutionary patriots. See it in tlie museum. How many old relics of your ancestors have been lost and de­ stroyed ?—GreensbCJro Record. The ofciier day a North Carolinian who has traveled ail over this country and a great deal in the old world, says the O harlctte Observer, made the re­ m ark that there was only one North Carolinian who was known the world over, and th a t was Dr. Gatling, the in­ ventor ot the rei'olving gun of that name. He swid he deplord this, that there was no gi-cai writer, or poet, or painter, or musician, or statesm an, or inventor, and added iihat there had never been one in all the State's his­ tory. The fact is th at N orth Caro­ linians axe singularly self-contained and easily 'satisded people. This is one of the Slates wuthout any city in the tiTie sense of ^hat word, and where the m ass of the rural population ds so great th at it domiinates the towns complete­ ly. The proportion of pet^le vpho trav­ el, as compared to the mass, is infinite­ ly small, yet it is to be doubted that fcheire can be found anywhere a people more sim ple in thedr bastes and inde­ pendent and hiomogeneous. X charter is granted bythe State t( the Oxford Cotton Mills. Cipital $125, 000, with leave to increase it to $500,- 000. The mills will .'both Kpin anc weave. J. O. Haiii, E . T . W hite. J. M. Cun’in and others are the stock­ holders. This is -the nineteenth mil! chartered this ye-xr. April 5th the com­ pany will organize. Gocd progress is being made in tin work ot constructing the N«use Rivei Cotton M ills, at the Falls of Neuse, 1! miles north of here. The buildint will -be en-iireiy of granite, ■w-hich it raised out of the quarry l>y derrick! and swung right into place in th< walls. The dam is also t>f granite. T is to i)e an 8,000 spindle mill. Articles of incorporation have been filed by the Charlotte W aste CMnpany. The incirporators are: Joseph W all- worth, Joseph F. W allw orth and Jas Wallwoi-th. T he business will consist of tihc m anufacturing of and dealing in cotiton mill w aste and ail other kinds of waste used In and a'oout oil mills and manufactories. The capital stock is $50,000, divided Into shares of $500 aach. Capt. Z. B. Vance, in chai'ge of ths recruiting in this State, says It is now very slow; so slow th a t in th e past ten days he h as not secured a man. This is 'because no enlistm ents ar« m ade for service beyond sea, and foi the abundance o t work and the increast of wages Jn the State. It cost Rowata coointy $6,000 to s'tamp oii-t the emiailpox. Secertary Lewis, •of the State board of health, says th a t h is report showi th a t smallpox -was in thirty counties during FeJbruary. There were many ?jises«t Jonesboro. It was the old storjr th a t it was chickenvox. Of course it was smallpox. The “Forsyth HWler Miiis," of w in . et<m. dajritkl sitock $10,000. Incorpora- tors: W. A. LenSly, R. J. 'Reynolte, A. E. aj>l'tc!n, S. F. O-omor. J. F. Giif- fltih, A. F. M<eestek, J. J. Norman, V. P. M oir and .1. J. W aEace. Tlie businesis proposed is grin'ding and dealing In grain and doing a g e n ia l milling busi- ■ne^. AJihenr-ille has -njadie a six ye^ar con­ tract for efeb-lc liglhits 4 t $72.50 per ligbt. «eir<ltioft»re they'have .paid $105 a year for each ligiht. -Vttorney Generail W a ter ^Jsoies the ^ a rlo tte Observer's repoiit th a t h« ™ iild euppwrt the Oon^atuitiWial am«fedment. He vPill stick to the 120,. 000 negroes. A Burlce eoun-ty farm er rectm dy eoU 20 'walmnt trees for $800 ao® t)he tree* ■were eidpoed to Genm»my. One of th«vi was 6 ifec^ across thie trunik and 70 Ifeeit ito th e ftrst Ikmb. The Meaodist will M i d a $6,000 building for Eipwoirth eohBoi a:t Bre- vaird. It is the first InduisSrlai -school bolbe>rbulit by tihe Me'l'hodts-ts In NOTith 0«)(«iVai a!wl t<i »uoceei«In.i finely. Elkin delegates to* tfes .SuriTr TOiroty ooniYlentiicm. w«re inis-rsWfed %or-C. B; A jw k for Govern'or, W. D. T urner '.Tor Ueutenanit Gove:n®r and R. D. <341m«r &>r A'tttoainey G enial. At Garner. W ake county, Thitraday night, Tom Janes, a negro preacher, murdered a waioic fam ily of five, and lien set fire to the house. H e Is in Jail a t -Raleigh, and the evidence agtdnst him is conclusive. - 'A'b Ak, a Boothhay, Me., fisiienmHl, claims to have the chortest waw 09 record. It i» not aUbrerlated; A H IG H W A Y M A N 'S N E R V E . Alone He Held Up the Passengers in Two Pullman Cars. jSoardeil a Fail Train Oat ol Omaha and Made the Train Hands Help Him ^T hlef G ot About «G00. Kansas Citv, Mo. (Special).—The fast train from Ocnaba on the Eaosas City, St. Joseph and Council BUifTs road was robbed nt Landou, just this bide of the State Hqo, by a lone hlgbnnyninn, who socurod about ♦GOO in cash, besides many watcUes and otlier valuables, from Ibo passengers iu the two Pnllman cars. H. G. Burt, Presi­ dent of tho Union PaciQc, was one of the passQOffors, and ho was robbed ot $50 and all Ills passes, numbering about fifty.The highwayman wore a black mask and carried a dark lantern. When tho train stopped at Landon ho poked a revolver Into the face of tho flagman on the rear platform of the last PuUmuu car and forced him to go ahead through the two cars, waking the passengers and giving them the order to baud over tbelr valuables.The porter iu the rear car was asleep. Out of twenty passengers in this car four­teen were robbed, and without exception they passed over their money and valu­ables promptly. When the second car was entered the porler was pressed into ser­vice and he aided the Jlagman in waking the passengers, while the Pullman con­ ductor took things philosophically and looked on. Just how much money was se­cured in this car Is not kuowu, for the car was detached at St. Joseph. The robber re- fused to take anythlug from the tralnmeo, pnviug thut they earued all they got. mYffARONPm Picturesque Battle With Oyster Poach­ ers in New York \Waters. t h e n e w s e p i t o m i z e d , BOOM OF GUNS CAUSED TERROR, New Votk Police Boat Patrol Euxazeil tUe Fleet—The Enemy Escapcd Into Neutral Waters—One Skipper ! ITbo Surrendered Salted Away Despib ! the Rales of W ar-N o CatoaltJef. Washlncton Items. Here is a conundrnm frequently asked a% dinner parties nowadays: “How was Ad­miral Dewey's naval rank reduced when he got married?” “He became Mrs. Dewey’s second mate.” A treaty providing for the settlement bj arNtratlon of claims of American citlzem against Nicaragua was signed at the State Department. It was shown in a House debute that the mails nro carrying “Sapho” at ono cent a pound, whereas Bibles pay eight cents. Secretary Boot announced that all appli­cations for Cape Nomo goid-dredging per­mits would be granted. The JQavy Department has flnnlly ac­ cepted tho tbirty-kDOt torpedo bout T. A. 31. Craven, built atB atb, Me. Represeniallve Hawley, of Texas, intro­ duced a joint resolution providing fortht transmission through tbo malls free ol New Yobk Citt (Special).—War lias been | declared upon New Jersey oyster pirates | ______ _____ by the sovereign State of New York, and: charge ot reading multer destined for sol the hills along Staten Island Sound u fow dlers in thePhillppinus, Cuba, Porto Bloo, Jays ago echoed again and again with the Guam and Hawaii, roar of the slx-pounder riiles ot tne police about ten minutes aud then tho robber or dered the bollrope pulled. The tralu stopped aud he speedily disappeared. Con­ ductor Mageo, who was iu the forward coaches, did not koow of the robbery until after it was over. Thoro were no womeniu the two Pullman cars. H. J. Petersou, ol NewBritaiD. Conn., gave up 8150. J. B.PuttoD, of New York City, lost $139 and n gold watch. Truest Urichs, representiog Steiaway & Co., gave up $55, but saved his watch and a fat roll. Others who were robbed refused to state the amounts. TRAMPS HANG A ^R W E R 'S BOY, [fouiid Suspended From a tieam in the Uarn and Kearljr Dead. Fall Biver, Mass. (Special).-.\bram Broaubent, a farmer living in Westport, about six miles from here, reported to tho pollco that two rufllans ransacked his house and nearly murdered his sou Will­ iam, ten vears old.In his absence the men came to the bouseflud demanded food. Tho lad ran into tho ; — ----------------- . i ,,barn and hid upon the bay. The tramps ! again lio once more found hiraself close followed, and seizing tho boy, tied his arms to his side, slipped a noose over his hiiad aud haoged him to a rafter.Ho was found by his elder brother uu- conscious and black in the face, hanglug to thfl beam, A doctor was called, an-.i after three hours’ work the boy was re­vived, but could tell only a fragmentnry Guam and Hawal Difficulty in protecting American mis * r 1-. t _ t * »i sionarles In the interior ot China bos beensteamer Patrol, which wore nimeil at tlio ; bvtUls Govemmoat. Tho United State* Invaders. The concussion struck terror to j gunboat Wheeling has gone toTaku. the hearts not only of the offenders them* • -------------- Oiir Adopted Islands. A complete nnanclal statement ot tbi Cuban Treasury, showed a total balance on February 28 of $2,044,754. Prominent New Yorkers are preparing to imlld two modern and palatial hotels la Havana for tho accommodation ot the many tourists who visit Cuba in the winter. Secretary of War Boot has authorized Governor-(3eueral Davis to give omploy­ment on public works to surplus labor la Porto Rico. Governor-General Wood, of Cuba, has issued au order providing for tho estab- llshmont of an insular treasury, possess­ing powers similar to those of National banks in this country. Captain Leary, Governor ot Guam, has Issued a proclamation abolishing slavery ontheiglaud. General Otis has beeu aatborized to per­mit Filipinos to enlist us members of the regimental b.inds in the Philippines. selves, but also to the crews of coal barges | and other peaceful merchantmen in the v l.; clnlty. : No blood was spilled, for the guns wnre ! loaded blank, and the enemy saved his '■ ships from capture through a twenty-flve- knot breeze, wbich bore thein to safety across the State line. The demonstration, , Ucwever, is believed to have beeu sufll-1 clently Impressive to avert all danger of a : prolonged conflict, such as has often been | waged iu Southern waters for the same : cause, aud often with loss of Ilte. r . r t w r d T k ? ^ e S r l d - oa.y I U » e S '^ S r - e “rL J’t o r v . ^ ‘t"^o,‘‘ZThe Wholo proceeding 0“*/ a«nrodatlona of a colonv ot nirato oyster good eoads notes, »»»»' I J} her ------------------------------J spy nas an uilv . ■ to prom ote th e sent.m entfM -good: to u , „a n y u n p l,^ „ r o a d s in nU uois, M iss H arber yet ^ claim s to have been very success- is as valSlbl,?'* •> o ^ m m e rd K * ie s in S r n t W s . : e Z r n t o g o ffic'rfii''' f o T a i f f i o X i u e x T C lig V a t the ' a C " , : ' ^ «an/»iftHou she represented was ' ^ ^ work n r u o t for Uard^ roads bu t for : ^ lo< V ioad9. T he average ferm er, she very fnnncl easily becam e frightened at the e\ery ten einiilovea by,,.nroDOsal for hard roads, for th a t m akes ; '’‘sWcti,. ' P. ^ nF m acadam , which wnnld tunate If one gives hiiw ' TH B P R O F E S S Io iT ^ Neceiury t» W .rf,,, Baiardoofc It i, . ‘ N .t I o « . ^ ■T^.atl.n, 1 U-ftvel8 and m issionary work ' ‘‘apy’' has an u»iv formation.a most thing that spies siiould „o, C to each other. Grwt care iip very occeajirr ibona-flde spies should haveiwl persons' soiie means of provCJ pelves really to be »liat th e ,^ themselves. For this p u rj,^ flf a certain date, a Bible of. __ depredations of a colony ot pirato oyster ; diggers from Keyport, who with their big ’ sloops have stolen hundreds ot thousands ' of oysters from New York waters, and in many places have well-nigh ruined tlie beds. Tho Governor communicated with the Police Department of this city, which bad already received Independent com­plaints, and Captain Elbert 0. Smith, who commands the municipal warship, received his sailing orders.As the Patrol rushed down tho bay even landsman could see, from the bustle them think of macadam, which would mean increased taxation. In a recent address Miss Harbei- said; “Onr sole aim at present is to make good soft , , ------- „ roads w hich in years to come w ill by offlc-ers that each furnish foundations for good hard im agine that he Vi the only tw ' roads. As an association we regard Ployed. It Is very nere...-.. ' our work as experim ental and educa­ tional. W e aim to have at each of our conventions m anufacturers and ma- chiues for constructing sam ple pieces of road, th a t farm ers may see in a practical dem onstration how a road ^edition, a testament with th. should be b n ilt to bo ofvalne to the of fifteenth leaf torn out arer com m unity. T he object lessons show !'.employed. By their mean,, liow a road should be built so th a t ' was employed in a neutral q,t 1 w ater will drain oil; how culverts ing his way to tlie heaHnoann should be constructed and arranged arm y In the field, could iw ia order properly to fulfill their m is- him self known to the inieiiii Sion, aud how roaliy inexpensive it is . partm ent there. In -ome ‘ to m ake good roads w hen the w ork is i ^ considered that a sim or - done intelligently and system atically. ' should be emploved as it .‘We do not intend to increase taxa- | promising. The pmiinR l l tion one penny, for we know th at tho right hand to the ear ani l ' 3 4,0 0 0,QOO annually expended by n il- nola is sufficieut to build good roads throaghout the S late. B at we do ask tb a ttb e farm ers will let the S tate dd the w ork, according to an approved on her decks and tbo fact that her two na- j construction of the steel pier and j val guns mounted forward and aft wore buildings tor tha coaling station in Pugo I uncovered, that sho was bound ou no or- I dinary errand. “ _________Captain Smith surprised tho pirates la t : the act. He headed his steamer for the , ’ biggest sloop of tho fleet, the Frances ! t Emma; but the captain got in his dredges | I aud made his c.9cape, giving an alarm to : the other boats. Captain Smith then tied \ up at the Tottenville wharf for au hour or 1 so, feeling confldent that the operatlouH i would bo resumed as soon as the Patrol | was believed to be out ot tho way. iHe was not mistaken, for, steaming out ■ It is stated that when the Americans j system , and not w ork ont tlieic poll went to Cuba there were from 100,000 to 1 x „ pretending to build good roads. 180,000 orphan children on tho Island. „ „ t m ean to do their Satislactory progress Is being made In -best so far as they know or have tho ability, b n t they have not the facili­ ties and oaunot do the w ork as it should -------------- ■ lie done. W e know th a t under the Iiomesiic. ! proper system a good ru ral road can Nearly tivohundrocl Fins drived Iti^^^ be m adefor less m oney than it nowa.lelphl.'i. Thoy declared their , fi'jelng from the cruelty of Bussla’s Czar. Tho transport Sumner sailed from New York City for tbo Philippines, having ou bjard more than a thousand cavairy. In­fantry and artiliory recruits, aud a large number of clviliaus. A lady In Philadelphia has given 950(H) to Broker T. V.'.tshiugton to add to the en­ dowment fund of the Tuskagea Normal and Industrial Institute. atTuskagee, A b. The uamo of tho donor has not been an- costs. W e w ant, if possible, to sea Ibe poll tax reduced to SI. bu t w ant tb e farm ers to pay th a t dollar into the S tate treasury, instead of w orking it out, as is now th e case, and wo expect to convince hiin th at it will bo to his advantage to do it.“ The State aud In terstate Good Boads Association, represented by M iss H ar- ber, em braces tw enty-tw o or m ore story of what had happened. The motive ot tho men is not known. The neighbor­ hood is greatly excited over the outrage. STRIKE BEGINS. IN CLEVELAND. .M»cUlnl«ta’ UoinautU For a Nine-Hour Uay Uean a Bitter Strncelc CLEVEi,i>*D, Ohio (Special).-Fifteen hundred machinists In flfty shops went ou a strike when their demand for a nine- hoar day with ten hours’ pay wns retusod. In four shops the demands wero granted, the employers in others declare they will not accede.President O’Connell of tho Machinists’ Union said:“ We are nghtlug hero in Cleveland for ,’in extra hour. If tho uioo-hour day is not granted by tbo employers of machinists ihrough the country by April 1, there will be a general strike involving 2000,000.”The Manufacturers’ Assooiatlon of Cleve­land, to which most of tbo men employing uiachlulsts belong, has decided to light the strikers to the end. upon the pirate fleet, his coming, progress : beiog shielded from their observation byt his keeping close lu to Segnln Point. Again ................ : tho Frances Emma started for New Jersey i ' ceived a profane answer, and then tho fore The Doir.ocrallc Governor of Kentucky | States, aud is th e outgrow th of a Stato. rlflo ot tho police steamer flred tho Ilrst • summoned troops to Frankfort to preserve | convention held iu M issouri in 1897,. shot. the peace durlug tho trial of tho prisoners | .700 delegates w ere present.I The men on the sloop wero seen to fell ; accused of being iojplicated In the killing WovKoi- nnri cW j flat on their faces as she turned on her i o£ Goebel. I heel, and one of her officers shouted • Irish opposition lo pro-Bcitish sentimentthrough a megaphone, “Don’t shoot, we’ll 1 1,as resulted iu tho dropping of tho Eng left ear. or some such gpgturtJ erally employed. The rcorcn the ramlflcaiions of the systeo J teV' are the Vham-es tor esrapiiJ tion. It is very npcePRap' thj! J of the intellig«»nce dppanmerj (bo provided with specially ■ paper, upon which letters tan'J ten in ink that does not beco®| until it ba.s been snbjecte<l - chemical process. It Is al.<^) J that a letter In ordinary inkfJ variably be written on the siJ containing the iuformarion i‘| retinired to keep secrei. Aiiif spy runs the sr**at risk of i J death if he is detPvted. y« is not without glory at timfs,;T certainly extremely lucrativ* surrender.” Tbe Patrol then flred an­other shot as sho was carried by tho sloop by her own momentum, but when she turned back the Frances Emma had reached Now Jersey water and was safe. The Patrol then chased the rest ot tho fleet away from the oyster beds, flrlng seven times more. There was no reply from the enemy, and as they hugged tho safe shore the Captain had to come home, “But,” Jn the words ol Mulligan, gunner, “ho threw a scare Into them.” llsh history from tho list of books for sup­plementary reading in Chicago public schools. N E W JERSEY LEGISLATURE. Henry Taylor, who h.ad been under treat­ment by a falth-curo doctor, was found lying dead In his homo at Havana, III. A paper was found pinned on his breast on which was written, “This man is not dead, but iu a trance.” B. W. Borden, of Momor, Toxas, a well- Ir.iown lawyer, shot and killed B.B. Scrog­gins, a merchant of Homer. Borden went I to Lufllu and surrendorad, i Charles Echo.les, of Now York City, who was convictod of assault and sontonced .to ; live years’ imprisonment in Georgia, paid .‘^iOOO due, his sentence having been coui- • muted. 1 Justice Fursman, of tbo Supremo Court 1 in Now York City, decided that the I “Sapho” caso should be removed to tbe A Itush of ISuBinesB in ISoth BrancLca Alarked the Closing Day. Tbextox, N. j . (Special).—Tbe 124th ses­ sion of the New Jersey Legislature came to a close Friday. A feverish activity marked, . » ,.i i ■ oupuu uuau aiiuuiu uw iuui^/»«7uthe proceedlngsof both branches, and with | Court ot General Sessions tortrlal by jury. NEGRO PREACHER M URDERS SIX, Kills Mother nnd Daaghter aud ISaritf Foar Other Children. Baleiou. N. C. (Special).—Tho Rev. Thomas Jones, a negro preacher, murdered Gila Jones aud her fourteen-year-old laughter, Ida, and burned alive four m ailer children by flrlng the house in - rrblch the family resided. Laura Jones, aged seven, andSid Jones, aged four years, escaped from the burning building. Tho srlmo occurred six miles from here near Iho village of Garner.Laura Jones, tbo seven-year-old girl, told of the visit to her home by Preacher Jones. With an aio hu crushed the head of tho mother and daughter. The six smaller children were left in tbe houso to perish lu tho flames. Jones was arrested at hU »iome, aud he is safe In jail here. fow exceptions pending bills were passed or defeated with hardly more than a mere comment. Senator McDermott rather surprised bis colleagues by introducing :i concurrent resolution in the Senate ou tho Boer war, and following It with a vigorous attack on the motives prompting tbe cooitinuanco of the war.On motion ot Senator Pitney tho motion was referred to the Committee on Federal Jtelations. Mr. McDermott and five othet Senators voted in the negativo.Both branches ^ad practloaliy flnlshed their work by 10 o’clock p. m. Tho mem­bers of the. Assembly presented a gold watch aud chain to Speaker Jones. Th( presentation was made by Assomblymai: Benny, the minority leader. A number ot other gifts were i>resented to ofllcers of tbo Assembly. Loud Postal Bin Deleated. After a spirited discussion exLendiug over three days the Loud bill relating to second-class mail matter was recommitted by tbo House ot Bepresentatlves at Wash­ ington to the Committee on Postofflces. Mr. Lond, after the vote was announced, said that this was the tlilrd time and oat, 80 far ns he was concerned. Tbe vote on tbo motion was US to 98, with 16 present and not voting. The failure of the bill dis­appointed Postmaster-General Smith as previous failures have disappointed sev­eral of his saccessors, all of whom report­ed from time to time in favor of some meas­ ure to check the wostetnlness of the sec­ond-class mall privilege abuses. Famous Fahlisliing House Auigus. D. Appleton & Co., for almost three- quarters of a century one of the leading book publishing firms In New^orkCIty, has been forced into the bands of a re­ceiver. The direct cause assigned for this unfortunate culmination of a long and suc­cessful career Is the Inability to meet ma­turing obligations. The llablUttes ot tho company ore about $1,000,000, ezclnslve of tbe capital stock of $2,000,000. The value of the assets !s not given In the papers presented to the court, bnt the last balance sheet, given out on February 1 last, shows the assets then were equal to the indebted- less. • Extensive Bepatrs on the Boston. The Navy Department at Washington has Issued orders lor repairs on the ornlser Boston, now atthe Uare Island NavyYardf tbeeost ol which will be about----------- T R O O P S PR EVEN T A LYNCHING. Colored Ueiperado Vudor Santeuco ul l>eath Uoastfl of KiUlus* Suffolk, Va. (Special).—Walter Cottou, a negro desperado under sentence to bo hanged in Portsmouth, Va., and tbe known assassin of a least four men, was capturod by Farmer W. H. Moore nnd a posse near Stony Creek, Va.The arrest Is the outcome ot several burglaries, followed by tho assassination ot Justice Saunders and Constable Wolton, who bad gone to the robbers’ rendezvous in a lonely wood to capture them. Cotton and a white accessory who had not told his name lie In jail at Emporia, Va., under the protection ol State militia, who wero ordered there from Richmond to prevent a lynehing.Cotton boasts thathe flred the shots that killed the two whlto men. Attempts wero made by infuriated citizens to stab and shoot Cotton before he was placed In jail. Cotton was sentenced to hang January 12, bnt he escaped jail December 26. M ias H arber and .six m en were ap­ pointed ft com m ittee to travel over tho oonutry and organize county associa­ tions. A t the end of one year, when the first interstate convention, a t­ tended by 2500 delegates, was held in St. Louis, aaventy-tw o counties had been organized, and as M iss H arber had organized sixty-six of th e total she was unanim ously choaeu general secretary aud organizer. The Moveiuent in New York. ■ Croveruor R oosevelt received at the Executive C ham ber over a hundred delegates from various parts of th e State, who w^ere in A lbany to attend the G onveutiou of B epresentatives oi County B oards of Supervisors to dis­ cuss highw ay im provem ent under the proposed operation of th e law s enacted for good roads. T he party was m ar­ shalled into tbe G overnor’s presence by S tate E ngineer Bond, who in tro ­ duced M r. Joseph Xi. L ee, of W est­ chester. Speaking for h is colleagues, Mr. L ee said they w anted an appro­ priation of $1,000,000 for good roads, and if th e L egislature refused to make such an appropriation, he believed tho Is the Itod.r a Ualtei;, I On rhc orca«ion of the to the city of Br-isseU by of the Institut*} for Physw’o? search, the doiior maiie tbe !< statements^. ' Oxidalion of : matter take? place in the h;^| know rhai v;heii lii? IkhIv lij muscles come in for someT')« cent of the lutal oxidatioLl process goes 0:1 in the glands, leading n? 10 Rive 3I portions of the ovKaair strrcj name of elecira-geni'' There is a sirailaiitv animal organism aa<l tbe (b| voltaic batt#*’-'’ SOUTHERN RAILWJ Conden«(>d Schfiti-’e of Passrapr'] lQE:Tm>tXyr.l3.ia, It is proposed to iucludu tbrae moro of tho Cl’ II War battleflelds In the National Mllitaiy Pork system-. Tho caso of James J. Wilson, Jr., seven years old, against tho Citizens’ Electric Il­ luminating Company In Brooklyn, was set­ tled by the payment of $7000 to tho plain­tiff. Tho boy had his right band disabled by taking hold of a live oleotrlc wire, Seven young men havo beeu arrested on a chargo of placing ciynamitu to blow up S.. Paul’s Methodist Church iiapids, Iowa. Maryland clorgymon ask supL bill that raises the mnrrlageabl womon from sixto.;u to olgbteen, and re- ; . . j . ■, . quires both parties, instead of one as now, jnsc an a rigui. to swear to the questions askod. ; T he G overnor, lu reply, said he was Frank Dinsmoro, who has been on irla 1 glad to m eet so m auy earnest cham- nt Lexington, Neb., charged with murder- { pious of th e good roads m ovem ent. j“o5aTgi;!l'ty‘‘a t.^ srte '‘S ^ i B e th o u g h t it unnecessary to asstxre The removal of a tttmor from the brain i of Mrs. F. G. Parker, ol Chicago, has re -.! tbeir cause. T his S tate m ust have stored her sight, after soven years, of total j good roads and we m ust im prove onr j V?i. .Vail- Nortbbaaud. No. Ti. Xn.23. Et I lUHi.y. Daii* Sul Lv. Atlant.%,CT! TS^h ISf(® U :|“ Atlanta,ET, 8c(J» 1 S;| “ Norcrosd .i B u f jtd . .. 1 :J;|GaincsTillf- lUi’sa ..3j|I.uia.. Cornelia... “ Mt. Airy. lu :.sa, 2 Up i'Jl| iiiss- 11 .HO aat Codar ‘party deserved to be driven from { Lv.Twiua?' 11 Vjo •power. He telieved that the Gov- j “ wninsier.; port for a 1 omor would espouse their cause, as • II S«nocj». . | vhi' >lo age ot I lie always had the causc of everything " SenocJ».. . I - ,.Central..... I G rp p n v ille ;tSpar'burg •• G a3?nc-T .. B lac k so u ri.’ “ K ings Mt.. ** G o ^iio c.o .. . •' (vT w rlotlt*.. Ar. Ort’n^boro FATAL E X PLOSION IN INDIANA. $)awuai11 Boiler Blow* Up, KlUinic Three Men and Ininrins Others, One Fatally. blindness. Maud S., the most noted trotting horse In tho world, died ut Sbultshnrst, the breeding farm and country restdeuoe ol John H. Shults, aNewYork man ol wealth, at Port Chester, N. Y. The City Council of Jackson, Miss., has adopted an ordinance lor compulsory vac- ^clnation and has appointed every physi­ cian in town to vaceInate^at40ih'«iittS''n head. -3;: j T bii Forelitrt*"’'’ '■ It Is reported from Lorenzo MarqueV^ that Protoria is prepared to stand a siege of two yoars. War between Great Britain nnd France may bo very remote, but there Is good rea- ! son to believe that tho British cabinet ; thinks it onongh ot a possibility .to give ; considerable thought to thesubjeot. Tbo London Times correspondent at Bloomfontein cables: *'Mr.' Kruger has Is­ sued a proclamation annexing tho Free State to the Transvaal. Mr. Steyn im- ; mediately issued n counter proclamation, j declaring the Free Stato Intact.” A dispute has arisen between France and Tw M d Feathers For Two« A mob took Louts Flgg and wife, alle geu religloof fanatics, from their beds at Gret* na, Neb., and treated them to a co at of tar and feathers. The mob, numbering about to forsake home, hnsbands and ehlldren and take up residence la the 7igg **HeaY6n.” Foot Ohildren Bomed 10 Death. On Wooster’s plantation In Houston County, Texas, four children of John Bor­ den were burned to death. Newsy Gleralnss. An important deposit ot good lignite has bee^ discovered in Bussia. Loavenwertb. Kan., is to have a new pub- lie library costing about $80,000. Tbe omUer Hew Orleans must undergo extensive repairs at an early day. TheFarmers’ National Congress wlll meat at Colorado Springs, Col., on August 31. A Century ExhlbUlon Is to be held la Soath Australia In Uaroh and April, 1901. Tbe head of Thomas H. Benton, ot Mls- sourt, will decorate tho new two per oent. bondB^or $1000. T&e oflHctals of the United Sutee Treas- FDapartment are overworked as a re- le t the operations of tho new enrrene; Mukcie, Ind. (Special).—The Jam es'; Morocco over certain African territory and Nlckum sawmill, six miles southwest ot I cruisers have been ordered to Muncie, was destroyed by an explosion. _ ® , , . “ 'Three men are dead, one more will die, • ^ Princess Stephanie and Countand three others were Injured. Lonyay wero married at Vienna, Austria;The dead are: Thomas Sullivan, a farmer; ■ the eourt chaplain officiating. Clifford Van Buskirk, eighteen, brother ot ' Baron Chrlstianl, the man who smashed the engineer, and Marlon Carey, a farmer. I President Loubet’s hat atthe Longsohamns Lon Van Buskirk, the engineer, had his ' raeen innt vAnr-ima KaAn ^------------------ — ----------------... , races last year, has beenskull crushed In dud both arms broken. ~ Tho explosion resulted from the water »L/L.ou-autu pump becoming broken when the boiler ' uounced hisnad on a full head ol steam. . . - - WIU Send India C om .^.*^ F. 0. Popenoe, proprietor and"*njftQnge,. ol the Dally Topeka, of Tope^^K an., said that his newspaper would endeavor to per­petuate the Bueldott Idea olHournallsm bvcollecting 1,000 000 btijttff^tTansafw rS uU°i‘irnt'‘s”o V n f.‘f “ 'M ” A Now Counterfeit SIO Note. Chief Wilkie of the S ^ret Service has received a new counterfeit^io note which was discovered in Scrantoni^enn It Is al. most identical with the c&mitertelt $10 note whloh was found last November in largo quantities. j^uvemoer in Don Carlos, the Spanish t^ te n d ^ h^~L appeared in court at L uco^tlU yrand ■ ^ ■qaig^-eitrzenahlD. He de- UiHled (hai he was an Austrolian.subject. Mexico htis accepted President McKin­ ley’s invitation to call a Pan-American Congress'and will ask all American reoub. lies to send representatives to the city ol Mexico—probably next winter. The report on the financial condition ot India showed that more than $15 000 ona would be needed-to cofpe with the condi- tlons caused by famine.- ; • ^^The Bank of England Is to be praottcaMy A “Jaok-the-BI] work near many. Activity in Busslan navat' clreles in fho Korean straits gives rlseto fe w of anearlv .outbreak of war in the East, ' ' k-the-Kipper" Is doing fiendish ar Ftankfort-K)n-th9-Maln,.- Qor, WInaton Ohnrehlll dlipotes the aisertlni, that the relief ot Ladysmith was due to Lord Boberts’s operations and waimly d ^ fends the.Natal army. ThM>liWueSab.idiuxVb HawaU. Only on? case of the plague has been found in Honolulu, Hawaii,,gince March 8 but all persons who lea^© Honolulu for 1 atin if ^ Colombia continues .......................................m t r ‘“da?? I Other ports must unde; quarantine. Imatjr WWi Greali Ih e United ^ t e s f session ratified tbe t. United States and Orea] thew tatei ot eltlie dielnthsothaE. It Tide tor Its extei ' «ltain BatUl.d. .te tn'exolnslve ity between the Britain reUtlv* to r onew natiyw ho amended to p ^ to deptntl«iMl«to(. Sir Frederick OarrlnKton’a mission onnced in Jjondon to be to BtODwlth Jte^o dtaloage ayitem, m iaannnt^ with mii«h ow«i«onT ^ -C M iiB tfiiS S p m ethods of com m unication, especially in the ru ral districts. T he G overnor said th a t he thought that, as a rule, the m em bers of the liegislature w ould respect th e w ishes of those whom they represented when th e people got thoso w ishes properly form ulated. H e, there­ fore, urged them to organize aud m ake tiiB strength aud sincerity of their ises apparent. W hen this is le, th e G overnor said, the difficulty of getting appropriations w ould end.' Tho G overnor said he thought the delegates w ere getting th e m ovem ent in good shape by such m eetings as the one they w ere now holding here, and Lt. Gtf'nsbrvrc Ar. Norfolk. Ar. DaiivxUe..11 -i^i' Ar. RIciiraond..ft'.Oii: Ar. Whington. • •• IB’niorer.E., .......1Ph’delphia. ........1“ New York.' ........ Soatbbound,,F>t.Ma No. S-i.. Or.ily Lv.N.Y..Pa.K. “ Ph’delphia. “ Baltlraore.. •* Woah'ton.- 1 32 158ti; 11 :sa Lv. Richnioiid..■ Lv. Danville....1 6icp: Lr. Norfolk... • Ar. Gre'nsbon :i:iTp ij-iT4-.4]|. t«! 4 :xjli 7 G; hisf. ■■8-21'.lOiTl n av^;5» U2afOli10 !5s .Vo.37.NV 750?: •65ip 10 11 cop B35? 6151 - he hoped the convention would bear ! liwf j?': Ar. Charlotte.., Wwr ,'7 ’Lv Gastonia.. : if “ K in p ’s M t..'. •, Jft 1 25 ». iJSfP; M fruit in practical results. The Good Boads Convention adopt­ ed a resolution that it va s the sense of the convention that there should be no amendment of the Higbie-Arm- strong bill this year. The delegates decided to ask the Legislature for an appropriation ot 3 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 , which is considered the amount necessary.tp be paid by the State for a proper inaug- ■iuration-of thework, A proposition in " VgiSJ favor ot the .employment of convicts j f{i“ rtcri r. io»' GaJney. Sparbarg Greenvilie Central. Seneca— W’minster Toccoa... - Mt. Airy.. Cornelia..Lu:a....... ,Gainesville, Bnford. - I NorcroBfS. ■ on the roads was approved. ExaniM®. Otto Dprner, Chairman of theL. A. W. Highway Improvement Commit­ tee, who is considered one of the best- informed good roads men ‘ in - this country, says: “We are hot obliged to go to Europe for illustrations ot good roads, for we have, fortunately, a few localities in onr Qwn country which furnish sach examples. Mecklenburg County, N..C., not long ago began the constrqctiou'of a system of mac­ adam roads. It was bustomar; there to load up two bales of cotton ou a wagon to be hauled by a mule team. Thp ujLules conld draw this load all ri^t. ■ After a rain, when the roads v & Q soft, the load was too mucU for oven-a pair, of tough mules. When the country had built a few roads it waa found .that the aame mules wero ■able to taui as much as twelve bales, 3or si;x to|i_s, in place of their former Ipad, wmch amounted to only a single ton. And more—tbe improved roads m^do it possible to- haul this load In wot and dry weather alike, for, being- properly built of stone, they were fit for use immediately after a heavy rMB.”------- - undeir <k>hi^c* B»tw «»a L u U g jj fA\SN a iuKx. Bun. No. 13. sr. DaUy. 8 lOp 8 34p8 50p 9B0p 11 OS a LT. 11 30 a,11 62 al ; B12 80pAr. main line trains. •*A” a. m, “F ’ P- » gSSvi^rio.v CABS JFirstclass tboroo^J iS J ik Washington .erveall meals ington Wbtt Fisxer Nallsl J*” . than it is no\^l !*'■ Irance of the f " ..pftaln signs andl L “ «lnpose<l to appear, trfutnrl- could be inter r l .;.ons. too. "aving 00 1 wer.. . rodited w 1. ti P „ red aud spoti.'d ual f «1 to h a v a hot tonipel f» d .•oK-'-'-'ll^ o to a melancholy IS ro w ..ails w e.0 su,.po K . i o n and a qua.''-;'*'! Ih ile ro.u..l shap.'d i)a.ls I |is..i."hiun n.ark» of ^v-1 W aud people of UberJ L n ro if''. narroT\- nimrtel L ,. folks wero suvi»osod L lallP. indolent people Ilosl Lost’ ot a SfU*!'*’ P tils . LaHor-Savin* DeJ .• Vl,. you lhe ...all \vl.o| liiosiiolisV' I -I ivoiilcl lilic 'o ask ll L a c e the word •.sai-rili.:,'/ J-»hat is pi'tih'il. I llr vi.u I" ha."' ''“'P lhank >•■'.'• *Jrlii you plon^^i' op< n J I ••Cyrfaiiil.v. . . • '' n,'^ II on''tl.'>' •'•'■‘I-’ ''-'’I -Vo?/’. I ■ilow t nriou.-! 1 rotildl i up s\t homo. I siippo.^I SourU ironbh' tn look tluj lictiotiury you \va Jlioui ,'vor'l. lOvi r .-:i» lo you-’ I“Not nt .ill. <J«»Lnl tl| Jrilnnu'. T.a>l year 4.700,000 rubiJ Jcrial wa? drc(ic;e<l out •! kuperior harbor. ■ r o m W a s I Hoyv a L ittle Boy w d I -W ashington. D. C. — “ l Iras about 16 m ouths okU Vith ^’faaii'w^lriQh. .was t j tcasles. Tu a few ' (laf welling on the left sidd nd it was derided to be I Las giveu m edical a tl out three w eeks w h el laid it was .sorofala .aq Jalve. Ho w anted to la| iu t I would uot let him i ^ving hiui m edicine fo | jiontbs w hen tho btiuch f llaces aud becam e a three doctors said it waq lach ordored a blood ieighbor told me of a cf| ik e our baby’s w hich llood’fl Sarsaparilla. T d l t to my boy nud ia a HhJ lealth im proved and hia ) nicely th a t I stopped g | [tediciue. The sore b ro l owever, w hereupon 1 a^f fcood’s Sarsaparilla and I pe has accom plished I jare.” Mr-s. XKTni: t.. N .E ., Tbe Boers ‘Aim ITf is Tho tostluicmy of I pondtfits at the fnm t tl avo :i knack of Inliini; <1 l»*Rs .iiid l.»\v»*r f:» ri| hio is luon;xhl sll Jromim*no<‘ ]>y 11 o onttinl Founds rocoivcd l»y riitll p n UojihMl by tho lifU l| eneral H art’s hrigadf*. Inly oight ro<-»»iv<Ml shril| Ithors iilt }»y p^y*six in tin* uppvr ol JI8 hi tho oxtriMtiil h^solntlon to know Mini were hnniiitlo in the. ■ei> ..Mninll. :md jhoro Vpiorr.hugo. ' So^'ihiii tl Ben totaily «lisnl)U'jr fujJ rovo to *b«* i'fimi>ur:iiiv«» actlce of tlio sJ tm low. nrt jloubt w ith! pkTng advantngo nf fhich are aornunirilih* f j the ..peculiar foop- 'O i * t M v e h e e n i t m m a n a t a x u a r l i m t t f f m r ; • « r f a m t / r a n rfeli I t I , P® I ^ « o n Mall- 1!^ ps an u»iv « k » n P l« S n t’'’^ o ;| r tim es s p i„ I « as valuable ■ ted. One Of lin g officers. In » p a n c e w rltea by 1 ^ 1 1 J a t a successful spv » T m ade much of \ ? H |o f spie. Is very a i J H not I ofBrers th at each = l h a t he ia the only ih ? /,! | l ‘ very n e c e ^ J Jl'* ! I s p l« should have a'b,»^ niM ns of pn,vlaj7 plly to be w hat they es. F or this p u rp o ^ ^ ^ in date, a Bible o f .? * > tesiam ent with the, Ith leaf torn out are g ~ J Ji- By their means a s ,^ lloyed m a neutral state ,* p a y to the headquarter,,,, I th e field, could thu,, ■ K now n to the intellit, ft there. In sopic ins p r c l th a t a sign or laaJ Je employed, as it ii |f ^ The puttinK up o(| p d to the ear and th«n J I or some such gesture 1,1 ^ p lo y e d . The more et ■ flc a tio n s o f the system tte ■he chances for escapinrj V is very necessary thato Jntelligence departmeai i Jd e d w ith specially p j ■ pon which letters i*| ftk th a t does not become< I haa been subjected lo , I) process. It is also ; Itter in ordinaiy ink stod 4 be written on the sam ^ ■ ng the information thitl > to keep secret. Is the great risk of im]| 1 he is detected, yet the« tith o u t gloiy at times, a I- extrem ely lucrative. J l» the Kody a Batter;. Ic occasion of the presei fcity of Brussels by ji. „ In stitu te for Physioiogit* I the donor made the fol Ints. •Oxidation of Itakes place in the bodjj iiat when tue body Ish* 1 tome in for some 70 orl the total oxidation, goes on in the rauEclti| I leading us to give to f ot the organic stn:cm )f electro-genic appL Is a similarity uetween i I organism aud the cell I Ib a tto ' ” ■■ J T H E R N R A IE W A l |a*«>d Schedule of PasssnfcrT In Effect JfoT. 19. 1829. oaad. Ko. 12. iDaijy. Vet. Xo.111 So. 3S.j Ex. ^ Daily . J Sun. j lat»,CT;bta.ET:l:roi8-.'frd ......1§csvillo iCliQ... . InvUIe I I ’burR I S u r g ; ■ocia. .{ Icvborc* :50a,8 £0a' 9 80e lOCSa' Iu isSa. 20 5Sai 11 ISa-11 ikiR11 5’io 12 :i!ni 12 S2p,1 40 p! 2 34 p, ZS7p4 »jr i5 ‘jSpi b2br. C30P' fl62p. IS com 4 83PII1 W|'i ewpli...... 1 5»p!i........; ra-pil2 7&3p;l2« p IB J 833p «Wpj '< isp " '5'22'f;"C Ihr . f- «Cp . S 18t>........I0 47p; " ■ns'borc •.......Tfoik.......... .■ille.- ! 11 11 ...... l.Pa,K . lelphia. liraore.. j toa. , FbtMa No. l i l i l 360a, 6 22a' 11 I8a ' Vt-a . . ! Daily., Tsopj-! essp!......' 8 2i;i"......10 <5p' . ; )! (iln.n « )p _ i5 y s soT’ n tliaii il supcrrtitioii was more uow. the shape .0 linvc reference to f"”'"' T„ l.-;iru me message rt's it 1V.1S necessary to- 1 ^1' "‘T . l and then to hold them L * ’' ’‘' ,,f„on..v. frnnsrai-ent sub- ««'’ .,>nlil I"' ilil<--n'l-'‘t«'‘'- iW ' liavni? I’ortiiiii kinds rtf “nJliii'il " ith Irf"'''"" .,„.i S‘H*-iriin f-il • ; ^ |,,,„,„.r. while pale, I'"'* 1 ,ii(-lau.h..ly teniperameiit. 'f""' 'Li|< <" '’‘‘'ray.W '"' I ,|iuirrcMnio nature,1 imils WIT.' the rtis- .rt Ul'l" ‘’fI niin.lcd niid obsti- ‘'"“""it W r .' ^iiMpcxi'd lo have small “•r^tVoK'nt pi.M'h^ 'l''>^hy >■>•»» ">>«l a p^il,'. nMirins cuturc broad Uiiis, • ■■__________ y.,11 IU'' I"''” ' \Mul ‘;aii ' for w.1.1.1 lik'' 111''''■’fl ■'•■>, nti.'ablc r.»„„i<,ii'<ilv“Hil,-cl. Jlay I irou- lu,'v,'m 1" I'ai"!I * 1 am a iriHc rlieuuiatic-IS .v"'! I"''""'' Iflu’’-''I •■(’(jrtKinIy- • Iflon’ili'* *'•>■!» *-ilow . ini'iii-: I , niil,l havc.huuletl II, .mji lioni'. I Mi|’I'"S'’, hut ii's so iBrh imil'l" thvou.ch the lug Idiciii'imr.' "Il''" .'"’I f'"'’ " “ t lilMiii :i ''■"I'''- iini''h <i'>lige(l I T*i TOil.*’I -Xoj ai ‘•■”■'1 ‘Issy.'-Cliicnko I Tribi'n-'. FA E M A lG M fflJ i * r > r > r > r » r » r w T ? ’W T « ' W T ^ ^ Cranberry ^Season Shortculnff. -Twenty years ago cranberries were practically tlie only spring fruit ana they sold way into April and M ay. The increased shipments of Sontheru vegetables have cut the selling period back two months. W h e n straw­ berries become seasouable cranberry sales fall right off. Fertilizcre For Swcut I’aJntoes. Tao Georgia Esperiment Station recommends the followiug amounts of \ fertilizer for each acre devoted to ; sweet potatoes: Acid phosphate 1000 poandsy muriate of potash 500 pounds, , cotton meal 1100 pounds, or a total of 2600 pounds. This has been tested quite extensively anJ the station recommends it with contidcnce. . AVliy. it's Kvconi- i?n‘i it!'-’ bM vi-ir 4.7W .000 onijic ynrds of ma- lifrial wa> <Iroils;r.I otU of the Duhith- ‘ I Supfr^-)r harhor. ^ . I From Washington Hoy/a Lilllc Boy W as S av sd . WasbiBgtoii. 1). C .” “ W h e u our boy Iwsabout U: nioulbs old he broke out ^ I<iik t'faaiiTlriL'b. thought to be , Ineasies. In a few .^ays he had'a I fiveiliug ou the left side of his neck I Aod it was deride*! to be mumps. H e Iv&s given medical attendance for Itbon: three weeks when the doctor 16&i(l it wa« swofrtla .and ordered a Isalre. He wanted to lance the sore, I bat 1 wonld do: let him and continued I giving him niediciue for about fonr I months when the bunch broke iu two lp!ice" aud hecariie a rnnuiug sore. I Three doctor.«; said it was scrofula aud leich ordered a blood medicine. A I neighbor lo!d me of h case somewhat I like oor baby’s which was cured by J Hood’s Sarsaparilla. I decided to give I ij lo niT i»oy and ia a short while his I hfftUh improved aud his neck healed I so LicelTthat I stopped giviug him the .*• I medicine. Tue sore broke out again, I birever, whereupan I again gave him^. ’ I Hood’s Sarsaparilla and its persistent jn53 has accorapiished a complete : I care.” Mrs. NiiiriE Cn\sE, -17 K- The Boers ‘Aim Low. Tt is th«‘ U'stiuiony of all the corre* ' l«pou>](*flis at ilic front that ibo Boers ■ I harp JI i<T«;jr‘K of iiitjin;; pur uieii almut ‘ lih« Ipps and Io\v.'*r luiri of the body, rriin f:ni i< i^ronjhi slartlingly into I l'n<miD«-n'‘<- Uy i!o cnnnioratloii of the I wojiHfis ir-cf.iv<',i iiy ofticors and I iiirn ir“atr.i hy jjjo tioUl hospitnl with I iipn«*ral Hfiri's i.rijrjido. O f tliP whole I'inly citriii iv.,.-iv»>.| sholl wounds: iljo I Mbprs w«*r«* liit l«y M:nisor hullcis. sev- li-nty-sis in ih«. wpp.T ♦•xdriniiy, aud 1 118 in !hf‘ pxrroinity. It 1« little ' TO know tluu wounds ' I 'wr** hnniHiif' in the oxironie." they ' I w«rn .>jujall. :ui«i limn.* xvas vr-i-y little ' I fevponhapo. So 'iiiin ili** nuiubrr of j tnpn toijiiiy di-nl»l*'d ■ fnay • in tlio ♦•nd I provfMo ii(> .•i,inj»araiivply. stunll.. The ■ I praf-Tic*; of till* fspHius lo i»i». to I IsimjAxv. no <l.ml»t with iho ohjoct of j Imkitjc ndvMMtaiTo of rirochp.t sljots, ' I aro a<-f()ntiialil4* for » good doal • |«f thp pfculiar ini>:.-hi{-f doue to our ! I trooir \ H a p p y Tranaplautini; Larue Trees. Very large trees can be successfully transplanted by beginning operations in the fall before the ground f ^ z e s . T he size of the tree is only limiwd to the po.wer aud convenience available to do the moving. The writer trans­ planted a larj^c elm tree in the follow­ ing manner: A circle with a radius of two feet was marked around the tree. Outside of this a ditch was dug about ■ >hrcDfeet deep, cuttiug all roots of course but iho top roots. This ditch was wide enough io allow a m an to get into aud work under the tree. A hole was then dug to rcceive the tree, I aud w hen the ball' froze solid the en- : tiro tree with earth was removed aud 1)1 Anted. W intering C«lcry. The Urge celery growers of Kalam a­ zoo, ^ ic h ., wiuter the celery iu Houses or frames constructed for the pur- poso. Selecting a piece of upland dry ground, the soil is excavated two fee: deep. A frama is theu set up which is six feet high at the ridge pole. T he roof is covered with boards twelve feet in length running from the peak of the roof to the ground surface. Enough windows are put in to give needed light. The sides of the house are banked up all around, aad coarse ritter or straw or hay is covered over the roof to keep out frost. These storage houses or cel­ lars are built twenty-four feet, wide and from fifty to 100 feet in Icugbh. A building lifty feet long will hold 60,00j heads of celery. The plants are dug while green, the roots left on,’ au l they are sot upright iu the cellars# as closely together ai they cafe'-be packed, and ia a few weeks iu these qu.irters they are well blanched, aud ready for marketing as desired. -Care oT P.nrio Stoc!(. Tho o,-iro of animals at the baias (in .1 sUefls will form no small part ol the work durm g the winter, and while a bay may assist at this, aud should do so to Icaru the business, a m an sbould always have an oversight of it, that bo may know that tUoy are iirop- erly fed au.l tliat they arc iu good IieiUb aiid thrifty. If one fails to oat its rations Dr is ailing iu any way, early..notice of tlio fact may reveal tha cause and suggest a remedy, while a few days’ neglect might 'cause the loss ot the aiiimsls, ' W e believe that from January until April two feed.? a .day, giviugeuongh morning and uiglit, is better than three feeds for auythiug cxesptiug working animals, and eveu for them, if the work is not severe and the days too long, and wa would not have auy feeding done after they liad lain down at night, if oue wonld foi’nisb feed and do tha wiiik for noth­ ing. But whatever system is adopted, it should be strictly carried out. Ksgular hours for feeding, Suii- day mornings as well a^ other day.s, is of the greatest importinoe, and regular hours of milking. W e ware never able to see advautase enougj in cooking food ot any kind to repay the cost of labor aud fuel. W e know that corrse, rough fodder is eaten np cleaner when cut aud steamed, but we doubt if the gain -is ..Bufificient even then, to repay the cost. — Farm , Tisld and Fireside. G001I Gate LatclicB. . The form rif the gate latch or fast­ ening is an important portion of a fence aud care should be exercised iu m akiug.. T he form shown iu Fig. 1 is very simple and efteetive. ,,T h e l.ateh, a, is ot hard, tough wood, eighteen inches iu leugtU, three-quarter inch tiiiek,.and 11 inches wide. Through the inner end a wooden pin holds it. W io m e n I w*o have bemn r^lavBtiot ifta liitu l ih o n s tm a tlo n b y | h d la E . P In k h a m > s V o g e - l^ la GompouHd,mreoaa~ I w H U a g g r a t e f u l \ y * ^ » 8 io M n s .P ln k h m m . ; he” s? of corn to laying O n r grandmothers went to the corn bin every day with tho dishpan.wUeU they generously filled and distributed without stmt lo the hens, and who will deny that at the end of each m onth the balance of oocounts at the wayside store was not in tlieir favor? ih e hens layed dnring the coldest tiays of winter, even though in many cases not the warmest houses were provided. I o n never then heard the cry of overfeeding; on .the contrary, every effort was made to keep the hens fat. They hustled and worked all day, never failing ia that moat Important task of laying. But now every time our liens cease to lay or get dum py, wc are promptly told that we are over­ feeding. There most certainly is reason in eveiything, and if our hens are con­ fined in yards wo must as ue.'ir as possible conform to nature’s wants. Still, there are more failures from lack of feed than there are from an cversupply. Corn should be one of the principal feeds for laying hens— just enough of other graibs to furnish an agreeable change being given, aud you can rest assured that if the hens do not lay the fault lies elsewhere. O f course during the warm months a less heating diet should take its placo, oats beiug' perhaps the cheapest and best of tho other grains.— Hom<? and Farm . •s The Plan of a Farm Granary, I have found the granary, the ground plau of which is illustrated herewith, most satisfactory for m y. own use, says H . B . Moore, in N ew England Homestead. It is 28 by 32 feet. The corncrib, 8 by 22 feet, oc­ cupies one side of the granary. This biu will hold about 1000 bushels of ear com . Next to thid is a driveway 10 by 32 feet. Three small bins are provided for meal feeds or grj^in if so desired; A n oat biu 10 by 12 feet will hold -enough for the ordinary farmers The cleauiug alley, G by 10 feet, is very essential in cleauiug seed .foi: spring uae. T he corner h/ay /O m 32' Corn Gin e XQZ' FLOOR PLAN OP GBAKABY. th ey m iss th e po in t . •• FREE TRADE A«GUMENT THAT IS WITHOUT FORCE. IN THE HEaST OP BRAZIU^ rtt 0 . s . s . WIlBliitsB Cralsea Cp A* Anaioa River. Eoormou, ProHi. and to n Price..in lb . j ^he ornlsc of the "W ilmington-’ 2,300----------------------—----- xne ciuiae oi luc nuuiiuniuu ^,ww i tillcs along the Amazon 1. the subject ihe article la Aln.le« e: “The dreary solitude and monotony )f the interm inable stretch of low )ankB and the knowledge that bbck of hese shores lay hundreds of miles of mexplored. alm ost Impenetrable for- i8t Rwampy. stagnant, fever-breeding ind pjstilenr, gave the Journey up the freat river a weird, mysterious tone. "Pasfling craft were few aud far be* .-ween. Now aud then rafts, or “hol­ las,' as they are locally termed, would be discerned near the aboro. These bolsas’ are peculiar to the Amazon, ind are lashed together w ith vines, The free traders are seizing upon the opportunity afforded by the bringing of ^ i t by Mr. Frick against the Carnegie ^ m p a n y and by the statements made by him iu respect to the enormous profits made by the company, to reit­ erate their old claim that the pro­ tection of American industries ia. a robbery of the American people in be­ half of American manufacturers. Just how they would figure it out to show that with the same degree of activity lu the trade and with the same rate cl wages the prices of iron and steel pro- | ” p„n“"thls platform is erected a duets would have been low er or the I thatched J com panies less ! equipped with b Z f ! ’vill em bark upon one of <meer craft, and drift with the pot appear. Amerieau mannfaeturers ; ^ ^^slrable place for set- re a c h e d . “Ab the ‘Wilmington* progressed it ,was noticed that the character of the vegetation changed somewhat. The forests grew more dense, and the lux­ uriant hues of the tropics were pro­ nounced. During the day the heat was oppressive. There w as a moist, humid touch to the atmosphere, aud in ever-present odor of decaying plants assailed the nostrils. Late In :ho afternoon, however. cooTIng rains nvarlably set In^ rendering the uight fomparatively pleasant. “About five hundred .miles from have exported ___________________________ aud Bteel products since the enact­ ment of the Dingley law. In foreign countries they have no advantages, either from a tariff or otherwise, over auy foreign mauufacturer of iron and steel. Yet it has been the American mauufaoturers who have, in large measure, controlled the foreign mar­ kets, who havo secured layge orders in face of their foreign competitors. If, as has been the case, American manufac­ turers have, iu open competition with all the world, secured the lion’s share of the orders, for irou aud steel products in other <|duntries, wh^^ I f.ira, at the A c t io n of the Tapajo.. " “ h th^^m ason, n town w a ,the assertion that the tariff has en- • ■ •w A n T « «r K M m t * f Special bells arc now being made for automobiles. They can be attached to the footboard and can be reached oy the foot of the operator. Dyeing is as simple as washing when you use PcTSiJi FiDiLiss r « s . Sold by all druggists. Physicians are in great demand in Brazil. They arc well paid, bnt Iheir li(e is a hard one, as they often have lo ride all day to reach a patient. EaacateTonr Bowel. W ith Cuearett. Candj Catliartlc. cure conntipation torerer. lOc, 35c. If C. C. O. fail, druggists refund money. G R E E N SB O R O , N.C.Forth* treatment of THE UQUOfl, QPWi, MRnWEirf W R IT E US FO B h » M . In Camden county. Ga., a saw atul grist mill gets its power from a water- wheel operated by the flow from arte­sian wells. For Whoopiog Cough, PIso’s Care is a suc­ cessful remedy.—M. r . Dieti 11.67 Throop Ave.. Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 4,1894. ViTALrrr low. Hebilltatel orexhsasted cured br Ur. Kline'd InvigoratiDg TodIc. Fuss $1 fflPfR i l E Raleifh, ef.C. Honumeiitsaid Headstoi^ All sized and prices, De« llvered a t your D epot same price as at Shop. W rite for C atalo p c; ttl*! bottt© for 8 -----------------------------Ld., (SI Aii^ St.,' Pbl adelpbia. Foundedeeks*treatment. Dr. Kline, - ig7L VlO-HE Mrp. Winflow’i PoothiDgSyrupforcbililren teethfnK. Foft**ns the tium;'. redticirif iiillam.i- Cion. allay, pain cores wind co’it- 25c a bottle. pi If foreign manufacturers .could not offer lower prices, or greater induce­ ments to foreign buyers, what reason is there to suppose that they would have done so in the case ot American buyers? The trntii of the matter is tha‘; the prosperity ot this country under onr restored system of protectioahas been so great that our iron and steel plants have been hard pnt to it to fill orders. They have been crowded with work to their utmost capacities. In such a state of affairs, it is inevitable that profits should be large. The tai'iff has been connected with these enormous profits in these respects only— viz.. reached which proved extrem ely iu leresting to the gnnboafs crew. Its name. Santarem , gave no evidence of Ihe fai't that if w as originall.v colon­ ized b.v -Americans. T hat was in 1800, Bud the passing of thirty-tiirec years lias removed all traces of the Yankee feftlers. It did not require this result nf an attem pt at .\nglo-Saxoti rolon- i/.atiou to prove to the •W ilmington's' people th at the tropics form no favor- fible home for their race. Despite the gorgeous panoram as of Haunting colors !n forest and sk}'. the evidences of na­ ture's most lavish hand in flowers and fruits and mineral wealth, .mrt a ili- matc eloquent ot perpetual rest and loice far nlente. not a solitar.v oflicer D e a fn e u c a n u o c B e C ured by local applicatiousL as they cannot reach Uie diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to core deafness, and that is by conetittJ- tional remedies. D.afnef^sis caused by an n> Samed condition of the mac&us limnifof the Eaj'tachian Tube. When this tuho is in­flamed yon have a nimbliug sonnd or imper­fect hearintc. and when it is ei.tirpiy closed Deafness i>> the result, and unless the inflam­mation can be taken ont and this tnbe re­sto re to its normal condition, hearine will bit destroyidforever. Nlnecascs ootof ten an: caused by. catarrh, which is nothing but an in- named <-ondition of the mucons surfaces.We will give One Hnndied Dollars for nnr case of Deafncs-4 (caused by catarrh) that can­not be cured l y Hall's Catarrh i.ure. Send i Co., Toledo, O. the best. l / r « D U l l ®h„,gs and in c ip ie n t iConsumpUonl Always _ .'reliable. It is splendid Tastes good. ZXtscsaresmalL ajc.Cough Syrup forchilSiM. Tastes goo H E A D A C H E •‘B oth m y w ife an d m yM lfbave been aelns CASCARETS and the.v arc the beet medicine we have erer had in the house. Last posfc^ are feet-high. The attic or upper llobr is used, for a storage way for farm tools, sacks, etc. These are hoisted by means of a trap door, rope aud .pulley. T h e small grain portion is sided first with shiplap and 'over this is placed No. 2 house siding. This adds to the strength of the building, keeps out beatiug i'aius and makes it almost impossible foi* mice to get into tho gifauary. T h e saiall graiu side w'ill hold about 2500 bushels. The allcy- ivay can be used for storing buggies or when needed can* be utilized for ear com . ' If desire(}, farm scales can be put ju tho alleyway and there will be no.', freezing down or rotting, as they are always under ; shelter. A stairway leads to .the’second story out of the cleaning Alley. Kuutiue^Dairy Work, lioutinc care qf dairy stock iu wiu­ ter is essential to success. A stated hour for'.feediug, another for milk­ ing, a thfrd for cleauiug the stable should bo observed punctually. N o has given to us an irou and steel in- i dustry, aud that it is the protective 1 tariff, as embodied in the Dingley i law, which has given to the country | such wonderful prosperity that our . iron aud steel niiUs have been over- crowded with work. For it is Ameri- i can prosperity w^hich is responsible ; for the large profits. It is the A m eri*! cau demand which keeps the mills.' running. Foreign orders are not e x :, tensive enough to keep our mills run­ ning though they do help to run up ' Ihe profits. • . ! JUGGLING WITH FIGURES. Expedients Resorted to by Iho Howlin;; Dervishes uf Free Trade. *' The circumstance that Lancaster County, Pcnnaylvauia, with an area of 1000 square miles, has a population of | 150,000 iuha^bitauts, has twenty-six,! »von harbored an inclination change hlH home land for this. “A t Santarem were seen several ty- lien! Amazon River steamer.*?. They n'ere of vnrious sizes, and looked not inlike the craft fam iliar to the Missis­ sippi. ■ The moro lU'eteutiouR wore so jonstructed as to furnish two decks >peu at the sidns, the upper devoted to Srst-class passenger and the lower re- itricted to those travelling second •lass. As (.‘atlle, mules aud freight arc ilso carried on the latter deck, it cau ?asily be understood that this location Is not entirely desiratile. There are 30 standing beds on board. hammo(*k3 seiug Invariably used. Tliese steamers jly to all parts of the great network •)L rivers form ing the Amazon system, ind are utilized in transporting rub* |)er.” . - ^ '*■**« I're sc rlp tlo n fo r C liilUnational bauks, w ith a capital stock of and Fever is a bottle of orovb's tistii.bssof CniixTOKic. It is simply iron and quinine la ft tasteless form. No cure—nopay. Prlt " week my wife was frantic w>th headache for twoaays. she tried someof yourCASCARETS. and they relieved the iMln in her head almost immediately. Wo both recommend Cascarets."CHAB. STBDEFOnD.PltUburg Safe & Deposit Co.. PltUburg. Pa. C A N D Y J m CATHARTIC ^ Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Cioo.i. Do Good, Never Slcten. Weaken.or Gripe. lOc. 2jC.50c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ...tUrtlBC R«»*dy l‘«a»aa7« Mo«tr»«l, Rcw 317 NO-TO-BAC B Tobacco BablU $3,650,000, and a note circulatiAU $1,087,430, while the States of North CaroliUa, South Carolina, G-eorgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas average only nineteen banks each, with $2,208,571 of capital and $596,171 of notes, is citcd to show the iniquity of the tariff as a means of im- pcverishineut for the South. O f course those who have watched closely tho. progress of the country since the Civil W a r will not be misled by such clap-trap, ,which impresses only the unthinking. As lias been de­ monstrated again aud again, no other : r i i r y s/stem cltu b ; ^ ^ to Beetion of tho country has made stjch pay. C o l /oon adjust themselves to Eri'ECTIVE faATE t.^TCH. . - th a m . U m lw m ym | 2 « i r e s f fa /iiA r / /m H o d B I t " " w o m a n w h o s u f ~ I < 6 6 t o e w # » o * r f . . »U I h o I lls • # I w o m a n r e s u A f r o m a o m m { " • • ‘• " e e m a m o f ih m M r s . g r e a t itie d l~ IJ!?* w m m u m I •v e r w A s /m f iig r p r i0^ . ■ J w w s e W w a o a m e M - I W e f r e e a M o e . Mt m u tr n . 13. - •. | “r § 2 , 5 ? t n m r n ' t f n w m in position. W h e n tho gate is closed the outer projecting end rests in a notch cat in th e post, as at s. All the plans shown admit oi the gate open­ ing either way it desii;ed. Iu Pig. -2, a swinging.latcli is used, which should be about the size ot that in Fig. 1. It ia suspended by a wire at e. Tw o wooden pins prevent it from being DETAlJiS OF THE LATCHES., m oved too far in either dilMtisc. The plan in Fig. 3 is quite similar to^the others, and is clearly shown. The latoh, o, is shown in nu enlarged form. ’.X noteli is cut in the lower side,which • Vests on a pin w hen the'gate is closed, the weigbt of the latch keeping it in- position. Next in importance to the hinges ot a gate are the. fastenings, which should invariaUT be. made of tho very best’ material.— Farm and H om e. ___________ C orn F o r f a j l n c n « n . It sometimes 'io.oks as...if certain hobbies were selected solely.’ for, the 'pnrpose. of provoking an argument, . and the old threadbire 'cry ot “ too m aoh corn" sejms to be the one ' am ong nil oUiertihati .like B u q n o ’s , j 0Bt. keeps oonitM itly-liobbing up.- oonditions;<^it . the conditions wrong, they go wrong, too. It will pay to get started right. If the cowa arc milk at 7 o’clock on week days aud 9 o’clock on Sundays, ted aud watered irregularly, tho stable cleaued whenever time permits, dairy luck will ily out ot the window. W here other farm, products are cheap, there isn’t a farmer: v/ho does hot need to keep hia dairy lack at ho-iua. O u win­ ter ,moruing.^ ■ cowa need attentiou early. Tlieir natural iiiclination is to go to feeding soon after daybreak. Set the milking time so that it will di­ vide the tweuty-four-hour day equally, ,as s k ill th,e.morning, six at night or 7 a. m . and 7 p. m.'re'spectivoly. B y uoj varying from this plan, the lacteal economy of tbo, cow will bo educated to regularity in milk secretion and ac­ cumulation, and. tho cow will yield more milk when milked regiilarly. ^ A s cleaning the stable befouls to aome extent the atmosphere, it had better be- done after milking rather than before. If done immediately be­ fore, a deodorant can be used on tho floor prior to beginning milking. Milk flavor is so delicate and fragile a thing that iu winter especially tne greatest care i? necessary to preserve it. Tho odoi' froni cows and tlieir surroundings summer time is-' not offensive to oven the most fastidious, bnt in wiu­ ter it takes a routine system of caro to preserve this cleanliness. Feed re^ilarly. I urge this not ,solely because the cowa appreciate if, but because they dem and it. W h e n a cow’b stomach is empty; her’.milk bag. lieeouies empty, too. While I believe in- lwavy feeding, yet a sinall quantity ot food given regularly will produce more milk tbsin heavy rations of the same character fed irregularly. While digestiou and rumination are going on there sfibuld be plenty of water ,in the cow’s sl'oaiach. .The animal’s own de­ sire will decide how large a quantity. It is necessary both for.the ussimila* tiou of food and to m ake lip the 87J per oent. of water “oontained in the milk. It must be remembered that cows'ire <Inmh,-,and that, oouBhed in stanchions, U197 cannot manifest their thirst by any sign. Their nee J i n this dirsctiou must be anticipated, not spasmodically, bnt as routine practice. If several hours . elapse wiUkpnt grati­ fication, ihe present need has passed. They m ay drink, but the milk ■flow has been ahirniikeu. Dairym en, this winter of ill others you ca'naot afford this'. ■ You. oannot afford to neglect aiiy Uttle detail, th^ obserrance of which would, add to your dairy -income.— E . S^ireJI. ,in A m ^ e a n ATjri- Newgale Prison Dcemci). The last execution at Newgate Pris­ on, the most .famous in the world, the theme of Thackeray and Diokens, Is to be torn down to make room for the new Central Criminal Court. New- irate has a right lo be famous. It was tirst built in 1086 by the Blslmp of London. A fter I>iok W hittington's ileath It w as rebuilt for the second lim«» and an effigy of WhIttiURton aud Ills ra t placed on top. It has since heen many tim es rebuilt, but never be* i'am e a desirable hom e Iteanty Is Blood Deep. Clcun hlood means a clean sl:in. No beauty without it. Cascarels, Candy Calliar tic clean your blood and ivoep it clean. b> South. That tho transition from the old order to tiio new, from slavery to free labor, should have been accom- panied by unfavorable factors was in­ evitable. But this Irausition also be* im •'— ............--'i • • — vr - 'cam ethelogicalprecursorofthechange i .tirri..gup^^^ from agriculture to ludnstrialism which j [jnjsi, pi.mples, boils, blotches, blackheads, is now going on. T he cotton-mill de- and that sickly bilious coinplc.\ioii b);_talcim! velopment iu different Southern States, and the establishment of iron works Caacarets,—beauty for ten tents. All drug- Ijists, satisfaction guaranteed, lOe, 25c, 50c. Deducting dubious ve.ssels. the com­ pleted battleships of England now num­ ber ^6 and those of Franco aud Kus- Dcn'tTobscoiSpilaiia Smst.tOjrMfc IwiT. To quit tobot-co easily and forever, be roa. netic. full of life, ncrre and vigor, talte No-To TJac. llie woDdcr-worUer. Ibat maltes weak men strons. All drae»lsts, Mo or «i. Cure snuriin- teed. Uooltlct and sample free. Address Sterlins Ilemedy Co. Cblcago or New Ycrk Xew coiitract.s with the United .States GovernineiU nilow .army .surgconi pay during authorized absences. in Alabama have beeu favored, if not entirely conditioned, by tho tariff. How, then, can a system of custom s dues be regarded as a discrim ination ,ja jg against auy iiarticular section? Protection sentiment is cropping ont iu all the Southern States which have been benefited by the erection of factories aud smelting works. Evi- denll.y. the people there have Jaban- doned tlio view that tariffs ara bane­ ful aud redound solely to the advan­ tage of the North. But the cry against tariffs as a means of raisicg the pric* of necessities to the poor is too catchy to.be abandoned by the howling der­ vishes of free trade.— Baltimor# Herald. ■________________________^ ](cn6on« F o r C onm ieitre,. It has grown to be almost prover-1 bial that a Presidential year is a bad ' year for business. In fact this has often been presented as a reason for lengthening the Presidential term. The jear lobo, however, bids fair to discount the proverbial claims. W h e r ­ ever statistics are gathered together the fact appears that tho year 1900 "has started ont with better business than did 1898 or 1899, wonderful as was the' showing made by each-bf those years. Every sign points to a bigger volume of business for the country than,ever befbro'. Husiiiess m en feel reasonably suro that the country will not consent to go back to the starva­ tion days ot Democratic tariff reform; they feel reasonably sure of the continnauce -of onr present.policy of ^ ,„g. ......... giving protection to American mdus- ; u t i,..Darj sim .i. .tew y .m . tries. ' Therefore'they have the con­ fidence to go ahead.. W ith protection as the established policy of the coun- ; try, with no possible danger ot its downfall, Presidential years, as well as all other years, will be years of national.prosperity. , TO Cur« » Cold in One 1>»J.Take Laxative Urono Qcinin* Tablkt*. All cirrg<i«'U refnucl the muMwy if it falls to cure. B. W . Q&OTX'a sisnature Is oa eack l>ex. SBc Business failures in Great Britam dur­ ing i8gg were 8,6oo, against 8.»95 m 1898. ___________________ To Caro Con»t!p»llon Vorever. ^...teCascarets Cau ■If C. C. C. fall 10 cure. O T T O N C u ltu re” the n a m e v a l u - illqstrat- p a m p h l e t w h i c h should be in the h ands of every planter w h o raises Cotton. T h e b o o k is sent F r e k . Send came and a<Jdrc^s lo GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New Yotic. R IIK O I \T1HM. P A IM \ U.VI K. LaG RIPPE^ C n O l'P .n 4 I OLDS. Or.'va!lm.>lher nwd ij. wbT BotTOU? I»'f the cr>at'«m i dtclne knoTTtu soiflpr •11 ilni(rKl*ts nnif g-neMl Mores. M»rte aOOSE GRKA6ELIN1UE.N1 CO.. GBKItH»)«o. 5. C. F O R 1 4 C E N T SWe wUb to eaiB tbU/ew SCKUprO ' new outoiBpra. and a o n e r ' I l*kg. City tJnrJeo Beet, Ito IPkB E:n»-r*ldCncnmb«tl6e" “ 'aCtomc .M«rhct-Ii«t»«c*.lte Jtsawberry .Viloa,. . Wo 1 •• IJDay Radi:*h,^ . lOe1 *• Esrlj Rip» C«bb«»«, lOe- 1 '• Earl* Dinner Onion, ICe Hi” Brilliant FlowerSeedi, 1^ Worth •1.00. for 14 e«Bt«. fEW AhoTBlO PkRf. Worth •1.00, w# Will •l»iopa. W« la»U#7oortr*d#.*na know when job once try s c r 's '•yoow ill avTcrdo witaovt.----,.„..PriM«on8»lrBTll»05^ « . eat e»rI«Mt'foiuato Giant oa eirtb. \JOHX A. MLZSa UBDiO., LA ( R08SZ, VU. LARGE njlnei. Write Surprtiw Min- li»ffCo.,E. Fj»»Vpga».X. M.,f«ir rlrrulnr.-*. ITTRN TIO N Is fftolliUted If jron mention n thl8paper\ThenwrltiaK«dvertlBen.So.l3 A HATURiL MAGNETIC OIL FROM TEXAS.DlicoTecod by H B JO.\BR Texas. InThe ii>o3t wunderful aUcoveryot the bao bbo m puuletotlic mpdlcal world RbeuniBtUm.BCQteMr- aljrils. spinal aff*>ctton8. ntUT Jolnta. «rjralp«l«B, pllM. cBtBrrb Ac. *c.. y i«ld to this Oil llkemurie and poatlTB- Jy cures In 8 to SO days. Sample c a n ^ v post paid. l.OOOteatimontals Itee.flOENT&WllllTED! T H E DRO A D R IV E R MED.CO.. Ageoti for K.C.* S.C..SEAToxaRZBKK.MKr..P.O.boxSo.l.Henrl6ttB,N.C. A Baoquat Underground. Lord Beauchamp, the governor of Kew South Wales, hai; had a novel ex­ perience. While on a visit to the col­ lieries of Newcastle he was entertained at a banciuet in a coal mine 300 feet below tha-suriace of tlic earth. In a chamber QO feet long.'1 5 'feet wide and 9 feet high. 70 guests sat down lo din­ ner. I ’he novel dining room shqwed no signs of what it had liecn, for electritf light.c, flags, evergreens and carpets had trrinsformcd ii into^ an elegant apai’tment. During 1898, 278,829 pounds of good Ivory were brought to the markets o! Zanzibar. ** W . L . D O U G L A S «3 &3 J O S H O E S ia 'l!!< LWorth $4 to $6 compared with other makes.- J by ovel*> 1,000,000 wearers. I 77if ffenuine have \V. L. t DousUs’ . name snd priccl stan>ped en bottom. I'ake^ no sobstitute claimed to be as jsopd. ■ Your Healer*^Fftntild keep them —if^ not, we will send a jriir^ on receii>t of p«ice ant 25c., extra for carriage. State krod of k size, and vk-idtli, plain or cap toe. Cat. tree.W. L OOUSLAa^OE CO:, Brockton, Han. f% ■ IM ■■ mm sH( ritKi) ouP AT ENT ?“;• S?'vlr« n t to pairntablllty. Send f> r “iiiventnn' t-timtr.” FRKK. II. .STEVRN.« A: CO..^8'a^..l6<>4. 811 14th WaahiiiKton, l>. C. Branches: CKirsRo, CleTeland and Detro t. ROOFIIMG MATERIALS. and Don-n Spont*. Tin Plates -)f aJl XlminoOld Style. Sandow Old Style. Tiixeil» Hea^j •d.Knil Lillian: all Unar»t.t.>«HJ.MMMO <fc €0.t M8. Calrert St., Balrixcuie. X ‘i. T,U.a«=-etsCa„4vC^^^^ Ruskin's sixty four books brought him in ?20,000 a year. No Medicine to!Cured by-AbsorptloalQ 80 days: If cot benefltted money r«(«ad«d. M o n e y i n C h i c k e n s For M e . la ctampft we aaod aI’AGK HOOK siTiBff the experlBBOK 01 sprocUcal Poultry Kataiir—noi aa amateur, boi a mau working tor dodarj sad cents—durinc .yearH. It ieaubes now tu Oeteo aud Coro Dtseaaes: Feed foriCi^i also for Katteninfi; which Fowlst9 jjBve lor SreeUing: ursryttaiog re­quisite for proituible i^ultnr rai^ log. lIUCfK. PUni.laililNU •"The holding up of P riuce H enry of P russia by Siam ese bandits, -who robbed him of $1,0 0 0 and a bicycle, ‘sets a bright JLight of adventure in the bow w i'idow of his experience. I tj sparkle in his history beyond all j h is naval exploits, ta d as a decorating ' m em ory is w orth th e m oney an d the vehicle. , MirwefiMdfflrth* BRAIN.NUtVES. maCIJES‘,- B u w i| £ g : ^entrficTreatment for all manner of M C R V O U S D IS E A S E S . ^ T .V 6«HOi.Ttm0V [TAM M EPIII6 CORRECT’ DI • y WG.I.RRWOOD^.^an « aioBio.Tffxas. ^ p r Write him for pampb et end partlcaUn. ■ n » jr. «,■. (§) T H E ■> H O U S E H O L D ':' A D V IS E H . OHr 2S c£iiTS.A 2(HhPA6£ at»STRATEO BOS>K OF JUFORMATiOM AMO RECIPESFOB THE FARMER ANa .fjtf FARMER S WIFE, ^And every other man and woman who ia desirous ofbent^tingfrom the e*- | perience ofthoae brainy and patient soulg toho havt* been exptmhentinif practicing the reetiUs of thote experiments, geitrraiirm after generation, to \ iQ; o&fatn th9 beaf knoieledge at io how cer^qin thitigs .can be aoeomplished, <tHtH} j all that valuable information is oQthered together inthis volume^ to besprtad ' broadc(utfor the beneJU of mankind at the popular price of ^ ^*........................ vrc i T.)elou;pneeitonlumatkvo»-^\i£/lltrea iso fa lm o siexery- , _ _ CEMTS # •th in g in th eiea yo fH o u » e^ \ m poar/tQEt t^lt^hvihtnnorm inbtm unbcrnf \ hold M a tte s, including STAHn. • thebooksbein^printedandfo{ii]\ R E C IP E S FOB F A U J L T USB,coverir.-^.atheComtnonComplaintM andffivinf;'■ the S im i^ut andm ott Approved iiethntiaof ireatm ent. jC O O EJlfa R EC E IP TS, ine& dlna aU M nOtof Plain an'J Fancy Dfshet for Breaks 1, II®most rational toau/rom birtt to the time thej are Oldenough to TaJte Care cfXTiemtelvee.DISEASES OF HORSE, COW^ SBXEP, HOG, DOO and POULTRY,v:Uh muft caeiouM Treatment,[^ •^ ^ O U S ^ C S J^ T S ,c o m p ru lt^ ^ n ^ you. can MphatteUcailij, ijvaing the\\ 'test and M w t Satisfying ^T^OO I f J7M E R 0U 8 to m enlion'^^; veritable Eousehold A dvi-w '. In an! em ergency tu ch as comes <o. every fa m ily.n o t containing a doctor^ thi* i booh iuroorthm any tim es Um low prioe. ISEHT POSTPAID FOR 25 CERTS IM STAMPS » ® BOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE. \\ Hotels in tha Tropics. Board and lodging arc very reasona­ ble in .some of the South Sea islands that pretend to be more or less civil­ ized. In Tahiti, for inj^ancc. you may have every accommodation the ii^land possesses, together .with meals that are the best the country aflfo’Ms. for the sum of $1.25 per ^eck. Tfiere arc other islands where you* can board for noth­ing, but you have no right* to “kick’* imder such circumstance.s and cannot consider your.«!elf a boarder. The number of persons buried in the temeteries of Rome is estimated at six juillions. M O N K YJ for. o l d : S O L D I E R S ! t’nioii sold jCTK'nnd widows of soldieri; who made ; homestead entries before JuneL«2.i'^74 <?f less than iiMjicres (no matter ifaatuidoncdor rehnqaished), ' iflhey have not »oW their addttio;ial liomeslead WTx - i>.r -^:4s ♦ - Ite D iG n e M ffd , moabtUI*, n. a. Hon. fc. Spencer Blackburn will i Misses Daisy and Slary T. rner The ®.......................................'spent several days in Mocksville water wU&» velocity, wmcn it the past week. «»ntinned at thesame rate would, Br E. H. MOBBIS. BorroK a»» Pcbushbk. Iferimco AT T»« POST OTFIC* *T y&iMVU.LE. N. C., AS SECOND CLASS a^CR, MAY 12th, 1**». MoeksnUa rro d u ee M arket. P»rra£tc4 by WilUasu k Andernu. ...... 30...... 80...... 40 . . . . . 75 ......... 8-15 . p er 1WSeat, per bu......... e it», p e r b u............. Pja'*, p e r b u ........Bacas per pound... Bac«B. W ertem.... Ham*......................... ■er*......................Butter............. .......Sprlmir CWckeM... speak here Monday April 2nd. Came otrt and h«air him on the imnes of.the day. Dr. F. G. Cheek, Eye Special, ist. will postpone his visit to Moekltville, from March 27th to April 3rd and 4th till noon. Call to see him at Hotel Davie. —Geo. C. McClainroch will be here during court weekjto repair watches, clocks and .iewlery, next door to the Davie Times in the Weant building. J. Lee Kurfees hasbet^n appoint­ ed post master at the new post office established at his place of bnsiness. He sent in his bond Monday. The amendment and election law will be ably di8cusse<l at the court house in Mocksville on Monday and 7 Tuesday April 2nd and 3rdv Come !2 out and hear the spee<!be8. Success to the B e c o e d . ■Lucy.' PUBLIC j,3PEAKlKG; The ffomf. Spencer Blackburn KOTICB TO StECCL TEACH ERi. 10 12* « 7a c u lOTB m mmw:s. The festive night ot the passed in and ont ev»ry tew gripp days. EarlyBose, Peerlesnand Burbank Potatoct at WillianiB A nd Anderson, Will Click of Cooleemee wns in town last week taking in the town. Fresh supply of fertilizers just received. Popnlar brands at jwp- nlar prices, C-all ami see u Born Bros. & Johnstoa. Our crates are being sold out only one chicken coop left. Thirty egg crates and three liicken roopt for sale, cheap, (.'all M Ike post office. Lioenfce to wed recently. W. D. Wood and Miss Crews of Ad­ vance.. Toa will find a good fire and ac •itemodatiag clerks at Williams & Andersoas. We have (tome nice apple and peach trees, come around and see them. For sale, an OdcU typewriter, •fceap, at the postoffice. —Mrs. J. M. Downnm returned from Kings Mountain Saturday. Old papen tor sale at 15 cents p ir hundred at the Bkcokd office. The New Hotel proiooters hope to open up about the middle of April. Call at Willlam'k A n d Anderion and -t#f thrir line white to<xiB and dress fodda etc. —Hany Charles of Jerusalem {•-•orking in the enctaving de partmrnt of the (umitnre factory. The only and orignal Stokes Kenson of Fork Church was in town Tuesday. Celebrated Owt Braad Fertilizers for cotton and tobacco. For sale bv 'WiUianu & Aodersnn. —Mr. C. A. Hartman of Farm ington called in to see ni last week and snbficribed to the B e o o k d . ^ —K*w goods the nicest aud bes >n. tcwBjust received, also irisb potatoes, and fresh garden seeds, at M'illiams & Andersous. Miss Lucy Garrett of Kings Mountain returned to school at this plaoe Monday. —Any one wishing to attend Dtanghons Bnsiness College at Kashville, Tenn., can save monev by writing to the Editor of the S bdokd before they go. 1 have on hand a nice lot of peach and apple trees I will sell cheap. Call aronnd and see them. E. H. Morris. Clerer aad Garden u e d at WilUains A n d ADdcTMB. —C. C. Tlloniiow former section master at this idsce, visited here Sondajr and Monday. —^Mlss Grace Stevenson who has teen visiting in town, left for her kome.ln Iredell county, Saturday. farmers hare had a bad time for sowing oati^ and there is little prospect for imporvemnt. Some littl* excitement in Mocks. Tllle over the small pox. Compnl sory racdnation is talked abont, Miss Annie P. Grant has now B^ng millinery. C:8ll on her she will give you the latest stjies and Hest prices. Ont fHend'D. L. Beavisof Cross Beads Chnrcfa Kads us in a check, «ich ftmdstheBixxiBDappreciates. Oor thanks. Dr. W, C. Martin has made ar- raiigements to open an office at Cooleemee. He will cot leave Mocksville at present. ■—Will Howard, flagman on the aonthero, ha* been off duty sever­ al dayt. on account of a bad boil on his Dec's. —Mr, Jackson of Coo)eemc« was iu town Batnrdny, s«yy the rain lias reUrded the wotk niwh •tthatphiee, —A Mr. Austin of Atlanta was in the county last week, in the in-1 terest of a bridge compauy. An | iron or steel bridge is talked of over Hunting creek near Calahaln. The Becord has purchased a new lot of material and is prepar­ ing for more aud better work. Give ns your aid in extending our circulation, we will appreciate it. That one hundred tliouKind dol­ lar reward fund in Kentucky, is likely to catch more than one inno­ cent man. It is to be hoped that the guilty ones will be cavght. I will hold public examination at the court house iu Mocksville April 12th and 13th for white teachers and 14th for colored teachers.Teachers will also observe that the next annual examination for life certificates will be held at the court house on the second Thurs­ day in July. Questions have been prepared by the State Board of ex- amiuersnpon thefollowingsubjects to wit: Arithmetic, Algebra, | This was in America. Geography, Physical Geography. Physiology, History Civil Govern­ ment, School law, English Cram­ mer, English Literature, Hemen-tary Botany, iElemeutaryiPsycholo-, gy and Elementary Physics. C. M. Sheets. Co. Stpt. eoablehiJ to encircle the whole earth in less- than fourteen days.' and S. J. Turner and other poom Mrs. Calvin Zim m erm an, Mllesbur g' aeitt BeD uW icatf qtenken Will *d- Pa.,8ays, “ A s a speedy cure for I coughs, colds, croup and sore throat dress the people in i -ti O n e Minute Cough Cure is unequaled, gt Mocksville, Monday and Tues- It is pleasant for children to take. I court week. (April 2nd and 3rd)- Will devide time with anyheartily recomm end It to mothers.” It is the only harmless rem edy that produces immediate results. It cures I Dj^jo^ratic speaker if desired; bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and | throat and lung diseases. It will March 2nd 1900. prevent consumption. C . C.;.Sanford. A mouse lately showed great presence of mind on falling into a dish of cream. It swam round and round violently until H was able to crawl out on the butter. TO OFTHE TAX PAYEKS DAVIE COUNTY. There still remains unp.viii on my tax books a considerable a- mount of taxes. 1 will be compel­ led to force the collecting of the same as the law directs unless paid in a few days.Mocksville N. C. March IGUi 1900. J. L. Sheek. Sheriff of Daviettounty M . B Smith, Butternut, M ich., lay;. D eW itt,s Little Early Risers are the M. D , KIMBBOUGH. C h a m . B e p . * x C o m m , o f D a v i e C o . Becord Agents. The following gentlemen are au­ thorized t» take subscriptiomt for the B e c o r d : , , M. W. Mackie, Yadkinville, N.verybest pills I ever used for costive- Reavis, Cross Roads F r a n k C . B r o w n , W holesale and BeteU Dealer in G E W E I ^ A L M E U C I I A N O I S E . B est SUte. bowel troubles.”ness, liver and C. C- ‘Sanford. Ticket No. 456 gets T h e R e c ­ o r d ’s prize gun. Anyont holding this ticket can, by presenting it to I the Editor, get the gun. All those holdiug tickets will please take care of them, as there are four other prizes yet to be awarded. Save your tickets until all the prizes are awarded. Advance Items. ' — Joseph M»<?lamroch who lives near town tells ns that he hasj bandied 440 mink skins aud 160001 rabbit skins, and others, in proper- j tion. Joe is a hustler iu the fur i jir. Clarauce E. Faircloth made line. I a trip lo Winston Salem Saturday With this issue we complete our first volume 52 numbers. All papers having a X mark on them indicates that your snbscriptiou has expired for the year. Wc hope all will renew. —The furniture factory began manufacturing furniture last week. Everything is moving along smooth - ly. They are only making bed­ room suits at present, later on we hear they will make roller desks. Success to the new enterprise. Save money by buying goods of Mrs. W. A. GriSin. I have jusi returned from Baltimore with a full line of spring and summer mil­ linery all of the latest styles. The largest stock ever brought to Mock­ sville, hats from 15 cents to $5,00. —Chas. W. Fisher Esq., United States Post OiSce Inspector was in town last Friday and Saturday. He niatle a close and careful in- spee:ion of every department ol the Mocksville post office. The editor who is post master at this place, very much regrets that he cannot give the result of the invest igation entire to the public. The Becoed is at- all time? ready to give its assistance to any and ail good work for the material gosKi aud advancement of the town. We have DO official notice of the ac i n; of the town authorities with refer ence to the small pox. therefore we shall not attempt to give informa>- tion abont something we do uot know. We believe the Lond bill defeated in Congress last week would have beeu best for the people at large. While it would have Jiurt su!nt- publlshers, yet we believe it would have done much good in riddiug the country of so much trashy lit- eratv.reand it would have made the post office department self sns-- tainiiig. Try again Mr. Loud, here is one editor not against your bill, —luTitations ere ont annonncing the niarria^ of Miss Julia Farrior of Kenansville North Carolina to Mr. T. F. Sanford of this 'place, Wednesday April 4th, Miss Far­ rior is an accomplished young lady and is well .Known in Mocksville where she taught music and art in the Misses Eaton and Clements school. Mr. T. F. Sanford is a son of C. C. Sanford of this plaoe and bai* a host of friends who ex­ tend their best wishes and hear- test coDgmtulations. Blay their lives be long, peaceful aud happy. Church. W. G. Patterson, East Bend. 0. B. Reavis, Footeville Ben Shore, Grant. S. F. Shore Shore. J. C. Pinnix, Marler. A P. Woodrufl, Boonville. JericoNews Kotee. The faimem in this section have not sown many oats on account of so much rain. Mr. David Davaiilt of Kappa visited J. Lee Kui-fees one dav last week. Miss Knk Jones has retnrne-3 to her home near Bailey. Mr. Pascal Roberts was in this vicnity Saturday. Tom Hendrix and Fred Booe of Ephesus were in onr “berg” Sun­day. Hiss Alice Plrather has retnnied to her heme near Kappa, af*er spending several days with her brother at this place. Mrs. Belle Moore of Alpha visit­ ed her fotherD. C. Willson Sun­day. At the home of C. F. Sheek on last Thursday night Will D. Wood and Miss.Jennie Crews were united 'u matrimony, Eev. Henry Sheet< officiated, a long and happy life to the new married couple. Thomas O. Baity and T. S. Potts entered school at this place Mon­ day. The boys at Mocki school house chaleuged the boys at Advance for a game of baseball which the latter accepted :uid the result was the Hock boys beat our boys too bad. The game waaS played last Satur­ day. Mrs. Frank Cooper from Coolee« •nee is visiting friends and rel; tves at this pla^e. Mis Co . t !Uiid sne likes the people arouuu Cooleemee very much. E. Frost of Cana was in town Saturday aud Sunday. Rev. Henry Sheets preached in the Baptist church Sunday morn­ ing, the weather was so bad the crowd was small. Yesterday was a rainy day and -limmie hadto stay at home, poor ■ellow I sympathize with him be- 'ianse s^me of us have been aloug the same road^ B. B. Bailey has the finest young horse in the township and lon’t hardly think it can be beat. Slick. R e ” . W . E . Sitzer, W . C anton’ N . Y writes, “ I bad dyspepsia over twent years, and tried doctors and medicne without benefit. I was persuaded to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it help­ ed m e from the start. I believe it to be a p anacea for all forms of indiges tion” It digests w hat you eat. C . C. Sanford. From a Silver State Colorado has developed into a Gold State. With in a few many great gold tiorders has made this change. Colorado’s production of the val­ uable yellow metal is enormous and times there are very prosper- • w . Arrival u d Deptrtort of Ttaini: SOU T H B O U N D — Daily except Sunday, L eave Mocksville.................... 1=9? P “ Leave Mocksville.................... 6:00 p m North Bound. L eave Mocksville.................... L eave Mocksville....................Il :o 0 a m COMPLFTE LINW OF DBY GOOD8. Stock of Shoes m the HBADQUABTERa FOB GROCERI£8. IK OTHBB WORDS I HAVE A COMPLETB LIXB Or GiaiEBAL MKBCHANDISB. ■ -1 Will be glad to have you sail. recn Trnly, y i4 A N K c B aow j?, Comer Fourth and Main Streeia,WIKSiTON, S. 0. A Library in two books,— It has been said that the Bible and Web- sters international Dictionary con­ stitute a good library; and while thp seems to de a strong statement it is in a great degree true fo these two books constitute a source of know- edge that no single intellect can ex h^ust in a life time and a fountain- head from which ail can drinkand daily grow wisar anb better. A t any rate these books forms the best foun- years the discovery of; dation for every Ubrary a n d i n r p d -1"- tnii cbaDge. each in its sphere the one that the heart and life may* not offend A^aiustGod and the other that the tongue and Ipen -may not offend a- ^ i n s t m an. R. B. CRAWFORD & CO., HARDW ARE DEALE^I Winston, N. C. Orr, N ew ark, O ., says,‘' W never feel safe without O n e Minute Cough Cure in hi^ house. It saved my little boy’s life when he had the pziju- monia. W e think it is the best medi­ cine m ade.” It cures coutfhs and all iuuff diseases. .Pleasant to take, harmless and gives immediate results. C C.Srnford. The skins of animals were earliest forms ot money. the Footville Qulbblings. Our Community was honored vesterday with the presence of rev­ enue oIHcers. J. S. McClamroch, of Davie, a dealer in crude furs, spent Friday uight with Mr. C. B Beavis. Mr. Wm. Blalock, a very aged citizen who lived near Holly Springs church, Iredell county, died recently- W. H. Steelman, of Davie coun­ ty disposed of his personal elTects at public sale on the 22nd lost, preparfory to taking his departure for Indiana on Monday morning next. M. Business Notice^i ICiaCora Aostin of I h « eondn^M]^ Mrs. Harriet Evans Hinsdale, 111 writes, “ I never failed to relieve my children from croup at once by useing On e Minute Cough Cure, 1 would not feel safe without i t .” Quickly cure coughs colds , grippe and all th ro a andlunS diseases. C. C . saaford Health, wealth and happiness will come to those who keep the mind iu good condition. It is the mind that makes the body rich. T js e c a r e th i original witch haze salve, ask for D e W itt s W itch Haze Salve, well known as a certain cure for piles and skin diseases. Bew are of worthless counterfeit, they are dangerous.. C . 0 . Sanford. Dov’t foraet The Be<x)kd’b free gift offers: A No. 20 Carolina t w k Stote, aSet of Furniture (3 ' a Good Sewing Machine, a ‘ nooga ( hilled Plow, a n d a Kem ingum Breeeh-loading Shotgun. One dollar W®scription and two ticketa; 50 cents six months and one ticket. , AcJcerman,Coshen,Ind., says icurem yhadache This la to certify that I opened the envelope containing G u n Prize Ticket and found that N u m b e r 4 5 0 drew the gun. P. M . J O H N S O N . Tobacco was legal tender in col­ onial days. Kodol “ I used Dyspepsia Cure in my iauiily with wouiiertal results' l£ Ijives immediate reliei, is pleasant to -ake and is truly the aysptpi-ic's best : 1 . , : I . . 1 C Overisc --.Ich. Digests what you eat. Cannof f ;l *0 care. c . C. bauford XailS'were used as a coin in Scot­ land. —TictetJJo. 4.16 gels the gun. No one up to this time lias brought iu the ticket. Come on bel'ure all the tickets are goceand get the Kecokd ior six months for 50 cents. There are four other free gifts besides ilie gun. Some one will get a nice free gift for the price of the UECo'iti) for six mouths. Dr. M. D. Kimbrough, Ph y s i c i a n a n d Su e o e o n. Oface, First door South of Hotel Davie, M O C K S V I L L E , N . C. Judge Hunt’s Consumption >ad Bronchia Care. It surpasses all other remedies known for Consumption. Bronchitis. Croup and Diaordcied Liver. It cures when all else fails! If your druifginl does not ket^ it, send direct to .ludg«; George E . Hunt, Lexington, N . C. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by C . C. Sanford. National Hotel, REFURNISEED. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. RATES, $1.00 PEB DAY. J. H. Rambet, Prop’r. Kiij ii. MliniJI, K. C G. T. GLASCOCK & SONS, G R E I J J i a j O . N C . iFOUHdEBS MACHINISTS. Manufacturers of Turbine Water’-^VTieels, The CAROLINA COOK STOVE, Heating ree, Coal Gmtw, Conntry HoUow Ware Plows, Plow Oaklings and Cotters. SPECTAL CASHNOS F ANTf\pBSCBIPTION. »eS- >ry Article Manofactnred^y Us Gnarameed in Every Respect. H. HOBBIS, Agent. at MOCKS^tLLK N. C. VY CALF ime and see ns. H E K - Who want LINED. SHOB8 LADIES__ WTio want StLISH, COM- ITOTABLE SHOES idon’t ntiss ooi Store. \ CHXIDEEIT— VWho are tongh od solesshon try a Pair of oar SCO K)L 8HO —they will iggt. Old Ladier^ With Tender '1 I s i p i o r .................. lio n and A»vU. -The R i^ t Place to Bay Your- Cook StoT^ Guns i Faiminf Iipleiei ' A I'lg f-s F if th S t.. W I N . ' ) f O N '• Want V . r and will Styles 1,-f Lvil-Boom Sets, O . . i i'crts, si.ands, Lounges, Con ;. * • ................... le I'oiiiic in an U p To Dale FUKNITU iit: 30MS HEW ana BSADTffUL DEEIdSS is CISHSS, i-' ViV; als.. have : i Bcautihil Line o! Pictiiic-j aiiU The New England and Needha»t '.i -*’;'! Heliable Estey Orcr.ins and the (> ;>: sold by u'. -and n“^d no recommeui!a*ion, M lilt.'’ W'll Kuuwn. All G oods lO ld io r C ash Ok' Come to onr pl-<ics and if yon are not trer;te-l rij^i no more, but if we treat you right, call ag-.iis-. ORGANS FEOM S25.00 XTF. PIANOS FROm SlSO PP. I CALL BROTHERS M annfactnrers’ Agents, :W13I8TON. . . K . C. Branch House: M ABTIN8V IL L E , V A . C»B Uwayi Giw Lowest Pric* On EvtiythincQia Ow Lim. J . E . C A R T L A N D , — SUCCE8S0B TO----- H. H. Cartlacd, ( i i i : i - - • V ( a 9 * A E m X U N E O F C I X m i E S A N D C A 8IM E K 9 A’' O K B A M > . ______P a ir irf o n c f i Q i x x , f . K B & C I . A B S H O E B I O B K B O W i F ill Corpi » t the B t i t E zp ir s a t t < W erknaa- ‘W rite for B aa^Iw and M a tB u t Blank*. flaltafaotloB V O L 2- Tie Darte pt7gI,t9HCI> EVERY B . H . M O B B I S TBKMS C f 3Ve 0 » e copy, O n e Y ear, One copj. Six Montbs,J One copy. Three M o n t MOCKSTIU.*, H .C ., BiCPUBLICAH For President | -V m ilA M Me O F O H IO ,! For Vice-PresI JE T E R C .P R IT f O F N O R T H CAH For GovemI JAM ES E .: O F O U IL F O K For Congress, 7th I W ILLIAM A.OF SJlVIe J iTbe Ameii( Poll Tax |K<iitor of the Gazette; If I’m designed pooJ Stave. I By satnre’s law desu T<‘hy was an Indepeude I E’er p'aci^ ir my rr ttf not, why am I subje, His cruelty or scurnb Or why has man the wil To make his fellow i . Were it not for the b, l^iiiences pw^ible iu| Vith the prutKised cc (^'■endmaut it would be. U"le the puerile ara-nmJ ‘ • by its advocates in [ Jl:e proposition embol t'fc.'iigrnar* provisionsJ M coutempl,-ited oi.f • .-XHigs one is sotneliTril liy amuiWKl to «ote tlsul Ihii'h th« cosispin iol llnian liberty i.T .'''orl Jicfotced to rei..rt for!/ |efenceof the wicked] I the (Ualiolical measuX / the kind was the e | l >ruiuj.' Biileigh Poet of > teto parry the sle lj (ong of Senator Pritchl 1 the Unitea Stales 8ei| I the oppresi^ive twll , wnleniLing that a I • i;ot tMiy hii poi) ta J re iu the ucii jol fuuT I tulie time to exaniiil I fed amendment you i 1 into the irresista;>;e1 ■ i'titisiiot the purp ■leudment to rmiFe ■ ■rport the schools bull lepoor both whit* :iu| I e. -from e.xercising f r-e. The toilowing i8 1 i ^znendoieiit:I 4- Every persi . himself for registrad f-e to read and write a I Ine constitution iu t| I'P ’age and before he f ■•eU to vote he l'« o n o r before the 7 rehof the year ini Jopoees to t-ote his if [•cribed by law for tfl f Poll tax shall P>-0 P«rfy, “ i r "Jail issue to enfoJ of the same exc ^**®d property.” fw ythiug can bel » »orld of broken pJ •promises one of the! IS that money to sJ f “ on schools of the’ 1 ^1““-'^ least thing 1 1 Wicked me.tsure. r *’*® oot how mnch I l^ ’]“P‘*ed amendme f^ r t public sohools ito m in d of the lejrit - ^ “yjotesofthe will“ tne ballot box. f the money l^ n i the poll tax oJ ^ y e r ; lorU ith a rtl sol oollectionl fo r providing a liB payment. t S ' “"t th« money (. W e ^onldhai P m e to p » y it intervening bee could have 1 ^“ uot the m oney! ■Wuirt liave