08-AugustAfter School Care H ills d a le M e t h o d is t J o i n s C h u r c h e s O f f e r in g S e r v ic e F o r A r e a P a r e n t s P a g e 1 2 Schooi Bus Routes F in d O u t W h a t T im e B u s e s G o B y D a v ie R e s id e n c e s Pages 8-9 D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R № H E C O R D Too Many Questions: Planners Don’t Act On Rezoning B y M ik e H u riilia rd I D uvie C ou n ly I-ntfiprise Rceord Possible ic /o iiiiig <)Г 25 iicrcs (tf hind olT ЛМсп Road from residen­ tia l-a g ricu ltu ra l to cam pus business w ill be discussed by Ihe M o cksville T o w n Board Tuesday nighl. The boaril will also discuss - ami possibly vole - on w hether lo annex llie properly inlo the low n liinils so w aler and sew er services coukl be exiended Ihere. The to w n 's p la n n in g hoanl on M o iu la y n ig h l failed lo make a rec- o m m em la lio n on a zoning cla ssifi­ cation fo r the land, shouki il be an­ nexed. Because o f lh a l. the tow n board cannot designale a zoning classifica tio n. Planners M onday said they had too m any i|uesiions lo m ake a rec­ om m endalion. “ W h a l's in it fo r the T o w n o f M o c k s v ille ," asked A n d re w W hite . “ If w e have o th e r th in g s o ut Ihere, ilo we have a need." asked B rian W illia m s. “ D o we need this'.’ A re Ihere o lher adet|uale facilities'.’" Planner .lanie N eely saiil thal if buffers adei|uale, an ind u stria l park can w ork nexl to a residential area. “ Towns grow . W hen yon m ove into a p la te , th e re 's no guarantee it's going lo slay Ihe sam e." The land, w iih Dr. Bob Foster as the ow n e r o f record, w o u ld be used lo a llra c l sm a ll businesses, said D iane Foster, a real estate agent w ho is w 'orking w ilh the buyers and se ll­ ers o f the properly. The request is com ing to Ihe low n instead o f the co u n ly because the p ro je c t w ill re q u ire sew er. T he c o u n ly does n ol o ffe r sew'er ser­ vices. The new o w ner w ould relocate a business Ihey operate in M o cksville . Fosler said, anil sell lols fo r b u ild ­ ings under 2(),()()() ,si|uare feet. The adjacent Soulh P oinl Business Park does nol o ffe r lols fo r sm aller b u si­ nesses, she said. "W e have tu rn e d sm a ll b u s i­ nesses aw ay from D avie C ou n ty." 1‘ lt'iisi; .S ee U v / (iiih i!; - I ’ a n c 7 ' л Tara Howell Parker, a heart transplant recipient, is featured on billboards and Christy Trucking trucks^ . u o u- c- Photos by Robin Fergusson A R o llin g M e s s a g e F o r m e r R e s id e n t J o i n s W i t h L o c a l B u s in e s s T o P r o m o t e O r g a n D o n a t i o n s IJy ,|a c k ic S eabolt D avie C ou n ly Enterprise Record E very year countless num bers o f people die because they ure unable to gel life saving organ donations. A n average o f 16 people die every day w a itin g lo r a transplant o f a v ita l organ, such as a hearl, live r, kidney, pancreas, lung, o r bone m arrow . O ne com pany in D avie is w o rk in g to change llw se slalislics by spreading a message natio n ­ w id e about the im portance o f becom ing an organ donor, C h risty T ru ckin g ow ner Steve Beaver is using his M o cksville based tru ckin g business to display organ donor decals on the back o f com pany trucks thal w ill iravel all over the east coast and lo C alil'or- nia. The large placard displays the Please See Increasinj; - Рице 4 Tara Parker and husband Shawn (right) talk with Christy Trucking owner Steve Beaver about the organ donation publicity campaign. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Mocksville Planning Board member Andrew White talks about rezoning request while neighboring residents, Carrie Graves, Mike Graves and Amy Jarvis listen. - Pholo by Robin Fergusson Schools Open Aug. 7 ^ W ilh th c slate budget in lim b o , and e n ro llm e n t c o n lin u in g to in ­ crease, D avie school o ffic ia ls are s c ra m b lin g lo g e t re a d y fo r th e opening o f school fo r students on W ednesday, A u g . 7. T h e h irin g fre e ze m eans th a t there w ill be fe w e r teacher assistant h o u rs, and fe w e r lib ra ria n s and guidance counselors. “ The good new s,” said S uperin­ tendent D ub Potts, “ is that a ll those positions are already vacant, so w e d id n ’t have to lay any people o ff.” Because o f e nrollm ent dem ands, fiv e new m o b ile u nits have been o rd e re d - Ih re e to D a v ie H ig h S chool, and one each to P inebrook and S h a d y G ro v e e le m e n ta ry schools. A used u nit each is being s o u g h t fo r S h a d y G ro v e and P inebrook because o f lo w e r class sizes fo r kindergarten, although Ihe m o bile units w ill n ol house kin d e r­ garten studenis. The sta ff cuts w ill not increase class sizes, Potts said. D avie ’s class sizes already fe ll w ith in new m an­ dates. The board o f educalion last sveek fille d the tw o rem aining assistant p rin c ip a l p o s itio n s , w ith C a ro l C ozarl ta king th a l jo b and a leach­ ing p o sitio n al W illia m R. D avie Elem entary, and G ladys S cott be­ c o m in g a s s is ta n t p rin c ip a l at M o c k s v ille Elem entary. A s an assistant p rin c ip a l and teacher, C oza rt’s scheduled isn ’t set in stone. F o r a part o f each day, she w ill help w ith a com bined fo u rth and fifth grade class. She w ill lik e ly m ove fro m adm inistrative lo teach­ ing duties at set lim es each m o rn ­ ing and afternoon. 'T e a ch in g has alw ays been the p rio rity w ith me and 1 w ant it to be a m e aningful situation as w e ll,” she said. "W e ’ re tryin g to w o rk o u t the best situ atio n fo r the ch ild ren .” C o za rt has been te a ch in g fo r 16 years, 14 in D avie . She ta u g ht at Please See Davic - Page 4 \ ' 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 1, 2002 Editorial Райе Charged Up For The Start Of School School is about to start again. Tiie scliool buses are washed and ready. Teachers will be reporting back to duty. Tlie stores are boa.sting of their back-to-school sales. The football team has started practice. That’s a joke, of course. The players never slopped practicing. As soon as Ihe season ended last year, coaches and players started getting ready for this yean The weight room never takes a break. All the teams are undefeated now. It’s a time of golden anticipation. Is this the year? The year the football team goes all the way to the state championship. Eager sports nuts will scan the schedule of games and designate their own “W” or "L" as they find appropri­ ate. The start of a new season, a new school year, brings out that kind of optimism. We haven’t bought a new book bag yet. The beginning of school has always required a few things at our house — new tennis shoes, some new clothes, a book bag and a fresh set of notebooks. There’s a trip scheduled with Ihe eye doctor this year. Robert seems to have inherited my eyes. In ancient days, we rarely saw any of our classmates for the entire summer. On the fami, our only playmates were the cows and the dog. We really looked forward to school starting as a chance lo meet humanity again. It’s not lhat way with my sons. There are always kids around. But the anticipation seems to be no less for this generation. They are eager to leam. Eager to be wilh their friends. Eager to face the challenge of a new year. That’s something missing about adults and Iheir work. We don’t get a fresh start once a year. We don’t y get to change bosses once a year. We aren’t on a sched­ ule to change our tools, our uniforms and our shoes on such a regular basis. No wonder the kids gel so excited. Will Ih e y gel Mrs. Tough or Mrs. Ea.sy for their teacher this year? Will th e y have three hours of home­ work assigned or 30 minutes? Is the si.xth grade really harder lhan the fifth grade? Will the big kids pick on us? Of course they will. It is Iheir job. It is the ritual of life, Ihe chance to put someone else in the place you once occupied and establish the proper pecking order of school society. Big kids rule. There are other questions: Will the cafeteria food be beller Ih is year? Will the Susie like me ... or hate me? Will 1 break out in pimples? Maybe that’s the big advantage adults have over kids — fewer pimples. And more money. The kids can run faster and play longer. We still don’t escape the homework. Many parents acl as unpaid consultants on Ihose late-night assignments. We have to go to coach and cajole and threaten, as necessary, until the malh homework is done, until the English paper is written. But we don’t have to worry whether Susie likes us. We don’t have to eat the frightful “manager’s choicc" at Ihe school cafeteria. And we don’t have to ride the bus. Parents really rule. — Dwighi Sparks D A V IB C O U N T Y EN TER PR I/E^EC O R D USPS 149-160) 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-2120 Publistiad wookly by th0 Davie Publistiing Co. Dwight Sparks.......................................Editor/Publistier Robin Fergusson..................................G eneral M anager M ike Barnhardl......................................Managing Editor Ray Tutterow..........................................Advertising Director Brian Pitts.................................................Sports Editor Tammy Kowalski...................................Circulation/Classified Mocksville Enterprise Davle Record Cooleem ee Journal 1916-1958 1899-1958 1901-1971 Periodicals Postage Paid In Mocksvillc, NC 27028 Subscriplton Rales Single Copy, 50 Cents $20 Per Year In N.C.. S25 Outside N.C. POSTMASTER Send Address Changes to: Davic County Enterprise Record P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 In The Mail... S c h o o l B o n d S h o u l d B e O n e B i g R e q u e s t To tiic editor; Let me slarl hy saying that I am not a life long Davie County resident. Hecause of this, maybe 1 can add some irtsight IVoni tlie outside. I went to school in three good .school districts In three states in universily towns. When planning for our moves due to job transfers of my father, my parents searched long and hard lo make sure we were in Ihe besl school districts in lhat area. Both my children started in the Winslon-Salem For.syth County .schools and because of our search for the best, we moved to Davie Counly six years ago. From what I have witnessed in my six years here, Davie County is always working from way behind in regards to its schools, wliether it is Ihe school coard or the county commissioners. We have never been caugtU up and never aliead in regard lo future expansion. Why are we woefully behind and always playing catch up V Wtien 1 attended the school board's queslion and answer session at Nonh Davie back in May, 1 came away wilh lots of quesllons. In Bond No, 1, wc have allocated S3.6 million to renovate W il­ liam R Davie. Why ihrow good money afler bail and put this much into an old school? Why not allocate Ihe SS million needed, tear down William R. Davie and build a new elementary school with all the bells and whistles'.' We are allocating over Sl million for Pinebrook Elemenlary and are going to add air conditioning and additional bleachers. This gym is not that old. Why wasn'l all that thought oul and done a few years ago when that gym was built'.' Shady Grove's gym is not air conditioned. Why was nuiney not allocated to air condiiion thal gym'.' Davie lligll School is 50 years old and is 260 over capacity, and has been for years. Why are we needing a new middle sehool, when we are barely over capacity at either one of them, anil not taking care of the high school problem immediately'.' Why are our science labs at the high school so pitiful and not been taken care of to date'.' From Ihe pictures shown at North Davie, thal is pitiful and dangerous. I sec no plans for technology expansion in the K-.S. Why is that? It is my understanding that we should have a mininum of two com ­ puter labs in each school, plus several separate computers in each classroom. Most elementary kids in our system average only .^5 minutes of "face time" with a compuler each week. That is pitiful in this raging technology age. I understand from technology people that Davidson Counly is pulling Ihree computer labs in each of their elementary schools and Ihree computers in each classroom. Again we are woefully behind. It is my understanding lhat we have built just one new .school in the pasl 23-30 years and that was the newly opened Com atzcr El­ emenlary. Thai is absolutely pitiful and backward. We have had just 6 cents or ,so added lo our property lax in Ihe 90s for our schools. I would say Ihis county is long overdue and il is lime to come out of the "Dark Ages" wiih one large comprehensive bond referendum. As 1 recall one of our school board memhers, Marty Carter, saying in the paper, we haven't had one of any significance since his par­ ents helped our kids his age back in the 60s, From what I saw in May pertaining to our school attendance numliers, our middle schools are averaging per grade level now. Those numbers equal 1.820 in Ihe high school soon and we are already 260 over capacity with Ihe I ,.‘>80 sludents lhat were in Davie High Ihis past year. These new numbers will pul us al 500 over in a 50 year old high school. We have a great cluince lo amend some of these problems with our school bond vole in Novcmlier. I highly recommend our school board and commissioners change Iheir thinking and do one big bond for the S44 million and get the new high school on the docket now for construction, instead of w ait- ing until 2007 for occupation. From the numbers given out in May, thal would entail a tax incrciise of 16.5 cents and bring us lo 75.5 r cents per SlOO of property value. This has been long overdue and Ihe citizens of this county have gotten off lucky for years. I was astounded when I saw that this bond referendum had been split into two separate voles on the November ballot. I was equally astounded lhat bond No, 1 listed the money lo buy Ihe land for the high school with bond No, 2 being Ihe bond for Ihe high school construction, I asked whal would happen if bond No. 2 passed and bond No. 1 failed, where would we put the high school without the land to put il on? No one had tlioughl of that scenario. Now. I see lhal lhat portion of the referendum has been changed and the land purchase is now in bond No. 2. The above scenario left me with the distinct impression that the school board wants bond No. 2 to fail. The majority of them are a "one high school for Davie County" bunch and they can't change Please TUrn To Page 3 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 1, 2002 - 3 L e t t e r s W e l c o m e d The Enteiprise Record welcomes letters from ils read­ ers. The letters may be on topics of local, slate, national or international issues. An effort will be made to print all letters, provided they are not libelous, vulgar or in poor taste. The editor reserves the right to edit letters for grammar and for space. All letters should include the name and address of the writer, including a signature. A telephone number, not to be published, is also requested. Please have letters in the newspaper office no later than 4 p.m, Monday of the week to be published. Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box, 99, Mocksville, or email to: emews@davie-enierprise.com. G o t A n O p in io n ? M 6 your vote lo our weekly online poll that asks questions affecting you and Davie County Log on at www.enterprise-recorij.com and click on reader’s poll to cast your vote. Results will be listed here weekly. Would you support two school bonds - one for renovation and expansion of all schools and the other for a new high school in five years? Yes, 6 4 % No, 3 6 % Should North Carolina have a lottery? Log on and vote. How Did We Ever Live Without Air Conditioning? 1 kn ow how thankful w c a ll aro to have a ir-co n d itio n in g . I also know that m any a live loday have no idea w hat life was like w ithout il. b ul some o f us w ell rem eniber. I d o n 't know now how we stooil it. M y sister and her husband ami I inaile our firs l trip to F lorida in Ihe late 1960s. I had just bought a new car. Some cars cam e air-eom litioned. som e d id not. M ine did not. W hen w e decided to go to F lo rid a sight-.seeing fo ra week, I knew I had to have a ir co nd itio nin g installed. A num ber o f people told me this could not lie done successltilly. They were w rong. It w orke d lin e and in August, we couldn't have m ade it w itho u t it. U nlbrtunaiely. all o f o u r trip s to Florida were made in n iid - sim im er, due to our w ork schedules, and 1 alw ays w ished we could go and enjoy the w arm F lo rid a weather at least once in the w inter. I love sea shells arul I rem em ber the rest o f our group sitting in the car fo r an Louise Stroud hour at noon, in the sun. w h ile 1 ran up and dow n the beach p ickin g up shells. The Sarasota and Bradenton beaclies had beauti­ fu l shells. I had never I'ound any like those at M y rtle Beach. I w o u ld like to have spent the day p ickin g up shells. W e w ent on dow n to St. A ugustine to tlie Fountain o f Youth and 1 drank some ol' thal a w fu l tasting w ater that was supposed to restore yo u r youth. It d id n 't w ork. M y sister and 1 w ent to W ashington. D .C . on the S outherner (out o f S alisbury) in 1944. ll was sum m er, but we had been advi.sed to take a heavy w in te r w rap because the train w ou ld be ve ry cold. It was. and I was s till cold in m y w in te r coat, w h ich was in the w ay the rest o f the w eek. W e w ere w a itin g in lin e w ith tickets in hand at the N orth C aro lin a coach, lo com e hom e w hen a man standing there said over and over. "S ervice men firs t - service m en ftrs i." There were o n ly tw o seals available fro m W ashington to Salisbury, and had service m en wanted them , w e w o u kl have been out o f luck, but we made it. It was a trip I ’ ll never forget. I w ore out a p air o f shoes that w eek. We have an uncle buried in A rlin g to n C em etery, so w e wanted to go there w h ile in W ashington. You could get a taxi lo take you there, but you could not call one to pick you up. because o f the war. W hen I th in k about that now, I w onder how we hade the nerve to take the chance. The o n ly w ay to gel back to the c ity was ifa cab brought another party to the cem etery. Fortunately, that happened and we d id n ’t have to spend the night in the cem etery. C hanging the subject, som etim e ago 1 received a letter from someone w ith a couple clip p in g s from a Decem ber. I95S issue o f the D avie C ounty Enierprise Record. T h is person forgot lo sign her name, so 1 never know w lio to lhank. A nyw ay, one o f the articles reported that people in M o cksville like d the new dial telephones, except fo r one thing - they had to look up num bers now. I rem em ber that the D avie R ccord o llic e was alw ays N o. 1 and the Bank o f D avie was No. 5. M ost everybody knew the num bers they regularly called. A n yw a y, this a rticle said that w hen you wanted a num ber not listed, you called a Salisbury operator. One M o cksville w om an, w ish ing to call a physician w ho had just m oved lo M o c k s v ille . d ia le d in fo m ia tio n and asked fo r D r. S late’s num ber. The S alisbury operator, rem em bering the late Dr. Slate o f S alisbury, re plied , “ I ’m sorry, but he died several years ago.” F ortunately, o u r Dr. Slate is s till w ith us and ve ry active. A n o lh e r a rticle this person sent, w h ich I presum e was fro m the same issue, but it had no date, m entioned lhat w hen Ben B oyles, a young, fra il lo o kin g yo un g m an w alked into to w n, he asked John C artner. a m em ber o f the State H ig h w a y D epartm ent, fo ra jo b . M r. C artner to ld h im it was a hard jo b and he d id n ’t believe he co u ld .stand up under it. Ben asked fo r a shovel and to ld M r. C artner if he w asn't satisfied w ith his w o rk, he w o u ld n ’t have to pay h im . M r. C artner put him to w o rk under C raig Foster and he outw o rke d everyone. C ra ig Foster to ld h im to slow d ow n, th iit he was m aking the rest o f them lo o k bad. C raig and Ben becam e close friends and later w ent in to business together, operating the D avic B ric k and C oal C om ­ pany. Ben Boyles lale r becam e s h e rilT o f D avie C ounty and was a h ig h ly respected citi/.cn o f the co m m un ily. N e w s p a p e r D o e s A G o o d J o b W i t h R e p o r t i n g O n A l c o h o l I s s u e s To the editor; I had lo wrile you and lell you that I was really impressed will) your newspaper, I really liked Ihe story ol "Obeying The Law." My husband started work in M ocksville a few months ago and had been bringing home the paper. You guys really h:ive a great news paper. Talk about having it logelher, you guys do. I would like lo congralulalc you on running your police department the way one should be run. I wish Davidson County would lake a few lessons from your departuienl. t will be sending a "bou­ quet" lo the sheriff's deparlmenl. the Mocksville Police Department and Davie Counly l-.nlerprise Record for this story, 1 have read mnnberous sto­ ries about underage drinking and every time I find this to be true; Ihe biggest obstacles in the fighl against teen drinking is keeping the adulls I'rom giving alcohol to teens. There is a group that is Ciilled "Parents Who Host Lose The Most" and Montgomery Counly is called "Drawing riie Line" which are wonderful groups that are fighting to keep our N,C, General Statues enforced; 18b-120 Л 28a Л lS-2a (Conlribuling To Л Minor), I vote for charging these parents w hen they give alcohol lo a minor. Ifa child dies they should he charged with thal also. If you want lo help me enforce these laws write: Mr, Koy C ooper (A ttorney G eneral), Hugh Hollm;ui (repre.scntative). We must save our teens at all cosls. There is no way you can pul a price on a child's life, I don'l want any parent to lake my advice Ihe wrong way. Some parents do hosl and contribute lo the deliqiiency of minors. These are O n e L a r g e B o n d N e e d e d - N o w C ontinued From Page 2 ;) my opinion otherwise. Either they are afraid of Ihe "haves-have not" theories that abound ilirough- out the county or they think ihe one "mega higli school is a betler situation. 1 feel like with two In'gh .schools, we alleviate the otn ious overcrowd­ ing and wc have double participation in all sitiui- tions - two bands, two basketball teams, two sets of cheerleaders, you get Itie picture. 1 referee a lot of high school basketball al all levels and 1 have never seen a team that has jusi one the IA or 2A slate cham pionship be any less proud of their accomplishment lhan Ihe leams lhat won the 4A. There is tremendous pride in thal school and lhat .school's area, no mailer what level, so if our board is afraid of losing iheir 4A status, it really doesn't mean that nuich. Again, I am a big advocate of one big liond referendum as we neeil it now. Our elementary schools need itie renovations, bolh to comply with the slate, and to also give our kids whal they so Е7Г" Sheriff Allen Whitaker “Continue The Progress” ★ Reorganized Office 1995 ★ Governors Award 1996 for Volunteer Service Davie Domestic Violence Office ★ Created Technology Program ★ Created Training Program & Added Training Building ★ Construction of Detention Center Provided for Fulure Expansion (Saving Tax Dollars) I appreciate your continued support toward my third term as sheriff. — Paid For by Sheriff Allen Whitalier — the ones we have lo stop.Tliese parents seem to go over Ihe good teens - the ones thal seem to have their life planned out. So it's just not bad teens lhal gel into this problem.Tliere are numerous rea- sons why any adull or a parent would give alco­ hol and I think we can figure out a few ourself. t.ori Jordan Lexinglon E d u c a t i o n a l R e s o u r c e s A v a i l a b l e To the editor; Wilh school fast approaching, I thought this would be the ideal lime lo share this letter wilh all educators, parents, anil sludenis in Davie County, I have spenl num erous hours on the Internet searching for free educational resources, and 1 was amazed at how much information I found. There are literally thousands of worksheets, lesson plans, and free software available to down­ load from the Internet. As a home school educa­ tor, I am grateful for the many free educalional resources on the tntemel. It is for this reason thal I have researched and prepared a pamphlet con­ taining these free resources to accommodate the educators, parents, and students within the counly. I have used many of lliese free resources and found them to lie an invaluable addition lo my classroom. If anyone would like a copy of this pamphlet, please send S2 plus a self-addressed, stamped en­ velope to: W endy Herilla, 120 Livengood Road, Advance, NC 27006. The S2 would tie used to offset expenses incurred in preparing and distrib­ uting these pamphlets. If you need any additional information, please contact me at 998-6881. Wendy Berilla, 1 lome School Educator Advance richly deserve. Our middle schools are in bad need of lechnology updates wilh bolh traveling com- piuer tails and wireless computer labs needed to get us inlo tlie 2 1 st century. We do not, at tliis limc. need a third middle school. We need the second high school now as we are overcapacity and have been for years and Davie High is in dire need of new science labs, additional liathroonis and new arls classrooms. The alhlctic complex can and should be done wilh private monies, nol money from a twiul refereiKUmi, If the bond referendum stays as a separate vote betw een bond No, 1 - elem enlary and middle school wilh bond No. 2 - high school. 1 will vote for bond No, 2 only and lead the charge in my area of the counly for our citizens to vole just lhat w;iy. We need one large bond and we need lo do il now for our kids and the kids ol our luture. John Nelms l^lill.sdale W h a t a r e y o u r k i d s d o i n g a f t e r s c h o o l ? m C o n s i d e r F u t u r e s U n l i m i t e d F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n c a l l : W -4 1 0 0 o r v i s i t u s o n t h e w e b a t: viyivi.futures-unliinited.net Shady Grove Area Grades K-3 W e o f f e r o u t s t a n d in g a f t e r s c h o o l c a r e w i t h a d i f f e r e n t e n r i c h m e n t c la s s e a c h d a y . Enrichment provided in art, music, foreign language, drama, and movement/dance by professionals who know how to make learning fun. Enroll now.Spaces are limited. Enrich your child’s future at Futures Unlimited. N 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Лиц. 1. 2002 In c re a s in g O rg a n D o n o r s G o a l O f A d C a m p a ig n One year after receiving a heart transplant Parker is doing well. "Oh, I’m feeling wonderful,” she smiles. Continued From Рпцс I w ords ‘donate life' along w ilh a loll free num ber lo call. Be.side Ihe w ords is the picliire of .smilin}; young w om an. She is Tara Howell Parker, form er resideni o f D avic C ouniy anil form er M iss Nascar. She received a heart Iransplanl one year ago and has m ade a rem arkable recovery'. "W hen people hear the w ords organ donation Ihey think o f senior eili/.cns or babies," says Beaver, "and here you have Ihis beauliful 27 year old girl lhal's alive loday because of il." B eaver him self recog­ nizes Ihc im porlance of donating sinec he worn The Donate Life placards have a toll free number people can call for information ’ about organ donation. Christy Trucking owner Steve Beaver talks with Tara and her husband, Shawn Parker. - Photos by Robin Fergusson D a v ie S c h o o l s O p e n O n A u g . 7 Continued I'Yom Page I North Davie Miilillc School lor six ycars, and Davie lligh for eighl. She coached al hotli schools, and at U avie High, helped to develop ihe freshnian success curriculum, .serving as the program coordinator. “This is a new cliallenge." Cozart said. "I'm really e.xcited aboul being al William K. Davie. I love the family atm osphere here. Гш so impressed with the elementary school leachcrs. and these leachers in particular." Gladys Scolt has spent niosi o f her education career at Mock.sville Elementary School. W hen she m oved to D avie Couniy in 1У74, she became a teacher’s assistant there. I'ollow- ing that year, she look lime off to have childron and complelc college, but conlinued as a par­ ent volunteer. She iK-gan teach­ ing at M ocksville filemenlary und remained lliere iimil l‘J>)K when she look a job as assistant principal al Clemmons lilemen- tary. "I am just so happy lo be re­ turning lo M ocksville," sbe said, "livcrybody has been so won­ derful in welcoming and invit­ ing me back. I want lo give back 10 the school ibal prepared me for all of these ihings." Scolt holds a bachelor’s de­ gree in sociology from Winlbrop College and a bachelor's in edu­ calion from l.ivingsione C ol­ lege. She earned a m aster's in early childhood educalion and scliool adm inisiralion from Norih Carolina A&T. C ozart holds a degree in physical education from die Universily of North Carolina al Greensboro, and is working to­ w ards her m aster's in school adm inistration. She will lake evening and summer classes al UNCG. and hopes lo complele the program in a year and a half. S larling, CUising Tim es Cooleemee: K:l.‘i-2:.‘i() Ihrough Ihe painful event o f losing his falhcr, N om ian Beaver, al the young age o f 49 lo kidney failure in M ay 1976. "T he henents o f irans- planls is for everybody" B eaver says. Parker is living proof o f lhal. She is slill continuing her w ork lo encourage and educale m ore people aboul donating their organs. She counsels olher transplant recipienls by sharing her personal e.xperience. "Il's not like a disease you can gel m edicine for." Parker says, "Y ou have to have an organ and all you can do is wait for il. T h ai’s w hy il’s .so im portant for everyone lo becom e organ donors." B eaver along w ilh C hrisly em ployee A nila B eadle coordinaled a m eeling al C hrisly T rucking w ith drivers to let Ihem know ahoul llie donor project and the placards that w ould be displayeil on the back of trucks. The response w as over­ w helm ing. "T he drivers were so e.xcited aboul il, il was am a/ing." W ilh trucks m aking runs all over the east coast the placards w ill he very visible. T hc drivers w ill carry donation cards and inform ation w ith Ihem about becom ing an organ donor. Those interested can get all Ihe correct infonnation about donation as W'cll as facts that can clear up any m isconceptions ihey m ay have concem ing the d ona­ tion process. B eaver says infom ialion can also be picketl up personally at the C hristy Trucking office on U .S. 601 N orth, M ocksville. "If this helps one person," says Beaver, "it's w orth il." (Pictured clockwise) Josh Beaver, Shawn Parker, Tara Howell Parker, Steve Beaver, Anita Beadle, and Cindy Beaver stand below one of the organ donor posters that will be visible on trucks traveling the east coast. \ n I 'A Storehouse For Jesus Noav Collecting School Supplies To He D istributed Starting August 5th r« Davic C:o, Children in Need. Items Needed: Crayons, Bookbags, Childrens Scissors, Glue, Rulers, Compasses, Folders, Loose Leaf Paper, 3 Ring Binders, Composition Notebooks, ig \ Pens & Pencils lloiuuions Sliuiilil lie UrouRht 1» A Storehouse Forjesiis 464 Depot St. Mocksville Mon-Thurs. 9AM - 5PM (Tues & T hurs Evenings by A ppolm m cht) 751-1060 Cornalzer: S:l.‘i-2:4.S Davie High: 7:.‘i.‘i-.1 Mock.sville: S:1.S-2:4.S Pinebrook: S:l.‘i.2:4.S North Davie: S-2:.‘i.‘i Shady Gn.ve: S:l5-2:.sO Soulh D;ivie: S:05-.l:10 W'illiam K. Davie: S:2.S-.1 Tax Kree Buying In an effort lo help parenls, the slale has declared Aug. 2-4 as a "la.x free holiday." There will be no sales lax on clolhes, school supplies, educational software and computers, shoes and other ilenis parents iionnally buy at back-to-sehool lime. Anyone wauling lo help pro­ vide supplies for needy Davie children can do so al die Mocks- ville W al-M art ami CCU branches ihrough Aug. 17. The Sloreliouse for Jesus anil the Davie Civiian Club are bolh sponsoring efforts to provide supplies for needy children, as well. D a v i e S c h o o l o f D a n c e OPEN HOUSE A u g . 5 th -9 ih 4 :3 0 -8 :3 0 p n L , A u g . 10th , S a tu rd i^ *9 :0 0 a m -1 2 n o o n TOTS -BEGINNERS -ADVANCE T ap •C lo g g in g * H ip H o p • Jazz • ’ B allet • P ointe • M o d e m •A d u lt T a p ' • A d u lt Q o g g in g ^ •S ocial D a n cin g * 'IWO NEW * After Sdiool 3:3o-5:30 pm * Grand Parent & Grand Ghild || F o r M o r e I n fo r m a tio n C a ll G 3 6 ) 7 5 1 -2 8 9 8 | f E L . V I S P R E S L E Y I S I N O U R B U I L D I N G o n display M o c k s v ille F u r n it u r e & A p p lia n c e s , In c .D o w n t o w n M o c k s v ille D i s t r i c t C o u r t DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 1, 2002 - 5 T he fo llo w in g case.i w ere ilisposcil o r in Davic D istrict Courl July 2.“i. Prcsiiling w as Jucljje Lynn S. G ullcll. Prosecuting were Shawn Fraley and Sara Kirkinan, assistant llislrici allonicys. - Jo se p h N ic h o la s A llen , inisdcineaiior probalion violalion, conlinued on intensive probation, not possess alcohol. - David Graham Alvcy, speeding K4 in a 70, rcduced to im proper ci|uipnicnt, $.50 and cosl. - L uis A lberto B argas, D W l, sc n tc iic c d to 60 d a y s in ja il su sp e n d e d Iw o y e a rs, fo llo w su b sta n c e a b u se a sse ssin e n i re c o m m e n d a tio n s, su rre n d e r d riv c ris licen se and nol operate m o to r v e h ic le u n lil p ro p erly lic e n se d , 24 h o u rs co m m u n ity service. $100 and cosl. - E lu le rio R . B rav o , felo n y possession o f cocainc. reduced to possession o f drug paraphernalia, se n le n c e d lo 4.‘i d ay s in ja il suspended 24 m onlhs. substance a b u se a sse s s m e n t, su b m it to w a rran tle ss search es for illegal controlled substance, not possess or use illegal conlrolled substances, not assoeiale w ilh know n users, p o ssesso rs o r se lle rs o f illeg al conlrolled substances, nol be near p lac e s w here illeg al co n lro lled substances are sold, kepi or used, subinll breath/urine/blood specim en for analysis, S.SO and cosl. - Joshua Dean Brewer, failure lo e.xhibii/surrender driven's license, b ra k e /s lo p lig h t e q u ip m e n t v io la lio n , p o s s e s s io n o f ilrug paraphernalia, disniissed per plea; possession o f m arijuana up lo one- half ounce, sentenced lo 15 days in ja il su sp en d e d 12 m o u th s, contraband ordered destroyed, $25 and cosl. - Billy Ray Byrd, speeding 80 in a 70, rcd u c e d lo im p ro p e r e (|u ip n ien t, c o sl; no o p e ra lo rfs license, dism issed per correction. - M arie Buys Carlton, speeding 55 in a .15, prayer for judgm enl conlinued on cosl. - Kevin M arc Conw ay, driving w hile liccnse rev o k ed , c.xpired registration card/tag, dism issed per correclion. - John Edw aril C over, driving w hile license revoked, disniissed per correclion. - Santo M arcial Cruz, carr>ing concealed w eapon, dism issed in inlcresi of justice, weapon ordered destroyed. - W illiam M ilch C um m ings, no operalorfs license, failure lo yield, hit/run leaving scene of properly dam age, dism issed per eivil suit. -A ngelaC ow an Dallon, recklcss driving lo endanger, reduced lo careless and reckless, prayer for judgm enl conlinued on cosl. - A shley M organ Dealon, failun; lo slop for slop sigii/nashing red lighl. prayer for judgm enl conlinued on cosl. - Brenlly FrosI Ellis, allow ing dog lo run al nighl, reduced lo leash law violalion. prayer forjudgm ent continued on cosl, m ake everj' ell'ort lo keep dogs under control. - Jercm ic C linton Fair, sjieeding HO in a 70, reduced lo im proper equipm enl, cosl. -Thom as Ray Foss. Jr.. speeding 66 in a 45. reduccd to 54 in a 45. prayer for judgm enl eonlinued on cosl. - Ja m e s W illia m F o sler, possession o f m arijuana up lo one- half ounce, senlenced lo 15 days in jail suspended 24 m onlhs. substance ab u se a s se s s m e n t, su b m it lo w arran tless search es for illegal conlrolleil substance, nol possess or use illegal controlled subsiances, not asso eiale w ilh know n users, p o ssesso rs o r se lle rs of illeg al conlrolled subsiances. not be near p laces w h ere ille g al co n lro lle d subsiances are sold, kepi or used, contraband ordered destroyed, $50 an d c o s t; p o s s e ssio n o f d ru g paraphem alia, senlenced lo 45 days in jail suspended 24 m ouths, to run al e.xpiralion of above sem ence, sam e tenns and condilions as above scnlence. - S p e n c e r L ee G a rriso n , speed in g 89 in a 70, pray er for judgm ent eonlinued on cosl. - S andra H. G illespie, sim ple a s sa u lt, p ra y e r fo r ju d g m e n t continued 12 m onlhs on cost, have no eoutact w ilh prosecuting w itness unless invited. - C harles Edw ard G raves, D W l, se n le n c e d lo 6 0 d a y s in ja il suspended 24 m onlhs, assessm ent. 24 h o u rs c o in m u n ily se rv ic e , surrender driven's license and nol o|K'rale m olor vehicle unlil proiwrly licensed. A ppealed. - Sherry Grey, speeding .15 in a 25, reduced lo im proper equipm ent, c o sl; n o o p c ra to ris lic e n se , dism issed per correclion. - W illiam S am u el H aw k in s, speeding 7.1 in a 55, reduced to im proper equipiueiil, S50 and cosl; no liabilily insurance, dism issed per correction. - David E. H odges, tw o eounis sim ple w orlhless check, dism issed per civil settlem ent. - Robert Hoffm an, assaull on a fem ale, dism issed for failure o f prosecuiing w liness to appear. - Alan Fow ler Jacks, speeding SO in a 70, reduced lo 74 in a 70, SIO and cosl. - Johnny Johnstone, eonlribuling lo the delinquency of a juvenile, dism issed for failure of prosecuiing wiiness lo appear; laceny of m olor fuel, prayer forjudgm ent continued si.x m o n lh s on c o st, 24 ho u rs com m unily se rv ic e, Jan u ary 2.1 review. - Cindy Lou King, speeding 80 in a 70, rcd u c e d lo in ip ro p e r eq u ip m en l, eo si; d riv in g w hile license revoked, dism issed - DM V error; c.xpired regislralion card/lag, dism issed per correclion. - P ab lo G o m ez M a rtin e z , inisilem eanor larceny, prayer for judgm ent conlinued si.x m onlhs, nol go on W al M art prem ises fo r six m o n lh s, 24 h o u rs co m m u n ily service. $10.97 restitution lo Wal M arl. S78 allorney fee. - K arl M cFrederick, injury lo personal p roperly, d ism issed al reiiuesi o f prosecuiing w iiness. - C harlie H om er M cAdoo, DW l. senlenced lo 60 days siis|)endcd Iwo years, follow ing substance abuse a sse ssm e n i re c o m m e n d a lio n s. surrender driven's license and nol operate m otor vehicle unlil pro|KTly licensed, lim iled driving privileges rveom niendcd. 24 hours com m unily service, SKMI and cost. Apiwaled. - M arvin A. M orales, failure lo slop for stop sign/flashing red lighl, reduced lo im proper cipiipinenl, cost. R icky L ee N u n ley , m isdem eanor probation violalion, se n te n c e d lo 45 d a y s in ja il; m isdem eanor probation violalion. senlenced lo 15 days in jail lo run al expiration of above sentence. - Jo se Ism ael R a n iire s, no opcratoris licen.se, dism issed per correction. - Ida C h ristin e R a u h u ff, speeding 87 in a 70, reduced to exceeding safe speed, prayer for judgm enl eonlinued on cost. - B arbara Johnson R huc. failure lo w ear seal bell, d riving w hile license revoked, senlenced to 45 days in jail suspended 12 m onlhs. nol operate m otor vehicle unlil properly licensed. $251) and cosl; speeding 80 in a 70, resisling public officer, sentenced lo .10 days in jail suspended 12 m onlhs. - Daviil C. Shaw, unsupervisetl probalion violalion, dism issed per com pliance. - Diane Sm ilh. sim ple w onhless cheek, ordered to pay $1.825 by AugusI I. order for arresi if nol paid, cosl. D en n is G ray S tra in , in lo x ic a le d and d isru p liv e , se n le n c e d lo 15 d ay s in ja il suspended 12 m onths, substance abuse assessm eni. $25 and cost. - A ngel A nn S w aim . d riving w hile licen se rev o k ed , e x p ire d regislralion card/lag. dism issed per correclion. - Sam uel L. V illalorio. speeding 55 in a 15. driving w hile license rev o k e d , sp e e d in g 54 in a .15, dism issed; d riv in g w hile license re v o k e d , p ra y e r fo r ju d g m e n l c o n lin u e d on co sl; p o sse ssio n / display allered/ficliiiousyrevoked drivcris license, dism issed. - C hueky Joe W ard, speeding 8.1 in a 70, dism issed per plea; driving w hile license revoked, sentenced lo 45 d a y s in ja il s u sp e n d e d 12 m onlhs, nol operate m olor vehicle unlil properly licensed, $250 and cosl. - Joshua Dane W oodw ard, two counts purchase/receive eigarclles/ lobaeco under 18, dism issed per com pliance. - Sam uel Edw ard Yales, failure lo sto p fo r ste a d y red lig h l, m isdem eanor possession schedule VI conlrolled substance, prayer for judgm ent conlinueil 12 m onlhs on cosl, subsianee abuse assessm ent; possession o f drug piiraphenialia, ilism issed |>er pica. Fulled To Appear - Ted M urry Baldw in, faihm ; lo w ear seal bell. - A guslin V illega L opez, Iwo c o u n ls d riv in g w h ile lic e n se revoked. - C h a rle s F ra n k M uH i ns. -speeding 9.S in a 70. no opcrnloris licon'vc. - Dougla.s Phillip.s. t'ictltious tirivcris liccn.sc. - H illy Joe P o lls, assaull by poinlin^ a gun. - A llen E dw ard S w ifi. D W l. open co n tain er after consuniing alcohol rirsl. • R e h c c c a B arn es T ip to n , speeding: in a 70. m V I. Judge Tells Man, Granddaughter To ‘Work It Out’ By Beth C assidy Davie Couniy Enterprise Record W hat started as a family visit ended up in dismissal of charges for one Davie man in District Court lasl week. W illie Gadson, 6.^, of 4040 U.S. 601 S., was charged wilh assaull by poinling a gun, afier his granddaughter alleged he p o inlcd a gun at her al her grnndmotlicr's liouse lust iTionth. Nalasha Gadson said, on July 7, she went to her grandmother’s had a stroke. Wiih her were her boyfriend and his sons, ages 7 and 13. "A t first, w henever my grandfather pulled up, we were all silling on the sunporch," Gadson said. "M y grandfather was ranting and raving aboul something and cussing, and he told me to leave.” When Gadson tried to leave, she said, tier grandfather rcached into his truck, taking out a gun, which he then pointed al her as she was rounding a curve in the house, because thc woman had driveway. Man Found Guilty Of Threatening His Ex-Girlfriend A threatening phone call landed a C ooleem ee m an in Davie District Court July 25. Ricky Dale M cCrary Jr., 29, of 178 Wall St., was charged wilh the m isdem eanor after he phoned his ex-girlfriend several limes last month. Stephanie Barney, 19, said M cCrary is the father of her 2- year-old daughler, but thal the couple had broken up aboul two m onths ago. On July 17, she said, M cCrary called her house between five and 10 limes. She spoke wilh him every lime, she said. During those conversations, M cCrary spoke threateningly, Barney said. “He told me if I didn'l let my daughler go lo his house, he’d kill me. Then he called back and said, ‘Better yel, if I .see you on the road. I’ll run over you,’ ’’she testified. The couple has no cuslody agreemenl, Barney said, becau.se "1 can't take the chance of los­ ing her.” M cCrary has not paid child support in the last three months, Barney said. A fler a few phone calls, Barney called the police, and while they were there, McCrary callcd again. Barney said the police told her nol lo answer. McCrary, who chose to rep­ resent himself, asked no ques­ tions of Barney imd had nothing to say in his own defense. Judge Lynn S. G ullett sen­ tenced him to 30 days in jail, suspended for 12 months unsu­ pervised probalion. During lhal lime, he is to have no conlacl with Burney, unless It concerns the welfare of their child. Dur­ ing any conversations they do have, he is not to harass or threaten her. He was also ordered lo pay a $25 fine and court cosls. A ssistant D istrict Allorney Shawn Fraley asked Gadson. "D id you honestly think he would shoot at you?" Gadson replied, "I can’t hon­ estly say ifhe would have pulled the trigger, but il’s not the first lime he's done this.” Willie Gadson chose to rep­ resent him self, and during his questioning of his granddaugh­ ter, usked her what kind of gun it was. She replied that it was a handgun and said he keeps one in the truck and anolher in his car. She said she thought Ihe gun was silver or had some silver on it. During his testimony, Gadson stated he does own a .38 calibre Rugcr handgun and that the gun is nol silver, bul blue. "1 did not point no gun at my granddaughter," he said. “I’m 63 years old. I had no reason to poinl a gun at her. If I have a beef wilh her. I’d just lake a stick and beat her. I know the law.” Fraley asked Gadson if he Ihought he would be justified hitting a grown woman wilh a slick, and Gadson replied, "N o,” saying he had never beat her when he raised her. "I worked all my life, two jobs, and 1 did not draw a gun on my granddaughter. She said 1 have a silver gun, and 1 don'l own a silver gun. She stated I have a gun in my black car, and I don't have no gun in my black ear. I only own one gun, and 1 have a perm it for it,” Gadson explained. Fraley told Judge Lynn S. G ullett that thc granddaughter took out the warrant to try lo pre­ vent any fulure incidents from happening. Because of reasonable doubl, Gullett dismissed the charges, saying, "1 hale to see families Tight like this. Sir, if you do have a gun, you need to be careful with it. "T his fam ily needs lo sil dow n and lalk oul your prob­ lems. Somebody is lying, 1 just don’l know who, bul 1 would en­ courage you to sit down at a rea­ sonable tim e, in a reasonable place, in a reasonable manner and work this out.” W W W . C l i l C l 'I 'H 'l S t . - ll. Let Hometownlblent Servelbu! Debra Brown Groce Democrat Candidate For NC SEIVATE - 34“* D IS T R IC T Se r v in g Y a d k in , D a v ie & R o w a n Paid for by Debra Brown Groce W ii^’'qttr .spacious m aternity suites and rela.\ing Jacuzzi mbs, thc Special Delivery area at Davis .Regional Medical Center offers comfort and privacy, as well as the highest level of technology. Specialized beds for m om , deluxe sleeping accom m odations for dad, TVs and VCRs are included lo make your slay as comfortable as possible. A celebntlion lunch is even included during your hospiiai stay. To make your advanced reservation, please call (704) 838-7106, or ask for a Spccial Delivery enrollm ent packet at your ne.\t doctor's appointm ent. You will also find an array of special programs and services lo help with your new arrival. Vi'-EjR.Y/,...... DELIVERY , ’ n.xpeciant Parents' Tour, Childbirth and Breastfeeding Classcs Daddy's Beeper Level II Nursery Jacuzzi Hot Tubs Follow-up Home Visit Parent's Celebration Lunch McdKey Express Registration Medicaid & M ost Insurance Plans Accepied at Davis Regional Medical Center 2 18 Old M ocksville Road, 1-40, Exit 134 , Slalesville • (704) 838-7240 • www,davisregional,com r. ■ DAVIK COUN l Y KNTKRPRISK RKCORI), Лиц. 1, 2002 P u b l i c R e c o r d s A r r e s ts The IXivio Cminiy S hcrilfs De- matlc ihe following; arrests. -Jaso n Rich:ir.l W olf. 22. of 452 RivcrdiUc Drive. M ocksville w as iirresled July 22 for ilrivinii w ilh hceiise revoked. Trial <!ate: A ug.T ■> - M ichael Dean CoIHer. 2-i. of 12-S Sunvel Drive. M ocksville was arresled July 22 for non-support. Trial iliiie: Auy. 20. - Pam ela Jones Love. 4 1. of 148 llard ie Sireel. M ocksville was ar­ rested July 2 } for driving with li­ cense revoked ami speeiling. Trial date: Sept. 12. - Porlia JiK'letle W ilson. 47. o f V illage Road. M ocksville was arrested July 2.^ for possession of drug paraphenialia and probation violation. Trial ilales: Julv 25 and A ug. 8. - Hrent i'ranklin Hem m ings. 17. of I‘)2 Tim ber Lane. A dvancc was arreslcd July 25 for si>eeding and driving with license revoked. Trial dale; Sept. 26. - Barbara l.ynn Coley. 4b. of Troutm an was arrested July 25 for probation violation. Trial date; Sept. l‘i. - M ichael Sieven Hlackmon. If), of 125 Old Fann Lane. M ocksville was arrested July 26 for inisde- nieanor larceny and coniribuiing lo Ihe delinquency of a m inor. Trial dale: Sept. 19. - Joseph M icliael Harlha. 20. of 125 Old Fann Lane. M ocksville was arrestetl July 26 for contributing to the deliui.|ueucy of a tuinui and vlriv- ing w ilh license revoked. Trial date: Sepl. I‘). - A nthony T errance Kllis. 17. of 16."^ Jessica Trail. M ocksville was arrested July 2S for possession of m arijuana less than half ounce, pos­ session o f dnig paraphenialia. and littering. Trial dale: Sept. 12. - Joe A lfonzo G reen Foster. 22. of Salisbur)' w as arrested July 28 for reckless driving. Int and run. and driving w ith license revoked. Trial date: Sept. 6. - Jessica R enee Hinkle. 17. of Levvisburg. W esl V irginia was a r­ rested July 28 for possession of m arijuana, possession o f drug p ara­ phernalia. aiul oul o f slale revoked operators license. Trial date: Sepl. 12. - M amie Lorene Ferguson. 22. o f 148 Friendship C ourt, M ocks­ ville w asarrested July 28 for inloxi- calion. (lisniption. and resisting a public officer. Trial date: Aug. 15. M o c k s v ille P o lic e The follow ing incidenis w ere reponeil to Ihe M ocksville Police Departm enl. - The larceny of m oney from a handbag from a residence on H os­ pital Sireel was reporled July 22. ■ A bicycle was taken frinn a parking are on Gwyn Sireel. il w as reporled July 24. - Six counterfeil $20 bills were attem pted lo l>e passed at Taco Mell. Hurger King. Days Inn and C om - forl Inn. il was reporteil July 25. - A tioor glass was broken to i m edicalbuildingon Hospital Sireel. il w as reporled July 24. • T he theft of a truck, bvirglary o f a residence and trespassing was reported July 27 from a hom e on C restview D rive. • A pockelbook was lost or sto­ len al W al-M art July 26. • The larceny of m oney from a Scollisli Inn riHMn was reporled Julv 27. - T he larceny of a billfoKl from a vehicle on Lionheart Drive was reportetl inly 26. A rrest - H ayw ood Darnell Mrown. .18. of Lexington, w as charged July 2.^ with resisting an officer. Trial dale: A ug. 22. Tr;ifTlc A ccidents - The driver o f a vehicle lefl in park escaped serious injury as he tried to get into the rolling car al 12:55 p.m. July 22. Paul W'ilsoii K ennedy. 7.^. of H arm ony, had slopped his 19‘JS Chr>sler lo go lo the ATM ai CCIi. b\n left il in drive. T he car kept roll* ing. with K ennedy chasing it. re­ p o rled O ffic e r F.N L P ark er. Kennedy gol lo the car door, bul could nol gel inside. The vchicle dragged him until it hit tree. K ennedy w as la k e n to D av ie C ounly H ospital, w here he w as trealed and released. - M irrors lo v ehicles passing under Ihe Lexington Road railroad undeqiass collided, il w as reporled al 11:20 a.m . July 26. Rickie E d­ ward llunier. 45. o f R evenna. O hio lold Deteclive D.T. M iller lii he had m oved thc 2(K)2 Coachm an he was driving as far lo the righl as pos­ sible. Thc olher vehicle did nol slop. • A L ex in g to n w om an faces three charges afler a w reck in the V F Jeansw ear parking lol ai 6:25 a.m . Ju ly 24. H eather C lirisline H anson. 2.1. w as driving a 1991 Ford van al a speed greater lhan n e c e ssa ry w hen il hil a 1987 O ldsm obile driven by Ruby Nell Jam es. 62, of 189 Casa Bella Drive. A dvance, reporled O fficer Janies P Young. Hanson w as charged with driving while license revoked, fail­ ing 10 see before stopping and turn­ ing. and m aking an unsafe traffic m ovem ent. - A M ocksvillc m an w as charged w ith failing lo reduce speed afler a w reck on Country Lane al 2:50 p.m . July 26.Thom as Clay Harbin. 52. of .149 Fannland Road, failed lo slop Ihe 1989 C hevrolet truck he w as driving before il slruck in Ihe rear a 1997 Ford driven by Shari Darlecia M ellon. 17. of m O Creekside Drive, reporled C hief J.R. Keller. L a n d T r a n s fe r s T he follow ing land transfers were nied wilh the Davie R egister of Deeds, lisled by parlies involved, acreage, tow nship and deed stan)p> purchascil. w ilh S2 represenling $I.(HK». • KHS L im ited to K athleen M arie! S o u th ern . I lot. S hady (iriu e . $66. - W'estview Developm enl Co. to M arquis Huilding. I lol. Farm ing­ lon. $70. ' W illiam iiernard D a\ is and as execulor of estate of W illiam Reid IXivis. Kay Cam eron Davis. Kristi D. M anuel ami Lulher .Manuel lo W illiam Hcniard Davis, 1 lol. Shady drove. - F reem an N elson S lye and Mary P. Slye. Jennie A. Sauncers lo W’illiam Tayhir Slye and Kalhy IL Slye. 2 lols, M (Kksville. - David E. M cDonald and K im ­ berly A. M cD onald lo G eorge IL Rudy and Nuncy I*. R udy, 1 lot. NUH:ksville.S266. ' Larr> J. Staley Jr. and Shayna P. Staley lo Craig Johnson. I hit. Jerusalem . $52. ' J e ffre y R. W 'iison and K atherine A. W'ilson to Joseph W. Hunch and N icole J. Hunch. I lot. C larksville. S26S. • Frank W'. H rw in. subslilule Iruslee lo Hank of Am erica. I lol. M ocksville. $.18. - C harlie P. Hrown ami H li/alvili A. Bn>wn lo Charlie Hrown Jr. and K athleen S. Brow n. I acre. C larks­ ville. - L ew is R ichard W 'alker and Ruby W alker lo John S. M aine and Sherx I S. \ta in e , I lol. Farm inglon. $80. - W'estview D evelopm enl Co. lo Bob C ope A: Son C onstruclion. 1 lol. Farm inglon. $70. • W 'estview D evelopm enl Co. to S a m n a/ Inc.. 1 lot. Farm inglon. S70. • W estvicw D evelopm ent Co. to L\itber W ayne Fr>e and DaphtK* A. Fr>e. 2 lots. Fanninglon. $140. ' Peggy Righls Long lo Larry W. C arter and Lois D ay C arier and Judy (’. Barr and Sam uel F. Barr. 12..18 acies. Farminglon. - Joan Sum m ers Long lo Tony F. Prevelle and Tina I). Prevelle. 2.08 acres, Calahain. - A nila R eich am i T im oihy Reich. Reia Hurgan. Tammy Hare, heirs o f Clilforti Hare, and Rela Burgan am! M ichelle D nuning.co- aiim inisiralors of eslale of Clifftird B are lo T im oihy Cox B ranum . 19.75 acres, M ocksville. $90. - Josephine C. McClamrtKk (2г; interesty to l*atricia NL Draughn, 5 Iracls. M ocksville. - M ichael Carbone and Karen Carbone lo Daniel C. W \irilen and M elanie L. W’orden. I lol. M ocks­ ville. $.125. - O ilessa May O w ens and W ill­ iam Page to Saeed Igbal and Kim- l>erly Igbal, I lot. C alahain, $28. - M ary F.. Flow ers to Joseph П. Flowers. 1 lol. Jerusalem . -Judith R. B eaucham p lo Jeffrey (i. ik'aucham p and S usannah S. Beaucham p. 2 iracls. $.18. • K.T. Isenhour C onslnicllon lo Jam es H. C o m b s a n d L o is H. Com bs. I tra d . Fanninglon. $572. - Piedmonl Deck Installations to Ronald Slroupe and Penny Slroupe. .76 acre, M ocksville. $20. - M ary K athryn R ogers, execu­ lrix and h e ir o f D e n n is F red Ralledge eslale lo Larry D. B elton and B renda L. B elton. 11 acres. $160. - H aro ld W ayne S m ith an d Ulaine Sm ilh. B m e r G . A llen ami G erald in e A llen to S c o lly Van Johnson und Lisa D enny Johnson. 1.1.27 acres, Farm inglon. $108. - Karen Sm ith, d irector of Davie Social Services and guardian of es­ lale of G race Langston lo Virginia W hitlle, 1 acre, $78. - John F. Sparks and M adeline S. Sparks to i'aul H uker Sparks, .97 acre. Fanninglon. -B V W esi 10 Barbara R.A Iforil, I lot. Fanninglon. $500, - Oak Valley A ssociates Lim ited Parlnership lo K.T. Isenhour C on­ struction. 1 villa site. Farm ington. $80. - Joo p. T ucker to A m anda T. Sleelm an, 1..18 acres. Fullon. - M allie B. Tucker lo A m anda T. Sleelm an, .62 acre. Fullon. - W 'estview D evelo|)inent Co. to S am naz Inc.. 1 lot. F arm ington, $70. - Jesse Ray Salley and N ancy Salley lo Florenlino A rcos-R om ero and G loria Arcos«Renteria, 8 lols. Jerusalem , S226. - N!ary \V. M cD aniel {y /r inter- esi) IO John N. M cD aniel Jr.. Ramly D ean M cD aniel Sr. and A ngela M cD an iel D ish m a n . .1 tra c ts, M ocksville. - Dorothy Nadine Morgan Spill­ man to Ronnie Lee Morgan. .89 acre, Jerusalem. - Jim m y Lee Jolly and Kandis D arlene Jo lly (h alf in terest) lo M a rily n M c C lam ro ck . I lo t. M ocksville. $22. - W ater’s Edge ProjKTlies to P.C. I'appas Builders. .1 lols. Fanninglon. $.170. - Clifton C. Richardson Jr. and Tam my R. Frost and Rolwrt T. Frost lo Tam m y R. Frost and Robert T. Frost, 5.78 acres. Jenisalem . - Clifton C. Richardson Jr. and Tam m y R. Frost anil Robert T. Frost lo Cliflon C. Richardson Jr., 5.38 acres. Jenisalem . - Lanny R. A tkins and Sharron R. A tkins to Jam es L. Peebles and Yolanda Peebles, .86 acre, M ocks­ viiie, S206. - D ana Leigh G addy to Jam es Q uintin Giukly, 1.56 acrcs. Fulton. - B arry W h illo ck and Jan e W hillock U) M ark H. C ook Jr. and Sherri S. Cook, 14.19 acrcs, Cala- im!n.S12K. H ig h w a y P a tro l The ft»llo\sing tr.ilfic wrecks in D.ivie ('ouniy were listed by the N.C. Highway IMlrol. D river Flees Scene O u 14ml A Rowan m an has 1ч‘еп ch;>rged wilh hil and run, careless and reck­ less driving, and driving wiih li­ cense revoked aller the vehicle he vs as driving hit another July 21. Joe A lfon/o Green Foster of Salisbury failed lo slop his !99I C hevrolet vehicle at a slop sign in- lersection of Deadm on Roail and U.S. 601. Fosler lost control of his vehicle luuth on 601 and hil a 1996 Jeep driven by M argaret Heaver M clnnis of .1859 U.S. Ы WVsl. MiHTksville who was iraveling soulh on 601. Fosler Ihen lied the scene on foot. Trooper A.A. Justice reponed the accident occurred al approxi­ m ately .1:.10 p.m. and the M clnnis and a passcngerw erc laken lolredeil M em orial Hospiial for irealm enl. C ur H its C hurch A Davie wom an was charged with careless and reckless driving afler she wreckeil Ihe vehicle she was driving July 22. M o/clle M egan Land of 2070 Cana Roail. M ocksville was driving a 1996 Jeep vehicle west on a pri­ vate road at Bixby Presbyterian Church w hen the vehicle rounded a leflhandcurxe loo fast an<l lost con­ lrol. Land's vehicle ran off Ihe right shovdder, struck the church, over- tunied. and cam e lo rest on its left side. T rooper A.A. Justice reported Ihe accident occurred al approxi- m alely 3:50 p.m . and ihere were no injuries. Vehicles Collide Al Intersection A D avie m an w as charged wilh failure to yield right of w ay after the vehicle he w as driving hit anolher July 22. K ennelh D arrell Pow ell of 2429 A ngelí R oad. M ocksville w as driv­ ing his 1970 Ford pick-up east on A ngell Road. A visC heely Foslerof Y adkinville w as driving her 2(KM Subaru vehicle norlh on U.S. 601. Pow ell's iruck entered the intersec­ tion o f 601 w ithoui yielding the right of w ay to Foster's vehicle. T he two vehiclc collided al the inlerseclion of the roadw ays. T rooper J.R A llred reporled ihe accident occurred al approxim ately 7:20 p.m . and there were no inju­ ries. Ooj;s H it O n U S . 158 Sandra D raughn M oon o f 4.159 U.S. 158. A dvance w as driving her 1992 Saturn vehicle easl on 158 when ll slruck Iw m logs thal enlered the roadw ay. Trooper J.R. Allred reporteil Ihe accident occurred at approxim aleiy 9:10 p.m . and ihe driver was nol injurcil. W reck N ear Hillsdiile F(H>d Lion A Davie m an was charged wiih failure lo see before backing after ihe vehicle he was driving hit an­ other July 22. Ernest Jackson W illiam s of 1210 Beaucham p Road. A dvancc was leaving the Food Lion parking lot and allem pling to enter N.C. HOI in his 1991 Chevrolet pick-up. W ail­ ing iKhind W 'illian\s was a 1996 Chevrolet pick-up driven by Travis Chrislopher M anin of W 'insion-Sa- leni. W 'illiams backed his vehicle and slruck M artin's tnick. Trooper A.J. Fanner reporled Ihe accident occurred at approxim ately 1:.10 p.m . and there were no inju­ ries. C a r W recks O n C ornal/.er N o charges were filed after a Davic m an w recked thc vchiclc he was driving July 2.1. Brandon Lee W ashburn o f 117 Shady Brook Road. M ocksvillc was driving a 1996 D odge vehicle easl in a sharp righl curve on C om atzcr S h e r iff s D e p a r tm e n t F ire s The following incidenis were reported to the Davlc ShenlTs Depl. - O n July 22 Chad Thom as ic- portcd I.D. fraud al a residence on G uinevere Court. MiK'ksville. - M allhew Hicks reponed two dam aged inailboxes at residences on U.S. 64 W est. M ocksville on July 25. - O n July 25 Tim m y C arier of Furches Shopping M arl. MiK’ksville reported m olor fuel was remi)ved w ithoui pay from the business. - Richard Pressley reported a private sign was rem oved from a private road on M archm ont Drive, A dvance on July 25. - O n July 25 Barbara Hoger rc- porieiJ a m ailbox was dam aged m a hom e on G reenhill Road, MiK'ks- villc. - D iane H ubbard reponed dogs allackcd livcsKKk at a fann on A n­ drew R oad, A dvance on July 25. - O n July 26 D oravea GorlKMl lepoiled credit card fraud al a resi­ dence on U.S. 158. M ocksvillc. -C y n lh ia C lear)’ reponed mail w as rem oved from a m ailbox on Cum m ings L ane, M ocksvillc on July 27. - O n July 27 A m anda Dolson reported carpels, pictures, and fur­ niture w as dam aged al a hom e on U.S. 601 N orth. M ocksville. - D on Sanders o f C orner Slore, M ocksville reported gas was laken w iihoul pay at the store on July 27. - O n July 28 RoiKTt B arker re­ ported a pressure w asher and leaf blow er w ere rem oved fron\ a rcsi- dencc on B ingham Parks Road. A dvance. - R osa Holt reported fraud at a residence on N onna Lane, MiK’ks- villc on July 29. Davie County fire departm ents responded lo the follow ing calls: ,|uly 22: M ocksvillc, .1:46 p.m .. M illing Road, firealann; C onial/cr- Dulin assisted; A dvance. 4 p.m .. Fork Bixby Road, autom obile acci- deni; FM>rk assisled. .luly 2.1: Sm ilh Grove. 11:07 a.m ., i-40 East, autom obile acci­ dent. .luly 24; Fanninglon. 3:01 p.m .. Fanninglon Road, fire alam i; Sm ilh G rove assisled; Sm ith G rove. 3:13 p.m .. Lone Tree D rive, refrigerator fnc; A dvancc. 3:19 p.m.. Hidden C reek D rive, fire alann; Sm ith G rove assisled; W illiam R. Davie, 4:51 p .in.. Cow Creek Ranch, tree fire; M ocksville assisled. .lu ly 28: Fork, 10:11 a.m ., H endrix BBQ. auium obileaccideni; Jerusalem , 5:21 p.m .. Eden Lane, investigation; M ocksville assisled; Sm ith G rove, 7:14 p.m.* RiverlKiid Drive, fire alann. Road when the vehiclc ran o ff the rig h l s h o u ld e r o f th e ro ad . W 'ashbuni's vehicle then wcnl oul of control hack across the road and ran off Ihe left shoulder, iraveled ilow n an en)bankn\enl, and over- lum ing in a dilch. Troo|K*r C .D . Jones reporled the accidcnl occurred at approximately 10 p.m. W reck O n In tcrstiilc 41) N o charges were filed afler a Forsylh Counly m an w recked ihe vchicle he w as driving July 23. M uham m ad A bdul G hani of C lem m ons w as d riv in g a 2000 O ldsm obile cast on 1-40 w hen il ran off thc right shoulder and struck an em bankm ent. Troo|>cr A.A. Justice reporicd Ihc accidcnl occurred al approxi- nialcly 3:45 p.m . and there w ere no injuries. W rcck O n .M urchison R oad A Davie m an was charged w ith exceeding safe speed after the v e­ hiclc he w as driving w rccked July 23. Jason B radley Royal o f 205 Joy Trail, M ocksville w as driving his 1987 D odge v e h ic lc n o rth on M urchison R oad. A s R oyal al- lem pted a left curve he lost conlrol of his vehiclc. ran o ff the road to the righi, slruck a dilch bank, ovcr- lunied. and cam e lo rest on Ils top. Troo[K*rA.J. F anner reported the accident occurred al approxim ately I p.m . W reck Durini* H eavy R ain A Davie m an was chargcd w ilh exceeding safe sjK^cd and unsafe llrcs afler the vehicle he w as driving w recked July 24. Adam Eugene Sexton o f 112 Trestle Lane. M ocksvillc w as driv­ ing his 1997 Ford pick-up cast on 1- 40 and hydroplaned due lo a wet road. Sexton's vehicle ran off the road lo thc left and collided w ith a m edian cable. Trooper M .T. D alton reporled Ihe accidcnl occurred al approxi­ m ately 4:25 p.m . and there were no injuries. W reck N ear C h ild care C en ter No charges were filed after tw o vehicles collided on July 24. L yndc T ille y C a rly le o f C lem m ons w as d riv in g a 2000 T oyota v ch iclc so u th from thc Childcare Learning C cnicrcntrancc and allem pling lo m ake a righl lurn onlo a public road. Ricky Allen M cB ride o f 774 D aniel R oad, M ocksville was driving his 1979 C hcvrolel pick-up west on Ihe pub­ lic road. C arlyle failed to yield right of w ay to M cBriilc's vehicle caus­ ing the two lo collidc. T rooper C.D. Jones reported ihc accident occurred al approxim aleiy 12 p.m . and there were no injuries. C ollision O n U.S. 601 A Davic m an w as chargcd with failure to rcduce speed afler the vc­ hiclc he w as driving hil anolher J uly 25. Slew art Alan Long o f 139 Hank Lasscr R oad, M ocksvillc w as driv­ ing his 1987 C hcvrtilct vchiclc norlh on 601 behind a 1988 Ford vehiclc ilrivcn by Kevin riionias M alloy o f W In.slon-Salem . A s M alloy slow ed his vehicle for traffic ahead Long failed to reduce his s|K'cd and his vehicle struck M alloy's in Ihe rear. T rooper C.D. Jones reported the accitleni occurred al apj)roxim ately 12 p.m . and there w ere no injuries. C a r W recks O n In te rsta te A Duvic wom an was chargcd w ilh exceeding safe speed afler Ihc vchicle she was driving wrecked July 25. Kari Am anda Hardm an of 183 Spring Sireci, M ocksvillc was driv­ ing a 1995 C hevrolet vchiclc wesl on 1-40 w hen it hydroplaned on the wet road. The vehiclc ran off ihc road to thc left and collided wilh a m edian cable. Trooper M .T. DaUon icponed Ihc accident occurred at approxi­ m aleiy 2 p.m . and there were no injuries. N o C hiirjies rile d In W reck A Davie w om an was not charged after she w recked Ihc vehicle she was driving July 25. Elaine Coates PoythressofG i an­ ile l-alis w as driving a 1988 Cadillac cast on Inierslalc 40 during a heavy dow npour of rain. Poyihrcss' ve­ hicle wenl oul o f conlrol, ran off the lefl shoulder, and struck u cable m edian barrier. T rooper C .D . Jones reported the accidcnl occurred at approxim ately 1:30 p.m . and there were no inju­ ries. W reck B lam ed O n lieav y R ain N o charges were filed after a N orth Carolina m an wrecked the vehiclc he was driving July 26. M allhew Jo el H a stin g s ol M organton was driving his 1997 Ford vehiclc west on Inlerstaie 40 when il began to hydroplane during ■Л heavy rain dow npour. Hastings lost control of the vehiclc and il skidded off the road to the righl, collided wilh tw o irces, and cam e to resl in a WDodcd area. Trooper J.R Allred reporled the accidcnl occuned al approxim ately 12:40 a.m. D ebris Hit O n In te rsta te 40 No charges were filed after a Norlh C arolinam an was involved in an accident July 26. A ndrew L aw rence W alls ol M ooresville w asdriving a 1994 Ford vchiclc west on 1-40 when il slruck a lire tread in ihe roadw ay. W atts vehiclc came lo rest on the righl shoulder. Trooper A.A. Juslicc reporled Ihc accidcnl occurred al approxi­ m ately 1:45 p.m. Vehicles W reck O n I-4Ü N o chargcs were filed after an accidcnl involving two vehiclc oc­ curred in Davic Counly July 26. Judith M axine Carey ofO asionia was drivinghcr 1996 D odge vchiclc w eston l-40in Ihc right lane. A llison M arie Ring of G reensboro w asdriv­ ing her 2001 H onda vehiclc wcsl on 1-40 In thc left lane. Carey failed lo see R ing's vchicle and began to m erge im o the left lan e. R ing sw erved to avoid Carey's vehiclc and she lost conlrol, ran o ff the righl shoulder, and struck a road sign. T rooper A.A. Jusilcc reported llic accidcnl occurred at approxi­ m aleiy 3 p.m. and there w ere no Injuries. V ehicle C ullide Л1 Intersection A N orlh C arolina m an w as charged wilh failing to yield afler Ihe vehicle he wus driving hit an­ olher July 26. M ichacl Floyd Brill of Albemarle w as driving his 1993 Isuzu vehiclc nonh on Jericho C hurch Road m ak­ ing a left turn onto U.S. 64. Lesley Dyson Roto o f 1079 Ridge Road. M ocksvillc was driving her 1992 Ford vehicle w esl on 64. Brill failed toyield right o f way causing he and Role's vehicles lo collidc. T rooperC .D . Jones reported Ihc C ontinued O n P age 7 Members of the Mocksville Planning Board discuss a rezoning request for an industrial area off Alien Road. The town board w/ill discuss that issue, and annexation, at its meeting Tuesday night. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Rezoning, Annexation Hearing Tuesday Night C ontinued From 1 she said. Heavy nianufacluriiig would not be allow ed. Poster said. "I could sec small busi­ nesses ... conlraclors who need slorage yards ... assembly busi­ nesses. Keep an open mind. The posiiive side of industry is jobs." N eighboring properly ow n­ ers off Allen and Ijames Church roads urged the board lo recom­ m end denial o f ihe zoning change. One induslrial park and a nearby trucking business have already caused problems wilh traffic and noise, and Ihey don’t wanl fiirlher encroachmeni lo­ ward their homes. Gary M. Allen pointed oul lhal lliere is already plenty of prnperty in Mocksville zoned for industry. Calvin Phelps w ith­ drew a pelilion lo rezone Ihe land when he learned lhat ihe cily co u ld n 'l prom ise w aler and sewer services, Allen said. "We Ihoiiglil il was a dead issue ... and now w e're looking al llie cily warning lo anne.x Ihis properly. I've seen Ihe good old boy small lown politics ... and Ihis is clearly whal is being done. "Wc live in ihe couniry, bul w e're nol couniry bum pkins. Som ebody is going lo m on- elarily or politically gain from Ihis. Thai's ihc way wc sec il. W hal's so valuable aboul ihis properly'.' I don'l undersland Ihis Ihing." Sharon Wolfe said il should be more imporlanl for Ihe town lo prolcci residents who have Sharon Wolfe points to the map while urging board members to vote against the business zoning. invesled in homes than lo eater lo future business owners. M ike G raves m entioned more irafllc. noise and Iighl pol­ lution and an inadequate road (Allen Road), as reasons lo deny Ihe reiiuesl. "The more you add. Ihe more (problems) you're go­ ing to have," Graves said. "M osl people moved oul Ihere lo be in D i a n e F o s t e r : I n d u s t r i e s y. would bring job and a lower tax rate for residents. Gary M. Allen: “We live in the country, but we’re not country bumpkins." the country. We don'l wanl big lights poin lin g al our back yards." "This is a residenlial area and il's nol appropriale lo locale in- duslry ne.xl to il'." said Karen Richardson. "It opens ihe door for more businesses." M artha B ow ers said lhal when Soiilhl’oinl was rczoned five years ago, llie lown board decided thal Allen Rond was a buffer belween residences and businesses. "The noise pollulion is a big problem. Wc can hear it wilh the window shut tight. How m any of us w ould be living where wc are loday if we had Multi-County Task Force Checks Traffic In Davie A traffic checkpoint set up in Davie County Iwo weeks ago as pari of a multi-agency lask forcc resulted in 29 people being ciled for violalions. Agencies involved included those from D avie, R ow an, C ataw ba, Iredell, Burke, and M cDowell counties. The lask force was established as the re­ sult of a govemmenl granl and involves lask members going lo different counties lo hold traffic checks or roaming patrols. According lo Duvie County Sheriff's Deparlmem Sgt. B.E. Diggs, the checkpoint was set up at U.S. 64 and N.C. 901 at Davic Academy Road beginning at 6 p.m. July 16. Diggs reported il was a slow day in Davie for the lask mem­ bers. who manned the checkpoint for approximately three hours. Approximately 39 minoreharges were made. "Il was slill a suc­ cessful operation," said Diggs. Sign Up For Cost Share The Davie Soil & Water Con­ servation Dislricl will soon be receiving ils 2003 allocation of funds from the N.C. Agricullural Cosl Share Program. The district will be conduct­ ing a signup Ihrough Aug. 9 Cost share funds are available to assist landowners wiih inslall- ing conservation practices (Best M anagement Practices BMPs), which decrease Ihe amouni of sediment, nitrogen, phosphorus, pesticides, anim al w asle and other pollutaiUs enlering the sur­ face and ground waters. Agricultural landowners and operators may apply for cost share assistance to install BM Ps such as cropland conversion, sod based ro tatio n s, d iv ersio n s, grassed waterways, long term no till, animal wasle management ■( system s, slock trails, heavy u.se area protection, watering facili­ ties. livestock exclusion from streams and others. Applications will be approved on a priority basis, with lho.se siles providing the grealesi waler qualily ben­ efits being approved first. Apply for funds by contact­ ing the D avie Soil and W aler C onservation D islricl, 180 S. Main St., Counly Office Build­ ing, R oom 313, M ocksvillc; 751-5011. DAVIK COUNTY KNTKRPRISK RECORD, Aug. 1,2002 - 7 known there would be an indus­ trial park in our backyard?" Mark W illiams said ihc lown and counly should plan where industrial properly goes, nol re­ act lo a rei|uest from properly owners. "Part of the fear is w hal's going to go in there," said Car­ rie Graves. More important lhan properly values is the sm all­ town values, she said. "If you want a dogfighl, you w ill have a dogfighl on your hands," Allen said. "It's too short sighted. It’s not part of a plan." T hc tow n board m eets ot 1 p.m. Tuesday at lown hall. Janie Neely: “There’s no guarantee it's going to stay the same," Brian Williams: "Growth is inevitable. Does our ordinance address the concerns that come with growth?” H iü h w a v P a tro l Continued From I’ugc 6 accident occurred at approximately 10 u.m. and lliere were no injuries. Cur Hits Mailbox A D avie w om an w as cliarged w ilh exceeding safe speed idler she w rccked llie vehicle she w as driving July 27. T onia A lkins Frank o f 4 1 fi Dulin R oad, M oeksville w as driving her 1993 M ercedes vehicle easl on U.S. 158 when il ran off the righl shoul­ der and overcorrected back lo Ihe left. Frank’s vchicle then ran off the lefl shoulder, slruck a mailbox, trav­ eled down an embanknienl, and slruck several Irces. T rooper A.A, Justice reported the accidcnl occurred al approxi­ m ately I p.m . and there w ere no injuries. Womun CharBi'd In Wreck A Iredell w om an w as chargcd wilh reckless driving alter the ve­ hiclc she w as driving liil anolher July 27. S a ra h E liz a b e th B u stle o f Statesville w as driving a 1997 Ford vehicle w est on Inlerstaie 40 in Ihe lefl lane of iravel. D ouglas Edw ard Justice o f Black M ountain w as driv­ ing his 1991 Plym outh vchicle west on 1-40 ill Ihe right lane. Hustle veered her vehicle inlo Ihe path of Justice's vehicle then alleinpled lo correct by sw erving left. Bustle's vehicle then overcorrected and it w ent back inlo the righl lane of travel colliding w ith Justice's ve­ hicle. B ustle's vchicle then ran off Ihe road lo Ihe right and collided wilh un enibankm enl. , T rooper M .T. D alton reporled the accident occurred al approxi­ m ately .“ii.lO p.m . Colllsiun Al ATM Machine A Davie m an w as charged wilh reckless driving. D W l, and hit and run after thc vehicle lie was driving hit another July 28. G ary Janies K relz of 177 T im ber Lane, A dvance w as stopped in his 1991 Chevrolel vehicle al llie First Union ATM m achine. Behind Krelz w asa2(H )0C hevrolelvehicledriven by Joan M ary Stiller of Paw leys Island. South Carolina. Krelz backed his vehicle into Sliller's then lefl Ihe scene. Trooper M .T. D allon reporled the accidcnl occurred al approxi­ m ately 7:55 p.m. Wrcck Near Hendrix llllQ N o charges w ere filed after a North C arolina w om an w recked the vehicle she w as driving July 28. T in a L o c k h a rt P ie rc e o f W ilm ington was driving her 2001 K ia vehicle west on U .S. 64 w hen il ran off the righl shoulder, struck a ilrivew ay culvert, and overturned com ing lo resl in Ihe parking lol of H endrix BBQ. T rooperC .D . Jones reporled the accideni occurred al approxim ately 10:10 a.m . and Pierce and the pas­ sengers w ere laken lo Baplisl H os­ pital for treatnicni. T hree D eer llll In Duvie C ounly Jam es Cecil C arlner o f 1577 D avie A cadem y Uoad, M ocksville w as driving his 1994 Buick vehicle easl on Privetle Road July 23 w hen it collided w ith a deer crossing the road. T rooper J.R A llred reporled Ihe accideni occurred al approximately 11 p.m. and Ihe driver was nol in­ jured. F ranklin N oah D rye o f 882 W agner Road, M ocksville w asdriv­ ing his 1996 Toyota pick-up soulh on Ben A nderson Road July 25 when it collided w ilh a deer lhat had crossed the roadw ay. T rooper J.R . A llred reponed Ihe accident occurred al approxim aleiy 2:15 a.m . and the driver svas not injured. Kevin A lexander Boger of 110 Cecil Lane, M ocksville was driving a 1991 Jeep vehicle easl on B ailey's C hapel Road July 27 w hen im rled the accideni occurred at ap- il struck a deer that had entered the proxim alely 10 p.m . and the driver roadw ay. T rooper M .T. Dalton re- was not injure'd. Senate Hopeful To Be Here For Town Hall Meeting Jim Snyder of Lexington, a Republican candidale for the U.S. Senate nomination, will hold a town hall type meeting iU 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 12 at the Davic Counly Courthouse. Call 751-9361 for more informalion. Unitisd N/jethijdist Church 8 9 7 Pulln MíclísVlLU. M e 2 7 (3 2 8 336-99Ô-54CJ9 v/ww.duLinumc.crg D ulin United Methodist I n v ite s Y o u T o I f s 1 3 1 st A n n u al H om ecom ing Sunday, A ugust 4 ,2 0 0 2 9i30 Singing lltOO Worship 12;00 noon Fellowship Lunch Singing will be provided by: The Rhythmaires Benita Finney The Dulin Quartet Kelsey McDaniel Anne Sacharzewski % Discovery Might End Heartburn Forever W ASHINGTON — Accord­ ing to recent research, upper gastrointestinal (Gl) problems like acid reflux, heartburn and ulcers may be eliminated with a new type o f chewable tablet. Scientists say that GI problems are not the result o f excess acid, bul Ihe body’s inability to deal with it. The new tablet called Pepstat 380'" conUiins an ex­ tract from the Glycyrrhiza glabra plant or DGL that strengthens the body’s natural defenses againsl acid. Pepstat 380 goes lo work im­ m edialely on stom ach acid while addressing the underly­ ing cause of GI problem s. Scientists suggest that the DGL in Pepstat 380 improves the body’s protective sub­ stances, increases the life­ span of digestive tract cells, improves blood supply to the area and has no known side effects. Comparative studies have appeared in publications like the British medical jour­ nal The Lancet showing DGL to be us effective as Zantac*, Tiigam et* and/or antacids with less side effects. The problem wilh antacids which neutralize stomach acid and acid blockers which re­ duces acid secretions is that they can interrupt the body’s norm al digestive process. Pepsmt 380 is a natural alterna­ tive to antacids and H2 recep­ tor antagonists more commonly known as “acid blockers." Pepstat 380 is available at phar­ macies without a prescription orcall 1-800-729-8446. Available locally al: FOSTER DRUG ■ 495 VaHayRd." 751-2141 vnvK.hakcia.com 02001 HCD Sain Aulbor'i Nolc! Coaiutl wtlh ytur phyilclin bifa^t di>conll>Hlag u y mcdtcMlgii.PAID ADVERTISEMEr/T s - DAMI-: ( О Г М Y к N TKKPRISK RKCOKD. Лиц. I, 2002 Davie School Bus Routes t uotn nuf SihimlМ./ Ir,i I f l|'I|.>nNv 11л\ ‘.(Ч S \ \||,|л,,> Si I'llk- Kbt;4' lùl Гии- ki.1.4- к.I Л I .I'/li' I II t'liK- Khl.4- K,l Л n.iMv K.lI’liu- KiJ.4' IM rk'.tv.ini iv- Dr ЦпЬм^п |)fI .l>;cui..4l { II .V Sj'i Iii'.-liili Dt I .L-i am.vICh *: 'S : IS •.tiplK'll //;m Itsh'.„ {>:■I ' ll\4\ i.fll SHcvU.'a,! im( Ikii4 llill k.!I’.'ini IM ( hern liill KJ t liiiMi) I n Л Н.илм'.ч! ( tl. Ril i s llu> Sц,.ч\м-ц| ( ÍHiuti Nil \ > \u^\ s KiM'iH.ilc K.l H.i>: .-’.IN- r'.-' /г,.м a :|).-'vliplli't1Mr IIom> IM К.чкчи.4- IMJiilKrii'll IM \ U |||>>'Л I II Iiiiulii’ii IMliinui..ii IM Л 1\ч-л^ч > \S.i\ Iiiii>.Ill>11 IM Л Í.1I.t ( I IlHUlH'U K;lliiiKlii'ii Kil .V П.чкч U.I\ .........I IM \ |).■|.иm^ I IIJ|Mklli>n U<1Jiiiklii'ii IM Л liC'lli- I II ( iI uInIi'iu' im л ( ili-ii\ iL-.v ! n D.Hik'l IMD.iiik-I K,l Л H.iiik I U.l I ),iiik-t IMM.mk I IM Л ( .ibk- I n 1 v-:--iMii Hill IM \v'lL'4 Kvl \ Г».»л|и1ч! U,1 N.•11,.. lid Jiiiiv Imn H;l4 ilKS ,4 ‘ l Huy ! ti'I iiplii'ii I .iirlid.l IMI N llu> f,(»l S Л limkK- Dl ( s Hus (.III S NKuilloiirh IM { N Hu\ MU S V.-.khl n.V U ЛЧ1 Ч 1 > ||л\ I.UI S \v Mvw Sl»| sNi Hu \ Mil S .4; ( iiiiik-'i li‘ I II \,- Mu;. SOI S Uii'i H:is i r I iiplim»W.iii St Л Ci.Ks Si Nv lh\\ Sill S Л W.iit M Nc Hvv\ SUI S \ (\iiUi Sl Мчин Sl DuVc Sl DiiV.^- Sll)uVc«St \ ( i.iv4 Sl l iN'm Sl \ Cio'.s Sl Sl \ D.ivio SI M.iiii St lnikli.41 Kit \Slx|\ ll \\{ il.ltlxi.'ll.' IM Л \I,n ;-in.il S| M.iivin.il Sl Л I f\\ Ml SI h‘:n; 4's.u.u Ц .,^1 !' I iiplii'ii( .i.hi-iMnv IM Л I i.ii IM <.|.1.1.1.чк' K.l л ( i.iil IM < il.kl'î.'lk' kil (il.i.bl.'ik- KJ Л I l. lji. I SI ( .l.iilvb.n.- K.lI ilviU K.l Л (iLul>i.'ii,- K.l \IiJi.k-K K.l Muli.k-K K.l Л Sl.kk- D Nv llu\ MU S \lkli.K-l K iijN.ik-iii A\ \ l iiiV K.l lfiii4.iU-m As \ W.ill Si U.ill Si л N.4-K IM I INK' f. ‘>1. n ln и 14 ■ ni - J'I :1 I I î ' I ' 1^ \ь Is :|ч /I lllk- ’ 111 -• { Î I ’« ' u : nP 7 J'» ? I'» 7:^1 • Ñ X I ini'.' IM {'orn;il/i'r J-lem. Svbiml Nun / /0. 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Ги11.41 Sl 7:11M.ltm;' Rd 7:1 ^SMnltk'v R.l .V Mi.iso Sl 7:14liilncv IM 7:14Rollino Hills 1 11 7:1SMol.i Bioo/o R..lhiig Hills Ln 7:20( it oksi.k' Moi.i Bioo/e Ln 7:21Milbiie Rd 7:24Milbiie Rii .t \ niovar.l Ln 7:10Dtiliii Ril 7;12lloploi R.l 7:lr.Milbiio R.l Л B.'uoiis Rii 7:40Milhiij IM 7:.M ( i>ni..Woi Kil 7:4Skmiosti.uno Dr 7:52( ‘.4П.П/01 Rd 7:5s MocksNillc i;U*m Sihonl lull: '.'ППО/ Iti,кl).'v,n|'IH>M InnoI I-Ioi IM fv.M Ki.k o K.l h::sSmiiiIi K.l (i:^^\itl.i‘.4- R.l f.: llKkloo R.l vS M.Htio I и <»:45I ^ \\л^ Ы W (,:I7 I t.ikt.iiiil \v \ O.ik Iroo 1)1 l ).i^ 10 \v,i.loiii\ Kil (i:54D.i\io .iiloiii) r.iikliii.irk Dr (i:5(* Si.1.4 ( ...tJi R.l .V D.'isc Kil <):57 SMi'o ( .1,1 h IM ,v C.mc Mill Dl f):5'i SIm.K Kill'll I n .V Иом\ l.u 7:05 D.iMo .\L.itlom> Ril.4:(M.ul> l.ii7:0S D.i\io Ao.i.ktm R.l 7:10I.410-. R.l 7:l .iD.i\ 10 .Akatloms Ril 7;U\lot K liii ( 'llllli II Ril .V Hiiiu n 1 )r 7:2(i (.looiil-ill K,1 7:i|Morris Ril 7 :M('.iiiMiv lli>nio Hil/l iioiulslnp l.'l 7:41 7:4.'( .llllll) 1 l.4llL‘ Rll S.tiiti4tl As l\:i4 <201ИГ l{ii\l> 7 Do'l.liplH4ll'i.svoll Ril(¡.h|!v> Kil Л Uo.HKalo Dr (ii..:iv\ Kil .V С.м.км'П l.n (iiKlk's Ril V.iii/.iiit Kil I s 1Ьч> 1.Л W l N llu v ni W \ D.ill.i> l.n Mv.illisloi Kit Mi..illisior Kil Л D.>i\ l.n M.i.iiMin Ril1л.111ч IMMIoii Rii .4: lliililoii\.illo> l.ii I > ll\v\ <>(U .N Chaiioc l.n l s llu\ MM N hr.inilos I .irin Rii ( l'IlIlIlS ItiCi-niiti) l.ji iV Hiiliic l.nl'.iiml.iiiil Kil 1..)Пк' .Mc.iil.n\ Ril Siiiiiinii Dr iV I‘.lin\v<x4l St ('.iiiipK'll kil iV .Summit Dr 7:50 Time t»::s ():15 i.:.17 (i:44 h:50 f»:5(t <»:5‘> 7:01 7:()S 7:11 7:21 l-.Z} 7:25 7;27 7:.V1 7:.Vi 7:.^K 7:41 7:-17 7:4S Crafts, D iscover U te s Little P lea su res ЭВ 1 С Р А У$ ’^TAXFREEShoppmg FRI. AU6.2 > $ЛТ. AU6.3 » SUN. AUC.41 No Taxes Ои Your *BACIC TO SCHOOL Supplies chock storo for details (-'.implvll Kil i4: Ihiliit.ui St 7:51N Main St iV: Spriico Sl 7:5.1 Hun .i2tl.íl(IJ lîii\ 127 :m l HunDo4criptii»n rimeChcriy St iV Mnll.mil St 7:20 Kcii nvxiL’ciiis Dr \ Tino St 7:22K;iilri).ul Sl 7:241-lK-poi Stic Cine St 7;25I-; iVp.il St \ Willi.ims St 7:2(> W’ilkcNNiri) St iV Cluircli St li\ 7:2‘>Wilkoslxirn Sl \ lot Sl 7:.4JГ.Ч St \ (iu>n St 7:.1l\\i4t St .V fi\s\n St 7:.i2 R.ijniinul Sl iV: A\.m St 7: '4.\\i4i St iV I'l't St 7:.V5llospil.tl St Л V.illc\ Ktl 7; (7V.iilkm\iMc Ril 7:41ll.'spll.il Sl Л (iu\ii St 7:42(■»ликч Sì W C'lmivh St 7:44252 W.milormi: l.n 7:4(i Гагк Av Л l..ikcu,HHl Dr Mk 7:.5() Hun lUi\ /,<ЛIX’scriptionS M.iin Sl I-; M.iplo A\ S M.iin St iV; l'iurcNl l.n.-Í7I S Mam Sl I .akowoiul Dr iN: I.ako'v .'.hI C'jrI.akouixul Dr S.llisl'HtN RttII.iton Rtl S Sahshury St Duke St ,\ik Л HaiiIiM4t St Ik'ocliwmHl Dr \ MaiiHi'lia Д\ Smtih D.t\ ie Dr S Sallsinuy St N Main St hr.4;k (i\m Кип Hii\ ¡II.''De •'i.ripiioii Mill St Clttister DrfliarleslDij Dr iV: C'inister Dr V. L.ike Dr l’.>laris Dr( iestMo\s Dr iV I airm.'nt Dr Ctosts leu Dr Door Run Dr (.’arlnof St Mailev St h'iiii Ihn 1 2 'Des4. ripiiüü L.tkeeiONt 1)1 iV ('.ifitlin.t St Sunset Drl's ll\v\ 15S iV JaMiiiiie l.n S Aneoll Ril .M.im C'Inirch Rd l s Mu> I5S ( )ak (inue ( IiukI) Rd W Kin-Il Ипм'к Dr S.nn Rd Milline Rd iS: .N’urtliitd^e ( l Milliue Kil D.ik Sti^: Spimi; St i’hu'Iirook l!li‘iM. Schotil Hun- .<26 IHÌÌ ¡¡us IJ2Descripiii)ij lime1 aimmiîtun Ktl (t:52Spillman UtI (i;5SArt.uvhcad Kd Л: Uedlicld Rd 7:0.^Spillnum Rtl 7:05M>ors Kd 7:10.\|>er> Rd iV: Naam.iii l.n 7:11Spillman Rd 7:1 1.Mokmelit Kd 7:17Ni'iin.i l.n 7:25\\о»ч11сс Dl .N Ken l.n 7:2S\V..i.illoo Dr\ 1; Reiioo Di 7;.4tW...4II00 Dr\ liR.ihiiiDi 7:,1|Ne ll\v> KOI .\ \ Aiitlef R.l 7:^2 Ne II\S> SOI .N i4: \\о..,| l.n 7:.V1Cetlar I .irest I.ri 7:4.11)1..kefir 7:4.5Ne llw\ .SOI N 7:4‘) Tune7:047:057:(iit7:14 7:157:227:247:2,S 7:.127:.1S7:41 7:457:51 lime7:127:177;1‘»7:227:2S7: 11) 7:117:1S7:4'i - I \f Hun Inné (.:!2 (t: (.:,1‘» ii:44 (>:4() i,:4S (>:4'i i.:55 fi:5S 7:01 7:05 7:10 7:11 Hun .*2f> Oil2 Descripinm llu^ IJJ lime l'ino\ille Rd iV: l'.Utcis Kidi^e Di (t:4(il'ine\ille Kd í»:4SWs.i Rd b:5,1N Riño Ktl \ K.t\la I r 7;IUNe H\s> KOI .N 7:05Jn\ Ir Л: ili.nkm l.akc Kd 7:07NeHv4\Mll ,SiV R\.msWa\ 7:0‘>Ne Iluy.soi N1^ Shelt.41 l.n 7:10H.usell Kd 7:12(.'.ma HiUS¿ Braniius Way 7:IS !’тМшй Kid^c Rd \ l)t7'.2,^l’uildinj; Kitliie Ktl/Hueke>e Гг 7:24CVtlar freek Ril/Rutldmi; Ridjie 7:2(>fetlarCreek Rt! 7;.lü(.'etlar fieek Rd i4: |-.i«n l.n 7:,M Hnbhii Kil \ Kcimen Kiest Kil 7:.lSKennen Krest Rd 7:42 Kemien Krest Rd .V Mall.iid Rd 7:45raimmj;ttm Ktl .V: Sueat Гг 7:4SiMrmmultm Ktl 7:4*>l'inehrtM.k Dt 7:51(mUvm !<d 7:55 Hini. <2(>.lllt.i ltu\ I M Descriptinn Типеl'í57Y.itlkm V.tlteyRd í.:4KYailkin Valley Ktl/Í*.itt.'nt;nl Ln 6:50 Vatlkin Valley Rd (,:51Spaiks Hd (»;5(i Yailkin Valles Rd 6:5‘) l’e.ioeliil \'.iMe> R.l 7:01 Saiiílpit Rd 7-, 1.1(iiilliili Rd Ke\ l.n 7:24't'adkin \’allo\ R.l 7:2(»Vailkm \alle> /Vallo> Oaks Dr 7:2S Yadkin ValÍe> Rd 7:2‘iHa>\uuHl Dr 7:.H Yadkin Valley Rii 7:.1hNo SOI N Л il.dl Walkei l.n 7: ï‘) Ne l|u> SOI N 7:40 Hini J 2fii)0 J Hu\ U i DesetlpiiMM lime(rnidnii Dr 7:05 RitklleCir 7:0SRidille C'ir 4Ч: Kiielim l.n 7:10(>mn\ l.n 7:12(Minlon Dr 7:15I.eslie i't iV UfonluniHl Dr 7:21 Hreiil\s.»i4l Dr iV Cliailftlo l’I 7:22 Cieek\s.).4l Dr 7:2(» r.'fest Dr 7:2‘) \\'tw>dbtirii ri 7:4 S ( la\h.>ii Dr .V Janlin l.n 7:H fla\l>.un Dr^V Гкччкчп Dr 7:i(> U ills Kd 7:10 Ne H\s> MU N 7:41 Revllaml Ril iV ll.nb.ms Mhp 7:44 Hun <2(i t)t)^ ltu\ ¡t)S Deseiipti.'ii limol’armiiiiit.in Kd \ Diik'lunan Гг (i:55Main Chiireh Rtl 7:04 MamCIniieli Kd/Willnu Creek 7:0S\V..iul«anl Ktl 7:12Woodw.ml R.l.Si Hoikslnio l.n 7:14Aneell Kd \ Diist> lldl Ril 7:1 SAiiLïoll Ktl 7:20Cs Hsss 15S 7;.M) l-t.ster iïairy K.l 7:1.1Cs Hu\ bs 7:.1') II.nsarili.)\\n Cir/M.uiehester l.n 7:4S ll.usat.llmsu Cir 7:50 Hin\aitlli)\s II Ril/Cir 7:5 1 Hun i2f>iHif) ¡lin ¡ ¡4 Dosoripii.tn limeI r*»st Ril \ l s llw\ 15.S f»:4(tl4lb^>l5S (.:47l.andRd (V.51 Junte Heaiiehamp Rd o:55Cs Hvw 15S (i:5S .Aimswurth) Rtl 7:01Cs lbt> I5S 7:07 Da>e l.n.V Roillaii.l Rd 7:10RodlaiitlRil 7:11llilli.il Ril 7:15I.litio J.'lin Dr 7:22Re.llaiiil R.l (iones \\a> 7:2.1Re.lkm.l H iW l'.-i'Iai llill l.n 7:24K.uubovv KtUVc l’Uuvnum l.u 7:25Raiiiln.u Rd 7;2nS|vaksR.l 7:K.RainKiu Rd 7:42li.xRuiiDi 7:4SJn‘^2 l s IluN 15S 7:54I sllu) I5s'\ Ht.i^erRd 7:55 l'mol4i...k Sehi>.‘l Kd 7:57 Sli;i(l\ (irovc Kli-m Seltiiul Hun J2S. tm l Hu\ /•/.'Deseuplit'U liiueI .*rk Mivby Rtl iV Maiklaiid Rd 7:22Marklantl Rd 7;2(.Badeys Clia|>el Rtl 7:.^ll\iicrCicek Htl iV Austinc l.n 7:41 liriKkland Dr iV Urier Cieek Rd 7.42Hrieri-roek Ril 7:44Harnoy R.l 1Ч: Ctunat/or Ktl 7:4‘)Ctirnat/ei Rl! 7:50C.'fnat/or Rtl \ Metlaniel Ril 7:51('.•inat/oi Rtl 7:55l'i>tts Rd i'v In .Alili Out l.n S:(K)l’.itts Ril ,s:()2 Hun .'2 s iii>2 ¡tin I4h DeseiipiitMt Imwllahinmio Kd .4: Caimloii Cl 7:1 ïHallimoie Kd 7:14Mi'iilekiir Dr 7:15BalliniDre Rd iV Me^ans Wa> 7: l 7Halhmme IM 7:21iiun Club Ktl Гаге.) Lu 7:25 (îim Club Rtl/I imlK'r Creek Rd 7:2<>Heauehamp Rtl iV Savannah Ct 7:2‘)Heaiiehamp Ril »V.: Smneisel Ct 7;.1liHeauehamp Rtl 7:.12N Hi^ili f ield Dr 1 -M lliLïh Mea.lmss Rd 7:41Heauehamp RtlAVindemeie Dr 7:14 l.aiJuintaDr 7:4(»l.a (.Quinta Dr »V: S.mura Dr 7: IS(iianada Dr 7:52 Casa Hella Dr Л San Maie..s Dr 7:57l.a (,)iiinta Dr *V Alain.isa Dr 7:5‘>Heauehamp Rtl S:Ol Hun .<2S(H).< ¡ÌUS ¡(>2Desetiplitm ГиисIV.iples Cieek Rtl 7:0Sl'e.tpIesCreek/Old-MaiehKd 7:11l'e.iplos Cieek Rd 7:15 l’eiiplesCteek Rtl/Shainr.»ek Ln 7:17Huri.m Ktl 7:2.1 l’etiples Cieek Rtl/r'allineeieek 7:2‘)Nellu) Mil SiV I.hUIK.I 7:.V1Ne ll\sy SOI S 7;,14Ne llwy .SOI S iS.: Meri\ Ln 7:15Ne M\sy SOI S iV Keith Ln 7:.KiSluidy Cmive Lu N 7;-UlOtielÎ Myets Kd 7:44 Ctivinetiin Dr 7:4‘)C*tn injîttin Dr iV: Rovbiirs (”t 7:50Ne lluv SOI S 7:55 1 1 1 5 Y a d k in v ille R d ■ M o c k s v ille 336-751-5488 ... We .iCLopl Mesler Card Viw arxl Oi»covoi Mon-Sal 9am • 9 pm Sijtidny t pm • 6 prrt vKS'*'“ IMPBEsj Y o u r K id s o r L o v e d O n e s F in g e r p r in ts IV lade In to S ilv e r o r G o ld C h a r m s . ^ ^ J E W E L E R S ^ ^ ^ 314 S. Salisbury Ave., Spencer* 704-633-0618 . Ne !lu\ SOI S 7:5b l eett Mill Rtl 7:5')Cndorpass Rtl S:0.1 Hun J 2 s Hus ¡-i2Deseiipti.m VitneNe Huy SOI S 7:0bNe Hu\ S(U SiV L\l>i.».ik Ktl 7:0SCs ||\v\ 15 s k'i (.■.uiiinoree Dr 7:11Ri\oilvnd Dl 7:11Riveilvnil Dl .'v l est iie Dr 7:17Ri\oilvnilDr 7:IS RiveibeUi.! Dr .V lumper Cir 7-.21Ri\eiben.l Dr A (¡.'Hsievt Dr 7:2 ' Ri\oiK-nil Dr .V Sp> elass Dr 7:24Kiverlvnd Dr lioiit St 7:25Kiveilvnd Dr \ littmi Si 7:27Kiverlvnd Dr i'v: ihi\u.'i>tl Cir 7:2Slamos W',i\ 7:.15Hint: Ci.isbv/I’embrt't'ke Riil 7:40Ri\ei\iovv r.uMihmise Dr 7:4.1 Hrideew.v.ul Ln 7:4S1 ieId\M>itd Dr \ lalwitiul Dr 7:54Seldom I arm Ln ..V l'aLvoud Dr 7:5(i Hitlilen Cioi'k Dr .V r.ihst'D.l Dr 7:5S : Dr Hun .<2sini^Deseilpti.tn Ne Huy SOI S HilloieM Dr( )akbi.'itk Df «V HtDiik.lak OveiliMik DrW'hiloho.iil Dr i4: Jacks.m Di River Ril »V Lntlerpass Rd I iiilotpass Rd ..V Lakeside Di Lastridçe Ct \ Lmiorp.iss Rtl Spiiinjliold Dr iSc I iulei|'ass Rd Ctiunliy CiriV Lndorp.iss Rtl I luloipass R.lI ntleipass R.l iV Manli.litan l.n \oeloi R.l Hailov R.l limeh:577:02 7:057:0i> 7:0S7:10 7:12 7:1,17:14 7:157:177:I‘» 7:25 ¡\lin ^2SHII0 ¡tin |■i¡ ■ 2nil ¡.I’lhl Desenpli.ui lime().ikvallev HlvtlOakmmil Dr 7 KI Oakvallov HKtl.V SunlreeDr 7:,12 Kesuiek Drit Oakvalley lll\d 7:,1.1 Oak \'alley ltlvtl\ Seay Dr 7:17 Seay Dl \ Old C.nnse Dr 7; U> |\v in Creeks/N Hitldonbt.iok 7:4,1 Oakvalley lilvtl Wot.dl.iiuis Ct7;45 Hroailm.t.ir Dr 7:4‘)l.ttnoifee Dl i^: Kiiii:smill Di 7:5b Kmesinill Dr.V W hite liaelo Ct 7:57 Kmesfinll DriS: Kmesniill C*t 7:5S Kinesimll Dr Isleu.iith Dr S:00 .S:05Williiiui R. Diivie Kkimniiirv Hun J.<f} (U ll Hu\ /27Deseription ImieSheJliol.l Rd ():.1‘) Shenielil Ktl/Sliellield l arnis Tr b:4l ShollieM Ril (,:42 Sholltoltl Ktl llaidy lill ();44 C.iiint) Line R.l (i:4Sl.iluar.ls Rtl i>:5|C.iunlv Line Rtl (i;54Str.inil Mill K.l 7:05 Calahaln R.l 7:1,1Cakihain Rd/Heavor Hianoli I'r 7:U* C;\labaln Kd 7: ISDuke Whittaker R.l 7:22Duke Whittaker Ril/Huckingham7:25 Duke Whittaker Rd 7:27Hear CrecV Church Ud 7:.10Shellield Rd l-.MShellielt! Rtl (i.ibble Ln 7:4.^ Shottiel.l Rd 7:-’4l ieti l.aiiioi R.l 7:47WaL-nor Ktl S:IM) Hun .'M iiiii2 ¡tu\ 12.'Deseiiptiim linioh.iitv Ril <):55No llu\ SOI N (>:5Slii.indMeNvotvvl 1 11 .S Ne SOI N <v.5')I ..UI Coinois Rtl 7:01HloviiisRil 7:07Clul.heiis Ilnme IM 7:12Leisure Ln 7:1b I hil.hens 11.line Ril 7:1‘) ( hildiens 11.line Rd /Wiii.ly It 7:21Chihlieiis Home Ril 7:22('hiiujuapm Rd \ (iiintet Ln 7:25Hell Hraiieh Rtl \ (iuiiier Ln 7:2SHell Hraiieh Rtl 7; H) l.ilvily Cluuvili RtJ »S; KeaviN Rd 7..'4 Lilvriy Chuieh Rd 7:.15 l.ilvrl'v Chuieh Rd/l.at Whil.iker 7:41 Jaek litH.e R.l 7:45 Jaek H.*oe RtKN^ Wine Haven Lii7:-J7Jaek Н.юе Rd i*v: CoIIdi) Ln L.isiall Dr l-altiiis Chureli R.l Riehie Rtl Hun flll.i Deseiipluvjv l.iK-rty Chuteli Rd Duaul Re.iv is Rtl Hen .Aii.lets.m Rtl Salm.tiis Rtl Hear Cieek Chuieh Kd Speer Kl! lihiuite Ktl Ciabliee Kd Cs Hwy (lOl N Wim. llDeseiipii.in Cs Hwy bOI \Murphy Kd Us llwy 601 N Hus ¡2 I’oppersi.Mie Dr 7:1 () I’eppeistoue Dr/l’eppersione 1*1 7:1‘) Daiinor Rtl 7:20I Л llwy bOl N 7:22 Cs Hwy («01 N ('heyeiine Ln 7:24liamos Chuieh Rd 7:27P.ukerRtI 7:.^ C’enlerCirI j.mies Chueli Kd 7:41)Ntirthhrtiiik Dr iV I'aikway Cl 7:4b N.iithbii>4k Dr 7:47Ijames Cluir Ktl 7:.5l Main Church Rd 7:54Cana Rtl 7;.57 Hun: .SOI Hus lift- i:.\l Hunl)eseri[)iitin Time Yadkin N’alley Kil ems Olliee b:.K)Sunsel Dr 7:0bMilliiiL’Ktl iV N.utliridi:e Ct 7:11Noelv'Si 7:ISSalisbury Ktl 7:24ChurehSt 7;.1|Ltlisnn St 7:,1.1H.''')>ilal St iS: M.itklin Av 7:.17I s Hwy (.4 W 7:41Hiaeken Ktl 7:57CsHwvbOlN H;00AneellKtl «:0S N l);iviv Mhldii* Schimt Hun: .Î2.V/JÎÎ/ /biv lf>S DeseripliiMi TimoRalph Ratlodce/Calil.miia Ln b:()‘) (ietiiyia Rd iV Tall riiiilK'r Dr b:lb Duke Whillaker/Huekinijham l.nb;2.1 Duke Wbiil.ikerRd b:25 l uikev I tml Kd b:.Vl Shollield Rd/Sliellield l'arins Tr b:.17Shellield RdtV: Hardy Ktl b:.V)C«>unlN i.ine Rd (i:42C.imiiy Lino Rtl tV Lilwattls Rd b:44Counlv i.me Rd b:4bSMtMiti Milt Ud b;5b Calahaln Rd 7:07Shelliel.l Rd 7:10 ShetlioklRdiVCeiiterCir 7:22Ijamos Chureh Rd/(Îrannamaii 7:2.5l|.lines Chuieh Rtl 7:27l|anios Chuieh/Northbr.xik Dr 7:2‘)liâmes Chuieh Rd 7:.ll MainCliuieh Kd 7:.15Ls Hwy 15S 7:44 Wnn; .<25.002 /bis /.5r>Deseripti.in TimeHermuda Run Dr tV: River Dr (i;4.1RiverlK4id Dr iV: rilltin Sl b:45Riveilvn.l Dr iV l\iirway Dr b:4‘) RiveibetuI Dr iV: Juniper Cir b:50Hinii Criishv Hlvtl iV: James Wa\ (»:54 Hiiii: Cr.ishy Hlvd/River Hill Dr b:55Oakvalley Hlvtl iV: Suntiee Dr 7:01Keswiek Dr^ Oakvalley Hlvd 7:0.1 Oak Valley Hlvd iS; Seay Dr 7:04Oak Valley Blvd/Twin Cieeks 7.05Oak Valley HIvtlAVtnKllands Cl 7;0S Sonlistlale DfiV; Br.iadm.nir Dr 7:12Kini-smill DrtV l.tmelree Dr 7:21Kiniismill Dr tV WhitL liayle Cl 7:22Kinysinill Ct I'c Kiniismill Dr 7:2.1Kiniismill DriS: Islewtirih Dr 7:25Ne llwy KOI S 7:27Raimrec Rd iVc Ne llwy KOI S 7:2«l.ybriMik lui ¿k. Nc Hwy KOI S 7;2*> . Ili.Idon Creek Dr »»c Talwo.id Dr 7:.1.1.iKt.VeSOI S-mea.li)v\bf.nik 7;.i6CsHwy l5SiV:(;raySlieeksRd 7;.1‘) Hnn. .i2.\llil.i ¡tu\ /-/.iDesciipiitin limeI s llwy (.01 N .V: R Sluire Dr 5:54 chikliens ll.mii: Ktl 5:57Childieiis Home Ril/I.eisuie Ln 5:5*) (>:00 b:07 b:0*) b:ll b:14 ('hiMioiis 1 lome Rtl Chiklioiis 11.line Ktl ( liiiutuapin Kd Cliiiujuapin Rtl (imiter Ln Hell Hraneh Ktl Л Raps Way l.ibeity Chureh/l.ai Whilaker Kdb:IS Jaek H.)..e Rd 6:24Jaek Htme I'lisUill Dr iv.27 Ls llwy (lOl N/.Maey Laniistnn b:2K 7:517:5.17:57 S:0.1 Time7;0‘) 7:157:207:.1K 7:457:55 7:5') K:02S:07 Time7:0‘)7:127:14 I'lmuie Rtl «V Crabtree Kil lilnuire RtlI-.hinire Ud iV Sjver Kd Libeny Chureh Rtl Diiaid Reav is Rtl Ollie llarke Rtl Hen Aiulerstin Rtl Hear Creek Chureh Rd 540 Lilvriy Chureh Rtl l.ibeny Chureh Ud vV: Tiule Tr Lilvity Chureh Kd Ruildiiii: Ridge Kd tV: Claylun Dr7:.15 Huekoye Tr iV I’uddini; Ridiie 7:.^5 I’luldini; Ritlee Ud C.nnwallis Dr iV: (Ireeiie Cl I'arinin^t.ni Rd (y.Mb:.l.lb:.14b:.V)b:44b:557:017:0.57:20 7:227:2.1 7:.17 7:407:47 Hun: .t2>.(iO l llu\ //.>Deseripti.in TimeI'inev ilie Rtl 6:31I'iiu» R<1 6:40Ne Hwy KOI N 6:4.1NeS(U N.t KyaiisWay 6:45r.iur Ctirner Kd 6:47Hleviiis Ktl 6:54Ne KOI N Л HrainhlewtitHl Ln 7:0.1Ne Hwy KOI N^l'arksLn 7:04 Conilmied On ^) Straighten Up! m Ikaccs for chiUlrcn and adulls. D r . P e n n a (&r S t a f f O R r II O D O N T I S T M O C K S V IL L E ~ (336) 751-2252 (’lease eall so wc tan icll yotir abom mil' sum m er specials _________Ciimplinu'iiuuy sccond o/iiiuoii.s Bus Routes CnnlimtL'd Frum 1'аце H lltiwell Rd 7:0SHowell Rtli4: Hranyus W.iy 7:10Cana Rd Л Brangiis Way 7:15Cetl.ir Creek Ktl iV: l-awti Lti 1:20 Ne Hwy SOI N 7:2.‘iI'atmÌMi;lt4i Kd Л B.ihbit Kil 7:2Ki-anniniittin Kd Л: Mallard Kd 7:2*»l-armiui;toi\ Kd 7: ЧI’inehnmk Dr 7:14 I’inebriiok Selim>l Ktl 7:.b)I’inebrtiok Sehotil Rd 7:40Us llwy 15S 7:42 Hun: J25.0I)^ H,is 1-17 Deseripli.'ii TimeUiulerpass Kd iK: Whilehead Dr 6:55Ovcrhuik Dr Л Whitehead Dr b:57Oakbrook DriV Hronktlale Dr b:5SUnderpass Ud Л O.ikbvotik Dr (v.5‘)River Ud Л Underpass Kd 7:00 Uiulerpass Ull Л Lakesitle Dr 7:02Utulerpass KtKV: Lastriilge Ct 7:02 Springrield Dr Л: Underpass Utl 7:0.1Underpass Utl iV: Country Cir 7:04Underpass Uil Л Manhattan Ln 7:()7 Underpass КИЛ livertircen Ln 7:0SUiulen’iiss Kl! it Vtiyler Rd 7:0*»Uiulerpass Uil I'c Jarvis Ktl 7:10Hailey Ull 7:11Old Mill Ud Л Uiulerpass Ud 7; 1 bPotls Kd 7:l‘i polls UdA: In Anti Out Ln 7:21Hillerest Dr 7:27 Nc llwy SOI S 7:.10 Run: .i2.4.i)(lf) Hu\ IdfiDescription TimeKetlland Ktl Л Parsimaye Dr b:4bUetlhmd Kd b:47RedlantlKd Л Harper Rtl b:4‘)Uedl-aml Ktl i*ii l-aiiway Kd it: l') (iinny Ln iV: Ridille C’ir b:5.1Clordi'ii Dr i'w Charlotte 14 i*;5.‘>Cuirilon Dri'c Westview Ct 6:5(>Charlotte PI i4: Bienivvii.nl Di b:5‘)Creekvviiot! Dr 7:01Woinlburn PI iV l-otesi Dr 7:04Clavborn Dr Л l-reed.nn Dr 7;07/\ntlrevv Kil Ne Hwy SOI N 7:0*) Wills Kd Л Ne llwy SOI N 7:10Ne llwy KOI Ni4: Antler Kd 7:12 Uetll.md Kdi*v: llodsons Mhp Ud7:L' Redland KdiV: Little John Dr 7:14Hiltiiii Rd 7:IS Kaiiibow Rd iV Plowman Ln 7:25Speaks Kil 7:.12Rainbow Ktl 7:.Vi Rainbow Ktl iV: Lee Jackson Dr 7:,1S Hun: .<2.>.ll()7 H:is !.<4 Deseriplion limeDulin Rd b:02llepler Utl 6:0Sllepler Rtl iV (ilasiimv Ln 6:0Sllepler Ril ' b:0‘) Millini: Ril b:l2.Milling Ril Л: Dulin Kd b:l2Milling RdiV: De Ron Kel Ln b:l.lCornai/er Rd 6:l‘>Jatnesiowne Ur b:2.lWilliams Kd b:.lllJv«i*iJ«KHl HtlLlvengotul Kd Л W Bolin Ln b:4.1l ork Bixby Rd 6:47Comanelie Dr 6:50h»rk Bi.\by Ull 6:57Princeton Ct iV I'oik Bi\by Kd (»:5S Brier Creek RdA; BuKklaiul Dr 7-.(llBrier Creek Kd iV Austine Ln 7:02l-oikBivbyRili^; Iris Ln 7:0.1.Maiklaiul Rd 7:07 Ctivinglon Dr/S Hemineway Ct 7:1.1Ro\hury Ct CovinLiliin Dt 7:1.5Nc KOI S c4:()tlell Myers Rd 7:17 Haileys Chapel Rd 7:1»Comat/er Ril Л Joe .Myers Kd 7:.10 Coniat/er Kd Л Spry Ln 7:11Cornat/er Kd 7 :15 Hun:.^2S.t)0S !tu^ /.i.SDeseriplion TimeUs Hwy 15K 6:42 Gun Chih Kd Л: W'liiehesier Kd 6:44 Gun Club Kd/Timlvr Creek Kd 6:4.5Beauchamp Kd b:4SHeauchamp Ud tV: Savannah Cl 6:4‘)High Meadows Ud 6:.54N High Field Dr/S High Reid 6:56 Sonora Dr Л: Granada Dr 7:04Granada Dr Л: Oaladrim Way 7:06 La Quinta Dr Л: Sonora Dr 7:10La Quinta Dr Л Сача Bella Dr 7:10La Qtiinia Dr cV: Alamosa Dr 7:11 Ct>rnal/er Kd iV Uahbil l-arm Tr 7:14Cornal/er Kd - Sg Sehool 7:17Cornaizer Kd Л Bridle Ln 7:20 Medauiel Rd Л: ConuiUer Ud 7:21Cornal/er Kd Л: Barney Kd 7:2.1Ballimore Kd Л: Camden Cl 7:25Montclairc Dr Ballimore Kd 7:2(t Ballimore Kd/Quail Hollow Kd 7:2» Ballimore Kd 7:20Us Hwy L58 7:.16Us Hwy \5HS: U К Gerald Ln 7:17Us Hwy 158 7:.10Us 15S llwy& Vox Run Ur 7:41 Us Hwy 158 7:4.1Boger Rd & Us lUvy 158 7:44 H un: .^2'^ Hin IV I Dosctipiiou I nnePeo)iles ( 'look Rii ();.10 Peoplos Cii'ok Ril/.M.irt limoiit i>:4 l Pe.i[ilos Crool, Rd \ ( nvotlo Ln i»:45 Pooplos Ciook Rd 6:.JS Pe.iplos Crook Rd/Shainutok Ln 6:50 Biiiton R.l .V Wtili/ 1 n 6:51Hiiiloii R.l \ /ininiermaii R.l (i:5 I Hiiit.iii R.i 6:55Pooptos Crook R.l iS.: Duhiin Rii ii:5') 7:0.1 7:04 7:05 7:0*t 7:11 7:21 7:27 7:2*) 7:12 7:11 7:15 Nc llwy SOI S iV Moirv Ln Nc llvsy ,Ч(М S Ne llwy SOI S \ I...1.1 Rd Nc Hwy SOI SNo Hwy SOI S iV 1 oed Mill Rd ll.iwardt.iwn Rd H.iw ardt.iwnCir I liiwaultow n (*lr \ Lera Ln Hiiwardtown ('ir llowariit.iwn Cir/(ilenn Allen How ardtown Cir «.UI. .<25.{)/(l /bisDoscriplion limeCetlar I-orest Ln/Nc Hwy .SOI N 6:15Nc Hwy MU N (>:16 Norm.i Ln iV W Renee Dr 6:41\V Keiiee Dr iV: Wootllee Dr 6:44 'ladkin Valley Ktl (>: !*>'»'adkin \'alley Utl/H.iv wtK'il Dr (>:52Yatlkin Valley Kd 6:56Giillith Ud^ Sandpit Utl 7:02Sandpil Rd Seienilv Hills I t 7:01Sandpit Kd i*^ Kt'osier l‘v 7;04Jesse King R.l 7:tlSJesse King/Peaeeliil N'.illey Rtl 7:0') Ya.Ikin Valley R.l iV Spaiks Rd 7:12Yatlkin Valley R.l 7:11>’adkin \allev Rtl/Coii.ml.iil Ln 7:1b Yadkin Valley Kd 7:17Nc SOI N/Ya.Ikin \alley Rtl 7:1')Spillman Rtl \ MveisRd 7:21Spaiks Ril 7:24 Ariowhea.i R.KV Deeiliehl Di 7:11 Spillnum Kd 7:^5Lainhngton Rtl 7: ^S Hun: i2 > .0 U ¡U n 112Doseriplitin 1 imo Aneell Rd 6:51Angell R.liV Hobby H.use I n 7:01 lialonsChuich RtkV Ihnvell Rd 7;07KiohieUtI 7:11Cs llwy (>0I N 7:IS Blacken R.l 7:20llwy 601 N 7:25 Cs Hwy (.01 N/HlackweKloi Rtl 7:2b Cs Hwy 601 N \ Muiphy Kt! 7:27I s Hwy 601 N 7:2S Cs60l N/Main Chuieh Rtl 7:2'»Main Chinch Ktl/R.i> Davis Rd 7:10•Mam Chinch Rtl 7:12Cana Rd 7-.14Wtu.ilwai.lid 7:17Laimingt.in Rtl \ Dulchnian I r 7:4S Davie 111 \ S Davie MiiUUe Svluiuls Hun: J I2 . (101 ¡tus ¡0-1 l)oseri|iiioii limel oik Bixby Rtl 5:4*)l-oik Hixbv KdiV Sandy Ln 5:57I tiik Bixby Kd 5:57Iiulian Hills Kil 6:01Ciimaiiehe Dr (i:0liMuk Hi.xby Kd/Hailcys Chapel 6:10lirtvklaiul Dr 6:1.1Brier Creek Rd 6; 15l ork Hixb) RdiV liisl.n (i:lSl-ork Bixby Rtl 6: IKCornal/er Rtl it Joe Myers Rd (i:21HowardlownRil 6:22Comat/er Rtl ii:.11 Dulin Rtl (i;41Hepler Rd iV (ilasj;t)w Ln ():4(iHepler Rtl 6:4SMilling Rd f.:51Cornat/er Rtl iV Ralph Ktl 6:5S Corn.il/er Rd (>:5‘)Coinat/er Rtl iV He.iilhsitle Ln 7:00Jamestowne Dr 7:01Janiesiowno Dr iV Levity Ln 7:05Williams Rd ' 7:10(\imat/er Rd it Cliestnul I r 7:22Cornal/er Rd 7:24Comal/er Ktl it KoseAibni Ln 7:25 Cornal/er Rd 7:2b Hun: JI2.0t)2 /b(v ll.<Deseriplion rime L's Hwy 601 S 6:55Pine Ridge Kd it Old I arm Ln 6:5KPineKidgeKd 7:00Pine Kidge Kd »t Lagle Ln 7:04Pine Ridge Rd 7:05Center Si 7:10Center Sl it Grove Sl 7:12DukeSut MainSt 7:1.1 Davie SuV Main Si 7:14D.ivie St it Cross Sl 7:1 (iDuke Sl it Cross St 7:10 Wall St it Cross St 7:20Marginal St 7:24 Ne KOI S it Legion Cemetery Sl 7:25 Lcgltm Cenielery Si it Nc K(H S 7:25 H m i:J 2 5 .0 ll Hu^ ¡¡2Description Time Angell Rd 6:51 Angell Rdit Hobby Horse Ln 7:01 Halnns Chureh Rd it Howell Ud 7:07Ricliie Ud 7:1.1Us llwy 601 N 7:18Bracken Kd 7:20 GRILL EAT'IN OR TAKE OUT HOURS 5:30AM - 2:00PN • Monday - Saturday 2 2 0 3 H w y .6 0 l N .,M o cl< sv ille.N C Phone (336)492-7066 Drive-in Curi> Service ; Friday Night 5pm-9pm Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, \ v French Fries, Ice Cream Musici Cs llwy 601 N 7:25Cs llwy bU\ In/Ulackweldor Ud 7:2('Cs llwy 601 N it .Murphy Kd 7:27 Us Hwy (.01 III ' 7:2KCs Hwy (.01 In/Main CIniich Ril7:20 M.iin Chinch it Rov Davis Rd 7:10Main Chuieh K.l 7:12CanaKil 7:14 Wootlwaithil 7:17I aimington Ktl it Diiichman I'r 7:4S Hun: .'72.(Ш /b/s /.5.Íl)escri)stion 1 iine Hecktown Rd it Kent Ln (i:l .1HmisionRil (i:l5Hecklown Rtl (>:20Cheiry Hill Kd 6:22P.iini R.l (.:1(.Hoxwtiod ( 'Iniich R.l (i:44I s Hwv (.01 S 6:46Rivei.lale Kd 6:5SCherry Hill Rtl 7:0f.Hoxwootl Chmeli/Camolot Wav 7:0*) Hi>xwootl Cliiuch it Conies Ln 7:10H..\woi.il Chinch R.l 7:12 Pleasant Acie Dr 7:17CsHwy (.01 S/Ploasani Acte Dr 7:22H«.bson Dr 7:24 Hun .<¡21101 Hu\ ///Desciiptinn limePe.iples Creek Rtl Л Dublin Kd 5:5(»Pe.iples ('reek Rtl 5:57Bmlon Rd it /iinmeim.in Rtl (t:00BuTlon Utl (>:02Hmton Rtl it l-aiilasia Ln (>:0l Hint.m R.l/.Ml /ion Chinch R.l (>:05Peoples Creek Rtl/Shami.ick Ln (i:06Pe.i|’les Creek R.l (i:OS Peoples Cieek Rd it Covetto Ln (i:l IPeo|iles Cieek Rd (.: 11Maichiuoul Dr/Peoples Cteek <v.l4I ndeipass Rd .t Bailov Rtl 6:1*)Hailev Rd 6:21I luleipass Rtl it laivisRil tv.ll Vt.gler Rd 6:20Cnilei)>.tsN Rd tt L.veigieen Ln (i:15 Cn.Ieip.iss Rd .t Manhatian Ln (i:15Polls Ktl (,:4lPotts Rtl kt In An.l ()m I n (i:41 Nc Hwy SOI S it Ciideipass Rd (.:47l eetl Mill Ktl it Hi. nlbio.ik Dr (.;4К I ootl Mill Rd Shiitt Rdit Nc Hwy KOI S 6:55Nc llwy SOI S (»:5(> Cov mgton Dl 7:110NcKOl Sit Oilell Mveis K.l 7:06Nc Hwv SOI S 7;0S No Hwv SOI S it Moiiv Ln 7:11No Hwy SO! S it loiM Rd 7:11 Ne Hwy Stu S 7:14Csllwv (.4 l-it Nellwv KOI S 7:20 Hun .’72.(«0‘ /bis /6/1 )escripli..n 1 imeDaniel R.l 7:15Daniel Rd it Cable Ln 7;|6Daniel R.l 7:1KDaniel Ktl it Cdailstone Rtl 7:1*)(ilailst.nie Ktl 7:20(iladstone Kd it Lois Ln 7:22(ilailsione Kd 7:21 Cd.idstone Kd Л: I-letcher St 7:24 Ciladstone Kd 7:25 Gladstone Kd Л: Lilvriy Kd 7:27 Us 601 S it -| win Cedars Rd 7:2K Us Hwy 6(M S 7:20 Us Hwy (.01 S it Hinkle Dr 7:10 Cs Hw\ (iOl S 7:12 Cs60l Sit Meculh.ugh R.l 7;.12 Lakewood Village it Cs60l S 7:1,1 Hickory Dl Raiuloni Rtl 7:17 ¡<un: .4 2 tUKi Нпу /.s/ Description lime.Milling R.l (>:2SMilling R.l .t .Moisc St (i:2K .Milling Rtl .t Rt.lllng Hills Ln (>:2*) Milling R.l ' (.:,i| .Milling Rtl it lilisha Creek Dr (i:ll Milling K.l 6:15 Sain Rtl (.:1(. Sam Ril it Red Hu.i Ln (>:1*)Sain Ktl it Brailiortl I'il (i:40SainRil/OakiiroveChuiellRil 6:41CsHwy I5S it Jasmine Ln 6:41 Main Chuieh Ktl it S Angell K.l 6:45Main Chuieh Rd ():4(.Angell RiUt Woo.lw aid Rd 6:5SAngell Kd 7:00Main Churcli Rtl it Cana Ril 7:11LÎS Hwy (lOI N it Cana Rd 7:11Allen Rtl it Hidden Valley Ln 7:16Us Hwy (.01 N .t Allen Kd 7:IK1011 Us IKvy ()Ul In 7:20Us (lOI N it Ashley Hio.ik Ln 7:21 Madis.in Kil 7:24Hospital St *t Valley Kd 7:.11S Salisbut) St it Duke Sl N 7:.16 H un: .<¡2.007 Hus 120 Deseri|ition TimeNc Hwy KOI S 7:11iidgewtiod Cir it S|uinglilll Dr 7:15Jerusalem Av it Wall St 7: ISNeely Ktl it Wall Sl 7:20Nc llwy .SOI S 7:2,1 Ne Hwy KOI S it Swicegood St 7:24 NcHwySlUS ^ 7:2bMichaels Rd it Stacee Tr 7:27Michaels Rtl 7:2*>Us Hwy 601 S 7:.llUs Hwy 601 Sit Veach Ln 7:15 Hun: .4 2 D 0 S Ih n /.Í.S Doseriptionl's Hwy (>bl N it Bowman R.l Chilthen Home R.l/Leisure Ln I.eisine Ln Chiliiiens Home Ril Childioiis lli.tne it Chiiit|u,ipin Chiiu|uapiii Kd Aiubet tldl Kd Hen Aii.loison R.l Hen ,\iuloison it Slu*llnor Rd Dnaitl Ke.ivis Ril Liboilv Cliiiitli K.l Libeitv Chinch it Meadow (ilon(i:15 I.iboitv ('Ьик'Ь Ktl (i:17I aioiis Chinch Rtl (.:4 I l atons Chinch Rtl it llovsoll Rtl (':4(i Time 5:5.15:555:555:57 5:5') 6:01 (v.ll 6:2'(>:24 6:10 (i:ll 5:415:455:47 5:4K 5:50 5:51 6:00 (.:0I (.;02 (.:05 ti:06 (i:OK 6:15 6:17 6:1*» 6:20 6:21 6:21 6:24 6:2K 6:12 b:^5 (>:l(i (i:40 6:44 6:45 (.: 16 (.:16 6:47 6:51 6:57 6:5S 7:01 7:0b W etm ore Farm s WOODLEAF Available Now S q u a s h , C u c u m b e rs , F ie ld T o m a to e s , C a n te lo u p e Open Monday-Saturday 8:00 am-6:00 pm Closed on Sundays From Mocksville lake 601 South to 801 Intersection, tum right at light. 4 miles to caution light In Woodleaf. Follow signs to farm. 704-278-2028 Hoger Kd it Us llwy I5S Piiiebiook Sch.Mil Kd Pinebio..k .Scli.>ol Rtl Us llwy I5SUsllwy 15K it Clial Smith Rtl rosier Daiiv it Rock ll.mse R.l 7:1*> liat.'iis Chiiioh Rd (>:4S Richie Rtl 6:5 »Cs llwv 6(H N vt Uugle Ln (o.5('.\neell Rtl it H.Mi/ie Ln (.:5S .Angeli Rtl it Lath.ini 1 aim K.l (.:50Angoll Rl! 7:(HUs Hwv 601 N 7:l)SI s Hwy (.01 N it Muiphy R.l 7:11Cantil Ln it Us Hwy (»01 N 7:11 D.innor/Pep|ieistoiie Dr/.At Sip 7:|,iD.nmoi Utl it Camellia Ln 7:14 Us llwv (.01 N it Dakota Ln 7:15 Hun .W.VOf»') /bis /.'VlDesciipti.’ii I'inieNc llwv SOI S 6:2'»Nc llwv KOI Sit H.iinhai.ll Ln (.:15Uiveiviowit Lester liister K.l (.:40 Hill r.ip Dl it Uiverv low Rtl (v4 ISeabntl Rd b:47 Mason Dr b:5<’Ceilai (iiove Rtl it Mason Di (v.5*»Ce.lai (ii.ive Rd it 1 )iiim Ln 7:00Ce.lai (ir. Ch. Rii .t Piositloiioe 7:02Ceilai (iiove Clniich Rtl 7:02l sllw\ (.41- 7:01Meiiells Lake Kd 7:0S Ni.CiookR.I 7:MNt.Ciook IM .t lliokoiv lioe 7:15Cs Hwy 64 L. Л- Pino Vallov R.l 7:ISl s Hw> Í.I I- ,t Riipaiil Ir 7:21D.dt.ui Rtl .t i;iic Rtl 7:22Dalltm Rtl 7:2 1 iimenline Chinch Rtl 7: b)I unonlino Chino h Rtl'Pipoi Lu 7: U lunoiilmo Chuioh R.l Ro.l ( <ak 7: '5 Hnn .W2. m o Ihn l.'ODescnptiou Innol s Hw) I 5S (i;0 lHennuila Run Di/Rivoibend Dr i.:07 RIseilviul Dl Л Bout St 6:iis Kiseilviitl Dl it littoii Sl (.;()*)Uiveilviul Dl .t (U'Uvioss Di (v.l 1 Rivorlviiil Dr .t llollon Cil (.;l ’ Hme Ci.'sbv Hlstl (.:22Ne MU S it Kivemew i.:26llitlilen Cl ook 1)1 tt l .ilwo.'il Dr 11 Nc llw\ SOI S (>;liNe llw\ SOI S it R.initiee Ril (.: 11 Oseilook Dl it Wlnlelieatl |)i (.;15 l nilet|\iss Rd .t .Asbbintoii Ril (>: ‘7 Rivei Rtl it l ndeipass Rtl (.:1SCiuleipass Ril it Spimi;liolil Dr (>:40 l mteip.tss Ud vt Ct'tnmy Cii <.:44 Westridge Rtl .t Rivei Rtl b: i6 llillciesi Dr .t l.ivkhavenl.n (i:4*» Ne llwy SIM Sit llilloiesi Dr b:5l IslewtMlb Dr it Kingsmill Dr (v.55 Kingsinill (Ч it Kingsmill Dr b:5(i Kingsmill Dr it l..melree Dr i>:5*» (iakmoni Dl *t Oak \allov BUil 7:02 Oak Valle) Mlvd ,t SiinUoe Dr 7:04 Keswick Dl Л Oakvalley Biv.l 7.05 Oak Vallev Mlv.l/lu iii c'iooks 7:07 Oak Vallev Hlvil/W».oitl.iiiils Ct 7:10 Scolisilale Dl .t Hi.'.iilniooi Dr 7:1 » ( iiin Club R.l it W inoheslei R.l 7:15 Gini Club Rtl 7:16 Нин: .<12 141 Ih n ¡.<1l)esori|iiit.n limoDulin Rdlliiwauitown Cir it l.oia Ln lliiwai.ll..s\n Cir/Sam .Alleiis Ih.waiilt.iwn Cn it (ilonn .Alton H.iwai.llown Cn it Kiiitlei Ln Us 15k it Shallowln.iok Di Us llwv I5S Л Lamí Rtl Jiinev Heaiiohainp Ktl Hallimoie it (Jiiail lloll.iw Ril Hallim.iie R.l \ C.inton K.l Haltim.ne Rtl it Canitlon Cl Coinal/er Ril it Bariiev Ktl Cornal/ot Rd it Mctlaniol Rtl Coinal/er Rd it Kahbit Laim Ir (¡ranada Dr it (ialaihim Wav Sonora Dr it (iramula Dr La (Juinta Dr it Sou.ir.i Dr La (Quinta Dr it ('asa Bell.i Dr HeaiichampRilit (¡W Mock Heaiicliamp Rtl it (irevst.me .M.icks Chinch/Heaueliamp Rtl S Hi^h l-iehI/N lligh l iolil Di Heauehainp RdHeanehamp Kd it Someisel Cl Heauchamp Ktl 25(1 Hallimoie Rd Roillantl Kilit Dayel.n Keilland Riiit llaipor Rtl Redland Rtl it l-.iirw.iy Rtl ReillantI Ktl it Rainli.>w Rd Rainbtiw Kd Bobhil RdSpeaks Rtl it Carpeiiler Ln Speaks Kd Kainbow Ud l's Hwy 15Kit l'ox Kini Dr 7:07 Hun: .<¡2.010 H m /-/.S'7:10 Description lime 7:12 Ralledge Kl! 5:507:14 .Mr Hemy Rd b:l)27:l(i Mr Heniv it Hveilvs Chapel Rtl 6:07 RitlgeRt'l ' 6:00I osier Rd b:l5 Kitlge Ktl b:22Mtmison Utl it Ritlge Rtl (.:25Ridge R.l it Smith R.l (i:26 Kidge Ktl 6:2SVillage Ktl 6:.12Ritlge R.l 6:.17 Ciesceni Dr it Seionity Dr 6:1*» Campgi.miid R.l 6:47Cs Hwv (i4 W 6:51O.ikl.nulAv it O.ik lieo Dr (i:57 (¡otllvy Rd 7:(»2D.ivie .Ac.idoinv it ,\nlinnn Ct 7:0S Davie Ae.ideniv Rd 7:10Davie .Acadoiiu it Ciesceni Di 7:12 Das ie .Nc.uloniv it Landfnai k Dt 7:1.1 Das ie .Aca.leniv it St.ii;e Coach 7:14 D.is le .Acaitoiiiv/Slia.l;, Knoll I ii7:lb D.iv le .Aoailoinv Ktl it (ira.ly Ln 7:17 Davie Ao.uloniy R.l 7:1')Jones R.l it D.iv ie Ac.i.lemv Rtl 7:21 D.isie Aca.leniy it Dwiggins Rtl 7:2 1 D.is le .Ac.idoniv Ktl 7:25Wesiojii Di/Davie Aeaileinv R.l 7:2S Davie .\eavlms Kd it .Atlanis Uil 7;20 DAVIK COUNTY KNTKRPRISK RKCORl), An«. K 2002 - 9 Hun: .<¡2.012 ih n ¡24DeseiiplioiiLs llwy (.01 N it К Shoie Di Nc Hwy SOI N it P.iiks Ln l out C.>rners Rtl Blev ins K.l I'oiir Comets Rtl Ne Hwy K(U N it lissic K.l Howell' Kil ('.Ilia R.l it Hiaiigiis Wav Putltiing Ri.lee IM it Bnckevo Cetl.n Cieek K.l W\v' Rtl it Каосиии I'l Piik'vilie Rd Piiiev ilie Rtl it P.Hteis Ri.lee I )r (>;52 Типе5:575:5S(.:lio6:05 6:10 6:126:17 (.:25 6:11 (.:1(.(v.4<>(<:50 (.:516:577:007:027:057:0S7:007:117:15 7:227:25 7:2K7:10 Pinev ilie R.l Spillman Ktl .Aiiowhea.I R.l .t Spillman Rd Spillman Rtl it Mveis Rtl Nc sol N \ CotI.ii Lotes Ln L.uiningion Rtl it Roland Rd Laiininglon IM it Mallai.l Rd Laimingion Rd (idlvn Rtl it Sne.n Valley li L.itnnngion Ril it 1 >ulehm.in li Cs llssv I5K it H.ne Ln 1 ).'gwooil Ln it Us 1 IwV I5S N Main Sl it Clowe Sl Hun .’72 i>¡.< ¡<in / V»Dosoiiptioii lime (i.inlon Dl it Rullile Cn 5:51Wostv iow Ct ,t ( i.tiil.'n 1 )i 5:5.1 (i.4il.4i Dl .t Ch.iil.'tte PI 5:-^4RoiHaml Kd it LmIe b'lin Dr 5:5SRo.llaiul Rtl .t Hoilsoiis Mhp 5:sO \.iilkni Vallov Ril 6:01'I'ailkni Vallov .t Colt.4il.nl Ln (.:0l 'lailkni \allov Ril i.:05llanos h Л lossoKing IM r.:0*)Po.uotiil \alles IM (.:12( iiillilh Ril 6:jnSanilpit Ril it Ro..stei 11 (.:24( iiillilh Rd (.:27^■a^tkm\aIlov Rtl it lewis Ln П:Ю Y.uikni\alle> .4 talles O.iksDKv.M'i a.lkin Vallov R.l (к b.No llwv SOI N it Mcgoe ( I (.; M Nl ll\\s S(U N it S Clav b..ii Di (.;41 t loekwooil Dl it Hientwo.'il Dl (>:44 Toiosi Dr it Wooiibuin PI (.:47No H\^v SOI N it Aiiiliew Ril (.: IS No Hw\ SOI N .t Wills Rd (.: 10Noinia Ln it Ronoe Dr (.:5IWo.HÜoo Dl it \N' Renee Di (>:52Ne llwy SOI N (.:54\e llsss SOI N it Woi.tl l.n <>;55 No llw\ SOI N (.:57No llwv sol N it Jiisiin Ct (.;5SNc Hws SOI N 7:00 Hun .<12 o l-l H in 1п7 DosClipll.UI l ieti Laniei Rtl Shellieltl Rd it Countess Ln Shell ioltl Rtl Shellieltl it Duke Whittaker Rd 5:47 CuUihalu Rtl 5-.4KCmmly Line Rd 5:5‘)Counly Line Ud it Ldwaitls Ktl (i:00 SheMieUI R.l 6:1 iSheOieMit SbellteUl Latins li ti:l5Salnii.iis Rilluikev I i.iit it Log Cabin R.l liiikov L.iol it Blight Leal Ln Bear Ciook Clninh Rtl Beai ( took Rd it С \' Smool l.n(>:4 1 Duke W’tiiltaker R.l 6:46Duke Wlnli.tkei/Huokinuh.iin Lii(.:4K I )iike W'liilt.ikei Ril (.:50lall l imbei Dl it ( iooigi.i Ril 6:55 Boai Cieok Ch. Л (ioiugi.i R.l l.ibeitv Chuieh Rtl l.iboit) Chnioh Rtl it lillle li Lilvity I'limoh Rtl it l .iil R.l Ralph R.illcilgo R.l Ralph R:itlo.lge .t Caihll.ie Ln Ijames Chinch Rd lime5:105:425:44 6:21 (.:2б(i:27 (.:!(. (i:5‘)7:017:017:027:057:067:11llames Chmch it Noiihbi.'.ik Di7:l5 ll.inies Chuicli Rtl Ihn ¡14Hun. .<12 f»/.s Descti|>tion(daitsioue Ril it J I. I arm l.u ( ila.Istone Rd Claik Rtl it Glatlsloiie Rtl (da.lst.me Rtl .t Rullin Sl M.iignial Sl it L.iwin St limclitin RtiJunction Rd it Docks Way Junction RtiPeowees Way .t Juncli.in RdNolley Rd Nolloy Rtl it Claw lord Ktl Legion Hul Ril Glailst.ine R.l it (ilenview Ln 7:l(. I line6:51(i:526:54(.:556:57 6:5*»7:107:1.17:157:217:25 7:107:11 Hun: .<¡2.017 ¡his ¡0 0 Desciipii.m limeS Salisbuiy St it W Maple .A\ (.;15.\v..n St it Raymoiul Sl (.;loI iw V n Sl it lilt St (i:40Wilkesboio St it lot St b:4llitlison Sl it Na>loi St (i:42Va.lkmsillo Rtl ' 6:47 Cotiniishi (.:5Il anulan.l Kil 6:5Sl aitnlanil.t L‘Hig Meail.ut Kd ii:5*>C.iinpboll Rdit Sunnnit Dl 7:01Caiiiplvll IM 7 07Campboll Rd it i:ioluson Sl 7:0SN M.lill Sl it Spi noe St 7:11 N Mam St it Comoioiv St 7:1 2N Mam St Hn'ok Cli 7:14i .ikouootl Dl Mk \ Paik Av 7:17Wandenng Ln 7:20I- Depot Sl \ Neely Sl 7:27Г. lVi>ol Sl it I'mo Sl 7:2SI' I)opol St it Hailov Sl 7:20S Mam St .t i: Maple ,\v 7:12S Main St-alni.isi II..mo 7:.14S \l.nn St 7: Hun .<¡2.01^ H m I2 (i Descnplii4i linio Dal Ini. 411 II Ln it Ls 11\\ V (»4 W (.:2oI s Hus 61 W 6:10I s I Iw \ (. I W it liittoniw Rtl (i: 12 Us llv4> Ы W W..W { s ||w> (.1 W it Pouoll Rti 6:17I s Hws (.4 \V (.:1S Paikei Rd 6:41Ceniei Cll it I s Hw% (.4 W (.:4S Pi.well Rtl it .Allison Ln (i;50(i.ulbes Ril 6:51I s llwy (.4 W it Dallas Ln 6:56Biu.ne 1-aim R.l (»:5*»(iieentnll Rtl 7:0(.Book Soal.iitlUd 7:14 lerieluv ChineU Rd v'si lUtwsu Dr 7:\7(iieenhill Ud 7:21Counly Home Kd iV W'esisiile Dr7:25Booohw.M.il Dl it Holly Ln 7:11Sanloul.Av 7:M Him .<¡2 (Ц 4 Ih n l.'<2Deseiiplnm limei; Lexinglon Rd Л .Mill Si (.;4I I; l.exiuglon/Cliailosion Ridge (i:42 li.ist Lake Dr i»:4 ^( 'rosi\ low Dr (i:47Pid.iiisDr (.:5(i Buck Hill Ril/Pl.iygroim.l 6:57John Cioiis Ktl it Deck Cir 7:01lohn Cit'Us Ktl it Linda Ln 7:01 .MiMintview Dl it U’inilward Cir 7:0'»rnlloii St ,t Wliiiiiov Ril 7;l(.Whilney Kil 7:1'» ('leekside Di it Mela Hiee/e Ln 7:24 Rolling Hills Ln it Hilloiest C| 7:26N'oilhiitlge Ct it Milling K.l 7:2*».Milling K.l ' 7:.10 Hun .<12 <l2o Ih n l.<7Descripii..ii rimeWill Btu.ne Udit Di.mglmLii (t.4lWill B.i.ine Kil 6:4.1 Will Botine Rd it liitis li 6:45Will Ht.oik- Ktl 6:461 aiilioltl Ril <>:.50Nc Hwy S(U S (>:5KDo.itlnion Rd it loin С 1.11 7:0SDeatIm.MiR.lit Mo.ue li 7:00I tank Shotl Rtl 7:|(i Deatlm.ni R.l 7:2SDoa.Inion Ktl it Kn.ill Ciest Ktl 7:10 Deadmon Rd 7:12 Do.iiiinon Ktl it Wall Wilsiin Ktl 7:14Deatlmon Rd it Retlwood Dr 7:15Doadnii.n Rtl 7:17 SPECIALISTS IN FULL-SERVICE RESIDENTIAL & LIGHT COMMERCIAL REMODELING f r l y B U Il_D lh since Ì980 Advance, N.C. Replacement Windows & Doors Additions - Sunrooms - Kitchens - Baths Cabinets - Tile - Vinyl Siding M. David Miller, CGR NC Lic. #13033 NAHB ftW-SRemodelops^" Dependable, Professional Crews Serving the area since 1980 10 - DAVIF, COL'NTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 1, 2002 D a v i e P e o p l e M c l l r a t h - C a r t e r C o u p l e U n i t e d I n M a r r i a g e Jessie RaclicI M cllralh and Seth Evans Carter were united in marriaye on Saturday, Juno 22 al 6 p.m. at Charles П. I lay worth Memorial Chapol on tlie campus of High Point University. Dr. Harold C. Warlick. dean of the chapol. officialed. The bride is ihc ilaughter of Donna M cllrath ami M ichael Mcllralh of Thurinonl. Md. She i.s Ihc graiidilaughler of Mr. and Mrs. Dallon Porry of Thumionl. and Mr. and M rs. K obert Mcllralh of Waupaca. Wise. She is a graduate of Catoctin lligh School and eariiod bachelor’s degrees in polilical sciencc and hisiory from High Poim Univer­ sity. She is employed as assis­ tant dean of admissions al High I’uiM University. The groom is tho son of Ken and Jean Carter of Advance. I le is the grandson of tho lato Mr. and M rs. G eorge Hvans o f Mocksvillo and Ihe lato Mr. and M rs. Claronco C arter o f A d­ vance. Ho is a graduate o f Davio H igh School and oarnoil a bachelor’s degree in psychology from High Poinl University. Ho is pursuing his ilocloratc in so­ cial psychology al Ihe Universily of North Carolina atChaiwl Mill. Given in marriage by her fa­ ther. the bride woro a while matte salin gown ilesignod with a high aocklino ami banded waist detail. The A-line skirl o.xtoiulod inlo a scmi-cathoilral train. Her veil was of layered ГгепсЬ tulle attached lo a |>oarl liara. She car- Mr. and Mrs. Seth Evans Carter rieil a bouiiuot of satin wrapped while hydrangeas and magnolia leaves. Umntalyn Yanirick of Stam­ ford, Conn.. was maid of honor. Hridosinaids wore: Amy Ilolland of Canton, llte groom 's sisler; Jenny May of High Poinl; and Mary Both Ritchie of Stephens City, Va. Tho groom ’s father was best man. Groomsmen woro: Daniel Carter of Adviuico, Iho groom's brother; Brook Holland of Can­ ton, the groom's brother-in-law; Ryan Foster of Durham; and Bront W ard o f C lom m ons. Patrick Mcllralh of Thurinonl, tho bride's brother, was junior groomsman. The wedding was direcled by Peggy Evans of Mocksvillo. tho groom 's aunl. M usic was pro­ vided by pianist, Jenny Yost of Mocksville and guitarist, Bront W ard of C lem m ons. Vocalist was tho bride's aunl, Anna Mario Porry o f Thurmont. Allison Au­ gustine of Jonosville presided al tho guest regislor. A receplion dinnorand dance was held follow ing tho cer­ emony at the Greensboro-High Point Marriott. Following a wedding Irip to Cancún, Mo.\ico, tho couple is making their homo a! 479 James Court, High Point. Wedding Events • The couple was honored with a wedding shower April 7 al Fork Baplist Church. Host­ esses woro Jano Foster. Bonnie G oodin. Jenny L edford and Sherrie Ridenhour. • Tho bride's aunts, mother and grandmolher hosted a fam­ ily and friends bridal shower al her gran d m o th er's house in Thunnoiu on April 20. • Tite admissions staff at High Poinl U niversity honored Iho bride on Juno • The groom ’s parents hosted a rehearsal dinner for family and friends of the couple on June 2 1. Tho southern pig picking was held at the Lakeside Pavilion at Ihe G reensboro-H igh Point Marriott. • Loo anil Pal Cain, uncle and aunl of Iho groom, honored the couple wilh a wedding brunch al their home in High Point on June Chandler Couple Has A Son Scolt and Marybruco Chan­ dler of Advanco announce Ihe birth of a son, G arrett Scolt Chandler, on May 29, 2002 at l;03 p.m. at Lexington M emo­ rial Hospital. He weighed 6 lbs. ‘J.S oz. and was 20 inches long. Palernal grandparents aro Edward and Lillian Chandler of Mocksville. M aternal grandparents are B ruce and A nne R o llin s of M ocksville. M aternal groat- grandparenls are H arold and Margie Mann of Sanford. La Wanda S. Foote and Archie Dry Jr., bolh of Mocksville, were ntiirried on May 2,‘i al Fairfield Baplist Church, Mocksvillo. The Rov. M arcus W illiams and Bishop Tony W illiams offi­ ciated at tho p.m. ceremony, which was followed by a recep­ tion at thc church's fellowship hall. Diane Jiles of Salisbury was m atron o f honor and Dinah E tchison o f M ocksvillo was bridesmaid. Bobby Dry of Salisbury was bosl m an. and O 'B rien Foote was groomsman. Ushers wero Keith Kelly, Karl N aylor and Christopher Foote, all of M ocks­ villo. Branilon and Brandy Dry of Salisbury were ring bearer and llower girl. Tho bride is the daughler of Mr. anil Mrs,Carici Foote. She is a graduate of Davio H igh School and is employed by Sara Lee ofAdvance. The bridegroom is the son of Nellie Dry of Salisbury and the lato Archic Dry Sr, He is a gradu­ ate of Northwest Cabarrus High , School and is em ployed b y ~ $ Prioghlliner of Clevelimd, N.C. David and Annie and Kuiley Hull urAdvuncviinniitince Iho hirih of Iheir son and brolher, llrandcn Chancc Hall, born July 14, 2002 ut Forsyth Hos­ pital. He weighed 6 lbs, 11.6 oz. and was 2t).5 Inches lonu. Ma­ ternal Krundpiircnts are Tony Barney .Ir. and Ken and Norma Owens. I’aternal Rrundparents are Hob und Sue Sinclair and Ihc late Koy Tho­ mas Hall. Kric and There.sa Davis of Winston-Salem announce the birth uf their son, Brandon Milchell, on Sunday, June 16, 2(102. He welched five pounds und six ounces and wus 19 and 1/4 inches lonf!. His maternal )>randpurents are Bruce and Judy I’ralt of Mocksvillc. His j>rcat-srandmother is Franccs Anderson of Cooleemee. His (iodmother is Ms. ,Marti Childress of Mocksvillc. S r . C e n t e r T o H o s t T w o S a f e t y P r o g r a m s The D avic County Senior Center will host a two part sc­ ries this month on identifying potential safely risks in tho homo. On Tuosday. Aug. 6, “Over­ com ing O bstacles in tho Kilchen" will include tips lo se­ niors and others w ho prepare and slore food in their home. Easier meal preparation and storage lips will bo given, as well as ideas for cleaning, planning stor­ age and work spiices to bo more efficioni, and how to prevent bunts and falls in tho kilchcns. Tho second part on W ednes­ day, Aug. 21 will be “What You Can Do lo Prevent F alls at Homo," which will includo a housing safety checklist. Bolh will be presented by C harlolto Pagoll, fam ily and consum er .services agent wilh the NC Cooperative Extension Service. Tho programs will lie al 1(1:45 p.m. in Iho nutrition site of the senior contor, and aro free and open. Lunch will be available to anyone who wishes lo stay. The lunch fee is a donation for any­ one ovor 60 upon completion of paper work, or S4.6.1 for ihose under 60 or who do nol wish lo com plete forms. Make lunch reservations two days prior. For more information or to make a lunch reservation, call Ihe senior cenlcr al 751-0611. C a n a H o m e m a k e r s L e a r n T o R e d u c e S tr o k e R is k s B u s in e s s W o m e n ’s G r o u p O p e n T o N e w M e m b e r s The Cana Extension Home­ makers met al Frostland wilh Hostess Susan Cujas on Thurs­ day, July 25. T here wero 10 m em bers presenl. Sandy Brew er and .Martha Hunt w iih daughler Mattie were honored guesis. After the pledge of allegiance and reading of Ihe minutes club business w as discussed. Susannah B eaucham p,H ealth and W ellness program loader presented a program on reduc­ ing chances of having a stroke. Tho next m eeting w ill be Aug. 22 al 7. Tho group will work on a servico project, nuik- ing M astictam e pillow s for breast cancer patients. If you would like to visit, coniact the Extension service al 751-6297, Three years ago, a group of local business women started meeting once a month as a way to network wilh other women in Ihe community. Since its founding, Davie Business Women's As.socia- tion has gained more than 40 members and has made dontt- tions to such communily ef­ forts as the Helen C. Gantt Child Development Center, Davie Domestic Violence Services and Rape Crisis Cenier, Davie Youlh Council, individual women through scholarships and to more causes. Dues are m in im a l and iTteiTtbership is open to all w om en w ho w ork, eilher out­ side the hom e, or from Ihe hom e. Meetings are held Ihe first Wednesday o f e ac h m onth al thc new CCB on Yadkinville Road at noon. Lunch is catered for S.'S per person. If interested in visiing, or if you would like more infor­ mation on joining, contacl Tracy V, Donathan at 751- 2828. To RSVP for a meeling, contact Marge Walls-Walker at 492-26.36, FREE FULL SPINAL EXAMWION G et Your F R E E FULL Spinal Examination!(NO 06UGATI0N -NOTHING TO PAY) YOU MAY HAVE ONE OF THESE DANGER SIGNALS OF PINCHED NERVES; • Low Back Pain • Whiplash Dr. ¡L .fcMfl Fouer, thC. Bursitis • Pain Down Legs • Muscle Spastn • Numb Fingers • Hip Pain • Headaches • Shoulder Pain • Arthritis • Dizziness • Neck Pain FIND OUT NOW whether coretut, ptofessional chiropractic car« can relieve your 9ches and pa<ns. The eidmmation normally costs SU5.00 or more. It wi)l include an orthopedic test, a neurolog*cal test, a blood pressure test, a spinal aiiQrvnent check, an eiaminitton for resuvcie<i ot cictss tn th« spine, a muscki strer>gth te«t. and a pnvate consultation with (he doctor to d<scuss the Call 778-2242 tor Your Appointment today Yew «M»* «lifninatken l» Г*Ц. ye« t»»ft< mor« iun and «• ào all th* paperwork. TOSTIR CHKtOPMCnCCUm,P.C.—--------------------------------------4Mw v M im iu iM п п н w v fra n o fiK ifi# OFDL ПВЛ2ЛЛ 1> Л v I S к t Í, I о N l M l I) I l А L l l N I l к EXPECTING A SPECIAL DELIVERY? Join us fora tour of our Labor ¿r Delivery area. Thursday, August Sth, 7 pm Spacious maternity suites, Jacuzzi tubs, Level I! Nursery, experienced & caring staff, refreshments & great (Joor prizes. Bring the whole family! = « # D A V IS REGIONAL DAVIE CODiN TY EN TERPRI.SE RECORD. Auk- I, 2002 - 11 P in o N e w s By N ora Lulhatn Pino Correspondent Wesley Chapel will have an Adm inistrative Board meeting Sund;iy, August 4 al 12;.3() p.m. There will bo a covered dish lunch immediately afler Sunday school followeil by the mooting. Guests at Wesloy Chapol Sun­ day w ere B ryan and Suznne Lakey. M atthew M iller w as home from college visiting his parents. Pal and Kathy Miller, and attended church. Jam es and Lelia Essie have returned homo after spending several weeks on the eastern shore of Virginia. They have been house sitting for som e friends at Belle Haven. They had as their dinner guests on Mon­ day, Dr, and Mrs. William Car­ bines of Onancock, Va. Jamos and Lelia's grandson, Edward Bamos, of Onancock came home with them to spend the rest of the sum m er. W hile hero, he will work wilh his Uncle Chip Essie in the landscaping business. Bob and Kathy Ellis had a cookout al Iheir home Saturday for the Hamion Latham family. Those attending wore Harmon and N ora, Jim a nd hiñera Latham of Newport News, Va„ G lenn and A udra Raus of C harleston, S.C .. Ethan and A llison B oger of Reidsville. Kendra Latham and Jim Jacobs of Norfolk. Va., Dale Lalham and Debbie Maihis. Willie and Nova Fleming of Wichila Falls, Tx. arrived Satur­ day lo spend several weeks with Bob and Louise Dill. D inner guesis M onday of Sara and Mack Eure were their daughter and her husband, Debra and Gary Dull. Betty and Roland West re­ cently relumed home from a two- weck trip lo San Antonio, Tx. where they visited Roland's sis­ ler, Jessie West Guenlorl, and her husband, Harold, and sons, Hal and John, and granddaughter, Jennifer. They went by way of M aryville, Tenn. w here they picked up another of Roland’s sisters. Elizabeth Fortney, who accompanied them on their trip lo Texas. While in San Antonio, they visited Ihe El Mercado, had lunch at Mi Tiorra, a famous Mexican restaurant, and look a boat trip through San Antonio Riverwalk area. They were Um- cltcon guests of Anno Bantell at Po Po’s, a famous restaurant in Bierne, Tx. The W ests spent some tim e with Elizabeth in Maryville Iwfore reluming homo. They noted thal the area oast of the mountains of North Carolina appeared lo bo the driest area that they saw in the nine slates they imvoled Ihrough in Ihe Soulh anil Midwest. The Latham family reunioii was hold lasl Sunday in Monroe at the home of Roger and Gail Lathani. There was very goml atlondaitce from all over. Helen Jane Lalham M cCaskill came from Washinglon. D.C. Jim anil C hincra Lalham cam e from New'porl News. Va. Glenn and Audra Lalham Raus caiite from Charleston. S.C. Kendra L;itltam and Jim Jacobs came fvoiii Nor­ folk, Va. H arm on Latham , Louise l.athant Dill ;ind all of bolh Ihcir familie.- allendeil from M ocksville. W illie anil Nov;i Flem ing cam e from W ichila Falls. Tx. anil ihe rernainilor of Ihc Lalh;im lamily were all from around Motiroe. C o r n a t z e r N e w s By Diittlc I’otts Cornatzor Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Kissengor aro Ihe proud parents of a baby boy, Joseph Allen, born Sunday m orning. T hey reside on Howardtown Road. Kurt is thc choir diector al Comalzer Bap­ tist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Winters spent last week at Jekyll Island, S,C. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bailey and Annie Frye and grandsons spent ) last week iit Myrtle Boach. Mr. and Mrs. George Bogcr F o u r C o r n e r s N e w s By Marie White Four Comers Correspondent M rs. Johnsie Shelton and Mrs. Von Shelton visited Mrs. Rachel K im el, Mr, and M rs, Potree, and Mrs. Doris Holder Sunday at the Moravian Home. Mrs. Torry Hamm and Amber Ham m visited Mr. and M rs. Kenny Smith iluring the week­ end. M rs. Johnsie Shelton was honored for her 91st birthday al a supper w ith M r, and M rs, — Ш S A L E S T A X S a l« $ T a x N o lk ia y S a le August Z & 3 Friday, 10-6 • Saturday, 10-3 Browning Shirts & Jackets 20-40% OFF Browning Boots Closeout Priced at 4 Q 0/0 OFF All Caps including Browning, Nikon & DU •ICO/ ЛЕС Leafy Wear15% OFF 250^ OFF Rattlers Brand Snai« Chaps All Waders 30% OFF Pro Line Boots 20>35%OFF 25% OFF 11895 COOL SPRINGS RD WOODLEAF 3.4 Miles from Hwy. 801 Bolwoen Slalesville & Salisbury704-278-9159 Opon TuQS. 10am-6pm • Wed.-Fri, t0am-7pm • Sat. 10pm-3pm M o iv R O E ’ s S e a f o o d ★ S t e a h s O i i c h e n ★ Tuesday - Saturday 4:00pm - 9:30pm Your Choice; ALL YOU CAN EAT ^6’ ’ Fiounder o r A faskan V^^lte and Mr. and Mrs. Barney Boger and grandcliiUlren vacationed at Myrtle Beach last week. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Tibbs anil son. Josh, vacationed at Myrtle Beach last week. Mr. and M rs. Derek Harpe and sons. Brandon and Brent, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ryman Shoaf in O range Park. Fla. The Cornalzer Honiomakers Club members enjoyed a trip lo Lexington last Tuesday, They had lunch at Hoff's and visited the candy store and Lanier Hard- Bobby Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. John Missert and children. Tommy Shelton, brother of Mrs. Batry Smith, had a stroke rcconlly. We wish him a quick recovory. Thc 9lli one-of-a-kind reunion will be hold on Ihe Four Comers grounds on August 17 at 4 p.m. There will be hamburgers and hot dogs for everyone. All residents and fomtcr residents are invited to attend. Bring your favorite dessert, lawn chair and favorite Community Programs Diabetes Screening— $ i .s Ice An individual coitsollatii)n with a ccnilicd dinlxlcs (.■diic.itor I’.iititip.iiils )4cl a linnciMlck lildoil f^liiciisc tisi anil arc nsscsscil iin llieir risks Idrdevclopinj^ dialx'tes. Hiis stivcninH is liy a|ipiiiiiuiiciit otily. Stiecniiii>s arc hclil at: Eiliicaliim Wellness ( )iitpalicm Sci\'ii.cs Huilding, 721 C '.KivcSt,, Salisbuiy Call (704) 638-1437 (or an appointment or for more information. EduGational Programs Corrnirehensive Diabetes Ciasses Small ягочр classes ami iiidividoal instniction arc offered on a weekly basis to help tiiaster ihe skills and ciinccpts for tlie control of diabetes. These classes have a Ice, whicli is covered by inosi insurance plans. Airclasscs arc held at tile Salisbuiy City I’ark Iseci cation С Center, .416 Like Drive in Salisbuiy. Dial>cles' cla.vses will be offered on the foifowinf' dales, and you miisl atlend ali three sessions; July .^0, AugusI 6, 1Я • 9 ■ II a.m. AuHtist 5, 12, 1') • () ■ S p.m. August 14, 2 1, a s • 1 - H p tii. August 27, Septenihcf .Я, Ul • ‘I ■ II a i\v Call (704) 638-1437 loi mote ;n(orniation, Ciestational Diabetes Classes A certified diabeles educator provides a special program lor c.vpeciant nidilici-s with gestational diabetes. T he [irogiam includes basic facts, meal planning and hom e blood glucose monitoring. 1 hese classes have a lee, w'hich is covetcd hy most insurance plans. G estational ilinbeles classes will !>e offered on the following dales; allend (he d ale o f your clwicc. August 1,8, 15,22, 29 « ‘)-ll a.m., Row'an Ucjiional liilutaiion s, Wellness O utpatient Setyiccs liiiililing, 721 C rove Si., Salisbuiy Call (704) 638-1437 lor more inlormalion. Look Good, Feel Better An American Cancer Society program that teacjies cancer patienls techniques lo address the cosmetic side ellecis ol treatmenl. Call (704) 2784)992 for an appoinlmeni or for more inlormation. Nurse - On - Duty For routine, non-cmci}>cnc>' medical problem s o r for nnswci'i to yotir nicdicnl riueslinns, call N iirsc'-O n-D iity 24 lioiii>; a clay, seven clays a week. Il's iree. 1-800-33&4921 ADHD Support Group I’ntvides support and educalion lor par­ ents ol children wilh Attention Oelicit ITypcraclivily Disordcf. August 27 • 0:.^0 p.m., Salisbuiy I’edialric Associates, 12') W oodson St., Salishuty AWAKE I All'll. Well Ami Kci'piiig I'licii^ctic I I’toviiles a social anil educalionai (onini lor anyone sullering from a sleeping disotder ( \ill the Sleep M edicine C cntcr ol Salisbuiy ai (7 0 4 ) 6 3 7 -1 5 3 3 lor nicetiiig inloniiation. Cardiac Support Group I’vovides support ami educalion lor cardiac patients, people w ho are at high risk lor heart disease and their lamilies. 'Hiis group meets the lliird Tuesday ot die nioiiib during f ebniaty, June and Ocloher. 7 p.m., C^nrdiac Reliahilitaiion ti Wellness Cx-mer, 2nd lloor, Kiser Medical ( )llice liuilding, Rowan Regional iMedical ( enter. Cokm Cancer Support Group ( )llets support and education lor colon cancer siillerers and sun'ivois. .August 20 • 7 p.m., l.iht:aty at St. John's l.ullieranCJutich, 2(10 W. Innes St., Salishuty Diabetes Support Group Aiiemoon Meeting ( )lleis pntgmins to pnivide support and educalion lor people willi diaheles and their lamilies, "Geltiiig lo the H eart of D ialietes" presented hy RN I'etesa M cKinney lioni Rowan Regional Meilical Center. August i) • 2 p.m., Milford Hills United M elhodisi CJmrch I'ellowship Hall, lO.^O Slalesville lilvd., Salisbury Diabetes Support Group Evening Meeting ( )llcis programs lo prttvide support and educalion tor people wilh diaheles and llieir lamilies. "(¡elliiig to (lie H eart o f D ialieles" piescntcd hy RN Teresa M cKinney Irom Rowan Regional Mcdical C enter Atrgusl 6 • 6 p.m., iMillord hlills LInited M ethodist C.liiiich rellow’ship Hall, Kt.^O Slalesville lilvd., Salisbury Stroke Support Group O ilers support and education lor people who have sullercd a stroke. Aiigusi y • lt):.40 a.m., The Liurcls of Salishuty, 215 Lash D r, Salisbury Call (704)637-1182 lor iiiotx-infumtation. WeigM Loss Support Group Provides support and education for paiienls who have hail or ate conteniplaling having gastric hyjiass surgeiy as a way to lose weight. August 8 • 7 p.m., 6242 Stokes Teny Ud., Salishuty Qill (704) 636-3582 for more iniomtalion. All cl,asses meet in the W om ens Heallh ( enter, iitd lloor, Rowan Regional Mcdical Cx’itter C all (7 0 4 ) 2 1 0 -5 5 4 4 to register or lor more inloniialion. Breastfeeding Hiis class delails the advatilagcs and nielhods ol hteastleeding, .is well as praclical problciii solving. The class is taught hy oicr certilied lactation consullanls. Dads ate wclconte, loo. $IOclass lee il nol enmlled in Rowan Regionals I itrnaze cl.asses. AugusI l.i • 6 - p.m. lamaze Prepared ChiMbiilli and Babv Basics Learn what lo ex(iecl dur ing labor, bitlh and postpar tum periods; coping skills,- relaxation and btcailiing icclinitiucs; and ptepaiing lor chiklliirih, "laught hy our Linia::e-ceititieil cliililhirlli educalots C.Lasses nieel once a week lor six weeks, and a class lee is chai'geil. I am aze cl.asscs will be olleted ott the following dales: AugusI l .i - SepiemlKT 17 • 10 a.m - noon August 20 ■ SepiemIxT 21 »6 - ,S:^Op.m. Mobile Medical Unit Rowan Regionals mobile tnedical unit wil be at the loliowing localions in Augirst: Cholesterol and Glucose Screenings $8 each. August 28 • ‘)a.nt. - noon, Lowe's H om e Improvcinenl W arehouse, 207 l ailh Rd., Salisbury Mammogranis Airgusi 14, 15 and 16 South Rowan Medical Mall, .^08 I'. (.!enieiview Si., C.ltina Crtove C^all (704) S55-24(K ) to schedule an appoiiumein. Moonlight Mammography D o you lind it dillictilt lo scheckilc' a nuimmof’mphy c.vam tkiriny regular business hoiii-s? N ow you can f>et your annual m am niot>m phy exam as late as 7 p.m . M onday - TlutiNciny at llow an Regional M edical C enier. Call (704) 210-5238 today lor an appointment. Blood Pressure Clinic Every V/cdnesclay from 9 a.m. - noon, a Ircc IdIoocI pressure clinic is held in the main lobby ol l^owan Regional Medical Center. Volunteer nui-ses conckict the clinic. Free parking is provided in ihe medical centers parkinf> tiaraKC on hlendc-rson Street, R o w an R eg io n al M edical C e n ie r o ile rs a variety of h e a lth a n d w e lln e ss e d u c a tio n c la s s e s F o r m o re inlornnalion or lo re g iste r for a n y c la s s e s o r su p p o rt g r o u p s .. call ( 7 0 4 ) 2 1 0 - 5 0 0 0 612 M o cksville A venue, S alisbury, N o rth C a ro lin a 28144 w w w .ro w a n .o rq 12. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 1,2002 By Mike Barnhardt Davie Counly Enlcrprisc Rccord HILLSDALE - A new after- school program is being planned at Hillsdale Uniled M elhodist Church. And the new pastor is excited not only about that program, bul all aspects or the church reach­ ing out to the community, "It's a wonderful church, ca­ sual. laid back and very open to everyone." said the Rev. Jerry Webb, "That's our prayer, lhat God will send us any kind of folks. W e're focused on reach­ ing unchurched people." In a church wilh 145 mem­ bers, upwards of 200 attend wor­ ship services on some Sundays. Some arc one timers. Some are regulars. Some arc part-timers. Some are looking for a church home. All arc welcome at the m akeshift church in the old Webb building on U.S. 158. "I w ould say wc have as many friends as wc do m em ­ bers," Webb said. “We jusl offer them the gospel and program ­ ming." Hillsdale has always had an active youth program , W ebb said, so the after-school program is an offshoot of that, Janel Perrcll. director of program min­ istries. will be in charge of the program for students in grades kinderganen ihrough fifth grade, from 2-5’.4S p.m. daily and on teacher workdays and carly dis­ missal days. "O ur goal is to have a safe haven, a loving environment for children." Perrell said. The time afler school, when in many families children arc alone or wilh each other bccause both parents w ork, is w hen young people mosl often get into ^That’s our prayer, that God will send us any kind of folks. We’re focused on reaching unchurched people.’’ -Rev. Jerry Webb trouble. Transportation wil! be provided by bus from Shady Grove Elementary. "W c just sec the need for ihis 10 be tremendous," Webb said. "A lol of families, bolh parenls work ... they have to comc home at 6 and throw som ething to­ gether for supper, then home­ work. then it's time lo get ready for bed ..." He th in k s Ihe p ro g ra m w ill h e lp Ihe c h ild re n w ilh .self-es­ teem . During Ihc after-school pro­ gram. children will be provided a light snack, and all will lake pari in a shorl program lime, such as Biblo stories, Chrisiian videos and the like. There will be time for homework, lime for individual creativity and when weather perm its, outside play. Weekly cosl is $40 for the first child in a family, S35 for the sec­ ond. Extra fees will be S5 for early dismissal days and SIO for teachcr w orkdays. C all 998- 4020 to register or for more in­ formation. Tlie after-school care isn'l the only new youlh program. After home high school foot­ ball games this year, Hillsdale will host a "fiftli quarter." "It w ill follow the fourth quarter of the hom e football gam es. W e're going lo have Fbmnfi^eaOc^m Janet Perrell says that art, music and other activities will be part of Hillsdale Methodist's after school program. 5TJLL Service design ‘¡s Wiiar Wc O^cr... Ясссяопа • 'Ял>г Ccwriiyj ^'íiiiíínv Т"-íiirmítits '>li»í'Bíid/s ‘Á'tftÚlM íEiismíilis IVartCm'írinrts iiíE T'-íís fllints Sj)íKi ‘Pianninÿ^ ' g ’« « ’ Interior Designs, inc (336) 766-9918 JíéO^ Скттш IU. Btúk Скотт Ubnrj iDSAMdiia Advance News Program Director Janet Perrell and new pastor, the Rev. Jerry Webb talk about the new after school program at Hillsdale United Methodist Church. - Photos by Robin Fergusson H i l l s d a l e M e t h o d i s t G e t s N e w P a s t o r , A f t e r - S c h o o l P r o g r a m Ky Edith Z im m erm an Advance Correspondent A cut flow er arrangem ent was on the M elhodist church al­ tar Sunday in honor of Sudie I loward who celebrated her 83rd birthday Monday, July 29th. Virgil Polls fell at his home last w eek and dislocated his shoulder. He has been in severe pain. A speedy recovery is wished for him. Gel well wishes go oul to Ann H. Barnhardl who imder- went m ajor surgery Monday at M edical Park Hospilal. W c w elcom e new lyw eds M ike A llen and bride lo our community. They have moved into M ike's grandmother, Emma Allen's, home on Highway 801. We have many shut-ins in our community. Edith Zimmerman visited some of them lasi week, G ladys Jones, K azie Sm iley, Julia Patton, Lib Carlcr, Ruih Poindexter, Charlotte W illiams and Virgil and Lillie M ae Potts. She also visited N aylor and Stella Vogler who are recuper­ ating and were able to attend church Sunday. Thirty members of Paul Potts family went to Shatley Springs for breakfast Sunday morning to celebrate his 87th birthday. Those enjoying Ihe occasion were his grandchildren and great grandchildren, also "Bo" and M ona Polls, Edd and Eula Ledford of this communily and a ncice Jane Frye McLanib of Lexington. Jim and Stella Frye of Redland communily were Sun­ day afternoon visitors of Char­ lotte Williams. Ro.salie Allen of Florida was a Friday visitor of her brother and sister-in-law Virgil and Lillie Mae Potts. Gel well vvi.shcs to Becky Frye who underwent surgery last week at Rowan Memorial Hos­ pital. Clyde and Lois Huffman od Davidson County, Reedy Creek communily. were Saturday after­ noon visitors of Lib Carter. Jack and Dot Carter enter- lained iheir families wiih a pic­ nic and pool party al Iheir home. Children and grandchidren al- Icniling were Keilli and Donna Carter, Lindy and Hatley Carter; Jill and Howard Dixon . Josh, Kaycee and Janna Dixon. D ot's brolhers and families Luther and Hilda Pons, Danna Potts Correll and husband C had, Tyler and Parker Correll: Bill and Aileen Polls. Reggie and Amy Polls. Will and M ary Kale Polls of C h arlotte, A nita P olls Bandrauga and children Savan­ nah, Sarah, Camron and Katie of F ayelleville; D oug and Shirley Potts, Landon and Jill Polls and Sophie Potts; Terry and Vickie Potts . Wesley Polls and friend Josh. Bob and Nannie Lou Sparks and Belinda Potts. Edd and Elsie Vogler spent Friday and Salurday in Boone where they attended Elsie's 60th year class reunion from ASU. Stella Vogler underwent cata­ ract surgery on Tuesday. Get well wishes go out to her. Mabel Howard is a patient at R ow an M em orial H ospilal where she underwent surgery on her shoulder. She injured her shoulder in a fall at her home. р'т.л and music and a placc for children and youlh lo go afler a football game ... a safe haven." Webb said. Next year, ihey hope to have a summer program for youth. "P arents w ork all year," Webb said. "Part of our mission is to have a summer day camp next year. Having consistency wilh children is important." Webb is a relative newcomer 10 Ihe ministry, although the idea has stayed with him throughout Ilis career in the building supply industry. "I had always fell God's call on my life," he said. "It was lough, but God jusl kept work­ ing on me. It was hard lo pull away from Ihe success and fi­ nancial rew ards. Bul looking back, il was the greatest thing in my life. "Il's been very affirm ing. God never left me alone." In 1996. Webb enrolled in Duke Divinity School. Aflcr being a student paslor in Thomasville, he came to Hillsdale from Trin­ ily United M ethodist Church. His wife, Sharon, is a second grade teacher at High Point Friends School. The have three children, Casey, a rising junior al D.ivic High School, Daniel, a rising freshman, and Nathan, a Ihird grader al Shady Grove. H illsdale's form er paslor. Keith Tumian, is training to be a missionary in Indonesia. The m ission Turm an and original members of Hillsdale started is continuing. "The vision of the church is lo grow and focus on families and hopefully, build a new fa­ cility." Special of the Week Assorted Hershey Bars Lim it 8 Wtiile Supplies Last When You Healt pster [Barnhardt White [enbaric B e l l ^ j l t r o u d l or Ц1Ч’;|1 inlorm alioii on (IrUKs X lu’allh prohli'itis. цо lo v\ M M.rosUT(lriim'(i.C(im Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 www.fosterdrugco.com R e s u m e a ll a c tiv itie s im m e d ia te ly a fte r c a t a r a c t s u rg e ry at S o u th e a s te rn E y e C e n te r by C . R ic h a rd E p es, M .D . Procedure takes only 4 to 7 minutes to perform Return to all activities immediately Dr. Epes named as one of the “Best Doctors in America” Dr. Epes has performed surgery on individuals from 48 states and 18 foreign countries Dr. Epes has performed over 75,000 cataract surgeries “No-Needle, No-Stitch, No-Patch” surgeryC. Richard Epes, M.D. For local convenience <fe unmatched experience, call О Ct<u»IC«i>ll™Sui,lcilEj„Ai«tUl«,PA/ 1Ы1с11.А«1|п1ммАт^ TRUST YOUR EYES TO EXPERIENCE. F o r your conwm enci- you m ay see <»ie o f ihe Souiheu.neri-. Eye C m e r Jm W in our officw ui: LE A dmuda Q uay n r Steven G. Laymon. Opiomtirist Dr, Steven G. Laymon, Optometrist *198-8 llosplUl St, MocksvUte»751-S734________Bermuda Quay Shop. C'nlr., Advaao: • 940-2QIS DAVIK COUN TV I'N TKRPRISE KKCORI), Лиц. I, 20(12 - 13 Joe Harpe Earns CU Degree Joe Harpe gradualed this year from Campbell Universiiy wilh a bachelor's ilegrce in sports management. He is Ihe grandson of Paulina Harpe and the lale Joe Harpe, and Mr. and Mrs. J.l I. Plolt, W W W . e n t e r p r i s e - r e c o r d . c o m Manuel and Paula Varona and their children are happy owners ol the new house. T h e K in g ’s B ra s s Tim Zimmerman and The King's Brass will be in concert at the Brock Per­ forming Arts center, 622 N. Main St. in Mocksvilie, at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 1. They presenl hymn classics with a contemporary flair. Tickets are $15 each. Call 751-3000 or 751-2503. V a r o n a F a m i l y O c c u p i e s H a b i t a t ’s N e w e s t H o u s e A public celebration dedicat­ ing Ihe Varona house oU'ered op- portunilies for the recipicnl fam­ ily lo extend words of apprecia­ tion anil thankfiiliiess lo vohin- leers who assisted in the con- slriiclioM o f Iheir now liimie on June 2Ì. D ozens of volunleers d o ­ naled iheir lime and talents lo help make ihis house aliortlable. Materials and house furnishings were donaled or discounted by area residentsand businesses. This four bedroom -single family dwelling came in muler S4.‘i,()m). M anuel and Paula Varona. along ivilti (heir four children, contributed more lhan .“idd sweat eiiuily hours on the construction oftheir new home. H abitat for H um aniiy of Davie Couniy was esiablished in 1994 and has com pleted five homes since lhat time. The affiliate has recently been awarded a gram from Ihe Mebane Foundation. The money from this grant will be u.sed lo hire a part lime executive direc­ tor - Dotlie Barker Jackson of Elkin. This is Ihe firsl time in the affiliate's eiglu-year hislory to hire a direclor.'i'he mulual go;ds of the Mebane Foundation, the board of direclors'. ami Ihe ex­ ecutive direclor is lo increase building capacity lo two houses per year. This goal will rei|uire a com ­ munily partnership. Го volunleer your time, malcrials, or building lols, or to apply for a llabilal house, com e by Ihe HI-TI o f D avie office localed al Firsl Presbyterian Church in dow n­ town Mocksville or call board president, Ken Wiiypa, at 751 - 3204 for more information. 1 labilat for Humaniiy. Inter- nalional, founded by Millard and Linda Fuller in 1976, is a Chris­ tian , ecum enical, nonprofit housing ministry thal strives lo build homes for those iirnecd o f simple, ilecent, alTordable, hous­ ing. It is the goal of Habitat for Humaniiy lo eliminale all pov- erly housing from all over Ihe world. The work of this m inis­ try is happening in all 50 stales and in 60 comilries »’orldwide. Homes are buill for pcople of all ethnicities, races, and religions. Andrea Gentry Earns Degree Andrea Geniry of the Pino communily received Ihe degree ofbachelor's | o f m edical science wilh honors a I g ra d u a tio n cerem onies M ay 11 al A ld e rs o n - B r o a d d u s College. More lhan lOO.OOO homes have been built lo date. The philosophy of Habitat for Humaniiy is simple: Build af- Ibrdahle housing for people in need o f adei]uale sheher w ho have limited resources through volunleer labor, donalions of malcrials and money, sweal e<(- uily, community partnerships. "W e w ork u n d e r th e theology o f llie h a m m e r a n d il is o iir c o in - m ille d b e lie f th a l y o u sh o u ld h e lp p e o p le in n eed w h o are less I'orlunaie th a n y o u rse lf," Ja c k ­ so n said . l labilal builds houses in parl- nership wilh .selected families al no profit to the organization. Houses are sold lo the families wilh no-inlercsl loans and m ort­ gage paymenls are recycled to build additional housing. "W c are very happy and proud lo have dedicaled this house anil look forwaril to build­ ing more houses for those in need of a place lo call hom e," she said. "We are eager lo in­ crease building capac^lj' lo two houses a year and look forwaril 10 parincring wilh area churthes. civic organizations, and private cili/.ens. "Be sure lo mark your calen- ilar for Seplemher because il is once again lime for our annual golf lournameni. Make arrange- menls now to join us then oul al Hickory Hill.s." v iz >.1/ 4 ‘ / \1/ ч| / ч1/ \1>' >.1/ >1 / >.* / \ * / »1/ Ч * / I AUCUST B A R G A IN S o fth e M O m U She has Gentry acquired her national certification lo practice as a physician assistanl and has her license from Ihe Slale of Norlh Carolina, She is working as a PA-C al Lake Norman Ears, Nose & Throat. 7 ш Щ /а £ т . Help Is Just Around The Comer. COMMUNICATION SKILLS: ' 1.',"; Exemplifies effective communication, sales and i marketing, and negotiating skills for success In : business and government. I G U S I ANDREWS у Republican Candidate for N.C. SENATE DAVIE‘ ROWAN‘ YADKINUAVIt • HUWAIN • TMUMIM Paid by Committee to elect G us Andrews. Gary Davis - Treasurer $ Huge Savings $ Don*t Pay High Prices! l2 ’xl2'sunr(H )in with .V’ Insuhitcd Wall .Systoni (K-vahic 18). Tlicrnii) insuhitcd sliding ghiss wiiuloHs. 3" InsiiUttvd ronfsysli’in nnd iine dour. $5766.«« installed ICnjny the npcn hrcczc w ithnnt the hugs with our 12’,vl2’screcnruom with .V’ Insiihilcd Top. $.15.M).llll inslnlli'd. $ H uge Savings on custom built room s. Your choice of si/e & style. S C a ll J .R . C o n s tr u c tio n o f P fa ffto w n , In c . 3 3 6 -9 2 2 -4 8 5 5 ¡’rices g««(/ for July i& Aiigiisl 2002 (while siipplic.s lusl). ScrcL'ii/siiiirouin priced lo huild mi e.vis(iiifi pail or dcck. Ж Ж Ж .Jc Caudell Lumber and Building Supplies -> 162 Sheek street* 751-2167 if Open Dally Weekdays 7:30 • 5:00 Sat. 7:30-12 noon >7' M M ^ O f ' M ' M^ M IZ Z Z Z Z SOUTHERN S U f f i S Fpresents \m ^ T h e B i g g e s t S a l e o f t h e S u m m e r Friday, Aug. 2 • Saturday, Aug. 3 • Sunday, Aug. 4 Y O U A R E T H E S T A R O F T H E S H O W ^ ▲ tntorDst Hates As Low As5 1/2%ADM И S o u th e r n S h o w c a s e H o u s in g 3856 N. Patterson Ave., Winston-Salem, N.C. 27105 336-744-9557 or 1-800-593-7814 Friday 9am-8pm, Saturday 9am-6pm, Sunday 1pm-6pm r-ln * 1 í)' 14 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 1, 2002 O b i t u a r i e s Frances Cook Shouse Mrs. Francc,s Cook Shouse, 45, of Cooleemee, died Sunday, July 28.2002 al her home. She was bom Oct. 24, 1956 in Forsyih Counly lo Frank S. and Lilly Mozelle Durham Cook. Mrs. Shouse was a member of the Cooleemee Volunleer Fire Depart­ ment. Surviving: her husband, Philip C. Shouse, a daughlcr, Beth Ann Shouse, a son. Phillip Matthew Shouse, all of the home: and 2 brothers, Larry Cook of Washing­ ton, D.C. and Jerry Cook of Sa­ vannah. Ga. A funeral service was held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, July 31 at H ayw orth-M iller Kinderlon Chapci wilh Ihe Rev. Aaron Carter ofriciating. Burial followed at Poplar Springs Church of Chrisl in King. Memorials: Cooleemee Fire Dept., P.O. Box 6, Cooleemee, 27014. Emma Grace Karandy Mrs. Emma Grace Hendricks Karandy, wife of the late Stephen F. Karandy, died July 17. 2002 in Atlanta following a recent stroke. A native o f Davie Counly, she grew up on P u d d i n g R idge Farm in the Cana com m unity w here she I w as born May 15, 1910, Ihe youngest child of Melver Jackson Hendricks and Emma Grace Eaton Hendricks. She was Ihe last surviving grand­ child of Philip Eaton and Sarah Furches Eaton who established Pudding Ridge Farm. She was a lifelong Baptist. She was a graduate of Farm­ ington High School and a 1931 graduate of Ihe School of Nurs­ ing at Davis Hospital, Slalesville. At the lime of her marriage in 1944, she was on the nursing staff N of Hague Maternity Hospital, Jer­ sey Cily, N J. She and her husband moved to AUantu more than 50 years ago when Mr. Karandy be­ cam e senior vice president of southern operations for Western Corloading Co. She and her hus­ band promoted cultural activities in Atlanta, particularly the Atlanta Sym phony and A tlanla Music Club. Survivors; several nicccs and nephews; cousins; and friends. She and her husband donated their bodies to Emory University Medical School for medical re­ search and education. Mr. Karandy died in 1991. James Willard Stone Mr. James Willard Stone, 93. of Mocksville, died Sunday, July 28.2002 at Forsyih Medical Cen­ ter. Funeral services were Wednes­ day. July 31 at 2 p.m. in Eaton Funeral Chapel. Burial was in Fork Baptist Church Cemetery. Memorials: Fork Baptist Cem­ etery Fund, 3140 U.S. 64 E„ Mocksville. Mr. Stone was bom July 18, 1909 in Habersham Counly, Ga. to the lale Charles E. and Eliza­ beth Beck Stone. He was a retired farmer/dairyman and member of Fork Baptisi Church. He was preceded in death by his wife, Addie Moon Stone. Survivors; a son, George Willard Stone and wife Jean of Lewisville; 2 grandsons; 7 great­ grandchildren; 2 great-great- grandchildren; 10 brothers and sisters, Anna Maude Halhcox, .. Juanita M cA llister, Barbara McElroy, Addie Lou Earnhardt, Frances Owens, Bessie Lois Jor­ dan, Ailic Ervin, Mattie Horn, Sanford Stone, and Hoyt Stone, all of Georgia and South Carolina, and a special friend, Annie Bowles of Auiumn Care of Mocksville. Lawrence Ervin Moberly Mr. Lawrencc Ervin "Larry" Moberly Sr., 89, of Tot Street, Mocksville, died Wednesday. July 24, 2002, at The Oak.s of Forsyth. Mr. Moberly was boni in Rich­ mond. K.nn., Dcc. 14, 1912 to Ihe late C harics a n d A bigail MacIntyre Moberly and was a re­ tired producis development chem­ ist wilh Westinghouse with more Ihan 42 years of scrvicc. He and his lale wife, M arjorie A licc Cooke Moberly. had lived in Pitts­ burgh. Pa., until they moved to Mocksville in 1983. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Ottawa University and a master’s from Ihe University of Kansas. He was an authority in Ihc application of c.ir- bon and graphite contacts. During World War II. he contributed lo high-flying B29 aircraft in genera­ tor construction. He was a writer and inventor and was responsible for much of the clcctrical systems employed by the U.S. in the con­ slruclion of Ihc first m.inned lu­ nar landing. He was a member of Ihe Mocksvillc First Presbyterian Church where he served as a church elder and on other commit­ tees and organizations. He was a member of Ihe Hickory Hill Golf Club. Mr. Moberly enjoyed veg­ etable gardening and exhibiting crops at the Center Fair where he was a consistent blue ribbon win­ ner. He was a m em ber of the American Chemical Society and Ihe AAAS. Including his ivife, he was pre­ ceded in death by a sister, Julia Lyons, and a brother, W ayne Nloberly. Survivors: 2 daughters. Sandra Hadley of Mocksville and Phyllis Yackamovitch and husband Jim of Jenkintown, Pa.; a son. Larry Moberly Jr. and wife Susan of West Chester, Ohio: 7 grandchil­ dren; 3 great-grandchildren; a sis­ ter, Agnes Scever of Kansas: and 2 sisicrs-in-law, Carol McEwan of Lake Wylie and Dorothy Weever of Pennsylvania. A memorial service will be held laler. Memorials; Scholarship Fund of First Presbyterian Church. 261 S. Main St., M ocksvillc; or to Hospice/Pallialive CareCenter, I l()0C S. Stratford Rd.. Winslon- Salem. 27103. Margaret liarrett McCoy Margaret Barrett McCoy died July 21,2002, al Forsyih Medical Ccnlcr in Winston-Salem. Born Oct. 12, 1913, to Oliver and Elizabeth M cCoy of Wilmington, Ohio, she graduated from Wilmington High School in 1932 and from Earlham College in 1936, after which she accepted a teaching position at St. Mary's High School in St. Mary's, Ohio. In 1937, she enrolled al Ohio Slate University and earned a master's degree in psychology. She worked at Ihc Children's Home Society in Greensboro, engaged primarily wilh finding homes for older chil­ dren. Later, she taught several courses at Forsyth Technical Communily College and worked independently as a counselor in Greensboro and in Winston-Sa­ lem. She volunteered at agencies including Crisis Control and Friendship Force. She enjoyed music, dancing, Iravel and art. She exhibited her paintings through Associated Artists of Winston-Sa- lem and gave paintings to friends and family. She was involved in Ihe Parkway United Church of Christ in Winston-Salem. During Ihe final years of her life, she re­ sided at Bermuda Village in Ad­ vance. A memorial service will be held at 10 a.m. Friday, Aug, 16. at Parkway United Church of Chrisl in Winston-Salem. Donations:Parkway U nited Church of Christ, Winston-Salem, 27103. A Meaningful Funeral Service Welch Fweral Home, Inc. 556 South Main St. • Mocltwille, NC • (336) 751-3725 — Locali;/ Oumed b Operateti — Louise Barrier Mull Louise Barrier Mull. 92, of Morganton, died Salurday, July 27, 2002 al her residence. Bom in Burke County on April 12, 1910. she was a daughler of Ihe lale Lewis and Mary Reid Bar­ rier. She was a m em ber of Hartland Baptist Church, and had been aelive in the communily and church. She was preceded in death by her husband. George A. Mull, a daughter, M ary Mull Swink. brothers Commodore, Ernest. Forrest, Elmore and Edwin M. Barrier, and a sister. Janie Single­ lon. Surviving; a son, W illiam Lewis Mull of M organton; 2 daughters, Patricia Mull Gregory of Mocksvillc and Clarissa Mull Neal of Morganton; 7 grandchil­ dren: 9 greal-grandchildren: and a sisier, Ellen Bustle of Jonas Ridge. The funeral was held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, July 30, in the Colonial Chapel of Sossom an Funeral Home w ith the Revs. Steve Parker, Bill Whisnani, and Jimmy Lancasier officialing. Burial was at 4 p.m. al George H. Barrier Cemetery. Jonas Ridge. Memorials: Hartland Baptist Building Fund. 3720 Hartland Rd.. Morganton. 28655. Carolyn B. Casey Ms. Carolyn B. Casey, 63, of W insion-Salcm died Thursday, July 25,2(K)2, al Kale B. Reynolds llospice Home after a lengthy battle with cancer. Ms. Casey was born Aug, 18, 1938, in Forsyih County to Donald W. and Elizabeth S. Casey. She was self-employed as a certi­ fied public accountant for 30 years and was a member of Mount Ta­ bor United Melhodisi Ctiurch. She dedicated her life to taking care of others in their time of need. She was preceded in death by her falher. Survivors: her m other; a brother, Kenneth C. Casey (Vicki) of New Mexico: 3 children, Teresa L. Slaughter (James Fryer) of W inston-Salem , J. M ichael Pueschel (Barrie) of Advance and Mary E. "Lisa" KnighI (Ronnie) of V;idklnville: 8 grandchildren: 5 greal-grandchildren: a greal-greal- grandchild: and several nieces and nephews. A graveside service was held al 4 p.m. July 27. at Forsyih Me­ morial Park conducted by the Rev. Derry Barnhardl. Donalions: Kale B. Reynolds H ospice Home, 101 Hospice Lane. Winslon-Salem. 27103; or Cancer Services of Winslon-Sa- lem. 375 Maplewood Ave. Win- sion-Salem. 27103. Зепйсе A. Swaringen 1909 - 2002 WINSTON-SALEM Noma P. Ruark 1913 - 2002 MOCKSVILLE ■ Mary ]oC. Crews 1918 - 2002 LAKELAND, FLA • Rex A Keller 1934 - 2002 MOCKSVILLE * Ruth L Brewer 1911-2002 fVINSTON-SAUM ' ]essiel..Viyse 1934 - 2002 KERNGRSVILLE W. Groce 1940 - 2002 MOCKSVILLE Stephen F. Peacock Mr. Stephen Fredrick Peacock, 55, of N.C. 801 South. M ocks­ ville. died Monday. July 29. 2002 al his home. A memorial service will be held Sunday. Aug. 4 al 2 p.m. al Cooleemee First B.iplisi Church with Dr. W.iyne Sterling officiat­ ing. Memorials: Cooleemee First Baptist. P.O. Box 518, Mr, Peacock was born Sepl, 8, 1946 in Surry Counly to Mary Elizabelh Transou Peacock of Cooleemee and the late Edward Adam Peacock. He had been a sawmill worker and brick mason. He was a fisherman and enjoyed aulo racing. Survivors, in addilion to his inolher: 2 daughters, Stephanie Dawn Peacock of Mocksville. and Samantha Lynn Horn of Woodleaf: a grandson: 2 sisters. Ivy M oran of King and M rs. Ronnie (G ail) Bivins of Cooleemee. Advance Florist & Gift Baskets — IVc Deliver — (336) 940-6337 llon-Fri M , Sat M DAVIE FUNERAL SERVICE Incorporated 416 Valley Kd.. MtKksville, NC 336-751-3111"Our Family Scrviit^ Your Гiimi/y' roiD IlOUETOHN Г Ш Ш HOME Advertisement Free Hearing Tests Set For Mocksville Area Anyone who has trouble hearing or understanding words is welcome 10 have a free hearing test with modem elccuonic equipment. Even people now wearing a hearing aid or Ihose who may have been lold nothing could be done for Ihem should have a hearing lest lo Iind oul if they ;ue among Ihe ni:my a he;iring aid wilt help, Il may surpri.se you lo know lhal many people wilh hearing problems do not need hearing aids, Bul Ihcy do need a hearing lest as a lirsl slop in finding oul e.xacily whal the uouble is. There's no chargc for the lesl and absolulely no oblig^ion. The free hearing lesLs will be given by Bdlone Hearing Aid Speciali.sls at the Bclione Hearing Aid Service Cenler at 281 N,Main Slreet every Friilay from 10,00 am to 1:00 pm, To avoid waiting call 723-5253 for an appoinlmcm for the free lest at our oflicc or in the privacy of your own home. IU »11 mo Itn W A N T E D 15 HOMES THAT NEED PAINTING 15 Homoown#r», will bo given an opportunity to havo tho Woiv Alvis SPRAY ON SIDING applied lo their home at special Discount prices. No more costly repair bills or constant Painting costs. . Alvls Spny On Siding CAN EASILY be applied over any typo ■urface Including wood, stucco, block, or brick. . AM* Sprey On aiding WILL NOT fade, crack, peel, or chalk and carriet a LIFETIME WARRANTY, No money down and term« lo fit your budget Why wait? www.9prayon8iding.comFREE ESTIMATES ЛЬ r f ЛТиНГП ON ТНГ null ni RS MOUH Contact Distinctive Exterior Coatings: Y ou^duii«W nstoi^alem ^e^cjnM ^j«*^jJw A jg^jrejfO n^W injl BLOOD DRIVE SATURDAY, AUGUST 3 9 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. Redland Pentecostal Holiness Church 137 Baltimore Road, Advance C o n ta ct W en d y D u n n at 768-7495 to sch e d u le an a p p o in tm e n t. FREE T-shirts to all donorsl Y o u r g ift o f life w ill h e lp u p to th re e d ifferen t p e o p le h a v e a seco n d ch an ce a t life. G ive to d a y to save a loved o n e to m o rro w ^ D o n o r s rn u c l be at least 1 7 ye a rs o ld , w e ig h at le a st 1 1 0 p o u n d s a n d in gen era l g o o d h e a lth . Am arlcanBedCroM W hen making fiineral arrangements, isn’t it good to know that there is a locally owned funeral home with over fifty years of experience in serving the Davie County community? • Funeral Service Professionals who are your friends and neighbors • Funeral Sen’ice Professionals involved and active in supporting those things important in the coninuinity in which we live • Funeral Sen’ice Professionals meeting any need or circumstance your family might have • Funeral Service Professionals with only one thing in mind... Making sure that one ofthe most difficult times in your family’s life is handled with the care and dignity that can he provided by those that have known you the longest. E A T O N FUNERAL SERVICE, INC. Celebrating 50 years of setyicc lo the coinimmity I IL J I 325 North Main St., Mocksville, NC • 751-2148 Carl Lumbcrl, MiíUíingl'artíici.rbner ) ! ! T u r r e n tin e T o C e le b r a t e H o m e c o iv in g O n A u g . 4 Turrem inc Baptist Church of 613 Turrentine Church Road. Mocksvillc, will cctcbralc liomccoming Sunday. Aug, 4, riic Rev, Billy Sloop, who was paslor for almosl 10 years, will bring Ihc ine.ssagc al Ihc 11 a,in, worship scrvice, A traditional home­ coming meal will follow in Ihe fellowship building. During the morning worship, the church will have :i nolc-biim- ing to cclebrale Ihe reliremeni of the debt on its parsonage. This debl was retired in 2.5 years. Bear Creek Baptist Plans Homecoming This Sunday Bear Creek Baptist Church will have homecoming Sunday. Aug. 4, with Sunday School al 9:45 a.m.. and worship al II. Lunch will be al noon in ihc fellowship hall. The Rev. Mack Pressley of Belmom will be speaker for liome- coming and revival services Sunday-W cdnesday al 7:30 nightly, Pressley attended Mars Mill Junior College. Berea (Ky,) College. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Louisville, Ky,. and East­ ern Kentucky Universily, Richmond. Ky, He has served as paslor of churches in Kentucky and Norlh Carolina and as director of m is­ sions of Upper Cumtierland Baptist Associalion, Harlan. Ky. and Boone's Creek Baptist Associalion and Camp. Winchesler. Ky. I le retired in m i and ser\ es as interim paslor of Chapel B;ipiisi Chruch. Ml. Holly. Me and his wile Christcan have three daughters and five grandchildren. Pastor Lee Cook al Ihe memhers of Bear Creek invite former members and friends. M t . S in a i P la n s R e v iv a l Mount Sinai AME Zion Church will have ils annual revival be­ ginning Sunday. Aug. 4 al 3 p.m. wiih speaker. Ihe Rev. Darren Johnson of Restoration Temple COGIC. Bishop S.T. Green of New Hope Holiness COG will ilcclarc the word Monday, Aug. 5 through Wednesday, Aug. 7 al 7 nightly. The church is located al 488 Peoples Creek Road. Advance. I losl paslor is the Rev. Dr. Olis B. Robinson Sr. For more informalion or directions, call the church at Ч9Н-6231 or email the paslor at i <iii<uiiil<iiiil(ii It’.ynmiiin .m'i. Dulin Homecoming Sunday Dulin United Methodist Church will have ils 13 1 si annual home­ coming on Sunday. Aug. 4, with singing at 9:30 a.m,. worship at 11 and a fellowship lunch al noon. Singing will be provided by Ttic Rhythmaires, Benita Finney, The Dulin Quartet. Kelsey McDaniel and Anne Sacharzcw,ski. DAVIE CO UNTY EN TERPRISE RECO RD, Aug. 1, 2002 - IS New Mercy will be at Concord Methodist Sunday. New Mercy Quartet To Sing At Concord Methodist Church The New Mercy Quarlel from King will be at Concord Unilcd M ethodist Church on Sunday, Aug. 4 for homecoming. Special sing­ ing will begin at 10 a,m. with New Mercy, which includes; Todd Hill, tenor; Mark Tedder, baritone; Mickey Browder, bass; and Mike Pegram, lead. These men enjoy singing as their witness in faith. Sunday School will be at 10:45 and worship al II wilh a cov- ered-di.sh meal to follow. The Rev. Robert McMillan, a former Duke Sludeni intern at Concord, will deliver the sermon. D a v ie G a th e r in g A u g . 11 The Davie County Sub-District United Mclhodist Program Coun­ cil will sponsor Davie Gathering 2002 on Sunday. Aug. 11. al 3:45 p.m. at Belhlehem United Methodist Church on Redland Road, Advancc. Lexington Dislricl Superintendent, Dr. Michael Lealhcrwood, will lead the worship service wilh local churches, groups and indi­ viduals providing music and activities for all ages. M inisters and Ihcir spouses will be introduced. No offering will be received. Bring school supplies for Storehouse for Jesus. Revival Services at Cornatzer Baptist Church A u g u s t I I t h t h r o u g h A u g u s t 1 8 th . T h e g u e s t s p e a k e r w ill b e t h e R ev . J a c k R e is s o f C h a t ta n o o g a ,T e n n e s s e e . Rev. Reiss is a completed Jew. He is very familiar with the present events in Israel and will be sharing some of that information with those present. He is also a gifted speaker and a great preacher of the Scriptures. S u n d a y s e r v i c e s w ill b e a t 1 1 :0 0 a .m . a n d a t 6 :3 0 in t h e e v e n i n g . M o n d a y t h r o u g h W e d n e s d a v n i g h t s e r v i c e s w ill b e a t 7 :3 0 . There vwll be special singing each night and a nursery for the convience of those wi* small children. Vistors are welcome to attend A t t e n d T h e C h u r c h O f Y o u r C h o i c e No Crook Primltlvo Baptist Ctiurch,No Crook Church Rd.. Mocksvillo. 2nd & 4th Sundoys, 10:30 a.m. Fourth Saturday worship and confGronco.1:30 p.m. Paslor. Eldor Eugone Bonnott. Eaglo Heights Church,10 a.m, Sunday worship, 7 p.m. Tuesday Powortimo. 7 p.m. Thursday Biblo sludy. Casual dross, conlomporary music/worship. 5103 U.S. 150. Hillsdalo. Mocksvillo Wesleyan Church: Hospital St.. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship, It. Wednesday Prayer Meeling, 7 p.m. Rov. Goorgo Troyor. 751-5595. Union Chopel Unltod Mothodlst Church: 2030 U.S. 601 N. V/orship. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 11 n.m.. Pastor. Rev. Brad Holliman. Conlor Unilod Mothodlst Church: U.S, 64 W. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Pastor. Stephen Blair. 751*2754. Childcare direclors: Carla Provollo. 492*5735 & Sandra Aulry. 940-3753. Elbaville United Mothodlst Church: Sunday School. 10 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m. Kids For Chiist (agos 3*9). Youlh lor Christ (ages 10*12). lst&3rdSun.. 3*4:30 p.m. Teens for Christ moot Sun., 5-6:30 p.m. Discipio I Biblo Sludy. Wod.. 7 p.m. Discipio III Biblo Sludy. Thurs., 7 p.m. Advanco. Pastor: Rev. Jack Wallace. Coolcomeo Church ol God: Sunday School. 10 a.m. Worship Sorvico and Children's Church. 11 a.m. Tues. Prayor Meeting. 7 p.m. Wed. Family Service. 7 p.m. For moro inlo. call paslor Robert HuleUo al 284-2180 or visit mvw.coolcog.org. Cornatzer Unltod Mothodlst Church: 1244 Cornalzor Rd. Sunday School. 10 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m.. 7:30 p.m. Bible Study. Wednesday, 7:30. Rev. Harold Zimmerman, paslor. Bethol Unilcd Methodist Church: Bothol Church Rd. Worship. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 10.50 a.m. Rov. Ed Carter, pastor. Advanco United Mothodlst Church: Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m. Youth, 5 p.m. Rov. Harry D. Sammons.Downtown Advance. Farmington Unilod Mothodlst Church: Sunday School. 10 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m. 1939 Farmington Rd. 998-3769. Rov. Melinda Snyder, Oak Grovo Unltod Mothodlst Church: 1994 U.S. 158. Mocksville. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Concord United Methodist Church. Cherry Hill Rd., Mocksville. Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Paslor. John Andrews. Hardison Unilod Moihodlst Church: Worship, 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45. Wonderlul Wednes-days Children's program, 6-7:30. r’astor. Rev. Donnis B. Marshall. Community Baptist Church: Sunday School, 10a.m. Sunday Worship, it. Evening service. 6. Wednesday Biblo Study, 7 p.m. Gladstone Road. Hliisdalo Uni ted Methodist Church: 5228 U.S. 15B. Advanco. Contemporary worship Sunday 10:45 a.m. Sunday School. 9:35. Casual dress, refreshments. Jr. High Youth Sunday night. 5:30. Sr. High Youth Sunday night. 7. Mldweok(g>Hillsdale prayer service. Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Bible studies, minisiries such as drama, worship, misions, singles, women's, men’s. Pastor: Jerry Webb. 998-4020. Wesloy Chapol United Mothodlst Church: Worship Service: 10 a.m. Sunday School: t0:45 a.m. Rov. Mindy Snydor. Pino Rd. Redland Pentecostal Holiness Church: Sunday School; 10 a.m. Worship: 11 a.m. Evening: 6:30. Wednesday prayer meeting & Bible W.G. WHITE & C 0 . 850 N. Trade St. Winston Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 JERRY'S MEAT PROCESSING We Custom Meat Process Beef - Pork - Deer 27 years experience 692 Ralph RflllodQO Rd « Mockavlll« 492-5496 J. p. GREEN MILLING CO., INC. Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksville, N0 336-751-2126 CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2167 a Í C E ш т е Е и л т т 5431 Hwy. 156 • Ativance, NC 336-998-1987 Sludy, 7:30 p.m. Rev. Joel Boylos. Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1913 U.S. 601 s. Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday School; 9:15 a.m. Paslor: Rov. Robert Kasling. 751-5419. http://www.mindspfing.com/^holycross/ M ocksvillo First Presbyterian Church, 261 S. Main St. Worship; 11 a.m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday evoning: Choristers (grades 1*5) & Youth (grades 6-12). 5:30 p.m. Paslor; Neal Carter. 751*2507. Mocks Unltod Methodist Church, oil N.C. 801 S. al Mocks Church/ Boau* champ roads. Advanco. Rev. Donnio Durham. 998-5518. Sunday worship; 8:45 & 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Smith Grove Mothodlst Church: 3492 U.S. 158. Mocksville. Pastor: Chris Clontz. Sunday School: 10 a.m.. worship. 11. Children’s ministry. Boloro and alter school programs, 940*5296. Hillsdalo Baptist Church: Sunday Worship and Bible Study 9 & 10:30 a.m.. Wednesday Followship Meal. 6 p.m. Children's youth activities, prayer meeling, 6:30 p.m. Pastor R.T. Aldorman. 940-6618. Minislor ol Music, Bront Holton. 4815 U.S. 158, Advance. FoUh ond Victory Family Worship Center, 1687 Hwy. 601 N. Sunday Sorvicos. 10 a.m.. 7 p.m. Wodnosday, 7 p.m, Now Believers P.P. Church. Sunday School. 10 a.m. Worship Service. 11. Wednesday nighl Bible sludy, 5. Paslor Elizabeth Mock. Assoc. Pastor Derrick Mock. Women's Aux. & Brotherhood Bible Sludy. 1st & 3rd Thursday. Liberty United Methodist Church. U.S. 601 s. Worship:9:45 a.m. Sunday School: 11 a.m. First Unltod Methodist Church of Mocksvillo. Eaily Sunday Worship Sorvico. 8;50 a.m. Praiso singing, casual dross, conlomporary lormal. Traditional sorvico. 10:55 a.m. 305 N. Main St. 751*2503. Pastors. Crystal Alexander and Charles Turner. Boilovor's Sonshlp Tobernacio; Sunday worship. 10;30a.m, &6:30p.m. Wed. evening, 7. Paslor: Jerry L. Couch. 998-1324. Cana Rd. - Potter's Lane. Turrentine Baptist Church: Sunday School. 9.45 a.m.. Worship. 11: Night Sorvico. 6. Paslor: Rov. Joe Smilh. Bothlehom United Methodist Church: Sunday early worship, 8:45 a.m.; Sunday School. 10 Worship. 11 a.m, 321 Redland Rd.. Advanco, 336- 998-5083. Fax: 940-5502. E-Mail: belhumc@aol.com. Episcopal Church of tho Ascension. Fotk-Bixby Rd.. Advance, Sun. School. 10 a.m. Worship, It a.m. 998-0857. Dial A Story Ministry for children. Bill and Poggy Long of Advanco. 998-7716. Sorvicos at the Oaks. Apt. 7A. 7 p.m., Thursdays. Bishop T.R. Rico. Clement Grove Church of God, Body of Christ. 159 Paiker Rd.. Mocksville. 492-5125. Saturday Services: Sabbath School. 10 a.m.. Worship. 11:45. Wednesday Biblo Sludy. 7 p.m. Pastor: Eider Ernest Ijamos. Radio Broadcast: The Bible Is Right. Tuesdays. 5*5:30 p.m.. WDSL 1520 AM and Sundays. 8* 8:30 a.m.. WSTP 1490 AM. Groon Meadows Baptist Church Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship. 1 \ a.m.. 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayor & Bible Study. 7 p.m. Pastor Rov. Michael Wators. 998-3022. Liberty Wesleyan Church. 2106 Sholliold Rd.. Harmony, Sunday School 10 a.m.. Morn. Worship 11 a.m.. Wod. Biblo Advonluro 7 p.m.. Sr. Ministry 2nd Tues. oach month 10 a.m. 492*2963. Paslor; Ronald Leo. Bixby Presbyterian Church. 1606 Fork-Bixby Rd.. noar Cornatzer Rd.. Sun. School 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11. Paslor; Designated pastor. 998- 6813. Ouiin United Methodist Church, 097 Dulin Rd.. Mocksville. 998-5409. Paslor: David Smilh. Sun School 10:30 V O G L E R & S O N S fu n e ra l lu m ie 2849 Middle Brook Dr. Clemmons, NC 27012 336- 766-4714 D O W N U IV D E R R O C K & T IL E Brelt & Slacey Lavery (336) 998-8287 or 998-4771 Ceramic Tile hisuilkitiim www.aussicille.com EATON FUNERAL HOME A Tnidilion o iCiiriiiÿ.... 32.5 Norlh Main Strccl Mocksville, NC 27112X 336-751-2148 'Krazy’Bob says, "Stop by and see iy ii why... a sale at the mall's rarely a sale at all." Tuos.-FtI.* 10am-7pm Sat.* t0am-5pm Closed Sun.&Mon.Ihtf Old Wfbb Didg .llwy I Sfl,? Blocks Wo( 801 9 ' A U T o n u m MOCKSVILLE AtnOMOTIVE 884 S. Main St. • Mocksville 336-751-2944 a.m.. Worship 9:30 a.m. Cooloemoo Unltod Methodist. Main St.. Sunday School. 10 a.m.. Worship. 11. Kids Kamp Sun. 5-6:30. Pastor: Rov. Porry Bradshaw (284* 6135) in Home Bibio Studios, by Randy Howoll. 284*4667. Bear Creek Baptist Church, Boar Creek Ch. Rd.. Sun. School 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m., Bible Study Wod. 7 p.m. Rev. William Loo Cook III, paslor. Cooloomoo First Baptist Church. 284 Marginal St.. Sun. Bible Study 9:45 a.m.. Morn. Worship 11 a.m.. Eve. Worship 7 p.m., Youth, 6 p.m. Wednesday suppor, 6 p.m. Music minister, Regina Chandler. Mocksvillo Socond Presbyterian. 400 Pino St. Worship. 11 a.m.. Church School. 9:30. Rov. Thomas M. Leach.75M410 St. Francis of Assissi, RC. Masses; Monday. Tuesday. Thursday, Friday. 9 a.m. Wednesday. 7 p.m. Salurday Vigil. 5 p.m. Sunday. 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Spanish Mass at 12:30 p.m. Rev. Andrew Draper. TOR, 751*2973. Farmington Baptist Church. Sunday morning Biblo study, classos lor all ages. 9:45. Worship: 11. 1841 Farmington Rd.. 5 miles from 1-40. Pastor: Jimmy Hinson. Church: 998- 3826. Homo: 751-3492. Blaise Baptist Church. U.S. 601 North across Irom Horn's Truck Slop. Mocksvillo. 751-3639. Worship & Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sunday ovoning. 7. Wednesday servico. 7 p.m. Pastor; Glonn Sellors. Shiloh Baptist Church, 544 E. Depot St.. Mocksville. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning worship: 11 a.m. Paslor: Rov. Donald Ray Jonkins. 751-0597. Fulton Unltod Mothodisl Church. 3895 N.C. 801 S., Advance. Worship: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 10:45 a.m. Fulion Youth In Christ. Sundays. 5-6:30 p.m. Paslor; Rov. Jack Wallace. Hoavon Bound Full Gospel Church.U.S. 64 W., Mocksville. (boside Conlor Firo Dept.), Sunday School. 10 a.m.. Worship. 11. Sunday night praise/ worship. 6. Wednesday night praise/ worship. 7. Pastor. Jamos Ward. 998- 6394. First Boptlst Church. 390 N. Main St.. Mocksville. 751-5312. Sunday School. 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:55 a.m. Wednesday Prayor Sorvico. Noon. Fork Baptist Church. 3140 U.S. 64 E., Mocksvillo. Sunday School. 9:45. Worship service. 11 a.m.. 6:30 p.m. Wodnosdays, 7 p.m. Awanas. Sunday 6 p.m.998-8306. Cornatzer Baptist Church. 1372 Cornalzor Rd.. Mocksvillo. Sunday School. 10a.m.. Worship, ll:ovening. 6:30; Awana's Worship. 7 p.m. Wednesday evoning. 7:30 p.m. New Union Mothodlst Church. 1869 Shellield Rd.. at County Line Rd. Sorvices: 8:30 a.m.. conlemporary worship with casual dress and rolroshments; 9:45 a.m. Sunday School assembly. 10. Sunday School ior all ages. 11 a.m.. Worship. 492- 5367. ilames Baptist Church. Shellield Rd., Mocksville. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., worship, 11. Sunday evenlno. 6, Wednesday. 7 p.m. Pastor. Tommy Faust. St. John AME Zion Church, 145 Campbell Rd.. Mocksville. Sunday School. 9:30. Morning worship. 11 a.m. Rov. Anihony Freeman. Advanco First Baptist Church. 1938 N.C. 801 S. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Wednesday Bible Study/ mission groups. 7 p.m. Pastor:Martin Kastner. 998*6302. Church of God of Prophecy. 2323 U.S. 601 s.. Mocksvillo. Sunday School. 10 a.m., worship. 11. Sunday evening. 6; Wednesday evoning. 7. Paslor; Rov. Bobby Shinaull. 719- 6565 or 284*2935. Victory Baptist Church. Midway St.. Cooleornoe. Sunday School. 10 a.m., worship 11. Sunday evening, 6; Wednesday Awana/Youlh, 6:45 p.m., Prayor & Bible Sludy. 7. Rov. Shelby Harbour. 284-2077. Sovonth Day Adventist Church, Milling Road, Mocksvillo. Sabbalh School. Saturday. 9:30-11; Worship. 11-noon. Paslor, Ron Davis. 751 38B6. Macedonia Morovian Church, 700 N.C. 801 N.. Advanco. Sunday School. 9:30-10:45 a.m. Worship. 0:45 and 11 a.m. 998-4394. Paslor: Rov. Grog Little. Yadkin Valioy Baptist Church, 1324Yadkin Valley Road, Advance. Paslor; Ronnie Craddock. 998*4331. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11 & 6. Wednesday Night Prayor meoling, 7:30. Live Sundays. WDSL 1520AM. 11-Noon. Mt. Zion Holiness Church of God, U.S. 64 E. at Mill Street. Mocksvillo. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Morning Worship, 11. Paslor: Bishop Jamos Ijames. Mt. Sinai AME Zion Church, 488 Peoples Croek Road. Advance. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m., worship, 11 a.m., Wednesday night Biblo study, 7. Dr. Olis B. Robinson Sr., paslor. 998*6231. Bixby Church of tho Living God. 2121 Cornalzor Rd., Advanco. Paslor, Rov. Perry Hawks. 768*1606. Worship, Sunday 10-11 a.m.. 6 p.m. Sotcm United Mothodlst Church. Salem Church Road off Davie Academy Rd.. 8 miles west of Mocksville. Worship. Sundays al 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 10:45.UMW. socond Wednesday. UMM lirst Sunday breakfast at 7:30. UMYF Sunday evenings, Rov. Stephen Blair, pastor. Plnoy Grovo Unilod Melhodisi church. 376 Underpass Rd.. Advance. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship, 11. Paslor: Rov. Kendall C. Glovor. 998-7316. New Jerusalem Apostolic Church, 291 Campbell Rd., Mocksvillo. Pastor, Nottyo Ijames-Barbor, 751 -0049. Sun. School. 10 a.m.. Worship 11. Wednesday nighl: Biblo class. 7:30. Inlorcossory prayor, 6 p.m. Truo Light Christian Ministry. U.S. 601 N.. Dannor Rd. to Camolia Lane. Mocksvillo. Pastor; Steven W. Dalton. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship. 11. Episcopal Church of the Good Shophord, Church & Cross sts., Cooleemee. Worship, 9:30 a.m.. fellowship hour alter church. Bible Study 2nd and 4th Sundays atter church. Priest: Rov. Noah Howard, Jesus LIto Mission. Liberty Church Rd.. Mocksvillo. Sunday School. 10:30. morning worship, 11. Sunday evening at 6 and Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Pastor: Hilda Reavls. Mocksville Church of God, 862 U.S. 64 E. (beside Armory). 751-0817. Paslor; Larry HolUtletd. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11.Sunday evening. 6, Wednesday ovoning, 7. Jerusalem Baptist Church. 3203 US 601 s., Mocksvme. 284-2328. Rev. Jimmy Lancaster. Sunday services 8:15 a.m.. praise ond worship; 9:45, Sunday School for all agos; 11 morning worship: 7, evening worship. Wednesday services: 6 p.m., family fellowship meal; 7 p.m., TeamKID, Youlh 4 Christ, Adull Bible Sludy. Nursery for Infants and loddiers. Fellowship Baptist Church. 1084 Rainbow Rd., Advanco. 998-6544 •Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11, Sunday evening, 6. Wednesday service. 7 p.m. Thursday vlsilatlon, 7 p.m. Smith Grove AME Zion Church, 3707 Hwy. 158, Mocksvillo. Sunday morning worhslp, 11. Sunday School. 10 a.m. Rev. Morgan Glenn, pastor. SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY Jericho Road Mocksville, N0 27028 336-751-5148 SHEFHELD LUMBER & PALLET CO. APALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5565 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9144 CRAIG CARTER BUILDER, INC. 119 Hwy. 801 S, Suite 1 Advance, NC 27006 336-940-2341 HuiAl-rof Via/iH CuMm}hrvi /tf <ncr.W I'fun Cnii A. Ciflcf. Prc'idenl • Mirtin C. Curtft, We Pt«. FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2141 GENTLE MACHINE & TOOL INC. 3319 us Hwy 158 Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-3350 H a y w o r t h -M il '-e r Fu n e r a l H o m i- K in d e r t o n C h a p e i. Located on Hwy 158 Between Clemmons & Advance 336-940-5555 888-940-8511 F U L L E R ili№ s ïir Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Fabrication 855 Salisbury Road, Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-3712 к Ь- 1Г»-РЛУП: COUNTY KN l'KlU'UISi; UIXOKD.A uií. 1. 2002 W h o l e s a l e P r e -O w n e d L i q u i d a t i o n ! C a r s , T H ic k s , 4 x 4 s , S U V s , V a n s , S o m e t h in g f o r E v e r y o n e . M o s t V e h ic le s F u lly in s p e c te d & C e r tifie d ! E x te n d e d S e rv ic e P la n s A v a ila b le ! T b m In v e n to ry MUST GO! W e N e e d T o MOVE‘EM OUT! P r ic e s A s L o w A s $ 1 / t S S ” ! Buy at AUCTION PRICES! 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D o n ’ t P a s s T h i s U p ! B u y A m e r ic a n . . . B u y F o r d ... “ B u y A L L A M E R IC A N F O R D ” MERCURY Suieêville WO ^ Is u WtntlofíSéhm l-*0 AU. АМИСАМ'чFMD ] MOtCUKY 1 Mochavlllo Just off 1-40 Exit 170, Hwy. 601 • IVlocksville, NC (336) 75-1-2161 C h e c k u s o u t a t a a f o r d . c o m Sports IMVFE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 1, 2002 - Bl In the 1965 homecoming game vs. W. Rowan, a 63-7 Davie romp, Randall Ward takes a punt and follows Tommie Cook to the end zone. T w o - S p o r t T h o r o u g h b r e d Randall Ward Dashed On Football Field, Dazzled On Basketball Court Ily Hrian (Mils Davie Counly nmerprise Record Si'vnilh ill ¡III cii^lil-piiii scries on Dovie Uifih Aihleiie lloll of i'umcrs. Kiiiulall Ward never lli(iiit;hl alioiil hisdoininalion uiien lie played I'oolball and liasketball I'or Davie tligli in ilie I4f)(ls. He never eonsidered liimsell' a supers lar. "We played as a team anil everybody did Iheir lliinj;," he said. "Everybody was responsible. I didn'l play lo gel my points. I played lo win, I leel fortunate because I came along when there were some really цоо<1 alhleles. There was never a one-man show. There's a lot oC people I played w ilh that's going lo be in lhal hall ol' lame," Ward might be uncoml'orlable with individual atlenlioii. bin he couldn't avoid being in the spotlight on May .‘i, when he ami seven other first-class members were imlucled inlo the Davic I ligh Athletic Mall of Fame. A lth o u g h y o u ’ll n e v e r h e a r W ard Randall Ward is among the lirst inductees into the Davie High Sports Hall of Fame. c.xtolling his greatness, he was a two- sport thoroughbred and he's got Ihc numbers lo prove it. He evoked awe ,., and envy. "Some people were jealous of him." said Mike Ihilconib. a starter on both sides o fth e football as a Wbh-Wl se­ nior, "There was this thing helwcen M ocksville and Cooleemee (the only youlh I'oolball leams at thal lime), and here conies Randall from Ailvance and nobody ever thought they'd .see a foot­ ball player I'roni Shady Grove, So he kind of pul everybody on the back burner, "O ur coach (Jack Ward) could pun­ ish us by not Idling us hil. We abso­ lutely loved to hil. and you couldn't hit Randall hard enough lo keep him from gelling up. He was tough, he was the fastest while boy I've ever seen and he had Ihe cockiness it look lo pull il off, Soinelinies it's nol cocky. Ho was sure of himself. He knew he was good. He had a swagger bul it was well-deserved. He’d never lalk irash. he jusi went oul and scorcd. and he woulil hit you when he was «n defense. "He was a great sliidenl. and lhal licked some people off. He was hand­ some. and lhal licketl some people olf I'm sure. And he was a greal foolhall player and had a good jum p shol. He had savvy. No mailer whal ihe sport was. he was heads up on all of il. Some people were jealous of his ability. But the guys on the team, when il came lime to block for him. they would kill be­ fore they'd let soniebody lackic him," Raised by Hill and I’ansy W ard, broihers Randall and Jeff constantly competed in backyard games againsi other Advancc children, "Randall was always my hero." said Jeff, seven years younger, "I pretty much gol labeled as R andall's little brolher. People that didn'l see him play don'l realize how fast he w'as. and he hated lo lose. It didn't matter ¡fit was a backyard game of basketball or knee football. Him and his buddies would gel on Iheir knees and play against me and Dave M arkland. W e'd be on our feet and they'd just kill us. He wanted lo win at anylhing he did and he would do whatever it look to win." "He was like a role model lo me." said l-red Hailey, a l‘J68 Davic gradu­ ate who lived two miles from the Wards. "He did things the right way. He c.\- celled in athletics, in Ihe classroom and he cerlainly excelled as an e,\ample. He was talenled but he was extraordinar­ ily compelilive. and combining those two made il very, very difficult to win againsi Randall. Anil that's whal took him lo Wake Forest. It was fun to be around him because you knew you were around a w inner. To grow up with some­ one as lalcnted as he was « as a gift for me," b'rom ihe word go. Waul was des­ tined for Davie basketball greatness. His seventh- and eighlli-grade teams al Shady Grove didn't lose a single game, and "we played everybody twice." he said. "M ost of the time we probably played aboul half the game," "He was always one of my favor­ ites." Shady Grove's retired coach. Ves­ tal Polls, said, "Randall would do ev­ erything you asked. He was the key person handling ihe ball and he was my besl scorer. He was dedicated and a good leader. He was jusi everything," Although Ward was infatuated wilh basketball. Jack Ward. Davie's football coach fron) 1456-67, sensed a Iwo-sport BMW on Ihe horizon and gave Randall a personal invitation to the 1У63 fresh­ man foolhall team. "Keep this in mind."said Bill Peeler, a Davie coach from I4.S6-HS, "Randall was the first real football player to come out of Shady Grove," While W ard's reputation preceded him ill basketball, he came inlo his | ‘Я)4 sophomoie football season as an e.Mra, "Ronnie Hellard. a leal good half­ back. had a knee injury." Jack Ward (no relation) said, "I had an exceptionally good second-teain backfield and didn'l want lo break It up. so 1 used a sopho­ more yoimgslcr. Randall. 1 said; 'I'm just going lo move him up lo run in Ronnie's place until Ronnie gets well.' Well, no one could gel Randall out," Remarkably. Ward scored 11 touch­ downs - for a l-i leam thal finished second in the eiglit-leam North Pied­ mont Conference - with only a year of fiiotball under his belt, lie romped K,S yards in the .second game. In a 1У-7 win over Troulman. Ward scored twice and teamed wilh Bill Nesbit and Nayrex Barnhardt for 260 yards. Ward scored three limes against Children's Home, He scored twice in a 26-21 win over North Rowan. He made the All-NPC leam wilh quarterback John Parker, of­ fensive lineman Mike Keller, enil Clay ПаЮп. running hack Neshit and center Don Jones. “He was just a superior athlete, and it was an honor to play wilh hitn,” said Phil Deadmon. a relired Davie County principal who played football and bas­ ketball. "H e's one of the few sopho­ mores that slarled al Davie back in those days." "In high school he was one thal was a powerhouse," said Ronnie Riddle, an All-NPC lineman in 1466. "He carried the basketball team, and he was the punch on the football field, too. A lot of games, when Ihe ball was snapped you could see the defense How. Every­ body on the other side keyed Randall. Whichever way he went, the whole herd was going. But he slill could gain yards." The iy6.S team was the best ever, spending eight second halves on cruise control en route to a U)-0 regular sea­ son, W ard. D onald B eek. D avid Robertson and QB Earl Shoaf ran be­ hind a ferocious line (Ronnie Foster, Tony S teele, R onnie Spry, E dgar O sborne, Jack Keller, Charles Ealon and Ronnie B eck). W 6-0 and 155 pounds. Ward had a 75-yard TD run againsi M onroe, an 80-yard punt relurn againsi West R ow an, a TD pass to Ronnie Beck againsi Easl Rowan and a ,13-yard score againsi North Rowan. In the Cliorloiie Observer poll, the Rebels were the lop 3-A leant in the state after week six. Davie slaughtered the regular-season field 36-1-38. " That team had the capability lo score from anywhere on Ihe fielil. and Randall Ward (who ran 100 yards in 10.2 seconds) was the reason why." Holcomb said. "Randall was always known for his running ability, bul he was probably a better defensive hack." Jeff Ward said, "I really thought he was one of the best defensive hacks I've sever seen in high school." Jack Ward said. No leam has cried harder after a sea­ son-ending defeat than Davie, which coughed up three fumbles and losl 26- 1Ч to Asheboro (10-1) liefore б.-^ОО fans al Kannapolis, Blue Comets QB Darrell Moody, who laler .starred al N.C, Slale, tossed four TD passes while complet­ ing l5-of-24 for 161 yards and rushed fora fifth score as Davie (10-1) fell one win short of the Western North Caro­ lina High School Activities Associalion title game. "A fter thal game there w asn't a dry eye in the house. We cried our eyes oul," Randall said. Please See W ard - Page H2 J i m Y o u n g T a k e s G i r l s C o a c h i n g J o b A t E R By B rian Pllts Davie County Enterprise Record Jim Young has a love-hate relation­ ship with his new coaching status. He hates he didn’t get the Davie High girls basketball job, losing out to Karen ¿ook, who left Mitchell High to inherit an immensely talented roster. He hates that daughler Brittini Young won't be able to help South Davie's eighth- grade team in its quest to repeat as un­ beaten conference champs. A fter lead­ ing Davie's varsily boys for five years, he hates to sell his Mocksville home and slarl over in Granite Quarry. Bul he loves w hat East R ow an, which finally made his hiring official last week when a five-w eek hiring freeze was lifted, has lo offer. The Mus­ tangs don’t hope, they expect to win in girls basketball. They went 19-7 last year, finished second in the North Pied­ mont 3-A Conference and return three All-Rowan County players. He loves Ih e opportunity to rejoin D erek Kurnitsky, the East boys coach who worked under Young al Davic. And as much as Young hated to pull Brittini from her teammates at South Davie, he loves B riltini’s new team at Erwin Middle, which played second fiddle lo the Tigers last winter. Please Sec Young - Page B3 Stevens Signs W ith Pfeiffer By Brian Pills Davic County Emcrprise Rccord Sean Stevens blistered people on Ihe freshman and junior-varsity level, bul he couldn’t disarm the doublers. W e’ll see, they said, how he performs on the varsily level against guys twice his size. Once again, what I was perceived lo be I a major weakness - 1 height - was far from it in tw'o varsity seasons for Davie H igh’s basketball team . Taking over the reigns from Duane Phillips, he averaged 23.1 points as a 2000-01 junior. He took his game several notches higher last season, .scor­ ing 24.8 and tying or setting four state records: 12 3-pointers in a gam e, 24 threes attempled in a game, 127 threes made in a season and 308 threes at Please See Sean - Page 33 Stevens l l l i n g S c h e d u l e s M i d n i g h t M a d n e s s P r a c t i c e O n H i t m a s D a y • Davie's 2002 football slaff consists of 10 familiar faces and ihrcc newcom­ ers lo replacc three losses. The three assistants who aren't back are Mike 1 Icrndon, ihc varsily baseball coach who handled linebackers lor lour years. Daniel Brow n and Dorsey Keith. The three new ones are Barry Whitlock from South D avic M iddle, M ike Rominger from Parkland I ligh and Matt Sain, a first-year teacher fresh oul ol college. Head coach Doug llling is oversee­ ing Ihe i|uarterbacks. The iiffeiisive stall also includes Mike Lovelace (wide re­ ceivers). Lee Linville (offensive line/ head JV coach), Chad Groover (OL), Bill Oakley (coordinalor/tight ends) and W hitlock (running backs). The defen­ sive coaches are Mike Rominger (LB). Devore 1 lolman (coordinator/defensive line). T ilden C arler (D l ). K eilh W hitaker (oulside linebackers). John Bullins (defensive hacks). Jeff Ward (DB) and Sain (DB). • Sain was a slaiidout athlete for Davie. Although he played two years of varsily ball in football and baseball, lie's better known as a three-year starter during the grealesl run in Davie's amaz­ ing wreslling hisiory. He was apart of 6У wins anil three losses from 1УУ2-У.‘>. including two slalc championships and three slale runner-ups. "I’m e.xciled - 1 really am - about the opporiuniiy.’’ Sain said. "Sports was the love of niy life growing up. 1 looked forward li> going to school everyday because 1 knew al Ihe end of Ihe day Ihere was some s|)orl 1 was involved with. "Coach Holman and Coach Ward were here when 1 was here, and they had a heavy influence on me because 1 really respected them as a player. And I look forward to going back and work­ ing wilh Ihose two guys along wilh the rest of the slaff." M all's brolher. Adam Sain, was a senior slarler at cornerhack last year. 1 le was also a three-year starter in wres­ tling. "H e’ll give more individual atlenlion to those JV defensive backs," llling .said. "Everybody thinks highly of him, so il should be a good addition." Sain graduated from N.C. Slate and will teach Horticulture I and 11. "I've thought about possibly helping with w restling and baseball, bul I'm not sure," he said. • Davie made greal strides in a four- day cam p at Lenoir Rhyne College. W hy were the coaches so pleased'? "W e had about three fig h ls," W hitlock said wilh a big grin. “The of- fense hale.s Ihe defense and Ihe defense hates Ihe offense. But afterward ihey were shaking hands.’’ "It was hard to beat lasi year’s camp, but we did," Holman said. "We saw a lol of promi.se and a lot of hope from a lot of kids Ihat are go­ ing lo have lo step up lo the plate and play," llling said, “(The .scufHcs) show that kids are intense and aggressive, and those are two good things to have in football. They gel a little ticked off soinelinies, but they aren’t backing down." • llling and his assistants have come up with a new way to celebrate Hitmas Day: Midnight Madness, a practice that will slart at 12 a.m. and run until around 2 a.m. “We call our firsl hitting day Hitmas Day, and why not make it a little more cx citin g ,” lllin g said . “(C ollege) basketball’s been known for doing a midnight madness on the firsl official practice. I've heard o f some schools doing il - not around here - and on ESPN on The Season you see them. The coaches were jum ping up and down aboul it and the players love the idea. W e'll let them spend the night in the gym.” • Davie has two road scrimmages. They will meet Easl Forsyih on Aug. 10 at 6:30 p.m. and M ount Tabor on Aug. 16 at 7. Parkland will also par­ ticipate at Mount Tabor, as well as pos­ sibly a fourth team. В2 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 1,2002 I ' I f Randall Ward, turning the corner in a 1964 game, scored 11 touchdowns and made all-conference as a sophomore. Although Randall Ward (21) was a backup fullback for Wake in 1969, he shows his support to a teammate. W ard Earned W ake Forest Football Scholarship Cuntlnucd From Page BI “Wc were the belter leum probahly," H olcom b said. "Bul w e’d been reading ihe new spa­ pers and ju s t ab.solutely couldn't believe anybody could beat us. We saw that city boys could hit." Ward supplied all the spice as an 180-pound senior. Afler hammering out KK) yards in the opener. W ard added anolher 104 and threw an overtim e TD to Tom Brew baker in a 0-0 tie with East Rowan. He dashed for 60- and 6.1-yard TDs and piled up 185 yards on II carries - without playing Ihe second half - in a 32-0 drubbing of Soulh Iredell. Ho scored D avie’s only touchdow n in a 6-6 tie with Monroe. He romped 65 yards to give Davie a 14-6 lead in a 21-19 win over N orth Stanly. He hit paydirt twice in an 18- 14 loss to Cenlral Davidson. Davie, which Hnished 5-2-3 and 3-1-3 for second in the NPC, went 20 regular-season games, at 17-0-3, without de­ feat unlil a 4 0 -2 6 loss to M ooresville. Two heroic efforts dem on­ strated lhal the difference be­ tween warrior W ard and others came from deep w ithin. One of them , a 20-13 squeaker over West Forsyth, saw Davie over­ come a 13-0 halflim e deficit. W ard sco red ihe g o -ah ead touchdown wilh a broken hand. "We gol the doctor’s pennis- sion, taped him up anti played him on defense," Jack W ard said. "H e in te rc e p ted tw o passes and anytime we gol in­ side the 10 w e'd play him on offense. Ile scored tw o touch­ downs and we won." Peeler rem em bers a score­ less overtime battle with West Rowan. “You got the ball on the 10 and had four plays," he said. “We held them. We gol the ball and Randall carried the ball four straight times. The fourth time, of course, he crossed the goal line, and I'll never forget: The official w ent over there and held his hand up in the air like you do with a bo.xer." W ard w as A ll-N P C three times. He and O sborne, a cen­ ter/linebacker, were named to the I7lh East-W est A ll-S tar football game, and Jack Ward was the W est coach. And he .signed a granl-in-aid to play football at Wake Forest. Yet, W ard doesn’t receive the acclaim he deserves in D avie’s record book because that was an ora when individual slats were oflen left oul of the paper. He w'Oulil hold all sons of records, even though a scries o f electrifying runs were wiped out by penalties. In 1965 he had a УО-yard punl return called back by clip­ ping. In the 0-0 game wiih Wesl Rowan in 1966, he had a 72- yard punl return called back by clipping. And in 1964, he had a 75-yard score called back be­ cause an official boughi QB John Parker’s fake to Bamhardl and blew Ihc whistle for a 1- yard loss. M eanw hile, W ard w as galloping down the righl sideline, with the ball. He still rushed for 93 yards on nine car­ ries. “T h e re 's no tellin g how many yards he got on punt re­ turn s," Jack W ard said. "He probably scored as many touch­ dow ns relum ing punts as a lol of halfbacks ever do. Randall w ould have as much rushing yards as anybody that's ever played down there. There’s no question aboul lhat. He might have had 1,000 yards called back in his career." "I don’t know why, but back Ihen we didn’l keep records like Ihey do loday," Peeler said. “ He w ould be one of the top backs in ru,shing yardage thal w e've ever had." W ard was a com plete alh­ lele. In Ihe spring of 1966 (D avie's second year in track and field), W;u-d, Lan>’ Sherrill, Eddie Leagans and D onald B eck finished th ird in the W NCHSAA in the 880 relay. Ward also did long junip, high jump, low hurdles, 220, l(K)and mile relay. In the East-West game. Ward started in the secondary and look the opening kickoff all the way to the house, only lo see the 99-yartler waveil back be­ cause his fool touched the East goal line as he back-pedaled to receive the kick. The W est, quarterback by W ilkes Central's John Swofford, losl 10-0. “Randall was probably one or two votes from most valu­ able player in that gam e," Jack Ward said. "1 took Randall as a defensive back and had lo play him both ways." linskclbiill S tar Freshnian Ward looked like a seasoned vet in 1963-64. He skipped the JV learning curve and leaped inlo a rotation lhal featured C om m ie Shoffner, Larry Hailey, Junior Beal, Jolm Parker, Roger Pierce and Harry Lee Howell. Pulling thal accomplishment in perspective, Ihe Rebels were a loaded team lhat won the NPC wilh a 13-2 league record. “ W ard is one o f those naturals who come along so sel­ dom," Coach Roger Snow said then. If nol for the freshm an, Davie could have finished sec­ ond lo M ooresville. In a late- season clash thal determ ined the regular-season race. Ward scored a tiebreaking bucket at the bu/.zer on M ooresville’s home lloor. "1 was in the stands and the gym was jusl packed." Riddle Brother Jeff Ward reminisces about Randall Ward's two-sport dominance at the ivlay 5 Davie High Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony. •A Davie basketball coach Bob Henry counted on senior co-captains Phil Deadmon (left) and Randall Ward. said. “ It was an inboumls play we ran in every practice." Randall said. "C oach called tim eout with four seconds on the clock. It was the perfect play. All I had lo do was lay il in." W ilh P ark er and B ailey gone. Coach Bob Henry turned W ard loose in 1965-66. The dynam ic junior guard torched M onroe with 34 poinls. He won the league scoring title al 17.1 poinls. was D avie’s lone selec­ tion 10 All-N PC and was All- Norlhwest honorable mention. W ard and W illiam C arter form ed the top guard tandem in Ihe NPC in 1966-67, Ward lit South Rowan up with 33 points, and didn’t play in the fourth quarter. He dropped anolher 33 on South in the rematch. Davie finished second al 14-7 and 11- 3, bul it toppled first-place North Iredell 65-60 on the fi­ nal nighl of the regular season, w ilh C arlcr scoring 24 and W ard 23. “ R andall svas a tenacious guard." said Hank Van Hoy, the Town o f M ocksville altorney who played for Norlh Iredell in 1967. “ He w as aggressive, never say die, 1.30 percent. He was the m asier of the lake il hard 10 the hole and dipsy-do layup, The m iracle dipsy-do w as his forte. He was a scoring m achine." ••| le had a greal jum p shot, bul he loved lo lake il inside and som ehow pull one out o f his rear end aro u n d those big guys," Jeff Ward said. “ Ho could drive undenieath and 1 never could figure il oul," Riddle said. “I’d always try to block it in practice, and 1 never could find Ihe ball. 1 don'l know how ho would do lhat under Ihe basket.” Ward led the league for the second time at nearly 20 points a game, made All-NPC for the .second lime, made the 4 1 st All- Northwe.st team and was se­ lected to play in the M arion Civitan Classic, a game featur­ ing the North-South Piedmoni A ll-S tars against the N orlh- w eslern-Southw eslem Confer­ ence A ll-Stars. Ward, D avie’s No. 4 scorer at 1,094 career points, was the Soulh’s high scorer in an 83-77 win. ‘’T h e re ’s no q uestion he could have m ade Ihe college level in basketball,” Deadmon said. “1 think he could have made the ACC in baskelball. He was that good." Injury K uliis College Curcor W ard drew football offers from Clem son and North Caro­ lina. Coach Lefty Driesell and Davidson, in fact, coveted Ward in football and basketball. He chose W ake Forest. He started al com erback on the D eacons’ freshman team in 1967, A fter rodshirting in 196«, Randall Ward was in Wake's starting backfield before a kidney injury ended his career. The West All-Star team had a Davie flavor in 1967. Jack Ward was the West coach, and Randall Ward and Edgar Osborne played in the 17th East-West game. Ward, scoring 2 of his 26 vs. Troutman, led the NPC in scoring twice and finished his career with 1,094 points. Ward was a projected starter starter. Everything seem ed like during the 1969 spring. But a bruised kidney in the gold-and- black game put him out o f com ­ mission for nine weeks. He re­ covered in time for the 1969 season, which included a date lo the Orange Bowl against M i­ ami, bul never gol the nod. He fought his way back to Ihe lop of the backfield depth chart in 1970, but another in­ jury to the same kidney finished him, "By the way, we won the ACC cham pionship lhal year," he said of the 6 -5,5-1 cam paign thal.included a trip to Nebraska. “1 got my gold jersey (as a ju n ­ ior), which meant you were a it w as com ing together. We were doing this drill and after lhal practice I started passing blood again. T h is w as tw o w eeks before the start of tho season. The doctor said there were three ihings I couldn’t do; horseback riding, skiing and playing foolball." The glory trail had run out. W onder whal might have hap­ pened? "H e really could havo been big. You just don’l know,” Jeff W ard said. “I don'l think you can ever look back and say what could have been," R andall said. "1 was blessed by the good Lord in a lol of w ays.” DAVIE COUN'I'Y ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 1, 2002 - IJ3 J S e a n S t e v e n s S i g n s W i t h D i v i s i o n I I P o w e r Ctm tinucd From Page 1И templed in a season for 41-per- cenl accuracy beyond the arc. The mighly mite who defied odds by becom ing a slar in a league lhal (eatures two of the fiashiest programs in the state (Reynolds anti Wesl Forsyth) de­ livered 40 or more poinls four limes. He fueled a single-game scoring record in a 117-77 blitz­ ing of Soulh Iredell, helped Davie compile a iwo-ycar record o f 31-19 and finished as the Sean Stevens, showing going up for a basket for Davie, will play basketball for Pfeiffer this fall. third-leading scorer in school hisiory wilh 1,232 poinls. trail­ ing Dwayne Grant and Phillips. By turning varsily queslions inlo d efinitive slalem enls. Slevens caught the eye of one of the country’s winningest Divi­ sion 11 programs. I Ie’s headed lo Pfeiffer Universily, a run-and- gun leam in Ihe Carolinas-Vir­ ginia Athletic Conference. "1 don’l know how much you know aboiu our program, bul the best player w e've ever had al P feiffer w as 5-7 and 130 pounds." Falcons coach Dave Davis said of Tony Smilh, who led Ihe D-ll nalion in poinls and assists as a senior in the early 1990s. "H e's the all-lime lead­ ing scoring in Norlh Carolina college baskelball. Me abso­ lutely dominated our league and was National Player of the Year. So I learneil very young in my coaching career to never judge a player by his size.'" “1 got lillle over half a schol- ar.ship for my first year, plus some academic money," Slevens said. “There’s no doubl in my mind if I would have been 6-2, Ihe recruiting process would have heen much easier. Bul it worked out prelly good. I'm e,\- ciled aboul il. “ll looks like 1 niighl slarl out on J V, which most schools don't have. They recruit about 10-12 kids every year. Since they re­ cruit 12 new guys every year. lliey usually start all the fresh­ men oul on JV. I've been lo a lol of iheir practices over the sum ­ mer, and lioperiilly by the time inidseason rolls around I'll have a varsily uniform.” ll didn'l lake lung for Slevens lo earn rave reviews from Fal­ con coaches. He displays un- nialched hunger, wears emotions on his sleeve, carries a chip on his shoulder and would fight Godzilla for a loose ball. “We really iry lo gel guys lhat have a love and passion for ihe game, and there's no doubt that Sean has thal," Davis, the sixlh- year head coach, said. "Every lime he plays I ihink ho feels like he has to prove him self because of his size. H e's obviously one of Ihe besi high-school shooters in llie slale coming out this year - he put up some pretty impres­ sive numbers - and we really get up and down the lloor," “H e's a first-class kid all Ihe way." said assistant coach Rob Perron. "W e're gelling a steal, a diamond in the rough. I think a lol of coaches eliminated him just because of his size, Bul he can shoot the ball and he's a compelitur. He's a steal for Pfe- iffer." The Falcons' offensive tempo fils Stevens beauiifully. They've led Ihe counlry in scoring two of the lasl four years. "T hey actually run four- guard sels," S levens said. "T hey've averaged 90 poinls like Ihe lasl ihree years, and lhal was one thing 1 was excited about. That inlerested me a lot," "Sean can really shoot il," assislani coach Jared Hedrick said, "We fiucluale a lol of guys between JV and varsity, Sean will have an opporlunily lo batlle for some playing lime because of Ihe way he shoots. If he's nol playing a lot on varsity. Ihen he will certainly play JV because it's our job lo make sure he im­ proves and gels game experi­ ence," The Falcons’ run of excel­ lence sirelches lo 1990. During lhal span, Ihey've made ihe na­ tional lournam enl nine times, played for the national champi­ onship once and rank fifth in the counlry in winning percenlage. In 1999-00. they wem 18-0 in the CVAC, a<lvanced to the Sweet 16 and held the nation’s longest winning streak at 19 gam es. They opened the next year ranked No. 5 in the country by Sliver tC- Smilh. Pfeiffer has produced 13 pro- fessionals, including one NBA player; A ntonio H arvey was drafted by the L,A, L akers, played for Portland and spent lasl season on the Seattle Super- sonics, “It's an unbelievable pro­ gram," Perron said, “An assistant coach told me they went I5-I0(last year), and it was a real bad year for them," Slevens said. K rcckovic E arns I'ull Ride N enianja K reckovic, w ho came over from Yugoslavia and lived with Stevens, has joined D jordje Lukic at N orthw ood Universily, a Division II .school in M ichigan, Lukic, a follow Yugoslavian, averaged 10 poinls and 9.4 rebounds for D avie's record-selling 21-6 leam in 1999-00. Last season for Davie. Kreck­ ovic averaged 23.1 poinls, 4.7 rebounds, 3.3 assists, 2.0 steals and hit 57 3-pointers. "Kreckovic got a full ride," Stevens said. "I lalk lo him ev­ eryday on the Internet, He's ex­ tremely happy." Saturday Night Gatos opon for practlco at 6 p.m. FIRST RACE AT 8 P.M. Y o u n g M o v e s T o E a s t, D a u g h te r B r ittin i T o E r w in Continued Krom Page l$l "I'm really excited. Som e­ times change revitalizes you," Young, 54, said. “I feel really bad and would have liked the opportunity to coach D avie's giris because of tho relationship I've had here wiih the public and the people, bul il doesn't always work oul the way you want it to. The way you've got lo look at it so you d o n 'l go nuts is that Ihings happen for a reason. "As a coach. I've moved but you keep those friends. But for u child it was really tough be­ cause B rillini’s got some good friends here. Bul we didn’t have any choice the way the situation worked oul." Although Young, a head boys coach from 1969-72 and 1977- 2002, will coach a giris leam for the first time in his 30-year ca­ reer, Ihe sw ilch should be a smooth iransition. Aflor all. his ihree o lder d aughters also played sports growing up and he ran girls sum m er cam ps in Penn.sylvania. "Baskelball players are bas­ ketball players." he said. “ Xs and Os are the same. The dif­ ference females lo males is their emotions go higher and lower and they wear it on their sleeves more than guys do, 1 coached my son and I’m looking forward 10 having that opportunity with my daughler,” Y oung, the su ccesso r lo Randy Bingham, gives East a highly-regarded coach with an overall record of 462-214, in­ cluding 77-49 al Davie, The 2002-03 possibilities look for­ m idable wilh three returning starters (M aggie Rich, Jordan Huffman and Tiffany Ingold) and a poinl-guard transfer from Northwest Cabarrus (C hrissy Killian), "Tliis program is already es­ tablished, 1 was looking al Ihe trophies and 1 want to continue it,” he said, “Their giris confer­ ence is very sim ilar to the boys conference here. It's a very strong conference from top to bottom, and in Rowan Couniy giris basketball is followed. One thing 1 m issed al D avie was there w asn't that fan enthusi­ asm, and that's .something I feed on." With a laugh, he added; "I’ll do the preliminary and get the officials all stirred up Ibr Kur- nitsky. Then he’ll come in and get lossed out.” Young's JV girls coach/var­ sity assistant will be Tim Ken­ ney, a loyal right-hand m an since 1989, "D avie Counly's been very good lo mo. I've grown very at­ tached to the kids and I love the Soulh D avie fac- u 1 I y , " K e n n e y said , “ If th ere w as Young Rowan, 1 would have, but it jusl w asn’t feasible," “I wish it was close enough I co u ld lake M ike D in k in s.” Young said of D avie’s JV boys coach. Ilig Blow The offseason development erases the glue froln Soulh D avie's 13-0 seventh-grade leam in 2001-02 and m akes Erw in's eighlli graders an over­ whelm ing favorile lo rule Ihe M id-South Conference this sea­ son. K enney's Tigers pumnieled opponents by an average score of 41-20. Brittini averaged 20 points in the 24-minule games, including 19 poinls, nine steals and six assists against North Davie; 20 points and 13 steals against Corriher-Lipe; 28 points and 14 steals against Soulheasl; and 19 points, nine steals, seven a.ssisis and five rebounds against Erwin. Two of Erw in's Ihree losses were lo Soulh, 34-25 in the regular season and 47-24 in Ihe MSC Tournament final. Now she will play for Alli­ son Dupree and falher-assistant Ed Dupree, facing Soulh Davie al least once. “It’ll be tough with the emotions for a young child to go against her friends,” Jim said. B rittin i's 12-under AAU team, the W inslon-Salem Steal­ ers. won the slale title for the second straight year and fin­ ished I7lh in Ihe nalional lour­ nanieni wilh a 4-2 record. Their two losses were lo teams that placed among Ihe lop four. Young C ould Face Duvie A nd th e re ’s an outside chance Young could face Davie in Ihe annual Sam M oir Christ­ mas Classic. Although Young and K enney relish hyped m atchups and charged-up crowds, they wouldn't exactly w elcom e a 2002 dale w ith Davie, which returns Cenlral Piedmoni Conference Player of Ihe Year Brittany Walker, All- CPC perfonners Dawn Single­ ton and Sarah W illiam s and Heather McDaniel. "I’ve worked with several of those girls behind the scenes, so 1 have built up a relationship and have a lol of respect for them ,” he said, “So my hope is lhal we don't match up right away until some of thal dissipates, Davie should be outstanding," "1 Ihink D avie's gol as much talent as anybody in Ihe stale," Kenney said, "1 look for them to go deep. We certain ly w ouldn’t back down, but w e’d rather have them the nexl year.” M O D I F I E D 1 9 9 Tha annual 199-lap Modified race plus Sportsman, Street Slock and Stadium Stock events! Admission; Adults, 18andoldor> $10 Agos 12-17 ~$6 Aqqs 6>11 - SI Chlldron undor 6 FREE wilh adult o&cort PLENTY OF FREE PARKING Information about »tadlum racing: (336) 723-1St9 D o y o u r bo n e s g ro a n ? D oes y o u r b a c k c re a k ? YES ÏMCOMADOLLWATTS ORTHOPAEDICS & SPORTS MEOICINE Comadoll/Watts OrthopaecJic an(J Sports Medicine has you covered Davie County. Now Located in the Davie County Hospital Dr. James Cornadoll and Dr. Gregg Fcrrcro will sec patients in thi.s oflice on Monday and Wednesday mornings. Call 751-2878 or our Salisbury olTicc 704-216-(KNEE)5633 for an appointment DAVIS REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER • www.davisrcgional.com D e p r e s s i o n c o m e s i n m a i w f o r m s . F o r t u n a t e l y , s o d o e s n e l p . D e/epression is a serious medical illness that affects over 9 million American adults in any given year. Symptoms include feelings of wortihlessness or hopelessness, irritability, low energy, poor appetite, change in sleep patterns, profound sadness, difficulty concentrating, and persistent or recurring thoughts of death. Left untreated, depression can lead to serious medical complications, including suicide. If you or a loved one is suffering from depression, we can help. The Delta Behavioral Health Program at Davis Regional Medical Center offers a comprehensive inpatient treatment program for those suffering from depression. Don’t let the black days continue. Call us today at (704) 838-7450 and let the light back into your life. - ^ D A V I S R E G IO N A L D e lta B e h a v io ra l H e a lth P ro g ra m 2 1 H O L D M О I К S V I I I I К О Л I)I 0 . I X I I 1 S I . S I Л I I S V I I I I IM . DAVIK COUNTV K M KRPRISK RKCORI). Лиц. I, 2(102 ll I: : i ¡ ; Jared Barber swims the butterfly. He broke the record for 25 meter freestyle int he 9-10 boys race. David Stein won first in 13- 14 boys 100-meter freestyle, and Corey Randall was first for Ihe Hurricanes int he 7-8 boys 25 freestyle, 25 butterfly and 50 freestyle. Swimmer of the Week Jack Evans. Cara Belh Hendricks participates in the 7-8 girls relay for Hickory Hill. Logan Bryan swims in the 9-10 boys medley relay. H i c k o r y H i l l S w i m m e r s F a s t A t T h e C h a m p i o n s h i p M e e t H ickory Mill llu rrican c swimmers rmislicil ihc 2()()2 sea­ son wilh the championship mcel al Clemmons Wcsl. "Il’s always c\eiliiii; when all ciglil leam s are com peliiii:," Coaeli l-mma Jakol> saitl. "Our sw im m ers conlinucd iraining hard llie week bclbrc llic cham ­ pionships and il really paiil olT. Mosl of oiir team swam Ihcir fasicsl limes of ilic season." IDaviil Slein placed lirsl in llie 1.1-M hoys’ KKI-mcler frccslylc on the firsl clay of ilie clianipi- onships. Then C orey Uandall and Jared B arhcr m ade llieir presence known on the setonil day. Kandall (7-8 lioys) raced to wins in the 25-meter freestyle, 50 freestyle and 25 butterfly, fiarlicr broke thc cham pionship rccord wilh his winning time in the ‘M d hoys' 25-m cter frc- eslylc. On July 2(1 the Hurricanes enjoyed Ihcir annual haiujuel and aw ards cerem ony. Spccial aw ards were presenleil lo ihc following: • Urcnl Gailhcr - David ,S:m- ford Spirit Aw ard. • Slielhy Wallace - .Male llur- ricanc of the Year. • H annah Jacob - rem ale llurricanc of the Year. • Erika Coffey - m osl im ­ proved 7-S. • Josh Fierryhill - most im- provccl 9-10. • Alexis i'rccman - miiM im­ proved 11-12. • Christy Sparks - most im­ proved 13-14. • Maggie I lendrix - mosl im­ proved 15 -IX. • C oaches aw arils w ere aw arded to Laura Vanhoy. M or­ gan Wy:ill and H.J, I’Imnmer. Grace Williams starts the 9-10 girls backstroke in the championships. Clay Cave (middle) takes off in the 7-8 boys backstroke race. The 11 and up championshp winners for Hickory Hill, from back; Coach Emma Jakob, Assistant Coach Becky Call, David Stein, Britt Davis, Jay McClellan. Laura Vanhoy, Hannah Jakob, Allison Mackintosh, Stephanie Jarvis, Neely Alexander, Taylor Randall, Carrie Sain, Jenna Hendricks, Christy Sparks, Maggie Hendrix, Rachel Mackintosh, Alexis Freeman, Michael Brewer, John McClellan and Shelby Wallace. The 10 and under championship winners for Hickory Hill, from back: Grace Williams, Summer Hellard, BJ Plummer, Nathan Schambach, Morgan Wyatt. Wesley Vanhoy, Madison Junker, Ben Schambach, Corey Randall, Cara Beth Hendricks, Tanner Junker, Palmer Benson and Erika Coffey. Swimmers of the Week: Teacup Freeman, Rachel Mackintosh, Rebecca Hendrix (Can Do Swimmer), and Steven Jarvis. C a l l a n y t i m e WITHIN THE STATE OVER STATE LINES THROUGHOUT THE REGION Il\rr0 ALL TIME ZONES ACROSS THE COUNTRY m i n u t e SPRINT SOLUTIONS “ Local Seivice Call ForwaitiinQ' BC/minuiBLono Dislance Wilh Sprinl Solutions, you obi evervitiing you need lor one Hal monthly rate. And by getting it all together, you save at least 40% versus ordering separately. Visit us atsprint.com/l0cal orcall 1-877-ONE SOLUTION Splint SdiKi III limali и III Uiit Kiiidiliif <11(1 Ы ciii.li »It liliiiiiiiiil (Jilt llll Ol Иккщп an 4,gi, |,dU^(,n| t»uti(|it II Iisidiiliil CIHI »Ш tl IIIIIII eabili lliiit) cm 1 111 M ?H1 til IIIIIIIMIII liKt AtiUi Kdidi дишмц H mti Uu t«i I»I| Сипи {пкщ m u I мч и« (|<м< Ui.mul iiuui tbrii »dl ipili CitiiiH iiiiiiil (im III llll IIM/(|1I.I| (irl tiiu tilt Ina nt ikMil Л Itl U t Iiil ll imtiK i siulnii All iinj utim ц cii^i Ritiixtnii ujli - m ши цга, щ (П1Ш1II iiml (la Ciimiti OSinil All n|tii iitiiiK IIIIII III Ibi liiiHl Ufi <iii|t tu щцщи liiíiiiiki il Simt Ciiaiiitctiim Cutui 11 DAVIK COUNTV KNTKRPRISK RKCORD, Aug. 1, 2002 - B5 A n A g g i e : Neil Rice To Walk On At N.C. A&T Neil Rice's switch from linc- backer lo running back lasl year cre.ilcd a prcseason buzz lhal had everyone giddy wilh anlicipa- lion. Rice gained 3S7 yards in a m iddlc-school cham pionship game, and afler Ihrcc years of starring on Davie High’s varsity defense, lie was anointed Ihe offense's main man for a leam with soaring hopes. T hc beginning went as plunncd. On Rice’s first carry, in a home scrimmago againsl East For.sylh. he ripped Ihrough ihc right side, bow led a tackier, bounced outside and rumbled aboul 60 yards lo the end zone. Then - in the sccond scrim­ mage, just when Rice was ready lo give Ihe War Eagles’ offense a worthy complement lo their crushing defense - Rice injured M a tt M c c h a m C o a c h G o in g T o IVIt. T a b o r W hen Mall Mccham became a leachcr-coach al Davie High in the sum m er of 2000, he was seemingly here lo slay. After all. he grew up in Ad­ vance. played sporls at Davie and watched Iwo athletic broth­ ers help W ar Eagle baseball clim b great heights. He even bought a hom e on D eadm on Road, less lhan two miles from Davic. Two years later, he’s gone. A fler leading the swim nnd boys tennis programs for two years and assisting JV volleyball last year, he resigned from Davie lo take a leaching position at Mount Tabor. “It was one of Ihe greatest experiences of my life working wilh these athletes, and 1 wish everyone of them the best.” he said. "There won't be a bigger fan of Davie athletics lhan me, even Ihough I won’t be there." Malt gradualed from Davie in 1988, Wes Mecham in 1989 and Brad M ccham in 1993. Malt w orked at Bishop M cGuiness one year before jum ping al a Davie vacancy. "W e’re not moving becau.se my wife (Liisa) is slill the ESL coordinator for Ihe school sys­ tem. She works with kids who have English as a second lan­ guage and helps them adjust," he said. “Mount Tabor has plans for me to coach some ihings. defi­ nitely. If I don't coach swim ­ ming, I’ll be there with a stop­ watch tim ing for Davie when they have swim meels. ... You just never know what's going to happen in the future. I may be bacic in a little bil." his ankle. He sat oul the opener and watched most ofthe sccond game. Although he was healthy enough to play Ihe final nine games. Rice was only a shell of his preseason self. “Thai was really unfortunate because I ihink he had a tremen­ dous year in slore," Davic coach Doug llling said. "That got his year started off on the wrong fool becausc his confidcncc was real high. He ran over about four people (on his first carry against Easl Forsyth), and he would have really pul up som e big numbers. "W hen he got injured and struggled coming back, he never really gol back into thal How. Il really limited his role and he didn'l feel like he was part of the game plan. He never could get healthy enough to be him self again." Ricc had his moments. He rushed for 117 yards againsl M ooresville. 96 againsl Slalcs- ville. 86 against West Forsylh and 91 against Soulh Rowan. There was nothing shabby aboul his final numbers (47 carries for 715 yards, a 4.8 average), but a season destined to be rem em ­ bered for a long lime proved lo tie som ewhat of a disappoinl- mcnt. Davie went 9-2 and 4 -1 in thc Central Piedmonl Conference, lying Norlh D;ividsou and South Rowan for firsl place. “He never had lhat same con­ fidence when he came back from his injury, never did fully re­ cover," llling said. N ow R icc (5-10, 245 pounds), using lasl year’s c,\pe- ricnce as a rallying cry, is out for redemption. This fall he’ll be a walk-on al N.C. A&T. a Division l-AA leam in llie Mid-East Aih- Iclic Conference. “They lold me they wanl me to play fullback," said Rice, who e,\peels lo rcilshirl as a freshman. “1 just want a chance to play, it really doesn'l m ailer. I’ll go w herever I’ve got the best chance of playing. I’m going to Iry to show that I should be down there playing and lhal 1 ean play wilh anybody. I’ve jusl gol lo let them know and try lo show them something for ne.xl year." “If he gels down there and finds a fit, I think he’ll develop inlo a quality player." llling said. "If he finds a fit. then he’s going lo be able lo show some people O l d S c h o o l D a v i e S p o r t s F r o m A u g u s t , 1 9 7 5 • The Davic Trucker’s sofl­ ball leam breezed through a 48- team loum am ent for its fiflh first-place irophy of the season. P itcher V eslal Polls and Trucker’s dcfealed Coltra. Inc. 14-1. Il upended H ickory Hill 12-5 behind Rick Allred (three hits. Iwo hom e runs), Randy M cD aniel (4-for-4) and Paul Beaver (3-for-3). In a 12-0 rout of Auto Brokers, the firsl-place team in the W inslon-Salcm league, Otis Ijames smashed two homers. Tlicn it walloped còunly-rival C artner's Texaco of Sheffield 11-3. Beaver wenl 4-for-4. while Craig Ward (3-for-4) anil Darrell Harpe (2-for-3) paced Carlner's. Beaver and Ronnie Ledford had three hits cach and Allred and Steve Ledford socked homers as Trucker’s pounded Fab Masters of Lexington 13-4. It downed Fab M asters 7-4 in thc final. Randy McDaniel was named leam MVP. Beaver won the hil­ ling Irophy and Ihe all-lourna- m enl team included Beaver. Ijames, Steve Ledford. Allred and Ronnie Leilford. • Bruce Tuttle became Ihe 1975 golfing cham pion of Hickory Hill Country Club by defeating Denny Creason l-up in the final 36-hole malch. O lher flight w inners in­ cluded: first flight - Von Shel­ ton over Hoyt Pope; second flight - Billy Clark over Vernon Thompson; third flight - Jimmy Cartcrover Joe Whillock: fourih llighl - Johnny Johnson over Alex Sherrill; and fifth flight - Don Hnlncr over Jim Moore. * Ronald Webb of Cooleemee and Slanley Randall of M ocks­ ville. rising sophom ores and members oflhe Davie 1 ligh golf team, attended golf school for one week in Pinehurst at the Foxfire Couniry Club, taught by PGA Masicr Pro Paul Berlholy. C o e d S o c c e r R e g i s t r a t i o n O p e n Signups have begun for five coed soccer divisions - U6. U 8. U 10, U 12 and U14 - through the M ocksville-D avie R ecreation Department. Registrations my be brought by the rec departm ent at'th e B rock G ym M onday-Friday Register For Trojan Football On Aug. 3 Signups for the Pinebrook football team s will be Aug. 3 from 8 a.m. to noon at thc Brock Gym in M ocksville. Players must bring a certified copy of their birth certificate. To benefit the Trojans’ Liltle League football program, a four- man captain’s choice golf tour­ nament will be held at Pudding Ridge on Aug. 17 at 2 p.m. The cosl is $50 per player, and the entry fee is due by Aug. 15. The cash prizes: $70 per man to first place. $50 per man lo sec­ ond and $30 per man lo third. There will be door prizes, two long-drive holes, four closesl-lo- Ihe-pin holes and a putting con­ test. Conlacl Jeff Pardue (998- 8246 or 9 98-8503). K enny Riddle (998-4858), Tom Phelps (998-3687) or Ban Recce (998- 7623). from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. The fee is S30 (wilh a $5 discount for each additional child in the same fam­ ily) for Ihe U6. U 8. U 10 and U 12 divisions, and thc deadline to register is Aug. 16. All games will be played at Pinebrook El­ ementary on Saturdays and Sun­ days. Play w ill begin in mid- September and continue through the first o f November. The U 14 division is a travel leam with a cost of S40. The deadline for that division is Aug. 9. Girl’s Golf Organizational Meeting Aug. 1 At DHS An organizational m eeting practice is scheduled for Aug. 6. for any girls inieresied in play­ ing golf for Davie High will be Aug. I al 4 p.m. in Davie’s small gym. Bring a copy of a current physical' if possible. The first YARD SALES Find the bargains. Check the Classified.s for this week’s loc.itions. and you must have a current physical before you can practice. For more information, con­ tact Coach Debbie Evans at 751 - 5905. G E N E ’ S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & IMix Auto Paint 7 6 6 - 9 1 4 8 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons that he can play. It usually takes a year for a walk-on lo prove what he can do anil show the coaches thal he deserves an op­ portunity, and I Ihink he'll do lhal in his firsl year." Last year thc Aggies finished 8-3 overall and .5-3 in the MEAC, good for Ihird. A&T is localed in Greensboro. "They had a turnaround sea­ son, so Ihey seem to be coming up and I feel like it’s only a few years before they’ll be back on top in thc conference,'' Rice said. N nlcs: The oldest of three brothers, J.J. Rice, is a senior defensive lineman al Davidson. Lasl year, when Ihc W ildcats went 5-4 and 2-2 in the Division II P ioneer C o n ference. J.J. played nine games, recorded 32 tackles, nine tackles for minus Neil Rice yardage and 2.5 sacks. ... The youngest brolher, Davie sopho­ m ore D .J. R icc, is battling sophomore Chris Goode for thc linebacker job beside slud senior Kyle Guslafson. Also, there will be a soccer clinic (S3 per player) on Aug. 24 at Pinebrook. The rec highly rec­ ommends all players attend. Thc instructors will be Davic varsity boys socccr coach Jim Caudill and his Davie players. Pay Ihc clinic fee ut Ihc field at Ihe lime of clinic. Thc limes for U6 and U8 will be 9-10:15 a.m.; 10:45- noon for UlO and UI2. Players should arrive 15 minutes before Ihcir scheduled tim e. Players may bring a soccer ball and wa­ ter boiilc wilh name on both. C H IR O P R A C T IC O U T L O O K B y D r. Brandon Byers DON’T LET YOUR BACK GET OUT OF WHACK It appears so easy to do your lawn woik wilh Ihe help ol weed wackers, eleclric mowers and leal blowers. But watch out! Many diligent landscapers soon have to visit Iheir local Doctor ol Chiropraclic. The American Chiropraclic Associalion (АСА) warns tha! even the most modern electrical equipment can cause back and neck pain il used improperly. Even more serious muscular sprains, strains and tears are possible. Repelilive movements can also cause a wide variely ol bodily problems. The АСА offers several suggestions on how best lo use Ihese lawn lools: •Place Ihe strap lhat comes wilh the equipmeni over your head and on the opposite side shoulder lo help normalize your center ol gravity. •Balance ihe muscles being used by frequently swilching Ihe side on which you ate operaling the equipment. •Take breaks al regular intervals lo avoid excess muscle latigue. •Consider electric-powered lawn lools. They usually are much lighter than engine powered equipment. •Bend from the knees ralher lhan Ihe waist when picking up or pulling down your equipment. Keep it close lo your body as you lift, not al arm’s length. •Include a warm-up/cool-down period with slretching exercises to help avoid injury, II you experience pain when using outdoor equipment, call your Doctor ol Chiropractic immedialely. These prolessionals are Iralned and licensed lo treat Ihe entire neuromusculoskelelal system and can help people lead healthier lives by locusing on wellness and prevention. Brought lo you as a communiiy service by Brandon Byers, 501 Wilkesboro St., Mocksville 751-2512 n a a ^ i ¡! ^ ■ That's not m odern art on your walls, it's moss. (A T r a n e c a n c o n tr o l t h a t h u m id ity .) irit fivbi n litUc djinip iiLsicití >4)ur Ьопк*. n TVime Cotnfort rould lx? the nnsuvr. By «jjfnitiníí nl a low íípo«! moat of the liint*. n TVnno i»>-8tcin helps to anluœ the moisluiv level in your home, nuïkiiiB >-uu and your fmnily moro cumforUible. Cull >'our iienrvst Tnine dealer Uxlay. тнлйа и к Hard Tb Stop ATìunc* C H IL T O N H e a tin g a n d C o o lin g Act now and take advnntnge of our special snvincs. Financing Available.7S1-5728 0 . 0 % F O R 6 0 M O N T H S O N S E I E Q M O D E L S FREE 3 Year 36,000 Mile Mobile Service Scheduled Maintenance with Any New Vehicle Purchase exclusively at Westside. Excludes Diesels. 2 0 0 2 C H R Y S L E R 3 0 0 M 1 2 0 0 2 C H R Y S L E R V O Y A G E R I2 0 0 2 G R A N D C H E R O K E E 0 . 0 % F O R 6 0 M O N T H S 0 . 0 % F O R 6 0 M O N T H S 0 . 0 % F O R 6 0 M O N T H S « 2 4 ,9 8 8 c u u t ODOWN mo. Of Й1,И» «ЛЗООО n«bâl», 4.0 DW« Cid, Vmm WW)o*i. Ро«ж Doof Licki, IU)tn> Ertiv;Tin,Cni»,Sui«ci»lOlM«, «urtnum WIimH AHffM C«». » CD, Hool Rjck.-» monili, 0 скжп. fUta ш, ttg 4òtL *2 9 ,9 8 8 Cl4t<í DOWN * 4 9 9 /то. or S27.W6 w/$2000 Rob*!*. i5 High Output V0, Power Moon Roof, U* ChnxM WtiMli, Powtr Memory Ualh«f Seati. Infinity Sound C(VCut«lta Syittm. St»ftng Whoel Audio Controli. *80 month», 0 down, pfui tax, tag A fm. 2 0 0 2 D O D G E G R A N D C A R A V A N 0 . 0 % F O R 6 0 M O N T H S ГЯШШ OVD PLAYKH лшишйы •2 4 ,9 8 8 ------- АМТЫ CO, DVD Pui Dowi Scr»« 1 PJn« PW Î WWw HMdphoftH, Pow Window Po««r Door Lockt. TK, CnM. U V-«. *60 month». 0 öown, plu» tâi. t»g i fMt 2 0 0 2 J E E P L I B E R T Y 4 X 4 3 . 9 % F O R 6 0 M O N T H S *1 8 ,9 8 8 <iK<i *316/mo. 4 cyl, 7 Paftsonger, Auto., A/C, AM/FM/coasolto. *60 month», 0 down, plu» tax, tag A foos. 2 0 0 2 C H R Y S L E R P T C R U I S E R 3 . 9 % F O R 6 0 M O N T H S *1 8 ,9 8 8 o u td *S49/n».< DOWN ve, 6 8pMd, A/C, AM/FM CoMotto. ‘60 Months, 0 Down, PIui tax, teg & fees. * 1 3 ^ «250/..* o.Bom CD Ployer, A/C, Power Windows, 6 Speed. *60 Months, 0 Down, Ptus tax, tag & (ees. All prices plus tax, tag & fees. Pnce5 rellect rebate, 751-5948 1-8S5-469-3JS1 157 Depot Street, Mocksville, NC IN BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN MOCKSVILLE I ’i àIl ' I И6 - DAVIK COUNTY K M KRPRISK RKCORI), Лиц. I, 2002 What A Load How do you move a 200,000 pound dryer for a chicken processing plant? Very carefully - and wilh some expert help. The piece of equipment came in on the railroad in Mocksville and caused quite a stir. It took two cranes to lift it from the railroad car and put on the specially-designed truck and trailer. It was taken to the Tyson Foods plant on Sheffield Road. It was shipped from Los Angeles. Frank Cartner (in truck above) talks wilh project manager Joe Godwin of Guy M. Turner Moving Engineers. Cartner was working in 1961 when the dryer now in use was shipped to the plant. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Cal NOW About Our AUGUST RESIDENTIAL SPECIALS! SNM)I:R & Co. Cl.KANINC S krm c k - Residential & Commercial Cleaning - - New Construction Final Cleaning - • Insured • noiideil Owner-DebMeSnder СЛ1Х FOR (3361751-2706 o r c e l 9 0 » 0 6 2 3 FKKK ESTIMATE - We Also Do WlnHowsI - O P S N U O U S S August 4 *1-4pm 191 Twin Cedars Golf Road • Mocksville Split foyer, 3BR, 2BA, living room w/fireplace, kitchen & dining room on main level. Den w/ fireplace, utilily room 2 car garage on lower level. 2500 sq. ft. on 2 acre lot w/extra carport. $135,000 Firm • 336-751-5614 OPEN HOUSE • SUN., AUG. 4 «2РМ-4РМ 4 4 9 Madison Road 3 Bodrooms. 2 Full Balhs. 2 hall balhs. 2 story homo w/(ull basomonl. A lot ol homo lor tho monoy. $164,900. CAU. CONNIE @751.8565 01ПССТЮ\5 AW*snCt* - /Jio Нлу 601 loSt.tdiSon Па Durgcr King) HOWARD R E A L T Y Put our staff to work for you! Call us at (336) 751-3538 or Visit our Website at www.howardrealty.com MLS\ 330 s. Salisbury St. (Comer Hwys. 601 & 64) Mocksville, NC 27028 Olflcc Hours; Monday-Friday 8-6 • Saturday 9-U • Sunday By Appt. Z31 BuomoooOmvf 27S Madison Road №17S Foi HuKTtii Road 5ВП, 31BA. 3505 sq ft., too many amenities to list* $329,950. CAU.C0HNKO751-eS65 176 Hamuion Couin 4ВП. 30A. larmhouso ca.t880 on 6.5 Ac. Appx. 3200sl. $325,000. еда COHMC @751-8565 2777+Asq. ft.. 4BR. 3BA. 1.5 Slory. $269,900.G«M CSm ртт/тл @ 751*8569 4BR. 3BA. on 9.3 aaos wilh stream $249,000.CAU EVaVN <9 751-8563 Yad>urTvi;te. 3BR. 2BA. 1.5 Ac, part. bsmt. FP2ponds,2t78sf. $209,900. CAU JANE @751*8560 Historical 6BR, 2BA, homo on 5.11 Ac., immaculalo landscaping CAU JANE @751-8560 13+/- actos. 1.5 story homo, 3BR. 2 5BA. $194,900.CAU MARY @ 751-8566 2278 & 2286 US Hwy 801 NoffiH Bemxxia Ri^ - 38Я. 2 5вА. suvoom. Lg MBR№«f)<¿edgrg $185,900. CALL MARY or BEVnuy 4BR. 2BApius2BR. IBA homos PLUS addrtonal 3 34 aaes in Farmington. $185,000. CAU JANE or m. @ 751-8560 3BR. 2BA. larm stylo homo with wrap around porch. $169,900. CAU KEN @751-8564 3 Bodrooms. 2 Baths, spacious rooms, largo loi. $162,500.CAU JANE @751-8560 3 Bedrooms. 2 Balhs. like new homo. $159,900.CAU JANE @751-8560 Brick rancher on 1.39 acres, quiot neighborhood. $144,900.CAU GENA @751-8569 336 WiiKts&ORo 2 Bodrooms, 1 Bath, Qreat mini fam) on 4.81 oaos. $139,900. CAU JANE @751-8560 Near Wako Forest, 3BR. 2BA. FP, bocfuôod noightx>rh'd $124,900 CAU LEE @ 751-8572 3BR, 2BA. brarxJ now homo, many amonrtios. $124,900.CAU CONNS @751-8565 3BR, 2BA. 1B53 sq. tt. тоЫо home w/5.5 acros. $109,900. CAU JANE @751-8560 ■C. r]QLot 7. NitiK Rd, Yaominviiu 3BR. 2Ba. now сафо1, lull bsmnt, multi-lev. deck. $109,900.CAU JANE @751-8560 3BR, 2BA on œmor кМ w/ 12x16 storage buklmg $104,900.CAU KEN 9 751-8564 Now Const.. 3BR, 2BA cottage. Conv. in-town localion $98,500 CAU IANE@ 751-8560 l á i a3BR, 2BA. immaculato inside. 1512 sq tt. $94,900.CAU KEN @751-8564 3BR, 2BA, Historic District. 1.5 stories, basement. $104,900. CAULEE®751«S72 1114 Aruor Lane, Advancc Many Updates. 4BR. 2BA, V5 story homo. $104,900.СШ. CONNIE 9 751.85S5 1 0 Ш * “ Ч Ч 3BR, 2BA, cathedral ceilings, 2002 Skyline MH. $89,900. CAU CONME@ 751-8565 3BR. IBA, now carpot, paini, vinyl, (ull bsmt. $89,900.CAU MARY @751-8566 1.5 acros, 3 BR. 2 BA, 1552 sq. tt. mobile home $79,900.CAU CONNIE @751-8565 3 Bedrooms. 2 Baths, with wired shop/garago. $74,900. CMIMNE о 7514560 1.89 Town Conter 2onod district land 2BR. IDA. $74,500.GUI JANE 67514560 3BR. 1.5BA. cozy cottage. town.SeSer pays 1/2 CC. $64,900. Gmu Ом @ 751-8569 Loxington, NC. 2BR, iBA, hardwood lioors. .в7ас. $69,900. CAU LEE @ 751-8572 3 Bodrooms. 1 Balh. renovated. $68,900.CAU CONNIE @751-8565 newty 3BR, IBA. fenced backyard, enclosed porch, rcccnt updates. $59,900 CAU JANE @751^8560 2 Bodiooms, ^ Bath, Iresh palm and now carpot. $49,900.CAU JANE @751-8560 Groat 1 *1- acre tot. maintained. $44,500. CAU iANE О 7514560 Л\Л11 AHI 1 lois ЛМ ) 1 ANI ) AND Kl NIAI l’l<( )l*l K 1 M S n_«Kw лл uml иптfwtnc Ùl DY Й* <114 UtK 0 lÜ 1» <97 ППЛ 37MHwv 64 W Виж1пй1« SIlQñOfl RENTAL PROPERTIEStsaar creen en. но. wu. Nur ...м.. VI.>> AC. ми.ееэ nytAfAj «YK АЛЛ 1 JO A* (99 ПЛА 7жУ. алгаа UQ ОЛЛ,^.^9.IqACW’ МГЭ.ИМ-.-.J7.5W-AC. 1150,000 Thompton L«ne... ...~. _.....--------8Ac.SSe,000 Sanford Ave-....~....1C ■ 1 A J. - — —---......I.4ecret S134.900 Ш? Cenlet Gtove Chutch Rd...............................__$625 P/UЙ/1 .UAcf houM, $17S,000 __Ш Ac. 160,000 Suniat Clrcie...>~...~~.....~..........>601S.~~ ___________M-----.Bldg. Lol $15,900______15.e acre« $140,000 BaarCrtek Ch, Rd-----—...——--Hwy. 601 $107,250_______40.02 aerei $257,000 243 Main Slrnl. Соо1нтм......-............13S Uorrlian Rd — $450 P/MKbydon Orivf (commercial)..^....______2.15 КП1 $160,000 ~...4в50 P/M g r Л è A d m in is tra tiv e C o u rt DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 1, 2002 - B7 1 he following civsu's were clispDscil of in Davic AclininiMrativo Court July 5. Prcsidinp \v;is Magistnic Kevin D. Hcnilrix. .Shawn Pntley. as.sistani dis- iTict attorney, proscctitcil. ' Cynthia i'crn Ailains. unsafe n\ovenicnl. ilistnissccl per civil seltle- inenl. - Amy Michelle Ani-ell. e.\pired inspection slicker, (listnisseil per cor­ rection. • William Louis Anuler, speeiling 8ii in a 70. reduced lo itnpropcreijthp- inenl. anil cost; drivint’/allowing vehicle nol registered/tilled, dismissed per corrcctlon. - Joann Allen Harney, failure lo reduce .speed, dismissed per civil settlemenl. - Amanda Susan heaiichaittp. ex­ pired rcgislralion card/lag. disniissed per correction. • Aunie ilunter Henson, fictilious/ cancclled/revoketl rcgislralion card/ lag. dismissed per correction. • Tara l:li/abelli Henson, speeding 48 in a reduced to improper etpiip- ment. cosi: expired registration card/ lag. dismissed per correction. - Oscar A. Cardenas, speeding S6 in a70. reduced lo 70 in a 70. .SIO and cost. • Kenneth Thomas Carroll, expired inspection sticker, license nol in pos­ session. dismissed per correction. - Amanda Gram Chavis, speeding H8 in a 70. reduced lo 79 in a 7». .SIO and cost: no operator's license, dis­ missed per correction. - Danny Lee Church, driving while license revoked, dismissed per correc­ tion. - David Keith Cranlleld. follow­ ing loo closely, dismissed per civil selllement. - Arijii Oasgupla. speeding ‘JO in a 70, reduced lo 74 in a 70, $10 and cosl; expired rcgislralion card/lag. dis­ missed per correction. - Wanda Yvelle Dick, speeding *)0 in a 70. reduced to 79 in a 70. SlOand cosl. • Daniel Cabe liarnhardi, operat­ ing vehicle with no insurance, dis­ missed per correction. • Ernest Gabriel, Jr., expired reg­ islralion card/lag. dismissed per cor­ rection. • Darlene M. Goforlh. speeding 50 in a .15. rcduced to 44 in a S10 and cosl. -Angel MariuGon/ale/., failure lo stop for stop sign/flashing red light, reduced to improper equipment, $10 and cosl. - Jinunie Harold Gregory, speed­ ing 70 in a 55. rcduced lo improper etjuipmenl. SIO and cosl. - Jerry Lewis Hanson, failure lo wear scat bell - driver, operating ve­ hicle u ilh no insurance, dismissed per correction. • Wanda Leonard Hege. expired registration card/tag. ficliiious/can- celled/revoketl registration card/lag, driving/allowing vehicle noi regis­ tered/tilled. failure lo apply for new lille. dismissed per correction. - Hlanca M. Huerta, speeding *>0 in a 70, reiluced lo 74 in a 70. .SIO and cosl. • Hilly Richard Ingram, speeding 85 in a 70. reduced lo improper eijuip­ ment. SIO and cosl. • Arthur Isard. failure lo stop for slop sign/llashing red light, reduced lo improper eijuipmenl. SlOand cost. • Douglas Carl Jacobs, speeding 70 in a 55. reduced to improper eijiiip- menl. SIO ami cosl. • Pairenia Johnson, speeding (>9 in a 55. reduced lo improper eiiuipment. SIO and cosl. - Melinda 1*. Jordan, speeding SO in a 70. reduced lo 74 in a 70. SIO and cost. - Marie Gregory Jtidd, speeding 70 in a 55, reduccd lo improper cipiip- ment. SIO and cost. - (5ene Paul Kesler, speeding 68 in a 55. reduced lo improper eiiuipmcnl, SIO and cost. - .Sunyong Kim. speeding 8h in a 70, reduced lo 74 in a 70. S10 and cost, - Jason Wesley Klein, speeding 84 in a 70. reduccd lo intproper ei|uip- menl. S^5 and cosl. - Andrew Jay Lane. s|>ceding 90 in a 70. reduced to 79 in a 70. S25 and cosl. - Ashley U. Ledford, speeding 83 in a 70. rcduced to 74 in a 70. SIO and cost. • Shu Lin, speeding 88 in a 70. re­ duced to 74 in a 70, SIO and cosl. - redraAnnella Lindsay, speeding SO in a 70, rcduced lo 74 in a 70. SIO and cosl. - Marco Antonio I.ope/. speeding 86 in a 70. reduced to 74 in a 70. SIO and cost. - Joseluis Madrigal, speeding 83 In a 70, reduced to 74 In a 70. SIO and cosl. - Krlslan C. Miller, speeding 63 In a 45. reduced lo Improper eiiuipment. $10 and cost: no operator'.s licensc. dismissed per corrcction. • Maria Valdez Nevarez, expired registration card/tag, failure lo notify D M V of address change, dismissed per correction. - Samuel Malcolm Oliver, speed­ ing 80 in a 70, reduced lo Improper eijuipmenl. SIO and cosl. - Larry Earl Orilway. Jr.. speeding 84 in a 70. reduced to 74 in a 70. SIO and cosl. - Leticia H. Ortega, failure to yield for stop sign/llashing red light, dis­ missed per civil selllement. ' Donna .Ann Page. s|)ceding 85 in a 70, reduced lo 74 in a 70. SIO and cost. - Sherry 1-ong Page, failure lo slop for steady red lighi, dismissed. • Anionio V. Palominos, speeding 84 In a 70. reduced to improper cijuip- ment. SIO and cost. - Daniel Sievcn Polls, speeding 75 in a 55, reduced to64 in a 55.SIO and cost. - Helen Tesh Ramey, failure to slop for steady red light, reduceii to unsafe movemeni, SIO and cosl. - Kristina K. Randolph, speeding 71 in a 55, rcduced lo improjier equip- menl. S25 and cosl. - Ruben T. Renteria, sjieeding 8K in a 70. reduccd to 79 in a 70. S10 and cost, - Romicll P. Robertson, speeding 93 in a 70. rcduced to 74 in a 70, SIO and cosl; no o|>eralor’s license, dis­ missed jKT correction. • Gwendolyn Marie Sears, speed­ ing 85 in a 70, reiluced to 74 in a 70. SIO and cosl. - Shanta K;tclnn .Sellers, expired rcgislralion card/lag. dismissed per correction. - Daniel Russel Shannon, expired registration card/tag. disniissed |>cr correction. - Kennelh Eugene Sharpe, speed­ ing 52 in a 35. reduccd to improper equipmenl. S25 and cost. - James Samuel Coleman, exceed­ ing posted s|K’cd, reduced lo 44 in a 35. SIO and cost. - Joshua Geoffrey Stanley, lailure to reduce speed, dismissed per civil settlement. - Christa S. Stephens, speeding 86 in a 70, reduced to Improper equip­ ment. S50 and cost. - Marcus D. Stevenson, speeding 80 in a 70, reduccd lo improper equip­ ment, SIO and cost. • Paula Iccnhour Street, speeding 84 in a 70, rcduced to 74 in a 70, SU) and cost. -Jack MatthewTiernan. failure lo .stop for .slop sign/llashing red light, dismissed. - Ralph [-ric Vamlerhall, speeding 89 In a 70. reduccd to 74 in a 70, SIO and cosl; failure lo notify D M V of address changc. dismissed per correc­ tion. - Dreama Marie Varney, failure lo wear sc;U Ik’Ii, no operator's license, dismissed per correction. - Sievcn Mark Walson. speeding 6 1 in a 45. reduced lo improper equip- ment. SIO and cost. - Mary Nigel While, speeding 83 in a 70. reduced lo 74 in a 70. cost; failure lo wear seat Ivll, S25. - Tammy Oneal While, failure lo ucar scat bell, no opcr;nor’s license, disniissed per correction. ' Jeffery /immerman, sjK’cding 80 in a 70. dismissed. Eailcd To Appear - I.upe Ahar. no oj>eralor’s license. > Triciii llousion H;iker. s|)eeding 80 In a 70. - Willie Wilford Henlon, impro|>er p;isslng. following loo closely. - Sicvcn Levon Hrackcti. DW I. speeding 94 in a 70. no operator’s li­ cense. ' nenj.miin Paul Hrou ii. speeding 99 In a 70. - Phillip Jason Hn>wn. failure to wear seat bell • dri\cr. no ojicralor's license. - Jason W. Hurgess. speeding 87 In a 7(1. - .Amand.i V. Caslaneda. speedlne 55 in a 35. - Rolando Garcia Casiro. exceed­ ing posted speed. - I'oya Knox CIcvehuul. failure lo wear scat bell - driver, failure to se­ cure jiasscngcr under 16. • Consiancio R. Corie/, exceeding safe s|>eed. - Jas|>cr Lee Donnell, II, failure to secure p;issenger imder 16. over- lo.uled/overerowded vehicle. - Kenneth A. Dr;uighn. failure to \Ncar seat Ivlt • driver. - Chrisiopher l-ertilta, failure lo wear seal Ivll - driver. - Heather James Grah;un. s|>ecd- ing 80 in a 70; expired rcgislralion card/lag. • Kenneth Ray Hamm, failure to wear seat Ik Ii - driver. • Wendy Michelle Harper, speed­ ing 80 in a 70. - Hrian Keith Harris, speeding 80 in a 70. • Heather Dawn Hicks, speeding 80 in a 70, expired inspecllon sticker. - Gennifer L. I lowell. speeding 50 in a 35; no ojieralor’s licensc. • Jason Kawika King, speeding 85 in a 70. - Kelly Rebecca l.awrence, no ojicrator’s license. - Aqustin Villcga Lopez, driving while license revoked. • Roderick Wayne Mungutn, sjiceding 80 in a 70. - RolKTt W. MichucK. Jr.. speed­ ing 86 in a 70. • Ernest Ray Miller, expired iti- spcclion slicker. - Jared Hartun Miller, failure to wear seat bell - driver. - Rushawn Leon Niblock, driving while liccnsc revoked, expired regis­ tration card/lag, expired inspection sticker. • Odessa Mae Ovvens. failure to wciir seat belt - driver. - HrandonSlevcns Price, failure lo stop for stop sign/llashing red light. - Stacy liugeue Pruiii, failure lo stop for ste;idy red light. Alisoit Haynes Radford, speed­ ing 60 in a 45. ' Maria Teresa Rosas, failure to wear seal bell - driver; no oper;ilor's licensc. • Marcelino T. Salazar, no operator's license; expired inspection sticker. - Stephanie L. Sampson, speeding 80 in a 7ii. - Dedra Yvone Sharp, failure to wear seal belt - driver. - George Davidson Shaw, failure lo wear seat (k U - driver. - Michele Dawn Shelby, expired inspection sticker; license not in pos­ session. - Janies Scott ShiKmaker, s|>eed- Ing 80 in a 70. - Masoud Ahnwd Siddiq\>i, speed­ ing 89 in a 70. failure to wear seat bell - driver. - Carl Nonnan Smith, .speeding 85 in a 70. • Keith Edward Smiih. sjieeding 85 iu a 70. • Patrick H. Smilh, sjK’cding 80 in A 70; no operator’s license. • Gerardo M. Vazquez, failure lo slop for stop sign/steady red light. - Ross Wagner, speeding 80 in a 70. • James Edwin Wald, III, speeding 84 it\ a 70; failure lo wear scat belt - driver. - I'ernando Vele/. /arate, aid and abet operator’s liccnse viohilion; op­ erating vehicle with no insurance. Real Estate Facts by: Peter A. Heaven, кклшж® POWER UP YOUR PURCHASE! Want more control over your nexl home purchase? Here are some lips lhal will iHMisi your ablliiy to complele ihe home purchase of your dreams. Uccome a ••quaiilted” buyer. Yon arc more likely lo lv taken seriously by sellers ifyou can show you arc linancially qualilied lo make a purchase. Ask ihe real eslale agent to anange a loan application with a mortgage lender. Do this lirst. l)cfore looking for a home. Once the lender approves your loan, you can make your choicc wilh conlidencc. Offer a substantial earnest money deposit. Many buyers offer SUM) or S51M) as a "deposit" when asking sellers to consider their purchase offer. This di>cs nol iniprcss sellers. Instead, offer 5%-l(J'}'o of the purchase price as your deposit. Even though ihc money remains in a trust or escrow uccounl, scUers consider a larger deposil as a slrong sign lhal you arc commilled to completo the purchase. Keep your purchase offer as “clean’ as nossiblc. Avoid putting too many clauses and demands in your ofl'er. If you believe tlie properly is fuirlv priccd, offer lhal amount. The seller will take vour seriously, and you are less likely to lose the home to another buyer. Each of these three suggestions plays an imp«.irianl nUc in convincing sellers lhat you mean business. Implement all three for a solid, pleasurable liome purchase. fVltT l/atven is a Htuilior* with Penni/i^fon Л Company Rcaily, he he pU'useJ to ti.wi.sl ytui in your next nuihy tronsoaion of huymti or selliiiff a hotne. He con he reached at 336-99S-JÍW7 for any real estate questions you may have. Pfnnington _______8to Sanford Avcnoo - Lookinj for pnvicy’ Rigfit here it it! Pnvacy wich convtniciKe to ihoppini ind »nieriijie, Unwue floorpUn wuh iduft Irvinj on upper level. $132,900.00 Debbie orRodf>c]fi 606 Salhbury Street - PaniaJ^ renovated uory and 1/2 home in Mockjville'i Hiitoric Diitrict.4BR.2BA on Urte comer lot Corrvenient 10 school], shoppin« £ town $il9,900. Cal Debbie or Ro«*^ Lot 21 Headow Ridge • Spjckxji 5ВЯ. 3BA tonily home with fibuloui custom features by San Ftilipo O^structioa Created wooded 1.3 acre lot in new Meadow Rid^e lubdivijioa $319,900. Cal ОсЬЫе or Rodney ....R ..........................., E ................................................................Y In M ocksville 3 3 6 . 7 5 1 . 9 4 0 0 • In A dvance/H illsdale 3 3 6 . 9 9 8 . 8 9 0 0 123 Center Street, Cooleemee - Nice starter or retiree home with 2BR. IBA. kxated in gxxi area Updates include vinyl, storm doors, new roof. Rea* to move in! $59.900. Call Debbie or Rockieyi m 2ieA,albrid(2stciyShONCfUMstr. sute widened tub A scfx basemoK brre dedi in vsci euabfahed nes^bortiood. $199,900.CaR Debbie. Lot 8 Shalowbrook - AcMnce-3BR.2a\pb bonus room. ceinei and pQctíe 4(h6R and 3nffiA.CX«'2lOO»}ft. r2l8.900Tc^lJanIce. Ю О К «»' too*' A p p le t O P E N HO USE - This S u n d ay, 2 -4 p m - i t t t ' Special F inancing - Free A ppliances ^2000 R e b a te to B u y e r w/cicceplcihle offer C O ’Charleston Ridge-off Hwy 64 East 014 \ lU U SI Siiiul,i\ ’ Ipm l49KnollbrookDrive Meadow Ridge New Cape Cod home ftifiheti bonus room *1лг£е f.dæreU 4BR.Z5BA $247.000 DiiKtíons:mWattoEjdtn4,Ufton Fbmynfton Rd to RIfht on Hwy 159 to Le/t on SoJn R4 into/Heodoiv RMp 126 Wir>dlng Creek Rd • Great fltxwf Boor in tt» nw Rcffie jcnes ссгыпяяп. Gnat icflcn RÌdee necfbcrhood Buy Todivi $í29,900.CaÍl%idr^ 4783 Hwy 801 5- New. top to bonom, inside remooeled inctudmg floors, walls, cabinets, baths, etc. Quiet country setting, almost 2 acres beautiful^ landscaped. Room for I horse. $S9,900. Call Gten. 1727 U n d t n a a Rd • birúf home in corrvenient tootioa BeautAJ рагк-в« secdr^ House has new roof, eutter), heat puna carpet Maner on main levd. Large rooms. 2 * ^ •* ..................‘^•.90aCa* 484 BecktxMvn Road - 3BR.2BA tome on almost 8 acres with a pood BeauoU pasture bnd W hortin. Al ci«trM bnd in a very ifiet atca.$ll9»900,CaGleru 1326 County Home Rd • Charming cotuge convenient to town. Large rooms. hrd>¥CC!j. tjic and B«rwr doors, new from porch, some new paint, refrii remans. Home warranty! Motivate? Seller! $«9,900. Call Hary Lynne. from bom back decks in ths ртш OakNòBey home! Мшу custom fattm Uÿ rm 4 den prortòe 2 famJy arras. Uhfin bsmt hr ftjture expomion w/ wiring,W & inuiation $117,90a Cal Kter. 112 Covenant Cove-Qbha Creek RQuality stick built, ranch stvie home, 3Bf,.. . in closets in each BR a comer Hrepbce w/ns lo«s in treat rraAdd'l features Include a 2-ar garaj(e,a30yr.roof. $)29,900.Call Hary 125 W Robin St • &deu rrxm lor the BeauiAi vsooded OiHe-iac bubón. №me aoozi room. Olfice Midi sepime entmce. 4BR. 3SA $ IH900. Cal 340 Kinder Road • Hirmony • Brick ranch v 4BR, 4 full BA, & full basement on 1.94 acres. Lower level providet toal seperatelrving quarters. AddiUonil acreage also available. $(9f.900.CaB 109 Quail Holow - Great 2 story home wid) tots of storage and beautiU Igtchea 36^1.2BA and over an acje of bnd Fenced in badcyard and wonderii ne^iborhood $119,900.01 Rodteyi J 2(82 ComatBcr Roatl • Great starter home or investment property! Matdting garage buk in 1994. Shade and hit trees, space and LAAGE udbcy room. 3BR, cedv sidjne. $A3,900. Cal Debbie. Give Us A Call To Help You Find The Perfect Home! > VAnderfJ bini» heme wih tbie cuKie-tac nUid137 Wnchettcr •3BR. 2Ì8A, bene nxm. h desirabfc с Formal DR. ps log FT* in 1Я wak-in closet & sep stoMrnhstr.iutt.$nf,90aCal)«iie. 1956 Hwy 64 East • Cnat starter home or ^K'istmenc propert)i 3Bit. ptat k»boa boautiU shade tree« and lAAGE back yard $19.900.01 Rodney: »47 H ^ 601 Northfeatures 175 Beautiful property.....Í2S acres of very private. tandscu>edUnd! 4BR. 3 bll baths! Larve rooms, garden tub & sVyllght in master bith! Over 2000 sq. ft$iia,ooacdand)i SI9 )uney Beauchamo Roatl • SpaekKJs home with privacy. 4BR.4BA. new screened porch overlookine meadow. Many updates-heiting, windows. Great value, convenient u> Wmuon- Salem. $192.900. Cali Debbie. рчрг" 264 Wkidward Ckde • FRESH AS SPRING! B^t a cheerU this 36R, 2Ba home boks brwd new! №ssibk USOA assumable financing to quaked buyer! $89.S00.CaU Mary; r i / Jinlce McDaniel Ocbble PcRtuotton MirvLmeBiytbfcr AUry Hcodricki Rodney Bailey CindvDorlum Janie Minton 909*0747 90М28Г 692 Ш4 «0-7077 909-380$' 9A'7522 971-87S7 Gltn Stanley 650-5172' \ is ii IIS Dll the w eb: w w w 1 4 'iim ii,i;li4 ilU 'a ll\.c o in .......d i ........1 -m a il us al m li)('<’l4 iin iiii;l( ) iiR i'a ll\4 om i= ï к « I t o ' ' i . : J Ш ! ё Ш HS . 1)Л\ IK (0 1 М Л KM KUIMUSK KKCORI). Лик. i . 21102 L ib r a r y G e ts N e w B o o k s -л ' I I U I i i M o c k s v ille H ig h S c h o o l - C la s s o f1 9 5 2 Members of ttie Mocksville High School Class of 1952 celebrated their 50th year reunion at Center Community Building with 33 of the 56 class members, and Helen Crenshaw as special guest. Seven class members are deceased: Mary Lois Gaither Naylor, Frankie Junker Long, Betty Jean McDaniel Edwards. Nancy Glasscock Allen, Carolyn Ferebee Holt, Carl Lee Smith and Yvonne Atwood Alridge. Pictured, from left: front - Helen Crenshaw, Margaret Cozart Hartman, Elaine Eaton Foster, Nancy Riddle Mason, Billie Brown Hollar, Glenda Madison Long, Sadie Allen Williams, Betty Frost, Jamie Jones Reavis, Billie Angell Horton: row 2 - Joe Murphy, Nancy Trivette McHan, Lou Foster Phillips (guest), Betty Sue White Smith, Carrie Sue Ellis Smith, Edna Booie Baity, Joann Marshall Smilh, Ann Hendrix Boger, John K. Naylor, Camilla James, Rosie Lee Howard Stellman, Alice Hayes Seaford, Pauline Jordan Howard: row 3 - William Beading, Clinard Dwiggins, Harold Rollins, Charlie Johnson (guest), James Frank McDaniel: row 4 - Wade Beauchamp, Roger Powell, Larry Foster, James Roberts, Calvin Prevette, L.D. Hendricks, Eugene Boger. James Howard. Including spouses and guests, 56 attended. D a v ie Y o u th In v it e d T o P a r t ic ip a t e In E s s a y C o n t e s t A t C e n t e r F a ir :\ MMIlIl ciirllcvl (Ml "Wliy I :mi piiiiKl III iHMiiAiiK'ii- i‘;m" is hciiig sponsmvil ;is p;iil 111 lliis ) IMt 's (VllIlT I'.lil. riio :iyi- i;ili-i;iirii's lor llii- ciMili'sl ;iii' '(-1,5 .mil l-l-I.S. Iji- II il's should hi.- Iviiu-i'ii 1 anil .<(K) uonis aiul i\pi.-i| or ikmiIn urilli-n. Naiiii-s sliimlil mil Iv in- iliiik'il on ilk' I’ssay. I'.iiliics uill hf jiuliicil bascil im coiiR-iit, c\picssioii anil crc- aliviiN, iirieiiialily, ¡inuiimar anil iicalncss.'l'liey will \ic ilis(ilaycil .11 ihc r.iir, Sl Ir'iIuIi'iI Ioi Si'pl. I I I al llic Insiline C'cnicr ,\rhiir im r.S . <vl Wcsl. Wiimcis 44ÍII Iv aniioiiiiccil ,il Ihc I'.hi, ami llic \iiniiit; entries will Iv priiilcil in iic\l vcar's lairc.ilaloi;. l irsi placc winners in each calcyory will yel .$2,*! yil'l carils anil SI,T iiill earils Inr .seeoiiil |ilaee dinners, liiilries will he aeccpleil rriini 4-‘) p,in, on l-'ri- ilay, .Sepl. I.i anil rriini Ihe lollowiiiu nioriiinj!, riie essjy conlesi is liniileil lo Davic t'oiinly resiilenls. The t'enler |-air. llie eouiily's traili- lional, olil-rasliioneil coinilry lair, has been helil annually sincc l‘)22, l-'a'ir catalogs willi a lisl’ing of evhil'il categories are available al llie Davic C'oiinly Register of Dccils ollice aiul the Davie C'onnly ,\grieiilinral l-\lcnsion Ollicc. K n o w le d g e Q u e s t C o m e s T o A n E n d They came. Ihey scarclicil. llicy roiinil kiiowleilge anil liail Inn in the proecss. The Know leilge (Jiicsl Contesi ran lor eight weeks lliis summer. On Monilay. July 22 ihc w iiincrs ol'lhe final comesi ami llie winners I'or llie summer were ilrawn. The winners of Ihc Iasi ciinlcsi were: Kachael Moore anil .Sylvia Anilrailc, Kachael researcheil Ml, Kusliinorc lo iliscover thal Cieorge Wasliliiglim. riioiiias Jcticrsiiii, Abraham Lincoln ami Teilily Roosevelt are carvcil on il, ,Sylvia knew ihat Ml, ,Sl, Helen was the Iasi volcano lo erupt in thccontineiilal Unilcil .Slales, ilerupleil in May of I y.SO, Ailililional pri/es were avvarileil lo suine оГ the people who hail parlicipateil: Jamie .Spry. Jcaniia ami Jessica While. Mereililli Kiirrecs. Megan anil Josh .Sw iiiiller. Mark Brill, Taylor Canlrall. ami Katie Link, Sum m er Reading I'lie 2002 Summ er Roailing Program has come to a closc. More than 2(K1 chiUlvcn pavticipateil in the cighl-wcck program. The granii pri/es w inners w ere ilraw n on Monilay. July 2‘), Tlieir names will Iv pnblislicil iic.M week, "Tlie stali ol ilic library anil all ol'our sunimcr reailing parlicipanis w oulil like lo lliaiik all of the local businesses thal gave pri/es for Ihc program. Withoul Iheir suppuri we coulil nol have had nearly as imich fun." saiil Mary Sutler. .Some of the new books al Davie Counly Public Library. ,171 N. Main .St.. Mocksvillc: ’ Non-rietion Haby .Signs; Mow to Talk Wilh 'lour liaby Hefore Your Baby Can lalk .Stocks for the Long Uun: The D efinitive Giiiile lo rinancial Market Keliuns ami Long-Term liivestnieni .Siralcgies by Jeremy L. .Siegel .\m crican Scoundrel; The Life oflhe Nolorions Civil War (ieneral D;ui Sickles by ■Thomas Kcneally Lucky Man by Michael J, T-'ox Mr, l-'i\-lt Inlroiluccs You 10 Vour Home by Lou Maiifreilini R each!: I'iiiding Strength. Spirit :uid Personal Pow er by l.ailaA li How lo Practice: The Way lo a Meaningful Life by D;ilai Lama ,\IV Reiiiember livery Name Lv- ery Time: The Corponilc World's Memory M;isler Reveals I lis .Se­ crets Revenge: A Slory of I lope Shakedow n!: 1-xposing the Keal Jesse Jackson Up T'loiii Here: Keclainiiiig the M ale Spirit: A Ciiiide lo Transl'orniing lim olions Into Power and I-rccilom by ly;iiila Van/;mt Where We Stamt; ,10 Reasons for Loving Our Couiilry Л Workiim Sliffs Maiiisfesto: A Memoir by lain Levisiin l-iction C entury's Son - Robert Boswell Cypress Point - Diane Cham­ berlain Dailily's Lillle Ciirl - Mary Higgins Clark D rinking M idnight Wine - Simon Green Pace Down Across the Wesl­ ern Sea - Kalhy Lynn l-iiiergson Fox Girl - Nora Keller H okkaido Popsicle - Isaac Adamson The Only Hoy Гог Me - Gil McNeil S inister H eights - Loren l',sileman ’The Tavern in Ihe Morning - Alys Clare A donalion in m em ory ol Louise C, Tutlerow was given by Cenier TIomeiiiakers Club, Vio­ let Cain made a ilonalion lo the library. The Гапи1у of Fred Bahnson. Jr. made a dontioii to support Ihe library. Davie Counly Public Library hours; M onilay 10 a.m,-.S:,1(l p,m„ 'Tuesday-■Thursd;iy 10 a,m.- 7 p.m.. Friday ll)a,ni,-,S:.10p,m,. Saturday l()a.m.-.1 p.m., Suiulay closed, phone 7,*i 1-202.1, C ooleem ee Branch hours; Monday noon-6 p.m,. Tuesilay- Friday lOa.ni.-,^ p,ni, (closed foi hiiich 12:.10-1 :.10). S.iUirday ami Sunday closed, phone 2,S4-2.S0.‘i, Vote Tuesday Sept. 10 For ^ ! ★ MAC ★ IBUTNER t STATE SENATE IJfcldiii; Kcpiiblican Consen ativc ^ DAVIE-YADKIN-ROWAN Paid i or hy Mac B utnick for S tati-: SiuWAn; G e t It W e e k ly! W i t h i i ) i B u t e r p r is e R e c o r d s u b s c r ip t io n •Send S20 id: Davic County F.iucrprisc Record in'), l5ox 9y, Mocksvillc, N C 27028 tkMutifiil 1жкк Ixífntí \ч/ over 1800 Sf Charmng m (iowntown Mocksville. UncJer arxl.) fij!l ЬутИ, of\ 3.5 ж cixr.plcle renovntion. 3EÌRs. 2.5BAs. Mocksville: 336-151-2222 Clemmons: 336-778-2221 wwvv.SWMRcaltor.s.com 139 Cloister Dr. •$109!900 3BR, bnck ranch honie w/full basement Charieston Rk^e *3BR, 2BA. All appliances included. A great value. 160 Rldae Dr, . $185,900 i i n .11 Be.'iutituI Ьгкк honie ivilh nL^v nppJuinces. E*cctlont 1700+/- sq. ft, home, 1650. /■ s(|. (I. 3i!Rs, 2BAs. 3B«s, 2BAs.______________ M ocksville onico; H54 V alley lU I.M ocksvillc, NC C lem m ons ОГПсе :2 4 I9 Lew isville-C lem m ons Rtl. U nit 1. C lem m ons. NC W e C lose T he D ea 706 Rivefbend Dr.- $349,000 Э Д -1 . М . sq. Possibk; Lease Purcfiase' 3BR, 2BA. Bnck ft \'Mi Stíls. Gcif спле aw, rafx;h Ixxno w/fncd yrd. Full basomenl 3BR, 2BA homo in great development. Great home w/1200 +/- sq. ft. 3BRs, Excellent cooditionl 2BAs. Excellent condition. 404 Pine radge Rd • $268ДЮ 1343 Will Boone Rd, • $76,000 1 186 D u k e St. • $59,900 11 1455 Judión Rd. $86,000 Prrviite fiomo 12*/- ;»cr(?s on Muntine) Octîk w/tnüls.2 liedioofn. 1.5 Balh, large dnve wilh Onrîtgo/v.-ofishop JiAt kkc rww< 3BR. 1.5ВЛ. Uick home. Lrn 1 ♦ ac. lot. Corrplctdy rcnxxWed througfiout. SeBcf to D3V $2000 n Uaws dosmn'' 549 Brentwood Rd« $123,500 24 Dutchman Hills • $136,900 l29 Dutchman Hilts ■ $146.432 W -'- vVf” .’ ! ш т Ш Л | | i j | i u û i k lE lU Ì a j U H i r î B i à g » Restored fami house situated on 40 Acres w/landing stnp New double wide on nice lot 93,500 I 251 Lydia Ln. • $279,900 IJV.,' kx*.»|3Bav>n-\ lanic Wtii I.IJ,; tixk. .Viicai*! hotiic n tciiiiry i^iiortioodi Uv*ig Impfesavc 3BR/2,5BA home with large Great horse farm on over 13 .ncres, 3BR/2BA bnck home on 1 20 acres with-vr* , ^ v . ixjuvr,. .„-J C»n to kitchca ito (nerct, iiooTir | ^ room, sep, breakfast and drn«^, Fenced and cross fenced with pond iind rtce wartXp, cmSew diwe^y, S ^ Bedroom, unfinished bonus room, kits more! bam, back porch, 14 Arms 184 Fulton St. . $95,000 I 193 Brlarcreek Rd • $119.900 11 I 745 S. Main St, • $77,000 I 2477 Hwy 801 S. • $169500 3Bc4jrooin, 1,5 Bath 332 Mictiaels Rd. • $94,000 №068 Pine Ridge Rd. • $95,0001422 Pleasant Ac • $99,900•:Th’1029001 125 Carrie Circle • $135,000 ________ l;l( htkiWill Hi jthcM (lijibttnii(({ioKII liiiWitiт ш 7ÍI-90J2 lilbjr Ыа Ш-1889 "" AfiTir* Serving You With Hember^h^pi in: The lilon Sjlem Board ot Realtors Multiple Lislinq StrvKe, Certified Commercul InveUmeiU Member (CCIM) Cdrolina Real Data‘t i w f L ^ istatf .i'le I >«Hiiet(uli Luop N»*1 Koiiiiiiffdjl listing net>voiV) Inteindtional Reloidlioii Servues Лг -i. D a v i e S c h o o l O f D a n c e S t u d e n t s P l a c e In N a t i o n a l C o m p e t i t io n DAVIK COUN TY KN TKKIMUSK RKCOU». Лиц. 1, 20(12 - U<J o ' 1 4156 Clemmons Road t / / j r 1 U Q C l l X i a i Clemmons, NC 27012 S r Г а гп П п я с D ö ä lb / ' „www.prudentialcarolinas.com^ Laroiinas Keaiiy ' . (87?) 371-5822 • toll-free Davie School of Dance at- leniled Fabulous'Talent National Dance conipelilion July I.S-21 in Gatlinburg. Tenn, More lhan 25 dance studios from Ihe Midwest lo the South­ east participated in this nalional com petition, D avie students Leah D avis and Jaci|ueline Hauser were chosen I'roni Fabu­ lous talent regional conipelilion lo perform wiili "Fabulous 'Tal- cntTroiipe"at this nalional coni- petilion, 'The troupe perl'oniied Ihe last day of nationals and ihese uvo dancers were greater per­ formers. Davie School of Dance w on two I'irsi place overall highesl .scores, one second place overall highe.sl score and choreography of the year. The I'ollowing stii- denls were recognizcd in iheir respective dance lalent catego­ ries; Audrie Cid won gold in solo poiiite in the 11-12 year old cal- egory, Leah Davis won gold in solo lap in the 9-10 yr, old category, Samantha Hrown won gold in solo lap in the 11-12 yr, old cat­ egory, Stephanie Cid won gold in solo lap in the L‘i-16 yr, old cat­ egory, Corey Spell won a silver in solo ja/.z in Ihe 'J-IO yr, old cal- egory and special recognition as "Ihe show niiisl go on." Jaci|ueline I lauser won a high gold in solo nioilern ballet in the 11-12 yr, old calegory and 7tli overall highesl score in her en­ tire age division, Meagan Matthews won a sil­ ver in solo modern ballet in Ihe 11-12 yrd.old ciitcgory. Caitie Ariiiild won a gold in solo niiidern b:illel in the 17-LS yr, old c;ilegory, A udrie and M eagan Mallhews w on a secoiiil place in duel lap in I I-I 2 yrd, old .egory, Caitie Arnold, Slephanie Cid and Corey Spell won a second in trio lap inihe 1,1- 14 yr, old cal­ egory, Audrie Cid, Stephanie Cid. Samantha Brown. Leah Davis and M eagan M atthews won a first place and second highesl overall score of the entire com ­ petition in small group tap, Caitie Arnold. Aiulric Cid. Stephanie C id. Leah D avis. Jaci|ueline H auser, M eagan Mallhews, Ashley Murphy and Corey Spell non ;i I'irsi place in nioilerii ballet and first place overall highest score in small group, C aitie .Arnold. A m anda C offey. K alah I'drington, M eagan M atthew s. A shley Murphy and Brian O'Neal won A d v a n c e F i r e D e p t . G e t s G r a n t T o B u y F i r e S a f e t y H o u s e The Federal Eiiiergency Man­ agem ent Agency and the U.S, Fire A dm inistration announce Ihe Ailvance Fire Department has been awarded a $.17.350 grant from Ihe 2002 A ssistance lo Firenghlers Grant Program, The award vvill be used by the lire ilcpartm ent to purchase a M obile Fire Safely House which will be used lo reach lire safety to children, 'The Assistance to Fircrighlers Gr;int Program is designed as an opportunity for Ihe United Stales Congress lo work with FEMA lo enhance basic service delivery across the United Stales, Over 5,000 departments will receive over .S.160 million lo support lire protection. EMS delivery, ve­ hicle purchase, and prevention programs in 2002, " The men and women of bolh volunteer and ciireer lire depart­ ments confront new anil chang­ ing life safely challenges every day." according to USFA Admiii- istralor K, D avid Panlison, "Prcsiileni Bush has provided the USFA an opporiuniiy lo take some much needed steps in pro­ viding these people the right tools lo be able to do Iheir jobs safely and more el'neieiitly, Il is our hope this grant assislanee program will dem onstrate our eominitmeni to improving fire and life safety across the coun­ try. and will provide the neces­ sary incentive for all Americans to join in suppiii ling these brave men and women, as ihey face the challenges of loihiy," More lhan |У.()()0 lire depart­ ments applied for grant awards Ihis year, 'The rei|iiest oflhe Mo­ bile Fire Safety House has been through a national peer review process involving over .100 lire .service leaders. For further information, con­ tact Uohhie Mills, Advance Firo Chief, at yyS-SISI; Kimberly Harris. Davie County G rants Administrator, at 731-62.17, W illia m L . S m ith R e tu r n s F r o m N a v y D e p lo y m e n t Navy Petty OITicer 3rd Chiss W illiam L. S m ith, son of Beatrice Long of 168 Munchison Road, Mock.sville, recently re­ turned from a si.\-niontli deploy­ ment to the Western Pacillc and Arabian G ulf while assigned lo the aircraft carrier USS John C, Steniiis, homeported in San Di­ ego, Smith was one of morc than 10,000 Pacific Fleet Sailors and M arines aboard Ihe ships of the USS John C, Stennis C arrier B attle G roup and USS Bonhoninie Richard Amphibious Ready Group who proudly par­ ticipated in Operation Enduring Freedom and O peration A na­ conda, D uring the deploym ent. Smith's ship traveled more than 62,0(10 m iles, launched more lhan 9,600 aircnil't and dropped 275.000 pounds of ordnance. Carriers, like USS John C, Stennis, are deployed around the world lo maintain U,S, presence and provide rapid response in times of crisis. They serve as a highly visible dcteneni lo would- be aggressors, and are ei|iiipped with the most veis;itile aiiil pow­ erful weapons and aircraft avail­ able. Smith is a l')‘>4 graduate of Davie High School, and joined Ihe Navy in January 2000. 3 B u ild in g L o ts F o r S a le In Ihe Fork Church Community Located on/off of Cedar Grove Churcli Road OK for doublewide, modular or site buill homes • Lot 1 - 40,000i-/-sf with toad frontage, water meter & septic sysiem - S25,000 • Lot 2 -1 + acre with road frontage, well & septic system - S25.000 • Lot 3 -1 +acre private 30'easement, great view • S35,000 *All ocrca^jo subioct lo final survoy Contact Robert Slone (Owner/Broker) at Riverfork Properties336-998-4733 a secomi place in hip hop small group, C aitie A rnold. .Sam aiuha Brown. Audrie Cid. Slephanie Cid. Leah D avis. Jaci|ueline Hauser, Jordan Hendrix. Meag;ui Matthews and Corey Spell won a sccond placc in large group tap. C ailie A rnold. Sanianlha Brown. Audrie Cid, Slephanie Cid. .Amanda Coffey. Jaciiueliuc I lauser, Jordan I Icnilrix, Meagan M allhew s, .Ashley M urphy. Corey Spell and Brook wanl wiin a llrst place in large group iiiod- ern ballet and firsl placc overall highest score in large group, 'The coniniunily supported the dancers' fund-raising efi'orls which included y;ird sales and icc crcaiii sales iliiriiig "C;ir Nighl." This m oney supports dancers coinpetilion fees and their work­ shop fees. Davie School of Dance will have open house on Monday. Aug. 5-Friilay. Aug, ') from 4;3(l- S;.10 p.m. and Salurday. Aug. 10 from ') a.111.-noon. (3 3 6 ) 7 1 lf-4 i» 0 0Ч ^ n: l iCall today to gctihe ari^ers to even your toughesf real esta^ questions. LOT 18 TWIN CEDARS GOLF COURSE IN DAVIE COUNTY Mapiiliccnl Lilt Willi Golf Course Views .1 HeilnKinis. 2 Halils, IWKI+si|.ll, M.istuT l!;illi with Walk in Closet. \Vliirl|)iH)l Tub & Si;p;ir.ile Sluiwer Kilclien wilh Hreakl';ist Rikiiii Living RiHini, Dining KiHini birgcTvMi Car G;ir.iue willi 0|X'iiL'r G;is Log T'ia'pkicc in Living Kiwiii Large Uiitinislicd litmus liiHiiii Lols of I lardwiHxl Rixiring Spacious Liiiinilry Rixmi Beauliful Brick and Vinyl 1-xlerior Buyer may cliixise Caipels Ouuslanding at SI5'J,‘J(X).(X) 998-2481 or 284-2694 F e a t u r e d L i s t i n g 1784 Godbey Road • МоскзуШе • $485,000 TOO NEW FOR PHOTO • Top Q uality horse facility • 2 b;inis hav e 1.1 stalls ami 6 stalls • 2 aiviKis-1 iiuloor. 100 x 65 with rubber Tooting: I outdoor. 2.15 .\ 7S, • HcaiitiTiil Pasture • WoiKlcvfiil lioiiie has ?,m . 2UA • H ardw oods • 2100 stillare feet Call Susan Parker Tor details C h e c k O u t T h e s e L is t in g s M l S V t.IS tU lU V S T - Mncksvilly - SUH),*)«« UisUMX vlistviet. llarviwomis. Hi 1\ ccilinus. Womlcrfiil ЗИК, 2li,'\ homo. Deep hit! C ommercial Polcntia!. Call Susan I'arkt'r AH4U III.A IM IIS T O M : - Ashurv IM;u4‘ - S27K.5mi Uniti by I rank .lolloy Muiltlcrs, lAquisilo millwoik. Hcrhcr carpct. walk-np attic .stairs, playsct Si Ion remain. Community pool available. Call (lloria Matlhews i>r lies Supple J l O A K (;U ()\ T : -\ U » 0 K IU ’N ~ I.euisvillc - S27‘i.‘)ll() Conslmelioii has slartecl. buy now to eusioini/c ilayli^lit basement lor Гш тс expansion. \ W C in master, sitlinu area on U L. Call Sheni Cor.im tor (lelaib *)l) O A K C U O V i: (a A U H O H - Louisviik' - S244.*JIM) I inisiuble bonus room U L \ ]}. (iooil use of space ui\es large beilrooms. note sittinu roi»m in mslr HR. lannihy localet! near mstr MR. Call today tor more iut'ormaiion. Ш C C V I I N A in C M I IU I! Щ ) - Clciniim ns - S1I5.(HH) Unique loy home on .s * private wooiled acres, SleepiiiLi loll overltmking LK, 2-car ilel. (iaraiie plus A bay ulility shcil, Uockinu chair t'nint p(Mch aiul screencil hack porch. .AMS W arraniy. Call Hi*bhie Memlenhall, 581 I)i:i4 ) r S г к г л : г - Mdi’KsvIIIo - Sl'JU.dOO Commercial polenlial. jzreai visihilily. hiyh trallie count, city utililies. /oneil IlC . Cireat in\esiment. Call Su.san Parker H U II)(;r .\ \ ()()l) I?]) - Clcninum s - S22‘V)IIH Woiulerlul lloor plan, open kilchen, master IlK on NU-. bonus liiom w J'uil Ъл\\\ in tlaylighl bsmt. Privacy in backyard, l or more inrornialion. call Susan Parker. MHli M ID D I.r.B U O O K D U . - Cii-m m nns - S I4 I.‘)IH) I his home has been uoiulerliilly well kept. It has a cheery kilchen breakfast area a pevt'ect ot tico \\ adjoining „ balh. С «real screened porcit w'e: t\ickyard. Call today lordelails, 752f) D IV A I.D I s r. - I.euisvilk' - S I26,000 Immaculale liome im prelly level lot w llowering trees. Kccent paint Л: wallpaper, Heautiful decor ihroughoul. I!,\celleiit lor l-le\el living. Launilry not included in sq. ft. II.4 U P K U U l) - Clfinm nns - SL^S.500 Very nice contemporary ranch, near ^'^lC.Л. over si/eil allached garage, fenceil rear yard. ,\lriuin tloors to patii>. rock I P. cathcilral ceilings it lols of storage. Ta n g le w o o d A g e n ts An IndependenUy Ownad and Operated Member of Ihe PrudenUal Real Estate Amilates, lr»c • equal Housing Opportunity t H a v G R R e a t t s (336) 7 5 1 -2 0 5 5 M any builders and sellers are offering $1,000 to $5,000 in discounts or closing costs. At Oak Haven Realty you can receive additional savings p/us the other savings already offered to you on any home you purchase! We offer up to thousands in savings every day to all of our buyer clients on any home of their choice... yes, including homes listed with other realtors...even in other counties! Nobody saves you money like Oak Haven Realty! Call for details and save the most with Oak Haven Realtyl Only subject to your lenders approval. THOUSANDS OF LISTINGS FROM THE MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ARE NOW AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSrTEt Visit www.OakHavenRealty.com Excellent Pricel S m all * I у H li Jl Horse f a r m / Boautlful Bocklowno Rdll 3 BR, 2 BA. Immaculale inside & out! Barn w/ 3 new stalls, swing- out feeders. — S ellers our com m ission is as low as 3.9% ! DAVIK COUN ГУ KNTKRI*UISK KKCORI), Лид. I, 2002 - ИИ ¡ I ii . ! ! í : ..li ¡■kl ’! i: ; \ I] ino - DAVIK COUNTV KNTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 1, 2002 Don’t Let Ticks And IHeat Exhaustion Spoil Summer With Ihc ilealh of n \ outipsti;r in Slanly Couniy from Rocky M ouniain spoileil fever last w eek, U avie C oum y heallh olTicials are warning residenls of rneilieal problem s lhal are frei|ueiit ii\ the summer momhs. North Carolina is otte of Ihe two stales most prone lo Kinrky Mountain spoiled fever cases, according 10 D avie C ouniy hcallh director Barry Bass. The lick-horne illness is Irealable wiih aniihiolics. and has a low fatality rate if canghi early. The disease ofien starts w ith flu-like sytnpiom s incliidiitg muscle aclies. fever and a rash ott the hands or feci. Rocky M ouniain spotted fever is com m on during Ihe siitnmcr for two reasons, Bass said. "Ticks are more abundant, especially Ihis year wilh the prolonged dronphl. anti people spend more lime oulside." Check for lick biles often. To guard againsi lick-bome diseases like Rocky Mountain spotted fever ai\d l.ynie disease, Bass suggests lhal people check Ihemselves for lick biles every couple of hours when ihey'rc oulside. Like Rocky Mountain spoiled fever. Lyme disease requires that an infected lick remain allachcd lo a person for several hours for a victim lo calch il. A lso irealable w iih antibiotics. Lyme disease is Iransmilicd ihrough deer licks. Synitoms include fever, muscle achcs, swollen joints, faligue and redness al the site of ihe bile. "I conlracled Lyme disease several years ago," says Bass. "I removed a lick after a round of golf anil a couple of weeks laler Ihe lale-lale redness al the bile site appeared. After a round of antibiotics all was well." N eilher Lym e disease or RiKky Moimtain spotted fever is iransniitted person-to-person. Bass noted lhal Davie Conniy has reported Iwo eases of Rocky M ouniain spoiled fever since N’lay. Sm nm erlinie is also when people are prone lo heal-relalcd heallh problem s. Be sure lo drink plenly of fluids, about two qttarts an hour if working outside in the eMreme heat like we are having now. A lso, som e sporls drinks replace sodium and o ther mtlrienls Ibal a person would otherwise sweat oul. he said. Daniel Markland looks at the David Marshall Award. Markland Wins DHS Award The TIW D Siudenl of ihe Year for Davie High School is Daniel M arkland. Mis TIW D job was at Oak Valley G olf Club in greens/grounds maintenance under Ihe super\ ision of Ken Fishback and Barry Jones. The David Nhirshall Award is named afler TIWD siudenl Davie M arshall, who was in Ihe program from 1989-91 attd losl a battle to cancer in 1991. “David was Ihc lype of student that every teacher hopes for Ihe opportunity 10 leach, and Daniel has Ihose same qualities ... good student, very conscientious, honest and outstanding worker." said leacher, Monie I'aylor. M arkland has been active in all aspecis of TIWD, involved in Ihe SkillsUSA VICA Club and was dislrici champion in the Job Skills Demonstration conlesl. “Daniel is a fine young man and is very deserving of ihis award,“ Taylor said. He plans lo conlinue his education at Forsyth Technical Com­ munily College. He is the son o f Jean and Doug M arkland of Advance. a4 л 'v' B R I T A Q ^ IAIÍS, 3 N o w H o m e s I n d c r ( 'o n s t r i i c ’t i o n ! • Great location, convenient to Winston-Salem, Mocksville & Lc.\ington • Beautiful 2/3 acre homesites for custom construction • Neighborhood of homes priced from $135,000 to $190.000 • Close to golf, shopping and schools C h a r l e s J o n e s Realty, I n c . ( l i a r l i e .lo iK 'S llniki i. ( Rs. I.KI \liihili I (.W>i4IIS-.SI IS Ollur I VWiiS59.'MIS'» tintili 1 lt.it |n n i's‘ lr\i iiim iti .m l OAINTENANCE FREE, 3BR. 2SBA HOUE IN HERITAGE OAKS • 2100 SF spJit bedroom ptan wm a hugo Wiuite arxi a covered bacV porch $184.900. REDUCED • 3 or 4BR. 2.SBA tno story home, open & spacious, large lutchealaniily room Gott course view $179.900. UNDER CONSTRUCnOH • 3BR. 2BA maiiter\ance frw Cape w^opeo (Vxk pian. larje Msuite & IR. covered front porch. 2 car atl oa/aQe. Add"! 26Rs & IBA roughed-in & pKjrnbed lor eipartt<o(\. Choose appl & coior. OUAUTY BUILT M BEDROOM HOME IN HERdAQE OAKS. 3.S ba№s, cornputer station, formal dinmg room. vauRed cetlirtg in larmiy room. Open floor plan, master suite with Jacuzzi & wp shower. 2/3 acre W. Custom leatures throoghout. $189.900. I m a rk e t h o u s e s o f n il s h a p e s a n d sizes! GOOD NEWS! Check out my new wcb.sitc. It not only gives you information on every house listed in the Triad, it has information on weather, news, government, restaurants, entertainment, and much more! Please visit me at: w w w .Janiesellshouses.com JA N IE M IN TO N , R EA LTO R , GRI, ABR A d d r c s s i 1 2 8 P o a c h t r o o L a n e , S u i t e A , A d v a n c e , N C 2 7 0 0 6 C e l l P h o n o ( 3 3 6 ) 0 7 1 -8 7 8 7 O r r ic e P h o n e : (3 3 6 ) 0 0 8 -8 0 0 0 FV tx: ( 3 3 6 ) 008-0> 116 E - m a i lt j n n i c O p e n n l n g t o n r e n l t y .c o m N o r t h C a r o l i n a Discover the state you 're in. I -8 0 0 -VISIT NC w w \v.visiT N 4:.c:o,M . C O LD lU eU . B A N K C R Q TRIAD, REALTORS’ OAVIE COUNTY OFFICE Inteisettion of Hwy«, IS8 & 801 i36 99« ЯЙ16 Relocdtion 1 800 527 4398 WHATEVER IT TAKES www.coldwellbanker.com .. . - »a. ÆA irxcLTvjA ЧП» tin VS I« Ic* КИtav/ç 5?í*<n.2 V* I rvj.ìjrr*. »л f3Aj tffi. tw fan i.e ifwcnj ixn дг»л ил11;« 09 ìUa шго ь antíuíVitrw-*! IkiyraPcfi 9я iHí i«T 4« 1штши Ш МШУ Mm4сД Ctduicvn] ЛП CQRSrr^r tt $«ГШ. re teíJO »crtítíU7 £çen í» Wn • f4í3te íui». Urg» Ujei «íiir^ jMCxxs u*(f M eav VOj • 141 mum ил iw i hr. ;5¿a\JKXZ Ucrtí LaJT^ &1Л irjfi rcj fijjv:« inbcawí Cw Col her«•д#л r^Xîf, i-f-csTinff ícti~i a-îiiT. it;m Pfr.« íctenej рслл 1 о»» ty et coatn uìe - YAx\biím,m i À t .1 4âT a wemi * a li« 46fl 2 5ЙАГМ hOTC 1Л QOÇUÜ nr»Jcorroírjrfi masy. üûitü. ï »Lrçv 2ni mri lirq rccn. Í31 tí üjnijt irû kwa 471 6A CcJ'« Drtf/ jc/roifi vai-i'Airw.mi шштнтпилит! ilAC U'js 'fit сатгль» »n ccen I(,J4 ittis Л vsuÿi ИЛ ftjÈbt f un VtefT*Ы irtAifej biMTirt. 400 WP iert« 60 июл ma texv, Hjesac ü’xttù & Сп?,Лтасп-?1ви;1Ш4,Ш .tT a r«iT Ott 0A« зья гьЁА 2 WC WííTuii 1 ifrtí 25 ìca wcoej VI, Niue itW pcryi, 1? cs'wva Uumen */t>n dtn & ÜI БА. tuple *-‘1 tía «nurxt^on tv Кй'* Ccrtridÿ VOI . 9M-I167 ________u m rum oâniЗВЯ, 535AC Мл h«y ürm гш !trx*0 pcii/n tel ftisy rdiiion & 1 S3i36 oit tom •<tn *«ec po«ef, tätcrune & conaeie flcamg Bítótj bici 15 лоту har« »itn rrtfjtrwig гои rwd Wß seled...... ----- uw 46Я, 3 5flA CwoMus go« сале w. УаЗ« Di hiiJ«ooJi Optionj! tluO Atnjn & toutin in fcjif, •ondcrfui giiued оскп lo б ang iccm inj »îiieJbïinqrDOfTi Court,гч ^ kiWen Vtli ГКгкпд-9Я-М6ГЦ71.т Ж mm Mtt BAVI зея. ЗВА Umque tvxA. bims Ul on xjttHouse Mj «er* liitpiic«, hjröÄtod íiooíí. breuMìy. lo» ol close( space jmj luH GmJ for haiei Berng joii *Aa b' anition Ш ÌB2 $275,Ю ------------1 MM MM 4ЬЯ ?ÌEAtcreiöe tt» ta U ‘OciJ W.J»*Orti 33(Ш d y»owj liwig и irw ootn pljri ai!n jn еио/гге }i.*e хШг ind \xw м tou room, vai f Ш1,М 2В1 АМШ МИ MVMM 4ВП ?ВА4 3^ Цпкм »ÒH ьог« яиГ) many ■mprortíTtft} on 4 3 acres л псе С0(гл1дП|() l|ig« worur<0-0u!t)uildi'>g »w hem Wflstcn Süen Lttmiìie9|1ll,IM lOT tl MÊum шт мм 36А гì£a 2avi tridtcrui «tfi Qifige on пьп KirÍÉOoi & Lie Йосл on пшп 1е«1. RoOing cMit troit porOi tenus room wa (шие ^woorn ijfoemiiief sJe [« 1M|MIDe 4П tu___P«3998 11C9I1I imri 111 JMMi 1АШ I_________UM 4BH 256A kUke UJ V) слег M exit rdoef jefier is relocitng & re»}« ю irote 1 oeiii M Dnervt afl & Mirtei cv s»ce. til №) turt tans. WC & UU« iWt »vrv«/ViCkj rbrtng 998'1l6/f1N,QM Wl\ МАШП MU UM 3&Й 2BAlop ol ifie line! Open floor pün Itoirt wry mceir Ю thii ipi,| trtfoom home U’m coniei lol, ipxwa mjSe ju!te, Ustófjiiy dccoriieO A Йм*Яв^ ж Crtii tiioe УЛ-ПМ \м u m a m ст им з№ 2î£aCj« а I tiitn, m aràjiWi ivre ter* Umi intt m(r. tuserrcri C^itmimtlIMM 1МШМШММСМШШШН итаипсмимиммзЁягиАцтаипсмимиммзЁягиА_ „ - . . . . .. . кт{«5Ул тюг! ifiveiJrti ртаirjnca hrrc V) mjìi \jjirva\ open Ivae Wo room xp treitiiS rO Arj»;<л corre kt Uisier suJ< Ur/nsfel Ъэтя loom md tirge mase» suitubitc tfner tr'^t crm U* W- •'№ VO tA A iruji set* Crnt m umi MM MM MM 3№ »ACreai Ukì ranch large ^ard rocn to piay arti(vanrKeli’ges.MdBtrees Icaratiachei] car»xtReMeJù№v»»a-UUtt«.m ШчШк MtyMb MU Mm (hrii«iUt М1-ПМ♦М-1Шшпи m-im м л U-tfi ViTtîw. Ш ) OOWU COSI ta Ж yffii 0200Î Coldwell Bjflkei Pwl CsUte Corporahoo. CoWwtll BanketX> h a ie^ile(ed tiadematk ol CoWwell Binkti CwpwatWn. An Iquai Oppwtunny Company. iqv»l Houskr»g OpporlunUy. fdch ОНке ks Irxlepcndenlly Owned and Operated. IM AMT ИМИи UM зон 28А .. ............. Wns»on-S»!«m»ivdwxd Boors ¡hfoujhal. ore levd кЛ>спа tal. Vicu FtaW4 9^16/ tlRM Ш 1« МТШ fAM UM ЗВЛ ?56A Алагвг oítí ue ci space fl л» H4V Соплtone, Ma¡n levií пцнег «.'ейл lg ci«et ViTtîw. Ш) Г --..... а^ гнмн швт rmi um 2ВЯ IBA122AC PJeii 10 hxWing flöge Coll Сопгшг^ Pan ot land ooes across siteei. РиЫ< ldi Milatle Perisd W lor ne» douM or SfÜÜ!" .«Min ; çMiMk m tiu«wiiu :МММИ Я|.|||) I NMiN ' S S ï??''' »н-п» SiOQlWIÍÍ.цхШеО Ciw. sépie system «txid need lo t» Call janel limsirr90e-l1S3 SM,m D C H G e t s N e w M a m m o g r a p h y M a c h i n e Davic Couniy Hospiuil has purchased a slalc-o f-lh c-arl m am m ography system w hich offers opiim al breasi imaging wilh lower (loses of raclialion. The Mammomal ,^()(K) NOVA System, installed in June, is de­ signed to reduce discomfort of­ ten associated with m am m ogra­ phy through an automatic com ­ pression system. Thc .system is designed to delennine the precise amoiml of compression needed, based oi\ individual breasi char­ acteristics, to produce the high­ est quality image with Ihe leasl amount of discomfort. "M ammography is one ofihe best screening tools we have lo delcct breasi cancer in its earli­ est stages." said radiologist Paul B eerm an, M .D .. "and Ihc Mammomal offers us the oppor­ tunity lo bring Ihe latest screen­ ing lechnology lo our patients. We arc providing the women of Davie County with Ihe best pos­ sible e,\ams, and have listened lo Iheir observations." Breast cancer’s numbers con- H e a d L i c e A lw a y s A C o n c e r n F o r P a r e n t s O f S c h o o l C h ild r e n Head lice (pediculosis) are m ore com m on lhan all other childhood com m unicable di.seases com bined (other than Ihe common cold). O nly a few childhood ailm ents are as w idespread as head lice, and few involve the repeated direct exposure of young children lo pesticides, An estimated 10-12 million ca.scs of head lice are diagnosed in the United States each year. Anytime children come together in social groups, such as at Ihe start o f a school year or afler holiday b reaks, head lice outbreaks commonly increase. During the 2(X)l-2002 school year in Davie Couniy. 116 cases of head lice were referred. The head louse is a parasitic insect lhat lives on thc .scalp and lays eggs in Ihe hair. It is a fast crawling, wingless insect thal docs not jum p. The louse has three legs w ith powerful claws which it uses lo cling to the h air shaft. T he female is appro,\imately 2.4-.1.3 mm long; the male is slightly sm aller. The nits (w hich are w hitish in co lo r) arc pproxinialely 0.8 mm in length. The female louse can lay up to 150 nits in one month, which is the normal lifetime o f an adult louse. Nits hatch in 7-10 days; shortly thereafter the nym ph begins to feed. All lice feed on blood every 3 -6 hours, but can survive 15-20 hours w ithoui food (a few survive 48 hours). Nymphs are almost the size of Ihe egg al hatching stage, and inaturc lo the adull stage wilhin 12 days. Once the fem ale louse reaches full m aturity, .she is really to lay eggs; she will lay aboul 3-6 eggs every 24 hours, and usually during thc night. T he fem ale p roduces an extrem ely stro n g adhesive substance lhat attaches thc egg to the hair. All levels of sociciy and all f ^ i C S i y * S A TREE SERVICE A 3 3 6 - 4 9 2 - 2 9 4 4 TOLL FREE 1-866-896-7711 Free Estimates • Fuliy insured • Serving Forsyti\ & Davie County Residential <i Cpmmgrcia! Work Sclcctlv« Tf imming & Pruning * Tice Removal Stump Grinding ■ Storm Damage ■ Hazardous Removal Lot Clearing • Trained Arborist (Complete Clean Up) ___ FREEI Hlood I*i4‘ssui4‘ C h e ck Thursday, Aug. 8 IJNixtii ‘i p.iii. For more information call 998-0755 Advance Medical ¿Wellness Center Hilladule rvofoeiilonal Pork • 123 llwy 801 South « Advuncc tinue to rise, with nearly one woman in nine likely lo develop the disease soniclimc in her life. If diagnosed carly. however, the remission rale is well over S.“i perccni. l.ynne Doss, adininislra- lor of Davie County Hospiiai. said lhat Ihe new ciiuipmeru is part of Ihe hospiiai's ongoing com m itm ent lo m eet the healthcare needs ofihe residents of Davic Countv. “ This represents one compo­ neni of ihc revilali/alion of our hospital." said Doss. "We now offer our paiienls 2-l-hour emer­ gency care, iiulpalieni surgery anil iliagnoslic screening. We will continue to seek ways lo make high i|ualiiy healthcare available lo our eiti/ens. right here in the cornmiinilv," C'ompassioiuitc C a ie (livinj; .Since 1998 llui.sc ilirtclctl. tcliiibic cuti-jiivnv inovStlc (>]) U> 2 ) liuni СШС in ynm liuiiif. Ntniiy hiivc woiki-d uilii ii< Tor ycurs, assj.. mials. iiidil hoii>ii\voik. c<iiii|>niiioii<liip. nml much moic... CALL 992-3032 It !v a li (ih tm i fa m ily ! A n g e l s ^ ^ LIVING ASSISTANCE С Tiirrentine Baptist Church H o m e c o m i n g Sunday, August 4 11 am Worship Service wilh the Rev. Billy Sloop bringing the message. Traditioiuil Hoiiiccoiiiiii^ iiical to follow ihc woiship .'¡crvicc. ^ 6 13 riirrentinc C liu rch Rond • Mock.sville J ellmic groups are alTccled - no one is immune lo head lice. The most common age range for infestation is 3-11 years of age. and more infestations occur in children wilh brown or red hair (more so lhan black or blond hair). Lice are more attracted lo clean heads lhan dirty ones. And also, healthy children are more attractive lo lice than unhealthy ones. Fam ily m em bers o f an infected child may also have head lice. Head to head coniact is thc m ost com m on and cfncient route of transmission of head licc. iivcn Ihough lice can’t jtunp or Ily from head to head, they are strong crawlers and are easily spread wilh close conlacl. Nils off Ihe body can survive 10 days in an environment where heat and huitiidily are present. In this type of environm ent, transm ission through com bs, brushes, hats, and tow els is likely. This is why cleaning after treatmenl is so imporlanl. To win the battle against head lice, parents should praclicc the following: • C hcck your child’s hair routinely - especially if the child is scratching the scalp. • Encourage your child nol lo share hats, combs, brushes or any hair products. • If your child becom es infested, thorough diligent com bing w ith a ijualily lice removal comb is essential for removal of Ihe nils. Nils must be rem oved lo slop Ihe infestation. • W ash thoroughly the bedding, combs, brushes, toys, car .seal and hair products of Ihe infected child. • Cutting of the child’s hair is nol necessary, bul it may make rem oval of the lice and nits easier. • U se licc sham poo as recom m ended by your healthcare provider. r L ^ l a n A I w ould like to thank d ll the folks who turned out to celebrate my birthday. Tliank you fo r a ll the wonderful ^ifl.s and cards. Thanks also to the people at Deano's who w orked so hard to make the day iiieiiiorahlc. Ernie Foster PREPARED FOR JUDGMENT? ARE YOU SUCCESSFUL AT EVERYTHING EXCEPT THAT WHICH MATTERS MOST-PREPARATtON FOR ETERNITY? ,|i'.stis said, “Si'i'k firsl the kinsiloiii of (¡oil anil IlLs ri|;lilcnu.sm',s.s...” Seeurc vour sduI’s snlviitiim tuiliiy hy «hi-yinn thc Kospd! Believe in Christ iMk, ii.:i5 if.: 11.1.. h.m Repent of your Sins and Turn to God ha. i.i .m aon i7:.<in Confess the Name of Jesus iMuu.w:.t<. AasK..i7i Be Buried in Baptism for the Forgiveness of Your Sins (Avis 2;.'K. K:.'S. Hum. ft'..'-?; \ f«ir. Mx\y, iV.\\. .':17) Be Faithful to Jesus unto Death lUn. 1.7. kiv.2.1m VISIT THE JERICHO CHURCH OF CHRIST Non-))i'niiniin:iliiinal Dodicalitl I» Ki'sl(iriii); iNe\t Ti'.sluim'iil I 'lirisliuiiilv llililiail in iVimi'. Dnl^ni/alion. Uiirshij), und DiKlriiii-. l.iK jIcd ul the toniiT iir.liiiK-|iiiii und JiTitlio KciJds.nr.Tom Torjiy, M iiiisltr(.W i) W .'2 ‘J1 C O M IN G TO MOCKSVILLE SATURDAY & SUNDAY August 3 & 4 B e n F r a n k lin Saturday, 10 pm to 5 pm Sunday, 1 pm to 5 pm Color P ortrait Package Special 3-8x10’s 3 - 5x7’s 1 2 -Wallets 1 3 95 m m ' S295 Deposit Customer pays Si 1.00 wtien portrails delivered al store approximaloly one week later. • DON’T MISS IT • NO AGE LIMIT • FAMILY GROUPS ALSO • ADULTS TOO! All work Gtuiranlccil by: TRIVETTE STUDIO B e n F r a n k l i n Willow Oak Center • Mocksville, NC D on’t Miss The Deadlines The Eiitcr/nisc licaml welcmm's iirii’s /rom reaclers - hut he sure to get your news and ads to IIS on time. Weddings Friday, 5 p.m. Davie Dateline Monday, Noun Letters Monday, 4 p.m. Classified Ads Tuesday. 1():.3() Í A N D R E W S Republican Candidate for N.C. SENATE DAVIE »ROWAN‘ YADKIN Paid by Committee to elect Gus Andrews. Gary Davis - Treasurer К W B u r B ì U N C J E D Р Л У ì t K W C m TtíB Y M C A Í F Y M C A of Greater Winston-Salem // United И'ауAgency Wt. Bixu) <Sri*0N6 iOds, ’ít iío n í. FAMlLtts, •^rnONÍ, COlV/WVUNlTlb'i The learning and fun doesn’t have lo end when Ihc bell rings - wc offer qualily, affordable care on site al many schools and al each YMCA branch as well. Call the branch nearest you for more information about Before School (7 am unlil clas.scs begin) and After School (front the end of the school day tintil 6 pm) programs. For a coniplcte listing of the .schools where on-sile care is olTercd, call 336-777-80S.‘i, exi. 300 or visit www.ymca-w.s.org. Fiiuinciiil AssL'ihutct; Ai’uilulile Moro Fun Per Hour Belore & Alter School: C enlral Fam ily Y M C A............................................ 330-721 •< YMCA ConiMHinily O utreach S ervices . . . 336-722-i Davia Family YMCA .......................................... 336-751 •£ Fullon Fam ily YMCA , . ..................... 336-661-1 Kernorsvillo Fam ily YMCA . v , . 336-996-: SltiKos Family V M C A ............................................. 336-985-! W usI Foisylh Family YMCA ........................... 336-712-: W ilkes Family YM CA................................................. 336-838-: W inston Lake Fam ily YMCA................................. 336-724-I Yadkin Family YM CA................................................. 336-670-: B ll - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Aug. 1, 2002 D a v i e D a t e l i n e F u n d r a i s e r s Saturday, Sept. 21 4th Annuol Ride For AnimnU, ride starts 11 a.m. nt Mnsonic Picnic Grounds behind Brock Ccnter. Main St.. Mocksville. Cost $20 rcg. fee. spoasorships available. Info: 751 -5214 or www.davienchumane.org. pre­ sented by Hie Humane Society of Dovie Counly. R e l i g i o n Sunday, Aug. 4 liomccomlng, Turrentine Bapt. Church. 11 n.m. worship, homecom­ ing meal to follow in the fellowship bldg. l3lstA nnual Homecoming, Dulin UMC. 9:30 a.m. singing. 11 a.m. worship. 12 noon lunch in fellow­ ship hall. Sunday, Aug. 11 Davie Gathering 2002, by Davic Co. Sub-District United Methodist Program Council. 3:45 p.m. at Bethlehem UMC. Redland Rd.. Advance. Please bring school sup- plie.s for The Storehouse for Jesus. Sunday, Aug. 18 3 For 1, spccial Southern Gospel worship service at Dulin UMC, be­ gins 9 a.m.. by the Youth of Dulin UMC. Ongoing Preschool/Parents .Morning Oul. Bethlehem United Melh. Time; 9 a.m.-noon. Ages I i 2 - M.W orT. Th. Age 3 - M.T. Th. Age 4 & Pre- K - three or four days per week. Call 998-6820. Preschool/Parenl.s Morning Out, Center United Meth.. Ages 2 Mon. - Wed. 8:30 a.m. -12 noon. Ages 3 & 4 Mon., Wed., Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 12 noon. Call 940-3753 or 492-5735. Revtlallon Sludy, each Sun. nighl, 6:30 p.m. At Sheffield Music Hall, intersection of Sheffield Rd, & Turkeyfoot Rd. Everyone welcome lo attend. D a l e s t p R e m e m b e r Now-July 28 Natural Visions, spring/summer iul show in the lobby of Brock Perfomi- ing Arts Center. Main Street, Mocks­ ville. For info: 751-3112, Thursday, August 1 ^ Tim Zlmtncrman and the Bras.s Klnv4 in concert at Brock Perform­ ing Alts Cenler, N. Main Si.. Mock.s- ville, 7:30p.m. The King’s Brass fea­ tures three trumpets, three trombones, a tuba, percussion & keyboards. Re­ served seating - S15 each. CaU 75!- 3000 or 751-2503. Saturday, August 3 Blood Drive, Redland Pcntacostal Holiness, time to be announced. Call 998-2444 or 712-9376. Sunday, August 4 Allen J. Marlin Jr. Retirement Re­ ception, 2-4 p.m.. at Oavie Co. Public Libtai^. Short program at 2:30 p.m, Satunlay, August 10 Silent An Auction,7:30p.m,.at Brock Performing Arts Center, tickets S7. proceeds to benefit Arts Council pro­ grams and Civitan projects for 2002- 2003 year. Refreshments served at intetmhsion. Call 751-3000 for info. Ongoing Vbil Cookcnwc's Mill Village Mu- ieum. l4ChurchSt..Tues.&Thuts„ 9 a.m,-noofi, Sals., II a,m,-2 p.m. Touts also available by appt. Call 294-6WO. Prctchool slorylim e, Tues., II a.m,.Davie County Library, 30-minuie program. For children ages 3-5, Mu­ sic, read aloud, stories, films, nursery rhymes, Mocksville Cruise-ln. Main Stteet. 1st & 3rd Mondays. April Ihm Oct., 6 p.m. Piedmont CARS Associalion. for mote info 751-3770 or 284-2079 or 492-5715. M e e t i n g s Monday, Aug. 12 Town НЫ1 Meeling, Jim Snyder vs. Serute Candidate, Davie Co, Court House, 7 p.m. For info: 751-9361, Ongoing Humane Society of Davie Co., monthly meetings 2nd Tues, of each month, at office Yadkinville Rd, be­ hind car wash, 751-5214, Davic Republkan MenxClub, meets 4th Saturday ofeach month. 7:30a.m„ Red Pig BBQ. Cckbrate Recovery, weekly support group for those smiggling with bad habits, addictions, and victims of abuse. Meets Fridays, 7 p,m„ at Hillsdale Bapt. Church. Hwy. 158. Advance. Call940-6618 for more info, Davk County Ног» Emcrgcficy Res­ cue Team, 7:30 pjn„ downstairs al the Agricultuml Building. Mocksvilk;. Ev­ ery 3nl Tuesday each nuxiih. For info; 940-2111. Davie Co. Band Booslen, meets 2nd Tueiday of month, 7;30 p,m„ Davie High Band Room. Sh(flMd.CalahalnSupportGroup, •i <, 2nd iuid4ih Tues,, 7 p.m,.New Union Melh, Oiurch. Meeting open lo com­ munily. Fumily Services "What Every Par­ ent Should Know ", parenting chLsscs 10 intereslcd p;ircnis of lecns in local areas, every Mon. 6-7:1.'' p.m.. al Mocksville olTice Sanfonl Ave, Com 515, Formore info: 751-4510, Jerusalem Bapt. Church is aprovid- ing support for Ihose who have lost Iheir jobs. H;.4)-I0a.m. on Mondays, call .136-284-2328 for more Info. Progressive Club of Cooleemee, 2nd Tuesilay. Cooleemee Library. 5 p.m. Call 284-2975 for info, Christian Businessmen's Commit­ tee of MtKksville, Tliursdays. 7 a.m. Mocksvillc Rol:iry Hul, Gold Wing Touring AsstK'lntion, Red Pig Barbccue. Greasy Comer. N.C, 801 at U.S, 601, 6 p,m, 284- 4799, Duvie Counly Slump Club, 2nd Thurs., Davie Senior Center. 7 p.m. 751-0611, Cooleemee Recreation AssoiiutUm. Zachary House. 1st Tue.sday. 7 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous. Sundays. 6 p.m. and \Ve<lnesdays. 8 p.m.. Second Presbyterian Church bascmenl. I’ine St, Call 751-1490 or 751-7786 for info, Ilomeschool 4-H Cluh, 2nd & 4lh Tuesday. Call W8-8925 formore info. Piedmont Triad Rubbit Funders, last Sund;iy of cach monlh, 2:30 p.m. All rabbit owners welcome. Cali 336- 998-9858 or visit www.piedmonllriadr.ibbil.coni or e- mail pitf2(XX)@aol.com formore info. Help YoursclfSupport Gruup.Cui- cer Services, Inc.. 2nd T ucsday. noon- 1 ;30p.m. D;\vieCoumy Library. Bring bag lunch if you wish. Formore info, call 751-0313 or 760-9983, MOPS (Mothers of Prescliiwlers), Macedonia Moravian Church. Sup­ port, fellowship, crafts & fixxl. Chil­ dren guided in own program MOP­ PETS. 9:30-11;30 a,m. Regisinilion fee flexible to # of children allending, Scholiuships available, Formore info, call 998-4394, Isl & 3nl Fridays (fol­ low schedule of Davic School System and arc on summer break al this time - will resume meeting Frid;iy. Aug. 16 at 9:30 a.m.). Childcare provided for small fee. The Artist Group, Davie Counly Li­ brary,7 p.m. lastTues.Call Bonnie at 998-5274. Center Communily Development. 3rd Mon.. 7 p.m. Communily Bldg. Cooleemee Town Board, 3nd Tues­ day, Town Hall. 7 p.m. unless other­ wise noled. North Cooleemee and Clark Road Council, 2nd Wednesday. 7 p.m. Friendship Baplisl Fellowship Hall, Davie Domestic Violence Services. Support groups for victims. Sessions free, conndeulial, Tuesdays. 7 p.m, and Friday. 10 a.m, DDVS ОШсс in Dav ie Counly Oflice В Idg.. 751 -3450. Family Violence Prevention Ser­ vices of Davie Counly, Free counsel­ ing for victims of violence and their children. Sepanile groups, Tuesdays, 6-7:.30 p,m.Firsl United Melhodisl Church of Mocksville. Call l-8(X)- 728-.34I3, Concerned Bikers Association, Foothills Chapter, 2nd Wednesday. Western Sicer, U.S. 601 al 1-40,7 p.m. Public welcome. Advance Garden Club, 1st Tues,, 9 a.m„Mocks UMC. 998-2111, MocksvilleGardenClub, IsiThun,.. Fip,t Baptist Fellowship Hall, 7 p.m. Visilors welcoinc. Sons of Confederate Veterans, Isl Monday,Cooleemee Historical Build­ ing. 7 p.m, Mock.svllle Rotary Club.Tuesdays, I2:l0p,m„ Rolary Hul, Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Bethlehem United Melhodisl Church. 6:45 p.m, Thurs, Farmington Masonic Lodge No, 265. 2nd Monday, 7:30 p.m, al Ihe lodge. Cancer support group. 2nd Tues­ day. 7 p.m.. Davie Library, for cancer patients, friend, fiuiiily. 1-800-228- 7421 or 751-0313, Mocksville Lions Club, 1st, 3rd Tliursdays, 7 p.m,, Rolary Club. Davie Со. United Way Board of Direclors, 4th Monday, 5:30 p.m.. Brock Cenler Annex. Conf, Room 208, Mocksville-Davie Homebuilders, 4ih Tliursday, 7 p.m,. Caplain Sleven's, Davie High Athletic liooslers, 3rd Monday, 7 p,ni„ school cafeteria. Disabled American Veterans No. 75 and Auxiliary, 3rd Monday, 7 p.m., chapter home, U.S. 601 south of Mocksville. Farmington Ruritan Club, 2nd Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Farmington Methodist church, HELPS Ministries,Christian recov­ ery program for women sexually abused as children. Mondays. 7:30 p.m., 41 coun Square, Room 210. Alzheimers Support Group, 2nd Thursday, 7 p.iri.V East Room, Sr. Center, Brock Bldg., N. Mnin St., 751-0611. Breast-feedingSupportGroup. 2nd Tuesday. Davic Hcallh Depl.. 6-7:30 p.m. Parents Resource Orgiinl/atlon (PRO) support group for families of children w'illi disabiliiies, 2nd Tues­ day, 7 p.m. Call Rosemary Kropfelder al 998-3311 for localion, Jerlcho-llardlson Rurllun Club. 2nd Tuesilay, 7 p.m., club building. Health Dept..clinichours: Mon.-Fri., 8:.30-l l:.30 a.m.. 1-4:30 p.m.: Tues- d:iys, 4:30-7 p.m.; Teen Health Pro­ motion Clinic, 8:30 a.m.-noon, 2nd, 4th Satunliiys, Dnvle Counly Board of Social Ser­ vices. 4ihTuesday. 5:30 p.m. at DSS. .Mocksville AA. Thurs., 7 p.m. - closed mlng. Sun.. 8 p.m. - open mlng. Call Christine al 998-988.*; or Terry 940-5944. Narcotics Anonymous Against All Odds Group. Sundays. 6 p.m., Tliurs- days. 8 p.m.. Room 208. Brock Bldg, Drug Problem? Helpline, 910-7.S5- 7280. Mocksvillc American Legion Post 174, VF^V Hul. Sanfoni Ave,, 2nd Tliursday. 7 p.m, Mocksville Civitan Club. 6:30 p.m., 2nd, 4ih Mond.iy, Weslem Sicer. Advance Memorial Posl 8719 Vet- enms of Foreign Wars and Ladies Auxiliary. 4th Tues.. 7:3(1 p.m,. posl home. Feed Mill Koatl. Davie County Righl To Life, 7 p.m.. 3rd Tliursday, gr.indjury nK)m, court­ house, 751-5235 or 492-5723, CiMileemee Memorial VFW Posl 1119. 2nd. 4ih Thul^., 7 p.m.. VFW Hall. N.C. 801, Corinthian Lodge No, I7F&AM, 2nd, 4lh Fridays, 7:30 p.m. al the lixlge. Mocksville Lodge No. 134, I sl Tues­ day, 7:30 p.m. al the liKlge. DavIe Bus. Women's Avsck’. I st Wed. each monlh. Davic VMCA, noon. To RSVP call 751-5672. C(H)leemeeCivilun'sClubMeeling, 1 st and 3rd Mon. cach monlh, 7 p.m.. Red Pig. Hwy. 801. Cooleemee, Cub Seoul I*ack 504, sponsored b Fullon United Melh, Church, 1st and 3rd Tues, nighls each nionlh, 7-8:30 p.m. Young boys 1-5 grades who would like to become a member arc welcome lo altcud. Davie Co. MS Support Group, 2nd Mon, of cach month, 6 p.m,. Davie Co, Hospital. Cooleemee A A, behind Goml Shep­ herd Episcopal,Tucs,& Fri.,8 p.m. R e c r e a t i o n For more infomiation on these events, call 751-2325. Line Dancing Famiinglon Communily Cenler. Ev­ ery Tuesday, Cost; S2. Instructors; Sieve & Linda Hailey, Formore info, call 751-3848, Rec Club Before (S15)or afler (S25)scliool and oul of school programs. Regislralion open. Silverstriders Walk Club Scniopv, 50 ;uid up. M-F. 6;30-y a.m. No chargc. Davie Senior Games Davie Senior 55 & up have we got fund for you, Reg. now o|>en, come join us in your favorite spon or share anisiic taienl in SilverArts competi­ tion, Or share perfomiing talents dur­ ing Silver Follies, To find oul mon: call Kaihie al Rec, Depl, 751-2325. Y M C A For more information, call 751-9622 or visit Davic Family YMCA. Swim Lessons G\oose one sveck. four week, and SiU. a.m. sessions. Pre-registration rc- (]uircd. Call for costs, dates, and times. Water Exercise Class E£iisy enough for beginners, challeng­ ing enough for the e.xpcrienccd. All ages welcome. Call for class types & times. Gym & Swim TImrs. 9-11 a.m. (ages 3-5). A greal sliin for any child. Confidence & self csiecin slressed. Monlhly sessions. Karate-Carucado Style Tuesdays, 7-8:45 p,m. Ages 7 & up. Tae Kwon Do Ages 6 & up. Meet Tues. & Tluirs.. 4:45.6:(X). 6:45 p.m. Camp Davie Y Now registering rising K-5lli. Let YMCAentenaln&cnrichyourchild. stale licensed summer day camp. Weekly field trips. Applications and info, packets at front desk. CampPRYDE Now registering rising 6-8lh graders. Summer day c.imp involving com­ munily ouireach projects, leam build­ ing. and more. Parents Nigiit Out July 12,6-10:30 p.m, Parenls lake Ihe night off. We have aclivilies for kids including swimming, ans, crafts, games, & movie. Dinner served, Cosi S7 for memlwrs, SIO for non-mem- K t s , Pee Wee/Kiddie Kickers Soccer registnuion begins Aug. 1 for 3-8 yr. olds. Session run Sept. M - Ocl. 19. Please call fi^r times and dclails. Parents Nigiit Out Aug. 9ih 6-U);30 p.m. Ages 3-12. Take the night off and allow the YMCA to can; for yourchiid. Activi­ ties include swinuning. arts & cnifts. gan)cs and a movie. Dinner served 6:30 p.m. Cost; S7members, SlOnon- menibcrs. Family Nigiit Aug, 16lh, 6:3()-8:30 p.m. Come ireal your family to evening al Y. Have dinner, play games, swim, mid nuicli more. Cost; S2 per person (5 & under free). S e n i o r s All Senior Activities take place at the Davie County Senior Cenler locatcd in the Brock Building on North Main Street, Mocksvillc unless otherwise noicd. CaU 751-0611. Tuesday, Aug. 13 Senior Hrcukfust»8:30& 10a.m. All seniors invited for fellowship, fun & fiHxI. Space limited so call 751-0611 now lo pre-register for either seating. Tuesday, Sept. 3 Lunch & Learn ‘‘On The Run", Join us a Myslery Trip, Won'l reveal destiiiaUon unlil we arrive. Leave Sr, Cenler al 10:30 a.m. and slop for lunch on way. Reg. begins Aug. I. You must register in person al Sr. Cenler. Ongoing Lunch, M.T.W, ll:.10a.m„ Th, & Fri,, 11 a.m. Silver Hcallh Exercisc-s, SeniorCen- ler,M,W,F, 8:30a,m, Quilling, every Monday, 10 a.m. Bridge,Tuesdays* Fridays. 1 p.m. Curd & Hoard Games, \V. 1:30 p.m. Creative Scrapbooking Class. 2nd Tuesday, 2 p.m. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday !t«ms for Davie UutcHne should be reported by noon Monday of the pub­ lication week. Call 751 '2120 or drop it by the office, at S. Main St. across from the courthouse. P U B L I C N O T I C E S U ^ i a n o c A / l u i i c C.Ü • Dining • Dnncing Sing-A-Longs • Anniversaries • Birlhdnys Holiday Parlies fox ßoültingi ca Ё (336)qgS-46Sg Now Taking Job Application» For MANAGEMENT AND ALL OTHER POSITIONS for Shell Travel Store and Subway located at Hwy, 421 & 1-77. Positions availabie on ALL SHIFTS. Apply at the Fast Track C. Store located at 520 a c . Camp Road, Elkin, N.C. on Wed. 8-14-02 tjetween the hours of 8:30AM - S:OOPM. NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executrix ol the Estate o( RUTH BERRIER FEREBEE, lale of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of October, 2002, being three (3) monlhs from the lirst day of publicalion or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted to said esiale will please make imme­ diate paymeni to the undersigned. This Ihe 18th day ol July, 2002. Dianne Ferebee Baity 473 Meadows Edge Court Clemmons, NC 27012 7-18-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as the Admin­ istratrix of the Estate ol OPAL ALEXANDER JACOBS, late ol Davie County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present ihem to Ihe un­ dersigned on or belore tho 11 th day ol October, 2002, being three (3) monlhs from Ihe first day of publi­ calion or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment ot the undersigned. This 11th day o( July, 2002. Tracie Moore Jacobs RO, Box 1074 Cooleemee, NC 27014 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville,’ NC 27028 7-11-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executor of the Estate ol MARY FRANCES HENDRIX, late ol Davie Counly, this is to notily all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore the 25th day ol October, 2002, being threo (3) months Irom the lirst day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar o( Iheir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Imme­ diate payment to the undersigned. This 22nd day ol July, 2002. Robert L. Hendrix, Executor 4101 NC Highway 801 South Advance, NC 27006 Marlin S Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 7-25-4tp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE JUVENILE COURT DIVISION FILE NO,: 02 CVD 246 LUCY BRICKENSTEIN ZOLB ZANTOUT, PLAINTIFF, VS. BASSAM CHAFIC ZANTOUT, DE­ FENDANT NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: BASSAM CHAFIC ZANTOUT TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking reliel against you has been liled in the above-entitled action. The nature ol the relief being sought Is as lollows: THE PLAINTIFF IS SEEKING AN ABSOLUTE DIVORCE AND EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION OF MARITAL PROPERTY, You are required to make de­ fense to such pleading no later than the lOlh day ol September, 2002, said date being lorty (40) days from the first publication of this notice, and upon your lailure to do so, the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court lor the relief sought. This the 30th day of July, 2002, MARTIN & VAN HOY, L.LP. By: Sally W, Smith Attorney lor Davie Co, Dept, of SS Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-2171 8-1-3tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTYNOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as the Execu­ trix ol the Estate of CLOTEAL N, GORE, late of Davie Counly, this Is lo notify all persons having claims against said estate lo present Ihem to the undersigned on or belore the 11th day ol October, 2002, being three (3) months from the lirst day ol publicalion or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediale payment ot the undersigned.This 11th day ol July, 2002. Mary Ruth Gore Brownlow 415 Kingsmill Dr, Advance, NC 27006 7-11-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE is hereby given that the 2002 Primaries and School Board Election will be held Tuesday, Sep­ tember 10, The lourteen Davie Counly voting locations will open at 6:30 a.m, and close at 7:30 p.m,, a lotal ol thirteen hours lor eligible voters to cast their ballots for Ihe party candidates ol their choice and lo elect two school board members. All polling locations are handicap accessible, but curbslde voting will be available for any voters who is able to travel to the polls but de­ sires to remain in their mode of transportation to cast their ballots. NOTICE Is lurther given that to be eligible to vole on September 10 persons not presently registered in Davie County must lile a voter reg­ istration with the Davie County Board ol Elections by Friday, Au­ gust 16, To be eligible lor register­ ing to vote a person must be 18 years of age by November 5 and a US citizen. Voters who have moved within the counly must lile a cor­ rection by this dale also to avoid delays on Election Day. NOTICE Is further given that absentee voting will be available lor any voter between August 16 and Tuesday, September 13, Request may be made by the voter or on their behalf by a member of their Immediate tamily orveriliable lega guardian, A sick or disabled votai may cast their ballots In the slec- tlon office, or make request until 5;00 p,m„ Monday, September 9, All ballots must be returned to Ihe election ollice no laler than 5;00 p.m,, Monday, September 9 to be eligible lor counling. ONE STOP/NO EXCUSE eatly voting will be available in Ihe Elec­ tion Ollice, 124 S, Salisbury St„ Suite 102, beginning Thursday, August 22 and will close at 1:00 p,m„ Saturday, September 7. NOTICE is lurther given that Ihe members of the Davie Counly Board of Eleclions will meet on Tuesday of each week during the absentee period to review applica­ tions, Absentee ballots property signed and returned to the election ollice will be tallied by the members of the County Board ol Election between the hours ol 2:00 and 5:0C p,m„ Tuesday, September 10, Nc tallies will be released prior to 7:3C p,m, NOTICE is hereby given that Ihe Election Office will be closed Mon­ day, September 2 for Labor Day, QUESTIONS may be directec to the Board ol Elections at 751- 2027. H.P, Van Hoy, 11. Chalrmar Davie County Board ot Elections 8-1-2tr W I S S C O R V S R MINI-STORAGE For ail your storage needs, choose us! Come by to inquire about free rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E in Fork Call todayl (336) 898-8810 DAVIK COUNTY ENTKRPKISI': RECORD, Лиц. I, 2002 - I1I.Í P U B U C N O T IC E S FO R S A L E : Cars • Trucks Utility Buildings Carports: All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lots 336-751-3442Mocksville, NC MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUMMER IS COMING! Bobcai. aeraioc core uluooer & more lor reiii loiiayl lOTi 751-2304 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR THE FOLLOWING ZONING AMENDMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, PURSUANT TO THE REQUIRE­ MENTS ol Chapter 160A, Article 19, Section 160-A-364 ol the Gen­ eral Statutes ol North Carolina and pursuant to Article 11, Section 4, ol the Mocksville Zoning Ordinance, lhat Ihe Town Board of Commis­ sioners will hold a PUBLIC HEAR­ ING in Ihe Town Hall, Mocksville, N.C. al 7:00 p,m. on Tuesday, Au­ gust 6, 2002. A) The Town of Mocksville has proposed a text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, Article 3.2.5 Town Center, lo delate the 3,500 square loot minimum building size for automobile sales lols. The amendment will allow smaller build­ ings lo be used for auto sales in the Town Center district. A complele copy ol the proposed text amend­ ment is on lile at the Town Hall or the Davie County Planning Depart­ ment. B) The Town of Mocksville will consider rezoning approximately 25 acres of land to Campus Busi­ ness (CB) if annexed inlo the Town of Mocksville. This property is lo­ cated off the norlh side of Allen Road across Irom Southpoint In­ dustrial Park, approximately 1/4 mile west of US Hwy. 601, and is further described as Parcel 84 of Davie Counly Tax Map G-3. All patties and interested citi­ zens shall havo an opportunity to be heard in lavor of or in opposi­ tion to Ihe foregoing changes. Prior lo Ihe hearing, all persons inter­ ested may obtain any additional information on the proposal by vis­ iting tho Planning Department in the Davie County Administration Build­ ing, Mocksville, N.C. between 8:30 a.m, and 5:00 p.m. or by telephone at (336) 751-3340. John S. Gallimore Planning and Zoning 7-25-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAR- ING before the DavIe Counly Zon­ing Board of Adjustment at 7:00 p.m, on Monday, Augusl 5,2002 In Room of the Davie County Admin­ istration Building, Mocksville, N.C. The public is invited to attend. The lollowing item(s) are scheduled to be heard: Patricia Sawyer has applied for a Special Use Permit (or a Private Kennel in the Residential Agricul­ tural (R-A) zoning district accord­ ing to §155,125(B) of the Davie County Zoning Ordinance. This property is located olf the south side of Cedar Creek Road, approxi­ mately 7/10 mile south ol NC Hwy 801 North, and is further described as a portion ol Parcel 3 of Davie County Tax Map D-5. A sign will be placed on the abovo listed properties to advertise the Public Hearing. All parties and interested citi­ zens are inviled to attend said hear­ ing at which time they shall have an opportunity to be heard in favor of, or In opposition to, the request. Prior to the hearing, all persons in­ terested may obtain additional in­ formation on a request by visiling the Planning and Zoning Depart­ ment weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p,m, Monday Ihrough Fri­ day, or be telephone at (336) 751- 3340. John S. Gallimore Planning and Zoning 7-25-21П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate ol CHARLES B. BATON (also known as Charles Bickley Baton, Charles Baton, Chuck Ba­ ton), late of Bermuda Village, Davie County, North Carolina, the under­ signed does hereby notify all per­ sons, lirms and corporations hav­ ing claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned at One W/est Fourth Street, Winston-Salem, Norlh Carolina 27101, on or before the 25th day of October, 2002, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations Indebted lo said es­ tate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 25th day ol July, 2002, GEORGE S, BATON, II, EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES B, BATON George A, Ragland WOMBLE CARLYLE SANDRIDGE & RICE, PLLC One West Fourth Streel WInston-Salem, NC 27101 7-25-4Ш STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK 2002-SP-13 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE­ CLOSURE OF THE DEED OF TRUST OF JOHNNIE LEE HEL­ LARD and wife, LOLA S. HEL­ LARD, Grantor To Jerone C. Herring, Trustee As recorded in Book 261, Page 690 ot the Davie County Public Registry NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of Ihe power of sale contained in a certain Deed ol Trust executed by Johnnie Lee Hellard and wife, Lola S. Hellard, lo Jerone C. Herring, Trustee, dated the 2nd day ol September, 1997, and recorded in Book 261, Page 690, in the Ollice ol the Reg­ ister of Deeds for Davie County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebt­ edness thereby secured and lail­ ure to carry out or perform the stipu­ lations and agreements therein contained, and the holder of the indebtedness thereby secured hav­ ing demanded a loreclosure (hereol lor the purpose ol satisfying said indebtedness, and the Clerk ol Court granting permission for Ihe loreclosure, the undersigned Trustee will oiler for sale at public auction to the highest bidder lor cash at the Courthouse door in Mocksvillo, North Carolina, al 3:00 p.m., on the 16th day ol Augusl. 2002, the land, as improved, con­ voyed in said Deed ol Trust, the same lying and being in or near Ihe City ol Mocksville, Davie County North Carolina, and being mote particularly described as follows: Exhibit "A' InacLU BEGINNING ,it iron slake in Pop­ lin and Martin line; thence North 2 degrees East 10.43 chains to Point in Highway 64; thence up highway South 36 degrees East 9.98 chains to Point in middle ol Highway: thence South 73 degrees West 6.53 chains to beginning, contain­ ing 3.1 acres, more or less. For back title relerence is hereby made to deed from W.G, Naylor el ux to H.R, Hendrix at ux recorded In Book 56, page 299; deed Irom L.L. Irvin et ux to W.C. Naylor el ux, recorded in Book 54, page 506, Register of Deeds Office, Davie County, North Carolina. Tract 2: BEGINNING at a slake in place in Ihe outside lino of Ella McCullough property and located between Ihe Elmo Fosier corner and the old Henry Davis corner, which stake is presently located on the said prop­ erty and runs thence North 3 de­ grees West 5 chains lo a stake: thence East 7 chains to a stake; thence South 5 chains to a stake; thence West 7 chains to the begin­ ning and containing 3 1/2 acres, more or less and being the identi­ cal property conveyed by Emma McCullough to G.C. Swicegood and wife. Addle M. Swicegood b deed recorded in Book 46, page 117, and by Addle M, Swicegood, widow to James Baxter Swicegood by deed recorded in Book 83, page 287 in the Olfice of the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina. Tract 3; Being all ol lhat tract of land con­ sisting of 25 acres more or less as recorded in DB 27, Page 5 14 and also set forth inDB191,pagell0, Davie Counly Regislry and being all of Tax Map J 6 38, Davie County Tax Olfice, Subject, however, to any and all prior encumbrances ol record and all ad valorem taxes. The record owners of Ihis prop­ erty as rellected on the records of the Register of Deeds of this county are Johnnie Lee Hellard and wile, Lola S, Hellard, Terms of Ihe sale, including the amount of the cash deposit. If any, to be made to the highest bidder at the sale, are; Five percent (5%) ol the amount of Ihe highest bid must be deposited wilh the Trustee on the dale ol sale pending conlirma­ tion ol Ihe sale wilh Ihe balance due as of the dale ol conlirmation of sale. Dated this the 25 day ol July. 2002.E, Edward Vogler, Jr., Agent lor the Trustee c/o Hall and Vogler 181 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone (336) 751-6235 8-1-2ln Cull Tum m y (@ 751-212( to pluce your clu.ssil'ied loclavl!!!!!!_______________ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK 2002-SP-12 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE­ CLOSURE OF THE DEED OF TRUST OF CROSSROADS GEN­ ERAL, INC., Grantor To Jerone C. Herring. Truslee As recorded in Book 228, Page 548 of Ihe Davie County Public Registry NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue ol the power ol sale contained in a certain Deed of Trusi executed by Crossroads General, Inc., to Jerone C, Herring, Trustee, dated the 28" day of Sep­ tember, 1995, and recorded in Book 228, Page 548, in the Ollice of the Register ol Deeds for Davie Counly, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment ol the indebtedness thereby se­ cured and lailure to carry out or perform the stipulalions and agree­ ments therein contained, and Ihe holder ol tho indebtedness thereby secured having demanded a fore­ closure thereof (or the purpose ot satisfying said indebtedness, and the Clerk ol Court granting permis­ sion tor the loreclosure, Ihe under­ signed Trustee will oiler for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at Ihe Courthouse door in Mocksville, North Carolina, at3:l5 p.m., on the 16th day ol August, 2002, Iho land, ns improved, con­ veyed in said Deed of Trust, Ihe same lying and being in or near the Cily of Mocksvillo, Davio County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as lollows; Exhibit "A"-Hellard Lying and being in MocksviLle Township. Davie County, North Carolina and beginning at a r/r spike, said r/r spike being located in the Western intersection of U.S. Highway 64 and Dalton Hoad (SR 1605); thence with said Dalton Road, South 87 degrees, 15 min­ utes, 33 seconds West 334.56 feet lo a placed iron, said placed iron being located 15,5 teet North ol said center line of said Dalton Road; Ihence North 05 degrees, 45 minutes, 33 seconds East 46,20 feet to a stone; thence South 72 degrees, 45 minutes, 33 seconds West 109.53 feet to a new iron pin; thence North 09 degrees, 45 min­utes, 33 seconds East 79,69 feet to a new iron pin; thence North 84 degrees, 54 minutes, 26 seconds East 119.53 leet to a new iron pin; Ihence North 84 degrees, 54 min­ utes, 26 seconds East 25.34 feet to a now iron pin; thence North 63 degrees, 30 minutes, 25 seconds East 18.43 feet to a new iron; thence North 49 degrees, 11 min­ utes, 07 seconds East 93.58 feet to a r/r spike, said r/r spike being located in the Weslern edge of said U.S. Highway 64: thence wilh said Highway 64, South 50 degrees, 03 minules, 27 seconds East 246.55 feet to the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 0.900 acres as surveyed by Tutterow Surveying Company September 7, 1994. Subject, however, to any and all prior encumbrances of record and all ad valorem taxes. The record owners ol this prop­ erly as rellected on the records of Ihe Register of Deeds of this county are Crossroads General, Inc. Terms of the sale, including the amount ol the cash deposit, if any, lo be made to the highest bidder at Ihe sale, are; Five percent (5%) of Ihe amount of the highest bid must be deposited with the Trustee on the date ol sale pending confirma­ tion of Ihe sale wilh the balance due as ol the date ol confirmation of sale. Dated this Ihe 25lh day of July, 2002, E, Edward Vogler, Jr., Agent lor the Trustee c/o Hall and Vogler 181 South Main Streel Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone (336) 751-6235 8-1-2tnNORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executor ol Ihe Estate of LOUISE CARTNER TUTTEROW, lale of Davie Counly, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before Ihe 25th day of October, 2002, being three (3) monlhs from the lirst day ol publicalion or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme­ diale payment lo the undersigned. This the 25th day ol July, 2002, Robert D, Tullerow, Jr„ Executor 1029 Landsdowne Rd, Charlolte, NC 28270 7-25-41P ■ IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE­ CLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY LARRY S. HIATT SR. AND ALICE O. HIATT DATED JULY 24,1998 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 282 AT PAGE 412 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant lo an order of Iho Clerk of Superior Court and under and by virtue of Ihe power and authority contained in Ihe above-rolerenced deed ot trust and because ol de- lault in the payment of the indebt­ edness thereby secured and fail­ ure to carry out and perlorm Ihe stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of Ihe owner and holder of the in­ debtedness secured by said deed ol trust, Ihe undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at pub­ lic auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place ol sale at the county courthouse ol said county at 2:00 PM on Augusl 13, 2002 Ihe following described real estate and any olher improvements which may be situated thereon, situated in DAVIE Counly, North Carolina, and being more particu­ larly described as lollows: Lot No. 12, Block 4, as shown on Ihe PLAT OF GREENWOOD LAKES SUBDIVISION, Section Two, prepared by John G. Baue, C.E., 7-11-60, recorded in Map Book 3, al page 88, in Ihe olfice of Register of Deeds of Davie Counly, North Carolina. This land is subject to restrictive covenants recorded in Deed Book 61. at Page 562, in Ihe Olfice of Register of Deeds of Davie Counly, North Carolina. SAVE AND EXCEPT any por­ tion of the above referenced lot thal has previously been conveyed by Larry Hiatt and Alice Hiatt. And Being more commonly known as; 138 Brookdale Drive, Advance, NC 27006 The record owner(s) of Ihe prop­ erty, as rellected on the records ot the Register ol Deeds, is/are Larry S. Hiatt and Alice G. Hiatt. The property to be ottered pur­ suant to this notice ol sale is being ottered tor sale, transter and con­veyance -AS IS, WHERE IS" Nei­ ther the Truslee nor the holder ol the note secured by Ihe deed ol trust/security agreement, or both, being loreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agenls or aulhorized representative ol either Trustee or the holder ol Ihe note make any represenlalion or warranty relating lo Ihe tille or any physical, environmental, heallh or salety condilions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being ollered lor sale, and any and all re­ sponsibilities or liabilities arising out ol or in any way relating lo any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and un­ paid taxes and assessments in­ cluding but not limiled to any trans­ fer tax associated with the foreclo­ sure, for paying, if any A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dol­ lars ($750,00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in tho form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Fol­ lowing the expiration of ihe statu­ tory upset period, all remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. The date of this Notice is July 19, 2002. ELIZABETH B. ELLS OR DAVID W, NEILL Substitute Truslee 8520 Clilf Cameron Drive, Suite 300 Charlotte, NC 28269 (704) 333-8107 8-1-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executor of Ihe Estate of ELSIE P, TURNER, late of Advance, Davie County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notily all persons, lirms and corporations having claims against Ihe estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or belore Novem­ ber 1, 2002, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will please make Immediale payment to Ihe undersigned. This the 1st day of Augusl, 2002, Alma J, Lesane, Executor 325 Cartner Road Statesville, NC 28625 8-1-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of Iho power ol sale contained in a certain Deed ol Trust made by Sean S. Walker lo Lee Johnson, Truslee(s), daled Ihe 24th day ol November, 2000, and recorded in Book 417, Page 37, Davie County Registry, North Carolina, delaull having been made in the payment ol Ihe note thereby secured by the said Deed ol Trust and Ihe undersigned, H, Terry Hulchens, PA, having been substi­ tuted as Trustee in said Deed ol Trust by an instrument duly re­ corded in the Ollice ol Iho Register ol Deeds of Davie Counly, North Carolina and Ihe holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness hav­ ing directed lhat Ihe Deed of Trust be loreclosed, the undersigned Substilule Trustee will oiler for sale at the Courthouse Door in Ihe city ol Mocksville, Davie County North Carolina at 1:30pm on Augusl 13, 2002 and will sell to the highest bid­der lor cash Ihe lollowing real es­ tate situate in Ihe County of Davie, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEING all of Lot 33, as shown on Iho map or plat of Map of Myers Park al Ridgemont, Section two, which is duly recorded in Play Book 6, page 103, Register of Deeds lor Davie County, North Carolina, to which plan reference is here made lor a moro complelo and accurate description thereof. Together wilh improvements located thereon; said property boing located at 272 Windward Circle, Mocksvillo, North Carolina. Should thu property be pur­ chased by a Ihird party, lhal per­ son must pay the tax ol Thirty Cents ($0.30) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A- 308(a)(1), The property to be olfered pur­ suant to this notice ol sale is boing olfered for sale, Iransler and con­ veyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Nei­ ther the Trustee nor the holder ol the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, ol both, being foreclosed, nor Ihe ollicers, direclors, attorneys, employees, agents or aulhorized representative ol either the Truslee or the holder of the note make any-representa- tion ot warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or salety condilions existing in, on, al or relating to Ihe property being offered for sale, and. any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing oul of or in any way relating to any such condilion expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five perceni (5%) of Ihe purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required al Ihe time ol the sale. This 23rd day of July, 2002. H, Terry Hulchens, PA Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 1028 4200 Morganlon Road, Suite 103 Fayelteville, NC 28302 NORTH CAROLINA 8-t-2ln DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executrix of Ihe Estate of DAVID GALE HARMON, a/k/a David G. Harmon, deceased, lale of Davie County North Carolina, this is lo notily all persons, lirms and corporations having claims against the estate to exhibit Ihem to the undersigned at RO, Box 2124,154 Peoples Creek Road, Advance, NC 27006, on or before the 18th day ol October, 2002, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of recovery. All persons in­ debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 18th day ol July, 2002, the same being Ihe lirst publication dale, Linda A. Harmon, Executrix of the Estate of David Gale Harmon NORTH CAROLINA 7-i8-4tn DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as the Execu­ trix of the Estate of JAMES HAROLD MILLER, lale ol Davie County, this is lo notily all persons having claims against said estate lo present them to the undersigned on or before the 11th day of Octo­ ber, 2002, being three (3) monlhs from the lirst day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted to said esiale will please make im­ mediate payment ot Ihe under­signed. This 11th day of July, 2002, Colene R Miller, EXEC 539 Pine Ridge Road Mocksville, NC 27028 7-11-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY IN THE DISTRICT COURT 2002 CVS 201 BANK OF THE CAROLINAS vs. SAMUEL DEAN JAMES TO: SAMUEL DEAN JAMES 133 Addios Lane Mocksville, NC 27028: TAKE NOTICE lhal a pleadinti seeking reliel against you has been liled in the above antitied action. The nature of the' relief beincj sought is as lollows; Judgment/Money Owed on Promissory Note(s) You are required to make de- tense lo such pleading no later than 40 days from this date and upon your lailure to do so the parly seek - ing service againsi you will apply lo Ihe court lor Ihe reliel sought. This the 1 Bth day ol July, 2002 Grady L. McClamrock, Jr. Attorney lor Bank ol thi? Carolina:; 161 Soulh Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone (336) 751-750;j North Carolina State Bar No.: 78GG 7-1B-3tnNORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executor ol Ihe Estate ol DENNIS RUDY lale oi Advance, Davie County, North Carolina, the undersigned doe; hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against Ihe estate of said decedent lo ex hibit them to the undorsignod at th“ offices ol BELL, DAVIS & PITl PA., P.O. Box 21029. Winston-Sa lem, Norlh Carolina 27120-1029. on or before October 25, 2002, cr this notice will bo pleaded in bar ol Iheir recovery All persons, lirm;; and corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment lo the undersigned. This the 25th day ol July, 2002 Beverly Jeanne F, Rudy. Execuloi BELL, DAVIS 8. PITT, P.A. too N. Cherry Street, Suile 600 P.O. Box 21029 Winston-Salem, NC 27101 7-25-4IIINORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ' |EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualilied as Executor ol the Estate of ROBERT CRAIG LEVAN, deceased, lale of Davii^ Counly, Norlh Carolina, Ihis is lo nolily all persons having claims against said estate to present thcMii to Ihe undersigned on or before llu‘ 18lh day of October, 2002, said date being al least Ihree month:, from Ihe dale of first publication ol Ihis notice, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of Iheir recovery All persons indebted lo said estate will please make immediate paymeni lo the undersigned. This I8lh day ol July, 2002, llie same being the first publicalion dale, Grady L, McClamrock, Jr.. Executor of Ihe Estate of Roberl Craig Levan Grady L. McClamrock, Jr., NCSB #7866, Attorney for Ihe Estatf161 Soulh Main Sireel Mocksville, NC 2702C Telephone (336) 751-7502 NORTH CAROLINA 7-l8-4tn DAVIE COUNTY- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executor ol the Estate of OLLIE FOSTER WARD, late of Davie County this is to notily all persons having claims against said estate lo present Ihem lo the undersigned on or belore lliu 18th day of October, 2002, being three (3) monlhs from Ihe firsl day of publication or this notice will bo pleaded in bar ol their recoveiy All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediale paymeni lo Ihe undersigned. This the 18th day ol July, 2002. James T Ward, EXEC 809 Amanda Drive Matthews, NC 28104 NORTH CAROLINA 7-18-4ln DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executrix of Ihe Estate of LAURA KATE FREE­ MAN, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having claims againsi said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or belore Iho 25th day ol October, 2002, being three (3) months Irom the first day ol publication or this notice will bu pleaded in bar ol Iheir recovery All persons Indebted lo said estate will please make immediale paymeni lo the undersigned. This the 25th day of July, 2002. Judith F, Brittain, EXEC PO Box 986 Cooleemee, NC 27014 7-25-41P > I \ it B14 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 1,2002 li ! it i O i :h FBOFITAHLE Yard Sales Yard Sales Yard Sales Apartments Furniture Homes For Sale 172 BETHLEHEM RD. off Redland Rd. Thursday 8/1 8am- unlH, Friday 8/2 8am-untll. 324 LAQUINTA OR. Advance! Furnilure, Appliances, 1,000 books, and much more. Fri-Sat. 7:00 WI 3:00.998-1050. 513 HOSPITAL ST. EXT. FRI- DAYAND SATURDAY AUGUST 1ST&2ND 3 family clothes inlant to plus sizes, llow­ers. household Items, Highway 158. CAROLYN'S C0LLECT1BLE¥ 2076 Highway 601S Mocksville, NC 27028 Localed approx. 1 ml past Davit High School on right 601 S. 336-751-6252. Grand Opening Sale ВагЫаа, Porcaleln dolls, Baanle liables, Indian, Angalt, lots more. TkMS-Fri: 11:00-5:00 Sat: 11:00-3.00 CREEKVIEW CONSIGNMENTBalt & Tackle now open, Tues- day-Saturday 10;00am-6.00pm, Now accepting lurniture. 1430 801S beside 4th Creek, 336-751 - 4507. DEE'S ANTIQUE ON theGreen...hlll.733 Greenhill Rd. Mocksviiie, NC 27028. 336-492-6450 or 800-234-1393. Just Arrived Beautilully Carved Oak, 3 piece Belgium Bedroom Suite 7’ Armoire w/Mlrror, Dresser w/ Beveled Mirror and Marble Top, and the Full Bed has Wood Ralls. A must to seelil New Items arriving dallyll During the month of July,In celebration of Independence Day, We will have special Discounts throughout tne shop. ”A Little Something for Every­ one" 8ATUH0AY, AUGUST 3. 7am- noon. RAIN OR SHINEI Humpty Dumpty's, Oak Grove Church Rd. on US 158 just E. ol Mocksville. Riding Lawn Mower, Table. Gas Grill, Breadmaker, Chairs. Artlll- cial Christmas Tree w/ lights, clothes and more. SATURDAY, AUGUsTsTs^a; womens clothes, shoes, giris 0 to 3T, toys, car seat, girls bed and dresser, much more-601 N 1.5 mile past WRD on left belore Jack Booe Rd. DEADLINE for Classified ads 10:30 a.m., Tuesday LABRY’S WOODFLœR ^ S B V IÇE Laying • Sanding • Finishing FREE ESTIMATES Owner: L«rry McClannay 129 Lakewood Drive RANDY IIIIILLER &SONS ЖМШсгНом1«.Ч(ккпи1с (336) 284-2826 вШПшШоЛГИясШШвЛНМЙЧ SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 8:00, Furniture, Designer Jeans & Much More, 801 8, cross Hwy. 64, left on Riverview, ielt on Seaford, #310. ESTATE ITEMS, FURNITURE, collectables, glasswares, house­ hold Items, yard decor, lools, and miscellaneous. 284-4302. FRIDAYI/2 a n d Saturday 8/3, 190 Powell Rd. off Highway 64 near Lake Myers. FRIDAY'#^G. 2, 8:0“d^5j0Tand Salurday Aug. 3, 8:00-1:00. 822 Sain Rd off Hwy. 158. Whicker furniture. Baby ilems. Clothes (giris) newborn-24months. Play­pen, Children’s clolhing and mov­ies, electric range, country knick- knacks, antiques, household ilems, computer. Rain or shine. SATURDAY. AUGUST 3, 7-12, 141 Ruffin St., Cooleemee, Fur­niture, Household goods, tools, piclures, and olher assorled trea­sures. 2 0 Y E A R W A R R A N T Y Longest Lasting 3' Coverage / Many Colors Pole Buildings Metal Roofs & Siding f 1-888'278-6050 MD^ATEMETAIS LAGLE CRANE SERVICE Owner A Operator Brad Lagla (336)940-3762 (336)399-3821 SATURDAY, AUGUST 3RD, 7am-12noon, Greasy Corner Highway 601 S 801. All proceeds go to Liberty United Methodist Youth Fund. Everylhing goesi Clothes, Children's toys & books, furniture THIS IS A Big One! Everything priced lo sell last. Take 601N 1/4 mile past Wm. R. Davie Elemen­tary to 605 Richie Rd. Salurday, Aug 3rd & Sunday, Aug 4th. Ram Dales: Friday, Aug. 9lh & Satur­day, Aug lOtn. FRIDAY. SAT. AUG. 2.3 7am- 2pm. 188 Grey Street, Mocksville, Behind Davie County Hospital. GREAT PRICES FOR Great Stuff. Aug. 3 beginning 8am. 647 Gladstone Rd., Cooleemee; Highway 601S, Right on Gladstone, approx. 2 miles on left; clothes collectables, furni­ture, household items. HUGE COMMUNITY Y A ^Sale, Hillsdale United Melhodist Church In Advance. 5228 US Hwy 158, Saturday, August 3, 2002. 7:00am-until, Rain or Shine. If you are Interested In renting a lable. please contact Pattie at 751-1501. MOVING SALE, US Hwy 158, Advance, Antiques, furniture, doils, clothing and much more. Saturday August 3. 7:30am- 2.00pm MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE Sale. Adult and Children's clothes, toys, household items, Christmas Items, furniture, tools, and much more. Saturday 7-2, Rain or Shine, 1101 Beauchamp Rd., Advance. SATURDAY, 8:00AM UNTIL, 8/ 2 & 8/3. Everything must gof Name brand clothes, books, fur­niture, home decorating items, computer. Too much to list. Ofl 158 E of Mocksville at 258 Shallowbrook Dr. Rain cancels. SATURDAY, AUG. 3RD. 7:30-1. 768 Yadkinville Rd. School Clothes lor girls & boys plus lots ol teenage clolhing. Most sizes. Misc. housetiold accessories, too much to mention. SATURDAY, AUGUST 3 fromT- 1. Plus Size clolhes, household items, and much mote. Shellield Rd. 5lh house on left. Animals 11 YEAR OLD Bay Quarter Horse Gelding 15 hands, easy keeper. Goodlooklngi $900.00 OBO. Call Kevin @ 336-940- 5727 2ARABIAN HORSES wilh tack“ $850 each, $1500 for bolh. 998- 8925. TWH16 HANDS Mare. Excellent Riding. Due lo foal in October. Bred lo Generator Stallion. Year­ lings and Weanlings. Black Trail pleasures mares, lop Bloodlines. 704-278-2623 METAL m WOOD INSTALLATION'PARTS ACCESSORIES • SERVICE COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL Bobby GbitlMr (336) 751-2986tXocksvlllo, NC VINEYARD BROOK, HANES Mali Area, 2 BR, 1.5 BA, Townhomes wilh screened porch a $495 mo, Hubbard Rily, 723- 4306. Boats for Sale 14' ALUMACRAFT W/TRAILEr, 9.9 Mercury, excellent condition complete wilh trolling motor $1,900 336-492-2944. FLORAL COUCH & chair in good condition. $75.00. 998- 3890. WALNUT DROP LEAF dinette wilh 2 chairs, cushions, & lable- clolh, $125.00. Walnut 6-drawer dresser with mirror. $125.00. Both greal condition, Call 998- 2 111. Health NORDIC TRACK PRO, Great Condition, $125.00. Call 998- 2 111. THURSDAY 8/1, FRIDAY 8/2, 7am-until, 484 Gun Club Rd.j i ullding for Rent For Rent YARD SALE/HOUSEHOLD SALE: ALL MUST GO: Washer & Dryer, Slove & Fridge, Twin Bed wilh new box springs & mattress, 3 pc. sofa set, wall decorations, lamps, tables, lawn furnilure, too much to list. Friday, Saturday, August 2nd & 3rd, 6:00am til 12:00noon, 1851 Milling Rd., Mocksville, For directions/early viewing of furnilure. Call 998- 1680 leave message. Abortion Alternative DAVIE PREGNANCY CARECenter olfers confidential & Iree pregnancy tests, support ser­vices, and relerrals. Make a healthy choice for your llfel Call 753-HOPE for appointment. BARN/STORAGE BUILDINGFOR RENT. Hillsdale. 30x45 approx. 25 Acres pasture avail. 998-1993 or 655-4698. Camping Apartments 2BDRM APT lor mature adulls who enjoy 24 hour security, yard maintenance and paid utilities. Quiet & peacelul. Mocksville. Convenient. Call Stieiia at 751- 1515. Cedar Rock Assisted Liv­ing Community 2B D fiM "^A R fM E W lN “ q^neighborhood. Very Nice. Per­lect lor ofder adulls. $550.00/mo. Mocksviiie. Call Shelia at 751- 1515. MOCk^lLLE^SUNSET TER­RACE: All brick energy ellicient apartment. 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court & swings. Kitchen appliances furnished in­cluding dishwasher. 1.5 baths, washer/dryer conneclions. High energy ellicient heat pump pro­vides central heat and air. Prewired for cable TV & phones. Insulated windows & doors. No wax kitchens balh lloors. Localed in Mocksville behind the old Hendricks Furniture building (now Carolina Precision Machinery) on Sunset Dr. oil of Hwy. 158. Olfice hours 1-6 M-F & Sat. 10-12. Phone 751-0168. G A R A G E D O O R S 1986 COACHMAN CAMPER.811. Box, 2 burner stove, sink, awning, AC. Good Canvas, Very Clean. $1500. 940-5680. Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILD Care has Immediate openings - ALL AGES-for 1 St & 2nd shifts (3rd shift pos­sibilities). Convenient hours 5:30am-1:45am. Full Time, Part Time, Drop In - upon availabilily. Come see us al 571 S Main St., Mocksville (across from B & F Manufacturing) Or call Debra, 751-PLAY(7529) LOVING NANNY NEEDED for 2 year old girl. Before & Afler school for 1st grade boy. Lipht housekeeping. You must provide criminal background check and references wiii be called. Great working environment with fun and energetic famify. Good start­ing salary & paid holidays. Caii Julianne Anderson @ 492-2219 and leave message OH fonnfard resume with cover letter to: 125 Wing Haven Lane, Mocksviiie, NC 27028 STAY HOME MOM will baby^ In my home. Pinebrook School Area. Excellent Rates - 940- 6664. WILL B A B ^It T s T shift in my home. Cooleemee area. Reler­ ences available. Call Jennifer Allen 284-4382. WILL BABYSIT IN my home. Harmony Area. 704-546-5179. WILL KEEP CHILDREN In nnytiome belore 8. after sctiool. W.R. Davie district. References avail­able, nonsmoker. 492-5410. Construction _______Equip_______ BOBCAT 753 FOR Sale. Low hours (378), 3 buckets, Hudson trailer. 751-3768. Free WHITE CAMPER TOP lor 6 It.stepside. Good Condition. 492- 6208._______________________ Furniture 1 YEAR OLD 5 pc. dining room set. Good Condition. $50.00. Call 336-671-8109. 2 POPPASON CHAIRS $20e”a; Twin Mattress sel $20, Wood Rocking Horse, seat, desk $25 plus, misc. items 336-998-2615. TOP NOTCH CONSTRUCTION Jesse Rutter«Cooleemee Interior Trim Cabinet Installation Decks Hotne Repair 336-399-8783 Free Estimates insured Reliable. Friendly Service ashdil«lnc®Bol.com AshDale Construction Sp e c ia l iz in g in A l l P h a s e s o f H o m e R e m o d e l in g Adilillons, Roofing, Painling, Minor Elee, & Plumbing, Kitchcn, Balh & Palio Tiic, Docks, Docks, .Shells, Bam<, Fcnccs, Retaining Walls to Ceiling Fans...We do itali! David McCulkr-Owner P h O M : (3 3 6 ) 4 9 2 -7 3 6 3 M obU a: (3 3 6 ) 3 Building Lots For Sale in Ihe Fork Church Community Located on/off of Cedar Grove Church Rood OK lor doublewide, modular or site built homes •L oti • 40,000+/-sf wilh road frontage, water m eter & septic system - S25,COO • Lol 2 -1 + acre with road frontage, well & septic system - $25,000 • Lot 3 - t+acre private 30'easement, great view - $35,000 *A1I acreage iubjact to final jurvey Contact Robert Stone (Owner/Broker) at Riverfork Properties 336-998-4733 1 BEDROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE & 3 Bedroom Fur­ nished Home in country. Call 336- 284-4986 for details. CAPE COD HOME, 1930 Sq. Ft., 3BR, 2BA, Normal bidg. Cost $125,400. Aug. only $75,000. Buill on you loll Cali 1-866-624- 7457 or 751-7340. FOR SALE...BY OWNER, $99,000. 1900 sq It, over 1 acre, 3 or 4 bedrooms, 2 full balhs, fire­place, Ig living room, den, cov­ered front porcn, garden area and barn, 1/2 basement with work area, brick wilh central air. Call for appointment 751-5140. 1627 Jericho Ch Rd, Mocksville. MODtJLAR HOMES ON vourTot shipped direct-Save $$. For free literature, call 1 -888-889-6356. MODULAR HOMES STARTINGat Mid 40's. Call Today 1-888- 251-6790. 2BR, 2BA, APPLIANCES, C/A, Blinds, $550.00, 940-2852. 3 OR 4 BR, 2BA Brick Home for rent. Available 9/1 Hillsdale area. A/C, AppI, fenced yard, lull bsmi, huge attic. $850 mo. 940-6579, 998-1993. NEW HOME, 7/12 roof, Insulated windows, much more. Normal cost $75,000. Built on your lol $57,950-AUG ONLYI 751-7340 or 1-866-624-7457. FOR A LISTING ol available rental properties, please check our ad in the Real tstale Seclion- Howard Realty- 751-3538 FURNTshW sTUDIO EFFI­ CIENCIES: includes utlfilies, cable, local phone, housekeep­ing, refrigerator and microwave. Monthly rental-no lease. $550.00 monthly, plus lax, paid in ad­vance. One time security deposit $100.00. For more information call 751-7310. SELL IT FAST in Ihe Classifieds. CALLTAMMY @751-2129 tM e 'M O ^ L A R l i O M ^Huge Saving! For literature. Call 1-800-322-8679. Homes For Rent, Olfice Space lor Lease, Call Swicegood Wall & McDaniel Realtors. 751-2222 HOUSE FOR RENT-3BR, IBA, $500/Month in city limits. 492- 7505. JERICHO RD..2BR, IBA,stove, ref. turnished, $650/mo. Available mid-June. 941-7593 Homes For Sale 10+ ACRES, 3BR, 2BA House wilh Barn, Riding Arena, Shed, Dog Runs. Set up for horses. 998-3468. WHY RENT? GOV'T loans avail­able with LOW down payment to purchase your own home. Model homes avallablilomes available NOW. All ap, cations accepted. Call 336-/44- 9172. 'W r SlNGllPARENtS Only!" Special linancing for you and your family 2,3,&4 Bedroom Homes starling as low as $164 per month. Oniy 7 units lell. All applications accepted. Call (336) 751-0179. Land For Sale 1+ ACRE BUILDING Lot, wooded, some standing timber, public waler accessible, off Hwy 64W. OK for double-wide, modu­lar or site buill home, perked, $23,900 Apex Real Estate Sales- 998-5068. 1.57 ACRES WITH approx. 9500 sq. It. Brick front Commer. Bidg. on 64W. Approx. 1/2 mile from cily limits. Will sell or lease for tax 1ST TIME HOME BUYERS gov­ ernment linance program. Low, Low down. Ali applications ac­cepted. Cali 336-751-0184. 1ST TIME HOME Buyersi^ov^t fin a n c e d p ro g ra m s. Low , Low, ____ value & finance with 10% down. Low Down. All appiicalions ac­cepted. Call 336-744-9557. 3BR, 1 BA, ACRE lol, new paint. Advance area. $85,900. 998- 6749. Awesome 2 le v e l Home on 1/4 acre lot. Pets & children welcom. Great schools and shop­ping. HURRY! 1 lefl. Call 336- 744-9354. BANKREPOSI 2,3,4 BR Homes available in ali areas. Prices start­ing as low as 2500. Must Sell. Call 336-744-9294. BEAIJTÌFÙL SOUTHERrg LIV­ ING Custom Home, 4BR, 3.5 BA, Finished Basement, Private cul- de-sac lot. Hardwoods, Fenced Playground, Deck, Patio, Exten­sive landscaping, Greal lor En­tertaining. Located in Marchwoods off Peopfe's Creek Rd. $243,000, Call tor appoint­ ment. 692-7565. BILL c o n so lid a tio nI wìth the purchase ol new modular home. Call 336-751-1571. Call 910-278-4887. If not home, Ive. mess. I will call you back. 4.5 ACRES & T .^ aes Highway 601N. Rd. Fr. Yadkin County “Not Restricted". 1/2 acre lo 1 acre in Harmony with water. Paved. Re­stricted to houses or modulars by owner. 336-492-7457. 6.4 ACRES w/30 ft. wide gravel road. Thirty feet of road frontage on Davie Academy, near Hwy 64 West. Cali & leave message 998- 4832 or 751-1760. FSBO 2- 5 ACRE TRACTS-ideal for slick built or modular home. Counly water available 998-3678 LAND FOR SALE By Owner, 1 1/2 acres wilh seplic tank, county water, 20X201.5 story bidg. 64W @ Corner of Godbey & l^owell Rd. 492-7690. LAND FOR SÄLE, 2 tracTsT 1 in Mocksviiie (41 acres), 1 in Woodleaf (37 acres). Both greal lor farming or vineyard. 492- 7505._______________________ Lawn Care E J MOWING SERVICELandscaping, mulching, pruning & weedealing 336-284-6120 336-391-2130 A U C T IO N i^STATE OF: Jack Hudson (Deceased) and Dorothy Hudson (livlne) 1 1 6 R id g e S tr e e t, E lk in wSal. • A im . 3 • 9:3()А М DIRECTIONS: I77N lo Hwy 67 (ExH 62), lurt} Lell al and ol exit ramp. Follow Hwy 67 2 4/10 mile Ihrough Jonesville to dead end. Tam Righl onto Bridge street. Travel 1/W mile, turn Right onto Ridge street, sale on Right. PARTIAL LIST! FURNITURE: KItction Tablo w/4 Chairs; Telephone Table: China Cabinet; Upholslored Furniture (Roclinor, Sola, Elc); Qtanaialhet Clock; 3 Tier Table; Etierge; Floor Lamps; Plant Stands; 6 Drawer ChasI; Cedar Chest; Mahogany Desk; Sowing Machine Tablo; Lingerie Chesl (6 Drawer); 3 Piece Bed.-oom Suit; Woodon Rocker; Brass Bed; Dresser w/5 Drawers; Microwave Sland; Wooden Bench; Motol Desk; Yard Furniture; White Wrought Iron Furniture; Child's Rockor; EndTalila ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Glassware (Cul, Paltern); Pepsi Bollle Opener: Slomware; Homer Laughlin Pieces: Hen on Nest; Carnival Glass; 47 Pieces Royal SlaHordshire "Iris" Coileclion; Large Collection ol Chickens; Regulator Wall Clock; Beer Steins; Old Framed Piclures: kitchen Utensils; Bowl and Pilcher: Wall Mirrors; Oil Lamps; Large Bell Collection; Seth Thomas Wall Clock; Walor Pump (The Doming Co. •■Salem, Ohio); Coca Cola Bonle Opener; Windmill; Gloss Washboard; Lanlorn; Enamolwara MISCELLANEOUS: Table Lamps; Whirlpool Washer; Maytag Dryer; GE Side by Side Rolngerator; Frigidaire Rolrlgoralor; Elgin Wristwalch; Yard An; Kerosene Heater; Wheel Barrel; Yard Tools; Push Mower; Aluminum Udder; Hand Tools; Hand Saws; Black and Dsckor 3/8" Dtill; 1/3 HP Crallsman Boncti Grinder; Rockwell Jig Saw; Plus much, much more..... R E A L ESTA TE O F FE R E D SU B JE C T T O C O N F IR M A T IO N N O T L E F T O PE N FO R U P S E T B ID S.Rail «jtt Kikl “Ai l%". .1 UR, I n,\ llikk I li»nc conplcicly fcntcd in )-md OltKr n>»i« Includc kilchen, ifca liviiii mm, nnd full Ixiicincnl. Well uVtii tare of home in nicc iuva. OPEN HOUSE SCHEDULED FOR THURS, AUG I FROM 4:00.6;00 PM Col. Kenneth G. Kctnur, Pres., N C A L 3268 First Choice Auction & Realty Fimi License #7229 • PO Box 33.‘i, Lewisville • (336) 945-4118 Vint Our ttVb Site at KmMldmkcjiOion.ccw ; email; clinlMnuilriail.rr.mw DAVIE COUNTY EÍSTÉrPRÍSE RECORD, Aug. l.'ìoòi - llVs* 6 LASS]m m IMbiXPENSrVE fbostcahle Lost & Found Mobile Homes/Sale Service FOUND: BASSETT HOUND In TravelLJ A r-»n A ll'O Wanted ШАМТСП ТГ\ BIIV. Employment WR Davie Area. Call to Identify 492-2564 until 2:45pm or leave message. Lots For Rent MOBILE HOME LOT for Rent $160/monlh. 119 Eden Lane, Lot 5, olf Hinkle Dr. (olf Hwy 601 Soulh) Mocksviiie, 336-697- 1482. NEW ADDITION TO Shady Acres Mobile Home Park, Re- landscaped. 1984 or newer homes. John Crotts Rd. off Hwy 64E. Only 3 spaces lelt. 998- 8276 or 998-8222.____________ Lots For Sale BUILDING LOTS FOR direct sale, restricted, secluded, 1,6 acres, mature trees, cily waler. See Ihem on Walt Wilson Rd. Call 751-2000. Miscellaneous CASH PAID FOR Antiques. Par­tial or whole estates, collectables, old metal toys, Antiques, Furni­ture. Call Monroe McDaniel 336- 284-4302. COMPAQ COMPUTER, 1 Year Old. Exc. Condition. Paid $1100, Sell for $400. 753-5342. DELL COMPUTER WITHPrinter, $300. Farmhouse dinette set, $400 White Dresser, Mirror, 2 nighlstands, 2 lamps, $450. 492-6550. LEAF VACUUM 5hp engine $150.00, wood chipper $75.00, air compressor 220 Sears like new $150, green & red riding mowers need work (bolh $150.00). Call 751-9436. LOCAL CHANNELS NOW avail­able on Directv. Single System $29.99 installed. Dual System $49.99 installed. Call 751-9961. Toll Free 1-800-441-6408. LOWES COIWPLETE WOODENSwingsel with treehouse & slide. Exc. Condition. $200. 998-1823. TIIEADMILL, LIKE NEW, COST $579. Sell lor $300. 492-5737. Please leave message. '95 LAZY J 24' Gooseneck Live­ly stock Traiiar $3000. 6x10 tag-a- > long livestock trailer $1000.8x14 Tri-axle llatbed $1200. '88 Dodge Ram 150 pickup 4 wheel drive $2500. 165 Massle Fergusson Diesel Traclor with front end loader $5000. Assortment ol 3 Hay Spears. '91 Mazda B2200 Automatic, $3000. ‘79 Chevrolet Bonanza Short Bed Automatic 350 engine, $5000. 998-2705. Mobile Homes/ _______Rent_______ 2BR, $385 per month + deposILNo Pels. 336-918-4111 (Local), 828-478-9416. Leave message! 2BR,TB/rM0BILE Home on 1 acre private lol in Mocksville. 1 family only. $375/month, $200/ deposit. 940-2515. 3 B ^ i V/2 Balh Singlewide $400 deposit, $400 per month. 4 per­son limit. Near Jockey. Call 284- 4877. credit needed. Cali for free quali­fication by phone. HOME ZONE, N o w Hiring .MUTUMNCARE Of MOCKSVILLE Autumn Care ot Mocksville is currently looking for dietary aides and a cook position. Requires experience In long term care. Apply in person at 1007 Howard Sites!, Mocksville, NC 27028. We are localed belween Winslon-Salem and Statesville. E.O.E. 1995-14X80 FLEETWOODVogue. 3Br, 2Ba, Large LR & Kitchen. Exc. Condition. 492- 5717. Leave Message. 1997 14X76 VINYL siding, shingle roof, 3BR, 2Ba mobile home set up in Farmington Heights and ready to move in. First month's lot rent FREE. $14,900.00 Call 769-0755 or pager 208-3203 28X40 DOUBl.EWlbE, 3BR,2BA, Frig, Stove, Porch, HP $6500.00. 492-7753. 3BR, 2BA1999 Skyline $23,000. In Good Condition. 998-0627. ?BAD CREDIT? Wilh reason­ able deposit loan approved in minules. Will do what others can't. 767-4319 WE SAY YES! ABANDONED DOUBLEWIDEON very nice lot. Move in today wilh $500. 767-6686. ABANDONED HOME. 3 bed­room, 2 bath. Will sell in place or move lo your lot. Some owner linancing. 336 661-1163 ABSOLUTELY THÉ BESTprices ever on Repo Manufac­tured homes-Cash Buyers oniy! 767-3329. CREDIT ISSUES? ASSUME my payments on mobile home. 767- 0156. DOUBLEWIDE, 136 JOE Rd., Nice lot, 3BR, 2BA, Heat pump. Garden tub, Side-by-side, Relrig- eralor. Microwave, ijishwasher. 998-5816. INVENTORY CLOSE OUT2-80'X14' VIS Loaded • $32900 t.56'X28' With Land ■ $92000 2-56"X2B' ■ 3BR, 2..5 BA ■ $46900 2-64'X28' 3BR, 2.5BA • $52900 Bonanza MH 1.888-462-7806 Web site www.skyline corp,com Call Us!!! MOBILE HOME ON nice private lol. 1 will linance regardless of credil. 767-3329, MODULAR HOMES on your lot. Shipped direct- Save $$ For free literature, call 1-888- 889-6356. MORTGAGE COMPANY HAS SW’S AND DW'S ALREADY SET UP ON ACREAGE. P ^ $485 and fees and move in. Call 1-800-750- 4588. 3BR, 2BA SINGLEWIDE Mobile Home on large lot. Carport and Utility Bidg. $525.00 + deposit. 492-5897. Music HUD ONLY, TWO 14x80's:2000 Model, 3BR, 2BA, garden tub, heat pump, Duke Power package wilh range and rel. only- Like new. Also, 1998 Model, 2BR, 2BA, garden tub, heat pump, Duke Power package with range and ref. only. Never rented. Like new. No alcohol. No drugs. No pets. Non-smokers only! Security deposits required. 751-3666 READY TO M ^E ln T 2br”up- stairs apt. lurnished w/ lurniture, all utililies, $550/month. 751- 1218 Mobile Homes/Sale III ST TIME buyers program. No ■ d.C£.......................nbyf (704) 657-0157. $157PER M nTiH. 3 B^room/ 2 Bath all appliances, lurnished. New heat pump. 767-4319 14 X 8 0 ^ B R 7 " 2 I^ O ^ w o o d Home. Need to Sell. Owner Fi­ nancing available. 767-3329. 1995 14X80 OAKWdobrSBR, 2BA Deer Run Park, $16,500.00. 336-998-8446. PIANO TUNINGJ & Rebuilding Self-players, Sales & Service Wallace Barford 998-2789 Pets BLOODHOUND PUPPIES FORSale. Mom & Dad on site $200.00. Cali Ron or Wanda Eudy @ 284-4032. FEMa Ce DArM AfiAN,^bob wilh kids, 4 yrs old, $25.00. Call 751-6364 or 753-6364. Ml n FaTU RE b ACHSH UND PUPPIES, Male/Female, Short & Long Haired. Shots and wormed. $250.00.284-6121.___________ Recreational 1997 YAMAHA JET Ski-$750, wilh Alum, trailer, low hours, exc. condition. Caii 998-9242. We need a General l\1anager to run our Restaurant in Mocl<sviiie, NC. Preferably a local person. Excellent caV- Five day worl< week. Great quality of life. Super company to wori< for. If you tiave 3 years of experience running any restaurant (fast food a plus) witli a proven tracl( record I would like to tall< to you. Rush your resume to: General Manager, 130 Heritage Place, Mooresville, NC 28115 OWNER FINANCING AVAIL­ABLE. 3 bedroom/2 balh home. 1800 sqft. 450 per month. Rea­sonable Deposit 661-1163 RENT TO OWN 3BR, 2BA Doublewide on nice lot. 767- 6686. iVER MY payments ; move in today, 3BR, 2BA 767- 0156. YADKIN CO., nice large lots, sngi. & dbiwides. Cheap water, good neighborhood, owner fi­ nance. $11,900 and up. Brown Osborne 336-838-4590 "INVESTORS & CASH Buyers " Oakwood Liquidation on all re­possessed homes. Singles & Doubles unbelievable pricesi No Financing on these homes!! 767- 0156. vinyl siding and repairs decks, patios, driveways and walkways, siding. 336-938-9588 336-909-1713 Insured ■ free estimate. B &D DESIGN & CONSTRUC­ TIONYOUR COMPLETE HOME IM­PROVEMENT COMPANY We Work To Meet Your BudgetlSpecializing in additions, renova­ tions, balhs, kitchens, windows, siding, decks, masonry, stone a lile work, light painting and small reapirs.We also do Bobcat work.Call Brian Darcy 336-751-4212 for prompt, reliable, workman­ship. References avialble. Free Estimates. LICENSE HOME IMPROVE­MENT and Construction Com­ pany. Honest quality home re­pairs, additions, renovations, ter­mite repairs, decks, and new homes. All work completed lo building code specifications. Call for free estimate. 336-998-2615. LINK'S SEAMLESS GUTTER­INGRichard Link-Owner Free Estimates 998-1798 NEW IMAGE Painling & Remodeling, vinyl siding, decks, addilions, pressure washing. Over 20 yrs exp. Owner Danny Church. 336-751-4507 Mobile - 336-909-4062 OSBORNE ELECTRICfor all your electrical needs. Free £^slimates. 751-3398. SUSAN’S HOUSE CLEANINGReasonable and personal louch cleaning. Monday-Saturday caii 998-9375. TRACTOR WORK: BUSH Hog­ging, Box Blading for driveways, gravel, or landscaping, light loader work, field ripping, 6ft. trac­tor tiller, post holes 336-492-5174 before 9:00pm. WILL CLEAN HOME/HOMES,clean carpel, vacuum, dust, mop tIoors, call (336)682-3580 lor rates. WRIn KLES IN YOUR Carpel? We'll re-stretch or new carpet in­stallation, Free estimates. (336)998-8402 Statewide 5,000 SQUARE FOOT Georgian Home on 2.5 acres with tennis court, mahogany library, 4 bed­rooms, 5 full baths. $750,000. Call Jessica Snyder, 1-800-541- 5182. Greenville, NC DRIVER/CDL (A) KLLM Re­gional: Great Pay and Benefits! Home Weekly. All Condo Fleet. OTR Available. EOE. Conlacl: 800-925-5556 or KLLM.com. LAW ENFORCEMENT PAID training in law enforcemeni and security. Excellent salary and benefits. Relocation required HS diploma, 17-34, physically fit. For local inlerview, call 800-662- 7231. PREMPRO(R) ALERT RE­PORTS claim Prempro acceler­ates the risk of breast cancer, stroke, blood clots, and heart at­tack. Used Prempro? Call Duffus & Mefvin loll free 1-800-613- 0162. FIEALTOR: SEEKING REAL­ TOR Partner for professional builder. We provide our builders total construction management lo insure your bottom line. They build. You Sell. 1-800-795-7061. REFINANCE LOANS! NEWlower rates! Lower Payments! Cash out! Debt Consolidation! Home improvements! New Home Purchase! All credil qualified! Call -American Home Equity, Greens­ boro, NC 800-248-3173. CASINO TRIPSFrid-Nlte Aug. 9th $20pp Tues-DayAug. 13th$10pp Frid-Nite Aug. 23rd $20pp Atlantic City Trip Aug. 30th $169pp E Z Way Travel Local 998-4732 John & Evelyn Wyatt Vehicles 1978 GMC 4WD pickup. New Exhaust. Excellent Mechanical Condition. 998-2556. 1984 INTERNATIOf'IAL 4300truck tractor. 400 Cummings. Real good condition. 998-2556. 1990 DODGE 4 Wheel Drive Shortbed, 318 Granny 4-speed. Very Good Shape. $3,500. Call Kevin (5> 336-940-5727. 1992 BUICK REGAL, 4 door, aulo, V6, loaded, good tires. Nice car $3000. 998-3370. 1994 INFINITI J30, Great car, extra clean, 101К miles, $6,900. 751-9500. 1998 FORD EXPLORER XLT,Auto, Air, 4WD, PW, PL, CD, 6 cyl, rear air and radio conlrol, leather seats, cargo cover. Sunroof, excellent condition, 65K, $14,500.00. 655-4320 or 284- 6495 (leave message) 2000 FORD RANGER, Ext. Cab, Low miles, $13,000. 998-0627. FORD EXPLORER EXT 95 4wheel drive 107,000, loaded, V6 Automatic. 751-4882. MUST SELL '79 GtHC Jimmy 4WD, P/S, P/B, P/W, P/L, Sony Stereo, Looks Good, Runs Great, $1700.00. 751-3154. SALISBURY MOTOR CO. Buick - Dodge 700 W. Innes St., Salisbury 704-636-1341 ‘61 CHEVY 1 ion Iruck, 6 cyl., 4 speed $800. ‘86 Olds 98 V-6, auto., loaded, 4 dr. $550.00. '84 Chevy 4x4, long bed, loaded, $3350.00. 492-5509. '81 PROWLER CAMPER $3000, ‘87 DELTA 88 Oldsmobile $1000, 8x10 vinyl sided bidg. $300 OBO. 492-5569. ‘91 BMW 3181 Convertible, 5 speed, lull power, A/C, Leather inlerior, Greal Condition. 940- 3269 alter 5pm or leave mes­sage. '91 PARK AVENUE. Two own­ers, excellent condition, 81,000 miles. Loaded. $4,000 firm. 284- 6734. '92 SATURN SL1 4 door Auto, Good Car. Low Miles. 751-3729. ______Wanted______ CHRISTIAN HUNTER INTER­ ESTED in leasing land (or 2002 Hunting Season. Have Hunted lor many years & am willing lo obey any rules set by the land­owner. 336-595-9330. PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO LOOKING for models, all ages, male-female and twins. Call for an appointment. 336-998-3409 RENTAL HOME WANTED, Mini­mum 2 bedroom, 2 balh trailer or house. Prefer Davie or Iredell County location, private lot, wilh room to park several vehicles, including motor home. Must al­ low pels (2 well behaved outside dogs and 2 well behaved inside cats). Will pay pel damage de­posil if requested. Prefer gas heal (propane OK) I own my cookslove, refrigerator, freezer, washer S dryer. Single, Non- smoking Professional (male), Availabilily by September Please call 704-881-1209. GENETREXLER ROOFING New a Old Rools 30 Years Experience Free Estimates 336-284-4571 J o i n O u r T e a m S t a r t W o r k T o d a y ! H a b l a E s p a ñ o l . L l a m e H o y Winston-Salem's #1 Stalling Clompany Is now hiring (or Ihe following positions; $7.50/hr.Temp-to-Hire Mocksvillo Area, assembly work 2nd shllt 3:00 p.m.-1:30 a.m., Mon.-Thurs. $$ Write Your Own Paycheck $$ Rural Hall locallon, Pioco Rato Work 1st. 2nd, 3rd shifts Mocksville ESC Yadkin ESC: TR Office: Area Intofviow Times: Thurs.. Aug. 1st. 1iX>-3,00p.m, Room 116 Friday,Aug.2rxl. 900-l1.00p.m, 7740 Norlh Point Blvd., Winston-Salom English; Mon.-Fri, 930 am. or 2.00 p.m. Spanisfi; Mon. & Wod.. 330 p.m.; Tuos. & Thurs., 830 n.m.or330p,m..Fri„ 1230p,m. Bdng 2 Asrms o/kiontiication to ¡ntoMosv So Habla EsptVio/, UvneHoy Temper^ Resources, Inc. K.x|K'rii'ncv the UilTm'iia.' In SliUlin)' _________ 3.Vi-«%.lflO(l PINE OR HARDWOOD. y/e select cut or clear cut.Snaver Wood Products 704-278-9291 nighl 704-278-4433 or 828-430-8860 WANTING TO BÜ Y standing tim­ber pine and fiardwood. 336-859- 2480. WILL CLEAN HOMES or offices. Flexible Schedule. Reasonable rates. References upon request. Please call before 5pm. 492- 6208._______________________ Employment CONCRETE HELPER, TRAVELreq. Drivers license ¿referred. Cali 284-4369, Mon.-Fri., 10am- 2pm for application. EOE COUNTY MANAGEFI-DAVIECounly (Pop. 36,200; FY '03 bud­get $51 million; 350 full-time and part-time employees). The Man­ ager is chiel administrator ap­pointed by a five-member board of commissioners elected for four-year staggered terms. An undergraduate degree with a Master's degree in Business Ad­ministration or Public Administra­tion is preferred. Special consid­eration will be given for progres­sively responsible experience in governmental policy and proce­dure, including thorough Knowl­edge of Slate law governing Counly Administration. Counly residency required. Salary is commensurate with experience. Please send resume, stale em­ployment application (PD-107), and salary history to the allenlion of: Mr. Dan Barrett, Chairman, Board ol Commissioners, 123 South Main Street, Mocksviiie, NC 27028. Open until filled. DAVIDSON COUNTY COMMU­ NITY College is accepting appli­cations for part-time instructors lo leach courses during Ihe 2002 Fall Semester (August-Decem- ber) in the lollowing instuclional areas: Computer Technology, English, English as a Second Language, French, Literacy, Mathematics, Nursing, Oral Com­ munications, Plastics Technol­ogy, Psychology, Sociology, Spanish and olher areas. Posi­tions are available both day & evening on the Davidson & Davie Campuses. For more information about responsibilities, qualilica- tions, and application require­ments, please see the "Employ­ment at DCCC" page on the Col­lege website: www.davidson.cc.nc.us or con­lacl: Human Resources Office, Davidson County Communiiy College, P.O. Box 1287, Lexing­ton, NC 27293-1287. Telephone 336-249-8186, ExI. 282. Equal Opporlunily College. EXR CARPENTER FOR framing crew. 40-plus hrs. weekly w/over- time. Must be dependable. No drugs, no hot-heads. 336-467- 7061 or 336-998-7428. EXPERIENCED LEGAL SEC­RETARY needed for small office. Varied responsibilities with com­puter and language skills re­quired. Compensation depends on experience and job perfor­ mance. Send resumes to: P.O. Box 996, Mocksville, NC 27028. FOR FURNITURE DELIVERY. Vacation Pay, Hospital Insurance, , No Long Hair, No Talloes, No Ear Ring‘s, Good Driving Record, Drug-Free Work place, Aroly in ' person. No F’hone Calls. Mocksville Furniture & AppI. 59 Courl Sq. Mocksville. LIFEGUARDS W NTEOTFOfl 'The following shifts: M-F 6am-; 8:30am and M-F 12;30pm- lOpm. Lifeguard and CPR/P certifications required. Includes3:30pm. Lifeguard and CPR/PR , certifications required. Includes complimentary membership. Will Irain Ihe right person. Please stop by Ihe front desk and complete an appl. or call Lisa Kepley @ 751-9622. MODELS WANTED (AGE 18-25) lor racing promotions. Part- time. Please send photo and con­tact inlo. to 195 Ken Dwiggins, C A S HPAID FOR AI4TIQUES. PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES, COLLECTABLES, OLD METAL TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE Call Arthur BoiUdi 338-492-5992 Mocksville, NC 27028, Attn. Lisa. MUST HAVE THE ability"io^er- form multi-tasks, be attentive to detail, present information eflec- tiveiy in writing and orally,.and to work elfectiveiy with people from diverse backgrouns. Key respon- - sibilities include analyzing bud- gets.creating/reveiwing Financial' Status Reports, training contrac­ tors on financial responsibilities, - collaborating/blending funds, seeking other grant opportunities, maintaining all linancial records. Qualifications: Minimum require­ment ol an Associate's Degree in Accounting, Business Adminis- tralion, related lield or equivalent business experience. Prelerred Bachelor's Degree in related Held or three years experience in non­profit organization or Human Ser­vices related lield. Must have good working knowledge of, Microsoli Excel. Part time posi­tion; min. of 20 hours/week. Hir­ing range; $10-$12 hourly. Call Davie Counly Partnership for Children at 336-751-2113 lo re­ceive an application or visit www.daviesmanstart.org to print application and mail to 1205 Salisbury Rd., Mocksville, NC 27028. EOE. NOW HIRING PART-TimeSna^k Bar Help. 998-4087. PAINTER'S & Painter's Helper's needed. Call Pete or Vernon @ 998-1047. PART-TIME POSiTIONS ^Sl~- . able in Before & After school '' Childcare programs at the YMCA.; Counselors & Van Drivers needed. Candidates must be at' least 18 yrs. old & possess a sirong desire to work with youlh.' Contact Tammy Barron lor more details. 751-9622. WANTED EXPERIENCED BODY REPAIR TECHNICIAN Large local collision repair facility is seeking qualified aulo ' body repair technicians to join our leam. We olfer competitive pay plan, paid holidays, vacation, and Christmas bonus plan. Stale of Ihe art modern • equipment and an excellent I working environment, l-car * training preferred but will , consider all applicants. Apply to ;Body Shop Manager. Also, < taking applications for painters j helper, experience required. < Clonlnger Ford Toyota 511 Jake Alexander Blvd.Salisbury, NC 28147 704-633-9016 you above the competition in (net. you'ro eiigiblo (or up to three pay raises your first yoarl Our oxtonsive training program providos you with the skills you need lo succeed, plus lets you decide when you are ready for more pay/benefits and more responsibility. And that's just the beginning. As a member of our dynamic leam, you'll also benefit from tho lollowing; 401K savings plan contribution — we'll match 25% of your contribution, up to G% of your salary (available afier one year of service of at Icnst 1000 hours, must be at loast 21 years of ago. Modical prescription, denial, life and AD& D bonofits (available aftor 120 days of omploymoni, wilh at least a 32 hour/ week average) £mployoo assistance program. • Weekly paychecks • Floxiblo scheduling • Paid vacations ' Employeo meal and gilt discounts • Stock purchase plan (availablo to those at lost 21 years of age who have completod 90 days of service) Wo aro Iruly committod lo your succoss as a dodicatod membor ol our toam. At Crackor Barrol, wo lislon to whal you havo lo say arvl uso that feedback to mako posilivo changos lo your woik orwitonmoni What moro couW you ask lot?II you oro rnotivatod and enthuslaslic. wiih a passion lor cuslomor soivico, como In and soo a Managof lodayl We are cuirentfy looking for PART TIME HELP COME IN TODAY ANO APPLY. WE ARE A FAST-MCEO, FUN PUUX TO WORK. Wa art looking for HIGH «ntrgy pMpi« ttMt Hw to work hord and makt MONCYIII 6420 Sessions Ct. Clemmons, NC Exit 184Л-40 (336)712-9880 Old Country store We are an equal opportunity etnployer. V•1 I |)лл'1к couM v i;Nri;ui>Kisi;-Rix4)Ui).AU(:usr i,2002 - iiifi o n Tile Rite Rick Silver Moves Company To Clemmons "I want lo lile North Carolina!” And wilh 15 years ol lile-laying oxperionco. Tile Rito founder Rick Silver is qualilied to do just lhal. Rick, who recently m oved Irom Phoenix, Arizona, to Clem m ons, is exciled lo bring his knowledge ol lile and lilo design lo ihe area. Bathrooms, counter tops, floors and patios are jusl som e ol the areas in tho home that Silver has liled since founding Tile Rile. Tho com pany specializes in laying ceram ic, granile, marble and slono lilo. "I want to turn Norlh Carolina on to tilo," ho onthusialically explains. "In the long run, il's aclually Ihe most cost elficient flooring available. You never have to replace il or rolinish il." Rick said he spent Ihe past eighl years working in Phoe­ nix "where Ihey lile everything." Thai experience has been extrem ely valuable in making Tile Rilo a versatile com pany thal can handle virtually any request. Tilo Rito, he adds, also places a premium on good custom er service and a solid work ethic. “I lake a greal deal of pride in doing the job to the custom er's satisfaction. Tile Rite has always done Ihe majority of its business Ihrough referrals. I've always op­ erated my business with tho policy lhal if som eone does a good job for you, they will recommend you." Rick, his wife, Julie, and daugh­ ters Natalie and Emily, relocated 10 C lem m ons to bo near Julie's family. He said the chance to bring Tilo R ite 's se rv ic e s to a re a hom eow ners is one he's looking fonNard lo. “Tiling bathroom s, /acuzzi tubs and kilchen counters is very popu­ lar in Ihis area. At Tile Rito, those are all Ihings we specialize in. But 11 som eone w ants something clil- ferenl or unusual, wo can do ttiat too. Tile Rite will give a Iree osliniato T I L E I Т Е гт>гм\ I ■.•-■■¡III Rick Silver, above, of Tile Rito h as 15 years experience a s a professional lile installer. Show n above a! left and in the photo below are som e of his projecls for bath­ room s and kitchens. with no obligation on any job. 1 ’m always available to my custom ers. That's part ol taking care of them." Call Tilo Rite at 813-8'I53, easily rem em bered as 813- TILE. Aih'i ilisiiif; I'riniiiilioii UGLY ROOF STAINS REMOVED FOR A LIKE NEW LOOK'! N.ilion's L;mje5t 8. Oldest Roof St.im Rcmoveis R o o f - B l i t 7 8 5 -2 0 3 0 K; > Hov.ii O.ik [)f , Winvton-S.i’fM'i fj{ C e n te T *p o in T C h cjT ^ch Associate Reformed Presbyterian 6301 Shailowford Road in Lewisville (946-0540) Sunday Schedule Morning Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:40 a.m. Casual Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. For m ore inform ation: www.centerpointarp.com H ills d a le A n im a l ;;j H o s p ita l ^ . ‘”’1^ Call 998-8750 for details, or to schedule an appointment. t M M iiiiic Ai, mw'v. ADV.W CM . N.C. 27eX)0 FREE FIRST OFFICE VISIT or I 15% ■ d is c o u n t o n I v a c c in e s I I I (oxcludGs nuKiications. addilion,}l lostiiHj) must h;tvo coupoti Г I I I I I I I M o c k s v ille Sh o e Sho p Shoe, Bool & Tack Repairs 52 (3ourt Square. Downtown Mocksville (336)753-0942 BMNG IN COUPON & RECEIVE $2“ OFF REPAIRS (for a limitod timo) IS Yrs. Experience Open M-F в:30а{п-€:00рт A - 1 F IR S T IMPRESSIONS CARPET & SPECIALTY SERVICES 4 0 3 - 4 2 7 4 4 0 3 - 6 4 4 2 www.Al№tlnipressions.coni Capet UplicfclcfY. VtaidTi'o Floors. Ij;a5ief. SmohaVfti« Dmago. Cow Rep:i.r & • Vi.'ticie Inlerior • Pel & Ocl»COTt;ol-Residenli.i!& Commercial IICRC 2 E Bermuda Mini’s S e l f - S t o r a g e «IC d 998-9661 ✓ Climate Conlrol / 24 hr Coinputerized Gate / Fenced with 24 hr lighting ✓ Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 / Video C am era Security / Next lo Bennuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance Bargain Box Thrift "Wi' .Sii|i|iiirt CiiniiT i'ln lslini' .\llllir Ohiut (336) 998-1448 IIkiiis\VL4l.-l'ri.-l(»:0(i;irn - S;.U)|im Sill. IO;()(Kitn ■ ."îlOOpin -41! I<i4j|.uiJi(.! T IL E R IT E (336) 8 1 3 -t il e W'e mstaB cenwvc and stone tile. »w d hw w ir 14 He dif pial in our nari nj оылат trnxT. far oiinu!i\ FOR ALL YOUR SPORTING NEEDS! E T C . YOUn SPCFfTS EXPERTS Liv.iAv.>-CWjtciita4n<l, С!|Я1*ич1'. 7 6 6 - 1 И 4Mon.-l-n. 10 30-0; Sat 0-5 C a ro lin a E xp re ss P lu m b in g Repair Spodalists • Water Heaters • Well Pumps • Faucets • Disposals I Over 15 Years ol Oimlity Service I JAMES IDOL • CHRIS BULLARD 24-HR . E M E R G E N C Y S E R V IC E , ; n , „ 7 7 8 : 1 5 4 3 r & c ^ } Liii Uy¿:íÍLjn Oarbcrs & Qcnuly Snlon Larry Campbell Appointfuents Only Gina Sheppard SItaron Allen Appointinonts or Wnlk-lns Tuos-Fn • 10am-G:30prn Sal • Unm-1 pm Hwy. 801 at 158 •Hillsdale 998-8276 SAVINGS up Л Л4, EVERYDAY to 4 0 ' Senior CUiscns DiicuunU • Paint Brushes • Purple Power • Snacks Clemmons Discount Sales 1533 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. 768-4449 • Clemmons • 766-4938 DRIVE THRU H o m e o r T h e Toasted H o td o g AV> yy( yiTvrinf* Soft Serve Ice Cream Shakos, Suu(lin.*s & Om t's A U S O : IIA M H U IU ii:«, c I iKiuSi: i»U R ( ;i:k s , f is i i S A N D W IC H E S M ORIC! U'\NisNiUt''ClcmnMms Uil. MON.vSAl. (lk-.lik*lVyiiHui) First MonthTuition Only $15*1 mWWW Kara<oln(«mattonal bU ;’i >i’j l.is\i‘,vi*'i>-Cli’nin>oiir. Rflci.'ttiinon'v. 7nn.:ui»o I^Л(,ги'-,-. from Viil,ir|o C.iiul'o S Gifls) |Mon -fn 0-H. SiU 9-f>. Sun 12-5 j No one sits on the bench at Karate International! Clcmmon,«!: 766-14'JO l.cwisvillc; 945-5063 SiK'LÚli/iii!; ill ll.iirC 'iiiv ior I’lOlCMl'oiUll McnX- Women J E A N N I E H O W A R D Ciisnwiolouisl/HarixT C L A S S I C C U T S ( Vjihis I )ri\c. C'lctDtiums 7 6 6 -8 4 4 5 Mi>tn.!;iy-1 riij;iv (------------------------------------------ Whitney Flooring flours: Mon.-Fri. 10-6 Sat. 10-2 Specializing In. Carpet&Vinyl Ceramic Hie Hardwood Floors & Refinishing Counter Tops Laminated Floors (336)766-0733 21 Years Experience NOIV OPEN TO THE PU8UC 5919-C James St. _____C l e n i m o n s f im t i m e p r o m o t io n s Screen Piinting/CustomEmbtxiidery _______Acfverdsing Premiums 3 3 6 - 7 6 6 - 6 4 9 4 k e n m o r r is 6490 Stadium Drive, Suitp 6, Clenimons (Ito b u ic l I J t t l c U iciu ircl s B B Q ) Hoiii-s: 8:00-5:00 M o n .-F ri. 3niDG£ST0nE r* re s to n e Lee Tires г г н д м о с к Michelin Tires G e o r g e ’ s V i l l a g e G a r a g e C om plete A utom otive Repairs 2570 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd.- Clemmons ___________766-7862 EDWARDS w!nD0№ Glass wHh LET US ADD BEAUTY TO YOUR HOME PP ^^ftoration & New Construction • New Vinyl Top Decking •Vinyl Decks & Railing ■ Vinyl Replacement Windows Screen Rooms ■ Vinyl Siding _ ■Sun Rooms _ , • Enclosures tistimates! 764-0885 9 7 ^ 2 2 9 9 S P E C IA L O f T H E M O N T H Storm Doors: 9 Colors, 15 Styles '.i, Just Making Music Davie Teens Looking For Audience For Their Original Rock Songs Page D1 , B o x w o o d y iH îà g ^ ^ ; New Mocksville Deyeldpm eM ‘ Continues To'Grow ’ ' Page 4 D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I / E ^ E C O R D USPS149-60 Number 32 Thursday, Aug. 8, 2002 36 PAGES County Delays School Bond Vote Until Spring Hy Kim .hiskii D avie Coiiiily FiiilL'iprisc licLcml A scliool i'acililie.s lioiul w ill iiol appear on Ihc N ovcnilicr hallot. C ounly coininissioncr.s dcciilal iVIontlay aricnuH in lo .seek a spccial rcrcrciuluin in Ihc sprini;. al'ier m ore .sillily as Id whal arc esscnlial iiccils. A nioim Ihosc on ham i I'or Ihc in celin g . u c rc Dull i’olls, D avie County .Sehdols .Superinlenileiil. anil biiaril ol eilucalion nieniheis M arly C arleraiiil D cbhic i’ullen. "W e sUiiiil rcaily ui w ork willi you any w ay wc can." C arler lolil ihc coniniissioncrs. He w eni on lo say lhal ihc hoaril o f etlucalion un- ilcrslooil Ihe posiiion ihc com m is­ sioners w ere in. w ailin g lo hear aboul slale I'umlinj;. M enlioning a high school sluilcnl lhal w ill he ycllinu on ihe bus at .‘i:4,‘S a.m . he saiil, "O iu' necils yrinv ilay by ilay. We neeil a new high seliiiol, but that's nol going lo happen by W cilncsilay. We w ant lo w ork wiih you to meet the nccils o f Ihc chil- ilrcn o f Ihe coim ly." Tliere w as litllc i|ueslion from llie coinniissioners lhal the necils o fth e .schools w ere real. "I suppose that w e've beal a dead h o rse ," said C o m m issio n er K en W h ite. "A ll around us. crow ded .schools are being dealt with. Bul the school child has no lobby in R a­ leigh." W hite w as relerring to the added taxes the counly could see w iih the loss o l'ih e rcim burscnient m onies. .According to W hite, the slale has said coim lies could raise their prop­ erty la.xcs. or pass the hall'-ccnl sales lax. if Ihc counly look the other op­ porlunily. the property la.x increase. W hite said il w ould reiiuirc a ninc- ccnl increase to m ake up the funds Illc slalc W'as laking aw ay. He did nol suggest the counly should use either option. "W c em brace Ihis (school bondj rciiuesl. Wc see the need. T h ere’s no i|ueslion about it. i he problem is. unlil the stale of Nortli C arolina gets iheir house in order, il u luild be fis­ cally irresponsible o f us to pul a S-l-t m illion bond before ihc volcrs." W hite suggested form ing a co m ­ m ittee of school board and coinilv With wife Dot at his side, Cooleemee Mayor Grady Spry accepts the Order of the Long Leaf Pine award from State Rep. Julia C. Howard. ■ Photo by Mike Barnhardt O n e O f T h e B e s t C o o l e e m e e M a y o r R e c e i v e s S t a t e ’s H ig h e s t H o n o r IJy M ike Biirnhiirdt D avie C inm ty Enterprise liecord C O O L E l-M E E - Cirady Spry loves C ooleenicc. It’s hi.s hom e, w'here he w'as raised, and w herc he raised his children. Il’s w here h e’s played and w orked, prayed and lived for ihe pasi 74 years. A nd C ooleem ee, I3avic C ounly - even N orlh C arolina - loves G rady .Spry. Lasl Sunday, Slalc R ep. Julia C. H ow ard w ent lo S p ry ’s C eulcr Sireel hom e to present him w ith the O rder of the Long L eaf Pine, the highest - and rarely given - aw ard the Slalc o f N orlh C arolina can bestow upon a residenl. "1 d id n 'l realize this w as such an honor,” Spry said w'hen lie learned o f the aw ard last nionth. "T his could nol have been accom ­ plished w ilhoul the help o f the com nnm ily. ll's jusl beyond w'orils whal I can say." Spry has fought cancer since 1^96, the year he w as first elected m ayor o f C ooleem ee. W hile m aking that battle, he also battled to m ake C ooleem ee a beller place to live, establishing the July 4ili Please Sue (inuly Spry - I’linc 7 County OKs $52,000 Settlement With Bahnson Family liy Kim .lii.slun D avie C ounly E nlerprise R ecord T he C ouniy o f D avie is paying a local faniily $.‘S2,()0() for allow ing a uliliiy easem eni over properly do ­ nated lo the county for em ergency m edical .services. B en l3ahnson and oilier m em bers o f his faniily agreed lo the settle­ m ent after figuring how m uch the easem ent had decreased ihe prop­ erly value o fth e counly's EM S sta­ tion on Y adkin Valley R oad, just oil N .C . 801. "T hai should have been on the neigliboring properly, because tlial’s w’ho it serves,” I5ahnson said of the electric line easem eni g ranled lo L^uke Pow'cr. He said had there been a pow er line on Yadkin Valley R oad, il w ouldn’i have been such an issue. The counly approved the right o f w ay in Septem ber 2()0(). A ccording to IJalinsoii, the property has 200 feel o f road frontage. W hen the counly approved giving a .'iO-foot right o f w ay aci'oss the properly, 6,000 feel o f the properly w as de­ valued. B ahnson said his research found thal land in the area w as val­ ued al $'10 fool - unless il w as un­ der a pow er line - and lhal land w as valued at $1.70 per foot. "S om ebody’s decision devalued the properly tiy $.‘>2,2.40," he said, lîa h n so n , his b ro ih e r and sisie r m ade ihe rei|uesi lo the county for resliuilion. The fam ily gave the land for an EM S slalion, the deed slaled thal if it w as u.sed for anylhing other tlian em ergency m anagem eni ser­ vices, the land w ould revert back to the fam ily. A l th e B a h n s o n s ’ re q u e st. $ 10,000 o f the settlenienl w ill go lo public libraries. B ahnson said lhat lie and his fam ily are firm lielievcrs in public libraries. The counly issued the follow ing sialem en i: “T he c o u n ly and the B ahnson lam ily liave successfully negoliated a selllem enl w hich w ill allow the Hill.sdale EM S Station to continue in operation at its current location for the foreseeable future. As part o fth e resolution, and al Bert B a lin so n ’s re iiu e s t, th e D a v ie Counly Public Library w ill receive an infusion o f m uch-needed funds.” com m issioners lo look al ihe bond and co m e up w ilh the a b so lu te needs. W orking in the interim , he suggested, w ould allow the hoards lo m ove i|uickly once the stale fi- nali/es a budgel. He also rcconim eiided the com ­ m issioners visit all the schools and see firsthand w hal the needs are. "T he reality in the school .system is these kids are com ing in the door auil wc necil lo lake cave o f Uiciii,” Pullen lold the com m issioners. "W e Please See Cm nily Ituard - Page 7 T e e n C h a r g e d W ith H a c k in g In to S c h o o ls ’ C o m p u te r A M ocksville teen is facing seven charges, six o f w hich are felonies, a fte r lie h a ck e d in to ib e D avie school system 's w ebsite. Jobn-D iw id M cK ecl, 17, o f i:\‘) G reen C ourt, posted a C onfetlerale flag on the school’s civlcndiir pugc and chan g ed the w o rding on the s c h o o l's p h ilo so p h y p ag e from , "...p ro v id in g an educalio n for all studenis..." lo "...providing an edu­ calion for all w hite students..." T he incident occurrcd in m id- June. S c h o o l s u p e riiile n d e n t W .G . "D ull" Potts w as notified by a local residenl o fth e incident, and lie im ­ m ediately notified llie D avie C ounly S h eriff’s D epartm ent. O n June 2.“i, the sheriff's depart- m enl rei|uesled an investigation by the SBI. O n July M cK eel adm itted lo Polls lhal he had "m ade changes lo the w ebsite." according to his arrest w arrant, and on July 10, SBI agent G ary R. C ullop, w ho is investigat­ ing the case, inlerview ed M cK eel. M cK ecl adm itted w hal he had done, and said he had also violated olher law s via the com puter. Tho.se activities lunicd out to be dow nloaded pornographic im ages o f m inors, ranging in age from .“i- 12. Please See 'I'een - Page 7 C a n d id a te s T o B e A t F o ru m C o n ce rn e d C itiz en s o f D avie C ounty will sponsor a candidate’s forum al 7 p.m . M onday, A ug, 12 al the A dvance V FW Post 8719 build­ ing, Feed M ill Road. A social tim e w ill begin at 6:30. Forum m oderator will be A ndrew W hile. Each candidale w ill be given five m inules to present their plat­ form . T here w ill be no questions from the floor, allliougli organizers are asking candidates to stay after­ w ards lo field questions from resi­ dents. M ost candidates for local of- llce have conllrnied they will attend, said Linda C arler, one o f the orga­ nizers. T he V FW b u ild in g is ju sl off N .C. 801 on Feed M ill R oad. 2 - DAVir: COUNTY KNTKRPRISE RKCORD, Aug. 8, 2002 E d t o r i a l P a g e ШЕВ __________________ ‘Glory Days’ are after graduation 'Mic Class 2(K)fi is rcpotfinii to Davio lliph School ihi.s week. Iis mcintvrs will bcein llieir four years of study and growth and prcpara- tii>n Io r... s(*incthinu. .\s \^e tlid last year. weM like lo grab this new group by ihe shoulders and speak lo then» nose-to-nose. This is what they should kiio'A: In u)iir classroom, look at the studem on your lefl ;md the olher on >our right. Based on sialistics, one of you w on’t be here on graduation da\. Unlevs all three of yovj do sonKthing il. 'i'ou ma\ Ik* the evceplion, bul the lifo of a drojwut is often linked lo jMvg!i.\ncy. povcny and prison. Scliool may Ы* hard. T)iere may be many social pressures. Hut find the inner resolve to graduate. It is a niinimum achievement these days. Set goals for yourself — high ones — and find oul what it lakes lo .kliieve tliem. If you tion'l. \ou may eliminate your chances of being accepted lo a io|)-night college hy ihe end of your freshman year. The LT.ides \ou make in your first three years couni as much as the S A T N^ i’res at the end <if your junior year, .\t high school, they keep score. These daily tests count far iK'yond the report caid. Do your homevsork. Vou may ilream big tireams. bul only work will achieve them. You parents probably have made all your important decisions umil now. You may have s.uled through middle school with liiile effort. This school \4 ill 1ч* harder. It will also olfer more distractions. In high sehv'ol. girls beci>nie K\iuiiVul and boys K'come handsome. Vou will want to go to Ihe finttball games, lo the cluh meelings. to the parlies. You will Iv encouraged to display school spiril. Vou may even participate in the spurts programs, i hose are fiu) limes and a rich part of hig)i scIh)oI. lint woe unto those u ho don'l siuiiy ... Vou will lake many classes, but two are critical — Rnglish and Mialh, (iym class may Iv fiuj. bul il counts little. Vou must leam pni|>er gr.unmar. hou to wiite. how to apply mathematics. No teacher is so gtfteil thal he can give you ihose lessons w ithout your help. You musl Witrk lor it. '^’ou must value e<lucation and want it. High school has a way of tilling society’s values. The dumb jock may Ik* popular now. bul he eventually works for the nerd he lonnented w high scluH^l. If you'ie a jock, k* a smart one. Some of Ihe most talented high scliool aililetes can’l go to college K ’catise they can'l meet ihe mini­ mum acailemic levels. We value athletic success, and sports offers a \\»Mulcrful classrixun of its own. Only a handful of our athletes — Iwo or ihrL-e a >ear — will compelc on the collegiate level. The rest of you musl depetui on good grailes to get lo college. Л1н)1П your attitude ... Lile is not fair. Don't e.\|K*ci high school lo Ik*. As far as wc know. Ui) studeni has ever Iven punished for olvying ihe rules. Unfcuercd unpulses are running ihrough sour veins. Some students will do things now that w ill affect them for ;i lifeUtue. You pledged nol lo use drugs in llie D .A.K.I:. program in lifth grade. Desperate for stK*ial acccptancc, some will abandon iheir priueip\c4 and nu>ral coura^tt. Don’l be one oi iliem. Neither cigareiies. alcohol, marijuana nor sex w ill solve ihe ache in \out soul or the lotjcliness it) \our spirit. They w ill. inslead, add in\measurably to \our problems. Vou necil frienJs. W ho sou select as your friends will often iletcnninc \(*ur .Klions Vou will dress like ihem. Vou will act like ihcnj. Do uhal thes do. ( )ne frierul hclllvnt on trouble could take you ah him. You may have Ivcn toKI \ou ate special - - one of a kind. You are • Mils as special as \ou want to Ik*. The world w on’l ireal you special. Ncilher w ill your teachers. Or sour triends. Only you can declare your imlivulualits and lesolse lo stand out in ihe crowd ... or join it. Rcali/e al this stage it) your life, the \sorld iscra/.y. Parenls arc ^ oiitiiiitig. Teachets iloti’i understand. Some studenis arc cruel. Ttiey will say mean ilunes and lonuenl ihose w)u> aren’l pan of iheir group. Like the teles isioiis sliosss. they svill make fun of you. Bul it svon’l be Unmv. .\t tunes. Nou may be desperate to Ik* anywhere else. I’arenis often tell yt)U tliese are ll»e Ik’sI years of your life, thal you should Ik* happs atul enjoy these days. LoiUinalely, there are much 1к*11ег sears lo come. These should not I'e — as the song indicates — your "G lory Days.” The pinnacle of your life should nol Ik* during the lender ages of 14 and IS. Your glory days should Ы* well ahead of you. When you are truly indefvndent. When you make yourov.ii decisions. When you are ready. This is an equipping phase. Arm yourself with knowledge. Seize the opportunities around you li» giow instead of letting ihem pass. Reali/e the Ik*sI is yel lo come, and prepare for il. Sel your goals, and work to achieve them. Make trieiids. bul nol (»nes who will conlrol you. keali/c your parenls ;ue slill your bcsl advoealcs. Yttu will not find inner |К*асе from your parenls, from your friends. Iroiii it\e fouiball leam or any of life’s lemptaiions. Tlial's belween you and GihI. High school is four years. Nol a lifetime. Use il for ils proper puipv)se — to prepare for iKlter things. — Dwight Sparks D A V IE C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/ii^l^ECORD USPS 149-160) 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 j Published weekly by the Davie Publishing Co. I Dwight Sparks....................................Ednor/Publisher ‘ Robin Fergusson...............................General M anager Mike Barnhardt...................................Managing Editor ; Rny Tullerow.......................................Advertising Director I Brian Pitts.............................................Sports Editor ' Tammy Kowalski................................Circulation/Classified Mocksville Enterprise 1916-1958 Davio Record 1899-1958 Cooleemee Journal 1901-1971 Pcrimliciils Poscigc Paid In M ocksville. NC 27028 Suhscriplion Katc,s SiiiglL- Copy, .iO Cents •S20 Per Year In N.C., .$2.“! Outside N.C. POSTMA.ST1-K .Send Address Clianges to: Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Bo.\ 99. Mock.sville. NC 27028 ÜÄDoYoaGiveTiieManW Aofe ' ' E v e i g t h i n g ? A’Hvelolen. ¥ifIiT)iiie Off F o r G o o d B e h a v i o r . b In T h e M a il... B o y R e c o v e r in g ; F a m ily T h a n k f u l F o r H e lp To Ihe edilor: Words alone cannot express our yiraliuide lor all of tliose who have supported our lamily alter our son, Kolhy H un. was seriously injured in a go-carl accident on Moihers' Day. W hether you came to visit, called, sent cards, broujjht food, offered lo tend to our new­ born daughler. prayed for us, or simply thought of us. please know lhal we are forever grateful. We are certain lhal all of the prayers lhal have been said for Kolby have been heard and they conlinue lo be answered. We are e.xireinely lhankful for ihe William R. Davie and Courlney fire ilepartinents, Davie Emergency Medical Services, Davie Counly Rescue Squad, and the Davie Counly SherilTs Department. Your quick response and knowledge played a critical role in the outcome of the entire situalion. The staffs of North Carolina Baptisi I lospilal’s Air Care and emergency department; Brenner Children's Hospital's pediatric intensive carc (PICU) and high acuity units; and the C har­ lotte Institute of Rehabilitation are truly some ofthe most rem ark­ able people wc hnve ever met. Even ihougli tlicsc imliviUuiils were given the primary la.sk of caring for our son, they also took time to care for our family, as well. To the many nurses, doctors, and thera­ pists involved with Kolby's recovery, we lhank you from the bot­ tom of our hearls. We also appreciate the social workers :md chap­ lains who always seemed lo be lliere to olfer words of suppurt. Tliere have been m:my individuals, organizations, and churches tlial have donated money for Kolby's healthcare e.xpenses. Please know that we appreciate all of your contributions. We are also grate­ ful to the Ronald McDonald House for providing us with a much- needed place to sleep and shower. To our faniily and friends, prior lo Kolby's accident we were certain that we could count on you in a time of neeil, bul you have now sliown us the depth of your love and for that we are most ap­ preciative. You made the coping process much easier and lielped to give us the strength to go on w ith each day no matter how difficult it was. Most of all we thank God for sparing Kolby's life and for Ihe miracles he continues to perform in his recovery. We definitely have a stronger failli and are a closer family. We now know that we can conquer anything put before us wilh the love and support of our family, friends, and God. Wc continue to have faith that God will allow Kolby lo fully recover and share his story with others in an attempt to give them the same courage lhat God has given Kolby. If I can offer any advice to oihers... "Slow down and cherish every second life has to offer." We all lend to lake a lot for granled, including life, bul we are not guaranteed anolher second. Make time loday for your loved ones and the things lhat rcaily matter in life. Don't face the possibility of having to look back and Ihink "1 wish..." or "I should've..." As for Kolby, he is progressing at miraculous speeds and contin­ ues to amaze doctors and therapists. After spending 16 days at North Carolina Baptisi Hospital and 8 days at the Charlolte Insti­ tute of Rehabilitation, he svas released lo oulpaliem therapy. He has conipletcil physical and occupational therapy. Speech therapy and tutoring will continue for the next several weeks. He is ex­ pecled lo enter the fifth grade in a traditional classroom. He has remained strong throughout everyihing and strives to re­ gain all of his abilities. Again, thank you and may God take care of cach of you as he has taken care of us, Mike and Lynettc Hicks Mocksville Candidate Forum Monday Night To the edilor: " As 1 look al the list of eandidates wbo will be on our primary ballot on Sept. 10,1 realize I need help deciding who will best rep­ resent us. 1 realize bow w e're effected by any decisions these can­ didates may make if elected, and want lo make the best choice I can ^ ^ feasibly make. We will have a nonpartisan forum lo meet our candidates (Each person that filed has been invited.). The candidales will be given five minutes to present their platform. There will be a social lime from 6:30-7 p.m. to informally mingle wiih the candidates. There will be no iiiiestions from the floor, but you may remain 30 miniues afterward to lield any questions lo individual candidates. After listening to our candidates, I hope you and I choose the best (lualilled person to make the lough decisions oureleclcd оГП- cials will have to make in the coming years. 1 lope to see you at tbe Vl-W Post 8719. Feed Mill Road off Hwy. SOI in beautiful downtown Advance Monday night. For more in­ formation call Linda at 998-7.447 or Judy at 998-5704. Linda S. Carter Advancc L e t t e r s W e lc o m e d The Enterprise Rccord welcomes letters frotn its read­ ers. The letters may be on topics of local, state, national or international issues. An effort will be made to print all letters, provided they are not libelous, vulgar or ill poor taste. The editor reserves the right lo edit letters for grammar and for space. All letters should includc the name i\nd address of the writer, including a signature. A telephone number, not to be published, is also requested. Please have letters in the newspaper office no later than 4 p.m. Monday of the week to be published. Davie County j Enterprise Record P.O. Box, 99, Mocksville, or email to: I eniews@davie-enterpii,se.com. Got An Opinion? Add your vote to our weekly online poll that asks questions affecting you and Davie County. Log on at www.enterprise-record.com and click on reader's poll to cast your vote. Results will be listed here weekly. Should North Carolina have a lottery? Y C S 6 2 % N o , 3 8 % ! '« - I Log on now to see our question and cast your vote. Life Chain Gaining Support DAVIK COUN TV líN'níRPRISF, RKCORI). Лиц. 8. 2002 - 3 Back fo School - Dorm Room Special To the editor: I he April 2000 Reader's Digest had a short story from best soIIlt. the true sioiy, of Irene Gut Opdyke "In iVIy Viands.’* This covers her lile trom l‘)3S as she siodies to he n nurse, as she is a prisoner ofthe Germans after they .seize conlrol of Poland and her life as a housekeeper for a German ofHeer. By the end of the war, she bail risked her lile hiding 10 Jew s in his home. Irene spent three years at a cam p lor displaeeil persons and in 1949 was allowed to come to America. In 1982 she was honored by the Israel Vad Vasliem Holocaust Memorial. The war was a series of choices made by human people. Some ol those choices were as wicked and shameful to humanity as any­ thing else in history. Bul some of us made other choices,"’she said. Wc made a choice in America in 197.1 to allow ;ihortion, the laking ol innocent lives of unborn children.This is the most shame­ ful choice our couniry has ever made and the results are 4,400 un­ born babies arc now dying each day. This choice had made many young women maimed for life, physically ami menially for life. Some are even dying Ihrough the unsafe and luiregulated surgical procedure. 1 his is a huge money making situalion for the abortion clinics and doctors. In 1987, lolks in Yuba City made a choice lo make a nonviolent statement that abortion is wrong. I he Please Le Me Live Ministry built the lirst “Lite Chain", a one hour time of prayer to mourn the loss o f so many children; and 2„S00 I'olks stood lliat one hour in a .solemn as.sembly .seeking the end of this law. In the Old Testament when the Jewish people lost sight of what was right and wrong in Iheir Heavenly l-athcr's cornniandmenis, Ihcy stood in a "solemn assembly" seeking His forgiveness. By 1991. 40 states had joined in this Life Chain, a grassrool nonpolilical event, as well as in olher countries. Instead of 2,.‘iOO, Man Thanks Emergency Workers lb the etlitor: Many thanks and appreciation to the first responders, fire de­ partments, and EMS personnel for Ihe quick response to the acci­ dent I had on Sain Roail July 24. I am doing fine, May God bless you. Denny Rollins Mocksville Woman Doesn’t Know Where To Turn To the editor: I'm wriling 10 luul out whal can be done aboul a lady here in Davie Counly who has stomach cancer and cannot have surgery because of no insurance. She was turned down for Medicaid and disabilily. She has worked most of her life ;uid would like to work again, but is jusl too sick at ihis time. She has been sent away by two hospitals and her bills are stack­ ing up. We would like to know what to do to get her some help before it's too lale. Must this lady die'.’ Her loved ones pray and hope not. Sonieone, please help. Robin Nichols Mocksville Why Is Windley Leaving? To the editor: This letter is too late lo make any difference, bul something needs lo be said. O ur family was saddened and shocked when we learned of Ihe decision reached between Ken Windley and Ihe Davie County com m issioners to agree to disagree. What a loss for this county, and without explanation. Look around folks, there are so many improvemenls lo our area that just would not have happened wilhoul Ken W indley's guid­ ance. W hether or nol one agrees with Ken on every issue is nol impor­ tant. What is imporiant is his years of experience, and his relation­ ship wilh those he supervises and works with closely. Ken is a level headed reasonable man who has dedicated years to this county. Can we say the same for our commissioners now'? Frankly. I am worried about the future. How much time, money and effort will be wasted searching for Ihe rigbl man ... lo replace one ofthe best counly managers in the slate’.' Will we be better oft'.’ I don’t think so. W hat do the new crop of potential commissioners have to say'.’ Is there any hope to reconsider this decision'.’ If any olher people out there have similar opinions, please voice them. Is there enough support to reverse Ihis decision'.’ I’d sign a petition to recall every­ one on the board. This search for a new counly manager is an un­ necessary wild goose chase. Maybe we should be looking for new commissioners. Catherine English Cooleemee Saturday Night Gatos opon for practico al 6 p.m. FIRST RACE AT 8 P.M. W incton -Salem J ournal ES’ N IG H T! f.n« »dmiiad tor si (no m c o iI requlrod). courI.iy ot №• JounMl M odltled, Spo rtsm a n , Straal S lo c k a n d Stadium S lo c k raceu a n d a DEMOLITION DERBY! A wild wrecking canlastl Latt one still able to move la winner! S500 cash prize from the Journal to a (¿in! Adml3»k>o;Adtiil5,1Bandol<)'er-S10 ^ Agm lS-IT-M Anos 6-11 - S' ChiWion undoi 8 FREE witti adult escort “________ p l e n ty o f f r e e pa r k in g_____________ Inlormsllon Bbout »tsdlum raclna; (336) 723-1819 now thousands were standing coast to coast letting olher Ameri­ cans know lhal they believed a wrong choice bad been made. By 2(101 Ihe Life Chain has conlinued to grow wilh many in North Carolina. The Life Chain luis been buill in the State.sville area for seven years. M ocksville built ils first one four years ago. As the result of lhat, Blaise Baptist and other folks opened ihe first Crisis Preg­ nancy Center to help unwed moihers make the right choice for them and llieir unborn child in Davie county. Join us at the Crossroads shopping area on Glenway Drive Oct. 6 at 2:1.“' p.m. as w e join wiih thousands of oihers making the right choice by standing wilh olher Americans who desire to see Ihis law changed. As Irene made the right choice to help those 10 Jewish people have Ihc right to live, stand with us one hour in the Statesville Life Chain. Go lo hiip:lw\vw.lifcrluiin.iiri; and see the olher states tak­ ing part and learn about what is going on in your country. Linda Harmon Mocksville ^ Vote Tuesday Sept. 10 For ^ I^ M A C ^ IBUTNER t STATE SENATE Ufcldiit; Kcinihliain Consirvtiihv ^ DAVIE-YADKIN-ROWAN Pm d I ok hy Mac liuw ini roR Sm n: S im n : sliirlin j: ai $ 9 9 stiirtin^ at '230 Black 3 I'ioce . Lentlicretle Suitth.iir. ‘7i;y ^ ^ I'witi Mattress Sets Wood Bunk Beds » Ik’dniom Sum« • Living ib'c.Mi • DiitiiiH iii.iiTii K & K М ангс». 14imishings, 221 East Main Street, Yadkinville • 679-8374 Hours: Mondny-Thiirsday, 10am-5pm; Friday, 10am-6pm; Saturday, 10arii-2pm Julia, Mac, Laura & Wade Q R I L L EAT-IN OR TAKE OUT HOURS :30AM - 2:00PM • Monday - Saturday 2203 Hwy. 601 N.. Mocksville, NC Phone (336)492-7066 Drive-in Curb Seivice Friday Night Spm-Opm ( Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, French Fries, Ice Cream Music! E L E C T R E P U B L IC A N GEORGE M . “ M IK E ” S M I T H SHERIFF OF DAVIE COUNTY O v e r 2 0 Y E A R S a s : >- Deputy Sherilf Detective >- Inspector for the NCDMV M i k e ’s G O A L i s t o s e r v e t h e p e o p l e o f D a v i e C o u n t y w i t h : Fair and Equal Enforcement of the Law >- A Responsible antj Dependable Department >- Service and Protection for the Entire County Wilh your help and support w e CAN improve departm ental relations with our county constituents and im prove the protection and service for our county. P lease cut out this reminder,I attach to your relrigerator and com e out aniJ I I VOTE on Seatember, 10. 2002. | I R em em ber, if you are registered unalfiliated you I m ust ask for a voter form to vole lor elected oltlcials ^ Y O U R V O T E D O ES C O U N T !! ^ P a id f o r b y G e o r g e M ^ Loving parenls taught and shot/ved tne love of family, respect of others, morally right from wrong, and a Christian belief as my direction in life. IMy parents worked' In tfie Cotton mill. Dad worked second jobs to fielp provide for us. A football scholarship opened the door to college lor me. Growing up I learned a tough work ethic (tobacco fields and fruit bins), and to squeeze every nickel. My views as a married man of 34 years, with two grown children, is as a Lifelong Conservative, who still follows the beliefs I was raised with. , A N D R E W S Republican Candidate for N.C. SENATE DAVIE'ROWAN «YADKIN uttea fo elect Gus Andtews. Gary Davis - Treasurer 1 S 4 , Stai (704) 873-0281 4 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTKRPRISK RECORD. Лиц. S. 2002 r ; Boxwood Village Growing B ill J o h n s o n ’s I n s u r a n c e B u ild in g G o e s U p In N e w D e v e l o p m e n t Ity Mike Iliirnlinrdt Davic County Biilcr]'risc Rccoril The conccpl for BoxwihhI Village isn't new. The ilcvclopnicm going up along Valley Road in Mocksville is actually a llirowhack. a placc w here pcople can live, work and shop - without getting into their car. "The concept is not 4nii|uc.” said developer Bill Johnson, who recently moved his busi­ ness. Johnson Insurance Ser­ vices. inlo the second building ill Ih e project. The Bank ol' Davic already anchors a corner at the imerseelion with Yadkin­ ville Road. "I’cople w ant lo live and work in a good envirom nent. where you have siilewalks ami tree-lined streets and can walk lo more than one placc. Ilopc- lully, il will he a community thal w ill encourage lhal so n of thing." Land has been sold for an apannienl complex. I'lans are in Ihe works for a single-family housing project. "This is going to be different, more densely populated, the type of housing lhal w ill appeal to younger couples and singles and empty neslers." Noting lhal there are plenty of tradilional homes in Davic County. Johnson is hop­ ing this project will offer an al- lernalive, one people want but can't find here. Two olher businesses are also considering Boxwood Village. W hile Ihe limits on Ihe lots Johnson arc selling aren't as lim­ ited lo use, design standards are. No buildings will he more lhan three stories tall. There arc rules aboul where buildings can be placed in relation lo the street. Rules for parking, lighting, etc. The development starleil af­ ter Johnson started looking for a new site for Johnson Insur­ ance. There just w asn't any ap­ propriate space dow ntow n, where the company has always been located. And he thinks a developm ent such as his will help recruit and keep businesses here, which in turn will help keep downlown vibrant, some­ thing he says is important. "T h e v iab ility o f d o w n to w n .M iK'ksville is im p o rtan t to us all. and w e see th is b e in g an a sset to d o w n to w n M iK k sv ille. 'T he need for a new build­ ing created it all," Johnson said. "Bul whal cam e firsl was the contmunity. Wc lookeil around and there w as not any adequate space. There was practically no way lo pull this off downtown. "W hat w e've created here is a residential and business com­ munity that has restrictions on il. It’s a return to Ihe old con­ cept of people living and work­ ing and shopping in the same neighborhood. There's iu)t many planned developmenls like Ihis in a small tow n like M ocks­ villc." The localion, halfw ay be­ tween 1-40 and downlow n, and a mile to the inlcrstale via either U.S. 64 or U.S. 601, makes it Bill Johnson looks over the undeveloped part of Boxwood Village from his new insurance services building. - Photos by Robin Fergusson ideal. Johnson said. There arc no for sale signs on the properly. Johnson wants to be deliberate. He sees il as space where local small companies can upgrade, without having lo leave town. John so n bought Ihc land from the B row n fam ily, w hich at one tim e o p e ra le d a nursery. There a re s lill s ig n s o f Ihe p la n ts . Johnson said. The development got its name from the old Box­ wood Nursery. It was just coincidcncc that Johnson happens lo live on part ofthe old Boxwood l.oilge prop­ erly o ff U .S. 601 south of Mocksvillc. “Il's a historical name for Ihis localion. It's a tradilional name that stays wilh the land." Boxwood Village is also a project thal is ihe new home to a business lhal has called Mocks­ villc home since lyi.“! when Ii.C. Morris siarled selling insurance IV.r vehicle buyers al Sanford Motor t'o. Jo h n so n 's m other. Jane Johnson A nderson, started to work for l-.C. Morris in l‘J.^6. She still works a couple of days a week. It w as pretty much a Iw ii per­ son operation until I9.‘i'). when I high Larew Ix-came partner and Ihe name was changed to Mor- ris-l.arew Inc. In l'J6S, Don Wood came aboard and Morris retired, and Ihe business was named Larew-W ood. Johnson became parlner in l‘^7X and ihe business became Larew-Wood- Johnson. Larew relired in I^S.l. Wood in |y*)6. Johnson, a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, began working at the company in 1V7.^. Now, Johnson Insurance has 14 full-time employees, ol fering avilo, home, health, life, business and farm insurance. An indepen­ dent agency, they fit customers' needs wilh some 15-20 insur­ ance companies. The new building gives more Johnson said the new office is designed to be more comfortable for customers and employees. up-to-ilate, comforlable and pri­ vale areas for customers to meet with representatives, Johnson said. "We don't work for any of the insurance com panies. We w ork for the customers and shop ... to match the customers with the company." They do business w ith mostly Davie County residents. "W e've grown wilh the coni- iiiunily. It's a great place lo live with great families and pcople svho make greal cuslomers and great employees," Johnson said. And some greal traditions. A lth o u g h the lo ca tio tis o f the large ca le n d e rs w ilh the p ain tin g o f a Iro u t f is h e rm a n h a v e changed from mostly counlry stores lo company break rooms. Johnson is continuing that tra­ dition, one Morris had siarled. "'riiis trout rishenuan is al­ ways in trouble wilh Ihe bears." Johnson said, who has discov- ercil som e original draw ings from Ihe artist who created the calendar arl. Some custom ers insist lhal the new calendars go on top of tlie old ones, so they can keep the pictures. They also conlinue U) pass oul desk calen­ dars, and Jolinscm recently ob­ tained an old one from J.P. Green Milling. " Traditions are important to us," he said. f II Johnson shows the plans for Boxwood Village. *S9S0 OPP A U 9U A O CAB RAMS OT ■sase OTP PKis s.9% F o r so m o n th s 2 0 0 2 R A M Q U A D C A B 1 5 0 0 S T «23,215 -5,250 4-Df. 4.7 Моогчил V-e. S-Spood, HDM M / O r Manual Trnnvñituod. Air С<^1югиг>а.* 3 f i7 /n iO . (0 downi АМЛ=Мсвм..50001Ь.Тгш1егТ(тРко .iwaownj 40/20/« Spirt Seat. 726V70ni7r.ro»,•t 3,9% for 60 mot. siyiMsiMivm»«!!. 2 0 0 2 D O D G E G R A N D C A R A V A N 2002 RAM QUAD CAB 1500 4x4 SLT 4 9 .Z 3 S -5,2S 0 Me. *2S,988 o r ^ 4 7 7 / m o . (Odown) at 3.9% for 60 mot. Sole 4 Dt. 4.7, Automatic. Power WitKJow*, Powor Door Locks, Tilt. Cruiw. AM/FM ta»».. &000 m Ttajler Tow Pkg., Casl AkifTunum Whoolt. 40/20/40 Split Soal, Hoalod Powor Mirror*. 0 .0 % F O R 6 0 M O N T H S 2 0 0 2 J E E P L I B E R T Y 4 X 4 3 .9 % F O R 6 0 M O N T H S 2 0 0 2 R A M 2 5 0 0 C U M M IN S T U R B O D IE S E L 4 x 4 5.0 Cummins Turbo Diosol. 4x4, 6 Spood. HD Mouual Transmission. Camper Special PkQ. Auto-Spin Dillorontlal, Air Conditionlno. 40/20/40 Spill Soat. 3.55 A*lo Ratio, AM/FM cass,. Trailer Hitch. 2 0 0 2 C H R Y S L E R C O N C O R D E L X .0 % F O R 6 0 M O N T H S *2 4 ,9 8 8 c ittd *416/m o- ОУО PLAYEB ODOWN АШШ ca DVD M 5СГМП 4 PWyir PU 2 Wnm« Po««r Wnto»t.Pmw Docf Locii. Te. &UM. IJ V-4.'CO monthi, 0 (toim. plus tu, tAg 4 Im. *17,988 a n d *329/mo.> 0 DOWN ve. S Spood, A/C, AM/FM Cassotto. *60 Months. 0 Down. Plus tax, tag & Гоов. *2 2 ,5 8 8 c u td *376/mo.- ODOWN ¿ ¿ i r - or $м,5ва W/SÎOOO ПоЬаЮ, 2.7 Vß, Powor Windows. Power Doof Lock». Till, Cruise. Powor Soat. Koylois Enlry. AM/FM/CD Ptayor. All prices plus lax« tag & teeSv Prices reilect rebate. 751-59« 1-888-469-3J81 157 Depot Street, Mocksville, NC IN BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN MOCKSVILLE D is tric t C o u rt DAVIE COLIN'l’Y RN'l'KRPRlSK RKCORI), Лиц. 8, 2002 ■ 5 The following cases were dis- [losetl of in Uavie Dlstricl Court August I. Presiding: was JudijL' Lynn S. Oullcti. Prosccuiing weie Kevin licale ¡md I'axton Hullcr. assislani district attorneys. - Raed Abdela/iz. specdinj! ‘il in a 70. reduccd to lA in a 70. SIO and cost: expired inspection stickcr. dismissed per correction. ChrisKtphcr Kandall Arm slrong. e.xpired registration card/lag, disniissed per ccirrection. - l larshit Girin Hakshi. speedinj: *)2 in a 70. reduced to 74 \\\ a 70. $10 and cost. • Lloyd Thomas Hahlvviii. speed- ing .'ii) in a .^5. prayer for judgment continued on ctisi. • Brandy C. liarnett. second de- iiree trespass, ilismissed for failure of proscc\ning witness to appear. • Charles Wesley Hirilsoni:. aiil and ahet impaired driving, dis­ missed per plea of co-defendant. - Gary Marlin lirinkman. pos­ session of open containcr/constim- ing alcohol in passenger area, aid and abet impaired driving, dis­ missed al interest of justice. - Christina Lynn Brown, com­ numicaling ihreals. ilismissed per mediation. - K im herly Ann Chamhers. speeding Si> in a 70. reduced lo 7-1 in a 70. !>10 and cost. - Linda Marie Culler, speeding S.S in a 70. prayer for judgment con- linueil on cosl. - Larry Stephen Davis. D W I. senlenced lo 12 months in prison sus|)ended two years, seven days aclive jail linje. transfer lo unsuper­ vised prohalitin upon payment of financial mauers. attorney fee. .$•100 and cosl: speeding 54 iit a ^5, nooperalor’s license.disniisseil per plea. - Maggie IZhzahelh Deal, speed­ ing ‘Л in a 70. reduced to 74 in a 70. SIO and cost. - Jody Darren Dillard, failure to comply wilh license restrictions, prayer for judgment continued on cosl. - KrisU)pher K. Laney. speeding SS in a 70. reduceii lo 7-t in a 70. 510 and cosl. - Oenann D. F-iciiison. assault w ilh a deadly weapon, disniissed for lailure of prosecuting witness to appear. - Jose Mercedes Game. D W I. sentenced lo 00 days in jail sus­ pended iwo years, substance abuse assessmenl, surrender driver's li­ cense and not operate motor ve­ hicle. Sl.MJ attorney fee. SlOO and cost; no operator's license, dis­ missed per plea. - Moniijue L. Geary, speeding I) I in a 70. retluccil lo 74 in a 70. SIO and cost. - Arlhiiro Villa Gome/, speed­ ing 70 in a 55. reiluced lo improper eiiuipment. cosl. - Joshua Milton I lanliii. expired registration card/tag. operating ve­ hicle with no insurance, failure to wear seat belt - driver, dismissed per plea; driving w hile license revoked, senlenced lo 120 tlays in prison sus­ pended 24 n\otUl\s.mM operalc m w lor vehicle unlil properly licensed, S.^00 and cosl. - Charles Ldward Harris, speed­ ing a} in a 70. reduced lo improper eipiipnient. S50 and cost; no operator's licensc. dismissed per plea. - Lloyd David Hart. IV. speed­ ing SO in a 70. reduced lo improper eijuipment. cost; driving while li­ cense revoked, disniissed for insuf­ ficient evidence. - ('lil'ford Lee Hartline. speed­ ing 95 in a 70. prayer for judgment continued on cosl. - Dean Henderson, speeding SS in a 7(f. reduced lo 74 in a 70. SIO and cost. - ,‘\rthur Lugene Hesler. unau­ thorized use of Norlh C'arolina W ildlife Resources Commission boat ramp, disniissed per plea; reck­ less driving to endanger, prayer for judgment continued on cost. - Kandice R. Johnson, speeding ‘>2 in a 70, prayer for judgment con­ tinued on cost: expired inspection slicker, dismissed per correclion. - Donald Sherman Jones, misde­ meanor possession of scliedvvle VI controlled substance (for review), dismissed per compliance. - Danny Ray Justice, speeding ‘M in a 70. reiluced lo 74 in a 70. SIO and cost. - Michael Dean Knight, ilriving after consuming alcohol mider 21. senlenced lo .iO days in jail siis- landed 12 monihs. follow substance abuse assessment recinnmenila- tions. suneiuler driver's license and nol operate motor vehicle unlil properly licensed, noi violate any laws. SlOO and cost; driving lell of center, dismissed per plea. - Joshua Ileath Kuhn, speeding S5 in a 70. reduced lo improper eijuipment. SlOO and cosi; failure loconijily w ith license resiriclions. dismissed j>er jilea. - Timothy Van Le. sjieeding S5 in a 70. prayer ftir judgment con- linued on cosl. - Rocky Marceli Link, ojierating niotorboal w ilh invalid number. S25 and cost. - Jason l,ee Livengood. disor­ derly conduct. dismissed for failure of proseculing witness to appear. - Cecil W alter Lusk, no ojieralor's license, tlismissed jier jdea; failure lo wear seat belt - driver. S25; D W I, sentenced to 60 days in jail sus|>ended two years, substance abuse assessment, surren­ der driver's license and not ojierate tnoior vehicle until projKvly li­ censed. 24 hours community sor- vice. SlOO and cost; driving afler consuiiiing alcohol muler 21. dis­ missed jier jilea. - Harold Alan Lusk. Jr.. sj)eed- ing in a 70, reduced to 7‘> in a 70. praxcr for jiulgmem continued on cost. - Jonathan Chad Main, sjieeiling SS ill a 70. retluced to 74 in a 70. SIO and cost: failure to wear seal bell,S25. - Terry Dale M.isien. s|>eeding ^>5 in a 70. jiiayer for judgment con­ tinued on cost. - Lric Lamond McMiirrity. mis- tlemeanor child abuse, jirayer for judgmenl continued one year on condilion he conij)ly with juvenile order and tiealmeni and lecommen- tialions tlirough the Dejiarlmeni of Social Services. - Brian Kcilh M iller, misde- me;umr possession of schedule VI controlled substance (for leview). dismissed per coiiijiliaiice. - Paul David Pialkmvski. sjieed- iiig S5 in a 70. reduced lo improjK’r eijuijirnenl. SlOO and cost. - Mrraul Ramsey, possession of schedule II controlled substance, reduced to possession of drug para- j)hernalia. senlenced to 45 days in jail sus|K’nded 24 months, submit lo warrantless searches/urinalysis for alcohol/drugs, not use. jiossess or conlrtil illegal controlled substances unless |)rescribed, not associale with jîossessors, users or sellers of ille­ gal controlled substances, not be where illegal conlrolled substances are sold or used, subslancc abuse assessment, contraband ortlered tle- stroyed. S50 and cost. - (iary Lee Ray. iiiij>ro|ier pass­ ing. jirayer for judgment eoniinued on cost. - Bobby Joe Rayfield. II, speed­ ing in a 70. prayer for judgmenl continued on cost. - Inocente Henite/ Rea, s|>eed- ing 50 in a .^5, dismissetl per plea: driving while license revoked, re­ tluced lo no license. S50 and cost. - W illiam Reynolds, simple woiihless check, dismissetl |к*г civil seltlemenl. - Jolm WiUiam Roemer. sj)eed- ing S.i in a 70. reduced to 74 in a 70. unsealed wine/liijimr in passen­ ger area, S50 and cost. - Charlotte Sue Sa\s>ei, seci'iul »legiee trespass, dismissed at re- ijucsi of jiiosocuiing w itness. • Debra .Ann Session, speeding SO in a 70, jirayer for )udgnient con­ tinued on cost. - Laiiy Shrewshury. second de­ gree trespass, ilismisseil due lo in­ ability to locale jirosecuting wit- ness. - Galerj Brooks Tolar, sjKeding 77 in a 55, reduced lo 6-1 in a 55. SIO and cost. - Joshua Dean Waller, speeding iiS in a 45, reduced to 54 in a 45, SIO and cosl. - IVoy Daniel W'illard. s[)eeding S7 in a 70, reduced to 74 in a 70. prayer for judgment continued on cost. - Janie Lii Young, D W I. sen­ tenced to 12 months in prison sus­ pended two years, substance abuse assessment, surrender driver's li­ cense and not operate motor vehicle until juojierly licensed,credit given t or seven days in jail. $-UM)anil cost; faihire to wear seat hell - tiriver. ojien container afler consuming al­ cohol first, dismissed jier plea. Fnik'd In Appear - Jason Loresl Agee. s|>eeding S6 in a 70. - Viffany Dawn Campl'eil, twt) counts misdemeanor probation vio­ lation. - Jennetle N. Patterson, sjieed- ing S6 in a 70. - Lisa l.agail Richmond, sjieed- ing S7 in a 70. driving while license revoked. - Donald Ray rullerow. exjiired insjiection. expired registration, driving while license revoked, pos­ session/display alter ed/fictilious/ revoked driver's license. - Nicholas W'ayne Venable, speeding 96 in a 7(K It U'asn'! Iliiti I he James William I'osier listed lasi week was nol James W'illiam l-oster of -124 W 'illhoone Rd.. Mocksville. Judge: Traffic Stop Didn’t Violate Constitutional Rights Ky Iklli Ciissidy Davie Counly l:nlerprise Record Л District Courl jiidiie de­ cided lasi week lhal a m an’s Coiistiliitional rights were nol violated when he was pulled over hy the N.C. .Slate I lii;hway Patrol in Dcceiiiher. The tralTie slop resulted in two charges, one I'or driving while license revoked and the olher, open container alter con­ suming alcohol llrsl. A ccording to testim ony heard before Judge Lynn S. Gullelt, Elniora Ijames, 4.1, of C leveland, w as slopped on ■Sanford Avenue Dec. 2(101, around S;5() p.m . T rooper M ichael D alton of the N.C. Highway I’atrol stopped Ijames, because he recognized him from olher courl cases. (ine was for DWI. for which Ijames waS charged in January. 2001 and convicted of in court in July. 2001. In all. Ijames has heen charged with DWI three times and convicted twice. Dallon testiricd lhal on Dec. Ijames was traveling west on Sanford Avenue, driving a 14S3 Dodge pickup Iruck. "W hen he passed me, I knew il to he him, from previous slops. 1 remembered the ease being dis­ posed of in District Courl. and I was thinking his license was in a stale iif suspension bccause of thal case." Dalton said. "W hen I saw him. I initiated the traffic slop, and he pulled into a privale driveway o fa known residence. I le slated he was going there to see a friend." Dalton testified that he knew one of the consciiuences of be­ ing convicted of DWI was sus­ pension of the driver's license. Ija m e s' allorney. Uoh Raisbeck, asked Dallon if he also knew when a person was convicted of DWI, they might he allow ed lim ited driving privi­ leges. Dallon answered yes. Raisbeck asked D alton if. when a person's name is pulled up on the computer, if it would show they had liiniled driving privileges. Dalton answered it w'ould not show that, but would show if their license had been suspendeil. "W hen you eiicounlered Mr. Ijames, did you check the com ­ puler lo see if his license had heen suspended'.’" R aisbeck asked Dallon. Dallon replied he had nol. but Ihoughi if his license was sus- pendeil sometime after he was charged, in January, it would slill he in a state of suspension. Me had stated earlier he did nol know the exact tiate Ijames was convicletl. D alton testified w hen he stopped Ijam es. he had no knowledge of w hether he had limiteil driving privileges. As it lurned oul, Ijames li­ cense was suspendeil, hul he did have limited driving privileges to allow' him to continue his wrecker service business. A l­ though his license was sus­ pended. Ihe one year suspension was up. and as soon as he fin­ ished his substance ahuse assess­ ment and classes, he would have heen eligible to get his license hack, unless he received another conviction. During the stop in December, Dallon adm inistered an Alco Sensor test to Ijames, who reg­ istered a .06. Raisbeck said. "W e have a situation where the only reason why I'rooper Dalton slopped Mr. Ijames was because he thought bis license was suspended, lie diiln't even check the computer - he relied on his niemoiy. I here was m>l veasiMv.ible susiiicion stop Mr. Ijames. "What the slate is asking you to ilo is give carle blaue lo slop someone for no reason or any reason, and dial's a violation of their Constitutional right." Raisbeck asked the case be dismissed based on lack of rea­ sonable suspicion, bul Judge Ciullett disagreed, allowing the charges lo stay. Ijam es hail pleaded nol guilty, hul changed his plea to guilty, afler the assislani district atlorney said he woulil dismiss Ih e second charge if Ijam es pleaded guilty lo the first. Raisbeck asked for a prayer for judgment, bul the slate ob­ jected. I lowever. (iiillcti granted Raisbeck's rei|uest. and Ijames receiveil a prayer for judgmenl continued on cost on the first charge, and the second was dis­ missed. Gullelt said, "Mr. liames, vou need lo imderstand that you can't to be able lo drive when ym i're drive w hen you don'l have a li- finished with yourclasses. Don't cense. I'm giving you a chance lei me down."ншш M a n C a u g h t U s i n g C a s t i n g N e t O n L a k e Ily Helh Ciissidy DavieCouniy Enterprise Record A Mocksville resident found oul last week just how much some fish he pulled from a wa- tersheil lake were worth. Judge Lynn S. Gullelt fined Joel Romero Arcos. 22. of lOfiii U.S. 6-1, S I,.110 for some 164 fish he and three olher men caught from the Liberty Church watershed last monlh. Arcos was charged with taking game fish by means other than hook anil line and e.xceeding the game limit. A ccording to testim ony in D avie District Court Aug. 1, Arcos and the olhers were ob­ served by Kenny Osborne, an officer W'ith the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission on July 1.1 around 1():.10 p.m., throw ing cast nets into the river. When Illey realized Osborne had seen them, Ihey ran. Osborne said he pursued one o f ihe m en. hut losi him. W hen he returned to the scene, he saw' A rcos there. O sborne said he had seen a bucket of fish at the same place before Ihe pursuit. Osborne counteil 100 crap- pie, 60 bream, one largemouth bass and three catfish. Arcos, w'ho is Hispanic, was represented hy attorney Michael Parker. Parker told Gullelt thal although it is illegal lo use cast­ ing nets here, "it is nol illegal in Me.xico. This is nol ihe first of these cases I've had. It's jusl a dilTerence in culture." Gullelt .sentenced Arcos to 10 days in jail suspended for 12 months of unsupervised proba­ tion. The .SI ,.110 (or about eight dollars per fish) is restittuion to he paid to Ihe N.C. W ildlife C om m ission, and A rcos was a lso o rd ere d to pay a .$2.“' fine pay in hopes he m ig h t b e a h le to an d c o u rt c o sts. p ersu ad e Ihe o lh ers in v o lv e d to H e w as g iv en tw o m o n ih s to h elp him pay the restitu tio n . Just a mouse-click away ... w w w .e n t e r p r i s e -r e c o r d .c o m h r DEBRA BROWN GROCE a For NC Senatei S e rv in g Y a d k in , D a v ie & R o w a n Paid for by Debra Brown Groce_____ SPECIALISTS IN FULL-SERVICE RESIDENTIAL & LIGHT COMMERCIAL REMODELING B U I L . D IN G .ß , 1 2 E M O O e U N 0 , ÌÙG ’ S/nca \9&0 ! Advance, N.C. Replacement Windows & Doors Additions - Sunrooms - Kitchens - Baths Cabinets - Tile - Vinyl Siding M. David Miller, CGR NC Lie. #13033 NAHB &W-SRemodeloP8^'^ Dependable, Professional Crevtfs Serving the area since 1980 Chevys 97 Chevy Lumina. . . . 97 Chevy Cavalier . . . 96 Chevy Cavalier . . . 95 Chevy Lumina . . . . 95 Chevy Monte Carlo 94 Chevy Cavalier . . . 92 Chevy Lumina . . . . Fords 99 Ford Taurus . . . . 98 Pol’d Taurus . . . . 97 Ford Escort......... 93 Ford Taurus Wag. ^5,995 '3,99 5 '2,995 '3,99 5 '3,995 '2,995 '2,995 I .. '6,99 5 .. '5,89 5 .. '4,99 5 .. '2,99 5 Buicks - Olds - Cadillacs 95 Cad. Sedan Deville . . . '7,995 89 Cad. Limo......... .......'3 ,9 9 5 95 Olds Cutlass Supreme . '3,995 95 Olds Delta Royale .... '4,995 92 Buick LeSabre..............'1,995 92 Buick LeSabre.............. '2,995 vans - Trucks - im ports '6,895 '3,695 '2,495 98 Dodge Caravan .... 93 Dodge Caravan .... 90 Dodge Ram Conv. .. 89 Dodge Caravan............'2,995 97 Ford Ranger Truck.... '3,995 95 Ford Windstar Van___'5,995 97 Hyundai Elantra ..... '3,995 95 Saturn.........................'4,895 WITH APPROVED CREDIT AND REQUIRED DOWN PAYMENT Rives Motor Co. 1616 East Innes Street, Salisbury, NC 7 0 4 - 6 3 6 - 1 9 9 1 r 1t ' î / ; I I 6 - D A V IE C O U N T Y E N TE R P R IS K R EC O R D . Aii(>. 8. 2002 P u b lic R e c o rd s M o c k s v ille P o lic e The following incidents were reported u> the MvKksville Police Department. - The larceny of a license lag from n veliiclc off Hethel Church Koiul was reported July .M. - Two bicycles were found Ik - hinil a business on Salisbury Streei. il was reported July 31. • Someone exposetl themself K'hind Ihe Comfort Inn. ii was re­ ported July 31. • The larceny of a checkbook frt)in .1 More on Valley Roatl was reported July 31. - The burlgar)' of an aparinieni al Norlhridge Court was reported July 31. - Someone allempled lo break into a driiik nuichinc at Food LivMi. Salishury Road, il was reporled July 31. •The larceny ofa car slerco was reported July 31 al Sunny Dell Lane. - A man was assaulted in from of his residence on Spring Streei. it was reporled Aug. 1. • The larceny of nioney from a druik machine was reporletl Aug. 3 off Gaither Sircel. - Shaving cream was sprayed onlo a vehicle on Holly Lane, it was reported Aug. 4. - The larceny of cigarettes from Fo(h1 Lion. 'i’adkinN ille Road, was reporled Aug. 2. * A counierfeil bill was Ibimd in an ATM machine t»n Vailkinville Road, it was reporled .Aug. 5. Arrests - Andrew Keilh Jesner. 17. of S'Jf) Pine Ridge Roail. was charged July 3 1 wilh driving with a revoked license, possession of marijuana, and possession of drug par:\phenui- Iia. Trial date: Aug. 16. - Cipriano Mende/ Chiipiito, A}. of 207 Avon St.. was charged Aug. A with DW I and possession of drug paraplienialia. Trial date: Aug. X. • Dennis Curtis Clark. 47. of l.inwootl. was charged Aug. 2 w ith shoplifting. Trial dale: Aug. 15. - Thea Gail M alicoal, 43. of Linwood. was charged Aug. 2 with shoplifting. Trial dale: Aug. 15, Tnirflc Accidunis - A Salisbuiy man faces four charges after a wreck on U.S. 64 West at 2:30 p.m. Aug. I. Miciiael Lee Llewellyn.45. was charged hy Assislani Chief W.J. Slonetnan wilh DWI. hil and run. driving while license revoked anil ilriving lefl of cenier. Llewellyn was driving a l‘J8S Oldsmobile llial crossed ihe cenier line and slruck the rear of a iractor trailer being driven In the opposite direclion by Roger Elvis Blinson. 53. of raylorsville. Stoneman re­ ported. - Hohhie Smilh Andrews, 73. of 2H9 Wandering Lane, was driving a 1995 Lincoln on Yadkinviiie Road al l():3() a.m. Aug. 5 and while turn­ ing from Ihe turn lo ihe travel lane, il struck a 1993 Ford driven by Ashley Marie Schmil/, IK. of 365 Michaels Road, reported Officer E.M . Parker. H ig h w a y P a tro l The following traffic wrecks in Davic County were listed by the N.C. Highway I’atrol. Culllsiiin On U.S. 601 A Davie man was charged w itli failure lo rcilucc speed afler Ihe ve­ hicle he was driving hit anolher July 2‘). Marcus Wayne Cover of 2.^0 Davie Streei. Cooleemee was driv­ ing a |y«S Nissan vehicle south on (lOI behind a IWO Pord vehicle driven hy R«tx;rl James Kasling of 17-t llo ly Cross Churcli Road. .Mocksvillc. As Kasting slowed his vehicle for Iraffic alicailCover failed to slow his vehicle in lime and his vchicle hit Kastlngs in Ihe rear. Troo|ier M .T. Dallon reported the accident occurred al approxi­ mately ().m. and Ihere were no injuries. .SIwpinK Driver \Vrecks A Forsyih mail w as charged w ith reckless driving after he wrecked the vehicle he was driving July M). Kenneth Wayne I’egrani of Helews Creek was driving his I9‘J« Dodge pick-iipcasl on Intctslate 40. I’egrani's Iruck ran off the road to Ihe right near a rest slop entrance, colliileil wilh ihe rest area sign, and continued out of conlrol onloa grass shoulder. The Iruck Ihen overturned w ith Ihc trailer it w as pulling sepa­ rating from Ihe truck. I’egram's track camc to rest on the shoulder right side up wilh the trailer resting on top of the vehiclc. Trooper M .T. Dalton reported the accident occurrcd nl opptoxi- tnately 5: lOu.in. and I’egtain slated he fell asleep prior to tunning off the road. W ritk At Ailviincv Disctnmt .Store A r r e s ts A Forsyih man was charged wilh unsafe inovemeni afler ihe vehicle he was driving hil anolher July 30. Rufus Antonio Sims of Winston- Salem was driving his 1995 Isu/u vehicle from a parked position ai ihe Advance Slore. Sin\s failed to see l>efore making a right turn and hil a parked 1997 Ford vehicle ou ned by Ernest Alfred Siiiiili of 205 Casa Bella Drive. Advance. Trooper A.A. Justice reporled the accident occurred al approxi­ mately 4 p.m. and there were no injuries. Wreck Al Intersciilnn A Davie woman was chargeil wilh unsafe movemeni after the ve­ hicle she was driving hil anolher July 30. Taylor Eli/al>elh f larnion of 217 Holly Lane. Mocksville had slopped Ihe 1999 Jeep she was driving al a red light on N .C SOI .Soulh. I larnion failed lo see Inrfore hacking her Jeep and slruck a 2(H)3 Honda vchicle tiriven hy Roberl William Hrown of Winslon-Salem lhal was iK’hind her. Trot)per A .A . Jusiice reported ihe accident occurred al approxi­ mately 12:30 p.m. and ihere w ere no injuries. Tawed Vthicle Octachvs No charges were liled afier an accitleni on Inlerslnte 40 July 30. Diane Hcarne Caviness of Gar­ ner was driving a 2(K)1 Monaco ve­ hicle easl on 1-40 pulling a 1990 Jccp.Tlielowing unil separated from the Jeep and il ran off the imerslate. struck an embankment, collidetl wiih a tree, then overturned. Trooper M .T. Dalton reported Ihe accident occurrcd at approxi­ malely 1:25 p.m. and ihere were no The Davie Counly Sheriffs De­ partment made Ihc follow ing arrests, -W 'illiam Lec FairJr..39.o f 157 Fawn Lanc.M iKksville w as arrested July 28 for failure lo return rental propeny. Trial dale: Aug. 8. -Douglas Phillips. 47. of 271 Nolley Road. Mock.sville was ar­ rested July 29 for failure lo appear. Trial date: Aug. 15. - Ernest Leo Pynle. 45. of 392 Armsworlhy Road. Advance was anested July 30 for inloxicalit^n and disruption. Trial date: Aug. 15. - Todd Wayne Smilh. 17.of 205 Casa Bella Drive, Advancc was ar­ rested July 30 for pre-trial violation. Trial date: Aug. !5. - John Braccy Bridgets. 46, of Booncville WHS arrested July 30 for domcsllc criminal trespassing and communicaling ihreats. Trial dale: Sept. 19. - Buddy Wayne Warden. 26. of 254 Legion Cemelery. Cooleemee was arrested July 31 for assault on a female. Trial dale: Aug. 8. - Edward Harry Watkins. 53. of Winslon-Salem was arresled July 31 for obtaining drugs by forgery. Trial dale; Aug. 15. - Lconel Doblado Machatio. 32. of Charlotte was arrested Aug. \ for no operator’s licensc and left of cen­ ter. Trial dale: Sept. 6. - David Brian Cleary. 32,i^f 17S Wall St., Ct)oleemee, arreMed Aug. 1 for ilomesiic violence proleclion order violalion. Trial dale: Sept. 5. - Buddy Wayne Warden, 26. of 254 Legion Cemeter>' Road. Mocks­ ville was arresled Aug. I tordriving with license revoked. Trial tlaie: Aug. 21 in Davidson County. - David Lee Brpw n. 57. Statesville.arrcsted Aug. 3 for DWI andopen container. Trial date: Sepl, 6. mjunes. \\'()imm Chiirued In Wreck A Davic woman was cliargctl wilh failing U> yield afler the vehicle she was driving hil anolher July 31. Mariha Vaughn Twyman of 116 Fcscuc Drive. Advancc w as driving her 1997 Cadillac from Ihc Tanglew(H>d Crossing shopping en- iranceallempiing lomakea lefliurn onto U.S. I5S. Benjamin Chase llcdrick of Pfafflown was driving a 2000 Chevrolel pick-up easl on 158 and was making a left uirn init> the Tanglewtiotl Crossing shopping cn- irance. Twyman failcti lo yield ihe right of way lo Hedrick's truck and caused Ihe Iwo lo collide. Trooper C.D. Jones reporled ihe accident tK'currcd al approximalely 9:30 p.m. and there were no inju­ ries. W'rcck On Cornal/cr Roiul A Davie woman was charged wilh exceeding safe s(iccd afler the vehicle she was driving wreckctl Aug. I. Rose Ellen Everidge of 155 Alamosa Drive. Advance wasdriv­ ing a 1997 pick-up \s est on Cornal/cr Road when it ran off ihe right shoul- tler. traveled ilown an embankmeni, slruck a dhch. ihen slruck a lelc- phone box before coming to rest againsi a irec. Trooper A.A. Justice reporled Ihe accidenl occurred al approxi­ mately 2 p.m. and Everitlge was taken to Forsyth Men)orial Hospital for treatment. W rcck On U.S. 601 An Iretlell man was charged wiih failure to redvice s|4*ed after the ve­ hicle he was driving wrecked Aug. -> Teddy F.ugene Hensley t>f Slalcsville was driving a 1995 GMC vehiclc soulh on 601 behind a I9M2 Ford vehicle driven by Disa Josephine Caudle of Yadkinviiie. As Caudle slowctl lo make a lurii onto Main Church Road Hensley failed to sUnv his vehicle in time and colliiled wilh Caudle’s vehicle. TroojHrr M .T. Dalltui reporled the accident occurred al approxi­ malely 11:50 a.m. Wreck On N.C. H»l No charges were filed afler a wrcck in Davie Counly Aug. 2. W'ade Thomas Macey Jr. of 120 While Eagle Court. Advance hatl snapped his 2(K)l Volkswagon due lo Iraffic ahead. Slopped behind Macey wasa 199.S Ma/dadrivenhy Rosemary Reeves Prachel of 121 Roxbury Courl. Atlvance. Prachel looked away and her fotnl slippetl off Ihe brake pedal causing her ve­ hiclc lo strike Macey's in ihe rear. TrooperC.D. Jones reported the accitleni t>ccurred al approximately 6:30 p.m. and ihere were no inju­ ries. <-’jir Runs O ff Roiid. Wrecks A Davie man was cliargctl wilh careless and rcckless driving afler llie vehicle he was driving wrecked Aug. 2. Nct/ar Rodriguez Amaro of 158 Eichist)n Street, Mocksville W'as driving his 1993 Dt>dge vehiclc soulh on N.C. 901 when it ran off right righi shoultler. stnick a high­ way sign, then slruck a car irailer. TrotiperC.D. Ji>nes reported ihe accidenl occurred al approximalely 3:45 p.m. anti ihere were no inju­ ries. Boxsprinu Mils Vehicles A Forsyih man was charged wiih failure lo secure a load afler a wreck in Davie County Aug. 2. Kevin Duana Nielanderof Win- ston-Salem was driving his 1990 Tt\vola pick-up wesl tm 1-40 loailed wilh a mailrcss and boxspring set. The w>pe used lo secure the mattress and boxspring broke and the boxspring bccanicairbonie. Il slruck a 2003 Pelerbuili driven by John Calvin Bullard of California then continued airborne striking a 2002 Ford vehicle driven by Timt>lhy Paul Davis of High Point. Trooper M .T. Dallon reporled Ihe accitleni oc­ curred al approxin)alely 10:25 a.m. and ihere were no injuries. S h e r if f ’s D e p a r tm e n t The following incidenis were reported lo ihc Davie Sheriffs Depl. - On July 29 Terry Higgins re­ porled a camcortler, jewelry, an air cttmpressor, and oiher items were renu)ved from a residence on Deere Run Drive. Mocksville. - Molly Nolan reported com­ puter CDs. a lamp, checks, and ATM cards were removed from a home on U.S. 158 East. Moeksville on Julv 30. - Ninellc Gal/emeycr reported jewelry was removed from a resi­ dence on Bernuula Village Drive. Advance t>n July 31. - On July 31 Billy Myers re­ ported spol lighls and a ballery lesier was rcmo\ etl from a home on Joe Myers Road. Ativancc. - Lisa lienson reported money \s as removetl from a home on Eden Lane, Mocksville on Aug. I. - On Aug. 1 Richard Bell re­ porled Ihe hootl of a car was dam­ aged at an unknown area in Davie Counly. - Cheryl Clinton reporled a ve­ hicle was damaged at a resitlence t>n Cellar Creek Road. Mocksville on Aug. 3. - On Aug. 4 Pally Shaver re­ ported a vacuum cleaner, curiing iron, candle, and money was re­ moved from a home on Tara Courl. Mocksville. Flowers for all Occasions L-i Sister’s II ofMocksville (336)751-1782 Do your bones groan? Does your back creak? YES COMADOLL WATTS ORTHOPAEDICS & SPORTS MEDICINE Comadoll/Watts Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine has you covered Davie County. Now Located in the Davie County Hospital Df. James Comadoli and Dr. Gregg Fcrrcro will .sec paticnls in this oftice on Monday and Wednesday mornings. Call 751-2878 or our Salisbury ollice 704-216-(KNEE)56.13 for an appointment 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 - F ire s Davic Counly fire depannienis responded to the follow ing calls; Jul) 3(1: Fannington, .S; 12 a.m., 1-40 Easl. automobile accidenl: Smith Grove assisted. Jul.v^l: Mock.4ville, 7:18 p.m.. Hospital .Street, fire alann. Aug, 1: Advancc, 1:12 p.m., Baileys Chapel Road, .structurt fire: Fork assisted; Coniatzer-Dulin, 1:57 p.m., Cornalzcr Road, automobile accident; Fork assisted. Auk-2: William R. Davic, 11:.^ a.m.. Ealon Church Road, automo­ bile accidcnl; Fannington nssisicd. Aug. 3: Cooleemee, 4:25 p.m.. Gladstone Road, lawn mower fire. Aug. 4: Jerusnlcni, 9:39 a.m., ComcrSlore,.smallgusspill; County Line, 2:02 p.m., Ridge Road, grass fire. ly C .C O M M O D A T I DNS. 'A ü V A N C | | ^ E Í t 'B Í V A X 1 0 N S ACCE P T E D . W itU'our spicious maternity suites and rel.i,\ingjacit;:i tulis, the Special Deliver)’ area at^Davis^jiic'gional Mcdical Center offers comfort and privacy, as well as tlie highest level of teelmology. Spccialiicd l>eds fur mom, delii.xe sleeping accom m odations for dad, TVs and VCr<s arc included to make your stay as comfort;il))e'as possible. A celebration luncU is even included during your hospital sta>'. To make your advanced resers'ation, please call (704) 838-7106, or ask for a Special Deliver)’ enrollm ent packet at your next doctor's appointment. You will also find an array of spccial progranxs and ser\’ices to help with your new arrival. at Davis Regional Medical Center WHERE EVERY A SPEC I A L DELIVERY ! • n.\peeiant Parenls' Tour, Childbirth and Breasifeeding Chusses • Dadd)’s Beeper • Level II Nurser)’ • Jacuzzi I lot Tubs • Follow-up Home Visit • Parent's Celebration Lunch • MedKey C.xprcss Registration • Medicaid & Most Insunince Plans Accepted 218 Old M ocksvillc Road, 1-40, Exit 154, Slatesville • (704) 838-7240 . www.davisrcgional.com Ш ill#•' 'i Grady anid Dot spry with their children, Lisa Michael, Russ and Chris. G r a d y S p r y R e c e i v e s S t a t e ’s O r d e r O f T h e L o n g L e a f P i n e Conthiui'd Krom Page 1 lawnmower paraile, and being a key player behind several projects, such as: the RiverPark, rcsurfaeing of sidewalks, improving the town’s drainage system, Ihe Christmas Tour of Homes, established the town Christmas ornament; promoted a monthly meeling of mayors, worked for lower garbage .scrvice lo lown resiilenls. The list goes on. "VVe are going in the right direction. They’ve really worked to turn ihis town around," Spry said. Spry w asn’t afraid lo ask the tough t|uestions to county commissioners when the welfare of Cooleemee rcsi- , dents was at stake, cither. But he did it in a way that gained respect, not adversity. Those county commission­ ers were atnong the well- wishers Sunday afternoon. Although confined to his home, Spry, with his wife Dol at his side, donned his suit and tie and with the help of his sons, greeted visitors from a chair in the den. More lhan once, doctors have predicted that Spry wouldn't make it. The people of Cooleemee and others have been instrumental in helping Spry and his family cope with the disease. They visit. They call. They bring food. But most of all. Ihey pray. “I can't understand why so many people care so much aboul such a small person," he said. "I'm very fortunate that Ihis many people care. My children come lo see me every day. My brothers and sisters come to see me ever)' day. "I’ve never h.ul so many people to pray for me in all my life," The Rev. Shelby Harbour said a prayer prior lo the award presentation. “Much has been accomplished for the leader­ ship he has done. Doctors saiti he wouldn’t be here. But he's slill here. We’ve seen in his life w e’re only here because of Your grace and Vour mercy.” Spry worked at the mill in Cooleemee from 1948 to 1969. fie co;iched Little League baseball teams, and a girl’s softball team he coached for 14 years never finished lower than second place. Howard, wilh the help of Town Clerk Dolly Urdanick, nominated Spry for the award. "This is a very loving, Christian home," Howard said. "These (awards) are only given 10 a select group of individu­ als. The people of Cooleemee, Davie County and North Carolina love and appreciate you." "He is a true Christian in every respect," Urdanick said. "H is family is his first love, but oulside of bis family, the Town of Cooleemee and ils people have been an inspira­ tion to him and the love of his life." Spry and his wife have Ihree children, Russ, Chris and Lisa M ichael, four grandchil­ dren and two great-grandchil­ dren. M ost live in or nearby to Cooleemee. "W hat Ihe people have meant lo me, il's just unreal," Spry said. Spry with brothers and sisters, from left: Dolly Swaim, Jessie Pierce, Aaron Spry, Jerry Spry and Doyle Spry. Not pictured: Wink Hendrix and Bill Spry. Davie Teen Shoots Another After Drinking Argument Over Cigarettes A D avie teen has been charged w ith assault w ith a deadly weapon wilh intent to in­ flict serious injury after a .shoot­ ing Aug. 3. Matthew Daniel Brock, 19. of 338 Oakland Ave., Mocksville was arrested at his home after shooting a 15-year-old boy in the stomach. According to Davie County Sheriff’s Departmeni Detective John Stephens, a 911 call was received around 3 a.m. Saturday lhal Ihe victim had been shol with a .22 caliber pistol. Alcohol was involved and the two teens had been arguing over cigarettes, ac- C o c a i n e P o s s e s s i o n C i i a r g e d A Davie man was charged wilh felony possession of co­ caine after authorities found crack cocaine in the vehicle he was driving July 26. . Anthony Wayne Godbey, 18, of 188 Calvin Lane, Mocksville was arrested around 7:15 p.m. after being stopped by detectives on routine patrol. Davie County Sheriff's De­ partm ent D etectives Stuart Parker and Tony Leftwich were on patrol that Friday evening when Ihey saw Godbey’s vehicle leaving a known drug house, said Piirker. The detective ran a license plale check that came back ficti­ tious after which Ihey pulled Godbey’s vehicle at The Comer Store on U.S. 601 South, Mocks- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 8, 2002 ■ County Manager Search Continues Davie County has begun ils search I'or a new manager, and hopes to lure one before the end of Ihe year. Ads have been placed in na­ lional publications, and resumes have begun to roll in. The search is being spearhcadeil hy com- missioners Ken W hile and Rich­ ard Poinde.Mer. "W e expect to hire a top- quality manager who will pro­ vide effective leadership for years to come," said W hite. In Ihe interim , assislani counly manager Jim Stockert has taken on the responsibilities. Chairm an Dan Barrett ex­ pressed confidence in Stockert. "We are in capable hands with Jim Slockcrt. He has Ihe com­ missioners full support, as well as support of our excellent de­ partment heads and employees." County Board Wants Further Study On School Facility Needs Continued I'rom Page 1 are working well and hard with you all. The problem we’re faced with is trying 10 deal wilh these kids. When you have children come in the door, its not just dealt with by pulling a mobile unil outside the building. It’s the cafeteria, the gym. the counse­ lors." Barrett said commissioners need to make an infonned deci­ sion ahoul how much money lo ask for in a bond. Are there some needs that can be deferred for a while'.’ He also wondered if Ihere were olher financing options. Comniissioncrs stressed their underslanding thal ihe school bond is nceiled. " I'he needs are oul Ihere," said Michael Allen. "They are absolutely great. It was the early 1970s when the trailers slarled appearing, and Ihey are slill Ihere. We want lo make sure we pul something on the bond that will pass, not put everyihing on Ihere al once, and Ihen it might not pass." If the total S44 million were approveil at once, it would mean a 16-17 cent tax increase. "Given a differenl financial cir­ cum stance, I d o n ’l Ihink we would have a problem ,” said Bobby Knight. He went on to say lhal he warned lo expedite the process as soon as possible, once the county knows where il stamls financially. “ They have to pass the bud­ get .sooner or later.'’ .said Barrett. Although no formal action was taken, the two boards will be putting together a committee lo continue on Ihc process. The board rei|uestcd the list of needs to be pm in priority order. Laler thal day. Carler lold the , school board about the meeting. “Timing is everything. Just like us, they arc in the most criti­ cal budget situation Ihey have ever been in. Reimbur.sements were a lifetime commitment and now they’ve been jerked out from under us, anil theyre try­ ing lo cope wilh lhal. Their goal would be lo determine income situalion, possible sources o f in­ come, how much Ihey can en­ dorse, and have all thal before Ihc voters in early spring 2003." T e e n F a c e s C o m p u te r H a c k in g C h a rg e s Conllnued Krom Page I Because il will eosl more lhan % 1.000 to replace security m ea­ sures thal had been violated when McKeel hacked inlo the school's w ebsile, he was charged with damage to com puters, a C lass G felony. He was also charged wilh misdemeanor com ­ puter trespass. The olher five charges were for third degree sexual exploita- lion o fa minor, all felonies, re- sulting from Ihe dow nloaded pictures lhal were found when his computer was confiscated by the SBI. M cK eel’s attorney is Rob Raisbeck, and although the cases appeared on the District Court calendar last week, they were continued to the Sept. 19 session. However, prior lo that lime, if the District A ttorney’s office de­ termines there is probable cause for indielment by a grand jury, Ihe cases could be moved to the Superior Court ealetular. N either Ihe m isdem eanor charge nor the exploitation charges carry aclive sentences for someone with no crim inal record, according lo Gary Frank, district attorney. The damaging computers charge, however, car­ ries a minimum of eight to 16 monihs, with a maximum of 10 to 20 months, of either active time, suspended time or a com ­ bination of both. Thai delenni- nation is up to the judge. 3 Davidson Men Charged With Stealing Motorcycles By ,Iackii‘ Seiiboll Davie Counly Enler|)rise Record Three Davidson Counly men have each heen charged wiih felony breaking and entering and felony larceny of motor vehicles altera break-in occurred in Davie County Aug. 3. Jerry Lee Praler, 24, Daniel Allan Run, 22, and M atthew Steven Justice, 18, all of Lexing­ lon were arresled Saturday morn­ ing around 8 a.m. al Prater’s resi­ dence. According to Davie County Sheriff’s Departmeni Deputy B. Jacobs, a call was received around I a.m. Saturday lhal a break-in had occurred al Duncan’s M otorcycles and Four W heeler Repair on U.S. 64 Easl, Advance. Deputies arrived al the scene and found a broken window on one of Ihe bay doors and two moloreycles valued al more lhan .S7,.‘i(X) rni.ssing. W ilnesses gave deputies a de.scription of the suspects ve­ hicle and authorities in Davidson Counly were contacted since the vehicle was last seen heading in that direction. Davie officials later arrested all three suspects in Lexinglon and recovered Ihe Iwo stolen motorcycles. All three were placed in Davie County Jail in lieu of S8000 .se­ cured bonds each. Their first court appearance is scheduled Aug. 1.“). Advance Florist & Gift Baskets FniH — Hi; Ueliver— (336) 940^337 Moi|.Fri M 9-Э cording lo Stephens. The 15 year old was taken to Baptist Hospital where surgery w as perform ed. A ccording to Stephens, the teen is doing well. Brock was placed in Davie County Jail in lieu of a 510,000 secured bond. Mis firsl court ap­ pearance is .scheduled Aug. 15. ville. Detectives obtained pemii.s- sion to search the vehicle and found a small baggy lhal con­ tained five rocks of crack co­ caine, according lo Parker. Godbey was phiced in Davie Counly Jail in lieu of a $15,000 secured bond. His firsl court ap­ pearance is scheduled today. S h e r i f f A l i e n W h i t a k e r Continue The Progress" ★ Retired 1st Sergeant, U.S. Army & Army Reserve ★ 1983 Graduate of Rovvan Community College, Basic l^w Enforcement ★ Served Davie County Sheriffs Office since 1982 ★ Began Public Safety Team at Davie County High School, 2001 ★ Member of six county Traffic Task Force receiving National Award in 2002 I appreciate your continued support toward my third term as shekjf. — Paid For by Sheriff Allen Whitaker — i b 8 - DAVIK COUNTY KNTF.RPRISK RKCOKI), Лиц. S. 20(12 County Enters State 2 Water Conservation Measures Davic Couniy coininission- cr^ approved lakinj; llic county lo stage IWO water conservation levels on Monday afternoon. With Ihe Yadkin Kivcr al 25 percent of norm al. ComniiN- sioner Bobby Knight said, "it is imperative that wc enter into stage two conservation." liis com m ents cciio com ­ ments itiadc to local govern­ ments in a receni letter, asking counties to enact the slightly stricter, while slill volvinlary, conservation measures. In addi­ tion lo tile measures mentioned a few weeks ago in stage I. the state and couniy are asking resi­ dents lo iry lo lower water us­ age by 20 perccin. •Stage lu o conservallon el- forls. in addilion to ihe Stale 1 measures, are lisled as: • l.lmiling thc Use of clothes washers and dish wasliers. and runnini; them wiiii full loads only; • Reduce Hushing of toilets lo a minimum when practical: • l.iinil law n watering to only when gniss shows signs of with­ ering. and apply water as slowly as possible lo achieve deep pen- eiration: • l.iniit slirubbery watering to the minimuni. reusing household w :iter w hen pos- ibie: • l.iniit car washing lo the minimum: • 1-imit wash downs of out­ side areas such as .sidewalks, patios, driveways, or other sim i­ lar purposes; • l.,imit hours of operation of water-cooled air conditioners, if possible; • Use disposable dishes and utensils, both for residential and com m ercial purposes, where feasible. .Stage liiree conservation ef­ forts are listed as moderate m an­ datory conservation and would be the ne.xt step if a lol of rain does nol come to thc slale. Coniniissioncr Michael Allen said Ihere seemed to be a lol of misconception of the water is­ sue in Davie, following a few days of rain recenily. "liow long would it lake us lo gel Ihe water tables up lo the levels lhal would make your.of- fice com fortable." he asked Bruce Pratt of the water deparl- nient. Pratt said llial one rain wouldn't do it. The river would rise following a good rain, he said. Bm il will drop back down afler a few dry days. C om m issioner Ken W hite mentioned that in llie average year, tiie coimly sees 42 inches of rain. Currently, lie said, we're 40 inches behind. "We need a year of rain to fi.\ it. O ne rain d oesnl stop a drought." 2 More Rabies Cases Confirmed O fficials w ith the Stale Laboratory of Public Health confirm ed the 12th and l.^th cases of rabies in Davie Coumy this year. A ccording 10 Barry Bass, health director, case 12 involved a raccoon that tested positive for Ihc virus. The raccoon had an encounter w ith a cow in the CornatzerAVilliams Ro;ul area. Thc cow that was exposed was put lo death. There was no liiiman exposure. Case 13 involved a raccoon lhal tested positive for tlie virus. The raccoon had conlacl with a dog in thc C enter C ircle/ Sheffield Road area. Tlie dog was current w ith rabies vaccine and was to receive a booster. T here was possible limiuiu cxiKisure and those involveil are consulting wilh Iheir fam ily Register To Vote By Aug. 16 The voter regislralion dead­ line for eligibility to vote in the Sept. 10 prim aries and school Ixiard election is Friday. Aug. I ft. Persons who are new in the county, or who have moved or changed their name within thc coumy. shoiilil file a new regis­ tration or corrections w ith the election olTice by ihis deadline. To be eligible for registering to vote, a person m ust be a >-U nilcd States citizen and IX years of age by Nov. .S. Rei|uest for absentee voiing by mail may be Tiled beginning Frid;iy. Aug. I ft. by Ihe voter or on their behalf by a member of their immediale family or veri­ fiable legal guardiiui. I'he one-slop voiing in the election olTice will be available beginning Thursday. Aug. 22, The election office is located in the lower level ofihe M ocks­ ville Tow n H all, 124 S. Salisbury St., Suite 102. The of­ fice is open M onday-Friday, S a.m,-.“! p.m. Questions may be directed to 7.S 1-2(127 during these hours. Farmers May Be Eligible For Drought Help Л lack of rainfall over ;m esienileil pcriiKl has caused farm­ ers in Davie lo suffer from Ihe ef­ fecl of severe droughl. Famis may tv eligible for cosl- share assisiance under ihe Emer­ gency Conservation Program ail- minislered by Ihe U.S. Deparl- menl of Agricullure. Fann Service Agency, which provides assis­ iance if Ihe damage is so severe lhat water available for livestock or orchards and vineyards has Ы'еп reduced below niinnal lo Ihe extent that neither can survive wilhoul additional w aler. Contiicl the Daviilson-Davie Farm Service Agency al l-SOD- .‘>24-3389 or hy visiting the office at .301 E. Cenier St. in Lexington. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Happy 50th* : BiftMiday! Blenda • • • • • • • • • • • • • doctor regarding posi-exposure rabies treatmenl. "People need lo be especi;dly wary of wild animals that are beliaving in a sinuige or unusual m anner." Bass said. "N o one should ever try lo pel a stray or w ild anim al, no m ailer how innocent or lame it may appear". Bass ;ilso stressed the need for rabies vaccinations to be curreiil. ” ll means the dilfereuce between life and death if llie animal is exposed lo rabies." A dog or cal w ilh currenl rabies vaccine winilil oiilv have lo have a booster if il came in conlacl with a rabid animal. I le urges anyone who has a pel and is nol sure of its vaccination status to conlacl their velerinarian. Should a wild animal bite a domestic animal, livestock, or human, residenls are :iilvised to keep the animal in sight and contacl Davie .•\iiinial Conliol al 3.V)-7,SI-0227. Anyone having (|ueslions aboul rabies should conlacl Iheir velerinarian or Jeff Heauchamp. U.S.. Davie Couniy I leallh Deparlment al I -S7ftO. JU L L S e rv ic e 'D e sig n Is IV/iiir IVc offer... .'Aiw'wrwi • 'fjivr Cinvn'ii^/5 ÍVÍMIÍI»1V 'TlWltììh'ììtS 'TklÍMÍ ‘iíit/tíílltj £h5iI»I’Ií5 Vil/rCinvnMa5 .Siíi; Tt'ci's vt’ flants ‘Л»1мт'м1ц and Interior Designs, Ine (336)766-9918 .».ЧЛ-С CJtmmoM Kd, (Топтол» IJhraf) Uii/iJjj-rfHaT 9MS:00 Picture yourself at God’s Great Gallery VACATIO N BIBLE SCHOOL August 10, 2002 9am-3pm For All Ages Elbaville United Methodist Church Advance, NC For more info call 998-5163 BEN MYNATT NISSAN О fíonie ofßiG Ш щ з ! Get The Bottom L N E Sports Sedan 02 NISSAN AITIMA CD Player. PAV. P/l, Till. Cruise, Keyless Entry. Splash Guaiis. Floor Mats. Cabin Filler 1 7 , 9 9 7 02 NISSAM FRONTIER CREW GAB | (D 3 .9 % ' lot 60 Mos. EHM 1 0 0 1 Rebale '4 - .^ |g, 60 Mos. ‘02NISSMKIJ ’500 ® 3.9% Rebate tor 60 Mos. '02NISSflNSENTIU 1 0 0 0 ( D í^ .9 % Rebate (ot6QMos. F R C 'O lM iE P S n U '01 NISSAN MAXIMA QLXFull Powtr, Spoll«!, AiiDyt. ««fai ^8 3 5 tUN SSW XIBWAJŒ M4,995 ‘99 NISSAN ALTIMA QXEfy»* f 3 U MiIm. AMlwnm *10,595 AJ filrt m l.»y c» Tti. Tjj i (JOC 'ts -J W t<« ».i;iW Uit r'K*» in on rfi Uxk u-ifi CAf, W»!.:« Uì? l'i to' ^ B E N U v u r n ^ i V P O N m c • CMC • NISSAN B2B MKE UEMNDER BIVD. S. s u iis a a v • 704-633-7270 1 B E N M Y N A T T O F S A L IS B U R Y " 2 0 0 2 " m c i m w a m BM Summer Drive 0 % - “Save Thousands” O^FINANdNG FOR 60 MON" A O i M C ro/f Л Yukon XL • D enali S D enali XL WE ARE niOFISItONAL QRADE щ ^ П ¥о у & Envoy XL • Sonamas Л S afaris 0%36Mos, ‘02 GMC Sierra ffowonfy E K f ^ C f l b 8 7 5 Was' ' 2T;419 Bea¿D)3n • 2,932 -,^. 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Hot Savings an Hot W heels, Prices ^ 1 C learly M arkedl *16,995 tnNSSANALTMAQXEFaclory Wairinty, iull Fowar. 37K Mlltl. *4160 .•« FORO EXPEDfTlGN 4X4Ilk« Ntw. Cddla B*u«r. I-Ownar Ti»d*. »2770011 *22,995 S*tve . ГУ., r....,. . . . . . . . . .*96 BUICK CENTURY И 0 Q Q R W M tm iniM ohtuiM . Tii. lig i DOC tee 0tJ289Mve eitra AJ! иП'<м ir« on m stock imts wh/ ^cuin. мпвА PlCtufttíte(oí№Iюnpwpo«ïonf/ AlHitesifeonjppmedCfrtit AJeip,resMl02. ' g 9 9 5 8 2 9 JA K E Д 1ЕКД 11Р1Н B M tP . ¿ S Î l Ü S B U H Y y j î i ^ l ^ ^ J R " Sports DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 8,2002 - 1П D a v ie W a s 7 2 -1 1 W it h G u a r d A n g i e B r o w d e r llv Ilrian Pills Davie Cmmly limorprisL- Kocmcl Eintuh ill ¡III fialii-pan saics tm /Jdvii’ lli^h .^ihli'ii, Hull ttf I'tiiiifrs. God made many ofihe i;ieal players in the storied hisiory of Oavie High girls baskeliiall, Angie Hrowder made Angie Browder one. It's in Ihe driveway where she made f herselt inlo a good player firsi and even- , tually imo one of llie greatest poinl ■ guards ever, ll was an old-fashioned ' formula lhal look Urowiler to Ihe rain- ! bow, slaning as a sopluim ore in a dream -leam lineup, making Ihe All- Conference leam liiree limes, starring al High I’oinl College and lieeomiiig an inaugural nieinher o fih e Davie lligh Alhlelic I lall of Tame. ".Slie w iniltl praeliee outside when it u as so cold llial she had lo Inuulle np." said R overda Jarvis, who coached Brow der in Ihe sevenlh. eighlh and ninlh grades al .Sliaily Cirove l-lemen- laiy and Norlli Davie Junior 1 ligii. "lie- fore I gol llu'ougli coaching, yon had lo heg them lo praclicc al school. 1 remem- I'cr siunv on tlie grouiul and her iiiiillier complaining hecause she was oulside sliooliim in snow shoes. .She shoveled oul a place so she could shool. Now. thal's dedication. She may say she lilos- somed al IDavie. hut she really ilid a lol of il hy sheer delerniinalion." W hciher il w as a pickup game In Hen aiul Ann lirow'iler's Advance driveway. Angie Browder Slabach said she couldn't have done it without her awesome teammates. - Photos by Robin Fergusson afler-school praclicc or a gam e. Rrowder always hil ihe courl looking lik’; a kid coming down the slairs on Christinas morning. ".She jiisl ihorouglily loved the game." said Kim Ward Horner of Con­ necticut, a classmale from kindergarten liirougii 19S4. "ll wasn't a season for her. When we were kids, if Ihere were Ihree or four people sianding around talking, lhal was a polenlial game lo iier. Thai's just the way she was. It was con- slanl," l.iiAiin Rrowder Parker of Georgia descrihcil her older sister's houndless passion. "Daddy had a foul-shot lane spray painled on Ihc driveway, and 1 would reliound for her," said i’arker. У2. "She would shool like 1(10 al a lime. We liad a tape of (a favorite song) and she had a whole dribhling romine to the music. When it was free/.ing cold, she slill wanleil lo go out and practice. She would run a Uih full of lioiling hot wa­ ter. would dip Ihe haskelhall in Ihe wa­ ter and ihen run oulsiile and shoot wilh il unlil il got colli again. Then she'd come hack in, dip it in the hot water and go hack oul." "W e'd play games al her house and you knew lhat goal had heen used hc- cause il's painl chipped oil the haek- hoard and Ihe nel is frayed. She had heen shooling for hours an<l hours." said John Bullins. a I4S-I senior. U nheaten Al Sliady (¡rove The sloryhook ride hegan al Shady G rove. Ja rv is' Panlhers w hipped Ihrough I’inehrook. Cooleemee. W'ill- iain K. Davie and Mocksville and didn'l lose a game iluring Browder's sevenlh and eigiilh seasons. I07S-74 and SO. ".‘\ngie. lo he so small, could domi- nale hecause she was such a good drih- hler," said Vestal I’otls. Sluuly Grove’s hoys coach at the lime. Jarvis, who moved lo North Davie when it opened in I'JSO-Sl. grinned as she recalled a freshm an gam e at Astictioro. awn Singlelon knocks the ball over a leaping teammate in practice. - Photo by James Barringer S p e c i a l Y e a r ? lavie Volleyball Has High Hopes r Brian I'itls |v ie Couniy linlerprise Record |F o r the firsl time since preseason p7, there’s a spring in the step of vie’s varsity volleyhall team. Tor tlie lime since Davie won l.'i of 21 ehes in iyy7 and iiualified for ihe j playoffs for Ihe I (Ilh time in 12 s, optimism aliotit a dynamite year ahounds. "Coming off lasl year, ihe e.xpecta- lions should he high," said Coacii Dave M arkland, who reUirns alinosl every- hody from a leam liiat finished l.'i-? in 2001. "'i'he conference doesn'l do a pre­ season poll, hut w e'd he one of Ihe teams to heat along wilh Soulh Ireilell." Lasl year Kandi Moore was, to put ll mildly, sensational as the War liagles The sisters hug after LuAnn Parker presented Angie Slabach at Ihe Davie High Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony on t\/lay 5. "She was always a prelly girl," she said. " I'he lloor was down, the students sal up high and they threw ihings al her heeause she was so pretty and so good. They look lillle pieces of paper and rolled them up into lillle knols. She was hilling everything she put up and they were throwing Ihings to Iry to distract her. ll didn'l work. She could really shool from way outside, and she could pick your pockel in a heartheal." "She always acted like a lady hut she could play like a mail," Bullins said. "Yon had lo guard her very light. She'd drive past you and she'd step hack. She loved lo slep hack and shoot whal eas­ ily loday would he three points." SophoniorL- Floor (icncral D avie's four-year dynasty in the North I’iedmonl .^-A Conference ended wilh a second-place linish in 1^80-81. "W hen Jill (Amos) lefl. I didn't have any guards," said Bill Peeler, thc Davic girls coach from iy61-88. "1 had lo use Sharon Young to bring up the ball, and she was betler at playing inside. Wc went l.S-4 (afterw inning20-ptusgam es for four conseeulivc ycars) and I lold Ihem: 'He patient. Ne.M year will be a lol different.' " W ilh fast feet and faster hands, Rrowder was the piece that complcled the 19X1-82 puz/le. She averaged 8.У points as a sophomore, hut more im- porlanlly slie ran Ihc show wilh crisp passes, kept everyone involved and I'li- elcd a fasthreak that flaltciied opponenl afler opponent. Tlie tlasliy lineup in- cludeil senior forwards Young and Sa­ rah Gardner, senior cenier Pally Franck and sophomore sliooling guard Naomi Minwalla. Brow der's coining-om party came in a showdown for llrst in Ihe NPC. Davie .si|ucezed pasi Thomasville -I7-‘I6 be­ hind Rrowder's 16 points. Five of six healed halites for NPC supremacy went to Davie, forcing Thomasville lo settle for second in 1482 and 1У83, "W e alw ays finished sccond to Davic," said Maryanne Rankin Byerly, a Soulh Davic M iddle Icacher who played for Thomasville. “The Bulldogs did not like Angie Browder bccausc all our coach did was Icll us how good she “ was. Please See llrow dcr ■ Page B2 E x p e r i e n c e New Tennis Coach Inherits 9 Returners staged a dramatic competitive rchirth and delivered their lirsl winning record in four ycars. After sputtering out to .‘i-4, they hit Iheir stride wilh eight of 10 wins lo close the regular season. The unadvcr- tised charge lied Davie wilh South Iredell atop ihe Cenlral Piediniillt Con­ ference standings, its Ihird title since I'leii.se Soe 5 Sliirlers - Раде B8 The Davic High girls tennis team isn't making spacc in the irophy case for ils tlrsi conference cham pionship since iy77. Nol wilh perennial giant Reynolds on the schedule. Bui the Demons might he the only thing that can stand in Davie's way this season. O f Ihc 12 girls on the roster, nine w ere on ihe 2001 team that achieved a third Slraighl w inning record, second place in the Cenlral Piedm ont C onfer­ ence and advanced to tlie sccond round o f the 4-A dual playoffs. Talk about stumbling inlo a rosy situ­ ation. The liming couldn't be better for Kim berly Bucklaiul, who has taken over for Carol C o/art, the new assis­ tant principal at W illiam R. Davie El­ ementary who led the program for six years. "1 didn'l know what 1 was going lo be facing because I didn't know any­ thing aboul the team at the time (of ac­ cepting the job)," the new coach said, "I didn't know if l’d lost a lot ofpeople and I’d have lo be training and leach­ ing llie game. Il’s making my job a lot easier not having lo teach the funda- nicntals." D avie's rosier includes seniors A llison B ow les, A shlee Prevette, Deanna Shamel and Holly Vines; jun­ iors Carly Balsley, Megan Jordan and Sara Snow; sophomores Shanna More- head and Alyson Walker; and freshmen M egan Appcll, M eredith Cheek and Jessica Overby. The War Eagles open wilh lltrcc home m atches-againsi West Rowan on Aug, 8 at 4 p.m., Alexander Central on Aug. 12 at 4:30 and M oores­ ville on Aug. 19 al 4:30. There w asn't a single senior on last ‘‘They’re determined and want to improve.’’ DHS Tennis Coach KimberlyBuckland year's team, and thus the enti.re starting lineup is back. W ith D eanna Sliainel. Jordan, Prevelle. Balsley, Snow and Walker fill- ing llie top six spots last year, the War Eagles went 72-.‘i3 in singles and 47- 18 in doubles. They went 7-3 in the CPC lo tie Norih Davidson, but dcfcalcd the Black Knights .‘i-4 in a playoff for the No. 2 seed in the dual playoffs. They m ade his­ tory by beating Vance 6-3 for their firsl slatc- playoff win in 12 ycars. Northwest G uilford ended D avie's shocking rise in the sccond round, 6-0. The 15-5 finish was D avie’s fifth .500-or-bctter rccord in a row, Jordan and Balsley were the CPC’s doubles champions, and Shainel-Prevctle, the No. I doubles team, advanced lo the Midwest Regional. “There’s a lol of talent,” Buckland said. “We derinilely have some leaders. They're detcmiined and they wanl to im prove from last year. Just from watching them (for the llrst three days), the top four spots - maybe even live - are probably going to be really tight. That’s how much competilion there is." Buckland, a 27-year-old first-year World History teacher, has an impres­ sive background in tennis. Al Giles High (Va.), she played the No. 1 seed in singles and doubles all four ycars. She also played three ycars of varsity volleyball and was a cheerleader. She grew up 20 niiniites from the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg, Va., and went to college there after graduating from Giles in 1993, She I ) Plcuse Sec Buckland • Page B6 R2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Auk- 8, 2002 Browder Reached Stardom The Old-Fashioned Way C onlinued Krom Phrc BI So we hnil a chip on our slioiil- ilcr every lime we hil ihe floor with Davic. Bul if wc .stopped her, here com es Naomi M in- walla, Wc didn’l ihink Uk> highly of her jusl because our coach. Bobby Suggs. Ihoughi she was one of the iKst players around, and she was. "W hen she cam e lo High I’oinl, I tried lo gel her on my intram ural leam bul another leam gol lo her firsl. 'Hiey beat us in overtime in the chantpion- ship. She played for the college Ihc olher I wo years, and we won it those two years. Wc would have been ,3-for-.^. So she messed me up again, jusl like high school." Davie’s 1982 machine steam- rolled rivals by scores of 62-25, 60-20, 66-22 and .S7-27. Salisbury stopped the slate's lop .VA team 39-.'?7. Davic was IS- 0. ’’All Ihe Thoniasville wins were big," Angie Browder Sla­ bach said. “So many of our wins were routine. I was like: ’Well, 1 know w e’re going to win by 20 or M). (The loss lo Salisbury) was a huge upset. We were al­ ways ready for Ihe 'riiomasville games, but w e'd godow n lo Sal­ isbury flat som etim es. Naomi and I cricd like babies." "1 saiil: ‘Angie, ihis is going Id happen. The sun will come up lomorrow,' " Peeler said. “She said: ’No. il’s not.” ’ Browder hit seven of her first 11 shots, including five from 18- 20 feel, as Davie buried Hasi Rowan i-i-M in the firsl round of the District .“i Tournam ent. TJiey were 27-1 and ranked No. 2 in the slate when they n\ct a 17-8 Monroe team. But Monroe outscored D avie 18-6 in the fourth quarter to pull a -I8-40 shocker. After 3 All-NPC years, Browder burned Catawba with 35 points. The moons idigncd as imder- dogs Wadesboro and Asheboro dashed Davie's state-tillc aspi­ rations in 198.^ and 1984. re­ spectively. Davic was 22-.1 Ik- fore losing to Wadesboro .‘i2-.‘iO in double overtime. Asheboro. which had losl iwico to Davie, scored 12 unanswered points in Ihe final four minules for a 40- upset. Davie won 72 of 8.1 games over Ihe ihree years, but the end­ ings were hard lo stomach. '■The thing I regret is lhal wc never did go further in the play­ offs." Slabach said. "I don't know why that happened to us every year. Il was awful." The Browder-Mlnwiilla Show A lthough Brow der scored quite a few big baskets over her junior and seniors years, she made an even deeper impression with assists. She took Ihe pass­ ing aspect of hoops lo anolher level, approaching magician. Afler fJrowiler scored 18 in a 66-.‘i2 win over Tliomasville thal clinched the Nl’C 's regular- season race in 198.1, Brad llam m of the Salisbury I’ost w rote: Hul her mosi imixhiiuliiif; cimlrihiiiioii Hits ihc ¡tiixxiiii; lhat U'fi Thoiiuisvilli' - aiul somctiiiifs her team - .v/x7/- hiiiiiiil. I-A i’ry Davit' ¡tlaycr, two funs ami a ¡’olii cman caiii;ht lii;liliiiiii;-tliiit k /lasses from lirowder. When Davie’s players llill liiilil on. il was usually an easy layui>. She was Ihe fifth-highest scorer in the nine-team Nl’C al 14 poinls. M inw alla and M ichellc I’ulliam hacked her at I.1..1 and I2..‘>, respectively, as Davic finished 22-4 and si.\lh in the ,1-A poll. B row der took home Nl’C I’layer of the Year and m ade Ihe A ll-N orlhw esi leam. On Browder's performance in the Nl’C Toumament against Norlh Davidson, Steve I’hillips of the I’ost wrote; llrnwiler's ft- mil basket almost ilefies iteserip- tion. She imsheil the hall ¡lown, foiinil her /latli lo the basket lilnekeil hy two ilefenilers ami laiineheil a shol liit^h off the barkboaril while in miil-air The hall fell lhnnif;h ami lirowtler fell to the floor, ilrawini; the foul. Anti her passes to teammates fir layups oflen hoitleretl on the spectacular. "A ngie and 1 n\ade up all kinds of gam es," said Tommy Browder, a year older lhan his sister. "Sometimes lale at night our ganies would turn silly and she w ould slart these cra/.y, twisting moves thal would end with her appearing to jusl throw the ball up. Somehow, Ihey usu- ally went in. I think Ihis is why she was always better at thal sort of thing lhan a straight on layup. For a player as good as she was. she m issed more easy layups than anyone I know. I think it was bccause she preferred the challenge o f being closely guarded and having lo work for Ihe point." B row der and M inw alla worked together like lyrics and a m elody, and they carried Davie to ils sevenlh 20-win sea­ son in cighl years in 198.1-84, The W ar E agles w on the Catawba Chrislmas ToumamenI for the second lim e in Ihrec years. They swept the Nl’C 's regular season and lournamenl titles for Ihc Ihird slraiglil year 10 finish 2.V.‘i. On Browder and M inwalla, I’liillipsof Ihe Post wrote: Mere recilation of won-losi reconls anilst'orin); averages cannot ili> justice lo the e.vcitemeiit of walchint; the senior tluo when everyihinx is workiiif;. There is simu'lhinf; special, almosi niaf>i- cal, in the way lirowtler anil Minwalla become e.\tensions of one anolher lirowtler. the more Jitimhoyani of ihe two. thrives on a fancy pass, a bliiiilsiileil steal or a ilriviii}! Itflhaniletl layup. No one stays more inlo a f;ame. While llrowiler’s look-away passes sometimes fool the yoiinf;er Hi;/- i:ai;les anil wiml up in the first row of the slantls. Minwalla always seems lo an­ ticipate. B row der averaged Ы ..“! poinls and si.\ assists. She won Nl’C Player o f Ihe Year and made All-Northwest for the scc­ ond straight year. She w as named lothe Hast-West All-Star Game. She jusl m issed I,ООО career points, turning in 962, l4‘c;uisc she handed out so many assists. She also excelled in vol­ leyball and track, m aking All- Nl’C twice in track (she broke her fool as a senior) and oncc in volleyball. "She's the Ik'sI passer in the league." Suggs said then. "ЧЪеу have lots of talent bul she nuikes them go." "W hen she ran Ihe fastbreak, 11 was like John S tockton." Parker said. "She w as a female John Stockton of high school." I'-ddic I lardin o f the Winston- Salem Journal wrote this aboul the 5-5 playmaker; In a ¡¡ame thal stresses statistics, mainly scoring. Ilrowiler has helpctl re­ vive an often overlooketl slat, Ihe assisl. The NPC has had many ,4reat hall haiullers in re­ ceni years, but few have tip- proachetl Ihe talent of lirowtler. Phil llrichak of the Journal The War Eagles won two conference titles for the third straight year in 1983-84. They are. from left; front - Angie Browder, Naomi Minwalla and Kim Ward; back - Teresa Smith, Selena Fowler. Shellie Clement, Tammy Pulliam, IVIandy Foster, Leisa Hepler, Michelle Deal, Sandy Siroud and manager Melissa Smiley. Shady Grove went undefeated for the second year in a row in 1979-80, They are, from left; front - Diane Everhart, Sandra Cline, Frankie Chaplin, Mandy Foster, Kim Ward. Barbara Nayder, Darlene Spry, Leslie Powell and Angie Browder; back - man­ ager Mark Metzger, Coach Roverda Jarvis and manager John Matthews, Gary and Angie Slabach, and their four kids, mingle in the lobby before the May 5 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony. w rote: Urowiler .i;ave Davie .umielhinii that couhln't be mea- siiietl by mere numbers. C()llc(>e Career Browder received a Division I scholarship lo UNC-W ilming­ ton. bul transferred after three sem esters and becam e High Point College’s ringleader over two seasons. 1986-87 and 1987- 88. in the NAIA Carolinas Con­ ference. As a junior she aver­ aged 10..1 points and converted 82 percent at the line. As a .se­ nior she led the Panthers in points (14.4) and .1-point accu­ racy (.17 percent). B row der’s shining moment was a 94-90 win at Calawba in 1986-87. One week after break­ ing her nose. Ihe junior e.xploded for ,15 poinls. hitting 17 of 22 shots. She torched Wingate with 29 points as a senior. ’'She was hilling these shots from so far oul, it got lo be crazy and funny," her sister said. ’‘You know thal clip when M ichacl Jordan hits that shot and turns lo the crowd and docs his shoul­ ders like ‘I can't believe il went in. either,’ it was like that." Couchln); Career Slabach’s playing career was full o f accom plishm ent, bul 1988-89 was extra special. She took over for a legend who won 445 ganies and 17 conference cham pionships. She validated D avie’s decision for Peeler's successor by winning the Cen­ lral I’iedmonl Conference Tour­ nament in her first year. D;ivie roile the Three Amigos - double-figure scorers Shiiwn Smool. Beth Mashburn and Sh­ annon Jordan -10 14-8, runner- up in the regular season and a 61-45 win over Mount Tabor in the tournament final. "M y respect grew even more at seeing her as a coach and how she handled garne-limc situa­ tions and off-court situations. She's professional in every­ thing," said Bullins, who went 11-0 in Ihe CPC as the 1988-89 JV girls coach. The talent pool evaporated, resulting in Ihree straight losing records. But "Angie could see the big picture," said Byerly, Slabach’s a.ssistant coach. "She had to slart over and she look a lol of criticism because she was willing lo keep younger girls on varsity, ll was rough. She had a lot of people againsi her because seniority didn'l matter lo her. She pul the best five on the fioor and went with it. She was real good at developing from the ground up, and look at whal she did the last Iwo years." Slabach got the last laugh. Angie Browder won the conference tournament in her first year as Bill Peeler’s successor. going 42-1,1 in her last Iwo years. Behind Maria Newsome, Carrie Brown. Tam ica Cain, Andre.\ G entry and Shannon U m berger. the 1992-9.1 War Kagles wcnl 20-7. claimed sec­ ond in the CPC and beal Glenn in the playoffs. Behind Gentry. Umberger. Newsome. Brown andTanii Ramsey, the 199.1-94 War Eagles went 22-6. hauled off the regular-.season and tour­ nament trophies and romped lo Ihe 4-A Regionals. two steps from Chapel Hill. With a loaded team looming for 1994-95, Slabach was torn between green grass of coach­ ing and green, green grass of home. She loves basketball bul loves family more, handing Ihe reigns to Laddin Lakey. Eight years laler, the Slabachs are up lo two boys and tw o girls - Lake 9, Allie 7, Heath .1 and Emma 18 months. When Davie honored ils firsl hall of fame cla.ss on May 5, Sla­ bach was moved lo be among the ranks of Peeler, Jill Amos Lindblade, Janice M arkland Jackson, Dwayne Grant, John Parker, Randall Ward anil Jef­ frey Lankford. "We had a great coach obvi­ ously, but we jusl had some great players lhat hil al the same lime," she said. "W ho would 1 have been withoui Naomi and M ichellc (Pulliam ) and Kim (Ward)? Somebody would have iriple-leamed me and that would have been the end of lhat." Browder at Shady Grove. The dynamic duo: Angie Browder and Naomi Minwalla. Angie Browder won confer­ ence player of the year twice. DAVIK COUNTY ICN TIÎRPRISIC-UKCOR», AiiKUst 8,2002 - 3B S p o t l i g h t o n B u s i n e s s Christine Miller of Bargain Box Thrift Store on Redland Road In Davie County pledges its profits to cancer services. Her huband died of the disease. Bargain Box Thrift Store benefits cancer victims Christine Miller's motto is “Trust in the Lord and He will take care of all your problems." As owner and operator of the Bargain Box Thrift store at 201 Redland Road in Mocksville, she has relied on that motto many times. , Christine started the Bargain Box Thrift store about one year ago. She got the idea from her daughler, Tina, who owns one in California. “My husband Herman died of cancer four and a half years ago so 1 went to California to help my daughter in her store. That gave me the idea to open one in Mocksville." Most everything in the store is donated and 100% ot the sales are donated to the Cancer Society in memory of her husband, mother-in-law and friends who have died of the disease. “The only items that I keep the money for are the jew­ elry that 1 sell (all of which is brand new) and the things that I buy from a place in Hilton Head to pay my bills.” The Bargain Box Thrift Store carries all brand name clothing (Liz Claiborne, Tommy Hilfiger, etc.) and you won’t find a tear or stain on anything in the store. “I’ve seen her wash live loads of donated clothes and if she didn’t like the way looked afterwards, she would take them to Goodwill," noted Carolyn Barnes, a friend and fill- in worker when Christine is away. “Everybody talks about how nice everthing is in the store." Lerline Cox, a recent customer, commented how neat and clean the store is and how much she enjoys coming by. “She has some beautiful jewelry too. I love to stop by and see whal she has in that’s new." Bargain Box Thrift also carries children's clothes, toys and some small furniture. “I would love to carry larger pieces of furniture,’’ Miller added, "but I just don't have the space. I run the store Irom my mother-in-law's home and il's not a big house." The Cancer Society is a charity close to Christine's heart since several of her family members and friends have either died of the disease or have il now. “My friends tell me I should hang a sign out fronl lhal says ‘free therapy.’ I jusl Ihink people like lo come in and lalk about what they’re going through since I've been there myself." Christine says she really needs more donations and larger size clothing. “People are always telling me lhat they jusl gave a bundle of clothing to Goodwill and had forgotten about my store." So the next lime you have some Ihings lo donate, re­ member Bargain Box Thrift. You'll be donating needed items and giving to a wonderful charily at the same time. Store hours are Wednesday-Friday 10-5:30 and Sat­ urday 10-3. The phone number is 998-1448. C all th e staff of In H om e C are at 722-1470. Advcrtisinn Promotion A Pei'soiiiil Hum'll 'l\u w \, IX€ 79 Court Square • Downtown Mocksville • v^36-753'()y50 "DisiiHnfioH & Ho»u’i/»ioou Linda Blackburn - 14 Years Experience Local Full-Service Travel Agency Serving Davie & Surrounding Couxi its www.per8onaltouchtravel.com Mon-Fri 9-5, Evenings & Sat. by Appt. UGLY ROOF STAINS REMOVED FOR A LIKE NEW LOOK!! Nation's Largest & Oldest Roof Stain Removers Roof-Brite® 785-2030100 Royal 0.ik Dr,. Wmston-Sjlom. NC ?7]07 O e n t e r p o f n ^ O h u T ' c b A s M c i a t « R e f o r m e d P r e s b y te r ia n 6 3 0 1 S h a llo w f o r d R o a d in L e w is v ille ( 9 4 6 -0 5 4 0 ) Sunday Schadula M o rn in g W o rs h ip 9 ;3 0 a .m . S u n d a y S c h o o l 1 0 :4 0 a .m . Casual Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. F o r m o re v ^ r m a t io n : www.c0nt0rpolntarp.co1n Bermuda Mini’s S elf-Storage ^ 9 9 8 - 9 6 6 1 /Climate Control / 24 hr Computerized Gale ✓ Fenced with 24 hr lighting / Sizes 5x5 up lo 10x20 ✓ Video Camera Security / Next to Bennuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance B a rg a in B ox T h rift ‘ Wc Siipixirl C'liiictr rnijininiH" Clirìslìni' ММкт Оиш'г (336) 998-1448 ll.llitN \Ved.-lTÌ.-ll):()()ani-.‘i:.Wpm •Silt. I(l:()l):iin - 3;()()|imKi'JIaml K.l, •ЛсЬ.пич.-. N'C :71И|(, I T I L E R I T E (336) 813-TILE ,(84 53 ) 01Ы hene fct H We tilt pel [rile h(»r»al(ialculaiietimice.lmadn>la. FOR ALL YOUR SPORTING NEEDS! YOUR SPORTS EXPERTS 2668 UiwisviiichClomrTKXis Rd., ClorTVTKins 7 6 6 - 1 1 1 4 Mon.-Fri. 10:30-6: Sat. 9-5 Carolina Express Phimhiiig Repair Spedalisls • Water Healets • Wiell Pumps • Faucets • Disposals Over 15 Years ot Quality Service JAMES IDOL • CHRIS BULLARD 24-HR. EMERGENCY SERVICE _ 7 7 | ^ 1 5 4 3 _ ^ ‘ yourN*«~i Liconsod • Ifiaurod • Mnstorcard • Visa x & g Bnrbors & Bonuty Salon Larry Campbell Appoinlmonis Only Gina Sheppard Sharon Allen Appointments or Walk-Ins Tuos-Fri • t0am-6:30pm Sal • aam -1 pm Hwy. 801 31158« Hillsdale 998-8276 SAVINGS up in EVERYDAY "> 41 Senior Citi:i'i).4 ()Ì!4C4>inil<k • Lunch Box Treats • Baskets • Qet Trov^^els Clemmons Discount Sales 1533 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. 766-4449 ■ Clemmons • 766-4938 DRIVE THRU llonw o r Thv Toasted H o td o g A'oir Oirvniifi S o ft S e rv e Ic e C r e a m Shakes, Siindiics ^ Cones AKSO: IIAM nUIU;i:K, Cl IKKSKIUJKOKI^S, MSI I SANinVIClll'>i& MOUK! 24.12 lA'utsvilk'-Ck'mnmiisKd. MON.-S AI. , lushk* I tut» ARNOLD B AKER Y TH R IFT STO R E I ¡Ш Я Й Ж 'I Honey. Stciik, Senlooil ■ I .Smices, Roasted (!m*lie Suhid | I DresshiK, \'idalia Onion | I I ssiiic, I Stdml Dressing. SlierilT I H ere's im o Dip, Mrs. J ('anipl)eirs ('how-Cliow. I 2G68 Lcsvisvillo-Clcii^mons Rd. I ClomittöfiS • 76G-3060 II Moii.-Ffi. 9-0; Snt. 9-6; Sun. 12-5 j A -1 FIR ST IMPRESSIONSCARPET & SPECIALTY SERVICES 4 0 3 -4 2 7 4 4 0 3 -6 4 4 2 www,AlFkstlmpi«ssioiis.coni Слфе». Uphtìslory, WoodTite FloofS, Lcattwr, SmokeAValef Damago. Cotor Rcpaf Ь Dyeing » Vehide Intoróf • Pet & Control • Residential & Commercial i IICRC S S r I I I I I I I M ocksville Shoe Shop Shoe, Boot & Tack Repairs 52 Court Square. Downtown Mocksville (336) 753-^)942 BRING IN COUPON & RECEIVE $2“ OFF REPAIRS (for cl iimted time) 16 Yrs. Exporionco O p en M -F 8:30am '6:00pm I I I I I I Iupon M-h a.-juam-b.vupm Flooring Hours; Mon.-Fri. 10-6 Sat. 10-2 Specializing In... Caipet & Vinyl Ceramic Tile Hardwood Floors & Refin'ishing Countertops Laminated Floors (336)766-0733 21 Years Experience NOWOPEN 70 THE PUBUC kJ [wniln.y.) 5919-0 James St. ___Çigmmgtis ■■ ■ H ills d a le A n im a l ' f"ee firstOFFICE VISIT ' or I 15% I DISCOUNT ON I VACCINES in Hospital Call 998-8750 for details, - ' ' or to schedule an appointment. 134 MEDICAL DRIVE ADVANCE, N.C. 27006 I I (excludes medications, addilional lesiing) I must have coupon З т о а е з г о п Е Lee Tires « H A N O C K Michelin Tires George’s Village Garage Complete Automotive Repairs 2570 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd.* Clemmons ___________766-7862 o x EDWARDS WINTOV^ LET US ADD BEAUTY TO YOUR HOME We Do Restoration & New Construction • New Vinyl Top Decking •Vinyl Decks & Railing •Vinyl Replacement Windows Screen Rooms • Vinyl Siding p. ■ Sun Rooms E stim ate s! Glass with • Enclosures T C / I A Q Q C IVIobile Phone /O H '-U O O D 978-2299 S P E C I A L O F T H E M O N T H Storm Doors: 9 Colors, 15 Styles DAVIK COUNTY KNTKRPRISE RECORD. Лиц. 8, 2002 Devore Holman leads warmups at practice. Davie has 107 players between varsity and JV. They scrimmage Friday at E. Forsyth. - Photos by James Barringer Running back Jeremy Berube runs a drill as running back coach Barry Whitlock looks on. N o -H u d d le , S in g le - B a c k O ffe n s e T o B e U n v e ile d F r id a y A t E a s t F o r s y th Head Coach Doug llling directs practice. From a parlicipalioii stanil- poinl, I3avic I'ooiliall conlimies to roll. Doiit! llling. who began his ni'ih season as head coach w ilh thf lirst onicial praclicc last w eek, has 107 players, in- cUuling 4X on varsity ami be­ tw een .1()-)() freshmen. " T h a t's w liat it's been, which is a great num ber." he said o f the heavy interest. “ M osl of the freshmen w e've seen w e’ve seen all summer, which is a tribute to our middle sch o o ls for pushing them . T hey're used to com ing in the sum m er, and th a t’s w hal il takes to get the edge." T here will be lots of notice- Devore Holman whips his defensive linemen into shape. Barry Whitlock hands off to sophomore Jamar Bratcher. able differences in the varsity offense, w hich w ill be u n ­ veiled in l-riday's scrim m age at Fast l-orsylh at p.m. A fter looking to q u arter­ back Dan Sullivan and tailback M ike-M ike C lem eni for tw o years, the 2002 m odel will fea­ ture iiuick sophom ore Jam es "C ooler" A rnold al quarter­ back and junior Billy Riddle in a single-sel backfield (D avie has scrapped the fullback and plugged in tw'o tight ends). Riddle, a stalw art at safety as a sophom ore, w ill be liavie's firsl tw o-w ay slarle r since 199.“!. lie churned oul huge yard ag e as a S o u lh D avie M iddle star. A nother novelty will be a no-huddle offense, som elhing form er coach M ike C arier oc­ casionally em ployed in his w ishbone in the 1980s. "W e do it in practice to gel practice reps, and (on Aug. 1) we got alm ost .10 snaps in a l.'i- minute period," llling said. "So w e’re getting a ton of reps in practice, which is phenom enal. You ulili/.e your tim e so m uch better and you gel so m uch more production in practice. "W e w'ant lo control the tem po and go at our pace. Hopefully w e’re going lo he able to e.xecute it under the fire." D avie w ill scrim m a g e M ount Talw r, R agsdale and I'arkland al Tabor on A ug. 16 at 7 p.m. The season opener is Aug. 2.1 al A le.\ander Central, Jhc first of six nonconference games in six w eeks. "A lot o f questions will tie answ ered this w eek," llling said. JV quarterback Brad Corriher prepares to throw. K&G SALVAGE BUILDING MATERIAL 2 FT. 5V Metal Roofing 26 Guage................................79<r/H. We Stock l.arge Air Compressors & Warehouse Slielving Insulated Wood Windows........................................$49.95 ea. 2’x2',2'x4' Celotx Celling Tile 64 sq. ft.......................$14.95 2 Post Hydraulic Auto Lifts.................................$1500.00 ea. 3' wide Galvalume & Colored Metal.............................990/ft. Bostitch Coll Roofing Nalls - 60 colls/box.....................$9.95 Department Store Adlustable Clothing Racks............$39.00 STEEL UNIT • PRE HUNG 6 Panel..............................................................................$69.00 9 Ute................................................................................. $99.00 15 Ute.............................................................................$129.00 Л4000МЯ StbLBudctafRAiC.BUUng Stoic— WxS/lò-Shect Itak---a99fihe« 4V9’xS/l6"Sh(xtRod<___$3.9«9Kct Brid<P!Mn------:---2S<<a SndllSVlin FoiiiBni 24qtCoofaï(»iWheds__ 2’V2" X I r*_________ _».99te. — *14.95 _*l.l9fai. _0.95Aa Ftase'^Hoonig----$I.Wsq.fL 21 lß''«6l"b.i<<<lGfasPänjL$49.9S -SOrs^ft 4’ii8'BattnamileBaanl(te<«d).J4.9SfeL 4'xffx 1/4"РЬУ(в-----m J O O a . Pre-firg k*oior t)oorb------ÖSXMfca. l(M>iKe Pad« Doer Саш«___$».99 New №x*« _____$l4.9Sfei. 4'«8'x 3MTK Wttr BomL-SI l.9Ste 4'nSr* le'ft^xani_______$L99ta. Stcd Poon b-Sbnge BufefagLj7Stei HcwylkitylbniaiD Cages___SI.IMn. Z' Icitiiirant IntHs Witt Jut] ■ Uigr ' IntiHIH MntMi • Slalnliu Slill ShHti> I Mpi • StK) |.|iinu • Wi SUcIi Pliitic Road Culnrti up to SCUir «itIirittlngiAniltbli * AMERICAN FLAGS. VIECAIUnFlACrOlBlWlDEItS OAK HANDRAIL i ^2.99/r . Hwy. 67 East Bend • 336-699-3883 or 336-699-2124 Copeiand Store «336 374-4854 DAVIK COUNTY KN'I'KRPRISE RECORD, Aug. 8, 2002 - B5 D a v i e H i g h S c h o o l F a l l S p o r t s S c h e d u l e s Varsity Football AilgusI 10 al East I'orsytli (scrimmage) at 0:.10 Ifiat Mt. Tabor with Parkland (scrimmage) al 7 2.1 al Alexander Central * .10 W nST ROWAN * Sept. fl LAKE NORMAN * 11 at Mooresville * 20 al Slalesville * 27 I REEDOM (hom ecom ­ ing) ♦ O ctoher -t Open 11 at Soulh Iredell I.S WE.ST EORSY TI I 2.“) at Soiuh Rowan N ovcinhcr 1 REYNOLDS S al North Davidson 15 first round state playoffs 22 second round 20 third round D eccm her 6 semifinals l-t state championship N ote: * Deniiles nimeonfer- ence games. ... All gaines start at 7-..10 p.m. JV Football Au;;. 29 at W. Rowan al TBA Sept. .“i al Lake Norman al 7 12 M OORESVILLE at 7 19 S TATESVILLE at 7 26 at Freedom at 7 O ctohcr 3 Open 10 SOUTH IREDELL at 6 17 al Wesl Forsylh al 6 24 SOU TH ROWAN al 6 1 1 at Reynolds at 6 Nov. 7 N. DAVIDSON al 6 Cross Coimtry Aur. 21 LAKE NORMAN/ S. IREDELL at 4:10 25 MOOUESVILLE al 4:10 Sepl. 4 at S. Iredell al 4:10 11 al Reynolds at 4:10 18 W. FO R SY T ll/N . DAVIDSON al4:.10 25 at Reynolds O cl. 2 S. RO W A N /REY ­ NOLDS al 4:10 9 al Wesl Forsylh al 4:10 16 CPC meel 26 NCHSAA Regionals at TBA Nov. 2 NCHSAA slate meet at TBA Girls Tennis Au«. 8 WEST ROWAN al 4 12 ALEX. CENTRAL at 4:.10 19 MOORESVILLE al4:.10 20 al Bishop McGuiness al 4:10 22 al Wesl Rowan al 4:10 28 at NW Cabarrus at 4:10 29 BISHOP at 4:10 Sept. 1 al S. Iredell al 4:.l(l 4 WES'T FORSYTH al 4:.10 9 at South Rowan at 4:10 11 REYNOLDS al 4:10 16 at North Davidson al 4:10 18 SOUTH IREDELL at 4:.10 19 at M ooresville al 4:10 21 at West Forsyth al 4:10 2.“; SOUTH ROWAN al 4:10 10 al Reynolds at 4:10 O clobcr 2 N. DAVIDSON at 4:.10 8-11 CPCToiirn. at Reynolds Varsity Volleyball Aug. 8 at W. Rowan (scrim­ mage) at 4 ll-l.*; C PC -M elro Tourna­ ment al W. Forsylh 19 al Ale.x. Ceniral at 4:10 20 NORTH IREDELLal4;.l() 22 LAKE NORM AN at 4:.10 27 ALEX. CENTRAL al 4;.1() 29 GRIM SLEY al 4:10 Sept. 1 at N. Iredell al 4:10 4 W ES T ROWAN al 4:10 10 al Soulh Iredell at 4:10 12 W EST FORSYTH at 4:10 17 at South Rowan at 4:10 19 REYNOLDS at 4:.1() 24 at North Davidson at 4:10 26SOUTHIUEDELLal4:.10 O cl. 1 at Wesl Forsyth at 4:10 1 SOUTH ROWAN at 4:10 8 al Reynolds at 4:10 ION. DAVIDSON al 4:.10 14-18 Cl’C Tourn. at 4:.1() 22 NCHSAA playoffs Boys Varsity Soccer AuKiisI 8 W. ROWAN (scrimmage) at 6 1.“! FORBUSH 19 at Northwest Cabarrus 21 al Lake Norman 27 MOORESVILLE 29 NORTH IREDELL Sepl. 1 ALEX. CEN TRAL .'i NW CABARRUS 10 GRIMSLEY 11 at East Forsylh 17 al Grimsley 19 EAST ROWAN 24 SOUTH IREDELL 26 WESTF-ORSY TII O etobcr I al South Rowan 1 REYNOLDS 8 NORTH DAVIDSON 10 al Soulh Iredell 1.5 at Wesl Forsyth 17 SOU TH ROWAN 22 at Reynolds 24 at Norlh Davidson 10 NCHSAA playoffs N ote; A ll regular-season games start al 7 p.m. Boys JV Soccer Aug. 8 W. ROWAN (scrim­ mage) at 6 1.“; FORBUSH al.S:l.S 19 al NW Cabarrus al .“i 2 1 at Lake Norman al ,5 27 M OORESVILLE al .5:1.“» 29 NORTH IR ED E LL al .S;l.‘i Sepl. 1 ALEX. CENTRAL at 5:1.“; .“î NW CABARRUS al ,‘í:l.‘í 10 GRIMSLEY al .“i: L“! 11 al Easl Forsvlh at ,S: LS 17 al Grimsley ill 5:30 24SO U TH IR ED ELLal5:I5 26 W EST FORSYTH al 5 :15 O cl. I al Soulh Rowan at 5:15 1 REYNOLDS al 5:15 8 N. DAVIDSON at 5:15 10 at Soulh Iredell at 5:15 15 at West Forsylh at 5:15 17 SOUTH ROWAN al 5:15 22 al Reynolds al 5:15 24 al North Davidson at 5 Jeffrey Lankford Continues Tear With Open Win C lub pro Jeffrey Lankford o f M ocksvillc stistnined his receni tear in Ihe South C aro­ lina O pen. Playing at G ranile D unes in M y rtle B o ach , S .C .. Lankford w on the tournainenl in a landslide. He Rred scores of 63, Mi and 6.S lo nnish al 22-iiiider par atul w in hy a w hopping 12 sliols. L ankford - Ihe poim s-race le a d e r fo r C a ro lin a s PG A P layer o f the Year, an aw ard he w on for Ihe 2001 season - w ill play in the PG A C ham ­ pionship outside o f M inne­ apolis for the fifth lim e in six years ne.4t w eek. У о и г L u x u r y V e h i c l e C o n n e c t i o n Â Ï , .V 3 MONTH/3 ,0 0 0 MILE POWERTRAIN WARRANTY ON THESE PARTICULAR USED CARS FOR FREE! ‘9 9 B U I C K P A R K A V E . U L T R A Power Sunroof, AM/FM Coss.. CD. Chrome Wheels, 20 Miles, Leather, Full Power, 1-Owner. Stk. «721510 20 0 0 C H E V . B L A Z E R 4 D R . 4x4 LT Trim, AM/FM Coss., CD, Loaded, 1-Owner. Srk. »721500 Learner, ^ull Power, I-Owner. Stk. 0721510 Ф ^ ^ A А Ж Ъ WA5S2>,9« MOW4 8 ,9 9 0 » « S '* .’ « 4 4 ,9 9 0 ‘ 9 9 C H E V . T A H O E 2 D R . S P O R T 4 x 4 ADILLAC 2002 CADILLAC SEVILLE SÍSI Chrome Wheels, 6 Disc Changer. Stk. #12Ш 0^ MSRP *52,075 M 2 | 9 0 0 DISC. - ^9.175 " r I m ouG H " AVAILABLE . S P O R T 4 x 4ON ALL NEW 44 Miles, AM/FM Cosj., CD, Leother, Full Power, 1 Owner. Sik. «72M70 2002 CADILLAC ESCALADE AWD Sunroof. Stk. #121840 ^ 4 7 2000 CADILLAC DEVILLE Leather, H eated Seats, W arronty. Stk. «721700 S'jn n a n WAS $27,995 M O \V ^ 2 J ,8 0 0 W AS $21,995 N O W 2 0 y 8 9 0 2 0 0 0 C H E V . V E N T U R E ‘99 C H E V . T A H O E 4 D R L T 4 x 4 W A R N E R B R O S . E D I T I O N 40 Miles, Leather, full Powor. Stk. «721480 Reor Entertainment System, AM/FM Cass,, CD, Full Power WAS $21,995 ® 2 0 ,P 3 0’ ‘ 9 9 O L D S I N T R I G U E2001 CHEV. TAHOE 4 DR. LS 4x4 41,000 Miles. Loaded. Stk. »721570 Power Sunroof, 3rd Seat, AM/FM Cass., CD, $ 1 23,000 miles, Full Power, 1 Owner. Stk. »721460 WAS $11,995 MOW W AS $32,995 NOW ^ 3 2 f 3 1 0 2 0 0 0 C H E V R O L E T C A V A L I E R _ ^ ^ 4 Dr., Auto., AM/FM CD, Factory W arranty.2 0 0 0 C H E V . I M P A L A L S stk »72i64o Power Sunrooi AM/FM Cati. CD Leather Full Power l-Owner. Stk. <721530 C WAS $10,995 N O W ^ 0 , ^ 0 0WAS $17,495 N 0 W ^ 1 3 ,2 7 U ’. o ^ 0 0 0 C A D I L L A C C A T E R A 2 0 0 0 Power Suriroof. Chrome Wheels, Leather, Looded, AM/FM Cass., CD, Full Power, TOwner. Stk. #721520 1-Owner. Stk. »721590 W AS $12,495 N O W ^ 1 0 ^ 9 6 0 WAS $17,995 N O W ® 1 6 ,7 3 J > WAS $10,995 M O W 2 0 0 0 C A D I L L A C C A T E R A Power Suriroof. Chrome Wheels, Leather, Loaded, 1-Owner. Stk. »721590 2002 ESCALADE EXT Sunroof. Stk. #121070 ^ MSRP ‘S1,540 ^ Д Д ^ О О DISC. - ^7/140 YOUR AUTO CREDIT ALTERNATIVE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ RKGARDLESS O F PAST CREDIT H IS TO R Y W E H A VE A F IN A N C IA L SOURCE FO R Y O U TO R ID E TO D A Y OTHERS MAKE PROMISES - WE DELIVER CALL fOHN CARTER 7 0 4 -8 7 3 -9 0 9 4 JOHN CARTER ‘Includes rebate/0% thru GMAC, CAC/See salesperson for details. Bell & Howard C H E V R O L E T Intersection of 1-40 & Hwy. 21 601 G aittier Rd. Statesville, NC Z 0 4 -8 7 3 - 9 0 9 4 -■-J Uf) . DAVIK <Ч)ГМ V J.M Ï.UlMUSi: KK('OUi). Лиц. s, 2002 Buckland Takes Over Veteran Tennis Team ('iintiniicd Kroin III complclL'il her collodi,' Cline.iliiiii at t'lciusu». Her Uiislv.iiul. Jiison Hiickhm d. pla>cil liiicl'ackci liirllK ' N’ T llnkics in Ihc late l^yOs. look law scIkhiI al W'akc j-orcsi aiul rcccnlK joiiictl a law ririii ill W inslon Salciii, "WL"'ro lookiiii; lo Mio\ c lo ( 'Iciiiiiioiis or onl lliis w ay." K iiiil'crly said. "N ou lhal I'm coachiiiij. I'm ii\ lii;.i loycl hack iiili) (playini: k'liiiis) a lillle hil iiioic. Now thal w c'rc a lillle m ore sellled and u e know loi sm c lhal w e're yoiiii; lo he here, 1 w ould like lo ;jcl inlo il a lillle hil m ore." N otes; Tw o o! I )avie's livelilMII lo sse sw c ie in S-l scores lo R eynolds. "I lieanl llic \'re like our iiciiiesis." liiiekland said. ... C o/arl com piled a .'iS-H record Irom 1‘H)(>-2()01. ... D avie plays all iionconleieiice nialches unlil .Sepl. Carly Balsley is battling for one of the top spots. Ashlee Prevette Is among the leaders on a talented team. For the first time since '96, Davie has a new girls tennis coach. Kimberly Buckland was a star for Giles High (Va.) s c a y * s i j TREE SERVICE A » » » » iT liy iiy iffT L 336-492-2944TOLL FREE 1-866-896-7711 free fstimales • Fully Insured • Serving Forsyih & Davie Counly Selective Trimming & Pruning • Tree Removal Stump Grinding • Storm Damage • Hazardous Removal Lot Clearing ‘Trained Arborist (Complete Clean Up) DAVIK COUN IT EN TKRPRISK RriCORI), Aug. 8, 2002 - B' C a u d i l l U n s u r e W h e t h e r D a v i e S o c c e r C a n B r e a k S t r u g g l e s A lthough D avie’s varsity lioys socccr team is loaded with seniors, Coach Jim Caudill isn't sure the War Eagles are reaily for a breakthrough season. Me likes Ihe Malt M oser-led olTense, hul he still secs too niiiny uncerlaiu- lics, too many holes, lo make any promises. “Sonic nighls I eome home and leel like w e're going lo tio treiiiemlous things and handle .some teams," Davie's first-vear coach said. "A nd ihen other nighls I come home and really feel we may be a year or two away.” The good new s: M oser is back as a third-year starter al striker. As a sophomore he tied Sean Garnett (I <)>;()) and Josh H arnhardl for the .school’s single-season record ol' 20 goals. Last year he grabbed Ihe record with 23 goals. lie's a threat lo score Irom anywhere against anybody, bul what's belter is Moser appears lo have I'irepower around him. "I'm really pleased wilh what we have oi\ the attacking side." saiil Caudill, the replacement for Garnett, who look a head-coach- ing job in G eorgia. "M oser’s been ver.v, very sharp and he and Juan Logos are very compatiWe. Holh are very strong wilh the ball. Adam Linder (a Iransl'er I'rom Indiana) is a ireinendoiis player, lie's so versatile, lie works well al about any spot. Mario Gil is very lasl. I le gives ns a real strong outside half. Ami Zach llanrnhan strikes the bull really well." The bad news; Goalie Chris Slein is gone and the defense looks suspect. The offense looks like it’ll blow pasl lasl year's 1.7 .scoring average, bul Ihe defense has a long way to go lo achieve lasl year's 2.1 goals-against av- erage. Caudill won't be offended if the defense proves him wrong. If il doesn’t come around, the War Eagles probably w on't avoid a si.\th straight losing record. If several unknow ns don't develop inlo reliable stop­ pers, they will almost cenainly continue past struggles. They are y.'i-I.S.VIS since Ihe inaugural season in l‘)SS. They are IT-tO- 1 in ihe daunting Cenlral I’ied­ nioni Conference since 1^96. Lasl year they were 'J-12-2 and .1-7 iii the CPC. ”1 feel like we'll score a lol of goals." Caudill said. "I don't know if we’re going to stop as many as we score. That's going lo be our challenge." There have been sparkling developments from miilfielder Nick Nelson and ilefenders Ed­ ward Johnsim. Patrick Little and Hryant Chavez. Andrew Scolt O l d S c h o o l D a v ie S p o r ts N e w s F ro m A u g u s t, 1 9 8 1 • M ember Konald Webb and guesl Eric Moehling shol 67-70 and defeated past cham pions Stanley K andall and l-.rie Lawhon in the cham pionship ITighl al the annual Hickory llill M em ber-G uest G olf Гоиша- menl. Olher llight winners and nm- ner-ups: In the first Highl. Terry Smith and Jeff Smilh won in a playoff over Steve llullon and Larry Ihibegger. In the second night, Jim G regory and Wyle Sign Up For Fall Legion The M ocksville A m erican Legion will hold signups for its fall baseball team on Aug. 10 al 5 p.m. at Rich Park. The leam is for high-sehool ages. Wadford won by one stroke over Hob Dwiggins and Ken Lane. In Ihe third night. Craig Snead aiul John Parker lopped Ken Sales and Ronnie Shoaf. In Ihe fourih flight, Jaek Slewarl and Larry Bridges won over Danny Smilh and Ron Smith. Aiul in Ihe fifih flight, J.C. Hendrix and Colton M cGarity lopped Paul llullon and Bill Signor. Appro.xiinalely 220 members and guests participated. • M ichelle W alker of A d­ vance was the 14-under girls cham pion al the 'Tanglewood Junior’Teiinis Classic. The rising eighth grader al North Davie Junior High bagged her third junior litle. • The M ocksville A ngels Midget Girls softball leam wenl L‘i-2 lo finish second in the league. C oaeh Tran B row n's team included Darlene Eoote, ■WA N o r t h C a r o l i n a üíscovo- the suite you're in. I-800-VI.4IT N'C W W W .V I.S IT N C .C O M , and Daniel Gamble, battling it oul al goalie, have the lough task of replacing Stein. "Nelson has eome in and re­ ally made us slrong in the middle of the field," Cauilill said of Ihe first-year senior. "H e's a pres­ ence out there. H e's very fast, very strong and reads Ihe game real well. "I think Johnson will do a tre­ mendous job. Little's very ver­ satile. H e’s definitely going to help me in the hack." Although the War Eagles’ fate looks partly cloudy at besl, th e re 's alw ays hope w hen you've got a player as talented as Moser. Soinelimes he's pure magic. In an intrasiiuad scrim­ mage last week, fore.xamplc, he performed an abracadabra shot lhat left Caudill speechless. "He scored a goal from an angle that was Hnheard-of.’’ he said, "ll was a eompletely flal angle. The ball had lo he bent counter from a righl-fooled player, and he bent il around and in. I’m standing there in awe. You don'l shoot thal ball because it's such a poor angle. I’m sil­ ling there thinking: 'W hat are you doing',’ ... Great goal'.’ The kid's just amazing." Davie might lace an uphill climb, hul Caudill has zero re­ grets ahoul taking over a pro­ gram that faces mean nonconfer­ ence competition before hilling the CPC grinder. I le buill West Wilkes from scratch in Ihe mid- lyyOs. resigned fr-'in there lasl fall and coached Davie's JV girls lasl spring. "It's going lo be a ballle ev­ ery malch, and I like eompeli- tion," he said. "Every night you have lo show up to play. There were lim es (at West W ilkes) w e'd go three or four games and w eren't playing good leanis. I C iuidill iVIo.ser tion’l get loo much excitcinenl from a y-0 win. I’d much rather be in a 2-1 game, win or lo.se, because of ihe eoinpetilion." Noles: The War Eagles open at home against I'orhush on Aug. I .“i. They visil Northwest Cabar­ rus on Aug. 1 The CPC opener is Aug. 24. ... Jerem y Byrd is back as JV coach. ... Davic has 40-plus players betw een two leam s. ... G arnell coached D avie's varsity boys for three years. Special of the Week Mary Williams, I’am Bohannon. Stephanie Sales, Nona Holman, Mary Coily. Sharon I’eiiwell, Selena Sales. Ciail Bohannon. I’aula Ijames. Jenny Swanson. C ryslal llolnian, Saiuly Le­ onard. Karen Penwell and Chris Swanson. • A local men’s sofiball leam. competing in a I.I.S-leam fielil, placcd fifth in the USSSA Slale C lass С tournam eni in Smithfield. Robbie Ellis was Ihe hilling slar for a leam lhat was spon­ sored by Johnny F o ste r's Auelioneering and coached by Eoy Hailey. The rest of the team included Don B ailey, Tony Seaford, Joey M ason. W aller Ridenhour, Ronnie Lanning. Steve R idenhour. G regory Carier, Eddie W ilkenson, 'Tim B ailey. N orm an B oger. Jeff Ward and Terry Johnson. Assorted Pringles Lim it 8 While Supplie.s Last When Your Healthcare - Umbrella SÌìeéms To Have Sprung A Leak..^ We Are Here To Help. B ill Foster S u zan n e B a rn h a rd t M a rie W h ite* -iJan e Ri>^enbark B eth S troud Kor i;ri'iil int'orm iitim i im (IriiHs & lii'iillii |)rol)lfm s. ЦО lo \\.t'(is(ci4li4i^co.iom Regular Hours; M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8'.30-4 • Sun V.30-5 Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 www.J'o.sterdrugco.coni SewrtíuíMiítófvtíji/ucíUoioraild I ^»idwUctcraHoífítef I ,«PPtuM SMD««enrttiltf pnuidcjit I .• tujuintotènmma.^ ■• M • T«U В4Я.г» • RUít» f buf Trti t h4«t S'Ik* Ifilern • Cb*ct t«ti i BECK FORD "Celebrating 37 Years in Business” Hwy. 601 North to Yadkinville, left at 3rd light pasl old Hwy. 421 M Main Street, Yadkinville • 336-679-8841 • Winston-Salem • 336-722-9850 DAVIE COUNTY KNTKRPRISK RKCORI), Лик. 8, 2002 Coach Dave Markland tells his troops what'must be done to live up to expectations. Davie won eight of its final 11 matches last year, and returns all but one starter. m Heather IHiller bumps the ball.Dawn Singleton prepares for a block attempt.- Photos by James Barringer 5 Starters, Deep Bench Greet Volleyball Coach Dawn Singleton tries to send Candic James' set past the outstretched arms. Davie works on setting. II everything falls into place, they could dominate in 2002. C ontinued I'nim I’iiK«-“ 1*1 slarlingin 1977. TtiL-oihers were a co-regular season lille in Ihe North I’ieclniont .i-A Conference in 1981 anil a CI’C Tournaniem triumph in 19X7. 't he end. Ih o u g h . gave the War Eagles plenty of 2002 mo­ tivation. After losing a coin toss with Soulh anil laking tho No. 2 CPC Touniament seed, they lost lo No. 3 Reynolds in the seniin- nals. Then Reynolds beal Soulh Iredell to bump Davie oul ofthe 4-A playoffs. Now, Ihcre are bigger goals on Ihe horizon. Moore was Ihe lone senior in Ihe starting lineup, meaning Davie has a stockpile of proven talent. When you com­ bine seniors Sarah W illiam s, Sara M iller, Dawn Singlelon. Candice James, Heather Miller and Megan Dwiggins and junior Allison Schafer wilh a brilliant coach who won five Southern Conference cham pionships as Appalachian Slate's coach from 1992-98, you've gol a team with few - or perhaps no - w eak­ nesses. “I don’t think Ihis leant will have one go-to player as Randi was, and nol so nnich because we don’t have anyone lhat can tie as good as Randi." he said. "I just Ihink there’s nol a difference among Ihe skill in Ihe starling lineup. They’re going lo play at the same level, and there’s more of them. '•Sara M iller played all sum- n\er and looks real good. I think Schafer is going lo have a great year. Sarah WiUianis and Single­ ton are playing very well in the middle. We’re going to count on H eather M iller heavily all the way around." M aking Davie all ihe more dangerous is a sloul bench that includes juniors Alyse Bowden, Andrea Dwiggins, Jessica Lagle imd Mandy Lambe, sophomore Nicole Maready, and freshman Ashley Davidson. "We have deplh and u lot of versatility," Markland said. “We haven’i'lalked about il, bul I do k n o w in Ihe back o f Iheir m in d s Ihey know Ihis y e a r has a p u r­ pose to il. T h e y ’re e a g e r lo gel lo Ihe slale p lay o ffs an d th e y 're e a g er lo m ak e a m e n d s fo r o u r u n fo rtu n ate finish lasl y ear." The War Eagles havo been building loward 2002. They ab­ sorbed grow ing pains in M arkland's firsi year, going 5- 12 with a JV-aged loam in 2000. After gelling blanked by Rey­ nolds in the firsi half of Ihe 2001 schedule. Ihey dem onslraled how far Ihey’ve come by edging Reynolds in the regular-season reinatch. They losl lo Reynolds ihree games lo iwo in ihe CPC Tournament. "The key ihing for us is mak­ ing sure Iho girls understand Ihe iniporlanco of lloor defense and ball conlrol," he said. "And we h a v e Ihe a b ility lo be g o o d al Ih o se IWO a reas, lo o ," Notes: Davie will open wiih a C PC -M eiro lournam eni al West I'orsylh on Aug. l.l-l.*!. Il goes to A lexander Central on Aug. 19. The first CPC nvatch is Sept. 10. ... M arkland’s sisier, Janice Jackson, is ihe Ihird-yeat JV coach. Becky Miller, a long­ tim e coach at Soulh D avie Middle, is an assisiani coach.... Maready and Davidson will lloal belween varsily and JV. Maready is a sophom ore transfer from Alabama who slands nearly 6-0 al ago 14. Wilh long am is and 3- 10 height, Davidson is another potential cornorslono down the road. "1 don'l think next year will bo as big a drop-off as 1 ini­ tially was worried aboul," Mark­ land said. Coach Dave Markland gives Alyse Bowden a pointer. Tm ED OF WATTING? T r y Us. Open Mon.-Fri. Scim-6pm Sat. 8am-I2ni)on New Qteeting Card Selection ALL 1/2 PRICE All Third Party Insurance Cards A ccepted — Your LiKiil Full-Service IJniif.slorc — Davie Discount D rugs Ccx)i,HnMKi; Si iomi’ino Ci;N-n;R • C(X)i.i;hmi;i; • (336) 2«4-2S37 Register Now For Youth Coed Soccer Divisions DAVIK COUN l Y KN I'ERIMUSK RECORD, Aug. 8, 2002 - B9 linker Luriniiiii Brian Baker, Nick Luffman Win Pudding Ridge Tourney Dr. B rian B aker o f Clemmons shoi a 4-under-par scoro of 140 lo win the fiflh- annual Pudding Riilgo Amateur Golf Timmarnenl by Iw o strokes. The iwo-day lournam eni was played on July 27-2S. Nick Luffman of M ocksville won ihe nel division with a nel score of 1,1.“!. nine-uiiilor par. The top-five finishers in bolh gross and not divisions: Gross - Brian Baker 140(69- 71). second 1-ric Taylor 142 (7.Ì- 69), Ihird Scoli Neely 144 (74- 70), fourth Hilly Hicks 145(7.^- 72) and fiflh Don Lonu U-S (70- 75). Net - Nick Lnffm an l.V^i, second Randy Warner 1.39. Ihirtl Danny Shore 140, fourlh C.W. A llen 141 and fiflh B obby Luffman 141. S i g n U p F o r F a l l B a s e b a l l Davie Counly Little League will lake signups for its fall base­ ball and sofiball leagues on Aug; 10 and 17 al ihe Youlh Complex from 10 a.m. lo 2 p.m. The ages are 6-14 and the fee is S40, l-or i|ueslions, coniaci Todd Carler al 940-9114 or Mac Crisco al 940- .‘¡469. Signups havo begun for five coed soccer divisions - U(i. U8, U 10. U12 and U 14 - Ih rough Iho M ocksville-D avie R ecreation Deparlmoni. Regislralions my be brought by Iho rcc ileparlm eni al Iho B rock G ym M om lay-rriday from ,S a.m.-.S p.m. Tho fee is SM) (wilh a S.S discount for each ad­ dilional chilli in Ihe same fam­ ily) for the U6. US, UlOand U I2 divisions, and Ihe deadline lo rogisler is Aug. 16. All games will bo played al Pincbrook Bl- emonlary on Saturdays and Sun­ days. Play will begin in niid- Seplomber and continue Ihrough the first of November. rhe UI4 division is a travel loam wilh a cosi of S40. The deadline for lhal division is Aug. 9. Also, there will be a soccer clinic (S.3 per player) on Aug. 24 at Pinebrook, The roc highly rec­ ommends all players allend. The inslrnclors will he Davio varsily hoys soccer coach Jim Caudill and his Davie players. Pay Ihe clinic fee al Ihe field al Ihe lime of clinic. Tho limes for U6 and U S w illbe9-l():l.‘ia.m ,: 10:4.5- noon for и 10 and U 12. Players should arrive 1.5 minules before Ihoir scheduled lime. Players may bring a soccer ball and wa­ ler bolllo wilh name on bolh. llii'ic liisiifimci! Gioiij) was founded lo |)i()vi(lc il.s Polii'ylioldei-s will) a.s near pciieot protection and seiTici; at iIk; lowtwl possil)le co.st. Why not make us prove it? Call us loday lor superior insurance for your aulo. hoiiKi. litisine.ss and life. 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T he D elta B ehavioral H ealth P rogram a t D avis Regional M edical C enter offers a com prehensive inpntient tre a tm e n t program for th o se suffering from stress. D o n ’t get to the end o f your rope before you ask for help. Give us a call a t (7 0 4 ) 8 3 8 -7 4 5 0 a n d let us th ro w you a lifeline. 5 # D A V IS R E G IO N A L D elta B ehavioral H ealth P ro g ra m 2 1 8 O L D MOCKSVILLE ROAD . 1-40, EXIT 154, STATESVILLE . (704)87 ) 0 2KI U le ’r e ju s t a m o u s e -c U c Ii a w a y ... D A V IE C O U N T Y IT г ENTERPRI/EIIRECORD а m Sports Features 7 " " ' (^Obituaries С Ctassifìeds^ (Subscription^ (Reader’s Poli) f llleather ^ ( Ш г шv . M . » - s , : - . . ' ': 1 к . Go to the Davie County Enterprise Record website at www.enterprise-record.com for a convenient link to our latest edition. It’s your online connection to Davie County. Davie County... W eV e G ot You Covered! m wui.enterprise-record.com BIO ■ РЛУП; COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Aug. 8,2002 W h o l e s a l e P r e - O w n e d L i q u i d a t i o n ! C a r s , T h ic k s , 4 x 4 s , S U V s , V a n s , S o m e t h in g f o r E v e r y o n e . I M m A s L o w A s ': j a m a p r * -............. e s r lN ls d In e llü to ^ lillo s t V M iie to s f U l y In s p e c te d & C e r tifie d ! 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N O W ’ S Y O U R C H A N C E ! D o n * t P a s s T h i s U p ! B u y A m e r ic a n . . . B u y F o r d ... “ B u y A L L A IM E R IC A N F O R D ” F O R D MERCURY Just off 1-40 Exit 170, Hwy. 601 • Mocksville, NC(336) 751-2161 -C h e c k u s o u t a t a a f o K l . e o m •_____^ ■ On Approved Credit. ЧитуШ . U( HIntton-SeMm ^ \t ^HO J 4^ 1-40 iU- .------ MMUUNiXNNW Щ r r . 1 M ock B V iU e Davie People DAVIE COUN TY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aujj. «, 2002 - C l D a v i e C o u n t y ’s V o l u n t e e r O f T h e Y e a r H a s H a d M a n y P r o u d A c c o m p l i s h m e n t s Hy Jiickie Scaholt Davic County liiilcrprlso Rcconl ,S;ir;\l\ Wooil is ;i Iwsy laily. ■Shi; has a hushaiul. lour chil- ilroii. aiul nine gramlchllilren. Vet, she has foumi the time over the years lo volunlcer with various organizations and chari­ ties ihroughom the area. Her williniiiiess 10 give lias earned her the recognition ol'hc- ing Davie County’s Volunteer оГ the Year. W ood’s involvement as a vol­ unteer hegan when her children were young. "1 think my volun­ teering startcil as a means to help wilh the children's acliviiies." It hegan wilh scouting programs and continued on wilh church activities. " To enable children lo he involved in acliviiies it lakes parenls and volunleers to help oul wilh Ihose acliviiies." she says. As Wooil's children grew in age slie continued lo volunteer. " rhere had heen lalk оГ a YM CA in D avie County for som e lim e." she says. Wood helped orgaiii/.e the group lo elect a hoard оГ management for the projecl in 1УХ-1 atui she re­ mained chairman оГ lhal hoatd until 1 W l. when Ihe Davie Y was huill ami openeil. " That's Ihe most lioiirs I've devoted lo any­ thing." Wood says priHully. And she says she's heen pleased hc- cause the YMCA meets ihe needs of so many children and adulls in Ihe counly, Wood remained a member ol'lhe YMCA board un­ lil IW ). Wood conlinucd 10 help wilh the YMCAexpansion I'und, add­ ing a new fitness cemer, child care cenier, and Ihe conslruclion of an outdoor Irack and playing field Irom But Wood's desire to continue in area volunteer organizations continued onward. She helped with the commu­ nity college drive I'or the counly workuig wilh area leaders. "I just lell Ihat was such a need iu our counly." Wood says her church. l-'iiM Mclhodisl. has always given her many opportunities lo use her voliinlecr skills. She's served as a children and youth cootdiualot. a youth coimselor. and helped start l-'irst Methodist's firsl pre­ school program. She has participated in mis­ sion trips to other countries lo help with organi/.ing church building projects. Places like Puerto R ico. M exico, and I'anama have been a lew ol' the m ission visits sh e's m ade. "W hen go lo these places you I'eel like you learn more than you're ever able to give." Wooil locally supports Slore­ house I'or Jesus and their mission projects. Habitat t'or Humanity, area nursing homes, and helps lake I'ooil lo shut-ins. Another one ol' W ood’s vol­ unteer areas is gardening. "I grew up on the farm and I've always enjoyed having a garden and llowers." she says. After com ­ pleting the master gardener pro­ gram her c la ss’s volunteer project was landscaping the front of Ihe Davic courthouse. She also helped organize a landscape projecl for the YMCA. A sleep bank al the Irack thal was unable lo he mowed needed a make-over. Wood led the efforl by arranging for female inmates fmm Lexinglon along wilh olher area volunleers to tackle the projecl. logelher they planted I76.S shrubs on Ihe hank and mulched Ihe enlire area passing huckcts up Ihe bank lo each olher, Hut don’l think Wood only orga­ nizes these projects, she herself was right in the middle of Ihe mulch brigade. "1 would never ask anybody to do anything I w ouldn’t do m yself." she de­ clares. Although Wood. ()‘J. slill con­ tinues lo volunteer locally, she and her husband. Don. are busy spending lime wilh Iheir grand­ children, " That's prelly much whal I slay busy w ilh," she smiles. "I've jusi always been active. I like being involved wiih things."Sarah Wood Is Davie County's Volunteer of the Year. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Wood’s love of gardening is evident in the many flower beds that can be seen at her home. At home Wood enjoys canning green beans grown in the garden so she can cook dishes for her grandchildren. Wood holds plaques from the VIVICA. She spearheaded Wood’s volunteering began as a means of helping her children be involved in activities. She is seen here Irt,front efforts to build a Y facility in Davie County. of pictures of her family members. C2 - DAVIK СОГМ V KN I ERPRISFÍ RIX’ORl), Aug. 8, 2002 M e r c i e r - T a y b r C o u p l e M a r r i e d A nna M an/ M crcicr anil C raij; Allan Taylor «oro niarricil Sauiritay. July 2(1 al 6 p.n>. al l-irsl Unili-il Molhoilisl Church 111 Miicksvillc. The Rev. Charles I'urner ami Wenily Hillingslea itliicialetl. The tiriile is the ilaiii;hler of Or. anil Mrs. Joel F-ilwarils of .Mucksville anil Mr. anil Mrs. Art Mcrcicr Ilf I'.iiclewooil. i-la. She IS a grailuate of Davie lliiih .School anil the University of North Carolina in Chapel I Iill. ■She is cinployeil hy the .Mainance sctiool system as a iliiiilanco counselor. The groom is the son of Mr. aiul M rs. W arren Taylor of Sparta, He is a yrailuate of Wake l ores! University. He is an at­ torney for Carnithers anil Roth .Attorneys in Grccnshoro. Mike Hcnilrix. oryanist. anil •Anita C irba. triiinpeter, anil lerese G regoire, soloist, pro- viilcil music boforo and during tho ceremony. Allison Wyatt and I'iniolhy I-isher read scripturc. Amanda Ferrell, niece of tho bride, served as acolyte. F’atsy Crenshaw directed tlic wedding. Given ill marriage hy her fa­ ther. tho bride wore an ivory spa­ ghetti strap princess seam ed chiflón gown accented with a tloral lioad patlcni of seed poarls, rocals and crystals cascading down the front and back bodice. The A-liiio skirt exlended inlo a Tiffany length train. Her doublo tiered veil of illusion was on- haiicod by a pearl and crystal ti­ ara. Robyn Alien of W inston-Sa­ lem was matron of honor. Laura W riggolworth of A tlanta was m aid of honor. B ridesm aids were: Courtney Jones of M ocks­ villo, Anna Adam ’s of Chapel H ill and Terese R ogorio of A sheville. M egan H uddlor, cousin of tho groom, was junior bridosrnaid. Tho groom ’s brother. Kevin Taylor, was best man. Grooms­ men w ere: M cH onry K ano. C hristopher Fiiior. W os Schollandor and Phillip Hodos, all college and law school friends of the groom. Julio H udnell and M oira Vandorhoof. sorority sisters of the bride, served as honorary bridesmaids and guest book at­ tendants. Emily Millor distrib­ uted the programs. A reception hosted by the bride's parents followed the cor- etnony at Crystal Ballroom at tho Village Inn and G olf Conference Center in Clemmons. Aftor a honeym oon trip to Charleston, the couple resides in Greensboro. WcdUiiiR Kvents • The couple was honored wilh a rehearsal dinner by the parents of the groom at the Oak Room at Reynolda Hall at Wako Forest University. ‘ Showers to honor the bride wore given by Kitty Hartung, Frances Jackson and Polly Seagor in Clem m ons. Robyn Allen in Winston-Salem, and by Cindy Atwood, Sandra Busic, Ann Simpson and Nancy Shep­ herd in Sparta. • A Chrislmas lea was given to honor the bride by Anna Adam's al her home in Chapel Hill. • A bridesm aid's luncheon was given by Judy Bailey, Ellen Dyson, Mike Hendrix and Jean Saunders at the Saunders home in Mocksvillo. • A wedding breakfasi was held al the Village Inn and Golf C onference C enter for the couple and oul-of-low ii guests. L i b r a r y ’s P r e s c h o o l S t o r y t i m e S t a r t s A u g . 2 0 Somo of the new books at Davie County Public Library. .171 N. Main Si.. Moc-ksvillo: Non-Fiction l(K)l Ways lo Have a Da/- /ling Second Wedding HiHly of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ulira-Secrel Natioiial Secu­ rity .Agency by Janies Bamfonl Children with Spina Hifida: .Л Parent's (iuide Deer Proofing Vour Yard and tiurdeii Eve's Rib: The Now Science of Cionder-Specific M edicine and How It Can Save Your Lifo A Mind at a Time: America's Гор Learning Export Shows How Every Child Can Succeed The Perfect Stranger's Guido to l-imerals and Grieving Prac­ tices: A Guide to Eiii|uette in Other People's Religious Cor- enionies A Smile as Big at the Moon: .\ Veaclier. Mis Class and Vtieir Unforgettable Jouniey Strong Women and Men Beat .Xrlluitis: The Scientifically Proven Program That .Allows People With .Arlhritis to Take Charge of I hcir Disease Fiction The liondsw onian's N arra­ tive - Hannah Crafts Child of the Prophecy ■ Juliet Marillier H enry’s List of W rongs - John Shepherd Jenna S tarborn - Sharon Shinn Promises lo Keep - Gloria Malletto The Quoeno's Cure - Karen llariior Red River Crossing - Kent Conwell The Side o f the A ngels - Clirisiina Bartolomeo I'he Soul Thief-Cecelia Hol­ land Year Zero - Jeff Long Preschool slorytime will start back on Tuesday, Aug. 20. Il will Ik- on Tuesdays al 11 a.m. in the multi-purpose room at the main library. Anyone interested in a slorytim e at Iho C ooleem ee branch, call the library and ask to speak to Mary Sutter or leave her a message. D onalions in m em ory o f Alexandra Slogick were made by the Shinsky Family and Helen F o u r C o r n e r s N e w s Ily M iirie W hile Four Comers Correspondent Mrs. Kenny Smith and Mr. Jerry Potts h;ivo retuniod homo after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Terry llanim and girls al C arolina Beach. Mrs. Mark While and Jessica and Mrs. Diane Baxter have re­ lumed homo after spending sev­ eral days at tho beach. Mr. and Mrs. Cirady Bock at­ tended Hom ecom ing services Sunday at Bear Creok Baptist Church. The 9th Four Corners Re- C o r n a tz e r N e w s III! M y nam e is .Miidvllnv “M ad d if" Kli/.ahc'lh Ford. I tu rn ed 4 years old uii .Iuly 25th. I celebrated my birthday this year at Kdf;eniiior P ark In .Muore.sville. I had u "Ciilllou” birthday cake und lots itfother ¡■undies! ЛИ my furnily and speclul friends were there. My .Moimny and Daddy are K linI an d S h eree F o rd of Moure.sville. My Krandpiircnt.s are .iiinct and W oodie lluic.s оГ Advance, und D an und Ilecky Ford of Mutthew.s. My (jrcal- )>г11П(1р » гс п1н a rc ,)u an d C h a rlie M cC lu m ro ck «Г M ocksvillc, nnd Neile Ford und D urotiiy S p e e rin u «Г N orth Au);uslu, S.C. I would like lo thank every­ one who helped imikv my day so nonderrul! M y birthday is tx lru spcciul bccause I share il w ilh my M uniniy und her tw ill sisler! i w'uni lo Ihunk everyone for the tcrrific Rifts lhat I received! II was such u fun and m cm urahle duy!! Ily Dollic Potts Coniat/er Corrosponilent Homer and Dotlie Potts vis­ ited Ell llepler last week. Ho is very sick at his home on Dulin Hoail. Dotlie and Sharon Potts and cousins, Jo Ann l.aney and Brenda Riddle of W inston-Sa­ lem , visited M rs. M aude Pow lace Sunday at Autumn Care lo help celebrate her birthday. She w;ls ‘J‘J years young on Mon­ day. Aug. 5. Chad llabeckcr of Windsor, Va. spent last wook w iih his grandparents. Paslor and Mrs. Richard Whitolioart. Mr. and Mrs. WoUlon Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Livingood. N annie Lou Sparks, Polly Lambe and friend. M ike, and W anda Lyons and friend at- tcmled the Carter Fold musical reunion in Hilton, Va. last week­ end. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Winters. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bailey spent several days in the Baha­ mas lasi week. Mark Smilh and daughter, Bonnie, of Wareham, Mass. are s[)onding a few days hero visit­ ing relatives. They came espe­ cially to attend Iho .“iOth wedding anniversary of his brolher, Nonnan Smith, and wife. Ella. This celebration was held last Saturday nighl. Mr. and Mrs, Perry M orris and children and grandchildren vaciUionod al Myrtle Bcach last woek. iSugone and W illie B ess Bennett. Delbert and M artha Bennett. Brad Honnoll. Cynthia Sum m ers. B ennett I’olls and other relatives allemled a memo­ rial service for their nephew :uid cousin. Honnan Bennett, in Lau­ rel Springs Saturday, Herman died July 2S al age 57, al Hugh Chalham Memorial Hospital in Elkin, after a courageous battle with dialKles and cancer. A pink rose w as place in Cornalzer Baptist Church last Sunday in honor of Iho birth of C a n a N e w s Haley Nicole Robertson. Slie was bom July .10 to Tracie ami Johnny Robertson. Jr. A red rose was placed in the sanctuary of Cornalzer Baptist Church last Sunday in honor of the birth of Joseph A llen K issinger born July 28 to Stephanie and Kurt Kissinger. Revival services will be held at Comatzer Baptist Church Aug. 11 - I-t with Rov. Jack Reish con­ ducting the sorv'ices. By John “C uin" (iodw in Cana Correspondent Has it been hot enough for you lately'.’ Wow. I can’t remem­ ber sweating so much in my life. Wo havo had two limbs break on the old apple tree this year. Too m uch w eight from the apples. Don’l know where tlio.se trees aro getting waler from. The old possum just smiles as he oats Ihoso old rotten apples. The ponds aro suffering. This dentist'.’ Consumers can go online to Ihe Academy of General Den­ tistry website, and ask the dentist whal lo do about a dental dilem m a, problem or concern. M embers of the acad­ em y host tho Sm ilcLinc. The answer willb e on the website, and a reply can be sent ol Iho consumer by email if desired. W hile al the website, check Mrs. Craig Allan Taylor Tticak. Davio County Public Library hours: M onday U) a.m.-S:,^0 p.m.. Tuesday-Thursday 10 a.m.- 7 p.m., Frid;iy I0a.m,-.‘i:.10p.m.. Saturday lOa.m,-.^ p,ni.. Sunilay clo.sed, phone 7.') I-202.1. Cooloomoo Branch hours; Monday noon-f) p.m.. Tiiesday- Friday IOa.nl.-,‘i p.m. (closed for lunch 12: Ml-1 :.W). Saturday and Sunday closed, phone 2cS4-2SO,‘i. union is Aug. 17 at 4 p.m. All residents and former residents are invited. Bring a lawn chair and your favorite ilessorl. Ham­ burgers. hot dogs, drinks and all the trimmings w ill be funiished. Mrs. R.G. Sapp visited Mr, and Mrs, Joe White recently. Wetmore Farms WOODLEAF Available Now S q u a s h , C u c u m b e rs , F ie ld T o m a to e s , C a n te lo u p e Open Monday-Saturday 8:00 am-6:00 pm Closed on Sundays From Mocksvllle take 601 South to 801 Intersection, lum right at light. 4 miles to caution light In Woodleaf, Follow signs to farm, 704-278-2028 F e llo w s h ip B a p tis t C h u rch Presents A spccial day for the w hole family. Michael McDaniel, well know chalk artist, will be at our church Sunday, A ugust 11th R ainboiv Rd. Advance F o r M o r e I n f o C a l l 9 9 8 - 6 1 0 0 Preaching at the 11am service Chalk Art Presentation at tlie 6pm service Everyone W elcome drought is drying out our ponds. There is not enough water for the snakehead fish, Faye Cain Rich said lhat those clouds are up there but they aro jusl goofing off. Aunt Lucille Cain I lartman is doing better. She was sick last woek bul has recovered very well, Il will not 1)0 long until Home- com ing al E aton's B aptist Church. Happy belated birthday lo Tommy Updegraff. Dental Website Has Consumer Help Do you have a question for a out the consumer ifnomiation or publicationns you may be inter­ ested in. Do you need a dentist'? Is your dentist up-to-date'.’ The academy provides a listing of members nationwide. Il also sponsos a year-round, toll-free service to help consum­ ers find a dentist in Iheir area. Callers to 877-2X-A-YEAR can get names, address and phone numbers for up lo three general dentists. (jRADi Sc Mool : .Vm/H г or ch ocoh U ’ chip? Kill Sdio.M : 1ГЛ.Т.- ^iiaiiUiyo lo ( Oti 0» St jinoi.: II,Ш minli m it / ,ifforU lo im cM Who says you always have to face tough choices by yourself? When c«)nMdcfiuy >i)ur financial luiurc. you'ri; nt*l Uccauic I can talk wiih you alH)ul yiiiu iiuaU. Ci>ll me lo gel sMfled with Siiiu- Furm Miiituil Fiiiul\"‘ fiir as Imie as S50 a nit>nlh.' |)arr)l Handy Kcvlilcrrd Krprmnialltc ДД6-940.2.МЦ im n «Hh « Cood N«l|hbw- Kl .'Í. . Л,) .4^ J ЦМ ^ y V«Ajf/i,>A «f fo <>игче Ji-jâjt, *--i vt P e n c ils , C o M M U M c a tio H s ^ c i n g u l a r i / h w n N c i s e ^ WIRELtSS A/so Featuring... NEXTEL Your Total C om m unication S ource” 1ДКГA ttach ed to By-lo C itgo H w y 158 & 801 A d van ce • 336-998>2997 DAVIK COUNTY liN'rKRPRI-SK RKCORI). Ли«. X. 2(1(12 - C.i R ic h ie - C r e n s h a w E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Mr. anil Mrs. Larry Warren Richie of M ocksville announce the engagement of their daughter. M elinda Ann. to Charles Roberts Crenshaw III. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts Crenshaw Jr. of Mocksville. The bride-elect is a l‘WK graduate of Davie High School and is attending Salem College in W inston-Saleni. 'The groom-lo-be is a gniduate of Davie High School and a 1УУ7 graduate of Appahichian State University. He is employed as a paint conlractor with СЛС Painting of M ocksville. The wedding is planned for Ocl. 1') at Eaton’s Baptist Church. Auditions For ‘QuHters’Aug. 19 A d va n ce N ew s Davio County Arls Council Community ■Theatre w ill con­ duct auditions for (Juillers. a imisical about a pioneer woman and her six daughters by Molly N ew m an and B arbara Daniasliekon Monday. Aug. 1‘Л at 7 p.m, al the Brock Perl'orm- iiig Arls Cenler. 622 N. Main St.. Mocksvillo. Roles are available for 7 women (ages I6+). Actors will be asked to read from Ihe .script. A prepared song is rei|uired. Please bring your ow n sheet music. An accompanist will be provided. M usicians aro also neeiled. Perforinance dates aro Oct. -I. .S. 11. 12at7:.10p.m .and Octo­ ber 6 at 2:.10 p.m. For more iiiformation contact the Arls Council al 751 -,1112 or (liirii'iirls.Di'i;. Mr. & Mrs. Norman T. Smith Celebrate 50th Anniversary Mr, and Mrs. Norman T. Smith of Cornalzer Road wore honored on ihoir .“iOlh wedding anniversary with a dinner on Aug. ^ al Cor­ natzer Baptist Church Activity Building. Their children and their children's spouses hosted tho ilinner: Dwayne and Lesa Smith. Shanila Smith, Billy and Vanessa Carter and 'Taran Sinilh. Norman and Ella, who havo five grandchildren - Travis Smith. Morgan Smith. Tara Jeffries. Brennan C arter and Shane Carter - were married Aug. 2. I‘).‘i2. August Blood Drives Planned Two A m erican Red Cross blood drives are planned in Davic County in August. On M onday. Aug. 12 from , 2:.1()-7 p.m.. a blood drive will be held al Fork Baplisi Church. U.S, 64 East of Mocksville, Ily Kditii '¿iiiinierman Advance Correspondent Lelia and Jay Gray and chil­ dren Erin and Jack of W inter Maven. Fla, spent last week here w ith L elia's m other Jeanette C ornatzer. granilni other Maybello Orrell and Lelia's sis­ ter ami brother -in-law and fam­ ily. Julia and Roberl Nichols and Katherine and Gray Nichols on Underpass Road. Margie Markland was in the ER at Davie llospilal twice last woek suffering from respiralory probloms. 'This week she sees ;i specialist on Tuesday. Get well w ishes go out lo her. l-dith ■/imnieriiian was a Friday afier- noon visilorof Margie and hus­ band Frank Markland. Jack and Dot Carter s|ieiil the weekend in Easley. S.C. visiting R aym ond M yers and w ife. Raymond is recovering from a stroke. Get w ell wishes lo Allee Polls Cornatzor, She is a pateint at Baptist Hospital and under»cut surgery for a broken leg on Sun­ day. plus she has olher compli­ cations. Sudie Howard is receiving gifls and c;iids in celebialion of her S.iril birlhday Monday. July 2‘J, Belly Carlton gave Sudie a dozen red roses, Sudie pul llicm in the MolhodisI church Sunda\ for everyone lo enjoy, l-dith Zininierman \ isiicil her iliiring Ihe week, Maybello Orrell fell at her lioiiie last week. She was iiealeil :il the I'.R al Davic Hospilal and released. She remains in a uvak- ened conililioii and in bed iiiiicli of the lime, .Among her s isilors last week were several l'amil> m einbers and l:ilit!i /.imiiierinaii, Cirandilauglitei Misly (iriell is with M aybelle I'or a while. We were happy to see Virgil Polls al church Sunday. He is recuperating from a fall and dis- localeil shoulder. .Ann II. Branh:irill is reciipei ating nicely troiu major surgery last week al Medical Paik I Ins pilal. Sunday niglil visitors nl ■Alin and husband (ieorge Barn liarill were lùlilli ZimineriiKiii. Sallie Cornal/er, Riclianl ami Janine Roberts. M abel How aril was traiisfereil from Rowan M emo­ rial llospilal lo .Aulmnn ('.iie Niiising home in Moi k'V ille lasi Tuesilay. O ur coniim inil) espiessL--, sympalhy lo ihe lainll\ ol Tiv\ a Livengood Spillman. She ilieil al Forsyih Medie:il Cenler on Sunday. Nancy /iim nernian remains in serious comiilion al her home. On W ednesday. A ug. 2S. blood drives will bo hold from 6:.10-11 a.m. and p.m. Ingersoll-R and. Sanford Av­ enue. Mocksville. All donors will receive a cal­ culator. Preschoolers driving you crazy? Forgotten what adult conversation is? Join MOPS and meet moms who know what you're going through! Meetings Fridays of month, beginning August 16 9:15 -11:45 a.m. Kids play in preschool or infant care setting. Moms meet for refreshments, fellowship and insightful pre­ sentations. ........................... Macedonia Moravian Church Hwy. 801 North, Advance 40 Years In The Com m unity fl>vce e m n v o ifv f E s t a b l i s h e d 1 9 6 2 R e g i s t e r N o w ! ! f o r S e p t e m b e r E n r o l l m e n t Friday, Aug. 16, 4-8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 17, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 18, 1-4 p.m. T a p B a l l e t J a z z A c r o b a t i c s C o E d T i n y T o t s 5 o y s C l a s s . . . A c r o b a t i c s , J a z z & T a p A se s 2 to A d u lt Beginning, Intermediate & Advanced Classes L atin & S tandard B allroom fo r Adults Instnw ted by Denise Bassen & Eddie !\io rg a n Cail Subito !'>« F o r In fo , C a ll; 7 6 6 -4 8 4 3 7 6 6 -2 9 8 8 7 5 1 -1 1 0 2 _______Denise Bussen, Owner/Director ß T B a y I i n C o t i l l i o n s ‘¿aiirocm T>ancmg_^ Social Graces Dining Skills ^ Register Now for 2002/2003 Season. For Information Call: 725-8301 W h a t a re y o u r k id s d o in g a fte r sc C o n s id e r Futures Unlimited F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n c a l l : W - 4 1 0 0 o r v i s i t u s o n t h e w e b a t : v)vivi.future6-unli(nite(l.net S h a d y G r o v e A r e a G r a d e s K - 3 W e o f f e r o u t s t a n d i n g a f t e r s c h o o l c a r e w i t h a d i f f e r e n t e n r i c h m e n t c l a s s e a c h d a y . Enrichm ent providecJ in ai’t, music, foreign language, dram a, and m ovem ent/dance by pi’ofessionals who know how to m ake learning fun. E n r o l l n o w . S p a c e s a r e l i m i t e d . E n r i c h y o u r c h i l d ’s f u t u r e a t F u t u r e s U n l i m i t e d . I m C4 - DAVIK COUNTY KN TKRPRISK RKCORl). «. 2002 D a v ie G a th e r in g S u n d a y The I^ivio Cdiiiily Sub-Districl Unilod Mcllimlist I'rognim Coun­ cil will spcinsora Davic Gadiertng 2002 on Siiiulay. Aug. 11 al 3:45 p.m. al Hclhlchcin Unitcil Mclhodi.sl Cluirch on KeillantI Roail. Advance. Lexiniiion Dislricl Suprinlcndcnl. Dr. Michacl Lcalherwuod. will lead llie worship servicc wilh local cluirch griips and individuals providinj: music aiul aclivilies for alia ges. Minislers and Iheir spiiiises will he introduced. No olleriii!; w ill he received; bring school supplies for Ihe Slorehouse lor Jesus. Protect Your Eyes While Enjoying Summer Weather Van Fagan, Kathy Ferebee, Jane Simpson and Jack Naylor plan the talent showcase and silent art auction sched­ uled for Saturday night at Ihe Brock Performing Arts Center. - Photo by Robin Fergusson T a l e n t S h o w c a s e S a t u r d a y A t T h e B r o c k T he D avie C ounly A rls C ouncil and the M ocksville C ivitan C lub will present a showcase of local lalem and si­ lent arl auction of work from local and nalional artists Sat­ urday. Aug. 10 at 7;3() p.m. al ihe Brock I’erfonning Arts Cen­ ter. 622 N. M ain St., M ocks­ villo, Proceeds will benefit A rts Council program s and Civitan projecl.s during 2(M)2-2(KI3 year. R efreshm ents will be served during inlermissioM. Tickcls are S7 and can be piirchaseil at Ihe Brock, M ocksvillc Wal- M art aiul M ocksville's lien I'ranklin store. Among the performers w ill be dancer Terri W inchell, the Davie High School Sleppers, viKal selections from the Blaise Baplisl Choir, M aster's Choice (Juartcl and show times by Jes­ sica Bow ling, inslnmienUilisis Carl W icker and /.y Golilwood, storyteller Sandra Vance, and others. There will be a special ap­ pearance by The B ra/cn Rai­ sins. Kalhy I'erebee and Bill Campbell will he emcees. 'The show should lasl ab<iul ‘)0 minules w ith an intermission w hen refresh m en is w ill be served, and a silent auclion held. Some of the items for Ihe anclion will be glass work by Ken C uniss, a Bob'Timberlake print, a Mike Johnson frameil pen and ink. stained glass, jew ­ elry, Гог more inlorm alion. con­ tacl Ih e D avie C ounly A rls Council box office al 7,‘i I -.WOO or via Ih e inlernel al: Cooleemee High School Class Of 1942 Members of Cooleemee High School Class of 1942 celebrated their 60th year reunion at the VFW Building in Cooleemee on July 13, with 14 of the 44 members andOames Wall, class adviser, present. Eighteen class members are deceased. Pictured, from left; front - Nellie Wilson Angell, Ruby Bailey Cox, Lois Milhollen Smith, Reba Nichols McIntyre, Ruth Miller Beck, Alma Joyce Jones Heilig, Bill Davis, Mildred Eaton Modlin; row/ 2 - Aubrey Grey (guest), Jim Ridenhour, Ben Mitchell, Mary Tom Daniel Anderson, Hazel Coble Garwood, James Jordan, Jerry Moody (president), James Wall. The dinner was catered by Missy Foster, and entertainment was presented by Julia and Rusty Angell, grandchildren of class mem­ ber Nellie Wilson Angell. The next reunion is scheduled for 2007, It's a beauliful w orld in which we live, and we perceive this wonderful world around us through oiir five senses - sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. Most (leople would agree thal sight is the most coveted of Ihe senses. Our eyes work for us from Ihe inonieni we wake up until we close them al night to sleep, Kyes are im porlani and should never he laken for gianled. Wearing sunglasses is one of Ihe easiest ways lo preserve eyesight and keep eyes comfortable. A simple habit of pulling on sunglasses when outside may add years to the life of your eyes. Well-filling sunglasses w ilh lenses lhal block al leasl percent of U V radiation may add years lo the life of your eyes. UV radiation burns your eyes jusl like il burns your skin. Think of sunglasses as "sunscreen" for the eyes lo prolecl Ihem from ultraviolet rays, Don'l forget overcast days - UV rays can still penelrale Ihe clinuls and cause dam age lo eyes. If you are oulsi<le and it's bright enough lo cause you lo si|uinl. pm on your sunglasses. Since eyes are the w indows lo Ihe brain, prolecl eyes fronl injuries. 'The body has built-in some devices lo prolecl eyes. l-.ves are located in bonv s o c k e ts to p ro le c l Ih cm fro m g e llin g hil. liyebrows arc lighl filters, l-yelids close lo keep small objects oul of our eyes. U yehishes keep sm all panicles oul of our eyes. Tears keep eyes m oisl and wash small particles oul of our eyes. The blink refle.x aulom a- ncally closes eyes. O ther practices lo prolecl eves from injury; w alk , n e v e r run w iih sh arp o b jec ts in y o u r h an d s; av o id g u n s, b o w -a n d -arro w s, slin g sh o ts, fire cra c k e rs; u s e g o o d lig h lin g w h e n read in g , w ritin g o r c ru isin g Ihe inlernel: learn b a sic firsl aid fo r eyes: le ll s o m e o n e if y o u r e y e s b o lh e r you; w e a r p ro p e r e y e p ro le c l ion w h en w e arc ilo in g h a /a rd o u s h o b b ie s , c h o r e s , o r m ix in g c h e m ic als; w e a r p ro p e r e y e p ro te c tio n w h e n p la y in g s p o rts s u c h as rac i|u e lh a ll an d b;iseball; n ev er look ilireclly al Ihe sun: p o in t c h e m ic al sp ra y s aw ay from o u r face b e fo re sp ra y in g ; a lw a y s w e a r a h e lm e t w h en b ik in g , sk a te b o a rd in g o r ro ller- sk a tin g : a lw a y s w e a r a se a tb e lt in Ihe car; and s c h e d u le r e g u la r e y e e x a m in a tio n s. I'mm the Davic Ciuiniy llcultli Dcinii iiiiciii Ш е ’ г е ju s t a m o u s e -c lic k a w a y ... D A V IE C O U N T Y enterpri /e S eco rd '-1^ ' ^ !• Features ^ Obituaries j Classifieds^) #ibscription^ ^Reader’s Polì) llleather Q OHLINE Go to the Davie County Enterprise Record website at www.enterprise-record.com for a convenient link to our latest edition. It’s your online connection to Davie County. Davie County... W eVe G ot You Covered! UFuiw.enterprlse-record.com DAVIK COUN TY KNTKRPRLSK RKCORD. Aug. S, 2002 - C5 Davie County residents enjoy a visit to a “special people” camp in Blowing Rock. G r o u p H o m e , A p a r t m e n t s P r o v id e R e s id e n c e s F o r D a v i e R e s id e n t s R esidents of the D avie Couniy Ciroup Home and the Duke Street Apartm ents Sup­ porled Living Program partici­ paled in the annual "Special Days for Special People" camp lasl monlh al the Blow ing Rock Assembly Ciroimds. P arlicipaling w ere: Chris Collms. Pal Kelly, Jimmy l.igon, Scotty Nelson and Joel O'Neal. C harles "B o" D river, Scott I lager, A nnie Kay N elson. Deborah Nelson, Allison Smilh and Jolm W hite altendeil from the Duke Street .Лр;1п т е п ь . Connie Vokley, who is in the Allernalive T'aniily Living as­ pect oftlie program, also partici- paleil. Olhers from the comiminiiy inviieil lo go lo Ihe camp w ith Ihe residents included Gary Redmonil. Billy Shepherd and M arilyn Turner. Also aliendeil w ere Judy Rosser, director of the group home, supporled living and alternative family living programs. stalTers Kay Barker and Odessa Owens ami volun­ teer Kalhy Chaffin. l-or many of the Davie par- licipams, the camp was a nnich- needed vacalion from their jobs al New 1 lori/on Tinlcrprises. Olher campers work oul in the community. Uo Driver works al H ardee's and Kenlucky Tried C hicken, Scoll H ager al ihe Davie Family VMCA, Scolly Nelson at Wal-Mart and Tood Lion, and Gary Redmond al Bi- Lo, The four-day camp began on a Monday afternoon with regis­ tration and check-in, followed by dinner, a sing-a-long and an ice cream social. The sing-a- long anti morning devotionals U nited W iy were led by Ihe Rev. Lynne Hinton. |iastorof Ihe T'irsl Con­ gregational United Church in Asheboro :uul the author of three hooks, including the novels "l-riemlship Cake" and "Garden of I-ailh." Campers participated in rec- reation:d aiul craft activities on Tuesday, iluring w hich ihey maile and decorated tam bou­ rines tou.se in morning devolion- als, and for many. Ihe trip lo Tweetsie Railroad on Weilnes- day as the highlight of Ihe camp. Several of the Davie Counly Group Home ;uul Duke Street A partm ent parlicipanis com ­ peted in the talent show on'Tues­ day night, and all of ihem en­ joyed the dance on Wednes<lay nighl. Pal Kelly persuaded Ihe food service slaffers to slay lale so ihey could see his rendilion of the Iwisl in the lalenl show, and judging by Iheir faces, il was worth Ihe wait. Gary Redmond danceil lo two songs in the lal­ enl show, including M ichael J:ickson's " Thriller," I le has per­ form ed for several S pecial Olympics funclions. inchuling the World Games in Raleigh in i‘jyy. Singing in Ihe taienl show w ere C hris C ollin s. S cotty N elson. Joel O 'N e a l, Scoll Hager, John While, Annie Kay and Deborah Nelson, Allison Sm ilh, M arilyn Turner and Connie Vokley. Jimmy l.igon, whose parenls were missionar­ ies in Indonesia, sang "Happy Birthday" In hulonesian. Judy Rosser slarled taking the group lo the "Special D:iys for Spccial People" cam p a few years afler it slarled in 147'), and said it's something the residents look forward lo all year 'The staff al the Blow ing Rock .Assembly Grounds, which is the outdoor m inistry sile for Ihe .Southern C onference of the United Church of Chrisl, have gotten lo know the Davie partici­ pants over the years aiul look forwani lo seeing them. One of the sl;d'fers, Marlha Wood, has volunteered w ith her ilaughlers on other trips with the residents. The D avie County G roup I lome. an agency of Ihe Davie County United Way, is located on Sanford Avenue, while the Duke Sireel Apartments, which ;ire being expanileil lo include four new aparimenis, ;ire located on Duke Sireel. hoth in M ocks­ ville, Rosser is constantly looking for ways lo meel Ihe housing needs of developmenlally dis­ abled adulls. The program also reaches oul lo help wilh Ihe so­ cial and various olher needs of persons in the communily. which is why olhers nol in Ihe program were inviled logo locam p. "W ilh ihis year's anticipaled builgel cuts, we are doing more w ith less," Rosser said, " The pressure is on to secure more varied ways of financing, and United W;iy is certainly a vital pan of lhal." Cancer Services Honors Mocksville Woman Wink Hendrix of Mocksville lias been named volunteer of the nionlh for Cancer Services, a direct service agency thal .serves five counties, including Davie, Y adkin, Siokes. Surry and Forsylh, 'The agency services in Davie Counly include medication as­ sistance, home health supplies, suppon groups and counseling, Pine Broomstick breast cancer visitation, educational programs, information and referral, palienl advocacy, a telephone peer sup­ pon program and transportation assistance. In 2001. Cancer Services as­ sisled 2,744 Davie residents: 28 breast cancer clients were as­ sisled Ihrough Pink Broomstick; 6S received home health equip- m enl, m eeling all reipiests; medication assistance provided prescription drugs lo (i4 clients; the H elp Y ourself Support Group attendance was (il; 2X people were screened for skin cancer by a dennatologisi; ,‘522 indiviiluals received referrals lo other agencies, informaiion on cancer and coping; I2X men were screened for prostate can­ cer and 111 women I'or breast cancer; volunteers drove ,4,.47.‘i niiles providing 4S irips to radia­ tion therapy in Winslon-Salem Reba Elliott (back) presents Wink Hendrix with a print. for three cancer clients; 113 vol- perceni increase in services, unteers provided 4S2,.'i hours of M ocksville offices are lo- time, caled ini he Brock Center, T.“! 1- A United Way agency. Can- 0313. Reba Ellioll is area diree- cer Services saw in 2001 a 13 lor. UtilityGuaril pipe anti Miiing repair Visa Card membership anti services Ask our customers. Ask one of the 250,01X1 |x;ople wlio depend on T.nergyUniied electricity at llieir homes and businesses. I.;isl year, ihrough ice and snow-, lighlning and wind, nnergyUniled’s reliability rale w;is W.9I percent - one of the highest in the United Slates. Asl; one of the more than 50,IX\1 people w ho use 1-nergyUnlted Propane or depend on ;in P.nergyUnitecl security system lo keep their homes and !->eloiigings safe anti secure, lir enjoy our local and long distance phone and Imeniet services. Or contract with us for surge pnilcclion and home appliance service .igreenienls. Ask- ihem . They’ll tell you why nnergyUnitecl brings \-.ilue with every service \ve pro\-i(le. ^'on gel your money’s wortli at Hnergyl hiited. EnergyUnited Your local connection for value 800.522.3793 www.energyunited.coin Energx!nited YOUR LOCAL CONNECTION Ì PAIDADVHHTISCKfENT W o m e n P r e a c h e r s A r e F o r R e a l let your women keep silence in Itw ctiurches: tor it is nol Perrnitled unto Itwm lo speak: bul Ihey are commanded lo be under obedionce. as also sailti the law. And il they will loarn anything, let Ihem ask Iheir husbands al home: lor il is a shame tor a woman lo speak in Ihe church" 1st Com. 14:34-35. There has been lor some time now in our modem day church world Ihe continual reiteration of Ihe previous verses ol scripture. Whal was once a subject rarely spoken of now seems lo be a mailer in which pastors ol all denominations are addressing during each and every setvice. The declaration of these scriptures among the pastors ol our denominational churches is none olher lhan an allempl by Ihose who wionglully inleiprel God's woid lo discredit and dishonor the everincreasing number ol women preachers. Friend I wanl you lo consider Ihe lollowing.'Let your women keep silence in Ihe churches: lor il is nol perrnitled unlo Ihem lo speak: but Ihey are commanded lo be under obedience, as also sailh llie law”. According to Ihe word ol God the woman was lo be put under obedience, and Ihis was also according to the law. We can trace Ihe origin ol this commandment back lo Genesis 3:16. Genesis 3:16 says 'Unto Ihe woman he said, I will greally multiply thy sorrow and Ihy conception: in sorrow Ihou shall bring lorth children, and Ihy desire shall be lo Ihy husband, and he shall rule over Ihee". The woman, due to the lad that she had eaten ol Ihe forbidden fruit now had a master, and lhal masier was her husband. The husband was now to rule ovor Ihe weaker vessel, and the woman was commanded to be under obedience unto him. All ol Ihis was part ol Ihe woman's punishment lor allowing hersell lo Be deceived. This was part of Ihe curse thal was placed upon the woman thal came through Ihe downfall ol mankind. When Jesus Christ went to the cross ol Calvary he delivered everyone, and thal includes man, woman and child Irom the entire curse of Ihe law and made everyone equal in Ihe spirit. The only reason lhat God placed Adam over Eve was because lhal she had been deceived, and lhal was because she was Ihe weaker vessel, and when she sinned Adam and Eve weie no longer one in the splril; Ihey were now Iwo in Ihe flesh. Someone had to lead the way and God chose Ihe stronger vessel. Had sin never havo separated Adam and Eve Ihen Ihe curse would have never been placed upon Ihe woman. In fad Adam and Eve were so equal to one another belore their downfall lhat God called them by one name. He didn't call Ihem Adam and Eve. He called them Adam. Genesis 5:2 says "Male and female created he them; and blessed Ihem and called their name Adam". They were so equal in Ihe spirit that Ihey were one. Now when Jesus Chrisl died lor our sins he restored lhat same equality back lo man and woman. That is why that Galatians 3:28 says "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor Iree, Ihere is neither MALE nor FEMALE, lor ye are all one in Chrisl Jesus". And yes you women do have Ihe light to preach the gospel. And never let anyone Iry to lell you othenv/se. The Bible says in John 3:34 “For he whom God hath sent speakelh ihe words ol God: lor God givelh nol the spirit by measure unlo Him". II a woman stands in Ihe pulpit and preaches the word ol God does that make the word ol God void? Is the word made of none effect because she is a woman? She is only a woman in Ihe ffesh, but in Ihe spirit she is Ihe same as a man. So you denominalionalized pastors leave God alone and let him call whom he will. Quit trying to tell God what he can and can't do. Get olf of your high roller because God may even call your wile lo preach. Women, when you walk down Ihe streel hold your head up high and be proud lhat you are equal in the spirit wilh man and lhat you too can preach Ihe gospel. How dare anyone call Ihemselves sen/ants ol God and say that God can'l use a woman to preach. II sure is sirange that God spoke to Moses from a burning bush and sometimes a cloud by day. And he chose a woman lo carry the Son ol God in her body for nine monlhs. Bul when it comes to preaching the gospel you have pastors who strongly deny the truth about the word of God and say that women cannot preach. People need lo understand lust what the Apostle Paul said, when he said, “let Ihe woman who is under Ihe law be under obedience to her husband". Now who are Ihose who are under Ihe law? II is Ihe ones who have nol been redeemed from the law. The Aposlle Paul was talking about Ihe woman who was not saved. 1 hope lhat you women will sland up lor your righls in Chrisl and do whal he has called you to do. Seek his lace and do his will regardless ol whal any man says. Remember friends, only in Ihe Ihings pertaining lo Ihe nalural is Ihe woman considered Ihe weaker vessel. In Ihe Ihings pertaining to tho spirit every person whether man, woman, or child are equal. You musi remember lhat once a person is born again Ihen they are considered a Son of God. And it is the business ol the Son to be about his Father's business. This is Ihe reason that Ihere is neither male nor lemale in Chrisl. Friend, male and female is only in the flesh. The preaching ol the gospel is by Ihe spirit. So Ihose who say lhal a woman cannot preach the gospel ol Chrisl are judging through the flesh. It sure is a strange thing that God spoke Ihrough a burning bush to Ihe children ol Israel. He spoke lo Ihem through a cloud in the daytime and a ball ol lire by nighl. He even spoke lo Ihem Ihrough a donkey. Bul when it comes to preaching his word people say lhat a woman cannot preach his word. The Bible says in Jn. 3.34 ‘For he whom God hath sent speakelh Ihe words ol God." So il doesn’t matter who speaks the word because if it is the word then it must be of God. The Bible goes on to say lhat II ye continue in my word Ihen ye are my disciples indeed." There are many people who leel that a woman cannot be a disciple of God. Does lhal mean that she must lorsake the word ol God? The Bible says that unless “HE" is willing to lorsake his molher and lather Ihen "HE" cannot be his disciple. The reason lhal Ihe Bible says lhat HE cannot be my disciple is because that in Chiisl we are all SONS o( God. II the Bible was just lalking about man when il used the word man then Ihere could be no women lhat were ever lost. The reason is because that the Bible says that dealh passed upon all men. The word man and mankind refers to everyone, women as well. Now please undersland Ihis Iriend. The whole gospel of Jesus Christ is based on 3 words; HE IS RISEN. Had Jesus Christ failed lo be raised Irom Ihe dead then we would still be in our sins. Now who was Ihe lirsl person lhal Jesus ever lold to go and tell of his resurrection? Was it not a woman? YesI II was Mary as she went to the tomb looking lor Jesus. Please don't give up women. Lets carry Ihe torch proudly. Because if God be lor you Ihen who can be against you? Randy Howell 159 Slonewood Road H/1ocksville, NC PAID ADVERTISEMENT СГ) - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Au¡;. «, 2002 O b i t u a r i e s Kunicc Fletcher Lewis Mrs. niinicc I'k-lctiL-r Lewis, XS. of Winslon-Salem. died Mon- Jay evening, July 2S, 2002 al I'lirsylli Medical Cenier. She was horn Dcc. 2L 19L1, in Forsyih Couniy, lo William Fleicher and M illie Cobble Flelclier. Mrs. Lewis was em ­ ployed by Royal Cake Co. several years ago. -She was the oldest m em ber of M arshall Baptist Church, where she had served in Ihe nursery. Mrs. Lewis was ihe last member of her family of eight. Preceding her in dealh were her husband, Moy H. Lewis in l')S2; a granddaughter. .Sandra Williams: a grandson. Ricky Lee Minor: a brolhers and 2 sislers. .Surviving; } sons. Hobby Lewis and wife Brenda, Harold Lewis and Ronnie Lewis, all of W inslon-Salem ; 2 daughters, Tlielma Minor and husband, Billy of Adv,m e and Lola .May Hughes and husband Allen of W'esimin- sler, Md.: 14 grandchildren: 21 greal-grandchililren: 14 greal- great-graiulchildren: and se\eral nieces and nephew s. The funeral was al Marshall Baplisi Church w Ilh llie Revs. Jim WrighI and flarold Flelchcr olfi- ciaiing. Burial was in Ihe church cemelery. Memorials: Marshall Baplist, .‘>7,19 Old Rural Hall Road, Win- slon-Salem, 27IO.*i. W illiam Ho.vd Te.sh Mr. William Boyd Tesh, XI), of Winslon-Salem died Friday, Aug. 2 ,2(X>2, at Forsyih Medical Cen­ ter. He w as born Dec. 16,1921, in Davidson Couniy lo W.B. and Pearl Foil/ Tesh. Mr. Tesh was a veleran of World War II serving in Ihe U.S. Army and was of Ihe Moravian failh. Surviving: his w ile, Edilh Sheets Tosh, of Ihe hom e; 2 daughters, Sandra Beauchamp of Mocksvillo and Sylvia Kealon of Advance; 4 grandchildren; and .'i great-grandchildren. Graveside services were al 11 - a.m. Monday, Aug. .“i at Parklawn Memorial Gardens. M em orials: charity of ihe donor's choice. Filipe Rene Andrade Infant Felipe Rene Garcia Andrade, 1.1 days old, died on Sunday, Aug. 4,' 2002 al Wake Forest Baptist Medical Cenier in Winslon-Salem. Born on July 2^. 2002 al Forsyih Medical Cenier, he was ihe son of Rene Garcia and Maria Andrade. In addilion lo his par­ ents, he is survived by a brolher, Israel Garcia, his grandfather, Felipe Rene Sosa Diaz and his grandm olher, Anna Julia Salamanca Dia/. A graveside service will be held Wednesday, Aug. 6 at 11 a.m. al Ihe Calvary Baplisi Church cem etery on U.S. 601 Soulh, Mocksville, wilh Ricardo Luna officialing. Jaida Monique Dray Jaida M onique Bray was born July 24, 2002 and died Aug. 2, 2002 in Atlanta, Ga. A celebralion of her life was held Tue.sday, Aug. 6 ai 4 p.m. al Carver Road Church of Christ in W insion-Salem . Brolher Cloys R. Cecil officialed. and hurial followed in Redland Church of Chrisl Cemetery in Advance. Survivors: her parents, Fernando and Gerena Bray of Lilhonia, Ga,; a brother, Jaylon Doran Bray; inalenial grandpar­ enls, Robert and Manha March, and paternal grandm other, Imniogene S. Bray, all of Win­ slon-Salem; greal-grandparenis, Thomas and Millie Rhynehardl of Advance; grcal-grandmoth- ers. Nelli SuUvan and Ethel Jean Bray, both of Winslon-Salem. She was preceded in death by her palernal grandfalhor. Julius Bray Jr. Nannie Belle Canler Mrs. Nannie Belle Kealon C anler diedTuesday. July .10, 2(X)2, al Forsyih Medical Cenier. She was born April 2X, 1909, in D.ivie Couniy lo ihe lale Frank and Minnie King Kealon. She was preceded in dealh by her husband. Fred Lee Canler. Survivors: a son. Richard Lee Canter and w ife Karen of Cocoa. Fla.: ^ grandchildren; 4 greal- grandchildren. llie funeral service was con­ ducted al 10 a.m. Salurday, Aug. at Vogler & Sons Clemmons Chapel by ihe Rev. Denny Sinclair. Burial follow ed at W'esllawn Gardens of Meniiirv. Treva L. Spillman M rs. Treva Livengood Spillm an, X2, of Fork-Bi.xby Road, A dvance, died Sunday morning, Aug. 4, 2(X)2 at Forsyih .Medical Cenier. Funeral services were al 11 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 6 in Ealon Funeral Chapel w ilh the Rev. Gor­ don Joyner anil Wayne Renl/ of­ ficialing. Burial was in Fork Bap­ lisi Church Cemelery. Memorials: Bus Fund of Fork Baplisi, .1140 U.S. M E., Mocks­ ville. Mrs. Spillman was born in Davie Couniy Aug. 9, 1919 lo the lale James E. and Annie Fosler Livengood and was rclired from AT&T In Winslon-Salem. She w as a life member of Fork Bapiisi Church. She was preceded in dealh by her husband, Lloyd Baxter Spillman. Survivors: her daughter, Ann (Richard) Vounis of Advance; a son, Jim Spillman of Clemmons; 4 grandchildren; 5 greal-grand­ children; and a sisler, Nell Livengood of Allanla. Thelma Graves Pegg Mrs. Thelma "Tillie" Graves Driver Pegg died Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at her home. She was horn on April IX. 192.‘i to Oscar Edward Driver Sr. and .Mary Arlese Graves Driver. She w as a longlime member of .•\rdniore Baplisi Church and ihe •Adull 9 Sunday School Class. She enjoyed playing bridge with neigiiborhood clubs and was an avid reader. She was Ihe salulalo- rianof the 1942 graduating class of Farminglon High School, was a graduale of ihe N.C. Baplist School of Nursing, Duke Univer­ sily I’ersomiel Management and Head Nursing Program, earned the gold medal of the N.C. Stale Board of Nursing Examinations and was a menilx'r of the How­ man Gray School of Nursing Am­ bulatory Program. She worked as a registered nurse in llie Depart­ ment of Clinics al Bowman Gray School of Nursing, and Ihe Plas­ tic Surgery Department. Preceding her in dealli are her husband, Luther Wade Pegg Jr., her parenls, and a brolher, Oscar Edward Driver Jr. Survivors: her daughler, Toni Susan Pegg Doub (Randy) of Greenville; 2 sons, Richard Wade Pegg (Mary Kathryn) and Eric Allan Pegg (Alana), all of Win­ ston-Salem; 5 grandchildren; 2 sislers. Belly Driver Nance of Clem m ons and Bonnie Hope Ferebee (W ajne) of Mocksville; 2 brolhers, Harry K. Driver (Mary Kalhryn) and John Bruce Driver, all of Mocksville; a special cousin, Mary Eli/abelh Graves Griffin (W oodrow) of Harrisburg; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were Friday, Aug. 2 ai 2 p.m. al Ardmore Bap­ lisi conducted by Dr. Bill Ireland, wilh burial following In Forsyih Memorial Park. Donalions: Hopsice/Pallialive C are of Forsyih, 1 lOO-C S. Stratford Rd., W inslon-Salem, 2710.3, A Meaningful Funeral Service Welcli Funeral H«ni«, Inc, [I 556 South Main Si. • Mocksvilk', N C • (336) 751-3725 R — Locally Owned & Operated — Ruth Cash Cline Mrs. Rulh Cash Cline, XI, died Friday, Aug. 2, 2002, al Brighton Gardens. She was born Nov. 7, 1920, In Davie Couniy lo Jam es and Frances Cook Cash. Mrs. Cline graduated from GrllTilh lligh School in 1939 and rclired from AT&T In 1979 alier 29 years of service. She spent her early years al Advenl Moravian Church and laler was a m em ber of Hope Moravian Church. Mrs. Cline h:iil an inlcresi in anili|ues. She was preceded In de:ilh by her husband. Maurice V. Cline in I99.S. Surviving: 2 sislers. Ora M;ie Gibson and husband Joe Bill and Helen Byerly and husband, Ihe Rev. Norman C., all of Winsion- Salem; a niece; .1 nephews. A funeral service was held al 11 a.m. Monihiy, Aug. .S, al Hope Moravian Church wiih ihe Revs. David Merrill, Wayne Byerly and iTim Byerly olTlclaling. Burial follow ed al ihe church graveyard. Memorials: Hope Moravian. 27.‘i9 Hope Church Road, Win- sion-Salem, 27127: or Hospice/ Palliative Care, 1100 C.S. Siralford Rd., W inslon-Salem. 27103. Лапе Bradley Kuykendall Mrs. Jane Bradley Kuykendall, K9, of Charlolie, died Sunday, July 2S, 2(K)2 al Presbylerian I los­ pital. A daughler of ihe lale Rev. Ed­ ward Pascal Bradley and Fannie G regory Bradley. Mrs. Knykendall was horn Feb. 13. 1913 in .Mocksvillc and was a graduale of Queens College in Charlolie. Afler raising her fam­ ily, she earned a master's in librarv Science from Wlnilirop Universily. She was librarian for many years al C ollinsw ood Elenienlary School and loved lo read lo Ihe sludenis. .Mr. and Mrs. Kuykendall were members of CovenanI Presbylerian Church where lliey laught Sunday School logether. She slarled a church li­ brary taler named l or her husband. George Henry Kuykendall, who preceded her in dealh in June, 1970. She was the church's first woman ruling elder. She orga­ nized Ihe library al Sharon Tow­ ers. and conlinued lo grow and share Ilowers. She loved lo knil and make lalch hook rugs, She had made cards lo send lo children In Mexico. Survivors: a daughler, Jane E. Kuykendall оГ Dululh, Ga.; a son, Ihe Rev. Dr. G eorge II. K uykendall and wife Joyce llynuin K uykendall of lladdonlield, N.J.: 3 grandchil­ dren: 2 greal-grandchildren; a sis­ ler, Fannie Gregory Blackwclder of Charlolie; and nieces and neph­ ews. A memorial service was held al 11) a.m. W'ednesday, July 3 1 al CovenanI Presbylerian Church with the Rev. Mark Diehl olTlcl- aling. Burlai was privale. Memorials: Residenls Assis­ tance Fund, Sharon Towers, .“i 100 Sharon Road. Charlolie, 2X210. .lerry Andrew Webb lnf;uil Jerry Andrew Webb was born and died Thursikiy, Aug. I. al D avis M edical C enier In Slalesville. Survivors: his parenls. Jerry Everell Webb Jr. and Roxanna Smilh Webb of M ocksville: a brolher. .Nicholas Tyler Webb: a sisler. Kaleland Naomi Webb, bolh of Ihe home; his palernal grandfalher. Jerry Webb Sr. (Shirley); his palernal grand­ molher, Janel C o/an (Robin): his niaiernal grandparenls, Sherrill and Nancy Smilh; his palernal greal-grandparenls, Charlie and Margie Co/ari: and his malemal greal-grandniolher. Rulh Angell, all of Mocksville. A graveside service was held al 4 p.m. Saiurikiy. Aug. 3 ai Ihe I'urrenllne Bapllsl Church Cem­ elery w ilh llic Rev. Joe Smilh of­ ficialing. Roy F. Alexander Sr. .Mr. Roy F. Alexander Sr., XX, of Cenier Sireel, Coolcemee, died Monday, Aug. .“i, 2(K)2 al Ihe home of his son, Roy Jr.. in 1 Illlshorough. Born In Davie Couniy on Jan. 26. 1914. he was ihe son of Ihe lale Charles and Annie Alexander, lie had served as police chief in Robbins, and al UNC-Greens- boro. He had phiyed and managed In professional baseball. He served in llie U.S. Navy on Ihe USS Alaska during World War 11. He was a Mason. Ihe NC/SC Law Enforcem enl A ssoc., and the VFW. he was a m em her of C ooleem ee U nited M ethodist C hurch. Ills wife. .Margarei Ijames Alexander, preceded him In dealh in January of Ihis year. Survivors: a son anddaugliler- in-lau, roy Jr. and Brenda ■Mexander of Hillsborough; 2 grandsons: and a greal-grand- daughler. lie was preceded in dealh by 4 brolhers and 2'sisters. A graveside memi>rial service will be held Thursday, Aug. X al 2 p.m. at Ihe Cenier United Melh­ odisi Church Cemelery wilh ihe Rev. Perry Bradshaw otfieiating. M yrlle Drake Deans Myrlle Drake Deans, 9X, of Rocky Mounl died Salurday, Aug. 3, 2002, al Columbus Couniy Hospital. She was ihe daughter of Ihe lale John P. and Bonnie Drake of Nashville, N.C. Mrs. Deans was preceded in ilealh by her husband, John Hack­ ney Deans, 4 sislers and a brother. Mrs. Deans worked as a leacher in Nash Couniy and also al W eaver Fabrics of Rocky Mounl. She was a member of llie Nash Couniy Home Demonsira- Ilons Club, Ihe Eastern Star and Ihe Rocky Mounl Garden Club. Mrs. Deans was an artist and re­ ceived awards for her an and liow er arrangements, I ler hobbles Included collecling anlii|ues. gar­ dening and needlework. Surviving: 3 sons, John II. Deans and wife Fay of Advance. Billy II. Deans of New Smyra Beach. Fla. and Hobby D. Deans :ind wife Alma of Wliileville: .“i grandchildren; 10 greal-grandchll- ilren: a greai-greai-grandchild: and a large number of nieces and nephews. A gathering to celebrate her life was held al 11 a.m. Monday. Aug. 5, at Johnson Funeral Home. Sunsel Avenue, Rocky Mounl, hy the Rev. George Jones. Burial fol- lowed al Foresi Hill Cemelery, Nashville. Serving as pallbearers were John Deans, Scoli Deans, Drake Deans, Benjamin Deans, E.L. D aughlridge and Lige Daughlridge. B a rg a in s ! C h e c k o u t t h e y a r d s a l e s . . . i n t h e Classifieds Revival Services at Cornatzer Baptist Church August 11 th through August 14th. The guest speaker will be the Rev. Jack Reiss of Chattanooga,Tennessee. Rev. Reiss is a completed Jev^. He is very familiar with the present events in Israel and will be sharing some of that information with those present. He is also a gifted speaker and a great preacher of the Scriptures. Sunday services will be at II :00 a.m. and at 6:30 in the evening. Monday through W ednesd» night services will be at 7:30. There will be special singing each night and a nursery for the convience of those with small children, Vistors are volcóme to attend W hen making funeral arrangements, isn’t it good to know that there is a locally owned funeral home with over fifty years of experience in serving the Davie County community? • Funeral Service Professionals who are your friends and neifflihors • Funeral Service Professionals involved and active in supportinf> those thinf>s important in the conunnnity in which we live • Funeral Service Professionals meeting; any need or circumstance your fam ily niifiht have • Funeral Service Professionals wilh only one thin^ in mind... Makinü .sure that one o f thc most difficult times in your family's life is handled with the care and dignity that can he provided by those that have known you the longest. EATON FUNERAL SERVICE, INC. Ccli'braimf; 50 ycarx of sen’icc lo ihc communily 325 North Main St., Mocksville, NC • 751-2148 Carl Lamlxin, Monjÿin,; [’'initrt ()мгет Nella Mae Boles M rs. N ella M ae Forcsicr Sidden Boles. X2, of Oak Sunimil Nursing Cenier and formerly of Mocksville, died Thursday, Aug. I. 2002 al Oak Summil. Born April I, 1920, in Wilkes Couniy, she was the daughler of Ihe lale Floyd Gy wen and Onia Blackburn Forester. She was a m em ber of G ospel Baplist Church. Survivors: 2 sons, Archie Glen Sidden and Gary Clinlon Sidden, bolh of Mocksville; 2 daughters, Donna Sidden Kuhn of Kemersviile and Sheila Ann Pruill ofTraplilll: 17 grandchildren: and 29 greal-grandchildren. She was precedeil in ilealh by 2 brothers, Raby and Clyde For­ ester; and 2 sislers. Rase Ehia and Mage Elene Forester. A graveside service was held al 11 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 3 al the Knobbs Bapllsl Church Cemeleryi in Wilkes County wilh the Rev. G:iry Wayne Sidden officialing. Pallbearers were Josh and Zachary Kuhn, Larry, Jerry and Glen Sidden and David Holbrook. DAVIE FUlVERAL SERVICE Incnrpomled •Ilh \',>llev Kd,, Mocksville, NC 336-751-3111"Our Гmnih/ 5fn’/«v» Your Гmnilif' VOIH ll()\lâOW\ niNEHAL HOME A Storehouse For Jesus F R E E M E D I C A L C L I N I C Open every Thursday evening 5:00 PM to 8:30 PM To nuikt’ (in (ip¡H>iiumvnt call (JM)i 75l-l(y><K orconw viinic. Ih’fwtrn 2:(K) PM and IWl an Tliuiwday aftcnunm. Clieni.s must meet ccrtain eligibility requirements S/Hiimli iiiia p m ir m aiiaitic Frances C. Shouse, 1956-2C02 COOLEEMEE Ф ■ EnumG.Kanuvdy , 1910-2002 ATLANTA Ltwretwe £, Moberty 1912-2002 M(XS<SVILLE Louise B. Mull X910-2002 ‘ MORGANTON « Caivlyn B. Casev 1938 - 2002 WlNSTON-SALENi * . Stephen F.Peacodi 1946-2002 MOCKSVILIJE Fork To Celebrate Homecoming Fork Baptist Church on U.S, 64 Easi of Mocksvillc will cel­ ebrate ils annual homecoming on Sunday, Aug. 11. Former pastor, Ihc Rev. Ken Evans, will be Ihe guesl speaker. A covered dish din­ ner will be held in Ihe fellowship hall after ihe morning service. Everyone is invited, especially fonner nienibers. Gospel Concert To Benefit CMN A gospel concert lo benefit ihe Children's Miracle Network will be held al 7 p.m. Salurday, Aug. 24 al ihe Brock Performing Arls Cenier. 622 N. Main Si.. Mocksville. The Cockman Family of Sherrills Ford plays hhiegrass anil gos­ pel music. 1 he M asier's Choice of M ocksville is a southern gospel group, and Chigger I IIII of Mocksville plays bhicgrass/gospel. Tickets are available al the M ocksville W al-Marl. ,SX hi advance. SK) at Ihe door. Homecoming This Sunday At New Union Methodist Church H oniecoining at New U nion U niled M elhodisi Church in Sheffield is Aug. 11. The Rev. Kennil Shoaf. fomier paslor. will speak al ihe 11 a.m. service. Lunch will follow. Revival will be Sunday. Aug. 11 al 7 p.m. and conlinue Ihrough Thursday al 7:30 nightly, wiih special singing each nighl. The Rev. Terry .Ouckworih from Asheville will speak Sunday-Thursday nights. He is a general evangelist for Ihe Western North Carolina Conference. His mission is lo proclaim, exalt and praise Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of all humanity: lo encourage believers and evangelize Ihe world Ihrough word and song. He shares a testimony to inspire and elighten. The pastor, the Rev. Galen Hahn, and congregation invite all, Cornatzer Methodist Church Celebrating 100th Anniversary Comalzer Uniled Methodist Church will celcbraie Ils lOOlh an­ niversary on Sunday, Aug, 11 wilh Sunday School al 10 a.m., and 11 a,m. services led by Dr. Michael Leallierwooil, Lexington Dis­ trict supeiinlendenl. Lunch will be al noon in the fellowship hall. Special singing is planned afler Ihe lunch, feaiuring Sarah Bailey playing Ihc organ. M aster's Choice, M essiah's M essengers and a quarlel from Smilh Grove Methodist. All form er paslors have been invited. The church is located on C om alzer Road, a mile north of Cornalzer Elenienlary School. Everyone is inviied. Call 998-0687 for more information. StepFast Lifestyle Seminar Planned At Mocksville Church Sick and lired ofbeing sick and lircd? Ready lo shed Ihose exlra pounds and keep Ihem off,' A StepFast Lifestyle Seminar will be held on Sunday evenings at 6:30 for 12 weeks beginning Aug. 11 al M ocksville Sevenlh-day Advenlisl Fellowship Hall, Milling Road. The .seminars will feature video presentations by preventive heallh care .specialists. Participants will receive scientific. Bible- based insiniclion in nulrilion, exercise and stress management. Live vegetarian cooking demonsiralions will be presented and samples of recipes prepared will be served. Early regislralion is SIO, lale regislralion S 1.S. Bolh include semi­ nar materials, recipes ami samples. M arried cou]>les who share materials will be charged a single fee. Call 492-2468 or 492-7926 10 prcregister. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 8, 2002 - C7 У Fellowship Baptist Plans Event Fellowship Baplist Church is planning a day for the whole fam­ ily, wilh chalk artist M ichael M cDaniel, on Sunday, Aug, 11. McDaniel will preach at the 11 a.m. service and have a chalk art presentation at the 6 p.m. service. Everyone is welcome. The church is on Rainbow Road, Advance, For more infonnation, call 998-6100, Mt Olive Breakfast Saturday Ml. Olive United Methodist Church M en’s Cluh is sponsoring a ham, egg. sausage, and pancake supper Saturday, Aug, 10 from 3-7 p,ni, at the church fellowship hall. Cost is S6 per plale. The church is on Wyo Road near Farminglon. Farmington Homecoming Sunday Farmington Baptist Church will observe its annual homecoming on Sunday, Aug. 11. Members, fom ier members, visitors and guests are invited lo Bible Study al 9:45 a.m.. the worship .service at 11 and the picnic lunch fellowship following the .services. Guesl preacher will be fonner pastor. Dr. M arvin Gold. He and his wife Sue were married while serving the church. His wife is the former Sue Campbell of Roxboro, and they have two sons and a daughter and three gatidsons. They were married 41 ycars ago. Gold has served churches in North Carolina and Virginia as pastor or interim pastor. He was a hos­ pital chaplain in Lumberton for 30 years. He is semi-retired and part-time assistant pastor for se­ nior adults at Brunswick Islands Baptist Church, Holden Beach, In the lasl 35 years he has led re­ treats, conferences and seminars on pastoral care subjects for pastors, deacons and other church lead­ ers, as well as marriage enrichment events in North Carolina and Virginia. He is a member of the N.C. Baptist State Convention General Board and a retired member of thc American Associalion of Pastoral Counselors and Ihe College of Chaplains. Paslor of Fanninglon Baplist is Jimmy Hinson. For more infor­ mation, call the church at 998-3826. Teaching Series On Stress A new leaching series on stress will begin Sunday. Aug. 11 at Hill.sdale Baplist Church in Advance at bolh morning .services. Dan Gclatt will preach Ihis series for the next six Sundays starl­ ing Aug. 11 with "Building Margin Into Your Life." The title for Aug, 18 will be "Remembering Whal M atters M ost" followed by "W hen Your Work Doe.sn’t W ork For You Any M ore" on Aug. 25. The firsl three Sundays in September will be "H ow lo Lighten Your Load," "Focusing Your Life." and "How to Simplify." Everyone is inviled to any of these Sunday services, at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. The church is located one mile west of N.C. 801 on U.S. 158. Call Brenda or Amy for more inforniation at 940-6618. Gold A t t e n d T h e C h u r c h O f Y o u r C h o i c e No Crook Primitlvo Baptist Church,No Crook Church Rd.. Mocksvillo. 2nd & 4th Sundays. t0;30 a.m. Fourth Salurday worship and conforonco.1:30 p.m. Pastor. Eldor Eugono Bonnolt, Eoglo Heights Church,10 n.m. Sunday worship, 7 p.m. Tuosday Powortimo. 7 p.m. Thursday Biblo study. Casual dross, contomporary music/worship. 5103 U.S. 158. Hiilsdalo. Mocksvillo Wosloyan Church: Hospital St.. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11. Wodnosday Prayor MoDling, 7 p.m, Rov. Georgo Troyor. 751-5595, Union Chapol Unltod Mothodlst Church: 2030 U.S. 601 N. Worship. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m.. Pastor. Rov. Brad Holliman. Conlor Unilod Molhodlsl Church: U.S. 64 W. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11. Paslor. Stophon Blair. 751-2754. Childcaro diroclors: Carla PfovoUo, 492-5735 & Sandra Autry. 940-3753. Elbovlllo Unltod Molhodlst Church: N.C. 001. Advanco. Fellowship. 9 a.m. Sunday School. 10. Worship. 11. Kids For Chrisl (ages 4-11). t si & 3td Sun,, 3-4:30 p.m. Toons for Christ (ages 12- 18) meet Sun.. 5-6:30 p.m. Pastor: Rov. Neville Storey. Cooleomoo Church of God: Sunday School. 10 a.m. Worship Sorvico and Children’s Church. 11 a.m. Tues. Prayer Meeting. 7 p.m. Wod. Family Sorvico. 7 p.m. For moro info, call pastor Robert Hulotto al 284-2180 or visit www.coolcog.org. Cornatzor Unltod Mothodlst Church: 1244 Cornatzor Rd. Sunday School. 10 a.m. Worsliip. 11 a.m.. 7:30 p.m. Bible Study. Wodnosday. 7:30. Rov. Harold Zimmorman, paslor. Bothol Unltod Mothodlst Church: Bethel Church Rd. Worship. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 10:50 a.m. Rov. Ed Carter, pastor. Advanco United Molhodlst Church: Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m. Youlh, 5 p.m. Rov. Harry D. Sammons.Downtown Advanco. Farmington Unltod Methodist Church: Sunday School. 10 a.m, Worship. 11 a.m, 1939 Farminglon Rd. 998-3769. Rov. Melinda Snyder. Oak Grove United Methodist Church: 1994 U.S. 158, Mocksvillo. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11. Concord Unilod Mothodlst Church, Chojry Hill Rd.. Mocksvillo. Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Paslor. John Andrews. Hardison Unlled Mothodlst Church: Worship. 9:45 a.m. Sunday Sctiool. 10:45. Wonderlul Wodnos-days Children’s program. 6*7:30. Pastor, Rov. Dennis B. Marshall. Community Baplisi Church; Sunday School. 10 a.m. Sunday Worship, 11. Evening sorvico, 6. Wednesday Biblo Study. 7 p.m. Gladslone Road. Hillsdale Uni led Methodist Church: 5228 U.S. 158, Advanco. Contomporary worship Sunday 10:45 a.m. Sunday School. 9:35. Casual dross, refreshments. Jr. High Youlh Sunday night. 5:30. Sr. High Youth Sunday nighl. 7. Midwook@Hillsdalo prayor sorvico, wodnosday 6:30 p.m. Bibto studios, ministrios such as drama, worship, misions. singles, women's, men's. Pastor: Jerry Webb, 99B-4020. Wesley Chapol Unilod Mothodlst Church: Worship Sorvico: 10 a.m. Sunday School; 10:45 a.m. Rov. Mindy Snyder. Pino Rd. Redland Pentecostal Hollnoss Church: Sunday School: 10 a.m. Worship: 11 a.m. Evening: 6:30. Wednesday prayer mooting & Bible sludy. 7:30 p.m. Rev. Joel Boyles. Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1913 W.G. WHITE & C 0 . 850 N. Trade St. Winston Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 lERRY'S MEAT PROCESSING W e C u s lo m M eal P ro c e s s B e e f - P o rk - D eer 27 years experience«92 Ralph Ratledg« Rd < Mockivllli 492-5496 J. P. GREEN MILLING CO., INC. Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksville, N0 336>751-2126 CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street Mocksville, N0 27028 336-751-2167 mAQEHAKDWARE 5431 Hwy. 156* Advance, NC 336-998-1987 U.S. 601 s. Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. Pastor: Rov. Robert Ki\sting. 751-5419. hlip://www.mindspring.com/''holycross/ Mocksvillo First Prosbytorlon Church. 261 S. Main St. Worship: 11 a.m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday evening: Choristers (grades 1*5) & Youlh (grades 6*12). 5:30 p.m. Paslor: Noal Carter. 751-2507. Mocks Unilod Mothodlst Church, off N.C. 001 S. nl Mocks Church/ Beau­ champ roads. Advanco. Rov. Donnio Durham. 998-5518. Sunday worship: 8:45 S 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Smith Grovo Mothodlst Church: 3492 U.S. 158, Mocksville. Paslor: Chris Clontz. Sunday School: 10 a.m.. worship. 11. Childron’s minislry. Before and afler school programs. 940-5296. Htllsdnlo Boptlst Church: Sunday Worship and Bible Study 9 & 10:30 a.m., Wednesday Fellowship Meal, 6 p.m. Children’s youlh activilios. prayer mooting. 6:30 p.m. Paslor R.T. Alderman. 940-6618. Minister ot Music, Brent Helton. 4815 U.S. 158. Advance. Faith and Victory Family Worship Center, 1687 Hwy. 601 N. Sunday Sorvicos. 10 a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday. 7 p.m. New Bollovors P.P. Church. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship Sorvico. 11. Wednesday night Bible study. 5. Pastor Elizabeth Mock. Assoc. Pastor Derrick Mock. Womon's Aux. & Brotherhood Biblo Study. 1st & 3rd Thursday. Liberty Unltod MothodisI Church. U.S. 601 s. Worship:9;45 a.m. Sunday School: 11 a.m, First United Methodist Church ot Mocksvillo. Early Sunday Worship Servico. 8:50 a.m. Praise singing, casual dross, contemporary format. Traditional service. 10:55 a.m. 305 N. Main St. 751-2503. Pastors. Crystal Alexander and Charles Turner. Boliovor's Sonship Tabernacle: Sunday worship, 10:30 a,m. & 6:30 p m. Wod. ovoning. 7. Pastor: Jorry L. Couch. 998-1324. Cana Rd. - Poltor's Lane. Turrontlno Baptist Church: Sunday School. 9:45 a.m.. Worship, 11; Night Service, 6. Paslor: Rov. Joo Smilh. Bothlohom Unilod Mothodlst Church: Sunday early worship. 8:45 a.m.: Sunday School. 10 Worship. 11 a.m. 321 Rodland Rd.. Advanco. 336- 998-5083. Fax; 940-5502. E-Mail: bethumc@aof.com. Episcopal Church of the Asconsion. Fork-Bixby Rd.. Advanco. Sun. School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. 998-0857. Dial A Story Ministry for children. Bill and Peggy Long ofAdvance. 998-7716. Sorvicos ot the Oaks. Apt. 7A, 7 p.m., Thursdays. Bishop T.R. Rico. Clemont Grove Church of God, Body of Christ. 159 Parker Rd., Mocksvillo. 492-5125. Saturday Services: Sabbath School. 10 a.m.. Worship, 11:45. Wednesday Biblo Study, 7 p.m. Pastor: Eldor Ernest Ijamos. Radio Broadcast; Tho Bible Is Right, Tuesdays. 5-5:30 p.m.. WDSL 1520 AM and Sundays. 8- 8:30 a.m., WSTP 1490 AM. Green Moadows Baptist Church Sunday School. 9.45 a.m. Worship. \\ a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayer S Bible Study. 7 p.m. Pastor Rov. Michael Waters. 998-3022. Liberty Wosleyan Church, 2106 Sheffield Rd., Harmony. Sunday School 10 a.m.. Morn. Worship 11 a.m.. Wod. Bible Advonturo 7 p.m.. Sr. Minislry 2nd Tuos. each month 10 a.m. 492-2963. Pastor: Ronald Leo. Bixby Prosbytorian Church. 1806 Fork-Bixby Rd., near Cornatzor Rd.. Sun. School 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11. Pastor: OosignalQd pastor. 998- 6813. Dulin United Methodist Church. 697 Dulin Rd., Mocksvillo, 998-5409, Paslor: David Smith. Sun School 10:30 a.m.. Worship 9:30 a.m. Cooleomeo United Mothodlst. Main V O G L E R & - S O N S m in eral H om e 2849 Middle Brook Dr. Clemmons, NC 27012 3 3 6 - . . 7 g £ : 4 Z 1 ^ DOW NU]\DER ROCK & T IL E Brelt & Slacey Lavery (336) 998-8287 or 998-4771 Ceramic Tile liisiallaiion www.aussielilL-.com E A T O N FUNERAL HOME Л Tnuliliim o/'Cíir/ii¿!.... 32.5 North Main Sireel Mocksvillc. NC 27(12ti 336-751-2148 'Krazy'Bob says, "Stop by and see >lV/why... a sale at the ' Tues.-FtL* lQam-7pmSat.* lOjm-Sptn Closed Sun.&Mon.Ilie OI(i Webb Bldg. Hwy 158,2 DIcKks W of BOI A U T O n u n rS MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTIVE 884 S. Main St. • Mocksville 336-751-2944 St.. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship. 11. Kids Kamp Sun. 5-6:30. Pastor: Rov. Perry Bradshaw (284- 6135) in Homo Bible Studios, by Randy Howell. 284-4667. Boar Crook Baptist Church, Bear Crook Ch, Rd.. Sun. School 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m.. Biblo Study Wod. 7 p.m. Rov. William Loo Cook 111, paslor. Cooleomeo First Boptlsl Church, 284 Marginal St., Sun. Bible Study 9:45 a.m.. Morn. Worship 11 a.m.. Eve. Worship 7 p.m.. Youth, 6 p.m. Wednesday supper, 6 p.m. Music minister. Rogina Chandler. Mocksvillo Socond Presbyterian. 400 Pino St. Worship. 11 a.m.. Church School. 9;30. Rev. Thomas M. Leach.751-1410 St. Francis of Assissl, RC. Masses: Monday. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. 9 a.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m. Saturday Vigil, 5 p.m. Sunday. 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Spanish Mass at 12:30 p.m. Rov. Andrew Draper, TOR. 751-2973. Farmington Baptist Church. Sunday morning Bible study, classes for all agos. 9:45. Worship: 11. 1841 Farmington Rd.. 5 miles from 1-40. Pastor: Jimmy Hinson. Church: 998- 3826. Homo: 751-3492. Biolso Boptlst Church, U.S. 601 North across from Horn’s Truck Stop. Mocksville. 751-3639. Worship & Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sunday ovenlng. 7. Wodnosday service. 7 p.m. Pastor: Glenn Sellers. Shiloh Baptist Church, 544 E. Depot St.. Mocksvillo. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning worship: 11 a.m. Pastor: Rov. Donald Ray Jonklns. 751-0597. Fulton United MothodisI Church. 3895 N.C. 801 S.. Advanco. Worship: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 10:45 a.m. Fulton Youth In Chrisl. Sundays. 5-6:30 p.m. Paslor; Rev. Jack Wallace. Heaven Bound Full Gospel Church.U.S. 64 W.. Mocksvillo. (besido Center Fire Dept.). Sunday School. 10 a.m.. Worship, 11. Sunday night praise/ worship. 6. Wodnosday night pralso/ worship, 7. Pastor. Jamos Ward. 998- 6394. First Baptist Church, 390 N. Main St.. Mocksvillo. 751-5312. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10;55 a.m. Wednesday Prayor Servico. Noon. Fork Baptist Church. 3140 U.S. 64 E.. Mocksville. Sunday School. 9:45. Worship service, 11 a.m., 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays. 7 p.m. Awanas. Sunday 6p.m.998-8306. Cornolzer Baptist Church. 1372 Cornalzer Rd.. Mocksville. Sunday School. 10 a.m.. Worship. 11: evening. 6:30; Awana's Worship. 7 p.m. Wednesday evening. 7:30 p.m. Now Union Methodist Church, 1869 Shollield Rd.. al County Lino Rd. Services: 8:30 a.m.. contemporary worship with casual dress and refreshments; 9:45 a.m. Sunday School assembly. 10. Sunday School for all ages. 11 a.m.. Worship. 492- 5367. Ijamos Baptist Church. Shofliold Rd., Mocksvillo. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m., worship, 11. Sunday evening, 6, Wednesday. 7 p.m. Pastor. Tommy Faust. St. John AME Zion Church. 145 Campbell Rd., Mocksvillo. Sunday School, 9:30. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Rev. Anthony Froeman. Advanco First Baptist Church. 1938 N.C. 801 S. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11. Wednesday Bible Sludy/ mission groups. 7 p.m. Pastor:Martin Kastnor. 998-6302. Church of God of Prophecy. 2323 U.S. 601 s., Mocksvillo. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. worship, 11. Sunday ovenlng, 6; Wednesday ovenlng. 7. Pastor; Rev. Bobby Shinault. 719- 6565 or 284-2935. Victory Baptist Church. Midway St., Cooloomee. Sunday School. 10 a.m., worship 11. Sunday evening. 6; SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY Jerlctio Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-5148 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9144 FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2141 GENTLE MACHINE & TOOL INC. 3319 US Hwy 158 Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-3350 FULLERICl'iliSIUtiir Precision l.aser Cutting & Metal Fabrication 855 Salisbury Road, Mocksville, N C 27028 336-751-3712 Wednesday Awana/Youth. 6:45 p.m., Prayer & Biblo Study. 7. Rev. Shelby Harbour. 284-2077. Sovonth Day Advontlst Church. Milling Road. Mocksville. Sabbath School. Salurday, 9:30-11; Worship. 11-noon. Paslor. Ron Davis. 751* 3886. Macedonia Moravian Church, 700 N.C. 801 N., Advance. Sunday School. 9:30-10:45 a.m. Worship. 8:45 and II a.m. 998-4394. Pastor: Rov. Grog UMlo. Yadkin Valloy Baptist Church. 1324Yadkln Valley Road. Advance. Pastor; Ronnie Craddock. 998-4331. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. worship, 11 & 6. Wednesday Night Prayer mooting, 7:30. Livo Sundays. WDSL 1520AM. 11-Noon. Mt. Zion Holiness Church of God. U.S. 64 E. at Mill Slreol. Mocksville. Sunday School. 10 a.m.. Morning Worship. 11. Pastor: Bishop James Ijamos. Ml. SInol AME Zion Church. 488 Pooplos Creek Road. Advance. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m..'worship. 11 a.m.. Wednesday night Bible study. 7. Dr. Otis 8. Robinson Sr.. pastor. 998-6231. Bixby Church of the Living God. 2121 Cornatzer Rd.. Advance. Pastor, Rev. Perry Hawks. 768-1606. Worship. Sunday 10-11 a.m.. 6 p.m. Salem United Mothodlst Church, Salem Church Road olf Davio Academy Rd., 8 miles west of Mocksville. Worship, Sundays at 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 10:45.UMW. socond Wednesday. UMM first Sunday breakfast at 7;30. UMYF Sunday evenings. Rev. Stephen Blair, pastor. Piney Grovo Unlled Methodist Church. 376 Underpass Rd., Advance. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship. 11. Paslor: Rov. Kendall C. Glovor. 998-7316. Now Jorusalom Apostolic Church, 291 Campbell Rd.. Mocksville. Paslor. Nottyo Ijames-Barber. 751-0049. Sun. School. 10 a.m.. Worship 11. Wodnosday night: Biblo class, 7:30. Intercessory prayer. 6 p.m. True Light Christian Minislry, U.S. 601 N.. Dannor Rd. to Camolia Lane. Mocksvillo. Pastor: Sloven W. Dalton. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11. Episcopal Church of the Qood Shepherd, Church & Cross sts., Cooloemee. Worship. 9:30 a.m., fellowship hour after church. Bible Study 2nd and 4th Sundays after church. Priest: Rov. Noah Howard. Josus Life Mission, LIborty Church Rd.. Mocksville. Sunday School. 10:30. morning worship. 11. Sunday evening at 6 and Tuesdays al 7 p.m. Pastor; Hilda Reavis. Mocksville Church of God. 662 U.S. 64 E. (beside Armory). 751-0817. Pastor; Larry Hollifield. Sunday School. 10 a.m.. worship. 11. Sunday evening. 6. Wednesday evening. 7. Jerusalem Baptist Church. 3203 US 601 S., Mocksville. 284-2328. Rev. Jimmy Lancaster. Sunday services: 6.15 a.m.. praise and vi0TSh\p*, 9;45, Sunday School for all agos; 11 morning worship; 7. evening worship. Wednesday servicos: 6 p.m., family fellowship moal; 7 p.m.. TeamKID, Youth 4 Christ. Adult Bible Study. Nursery for infants and toddlers. Fellowship Bapllsl Church. 1084 Rainbow Rd., Advance. 998-6544. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. worship. 11. Sunday evening. 6. Wednesday service. 7 p.m. Thursday visitation, 7 p.m. Smith Grove AME Zion Church. 3707 Hwy. 158. Mocksville. Sunday morning worhsip. 11. Sunday School. 10 a.m Rev. Morgan Glenn, pastor. SHEFFIELD LUMBER & PALLET CO. «PM.EX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5565 CRAIG CARTER BUILDER, INC. 119 Hwy. 801 S. S uite 1 A dvance, NC 27006 336-940-2341 Qiulih i’uvMrn Homci /iir o» cr .W Jfjn Cratl A Cincr. ProiJfnt ».MAfiinC. Cat«. Wc Pm H a y w o r t h -M il l e r Fu n e r a l H o m e KiNDERroN C h a pel Located on Hwy 158 Between Clemmons & Advance 336-940-5555 888-940-8511 i * ! ii « C8 - D AV IK C O U N T Y FN l ERPR ISK R K C O R I), Aiij;. «, 2002 A ‘F o r k ’ R e m i n d e r F o r m e r R e s id e n t O p e n s R e s t a u r a n t U.v Ja ckie S ealm ll D avie C ounly nm crprisc RccorJ Very few people wlio Iwve llie privilege o f livinj: in Davic Coum y leave il wiihoul lakinj; a small m em ory of ihcir one- limc home wilh ihem. One past resilient has a daily rem iniler o f his form er resi­ dence. His name is Scolt Howard, son o f G eorge and A nnie Howard, and lie was raised in ihe Fork community. Though H ow ard's parents slill reside in Fork, he 'ms since m oved to thc west coast and now resides in California, It is ihere he is living the life of a clicf and restauranl owner. How.M ii g iiuhiated from Davie High School and says he began pursuing his inleresl in cooking w hile slill atîondiiig school. During thal lime he was w orking in Ihe kilchen ai M anor House in Tanglewood Park. Howard says ihose early day e.xperiences show ed him Ihe demands, pressures, slrcss, and creativity ihal is involved in Ihe daily running of a reslau- ranl. "I knew ilial would be an atm osphere I would thrive in." A fler gradualion H ow ard optetl not lo attend culinary school bul decided lo hone his cooking skills by traveling and m eetin g e sta b lish e d chefs around the world. He has trav­ eled extensively ihroughoul America, Canada, ami Europe, visiting the best restaurants, w ineries, ami farms. ll was O clober 2(H) I when Howard, his w ife M elissa, and business partner Charles t.nsv decided lo open a resiauraiil in San A nselm o. C alifo rn ia. W hen lim e cam e for ihe ihree 10 choose a nam e for iheir new ealing esiablisliment ihe choice was made lo approprialcly call 11 Fork. Noi only does ihe name pay hom age to H ow ard's ii;r:!ier hometown bul il also represents Ihe ‘fork in the road' the busi­ ness panners were al w hen ihey decided lo open ihe reslauram , Howard says. Fork reslauram offers a Cr.li- forni;i/French menu wilh sev­ eral creative coinbinalions in sm all portions from which lo choose. The reslauram serves m eals in a small plale fonnal and according lo Howard il al­ lows for greater flexibility for Ihose w ho want a quick meal or want 10 share wilh friends. C hoices range from nioulh w a­ tering dishes like roasted kiuii salm on, lo sum m er succoiash, along wilh an exiensive wine selection. Bul H ow ard's love o f Davie C ounly hasn’t been lost. He tries lo visit his parenls oflen and w hen in N onh Carolina he relishes the down-home cuisine o f a plale o f BBQ or olher lo­ cal favorites. W hen asked about his favorite place to eat in Davie County Howard rem em ­ bers m any of Ihe local eating establishm ents in the counly bul says his m other's cooking of dishes created from fresh vegetables from Ihe family gar­ den are still som e o f his best mem ories. H ow ard has received no­ table reviews and aw ards from journals in the fwKi industry but ow nership o f his reslauram has in.spired him to set new goals in culinarj’ excellence. Accord­ ing to H ow ard, "I just waiU llw food to keep gelling better unci better." A picture of Fork Restaurant that opened October 2001. The California eatery is housed in a storefront space near an antiques store. ” GENE’S A U TO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 7 6 6 -9 1 4 8 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons O n Howard works lo prepare one of the different dishes available at Fork. Scott Howard was raised in the Fork community so the name of his restaurant has personal meaning for the former Davie County resident. Tim e The Enterprise Record welcomes items o f interest fi om renders, hut be sure to get them into our office on time. Weddings Fridays, 5 p.m. Davic Dateline Mondays, Noon News Items Monday.s, Noon Advertisements Tuesd.iys, 10:30 a..m. C h e c k o u t o u r la t e s t e d itio n .. D A V IE C O U N T V E N T E R P R I / E ^ E C O R D ONLINE V . „ r e J " s U j n ^ - c ^ c j . a g g , f r o m . „ r Ablest Staffing Advance Soap'n Stuff Apache Candle Co. Barnette Heating & Air Cond. Bermuda Village Bernardo's Internet Coffee Shoppe Bizzy Beez Bodyworks Salon Counter Point Music Oavie County Arts Council Dovie Funeral Service Double A A Landscape & Grading Eaton Funeral Service Emaline Brook Fish-N-Talls Pet Store Howard Realty Jacqueline Gordon Child Care Ketchie Creek Bakery Nature's Gifts Pennington & Company Realty Snider's Lawn Care Statesville Marble & Granite Swicegood, Wall & McDaniel Realtors The Village Inn W . G . White & Co. Woodworks Gallery Go to www.enterpnse-record.com ior links to inlormative websites and webpages for these advertisers. You 'II find them on various pages throughout our website so take time to explore. | luu^enterprise - record.com Arthritis Pain Mystery Solved Horse Liniment Is Ihe secret! OCALA, FL. - An ingredient used to ireat inflammation in thoroughbred racehorse legs, is now recognized as safe and ef­ fective for human use. Ttie in­ gredient has been formulated into a product called ARTH-Rx'“ and comes in a strength de­ signed for humans. Research­ ers are excited and say the for­ mula can relieve arthrilis pain for millions. Developed by the Phillips Gulf Corporation, ARTH-Rx is a breaktlirough in the treatment of painful disorders ranging from minor aches and pains lo more serious condilions such as ar­ thritis, bursitis, rheumatism, ten­ donitis, backache and more. Scienlists suggest thal ARTH- Rx works by intercepting Ihc pain messenger substance lhal sends pain signals to the brain. Allliough the mechanism is nol totally clear, pain is relieved in the affected area because the pain signal actually disappears. ARTH-Rx is the only product on the market with Neurocaine and is available in a convenient, pleasant scented roll-on appli­ cator witlioul a pre.scription. Ac­ cording to a spokesperson for the company, ARTH-Rx is avail­ able in pharmacies, nutrition stores, and even some feed stores. ARTH-Rx can also be ordeaxlbycalling 1 -800-729-8446.www.hcilsalcs-aim ozooopGC ARTH-Rx Is available at: Feature 1 DAVIK COUNTV ENTEUl’UlSK RECORD, Aug. 8, 2002 - Dl Johrwuhan I.oos sings.Tanner Manship plays the drums. ^ The teens practice together In Tanner Manshlp's room In the Farmington community. Or at your local: ' ' FOSTER DRUG ’ _495ValtevRd^51-2141 And Charlie Monger plays bass. M a k i n g M u s i c D a v i e T e e n s H a v e A C a s u a l - B u t S e r i o u s A t t i t u d e T o w a r d O r i g i n a l S o n g s Charlie Monger, Tanner Manship and Johnathan Loos make up the band Sylas. Ity Mike Hiirnliiirdl D avie C ounly Enterprise Kccord C hitrlic M onger, Tanner M anship and Jolinathan Loos love playing roek nuisic. M onger on bass, M anship on drum s and Loos singing and on lead guitar. Ihey gel logelher at M anship's hom e off Farm inglon Road and start playing. It’s all original m usic, and no m ailer w hal Ihe D avie H igh School sludents accom plish, they want lo continue playing m usic togcllicr. "W e w anl lo do our ow n stuff, and if people like us, W’e ’ll go as far as they w ill let us,” M onger said. “ If people d on’t like us, w e’ll all just keep playing.” T he band m em bers w ho call them selves Sylas, w hich m eans three, has a casual but serious atliiude about m usic. Playing just a few lim es in public, they’ve already got som e supporters. T hey’ve had som e bad experiences, as w ell, so their goals are lim ited. They plan to m ake a C D Ihis sum m er, and continue playing al places w here people w ant to hear m usic. ‘‘W hen we play together, there’s so m uch energy,” Loos said. “The lim ing is perfect” M anship is the veleran o fth e bunch, having played Ihe drum s for eight years, since he w as 7 years old. “ B efore thal, oddly enougti, 1 w anted to play guilar.” Loo.s has been playing guilar for tw o or three years. H is dad is also a guitar player. M onger has played bass for aboul as long. Both are form er piano sludents. “ Playing piano helped m e a w hole lot w ith the guitar,” Loos said. "1 slopped (piano lessons. I d o n ’t know w hy,” M onger said. "It helped m e ficcause I can m ove m y fingers faster.” T hey got together afler hearing a K oria concert al N orlh D avie. T hey practice as m uch as ihey can. W hen they get a C D , th ey ’ll be able lo practice m ore alone. T hey prefer heavy m elal, but can play softer. “ W e can play soft o r as hard as you like,” Loos said. “W e w ant lo slay diverse.” “ W e don’t m ake m usic lhat tells an exam ple,” M anship said. T he m essage is there, but il is m asked. “ You can interpret them in differ­ ent w ays - depending on w hat you w ant,” T he three like the sam e kind of m usic, bul all have differenl current favorites. Loos likes Stained. M onger prefers S ystem o f A D ow n. A nd M anship listens to Finch. “ But I’m open to anything.” " It’s not like you have to listen lo the sam e type o f m usic you play,” Loos said. T he Ihree aren ’t sure if Ihey wiint to add another band m em ber. T he idea has advantages and disadvantages. All say a lead singer w ho d o esn ’t play an instrum ent w ould help, and a rhythm guitarist could add som elhing to the nuisic. “T hree people w e like. If we put anolher person in there it w ould ju sl slow us dow n,” Loos said. “ It’s easier on decision m ak­ ing," M anship said. “W hatever happens,” Loos replied. " It’s not like girls ¡md fust ears, it’s d eeper than thal, itV ih e love o f the m usic,” ,1 1)2 - DAVIF. COUNTY KNTKRPRISE RKCORI). Лик. 8. 2002 H e l p K e e p C h i l d r e n S a f e O n S c h o o l B u s e s ll’s hack t(i school lime am! lhal moans ihoiisatuls of ycHow school buses arc making Ihoir daily rounds on Norlh Carolina's roads. It nlso moans lhal sludonls. parenls and molorisis w ill need lo work logelher lo ensure Ihe safely of children as ihey head U) and fron> school. School buses are one of Ihe safes! transportation options for children. School huses arc 60 limes safer ihan passenger cars. lighl Irucks, or vans, according lo Iho F a ta liiy A n a ly s is R eporting Syslem al the U .S . Deparlm oni of Transporlalion. H ow ever, school bus Iranspor­ talion is not without its hazards. Every school day in North Carolina, appro.ximately 1,700 m o to rists ille g a lly pass a siopjiod school bus. endangering the lives of siudents w ho arc gelling on or off the bus. In m y? , a special task force initiate d an annual o n e -d a v i 2 0 0 2 - 0 3 I S t u d e n t C a l e n d a r I August 7 j August 29 j August 30 I September 2 j September 26 I October 17 j October 18 & 21 I November 11 II November 27-29 j December 23-Jan. 3 I January 20 j February 13 I February 14 & 17 I March 13 j March14 & 17 I April 14& 18 I May 23 1 May 24 Graduation First Day for Students Early Release Day Professional Day Labor Day Holiday Early Release Day Early Release Day Professional Days Professional Day Thanksgiving Holidays Christmas Holidays Holiday Early Release Day Professional Days Early Release Day Professional Days Spring Break Last Day for Students Graduation count of slop-arm violalions. Since then, school bus drivers havo e o n s is ie n tly coun le d b elw e en 1.500 and 2 .000 violations on the one-day counl. Th e one-day counl on stop am i violalions laken M arch l.\ 2(X)2 found lhal 2,(K)7 molorisis illegally passed a stopped school bus on lhat ilay. Fi\o of those illegal passings were in Davie Counly. North Carolina law slates thal a m o to rist a p p ro a ch in g a stopped school bus from any d ire c tio n m ust com e lo a com plolo slop while iho bus is displaying its mechanical stop anil and Hashing red stoplights. T h e n io io ris l m usl rem ain stopped unlil the slop anii has boon withdrawn, tho flashing red stoplights havo been tumed off and the bus has m o ve d on. (M o re on N o rlh C a ro lin a 's school bus sKip law can I'e found at hltp:llw\vw.iiil>ussiifi't\.or\il SIIS\VI„»Jilmh " A good rule of thum b is if Iho bus slops here, so should yo u ," said N .C . Dcpartmeni of P ub lic Instruction Transpor- lalion D ireclor Derek Graham , U ltim a te ly the safety o f our ch ild re n com es d o w n lo the alertness of m olorisis." Resides boing e.xtra cautious around school buses, molorisis need lo be careful w hen tra v e lin g Ih ro u g h n e ig h b o r­ hoods, around school /.ones, and be on Iho lookoul for childron w ho m ay be p layin g around school bus loading areas or who may dart inlo traffic as they run lo calch the bus. Gelling on and off Iho school bus is tho most dangerous part o f tho schoo l bus ride for slu d o n ls. T h e lo a d in g and unloading area, which extends 10 foot around the perinieler of the bus. is whore children aro al greatest risk of not iK'ing seen by iho bus tlriver or other molorists. rraffic Safely ,'\dminislraMon suggests parenls should help Iheir children learn the rules of school bus safely: • Gol lo the bus slop fivo minules early. Running lo calch the bus is dangerous and can lead lo injuries. • W hen the bus approaches, stand 10 feet (five giant stops) away from the curb and line up away from the street, • W ail um il the bus slops and the d o o r opens before approaching the bus. Th e school bus w arning lights and slop sign do nol conic on unlil the bus door opens. • If you havo lo cross Ihe siivel to gol lo tho bus. make sure tho driver sees you and lhal you can see Ihe driver before you cross. Heforo crossing, students should look lefl. then rigbl. ihen lefl again. • U.se Ihe bus' handrails when getting on the bus and make sure lhal clothing or botikbags don'l get caught in the rails or door w hen leaving the bus. • Never walk hehind the bus or closer than five giant slops on the side of ihe bus. • If you drop .somelhing near Iho bus. make sure you tell tho driver. Never try lo pick il up because the driver may not see you. Students can do their part lo help ensure their safely by sitting fu lly in the .'oal and facing fo rw a rd , speaking in a low voice, keeping hands and objects insido tho bus. and n e ve r dislractitm the driver. B ria n B a s h a m P r o m o te d B y M o d e rn H a s liiim Brian Basham, a M ocksville resident since l‘W 7. was recently appointed execulivo manager o f M o d e r n N issan in W i n s I o n - Salem. R a sh a m was general m a n a g 0 r . responsible for sales perfonnance, 111 a r k 0 I [ pcnelra-lion, C U S I O III 0 r satisfaction, parts and .service, and dealership profitabilily. As executive manager, he has tho added authority to m ako decisio ns and ente r into agreem ents on behalf of the dealer. S e le c tio n as e x e cu liv o manager for a Nissan dealership entails a review by Nissan Motor C o rp . o f the c a n d id a te 's prollciency in sales perfomtanco and cuslom er satisfaction, as w e ll as all o lh e r areas of dealership operalions. Basham began his career at Mcxlem as a sales roprosentalive. with subso(|uent promoiions lo finance manager, now car sales manager, general sales manager and general manager. H o is a graduate o f Davie H ig h S ch o o l and altended Wesleni Carolina University. I le and his w ife. Daw n, and their tw o dau ghte rs, (i-y e a r-o ld A n il'or and ,1-yoar-old Meagan. livo in M ocksville. Wr'/ff YiHif Momp Imprc “The Store For Your Floors" Abbey Carpet There is nolhins lil^e the beauty and warmth o f a hardwoood floo r to added value to your home. IW arc the stare to shop in this area fo r prcfinishing wood flooring. Wood floors w ill add to the beauty of your home. IVc have a broad selection in all price ranges. Not Satisfied? We'll Change Your Fioor! Abbey’s 60 Day Hard Surface (Vinyl. Ccramic. lianiw ooil I.iiminatc) Satisfaction Guarantee!* ^ 3 K ah rs _ ^Hardwood Flooring '^^Acctpttd Hours: Mon. -¡''ri. H-f> & Sat. 9-1 213 New Highway 64 West, Lexington, N CPhone: 249-6672 C A R P E T & F L O O R IN G C O V E R IN G 231 BtlCHWOOO Onvl 612 lUINCtaN Rou 5BR. 3. IBA, 0505 so II. too many omonitKis 10 lisif $329,950.CAU CONMC® 751-8565 4ВП. 30A, larmbouso c,i 1880 on 6 5 Ac Appx. 3200sl. $325,000. CAU CONNIE @ 751-6565 HOWARD R E A L T Y Put our staff to work for you! Call us at (336) 751-3538 or Visit our Website at www.howardrealty.com (k <3i |W MLS 330 s. Salisbury St, (C om er Hwys. 601 & 64) M ocksvillc, NC 27028 OWce Hours: Monday-Friday 8-6 • Salurday 9-12 • Sunday By Appl. 2278 & 2286 US HwY. 801 Noirm 2777t/.sq II.. 4DH, 3BA. 15 siwy S269.900. C«u Oka e 7514S69 40П, ЭВА. ofi 93 acj03 withsironmS249,l»0, CAUEVaYNSTSl-eSej D8R. JBA. ti Ac. pit Mml. FP 2 (Olds. 2178 sf 5209,900. е л а lANE 0 751-8560 Historical 6BR, 2BA. home on 5,11 Ac,, immaculato landscaping CAU JANE @751-8560 13*Л acro9, t,5 story homo, 3BR. 2 6BA 5194,900.CAU MARY® 751-8566 4ВП. 2BA plus 2BR, 1 BA homos PLUS aöäiltorial 3 34 acres in Fa/mington. $185,000. CAU JANE or M J. ® 751-8560 Bomtjd» ftjn - 38П, 256А. surrcom. Lq MBaovwrtO'S 5185,900. САаММГУогВСУШУ Harrrw^-3BR. 3BA. Pin bsmt, 2 FP s. 33ac .adl<c dv<y) $174,000. CAU 1A№@ 751-8560 3BR. 2BA. farm styte homo with wrap around porch. $169,900. CAU KEN @751-8564 3BR. 2BA. 2 hall BA. 2 stories with a lull basomont, $164,900. CAU CONME 9 751-8565 3 Bedrooms. 2 Baths, spadous rooms, largo lot, $162,500.CAU iANE 0 751-8560 3 Bodrooms, 2 Balhs, liko now home. $159,900.CAU JANE @751-8560 Brick ranchor on 1.39 acres, quiot noightXMhood. $144,900.CAU GENA @751-8569 2 Bodroocns, 1 Bath, nuni larm on 4 81 acres. $139,900. CAU JANE @751-8560 Near Wako Forost. 3BR. 2BA. FP. seciuckxi noíQhborh'd $124,900 CAU UE 9 751-8572 3BR,- 2BA. brand new homo, many amonittos. $124,900.CAU CONNIE 9 751-8565 3BR, 2QA. \853 sq. tt. тоЬйо homo w/5,5 aaes. $109,900. CAU JANE 9 751-8560 3BR, 2Ba, now carpet, tuil bsmnt, mutti-lov. dock. $109,900.CAU JANE @751-8560 3BR. 2BA. Histork: Distrct, 1,5 storios. basomont. $104,900. CAU l£E@ 751-8572 Many Updates, 4BR. 2BA, 1,5 stotyhomo. $104,900.CAU CONNIE @751-8565 114 Arbor Ia h i, AovwiCt 176 Bveriy Chapci Road I ЗВП. 2BA oo comor lol w/ 12ж1б slorago bulding $104,900. C *a N o t* 7514564 New Const.. 30R. 20A colUigo. Conv. in town location $98,500 е д а JANE 9 751,8560 3BR. 2BA, immaculate insido, 1512 sq. 11.594,900.CAU KEN @751-8564 3BR, 2BA, cathedral ceilings. 2002 Skyline MH. $89,900. CAU CONME @751-8565 3BR, IBA, now carpet, paint, vinyl, lull b»ni. $89,900.CAU MARY @751-8566 1.5 actos, 3 BR, 2 BA, 1552 sq. It. mobito homo $79,900.CAU CONME @751-8565 3 Bodrooms, 2 Baths, wilh wired shop/garago. $74,900.CALL JANE @751-8560 167 Hearthsidc Drive 1.89 Town Contof zoned distnd land 2BR. IBA. $74,500.CAU JANE @751-8560 3BR, I.5BA, cozy collago. lown.Setef pays 1/2 CC, $64,900. Gmi Om 0 751-8569 Ш UKiOQton, NC. 2BR, 1BA. hardwood lkx>rs, .87ac. $69,900. CAU UE 9 751-8572 3 Bodrooms. 1 Bath, ionovalod. $68,900.CAU CONME 9 751-8565 nowly 3BR, IBA. fenced backyard. enck>sod porch, recent updates. $59,900 CAU JANC9 751-8560 2 Bodrooms, 1 Bath, Irosh paint and now carpot. $49,900.CAU iANE® 751-8560 1 +/• aero lot, woll maintained. $44,500.CAU JANE @751^560 CONNIE KOWALSKE751-8565 JANE WHITLOCK751-8560 .\\Ml \m I lois wt ) I \M ) \\i ) Ul I 41 IM<( )Г 1 к i ii s 8МГ Сгмк Ch. Rd. WU NOT D(VU)e^ H*y.SOIN(bypiM)-----------------.91.97 Ac. S413.M5 "Пс*/-M75,000 o7!iMwlCh.Rd.■SflrtyCtM^Rd- -J7^W-Ac.$1SO.OOO lAC* houM.t17S,000 --&J4Ae.S60,000--2.19 Ac. 127.000 Mr.H«nryn(L. Thom--SunMt Circi MIS.. .»1.49Ac.U2,000------e Ac. 156,000. ,BMft.UtttS,90Q ..15.6 $140,000 Ang«llFSinlordA... ~2.15кги $160,000 ~ (Intu $119,000 BMrCrtfkCi^Rd... Edward! Rd..UidltonRd (comm*rcUO>. --7+/-11СГ*». $49.900--1.4 «ere* $134.900--Hwy. 601 $107,250...40.02 acfti $257,000 ........9.8 acrtt $67,500 HChIÂL ERQPERTIE^ .2 ftcrt» $42s!000 252 Avon SirMt..........243 Uain SirNl. Соо1мтм... l36Uorrlionnd.............И. $450 P/M ..Л650РЛД DAVIK COUN TY KN TFRI’RISK RKCORI), Лид. 8, 2002 - 1)3 A d m i n i s t r a t i v e C o u r t f riio follow ing case.s were dis- poseil of in Davie A dm inistrative Court July 19. Presiding was M ag­ istrate Ellen Drechsler. and Kevin H eale. assistant district atlorney. |)ro.secuted. - Ashlon Ray Adam s, speeding SO in a 70. rcdnecd lo im proper et|uipm cnl. S lO and cosi. - Robert Adam s, exceeding safe speed, dism issed per civil .seCtle- m enl. - Li.sa C arole A rendas, unsafe m o v em en l. d ism issed per civil setllem ent. - K im berly Dawn Baity.expired registralion card/tag. dism issed per correclion. • Braulia M . Beaite/.. speeding H2 in a 70. rcduced to im proper etiuiptuciU. SIO aiul cost. , * M ichael Paul lioone. speeding XO in a 70. reduced lo im proper equipm ent. SIO and cost. - Christopher K. Burrow, unsafe m o v em en l. d ism issed per civil selllem enl. - Charles Lewis Carter, speed­ ing 8K in a 70. reduced to im proper eijuipm eni. $100 ami cost. ' M ichael Scott C happie, speed­ ing 80 in a 70, reduccd lo im proper equipm ent. S lO and cosi; failure to w ear seal belt, disniissed per plea. • Diane Nadine Cherry, speed­ ing 40 in a 25. rcduced lo im proper equipm ent. SIO and cost. • Joslnia W ayne Si. Clair, speed­ ing 84 in a 70, rcduced to 74 in a 70. cost. ■ Rebecca Lynn Crayion, speed­ ing 80 in a 70. reduced to 74 in a 70. cosi. - Nicandra C m /, no operator’s license, dism issed per conecU on. - Dana Rhea Davis, speeding 51 in a 35, reduced lo in^proper equip- inenl. SlO and cost. • Donald iirian Day. expired in­ spection slicker, dism issed per cor­ rection. - T racey U nderw ood D ecker, speeding 6У in a 55. reduced lo im ­ proper есрйртеш . SIO and cost. - E ric D eB rady E dw ards, no o p erato r’s license, dism issed per correction; exceeding sale speed. S25 and cost. -Jo h n David Faltaleh, speeding S7 in a 70, reduced to im proper equipm ent, $100 and cost. - NcUy Foster, expired inspec­ tion slicker, expired regisiration card/lag. no operator's license, tlis- m issed per correction. - Thom as Everelt I'ow ler. e.x­ pired registralion card/lag. no liabil­ ity insurance, dism issed per correc­ tion. ■Amy M ichelle T ra/ier.exceed­ ing sale speed, dism issed per civil settlenienl. - M icltael I'ric c h io n e . no o p erato r's license, ilriving/allow vehicle not registered/litled. lailure to hum headlam ps, dism issed per correction; operating vehicle with no insurance, reduced to im proper equipm ent, SIO and cost. - S te v en M ich ael C uU rney. speeding 50 in a .15. teduced to im ­ proper equipm em . SIO and cv>sl. - Silke Z. Groder. s|)ceding 80 in a 70. reduccd lo 74 in a 70, cost. - Koberlo G uevara, speeding SO iit a 70. reduced lo im proper equip- m enl. $10 and cost. - Perry Lee Harris, II, no liabil­ ity insurance, dism issed per correc­ lion. - R honilaG . H asiings. speeding 80 in a 70, rcduced lo intproper equipm eni. SIO and cost. ' Kuben Gene Hill, radar detec­ tor in com m ercial vehicle, reduced lo im proper c(|uipm ent, SIO and cost. ' Sandy Leal H utchings, speed­ ing 85 in a 70. reduced to 74 in a 70, cost. - Scotl K. Ireland, speeding SO in a 70, reiluced t<> intproper cipiip- m ent. SIO and cosi. - Brenda Jane J(»hnson. speed­ ing 60 in a 45. reduceil to im proper equipm ent. SIO and cost. - M ary Trayw ick K ahler, e x ­ ceeding sale speed, dism issed per civil seltlem ent; unsafe tires, d is­ m issed per coriection. • Koit Kallit. speeding 91 in a 70, reduced lo 79 in a 70. $10 and cost; no o p e ra to r’s license, d is ­ m issed per plea. - Danny Lynn K irkus. speeding 50 in a 35. reduced lo 40 in a 35. cost. - S o n ja M arie L a /e n b y . no operato r's license, dism issed per correction. • Ciarx’ Milcliell Lee. sj>eeding 84 in a 70. reduced lo im proper equip­ m ent, S25 and cosi. - M allhew K. Leiidennan. fail C ontinued O n I'a^c 1)5 S E L L E R T O P A Y $ 2 ,0 0 0 T O W A R D S C L O S IN G ! 1 4 5 5 Junction R fi All brick home on 1.3 .icro tr.ict. B.irn suii.nblo for 2 horses, lighted workshop, p:\rtinlly fcnccd. 3 bedrooms. L5 b.iths with fresh p.iint .md new c.irpet. Complete with .ipplianccs. 0_ffered rtt S86.000 C O M P L E T E R E N O V A T IO N S U N D E B W A Y I 3 9 7 W ilkesb o ro S t. Gorgeous new kitchcn, LR with rcfinishcd hardwood floors & riropl:\cc with oak maniic.Thrcc bedrooms. 2.5 baths and home oificc.all completely updated. Just like new inside & out. Offered at $119,990 9 0 9 -1 7 2 6 '■WiLicn 9 0 9 -3 3 1 1 A D V A N C E , D A V I E C O U N T Y To sell your homo in Advance, you need an agent lhal live.s in Advance and undersland.s the area, schools, politics, communities and “what’s happening”, also to have the knowledge, expertise & ability lo communicate wilh buyers lhal arc looking to move lo Advance. If you are planning lo sell your home, give me a call and let’s sit down and chat aboul how best lo market and get your home sold.„SOON. Be it Windemere, Oak Valley, Covinglon Creek, Bermuda Run or any ol' the olher tine communilies in Advance, if you are considering buying and moving here, you should give me a call, I have access lo every home on the niarkel. OakVnlley Aclvancc' Windcmcrc i'arms Advancc Oak Valley Advancc (’amdcn Yards Advancc 13cntbrook Advancc bermuda Run Advancc iVlcrry Lane Advancc Oak Valley Advancc " / )ìì('tisìirt' тц iiiirri'ss nììt’ fiiìtìHn nt a lime." H p s l V P f l lUisini'ss; H osiik-nce: !)!Ж -7П () M ulti-M illio n Uollivi- I’n u U iiiT Hm iiL' o n ic i’; !)i)»-1047 I’ifc lm o n l T ria d I’;iinil,v U ciillor M o b ile: i)711-20()2 li-M ail: pelL‘1"' p e n n iiiiito n i e a lly .c o m P e iÿ lin g to n Д Л о т р а п у u h .л 1 IN I f You A rc Serious About Sellhifi, I'm Serious Aboul Doi)i(j The job у C o m p a n y 2197 Hwy 64 W • V.H nufD*4-j hiyiic FoiCfd ЗЗА. IBA lo 1-0 GcoJ b fiít 139 Ctnny Lane • O»« íf.^íiatoo<l»cr> píente kxi’xriG'CJtiuncrticfne n A-S -«:c $t04.900,CAK)a»ktíí4.'tcr R E A L T Y In M ocksville 3 3 6 . 7 5 1 . 9 4 0 0 • ln A dvance/H illsdale 3 3 6 , 9 9 8 , 8 9 0 0 NEW LISTING 200 Hamilton Ct ■ Pxi-d w v:î’ Gol coaw IcfncvinJi Iw'.'d&wiieccxnc Jt Btnmli Rijv p to iib iiducJid rpiice d »кж/с Al Iwn aie. da# kf you yaf (l6S.900.CallJ.Uik> 5223 Hwy.801 South - NVpl'CTKcn 17Jju« Oor> II Itthin Ki«cf tütfi wtfi prdcn cub. y-cw, daiic Ici ct space, httà $72.900. Call FH-tcr. 509 Cordon Drive - home for tf*RuiΟ to fTw*t r! Nw cujam deck. Loo d ctowa brjc Vx Grcit кшооп s 147.900. СлН ]onkd)An'ie. . . i- Î/î^ Ê lÏ' 163 Oak Grove Church Rd • Gncat iortcr i>cn\c Wtn rooinv in crcai iroi fcnccd backyard with woikihop $7v,900. Call DebtMC. 174 lericho Church Rd. • Immjcuijtely kept 5R.2bA bnck гJf^ch lo« ol room! Cory tP 1 LR & den uu outside of town. $118,000. Call Ciixiy. 1415 turKtion Raid - Over 6 icret! This imnuculjto rinchcr his i Urge room/ kitchen, 2 lull baths, separate dtnm^, md fcnccd backyard. The coxy front porch trufccs for cn|oyablc cveniDgs after work. $ 112.900. Call Rodney. 143 Winding Creek - This 3Bfl. 2BA home is dtS'jncd for tHtctericy Scm»-hjndi(ipped fricritlly. fmishcd bonus room, cathedral ccilin? in great room, 2car »raic. 30 year sculptured shinfled roof, $lI9.900.Caimiry. NEW HOM ES IN CHARLESTON RIDGE Special F in an cin g - Free A ppliances ^2000 R ebate to B u ye r ir/ilccepUihlo ojfcr IM>[ N IK H StSlllul.lN 2 t|)lll 465 Gordon DriveJiormfij and unijtic farnd dhing room'Abfte¿round pool 3BR.2BA $119,900 Hosudb/Bilaearmll D k K tiim H w yS O I N ,k fion CtMkwowi Hjtil on Brentoot )«(» on ChaHotu.rigln on dordea N n o r s i S iiiu l.iN 2 4 p m 126 Winding Creek Road Charíeston RidgeNew Corsnx Cion * Crtoc/bMtif ^ 3BR,2BA $129,900 Hosted by Qndy Dutham Dinctíonc Ш to Exit 170. hft on Hwy 60l.stre}jhtonHwy64^ Ою^Лол Ш ц е on R l^t OPI N tiOUSK S im d a \ 2 -4 p m 1727 Undeф ass Road AlûfvdcwfoîWy/iome BftfÆ('iiîpork-ëi ieíwg • 2 fitpixa SBR,3.5BA $263,900 Hosted by Janie /И/nton Directions: Hw y 801 S, L on Underpass, House on right . ickory Drive - Soutliwood Acrcs ■ Prcw Cape Cod tocated in peaceful well- csubwhcd n^hbthd wdargc iiuiiicurcd lawn & convcmeni to city 3 I,? BR. 2.SBA. full bimt wifin. vJcn & pla/room. sicai «опде. 2-car bsmi garage s scp. ilorg/wkslip $ 169.900. Call Mary. 111 Longlcaf Pine - Relax and cn)oy the tjuict and cory vaulted sunroom.Wonderful Davie location. Split bedroom floor plan. Vaulted ceilini and gas logs m the living room. $157,900. Call Janie. 144 Hickory Tree RoatT^MocksvilIe price’ 3BR. I.5BA home in movc-in conditloa Could be a starter home or inveument property. All appliances suy, paved drive, aiiic fan. pretty yard & landscaping. Only )83.900. Call Glen. 484 Becktown Road • 3BR,2BA 1юте on alrDost 8 acres wid) a pood. Bcnuuful pasture Ы fer lìorscs. AJI cleared hnd m a very qiiict aiuLjl 19,900.011 Glcii. 278 M:^uolla Ave - С(Ш value in beauofii Garden Villeyi 3/'IBR.2BA brick randi witli double k)t Pnrtry twdscaping, full fmislted bajemcnt. Too good to be tn«.-Pnced ro se5 at $159,900. Call ijuZ Godbcy Rd - l^ignificent mg home on IS seres. Open floor plan w/tpacious rms, -IBR. 3BA. sunrm. hrdwds & tile, fia bonus rm. barn, outdoor iicimi.wnp around porch, itv ground pool, gazebo. 12 acres of fenced & cross* ^ncedpamjrxijj^^ G iv e U s A C a ll To H e lp Y o u F in d T h e P e r fe c t H o m e ! Lot 8 Shallowbroot< Country CoveBonus Ccinp 3BR.2BA $218,900 Hosted by Janice McDaniel Oirectiom: MO to Exit 174/ro«nington Road to Hw y IS8, Left on Hwy 158, Left Into Country Cove, house on right (anice .McDanicl Debbie I’rnnineton .Maryl,vnnel)avunetr Afarv Hcndricks 9Ü9-Û74" ч т г к Г ¿92*6624 ‘Ш-7077 Janie Minion '^971*11787 (ìlfii Stanley 650-5172^nrlggett Ferrell 655-2849 Jackie Cuulston DonoaPctmington 751-9400 • 751-9400* \ is ii us on ih c \\ i 1): u \\\\.1 4 iin iiiv ;lo iiR c 'a ll\.14)111.......t)r........l:-m ;iil us at iiih )(i‘M \'iin iiii;U )n R c iilh .c 4 )m ■Ф h v 1)4 - DAVIK COUN I V KNTKRPRISK RKCORl), Лиц. S, 20(12 WWW. cntcrprisc-rccord .com LOT 18 TWIN CEDARS GOLF COURSE IN DAVIE COUNTY Maiinilkvnl Lol Wilh Golf Course Views y BedrtKims. 2 Balhs. IWXHsq.fl. Maslcr Balh wilh Walk in Closet. WhirlpiKil Tub & Separalc .Shower Kilehen wilh Ba'aklksl R(xim Living R(»m. Dining R(xim Urge Two Car Giirage with Opener Gas Log Riiplaee in Living Roont Large Unfmished Bonus Room Lots of I lanlwo(xl Flcxiring Spacious Lmiuir)’ Room lieaulifiil Brick and Vinyl Exterior Buyer mav chixise Carpets Outstandini;atSI5‘),<XX).(X) 9 9 8 -2 4 8 1 o r 2 8 4 -2 6 9 4 The Episcopal Church of the Ascension in Fork - circa 1910. E p is c o p a l C h u r c h P la n s C a p it a l C a m p a ig n Tlti! Hpiscopal Church of the Ascension nl Fork has begun a major biiiklin!: campaign lo ex­ pand ils present Parish House aiul Sunilay School area. The nccil foraildilional room in Ihc Parish House and adji- lional Sunilay School Class­ rooms became evident over a year ago. As aiiendance in- creaseil. so ilid the need l or room to house special events anil ac- livilies. The Church of the Ascension is involved with various cmnmu- nily activities and events. For the first lime in cluirch history, il has ils own minister, which has allowed the cluirch another opportunity lo grow. The church also sponsors a Cub Scout and Brownie troop, A Bible School session held in liue June (lilleil a Bug Safari) ■ was planned lo encouragc chil­ dren as well as adults of the Fork communily to participate in a special, religious activity in a rela.xeil environmenl. Included in the plans for the expansion are a larger Parish House, addiiional Sumlav School classrooms, a now moil- eni Kitchen w ith sufficient stor­ age spaces, bathrooms, a pantry, an office for the minister. Archi­ tect. John Fuller of Mocksville drew plans for Ihe renovation at Ihe cliurch. Projecloil cost fur the build­ ing expansion is approximalely S-LSO.OOd. T he Vestry appointed a steering commiitee to conduct a capital campaign. T'hc Vestry hired consultant. RoluTI Allen of Winsioii-.Salem, lo assist the church in raising the money for the building. T he campaign will include visits by Ihis coinmillce and olhers to all memhers of the church. A Kick-off Sunilay was held in conjunction with Bible School Commencenietu on Sunday June .^0. Following Ihe 11 a.m. ser­ vice. a fellow ship meal was held in the Parish 1 louse. Al this meal it was recognized that more room w as needed - Ihere w as nut enough room for the congrega­ tion lo enjoy the meal inside as a group. T he (Tiurch of the Ascension was buill in Ihe earlv |‘Л)7. Members built the present Par­ ish I louse in I9.‘i.^. An additional to the Parish llmtse (Sunday school rooms) were added in 1977. T he Vestry of Ascension Church recognizes the need for expansion due to the population grow 111 in eastern Davie County. Plans rellecl the need for more roo:n as the Church grows wiihin the comiminity. The Church is connnilled lo being interactive wilh the community and shares in ils grow th. The Rev. M. Kalheryn Rackley is Vicar of The Church of the Ascension. Services are held on Sunday: Sumlay School al III a.m. for all ages, a lime of fellowship ii| Ihe Parish House al 10:40 a.m. and the Morning Worship Scrvice at II. A Cen­ tering Pray Ciroup meets on Thursday at 7 p.m. w m fM .sri'n .s iiiii-Jd rk .o i};. 3 Building Lots For Sale In the Fork Church Community Located on/off of Cedar Grove Church Road OK for doublewide, modular or site built homes * Lot 1 • ‘^0,000 W-sf with TOiitl frontage, water meter & septic system • $25,000 • Lot 2 -1 + cicre with ro.id frontage, well & scptic system * $25.000 • Lot 3 -1 ♦ iicre private 30'casement, great view • $35,000 'All acreage $ub|ccf fo survey Contact Robert Stone (O w ner/Broker) at Riverfork Properties 336-998-4733 INSUH.\N< MOR V( )1)H Nl mS QUILT SHOW August 14-17 Grccn.sboro Coli.scum - Spccial Evcnt.s Center Juil ofT lll{>hpolnt Koad I ‘A miles from l>40 I WcdQMday - Salurday tO AM -6 PM • Mcrchanli Mall ofTcring supplies, cinthing, fabrics, sewing machines and everything for the quiUer and home sc>«cr • Fabulous Corrrpclition QuilLs from 8 Countries/?/i« InicmahiMial Hxhibils un Display Cencrjl Admission $10 (inclmlcs re-adtiiit with intact wristband) Children under 16 free Air conditioned A A A N C l^ S O ^ *Show MnnanomQiit (215)862-5Ш iTuncusoi/quiltfcsl.com www.worldquilt.com You B a c k e d Your Mini-Van Into a Parking Space, [it was Already Taken.] To find out more about our auto insurance — Call me.. Stop by... Log on - it's your choice! •Auto *Home • Financial Products »Business Keith Hillor titt Yadkinville Hwy., Mocksville VV ikM 03*1$ 5rx:<3 CrtT 336-751-6131rv'^fVl -ndroPAOecom Karen Bennett Associate Agent 1111 Yadkinvillo Hwy., Mocksville V/i»oftt OùVs Shop Cm 336-751-6131Л tutOHAxie com N a tio n w id e ’ Insurance & Financial Services Nationwide H On Your Side* Ufe inujfiine ufxierwnttfn by Naljonwid« Ute Iraurance Con\pany, NiUonwide Mutual tniuiame Company i>nJ AffilidlcJ Compjoiet, Home OHite: Columbui, OH 4)2tS*2220 Al 11/00 l|lt Í4HI4I. «1Я 1,1,1. ■ III•'i-Iiil 706 Riverbend Dr* $349,000 1 325 Buck Sealord • $339,000 ------^-------- ИргкгмtareпВвтхЬРш.4400«/-sq. 3BR, з,5Вльоп»оп5«Лос.|t.Wi5BRs,‘ia<Vs.Gdfcouœvi,w. 3000./-Sf. Lots of (Mines.1Ц-ПЧ Restored farm bouse situated on ^0 Acres w/landirig strip Great horse fanrn on over 13 acres. Ferx:ed and cross-fenced with pond and bam. Sw K I C .O O l) W ’.M 1 M l п . л . м м Kl \l I • 'IC 3738 Hwv.801 N • 5245,000 |2D7Rc#jhRceedgeRd • Sì82D00| 2477 Hwy 801 S. • $169,500 129 Dutchman Hills » $146,432 www.S\VMRealtor.s.com M o c k s v ille ; 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 2 2 2 C le m m o n s ; 3 3 6 - 7 7 8 - 2 2 2 1 horvj farm 18.5 ac. 3BR/2BA Beautiful bnck horr« w/ over 1600 SF ContffTrov rHXh n Advirce f-ггт ivxmA ЗП0 Э fuH bsmt. 0П 3.5 ac 24 Dutchman Hills 3BR,2B\ ' Impresswe 3BR/2.5BA hotre wilh large living room, Sep. breakfast and dining, unfinished bonus room, lots more! 121 Carter s Ridge • $129,900 397WUkesbcHoSt.. $119900 3BR, 2BA home in gre.n development. 3BR, 2BA, Rock hreplKe, gas logs, dcck. New home on over an acre. 1500t/-SF, Excellent condition' storne buikiing.emaculateCindscaping. 3BRs. 2BAs. 193 BfiGicreel< Rd • $119.900 c * H 12^ Redwood Di • $126.500 S49 Bientwood Rd • >123.500 425 Ml Henry Rd - $114.000 ■ W aojste^_;_S10W 00 |425 Mr.Henryi Rd* $109900 Great home . 1S00+ SF, fresh painted, new carpet, vinyl & more updates OumWig in dovmtown Mocksvillc. Under Possibte Lease Purchase! 3BR. 2BA, Bnck Great home w/1200 + /-sq. ft 3BRs, Ch.irieston № e -3BR, 2BA All Great home ivith 1200+/-SF, complete renovation. 3BRs, 2.5BAs. ranch home w/(ncd yid. Fu« t»scment 2BAs. EnceHeni conditon. appliances included. A great value. 3BRs, 2BAs 422 Pleasant Ac • $99,900 УП 184 Fulton St • $95,000 3 Bedroom, i Ваш w/basemeat in Yadkinville 1455 Juction Rd* $86,000 Spoccus 3BR/2BA home, twoc open floor ptv*. idfOe back deck, beautifii bndsaiptfig on Cute bock ranch on 1.68 aaes 1 acfc. 292 Pteasort Acre Dc 3 Bedroom. U5 Bath Call For More G reat Residential & Land Listing! W e HIa i^e I t На г №i^e I t M o h e I Mock.sville Ol'iicc: 854 Valley Rd. Suite 100. Mocksvilie.NC Clcmmon.s Office: 2419 Lcwisville-Clemmon.s Rd., Unit 1, Cleminons.NC 3BR/2BA bnck home on 1.20 acres with jusi like new* 3BR, t.SQA, bnck t»me. Ug U nice workshop, concrete dnveway, small ac. lot CompteieV remodekxJ throughoui. t)ack porch. SeUer to pay $2000 m closing' S W M W E E K L Y F E A T U R E : OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY August IIth 2-4PM 1..,«,........I M L Ü 'ir'*'».; Iol WitP Mt■^Iфf^sf1^p^ ll' ' ‘ip 1798 Farmington Rd.* $285,000 Fabujous historic tiomelTfiij elegant tiome boasts 2750+/-S.F.v 3 Bcaroomj, 3 Full baths and original hardwood floors. Enjoy the views of nearly ^ acrcs of lush lawf> and pastureTrom die relaxing back porch.Truly a must seeij in( [ii.fstitifni Mrmbt*! KlHi ( jiylinj Rf Ji Ü.M. A d m i n i s t r a t i v e C o u r t DAVIK COUNTY KN'l’ERPRISK RF.CORI), Aug. 8, 2002 ~ D5 ('muimu'cl Fnmi Рлцс Ш urc to rcduco speed, dismisseil per civil setilemenl. - Su/.ivniK' Virjiinia Lyon, speed- inji 70 in ;i 55. rcilucetl In 59 in a 55. cost. - ГсИоп Lee Maylielcl.hiihircto wear seat hell, S25; e.xpired regis­ tration card/tae. (.lisntissed per cor­ rection. - Ui}:obcrto V. Mendez, speed- inu S(i in a 70. rL’iluced In 7^) in a 70. SH) and cost: no operalor’s li­ cense. dismisseil jier correclion. - IIioiiKis W. Mi^liaccio, 1Ю inotiHcycle endorscmoiu.disnussod per correction. - Kicliard S. Nrillrnan. unsat'e movemenl. dismissed per civil, setilemenl: ilrivinir/allow vehicle not rejjistereil/titled. dismissed per correclion. - rernaiuio Л. Montiilvo. speed- ini:; 7S in a 55. reiluced lo 6-1 in a 55. SiO and cost. - Cieorjie (’. Monli:omery. iwo C4)iints no o|H*n»tor*s license, ex­ pired inspection .slicker, dismissed per correction. - Linda l-rye Morjian. speeding 50 in a .^5. rediiccil to •!() in a 3.^, Ctisl. - David M allhew Oliver, expired louistraliojt card/taj:. dism issed per correction. - Julie Aim I’aiii-'* ‘'pcciiing ‘Л) in a 7(1. reduced to 74 in a 7(\. cost. • Tracy Lynn Payne, vehicle he- ini: lias powered, air com., dis­ missed per correclit>n. * Donald ( iuy Pelliniihill. speed­ ing Sil in a 70. reduced lo improper etjuipmenl. S100 and cost. - Devin Uvwene I’iercc. speed­ ing: S5 in a 70. reduced to 7*4 in a 70. cosi. ■ Jam es N. I’inklcy, speeding SO iti 70. reduced to im proper eijiiip- m ent. $10 and cost. - Cliristoplier li. Kiddle, speed­ ing 52 in a 35. reduced to im proper ei|uipm enl. $25 and cost. - Rol>ert Wayno Riggs, specdittg S7 in a 70. reduced to 7-1 in a 70. cost. - M aura Teran Rom ero, e.xpired regislralion card/lag, dism issed per correclion. - Douglas L. Koye. speeding hO in a 45. reduccd lo 50 in a 45. cost. - C asey Lynn Sale, failure lo w ear seat belt. S25: no operalor’s license, itism isscil per correclitin. - K ristin a K. S co g g in s, dis- m isseil percorreclion. ■ Eric Lee Seall, speeding 7.1 in a 55. reduced to im proper c^juip- m enl. $50 and cosi. - Koy Presion Scytnour. unsaie m o v em en t, dism issed per civ il setilem enl. •M atthew S. Sim pson, speeding S2 in a 7i). reduced lo im proper eiiuipm etu, S25 and cosi. - Tredy G am ell Speaks, failure to w ear seat belt. $25: exceeding posted speed, cosi. • Jeniiirer Lynelle Speas, speed­ ing in a 70. reduced lo 74 in a 70. cosi. - Jam es Floyd Spry. Jr.. speed­ ing 52 in a 35. reiluced lo im proper e(|uipm cnt. SIO and cost. • Joshua GeolTrey Stanley, im ­ proper eijuipm ent • speedom eter. .$10 and cost. - Jason Ivan Siansherry. speed­ ing 67 in a 50. reducetl lo im proper equipm ent. $10 and cost. - Kelli U li/abelh Slaples, speed­ ing SO in a 70. reduced to im proper ci|uipm enl. $10 and cosi. M o c k s v i l l e B r ie f s A u d iiin i’ C ontract Approved Tinvii biiiirtl meniber.4 liavo hired Diiniol, Taylor, Carrick Л Co. of Lc.xiiiglon a.s the auditors lor the town, with an annual leeof,SII..‘S(l(). F o u r Way Stop Planned There 4vill he a four-way stop sign al Salisbury Street ami Siiiilh Davie Drive. Wrecks at the interseelioii prompted the N.C. Department ol Transportation lo look I'or alternalives. W ater D eposit Fees Increasini’ The water deposit fee for new Town of Mocksville custom­ ers is increasing from S15 lo .SlOO. Police C hie f Gets ABC DeU\uation The tow n board decided by resolution to designate I’olice Chief Jack Keller as the person lo make recoinmendalions to Ihe N.C. Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission on ЛВС per­ mit applications. G rounds M aintenance Report Bill Wiseman reported lo Ihe lown board lhal in June, all Soulh Davie tenuis courts were resurfaced, including a fiberglass mem­ brane to minimize cracking. Soccer fields al Pinebrook ami the softball field al Rich Park were aerated and fertilized, and re­ pairs were made to reslrooms al Ihe softball field. The Masonic picnic grounds were cleaned after Ihc picnic. Л broken bleacher board was replaced, and 11 irrigation heads were replaced on the baseball field. Л leaking valve on Ihe irrigation .system al the soccer fields was replaced. P olice M ake 11 Arrests In June Mocksville police made 17 arrests in June, reported Chief Jack Keller. There were 16 traffic wrecks, one with injury. Po­ lice responded lo 42 alarms, wrote .S1 traffic citations, including 22 for speeding, escorteil seven funerals and provided 23 cour­ tesy vehicle unlocks. F ire D epartm ent Answers 33 June C alls Members of the Mocksville Fire Deparinient responded to .3.1 calls in June, including 12 for medical firsl responders, 21 fire alarms. There were six false alanns, Ihree vehicle wrecks, five slructure fires, four service calls and three brush or grass fires. C O L D U i e U . B A N K G R S T R I A D , R E A L T O R S ' - David Ia*o Steelm an. speeding f>y in a 55. retUiced to 5*) in a 55, cost. - Keim elh L. Sleininger. follow ­ ing loo closely, a ’diiced lo im proper equipm ent. $10 aiul cost. - L avonda Kay Stevens. I'icti- tious/cancelled/a*voked registration card/lag. dism issed per correclion. - Scarlell Lynn Trem ain. speed­ ing S3 in a 70. reduced to im proper equipm ent, S25 and cost. - R odrigo A. Velas(|ue/.. speed­ ing KO in a 70, reduced to 74 in a 70. cosi: liccnse nol in possession, dism issed per correclion. - M ichellc Russ W agoner. s|>ecil- ing 70 in a 55. reduced lo Im proper equipm ent, $10 and cosi. -T ahitha D enise W aller, failure to w ear seat belt. S25; driving/al­ low vehicle not regislered/tilled. dism issed per correction. - D ebra A nn W est, exceeding safe s|)eed , d ism isse d per civil seitlem enl. - Ciregory Kevin W est, expired registration card/tag. no liability insurance, dism issed percorreclion. - U radley Eugene W illard, fail­ ure lo reduce spectl. ilism issed per civil setllem em . • Larry W ayne W illiam s, failure to reduce speed, dism issed per civil settlenient. - Chante Jones W ilson. sjHreding SO in a 70, reduced to 74 in a 70. cost; expired registration card/lag, dism issed per correclion. - Joshua Shannon W ingo. fail­ ure lo w ear seat belt, $25. expired inspection sticker, dism issed per correclion. Failed To A ppear - C h risto p h e r A lex an d er, no o|)erator’s license, regislralion plate im properly attached. - Shelia Kay A llen, speeding 70 in a 55. failure to notify DM V of address change. - I'oriherlay Y. liarrera. speed­ ing fiO in a 45. follow ing loo closely. - Jonathan Kwing Boger. driv­ ing/allow vehicle nol registered/ tilled. - M ic h a e l H. B o sw e ll, no o perator’s license. • Leona Reed H racken. expired inspection sticker. - Laura N icole lirailfortl. expired regislralion card/lag. • M ichelle A. H rum field. failure to w ear seat belt. - Jennifer Ann huchanan. s[H.*ed- ing HO in a 70. - W esley K yle Carier. speeding M in a 55. ' W illiam H ryan C linton, speed­ ing H6 in a 70. - Leslie D eiusc D avis, failure to w ear seal hell. - M ark \i. Fillis. failure lo w ear seat hell. - Joseph Scotl L'oster. failure lo w ear seat bell. - A da C li/aheth G obble, speed­ ing 70 in a 55. - Randy D arnell Clobble. speed­ ing 70 in a 55. • R onnie Lee G obble, failure to w ear seal bell. • Phillip Hrent G reen, speeding 60 in a 45. • Randy Dale G reene, failure to w ear seat bell. • Ja n ie s W a rre n H a rg ra v e , speeding 79 in a 70. • M ich ael T. M arris, federal safely inspeciion violation. - Billy R. liclm am lollar, unsafe tires. - B rcnl F ran k lin llem m in g s. speeding 67 in a 5.*>. driving while liccnse revoked. - Jodie Lynne Holloway, expired registration card/lag. - M ark Douglas Hull, failure lo w ear seat belt. - Andrew L. 1-ang. no operator's license. - B rad A llen L an g ley , no operator’s license, expired inspec­ tion sticker. - Christopher M. Riddle, speed­ ing 34 in a 25. ' W illiam David Riddle, speed­ ing SO iu a 70. no federal annual inspection. - M iguel Angel Rojas, speeding SO in a 70. no operalor’s license. -Jam es W illie Shivers, failure lo w ear seat bell. • Jam al Rashaan Sm ith, speed­ ing 80 in a 70. - I’aul Fric Sm ith, possession of open conlainer/consum ing alci>hol In passenger area. - A n ih o n y I!. V allali. no operalor’s license. R e a l E s ta te F a c ts by: P e t e r A. H e a v e n , кклмчш® YOU STILL HAVE TIME! The econonty is up-and dow n. Slocks are up-and down. M otigage rates dow n-and down. So...is there a new hom e In vour future? In U>71), inleresi rates were in the S‘,i range. In the lat c7 0 ’s. they Kise as high as ISM . Tmlay tboy are in the 6 l/2'.r range-the lowest In 40 years. Belter yet. ihcy have stayed relallvely s'table at and below 7'.f for m any m onths now. Regardless o f the ecom ony, you can assure yourself o f having Ihe lowest hom e m ortgage paym ent possible when you buy now. If you cluH>se a lixeil-rate m ortgage, your paym enl will stay аГ fhe sam e Unv interest rate' for the entire length of the m orlgage-no ntatter what happens to the econom y. How m any tim es have vou heard a frierul say. "If only \ iiad..." T hat's the typical lam ent you hear aficr sonteonc has m issed an opportimity. Wanl lo be certain lhat doesn'l hapjKMi lo your? Ask! Ask a real v’siate agent to hgure Ihe m onlhly p y m e n t on any hom e you would like to own - then com pare it with your currcnt payment. You’ll be am azed. Rales are so low thal nvany bom cbuyers are choosing a 15-year loan rather than ihe 30-year version. You pay a little m ore each m onth, but elim lnale the dcbl com pletely in 15 years. /i7iv Unnrn IV a HfdUor'' with Pamin^Uui it С1ЧЩУШ1У Ht'oliv, /ic woiilJ hi‘ pleased lo <i.\.\i.sl you in xiHir ne.xi fvally iransactitm of hu\iu\i or M'Hini; a hinnc. llv can he fviichvd at .m-WS-1047 for any rviil vMoU' tuit'siiom you nuiy futve. r l 4156 Clemmons Road r r u U c l l l l a l Clemmons, NC 27012 — Carolinas Realty 'T 8?7f 3n '58” ™Mo»;“ e" (3 3 6 ) T lk - h h O O Call to d a y to g e t th e an sw e rs to even yo u r to u g h e s t real e s ta te q u e stio n s. O P E N S U N D A Y 145 S.W AN N .V Il C O U U r - .Alton Place S195.900 Make Ihis ta.stcfiilly ilccoratcd lionie yours! WoihIlmIiiI master split BKs Tor privacy, Bciiroom and a game room downstairs. Downstairs is waiting for full third balh lo be itistullod, Pat Porter 287 Y A D K IN V,-M.1.F.V UO.AI) - Advnnco S260,000 Greal lainily home with 3 acres nol in a developiiieiit. SecUidcd selling, close to 1-40, Paneled great room lead.s lo brick lloored screened porch. Oversized master w itii jetted tub. Security system, LL playroom with buill-ins. AIIS Warranty. Kimberly Polls H HKRiMUDA RUN W KS I - Berninda Run West .S294,900 Greal I level living wilh unfinished upper level & rough nliimbed balh, pool lennis & golfcourse, loads of storage, formal l)K, Irg GR. solid surface countertops in cal-in kilchen. Gated comnuiniiy/URCC membership included. Sherri Corani 1.1.14 N. M A IN .S I R K K T - Mocksville S129,700 3 bedroom, 2 balh ranch with 1298 square feel finished in basement but not included in total square footage, Hiisenicm has wood slove and wet bar. Bill Nichols C h e c k O u t T h e s e L is t in g s H ii IIO LI.V IIK DG i: - Lewisville SI29.900 Additional lol sold w/properlv/recciU appraisal o f S135.000. Must sec! I'xcel enl split lover with unfinished basem enl. Will nol last long. Call W elton Loftin 937 IU )ll/K K ^’ - Lewisville S149,9(ll) SUlOO bonus to agenl who brings buyer wiihin 60 days. S1500 toward clm ing & prepaids. Fxcellcni traditional 4BR home, private localion in cid-de-sac. Additional lot is included in price. Call W elton Loitin 6984 U R I1)(;K W 0()1) Ul). - Clem m ons W est $184,9(10 Calhodral ceiling, formal .'c family rooms, wel bar in nlayroont' O flkc could be4ih BK. Irg kil w new lloor. lots o f potenlial. excellent bu> in family nbhd. pool a\ai). Private hackvard. Cal! Jennifer Stroud. lV? W'ARNMCKK PLACK - Ik-rm uda R un SIS4,9(I(I W arm vV: tasteful large I.-shape living area. Vaulted BK w/Iois of closeis. book shelve.s, corner cupboard, w asher'dryer to remain, fiolfcour.se loi. Lease purchase considered. Call liev or (iloria 36115 SO D IRK W O O I) !)R - Clcnim uns NN’cst $199,900 2 slory vault in LR, arclied d o i^ iy . hdwd on ML. serene lake view. ML BR can douhle for o fllc e lR . Fl’ in keeping room olTklichen. Call Jennifer Stroud 360! CLKM M ONS Ul) - Clem nions $210,000 Ideal for inciirne properly for investor. 2nd lloor has another ollice I0’6” x 24’. Located in the heart of Clemmons on I5S. l-nouuh land to expand. Call (iloria &. Bev 3491 T A N (;n:W (U )i> IR A IL - Clem m ons W est $239,900 lixceptional all brick 4BR/2.5 BA familv home on Irg wooded, lenced lot W/\\orksliop bldg it separate storage bldg. Finished playroom in Bsmt. 2 I'Ps S: 2 wet bars. Kil w/(>i)w window. Call ChersI I'ink 5100 SPI LAI. W OOD DR -IV ppiT trce $244,900 Y ou’ll love entertaining family iV: friends in this home! Kil has ahum am cahinet.s-Irg mstr sutie-awesome LL has BR, BA, IT , playroom ct liar. Lower level is healed w i vetuless gas logs. AIIS warranty. C’all I’al Kinnamon 25(15 INNLSFAIL I.ANK -W ulerford $250.000 Price just reduced! Quality 2-story all brick tradilional home on _ acre level lol. Immaculate home. New interior/exterior palm. Large rooms, move in condition. feel.s like honTe. Call Beth Atkinson 191 UiVKUBKM ) DU - Herinm la Run $299,000 New p;iim in and out. new deck, new carpel througlioui. new kil lloor, new gttiiers it leaf guard, roof 2 _ vrs old. In-laws uuariers with full kilchen, 2 liK.s. family room & full BA. Call IkvSunple 38 C A \!H R IA - C um nriu Phicc $392,500 Uniijue home hli by /a c k Rothrock Bldrs has I’rench Country Flair w/exlen.sive moldings, 9’ ceilings, caih ceilings, cuslom millwork, faux painting. Irg kitchen w/granilc countcr t0nsit2slnk.s. M Linstr, i‘c3*cargarage. Calf Pal Kinnamon i l l KKSCllK DU 1 Bcrm udu Run $649,900 Builders personal home. Unbelievably beauliful. Dclails throughout. 4 or 5 BK. Arched openings it greal moldings. M arble lloors. Tax \alue-lot only. Call Bev or Gloria ^irj u«n«;e> /И4Л1 (.ICK1Í Ujrï>»«j. CHS GUI y>»M¿riW4t01*, l /ЛЛ1 7M44.'6 SwkaA/iniun w$-4oie6«tn HiíTivn MÍ44.-0 7U442*СкЬ, i.HI 9te-1tW SiuwthomH 714-4413 &■ fia-fiCrt M444I? Kitti, H.ài4 *D0 700-tWi SNin Ccnam . 714-4414 Bct СилЬ«"«m44l7 iurt«i, Pin*71444Û/SuMnPi'k*« 71444» EVXb«/144415 7144(06 Vi.kj Q 999-3170Ch*r,(rrt 7I444W P»I Rímmií). CR5. GMl 7Ьв-77?г Wencnlcftn 714Д428 Cry Vil Uwvl0r/4l 71444IB fit Port»» 7I444,'9 T a n g lew o o d A g e n ts IndependenUy Owned and Operated Meinber of Ihe Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. ■ Equal Housing Opporlunity OAVIE COUNTY OFFICE Intersection of Hwys 158 & 801 336-998-8816 Relocation 1-800-327-4398 WHATEVER IT TAKES Ш w w w .c o ld w e llb a n k e r .c o m tS3 MEAOOWIMX WMP-0-W1U DAVIIib« <L'A S'j'.AC UiV.M I 'ji'-trt in If;,5 гJy.^vrl Cc;,".'ri far»* A pool >Ms la J ih.: я-П:гч BiJ5 Fere î'KnJ li u.iyi i-'-i cf «we siale A crjale «-т ixfi.trtUJl e’rt-iixe 1Г1!1ЛлЛ Vic*i Г|я711пд-'ЛП1»ЗТ ÎêW.WO LOT ЭЛ TW wooouues ou УДШУOAVIE 4Sn 3SBAEle'Cik ru'fliOOJi. Iltry CitiOAVIE 4Sn 3SBAEiewii]e'^QnUjfn.níJ Citlif.J3.È(>l5lnûOk,prilf|.сг.се, WfPprt pa’io, i¿i ait jjraje, dtil tri Cíí:g Carîtrr VcM FHrung • 417 UUVHW OMV! ИСХШ Ш II OAVU 4ÜH 2 56A I 4J AC \оаь1.Ые Uke lrr/4 on limami vxl seene loi Щ puvit«. upiillfd сое ifvtH hcXTií У1 full WVíTienl A ifífilic HoQf plin CWiS CüJí • 5M-llbS »3«.S0O 117 OUWWT CT Ш VALUT OAVIE ЗпЯ. ЗЯ'А lmTTUCu!¿í hon« n tn rjny LfiQfâOcS. lOiJu-i'-riq mdiriq^ (, litrjli'* ImiirtxJ bonui room Cifvj/ J'iímMíi - M-ii;; $219,000 LOT H9 IMADMOOH OAI VALUT OAVIE4БН, 2 5ЙА S(.T«;r lioa piin wth MiiH on mj.n Mj nd Ijrge wa loom 2 cv jtixíiwJ (Ц'зое Ail on tejuiiiiii ai-ite sjc lot m cll conimumfi Jiiet • ii3-U52nell conmti ^89,000 OT 50 FORUT сип SAVIE m 35ЙА Cfxrc Ш'е lo t'rOinte 1 leidiilí Ma n 1л-;1 íTijUei ïl3U.ri) g ir33e. tuíje ь,1 Uf Л mofnifig room, ei'cnsifs rnoutJ-'xjí A lurjMwív гинп v>c»i I it-fTiing • аозwjUM,v¡a 317 HAIIIT fAM TMJt DAVIE ЗВА 2 50AChaftr.'iifl coi/iifY fíonte vI'Jí’W on b зил. mosti. *0ùJnJ fûut (jj'jje swces m bXiÿj Гег loii.on lU'iJeOüO cerjmtc Mooiî. m'ii-i4) i^iC «О'!"?; Cini/Jofiniûn-9i8 n?/$239,900 ® л Э 2 ■r'' 1 g jj^ |O lE i0I!| 764 МАЯ CMU CWaCN DAM 3BHl‘M /АС АПзгиые hofîi ürm *iin unique povl ind tfcim tïxne on 1 jy«, 4 üaii hoiü bjrn room, Eli, ГЛ ndifO япд and 3 puiufeî m ежл Cind/JcA/,son^a-tl?;$239,500 lOT 17 COVMTOIСШК DAVIE 36Я 2 5ЁАSpiciouî BeCroomi *im 2 tioîdj ticfi teotu'tO iniriisreitfhOfTV 14Г(}*О(Х]1!00(\1Г110и1/Ш1№nvjifi Inrt 2 lîinl/jf iDom cplion Mxfeû Qi'we Co-iiiied »ih Cmji Jc/inion Уи;к1 Г1етГпд'ЛЗ-1167$2М,МО .ОТ 44 tfOBflAEIK FAMIS OAVIE Ш.У1А ¿LtKf Cipe CoJ flocn plan »r^rri mj«ef Ь«KQcmon^mlnlг.<^ WiyjiiouniKtortccith, sC(«(ie<l fiofcii, pljyfoooi *'tn lull baifi ш tí Irnishwj loi tutute e<WMion Ponuî foom и 4ifi BH Ш - ‘Í08 1182 $220,000 or 51 REOUK) WAY DAVIE 3»П, 2‘M ;on.ctiiert nf# devtiopnvtfil Iccjied m [}jiie finüiTrd icom m bi'^ftieni iiirJ*ooO and ciijtr.: Itie liuoiî Dininc room A tittukijsi nock taJoríj Poits • </)8IIC9 $204,000 1S7 MOCIUIUIRO LANE OAVIE 3BH ?BAI (i¿AC A fTxxjMin trfifji A rnoui (in.if'fl ij ir« mujrijinî Ы1 20 rr.in lo Hijuîî Wall SecluOd A crtcfs pfii.Ky in tjrtiy stilirig A fm Ux-n *1^1 iiuiiitiini4l slûiij; 4men;j.-e Oirsm. 4 11Й${7в,0« ЮТ 29 РШЮ1К ЯЮ6Е OAVIE 36K. 2BA Iriis iorÿtous counity 00 in xre iM сл-<1сс‘тд bcjuî.liil viw; nl Ific (joJi course A cuunii,M'Ji t>*,cnj SpM 8H5 pivi cftirs MBA suiitj c'lvjcy iMa>J iiocts. lg kiLtkfy, hiohCítliwj^A WíiOOT Ci!>3í $254.900 lÍE E I 5S9 TODO МАО DAVIE ЗВЛ <Í1A Ug« P'iCfl fcduciiyi' looking lof $eciirti«i '.efy pfinle rjnch on 3« aerei Bjin, títice m tusíinefii Ho«n iDí e«piiis>on in DaieíTjefH 2 car anjchaj M.k¿/i[nmcfrtun W8-118? $187.000 2M lAimt m msum southОАУШЯ 36Я 2 appraiui' Mffrton tcnUron! üttiiitse ил Oa:»;á«n Cû IR, Dft. LL piDioom SctwwJ pwcft & ^ ■ piiïjle timceJ yífiJ M 175 UTTIE мт ПЯ ШШП DAt«ЗВЯ 2 Ш Сгел ШЛА fme on i]i;i«i cul-de- ta: 0(WQ«ref,*eiliMirüifbí^m,Oft.Rtl ■ oiUítp. Prjify bíciyiii). ВЛку/>д-паз$141, pij>toont, liige LL »Olí gieal la Qarden шс apcJiancrt iwian! Beüy S IN ,» 1M МГГ Ht UUTN ОАЛС 36112BA Hvtn УД incrounil pool. FiOdty room, sotf* ru!<}«oüií Uge inustt teúiooQ wvi m cloids, lóiea lub. la/ge comer lot, Mikí /лут<117ип-996-11а/$ГМ,М LOT 24 OVTCtMAM MUI DAVI 3BR 2вАhûQim гютв m country neighborhood, lúrngVM cçen to Viicfcn. inei tiooi p SitiitieO СЛ laiM lol. Ctuis uilde • ^\mm,m 156 CAMOCM CO«r САМОЕЙ ТАЯ01SAVIE 3fiH 2fiA Wonúeftul home on almoìl ал »e in lovfty neigíiíoiticioú BeiiíííiV decoraied and гШ/ lo гш into Hon« siis al the end ot cul-de uc. Peit«d lor lU lime heme bugct wpty oeiW, isti IIémIíi • 99в-ПЙ ЮТ т НЛЮ РАМ DAVIE ЗОЯ 28Аыу reni? Ие<е^ your ciunce lo o»ti j re* tme ' 1 ttulmn include oak ubia^ry, tile bxJtS{ilaìh. (ireal roooi k/qis loot, tear deck arvj lOT 306 MYERS PAM OAVIE 26R ША Kiuifour land^oid goodD)«. t>repiace ‘п luin] room Itjicii couniei A laundiy loom ort kitchen loij ol kil cot»ndj, a 6' Mide «rap around ccr>ered bxk porcn A an ouiside storage room Gail ra«tik ^•ПЙ|74,И0 DivhOffkêAgêütsМмом mus4•«ИМ •M‘UUКЩМ» М>1ШМеЫм M1I7«. (УкЫк -m »cwrxtaM m-irnиммм «»imI w«p* mmМНшЦг ff»tiuIwillNiM . МНШ; ицм«.- ' митшёпшшЫ m\tnИткШШ M>ltM иншМИШmm С2001 Coldwcll Цлпкег Real íUJitf CoipofaHon. Coldwcll ОапксгФ ii a tcgisicfcil ifadcmaik ol CotJwcll üankcf Cotpofjilon. An ttiual Oppoilunily Company, equal Mousing Oppottunlly. tatli OÎIKc i% Indcpcndcnily Owicd ond Opefotcü. r Df) - DWIi; COI M N KM i:UI’HISl-; UKCOHD. Aujì. s. 2(l»2 Шппвлу, Au/;. Tiwidiiy, Aug. JO N O R TH CAROLINA DAVIE C O U N TY N O TIC E TO CR ED ITO R S Having quaiilM.-cJ .ir> Adniin- istratnx o( Ifie CM.ito n! O f’Al. A L E X A N D E R JA C O R S , I.it*; of Davie Counly. thi"; \<^ to notify .:ili pefscnr.{"icwirin clainis .KinunM iMi'd ostate lo pr<?rnn{ ihefTi to tl’'.* un- (1orsic;no(l on or iH'fOM' ¡f’c ntli d<iy of October. 200.?. hoinq tlin-' (,ii rnontfis from llu? Iir'',t fl iy ol puhli calion or tfiin notiC'-* '.vii! b-' pi>- Kj-'ri in bar uf th'jrr ft'cov'Ty A'i ind(!btnd tn s.iid *>';:,»?.• p'v.i mako imni(‘ri:ato fviynu-nt f;t tt:.- undorr^i^nod This 11th d.iy of July. 20». J. Tfacf»‘ Mc’fiTt! .Jai.oh',- P.O R q^ 'Cr-l Cooli.H'ftK’". NC .''-'Oi-i Martin F, Van Moy, I 1.'^ Allor(’"v' :it L v.v 7t‘M Court Sc)u,K*‘ r.iocKsvMii-!, f'jc 7 !! «Itn N O R TH CAROLINA OAVIE C O U N TY N O TIC E O F SER VICE O F P R O CESS BY PUB LICATIO N STATE O F N O R TH CAROLINA DAVIE COLIN IV IN TH E D IS TR ICT C O U R T 2002 CVS 201 BANK O F TH E CAR O l INAS vs S A M tiELD EA N JA fJFiy TO; SAM UEL D FAN JAM ES 133 Adtlior, Lane Mocksvillo. rJC 2702B TAKE N O TIC E that -i pUi.uiuKi Ruoking foli'il ag;^in'.; you h,ts h*cn lilt'd in \\\o abovi? vv.w:‘-{\ aoliOM Tho nature of Ihi* ri.>ii»‘l t)“ uin soughl IS as loDovvs: Judgriiont M oru'y rv,.. Prornis?oty Not*.'(si You aro reauir-?d tn m ik*> (ense to sunfi plendmrj tu.' ; thar! 40 days f(on\ ttus dat“ uul upc'p. yOurfnilufOtO(fO‘'Otllt-[).irl, l ing i'LMvtcì’ aganiV't you .vOl .([-[¡¡y 10 Iho COlilt for tluj ‘.Qi.nlU Th ii thii tatti day ol July j.! Grady L. McClurnrof k. Jr Attorney for Rank o' th-* Caroiin.i,, 161 Soutfi Mam SU‘‘f‘t Mocksvillf, NC 2701!h Telephone (330) 751 *7502 Nonh Carolina Stali- Bar No 7-lU :itn N O n rn CAROl.INA OAVIE C O U N TY N O TIC E TO CR ED ITO R S Havi/iq qualified as the Execu- (fl* ol Ihe Est.ue of JA M E S H AROLD f.llLLER, lale of Davio County, this IS to notify all persons fiavinq claim? against said estatu lo pres‘-nt Ihpm lo tfie undersigned on or h'>(ore tl'.e 1 Uli day ol Octo- 1)'.'Г, ;fOO.-’, ht'inq Hiree (3) montlis troni iln* tirsi day of publication or I'Ms noiici- '.vil! h'' pleaded m har of ‘(•"ir f'covcry All pf‘fsons indebted !o s I'd ‘•stiit“ wi;I pleas'? make im- mrdiat*- (iayn'ent ol tfu' under- 1 ! Ilf; Î ) th (Í, ly ol July, 2002. CoU-n.‘ V. Milter. EXEC Pine Rfdge Road MocKsville. NC 27028 7-11-ltn NOR ГН CAROLINA O.AVIf: C O U N TY N O TIC E TO C R ED ITO R S H.'.viiiq quaiibod as Executor ol llu* Estatf' ol O LLIE F O S T E R WAni-L l.iti* ot Davie County, this IS to noiily a" pursons fiaving claims aqai[ist said ur-tale to present theni lo tho und«!rsiqned on or before the tetti day of October, 2002. being thr*'o n’ot',itis frnni t|4> first day of publication or this notice will be pU-aded iii bar ol lhi?ir recovery. All {)(.‘rrons ind'.'hif-d lo said ostato will pU'a:;*.' так*.* immediate payment to th*‘ uncifasigned. This tho 18thd,iyof July, 2002. James T Ward, EXEC B0'> Amand.i Drive f.latttiows. NC 2810*1 7-18-lln N O R if I CAR OLINA D AVir C O U N IY N O TIC E TO C R ED ITO R S \ l.iviiii) qualili-;d as Exucutnx of :lu ‘ E-:itat.‘ of O AVID G A L E I lAHMOf J a к a Oavid G. Llatmon. l.itf oi Uavii' County, r<crth C.irolina this IS to notily all ti:m;:. jncJ corpofiitions n,r. in.j Ll.iifi". a:îainst tho estate to ♦ ■•fiiü’t ifiMii :j tlu.- lindtjfsigneil al fìo-212-J, 1 5-5 FN.’oplt'S Cr<M.*k fioad, Adva'4.0, NC 2700G. on or I'flnr.' thf laitî day ol Octotier. . Ol'-’, or ihr. fiol.co v.-ill be pleaded .Ii h.ti ol Ail persons m- (!s‘bt^'d lij '..lid f'.fato v.'ill pIfMiie in.ik“ inmod^ato p iyuu?nt Î til-', IM’li (Jay cl July, 2002. tho s im<,‘ t)*‘inq tho brst publication dat*' Linda A Htifinon. L'*ei ol tlH‘ Esiale ol David Galo I lartuon 7-18-Ип Choice of One Hot Dog* RovioH «v/Gark Bread PB iJUncrmtoblei Choice of fwQ frerKh ffwj MiiedVeggiet TfopicoIFfUft Cold Juict Sreckhsl Super Donvi Choice of One 0«nBQk%dChi(kei\/Roll Pork ChopSondwich PB & J Uncruitables (hokeotiwo Swtii Pcoi Creom Potatoej w/бготу Apple Crhp, Pir>eapple OitfSakd\ ìaérfì BreakhsI reaVbuPiiiQ* &PiQ(het Choice of One CU%stj Piijo Dili Wrap w/Piilil«S|)<iir PB& JUrtiushibles ChoicaofTwo Ponl«|f Pototo«! Toned Satad ColdJuin Ruby Rid AppleioiKi SreckfasI Egg&ChceieBiitui} Choke of Ont Chkktti Hujjit! wffioll Sttok/Gravit/Rki/Roll PB & 1 Uixrwloble! Choice of Tm Siaioned Corn, Pinto B<am freih Sirawbertiii Fraiin M l Bor OnfSa/aA Mayl Breokfost FrirHhTooil&MliidFml Iritl.iy, Aug. J l Choice of One ТопуЧ Peppetoni Piiifl Cfillid Chiibn $cW WCrwbn PB&JUmruìldblei Choice of Two Bolced Potato Toned Solod Chilled Aprkoh Cold Me Breakfast Mondiy,Aiif;. ruf.d.iy, Aiifí. ¿T | Wíhí., Aiif¡. Jll | //iiirsrf.it, Лиц. trici.n, Aur. Choice of One Hamborgen w/fUingj CbklienFilktw/Fiiingi PB&JUrxrmfableí Choice of Two ВоЫ Beoni Toler Toft lime Sherbet Very Chee7 Fruit Ccdittil SieakfasI BoftoM NvtMuHin Choice of One Super Sub w/BflkedCliipi Losogno w/Bread Stick PB&JUwvrttoblei Choice of Iwo Corn OA till Cob, Miied Wotermebn Wedge AppIetotKe ChafSolothiodcjYf Breckfasi SteaV Bacutt & Chilled Peon Oiolce of One Italian Dunken Choke PB & J UncruttQhlei Choice of Two Veggi« o\ the Day Broaoll w/Cheete Fruit of the Dof Tropkol Fruit Breakfast Cinnamon Btsculn Early Felease Day Super Bag lunch Choices: Turkey i Cheese Ham S Cheese fB&J Uncwstables Included: Cold Juice, Carrot Slicks Cookie While Cheddar fopcom NoSchoolToday bvliri«!Ни(«пНirikiFiWМ4«ГутшМ lut'tHMlOl fmiOi (T<M MbilMrtu71i Ы lit, Htti 1 pirii IlmtkllMuii. («, TW\ n«ru(i IhikHinvHhnd KllHritMMXili 5i(Aimi«H irui fes à is s ì <g)®ail йэ breakfast 4.uacb fh e N u tr itio n S le u th TdUfff orfoMr/ooftfff 'fcthe'oíiívhM ioan'l nrtesnV^enfcb IhM ^ Ae Mtsrl'V fooá rerlíWcjfcbfrcetoPiJíí delmbsofcdMaça mi акт. Se, sire. Imf ^fctfiiclihraheothY ótt 8и(Ыс*спМ (OfsuTinçloûtrviY (cbna-fm kteront orter jarre-rt cto (êhrknetrthoftihtmktl UMlmtkCùmbo, (hkhefnakw/ntlu’t СНяЧфМГгШ *pph(titp UwfittHpnknm UHinhrhstéU í»Íorimff9wtfnHhi i64 C«(eH*tfraBÍ«ft 39H G r e a t W h i t e . L o t s a T e e t h . N o n e S t r a i g h t Braccs for c h iU lic n and acliilts. Dr. Penna & Staff tl R r II О I) О N I I S T MOCKSVILLf: - (336) 751-2232 WANTED 15 HOMES THAT NEED PAINTING 15 Homeownei^i will bo given an opportunity to havo tho New Alvis SPRAY ON SIDING applied to their home at special Discount prices. No more costly repair bills or constant Painting costs, • Alvis Spray On siding CAN EASILY ba applied ovor any typo surface Including wood, stucco, bloci«, or brlcit. . Alvl» Spray On Siding WILL NOT fade, crack, pool, or chail( and carries a LIFETIME WARRANTY, No money down and terms to fit your budget Why wait? FREE ESTIMATES www.sprayonslding.com FCATUREO ON THE BUILDERS HOUR \ м л шSjrray On AS fEATURED ÍN KfMODtllNG fHACiA/INE Contact Distinctive Exterior Coatings: Your Exdusivo Winston Salem Area Licenaad Diitnbutof for Aivi« Spra^O ^ id i^ Ule’re just a ouse-ciicli away... D A V IE C O U N T Y Г Г t'. Л______ «'5-'■Г K-' .Л , , Local Nems Sports ) Features )- Í ENTERPRI/El#ECORD ONLINE Go to the Davie County Enterprise Record website at www.enterprise-record.com for a convenient link to our latest edition. It’s your online connection to Davie County. С Classifieds j (Subscriptions) CRe¥der’s Poll) С U ieather ) D a v ie C o u n ty ... W e V e G o t Y o u C o v e r e d ! w w u i.e n te rp rise -re c o rd .c o m DAVIR C O U N TY 1ÍNTRRPR1SK R E C O R D , Aug. 8, 2002 - D7 P U B L IC N O T IC E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY JERRY W. BRACKEN AND MARTHA S BRACKEN DATED OCTOBER 16. 1998 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 287 AT PAGE 632 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant lo an order of Itie Clork ol Superior Court and under and by virtue ol Iho power and authority contained in tiie above-relerenced deed ol trust and because ol de­ fault in Hie payment ot the indebt­ edness thereijy secured and (ail­ ure to carry out and perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained, and pursuant to demand of the owner and holder ol the in­ debtedness secured by said deed of trust, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose lor sale at pub­ lic auction to tlie highest bidder lor cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 2:30 P.M. on July 26, 2002, Ihe following described real estate and any oilier improvements which may be situated thereon, situated in Davie County, Norih Carolina, and being more particu­ larly described as lollows; Lying and being in Shady Grove Township, Davio County, North Carolina and more particularly de­scribed as lollows: Beginning at an iron stal<e, southwest corner ol Ida BarneyCastle in the line of Monticello Hendrix, and running thence with BatneyCastle's Line North 09 deg. 43 min. 04 sec. East 440.94 leel to an iron staKe: BarneyCastie's Line; thence North 85 deg. 20 min. East 805.62 to an iron stake in the Western right of way. Margin of a proposed 60 foot street: thence with the Western right of way ol said slreet; South 04 deg, 41 min. East 266.95 foot to an iron stake in said right of way: thence (ollowing said tight ol way with a radius o( 60 deg. 133.15 (eet to an iron stake in said right ol way; thence South 01 deg. 47 min. 12 sec. West 155.5.3 (eet to an iron stake in the lino o( Monticello Hendrix: thence with Hendrix lino North 88 deg. West 909.69 (eet to the point and place of beginning, and containing 9,94 acres, more or less, and being a portion ol those lands purchased Itom Janies Messick and Parks Bennett. Together wilh the above lands there is conveyed a perpetual easement leading Irom said lands to the present termination point of Briar Creek Road, said easement to run wilh said lands in perpetuity in the hands of all persons whom­ soever and being described as (ol­ lows: Beginning al the Southwest cor­ ner o( Lot No. 23, Green Briar County Acres, according to a plat thereot duly recorded in Davie Counly Registry and runs thence Soulh 85 deg. 20 min. West 136.43 (eet thence South 04 deg. 41 min. East 113,95 leet; thence North 04 deg. 41 m in. West 60 feet to a point. Southwest corner ot Lol No. 34, Green Briar acres, thence North 88 deg. 12 min. 48 sec. West 661.3 feet to a point; thence North 04 deg. 41 min. West 1090.0 feet to a point; thence North 85 deg. 20 min. East 76.43 feet to a point; thence North 04 deg. 41 min. West 60 feet to the beginning. And Being more commonly known as: 374 Brier Creek Road, Advance, NC 27006 The record owners ol the prop­ erty, as rellected on the records o( the Regisier o( Deeds, are Jerry W, Bracken and Martha S. Bracken. The property to be ollered pur­ suant to this notice o( sale is being of(eted (or sale, trans(er and con­ veyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Nei­ ther the Trustee nor the holder ol Ihe note secured by the deed o( truot/cocurity agreement, or both, being (oreclosed, nor the odicers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder ol the note make any tepresentation or warraniy relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or salety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being oKered (or sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out o( or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are dis­ claimed, This sale is made subject lo all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated wilh the foreclosure, for paying, il any. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amounl of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750,00), whichever Is greater, Is required and must be tendered in the form of certified tunds at tho time o( the sale. This salo will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following tho expiration of the statutory upset period, all remain­ ing amounts ate immediately due and owing. The dale ol this Notice is July 3, 2002. ELIZABETH B. ELLS OR DAVID W. NEILL Substitute Trustee 8520 Clill Camoron Dr., Ste. 300 Cliatlolte, t^C 28269 (704)333-8107 7-18-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE o( the power and authohty contained in that cerlain Deed ol Trusl executed and delivered by Michael J. Brady, Jr., Beverly J. Brady, Husband and Wile, daled Ihe 12th day of July, 1999, and recorded in the Ollice of the Register ol Deeds lor Davie County. North Carolina, in Book 309 at Page 609 and because ol delault in the payment ol the indebt­ edness thereby secured and fail­ ure to carry out and perlorm the stipulations and agreements therein contained, and pursuant to demand ol the owner and holder ol tho indebtedness secured by said Deed ol Trust, the undersigned Subslituto Trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the high­ est bidder lor cash at the usual placo of sale in the County Court­ house of Davie County, in the city of Mocksville, North Carolina, at 10:00 o’clock on Ihe 1 st day ol Au­ gust, 2002, all that ceilain parcel ol land, more particularly deschbed as lollows; IMPROVEMENTS: House and lot/Condominium/or Lot ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 171 Elmwood Street, Mocksville, NC 27028 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Being known and designated as Lol No. 20, as shown on the plat entitled NORTH RIDGE, PHASE ONE, as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 127, in the Oftice of the Register of Deeds of Davie Counly. North Carolina, reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description. PRESENT RECORD OWN­ ERS as rellected on the records ol the Regisler ol Deeds not more than 10 days prior lo posting the notice are Michael J. Brady, Jr. and Beverly J. Brady. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, that per­ son must pay the tax of thirty (30) cents per One Hundred Dollars (SIOO.OO) required by NCGS 7A- 308(a)(1). The terms of the sale are Ihat the real property hereinabove de­ scribed will be sold for cash to the highest bidder and that the under­ signed may requite the successlul bidder at the sale to immediately deposil cash or certilied check in the amount o( the greater o( live percent (5%) of the amount o( the bid or seven hundred and (illy dol­ lars ($750.00). The real property hereinabove described will be sold subject to any unpaid taxes, prior encumbrancos, il any, and spocial assessments, The sale will be held open lor ten (10) days for upset bids as by law required. This the 11 th day of July, 2002. Ronald H. Davis or Frances S. White or David R. Caudle, Substitute Trustee 02-SP-132 7-18-21П CLEMENT & SON LAWN SERVICE Mowing Weed Control Trimming Fertilizing Seeding Mulch Pine Needles Year Round Contracts 336-284-2037 336-909-1020 Call For Free Estimates GARAGE DOORS METAL ■ 'Г О Я ' WOOD INSTALLATION • PARTS ACCESSORIES • SERVICE COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL Bobby Ginther (336) 751-2986f^ocksvlllB, NC NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate ol LOUISE CARTNER TUTTEROW, late of Davie County, Ihis is to notily all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of October, 2002, being three (3) months (rom the (irst day o( publication ot this notice will be pleaded in bar o( (heir recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please mako imme­ diate payment to the undersigned. This the 25lh day o( July, 2002. Robert D. Tutlerow, Jr., Executor 1029 Landsdowno Rd. Charlotte, NC 28270 7-25-4IP NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Execu(or of the Estate o( DENNIS RUDY late ol Advance, Davie County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notily all persons, (irms and corporalions having claims against the estate ot said decedent to ex­ hibit them to the undersigned at the oKices o( BELL, DAVIS & PITT, P.A., RO. Box 21029, Winston-Sa­ lem, North Carolina 27120-1029, on or before October 25, 2002, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of Iheir recovery. All persons, lirms and corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 25lh day of July, 2002. Beverly Jeanne F. Rudy, Executor BELL, DAVIS & PITT, P.A. 100 N. Cherry Streei, Suite 600 P.O. Box 21029 Winston-Salem, NC 27101 7-25-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Execu(rix o( the Estate of RUTH BERRIER FEREBEE, late of Davie Counly, this is lo notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersignod on or belore the 18th day of October, 2002, being three (3) months from the first day of publication or this notice will bo pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please mako immo- dialo payment lo the undersigned. This the laih day of July, 2002. Dianne Ferebee Baily 473 Meadows Edge Courl Clemmons, NC 27012 7-18-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as tho Execu­ trix of the Estate ol CLOTEAL N. GORE, late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belote tho 11th day of October, 2002, being Ihtee (3) monihs Irom the iirsl day o( publicalion or Ihis nolice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment ot the undersigned. This 11th dayol July, 2002. Maty Rulh Gore Brownlow 415 Kingsmill Dr. Advance, NC 27006 7-11-4tnNORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executrix o( (he Es(a(e o( ARNE D. YENSEN., late o( Davie County, this is to no- ti(y all persons having claims against said estate lo present Ihem to the undersigned on or before the 4th day ol October, 2002, being three (3) months Irom the (irst day o( publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar o( (heir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned, This the 41h day ot July, 2002, Lucille S. Yensen, Executrix c/o T, Dan Womble, Attorney 3802 Clemmons Rd„ Suite A Clemmons, NC 27012 7-4-4tn EXTERIOR PAINTING Quality work Over 20 Years Experience Coll for Estimate VernorPete • 998-1047 TOP NOTCH CONSTRUCTION Jesse Rutter • Cooleemee Interior Trim Cabinet In.stallation Dccks Home Repair 336-399-8783 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION NOTICE OF TEMPORARY VARIANCE AND SOLICITING COMMENTS, MOTIONS TO INTERVENE, AND PROTESTS (July 16,2002) Take notice lhal the lollowing application has been liled wilh the Commission and is available for public inspection; a. Application Type: Request for tomporary variance lo minimum flow releases b. Proiect No.: 2197-052 c. Date Filed: July 3, 2002 d. Applicant; Alcoa Power Gener­ ating Inc. e. Name ol Project: Yadkin (. Location: The project is located on the Yadkin/Pee Dee River, in Montgomery, Stantey, Davidson, Rowan, and Davio Counties, North Carolina. g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power Acl, 16 use § 791 (a) 825(r) and §§799 and 801. h. Applicant Contact: Julian Polk, Alcoa Power Generating Inc., 293 NC 740 Highway, PO. Box 576, Badin, NC 28009-0576, (704) 422- 5617. i. FERC Contact; Any questions on this notice should bo addressed to Mr. T.J. LoVullo al (202) 219-1168, or e-mail address: tliomas.lovullota (orc.nov. j. Deadline (or (iling comments and/ or motions August t, 2002, All documents (original and eight copies) should be (iled with: Magalie R, Salas, Secretary, Fed­ eral Energy Regulatory Commis­ sion, 888 Fitsl Slreel, N.E., Wash­ ington, D.C. 20426. Please include the project number (P-2197) on any comments or motions (iled. k. Description o( Reques(: As the result o( a meedng held on July 3, 2002, Alcoa Power Generating Inc. (APGI or licensee), Duke Energy, Progress Energy, Aquila Energy Marketing Corporation, Commis­ sion stall, and representatives Irom most of the resources agencies with responsibility (or wa(er (or (he Stales ot North Carolina and South Carolina concerning the drought in the project area and reservoir lev­els in the project reservoirs. Ihere emerged a consensus that it would be prudent on behall of all users ol water on that watershed to reduce minimum releases trom the Yadkin Projecl Irom 1,400 cubic leet per second (cIs) lo 1,200 els. Accord­ ingly, APGI requests Ihe Commis­ sion grant it a temporary variance in tile minimum release requiro- ments Irom 1,400 cfs to 1,200 cfs until September 15, 2002, or lur­ ther order of the Commission. On July 5, 2002, the Commission granted the variance request, but reserved authority lo require changes to minimum releases as­sociated with the temporary vari­ ance based upon comments re­ ceived Irom this notice. I. Location of the Application; A copy of tho application is available (or inspecdon and reproduciion a( (he Commission’s Public Relerence Room, located at 888 First Street, NE, Room 2A, Washington, D.C, 20426, or by calling (202) 208- 1371, This (iling may also be viewed on the web al httn.www.terc.gnv using (he "RIMS" link, selecl "Docketf/" and (ollow the instructions (call 202-208-2222 (or assis(ance), Acopy is also available (or inspection and reproduction at the address in item (h) above, m. individuals desiring to be in­ cluded on the Commission's mail­ ing list should so indicate by writ­ ing to Ihe Secretary o( (he Commis­ sion. n, Commenis, Pro(ests, or Motions to Intervene - Anyone may submit comments, a protest, or a motion to intervene in accordance with the requirements of Rules of Practice and Procedure, 18 CFR 385.210, .211, .214. In determining the ap­ propriate action lo take, the Com­ mission will consider all prolesls or other comments filed, but only those who lile a motion to inten/ene in accordance with the Com­ mission’s Rules may become a party to the proceeding. Any com­ ments, protests, or motions lo in­ tervene must be received on or before the specified comment date for the particular applicalion, 0, Filing and Sen/ice o( Responsive Documents - Any tilings must bear in all capital letters the title ’COM­ MENTS," ’RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS,’ ’PROTEST,' OR 'MOTION TO IN­ TERVENE," as applicable, and the Project Number of the particular applicalion to which the filing refers, A copy of any motion to Intervene must also be served upon each representative of the Applicant speclliad n Ihe particular applica­ tion, p. Agency Comments •• Federal, state, and local agencies are invited to file comments on the described application, A copy of the applica­ tion may be obtained by agencies directly trom the Applicant, If an agency does nol tile comments within the time specilied for filing comments, 11 will be presumed lo have no comments. One copy ol an agency’s comments must also be sent to the Applicant's ropresen- tatives. q. Comments, protests and Inter­ ventions may be liled electronically via the Internet in lieu ol paper. See, 18 CFR 385.2001 (a)(l)(iii) and tho instructions on the Commission's web site at http:ivww.lerc.gov un­ der the "e-Filing" link. Linwood A. Watson, Jr. Deputy Secretary NORTHCAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE ol the power and authority contained in that certain Deed ol Trust executed and delivered by William R Shrader and Wi(e Ka(herine S. Shrader, dated the 29th day of January, 2001, and recorded in the Ollice o( tlie Register of Deeds for Davie County, North Carolina, in Book 357 al Page 431 and because ot defaull in lire payment ol the indebt­ edness thereby socured and fail­ ure to carry out and perform the stipulations and agreements therein contained, and pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the indebtedness secured by said Deed o( Trust, the undersignod Substitute Trustee will expose lor sale at public auction lo the high­ est bidder for cash at tho usual place of salo In Ihe County Court­ house ol Davie County, in the city of Mocksviile, North Carolina, at 10:00 o'clock on tho 1 st day of Au­ gust, 2002, all lhal certain parcel ol land, more particularly described as lollows; IMPROVEMENTS: Houso and lot/Condominium/or Lot ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 1167Williams Road, Advance, NC 27006 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS LOT NO. 2 OF BAILEYS RUN, AS SHOWN ON A PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 135, DAVIE COUNTY REGISTRY TO WHICH REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE FOR A MORE PARTICU­ LAR DESCRIPTION. SUBJECT TO COVENANTS OF RECORD. THE AFORESAID FEE SIMPLE PROPERTY HAVING BEEN PUR­ CHASED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITH THE SUMS SECURED HEREBY PRESENT RECORD OWN­ ERS as reflected on the records ol the Register of Deeds nol more than 10 days prior to posting tho nolice ate William F. Shrader and Katherine S. Shrader. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party that per­ son must pay the tax of thirty (30) cents per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS 7A- 308 (a)(1). The terms of the sale are that the real property hereinabove de­ scribed will be sold lor cash to the highest bidder and Ihat Ihe under­ signed may require the successful bidder at Ihe sale lo immediately deposit cash ot certified check in the amount ol the greater o( (ive percent (5%) o( the amounl ol the bid or seven hundred and (i((y dol­ lars ($750.00). The real properly hereinabove described will be sold subject to any unpaid taxes, prior encumbrances, i( any, and special assessments. The sale will be held open fot ten (10) days (or upset bids as by law required. This the 11 th day o( July, 2002. Ronald H. Davis or Frances 8, White or David R. Caudle, Substitute Trustee 02-SP-126 7-18-2tn MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUIVIiyiER IS COIVHWG! Bobcat, aeraioc core plugger a more lor rent todayl 13361751-2304 WISSCORVSR MINI-STORAGE For all your storage needs, choose us! Come by to inquire about free rental. 2975Hwy.64ElnForli CoUto<liitji (336) 888-8810 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORSHaving qualified as Executor of tho Estate of CHARLES 8. BATON (also known as Charles BIckley Baton, Charles Baton, Chuck Ba­ ton), late ol Bermuda Village, Davie County, North Carolina, the under­ signed does hereby nolily all per­ sons, firms and corporations hav­ ing claims against the estate ol said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned at One West Fourth Street, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101, on or before the 25th day ot October, 2002, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations Indebted to said es­ tate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 25th day of July, 2002, GEORGE S. BATON, II, EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES B. BATON George A. Ragland WOMBLE CARLYLE SANDRIDGE & RICE, PLLC Ono West Fourth Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 7-25-41n NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUt^TY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON REQtJEST FOR NON- The public will take notice that the Board ol Commissioners of the Town ol Mocksville has called a public hearing at 7:00 p.m, on Tues­ day, August 6, 2002 at the Mocksville Town Hatl on the ques­ tion of annexing the following de­ scribed non-conllguous territory, requested by petition (iled pursu­ ant to G.S. 160A-58.1; TRACT TWO - Allen Rd. Par­ cel, BEGINNING at a point in the centerline ol Allen Road (SR 1304), and being a corner lor Sharon S. Smith; Ihence approximalely with the centerline of Allen Road North 61" 46'14" East 90.83 leel lo a point; thence about a cun/e to the lelt (R=480 feet) on a chord North 47“ 06' 12" East 243.08 feet to a point; thence North 32' 26’10” Easl 263.83 (eet to a point; thence North 33" 11’38" East 163.05 (eet to a point; thence aboul a curve lo the /1 right (R=152 (eel) North 56« 40’27" I East 121.12 leet to a point in the line of Amos Brown; thence North OO'43’50" East 187.17 feet toaT- Bar; thence North 86“ 16’ 15" Wesl 706.17 foot to a T-bar; Ihence North 05“ 44' 00" East 729.27 feel to a nail in a rock pile; Ihence North 88" 35' 40 East 275.57 leet to a T-Bat; thence North 88“ 40’ 20" East 248.47 leel to a slone; Ihence North 14“ 36’40" Easl 118.84 leet toaT- Bar: thence North 52“ 46’ 25" East 168.30 feet to an iron rebar set; Ihence North 02“ 27’ 00" East 3.49 leet lo a point; thence North 30“ 24' 05" Easl 208.00 feel to an iron tebar sel; Ihence North 49“ 53’ 05" Easl 150,00 leet to an existing iron pipe; Ihence North 50’ 10’ 05“ East 69.73 feet lo a stone; thence North 76'' 54" 25" East 133.65 feet to a T- bat; thence North 77“ 15’ 10" East 183.76 feet lo an existing iron pipe; thence South 04" 15’ 10" West 388.94 feet to the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING, contain­ ing 27.828 acres, more or less, as sun/eyed by G, Robert Slone, Au­ gust 27, 1997. Subject to all covenants, ease­ ments of record, zoning ordi­ nances, and all other easements applicable to said property, if any, including tights or easements for ulililies except to the extent Ihat the same are released, terminated, or merged, A title search was neither re­ quested nor performed in prepara­ tion of Ihis deed, Terry L, Bralley Town Clerk 7-25-1 tn FOR SA LE : Cars • Trucks Utility Buildings Carports: All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lots 336-751-3442Mocl<svllle, NC GALUALUME 2 0 Y E A R W A R R A N T Y Longest Lasting 3’ Coverage / Many Colors . Pole Buildings Metal Roofs & Siding | 1-888-278-6050 MID-STAIE METAIS 1)8 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD. Лиц. 8. 2002 P U B L I C N O T I C E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PUBUC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR THE FOLLOWING ZONING AMENDMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, PURSUANT TO THE REQUIRE­ MENTS ol Chaplar 160A, Article 19, Seclion 160-A-364 ol Ihe Gen- oial Statutes ol North Carolina and pursuant lo Article 11. Section 4. ol Ihe Mocksville Zoning Ordinance, lhal tho Town Board of Commis­ sioners will hold a PUBLIC HEAR­ ING in the Town Hall, Mocksville. N.C. al 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Au­ gust 6,2002. A) Tlig-TQwn<?I.Mq<;h9vlllq has proposed a text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, Article 3.2.5 Town Cenler. to delale Ihe 3.500 .square loot minimum building size tor automobile sales lots. The iimendment will allow smaller build­ ings to be used for auto sales in tho Town Cenler district. A complele copy of the proposed text amond- mont is on file at the Town Hall or Iho Davie County Planning Depart­ ment. B) Tho Town of Mocksvlllo will consider rezoning approximately 25 acres ol land to Campus Busi­ ness (CB) il annexed inlo tho Town ol Mocksville. This property is lo­ caled oil the north sido of Allen Road across from Soulhpoint In­ dustrial Park, approximaleiy 1/4 mile wosl of US Hwy. 601. and is liirther described as Parcel 84 ol Davio Counly Tax Map G-3. All parties and interested citi­ zens shall have an opportunity to be heard in lavor of or in opposi­ tion to the foregoing changes. Prior to Ihe hearing, all persons inter­ ested may obtain any additional Information on the proposal by vis­ iling tho Planning Department in the Davie County Administration Build­ ing, Mocksvillo, N.C. between 8-.30 a m. and 5:00 p.m, or by leiephone al (336) 751-3340. John S. Gallimore Planning and Zoning 7-25-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Execulor of Ihe Estate ol MARY FRANCES HENDRIX, lale ol Davie County, Ihis is lo notily all persons having claims against said ostato to present Ihem lo tho undersigned on or before Ihe 25th day of October. 2002, being three (3) months Irom the lirst da/ ol publication or this notice will bo pleaded in bar of their recovory All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme­ diate paymenl to the undersigned. This 22nd day of July, 2002. Robert L. Hendrix. Execulor 4101 NC Highway 801 South Advance. NC 27006 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 7-25-4IP LAGLE CRANE SERVICE Owner & O perator Brad Laglo (334 940-3762 (336)399-3821 RANDY MILLER &SONS ’W.Millir Kuad • ,MiicksMlli- (336) 284-2826 / Skid Sleer Work Trencher Work Hauling A U C T I O N Owners: Joe and Janet Romero (Living) 6 5 1 1 Y a d k in v ille R o a d , Y a d k in v ille S a t . • A u g . 1 0 • 1 0 : a m Direclions; Fnmi U'.V. //и» •4JI\tuw i.nup. Tfjvv/ ^ llhnile. luiv Ix il onto ShjthmliHJ Hhmle. turn fnh} ('tmraJ Kd.’ i/IOnulc. turn l.cit onlo УлИтмИс I I » } t ()U l l » \ -iJ ll io lh w t : tOnuh. PARTtAL UST; FURNITURE: Oak China Cabinol (Bow Front): Oak Organ Hghbiick (G.C.) Claw Foo« Sloal; 2 Do<Jroom Suits; Dining Room Suit; Oak WafdfObe; Gmnotather Clock; 8 Dny Clock, Oak TaDlo. Gun Caso: Victrola; Wickor Furnituro; Codar Chosi; ТлЫоа; Flocking Chairs AN TIQ UES-A COLLECTIBLES: NASCAR Coiloctib)os, Old Oil 1апфз: Jowoi Ton Piocos; Princess Houso Piocos; Oki Wmdup Toys; Costumo Jowolry; Dolls: OW Arch Cinit Quttar; Okl Vega Hawaiian Lap SlooJ Guitar; Miscetianoous Glassware; Piotímoní Colloctibtos; Wusic EJoxos; Old Radio Parts and Tostors; Firoking Piocos MISCELLANEOUS: GoH Clubs; Shotgun; Tools; Swords; Whatnots: Cookware; Caso Knrves; Ouills; Double Weddir^ Band; Tray Lots; Box Lols; and lOO'aot other item».... Col. K enneth G. Kctiior, I'rcs.. NC/M -326H First Choice Auction & Realty Finn Liccnsc »7229 • I’O liox M i. I.ctti.siillc • (.136) 945-4118 eiiASSIFIEDS NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having quaiiliod as Execulrix of Ihe Estate ol LAURA KATE FREE­ MAN. late of Davie County this is lo notify dll persons having claims against said estate to present them lo tho undersigned on or belore Ihe 25th day ol October. 2002, being three (3) months from tho first day of publicalion or Ihis notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebled to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 25lh day of July, 2002. Judith F. Brittain, EXEC PO Box 986 Cooleemee, NC 27014 7-25-4IP NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executor of the Estate ol JAMES KIMBROUGH SHEEK, JR., late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons having claim s against said estate to present them to Ihe undersigned on or bolore the 4th day of October, 2002, being three (3) months (rom tho lirst day ol publicalion or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme­ diate paymont to the undersigned. This the 4lh day ol Oclober. 2002, James Kimbrough Sheek. Ill, EXEC 1501 Bearhollow Road Greensboro, NC 27410-3613 7-4.4inNORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY EUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAR­ ING before Iho Davio County Zon­ ing Board o( Adjustmeiit at 7:00 p,m, on Monday August 5, 2002 in the 2nrl FInnr Com m issioners Room of the Davie County Admin­ istration Building, Mocksville. N.C, Tho public is inviled to attend. The following item(s) are scheduled to be heard: Patricia Sawyer has applied for a Special Use Permil for a Private Kennel in the Residenlial Agricul­ tural (R-A) zoning district accord­ ing to §155,125(B) ol tho Davie County Zoning OrdinancQ. This property is located oil the soulh side ol Cedar Creek Road, approxi­ mately 7.10 mile south of NC Hwy 801 North, and is further described as a portion of Parcel 3 of Davio County Tax Map D-5, A sign will bo placed on tho above listed properties lo advertise Iho Public Hearing, All parties and interested cili­ zens are invited lo attend said hear­ ing at which lime they shall havo an opportunity to be heard in favor of, or in opposition to, the request. Prior to the hearing, all persons in- terostod may obtain additional in­ lormation on a request by visiting the Planning and Zoning Depart­ ment weekdays between 8:30 a,m, and 5:00 p.m, Monday through Fri- fiay, or be telephone at (336) 751- 3340, John S, Gallimore Planning and Zoning 7-25-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of ROBERT CRAIG LEVAN, deceased, lale ol Davie County, North Carolina, this is to notily all persons having claims against said estate to presenl them lo tho undersigned on or belore the tath day of October. 2002. said date being al least three months Irom the date of first publication of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make immediate payment to the undorsigned. This 1 BIh day of July, 2002, the same being Ihe firsl publication date, Grady L, McClamrock. Jr.. Executor of the Estate of Robert Craig Levan Grady L, McClamrock. Jr., NCSB S7866. Attorney lor the Estate 161 Soulh Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone (336) 751-7502 7-18-4ln Yard Sales 134 PARKWAY CT off Ijames Church Rd. Friddy & Saturday 7:00-6:00. 2 FAMILY YARDSALE. Salurday lOlh, 190 Crestview Dr. 7am-?. 3 FAMILY BACK Yard Sale. 156 W hitney Rd off fvlilling Rd In Craftwood. Something (or every­ one, Good Prices. BIG YARD SA L E-Furniture, clothing, dishes. 900 Hardison St. Fri. afternoon, Sat, & Sun. CAROLYN'S COLLECTIBLES 2076 Highway 6018 M ocksville, NO 27028 Locatcd approx. 1 mi past Davio High School on right 6018. 336-751-6252. G rand O pening Sale Barbies, PorceloTn dolls, Bcanio babies, Indian, A ngels, lots more. Tues-Frl: 11:00-5:00 Sat: 11:00-3:00 CREEKVIEW CONSIGNMENT Bail & Tackle now open, Tues- day-Saturday 10:00am-6:00pm, Now accepting furniture. 1430 801S beside 4tii Creek, 336-751 - 4507, DEE'S ANTIQUES On Ihe Green....hill 733 Greenhill Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-6450 or 800 234-1393 August and it's back to School!! Decorate thal College Dorm Wilh furnishing from Dee's! Furniture and accessories made to last a lifetime!! Discounts throughout the shop!! "A little something (or everyone" We buy Estates...one item or all!! We also buy "/o u r Unwanted' items. Jusl give us a call! ESTATE ITEMS, FURNITURE, collectables, glasswares, house­ hold items, yard decor, tools, and miscellaneous. 284-4302. Yard Sales 330 GWYN 8T. Friday 8-until, Saturday 6-12,August9th& lOlh. Lots of .25 & .50 items. 436 AVON8T, Sat. Aug. 10 8- 12noon, B aby. C hildren's, clothes, household ilems, 1998 Honda 50 Motorcycle. ESTATE & YARD SALE Thursday, Friday, Saturday August 8th, 9th, &10lh 8am-until Inside/Outside Sale-Rain or Shine!! 733 Greenhill Rd. Mocksville, NC 336-492-6450 or 800-234-1393 Old lools, glassware, furnilure. pictures and much, much more! BAKED GOODS BY NELLIE COUCH. FRIDAY & Salurday, 6am-2pm, 156 Jam esto w n e Dr. off Cornatzer, Sterling Silver Jew ­ elry, household items & clothes GARAGE SALE, 275 Madison Rd., August 9-10. Variety of ilems at good prices. Sam until 4pm. HUGE MOVING SALE, Satur- day.Aug. 10,801 S. Salisbury St. 7:00-1:00, Clothes. Furniture, tools, guns, fishing equipment, housewares, toys. MULTIPLE FAMILY YARD Sale, 533 N. Main Street, Sat. 8am- 12pm. SATURDAY 8/10/02 7AM til 2pm, 1518 Hwy 601S, At Fat Cats Auc­ tion House. New & Used Items al good prices!! SATURDAY, 8AM-UNTIL. Little Tyke's M akeup C enter, Toys, King Size Comforter set, La-Z- Boy Sofa and Loveseat. Young Men's, Women's, 3T Boys & 5T Girls Clothing, Shoes and much more. 425 Madison Rd. YARD SALE & Hot Dogs for Jesus Life Mission. Saturday 10th at 7:00am al Jims Fruit Market on 601. YARD SALE (AUGUST 10-Sal- urday-8 till 2) 3178 Highway 601 North. Household ilem s, toys, clothes all sizes and furniture! You don't want to miss this one! YARD SALE SATURDAY, 7-1, 136 A ustine Lane, A dvance, small appliances, hunting bows, what-nots, and other items. YARD SALE, AUGUST 9th & 10th. 8am-3pm. Location: 198 Broadway Rd. From Cooleemee: go 801 to Center St. and follow sign 1 mile from 601S: go to Pine Ridge Rd. & go 2 miles. We have 2 com plete B edroom S ets. Kitchen table & chairs. Yard fur­ niture ilems. Antiques, Radios, Old Clock. Lols of collectable glassware. Country collectables. 10O's of Good ilems, some tools. Lots more. 336-284-4302. YARD SALE: FRI & Sat. 8-12pm, Girls clolhing 3T-4T, toys, toddler bed. gas grill, many other items. 509 Juney Beauchamp Rd., Ad- 3 Building Lots For Sale In the Fork C hurch C om m uniiy Localed on/off of C edar G rove Church Road OK for doublew ide, m odular or site built homes • Lot 1 - 40,000 f/-sf with road frontage, water metci & septic system • S25.000 • Lot 2 • I + acre with road frontage, well & seplic system - S25.000 • Lol 3 ' 1 -f acre private 30'easement, greal view - $35.000 *AII acfcQ(j«j subiPCi (o iinal survey Confocf Robert Stone (O wner/Broker) ol Riverfork Properties 336-998-4733 C A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES. COLLECTABLES. OLD METAL TOYS. ANTIQUE FURNITURE CjU ДгИм» BMtkfc 336-492-5992 GENETREXLER ROOFING New & Old Roots 30 Years Experience Free Estimates 336-284-4571 rmuda illage- Bcmnida Village ha.s openings for Part-time Dining; Room Servers Beiiutiful environment wilh lle.xible hours. Sludents welcome! Call Sam at 998-6764 or apply ill Hwy «01 S., Advance. We need a General Manager to run our Restaurant in Mocksville, NC. Preferably a local person. Excellent pav. Five day worit week. Great quality of life. Super company to work for. if you have 3 years of experience running any restaurant (fast food a plus) with a proven track record I would like to talk to you. Rush your resume to: General Manager, 130 Heritage Place, Mooresville, NC 28115 Abortion Alternative DAVIE PREGNANCY CARE CTR offers confidential free preg­ nancy tests, support servs, S re­ ferrals. Mako a healthy choice tor your llfel 753-HOPE for 2£EL________________________ Animals 11 YEAR OLD Bay Q uarter Horse Gelding 15 hands, easy .00ing keeper. Goodlookingl $900, OBO. Kevin @ 336-940-5727 Apartments 2BDRM APT for mature adults who enjoy 24 hour security, yard m aintenance and paid utilities. Quiet & peaceful. Mocksville. Convenient. Call Shelia al 751- 1515. Cedar Rock Assisted Liv­ ing Communiiy 2BDRM APARTMENT IN ouiet neighborhood. Very Nice, Per­ fect for older adulls. $550.00/mo, Mocksville, Call Shelia al 751- 1515, MOCKSVILLE SUNSET TER­ RACE: All brick energy efficient apartment. 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court & sw ings. Kitchen appliances furnished in­ cluding dishwasher. 1,5 baths, washer/dryer connections. High energy efficient heat pump pro­ vides central heat and air. Prewired lor cable TV & phones. Insulated windows & doors. No wax kitchen& bath lloors. Located in M ocksville behind Ihe old H endricks Furnilure building (now Carolina Precision Machin­ ery) on Sunset Dr. off of Hwy. 158. Olfice hours 1-6 M-F & Sal. IQ- 12. Phone 751-0168. VINEYARD BROOK, HANES Mall A rea, 2 BR, 1.5 BA, Townhomes with screened porch & $495 mo, Hubbard RIty, 723- 4306._________________________ Boats for Sale 14’ALUMACRAFT W/TRAILEr, 9.9 Mercury, excellent condition com plete with trolling motor $1,900 336-492-2944._________ Building for Rent BARN/STORAGE BUILDING FOR RENT. Hillsdale. 30x45 approx. 25 Acres pasture avail. 998-1993 or 655-4698. Camping 1986 COACHMAN CAMPER. Bit. Box, 2 burner stove, sink, awning, AC. Good Canvas, Very Clean. $1500. 940-5680. Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILD Care has immediate openings - ALL AGES - lor 1st & 2nd shills (3rd shift pos­ sibilities). Convenient hours 5:30am-1:45am. Full Time, Part Time, Drop in - upon availability. Come see us at 571 S Main St., Mocksville (across from B & F Manufacturing) Or call Debra, 751-PLAY(7529)_______________ Construction _______Equip_______ BOBCAT 753 FOR Sale. Low hours (378), 3 buckets, Hudson trailer. 751-3768. Furniture EARLY AMERICAN COUCH, Very Good Condilion. $40, 751- 2864. Homes For Rent 1 BEDROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE a 3 Bedroom Fur­ nished Home in country. Call 336- 284-4986 for details. 3 OR 4 BR, 2BA Brick Home for rent. Available 9/1 Hillsdale area. A/C, Appl, fenced yard, full bsmt, huge attic. $850 mo. 940-6579, 998-1993. FOR A LISTING of available rental properties, please check our ad in the Real Estate Section- Howard Realty- 751 -3538 FOR RENT: 3BR Brick Ranch home with (ull basem ent in Ad­ vance. $750/m o w/ $750/sec dep. R eferences Req. - SWM Realtors 751-2222 exi 208. FURNISHED STUDIO EFFI­ CIENCIES; Includes utilities, cable, local phone, housekeep­ ing, refrigerator and microwave. Monthly rental-no lease. $550.00 monthly, plus tax, paid in ad­ vance. One time security deposit $100.00. For more inlormation call 751-7310. Hom es For Rent, Office Space lor Lease. Call Swicegood Wall & McDaniel Realtors. 751-2222 HOUSE FOR RENT-3BR, IBA, $500/Monlh in cily limits. 492- 7505. JERICHO RD., 2BR, 1 BA, stove, rel. lurnished. $650/mo. Available mid-June. 941-7593 NICE 2BR, IS A , FULL b ase­ ment, William R. Davie Area. $450/m o., $450/deposit, 704- 546-2089. Homes For Sale 10■^ ACRES, 3BR, 2BA House with Barn. Riding Arena, Shed, Dog Runs. Set up for horses. 998-3468. 1ST TIME HOME BUYERS gov­ ernment finance program. Low, Low down. All applications ac­ cepted. Call 336-751-0184. 1ST TIME HOME Buyers! Gov't linanced program s. Low, Low, -A Low Down. All applications ac- ' cepted. Call 336-744-9557. 3BR, 1BA, ACRE lot, new paint. A dvance area. $85,900, 998- 6749. AWESOME 2 LEVEL Home on 1/4 acre lot. P els & children welcom. Great schools and shop­ ping, HURRY! 1 left. Call 336- 744-9354. BANKREPOSI 2,3,4BR Homes available in all areas. Prices start­ ing as low as 2500. Must Sell. Call 336-744-9294. BEAUTIFUL SOUTHERN LIV­ ING Custom Home, 4BR, 3.5 BA, Finished Basement, Private cul- de-sac lot. Hardwoods, Fenced Playground, Deck, Patio, Exten­ sive Landscaping, Great for En­ tertaining. L ocated in Marchwoods off People's Creek Rd. $243,000, Call for appoint­ ment. 692-7565. • K rtf K.stiniatt'.s • Insured • Keliiilik', Friciiill)’ Sorvico aslidiili’IiK'Cri'iiol.com AshDale Construction Si’KciAi-iziNc; IN Ai.L Phases ok Home Remodeeinc; Aildiliiins, RiHilinL’. I’jiniini;. Minor filcc. it I’lunibiii!;. Kilchcn. liaili & P:ilio Tile. Dcck.s, 15ix:ks, ,SI\cJs, liarns. I'ciKCS. Kcliiining Walls to Coilinu l-aiis,„\Vc dl) il all! Dami MiCiillar-Owmr Phone: (336) 492-7363 Mobile: (336) 655-8558 1 5 T E I V I P - T o - H I R E R c f s i t i o n s W i t h W e e k e n d s O f f Wraton-Salom's «1 Stalling Company is now hiring lor the lollowing positions: $7.50/hr.Tem p-to -H ire Ivlocksvilla Area, assem bly work 2nd shift 3.00 p.m.-V.30 a.m ., M on.-Thurs. If hired, pay goes to $8.80/hour Ama Iniomew Timos: Thurs., Aug.8m,!).00a.m.-llfi0am, Room tte Friday. Aug. 901, гОМ ООрт, Л48 Mont) Pani BW.. Wnston-Salem Mon.-Fri. 030 am. Of 2,tJ0 pm Mon,& Wod,,330pm.;Tues.& TJiuis„e30 am Of 330 p.m.. Fri . tsao p.m. BhngSb/ms оГкШМШоп Ю irtermw SeHatbEsiianol. UameHoy ÄTem poraiy Resources, Inc. Ехрсгкчкч: « к НЦГстике In SUifl'uitj ■WbjWfrKKIO Mocksville ESC |Dav)0 Cofnmuniy Coitoflo) Yadkin ESC: TR Office: English: Spanish: DAVIK COUNTY KNTKRPRISE RECORD, Aug. 8, 2002 - D9 CLASSIFIEDS 1Ш!1ККВМ8ПЛВ SBOFECABLB Homes For Sale Lots For Rent Mobile Homes/Sale Service Travel Employment BILL CONSOLIDATION WITH the purchase of new modular home. Call 336-751-1571. CAPE COD HOME, 1930Sq. Ft., 3BR, 2BA, Normal bIdg. Cost $125,400. Aug. only $75,000. Buill on you lot! Call 1-866-624- 7457 or 751-7340. FOR SALE...BY OW NER, $99,000. 1900 sq It, over 1 acre, 3 or 4 bedrooms. 2 full baths, fire­ place, Ig living room, den, cov­ ered front porch, garden area and barn, 1/2 basem ent with work area, brick with central air. Call for appointment 751-5140, 1627 Jericho Ch Rd, Mocksville. MODULAR HOMES ON your lot shipped direct- Save $$. For Iree literature, call 1-888-889-6356. MODULAR HOMES STARTING at Mid 40's. Call Today 1-888- 251-6790. NEW HOME, 7/12 roof, insulated windows, much more, (formal cost $75,000. Buill on your lot $57,950-AUG ONLY! 751-7340 or 1-866-624-7457. SELL IT FAST in the Classifieds. CALLTAMMY @751-2129 TRUE MODULAR HOM ES- Huge Saving! For literature. Call 1-800-322-8679. WHY RENT? GOV'T loans avail­ able wilh LOW down payment to purchase your own home. Model homes available NOW. All appli­ cations accepted. Call 336-744- 9172. "FOR SINGLE PARENTS Only!" Special financing for you and your lamily 2,3,S4 Bedroom Homes slarling as low as $164 per month. Only 7 unils lefl. All applications accepted. Call (336) 751-0179. Land For Sale U ACRE BUILDING Lot, wooded, some standing timber, public water accessible, off Hwy 64W. OK for double-wide, modu­ lar or site built home, perked, $23,900 Apex Real Estate Sales- 998-5068. 1.57 ACRES WITH approx. 9500 sq. It. Brick front Commer. Bidg. on 64W. Approx. 1/2 mile Irom city limits. Will sell or lease for tax value & linance wilh 10% down. Call 910-278-4887. If not home, Ive. mess. I will call you back. 6.4 ACRES w/30 11. wide gravel road. Thirty feet of road frontage on Davie Academy, near Hwy 64 West, Calls leave m essage 998- 4632 or 751-1760. LAND FOR SALE, 2 tracts, 1 in M ocksville (41 a cres), 1 in Woodleal (37 acros). Both great (or (arming or vineyard. 492- 7505._________________________ Lawn Care E J MOWING SERVICE Landscaping, mulching, pruning & weedealing 336-284-6120 336-391-2130 Lost & Found FOUND-BEAGLE, FARMINGTON Area 998-3353. roU N D ; TWO RINGS, Losi May 28th at Bi-Lo. Call to identify. 751 - 1499. Ask lor Alex._____________ Lots For Rent MOBILE HOME LOT lor Rent $160/month. 119 Eden Lane, Lot 5, oti Hinkle Dr. (off Hwy 601 South) M ocksville, 336-697- 1482. LARRY’S WOOD FLOOR SERVICE Laying • Sanding • Finishing FREE ESTIMATES Owner: Larry McClenney 129 Lakewood Drive 336-751-1721. NEW ADDITION TO Shady Acres Mobile Home Park, Re­ landscaped. 1984 or new er hom es. John Crotts Rd. olf Hwy 64E. Only 3 sp aces left. 998- 8276 or 998-8222. Miscellaneous ADDITIONAL A SSETS NEEDED? WORK IN HOME. S500-I-/MO PT. $3000-f/MO FT. FULL TRAINING. FREE INFOMATION. WWW.DREAMALWAYS.COM 1-800-358-4156. CASH PAID FOR Antiques. Par­ tial or whole estates, collectables, old melal toys. Antiques, Furni­ ture. Call Monroe McDaniel 336- 284-4302. LOCAL CHANNELS NOW avail­ able on Directv. Single Syslem $29.99 installed. Dual System $49.99 installed. Call 751-9961. Toll Free 1-800-441-6408. Mobile Homes/ _______Rent_______ 2BR, $385 per month deposit. 3Br $400 per month + deposit. No Pets. 336-918-4111 (Local), 828-478-9416, Leave message! 2BR, 1BA MOBILE Home on 1 acre private lot in Mocksville, 1 lamily only $375/month, $200/ deposit. 940-2515. 2BR, 2BA ON Private Lot oil Main Rd. 998-1727 leave m es­ sage. 2BR, 2BA, MOBILE Home on Private Lot, Range & Relrigera- tor. W asher & Dryer. Utility Bidg, Front & Back Porch, Landlord d o e s yard work. Very Good Condtion. Couple Only! No Pels! $500/ month, $500/deposit. 998- 4385. 3BR, 1.5B A SINGLEWIDE, near Jockey. $400/mo, $400/deposit 284-4877 alter 5pm HUD ONLY, TWO 14x80's: 2000 Model. 3BR, 2BA, garden tub, heat pump, Duke Power package with range and ref. only- Like new. Also, 1998 Model, 2BR, 2BA, garden tub, heat pump, Duke Power package with range and ref. only. Never rented. Like new. No alcohol. No drugs. No pets. Non-smokers only! Security deposits required. 751-3666 NICE DOUBLEW IDE, 2BR, 2BA, Big LR, Fireplace, Back Deck, $550/mo. 751-5291, 751- 2304. READY TO MOVE in: 2br up­ stairs apt. furnished w/ furniture, all utilities. $550/month. 751- 1218 SINGLE WIDE ON Private Lot with R eferences Only. A Good Work Record is a must. Prefer Older Responsible Couple. 998- 1125.__________________________ Mobile Homes/Sale Now Taking Job Applications For MANAGEMENT AND ALL OTHER POSITIONS for Shell Travel Store and Subway located at Hwy. 421 & 1-77. Positions available on ALL SHIFTS. ■ Apply at Ihe Fast Track C. Store located at 520 C.C. Camp Road, Elkin, N.C. on Wed. 6-14-02 between the hours of 8:30AM - 5:00PM. ?BAD CREDIT? With reason­ able deposit loan approved in minutes. Will do whal others can't. 767-4319 WE SAY YES! DOUBLEWIDE, 136 JO E Rd„ Nice lot, 3BR, 2BA, Heat pump. Garden tub, Side-by-side. Relrig- erator. Microwave, Dishwasher. 998-5816, INVENTORY CLOSE OUT 2-0O'X14' V/S Loaded • $32900 1-56'X28' Wilh Land - S92000 2-56 'X28' - 3BR, 2„5 BA - $46900 2-64'X28' 3BR, 2,5BA - $52900 , Bonanza MH 1-BBB-462-7B06 Web silo www,skylinG corp.com Call Us!!! MODULAR HOMES on your lot. Shipped direct- Save $$ For free literature, call 1 -888- 889-6356. MORTGAGE COMPANY HAS SW 'S AND DW'S ALREADY SET UP ON ACREAGE, Pay $485 and fees and move in. Call 1-800-750- 4588, OWNER FINANCING AVAIL­ ABLE. 3 bedroom/2 balh home, 1800 sq It, 450 per month. R ea­ sonable Deposit 661 -1163 YADKIN CO., nice large lots, sngl. S dbiwides. Cheap water, good neighborhood, owner fi­ nance, $11,900 and up, Brown Osborne 336-838-4590 ABANDONED HOME. 3 bed­ room, 2 balh. Will sell in place or move to your lot. Some owner financing, 336 661-1163 Motorcycles 1985 CR80, RUNS Good. Needs Brakes. $500,00 OBO. 336-751 - 4374. 19B8 HONDA XR80, completely rebuilt exc condition, $900, 940- 3867. B & D DESIGN & CONSTRUC­ TION YOUR COMPLETE HOMEIMPROVEMENT CO. We Work To Meet Vour Budget! Specializing in additions, renova­ tions, baths, kitchens, windows, siding, decks, masonry, stone 8 tile work, light painting and small reapirs. We also do Bobcat work. Call Brian Darcy 336-751-4212 for prompt, reliable, workman­ ship. References avialble. Free Estimates. IN NEED OF a electrician, plumber or carpenter? Call T-N- T Services. Affordable R ates, Quality Quaranleed, Tim Dillard. 336-998-9101, LINK'S SEAMLESS GUTTER­ ING Richard Link-Owner Free Estimates 998-1798 NEW IMAGE Painting 8 Remodeling, vinyl siding, decks, additions, pressure washing. Over 20 yrs exp. Owner Danny Church. 336-751-4507 Mobile - 336-909-4062 OSBORNE ELECTRIC lor all your electrical needs. Free ¿Estimates, 751-3398, SUSAN'S HOUSE CLEANING Reasonable and personal touch cleaning, Monday-Saturday call 998-9375, TRACTOR WORK: BUSH Hog­ ging, Box Blading lor driveways, gravel, or landscaping, light loaderwork. lield ripping. 611, trac­ tor tiller, post holes 336-492-5174 belore 9:00pm, WILL CLEAN HOME/HOMES, clean carpet, vacuum, dust, mop floors, call (336)682-3580 lor rates. WRINKLES IN YOUR Carpet? We'll re-slretch or new carpet in­ stallalion, Free estim ates. (336)998-8402 Music PIANO TUNING Repairing & Rebuilding Self-players. Sales & Service Wallace Barford __________998-2789___________ Office Space FOR RENT-1,800 Sq. Fl, ol R e­ tail or Ollice Space with ample parking on Railroad St, Call 751 - 0233, Statewide Pets III8T TIME buyers program. No credit needed. Call lor Iree quali­ fication by phone. HOME ZONE, (704) 857-0157. $157 PER MONTH. 3 Bedroom/ 2 Bath all appliances, furnished. New heal pump. 767-4319 1997 14X 76 VINYL siding. Shingle roof, 3BR, 2Ba mobile hom e se t up in Farm ington Heights and ready to move in. First m onth's lot rent FREE. $14,900.00 Call 769-0755 or pager 208-3203 28X40 DOUBLEW IDE, 3BR, 2BA, Frig, Stove, Porch, HP $6500.00. 492-7753. ¡BlilOO! I TUESDAY I I 7:00 PM I I Y a d k in M o o s e L o d g e | I Clip This Ad For Five Pack | ^Srfnjr 4 FftoncfForTWo JI BLOODHOUND PUPPIES FOR S ale. Mom & Dad on site $200,00. Call Ron or W anda Eudy @ 284-4032, FREE PUPPIES, CUTE, ador­ able, mixed. Need good home. Call 998-7162, FREE PU PPIES, GERM AN Shepherd Mix 998-0338 if no answer leave m essage. MINIATURE DACHSHUND PUPPIES, Male/Female. Short & Long Haired. Shots and wormed. . $250.00. 284-6121.____________ Recreational 1997 YAMAHA JET Ski-750, with Alum, trailer, low hours, exc. condilion. Asking $3500.00. Cali 998-9242. Service ‘MIKE’S PRESSURE WASH* vinyl siding and repairs decks, patios, driveways and walkways, siding. 336-998-9588 336-909-1713 Insured - free estimate. S 8 fo G № firy- LOWES FOODS is excited to announce the opening ol our newest store located on Highway 801 Suite 258, Advance, NC 27006. Our slore is scheduled to open Septem ber 18, 2002 and we are currently recruiting for the following full and part time positions: C U S T O M E R S E R V I C E C L E R K S , C A S H I E R S , P R O D U C E C L E R K S , D E L I / B A K E R Y C L E R K S , M E A T C L E R K S & C U T T E R S O F F I C E C L E R K S , 3 r d S H I F T S T O C K E R S , D S D R E C E I V E R S & S C A N N E R S , C A K E D E C O R A T O R S , S E A F O O D C L E R K S We olfer great wages, an excellent health benefits plan, opportunities (or advancement and a very supportive environmenl in which to work. II you enjoy the excitement & challenges ol being part of a new store opening, this opportunity may be righl (or youl We will be accepting applications beginning Monday, August 12,2002 at the following location: Lowes Foods #205 Highway 801 N, Suite 258 Kinderton Place Shopping Center, Advance, NC 27006 (336) 940-4103 Mon - Fri - 9a-6p EOE M/F HARRAH’S CHEROKEE CASINO TRIPS Frid-Nite Aug. 9th $20pp Tues-Day Aug. 13th $10pp Frid-Nite Aug. 23rd $20pp Atlantic City Trip Aug. 30lh $169pp EZ Way Travel Local 998-4732 John & Evelyn Wyatt Vehicles 1990 DODGE 4 W heel Drive Shortbed, 318 Granny 4-speed. Very Good Shape. $3,500, Call Kevin @ 336-940-5727, 1992 FORD AEROSTAR Van, lull power, exc cond. $3000. Call 492-6551. 1994 INFINITI J30, G reat car, extra clean, 101K miles, $6,900. 751-9500, 1998 FORD EXPLORER XLT, Aulo, Air, 4WD, PW, PL, CD. 6 cyl, rear air and radio conlrol, liner seals, cargo cover, Sunrool, exc cond, 65K, $14,500.00.655- 4320 or 284-6495 (Ive m essage) MUST SELL ’79 GMC Jimmy 4WD, P/S. P/B, P/W, P/L, Sony Stereo, Looks Good, Runs Greal. $1700.00. 751-3154. SALISBURY MOTOR CO. Buick - Dodge 700 W. Innes St., Salisbury 704-636-1341 '61 CHEVY 1 ion truck, 6 cyl., 4 speed, runs good. $800. Also, '86 Olds, 98 V-0 auto,, $550, Also '77 Chevy Pickup, longbed, runs great, needs paint, $2,000. '81 PROWLER CAMPER $3000, '87DELTA88 Oldsmobile $1000, 8x10 vinyl sided bidg. $300 OBO. 492-5569, '85 DODGE TRUCK. Short Bed. Automatic, Slant 6 Engine. Good looking truck, $1800 998-5222. CONCRETE HELPER, TRAVEL req. Drivers license prelerred. Call 284-4369, Mon,-Fri„ 10am- 2pm for application. EOE D AVIE COUNTY HOSPn-AL has the following employment oppor­ tunities - R.N. F/T 11pm-7am Med Surg, L.P.N. P/T Rotate 2nd & 3rd E.R. R.N. PRN lor O.R. Cook 6am to 6pm W eekends. ELDERLY LAD'»' NEEDS live- in companion. Light housekeeping and cooking. R eferences re­ quired. Courtney area. 998-3017. ELMS AT TANIs LEWOOD Is now hiring for: PT 2nd Shift Re­ lief Supervisor Must Be Med Cer- tilied! Every other weekend 2nd Shilt CNA or PCA, Pt 1st Shift CNA or PCA, Please apply in person betw een 9am -4pm to 3750 Harper Rd, Clemmons, NC. We are a drug free workplace. EXR CARPENTER FOR framing crew. 40-plus hrs. weekly w/over- time. Must be dependable. No drugs, no hot-heads. 336-467- 7061 or 336-998-7428. Wanted ATTENTION DRIVERS! $500 Hiring Bonus for NC Trainees! Get Your CDL and Hired in only 15 Days! Up to $900 Weekly Plus Benefits! 1-800-803-2991, CHATHAM CHARTER SCHOOL, Siler City, NC is seek­ ing Spanish teacher. Degree and cerlilicntion necessary. Competi­ tive salary and benefits. Call Dr, John Caggiano, 919-742-4550, chalhamcharter@ centernet,not ECHO TECHNICIAN AND NUCLEAR TECHNICIAN, Full Time and Part Time positions in a small medical practice. Good benefits. Competitive Salary, Fax resum e to C,N,: 336-538-9696, LONG BEACH, NC. Estate Sale! 3-bedroom, 2-balh home wiihin tour blocks ol ocean. Spacious rooms, garage, fireplace, fans, 10 years old, excellent condilion. unfurnished, $145,000, Owner/ broker, 910-457-5551, MORTGAGE LENDING - Allied Home Mortgage Capital oilers a unique opportunity for experi­ enced mortgage professionals. Operate a Net Branch and keep more income. Call 1-800-372- 9179, SUPERMARKET REFRIGERA­ TION INSTALLERS Pipe Fitters and Apprentices needed. Must travel Monday through Friday in NC and SC, Call 1 -866-232-2060 lor application, TRUCK DRIVER TRAlNlNG-4 weeks or 8 weekends, 97% Job placement, $32,000 lo $35,000 lo start. No Money Down, Carolina Trucking Academy. Call 1-800- 561-6173. CHRISTIAN HUNTER INTER­ ESTED in leasing land for 2002 Hunting Season, Have Hunted lor many years 8 am willing to obey any rules set by the land­ owner. 336-595-9330. PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO LOOKING for models, all ages, male-lemale and twins. Call for an appointment, 336-998-3409 RENTAL HOME WANTED, Mini­ mum 2 bedroom. 2 balh trailer or house. Prefer Davie or Iredell Counly location, private lot, with room 10 park several vehicles, including motor home. Must al­ low pels (2 well behaved outside dogs and 2 well behaved inside cats). Will pay pel dam age de­ posil il requested. Prefer gas heat (propane OK) I own my cookslove, relrigerator, Ireezer, w asher 8 dryer. Single, N on­ smoking Professional (male). Availabilily by Septem ber 1st. Please call 704-881-1209. WANTED PASTURE TO rent for catlle. Need 6 acres or more near Davie or Iredell County. Clarence Kissinger 336-998-7363. WANTED TO BUY: PINE OR HARDWOOD. We select cul or clear cut. Shaver Wood Products 704-278-9291 night 704-278-4433 Or 828-430-8860 WANTING TO BUY standing tim­ ber pine and hardwood. 336-859- 2480. EXPERIENCED LEGAL SEC­ RETARY needed for small oflice. Varied responsibilities with com­ puter and language skills re­ quired. Compensation depends on experience and job perfor­ m ance. Send resum es to; P.O. Box 996, Mocksville, NC 27028. FOR FURNITURE DELIVER^ Vacation Pay, Hospital Insurance, No Long Hair, No Tattoes, No Ear Ring's, Good Driving Record, Drug-Free Work place. Apply in p erson. No P hone Calls. Mocksville Furniture & Appl. 59 Court Sq. Mocksville. GREATER WINSTON SALEM’S fastest growing home (uel deliv­ ery company has the following openings: Full time Oil/Propane Delivery Driver. G8B Energy of­ fers competitive pay (based on experience), health insurance, 401K, & paid vacations. Must be 21 years old. have CDL or can obtain Call (336)722-2024 lor details. LAND-TEK GROUNDS Mainte­ nance Laborers & Supervisors. Pay DOE. Call 998-9340 for ap­ pointment. LIFEGUARDS W ANTEDFOR -d The following shifts: M-F 6am- ' 8:30am and M-F 12:30pm - 3:30pm. Lifeguard and CPR/PR certifications required. Includes complimentary membership. Will train the right person. Please slop by Ihe front desk and complete an appl. or call Lisa Kepley @ 751-9622. PART-TIM E STA BLEnH elp N eeded on Horse Farm in NE Davie County. Job A: 8am-noon M onday-Friday, J o b B; Afterschool and 1 day per week­ end. Please apply in person at Thoroughbred training Center, Cana Rd., Mocksville. 336-998- 5280. Mon-Sat 9am-12noon or 4pm-5pm. A great work environ­ ment. RN’s $21-$30 LPN’S $18-$24 For PRN Staff Relief, We offer: •$250 Attendance Bonus ‘Ffex Schedules, Referral Bonus 'Direct Deposit, Weekly Pay •Travel & Holiday Pay Excel Staffing 1-800-883-9235 Ext: 328 w ere- you above the competition in (act, you'ro oligiblo for up to t h r e e p a y r a i s e s your lirst yoar! Our exiensive training program provides you with the skills you nood lo succood, plus lots you decide when you are ready for moro pny/bonelits and moro responsibility. And that's just the beginning. As a mombor of our dynamic team, you'll also benefit from tho following; 40t K savings plan contribution — we'll match 25% of your contribution, up to 6°.o of your salary (avnitabi© alter one year of service of at least 1000 hours, must t>o at least 2t years of age. Modical prescription, dental, life and AD& D benefits (available after 120 days ot employment, with al least a 32 hour/ v;eok average) Employee assistance program. • Weokly ijnychecks • Flexible scheduling • Pn;d vacations • Employee moal and gift discounts • Stock purchase platx (available to thoso al lost 2t yoars of ago who have comploled 90 days of sorvico) Wu aio truly conimiltcd to your succoss os a dedicated mombor ol our toam. At Cracker Oaiicl. wo liston lo what you havo to say and uso that foodback lo mako positivo changes to your work onvironmonl. What moro could you ask lor?II ’you mo rnoiivntcd nnd or^ihuslastic, with a passion for cuslomor sorvico, coma in and mo aMnnagor lodoyl We are cunenHy looking fon PART TIME HELP COME IN TODAY ANO APPtX WE ARE A FASmWCO)« RJN PlAa TO WORK. W« are looking for HISH ertergy p«oplt tbot Hk« to worfc hard and mah* MONIVm 6420 Sessions Ct. Clemmons, NC Exit 184,1^ (336)712-9880 o u Country Stor* We are on equal opportunity employer. D IO - D AV IK CO IJN TV KM 'KRI*RISK R K C O R l), \u}>. 8. 2002 D a v ie D a te lin e F u n d r a i s e r s Saturday, Sept. 21 4th Лппип! Uiiic J'ltr AniimiK, rklc sUuls \ \ a.m. al Masonic Picnic Gnmnds Ы*Ыпс1 Brcxk Cenler. Ntain St.. Mixrksvillc. Cost S20 rcii. fee. spori-sorsiiips available. Infn: 751 •.‘'2 14 or www.davlenchumane.t’rj!. pre­ sented by Tl>e Humane S(K*icty оГ DavieCounty. R e l i g i o n Sunday, Aug. 4 liomecuinin;«, Turreniine liapi. Chuirlu 11 a.m. worship,(ишкчч'и^- ing meal to follow in the Jellowship bldg. t31st Annuni lloim'cominK. Dulin UMC. 9:30 a.m. singing, 1 ! a.m. worship, 12 noon lunci) in leHow- ship hall. Sunday, Aug. 11 Davie Calherin)! 20U2, hy Davic Co. Sub-Di<Irict LInilcd Mcilimlivl Program Council. p.m. at Bethlehem UMC. Redland Kd„ Advance. Please bring school sup­ plies for The .Slorehouse for Jesus. Farmln|>tan Iliipt. Knmccoinlni;. Bible Sludy y.--i5 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m,, picnic lunch It) iolltiw. Гог Info: 998-.1826. .Special Day For \Vh(ilc l-'amlly.ai rcllowship Bapt. Church, Michacl McDaniel - well known chalk artist speciol puesi, prcacliiii!: 11 a.m., chalk art presentation 6 p.m. I-or info; 998-61(4). Centennial CcleliriiHtm.ComatKr UMC, 11 a.m., worship lo l>e fol­ lowed by covered-dish liincll. Si>e- cial music pLmiied. Sunday, Aug. 18 3 For 1. special .Southern Gospel worship sers'icc al Dulin UMC, I«- gins 9 ii.ni., by Ihe Youlh of Dulin U.MC. Ongoing Preschool/I'arenis MtirnliiK Oul, Qelhlehem United Mcth. Time: Ч a.m.-noon. Ages I & 2 - M.W or T. Th. Age 3 - M.T, Th, Age 4 & I’re- K - three or four days per week. Call 998-6820, Preschool/Parents MorninK Out, Center United Mclb.. Ages 2 Mon. - Wed. 8:30 a.m. ■ 12 noon, Ages .4 & 4 Mon,, Wed., l-ri, 8:30 a.m. - 12 noon. Call ‘МО-ЗТ-^З or 492-.‘i7.1.‘i, ^ Kcvclatlon Study, cacli Sun. nighl, 6:30 p,m, Al Shetneld Music Hall, inlctseclion of Sheffield Rd. ,t Turkeyfool Rd. Hveryone wu’lctmtc lo aliend. S p e d a i E v e n t s Beginning Sunday, Aug, 11 .SlepFast l.ifcslile .Seminar, .SuikLis evenings 6:30 pin., mns 12 weeks al Mocbvilk; .Seventh-Day Atlvenlisllx-I- lowship llaJI. Ciill 492-24(kS or 492- 792ft 10 pre-rvgisier. D a t e s t o R e m e m b e r Saturday, Aug. 10 Shady Criive lIulldoKs Addilioiml Slgn-up/KeclsIralliin, 9-11 a.m.. al Tlie Hut. Please bring birlh cenilicalc & physical. Enlerlaimm-nl .Sho» case 7:3(lp.m.. at Brock Perfonning Ans Cenicr, tick­ ets S7, sponsored by Arts Council anil Civitans, Rcfn;5hments serscd al in- tcimission. Call 151 -3000 for iiifo. Senior Breakfasts Held Regularly Join senior fricnd.s ftir break­ fast and fun at tlic D.ivie Senior C enter’s quarterly breakfast. Scaling times arc al X:.30 a.m. and 10 a.m. Space is limited. Call 751 -0611 lo register. Kristian Nicole Barney 6 Years Old!!!!! M>- daddy (Tony Hiirncy III) guvc me u birlhduy party. Wc had u coukoul for my frlend,s mid ruiiiily. I’upasv Tony Jr., Mamuw, 1‘apuw (Tony Sr. and JoAnn Burney) all came. Maniaw Harney had me a Cindcrcllu cuke made. My monimy i,s I’vnny. I want to Ihank everyone for coniinK and for Ihe i;in.s. Wc hud luts of fun. Friday, Aug, 16 l.asl Day T»» K e^lslcr, or m ake rej*. chanjies f(>r voting Sept. 12. Tirst day 10 apply for absentee vtuing by mail. Thursday, Aug, 22 ()nt-.Sl«p УоНпц for Sept. 12 elec­ tions Ivgins in Klectioa fXtice. Tuesday, Sept. 12 Primary Cw Sch(M)l Hoard Klci'thms. 6:.M>a.ni.-7:.ll)p.m. Ongoing N’Isli C onlm net‘4 .Mill Vlllniii* Mu* scum . MCliurL'li.St-. Tue.v.A; Tliurs.. *> а.ш.-П(ч>п. Sals.. 11 a.m .-2 p.m. 'l our, also available hy appt. Call 2')Í-NKÍ(1. l*resch<Mil sInr.U im e, T ues.. (I a.m ..DavieCounty Librar>-..^(l-minute pn)grain. l4»rchilda*n ages 3-5. M u­ sic. reail aloud, stories, nim s. jiurser>’ rhvmes. MtK'ksville Cniise-ln. Main Street. Ist^: .Vd M ondays. April tlmi O ct.,(> p.nu Piedmont CARS Association, Cor mote info 751-377(1 or 2Н4-2(П^> or 4‘>2-5715. M e e t i n g s Monday, Aug. 12 1 ri llall .Meeting, Jin) Snyder vs. Senate Can<Iidate. Davie Co. Court House. 7 p.m. Гог irdo; 751-9.V»1. \o n -l* arílsan .\In íT h t'C an d Íd aIt4 í'nruin. 7 p.m.. V R V - Геес! Mill Ktl. .Advance. Concem edcili/ensol Davie inviled lo attend. Infonnaiion: 7.U7or'W S-57(M . Tuesday, Aug. 13 IK‘nuH.Tatic P arly .МееНпц, 7 p.m., Davic Co. CiHinhouse. Regina Clni* ham. camlidate for ScIhh)! Hoanl U» sjvak. Tuesday, Aug. 20 K appji IlD inem iikcrs, 7 p.m .. at Davie Academy Com munity HIdg. Tuesday, Aug. 27 W wKhncn ofUu*\VorltnH)d}»i‘323, 1'Л ) p.nv. at Davie Academ y Com- n^unity Ulilg. Thursday, Sept. 14 Davie United M elhodisl M ission Board, Exec. Comm, al 6:45 p.m.. Gen. Hus. at 7:30 p.m.. at Concord UMC. Ongoing H um ane Society o f D uvie Co.« moiuhly meetings 2nd Tues. ofeach monlh. at оГПсе Yadkinville Rd. Ы - hind car uush. 751-5214. I)a\Ic Kepubllciin M ens C luh, meets 4thSatunlayofcach ntomh,7:3()a.m.. Red Pig m iQ . C elebrate H i4o\ eekly sup|xirt group lor Ihose sinigeiiug with bad hahils, addictions, aitd victim s of abuse. M eets P'ridays, 7 p.m.. al Hillsdale Uapt. Clm wh. Hwy. 15K. .Advance. С t 1К fur nioiv inf»>. l)a\ le ( ‘omtty I larse KnK'niency Кем- cuc Twim, 1:M) p.nv, downstairs at tlK* Agriculmral liuilding. Mocksville. liv- eiv 3i\i ‘l\>esil.jy e;u:h nu>nth. Por inh>: ‘M (V 2m . l)ii\ieCv.HamlHíH)4U*rs, m eets 2tul Twesilay o<‘ mi^nlb. 7;3t) p.m.. Davie High Hand KiMun. Shc*nield*CalahabiSuppun (iroup, 2ndand4th rues..7p.m ..N ew l'nion Meth. Cluirch. M eeling ojxrn toconi- munily. Fam ily St*r> Ices "W h at Kvery P a r­ ent Should K now ", paa*niingclasses l(» intervsted parents o f teens in hval areas, every M on. 6-7:15 p.m., al MiK'ksville office Sanfonl Ave. Cost S15. For more info; 751-4510. Jertjsalcm llap t.C h u rch isaprovid- ing siipixin for Ihose who have lost their jobs, 8:30-10 a.m . on M ondays, call 33i)'2S4-232H Гогпюа- info. Pro^ressIveC lubofC ooleem ee, 2nd Tuesday. Ctxileemec Librarv. 5 p.m. Call 284-2У75 for info. C hristian H uslnevsm en’s C om m it­ tee o f M ocksville, Tliursdays. 7 a.m. Mocksville Rotary Hut. (iuld Winj* ’П)иг1пц Associudon, Red Pig Harbecue, Gre;isy С опкг, N.C. 801 at U.S. m . (\ p.m . 2K4- 47‘jy. D avie C ounly S tam p C lub, 2nti Thurs., Davie Senior Center, 7 p.m. 75l-(K ilI. CtKilcetnee R ecrcalion Associalion, Zachar>- House, 1st Tuesday, 7 p.m. Alcoholics A nonym tm s, Sundays, 6 p.n>. ;uul W ednesilay s. H p.m.. Second Presbyterian Church basem ent. Pine St. CaU 751-14^X) or 751-7786 for info. !loinesch(H)l 4-H C lub, 2nd & 4th Tuesday. Call У98-8У25 form ore info. Piedm oni T riad R abbit F unders, lasl Sunday of each m onth, 2:30 p.m. All nibbit owners welcome. Call 336* 998-9858 o r visit ww’w.piednii>nltriadrahhit.com or e- mailptrí2(XK)(a)«ol.com fornuinrinfo. Help ^'uurseirSupport ( iroup. Can- cerServices, Inc., 2nd Tuesday, тю п - l:.30p.m. Davie County Lihnir^’. Bring bag lunch if you wish. Form ore info, call 751-0313 or 760-9983. .MOPS (M others or Prescho»)lers), M acedonia M oravian Church. Sup­ port. fellowship, crafts it fixxl. Chil- ilten guided in own prognun M OP- P m S , 9;3()-Il;30 u.m. Regisirulion fee nexible to # of chiltlren attending. Scholarships available. For more info, call W8-4394.1 si 3rd Fridays (fol­ low schedule of Davie ScluHi) Sysiem and are on summer break at this time - w ill a*sume meeting Friday. Aug. 16 at 9:30 a.m.). Childcare prt'vided for small fee. The Artist (iroup, Davie County Li­ brary. 7 p.m. last 'I ues. Call Honnie at 998-5274. (.enter (.'orninunity Development. 3rd Mon.. 7|>.m. Communily Bldg. (.’ooleeniee Hmn Board, 3nl Tues­ day. Town Hall. 7 p.m. unless other­ wise m'led. North (’(Mileeineeand (.‘lark Road Council. 2nd Wednesday. 7 p.m. Friemlsliip Baptist Fellowship Hall. Davie Domestic Violence Services. Support groups for V ¡dims. Sessions free, conlldential. Tuesilays. 7 p.m. and I'riday, 10 a.m. DDVS Office in DavieCounty OlTice Bldg., 751-.1450. Family N'iolence Prevention .Ser* vices ufDavie County. Free counsel­ ing for vicliuts of violence anil their childten. Separate groups. Tviesdays. 6-7:30 p.m.Firsl Uniled Metluxlisi Church of Mivksville. Call l-S(X)- 72S-.M13. (.'oncerned Bikers Associalion, FixMhills Chapter, 2nd W\*ilncsiiay. Western Sleer.U.S.601 al 1-40.7 p.m. Public welcome. Advance (iarden Club, 1 si Tues., 9 a.m..MivksUMC.9'>H-2in. Mocks> ille (iarden Club, 1 st Thurs.. First Baptist Fellowship Hal). 7 p.m. Visitors welct'uie. Sons of Confederate Veterans. 1st Monday.Cixdeernee I lisiorical Build­ ing. 7 p.m. .M«>cksville Rotary Club. Tuesdays. 12:10p.m.. Rolar> Hui. Take O ff Pounds Sensibly, Helhlehem United >N letlKHlisi Church. 6:45 p.m. Thurs. FarmlniJton -Mas<mlc l.odj*e No. 265. 2nil Monday. 7:30 p.m. at the Kxlge, Cancer support jjroup. 2nd Tues­ day, 7 p.m.. Davie Library, forcancer patients, friend, fainily. l-8(X)-228- 7421 or 751-0313. .Mocks\ille I.ions Club, Isi, 3rd 'I'hursdays, 7 p.m.. Rotary Club. Davie Co. United Way Board of Directtirs, 4ih Moinlay. 5:30 p.m., BuKk Ceiuer Amwx. Conf. Rwni 20X. Mocksvillc-Davie Homebuilders. 4lhTlmrstl;vy.7 p.m..Caplain Steven's. Uavie Hluh Athletic Bw)sters, 3rd Moi\d.\y. 7 p,u\.. sehm>l careteria. Dis;ihled American Veterans No. 75and Au.\iliary,3rd Monday, 7 p.m., chapter home. U.S. 601 smub of Mvvkssille. Famiington Ruritan Club. 2nd rinirsilay. 7:30 p.m., Farmington Melhodisl church. HFLPS Ministries. Chrisiian axov- ery prttgrani for women sexually .(bused as chihlivn. Momlays, 7:.V) p.m., 41 coun Squaa*, R(K>m 210. Al/heiiners Support (iroup, 2nd Thurstlay. 7 p.m.. Fasl RiH)m. Sr. Cenler, Brock Bldg.. N. Main St., 751-0611. llreust-feedlnKSupporl (iroup. 2nd Tuesday. Davie Heallh Depl.. 6-7:.10 p.m. Parents Resource ()r(>anl/ation (PRO) sup|Hin group for families of children wilh disahilities. 2nd Tues­ day, 7 p.m. Call Roseniarv KropfeUler al 998-3311 for location! .lerlcho-Hardison Ruritan Cluh, 2nd Tuesilay, 7 p.m., club building. Heallh Dept., clinic hours: Mou.-Fri., 8:30-11:30 a.nu l-4;30 p.m.; Tues­ days, 4:30-7 p.m.; Teen Health Pro­ motion CHnic, 8:30 a.uv-uotM\, 2nd. 4th Saturdays. Davie County Hoard of Siwrial Ser- viccs,4ihTuesday. 5:30p.m. at DSS. Mocksville AA. Thurs., 7 p.m. - closed ming. Sun.. S p.m. - open ming. Call Christine al 998-98H5 or Terry 940-5944. Narcotics Anonymous Against All Olds Group. Sundays. 6 p.m.. Thurs­ days, H p.m., RiHim 208, BriK’k Bldg. DruK Problem? Helpline. 910-7S5- 72S0. Mocksville American Legion Post 174, VFW Hut. Siuifonl Ave., 2nd Thursday. 7 p.m. Mock.svillc Civitan Club, 6:30 p.m.. 2nd. 4ili Monday. Western Steer. Advance Memorial Pmt H7I9 Vet­ erans of Foreign Wars and Ladies Au.xiliary, 4th Tues., 7:.10 p.m., post home. Feed Mill RcKid. Davie County RlKht To Life. 7 p.m., 3rd Thursday, grand jur>'room,court­ house. 751-5235 or 492-5723. Cuoleemee Memorial V'FW' Posi 1119. 2nd, 4th Thurs., 7 p.m.. VFW Hall, N.C. SOL Corinthian Lodjit* No. HFtScAM. 2nd, 4th Fridays. 7:30 p.m. at the loiige. MocksvilleLod|;eNo. 1.34, Isi Tues­ day, 7:30 p.m. at the lixlge. Duvie Bus. Women's Assoc. 1st Wed. each monih. Davie YMCA, noon. To RSVP call 751-5672. CtMileeineeCiviluirsClidiMeellni;, 1 St ¡uul 3rd Mon. cach month, 7 p.m.. Red Pig, Hwy. 801,CiH)leemee. Cub .Scout Pack 504, sixmsorvd b Fulton United Meth. Church. 1st and 3ril Tues. nights each monih. 7-8:30 p.m. Young boys 1-5 gr.ules who would like to Ivcome a memlvr are welcome K^atteml. Davie Co. MS Support (iroup. 2nd Mon. of each month. 6 p.m.. Davie Го. Hnspii;tl. (’ooleemee A A, behind CiiKxi Shep­ herd Fpiscopal, Tues. Л Fri.. 8 p.m. R e c r e a t i o n Pornioa-infomialiononihcsccvcnls, call 7-‘il-2,12.‘i. Line Dancing Fanningion Communily Cenler. Hv- ery Tuesday. Cost: $2. Instniclors: Steve Л: Linda 1 latley. For more inlo. call 751-3S48. Rec Club Before (S l5)or after (.$25 )scli(xi| ami oul of sch(x»l prognuns. Registration o|x.*n. Good Timers Square Dance Dance Lessons S5 permonlh. Volun­ teers fordiffea'nt six’ial events. Con­ tacl Flliel at 998-3837. Silverstriders Walk Club Seniors, 50 and up. M-F. 6:30-9 a.m. No charge. Mothers Morning Out Tuesdays and Thursdays, S7 (XTilay. S-JO (vr month. The Dance Company Mon., Tues.. Wed., ».t Sal. Call Emily Rolx:ilson.998-.‘il63. Davie Senior Games Davie Senior .S5 Л up have we got fund for you. 15(H) Л 5K Racewalk Coni(VlilionSept.2l ¡u VMCAlnick. Reg. ojvns 7 a.m. S15 includes t-shirt. Division forali ages. This isajmlged event. 7 о tindout more call Kathieal Rec. IX-pt. 751-2325. 3 On 3 Basketball roumamcnl. Sept. 28 al Rec. IX-pl. S25 rcii. fee. Trips Tuesday, Aug. 13 Luke .Norman Luncheon Cruise, $30|vr(x.*rson. leave 8 a.m.. return 5 p.m. Reg. deailliue Thursday, Sept. 19 ,M> stery lYip. $30 |кг jvrson. leave 7 a.m.. relunt 6 p.m.. a*g. deadline 9/ 13. Antiijues Л more! Friday, Sept, 20 Southern Wmnen's Shinv, i.^ll |vr (vrson. leave S:30a,m.. reium 6 p.m. reg. deadline 9/1.^. Mon, Sept, 23-Thurs, Sept, 26 Fall Li^hthoii'.e Tour, 5355 ¡чт|кг- son double tK'cupancy. Reg. deadline Wed.&Thurs.,Oct.9&10 Indian Summer/I’iKeon Гогце/ Clieriikee. SI 2.'' |x;r |X.-r>im illil. Rcg. (leailliiie 9/27. Y M C A Por more infomialioii, call 7.'' I-9Ó22 or visil Davic l-amily V.MCA. Swim Lessons Choose one w eek, lour w eek, and Sal. a.m. sessions. Pre-registration re- quia’d. Call torcosis.ilales.andtimes. Water Exercise Class Basy enough for Ivginners. challeng­ ing enough for the e\[vrienced. All ages welcome. Call forclass iy(x.*s Л limes. Gym & Swim Thurs. 9-11 a.m. (ages 3-5). A ga*at start lor any chilil. Conlldence Л: self esteem stressed. .Monthly sessions. Karate-Carucado Style Tuesdays. 7-S:45 p.m. Ages 7 Л: up. Tae Kwon Do Ages 6 Л: up. Meet Tues. it Thins., 4:45, 6:(K). 6:45 p.m. Camp Davie Y No4v registering rising K-.5lh. Lei YMCAeniertaiiut enrich yourchiid. state licensed summer »lay camp. Weekly lield trips. Applications and inlV>. packets al front desk. Camp PRYDE Now registering rising ()-8lh graders. Summer day c.unp involving com­ munily outa*ach projects, te.un build­ ing. and moa\ Parents Night Out July 12.6-I0:30p.m, Parenls take the nighl off. We have activities for kids including swimming, arts, crafts, games. Л movie. Dinner served. Сом for memlvrs. SIO for non-niem- Ixrrs. Pee Wee/Kiddie Kickers SiKcera'gistrationlvgins Aug. I lor 3-8 yr. olds. Session r\n\ Sept. 14 - Ocl. 19. Please call for times ami details. Parents Night Out Aug. 9ih 6-10:30 p.m. Ages ,M2. Take Ihe nighl off anti allow ihe YMCA locaie for your chilli. Aclivi­ lies incluile ssvimniing, arls & cralls, games ami a movie. Dinner served ('i:3llp.ni, Cosi: S7 menilx;rs,S 1 Onon- menilx.‘rs. Family Night Aug. 1 (ilh. 6:30-S:30 p.m. Come Ircat your family lo evening al Y. Have tlinncr, play games, swim, and much more. Cosi: S2 |«r |Krsnn (.S s's: imilei fa-e). All .Senior Aclivilies lake place al Ihe Davie Ctninly Senior Cenler liKalcd in Ihe Hrock Building on Norlh Main Sla-el, Mocksville unless olherwise noletl. Call7.-il-0(ill, Tuesday, Aug. 13 .Senior Breakfast,8:.1(Кй lOa.m.AII seniors inviled for fellowship, fun Л food. Sjnicc limiled so call 751 -0611 now lo pre-register for either sealing. Tuesday, Sept. 3 Lunch Л Learn "On The Run’*, Join us a Mystery' Trip. Won't a*veal destination until we arrive. Leave Sr. Cenler al 10:30 a.m. and slop Ibi lunch on way. Reg. Ixjgins Aug. I. You nuist a*gister in ¡vrson at Sr. Cenler. Ongoing l.uncli. M.T.W , 1 l;.Mt a.m., Th, & 1-ri., 11 a.m. Silver Health Kxtreisfs, SeniorCen- ler, M ,W ,P, X:.40a.m. yiiilliiiK, every Monday. 10 a.m. BriilKC. Tuesilays .4: Pritlay s, I p.m. Card .4: Boiirdtliimes.W. 1:30p.m. Creative Scrapbiioklii); Class, 2nd Tuesday, 2 p.m. Report Davie Dateline Ilems By Noon Monday Items for Davie Dateline should Iv a’porteil by iiix)n Monday of the pub­ lication week. Call 751-2120 or drop it by the office, al S. Main St. across from the counhouse. Accessories • Gifts • Collectibles 642 Wilkesboro St. • Mocksville (In the old Town & Country Hardware Bldg,) (3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 -1 7 4 0 N e w L in e s & N e w P r in t s F R J im & S A T U R IM Y A U G U S T 9 t h & 1 0 t h A D D m i»iA b5 % O FF A ix Sa le s & Sp e c ia l (й а ш в !! 12 MONTHS Sa m e As C ash ! Come see our New Une of Curtains & B edspreads BY M ildred! Well KNOvyN Brands FEATlJRINfi: Broyhill, Sumter, Fle.xsteel, Berkline, American Drew, Riverside, Polaski, Sedgfielil Lamps O p e n H o u s e Jerusalem Baptist To Dedicate Ad(jition This W eekend Page 13 ' , • г ' i 4 < v \ \ l[i ’'i\ 1^4 l b ' I'MiiI I ii * ^ ,1 D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I/E ^ E C O R D ^hursda^ü^í|l5|20te ‘ 32 PAGE& Creeks Going Dry, Tetnpers Beginning To Flare Farmers Especially Hard Hit By Worst Drought In Memory Ky Ik'lli Cii.s.sidj D avit’ Ciiim iy E nterprise R ccoril A crtiss llic UiiilccI .Slalc.s, llic tliiniulit lias rticlcti wiltllirc.s. I'orccil lakes 1(1 closc m risliernieii and boat- ers, and caused farm ers to relliink their way o f living. In D avie C ounty, m any ol' the siiiiie erteets arc being seen. W ilh raiiil'all al a record low and none in sight I'or the near (iitiire. creeks have run dry, tcm pcis have flared and I'anneis have hatl lo sell Ihcir beef cow s bccause Ihcy have nothing to feed them . O ther I'armers arc having w aler hauled in from o ther areas, to give to their livestock, and slill others are facing Ihe possibility o f having lo buy hay fioin o ther parts o f N orth C iirolina or states nol hit as hard by the drought.. D avie C ooperative E.xtension D i­ rector R onnie T hom pson said the dituiglu w ill vcaeh farther lhan any­ one could im agine. 'T h e flow records on the .South Y adkin R iver are the lc>\vesi ever re­ corded. since they’ve been keeping d ata." he said, " I’ve heard people m ention a l.S-year drought, and 1 know for sure lhal w e arc certainly below norm al for rainfall in the last four to five years. "The tw o crops lhal have suffered the nio.st so far arc corn and grass, or forage crops, for livestock. W ith the grass, a long term drought prob- S u n flo w e r s E v e r y w h e r e Nellie Couch got plenty of help with her sunflower patch this year from great-grand­ sons Gavin, 5, and Patrick, 6, Brake. Couch plants the flowers every year for the birds and deer, and even though the drought has hurt size and yield, the boys put out more than enough seed. At right. Uncle Ronnie Couch helps the two plant the seeds beside her home of Jericho Church Road. tORD l,,c B e r m u d a R u n W a n t s I n p u t O n Z o n i n g I s s u e s B eth D irks, Berm uda Run lown m anager, w as on hand it' recjuest help from the D avie Couniy Plan­ ning B oard m em bers during Iheir m onthly m eeling. B ccausc anything the low n le- qticsts w ould have to be heard by Ihe p la m iin g board and approved by county com m issioners, the tow n w anted input belore creating a steer­ ing com m iitee to sludy and suggest standards for Ihc com m eicial areas o f the low'n. "B erm uda Run has alw ays tried to keep a ceriain look, a ccrlain feel for the tow n,” she said. She slres.sed tluit the tow n is only iiucresied in voluntary annexations, those busi­ nesses lhal approach the town. T he tow n is interested in adding w ording to the overlay districl thal w ould be specific to B erm uda R un, Tho four m ain issues they are look­ ing at are; land use, landscaping, ar­ chitectural elcm enls and o u td o o r lighling. She asked for the board to con- • sider appointing a representative to the steering com m itlcc, w hich w ill begin m eeling later this year. E xisting sites w anting to bc an­ nexed w ould be given tim e to m ake som e im provem ents to their p ro p ­ erty, as neecssary. “ W e d o n 't w ant to ask .someone to go and tear dow n their building,” the m anager said. "T hat is not our intent.” S he su g g e ste d th a t im p ro v e ­ m ents could be as sim ple as addi­ tional landscaping. “ If peoplc'w ant to becom e a part o f the low n, there’s a look iind feel w e w ould like lo lem show s up faster in that crop than others, bccause it’s a perennial crop. We have had below non n al spring grow ih and basically none since, and it’s putting fanners in the situa­ tion o f having to severely reduce their herd or sell oul.” Thomp.son said the com situation isn't any beller. Som e fanners aren ’t I’lcasf .See DrmiKht - Phrc 4 A t T h e B u s S t o p Schools O ffering Possible Solution To 5:45 Starts Hy K im .lu sten D avie C ounty E nterprise R ccortl M ore than 6,000 students w ere enro lled in D avie S ch o o ls w h en doors opened lasl w eek. й S u p c rin te n d e n l W .G . “ D u b " ^ Potts told the board o f education on M oiuiay before school started that the system had alread y received com plaints about the bus routes. Parents o f high school sludem s arc upset that th eir children could be boartling the bus as early as .S;45 a.m . Polls has been aw are o f Ihe prob­ lem since Ihey staned looking at bus routes last spring. "Som e o f the routes are longer than wc w ould lik e,” he told the board. "B ut no m atter w hat actions w ere c o n sid e re d , im p ro v em e n ts w ere m inim al. A dding three new bus ro u te s w o u ld o n ly h a v e skim m ed 10 m inutes o ff p ick-up tim es. "The largest problem is that chil­ dren are sparsely located through­ out liirgc parts o f the county. You can ’l go to a stop and get several children.” Potts told the board. "W e looked at a d d in g b u ses, looked at stan in g tim es, and how m any students w e have to transport. There are som e buses that are be­ fore six o ’clock, Todd jN aylor] ,says over the years, w e have been able to m ove those clo se r to six. T he cluuiges com e after school starts and som e children have m oved o r no longer wanl to take the bus.” There is one o ption that could rcduce som e o f the early m orning w ake-up calls for students. B egin­ ning this w eek, high school students arriving from eastern D avie w ill be asked a question. W ould you be w ill­ ing and able to take an express bus from one localion? S tudents w ould bc picked up and d ro p p ed o ff at H illsdale B aptist C hurch on U .S. 158. Parents w ould be responsible for getting sludents to the church before the 7:25 a.m . pick-up tim e, and the afternoon drop-off. B ecause the p ro g ram d o e s n ’t have any stops betw een the church and the high school, an activity bus could be used. Please See Schools - Page 4 I Ч 2 - DAVIK COUNTY KN TKRPRISK RKCORI), Лиц. 15. 2002 ^ i t o r i a J P a g e R u n n i n g F o r C o v e r : C o m m is s io n e r s D u c k D iffic u lt Is s u e s Ii Ii;is hocn a rough summer lor the Davic Coumy Board of Commissioners. Consider .ill the trouble they've had: • They paid .S52.0()() lor a free lot. • They ran off their longtime county manager. • They couldn't make a decision on a long-anticipated and desperately needed school bond referendum. We have to forgive their Ьа1'Петет at the scliool hond issue. Gov. Mike F-asley and the legislature have driven local goveniments batly by withholding tax revenues. The commissioners are ciioking over the .S45 million rei|iiest by tiie school system, but the painful tmtii is that all of it. and soon even more, will be needed to house our stu­ dents. There is never an itieal time for a hond referendum. Not now. Nol next year. There will always be some i|uestion about the economy. Some doulii about the voters' niooil. The commissioners have delayed the decision until spring. They belter not delay any further. Sometliing needs to be done. ЛП sides agree on that. Rveryone's an expert on the school issue, and there are no shortages of solutions. And no shortage of confusion. The board neeils to simplify the issue, combine the hond and present it to tiie voters. Ifniot, Davie High will he bursting at the seams, and the elementary schools will be Hooded with students. Get on with it. The commissioners unwittingly tripped over the long- brewing conflict between Bert Bahnson and the Kinderton developers. The Bahnson family a decaile ago gave the county land for an L'-mergency Medical .Services station in Hillsdale. Tliere were only a few minor provisions for the gift. It could be used only for an IZM.S station, and the county's couldn’i encumber the properly. The provisions weren’t secret. After all the Пар about “I’igderton" and the conllict over the development. Bahnson had made public reminders of the RMS station restrictions. i he board didn't heed him. Tlic coumy allowed utility lines to cross llic small EM S station to serve Kinderton — a clear violation ofthe terms of the gift and a final insult to the Bahnson kin. I'hc Bahnson family has directeil !SI().()I)() to the public library. If former coumy maiKiger Ken Windley was responsible for that mistake, luiiig him or asking him to resign is understandable. But we ilon't know that was the case. The county bo;uil hid behind the skirts of an agreement w ith Wintltcy saying neither side would discuss his departure. That agreement is especially convenient for the county commissioners. They don’t have to defend it. Windley had given the county long and distinguished service w ith remarkably few complaints. He didn’t cost the county S.‘^2.()()() hy himself. Plenty of responsibility for lhat ilecision could have been spread around. The board has a history of coddling developers that began long before this. The counly commissioners pride themselves on being courageous and willing to take the heat of their decisions. Lately, they have been ducking the heat more than facing it. An approaching Republican primary vote inllucnccd their school bond decision more than the Deinocratic governor. Wc don’t c.xpect tliem to have all the answers. They w'ill make plenty more mistakes. But doing nothing in the face of desperate circumstances is not the answer. Using legal trickery lo shield ihemselves from public criticism doesn’t fool anyone. — Dwight .Sparks D A V IE C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/E^# ECORD USPS 149-1601 171 S, Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-2120 Published weekly by the Davie Publishing Co. Dwight Sparks....................................Editor/Publisher Robin Fergusson...............................General Manager Mike Barnhardl..................................Managing Editor Ray Tutterow......................................Advertising Direclor Brian Pitts.............................................Sports Editor Tammy Kowalski................................Circulation/Classilied Mocksvllle Enterprise 1916-1958 Davie Record 1899-1958 Cooleemee Journal 1901-1971 I’eriodieals I’oslagc Paid In M ucksville. NC 2702S .Siiliscription Rates .Sinjiie Copy, .“iO Ccms $20 IVr Year In N.C., S2.‘i Outside N.C. I'OSTMASTliK ■Send Address Changes to: Davie Coimty 1-iiterprise Reeoril P.O. Ho.x <■)<■). M ocksville. NC 27028 In T h e M a il... B R S w i m T e a m D e s e r v e s R e c o g n i t i o n To the edilor: I want lo congriilulalc the Hickory Hill anil Oak Valley swim teams on Iheir season. I was happy to read about their successes Ihis siinuiier in Ihe paper. Hut I was sad lo see no mention of Ihe Hemuida Run Counlry Club swim leam. I am a proud parent o fa "nrsl-linie Uarracuila." Our kills weren't eoneerned with whether or nol iheir picture would lie in the paper each week or if their name would he nienlioneil in an :irtiele. bul I feel they deserve some rec­ ognition. 1 would like lo lake ihis opportunily lo recognize our wonilerl'ul swim leam aiul coaches who worked so hard this sum­ mer. The 2()()2 Uerniuda Run Barracudas, coaclicd by Nick Parker and Chrisiin Howard, are: Carson Hishop, Cade Carney, Nick Caslcllano, Lee Davis. Tate Davis. Evan Dowell. Travis Holden. Ryan Livcngooil. Logan Scssom s, H arrison W hiirlon, Sydney lirowiter. Ivcy Caniev. M ikalaCrooni. Kerr>' F-agan, Ashlon Hughes, Avee Mcgiiire, llaky Nors'ille, Chris Eagan, Jonah Womble. Sa- Event Benefits Adam Peacock To the edilor: Many ol you may remember Ailam I’cacock. Adam has lumed hul still sutlers from Ihe I leinangioina Tumor, and requires more laser trealiuenls. Your generosity in the past and ihose who attended die l*al W hile Meiimrial Day, gave him a lillle more lime anil hope, Adams needs all Ihe prayers, love and support he can gel, bul he is jusl Ihe type of child w ho wins your heart with a smile. Pat's family jusl wanled lo thank everyone who volunteered in any w ay lo make the memorial a success lor Adam. We raised more than S3,R(K) for Adam's funil. You gave from your hearts and wc appreciate all you did. Pal loved children and worked wiih Ihem al Ijames Church. She would be happy lo now lhal her memorial was used to help some­ one, especially Adam. AH of you who volunteered oul in the hoi sun and in the cold waler will never know how much we appreciate this loving irihule. You put time, money and love where il counted, and I am sure Pal kiu)ws how much you cared. 'The Pat White family. Doug. Rohin, Megan ;md Lewis and ihe Peacock lamily leni Carney, Annie Carr, Nalalie Castellano, Hannah Croom,A.shley Dowell. Drew'Taylor Hewitt, Delaney flolcomb, M eredith Hughes, H ailey Livengood, D anielle Q uinn, K ayla R evelle, Hannah Weakland. Tanner Holden. Daniel Needs, Chase Sampson, Jessica Bullon. Lindy Carson. Catherine Haas. Elizabelh Hartman, Caitlin Hauser, Grace Ramey. Laina Womble, Ryne Carson, Seth Parker, Ale.\ Appell, G reer Collins, M ichelle Lucas, Athena Rhoades, Sa­ rah Se.Mon, Ciana Sampson, Hannah Tedder. Sarah Welch, Stacy Jolly, Bennett Shipm an. M ichael Jolly, Brooks Harden, Megan Appell. Kimberly Davis, Abby Hartman. Mollie W eakland. Jackie Button. Cameron Harden. Grace Parker. M allhew Bland, Brandon Crater, Anderson Parker, Pete Ramey, Charles Roediger, Adam Eberle, Liz Beck, Katie Carr, Ale.xis Levin, Megan M cComiick. Melissa Pierson. Laura W illiams, Laurian Roediger, Lauren Harden iiiul Alison McNeil. There are some amazing statistics from our Icam ihi.s year. Ac­ cording to Nick Parker, swim team membership increased from I.S swimmers in 2001 to 77 swimmers in 2002. The average improve­ ment in lime per swimmer (from Ihe beginning ol the season lo the end) was almost 58 seconds. And ihe total time dropped for all swim­ mers combined was 3.460 seconds. The Barracudas had one win Ihis season, defeating the Jonestown leam. I wanl each swimmer to know how very proud that we. their families, are of them and their hard work, dedication and determi­ nation. Special thanks go to Nick and Chrisiin for their endless hours of loving dedication to our kids; to Lucy Carr lor her leadership as our parent volunleer coordinator; and lo the parenls who volun­ teered at the meets. Way to go, Barracudas. Krista Wharton Bemiuda Run L e t t e r s W e lc o m e d The Enterprise Record welcomes letters from its read­ ers. The letters may be on topics of local, state, national or international issues. An effort will be made to print all letters, provided they are not libelous, vulgar or in poor taste. The editor reserves the right to edit letters for grammar and for space. All letters should include the name and address of the writer, including a signature. A telephone number, not to be published, is also requested. Please have letters in the newspaper office no later than 4 p.m. Monday of the week to be published. Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box, 99, Mocksville, or email tc: emews@davic-enteiprise.com. Got An Opinion? Add your vote to our weekly online poll that asks questions affecting you and Davie County. Log on at www.enterprise-record.com and click on reader's poll to cast your vote. Results will be listed tiere weekly. Should North Carolina have a lottery? Y C S 5 8 % N o , 4 2 % Log on now to see our question and cast your vote. ■r . Restaurant Was One Of Best To the editor: As children long ago ruhhed Iheir two hands touching Iheir Iwo mgeis s.ij mg. Shame, shame, shame on you," my husband, mollier and brolher and sisicr-in-law say this to the folks in Mocksville who let S and J liarbccue House on Salisbury Road, near Davie High School, close this pasl week due to a lack of customers. We had i{iul driving to Lexington for Ihe famous barbecue as I ns p .ICO tli.il opLMiL-ii l;isl year was as good as the olil-tinioy biirbc- cuc in I.cxingion. Once a week v>n ’i hurstlay. Iriemi.s ;mtl family from Slalesville would drive here lor this good Г(ич1. lo tho.se tolks, I hope you have bcMtcr success wherever you (ipeii again. Linda Ihmnon Mocksville Schools’ Needs Urgent Now To the editor: On Aug. .s, the Davic County conunissioners voted to delay a county-wide vote on Ihe proposed school bond referendum unlil al least March. Like many parents interested in ihis issue I could not attend due to the scheduled open houses at the three .schools my children will be attending this year. 1 do nol claim lo speak for all the parents ol Davic County hut someone should have voiced Ihe senliments lhal follow. Due to the irresponsibility of our Stale Legislature and Governor's O llice our county finds itself in unsure financial limes. While il is prudcm to nuesiion and tightly control ibe counly budgel, we can­ not sel aside the demonstrated needs of our public school system. Our commissioners should take this opportunily lo look al all ser- I’ices provided by or in pari fin;mced by the county to gel a grasp ou how ellicieni and/or necessary these services are. A day long sym­ posium at the Brock Center where all counly organizations deliver a report on iheir scope of work, efficiencies, and needs to the com ­ missioners would give our elected officials a starting place for this review. ’The catch would be that Ihe head officers of each of these organizations would be reipiired lo sit Ihrough all presentations aiul to give the com m issioners feedback aboul Ihe operations of their peers. It is lime for Davie County lo decide jusl what services, pro­ grams. and regulations its citizens, officials, and developers can expect now and in the fulure. My poinl in stating Ihe above is that a task force made up of 40 Davie residents representing all geographic, ethnic, and socio-eco­ nomic groups spcnl seven months coming up with the school bond proposal that the commissioners have decided to table for now. They have concerns wiih its cost,student enrollment projections, and most importantly, will people vole for il. They should hang llieir hal on Ihe student enrollm ent projections because the state has chronically underestimated Davie C ounty’s total enrollment since the last icc age. As for the cost, yes Virginia, someone has lo pay and il is we who musi shoulder that burden. If we don'l keep our education sys­ tem sound and first-rate we will pay the price of higher crime, and more social scrvicc needs, but our children and grandchildren will pay the price o fa much less prosperous future. Now for the big question: will people vote for S44 million in bonds (an increase o f 16-17 cents per .SlOO in properly valuation) lo address a com prehensive plan lo handle the school system ’s pro- jccleil needs for the next eight to 10 years'.’ 1 believe they would if our elected officials would endorse and actively campaign for this school tiond. 1 appreciate the prudence of the commissioners in wailing lor Ihe slate lo delermine the budget, bul Ihey should he under no illusion lhat Ihere is fat to he taken Irom ihis proposal. Only by having all county supported programs to justify their exist­ ence through Ihe symposium previously proposed could you find any savings in our counly's administration. This county is run tightly at all levels bccause the reluctance of our past elected officials to raise taxes has mandated such control. As a Davie County taxpayer 1 am grateful for such restraint; however, if I have to pay taxes, let me pay Ihem al ihe local level where I can directly see and feel Iheir benefil. The lime has come for Oavie County lo take stock of where it wants be in Ihe 21st Century. Will il pull back and let its inaction keep its children from a future of opportunities, or will it actively seek to serve its future and its children's futures by providing the means to educate all lo iheir highest potential. I I'urtlier encourage you lo recognize thal potential as unlimited. Can you look at your children and Iheir childrcn-lo-be and tell me thal I’m wrong'.’ My good friend, John Nelms, wrote a letter to the Enterprise last week thal sums up the frustration many parents feel with the reac­ tionary ralher tlum proaclive way thal wc deal in Davie Counly with school infrastructure needs. 1 agree wiih him lhat our pace needs to be quickened, bul there is a unity of purpose lhal all of us who share thal frusiraiion must have if change is lo occur. We can’t dwell on past decisions lhal we canmit changc, nor can we let re­ gional concerns consume us. The plan lhat came out of the la.sk force is a workable and necessary compromise thal wc should all supporl. As I have stateil belore, I believe that Ihe current Davie High needs abom two to three million dollars more than what is in the bond proposal to address fully its needs; however, I would slill vote for the task force’s entire bond proposal. O ur elected officials are concerned with the lack of sewer ca­ pacity in Eastern Davie County That impedes nol only conunercial but also residenlial growth. Heaven forbid that we should expand sewer scrvicc but nol expand and inodernize our schools. Obvi­ ously, a growth phm for the counly should be codified lo direct the developmental pressures wc face, bul our officials need input from many sources to form such a plan. Thai is where your opinion nial- ters.'ir you .share the concerns expressed in this leller or if you are of the opposite viewpoint, 1 encounige you to contact our counly govermnent about these issues. The Davie County M anager's of­ fice phone is 751-5513, Pax number 7.51-740X. Online you can visit »■wuuhvimmiilv.orf; lo delermine where lo send your email. On a personal note. 1 would like lo lhank Mr. Ken Windley for his dedicated service in the interests of Davie County We will all miss his leadership. You could count on Ken to see that the luture of Davie Coumy hangs nol just on a single issue but on how we manage all the interrelated services that our citizens expect from schools, water, and sewer to law enforcement, tire, and EMS ser­ vices. Again may I say that our commissioners are worthy ol your support for being prudent, but Icl ihem know how you leel about the future so our kids won'l get short-changed. Dr. Jerry Л. Miiiiscr Advancc DAVir: COUNTY ENTERPRISK RECORD, Aug. 15, 2002 - 3 ». /1 ' / I V / I ^ ^ I ' ^ I * Z?'- I ' I W ? r /Y w Y w Jw X C AUCUST ^ B A R G A IN S o f the M O N T H J h u & l / a ß m . Help Is Just Around The Corner. 4'- % % % Caudell Lumber and Building Supplies 162 Sheek street« 751-2167 ‘V O p e n D a ily W e e k d a y s 7 :3 0 ■ 5 :0 0 'A S a t .7 : 3 0 - 12 n o o n V w X w VI / NI < V w >, 1 > u N, w X w > w ✓ > w x i/ o / xj HEIP KEEP OUR HIGHWAYS SAFE! GO DEER HUNTING ^ IT'S COMINC SOON AND IT'S CONNA BE BI6! FkllOllT SHELTER. GUN SHOP 11895 COOL SPRINGS RD V^OODLEAF 3.4 Milos from Hwy. 001 Bolwoen StatGsvillo & Salisbury 704-278-9159 Opon Tugs. 10am-6pm • Wod,*Fri. 10om-7pm • Sat. 10pm-3pm e a i Rowan Regional M edical C entkr *Í7 j l V l August Classes & Events Community Programs Diabetes ScTBening — $15 fee A n individual consultation w ilh a ccniiicd diabeles educator. Participants gel a fingerstick blood ylucosc le « and are assc-ssed on their risks for developing dialx'lcs. T liis screening is b y appointment only. Screenings arc held at; Education & Wellness Outpatient Sciviccs IJuildinH, 7 2 1 G ro ve St., Salisbuiy Call (704) 636-1437 for an appointmenl or for more information. Support Groups Educational Programs Comfireliensive Diabetes Classes Small group classcs and individual inslRiclion arc oflcred un a weekly basis lo help master the skills and concepts for the control ol diabetes. ’Iliesc classcs have a Ice, w hich is covered b y most insurance plans. All classes are held at the Salisbury C ity Park Rccrcation C cnicr, 16 Like IJrive in Salisbuiy. Diabetes- classes will l>o oifcrcti on (he following dates, and you must attend all three sessions: Autiiist 27, S e p t e m b e r 1 0 * 9 - II a.m. Call (704) 638-1437 lor more information. (¡esIalhMid Diabeles Classes A certified diabetes educator provides a special program for expectant mothers w ith gestational dialxles. T lie program includes b.isic facts, meal planninji and hom e blood hIucosc m onitorinn. Tlics c classcs have a Ice, w hich is covereil by mosl insurance plans. Civstatioiial dialietes classes will be offered on the following dales; attend the dale of your choicc. Autiust 22, 29 • y - 11 a.m., Rowan Regional Education Sc Wellness O ulpalienl Seiviccs Huildiny, 721 G rove St., Salisbury Call (704) 638-1437 for more information. Look Good, Feel Better A n American Canccr Society prof^r am that teaches cancer patients tcchnic|ues to address the cosmetic side effects of ttcaimenl. Call (704) 278-0992 for an appointnrent or for more informalion. ADHD Support Gioup f’l'ovides support and education lor par­ enls of children w ilh Atlention Deficil H yp era cliviiy Disorder. August 27 • 6;30 p.m ., Salisbury Pediatric Associates, 129 W oodson St., Salisbuiy AWAKE (Alcri, Well .And Keepio;,' l:iKi>:ciit:t Provides a social and cilucaiional loium for anyone sulfcrini> from a slccpiiif; ilisordcr C!all ihc Sleep M edicine C'cn tcro l Salisbuiy at (704) 637-1533 lor meeting; infomiation. Caidiac Support Group Provides support and education ior caidiac patienls, people w ho arc at lii),'li risk lor lieari tliscasc anil ilicir families. Th is group meels the ihird Tuesday ol the niiinlli during’ l ehniniy, liine and O ctober, 7 p,m,, C^irdiac Rebabililation f. Wellness ( .enter, 2nd lloor, Kiser Meilical O llic e liuildiiig, kow an Regional Medical C'cnlcr. Colon Cancer Support Group ( )llei's supporl anil eikicaiion lor colon canccr siillcrei'i and suivivois. August 20 • 7 p.m,, I -ibrai-y al St, John's Lutheran ('h iirc li, 2tl(l W . Innes Si., Salisbuiy Women’s Healtt All classes meel in the W om en's H eallh Cenler, 3rd floor, R ow an Regional M edical Center. Ca ll ( 7 0 4 ) 2 1 0 -5 5 4 4 to register or for m ore inform alion. Lamaze Prepared CNhMrth and Baby Basics l-carn w'liat to expect cluring labor, birlli and postpartiiiii periods, coping skills,- relaxation and bi-eathing techniques,- and preparing for chlldbirili, 'lauglit b y our Lnniaze-cei tificd childbirth cducatoi'S. ( lasses meet once a week lor six weeks, aiul a class lee is charged. Lnmanc classcs «'ill be oliered on the following clatcs- .August 211 - Septcnilx:r 2-1 • (> - H:30 p.m. Mobile Medical Unit Moonlight Mammography U o yo u fiiicl it diflictiil to sclicciiilc a m a m m n g rn p iiy exam d uring rcHulnr husincss hoiiiN? N o w you can get y o u r annual iiin n in io ” ia p h y exam as lale ns 7 p.m . M o n d a y - T liu rs d a y at Row’nn Regional M e d ica l C e n te r Call (704) 210-5238 toijay for an appointment. Rowan Regionals m obile medical unit will be at the follou ing locations in August: Cholesterol and Glucose Screenlnss $S each, Augusl 2.S • 9 a,ni. - noon, l.owe's H o m e Im provem ent Warehouse, 2117 l-aith Rd., Salisbuiy Mammograms August 16. South Rowan M edical M all, 308 1:. C rn te ivic w St., C hina G ro ve C all (7 0 4 ) 8 5 5 -2 -K K ) U) schedule an a|>poinuiieiii. Nurse - On > Duty To r routine, n o n -cn ie rye n cy m edical problem s o r lo r answei-s to y o u r m cdical f|iiestions, call N u i-s e -O n -ID u ly 24 hours a ciny, seven clays a w eek. It's free. 1-800-335-4921 Blood Pressure Clinic l:ve ry W ed n esda y from 9 n.m . - n oon , a Iree b lo o d pressure clinic is held in the m a in lo b b y of R o w an R egionnl M e d ica l Center. V o lun tee r nurses con du ct the clinic. It c c p arking is pixivided in the m edical center's pnrkitiH gnraye on H eiide i'son Street. R o w a n R e g io n a l M e tjic a l C e n te r o ffers a v a rie ty of h e a lth a n d w e lln e s s e td u c a lio n c la s s e s . F o r m o r e in fo rm a tio n o r to re g is te r for a n y c la s s e s o r s u p p o rt g ro u p s , c a ll ( 7 0 4 ) 2 1 0 - 5 0 0 0 612 M o cksville A venue, Salisbury, N orlh C aro lin a 28144 w w w .ro w an .o rg 4 - DAVIK С 0 1 М Л ’ K M 1;RI>RISK RKCORI). Лиц. 15. 2002 D r o u g h t H u r t i n g D a v i e F a r m e r s , C o n s u m e r s Continued I'roni I’liKe 1 even Iryiiii; ID li:irvcsl u h:i| iltoy liavc. wliilc iilhcrs arc ciiltini: il aiut iisini; tlic sl;ilks u> iii;ikc si­ lage. A iuillicr local criip. soy­ beans. lias done I'cllcr lhan oth­ ers. heeause thc one lo l\\o iiK'licsorraiii in July lielpciI. TIi- oinpsoii saiil. "H ut we neeil m ore. Soybeans are on thc btil'bic now as to w hether ii make enough to be proritable." Many people probably be­ lieve il lamicrs have insurance, they w on'l have to uorrv too niueli aboul crops, but thal no­ lion isn't correct, saiil I'honip- son. ■'A high percenlagc ol larm- crs tiave fcileral crop insurance, bul it's not ilcsigncil ami ilocsn't help tlicin as (aras any prolil po­ lenlial or living income, ll '.'.ill provide hopefully enough lhal they can pay lor lhat I'crtili/er and seed and not be in any inore debt Ihis fall, bul they'd be hel­ ler off willi a good crop. "Agriculture is such a coii- necled induslry. Ivcause fanners spend aboul ?.“> |ierccnl of Ihc money they make from what ihey grow lo pay for llieir sup­ plies and goods, from diesel fuel lo gas. lo seed, ferlili/cr. pesti­ cides and ci|uipnicnl. .So. ?.“> per­ cent of whal Ihcy grow goes to pay for w hal il took lo make llic crop, and .;ill of those Ihings lliey’re buying provide jobs for olher people." 'I'hompson said, although Ihe ilroiighi is llie main topic of cnn- versalion these days. Ihc farm­ ers were already talking abnul il. and worrying aboul il. back in I'ebruary. "lUil they're probably sonic of Ihc niosi optiniislic people in llic world." Thonipson said, "be­ cause when the calendar said il was lime lo plant. Ihey did. even knowing there was no reserve." I lenry Walker, who has sev­ eral farms and about .‘iOO head of beef cattle, said he's been in several ilroiiglits before anil was a little more prepared than some, but is slill worried about Ihe fu­ lure. "I've been through so many vlrouglils. I can handle it some better than mosi people, but this is my 4,Vd year of being in the business, and Ihis is by far Ihe '.vorsi." he said. Walker farms willi liis father, u ho is S(i. He has a herd on Hear Creek, uhicli he said has been dry now for more lhan eight « ceks. ,\t leasl 1« ice a week, he gels water from the well at liis house off Crodbey Road and takes it IO Ihe cows. Ihrce lo four miles cach way. He uses a large tank for storage. lie said he's slill got some pasture and has been feeding straw, unlike some olher fann­ ers. who arc already feeding hay. Walker has some bottom land with corn ami grass planted. vUiich he said arc doing betler than whal he has planted in olher areas, but slill nol what he's had in the past. He keeps labs on the rainfall, because he has a wasie pond, and since Jan. I, he has had I (i inches of rain, l or Ihe entire year of 20(11. he said, he had 2.S..1 inches, which is aboul 21) inches below normal. bu( s(ill be([er (hail 2(100, when he measured only I.S inches of rain for Ihe uholc _\car. Still, he savs, he has il better lhan niosl, including several friends who live in Colorado, an area especially hard hil. Another imluslry that is suf­ fering is the produce business. Kalie Cagle, of Four Seasons Produce, on U.S. Wll Soulh, said Ihey are paying double on many •^lenis over wliat lliey paid last year, and those price increases arc being passed on to llie con­ sumer. "Last year, we paid for a 5(>poinid bag of potatoes. This year. Ihc price w c'rc paying is SM..“!!), and wc charging $ I-t.9.S for them. Cabbage, lasl year, was S.‘i.2.‘' for .SO pounds. This year, il's SI 1.50." she said. Cagle said much of what ihey sell is produce from local famis and gardens, and in Ihe pasi. thal has accounled for aboul 50 per­ cent of w hat tlicy sold. Tliis year, only 10 percent of what Ihey sold came from local growers. If llie increase in prices from locals wasn'l bad enough. Cagle said many stales not alTccled by the droughl have also increased llieir prices. "We aclually sell a product lhal people can do without." she said. "I’eople can buy canned vegelablcs in Ihe grocery slorc cheaper than ihey can buy fresh. This probably hits ihe elderly and fixed incom e people Ihe hardest, but it's hit us hard too. "W e've been in business four years Ihis July, and lliis is (he worsl w e've seen, (lie highest prices w e've ever paid. I just don'l Ihink people expected thc drought to last this long." William "Ulue" White, knew il uas coming, hut (hat knowl­ edge hasn'i made il any easier. White and his brother. David. fann 120acresoflheirow n land and more they renl and have 75 head of dairy cows off I-amiing- ton Road. Much of tlieir land is pasture, where lliey grow corn, grain and grass lo feed their herd. While said they're already using hay now they pul up for use in Ihe winter. "Wc pul up i|uile a bit. more than we usually do. bul il's gonna lo be close. W e're think­ ing pretty serious aboul gelling oul." he said. The price of milk has gone from about S I6 per 100 pounds a year ago to S12. atul While said he believes il will soon go lower. 1 le said he's having trouble just making a living. Unlike some olher farmers. W hite doesn't have any insur­ ance, because he said it seems lo nol be of mucti help. I-or smiieone who has always made his living farm ing and wliose fallier made a living the same way. W hite doesn't lake llie idea he might have to sell oul lighlly. It's sonielhing he and his brother have been lliinking over for the past few years, bul when asked whal he would do, he laughed and said. "I don't know. Wc haven't got that far yet." Another Davie resident. .Sl- year-old David Shuler, hasn't fanned in years, but is slill af- fecled bv the conditions. Shuler, who has land on No Creek Road, said this is llie first time the creek has lived up lo ils name. "My daddy owned Ihe land and deeded il lo go lo me afler my mama died, and I've hail il all niy life, and this is the firsl time I've ever seen il dry." he said. "There's nol even a damp spot. W e've always had waler in il before, even in drought times, unlil now. It was big enough I even caught fish in il. horncyheads. and there were turtles in il. I don'l know where Ihey go when il's like Ihis. I guess Ihcy crawl back lo the Dulclinian." Shuler said he rem em bers swimming in the deep holes of No Creek and al the moulli of the Dutchman where il Joins No Creek, "I would strip off naked as a jay bird and go lo the inoulli of the Dulcliiiian and це1 in when I was younger." he said. "The oilier day. 1 was down iherc and I lold a friend. 'You see lhal tree? There's been many a gallons of water run across il. and now it's dry enough you could burn it.'" W hile Sluiler has managed to keep a sense of humor about the drought, others haven't, said Ronnie Thompson. "W e've had several calls to­ day aboul creeks being dammed up. and thc law says il is legal to impede How for agricultural pur­ poses. bnt il is not legal to com ­ pletely reslrici thal flow." he said. "People ilownstream have animals to Waterloo, and I'm nol sure otliers realize Ibis, and people arc beginning lo have sonic tempers flare about it. "1 want locnciniragc jieople 10 think about downstream wa­ ter users, if lliey're forltinale enough to have a stream wiih waler in it. It's the neighborly Itiiili: lo do." tf m R e -E le c t M ic h a e l D . A lle n for C o u n ty C o m m is s io n e r Paid for by Michael D. Allen S c h o o l s C o n s i d e r i n g ‘ E x p r e s s ’ B u s R o u t e F o r E a s t e r n D a v ie Continued (•'roiu I’aKe I Ben W illiams. Davie High School assistant principal, will bo talking lo sludenis about the pilot program during the first weeks of school. "If Me can gel -10 students, we kninv it's a hil." Van Johnson, as­ sistant superinlendcnl said. "W e'll pilot il lor a few ueeks. 'i hen later, we can look and see if Ihere is a possibility of doing it somewhere else." "This does nol c.Uch us by surprise," chair M arly Carler said. "We knew ihese problems cxislcd two years ago when wc looked at it jin comniiltccj. Does a child gel to school prepared to learn'.’ If he's been up for three hours and is ready lo go back tu bed. he's nut prepared lo learn. 1 Ihink the shuitlc is a greal idea.” I’otls told Ihe board the prob­ lem is mainly found in Ihe east­ ern pan ofihe couniy. Il's not as much of a problem in southwest pari of couniy because ofihe lo- caliori of the school, he said. I’otls has worked wilh the church to make sure the program would not inlerfere wilh ihcir program s, such as preschool, liven on early release days, he said, there would be no reason for high school sludents lo be around al the same time pre- school children would be there. He told Ihe board Ihe church views the program as a part of Iheircommunily service, and are willinu lo work withlhe schools. i'lie one issue thal isn't dear is whetiier or not il will lower Ihe aniounl of bus traffic on Ihe roads. If two high school stu­ dents live on Ihe same road, bul only one lakes Ihe express route, Ihen a high school bus will slill have to slop on lhal road. Inform ation w ill be sent hom e to students who mighi beiiel'it ftom llie express service. If the program works, a new school bus w ill need lo be pur­ chased. Davic County pick-up times do not differ much from surrounding counlies. Rowan has ils firsl pick-ups at 5:45; 1-orsyih and Yadkin both begin at 6. C harlotte M ecklenburg schools begin pick-ups al 5:.10 and run more llian I.IKKI buses. A S H E R I F F T H E P E O P L E d a V i e c o u n t y A L L Vour V o te co u n ts Paid for by George M. "Mike" Smith, candidate. D is tric t C o u rt DAVIK COlIN'rV KNTKRFRISE RKCORI), Aug. 15, 2002 - 5 The rollowiiig ciiscs wore dis- pn.sccl оГ in Davie Dislrici Cuurt Aug. S. Jutlj-e I.ynn S. Gullett pre- -sidcd. I’roseciHing was Shawn Fraley, assistant dÍ4trict altornev. ' Dom iniio i-lores Arellano. D W l, 24 months in prison sus- pcmied two years. .'iO days in Jail, substance abuse assessment, surren­ der driver s license anti not operate vehicle until licensed. S5()() and cost; open container after сопмип- ing alcohol, reckless drivinj:-\van- ton disrei:ard, ihsmissed per plea. - Tearle Ы гсп/о Hailey, misde­ meanor larceny, sentenced to 45 diiys in jail will) credit Гог time served. - Margaret L. Heauchamp. false report to police station, sentenced Ю4.5 ntimites in Jail, orilered to pay court cost for victim. ' I.arry Kenneth Hrinkley. driv­ ing while license revoked, reduced to no liccnse. $50 and cost; tipen contaiiKT alter consuminj: alcotiol first, dismissed per plea. - Kantiall Hradley Hrown, s|x:ed- ing 92 in a 7Í'. reduced to 7У in a 70. SIO and cost. • Cathy D illard Cam pbell, simple assault, dismissed al request of prosecuting witness. - Gary Lamonte Cam pbell, simple assault, sentenced to 60 days in jail: probalion violalion. aclive senience svith credil for lime served. ■ Palmer Church. Jr., misde­ meanor possession marijuana, sen­ tenced lo 15 days in jail suspended 12 months, substance abuse assess­ meni. evidence ordered destroyed. S25 and cost. • Carlos Josue Cru/. no license, e.xpired inspection sticker, improper registration, dismissed per correc­ tion: driving lefl of center, reduced lo improper equipment, cost. - Joshua Franklin Darnell, no li­ cense. dismissed per correclion: failure to yield, reduced to improper eiiuipment. cost. - Amanda Louise Davis, failure to wear seat belt, dismissed; no li­ cense. dismissed per correction. • Larry .Stephen Davis, harass­ ing phone call, semeuced to 6 0 days in Jail suspended 24 moiuhs. or- «.lereti to i\ol consunK’ alcolii>l. not contact prosecuting witness. ,S5() and cosl. Appealed. - William Fair Jr.. failure to re­ turn renlal property, dismisseil - busitiess closeil. • Tinu'thy Wayne Farley. DW l. setHenced to 60 days in Jail sus­ pended two years, substance abuse assessment, surrender license and not operate vehicle until licensed. 24 lumrs con\muuity service, Sl.^0 attorney fee. !> 100and ci)st: expired inspeclion. driving while license revoked, dismisseil per plea. - Jenniler A. Ferrell, simple as­ sault. resisting officer, ilismissed at reipiesl of prosecuting witness. - [-ric Dean luirtune. failure to slop for slop sign/red light. -S25 and cost; operating vehicle with no in­ surance, e.xpired inspection sticker, improper regislralioi\. dismissed per correction. - Bonifacio M. Garcia, driving while license revoked, expired in- s|>edion sticker, possession of open container/consuming alcohol in passenger area, ilismissed per plea; D W l. seiUenced to 60 days in Jail suspended two >ears. follow recom­ mendations of suhstance abuse as­ sessment. surrender license ami not operate vehicle ui\lii licensed. 24 hours conununity service. SlOO. cosl. • Grant Miller Jordan, driving while license revoked, reduced to no license, prayer for Judgmenl con­ tinued on cost: no liability insur­ ance, dismissed per correction: reg­ istration plate improperly attached, possession of drug paraphernalia, dismissed per plea: nnsdenieanor possession marijuana, prayer for Judgment contimied on cost for 12 monlhs. subsUmce abuse assess­ ment. $25. review in 12 monlhs. - Clyde Lewis .Ir.. injury to real property, injury to personal proji- erly, dismissed at reijuest of pros­ ecuting witness. - I’inilo DeJesus Loe/a. speed­ ing 70 in a open coiuainer after consuming alcohol, driving after constnning alcohol under 21, dis­ missed jier plea: D W l. sentenced to 60 days in jail suspended iw o years, substance abuse assessujent. stirien- der driver's license and nol operate motor vehicle unlil properly li­ censed. 24 hours community ser­ vice. SlOO and cost. - Tim othy Lee Loflin. misde­ meanor possession schedule VI conlrolled substance, prayer for judgment continued on cost for 12 months, substance abuse assess- menl, S25. contraband ordered de­ stroyed. review in 12 ntonlhs. - Donald Kay LoUr. D W l. sen­ tenced to 12 months in prison sus­ pended IWO years, 7 days aclive jail lime with credit for time served, substance abuse assessment, surren­ der license and iu>t operate vehicle until licensed. S260 attorney fee. S400 and cost; possession of open container/consinning alcohol in passenger area, driving while li­ cense rcMiked. dismissed per plea. - .Л. Uvook Lv>ng, worlhless check, sentenced to 45 days in jail suspended 12 numths. S45 restitu- lion to Foster Drug ('o.. not com­ mit similar offense, cost. - Gilbert Mautista Lope/, driv­ ing while license levoked. no reg­ istration. ilismissed per correction. - Jesse Leon Lynch, resisting public officer, no license, dismissed for failure of prosecuting witness to appear. - Kichard M illm on. reckless driving loemlanger. reduced lo im­ proper eijuipment. S25 and cosl; no inspeclion slicker. S25 ami cost. - Debbie Yvonne Monaco, ha­ rassing phone call, dismissed at re­ quest of prosecuting witness. - Joshua Fugene Nichols, nns- dcnieanor probation violation, ac­ tive sentence with credit for lime served. - John N. Nickels, assault on a Veniale, dismissed due insuJfi- ciem evidence. - Jayant Hliai Palel, driving left of cenier. reduced to improper eiiuipment. cost. - Fx/avia Antonio Keese, speed­ ing 6.1 in a 45. reduced to improper equipment, cost: reckless driving to er.danger. dismissed per plea. - Douglas K. Reifsnider. failure to wear seat bell, disnussed per plea; D W l. senlenccd to 60 days in jail suspended 2 years, substance abuse assessment, surrender license and nol operate vehicle until licensed. 24 hours conununily service, SlOO and cost. - Damon Reinhardt, speeding 94 in a 70, reduced to 7‘) in a 70. SIO and cost. - Mickey Wayne Rosen^an. iu)- proper passing, reduced to unsafe movemem. S25 ami cost. - (iiegory Hunter Ross, speed­ ing SS in a 70. prayer forjudgment conlinued on cost; expired inspec- lion, dismissed per correclion. - Austin Gale Russell, speeding 6.^ in a 45. dismissed per plea; reck­ less driving to endanger, sentenced to .iO days in jail suspended 24 months, 24 hours communily ser­ vice. letter of apology to arresting olficer. S25 and cv>si; failure to wear seat belt. S25. - Cieoflrey C'harles Sage, driv­ ing after consuming under 21. sen­ lenced to 45 days in Jail suspended 24 nu>nihs. follow recommenda­ lions of sid'stance abuse assess­ ment. surrender license aiul not op­ erate vehicle until licensed, submit to warrantless searches for contra­ band/controlled substances, not use or possess illegal conlrolled sub­ stances. not associate with any known \isers. possessors or sellers ol illegal conlrolled subsiances. not be where illegal conlrolled sub­ stances ;ne sold, kept or used, sub­ mit to brealh/urinalysis tests for use ol Illegal controlled substances, 24 hours community service, S 100 and cost, transferred lo Forsyth Couniy; mistlemeanor possession marijuana, failure lo slop for red lighl, dis­ missed per plea; possession of drug pavaphernalia, sentenceil to 45 days in jail suspended 24 nuuiths. to run at expiration of above sentence. - Richard James Shellon. no li­ cense. operating vehicle with no insurance, driving/allowing vehicle 10 be driver lhat is not registered/ titled, senlenced to 45 days in jail suspended 12 monlhs. ordered not lo drive wilhoul ittsurance. SlOO and cost. - l-rances Cleary Shields, driv­ ing left of cenier, leduced to im ­ proper equipmenl. cost. • I’aul Steadman, speeding S5 in a 70. reduced to improper equip­ ment. S50 and cost. • Timothy Scott Stroud. 2 counts s|)eeding SO in a 70. dismissed per plea: 2 counts driving while license revoked, .sentenced lo 45 days in jail suspended 24 months, not openile veliicle unlil licensed, S300 and cost: 2 counts resisting public of­ ficer. 2 counls giving ficlilious in­ formation to officer, driving while license revoked, failure lo stop for stop sign/red light, dismissed per plea. - Gerardo Ventura, speeding 90 In a 70. reduced lo 79-70. S I0. cost. - Deborah Carol Wugncr. driv­ ing while license revoked, prayer forjudgment conlinued on cosl, - Larry Fugene While, driving w hile license revoked, senlenced lo 120 days in prison suspended 24 monlhs, nol operate vehicle until licensed, if violates this or other probation, this sentence will be at expiration of earlier senience; re­ sisting public officer, dismissed per plea. Fjilled lb Appear - Robert Justin Allen, possession of drug paraphernalia. - Pvmciano A. Arellano, aid anil abet impaired driving. - Donald Flvln Hocook, expired reglsiratliui card/lag, expired in- spectli'n slicker. - Ulises Jimene/. Carreno. D W l. - Christopher IL Carter, simple worthless check. - Billy R. Ilelmanilollar,driving while license revoked, improper registraiion. operating vehicle with no insurance, improper loading/ covering vehicle, failure to apply for new tille. - Jennifer M. Lansberg. s(>eedlng S5in a 70. - Hrandon Sandy, driving after consuming alcohol under 21. oper­ ating vehicle with no Insurance, hit/ run failure to stop for properly dam­ age. expired Inspection, exceeding sale sj)eed. O f f i c e r F a i l s T o P r o d u c e E v i d e n c e ; D r u g C l i a r g e s D i s m i s s e d ily ilclh Cn.ssldy Davie Couniy IHnterpriso Kecord The charges againsi an Ad­ vancc woman were dropped lasl week afler a Cooleemee police officer failed lo produce evi­ dence from her arrest. y Deirdre Pennington Brown­ ing. of M7 Granada Drive, was charged wilh possession of marijuana up lo one-half ounce anil possession of drug parapher­ nalia following a traffic stop in May. According lo leslimony heard by Judge Lynn S. G ullett, in Davie D istrict C ourl Aug, S, Browning was driving a late nioilel luird pickup truck in C ooleem ee, near Edgew ood C ircle, May .1. O fficer B illy Phillips of the Cooleemee Police Departnient said he was assist­ ing ill a Iraffic stop near lhal area when Browning caught his at­ tention. by spinning tires as she went through a slop sign. Phillips said Browning went Ihrough the intersection wlicre he was aboul "one to two min- ulcs laler," al which tim e he stopped her. B row ning testified she stopped al Ihe slop sign, and was having trouble with the iruck, because it was a .straight drive, and that is why she may have spun her tires. Afler lhal. she said, she "wcnl to a friend's house ill liowan. and it was 15 to 30 minutes laler," not one lo I.WO m inutes later, when she went through the intersection and was stopped by Phillips, near Edgewood Baptist Church. i'hillips said. "Afler I stopped her. I asked her for consent to search her vehicle for weapons, m arijuana, cocaine or heroin. That's something I do at every traffic slop." lie said Browning gave her consenl. "A fler I began to search her vehicle. I had her step oul ofihe car and 1 searched her. her ve­ hicle and her pocketbook," he said. Later. Phillips said he "look it hack. The fem ale o fficer searched her and her car. and 1 also searched her car." W hile stepping oul of Ihe Iruck. Browning look her pock­ etbook wilh her, w hich had been on the front seal beside her. Browning leslined lhal once out of the truck. Phillips had her put her hands up againsi the Iruck. while he patted her down. She gave her consent, she said, to have her vehicle searched but not her body or pocketbook. B row ning's attorney, Ed Vogler Jr.. asked Phillips whal his inlem was and if he asks ev­ eryone if he can search Iheirve- hicle. "W ere you planning on ar­ resting her'.’" Vogler asked. "No. sir. I had no reason to arresi heral that poinl." Phillips replied. "Were you planning on issu­ ing a citalion for spinning lire.s'.’" Vogler asked. Phillips replied. "1 w asn'l sure at that poinl." Citing olher cases. Vogler said. "Your honor, he says he asked to search her vehicle. Our founh anieiulment to the U.S. Constitution stales that an of- llcer, in onler to have any ratio­ nale for a search in a simple Iraf- Пс stop for a citation, must ei­ ther iieeil to disarm the suspect or need to preserve evidence. Unless he had some reason, il is illegal and in violation of the founh aiiicndmenl lo conduct a full search o fa car." Assistant D istrict A llorney Shawn Fraley said. "The spin­ ning ofihe tires was a reason to slop her al that point, and once he has her stoppeil. he can :isk her lo do jum ping jacks on the side of Ihe road, and she can't complain. At Ihis poinl. il es­ capes me what the issue is. "She gave consent lo the search. She could have declined and she did nol." he said. " The U.S. Supreme Coun stales thal once consenl is given, any con­ tain er therein m ay also be searched. In this case, the con­ tainer was her purse." Vogler replied. "A ny con­ tainer in Ihe car can be searched. However, once the container is taken out and the search is slarled. the officer has lo have reasonable suspicion or consent lo search Ihe container lhal was taken out of the vehicle," In thal container, Ihe purse, Phillips said he found half of a sm oked m arijuana cigarelte. some rolling papers and Ihree Judge Gullcll he wanted lo be andCiullelt dismissed thc case. crack cocaine pipes. Browning said Ihey weren't hers. Vogler askeil to see the evi­ dence. i’hillips slated it was "in property control." Vogler told able lo sec the evidence, and Phillips said he would call liddic Drum. Cooleemee police chief. Nearly two hours laler. no one w as able lo present the evidence. Vogler said, " They usually bring Ihe evidence to courl. I d o n 't know w hether they couldn't find it or if il really wasn't there." Special oS the Week M&M Mars Candy & Reese’s Cups Limit 8 While Siipplii-.s La.st When Vour Healthcare Um brella Seems To Have Sprung A Leak... We Are Here To Help. Bill Foster Suzanne Barnhardt Mark White Jane Rivenbaric Beth istroud lo r iiil'orm atioii on (li-(i>;s & ÍK'allli p n iiili'm s, ti> \y\<, M .ro.sft'rdruK co.c'diii Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 \v\v\v.ri)stcrdrugco.com * 5 2 S 0 O P P A U t I U A I I C A B R A M S O P * 1 2 S 0 O F F P l u s S . 9 % P O P 6 0 m o n t l l S 2 0 0 2 R A M Q U A D C A B 1 5 0 0 S T «23,215 -5,250 4 7 ,9 6 5_ „ 4-Dr, 4.7 Magnum V-8. 5-Spood, HOI OP Manual Tronsmlsslon. Air Conditlonino.vZBSV/aM fi in AM/FM ca«s.. 5000 lb. Trailer Tow Pkg..(OdOWnj 40/20/40 Spill Soat. 7265Я0т7 Tlfoa. at 3.9% for 60 moi.___________styiod stooiwhoon. 2 0 0 2 D O D G E G R A N D C A R A V A N 0 . 0 % F O R 6 0 M O N T H S й т м м а е “ в *"**2 4 ,9 8 8 »416/me.' *WFH CD. OVO M Оси So.«l 4 Pü,.í РЧ 2 Wnk»l H.Mphow Po.« Wrto.l L« Do« Ut». ксшм,].т.‘еа roete, о aw pt« i». m Ч««. 2002 RAM QUAD CAB 1500 4x4 SLT Sote M ee *29,3S 5 -5,250 *23,988 •ап/.OP /то . (Оdown) at Э.9% for 60 mos« 4 Dr, 4.7. Aulomatic. Powot Windows. Powor Door Lochs. Till. Cruiw. AM/FM cass.. 5000 lb Trailer Tow Phg-. Cast Aluminum Whoola, 40/20/40 Split Scat. Hoolod Powor Mirrors. 2 0 0 2 J E E P L I B E R T Y 4 X 4 3 . 9 % F O R 6 0 M O N T H S 2 0 0 2 R A M 1 5 0 0 R E G U L A R C A B ^ 1 3 , 9 8 8 VO, S-opood. HD ManunI Transmission, Air Conditionino, AM/FM CqssoUo, 5000 LB Trailer Tow Pkg., 40/20/40 Split Soat. 7265^0Rt 7 Tiros, Slylod Stoot Whools. 2 0 0 2 C H R Y S L E R C O N C O R D E L X 0 . 0 % F O R 6 0 M O N T H S *1 7,9 88 *S29/m ..- ODOWN V6. 5 Spopd. A/C. AM/FM Caasotto. •60 Months, 0 Down. Plus tax, tag & (ooa. *2 2 ,5 8 8 c u td *376/m«.> ODOWN or S20.5Q8 W/S2000 ПоЬаЮ. 2.7 V6. Powor Windows. Power Door Locks, TilU Cruise, Powor Seat, Koyloss En(fy, AM/FM/CD Ptayor. Ail prices plus tax. tag & tees. Prices rellect rebate. 75I-594S 1-888469-3I81 157 Depot Street, Mocksville, NC IN BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN MOCKSVILLE « 7УЕАЯ . i:* 6 - DAVIE COUNTY KNTKRPRISK RECORD. Aur. 15. 2()()2 P u b l i c R e c o r d s A r r e s ts The Davic Counly Sheriffs De­ partment made Ihc follovvinj; arrests. - Tcarlc Lorenzo Hailey. 31. of Winston-Salem was arresicJ Any. 2 for no operaior's licensc ami niisilc- meanor larccny. Trial dates: Aui:. 12 Forsyih County. Aug. 23 Wilkes Countv. - Ramaro Thcixlore Scoll. 21. was arrested Auj:. 2 for aiiemptcd arson, assault on a female, and com­ municating threats. Trial date; Auj!. 15. - Mark Anihony Villitias. 2'J. ol 127 Marklaml Avenue, Mocksville was arrested Aug. 3 for failure to rcjjister for sex offender and posses­ sion of schedule il controlled sub­ stance. Trial ilate: nt't listed. -C u rtis Kusscll Ijames, 32. of UKi Campbell Uoad. Mixksvillc was arresled Aug. 3 for child support. Trial dale: Aug. 20. - Wendell Kay Hcnnelt. 35. o\' -420 Gun Club Koad. Advance was arresteil .Aug. 5 lor assault ou a fe­ male. Trial date: Aug. 15. -Kenton l-ric Cirooms. 24. of Winston-Salem was arresietl Aug. 5 for possession of ficlilious counier- feit drivers license, careless and reckless diiving, anti driving with license revoked. Trial dale: Sept. 0. - Michael Hrandon Smilh, 2S, of RtKkvvell was arresled Aug. 5 for driving wilh license revoked. Trial date: Aug. 22. - Donald Kay Tullerow. -4S. of 260 Chcrr\' Mill Koad. MocVsville was arresled Aug. 5 for failure lo appear. Trial dale: Sepl. 26. - Shawn Monte ShetT. 35. of W ) U.S. M Wesl. Mocksville was arrested Aug. 5 for driving with license revoked, possessionof ficli- tio\»s license, ami possession of drug paraphernalia. Trial ilate: Aug. 20 Iredell County. -Jesus Menile/ Accncio, 19, of 23*1 Mountview Drive. Mocksville was arresled Aug. 5 for injurv' to personal pro{H*rty. ’Trial date: Sept. 5. -G ilbe rto Bautista l.ope/, 2‘>. of lUunplonville was arresled Aug. 7 for driving with license revoked and registration plale improperly allached. Trial date: Sept. 5. - Koyal Junior Morrison. -17. of 113 Windward Circle. Mocksville as arresled .Aug. S for D W I, driv­ ing with licenve revoked, and ex- piretl registralion. Trial dale: Sept. 12. - Michael Lynn Clark. 25. »»f Statesville was arresled Aug. S for D W I and no operator’s liccnse. Trial date: Sept. l‘>. - Kevin Lynell Briuly, 21, of I’fafl’lown was arresled .Aug. for aiding and abetting. Trial dale: Aug. If). - ,Ale\ Steven McGrath, 20. of Clemmons was arrested Aug. 9 for possession of beer under 21. Trial liale: Aug. 16. - Kenneth James Moore. 23, of Tennessee was arrested .Aug. 9 tor fugitive charge. Trial date: Aug. 15. - Hcnjatnin Scott Ulevins. 27, of King was arresled .Aug. 9 for utter­ ing and forgery. Trial date: Aug. 22. -S haw n David Addair, 23. of Statesville was arrested Aug. 10 for DW I and driving with license re­ voked. Trial date: Sepl. 6. - Willie Tim othy Malloy. 30. of Browns Summit was arrested Aug. 10 for driving with license revoked, expired registration, and expired inspection. Trial date: Sept. C>. - Darold Clinton Scotl, 36. of Reidsville was arresled Aug. ]0 for failure lo carry licensc and no mo­ torcycle license. Trial dale: Sepl. 6. - Miroslavv Nowak. 43. of W in­ slon-Salem was arresled Aug. 11 for D W I. Trial dale: Sepl. 6. - Lena Lynette Gibson. 32, of 192 Laird Koad, Advance was ar­ rested Aug. 11 forassauh by point­ ing a gun. Trial date: .Sept. 5. - Larry Stephen Davis Sr., 50. of 70 Whilney Koad, Mocksville was arrested Aug. 11 for domestic criminal trespassing. Trial dale: Aug. 29. M o c k s v ille P o lic e The following incidenis were reported lo the MtKksville Police Dcpanmeni. - A woman reported Aug. 5 she w as tlirealened by au aciiuainiance at 7fK) Hardison Sl. • .A woman reported Aug. 6 she was Ihreatened al a restaurant on Soulh Salisburv Streei. - A trespasser was reported al a residence on Mountview Drive on Aug. 6. • The larceny of a blood test kit was rcp<iried stolen Aug. 7 from a shopping cart at 796 Valley Koad. -A shopping buggy rolleil into a vehicle in a parking lot al 13SS Sal­ isbury Road, il was reported Aug. 6. - The larceny of credil cards from six people at Mocksville 1:1- cmenlarv School was leportedAug. 7. - The Inirglary i>f two-way railios fr(4n South Davie MIdille School was reportetl Aug. 7. - The larceny of cretllt cards from six people at .\1t)cksv||le 1:1- ementarv School was reported on Aug. S. - The larccny of a caiion of ciga* relies frtun hasi i'rack. Yadkinviiie Ro.ul. was rept)rtei! .Aug. 7. • A man was cul in the he.ul t'li Camphell Kttail. it w.js reported Aug. 9. - .A woman reporletl she was as- sauhetl by her .nun al a 106.^ Y.uik- Inville Ko.ul t>n .Aug. 9. - The larceny of $5 worth of gasoline was rept'rtetl IrtMtv llv\rn*s {•Apress tm Aug. II. - A vehicle liii a rai) fence on llillcrcsi Drive, il was rept>rletl Aug. 11. - .A teen reporletl he wav as- saullctl at 1 l(t9V;ulkiiivillcRoadon .Aug. 11. rrafflc Accidents - A M t'cksville woman was chargcti w ith lailure it) rctluce s[H*cil alter a wreck ou North Main Slreel al 7:33 a m. Aug. 7. Lintlen ’Terry Carlner. 16. of 211 (iraily Lane. I.ulei,! Ui stop ihe l9iMl Oldsnuvbile she w.is driving hefore it struck the rear o i a 2000 l't)rtl tiriven hv Nailine Johnson Blackwell. 3S. of 330 Parker Koad. reporteil Olficer J.D. rinney. - A M ocksville wonian was charged with failure lo sit>p at the scene of an accident after a wreck tui Sot ley Streei at 10:57 a.m. Aug. 7.Kt>seIba Kuavtt Julian. 36. of 200 1-dison St., was driving a 1990 Buick thal sliiick a parked 1991 ()Itlsint)bile, before leaving the scene. rept>rictl O fficer K .M . Kohhins. - Dennis Wayne Weir. 50, of Clenuntms. failed to slop the 1999 Ttutl pickup truck hew js driving t>n Norih Main Street at 4 p.m. Aug. S beftire il struck in the rear a 1992 Chevrt'lel driven hvKarl .Andrew Swart/., 16, of 170H. Lake Drive, rept»rletl Olficer Derrick L. Cline. • ’Three vehicles were in a wreck at 3:50 p.m. .Aug. S on North Main St.Lisa Weaver Jefferson, 3 1, of 340 Gwyn St., failed lostop ihe 1996 r-ord she was tiriving before it struck the rear td' a 1994 lUvnda driven by William Justin Morgan, 17. of 175 Hermuda Kun Drive. Ativancc. knocking il into the rear of a 2(H)2 Dotlge driven by Carol Register Wanl, 43, of Winslon-Sa­ lem. reporletl Officer H.M . Parker. - A MtK'ksville man was charged with a passing violalion afler a wreck al 4 :IS p.m. Aug. 9 orí Val­ ley Roatl. F.rik Alberto J imene/. Kuetia, 19, t^f 564 Cedar Grove Clwirch Koad, passed a slopped vehicle and the 19S2 Toyt)la he was driving hil a 1995 Jeep tiriven by Hrandi Leigh Taylor. 18, of 180 Watt St., Cool­ eemee. reported Officer L. Keilh Gunter. - A Mocksville woman trying to gain control of a vehicle was cited afler a wreck at Mocksville Market­ place. Belliula Page Tnlherl. 4 1, of 656 Gladsltme Kt)ad. was attempting to tirive the vehicle frt>m the passen­ ger sitle when the driver had a medi­ cal problem anti the 1994 Plymouth went across a curb and hil a brick column in front of Dollar General, reporletl Officer R.M . Robbins. L a n d T ra n s fe rs The following lanti transfers were nicti with Ihe Davie Register of Deetls. listed hy parlies invtdveti. acreage, township and dectl stan^ps purchased, with $2 representing S1,(HH). ♦ Walter’s ndge Properiies ut Mitch Lowrey Ctuisiruclion, I lol, Fannington. - Milch Lowrey Ctmstmciit>n to Stephen N. Show alter ami Cynthia S. Shownitcr. 1 lot. I'anninglon, SS75. - HcViV Constructitni to lilduvina Ramos Nunez. I lot. Mt'cksville, SI60. - 0\car B. Blackwell ami Linda Gail Blackwell lo CipriantiChitjuiu» Mentle/ anti Apolinar .Menile/, 3 tr.icts, Jerusalem. S60. • Jerry Lee Oehman (97^< inler- est) It) Theresa H. Htdl. 3 tracts. F ire s Davie Counly lire tleparlmenls responded lo the folltuving calls: г\|1к.5: W illiam R. Davie. 12:57 p.m., U.S. 601 North, auionwbile accident; Cenier assisieti. Лиц. (к Jer\»salem. 12:.V) p.m., fire alann. Лиц. 7: .Mocksville. 7:36 a.m.. Hospital Slreel. fire alarm; Cenier assisted; Center, 3:23 p.m.. U.S. 64 Wcsl. grass fire; Coumy Line as­ sisted; Center. 4:26 p.m.. Junction Koad. autom obile accidenl; Ctxdcemcc assisted; Jerusalem. 5:14 p.m.. W ill Boone Road, grass fire; Jerusalem, 10:34 p.m.. Hobson Drive, pedestrian struck. Л и к -Hi Mocksville. 11:36 a.m., FtxHl Lion, automobile accidenl; M ocksville. S:13 p.m.. Autumn Care, car fire, Auj». Jerusalem, 8:59 a.m.. Point Road, smoke investigallon; Mocksvillc. 12:29 p.m.. Dollar Gen­ eral, automobile accitleni; Smith Grove. 6:49 p.m., 1-40, aulomt)bile accident; Mocksville. 4:16 p.m.. Yadkinviiie Road.aultimobileaccl- tleni; William R. Davie assistetl; Mocksville. 10:04 a.m.. Aulumn Care, fire alann; Jerusalem assisted. Aug. II:Center. 11:55 a.m..U.S. 64 Wcsl. dr>er fire: Mocksville as­ sisted. Farmingltiii. -Jerry l.eei)chmaii(97'< inter­ est) lo James Delbert Bailey. Cynthia H. Henson and I hcies.i H. IIt)li. 1 iracl. T'arniingltin. - David James /miewsky anti Jennifer K, /micwsky lo Oltl Re­ public National Title Insurance Ct>., I It.i, Mocksville, S206. ■ Oltl Republic Nalional Title In­ surance Co.. lo Hrandi Kene Hen­ drix. 1 lot. Mocksville. ■>206. • Philip Ii. Searcy, substitute trustee to Secretary of Veterans A f­ fairs. I lot. Farmingit)!!, S2I5. - Kegina Lem el Graham , LeonanK'tMiller Jr.. ITtlci Raymond Kt'binsv>n U ., tr\»stccs o\ C'lemcnt Grove Church of Giul. Hi>tlv' of C’hrist lt> ( ‘hurcb ol Giul. Hoily of Christ. 6 Iracls. C'alahain, - Abayom i (). Otiunsi anti Slephanie L. Oilunsi to .Mary Susan Parker. 1 lot. Mocksville. $210. - timothy (Ì. Kilgt>re u> Jelliey I htunas Wootl anti Karen Rt)Ulh Wtitul, I lol, l-arinington. $460. - Westvicw Development C\>. to David S. Mallanl Conslruclion, 1 lol, T'armingion. S70. - Daviil S. Mallard C’oiislructit)n tt> James H. Davis and Anita C'ook Davis, I lot. i-arininglon, $70. - John L. Ennis ami Deborah L. Ennis to Eric ,N. Tht>mpson anti Alice S. Thompstm. I lol, Mt»cks- viIle.S247. • Ronald J. Slrt)U|>e and Penny K. Slroujve to Sterling Investments. 10.17 acres. Mocksville. - Sterling Investments it» Larry .McDaniel Huiltlers.2 building patls, MockHville, S2(H). - Mary W. McDaniel (97N in­ terest) lo John N. McDaniel Jr.. Kandy Dean McDaniel Sr. and An­ gela McDaniel Dishman, 3 tracts, MtK'ksville. - Dortilliy McHriile Ctimplon to Harvey Brannon, 2acres, Farming- ittn. S50. - Jack C. l-utly tt) Thomas R. Coble ir. and Jennifer J. Ct)hle, 2 lots. Jerusalem, $M S. • George D. Craven lo Vestal Cieorge Prim Jr. as trustee of Fam­ ily Trust Share. 15.04 ¡icres, Fann­ ington. S270. • Jim m y W illiam Davis anil Keneta Hetlrick Davis It) Sieven G. James ami Sharon T. James, 1.72 acies, Jerus;den\. $24K. - Randy Amiersiui ami Hrentia Anderson It) Paul C. Casleraml Lisa S. Casler, .SI acre. Jenisalem. $207. - Forrest C. Cranfill C'onslruc- llt)!! It) William .Michael Lt)vic aiul .Melisa Reece Lt)vic. 1 lot. Fanning­ ton, S570. • Tlie Cana Group it) I*rye Con- siruclit)!!, 1 lol, Clarksville. S4I. - Hilly R. Ratledge loCarlene K. Hutison anti Jimmy Lee Hutlson. .5 acre. Clarksville. S3. ■ Phillip n. Fuller Jr. and Darlene S. Fuller lo Philhert N. F.vans and Barbara K. Fvans, 7.44 acrcs. Mocksville, $13-1. ■ Phillip I:. Fuller Jr. ;uitl Darlene S, Tullei to Phill'crl N. I-v.ms aiuI Barbara K. Fvans. 7.44 acres. M ocksville. $13-1. - Jason Calhtiun to Brentla McKee. 1.03 acres. Mt.cksville. - Weslview Develt»pinent It) Thames Home Huiltlers. 2 lols. Tarmington, $140. • Dorman Brt»wn ami Nancie P. Brown It) Erie Brow n. 3 acies, Mocksville. • Dorman Brtiwn ami .Nancie P. Brown to Jane H. Whillock. 7 Ittls, Mocksville. - Donnan Brow n anti Nancie P. Brtivvn lo Jane H. Whillock. 9 lots. Mt)cksville. - Dt)rn\an Brown and Nancie P. lirt)wn to Eric Brown, 2 iracls. Mocksville. - Donnan Brown and Nancie P. Brow n to Eric Hrt)vvn, 2 lols, Mocksville. - James Edward Black to Christel W. Black, 2.94 acres. Ful­ lon. - Kt)lvn D. Carler and Pamela W. Carler lo Carolyn W. Duncan. .7 acre. Jerusalem. -Tim othy E. Bow les ami Tanya Cline Howies to Arv il Scoll Marion. I lot. $205. - Paul A. Hartman and .Vlarlene Markey to Angela K. Blakley. 1.14 acres. Fannington, $230. ■ SitS C’onstnictitin to Roiialtl K. Snyiler anti lliltla B. Snytler, I lol. Farmington, $270. - Mulvaney Homes to Tad A. Rosier. 1 lol. FanningttJii, $274. - Randall G rubb anti Ellen Ciruhh, Jimmie Caudle and Carolyn M. (\uulle. T. Kyle Swicegot)tl and I'li/abeth Swicegt)t>il and Larry Hay/lip and Dorothy Hay/lip It) Na/akat Khan anti Jtiyce Kahn, 2 tracts. Shady Grt)ve, $142. - Preston J. McRae and Ttmya A. McRae to Kenneth D. Osborne and Kathleen Osborne. 1 lt)i, Sliady Cirove. $294. - Paul E. McGraw lo Mauricio M. Palacios. 1 lot. SI75. - H & V Constructitm lo Daniel Hernamle/ and Itia Hernande/., I lot, Mocksville. $196. - Weswiew l)evelopnK’nltt)Hob Cope «.'c .Stui Construction, I lt>l, l-anniiigit)!!. $72. - Lynda S. ’Tullertiw ami David E. Tuitert)w lo Di)nalil R. Stiller and Joan NL Stiller. I Iracl. Jerusalem. $170. - Raymond J. Markland and Ruth Markkuul. Clytle Hendricks and Helen Hendricks to SanFilippo C’onsiruclion, 2 lols. Mocksville. $56. - Steven Ci. James and Shartm T. James H) Eric C. Smith ami Stephanie J. Sm ith. .93 acre, Mt.cksville. $4S. -The Cana Grt)up it) The Warti Group, 1 lt)l, $40. - Clauilc II. Ft)sier and Carlene H. Foster tt) Matthew II. Foster. 4 It)is. $2. - Forresi C. Cranfill Ct>nsiruc- lion to Forresi C\ Cranfill, 1 It)i, Fannington. - Jerry W. Bracken and Manha S. Hracken lt)Wildredo Albarran ami Yvonne Albarran, 9.94 acres. Shatly Grove. $335. - James V. Starr lo Darlene Y. Starr. I lt)l, Jerusalem, - James C. Howard and Pauline J. HtiwartI lo Angela Lee Hurlner and Michael Dale Jones. 4 tracts, Farminglon. S22S. - Tama M. O ’Mara to Norman Building and Remodeling, 42,34 acrcs, Sluidy Grt>ve. S500. • Jimmie Ciiudlc imd Carolyn Caudle to Lewis Rlchartl W'alker and Kuby Walker, I lot. Mocksville, $74. -Ronaltl J. Stn>upe ami Penny R.Slrou|>c lo’Timolhy S. Crump ami Vicki S. Crump, 4 lols. Mt)cksville, $-144. • C.J. Ramey, attorney in fact lor Oak Valley Associates Limhed Pan- nershlp, Ritlge Run Prt)penies and Oak Valley Properiies lo Essex Homes, 1 Ittl. Farminglon, $166. • Smilh Really of Lexington to Daniel G. Smilh. 4.52 acres, Fullon, $176. - Mulvaney Ht)mes it) D. Healli Beggelt antlTracy L. Baggett, 1 lot. Fannington, $2X6. - Mart}uis Building lo William Anllu>ny Nations aiul Sue A. Na­ tions, I lol. Shady Grove, $367. - Helen Williams and Benjamin W illiam s, H arvey Smt)oi and Hrenda Smot>t, Eleanor Fuller and John Fuller, Berline ’Thomas, Let) Snu)t)l, Frank SiiU)ol, Larry Smoot aiul Ct)rrlne Sm ool, M arjorie Smoot, Kennelli Smoot and Carol Ann Smoot and Pamela .Smool to Marjorie Smoot and Pantela SntotM, 2.5S acres. - Deborah Ann Evans to Deborah Ann Evans and Tamnty Rcavis, 1.1 acres, Fannington. • Robert T, Frost ami Tammy R. Frost to Cary G . Chappell and Heather R. Godbey 1 lol, Calahain, S180. -Robert C u rrie Sim on and Nancy Crol Simon to Ralph E. Minder and Christie P. Mimler, 73 acrcs. Mocksville, $990. -PidemontI Inveslinenls Divi- sit>n I to Howtlen Investments. .39 acre. Mt)cksville. SI65. - Terry G. Brewster anti Diana M. Brewster to Cendant Mt)bilily Financial Corp., I lot, Fannington. $L2S5. - Cendant Mobility Financial Corp. to Gerald J. Mignacca and Palricia B. Mignacca, I lot. Farm­ ington. $l.3K5. - Forresi C. Cranfill lo Rickey D. Parman. 1 lot, Farm ington. $1,350. - Jt)hn Paul Tutterow Jr. and Nancy 'Tuitert)w, Mary Ann 'Tul­ lerow Carter and Edward Carler. heirs v)f John Paul Tutterow Sr. lo Mary Ann Tullerow Carler (80% interest) and Edward Caner (20% interest), .65 acrc, Jerusalem. H ig h w a y P a tr d S h e r if f ’s D e p a r tm e n t The following incidents were reported to the Davic Sheriífs Dept. - On Aug. 5 Heather Ross of Tobacco Express, Advancc rcjHrned stolen chccks v^crc used for a pur­ chase. - Sandra Bryson reported a bank containing money was removed from a residence on Liberty Circle, Mocksvillc on Aug. 5. - On Aug. 5 Doris Walls reporletl jewelry and money was removetl from a home on Calvin Lane. Mocksvillc. -Jennifer Simmons reported a V CR , stereo system, and assoned CDs were removed from a home on Creason Roatl. Mt>cksvll!e t>n Aug. 5. - On Aug. 7 Thomas Faust of Ijames Crossroatls Baplisi Church, Mocksville reported a lclevisK>n. V C K , computer, scanncr. and com- puleret{uipmcnl were removed from the church. - James Slrtiud tjf Calvar>’4iap- lisl Church. MtKksville reponed a break in at iho church Aug. 7. -O n Aug. K Hetty OrrelUAmold reported a cordless drill, paint, and a bicycle were removed from a home on Jordon Lane. Mocksville. - Rosemary Eagle reponed a T.V .. VCR , Play Statit)ii, games, and a pair of shoes were reuu)ved from a home on Alamt>sa Drive, Atlvance on Aug. 9. - C3n Aug. 9 Waller Scardino reported a cell phone was removed fnim a ht)ine on Main Church Rt>ad. Mt)cksvillc. - Terry Bracken reporletl money was removetl from a parkctl vehicle at Fannington Dragway on Aug. 10. -O n Aug. 10 Betty Ratliff re­ poned an altempted breaking and enlering at a residence on Swiceg(K)tl Streei. Mocksville. The ft)llt)wing iraffic wrecks in Davie County were llsietl by the N.C. Highway Patrol. W reck Near Construction Site Nt) charges were filctl afler a wreck occurrcd in Davie C’t)unty .Aug. 5. Lconanl Larkin Dupree Jr. of 127 Irishman Placc. Atlvance was ilriving his 1991 F'ortI pick-up north on N.C. KOI in a ctmsiruclion ztMW wilh ct>nstruclion barrels lined along the middle of the roatl. Behind Dupree was a 2001 Ford vehicle driven hy Joe EdvvardJohnson Jr.of 2425 Fannlnglon Koad, Mt)cksville. Dupree slt)wetl his truck lo make a U- lun\ at the inlciseclion of Yatlkin Valley Rt)ad and Johnson failed lo slow his vehicle in lime striking Dupree’s truck In the driver’s sitle. Trooper M .T. Dalton rept)ncd Ihc accident occurred at approxi­ mately 5:25 p.m. and there were no injuries. W 'rick On U.S, 601 No charges were filctl after a Yadkin woman wreckedlhe vehicle she was driving Aug. 6, C ellia Eri/.a Periban of Yatlkinvllle wasdriving a 1995 Ford vehicle north on 601 when il nin off the rt)atl tt) the right aiul collided with a dilchbank. Trooper F.C. Ferguson reporletl the accident occurred at apprt)xi- inately 12:56 p.m. and ihere were no injuries. Car L<»sc*s 'I'lru On Roadway No charges were filed after a wreck occurred in Davie Aug. 8. John Paul Ebere of Stanley was driving a 1995 Ford j)ick-up north tm Farmington Road when the lefl rear wheel became tlelached and traveled inlo the stiulhbountl lane. The lire colliiled with a 1994 Ford vehicle driven by Shirley Kcaion Petree of Yadkinviiie. Trt)t)|Kr J.R. Allred reported the accitleni occurred al apprtiximaiely 6:50 a.m. and there were no injuries. Woman Charged In Wreck A Davie wcvman was charged with lailure to reduce speed afler the vehicle she was driving hit another Aug. 9. Barbara Bevis Millwot)d of 156 Long Leaf Pine Drive, Advancc was driving her 1999 Jeep vehicle north on Juney Beavichamp Koad behind a 1992 Chevrolel vehiclc driven by Clay Asbery James t)f292 Gun Club Rt)atl, Advance. As James slowed to make a right turn inlo a private drive­ way Millwood failed to slop in lime and her vehicle ct)llided wilh James'. Trooper J .K. Allred reporled ihe accidenl t)ccurred at approximalely 7:40 a.m. and there were no injuries. Wreck On Inlvrstiilc A North Carolina man was charged wilh D W l, recklcss driv­ ing. and no operator's license after the vehicle he was driving hit an­ other Aug. 9. Frank Xavier W alsh Jr. of Huntersville was driving his 1995 Fort! vehicle east on 1-40 in the lefl lane of travel. Diana Maria McNeill of Florida was driving her 1998 CJldsmobile easl on 1-40 in ihe right lane of travel. Walsh merged into the right lane of travel and struck M cNeill's vehicle. After impact Walsh'.s vehiclc started into a .sitle skid ovenuming and coming to rest against a guardrail. McNeill's ve­ hicle spun oul t)f conlrol and ran olì Ihe rt)ad backwards into the woods colliditig with'trees. Trooper NLT. Dalton reponed the accitleni occurred al appnixi- mately 6:45 p.m. and Walsh was taken to For.syth Ht)spiial for Ireal­ mcnl. Driver And l*asse»Kcr Chur^vd Charges were filed againsi both a driver and passenger after a wreck occurred in Davie Counly Aug. 10. Karen Lynn Shumate of 393 Cedar Creek Roatl, Mocksville was driving a 1990 Chevrolet vehicle south on Tuckcr Road. Sliuniate failed to stop al a .stop sign intersec- lion of Pudding Ridge Roatl. Shumate's vehicle skidded ihrough Ihc interseciion and ran off the road siraighl alteadcollidiug with a guide wire connected to a utility pole. Trt>oper M .T. Dalton reported die accidenl occurred al approximalely 11:15 p.m . and there were Coiitinui4l O n 7 Law Enforcement Task Force Sets Up Patrol For Motorcycle Races DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 15, 2002 - 7 By .liickic Seabolt Davic County CnlLTpri.se Rccord A miiUi-unil task forcc lliiu inclmlccl l:iw cnforccnicnl mem­ bers from six surroiintling cmin- lies, including Davic, was posted at the Fannington Dragway, N.C. 801 North, M ocksvillc titis past Saturday lo enforce traffic safety. Officers began operations at 2 p.m. Aug. 10 al locations on 801, Farm inglon Road. Cana Road, and inside Ihc dragway. According lo Davie Counly SherilT Allen Whilaker, ihc rea­ son for this year’s operation was hecausc of complaints from resi- denls in Ihc area aboul speeding, tralfic. careless and reckic.ss driv­ ing during last year's motorcycle evem. "From Ihe reports thal I've re­ ceived back from Ihe citizens it was much quieler. iralfic llowed nuich smoother, complaints were reduced to almost zero, and Ihc problems w c had were able to be handled on the spol," Whitaker said. The day’s patrol resulted in the following charges: one DW l. one seal bell violalion, five speeding, three driving wilh li­ censc revoked, two no operator’s license, and seven other IralTic violations. Throe arrests were made and Iwo molorcyclcs were impounded for violations. A uthorities had planned for an expected crow'd of б.ООО Sat­ urday, more than 4,000 showed up for the day’s event. "It was a successful opera­ tion." said Whitaker. Friday Deadline To Register To Vote In Primary, School Board Election Friday, Aug, 16 is Ihc dead­ line for registering lo be eligible to vole in Ihe Sept. 10 primaries and school hoard election. All forms must be filed in the elec­ tions office, or postmarked by Aug. 16. The election office will be­ gin accepting reiiuests for an Hi^hw^ay Patrol abscnicc ballot lo be mailed Fri­ day. Aug. If) by the vtHcr or on Ihcir behalf by a member oflheir immccliale family or verifiable legal guardian. Absentee voting by mail is available for persons who will be unable lo travel to the polling loeatious, or to the eleclion t)ffice lo vote. Any voter who desires to may vole **one slop'* in the elec­ tion office Thursday, Aug, 22- Saliirtlay, Sepl. 7. al I p.m. Questions may be directeti lo tiie election office al 751-2027 belween 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. week- davs. Continued From PaKC 6 no injuries. Four Deer Hit In Davie Counly Diana Blackwell French of 600 Ijames Church Rt)ad. Mtuksville was driving her 1997 Ptmliac ve­ hicle stjuih on Parker Road Aug. 6 when it collitled with a deer cross­ ing the roatl. Trooper F'.C. Ferguson reponcti ihc accitleni ticcurretl at approxi­ malely 6 :10 a.m. and the tiriver was not injured. Slephanie Keid Ridge of Thomasville was driving her 1992 Nissan vehicle east on U.S. 64 Aug. 6 when it struck a tleer crossing the roatlway. Trooper A .A . Justice reponcti the accitlcnt occurred al approxi­ mately 8:57 p.m. and the driver was nt)I injuretl. Reuben Brooks A shby of Germanton was driving his 1996 Toyota vehicle south on Baltimore Road when it collitled with a deer crossing Ihe roadway. Trooper M .T. Dalton reponed Ihe accident occurrcd al approxi­ mately 1:4() a.m. and the driver was nol injured. Mary Katherine Osbome of 150 Center Circle. Mocksville was driv­ ing her 1990 Honda vehiclc north on Duke Whitaker Road when it collitled wilh a deer crt>ssing the roatl. Trooper M .T. Dallon reponcti Ihe accitleni occurred al apprt)xi- malcly 1:3() a.m. and the driver was not injuretl.. I ■ ■ '' I jA mouse-click away...! W W W . j 1 entcrprise-record i .com I T h a n k Y o u ! The Davie High Athletic Booster Club would like to thank everyone who supported Davie High'.s Fall Athletic Ice Cream Social. Special Thtinks To: B i-L o Food.s F o o d L io n F r ie n d ’s Ice C re a m & D e li T h e S o d a S h o p p e D R S W a l r u s . B i g t e e t h , b a d b i t e . Braccs for c iiild rc n utitl a d u lls. Dr. Penna & Staff O U r II O D O N f I S I MOCKSVILLE - (336) 751-2252 • t." r-j^. 11 ★ ★ ★ ★ Re-Bih í ★ ★ ★ ★ S h e r i f f A l l e n W h i t a k e r “Continue The Progress i f i r Reorganized Office 1995 ★ G overnors A w ard 1996 for Volunteer Service Davie Dom estic Violence Office ★ Created Te ch n o lo gy Program ★ Created Tra in in g Program & Added Tra in in g B u ild in g -k C onstm ction o f D eten tion Center Provided for Future Expansion (Saving Tax Dollars) I appreciate your continued support toward my third term as sheriff. — Paid For by Sheriff Allen Whitaker — M o w y o u h a v e a OICE for telephone service If your street is listed here, you can now get connplete telephone service from the com pany that's just a local phone call away. M O C K S V IL L E Avon S t...................................All Azalea D r..............................All Beechwood D r.....................All Birchwood Lane..................All Boxwood Village ................All Brantley Farm Rd......100-200 Chaffin S treet.......................All Cherry St................................All County Home R d ................All Couil: Square .......................All Depot S treet.............100-357 East M a p le .........................100 East Water St .......................All Foster S t................................All Friendship C t .......................All Gaither S t..............................All Grey S t...................................Ali Gwyn St ................................All Hemlock S t............................All Holly Lane..............................All Horn Street............................All Hospital St..................118-254 Hwy 601 N .............1869-2000 Ken D wiggins......................All Lakewood D r .......................All Lakey D r ................................All Magnolia St .........................All SERVING AREA Meroney S t............................All M idland St ............................All North Clement S t................All North Main St ...........100-950 Oak Alley Way .....................All Park A venue.........................All Pine St ...................................All Railroad St ............................All Raymond St .........................All Ridgeview Dr .....................100 Salisbury St ................100-266 Sanford Ave .........................All South Clement S t................All South Main S t ...........100-884 South Salisbury St...873,887,885 Squire Boone Plaza ...........All Tot St ......................................All Valley Rd .....................416-500 W andering Ln.......................All W est Church St.....................All W est D epot S t .....................All West M aple ................100,111 W est Side Dr..........................All W est W ater St.......................All W ilkesboro St ...........185-679 Willow Oaks Shopping Ctr.,,,All Yadkinviiie Rd...........700-1600 VädhlnVolieu с 0 ñ P 0 il fi I E D Call 336-998-3102 for more information. www.yadfel.net « - DAVIE COUNTY líNTERPRlSE RECORD, Лиц. 15, 2002 IMVIK COUNTY ICNTEUPUISK-RECOKI), August 15,2002 - 9 C o u n t y B r i e f s Work Firsl Program fJpilates Approved Cinmty commissioners voted to approve a changc in the so­ cial services work fitsl program, changing (he covnily slalvis I'roni electing lo stanilaril. Under standard Illing. the state makes cer­ tain payments not paid as an electing county. Most counties are choosing standard stains. The plan is updated every two years. The hoard also approved the county block planning committee. Sewer Request Delayed [•'oilowing a presentation rei|ucsting a 2(MH)() gallon per ilay (Cil’D) sew er allotm ent for an SO-horne subdivision on Heauchanip Road, the company asked lhal the rct|uesl be de­ layed for 60 days while additional infonnation was acquired. W hile Ihe hoard liked the sulxlivision plan, there are only 2.*i,()0() C'lPO available for allocation, and those are supposed to go for commercial or existing development usage. The dolay was re- i|uestetl while llie board works to increase capacily. Water Line Policy A discussion about revising the county water line policy to make sure its consistent and fair quickly became a discussion about revisiting the water system master plan. According to the 3(HK) census figures, the counly has e.xceeded the growth Ihe plan c.xpecled ihe counly to reach in 2017. "Unlil we know whal our capabilities are. I doni know lhal we can have a policy," Com­ missioner Ken W hite said, “And it needs to l>c a policy that treats evei7one with ei|uity. I want the board lo give the sewer and waler committee .^0 days to get back to us. W e're dealing w ith numbers here that are grossly oul of line." The boaril approved W hite's recommendation. Cooperative E.xtension Employee Hired Nancy Keith was re-hired as area specialized dairy agent for the N.C. Cooperative Extension Service. The posilion and one Ihird of the salary is split belween four counties, The rest of the position is paid for by the state. As the cooperative extension service has money for the position in the budget. Ihey asked lhat they be allowed to conlinue sharing the position wilh the olher counties. The state will fund Ihe county's portion of ihe salary while Ihe counly has a hiring freeze. Interlocal Agreements Under Review The board asked counly attorney Hob I’rice to wiirk on sev­ eral issues in the interlocal goveninient agreements held between the counly and M ocksville and Bermuda Kun. and present changes al Ihc next meeting. The agreements list shared ser\ ices and ser\ ices the county provides the towns. Staff proposed m ak­ ing the contracts last for two years, bul the board requested an­ nual review processes slay in place. In addition. Michael Allen askeil thal language bo added regarding Tire protection I'or Ber­ muda Run, He al.so suggested an agreement should be drawn up for Ihe services provided to Cooleemee. Brock Center Boiler Approved Funds were budgeled Ihis year for a new boiler to replace the cracked one al the Brock Center. By beginning the process now, a new boiler could be in place in eight or nine weeks, Carl Davidson told the board. With temperature regulations for Ihe childcare cenler housed in Ihe building, liming is key. 'I'ho board approved Ihc purchase as an urgent capital need. Code of Ordinance Under Review The board received a copy of the 2(K)1 revisions to the county ordinances. All the changes were approved in 2001 and are in effect. Tlie packet is the updated reprint of the ordinances, and will appear before the board for consideration on Aug. I‘J. Consent Agenda Passes The board approved the follow ing items in the conseni agenda: various equipment deletions; the June lax reports; the fiscal year 2(M)l-2()02 annual tax settlement; report on insolvents; report on unpaid 2001 taxes.that aro liens on real property; tho annual con­ tract with NCDFiNR forestry service; receipt o fa S.KH) Senior Scr\ ices care giver grant; an overall S‘J74 decrease in gram ex­ penditures in Senior Services: a Senior Sen ices increase of S.‘i(K) from a legal grant; an increase of S2,.17l from the United Way and a grant, w hich was also requested for spending; an increase of S513.S45 for Ihe year-cnd encumbrance roll againsi various funds; an increase of S.^3,.^17 for the year-end encumbrance roll againsi Ihc general fund; and the Simplex conlracl for jail sccu­ rily, al a cosl of S4,3.'(f>. Automated Fingerprint System Approved The board approved allocating $1.1,000 for fingerprinting equipment. Due to a clerical error, the equipmenl was nol in­ cluded in Ihe annual budget. A grant will pay the additional S38,(KK) for the equipment. The automated system is tied in with Iho SBI and can s|)oed the process for verifying identification, Davio is one of tho last counlies to gel Ihe lechnology. The board also approved classifying the purchase as ;ui urgent noed. Board Appointments Approved riie following appointments wero approved by the board; Frances Beck to Ihe Northwest Child Development Council for another tenn: John Fuller to replace Fred Ellis Jr. on the planning board; and Daphne Frye to serve another term on the planning board. Ellis is not eligible for another term. Resolution Honoring Workers Who Died The board approved a resolution honoring Sam Jones and Jay Pcgago. the men who died in an accident during the construction ofthe waler tank on Aug. I. 2001. A plaque will be placed on the water lank to remember the men. and copies ofthe resolution will be distributed to thoir fainilies. Travel Expenditure Policy No action was taken by the board following discussion of Ihe travel expenditure policy, which has frozen mosl capital travel expenses. "I feel we have no allernalive bul lo conlinue as is until wc have some word from the state government aboul our finan­ cial sl;itus," said Commissioner Richard I’oindcxter. ■['he board approved the signed agreement from the Bahnson family regarding the EMS Station 2 land encum brance. П ю Bahnson familv had alreadv received reslilulion. Lipscomb Supplying D in for Landfill Closure At a savings of SI.S per load, the counly selected Jim l-ipsconib's bid for dirt needed for the cap on the construction and demolition landfill. The dirl will be the layer below the clay cap. It's eslimated the landfill will require 700 lo;uls o f dirl. Each load will cosl S3.5. for an estimated total of S24,.‘i(HI. Senior Staff Center Position Changed With the Davie Senior Center director scheduled lo go on 12 w ceks of maternity leave in Augusl. commissioners approved her request for a personnel change. The program/outrcach coordina­ tor will nil the administrative assislani posilion. Tho change will guarantee lhal cenler programming can continue uninterrupted as Ihe assistant posilion is a 40-hour/week posilion and the coor­ dinator posilion is not. Cranfill Rezoning Back To Planning Board At the request of Timolhy Cranfill, the hoard agreed lo re­ mand his zoning petition to the planning board for further sludy. Cranfill wants lo change his original request to allow for a spe­ cial use designation, which would I'uriher limit w hat he could do wilh the property on U.S. W)l South, lie wants to place and rent three mobile home spaces on the .1,‘)-acro properly, Cranfill amended his zoning request to try and deal with fears from Ihe neighbors. Because a public hearing was scheduled and people had come to speak on tho issue, the board did hold tho hearing. Sev­ eral people said that they had issues with the proposal as il origi­ nally stood, but Ihey would wail to see the changes and appear boforo the boaril al the next public hearing, if necess;\ry. The board voted to deny tho original request and the voted to remand the amended petition back lo the planning board. Vulcan Rezoning Approved In a unanimous vote, commissioners approved rez.oning 18 acres from Residential to Industrial Special Use. Tlio land is al­ ready ownod by Vulcan bul was accidentally missed in the origi­ nal zoning of Ihc properly. No one appeared for Ihe public hear­ ing. Finance Issues Approved Maximus Inc. was awarded the conlracl for the cosi alloca­ tion plan, ;it ;i cost of S.S.SOO. The hoard also approved the first budget anieiidmoiil of the year, accepting a S.32.(K)0 Victims of Crime Acl grant. Board Corrects Sewer Rates Al the previous board ineeling. commissioners approved low­ ering Ihe East Davie Sewer rales, I'he problem was, due lo a slaff error, they accidentally raised the rales, Wilh a previous year's information in hand, the board approved changing the rate lo a 1,3-conl increase. The board unanimously rescinded tho change from Juno, and approved lowering the sewer rate to S3,.‘iO. effective Jan. I. Barrett Appointed Conference Delegate Ch;iiniian Dan Barrett w as elecled voting delegate for the board of commissioners al the N.C, Associalion of Counly Commis­ sioners annual conference in Augusl in For.syth County. Barrett will pay his travel expenses, as all travel expenses have been frozen in Ihe budget. Will Dam Affect Yadkin Flow With the underslanding that Forsyth County is building a wa­ ter treatment facility and dam above Davie's Sparks Road water facility, the hoard asked Bruce Pratt if it would lower the water flow for the couniy. Pratt replied lhal as long as Forsyih Counly continued operations in a plant below the Sparks Road facility, he didn’t anticipate a How problem. Nonetheless, the commis­ sioners askod staff to research the situation. Loving parents laug til and show ed me love o f fam ily, respect of o the rs, m orally rig h t from w rong and a C tiristia n b e lie f as m y direction in life My parents w orked in the C otton m ill Dad w orked second lObs to help provide (or us, A lootball scholarship opened Ihe door lo college for me. G row ing up I learned a tough w ork e th ic (tobacco fields and fruit bins) and to squeeze every nickel. My view s as a m arried m an o l 34 years, w ith tw o grow n ch ildren, is as a Lifelong C onservative, who still (ollow s the beliefs I was raised with. A N D R E W S Republican Candidate for N.C. SENATE DAVIE • ROWAN • YADKIN t Ui-- ‘\l }l ( ' ( i, // V I \i\. l\ J11 \ t ‘I P la n n e rs E y e N e w D is tric ts F o r H o m e -B a s e d B u s in e s s By Kini ,luslen Davie Counly Enter|)ri.se Record All David McRae wanted lo do was move his home-based business from his old homo in Kemersviiie lo his now properly in Davie Counly, Renovations began on Ihe house, and ho huill a building lo house his business and some ears. It w asn'l until he wcnl to get finishing pennils for Iho in­ side of the building lhal he found oul he had a problem, McRae said his business is unobtrusive. There w on’t he iraclo r-lrailers on P eo p le's Creek Road. There w on't tic cus­ tomers on site. He has less lhan five employees, and works Mon­ day Ihrough Thursd;iy. I lis officc space was buill to look like a horse fann and blond in with the area. I lis neighbors spoke in favor of his rezoning request. Bul a zoning change slays with the properly, even if the ow ners leave, and M cR ae's business didn't fit into any ofthe current zonings. W ith a building jusl under ft.OOO square feel, il didn't fit inlo the rural land class. From the first time they heard M cRae's zoning request, plan­ ning bo;ird niemhers wanled to create a new district to meet the needs of cottage industries and home businesses lhal were larger than a basement wiiuld allow. C ounty com m issioners agreed, and sent M cRae's re­ quest back to the planning board, looking fora better solution than rezoning the land to Highway Business Special Use. louring the July planning board meeting. John Gallimore. director of planning and zoning, presented a new zoning dislricl for board approval, the Residon- lial Low-Impact Business Spe­ cial Use (R-LB-S) dislricl, “ riie applicant would liave lo ask for Ihis dislrict, and stale ex­ actly whal Ihey want lodo," said Gallimore. As a special use dis­ trict, the county can put reslric- lions on the property, such as husine.ss hours and laiuLscaping. The Residenlial Low-Impact Business district would allow light inamil'acturing, proiluclion. assembly, service and repair lo be done on-sile. "No retail sales could tv done on sile. unless it can be done entirely over electronic means," said Gallimore. "I'he district, also allow s for m ixed use.s on the property, so a person could build a shop botiind iheir home, G allim ore stressed that people had to request the rez.on- ing, Selhaek and landscaping re­ quirements would apply lo Ihe property surrounding the busi­ ness. t-ols have lo lie a minimum of 20.000 square feel lo qualify for the zoning, and at least 100 feet wide. Tho business building cannol be larger than 6..S00 square foot. In order lo discourage people us­ ing Ihe now zoning lo pul busi- nes.ses in. there is a residency req uirem ent. The business owner must live on the same lol or one directly adjacent. Several other general re­ quirements appear in Ihe amond- nienl. from lighting and off-silo impacts, to hours of operation. "The treiul is to havo more hom e o ccu p atio n s." said Gallimore. "That's a nationwide trend. People are ingenious, ihey find ways to make a living." The current orilinancos on home occupation don’t allow for any employees to work there thal aren't family members. "I feel Ihis is a slop in Ihe right d irectio n ," said board m eniber C lint Junker. "B ut. we're nol going lo know unlil wo have a few of those come up." The board got it's firsl re­ quest for tho now zoning as soon as they approved il. D avid McRae was on hand lo request his land he rezoned wilh the new zoning. Tho board approved his request on tho assumption thal county commissioners approve the now dislrict. Bolh ilems will now be sent to tho county com ­ missioners for a final vote, and public hearings as necessary. B iM im e n itK iitn u s w Heite • Perennials • Omamenlal Grasses LANDSCAPING SERVICESNOW PROVIDED Gardens Installed Specializing In Renovations Simuner Hours . Wed.-Sat. 9ат-5рл1 1620 Lewlsvllle-Clemmtn* Rd. ^ Clemmons • 778-0303 ff® " Т з б п ô u n d a y a i D u L i n with 3 For 1 Sunday August 18 Breakfast 8:30 am Worship 9:00 am Teen Sunday School 11:00 am Casual DressUfvted CHufth UC 2702Ü 'a‘*iW(]u(jr4,’nc<«g Directions; Dulin Rd. off of Hwy. 158 Iwiween Farminglon Rd. and Pincbrooi; School Rd. Church 2 miles on left Dulin Rd. also off of M illing Rd. between sain Rd. and Cornatzer Rd., Church 1/2 mile iin right \336-998-5409 S p o t l i g h t o n B u s i n e s s %■(^'5 ,!■ l“_ 7 ' » ly*/" C e n te rp o in t A ss o cia te R e fo rm e d P re sb y te ria n C h u rch o f C le m m o n s is m e e tin g n o w a t the tvlasonic Lo d g e at 6301 S h a llo w fo rd R oa d. J,»’ è C h ü í i c hC erjteR p o íD y A s s o c ia t e R e f o i^ m e ij P i ' ' e s b \ / t e r i a n íiAorning Worship 9;30am 10;40am N e w C h u r c h : C e n t e r p o i n t M e e t i n g a t M a s o n i c L o d g e A t C e n te r P o in t A s s o c ia te R e fo rm P re s b y te ria n C h u rch , th e m is sio n is s im p le - s ta y tru e to th e P re s ­ b y te ria n ro ots, “W e try to sta y fa ith fu l to G o d ’s w o rd . O u r ch u rc h is a m ore tra d itio n a l P re sb y te ria n ch u rc h ," n o te d t\/lichael B rooks, a m e m b e r o f th e new L e w isville -b a se d ch u rch , “In th is d a y a n d tim e , p o litic s a re o fte n to o in vo lv e d in c h u rc h e s ,” h e a d d e d , “W e w a n te d to g e t b a ck to o u r ro o ts." A s s o c ia te R e fo rm P re s b y te ria n is an o ld d e n o m i­ na tio n , o n e th a t sta rte d in S c o tla n d in th e 1 7 0 0 ’s. It h a s b e e n in th e m o u n ta in s o f th e C a ro lin a s sin c e the late 1 7 0 0 ’s. “T h e re a re a lot m o re o f th e s e kin d s o f ch u rc h e s th e fu rth e r w e s t yo u g o ," B ro o ks co m m e n te d . “W e are th e o n ly o n e o f o u r kin d in th is a re a . B ut th e re are a b o u t five o r m o re in S ta te s v ille ." T h e C e n te r P o in t C h u rc h is lo c a te d a t 63 01 S h a llo w fo rd R oa d in L e w is v ille in th e Ivlaso nic L o d g e b u ild in g . C h u rch m e e tin g s b e g a n in F e b ru a ry 2002. “W e re n t the c e n te r flo o r fo r o u r o ffice a n d th e lo w e r flo o r fo r w o rs h ip s e rv ic e ,” n o te d R a c h a e l B rooks, the ch u rch tre a s u re r “T h e cu rre n t m e m b e rs h ip is a ro u n d 3 0 p e o p le but w e ’re a lw a y s lo o k in g fo r m o re . W e in ­ vite e v e ry o n e to v is it w ith u s a n d a tte n d o n e o f o u r se rvice s," C e n te r P oint p a sto r Jim W ittk e tra v e le d fro m F lo rid a to Le w isville to h e lp g e t th e c h u rc h off th e g ro u n d . H e ha d p re vio u sly p a sto re d a n o th e r A s s o c ia te R e fo rm P re sb y te ria n ch u rch b u t is p la n n in g to sta y o n a s th e pa stor. C e n te r P oint p re se n tly o ffe rs a c h ild re n 's S u n d a y sch o o l, a B ible stu d y g ro u p (w h ic h s ta rts th is w e e k an d g o e s on for the n e xt e ig h t w e e ks) a n d w ill o ffe r a g ro u p fo r m a rrie d co u p le s in S e p te m b e r B ro o ks w ill b e h e a d in g u p th e B ib le s tu d y w h ile R achael, his w ife, w ill co n tin u e to o v e rs e e th e n e w s ­ letter. A long w ilh their m e e lin g s an d se rvice s. C e n te r P oint is also a ctive in ch a rita b le ca u se s, “ E a ch q u a rte r w e tith e 10 % o f o u r o lfe rin g p la te to a c h a rity La st q u a rte r w e g a ve to H a b ita t fo r H u m a n iiy," a d d e d B ro o ks, S u n d a y w o rsh ip se rvice s a re 9 :3 0 a n d 6 :0 0 w ith S u n d a y schoo l s ta rlin g a ro u n d 10:40, Advertisiii); PromotUm A P e i M i i u i l 1 \ i u ( Il LLC 79 Court Sqiiniv • Downtown Mocksville • 336-753-0950 "DcstuuUion if ihmcxjmoon Specinlists"Linda Blackburn - U Years Experience Local I'ull*Service TitAvri Agencì Serving Davie & Surrou.ndisg Countils www.por8oneltouchtrovol.com Mon-Fri 9-5. Evenings & Sat, by Appt. UGLY ROOF STAINS REMOVED FOR A LIKE NEW LOOK!! Nation's Largest & Oldest Roof Stain Removers RoofBrM 785-2030 100 Roynl Onk Dr.. Wmston-Salcm. NC 27107 C e n C e r p o i o ^ C h u r c h Associate Reformed Presbyterian 6301 Shallowford Road in Lewisville (946-0540) Sunday Schedule Morning Worship 8:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:40 a.m. Casual Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. F or m o re v ^ m u M tio n : www.centerpointarp.com Bermuda Mini’s Self-Storage 998-9661 / Clim ate Control / 24 hr Com puterized Gate / Fenced with 24 hr lighting / Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 / Video C am era Security / Next to Berm uda Q uay 146 Com m erce Dr., Advance 'No joh too big ur too small ’ BiisiiicivsApimi Te;uii Uigns, MiiiKiiiniiivs, Gifls, Shills, Cii|)s, Al'uhiuis. Biws, Lovic-s no'SET UP CHARGE QUICK DELIVERY 712-0943 T I L E R I T E ( 3 3 6 ) 8 1 3 - T IL E --------(8 4 S 3 ) Т т е - ' '-I- We ¡mtácemúc and stoned Ш у Кше» for 14 We tike greal prile ñ ow and (UÉoner irnM. Iti« «doutes. F O R A L L Y O U R S P O R tiN G N E E D S ! S M » € > M I T S L» Ж Т С «YOUR SPORTS EXPERTS 2GCa LuwisviJlo-Ctommons nd. Clonviiorw 7 6 6 -1 1 1 4 Mon.-Fri. 10:30-6: SaL 0-5 C a r o H n a E x p r e s s P k u n t i i t i g Repair Specialists • Water Heaters • Well Pumps • Faucets • Disposals Over 15 Years of Ouality Service I JAMES IDOL • CHRIS BULLARD 24-HR. EMERGENCY SERVICE 7 7 8 - 1 5 4 3 Liconsod • Insured • Mastercard • Visa Torlrcss Insurance (îroiip. LLCScckir» rc* ilrnii ««m 1,.K. 1,11 Гч-iS (tlilh«»^ »чЧ t •..■»rpidj huit iiwf,1 {4IwmI Miv».» Srs. Iriuj-xr A,rtK> I l\*l ) «-vl ..prljlnt 1И|:г» r»li ( I'Trjnift .ti>, Nn-ií, life. I lull» '>iin 'pti irj Situi li> I «nre« (iKHip. LI.C 2255 Lewisville l iemmun^ K,i. Suilf С nfmt?iPm.NC 27012 •lelcrH^nc: ?3(V-3S4.40r)0 lax: ÍJÍb3544l)l() fottrc<sifi<unnc<coni SA V IN G S np EV ER Y D A Y 4 U Senior Dj^counl.^ • Lunch Box Treats * Baskets • QEP Trowels С1ет1лоп8 Discount Sales 1533 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. 766-4449 • Clemmons '• 766-4938 DRIVE THRU Homo o r TJie T o a s t e d H o t d o g Now OITcniiii Soft Serve Ice Cream Sumliics & Conts A i^ s o : i i a m k u k c ;k r , c i i i:i>5i :h u r c ;i:r s . m s i i S A N D W IC IIIC S vS: M O R E ! o 2432 lA:N\ls>ilJc^’kw nw astt(i M O N .-S A l. (lleJdcIVyii Hut) BA I Q i B L s m e ,I W c N o w H a v e Q iiiilily ¡ w l I Ю ' Pi///a Crusts, Sauce i I Л Garlic Hread * I 2GG8 Lewtsvillo-Ctemmons Rd | Ctemmons • 7GG0080 , i (Actt»s(tom Villago CarxllQ & Gifts) | A - 1 F I R S T IMPRESSIONSCARPET &SPECIALH SERVICES 4 0 3 -4 2 7 4 4 0 3 -6 4 4 2 www.AlFirstlnipressions.com Саф01. Upholsleiy. WootVTile Flo<xs. Lealher, SmokaWatefDamago.Colof Repair & Dyeing • Vehicle Inleriof • Pel & Odor Control • Residenlial & Commeicial C S IICRC Ж Flooring Hours; M o n . - F r i . 1 0 - 6 S a t . 1 0 - 2 r I I I I I I I M o c k s v i l l e S h o e S h o p Shoe. Boot & Tack Repairs 52 Court Square, Downlown Mocksville (336) 753-0942 BRING IN COUPON & RECEIVE $2" OFF REPAIRS(for a limited timo)16 Yrs. Exporionco Opon M-F B:30am-6:00pmupon M-r o.juam-biuupni Specializing In... Carpet & Vinyl Ceramic Tile Hardwood Floors & Refinishing Counter Tops Laminated Floors (336) 766-0733 21 Years Experience NCWOPEN TOTHE PUBUC 5919-C James St. He.t1tl.i4J I Whitney I H ills d a le A n im a l ! f r e e f i r s t ' O F F IC E V IS IT I or I I 1 5 % I D IS C O U N T o n ! I V A C C IN E S H o s p ita l Call 998-8750 for details, ^ or to schedule an appointment. 134 MEDICAL DRIVE ADVANCE, N.C. 27006 I I I (excludes medications, j additional testing) ■ i глий! have coupon j Вшоошаае T i r e a t o n e »НАМИЖ Georige's Village Garage, Inc. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Bumper-To-Bumper Car Care Needs itn LEWISVILLE«UMMONS ROAO CLEMMONt, NC 270tJ 768-7962 Local Independent Tire Dealer KEVIN PRIES Manager E D W A R D S SIDING & WINDOWS Glass with LET u s ADD BEAUTY TO YOUR HOME IVe Do Restoration & New Construction • New Vinyl Top Decking •VinylDecks& Railing ■ Vinyl Replacement Windows Screen Rooms •Vinyl Siding F ree •Sun Rooms • Enclosures E s lm ^ te s . A Q Q C M o b ile P h o n e /D H '- U 0 0 9 978-2299 S P E C I A L O F T H E M O N T H Storm Doors: 9 Colors, 15 Styles iM 10 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTFÍRPRISE RECORD, Au|>. 15, 2002 D a v i e P e o p l e A u s t i n - K e e n e C o u p l e M a r r i e d Mrs. Matthew Denver Steele D e a l - S t e e l e C o u p l e U n i t e d I n M a r r i a g e Stcplwnif Hrookc Deal ami M althcw Denver Slecle were unilctl in marriage on Friday. July 26 at 7:30 p.m. al Sunsel Beach. Tlie Rev. llverclle Bea­ ver officiated. Music was pro­ vided by Lamar Boulware. The bride is Ihe daughter of M ary Deal of .Salisbury and Robert Deal of Clenimons. She is a 1998 graduate.of Davie I ligh School and 2(X)1 graduate of Forsyih Technical Community C ollege. She is pursuing a bachelor's degree in psychology at Salem College in W inston- Salem. She is employed hy the N.C. License Plate Agcncy as a lille clerk. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Garry Steele of Mocks­ ville. He is a IW.S graduate of Soulh Slokes High School and attended D avidson C ounly Community College. Ho is ihe manager of Car-Go-Clean LLC of Mocksvillc. Given in marriage by Amlrew O'Connell 111, the bride wore an ivory strapless satin gown with embroidered empire waist. The bodice was accented with a flo­ ral bead pattern of pearls and crystals. The A-line skirt ex­ tended into a Tiffany length train. Her veil was of French Tulle enhanced by a floral pearl tiara. She carried a bouiiiiet of wine and ivory calla lilies, Tara Potts of Winston-Saleni was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were; Dawn McDaniel of W in­ ston-Salem. Julie Smith of Ad­ vance. Tara W oosley of W in- G a ith e r -O w in g s R e u n io n T h is S a tu r d a y A t S o c ie ty The I Ith annual G aither- Owings reunion will be held at the Society Baptist Church Fel- low.ship Hall Saturday after­ noon, Aug. 17, beginning around 3 and lasting until "the last pcr- .son leaves." The church is locaied three- tenths mile off U.S. 64 about 10 miles west o f Mocksville near the Cool Springs exit of 1-40. All relatives and friends of Ihe descendants of Greenberry and Mary Lowery Gaither and Felps and M argaret Rudicil Owings are invited lo attend. Chips and other snacks will be served prior lo a covered dish dinner around 5. Bring a basket of food (meals, vegetables, des­ serts): bread, drinks, utensils, cups, and plates w ill be' fur­ nished. Prizes recognizing special .\d ria K aren A ustin and Adam Keene were united in marriage at 2 p.m. Saturilay. July 20 at Jericho Church of Christ. Dr. Tom Тофу officiated. The bride is the daughler of Mr. and Mrs. W. Patrick Austin of M ocksville and the grand­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gray Hege of M ocksvillc and the late Barbara Seamon Anderson and Hoyle Price A ustin. She is a 2002 graduate of Davie High School and is attending Forsyth Technical Community College this fall to earn a degree in thera­ peutic massage. She is employed by CVS of Mocksville. The groom is the son of Sandy Cleverly and the grand­ son of Lorraine and C harles Shorl. He is a \ ^)W graduate of Butte High School. He is em ­ ployed by Hayward Industries. The bride wiire a strapless gown of while satin. Her veil was a second generation heir­ loom worn by her mother on her w edding aiul was handmade by her grandnu)ther. She carried a boui|uet of lav­ ender roses. She chose Jessica Koont/ as m aid of honor. B ridesm aids were Cheryl Ressa and Jessica Smilh. Caitlin Miller, friend of the bride, was flower girl. The groom 's cousin. Roland Short, was best man. Grooms­ men were Patrick Austin, brother ofthe bride, and Kent Shorl, the groom 's uncle. Logan Koont/. was ring bearer. Tiffany Stiles, cousin of the bride, attended the guest regis­ ter. Program attendant was Clint Stiles, also Ihe bride's cousin. A reception was hosted at the Days Inn and Suites following Ihe ceremony. A fter the receplion, Ihe C(uiple went on a honeymoon lo Myrtle Beach, S.C. Special Kvents • The bride's parenls hosted a rehearsal dinner at Jericho C hurch on July 19. Fried chicken, potato salad, rolls, slaw, iceil tea were served. A choco­ late groom's cake was served for dessert. •Judy Miller anil Julie Miller hosled a miscellaneous bridal show er in the D avie High School m ultipurpose room on May 2.5. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Keene sion-Salem , Leslie Steele of M ocksville and Candice Burton of Mocksville. The groom ’s falher was best man. Groomsmen were; Adam Deal of M ocksville. and Jason G arrett, M allhew Francis ami Adant NayU)r, all of Winslon- Salem. Kyle O'Connell of Madi­ son, Ga. was junior groomsman. Honorary guests were: Hollie P otts of M ocksville. N ikki Francis of W inslon-Salem, Mr. and M rs.. Jam es D avis of Altamonte Springs, Fla., and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew O'Connell III of Madison. Ga. A reception w as held follow­ ing Ihe cerentony al the Maples A ctivity C enter at Sea Trail Plantation and G olf Resort at Sunsel Beach. A fter a honeyntoon trip to Cancún, Mexico, Ihe couple re­ sides in Mocksville. W tddlnij Kvents • A lingerie shower was given by Tara Polls anil Julie Smilh at Sm ith's home on July (i. • The couple was honored with a miscellaneous wedding shower on July L? al Liberty Mclhodist Church, hosted by the bride's family. • A bachelorette weekend in honor of Ihe bride w as hosteil by Tara Potts, Mollie Polls, and Jes­ sica Spillman at Sunset Beach July 19-21. • The grooni's parents hosted a rehearsal dinner for family and friends of the couple on July 25 al Twin Lakes Restaurant in Sunset Beach. Mrs. Daniel Michael Worley C o x - W o r l e y C o u p l e M a r r i e d A t T r i n i t y attendees (oldest, youngest, one wilh most de.scemlants presenl, etc.) and door prizes will be given. Bring family photos, other m em entos, and m em ories to •share. The G aither and O w ings families and many of their de­ scendants settled in Ihe Davie/ Iredell County Line community betw een M ocksville and Statesville. The Owings fam­ ily hom e slill slands nearby, about one-half m ile from its original site. Many relatives, including Greenberry and Mary and Felps and M argaret and .some of iheir children, are bur­ ied at Society, A fter the death of Felps Owings, his wife Mar­ garet iflarried J.P. Mason, who lived nearby and is also buried at Society, Jen n ifer D awn Co.\ of Mocksville and Daniel Michael W oriey of Temperance, Mich, were united in marriage at 2 p.m. July 27 al T rinity B aptisi Church. Darrell Cox was offici­ ating minister. The bride is the daughter of C harles and Terri Cox of Valhalla Trail, Mocksville. She is a graduate of Trinity Baptist Acadenty and llyles-Anderson College. T he groom is the son of James and Sue Woriey of Tem­ perance. He is a graduate of State Line Chrislian School and Hyles-Anderson College, [le is employed by Fred's Contracting. The bride chose her friend. Courtney Spry, as maid of honor. B ridesm aids w ere C harily S hifflell. Lara M cC onkey, Danielle Yeager and Rebekah Cox. The groom's broiher, Steve Worley, was best man. Ushers w ere Joey Worley, Michael Cox. M att W orley and Kyle Robinson. F low er girl was H annah Davis, and Wesley Henley was ring bearer. A fter a w edding trip lo G allinburg. Tenn., the couple made residence in Griffith, Ind. Flowers for all Occasions S ister’s H o f M o cks ville ( 3 3 8 )7 5 1 - 1 7 8 2 Back to School - Dorm Room Special 'I4vinMattress Sets Manliifj ¿U $ 9 9 siartinj; ;tt ______________________ 3 P ic e e "iihiiil IJviiiK Room Setelidir, luvcscjl) Wood Bunk Beds > Bedroom svin* > Living Kmmi • D ining Kiioiri K&K 221 East Main Street, Yadkinville • 679-8374 Hours: Monday-Friday, 10am-6pm: Salurday, 10am-5pm / Davie Placet '-M. 'i'y Assisted Living Community Davie Place welcomes our newest resident, Doug Elkins. Doug Elk ins F o r I r ^ r m a t i p n P la c e m e n t^On C o n tà c i: S u z a n n e S im p s o n o r S a m m ie C a r o l M o r g a n Doug came to us from High Point, NC where he worked as a carpenter. He loves to sit on the front porch and rock when the weather is good. Doug is also an avid baseball and football fan and enjoys watching them on T.V. He says Davie Place is "a good place with good people"and invites his family and friends to visit him. 336-751-2175 DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 15, 2002 - 11 - i l » ' '1 ^ : i s 4 ч ' D a lto n -G r a h a m E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Roger and M elissa Dalton of Winslon-Salem announce Ihe en- [ gagem ent of their daughler, Jennifer Ann Dallon lo Zackary Larry ! Graham of W inston-Salem, Ihe son of Larry and Aim Graham of ; Ramlree Road, Advancc, The bride-elect is a graduale of Parkland High School ami at­ tended Appalachian Slale University, where she was a memher of A lpha Phi Sorority. She is em ployed as assistant manager al Brennan's Bridal. The groom-to-be is a graduate of Davie High School and al- teiuled Forsyih Technical Community College. He is employed as a iilass artisan al Kuhn Studios. The wedding is planned for Nov. 2 al Pine Grove United Meth­ odist Church. S p illm a n - W h ite E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Paul and Connie Spillman of Mocksville announce the engage­ ment of Iheir daughlcr. Seplember Dawn Spillman to William Jarralt W hile, the son of David and Ann While of Courlney-lluntsville Roail. Yadkinville. The bride-elect is a graduate of Davie High School and allends N.C. Slalc Universily, majoring in landscaping. She is employed by L and-Тек of Advancc. The groom-to-be is a gradiuile of Forbush I ligh School and earned a degree in welding from Snrry Comnnmily College, lie is em­ ployed hy R&K Sleel of Yadkinville, The w edding is planned for Sept, 14 at Farmington Unilcd Meth­ odist Church. P in o N e w s By N ora Luthm n Pino Correspondent Visiting Wesley Chapel Sun­ day w as N ova Flem ing of Wichita Falls, Tex. Il was grcal to have Johnsie Shellon and Inez M cClannon back in church Sun- ilay. Andrea Genlry of 1 lunlers- ville visited her parenls, Jesse and M adelyn Gentry, this week­ end and attendeil church. M arie Ball placed flowers in the sanctuary Sunday in hoiior of the birthday of her daughter. Martha Warner. Happy birthday. Martlui and happy birthday lo Loimie Gene Miller. Jam cs and Lelia Fssic en­ joyed a visit wilh Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and her nuither, Sadie Hall Taylor, Sunday afternoon. Jesse and M adelyn Gentry traveled to Washington. D.C. lasl month for the July 29 memorial service for Ihe 134 sailors killed aboard the aircraft carrier USS F'orreslal, This year marks Ihe 3.‘ith anniversary of Ihe explosion and fire which occurred in 1967 during the Vietnam War while Jesse was aboard the ship. D onna, B elhany and K risiianna B arsdale o f Clark Lake, Mich, siient last week wiih Paul and Joan Barsdale. Vernon Dull honored his tw in brolhers. Gene and Dean Dull, Salurday night al his home for their birthday. Several family and friends attended including his sister, Linda Pendleton, of Gastonia. Randy & Debbie Smith Celebrate 25th Anniversay Ranily and Debbie Sm ith, international Southern Baptist mis­ sionaries, celebrated Ihcir 2.“ilh wedding anniversary in Dipolog, Philippines, May 22 with family and friends. Mrs.S mith is Ihe daughter of FJizabelh Blackwelder of Church Street. M ocksville. and the late Paul Blackwelder. Mr. Smith is the son of'Thomas C. Smith of Church Slreet, Cooleemee and Ihe late Mildred Scott Smilh. The Smiths have three children. Anna Smith of Boone, Paul and Scoll Smilh of M anilla, Philippines. F o u r C o r n e r s N e w s By M arie W hile Four Com ers Corresponilent The ninth one-of-a-kind re­ union is Saturday, Aug. 17 al 4 p.m. at Four Corners grounds. I lamhurgers and hot dogs w ill be serveil. All residenls and former residents are invited. Bring a lawn chair and dessert. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smith were dinner guesis Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith of Charlotte. Mrs. Johnsie Shellon, Sandra Laws, Tim and Amanda I lughes, Mr. and Mrs. Von Shelton, and Mr. and Mrs. Bari McLean and Jordan of Georgia were Friday nighl supper guesis of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shelton and children. Mr. and Mrs. Joe W hite at­ tended the I lomecoming service Sunday at Fanninglon Baplisl Church. Mrs. Jessie Boger and Charles Wilkerson visited Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smilh Sunday afternoon. C o r n a t z e r N e w s Ity Ddttie Putls Cornatzer Correspondenl Our communily extends sym­ pathy to Lula Mac Starr and fam­ ily in Ihe dcalh of hersisler. Rosa Lee Carroll, who died lasl week. Aaron Carter is a patient in Forsyih liospilal wilh a heart condition and surgery. H azel L anning and D ot Koont/. of Churchland were visi­ tors of Mr. anil Mrs. Homer Polls and Lena Wall lasl Thursday. Homecoming service will be al Cornatzer Baplisl Church, Aug. IX. Everyone is welcome. Sympathy is expressed to the family of Fd Hcplerin the Dulin com m unity. He died Sunday, Aug. II. Mike and Jeanette Clark have been approveil by the mission board lo serx'c in Alaska as mis­ sionaries. They are members of Cornatzer Baptist Church. George Lawrence is sched­ uled for outpatient surgery at Medical Park 1 lospital on Aug. 14. CANCER BENEFIT B B Q C H I C K E N S U P P E R f o r J a n i c e W o o d s $ 0 0 0 A u g u s t 2 4 , 2 0 0 2 • 4 - 6 p . m . C all For Tickets: 751-2070,751-5128, 751-0226,961-6281 F ir s t B a p t is t C h u r c h 390 North Main Street * Mocksville ‘A L i f e t i m e o f R e p u b l i c a n S e r v i c e a n d C o n s e r v a t i v e P r i n c i p l e s ” On Tuesday, September 10th VOTE M a c B u t n e r STATE SENATE T h e C o n ser v a tiv e R e p u b l ic a n Meet Mac Malcolm “Mac" W. Burner, Jr. Personal: - North Carolina native - Married to fomwr Julia l^nlz of China Grove, 1st Grade Tcacher. North Hills Chrislian School -Children: Son, Wade; Daughlcr, Laura - Son ofthe lale Stale Senator Malcolm W. Dulncr, Sr. and Ihe late Loretta L. Butner Church: - Active Membcrof Hnon Baptist Church - Past church responsibililies: lilder. Finance and Budget Commiltee Chairman, Sunday School Tcachcr E ducation: -Calawba College, Salisbury NC D.A. Degree Business Administration, 1975 - Universily ofNorth Carolina, Chapel Hill NC Gradualtf. REALTORS Inslilule, 1988 - North Carolina State Universily, Raleigh NC Graduate, Home Builder’s Jnslitulc, 1991 Republican Party Service: -Chainrein, Eighth Congressional Dislricl Republican Party {1977*1978) -Chaimun, Rov.-an County Republican Nten’s Club (1991-1993) - Recipient, Outstanding Scrvicc Award. Rowan Counly Republican Party, (1993) - Western Campaign Coordinator, "Reagan for Prcsidenl” Committee,(1975*1976) -Former Memberofthe Rowan Counly. liighth Congressional District and the NC Republican Party F.xeeutivc and Central Commiltees - Served in numerous campaigns sincc l% 2 Professionaj: -•Owiicr,RnAI.TYONI;of Rowan, Inc. -Chaimun. Regulatory AITairs Commiilee. NC llomc Uuildcis Associalion (1995) ~ Slate Director, NC I lome Builders Assoc, (1991-1995) - President, Salisbury-Rowan f Ionic Uuildcrs (1993) -President, Salisbury Board of Realtors (1991) - Slalc Director, NC Association of Realtors (1989-1991) - Rowan County Planning Board (1992-1995) Additional Volunteer/Comniunilv Aclivilic,s - Cliamber of Commerce. Red Cross, Cancer Society, Heart Fund, United Way, I labiut for I lumanily, Nalional Ride Associalion L ife tim e R e p u b lic a n . WE BACK MAC! Former United Siate.'i Senator Laiich Faircloth Endorses Mac Butner for Slate Senate “ M A C B U T N E R is t h e c o n s e r v a t iv e c h o ic e f o r S ta te S e n a t o r .” Se^fuitcrr Loach fcUrdoth’ J O I N o u r C A M P A I G N ! Mac, Julia, Wade Л Lauii,\ Mac Butner for State Senate POBox 1984 Salisbury NC 28145-1984 (704)633-4494 • (704)638-0101 Fax (704) 639-1937 email; macbutner(gaol.com Paid for by Mac Butniír for Stath SiiNAin you KNOW Where M AC Stands! 0 Pro-Life. Pro-Fanillv Values Life begins al conception. 1 will proicct the sanctity of life ofthe unborn and fight for the preser>’alion of traditional family values. I do not, and will not, ac* know ledge the so-called "allcmalivc life-style” which nx)cks the ideals of traditional family values. 0 Tax Relief 1 will NO T support any lax increases. Our current taxes arc a burden on our citizens and I will work diligently to reduce the lax burden for all families. 0 Educalion Choiccs The liberal establishn^nt has controlled our public school systent for years. Tlie result has been thal North Camlina slill ranks near the bottom in educalion. Wc musl eliminate the waste consistently produced by the education bureaucracy and relum our tax dollars to the classnxim. We must expand educational oppottu* nilics so lhat parents have more freedom and control ofthe education of their own children. IZI n o to Crime /.Drues Violent criminals and illegal drag dealers MUST be punished lo the fullest extent of Ihe law. Our brave law enforcement and judicial officcis must be given Ihc support lo accomplish this for the safely of our families and the freedom of our Nalion. 0 Private Property Right.'! The comcrslone of our Republic Is the individual owneiship of private property. In rcccnl years, we have seen more and more encroachmcnl upon that freedom by unreasonable regulations, making il more diflicuU lo realize Ihc American Dream. I will work toward protecting our private properly rights and making Ihe dream of home ownership a reality for more North Carolina families, 0 NO to Lottery . Independent studies liave shown lhal the poor are dis- proponionalely hurl by the elTecls ofslale-sponsored gambling. A lottery is nol the answer to North Carolina's financial problems. 'Hie elimination of bureaucratic waste along with sound, cammon*sense managemeni, and the willingness to make tough choices, is the solution to our state's financial prob* lems. I will have the courage to say "NO" lo waste. 0 The Rioht To Bear Arms The 2nd Amendment lo our Conslilulion states lhal "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall nol be infringed." 'lliis is the fundamental foundalion of all of our freedoms. Without il, we would be in tyrannical slavery. I will always support this right. L ife tim e C o n s e rv a tiv e 12 - DAVIK COUNTV RN I FRPRISK RF.CORI). Au«. 15. 2002 Jeff Mighion attacks a dead Mission team members Tara Jones. Neal Carter, Thim Phommavanh, Candace Carter, Dave Greene and Deb Carter pose wilh staff at Zaccheus tree in ttie yard of an eid- House, a soup kitctien in Washington, D.C.erly shut-in. The mission team from Mocksville First Presbyterian included, from left; front - deb Carter, Sandie Greene, Julie Dyson; middle - Dan Greene, Chris Beaver, Thim Phommavanh, Tara Jones, Betty Smith; back - Candace Carter, Neely Alexander, Neal Carter, Dave Greene and Jeff Mighion. Sandie Greene with David, a homeless man who shared his story with the group. Neal Carter bonds with staff at S.O.M.E. Dan Greene talks with a homeless woman after she shared her story with the First Presbyterian group. S e r v i c e T o O t h e r s F irs t P re s b y te ria n G ro u p H e lp s In W a s h in g to n , D .C . On a break from feeding the homeless, Betty Smith, Neal Carter, Chris Beaver and Jeff Mighion await their ap- pointmenfat the Holocaust Museum. Hy Sandi (irt'cnc Special lo Ihe t-merpriso r-arlv Saiunlay imimiii!;, July 6. 1.1 nicmhers of I'irsl I’rcsliy- lerian Cluirch. M ocksville. ape l(l-(if). lell I'or ail inlcrpeiiera- tioiial scrvice Irip in Wasliiiigton. I3.C. The jiroup memhers included Neely .\lc.\aiuler. C hrisiopher Reaver. Caiulacc Carier. Deh Carlcr. Neal Carier. Julie Dyson. Daniel Cirecne. David Greene. Sandie Greene. Tara Jones, Jel- I'rey M ighion. Thim I’hoinmavanh. aiul Belly Smilh. We slayed al The I’iliirimajie. a hostel manayed by ihe Church o( the I’ilgrims !>C (USA), sliar- ini; ihe dorm-like lacilily wilh anolher group I'riuii Chapel llill. In addilion to providing for our housing needs. Ihe manager. Hachel Cleaver, coordinated all оГ service projects. We used ihe meiro and melro buses Гог Irans- porlalion. and Neal was nol kiil- ding when he said he used his lingers lo Iv sure everyone knew how many melro slops umil our destinalion. 1 must have covimed lo I.Я a million limes during ihe week lo make sure we were all logelher. Seo. he is nol ihe only wor­ rier in Ihe group. He leil llie pack and Dan and I brought up Ihe rear, and oh. some оГ Ihose leam members were so slow. 0Г course. Ncal walks aboul ihe speed ol llie Keniucky Derby parlicipanls. When we I'irsl arrivcit ои Sal­ urday Ihe wealher was good and we enjoyed wailing in Ihc shade, walching ihe scenery of Ihc cily and having a reprise I'rom riding in Ihe van as w e wailed for our hosiess. A fler sellling in anil sharing dinner wc headcil lo llie Nalional Mall. We visiled ihe Washiiiglon. l.incoln anil Ko­ rean War Velerans M emorial. We relum ed lale lo ihe Melro emraiico U> find it closed for the evening bul our fearless leader Neal found Ihe olher cnlrance only two blocks away. Thai evening, as wc did on each of the follow ing evenings, wc shared our "highs" and "lows" of the day as pan of our devotions. Many deep discus­ sions resulted from some of our highs and lows and much niin- islry and rcncclion look place w ithin our group during Ihe course of Ihe week. Sunday m orning we w or­ shipped al The Church of ihe Pilgrims and Neely. Jeff and 1 distributed the elem enls for coniinuniim. ll was a piercing e\perience for us lo be able lo serve our leam members, ll was ciiually piercing lo slarl ihe week wilh communion, ihe bread of lifo and Ihe cup of salvation, and then go oul into the cily luid be lhal bread of life and cup of sal­ vation for Ihe poor. Ihe hurting, and Ihe losl. For many in our group. Ihe w orship service was a "high" iK'cause we were able lo worship God in such a diverse congrega- lion. a congregalion much like we imagine I leaven lo be. Afler Ihe scrvice we shared a meal w ilh Ihe congregalion and viewed a pholography exhibit prescnled hy palienis of ihe Fo­ rensic Unil of St. rilizabelh’s. ll was enriching lo lalk wiih ihc arlisis as Ihey explained their work Ю us. On Sunday aflernoon we vis­ iled Ihe Nalional Zoo and ihe Nalional Cathedral. On our way lo llic melro we passed oul ihe lunches and loilclry bags nilcd w ilh ihe provisions lhal you seni wilh us. I wish I could convey the joy in Ihe faces of those wc served. I wish I could convey ihe liearl breaking knowledge lhal allhough il was a posilive niin- islry. il is nol enough. 1 wish ev­ eryone could iindersiand lhal in Ihis couniry. w e do have enough lo ensure lhat no person, no child, should ever be hungry or homeless. Il’s sonielhing one has lo sec. Il's sonielhing lhal once one secs il. it will change them for­ ever It’s sonielhing lhat surely musl break ihe hearl of God. Il's sonielhing lhal I am glad wc wlio wenl. and those who .sent, had the opportunity lo do. O n M onday m orning we were up early and on our way lo Ihe melro at 6: I.S. Our deslin;i- lion was S.O..M.H.. So Thai Olh­ ers Mighl I-at. Wc walked ihrce- iiuartcrs of a mile once wc lefl the melro. It w asn'l long before we lefl the governmcnl/tourisl section of DC and found our­ selves passing the Housing Au- Ihoriiy comple.xcs. The difference was clearly deliiiealed, mainly by ihe trash on Ihe ground and llic condiiion of Ihc buildings. You see. DC is our nation's capilal. visiled by bolh Ameri­ cans and people from olher parls of Ihe world, so il is a clean cily. E xcriicialingly clean, ll w ouldn'l do for people here and around ihe world lo ihink wc didn'l carc for whal was ours. Hul once we lefl Ihe "visilor zone" lo where the real people lived, actually I mean ihe real poor people, ihe voiceless and powerless people, the cily musl nol have seen a need lo provide sireel cleaning services Ihere. Buildings were broken and dirty. Trash lillcrcd ihe sircels and sidewalks. Gone was the mani­ cured look of Ihe nalural areas. Al S.O.M.E. we worked from seven unlil Iwo. loading plales. handing oul meals, pouring cof­ fee. laking up Irash. wiping and reselling lablOs. and sweeping. We ale our breakfast ihere afler serving .160 breakfasts. Afler a brief rest we repeated the pro­ cess and served 360 lunches. In addilion lo serving, wc were able lo sit and lalk with many of ihe homeless people we served and lliis proved lo be a "high" for many in our group. Laler thal evening some of ihe group served dinners from M cK enna’s W agon, riding in vans lo Ihe differeni parks fre- ijuenlcd by ihe homeless. The olhers passed oul lunches and loilelries in the parks. Tuesday morning came hot and early as we made our way by melro and bus lo Norlh Easl DC and Chrislian Communily Group Homes, an organization dcsigiied lo help the low-income elderly remain in their homes. We cut grass, weeded, cul down a Iree wiih a bow saw. picked up liner, washed vegclables. did some light cleaning and visiled wilh Mrs. Irvin. Tara's high of the day was when Mrs. Irvin told her she had heen depressed unlil wc showed up. Chris worked hard culling her grass and making her yard look lovely again. Ncal allackcd a Iree stump like it was his nem­ esis. Daniel kept everyone on task wilh Ihe organization skills of a CEO. We relumed lo The Pilgrim­ age lhal aflernoon lo hear a pro­ gram by The Nalional Coalition of Ihe Homeless. Three home­ less speakers shared llieir pains and joys wilh us as Ihcy pre- senled a firsl-hand account of liomclessncss. They gifted us by allowing us to took into their lives and hcarls. N oreen re­ mained and shared dinner wiih us. Belly sent her killer pound cake home wilh Fred and David. We are so grateful lo them for how Ihcy helped us grow through iheir shared stories. On W ednesday our group split belween a return Irip lo CCGM, where Ihey perfornied sim ilar services for an elderly genllcm an. and Z acchaeus House, a soup kilchen al Firsl Congrcgalional Church. There we organized pantries, washed dow n Ihe kitchcn, collected Irash, passed oul waler and eat­ ing utensils, and served food. A highlight of this service was lo be able lo connect wilh Ihe people. Wc lalked one on one wilh many of ihc clients and were offered precious insighls into their lives. Deb is slill moved by their need to replace Iheir w ashing m achine lhal would allow the hom eless lo clean iheir clothes. Wc were all impressed and moved by our visil lo The Holo­ caust Museum that afiemoon. h weighed heavy in our devotions lhal evening when we launched inlo a long and deep discussion of racism, bolh wiihin the world and wiihin ourselves. We cov­ ered lopics such as Jcw/Chris- lian, BlackAVhile, North/South, A sian/A m erican, and Ccniral America/North American as we gingerly acknowledged where we ourselves fall shorl lo love justice while harboring seeds of haired wiihin our hearts. By Thursday we were prelly tired. Half our group returned lo Zacchacus Kitchen to serve, al­ ter which they attended noon mass al Sl. Patrick’s RC Church, the oldest church in DC. The resl of us served al DC C enlral Kilchen. a food-recycling pro­ gram lhal takes food that would normally he discarded and rc- cooks or repackages il. DCCK feeds 3,000 people every day. We chopped sipiash. lols of it, cooked salm on, and opened a zillion bo.xes of macaroni and cheese. Thai evening we parlicipaled in a program lilled, "W ho’s Goi The Money" where we learned aboul classism. poverty, afford­ able housing and Ihe inei|uilable distribution of wealth in DC. Did you know lhal there is an eight-year waiting lisl for low- iiicomc family housing there'.' Did you know lhal 20 percenl of the population controls 6,‘i percenl of ihe wealth, and 40 percenl divide the olher 3,‘i per­ cent'.' D id you know there are hardly any manufacturing facili­ ties in DC'.’ M ost of the jobs arc miniimim wage service jobs, and that al m inim um w age, one would have lo work 120 hours a week in DC lo afford housing'.' We didn’t, bul we do now. ll really puls a new perspec­ tive on Ihose homeless people silling on ihc park benches and shu fflin g Ihrough the soup kitchen lines. T he m ission group is so thankful for your varied and gen­ erous support. ■you donated the food and loi- letries thal enabled us lo distrib­ ute lunches and personal hy­ giene packages. You generously donated Ihrough Ihc mission of­ fering lo underwrite ihe com- plcle cost of this mi.ssion Irip. You saturated us with your prayers, before and during the trip. I am nol c.xaggcraling when I lell you I fell Ihc conlinued presence of G od’s love, guid­ ance and proleclion. If you haven’t done so already, slop any or the parlicipanls and ask them lo lell you aboul the trip. They each have a story lo convey. Something becomes sacred when Ihe ordinary becomes ex- iraordinary in the presence of Goii. The rock upon which Jacob resled his head while he dreainl of the ladder to heaven became a holy allar Likewise, our ordi­ nary lives can become sacred as W'e experience ihe ordinary. In lhat sen.se, each of us on the Pil­ grimage trip experienced sacred­ ness while in DC. For lhal we are a changed people. "The Irip was a greal eye opening experience lo a kind of poverty thal isn't seen in Davie County,’’ said Jeff Mighion. "I thought Washington, DC was a greal way to come closer lo our church family while .serv­ ing God," said Neely Alexander DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 15,2002 - 13 The new fellowship building at Jerusalem Baptist Church on U.S. 601 Soulh has 10,000 square feet, plus just as much in an unfinished basement for future growth. . photos by Mike Barnhardt J e r u s a l e m T o D e d i c a t e N e w F e l l o w s h i p B u i l d i n g Hy Mike Karnliiirdt Davie Counly Enierprise Record In the lasl eighl years, mem­ bership has doubled al Jemsaleni B aplist Church on U.S. 601 soulh of M ocksvillc. And unlil this weekend, the niembers and visiiors have had lo deal wilh sonielinies cramped i|uarlers. On Salurday. llie church w ill have an open house from -4-8 p.m. lo cclehrale complclion of a new fellow ship building, llarpisi Amy Sudol will play from 4-6. and pianisi Paul Ijames will play from 6-8. On Sunday al 10:30 a.m.. ihe building will be dcdicaled. Af- ler music and a message by vis­ iiing m inislcr, llic Kcv. Ron Harrison, a covered dish lun­ cheon will be served in Ihc new hall, which can seal 300 people al round tables. The ceremonies will be ihc highlighi of several years of prayers and work, of members generously reaching into their pockels 10 help Ihe community. The new building includes offices for Ihe paslor the Rev. Jinimy Lancasler, and a.ssociale paslor, the Rev. Brent Spry, and officc manager Kim Sigmon, ll has a conference room and li­ brary. halhrooms wiih showers. >- and maybe most im portantly, more Sunday School classes. And there’s a full, unnnished basement for future growlh. "We wanl lo make sure we carc for cach other’s needs dur­ ing our classes for Sunday School," Lancasler said. “This projecl has broughl people to­ gether We’re conliiiuing lo be blessed and thankful for w hat’s going on." The church has raised nearly half of the eslinialed cosi. and regular offerings have held up. Lancasler said. “This is nol aboul any indi­ vidual. Il’s aboul us as a body," he said. "W e’re going to con­ tinue to reach oul lo ihis com ­ munity as a team.” Jerusalem has some 400-.‘i()0 members, iiicluiliiig 37.“i who are m em bers of a Sunday School class. Services are held al 8:45 and 11. Sunday School is al 9:4.“). Lancasler said he .secs hope in the grow lh of churches in T a m i D a n ie l Is P r o m o te d Tami Daniel of M ocksville has advanced lo unil leader by Creative Memories. Daniel started her Creative M emories lionie-hased business in 2000. Unit leaders have re­ cruited si.x or more consullanis inlo the unil and mainlained a consistent level of personal sales, provided ongoing training, leadership and recognition lo unil members. She will be recognized as in Ihe lop live percenl of consull­ anis at the nalional convention in M inneapolis, Minn. Candace Carter and Tara Jones prepare to serve 720 people at S.O.M.E. C en ter UMC P r e s c h o o l N O W Call: 33&4925735 33fr940^753 Davie Coumy. “ Many churches have been adding on. We wanl lo do whal Ihcy’vc been doing ... conlinuc lo give credil lo ihe Lord." Jerusalem was founded in 1868 on Ihc current sile at U.S. 601 and Becklown Koad. Ii is using il's third sancluary. Randy Grubb, building com- millee member and life member of Ihc church, along wilh his fa­ lher Dennis, arc Ihe general con- Iractors. "We ihoughi and prayed hard before wc jum ped in on lliis." Grubb said. “Wc do nioslly resi- dcnlial work, bul we saved ihe church a bunch of money." Lancasler said lhal members have chippcd in when asked, somelimes wilhoul being asked. The capilal cam paign was spirilually based, and people gladly came aboard, he said. The new niembers have ar­ rived because of growlh in Ihc area, adverlisemenls placed by ihe church, and hy members id l­ ing Ihcir friends and neighbors. "People have been bringing people." Lancasler said. "We slill live in an age w here if some­ body inviles you. you're more api lo com e." The church has aclivc m en’s and women's niinisiries. and sur­ veys have shown that programs for young people are imporlanl lo the community. “People feel lhat Ihey have a place here." Lancasler said. The new fellowship hall can seat 300 people for special events. The Rev. Jimmy Lancaster works from his new office. The entrance to the building leads to the dining hall. Dennis, Alex, Randy and Judy Grubb put finishing touches on the commercial grade kitchen. Sprinkle Mission Starts Aug. 25 At First Methodist The Sprinkle Preaching M is­ sion. a series of preaching ser­ vices established lo honor the lale H enry | and M arga­ rel Sprinkle. I will be held al F irsl United M e th o d ist C hurch in M ocksville on Aug. 2 5 ,1 26. 27. S prinkle ¡Vlallett was m inister em eritus at Firsl United M ethodist Church. The mission will begin Sun­ day morning, Aug. 25 al 10:30 a.m. with a mini concert of fa­ vorite anthems by the Chancel Choir and the Praise & Worship Team, followed by Worship at 11 a.m. Services will continue each evening, Sunday-Tue.sday, at 7 p.m. D r Reginald M allctt, an or­ dained M eihodisi minister of the British Conferencc and a physi­ cian. will preach al each scrvice. Mallell was visiiing m inister for ihc.sc services in 1996, 1998, 2000. M allcit and his w ife, Brenda will be a part of these services lo honor Ihe Sprinkles. M allctt, after m ajoring in chem istry, siudied theology al the University of London gradu­ ating wilh firsl class honors. He gradualed in medicine from the University of Binningham , En­ gland. As a m inister he served some of Ihe largesi churches in En­ gland. He com bines Ihe role of a traveling preacher w ilh his niedical work. He preaches ev­ ery weekend in different parts of the couniry in addilion lo con­ ferences and o th e r special events. He has preached to the British M ethodist Conference. As a physician, he special­ ized in epidemiology and carried oul research in the field of peri- -< natal mortality. He is a Fellow of P hysicians o f the U nited Kingdom. He has held senior positions in the British Heallh Service including that of Chief M cdical O fficer and G eneral Manager oflhe Chellenham Dis­ trict M eallh A uthority, Gloucestershire. For Ihe past 38 years he has preached frei|uenily in various parts of Ihe United Slates. He has been the prcacher al annual con- I'crcnccs and has addressed con­ ferences ill Lake Junaluska. The Chancel Choir will sing each evening and the Children’s C hoirs w ill sing on Sunday nighl. The A dull H andbell C hoir will present several .selections on M onday evening. Child care will be provided each nighl for young children. The communily is invited lo at­ tend any or all oflhe.se services. DAVIS REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER wvvw.davisregionai.cotn I f y o u f e e l li k e y o u ’r e a t t l i e e n d o f y o u r r o p e , m a y b e i t ’s t i m e t o a s k f o r h e lp . S.Stress. Ic affects all of us. It’s even been called the “epidemic of our time”. Numerous surveys confirm that adult Americans perceive they are under much more stress than ever before. While some stress can be energizing and motivate us to accomplish more, too much stress can be harmful. In fact, heart disease, stroke, substance abuse, diabetes, ulcers, and neck or low back pain can be attributed to overstress. If you or a loved one is suffering from coo much stress, we can help. The Delta Behavioral Health Program ac Davis Regional Medical Center offers a comprehensive inpatient treacmenc program for those suffering from stress. Don’t gee CO che end of your rope before you ask for help. Give us a call ac (704) 838-7450 and let us throw you a lifeline. - < i# D A V IS Delta Behavioral Health Program 2 I « C) L U MOCKSVILLC К О A IJ r 154, STAIESVILLt • (7 0 4) H71 (I ¿HI 14 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Aug. IS, 2002 O b i t u a r i e s Advance Florist & Gift Baskets Fruii • B«l»d Ooods • Gourmet Вмк»1» W»ildlnQ-Fun«r»l« — H’c Deliver— (336) 940-6337 Hon-FriW, Sal 9-3 DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 15, 2002 - 15 Burr Coley Brock Jr. Mr. Burr Coley Brock Jr.. 81. of Pincvillc Road. M ocksvillc. died Sunday, Aug. 11. 2002 .it his home. A graveside servicc was held Wednesday. Aug. 14 at 11 a.n\. at Farminglon Communiiy Center wilh the Rev. Fred Shoaf officiat­ ing, with military grsivcsidc rites by thc District 11 Memorial Honor Guard. Memorials: American Diabe­ tes Assoc., 1820 E, 7lh St.. Char­ lotte. 28024; Davic County Chap­ ler American Heart Assoc., c/o Roslyn W ilkes. BB&T, 119 Gailhcr St., Mocksville; .Military Order of thc Purple Mean, c/o Ri­ chard J. Rosa, commander, 1757 Huntington Woods Ct., Winslon- Salcm, 27103; or Veterans of For­ eign Wars District 11 Memorial Honor Guard, c/o John W. Tucker. 4955 Gardcnview Dr., Winston- Salem. 27107. Mr. Brock was bom Aug. 26. 1920 in Davie County lo the late B.C. Sr. and Laura Tabor Brock and was a relired Realtor. He served in the U.S. Army Corp dur­ ing World War II, was a member of the N.C. Really Board ami M ililary O rder of the Purple Heart. He was preceded in death by his wife, Ruth Rankins Brock: a son, Robert Burr Brock: a brother, Rufus Brock; and a sister. Marga­ ret Jo Brock. Survivors; 2 daughters, Caroline Brock of Fallston and Patricia G enovese of Hendersonville; a grandson; a sis­ ter. Frances Tucker of Eden; 4 brothers, John Brock of Mocks­ ville, James Brock, William L. Brock and Richard Brock, and a sister-in-law, Margaret Jo Brock, all of Farminglon. Pauline Myerly M iller Mrs. Pauline Myerly Miller. 97, of Advance, died Wednesday, Aug. 7,2002. al Ihe N.C. Lutheran Home in Hickory. She was bom June 12. 1905. ■ in Hagerstown, Md., to Frederick and Clara Bell M yerly. M rs. Millsr was a member of King of G lory Lutheran Church in Clemmons and was retired from Fleischers Clolhing Store after .^7 years. She was also active in Ihe Red Cross during World War 11. Mrs. .Miller was preceded in death by her husband. Mar\ in V. Miller, on Jan. 11.1969, and a son, Harvey H. Miller, on Oct. .11. 2001. Survivors: a daughter. Pal McKelvcy of Bermuda Run; 7 grandchildren; and 6 great-grand­ children. A funeral service was held at Hayw orth-M iller K inderton Chapel, with Ihe Rev. Phillip Squire officiating. Mrs. Miller was senl to Gerald N. Minnich Funeral Home in Hagerstown. Md„ for a graveside service al Rosehill Cemelery. M emorials; C risis C ontrol Ministry, 200 E. lOih St.. Win­ ston-Salem. 27101; or King of Glory Lutheran Church. 2580 Old Glory Road. Clemmons, 27012. Thomas Clinton Lyons Thomas Clinton "Clint" Lyons Sr.. 85, of Lexington, died Aug. 8, 2002, at Baptist Hospital of natural causes. He was bom March 3, 1917. to Ihe lale George W ashington Lyons and Daisy M cM ahan Lyons. He was educated in the Davie County schools. He was a butcher al Clodfeller Supemiarkcl on Main Sireet in Lexington and was a member of Greater Faith Chrisli.in Church in Lexington. He served as a deacon and was falhcr of thc church. He was preceded in death by his wife. Ardena Ijames Lyons and a son, Ihe Rev. Bobby G. Lyons. Survivors; 3 daughters, Earlie G. Lyons Smilh of Salisbury. Brenda Elaine Lyons Horton of Vienna. Va. and Mary Hairston of Thom asvilie; 2 son.s. Thom as Clinton Lyons Jr. of Columbus. Ohio, and James Edward Lyons Sr. of Ballimore. Md.; 10 grand­ children; 12 great-grandchildren: and 3 great-great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 14, at Greater Failh Chrislian Church, Lexington, with the Rev. Tony Sanders officiating. Burial wias in Lexington Cily Cemetery. Roscoe Mabe Mr. Roscoe M abe, 83, of W ilkesboro Street, Mocksville died carly Tuesday morning, Aug. 6,2002 al Kate B. Reynolds Hos­ pice Home ill Winston-Salcm. Tlie funeral scrvice was at 11 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 8 at Eaton Funeral Chapel, with the Rev. Glen Sellers, Terry Bralley and Dr. F.W. Slate officiating. Burial was in Rose Cemetery with military riles performed by thc District 11 Memorial Honor Guard. Veterans of Foreign W.irs. M-'morials; Hospicc of Davie. P.O. Box 848. .Mocksville; or Kale B. Reynolds Hospice Home. 101 Hospice Lane. Winston-Salcm, 27103. Mr. M.ibe was born Sepl. 13. 1918, in Stokes Counly lolhc late Hardin Winslon and Manha Jane Duncan Mabe. He was a finish­ ing carpenter through most of his life. In retirement he was involved in v.nrious charities including Ihe Crosby Golf Tournament, the Van­ tage. H abitat for Humanity. YMCA. Crises Conlrol. CON­ TACT. and Missing Children's Fund. He served his country dur­ ing World War II. enlcred the U.S. Army infantry and saw combat in New Guinea and Laytee, Philip­ pines. He was discharged Aug. 18. 1945, with the rank of staff ser­ geant. He was a lifetime member of VFW and a member of the Red Arrow of Detroit. He enjoyed working with people in solving day to day problems and to see the results in aclion. He was a mem­ ber of Landis Baptist Church and had attended thc public schools in Davie and Stokes counties. He was preceded in death by a son, Roscoe Audie Mabe; 5 sis­ ters, Bilha Willi.mis, Ella Burris, Elsie Donaldson, Millie Corriher and Cora Gaines; and by a brolher, Charlie Mabe. Survivors: his wife of 55 years, Lillie Williams Mabe of the home; adaughter, Mrs. George (Yvonne) Sanborn of Winston-Saleni; a sis­ ter, Mattie Hayes of Elbert on, Ga,; 2 brolhers, Woodrow .Mabe of M ocksville and Odus Mabe of ,Myrtle Beach, S.C. Rosa Lee Carroll .Mrs. Rosa Lee Myers Carroll, 66. of Boonville. died Wednesday, Aug. 7.2002. at Kate B, Reynolds Hospice Home. She was born Aug. 24. 1935, lo G eorge Richard and Irene Slarbuck iMycrs. .Mrs. Carroll was a member of Grapevine Baptist Church and she relired from Biscuitville in Clemmons. She was preceded in death by her firsl husband. Rob;ih S. Holder Jr.; 2 brothers. G arland and D onnie M yers; and a sister. Gladys Myers. Sun ivors: her husband, Elden Carroll of Ihc home; 2 daughters, Vickie Haga and husband Marty and Kathy Funkhouscr, all of Win­ ston-Salem: 2 stepsons, David Carroll and Gillis Carroll and wife Shannon, all of Florida; a step­ daughter, Brenda Gentry and hus­ band Larry of Boonville; 10 grandchildren; 5 great-gramlchil- dren; 2 brothers. George Richard "Jr." Myers of Advance and James ,Meyers of Mocksville; and a sis­ ter. Mae Starr of Mocksville. Thc funeral service was al 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 10, at Grape­ vine Baptist Church with the Rev. Ronnie Comer officiating. Burial was in W estlawn G ardens of Memory. Memorials; Hospice/l’alliative CareCenler, IIOO-C S. Stratford Road, Winston-Salem, 27103. George E. Wilkinson Mr. George Everett Wilkinson, 74, of Mocksville, died Thursday, Aug, 8, 2002 at his home. He was born in Catawba County Aug. 8, 1928 to Claude F, and Emma Saine Wilkinson. He wa.s formerly wiih ihe Catawba County Sheriff's Department. He was employed by Service Distrib­ uting Co. Survivors: his wife, Christine Fisher Wilkinson of Ihc home; a daughter, Debra Lafoiie of Conover; 3 stepchildren, r.vcrcit Moore. Rick Moore and Evelyn White; 7 other stepchildren on his wife’s side: 6 grandchildren: 3 great-grandchildren: a brother, John Wilkinson of Hickory; and a sisier, Edilh Wilkinson of Newton. Funeral services were private. Memorials: a charily of the donor's choice. Edward Lee Hepler Sr. Mr. Edward Lee Hepler Sr.. 64, of .Mocksville, died at 5:30 a.m. Sunday. Aug. II, 2002. He had been in declining health for more than three years and seriously ill for two months. He was born Aug. 29. 1937. in Davie County to Samuel H. and Geneva Foster Hepler. He was a Iruck driver for Bowen's Dairy Products from 1963 10 1980. He was Ihen in­ volved in dairy farming until late 1998. A sister. Lois Faye Hepler, pre­ ceded him in death. Sur\'ivors: his wife of 40 years, Frances E. Hepler of thc home; a daughter, Mrs. Ben (Patricia) Hiatt of Mocksvillc; a son, Edward Lee Kepler Jr. (and w ife Norma) of M ocksville; a grandchild: 2 siepgrandchildren; a step great­ grandchild; 3 brothers, Jesse(and wife Shirley) Hepler of Mocks­ villc, Samuel R. (and w ife Betty) Hepler of Mocksville, and David (and wife Ruth) H epler of Rockwell: and his dog, Tyncc. Funeral services were at 11 a.m . Tuesday. Aug. 13 at H ayw onh-M iller K inderton Chapel by the Rev. Beverly Isley- Landreth (H ospice chaplain). Burial was in Cornatzer United ■Melhodist Church Cemetery. .Memorials: Hospice/Palliative CareCenler, IIOO-C S. Stratford Road, Winslon-Salcm, 27103. Roy F. Alexander Sr. .Mr. Roy F. Alexander Sr., 88. of Cenler Street, Cooleemee, died iMondiiy, Aug. 5,2002 at the home of his son, Roy Jr., in Hillsborough. Born in Davie County Jan. 26, 1914, he was the son of the late Charles and Annie Alexander. He had served as police chief in Robbins and at UNC-Greensboro. He had played and managed in professional baseball. He served in Ihe U.S. iS'avy on Ihe USS Alaska during World War 11. He was a member of the .Masons, the NC/SC Law Enforcement Asso- ci:ilion and the VFW. He w as also a m em ber of the Cooleem ee Uniled .Melhodist Church. His wife, .Margaret Ijames Alexander, preceded him in death in January of this year. Survivors: a son and daughter- in-law, Roy Jr. and Brenda Alexander of Hillsborough; 2 grandsons; and a great-grand­ daughter. Four brothers and two sislers also preceded him in dealh. A graveside memorial service for iMr. Alexander was held al 2 p.m. niursday, Aug. 8, at the Cen­ ler Uniled Methixlist Church cem­ etery, with the Rev. Perry Bnidshaw officiaiing. Tlie Dislricl 11 .Memorial Honor Guard ac­ corded military honors. .Memorials; Cooleemee Meth- ixlist, c/o Richard Smith, P.O. Box 515, Cooleemee, GENE’S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 7 6 6 - 9 1 4 8 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons JU L L SERVICE ®E.S!GN •h M'iuit IVt- Offer... VTcii’.ni’rh'i • ‘Я л’г Cin'i'rúujs VinJim' Tk’tiriiitHtj ‘A'iUniii £ii5i’mHt'5 Tnys it' rflMfS >’f4uv ‘ridnmUíL ^a n d ^ In te rio r D e sig n s , Inc. (.136) 766-9918 JÎW-C kd., Bt'idf tkmmoni l.ibnri lUSAiwciiln Charles W. Valentine Charles William Valentine, f>4, died unexpectedly on Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2002 al Iredell .Memorial Hospital. He was born Oct. 19, 1937 in Mamptonville. a son of the lale Bud and Dare Steele Valentine. He w as married to Peggy Patterson on Aug. 19, 19.S9. who survives. He w as preceded in death by a brolher, Edward Valcniine, and his malernal and paternal grandpar­ ents. Survivors: 2 sons, Gary Patterson of the home and Todd Valentine of Harmony: 2 daugh­ ters, .Melissa (Henry) Hooks of Simpsonville, S.C. and Bridget Williams of .Mocksville: 5 brolh­ ers, Lonnie (M axine) Steele, Johnny Valentine and Ronnie Val­ entine, all of Maryland. Hubert Valentine of the home, and Rob­ ert (B etty) V alentine of Statesville; a sisier, Velva (Janies) Stevenson of Olin: 3 grandchil­ dren: and 6 greal-grandchildrcn. A memorial service was held al 2 p.m. Monday, Aug. 12 al Liv­ ing Word Fellowship of Failh Ministries in Statesville. Thc Rev. Dr. Steve .McKinnon officiated. Debra Ann Cummings Debra Ann Hege Cummings, 40, of Lewisville died June 29. 2002, She was bom Dec, 25. 1961, in Forsyth Counly to the late David Carl Hege and .Margaret Ann Hege. She was a waitress with Ronnie's in Clemmons. Surviving: her mother, Ann Hege Clement of Lexington: her husband, Thomas F. Cummings V of Keriicrsvillc: 2 sons, 1-year-old Joseph Paul Cummings of the home and Thomas F. Cummings VI of Winston-Salcm: a daughter, Candace Collie of Kemersville; 4 grandchildren; brothers David Hege and wife Pal of Lexington, Kenneth Hege and wife Sandy of Buizach, Germ any, and Tony Hege and wife Julie of Mocks­ ville; a sister and godparents of Joseph, Pamela York and husband James of Lexington; and sister Daisy Hunt and husband Tim of Lexington: a special nephew, Jus­ lin York of Lexington: and a spe­ cial friend, Jim Hobson of Kemersville. A memorial service was held al 11 a.m. .Monday, Aug. 12 al Davidson Funeral Honie-llickory Tree Chapel, with Ihe Rev. Cara Lee Stallings officiating. Bjiiral was al Forest Hill .Memorial Park Mausoleum in Lexington. Rachel Lambeth Carter Mrs. Rachel Lambeth Carier, 82, Ihe wife of Miles Millard Carter Jr., died Sunday, Aug. 4, after a long struggle with Alzheimer's. Survivors; her daughters, Rebecca Carier Tolley and hus­ band Michael of Bermuda Run and Jane Carier Handly and hus­ band Roberl of Dallas, Texas; 3 grandchildren: 2 great-grandchil­ dren. A native of Arcadia, she re­ sided for the pasl four years in Dallas, Texas. Mrs. Carter at­ tended Salem College and gradu­ aled from High Poinl University. She earned il master's degree Irom the University of Norlh Carolina al Greensboro. For 35 years she served .N’orlli Carolina as an edu­ cator in reading and language arts. She began her career as a tcacher in Davidson County. She taught in the W inston-Salem /Forsylh County Schools at Forest Park and Latham elementary schools. She became a remedial reading teacher and. by Ihe end of her career, she had lurned her efforts inlo a pil­ grimage for better ways lo teach children to read. .Mrs. Carier served as a demonstration tcacher and consultant al Ihe .Model De­ velopmental Reading School in Greensboro and was a field direc­ tor for model schools under Ihc Learning Institute of Norlh Caro­ lina. She was an instructor in Ihe educalion department at Salem College, a consultant for thc N,C. Pepartment of Public Instruction and staff develop-nieni coordina­ tor for the Right-to-Rcad Pro­ gram. She was honored by Gov. James Hunt as Reading Educator of the Year in 1982. She was a member of Delta Kappa Gamma. She retired ¡is supervisor of read­ ing for Ihe W inston-Salcm / Forsyth Country Schools in 1981. She was a member of Trinity M oravian Church, where she served as a Sunday school teacher and a member of the board of el­ ders, and founded Ihe Simnyside Club from which the Sunnyside Ministry grew. She served on the board of home missions for Ihe Southern Province for the Moravian Church. .Memorials: Special Children's School, 4505 Shaltalon Drive, Winston-Salem; or the huilding fund forTrinily Moravian Church. A graveside service was held al K) a.m. Saturday, Aug. U), at God's Acre in Old Salem followed by a memorial service at 11 a.m. al frinity Moravian Church on Sprague Street. AMeaningftil Funeral Service Welch Funeral Home, liic. 556 South Mnin St. • Mock-svilie, NC • (336) 751-3725 — Locnili/ OwiiL'il & Ofjcrntcil — D A V I E F U I V E R A L S E R V I C EIncor|ximlc(l 416 V.illcv Kd.. Mcidi.svnie, NC 336-751-3111 "Our fiimHy Sen'hi^ Vour Гiviiihj" TOi'R шннггоил' riwEati iiihie V i f ///( i/'//</ (ft • Eunice F. Lewis 1913-2002 WINSTON-SALEM William B, Tesh 1921-2002 \ WNSTON-SAIBM №n«feB. Canter. 1909 - 2002 • WINSTON SALEM ' * TYevfiL Spillman . , 1919 - 2002 ADVANCE TIielmaG.Pegg 1925 - 2002 WINSTON-SALEM » Tilipe R. Andrade 2002 ' MOCKSVIUE ■ ' JaidaM.Bray 2002 ATLANTA (ft. ■ Ruth,C. Cline 1920 - 20Q2 . WINSTON-SALEM fane h. Knykendali 1913 - 2002 CHARLOTTE Jerry A. Webb 2002 • MOCKSyiULE Roy F. Alexander, Sr. 1914-2002 COOLEEMEE Myrtle D. Deans 1904 - 2002 ROCKY MOUNT Nella M. Boles 1920 - 2002 MOCKSVILLE W h e n m a k i n g f u n e r a l a r r a n g e m e n t s , i s n ’t i t g o o d t o k n o w t l i a t t h e r e i s a l o c a l l y o w n e d ñ m e r a l h o m e w i t h o v e r f i f t y y e a r s o f e x p e r i e n c e i n s e r v i n g t h e D a v i e C o u n t y c o m m u n i t y ? • Funeral Service Profes.sionals who are yoiirfricncLs and neii’lihor.K • Funeral Service Professionals involved and aclive in supporting tlwse things important in the comnmnity in which we live • Funeral Service Professionals meeting any need or circumstance your fam ily might have • Funeral Sen’ice Profes.sionals with only one thing in mind... Making sure that one ofthe mo.si difficult times in xour family's life is handled with the care ami dignity lhat can he provided hv tho.se thal have known you the longest. E A T O N FUNERAL SERVICE, INC. Ci'lehrtilini; 50 yenix oj .'¡en'lce lo the comimmitv .12 5 North Main St., Mocksville, NC • 751-2148 .Monafc-m^ I’jilncf O'* no ■lenkin.s Christian Women’s Clubs To Meet The two Christian W omen’s Clubs of W inslon-Salcm will mcel on Aug. 21 and 22 al Bemiuda Run Couniry Club. The speaker will be Ginny Slikeleallier ol Slalesville. The meetings are open lo the public, but reservations are required. A free nursery is provided. At the luncheon on Wednesday, the theme is "Game Plan." Mike Wells, attorney, will speak on "How lo Live to be lOO." The lim- chcon begins at 11:15 a.m. Cosl: S I2.2.5. Re.servalions: 924-9281. Al Ihc brunch on Thursday, the theme is "Ealing In." Kathy Needs will presenl an in-home cooking ser\’ice lhat provides healthy allemalives lo fast food. Reservations: Pal al 940-6885 or Alelha al 760-42.53. Cost: ,SI().50. S h i l o h B a p t i s t T o H o n o r D r J e n k i n s Shiloh Baplisl Church at 544 E. Depot St. in Mocksville will celebrate Ihe lOtli anniversary of its pastor, the Rev. Dr. Donald Ray Jenkins, on Sunday al 3 p.m. Thc Rev. Marvin D. Harper, the I pastor ofTabernacIe Unilcd Church of Christ in Yadkinville, will deliver the mess;ige. Dinner I will be served al 1:30. Jenkins preached his firsl sermon at Shiloh I on the fourih Sunday in February 1992 and was called to paslor Ihe church on the third Sunday in August, 1992. During his lO-year pastorale, he has led Shiloh lo purchase 3.5 acres of land ailjacenl to ihe church and to renovate Ihe church I and Ihc parsonage. The next major project he will undertake will be Ihe conslruclion of a new fellowship hall. A native of W eldon. Jenkins earnetl an undergraduate degree in English from N.C. Central University in Durham :ukI his graduate degrees in English from the University of North Carolina at Pem­ broke and Ihe Universily of North Carolina at Greensboro. In addi­ lion lo his pastoral duties, Jenkins serves as an associate professor of English at Livingstone College in Salisbury. Jenkins and his wife, Linda, reside in Winston-Salem. Erin Carter To Sing At Mocks Erin Carier will present testimony and gospel music at Ihe 11 a.m. worship servicc al M ocks United Methodist Church on Sun­ day, Aug. 18. The church is localed off N.C. 801 Soulh, ihree miles from U.S. 158. al M ocks Church and Beauchamp roads. Movin’ Up To Be At Liberty M ovin’ Up. a Southern gospel trio, will be spreading God's word al Liberiy United M ethodist Church homecoming service on Aug. 25. The group sang al Ihe Singing in ihe Sun gospel concert at Myrtle Beach Ihis pasl April. Tim Sutton. Sharon Hyler, and Karen Ham arc based out of W inlerville and have been singing together for 10 years. Dr. John Andrews will deliver Ihc sem ion a t 10 a.m. and M ovin’ Up will sing at 10:45. Lunch will follow at noon. For additional infomiation, contact 284-2553. Eatons Baptist Church Homecoming Sunday Eatons Baplisl Church will hold ils annual lumiecimiing .service Sunday, Aug. 18. The morning message will be presented by the Rev. Andy Mor­ ris, director of programming for Hou.sccalls iMlernational, an orga­ nization commilled lo assisiing state conventions in implenieming plans for repair of substandard housing. A graduate of the Univer­ sity of Norlh Alabama and Southeastern Baptist Theological Semi­ nary, he is a foniier high school teacher and coach, served 10 years as youlh and recreation m inisler al four churches in North Carolina at Tennessee, and, from 199(1-2001, worked on the staffs of thc Brotherhood Commission and North American Mission Board as director of World Changers. Sunday School begins al 10 a.m., thc morning worship .service follows at 11, and a covcrcd dish limch will be sened afler wor­ ship, Paslor David Gilbreath and congregation invite ihe comnui­ niiy. Thc church is localed al Richie Road and Eatons Church Road. Piano Recital Sunday In Advance A piano recital featuring the works of Felix Mendelssohn will be performed by Eric Hendricks al Advance Uniled Methodist Church, downtown Advance al 1911 N.C. 801 S., al 4 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 18. There is no charge. For more information, call 998-7750. R I N G ? How About An Annuity^ W o o d t n e n 's F le x ib le P r e m i u m a n d S in g le P r e m i u m D e f e r r e d A n n u itie s a r e c o m p e titiv e a l t e r n a t i v e s to o t h e r s a v i n g s p l a n s . T h e in itia l g u a r a n t e e d ra te * Is: 5 . 0 0 % ‘This mto is guaranteed hr tho tirsi month and Ihon can vary monthly or can bo lockod m for ono yoar. Ж Creola Rogers 569 Sheffield Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5162 WOODMEN OF THE WORLD/ OMAHA WOODMEN UFE INSURANCE SOCIETY IIOMH OFFICE: OMAHA, NEHH,VSKA W .N N O O llnil ll.l'O n i A t t e n d T h e C h u r c h O f Y o u r C h o i c e No Crook PrImitlVQ Baptist Church,No Crook Church Rd.. Mocksvillo. 2nd & 4th Sundays, 10:30 a.m. Fourth Saturday worship and conferonco.l :30 p.m. Pastor. Eldor Eugono Bonnolt. Eaglo Holghts C hu rch,10 a.m. Sunday worship. 7 p.m. Tuesday Powortimo. 7 p.m. Thursday Biblo study. Casuat dfess. contompoTary music/worship. 5103 U.S. 158. Hillsdale. M ocksvillo W osloyan Church: Hospital St.. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11. Wednesday Prayer Mooting, 7 p.m. Rov. George Troyor. 751-5595. Union Chapot United Methodist Church: 2030 U.S. 601 N. Worship. 9:45 a.m, Sunday School. 11 a.m.. Paslor. Rov. Brad Holliman. Contor Unltod Mothodlst Church: U.S. 64 W. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11. Pastor. Stephen Blair. 751-2754. Childcaro directors: Carla Prevelto. 492-5735 & Sandra Autry. 940-3753. Elbavlllo Unltod Mothodlsl Church: N.C. 801. Advance. Fellowship, 9 a.m. Sunday School. 10. Worship. 11. Kids For Christ (ages 4-11), 1 st & 3rd Sun., 3*4:30 p.m. Toens for Christ (ages 12- 18) moot Sun,, 5-6.30 p.m. Pastor: Rev. Neville Storey. Cooloomoo Church of God: Sunday School. 10 a.m. Worship Sorvico and Children's Church. 11 a.m. Tues. Prayor Meeting. 7 p.m. Wcd. Family Sorvico, 7 p.m. For moro Info, call pastor Robort Hutette at 284-2180 or visit mvw.coolcog.org. Cornatzor Unltod Mothodlst Church: 1244 Cornatzor Rd. Sunday School. 10 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m.. 7:30 p.m. Biblo Study. Wednesday. 7:30. Rov, Harold Zimmerman, pastor. Bolhol United Mothodlsl Church: Bolhel Church Rd. Worship. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 10:50 a.m. Rov. Ed Carter, pastor. Advance Unltod Mothodlst Church: Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Youlh. 5 p.m. Rov. Harry 0. Sammons,Downtown Advance. Farm ington Unltod Methodist Church: Sunday School. 10 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m. 1939 Farminglon Rd. 998-3769, Rov. Melinda Snyder. Oak Grovo United Mothodlsl Church: 1994 U.S. 158, Mocksvillo. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11. Concord Unltod Mothodlst Church, Cherry Hiil Rd., Mocksvillo. Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Pastor, John Andrews. Hardison Unltod MelhodisI Church: Worship, 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. t0:45. Wonderlul Wodnos-days Children’s program, 6*7:30. Pastor, Rov. Dennis 8. Marshall. Community Baptist Church: Sunday School, 10 a m. Sunday Worship. 11. Evening service. 6. Wednesday Bible Study. 7 p.m. Gladstone Road. Hiltsdato Uni tod Mothodlst Church: 5228 U.S. 158. Advance. Contomporary worship Sunday 10:45 a.m. Sunday School, 9:35. Casual dress, rofroshmonts. Jr. High Youlh Sunday nighl. 5:30. Sr. High Youlh Sunday nighl. 7. Midwoek@Hillsdalo prayor service, Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Biblo studies, ministries such as drama, worship, misions, singles, women's, men's. Pastor; Jerry Webb. 998-4020. Wosley Chapol United Mothodlst Church: Worship Sorvico; 10 a.m. Sunday School; 10:45 a.m. Rev. Mindy Snydor. Pino Rd. Redland Pentecostal Holiness Sunday School; 9:15 a.m. Pastor; Rov. Robort Kasling. 751-5419. http://www.mlndspring,com/'‘holycross/ Mocksvlllo First Prosbytorlan Church. 261 S. Main SI. Worship: 11 a.m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday ovoning; Chorlstois (grades 1*5) & Youlh (grades 6-12). 5:30 p.m. Paslor: l^oal Carter. 751-2507. Mocks United Mothodlst Church, olt N.C. 801 S. at Mocks Church/ Beau* Champ roads. Advance. Rev. Donnio Durham, 998-5518. Sunday worship: 8:45 & 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Smith Grovo Mothodlst Church: 3492 U.S. 158. Mocksvillo, Paslor: Chris Clonlz. Sunday School: 10 a.m.. worship, 11. Children's ministry. Before and aftor school programs. 940-5296. Hlllsdalo Baptist Church: Sunday Worship and Bible Sludy 9 & 10:30 a.m., Wodnosday Fellowship Moal. 6 p.m. Chiidron's youlh activities, prayor mooting, 6:30 p.m. Pastor R.T. Alderman, 940-6618. Minislof of Music, Brent Holton. 4815 U.S. 158, Advance. Faith ond Viclory Family Worship Cenler, 1687 Hwy. 601 N. Sunday Services, 10 a,m.. 7 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m. Now Bollovors P.P. Church. Sunday School. 10 a.m. Worship Sorvico. 11. Wednesday night Bible study. 5, Pastor Elizabeth Mock. Assoc. Paslor Derrick Mock. Women’s Aux. & Brolhorhood Biblo Study. 1st & 3rd Thursday Liberty Unllod Mothodlst Church. U.S. 601 s. Worship:9:45 a.m. Sunday School; 11 a.m. First Unltod Mothodlsl Church of Mocksvlllo. Early Sunday Worship Service. 8:50 a.m. Praiso singing, casual dross, contomporary format. Traditional sorvico. 10:55 a.m, 305 N. Main SI. 751-2503. Pastors. Crystal Aloxandor and Charles Tumor. Boliovor's Sonship Tabornaclo; Sunday worship. 10:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Wod. ovoning. 7. Pastor: Jerry L. Couch. 998-1324. Cana Rd. - Poller's Lane. Turrontlno Baptist Church: Sunday School. 9:45 a.tn.. Worship, tl; Night Sorvico. 6. Pastor: Rov. Joo Smith. Bothlohom Unllod Mothodlst Church: Sunday oafly worship. B;45 a.m.; Sunday School. 10 Worship, 11 a.m. 321 Rodiand Rd., Advance. 336- 998-5083. Fax: 940-5502. E-Mail: bolhumc(«)aol.com. Episcopal Church of the Ascension, Fork-Bixby Rd., Advance. Sun. School, 10 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m. 998-0857. Dial A Story Ministry for chlldron. Bill and Poggy Long of Advance. 998*7716. Services at tho Oaks, Apt. 7A, 7 p.m., Thursdays. Bishop T.R. Rico. Clomont Grovo Church of God, Body of Christ. 159 Parker Rd.. Mocksvillo. 492-5125. Salurday Services: Sabbalh School. 10 a.m.. Worship. 11:45. Wednesday Biblo Sludy. 7 p.m. Pastor: Eldor Ernest Ijames. Radio Broadcast: Tho Biblo Is Right. Tuesdays, 5*5:30 p.m., WDSL 1520 AM and Sundays, 8- 8:30 a.m., WSTP 1490 AM. Greon Moadows Baptist Church Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayor & Biblo Sludy, 7 p.m. Pastor Rov. Michaol Waters, 998-3022. Liberty Wosloyan Church. 2106 Sheffield Rd., Harmony. Sunday School 10 a.m.. Mom. Worship 11 a.m.. Wod. Bible Adventure 7 p.m.. Sr. Ministry 2nd Tues, each monih 10 a.m. 492*2963. Pastor: Ronald Lee. Bixby Prosbytorlan Church, 1806 Fork-Bixby Rd., near Cornatzor Rd.. Sun. School 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11. Pastor; Dosignatod pastor. 998- 6813. Dulln Unitod Molhodlst Church, 897 Rov. Perry Bradshaw (284* 6135) In Homo Biblo Studios, by Randy Howoll. 284-4667. Boar Crook Baptist Church, Boar Croek Ch. Rd., Sun. School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m.. Biblo Sludy Wed. 7 p.m. Rov. William Loo Cook 111, paslor. Cooloomoo First Baptist Church, 284 Marginal St., Sun. Biblo Study 9:45 a.m.. Morn. Worship 11 a.m.. Eve. Worship 7 p.m.. Youth, 6 p.m. Wodnosday supper. 6 p.m. Music minister, Rogina Chandler. Mocksvlllo Socond Prosbytorlan, 400 Pino St. Worship, 11 a.m.. Church School. 9:30. Rov. Thomas M. Loach.751-1410 St. Francis of AsslssI, RC. Masses: Monday, Tuesday. Thursday, Friday, 9 a.m. Wodnosday, 7 p.m. Salurday Vigil, 5 p.m. Sunday. 8 a.m. and 10;30 a.m. Spanish Mass at 12:30 p.m. Rov. Andrew Draper. TOR. 751-2973. Farmington Baptist Church. Sunday morning Biblo sludy. classes for all agos. 9:45. Worship: 11. 1841 Farmington Rd.. 5 milos Irom 1-40. Paslor: Jimmy Hinson. Church: 998* 3826. Home: 751-3492. Blalso Baptist Church, U.S. 601 North across Irom Horn’s Truck Stop, Mocksville. 751-3639. Worship & Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sunday evening, 7. Wednesday service, 7 p.m. Pastor; Glenn Sellers. Shiloh Baptist Church, 544 E. Depot St.. Mocksvillo. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning worship: 11 a.m. Paslor; Rov. Donald Ray Jenkins. 751-0597. Fulton Unltod Mothodlst Church. 3895 N.C. 801 S.. Advance. Worship: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45 a.m. Fullon Youlh In Christ. Sundays. 5-6:30 p.m. Pastor: Rov. Jack Wallace. Hoavon Bound Full Gospol Church.U.S. 64 W.. Mocksvillo. (beside Cenler Firo Dept.). Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship. 11. Sunday night praise/ worship. 6. Wodnosday night praise/ worship, 7. Pastor. Jamos Ward. 998- 6394. Firsl Boptlst Church. 390 N. Main St., Mocksvilto. 751-5312. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:55 a.m. Wednesday Prayor Service, Noon. Fork Boptlst Church. 3140 U.S. 64 E.. Mocksvillo. Sunday School. 9;45. Worship sorvico, 11 a.m.. 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Awanas, Sunday 6 p.m.998-8306. Cornatzor Baptist Church. 1372 Cornatzor Rd.. Mocksville. Sunday School. 10a.m., Worship, 11;evening, 6;30; Awana's Worship, 7 p.m. Wednesday ovoning. 7:30 p.m. Now Union Methodist Church. 1869 Sheffield Rd., al Counly Lino Rd. Services: 8:30 a.m., contomporary worship with casual dress and rofroshmonts: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School assembly. 10. Sunday School for ali agos. 11 a.m.. Worship. 492- 5367. i|ames Baptist Church. Sheffield Rd.. Mocksvillo. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., worship. 11. Sunday ovoning. 6, Wednesday. 7 p.m. Pastor, Tommy Faust. St. John AM E Zion Church. 145 Campboll Rd., Mocksvlllo. Sunday School. 9:30. Morning worship. 11 a.m. Rov. Anthony Froeman. Advance First Boptlst Church. 1938 N.C. 801 S. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Wednesday Bible Study/ mission groups. 7 p.m. Pastoi:Marlin Kastnor. 998-6302. Church of God of Prophocy, 2323 U.S. 601 S.. Mocksville. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11. Sunday ovoning. 6; Wednesday evening, 7. Pastor: Rov. Bobby Shinault. 719- 6565 or 284*2935. Church: Sunday School; 10 a.m. Worship; 11 a.m. Evening; 6:30. Wednesday prayer meeling & Bible study. 7:30 p.m. Rev. Joel Boyles. Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1913 U.S. 601 s. Worship: 10:30 a.m. Dulin Rd., Mocksvillo, 998-5409, Paslor; David Smilh. Sun School 10:30 a.m.. Worship 9:30 a.m. Cooleemee United MelhodisI, Main St.. Sunday Schoo). 10 a.m., Worship, 11. Kids Kamp Sun. 5-6:30. Paslor: Victory Baptist Church. Midway St., Cooleemee. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship 11. Sunday evening, 6: Wednesday Awana/Youlh, 6:45 p.m., Prayor & Bible Sludy, 7. Rev. Shelby Harbour. 284-2077. W . G . W H I T E & C 0 . 850 N. Trade St. Winston Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 VOGLERA-SONS l-uncral nume 2849 Middle Brook Dr. Clemmons, NC 27012 336- 766-4714 SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY Jericho Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-5148 JERRY'S MEAT PROCESSING We Custom Meat Process Beet - Pork - Deer 27 years experience 692 Rolph Ralledge Rd • Mockavllls 492-5496 D O im U J V D E R R O C K & T iL E Brell & Slacoy Lavery (336) 998-8287 o r 998-4771 Ceramic 'flic hi.sUilkilion www.aussieliic.coni DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Rd. Mocksviiie, NC 27028 336-751-9144 J. P. GREEN MILLING CO., INC. Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksville, N0 336-751-2126 E A T O N FUNERAL HO M E A Triiililiun of Curing.... ■42.S Ncirtli Main .Slrccl Mocksvillc, NC 2702« 336-751-2148 FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksviiie, NC 27028 336-751-2141 CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2167 'Krazy'Bob says, ’ff "Stop by and see n|||i<!Sasaleatall.'" Tues.-Fri.* 10am-7pm Sat.* 10am-5pm Closed Sun.&Mon.The Old Webb DIdg. Hwy 150.2 fliockj W of 801 GENTLE MACHINE &TOOL INC. 3319 u s Hwy 158 Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-3350 a Í C E ШвЕНАШАЯЕ 5431 Hwy. 158* Advance, NC 336-998-1987 ф г A U To n u rra MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTIVE 084 S. Main St. • Mocksville 336-751-2944 F U L L E R % in .jir Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Fabrication 855 Salisbury Road, Mocksville. NC 27028 336-751-3712 Seventh Day Adventist Church, Milling Road. Mocksvlllo. Sabbath School. Saturday. 9:30-11: Worship. 11-noon. Paslor. Ron Davis. 751* 3886. Mocodonlo Moravlon Church, 700 N.C. 801 N.. Advance. Sunday School. 9:30*10:45 a.m. Worship. 8:45 and 11 a.m. 998-4394. Pastor: Rev. Grog Little. Yadkin Valloy Baptist Church. 1324Yadkln Valloy Road. Advance. Paslor; Ronnie Craddock. 998-4331. Sunday School. 10 a.m.. worship. 11 & 6. Wednesday Night Prayer meoling, 7:30. Livo Sundays. WDSL 1520AM. 11-Noon. Mt. Zion Hollnoss Church ol God, U.S. 64 E. al Mill Sireot, Mocksville. Sunday School. 10 a.m.. Morning Worship, 11. Pastor: Bishop Jamos Ijames. Mt. Slnal AME Zion Church. 488 Peoples Crook Road, Advance. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., worship, 11 a.m., Wednesday night Biblo sludy. 7. Dr. Olis B. Robinson Sr.. paslor. 998-6231. Bixby Church of tho Living God. 2121 Cornalzer Rd.. Advance. Pastor. Rov. Perry Hawks. 768-1606. Worship. Sunday 10-11 a.m.. 6 p.m. Salem Unllod Methodist Church, Salem Church Road off Davie Academy Rd., 8 miles west of Mocksville. Worship, Sundays at 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45.UMW, second Wednesday, UMM lirst Sunday breakfast al 7:30. UMYF Sunday evenings. Rev. Stephen Blair, pastor. PIney Grovo Unlied Methodist Church. 376 Underpass Rd.. Advance. Sunday School. 10 a.m.. Worship. 11. Pastor; Rev. Kendall C. Glovor. 998*7316. New JorusQlom Apostolic Church. 291 Campboll Rd.. Mocksvillo. Paslor. Nettyo Ijamos-Barbor, 751 -0049. Sun. School. 10 a.m., Worship 11. Wednesday night; Biblo class, 7:30. Intercussory prayer, 6 p.m. Truo Light Christian Ministry, U.S. 601 N.. Dannor Rd. lo Camolla Lane, Mocksvillo. Paslor; Steven W. Dalton. Sunday School. 10 a.m., worship, 11. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd. Church & Cross sts.. Cooleemee. Worship, 9:30 a.m., followshlp hour aftor church. Bible Study 2nd and 4th Sundays alter church. Priest: Rev. Noah Howard. Jesus Life Mission. Liberiy Church Rd., Mocksvillo. Sunday School. 10:30, morning worship, 11. Sunday evening at 6 and Tuesdays al 7 p.m. Paslor; Hilda Roavis. Mocksville Church of God, 862 U.S. 64 E. (beside Armory). 751-0817. Paslor; Larry Hollifiold. Sunday School, 10a.m., worship. 11. Sunday ovoning. 6, Wednesday ovoning. 7. Jerusalem Baptist Church. 3203 US 601 S.. Mocksville. 284*2328. Rev. Jimmy Lancaster. Sunday services: 8:15 a.m.. praiso and worship; 9:45. Sunday School for all agos; 11. morning worship; 7, ovoning worship. Wednesday sorvicos: 6 p.m.. lamily fellowship moal; 7 p.m., TeamKID, Youlh 4 Christ, Adull Bible Sludy. Nursery (or infants and toddlers. Fellowship Baptist Church, 1084 Rainbow Rd..’Advance. 998-6544 Sunday School, 10a.m.. worship. 11 Sunday ovening, 6. Wednesday service, 7 p.m. Thursday visilalion. 7 p.m. Smith Grovo AME Zion Church 3707 Hwy. 158. Mocksvillo. Sunday morning worhsip. 11. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Rev. Morgan Glenn, pastor. Eatons Bapllst Church, 495 Eatons Church Rd.. Mocksville. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship. 11. Wednesday prayer meeling. 7:30 p.m. Pastor: Dr. David Gilbreath. 998-6149. SHEFFIELD LUMBER & PALLET GO. APAUX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5565 CRAIG CARTER BUILDER, INC. 119 Hwy. 801 S, Suite 1 Advance, NC 27006 336-940-2341 BuiUcr i<f Qiulii) Oj'ittm for ot cr .Hi If Cni^ A. Crtcf. pTfiiAni » .Mimn C, Cjncr, Wc ft«. H a y w o r t h-M ill e r F u n e r a l H o m e Kjn d er to n C hapel Located ON Hwv 158 Betwi-en Clemmons & Advance 336-940-5555 888-940-8511 16 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RFXORD. Aug. 15.2002 N O T H IN G O u t O f P o c k e t! T H I S I S N O T A L . E A S E ! ! Buy It! 2 0 0 2 Z X 2 2 d r . # 7873 -air, spoiler, 16V. Zoloc ongino S A V E $ 2 9 0 0 $ 2 5 9 / m o . Sign & Drive! 2 0 0 2 F o c u s S E 4 d r . Л 3448 - fluto, all powor, speed, tilt, 6 disc. s m K 9 3 2 o o $ 1 3 , 1 8 8 j i L $ 2 8 9 / m o Buy It! Sign & Drive! 2 0 0 2 F o c u s Z T W W a g o n ' 4640 - auto, all power, lealher int., moon roof, side air bags S 4 V E « 3 4 0 0 2 0 0 2 C r o w n V i c t o r i a L X » 7244 - V8, all powor, lealhor, 6 disc, ABS, auto, A/C ' S A V E $ 4 9 0 0 $ 1 5 , 9 8 8 ^ ^ ^ ^ 3 3 9 / m o - Buy It!Sign & Drive! OR Buy It! $ 4 4 9 / m o . Sign & Drive! 2 0 0 2 V i l l a g e r E s t a t e # 3955 - V6, auto, oil power, leather, quad seating, 6 disc., auto, A/C S A V E $ 5 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 W i n d s t a r S E if 6526 - V6, all power, quad seats, olec. grp., security pkg. S A V E $ 6 6 0 0 W ith Toolbox Bed ,1. , $ 4 6 9 / m o . B u y I t ! S i g n & D r i v e ! ^ ‘0 2 F 2 5 0 w / u t i l i t y b o d y ■3, outo, 8 'Body, Ltd. Slip, , H.D. suspension S A V E $ 6 2 0 0 $ 2 3 , 9 8 8 J i L $ 4 7 5 / m o . Buy It!Sign & Drive! 2 0 0 2 S p o r t T V a c 4 x 4 « 2344 - V6, auto, Ltd. Slip, moon root, all power, leather, Tonneau cover. S A V E S S S O O OR Buy It! $ 4 6 0 / m o . Sign & Drive! $ 2 5 , 9 8 8 J i L $ 5 4 9 / m o . Buy It!Sign & Drive! Buy It! 2 0 0 2 E x p e d i t i o n X L T 4 x 4 13 - All power, leather, No Boundaries Grp., 6 disc., Ltd. Slip, Trailer Tow. ^ S A V E $ 7 W 0 $ 6 4 9 / m o . Sign & Drive! l l ^ 0 2 F 3 5 0 X L T 4 x 4 # 1220 - 7.3 Diesel, 6 spd., all power, 9' aluminum bed, Ltd. Slip, aluminum wheels, dual luci tanks, H.D. Suspension, PTO S A V E $ 9 0 0 0 9’ Flat Gooseneck I Body $ 3 2 , 5 8 8 Buy It!Sign & Drive! B u y A m e r ic a n . . . B u y F o r d ... “ B u y A L L A M E R IC A N F O R D ” ' сЛ/;ч/ ^ FORD MERCURY Suttüvlll« ll ^ \ ------MO ^ 3 WUitlon-Sshm I AU. . A M n iC A N '^ rOID Щ MUCIMY I MockavUle ' Just off 1-40 Exit 170, Hwy. 601 • Mocksville NC(336) T51-2161 C h e c k u s o u t a t 3 3 f 0 r d . C 0 n i 1 ' Payments Include all taxes, lag, adm. lees, O.A.C., 60 mos, -Windstar, Crown; 0% - Villager; 1.9% -Focus, Expedition; 2.9% -ZX2 F250 F350 Sprt Trac 4 9»' Sports DAVIE COUN I'Y EN I’ERPRISE RECORD, Aug. IS, 2002 - Rl Confidence Boosters: Soccer Team Looks Good B.v Hrhin I’Kls Davic Coutity linlorprise Kccoril A D;ivic var.siiy buys .socccr leam in ilire iicctl of a cunlitk’nco boost licail- ing into tlie 2002 season got uhat il wanloci aiul more in two scrimmages last week. T he War Hagles heal .-Xsheboro by a 2-1 score lhal wasn'l nearly as close'as the ouieoine suggests, anil ilemolisheil West Rowan .1-0. Stars Will Be Everywhere In Friday’s Scrimmage Parkland claimed Ihe i-A cham pi­ onship last year, the M ustangs are picked to win the iiine-teant Piedmont Triad Conl'erence and Ihey're ranked Ihird in Ihc N.C, Prep l-oolball Nows’ Preseason Baker’s Dozen poll. M ount Tabor won the six-leant Metro 4-A Conference last year and is picked to repeat this year. Providence is Ihe thiril pick in the eight-team Soulhwcslern -t-A Confer­ ence. hui has a second-year coach (Bruce Hardin) who won stale cham pi­ onships at Kannapolis before taking an assislani job at I'he Citadel. Thai's the challenge awaiting Davie - which isn't e.'tactly chopped liver af­ ter going y-2 and sharing the Central Piedm ont 4-A C onference title, al­ though it lost eight offensive starters and two all-state performers from last year's team - in its second scrimmage this Friday at Mount Tabor at 7 p.m. Davic, by the way, is the N CPFN 's prescason No. 1 team in the CPC, fol­ low ed by South R ow an, N orth Davidson. West Forsyth. Reynolds and South Iredell. "W e'll see just where we stand and what our strengths and weaknesses arc," Davie coach Doug Illing said of the four-team scrimmage. "The only way to find oul is to go up against lougli competition. In preseason you want lo find out wlio can play.” So many big names will be on hand there might not be enough spotlights to go around. Ten wins was a down year during Hardin’s decade-long tenure in Kannapolis. Davie lost its last seven Please .Sec N ation’s - Page B.1 F o rm e r P la y e r C o m p le te s C o o k ’s S ta ff Karen Cook's influence as a girls basketball coach helped Jen n ifer Lancaster develop inlo a Division II player at Mt. O l­ ive. Now Lancaster is help­ ing Cook, accept­ ing an offer to lead the freshman team and assist the var­ sity. Cook, the new Davie varsity girls I coach and co-ath-1 Ictic director, went Cook 2M)-M over an amazing 1.1-year run at Mitchell High. Lancaster was a slar on two of those teams: The iyy.‘i-y6 team went 27-4 and won the 2-A slale championship, and Lancaster led the conference in re­ bounding as the M ountaineers posted a 2.‘)-3 mark in 1996-97. Lancaster has a mountain ol admi­ ration for her former coach, Ihe reason she’s willing to live in High Point, hold down a job as manager of Ham's and still coach in Mocksville. Even ihough Cook has a gorgeous irack record, Lancaster said Cook’s worth e.xlends well beyond numbers. "Coach Cook is a good friend now, she was a good role model anil leader lhen."<said the 2.1-ycar-old Lancaster, who is single with no children. "She laught me probably more about lile than basketball. She takes all the roles of life and puts them in baskelball - discipline. Please Sec The FcellnBS - Puge B2 Kverythinp worked. Scorers Matt Moser and Juan Lagos showed off Iheir e.xplosive legs, Charlie Lester. Bryant Chavez and Edward Johnson supplied outstanding defense and goalkeepers Andrew Scolt and David Stein allowed one goal in 80 minules. Everything worked for a leam lhat created coaching anxiety during prac­ tice Ihe previous week. OK, so scrim ­ mage scores aren't exactly a cause for celebration. Still, when a team is search­ ing for something tangible lo build on after going 9-12-2 and .1-7 in Ihe Cen­ tral Piedmont Conference a year ago, il was a tuneup thal was needed, "The A shcboro match was a lillle deceiving." Coach Jim Caudill said. “We prelty much dominated and I don't Ihink we played very well. We got Ihe job done," M oser scored bolh goals in the first half of the 40-minute scrimmage. C audill, a form er coach at W est Wilkes who has no d u e what to expcct from some of the area's ,1-A and 4-A leams, didn'l like the forecast going into West Rowan. Fortunately, parents' pre­ dictions were way off, "People told me this would be a tougher, more physical m atch than Asheboro, So I was a little apprehen­ sive," he said, "Bul we totally dis­ mantled them. We played like 1 think we can play." Alyse Bowden slaps a shot over the net for the War Eagle volleyball team. - Photo by James Barringer O p t i o n s G a l o r e S u b s P u s h in g S ta rte rs O n S tro n g V o lle y b a ll T e a m Uy Briiin I’itls Davie County Enterprise Record A fearsome foursome (Sarali W ill­ iams, Sara Miller. Dawn Singlelon and Allison Schafer) and a pair of ijuintes- sential role players (1 leather Miller and Candice James) will lead Davie High into one of the most anticipaled volley­ ball seasons in ils rich history. The super six. though, aren’t Ihc only players thal can po.se problems for op­ ponents. The War Eagles - if they don’t fallen up on Iheir headlines and stay intense - could dominale a fair chunk of the schedule and it might not matter svho's in the game. The hot hands ex­ tend al least four deep on a ready-to- rock bench. The dangerous backups in­ clude senior M egan Dwiggins and jun­ iors Alyse Bowden, Jcssica Lagle and Andrea Dwiggins. The War Eagles opened in the Cen­ tral Piedmoni Conference-M elro Con­ ference Challenge on Aug. 1.1-I.'i al West l-orsyth. They play at Alexander C enlral on Aug, 19 before hosting matches wiih North Ircdell (Aug. 20), Lake Norman (Aug. 22) and Alexander Central (Aug. 27). "I'v e been very im pressed with A lyse," Coach Dave M arkland said. "She plays with as much intensity as anyone (al outside hilter). She's always been a good defensive player, but she really worked over the summer at camp, she's gotten stronger and is hitting the ball well. "M egan (the first defensive .special­ ist off Ihe bench) is nol the most con­ sistent .server, but she’s one of Ihe stron­ gest servers on the team. Il’s very hard to gel back. If she controls it, it at least forces a weak pass.” 1 f Ihe starters bring their A game on.. a consistent basis, some of their stiffest IMensc Sec I'utentiully - Page 112 Lagos burned the Falcons with two goals and M oser tacked on another. "Lagos was trem endous with the ball," Caudill said. “He and Matt are both very unselfish. They compliment cach other, and that's really going lo help us bccause people are going to have to focus on both of them." Besides the Lester-Chavcz-Johnson defensive trio, defensive midnelders I’Icasc See Lagos - Page B4 Lowery Progressing Nicely For N.C. State Patrick Lowery, the two-time all- state linebacker from Davie High, is fighting like crazy to get on the field Ihis fall for N.C. State’s foolball team. "I’m on a lot of .special teams," he said. "I’m jusl trying to do anything to get on the field. Right now I'm on the kickoff and punt teams, and I'm just Iry­ ing lo get out there anyway I can." Lowery is coming off a phenomenal career at Davie. He had 120 tackles as a sophomore, 163 as a junior and 174 last year. He was a first-team Associ­ ated Press all-state selection in 2000 and 2001, and played in Ihc 2001 Shrine Bowl. He was Ihe 23rd-rankcd line­ backer in the slale by SuperPrep and the 39lh-bcst inside linebacker in the na­ lion by RivalslOO.com. In wreslling, he won the 215 .stale last winier with a 38-0 record. Accord­ ing to W restling USA magazine, he was the 13th-best 215-pound wrestler in the nation. And in track, he ran the 100- m eter dash in 11.5 seconds. O n d efen se, L ow ery (6-2, 225 pounds) is splitting time as a third-team m id d le lin eb ack er, behind senior D antonio Bum ctte and redshirt sopho­ more Corrie Dawson. His jersey num­ ber is 35. "T h a t’s pretty m uch w hat 1 ex­ pected," he said. "It’s been kind of hard not playing as much as I had been, but I expected that. Il’s hard to come righl in and play a lot." W olfpack linebackers coach Manny Diaz said Lowery has responded jusl Ihe way Ihey hoped he would. "H e’s a guy that's just bom lo play I’lease See Low ery - Page B3 L a n k fo rd A t F ifth P G A ' C h a m p io n s h ip In S ix Y e a rs This w eek's PGA Cham pionship will feature 156 golfers and the top 100 in the gam e. Jeffrey L ankford of M ocksvillc w il' be there, too. O f coursc he's th ere, his fiflh PGA Cham pion­ ship appearance in six years. The 84tb PGA C h a m p io n sh ip will be held Aug. 15-1« at H azel- line Nalional G olfi Club just outside of M inneapolis. “It's so importani lo drive thè ball well in the PGA, becau.se Ihe course will bc long and there's not a lot of room for error," Lankford, 38, said. Lankford, a leaching pro at Hickory Hill, qualified for the fourth and final m ajor o f the year by placing among the top 25 in the Club Pro Championship at Valhalla in Louisville. He lied for I6lh. He picked up more steain while win­ ning the South Carolina Open in Myrtle Beach, S.C.,by 12 strokes. Playing with a new set of TilleisI irons, he bogeyed one of 54 holes. “ I’ve never played a tournam ent where I can look back and say I didn't niisbil a drive and was never in trouble off the tee," he said. He is Irying to make the PGA Cham- pion.ship cut for the first lime. t Lanl<rord :f ‘И2 - DAVIK COUN rv KNTKRPRISK RKCORl). Ли«. 15, 2002 DAVIK COLIN I V KNTKRPRISK RKCORl), Aug. 15, 2002 - B3 Candice James shows her passing form in a scrimmage at West Rowan.- Photos by James Barringer Potentially Powerful W a r E a g le V o lle y b a ll C o a c h H a s P le n ty O f O p tio n s (.'ontiniii'd I'Viini Pu){c III ciirnpclition inij;hl coim; from n hcnch lhal ;ilso incliiilcs junior Manilv Lambì; anil Iwo ftiiiirc stars ( sopliom ori; N icolc Marcaily ami freshman Ashley Daviilsiin). "I see Alyse compelint: for A slariing spol," Marklanil said. "Anilrea is a greal leam player and I Ihink she will compele for a siarlinj; spol as a ilefensive spe­ cialisl, Lagle (righl side or out­ side hilter) has Improved a lot. She is going to help us as well," W illianis. .Sara M iller. Singleton and Scliafer are jew ­ els. They can cause problems simply with their height. When you throw Iheir athleticism into Ihe equation, you’ve gol a po- M . Dwiggin.s Sarah Williams smacks the ball past a Falcon. Davie is the favorite in the CPC. T h e F e e l i n g s A r e M u t u a l : Coach Happy To Be On Staff I e n I i a I I у scary attack. "T his is definitely Ihe m ost height w e’ve had and it’s ath­ letic height," the Ihird-year coach said. "1 d o n ’t have anyone that has to come oul on the back row because of lack of mobility or ball-control skills. If we can con­ lrol the hall to gel it up to our setter, we’ve got several people thal are capable of putting the ball away, Righl now Sara Miller and Schafer are the most consis­ tent. but Singlelon and Williams have certainly improved." Heather M iller has assumed Ihe seller job, wiih James coii- centrating on passing. "Jam es is possibly the best passer on Ihc leam. That was the main reason lo look at her there. Wc need more ball conlrol." N otes: D avie’s history in­ cludes 12 consecutive winning records from 1986-97. ... Lasl year it tied S. Iredell for first in Ihe Central Piedmont Confer­ ence, going 1.1-7 overall and 8- 2 ill the CPC. ... The JV rosier; juniors Ashley Comatzer, Kelly M ilehell, M eredilh Phillips, Mandi Reid, Grin Whitaker, Jen­ nifer W ilson and Kara Deatl- m on; and freshm en Brittany Cooper. Calherine Crowe, Jenna Hendricks, Tammy Jones, Sally Lackey, Janna Seam on and Кассу Stulls. D a v ie S ta rts G irls G o lf Davie will field a girls golf leam for Ihe firsl time ever, and the opening matcli is Aug, LS at Asheboro. Coach Debbie Bvans’ Fab Five team in­ cludes seniors nrillaiiy W alker. F.mily Pel- lorini and Jenny B roadw ay, ju n io r H eather B oger and sophom ore Sarah Jarvis. The biggest name is Walker, who competed as an individual the pasl tw o years and qualified for the stale tourna­ ment both limes. "All lhe.se girls are pretty de­ cent." Evans said. "Britlany and Emily are probably the best two righl now, but all of Ihem are good. W e’ve practiced about Ihree or four days (Ihrough Aug. Kvans Since m ost schools d o n 'l have a girls golf team, Ihc War Eagles’ schedule is small. They host Asheboro at Hickory Hill on Aug, 22. but lliat's il un­ lil Davie can round up some more opponents. Ircdell Counly has sev­ eral leams, and there are squads al Reynolds and Mount Tabor. "They’re kind of scat­ tered," Evans said. "Il’s nol near as popular as say lennis. O ur girls have played some bul ihey al­ ways ride, so it's a workout for some of them to walk nine holes and carry a bag on their shoul­ ders." W hile the boys take the lop four .scores among six players, the girls’ outcomes will be dc- cideil by the lop two scorcs from 8), but we haven’t kept scores .’’ four players. Cross Country Opens With Two Home Races The Davie High cross coun­ try team s will open wilh Iwo hom e races. A ug. 21 against Lake Nomian and South Iredell and Aug, 28 against Mooresville, Both meets begin at 4:.10 p.m. at the War Eagles' home course, Pinebrook Elementary School. W hile the War Eagles aren’t e.xpected to finish any higher than third in Ihe six-team Cen­ tral Piedmont Conference, the girls team does possess one of the best young runners around - or maybe one oftlie best, pcrioil - in sophomore Bekah Peeler. Last year as a freshman, she w as the top freshm an in the league and the eighth-best over­ all lo make the All-CPC squad. “She's real strong," Coach Daric Beitcr said. "Her goal is to m ake the stale m eet as a sophomore." The rest of the girls leam in­ cludes R ebccca W esl, Karen M cD aniel and sophom ores W hitney G ough, A shley Sizemore, Allison M ackintosh and K aren W oodw ard. M cDaniel, back after running cross country Iwo years ago, is a senior w ith three years of Davie Irack experience. "O ur girls team is young. We have a ton of sophomores," Bc- ilcr said. The boys leam includes Bran­ don Shore, Michael Beck, Matt M cA nally, D aniel H ollifield. Aaron Hollifield. Corey Doub, Juslin Bciillcy and Kyle Smilh. B eck is a third-year junior, McAnally isa first-year senior, but he's been a key performer in track. Seniors Shore and D aniel Hollifield, a baseball player run­ ning for the first tim e, and sophom ore Doub should pace Davie, along with perhaps the olher Hollifield, a freshman whc has a strong reputation in wres­ lling and ba.seball. "Shore w as a big help (in 2()()())," Beiter said. "Doub pul in a lol of lime over Ihe summer, he’s in shape and he’s ready lo go. Aaron looks strong. I know ' he’s a strong w restler and good baseball player, so he looks like an all-around atiilete. He's g o in g to bc Ihere for us." Lasl year's CPC girls cham ­ pion was Reynolds, followed by W esl Forsyth, South Iredell. Soulh Rowan, Davie and North Davidson. The boys' order wa^ Wesl Forsyth, Reynolds, Soulh Rowan, North Davidson, South Iredell and Davie. Although he’s looking to add a few runners this week. Beitei ended last week with jusl eight guys and 10 girls. "W e’re shoot­ ing for third," he said. M^COy'S A TREE SERVICE A 3 36 -4 9 2-29 4 4 TOLL FREE 1-866-896-7711 Free Cslimates • Fully Insured • Serving Forsyth & Davie County Residential & Commercial Work Selective Trimming & Pruning • Tree Removal Stump Grinding • Storm Damage • Hazardous Removal lot Clearing *Trained Arborist (Complete Clean Up) C.'ontinned Krom Pane BI trust, loyalty - ;md she’s very successful at w hat she does," riie feeling’s mutual. Cook said Davie is lucky lo land a coach w ho’s as fam iliar with C ook's playbook as she is her own bed. "She’s a hard worker who is willing to sacrifice," Cook said. "She went through seven knee surgeries (as a player) and ev­ ery lime came back strong and was able to get a full .scholarship al Mt. Olive. I .sort of recruited her to come in and help me. and she'll do a great job. She worked camp with me this summer and she came lo open gym, "She’s been through the sys­ tem and knows it. and I’m hop­ ing we can all help each olher a lot because 1 want tociimhine all the programs and run the same syslems." N otes: Cook retained two coaches from Carol C ozart’s slaff. D ebbie Evans and Lancastenwill sit on Cook’s var- sity bench, while Janice Jackson will handle the JV. ... D;ivie’s new varsity boys coach. Mike Absher, is looking hard for one more coach. He has Mike Din­ kins and Terry Mitchell to coach the JV and freshman leams, re­ spectively, but he would rather have Dinkins in a varsily-assis- tant role. ... L ancaster, who worked two years for Üie Caro­ linas-Virginia Athletic Confer­ ence, hopes lo one day return lo Mt. Olive as an assislani basket­ ball coach. Do your bones groan? Does your back creak? YES COMADOLL WATTS ORTHOPAEDICS & SPORTS MEDICINE C o m a d o l l / W a t t s O r t h o p a e d i c a n d S p o r t s M e d i c i n e h a s y o u c o v e r e d D a v i e C o u n t y . Now Located in the Davie County HospitaF Dr. James Cornadoll and Dr. Gregg Fcrrcro will see patients in this oflice on Monday anti Wednesday mornings. Cali 751-2878 or our Salisbury office 704-2I6-(KNEE)5633 for an appointment I V I i c h i g a n ’s N o . 1 T a i l b a c k I s F r o m A d v a n c e Is A dvance’s Chris Perrv Ihe next great tailback at Michigan? I hat s the big question in Ihe W olverines' prescason. and Hie answ er should come early as they open the 2002 se;ison iigainst Washington and take on Notre Dame two weeks later. Perry and Michigan’s niiiniiig game are al a crossroads. Last season Perry and M.J, Askew succeeded the school’s all-lim e leading rusher but couldn't soften Ihe blow of los- ing A nthony Thom as lo the NFL. Michigan W'as ninth in the 11- team Big Ten C onference in rushing, with Askew gaining S.l I yards and Perry 49.S. It av­ eraged 146 yards a game, 64lh in Division l-A. /\skew has been moved lo fullback, giving the No. I tail­ back job lo Perry, M ho needs a breakout season to pacify fans who were hurl by lasl year's record (8-4,6-2 ror secniid in the Big Ten), the fewesl wins in die five seasons since going 12-0 and winning a share of the na­ tional cham pionship in 1997. I'hrcc of M ichigan’s rcgular-sea­ son losses were by a lotal of 1.1 poinls. "If you’re going to take over a position like lailback at Miclii- gan. you’ve got to have some confidence," said Perry, a 6-1, 2.1.“i-pound junior who wears No. 2.1. "You liave lo he on the edge of cockv. You can’t come into this position holding hack." Perry, whose mother Irene lives in Advance, played lor the Shady Grove Bulldogs before leading Norlh Davie's seventli- grade team to 6-2 in I99.|. lie attended Davic Higli in ihc sccond semester of the 1997- 98 school year, but never played for Davic, returning to Fork Union Military Academy in Vir­ ginia. He c;ime out simiking as'riui- nias' backup in 2000. rushing for 100 yards in his true-freshnian debnl and conlribuling 417 for the year, the team 's No. 2 lotal. "It was a great experience playing behind Thom as." Perry said, "Ile was like a teacher. He was tremendous al reading a de- I'ense. and he'd come to Ihe side­ lines and try to tell us whal he saw." A smootli riiom as-to-Perry Inmsilion seemed in order, but Perry averaged jusl .1.8 yards a pop in five 2001 starts. This sea­ son Coach Lloyd Carr (66-20 in seven sciisons) plans lo u.se i’erry and Askew in the same backfield and revive M ichigan's ground dominance. If Perry doesn't pro­ duce, Askew’ niighl move to lail­ back and Dave Umlerwood lo fullback. 1ч)г now, it's Perry's job lo lose. "H e’s smart, he’s lough and he’s competitive, " Carr said ol Perry. "He has a real enthusiasm for the game," N a t i o n ’s N o . 2 R u s h e r I n ‘ 0 1 A m o n g S t a r s I n S c r i m m a g e tNinliiiued I'rorii Page III games to Bob Sapp - who left for a head job al the N,C. coast but returned lo Tabor last y ear- and the Spartans from I9‘)2-9X, Davie boasts a defensive line­ man (Sam Stovall) w ho's al­ ready received a scholarship of­ fer from Wake I'oresi. And Park­ land only returns a fonrlh-ycar starter al quarterback (M onte Purvis) and the nation's No. 2 ground gainer for 2001 in Jed "Tank" Bines. Lasl year Bines toted the ball .1S9 times for 1.3,SO yards (8.7 average) and 16 touchdowns. No need to clean your glasses. ГЬе .1.189 is no misprint, "W e've gol to wrap up. We did a poor job of tackling (last S:iturday al East Forsylh)." Ill­ ing said. "W e'll have our himds full tackling his tail, but the only way is to make sure we have good fonn and gang t;ickle." Davie's first-year linebackers coach. Mike Rominger. knows all about B ines. He w as P ark lan d ’s d efen siv e backs coach last year and worked at Parkland for nearly 20 years be­ fore replacing Janice Jackson as PE leacher al Pinebrook E l­ ementary. "H e's gol it all," he said. "I Ie's pinverful. he's Unv cenler of gr;ivity and a lot of times people think he's down but he's not. H e's faster than he looks, and he doesn't go lo the sideline, either. \ "H e's as good as I've seen, but w e'll attack him good, too. It's going til be fun. We need this lesl.'< First Scrim inii)’'^ Verdict D avie delivered mixed re­ views al East Forsyth, which is w hal you would expect from a leam playing two Sophomores and ;i freshman on defense ,nmL. zero returners in the offensive skill positions, "W e comniintieatcd the no­ huddle real well and we took care of llie ball," Illing said, "But w e’ve got a lol of fixing lo do up front (on offense). We had too many missed assignments. De­ fensively. we had loo many missed liickles and we’re nol Hy­ ing lo the ball as a unii yel," First-year varsity players at­ tracted the loiulest praise on of­ fense. S enior wide receiver Brian Hunter, who hadn't played since eighth grade, hauled a re­ verse 40 yards for a score ;uid took several Fighting Eagles wilh him on a shorl reception. "He did exceptionally well," Illing said. "H e’s got a no-quit altitude. 1 think II blue jerseys hit him on that shorl reception, and he w ouldn’t go down. He’s kind of an unsung leailer righl now." Sophom ore lighl end Ted Randolph made two impressive plays on shorl passes, once hur­ dling a defender and ihen run­ ning through Ihe whole defense to turn a I-yard gain into nine tough ones. Quarterback James "Cooler" A rnold ro lled rig h t, opted against tucking the ball when daylight iiivited run and lloated a completion to the other light end, junior Cody Stephens, w ho promptly raced .SO yards. "'i'hat was jusl how w e've practiced it," Illing said, "and il was good lo sec Cody do that." Junior Billy Riddle, a star safety who is also playing run­ ning back, look ;i handolf and rum bled 10 yards lo the end zone. Sophom ore RB Justin Brown, the holiest topic during last week’s practices, had a sinii- larTD run called back hy a pen­ alty. And sophom ore A rnold looked poised in his encm y-op- piineiil debut, running for nice yardage and dum ping off high- Lowery, Wooldridge, Cornatzer Ready For College Football Seasons C onlinued Krom I'lige HI Ihe posiiion," Diaz said Monday. "He has greal instincts, shows great quickness inside the box and can really make plays. And he's tougli as nails. "B eing a form er w restler. Coach (Chuck) Anialo has got a soft spol for w restlers like i’atrick. In terms of one-on-one combat and using his hands, il actually makes a big difference in foolball. "W e're very happy to have him." Diaz said Lowery and two others are battling for .second- team status. Thai picture should become clearer this week. Lasl year die Wolfpack was 7-5 and 4-4 in the ACC. DAVID W O O LD K IIX iK , the all-state kicker and punier from Davie wlio's a true fresh­ man at North Carolina, is pre­ sumably the No. I candidate to replace graduated Jeff Reed al kicker. W ooldridge, who eouldn'l be reached, might have to wail a year to take over at punter. Tlic incum bent is senior John J im W a lte r H o m e s h a s s o m e th in g N E W fo r y o u . Land Payoff Financing lim Waller 1 lollies, die iialion's iarnesi on-your-lol builder, is now alllliateil with a lender whi) olTers full lliiaiain)!. includiiiK paying iiff nr helping you buy land, lldiiiebuyers can include the purchase or payoff of their land with a new Jirn Waiter hnme. It's iusi tale nuae way jini Walter Home,', in.ikcs it c.tsier ili,in ever f(ir naire families lo aifordahly build and faiance their dreams. If you have;D ow n Paym ent Points C losing C osts Land Free and C lear $0 $0 $0 Land w ith a Loan, w ith Equity $0 or Low $0 Low No Land Low $0 Low Л т^Ь "Н в г намвв www,|imwallarhomes,com GREENSBORO, NC • 536 Farragut SI, • 800-283-6441 Vi.it our model liome center or cali 1-HOO..I92-5HJ7 ext, W) fiir a free eataloK that's ni'led with mure tlian ,M) bome designs, We're open Mon, - l''ri, К am - 6 pm, .Sai, HI ani - i pili. .''ЧП' U'” " ' ‘.. ...... nwivìiibfo to nijiiliftocl niO(Mnty ov.nofs, t.imd Piiyotl tifuncing noi cutronlly nvailablo In Ilio slnlos ol•No monoy aown nntl “ «ito shoAS actual Iran» lltit inay Includo «Jdilions, ор|юпз or custoii«» iroUiUcutions noi pail olKunsas, Wnr)land, Virginia Ш'С1 fi;,vo Ooon aclcjoii Sialo IJConso NwnOws: AL-bSa. AR-H01003, FL-CRC057112. TN-230.12, M ”c io” ìli «¡Soi-l 'oi''“'”“' II»:''0‘''0‘| l'Consoo О 2002 Jiin Wallor Homos, IIK Copyriohl alnclly iinloicod percentage passes. "I see C ooler being like M onte eventually.'' Rominger said, "ile reniiiids me of him. Monte does a good job running Ihe ball and he can llitow w hen he needs to." Two sophomores (D.J. Rice and Ciiris Gonde) manned line­ backer. Among the most consis­ tent billers were junior nose guard Brandon Pane and senior onlside linebackers Timmy Red­ mond and Jon Goode. "W e liiouglit our rmebackers did w ell," Illing saiil. "They nitide a few tnistakes, but bev they're learning the speed of Fri­ day night football. We knew Pane was going lo make some plays, and thal was evident real early (when he almost took the handoff)." D avie's season opener is Aug. 21 at Alexander Central. Re-Elect Michael D. Allen for County Commissioner Paid for by Michael D. Allen Lafferly, w ho averaged 39.6 yards as a junior. W ooldridge (6-3, 185) is wearing No. 45. Last year the Tar Heels went 7-5 and 5-3 in the ACC. Another fom ier W;ir Etigle, Scoll Cornatzer (5-11, 20(1), is heading inlo his senior year al Apptilachian State. Lasl yctir, in 13 ganies, the 1998 Davie gradu­ ale made 23 tackles, inclutling 16 solo stops, for an App team lhal finished 9-4 and 6-3 in llie Division l-AA'Soulliern Confer­ ence. C a l l a n y t i m e WITHIN THE STATE OVER STATE UNES THROUGHOUT THE REGION INTO Ali TIME ZONES ACROSS THE COUNTRY f o r 6 i / m i n u t e SPRINT SOLUTIONS’' Local Seivice CallWaitinQlD Call Foraardina BC/nilnu!e Long Distance With Sprint Soiuiions.you get everytliing you neeil for one flat montlily rate. And liy getting it all to o elh erjo u save at least 40% versus ordering separately. Visit us at sprint.com/local or call 1'877-ONE SOLUTION ^ ^ S p r i n t Smici lot miiibli ii> ill Itili Ruiíiaiíil. dmti (ill (iHm) tnif iBiiiiiiigiil iiiit mr lad tmtiiiigi] Ш1г iP9i( |it(ludiii{ иакщи go iitiiintiil tills Bilt ii Isiittn iitili {bollili till 1 Bll 70И III iflitiniiimil iiiit Uiiki iidttM Aldiilgtil in tint tm ши iDtli Climi giooiMi in il I Bl% ind Ctmii UduiiuI Smici (liiiu «itt Dpmiii iiimid (lilt юб UN iiig/ciiiiig tiil ciiit atit Ina ри ((mui ч im и i »ill Ci inimd i tuicitiigi All iiiii tubiici to (Шпц Rntiicnoiit iielt - iii iiiil iiibi ml (ondiiiint iis;iint(«n CiiiiigiitOSpiiDi?IO? AiiiigK'simnid {ciietiKllbi6iii«nlUggdiiieiiigiiii>imd liidiaiih otSiiliiKeiioufliciiigiiiCoiiiiiil P D/W IK C O U N TY KN'I’KRPRISK R IX O R I), A u «. IS, 2002 - И5 r-i 1 K l K m I к.И ^ P o Ц k4i HSPECIALISTS IN FULL-SERVICE RESIDENTIAL & LIGHT CO/vlMERCIAL REMODELING Patrick Law smothers the ball In Davie's 3-0 scrimmage win over West Rowan. L a g o s S h o w s S c o r i n g A b i l i t y Mario Gil pushes the ball between two Falcons. • Hamilton Culhrell \v;is apart of a thirci-place fiiiisli in ilio 4()(i relay at thi; AAU Junior Olym­ pic track meet in Knoxville. Tn. Tlie Davie .senior ran the anchor leg as his team posted a time ol' a.i. 12. • Davie'.s hoys socccr leam will host matches on the football field for Ihe first time in its five- year history. "1 consider playing on the lootball fiekl my greatest achievenieni besides getting my college diplom a." Coach Pete Giistafson said. The War Lagles beat .Salis­ bury 4-.^ in a scrimmage. Cam Koll<e and l:ric Prim scored Iwo goals each, and Dan Callahan contained .Salisbury's all-state star. Sappio Venn. • Davie's volleyball toam - led by seniors Tracy Kobbiiis. I'racie SechresI. 6-(l .Shannon Uinberger and Amy Mason and f)-.^ junior M aria Newsom e - entered the year w ith high hopes. “W e’ve got talent." Coach Sherrie Myers said. "My job is easv." Davie was looking to im­ prove on a 1992 finish of 16-10 overall and I1-.1 in Ihe Central Piedmoixt Conferencc,The other team niembers were Jiidy lillis. Amanda Sigmon. Janis Harney and Shannon Allen, • Sean Boyd, a freshman al North Davie Junior High, won his age division in the Salisbury Junior Golf Touniament at the Counliy Club of Salisbury. Play­ ing from the m en’s lees. Boyd shot an eveii-par 71 llie first day and 76 the second dav. There C onlinued From Page HI Adam Linder. Nick Nelson and Patrick Lillle and keepers Scotl and Slein provided ciuilributions lhal helped shape the lopsided outcome. “W e're coining a long." the first-year Davie coach said. “ The leam has a lot of talent and the guys coming In as subs are i|iial- ily subs. If we can just put the package together, I think we’ll be alright. "'nie kee|iers played w ell. On West Rowan's only opportunity lo score. Stein made a nice save and made il look simple, Il was harder Ihan whal it looked I lliink. If Ihosc IWDcan progress. that’s really going to help us." While the startling upswing revived hope for a compelilive season, there are slill plenty of edges to sm ooth oul. W hile D avie's post-scrim m age per­ spective is considerably brighter than C audill's pre-scrim m age nioiul. the schedule still screams tor caution, 'W e’re not conference-ready yel." he said. "W e've got a lot of confidence lo build and a lot lo work oul. W e're going lo face some strong leams - W'est I'or­ syth, Re\ nolds, Grimsley. Hast I'orsyth. W e're going to have to play well to beat Ihem," Noles; The War Hagles open at home to Forbush Aug. L‘> at 7 p.m. They play al Northwest C abarrus A ug. 19. al Lake Norman Aug. 2 1 and at home to M ooresville Aug, 27, ,,. Caudill is Ihe fifth coach in 14 years, following David Hayos ( I98S). Jim L ightle (I'lS 'l), Pete Gustafson ( l ‘19(l.‘),S) and Sean G anietl(l9‘)0.2(X)l),... Roster: seniors Chave/. Mieah Garner. M ario Ciil. Zach llanrahan, Johnson. Kevin K irkpatrick. Lagos. Patrick Law, Lester. Linder. Little. Moser. Nelson and Scotl: ju n io rs D aniel Gamble, Michael Gravatt, Scott M axwell, Jose Paniagua. Karl Sw art/. Corey W ood; sopho­ mores Anastacio Sanchez. Stein.Edward Johnson scans the field. Patrick Little finds daylight. Midfielder Mike Paoni eyes the ball. Striker Danny Smith leaves his feet.Striker Russell Hilton drives the ball while Jason Bowles rushes from behind. Midfielder Josh Parrish lays out.- Photos by James Barringer Midfielder Brook Hinman beats the Falcons to the ball. W etm ore Farm s WOODLEAF Available Now S q u a s h , C u c u m b e rs , F ie ld T o m a to e s , C a n te lo u p e open Monday-Saturday 8:00 am-6:00 pm Closed on Sundays From Mocksville lake 601 Soulh lo 801 Intersection, lum right al Ught 4 miles to caution light In Woodleaf. Follow signs to farm. 704-278-2028 ^ tji QRILL EAT-IN OR TAKE OUT HOURS 5:30AM - 2:00PM • Monday - Saturday 2203 Hwy. 601 N.. Mocksville, NC PtMNie (336)492-7066 Drive-In Curt> Service Friday Night 5pm-9pin ; / Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, French Fries, ice Cream Music! WANTED 15 HOMES THAT NEED PAINTING 15 Homeowners, will be given an opportunity to have the New Alvls SPRAY ON SIDING applied to their home at special Discount prices. No more costly repair bills or constant Painting costs. • Alvls Spray On Siding CAN EASILY ba applied over any type surface Including wood, stucco, block, or brick. . Alvls Spray On Siding WILL NOT lade, crack, pael, or chalk and carries a LIFETIME WARRANTY, No monoy down and terms to fit your budget Why wait? FREE ESTIMATES www.sprayon8ldlng.com AS rCATURCD ON THI HUILOEKh HOUM M H â WI Sjiray On SU&ng AS Í l ATU K iП m I IN I- М Л 1 .Д / I Contact Distinctive Exterior Coatings: Ymj¿icjujjv^|Vjn5lon^alemAraHjMnj^D^ Call Now (336) 774-3852 were I,10 players through age IX. Boyd nol only won the 14- l.i age group, hul finished sec­ ond overall, Boyd also placed fourlh. among 44 golfers in his division, in Ihe Catolina G olf Associalion Junior Tournament at the Coun­ try Club of C harleslon. S.C. Playing from the cham pionship tees, he shot 8l-7.‘i-7f). Ho one- putted I greens over the first Mi holes. He ended his sum nier wiib six first-place finishes. Since 1980 B U Il_ D tN G gS; R E M O O eU N © , ’ Davie I4igh Sctiool Fall Sports Schedules Advance, N.C. Replacement Windows & Doors Additions - Sunrooms - Kitchens - Baths Cabinets - Tile - Vinyl Siding M. David Miller, CGR NC Lie. #13033 NAHB & W-S Remodelors^” Dependable, Professional Crews Serving the area since 1980 Varsity Football A ugust 16al Mt.'Tabor with Parkland (scrimmage) 2.1 at Alexander Central * .10 W EST ROWAN ♦ Sepl. 6 LAKE NORMAN * 1.1 at M ooresville ♦ 20 al Statesville * 27 FREEDOM (hom ecom ­ ing) * O ctober 4 Open 11 at South Iredell 18 W E.STroR SY TH 25 al South Rowan N ovem ber I REYNOLDS 8 at North Davidson 1.“! llrst round slate playoffs 22 second round 29 Ihird round D cccnibi'r (i semifinals 14 slate championship Note: * Denotes nonconfer­ ence games. ... All games start at 7;.10 p.m. JV Football Aug. 29 at W. Rowan at TB A Sepl. .S al Lake Norman al 7 12 M OORESVILLE at 7 19 STATESVILLE al 7 26 at Freedotn at 7 O ctober 3 Open 10 SOUTH IREDELL at 6 17 at West Forsyth at 6 24 SOUTH ROWAN al 6 31 at Reynolds at 6 Nov. 7 N. DAVIDSON at 6 Cross Country Aug. 21 LAKE NORM AN/ S. IREDELL at 4:30 28 M OORESVILLE at 4:30 Sept. 4 at S. Iredell at 4:30 11 at Reynold.s at 4:30 18 W. FO R SY TH /N . DAVIDSON at 4:30 25 at Reynolds O ct. 2 S. R O W A N /REY ­ NOLDS at 4:30 9 at West Forsyih al 4:30 16 CPC meet 26 NCHSAA R egionals at TBA Nov. 2 NCHSAA stale meet at TBA Girls Tennis Aug. 19 M OORESVILLE at 4-.30 20 at Bishop McGuine.ss at 4:30 22 at West Rowan at 4:30 28 at NW Cabarrus at 4:30 29 BISHOP at 4:30 Sepl. 3 at S. Iredell at 4:30 4 W EST FORSYTH at 4:30 9 at South Rowan at 4:30 11 REYNOLDS at 4:30 16 at North Davidson at 4:30 18S0U TH IREDELL at 4:30 19 at Moore.sville at 4:30 23 at West Forsyih al 4:30 25 SOUTH ROWAN at 4:30 30 at Reynolds at 4:30 O ctober 2 N. DAVIDSON at 4:30 8-11 CPCToum. at Reynolds Little League Fall Baseball S ignups To Be Aug. 17 Davie County Litllc League will lake signups for ils fall base­ ball and softball leagues on Aug. 17 al Ihc Youlh Complex from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The ages are 6-14 and Ihe fee isS40. Forque.s- tions. contact Todd Carler at 940-9114 or Mac Crisco al 940- 5469. Varsity Volleyball Aug. LI-I.SCPC-Mctro Tour- nanienl at W. Forsyth 19 al Alex. Central at 4:30 20 NOR l'll IREDELL at 4:.1() 22 LAKE NORMAN al4:.10 27ALEX,CENTRALat4:.1() 29 GRIMSLEY at 4:.1() •Sept. 3 al N, Iredell at 4:30 4 Wl-S T ROWAN at 4:30 10 at South Ircilell at 4:30 12 WEST I'ORSYTH at 4:30 17 at South Rowan al 4:30 19 REYNOLDS at 4:30 24 at North Davidson al 4:30 26 SOUTH IREDELL al 4:.10 Oct. 1 al West Forsyih at 4:.10 3 SOUTH ROWAN at 4:.10. 5 al Reynolds at 4:.10 10 N. DAVIDSON al4:.1() 14-18 CPC 'Tourn. al 4:30 22 NCI ISAA playoffs Boys Varsity Soccer Aut-nst 1,‘i FORBUSH 19 at Northwest Cabarrus 2 1 at Lake Norman 27 MOORESVILLE 29 NORTH IREDELL Sept. 3 ALEX. CENTRAL 5 NW CABARRUS 10 GRIMSLEY 11 al Hast Forsyth 17 at Grimsley 19 EAS T ROWAN 24 SOUTH IREDELL 26 WE.ST I'ORSYTH O clober I at Soulh Rowan 3 REYNOLDS 8 NOR TH DAVIDSON lliat Soulh Iredell l.‘i al West Forsyth 17 SOUTH ROWAN 22 al Reynolds 24 al North Davidson S teve R o b e rtso n A ce s Par 3 Steve Robertson aced a par-3 hole at Pine Brook Couniry Club in W inston-Salem. The M ocksville resident faced 175 yards and pulled oul a 7-iron, resulting in tbe 53-ycar-old's I'irsl hole-in-one. He was playing wilh Larry Sauls. R edland-F irst B a p tist S oftball Team M akes S tate Tourney 'The Redland-First Baplisl church softball team qualified I'orlhe stale touniam ent by winning five of seven games and placing third among 37 teams in the Southern Division USSSA Qualit'ier last weekend. Team members are; Brian Murphy. Jason Murphy, M cKenzie W illoughby, Jeff Pardue. Will M arklin, Eric Bridges, Steven Dunn, Brad M cKenzie, Stan Garaghly, Kenny Riddle, Del Welch. Dave Owens. Chris Seaford, Trampas Butcher and Joseph Meola. B e n e fit S o ftb a ll T o u rn e y F or D u stin M ye rs S et F o r S ept. 7 A benefit softball tournament is scheduled I'or Sepl, 7 al Rich Park. The touniament is being pul together to support Duslin Myers, a Davie High student who is battling cancer. This will be a one-pitch lournameni wilh unlimited home runs. The cost is SI 10 and the deadline lo enter is Sepl. 3. 'Teams will hil Iheir own balls, 50 core or less. 'The first- and second-place teams and the MVP will receive trophies. Call Ruslin Harpe to enter: 492-5326 (home), 751-2325 (work) or 336-941-7472 (cell). Coed Soccer Signups Under Way Signups have begun tor four coed soccer divisions - U6, U8, UlO and U12 - through the M ocksville-Davie Recreation Depart­ ment. Regislralions my be brought by the rec department al Ihe Brock Gym Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. The tee is S30 (wiih a S5 discount for each additional child in the same family) for the U6. U8, UlO and U12 divisions, imd the deadline to register is Aug. 16. All games will be played al Pinebrook Elementary on Saturdays and Sundays. Play will begin in mid-Sepleniber and continue through the I'irst of November. Also, there will be a soccer clinic (S3 per player) on Aug. 24 al Pinebrook. 'I'he rec highly recommends all players allend. I'he in­ structors will be Davie varsily boys soccer coach Jim Caudill and his Davie players. Pay the clinic fee al the field at the time of clinic. The limes for U6 and U8 will be 9-10:15 a.m.; I0;45-noon for U 10 and UI2. Players should arrive 15 minules before their scheduled lime. Players may bring a soccer ball and water bottle wiih name on hoth. "CELEBRATE RECOVERY" A safe place to experience freedom from hurtful habits and compulsive behaviors including: • chemiccl/sexual addiction • ea • physical/sexual abuse • an • codependency • ga Support groups for men and womet ting disorders ger mbiing ^ - Fridays 7piri Call (336) 940-6618 Hillsdale Baptist Ciiurcli .10 NCHSAA playoffs Regular sca.son games start at 7 p.m. Boys JV Soccer Aug. 15 FORBUSH at 5:15 19 at NW Cabarius al 5 21 al Lake Norman al 5 27 M OORESVILLE at 5:15 29 N O R T jl IR E D E L L al 5:15 .Sept. 3A l.i;X . CEN TRAL al 5:15 5 NW CABARRUS at 5 :15 10 GRIMSLEY at 5:15 11 al l;asi Forsyih al 5:15 17 at Grimsley at 5:30 24SO U TIllR ED i:LLal5;15 26 WE.ST I'ORSY TH at 5; 15 O ct. 1 al Soulh Rowan at 5:15 3 REYNOLDS al 5:15 8 N. DAVIDSON al 5:15 10 at South Iretlell al 5; 15 15 al West l-'orsyih al 5:15 17.SOUTH ROWAN al 5:15 22 al Reynolds at 5:15 24 at Norlh Davidson al 5 Check us o u t... www.cm crprisc-rccorcl.com Davie County Little League F a ll B a U Sign Ups Saturday August 17 10:00 - 2:00 Davie Complex Ages 6-14 ¡ B a s e b a ll & S o jib a U Ц] □ Lj Li 3 □ □ □ □ И и □ □ Ш U E3 □ И a Ш LÌ -a 13 Ш Ш Ш 3 m Ш П in m u a Ш Ш m m m \ 3 . rV"..ЕЧ t.- □ ? :P и и a У ШЗ aи in J a ^ ^ S K ^ c s t c r t i p i r p w ы ь ь к S T E A K S B U F F E T BAK ERY 1580 Yadicinviiie Road • Mocitsville < (336)751-0436 OPEN Sun.-Thurs. 11am-9pm Fri. and Sat.11am-10pm Extra Special Half Pound Ribeye Cold Salad Bar, Choice of Potato, Bakery and Desert (Sunday - Thursday After 4PM) ONLY $ 5 9 9 CRAZY 8 ’s 8 oz. Ribeye & 8 oz. Popcorn Shrimp Potato, Salad, and Bakery (4PM ‘til Close) ONLY $ g 8 8 LIMITED TIME ONLY E verv F rid a v N ie h t All-You-Can-Eat Seafood & Steak Bash Includes Peel n Eat Shrimp ONLY $ T 9 9 D a ilv L u n c h S o e c ia l Hamburger & Fries or Grilled Chicken Salad or Sirloin Tips Mon-Fri llam-4pm YOUR CHOICE $ 3 9 9 m j s Ш в и Ei r i ÍLi □ f.ll G LJ a a Í 'Ъ и “ a % ÍJ - ß l‘ * r«lkl tei |gi I ß m m Ш FJ I Ш E i. M on.- T hurs. 2 р т - 4 о т S e n io r C it iz e n s B u f f e t ONLY 9 9 • Over (íO lü;m Itiilloi Availui)l(; \)А\\у\ • S u iiim * C i líz m i B i i l í u t ll i s u H i i i l s ! Hf). DAVIE COUNTY EN ГКUIMUSK RECOUD. Aug. 15, 2002 Cooleemee Elementary Principal Bill Campbell, Food Lion employees Aaron Jerome and Patricia Ebright, and school counselor Lauri Terepaugh look at school supplies collected by Food Lion for kids at Cooleemee and Mocksville Elementary schools. - Photo by Mike Barnhardt F o o d L i o n D o n a t e s S u p p l i e s T o S c h o o l s Hy Jiickie Scnhnll Davic County tinlcrprisc Rccord Approximalely S3(X) worth ol' school supply (lon.ilions were collcclcil by Food L ion's Salisbury Street location to be distributed at two elementary schools - Coolceiiicc and M(K'ks- ville t-lcnicnlary. I'o(kI I.ion cuslomer service m anager Patricia libriuht and lH)okkec|KT Aaron Jerome led the donation elTorts I'or Ihe store, Both are fonner elementary stvi- dehts at Cooleemee r-lerncnlary and felt t!ood about giviny back lo the comnnmily. A ccordini: to C oolcem ee Principal Dill Campbell, “ Ihis {lives us a feeling of conuininily support lhat I as a principal and Ibe icacliers greally appreciate," riie supplies will be distrib­ uted to bolh elementary schools wilh the neeil going to those who need il Ihe most lo begin wiih. accoriling lo Campbell. .Area businesses worked in cooperation wilh Ihe Food t,ion lo help wilh the supplies. “1 just Ihink il's greal." says Campbell, S c h o o l s S e e k M e b a n e G r a n t F o r P r o g r a m F o r 4 Y e a r O l d s Bowles lirallcv T w o DHS S tu d e n ts S erve A s H ouse Pages Two Davie High School stu­ dents served as pages for the N,C. House of Representatives. Allison Bow les is ihe daugh­ ter of Donald and Wanda How ies of MtK'ksville. Amanda Bralley is Ihe daughter of Terry Bralley of Mocksville ami Carol Bralley of Clemmons. Both w ere sponsored by Rep. Julia C, Howard. Pages play an important role in the House by assisting mem­ bers during committee meetings and floor .sessions. The page pro­ gram affords Ihc youlh thc op­ portunity to see first-hand how laws arc made. Pages sometimes meet state government officials, in addition to legislators. Davie County Schools has applied for a grant from the Mebane Charitable Foundation in M ocksville to start a pre- scliool program for 4 year oUls. The program would rmi four haU'ilay sessions, twice a week at C o rn a tz er F lem en lary School. If successful, an addi­ tional classroom w ould he opened each year. To start, the program would have four classcs of l.'i stii- ilents, which would each meel twice a week. "The program will play off 04V existing screening lhal we have nseil for 4 year olils," said Patsy Crenshaw, e,\ccutivc di­ rector of insiniclion. "W e w ill also look very closely at how w c r\m our Kindeream p." The program would provide preschool services to children, including tho.sc with foreign language considerations, un­ able to attend olher preschools in the area. Included in the program are parenting sessions, transporta­ tion lo and from school, and various education and health screenings. Each class would have one te a ch e r and tw o teacher assistants. Candy Poplin, principal at C orna/ter, w ould adm inister thc Preschool Prcpatory Pro­ gram. I'he school system is ask­ ing for $17.1.42().80 to run Ihe program. Following thc end of Ihc lirsl Ihrec years, the hope is Ul gain I3epartnienl of Public Instruction funds and additional grants to run the program. •• riiis is an outgrow 111 of the discussion wc had in I'ebniary aboul school itropouls," Siiper- iiilcndenl Dub Polls lold thc school board in his presenta­ tion. "If w e’re really going lo make a difference, wc have lo start early." C urren tly , Ihe only p re ­ school program s olTercil by the county are for children with dis­ abilities. O . A llen M ebane IV foundetl the M ebane Charitable Foundation in 19‘J2. ll provides grants for all levels of educa­ tional inslruclion organizations. Vouiij; C H IR O P R A C T IC O U T L O O K By Dr. Brandon Byern HEADACHES HELPED BY CHIROPRACTIC CARE Tension and cervicogenic headaches, which originate in Ihe neck, are Iwo ol the most common non-migraine headaches. A large percentage ol adulls experience less lhan one mild tension headache a month; 20 lo 30 percent suiter Irom these headaches monthly. Aboul 3 percent have chronic tension headaches IflO days per year. A 2001 review from Duke Univojsilj’, "Evidence Report: Behavioral and Physical Treatments for Tension-type and Cervicogenic Headache,' compared the safety and effectiveness of mugs, behavioraf and physical trealments for these types ol ailments. The findings conclude lhat chiropractic care Is effective for the ireatment ol cervic^enic headache, producing more sustained reduction in Irequency and severity ol headaches than various other ohysical and solt-tissue procedures. Furthermore, chiropractic is effective in the'trealment ol tension-type headache, producing markedly superior long-term results in comparison willi Ihe standard pharmacological Ireatment wilh the antidepressant amitriptyline.Nearly all patients with a lension-type headache have used medications at one time or another lo treat their headaches. However, nol all paiienls are helped by drugs, which may produce undesiiable side ellects, Patienls and health care providers have thus been interested in finding alternative care lor tension headaches, including behavioral and physical interventions. To treat cervicogenic headaches chiropractors rely on such approaches as relaxation and biofeedback training, stress-managemeni iherapy, acupuncture, cervical spinal manipulation and physiotherapy, II you know anyone lhal sutlers Irom headaches, lei Ihem know lhal chiropractic oilers a safe, drug free solution lo their problem. Brought lo you as a community service by Brandon Byers, 501 Wilkesboro St., Mocksville 751-2512 A N D R E W C . B R O C K N C S o n a k - '4 U is tiu l ★ k l in u i !( \.N ★ Andrew’s Agenda* Lower Taxes* Government Accountability* Fewer Regulations* Recruit Business dnd Industry* Education Reform* Tougher Criminal Sentences* Protect Senior Citizens* Consewative Family ValuesBlooraphv Graduate of Western Carolina University —BS in Economics and Political Science* Ulelong mombor Farmington United Methodist Church* Ulelong Resideni of Davie County* Graduale of Davie High SchoolExBcrlgncg* NC Senale* Congressman Waller Jones* NC Republican Par^* US Senator t^uch Faircloth* Welfare Relorm* NC Supremo Court Justice Bob Orr* Citizens for a Sound Economy* RCS Communications \vw\v.andre\vbro<;k.coni Paid for by Brock for Senate D a v ie S c h o o ls C cninil Diivie Devolopnicntal Day I sindLMits met new rriciuls and enjoyed seeing old friends. They started learnuig songs and talked about rainbow llsh. The stuilents made their own rain­ bow fish. The class will start lalking and learning about the ocean this week. Developmental Day II Student of the Week is Austin Friedl. Well, it’s the ond of suiuiuer as you can tell, bccausc promptly at S:(K) you hear Ihc school Ik’II. M s. lirandi’s preschoolers are ua'al. Ti)c children came in ready lo play fun learning games. They have done a wonderful job Ihis firsl week ol school. Ms. Brandi's four-ycar-olds finished the week witl» some splishing and splashing. They en­ joyed a splash day l.> finish up ihc summer and Icart. about their friends. The children is Ms. Sue Tucker and Ms. Joyce Beck’s pre-kindergar- ten class met new friends this week. They look a tour of the school and began learning about sharing and caring about others. Puppy Polite inlroiluced then) to good nianncrs and nicc things to say to their friends. Clarion Wins Awards; New Editors Attend Boone Conference Last year, Davie High School hail one of ihe besl yearbooks around, and the staff for this year's edition are working to make il even better. [•our membes of Phe Clarion staff attended a summer work­ shop al llie Broyhill Conference Cenlcr in Boone June 24-26. riie workshop, sponsored by W alsworlh Publishing, which publishes Ihc yearbook, afforded the sludents an opportunity to begin yearbook production for 2()(U. 'they altended classes in advanced layout and design, business managemenl, advanced yearbook, iheine tievelopmem, staff motivation and advanced desktop publishing. Alteiuling Ihe workshop were M egan B urriss and R yanne M cD aniel, ed ito rs in chief; Megan Warchol, business edilor: Kierslon Kahrs, junior edilor; and Lynn Ray, adviser. The w orkshop concluded w ith an aw ards brunch. The Clarion staff won second placc for ils theme packet submission. This packet incuded the 2003 yearliook cover design, theme developm ent, tw o layout de­ signs, and a com pleted ladder which delails Ihe infom ialion lhal will be included on each ■ page of Ihe yearbook. The 2002 Clarion earlier had received an honor ofdislinction award for scholastic journalism excellence from the North Caro­ lina Scholastic Media Associa­ lion. I'be award is given lo year­ books based on creativity, origi­ nality, and adherence to contem­ porary yearbook and journalis­ tic standards. Thc honor of dis­ tinction is the second highest award earncil by a yearbook staff al Ihc slale level. A lisha Burlon won a firsl place honor forcaplion wriling. Kierslon Kalirs won a third placc award for photography. Phillip Wogalze and Megan W archol won honorable men- lions for Ihcme copy aiul fcalure spread design, respectively. W ogatzke and Nehal Patel were editors in chief ofihe year­ book, with Lynn Ray as adivser. According lo Crenshaw, the school system expects lo re­ ceive a decision on the grant request in Scplemtior. Ja im e Y oung E arns D egree Jaim e M ichele Young, daughter of Kim and Sheila Young of \tocksville. g ra d u iile d from Forsyih ■fe c h n i c a I C om m unily College wilh high honors on July 2.‘i. S ' h e earned an as- sociale de- T e a c h e r A tte n d s S e m in a r Sandra M. Pike of W inston-Salem, a grades K-.S media special­ ist al Cooleemee Elementary School, recently attended a seminar at Itie N.C. Center for Ihe Advancement of Te;iehing. Pike participaled in "IJghls, Cam era, Aclion: Student-M ade Video" July 22-26 conducted by David Smilh, NCCA'f media co­ ordinator. % DEBRA BROWN GROCE ^ For NC S e n a t e ExsEi'S; Serving Yadkin, Davie & Rowan Pa/c/ for by Debra Brown Groce gree wilh a pre-m ajor in psy­ chology. She will conlinue her educalion al the Universily of North Carolina at Greensboro where she will major in psychol- ogy. She is the granddaughter of Worth Snipes of I-rwin, Sadie Burton, Kalheryn Young and the late Wayne Young of M ocks­ ville. C H I L D R E N ' S C L O T H I N G S A L E Saturday, Aug 17*^ 8am - 1pm C N h ta iA • M CtMim om G M b O n iw H w M m Itilii¥ Щ О Л т :iM ycuN (iN w i:': Saturday Night Gatos opon lor practlca ot 6 p.m. FIRST RACE AT BP.M. Season Fill.ili 150-Lap Modified Race!LSB 1 5 0 Plus Sportsman, Street Stock and Stadium Stock races, and the year's track championships will be decided in ali divisions! LSB Tho Bank prizes loi Ians S1.000 in U S Savititis Bonds' Admission: Adults, ISandoldor-StO Ag«s 12-17-$6 Agos 6-11 - SI Childron undor 6 FREE with adult escort __________PLENTY OF FREE PARKING__________ Information about atadlum racing: (336)723-1819 Dwaine Phifer Presents At National Worksliop DAVIK COUNTY KNTERPRISE RKCORI), Aug. IS, 2002 - 117 Dr. D w aine Phifer, North Davic M iddle School behavior specialist, and Dr, Denny Cecil, a private practice mental health counselor in Florida, presented a balf-itay worksliop at the na­ lional American Mental Health C ounselors A ssociation (AM HCA) conference in A l­ lanla on Saturday, July 20. 'I'he prescnlation, Норс and /U'iiIíiií; for Tronhlcil - oml Troiihliiif; - Adiilcxcciits focused upon tmdcrslanding Ihe unique psychological, cognitive and physical developmcnl of adoles- ccnl issues and the nature of re­ sistance to counseling with this population. Since resistance to estab­ lished aulhorily and adult e.xpce- talionsare almost an eslablishcd norm for adolescents, any e.xac- erbation of these tendencies, lie- 4 Earn Western Degrees Four Davie residenls earned degrees during spring com ­ mencement e.xercises al Weslcm Carolina University. Steven James Nail of Dulin R oad, M ocksville, earned a bachelor's degree with honors in manufacturing engineering lech­ nology. William Leighton Grimes of Mocksville earned a Iwclielor's degree in criminal juslice. Slepbanie Susan Nixa of For­ esi Drive. Advance, earned a bachelor's degree in communi­ cation. Bradley Thomas McNcil of 277 Crcekwood Drive. Advance, earneil a bachelor's degre in Fnglish. F a m i l y L i f e C l a s s M a t e r i a l s T o p i c O f A u g . 1 9 l \ / l e e t i n g Parents of sludenis, grades -t- 9, are invited lo an evening lo review m aterials thal will be used in the abstinence-based I'aniily life classes in the IDavie Couniy Schools. riine will be allowed to ad- program, dress i|uestions, suggestions or Thc meeting will be held at concerns about the program , the D avie County Public l.i- Members of Ihc Davie County • brary. N orth M ain S treet, School liealth Team will be M ocksville, from 7-S:.^0 p.m. presenl lo explain conlcnl of the Monday. Aug. 1‘). Daughn Parker Gets State Award Daughn I'arkcr, child milri- lion director for Davie Couniy Schools, was awardeil ihc M;iry t-ong Beasley D istinguishcil Service Award al this year's N orth C arolina School Food Service Associalion Conference in Greensbtiro. The aw;ird recognizes indi­ viduals w ho have implemeuled child nulrilion programs of ex- Navy Seaman Graduates Navy Seam an A pprenlice M althew I). Motsiiiger, son of Sandy M. Adair ofAdvance and Ronald D. M otsinger o f W in­ slon-Salem, recently graduated from Ihe Basic Hospiiai Corps Scliool al Naval Hospiiai Corps School, Greal t^akes. III. During Ihe I-t-week course, M otsinger leamed a wide range of m edical procedures used lo provide first aid and assisl Navy doclors and nurses. M olsinger received an inlroduclory inslruc­ lion for service in a variely of m edical environm enls, from ttcel hospitals and shipboard m edical departm ents to fleet Information On Students Available To Parents In accordance with federal guidelines, the following infor­ mation may be obtained upon parent rec|uesl: • Your child's achievement level on state end-of-grade tests; and • professional qualificalions o f your c h ild ’s classroom teaclier. Notify the scliool principal if you want this inforniation. For other questions and concerns, please con tact P airicia D. Crenshaw, e.xecutive direclor of in slru c lio n , D avie C ouniy Schools, at 751-5921. Marine forces and medical ;ul- ministration offices. G raduates' newly acquired skills aiul knowledge will enable them to help provide (|ualily health care lo Navy and Marine Corps personnel and iheir fami­ lies. M olsinger's firsl assign­ ment afler school will involve direcl patient care, but with his Three Earn GW Degrees Three Davie residenls eanieil degrees from G ardner-W ebb U niversily during sum m er graduation ceremonies. Jacqueline R ebecca A llen earned a masier's of business ad­ ministration degree. Aubrey Alan James earned a m asier’s of business administra­ tion degree. C harise L arelta Peebles earned a bachelor’s degree in ac­ counting. FOR SALE BY OWNER Price Reduced!!! $159,900 2 8 8 D o g w o o d L a n e , M o ck sv ille . Urick ranchcr located on a nice wiKxled lot in excellcnl ncighborluxKl. 2,()(X) sq, ft,, J bedroom, 2 balh, 2 car garage, fireplace, spacious sunroom, w/ deck, full basemenl. Call 751-3436 LOT 18 TWIN CEDARS GOLF COURSE BV DAVIECOUNTY Magniliccnl Lot Willi Golf Course Views ?• Bedriwnis, 2 Balhs, IWX)+,sii.fi. MiLsler Balh '.vith Walk in Closet. Wliirlpixil Tub & Separate Shower Kitchen with Breakfast Room Living Room, Dining Rinini t-arge Two Car Garage wilh Opener Gas Log Finiplace in Living RiKini I-arge Unlinished Uoiius Room Lots of Hardwixxi Flixiring Spacious Liiundrj' Rixini Ueauliful Brick and Vinyl Exlerior Buyer may cliixi.se Car|x;ts Out.slaiulingat$l.‘W,‘XXI.(XI 9 9 8 -2 4 8 1 o r 2 8 4 -2 6 9 4 O P E N H O U S E G Y M B O R G & ^ i Winston-Salem Saturday, August 17 11am - 3pm • stop by any time or come see an age appropriate class; Explorers/Kids (2 Vii to 4 years): 11:30am GymWalkors {10 mo. - 18 mo.): 12:00pm GymRunners (14 mo. - 28 m o.): 12:30pm Music (1-4 year old): 1:00pm BabiesASrawlers (0-1 yoar old): 2:00pm We’ll have refreshments, prizes, and enrollment bonuses. Stop by!! Or you can call to arrange for a ¡B iia H a iH H iB a a n y time!! Enroll early....popular times fill up fast!! Fall Session beings September 3'"!! And ask about the great discounts you can receive at the Gymboree Clothing Store several times each year!! Gymboree has been the leader in parent/chiW programs for over 25 years. Wo have a great, clean environment for your preschoolers to learn andjgjayH- 1 ‘.) / ‘) H.iiMi'. M jll Blvtl ;N l'A t tl' vV.ll M III Mill W y l'" MU'' cause of etnolional or behavior problem s, puls m any leens al high risk for serious problems. Phifer and Cecil offered the workshop participants praclical Icchniques and suggestions for working with teens from the m iddle school years ihrough high school. Phifer also participaled in a lwo-d;iy leadership-iraining workshop for slate officers of mental heallh associations. I le is Ihe treasurer for Ihe Licensed Pi'ofessioiial Counselors A sso­ ciation of NC (t.PCANC). In addilion lo Ihe leadership irain- iog. he also parlicipated in a two- day training session for clinical supervisors. Phifer is a ccrlified clinical supervisor, working wiih C(um - sclors seeking iheir Licensed Profession;il Counselors license. FURS-A-FLYIN6 anhe RED WOOF INN Full service pet grooming now available. B oa rding • Day Care • Training Call for specials 940-D0GS 415 Potts Road • Advance '’.T. Wfiite M o v in g & D e l iv e r in g Mocksville, NC 15 Years Experience Tim White home (3361 492-2120 cell .(704) % 8-4776 cellencc. Parker has served as ihe chilil nulrilion ilircclor for D avie Coumy Schools for seven years and w;is nomiiKiled by her peers and coworkcis. Irainiiig, M otsinger c;ui work in several areas, including first aid and assisting with minor surgery, pharm;iey and laboratory analy­ sis, p;ilienl Iransporlalion, and food scrvicc inspeclions. M olsinger is a 1999 graduale of Roberl B. Glenn High School of K ernersville and joined Ibe Navy in AugusI 2001. Re-Elect Michael D. Allen Republican Incumbent for D a vie C o u n ty B o a rd o f C o m m is sio n e rs Citizens of Davie County: Thank you Ibr thc oppoftunity of allowing me to run for my e.xisting .seat as one of the Davie County Board of Cominissioners. If re-elected. I will perform to the best of my aliility for you the Cilizens of this Great County, I helieve in a halanced urow'th in all aspects of Davie County, This includes industry, schools, businesses, and housing. To achieve this we all have to work together as one. This means listening to the citizens, business leaders, along with local, and slale governmenl. O ur county is known for our volunteerism. We are concerned about what goes on in Davie County, 'i'his is why I am asking for your vote on September IDth. Thank you. Michael D. Allen Paid for by Michael D, Allen 'ly C 4 0 Y e a r s In T h e C o m m u n ity a w .c e a jliis iy R e g i s t e r N o w I ! f o r S e p t e m b e r E n r o l l m e n t E stablished 1962 Friday, Aug. 16, 4-8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 17, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 18, 1-4 p.m. Tap Ballet Jazz Acrobatics CoEd Tiny Tots ^JB o y s Class ... Acrobatics, Jazz & Tap Ages 2 to Adult Beginning, Intermediate & Advanced Classes NEW! PomPom Class L a tin & Standard B allroom fo r Adults In stiu cte d by Denise Bassen & Eddie M organ Classes bbiiiMMiruj 'md Ьс‘М' >.'(>ll Sti,i;i> F or Info, C all: 7 6 6 -4 8 4 3 7 6 6 -2 9 8 8 7 5 1 -1 1 0 2 Denise Bassen, Owner/Director B a y l i n C o t i l l i o n s ‘¿adroom 'Dancing S o c ia l G f a c e s D in in g S k ills В8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISK Rii CORD, Aug. 15. 2002 W a d e A n d J u l i a M a i n e r P l a y A t T h e G r a n d O l e O p r y B anjo p lay er and singer W ade M ain er receiv ed the 2002 H eritage Award during U ncle D ave M acon D ays in M urfreesboro. Tenn. in July. M ainer m arried Julia M ac Hrow n o f M ocksville in 19.17. M ainer, said'U ncle Dave M acon D ays organizer G loria C hristy, took m ountain folk m usic throughout the country, la y in g the fo u n d a tio n for country m usic. M ainer w as im portant in paving the w ay for m odern country m usic, said W SM ra­ dio announcer Eddie Slubbs. "B ack in the 19.30s and ‘40s. he was one o f the big­ gest stars in country m usic, in the days before records were played on the radio," he said. "H e w ould w'ork at a radio station fora period o f time and book show s at night. He went to show dales in M odel T and M odel A Fords on dirt roads and gravel roads. People cam e to show dales on horseback or in buggies, or w alk. People w oukl carry lanterns to shows so they could finil their way back hom e." M ainer m ade his firsl of h u n d re d s o f rec o rd in g s in "M aple on the H ill," considered one of ihe 10 most im portant recordings in coun­ try' m usic. Stubbs said. He also once entertained for Franklin and E leanor Roosevelt. M ainer has received the N ational H eritage Fellow ship A w ard, w hich has been pre­ sented lo such artists as Bill M onroe and Frank Sinatra. B ut he never played the G rand O le O pry unlil this July, at the age o f 9.‘>. “ Y ou’ve given us a big old hearty w clcom e, and th a t's w hat m o u n tain folks from N orth Carolina and Tennessee are good for, to love one a n ­ o th e r and m ake 'e m w e l­ com e." M ainer told the audi­ e n c e , b e fo re p e rfo rm in g onstage with his wife o f M years, Julia. M ainer said of U nclc D ave M acon; "You all know him better lhan I do, here w here he lived. I didn't really get ac­ quainted with thal man. bul he done one thing before I did, anil 1 don't regret il now. bul I did regret it then. "H e kissed my wife before I did. I d idn'l like it, but I couldn't do nolhing aboul it, and I d id n 't know nolhing aboul il until I w as m arried." T hat kiss happened afler she was introduced lo M acon by her father, when he pul on a program in M ocksville, Julia M ainer said. "U ncle Dave asked m e lo play a num ber on his program there, and when I got through, w hen 1 cam e hy, he kissed m e," she said. "O f course, I had real long hair then, and he liked my hair, an that is how 1 gol kissed by him ." M ainer called the H eritage Award a gifl he'll never for­ get. "W hen my house burned, I gol a lot of Ihese things de­ stroyed, and liked to cried be­ cause 1 couldn't keep them. So I'm glad lo be building them up again." W ade and Julia M ainer gol m arrietl during his radio days, afler which Julia did bookings and sold tickets, but d id n 'l play much m usic wilh him for years. "H e lefl N orth C arolina and wenl lo M ichigan in 19.S3, and he was oul of the m usic business for quite a w hile, be­ cause during the late '40s and early '50s, there w asn't m oney going around in Ihe m usic field, so he felt he had to go som ew here to m ake a little m oney." she said. "A fler he relired from G eneral M otors in 1972, we started playing m ore together." H e said lie enjoys w atching younger m usicians keep the traditions he helped start. "It's am azing whal you can see in ihem . T h ey 're taking and carrying on Ihe tradition. It is really am azing and good for Ihem to do that." O ne young m usician who got a chance lo learn from M ainer was R ebekah W eiler, 16, a w inner of banjo fellow ­ ships to institutions in N orth C arolina and Virginia. S he'll never forget a piece of advice from M ainer. "N ever buy a banjo unless you play it I'irst." Rcprimcd in ¡¡(in from The Daily Ni’wx Joiinial, Mmfivcx-hoiv. Tenn. Mocksviile native Julia Mainer and her husband Wade Mainer appeared on the Grand Ole Opry last month. Open Sunday 2 p m - 4 p m Historic Home - Town Center Residential or Commercial * 5 X-Lnrge Rooms • Large Kitchen • Deep Lot * Privacy Fence * 2 Full Baths • Hardwoods • 10 ft. Ceilings ♦ $169,900 I-lOW - E xit 170, L-Hwy GOIS into tow n, R -Salisbury St, 3-12 S. S alisbury St., M ocksville Prudential Carolinas Realty Sbflsl Ш ★ When You're Bad — We're Good. To find out more about our auto insurance — Call me... Stop by... Log on - it's your choicel Jim Kelly. Jr. 281 Norih Main Slroot Mocksville 336-751-2937l>cirt23na»rw<Jo con Kollh Hiller 1111 Yadl<lnvllie Hwy., MocksvilleWlttowOaKs Shop- Cntr.336-751-6131htflerkl -îruhonwnOe.ctXTi Nationwtd«*Insurance & Financial Services Nationwide li On Vbur Si*.' Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Alfiliated Companies, Home Office: Columbus, OH 43215-2220 ANS16 11/00 DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 15, 2002 - B9 Louis W agner Receives State Lenders’ Award From left, Lorene Markland, new president of the Davie County Regired School Personnel, Kate Eller, District 4 president and new officers Carolyn Beaver, Ann Long and Madeleine Sparks. L o r e n e M a r k la n d H e a d s R e tir e d S c h o o l P e r s o n n e l The Davie Coiuiiy Retired School Personnel have new of­ ficers for 20()2-2()04 lenn, in­ stalled by Kale Eller. District 4 president. O fficers are: LiMonc M arkland. presiilenl; Carolyn Beaver, vice presiilenl: Ann Long, secretary; and Madeleine Sparks, treasurer. All relired school personnel arc inviied lo nllcnd Ihe lun- County Terminates Contract For Work At Cooleemee Sewage Plant Following June .“i meelings wilh Dan Darrell and Ken While. Steve Cavanaugh sent a IcUer outlining four opiions for im ­ proved com inunicalion and ch an g es lo the C ooleem ee w aslew aler treatm ent facility project. The final option, in which Cavanaugh and Associates ler- minaled Ihe comraci after irans- ferring all infonnalion lo anolher engineering company, was the oplion the hoard accepted, The Iransition will lake place with­ out addilional charges to ihe coumy. r-ollowing Ihe hoard approv­ ing the lenninalion of ihe con­ tract. the boaril voted for Grey Engineering o f M ocksville lo lake over. A ccording lo doeu- nients presented on the sewer project, connnissioners became concerned ahout projecled cost overruns, a slalernenl thal was backed up hy W hite during the Aug. board meeting. "To his [John Grey's) credil. he saiil he felt there was a way lo make Ihe repairs, for signifi- eamly less. Part nf his plan in­ volved the county applying for grants lhal it may. or may not. rcceive. Tlie coumy has Ihe op- piirtunity to secure gram t'lmil- ing." W hile lold Ihe hoard. He wenl on to say lhal the slale revolving loans, while good for other applications, are costly to counties w hen used for smaller projects such as this one. I'ollowing G rey’s presenta­ tion on funding, the hoard ap- pioveil allocating ,S I VO.-'iOO IVorn Ihe waler/sewer enterprise fund to compensate for Ihc reduction in funds from the loan program. If a grant is received later, the nioney can he replaced. 3 Building Lots For Sale In Ihe Fork Church C om m unily Located on/off of C edar G rove C hurch Road OK for doublewide, modular or sile buill homes •LoU • >^0,000»/ lO.KHioi’iU^ge. waler melei & seplic system • S25,0i)0 • Lot 2 - UNDER CONTRACT ■ I ♦ .icto wilh fo.id ifont<Kje.woll fit septic system ■ $25.000 • Lot 3 ■ I Kicre 30’c.uement.gfe.it view • S35.000 *AH subjpcf fo ftnoJ survey Contact Robert Slone (Owner/Broker) at Riverfork Properties 336-998-4733 w w w .e n te rp ris e -re c o rd .c o m D A V IG C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/É RECORD cheon meelings and join. Meel­ ings are held eight times yearly on Ihe firsl Thursilay of the nionlh. The nest meeling is Sept. .‘S at noon at Henmida Uun Coun­ try Cluh. Contaci Sailye Barger, membership chair, at 751 -5-tS4. for infonnalion. LOG HOME SEMINAR Spotniorad bv BEAR CREEK LOG HOMES S leep In n H w y. 421 and 601, Y a d k in v iiie T h u rsd a y, Sept. 5 7-9pm A ll you civer need to know about building your dream home. B ring your plans and ideas! B uilder and m anufacturer to be present. R.S.V.P. suggested. Call 336-492-2804 Louis I-;, Wagner, president of Wagner I'inancial .Services, has heen p re­ sented with the D avid R eaves M e­ morial Award from the Uesi- ilenl l.enilcrs of N orth C arolina, an assiicialion o f ' inilependenl consumer finance companies. The award, presented anmi- УУацпег ally since 1980, recognizes a memher who has demonstrated meritorious service to the orga­ nization, W agner is p resident of W agner F inancial S ervices, which has offices in Winslon- Salem , G reensboro and High Point. After residing in Clemmons for IX years. W agner and his wife. Pat. now live in Bermuda Kun. Daughter Erin is a junior at Clemson University. Swicegood Wall and McDaniel Realtors Is Proud To Introduce the ir new est Sales Associate <Æéonsli Steve came to Swicegood, Wall, & McDaniel after a long career ¡n the printing and graphics industry. He served as the Director of Research and Development with the former Chesapeake Display and Packaging Company, Steve resides in Wmston-Salem and has two sons and two grandchildren. In his spare lime he enjoys golf and fishing. Steve looks foi^//ard to building a successful career in Real Estate, Give 3 Call at 3 3 6 -7 5 1-2222 o r (9 09-3462) i - r231 BiM HwtxHj Dkivi 5Bfl. 3.1BA. 3505 sq ft., too many arnencbos to Itstt $3п,950. о да CONMC 9 751-8565 207 NoiriH CAROtiNA Ci 4ВП, 3D A. fnrmhouso ca,tB80 on 6 5 Ac Appx, 320051. $325,000. CAU(X)NNIEe751-8S«5 HOWARD REALTY Put our staff to work for you! Call us at (336) 751-3538 or Visit our Website at www.howardreaIty.com H t гГЯ MLS\ 330 S, Salisbury St. (Comer Hwys. 601 & 64) Mocksville, NC 27028 Officc Hours; Monday-Friday • Saturday 9-12 • Sunday By Appl. 2278 & 2286 US Hwy 801 NotnH 2 m * lsq It. 4BH. ЭВА, 8Ю>у.$2в9,90а i*751-«S«9 1.5 4ВП. 3BA, on 93 acros wtth stioam $249,000. eux EVILYN 9 751-8563 YKMM«, 3BR, 28A, I .5AC Pii tOTt. FP 2 pond$, 2178 s) $209,900. CAU MNE (9 751-8560 Historical 6BR, 2BA, homo on 5,11 Ac., immaculate landscaping CAU JANE® 751-8560 13+Л acres, 1.5 story home, 3BH. 2.5BA $194,900. CAU М Ш 9 751-8566 4BR, 2BA plus 2BR, 1BA homes PLUS addiional 3.34 acres in Faimingloo. $185,000. CAU MNE or M J. <S 751-8560 Bnnjdl Run - 36R. 2 SBA, suvoom. Lg.kffiaovtründgr^ $115.100. CAU MARY or аШ Шдичш-дтгдь Натопниа ЗОЛ, рал tórni.. 2 FPs. 3 3 ас, add ас, aval $174,000. CAU lANE e 751-8560 3BR. 2BA. fami Stylo home with wrap around porch. $169,900. CAU KEN a 751-8564 3BR. 2BA, 2 liall BA, 2 slorios with a lull basement, $164,900. CAU CONWE@ 751-8565 3 Bedrooms, 2 Balhs, spacious rooms, lat^e lol, $162,500. CAU JANE 0751-8560 3 Bedrooms. 2 Baths, tike new home. $159,900. CAU lANE® 751-8560 Brick rancher on 1.39 acres, quiet neighborhood. $144,900. CAU GENA 0 751-8569 2 Bodtooms, 1 gtoal mW (arm on 4 81 acres. $139,900. CAU lANE 9 751-8560 Noar Wake Forest, 3BR. 2BA. FP. soduded rioighborh'd $124,900 CAU liE 9 751-8572 3BR. 2BA, brand now homo, many amenitk>s- $124,900. CAU CONME О 751-8565 3BR, 2BA, 1853 sq. fl. mobilo homo w/5.5 aaos. $109,900. CAU lANE О 751-8560 3BR, 2Ba, new carpet, full bsmnt. mu>ti-!ov. deck. $109,900. CAU JANE О 751-8560 3BR, 2BA, Historic District. 1.5 stones, basemont. $104,90a CAU LEE <9 751-8572 Many Updates. 4BR. 2BA. 1.5 story homo. $104,900. CAU CONNIE @751-8565 3BR. 2BA on comer kA w/ 12x16 storage biiUing. $104,900. CAUNEN«791-8$64 Now Const.. 3BR, 2BA cottage. Conv. in-town locatkKx $98,500 CAUJANE97S1-85C0 3BR. 2BA. immaculate inside, ISIZsq.n, $14,900. CAU MEN «7514564 2254 Grunsuoro Si Dt 3BR. 2BA, cathedral ceilings, 2002Sky)inoMH. $89,900. CAU CONME О 751-8565 3BR, IBA, now carpot. paint, vinyl, tuli bsmt. $•9,900. CAU MAHVe 7514566 1,89 Town Cenier zoned district land.28R.1BA.t74,S0e. CAUlANE»751.(SeO Щк> 1.5 aaes, 3 BR. 2 BA. 1552 sq. ft. mobile homo $79,90a CAU CONME 9 751-8565 111 JovNiR Slum 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, with wired shop/garage. $74,900. CAU JANE О 751-8560 3BR. 1.5BA, cozy collage, in town.S«le( pays t/2 CC, $64,900. Они ciw .-tfip n a 7514569 Lexington. NC, 2BR, 1BA. hardwood floors. .87ac. $69,900. CAU LEE 9 751-8572 3 Bedrooms. 1 Bath, nowly renovatod. $68,900. CAU CONNIE 0 751-8S65 3BR, IBA, fenced backyard, endosed porch, recent updates. $59,90Q CAU MNE О 751-8560 ‘tTl 2 Bedrooms. 1 Bath, fresh paint and new carpot. Я9.900. CAU JANE О 751-8560 Great 1 +/• acre lot,’ maintained. $44,500. CAU lANE О 751-8560 well CONNIE JANEKOWALSKE VVIIITLOCK 751-8565 751-85«) . Y , LEE NOLAN 751-8572 Л \ M l M it I l o i s A N I ) I A N I ) Л М ) R l N IA I Г |<1 )Г1 K ill s Вмг Сгмк Ch. Rd. WIU NOT DIVIDE^ HÌvy.1SI-------------Off ММ Ch. Rd___________ .^91.97 Ac.S413,MS ..-•.7eAcW. $475.000 >J73W-AC. SISO,ООО lAc«hOUM,t17S.000__6.S4 Ac. teo,000__2.1» Ac. Ш,ООО Mr.HwwyRd.« Thorapion SurtMtClrclcI “ MIS.-lUydon Drtv* (comm»rcliJ).. Cedar RktM Rd________ >.1.49 Ac. S22.000--íAc.$Se.OOO...Oldg. Lot $15,900 ..15.6 acru $140,000 -2.15 acrta $160,000 --2acraa $45,000 AngallRud... ISW'Acraa^.»..»..... 8MiCrMkCfi.Rd.. EdwardaR* ~.7>/-acrta. $49.900 ..1.4acr«a S1HM0-Hwy. Ml $107,250..40.021СГМ $257,000 RENTAL PROPERTIES liadlion Rd (comrwclal)...U7.500 ..2acTM $425,000 252 Avon SlrMt.. 13SHorriaonR ~.$450P/M Ы37 Cantar Qrova Church Я шШЁк NEW HOIVIES IN CHARLESTON RIDGE S pecial F in an c in g - Free A ppliances ^2000 R e b a te to B u y e r w/nccvptabk' offer Sunday ]-1рш ^ 143 Winding Creek Road _ _ _ _ Charieston Ridge Sern/^cixicapped^iendy^Ana/wdQ H jjjjjj^ Hoftediy Alary Hendrfcki Directfonc MOW to exit i 70, /eft on Hwy601^stroishtonHtw.M^ chorie^n Wdge on RJght Additional Houses Also Open OPEN HOl'SE Siindav 1-lpiii 139 Ginny Lane Advancefleaifionxj^kxQuiedprhmba^ 3BR,2BA $104,900 Honed by Peter Heoven UrvctionirMOWto exft /0O.rfsht on Hwy80IN,hftonRedhndRd.leAon (»ordon Dr, on Riddie Rd, (eft on Gnny u% house on left 4783 Hwy 801 S - New. top to bottom, Iniide remodeled including floors, wills, cibineis, I bitht, etc. Quiet country setting almost 2 icies I beiwrfully Undiapcd. Room (or I horse, j $59,900. Call Glen. Lot 21 Headow Ridge • Spjcious SBR. 3BA family home with fibulous custom features by San Filhpo Constniciion. Created wooded 1.2 acre lot in new Meadow Ridge subdivision $319,900. Call Oebbie or Rodney. 247 River Road • Spacious, open and airv executive 1.5 sto^ fiome on the river. 4BR. 3BA^ great room with vaulted ceiling and stone fireplace, large eat-in kitchen w/island, screened porch & deck. Master BR on main level, many extras. $339,000.Call Debbie or Rodney. .......L T Y^ In M ocksville 336,751.9400 • In A dvance/H illsdalc 336.998.8900 164 Stoncyforook Trail • BeautiKjl 2 story brick/vir»l home with great floor plan on 5.4 acres. 4bR. 2 SBA, lots of storjre space, 2 car ;c and circic drive. $229,900. Call Debbie/ ney. N L W U S T IN C ; 1996 Mwy 601 South • Beautifully remodeled cotuge on .91 acre. 3BR. I.5BA over ISOO sq. ft New roof, vinvt siding, ihertnil swing windows, carpet throughout, pamt. formal dmmg room, sitting room w/gas log fireplace, breakfast nook. >9<.900.Cal|griggett. 562 Ratledge RoiJ - A prcjt property thatGreeds some TLC. 3BR, 2bA lots of pasture for horsei-'liy««o<fe. 7 97 acres $139,900. Cali Rodney/Debbie. 378 Lakeview Road • Golf course community • Large sprawling ranch in immaculate condition with view of lake. 3BR. 3BA. 33*11 deck 4 gar«e spaccs and storage buildmg. Situated on 1.45 acres partially wooded acres. $229,900. Call •bble. 5347 Hvw 601 North - Beautiful property features 2.25 acrcs of very private, landscaped land! 4BR. 3 full baths! Urge rooms,garden tuo &in. J full baths: urge rooms,¿arden tub & skvliglit in master bath! Over ¿000 sq, ft. $il0.OOO.CaflCindy. .. _ ......J Drive • Immaculate 3BR.2BA 1.5 story home. Features custom window treatmenu. 2 stone FPs. cathedral ceiling & ^rofessioniliy landscaped. $144,900. Call 109 Savannah Ct • F^bdowafpoealAbKtnew. 4BR. 25БА wnh oçen fcjw. кя w.trtfa aru cw lodurv dcck. hirdAood floors & spodous $ 199,900. СаЛ Rodney. 123 Cardinal • Lixs of |уаЫе squire booge & storage, br^ sotened portK Himijnttn^ ‘Tbobne” ргая. Large bundry with 1/2 BA Large BA wi'fcaed tub brvhcopin^ quct nòghbcfhood I m^ from 1-40. $176,900. CallJarJce. l32?^ounty flome ltd - Charming cottage convenient to town. Urgl* rooms, hardwood, tile and Berber lloors, new front porch, some new pjint, refrig remains. Home warranty! Hotiiat^ S«llei! $69,900. Cali Mary Lynne._________________ 217 Beppemone - Sckr moovotcd! Great buy in beaucAi ríM IBRs, XSB^ on vak n aticgtt^Co^ *Trt. fbsìtìe Lcaie Opooa $ 124,900. building. $90,000. Call ci 163 Dakota Lane - 3BR. 2BA doublewide on wonderful 5 acresAll appliances suy, Storage Jen. Give Us A Call To Help You Find The Perfect Home! m " " " F s. г ^ JaniccMcDanlet Debblr Pcnnln|ton909-07<7 909-HS4 Janie .Minton 971-8787 Glen Stnnley 650-5171 Peter llciven 998-1047 \'isit US on ihc wclr, \\\\\\.1Ч-т11пц111пК1'.11и .и )т .......nr.......1-mail usai inlo(‘iM4-miiiiüU)iiRc'all\.cmii VU ; ■ í BIO - DAVIK COUNTY KNTKRPRISK RKCORD, Лиц. 15. 2(И>2 S c h o o l B r i e f s September Meeting Resclieclnled Superintendent’s Report Due to L'.ilwr Day. ihc September IwarH oVeiliicalion mceling has been rcschcihilctl fur TiicMlay. Sept. }. 1 p.m. al the Cenlral Davic RiUicalion Ccnicr. Transportation Department Recognized The Davie Counly .Schools Iransporlalion ilcparlnicnl was rcc- ogiii/cil as haviiij: ihe besi bus inspeclion raliny I'or ihc area Гог Ihc 2(KI I -2(K)2 school year. More than .I.OOO sludenls riile school buses cach day in Davic Counly. “We’re proud lo have you as a vital pan of the school system," chainnan Marly Caner told the employees present Гог recognition of their award. The aw aid has been given oul I'or three years. оГ which Davie Cmmiy has won it for two. Fall Advisory Council Meetings In The Works Superimenclcm Dub Potts said every principal he spoke wiih wanted to lhank the hoaril for considering a change lo the advi­ sory council meeting schedule. In ihc pasl. one advisory council has made a prcsenlalion al cach school hoard meeting. The prob­ lem is thal leaves several schools ntaking presentations alter the budget committee has begun their work. I'hc boaril is reviewing dales so all the advisory council meetings could be scheduled in September and October. New Board Member Installation Scheduled With the delay in the primary elections this year, new school board members will not be elected unlil Seplcmbcr. more lhan two momhs after their terms wotdil have begiin. I'he board of eduealion has learned that Ihe new members cannol begin office unlil December. ГЬеу are to be sw<irn in al the Dec. 2 meeting. Following the election, the hoard plans to invite the incoming board menibcrs lo altcnd comniillec and board meetings so they w ill be prepared to take office in Decemhen Internet Use Agreement Passed The board unanimously approved changes to the Acceptable Use Agreemenl forms, w hich deal wiih student and faculty use of technology al school. The new forms allow a parent to sign for elementary school students, a student to sign Ihe middle and high school agreemenl. and a separale fonn for faculiy. Community Schools Policy Changed 'Ilie board also approved the community schools policy changes thal were updated lo be more politically correct. Л proposed para­ graph detailing evcnls lhal would nol he allowed on school prop­ erty was removed from ihe final policy changes. The issue hail lo do with "tcnl meetings" and w hether or nol lhal w ording w ould preclude evenls such as Relay for Life, which uses tents, and w as nol Ihe inienl. Wilhin Ihc policy ihere is language describing evcnls lhat would nol be acceplable. "All Ihe language in thal scction is very subjective." said Womble. "W hat is dislasleful lo you might nol be for me. I'm not really happy with any of the language in thal area." Summer Program Update Follow ing the fiKUsed inlcrventiim program, ‘Л1 |K-rcenl of third grade sludenls, 47 percenl of ni'ih grade students, and percent of eighlh grade sludenls passed grade gatew ays al Ihe proficient level, A review is in placc for the remaining siudeuls who have not passed gateway e.'.am s.'bw Kindcrcamp classes were offered al each clemeniary school ihis year, and 40 students from grades l-.S were in a reading program, liighty teachers participated in a ihree-day prograni put on by the Teacher Academy in June. Budget Amendments Pass The following budget amendinent was approved by the board: an increase of S-1,220 for a new prcschool sink and funds carricd over from last year lo purchase video eiiuipment. Davie Coumy Schools principals and assistant principals met with emergency managemenl personnel lo review the safety plans for the sysiem. Dub Polls, Davie Counly Schools Superinlen- dent, told the board members lhal, "iherc were noi any great changes bccause wc had a good base lo slart from." School Visitations Held In Fall The board is review ing the schedule for school visitaliims and advisory connnillee meetings. Last year, an advisory commiltee made a prcsenlalion cach momh. Bul. Carter pointed oul. there's lillle benefit to anyone doing a prcsenlalion in May since the budgel is in its final stages, tie suggested that the board choose four nights in September and October for the meelings. The hoard woulil visil two schools cach nighl. "th ey could show us whal Ihey’rc lalking aboul and then w c could gel il lakcn care of be­ fore budget planning," he said. The board is looking at possible dales for Ihc meetings: however, they all agreed lhal school visits during school hours should Mill lake placc as well. Nutrition Bids Extended The follow ing bids were extended al ihc same prices as last year: food from U.S. Foods; milk Irom Maola Milk Co.: ice cream from F'lav-o-Rich Dairy Co.; and biead from liartligrains. The bills will he open again next year. State Drops Writing Scores Slalcwide. the fourth and sevenlh grade writing test scores were significantly lower lhan previous years. After careful re­ view, the slale deeideil lo throw oul the scores. Davie Coumy plans to give a w riting lest ihis ye:ir for I'ourlh. seventh and IDlh grade students. W hile Ihe test will noi counl towards the ABC pnigram for this corning ye;ir, Ihe resulls will he used as a baseline for the counly. "Wc w ill conlinue lo w ork on writing," said Palsy Crenshaw, executive director of inslniclion. "We work on writ­ ing, not jusl from fourth grade up, but beginning in kindcrg;ir- len." Davie County Schools Receive Reading Grant The N.C. Center for the Advancement of Teaching has in­ vited Davie Counly Schools lo participate in a three-year grant for a kindergarten ihrough Ihird gnide reading program. Three teachers fn)in each of the county’s elementary schools w ill par­ ticipate. "We feel fortunale lhat we were invited lo participate in this grant." said Crenshaw. "We are one of three dislricts in ihi. state asked lo participale." Snnnner Operations Report Several summer school iniprovemenl projects were undertaken this summer: the removal of the water lower ;il Pinebrook 1-1- emenlary; w iring for lliree air conditioners al N'orth Davie Middle; new gym lights al Coolccmce Flementary: refinishing the gym floor al Davie High; and painling al eight schools. Contract With Health Departnient Approved The hoaril approved the annual relationship agreement with the Davie Counly Health Deparlmenl for the trpcoming school year lhal allows the schools and he:dlh dcpartinem lo work to­ gether. The heallh ilep;imnenl approved the agreement earlier in the week. Substance Ahuse Policy Updated The boaril approved an update to the siibsi;ince abuse policy lhat rei|uires parents to deliver sludcnl medication to the school. In Ihe p;ist, students could have biotrghl their own nicdicaliou. The policy includes over the counter rncdications such as aspirin and Tylenol. Davie Dateline Fiiiidraisers Saturday, Sept, 21 •4ili Annual Ride K «r Anìnuils» rido sl:iris 11 a.til, at Masonic I'icnic Crroiimis K'hiiul IJnK-'k Center. Main Si.. M(K-ksvillc, Cost S20 rcg. fee, sfxinsorsliipsavailahle. Inlb: 751-521 •} or WWW.davienclunnane.org. pre­ senled hy Tlie Humane Society of Davie County. Religion Sunday, Aug, 18 3 I'or I, spcciai Southern Gospel worship service at Oulin U M C . be­ gins a.iu.. hy the Youlh of Dulin UM C. Anim ili Hoinecoinin«, Hoxwood Uapt.Church, huicii I Kev.John I.ea/er of Macedonia Uapl. Church. Concord } p.m. Revival M -(- 7:30 p.m.. Kev. Steven McCain of True l-ife Cliristian Ctr.. Greensboro. Tc n ih Anniversiiry «if Pastor, Shiloli Bapt. Church. 544 U. Depot St.. Mock.sville..^ p.m.. dinner serN'cd. ■ 1:3(1 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 25 M ovin' I'p , soiuliorii gospel Irio, al l.iheriy U M C I Inineeoniing serv ice, serriron al II) a.m.. singing al I0:4.‘i a.m. Lunch will follow at noon. Info: Spedai Events Began Sunday, Aug, 11 SlepKast Ureslyle Seminar, Sunday eveninjis p.m.. nms 12 weeks at MixksvillcSeventh-DayAdventisir'el- low sliip Hall. C'all 4‘>2-24()S or 4‘J2- 792iitopa.*-rveister. Dates to Remeniber Friday, Aug, 16 I.asl Day Го Ke^isler, t>r make гее. chani:es for votine Sept. 10. l-irst day to apply forahscniee voiine hy mail. Thursday, Aug, 22 One-Slnp Volinn for Sept. 10 elec- llons Iveins in niection Oflice. Tuesday, Sept, 10 Primary i4: Sclmiil liiiaril lileetliins, 0:.4)a.m.-7;.1l)p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12 Davie I iiiled .Melhodist .Mission Board, H\ec. Comm, al (r.45 p.m.. Cien. lius. al 1:M) p.m., at Concord l!M (\ Meetings Tuesday, Aug. 20 Kappa iloinemakers, 7 p.m.. at D.ivie Acadeitiv Citmnmniiy Bldy. Davie Co. Kepubliean Parly, last meeting Ivjfureprinuiry.meet and talk with candidates. 7:.3() p.m.. at head- (jtiaricrs. Christian WmnenVs Cliihs, Aug. 21 6 Aug. 22 al Henmrila Run Coirnlr)' Cluh. meetings open lo public, bul reservations a-qirireil. Free nursery provided. Weil, lunchenn 11:1.Я a.m.. S12.2.‘i, make reservations 924-У281. Thurs. hmnch "Ealing Irt", .Sl()..‘5(). make reservatimis 7WI-42.‘'.^. Tuesday, Aug, 27 Woudmcn nf till' W orld l.mlRc 32J, 1:M) p.m., al Davie Academy Cum- numity liUlg. Recreation i-ormore infonnation on iheseevenls. call 751-232.5. 3 On 3 Basketball Toumameni.* Sept. 28 at Kec. Dept. S25 reg. fee. Trips Thursday, Sept. 19 Mystery T rip , S30 per person, leave 7 a.m.. return 6 p.m., reg. deadline 9/ 13. Antiques Л: more! Friday, Sept. 20 Southern W omen’s Shcnv, S30 per I>erson. leave 8:30 a.m.. relum 6 p.m. reg. deadlines/13. Mon, Sept. 23-Thurs, Sept, 26 Fall LlKhlhotise Tmir,S3.55 per per­ son double occupancy. Keg. deadline Wed, & Thurs,, Oct, 9& 10 Indian SiimimT/PlKiMin I'lirge/ (.’Irerokc'i', S12.‘i per person ilhl. Reg. deadline W27. Seniors All Senior .Acliviiics take place al Ihe Davie Corrnly .Senior Cenler liicalcd in the liriK'k [Uiiliting ou Nonh Main Sireel. Mocksville irnless otherwise noIeil.Call 7.‘il-(l()ll. Tuesday, Sept. 3 l.uneh Л l.earn *4)n The Run’*, Join us a Mystery 'I'rip. W on’t reveal destination until we arrive. Leave Sr. Center at 10:31) a.m. and stop for lunch on way. Keg. Ivgins Aug. I. Vou must register in jvrson at Sr. Cenler. Ongoing Lunch. M .T.W . I L.^l) Th. Л; Fri.. 11 a.m. Silver I leallh I'AiTcises. SeniorCen- ler. M . W . I-'. a.m. УиИМпц, every .Monday. 10 a.m. liriilgc, Tuesdays cS; Friilays, 1 p.m. Саг(1Л Hoard (iaiiii's.W , 1:311 p.m. Creative ScrapUookinH (^ass. 2nd Tuesday, 2 p.m. ,• Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Hems for Davie Dateline should I'e reponed hy пш)П Monday of Ihe pub- ricalion week. Call 7.‘i|-2l2ll or drop it by Ihe olTrce. al S. Main Si. across from the couпholr^e. 706 Riverbend Dr. • $349.000 . S n n ä a , hprcsMî heme h BerTTUcta Rm 4400f A sq. ft. wih SBRs. 4BAs. Oaif сале vow.Bcûulifd 3BR. 3.5BAhofnc on 5«/-itc. 3000»/-SF. l^ts of features. 2071%#3h Rdtedge Rd • $182000 Great horse fami on over 13 acres. Fenced and cross-fenced with pond and bam. horse farm wiih Ì8.5 oc. 3BR/2BA fami style home. property nestled in a secluded hard woods selling on 3.5 ac. 4BR. 2BA. Partially finished basernent. Beautiful brick home w/ over 1800 SF and a ful) bsmt. on 3.5 ac 2477 Hwy 801 S. • $169,500 I 112 Pa vvww.SWMRcallors.com Mocksvillc; 336-751-2222 Clemmons: 336-778-2221 164,900 1 29 Dutchman Hills • $146,432|l»PeooeisioneDt • $06900 unfinished bonus room, lots more! Excellent condition! 3BR, 2BA, Rock hreplxo )93 Bfiorcreek Rd • $119,900"1 397 Wilkesboro St.. $119900 « « P gas logs. i uinoscapir 3 Bedroom, 2.5 Baih. 2 Frcpbces, w/basement Beautiful brick home wilh new apoiiances. 1650+/. sq. ft. 3BRs, 2BAs. 159 Crestview Dt. » $112,900 У /Л / Great tookmg38R/2BA home with tugo deck, rxw heat pump, storDge buJdngs, much more. i" " | . . . 1 & ; ^ o n over ап acre., SOOV-SF, 425 Mf. Henry Rd- $109900 CM. » , acre. ISOC.ASr, 2BA. A9 Great home with 1200f/-SF, 3BRs. 2BAs 422 Pleasant Ac • $99,900 3 Bodroom, 1 Balh w/basemenl in Yadkinville 3 Bedroom, 2 Balh, 1451 Sq. Ft., Completely Updated! 3BR/2BA home on 1 20 acres wth juit ric 31«, 1 .SBA, l«r< r«)me. Un 1. "I.Dn ---------n.e^k^,concreledr.cw:,y, small home ,n greal cond,lion. For Rent-Residential Fro Rent - Commemal ------------ • 300 S Main St-Gm bb Building I Unit left-$700.00 a month Balbmore Rd.- $750.00 a month. • 141 E. Lexington Beautiful Older Home Remodeled for Commercial use. $700.00 a month 1084 Yadkinville Rd.- 3BR, I .SBA w/bsmt can be rented for commercial use $ 1200.00 a month Spociotó B^ZBA home, large open fioor plan, tteck. beautiful larxlscaping on over Invnaculate Condition, Convenient to town & and schools 3BR, I.5BA,Brick Ranch w/bsmt. in Mocksville-$800.00 a month. • 2BR Duplex Apt $475.00 (includes power,& water) ‘ IBR Duplex Apt $450.00 (includes power, & water) Call For More Great Residential & Land Listing! MocksvilleO^^ Mock.sville.NC « Clemmons Ol'fice: 2419 Lewisviile-Ciemmons Rcl„ Unit I. CIcmmon.s.Nr Vninq » .. .Vilfi 4pitit)e'sfiiin и Ihe Лшмос Sdlem Bodiil of ftedUoiS MuUiplt Seivue Uitiheä (onimefojl InveMrnent Membef (CCIM) (jiolind Redi OaK lummeuul, lyop ;iommci(idl lutinq nelwort) InlefridtiOfidl Reiocjtion St?(vues A d m i n i s t r a t i v e C o u r t DAVIK COUN TY KNTKRI'RISR RKCORI), Aug. 15, 2002 - Bll The t'ollowinj: eases were dis­ posed of in the Aug. 2 session of IDiwie Administrntive Court. Presid­ ing was Magistrate Kohert Cook, i’roseculing was Kevin Reale. assis­ tant district alloniey. - M.Adanisdeiora*alha. sjveiling 70 in a 55. reduced to improper ei(iiipnierii. SIO and cost. • Ja.son Samuel Allen, no liabil­ ity insurance, disniissed per correc­ tion: improper regislralion. cost. - Ricardo Angel ■Alvare/. speed­ ing ‘)S in i\ 70. rcduced lo 7M-70. $5 and cosl. - Larr>’ Kiiu Haker. speedittg 7(i in a 55. reduced to fiO-55, .$5. cost. - Uaymond Otell Manner, speed­ ing Х.Я in a 70. reduced lo improper eiiuipment. $25 and cost. - ’reresa Pcshia Haltles. speeding S4 in a 70. retluced lo iniproper ei|uipnient. 525 and cost. • Manuel Bravo Hello, open con­ tainer after consuming alcohol, $10 and cost. - lan Mallhew Bloom, expired regislralion, dismissed per correc- litm. - Hetty Hoslian, speeding SO in a 70. reiluced to improjKr equipment. .SIO and cost. - Carolyn Rose Houri|ue. speed­ ing S(> in a 70. reduced to 74-70. cost. - Daniel Edward Hrcwsier. N]X‘eiling ‘•И) in a 70. reduceii lo im ­ proper eijuipment. S50 and cost; no insurance, tlisttiissed per correctiot\. - Danielle M. CamplK’ll. speed­ ing 80 in a 70. reduced lo improper ei|uipmenl. 510 and cost. - IZmelia I’. Carraso. no license, dismissed |>ercorreclion: driving lelt of cenicr, SIO and cost. - Calvin P. Caviness. failure to yield left turn, dismissed per civil settlement. - Tony Rdward Christian, speed­ ing H3 in a 70. reduced lo in\)Moper equipinenl. 525 and cost; failure to comply with license restrictions, dis­ missed |X.*r correction. - James Milton Clark. Jr.. s|4.‘ed* ing S7 in a 70, a’duced to 74-70. cost. - .Stacey Hernice Clay, faihire lo wear seal l>elt. 525: no license, dis­ missed per correclion. - Nonna Гауе Clement, six’cding 85 in a 70. rcduced lo improper eiiuipmeul. S5(i and cost. - Amlrew Hernard Cline, failure to reduce speed, dismissed per civil > seltlemenl. • Monica Danielle Соо|к*г. im­ proper registration, dismissed per correclion. - David Lee Crani'ield, unsafe movement, dismissed per civil settlement. - Dwighi Thomas Creason, im­ proper regislralion. dismissed per correction. - John Keith Crowley, speeiling Sf) in a 70, reduced to 74 -70, cost; e.xpired inspeclion, dismissed per correclion. • Honglao Cui. sjKcding 80 in a 70, reduced lo improjK*r equipment. SlOand cosl. - Xui Feng Dang, expired ins|4*c- lion. dismissed per correclion. • Detoria Lavaye Davis, expired registration, expired inspeclion. dis­ missed per correclion. - Joshua Kandall Day. speeding SO in a 70, rcduced lo improper equipmenl, $10 and cosl. - Cecilia V. Delagos. nol accom­ panied by licensed driver, dismissed per correclion. - Carlos Alberto Diaz, expired regislralion, failure lo notify D M V of addre.ss change, dismissed per correclion. C O L D U J e U . B A N K E R □ TRIAD, EŒALTORS’ - Frances Posies Dunn, failure lo wear seat bell. 525; improper pass­ ing. rcduced to iinpro[>er equipment, cost. - WiUiam Chadwick i:agle. I'ol- liHving too closely, hil/run failure to slop for property damage, dismissed per civil settlemenl. - Glenn Thomas Faly. expired ins(>ection. dismissed |>ercora*ciion. - Natalie M. narnhardt. speeding SO in a 70. reduced lo improper equipment, cost. - Sherrie May Hmory. speeding S5 in a 70. rcduced lo 74-70. S5. cosl. - Jesus l*nrique Favela. speeding S5 in a 70. rvdiiced lo 7*)-70.55. cost. - Jess Hrillon Ferrill. speeding in a 70. reduced lo 74-70. 55. cosl. - Ted William Foster, sfveding 00 in a 45. reduced to improper equip­ menl. SlOand cost. • Fdin Kogelio Galilame/. sjieed- ing 80 in a 70. reduced lo 74-70. 55 and cosl. • Leroy Geler, s|>eeding S4 in a 70. reduced to impro|>er equipment. 525 and cost. - Abel Gome/., exceeding safe s|ved. disniissed |K*r civil settlement. • Aaron Philip Gossens. speed­ ing S5 in a 70. rcduced to 7^-70, 55 and cosl. - HII Ninroe Guerrero, no li­ cense, dismissed per correclion. - Serena Marie 1 iancock. expired ins|K*ction. disniissed (k t correction. - Robert F.dw;»rd Harris, speed­ ing 50 in a 25, reduced to .VI-25. 55 and cosl. - Sherrie M. llatHeld. speeding S5 in a 70. reduccd lo iniproper equipment. 550 and cosl. - Mary Jones Hailey, speeding 0^) in a 55. reduccd lo inij)roper equiji- ment. SUi and cost. - Josliua Adam Ha/ehvood. speeding Sfi in a 70, reduced lo 7‘> in a 70. 55 and cost. - Marc Anderson Hendrix, ex­ pired inspection, dismissed per cor- lection. - Vicente L, I lemande/. impro(vr passing, reduced lo ¡nipro|)cr equip- ment. 510 and cost. - Robert Joseph Hicks, failure lo secure passenger under K>. 525 and cosl: no liability insurance, dis­ missed |K*r correclion. - Anthony A. Hodge. Jr.. s|x.*ed- ing S.1 in a 70. reduced lo improper equipment. 550 and cost. • Leah Michelle Howell, speed­ ing SO in a 70. reduced to iniproper equipment. SIO and co.st. - Jessica Kae Hum , exceeding safe s|-)eed, failure lo nolily D M V of address change, dismissed per cor­ rection. - Corey Deon Ijames. speeding 70 in a 55. reduced lo improper equipmenl. 510 and cosl. - Perrie Fasion Kelley, allowing unlicensed minor lo drive, cost. - Timothy Daniel Klein, sjK’cd- ing 70 in a 55. reduced to improper equipinenl, SIO and cosl. - G w endolyn T . Lawrence, speeding 8.1 in a 70. reduceii to im­ proper equipment, S25 and cost. - William Randall Lay, speeding SO in a 70, reduced to iniproper equipment. SlOand cost. - Ge Lee. exceeding safe speed, cost. - Crystal Michelle Lewis, no li­ cense. dismissed per correction. - John Marcus McCain, s()ceding K(i in a 70. reduccd to improper equipmenl. SlOand cosl. - Danny Tracy M cGinnis, ex­ pired regislralion, dismissed jxrrcor- rcclion. - Daniel R. Mclnlurff, speeding S7 ill a 70. reduccd to 74-70,55, cost: no license, dismissed per correclion. - Monty Rolsoii Moore, speed­ ing SO in a 70, reduced lo improper equipmenl. 510 ami cost. - Barbara Turner Morris, speed­ ing К.Я in a 70, reduced to 74-70, S5 and cosl. • Tiffany R. Nicholson, expired insjvclion, disniissed (>cr concction. - Cory Robert O'Connor. s(>eed- ing S.l in a 70. a'duced lo 74-70. cost. - Amanda Clair Phillips, speed­ ing S*i in a 70. aduccd lo 79-70, 55 and cosl. - Fram Polad. speeding hO in a 45. reduced lo improper equipment. 510 and cost. - Har\'cy Arnold Prince, speed­ ing 70 in a 55. reduccd lo improper equipment. 510 and cost. - Santiago A. Ramire/. speeding 57 In a .15. a'dticed to44-.V5,55. cosi. - Terry Lee Rayford, speeding 75 in a 55, reduccd lo iniproper equip­ ment. 525 and cosl; no license, dis­ missed per correction. - Barbara U. Richardson, speed­ ing 70 in a 55. reduced to imprv>|4.*r equipment. 510 and cost. - Joseph Paul Rielh, s|>eeding S.l in a 70, reduced lo 74-70, 55. cost. - Brenda Darlene Rose, no li­ cense. dismissed per cora’clion. - Benjamin Lee Sanders. s|4‘cil- ing S3 in a 70, reduced to 74-70. 55 and cost. - Scolt I lenry Sclirailer. sjveding S5 in a 70. reduced to improper equipment. 550 and cost. - Donna Gianni Sharpe, no li­ cense. dismissed per correclion. - Shannon DawnSluiiner, s|K'cd- ing SO in a 70. reduccd to improj>er equipment. SlOand cosi. - Sheila Ann Soard. impropr reg­ istration. cNpired inspection, dis­ missed per correctii*n. - David Shane Spillman, expired registration, dismissed per correc­ lion. - Lara Michel Stewart, no li­ cense, expired ins(>eclion .dismissed per correclion. - Cora Filen Slroud. expired reg­ istration. dismissed per correction. - Marilyn Ophelia Turner, speed­ ing 51 in a 35. reduccd to 40-.35. 55 and cost. - Monty Shane Turner, sjx'cding 70 in a 55. reduced lo improper equipmenl. 510 and cosl. • Cynthia Ellis Vogler. failure lo wear seal l>ell. 525: driving/allow­ ing vehicic lo l>e driver with regis­ lralion plate nol displayed, ilismissed per correclion. - Robbie Ray Wall, speeding 00 in a 45. reduced to impro|4*r equip­ menl. 510 and cost. - Am y Marie Warren, expired inspection, dismissed |ч.т correction. - Jonathan M. Weisenfild. speed­ ing 8.3 in a 70. reduced to 74-70, 55 and cosl. - Eric Lethaniel West, permit operalion of vehicle with no insur­ ance. dismissed per correclion. - Sharon A. Williams, speeding in a 55. reduced to imprv^er equipinenl. SIO and cost. - Richard Clyde Young, speed­ ing 70 in a 55, reduced to 60-55. S5 and cosl. - Tara Dennis Young, failua* to reduce speed, dismissed per civil seltlemenl. - Chftrles C. Zemballas. s{)cediiig K5 in a 70. a'duced to 74-70. S5, cost. Failed Tn Appear - Joseph Michael Bartha. im ­ proper regislralion. no registration. • Kathleen G. Berghom, failure to reduce speed. - Mario R. Canchola. s|>ecding 76 in a 55. failure lo notify D M V of address change. - Rex Alexander Carswell, driv­ ing left of center. - Rolando Garcia Castro, fishing without a license. - David V. Clevenger, failure to wear seal bell . -Adam Lanibeit Coley, failua* lo wear seat bell . - David Grant Dallon. driving while license revoked. - Lester Franklin Danieli, failure to wear seat bell. - Adrian L. Dauglitrcy. speeding SO in a 70. - Patricia Lynn Devine, failure lo stop for stop sign/red lighl. - Hasiru Dutior. failure lo com­ ply with licensc restrictions, - Joseph ,*\nthony I crrell. no li­ cense. • Curiis Fleming, speeding SO in a 70. - Corey Charles CJoldfarb. s|ved- ing HO in a 70. - Jesus Ramire/ Gon/ale/. ex­ pired inspection sticker. - Jefrey Ryan Gotigh. expired ins|H.’clion slicker. - Connie Reaves Green, speed­ ing S4 in a 70, driving while license revoked. - Bernardino Guerrero, fishing without a license. - Hector Manuel Guerrero, fish­ ing witlunil a license, littering. - Anthony Todd Hallman, driv­ ing svhile license rew>ked. - William Troy Heath, speeding SO in a 70. - Jared Allen llepler. unsafe movenient. - Nicanor V. Heniaiide/. fishing without a license. - Benjamin V. Ilighl.'siKvding SO in a 70. - Andrew Patrick Hooks, im­ proper rcgislralion. - Timolhy A. HuenslielKeNcced- ing safe speed. - Roberl Vaiider Jackson, failure to wear seat hell.expired inspection. - 1 lilario L. Joachia. fisliing wiih­ oul a license. - Ross Allen King. Jr.. faihire to wear seat hell, license not in posses­ sion. - James Terran Knighi. failure lo wear seat bell. - Jeffery Scott Lalhrop. speeding 60 in a 45. - Duslin Anthony Lawhon. liller- ing, unaiithori/ed use of N.C. Wild­ life Resource Commission boat ramp. - Nicholas D. Lawson, expired annual federal inspection. • Carey Reix'cca Lemons, speed­ ing SO ill a 70, failure to wear seal M l. - Paula Pirk Lewis, failure lo wear seal l>elt. failure to notify DM V of address change. - Jonalhon W. Livengood. ex­ pired ins|>ection. - Marcellano Longares. failure to slop for steady red light. - Gilberlo B. Lope/, driving while license revoked, registration plate not properly altaclied. - Geraldo Mv^ralcs Luna. s|x‘ed- ing ‘M in a 70. ilriving while license revoked. - Beverly G. McConnick. s(H.*ed- ing SO in a 70. - Jaime Heniande/ Mena, no li­ cense. failure to burn headlamps. - Danny Ray M iller, reckle.ss driving-w'anton disregard. - Amanda Marie Myers, failure to wear seat belt . • Brenda Bergen Myers, failua* tv> svear seal bell. - Todd Janies Noble, expiird reg­ islralion. failure to secure passengei under 16. - Ahmad i'arid Pakliawal. speed­ ing S‘> in a 70, expired inspeclion slicker. - Micheals Sloan Piedra, failua’ to wear seal bell. - lan Micliael Heed, speeding 85 in a 70. no license. - Jean Whitaker Henegar. speed­ ing SO in a 70. - Gabriel Bello Romero, no li­ cense. - Thomas V. Kinvlings. speeding SO in a 70. - Michael Brandon Smilh. driv­ ing while license a’voked. - William Erwin Smoot, speed­ ing 61 in a 45. - Jared Daniel Stary, unsafe moven\enl. - Antonio R. Suasiegui. Ilshing without a license. - Maria Jael Trigueros. fishing wiihoul a license. - Jesus A. Violante. s|>eeding 81 in a 70. - Anthony Gerald W'atson, speeil­ ing 63 in a 45. - Mark Timothy Wliilakcr. fail­ ure to wear seal bell. - Lee Angellu Wilkins, speeding SO in a 70. Not just another house... Ttiis 3 bdrm/3 batii iiome lias the charm and warmtli tiiat your famiiy will iove. Many extras,„exceiient maintenance,,,! 500+SF,,. wori< siiop with heat and air, $129,500,.,Cail Diane at Design Properties... 751-0131 or 909-2677 before someone else buys this special home.. I’m th e designated C o ld w e ll B anker R e lo ca tio n A gent fo r D avie & Y adkin co u n tie s coLouieu. B A N K E R □ TRIAD. RI-At.rnK.S Janel Hensley 155 Camden Court-SI 25,000 521 Pudding Ridge Rd-535,000 260 Cornatzer Road •575,000 S p e c ia liz in g in h o r s e fa r m s , la r g e a c r e a g e & lu x u r y h o m e s . 1^ For more information contact Janel Hensley 336-998-1153 OAVIE COUNTY OFFICE Intersection of Hwys 158 & 801 336-998 8816 Relocation 1-800-327-4398 WHATEVER ITTAKES Ш www.coldwellbanker,com caí иск loof иш Ш 1 бахJ4SAC 19t.l CttVury Leg MiiCf а/Tocetn ptixíjcts i $ii(íír.s Ш п siruciurj иlog, bt<í и1.:е fod 5« ыад n.’cjreyie ay, » Уо.-!}* i 2 Ш Iftíi íiM *.! OíiiJis tíjiij Jind hens:ey • 5?á'li53 $999,000 1B1Q т ОШ кЯ MU DAVIE SEA Шbcept.oroi Quí!it/ in truj cirttom гдае Seüjfifylew ol Cui't-'fU. tjDuious sunrocm, 11' ceii ngj 1Л toisr & Dfl loii d uifliwca lioúis Co(.in counteií OíiyJiM griy Рш »3-1171 $541.900 300 MfU0«UM им mip-o-wuMVIC 4ВД ‘BASOaACWB-J-onricrMbírs' Jißi *fiiJ rOu'ie twn wihrg for Адас! SíOCSF re* en bví an'jtcs ot tlOOíV f.'L frjStÉ*. iCWn CCrCfl ViCki flem.rfl • 0O2HC:t«4,WO LOT U niOOUB fBStt Dim Ш 3ÍB& lu«ufi:x;5 gcii coyrsí Гюгг« feives grjM 2 ----un «.í*:ri tjTuIfS & SM lü)Ctr4<J'/íiiGn-9',8-U?? Ш9,900 Sil MKT И&исмшг Ю CAVIE m2 SBA ■< ?ÛAC Sro* sîücoef on 4 7 fenced jcW Mjin le.ti rrjiitf sj,:e i 2 Qf gjrag«GuJ dHxned Qiraji v.,ion A iniciinece :or<>.iVi<i3«i.w Cftise-puî^Msecooünütvîj V<cliilerr>ng-â'jâ'lt67 $299,900 1141 olosuTitmm звя.г^ймпа CÜSS tí ii5í!t, Urge ctici here »/rnisiff ол “jn, Ô5-3 Sf iiTiiiï /Járrie ifwn. W tuD,............. _nilï IBJfJxIoi 4 4 J Seo Sf Ш iTop ».li,gri cfti h tu\ cc U'oe led *,'сц on w ti« Miflwi V¿itfi«n.nj-«8'1l67$294,90fl I IVY URUf DAVIE Ш 25BA pt:0(Vll gelt cout« »1?» Ckist m. A cfl.ce ciifiockirg #2 ijTujjr rrj n :,оШ.................. ЮТ *Л СФПШТМ СШК DAVtE т3 5ВА Eciiing niuí m iruj ne« hofr.« itíiunno tiíiffucod tiûcfs, tcmui t;i:ng i алпд fooms, 2 ij'jnüry fcm. Urge k'tcr«« and Liu;t íiWnvon ifi MSéfTírl Cq-Ii« Orvíi JofTOcnV>ci4f'íming-938-1Ifi7$259,900 lOT 4M tCOTTIOAU QU VALLEY DAVII4BR 2 5ÖA Bi7 nc* 10 0;i:3íT4.*e' fJcA 1 t/2 УСГ/ hoíTie unífci consiructicn Cy Sítíhí:, inc' Oiii Vili« Ч í Çiî сиггли^гиг^ »itnptDiic oRífing Oft orji QOit ifvi s*im A iennií ir^íTiersTiip Vicii Fiefnr^ • 9Й-11б7 $299,900 3U МШ lAM Ш11Т ГАМ OAVIE Ш 2 60A 6 AC inis teoti.fui I t/2 üzii fwie fMtures i tiifpiKí. ftjinut (locij, cuiiurtd iTjicie ccuíüetj. tjwouj froiiei we. c?.eted Irori wftb, öui iftíí etti c«ck, laji 2 m ТАШМО ttOOM СШК OAVIE Ш3 Í6A Desigr« lo Dd ÿ-f-A room tor Jil Uige lot f«si'e0bef*tent<wgfüitgoitc0urv!i N.ne lCÚlCnl:№ KirC«30i}J, rranlívfl T*0 6f;Ck lireçixeî íü'twfiAüín »3-1154 $292,900 ! :S 3 E rrt,';í ! ..... Ш UttSIMU üilVt OAVIE 38Я4rn Fj.íai/ tioíM, tcasij eiwjite landsafing gteil vewí ino шисл «iii ßr/ws room upitjirî could be gue« ot 4in tWfaxii U'oeeii-in t tcren. if.el MRB luM Ctifu Gl'Oe $249,900 IDT 7 FOKST QLEI OAVIE m 2LBA[Kil.ng vji'je louind in ir^s ne* tioir,« («.líuting rufö*i»d (locfs, (onrjl Cfl A Ifl, l.n tjbeiner.i, flee Rm K.iricii gis log fP pluj Sicrjge/ *otksrip, screen poic/i (rev Cfiiinqi A ccnin ViCiiFiemirg-O^Î-ns? $235,900 LOT U ГАИНШЕЕК FAM OAVIE Ш2 SBA fiitisiic, co(T-lanaDi/ Jned fiome m pniiie Aí.incí laiton \'e7 ijigî tooms, firjirood tioots, cfo*n fTcii3.ngs, an iiuiM on l xre 1« Chti5GiiJi-993-UM $219,9011 iI'p.LOT 13 SNAmOU AMES UV% ЗБП25BA Bfick A s\<xt cocage c/saied m W French Pra.«icial s-Ve {iiensi.e ctiinic Me uork ihrougriouJ irtwiof Wasisr juie CicauoiimvcWe'btfii'WixkiW«! IiuWifî'tlirv) Cind/Jo№son 998-117;$2M,900 LOT 31 КШЕКТО« VtUAOE DAVtE 3QA2 58A ГЬ neo irjd.tionai Saeened pcrcii, corian cornier iocs, torjAWdv upgraded Lir.(3scîSing A rncie' Уле 0*efiî 7о1-5'337 UT 13 РММСПМ COURT OAVIE Ш 2 ‘MfanuMrC 2 Ясгу fKKTe Very latg* loomj гчл unlmiined Ь<У!и$ room (ьег garage Cn/>5 Gi'« 998 1158 9197.4U 2a fAio LAM oAVie 2BR1 SBA m ; A»ery luaria home on ihtt cleared acre lol adjorrt c/ 29 CeaJifuiV wMded ac««. Price .nciiAJeds »ppiiaxes (ifl iei$ tr^ 5 vear j dd], 2 decks & ccveied tiwl poKt) G»l 9M- 116St139,900 301 « turn ITKET YAUUN Ш123AC Huge tarmhouse localed ijo*tiio*n боогмпе IU) been uied as muitt-lamiiv, app/ 2550 SF on main level, also 5 rooms upstans 2 kitchens on main le^i. Sold as и condition M^ke ;irTvnetrwi998-nB^ $119.900 929 GUOSTOtt HO tKAMKON KlGMTS OAVIE 3QR 2BA lVondeili.il stater home, airnost ne*. игу well kecii Aii tnck, spu 1>е01сют ^lan, iii'k-in cio:ei, cofciete вп»е t car itijched guage (ilenGnjbb99e-liaa$tM.OOO LOT 2M MYtRS PAM DAVtE Ш Ш Шijncti *iin an i!tac^ed I cjf garage fienae Ш:сл993-1157$7},900 C2001 CoIJwcll Ojnkcf Real HU\c Coipwjlion, Coldwell Oankcf » is a legislcfcd tradcnwik ol Coldwell üankcf (огромПоп. An tguol OppoMunlty Company, tqual Housing Oppoflunlly. Eacli OlfKc К independently Owned and Opcf лЫ. Ot¥iêOffkê Agenti UfbvtUkn H9K11S4 Uiki(M k 99ИШ . OtlhfPoltl 99l-117t BJUS4Uffl 99Ht7* CiithCtU« 99«<1ttt »Й Г SillS'e^lPwHk . 999-lliS ■ UnilHtMitV t9V11SS m'1192NtMvAMihil »91'mi 99«>ttl«UDMMiNm т*1Тй ' MikiZÌ0MtflRMNofaCkfatM 99t>1in RtiiMielMM ' 99«*mi и щ ш ш 99«-tiaStmowt« f9niuVkUllMiiH ' ; 991-1197 IU2 - DAVIK COUNTY KNTKRPRISK RKCORD. Au«. 15. 2002 SeUIt Fast! with a C la ssifie d A d in tlic Uiitcrprisc. Call Tammy today 7 5 1 - 2 1 2 0 OAVia COUNTY ENTERPni/E-RECORD This is Wally. He is around one year old. He was found as a stray at WalMart in Mocksville and the store em­ ployees passed around the hat to pay for his leukemia/ FIV test. He has already been neutered and vacci­ nated. He has come around a lot and now he lives for treats and lots of petting. Hope you can help us find him a new home. If you would like to meet Wally or any of the animals in the Humane Society of Davie County's foster program call 751-5214. Pet Of The Week P U B L I C N O T I C E S O ak Haveie Ф R e a lt y ____________________ Brad LawrenceSnlos Aqen We're all about service and savings! 41 Court Square. Suite 201 Mocksviiio. NC 2702B 751-2055 Angela LawrenceBroker ^ a ll to SCO how wo can get you i , In this home for 113.75^ r BUYERSI WE OFFER UP to THOUSANDS IN SAVINGS EVERY DAY TO ALL OF OUR BUYER CLIENTS ON ANY HOME OF YOUR CHOiCE.v.lNOLUDlNd HOMES LISTED BY OTH» REALTORS .;;EVEN MOTHER COUNTieS... WHEN YOU USE OAK NAVEM mSALTyil CaH for dttlllsi 105 Carri» Circle • All Brlckl Split BR plant 3 BR. 2 BA. Well maintained! Now carpet! Hardwoods! Tilt windows! Vaulted ceilingl Large deck! Now rool! Easily corivert carport into a 2 car garage! Storage bldg S refhgorator! 138PoIaria- 1999 ! 1400* SF! 3 large BRsi 3 BA! Bui!t-ln shelves in sevorai roomsi Custom closets! Largo laundry! Beautiful kitchen! Great landscape! Huge garage! Bettor than new^ Boautifu! 5 Aero wooded lot in Whip-O-WHI! Horses allowodi Riding trails! Gorgeous! Nico liardwoods! 231 Nobb» Trail 2360 SFI One level w/bonu» room & btmil Imtnuulate homo! Beautiful sottingl { 2M.700I INVESTMENT PROPERTY^ 2 brtck homes lor i 100.000 or $52.900 eachi One is vacant & one has a one year lease of t450 mo' For thousands of listings visit www.OakHavenRealty.com! :v I [ ) ^ ^ 1 4156 Clemmons Road r I \\yX\ZVVV\iX\ Clemmons, NC 2 7012 T ::» m lir-ia c D o a lK / www prudentuilcdrolincis.c.omL a r o i i n a s K e a i t y . („ n .fre e (3 3 6 ) 7 \i* - k k O O Call today to get the answers to even your toughest real estate questions. Security lam inate wood C h e c k O u t T h e s e 142 NO R iM .A L A N E r A dvancc S139.900 C ountry L ivin g Convenient to C ity & 1-40. System. Like N ew interior, updated tile baths and kitchen countertops, new lamina floors. Berber сафег, 2 acrcs w /beautilul iiardvvoods! C all Sandy Dyson ?29 ,Ю Е HKG F. R D - C lem m ons S ll9 ,9 0 0 B eautiful custom b u ilt, one ow ner home w /all options. Great flo or plan. Lg rooms, den w /FP & cathedral ceiling, screened porch, lg storage building, great location, alm ost an acrc level lot. C ountry liv in g at its best. A m ust see! C all Beth Atkinson F A R M IN G T O N R D - M ocksville $187,000 W onderful level lot, has perked in 2 locations, vin yl 3 rail fcnced area w/shed, stone entrance & gravel d'riveway, w ater on property. C all Sherri Coram 4455 G R E E N F IE I.D W A Y - C lem m ons S154.900 One level home in C lem m ons w /W -S address. Lg open entr)'. C om er fireplace in LR . Laundry rm w /sink. Storage room in garage. Screened porch. C all Sandra Hedrick 240 F Q .\ R ID G E - Le ivisvilie 5324,900 Spacious home w,'great Пф1ап. Ligh t & airy kit/'bkfst/' den w /blt-ins, gas logs, w ired for alann sys. speaker sys, & beautiful landscaped yd w /irrigation sys. Detail & qu aiily thruout. L L daylight bonus nn w 7full B A , w d lot, nhbd pool & tennis. Call Sandra Johnson 2& C A M B R IA P L A C E - C lem m ons 5392,500 U nique home bit by Zack Rothrock Bldrs. has French C ountry F lair w/extensive m oldings, 9 ' ceilings, cath ceilings, custom m illw o rk, fau.x painting, Irg kitchen w /granite counter tops & 2 sinks, M L m str, & 3-car garage. C all Pat Kinnam on 937 B O U /.E K E - Le w isville 5149,900 SIOOO bonus to agent w ho brings buyer w ith in 60 days, S1500 toward closing & prepaids. E xcellem traditional 4 BR home, private localion in cul- de-sac. A dditional lot is included in pricc. C all W elton Lo ftin 4840 H E A R T H S T O N E - C lem m ons 5278,500 B u ilt by Frank Jolley Builders. Exquisite m illw o rk. Berber Саф с1. W alk-up attic stairs. Playset & Fort rem ains. C om m unity pool available. Call G loria M atthews or Bev Supple. 391 C E N T E N .A R V C H U R C H R D - C lem m ons 5115,000 U nique log home on 5+ private wooded acres. Sleeping loft overlooking LR. 2-car det. garage plus 4 bay u tility shed. Rocking C hair From porch and screened back porch. A IIS W am inty. C all Bobbie M endenhall 115 G O L F V IE W - B erm uda R un 5144,000 Large one level condo 3BR , 2В Л , N ew paint, ^'cw ca ф ct, W ood Floors rcfinished, w ill get new ro o f and siding. C all B ill NichoLs J M C ljU R C H S I - M o cksvillc 594,600 E njoy the friend ly cham i o f C hurch St. w onderful cottagc hom e, hdwds, covered front porch, lg kitchen and privale & spacious lot. Hom e W arranty C all Susan Parker 145 S A V A N N A H C T - A dvancc 5195,900 M ake this tastefully decorated home yours. W onderful m str. split BRs for privacy. BR and a game room downstairs. The game room has a w onderful wood cciling. Downstairs w aiting for fiiil third B A to be inslalled. C all Pat Porter 20 S H A M R O C K - A dvancc 5215,000 H is /lle r w alk-in closets - buddy bath - fam ily neighborhood - M inutes to 1-40. C all Jennifer Stroud B U R T O N R U - A dvance 5277,525 Peace and Q uiet aw aits you! B eautiful acreage for the m oney. 32.65 Acres. Super location-M any po.ssible uses! C all Andrea Suggs Tang/ewood A g e n ts 7\tUM Ckj-j CRS, (iWiД£Л 714-4416 »17I44C0 Ы-длЗVW-MM K4’«n7144412МГ, Р»Л(|* А£Й714 44'rвам M44415 fif«CtfMM 7I444II,P*|P«W 7и«ЛГ14Ч424ЯИ122ru-rtis9 ;i4-uorП4440«7»ÎÏ72/1444Л JUncrS*fvi,D,vrt Sh*«iCot»m WiPir»« Veti 0 GüUn) «•куМсЛп nS-4410MV4oia;U-44l«;'444JJ714441471444ЛУЛЛГО7i4*4;a » tgudl HuuMiig U|iportu>«itv NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 02SP143 Under and by virtue o( Ihe au­ thority contained in a certain deed o( IrusI dated December 30, 1993. securing a note and indebtedness of $35.000.00. which was executed by Lucinda Jane Shay. (Ihe current owner ot the properly described Iherein is Natalie B. Scotl a/k/a Natalie B. Slanley). and which is recorded in Deed o( Trust Book 205 al Page 503. Davie Counly Regis­ try. the undersigned having been appointed Substitute Trustee by instrument recorded in Book 423 al Page 865 ol said Registry, default having occurred in the payment of Ihe note secured by said deed ol trust, and al the request ol the holder ol said note and pursuant to Order of Foreclosure dated the 1 sl day of August, 2002, the under­ signed Subslilule Trustee, In accor­ dance wilh Ihe provisions of said deed ol trust, will offer for sale al public auction lo the highest bidder lor cash at 12-.00 noon on Tuesday, August 27,2002, at the courthouse door in fi^ocksville. Davie County. North Carolina, the lot and lixlures al 312 Sonora Drive. Advance. NC 27006, which is more particularly described as follows: BEING KNOWN AND DESIG­ NATED as Lot 7. Block H, Section 1 of LaQuinta Subdivision as same appears on a plat thereof recorded in Map Book 4, Page 125, Davie County Registry to which reference is hereby made for a more particu­ larly description. Said property will be sold sub­ ject to taxes, assessments, and any superior easements, rights of ways, restrictions ol record, prior liens, or other prier encumbrances, said sale to remain open for increased bids for len days alter thereof lo Ihe Clerk ot Superior Court. The Sub­ stitute Trustee may require the high bidder to deposit cash at the sale in an amounl equal to five percent of the amount bid as a good failh deposit. The sale is also subject to any applicable counly and/or stale land transfer and/qr revenue lax, and the successlul third party bid­ der shall be required to make pay­ ment lor any such lax. Any successlul bidder shall be required lo tender the full balance of the purchase price so bid. in cash or certilied check, at the time ol the Substitute Trustee tenders to him a deed lor the properly or attempts 10 tender such deed, and should said successlul bidder fail to pay the lull balance ol tha purchase price so bid, at that lime he shall remain liable on his bid, as provided tor in N,C.G,S, 45-21,30 (d) and (e). In Ihe event the Substitute Trustee allows Ihe successlul bidder to de­ lay payment ol the purchase price, said bidder shall be required to pay interest on the bid amounl at the rate specified by the Note which secures the deed ol trust. The property to be offered pur­ suant lo this Nolice ol Sale is be­ ing for sale, transler and convey­ ance -AS IS, WHERE IS," Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/ security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the ollicers, direc­ tors, atlbrneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of ei­ ther the Trustee or the holder of the note mako any representation ol warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or salety conditions existing in, on, at or relating lo the property being ol­ lered lor sale, and any and all re­ sponsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such conditions expressly are dis­ claimed. This the 1st day ol August, 2002. Phillip E. Searcy, Substitute Trustee WELLS JENKINS LUCAS & JENKINS PLLC Attorneys and Counselors at Law 155 Sunnynoll Court, Suile 200 Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Telephone (336) 725-2900 8-15-21n NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Adminislra- irix of the Estate ol ELSIE P, TURNER, late of Davie County, this is lo notify all persons having claims againsi said estate to present them 10 the undersigned on or before the 15th day of November, 2002, be­ ing three (3) months from the lirst day ol publication or this nolice will be pleaded in bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. This the 15th day of Aug 2002, Alma J. Lesane, ADMN 325 Cartner Road Statesville, NC 28625 8-15-41P UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION NOTICE 0FTEIV1P0RARY VARIANCE AND SOLICITING COMMENTS, MOTIONS TO INTERVENE, AND PROTESTS (August 1,2002) Take notice that the following application has been filed wilh the Commission and is available for public inspection: a. Applicalion Type: Request for temporary variance to minimum How releasesb. Projecl No,: 2197-054 c. Date Filed: July 22 and July 26, 2002 d. Applicant: Alcoa Power Gener­ ating Inc. e. Name of Projecl: Yadkin I. Localion: The project is located on the Yadkin/Pee Dee River, in Montgomery, Slanley, Davidson. Rowan, and Davie Counties, North Carolina. g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power Act, 16 use § 791 (a) 825(r) and §§ 799 and 801, h. Applicant Conlaci: Julian Polk. Alcoa Power Generating Inc., 293 NC 740 Highway, RO, Box 576, Badin, NC 28009-0576, (704) 422- 5617, i. FERC Contact: Any questions on this notice should be addressed to Mr, TJ, LoVullO at (202) 219-1168, or e-mail address: Ihomas.lovulloO lerc.qov. j. Deadline for filing comments and/ or motions: Augusl 23. 2002. All documents (original and eight copies) should be filed with: Magalie R, Salas. Secretary. Fed­ eral Energy Regulatory Commis­ sion. 888 First Street, N.E„ Wash­ ington, D.C, 20426, Please include the projecl number (P-2197) on any comments or motions liled. k. Description ot Request: As the result of a meeling held on July 25. 2002, Alcoa Power Generating Inc, (APGI or licensee), Duke Energy, Carolina Power and Light, Commis­ sion staff, and represenlalives from mosl of the resources agencies with responsibility for water for the States of North Carolina and South Carolina concerning the drought in the project area and reservoir lev­ els in the project resen/oirs. there emerged a consensus that it would be prudent on behalf of all users of water on that watershed to reduce minimum releases from the Yadkin Project from 1,200 cubic feel per second (cfs) to 900 cfs as mea­ sured at the Rockingham, NC stream gage. Accordingly, APGt requested from the Commission that il be granted a temporary vari­ ance in the minimum release re­ quirements permitting APGI to co­ ordinate Yadkin Project operations wilh Carolina Power and Light's Tillery and Blewetl Falls develop­ ments such that Pee Dee River flows, measured at the Rockingham gage, are least 900 cfs on a daily basis through Sep­ tember 15. 2002. Secondly, APGI requested a temporary variance of the operating guides to draw down Narrows reservoir (Badin Lake) at increments to be determined in consultation with the Water Re­ sources Division of the North Caro­ lina department ol Environment and Natural Resources. On July 30, 2002, the Commission granted the licensee's request, but reserved authority to require changes In project operation based upon com­ ments received from Ihis nolice. I. Localion ol the Application: Acopy of the application is available for inspection and reproduction at the Commission's Public Relerence Room, located at 888 First Street, NE, Room 2A, Washington, D.C. 20426, or by calling (202) 208- 1371. This tiling may also be viewed on the web at link, select “DockeW" and lollow the instructions (call 202-208-2222 for assistance). Acopy Is also available for inspection and reproduction al the address in item (h) above, m. Individuals desiring to be in­ cluded on the Commission's mail­ ing list should so indicate by writ­ ing to the Secretary ol the Commis­sion. n. Comments, Protests, or Motions 10 Intervene - Anyone may submit comments, a protest, or a motion to ininrvene in'accordanco v/ilh the requirements of Rules of Practice and Procedure, 18 CFR 385.210, .211, ,214, in determining the ap­ propriate action lo take, the Com­ mission will consider all protests or other comments liled. but only Ihose who lile a motion lo inten/ene in accordance with the Com­ mission's Rules may become a party to Ihe proceeding. Any com­ ments, protests, or motions to in­ tervene must be received on or before the specified comment date lor the particular application. 0. Filing and Service of Responsive Documents - Any filings must bear in all capilal lellers the title 'COM­ MENTS." 'RECOMMENDATIONS fo r TERMS AND CONDITIONS,' 'PROTEST,' OR 'MOTION TO IN­ TERVENE," as applicable, and the Project Number ol Ihe particular applicalion lo which the liling refers. A copy ol any motion to intervene must also be served upon each representative ol the Applicant specified in the particular applica­ lion,p. Agency Comments - Federal, slate, and local agencies are invited lo file comments on Ihe described application. A copy ol the applica­ lion may be obtained by agencies directly from the Applicant. If an agency does not fi)e comments within the time specified for liling comments, it will be presumed to have no comments. One copy ol an agency's comments must also be sent to the Applicant's represen­ tatives. q. Comments, protests and inter­ ventions may be liled electronically via the Internet In lieu of paper. See, 18 CFR 385.2001(a)(l)(iii) and the instructions on the Commission's web sile al hltD:www.f9rc.oov un­ der the ‘■e-Filing" link. Linwood A. Watson, Jr. Deputy Secrelary 8-15-1tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received by Davie Counly unlil 2:00 p.m. on Friday, August 23, 2002, where­ upon bids will be opened by the Public Works Director in the soc­ ond lloor conference room, Counly Adminislralion Building, 123 South Main Sireel, Mocksville, N.C. The bids are for transportation services to haul approximately 18,000 Ions per year of municipal solid waste (MSW) from the Davie Counly Transfer Station on Dalton Road (SRI605) to the Hanes Mill Road landfill in Forsyth County. The bid award will be for a four (4) year period beginning Ol-Oct- 02 and ending on 30-Sep-06. Each bid must be submitted on the bid lorm supplied by Davie County. For a copy call (336) 751 - 5513. Fax bids will not be honored. The selected party will be re­ sponsible for complying with all applicable federal and state regu­ lations governing their trade. The County reserves the right lo accept or reject any proposal. Proposals shall be submitted in writing in a sealed envelope labeled "RFP Re­ sponse - MSW Hauling" to Carl Davidson, Director of Public Works, 123 South Main Streel, Mocksville, NC 27028. For further inlormation please contact the office of Public Works at (336) 751-7407. 8-15-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate ol DENNIS RUDY late of Advance, Davie County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said decedent to ex­ hibit them to the undersigned at the offices of BELL, DAVIS & PITT, P.A., P.O. Box 21029, Wlnslon-Sa- lem. North Carolina 27120-1029, on or before October 25, 2002, or this nolice will be pleaded In bar oi Iheir recovery. All persons, firms and corporations Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 25th day ol July, 2002. Beverly Jeanne F. Rudy, Executor BELL, DAVIS & PITT, RA. too N. Cherry Street. Suite 600 RO. Box 21029 Winston-Salem, NC 27101 7-25-4tn Щ 8 a t,8 « p ti7 Shallowfoni Sqiiar* Lmvfsvlll«, NO 9:00 PM until Roy McMillan ft friends CraslMr Run Dirt Road Thoory Clntairon BluoflraM Presented by the Lewisville Aree Ms CouKfl, Inc. i Lewlsvm Parka & Rec. DAVIE COUNTY RNTRRPRISE RECORD, Aug. IS, 2002 - 013 P U B L I C N O T I C E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION FILE NO. 02 CVD 45 IN RE: BRITTAIN, a Minor Child, born Seplember 5.1993 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: THE UNKNOWN FATHER. RESPONDENT. OF A MALE JU­ VENILE BORN ON OR ABOUT SEPTEMBER 5. 1993. IN DAVIE COUNTY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been liled in the above-enlilled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: A PETITION SEEKING LEGAL AND PHYSICAL CUSTODY OF THE MINOR CHILD BY THE MA­ TERNAL GRANDFATHER. You are required to make de­ fense to such pleading no later than the 15lh day ol September. 2002. said date being thirty (30) days from the lirst publication ol this nolice. and upon your failure lo do so. the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court lor the relief sought. This the 2nd day of Augusl. 2002. Holly M. Groce Attorney al Law N.C. State Bar No. 22214 OF COUNSEL: Robert E. Price, Jr. & Associ­ ates. RA, RO. Box 26364 Winston-Salem, NC 27114- 6364 Telephone (336) 760-2870 Facsimile (336) 760-2479 8-15-3tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE Public Sale: Mocksville Mini-Slor- age intends to sell the conlents ol the lollowing units for unpaid tent and expenses, #4 John Mason ($435,00) «36 Derrick Nichols ($225,00) #100 Cassaundra Carier ($225,00) «106 Elsie Jones Estate ($405,00) #114 Nichols Construction Co. ($240,00) #226 Steven Clements ($265,00) #258 Todd Younger ($210,00) #417 Miranda Franklin ($260,00) #494 Lavonya Gaither ($210.00) No sale il balance is paid by Aug. 21. 2002. Sale date; Aug, 23,2002 at 2:00 p.m. Cash or money order, Ealon Rd. (off Salisbury Rd.. past Mocks­ ville Oil Co.). 751-2483. (NOTE: This Public Sale no­ tice was scheduled to be pub­ lished 8-8-02, but was Inadvert­ ently omitted.) 8-15-21nNORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executrix ol ; the Estate of STEPHEN FRE­ DRICK PEACOCK, late ol Davie Counly, Ihis is to notily all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 151h day of No­ vember, 2002, being three (3) months Irom the lirst day ol publi­ cation or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediaie payment to Ihe undersigned. This the 15th day of August. 2002. Stephanie Dawn Peacock 784 Daniel Road Mocksville. N0 27028 8-15-4tnNORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executor of the Estate of CHARLES B. BATON (also known as Charles Bickley Baton, Charles Balon, Chuck Ba­ lon), lale of Bermuda Village, Davie Counly, North Carolina, the under­ signed does hereby notify all per­ sons, lirms and corporations hav­ ing claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the un­ dersigned at One West Fourih Street, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101, on or before the 251h day of October, 2002, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, lirms and corporations indebted to said es­ tate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 25th day of July, 2002. GEORGE S. BATON, II, EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES B. BATON George A. Ragland WOMBLE CARLYLE SANDRIDGE & RICE, PLLC One West Fourth Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 7-25-41n NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 02SPI08 iN THE MATTER OF THE FORE­ CLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY DONALD L. COGGINS AND DONNA M, COGGINS DATED JUNE 9, 1999 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 305 AT PAGE 170 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant 10 an order of llie Clerk of Superior Court and under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed ol trust and because of de­ fault in the payment ol the indebt­ edness thereby secured and fail­ ure lo carry oul and perform the stipulation and agreements Iherein contained, and pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the in­ debtedness secured by said deod of trust, Ihe undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at pub­ lic auction to the highest bidder for cash al the usual place of sale al the county courthouse ol said counly al 11:00 A.M, on Augusl 28, 2002. the lollowing described real eslale and any other improvemenls which may be situated thereon, situated in Davie County, North Carolina, and being more particu­ larly described as lollows: Being all ol Lot 2, J. Glenn Stroud Estate Subdivision, re­ corded in Map Book 7. Pago 57. Davie Counly, North Carolina. And Being more commonly known as: 329 Slroud Mill Road. Harmony, NC 28634 The record owners of the prop­ erty. as reflected on tho records of the Register of Deeds, are Donald G, Coggins and Donna M. Coggins, This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments in­ cluding but not limiled lo any trans­ fer lax associated with the loreclo- sure. for paying, if any. A deposit of five percenl (5%) ol the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dol­ lars ($750.00). whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the lorm ol certilied funds at the time ol the sale. This sale will be held open len days for upsel bids as required by law. Fol­ lowing the expiration ol the statu­ tory upset period, all remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. The dalo of this Notice is Friday, Augusl 2. 2002, ELIZABETH B, ELLS OR DAVID W, NEILL Subslilule Trustee 8520 Cliff Cameron Drive. Suite 300 Charlotte, NC 28269 (704) 333-8107 8-15-2Ш NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE JUVENILE COURT DIVISION FILE NO.: 02 CVD 246 LUCY BRICKENSTEIN ZOLB ZANTOUT. PLAINTIFF, VS. BASSAM CHAFIC ZANTOUT DE­ FENDANT 2ND AMENDED NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: BASSAM CHAFIC ZANTOUT TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking reliel against you has been filed in the above-entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: THE PLAINTIFF IS SEEKING AN ABSOLUTE DIVORCE AND TOP NOTCH CONSTRUCTION jGSse Ruttor • Cooloemoo InrcriorTrini Cabinet Installation Dccks Home Repair 336-399-8783 iBIflCOl I TUESDAY I ' 7:00 PM } I Yadkin Moose Lodge | »Clip Thla Ad For Free Pack | ^B rlng A Friend For TWo j EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION OF MARITAL PROPERTY You are required to make de­ fense to such pleading no later than the 24th day of September. 2002. said dale being forty (40) days Irom Ihe firsl publicalion ol Ihis nolico, and upon your failure lo do so. the party seeking service against you will apply to Ihe Courl for Ihe relief sought. This llie 121h day of Augusl. 2002. MARTIN & VAN HOY L.L,R By: Sally W, Smilh Attorney for Plaintiff Ten Court Square Mocksville. NC 27028 (336) 751-2171 8-15-3m NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE is hereby given lhal the 2002 Primaries and School Board Eleciion will be held Tues­ day, September 10. The fourteen Davie County voting locations will open al 6:30 a.m. and close al 7:30 p.m.. a tolal of thirteen hours lor eligible voiers lo cast Iheir ballots lor Ihe party candidates of Iheir clioice and to elect two school board members. All polling loca­ tions are liandicap accessible, bul curbside voting will be available lor any voiers who is able lo Iravel to the polls but desires lo remain in their mode of Iransportalion lo cast Iheir ballots. NOTICE is further given that to bo eligible lo vole on Seplember 10 persons nol presently regis­ tered in Davie County musl lile a voter registration with the Davie Counly Board of Elections by Fri­ day. Augusl 16. To be eligible for registering lo vole a person must be 18 years of age by November 5 and a US citizen. Voters who have moved within the counly must lile a correction by this date also 10 avoid delays on Election Day. NOTICE is lurlher given thal absentee voting will be available by mail for any voter between Au­ gust 16 and Tuesday. September 3. Request may be made by the voter or on Iheir behalf by a mem­ ber ol their immediate family or verifiable legal guardian. A sick or disabled voter may cast their bal­ lots in the election ollice, or make request until 5:00 p.m., Monday. September 9. Ali ballots must be relumed lo the eleciion office no later lhan 5:00 p.m.. Monday, Sep­ tember 9 lo be eligible lor count­ ing. ONE STOP/NO EXCUSE eariy voting will be available in the Elec­ tion Office. 124 S. Salisbury St.. Suite 102. beginning Thursday. August 22 and will close al i:00 p.m.. Saturday. September 7, NOTICE is further given that the members of the Davie County Board of Eleclions will meel on Tuesday ol each week during the absentee period to review appli­ cations, Absentee ballots properly signed and returned lo the elec­ tion office will be tallied by the members of the County Board of Eleciion between the hours of 2:00 and 5:00 p,m„ Tuesday. Septem­ ber 10. No tallies wiil be released prior lo 7:30 p.m. NOTICE is hereby given lhat the Eleciion Ollice will be closed Monday. September 2 for Labor Day, QUESTIONS may be directed to the Board of Elections al 751- 2027, H,P. Van Hoy. II. Chairman Davie County Board of Elections 8-15-1tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE 02 SP133 UNDER AND BY VIRTUE ol a power of sale contained in a cer­ tain deed of trusi dated February 28. 1997, executed by ALVIN JEROME HICKS and wife. HELGAA. HICKS, lo TAMARA A. FLEMING, Sub-slilute Trustee, and recorded in Book 251. Page 702, Davie County Registry: and under and by virtue of the author- ily vested in Ihe undersigned as Subslilule Trustee and an Order executed by KENNETH D, BO­ GER. Clerk of Superior Court ol Davie County, on Ihe 91h day ol July, 2002. the default having been made in Ihe paymont of Ihe indebt­ edness thereby secured, the said deed of trust being by the terms thoreol subject to loreclosuro and the holder of the indebtedness thereby secured having de­ manded a loreclosuro Ihereol lor Ihe purpose ol satisfying said in- debledness and the same having been ordered and approved by said Order ol Clerk of Superior Court of Davie Counly, the under­ signed TAMARA A, FLEMING. Substitute Trustee, will ollor for sale at public auction to the high­ est bidder lor cash at the Court­ house Door in Davio County. North Carolina al 10:00 a.m., on the 30th day of August, 2002, Ihe land con­ veyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in Davie County, North Carolina, and being described as lollows: EXHIBITA Notice ol Hearing Regarding Tho Right ol Foreclosure and Nolice ol Sole Alvin Jeromo Hicks and wile. Helga A. Hicks BEGINNING at a point, an iron stake in tho North edge ol Maple Avenue. Southwest corner ol Mabe. thence wilh Mabe's line North 10 degs. East 200 feet to an iron stake. Mabe's Northwest cor­ ner. thence North 85 degs. West 114 Ieet to an iron stake. Durham's Northeast corner: thence with Durham's line south 6 degs. West 200 Ieet to an irons lake on the Norlh side of Maple Avenue, thence wilh Ihe Norlh edge of Maple avenue Soulh 85 degs. Easl 100 Ieet to the BEGINNING. This is the identical property described in a deed dated April 10. 1961. Irom W.R. Patterson el ux. to Lewis Seamon el ux, recorded in Deed Book 64, al page 38. Davie County Registry, and said description is sel lorth as of prior lo the date of said deed. This property wiil bo sold sub­ ject lo all taxes, encumbrances and liens of record. This Ihe 8lh day of August, 2002. TAMARA A. FLEMING Substitute Trustee 8-15-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor ol the Estate of ROY F ALEXANDER, late of Davie County, this is to no­ tify all persons having claims against said estate to present them 10 Ihe undersigned on or beiore the 151h day ol November, 2002, be­ ing three (3) monlhs Irom Ihe lirst day of publicalion or Ihis notice will be pleaded in bar of Iheir recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. This the 15th day ol August, 2002. Roy F. Alexander, Jr., EXEC 210 Oakdale Drive Hillsborough. NC 27278 8-15-41n • I'ri4'K slln tiili's • Insured • Kelliilile, Krieiidl.v Service ash(liiIciiic<n4iol,ctiiii AshDale Construction S i> K C iA iJ Z iN (; IN A l l I*iia s k .s o f H O M K R k m ()I)k i,in (; Ailililioiis, Uooiin^. Piiinliii^. Miniir lilcc. & I’luMihint;. KilcliL'ii. Hiilh >1: Kilio 'I1Il'. IX'cks. U{».ks. .Sheds, l);inis. Ivnccs. Kclainiiii; Walls lo Coiling l'iins.„\Vc do il all! Da rid McCiillar-() wiwr Phone: (336) 492-7363 Mobile: (336) 655-8558 MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUMMER IS COMING! Bobcat, aeratot core plugger & more tor reni loilayl 13301751-2304 LOISSCORVgR MINI-STORAGE For all your storage needs, choosc us' Comc by to inquire about iree rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E in Fork CaU t(^{ (33G) 908-8810 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix of the Estate of LAURA KATE FREE­ MAN, lale of Davle County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said eslale to present them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of October, 2002, being Ihree (3) monlhs Irom the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please mako immediate payment to tho undersigned. This the 251h day ol July, 2002. Judilh F Brittain. EXEC PO Box 986 Cooleemee, NC 27014 7-25-4tp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor ol the Estate ol MARGARET BARRETT MCCOY, late of Davie Counly, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or beiore the 15th day ol No­ vember, 2002, being three (3) monlhs Irom the lirst day of publi­ cation or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make immediaie payment to the undersigned. This the 151h day of August, 2002. Bob L. Myers, EXEC 147 Apache Road Advance, NC 27006 8-15-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of MARY FRANCES HENDRIX, late ol Davie County, this is to nolily all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of October, 2002, being three (3) months Irom the lirsl day ol publication or this notice wiil be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Imme­ diate payment lo the undersigned. This 22nd day ol July, 2002. Robert L. Hendrix, Executor 4101 NC Highway 801 South Advance, NC 27006 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 7-25-4tpNORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of LOUISE CARTNER TUTTEROW, late ol Davie County, this is lo notify all persons having claims againsi said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of October, 2002, being three (3) monlhs Irom the first day of publication or this nolice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Imme­ diate payment to the undersigned. This the 251h day of July, 2002. Robert D. Tutterow, Jr., Executor 1029 Landsdowne Rd. Charlotte, NC 28270 7-25-4IP ABSOLUTE AUCTION I Owners: Norman and Nancy Wilson (Living) | 2956 Bethel Church Road, Yadkinville jSatuiday, August 24 • 9:00a.m. [ (Tractor, Implements, Mower and Car will be sold at 10:00 A.M.) Partial List: Antique Spinning Wheel, Other Antiques, Electrical Supplies, Plumbing Suppies, Tools, Kabota Tractor, (B8200 Hydrostatic w/lront-end loader, 4-wheel drive) Implements, Hustler Hydrostatic Mower (6-ft. cut diesel), 1991 Mercury Marquis, Atlantic Wood Stove, Household lurnilure, dishes, walnut table and mirror, chest-type freezer, Much Morel Conducied By: Frank Short Auction & Really Frank Short. Auctioneer NCAL #6244 Paymenl: Cash or Good Check 5% Buyer's Premium Directions'. From M ocksville: take Hwry 601N, to Lett on Lone Hickory Rd., Right on Bethel Ch. Rd. From Winston-Salem and Yadkinville: take Hwy. 421N., to Exit 259 (Reavis Road), lelt at top of ramp, straight across Hoots Road to Bethel Ch. Rd. Auction on right. From Slatesville: Take Hwy. 21N to Lone Hickory Rd. on right. Left on Bethel Ch. Rd. From N. Wilkesboro: Hwy. 421 S. to Reavis Rd., right off ol ramp, straight across Hoots Road lo Bethel Ch. Rd. Auction on right. Supercede Any Printed M aterial RAIN OR SHINE Neither Frank Short Auction & Realty nor Owners will be responsible for any accidents. Concessions provided by Bethel Baptist Church NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in thal certain Deed of Trust executed by Mattie H, Reynolds 10 Laura Gardner. Truslee(s), dated May 25. 2001, and recorded in Book 383. Page 222. Davie Counly Regislry.North Carolina. Delault having been made In the paymenl ol Ihe note thereby se­ cured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned. PRIORITY TRUSTEE SERVICES OF NC, L.L.C.. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed ol Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Ollice ol tho Register ol Deeds ol Davie County. North Carolina, and the liolder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be fore­ closed. the undersigned Substitute Trustee will olfer for sale at the Courthouse Door, in the City of Mocksville. Davie County, North Carolina, at 10:00 A.M. on Thurs­ day. August 29. 2002. and will sell to the highest bidder tor cash the following described property situ­ ated in Davie County. North Carlina. lo wit: A parcel of Land being in Mocks­ ville Township. Davie County, North Carolina, described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron stake in Ihe edge of a New Street. Cartner Streel: thence East 200 leel to an iron slake; thence north 5 degrees East 100 Ieet to an iron stake; thence West 200 feel to an iron stake in Cartner Sireel; thence South 5 degrees West 100 loot wilh Cartner Street to the Beginning. Said property is commonly known as 124 Cartner Street, Mocksville. NC 27028. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax. and Ihe court costs ol Thirty Cents (30c) per One Hun­ dred Dollars ($100.00). Acash de­ posit (no personal checks) ol live percent (5%) ol the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Filty Dollars ($750.00). whichever is greater, will bo required at the time ol sale. Fol­ lowing liio expiration ol Ihe statu­ tory upset bid period, all the remain­ ing amounts are immediately due and owing. Said property to be ollered pur­ suant to this Notice ol Sale is be­ ing ollered lor sale, transler and conveyance "AS IS. WHERE IS." There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, heallh or safety conditions existing in, on, al. or relating to the property being of­ fered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, special assessments, land transler taxes, if any, and encum­ brances of record. To the best ol the knowledge and belief of Ihe undersigned. Ihe current owner of the property is Mattie H, Reynolds. Priority Trustee Services of NC, L.L,C, Substitute Trustee 7330 Chapel Hill Road, Suite 104 Raleigh. NC 27607 8-15-2tn в 14 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Aur. 15. 2002 i I P U B U C N O TIC E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 02 CVD 315 OAKWOOD ACCEPTANCE COR- PORAnON, LLC. PlaintiH, vs. JIMMY R. COWAN. III. Defendant. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: JIMMY R. COWAN. Ill Please take notice lhat a plead­ ing seeking relief against you has been filed tn the above ontilind ac­ tion. The nature of the relief sought is as follows: Oakwood Acceptance Corporation. LLC. seeks compen­ sallon lor breach ol contract from arising from a May 29. 2001 con­ tract In which Jimmy R. Cowan. Ill purchased a mobile home and agreed to make monthly payments, copy of which said contract is at­ tached lo tho complaint filed In this action with the Davie County Clerk of Court. Oakwood Acceptance Corporation. LLC, further seeks rellol against Delendant Jimmy R. Cowan, III lor possession of the mobile home that Is the subject ol the above captioned action, so that the same may be sold and the pro­ ceeds applied to the delinquent account ol Delendant. You are required to make a de­ fense to such pleading not later lhan September 24, 2002, and upon your failure to do so that party seeking service against you will apply to the court for the 'eliel sought. This the 5th day ol August, 2002. ■ By David A. Bridgman Attorney for Oakwood Acceptance Corp. 103-A Kllmayne Dr. Cary. NC 27511 Telephone (919) 467-3294 8-15-3tn gJTiftRSiFnîïriS INEXPENSIVE P R O F T E A B L E Yard Sales : The GLENy. • Apartments • 300 Milling Road • Mocksville • 2 4 3 Bedroom ' J Apartments * • Handicap Accessible , • Units Available « • Rental Assistance « • Available a • It Applicable • • « • Please Cali; 336-751-2070* YARD SALES All Yard Sales are prepaid by Tue.sday 10:30am. Call Tammy 751-2120 oday!! o r Ufi Now Hiring/ Several Positions •F o rk lift O p e ra to rs •M a te ria l H andlers •P ro d u ctio n M e ch a n ic •B a tc h M ixers Accepting Apps this Thurs. Aug. 15 a t the Mocksville ESC Room 120 from 9 -1 1 am Olsten Staffing ' ServicesA 4 FOR SALE:Cars • Trucks Utility Buildings Carports: All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lots 336-751-3442 Mocksviiie, NC GALUALUME 20 YEAR WARRANTY Longest Lasting 3' Coverage / Many Colors Pole Buildings Metal Roofs & Siding | 1-888-278-6060 NND-SIATE METALS A U C T IO N Estate Of: Roger and Josephine Ashley (Living) 1178 Waughtown Street, Winston-Salem S a l . • Л и и . 1 7 • l ( ) ; a m Hwy JiS IO WMUfhlODn Stmt (Etlt lOSAJ Turn Uil onto Uaujiilimn Stiver TrtiW I mile lo ule on Right. PARTIAL LISTi FURNITURE: 3 Piece Sectional Sofa: Microwave Tablo; 3 Piece Bedroom Suil: Wooden Rockers; Wall Mirrors; Old Siereo: Codar Chost; Orejser w/Mirror; 4 Drawer ClwsI; Nighlsland; 2 Malching Easy Chairs; Cotlee Table (w/Claw Feel); Lamp Table; Old Magnavox Record Player; Small Corner Hutch; Singer Sowing Machine; Dining Room Table w;e Chairs; TV Sland; Kitchen Table w/6 Chairs; 6 Piece Bedroom Suit ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES; USA Vase; English Tea Pilcher; Hamilton Colloclin Plales; Cobalt Blue Vase; Old Wlndior Radio (Umited Edition 1932 No. 57155926); Framed Pictures; V/ail Sconces; Large Collection ol Birds (Westminster, Strangl Pottery. Volkslodt); Qetmin Candle Holder; Letton China Miniature Pilcher & Bowt; Solid Onyx Ljunp; Several Plales Irom Germany: Original Birdland Village Pieces; Bavarian Cotlee, Creamer, and Sugar Sel; Plate Irom Franco (fBKSe2|; Small Bavaria Schunun Plale & Tea Cup; English Toa Cup ('Folo/ Tulip*) MISCEUJkNCOUS; leeo Hyundai (37.625 miles); 8' x 6’ Leonard Slorage Building; Sunbeam Qnllmaster; Craftsman .7 1/4 Circular Saw; Skll 1Г2" Drill; Heavy Duty Bench Qrtnder; Craftsman Sabre Saw; Black-N-Deckor Sander; Black-N-Docker Deluxe Edeer Trimmer; Black-N-Decker 18" Trimmer; Hand Tools; Yard Tools; Posl Holo Dleg*'>: Molal Cabinet; Lamps; Side by Side Konmore Relriaerntor; 3 UpriflM Freezers; Maytag Washer; Konmoro Dryer; 3 CO Panasonic Stereo; Aluminum Ladder«: Tons ol Christmas Docoralionsl тм.тлпЁют orma» Аймоша, NOT urr OHM nuuntr BOS. 3 M , 1 BA Нота mWi oonvMely fincad kl yant. other room* kicfcide Mktan, dan, M « пшл, aid M il nom. Wil t*en can ol home on •ИЛиклаМуДЗасп. For more into or м appointment Cor view ing, eonlxl Tura al JJó.MJ. Ì.UI C ol. K enneth G. K etncr, Pres., N CAL 326H First Choice Auction & Realty Finn Liccnsc #7229 • PO Box 335, Lewisville • (336) 945-4118 Viiit Our HV6 Sile tt www.Snicboicetuction com • cmiil: efinichiViesu^triidrr.civn Yard Sales Yard Sales 2 FAMILY, Saturday. August 17, 7am-4pm, King-Size m attress 8 box spring, 3 sets of linens lor king & lull size BR, curtains, cloth­ ing: m en's (big size & tall), womens, childrens {all sizes), pic­ tures. household 8 racing col­ lectibles • 151 Laurens Court olf Baltimore Road in Armsworthy Acres. (998-7056). 4 MILES OFF Libeny Church Rd. turn on Lai Whitacker Rd. approx. 3/10 mile. Adult and Baby cloth­ ing, car parts, lots of other items. AUGUST 17TH FROM 7:00am til 2:00pm. First Baptist Church of Mocksville. All proceeds will ben­ efit a playground shelter. Beware bargain hunters, lots of great things to be found. BASEMENT & Yard Sale, rain or shine, Fri. a Sat. August 16lh & 17lh. Hand tools. C raftsm an backpack leal blower, 1/2 ton chain hoist, cable come-a-longs, hand saws. Craftsman table jig saw, 8 1/4 in. com pound mitersaw. electric drills. I/S'?; 3/B bottle jacks, 3 B&S 12 HP 1/C engines, 14'John boat wilh 11 HP mercury engine 8 lilt trailer, '49 Ford 1/2 ton Hat bed truck (1 owner with original NC title), drink bottiss and boxes, com puter desk, NASCAR die cast cars and tractor trailers, bicycles, old bottles, costume jewelry, glass­ ware. kids toys, stereos and tv's, end lable, old printers cabinets w/ type, old vanity table, Crallsman cordless drem el lools, storm doors, inlerior doors, 100s ol books, odds & ends of nuts, bolts and screws. 2214 Davie Acad­ emy Road/1 mile from Gartners Service Ctr 492-5899. CAROLYN'S COLLECTIBLES 2076 Highway 601S M ocksville, NC 27028 Located approx. 1 mi past Davie High School on rigtit 601 S. 336-751-6252. G rand O pening Sale Barbies, PorceleTn dolls, Beanie babies, Indian, A ngels, lols more. Tues-Frl; 11:00-5:00 Sal: 11:00-3:00 CREEKVIEW CONSIGNMENT Bait & Tackle now open, Tues- day-Saturday 10:00am-6:00pm, Now accepting lurniture. 1430 801S beside 4th Creek, 336-751- 4507. DEE’S ANTIQUES On the Green....hill 733 Greenhill Rd. Mocksville. NC 27028 336-492-6450 or 800 234-1393 August and il's back to School!! Decorate thal College Dorm Wilh furnishing Irom Dee's! Furniture and accessories made to last a lifetime!! Discounts Ihroughoul the shop!! “A little something for everyone" We buy Estates,..one item or alii! We also buy “Vour Unwanted' items. Jusl give us a calll ESTATE Items, FURNITURE, collectables, glasswares, house­ hold items, yard decor, lools, and miscellaneous. 284-4302. FRIDAY, AÜGIJST Íe & Satur­ day, August 17, 8am-3pm. Tons of great stuff cheap, 248 Allen Rd. (ofT601 next to Christy Trucking). FRIDAY; SATURDAY 8:bo; A igner's, Beer Signs. Books, (Crothes-.50), Microwave-Glass, ect. Will Boone Rd ofl of Dead­ mon Rd. or 801. GUN CLUB RD. off 158 Thurs. (8/15). Friday (8/16). 9:00am lo 9:00pm 8 Sat. (8/17) 9:00 to 12:00. Exercise equip. Clothes (all sizes), sum m er 8 winter, shoes, household, books, jew­ elry, baby clothes, lots of toys. HUGE GARAGE SA L Elf 356 Duko Street (past South Davie Middle School). Brand nam e clothes for men and children size new born thru 4T. MASSIVE amounts ol toys, books, kitchen items, tools, turniture, computers, printer and soltware, tapes, and CD's. LARGE collections ol base­ball caids witti cases, VCR, ex­ ercise equipment, jewelry, silk plants, curtains, sheets, towels, and LOTS MORE! MUST SELL EVERYTHING! Friday, Aug. 16th thru Sat. Aug. 17th from 7:30 to 1. Go p ast S. D avie Middle School and turn left onto Duke St, DEADLINE for Classified ads 10:30 a.m., Tuesday I LARRY’S WOOD FLOOR SERVICE Laying • Sanding • Finishing FREE ESTIMATES Owner: Larry McClenney 129 Lakewood Drive 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -1 7 2 1 Abortion Alt. DAVIE PREGNANCY CARE Cenler olfers confidential & free pregnancy tests, support ser­ vices. and referrals. M ake a healthy choice (or your llfel Call 753-HOPE for appointment. Animals BRONZE TURKEYS, $10.00 each. 998-8650, Apartments MOCKSVILLE SUNSET TER­ RACE: All brick energy efficient apartment, 1 8 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court 8 sw ings. Kitchen appliances lurnished in­ cluding dishwasher, 1.5 baths, washer/dryer connections. High energy elficient heat pump pro­ vides central heat and air. Prewired for cable TV 8 phones. Insulated windows & doors. No wax kitchens bath floors. Located in Mocksville behind the old Hen­ dricks i^urniture building (now Carolina Precision Machinery) on Sunset Dr. olf of Hwy. 158. Of­ fice hours 1-6 M-F 8 Sat. 10-12. Phone 751-0168. HOUSE FOR SALE Brick ranch home in cul-de-sac. Beautiful wooided 1,63 acres, outbuildings, near 801 N. in Farmington. $165,000. Call Merie Rector, Remax Realty Consultants 940-5780 3 B u ild in g Lots Fo r Sale In the Fork C hu rch C o m m u n ity Localed o n /o ff o f C e d a r G ro ve C hu rch R ood OK lor doublewide, modular o r site built homes • Lot 1 - 40,(W*/-sf with road frontage, water meter & septic syitem-525,000 • Lot 2 • UNDER CONTRACT • 1 + acre with road frontage, well & septic syjiem - 525,000 • Lot 3 • 1+aae private 30’eajement. great view • $35,000 *All acreage subject to final survey Contact Robert Stone (Owner/Broker) at Riverfork Properties 336-998-4733 We need a General Manager to run our Restaurant In Mocksville, NC. Preferably a local person. Excellent cay. Five day work week. Great quality of life. Super company to work for. If you have 3 years of experience running any restaurant (fast food a plus) with a proven track record I would like to talk to you. Rush your resume to: General Manager, 130 Heritage Place, Mooresville, NC 28115 rmuda illage- ____________3 Bermuda Village has an opening for full time: MaintenancePosition CFC Ceilificatlon Required. Excellent working conditions. 998-6784 BACK YARD SALE, 2 Families. 156 Whitney Rd. in Craftwood off of Milling Rd, Bam-til, FRIDAY & Saturday. 8/16 8 8/17. Hwy 64E. past Fork Fire Dept, Water plants, Household items, tools, yard decor, cards: Yu-gl-oh Mage Knights, Pokemon, South Park, B eaded X m as T rees, Beanie Babies, clothes, toys and more! MOVING SALE, TOYS, Clothes, lurnishings, Saturday 7-12, 144 Camden Ct, off Baltimore Rd, MULTi-FAMILY YARD Sale, Fri­ day 8 Saturday, 8-2:00, 4 patio loungers, size XL ladies clolhes, glassware, lamps, baby items, old board g am es, curtains, dishes. Pleasant Acre Drive off 601 South. PROGRESSIVE CLUB OF Cool­ eem ee. Saturday. August 17lh. 7am-until. Joyce's Flonst. t^C801 South, SAT. 577 CORNATZER Rd, 7:30-12 Bicycles, clothes, a s­ sorted goods. SATURDAY, 316 CHURCH St. Mocksville, Large Tools 8 Hard­ ware, Clothes. SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 8:00- 12:00, 156 Old March Rd„ Ad­ vance (March Woods Develop­ menl). SATURDAY, AUGUST 17^ 7-un- tll. Hwy 601 North 2 miles Irom I- 40, Clothes, tires and much more. SiiiTURDAY, AUGUST 17TH C enter Picnic S heller 64W. Clothes. New and Used items. 8:00-1:00. YARD SALE, SAT. Aug, 17r7am- III...Hwy 801 S. Joyce's Florist. Cooleemee, NC. Apartments 2BDRM APT for mature adults who enjoy 24 hour securiiy. yard m aintenance and paid utilities. Quiet & peaceful. Mocksville. Convenient. Call Shelia at 751- 1515. Cedar Rock Assisled Liv­ ing Community 2BDRM APARTMENT IN quiet neighborhood. Very Nice. Per­ fect for older adulls, $550.00/mo, Mocksville. Call Shelia at 751- 1515. VINEYARD BROOK, HANES Mall A rea. 2 BR. 1.5 BA. Townhomes with screened porch 8 $495 mo, Hubbard RIty, 723- 4306. Appliances WHIRLPOOL EXTRA LARGE Capacity w asher 8 dryer, good condition. $150 or best offer, 940- 2046.__________________________ Boats for Sale 14’ ALUMACRAFT WfTRAlLEr. 9.9 Mercury, excellent condilion com plete with trolling motor $1,900 336-492-2944. Furniture SOLID OAK ANTIQUE Pump Organ. Oak Hall Tree. 998-0963. Homes For Rent 4Br, 4Ba-Advance-$1250/mo 4Br, 2Ba/w Bldg-$1000/mo 4Br. 2Ba-Garden valley-$1000/ mo includes utilities 3Br, 2Ba - Wocksville-$850/mo 3Br. 2Ba-Rent mo, to mo.- $750/mo. 3Br. IBa-ln town-$650/mo 2Br, 1Ba Duplex- New Con­ struction- $660/mo 3Br, 1.5Baw/Storage Bldg.- $600/mo. Pennington & Com pany Realty 751-9400 3 OR 4 BR, 2BA Brick Home lor rent. Available 9/1 Hillsdale area, /VC, Appl, fenced yard, full bsmt, huge attic, $850 mo, 940-6579, 998-1993. 4BR, 2 FULL Baths, lull Base­ ment with ponds, rent with option to buy. $750/mo. 336-751-7886. Building for Rent f o r a l is t in g ot available -------------------3 ------------------------ rental properties, please check our ad in the Real Est;BARN/STORAGE BUILDING FOR RENT, Hillsdale, 30x45 approx. 25 Acres pasture avail. 998-1993 or 655-4698._________ Card Of Thanks CONGRATULATIONS-SHADY GROVE High School Class of 1942. Clint Hege. Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILD Care has immediate openings - ALL A GES- for 1st 8 2nd shifts (3rd shift pos­ sibilities), C onvenient hours 5:30am -1 :45am. Full Time. Part Time, Drop In - upon availability. Come see us at 571 S Main St., Mocksville (across from B 8 F Manufacturing) Or call Debra, 751-PLAY(7529) HrLLS^DALEUNl'I^D METHOD­ IST Church now offering After School Care for K-5th graders in the Shady Grove and Pinebrook school districts. We offer Chris­ tian care in a loving environment with quality programming. Lim­ ited space available due to com­ mitment to individualized care. Call to enroll now - 998-4020. V/1u7 KEEP CtflTLDF^N irT t^^^ home before 8 after school. W.R, Davie district. References avail­ able. nonsmoker. 492-5410. Construction ______Equip______ BOBCAT 753 FOR Sale, Low hours (378). 3 buckets, Hudson trailer. 751-3768. Furniture FARM HOUSE TABLE & 6 Chairs, While, $450. 492-6550. SOFA SLEEPER QUEEN Size- brown lloral design $125, R e­ cliner brown vinyl $75. Both good condition. 751-0807. GENE TREXLER ROOFING New & Old Roofs Small Repair Jobs Free Estimates 336-284-4571 LAGLE CRANE SERVICE Owner & O perator Brad Lagle (336) 940-3762 (336) 399-3821 rmuda illage- Bcrniuda Village is interviewing dependable, enthusiastic individuals Гог Valet Positions Evening & weekend hours avuilnblc. Students & retirees welcome. 998-6112 Estate Section Howard Realty- 751-3538 FURNISHED STUDIO EFFI­ CIENCIES; Includes utilities, cable, local phone, housekeep­ ing, refrigerator and microwave. Monthly rental-no lease. $550,00 m onthly plus tax. paid in ad­ vance. One time security deposit $100.00. For more information call 751-7310, Hom es For Rent. Office Space for Lease. Call Swicegood Wall 8 McDaniel Realtors. 751-222 Homes For Sale 10+ ACRES, 3BR, 2BA House with Barn, Riding Arena, Shed, Dog Runs, Set up for horses. 998-3468, 1 ST TIME HOME BUYERS gov­ ernment finance program. Low. Low down. All applications ac­ cepted. Call 336-751-0184. 3BR, IBA, ACRE lot. new paint. A dvance area, $85,900. 998- 6749. BILL CONSOLIDATION WITh the purchase of new modular home. Call 336-751-1571. CAPE COD HOMe7i930“Sq. Ft.. 3BR. 2BA. Normal bidg. Cost $125,400. Aug. only $75,000, Built on you lot! Call 1-866-624- 7457 or 751-7340, FOR SA LE...BY OW NER, $99.000, 1900 sq ft. over 1 acre, 3 or 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, fire­ place, Ig living room, den, cov­ ered front porch, garden area anti barn, 1/2 basem ent with work area, brick with central air. Cal' for appointment 751-5140. 1627 Jericho Ch Rd. Mocksville. MODULAR HOMES ON your lot shipped direct-Save $$. For free literature, call 1-888-889-6355. MODULAR HOMES STARTING at Mid 40's. Gall Today 1-888- 251-6790. C A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES. PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES. COLLECTABLES. OLD METAL TOYS. ANTIQUE FURNITURE C»ll Arthur BoiUck 336-492-5992 RANDY MILLER &SONS 2VS .\Iilltr Road • .Mocksville (336) 284-2826 Skid steer Work Trencher Work Hauling B erm uda V illa g e has op enings fo r Part-time Dining Room Servers B e a u tifu l e n viro n m e n t w ith fle x ib le hours. S tudents w e lco m e ! C a ll Sam at 9 9 8 -6 7 6 4 o r a p p ly at H w y 801 S., A dvance, DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 15, 2002 - B15 CLASSIFIEDS I N E X H i i N S I V E P R O F I T A B L E Homes For Sale Lots For Rent Mobile Home/Rent NEW HOME, 7/12 roof. ins. win- MOBILE HOMF IOT Inr Rant 9RO OPA CIM Prli.alo 1 r,) l\/lusic nl A ikm *ri Service Employment *rr» A r«-r/-\r> larnni/. nl IC*t_l dows. Normal cost $75,000. Built on your lot $57,950-AUG ONLY! 751-7340 or 1-866-624-7457. SELL ÍT FAST in Ihe Classilieds. CALLTAMMY @751-2129 S P L it FOYER, 3BR, 2.5BA, 2 acres, near Qolf course, $135,000 FIRM. 191 Twin Cedars Golf Rd. 751-5614. TRUE MODULAR HOM ES- Huge Savingl For lileralure. Call 1-800-322-8679. T O R sTn GLE PARENTS Onlyr Special linancing lor you and your family 2,3,84 Bedroom Homes starting as low as $164 per mo. Only 7 units lefl. All ap­ plications accepted. 751-0179. Land For Sale 1+ ACRE BUILDING Lot. wooded, som e standing timber, public water accessible, off Hwy 64W. OK for double-wide, modu­ lar or site buill home, perked, $23,900 Apex Real Estate Sales- 998-5068. 1.ет ACRES WITH approx. 9500 sq. ft. Brick front Commer. Bidg. on 64W. Approx, 1/2 mile from city limits. Will sell or lease lor tax value 8 finance with 10% down. Call 910-278-4887, 11 not home. Ive. m ess. I will call you back. 5.0 WOODED ACRES, Eaton's Church Rd.. Some restrictions, 998-7778, 6.4 ACRES w/30 It. wide gravel road. Thirty feet of road frontage on Davie Academy, near Hwy 64 West. Call 8 leave m essage 998- 4632 or 751-1760. LAND FOR SALE By Owner, 6 1/2 acres wilh seplic tank, county water, 20X201.5 story bidg. 64W @ Corner of Godbey 8 Powell Rd. 492-7690. iTÄND FOR SÄLE- 8X4 acres Duke W hitaker Rd, 336-775- 2859,__________________________ Lawn Care E J MOWING SERVICE Landscaping, mulching, pruning 8 weedealing 336-284-6120 336-391-2130 Lots For Rent NEW ADDITION TO S hady Acres Mobile Home Park. Re- landscaped. 1984 or new er homes. John Crotts Rd. off Hwy 64E. Only 3 sp ac e s lefL 998- 8276 or 998-8222. $160/month. 119 Eden Lane. Lot 5, off Hinkle Dr. (off Hwy 601 South) Mofksville,-697-1482. Lots For Sale BUILDING LOTS FOR direct sale, restricted, secluded, 1.6 acres, mature trees, city water. See them on Wall Wilson Rd. Call 751-2000. Miscellaneous ADD’L A SSE TS NEEDED? WORK IN HOME. $500■^/M0 PT. $3000+/M 0 FT. FULL TRAIN­ ING. FREE INFO. WWW.DREAMALWAYS.COM 1-800-358-4156. CASH PD FOR Antiques. Partial or whole estates, collectables, old metal toys. Antiques, Furniture. Monroe McDaniel 336-284-4302. COMPOUND BOW; JENNINGS Arrowstar with arrows 8 quiver. 28"DL. 65#DW $195 OBO, 998- 2937. EFFICIENT WOOD BURNING Stove. $50, 998-6161, FIBERGLASS CAMPER SHELL for Full size Pickup. (98"x65"). Good Condilion. $250.998-3667. STEEL BLDGS. HUGE Savings! M ust sell leltover inventory. Repos/C ancellations, 4 Avail­ able, 25'X40', 30'X56', 50X244', Buy Now Belore Steel Prices In­ crease! Make Offers! Financing. 1-800-222-6335. TOM (5laRK GNOMES-retired. Essick Print-unlramed "Morning Coffee"-$175,00. '96, '97 8 '98- Holiday Barbies in box. 336-492- 7366. TROY BiLT LAWN Mower 17.5 hp. 42 in. cul, Automatic Trans­ m ission, cruise control. Amp Meter, hour meter, 1 year old, under warranty, cost $1700 sell for $1 ООО. 4/ 235-75-16 tires, one new, 3 fifty percent tread, good year wrangler, white outline let- ters.$200. 751-3785.__________ Mobile Home/Rent 1999 DOUBLEWIDE, 3BR, 2BA, private lot near Jockey. $650/ month 8 $500/deposit. 336-284- 4679. 2BR, 2BA, MOBILE Home on Private Lot, Range & Relrigera- tor, W asher & Dryer. Utility Bidg. Front a Back Porch, Landlord do as yard w ork. Very Good Condtion. Couple Onlyl f^o Petsi $500/month, $500/deposit. 998- 4385. 3 0 TEMP-To-HIRE Positions Whh Weekends Off V/inston-Salem’s #1 Staffing Company is now hiring for the following positions: Paychecks delivered weekty to the job site. $7.50/hr.Temp-to-Hlre M ocksville A rea, assem bly w ork/m aterial handling 2nd shift 3:00 p.m .-l ;30 a.m ., M on.-Thurs. if hired, pay g o es lo $8.80/hour Many Other Jobs in Clemmons And Winston'Salem Area! Area Interview Tbnes: Mocksville Public Library: Thurs., Aug ISth. 1ЮОр,т.-400р-т. (Main street) Friday.Aug. 16th, 9.00-lia)am. 7748 t'Jorth Poinl Bivd., Wmston-SaJem Yadkin ESC: TR Office; English:Spanish;Mon.*Fri, 930 am. or 2.<X) p.m.Mon. a Wed . 330 p.m.;Tuos. & Thurs., 830 a.m. or 330 p.m.. Fri., i230 p m. Bring 2 fotrns of identification to ^lerviewSeHablaBspanol, UameHoy M Temporary Resources, Inc. E,\pcriimf thc DiiTcri'n™ in Slallln« 336m-lW)() П П М ^ М С MANUFACTURING NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS COMPETITIVE PAY for QUALIFIED APPLICANTS Applicant should have stable work history and basic math skills. Applicant should feel comfortable working with wood and woodworking machinery. Applicant Will be required to work with a tape measure and understand Feet-lnches-16ths. Benefits: Include APPLY IN PERSON EOE/MF Paid Vacation Retirement Plan Paid Holidays Health Insurance T R IM , INC. Bethel Church Road IMocksviile, NC Main Rd. 998-1727 leave m es­ sage, 3BR TRAILER FOR Rent, $400/ mo, 751-2304/751-5291 (night). 3BR, 1.5BA SINGLEWIDE, near Jockey. $400/mo. $400/deposit 284-4877 alter 5pm Mobile Home/Sale 111 ST TIME buyers program. No credit needed. Call lor Iree quail- lication by phone. HOME ZONE. (704) 857-0157. $157 PER MONTH. 3 Bedroom/ 2 Balh all appliances, lurnished. New heat pump. 767-4319 1997 14X76 VINYL siding, shingle rool, 3BR, 2Ba mobile hom e se t up in Farm ington Heights and ready to move in. Firsl m onlii's iot rent FREE. $14.900.00 Call 769-0755 or pager 208-3203 2 BEDROOMS, 2 Bath Single Wide. Excellent Condition, new siding, carpet 8 paint. Furniture Included. $14,500.00, Call Karen Maready 918-1122. 3BR, 2BA 1999 Skyline Shingle roof, vinyl siding, all appl. stay. $23.000, In Good Condition. 998- 0627. ?BAD CREDIT? With reason­ able deposit loan approved in m inules. Will do what others can'L 767-4319 WE SAY YES! ABANDONED HOME. 3 bed­ room. 2 bath. Will sell in place or move to your lot. Som e owner linancing. 336 661-1163 DOUBLEWIDE, 136 JO E Rd., Nice lot, 3BR, 2BA, Heat pump. Garden tub, Side-by-side, Refrig­ erator, Microwave, Dishwasher. 998-5816. FOR SALE! 12X24 stained deck- $600, 10x14 Building A roof- $800. 1998 14x70 Clayton Mo­ bile Home. No money down as­ sume payments. 336-284-2695. All must be moved. INVENTORY CLOSE OUT 2-80'X14' V/S Loaded - $32900 1-56'X28' Wilh Land-$92000 2-56"X28' - 3BR. 2„5 BA - $46900 2-64’X28' 3BR. 2.5BA • $52900 Bonanza MH 1-888-462-7806 Web sile www.skyline corp,com Call UsIII Repairing & Rebuilding Self-players, Sales & Service Wallace Barford 998-2789 Office Space FOR RENT-1,800 Sq, Ft, of Re­ tail or Oltice Space with ample parking on Railroad St, Call 751 - 0233, INDIVIDUAL OFFICES FOR lease, $225-3300 per month, Clemmons area. Call 766-8085, Pets BORDER COLLIE MIX Puppies. Free to good home. 998-0279. FREE GERMAN/AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD mix puppies, good homes only, 4F 3M. 492-7978, FREE KITTENS TO a Good Home, 492-6429, FURS-A-FLYIN Full Service Pet Grooming at Ihe "Red Wool Inn”, 940-DOGSor 909-1353. ging, Box Blading lor driveways, gravel, or landscaping, light loader work, (ield ripping, 6lt. trac­ tor tiller, posl holes 336-492-5174 before 9:00pm. WRINKLES IN YOUR Carpet? We'll re-stretch or new carpet In­ stallation. Free estim ates. (336)998-8402 MODULAR HOMES on your lot. Shipped direct- Save $$ For Iree literature, call 1-888- 889-6356. MORTGAGE COMPANY HAS SW ’S AND DW'S ALREADY SET UP ON ACREAGE. Pay $485 8 fees 8 move in. Call 1-800-750-4588. OWNER FINANCING AVAIL­ ABLE. 3 bedroom /2 bath home. 1800 sqft. 450 per month. R ea­ sonable Deposil 661-1163 YADKIN CO., nice large lots, sngl, 8 dbiwides. Cheap water, good neighborhood, ow ner fi­ nance. $11.900 and up. Brown Osborne 336-838-4590 OSBORNE ELECTRIC for all your eleclrical needs. Free Estimates. 751-3398, CLEMENT & SON LAWN SERVICE Mowing Weed Control Trimming Fertilizing Seeding Mulch Pine Needles Year Round Contracts 336-284-2037 336-909-1020 Call For Free Estimates SAVE BIGI ON in 8 out of state long distance. 336-998-1993. GARAGE DOORS METAL WOOD INSTALLATION • PARTS ACCESSORIES • SERVICE COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIALBobby Ginther (336) 751-2986 Mocksville. NC L o w e ^ -fa, LOWES FOODS is excited to announce Ihe opening of our newest store located on Highway fiOl iL Suite 25& Advance. NC 27006. Our store is scheduled to open Septem ber 18, 2002 and we are currently recruiting lor the lollowing lull and part time positions: CUSTOMER SERVICE CLERKS, CASHIERS, PRODUCE CLERKS, DELI/BAKERY CLERKS, MEAT CLERKS & CUTTERS OFFICE CLERKS, 3nl SHIFT STOCKERS, DSD RECEIVERS & SCANHERS, CAKE DECORATORS, SEAFOOD CLERKS We offer great wages, an excellent health benefits plan, opportunities lor advancement and a very supportive environment in which to work. If you enjoy the excitement & challenges of being part of a new store opening, this opportunity may be right for youl We will be accepting applications lieglnning Monday, August 12,2002 at the following location: Lowes Foods #205 Highway 801 N, Suite 258 Kinderton Place Shopping Center, Advance, NC 27006 (336) 940^103 M on-Frt-9aSp EOE M/F NEEDED. MUST Have transpor­ tation. Call Kevin 492-2804. Travel CONCRETE HELPER, TRAVEL req. Drivers license preferred. Call 284-4369, Mon.-Fri., 10am- 2pm for application. EOE CUSTODIAL FIRM SEEKING Male Janitor lor 3-11 pm shift at I- 40 R est Area in Davie County. Please call supervisor at 336- 940-5626 or 5627. ALL 4 U Travel Services oiler vacation packages to Las Vegas. D isney W orld. C arribean, Cruises, Cancún, International and Domestic Travel anywhere In the World. An alliliate of TPI. Con­ tact Harriet Schuler 336-284- 4747. HARRAH'S CHEROKEE CASINO TRIPS Frid-Nite Aug. 23rd $20pp Tues-Day Aug. 27lh $10pp Frid-Nite Sept, 6th $20pp Atlantic City Trip Aug. 30th $169pp E 2 Way Travel Local 998-4732 John & Evelyn Wyatt Rooms for Rent FURNISHED ROOM, REASON­ ABLE R ates, Call June 751- 0645,__________________________ Service PERFECT TOUCH CLEANING Service, Reasonable Rates. 998- 3533. ■MIKE'S PRESSURE WASH* vinyl siding and repairs decKS, patios, driveways and walkways, siding. 336-998-9588 336-909-1713 Insured - free estimate. FURS-A-FLYIN Full Service Pet Grooming at the "Red Wool inn”. 940-DOGSor 909-1353. HONEST, DEPENDABLE, AND CARING Chrislian woman will sit with elderly 1 st shilt. Short or long term assignment. Mocksville Vi­ cinity. Valid Driver's License and own transportation. Character relerences. Please call 336-751- 1122. Vehicles 1986 CAMARO Z28, needs body work/TLC. New tires 8 inspec­ tion, $800 OBO. 1985 Toyota Corolla FX. good mpg. plenty leg room 8 storage. $1.100 OBO. Day: 816-5517 Eve: 492-5293. 1986 FORD MUSTANG 5.0 Au­ tomatic one car owner. 492-7335. 1992 FORD AEROSTAR Van^ lull power, excellent condition. $3000. Call 492-6551. IN NEED OF a electrician, plumber or carpenter? Call T-t'l- T Services. Allordable Rates, Quality Guaranteed. Tim Dillard. 336-998-9101. LiNK^S SEAMLESS GUTTER­ ING Richard Link-Owner Free Estimates 998-1798 NEW IMAGE Painting 8 Remodeling, vinyl siding, decks, addilions, pressure washing. Over 20 yrs exp. Owner Danny Church. 336-751-4507 Mobile - 336-909-4062 1994 INFINITI J30, Great car, extra clean, 101K miles, $6,900. 751-9500. FOR SALE-'84 Toyovan-High M ileage-Damaged Lelt Front- $800.00 SALISBURY MOTOR CO. Buick - Dodge 700 W. Innes St.. Salisbury 704-636-1341 ■76 CHEV. 350 Scottsdale 10 hall ton pickup. Straight drive. Runs Good. 704-876-3236. ■78 CHEVY SHORTBED truck good molor needs body & trans­ mission work $1200. ■BO Chevy Astro Van good work van som e body damage $1200. 492-7203 leave message. Wanted ELDERLY LADY NEEDS live in Caregiver every olher week. Light Housekeeping and cooking. Ref­ erences required. Courtney area in Yadkin Counly. Call 998-3017. PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO LOOKING for models, all ages, male-female and twins. Call for an appointment. 336-998-3409 WANTED TO BUY, Old Coin's. Call 998-8692. Bud Hauser. EXP. CARPENTER FOR framing crew. 40-plushrs, weekly w/over­ time. Must be dependable. No drugs, no hot-heads. 336-467- 7061 or 336-998-7428. EXPERIENCED LEGAL SEC­ RETARY needed for small office. Varied responsibilities wilh com­ puter and language skills re­ quired. Compensallon depends on experience and job perfor­ m ance. Send resum es to: P.O. Box 996. Mocksville, NC 27028, FINANCE/CONTRACTS COOR­ DINATOR: MUST have the abil­ ity to perform multi-tasks, be at­ tentive to detail, present inlorma­ tion elleclively in writing and orally, and to work effectively with people Irom diverse b ack ­ grounds. Key responsibililies in­ clude analyzing budgets, creat­ ing/reviewing Financial Status Reports, training contractors on linancial responsibilities, collabo­ rating/blending lunds, seeking other granl opportunities, main­ taining all linancial records. Quail- llcatlons: Minimum requirement ol an Associate's Degree in Ac­ counting, Business Administra­ tion, related field or equivalent business experience. Preferred Bachelor's Degree in related lield or three years experience In non­ profit organization or Human Ser­ vices related lield. Must have good w orking know ledge of Microsoft Excel. Part time posi­ tion: minimum ol 20 hours/week. Hiring range: $10.00-12.00/ hourly. Call Davie County Part­ nership lor Children at 336-751- 2113 to receive an application or visit www.davlesmartstarl.org to print application and mail to 1205 Salisbury Rd., Mocksville, NC 27028. EOE. HEAD START TEACHER at Central Davie. Pay range $8.28- $10.09 DOE. Minimum require-^ m ents one year ECE Certilica- tion. Prefer AAin ECE. Benelits include BSBS insurance, life in­ surance, voluntary vision and dental, relirement plan, earned leave. 9 paid holidays per year, and professional developm ent opportunités. Call 336-367-7251 ext. 233 for more information. LAND-TEK G RoW bs Mainte­ nance Laborers & Supervisors, Pay DOE. 998-9340 for appt. LIFEGUARDS M n TeIT FOR The following shifts: M-F 6am- 8:30am and M-F 12:30pm - 3:30pm. Lifeguard and CPR/PR certifications required. Includes complimentary membership. Will train the right person. Please stop by the front desk and complete an appl. or call Lisa Kepley @ 751-9622. WANTED TO BUY: PINE OR HARDWOOD.yie select cut or clear cut. Shaver Wood Products 704-278-9291 night 704-278-4433 Or 828-430-8860 WANTING TO BUY standing lim­ ber pine and hardwood. 336-859- 2480. PART-TIME STABLE Help N eeded on Horse Farm in NE Davie Counly. Job A: 8am-noon M onday-Friday, Job B: Afterschool and 1 day per week­ end. Please apply in person at Thoroughbred Training Center, C ana Rd., Mocksville. 336-998- 5280. fvlon-Sal 9am-12noon or 4pm-5pm. A great work environ­ ment. w e r e - you above the competition in fact, you're eligible for up lo th re e p a y ra is e s your first yearl Our extensive training program providos you with Ihe skills you need to succeed, plus lets you decide whon you are ready for more pay/benofits and more responsibility. And that's Just ihe beginning. As a membor of our dynamic toam, you'll also benefit from tho following: 401K savings plan contribution ~ we'll match 25^0 of your contribution, up to 6% ol your salary (availablo aiter one year of sen/ice of at least 1000 hours, must bo at least 21 years of age. Modical prescription, denial, life and AD& D benefits (available aftor 120 days of employment, with at least a 32 hour/ week average) Employee assistance program. • Weekly paychecks • Flexible scheduling • Paid vacations • Employeo meal and gift discounts • Stock purchase plan (available to those at lest 21 years of age who have comploted 90 days of service) Wo aro Iruly commitlod lo your succoss os a dodicatod mombor ol our loam. At Crnckor Da'iol. wo lislon to whal you havo lo say nrxJ uso lhat loodback to mako positivo changos to your work orivlronmonl. What moro could you ask for?II you aro moiivatod and onihuslastic, with a passion lor customor sorvico. como In and soo aManagor lodayl We are currently looking lor: PART TIME HELP COME IN TODAY AND APPIY. WS ARE A N№>ACa>, FUN PIACE TO WOMC.W« gratoeUngforHlOH trM irgypM plcttMtlttfo woHchordandmdMMONEYIll 6 4 2 0 Sessions C f. C le m m o n s , N C E x it 1 8 4 ,1 -4 0 (3 3 6 )7 1 2 -9 8 8 0 CM Country stona We are an equal opportunity employer. f i S e n i o r S a t u r d a y s V ou’vi’ spent a lifetime caring fo r your ch ild re n , y o u r sp o u se and your career, now ils Your tin te to ta k e care of yoursc)/,- )5 ($75.00 Value) One hour Rélaxation Massage Foot Softening Treatment Paraffin Hand Treatment B e l l a M i a 998-1645 Inlcnccdon of 138 & 801 (behind Cllgo) Llccnsc <(2585. ni29, E238, M1543 BEN MYNATT DRIVEN. H o m e o f ß f G Ш КSAVIfiGSf GetTM August A Busy Time For Asian Mosquito Dry wealliiT isn't L'limigh m i;iiaranli.'c ihcrc won'l he mos- i|iiitocs,orthal there will not be cases of m osquito hom e ill­ nesses in Davie County. Joe Manilo I'rom the Davie C ounly Health D epartm ent's Environmental Health Section said that Auiiust is the month his office tiets tlie most calls con- cernint: mosiiiiitoes. "Aui;ust is when we typically get more rain.” Manilo said. "It's also when the Asian Tiger mosquiio is most active." The Asian Tiger is the most common mosquiio in this area. M onitoring potential m os­ quiio breeding grounds on your property am taking personal pre­ cautions 10 lim it exposure to mosquitoes is of particular sig­ nificance w ith the new s of deaths from the niosquito-bome West Nile virus. The virus has been detecle<l in 34 slates, including Norlh Carolina. Davie County does not have any confirm ed cases of Wesl Nile virus. Young children, ihc elderly or those with weakened immune systems are ;\1 high risk of de­ veloping com plications from Wesl Nile virus. West Nile's Hu-like symp- loms can evemually lead lo en­ cephalitis, a potenlially deadly disease in humans. Mosquitoes lhal feed on infected birds can spread West Nile virus to jieople. Those people in the high risk groups should lake particular caution to limil exposure lo mos­ quito biles. They, along with all residents, should wear long sleeves and long pants and mos- quilo repellanis containing DEET w hen outdoors. Activity during early morn­ ing and al dusk should be lim- ^ ited, as this is when mosquitoes are most active. The heallh departm enl re­ minds residents lo keep outdoor water containers like buckets, old lires or anim al drinking bow ls emptied or full of Iresh waler to keep mosquitoes from breeding. 1ч)г more information abmjt protecting yourself and eliminat­ ing mosquito-breeding areas on your property, ami learning more aboul Wesl N ile, log onto: nww.ili'h.i'iir.Mdii'.m.iisiitlipm liaiifslimhw.liini. Junker Heads Planning Bd. Clint Junker was elected lo serve as chairtnan of the Davie County Planning Hoard for the 2()0:-:iM)3 business year. Ed Vogler w as elccted as vice chair. Bolh men took over the new duties in the August meeting. Rabies Clinic On Aug. 24 .Л rabies clinic will he held al Davic Veterinary Clinic, 154 N. Salisbury St.. M ocksville. from X ;i.rn.-noon on Saturday. Aug. 24. N.C. law requires lhal all dogs and cats 4 monlhs of age and older be vaccinated for ra­ bies. All dogs and cats vacci- naled for Ihe first lime in 2001 should bc revaccinaled this year. All dogs and cats vaccinated in 1У99. should receive Ihe three- year booster shot. There will be a S.i fee for cach animal vaccinated. 1116 - DAVIK COUNTY KNTKRPliI.SK RKCORD, Лиц. 15, 2002 The Welch Fainily has been serving Davie Coimty since 1 9 9 9 . Our fonmr empkn/cci have joined us at our NEWfuuernl home in МоскшИс, VVi’ im'ite }/ou lo visit our staff of Davie Counti/ residents and tour our spacious пего facihti/ on South Main Street. Our St.iff. Fn'nt; (L-R) L'd Bo^or, I leather \N'oIcii, Cifuly CInibb. lohti Sliwh.\n. Hack: C:ait>;e W.iUimp, Jolinnit* Mellnrd, K. Scutt Wi'icb, Gr.ih.iin Hondrix. Welch Fiiiieral Home, Inc. j r L y ^ , Mocksville, NC • (336) 751-3725 Locall}/ Owned & Operated W h e r e I n t e g r it y M a t t e r s Э Bottom N ENt»MT S«««l e NitMTt Hêbooal S««« Just a mouse-click away... WWW. enterprise-record .com Demo Special 02 NISSAN ALTIMASE $23,926 Bear Disc -S I.959 "Sporty 3.5 v-6" CD Playii, Power Wlntlows i Locks. Alum Wheels & So Much Morel 0 2 NISSAN r n O N T I E R GREW CAB >'21,967 ® 3 . 9 % Retiate lor 60 Mos. '02NISSMIXTEIIIU ’5 0 0 ф 5 . 9 % Rebate |j, h jj. 02 NISSAN SINTRA 1 0 0 0 ® » . R lbilt S C y |.,|for 60 Mos. PRC'OMMEO S A U SarTRAGXE4 Ooof, Auie, CD. Crui*«. Powtr Window* 4 lock*. «ггезоА7,995 WNBSMImONIEHCftw Cab. V I. Local Tridl. f77704A46,995 »••"•■HI. •• *22,995 W fi;« Л i«u cf f.titrt Tu, T« i OOC itt ot J.’J9 00 e«tr**4 u « r<»» *4 O'! in Jtic» i;r,ri wn.’i iiCî'.ei ЦЯ P<to;ei i'« t;r Én МуштгPONTIAC • CMC • NISSAN 820 JANE AIHUNOER » П . I tAlISMIiy • 704-833-T210■im. S. B E N M Y N A T T O F S A L I S B O R V " 2 o o r m c u A M n a m GM SHmmer Drive 0 % - "Save Ttiousands ” O^FINANCING FOR 60 MONTHS! on Yukon & Yukon XL • Denali & Denali XL Envoy & Envoy XL • Sonomas & Safaris SienasO%36Mos, h9%48Mos, Z.9%60imos, ‘02 GMC Yukon XL ‘02 GMC SierraExt Cab Was 27,419 Bear Disc -2,932 Now Only '21,987 Running Boards, Sunroof, CD & Cass, Rear A/C, Rear Audio. Alum Wheels V-8, Automatic, Keyless Entry, P/W, P/L, CD Player, Tinted Glass & MOREII ^^Slierras 28 Yuhons 11 Envoys Ш М С W l ARI PROFESSIONAL QRADE Sun& ‘0 2 Sound Sunfire Was 16,835 Bear Disc ■ 1,037 How Only «12,798 Sunrool, Automatic, CO Player & More ‘02 GMC Sierra Was 19,504 Bear Disc -1,507 Bs!)ii.ii-_-.L5Q0 How Only 15,487 Automatic. A/C, Stereo Brand p"rhSE 5 2002 Trans Агл ‘02 Poiitîac 6гап11 AM DRIVING ExcmsAAiasn; SS^.ooH'^Rebate Was 21,815 - 3 ^ Bear Oise • 1,8: fhw M y w - '16,986 Was 20,515 Bear Disc -1,617 V-6, Automatic, Alum. Wheels. 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JE РОКПЛСВЛиЬ'АМ se" '1 4 ,9 9 5 •01 TOYOTA CAMRY LELike Naw, Füll Power, Save S *P2e "15,995 w j i f Л #1 г м- -----^ B M - W lÄ C r - G M C - — 62a I«HE Д1ЕИДМеЕВ Blwn. 5t M USBUHj?'7* ff^ fiJ !a L B r in g I t O n ! Big Sam Stovall And DHS War Eagles Open Season Friday At Alexander Central Special Football Section Inside cîftîr'ircr.VîTirs:: ÎW ÿ -' № ‘ j !' rt I r r . r ; * г . ^ r /- • ' c '■•'■-o ‘ 'Мб-''-' ^ i ' ш 'С : i » ' 'í •' < D A V IE C O U N T Y 1 E N T E R P R I/ E ^ E C O R D State’s Top Court O rders New Trial In M urder Hy .lackic Scnhull D a v ie C o u n ty E iito rp rise R ecord A n Ire d e ll m a n se n te n ce d to d e a lh I'or Ihe tm ird e ro f a lo ca l bii.si- nes.s o w n e r w ill ge l a ne w tria l a fte r h is sentence w as re vie w e d b y the N o rth C a ro lin a .Suprem e C o u rl. T h e new s o f the d e cisio n cam e this past F rid a y th a l Ja th iy a h A . A l- J u d i c i a l C a n d i d a t e W i t h d r a w s Mark Culler Cites Financial Concerns D is tric t C o u rt Ju d g e M a rk S. C u lle r o f D a v ie C o u n ty has a n ­ n o u n ce d th a t he is w ith d ra w in g liis re -e le c tio n b id . A ju d g e fo r the 2 2 n d Ju d icia l D is ­ tric t in c lu d in g D a v id s o n , D a v ie , Ire d e ll an d A le x a n d e r c o ijn tie s , he ^ is oppo.scd b y IWO n rN l-tim c c im d i- dates, C y n th ia B a rn h ill o f L e x in g ­ to n and A p ril W o o d o f T h o n ia s v ille . H e c ite d T inan cial co n ce rn s, and a n n o u n c e d h is d e c is io n a t a c a n d id a te ’s fo ru m last w e e k in A d ­ va nce . h a n d in g W o o d and B a rn h ill a sig n e d c o p y o f a ca m p a ig n poster. "W o o d an d B a rn h ill have b o lh ru n tru ly firs t-ra te ca m p a ig n s o v e r th e p a s l s e v e ra l m o n th s ,” C u lle r s a id . " T h e ir e ffo rts h a ve a ll b u t e ra d ica te d m y ad vantag e as an in ­ cu m b e n t. " I th in k I ’d have to spend aroun d $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 to w in . A lm o s t a ll o f lhat m o tle y w o u ld have to co m e o u t o f m y o w n p o cke t. T o be ho nest w ih yo u . I ’m ju s l n o t w illin g to spend th a l k in d o f m o n e y to stay o n the b e n ch .” C u lle r’s nam e w ill be on the b a l­ lo t fo r the S ept. 10 p rim a ry e le c tio n because the b o ard o f e le c tio n s ca n 't re m o ve a ca n d id a te ’s nam e otice the filin g p e rio d is closed. “ I ’ m n o t g o in g to ca m p a ig n any m o re a n d 1 h o p e th e p u b lic w ill k n o w to vo te fo r e ith e r M s. B a rn h ill o r M s . W o o d ,” C u lle r said. H e is g ra te fu l fo r the w o rk and e n ­ c o u ra g e m e n t fro m s u p p o rte rs . “ T h e y ’ve been great. I ’m sure som e p e o p le w ill be d isa p p o in te d b u l I Please Sec .lu d ic h il - I'ag e 4 B a y y in a h ’s, a k a T e rry D e n n is M o o re , g u ilty v e rd ic t fo r the s la y ­ in g o f S .W . B ro w n had been o v e r­ turn ed and he w o u ld be re trie d on the charges. A I-B a y y in a h w as c o n v ic te d b y a ju ry on Dec. 7, 1999 a fle r e vid e n ce w as sh ow n thal h e ’d gone in lo S .W . B ro w n ’s w ho lesale g ro ce ry store at 47.^ D ep ot St.. M o c k s v ille on M a rch 6. 199 8 and slabbed aiul ro b b e il the 7 1 -ye a r-o ld m an. B ro w n d ie d nine da ys la le r. M a rch 13. 1998. at B a p ­ tist H o s p ita l and a p a th o lo g ist le sti- fie d that the cause o f dealh w as fro m c o m p lic a tio n s fro m a stab w o u n d to the chest. S evera l w itn esse s te s tifie d they had seen A I-B a y y in a h near B ro w n 's store on the day o f llie sla b b in g . D u rin g the tria l the slate in tro ­ d u c e d th e te s tim o n y o f a n o th e r M o c k s v ille g ro c e ry s to re o w n e r, A le .x a n d e r S p liti. w h o ha d been robbed on tw o separate o cca ssio iis a p p ro x im a le ly o n e m o n th b e fo re B ro w n w as stabbed. A fle r the ro bbe ries S p lilt vie w e d a m u g shot b o o k w ilh se veral p h o ­ tos b u l w as u n a b le lo id e n tify his robber. A l-B a y y in a h 's ph oto was not in the m u g shot bo ok at th a l tim e. A fte r B ro w n 's stabbing S p litt w as c o n ia cle d tiy a s h e riff's tle p a rtm e n l ile te c iiv e and askeil to lo o k at a p h o ­ to g ra p h o f A I-B a y y in a h . S p lilt was o n ly s h o w n th e one p h o to o f A I- B a y y in a h and he id e n tille d h im as I’lease Sec S liife - Page 4 t / W a n n a B e A C o w b o y County G oes To M andatory W ater Conservation Kenneth Ray Tompkins, 5, and Bobby Joe Tompkins, 6, grandsons of Ricky Vaughn, watch practice at Diamond “V” Ranch where the junior rodeo will be held this week­ end. For a slory and more photographs, please turn to page D1. - Photo by Robin Fergusson W h e n yo u g o lo a re sta u ra n t in D a v ie C ou nty, d o n ’l e xp e ct w a te r to be serve d w iih y o u r m e a l - unless you request il. O n M o n d a y, c o u n ly c o m m is s io n ­ ers agreed to g o lo S tage 111 in the w a te r c o n s e rv a tio n o rd in a n c e , a m ode rate m a n d a to ry le v e l. W h ile D a v ie C o u n ty 's w a te r p la n ts o n Ihe Y a ilk in R iv e r a n d S ou lh Y ad kin R iv e r are h o ld in g th e ir o w n , flows in Ihose riv e rs c o n tin ­ ues to be re co rd e d at rc c o rd lo w s . A n d th e re 's n o im m e d ia te re lie f in sig h t. T h a t la ck o f re lie f is e.sp ecialfy hard o n S ta te s v ille , w h ic h e re cte d a tem p o ra ry dam o n the S o u th Y a d kin , fu rth e r lim itin g flo w to a m in im u m al C oo lee m ee, and on o th e r users o f b o th riv e rs d o w n s tre a m fro m D a v ie 's intakes. "W e 're g o in g to need a w o rk in g p a rtn e rsh ip , not ju s l w ith the loca l g o ve rn m e n ts, but w ilh ih e p e o p le ,” sa id c o u n ly c o m m is s io n e r, K e n W h ile . “ A s k a ll o f o u r fo lk s to e m ­ brace w a le r con.servation w h e re v e r th e y ca n. I t ’s s o m e th in g th a l can h e lp us lo n g te rm .'' "W e w e re h e lp e d b y the ra in s o v e r the w ee kend , b u l w e 're s till in a d ro u g h t,” said b o ard c h a ir, D an B a rre tt. D a v ie hasn’t seen a s ig n ific a n t re d u c tio n in w a le r use becau.se se v­ eral fa n n e rs are b u y in g c o u n ly w a ­ le r to feed th e ir liv e s to c k because creeks have gone d ry. W h ite said. T h e y asked w a te r syste m su per­ v is o r B ru ce P ra ll lo ke ep d a ily tabs on w a te r usage to .see if co n se rva ­ tio n m easures are svo rkin g . “ W e’re still a long w ay from being out ot the woods. W e’re asking citizens to be good stewards of w hat w e have.” ____________- Ken White T h e ne w ru le s lim it irrig a tio n to b e tw e e n 5 p .m . an d m id n ig h t on W e d n e s d a y s a n d S a tu rd a y s , an d lh a l’s o n ly i f necessary to ke ep ve g ­ e ta tio n a liv e . P ratt .said that lo his kn o w le d g e , n o g o lf courses use c o u n ly w a te r fo r irrig a tio n purposes. “ W e ’ re s lill a lo n g w a y s fro m b e in g o u t o f the w oo ds. W e ’re ask­ in g c itiz e n s lo be go od stew ards o f w ha t w e ha ve ,” W h ite said. “ I t ’s im p e ra tiv e th a t w e c o n ­ s e rv e ." said bo ard m e m b e r B o b b y K n ig h t. B o a rd m e m b e r M ic h a e l A lle n sa id D a v ie is a lo n g w a y fro m the 20 p e rce n i sta te w id e re d u c tio n in w a le r use ca lle d fo r b y the g o ve r­ nor. "R e so u rc e fu ln e s s is im p o rta n i.” A lle n said. "C a p tu re d ra in w a te r is im p e ra tiv e .” H e kn o w s one w 'om an w h o c a p tu re s w a te r fro m h e r a ir c o n d itio n e r fo r use on plants. In fo n n a tio n on w a te r co nse rva­ tio n w ill be .sent to each w a te r cus­ tom er. P ra ll sa id the C oo lee m ee and See W a te r - Page 8 C o u n ty B o a rd G e ts F irs t-H a n d L o o k A t D a v ie S c h o o l N e e d s By Kim .lusten D a v ie C o u n ty E n te rp rise R ecord C o u n ty c o m m is s io n e rs s p e n l M o n d a y , A u g . 19 v is itin g lo c a l .schools w ith re presen ta tive s Iro m th e b o a rd o f e d u ca lio n . “ T h e s e w e re th e s c h o o ls the schoo l b o ard w an ted us lo see,” said c o u n ty c o m m is s io n e r D an B a rre tt, o f M o c k s v ille and W illia m R . D avie e le m e n ta ry schools and S outh D avie M id d le S c h o o l. “ W e a s k e d th e sc h o o l b o a rd to id e n tify w hat they th o u g h t w ere c ritic a l needs.” T h e h ig h .school w as al.so one o f the to p needs, b u t due lo .scheduling c o u ld n o l be n t in to the v is its th is w ee k. T h e bo ard is try in g lo sch e d ­ ule v is iis lo the re m a in in g .schools, in c lu d in g th e h ig h s c h o o l, n e x t w eek. "T h e se are the sch o o ls that have the strongest needs,” sa id M a rle n e S ha m e l, bo ard o f e d u ca tio n ch a ir. "E v e n the students w o u ld re co g ­ nize the needs,” ::he said. Please See C ru m p e d - Page 4 Members of the board of education and counly commissioners look at the Mocksville Elementary gym in a tour of schools Monday. - Photo by Robin Fergusson 2 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Aug. 22, 2002 E d i t o r i a l P a g e G e o m e t r y S t u d y I n H i l l s d a l e G o e s I n C i r c l e s W e ca n n e v e r c a ll it “ T lie C o m e r” a g a in . H ills d a le tra d e d lh a t m o n ik e r ye a rs a « o fo r a tn o re s o p h is tic a te d n a m e . G e o m e try ha s re a re d ils u g ly he ad a g a in . N o w , i t ’s “ T lie C irc le .” F o r a g o o d tim e ih is w e e k e n d , ta k e y o u r date o r s ig n ifi­ ca n t o th e r to c ru is e th e n e w tra ffic c irc le in H ills d a le u n d e r c o n s tru c tio n at N .C . 801 a n d In te rs ta te 4 0 . O u r p h o n e s b u rn e d w ith o u tra g e d m o to ris ts last w e e k w h e n th e c irc le b e gan to la k e fo rm . T ra c to r tra ile r rig s h a d d iffic u lty n e g o tia tin g the c o n s tru c tio n . M o to ris ts w e re confu-sed. T ra ffic b a cke d u p , p a rtic u la rly o n the n o rth sid e o f th e in te rs ta te . W h a t w e re th e y th in k in g ? D e p a rtm e n t o f T ra n s p o rta tio n e n g in e e rs h a ve d e sig n e d th e c irc le to k e e p tra ffic m o v in g a cro ss th e n a rro w b rid g e . ^It w a s p ro m p te d b y th e n e w K in d e rto n s h o p p in g cc n tc r. In fa c t, D O T m a d e th e K in d e rto n d e v e lo p e rs p a y fo r the c irc le . O n e A d v a n c e w it e v e n sa id th e c irc le needed an a p p ro ­ p ria te n a m e — s o m e th in g F re n c h . Cirque de Hillsdale. O r W h e e l o f F o rtu n e . E liz a b e th W a lle r, 11, su g g e ste d a w a te r fo u n ta in in the m id d le o f th e c irc le to g iv e it m o re ap p e a l. O r a statue. T h e c irc le is te m p o ra ry — u n lil a w id e r b rid g e is b u ilt o v e r the in te rs ta te . A s b rid g e c o n s tru c tio n goes, lh a t c o u ld m a ke the c irc le a p e rm a n e n t fix tu re o f Ihe c o m m u ­ n ity . A n d so it g o e s ... a n d goes. H o w a b o u t “ M e rry G o H ills d a le ? " Hospital Visit W itn e sse s sa id he h e s ita te d a t the e n d o f th e d iv in g b o a rd , tu m e d , a n d ju m p e d to w a rd ... the e d g e o f th e p o o l. H e h it it — h is ch e st s c m b b in g th e co n c re te edge. M y .^-y e a r-o ld e m e rg e d w ith a n a sty ra s p b e rry a n d a d is tra u g h t m o th e r. I m e t th e m lo .serve as the e m e rg e n c y d riv e r. A t H ills d a le , I tu m e d ... w est. W e a rriv e d at D a v ie C o u n ty H o s p ita l at m a yb e 6:.'?0 p .m . a n d p a rk e d 3 0 fe e t fro m th e E m e rg e n c y R o o m d o o r. T h e c le rk to o k o u r in su ra n ce in fo rm a tio n im m e d ia te ly . W e sat in Ih e w a ilin g ro o m th re e m in u te s . A n d th e n w c s a w th e d o c to r. H e o rd e re d X -ra y s . T lio s e w e re d o n e q u ic k ly , a n d w e sa w th e d o c to r ye t a g a in . T h e d ia g n o s is : N o th in g b ro ke n . W e w e re Ih e re less Ih a n an h o u r. D id n ’t ha ve to p a y fo r p a rk in g . D id n 't h a ve to sp end the n ig h t in the w a itin g ro o m . W e s to p p e d at M ille r ’s R e s ta u ra n t fo r a p re s c rip tio n o f c o m d o g s a n d F re n c h frie s . M ic h a e l’s p a in seem ed to su b s id e w ith e v e ry b ite . H a d w e tu m e d east, w e c o u ld ha ve sp e n t the n ig h t at o n e o f th e M e g a H o .sp ita ls ... o r fin a lly c o m e h o m e in fru s tra tio n w ith o u t .seeing a d o c to r. D a v ie C o u n iy H o s p ita l has a ll th e b e lls a n d w h is tle s to h a n d le ro u tin e e m e rg e n c ie s . It is a sv o n d e rfu l re so u rce . Ils p h y s ic ia n s are firs t ra te . A n d w e b u ilt th e p la c e w ith o u r ta xe s. Y o u m ig h t w a n t to p u t a co m p a ss in y o u r c a r to d ire c t y o u th ro u g h y o u r n e x t e in e rg e n cy . — D w ig h t S p a rks D A V Ifi C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/^ECORD U SPS 149-160) 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 Published weekly by the Oavie Publishing Co. Dwight Sparks....................................Editor/Publisher Robin Fergusson...............................General Manager Mike Barnhardt...................................Managing Edilor Ray Tutterow.......................................Advertising Direclor Brian Pilts..............................................Sports Editor Tammy Kowalski.................................Circulation/Classified Mocktville EnterprlM Davie Record Cooleemee Journal 1916-1958 1899-1958 1901-1971 Periodicals Postage Paid in M ocksvillc. NC 27028 Sub.scriplion Rates Single Copy, 50 Cents S20 Per Year In N.C., S25 O utsiJc N.C. POSTM ASTER Send Address Changes to: Davie County Enterprise Rccord P.O. Box 99, M ocksville, NC 27028 3«<5CRJxT In T h e M a il... E n t e r t a i n m e n t S h o w c a s e A S u c c e s s To the editor: I would like lo lhank all those who participated in the Davlc Entertainment Showcase. It was a very succcssl^ul night of the arts. Wc had some wonderful pcrfonnanccs by local, very talented per­ formers, and excellent artwork donated by local and national artists for our art auction. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed a full spectrum of art experience unique to Davie County. This event was started several years ago lo raise money to re­ build the Brock Auditorium, and has become a shared event for the Mocksville Civitans and the Davie County Arts Council. It only occurs every two or thee years, but has become a great tradition for the county. If you missed Ihis one, walcli for it again in a couple of years. Senate Candidate Articulate To the editor: Debra Brt)vvn Groce is running for ,14th District N.C. Senate. A well-educated, aniculatc and hard-working lady.she will de­ liver on her promise for Ihc economy, a meaningful job al a livable wage. Oil Sept. 10, vote for the hest. Vote Debra Brown Groce. Dorothea Reynolds Ford W inston-Salem V o t e W h it a k e r : If It A i n ’t B r o k e , D o n ’t F ix To the edilor; 1 am usually not involved in politics. However, I have found my.self in the unique position of being able to closely observe sher­ iff departments in many areas o f our country over the past 25 ye.irs. I have known Sheriff Allen W hitaker as a deputy, detective and sheriff for 14 years. He is conscientious, honesl and has a deep sense of responsibility for the citizcns of Davie County. He is a consummate professional, and is proven to be a deft administrator. We, the citizcns of Davie County, are indeed very fortunate to have this man as our sheriff. 1 am reminded of something I heard my grandfather say many times, “If it ain’t broke, don’t try lo fix it." Sid Hart Advancc I would like to extend a special thanks lo Jane Simpson. Van Fagan, Kathy Ferebee and Hill Campbell, who worked very hard on the pcrfomiing end. And lo Ihc Civitans who provided Ihc re­ freshments and art work, especially Pam Curtiss, who has many friends in the art world willing to donate their hard work. The Arts Council is doing grcal work in our couiuy. and needs to be well supported. Our slalc has a strong conncction to the arts and it shows up in our schools and events. The Civitans do a lot for our community including scholarships, donations, food drives and much more. Thank you again for sup­ porting these fine organizalions. Ken Curtiss Mocksville E d it o r T e lls It L ik e It Is To the editor: My hats off lo Dwight Sparks and his editorial, lasl week. He tells it like it is. 1 couldn't have said il better m yself and I've been known to step on a few toes. Keep il up, Dw ight, you've got them on the ropes. Speaking of Ken Windley: He would answer your calls, that is more Ihan I can s;iy for sonic of the commisioners 1 know. Henry (Swede) Jurgcnsen Advancc L e t t e r s W e lc o m e d T h e E n te rp ris e R e co rd w e lco m e s le lte rs fro m its re ad­ ers. T h e le tte rs m a y be o n to p ic s o f lo c a l, stale, n a tio n a l o r in te rn a tio n a l issues. A n e ffo rt w ill ^ nrtade to p rin t a ll le tte rs, p ro v id e d they are n o t lib e lo u s , v u lg a r o r in p o o r taste. T h e e d ilo r reserves th e rig h t to e d it le tte rs fo r g ra m m a r un d fo r space. A ll le tte rs sh o u ld in c lu d c th e na m e and address o f the w rite r, in c lu d in g a sig n a tu re , A te lepho ne nu m b e r, n o t to be p u b lis h e d , is also requested. Please h a ve le tte rs in thé n e w sp a p e r o ffic e n o la te r than 4 p .in . M o n d a y o f th e w e e k lo be p u b lis h e d . D a v ie C o u n ty E n te rp ris e R e c o rd P.O . B o x , 9 9 , M o c k s v ille , o r e m a il lo ; e m e w s @ d a v ie -e n te rp rise .co m . G o t A n O p i n i o n ? Add your vote to our weekly online poll that asks queslions affecting you and Davie County. Log on at www.enterprise-record.com and click on reader's poll to cast your vote. Results will be listed here weekly. Should North Carolina have a lottery? Y C S 6 1 % ‘J , * *v:;i N o , 3 9 % b M ^ j Log on now to see our question and cast your vote. Is Davie County growing too fast? DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 22,2002 - 3 D r i v e n b y : T e r r y С о о К P O W E R IS T R O K E ^ -----------------ID IE S E L W h ile y o u ’r e h e re ... C h e c k O u t O u r C le a r a n c e o n E v e r y N e w & P r e -O w n e d V e h ic le ! U p T o $ 9 , 0 0 0 O F F C o m e S e e I t ! O n A u g u s t 3 0 t h 8 a m - 3 p m 0 % o r g e t D o n ’ t M i s s T h i s ! ! F R E E C a p s t o t h e F i r s t 1 5 0 V i s i t o r s ! u p t o 6 0 m o s . B u y A m e r ic a n . . . B u y F o r d ... “ B u y A L L A M E R IC A N F O R D ’ FO RD MERCURY StAtaavl»« I* ^ 1-^0 ^ I Wnilon-S«<«m i |.40 AU- A AMUlCAN'i^ FOID ^иисиит j ■ Mocksvillo Just off 1-40 Exit 170, Hwy. 601 • Mocksville, NC(336) 751-2161 Check us out at asrfO K l.CO m ■ O.A.C., Sslect Modals, Includes all rebates and Incentives assigned to dealer. 4 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 22,2002 Commissioners and schoo! board members squeeze inlo the Mocksville Elementary cafeteria, the most crowded in the school system. - Photo by Robin Fergusson C r a m p e d A n d I n T r a i l e r s Commissioners Get First-Hand Look At School Overcrowding Conlinued From Pago I Al William R. Davic, for in- sl.ince, some students spend ull day in mobile classrooms. The same is true at Shady Grove. Seven additional mobile units were brought in this summer, bringing thc county total to 35. U ntil this year. W illiam R. Davie had the most mobile units at eight; now the high school has 10. However, William R. Davic - remains the smallest school Ofi2 sludents) with the greatest num- Iw rof mobile unils. Mobile units remain a secu­ rity issue. Whenever a student needs lo use the bathroom, they have to e.xit Ihe build in g , Shamel said. It's always a se­ curity problem. The students have to leave ihcir classroom, and walk outside to anolher building for rest rooms, she said. Mocksville Elementary cams the title of busiest cafeteria, ll has Ihe smallest cafeteria in the school district, serving ihe larg­ est number of students (based on size). W hen the school was buill. il was meant to house kin- ilergarlen ihrough Ihird grades. Now il houses kindergarten Ihrough fiflh. Tlie visit came oul of Ihe sug­ gestion made by conmiissioner Ken While thal thc board should visit Ihe schools before Ihey be­ gan talks abi)ut the school bond referendum. White visited all the schools while a member of the school facility task force lasl year. M ichael Allen, Dan Barrett, B obby K night and R ichard Poindexter were all on hand for Ihe visits. A lso presenl were school board mem bers M arty C arter, David O w ens, Luther Potts, Debbie Pullen, M arlene Shamel Davie Couniy Schools superimendenl Dub Polls, assis­ tant su p erin len d cn l Van Johnson, and interim county manager Jim Stockert. Barrett thinks the next slep in Ihe bond prcKcss would be the com m issioners review ing ihc pro|H)saIs made by the task forcc and the school board, to look at differences. The m ajor differ­ ence he noted was the task forcc delayed putting a high school on thc first ballot, nic schmil board opted lo have voters vole t>n thc high school in this bond pack­ age, although funds would not be used for several years. N ext he suggested they needed to review w hat the county could afford lo spcnil. “There's no reason to pul on Ihc ballot som ething wc can'l affoid," Barrett said. "We need to make sure w c have thc money lo pay for it." Barrett thinks when thc local governnient council reviewed Davie Couniy for a bond and de­ lermined whal the county could afford, il was before the slale staned withholding funding. It’s possible lhal the counlys bond rating could change wilhoul ihe stale funds. ! le would also like additional public inpul. The board is Icntalively look­ ing al Ihe bond going before vot­ ers in March, whicli means Ihe commissioners need lo vole on il in Oclober. Thc com m issioners asked questions regarding how changes and im provem ents could be made. Al MiKksvillc Elementary, for instance, a new gymnasium could Ik- buill at Ihe back of Ihc school, allowing for Ihe currenl gym to be turned into additional classroom space. Tlie courtyard iicM to the cat'cleria could iK'Comc additional cafctc- ria spacc. " The trip confirm s for me lhat Ihc needs the school board and task force gave us are real." RarreU said. "We got lo see first­ hand their concerns. I wish ev­ eryone in thc couniy could see what we saw. 1 would love for people to be in thc art room |at Cooleemee] when people are in the gymnasium. U's loud." The art room is one of the class­ rooms located on the lloor he- iiealh Ihc gym. What Ihey saw were chiss- rooms lhal aren't fully self-con­ tained. making leachcrs com- |icle to be heard over the noise of other classes. Single-wide mobile units where you can't al­ ways see the blackboard. And cafeterias and gymnasiums that don’l meet the needs of today’s student population, school board members said. "W e spent four lo live hours loday visiting William R. Davie, M ocksvillc, C ooleem ee, and South Davic." said Allen, "W hal I saw ttxiay. Ihe needs are ex­ tremely important. Il's a totally differeni picture when you go oul and actually visil those needs for yourself. There are critical needs out there for the facilities wc saw loday." Hobby Knight agreed. "I would agree with Com ­ missioner Allen lhal after visit­ ing those schools today, and see­ ing firsthand, the crow ding, there are real needs, and needs we need lo address." lie weni on to stress that by working wilh Ihe school board, their dialogs would aid in presenling an af- fordable bond lo voters this spring. C en ter UMC P r e s c h o o l Call: 33&4925735 336-9403753 Judicial Candidate Withdraws From Race Continued From Page 1 certainly want them lo know how much I ap­ preciate their hard work in electing me in 19‘AS and working on my campaign this year." Culler will continue to serve as a judge un­ til his tenn of officc expires, the first week of December. "People keep asking me whal I'll do after December. It is likely lhal 1 will go back inlo the privale practice of law in M ocksville," he said. "Then again, other opportunities might present themselves. I've gol .several months to think about it."Culler S t a t e C o u r t O r d e r s R e t r ia l F o r M a n C o n v i c t e d O f M u r d e r Continued From Page I the man who had robbed his slore on tw o previous occassions. The defense m otioned to keep Splilt's testimony out of Ihe trial but Ihc rci|ucst wus de­ nied.Thc defense argued Splilt's testim ony was irrelevant and was used lo unfairly prove bad character. Rule -)()4 of Ihe North Caro­ lina Rules of Evidence says evi­ dence of other crimes, wrongs, or acts is nol admi.ssiblcio prove Ihc character of a person. The basis is lhal introducing olher crimes during a trial will per- suaile jurors and cau.se them lo prejudge som eone wilh a bad rccord and deny Ihem the fair opportunity to be defended againsi a present charge. Evi­ dence of a prior bad act is ad­ m issible under Rule 404 if il shows subslamial eviilencc lhat the defendeni commilted a sim i­ lar act. In A l-B ayyinah's case the tw o S plitt robb eries w ere deemed totally different lo Ihe robbery and m urder of S.W. Brown and should have never been introduced inlo the trial's Al-Hiiyyinah testimony, according lo a wril- Icn opinion from the stale's top courl. In addition to Ihis it was de­ lerm ined lhal a single-photo­ graph id en tificatio n o f A l- Bayyinah was unfair and a line­ up of several photos should have been shown to Splitt. D avie D istrict A ttorney Garry Frank said thc new trial dale woulil be sel as soon as possible bul was unable to give any I'urlher inform ation on a time frame. "I don't agree with Ihe opin­ ion," Frank said concerning Ihe verdict reversal. "I'm disap­ pointed for the family's sake." i c a y ' s TREE SERVICE A 336-492-2944 TOLL FREE 1-866-896-7711 free Estimates • fully Insured • Serving forsyih 8 Davie Couniy Selective Trimming & Pruning * Tree Removal Stump Grinding • Storm Damage • Hazardous Removal Lot Clearing - Trained Arborist (Complete Clean Up| Q t B a n k o f The C a r o l i n a s ★ ★ Invites You To ★★ tomerAppiwiationDa) August 30,2002 • 10:30 AJVI. - 2:30 RM. a t the MocksviUe O ffice, 135 Boxivood V illage Drive MEMBERFDM S h e r i f f A l l e n W h i t a k e r Contìnue The Progress JJ I.-K: |oL7 Ktynold.s (D.A.R.I;. Oliiccr), Sheriff Allen Wliitaker, School Uesourcc Officer Scoli Kimel (Davie Couniy High) and School Iic.source GITiccr llrian lacobs (Nonh and South D.wie Middle .Schools) I appiedate your continued support toward my third term as sheriff. — Paid For by Sheriff Alien Whitaker — s m D is tric t C o u rt IMVIE COUNT Y ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 22, 2002 - 5 The following cases were dis­ posed of in Davic District Court Aug. 15. Prcsidinji was Jvulge Lynn S. Gullett. Prosecuting were Kevin Hcale ami Shawn Hraley. assistant district attorneys. - Bryan Keith Call, recklcss driving to cmlangcr. conlrib\i\ing to the dclinijuency of a juvenile, dis­ missed per plea; felony breaking and entering, reduced to misde­ meanor breaking and entering, felony larccny after breaking/emer- ing, rcduced to misdemeanor lar­ ceny after breaking/entering, sen­ tenced to 43 days in jail suspended 24 months. S2()() restitution to I’aul Cudd, SH)() and cost. - Elton Lee Campbell, speeding fi6 in a 45. prayer forjudgment con­ tinued on cost. - Susan Marie Cobh, speeding 85 in a 70, reduced to improper eijuipment, .S25 and cost. - Sctb Correll, speeding 80 in a 70, rcduced to 74-70, S li) and cosl. - Gregory Alan Co\, possession of marijuana up to one-half ounce, prayer for judgment continued on cosl. substance abuse assessment, S I30 attorney fee: possession of drug paraphernalia, dismissed per plea. - A blvy Marie Davis, possession of marijuana up lo one-lv.df ounce, dismissed per plea; pos^ession of drug parapliernalia, prayer for judg­ menl coiitinueil on cost, subNtancc abuse assessmen. - Daniel Kay DonaiiKun, speeil- ing 72 id a 45. rcduccd lo 54 in a 45,510 and cost. - Jessica Lynn Hckert. speeding 97 in a 70. reduccd to 79-70, SIO and cost. - Jason Lee Finlay, speeding 71 in a 55, reduced to improper equip­ ment, S50 and cosl; expired inspec­ tion sticker, ilismissed per plea. - Hill 1-leming, assault on a fe­ male, dismissed at reijuest of pros­ ecuting witness. - Uramli Micbel î-leming. driv­ ing while license revoked, conmiu- nicating threats, resisting officer, dismissed per plea; felony posses­ sion of stolen goods, reduccd to n\isdenK*anor possession of stolen goods, sentenced to *^5 day.s in jail suspended 5 years, house arrest, mental hcallh assessment, counsel­ ing. fam ily services treatment, S5H3.56 resiiluiion lo Kalbryn McDaniels, $325 attorney, cost; felony larccny of vchicic, reduceil to misdemeanor tampering wilh vchicle. sentenced to .10 days In jail suspended 5years al expiration of above sentence. - Karen Davis Pleming, assault tm a female, dismissed at reijuesi of prosecuting witness. - Millie Martin roster, speeding i)0 in a 45, reduccd to improper ci)ui)mient, cost; failure to wear seal helt - driver, S25. - I->ica Dawn l-oster. speeding 97 In a 70, reduced to 79-70, SIO and cost. - Jerry NVayne Hager, D W l. sen* icnced lo b months suspended 24 months, substance abuse assess­ ment, 72 hours comnumlty ser\'lce, surrender dlicensc and not operate vehicle until licensed. S300 and cosl; lailure lo yield at stop sign/red light, dismissed per plea. - Linda I lancock, larceny of dog. dismissed, insufficient evidence. - Lam ar Antonio Harrison, speeding 91 in a 70, redviced lo 79 in a 70. SIO and cost. - Brian Matthew’ Hedrick, mak­ ing false report to police, sentenced to 45 days in jail suspended 24 months. 24 hours comtmmily ser­ vice, S50 and cosl. - Ai|uillno M. Hernande/.sjiced- ing Sb in a 70, reduced to improper eiiuipment, .S50 and cost. - Sievcn M. nicks, driving while license revoked, dismissed per cor­ rection. - George ilomnie. speeding XO in a 70, reduced to iniproper eiiuip­ ment, cost; expired registration, dis­ niissed per plea. - Mary Jo Hood, posscssioti of marijuana up to one-half ounce, possession of drug jiaraphernalia. sentenced to 45 days in ¡all sus­ pended 24 ntonths, substance abuse assessmeni. SlOO and cosi, conlra- band ordercil destroyed; possession of drug parapliertialia. sentenced to 45 days in jail suspended 24 monlhs at expiration of other sentence. - Uichm ond K y e i-T u Jour, speeding X7 in a 70, reduced to im­ proper eijuipment, SIO and cosl. - Traci Alease K ing, driving while liccnse revoked, reduced to improper cijuipnient. .$60 and cost. - Jonathan Free Kitchcn, speed­ ing X4 in a 70. reduced to improper equipmenl. cost. - Bradley Shane Lcazer, speed­ ing 60 in a 45, reduced to improper eiiuipment, cost. - Mark Adrian Myers, felony breaking or entering a vchicic. re­ duced to misdemeanor tampering with a vehicle, sentenced to 60 days In jail suspended 5 years, not go on property of Jerry Ratledge, S200 and cosl, iranslcrred lo Iredell Couniy: misdemeanor larceny, scn- lenced to I 20 days suspended 5 years at expirallon of above sen­ tence: driving while license re- vokett, failure lo slop al slop sign/ a*d light, no insurance, window tim­ ing violation, expired inspection, improper registration, dismissed j)cr plea. - Derrick U. Peltiford, speeding 5.^ In a .15. driving while license re­ voked. failure to wear seal bell, dis­ missed per plea; driving while li­ cense revoked, sentenced to 120 days suspended 24 months. 24 hours in jail, not operate vehicle until licensed, S250 and cosl. - George J. Polosnak, failure to yield, dismissed per civil settle­ ment. - Nancy Thom as Robinson, D W l, senlenced lo 60 days in jail sus|)cnded 2 years, follow recom­ mendations of substance abuse as­ sessment. surrender license and nol operate vehicle until licensed, 24 hours community service. .S360 at­ torney fee, S 100 and cosl. ApjKaled. - Todd Wayne Smith, contribul- ing to the delinquency of a juvenile, .sentenced to 17 days in jail wilh credit for lime sen'cd. - Paul Lincoln Slewart, second dega’c trespass, prayer for judgmenl continued on cosl, $65 altomey fee; possession of marijuana up lo one- half ounce, dismissed per plea. - David Clinton Stranoy, worth­ less check, dismissed per civil setllemenl. - Ricardo Thomas. 11!. speeding K3 In a 70, reduced to improper equipmenl. cost, -C a rl Brem Tidwell. D W l. sen­ lenced lo 12 nu>nlhs suspended 24 months. 7 days in jail, substance abuse assessmeni. .surrender license and not operate vehicle until li­ censed, S228 attorney fee, S400 and cosi; possession of open conlaitier/ consimiing alcohol in passenger area, dismissed per plea. - Stephen Brent Walker, no reg­ istration, Iw’o counls no license, possession of l>eer not 19/20, resisl­ ing olficer. dismissed per plea; pos­ session of drug paraphernalia, felony possession niarijuana, re­ duced to misdemeanor possession of marijuana, prayer for judgment continued one year on cost, sub­ stance abuse assessment, nol violate any laws, review in one year. - Ronald Dean Weaver, speed­ ing 7 1 in a 55. no license, dismis.sed * case loo old. - Eric Stephen Whiiaker, assaull on a female, sentenced to 150 days .suspended 5 years, 6 monlhs inten­ sive probation, submit lo warrani- less searches for drugs, alcohol, not possess or use any Illegal controlled subsianccs or alcohol, continue counseling for substance abuse, en­ roll in domestic violence program, not assault or harass prosecuiing wiiness, S50, cosl; possession of drug paraphemalia, dismissed per plea. - Portia Joelelt Wilson, misde­ meanor probation violalion, sen­ tenced to 120 ilays In pri.son. D A R T program recommended; possession of drug paraphernalia, sentenced to 120 days in prison at expiration ot above sentence. - Wesley Leigh Wise, speeding 92 in a 70, reduced to 74-70, SIO and cost. Failed To /\ppenr - Jason Thomas Craver. misde­ meanor possession marijuana. • Sharon Diana Ingram, misde­ meanor larceny. - Darris Amhony Knox. D W l. - Hitendrakumar R. Patel, fail­ ure to lieed lighl or siren, exceed­ ing safe speed, follow ing loo closely. • Julius A. Rodriquez, speeding 98 in a 70. expired registration, ex­ pired inspection, no insurance. - Louise A . Sherrill. D W l, driv­ ing while license revoked. M a n G u i l t y O f C h i l d A b u s e A f t e r I n f a n t L e f t A l o n e By lluth Cassidy Davie County Enterprise Rccord A Davie man who left his infant son alone at home was found guilty of m isdem eanor child abuse in Davie District Courl last week. D onnie Jam es. 2,‘i, of 16‘) Legion Ilut Road, was charged alter a neighbor alerted Ihe Coolcemee Police Department lhal Jam es' son was alone in his mobile home on January -S of this ■ year. K athy O 'N eal said Jam es lives behind her, and on January .“i. he came to her house to ask her boyfriend to take him lo the store, saying he woukl he right back. O'Neal said ihey relumed four hours later. Although she asked James if he wanted to leave the infant, who was aboul 10 months oUl al Ihe time, al her house while Ihey were gone, she said James said thc child woukl be fine and lhal his olhcr Iwo children were slay­ ing with Ihcir grandmother. "ll was cold thal nighl and from my knowledge, his mobile home was heated was wilh kero­ sene because Ihc heater didn'l work righl. I was concerned about Ihe child, but 1 had a bro­ ken shoulder and couldn't go ihcre. because I would have had lo cross a barbed wire fence to gel there," said O'N eal. "I've seen a m obile home blow up before, and I know how kerosene can explode. I was ter­ rified for Ihe baby." On cross examination. James' allorney. Rob Raisbeck, asked O 'N eal whal lim e Jam es lefl wilh her boyfriend. She said she Ihought around 7 or X p.m.. and lhat it was at leasl 11.30 or so before they gol back. Her boy­ friend later told her they'd gone lo Clemmons, she said. She also said she had had two or Ihree beers lhal day. Olficer Billy Phillips, of the Cooleemee Police Deparlmeiu, said after being called by O 'N eal, he arrived at Janies' m obile home at 2;0 I a.m. aiul wailed until 2:41 before he went inside. Before he went in. he said. "I could see the child in a Onesic with no blanket on, and I could hear him screaming and crying." Phillips said il was around 2.“i or .^0 degrees lhal nighl. After he entered Ihc mobile home, he saw a portable kero­ sene heater in ibe living room, two rooms away from Ihe child. Thai heater, he said, was Ihe only source of heat, and before leav­ ing, he had to use a pair of vise grips to lum il off, because il was "malfunctioning," When James was i|uestioned. he said Ihc heater was working line, and Ihe leason il had to be turned off wilh vise grips was because he had rem oved the knob, so none of the children could lurn il up or down. Phillips testified Janies had an odor of alcohol on his breath when he spoke w ith him. and two alco-sensor tests revealed an al­ cohol contení of .06 and .07. just under Ihe legal level for impair­ ment. Raisbeck poinleil out Ihe dis­ crepancy in Ihe leslimony aboul Ihe amount of lime Janies was gone, anywhere from Ihree and a half hours lo seven hours, anil said for Jam es lo have been charged with child abuse, one of three condilions would have to be met. One, lhat he had inflicted physical injury, two, lhat he had allowed physical injury lo be in- fiicted, or three, that he had cre­ ated or allowed substantial risk of physical injury. Raisbeck said if James was convicted, Ihere were "alot of people who were going lo be convicled," saying even the par­ ent who failed to hold the hand of a child crossing a busy street would have to be convicled. A ssistant fJislrict Allorney Shawn Fraley said, "W e're lalk- ing aboul a child being lefl al home, wilh a heater Iwo rooms away, and it's 2.“! degrees oulside, and he has alcohol on his breath when be comes home. He has clearly created a substantial risk." James leslified he wasn't feel­ ing well on January .“i. and had sent his two other children, aged seven and four, with his mother lhal nighl. I le laler decided he couldn't care for the infanl eilher and wanted to get a ride to his m olhcr's, and lhal is why he asked O 'N eal’s boyfriend for a ride. fie said O ’Neal and her boy­ friend "gol in an argument bc- cau.se she’d been drinking real heavy, so I said never mind. I’ll just go lo Pmilt’s house down the street and see if I can get a ride." James said he knocked on the neighbor’s door, and afler nol getting an answer, slarled walk­ ing back home, and lhal is w hen he saw ihe police car al his house. W hen he walked in, he said, Phillips was coming ihrough the mobile home, carrying Jam es’ child. James said when he left the house, the child was asleep wiih a blankel on him and Ihe lem- peralure insiile was belween 7.“) and HO degrees. Fraley said James has .several prior convictions, including as­ saull on a female and assault on a govenuiieni official. James said his wife had been in prison bul was oul now. Raisbeck said he had lo i|ues- lion O ’Neal’s credibility because she had been drinking that evening. "E ven the slates' w iiness (O 'N eall is making confiicting statem en ts about the lim e fram e," he said. "Mr. James was seeking assisiance for ihe care of that child. He was not abusing lhal child. No hann was done to thal child.” Judge G ullcll said she be­ lieved the child had been left alone at least 4.“! minutes, provid­ ing substantial risk lo it. She sen­ tenced Jam es lo 120 days in prison, suspended for five years supervised probation. He is to follow all rulings from juvenile court and adhere lo the recom­ mendations from the Departmenl ofSocial Services, which has had cuslody of Ihe children foraboul Ihe lasl cighi monlhs. I le is lo enroll in and com­ plete parenting classes and pay a fine of S.'iO and courl cosls. W o m a n C o n v i c t e d O f M a k i n g F a l s e R e p o r t O f R a p e By Beth Cas.sidy Davie Couniy Enterprise Recoril A Davie Couniy woman was convicled last week for making a fal.se report lo Ihe police sla­ lion, stemming from an alleged assaull in May. According lo evidence pre- senled during D avie D istrict Court Aug. 1.“), Evodia Cortes- R odrigues, 22, o f I I I C ana Road, reponed lo the sheriff’s dcparlmenl lhal she had been a viclim of burglary and rape on M ay 1.1, naming a co-w orker from W.G. W hite as the guilty parly. Corles-Rodrigues speaks no English. The co-worker, who is also a neighbor of Corles-Rodrigues and her husbanil, was charged and jailed for a shorl period of time. Sheriff’s Detective Roberl Trotter said he began hearing some com m enis around town lhal Ihe neighbor w asn’t guilty, so he went back lo C orles- R odrigues’ house and inlcr- vicwed her again. She changed her story and lold Trotter she had had an ex­ tramarital affair wilh the neigh­ bor, and when her husband was about lo find oul, she made up Ihe slory lo protect herself A boul a m onth laler, the neighbor attacked C orles- Rodrigues’ husband. Corles-Rodrigues’ attorney, Ed Vogler Jr., said the incident look place in the house, while anolher couple was there, and thal C orles-R odrigues was "som ew hat confused with Ihe firsl interpreter, and during the second interview , said she w asn’t aclually raped." Vogler said there was a prob­ lem with language and cultural b arriers, adding C orles- Rodrigues was "embarrassed lo be here." She was in Ihe court­ room wilh her husband. Judge Lynn S. Gullcll told C orles-R odrigues, "1 have a niiijor problem when someone can make up som elhing, and someone is sent lo jail because of it. This is a serious matter." Gullett asked Trotter lo find oul how much lime was spent on the case and at whal cost lo the departmenl and said she wanted some lime to ihink about il. Aboul .10 minutes laler, Trot­ ter relurned and lold Gullcll lhal seven hours were speni on Ihe ease, al a cosl of S I23.97. G ullcll senlenced C orles- Rodrigues to 30 days in jail sus­ pended for 12 m onlhs unsuper- vised probalion. She is lo pay restilulion of .$123.97 lo Ihe sheriff’s dcparlmenl, perform 24 hours com m unity service and pay courl cosls. S 2 S 0 O F F A L L Q U A D Ш В M I I S О Г * 1 2 S 0 O F F P l u s S . 9 % F o r C O m o n t l i s 2002 RAM QUAD CAB 1500 ST 4-Df, 4.7 Moonum V-a. 5-Spood. MD in «IauihI AM/FM cats.. 5000 lb. Thiilor Tow Phg., 9V#/niO. (Odown) 40/20/40 Spni Seal. 7265/70ni7 Tiro».•13.9% for 60 moi. styio.isiooiwt.eoii. 2002 RAM QUAD CAB 1500 4x4 SLT *29,335 -5,250 S" «23,988 4Df,4.7, Automallc. Powor Windows, o r Power Ooof Lockl. Till, Cnjiso, AM/FM | 9 I cass.. SODO Ib Trollof Tow PkQ,. Cast■ 0 /# /RIO. (0 down) Aluminum Whools. 40/20/40 Split Soat, Ut 3.9% for 60 moi, Mlmv.. 1 2002 RAM 1500 REGULAR CAB ‘ 1 3 ,9 8 8 — m B S im9 MJ W ML VO, 5'spood, HD Manual Tmnsmlsslon. Air Conditioning, AM/FM Cassotto, fiOOO LB Traitor Tow Pkg., 40/20/40 Spill Soat, 726S/70R17 Tiros. Styiod StQCl WhOQlS. 2002 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN 2002 JEEP LIBERTY 4X4 12002 CHRYSLER CONCORDE LX0.0% FOR 60 MONTHS 3.9% FOR 60 MONTHS 0.0% FOR 60 MONTHS *24,988“ !!^ |в к Г" /МШ CD. evo PuO Down So*«n 1 PUytf Pkrt 2 Wrttoti H«adphon*i. Powtr Wndowi, Pow« Ooot UxU, T«.CnjiM. 13 V-«. *60 ПЧ)П№«, 0 down, pU tw. tofl 41«*. 47,988 «329/l..< I g y i ve, 5 Spoed. A/C, AM/FM Caseette, , *6Q Month«, 0 Down, Plua tax, tag & teos. ' *22,588 or S20,see w/$2000 Róbate, 2.7 V6. Powor Windows, Powor Door Lock», TWt, Cmlw, Po'HW Seat, Koyi*»» EnUy. AMff M/CO Ptayer. All prices plus tax. tag i fees. Prices reflect rebate 751-5948 1-888-469-3781 157 Depot Street, Mocksville, NC IN BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN MOCKSVILLE 6 . DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISK RECORD, Aug. 22. 2002 P u b l i c R e c o r d s L a n d T r a n s fe r s The following land iransfcrs were filed with the Davie Register of Dced4. listed by parties involved, acreage, township and deed stamps purchased, with S2 representing SI.ООО. • John f*aul Tulterow' Jr. and Nancy Tutterow. and Ntary Ann Tullerow Carter ami Edsvard Carter, heirs of John Paul Tulterow Sr. to John Paul Tutterow Jr. and Nancy Tutterow. 1.49 acres. Jerusalem. - Tlie Trillium Residential Sys­ tems to Double T Enleфгiscч, 2.41 acrcs, MtKksville. • George L. Foster and Ruth Green Foster to David G. Mayhew Jr.. I lot, Jcru\alem. SK4. • Kenneth D . Durham and Cynthia D. Durham to Vinccnt E. M a r r ia g e s Marino and Debra L. Prcsssvood. I lot, Mocksville. S292. - Mulvancy Homes to Glenn F. Price 111 and Melissa H. Price. I lot. Farmington. S290. • Wcxtvicw Development and Taittingcr Development lo William S. Crew's ami Belinda H. Crews, 1 lot. Shady Grove. $51. - Loui'c S. Pierce to Ralph Ed­ ward Sprinkle II and Freddie Ann Sprinkle, 2 acres. Fannington. $40. -Jerry \V. Kerley and Marie L. Kerley to Ronald Stroupe and Pennv Stroupe. 1 lot. MtKksville. S236! • Hansford L. Nichols and Sharon H. Nichols to Hansford L. Nichols. I acre. Clarksville. - Ronald G . Burton and Nell Burton toAlben Gene Tkach and Donna Burton Shore Tkach. .22 acre. Shady Grove. - Lucy Ford Phelps to Albert G. Tkachand Donna B. Tkach. 2.23 acres. Shady Grove. S42. -The Ward Group to Felix (Neil) H. Shaw and niartha J. Shaw Fam­ ily Trust, I lot, Clarksville, S2fiO. - Bernice S. Hinkle lo Charles Addison Wood, X75 acres. Fulton. - Bernice S. Hinkle (2rf inter­ est) toGarry Dean Livengood. acres. Fulton. - George W. Marlin and Brook W. Martin to Martin Lee Barlnir and Dreama Barber, 2 tracts. Mocks­ ville. S46. -Samna/, Inc. lo Thom as II. Hamilton Jr. and Am v J. Hamilton. 1 lot. Shady Grove. - William A . Bailey and Cailie B. Terry, trustees under w ill of W^A.Bailey to William A. Bailey and Cailie B. Terry. acres. Shaily Grove. -Th e Chase Manhattan Bank as trustee to David F. and Ana M. Henumde/, 1 lot. Mocksville.SlOO. - Donald G . Darnell and Mary L. Darnell to Bradley Lee Darnell, 1 tract. Jenisalem. - Charlie Coy Barnes and Velna W. Barnes to John William Waller Jr. and Debra H. Waller. 21.032 square feel. Fulton. - Jv>hn W illiam Waller Jr. and Debra H. Waller to Charlie Coy Bames and Velna W. Barnes. 2 1 .(U2 scjuare feel. Fulton. • Glenn Johnson Builders to .Apex Profvrf)' Maiiagemenl. I loi. Shady Grove. • Westview Development Co. lo Glenn Johnson Builders. 2 lots. Farmington. $140. - Mulvaney Homes to Michelle Styers Lawson. I lot. Fannington, $295. ' John F, and Pauline P. Seaford to Nancy S. Grooms and Nonna S. Robertson. 12.7.*> acres. Calahaln. - John F. and Pauline P. .Seaford 1») Nancy S. Grooms and Nonna S. Robertson. 4 tracts. Calahaln, -Roger G. Wiwien ami Lalicia D. Sain Woolen to Rogar D. Cniver. 1.2ii acres. Mocksville. SI7S. - \iark D. Jones ant/ Tracy .S. Jones to Roger G . Wooten and Lalicia S. Wooten, 16 acres. Mocks­ villc. S4S0. -D un la w in Inc. lo Jack L. Watkins anil Sandra G. Watkins. 1 lot. Fanninglon. S I20. - B.R. and Peggy Michael lo William Brently and Kerri Ward Wall, 2.44 acrcs. Jerusalem. -Rena L . Spainhour Chappell and Phillip Chappell to Barr>’ M. Owens and Barbara T . Owens. 1 acre. Fulion. S92. • Rebecca M cCrary Greet to M icliael W . Groer. .1.13 acres. Jerusalem. - Associates Housing Finance to Milligan Investments. 2 acres. $8S. - Loiuse i'ierce to Linh iiuy Cao. 5 acres.Farminglon. S90. The following were issued mar­ riage licenses by ihc Davie Regis­ ter of Deeds. - John Michael Allen. 41. of K>44 N.C. 801 S.. and Tanya W ill­ iams Larrimore, 33. of 1674 N.C. SOI S.. Advancc. - Heston Wade Chandler. 25. of Kernersville andPauline Kay Gardner. 41. of 199 Fox Run Drive. Mocksvillc. - Randy Allen Choate, 48, of Glade Valley and Kimberly Denise Vanhoy. 37,of 3K5 Deadnton Road, Mocksvillc. • Jamcs Franklin Foster. 37. and Sandra Annette Ralllcr, 39. of 1772 Yadkin Valley Road. Advance. * Anthony Lee Holman. 34, of 127 Ntl. Zion Church Road. A d ­ vance and M arilyn Gcorgetie Miller, 45, of 826 Cedar Grove ChurchRoad. Mocksville. - William Allen Keenan. 33. and Kelly Jean McDaniel, 24. of 301 E. Lake Drive, Mocksville. - Audie Ray Oney. 47. and Jill Belinda Holley. 43. of 214 Delanos Lane. Mocksville. - George Raymond Reynolds Jr., 37. of Winston-Salem and JoAnn Minnie Crolls. 46. of 4(M E. Lake Drive, Mocksville. - Tim othy Lee Robcrlson. 44. and Eli/abelh Hanes Pioti, 45. of 127 Citadel Road. Mocksville. • Adam McKee Simmons. 23, and Nichole Faith Ward. 22. of 266 Sunsci Drive Apt. 33. MiKksville. - Dominic Ji>el Taylor, 21. and Lisa Michclle Harkey. 21. of Cleve­ land. N.C. • Raymond Henry Waltennan, 60. and Cher> I Deanne Hellard, 44, of 107 Oakridge Lane. Mocksvillc. - David Jason Ward. 24. of 1511 Counly Line Road, Hamiony and Crystal Dawn Cleary, 23, of 537 Grcenhill Road. Mocksville. - Joseph Springs W iighl Sr., HO. of W inslon-Salem and Margie Evelyn Smith, HO. of 1000 Hardi- son Apt. 7, Mocksville. ' Jeffrey Wayne Call. 41. of 486 Calahaln Road. Mocksville and Rae Mona Wagner, 30, of Slalesville. - RolKtt Lee Brake Jr.. 32. of 144S Milling Hoad, and Pamela KayBlake. 30. of 340 Rolling Hills Lane. Mocksville. -Jacob Daniel Taylor. IS. of 165 Crowe St. and Slephine Victoria Phipps. 16. of 145 Cedar Forest Lane. Mocksville. - Nicholas Joel Strickland, 23, Shelby ami Allison Leigh Clark. 22. of 259 Creekwood Drive, Ad\ ance. • Marlin Alvare/ Angel. 21. of W oodleaf and Hennia Diane Guevara. 20, of W’ooiileaf. - Jimmy Lee .Arnold. 53. of 134 Excalibur Lane. Mocksville and Rosa Lee White. 59, of Mocksville. - David Vivian Clesenger, 30. of 118 Casabella Drive. .Advance, and Julia Marie Steele, 32, of laeger, W.Va. • Joseph Winfield Denny Jr., 5 1, and Brenda Willianis Blackburn. 42. of 143 Fork BIxhy Road. A d ­ vance. • George Cecil Montgomery, 32, and Debbie Shane Snyder. 26. of 151 Hinkle Drive. .MoL-ksville. - Calvin Dean O ’Neal. 36. of Cooleemee and Cathy Sue Daugherty. 48. of 2631 u 's. 601. Mocksville. - Ellis Junior Robinson. 27. and Shelley Renee Watkins, 21. of 256 Neely St.. .Mocksville. * Larry Gene Prevette. 40. and .Angela Gail MacMenamin. 32, of 4K4 Hobson Drive. Mocksville. - Gregory Eugene .Atwood. 37. and Robin Michelle Robertson, 24, of 126 Casa Bella Drive. .Advance. - Steven Keith Dunn. 21, of 344 Pudding Ridge Road, and Lucienne M ichelle Davidson, 20. of 274 Lakeview Road. MiKksville. -Jared Allen Hepler. 32. of 132 Glasgow Lane, and .Angela Jane C larv. 20. of 1184 Eatons ChurchRoad. Mocksville. - Tlunnas Charles Keene. 21. and /\dria Karen Austin. 18. of 533 David Academy Road. Mocksville. - Jonathan Lee Hutchens. 26. and Monica Snillh Reavis. 31. of Yadkinville. - Adam David Hyer, 21. of LaCrosse. Wise, and Jennifer Lynn Garnelt. 24. of 781 Ratledge Road. Mocksville. - Jeffery Allen Ratliff. 34. of Salisbury and Melissa Renee Washam. 31. of Salisbury. - Winston Carl W'hiie Jr., 33. and Amanda Gail Webb, 32. of 863 N. Main St.. Mocksville. - Matthew Denver Steele, 25, of 1827 Fannington Road and Stephanie Brooke Deal. 22, of 267 Cana Road. Mocksvillc. - Craig Allan Taylor. 26. of Greensboro and Anna .Manz Mercier. 23, of 218 Pine Valley Road. Mocksville. - Mieah .Andrew Warren. 23. of Oratige Park. Fla. and Am lKr Renee Pamell. 23. of Linwood. - Baron Alrik Heinemann, 22, of Green Bank, W.Va. and Wendy Lee Fisher, 23. of 147 Woodbuni Place. Advance. - Roberl Dean Keisler. 33, of North Augusta. S .C . and Anita Chaffin Beaver, 30. of 361 Whilney Road. Mocksville. - Fernando Zamora. 17. and T if­ fany Diane Burton, 18. of 162 Patricia Way. Mocksville. - Jamie Curtis Craft. 25, of Jack­ sonville and Kristin Lynn Bledsoe. 20, of 111 Baity Road. Mocksville. - Christian Eugene Kaipo Lee Sununers. 19, and Elba Caslrcjon- Navii. 23, of 1919 U.S. 601. Mocks­ ville. - David Ellswonh Peterman, 33, and Penly Ann Wharton, 36, of 1716 Farmington Road. Mocksville, - Lloyd Chandler Neely, 59, 142 Oakirec Dr.. Mocksville and Gina I’age Consalves. 43, Yadkinville. H ig h w a y P a tro l The follow mg traffic w rccks in Davie Counly were listed by Ihc N.C. Highway Patrol. Tw o Deer IIU In Duvie County April Dawn Craddock of 1086 Yadkin Valley Road. Advancc was drivingher 1993 Nissan vehicleeast on Yadkin Valley Road Aug. II when il struck adeer in the roadway. Tro\>pcr A.J. Famtet reported the accident occurred at approximately 9:15 p.m. and ihe driver was not S h e r iff s D e p a r tm e n t The following incidenls were reported to ihe Davie Sheri ffs Dept. - On Aug. 13 David .Niunoi re­ ported glass patio tables w ere dam­ aged at a home on Somerset Drive. Advancc. - Michael Black reported a ve­ hicle windshield was damaged al a home near N.C. 801 South. Advance on Aug. 14. - On Aug. 15 Tam m y Richardson reported a breaking and entering at a home on LaQuinla Drive, Advancc. - A concerned citizen reported a ilog tied lo a fence w ith no water or shelter Iron) the heal at a home on Ijames Church Road. Mocksville on Aug. 17. - On Aug. 17 Cry stal Bailey re­ ported a lost/stolen vehicle tag at a home on Oakland Avenue. Mocks­ ville. - Ruth Anihony reported a skill saw was ren>ovvd and several ilems were damaged al a home on Duke WhilakerRoad, Mocksville on Aug. 18. iitjured. Niichael Eugene Hutchens of 213 MuUins Road, Mocksvillc was driv­ ing a 1993 Dodge pick-up north on 801 Aug. I3when It collided witha deer crossing the road. Trooper .\l.T. Dalton reported the accidetu occurred al approxi­ mately 10:40 p.m. and ihe driver was not injured. Wrcck On Cornaizcr Rond No charges were filed after a Davie man wrecketl the vehicle he was driving Aug. 13. Billy Monroe Munday of 2432 U.S. 64 East. Mocksville was ilriv­ ing a 1981 Datsun pick-up cast on Comalzer Road when it ran off the road lo the righl. The vehicle col­ lided with a ditch on ihe shouUler. Troo|>er F.C. Ferguson reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 4:57 p.m. and Munday was suffering from a dlal>eiic condition which caused the accident. Munday was laken lo Baptist Hospital for treatment. Wcmwn C harj:«! In Wrcck A Davie woman was charged with failure to reduce speed after the vehicle she wasdriving hil another Aug. 14. Shelva Taylor Cockerham of 251 Ijames Church Road. Mocksvillc was ilriving her 1998 Buick vehicle west un U.S. 158 beliliul a 2000 Mercedes driven by Ruth Si\yder M illerof W'inston-Salcm. .As Miller slowed her \ chicle and made a turn imo a public drive Cockerham failed to slow her Buick in time and col­ lided with Miller's vehicle. Trooper F.C. Ferguson reporteil the accident occurred at approxi­ malely 4:02 p.m. and there were no in|uries. riirw \'ehiclc W rti'k On L’„S. M A Ciuilford County man was chargeil with failure lo retluce speed after the vehicle he was driving hh M o c k s v ille P o lic e The following incidents were «parted to llw Mucksville I'olicc Depanmenl. • The liirceny of two pit bull­ dogs, which were later found, was reported Auj:. 1.1 from a residence on Milling Road. • A motorist struck a gas pump at the Soda Shnpiw, Easl Lexing­ ton Road, and drove away, it was reported Aug. 1.5. - A counterfeit S30 hill was found in Ihc night deposit from Wendy’s, it was repotted Aug. Ki. - A man reported Aug. 17 he was assaulted at a residence on East Le.i- A r r e s ts inglon Road. • A man reported Aug. 16 he w as assaulted on ihe 400 block of .Monlvicw Drive. - Someone drove away wilhoul paying for S5 worth of gas at RiJshco. Yadkinville Road, il was reported Aug. 16. - Sonieone drove away without paying for $26 worth of gas al Fast Track. Yadkinville Road, it was re­ ported Aug. 14. Arresls - Robert Hoffman, 41, of 407 Moll Hc-dgson RtKid. Hannony, w as chargcd Aug. 15 with D W I, driving while license revoketl and o|Krat- ing a vehicle with improper regis­ tralion. Trial dale; Aug. 20. ' Timothy Patrick Swiergtel. 29. of 160 Harding Si., was charged Aug. 17 wilh being dnink and dis­ ruptive, resisting arrest and assaull on a govcnuncnl ofilcial. Trial date: .Sept. 5. TrafTic Accidents • No charges were filed after a wreck on Valley Road al 5:10 p.m. Sept. 14. Edwin Frank Mártir, 57, of Trap Hill, failed to slop the 1995 Ford pickup he was driving before it struck In the rear a 1995 Nissan driven hy John Bradley Ratledge. 29. of 210 Magnolia Farm Laiie, reported Officer John Coley. - No injuries were reported af­ ter a wreck on South Salisbury Slreet at Duke Street at 3:33 p.m. Aug. 16. Margi^i Barnes Lowery, 6H, of 119 Sunset Drive, drove a 2001 Toyota from Duke Sireel into ihepathof a 1996 Honda being driven on Salisbur>- Street by Jen­ nifer Paige Broadway. 17. of 176 Beechw'ood Drive, reported Officer E.M . Parker. another Aug. 14. Brandon Lee Slaydon of High Poini w as driving a 1987 FreightUncr east on 64 approaching a 1994 Mercedes driven by Dora Alicia Ardon DeCiucrrcro of 1072 U.S. 64 West. Mocksville. DcGuerrero was attempting to make a left turn Into a private driveway. Traveling w est on 64 was a 2000 Doilge driven by Susan Cole Lewis v)f 260 Ralph Ratledge Road. MiKksville. Slaydon was unable lo stop behind DeGuerrero's vehicle and was driven into the oncoming lane in an attempt to avoid a collision w ilh DeGuerrero's vehicle. Slaydon then sweived ihe Freightlincr back inlo the eastbound lane lo avoid collid­ ing with Lewis’ vehicle. The result was Slaydon's truck hitting DeGuerrero’s vehicle and causing il lo collide with a mailbox and ditchbank on the shoulder. Trooper J.R. Allred reported the accident occurred at approximately 3:40 p.m. and DcGuerrero was taken to Davis Hospital for treatment. W rcck On Interstate No charges were filed after a Davie woman wrecked the vehicle F ire s The Davie Couniy Sheriff s De­ pattmenl made Ihe following arrests. -Tiffan y Caniptwll H oltof2I0l U.S. 158, Mocksville was arrested Aug. 6 for failure lo appear. Trial dale: Sept. 5. - Lclhia M . Luke of I’.O. Box 292, Woodleaf w-as arrested Aug. 10 for driving w ith licensc revoked •md D W I. Trial dale: Sepl. 12. - Donald Ray Maire, 3.1, of Mocksville was arrested Aug. 10 for possession of conirolled sub* ilancc, possession of drug parapher­ nalia, and possession of marijuana. Trial dale: Aug. 15. - Robert Dryan Momplon, 24, of 225 M r. Henry, Mocksvillc was ar- 'ested Aug. 12 for simple assaull. I'rial dale: Aug. 22. - Donnie Ray James, 25, of 189 Uasabella Drive, Advance was ar- rested Aug. 12 for D W I and driving with license revoked. Trial dale: ■Sept. 6 in Rowan Counly. - Hector Salas RiKlrigUtf/,. 22, of 126 Sut\set Drive, Mocksvillc was arrested Aug. 12 for injury lo |кг- sonal property. Trial dale: Sept. 5. - Richard Eugene Evans, .15, of 124 Howardlown Road, Mocksville was arresied Aug. 1.1 forchild siip- pon and resisting a public officer. Tria l dale: A ug. 19 in Forsyih Counly, - Dusti Lynn Manning. 27, of Winslon-Salcm was arrested Aug. Ы for larccny. Trial date: Sept. 12. - Dustin Antlioiiy Lawhon, 18. of 765 Fork Hixby Roiul, Advance was arrested Aug. 14 for littering, and unauthorized use of a boat. Trial date; Sepl. 5. - Billy Ray Hclmandollar, 28, of Kockwell wasarresled Aug. 14 for failuietoappear. Trialdate: Sept. 12. - Lethia Mac Luke. 44. of 8785 Woodleaf Ro:iil. Woodleaf was ar­ resied Aug. 15 forunaulhori/ed use ofa minor vehicle. Trial dale: Sepl. 12. - Joshua James Leo, l4 ,o fW in - ston-Salem w'as arrested Aug. 15 for military deserter. Trial dale: nol listed. - Vanessa Rose Fuenles, 17, of 2.14 Wilkesboro Street, Mocksville was arrested Aug. 15 for failure to appear. Trial dale: Ocl. 2 in Forsyih County. - Nomiaii Jeffrey Callaway, 4.1, of 1174 Rainbow Roud, Advance was arrested Aug, 16 for breaking, entering, larceny of a Пгеапп, und assault wilh a deadly weapon. Trial date: Aug, 24 in Hruiiswick County, -Tin u ith y Arthur Foley. ,14. of Advance was arresied Aug, 16 for possession of drug par:iphernalia. Trial dale: Sepl, 26, - Jerry Wayne I lager, 46, of IVll Casa liella Drive. Advancc was ar­ rested Aug, 16 for possession of marijuana less than h:df ounce and possession of drug paraphernalia. Trial date: Sept, 26. - Keith Jeffry Wilkie, 28, of 1.14 Country Lane, Mocksville was ar­ rested Aug. 17 for homing wilht)ul lights. Trial date: Aug, 2.1 in Uowan County, - Vesial W :iyncUull.4.1.of.155.1 N.C. «01 Norlh, Mocksville was arrested Aug. 17 for obtaining pro|>- erty by false pretense. Trial date: Nov. 4 in Forsyih Couniy. Davie County fire depanments responded to the following calls: Aujj. 1.1: Advance, 4:57 p.m,. Cornat/er Road. :iuloinobile acci­ dent; Comatzer-Dulin assisted. Aug. 14: Mocksville. .1:42 p.m.. U.S. 64 Wesl, automobile accident: Cenler assisted; Smilh Cirove. 6:28 p.m.. Heihlehem Church, fire alarm; Fiirmington assisted: Advance as- sisieil: Cornatzer-Dulin assisted. AuK. 15: Mocksville, 1:57 p.m., Howard Street, brush fire; Jerusa­ lem assisted; lerusalem. 4:39 p.m., U.S. 6111 South, tree in road: Mocks­ ville. 6:46 p.m.. Salisbury Road, transformer fire; County Line, 6:40 p.m., Hayes Fanu Road, tree fire; Center, 7:.1.1 p.m.. 1-40 Wesl, auto­ mobile accident; Counly Line as­ sisted; Sheffield-Calahain. 7:.17 p,ni„ I hiniiony base, company trans­ fer; Cornal/er-Dulin, 9:56p,m„ Joe Myers Road, tree fire. A ug. 16: Fork, 6:19 p.m ., Davidson County, assisi Daviilson. A u k. 17: Sheffield-Calahain, 2:.17 a.m., assist llannony, electri­ cal fire; Jerusalem,,1.09 a.m,, Frank Short Road, smoke investigation; Mocksville, 8:04 a.m., D:tys Inn, fire alann. Au)*. IK: Farmington,4:42p,ni., Howell Road, Iree fire; Smilh Grove, 5:49 p.m., 1-40 Wesl, auloniobilc accident. she was driving Aug. 15. Rhonda Fonner Warner of 117.1 Fiimiington Road. Mocksvillc was driving her 1997 Chevrolet vehicle wesl on 1-40 in heavy rain when the vehicle began lo hydroplane. The veliicle skidded off the roatl lo the right into :i wooded :irea wherc it collided wilh a tree. Ttoojier J.R. Allred reported Ihe acciilenl occurrcd al appro.xinialely 5:40 p.m. and there were no inju­ ries. \Vreck A l (!us I’umps No charges were filed after two vehicle collided at a convenience store on Aug. 15. W illia m G ray Canter ol Clemmons was driving his 199.1 Chevn)lct vehicle soulh in Ihe park­ ing lot of the Citgo Convenience Store. Jonhm Seth Forrest of Easl Hend was driving a 1986 Ford pick­ up easl in Ihe same parking lol. Bolh vehicles emerged from behind a parked vehicle at the gas pump is­ land at the same time and collided. Trooper J.R. Allred reported the accident occurred al approximalely 2:45 p.m. and there were no inju­ ries. Wreck O n U.S. 158 A Davie woman was charged with failure to yield right of way after the vehicle she was driving collided with anolher Aug. 15. Alma Combs Shoaf of 158 Duke .Street. Cooleemee 4vas stopped in a 199.1 Chevrolet vchicle al the inler- section of Main Church Roail and U .S . 158, Danielle Louise Hernandez of Florida was driving her 2001 Toyota vehicle svest on 158. Shoaf made a right turn onto 158 traveling inlo the path ol 1 leniandez's vehicle, causing the two vehicles to collide. Trooper J.R. Allred reported the accident occurrcd at approximalely 4:05 p.m, and theie were no inju­ ries. W reck On N ,C . »01 A Davie man was charged with exceeding safe speed after the ve­ hicle he was driving wrecked Aug. 15, Malachi Alexander fieniry ol 111 1 imber Creek Road, Advance w;is ilriving a 2001 S:ilurn vehicle nonh on 801 in steady rain when the vehicle entered a left hand lurn al an excessive rate of speed. Gentry's vehicle skidded off the road to llie righl. traveled inlo a private yard, and collided wilh a raised flowei bed, 1 rooper J,R. Allred reported the accident occurred al approximalely 8:45 p.m. and there were no inju- nes. SI■1! Conllnued On |*1ще 7 DAVIE COUN ГУ ENTERPRISE RECORD, Au!>. 22, 2002 - 7 Davie Schools superintenident W.G. Polls looks at tjamage to school buses at South Davie Middle Scnooi. - Photos by Robin Fergusson H ig h w a y P atrol Continued From Рпце 6 W reck On Cnniphcll Rond A Davie man was charged with exceeding safe speed and failure lo chango address on license after tlie vehiclc he w as driving wrecked Aug. 16. Gregory Elton Cranfill of 110 Deck Circle. Mocksville was ilriv­ ing his 1995 Mitsubishi vchicle east on Campbell Road when the vehicle oniereil a curve on llie wel road ;«ul losl conlrol. The vehicle crossed the centerline and ran off the road to the lefl and collided with a ditch. Trooper M .T. Dallon reported Ihe accident occurred at approximately I a.m. and ihere were injuries. C a r Lands In Cntch Bnsin An Iredell man was charged with D W I. driving with license revokeil. and unsafe movement after the ve­ hicle ho was driving wrecked Aug. 16.1 iarry Allen Jones of Statesville was making a lefl turn in a 1986 Lincoln vehicle from U.S. 601 onto U.S. 64. Jones’ vehicle ran of the road to Ihe right and Iravcled Inlo a catch basin. Trooper J.R. Allred re­ ported the acciilent occurred at ap­ proximalely 10:30 p.m. and there were no injuries. Rejircnd Collision On U.S. filH A Davie wonian was charged wilh failure lo reduce speed after the vehicle she was driving hil anolher Aug. 16. Doroihy Jean Ray of U.S. 601 South, Mocksvillo w-as driving her 1986 i’ontiac vehicle north on 601 preparing to slop for slopped trafficahcad. Behind her wasa 1997 Ford vehicle ilrlven by Courtney f:li/.abeth Bates of 306 C'ovinglon Drive. Advance. Bales failed lo slow her vehicle in lime and it struck Ray’s vehicle in Ihe rear. Trooper C.D . Jones reported the accidein iKcurred at approximately 3:25 p.m. and there were no injuries. Wreck On Inlerstnle 40 No charges were filed alter a North Carolina woman wreckcd the vehicle she was driving Aug. 17. KIsa Michelle Parker of llickoiy was driving her 19SK B M W vehicle east on I'40 daring a heavy ilown pour of r.nn. Parker's vchicle ucni out of control due lo staniling water on the highway and ran olf Ihe left sfionlifcr and sfriick a mciírati bar­ rier cable. Tuioper ( ’.D. Jones re­ ported the accidcnl occurrcd al ap­ proximately 4:45 p.m. and thcie were no injuries. W reck On (.’ounlry Lane No charges v\ere filed alter a Davie wuman wteckeil the vehicle she was ilriving Aug. 17. Nereida .ArriHo of 140 Hillcrest Court. Mocksville was driving her 1995 Hyundai vchicle west on Couniry Lane out ofa sharp left curve went the vehicle went out of control. Arroyo’s vchicle ran off ihe right shoulder of Ihe road, traveled through a private yard, and struck a tree surroiinded a brick Howcr bed. Trooper C.D . Jones reporteil Ihe accidcnl occurred at approxi- malely 3:23 p.m. and there were no injuries. W reck On (iodbey Road No chargcs were filed aflcr a Davie man wrecked the vehicle he was driving Aug. 18. Bobby Joo Hcdrick Jr. of 1350 Ciodbey Road. Mocksvillc was driving his 19SS Chevrolet pick-up svest on Godbey Hoad when to truck ran olf the road totheriglit and lost control. Hedrick ihen drove his truck back off Ihe ro.ul to l/ie lc/( and struck a tree. Trooper A.J. Farmer reported Ihe accident occuireil al ap)Ho\iniately 5 a.m. ami there were no injuries. Pick-up Wrecks On I'.S. 601 No charges were filed aflcr a Davlc man wrecked the \chiclc he was driving .Aug. IX. Christopher Uv^bert Bnvchof 765 Hear ( ’reek Church Hoad. Mocks­ villc w as dt rvitig a 19871 )utlge pick­ up lunOnui (>0i I' Jien ihc dri\ cr Josi corniol. ran otf llic road to the right, and struck some rocks in a ditch. ■('roi>per .A ,J. {•'armer reported the accidcnl iKCurred al appioxirnately 10:30 a.m. and there were no inju­ ries. W reck On Swiceiinod S ired A Davio woman was chargcd withexeeeding safe sjiccd and DW I aflcr she w recked the vehicle she wasdriving Aug. 18. Laura Siewart Potter o f'2 3 4 7 U.S. 601 South. Mocksville was driving her 1989 Honda vehicle soulhonSwicegood Street when she lost control of the vchicle. I'he 1 londa ran I'ff the roail to ihe'leH and siruek a tree. Trooper A.J. Fanner reported the accidem iKciMicd al appro\j}nalely 4 a.m. Wrndshk'ld W ijiiTs Illamid hir Wrcck No charges were filed aftei a Forsyth Couiny woman wrecked ihe vehicle she was driving Aug. IS. Shirley Tudor Brewer of W'inslon- Salem was ilriving her 1990 Lexus vchiclee.ist on 1-40 in the righl lane. OrcutT si.jie<l slit* nn/ied on her windshield wipers and lhat a film covered her windshield obstiucling her vision. Brewer slowed ihmn, drove her vehicle inlo the median and slruck a median barrier calde. Trooper .A.J. I-anner reported the accident (Kcurred at appiovimatcK S:20 a.m. and (here were no iriju- rios. C a r O M T lurns O n In terstn le No charges were filed afier a Davlc woman wrecked the \chicle she wasdriving .Aug. 18. i'him .lill Phonnnavanhof 1010 HowardSirect.Mocksvillewasdriv- ing a 1994 'i uyota vehicle westiui I- 40 in Ihe left hand lane. The vehicle ran off the road to Ihe lefl Into the grass median then reentered the road. Phonnnavanh's vehiclc ihen skid­ ded across and off the righl shoul­ der. collided with an embankment, and overtunied. Trooper J.R. Allred reported the accident occurred at approxim ately 5:45 p.m . and I’hommavanU wus taken lo Baplisl Hospital for treatment. Potts poinls loward a name Ihe vandal painted on a dooi Juveniles Suspected In Vandalism A jtivoiiilo is siispeclcil in vitnihilisiii lo .Smith Davie Middle School sdtneliiiiL- Saturday nighl or carly Sunday morning. .Assislam M ocksvillc Piilico Cliicf Wayne Slonctnan said Ihcre is a suspect llial will likely be l:iken inlo custody lliis week. T he v;iiiil;tl(s) i):iiiileil ohseenities iin Ihc doors and windows al South Davie Middle ScIkhiI. and ^lainaged school buses in the park­ ing lol. liighi workers wetc called in li) work on Siinday lo gel Ihe buses ready for .scliool on Moiiil.iy immiini;, Tlie s:inie suspects damaged H's Mini Mart on South Salisbury Street, a drink machine al the tennis conns at Smith D:tvie, and a sign on Hardison Street, police teporled. ANDREW C. B R O C K NC .Senate .^4'" District ★ I^EPUBIJCAN ★ * Losvor Taxes * GovommGnl Accountability * Fewer Reguialions * Rocruil Business and Industry * Education Reform * Tougher Criminal Senlencos * Ptolccl Senior Citizens * Conseniativo Family ValuesBiography * Graduate ol Western Carolina University — BS in Economics and Political Science * Lifelong mombor Farmington United Melhodisi Church * Lifelong Residenl ol Davio County * Graduate ol Davie High School gSPSlimlE!! * NCSonato * Congressman Waller Jones * NC Republican Party * US Senator Lauch Faircloth * Welfare Reform * NC Supreme Court Justice Bob Orr * Citizens lor a Sound Economy* RCS Communications www.aiulrewbrock.com Paid for by Brock for Senate 5 0 Y e a r s ! ¡952-2002 \5 0 Y e a r s ! 1952-2002 Jifoster’s ♦ S erving M ocksville & D avie C ounty for 5 0 Y ears ♦ 1953 pholcjnl Ihf orrginal Foster s \/Vfiti'h Shop in DowrUowii Mocksville ‘0 -Щ Ш?(Н1 ./. t, /-'osier opened /■'<isler\ WaUii Simp in dowiilawii Stoekwille in \ ni>ii.sl of / 9>2. i)\'er ihe p<isl yeur\ Ihe I'Oslers htm’ enjoyed servinfi ihe people of .Moeks ville and Davie ( (ninly. f 'oduy, Marfiuret /■'tisler (aid \)ni !//<'// continue (he hu\iae\\ with a eommitment lo personal, projessionul service. C o m e B y & J o in U s F o r R e fre s h m e n ts o n T h u rs d a y & F rid a y , A u g .2 9 & 3 0 As We C elebrate 50 Years o f Serving M ocksville & D avie C ounty! rn.A N K Yor D,\\ I1-: Cot N г^ ! /1 u a u s r s n : c i a /. A l l It e m s 3 0 % I J O FF! R I ! hn III'.: lilt l<i.\iu i< k\I'I \ii‘.;ii\i 'iHi'i F o ster s current iociiliun siiic(‘ 1 9b-l I1I.SI .1 sfiori w;ilK IriKii Iho oiiijin.ii slore Л I (i-.li'i liu'.y .It tii:' vvorKDi'Mch in Alien S M .in].iiol I osUit i:,iityin(¡ on thi> l.im ily Ii.hIiIhi 171 N o r t h M a in S tre e t, M o c k s v ille , N C • 7 5 1 -2 7 3 7 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 22,2002 W a t e r C o n s e r v a t i o n N o w M a n d a t o r y Continued From Page 1 Sparks Road w ater plants arc bolh stable. Tl\c Cooleemee plant is pro­ ducing from 1.5 to 1.7 million gallons a day. The county is studying the cost of refurbish­ ing and installing deeper in- take.s. A study is also under way on how upstream users effect Ihe plant. Tlie Sparks Road plant pro­ duces 2.2 miHion gallon.s a day, and there is 12 inches of water above the 20-inch intake. Debris is being cleancd from around the intake and the reservoir is get­ ting close to capacity. Tlic county is reviewing con­ nectivity between M ocksville’s system and the county system, and cross training em ployees from both systems in case emer­ gency operations develop. In addition to the conserva­ tion measures requested in the voluntary Stage 1 and Stage II, Stage 111 mandatory rules in­ clude: • only w ater lawns, grass, trees, shrubbery, flowers, golf greens or vegetable gardens be­ tw een 5 p.m . and m idnight Wednesdays and Saturdays; • do not put water into wad­ ing or swimming pools except to the extent necessary to replen­ ish losses due to cv.iporation or .spillage, and maintain operation of chemical feed equipment; • do not use water to wash outside areas such as sidewalks, patios, driveways or for similar purposes; • do not introduce water inlo any decorative fountain, pool, or pond except where the water is recycled: • do not serve water in a res­ taurant or similar establishment except upon request; • do not use water for any unnecessary purpose or inten­ tionally waste water: • do not wash the exterior of a m olor vchiclc except where 50 percent or more of the water is recycled, or where a private well waler sysiem is used. U .S . S e n a t e C a n d id a t e C a m p a ig n s I n D a v ie U.S. Senate candidate Jim Snyder of Lexington said he is running on the Jesse H elm s’ platform. Snyder was in D.ivie County last week, walking up and down Main Slreet in M ocksvillc talk­ ing to passersby. and holding a meeting at the D avie County Courthouse. "I’m not beholding to any­ body in W ashington," he said. “I’ll go up Iherc and rip and snort and be active about issues such as proleclion of life and jobs. I’m going to go up there to take ac­ lion." H e’s quick to question the residency o f the perceived frontrunner in the Republican primary, Hlizabeth Dole, liken­ ing her candidacy to lhal of Forum Sept. 5 For C andidates For Davie Board O f E ducation The D avic H igh S chool Leadership Club will sponsor a forum for Davic Board of Edu­ cation candidates al 7 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 5 in the school gym. Each of the three candidates for the two seats - Luther Potts, R egina G raham and C arol Livengood - will be asked nine questions, one from each school in Ihe county. C o u n ty P la n n e rs S tu d y in g N e w Z o n in g O rd in a n c e The Davic County Planning Board will conduct workshops on the second Tuesday of each month between noon and I p.m. in the conference room of the administration building, and on the fourth T uesday o f cach monlh between 5 and 7 p.m. in the commissioners room. The board will review pro- ^ posed changcs to the zoning or­ dinance and subdivision regula­ tions for D avie County. The planning deparlm ent has pre­ pared a draft ordinance for the planning board lo review and comment. The workshops arc open to Ihe public. More informalion is available at the planning depart­ ment on weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., 751-3340. 3 R e z o n in g R e q u e s t s O n P la n n e r s ’ A g e n d a The Davic County Planning Board will discu.ss three rezon­ ing requests at a 7 p.m. meeting Tuesday, Aug. 27 in the commis­ sioners room of the administra­ tion building, Mocksville. Sandra Lynn W agner has ap­ plied to rezone 3.52 acrcs from residential (R-20) lo residenlial agricultural (R-A). This properly is off the north side of Angell Road, approximately 800 feel cast of U.S. 601 North, and is Parcel 69 of a Davie County Tax Map. Lee Barber and others have applied to rezone 6.184 acres from residential agricultural (R- A) to residential (R-20). This property is off the wesl side of Junction Road, adjoining the A u g u s t 2 5 - 2 7 7 :0 0 p .m . F a r m i i ^ o n U n ite d M e th o d is t C h u r c h A ll a t e w a r m ly i n v i t e d to a tte n d s p i r i t - f i l l e d e v e n in g s o f e x c i tin g m u s ic , w o r s h ip e v e n ts f o r c h i l d r e n , a n d g r e a t p r e a c h e r s in c lu d in g : • R e v . D a v id H o b s o n , F i r s t U n ite d M e th o d i s t C h u r c h , E o r o s t C ity • D r . J o h n A n d r e w s , L i b e r t y a n d C o n c o r d U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h e s • R e v . M i c h a e l L in v U le , C e d a r C r e e k M is s io n a r y B a p t i s t C h u r c h Rev. Melinda K Snyder, Pastor Comercf 801 and FanrnngtoH Road Come Skan God’s Love! 998-3769 Hillary Clinton in New York. He's also quick to point out that D ole’s stances on Nafla, conccaled carry and abortion m orc m im m ick that of the Democratic frontrunner lhan of Jesse Helms. Endorsed by the state ’s young Republicans, Snyder said he’s noticing a groundswcll of suppon. "For someone like me, Ihings couldn’t be beller. A lot of people don't have a good feel­ ing aboul Elizabeth because .she hasn’t lived here and has mod­ erate views. "The Republicans are glad lo see Jesse go up ihere. They pan­ der to him because he's so pow­ erful. They don’t want another senator that’s for North Caro­ lina." Snyder said he wasn't plan­ ning on seeking office until a banker friend asked him to do just lhal. The friend died three days laler. He knew he w ouldn’l run against Lauch Faireloth, and then Dole camc in and ran him off, Snyder said. "1 believe in sovereignity of Ihc Conslitulion and returning Snyder government to home." he said. Snyder said the executive branch of government could be cut by a fourth. A fler Sepl. 11, even morc federal departm ents were cre­ ated. "It's preposterous," he said. Brian Coffey is his D avic County campaign manager. Snyder is a Lexington attor­ ney. He and his wife o f 35 years, Sandra, have two daughters and Ihree grandchildren. He is a graduate o f Wake Forest Univer­ sity and Ihe Wake Forest Univer­ sity School of Law. R E P U B L IC A N Georoel, M I T H ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ A Sheriff the people can talk to and feel their concerns are heard. Paid for G«or^ M. "Hike’Siiiith foF Sheriff Anyone needing transportation to the polls September 10 please call Welch Funeral Services at 751-3725 or Graham Funeral Services at ' 751-1100. south side of the Mcadowood Subdivision, and is Parcel 27.05 of Davic Counly Tax Map L-3. Tony Moore has applied lo rezone .797 acre of land from residential (R-20) to Highway Business Spccial use (H-B-S) for a truck and auto repair busi­ ness. This propeny is localcd off the soulh side of U.S. 64 east ap­ proxim ately 1,000 feet east of M errells Lake Road, and is a porlion of Parcels 65 and 65.01 of Davie County Tax Map J-7. All interested arc inviied to the meeting. Prior to the meet­ ing, more information may be obtained by visiting or calling the planning department al 75 1 - 3340 w eekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. “A L i f e t i m e o f R e p u b l i c a n S e r v i c e a n d C o n s e r v a t i v e P r i n c i p l e s * * On Tuesday, September 10th VOTE M a c B u t n e r S T A T E S E N A T E T h e C o n s e r v a t iv e R e p u b l ic a n Meet Mac Malcolm "Mac" ÌK Butner, Jr. ftrw n u l; - North Carolina native ~ Married to rormer Julia Lentz of China Grove, \ u Grade Teacher, North HDls Christian School Children: Son, Wade; Daughter, Laura Son ofthe late State Senator Malcolm W. Dutner, Sr. and the late Loretu L Butner O u irsh i - Active Member of Enon Baptist Church - Past church responsibilities: Elder, Finance and Budget Committee Chairman, Sunday School Teacher E dutitlgn; - Catiwba College, Silisbury NC D.A. Degree Business Admimstnlion, 197S - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill NC Graduale, REALTORS Institute, 1988 -N orth Carolina Sute Univenily, Raleigh NC Graduale, Home Builder's Institute, 1991 RiPUbUiin P«tlY S«rvlce; -Chainm n, Eighth Congressional District Republican Party (1977-1978) -ChiinTan,RouwCountyRepublicanMen’s Club C991-1993) - Recipient, Outstanding Scrvicc Award, Rowan Counly Republican Party, ( 1993) - Western Campaign Coordinator, "Reagan for President" Committee, (1975-1976) -Former Memberof ihe Rowan Count)', Eighth Congressional District and Ihc NC Republican Patty Executive and Central Committees -Served in numerous campaigns since 1962 Profeiiloinl; - Owner. REALTY ONE of Rowan, Inc. -Chainran, Regulatory Affairs Commillee, NC Home Builders Association (1995) - Slate Director, NC Home Builders Assoc. (1991-1995) - President, Salisbury-Rowan Home Builders (1993) - President, Salisbury Board of Reallors (1991) - Slate Director, NC Associalion of Realtors (1989-1991) - Rowan County Planning Board (1992-1995) Addili<>n»LV?)mHffr/CQiiimnn'ilxAt<iv-itiw -C h a n ^ of Commerce, Red Cross, Cancer Society, IleaitFund, United Way, flabiut for Humanity, National Rifle Associalion Lifetime Republican W E B A C K M A C ! Former United States Senator Lauch Faireloth Endorses Mac Butner for Stale Senate n “MAC BUTNER is thg conservative choice for State Senator.” S e n a tw LcMchr foUrclolih JOIN our CAMPAIGN! Mac, J uua, Wade & Laura Mac Butner for State Senate PO Box 1984 Salisbury NC 28145-1984 (704) 633-4494 ♦ (704) 638-0101 Fax (704) 639-1937 email: macbutnerl^aol.com Paid for by Mac Butner for State Senate YOU KNOW Where MAC Stands! [ZI PrfcHfe. f ro-Fnpi||y VulHW Life begins at conception. 1 will protect the sanctity оГНГе ofthe unborn and tight for the preservation of traditional family values. I do nol, and will not, ac- toiowledge the so-called ’'altenutive life-style" which mocks the ideals of traditional family values. 0 I will n o t support any tax increases. Our cunent taxes are a burden on our citizens and 1 will work diligently to reduce Ihc tax burden for all families. (ZI Education Choices The liberal eslablishment has controlled our public school system forycars. The result has been that North Carolina still ranks near the bottom in education. We must eliminate the waste consistently produced by the education bureaucracy and return our lax dollars lo the classroom. We must expand educational opportu­ nities so Ihat parenls have morc freedom and control of the education of their own children. IZI NO to C rim e/D rugs Violent criminals and illegal drug dealers MUST be punished to the fullest extent ofthe law. Our brave law enforcementand judicial oflicers mustbe given the support to accomplish this for the safet>‘ of our families and the freedomof our Nation. 0 Private Property Rights The cornerstone of our Republic is the individual oivticnhip of private property. In rec сШусаи, we have seen more and more encroachment upon thal freedom by unirasonable regulations, making it morc dilTicult lo realize the American Dream. I will work toward protecting our private property rights and making Ihe dream of home ownership a reality for more North Carolina families. 0 NO to Lottery Independent smdics have shown thal the poor are dis­ proportionately hurt by the effects of slate-sponsored gambling. A lottery is nol the answer lo North Carolina's financial problems. The elimination of burcaucnilic waste along with sound, comitxm-sense management, and the willingness lo make lough choices, is Ihe solution lo our slate's financial prob­ lems. I will have the courage to say "NO" lo waste. 0 Ihe_Bight To Bear Arms The 2nd Amendment to our Constitution states that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall nol be infringed." This is the fundamental foundation of all of our freedoms. Without it, wc would be in tyrannical slavery. \ will always suppomhis Lifetime Conservative B r in g I t O n ! D a v ie H ig h F o o tb a ll 2 0 0 2 P a g e 2 Thursday, Aug. 22, 2002 D A V IC C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/I^^ECORD D a v i e W a n t s T o C l o s e T h e D e a l A f t e r B i t t e r s w e e t 2 0 0 1 K y I tr ia n P itts S p o rts E d ito r T h e la st tim e w e sa w C o a ch D o u g Illin g , he w a s d ra g g in g h im s e lf Iro m Ih e p ress b o x to the lo c k e r ro o m a n d s w a llo w in g Ihe b ille r re a lity o f a th re e -te a m d ra w in g fo r tw o p la y o ff b e rth s. H e a lm o s t s to p p e d b re a th in g w h e n h e p lu c k e d th e N o . 3 ca rd. H is s p irits w e re lo w e r th a n a n yo n e c o u ld im a g in e . H o w d o y o u te ll 21 s e n io rs lh a l on e c o n fe re n c e lo ss w a s o n e lo o m a n y ? T lie W a r E a g le s fa n ia s ie d a b o u t a m o n s te r season, w h ip ­ p in g p e re n n ia l e litis t M o o re s v ille a n d w a ltz in g past th e firs t fo u r C e n lra l P ie d m o n t C o n fe re n c e riv a ls . B u l Ih e .season en ded fa s te r th a n y o u ca n n a m e R e y ­ n o ld s ’ n e w co a ch . T lie y are s ill h a u n te d b y N o v . 9 , a c a p tiv a tin g re gular-.se ason fin a le b e tw e e n D a v ie an d N o rlh D a v id s o n b e fo re 7 ,0 0 0 s ta n d in g - ro o m -o n ly fa n s . T lie W a r E ag le s w e re 16 m in u te s fro m tlie ir se co n d C P C sw e e p in ih re e ye a rs , le a d in g 1 3 -6. B u t N o rth s ta r S ea n T u llle an d a H aw ed k ic k o ff te a m cre a te d a p re n ia iu re su nse t fo r a m e m o ra b le season. T u llle lie d it as D a v ie s u rre n ­ d e re d its Ih ird 9 9 -y a rd k ic k o ff re iu m in th re e w e e ks. T u llle s p rin te d a ro u n d Ihe c o m e r 22 y a rd s w ilh 22 se co n d s lo p la y a n d th e s c o re b o a rd fro z e ; N o rth D a v id s o n 2 0 . D a v ie 13. T h e re fle c tio n s till h u rls . " I t ’s been a lo n g lim e since th a t m o m e n t, a n d it ’s g o in g to ta k e a lo n g tim e to get o v e r th a t,” Illin g sa id . "T h e o n ly w a y y o u > c a n g e t o v e r il is to g e t y o u rs e lf b a ck in th a t s itu a tio n a n d w in it a n d .send th is s e n io r cla ss o ff as (o u trig h t) c o n fe re n c e ch a m p io n s . Y o u ’ ll n e v e r re p la ce lh a l m o n ie n i y o u h a d w ilh th o se s e n io rs lasl ye a r. A ll w e ca n d o no w ’ is m ake it a m o tiv a tin g fa c to r. T h e so o n e r w e can g e l o u l ih e re an d p la y and w in g a n ie s, it ’ ll b e fo rg o tte n ." C a n T h e S o p h s H o ld lip ? A lth o u g h lin e b a c k e r P a lric k L o w e ry a n d k ic k e r D a v id W o o ld ­ rid g e are e n o rm o u s losses, D a v ie ’s d e p ih o f ta le n t su ggests a si.xlh w in n in g season in seven ye a rs. T h e ro s te r is sta c ke d w ilh la le n i, b u t th e re ’s a c a tc h - y o u n e v e r k n o w a b o u t so p h o m o re s . I f th e s o p h o m o re s an d 11 firs t-y e a r sta rte rs d o n ’t e.xcel, D a v ie c o u ld b c in tro u b le . “ W e 're a n x io u s to sec h o w th e y ’re g o in g to rise lo the c h a lle n g e ," Illin g sa id . "P a lric k , N e il (R ic e ) a n d W o o ld rid g e w ere b ig na m e s, b u t that s e n io r class o f D a n S u lliv a n , C h ris N ic h o ls , D a v e P o p lin , Josh P fa ff - y o u k n e w that b u n ch w as g o in g to bc g o o d . T lie re ’s g re a l y o u lh an d a lo l o f ii - it ’s ju s l in e x p e rie n ce d . I t ’s a go od a ih le iic b u n ch an d th e y ’ re stro n g , th e y ’ve ju s t g o l to le a rn h o w to p la y o n F rid a y n ig h t." T lie sch e d u le in clu d e s a te sty se co n d ga m e a g a in si "C a d illa c " Joe Ja ckson an d W est R o w a n . B y S ep t. 27, D a v ie s h o u ld ha ve a g o o d idea o f w h e re ils .season is he aded , fa c in g M o o re s v ille , S la le s v ille a n d F re e d o m in su cce ssive w e e ks. T lic C P C o p e n e r is O c l. I I . " I f w e can w in e a rly, I Ih in k w e can d e v e lo p an a llilu d e and b e lie v e w e ca n p la y ," Illin g sa id . "W e ha d a y o u n g b u n ch tw o ye a rs ago. W e w en t to S la le s v ille a n d tu rn e d th e b a ll ove r. I f w e be al S la le s v ille , w e g o in lo M o o re s v ille w ith a lilllc n io n ie n - lu m and y o u n e v e r kn o w . W e s la rle d d o u b lin g o u rs e lf. (4 -7 ) c o u ld ha ve been 7 -4 o r 8-3 e a s ily ," T h e W a r E a g le s h a ve had a h a rd lim e re lo a d in g a fle r c la im ­ in g co n l'e re n ce lilie s . A fte r g o in g 10-1 in 196.3, th e y w e n t.‘i-2 -3 and 3 - 1 -3 in fo r .second in the N o rth P ie d m o n t C o n fe re n ce . A fle r g o in g 8 -2 and s h a rin g Ihe N P C title w ith L e x in g to n and T h o n ia s v ille in 1984, th e y w e n t 3 -5 a n d 4 '3 ih e ir firs l y e a r in the 4 -A C P C . A fte r g o in g 9 -2 a n d 4 - 0 in 1999, Ih e y w e n t 4 -7 and 1-3 fo r fo u rth , lo s in g s e e m in g ly e v e ry ga m e in the fo u rth q u a rte r. T lia t m a ke s D a v ie 14 -14 and 8 -7 fo llo w in g a c h a m p io n s h ip year. “ T lie y 're a lo t o f e x p e c ta tio n s n o w , an d w e w a n l to re pea l and d o so m e th in g th a t’s n e ve r been d o n e ,” Illin g said. "T h a t's g o in g to be a g re a l ch a lle n g e , b u t w e th in k i l ’s so m e th in g th is team has th e c a p a b ility o f d o in g . S o w e ’re h e a d in g in the rig h l d ire c tio n . T h e m id d le sc h o o ls are p ro d u c ­ in g an d g e ttin g g o o d n u m b e rs o u t. E v e ry b o d y ’s e x c ite d a b o u t fo o tb a ll in D a v ie C o u n ty , an d it ’s n o t g o in g a n yw h e re . W e ’ re ju s t b e g in n in g to ta p the so u rc e .” D e fe n s e S a y s I t ’s F a s te r “ W e ’ re g o in g to b c a litlle m o re e x c itin g ,” d e fe n sive ba cks co a ch J e ff W a rd said. “ W e ’ re g o in g to g e t a fle r som e p e o p le m o re a g g re s s iv e ly lh a n w e ha ve, a lth o u g h w e ’ve p la y e d som e g o o d de fe nse the pasl fe w ye ars. W c w a n t lo la k e it to a n o lh e r le v e l. O u r team speed is fa ste r th is ye a r, an d w e had a p re tty q u ic k de fe nse last ye ar.” T h a t’s q u ite a c o m p liin e n l, c o n s id e rin g last y e a r’s de fe nse a llo w e d .seven to u c h d o w n s , g a ve u p 8 .7 p o in ts a g a m e a n d e x ­ te n d e d ils stre a k o f 20 o r fe w e r p o in ls to 12 ga n ie s. E ig h t sta rte rs re tu rn o n d e ­ fense. L in e m e n S a m S to v a ll and B ra n d o n P ane p la n o n h o ld in g te a m m e e tin g s a ro u n d th e o p p o s ­ in g ru n n e r, a n d T im m y R e d ­ m o n d , Jo n G o o d e , B illy R id d le an d B en A llr e d w ill h o p e fu lly co m p e n s a te fo r th e ab sence o f L o w e ry ’s 174 ta ck le s. “ Y o u k n o w h o w g o o d w e w e re la sl y e a r," o u ts id e lin e b a c k e rs co a ch K e ilh W h ita k e r sa id . “ I ’ m n o l g o in g to g o o u t o n a lim b an d say w e 're g o in g to be b e lle r lh a n th a t, b u l I 'll te ll y o u w e w e re so in te n se at (L e n io r R h y n e ca m p ). It w a s a m a z in g th e in te n s ity . Y o u b e tte r lo c k th e g a te s, a c c o rd in g to C o a ch W a rd , bcca u se w c 'rc g o in g to g e l a fte r il. ” “ W e s h o u ld be b e tte r lh a n w e w e re la sl y e a r,” R e d m o n d said. " i f c v e ry b c 'd y can ju s t ke e p Ih e ir h a ir o n fir e ." T h e o v e rh a u le d o ffe n s e c o u ld h o ld th e k e y to D a v ie ’s succe.ss. T h e o n ly re tu rn e rs w ith s ta rtin g e x p e rie n c e are lin e m e n J u s lin L a n n in g , T re n t Y o u n g an d M itc h e ll R o b e rts. B u t fa n s c o u ld be in fo r a p le a sa n t s u rp ris e an d o p p o n e n ts m a y d o a d o u b le -ta k e w h e n th e y see ru n n e r B illy R id d le an d re c e iv e rs L a rry H u d s o n a n d B ria n H u n te r. " I ’m n o l g o in g to lie , the o ffe n s e p u l it o n us (A u g . 7 ),’’ R e d m o n d sa id . "T h e y s u rp ris e d m e . T h e y d o it a g a in st us, th a t’s g o in g to m a k e ih c m e v e n b e lte r in th e g a m e s. C o o le r (A rn o ld , 1 s o p h o m o re q u a rte rb a c k ) is • re a d in g it m o re , an d w h e n he d o e s n ’ t h a ve th e pass h e ’ll la ke o ff. H e y, th a t’s tro u b le b y its e lf. R id d le an d J u s lin B ro w n h a ve been ru n n in g it h a rd . (S o p h o ­ m o re lig h l e n d T e d ) R a n d o lp h ’s b e e n s u rp ris in g m e , a n d (tig h t e n d C o d y ) S te p h e n s is d o in g p re lly g o o d . "J u s l g iv e us 21 p o in ts . T h a t’s a ll th e y n e e d to sco re . W e ’ re n o t g o in g to le t to o m a n y p e o p le sc o re o n us.” H e re ’s ca p su le s o n D a v ie ’s C P C o p p o n e n ts . N o r th D a v id s o n (1 1 -2 , 4 -1 ): L a s t y e a r N o rth c lim b e d on T u ttle ’s b a ck a n d so a re d to 3 1 -5 o v e r Ihe la st ih re e ye a rs. C o a ch B o b B u tts is g o n e , a n d so is T u ttle , w h ic h le a ve s a g ia n t h o le in the b a c k fie ld . "S c a n T u ttle d id a b o u t e v e ry ­ th in g fo r us,” sa id n e w co a ch M a rk H o lc o m b , w h o w o rk e d u n d e r B u tts fo r th re e ye a rs. B u t th e B la c k K n ig h ts s till seem ca p a b le o f c o m p a ra b le deeds. T h e reasons: Q B D a n ie l L ig h t (1 ,4 4 8 pa ssin g y a rd s ), 6 -4 re c e iv e r C h ris N o b le , R B T ya n n a T u llle , fo u rth -y e a r L B R a m iro V illa lo b o s , D B C o lb y T u llle and a ve te ra n d e fe n s iv e lin e . “ W e ’ve g o t q u ite a fe w T u ttle s ,” H o lc o m b sa id . “ W e 're ru n n in g o u t o f th e m , Ih o u g h . W e 'v e g o t one m o re in m id d le s c h o o l.” R e y n o ld s (i- 1 0 , 0 -5 ): R e y ­ n o ld s fe ll d o w n a greased h ill last ye a r, c o s tin g A le x M e b a n e h is jo b . N e w co a ch M ik e P ro p st is w o rrie d a b o u t a s o ft te a m p sych e . H e says h e ’s re b u ild in g . R iv a ls in s is t he possesses the de epest ta le n t re s e rv o ir in the leag ue. “ W e 'v e g o t so m e a th le te s b u t try in g lo g e l th e m a ll o n the .same p a ge is to u g h ,” sa id H o lc o m b , w h o has fo u r ye ars o f h e ad- c o a c h in g e x p e rie n ce , at W a ta u g a in B o o n e an d K e e n a n in C o lu m ­ b ia , S .C . “ M e n ta lly an d p h y s i­ c a lly , w e 'v e k in d o f be en a .soft le a m . It re a lly b o tto m e d o u l last ye ar. E v e ry th in g h a p p e n e d , a lo l o f ba d Ih in g s . W e 're ly in g to g e l il lu rn e d a ro u n d , b u l it ’s an u p h ill c lim b . " I l ’s g o in g to be a lo u g h ro a d fo r us. W e c o u ld fin is h as h ig h as se co n d o r lo w as la s l.” S o u lh Ire d e ll (3 -8 ,1 -4 ): S o u lh ’s p ro sp e cts lo o k c o n s id e r­ a b ly b rig h te r th a n last ye a r. T h e e n tire O L , w h ic h is 6 -2 a n d 2 4 0 p o u n d s o n a vera ge, is Ih ird -y e a r sta rte rs. E v e ry o n e re lu rn s in the b a c k fie ld e x ce p t the q u a rte rb a c k . T lie 2 8 -d e cp V ik in g s c o u ld sla g e a d ra m a tic tu rn a ro u n d IF th e in ju ry b u g d o e sn ’t b ile . “ (N e w L a k e N o rm a n H ig h ) a ffe c te d o u r J'V te a m a n d o u r d e p th o n v a rs ity ,” s e v e n th -y e a r c o a ch K e n t M ills a p s sa id . "T a l- cn t-w i.se w e ’re fin e . W e ju s t d o n 't ha ve a lo l o f p e o p le b e h in d th e m . W e ’re p a p e r-ih in . In ju rie s w o u ld k ill us, so w e 're d o in g a lo l o f p ra y in g lh a t n o b o d y gets h u rl. T h e O L w ill c a rry us as fa r as w e can g o .” S o u th ’s h ig h ca rd is L a n d o n C a rte r, a 6 -4 lig h l end w h o is d ra w in g a lle m io n fro m se ve ra l A C C sch o o ls. " I f w c ha d the d e p th th is ye ar. I ’d fe e l p re tty g o o d th a t w e ’d h a ve a sh ot at the c ro w n ,” M ills a p s said. S o u th R o w a n (8 -5 ,4 -1 ): T h e R a id e rs w a v e d b y e -b y e lo 28 .seniors. “ W e ’re n o l g o in g lo re p la c e (E a st-W e s t s a fe ly ) B ra d L a n n in g an d w e ’ re n o t g o in g to re p la c e (lin e b a c k e r) Ja y P h il­ lip s ,” c ig h lh -y e a r co a ch R ic k V a n h o y sa id . “ B ra d w a n te d to k n o w h o w w e ’re g o in g to d o , an d I sa id w e d o n ’t ha ve a n y to n e - se lte rs rig h t n o w - lik e P a lric k L o w e ry w a s a t D a v ie .” T h e R a id e rs lo st n in e d e fe n ­ s iv e sta rte rs, b u l th e y ’ve g o t p le n ty o f w e a p o n s o n o ffe n s e . H e n ry N o rm a n ru sh e d fo r 9 7 0 y a rd s b e fo re te a rin g h is A C L in th e n in th g a m e . Q B A n d re w M o rg a n passed fo r 641 y a rd s and ra n fo r 2 1 4 . A n d th e y h a ve th re e c o lle g e p ro sp e cts o n th e lin e . A g a in , a lo l is rid in g o n h o w the in e x p e rie n c e d d e fe n se pe r- fo m is . W e s t F o rs y th (3 -8 , 2 -3 ): O p p o n e n ts d id n ’l m in d w a tc h in g W e st s tru g g le fo r a ch a n g e . L a st y e a r w a s its firs t lo s in g re c o rd sin c e Ih e 19 80s, b u l d o n ’t e x p e c t a re p la y . T w e n ty sta rte rs re tu rn , c o u n tin g th e k ic k e r a n d p u n te r. “ E v e ry b o d y ’s a y e a r o ld e r, s tro n g e r a n d re a lly h u n g ry ," I3 th -y c a r co a ch R u s s e ll S to n e sa id . “ W e ha d a re a l g o o d o ffs e a ­ son s ta rlin g T h a n k .s g iv in g . W e w e re a b le lo b rin g in so m e g o o d a s sista n t co a ch e s, a n d th a t w ill g iv e us so m e e n e rg y a n d life ." L e a d in g th e posse is la ilb a c k H a ro ld B e n n e tt, a w a le r b u g w h o ru sh e d fo r 1,273 ya rd s ; s e n io r J a m ie L illy , w h o ru sh e d fo r 6 0 0 y a rd s as a s o p h o m o re ; a n d Joe B re w e r, a fo u rth -y e a r s ta rte r at re c e iv e r. T lie d e fe n s iv e p illa rs are R a lp h P e a rso n , D a v id H e c k and B la ir W illa rd . W e st p la n s o n w in n in g a g a in , s ta rtin g n o w . "W e k in d o f p la y e d last y e a r lo g e t to th is o n e .” S to n e .said. " W e ’re b a c k to p la y in g re a l fo o lb a ll. I re a lly lik e th e o ffe n ­ s iv e fro n l. I th in k w e ’ ve g o t a g o o d s h o l. T h e m a in re a so n is us, n o t be cause o f w h a t p e o p le are lo s in g .” -< On The Cover... T h e c o v e r fo r th is s p e c ia l W a r E a g le fo o tb a ll e d itio n in ­ c lu d e s tw o la rg e p h o to g ra p h s o f s ta r d e fe n s iv e lin e m a n S a m S to v a ll, a n d o n th e b o tto m , fro m le ft, J e re m y W e s t, L a rry H u d s o n , J o n G o o d e , T im m y R e d m o n d a n d J u s tin L a n n in g , a ll s e n io rs . T h e p h o to g ra p h s w e r e ta k e n b y E n te r p r is e R e c o rd p h o to g ra p h e r a n d g e n ­ e ra l m a n a g e r, R o b in F e rg u s s o n . D e s ig n id e a s a n d la y o u t w e re b y s p o rts e d ito r, B ria n P itts , a n d a d v e rtis in g d ire c to r, R a y T u t­ te ro w . P itts w ro te th e a rtic le s th a t a p p e a r in th is s e c tio n , a n d p h o to g ra p h e r Ja m e s B a rrin g e r m a d e th e b la c k a n d w h ite p h o ­ tos. áá A U T O . L IF E . M E .” T A L K T O A R K A L , L IV K P n i S O N W H O « IN T H K S A M K r a O N K B O O K A S Y O U . Steve Ridenhour (336) 751-0669 300 S. Main Sl . Mocksville, N C Mark S. Jones (336) 751-0669 300 S. Main Sl , M ocksvillc, N C /lllstate. H B a r t ÿ ] G ^ u í K i w ^ & O e t m a m i a t i o i i These are the things that turn winners into champions. Best of Luck W ar Eagles! K; I lll:<!II!l I IIB^'!.T- 4 I ll«..«fl I\FUNERAL SERVICE 325 North Mam Street, Mocksville, N C 751-2148 S E E T H E A C T IO N ! W i t h T h e W a r E a g l e s E v e r y F r i d a y N i g h t Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville, NC 336-751-2141 B r i n g I t O n ! D a v i e H i g h F o o t b a l l 2 0 0 2 P a g e 3 Thursday, Aug. 22, 2002 DAVIC COUNTY E N T E R P R I/É ^ E C O R D The 2002 Davie Higli School Varsity Football Team V a r s it y F o o t b a ll R o s te r No.Nume lit. VVt.I’os.2 Gareth While 6-1 175 DB .?Jeremy Young 5-7 155 WR 4 Larry 1 Unison 6-1 160 WR .-i D.J. Rice 6-1 205 LB fl Brian Hunler 5-1« ISO WR 7 Brandon Pane 5-10 l'J5 1)1. S rimmy ReilnuMut 5-10 l')0 O l.li ')Armand Vonsialsky 6-0 1>)0 Tli 10 James Arnold 5-1(1 185 OB12Andrew McClannon 5-10 l')()QH 14 Jon Crisco 5-tO 170 WK 16 Juslin Brown 6-2 185 UH 20 Raeshon McNeil 6-1 1X0 DB 21 T.J. 1-cnncll 5-10 175 WR 22 Jeremy Berube 6-0 2(10 RB 2.1 Malachi Geniry 5-8 143 DB 24 Ben Allred 6-2 I'KI DB 26 Chris Mauser 5-10 170 DB 28 Kevin Winters 5-10 170 K/l> .10 Chris Burton 5-10 180 DB .11 Derek Cornalzer 5-8 163 DH .12 Dewayne Collins 6-0 1‘JO OLB .1.1 Chris Goode 6-0 1‘JO LB .14 Jam ar Bratcher 5-10 185 RB 41 M ichael Simmons 5-10 170 DB 4.1 Billy Riddle 5-10 180 RB/DB 44 Sam Stovall 6-2 280 DL 45 Jon Goodu 6-2 230 OLB 46 Kyle Gustafson 6-0 220 LB 47 Zac O ’Brien 6-.1 lyo OLB 50 Kevin Boger 5-10 185 OLB 31 M all Mar);laiul 6-3 220 OL 52 Jeremy Wesl 6-.1 250 DL 53 Derrick Foster 5-9 175 OLB 54 Justin Norsworlhy 6-0 213 OL 55 Juslin Lanning 6-2 255 OL 56 Caleb Davis 5-10 170 OL 5« Clwis Blakley 6-3 245 OL 60 M ilehell Roberts 6-2 215 OL 64 Terrell W ilson 5-10 190 DL 65 Thomas Schambach 6-3 200 DL 66 Trent Young 6-1 313 OL 67 Ryan Boehm 6-1 215 OL 72 Zach Jakob 6-4 290 OL 77 Kyle Brown 6-2 270 OL 7K Curtis M atthews 6-4 350 DL SO Evan Beam 5-10 175 WR 81 Adrian Welliington 5-10 170 WR 82 Wesley Thompson 5-y 160 WR 84 Ted Randolph 6-4 233 TE 86 Josh Darnell 6-0 140 DB n Brandon Bledsoe 6-1 230 DL ‘)5 Cody Stephens 6-5 190 TE H ead Couch Doug Illing Assistunt Couches Devore Holman (clcfcnsivi; coorciinalor) Bill Oakley (ofl'cnsive coordinator) Chad Groover (OL) Barry W liillock (RB) Mike Lovelace (W R) Lee Linville (OL/licacl JV) Ron Bivins (RB) John Biillin.s (DB) JclTW ard(DB) Mike Rominger (LB) Keith W hitaker (OLB) Tililcn Carter (DL) Mall Sain (DB) Go get‘em War Eagles! Good Luck From a SOUTHERN STATES Davie Farm Service, Inc. 3 0 3 W ilk esb o ro S t., M ocksville (336) 7 5 1 -5 0 2 1 George T. Brown - Owner FEEDS • SEEDS • FERTILIZERS • FARM CHEMICALS • STRAW • PINE NEEDLES MULCH • FARM & HOME SUPPLIES • LAWN & GARDEN SUPPLIES W e ’r e lig h tin g u p s c o re b o a rd s ' e v e iy w h e re w e go! ★ ★ ★ * * Good Luck Davie High! Energy}TS33IliH 3 1 7 Sanford Ave. ★ Mocksville, NC ★ 751-S 136 O&URTSIDE SPi£RTS 157 North Main SlrBot • Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-4700 Onicially Liconsed Pioducis • Davio Counly Schools • NFL • NBA • MLB • NCAA Sports Equipmonl & Clolhino • T-Shirts »H als • Trophies • Unjloims • Swim Suits • LotlBf Jackols * Custoin Screenprlnting & Embroidery GO WAR EAGLES! L I G H T M Y F I R E c;i;i. CA.N'DLI'.S I'OR A N Y O C C A S IO N I =57 N. M AIN .STKHHT M O CK SVlLLi:, N C 2702H 1-1700 I'M All.: liuliimvnrc()l'nc@mcick.svilk‘.com “Let Us Li'iiht Up Your Ufe!" Î H E B IG DAVIE C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/E^^ EC ORD IS C O M IN G The search is on for the BEST, the GREATEST, the TOP DOGS. Yes we’re looking forPRIME-TIME PIGSKIN PROGNOSTICATORS! Each year local football fans take a beating in the Football Contest. Maybe this will be the year someone wins it all, takes home the bacon an(j GOES ALL THE WAY to the bank with our H U E GRRHD K IZ E ! • Grand Prize soes to the first perfect entry which correctly piciis the winner in ALL our games. No one has ever done It. Could you be the first one to pluck the prize money from our ¡rasp? A r e Y O U u p t o t h e c h a l l e n g e ? B r in g I t O n ! D a v ie H ig h F o o tb a ll 2 0 0 2 P a g e 4 T h u rsd a y, A u g . 2 2 , 2 0 0 2 d a v ie c ^n t y E M T E R P R I/G ^ E C O R D B i g - T i m e P r o s p e c t : S a m S t o v a l l A t t r a c t i n g D i v i s i o n I A t t e n t i o n Lasl year linebacker Patrick Lowery and kicker David W ooldridge wowed fans, overwhelmed opponenls. won all the hig awards and signed ACC scliol- arships. W e'll lei you in on a little secret: Last year wasn’t a once-every-10-years phenomenon. Sam Stovall might K- the liesl defensive lineman Davie's ever had. "H e's a man among boys," said of­ fensive line coach Chad Groover, a fom ier A ll-A m erica at A ppalachian Stale. "Me has the size, the speed, the heart and the smarts. He should Ix; all- state. he should be in the Shrine Bowl, and he should play Division I-AA to I- A next year." Wake Forest is certainly convinced. It's already put an offer on the table. Appalachian Stale's crazy about him. S tovall has caught attention from Clem son, Tennessee, South Carolina. Georgia Tech. M ichigan, Oregon, N.C. Stale, North Carolina and Virginia. Me visited Tennessee last spring. Over the summer, he auditioned al three com ­ bines and attended camps at N.C. Slate. North Carolina and Wake Forest. He's shaken hands with Virginia head coach Al Groh. N.C. State's Chuck Amato. Clem son's Tommy Bowden and South C arolina's Lou Ilolt/,. "W ake Forest has offered him. but there’s going to be several more," de­ fensive line coach Devore Holman said. "Me had real good showings at com bines and cam ps." Stovall is laking everything ir. stride. "W ake told me all I’ve got lo do is keep my grades up." he said, "I'm just trying to keep my options open. I want to play Division I-A. If 1 don’t get of­ fered. lough luck. I'll go down." Coaches and fans saw this day com ­ ing four years ago, but Stovall might have been the last guy to know how good he is. Me didn't consider himself special even though he roared into the varsity starting lineup as a freshman. "A s a ninlh grader Sam didn't know whal the future couW hold for him." Holman said. "Just because you're big and Slrong doesn't mean you're a man. You've got 10 remember he's 14-years- Sam S lo v a ll p u ls a p la y fu l head lo c k on le a m m a le s L a rry H ud son (le ft) and T.J. F en nell. S to v a ll, a 4 lli-y e a r sla rte r. has been o ffe re d b y W ake Forest. old at the time." As a freshm an and sophom ore, Stovall didn't concentrate on grades. "I didn'l really know ahout college." he said. "1 w asn't really inleresied in il." Stovall's attitude changed late in his sophom ore year. W ilh H olm an and mother Vicki Stovall's encouragement, he figured out that no one could stop hiiu from becoming a hig-lime pros- pecl other than himself. "H e started seeing the light and started thinking ahoul academ ics," Vicki said. "H e's real psyched. H e's focussed. Wake really wanis him. but it's really jusi up lo him . I'd love lo see him go lo Wake because il's a small school.” "He figured out lhal he w anted to further his education and athletics was a way that he could finance that thing." Holman said. "H e’s worked real hard in Ihe classroom lo pul him self in po­ sition for thal." Quarterbacks mighl need ice packs afler nmning inlo Ihis Mack truck. He’s 6-2 and 28(1 poimds. 1 le can bench 330 pounds, squat 5(K), hang-clean 330 and incline 245. "Let me remind you he did all his maxes on one day, where everybody else ma.\ed in two days," Holman said. "He could have squatted 600 pounds if we would have let him ." ■'I don't think an offensive lineman can stop him ." G roover said. "You mighl slow him down, but you won't stop him." Slovall possesses remarkable speed and agility for a supersized lineman. He did som ething absolutely amazing in the last game o f his eighth-grade year. Then-South Davie coach Barry W hitlock suspended his star running back Ihe week of the conference cham ­ pionship gam e betw een unbeaten South and unbeaten North Davie, and ordered Stovall to switch jerseys. No. 74 to 44. Slovall ran wild, churning 20 times for 166 yards, scoring three touch­ downs and fueling a 30-12 wipeout. Mow rare a commodity is Stovall? The mammoth lackie runs 40 yards in .i.O seconds and can dunk a dodge ball. "Running 20- or 10-yard sprints, he's as quick as anybody." Holman said. "For a defensive lineman, he's the best athlete w e've ever had. Unbeliev­ able athletic ability." defensive backs coaeh Jeff W ard said. "Som ebody threw a ball lo him (al Lenior Rhyne camp), 1 just happened to look, and he wenl up and brought it back down. He looked like Rod Tenor. We could play C o a c h , W e ' r e R e a d y T o o ! Allen Whitaker D avie C ounty S h e riff !4 0 S .M :tin S i.,M o ck.sville 751-6238 Barry Kennedy B uck's I’izza 1374 Salisbur)' St., M ocksville 751-0409 Bill Disher D a iry Q ueen 5286 US H w y 158, Advance 940-2438 Sasha M y Friends Place N orth M ain St., M ocksville 751-3676 Luke & Michael McDaniel Dr. Adam Dorset! F arm Bureau H illsd ale D ental 149 Yadkin Valley Rd., Advance 135 M edical D rive, Advance 998-6521 998-2427 Bryson Hunter grandson o f K enny Stone 1441 Hw y. 601 S., M ocksvilic .ь— и “ь Т м .I t I iion 977 Y adkinville Rd.. M ocksville 751-6207 Mickey Anderson H o rn ’s E.\press #2 Amanda Bralley Tow n o f M ocksville 171 Clem ent St., M ocksville 751-2259 Linda Carter L & S G rocery 1878 Hwy, 801 S, Advance 998-7347 P.D. Allen P h ilC a r A utom otive 1628 Hw y. 601 S, M ocksville 751-1800 Gary Bowden IV ia n g le Insurance G ro u p N. M ain St., M ocksville 936-0023 him anywhere on the field. I saw him play b.iskelball in the eighth grade, and he's a pretty doggone good basketball player." Keilh W hitaker said running a trap play toward Stovall is like going inlo a lion's den with a piece of steak in your hand. "H e's the besl at playing up a trap of any defensive linemen I’ve seen in 19 years." Ihe outside linebackers coach said. "I will rew ind the tape when I’m grading my outside lineback­ ers just lo walch w henever a leam tries to trap us. H e's just so dang strong you don’t move him. and a lot of limes Ihey try lo block him and he’ll still make Ihe tackle. "Sam 's got all the potential in the w orld to make us a great defensive team, and you'll get to .see him play ' on Saturdays ne.xt year." B r i n g I t O n ! H i g h F o o t b a l l 2 0 0 2 P a g e 5 I'hursclny, Aug. 22, 2002 D A V IE C O U N T Y EHTERPRI/ÍÉ^IÍECORD IT 'S C O M I N 6 S O O N ... I N T W O W E E K S After the big gam, I’w gettiti'ready for D E E R S E A S O N at the FalloutShelter. FflùouT S H iin n ■Ion (Id .iclc and l im m y U cih n o m I g iv e the ile le n se a lirm ba ekbo ne as oulsicle lin e b a cke rs. B o lh are th ird -y e a r starters. Consummate Leaders G o o d e Ig n o re s A N a g g in g In ju r y , R e d m o n d Sets W e ig h t-R o o in E x a m p le BUN SHOP LOOK fo r o u r ad NEXT WEEK! 11895 C O O L S P R IN G S R D W O O D L E A F 3.4 Milos from Hwy. 801 Bolwoon Slatosvillo & Salisbury 704-278-9159 Opon Tuos. 10am-6pm • Wod.-Fri. 10am*7pm • Sat. t0pnv3pm Nicc ih)ii‘l iK*t.4'ss;iiil> liiiish lasl. iulm in* ihc u ;i\ .Ion ( ’t(M)dc ;imi T im m y K cilm o iu l c a n y th c u is c K o s . T hcv h;ivo in ay n clic p erso n alities ;mil u o n - tlciliil alliliu lcs. T h cs have iv\- CL'Ik’Mi c h a ra c te r. I'h o y ’iv role m oilcis lo r rrcsliincii aiul s o p h o ­ m ores. I.a.si year Ihey were haek- iinninil .stars on a wreekine-hall ilcCcHsc.'Hiis year, as tliinl-ycar slarlers, Ihey're on eentcr siaue. ••W e'v e j»oi lo slay heallhv ihere b eeaiise u e ’ve im t to litle th o se Iwo ( ’a d illa e s.” tlet'enslve eoortiinaU ir D evore 1 lo lin an said ol lhetM iisiile lin eh aek ers. •’T hat tse n io r) u ro u p last y e a r w;js sp e­ c ia l. hill th is y ro iip is sp e cia l, too. T iin m \ anil .Ion. hey. Ih e y ’re w hal you w an t as se n io rs anil as leailers. anil you ilo n ’l see lhal ev e ry ila y .” (»«MKk* IjjMorcs l.ast y e a r C looile’s sh o iililer poppeil oiil ol' p lac e se em in g ly e v e ry tim e h e iiirneU a ro u iu l. Som eliow . he w ineeil anil play ed on. S o m eh o w , h e sliook o lí e v ­ e ry a c h e an il n e v e r m is s e d a liam c. C o aeh l3ovig lU inii is e o n lin n - ally a m a /e d hy (Jo iu le ’s loiigli- ness. T h e s h o u ld e r still iro iih les him ilespiie an o lìse a so ii opera- lion. “ H e ’s eiu lu reil a tie m en d o u s ain o im t o f a d v e rsity w ilh in ju ­ ries. b u t y o u 'd n ev er know ii.” Mliii!: said. *’! le p lay ed last y ear u i th a s e p a r a le d . d is lo c a le d sh o u ld e r jiisi ab o u t ev ery gam e, l i e ’ll c o m e o u t Гог a c o u p le p lay s, ih e y ’d p o p ii b ack in and he w a s b ack in Ih ere - u m il il p o p p e d out a g a in , lie kn ew the team n eed ed hin). an d if he had lo c m il оГГ h e w a s g o in g lo p lay ,’* C ioode (b -2 , 2.10) n o w w ears l*le;ise See ’Ппипу • Гнце 6 C o a c h , W e ' r e R e a d y T o o ! .Aly.se H o w d e ii Caudell l.iim h iT i(i2 Slwck St., M ocksville 751-2167 Ale.v Patton H il.ti m Vallcv Kl!.. M ocksvillc iil- l4 9 9 Bruce iVIilligan .S iiutlierii Showcase Huusin}; 171)5 Hwy. 601 N.. M ocksville ' 751-1371 Darryl Leonard Davie ira c lo r 1029SalisburyR d.. M ocksville 751-5969 Which One Is Krazy? K ra zy Kohs 5228 H wy. 158, Hillsdale 817-8549 Dr. Jerry Hauser HilLsdale D entai 135 M edical D rive, Advance 998-2427 r I ! Nomili Blatt H o rn ’s K xp ress#! US 64 & Salisbury S l„ iVlocksville 751-7676 Dan, 'laylor & Hailee Frank F arm Iltire a ii 149 Yadkin Valley Rd., Advance 998-6.521 Robby Dilmore We.stside Dodge 157 D epili St.. M ocksvillc 751-.5948 Tom McMillan Davie M cdica l K quipm ent 959 Salisbuiy St., M ocksville 751-4288 Jack Naylor J.P. G reen M illin g 496 E. Depot St., M ocksvillc 751-2126 Larry Campbell L & G H a ir Design 112 NC H w y 801 N.. Advancc 998-8276 B r i n g I t O n ! D a v ie H ig h F o o tb a ll 2 0 0 2 P a g e 6 Thursday, Aug. 22, 2002 D A V IE C < ^ N T Y E N T E R P R I/ È R E C O R D H u d s o n T r a v e l e d L o n g R o a d t o B e c o m e N o . 1 R e c e i v e r Everyone loves nn againsi- lonp-oiliK slory. Lillle Larry Hudson was a scrub foolball player al Soui'i Davic Mitlille, a i:arbaj:c-|jnie running back on an undefeated cighlh-grade leam, and he had to pay to see tho ¡¡ainc as a Davie freshm an. T h a t's righl, he w atched the aclion from the stands, "I didn't play niy ninth-grade year." he said. "A little bii was because I was small, but 1 was .still trying to be a kid and I didn'l want to come lo practice every­ day." Hudson's decision not lo play as a freshnian hardly qualified as bad news. No one noticed, to be harsh but hoiiesl. "W hen he came in as a fresh­ nian. he was 10.1 pounds and wasn'l much of anything In foot­ ball." Davie coach Doug Illing said. hhidson, how ever, was a spe­ cial lalcnl in w reslliiii:. In eighlh grade. Iho he w on the conference’s ‘Jft-pound division and carved a I .<-() rocord. The iransiiion from middle school to varsity slarlor at 10.1 was a breeze for,H udson, who went .10-1.1 wilh one win in the state individual tournainoni. Only Cody A ngell, Brad Pack and P atrick I.ow ery w on m ore m atches lhan Ihe freshman as Davie finished runner-up in the 4-A duals. Hudson had unlimited poten­ tial as a wrestler but suddenly decided lo give football anolher Iry. Ho couldn't juggle bolh sports for ono obvious reason. "I d id n 't wanl lo lose weight." he said. "I was trying to gel big for football." Even though becoming a use­ ful foolball player seemed like a long shot. Hudson threw aw ay an enormous wrestling future and crealod a huge void in tho low weights. "W hen he gave up wrestling, he made a conimilmoni to bo a football player." Illing said, "That was a big blow lo the wrestling team, and we really haled lo see him quit lhat. I mean we really tried lo lalk lo him be­ cause he was a hockuva wrestler, and he was probably Iho miss­ ing link 10 lhat state champion­ ship." 1 ludson iK-came a weight-lift- ing enthusiast and pulled liim- sl^lf oul of foolball oblivion as a JV sophomore, catching seven touchdow ns for .10 or moro yarils. In a 2 1 - 14 win o\ or .South Rowan, ho scored three touch­ downs on ihroo receptions, total­ ling 117 yards, "On the football side of it, he used lhat time to lift weights af­ ter school, ran track and gol ready for foolball." Illing said, "1 guess lhat was his ilesiro. You hate il for Ihe wrestling team, hut if your heart's not in it,,," H udson's hearl was tested lasl season as a varsity junior. Ho played behind Jason Hogue, Brandon Gentry and Jacob Gar­ ner. making one calch for Ihreo yards. Instead ofmoping. lie sol­ diered on. "M e and my lillle brolher (eighth-grader Konnoth Brown) would work out in tho street, running sprints and stuff and doing pu.sh-ups." he said. "I put a lot into weight lifting because I knew I had to gol bigger and faster." .•\s a freshman Hudson was .“i-S and barely I (X) pouiids. Now he's 6-0 and IS.S pounds. Lasl year ho had a 40-yard dash time of 4.6') soconds. Now ho runs a 4..‘i6. His payoff has come. He's the No. I receiver. "Ho hil a growth spurt and shoot, h e's a go-lo guy this year." Illing said. "I le's made the most o f his potential for some- boily w ho came in not having a lot of size ami speed. Thai's a tribute to his character and the ty|x; of person lhal Larry Hudson is. "H e's very quiet. You hardly ever hear him speak. He's jusi businesslike atid very relaxed. When thero's work to bo done. Larry is in the from of the line and he's going to do Ihe extra that's needed," Hudson traveled a long road lo achieve Ihis momenl. and he's delermined lo make the most of il. "I know I didn'l do all Ihis work for nothing, so I know I'm going lo try lo do something," he said. "I've gol to do some­ thing. I w ouldn't do anything bul block (last year), I just know I had one more vear," B r i n g I t O n ! D a v i e H i g h F o o t b a l l 2 0 0 2 P a g e Thursday, Aug. 7 2 2 , 2 0 0 2 D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I/ É R E C O R D L a n n i n g T o o k H i s L u m p s , T u r n e d H i m s e l f In t o C o l l e g e P r o s p e c t Juslin Lanning's varsity de­ but In 2()00 w asn't a nightmare. If so, he would have slapped him self awake and breatliod a sigh of relief, "M y sophomore yoar, 1 went againsi the best player every game it seemed like," he said, "From my first game at -States­ ville, I remember him - >)2." That No. 42 rolled iho wide- eyed sophomore offensive tacklo like dice. "I didn't get to finish that game because he beat me so bad on pass rushing and we couldn't get tho ball off al ihe eml of the game." Lanning said. “I graded out like a 60 and a passing gratle is ahoul 7.S. 77." "We threw him in the firo be­ cause of injuries." Coach Doug Illing said, "lie was just a wot puppy. He probably got his face mask tw isted and everything else, but never hacked down." Larry liiKlsiin could barely uol on the field at .S. D avic. N ow he'.s D avie's go-lo roccivc-r. T im m y R e d m o n d , J o n G o o d e P r o v in g T o B e L e a d e r s F o r 2 0 0 2 T e a m C ontinued From Paftc 5 a special brace, but "it's going U) com o ou t," Illing said, "Tlicre's no damage or anything, it's jusi tho ligaments aro lhal loose lhal il pops oul." G o«le shrugs and plugs on. "I'm jusi going lo have to do w hat I can lo suck it up,” he said, "I've gol a brace, bul it can only do so much. I mean il's going lo pop oul. It usually rolls back in by itself. After il happens il usu­ ally doesn't hurl real bad unlil the next morning, and Ihen it just kills, I don'l know if It's adrena­ line or what. It did it aboul once ovory game, I had to rehab it all year lo keep il from hurting so bail, “It isn'l going to do any good lo complain aboul il. Just play with it," , K v d m o iu l Sels K xa n ip le R edm ond (.S-IO. I‘J0) h as re a c h e d d o fo n s iv e -rin g lo a d e r statu s Ih ro u g h a rele n tle ss w ork elhic, "lie's an overaehiover in my m ind." outside linebackers coach K eith W hitaker said, “He's one of the hardest - if not hardest - workers we have in Ihe weight room. I Iis progression as far as strength and (|tiickness is tre m en d o u s," "H e's developed his skill far and above what he camo in here being," Illing said, "I le's always boon a ,‘i,l lype guy. ho worked his lail off. and this yoar ho runs a 4,78, So he's ct)mo inlo his own and Ihis yoar is his year to really shine." Redmond woulil havo made all 2S summer workouts if he wotddn'l havo been sick ojiedav. "W e're a lol faster than wc woro last year," ho said. "Lasl year our defense was basically around Patrick (Lowery). This year it's based around me and Jon, so Iho pressure's on us lo make big plays." A lthough Redm ond could smile Ih rough a trip lo tho laun­ dry mat. he's a relentless com ­ petitor helweeu the linos. He's a full-volume force, lilcrallv. "H e's alw ays challenging people." Illing said, "H e's al­ ways talking smack, challenging ihom and compeling, lie talks a liltle smack but that's how ho leads, Thai's how he gels people lo practice hard," "I just try lo get everybody (: pumped up because I want-my defense lo bo rijihl." he said, "I want it to be better than last vear,"Juslin Lmining; w as throw n in thc fire in 2000. Ho fought back and now' h e's a collcgc prospect. Lanning lived a lotofTriilay- night blues in 20(10 partly be­ cause he was inexperienced and partly because the weight room was nearly as foreign as Span­ ish I, "Before 1 camo here. I didn'l know aboul Ihe weight room because 1 never lifted except a few limes at North." ho said, "I could barely got 100 pounds when I first came, Illing encour­ aged me to como in the siniimor. We were only averaging about ll-LS people, and now' we'ro averaging about .“iO people," From thal meager 2000 start. Lanning look off, going from an overm atched 17.S pounds lo a healthy 26.^ in two and a half years, "You're talking about some­ body lhat has gone from being able lo just barely bench press the bar," Illing said, "I le's busted his bull and become ono of the strongest kids on the team. He's constantly outworking people in Ihe weight room to get where he's at now," The lifting fren/.y has trans­ formed Ihe senior cenier into a Division l-AA prospect. He's gollen looks from Appalachian State, W estern C arolina and Wofford, "H e's probably going to be one of the besl linemen in ihe conforence," Illing said, "I Ihink you'ro going lo SCO him really dom inate al that posiiion be­ cause he's going against one of the bosl defensive linemen in Ihe conference in Brandon Pane ev­ eryday, So he's going lo bo glad lo see somebody else lining up at nose," Timmy Rodmonil marveleil al the com parison of Lanning then vs, Lanning now, "Compared to his sophomore yoar, bo's come a long way," the senior outside linebacker said, "His sophomore year, he used lo miss blocks. But now you can count on him, I Ihink he's awe­ some," FARM BUREAU INSURANCE 149 Yadkin Valley Road • Advance 998-6521 H o m e o w n e rs - A u to - B u s in e s s L ife - A n n u itie s - IR As L o n g T erm Care - D is a b ility BC/BS H e a lth In s u r a n c e Agents: Gray Slater Dan Frank Michael McDaniel Kenny Redmond “H e lp in g Y o u Is W h a t iVe D o B e s t” G o o d L u c k W a r E a g l e s In Your Upcoming Season! C o a c h , W e r e R e a d y T o o ! c o a c h . W e ’ r e R e a d y T o o ! Brian VViiiiams Doug Kelly A tto rn e y at L a w J,E , K e lly ln,suruncc 10 Court S q„ M o c k s v illc , 28! N, M ain S i„ M ocksville 751-2171 751-2937 Johnny Hendrix W estside C hryslcr/D odge 157 Depot S l„ M ocLsvillc 751-5948 Dr. Karla Frazier G in n y & C ubby H illsd ale A n im a l CVmie 1.^4 M edical D r„ Advance 998-8750 Judge Jimmy Myers D istrict C o u rt M ocksville Jared & Jacob Barber' C D S D avic 1.31 Industrial Blvd,, M ocksville 751-1585 Ken Cassidy Briggctt Ferrell C assidyjs G ro cery Pennington & C om pany H w y. 158, M ocksville 1278 Y id kiiiville R d„ M ocksvillc 998-3607 751-940Ü or (336) 909-2849 Kurtis Bowers W a l-M a rt Y adkinville Rd., M ocksville 7 5 1 -1 2 6 ^,: ,v Slayton Harpe C C B 880 Yadkinville Rd, M ocksville Gray, Clint, Colby & CieVa Slater F arm Bureau Paige & Josh Berryhill C le rk o f C o u rt’s O ffice 140 S, M ain S l„ M ocksville w. J ■'tl..,v' Glen Stanley Greg Williams I’ennington & C om pany B B & T 1278 Yadkin_\;ille_Rd.. M ocksville , ,9 _ M ocksville 751-5951751-9400 Brent Shoaf D avic R egister o f Deeds 123 S. M ain St., Mock.sville 751-2513 Betty Gunter G u n te r’s C o u n try Store Hwy. 801 at Redland Rd., Advance 998-4250 Hank VanHoy A tto rn e y a t Law 10 C 0U1I Sc|., M ocksville 751-2171 Dan Rumple R um ple A u to Sales 106 N. .Salisbury St., M ocksville 751-3215 George Craven W'estside C iiryslcr/D odge 157 Depot St., M ocksvillc 7 5 1-.5948 Joey Osborne O sborne E le ctric C om pany M ocksville 7 5 1-.3,398 Heather Jo Miller C u ttin 'T im e Hwy, 64 at Hwy, 801, Advance 998-4078 Yvonne Messiek T ip tt U p & M ore lOO-B N. M ain St., M ocksville 751-63,35 Luther Potts Janies Foster B oard o f E ducation F a rm Bureau Griindfatlicrof Parker & Tyler Correll 977 Yadkinville Rd., Mocksville Future Davie War Eajiles 751 -6207 B r in g I t O n ! D a v ie H ig h F o o tb a ll 2 0 0 2 P a g e 8 Thursday y A tig. 22, 2002 O A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I/ E > R E C O R D B i l l y R i d d l e A n d B e n A l l r e d T h e L e g a c y C o n tin u e s A t S a fe ty F o r T h e W a r E a g le s Davic is -)X-25 •'iiici: I'iWi. iiicliidiiii: I S-l I in Ihc C'ciilnil I’icilinoiil C'lMircrciici;, aiul a conicrMonc 1(1 that siicccss has Ikcii ils legacy al safclv. Anily Ward and Scott Cor­ nal/cr uol il rollinu in IW h. Then il was Cornal/cr anil Mall Jam es in | ‘J<)7. fiillowcil hy Zeke Harlc and Jeremy SliolTncr in I')<)•). They estab lish ed golden standards for which all D avie sal'elies will be m ea­ sured. Hen Allred and Billy Riddle earned Iheir iiienibersliip into the Super Salclies 1-ralernily Iasi year. Unl'ortiinalely I'or ball carriers, Ihey're nol done. This year Ihey're seeking lo raise Ihe bar a notch higher. ■■It's real nice Id conliniie that legacy." said del'ensive backs coach John liiilliiis said. "Alhlelically. we niighi have Ihe besl laiuleni lhal w e ’ve had. " ilelensive cuordinalor Devore I lolman said. Senior Allred ((>-2, I'M)) is heading iiiui liis 2.^i\t game as a starter, while junior Riddle (i- 1(1. 1X0) isa second-year slarler. Riddle is aboul as physically anil m enially gilleil iis ihey com e. Som ehow , his arsenal lias a nii\tiire of I'rciglil train and lightning boll, making i|itile an impression al a North Caro­ lina University combine. ■'What can't you say ahoul him'.' H e's a eom plele looiball player." del'ensive backs coach Jeir Ward saiil. "I lo wem down lo Carolina, ran a 4.4S 40 and Ihey were like: 'W here in the (heck) did Ihis kid come I'roni?' Doug (llling) said he's just a ris­ ing junior, riiey got really in- lerest then. "H e's got lhal lillle som e­ lhing extra Ihal's special. He's gol some ol'lhe stull'you can'l coach. I del'inilely think lie'll play Division 1-A.\ football, if not l-A ." "I le'll knock your head off." llling said. "Il'll be inleresling lo see how he does playing bolh sides of Ihe ball, bul il should be pretty exciling." A nd outside linebackers coach K eilh W hilaker said: "Jacksonville (w hich scrim ­ m aged D avie al Ih e I.enoir Rhyne m inicainp) had some specimens who were vellicai. Hilly a couple limes had to help, and you lalk aboul calch-up speed. He looked like the Road Runner oul Ih ere." Allred has polenlial to play on Salurilavs. He brinus bull- dog iiiletisity. 4..‘i speed and be can also deliver a wallop. "He acts real hungry." Ward said. "He acts like he knows Ihis is his Iasi season. 'I'lie coach al I.enior Rhyne showed a lol of inleresi in him because of liis alhlelic ability, and he's pul lo­ gelher pretty good. H e's got an excelleni opporiuniiy lo play Division II or l-AA. Hen's as good an athlete as the C ornal/er boys (Neil and Scott), ami liini and Riddle are neck and neck athlelic-wise." "H en 's very a g g ressiv e, very, very compelilive ami very intelligenl. loo." Bullins said. "1 le can't stand when the other leam gains a yard or com pletes a pass lhal niighl only be for a five-yard gain. He w ants lo make a big play every down. .'\iul wc wanl lhal."B en A llre d and B illy R id d le c o n lin u c tra d itio n o f h a rd -h iu itig sa fc lics . G r e a t O - L i n e b a c k e r s B r i n g C o a c h B a c k F o r A 1 9 t h S e a s o n T h e ou lsid e lin c b iic k c rs , fro m le fl: fro n t - K e v in . B o g e r. Jon G o o ile and T in in iy R e d in o n d ; ba ck - D e rrick Foster, C oach K e ilh W h ila k e r, Z a c O 'B rie n and D e w a yn e C o llin s . Keith Whilaker conlemplaled retiring as a football coach afler last season. H e 's b een in the b u sin e ss a long tim e, b e in g an a lh le lic d i­ rec to r k eep s him b u sy en o u g h an d Ihe lo n g Ifours so m e tim e s lak e Iheir loll w h en y o u 'v e g n l :> w ife am i tw o y o u n g daiig lilers. He cam e close to leaving foiitball, but for some reason he couldn't walk away, riierc were aclually two reasons. If ihe term is coach's dream. Davie's slarl­ ing outside linebackers are the delinilion. H ailey's Com et seem ingly comes around more often lhan seniors like Jon G oode (6-2. 2.^0) ami Tinimy Uedmonil (5- 10, l‘)0). They're skilled enough lo start Ihree years on varsity and they've gol the character to go wilh il.Tlicy won't go on to play Division I football, but tbey're the lype of players you build higli-school chanipionsliips around. " riiey're IWO o f Ih e most coachable kids and Iw o of Ihe besl kids lhal I've hail in my 19 years." Ihe OLBs coach said. "I'm lucky lo coach kids like lhal. and lo he honesl. having a chance lo coach ihose kids again is Ihe main reason 1 came back for another year. 1 still love il bul my years are numbered. Bul I c o u ld n 't pass up coaching Timmy and Jon again. "I'm su c h a le e h n ic |u e -o ri- e n le d c o a ch and ih e y 're so tech - n iq u e -o rie n te d p la y e rs . There are b e lle r a lh le le s oul Ih ere, but w h e n y o u p u t e v e ry th in g lo ­ g e lh e r - Ihe tec h n iq u e , the alti- lu d e . Ihe le a d e rs h ip - I c a n 'l th in k o f tw o I 'v e e v e r c o a ch e d al lh al p o silio n Ihat are a n y b e t­ ter." L ast y e a r R ed m o n d w as o n e o f th e m o st H m lerraleil p lay e rs in Ihe co n fe re n c e. "Not one lime did Timmy gel heat on the backside." he said, ■"rhal means we didn'l give up reverses, we iliiln'l give up biiol- legs. and it's because he's a smart player. "H e's som ebody lhal hon­ estly should have made all-con­ ference last year. W ithout a dmihl. I wasdisappoinled in lhal. but he's all aboul being a leam player. The boltoni line is w in­ ning. If we win. he's happy." And G oode? "A lol of Ihe Ih in g s I said aboul Timmy is Goode.” W hilaker said. There's one Goode skill that hasn't been as priiduelive as the olher ones he's m aslered. He doesn't strut or Ilex or point lo the crowd. "He can make a siiek or tackle and he lines back up lo get ready to play again." W hi­ laker said. “He plays football the old way. • T h e y 're tw o ol' th e top p h ,y . ers in the conference. I really Please .See OiUside - I’aj-e 'J Ü. ' O' C a a c h ^ Ш г г R e a d y T o o ! Sammy McEwen & Sydney Nelson C iitlin ’ Tim e Hwy. 64 al Hwy. XOI. A(]\ancc Lori Correll Darryl Bandy I.&.S G ro cery S lalc F arm In.surance IX 7X H w vS 0 ) S.,Advance .S248U SH w v l58,Advance y98-7.U 7 940-2302 Bill Wyatt The Phone Placc 121 Depol St., M ock.sville 751-2626 1X1 Ed Vogler A tto rn e y at Law S. M ain St., M ocksville 15\-(ì2ì5 A b b y B o g e r & Jo sh B e a ve r C h risty T ru ck in g 2079 Hwy. 601 N.. M ocksville 492-7716 Rob Raisbeck A tto rn e y at Law 10 Court S q„ M ocksville 751-2171 Mitchell Miller : > Doodl’Karlek M ille r's R e s ta u râ t Real Estate G uitle 71Ü W ilke sboro^!., i\(ocliS villc ^34 Wilkesboro St., Mocksvillc 751-2621 Ï . '■ ' 751-1221 Janice McDaniel Glenn Mace Pennington & C om pany W ootlw o rks G allery 1278,У;д1к1пуЦ1е Rd., Mocksville 185 N. Main St., Mocksville 75K9400or1336^ 909-0747 '* > (, 751-1001 X-' • CCW Jim Kelly J.E. K e lly lasurance 281 N .M a in St., M ock.sville V 751-29.37 B r i n g I t O n ! D a v i e H i g h F o o t b a l l 2 0 0 2 P a g e 9 Thiirsclay, Aug. 22, 2002 DAVIE COUNTY E N T E R P R I/É R E C O R D O u ts id e L in e b a c k e rs A m o n g B e s t C o a c h H a s E v e r S een C o a ch D e vo re H o lm a n (le lt) am i T ild e n C a rte r's de fe n sive lin e m e n are, I'roin le fl: T h o m a s S ch am bach. B rando n B ledsoe, C u rtis M a llh e w s , T errell W ils o n . Je re iiiy W est. Sam S to va ll and B ra n d o n Pane. Contim ied From 1*аце К believe that. That's not pulling pressure on them , lliat's what Ihey are." W hilaker has som e prelly adept backups - senior Kevin Hoger (.“i-lO. IH.'i). junior Der­ rick Foster 17.S) and sopho­ mores Dewayne Collins (6-0, 1У0) and Zac O'Hrien (6-.\ | ‘Л)). ll's easy to give up when you're a senior behind tw o,es­ tablished starters, particularly for someone who was among the top JV lacklers in 2000. Bul Bo­ ger continues to claw, deter­ mined to make every opportu­ nity count. "I le had an awesome camp." W hilaker said. "H e really showed Ihat he can vie for some playing time. H e's smarl. he's going to be in posilion 10 make S t o v a l l C e n t e r A t t r a c t i o n , B u t W a t c h O u t F o r F a n e a play and al (Lenoir Rhyite) cam p he show ed he can be physical enough lo make a play. A 111! of posilivc comments made (Jtdy 21-2-U from not only my- selL hul olher coaches and leam­ males. were toward Kevin. He's come in with the attitude that I'm going to show you I ileserve to be on the field sonielimes." There's more capable pans than vacant spots, bul you can bel sophomore Collins is going 111 be oul there somewhere. He's jiisl loo good an alhlele. "Collins is a lillle manchild." he said. "I le's raw as far as lecli- nii|ue goes, bul he's :i tremen­ dous athlete. He's gol as niucli polenlial as any of those sopho­ mores. and he's one oflhe hard­ est workers. I le didn'l miss one day this stniimer in the weighi room." Over the Iasi several years. Davie's had some leriicioiis ilc- feiisive lilies. The current one. Ihough. has one i|uality perhaps none ofthe others could rmUeh, 'This from someone who should know. "W e're roal athletic. W e're more athletic than w e've been in il long time." said Devore Hol­ man. Ihe Dl, coach since I')')I. "I mean il's hard lo block ihose boys, ll's hard lo block Hrandon I’ane and Sam Stovall, and it's haul lo block a Jereiin Wesl and Brandon Bledsoe," The inlerior j:iil-hreakers are senior Stovall (fi-2, 2.S0). ¡i fourth-year starter al defensive tackle; junior nose guard I’ane (.“i-IO. I').“!), a p:irt-time slarler last year; senior tackle Wesl ((>- .1. 2.‘iO). who gained signific;mt experience as a sophomore and junior; senior NG Bledsoe (6-1. 2.Ч0). who split time wiih Pane last year: and junior Thom as Schambach l(>-,i, 200). sophu- more'Tenell Wilson |,s-10, |<)ll| and jmiinr Cunis M atlheus ((i- •I. ,is0). The center allr;icliim is Stov­ all. who is gelling allcniion from a num berof Division I colleges, including an early scholarship offer from Wake l-'orest, "Sam is a special kid." Hol­ man said, “ M ike C arler I M ooresville's highly-reg;uded eoachi and myself were lalking about him at the coaching ciinie - Sam useil lo live in M oores­ ville - and he has nolhing bul high praise for Sam, ’Tliere's go­ ing to be some people that say: 'Dang, we can'l block him."The South Row an offensive line coach lold me after we played them last .season: 'Nobody can block Stovall, His motor runs wide open all the tim e,' " I’eople everywhere are lalk­ ing about the beast on Davie's DL. and for gooil reason. But they should also he lalking about ihe guy beside him. The combi- nalion of Slovall and I’ane fig­ ures to give defensive coordina­ tors nighlmares, ,\i the I.enoir Rhyne minicainp. il didn't take Hairy Whillock five minules lo nolice I’ane s scowl, "Mark il down: H e's all-con- fereiiee," the iiuarterbaeks coach said. "You can't block him and he's mean as a sn;ike. I walked by him and saiil. 'W e're going . lo u hup your bull today.' and he said. 'Bring il on,' We couldn't block him. (Running back/safely Billy) Riddle and I’ane are the f:islest ones on Ihe leam," l’:uie used lo be a nighlniare for the defense, ,<\s a N orth D;ivie running b;ick in l‘)4'). he rushed for 1,0.^6 yards and led the eighth-grade W ildcals lo .S- 0 in Ihe division and runner-up in the conference. O nly tw o other m iddle-sehool runners from N orth have surpassed 1.00(1, "Doug (llling) nuule a good call." Holman said of I’aiie's switch from linebacker lo NG. "We wanted somebody strong :uid fast ihere. I’aiie has a back ground in wreslling and iiniler- sMiiils Ihe game of leverage, lll­ ing kepi twisting my arm. say­ ing we need to look al I’aiie at nose because they can't single block him and that's going to leave somebody free." I’ane bench presses .ÍO.S pounds, si|uals .1S.S, hang-cleans .iO.'i and inclines 22.V That's a total of 1,120 pounds, Ihe sec- ond-higliesi number in ihe Davie weight room behind Slovall. The renifirkable part is Ihat someone so slrong can also be so fast. I’ane runs 4(1 yarils in 4..‘i seconds. No way a center ean match lhal speed. "I was liming 40s and Ben (Allred). I’ane and Kiddle ran to­ gether and all three were step tor step." defensive backs coach Jeff Ward said. "Pane's going lo give some people a lot of problems." "He makes our offense bel­ ter." Holman said. "I've never had a lineman that ipiick and I'asi," The Ihird slarler is Wesl. who has llie m akings of a sound player, "W e' re expecling Jeremy lo step up and be tliat force tiv.il we know he can be." Holman said, "I'v e heard coaches com plem enting on how hard he's working. Him and Bledsoe are both busting their rear ends off," B ledsoe earned H olm an's trust while platooning Iasi year, so it's safe to assum e he woiiUln'l hesitate to put Bledsoe anywhere on the line. "He came oul (for the first lime) last year and helped us tre- nienilously." he saiil. "I plan on playing him al tackle also." W a r E a g l e S p o r t s Just II inniisi'-ciich iiwiiy... W W W . e n t e r p i 'i s e - i 'e c o r d . c o m Best O f lu ck For A G reat Season / d m e Discount Drugs Cooleemee Shopping Cenier 284-2537 Charles Evans Registered Pharmadst/Chvner C o a c h , W e ' r e R e a d y T o o ! Sally Smith A tto rn e y at Law Clint Howell C hristy T ru ckin g 10 Court Sq.. M ocksville 2079 Hwy. 6(11 N.. M ocksville 751-2171 492-7716 Heather Johnson State F arm Insurance 5248 US H w y 158. Advancc 940-2302 Toni Ron & Penny’s G rill 2203 Hwv. 601 N.. M ocksville ■ 492-7066 Steve Morgan Anita Everhart H onan/a H om es A blest S taffing 700 W ilkesboro Sl., M ocksville 959 Y adkinviiie Rd., M ocksville 75I-.5959 751-4414 Michael Allen D avie C ou nty C om m issioner M ocksville JoAnn Hall W illia m s I'u rn iiu re 279 N. M ain St., M ocksville 751-4893 Mike Maxie F arm Bureau 977 Y adkinviiie Rd., M ocksvillc 751-6207 Lisa Carico T ip It U p & M ore 100-Й N. M ain Sl., M ocksville 751-6335 Britt Osborne O sborne’s T ow ing S crvicc Cooleemee 336-909-2486 (24 Hr.) Morgan Fuller F u lle r A rch ite ctu ra l M ocksvillc 998-ÜÜ26 B r i n g I t O n ! D a v ie H ig h F o o tb a ll 2 0 0 2 P a g e 1 0 Thursday, Aug. 22, 2002 D A V IE C ^ N T Y E N T E R P R I / E ^ è E C O R D l l l i n g H a n d s B a l l T o R i d d l e . . . A l r e a d y A S t a r A t S a f e t y D avic gave M ike-M ike Clem ent the ball 385 limes in 2CKX)-01 and got an average of 4.8 yards in return, rcsulliiig in back-to-back 900-yard seasons. Clem ent is no longer wiih the team, a loss lhal could have been a staggering blow. As much as Coach Doug lll­ ing would love to have Clement for his senior season, lie isn’t shedding tears. W hy? He pulled an ace oul of his sleeve named Billy Riddle. That’s just what Davie oppo­ nents need to hear, a Riddle at safety and a Riddle at running back. "I think w e’fc going to see a kid this year that ran similar to (Davie High Hall of Famer Ran­ dall W ard)," said defensive backs coach Je ff W ard, the younger brother of thc 1964-66 star. “Randall was a total back." "B illy’s going 10 give us some speed, he’s a smart runner and he runs behind his blocker," quarterbacks coach Barry Whit­ lock said ofthc 5 -1 0 ,180-pound junior. Riddle, a one-way safety the pasl two years, was something as a m iddle-school runner. He hauled thc mail play after play, carrying W hitlock’s eighth- gr^ide Tigers lo 7-1. South had Iwo games in the final week of that 1999 season, a makeup on Monday and a regiilarly-sched- ulcd test on Wednesday. Riddle had 224 yards on 28 carries on M onday. He had lillle lefl for Wednesday, so he carried it 28 times for 214 yards. The workhorse averaged 8.4 yards a try fora 1,281 lolal, jusl the fourih back in South's nine- year, 18-leam middlc-school his­ tory to reach 1,0(X). “Il was Billy Riddle left, Billy Riddle right,’’ Whillock said. Riddle made his varsity de­ but as a sophom ore and re­ sponded with 99 tackles, second lo Palrick Lowery’s 174. He el­ evated his profile Ihis summer al the Carolina combine. "H e ran a 4.48 (40-yard dash)," llling said, "It was on college coaches' w atches, so there wasn'l any fudging." The recruiters couldn’t be­ lieve whal Ihey were seeing, quizzing llling Ihree days later. "I wenl back to work their kicking camp and all iheir (North Carolina) assistants came run­ ning up when I walked in Ihe door and said: 'M an, you’ve been sandbagging on me. W ho’s this rising junior lhat ran this 4.47’ All thc coaches were talk­ ing aboul him. "I had put him on the pros­ pects list and lold Ihem briefly aboul him, bul that’s just one example o f whal these combines Ciin do for a young kid. It opens the door. So he m ade a great impression on the Carolina staff as well as some other coaches." Riddle will line up on bolh sides o flh e ball ihis fall. In Ihc new single-b.ick attack, he rep­ resents tw o backs rolled into one, zipping around the com er or lowering his head. "I le’s quick to the com er and he sticks it up in there," llling said. "He can go the distance on any play," W hitlock said. "Il’s deceiving speed, ll might be 4 yards and a cloud of dust, and the ne.xl play he m ight go 60 yards. He could be special." Not Your A viragc B ackup Riddle will likely play more defense than offense because the player talked about the mosl the week of Aug. 5-10 was Justin Brown, a 6-2. 185-pound sopho­ more. He’s gotlen betlcr and belter and it appears nw re and more lhal he’ll have a valuable role. B row n’s unadverlised break­ through was M idnight Madness. “Ever since then, he's picked il up a notch. He’s a hard run­ ner. more so than I Ihoughl, and he’s a good blocker on roll-out passes," W hitlock said. "Righl C oa ch D o u g lliin g ’s q u a rte rb a cks arc Jam es ’’C o o te r” A rn o ld (le ft) and A n d re w M c C la n n o n . N e w D i m e n s i o n Scrambling QB Can Hurt Opposing Teams In Many Ways D oug llling has decided lo hand Ihc c o n tro ls to Jam es "C ooter" Arnold, the 15-year- old hope of a newlook offense. He did so because of A rnold’s awesome physical abilities. Folks look at the sophomore quarterback and see a small ver­ sion of C lem son's W oodrow D anuler, w ho la.sl year became thc firsl D ivision I quancrback to reach 2,0(Ю yards passing and 1,000 yards rushing in the same season. "W e’re going lo have thc pass or mn option wilh sprint ouls," llling, thc fifth-year head coach, said, "W e’ll put him on the pe­ rimeter to run first and pass sec­ ond." A rnold’s dazzling quickness, juking legs and strong arm has practice and scrimmage onlook­ ers buzzing. His feet are miles ahead of his righl ami - which is no surprise for a converted run­ ning back - but he’ll still add a dimension the War Eagles have lacked. They haven’t had a QB that moves like ihis since... well, who know.s? “1 can't think back to having a better athlete at quancrback," said quarterbacks coach Barry W hitlock, who threw for 886 yards oul o f Davie's wishbone in 1981. "(Drew) Ridenhour was a great pa.sser and (Dan) Sulli­ van was a good quarterback. Bul if you look back through the years, w e’ve never had a quar­ terback that can get outside and m ake things happen w ilh the scramble. It's going lo be fun to watch.” Defensive backs coach Jeff Ward has followed Davie foot­ ball sincc Ihe late 1960s, and he can'l rem em ber a quarterback wilh receiver speed and ronning- back moves. "Probably the closest thing was W hillock, and he was more of a wishbone type," Ward said. "Cooler can do it all. He’s a tail­ back al quarterback, and he’s gol a cannon for an arm. I can't ever remember us having a quarter­ back like that. W e've had some that were good runners and Ihen a good thrower, but never that combinalion of bolh. "W hen he gels accurate throwing thc ball, he’s going to give people fits. Everybody in the couniry will be afler him, especially if he grows a little big­ ger," Arnold, along wiih thc olher sophomores from Cooleemee, has lost two games in his 7-year football life. His Cooleem ee Redskins went wire lo wire from 1995-98. Arnold's Soulh Davie Tigers wenl 16-0 in 1999-2(XX). He played wishbone hallback al South and lailback as a JV freshm an. His 2001 numbers were crazy; 15 carries for 214 yards against Soulh Iredell, 23 for 166 againsl Wesl I'orsyih, 27 for 294 again.sl Reynolds and 19 for 156 again.sl Norlh David.son. In Ihe lasl two games, bolh wins for a rccord of 8-2 overall and 4-1 in the Ceniral Piedmonl Con­ fcrcncc, A rnold am assed 450 yards on 46 rushes, finishing wilh 1,269 yards and an 8.8 per- run average. He returned a kickoff 90 yards against N orlh Iredell. Davie experimented with him under center, and he wenl 5-of- 13 for 148 yards, three of ihe complelions for touchdowns. llling started raving about A rnold's raw ami lasi spring. "We were playing around al Irack practice," he said. "We pul (form er receiver) Nick Propsi oul Ihere - Propsi was helping (Devore) Holman coach - and jusl told Nick to run a fade. Cooler just nonchalantly threw it aboul 60 yards and hit him righl in stride, ll was Ihe prclli- esl thing you’ve ever seen. "He can Ihrow il 60 yards at Ihc blink of an eye, but we wanl the 30-yard post." llling and offensive coordina­ tor Bill Oakley will likely take a conservative passing approach early until Arnold leam s more. "W e have to keep things simple and let him use his ath­ letic ability," llling said. "H e’s gol a cannon bul w e've gol to work on his liming. I preach lo him that an incomplete pa.ss is OK. But C ooler's demeanor as a quarterback has been real good. He’s really surprised me." Whitlock said; "H e’s going to make some mistakes, w e’re just going lo have lo live wiih ’em. Bul he’s going to make some big plays," A dancing quarterback sel­ dom goes the dislance wiihoul gening banged up. If Amold gels hurl, D avie’s got a cerebral backup in junior Andrew M cCl­ annon, the JV starter for Iwo years. "The Ihing M cClannon has is quarterback savvy," llling said. "H e's a different style quarter­ back, more of your drop-back passer." Last year M cClannon con­ verted 43 of 71 throws for 474 yards. His rhythm was especially sharp in the lasl four gam es, com pleting 25 o f 33 againsl Wesl Forsylh, Soulh Row an, Reynolds and North Davidson. "H e ’s been im p ressiv e," Whillock said, “H e's made great improvements and he’s going lo be a good backup. He’s nol go­ ing to make any real big plays, bul he's the kind that's not go­ ing to lose a game for you. Some teams would love lo have him." C oa ch R on B iv in s and B a rry W h itlo c k ’s ru n n in g backs are, fro m le ft; Je re m y B e ru b e , Ju slin B ro w n , B illy R id d le and Ja n ia r B ratcher, now Billy’s the starling running back, bul we need Juslin lo come in and give us 10-15 carries a game. If we gel lhal oul of Jus­ lin, that’s going lo make our whole leam belter. That’s going lo give Billy a resl, and we need Billy on defense every play." B row n suffered a broken wrist lasl sum m er, bul didn’l miss a game in the JV second­ ary, The olher backs are Jamar Bratcher, anolher im pressive sophomore, and senior Jeremy Berube, "Juslin has slepped up lo the forelVonl," llling said, "He came in wilh a new atliiude. and in ihc lasl week (Aug. 5-10) he slepped forward anil said: 'Hey, 1 can compete with the big boys.’ I le’s really shown us .something. I le’s been a pleasant surprise.” U n b e l i e v a b l e T a s k N e w K ic k e r J u s t T r y in g T o B e H im s e lf Let's jusl gel this oul of the way. Kevin Winters is nol David Wooldridge. He’s not going to drill 50-yard field goals and complain thal il didn’t feel solid. He's not going to boom kickoffs to Mars. "You don’t mn across many kickers like that in your life- limc,” West Forsylh coach Rus­ sell Stone gushed. "A nytim e Ihey broke midfield Ihey had a gooil chance lo pul Ihrce up." Davie had two huge names lasl year, linebacker Palrick Lowery and kicker/punler Wool­ dridge. Both made the AP All- Slate team and bolh are playing in Ihe ACC. at N.C. Slate and North Carolina respectively. The latter gradualion casually re­ wrote Davie’s kicking and punt­ ing records and left considerable pressure on Winters. "Vou can't fill W ooldridge’s shoes," echoed D avie coach Doug llling, a form er kicker him.self al Wake Forest. “You’ve gol to build your own identity. There’s going to be high expec­ tations, looking for No. 9 10 come out there and kick. David was jusl one ofiho.se unique in­ dividuals lhal had a knack for it, excelled al il and set a standard of here’s whal can happen," Davie rode Wooldridge's fool for four years. In a record book thal dales lo 1981, he owns the lop three spots for bolh field goals in a season and longest, FGs, and career records for FGs and point-after kicks. Then he caused problems for offenses by simply kicking off, knocking 42 of 58 imo Ihe end zone lasi year. "You can'l replace W oold­ ridge. W hal we can do is creale a consistent kicker we can count on, and that's all w e're asking," llling said. Winters did everylhing Ihe J V learn asked for Iwo years, includ­ ing several decisive extra points and Ihrce-poinlers thal helped Ihe War Eagles producc a com­ bined rccord of 15-4 overall and 8- 1 in the Central Piedmont Con­ ference. "H e's going lo be a good kicker," llling said. "H e's jusl gol lo Iry lo be a consistent kicker and let Ihe outcome take care of itself. 1 ihink he’s good from 40-in, which is a quality kicker for high school. That’s nothing to be ashamed of." The key for Winters will be 10 find eariy success and develop confidence. "I wenl to kicking camp this summer, and I feel comfortable K e v in W in te rs w ill d o tlie k ic k in g and pu nting . 35 to 40 yards," he said. “I’m jusl going to try to do Ihe besi I can." Winters will also do the punt­ ing. If he struggles, here's .some­ thing lo remember; W ooldridge was a less-th an -stellar 33.4 punier as a junior, bul kepi work­ ing and became a 43.2 punter lasl year, setting Ihe record and mak­ ing all-slate al bolh posilions. "W e'll iry to do a pooch kick and nol kick it deep." llling said of kickoffs. "We wanl him lo kick it high and shorl ajid let our coverage guys gel down there quick. (Punting), we've gol lo develop some tcclmii|ue and un­ derstanding of that posilion. Bul I think Kevin's going to Ik- able to handle il." G e t i t w e e k l y F o llo w W a r E a g le sp o rts w ith a s u b s c r ip tio n to th e E n te r p r is e R ecord. Send $20 for 1 year to: Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box 99, Mociisville NC 27028 S c o re a T o u c h d o w n w i l h Ч # V o u r > ^ 3 ; / Y o u r S m ile Braces for children and adulls. Dr. Penna & Staff ORTHODONTIST M O CKSVILLE ~ (336) 751-2252 i 1 B r i n g I t O n ! D a v i e H i g h F o o t b a l l 2 0 0 2 P a g e 1 1 Thursday, Aug. 22, 2002 DAVIE C < ^ N T Y E N T E R P R I/ Ы E C O R D R e c e iv e r s L o o k in g T o S u r p r is e Goodbye Jason I logue, 1 lello Larry Hudson, Afler standing on Ihe side­ lines as a varsity sophomore and running secondary ronles as a junior, Hogue made a name for him.self last year wiih 35 catches for 520 yards, a .solid 14,8 aver­ age. He haiiletl in six spirals for touchdowns. H udson, who made cam eo appearances lasl year (one calch for three yards), hopes lo I'ollow Hogue's example and have the sante kind of impact as a senior. “He's going to he our go-io guy." Head Coach Doug llling said, "I don'l care where (I's al, he’s going to go gel it," Hudson (6-1. 160) flashed big-play ability over and over as a J V sophomore, streaking ti> the end zone with catches of ,14. ,<6. 40 and 45 yards. I le drove Soulh Kowan crazy in a 21-14 Raider loss, turning three calches inlo three louchdow ris. The damage totalled 117 yards. 1 ludson runs 10 yards in 4.5(i seconds, "lie runs good nnites and he'll block your lail off." ll­ ling said. ''Il(;'s whal you want lo have al receiver, lie's a pro- loiype. You'd like lo pul a little more weight on him. bul pound for pound he's going lo be as physical as anybinly oul lliere." Receivers coach Mike Love­ lace panicked at the end of last season, fivery olfense neeils a No. 2 guy lo keep secondaries honesi. Senior Brian llunler. who h;id pul all his alhletic ef­ forts inlo baskeiball sincc leav­ ing South Davie Midille. eased his coaches' minds by perform­ ing magic. 1 le pulled himself om of a hat, ending a three-year C o a cli M ik e L o v e la c e 's w 'ide re ceive rs are, I'ro iii le ll: Jon C ri.sco, E va n B ea m , T.J. F e n n e ll, L a rry H iid s o n , B ria n H in ile r, A d ria n W e lh iiig to n , W esley T h o m p so n and Je re m y Y ou ng, We’re Proud To Be In Big “D” Country. G o D a v ie H ig h ! GDS/ Davie 131 Industrial Blvd. Mocksville 336-751-1585 football hiatus and seizing the void opposite Hudson. “We came inlo the summer worried," llling said. “I knew we had Larry, but I was worried al ihe end of lasl year." Lovelace said. "Iiul I'm going lo lell you. some eyes have been opened,” In July workouts. Ihuner (5- 10. 180) led the team in making jaws droop, llling and Lovelace certainly have no problem pro­ moting the out-of-nowhere new­ comer. "The biggest surprise this summer has gol lo be 1 hnncr." llling said. ”lle keeps impress­ ing us wilh his speed and ath­ leticism. W e've been trying for Iwo years lo lalk him inlo play­ ing. and he’s going lo be a big playmaker. 1 lold ihe coaches if he would have played for three years, he'il he an all-stale re­ ceiver righl now. He's gol lhal type of ability.” "W e're very fortunate to have him come out.” Lovelace said. "H e’s a lol like Kenny Collins (who averaged 17 yards a calch in 1997-98). lie's as quick. He catches on very fast and he's very coaehable." "I hope il continues under the lights." llling added. Lovelace believes Hudson and llunler can rival landem sof rcceni history. Thadd Johnson and Collins had 20 arul 23 recep- lions. respectively, in I99,S. Johnson anil Rod Tenor had 37 and ,!(> in l‘)9>). but balance was m issing Ihe pasl tw o years. Tciuirhad 31 grabs in 2()(')(),lhe next guy 16.1 logue hail 35 gnibs lasl year, llie next guy 10. "It could be Ihc best combo we've had.” he said. "Vou'vegol one guy on one side and one on Ihe olher lhat can break a big play at any lime." The first receiver o ff ihe bcnch figures lo he senior T.J. Fennell. I lis backups are juniors Lvan Beam . Jerem y Young. A drian W elhinglon and Jim Crisco and Wesley I'hompson. a first-year senior. "Fennell will be the first guy we call when we go three wide," Lovelace said. Go Davie War Eagles! BB&T You c a n te ll w e w a n t y o u r b u sin ess. TW O MOCKSVILLI- LOCATIONS: 119 Gaither Street • 7 5 1 -5 9 51 — and — Willow Oak Shopping Cenler • 7 51 -.5956 Iú¡4íil h'lultr. Mi-nihiT I'lilC. W e ’l l p u t O U T h e a d s t o g e t h e r t o f i n d t h e b e s t s o lu t io n s f o r a l l y o u r r e a l e s t a t e n e e d s ! Q HOW ARD REALTY 330 S, Salisbury SL (Com er Hwys, 601 & 64) M ocksville, NC 27028 _________ Office Iiours: Monday-Friday 8-6 • Salurday 9-12 ' Sunday By Appt. www.howardrealty.com Oi If l JULIA CONNIEHOWAKD KOWALSKE 751-8567 751-8565 MARY KONHOWARD SALES751-8566 751-85Ы MIKE IIENDUIX75МО-Ш UnVEULY KUSS998-4156 ^ ^ r e d o f b u y i n g a u s e d v e h i c l e a n d t r u s t i n g i t ’s c o n d i t i o n t o c h a n c e ? ” B e ll & H o w a rd o ffe rs a 3 m o n th 3 ,0 0 0 m ile p o w e rtra in , p lu s w a rra n ty on e ve ry used vehicle w e sell. FREE! • Engine •Transmission / Transaxle • Brakes • Electrical •A/C > Steering "Don't Trust Your Hard Earned Money To Chance" we take the worry out of buying a used vehicle..: B e ll & H o w a rd CH EVR O LET Intersection of 1-40 & Hwy. 21 • 601 Gaither Rd., Statesville 70Ф873-9094 @ g ) B r in g I t O n ! D a v ie H ig h lo o tb a ll 2 0 0 2 P a g e 1 2 ItuivífLiy, Aug. 22, 2002 D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I/ È R E C O R D O v e r a l l , O j f e n s i v e L i n e C o u l d B e A Q u e s t i o n M a r k 2002 Version Smaller, Quicker TIk' ollctl'.iVL' line ontCri'H Aiiuiisl «iill miMciiucslinib ih:iii Any .S;iturila_v iiiiirniiii; ciMcIi cmi lell учи otilcmiK"' are iiflen ilelermined al llie line of verlniiiiaye, ami this miit ua'- aiiinni; the liarilesi hil hy crailii- alion. Davie will he liard-prevseil lo replace Dave I’opliii, wlni lalelieci чШо D ivision 1-ЛЛ C daslal {'ariiliiui. and C hris Nielmls. an All-Ndrlhuesi and Hasi-U'esi All-Slar ( lame selee- liim. Hill Oakley, liiihl enils enaeli and dliensive cinirdirialcr. real­ izes llie lall order bill prefers to empliasi/e die hal(-lidl siite. "W e're nioreallilelie lhan ue have heen. W e're smaller hul w e're i|uieker," he said. "Ila\- ini: llillhilly It'luidl (iroiuer haek (as a liill-liiiie assisi.ini i js alw ays a hii; help. Wilh ( irciover. yon know lliey're uoini; lo play w ilh conrideiiee and play hard." 1Г Davie wduld have siiileil up on July .11, Ihe slarlin.i: lineup vvouUl have been iuuior Zaeh Jakob (f)-4, 2')(l) al lell laekle, ¡miior Jusiin Norswoilliy |(i-(l. 2l.“i) al lell iiiiatd, senior Jiisini l.anniiii; (6-2, al eenler, se­ nior Caleh Davis (.^- Id. 170» al riyhl i;iiard ami senior I'renl Youiiy (<v|. •M.*') al rij:lil lackle. wilh juniors Mall Markland Ifi- .1, 220), Kyle Hnnvn (i>-2. 27(ii and Milchell Koherls 1(1-2. 21.^1 nilini: reserve roles, Thai's inodesi varsily experi­ ence. Koherls siarled al i;uaril lasi year as a sophomore, bul he missed lime while dealini; wilh personal issues ami eoiise- (|uenlly slipped on the deplh eliarl. 'ГгсШ Yoimi: plaiooneil ai lell lackle lasi year, hul ihe onK blocker wilh sijinilicanl ballle The olicM sivc line am! lighl cm is, lidiii loH: Ironi - M ilchell R olicrls. Ky le nrow ii. C alch D avis, .\n n aiu l \ ’oiisialsk\. M all M arklaiul and .lusiiii N drsudrlliy: back - C oach Hill O akley, C liris lUaklcy. led Raiulolpli. /a c li .lakob. Co.icli C had Cjrtnivcr. C ody Slcplicns, Ju.slin Lan- niii'j. rrcnl and C oach l.cc l.iin ille. scars is I.aiin in e . ,i m .iinsia)' silice Anelisi 211(1(1. "I.a n n in ;j is ■join;; lo he ihe ro c k ." line co.ich l.e e l,m \ille s.iid. “ 1 le 's ,1 sniall-citllei^e p io s p e c i. The c o a c h c s al l e iio ii Kh_\ ne w ere in leresled m l.dkniu lo hiin and lo o k in u al liiin u lin - inj: ilio Jiily 21-2-1 n iin ìc,m ip )." I.,innini; has i;row n n e n ie n - d o u sly . p riin lin i: an d sn o rlin i: and k n o c k in e liis w .i\ lo he.id ol Ihe lla w ^ lable, " I le 's eoi an o p p o n u n il\ lo p l,i\ .11 Ihe n e \l Icv el.” ( lro o \e i s.iiil. "I le w o ik ed his lail o li ibis sum iller, il's bis se n io r \e a r ,in d I ihink h e 's read_\ lo sU’p il iip." W hal n iak es I.an ilin e an in ­ d isp e n sa b le p iece ol ib e olleii- s iv e p u / / l e '.’ " I li s h c a r l." C ìro in e r an s\^ ercd . "I Ihink he enjoy s p la \ ini; lo o lb all. l-or a lol o l'k id s jiisi w am lo w ear (he ¡ev- sey. w alk ilow II Ibe hall am i sa \ : 'l l e \ , I p la \ lo o lb a ll.' Ile 's noi Olii l'or llie u lory, b e 's oiil )ie- c a u se he w ,inls io play aiul he w a n ls lo w in. A nd Ih a t’s w hal sels him ap.ii I Moni .i lol оГоИк-г liiienu'n." D.o ie needs ilie ib hie;jesl presence, "('оипе. lo llo iiii'h ,is .1 senioi, l nproi i-ii hint kers imisi eiiieiee lo keep Ihe luoboH i|uarlei b.ick lames "C o o le r" .•\rnold's hack .md leduec ihe picssme on .1 ilelense ih.il pioin- ises lo ni,neh il noi evceed - lasi \ IMI 's domili.iiK'e. I ).i\ ie mtelil h.i\ e some aces in ibe bole N o isw o illn .imi M .iikland ^pelll 1.Ы se.isoli on die oihei side ol Ihe h.ill al line- b.icker ,ind latkle. iespecli\el\ and "ob\ ioiisl\ iileleiisne co­ o rd in alo ! l)e \o ie ) llo ln i.in didn'l II.11 e Ihem il lhe> i. an i run. Sit _\oii know llie \'ie alli- lelic." ().ikle\ sani, "W e hai e a eie.Il delensiie li.ulilion and we said: 'l ook e u is. u e '\e eoi lo bave some i:ii\s on otlense.' and ihal says sonieliiine lor N’or- swiiiih> .imi M ,iikl.ind." Norswoiib\ couUI lurn inlo somelbini;. In die eieluli evade al N orlli D a\ie M i.ldlè. he cobbled up cllicicnl yaids as a tiillb.ick and wcnl lii-l) on Ihe w resiling ni.il. "lie's very iinseirish." Oak- le> s.lid. "I le said: 'I'll play cen­ ler. I'll play rnllback. I'll play leceiver.' " "I le's raw riulil now as far as an oH'ensiie lineman." l.invillc said on JiiK .11. "bnl he's a yrcal .ilhlele." .Anolhcr sleeper could he Ja­ kob. who relaxes by workiny oul al Ihe belween icani ivorkouls. "The piiy lh:il's yoinj; lo sur­ prise people is Jakob." l.invillc s.ml, "I le's jnsl hui;e. and il's mil lal hiiee." "Ile worked wilh Ilis dad in die iiioininys al Ihe V in addi- lioii lo what w e've asked him lo do so he iMirkcil ilouhic lime." ();iklc\ saiil. "lie eals weiyhls and runs ail ihc lime. Ilis dad's heen a hit; inllueiice with him." "Il's iheic," (iroover said, "lie's yol die si/c and the ahil- il\. He's jiist poi lo rnid a mean sireak in liiin." D a v i e O p e n s F r i d a y A t A l e x a n d e r C e n t r a l I he fontrasls hel’.sccn D;i\ ic ami AlcxiHulcrCViiiral - scasim- opcniriL! opponents l tii laylorsvillc al 7:30 p.m. aic oin I)a\ ii‘ IS Ci’inini: oil a 9-2 scastui in \sliich il lictl ioi ihc CVniral Piciiinonl 4-A Coii- fcrcncc ciunnpionslup; \lic C»ni- uars were 2-'^ aiul 1-5 in the Norlhueslern -1-A C’onkTciKc. Aiul llicii llierc's lasi y c ar\ ouiciMuc. Imhcir lirsi-cvcrnK-ci- ing. ihc War l-aglcs sUunpeil AC* losing ihc sluiloul on a .V>- yaril iunible rcuirn in ihc clos­ ing minutes. Uavie rolleit up a 2.M -S5 advam age in yarils. wrcckinii Coach Chris D eal’s AC clchm. ■*Il was a year tif installing our tilTcnsc. t>\n vlclcnsc .nui our menlalil>.‘* Deal saul. “Wc cot a hraiul-ncw weight loom in ( )c- lolvr. Meliuc th.u lhc\M rutils U(*l had a v'.eight room. Il w.is relnulilinc \cai lor suic. aiul u c ’\ e got a \c r\ ytuing Icain this Near.*' AC iciurns thicc starters nn eaeli side, making l)a\ ic .i hea\ > laNtuite. ‘’Bul w c’ic nuich Nljongcr and much Taster than wc weic lasi )car.” Deal said. “()nr atu- Uides are gteat. I'hc kuK luulcr- stand whal w e're asking lor and expccling out <»! them. NVe'iv cxciletl ahoul the season. W’c need U>do well carly hccatise it's been awhile since ihcv ‘\e h.ui .i w inmnc sc.i'-on one III ihc la>i 1 n Ml 12 \ e.ii ^ .\m \ liiiK ’ \ oil \ c gni a '•ilii.iliMii like ih.il. conli- dciicc is ;t hig huidle ‘Il's ÍK»rd lo uc; v»'iilulcni.c ojicmng u p u iiii agie.it kMiiiami gicat piogiam like Da\ ic." Dav ie coach Dtuig illiug is u aiiung h^^ lean» lu <hsicgard .-\(” s 2lM)| iccoiii and cxpccl a dangerous icam , .\ picsuineil ad\ aiu.igc lor 1 )a\ ie: It's h.inl to imagine .i lavoiiic «)\cilooking a seasnii-opemiig opponcni. "It s I )k. al s sci.Diid \ eai. liie\ know his s\sicnKuuhhc) shouUl he a lol beller." Illing s.nd, "rm sure their coach has gut thcin geared up 1 e\pccl il to be a very tough game, one uc can'l over* C e n t r a l P i e d m o n t R a c e I s A n y b o d y ’s G u e s s The pasl Iwo years the Cen­ tral I’icdnuinl Conference race has been tii:luer lluin ii halllime resl room . K eynolds, .South K ow an and W est [■orsyth shared ibe title w illi .V | records in 20(1(1, and D avie. N orlh D avidson and .South Kowan split la.st year’s crown at -l-l. The head coaches believe the 2002 derby is a virtual tossiip as well. I'hey don'l de­ tect a doniinatin^ favorite. I'he consensus is any of five teams, everyone e\cepl Suiilb Iredell, could take the cliccketcd Ilay. Bul when pressed for a fa­ vorite. tw o coaches (M ike I’ropsl of Reynolds and Kick Vanhoy of .South Rowan) saiil ihe odds favor Davie. The War llaylcs were also liiii;cied as Ihe bi;: iloy by N.C. I’rep 1-oot- hall News aiul I'he Charlotte Observer. NCI’l-N 's peckiny order has South Kow an second, I'ollosvcil by Norlli Davidson, W'cst l-'orsyth, R eynolds and South Iredell. Tlie C harlotle O bserver's tw o-si,\ picks are Norlb Davidson, Soulh Row an, Soulh Iredell, Wesl I'orsyth and Keynolds. I lere's whal ihc coachcs h:id to offer. I’riip sl ol' R i-yni)lds; "I know the rcpiiialion ot Doue lllinu (a form er assisi.m i al R eynoldsi. They siill spc.ik biübly of hiin ,ind he's done ,i i;icat jobal l)a\ ic. I loncslly. I'd h a \c to sa \ they probably have Ihe upper hand riebi now . I'heii 1 w ould say W est l orsylb. 1 know Coach iR iissclll Stone real well and Ihc kind of pro- .erani Ih e y h a\e . O ther than th a t, c v cry b o d ) 's kind ol juniblcd lip. Norlh Davidson is kind of an iinknim II with a new coach. South Row an was yooil last year, r iie y 'v e uol those bi;a hard-nosed, corn-fed hoys." •Mark lliilconil) ol' N orth D avidsnii: "I wouki think West l-'orsylll and Keynolds w ould be im proved. They are so athletic every year, and D avic and South Rmvan u ill be about llic same. It's loii;;h to call. Wilh South Iredell losing 700 kids (to new Lake Noi'jiiiin), that's jioing lohiirt llieni obyioiisly. I think the resl of the conl’orcncc is pretty imich lip in the air." S ld iic оГ W e.st F o r .s y th : "Norlh D .ii idson li.is uol Ihcir rc c c iic r and i|u :iilcib :ick hack. ,ind llic i'ic col Ilin cb ackcrI R .im iro \ ’ill.ito b o s in Ibe m id d le . Ihc\'ll he lo ii;.;li. D:n ic didn't lose ni.in> pl.iu-i s. Inn the ones llu'\ lost were spc­ cial. I hex 'xe cot a lot ol holes lo till. I kllOll llu'l 'ic IM'IIIM 111 be "rc.it on d clciise .icain . South Rowan lost some really cood detensixc plaxcrs. 1 Ihink we've i;oi ,i cood shoi. The main reason is bec.iiisc of us. nol bec;iusc of xi hal pcople are losing." V'niilioy nl' Sm ith Rownn: "()hvioiisl_\ Davie's goine lo be good. .Anx lime you've cot a kid like (Sam ) Stovall, xon're in pretty good shape. (Running hack M ike Cleincnl isn't eli­ g ib le) but lllin g 's got so dailgiini m any he probably doesn'l even miss him. I know h e 's going lo m iss Patrick (L ow ery), but he's got ihat dailgimi Stovall sitting there. Davie, on paper, probably has lo be the prescason favorite, "I Ihink w e'll be in there figbling for it. R eynolds is probably a sleeper. Thcy'x’e got T i g h t E n d s P r o m i s i n g W hen center Justin Lanning snaps the hall to send Davie's 2002 offense inlo motion, light ends Ted Ramlolpb and Cody Stephens will collide with h'ri- day ilel'ensive linemen for the firsl time in their football lives. Nol lhal il mailers. "Randolph's got ihc potenlial lo dominate - now." offensive line coach Lee Linville said. Although Randolph isn't eli­ gible to drive a car. he's barely fazed hy the jump lo sophomore varsily starter. Thai's because he's a freakish athletic specimen who slands b--l. weighs 2.'.^! pounds and breathes fire. “Ile's axxfnlly big."said tight ends coacli/oftensive coordina­ tor Bill Oakley. "(OL coach Cbad) C'rroover'salxvays salival- ing. wanting him lo play tackle." "I coached him in Coll League baseball lasi summer. I le tinned 14 in May (of 2001) ami he was Ihe biggest kid on the Held playing Ifi-under kill, and everybody's going: "^’oii can nol tell me he's 14 years old .'" Randolph - a polite kid off the Held, as well as a sharp slu­ dent - has a bully personality on the Held. Tic doesn't mind laugh­ ing in a flattened dcfciuler's facc. Il'the face belongs toa se­ nior. all ibe beller. " Ted'sgot agreat deal ofcon- fidence in his ability and a greal conipelitivc lire." Oakley said, "lie's a lot like Patrick (Lowery) mentally in thal he's not really afraid of anyihing. lie's preliy fearless." "He got in a couple lights al (Ihe Lenoir Rhyne iinnicanipl." Linx'illesaid. "I leilidn 1 pick on the I'resbmcn and sophomores, lie went for Ihe seniors." W'hilc Randolph lias Ihc in- gredienls of a three-year beast. D av ie's punch al light end ilocsn'l slop there. Slcplicns. a fi-.^ lower w ho looks down al ev­ eryone bul Bad Cop Groover, has allowed Davic lo discard Ihe l-forniation and make a smoolh transition lo two tight ends. And he's only going lo get belter. "S tephens ( И)0 pounds) w orks real hard hut he still hasn't I'illcd^oiit." Oakley said. "You look al him and think he's tall and gangly, bul he's real slrong. Ted and (low-key) Cody have dilfercnl ways of doing it. bul Cody's a lough kid. "■They're going lo be recciv- eis more lhan they have in the pasl. They're a real integral part of what we re doing. They're young but they've got a chance lo be aw fully good." Linville agrees. " Tight end is our slrength and they're going lo he beside cach other a lol. Those two arc bright spots on (a young) offense. We kiuixv those two can play." W'hal's more. Davie probably w ouldn't skip a bcal w ith injury. Nol many leaiiis have a fonrlh- ycar senior like .Arniand Vonsi- alsky w ailing in the w ings. "Vonsiatsky does whatever the leam needs him lo do." Oakley said, "lie's been in ihe syslcin and gives us good depth. " look. The coniniiinitx backs them (,\C' is also a one-high school c o u n ly ). so il should make for a gooil crowd." ■\\c know they've got Tom ll.irper (Last B urke's form er he.id coach) al defensive coor­ dinator." Davic assistant Keith W hit.ikcr sail!. "W'e knoxv he's a ic;d good coach." Ncitcs: The W'ar liaglcs have .1 kii.icK of startin g strong. ThcCrc l')-7 ill openers since l‘<7(,. 27-17-2 overall. ... Illing begins his fifth year al 2‘)-l7. Direcliims: Take 1-40 West lo Slalesville. Lxil at I IWY Ib.G o to Taylorsville. At stop light - there's a sign lo Ale.xaiider Cen­ lral - tiirn riiibl. School is on left. a new coach and they've al- wax s had great athletes. If they gel those kills headed in the ligbl ilircclion. w ho knoxvs w h:it they'll he able todo. W'cst Torsyth xvill be better. 'Then y o u 'ie got N orlh D avidson. 1-rom top lo bottom il’s very dilficult lo pick.” Illlii){ (iT D av ie: "N orth D avidson's going to be tough again. 1 know Coach Holcomb and he's going to have them ready. W'hcn you've got your i|uarterback and (Mar) receiver back, those are txvo pretty tal- cnteil w eapons. Soulh Koxvan, year in and year out, is going to scrap and fight. They might not be the most athletic group, hut lliey're going to hit you hard, Reynolds is one o f the most athletic schools in the slalc. I'.veryihing I bear, I’ropst is a good coach - very ener­ getic, very organized, I hear West l-'oisyth is loaded. Being down last year, they used tliat as m otivation in llie ol'I'sciison and beefed up Iheir coaching stafL I'rom top to bottom , it should be as evenly-niatched as any year." What People Are Saying About The 2002 War Eagles "If he would have played for ibree years, he’d be an all-slate receiver righi now. 1 le's got lhat type of ability." - ( ’(lacli Dmin llliiigon llrst-year seninr K rian H unler "Randolph's gol Ihe potential to dominate - now." -O L co a c h Lee Linville on sophom in e TI'. Ted Randolph "Ile's got an opportunity lo play at the next level, lie's nol out I'or Ihe glory, lie's oul because he w ants lo play and he w ants to win." -O l.co acli Chad (inm veriin senior cenler .jiistin Lanning "I can'l tbink back to having a beller alhletc al i|iiarlerback." -Q lts coach H arry W hilliick mi .lam es A rnold "lie's a tailb;ick at i|uarlerback. and he's got a cannon for an arm. 1 can't ever remember us having a i|uarlcrback like that.“ - Del'ensive hacks coach ,lel'f W ard on A rnold "(Norlh Carolina's) assistants came running up and said: •W ho's this rising junior lhal ran this 4.4'.>' All Ibe coaches were lalking about him." - Illin}' on .junior runnin!> back/safety Hilly Riddle " The South Rowan offensive line coach lold me last season: 'Nobody can block Stovall. Ilis motor runs wide open all the lim e.'" - Devore llolm iin tm t'm irtli-year .starter Sain Sliivall "Mark il down: He's all-conference. You can't block him and he's mean as a snake. - W hitlock mi nose guard U raiuton Pane "Collins is a lillle manchild. lie's got as much potenlial as any of those sophomores." - o u t s coach K eith W hitaker on Dexvayne Collins '"They're two of the top (defensive) players in die confer­ ence.'That's not putting pressure on them, that's whal they are." - W hitaker on .seniors .Ion (;oode and Tinuuy Keiliiionil "1 le's a uniiiiie I'reshman. 'They come around every now and then." - DIJs coach .lohn Itullins on I'reshman Raeshon MeNeil "Alhlelieally. xxc might have the best laiidcm thal we've had." - Ilolim in on sal’etles Riddle and Ben Allred "Ben's very, very competitive, I le can’t stand when the other leam gains a yard." - llulllns on senior Allred '■We’ve got lo stay healthy Ihere hccause we’ve got to riile Ihose two Cadillacs." - H olm an on OLDs ,|on (¡oode and Tiininy Redm ond "I'or a defensive lineman, he's the best athlele w e’ve ever had," - W ard on Stox all “He’s Ihe best al playing up a trap of any defensive linemen I’ve seen in IU years," - W h ila k e r o n S to v a ll B r i n g I t O n ! D a v i e H i g h F o o t b a l l 2 0 0 2 P a g e 1 3 Thursday, Aug. 22, 2002 DAVIE C ^ N T Y E N T E R P R I/E h lÌE C O R D G o o d e , R i c e V a r s i t y P u p p i e s , B u t F o o t b a l l R u n s I n T h e i r B l o o d D avie’s defensive coaches have 457 reasons to fret about its status al lincbiicker. That’s the number of tackles Patrick Low­ ery amassed the past three years. For now - at least until the rctiini of senior Kyle Giislafson, who sat oul both scrimmages and w on't he eligible to play until the second game - sopho­ mores Chris Goode (6-0. 190) and D.J. Rice (6-1 .20.‘i) hold the critical yel unenviable chore of folloxving one of the most ac­ complished Davie athletes of all lime, a two-time all-state selec­ tion in both football and wres­ tling xvbo received a fooiball scholarship to N.C. Slate. The thought of heading into the season wilb Iwo I .“i-ycar-olds in llie heart of the defense is un­ settling. but the coaches are not panicking. "A comment made several limes (in Ihe first scrimmage at East Forsyth) was what would have happened here and there if оГ 42 xvas in there," С oacb Doug Illing said. "But the more reps they get, the better they get. They're going lo be scrutinized real closely, hut lliey're doing a fine job." "Goode made sonic mistakes in the (East) scrimmage, but he xvas aggressive and be was go­ ing 100 percent unlil the whistle blew." linebackers coach Mike Roniinger said. “R ice’s physi­ cally up lo par with being a var­ sity player, riie y 're young. T hey’re going lo m akes m is­ takes, but they’re going to come around," Davic has shoved txvo sopho­ more linebackers inlo the spot­ light before. In 1499 Lowery and Neil Rice showed it can be done, helping the War Eagles sxveep the Central Piedmont Conl'er- ence 4-0 and finish 10-.'? after losing in the second round ofthe 4-A playoffs to eventual slate champion A.C, Reynolds. "H ey, w e'v e started txvo sophom ores before, and Ibey lurned out to be pretty good ones," defensive coordinator Devore Holman said. "It’s time lo grow up anil il's our job lo get ihem ready. I do believe by our first playing date that they xvill be ready." Goode aiKl R ice’s ilevelop- mcnt is even more essciilial be­ cause of G ustafson’s siluation. His absence has hurl because he’s highly skilled and e.vperi- cnced. He made all-conl'erence last year and if he returns to form, he xvoiild grcally enbance Ih e d efe n se ’s im age. W ith G ustafson (6-0, 220) on Ihe field. Goode and Rice would likely platoon. "We really e.xpcct a lot from him in leadership." Roniinger said. "He had a great camp at Lenoir Rhyne, and we need him lo he good for our defense to be successful." “He’s got a very conipelitivc hatred on the football field, which is good," outside line­ backers coaeli Keith W hilaker said. "H e's a iremcndous alh- lete." "H e’s got the potential to be real, real good ami make our de­ fense a lol better," I lolman said. “I hope that's what he decides lo do. W hen we xvere al minicamp at Lenoir Khyne, people were jusl slanding and watching, and be caught dieir eye. So he can be as good as lie wants to he." I T S (5 0 0 0 NEW S for fans lo see names like Goode and Rice. They have strong football pedigrees. The oldest Goode brother, Justin, was a Ппе full­ back in 2()()(). and senior Jon is a tbird-year starter on defense. Both of D .J.’s brothers (J.J. of I99.‘i-98and Neil of 1998-2001) were four-year varsily starters. "I hope I can contribute to the team like they did," D.J, said, "I probably xvill be a little nervous, bm 1 think I’m ready lo play." "I look up to Jon and Jusiin. just hoping I can be as good as bolh of them," Chris saiil. "I was always wanting to be jusl as lall and big as ihem xvhcn I was younger My grandpaxv always C oach M ike R om inger’s linebackcrs, I'rom left: C hris G oode, K yle Gustal'soii and D.J, Rice. told me I was going to be bigger lhan Jon. and I'm on my way. “Patrick is preliy big shoes to fill. They’re nol going lo be filled Ihis year, but I’m going to give il a shot." Don’t Called High Pri(C(b Penalty Buy It For Less At Putting the to Work for You D bushhog ст4пеп& iG R A V E i-V l T h e co rn e rb a cks and .sal'eties, I'rom le ft: fro n t - G areth W h ite , C h ris H auser, Ben A llre d , C oach John B u llin s , C oa ch Je l'f W a rd and C oach M a tt S a in ; b a ck - C h ris B u rio n , M ic h a e l S im m o n s, B illy R id d le , D e re k C ornatze r, Josh D a rn e ll, M a la c h i G e n try and R ae.slion M c N e il. F r e s h m a n M a k e s J u m p T o V a r s it y shindaiwa 1029 Salisbury Rd • Moclcsville • 751-5969 Repairs • Parts • Full Service Shop ____________New & Used Equipment___________ John Bullins tried lo temper the hype over a certain young player in D avie’s secondary, modestly calling him a good ath­ lete. When Ihe question about ihis certain young player xvas raised lo C oach D oug Illing, he couldn’t resist. “He runs a 4.6, he can jump oul of the gym. he's got great hands and he's got a nose for the football,” Illing said, “ H e’s shown us in camp there’s no rea­ son why he shouldn't be on the field playing on Friday nighls,” Get u.sed lo Ihe name Raes­ hon McNeil. H e’s just a fresh­ man. J.J. Rice (1995), Neil Rice (1998) and Sam Stovall (1999) m ade the jum p from .m iddle .school to varsity as freshmen. They could do it partly because Ihey xvere special and partly be­ cause they were built like upper­ classm en. P hysically, you couldn’t tell Ihe difference be­ tween freshnian Stovall and se­ nior Adam Boger in 1999. That’s xvhat makes MeNeil (6-1, 180) even more extraordi­ nary. 'You can count on your fin­ gers the skillcd-position fresh­ men who have boiled straight to varsity at (|uarterback, receiver, running back or defensive back. "H e’s a unique I'reshman," defensive backs coach Bullins said. "They come around every now and then,” “He could be the real deal,” DBs coach Jeff W ard said of M cNeil’s fulure. “Me hasn’t backed down,” Il­ ling .said. "You dim ’t see many come in and play a skilled posi­ lion, so he’s pretty legit. H e’s xvell-mannered, but buddy when he steps on the field, he's a com­ petitor and he becomes a differ­ ent person.” D A V IK RETURN S its safe­ ties, senior Ben Allred (tbird- year stater) and jun io r Billy R iddle. M cN eil’s overnight emergence left one corner open, and .senior Gareth W hite (6-1, 175) has made his case wilh e.\- clamalion marks. "We feel real confident in his ability. He’s really improved,” Bullins said. "He had a really good sum ­ mer, and 1 ihink he’s going to help make us .solid," Ward .said. "He got a lol faster during track season," defensive coordi­ nator Devore Holman said. "He was always the lype of person thal xvas a good athlete but jusl didn’l know how good he can be, and he slill doesn'l I don’t be­ lieve. He struggles a little wilh self-confidence, bul if we get him believing in him self he’s going lo be real good." A lthough the .starting jobs appear locked between Riddle, Allred, McNeil and White, there is a door of opportunity. With Riddle playing running back, loo, il clears the way for senior Chris Hauser and junior Derek Cornalzer, the frontrunners to come off the bench when Riddle e.xils to refuel. The olher coniers are juniors Malachi Gentry and Chris Bur­ ton and .senior Josh Darnell. “ Hauser's going to play a lot al safety - an awful lol - because of Billy at running back," Bul­ lins said. “Comatzer has xvorked hard. He really wanls to play and slart. And Gentry had a great minicamp." Ш1 || our Service!X c i n g u l a r WIRELESS П Ш ё Ш я Ш « • iM í ií o e . ■ -.г -' и Ш ш C o m m u itim tio iís . J n c . Also Featuring... NEXTEL “ Y our T otal C om m u nicatio n Source” SB Attached to By-lo Citgo Hwy 158 & 801 Advance • 336-998-2997 B rin g It O n! Davic H ìrH Football 2002 P ag e 14 Thunday, Aug. 22. 2002 DAVia COUNTY E N T E R P R I/i# ^C O R D TEAM! 5286 Hwy. 158 «Advance 940-2438 127 M arketplace Drive M ocksville, N C 3M-751-«281 l-aOO-208-7777 127markal|riac«.oom— Imunowe^ice 1915— %TUTTEROW SURVEYING COMPANYLand Survsyors Site OavolopmonI Conslructlon Slake-Out Aortal Survey ConUol Streets, Roads & Erosion Control GRADY L. TUTTEROW - R.LS. 2527 Phone: (336)751-5616 107 N. Salisbury St. Mocksville, NC 27028 M . 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Wrecker/Rollback Service • Davie Family YMCA "I pvopli' rcih'lt ilu'ir polenliiil iu spirit, mind and hodif." 215 Cemetery Street • Mocksville, NC (336) 751-9622 H o u rs:M o n -lTi6A M -9 I*M ; S.it8AM -61*M fit Sun 1 I’M - 6 I’M • KrceKstlmatcs InsuredReliable, Friendly Scrvicc a^hdaUinc®aot.cum AshDale Construction Sl-IXIAMZINC IN Al-I. PllA.Sf:S OF HO.MK RK.\I0I)EI.ING Vm\l SiJini:.AilJilion>. Rix)fm‘j. i’ainlin^^ Minur l-Jcc, vt I’lumbir.g, Kuchcfi. Hilhvt PjlioTiIi. Ociis. IX<ck^. -SheJ\. iijins l'cncf'. Rdjinin^ Wjlh ti)Cdini:ranv,.\Veilo it ali’ /)üWii.i/iCu//or-OH7ifr Phone:(336)492.7363 Mobile: (336) 655.8558 635 W ilke sb o ro St. M o ck svillc . N C FuNtiRAL HOMF. (33g) 751-1100 C ounter Point - M usic Inslrument Sales & Repairs Beginners to Advanced Lessons (or Guitar/Mandolin/Banjo/BassA/iolin 50 Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 Owner: Kip Snow (336) 751-9390 G ardner’s 5423 Hwy 158 • Advance 998-1723 Next to Bermuda Quay Shopping Center M-F, 8anfi-6pm; Sat. 8am-3pm Davie People DAVIE COUNTY KNTRRPRISE RECORD, Aug. 22. 2002 - Cl Preserving Your Family Tree D a v i e G e n e a l o g i s t s P u b l i s h H i s t o r y B o o k s I)y .la ckic .Sealioll Davic Coumy Enterprise Record Ha\ e you ever wondered wlio your great-great-great gnindfa- thcr was? M any of us are fortunate enough to have Ihis infonnation passed down I'roni generation to generation, or still have living relatives who can answer ques­ tions pertaining to our family his­ tory. But Ihe m ajority are left wondering aboul their heritage and the records of family mem­ bers long gone. For Ihose wanting lo ilo a bit of sleuthing lo find oul more about their family history a won­ derful resource lool is available right here in Davie County. Members oflhe Davie Counly Historical and Genealogical So­ ciety have compiled books and organized records to help those inleresied in researching Iheir family Iree, Nancy Murphy, Doris Frye, and E vcrelte Sain have re ­ searched. organized, wrillen. and published the books on some of the hisiory of Davie Counly, All Ihree have a love of days gone hy and dedicate their lime lo keeping the hisiory of Ihe counly available lo ll;e public, Murphy began volunteering al D avie’s library more lhan .^1) years ago nnd led Ihe efforl on compiling the books. She is a m ember of the Davie County Historical and Genealogical So­ ciety and editor of Iheir newslet­ ter. "Il's been a learning e,\peri- cnce," .she smiles. Frye has been a longtime em­ ployee of the library and cur- a’tuly works part-time in Ihc His­ tory Room. She is also a mem­ ber oflhe DCHGS and holds the ofiice of secretary/treasurer for the society. Although Sain is nol a mem­ ber of DCHGS he is still an avid genealogisi and spends many hours at Ihe library voluitieering lo help others who neeil assis­ tance ill Ihe I lislory Room. "I le's Ihe besl researcher," says Frye. "If you come in he can help you. He's invaluable." They all hope the publicalion oflhe books will help stimulate the interest o f Davie County's hislor)' for others. "For somebody who thinks ‘I d o n 'l know w here to sta rt’, they're defeated before they come in. But people don't know wc have these things." says Mtirjihy as she looks at the three recently published books. The first published is about the cemeleries in Davie County. It took more than five yeais to collect aiul organize the data for Diiyii' Comuy Ccmcicrii's. Next. Murphy, Sain, and Frye began work on a book entitled Davic Comuy Marriaf;cs. The book resulted afler Miiqihy be­ gan researching marriage certifi­ cates at the co urthouse. "1 thought, wouldn’t it be nice if we hail them up here at the library." said Murphy. So she began by copying all the ledgers, then Iransferring the infomiation onto compuler. The contents are al­ phabetized by husband's last name and there is also a bride’s index for cross referencing. There are two volumes, one lists marriages in Davic before 1900 and Ihe other dales from 1901- The Ihird book published is the I'cih ral Census. Davii' Coiiii/y N.C. All three of the books were Ihe result of hard work and long hours organizing infonnation by the trio of historians. The purpose o f ihese re­ sources is to help people begin and establish a starling poini to start doing actual research inlo their family lineage. All three books can be vieweil in Ihe History Room at Davie County’s Public Library. "It’s nol only these books that arc impor­ tant for people to know ahoul. but Ihere are .so many people here in Ihe county thal have no idea of e.xactly what’s in ihis room," says Sain, The History Room holds a wealth of resources and bio­ graphical Ilies on Davie’s history. Hut Murphy wonders if the cf- I'orl 10 eonlimie lo preserve, col- Icet, and share Ihese resources will conlinue in Ihe future. Curnailly, the Davie Histori­ cal Society has more lhan 100 members, bul many of them live out of stale. Mur|ihy, Frye, and Sain hope someone will wanl lo conlinue their work in helping others irack down facts and information by volunteering Ihcir lime in Ihe library’s Histoty Room. Learning the ropes of genea­ logical research isn’t a one day learning experience but Ihc ef­ forls reaped are rewarding ones. The three publications on Davie County’s genealogical history can be viewed in the library’s History Room. (Pictured left to right) Doris Frye, Everette Sain, and Nancy Murphy worked tirelessly to get the books published.- Photos by Robin Fergusson I Davie County Historical and Genealogical Society mem- Iber Nancy Murphy led the efforts in researching and or- [ganizlng the books. Doris Frye has spent many years working in the library's History Room and hopes the books vyiill get others inter­ ested in family tree research. Avid researcher and genealogist Everette Sain spends many hours In the library's History Room helping those beginning research on their family trees. C2 - DAVIK COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Ли«. 22, 2002 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 22, 2002 - C3 F i s h e r - H e i n e m a n n C o u p l e M a r r i e d A t B e t h l e h e m Wendy Lee Fisher of Ad­ vancc and Baron A lrik Heinemann of Greenbank, W.Va. were united in inarriage on Saturday. Aug. .3 at 2 p.m. at Bethlehem United Methodist Church. The Rev. Daniel G. Martin otTicialcd the double-ring ceremony. The bride is the daughler of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Pisher of Advance. Her maternal grand­ parents arc Mr. and Mrs. James A. Morgan Jr. of Frosiburg, Md. Her paternal grandparents are Ihe late Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Fisher of Cumberland. Md. The bride is a 1997 graduale of Davie High School and earned a bachelor's degree in religion from High Point University in 2()0I. She is enrolled at Har\'ard D ivinity Graduale School, where she is earning a masters of theological studies degree with a concentration in scripture and interpretation. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome E. Heinemann of Greenbank. W.Va. His mater­ nal grandparents are Mrs. Pal Marlin of Grcenacres, Fla. and tile late Mr. Richard Martin. His paternal grandparents are the laic Mr. and Mrs. Leopold W ilhelm Heineimann. The groom is a 1998 graduate of Pocahontas County High School. In 2002 he earned a bachelor’s degree in malhemat- ics wilh a double major in his­ tory from High Point Universily. He plans to leach in Ihe Boston area. r-scorled by her father and given in marriage by her parents, the bride wore a strapless gown of Casa Satin featuring a prin­ cess seamed bodice with piping, pearl and loop closure in the back, and a shaped waistline trimmed in Roth pearl beading. The full skin featured a sweep train. Tlie veil of lulle was elbow length wilh a corded edge trimmed with tatting made by I lelen McDaniel of Advance .ind featured a rhinestone tiara. The bride’s molher. Kay Fisher, cre­ ated Ihe ensemble. The bride wore a pearl necklace and ear­ rings that belonged lo her grand­ mother Fisher. The bride carried a bouquet of roses, alstroemeria. larkspur, freosia. slephanolis and ivy, lhal reflected vintage lavender and silver, the colors of the wedding. The bride chose her sisler Slacey Fisher of Advance as maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Lori Close of Scollsville, Va.. cousin of the bride and Ale.xa Schlimmerof High Point. Flower Girls were Kristin and Rachel Jacobs, nieces of the groom from Gloucester City. N.J. The groom chose his brother. Erik Hemeniann of Shepherdslown. W.Va. as Ihe best man. Groomsmen were Jonah Bausernian, Ben Glaser and Joel Johnson of Barlow, Clarksburg and Dunmore, W.Va. The brother of the bride, Tim Fisherof Ann Arbor. Mich., was head usher. B illy Jacobs of Gloucester Cily. N.J.. nephew of Ihe groom, served as ring bearer. Chris Morgan, Lars Beckner. Justin Morgan and Lucas Beckner of Aiken, SC., cousins of Ihe bride, were acolytes and program attendants. Summer Daye of Mocksville attended the guest register. Wedding music was pre- ^sented by Jim Wilson of Mocks- ville. Soloists were Kari Schneider of Gloucester Cily, N.J., sisler of the groom who sang “The Prayer" and Ale.xa Schlimmer accompanied by Marcia Dills of High Point who sang "The Lord’s Prayer". Be­ fore exchanging their vows Wendy and Baron sang "Take Me As I Am" to each other. Walt Myers of Advance served as sound system engineer. Sue Riddle of Advance di­ rected the wedding. An aftenioon reception fol­ lowed Ihc wedding in Ihc Fam­ ily Life Center of the church. Guests were greeted by Steve and Judy McDowell of Advance. Robin Morgan of Aiken, S.C.. aunt of Ihe bride, created Ihe cake and was assisted by Julie Close of Frosiburg. Md., aunt of the bride, in serving Ihe cake. Donnie Page of Advance in­ troduced the wedding parly. Toasting the couple were F.rik Heinemann. and Dr. Charlie Wardc of High Point. Karen Myers and Elizabeih Flynn of Advance served sparkling cider for Ihe lo.ist. The tables were decorated wilh unique pottery, hand­ crafted by the groom, chocolate roses and greenery. Sandra Davis of Mocksville supervised Ihc aflemoon refreshments. After Ihe reception the couple lefl for Iheir honeymoon. Upon their return they will reside in the Boston, Mass. area. Suclul Events • On June 8. Lori Clo.se and Stacey- Fisher hosted a shower al Sl. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Frosiburg. Md. • On June 23. Judy McDowell, Karen Myers, Gail Page and Ima Jean Smilh, all of Advance, hosted a floating shower al Belhlehem United Melhodisl Church. Mrs. Baron Alrik Heinemann • Following Ihe rehearsal, the groom's parenls honored the couple, wedding parly aiul out- of-town guests wilh a dinner al Bethlehem United Melhodisl Church catered by Sandra Davis of Mocksville. During Ihe din­ ner the couple presented Iheir allendanis wilh gifts. D a v i d s o n - D u n n C o u p l e M a r r i e d Lucienne Michelle Davidson and Sleven Keilh Dunn of Mocksvillc were uniled in mar­ riage Saiurday, Aug. 3. at 2 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church of M ocksville. The Rev. Neal Carlcr officiated the double-ring ceremony. The bride is the daughler of Carl and Debbie Davidson of Mocksville. Her malemal grand­ parents are Bob and Peggy WalKnce of Mocksville. Her pa- y icmal grandmolher is Rebecca Davidson of Columbia. S.C.. and Ihe lale SGM Raymond \. / ' . T i ЛЛ I t . \ r % M Davidson. She is a 2000 gradu­ ate of Davie High School and is attending Davidson Counly Communily College. The groom is the son of Keith and Joan Dunn of Fanningion. His maternal grandparenis are John and Faye Bodford of Clemmons. His palemal grand­ parents are Charles and Faye Dunn of Clemmons. He is a 1998 graduale of Davie High School and is employed by Me­ chanics Pans Plus. Escorted by her father, the bride wore a one-piece while R e u n io n S e p t . 1 5 Descendants of the late llio- nias Gaslon Wallace and Rosa Lee Arnold Wallace will hae llieir an­ nual reunion on Sunday. Sept. 15 at Joyner Communily Building. Sandy Springs Church Road, Har­ mony. l-unch will be served al 1. Bring food and drink, other needs will be provided. For more infor­ mation, call Margaret Wallace Myers at 704-546-2349 or 704- 873-0952. lace up gown wiih pale blue bugle bead trim. The gown was a slim line cul wilh organza over salin and featured an asymmetri­ cal drape along the bodice. The bodice of the gown was accented wilh Swarovski crystals across Ihc busi line and drape. The gown was completed with a small .sweep train. The bride carried a hand-lied bouquet of fresh cut white roses wilh blue delphinium and caspia. She chose Nicki David.son. her sisler. a^ maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Ashley David,son. sister of the bride, and Dana Smilh. friend of the bride. Mall James, friend of ihe groom, served as besi man. Groomsmen were Richard Dunn, brother of the groom, and Jonathan Grady, friend of Ihe groom. Gillian Lullrell. cousin of the groom, was the flower girl. Brandon Lankford, cousin of the bride, was ihe ring bearer. Angie Godbey of Mock.sville attended the guest register. Don Walker of Ro.xboro was the pro­ gram allendanl. Wedding music was provided by Anita Long, organisl for the church. Soloisi Janice Bodford sang. "Surely Ihe Presence of Ihe Lord is in this Placc" and "The Lord’s Prayer." Following a receplion in ihe fellowship hall, the couple went on a wedding trip to ihc Greal Smokey Mountains. They are at home in Mocksville. Wedding Events • A rehearsal dinner was hosied by ihe groom’s parenls al Famiington Communily Cenler. Guests were served food barbe­ cued by "Iron Chef" Keilh Dunn. • A bridesmaid’s brunch was hosted by the bride’s grandpar­ ents and aunts al Ihe home of Bob and Peggy Wallace on Sat­ urday. Aug. 3. • Showers included a "Time of Day” shower given by Ihc bride’s family, a shower by the groom’s family, and a shower by Cinda and Dana Smilh. в л е к с к о г м ) * I Л '\ 1 K W II \ \ u I ^ ll IIT П1 in K. * 111 > \K I >' Ashley Cope Ashley Cope In NC Teen Pageant Ashley Cope, daughler of Michael and Karen Cope of Mocksville, has been selected to bc a conlesianl in the Miss Teen NC pageant Oct. 25-26 al the High Point Theater, televised live by CBS. She is a sophomore nt Davie High School where she is active in Ihe JROTC program. She en­ joys music, dance and spending lime wilh friends and family. Afier graduating, she hopes to join the military and irain in ihe medical field. For more information on the pagcanl, visil the website; mvw.rpmprotliiciioiis.coiii. i Advance Florist & Gift Baskets I — W tO tU v tr— (ЭМ ) 940-6337 I / VOTE G U S * i;i -'IM ♦ M U '. \ l U \ l l l l l * I'l K ^ u \ \| ^i .i, I n \l" I I \\> I u ANDREWS Conservative Republican for NC SENATE ^ DISTRICT 34 Paid for by Committee to Elect Gus Andrews, Gary D avis-Treasurer ^ Mrs. Steven Keith Dunn ■■■ Ä- # it lât -к ft i EXPERIENCED ★ I’l A W IN C . A M ) D I M ! D l’M I \ I I \pi I U ^ J in с <, Him Ч t U'4 M lUlU ut ,nul vK \ I l> 'l'IIK I It > >1 It <1 I 14 Nl J( ( 11 I.il 11 )J . « 4I1I1K 14 i.ii Pi t 'h ' . Ч к Ч v\ nil . .iiiii_;. ★ in 1 H .1- 1 S m .uul '^'4' niillit'ii |>liiN 1 ,Miiil\ buil.:i 1«., niillion p lu '.u lilrlii Niii.ill hu''ini .iiivl ★ I 1 \[ ) | K ^ llir .\IM 1 I I 'I \ ими W\. » I *.u I ★ V A i \ i l M i. \1 1 0 \ S K ll 1 N I inpli I It V V IК » I j\ ^ I « и п ти ! ".»It N .uul lll.llkv I 111',^. .11 ul I U 'k llU Im 4||iv i in I'UMHi ^N , ★ M l |)S lO K I Ml с \ l lU N ll 1 m u ,u hm -. h.tv m > t 'I I III 1 la*"t t Ч ИИ h ,u B r i g h t - A n d e r s o n E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Brighi announce Ihe upcoming wcckling of Iheir daughler, Teresa Joyce Bright lo Michael Tlninias Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs, Larry Anderson, The bride-to-be is a 1995 graduale of Davie High School and a I W(t graduale of I lairstylisl Acatlemy and Cosmetology. She is the manager of Raflles Salon in Mocksville. The groom-to-be is a 1993 graduale of Davic I ligh School and a 1994 graduate with honors from Kowaii-Cabarrus Comiminity Col­ lege in healing and air conditioning. He is employed wilh Atlantic Petroleum in Salisbury. The wedding is planned for .Aug, 31 al lidgewood Baptist Church. A n d r a d e - A n g e l l E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Stephanie I'ownson announces the engagemenl of her daughler. Erica Andrade to Brannon Angell. The bride-elect is also the daughter of the late Tony Amlrade and sislerof the late Brian Andrade. She is a high school graduate and is employed as a cerlined day care teacher at Young Chililren's Learning Cenler in Mocksville. The groom-to-be is the son of Gray and Barbara Angell of Ad­ vance. I le is a high school graduate and is employed at Reed and Keed l-.lcctrical in Clemmons. The weilding is planned for Sept. 14 at Fulton Methodist Church in Ailvance, C o u p l e C e l e b r a t e s 5 0 t h A n n i v e r s a r y On .\ug. 15, l‘)52, I'red and Lucille Broadway were joined in marriage in Mocksville. .\lter 50 years, their children gave ihem a 5(lth wedding anni­ versary celebration at I'ullon Melhodisl Church in Fork, fheir chil- ilreii are Brenda Broadway Mauldin and husband Monty Mauldin of l.exingtoii and Donnie Ray Uroailway and wife Judy Phillips Broadway of l-'ork. and Iheir grandchild. Kelsey Broadway. The guest list included more lhan 100 family members, friends aiitl former co-workers from as far away as Oklahoma Cily. Okla. and Clearwater. I'la, S e n i o r s H e a r F r o m C H A On July 22 ihe Cooleemee Senior Cilizens held a nieeling in the lower auditorium of the Firsl Baptist Church. President Reba Holt callcd the meeting to order. She asked James, "Doll" Foster to give the opening prayer. The members sang ihe hymn, "Blessed Assur­ ance," led by Hannah Jones. The devolion was given by Chaplain Pauline Hall. Sbe read fronl the Book of Proverbs Chapter 17. The roll was called by Assis­ tant Secretary Mabel Couch. There were 20 members and two visitors present. Secretary Nancy R, Foster read ihe min- ines ofthe lasl meeting. The sun­ shine, treasury, and Senior Cen­ ter reporls were given by Jones, Treasurer Bettie Smith, and Bar­ bara Thornton. Holl asked Lynn Rumley. re­ cording secretary for ihe Cooleemee Historical Associa­ lion, lo speak. Rimiley gave cop­ ies ofan anicle concerning the lawsuit lhat South Yadkin Power filed againsi the CHA. Rumley showed a video of Ihe Cooleemee Dam anil spoke aboul Cooleemee's inheritance and Iradilions. The meeling ailjourned fol­ lowing " The Lord's Prayer" and the singing of the club song. " I'he More We Clet Together." I'he seniors met again at the Firsl Baptist Church on Aug. 12. Holt opened the meeting and the prayer was given by Noah Pioti. Jones led the club in singing the hymn; " l'Iiere Shall Be Showers of lilessing." The ilevolion was given by Hall, Proverbs 17:22 reads: "A cheerful lie;irt is a good medi­ cine, but a dowiicasl spiril dries up the bones," llall said th:it stress can be­ come ;i sickness. If you ;ire stressed oul, depressed, or bro­ ken in spin that you may nol u anl lo cal. see ;in\'one. etc. She read Matthew I l:2S: "Come lo me. all w ho labor and ;ue heavy laden, and I will give you rest." In her closing |ir;iyer. I lall asked the Lord to help us to lean on Him. Couch called the roll. There were 22 members present. Holl re;id a Ihoughi for the day: "Ex­ ercise daily, walk with the Lord." Nancy Foster read the min­ ules of Ihe lasl meeting. Her thought for the day; "You can be a dreamer and a doer too, if you remove one word from your vo- c;\bulary - impossible." The sunshine, treasury, and Senior Center reporls were given by Jones. Smilh and Thornton. The center will continue to give away fans lo persons 60 years or older who do nol have air con­ ditioning. The program was given by Noah and Virginia Plott. All nieinbcrs were asked lo write on a slip of paper anylhing lhal ihey would like lo give to sonieone else. The unsigned wills were exchanged and read lo the group, many of which were i|uite amus­ ing, One member wished lo give aw ;iy a neighbor's dog, because of Ihe frei|uent trips it has made into her yard. The seniors discussed a trip to Ihe mounlains this fall. A bake sale is scheduled to be al Ihc Cooleemee Shopping Center on Saiurday, Sept. 7 al X a.m. Couch gave the closing pniyer, I'olloweil by Ihe singing of ihex’lub song. The ne.xt ineel- ing will be at 10 a.m. Monday. Aug. 26 at the First Baplisl Church in Cooleemee. G E N E ’S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 766-9148 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons Re-Elect B obby K niglit Davie C ounty Commissioner Paid for by Bobby Knight S p e c ia l oS t h e W e e k Lance Oatmeal Cookies & Assorted Cakes IJniit 8 Whilu Supplie.s Last W hen Your H e a l t h c a r e ^ ; ^ ^ i , ^ L ^ b r e l l a S ^ e e l n i s ^ t o Have Sprunl^ A % ;lleaji.,.. l We Are Hqre to Help. '*Bill Foster5 iSuzanne :^arnnardt Mark] White Jane Ri|\^enbark Beth Stroud lo r iil filt inronlKllioil on (iruj>s Ä lii'alth prolilfiiis. ;;() lo « « \\.Гоч11'Г(1гищ.(».с(ии Regular Hours; M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 www.l’osterdrugco.coni T h e r e * s a w o r ld o f fiu n in C u b S c o u tin g . N o w i s t h e t i m e t o e n r o l l y o u r s o n . If you're Ihe parent of n boy in first through fifth grades, please plan to attend School Night for Cut) Saniliii); for joining information. Look for a flyer that your son will bring horne from school concerning School Night for Cub Scouliiig, Or, simply call yovir local Boy Scouts of America Council representative, Bert Wagner, at (336) 249-2307. It's n e v e r to o e a rly to s ta r t b ein g p rep a red ! ОA Unlird W4y Axntty •пкатммакА C4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 22, 2002 Linda Harmon (right) of Mocksvme snows a pair of mittens being given to a Ukranian woman and lier granddaugtiter. The mission team to Kiev, Ukraine includes many from Faith Baptist Church in Statesville. R e a c h i n g O u t L o c a l C o u p l e G o e s O n M i s s i o n T r ip T o K i e v , U k r a i n e On June 1.1, n mission team lefl Chnrlollc hc.iding for Kiev. Ukraine. Those laking pan wore Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Harmon of Mock.sville. going for ihcir sev­ enlh year; Ken Huff and Debbie Mills of Statesville for their firsi year; Calhy Mahaffcy. nurse. :ind Shannon Boyd, also for Iheir second year; Leslie Williams, a music teacher in Ihc Greensboro schools, for her firsi year. Puppets shows, KoolAid, cnifis, songs, games and Bible schools were conducted for more Ihan 400 children in five villages. Hundreds of children were given Bibles in Iheir language. Hundreds of eye glasses, used ones given by many area churches and also hundreds of magifying glasses were given. Many adull Bibles were also given. A lillle girl wilh her grand­ mother has touched hearls for the last ihree years as the Harmons have searched for ways to help her. One year a hearing aid was sem, il was loo large this year. Debbie Mills, who w orks at a local he;iring aid place in .Slalesville. look tempo­ rary hearing aids. They were also too big. Through pictures of ihe lillle girl, a local man has offere<l lo send herlo Kiev, ihe capital cily, for lesiing. If she needs a hear­ ing aid, Ihis man will pay. Failh Baplisl Church of Statesville, where four of ihese folks go. continues to spread the gospel in the two churches es- tablishcd there in 1997 and i m "We look many goodie b:igs lo all Ihese children," Mrs. Hannon said. "We had enough lo leave for a couple w ho w orks wilh Ihc local or|)hanage lo be able lo give many children a bag. Several Mocksville churches helped in Ihis effon." As Ihe resull of a large gill of money I'roni Woodleaf Bap­ lisl. medicine and Bibles were purchased. The youth of this church did fund raising lo pro­ vide much of Ihe money. A new projecl was Itegun Ihis year as one of the Ukraine churches will be enlarged greally. “They have run oul of room for those in the village wanting lo allend worship services," she said. Harmon said Ihe mission leam found eagarchildren want­ ing lo see Ihe puppets and hear Ihe slory of Ihe "salvation Jesus bracelet." Young people from many Davie Counly Baplisl churches allended ;i camp ilay at the South Yadkin Associalion where ihey made m;uiy oflhese bracelels for l-ailh Baplisl. A young man. Dima Bruhel. who came here in December of 1999. w ill graduale from l-ruilland Bible Inslilule in Hendersonville at the lop of his class in December. "We wish lo express our lhanks for all in this area who had a pari in Ihis Irip." Ihe Hannons said. Members of the Mocks-Dulin Choir perform at the 2002 Davie f^ethodist Gathering. Methodists Gather For Fun, Praise, Fellowship The Davie County Sub-Dis- irict Program Council of the United Mclhodist Church had a successful 2002 Davie Galh- ering, lhanks to the efforts of many people. More than 200 local Meth­ odises and their friends enjoyed music, puppets, children’s games, snacks and an inspiring message. They also got to meet the ministers and their families who .serve in Davie Counly. Marie Collins from The Storehouse for Jesus was on hand, and people broughi school supplies collected for Toni and Tom Horton sing for the audience.The First t\/lethodist puppets put on a show for children. C A N C E R B E N E F I T BBQ CHICKEN SUPPER f o r J a n i c e W o o d s $ 0 0 0 A u g u s t 2 4 , 2 0 0 2 • 4 - 6 p . m . C a ll F o r T ic k e t s : 751*2070,751-512B, 751-0226,961-6281 First B aptist Church 390 North Main Street • Mocksville Wetmore Farms WOODLEAF Available Now S q u a s h , C u c u m b e r s , F i e l d T o m a t o e s Open Monday-Saturday 8:00 am-6:00 pm Closed on Sundays From M odm iU t Шш SOI SoutH to 801 Ш Ш мсиоп, tum rttM tìU gH L4 mU*t to смиЬоа light la Woodleaf. FoUem tlgiutofêim . 704-278-2028 Bible student Dima Bruehl takes time from his studies to visit the N.C. mountains. lhal ministry. “We know God had his hand in this service and we musl continue to be God's hands and feet at work," said Sue Cave. (ÌKAIH S( MO.U : Sluiwhvrry or i lun nUitv « //;/» ' (.11 S( lu.oi : KTi. iv shoulil ! м ' Ol 1 ul Si 110И1 ; How niiiih mn I аЦоЫ /о hm'si: Who says you always have to face tough choices by yourself? citп^lcjcгlп^ yiHir luturc vnu’rc not .iU>nc. Иссаиче I сан talk »ith HKïîSe' InvttI wtth « Coo4 N«i|hb«r~ irv • Ч; Í* 4 *4 Hi—jrc" Vjtf U.f.j) КлЛ «'(ivJ'il iM'în r á T* irr^r-! '.\rr ( r-i r Гл w i ptt*•<.'Л ,tjt nwW.- A N N O U N C Ê N € S ! Salem Gymnastics Sports Center OPEN HOUSE 2002 i!luuUùuiniù\tlv Saturday, Aug. 24 1:00-3:00 p.m. I-ax'k-w«LsJ:.15Sir.mKcrI3;uii,'crClinic. dci)MMismuitHLsdisc*HinLsitt‘uiiti)fcvoo'(iik:! Five'(aient HvidauiUiotvs! DANCE AUDITIONS, SUNDAY, AUG. 25TH J., lk,iK-itia,-3>L'IXnvl'.UtXavll 4870 Country C lub Road _____________765-4668 •SalemGym.com H e l p i n g ‘P o p ’ C ourtney Barron Iove.s helping her grand­ father, Steve Barron work in the garden (above) and harve.sting ju.st about everything, in clu d in g cherries (right), especially when she gets a bird’s eye boost from her “Pop.” She is the daughter of M ichael and Tammy Barron of Cooleemee. F o u r C o r n e r s N e w s Uy Marie While t> Four Comers Correspondent The ninlh Four Comers Re­ union was a success despite the slorm. liveryone enjoyed ii very much. Gray Laymon, our chief cook, did anolher great job. Kenny Smith welcomed every­ one and gave thanks for a meal. Around .“iO people attended. Ollive Burgess is on our sick list and needs our continued prayers. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Shellon and Abby Ferguson have re- C o r n a t z e r N e w s Ity Dottle Polls Conial/.er Correspondenl Eugene Bennett returned home from Baplisl Hospital lasl Salurday. Due lo heart problems, he had a pacemaker and fibril- lalor inserted. Aaron Carler relumed home from Forsyih I lospital lasl Tues- P i n o N e w s day after having heart surgery. George Lawrence is recuper­ ating nicely from surgery lasl week al Medical Park l iospilal. Belly and Shcnnan Wood vis­ ited Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Carter lasl Friday. Mr. and Mrs. I lomer Polls and Sharon visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hinkle Sinulay night. Flowers were placed in the sanctuary of Cornatzer Baplisl Aug, 11 by Jim and Vickie Frye in memory of Pearl Fry e. Shirley Polls visited her mother. Irene Moon, in Davidson County lasl week. Mrs. Moon has been sick for some lime. By Nora Latham Pino Correspondenl Visiting Wesley Chapel Sun­ day was Nova Fleming of Wichita Falls, T,\. Andrea Gen­ try of Huntersville visited her parents, Jesse and Madelyn gen­ try, this weekend and altended church. Several memers had birthdays last week. They were Inez McClannon, Betty West, Madelyn Genlry and Nora Lalham. Welcome honte to Jim and Chinera Lalham. They are now residents of Davie County in­ stead of Newport News, Va. Bob and Kalhy Ellis honored Nora Latham with a dinner party at Iheir home on her birthday, Aug. 18. Oihers attending were Hamton Latham, Debbie Mathis, Jim and Chinera Latham and Dale Latltam. Lelia Essie honored her hus­ band, James, on his 83rd birth­ day by having a family dinner at Dockside Restaurant In Clemmons on Salurday nighl. Those present were Chip and Ruth Essie and Paul Forrest, all of Davie County, Jeff and Karen Essie of Cary, Rebecca Essie of Raleigh, Mary Ellen and John Candillo of Winston-Salem, Neal, Brenda, David and Tammy Essie of Davie County, Forrest and Heathe Essie of Greensboro, Brooks. Annie. Edward and lili/.abelh Barnes of Onancock, Va., and friends, Chad and Camilla Hilton of Advance. Moiulay evening. Bob and Kalhy Ellis and Nora and Harmon Lalham went lo Reidsville lo help celebrate Ihe birthday of Iheir son and grand­ son, Elhan Boger. His wife, Allison, honored him wilh a spe­ cial dinner at tlieir home. Others WANTED 15 HOMES THAT NEED PAiNTING IS Homeownart, will be given an opportunity to have the Now Alvls SPRAY ON SIDING applied to their home at special Discount prices. No more costly repair bills or constant Painting costs. . Alvls Spray On Siding CAN EASILY b« applied over any type aurfac* Including wood, itucco, block, or brick. • Alvia Spray On Siding WILL NOT fad«, crack, pa«l, or chalk and carriM a LIFETIME WARRANTY, No money down and Umia lo fit yourbudgH Why wait? FREE ESTIMATES www.sprayon8ldino.com Contact Distinctive Exterior CiüiiffiHIiÍ Call Now (336) 774-3852 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 22,2002 - CS W o m e n T r a v e l T h r o u g h 4 S t a t e s Two women this month trav­ eled in more than four stales in a Winnebago RV. Leaving Advance Saturday, Aug. 10, Edith Zimmennan of Advance and daughler, Brenda, of Glen Cove, Long Island, NY spenl their first nighl in Lebanon, Tenn. at Shady Acres Campsite on Ihe outskirts of Nashville. After a short walk through the campground and visiting with the owner, they had a relaxing din­ ner and relired for Ihe evening. The next morning, they con­ linued their journey on 1-40 crossing the Tennessee River, and arrived in Germantown/ Memphis Sunday afternoon for a visit with cousin Winnie Shutt Calloway, de.scendant of William Tlieopliilus Shult and Martha Orrell Shull of Davie County. Elizabelh Calloway, daughter of Winnie, joined tbe group for din­ ner thal evening. The following day. Winnie joined Edith and Brenda as Ihey headed north Ihrough Memphis, passing Ihe Danny Thomas mau­ soleum. a gold domcil memorial on Ihe grounds of St. Jude's Children’s Hospital, and the Memphis Pyramid, an alhletic complex. After crossing Ihe Mis- lumed home after vacationing at several places in Florida. Mrs. ii.G. Sapp was honored for her birthday Friday night with supper at Pete's in Clemmons. Helping her celebrate were Mr. and Mrs. Mark While and Jes­ sica, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe White. attending were Ted and Judy Hoffman of Greensboro, Johnny, Rene ami Patrick Boger of Lex­ inglon, Stephanie Snyder and Joe Sutton, bolh of Reidsville. Visiting Janies and Lelia E.ssie for a few days are Brooks. Anne and Elizabelh Barnes of Onancock, Va. They will be lakeing their son. Edward, home after visiting his grandparenis for several weeks. sissippi River in Arkansas, they drove up the Mississippi Della through rice paddies, and cotton, soybean and silage fiekls. The group stopped in Porlageville, Mo. and had lunch before trav­ eling on Ihrough St. Louis, Heading wesl over the Mis­ souri River, the group went to O'Fallon, Mo. to visit cousin LaVada Jones and husband John. LaVada is a descendant of Zachary Taylor Shull and Josie P. Kinchcn, Following a home- cooked meal prepared by LaVada and John’s daughler Sandra Sutton, the group enjoyed admir­ ing LaVada's family heirloom furniture, books, crocheted pieces, quilts and family china, LaVada is an avid collector of symbolic roosters which adorned many areas of her home. Husband John, a self-taught woodcarver, showed the many miniatures he had carved over Ihe years, as well as his collection of watches, clocks, guns and other faniily memorabilia. On Tuesday morning, Ihe group visited the Jones’ son Den­ nis al his shop, Ihe O'Fallon Col­ lision Center. They enjoyed meeling the Jones' grandchil­ dren. Thomas and Jesse Sutton. and hearing aboul their auto me­ chanic and baseball interests. Of equal interest were the videos ol a third grandson, 14-year-old Adam Jones, a Micro Sprint race ear driver. After having a cold cut lunch prepared by Sandra, the traveling tlireesoinc headed back through St, Louis and on to Memphis/Gennantown, Wednesday was spent touring some of Memphis’ old homes and visiting the Beale Sireel area including the Drisy Theater, Elvis Presley Restaurant and Hard Rock Cafe, and Sun Records, and other poinls of in­ terest, along wilh Ihe throngs of people gathered to celebrate Ihe 2.Sth anniversary of Elvis’ death, Thai evening the group had a cookout at Winnie’s home and enjoyed dessert brought hy Eliza­ beth Calloway, After dinner Ihe group gathered in Ihe den to re­ view some of Winnie’s geneal­ ogy works and did some family tree searches on her computer. Leaving Memphi.s/Gemian- lown on Thursday. Edith and Brenda drove lo Knoxville and stopped for lunch, then conlin­ ued on lo Advance that evening completing a Irip of some l,S70 miles. A d v a n c e N e w s By Kdilh Ziimncnniin Advance Corespondent Eric Hendricks, Methodist Church choir direclor anil organ­ ist. gave a piano recital Sunday afiernoon al 4 p.m, al Ihe church. Paslor Harry Sammons played .several .selections ofhymns prior lo Eric’s recital. A large crowd attended and enjoyed the music, Rerreshmenls were served fol­ lowing the recital. Nancy Zimmennan was hos­ pitalized for Ihree days al Forsyih Medical Center last week suffer­ ing from pneumonia, A speedy recovery is wished for her, Brenda Zimmertiian of Glen Cove, Long Island, NY, arrived Friday. Aug, 9 lo spend len days wilh her mother, Edith Zimnier- maii, Janie Z, Hendrix joined Ihem lhat night for supper. Later, Edith and Brenda visileii Eugene Bennell in Davie Counly Ho.spi- lal. They also visited Nancy Zimmerman. Saturday, Aug. 10. Edith and Brenda lefl in Brenda's Winnebago RV for a trip lo Ten­ nessee. Arkansas and Missouri. Going through Knoxville and Nashville where they slopped brielly. they arrived in Meinphi.s/ Gernianlown Sunday lo visit a Shutt cousin. W innie S. Calloway, for Iwo days. Winnie joined Cililh and Brenda for a Irip ihrough Arkansas and the Mis­ sissippi River Delta area of rice paddies and cotton plantations, inlo St. Louis, Mo., then into O'Fallon, Mo. to visit more rela­ tives. John aiul La Vaila Jones, for two days. Driving back into Tenne.ssee. Ihey had tours of Memphis, Ihe old colonial homes and mingling wilh Ihe many Elvis Presley fans downlowii who were Ihere for the celebration of the 25th anni­ versary of his death. Arriving back home, Edith and Brenda went to Old Salem Friday, Aug. 16 lo the new Moravian Archives Building where they had an appointment wilh archivist Richard Starbuck lo presenl Ihe Archives a gift of Ihe Shult family book published by Brenda and Edith. They were given a lour ofthe new, impres­ sive building which is less than a year old. Afterwards, the ladies went lo Ihe old hislorical lown Ilf Rockford for a tour and lo see the famous low water bridge, which is being demolished and a new bridge built. Friilay night, Ihey visited cousin Vernelle Green in Churchland. Salurday, Aug. 17 was spenl on family ge­ nealogy and visiting cemeleries. Louise Potts accompanied her broiher and sister-in-law, Jimmy Smiley and Teresa, lo Wesleni Carolina Universily on Aug. 9 for the graduation of their daugh­ lcr, Elizabelh Smiley. Congralulations to Virgil and Lillie Mae Potts who celebrated Iheir .“ilsl wedding anniversary Sunday. Aug. 19. Sarah Zinimemian and son, Todd, of Ihe Fork communily were Sunday afternoon visitors of Nancy Zimmerman, Melissa Hendrix Bamum and Susan Judd of Concord visited Melissa's grandmother, Edith Zimmennan, last W’eek, Maggie Lou Barney is a pa­ tient at Bemiuda Village where she is recuperating from a bro­ ken hip surgey. Gel well wishes go oul to her. Word has been received of the death of Rulh Paige Poindexter of Orlando, Fla. She was the widow of George Poindexter, She was a native of Courtney and her husband, George, grew up in Advance, We exieiid .sympathy to Ihe family. Flowers for all Occasions SMer’sU o f M ocksville (3 3 6 )7 5 1 -1 7 8 2 A r e y o u p a y i n g t o o m u c h f o r a f t e r - s c h o o l c a r e w h e r e y o u r c h i l d is t r e a t e d l i k e ¡ u s t a n u m b e r ? If so, Hardison United Methodist Church offers a sensible alternative. Our after-school program is faith-based and provides your child with a structured environment where their individual needs are taken into consideration and attended. Our program offers: • Homework tutoring • Devotions • Afternoon snack • Organized games and activities • Supervised playground facilities • School Bus drop-off (Mocksville students) • Shuttle service (Cooleemee students) Our hours are 2:45 until 6:00 every school day for students in kindergarten through fifth grade. Rates are $110.00 per month ($100.00 per month for second child). Doesn't your child deserve to be in an environment where they are treated as an individual and given the kind of attention they receive at home? If so, we believe Hardison United Methodist Church is the place for them. For questions or enrollment, please call: Sue Callison, Director c/o Hardison UMC 751-5630 J C6 - DAVIE COUNTY KNTERPRISE RECORD. Aug. 22, 2002 Obituaries Sallie Stewart Sain Mrs. Sallie Sicwarl Sain. 96, formerly of U.S. 64 E.. Mocks­ villc. iliL-il Tuesday. Aug. 13.2(Ю2. at Auliinm Care of Mocksville. Thc funeral service was 11 a.m. Friday. Aug. 16 at Fulton United Methodist Church, with thc Rev. Neville Storey officiat­ ing, Burial w as in the church cem­ etery. Memorials; Fullon Methodist Cemetery Fund, c/o Terry Stewart. m 'i, US W E.. Mocksville. Mrs. Sain was born April 2.1. 1906. in Davic County to Ihc late C.D, and Fannie Hege Stewart and was a homemaker, a member of Fulton Unilcd Methodist Church, having joined in 1921 and w as active in her Sunday School class. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Andrew Tliomas Allen, in I9.1S and her sccond husband, Roy Wcslev Sain, in 2(Ю1. Survivors: a son. Herman "Pete" Allen of .Mocksville; 2 grandchildren; ,1 great-grandchil­ dren; and 2 great-great-grandchil- dren. Robert Lee Alm ond Mr. Robert "Bob' Lee A l­ mond. X.“!. of Winston-Salem ilieit Tliursday, Aug. LS. 2()()2, in Em­ erald Islt-. Me was born March 20. 1917, in Stanly County lo George Franklin and Ella Sides Almond. He was a member of Griffith Bap­ llsl Church and retired from the Greyhound Bus Lines wilh .14 years service. He was preceded in death by .1 brolhcrs, Hugh and Jim Almond • of Greensboro and Claude A l­ mond of Salisbury; 2 sisters, Ida Adams of Mocksville and Ruth Reid of Salisbury. Survivors; his wife. Grace Murray Almond of thc home; 2 daughters, Barbara Trcnl and hus­ band Don of Winsion-Salcni and Robin Atkinson and husband Jerry of Le.xington; 2 granddaughters; and a sister, Helen Blanks of North Myrlle Bc;\ch, S.C. ■ Graveside services were al 2 p.m. Saturday. Aug. 17. in Parklawn .Memorial Gardens, with Ihc Rev. Tommy Johnson of­ ficiating. Memorials; Hospicc/I’alliative CareCenter. 1КЮ-С S. Siralford Road, \Vinston-S;iIem. Wade Coe Wade Coe. 70. dicil Wednes­ day. Aug. 14.2(X)2, after a lengthy illness. Survivors; his wife, Carolyn Coe; .1 daughters, Vickie Yates of Salisbury, JoAnn Ireland of Mocksville, and Juanita Loggins of Le.xington; 8 grandchildren; and 7 grcat-grandchildrcn. Л memorial servicc was held at 5 p.m. Salurday, Aug. 17, at Poplar Springs Church of God in Statesville. Memorials; mother Carolyn's benefit, c/o Yadkin Valley Bank, P.O. Box Ш , Elkin, 28621. Nell M urphy Suddreth ■Mrs. Nell Ray Murphy Suddreth, 70, of Mocksvlllc, died Friday, Aug. 16,2002, at thc Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home after an extended illness. She was bom .May 26, 1912, in Yadkin County to Benjamin Harrison and Lcla Davis Murphy. She was preceded in dealh by a brother. R.J. МифЬу; and a twin brother, Eddie Gray Murphy. Surviving; a daughter. Sharon Murphy Reeves of MiKksvillc; a son. Richard "Shoestring" Suddreth of Mocksvillc; a sister, Evelyn Murphy Dunn of Ad­ vance; 2 grandchildren; and .1 great-grandchildren. The funeral scrvicc was at 2 p.m. Monday, Aug. 19, at Huff Funeral Home Chapel in East Bend. Burial followed al Prospect United Methodist Church Cem­ elery. D A V IE F U lV E R A L S E R V IC E Itxnrponlnl 416 Valley Kd..MiKk.willc,NC 336-751-3111 "Oar Family SoTin.? Уоиг ГлтИу" m v ншепш тга л ! воые B illy M onroe M unday Mr. Billy Monroe "Hog Man" Munday. 48. of U.S. 64 E.. Mocksville, died Monday morn­ ing, Aug. 19. 2002 al Davie County Hospital after a sudden illness. Tlie funeral service was at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 21 al Eaton Funeral Chapel in Mocksvillc with Wayne Renlz officiating. Burial vvas at Fork Baptist Church Cemetery. Mr. Munday was born June 14, 19.‘)4, in Rowan County to Mixlell Orrell Munday of Advance and the late Floyd Munday. He was a retired truck driver and a member of Fork Baplisi Church. He was a graduate of Davic High School class of 1972. where he was a member of the football squad and the FFA. Surviving in addition to his mother; a sister. Nancy M. (Butch) Brooks of Yadkin College; a brolher, Kenneth Munday of Lex­ ington; several nieces and neph­ ews; and 2 spccial friends, Andy Barnhardt and Roger Jones, both of Advancc. C arl Cleveland M yers Mr. Carl Cleveland Myers. 87. of U.S. 601 South. Mcoksvillc. died Thursd;iy. Aug. 15. 2002 at Iredell Memorial Hospital. Funeral services were Sunday. Aug. IX al .1 p.m. at Eaton Funeral chapel wilh Ihc Revs. Darrell Co.x and Darrell Cartrclle officiating. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park in Salisbury. Mr. Myers was born Dec. 12. 1914 in Yadkin Counlylo the late Charlie and Effic Sparks Myers and was retired from Industrial Air Co. of Greensboro. He was of the Baplist faith. Survivors; his wife. Clara Hepler Myers ofihe home; 8 chil­ dren. Belly Green. Carl "Jr" .Myers, .Vlargie Penny Myers, Donnie Myers, T.W. Myers. Dwight Myers, Ricky Myers, all of Lexington, and Larry Myers of Statesville; 8 grandchiliUen; 9 great-grandchildren; a brother. Spencer Myers of Granc Blanc, Mich.; .1 sisters, Joyce Wyatt, Lavaughn Fells and Ovaline Sain, all of Le.xington. M arth a Field Sm yth Mrs. .Martha Field Smyth. 81, of Autumn Care of Mocksville, formerly of the Cool Spring coni- niunity in Iredell Couniy, died Monday, Aug. 19,2(H)2 al the K;ite B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston-Salem. Born on March .11. 1919 in Kingwood. W.Va., she was the daughter of Ihe late Hugh B. and Hazel Britton Field. She was a homemaker and a member of the Church of Jesus Chrisl of Latter Day Saints. Her husband, Arlie E. Smyth, preceded her in death. Survivors; a son, Donald Everett Smyth (Linda) of Cleve­ land, N.C.; 3 daughters, Elizabelh Jean Seaford (Doug) of Cooleemee, Carolyn S. Hahne (Dick) of Coolcemee, and Sharon S. Sutton (Richard) of Kinsman. Ohio; a sister. Mildred Bailey of Morgantown, W.Va.; 18 grand­ children; 41 great-gmndchildren; and a grcat-great-grandchild. She was also preceded in death by 3 brolhers, Dencil, Nonnan and Jimmy Field. Funeral services will be con­ ducted Thursday. Aug. 22 at 11 a.m. al the Davic Funeral ScrN'ice chapel with grandson Carl Innocenzi and Harold Smith, a member of her church, officiatingi Burial will be in Iredell Memorial Gardens in Statesville. Grandsons will be pallbearers. Friends may call at Ihe home of Carolyn und Dick Hahne in Cooleniee. where the family will be assenibleil. Memorials; Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home. 101 Hospice Ln., Winston-Salem, 27103. G ary M ichael Bunton Mr. Gary Michacl Bunton. .‘>3. of Mount Airy. Ihc husband of Brookie Rose Bunion, died Mon­ day, Aug. 12, 2002, al Wake For­ csl Universily Baptist Medical Center in Winslon-Salem. Mr. Bunion was born Oct. l.'i. 1948. in Bristol. Va.. thc son of Ihc late Ellis Joseph and Arvie Lula Vernon Bunton. He was a veteran of thc U.S. Navy, em­ ployed with Logan Heating and Air, and a member of Antioch Baptist Church, where he served as deacon. Survivors: his wife, Brookie Rose Bunton of the home; a daughter. Jennifer Nicole Bunion of Greenville. S.C.; a son. Toby Travis Bunton of Boone; and 3 sislers and 2 brothers-in-law, Jewell and Osc;ir McClamrock of Mocksville, Joan and Charles Porterfield of Clemmons, and Bar­ bara Whiiaker of Mount Airy. Tlie funeral service was at 3:30 p.m.Aug. 1.5 at Antioch Baplist Church, with the Revs. Dale Wallace and Tim Collins offici­ ating. Burial followed in the chvirch ccmcteiy, w ilh full military honors hy Ihe Velerans of Foreign Wars .Memorial Honor Guard Mount Airy Post No. 2019 and Pilol Mouniain Post No. 9436. Memorials; Antioch Baptist Cemetery Fiind. 137 Antioch Ave.. Mount Airy, 27030. M argaret M . Leonard Mrs. Margarei Pauline McCrary Leonard. 70, of Wall Street, Cooleemee, died Salurday, Aug. 17. 2002 al Forsyih Mcdical Center. Funeral services were Tues­ day. Aug. 20 ;it 2 p.m. al Mocks­ ville Church of God w ith the Rev. Larry Hollifield officiating. Burial was in Legion Memorial Park. Mrs. Leonard was horn Sept. 1. 1931 in Diivic County to the late Joe and Gertie Barnes McCrary, was a homemaker and worked for the Davic CAP Program. Survivors; her husband, Homer Lee "Cornbre;id" Leonard Sr. of the home; 3 children. Tommy (Judy) Leonard, Tony (Patty) Leonard and Debbie Roig, all of Cooleemee; a step-daugh­ ter, Janice (Greg) Curtis of Lex­ ington; lOgrandchildren; 2 broth­ ers, Willi:im McCrary of Salisbury and Bobby McCrary of Mocks­ villc; and 2 sisters, Rebecca Greer and Annie Connell, both of Mocksville. He was preceded in death by a brother. Frankie McCrary. M ary K atherine M ann Mrs. Mary Katherine Fulk Mann. 82, of Winston-Salem died Frid;iy, Aug. 16, 2002, al Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Cenier. She was born June 16, 1920, in Stokes County, the daughter of Oscar S. and Grace Slate (Sprinkle) Fulk. Mrs. Mann was a member of Calvary Baptist Church and was preceded in death by her parents and two brolhers, William H. and Oscar S. Fulk Jr. Surviving: her husband of 65 years. Hoyle L. Mann of the home; 3 daughters and Iheir hus­ bands, Carolyn and Toni Dickens. Judith and Sammy Snowden, all of Clemmons, and Marilyn anil Dave Wetzel of Carlisle, Pa.; a son and his wife. Roberl and Hanne Mann of Advancc; 2 sislers and their husb;inds, JoAnn and Ron Hughes of Dobson and Nina and Elon Bodcnheimer of Winston- Salem; 12 grandchildren; and 15 greal-grandchildren. A funeral service was held al 2 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 20 at Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek Chapel, officiated by Dr. Gary Chapman. Burial followed in Forsyth Memorial Park. T Memorials; Gideons Interna­ tional. P.O. Box 5811, Winsion- S;ilem.27113. li AMeaningfiil I Funeral Service I Wclvh Funeral Home, Inc. I 556 South Main St. • Mocksvillo, NC • (336) 751 -3725 ^ Й — Locally Owned & ОрсгаШ — ; j B U I L D I h since WdO B U I L D I N © Æ TZEMOOeUNG, ’ Advance, N.C. Replacement Windows & Doors Additions - Sunrooms - Kitchens - Baths Cabinets - Tile - Vinyl Siding M. David Miller, C6R NCUc. # 1 3 0 3 3 NAHB &W-SRemodelops^'^ Dependable, Professional C rew s Serving the are a since 1980 ■ t- *• Í920V 2002’ -; ■ г. MocitsvaLC - > P ^ tíí¿ % M ÍÍÍé r 'j Dinette Tables - Chairs - Stools Porch Rockers - Benches ONE PAY ONLY Saturday - August 24 7 a.m. - 1 p.m. CASH ONLY J.H, G r a v e r & Son, Inc. m akers & im porters o f fine seatin g 1709U.S.Hwy601 S Yadkinville 336-463-5538 -i Edward L H e p U rS r. . i 9 T í - ^ ' • ' . MOCKSVlttE r.i • Roy F. A lexander Sr. ' I9J4-20Û2 COOLEBMCB • C harles W. Valenline I h ftc lii!;itraticf Gr<iii|) was founded to j)rovi(le il.s Policyholders w illi a.s near pi'ilw 'l iiroiw lion and s(‘f\'icf al the lowest ])ossil)le cost. W hy not inak(! us piovi; if^ Call us lodiiy I'or superior insiiiance lor your auto, lionie. luisiue.ss and life. Conlacl your local E R IE Auenl for a free. no-ol)ligation ([uote for all your insurance neetls. (iiiry H»w(l(Mi TRIANGLE INSURANCE GROUP ilOf) N. Main Stii’ft Aloc'ksvill.', NC 2702« (;ì;ì6) y.'ì6-oo2;ì ¡;mljowdi'n@nu«'ksvill(‘.foni ERIE INSURANCE GROUP i ERIE. W h en making funeral arrangements, isn’t it good to know that there is a locally owned funeral home with over fifty years of experience in serving the Davie County community? • F im e ra l S ervicc P rofesskm cils w ho a re y o iir fr ic iu h a n d n e ii-lib o rs • F im e ra l S ervice P rofessionals in vo lv e d a n d a ctive in supportinf> those th in g s im p o rta n t in the co m m u n ity in w h ich w e live • F u n e ra l S ervice P rofessionals m e etinf; a n y need o r circu m stan ce y o u r fa m ily m if>ht have • F u n e ra l S ervice P rofessionals w ith o n ly one tliin i^ in m ind ... M a k in ii sure th a t one o f the m ost d iffw id t tim es in y o u r fa m ily ’s life is h a n d le d w ith the care a n d d ig n ity th a t ca n be p ro v id e d h y tliose th a t have know n yo u the lon}iest. E A T O N FUNERAL SERVICE, INC. Cclclm itm ii SO yean- of.w rvke to thc commimily 32S North Main St., Mocksville, NC • 751-2148 Carl Lamben, 1‘л1]1«Л>лпа ,s. 1 DAVIK COUNTY EN'l'KRl’UISF. RKCORI), Aug. 22, 2002 - C7 ; COMING SOON! Coastal $2.50 Cleaners is pleased to announce that they will be picking up and delivering dotlies in the Mocksville area. You can drop off clothes to be dry denned at Phipps' Fabric Center located nt 119 N. Snlisbury St., Mocksville NC. Pickup days will be Wednesdays and Saturdays. Any dry- clennnble gnnnent will be denned for $2.50. Men's dress shirt.s will be \vaslied, pres.sed, starched & hung for $1.50. O ur first day ofbitsiiwss w ill be Monday, September 2nd, 2002. Men's Dress Shirts Cleaned for Just $1.50!^ e :o n c o o o o co o o o cg co o có o o ¿ x ^-------- Movin’ Up At Liberty M ovin' Up, a southern gospel trio, will be spreading G od’s word at Liberty United M ethodist Chruch's hom e­ com ing service on Aug. 25. The group sang at the Sing­ ing in the Sun gospel concert at Myrtle Beach this past April. Tim Sutton, Sharon Hyler and K aren H am are based out of W Interville and have been singing together for 10 years. Dr. John Andrew s will deliver the sermon al 10 a.m . and M ovin' Up will sing at 10:45. Lunch will fdjow at noon. For m ore inform ation, call 284-2553. G o s p e l C o n c e r t S a t u r d a y A t T h e B r o c k A r t s C e n t e r Throe groups will be fcaltired at ii gospel music conccrl to ben­ efit the Children's Miracle Network, al 7 p.m. Saturihiy. Aug. 24 ;it the Brock PerforiiMiig Arls Ccmer. North Main Street. Mocksville. The Cockman 1-amily. The Master's Choice and Chigg;ir Hill will perl'orin. Tickets are :ivailable at the Mocksvillc W;il-Mart. or by calling 751-12irfi. R e v . D r . J . M i c h a e l L e a t h e r w o o d T o B e A t B e t h l e h e m H o m e c o m i n g On Aug. 25. Uctlilehem United Melhodisi Cliurch. 321 Rcdhiml Koad. will celebnile lioinecoininy. The Rev. Dr. .1. Micluiel Le.illi- erwood. Lexington District siiperinlenilcnt. will lie the guest spe;ikcr al the 11 a.m. service. Bring covered dishes and bevei:iges to >h;iiv. ;uk1 silverwiire. cups :ind phites lor your lamily. kedhinil Uii;ul is between U.S, I5S and N.C. SOI. T h e B e l ie v e r s T o B e A t B r e a d O f L if e The Hclievers Quarlel w ill be in concert al Bread of t.ile Baptist Church. N.C. SOI Jusi off U.S. (lOI North, on Sunday. .Aug. 25 ;it 7 p.m. Гог more information, call 4(i3-31‘J2 or -163-217S. M a r k S h o r e T o S p e a k A t H o p e Mark Shore will be the giicsi speaker at Hope li;iptisl Taber­ nacle at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Siitiihiy. Aug, 25. S p r i n k l e M i s s i o n S t a r t s S u n d a y The Sprinkle Preaching Mission, a series of preaching services eslablistied to lionor llie late Henry and Margarei Sjirinkle, will be held at I'irst United MelhoilisI Church in Mocksville Aug. 25-27. The mission will begin Sunday morning. Aug. 25 al 10:30 with a initii concert of favorite anthems by the Chancel Choir and the Praise & Worship Team, followed by w orship al 11. Services will con- tintie each evening. Sunilay-Tiiesilay. :it 7. Dr. Reginald Mallet, an ordained Methodist minister ot the Brit­ ish Conference, will be speaker. The Ch;inccl Choir will sing each evening and Ihc children's Choirs will sing on Sumhiy night. The Adull Handbell Choir will presenl several selections Monday evening. Child carc will be provided each nighl for young children. St John Crusade Under Way St. John AM E Zion Church in Mocksville will have an cvengelistic ciiisade from W'cdiiesikiy. Aug. 21 lo Sunihiy. .Лиц. 25 W'ilh a love and fellowship program. The ctvis;ide starts at 7 p.m. Wednesday with workshops, followed by a prayer scrvicc. C o u r t n e y B a p t i s t T o C o m m i s s i o n C o u p l e A s M i s s i o n a r i e s T o U k r a i n e On Sunday. Aug. 25, Courlney Baplisi Church will commission Brad and Melisa Atkins as missionaries to the Ukraine, hiiving been commissioned to the Intcrnalioiuil Service Corp by the 1п1егпаГита1 Mission Board ofihe Southern Baplist Convention. They will be .serving in Kiev in the Ukraine as volunteer coordi­ nator. Their duties will bo to coordinate tho volunteer mission ef­ fort of Southern Baptists throughout the couniry. The Atkins will go to the Iniernalional Mission Board in Rich­ mond, Va. for training and orientation for six weeks. They willi eave for Iho Ukraine on Oct. IS from Riclinumil. They aro thc parents of iwo hoys, Mallhew, 10. and Luke. 3. The commissioning service al Courlney B;iptisl will begin Sun­ day al 10:3(1 a.m. It will be followed by a covered dish luncheon in honor of Iho Atkins. Pastor i.s John Brown. Attend The Church Of Your Choice No Creek Primlllve Baptist Church,No Crook Church Rd.. Mocksvillo. 2nd & 4lh Sundays. 10:30 n.m. Fcuflh Snlurday worrliip nnd conleronco.1:30 p.m. Pnslor. Eldor Eugono Bonnull. Engle Heights Church,10 a.m. Sunday worship. 7 p.m, Tuesday Povvorlimo. 7 p,m. Tliursday Diblo ;ludy. Casual dross, conlomporary music/worship, 5103 U.S. 158, Hiilsdalo. Mocksvillo Wosloyan Church: Hospital St., Sunday Sctiool. 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11. Wodnoiiday Prayut Mpoling. 7 p,m, Rov. Goorgo Troyor. 751-5595, Union Chapel United Mothodlst Church: 2030 U.S, GDI N Worship. 9:45 a.rn. Sunday School, 11 a.rn.. Pastor, Rov. Drad Holliman. Conlor United Methodist Church: U.S, G4 W. Sunday School, 0.45 a m. Worship. 11. Paslor, SlopMon Olair 751-2754, Childcafo dircctofs; Carla Provotto, 492-5735 & Sandra Autry. 940-3753, Elbavillc United Methodist Church: N.C. BOI, Advanco. Followship. 9 a.i'n, Sunday School, 10, Worship. 11. Kids For Christ (agos 4-n). ^s1& 3rd Sun.. 3-4:30 p.m. Toons lor Christ (agos 12- 18) meol Sun.. 5-6:30 p m. Paslor: Rov. Novillo Sloroy. Cooleemeo Church ol God: Sunday Scliool. 10 a.m. Worship Sorvico and Children s Church. 11 a.m. Tuos. Prayor Mootmg, 7 p.m. Wod. Family S(*fvico. 7 p.m. For riior*} into, call pastor Robert HuloHo ,u 204-2180 or visil w'w'w.coolcog.crg Cornatzer United Methodist Church: 1244 Cornat.’or Rd. Sunday School, 10 a.ni. Worship. ?! a.m.. 7:30 p.m. Dihio Study. Wodnosday. 7:30 Rov Harold/imnK.’rman, paslor. Bethel United Methodist Church: Church R(j Wofshif). 9:45 a rn. Sunday School. 10 50 a.m. Rov. td C.irlor, p;i;;lor. Advance United Methodist Church: Suriclny School, O -lfi .1 (0, Worshtf). 11 a m. Youth, 5 p m Hov Harry D. vSammon'. no'.vnfn.vii Advanco Farminglon Unilod Methodist Church: Sund.iy S(,fiool. 10 .i.in, Wor'-.hip, 11 .l.m Farinincitoii Rd. 90B-3760. Rfv Mclmda SnycJof, Oak Grovo United Methodist Church 1994 US 15H. Mocksvillo. Sunday iiCliool. 0 45 a rn. V/orship, 11 Concord United Methodist Church. Ch**rry Hill lUf.. Mocksvillo. Worship; 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Paslor, John Androws. Hardison United Methodist Church: Worship, 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45. Wondorlul Wodnos-days Children's program, G-7.30. Pastor. Rov- Donnis D. Marshall. Community Baptist Church: Sunday School. 10 a.m. Sunday Worship. 11. Evening sorvico. 6, Wodnosday BiWo Sludy. 7 p,m. Giadstono Road- HlllsdalQ Uni lod Methodist Church'. 5228 U.S. 158. Advanco. Contompoiary worship Sut^day tO.45 a.m. Sunday School, 9:35. Casual dross. rQlroshmonls. Jr. High YouUx Sunday night. 5:30. Sr. High Youth Sunday night. 7. MidwGok<ipHillsdalu prayor sorvico. wodnosday G;30 p.m. Diblo studios, ministries such as drama, worship, minions, singles, womon's. mon's. Pastor; Jorry Wobb. 998-4020, Wesloy Chapol Unilod Mothodlst Church; Worship Sorvico; 10 a,in. Sunday School: t0:45 a,m. Rov. Mindy Snydor. Pino Rd. Rodland Pentocostal Hollnoss Church; Sunday School: 10 a.m. Worship: 11 a.m. Evening; G:30. Wodnosday prayor mooting & Biblo study. 7:30 p.m. Rev. Jool Boylos. Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1913 U.S. 6Q1 S. Worship: 10:30 a.m. W.G. WHITE & C 0 . 850 N. Trade St. Winston Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 JERRY^S MEAT PROCESSING We Custom Meal Process Beef - Pork - Deer 2 7 years experience 892 Ralph natlodgo Rd • Mocksvillo 492-5496 J . p. GREEN MILLING CO., INC. Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot SI,, Mocksville, NC 336-751-2126 CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2167 aÌC E VILLAGE HARDWARE 5431 Hwy, 158 • Advance, NC 336-998-1987 Sunday School; 9;15a.m. Pastor: Rov. Robert Kasting. 751-5419. httpy/www.mindsprlno.com/^holycfoss/ Mocksvillo First Prosbytorlon Church. 201 S. Main St. Worship: 11 a.m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday ovoning: Choristers (grados 1-5) & Youth (grados G-12). 5:30 p.m. Pastor; Noal Cartor. 751-2507. Mocks United Methodist Church, olf N.C. 801 S. at Mocks ChurctV Beau­ champ roads. Advanco. Rov. Donnio Durham. 998-5518. Sundc\y worship; 8:45 & 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Smilh Grovo Mothodlst Church: 3492 U.S. 158. Mocksvillo. Pastor; Chris Clontz. Sunday School: 10 a.m.. worship. 11. Childron’s minislry. Boforo and altor school programs. 940-5296. Hiilsdalo Baptist Church: Sunday Worship and Diblo Study 9 S. 10:30 a.m.. Wodnosday Fellowship Meal. 6 p.nt. Childfon's youth aclivilios. prayor mooting. 6:30 p.m. Pastor R.T. Aldorman, 940-6G10. Ministor ol Music. Bront Holton. 4815 'J.S. 158. Advanco. Faith and Victory Family Worship Conlor, 1G87 Hwy. GOI N. Sunday Sorvicos. 10 a.m.. 7 p.m. Wodnosday. 7 p.m. New Bollovors P.P. Church. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship Sorvico. 11. Wodnosday nighl Diblo study, 5, Pastor Elizabolh Mock. Assoc. Paslor Dorrick Mock. Womens Aux. Л Brotherhood Biblo Sludy. 1st Л 3rd Thursday, liberty United Methodist Church. U.S, GOI S. Worship:9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11 .l.m. First United Methodist Church of Mocksville. Tarly Sunday Worship Service, 8,50 a,m. Praise singing, casual dross, contemporary formal. Traditional service. 10:55 a.rn. 305 N. Main St. 751-2503. Pastors. Crystal Alexander and Charles Tumor. Boliover's Sonship Tabernacle: Sunday worship. 10:30 a,m. A G ЛОр ni. Vhi'J. ovemng, 7. Pastor: Jorry L. Couch. 99B-1324. Cana Rd. - Potter's Lano. Turrentine Baptist Church: Sunday Sctiool, 9 45 am., Worship. 11; Night SorviC(*. G. Pastor: Rev. Joo Snuth. Bothlohcm United Methodist Church: Sunday early worship, 8:45 a.m.; Sunday School. 10 Worship. 11 a.m. 321 Rodland Rd., Advanco. 33G- 998 5083. Fax: 940-5502. E-Mad: bothumc({?aol.com. Episcopal Church of Ihc Ascension. Fork-Bixby Rd., Advance. Sun. School. 10 a.m. Worship. 11 a rn. 998-0857. Dial A Story Ministry tor children. Bill and Peggy Long ol Advanco, 998-7716. Services at tho Oaks. Apt. 7A, 7 p m.. Thursdays. Bishop T.R. Rice. Clement Grovo Church ot God, Body of Chrisl. 159 f^^rKür Rd., Mocksvillo. 492-5125. Satufday Sotvtcos: Snbbalh School. 10 a.m., Worship, 11:45, V^odnosday Giblo Study. 7 p.nv Pastor: Eldor Ernest Ijames, Radio Broadcast; TI\o Bvblo Is Righl. Tuesdays. 5-5:30 p.m,, WDSL 1520 AM and Sundays, 8- B.30 a,m.. WSTP U90AM, Grcon Meadows Baptist Church Sunday School, 9;45 a,m. Woiship. U a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayor & Uiblo Study. 7 p.fT\. Pastov Rov. Michaul Waters. 998-3022. Liberty Wosloyan Church. 2106 Sholfiold Rd,. Harmony, Sunday School to a,m.. Morn, Worship 11 n,m.. Wod. Biblo Advonturo 7 p.m.. Sr. Ministry 2nd Tuos. each month 10 a.m. 492-2903, Paslor; Ronald Leo. Bixby Presbyterian Church. 1806 Fork-Bixby Rd.. near Cornatzor Rd.. Sun, School 9:45 a,nv. Worship 11, Pastor: Üosignntod pastor, 998- 6813 Dulin United Mothodlst Church. 897 Dulin Rd., Mocksvillo. 998-5409. Pastor: David Sniilh, Sun School 10:30 a.m.. Worship 9:30 a rn. Cooleemee Unlled Methodist. Main St., Sunday School. 10 a.m., Worship. 11. Kids Kamp Sun. 5-6:30. Paslor; VOGLER & SONS PTmcFIÎTTImïïc- 2849 M iddle Brook Dr. Clem m ons, NC 27012 336- 766-4714 DOWNVISDER ROCK «fe TILE Broil & Slacoy Lavory (336) 998-8287 or 998-4771 Ccnunic Tlic ¡ii.sldllalioii www.aussicllle.coin E A T O N F U N E R A L H O M E Л t h u tilio ii o f C m illi!.... 32.‘i Nonh Main Sireel Mocksville. NC 27(I2K 336-751-2148 'Krazy' Bob says, "Stop by and see " ’all's rarely 'T l l 'i o ® sale at all."' Tui's.-rii.-I0.im-7pmS.if 10.im-5pm Closed Sun. & Mon.The Old Wi-bb IJIdy, Hwy 158.2 Hlocki W oi HOI Д ^ 5 Г AUTO PART» MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTIVE 884 S. Main St. • Mocksville 336-751-2944 Rov. Perry Bradshaw (284- G135) In Home Biblo Studios, by Randy HowQil. 284-4GG7. Bear Crock Baptist Church, Bear Crook Ch. Rd.. Sun. Sctiool 9:45 a,m,. Worsliip 11 a.m., Bible Study Wod. 7 p.m. Rov. William Loo Cook III, pastor. Cooleemeo First Baptist Church. 284 Marginal St.. Sun. Biblo Study 9:45 a.m.. Morn. Worship 11 a.m.. Evo. Worship 7 p.m., Youth, G p.nv Wodnosday suppor. G p.m. Music minister. Rogina Chandler. Mocksvillo Socond Presbyterian. 400 Pino St. Worship. 11 a.m.. Church School, 9:30. Rov. Thomas M. l.each,75M410 St. Francis of Assissl, RC. Massos: Monday. Tuesday. Thursday. Friday. 9 a.m, Wednesday. 7 p.m. Saturday Vigil. 5 p.m. Sunday. 8 a,m. and 10:30 a.m. Spanish Mass at 12:30 p.m. Rov. Andrew Drapor. ТОП. 751-2973. Farminglon Baptist Church. Sunday morning Bible sludy, classes tor nl) agos, 9:45. Worship: 11. 1841 Farminglon Rd.. 5 milos from 1-40. Pastor: Jimmy Hinson. Church; 998- 382G. Home: 751-3492. Blaise Boptist Church. U.S. GOI North across Irom Horn's Truck Stop, Mocksvillo. 751-3G39. Worship Л Sunday School. 9:45 a.rn. and 11 a.m. Sunday evening, 7. Wednesday servico. 7 p.m. P^astor: Glonn Sellers. Shiloh Baptist Church, 544 E. Depot St.. Mocksvillo. Sunday School: 9:45 am. Morning worship: 11 a.m. Pastor: Rov. Donald Rny Jenkins. 751-0597. Fulton United Mothodlst Church. 3895 N.C. 801 S . Advanco. Worship: 9.45 a.m. Sunday School. 10:45 a.m. Fulton Youth In Christ. Sundays. 5 G:30 p.m. f’astor: Rov. Jack Wallace. Heaven Bound Full Gospel Church.U.S. G4 W., Mocksville. (besido Center Firo Dopt.). Sunday School. Ю a m.. Worship, 11. Sunday night praise' worship, G. Wodnosday night praise’ worship. 7. Pastor. James Ward 998- G394 First Baptist Church. 390 N. Main St.. Mocksvillo. 751-5312. Sunday School. 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:55 a.m, Wodnosday Prayor Service. Noon. Fork Baptist Church, 3140 U S- 64 E.. Mocksvillo. Sundny School. 9:45. Worship service, 11 a.m., 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Awanas. Sunday 6 p.m.998-830G. Cornatzer Baptist Church. 1372 Cornvitzor Rd.. Mocksvillo. Sunday School, 10n.m,. Worship, 11:ovoning, 6:30; Awana's Worship, 7 p.m. Wednesday evening. 7:30 p.m. Now Union Methodist Church. 1869 Sholliold Rd., at County Lino Rd. Sofvicos: 8:30 a m , contempoinry worship with casual dross and roliostiments; 9:45 a.m. Sunday School assembly, 10. Sunday School lor all agos. И a.m.. Worship. 492-5367. ijomes Baptist Church. Sholfiold Rd., Mocksvillo. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., worship. II. Sunday ovoning, 6. Wodnosday, 7 p.m. Pastor, Тоглту Faust. St. John AME Zion Church, 145 Campbell Rd.. Mocksvillo. Sunday School. 9:30. Morning worship. 11 a.m. Rev. Anthony Freeman. Advanco First Baptist Church. 1038 N.C. 80 J S. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11. Wodnosday Diblo Study/ mission groups. 7 p.m. Pastor;Marlin Kastnor. 998-6302. Church of God of Prophecy, 2323 U.S. GOI S.. Mocksvillo. Sunday School, 10 a.m,, worship, 11, Sunday ovoning, 6; Wednesday ovoning, 7. Paslor; Rov, Bobby Shinaull. 719-6565 or 284-2935. Victory Baptist Church, Midway St, Cooloemee, Sunday School, 10 a.m.. worship II. Sunday evening, G; Wednesday Awann'Youth. 6:45 p.m., Prayor Й Biblo Sludy. 7. Rov. Shelby Harbour. 284-2077. SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY Jericho Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-5148 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9144 FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2141 GENTLE MACHINE &TOOL INC. 3319 u s Hwy 158 Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-3350 F U L L E R t t l r r i r Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Fabrication 855 Salisbury Road. Hocteville.NC 27028 336-751-3712 Sovonth Day Advontlst Church, Milling Road. Mocksvillo. Sabbath School. Saturday. 9:30-11; Worship, 11-noon. Pastor, Ron Davis. 751- 3886. Macedonia Moravian Church. 700 N.C. 801 N.. Advance, Sunday School, 9;30* 10:45 a.m. Worship. 8:45 and 11 a.m. 998-4394. Pastor: Rov. Grog Littio. Yadkin Valloy Baptist Church, 1324Yadkin Valloy Road, Advanco. Paslor; Ronnio Craddock, 99B-4331. Sunday School. 10 a.m.. worship. 11 & 6. Wodnosday Night Prayor meeting, 7:30. Livo Sundays. WDSL 1520AM, 11-Noon. Mt. Zion Holiness Church of God. U.S. 64 E. al Mill Slroot, Mocksvillo. Sunday School. 10 a.m., Morning Worship, 11. Paslor: Bishop Jamos ijamos. Mt. Sinai AME Zion Church. 488 Pooplos Creok Road. Advance. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m., worship. 11 a.m., Wednesday night Bibto study. 7. Dr. Olis B. Robinson Sr.. pastor. 998-6231. Bixby Church of the Living God. 2121 Cornatzer Rd,. Advanco. Pastor. Rov. Perry Hawks. 768*1606. Worship. Sunday 10-11 a.m.. 6 p.m. Salom United Methodist Church. Salem Church Road oil Davio Academy Rd., 8 milos west of Mocksvillo. Worship. Sundays at 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 10:45.UMW. second Wodnosday. UMM first Sunday broaklast at 7:30. UMYF Sunday evenings. Rov. Stephen Blair, pastor. Pinoy Grovo Unltod Mothodlst Church, 376 Underpass Rd., Advanco. Sunday School, 10 a.m., Worship, 11. Pastor: Rov. Kondall C. Glover. 998-7316. New Jerusalem Apostolic Church. 291 Campbell Rd., Mocksville. Pastor. Nottyo Ijamos-Barbor. 751-0049. Sun. School. 10 a.m.. Worship 11, Wednesday night: Biblo class, 7:30. intercessory prayor. 6 p.m. True Light Christian Ministry, U.S. 601 N.. Dannor Rd. lo Camolia Lano. Mocksvillo. Pastor: Steven W. Dalton. Sunday School. 10a.m.,worstvp, 11. Episcopoi Church of tho Good Shophord, Church & Cross sts., Cooloomoo. Worship, 9:30 a.m., foltowship hour altor church. Bible Study 2nd and 4th Sundays alter church. Priest: Rov. Noah Howard. Jesus Life Mission. Liberty Church Rd.. Mocksvillo. Sunday School. 10:30. morning worship. 11. Sunday ovoning at 6 and Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Pastor: Hilda Reavis. Mocksvlllc Church ol God, B62 U.S. 64 E. (bosido Armory). 751-0817. Pastor; Larry HoHiliold. Sunday School. 10a.m..worship, 11.Sunday ovoning, 6, Wednesday evening, 7. Jerusalem Baptist Church, 3203 US 601 S.. Mocksville. 284-2328. Rov, Jimmy Lancaster. Sunday services: 8;15 a.m., praise and worship; 9:45, Sunday School for ali ages; 11 morning worship; 7, ovoning worship. Wednesday sorvicos; 6 p.m.. family lollowship meal; 7 p.m., TeamKID, Youth 4 Christ, Adull Bible Study, Nursery lor infants and toddlers. Fellowship Baptist Church. 1084 Rainbow Rd,, Advanco. 9DB-6544 Sunday School. 10 a,m., worship, 11 Sunday ovoning, 6. Wednesday sorvico. 7 p.m. Thursday visitation, 7 p,m. Smith Grove AME Zion Church. 3707 Hwy. 158. Mocksville. Sunday morning worhsip, 11. Sunday School. 10 a.m. Rov. Morgan Glenn, pastor. Eatons Baptist Church, 495 Eatons Church Rd., Mocksvillo. Sunday School. 10 a.m.. worship. 11. Wednesday prayor meeting. 7;30 p.m. Pastor; Dr. David Gilbreath. 998-6149. SHEFFIELD LUMBER & PALLET CO. APALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road M ocksviiie, NC 27028 336-492-5565 C R A IG C A R T E R B U IL D E R , IN C . 119 Hwy. BOI S, Suite 1 Advance, NC 27006 336-940-2341 HiiiU'f oi (.Ku/fU {U'i>«i If.'mc'ii'f I'»« '<11'fjn Cfji;; ,\ fjjici. hMik'ii • \tinm C. fjia We Prcv H a y w o r t m - M il l e r F u n e r a l H o m e K inderto n C iiaprl Locatdd on Hwy 158 BirrwKRN Cli-mmons & A dvanci; 336-940-5555 888-940-8511 C8 - DAVtE COUNTY ENTERPRISE-RECORD, Thursday, August 22,2002 Spotlight on Business Embroidery Impressions can do all kinds of embroidery work, including these cars shown above. The owner is Jane Ring. Call her at 712-0943. Embroidery Impressions Rule: Always Please The Customer Embroidery Impressions is a small business suc­ cess story in every way. Customer satisfaction, ever- expanding client base and service versatility. But five years after creating her home-based business, Jane Ring remains committed to one simple rule - “always strive to please the customer." Judging by a list that has risen lo between 300- 400 satisfied clients, her busines philosophy is a sound one. On August 19th, Ring celebrated her fifth year of operation. What started out as a simple Idea is now a reliable business with multi-service capabilities. Embroidery Impressions offers a number of won­ derful gift ideas. “We embroider all kinds ot ilems - from designs on kids clolhing to personalized bath towels kids can lake to the pool. Nol long ago I even embroidered initials on some chair backs for one of my customers,” Ring proudly noted. There are two ilems at Embroidery Impressions that are the most requested. The first one are called “Lovies." “Levies are stuffed animals which have a blanket attached. On the blanket I can embroider a baby’s name and birthdate.” said Ring. They are machine washable and there are a variety of animals to choose from wilh either pink or blue blankets.This is a very popular baby gift item,” she adds. “I usually sell at least one per week.” The second item are her afghans. “These are very popular for wedding gifts. I embroider the bride and groom’s name and wedding dale.” All of the afghans are woven in North Carolina. Embroidery Impressions also does a lot of other types of embroidery work for individuals and small busi­ nesses. There are over 15,000 ready-made designs to choose from but custom designs can also be created. “People are always welcome to bring in their own designs, but 11 is more cost elficlent for them il it is al­ ready digitized when they bring it in,” Ring says. Nancy Redmond of the Tarheel Classic T-Bird Club in Mocksville loves the work Embroidery Impressions has done for her. “Jane does excellent work. Every­ where we go we are lold how good our embroidered items look. My husband and I have a lot of things that she has embroidered for us.We pass out her business cards all of the time.” As a general rule. Ring can accommodate people with an overnight turnaround. "I love the business and I have the best clients in Ihe world.” Wilh Christmas just around the corner. Ring is al­ ready taking orders and will continue lo take them righl up until the week before Santa's big day. “Christmas is a very big time for us.” Embroidery Impressions is located at 3511 Stancliff Drive in Clemmons. The hours are 9-5 Monday-Friday and the phone number is 712-0943. Advertising Promotion A P (» 's o iiiU 'n (iv c l, L L G 79 Court Squan- • Downlbivn Moclcsvillc • 336-753-0950 “Destination & Honeymoon Specialists"Unda Blackburn - !4 Years Experienca Local Fuu-SERvia Travel Ace.scy Sekvi.\g Davis & Surroundlsc Couoties »iww.p«tmon«HoucMr«y«l.con> Mon-Fri 9-5. Evenings & SaL by Appl. U G L Y R O O F S T A IN S REMOVED FOR A UKE NEW LOOK!! Nation’s largest & Oldest Roof Stain Reoiovers Roof-Brite* 785-2030 100 Royal Qjli Dr.. Wiiulon-Salem. NC 27107 CenCerpofn^ C barcb A M O d a to R tfo n n M l P rM b y tM lw i 6301 ShaloMford Ro«d in Uwicvi* (946Ю540) Sunday SehMkil* Moniino VMisMp 9:30 •.№. Sunday ScOool 10:40 ■•m.Сами Evming Wonhipe:00 p.m. F a r таят in^ im ialfa wi w w w i.c a iilw p o lfit É i Р.В 01П 998-9661 / Climate Control / 24 hr Computerized Gate / Fenced with 24 hr lighting /Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 / Video Camera Security / Next to Bermuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance 'No job too big or too small' Basincss Apparel, Tcani Ijogos. Monograms, Gills. .Shim, Caps, Afghans. Bags, Lovies NO SET UP CHARGE QVICK DELIVERY 7124)943 TILE RITE ( 3 3 6 ) 8 1 3 - T I L E(■4ВЭ) B à iÊ iJ c e m B k ia d s ta ie tk МгояЫЫш|Ы4)акМк1крШ{1)1г F O R A L L Y O U R S P O R T IN G N E E D S ! CaroHfiaEsqpress PhmdUng Repair Specialists • Waler Heaters • Well Pumps • Faucets • Disposals I Oi«r 15 Years ot Quality Service I JAMES IDOL * CHRIS BULLARD 1 24-H a EMERGENCY SERVICE YOUFI SPORTS EXPERTS 2666 Ley^evHe-OemmofB Rd . Oemmona 7 6 6 - 1 1 1 4 Mon.-Fri. 10a06; Sat 9-S jfe Fortress Insurance F M l ! Group, LLC ”S«itn| ftifru» *ho ftitfi rrlitu*i»Mj* vith t c«rr<run> hiilt sn>ar4t vr«Vv.* • N»» l'>iJrpiT>iV-nl triMimct AjOH)• htjMy ci'nfvliii»* r»io 1« »ifl'». K'mf, life l>nh>. itx] tnxairnc• I «]!)) t'<APfO jnJ r>(vnird 12Я I c«i.MlU--CIcn.mt«n4 Kd. Sumí C tKinini'n». NC 27ÎI12 Ictfphcw: 1.<АИ}4^0(Ю lit; 1W.-?J4U010tí'fiídby: ишОЯ'ШЧЛЧЧП S,AVIN(iS up л r \ F.VERYDAV "■ • Sugar Free Tafiy • Adult Care Under Garments • Bear Creek Potato Soup Mix_____ Clemmons Discount Sales 1533 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. 766-4449 ■ Clemmons ■ 766-4938 Ifo iiic O f n e T oasted H otd og AVji»’ O fTaing Soft Serve Ice Cream Sluikcs Sinulxcs & Cones AI.SO: IIAMBUKGKR, CHEESEIIURGER-S, MSH SANDWICHES & MORE!2432 Ij^vtnflk^CkmmoraRA M O N.-SAT. (IteHcl-Urallul) [ We Now ■ H ave A-1 FIRST IM P R E S S IO N S СЩ ЕГ& SPECIALTY SERVICES 4 0 3 - 4 2 7 4 4 0 3 - 6 4 - 4 2 WWW. A 1 rirstlnipressions.com Ca^el Usholsteiy, Woocimie Floors, Leather. SmotoWaler Damage. Соку Repairs, Dyeing-Vetiidelnle«»-Peti MofControl-Residential i Commercial 8 C IICRC ж ,ey oomg Г I I I I I I I Mocksville Shoe Shop Shoe, Boot & Tack Repairs 52 Court Square, Downtown Mocksville (336) 753-0942 BRING IN COUPONS RECEIVE $ 2 " OFF REPAIRS (for a limited time}16 Yrs. Experience Open M-F 6:30am4:00pm T I I I I I I Iopen M-F B:30am-6:00pm H ours: Mon.-Fri. 10-6 Sat. 10-2 Specializing In Caipet&Vinyi Ceramic Tile Hardwood Floors & Refinishing Counter Tops Laminated Floors (336)766-0733 21 Years Experience NOWOPEN ЮТНЕ PUBUC LckHviII« C»emtTvjn> (7<eätT!.j'd 5919-C James St. Clet Hillsdale Animal Hospital C a ll 9 9 8 -8 7 5 0 fo r d e ta ils , o r to s c h e d u le a n a p p o in tm e n t 134 M E D IC A L D R IV E A D V A N C E , N .C . 2 7 0 0 6 FREE FIRST OFFICE VISIT orI 15% I DISCOUNT ON I VACCINES I I (excludes medications, addiiional lasting) 1^ musl have coupon Явшашаае ^жю мзияя’ Tir««(on« «HANODKl AGeorge's Village Garage, Inc. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR B u ^ T ^ B .^ r C .r C a r e N » ^ ZiTBtlWeVlXE-CLSWIONS *OAO CLHHIONS.HCa7011 7вв-тав2 EDW ARDS Tire [}ealflr K EV IN PRIES Mamttr SIDING & WINDOWS LET US ADD BEAUTY TO YOUR HOME Mfe Do Restoration & New Conslructton • New Vinyl Top Decking •Vinyl Decks & Railing 'Vinyl Replacement Windows » Screen Rooms •Vinyl Siding _ •Sun Rooms _ , •Enclosures ^ U m ates! f l Q Q C IVIobile Phone'-иооэ 978-2299 S P E C I A L O F T H E M O f m ! Storm Doors: 9 Colors, IS Styles Glass with DAVIE COUNTY KN I’ERl’RISE RECORD, Aug. 22, 2002 - Dl e a t u r e R i d e ‘ E m C o w b o y s . . . L o c a ! R o d e o T o B e H e l d B e g i n n i n g F r id a y B}' .luckic Sciibdll D.ivio County Emorpiiso Koconl ■Six yoar oUl Boliliy Joe !Vii ■Tompkins wears the serious look (il'a prolessional bull riiler iis lie cliiiilis iilionril a sheep anil prepares lo riile. When Ihe gale opens Tlioiiipkins holds on anti gives a greal niullon-bustin' rille. Rilling sheep, or inutton- Ricky Vaughn, owner of Diamond "V" Ranch, holds two junior rodeos at his property each year. bustin’ as il's called, is just one of many events that will be fca- tviretl at the Jr. Southern Roileo Association this weckenil at Diamonil “V" Ranch near Har­ mony. There will be calf roping, barrel racing, pole bending, chute dogging, goat lying, and much more beginning 8 p.m. Friday and 7 p.m. on Saturday. The ranch is on Rock Springs Road off Sheffield Road. Tick­ cis are S.“), under 6, free. According lo properly owner Ricky Vaughn, Ihe junior rodeo association was slarled in ihe early l%Os and has more than 13.S members in Norlh Carolina. Soulh Carolina and Virginia. There are two roileos helil each year al Diamond “V" with children ages .1-16 competing. “It's just great for the kids. It keeps Ihem oul of irouble, ihey’re wilh llieir parenis. and Ihis is all family orienied.” said Vaughn. Concessions served during ihe rodeo will be provided by ShelTield-Calalialn Volunleer Hire Deparlmenl. "We try lo gel Ihe communily involved when we do these things,” said Vaughn. "They do a lol of praclicing," Vaughn says of the compelilors. " I’d take lliis group of kids and go with any rodeo in the world and nol worry about Ihem.” Compelilors can conlinue on from Ihc junior level onlo the higher ranks for high .schoolers where there is conipelilion for college scholarships. Compelilors also leam ihe re­ sponsibility of caring for the animals. " They learn lo gel up on the coldest day of the year when you have lo feed and wa­ ler them,’’ Vaughn says. Vaughn hopes the event will encourage moro people to in­ volve their kids in ihe rodeo. According to him children aren’t required lo own a hor.se ill order 10 compole and parenis don’t havo lo spend a large amounl of money for their chil- ilren lo gel started. An evenl like bull riding is jnst one of the compelilions llial doesn't re- iiuire a horse. The junior rodeo is spon­ sored by area businesses and a local country radio station deejay will be on hand to help make the weekend a fun one. Any children interested in competing can contact Ricky Vaughn at 704-.546-5216 for in­ formalion about getting regis- lered for an event. “This i.s truly an American sport. We're just trying to keep Ihe Old Wcsl go­ ing." Bobby Joe Tompkins gives his all during the mutton-bustin' event.Eleven year old Kariyn Phipps rides Roxanne the horse during barrel racing. Chris Vaughn, 17, and Caleb Anderson, 12, ready their lassos for calf roping, one of many events scheduled Friday and Saturday nights. - Photos by Robin Fergusson ; . . i . . i „ ' i . L .......-...... D2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 22, 2002 Clinic Sept. 8 For Soccer Officials There will be ¡1 clinic for anyone intcrcsied in becoming a soc­ ccr ofricial Sunday, Sept. 8 at 6 p.m. at thc Mocksvillc Davic Parks & Recreation Department, North Main Sireet, Mocksville. For more Infomiation, call 75 1 -2325. Softball Tournament Sept. 7 At Rich Park A benefit soflball tournament is scheduled for Sept. 7 al Rich Park. Thc loumament is being pul together lo .support Dustin Myers, a Davie High student who Is battling cancer. This will be a one-pitch toumamcnt with unlimited home runs. The cosl is SI 10 and the deadline lo enter is Sepl. 3. Teams will hit Ih eir own balls, 50 core or less. The first- and .second-place teams and Ihc MVP will receive trophies. Call Rusiin Harpe to enter; 492-5326 (home), 751-2325 (work) or 336-941-7472 (cell). ‘Junebug’ Gets 6th Win Alex Appelt, Kayla Duncan, Patrick Cunningham, Collin Ferebee and Jason Overbey display a few of the trophies they won in tennis tournaments this summer, - Photo by Robin Fergusson Tennis, A nyone? Davie Young People Take The Sport Seriously liy Mike Barnhardt Davie Counly Enterprise Record Five young Davie residents have l.nken playing icnnis seri­ ously - and Ih c ir hard work is paying off wilh some sirong showings in area loumaments. Jason Overbey, C ollin Ferebee, Palrick Cunningham, Alex Appelt and Kayla Duncan regularly lake lessons. They practice almost daily. And they’re making their names known in tennis tournaments across Ihc Slale and nation. Kayla, who has been playing tennis off and on since she was 5, is ranked fourth in the slate and 28lh in thc .southern region inthe 12-and-under age group. The daughter of Karen and - Geny Duncan of Oak Valley, she has a 14-3 tournament record, betlcr lhan the rccord for the girl ranked jusl above her. "All the pros say her menial toughness Is her strong poinl," said her mother, who helps coach. "She’s real solid." " I’m balanced wiih my fore­ hand and backhands," Kayla said. A h ig h lig h t this y ear w as playing a nalional loum am ent al Ihe U.S. Opcii sile in New York, playing No. 2 for Ihe southern le a m . " ll w as fun. The team w ould com e and clieer you on." Another coach’s son, Ale.x Appelt, 12, son of Bemiuda Run pro Bill Appelt of Mocksville and his wife Marcie, has gone from a 95lh lo a 29th ranking in six monlhs. He has an aggressive, attack­ ing game not usually seen In someone his age, Karen Duncan said. "I le's also a tough coni|X’ti- lor." Jason Overbey. 16, son of Jenny and Jeffrey Overbey of Mocksville, played in the No. 2 spot at Davie High School lasl year. He enjoyeil working at a Davis Cup match in Winslon- Salem earlier this year. He credits Bill Appell with helping him wilh his game. "Alex’s dad saw me and he was disgusted. In a week, he turned my game around," he .said. "I try lo play every day." Collin Fea-bee, 13, son of Kenneth and Kalhy Ferebee of Mocksville, said his .serves are Ihe sirong part of Ills game. "It’s really exciting because you have polnls lhal go on and on. ll can be really inlense," he said. "It’s a lol of fun." He hopes lo play for Davie High this school year, afler play­ ing No. I with an 8-1 record for South Davie Middle School lasi year. He remembers well his firsl lournameni. a two-hour match in which he beat a nuiked oppo­ nent. He played in eight louma- nients this summer. Patrick Cunningham, 11, son of Doug and Joy Cunningham of Advance, started playing tennis at age 7. He gol his firsl racket at age I. He’s won a tournament in Tennessee and four in North Carolina. He'll play in Ihe 12- and-under division for Iw o more years. Palrick plays every day, and says his forehand is the best part of his game. “He’s got an Andy Roddick forehand," Karen Duncan said. •'He's got all the mechanics. He's jusl gol lo be more patient on Ihe court." In addilion to Duncan, Ihe five players train under Bill Appell and Denard McLondon, among others. They’re not only good tennis players, but all are honor students. "The biggest Ihing we try lo gel across to these kids is hav­ ing fun," Duncan said, "enjoy­ ing yourself, because il can be a lifetime sport." "We wanl all Ihe kids lo do well and have fun," said Joy Cunningham, who said lhal par­ enls of opposing players gel along al Ihe matches. Duncan hopes to start a ten­ nis acadcmy in this area, and is willing to car pool to Iwice-a- week lessons in Winston-Salem. Training is a key to players who want lo excel, she said. " A ll Ihese kids w ill do w ell in tennis, but if you w ant lo keep al this top level ... you have iq keep al it.” Brent Nesbit of Burlinglon and Earl Hancock of Winston- Salcm took home Quality 01/ Doug Herbert Racc Series wins Saturday night at Farminglon Dragway. Nesbit, driving his ‘98 Racc Tech buill dragster, scored his first ever Famiington TOP Eliminator win defeating recent WARS champion Kenny Washburn of Reidsville. Nesbit, a twice runner-up this year al Famiington, ran a 4.99 ET at 138 mph to stop the 5,35 ET at 129 mph lime of Washburn in his dragster. Current TOP Elimina­ lor poinis leader Chuck Martin of Connelly Springs finished Ihird. Earl Hancock drove his Chevrolet Nova to a second Sportsman win of the year al Farmington, defeating former two-llme division ch;impion Keith Kiger of Yadkinville. Hancock ran a 6.48 ET at 105 mph lo stop Ihe Seals Dodge of Kiger. The runner-up finish of Kiger has helped him more closer to thc number one spot held ilown by Chris Ploll of Wiii- ston-Salem. There are two Qual­ ily Oil/Doug Herbert Points races remaining al Famiington. M ike Westmoreland of Kemersville picked up the spe­ cial Quick 16 "Slugfest” victory over Nick Cline of Mooresville. Westmoreland in his dragsier was the “Open Bodied" Class defeating Jody Siroud of Chester for the title. Cline in his ‘37 Chevrolet was thc “Full Bodied" class champion defeating Todd Baker of Taylorsville. Cline and Westmoreland ihcn squared off for Ihc overall Slugfe.st title, with the fomicr Fanninglon champion “Too Tall" Mike laking the win. In the special Quality Oil Co., "Night at thc Races" Charity Race, Mark Anderson of Win­ slon-Salem won this second straight tile. Thc defending champion drove his Ford Mus­ tang to thc win over Katie Brown, 17, of Kemersville in her Chevrolel Nova. James Lowe of Colfax scored his firsl All Street win of Ihc year defeating Brian Holbrook ol Lexington. Sircct Machine Jun­ ior Dragsier points leader Janies "Junebug" Coffey of Advance added a point lo his lolal collect­ ing his sixth win. Coffey de­ feated Mickey Shaffner 1. Featured this coming Salur­ day will be Ihe four second, 180 mph “kings of doors," the Quick 8-Pro Modified division, Todd Tutterow of Lewsville won the lasl event al thc Fami defeating Sonny Tindal of Cayce, Gates open at 9 a.m., time runs start at 12:30 p.m. and firsl Quick 8 qualifying run is at 2:30 p.m. Tlie nexl Quality Oil/Doug Herbert polnls racc will be Aug. 31 in TOP Eliminalor, Sportsman, All Street and Junior Dragster divi­ sions. Check out www.famiing londragway.com for more infor­ mation. 3rd Annual Yadkin Valley Ranch f i etween Union Grove & Elkin) a m p t o n v i l l e , N . C . A u g u s t 2 3 & 2 4 • F r i . & S a t . 8 p . m . ChampionsUp Rain Diat»: Skindtty at 2 p.m. •Bareback Bronc •Call Roping •Saddl* Bronc . •Team Roping •StNr •Barrel Racing ; •Break Away Roping •BULL RIDING •Clowns ConcatMont: Windsor Ruritian Club •Calf scramble • ____•• »-12 $5 Jason Ti^fcertsT^ofWC Uo^wSFrM . PWL: {•77 N. (Exit 65) hhnry 901 • Turn Lelt • flo 3 Mtles Turn Right on Howard Bndge Road • go to end • Turn Right St. Paul Church Road - go atraight 1 mile on left or - \-77 S To Exit 73B (H»vy 421 N.) go 3 miles • lurn left lo Windsor Road • go 4 miles & turn left on Si. Paul Church Road • Arena 1 Mile on Loft TnT Carports Inc. Mt. Airy, NC Southern Farm Supply Inc. Union Grove, NC Empire Dodge N. Wilkesboro New River Log Homes Hamptonville, NC Do your bones groan? Does your back creak? Y E S C O M A D O L L W A T T S ORTHOPAEDICS & SPORTS MEDICINE C o m a d o ll/W a t t s O r th o p a e d ic a n d S p o rts M e d ic in e h a s y o u c o v e r e d D a v ie C o u n ty . N o w L o c a t e d i n t h e D a ^ i e C o u n t y H o s p i t a l Dr. Jantic.s Cornadoll and Dr. Gregg l-crrcro wiii see puiicnls in this office on Monday and Wednesday mornings. Call 751-2878 or our Salisbury office 704-216-(KNEE)5633 for an appoinlment 1 II.I ................................. ■ I. ■ ■ I f I I I I I Ij S*yc*nMHi«t]k<9J«tlOfUMU«9ol * ! i rd no. Udcr^nl Ы Him Oncoui kt un. i I 1 «»latM |I 0*« «4 I Í • tf M M«• riid >»<« • Гя1 »««rf • RaiM Гм rmI'CMUtatoihiaM I I wUwle wI ! DAN BECK FORD "C e le b ra tin g 3 7 Y ea rs in B u s in e s s ’’ Hwy. 601 North to Yadkinville, left at 3rd light past old Hwy. 421 Nflain Street, Yadkinville • 336-679-8841 • Winston-Salem • 336-722-9850 D/WIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 22, 2002 - D3 50 Years A Mason On Tuesday, July 9, at Advance Masonic Lodge 710, Rommie Barnie (right) presented to William L. Ward (center) his 50-year Masonic Apron. Also hon­ ored that night was Bud Atwell, second from right, who was presented his 50- year certificate as a courtesy to his home lodge in Virginia. Assisting in the ceremony were Dave Ward (left) and Randall Ward (second from left), William Ward’s brother and son. Special Olym pics Taking Orders For Sept. 5 B arbecued Chicken L y d a y E a r n s E a g le S c o u t Stcphcji Andrew Lyday re­ ceived his Eagle Scout award in a eercnioiiy on Aug. 11. He grailu-1 atcd wilh I lumors tVoni East Hurke High .School in May, where he was a memhor of Ihe inarching Lvda.v hand, wind ensemble. Nalional I lotior Society and was a North Carolina Scholar. This summer, he participated In mission trips to tieorgia aiul I'lanee. This fall, lie will he at- letuling Wake l-'oiest University. I.yilay is the graiulson of Ves­ tal and Jcrrylene Riddle of Mocksville and the son of Kiissell am! Vicky l.yday of Moi'ganton. R IN G ? H o w A b o u t A n A n n u i t y ^ W o o d m e n ’s Fle xib le P re m iu m a n d S in g le P re m iu m D e fe rre d A n n u itie s a re com p e titive a lte rn a tive s to o th e r s a v in g s p la n s. T h e initial g u a ra n te e d rate * Is: 5 . 0 0 % T his rnfo is guaraniood h r Iho first montti nnd ttion can vary moritfity or can bo hckod in for ono yoar. Creola Rogers 569 Sheffield Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5162 | I L ' WOODMEN OF таЕ WORLD/ OMAHA WOODMEN Lirr. INSUUANCr. SOCIETY HOM I! 01 FICI-:: О.МЛНЛ, Ni;ilü\.SK,V WWW.wood men.c’om Special Olympics Davie is taking orders for plates for its Sepl. .S Port-A-l'il barbecue chicken dinner sales. All dinners niusi be ordered by Aug. 30 at ,S7 a plate, svhich inchules a half a chicken, baked beans, slaw, roll and dessert. The hours are from 11 a.in.-6 p.m. al Ihc First Methodist Cluircli on Norlh Main Street, Mocksville. Special Olympics Davie hosts three such dinners a year to help fund Ihe year-rouiul pro- r gram. The September ilinner pro­ vides money for the local bowl­ ing tournament Sept. 1(1-11 at Major l.eague Lanes in Winston- Salem. and Ihe fall games at Rich Park on Sept. 17, It also provides the runds Гог fall competilion al thc area and slale levels. Davie athletes par­ ticipate In bocce, bowling, cy­ cling, golf, soccer, and tennis in the fall season and alpine skiing in the wiiiler. ■■Without these successlul fund-raisers and the coninuinity's suppori. Ih e re woulil not he a Special Olym­ pics program in Davie County.'^ saiil cnoi'illnalor, Kathie Stieil. It will take (if\ large poiiiiil cakes to proville ihe ilc^seil for Ihe esiiinated 1.2(1(1 plates to he sold. Streit welcomes volunieer cake hakers. The cakes should lie delivered lo ihe paiks and lec- rcation deiiartmeiil. North Main Street. I'clore p.m. WediicMlay. Sepl. -I. or belore a.m, on Sepl. 5. I’lain pnnnil cakes uilh no frosting work best. ■'Vohinteers are always needed ol make Special Olym­ pics Ihe siicccsslnl proclami hat it is." she said. '■N'oii help is needed as coaches, coinniillee inenibcrs. and as one-day w ork- ers," Help is also needed selling I’ort-A-l’it dinners, and in pack­ ing plales and delivery on Sepl. (i. Call 15\-2n5 aiid talk to Kaihie or Sandra. Y o u A r e C o r d i a l l y I n v i t e d t o Homecoming 2002 Sunday, August 25 9;50am Sunday School for all ages i 10;30am C oncert o f favorite anthem s by th e • \ 4 0 + m em ber Chancel Choir 11:00am W orship Service led by Dr. Reginald M allet from England . ' 12:30pm D inner in the new Fam ily Life Center and tours o f the building Sprinkle Preaching M ission Sunday August, 25,10:30am and 7:00pm Monday & Tuesday, August 26 & 27,7:00pm Come hear the preaching of Dr. Reginald Mallet, a world- renown minister from England. His sermons will both inspire and challenge you. The Chancel Choir, Children's Choir, and Hand Bell Choir will provide special music. First United M ethodist Church 305 Norlh Main SU'cel • Moeksville, NC 27028 The little pig became instant friends with the dog. Animal Adventures Pig Shows Up At Family’s Home, Instantly Makes Friends With Dog Several years back, Linda Garland had a bear In her back yard. It stayed for days. Her grandchildren called her a “good witch” because she at­ tracted aniinals. It's happened again. Aboul a month ago, while cleaning around Ihc pool, she encountered a fairly large snake. Il disappeared before she re­ turned with a hoe. Then she noticed lhat her basement door was open. Her husband told her to get a pig because a pig would kill a snake and a snake couldn’t kill a pig. She told him he was crazy. Afler going lo the grocery slore a few days laler, she heard a “horrible .screaming" in her back yard. “I knew thal my dog was be­ ing bitten by lhal snake," she said. "I ran oul and the dog was jusl standing on the porch, wag­ ging his lail." The noise started again, un­ der the porch. When she inves­ tigated with the dog, out came a pig. “Aboul 30 pounds of cutc and scared," she said. She was angry, and accused her husband of putting the pig at the house, “He promised me he had nothing to do with the pig." Her son-in-law, Kelly Sales, WWW. enterprise-record .com also denied involvement. "For two weeks, the pig has followed thc dog every step he took," she said. “I have callcd everyone to try and find his owner, to no avail." She found the pig a suitable home. And the grandchildren are wondering what kinil of animal will show up next. V O n fp R D w ight L. M Y E R S — C onservative — REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE For DAVIE COUNTY COMMISSIONER Let's Have Common-Sense In Our County Government. |a jc|'fd rlb yp ^ ^ ^ Y o u r DAVIS REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER ww.davisregional.com I f y o u ’ r e a f r a i d o f t h e d a r k , t h a t ’ s ■ u n d e r s t a n d a b l e . I f y o u ’ r e a f r a i d o f y o u r l i f e m a y b e i t ’ s t i m e t o a s k f o r h e l p . .A jixiecy is an illness that can fill your life with overwhelming fear and worry. While some feelings of anxiety before an important event are expected, feelings of anxiety that are overwhelming or debilitating are not. Left untreated, anxiety can grow progressively worse. Some anxiety sufferers even become housebound. Fortunately help is available. The Delta Behavioral Health Program at: Davis Regional Medical Center offers a comprehensive inpatient treatment program for those suffering from anxiety disorders. Don’t let the fear continue. Give us a call at (704) 838-7450 and let the joy back into your life. -^DAVIS D elta Behavioral Health Program Oll» () t к s V I I I L UOAD 4 0, LXM IS 4, SIAilSVilil 1)4 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 22, 2002 State Holding Money For Davie Residents Nccii some nuincy? riic North Carolina Eschcai ami Unclainied Property Program of Ihc Department of the Slalc Treasurer may have some money for you. Deposits thill weren’t rcfuntled. insunmcc policy selllemcnls, unclaimcil sUk Ks and honds. paychecks among other monies lurned over lo the slale on behalf of residents arc utuong t!)c casi\ tl\c state is rciuly to turn over lo the rightful owner. If you or anyone you know is on ihe list, conlaci the N(>rlh Carolina Deparlnient of ihc Slalc Treasurer at (919) 50S -5I76. or visit ihe websile: M '\\w .ln 'iisu ri'r.% m tc.n i.u \. Slale Treasurer Richard M oore ihis yearcniisied ihe help of stale Icgis- lalors, and Rep. Julia C. How ard provided the follow ing list of Davie resi­ dents for whont the slate is holding nmncy. Advance Name Address Amount Mocks Methodist Church Route 1 $88.63 All American Ford 263 Whitehead Dr. $178,50 Archie Gray Allen Rt. 2, Box 28 $108.56 Jacqueline Anderson Rt, 2, Box 203C $86.00 Hugh W. Bailay Box 310 $61.27 Kielfer E. Bailey Rt, 4, Box 170A $52.47 Kielfer E. Bailey III Rt, 4, Box 170A $104.96 Perry Bartlett 407 Hidden Creek Dr,$244.00 Gail S, Berman 103 Riverview Dr, $207.10 Judy G, Elizabeth 5212 Bermuda Village $104,08 Paul S, Ewing 168 Woodburn PI. $0 Ryan P. Ewing 168 Woodburn PI $0 Ernest E, Ferrell PO Box 929 $130.19 Maty P. Foster PO Box 287 $106.55 Mary P. Foster PO Box 287 $94.42 Guy Funk 200 Hillsdale Prof Park $230.00 Chris Gillett 234 Hillcrest Dr.$53.82 Edwin R, Gilwett Rt. 3 Box 44A 1 $132.85 Conseula Gonzales Ctiauhtemec 1526 NTE $714.05 Perry Gresham 3206 Bermuda Village $112.88 Perry E, Gresham 3206 Bermuda Village $59.99 Charles P. Griffin 113 Alamosa Dr.$224.21 Debra G. Griffin 2015 Laquinta Dr.$89.00 Jeffreyed Griffin 2015 Laquinta Dr. $89.00 Melissa Grimes 5293 NC Hwy 801 S $99.00 Patti M. Gryder 1691 Underpass Rd. $52.80 Carolyn L. Hartman .167 Underpass Rd,$191.94 Monti Lee Hedayatpour PO Bo.x 2082 3108.19 Robert B, Hege 9 Eastridge Sl.$54.19 Jan Herron Whitehead R t3B ox44A 1 $132.85 Kay Hiatt 176 Fairway Dr. $176.00 Wallace N. Hoover PO Box 320 $121,18 Keith Howard PO Box 335 Hwy. 801 $132.66 Virginia G. Howell 694 Peoples Creek $114.20 Cherita D, Huffman PO Box 2131 $56.90 Lucille R, Hutchins 963 NC Hwy 801 N $67.56 David W. Inman Rt. 4Box 113A $86.47 Intersouth Really Inc.Rt3.Apt, 13 $426.03 fntersouth Realty Inc. Rt3Apt. 13 $373.47 G. Day Janice R14B0X 301A $167.05 Christopher G, Johnson Rt 1 PO Box 385 $21.82 Robert T, Jones PO Box 702 $175.10 Norman L. Keaton Rt. 3Box 122A $248.95 Randall K. Lawson 145 Riverview Rd $113.23 Lindsay Tire Rt 1 Box 265 $96.84 Tamara Lockman 200 Hillsdale Prof Park $230.00 David Manuel Rt 4 Box 170 GU $160.82 Henry W. Marsh 118 Woodburn Place $50.20 Lowell G, Martin 1253 Rainbow Rd $109.66 C. Warren McCall Rt 1 Box 245 $62.43 C, Warren McCall Rt 1 Box 245 $135.01 Cathia Ann McCallum Rt4 Box 127 $60.50 Donna McCraw Rt 1 Box 544 H $255.60 John McCurry 172 River Hill Dr $100.00 James M, McDaniel Jr.171 Isleworth Dr $98.12 Keilh McGee Rt 1 Box 429 $210.44 Keith McGee Rt 1 Box 429 $225.44 Patrick W. McLelland 103 Leslie Ct $704.68 Henry T. Miller PO Box 338 $134.64 Henry T. Miller PO Dox 338 $129.08 David Mills 3093 Cornatzer Rd $147.53 Jay H. Mintz PO Box 2120 $68.49 Cathy Mitchem 707 Baltimore Rd $102.46 Tracy Mitchem 707 Baltimore Rd $102.46 W.L. Morgan 207 Brentwood Dr $342.82 W.L. Morgan 207 Brentwood Dr $397,67 John Craig Mullis 171 Tailwind Dr $79.25 Eleanor Myers 632 Riverbend Dr $540.50 Jeanne Myers 632 Riverbend Dr $540,50 Ali R.Nasser Rt 4 Box 249 $279.36 Eleanor M. Nelson 3116 Bermuda Village $77.00 John Nemick Rt 1 Box 421 $127.15 Jessie C. Newsome Box 600 $1,389,77 Wilburn E. Newsome Box 600 $1,389,77 Terri Obyrne RR 4 Box 202A $74.71 Antoinette M, Ocorr 3103 Bermuda Village $110.16 Roy L. O'Nan Ri3Box102 $128.89 Lemmie B. Owen 238 Country Cir $56,47 Tracy Parker Rt 3 Box 44 B $314.14 Tracy Parker Rl 3 Box 44 B $190,74 Parkway Ford Rt 2 Box 203 C $86,00 Otto Patterson Rt 2 White Plains Ch Rd $51,49 Paul Peerman Rt 2 Box 368 $67,96 Maura Perez 111 W Valley View Rd $167,62 Glenda R. Piner 155 NC Hwy 801 S $65,78 Dorothy H, Plaster 216 Juniper Cir $83.28 John T, Pollard 249 Baltimore Rd $90,47 Linda H, Pollard 249 Baltimore Rd $90.47 Diane Poplin 150 Alamosa Dr $55.00 Billy D. Potts RR 4 Box 42 $65.77 Margaret M. Reavis 146 E, Robin Dr $60.54 Vance B. Reavis 146 E, Robin Dr $60.54 Todd C. Reed Rt3 Box 105-C $63.72 Todd C. Reed Rt 3 Box 105-C $60,82 Dan Richardson 123 Burton Rd, $52,00 Dominick J. Rocco 136 Talwood Dr $573,08 Patrick T. Sanders Rt 1 Box 265 $96.84 Michael T. Scott Rt 3 Box 258 $93,40 Mary F Shepherd Rt 1 Box 390 $435.38 Mary F, Shepherd Rt 1 Box 390 $312.90 Janis Shipley Rl 6 Box 390 $91,21 Charles 8. Smith Rt4 Box 177 Apt 1 $116.83 Helen L. Smith , 131 Alamosa Dr,$155.27 DEBRA BROWN 6 RQCE m m m m iFor N C S e n a t e saramsa Serving Yadkin, D avie & R ow an Paid for by Debra Brown Groce Jessie K. Smilh Leonard P. Smilh Leonard P. Smilh Lillie M. Smith Marian K. Smith Susan Smith C. Craig Stanley John D. Stephens Barbara Stinson Scott E. Summers Lonnie R. Surratt Jane P. Sutton Pamela H. Swain Kenneth R, Tale Kale Tiller Jay G. Tobin Kathleen Turner M.K. Twyman Bitalio Villarreal Wachovia Bank William F. Warner Donald W. Watson (Margaret B. Watson) Lori Ann Weir Charles Wellborn Gary Lee Whistleman Rebecca R. Whitenrer Violeta S. Willey Kathy M. Williamson Kathy M. Williamson Ervin C. Wilson William G. Wright Priscilla M. Wyatt Rt 4 Box 177 Apt 1 $81.63 Rt 3 Box 308 $263.33 Rt 3 Box 308 $240.39 Rt 1 Box 281 $68.25 Rt3Box115A $155.07 Rt 2 Box 368 $67.96 POBox 2156 $64.64 Rt2Box 66 $55.00 R tl Box 30 $215.04 802 Bermuda Run $82.51 R tl Box 83 $109.05 121TiltonSt. $54.40 726 Bermuda Dr. $56.72 RR3Box57 $91.30 Rt3Box126 $82.00 163 Fescue Dr $76.22 Rt1Box 279C $138.00 3326 Bermuda Village $3,240.17 2102 Laquinta Dr $210.10 Rt 1 Box 544 H $255.60 179Creekwood Dr $72.05 Box 263 Rt 3 $77.47 Riverview Rt 3 Apt. 53 $169.47 3330 Bermuda Village $113.31 Rt3Box322 $123.37 Rt1Box22 $61.00 2115 Bermuda Village $100.61 Rl 4 Box 167 $120.97 Rt 4 Box 167 $87.02 225 Bingham & Parks Rd $235.00 122 Woodburn Place $96.08 241 Granada Dr $114.20 Bermuda Run Harold L. Bowman PO Box 861 $65,00 Jerome Davis 80x512 $56,88 Jodean F. Dudley PO Box 775 $75.06 Ernest E. Ferrell Jr. PO Box 929 $146,73 Michael E. Joyce PO Box 998 $86.05 Leonard Kurman PO Box $207,89 John William McGehee PO Box 822 $117.62 Alice M. Pettey 324 Bermuda Run Dr P.O. Box 6 $272.50 Alice Marie Pettey PO Box 660 $176.96 William R. Pringle 656 Spyglass Hill PO Box 646 $60.25 Roanoke Roofing and Sheel Melal PO Box 549 $275.66 Carlos Henry Ruth PO Box 957 $85.39 Jay G. Tobin 737 Pembroke Ridge $165.64 Sharon S. Whitfield Box 634 $1,236.56 Rafael Bonilla Cooleemee PO Box 1186 $939,00 Michael A. Brady PO Box 1157 $85.08 Margaret Cartner PO Box 943 $74.79 Betty Jo Connell PO Box 479 $126.32 Electric Control Service Box 966 $258,75 First Union National Bank PO Box 115 $127,60 Dorothy C. Funderburk PO Box 633 $202,12 Boyd Garner PO Box 361 $173,89 Elizabeth Greene PO Box 115 $127.60 Ronnie Grubb PO Box 621 $54,48 Susan Ellen Harrell PO Box 591 $73.73 Susan Ellen Harrell PO Box 591 $204.39 Lewis Gene Mason PO Box 511 $419.95 Lewis Gene Mason PO Box 511 $442.57 William R. Moore PO Box 543 $208.11 William R. Moore PO Box 543 $225,99 Phillip L. Peck PO Box 904 $51.98 Kenneth L. Pierce POBox 486 $76.17 Eugene Richardson 17 Davie $1.000.00 Alma Beck Swicegood PO Box 426 $73.21 Alma Beck Swicegood PO Box 426 $75.24 Turbine Industries Inc. PO Box 947 $875.95 Alma J. Tutterow Box 623 $192.00 Bennett Williams General Delivery $89.00 Beatrice Adamson Mocksville RR 8 Box 372 $109.61 Always In Bloom 210 Wandering Ln $55.00 Leticia Marlines Amaro 220 Hollow Hill Ct $200.00 Felix J. Anderson 300 S Main St $50.85 France Anderson 300 S Main St $50.85 Jessica Anderton 301 Norlhridge Court $64.09 Myron M. Änderten 819 Country Lane $130,94 Ark Motel RR 5 Box 1 $140,82 Ashley E. Azmon 214 Abbey Ln $107.64 B&B Glass and Mirror 721 Wilkesboro St $97,20 Irvin B. Baldwin 161 Halander Dr $135.83 Lisa Thompson Banghart Rt 1 Box 260 В $115.40 Lisa Thompson Banghart Rt 1 Box 260 В $96.48 Paul J. Barber 181 Community Lane $805.00 Paul J, Barber 181Community Lane $280,00 Bares Poultry Co, Rt 4 Box 558 $204,16 Bares Poultry Co,Rt 4 Box 558 $237.76 Joseph M, Bartha 256 Gladstone Rd $136,06 Michael R, Batson Rt 7 Box 7200 $111,55 Teresa F Beach Rt 5 Box 457 $267,09 Teresa F, Beach Rt 5 Box 457 $58,77 Ronald E. Beane Rt 3 Box 276 $144,78 Louise B, Beck 225 W Church St $80.16 Bobby Jack Bell PO Box 755 $65.42 Lisa H. Blevins Rt 5 Box 416 1 $0 Candice N. Boger 3464 Hwy 601 S $111.31 Candice N, Boger 3464 Hwy 601 S $140,60 Jeanne S, Boger Rt 1 Box 521 $79,74 Kathy Boger 413 Eaton Rd $333,55 John D, Bowman 740 Park Ave $51,58 Brock and Brock PA PO Box 241 $310.89 Allen Brown Hillcrest Dr $1,781.56 Elaine Tamzy Flet Brown Rt 1 Box 300 $82.35 James W, Brown 126 Sunset Dr $69,11 Mary A, Brown Hillcrest Dr.$1,781,56 Mildred L, Brown 280 Ratledge Rd $93,48 Mildred L. Brown 280 Ratledge Rd $93,48 FUR'$-A-FLYIN 6 a n t e R E D W O O F I N N Full service pet grooming now available. ’ Boarding • Day Care • Training Call for specials 9 4 P - I D G G S Steven Franklin Brown Steven Franklin Brown Mary Buchanan Kelli Ann Budgick Fred Allen Bumgarner Lo Bumgarner Linda A. Burchette Joseph J. Butzbach Jenny Cagle Carolina Dutch Pretzel Co Edie Ferebee Cartner John M. Cassada Sharon D. Chaffin Chrysler Credil Melissa Anne Cillins Edmond L. Coker Doug Colbert George Edward Collins Geroge Edward Collins John Webster Comer John Webster Comer John C. Comunale Allison Cook James Cook Tama Cooper Dolly Corwin Jason O. Council Crescent Electric Member. Cynthia Denise Dalton William Dallon Davie Aulo Parts Co Inc Davie Slaughter Sv Nell R. Day Pamela Denise Dean Pamela Denise Dean James W. Dixon James W. Dixon Beonnie June Dotson Bonnie June Dotson Eve Birkholz Doyle Eve Birkholz Doyle Wayne M. Draughn Walter N. Dulin Anna Elizabeth Dux Michael Christopher Dux Linda Davis Edwards William Loman Edwards S.H. Ellis Cheryl Ann Emerson Cheryl Ann Emerson Thomas W. Emiy Thomas W. EmIy David Ervin Magdalena Espino Jean Figuera Kathleen Fleming Betty Lee Foster Foster Rauch Drug Co Inc Four Seasons Nursery Pearl Lela Freeborn Hope Fuller Puk Kum Gaither Terry D. Gaither David Garcia Garay Wade Tyrone Garmon John J. Gobble Kay Gobble J.C. Gobble J.C. Gobble J.C. Gobble J.O. Gonzalez Brenda Sue Gray Brian Lee Gray Briand Lee Gray Henry L. Hall Jennifer E. Hampton Jerry D. Hampton Margie T. Hampton Shelby Harbour Louise Hare Marcus Harris Myrna E. Harris R tl Box 286-1 $161.82 Rt 1 Box 186-1 $145.34 909 Hardison SI $121.73 Rt 4 Box 472 $456.75 141VanzantRd $74.75 14lVanzantRd $74.75 Rt 8 Box 138 $115.70 Rt 7 Box 588 $18.50 260 Eaton Rd $124.00 136 Cherry Hill Rd $130.60 Rt 1 Box 90 Lake Myer $117,93 RR 4 Box 684 $77,45 POBox 154 $120.00 PO Box 34 $2,483.74 Rt 2 Box 691 $398,53 Rt 7 Box 220 $50,00 184 Cartner St $66.16 POBox 1119 $96,19 POBox 1119 $140,02 Rt3 Box 434-5 $145,31 Rt3 Box 434-5 $173.40 RR 3 Box 347 $0 279 Dance Hall Rd $112,37 279 Dance Hall Rd $112,37 144 Shamrock Ln $918,17 c/o Renee D, Wiggins PO Box 276 $777,22 214 Abbey Ln $58,93 317 Sanford Ave $898.37 275 Mt View Dr $336.00 449 Pinveviffe Rd $50,91 189 Wilkesboro St $145,50 Rt 1 Box 27 $63,82 117 Sunset Dr $297,96 Rt 3 Box 588 $252.53 Rt 3 80x588 $105.47 Rt 5 Box 102-5 $308,29 Rt 5 Box 102-5 $130.09 RI3Box211 $63,00 Rt3Box211 $74,27 Rt5 $198,42 Robinson TrPkRt 5 $181,09 RR 1 $0 160 Foster St $118,78 372 Wilkesboro St $0 372 Wilkesboro St $0 Rt 7 Box 298 4 $343,61 Rt 5 Box 199 $180,75 Rt 5 Box 195 $55.57 Rt 5 Box 477 $248,51 Rt 5 Box 477 $178,56 Rt3Box125 $90.11 Rt3Box125 $105,33 633 Ratledge Rd $66.66 195 Deadmon Rd $63.64 122 Fairfield Rd $136,35 Somerset Ct of Mocksville 140 Ken D Wiggins Dr $184.12 Rt 2 Box 601 $198,55 495 Valley Rd $93,22 Rt 4 Box 289 $77,77 Rt 4 Box 422 $76,60 131 Doe Trail $50,32 723 Cherry St $55,87 Rt 9 Box 313 $185.66 Rt 6 Box 150 $100,00 467 Madison Rd $154.00 Rt 3 Box 287 $3.96 118 Cable Ln $250.00 PO Box 64 $57,09 PO Box 64 $58.40 PO Box 64 $84,65 PO Box 38 $75.00 300 Milling Rd #21 $80,67 RR 5 Box 190 $283.58 RR 5 Box 190 $383,16 269 Farmland Rd $150,74 495 Buck Seaford Rd $61,54 RR 7 Box 647 $71,59 495 Buck Seaford Rd $61.54 1705 Deadmon Rd $386.61 164 Goldman Ln $101.72 POBox 1061 $100,00 224 Gilbert Rd $65,67 Continued On Pag« 1)6 The Best In Barbeque (Just mention this ad) Footlong QQ^ Hot Dogs Bar-B-QueSandwich ^1.50 Bar-B-QuePlate ®4.95 Good Every Day! (Limited Time Only) 885 Salisbury St. • Mocksville • (336) 751-2495 OPEN MON. ■ SAT. 5am-9pm, SUN. 6am-3pm T D a v i e S r h o o l s DAVIK COUN I’Y KN'I'KRPRISK UKCOK!), Лий- 22, 2002 - D5 Willlüin К. lüciiuMtlary I Ik* ''latí .uul sliuk-nis u cl- ciMiio l),uui\ ( ’иИ1К'1. now pnnci pal. Mr. ( ’ailiKT \v,is .I'.sisiaiil piiML'ill.li .Il M(4 ks\ lIK- I JCMK'M- lai\ . ( ,iio| ( ’»»/.lit |4 new assis- laiU piiiKipal. .SMl' was al Da\k- \Ы и S.hooi, Mary Siiu- im ncd h) Pliicbr*mk l'.li-ni.;iila!\ . I)aii.i> NaiKw [»MIIU.-I .l^м^laпl piiiKipal. is missed ai^o. Now nubii.'u.KIk’i isl.oiiW'il M'n ami iK-w Spanish к-.и1кт is MoI.ul\ II..h!U-s. Tlic ill st ( ili/cus ot tho VWok Ioi ihc now scIumiI \ e.ii u eic cho­ scn tor iIk' uock 1*1 ,\ul:. 1 J-lii: .loiilan Myois. S|>onooi Kcll\. Jabob Barnoli. ( iul> I Ioiiia. Mat- I how Scaiiou. I )osiuu‘ \ aiulivcr. Kolsi Milk’r. Kendal Iilti. I.OLian Ilciulticks. ,)oo\ l)a\is. ,\slilc\ .Amlci son. .1.1 ( haw n Maiimo/. Ashlo\ .Shicu sbni \. l as Ioi Atulctson. Sai.i Cbildtoss. loivj KoL’crs. .uul Mihltlio I him. Sluilonis trom -I.mol Rtd'oil- s(Mi s Sp.imsh ol.iss .il I )a\ k- I liuh .110 sciA III;.: as iinois lo i ;S( )|, sin vloius auam tliis \ о.и. 1 bo siiuli'nis .no; llollx \inos. .Stopham Woil.ll ski. lossK .[ \K ( iow M. .Slat \ ,\iuloi sttn. I \ Ioi KaiitT. \iobolas \ooiili.im . I iiulon Cannor. ,\iulio.i Moiioa. Kalcl>n I’otls. John .Siiwloi .iiul N.inoII I.ope/. Iho I’ lO momboiship diivc will I mi lluoii-jli I I ul.i\. Sopi, (), Moinl'oi•'bip Is »»pen lo .insoiie w III) .111 mieiosi ill Willi.nil R. I).i\ IC r iomont.ii s. w Mb iiioiiiboi ^bip tlues ul sl pel I'ot'-ou, lik- ol.issri>oins iImi nioel ihoii jjoal u ill locoive an loe oie.im p.iit> Olticors tills \eai: Tatum\ Uuob.tnait, |iiesulenl; TtMis \oiiis. V ICO ptOsuleUU ( ’«> sl;il Kotl>. SCO- rctaiA : Woiul\ Raiiise\. lie.isiiier; Jnlianiie Aiuloison. wass iV means; Weiuli Millci. od ob.ui Wti\s iV means; leii .Mea^bcr. ic.ichcr jcpicsomaUNc; Marinrie Mooic. siair rcpicscnlalivc. I ho P T () sp»>nsi)K4l .1 boi do‘^ supper al open bouse which w as a suecess. The p r o w ill coiuiiiuc lo sponsor Skale Nighl at Skalcland in ('lemnums lor p.m. on Ibe ibird rucsday of cvci> monib. The liisi skale nigbl was held Aue. :o. Another projecl is the coniimi- alion ol stmlenls collcding bo\ l(*ps ami ( ampbell .Soup labels. This hoi:.in Aug. I‘i. l-ach class- nHim wdl Ьаче a c\dlcclion ci'u- I.liner, I he) w ill be colleolcd and ootinieil .Il the eiul ol ciich nmnlh. I'be class wilh ihc mosi bo\ tops e.ich inniitb w ill receive a treat each I'bc ^vntp labels sboulil be piaceli in the appropri­ ate bills in llie mcilia cciUcr and oulside the catclcria. Througb Sept. l.^. the Pl'i) of is sjH'nstvring a iund raising sales event. I’mceoils will be useil to purchase new math software Гог llic new eonipuicr lah. I'all l esiival is scheduled for Nov. 1. from p.m.. w ilh a supper. ()ri/c draw ings, raffle ami »>iher acli\ ities for tho fam- il\. New games and booths arc plamioil. Infoi mat ion rcganling i’ppi)riuirnies lo Viilimtccr lo help w (th ibis event w il! Ik* sent Imnie s(»on. Ihc P K ) slill lias l-siiiils and sw e.ilshirts f(»r sale. T-^hiiis ;ие SS aiul the sweatsbiits .u e SIO. Ibrougb Sept. ,'d), bu\ I sweatshirt lor SlO aiul get a sec­ ond ОИ0 \кц S5. b \\\ I \ sbiil for S gel a sceoiul one Ьч S l. .\ltei Sept. 'tl. tegular piiccs will re­ sume. I he W illiam R. I ).i\ ie l ooiball Raidojs .uo locvuitmg. it imcr- csted e.ill eo.ioh Rtm I л*о or team mom. Angola Wall.ioe. .Sliiidy (iro\c l!lcm cnl:in Solittol b.is )Ust begun aiul a fumlraiser is under wa>. Remember orders ami monov are iluc b.ick to ihe schiud by Tuesilay. Aug. liiiid grailers finisbed kcybo.udiiig skills this week. All kinilergaricn and firsl graile suulenis have ciucicd l.cUcr Laud, a plu'nelic reading program lhal allows Siudenls lo learn spelling wilh costumes and letter characlers. Wdunlcer oricntalion will be W'cdnesilay. Sept. 11 al 2 p.m. in the n\cdia ccnicr. C'oniact Sue .lohiison or /ollie Rogers al *)MS- 471‘). The Scholastic Hook I'air will be S e p t.I.M S . IM- Club inbunialion will go home P'riilay .‘\iig. 23. -loin die P'i'A, Stmlenls of the Week for Aug. 12-li); Victiuia M cNeil. Kara Sircssman. Dovin F.brighl. lircll Poller. Sarah Lam bcrl. .lake Moser. Hrandon Tester, Kyan I lesier. ami Aaron Dtiby. C m ilci’iiifc K lein eitlnry Kinilcrgarlcn is off to a iM- ar\clous slarl. Mr. M has been visiling ail liiis week. Siudenls t illcd a bag w ilh niimchics ihal he likes: niarshmellows. meatballs, macaroni, milk, and muffins. Mr. M is also liclphig liicm learn about how they arc alike aiul iliffcrciil. I'irst graile has been learning aboul friendship and how lo bo a good friend. Students arc review­ ing llic icltcrs of ihc alpliabcl. Sot>ii Ihcy will be reading. Pifih grade siudenls arc chang­ ing classcs lo help prepare them for miildlc school. Mrs. Hssic (math/science) and Mrs. \Vtlco,\ (communicaiion ckills/SS) team logelher. and Mrs, Plcming(malh/ SS) and Mr, McDougall (comnui- nication skills/science) team lo- gellier. Students liavc begiin a unil on geography skills, and scicncc unils on energy and weather are being taught. The firsl and scctuul graile class of Anne Hrown and Karen Lcveiis is t>lT lo a good slart. The first graders are reading "One Wcl Pup": die sccond graders arc read­ ing "Ann's I'irsi Day". In math, firsl grailcrs arc reviewing I'omia- tion of numbers, making scls. and shapes. Sccond graders are work­ ing on addilion fads, patlerns. anil ordinal position. Students arc writing slories ahoul tbcmselvcs, as well as discussing bus safety. The class is looking forward lo a successful year. Third grade stuvlcnls of Donna ilcndcrson. Janel Jones. Julia Maurer, and I.aura Scluviebcrl have been been taking ihc ihinl grade prc-icsl this week. Siudenls in Mrs. Henderson’s class ivavc been reailing modern fairy talcs and Mrs, Maurer’s class has cn* joyed Icarningaboul the jungle. iMiss Sclnvicbcri’s class has en- jv^ycd reading "Tiic Knipcror's New Clothes". Mrs. Kislner’s fourth grade class is working on gelling inlo ilie swing of Ihings. Sludents arc go­ ing over daily rules and proce­ dures. In science, they arc Continued On I’tigo D7 LOG HOME SEMINAR S ponsored by BEAR CREEK LOG HOMES Sleep Inn Hwy. 421 and 601, Yadkinviiie Thursday, Sept. 5 7-9pm All you ever need to know about building your dfcani home. Bring your plans and ideas! Builder and manufacturer to be present. R,S,V.P. suggested. C a ll 336-492-2804 onstruction Loan INTEREST С C D $ i 16,669 C usli R ulxilc - $ 5 ,0 0 0 • «■" □ OfxM> Ioyer, livmg loom, litcluvt with ^ ctcj|c]ci!til dinitif) fooM) und bieaklcisl 5 ofons Tltt**o Ixiilrooms and two (incl otic*- half IxilKs. iivcludmg l!ic bedioot» (iftd Ixilh will) <)afd<Mi tub and wcilk-in -S cloiel Bonus room, of)tiotic}l gorayi.* and i (iltefncil*? rciticli bose'nent Shown witli ^ uplioncil bncl. e*tL‘riof and Qa;ayt* .*v- $106.680 C u'jii Rfibcile ■ $ 5,0 00 0 Sp<ictous ItvtiKj toam oik! срч!1> ^ lilclit.*!) wtlft a(j|firenl diniiuj toom fout lu4!fooms ond two >7) Of)iional (Wfcli and ollentoie mmU‘i 1ич1(оот SinU> slototje im'ii ^ opliorui! (jafcifjt* Olid optionfjj pfun Sliown wtlli opUoTKil qdtarjir И “ N A T IO N W ID E H O M E S a $123,453 Cash Rebate - $7,500 roy«;f. litchen with cidjoinlng dining foorn, laundry foom ond great foont with optional liiepiaco Ihree bedrootni and two and one hoil Ixithi including ttiuitor bedfooin ond Ixilh suile with gorden lub and walk-in cloiot iocotfd on firvt level Sitling lootn on second level witli optional dormer. Shown with optionol double gotoge and wrap ciround porch 339 Highway 68 Soijlli • 33Ó-812-3098 or 800-Ó88-08I8 wwv^.nationwide-homes.com t 2 ï 231 Beechwood Dmvc ' IJ! ' J " ' 231 BtECmVOOO DmVE-5Hrl3 IÜA, 3505 W lt,lcK>many.irnon,t,osUl.bl' S329.950. CAU CONNIE @ 751-8565 H O W A R D REALTY Put our staff to work for you! Call us at (336) 751-3538 or Visit our Website at www.howardreaIty.com 330 s. S.ilisbury Sl. (Comer Hivys, 601 & W) Mocksville, NC 27028 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8-6 • Saturday9-12 * Sunday By Appl. 27S Madison ROAD 2777Wsq ft. .}«n, 3BA. 15 Story 5209,900. Gena Cline owner/itrnt @ 751>8569 4BR, 3ÜA, on 9.3 ncreS witti •лгеат 5249,000. CAU EVaVN @ 751-8563 Y.i;ìi>ìnvre. 3QR 20A, 1 5 Ac pû1 ЬьгЩ, FP2pontís 2178 s! $209,900. еда JANE @751*8560 HislOficaJ 68П. 20A. home on 5.11 acres, vnth immaculato landscaping CALL JANE @751-8560 •IQH, 20A plus SBR, IBA homes PLUS additional 3 34 acres m Fafmmgion. 5185,000. CAU JANE or MJ. @ 751*8560 126 Robcr&on Orivc 13*/- acres. 1.5 story home. ЗВП, 2 5DA $194,900. CAU MARY @ 751-8566 Bermuda Пип - 3BR, 2 5BA, sunroom Lg WDR,o.ofSiíedorg $185,900. CALL MARY or BEVERLY Haímony-3BR, ЗВА, pan bsmt, 2 FP's, 3 3 ac. add ac. avail $174,000. CAU JANE ® 751-8560 3BR. 2BA, 2 hall BA, 2 slorios with a full basomont. $164,900. CAU CONNIE <S 751-8565 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bnlhs, spacious гооглз. largo lol. $162,500. CAU JANE @751-8560 3 Dodrooms, 2 Balhs, liko new homo. $159,900. CAU JANE @751-8560 3203 WwTAKER Ct. Winston-Salem Brick rancher on 1.39 acros, quiot neighboitiood. $144,900. CAU GENA @751-8569 2545 Davk Academy Rd. Near WaKe Forest. ЗВП. 2DA. FP. sccluded neighbofh'd 5124,900 CAU LEE @ 751-8572 128 Edison S m n 5060 Hwy. 601 Noitth 3BR, 2BA. brand now homo, manyanionitios, $124,900. CALL CONNIE ® 751-8565 3BH, 2BA, 1853 sq. ft. mobilo homo w/5.5 acres. $109,900. CAU JANE @751-8560 3BR. 2Ba, now carpel, lull bsmnt, multi-lov. dock. $109,900. CALL JANE @751-8560 3BR, 2BA, Historic District, 1.5 stories, basomonl. S104,900. c m UE@ 751.8572 114 AltBOIt Lutt, AnvANCt 3BR, 2BA on corner lot w/ 12x16 storage building, $104,9(Ю. CAU KEN @ 751^8564 176 BYCRLV CHAPtl Roao и New Coii^t. ЗВП. 20Л coltacju. Conv. in lo^vM localion $98,5(Ю aut. JANE ®751S5G0 150 t^xmsTON Road 3UR, 2BA, immaculato msido, 1512 sq. 11.594,900. CALL KEN @751.8564 3DR, 2BA. catliodtal ceilings, 2002 Skyline MH, $89,900. CAU CONNIE @751-8565 3DR. IBA, now carpQl. painl, vinyl, lull bsmi. $89,900. CAU MARY @751-8566 Cozy 2BR, IBA. coltago. in ground pool wilh lerKing. $82,900. CAU JANE @751-8560 1.5 acres, 3 BR. 2 BA, 1552 sq. It. mobilo homo $79,900. CAU CONNIE @751-8565 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, with wired shop/garago. $74,900. CAU JANE @751-8560 1,89 Town Center гопо(1 district land. 2ÖR. IBA, $74,500. CAU JANE @ 751-8560 3BR, 1.5BA, согу coltago. ir lown Seiler pays 1/2 CC. $64,900. Cena Cfine omer/«(tnt @ 751-8569 Loxinglon, NC. 2BR, ША. hardwood lloors, .87ac. $69,900. CAU LEE @ 751-8572 3 Bodrooms, \ Bath, nowly fonovalod. $68,900. CAU CONNIE @751-8565 3BR, IBA. leixed tiackyaid, onclosod porch, rocont lúdalos. $59,900 CAU JANE @751-8560 2 Bedrooms, 1 Both, trosh painl and nowcarpoi, $49,900. CAU JANE @751-8560 Groat 1 +/• aero tol. malnlainod. $44,500. CAU JANE @751-8560 A v A it.A iii.i- L o is A N D L a n d a n i> R i n i a i I’h o im k i ii s Bear Crook Ch. Rd. WILL NOT DIVIDE...Hwy.60lNtbyp9»4).....................Mwy, 601 H...............................Hwy. 156.....Oil Bothel Ch. Rtl........................Byerly Chopol Rd....................... .......91.97 Ac. $413,865,9.76AcW. 5675,000 37.S«/-Ac. $150,000 ...14Act houie, $175,000...e.84 Ac. $60,000....2.19 Ac. $27,000 Mr. Henry Rd......Thompson Lone,.. 60IS.,.Kaydon Drive (commercial).., Cedai *" • “ ■Angeli Road... ......1,49 Ac. $22,000..........a Ac. $56,000..15.eecreiS140,000..2.15acreaS160,000......2 acres $45,000..,.7*/> acres, $49,900 Sanford Ave..>................15+/* Acres............-......Bear Creek Ch. Rd...........Edwards Rd.....Madison Rd (commercial)... .....1.4 acres $134,900Hwy. 601 $107,250 ...40.02 scret $257.000 9.8 acres $87,500 t acres $425,000 MIKE H ENDRIX 751-1040 RENTAL PROPERTIES BEVERLY RUSS 998Ч156 6837 Center Grove Church Rd...........29Sllemei Church Road......................$625 P/M ..$1000 P/M D6 . DAVIK COUNTY KiN TERPRISK RKCORl), Auj;. 22. 2(1(12 Money Held Continued From Page D4 Mary Ellen Haynes 139 Elmwood St Ken! N. Hazelwood Deborati C. Hellard Brian S. Henderson Lori L. Henderson Stephen M. Henderson C. Grace Hendricks C. Grace Hendricks Deborah H. Hepler June Hick Jason Hicks Tony Ray Hill Lorianne Homovich flandy Adam Howard Laura E. Howell Laura E. Howell Randy S. Howell Randy S. Howell Jerry L. Hunler Ena Hurdle James E. Hyde Darren Ireland William Ray Jackson Diana Shore Jacob Diane Shore Jacob Daniel Maldonado James Avis D. Jennings Avis D. Jennings Jesus J. Jimenez Jesus J. Jimenz Dana Johnson Gene Johnson 1500 Gossamere Ln Rl 7 Box 199 Rt 8 Box 278 131 Forest Ln Apt 1 131 Forest Ln Apt 1 407 Danner Rd 407 Danner Rd Rt 3 Box 298 В 124 W Depot St Hobson МНР Rd RR 8 Box 250 Rl4Box 519 543 Cedar Grove Ch Rd Rl 1 Box 73 1 Rl 1 Box 73 1 Rt 1 Box 73 1 Rt 1 Box 73 1 Rl 1 Box 90 Lake My 191 Droka Cr Rt 3 box 298A 143 Feezor Rd 711 Northridge Ct Rl 7 Box 216 Rt 7 Box 216 142 Delanos Rd 280 Ratledge Rd 280 Ratledge Rd Rt 5 Box 271 Rt5 Box 271 Rt 2 Box 251 RR 6 Box 237-8 Richard Barker Johnson Jr. Sunset Terrace Apt 1 A. Jones Billy Ray Jones Calvin L. Jones Donald Lee Jones George W. Jones Peggy G. Jones William Jordan Carol L. Kelly Randy Steve Kelly Kuhl Corp Lexington Slate Bank Bonnie S. Linberry Bonnie S. Lineberry Christie J. Lipscomb Vernon Livengood Linda Susan Lory Leonard W. Marcus Susan Ann Marshall Blance W. Manin George Martin George W. Martin Vidor M. Martinez Bernard Vincent Massey Bernard Vincent Massey Paul Maurice Amy L. Maxwell Amy L. Maxwell Amy Louise Maxwell Rolien Maynard Charlie McAllister > James McCuiston Marilyn K. McDaniel Elaine T. McGarity Von L. McKnighl Calhy McLeod Jarilyn K. McLeod Jeffrey Shannon Medlin Jeffrey Shannon Medlin Penny R. Menius 734 Bear Crk R17B0X 137A 3 PO Box 815 Rt 6 Box 136 RR 1 Box 28 1248 Eatons Church Rd 394 Oakland Ave Rt 3 Box 4 Rt 3 Box 4 POBox 106 RR 3 Box 233 RR 3 Box 77 RR 3 Box 77 1248 Eatons Church Rd Rl 3 Box 196 Rl 7 Box 583 734 Bear Crk 165 Fox Run Dr Rt 1 Box 338 PO Box 1068 PO Box 1068 123 Cana Rd PO Box 246 PO Box 246 1635 US Hwy 601 S PO Box 256 PO Box 256 PO Box 256 RR 4 Box 532 178 Poplar St 1660 Farmington Rd 212 Oakland Ave Rl 1 Box 351 E 1938 Cornatzer Rd 143 Feezor Rd 143 Feezor Rd R l3 Box 198 Rl 3 Box 198 $105.50 $370.43 $99.27 $283.25 $83.00 $83.00 $169.83 $169.83 $158.85 $530.85 $250.00 $60.08 $937.17 $50.00 $7,81 $1.02 $7.81 $1.02 $99.46 $51.26 , $61.12 $83.47 $151,98 $187.88 $71.63 $100,00 $93.48 $93.48 $244.33 $93.80 : $0 $94.77 $65.68 $6,802.00 $131.76 $170,61 $60.37 $61.59 $93.82 $60.76 $62.34 $62.34 $94.63 $226.65 $707.91 $52,17 $93,82 $60,14 $166.71 $6,802.00 $100,15 $115.08 $270.00 $109.00 $50.54 $138.29 $279,36 $59,43 $335,30 $488,21 $102.34 $77.15 $346.25 $57.68 $0 $202,04 $216,12 $108.16 $108.16 $119.49 $114,87 Harvey A. Miller Magdaline Morgan James R. Morton Pearl S. Muncy Kurt Musselman Rt 3 Box 88 1 2534 Hwy 158 272 Goldman Ln 126 Sunset Dr Apl 68 290 Aubrey Merr National Technology Group PO Box 485 RR 4 Box 626 Draughn Ln $76,06 Dominga M, Navarro Timothy A. Nelson New Horizon Enterprises Rhonda Lynn Oliver Charles Oneal Charles R, Osborne Cynthia S. Pankau Brenda A. Parker Juan D. Pascual Carolyn R. Payne Kay M, Payne Furman A. Penland Ray C. Perryman Laura Peterson Tracey D, Pelliford Crystal Phifer Garry S. Pirk Jack Allen Plott Renee Plummer Robert Lee Porter Roland B. Potter Roland B. Potter Janice A. Potts Lena A. Pulkkinen Jan O, Randle Karen N. Randle William R. Ray F. Burton Register Hallie Richardson Paul Rickell Silvia S. Rickell Johnny Rilfe Johnny Rifle Julie A, Rios Talmadge Robbins Rafael Salas Rodriguez Stephen Greg Roig David E. Rouslio James B, Rutledge Peggy M. Ryle Sydna Sanford Teresa S. Sanlis Marisa L. Scarlett Marisa L Scarlett Marisa L. Scarlett Clyde Scoll Gladys Scotl Larry R. Scotl Ambra Seagraves Myrtle G. Seals Robería Sell Lillard Sexion Earnest C. Sharpe Susan Lynch Shaw Chrisiian Scolt Sheets James Mason Shepard Jerry Shoffner Jerry Sholfner Kathy Short Michael Short George Sloan Barbara Smilh Daniel L. Smilh Judy H. Smilh Paul Smilh Sandie E. Smilh Michelle B. Snyder Larry M, Spencer Beverly B, Sproles Sidney Slaplelon 147 Bowman Rd Rt 7 Box 193 124 Wilkesboro SI Rl 4 Box 683 485 Ijames Ch Rd Rt 3 Box 266 R13B0X 161 1415 Junclion Rd PO Box 87 Rl 1 Box 106 A RR 9 Box 351 Н 1 2 В 0 Х 108 RR 3 Box 190 RR 3 Box 233 234 Mount View Dr 300 Milling Rd 1157 Daniel Rd Forest Lane Apl 13 1624 Liberty Ch Rd Rl 4 Box 473 1011 Hardinson Sl 10 Hardison Sl Rt 7 Box 577 Rl 4 Box 236 196 McAllister Rd 196 McAllister Rd 711 Northridge Cl RR2B0X 132-A5 300 Milling RdApiS PO Box 159 PO Box 159 Rt 8 Box 376 Rl 8 Box 376 PO Box 641 Midway Restaurant RR 4 Box 49A 105 Marlene SI PO Box 1101 Rt 9 Box 145 RR5B0X 461 RtSBox 65-10 106 Crestview Dr 124 Shady Knoll Rl 8 Box 730 Rl 8 Box 730 Rl 8 Box 730 PO Box 34 PO Box 34 793 S Main SI 401 N Man St Apt 30 2286 NC Hwy 801 N Rl 1 Box ООО RR 4 Box 679B Rl 1 Box 63 4 225 Jones Rd 130 Pudding Ridge Rd Rl 2 Box 639 Rt 6 Box 137 Rl 6 Box 137 211 Rainbow Rd 211 Rainbow Rd Rl5 Rl 3 Box 593 142 Redwood Dr 115 Marlene Sl 470 Liberty Church Rd PO Box 32 Rl 1 Box 422 Rl 7 Box 508 1222 Counlry LnApI 10 $87,80 $67,26 $361.00 $81.28 $72,00 $100,70 $148.37 $78,06 $131.88 $120,48 $660,00 $81.25 $107,85 $71,61 $58,34 $64.09 $171.95 $120,00 $58,36 $226,65 $71,43 $58,46 $54,70 $51.91 $1.024.55 $104.22 $107.27 $222,76 $70.96 $183.31 $243.10 $243,10 $151,98 $51.78 $240.18 $340,00 $340,00 .$110,52 $64,90 $81,94 $209,86 $200,00 $94.53 $424,19 $307,16 $77.04 $252,42 $220,82 $0 $0 $0 $2.483,74 $2,483,74 $181,16 $57,14 $91,10 $330,94 $66.15 $299,82 $102,35 $57,45 $99,64 $58,50 $58,35 $112.67 $112,67 $56.14 $330.68 $285,15 , $56,07 $155.35 $82,11 $58.35 $62,51 ' $0 $54.73 Sidney Stapleton Elizabeih A.Sleele Margaret B. Sleele R. Vann Sleele R, Vann Steele William Slenhouse Larry Stephens Angela Ann Slewarl Shiela Strickland Church E, Tabor Bryan Topa Christina Townsell Christina Townsell Jill Trivette J.W. Tucker Lisa D. Tulleron Cynthia D. Urbanski Ricardo M. Valdez Charles L, Vestal Thomas H.Vu Wilma M, Walker Lisa M, Wall Roberl Bryan Wallace Tommy L, Washinglon Julia Ann Waters Julia Ann Waters Paula G. Weatherman James West Ken Wiley Joy D. Willard Betty S. Williams Ed Williams Larry Williams Mary Williams Mia N. Williams Joseph H, Willoughby Joseph H, Willoughby Francine L, Wilmoulh John D. Wilson John D. Wilson Mary E, Wilson Stephen Harry Wodarski Stephen Harry Wodarski Wonderknit-Scoreboard Co Milling Road Rt 5 Box 486 R16 Box 179 126 Sunset Dr Rt 4 Box 496 Rt 4 Box 496 1222 Country Ln $81,61 222 Ivy Ln $78.40 222 Ivy Ln $78.40 222 Ivy Ln $78.40 222 Ivy Ln $78.40 Gen Del $114.24 575 Bechlown Rd $315,58 Rt 7 Box 459 $96,17 400 Dulin Rd $375,00 c/o Myers Campground R11BOX90 $188,72 2380 US Hwy 64 W $242.02 Rt 9 Box 271 $125.85 Rt 9 Box 271 $111.77 784 Soulh Main St $51,65 RR 5 Box 165 $273.76 POBox 126 $66.68 187 Dogwood Ln $62.27 147 Bowman Rd $148.37 POBox 1166 $102.68 222 Fox Run Dr $50.31 1372 Hwy 601 South $250.00 1420 Deadman Rd $344.68 405 Farmland Rd $53,55 POBox 1099 $65,33 POBox 934 $210,45 POBox 934 $157,07 275 Bell Br $62,27 Rt 7 Box 344 $0 RI3B0X312 $187.18 Rl 2 Box 612 $75,00 332 Williams Rd $466,25 R T5 Box 425 dba Diversified Cable $125,54 1007 Howard Sl Carol Craw Autumn Care Rl 1 Box 588 2 268 Milling Road 4C RI3 Box460 Rl 3 Box 460 858 Deer Run Dr PO Box 1096 PO Box 1096 Rt 9 Box 347 Ri 7 Box 437 B Rt 7 Box 437 B Patrilla J, Woolen Derick M. Worlman Timothy Lee Worlman David J, Zawisha David J, Zawisha $210.41 $62.82 $647,16 $222,24 $85.34 $85.00 $287,12 $283.50 $112.18 $127.29 $143.74 $2,728.86 $111.69 $179.13 $104.32 $96,53 $110,69 WWW. e n t e r p r i s e - r e c o r d . c o m S p ecia lizin g In H orse F arm s, L arge A c re a g e & L uxury H om es anel Hensley ^ For more inform ation contact Janel Hensley •336-998-1153 IRlAl), HhAI.TOHS 706 Riverbend Dr.. $349,000 3229 Hauser Rd • S255jOOO ■ '84 Dover Lane • $253,(300 hpcssM» heme h Bemiu* й л 4400*/- sq. home on 5 ♦/- oc, fLwth5BRs.4ELAsGdfa3usevitw. 3000*ASf.Lolsof featix«. Hukit NcDiiid 7SI-9090 tlinbtik П Ш 1 Ргпп hcn£e chnm, 2+/-ПС, pod, гмпгу, gnrtoTS, othnrd & Gizcbo. AdcJ ac íMibtíc. Great horse farm on over 13 acres. FerKed and cross-fenced wilh pond and bam. 373§ Hv/^,801 N . $245,000 ■ 404 Pine Ridqe Rd .^240fl60|2Cl7IJc#3hlidtedgeRd • $820001 2477 Hwy 801 S. • $169,500 ikuii Citii www.SW.\lRea!li)n..com »«•41*1 Mocksville; 336-751-2222 Clemmons: 336-778-2221 u I) ■ ■ » y » ^ horse, farm with 18.5 ac. 3B«/2BA I farm siyte home.Restored farm house situated on 40 Aaes w/tandmg strip h it WiliH 909-]]l| BrautiU tek ho™ w/ over 1800 SF CcntenpcryrandihActence and a full bsmt. on 3.5 ac 3BR. 7BA 29 Dutchrnan Hills • $146,432 [24 Dutchman Hills • $136.900 Ш Ш Beautiful home on comer lot in Brand new construction! 1400+/-SF, Immaculate Corxition! 3BR/3BA fnshd 3BRs, 2BAs, full basement, bsmnt. Impressive 3BR/2.5BA home with large AdoraWe home m country ncighbofhood’Lwng Itvitg room. scp. breakfast dining, area open lo kuchea User fnwxSy fVxipLTn unfinished bonus room, lots more! storge budding, emacuiatenas logs, ded landscbpifig.3BR, 2BA home in great development New home on over an acre. 1500+/-SF, Excellent condition! . 3BRs, 2BAs. Great looiJìg3BR/2aA home wth Ijrpe bedi, .new heat furp. storaoe UAiros, rrtxh mye. 3 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath, 2 Fireplaces, w/basement. 139 Cloister Dr • $1(39900 |425 Mr Henry Rd* $109900 Beautiful brick home with new appliances. 1650+/-sq. ft. SBRs. 2BAs. 159 Crestview Dr.. $112,900193 Biiatcieek Rd . $119,900 1 397 Wilkesboro St.. $119900 , . 1 f &eat hoiTC . ISCW^SF, f r ^ painted, Owming in downtown Mockssntle. Under Spacious fioor dan \W/2000+/*SF, ___________________ 4BRs &^20As. Great downtown location ranch home w/fncd yrd. Full basementnew carpet, vmyl & more i^xiatcs •ЗВЯ. 2BA. Ai Great home «ilh 1200+/-SF, A great value. 3BRs,2BAs complete renovation. 3BRs, a.SBAs. 422 Pleasant Ac • $99,900 Possible tj:ase Purehase! 3BR, 2BA. Brick 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath w/basement in , „ . ,YadkifMle 3 Bednjom, 2 Bath, MSISq. Ft,.Completely UpdatedI Ш Ш ! in i:ri M in w w ii 95,000 I 1068 Pine Ridge Rd .195,000 Ш 3 Bedroom, 1,5 Bath 7045 Hwy aois ■ $93.500 |Ю16 Eaton's Chuich Rd* $899001 1455 Junction Rd. $86,000 l292P teascrtA 3B D f Cute bnck ranch on 1.68 acres BBiiTii ^'loL condition. 3BR, brick ranch honw w/fuU basementbackporch. 1 aae. Sdcr to pay 12000 n buyers ctosnn» Large lot living room & largo den. ¿uks, ibA Call For M ore G reat R esidential & Land Listing! We IflAiE Ut iAPPEM,,.J®y Ш иш Ut 1©ме! M ock.svllle Office: 854 Valley Rd. Suite 100, M ocksville,N C Clem m ons Office: 2419 Lewisville-Clem m ons Rd., Unit 1, Clem m ons,NC SWM WEEKLY FEATURE: 2085 Milling Road . $199,000 Over 3 acrcs in a sectuded hardwood settinc. Beauuful wood home with 2600*1- sqwire fcet..4 BR. 3 ВA$. German fireplace, larje hoi wa.44rip.»rou(\d porth, deuched {araje & more.Call today for a private ihowln^. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY August 25th 2-4PM < Itl I'[ilr- I istiiiq SfiMi г Í fitififd ( niiMiieidJl Inn-stint'iii Mmibei , (((M i t jiu liíu RimI DjIj (iii-ii .1 il ill iK} HrUtt'k inlrinjtion.il Ht-loidliKU Si-i.ii rs D A V IK C O U N T Y E N T liR P R IS K R IÍC O R I). Лиц. 22, 2002 - 1)7 D a v i e S c h o o l s Ciinlimicd From Раке OS kMrniiii; about aiiimal.s. They will lc;irn lunv till!)' arc classiliod by scientists, where aiul how they live. Cluster stuileiils will bereiul- iiip novels this year. Norlh DiivIe MIdtllc The Uxplorcv leam teachers thimk parents who have .sent in needed items. Check the webpaues for homework ussign- iiients and calendar updates. Prime lime has been spenl going over ihe handbook and gel­ ling lo know one another. Explor­ ers ate working on caricatures of Ihemselves. Mrs. Moore is the new AG leactier, now workiijg wilh Mr. Carolher's language arls class. Due date for Ihe fundraiser sales is Aug. 27. Explorer t-shirt orders are due Aug. 2S. Science classes are learning aboul the scientiric method and how to write labe reports. Wellness is a schoolwide theme adopted through science classes, and sludents will be keeping track of foods ealen and pliysical aclivi­ lies in a wellness journal. Social studies classes are writ­ ing a paper based on a speech by Gen. Douglas MacArlhur, "Duly, Honor and Country.'' The first area of study will be Africa, south of Ihe Sahara, which encompasses Ihe first seinester. Math classes are reviewing. Ailvanced iiialli is working with oriler of operations anti general math classes arc reviewing math operations in relation lo decimals and whole numbers. I’Inehroiik Elunienliiry The staff began the year with a breakfast welcoming new staff members Mary Sine, principal; Julie Fuller, kindergarten leacher: l.isa Dressier, second grade teacher; Robin Janies, second grade teacher; Amber Groce, fourth graile teacher, aiui Angela I licks, fifth grade leacher. Mrs. Sine presented slatf memlxTs wilh I’inebrook pins. Open I louse was held Monday, Aug. 3. Suidcnls and parents en­ joyed visiting their new class­ rooms and meeting their leachers. Copies of the 2(l02-()3 Norlh Carolina Children's Hook Awards nominees have jusl arrived in the meilia center. As soon as they are processed, primary classes will begin reading Ihe books in Ihe pic­ ture book category. The Acceler­ ated Reader'Mile List is available online from the seliool website. The firsl grade has heen sing­ ing songs, reading big hooks, learning aboul school bus safely, working with numbers, making graphs and writing in journals. The students are allowed lo check out a new meilia cenicr hook each ilay. Nexl week they will begin reading groups and discuss how spccial each of them are. Second grade studenls liave begun a sludy of plants. Tliird grade has been busy with the third grade pre-test. The PTA fundraiser was sent home Aug. 12. The funds raised from Ihis fundraiser will go to­ ward the purchase ofnew comput­ ers. For addilional information and news, visil the website: lillp:!/ w w w .p c i.iln v ii'.k ll.m .iix l Cornulzcr Klenientiiry ll has been a smooth and suc­ cessful slart back to school for Cornal/.er’s 44У sludents. Four new teachers are on the faculty: Michelle Moore who will be teaching second grade. Kalhy Mannino and Angie Myers who join Ihc kindergarten team, and Sandra Smitli who will bc taking fourth and fiflh remediation classes. Jenny McPherson is a new guidance counselor. Three new teacher assistants are Lisa McBride. Flammella Riv­ ers, and Irish Brown, and Steve Meredith joins the custodial slatf :md Tom Oordy joins as a bus driver. Cynthia I-reeinan rejoins the stal f afler a period of absence. Mrs. Bullins' combined first and second grade class has been working on a friendship unit. Stu­ dents made friendship glyphs and wore about a special friend. Mrs. Bullins is pleased at how quickly her studenls are making new friends. Mrs. Hembree's music classes are also olTto a greal slart wilh kin- dergarlen and firsl grade students learning lo sing in groups and play simple rhythms on percussion in­ struments. .Second and thiid grad­ ers are learning aboul pitch and some note values. Fourth and nflh graders are learning lo read notes from the slaff and many olher notes and rests. Mrs. Moore's second graders slarled the year by learning ahoul pond hahitiils and animal life cycles. Tliey have lx;cii working on making movie strips showing the life cycle of a frog and are also working on projects lo show wbat they are learning aboul pond habi­ tats. Tlie first РГА fundraiser is un­ der way with orders for wrapping and seasonal gifts. Work first Cougars of Ihe Week; Jasmine Freeman, Caroline Infante, Bryan Moren-Calalyn, Madison Eckenrode. Nathanial rutlerow, iVlicliaela Draughn, Adam Carter, Zach Spry. Miguel Cienfucgos, Amanda Smith, Jus­ tin McClannon. JosiePi|)er, Logan Wilkinson. Shannon Dillard, Christopher Crandall, J.D. Misc. Billy Page. Cicra Beam. Rosa Flores-Sanelic/;, Amber Arnold, Dillon Rothrock. A reminder lo p:irents; Wednes­ day. Aug. 21, Vene/.ia's Nighl; Thursday. Aug. 2‘), early release day; Friday, Aug. .11), no school for studenls; Monday, Sept. 2, Labor Day holiday. Cenlral Diivie ’Hie children in Ms. Tucker and Ms. Beck's pre-kindergarten have continued to learn about their school surroumliugs, scliool rules and safely. They have heen trac­ ing and culling with triangles and squares. Carlos Malle/, is the Slu­ denl oftlie Week. C;irlos has tione a greal job of lislening and follow­ ing direclions. Developmenlal D;iy I students leaned about ocean animals. They went fishing and caught fish of all differeni colors. The class even fished with pretzels, peanut buller and goldfish. Tliey are making lots of new friends. Ryan Rothrock is Student ofthe Week. Developmental Day II Sludenl ofthe Week is Austin Freidt. The class talked about several sea ani­ mals. Ms. Brandi's class was full of dilTerenl sea creatures, 'lliey did several fun arl projects and had fish puppets talk to our class. I believe the children had the most fun playing Pin the Legs on the Octopus. They learned that Ollie Octopus has eight legs. Amanda Barrier Gets Scholarship Amaiula Joyce Barrier is a recipient of :i merit scholarship to attciKl I Catawba Col- le¡;c ill S a lis b u ry . Sho is the daughter of Randy L. Bar­ rier and Ina Beavers, both of Mocks­ ville. She will major in psychology, anil plans to pursue a eareei'as a guidance counselor A n n a R i d d l e E a r n s A w a r d Anna Caroline Riddle of Ad­ vance has been awarded the Miya Endowment Scholarship for the 2002-201)3 school year She is a second year sludenl in Ihe School of Pharmacy al the University of Norlh Carolina at Chapel llill. She is the daughter of Vance and Karen Riddle, and granddaughter of Lawrence and Dolly Riddle of Advance and Avilon and Doris Frye of Mocksville. U.S. Service Academies Accepting Applications For The Class Of 2007 Congressman Richard Burr (H -N C ) amuninced Monday that applications for nomina­ tions to the Class of 2007 for all U.S. Service Academies are available. Applications for nomina­ tions are open to all men and women 17-21 years of age who are residents of North Carolina's .ЗИ! Congressional District and will graduate high .school by July 1,200.1. Candidates nuist meet niini- nuiin scholastic standards and pass a physical aptitude test and a medical filne.ss exaniination. The deadline for all applica­ tions for nominalions is Nov, I. The U.S. government oper­ ates five scrvice academies, which train individuals to be­ come officers in the Armeil Forces or Merchant Marine. Three of the academics are op- erated by the Department of Defense. Two are operaled by Ihe Deparlment of Transporta­ tion. Students atlenil these four- year academies prior to complet­ ing required military service. The academies are loealeil: • U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. Colo.; • U.S. Coast Guard Ac:idemy in New London, Conn. (nomi­ nation not retiuired); • U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point. N.Y.; • U.S. Military Academy in West Point, N.Y.; and • U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis. Md. Students inlerested in apply­ ing for a nomination to one ot the academies should coniacl Burr's office in Winston-Salem by phone al (SOO) 6S.'i-8y i6 or (i3l-.‘i i:5 , or by email al; n't Ik irtl.ln irn u 0 5 (a iiu n l.li()ii.\r.f;iiy . Harrier Real Estate Facts by: Peter A. Heaven, кки.кш« Phinning lo hiiy a lioinc? Tcmptcil lo look on yotir own. without ;ui ajicnt? Wiiiu lo save the commission hv working dircctly with llic seller / Goiul lut\f ir you answered ”YI:.S!” io lliose ijueslions, ciuisiiler ilie slens you will need to take to find tlie perfcet lionie. I'itsl. plan lo take 2- 4 weeks olí work (hoth you ami your spovise). NcnI. with a piul í«h1 l>encil. look ihrouiih the new.spaper and write dowtt the phone minüiers of all homes that seem like a match. Drive ihrt)n^h favored neiphhorluHKis anil write ilown llie plu>ne numbers and aildresses of all ■■[•or .Sale Hy Owner’* homes.Now, call the owners you've iileniilied. lixjKci lo reach ;i lot of answering machines because most sellers are al work, not al home. When you do reach a seller, ask lots of questions. What si/e is the IT’S A JUNGLE! home? How did sou arrive at ihe askine price? Will you pay closingI'nviv'' \V^lii*n :in* V4HIOnce you've idenlilied homes lo visil. set up appoinimenls. and he prepared Гог an inieresiing day.Cliances arc jiuril quickly learn why most serious sellers lisi llieir iioiiic willi an agenl. Ajients allraci serious huyers with llie linancial ability lo pay a fair price. Thai’s e.xaclly what serious aboul buying Л luvuK*. Nsby i^oi begin at the beginning - hy calling an agent? ' l\u r Hviiwn i\ tl Hi'tillin' with tC Comjumy /iinhy. hr notiltl he plfou'd tit iiwiM у«>1< in \i4ir ftt'xi rviilty Iranuitlian nf Iniyin^ nr wiling Ч home. Hr am in' nunhi-il lit for linyrval I'stiiir i/nt'.\lion.\ yon niiiy fiiivv. In Mocksville 3 3 6 . 7 5 1 . 9 4 0 0 • In Advance/Hillsdale 3 3 6 . 9 9 8 . 8 9 0 0 129 Winding Crcd( Rd • VVv« a NEW home Ofne for ummer? Cal twt to Oiwn dus homewnhI polizie fôbie.NO MONEY DCWM Jll?.wa 5l9 Jimey Beaudump Road • Spictouj home with prrvacy. 4BR, 46A. new tcreened porch OYCrlooVin; mca(iow. Many updatct-heatmi. wmdowi. orcai value, convenient to Wmuon- Salem. $169.900. Call Debbie. H O M I w \U R \\n Country Cove • Lot 8 'Shalknvbnx>k •Fabulous new home m country jetting, close to town. 3BR. 7BA. vaulted great room, solid cherry cabinets, formal dming area. Attic space finished for additional bedroom or bath. $209,900. Call Janice. 1326 County Home Rd • Charming cotuge convenient to towa Large looir.j, hardwood, tile and Berber floors, new front porch, some new paint, refrig remaini. Home warranty! Motivated Seller! $69,900. Call NEW HOMES IN CHARLESTON RIDGE Special Financing - Free Appliances ^2000 Rebate to Buyer w /accepicihlc offer 1174 Church Rd • Immaculately kept 3BR.2BA brick ranch with leu of room! Cory pP in LR & den. bu ouuide of town. $( 18,000.Call Ci^ 278 Magnolia Ave • Gnst value in beaiMi Garden Wiey! 3/4BIÌ2BA bock ranch wnh double lot. Pretty bndicapirg. U finahed Ьмствя.Тоо d to be tnjc. Pnccd to sdl at $154,900. Coll îe s s a s j 1509 601N • Creat suner or invejtmcniH w y ............ ......property. 3BR. 2BA, approc I ICO sq.fi. Roof, AC, and arpet new in *'99 Lot is .76 acre. Negotiable price U8.90Q.CaBBriaett. o in N m n Sl S iim l.u i-4|)iii 134 W inding Creek C harleston Ridge 2ity (jon^ frtpkxc h tMig Rcom 3BR.2BA $124,900 Hatted by Peter Hearn Dii«ttoni:M0WtO(udt l70,leftonHirji 601S, aniigtit on Hwy ME. Hglit on OuiHeiton RJdp Dc, 2nd right on Winding Cnck CMM \ I I O I Sl Siiiul.iv i 4|)iii 465 Gordon Drive Advancefirrpbce Л Derv Open ArAtrun 3BR,2BA $129,900 Hosted by Briggett fcfreU O^rvctiomrMOVVto Exrt ISO, right on on Gvefcwood ur^right on 8rerrtw^fe/l on Charfotte.rffht on Gordon Or, on right 0 1 4 \ llO l S I Sm iil.i\ - liMii 509 Gordon Drive Advartce 2fhphca.NcwCkik&Roof 3BR.2ÌBA $147,900 Hosted by JonkMnton DirvctiorarMOWto ExH 180, right on Hwy$OIN,kftonOttkwoodDr^ri^ onBnntwiyodikftooOHifhtte.kfton (kidonDr. 124 Rfvcrskie Drive * I SOO on main level. Basement has bath, fireplace, gas monitor heater & partially finished bedroom i den. Updates include new windows, new air cond. 4 ytir old roof & new carpet Spacious 2 car carport $92^00. Call Mary. 340 Kinder Road • Harmony • Brick ranch w/ 4BR. 4 full BA. & full basement on 1,94 acrcs. Lower lefcl provides toul scperateliving quancrs. Additional acreagc also avaibblc. $199,900. Call _ (-Meadow Rklfe • NewCape Cod home. Rnished bonus rm make this a 4BR/2.SBA. Open vaulted ceiling In great mi. w/wonderful views. Hdwd's in foyer. DR & kit Urge t.8 acre lot $247,000. Call Mary Lynne. - Great 2 story home wnh kxs o( storage and ЬешиМ kiuhcrt. 3BR.7BA and c^er an acrv of tind fenced in bad^ard and wonderAineiÿibofkiod $139.900.011 Rodncyi ________, ____ Partially renovatedstory and 1/2 home in Mocksville’s Historic District 4BR. 2BA on large comer fot Convenient to schools, shopping & town. $119,900. CaU Debbie or Rodney. G iv e U s A C a ll T o H e lp Y o u F in d T h e P e r f e c t H o m e ! pbnfocuring 3BR. iwujiGis iwiu»M ptai rxxStv w/(^ .4firepJace. ccwered dea. screened bock pooK еагргче.$134.900.Са1Маг>1 ftêey _ kíKhen. Lane - Reac^ to mcvt h! Qikt n prMtB kxatxn Great Karto-hcme n $104,mCdl|«Ìu/to- JtniceMcDanlcl Debbìe Pennbgtoa .Чагу Lvnne Bayiioger Mary IlentJricks 909-0747 509-П84 691'Ò6j4 940’7077 Ш т т С М w/brick fointboaAI fenced h area b dop & hof«s.l4xl4 banWioriohcpyrf shed & cadi rocm ùn baard 14) co 4 horso. Only Si mles cf of 64. $127,900 Call Janice.itole Minton 97‘-*7*7 GltnStinlcjó)0-ii7J PtItrIInvtn998-1047 V A '*«# *? ' Briggttt FcrrcU 655-1849 JukieCtìuUton Donni Pennington 751-9400 751*9400 [[ТЛрту;:^ \ isK US Oli llu - w c h : w w w l \ iiiiiii';i() n R iM Ìi\.i4 ) m .........o r..........I -m a i! iis al m li)(“ ’l4 ’iiiiiiij;U )iiR i'a ll\.c i)in »8 - DAVIK COUNTY ENTERPRISE RKCORI). Лик. 22. The m onster truck Bigfoot will be at Cartner's, U.S. 64 W est of Mocksville, Friday and Saturday. Bigfoot Monster Truck To Be In Davie This Weekend It's one oClhc world's tough­ est and most famous trucks, and it's on the way lo Mocksville. Bigfoot, Ihe lepemlarj' [)eren- nial champion ofntonslor truck racing, will lie at Cartner's Cus­ tom Service. U.S. 64 Wesl al N .C. yOl and Davie Academy Road Friday and Saturtlav. Am:. 2.1-24.' ' The .'ippearance is part of a niif'rdnnl tour sponsored by Bridge-tone/Firesione. Nail Rohin.son Two Davie Students Earn WCU Honors Two Davie County residents were among Wesiern Carolina University undergraduate and graduale students who received academic awards or were hon­ ored Ibr participation in research e.xhibitions during the 21)01- 2(KI2 school year. Slevcn James Nail earned the outstanding senior in nianufac- luring engineering technology award front the College of A p ­ plied Sciences. A senior major­ ing in manufacturing engineer­ ing technology, he is the son of Janies and Renee Nail, lie is a lyyx graduate of Davie High School. Btandon Ale.xander Robinson earned Ihe A lice Matthews Award from the Col­ lege of .Arts and Sciences. A sophomore European history major and 20(10 Davie High Sehool graduale, he is the son of Victoria Gaither. C O L D l U e U . B A N K E R □ TRIAD, REALTORS' R iding on Firestone tires more than live and a half feet lall and inches wide, and pow­ ered by a l..‘i()(l horsepower, fuel-injected, supercharged .‘i72 cubic inch engine, the Bigfoot has lepi over everyihing from ii dozen cars lo a jet airliner. Standing nearly 11 feet tall, it has won Ihe monster trtick rac­ ing series 10 times,.piore than ABCs Report To Be Released Next Month The N.C. Slate Board of Edu­ cation will release the 2(Xll-()2 A B C Accountability Report on Sept. 12. Reports for Davie County .Schools will be included in Ihis release and w ill be made avail­ able to the public. Interested in­ dividuals may get iletailed infor­ mation on the performance of Davie Counly Schools through local media reports or a full re­ port can be obtained at lu tp :ll a l4 s .tlp i.s H ilc .iu MS. The A BCs of Public liduca- tion is Norlh Carolina's primary school reform program wiih the goals of providing strong local school accountahilily. an empha­ sis on mastery of basic subjects, and as much local decision mak­ ing as possible. The 2001-02 school year marked the sixth year of the ABCs for K-S and the fifth year for high schools. The A B C model rewards schools lhat exhibit growth in sludeni achievement. Schools are also recognized for Ihe per­ centage of Iheir studeni scores al or above grade level or profi­ ciency standards. l.ast year's report designaled Shady Grove Elem em ary as Davie County's first School of Excellence, the top recognition for sludeni perfomianee in the ABCs. LOT 18 TWIN CEDARS GOLF COURSE IN DAVIE COUNTY Magnificent Ixrt Wilh Golf Course Views 3 Bcdnxims. 2 Batlis, Ui(Kl+sii.lt. .\lasler Bath wilh Walk in Closet, Whiilpixil Tub & Separale Shower Kilchen w ilh Ba'akfast Room Uving Room. Dining Room Lirge Two Car Garage with Opener Ga.s Uig Fireplace in Uving Rixim Uirge Unfinished Bonus Room U)Us of HarUwoixl Flixmng Spadous Laundry Room Beautiful Brick anil Vinyl Exterior Buyer may choose CarpeLs OuLslaniiing al S159,<XX).fK) 998-2481 or 284-2694 Howell A Collegiate Scholar Jordan Pryce H ow ell of Mocksville accepted member­ ship in The Nalional Society of Collegiate Scholars and will be honored during a campus cer­ emony this fall al the Universily of Norlh Carolina al Charlotte. NSCS is a selective, national, non-profit honors organization that recognizes first and second year undergraduate students w ho excel academically. Th siK’iety was established on the principle lhal wilh scholar­ ship comes a responsibility to develop leadership and a duly lo perform service. GARAGE DOORS^ SALE BY OWNER METAL WOOD IN STALUTIO N • PARTS ACCESSORIES • SERVICE COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL Bobby Ginther (336) 751-2986 Mocksvillo, NC P ric B R e d u c e d !!! $159,900 288 Dogwood Lane, M ocksville. U rick n iiich cr hxratcd on a nice \v(M>dcd lo l ill c.xccllcnl ncii:hlx)rh(KH l. 2.(KX) sij. fl.. 3 bcdrxHini. 2 bath. 2 car garage, (ircplacc. spacious M iim H )ni. w / deck, fu ll bascnicnl. Call 751-3436 3 Building Lots For Sale In Ihe Fork Church Community Located on/off of Cedar Grove Church Road OK for doublewide, modular or site built homes •loti-U N D ER CONTRACT - 40,000+/-$f with road frontage, water meter & jcptic system • $25,000 • Lot 2 • UNDER CONTRACT • 1 + acre with toad fiontage.well & septic system - $25,000 • Lot 3 -1 *acro private 30'easement.great view • $25,000 ’All ocreage subjt'ct final survey Contact Roberl Stone (Owner/Broker) at Ri^rfork Properties 336-998-4733 all other competitors combined. "While it atlracis fans of all ages, il is palicularly appealing lo children, w ho love the roar of its engine, ils size, and ils abil­ ity lo jump over jusl aboul any­ lhing," said Phil Pacsi.consimier tires marketing manager. Il is also appealing to adults, particularly ihose w ho appreci­ ate its engineering. To generate the power for jumps and lo land in conlrol. the four-wheel dcive and four-wheel steering vehicle is hand-made from specialized components. The creators. Hob and M arilyn Chandler of St. l.ouis, have spent much of the past 26 years refining it. "Bigfoot is a modent auto­ motive m arvel," Pacsi said. "W hile it’s one thing lo see it perform on television, it's an entirely different experience,» see it up close, and to walk im- der it atul look inlo the driver's compartment, which resembles Ihe cockpit of a jet ftghler," a 1 4156 Clemmons Road r r U a c I l l l a l Clemmons, NC 27012 Carolinas Realty (336) 7 í í t - i f í f O O C a l l t o c i a y t o g e t t h e a n s w e r s t o e v e n y o u r t o u g h e s t r e a l e s t a t e q u e s t i o n s . Check O u t These L istin g s Cl.iCMiMONS WF.ST - .1636 Edfjcmorc - 5279,900 Impressive brick/vitty! traditional- 5 Bcilrooms. 4 Baths. Briglit spacioii.s rkitcltcn.M'ormal Living & Dining.-li^prc.4si\ c Master Suite. Basement eottlil be In-Law Qiiatlcrs. Call Beth Alkinson ' • ^ LKWISVII.LE - 12 Oak Grove - 5279,900 Consinielion has slarled. Htiy:.no\v to customize. Daylight Ba.senienI Гог future e.xpansion. 9x4 W/C in Master. Silting arcaon UL. Call for details. 526 i^iding Ridge Lane. Call Sherri Coram Cl.KMNtONS - 7712 Holly Field - 8219,900 Super, vaulted lamily room in this greal 4BIV3.I ВЛ, 2 ГР home on cul-de-sac. Fcnccd private yd w/large outbuilding, vinyl exterior, finished bsmt playroom, laundry on ML or LL. Convenient location. Warranty! Call Cheryl Fink CLEMMONS - 235 Field Brnok - $134,000 Great one level home in desirable loc. lg mstr. BR \v/\vaik-in cioscl, GR w/gas logs, plantation shutters, new еафе! 2001, beautiful landscaped yd w/nice decjo'jicutral decor, Must See! Call Sandra Johnson CLEMMONS - 5100 Spiral Wood - 5244,900 You'll love entertaining family & friends in tliis has aliubjant cabinets-irg mstr, suite-Awesomc LL has BR. ВЛ; ГР,>р1аут1 & bli'r/Lower level is heated w/\ entless gas logs. AMS Warranty. Call I’at Kinnamon LK\V)SVlt;bK - 825' Holly Hedge r S129,900 Additional lot sold w/property/rceent appraisal of S135000, Must See! Back on Market. Excellent split foyer with imrinishcd basement, will not last long. Call Welton Loftin MOCKSVILLE - 1334 N. Main St. - 5129,700 1298 SF finished in basement bul nol included in square footage. Basement has wood stove and w'et bar. Call Bill Nichols MOCKSVILLE - 5R1 Depot St - 5190,000 Commercial Potential, Great Visibility. High trallic count. City Utilities, Zoned 11C, Great Investment. Call Susan Parker BKUMUDA RUN - 153 Bermuda Run Wesl - 5310,000 Suфrising 3BR charmer w/ silting mi in MBR; loft overlooks OR; superb glazed maple kitchen w/SS appliances & 1IW lirs; study; excellent storage. Call Kalhy Phillips or Carol Ray CLEMMONS - 5605 Saddlcbrook Dr - 5209,900 Well maintained home; 2 story traditional with game room in basement including a fireplace; fonnal living, room and dining room: greal neighborhood. Call Pal Porter WINSTON-SALEM - 1501 Katie’s Crossing - 5102,900 New Const, with features nonnally found in more expensive honies: Marsh cabinetry, gounnel kitchen, marble entry and fireplace surround with llcaliialor gas logs, arched doorway. Numerous other feat. 52000 closing co.st, 3% comm, plus Bonus. Tax Value land only. Call Kimberly Potts CLEMMONS - 6984 Bridgewootl - 5184,900 Calh. clng., formal & family mis, wet bar in plymi, Office could be 4th BR. Large kit w/new lloor, lots of potential, excellent buy in family nbhd. pool avail. Private backyard. Call Jennifer Stroud BERMUOA RUN - 497 Riverbend - 5765,000 Best view ever! Pool, hoi tub & gazebo overlooks golf course & lakes. Marble fioors throughout. 2 Kitchens, call for supplemental sheet, AMS Warranty. Call Bev Supple or Gloria Matthews. T a n g le w o o d A g e n ts f ultrMOn, Utr^ju AkvmSvmí.ABA- в*. S4V« Cfls. Qm . I (кАОтМгач .ÔCtXM U«r.>iYUJ . CryiUiUvdtfVal 7144411П4-441б7U-M» 714441Î7U441Ï 7I4-441S71*44» 71*4418 iflfEOLWM М«гм()у •urt^Poe»UâryMHMwPu Kr<^wn(л. cr^, Cni PuPortw 1 lndep«ndenliy Owned Jttd Opcrdt<*tl Member uf Ih« Prudenti^i HedI Affiitdte», Im • Equal Houvtng Opporlunily fsi »e-sou;i44ce.9ieitJ2 766-7069 714-4407 7t4440e 7BÎ-77M . 7I444M I Se»i Xihmcr 5f»*raiThoiHii S^•»nC^x»m Vkü b BJUtî] w«awiuitn 7IS-44IOMÍ-401Í714-44097I4-44U714-4414'714-44?) ^¿I/U7l4-44:e DAVIE COUNTY OFFICE Intersection of Hwys 158 & 801 3Î6 998 8816 Relocation 1 800 327 4398 W H A T E V E R IT T A K E S wwv\/.coldwellbanker.com UT 4M ни ш ти Ш VAUIT lira ^ 3 uo firt СГ. *rx>M 4 atiTK 1.1 bi - J kl Ú2 rW'.‘»JuJ ÍC iti »/a feiw fit h fuTO Jrd muh rc,’ï ViS Wvrirf; Viulen-tj- У;6 1U; SStl.OQQ 212 и тм ш m mmm m wjnxi •«*» w ttîiica ГЙ #lî !« Ce.*» i-Wi'i i-vng & 4.1:г^ •тащt t7ïf\V-'l rtnn *1P rd tOT ItT MlâMMi Ш VâLUT Mve»S'*ÜU.1 in arj torra) jfus. (Vxkj miK«íiO» Cft* tr«.?,crtii A.I aï'jiliiX V<Milcrcrq-r)â-t1^r №«.«0 LOT I MimmtT aowi o«m2ièK 1(ле1( txcà *ew Югле cn Ur^e W. гл;« iu.ls »itn in.ng fooffl en min lf«l atr toa pijn. fifiiTea сслл fccm trtí ictt ol 4УХХ Co W»?>Cr.iijOi.ae CimsXiïüCfi М” ?7$2М.И0 LOr S FOttST (Ш UVlf Г2Дone \елл on<gn i.i« nere (Гм tnaiuring ?rìd IfrtJ fmiy-ed Ьсля 'сюя. SC^id Surtía coiTieíicoí ru’'.‘«xtí fiayj h е«:«пял noíCiW »»aû-'aui iwf ile«/ toon e/aa úoofí [eie* cfí*i swcí Vtli Flemifu 9И tte/S24l,M IIT 4SI scrm u MI VAUIT UVKУоЛ 2iéA ftr» era-xt.cr. rere »n cr« VUí- ift« fniü<r ,-^tí ya íxn ífcre an гал ^fjei í.t.'m, tr*J Î--- ...... --ccrri/.*» VutlieTw-t; 9 ilHïlïlïîl 1 * ‘ tacisi 2 VJf »ллй ГОЛ) infci in à.U7m, ivy: f i l a t i m i ; 1 tf: fj.'U’j ííof -------------------------38Я 2ifiA¡AC «Jf<nil(MXfelw/^*piX£»nqtJf rjl tJCri A noú-tO Sonj! Uri Ui* SJC/JQi íTio-f 01’»^ jrO * tai te IrtoЬЧ и Есля r.oTi FirtUt* Гл *ссОix-?ìàU5?et2.W 2iSA awtrf «wjfeít Sfxxíüsunce ij Ctji aeVE leí Ito v'oo •ookdi'uEi'U'tA;«) 11Я m iU iOT4ocevMTNcaaiOAtni -m ^twd on iertí. tml’toi' &Ч.1 tof-Ji.Tj!s rrjí lüiii pfiíjcY fimVïO tenus íccm p.«f W'íje ü'je пз ííbiitia Mí. yufVe агк.-с foon Ciní» П2 ГАИМШПЯ m OAVU 4BK Ш 2 SAC2 sicíí ^C)^ьe 7 p>ne T,oor,'iç. кй'О tncCf W'iCW p<í* Lic/<fl Си l'-K-in • hc*í Jiûû Si?! loti crrtfiooj 2 iiíTí Çfbil . rtxm lie 1Л i i им Gi 'Pi*'.i ^í3í?ít5|m.W . . ‘ lOT 17 t u m m a farm зоп жSpCiOus fjfitft й.:п tu'! 3 ur orj* $ 1 7 1 Vrool ¿4'T( Püt!i №1171 O H fkoH kfAgenú Ш s mam mm uw ‘m2Í£A cune Vft ftr« t-ïi i IX» ptríei toa ;iin ivít«j.СГ41 сала, tjf rt Uff ríúc« f-ífiíi úxn. r«í»l tr»*! íMjj vjnjieij (crji t«2 Ш1СШ1 Ш П um ^2 iUC Do rog ttiTi J j t-jj heme’ IM hu-raiae Щ rene vti cr 2 3 m uiv-n üíne. ttíi i/i.ii'ej uitrei Co.'v fr;ï< ГСЛЙ rü 1 v>je pür^ Сл*. кЛП£гШ \\1Ц\П.т ЮТ17 ПМСПМСМТ lAVK 36Я 2 ШKxt'tí с7агт»го jsUtcn to CourtVNf Ш Ли pr*i LiAiT »'Î' teiocTs •y uTi luei (Vifia nua i« CWij GaJk nli $117,9« 1111 ««N fT MM mmm ruaOAvmM ЗЁН &o»t)riftj 10 W.fafcn Siiem, ItJirriap ^ CiiiWTom r.j «Hf Mii rr-a/U'nrt Ьоп« ü PKtíi ùxaxfû «.luil byi A nui V№ I» VWUl' Collii Cl«?* jc/raon C^^llGi<»»aii^â$i2i,v‘ m iw u ШЕ wwui eâwi ЗВЯ ?BAftia «ni (ifc\ s/t W t г ex tvtMTjge fiTui/ed 'Геа.'«! rocrt m UienefI m оея jnd btitrifrt A>iS ^cre •ïfi.'i) UKtivü fiffue Jumson • iiS-llSf $1I4.M LOT 41 MTEM РШ UVK 2SR 1BA Gd )moatiifi fcti tn Ciii oOje G» tü íJu:!íO ceiJTo, loQ FP u »/.VW ИиЛе Oetí*,'V\iJrb¿jT/í Iumi*cîerBtwiTOfÉî into jn irtrtaiffert' 6«.«« Coi I77.M ЮТ 1М ШПМ ГШ OAVU 2ER IBA Щ'чП ищ] un Ьл cfeijef? F;«сслугиа.ог iOtímion Firtfiía »v3 ulii.tr (OCíTI ClOV! lo »ni УерСВПО IWUÍVUfcítiwn65$74.«e iMtontlMMqrCMk^ Ш Ы т dKbCMi .а?йг.ш ш т E S ./MmíéiIIÍH C2001 (o<(ÍAell OJnki-r ffcjl ÍMJte Corpo(Jt>on СьМмсИ Djnkcit u jiegiUercd trjdcrruikol (oMwell Озпкег Cuporjtíon. Ал IqujI Oppoflunity (ümpjny. Equol XoutiriQ OppoMuoity. (jcIi Ollicc u indcpcfvieiUly Owned ¿nd Н т Ш т нтомм m w u m-1171m*maн и шm*iiu m-iiD WMin т ш ff»-117)m -m itft-IIU > fw-iiM : n t \ w j S e e d l i n g s N o w A v a i l a b l e F r o m N . C . F o r e s t S e r v i c e DAVIK COUNTY KN’I'KRI’RLSK RKCORI), Aug. 22, 2002 - D9 Plant S om e Trees H annah, Eddie and Tyler C om alzer display the three large, volunteer w aterm elons that grew next to their swim ming pool. Volunteer W aterm elons Delight Local Fam ily The winner of the "Ugliest Lawn in the PieijJmont Triad" conlest belongs to Jeff and Cindy Tierney of Advance. Advance Couple Wins ‘Ugliest Lawn’ Contest Tree plamini; season is just aromul Ihc corncr. and Ihe N.C. riircsl Scrvicc is оГГспп;; socil- lings to tlitt public I'or pennies a I rec. NCI\S luirserics grow several varieties of tree secilliiigs jzeiicti- cally improved lo yield hiyh- 4uality wood, ailapi easily to varying sile and soil conditions and lo he disease and insect :e- sistam. l-il'ly species are available this year inchidint:. lohlolly. lonylcal' aiul sliortleal' pine, and a variely of oaks. Most of Ihese Irees are available in laryeipian- , lilies oiilv, hut I'or as lillle as .S30 Isn'l Slimmer iireal in Hi.vby'.’ For the luldie ami Carrie Cornatzer lam ily of Iris Lane and Iheir neighhors. a viiiiiig surprise made the droiighl- plagued suniiner more eiijoy- ahle. -Soinclinie lasl summer, chil­ dren al the Cornat/er's swim ­ ming pool ale a ualerinelon. ’I'lie seeds were washed olT Ihe concrele into soil. "To everyone's surprise, a walennelon vine started grow­ ing in the rose garden around Ihe pool." Carrie Cornal/er saiil, "Il grew aiul grew, taking over ihe roses on Iwo sides ol’ Ihe swirn- ining pool." livery ilay. Ihe children checked Ihe progress ol'ihe mel­ ons. "It was such a wonderlul sight lo see Ihis wilh all! he se­ vere droughi in Ihe area." she said. "We ilo nol know il' il was Ihe rose I'ooil or die chlorine lhal was splashed on il daily in Ihe ‘)0 ilegree weather I'or days and days, hul il conlinued lo grou and grinv," The I'ainily guessed ihe wa- lermeliins would weigh ahoul .^0 pounds each. The Ihree melons I'roni the vine weighed 47 pounils. -17,,^ |iounils and a whopping -I'),,“' poimils • a lolal of 144 pounds i>r walernielon . "liveryone on I4.S Iris l.ane enjoyed walernielon lor Ihe lasl lew days of sunnner." she said. Yes. ihey saved some seed I'or iie.M vear. The "Ugliest Lawn in the I’ieilnumt rriail" belongs lo JelT and Cindy Tierney in Advance. That's the unanimous deci­ sion of judges from The Mudd Seed Company, and Nature's Select I’reiniuin I'lirr Services which cosponsored Ihe longiie- in-cheek CDiilest during ihis drinight-plagues sumnier. liach «e ek froin June 1')- July 24. W X Il NewsChannel 12 I'ealHved ugly lawn sites Ihroughoiil die I’iedmonl Triad. I'ollow ing a sudden-dealh grass-ofi'. the judges deler- nhned lhal Ihe .Advance lawn G et it w e e k ly ... w i t h n i l H n le r p r is c s u b s c r ip t io n Send S2t) for line year lo: Davie C'.oiiiuy Enterprise Record P.O. Box 99, Mocksville. NC 27028 S u n r ise Carpet Cleaning & Janitorial Service rcsldontlal, commcrcial, Industrial SpccI.i I Any two rooms- $65.00 336-463-2965 deserved the grand prize: a complete inake-iwer or a year I'rom Nalure's Selecl. including labor. Rebels grass seed and lawn milrients I'lir a year. " The decision was dil'l'icult." admilled I’.J. l.enihan. a lawn care e.vperl from Nalure's Se­ lecl, "l!ul this lawn has massive brown spols and nearly every weed round in Ihis region, in­ cluding clover, crabgrass. and dandelions. We need lo slarl now to rid the lawn of the weeds so we can begin a fall make-over." W X ll will track progress of ihe make-over. Ш Ш Ш И А per I .(1(10. Landowners wishing to plant fewer Irees or a vareily of trees may wani to consider purchas­ ing a wildlife or enviromenlal pack of seedlings. The wildlife pack eonlains a mixture of seed­ lings designed lo provide food for birds and animals, while Ihe environmental pack contains seedlings ofthe mosi common trees foinul in the eastern or wesiern pari of the stale. Oach pack eonlains I (K) tree seedlings. Seedling order forms are available Ihrough Ihe N .C. For­ est Scrvice. Contact the Davie ranger ,u 7.‘il-.‘î.3|y. f Homo Improvement V.iluc Cent3B& B3Q SS"The Store For Jimir Floon" ^ A b b e y G a i^ ie t . There is nothing like Ihc beauty and warmth of \ a hardwoood floor lo added value lo your home. UV arc th e store lo shop in Ihis area for prefiiiishiiig wood floorina. Wood floors will add lo the beauty of your home. U'c have a broad selection in all price ranges. Not Satisfied? We'ii Change Youf Floor! Al)bey’s 60 Day Hard Surface 2 0 Y E A R W A R R A N T Y Longest Lasting 3’ Coverage / Many Colors Pole Buildings Metal Roofs & Siding ? 1-888-278-6050 MID-STATE METALS W e ’ r e j u s t a m o u s e -c l i c k a w a y . . . DAVIE C O U N TY T ENTERPRI/E^ECO RD ---------------------'n \ , ' 'и . ' > ------------------, У ‘ " f '. . ' 1 ' С Features У > ,. М - У и С O bituaries^ V Г Classifieds ^ (Subscription^ (^Reader’s PolQ С üieather OHLINE Go to the Davie County Enterprise Record website at vmw.enterpnse-record.com for a convenient link to our latest edition. It’s your online connection to Davie County. Davie County... WeVe Got You Covered! w u i u i . e n t e r p r i s e - r e c o r d . c o m DIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 22, 2002 Davie Dateline D A V IE C O U N TY E N T E R I’RI.SE R E C O R D , Aug. 22, 2002 - D ll F u n d r a is e r s Thursday, Aug. 22 Poor Man’s .Supper, Cooleemee UMC. 5-7 p.m.. donalions accepied. Fri. & Sat., Aug. 23 & 24 Yiud Sale. S. Main Streel, 7 a.m.-umil on Friday. 7 a.m.-12 noon Salurday. Saturday, Sept. 21 4lh Annual Ride For Animak, ride slans 11 a.m. al Masonic Picnic Grounds behind Brock Cenler, Main St.. Mocksville. Cosi 520 reg. fee. sponsorships available. Info; 751-5214 or www.davienchunianc.org. pre­ sented by The Humane Society of Davie County. Ре11й1оп Sunday, Aug. 25 Movin’ Up, southern gospel trio, at Liberty UMC Homecoming scrvicc, sermon al 10 a.m.. singing at 10:45 a.m. Lunch will follow at noon. Info: 284.2553. Guesl Speaker, Mark Shore al Hope Baplisl T abemacle, at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. ilomccoming, Bethlehem UMC. 321 Redland Road, guest speaker: Rev. Dr. J. Micheál Leatherwood. 11 a.m. worship. Bring covered dishes and beverages to share. Concert, The Believers Quartet, al Bread of Life Bapt. Church. 7 p.m.. N.C. SOI N.. Mocksville. For info: 463-3192 or 463-2178. Sun.-Tues., Aug. 25-27 Revival, 7p.m. nightly, at Farming* ton UMC. Call 998-3769 for more info. Ongoing Preschool/Pnrenl<> .Morning Oul, Belhlehem Uniled Melh. Time: 9 a.m.-noon. Ages I & 2 - M.W or T. Th, Age 3 - M.T. Th. Age 4 & Pre- K -three orfourdaysper week.Call 998-6820. Prcschool/Parenl.<i Morning Oul, Center United Melh.. Ages 3 & 4 Mon., Wed., Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.. Call 940-3753 or 492-5735. Revelation Study, each Sun. nighl. 6:30 p.m. At Sheffield Music Hall, intersection of Sheffield Rd. & Turkeyfoot Rd. Everyone welcome lo attend. Befure School Program Гог Shady Grove Students, available Mon.- Fri. beginning 6 a.m. at Advance UMC Communily Bldg. School bus arrives 8 a.m. lo take children lo Shady Grove Elemenlary. Call 998- 0199 for fees and info. Anana & Bible Study, Wednes­ days nl 7 p.m., Hope Baplist Taber- nacle. F fe u n io n s Sunday, Aug. 25 .Spillman & Hutchens Reunion, al Fbtbash Bn Dept, on Old 421 liyit. Eveiyooe conlially inviied. Drinks pro­ vided. Lunch saved at I p.m. Sunday, Sept. 8 Annual Kooe Reunion, .nl WRD Fin; Depl. fellowship from 11 :.30 lun, until. Lunch will be al I p.m. S p e d a l E v e n ts Began Sunday, Aug. 11 StepFast Lifestyle .Seminar, Sundiiy evenings 6:30 p.m.. runs 12 weeks al Mocksville Sevenih-I>.iy Adventist Fel­ lowship Hall. Call 492-246« or 492- 7926 to pre-register. D a te s to R e m e m b e r Thursday, Aug. 22 OnC'Slop Voting for Sept. 10 elec­ tions begins in Eleciion Officc. Saturday, Aug. 24 Gospel .Music Concert, 7 p.m.. Al Brock Performing Arts Center. Mocksville. all proceeds go to Children's Miracle Network. Call 751 - 1266 for ticket info. Rabies Clinic, Davie Veterinary Qinic, 154 N.Salisbuty Street. Mocks­ ville. Hours: 8 a.m.-12 noon. S5 fee for each animal vaccinated. Tuesday, Sept. 10 Primary & School Boiird Eleclions, 6:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12 Davie Unilcd Methodist Mission Hoard, Exec. Comm, at 6:45 p.m.. Gen. Bus. at 7:.10 p.m., ut Concorti UMC. Ongoing Visit Cooleemee's Mill Village .Mu­ seum, l4 ChurchSl.,Tues.&TIiur5., 9 a.m.-noon. Sals.. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Tours also available by appt. Call 294-6(M0. Preschool slorytlnie. Tues.. II a.m..Davie Counly Libraiy. 3t)-niinule program. For children ages 3-5. Mu­ sic. read .iloud. stories, films, nursery rtiynies. .Mocksville Crulse-In, Main Street. I SI & 3rd Mondays. April thru Oct.. 6 p.m. Piedmonl CARS Association, for more info 751-3770 or 284-2079 or 492-5715. M e e t in g s Tuesday, Aug. 20 Kappa Homemakers, 7 p.m.. at Davic Acadcmy Community Bldg. Davie Co. Republican Party, last meeting before prirnar>-. meet and lalk with candidates, 7:30 p.m.. al head­ quarters. Christian Women's Clubs, Aug. 21 & Aug. 22 at Bcmiuda Run Counlf>' Club, meetings open to puhlic. but nrser>'ations required. Fa^e nun.cr>’ pn)vidcd. Wed. luncheon 11:15 a.m., $ 12.25, make rcservalions 924-9281. Thurs. brunch "Eating In". SI0.50, make reservations 760-4253. Tuesday, Aug. 27 Woodmen ofthe World I,odKc323, 7:30 p.m., at Davie Academy Com­ munily Bldg. Thursday, Sept. 14 Davie United .Methodist Mission L o c a l Y o u t h T o C o m p e t e I n M a r k e t L a m b , G o a t S h o w Many Davic County youth have been working hard in preparation for the Yadkin- Davle 4-H Market Lamb and Meat Goat show on Aug. 24 ¡il 5 p.m. at the Easl Bend Recre- aiional Park. "These youlh have spent many hours of hard work, time Man Sings For President Tech Sgl. Robert Martin sang the National Anthem at Mt. Rushm ore on Thursday, Aug. 15 be­ fore Prsident Bush spoke on home­ land secu­ rity. Martin is stationed at Ellsworth Air Force M arlin Base in Rapid City, S.D. He has been singing since he attended Mock.sville Middle School. He isa 1986 graduate of Davle High School, where he was class president. He and his wife, Nadine, have a son. Julian. Jim and Jo Martin of Mocksville are his parents. His sisteré are Teresa Sheets, Charlene Dunn an Tonya Martin. ■I and sweat lo prepare Ihcir ani­ mals for this evenl," said Coop­ erative Extension Agent Phil Rucker. "This is the first show, of many, for these youlh. The show is a time ihe participants gel to exhibit the fruits of their labor and receive the accolades they deserve. ‘The laid-back family atmo­ sphere makes this event a per­ fect place to relax and watch some local youth compete, make friends, have fun adn leani some important life skills along ihe way,” Rucker said. Hamburgers, chips, drinks and homemade ice cream will be served. Conlaci the Cooperative Ex­ tension office al 751-6297 for more inform.ition. JU L L Se r v ic e D e s ig n as W iinr "IVc offer... Accessories • ‘FÍivr Ctnvriryj V’íii/ínv T' Oitini 'ífílliíí 'BeáíiiM '£i\ '\VtiU Ccnvrintfs щ М щ £n5£mííí5 ílCinvríiys iiífc Trees A' Ш т Sface Interior Designs, In c (336)766-9918 m e Omwm OnJMM Um} Board, E.XCC. Comm, at 6:45 p.m., Gen. Bus. at 7:30 p.m., at Concon! UM C Ongoing Humane Society of Davle Co., monlhly meetings 2nd Tues. of cach month, at office Yadkinville R<l. be­ hind ciu-wash. 751-5214. Davle Republican Mens Club,meets 4ihSalunlayofc.nchmonth.7:.ina.m., Red Pig BBQ. Celebrute Recovery, weekly support group for those'slniggling wilh bad habits, addiciion.s. and victims of abuse. Meets Fridays, 7 p.m., al Hillsdale Bapl. Church, Hwy. 158, AdviUice. Call 940-6618 formore info. DavieCounly HorseEniergency Res­ cue Team, 7:.30 p.m., dowustairs al tlie Agricultural Building, Mocksville. Ev­ ery 3rd Tuesday cach month. For info: <W0-2II1, Davie Co. Hand Ilonsters, meets 2nd Tuesday of monlh. 7:30 p.m.. Davie High Biuid RiKini. Sherndd-Caluhaln Support Group, 2nd lUid4lh Tues.. 7 p.m.. New Union Meth. Church. Meeting open lo com­ munity. Family Services "Whal Every Par­ ent Should Know",parentingclasscs to interested parenis of teens in Icxal areas, every Mon. 6-7:15 p.m.. al Mocksvillc office Sanford Ave. Cost S15. For more info: 751 -4510. Jerusalem llapt. Church isaprovid­ ing support for those who have losl Iheir jobs. 8:30-10 a.m. on Mondays, call 336-284-2328 for more info. Progressive Club ofCooleemee, 2nd Tuesday. Cooleemee Lihr.iry, 5 p.m. Call 284-2975 for info. Chrislian llusinessnien's Commit­ tee of .Mocksville, Thur.days, 7 a.m. Mocksville Rolao' Hul. (fold Wing Touring Asswlallon, Red Pig Barbecue. Greasy Comer. N.C. SOI al U.S. 601. 6 p.m. 284- 4799. Davle Counly Stamp Club, 2nd Thurs,. Davic Senior Center. 7 p.m. 751-0611. Cooleemee Recreation Association. Zachary House. 1st Tuesd.iy. 7 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous. Sundays. 6 p.m. iuid Wednesdays, 8 p.m.. Second I’resbyterian Qiurcli basement. Pine St. Call 751-1490 or 751-7786 for info. Homeschool 4-H Club, 2nd & 4th Tuesday.Call998-8925 formore info. Piedmont Triad Rubbil Fanciers, last Sunday of cach monlh, 2:30 p.m. All rabbit owners welcome. Call 336- 998-9858 or visil www.piednionllriadrabbil.com or e- inailplrl2000@aol.coni formore info. Help VourselfSupporl Group, C;ui- cer Services, Inc., 2nd T uesday, noon- I :.10p.ni. DavieCounly Library. Bring bag lunch if you wish. Formore info, call 751-0313 or 760-W83. .MOPS (.Mothers of Preschoolers). Macedonia Moravian Church. Fel­ lowship. food, support, .md cre.ilive activities. Children receive e.xccllenl care in ihe guided MOPPETS pro- gr.un. Registration fees an; nominal ;uid scholarships are available. Meet­ ings arc the 1 st mid 3rd Fndaysof each month beginning Aug. 16. from 9:15- 11.45 a.m. Davic School Schedule is followed. Questions call 998-43‘M. The Artist Group, Davie Coumy Li­ brary. 7 p.m. Last Tues. Call Bonnie at 998-5274. Center Communily Developmenl. 3ro Mon., 7 p.m. Community Bldg. Cooleemee Town Board, 3rd Tues­ day, Town Hall. 7 p.m. unless other­ wise noted. Norlh Cooleemee and Clark Roud Council, 2nd Wednesday. 7 p.m. Friendship Baptist Fellowship Hall. Davie Domestic Violence Services. Support groups for victims. Sessions free, confidential. Tuesdays. 7 p.m. and Friday. 10 a.m. DDVS Office in Davie County Ofiice Bldg.. 751 -.3450. Family Violence Prevention Ser­ vices of Davie Counly, Fre-e counsel­ ing fcr viclims of violence and their A Storehouse For Jesus FREE MEDICAL CLINIC Open every Tliursday evening 5:00 PM to 8:30 PM To mike an iipixiintmctu call (336) 751-1060, or come by the clinic, between 2.-00 PM luul 5.<X) PM on Tlutrstktyafiemoon. Clients musl meet certain eligibility requirements Spanish imerpreter amiluble ) children. Separate groups. Tuesdays. 6-7:30 p.ni.First Unilcd Mcihixlisl Church Ilf Mwksville, Call l-MX)- 728-.14I3. Concerned Bikers Association. Foolhills Chapter. 2nd Wednesday, Wcsieni Sleer, U.S. 601 at l-tO. 7 p.m. I^ublic welcome. Advancc (iarden Club, 1 si Tues., 9 a.m.,MocksUMC,998-21ll. Mocksville (Í arden Club, 1 siTliurs., First Baplisl Fellowship Hall, 7 p.m. Visitors welcome. .Sons of Confederate Velerans, 1st Monday, Cooleemee Hislorical Build­ ing, 7 p.m. Mocksvillc Rolary Club, Tuesdays, 12:10 p.m., Rolary Hul. Take Off Pounds Sensibly. Belhlehem Unilcd Metluxlist Chureh. 6:45 p.m. Tliurs. Farmington Masonic l.odge No. 265, 2nd Monday, 7:30 p.m. at the lixige. Cancer support group, 2nd Tues­ day. 7 p.m.. Davie Libr.uy. forcancer patients, fricn<l, nuiiily. l-8(XI-228- 7421 or 751-0313. .Mucksville I.lons Club, Isl, 3rd Tliursdays, 7 p.m., Rolary Club. Davle Co. United Way Hoard of Directors, 4th Monday. 5:30 p.m.. Brock Center Annex, Conf. Rixini 208. Mocksville-Davie Humebullders, 4lliTluirMlay.7p.ni..CaplainSleven's, Davle lligh Alhlellc Ilwislers, 3rd Monday, 7 p.m., sclux)] cafclcria. Disabled American Veterans No. 75 and Auxiliar)', 3nl Monday. 7 p.m.. chapier home. U.S. 601 soulh of M<x;ksville. Karininglon Rurllan Club. 2iul Thursday. 7:30 p.m.. Farminglon Meiluxlisi church. HKI.PS .Ministries, Christi:ui recov­ ery program for women sexually abused as children. Mondays, 7:30 p.m.. 41 court .Square. Rmini 210. Alzhelmers Support tiroup. 2nd Tliursday. 7 p.m., Easl Rixim. Sr. Cenler. Hrcxk Bldg.. N. .Main St., 751-(Kill, llrca,st-reedingSupporl(;roup,2iul Tuesday, Davie lleallh Depl.,6-7:30 p.m. Parents Resource Organi/.iitiun (I’RO) support group for families of children wilh disabililies, 2nd Tues­ day, 7 p.m. Call Rosemary KropfeUler at>m-3311 for location. Jerlcho-llardisun Ruritan Cluh. 2nd Tuesday. 7 p.m., club building, lleallh Dept..clinic hours: Mon.-Fri.. 8:.30-11:30 a.m.. 1-4:.30 p.m.: Tues­ days, 4:30-7 p.m.: I'een lleallh Pro­ motion Clinic, 8:30 a.m.-nixin, 2nd, 4th Saturdays. Davle Counly Board orSocial Ser- vices.4lh Tuesday. 5:30|).m. al USS. Mocksville AA, Thurs., 7 p.m. - closeil mtng. Sun., 8 p.m. - open mtng. Call Chrisiine at 998-9885 or Terry 940-5944. Narcotics Anonymous Againsi All Odds Group. Sundays, 6 p.m., Thurs­ days, 8 p.m., Ro<im 208, i)rix.-k Bldg. Drug Prohlem? Helpline, 910-785- 7280. .Mocksville American Legion I’osi 174. VFW Hul. Sanford Ave., 2nd Tliursday. 7 p.m. .Mocksville Civitan Club, 6:30 p.m., 2nd, 4th Monday. Western Sleer. Advance .Memorial Post 8719 Vet- enuis of Foreign Wars luid Ladies Auxiliary, 4lh Tues., 7:30 p.m., post home. Feed Mill Road. Davle County Righl To Life. 7 p.m., 3rdTliutsday.gnuuljutyriX)m.court- house. 751-.5235 or 492-5723. Cooleemee Memorial VFW Post 1119. 2nd, 4th Thurs., 7 p.m., VFW Hall, N.C. 801. Corinthian Lodge No. I7F&AM, 2nd. 4th Fridays. 7:30 p.m. al Ihe lodge. Mocksville Lodge No. 1.34,1st Tues­ day. 7:30 p.m. at the lodge. Davle Bus. Women's Assw. I st Wed. each month. Davie YMCA. riixin. To RSVPcall 751-5672. Cwileeniee Civitnn's Club Meet­ ing. 1st and 3rd Mon. each monlh, 7 p.m.. Reti Pig, Hwy. 801 ,С1ю1естее. Cui) Seoul Pack 504, sponsored b Fulton United Melh. Chureh, 1st and 3nl Tues. nighls each rnonlh. 7-8:30 p.m. Young Ixiys 1-5 grades who would like to Ivcome a rnemlx;r are welcome lo ;illend. Duvie Co. MS Support Group. 2nd Mon. of each rnonlh. 6 p.m.. Davie Co. Hospital, Cooleemee A A. behind Good Shep­ herd Episcopal. Tues. & Fri.. 8 p.m. R e c r e a t io n For more infonnation on these evenis, call 751-2.325. Line Dancing Fanìùngton Community Center. Ev­ er)’ Tuesday. Cost: $2. Instnicton*: Steve & Linda Hatley. For more info, call 751-3848. Rec Club Before (S ! 5)or after (S25)school and out of scluKil prognuns. Registration open. GoodTimersSquareDance Dance Lessons S5 per monlh. Volun­ teers foriiiffercnt social evenis. Con­ tact Ethel al 998-3837. Silverstriders Walk Club Seniors, 50 and up, M-F. 6:30-9 a.m. No charge. Mothers Morning Out Tuesilavs and Thursdays. $7 jxrr day. $40 per month. The Dance Company Mon.,Tues.. Wed.,Л Sal.Call Emily Rol4'r1son.998-5l63. Davie Senior Games Davie Senior 55 Л: up have we gol fund for you. 1500 & 5K Racewalk Com|xMilion.Sepl. 2 lal YMCA irack. Reg. ojx-ns 7 a.m. S15 includes i -shirt. Division forali ages. This is ajudgetl evenl. To find oul more call Kalhie al Kcc. De|tl. 751-2325. 3 On 3 Basketball Toumament. .Sepl. 28 at Kec. Dcpi. S25 reg. fee. Trips Thursday, Sept. 19 Mystery Trip, $30 per person, leave 7 a.m.. reium 6 p.m.. reg. deadline 9/ 13. Antiques & morv! Friday, Sept. 20 Suulhern Women's Show, $30 per person, leave 8:30 a.m.. return 6 p.m. reg. ileadline 9/13. Mon. Sept. 23-Thurs. Sept. 26 Full IJ^hlhouse Tour, $355 per |>er* son double iKcupancy. Reg. deadline 9/»Л Wed. SThurs., Oct. 9& 10 Indian Summer/Pigeon Forge/ Cherokee, S125 per |x;rson dbl. Reg. dcailline 9/27. Y M C A For more infomiation, call 751 -%22 or visil Davic Family YMCA. Swim Lessons Clux).se one week, four week, and Sal. a.m. sessions. Pre-regislralion re­ quited. Call I'orcoMs.date.s, and linic.s. Water Exercise Class Easy enough for Iteginners. clialleng- ing enough for the e.\(K*rienced. All ages \velcon)c. Call for class tyjx's & limes. Gym & Swim Thurs. 9-11 a.m. (ages 3-5). A givat start for any chilil. Conlldcnce & sell esteem .slrvssed. Monlhly sessions. Karate-Carucado Style Tuesdays. 7-8:45 p.m. Ages 7 & up. Tae Kwon Do Ages 6 iV: up. Meel Tues. & Thurs.. 4:45, 6:00, 6:45 p.m. Pee Wee/Kiddie Kickers SiKcer registration l>egins Aug. I foi 3-8 yr. olds. Session mn Sepl. 14 - Oct. 19. Please call for limes and details. Parents Night Out .Sept. 13. 6-l0:.30 p.m. Ages 3-12. Take Ihe night off and allow the YMCA locare foryourchild. Activi­ ties include swimming, arts & crafts, games and a movie. Dinner served 6:.^()p.m.Cosi:$7mcmlH.*rs,$!0non- memlvTN. Family Night Aug. 16ih. 6:.M)-8:30 p.m. Come ta*ai your family lo evening at Y. Have dinner, play games, swim, and much moa*. Cost: $2 j>er jvrson (51'i: unilcr fa‘c). S e n i o r s All Senior Acliviiies lake place at ihe Davie Counly Senior Cenler l(H,*aled in ihe BriKk Building on Nonh iMain Sireel. Mocksville unless olhervvise noted. Call 75l-Of)II. Ongoing Lunch, M.T.W . 11:31) a.m.. Th. & Fri.. 11 a.m. Silver Health Kxercises.SeniorCen* ter, M.W. F. 8:30 a.m. Quilting», every’ Monday. 10 a.m. Bridjje, Tuesdays t'c Fridays. I p.m. Ciird& Board(iaiiH‘s,\V. 1:30p.m. Creallve ScraphookhiK Class. 2nd Tuesday, 2 p.m. Palm Class, \Vednesdaysat8:30a.m." Or. Dunn, Podiatrist, at Sr. Centei every lha’e weeks on Mondays al 8:.^0*a.m. Free Blood Pressure Checks, oticea monlh. call Sr. Cenler for dales. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Items for Davle Dateline should Iv re{)orted by n(X)n Moiulay ot Ihe pub­ licalion week. Call 751-2120 or drop il by the ofiice, at S. Main Sl. across from the courthouse. W IN C A S H B e a P ig s k in P r o g n o s tic a to r . F o ll o w t h e f o o t b a ll g a m e s , a n d i f y o u p i c k t h e m o s t w in n e r s in t h e w e e k ly c o n t e s t s p o n s o r e d b y t h e E n t e r p r is e R e c o r d , y o u c o u ld e a r n s o m e c a s h m o n e y . C h e c k o u t t h e s p o r ts s e c t io n b e g in n in g n e x t w e e k , DAVIE CO UNTY ENTERPRI/lsi;|^ECORD Co m e CHECK OUT OUR ARRIVAL OF N E W F a l l M e r c h a n d i s e ___ • ARIAT SANDALS and select footwear on SALE • Resistal & Stetson Straw Hats 20% off • Brighton Belts & Wallets 20% off • 20% off all Montana Silver Jewelry, Buckles ! • Mens & Ladies summer shirts buy one get one half price (regular merchandise ONLY) All others reduced 30% or more w m \ Hours: Mon-Fri 10-7; Sat 10-6i M O N T A N A The Oaks Shopping Center • Lewisville • 336-945-2566 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY MOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING eHRJEQUEST FOR ■AtttjEXATIQN The public will lake notice lhat Ihe Board ol Commissioners ol Ihe Town ol Mocksville has called a public hearing al 7:00 p.m. on Sep­ tember 3. 2002 al the Mocksville Town Hall on Ihe question ol an­ nexing the lollowing described ter­ ritory, requested by petition filed pursuant lo G.S. 160A-31: Annexalion Request Descrip­ tion: Beginning al an existing axle located in ihe weslern boundary line ol the Ronald J. Stroupe Prop­ erty (Deed Book 357. Page 208) and the easlern boundary line of the Michael R. Whilaker Property (Deed Book 109, Page 425). said point being lurlher located N 29«2r31" W 299.55 feel lo an ex­ isting tall iron pin, Ihe northeast corner ol the said Whitaker Prop­ erly and a common corner ol the said Siroupe Properly; thence leaving the Whitaker boundary line and a new line lor Stroupe Ihe lol­ lowing courses: N 10"46'03" E 575.94 Ieet lo an unmarked point; thence N 81W 17" E 625.00 feel lo an unmarked point: Ihence S 03'‘34'00" 272.76 Ieet to an exisiling iron pin, Ihe northeast cor­ ner ot the Belty Jarvis Property (Deed Book 91. Page 845) and lo­ cated in said Siroupe existing boundary line; thence continuing wilh said common boundary line S 73-34'48- W 187.78 leel to a placed iron pin at an existing iron pin; thence S 03''34'00" E 400.00 feet to an existing axle, being the southeast corner of the Ronald J. Stroupe Property (Deed Book 357, Page 845) and also located along the northern right of way of Coun­ try Lane; thence with said right of way line the lollowing courses: S 70“39’04"W 127.81 leelloapoim; Ihence S 67"17’31" W 169.02 feet lo a power pole; thence S 61 "31 ■22" W 186.38 Ieet to an ex­ isting axle to the point ol beginning. Containing 10.172 acres. This description prepared by Grady L. Tutterow, PLS 2527. 8-22-1tnNORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix ol Ihe Estate ol STEPHEN FRE­ DRICK PEACOCK, lale of Davie County, Ihis is to notify all persons having claims againsi said estate lo present ttiem lo the undersigned on or before the 15th day ol No­ vember. 2002, being three (3) months Irom the lirst day ol publi­ calion or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediaie paymenl to the undersigned. This the 15th day of August. 2002. Stephanie Dawn Peacock 784 Daniel Road Mocksville, NC 27028 8-15-4tn FOR SALE: Cars • Trucks Utility Buildings Carports: All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lots 336-751-3442 Mocksville, NC HOUSE FOR SALE Brick ranch home in cul-de-sac. Beautiful wooded 1.63 acres, outbuildings, near 801 N. in Farmington. $165,000. Call Merie Rector, Remax Realty Consultants 940-5780 Birthday tothe BBQ Queen Missy Hendrix Aug. 23 From Jane P U B L I C N O T I C E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Co-Execu- lors ol Ihe Estate of WILLIAM L. HENDERSON, late ol Davie Counly, this is lo notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them lo Ihe undersigned on or before the 22nd day ol No­ vember. 2002, being three (3) months Irom tho lirst day ol publi­ cation or Ihis nolice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 22nd day ol Augusl, 2002. Judy Henderson Beam 8360 Riverwalk Drive Clemmons, NC 27012 Donald B. Beam, Jr. 8360 Riverwalk Drive Clemmons, NC 27012 8-22-4tnNORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Co-Execu- lors ol Ihe Eslale ol TREVA L. SPILLMAN, late ol Davie County, Ihis is to notily all persons having claims againsi said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belora the 22nd day ol Novem­ ber. 2002, being three (3) monlhs from the firsl day of publication or Ihis nolice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted lo said eslale will please make im­ mediate payment to the under­ signed. This the 22nd day of August, 2002. Ann 8. Younts. COEX 189 Lester Foster Road Advance, NC 27006 James R. Spillman. COEX 2309 Bryan Terrace Clemmons, NC 27012 8-22-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE JUVENILE COURT DIVISION FILE NO.: 02 CVD 246 LUCY BRICKENSTEIN ZOLB ZANTOUT PLAINTIFF, VS. BASSAM CHAFIC ZANTOUT DE­FENDANT 2ND AMENDED NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: BASSAM CHAFIC ZANTOUT TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking reliel against you has been liled in the above-enlilled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: THE PLAINTIFF IS SEEKING AN ABSOLUTE DIVORCE AND EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION OF MARITAL PROPERTY You are required to make de­ fense to such pleading no later than the 24lh day ol September, 2002, said date being forty (40) days from the first publication of this nolice, and upon your failure lo do so, Ihe party seeking service againsi you will apply to the Courl lor the reliel sought. This the 12lh day ol Augusl, 2002. MARTIN & VAN HOY, L.L.P. By: Sally W. Smilh Attorney lor Plaintiff Ten Courl Square Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-2171 8-15-3ln W lg g C O R V g R MINI-STORAGE For all your storage needs, choosc us! Come by to inquire about free rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E in Fork Call toda^! (336) 908-8810 Г HSPPY ^ BIRTHDAY jo s h H a n m a n NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executor ol the Estate of ROY F ALEXANDER, late ol Davie County, this is lo no­ tily all persons having claims against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or beiore the 15th day ol November, 2002, be­ ing Ihree (3) months Irom Ihe lirsl day of publicalion or this notice will be pleaded in bar of Iheir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. This the 15th day ol August, 2002. Roy F Alexander, Jr.. EXEC 210 Oakdale Drive Hillsborough, NC 27278 8-15-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received by Davie County unlil 2:00 p.m. on Friday, August 23, 2002, where­ upon bids will be opened by the Public Works Direcior in the sec­ ond floor conference room, Counly Administration Building, 123 Soulh Main Sireel. Mocksville, N.C. The bids are for transportalion services to haul approximately 18.000 Ions per year ol municipal solid vvaste (MSW) Irom Ihe Davie County Transler Station on Dalton Road (SRI605) lo Ihe Hanes Mill Road landfill in Forsyth Counly. The bid award will be lor a lour (4) year period beginning O1-Ocl- 02 and ending on 30-Sep-06. Each bid musl be submitted on the bid form supplied by Davie Counly. For a copy call (336) 751 • 5513. Fax bids will not be honored. The selected party will be re­ sponsible for complying with all applicable lederal and state regu­ lations governing their trade. The County resen/es Ihe right to accept or reject any proposal. Proposals shall be submitted in writing in a sealed envelope labeled "RFP Re­ sponse - MSW Hauling" lo Carl Davidson, Director ol Public Works. 123 South Main Street, Mocksville, NC 27028. For lurlher information please contact Ihe ol­ lice ol Public Works al (336) 751 ■ 7407. 8-15-21n NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executor ol Ihe Estate of MARGARET BARRETT MCCOY, late of Davie Counly. this is to notily all persons having claims againsi said eslale to present Ihem to Ihe undersigned on or before the 15th day of No­ vember. 2002, being three (3) monlhs Irom Ihe lirsl day ol publi­ calion or this notice will be pleaded in bar of Iheir recovery. All persons Indebted lo said estate will please make immediate payment lo Ihe undersigned. This the 15lh day ol Augusl. 2002. Bob L. Myers, EXEC 147 Apache Road Advanco, NC 27006 8-15-41n TOP N OTCH CONSTRUCTION Jesse Rutter • Cooleemee Interior Trim Cabinet In.stallation Dcck.s Home Repair 336-399-8783 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE 02 SP 133 UNDER AND BY VIRTUE Ola power ot sale contained in a cer- lain deed of Irusl daled February 28. 1997, executed by ALVIN JEROME HICKS and wile, HELGA A. HICKS, to TAMARA A. FLEMING, Sub-slilute Trustee, and recorded in Book 251, Page 702, Davie Counly Registry; and under and by virtue of the author- ily vesled in the undersigned as Substitute Trustee and an Order executed by KENNETH D. BO­ GER, Clerk ol Superior Court ol Davie County on the 9th day of July, 2002, the delault having been made in the payment ol Ihe indebt­ edness thereby secured, the said deed of Irusl being by Ihe terms thereof subject to foreclosure and Ihe holder ol Ihe indebledness Ihereby secured having demanded a loreclosure Ihereol lor Ihe pur­ pose ol salislying said indebted­ ness and Ihe same having been ordered and approved by said Or­ der ol Clerk ol Superior Court ol Davie Counly, the under-signed TAMARA A. FLEMING. Substitute Trustee, will oiler for sale al public auction lo Ihe highest bidder lor cash al the Courthouse Door in Davie Counly Norlh Carolina al 10:00 a.m., on the 3Cth day ol Au­ gusl. 2002, the land conveyed in said deod ol trust, the same lying and being in Davie County North Carolina, and being described as lollows: EXHIBITA Nolico ol Hearing Regarding The Righl ol Foreclosure and Nolice ol Sale Alvin Jerome Hicks and wile, Helga A. Hicks BEGINNING al a poini. an iron slake in Ihe North edge ol Maple Avenue. Soulhwesl corner ol Mabe. Ihence wilh Mabe's line North 10 degs. Easl 200 feel lo an iron stake, Mabe's Northwest cor­ ner. thence North 85 degs. West 114 Ieet to an iron stake, Durham's Northeast corner: thence with Durham's line south 6 degs. West 200 Ieet to an irons lake on Ihe Norlh side ol Maple Avenue, Ihence wilh the North edge ol Maple avenue Soulh 85 degs. East 100 loel to the BEGINNING. This is tho identical property described in a deed daled April 10, 1961, Irom W.R. Patterson el ux, to Lewis Seamon el ux. recorded in Deed Book 64, at page 38. Davie Counly Registry, and said doscrip­ lion is sel lorth as ol prior to the dale ol said deed. This properly will be sold sub­ ject to all laxes. encumbrances and liens ol record. This Ihe 8lh day ol August. 2002. TAMARA A. FLEMING Subslilule Trustee 8-15-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE Public Sale: Mocksville Mini-Slor- age intends to sell the contents ol the lollowing unils lor unpaid rent and expenses. #4 John Mason ($435.00) #36 Derrick Nichols ($225.00) #100 Cassaundra Cartor ($225.00) #106 Elsie Jones Eslale ($405.00) #114 Nichols Conslruclion Co. ($240.00) #226 Sleven Clemenis ($265.00) #258 Todd Younger ($210.00) #417 Miranda Franklin ($260.00) #494 Lavonya Gailher ($210.00) No sale il balance is paid by Aug. 21,2002. Sale dale: Aug. 23,2002 al 2:00 p.m. Cash or money order. Ealon Rd. (oil Salisbury Rd., pasl Mocks­ ville Oil Co.), 751-2483. (NOTE: This Public Sale no­ tice was scheduled lo be pub­ lished 8-8-02, but was Inadvert­ ently omitted.) 8-15-2tn A s h D a l e C o n s t r u c t i o n • I’rtc Kstimutes • In.suri'd • Kellulile, Friendly Service ushiluli-lnc®ual.cum Si’liC IA LIZIN G IN A l i. 1‘h a s k s o f HO M K R e m o d k l in g Vinyl Siding;, Addilions, RiiDling, I'ainlini:, Minor 1-Il‘C. & I’lunibini;, Kilchen, Iknh & I’atioTile, Docks, Ducks, .Slicds, B:inis, l-'cnccs, Kclainini; Walls lu Ceiliiip 1-ans... Wo do it all! We WILL MATCH ANY LEQirtMATE COHIPEnrOll’S BID OH C oiuw iABLE M aterials & WOHKMAHSHIP. Dmid McCiillar-Owner Phone: (336) 492-7363 Mobile: (336) 65S8558 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue ol a Power ol Sale conlained in lhal certain Deed ol Trust executed by Mallie H. Reynolds lo Laura Gardner, Trustee(s), dated May 25, 2001, and recorded in Book 383, Page 222, Davie Counly Regislry.North Carolina. Default having been made in the payment ol the note thereby se­ cured by the said Deed ol Trust and the undersigned, PRIORITY TRUSTEE SERVICES OF NC, L.L.C.. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed ol Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Ol­ lice ol the Register ol Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed lhat Ihe Deed ol Trust be lore- closed. the undersigned Substitute Trustee will oiler lor sale al Ihe Courthouse Door, in the City ol Mocksville. Davie Counly, North Carolina, at 10:00 A.M. on Thurs­ day. Augusl 29. 2002, and will sell 10 the highest bidder lor cash the lollowing doscribod property situ­ ated in Davie County, North Carlina. lo wil: A parcel ol Land being in Mocks­ ville Township, Davie Counly. North Carolina, described as lollows: BEGINNING al an iron stake in Ihe edge ol a New Sireel. Cartner Street; Ihence Easl 200 Ieet lo an iron stake; thence north 5 degrees East 100 Ieet to an iron slake; thence West 200 leel to an iron stake in Cartnor Sireel; thence South 5 degrees West 100 leel wilh Cartnor Sireel to the Beginning. Said properly is commonly known as 124 Cartner Sireel, Mocksville. NC 27028. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax. and the court costs ol Thirty Cents (30c) per One Hun­ dred Dollars ($100.00). A cash de­ posit (no personal checks) ol live percenl (5%) ol Ihe purchase price, or Seven Hundred Filly Dollars ($750.00). whichever is grealer, will be required al the lime ol sale. Fol­ lowing Ihe expiration ol Ihe statu­ tory upset bid period, all Ihe remain­ ing amounis are immediately due and owing. Said property to be ollered pur­ suant lo this Notice ol Sale is be­ ing ollered for sale, Iransfer and conveyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Thore are no represenlalions ol warranty relating lo the title or any physical, environmental, health or salely conditions existing in. on. at. or relating to Ihe properly being ol­ lered lor sale. This sale is made subjeci lo all prior liens, unpaid laxes. special assessments, land transler laxes. il any, and encum­ brances ol record. To the best ol Ihe knowledge and beliel ol Ihe undersigned, Ihe currenl owner ol Ihe properly is Mallie H. Reynolds. Priorily Trustee Sen/ices ol NC, L.L.C. Substitute Trustee 7330 Chapel Hill Road, Suile 104 Raleigh, NC 27607 8-15-2ln MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUMMER IS COWING! Bobcal, aeratot core plugger & more lor rent lodayl Mocksville I33GI751-2304 • New& шшаа Old Roofs • fl’®® Estimates Perkins Roofing 336-998-1150 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 02SP143 Under and by virtue of Ihe au­ thority conlained in a certain deed ol trust dated December 30, 1993, securing a note and indebledness ol $35,000.00, which was executed by Lucinda Jane Shay, (Ihe currenl owner ol the property described Iherein is Natalie B. Scolt a/k/a Natalie B. Slanley), and which Is recorded in Deed ol Trust Book 205 at Page 503. Davie Counly Regis­ try, Ihe undersigned having been appointed Substitute Trustee by instrument recorded in Book 423 al Page 865 ol said Registry, default having occurred in Ihe paymenl ol the note secured by said deed ol Irusl, and al Ihe requesl of the holder ol said note and pursuant to Order ol Foreclosure daled the 1st day ol August, 2002, the under­ signed Substitute Trustee, in accor­ dance with the provisions ol said deed ol Irusl, will oiler lor sale al public auction to the highest bidder for cash at 12:00 noon on Tuesday, August 27,2002, at the courthouse door in Mocksville, Davie Counly, North Carolina, the lot and fixtures al 312 Sonora Drive, Advance, NC 27006. which is more particularly described as lollows: BEING KNOWN AND DESIG­ NATED as Lol 7, Block H, Seclion 1 ol LaOuinIa Subdivision as same appears on a plal Ihereol recorded in Map Book 4, Page 125, Davie Counly Registry to which reference is hereby made for a more particu­ larly description. Said property will be sold sub­ jeci lo laxes, assessments, and any superior easements, rights ol ways, restrictions ol record, prior liens, or olher prier encumbrances, said sale lo remain open lor increased bids lor ten days alter Ihereol lo the Clerk ol Superior Court. The Sub­ stitute Trustee may require the high bidder to deposit cash al the sale in an amounl equal lo live percenl ol Iho amounl bid as a good laith deposit. The sale is also subjeci lo any applicable counly and/or slate land transler and/or revenue tax, and Ihe successlul Ihird party bid­ der shall be required lo make pay- £ ment lor any such lax. Any successlul bidder shall be required lo lender Ihe lull balance ol Ihe purchase price so bid, in cash or certilied check, al the lime ol Ihe Subslilule Trustee lenders lo him a deed for the property or attempts lo lender such deed, and should said successlul bidder lail to pay tho lull balance ol Ihe purchase price so bid. nt that time he shall remain liable on his bid, as provided lor in N.C.G.S. 45-21.30 (d) and (e). In the event Ihe Subslilule Trustee allows the successlul bidder lo de­ lay payment of the purchase price, said bidder shall be required to pay interest on the bid amount at Ihe rate specilied by the Note which secures Ihe deed ol Irusl. The property to be ollered pur­ suant lo this Nolice ol Sale is be­ ing for sale, transfer and convey­ ance "AS IS. WHERE IS." Neither the Trustee nor the holder ol the note secured by Ihe deed of trust/ security agreemeni, or both, being loreclosed, nor Ihe officers, direc­ tors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized represenlalive ol ei­ ther the Trustee or the holder ol Ihe note make any representation ol warranty relating to Ihe lille or any physical, environmental, heallh or salely conditions existing in, on, at or relaling lo the properly being ol­ lered lor sale, and any and all re- sponsibililies or liabililies arising oul ol or in any way relaling to any such conditions expressly are dis­ claimed. This the 1st day ol Augusl, 2002, Phillip E. Searcy, Substitute Trustee WELLS JENKINS LUCAS & JENKINS PLLC Attorneys and Counselors al Law 155 Sunnynoll Court, Suile 200 Winslon-Salem, NC 27106 Telephone (336) 725-2900 8-15-2tn r A i r E N f F o N ~| > R N s a n d L P N s I (iOMESITDOWNTOA ' DELICIOUS BREAKFAST ON USIl A senior cillzcn complox, luiw lakiiij; applications for IBR units ill Mocksvillc. Rcnl ha.sod on iiiconic, for Infii. call 751-2IKI5 or write: Mock Placo, PO Bo.\ 1056, Mocksvillc, NC 27028, Equal Housing Opporlunily, TDD l-8QO-735-2‘J62 Bayada Nurses ol Salisbury inviles YOU!! j WHEN; Friday, Aug. 23,2002 ' I WHERE: Farmhouse Restaurant I ' (On the corner ol Jake Alexander I Blvd and Old Concord/Salisbury | I Rd) TIME: 6.00am lo 9:00am II REQUIREMENTS: Must have a valid Nursing License and A BIG I I APPETITE! I I Hoir*cártS¿oQ«tí 130AHinglon St.Salisbury, NC 281441 I 704-797.800QI ■ www.bayada.com 'www.oayaaa.c 1)12 - DAVIK C O IM Y KN TKKl'RISK RKCORI). Дня- 22. 2002 PUBLIC NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION FILE NO, 02 CVD 45 IN RE: BRITTAIN, a Minor Child, born Soplember 5, 1993 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: THE UNKNOWN FATHER. RESPONDENT. OF A MALE JU­ VENILE BORN ON OR ABOUT SEPTEMBER 5. 1993, IN DAVIE COUNTY, MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking rehel against you has been (ilod in Iho above-entilled action. The naluro ol Ihe reliel bo­ ing soughi is as follows; A PETITION SEEKING LEGAL AND PHYSICAL CUSTODY OF THE MINOR CHILD BY THE MA­ TERNAL GRANDFATHER You aro required to ninke do- lonse to such pleading no laler lhan the 15lh day ol Septumber, 2002, said date being thirty (30) days Irom Ihe lirst publication ol this notice, and upon your lailuro 10 do so, Ihe parly seeking service against you will apply to iho Court lor Iho reliel sought. This tho 2nd day of August, 2002, Holly M, Groco Attornoy at Law N.C, Slate Bar No, 22214 OF COUNSEL: Robert E. Price, Jr. fi Associates, P.A. RO. Box 263G4 Winston-Salom, NC 27114- 6364 Telephone (336) 760-2870 Facsimile (336) 760-2479 8-15-3ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administra­ trix ol tho Estate ol ELSIE P TURNER, late ol Davie Coumy, this is to notily all persons having claims againsl said estato to present Ihom to the undersigned on or before tho 15th day of No­ vember, 2002, boing throe (3) months from Iho first day of publi­ calion or Ihis nolico will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All peisons indebted to said estato will ploaso make immediato paymenl to the undersigned. This Ihe 15th day of Aug 2002. Alma J. Lesnno, ADMN 325 Cartner Road Statesviilo. NC 28625 8-15-4tp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 02SP10B IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE­ CLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY DONALD L. COGGINS AND DONNA M. COGGINS DATED JUNE 9, 1999 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 305 AT PAGE 170 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY. NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to an order of the Clerk ol Superior Court and under and by virtue ol tho powor and authority contained in the above- relerenced deed ol trust and be­ cause ol default in the payment of the indebtedness thereby socured and failure lo carry oul and perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained, and pursuant to demand ol Ihe owner and holder INEXPENSIVE & PROFITABLE Yard Sales 284 COUNTRY LANE, Salur­dny, e:00-lil. Boys clolhes. toys, A C uniis. bikes, lols ol stufi, BIG YARD SALE, Snturdny, Au­gust 24th. 8:00-1:00, Boys Clothes 6 mos-24mos, girls size 4-6. Womens 18W/-20W Ciisunl & Dross. Baby Bed. Changing Tablo. Baby Equipment. Toys S More. Rain Cancels. Redland Rd. lo Fairway Rd. Right on Little Rober Rd. Countyline Sportsman Club Saturday, Aug. 24 7am-Noon Rabies Clinic - 11:00am-1:00pm $8 each Racoon Squalling Contest - 10-11am Come enjoy the fun! Drinks and Snacks will be available. Diiections From 601 lake EOlSuut ol Ccolcftitiee. cross A ovL'i Soulh Yadkiii Rivei Bridge lit Bidg *^'1on nijllt ■ :i|![1I0j l/IO ol mile A U C TIO NIVIONDAY. AUG. 26. 4.00 PM Elks Lodge, wnaon-snituAaoMFfoniForsyth Hospital |)|Kf(.*I|OVV (Inisimnt rr^ktuc Ih> I-M) t..WUi NLnl mk. CurVwx.MKXk llLt|i*lorahmlinrUK«TiMtnjni HiniMUL <.V.Ui| I\uvi ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, GLASSWARE & HOUSEHOLD ITEMS. FRED G. MOCK, AUCTIONEER # 21 _i336i.69»3426 Und» Sheet. Firm *4947. B,G, (>)ble Finn #3613 3 Building Lots For Sale In Ihe Fork Church Community Localed on/off of Cedor Grove Church Road OK for doublewide, moduior or sile built homes •Lotl'U N D E R COMTRACT• 40,000»y-sfrrfter£■ scptic syitem«S25,iKO.’-.. • Lot 2' UNDER CONTRACT • 1 ♦ acie v/ith rojd Irontaue.'^ll & septic ivsluin - $25,000 • Lot 3 -1 -»ocre piiv.’»te 30'ejst*mcnt, yro.ii vie^v ‘ S 25,000 *AII acrrayv iuhint Id hnal sonty Conlacl Roberl Slono (Owner/Broker) at Riverfork Properlies 336-998-4733 e i i A S S i of the indeblodness secured by said deed of trust, fho undersigned substitute trustee will expose lor salo at public auction to Ihe fngh- est bidder for cash al tho usual place of sale at Iho county court­ house of said county at 11,00 A M on August 28, 2002, the lollowing described real estate and any olher improvomonts v/hich may be situ aled thereon, siliinted in Davie County, North Carolina, and beinri more particularly described as lol­ lows: Being all of Lot 2, J, Glenn Siroud Estate Subdivision, re­ corded in Map Book 7, Page 57, Davie County. North Carolina And Boing more commonly known as: 329 Siroud Mill Road. Harmony, NC 28634 The record owners of the prop­ erty, as rollectod on tho records of the Register of Deeds, are Donald G. Coggins and Donna M, Coggins This sale is mado subjecl lo all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments in­ cluding bul nol limited to any trans­ fer tax associated with the loreclo- sure. lor paying, if any Adeposil of five percent (5°i) ol the amouni ol tho bid or seven hundred fifty dol­ lars (5750,00), whichovur is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified lunds at the time ol the sale This sale will be held open len days for upset bids as required by law. Fol­ lowing the expiration ol the slalu­ tory upset period, all remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. The date of this Notice is Friday, August 2. 2002, ELIZABETHS ELLS OR DAVID W. NEILL Substitute Trustt'i! 0520 Clilf Cameron Diive. Suife 300 Charlotte. NC 28269 (704) 333 8107 8-16-2tn Yard Sales BIG "PRE ’-LABOR Day Sale. Come see. Como Save' 601 Country Store. Anliques, furni­ture. crafis. Hoop Che-jse. Jams. Honey. Sales lluoughout the Slore. Will be closed'on Labor Day Week-end. CAROLYN S COLLECTIBLES 2076 Highway 601S Mocksvillo, NC 27028 Located approx. 1 rnl pasl Davie High School on right 601S. 336-751-6252. Grand Opening Sale Barbies, Porcoloin dolls, Boanic babies, Indian, Angels, lols more. Tues-Fri: 11:00-5:00 Sat: 11:00-3:00 CREEKVIEW CONSIGNIVIENTBait 8 Tackle nov/ opon. Tues- day-Saturday 10:00ani-6:00pm. Now accepting furniture, 1430 8018 beside 4lii Creek, 336-751- 4507. DEE'S ANTIQUESOn the Green ,,,hill 733 Greenhill Rd. Mocksville. NC 27028 336-492-6450 or 800 234-1393 August and it's back lo School!! Decornle that College Dorm With furnishing froni Dee's' Furnilure and accessories made lo lasl a lifeiime" Discounts Ihroughoul the shop" “A little somelhing lor evoryor.e ' We buy Esiates , one item or all" Wu ,'il:;o buy Your Unwanled items. Just give us a call' ESTATE ITEMS. FURNITURE. colleclabies. nla:-,iv,vaies. house­hold Items, yard decor, tools, and miscellaneous 284-.1302, FRIDAY & SATURDAY 7 til 3. Duke Whitaker Rd (Ram Can­cels) FRIDAY & Saturday, 8-until. Aigner pockelbooks, clolhes, shoes, 117 Hulfman Rd, HUGE YARD SALE. Salurday. August 24. 174 Weslndge Rd (oil Underpass Rd, in Advance). Sofa, Mattress. Washer, Toddler Bed, Clothes. Toys, and much more, 998-1742, 7:00ain- 12:00noon, INDOOR GARAGE/WHSE. SALE-Rain or Shine. Household Items, clothes, fabric, books, lools, bathroom accessories, lols ot slulll 6340 Cephis Dr., Clemmons (heliind Dockside). Saturday, 8 24. 8:00am lo 3:00pm. MOVING SALE, SATURDAY,August 241h. 8am until. Odds & ends. East Lake Drive. MULTI-FAMILY: SATURDAY 24th. Claybon Drive olt 801 N. Kenmore washer. lools. housevvares. shoes. AC. Toys. Clolhing-all sizes, lurniture. waterbed. SAT, AUGUST 24, 7am-unlil. big men's and plus size clothing, shoes, bedroom suit, car speak­ers. Playstation, Nintendo and games, housewares. Home Inte­rior and other home decor, lols more. 2475 US Hwy 601N. SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 7:00- until, 905 Jericho Hardison. Be­ low Soulh Davie. Clothos, furni­ture. computer supplies, house­ hold items, and much more. Yard Sales SATURDAY. AUGUST 24TH,7arn-til. On Ridge Rd. 2 miles past County Line Fire Dept. All baby clolhes (newborn-4T). Mostly Carter's and OshKosh. Car Seats. Double stroller, double carrier lor twins, toddler bed. SATURDAY, AUGUST 24TH, 8AM-2PM, Baby Clothes, 3-24 Mos., stroller, high chair, etc, llo­ ral wreaths, copper, adult clothes, shoes, ninlendo (orig), misc. items. 857 Howell Rd., Mocksville. Abortion Alt. Child Care DAVIE PREGNANCY CARE Cenler offers conlidential & free pregnancy tests, support ser­ vices, and referrals. Make a healthy choice lor your lile! Call 753-HOPE lor appoinlmenl. Animals APPROX. 4 Year Old guilding. Saddle included. SI 200 neg. 998-0468. Leave Message. Apartments 2BDRM APT for mature adults who enjoy 24 hour security, yard maintenance and paid utilities. Quiet a peaceful. Mocksville. Convenient. Call Shelia at 751- 1515. Cedar Rock Assisted Liv­ing Community 2BDRM APARTMENT IN quiet neighborhood. Very Nice. Per­ fect (or older adulls. $550.00/mo. Mocksville. Call Shelia at 751- 1515. MOCKSVILLE SUNSET TER­RACE: AN brick energy efficient aparlmenl. 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court & swings. Kitchen appliances furnished in­cluding dishwasher. 1.5 baths, v;asher/dryer connections. High energy efficient heat pump pro­ vides central heat and air. Prewired for cable TV & phones. Insulated windows & doors. No wax kitchens balh lloors. Located in Mocksville behind the old Hendricks Furniture building (now Carolina Precision Machin­ery) on Sunset Dr. olf ol Hwy. 158. Office hours 1-6 M-F S Sat. IQ- 12. Phone 751-0168. VINEYARD BROOK, HANES Mall Area, 2 BR. 1.5 BA, Townhomes with screened porch a S495 mo, Hubbard RIty, 723- 4306._________________________ Boats for Sale 14’ ALUMACRAFT W/TRAILEr, 9.9 Mercury, excellent condition complete with trolling motor $1,900 336-492-2944.________ Building for Rent BARN/STORAGE BUILDING FOR RENT. Hillsdale. 30x45 approx. 25 Acres pasture avail. 998-1993 or 655-4698. Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILD Care has immediate openings - ALL AGES - for 1 St 8 2nd shifts (3rd shilt pos­sibilities). Convenient hours 5:30am -1 :45am. Full Time, Part Time. Drop In - upon availability. Come see us at 571 S Main St., Mocksville (across from B & F Manulacturing) Or call Debra, 75I-PLAY(7529) ABSOLUTE AUCTION SAT. • AUG. 24 • 6:PM GUNS, KNIVES & COINS CLEMMONS CIVIC CENTERfiEOUtHED FOn 'ALL'HANDGUNS. MUSTBB fB YEARS OLDS A NOnTHCAnOLlfJA RESIDENT TO PURCHASE LONG GUNS! NO EXCEPTIONS! 0)ft4-ifons. ГfOiP V,'inslon-S.Voni. MO To Tho Clemmons Exit. Turn Left ¿1 P/(h:f<‘ii lo Tho 5/.'/’ Lhiht At Hwy ffiS Go Sti^yht Across. Tho Civic Conter Is On I Just A'fO:iS F ro'u Vo()h'r s Гипогл! Homo) GUNS: Coll Ai-lf) S() 1 ?:.’3 Л Ai.ct'GuoiKJS -- Spnngfiolcj Ml G.irand 30 06 • Rutj.'t Mifii-M '¿23 - Bio.'.Fiing Uoifjiurn D.ir 30 00 - Browning Belgium A*500 12 G:i iM t) Piffj) - Ufo.vniMfj Bps 12 Ga (Mib Never Fired) - Russian Sks • f/al GÒ-2 S', 3!i7 Miiij - Ul.ickUiivvk 4-1 Mag - Coll Jr. .25 Aulo - Winc/ieLtfr f.Vil MOO П¿lrl(JL■f U' G.i Vr Auto - Rommglon 1100 12 Ga, Auto - 300 Ыь - SS.W 38 n«;vniv<?r (Pent! Hnncllo) - Winchester Mdl 120 12 Gn Purrp - 35 U.Lf Aci-ùit -• Stivoiai .?2 Somi-nulo Rillos - Fabrique N.ìtionat») i) Mm 13% - Jc Pump Sliolgun - Cloko 32 Revolver - Olhor GiJfii» May 13»; Ad(k4j Up Until Siil« Tirnu! COINS: {2) DoiiWe F.njl»* S20 Gold Pioctis (Du) 1092s Л 1904 • 1909 Indian Hoad S3 bO Gold P.*!Ci* SlO Gold f’luc*.* - 1084 Cc Morgan Osa - misc. Morgan Doll.ii!i (1B04 Cc. l8-}2 Cc-5fa{)bod, 1093 Cc, 1003s. 1894s, 2-1903s & OthofS) & Poaco Dolla/r. - Indan Hencj Troy Silver Ingois - Framed Sets (1 Buffalo) - VVatkinij libuity Maivi'C, M-rciay Dimeu • Buffalo Nickles - Indian Hoad Ronnies Rollr, 01 VVnt-at P..TìMi.‘s - 1 ai()<! S20 Bill - Silver Certificalos KNIVES: Pockol Л Hunimij Knives Including Largo Chipaway Knifo W/ Muiti-coloiud Haiuiic - Old Kii^sing Crano German Lockback - Sovofal Comfn*-mofaliv(.*;, {Corifcdorati* Coca Cola, Clmton/Goro, JFK. John Wayno. Etc.) - Othi.-f Grand'-) Inc'iidi.* SchracI*?, Smoky Mtn , Buck. Etc,a Noitf kV'i* A/i> Aci'cpf/riii ('¡i/ns Л Kmvvs For This Salo. Ploasa Contact Us Iminiufi.itt^iy It ÌL'iJ An Ihun You Aro Intorastàd In Listing!,. .,, . . ,j. ii-i) Л, dl'IH) !iAircOfjnUCTr[)BY LEINBACH AUCTION CO. OWNER / AUCTIONEER - TODD A. LEINBACHTHE ESTATE SETTLEMENT PROFESSIONALS" AI^TIQUES-COLLECTIBLES-FARM MACHINERYREAL ESTATE- DUSINESS UOUIDATIONS 336-764-5146 11СЛ1 15П71. NCATL lOaSf., (Ю.П E.L. »154040, N.C n.E.BL »67603 HILLSDALE UNITED METHOD­IST Church now offering Alter School Care lor K-51h graders in the Shady Grove and Pinebrook school districts. Wo olfer Chris­ tian care in a loving environmenl with quality programming. Lim­ ited space available due to com­mitment to individualized care. Call to enroll now - 998-4020. PART TIME NANNIE: Mon-Th. 2:30-5:30 and Friday 2:30-6:00. Must be responsible, clean, and love children. References a must. Please call Brandi @ 998-7859. STAY HOME MOM will babysit in my home. Pinebrook School Area. Excellent Rates ■ 940- 6664. WILL KEEP CHILDREN in my home before & aller school. W.R. Davie district. Relerences avail­ able, nonsmoker, 492-5410, Comm. Property STORE FOR RENT, N, Main St. $450/mo. Utilities included. 998- 0280. Construction _________Equip_________ BOBCAT 753 FOH Sale. Low hours (378), 3 buckets, Hudson trailer, 751-3768, Furniture BUNK BEDS-FULL Bottom, Twin Top, Pine with Mattress $200,00, Dining Room Table. Natural and While, Six Chairs $150.00, Excellent Condition. 998-2290. Homes For Rent 4Br, 4Ba-Advance-$1250/mo 4Br, 2Ba/wBldg-$1000/mo 3Br, 2Ba - Mocksville-$850/mo 3Br, IBa-ln town-$650/mo 3Br, 1,5Ba w/Storage Bldg.- $600/mo.3Br. 1Ba-Cooleemee-$475/mo. Pennington & Company Realty 751-9400 2BR HOUSE CONVENIENT TO1-40, Clean 704-546-2188 alter 5:00pm. 3BR, IB A , FULL Basement, Cornalzer School Area. $550/mo. 998-0280. 4 BR, 2BA Brick Home lor rent. Available 9/1 Hillsdale area. A/C, Appl, fenced yard, full bsmt, huge attic. $850 mo. 940-6579, 998- 1993. 4BR, 2 FULL Baths, lull Base­ ment with ponds, rent with option to buy. $750/mo. 336-751-7886. FOR A LISTING ol available rental properties, please check our ad in the Real Estate Section- Howard Realty- 751-3538 FURNISHED STUDIO EFFI­CIENCIES: Includes utilities, cable, local phone, housekeep­ ing, relrigerator and microwave. Monthly rental-no lease. $550.00 monthly, plus tax, paid in ad­ vance. One time security deposil $100.00. For more inlormation call 751-7310. Homes For Rent, Ollice Spacefor Lease. Call Swicegood Wall & McDaniel Realtors. 751-2222 Homes For Sale 10-f ACRES, 3BR, 2BA House with Barn, Riding Arena, Shed, Dog Runs, Sel up for horses. 998-3468. 1ST TIME HOME BUYERS govt finance program. Low, Low down.All applications accepted. Call 336-751-0184. ' 3 OR 4 BR, 2BA on 1.27 acre recently remodeled $89.900. 998-0280. BILL CONSOLIDATION WITH the purchase ol new modular home. Call 336-751-1571. CAPE COD HOME, 1930 Sq. Ft.. 3BR, 2BA, Normal bidg. Cosl $125,400. Aug. only $75,000. Built on your lot! Call 1 -866-624- 7457 or 751-7340. FSBO, $99,000. 1900 salt, over 1 acre, 3 or 4 BR, 2 lull BA. lire­ place, Ig living rm, den, covered Iront porch, garden area & barn, 1 /2 bsml wilh work area, brick w/ central air. Call for appl 751- 5140. 1627 Jericho Ch Rd. Mocksville. MODULAR HOMES ON your lot shipped direct- Save $$. For free literature, call 1-888-889-6356, MODULAR HOMES STARTING at Mid 40's. Call Today 1-88B- 251-6790. NEW HOME, 7/12 roof, insulaled windows, much more. Normal cost $75,000. Built on your lot $57,950-AUG ONLY! 751-7340 or 1-866-624-7457. SPLIT FOYER, 3BR, 2.5BA, 2 acres, near noil course, $135,000 FIRM, 191 Twin Cedars Golf Rd, 751-5614, TRUE MODULAR HOMES- Huge Saving! For literature. Call 1-800-322-8679. “FOR SINGLE PARENTS Only! ' Special financing for you and your family 2,3,&4 BR Homes starting as low as $164/ month. Only 7 unils left. All applications accepted. Call (336) 751-0179. Land For Sale 5.0 WOODED ACRES, Eatons Church Rd.. Some restrictions. 998-7778. 6.4 ACRES w/30 ft. wide gravel road. Thirty leet of road frontage on Davie Academy, near Hwy 64 West. Call & leave message 998- 4632 or 751-1760. LAND FOR SALE By Owner. 6 1/2 acres with septic tank, county water, 20X20 1.5 story bidg. 64W @ Corner of Godbey & Powell Rd. 492-7690. LAND FOR SALE- 8.04 acres Duke Whilaker Rd. 336-775- 2859. Lawn Care E J MOWING SERVICELandscaping, mulching, pruning S weedealing 336-284-6120 ________336-391-2130________ Lots For Rent MOBILE HOME LOT lor Rent $160/monlh. 119 Eden Lane, Lot 5, ofl Hinkle Dr. (oil Hwy 601 South) Mocksville, 336-697- 1482. NEW ADDITION TO Shady Acres Mobile Home Park. Re- landscaped. 1984 or newer homes. John Crotts Rd. oil Hwy 64E. Only 3 spaces lelt. 998- 8276 or 998-8222. ABSOLUTE AUCTION I Owners: Norman and Nancy Wilson (Living) | 2956 Bethel Church Road, Yadkinville jSaturday, August 24 • 9:00a.m.i (Tractor, Implements, Mower and Car will be sold at 10:00 A.M.) Parllal List: Antique Spinning Wheel, Other Anliques, Electrical Supplies, Plumbing Suppies, Tools, Kabola Traclor, (B8200 Hydrostatic w/lront-end loader, 4-wheel drive) Implemenls, Husller Hydroslalic Mower (6-lt. cut diesel), 1991 Mercury Marquis, Atlantic Wood Slove, Household furniture, dishes, walnut lable and mirror, chest-type freezer. Much More! Conducted By; Frank Short Auction & Really Payment: Cash or Good Check 5% Buyer's Premium Directions: From Mocksviiie: lake Hwy 601N, to Lelt on Lone Hickoty Rd., Right on Bethel Ch. Rd. From Winslon-Salem and Yadkinville: lake Hwy. 421N., lo Exit 259 (Reavis Road), lelt at top ol ramp, siraighl across Hoots Road lo Bethel Ch. Rd. Auction on right. From Statesville: Take Hwy. 21N lo Lone Hickory Rd. on tight. Lelt on Bethel Ch. Rd. From N. Wilkesboro: Hwy. 421 S. lo Reavis Rd., right olf of ramp, straight across Hoots Road lo Bethel Ch. Rd. Auclion on right. SuRertedg finy ErlnteTMaiierial RAIN OR SHINE Neither Frank Short Auclion & Really nor Owners will be responsible for any accidents. Concessions provided by Bethel Baptist Church DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 22,2002 - D13 r e L A S S I m Ш INEXPENSEVE FBOFEEAHLB ADDL ASSETS NEEDED? WORK IN HOME. $500+/M0 PT. $3000-I-/M0 FT. FULL TRAIN­ING. FREE INFO WWW.DREAMALWAYS.COM 1-800-358-4156. CASH PD FOR Antiques. Partial or whole esiates, collectables, old metal toys. Antiques, Furn. Call Monroe McDaniel 336-284-4302. COMM STRAIGHT NEEDLE Sewing Machine $150.00. 5 Spool Commercial Serger $350.00, Aniique Bullet $50.00, Barnia Home Serger $150.00, Wedding dress $50.00. Call 998- 2980 after 5;00pm. DROPIe^AF WALNUT DINETTE w/two chairs. Great for student apt. Nordic track exerciser. GO . Each $99. 998-2111. GUN CABINET $100.940-5131. LOCAL CHANNELS NOW avail­ able on Directv. Single System $29.99 installed. Dual System $49.99 installed. Call 751-9961. Toll Free 1-800-441-6408. mXTRRAY TXPLO R ER GO-KART, 6hp. $800. 940-5131. ROUND BALES OF Straw. $12.00 per bale. 492-7877. STEEL BLDGS. HUGE Savings! Must sell leftover inventory. Repos/Cancellations. 4 Avail­ able. 25'X40', 30'X56', 50X244'. Buy Now Before Steel Prices In­ crease! Make Oilers! Financing. 1-800-222-6335. fHEME~ PARTIES DELIVERED to your door, 998-1682. Free Catalog/ www.advancepariies.com. TR W O O N E w It H LADDER,$75.00, Free Standing Basketball Goal, $75.00. Good Condilion. 751-4212. TROY BiLT LAWN Mower 17.5 hp, 42 in. cut, Aulo Transmission, cruise control. Amp Meter, hr meter, 1 yr old. under warranty, cost $1700 sell $1000. 4/ 235- 75-16 tires, one new, 3 lifty per­cent tread, good year wrangler, white outline letlers. $200. 751- 3785.________________________ Mobile Home/Rent 1999 DOUBLEWIDE, 3BR, 2BA. ' private lot near Jockey. $650/ month & $500/deposit. 336-284- 4679. $157 PER MONTH. 3 BR/ 2 BA all appll, furnished. New heat pump. 767-4319 1 ggrpVEEfW O O D v o g u e , 3BR, 2BA, Large LR and Kitchen. Exc Condilion. Comes wilh Cen­ tral Air Unit and Kilchen. App.- $14,100,00. 998-2290. 1 9 9 r i4 X 7 6 “V lW L siding, shingle rool, 3BR, 2Ba mobile home sel up in Farminglon Heights and ready to move in. First month’s lot rent FREE. $14,900.00 Call 769-0755 or pager 208-3203 1998 OAKWOOD 14X70, 2BR^ 2BA, Heat Pump, Garden Tub, Laundry Room, Open Floorplan, Very Clean, Many Upgrades. Musi Sell-$21,500. 998-6943. 2 b'rV 2'¥a SingTelVide. Exc Condition, new siding, carpel & painI, Furniture Included. $14,500.00. Call Karen Maready 918-1122. FREE GERMAN/AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD mix puppies, good homes only, 4F 3M. 492-7978. FREE kfTTENS t o a Good Home. 492-6429. FURS-A-FLYIN Full Service Pel Grooming at the "Red Woof Inn". 940-DOGSor 909-1353. Rooms for Rent FURNISHED ROOM, GREATextras. Reasonable Rale, 751- 3175. Edward,_______________ Chi-ssil'ieci cleadiinc is Tue.sday before l():30ain Miscellaneous Mobile Home/Sale Pets Service Vehicles Employment 3BR, 2BA 1999 Skyline Shingle roof, vinyl siding, all appl. stay. $23,000. Good Cond. 998-0627. 2BR, 2BA, MOBILE Home on Private Lol, Range & Relrigera­ tor, Washer & Dryer. Utility Bidg, Front S Back Porch, Landlord does yard work. Very Good Condtion. Couple Onlyl No Pels! $500/month, $500/deposit. 998- 4385. SINGLEWIDE ON PRIVATE lol. Preler older couple with Reler­ences Only. First and Lasl Months Rent. Damage Deposit. (336)998-1125 Mobile Home/Sale III ST TIME buyers program. No credil needed. Call lor free quall- lication by phone. HOME ZONE, (704) 857-0157. GENE TREXLER I ROOFING New & Old Rools Small Repair Jobs Free Estimates 336-284-4571 C A S H PAID FOR ANTfOUES. PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES. COLLECTABLES, OLD METAL TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE Call Oftliiir Bortlcfc 336-492-5592 ILAGLE CRANE SERVICE Owner & Operator Brad Lagle (336)940-3762 (336)399-3821 RAND Y M ILLER & S O N S 295 Miller Koad‘ MiKluvlUe (336) 284-2826 ^ - ^ r m u d a Berniuda Village has an opening for full time: Maintenance Position CFC Certification Required, Excellent working conditions. 998-6784 We need a General Manager to run our Restaurant In Mocksville, NC. Preferably a local person. ExcellfinL BflV- Five day work week. Great quality of life. Super company to work for. If you tiave 3 years of experience running any restaurant (fast food a plus) with a proven track record I would like to talk to you. Rush your resume to: General Manager, 130 Heritage Place, Mooresville, NC 28115 Service ?BAD CREDIT? Wilh reason­ able deposil loan approved in minutes. Will do whal oihers can't 767-4319 WE SAY VESI ABANDONED HOME. 3 BR, 2 BA. Will sell in place or move to your lot. Some owner linancing. 336 661-1163 DOUBLEWIDE, 136 JOE Rd!, Nice lol, 3BR, 2BA, Heat pump. Garden tub, Side-by-side, Refrig­ erator, Microwave, Dishwasher. 998-5816. INVENTORY CLOSE CUT 2-80'X14' V/S Loaded - $32900 1-56'X28' With Land - $92000 2-56-X28' - 3BR, 2..5 BA • $46900 2-64'X28’ 3BR, 2.5BA - $52900 Bonanza MH 1-888-462-7806 Web site www.skylinecorp.com Call Uslll MODULAR HOMES on your lot. Shipped direct- Save $$ For free literature, call 1-888- 889-6356. MORTGAGE COMPANY HAS SW’S AND DW'S ALREADY SET UP ON ACREAGE. Pay $485 and fees and move in. Call 1-800-750- 4588. PERFECT TOUCH CLEANING Sen/ice. Reasonable Rates. 998- 3533. •MlkE^SPRESSUWEWASH* vinyl siding and repairs decks, patios, driveways and walkways, siding. 336-998-9588 336-909-1713 Insured • free estimate. 24 HOUR WRECKER & Rollback Service. Myers Grocery & Ser­vice Station. 3380 Highway 158 East, Mocksville, NC 27028. Phone 336-998-3797. OWNER FINANCING AVAIL­ABLE. 3 bedroom/2 bath home. IBOOsqlt. 450 per month. Rea­ sonable Deposit 661 -1163 YADKIN CO., nice large lots, sngl. & dbiwides. Cheap waler, good neighborhood, owner fi­ nance. $11,900 and up. Brown Osborne 336-838-4590________ Motorcycles YAMAHA PW-80, Greal Starter Bike, $800. Yamaha TTR-225, $1900. 998-4292 9am-9pm. Music PIANO TUNING J & Rebuilding Self-players, Sales & Service Wallace Barford 998-2789 A PERFECT SHINE everytime. Honest and Dependable House- cleaning. Call for Prices & Info. 336-492-6696. FURS-A-FLYIN Full Service Pet Grooming at the "Red Wool Inn”. 940-DOGSor 909-1353. HONEST, DEPENDABLE, AND CARING Chrislian woman will sit with elderly 1 st shift. Short or long term assignment. Mocksville Vi­cinity. Valid Driver's License and own transportalion. Characler relerences. Please call 336-751 - 1122. IN NEED OF a electrician, plumber or carpenter? Call T-N- T Services. Affordable Rates, Quality Quaranleed. Tim Dillard. 336-998-9101. LtNtC'S SEAMLESS GUTTER­ INGRichard Link-Owner Free Esiimales 998-1798 newT m a g ePainling & Remodeling, vinyl siding, decks, addilions, pressure washing. Over 20 yrs exp. Owner Danny Church. 336-751-4507 Mobile - 336-909-4062 OSBORNE ELECTRIC lor all your eleclrical needs. Free ¿Esiimales. 751-3398. SAVE BIGI ON in & oul of stale long dislance. 336-998-1993. TIRED OF IRONING? Call 998- 3533 for reasonable rates. T R ^ T o R WO^RK; BIJSH ging. Box Blading lor driveways, gravel, or landscaping, light loader work, field ripping, 6ft. trac­ lor liller, post holes 336-492-5174 before 9:(30pm. Ш Ш I TUESDAY I I 7:00 PM I j Yylk|nMoof'M>dg« j |C % 7 M t A d W A M P K k | A Friend fo r TWo J WILL CLEAN HOMES for rea­ sonable price. Call Lynn at 998- 1681. WRINKLES iN YOUFi”Carpet? We'll re-slretch or new carpet in­ stallation. Free estimates. (336)998-8402________________ statew id e_____ ATTENTION: FAST TRACK Career Training! Welding/CDL Driving/Heavy Equipmeni Opera­tion Training. Tuition Financing and Job Placement Assistance Available. Call Todayl 1 -800-613- 2793. BEAUTI/IMAGE COi^SULT- ANTS NEEDED. PT/FT, certilied Iraining. Earn Red Mustang. Amazing opporlunily. Call Dianne aboul this. Fun, rewarding, life changing career. 800-643-9779 Special oiler. CANADIAN DRUGS-HALF Price. Save up to 60% on your Prescriplion Drugs delivered righl to your Doorl Toll-Free Into: 1- 866-345-DRUG (3784). IDEAL GIFTS-DIVISION ofFriendly has openings lor party Plan Advisors and Managers. Decor, Gifts, Toys, Christmas. Earn cash. Trips, Recognition. 1- 800-488-4875, www.friendlyhome.com. OWN YOUR OWN $1.00 Store or party store. Includes invenlory, buying trip, training. Packages Irom 1^24,900. 501-327-8031. • »«ww • ....... I WUIMU I ini»l Wtomallc one car owner. 492-7335. Male Janilor for 3-11 pm shift at I- ------------------------------------------ 40 Rest Area In Davie County.n e - Travel 1992 FORD AEROSTAR Van, full power, excellent condition. $3000. Call 492-6551,_________ Wanted DOLL STUDENTS, FREE pri­ vate classes on Tuesday Night. Learn to make your own Porce­ lain dolls-Call Lila-Dee Dolls (Ruth 998-2980) or (Diane 725- 2594) aller 5:00pm. PHO'TOGRAPHY STUDIO LOOKING lor models, all ages, male-female and twins. Call for an appointment. 336-998-3409 WANTED TO BUY:PINE OR HARDWOOD. W'e select cut or clear cut. ^ a v e r Wood Products 704-278-9291 night 704-278-4433 Or 828-430-8860 WANTING TO BUY sTa'nding tim­ ber pine and hardwood. 336-859- 2480. Employment ACTIVITY DIRECTOR-A South­ ern Assisted Uving Community, is seeking an energetic Activity Director lor our Assisled Living Community. Responsibililies in­ clude planning, organizalion and direclion ol the activities program wilh an emphasis on the spinlual, recreational and educational de­velopment for all communiiy resi­ dents. This position also works closely wilh the ED in the area ol Marketing. Fax resume including Please call supervisor at 336 940-5626 or 5627. DRIVER: FLATBED DRIVERS -Adding 5 exp. Class A CDL driv­ ers w/ hazmal in our Mocksville, NC terminal immediately! Guar­ anteed home every weekend! 60% preloaded/pretarped. Excel­ lent pay w/ benelits. Call David al Coastal Transport at 1-800- 835-9770. EOE. EXR CARPENTER FOR framing craw. 40-plus hrs. weekly w/over- lime. Must be dependable. No drugs, no hot-heads. 336-467- 7061 or 336-998-7428. FULL-flM E MAINTENANCETechnician divided belween Statesville (vlanor in Statesville and Reynoida Park in Winston- Salem each being an Assisted Living Communiiy owned and operated by Soutnern Assisted Living, Inc. The posilion ensures the buildings, grounds, equip­ment, and utililies are maintained in good working order and in ac­cordance with community poli­cies. Assisi in maintaining a posi­ tive physical and social environ­ ment lor Ihe residents. Please f IN PERSON to Statesvilleapply I Manor, ph Wi ALL 4 U Travel Services olfer vacation packages lo Las Vegas, Disney World, Carribean, Cruises, Cancún, Inlernalionai and Domestic Travel anywhere in Ihe World. An affiliate ol TPI, Con­ tact Harriet Schuler 336-284- 4747. HARRAH'S CHEROKEE CASINO TRIPSFrid-Nite Aug. 23rd $20pp Tues-Day Aug. 27th $10pp Frid-Nite Sept. 6th $20pp Atlantic City Trip Aug. 30th $169pp (New) Sal-Day Sept. 28th $20 PPE Z Way Travel Local 998-4732 John & Evelyn Wyatt delinile salary requirements lo Cindy Smith, Executive Director @ 704-871-8617 or emailcsmilh@soulhernassisled.com. EOE, ADA, Drugfree workplace. We require pre-employment drug screening and local/slate criminal checks. Vehicles 1994 INFINITI J30, Great car, extra clean. 101K miles, $6,900. 751-9500. SALISBURY MOTOR Co! Buick - Dodge 700 W. Innes St., Salisbury 704-636-1341 ■78 CHEVY SHORTBED truck good motor needs body & trans­mission work $1200. ‘86 Chevy Astro Van good work van some body damage $1200. 492-7203 leave message. •86 CHEVROLET SCOTTSDALE 3/4 ton, V8, Auto, Air, PS, PB, High Miles but strong and dependable. $2900.00. 940- 5866, leave message. Experienced Auto Mechanic Needed General repair experience a must. Send letter of interest to Auto, PO Box 99, Mocksville, 27028. ASSISTANT FINISHING ROOM Supervisor. Hooker Furniture Corporation seeking an experi­ enced assistant finishing super­ visor for the Kemersville, NC plant. Applicant must have very strong people skills, and must be very knowledgeable wilh all types of linishes and high quality wood household furnilure. Slarling sal­ ary based on experience and past work history. Apply at Hooker Furniture Corporation, 210 N. Main Street, Kemersville, NC 7:30 to 4:00 Monday thru Thurs­ day, 7:00 lo 12on Friday CHILD DEVELOPMENT CON- SULTANT-The Rowan Partner­ ship for Children, a Smart Start nonprofit, seeks an early child­ hood prolessional as a Child De­ velopmenl Consultant, for Davie County, responsible for assisting childcare facilities in improving quality of care. Requirements are a BS/BA Degree in Early Child­hood Educalion or related field, and 3-5 years experience in a childcare setting. Must have knowledge ol the Star Rated Li­ cense and ECERS/ITERS. Must be a team player and have out­ standing communication, organi­ zation, and interpersonal SKills. Prolicient in Word, Access, and Publisher. Send cover letter, sal­ ary, requirements and resume to Search Committee, RPC, PO Box 1036, Salisbury, NC 28145. Position open until filled. An Equal Opportunity Employer. c b ^ ^ E T E HELi^ERTRAVEL req. Drivers license ¿relerred. Call 284-4369, Mon.-Fri., 10am- ■ 2pm for application. EOE ,^anor, 2441 East Broad St. be­ tween the hours of 9:30am and 4:00pm, M-F Call 704-872-1940 for directions. Salary inlormation, etc. will not be given over the hone. EOE/ADA/Drug Free forkplace. Local and State crimi­nal background checks are re­ quired as is a drug screen. HEAD START TEACHER at Central Davie. Pay range $8.28- $10.09 DOE. Minimum require­ ments one year ECE Certilica- tion. Preler AA in ECE. Benelits include BSBS insurance, life in­surance, volunlary vision and dental, relirement plan, earned leave. 9 paid holidays per year, and professional development opportunités. Call 336-367-7251 ext. 233 lor more inlormation. HELP WANTED - Now taking applications for Servers and wait staff, lull and part-time. Apply in person belween 2-4pm, Mon- Thurs. Sagebrush, 2560 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. HELP WANTED: CHILD care , teacher assistant, Monday-Friday 9-6; child care credentials re­ quired. Call 766-6979. LAND-TEK GROUNDS Mainte­ nance Laborers & Supervisors. Pay DOE. Call 998-9340 lor ap­pointment. LANDSCAPERS, HELPERS,AND Mowers Wanled. Call 751- 5613 or 345-1977 for inlen/iew. NOW HIRING,„EXPEFIIENCED Hotel From Desk Clerk. Flexible hours required. Apply in person. Days Inn & Suites, 629 l^adison Rd., Mocksville. PART-TIME DRIVER Needed. Must have CDL & Pass Drug and Alcohol test. Apply at Horn Oil Company, 190 f^orlh Main Street. QUALIFIED MENTAL RETAR­ DATION Professional needed to chair interdisciplinary team, which will serve individuals in DavieCounly. Bachelor's degree in human services and experi­ence wilh mental retardation re­ quired. Excellent benelits. Mail resume to attn: QMRP, RHA Health Services, Inc., 211 Roseman Lane, Cleveland, NC 27013. □ L ппм,нмс, MANUFACTURING NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS COMPETITIVE PAY for QUALIFIED APPLICANTS Applicant siiould have stable wori( history and basic math skills. Applicant should feel comfortable working with wood and woodworking machinery. Applicant will be required to work with a tape measure and understand Feet-lnches-16ths. Benefits: Include. APPLY IN PERSON EOEMF Paid Vacation Paid Holidays Retirement Plan Health Insurance TRIM JNC. Bethel Church Road Mocksville, NC you above the competition In fact, you're oligiblo (or up to three pay raises your first yearl Our extensive training program providos you wilh the skills you noed io succeed, plus lets you docido when you are ready for more pay/bonefits and more responsibility. And Ihat's just Ihe beginning. As q membor ol our dynamic toam. you’ll also benefit from the following: 401K savings plan conlribuiion — we'll malch 25% of your contribution, up to 6% of your salary (availablo after one year ol seivicu of hI («asl iOOO hours, musi be at leasI 21 years ol age. Medica) prescriplion, dental, lifo and AD& 0 benefits (availablo alter 120 days ot employment, whh at loast a 32 hour/ week average) Employee assistance program. • Weekly paychecks • Flexible scheduling • Paid vacalions • Employee moal and gill discounts • Stock purchase plan (available to those at lest 21 years of age who havo comploted 90 days ot sen/Ice) Wo Qio truly committod to your succoss ns a dodicalod morribor of our toam. At Cracker Darrol, wo listen to what you havo lo say and uso lhat foodback to mako positivo changos to your woik onvironmont. What moro could you ask for?If you aro motivated and onttiuslasik;. with a passion for customer sorvico. como in and soo Q ManoQor today! We are currentfy looking for PART TIME HELP COME IN TODAY AND APPIY. W f ARE A MST-RACB)« FUN PUCE TO WOftK. W * ora too^ng lor HtOH M w gy p«Of)te iM Ito to hard and moka MONEYtH 6420 Sessions Ct. Clemmons, NC Exit 184,1-40 (336)712-9880 Old Country Store We are an equal opportunity employer. s'* DI4 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTKRIMUSE RECORD, An«. 22, 2002Big For A Day Students Tour Agency, Local Business Big Brolhers Big Sisters Inc,, a Unilcd Way .ngoncy, lielil its firsl annual Big for A Day pro­ gram on Aug, I, Diane Casiiion, iuinian rc­ sourccs anil safely manager, volulncercd as a Big for two stu­ dents. a hrother and sislcr. She gave them a lour of Avgol America and e.xplaincd how they use a material to make a non­ woven fabric lhat is used in baby diapers and hygiene products. She also showed them how to complete a job application, and introduced them to several of Ihe employees al Ihe business. They learned a lol aboul the workforce and what is involved in workign al an industrial com- UnibedW äy pany. "Avgol America is new in the communily and very dedicated ot families and communily oul­ reach." Cashion said. "Il was very rewarding to spend licm with these children." Cashion gave the sludenls school supplies as a gifi and plans to slay in touch with them throughout the year. Big Brothers Big Sisters co­ ordinator, Regina Graham, was also matched with a child for Ihe day. Her student learned abou the agency and its mentoring programs. The spccial event concludcd wilh lunch. Scotl Ganit, presi­ dent of Ihe advisory board, and Kay Eamhardt from Ihe Davie Chambe of Conuncrcc. joined the group for lunch. Graham is organizing another Big For a day students will not go to school. Businesses are asked lo par­ ticipate. Conlacl Gniham al 7.‘i 1- 9906. Immunizations Still Important North Carolina's Department of Health and Human Services urges all Norlh Carolinians to learn more aboul immunizations' importance. Norlh Carolina is joining wilh organizations and agencies throughout the counlry in celebrating Augusl as National Immunization Awareness Monlh (NIAM ). N IA M is a national observance to remind and cducale all Americans aboul the importance of immunizations Ihroughout life. It's purpose is to call attention lo the imporlance of immunizing individuals of all ages as a way lo prevent serious, lifc- ihrealcning di.seases. Vaccine-preventable disea.ses affect all individuals regardless of age. race, se.x or economic status. • Pneumococcal disease causes approximalely 17,000 cases of invasive disease like meningitis (inflammation ofthe lining of Ihe brain) among , children under .S years old, ^ resulting in 7(10 cases of meningitis and 2(X) deaths each year. • Vaccine-preventable diseases and Iheir complications cause more lhan 3().0()0 adult deaths in the Uniled Slates each year. Influenza and pneumonia combined are the fifth leading cause of death in older Americans. • Virtually all people who have not been vaccinated against chickenpox or had the disease as a child arc at risk for contracting chickenpox as an adult. The risk of complications and death from chickenpox can be up lo 10 to 20 times greater for adulls lhan children. The N.C, Immunization Branch works with the stale's local health departments, physicians, nurses and olher heallh care providers lo promote age-appropriate vaccinations for ail North Carolinians. Davic County Health Direclor Barr)’ Bass reminds all T w o E a r n M B A ’s F r o m W F U Two Davic students earned master's of business administra­ tion degrees from Wake Forest University in May. Heather Frye Leach of Ad­ vance and Frances Danita Campbell of Mocksville were students in the Babcock Gradu­ ate School of Management’s full-time, evening executive pro­ gram. S E R V I C E Laying • Sanding • Finishing FREE ESTIMATES Owrw: tarry McClenney 129 Lakewood Drive ® 336-751-1721Í ! residents that various immunizations are needed at different stages of life, for children, teens, younger and older adults. "Consult wilh your own, or your child's physician or health care provider aboul age- appropriate immunizations" Bass said. "Immunizations arc among the best and most effective preventive health care tools that we have." For more infomiation contact your physician or the Davie County Health Department al 751-87(H),Regina G raham anij Diane Cashion w atch three Big Brothers Big Sisters students as they tour Agvol Am erica. BEN MYNATT DRIVEN. H a m o f ß i G Ш Ч Got The Bottom L NE à Demo Special ю г Н 1 $ ш 1 Ш Ш How M y '25,697 BOSE 6 Disc CD, Sunrool, Lealher, Wlntl Delleclor, Splash Guartls & More... ' 0 г т 5 л н п ю ы п № Ribilt - w lor 60 Mm. '02 m sM oninu 1 0 0 0 ® i t . 9 % Rtbalt lor 60 Mm. ПЮ6ММ S K c m м 'огш м яш м к ClujMC I Aliiin,Wteili,COPIiyir. j Spollir, FullPowir. f AutooiitlclMOnE.,,. 5 A3 ntif»y fit« « ku cl reí¿:rt Tu. Im Ä OOC Ы ot I28î 00 ut tun ) AlUl«P«ICIfUIOnin{!!Xlu'MtCK#r Lut P<turCSirtfW’Л «kntriuvi^rpoin(VVr A.’tr«iMa'ton«ppf№T4c>M4/Ultpun&IIIU. 'PONTIAC • CMC • NISSAN 828 JANE АШ иШ ВЕЯ BLWD. S. M U « 8 H A Y a a i. GIGANTIC О М С WI AM PROrKtSIONAL QRADi 'O Z G M C yig lion П S!t ^93 Running Boards, Sunroof, CD & Cass. Rear A/C, Rear Audio. Alum Wheels B E N M Y N A T T O F S A L IS B U R Y GM Summer fWve 096 '"Save Ihoiisands" O^FINANCING FOR 60 MONTHS! o n Y u k o n & Y u ko n X L • D e n a li & D e n a li X L E n v o y & E n v o y X L • S o n o m a s & S a la ris Sierras0%36 Mas, h9% 48Mos, Z-9%60Mos, 'O Z m e S ie rra ^ ^ firtCab ^ J Ho» M y*21,987 V-8, Aiilomalic, Keyless Enlry, PAV. P/L, CD Player, Timed Glass S MORE!! Was 39,671 Bear Disc ■ 4,296Bilals___--2.SQQ Of O' How Only *32,875 Was 27,419 Bear Disc -2,932 ' о г S o m d nsg i O f i n U t Was 16,835 Bear Disc • 1,037 Rebate • 3.000 HouOnly 2,798 Sunroof, Aulomatic, CD Player & More ' O i Ш С S o n o m a ( x t C a b Was 19,700 Bear Disc -1,714 How Only ^14,986 V-6, Aulomatic, Tilt, Cruise Y p a N T IA C 'ОгГтпПкПтМт/игсйт w l H Î I U W l 1Д J v * DRrVINCä EXCm=MI=NT Was 21,815 Bear Disc ■ 1,8: tk m M ÿ '^16,986 v-6, Automatic, Alum. Wheels, Power Seal, P/W, P/L _ODow^W« *397’ о DOOT-mn »272” ^3,000 m m to v 0 % fOVÙOÊtoms Automatic & 6 Speed Hurst Shifter - 4 to Choose! iu.ué.a. ^ IIDnnm*2ÍKS‘' ' * ' ^ co,c«..K«u,TgÌj.^na«.iSii.ni 0IHM.IMI285"'««-“ ‘" “»rtíM B ”"’ ОИд|».>ш*ЗЗб->«- •’'■‘"■“áríigey«"'™ 01)«ет,«и»272’'“" “ w.. u, ь«м. m, u« tn, tMM. ;ки' Ж ' о Sn» «к »344''"" л «РЯ lu. Ь) 4 и Im II01,^ [Л 4 fc. «м.. со, Щ !»• «tw оо«м м )и »2 72 ''“ " " “ ’Пслчл 9%AfA 1и.ид<бсс1м}у1Яцл(|д«1«;»(м4(/»21 I Df, М. СО. CnJw. fW. AUOVWkMit, 0 00Ш .Ш М 2.995- томtl^TutJ9&doclNбмU ( Л um <», ».b, mu 0Down.»,»5,995 $5 995 B I N G Q E E m T ^ S a le s E v e n t E v e ry S a t.Hoi Savings an Hot W lioelt, Price« Clearly MarkedI и ю i,a cl г.М !1Л иЛ |аШ ^1гв9 00 » ,т М uii Рад !.. W я sioci uM WI» Picijtsii.toikisWtapJ^HorJ, /инти.опадюлют« Айер-гиИК» Ê B ê S M J W V M A J - r - G w i e - m h s s a m г B 2 9 1 А И 1 Й Ч К Д Н Р Е В B M f D . s ! m i S B U B Y ■ Т О Д - в а ^ ^ ^ Solid As A Rock D a v ie A r tis t S e e s M o r e T h a n S t o n e s In H e r C r e a t i o n s Page C1 Polyurethane Class N e w B u il d in g s B e i n g U s e d B y D a v ie C o u n t y S c h o o l s P age D1 D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I / ^ E C O R D T r u c k e rs S a y H ills d a le R o u n d a b o u t D a n g e r o u s DOT Says Be Patient, It’s The Best Solution By Mike Bnrnhurdt Davie Coimty Enterprise Rccord HILLSDALE - It’.s a roundabout. And it'.s the talk of the neighbor­ hood. That talk is not positive, either. As N.C, Department of Transpor­ tation crews put the finishing touches on tlte roundabout on N.C. 801 at 1-40 this week, area motor­ ists are learning how lo deal with a strange intersection. "Everybody for the last two weeks have been complaining to me about this thing,” said Larry Motorists mal<e tlieir way around ttie roundabout on N.C. 801 at 1-40 during construction, which is I'icase See Roundabout - Page 4 expected to be completed this week. Flying High Brandon Rowell, 9, makes a jump on the motorcross track behind his Advance home. Brandon and little sister, Sydney, are winning race afler race. For a slory and more photographs, please turn lo page 88. - Photo by Robin Fergusson - Photo by Robin Fergusson S c h o o l B o a r d C a n d i d a t e s T o B e A t D H S F o r u m The Davie High School PTSA and tlie Leadership Development Class will host a School Board Can­ didate Forum, Thursday, Sept. 5 al 7 p.m. in the gymnasium. “ As young leaders of our com­ munity, these students are taking an active role in this upcoming elec­ tion,” said Christy Schafer, PTSA-^ president. “The PTSA encourages students to begin thinking about the future of the community and when­ ever possible to participate in com­ munity driven events.” Many students at Davie High will vote in this election. “We believe that it is in their best interest to leam as much as they can about the candidates and the elec­ toral process,” said Schafer. "By making the forum a class project, the students are actively engaged in the debate process. We hope the project will encourage our students to be­ gin a lifetime of community service and responsibility.” Leadership class students in­ clude: Alison Alexander, Jenny Bokeno, Kyle Brown, Josh Cookson, Candice James, Hollie Miller, Sara Miller, Ashlee Prevette, Please See Forum - Page 4 Redland Interchange Taken From Plan An 1-40 interchange at Redland Road was taken away from a county thoroughfare plan last week. Earlier this year county commissioners approved the thoroughfare plan, but did not name the location for an additional 1-40 interchange. The N.C, Department of Transportation sent the plan back, requiring thal a locution for the intersection be named if the item was lo stay on the plan. The DOT favors an interchange at Redland Road, The interchange at Redland was lisled in the plan in the 1980s but was later removed, Bethlehem United Methodisi Church supporters are working on getting the property listed on the register of historical places. Coinmissioncr Ken White said the surrounding communily is concerned aboul the type of growth the neighborhood would see once the interchange was built. "Communities (at interchanges) become communities of hotels, fast food restaurants, gasoline stations, things like that. People have been concerned about the impact, not only on the church, but whal would happen to the neighborhood,” “ Whalevev we recommend tonight, the state will do whatever they wanl to do," said Commissioner Richard Poindexter. The commissioners voted to remove the interchange from their current thoroughfare plan. The plan is reviewed every five years, if not more frequently. The board can go back at any time and add the interchange. Water Watch Beginning Sure, we’ve had more rain this week than we’ve seen in quite some time, Bul the drought is still serious, and Davie County is still in Stage 3 moderate mandatory water conser\'ation. Each week unlil the drought ends, the Enterprise Record will publish a "Water Watch” chart, stating the number of gallons be­ ing distributed by the Davie County and Mocksville water systems. The goal - to use less water than the week before. The chart can’t be used to compare Mocksville to Davie County, other than lo note any reductions from week to week, as the counly waler system is much larger than the towns. Water Watch A v e r a g e D a i l y W a t e r U s e Davie County 3.378 3.278 million million gallons gallons Mocksville 867,000 819,000 gallons gallons Aug. 12-18 Aug. 19-25 Aug. 12-18 Aug. 19-25 2 - DAVIE COUN TY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 29. 2002 ^ ito ria l Page John Sparks: Farmer, Husband, Father... A Truly Great Man He w;is ;m exccllcnl fnmier, bul his work as our newspa­ per carrier made me appreciate liim even more. Newly relirctl. rny dad had asl^ed for tiie delivery job a decade ago when it came vacant. .Something for him lo do. How could 1 refuse? He was my falhcr. Deliver newspapers? ll seemed so ... unlike him. He had lived in Davie County all his life, but he got losl his first day on the job - confused by all the twists and turns and inierseciions around Turkeyfooi. Thai was Ihe lasl lime he got losl. For the ensuing years, he planned his vacations, surgery, trips and doctor visits around our Wednesday delivery schedule. He was punctual. Dependable. Responsible. The few limes I substituted for him. I was greeted wilh disap­ pointed customers. They noted 1 was late. If a newspaper rack was broke, he fi.xed it. He rolled up his pants and waded inlo Dutchman Creek to retrieve a rack dumped off a bridge by vandals. He worked at this part- time newspaper job wilh Ihc same enthusiasm and verve he had shown in his lifetime on the farm. Indulge me as I wallow in grief over his death last week. He certainly wasn’t an orator. He measured his words - talking very liitle. He was the uliimaie quiet type, like his father before him. But his example and work shouted who he was. He worked withoui complaining. He was no shirker. He didn't give excuses. He didn'l gripe aboul Ihe heal - or the humidity. His generation is slipping away - children ofihe Great Depression, victors of World War II and Ihe parenls of us Baby Boomers. He survived a bout wilh Ihc dreaded polio - the plague lhat swept ihrough and snuffed the lives of children wilhoul notice. Spared by God. he wanted lo preach. But the farm was his true calling. Al lhal, he had few peers. As a boy, he milked 20 cows in the morning before school. By hand. He milked ihe same cows that evening when he got home. Electricity didn’t find its way down Spillman Road until his late teen years, an event that forever endeared him lo the local cleclric cooperative. All lhal milking gave him a grip like a vise. A handshake like a wooden clamp. A ll of us children lasl week found ourselves holding those hands as he lay in a coma at W FU Baptist Hospital. I'hose big scarred, weather-beaten hands lhal had tilled Ihe soil, spanked our bottoms and handled a herd of cows. He was a strong man. He didn’t have the rippling muscles you see al ihe V M C A weight room. Those muscles are sculpted in air condiiioiied comfort. M y dad's muscles came from lifting bales of hay in ihe hot sun. combining wheal and oals and soybeans in choking dust, and fighting en­ croaching weeds lhal threalencd his com crop. Al those jobs, he had the stamina to oul last anyone. He woke al 4 a.m. and worked unlil sundown. He didn'l like daylight savings lime. That only gave him another hour to work and an hour less to sleep. Cows didn’t understand governmental meddling with the clocks. We children worked wilh him. One of us always rose at 4 a.m., too. Il was our job to wash the cows’ udders - to spray away the manure and cleanse the teats. We fed them grain and silage. We started as young as 5. ll was a high privilege, at least at first. We were suddenly vital - part of the family enlerprise. We were side-by-side wilh our father. The cows depended on us. We learned that m ilk was more than something to drink. It was our liveli­ hood. The chores were neatly divided. We fed Ihe calves, the pigs, Ihe chickens. And we played a lot - Tar/an in the barn loft, Hercules W 'ilh the fertilizer bags. During pauses in the milking responsibilities, I studied the calendar, learning the phases I’lt'asc See John Sparks - Page 3 DAVIC CO UNTY E N T E R P R I / ^ E C O R D USPS 149-160) 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99. Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-2120 Published weekly by Ihe Davie Publishing Co. Dwight Sparks..................................Edilot/Publisher Robin Fergusson.............................General Manager Mike Barnhardt.................................Managing Editor Ray Tutterow.....................................Advertising Director Brian Pilts...........................................Sports Edilor Tammy Kowalski...............................Clrculation/CiassKied Mocksville Enterprlso 1916-1958 Oavie Record 1899-1958 Cooleemee Journal 1901-1971 Periodicals Postage Paid in Mocksvillc, NC 27028 Subscription Rates Single Copy, 50 Cents ■S20 Per Vear In N ,C , S25 Outside N.C. POSTMASTER Send Address Changes lo: Davie Couniy Enlerprise Record P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 МдкШ»“»таиАймйСбШСКДТ f \ m ì " м у T O A S T IS B U R N T - B O M B I R A Q ! " In T h e M a i l ... S u p p o r t T h e M a r c h in g B a n d To the editor: Greetings, War Eagle fans. It’s that time of year when we get out our stadium cushions and ball caps, and our school spirit is running high for our Davie High football leam. ll just doesn’t seem possible thal foolball season has rolled around again. But it has, and we're all ready to cheer and support our team. This year as you are clieering for our tough guys in orange and black, there is anolher group of War Eagles that would certainly love your support and cheering, and lhat is our wonderful marching band. Yes, the inarching band. The kids who are in Ihe band work very hard lo be ready for foolball season. They begin band practice in June, meeting twice each week during their summer vacalion, learning new songs and practicing old ones ihcy haven't played logcltier in n while. Tlicy practice countless hours al home. And for those of you who don'l realize how much they sweat while practicing in this heat on the footbal field, just come see Ihem one day after practice is over. Incidentally, no water is provided for their refreshment - they have to bring Iheir own. But why is it that so often when the band plays their songs for all Editorials On The Mark To the editor; Congratulations on two very well written editorials the past two weeks. Your piece on high school and the "years" beyond gradua­ tion should be recjuired reading for all middle and high .school stu­ dents everywhere. With a freshman both at Davie High School and North Davie Middle School this year, your "words of wisdom" were especially relevani to our household. Your "Running for Cover: Coinniissioners Duck Difficult Issuc.s" and Jerry Hauser’s “School’s Needs Urgent Now" bolh serve as poignant reminders that no one in Davie County is exempt from the numerous issues facing our county, especially the two most critical ones, growth and educalion. Davie Couniy is a wonderful place to live ami raise my family. 1 for one. would gladly pay more taxes lo ensure years from now my boys and their respective families have the opportunity to say the same. I can only hope thal our present group of commissioners are "up lo the task" and do somelhing ineaninglul for a change. As a final note. 1 too wish lo thank Ken Windley for his excel­ lent scr\’ice and deilication to Davie County. 1 had the opportunity to work directly with Ken on several occasions and I greally re­ spect his accomplishments. Thanks, Ken. Frank Hinman 11 Advance L e t t e r s W e l c o m e d The Enterprise Record welcomes letters from its read­ ers. The letters may be on topics of local, state, national or international issues. A n effort will be made to print all letlers, provided they are not libelous, vulgar or in poor taste. The editor reserves the right to edit letlers for grammar and for space. A ll letters should include the name and address of the writer, including a sigiiatute. A telephone number, not to be published, is also requested. i*lea.se have letters in the newspaper office no later than 4 p.m. Monday of the week to be published. Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box, 99, Mocksville, or email to; emews@davie-enterprise.com. G o t A n O p in io n ? Add your vote to our weekly online poll that asks questions affecting you and Davie County. Log on at www.enterprise-record.com and click on reader’s poll to cast your vote. Results will be listed here weekly. Is Davie County growing too fast? Y C S 6 7 % No, 33% tiila Log on now to see our question and cast your vote. DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 29,2002 - 3 of us al the games, it seems as though the applause comcs primarily from band parents, and other family members? Many limes I have noticed very little applause from the majority of football fans. 1 ask you, how would the football players feel if the only people who applauded Ihem were their parents atul family members? Do you think they’d play their best? Fellow War Eagle fans, we havo music to our cars almost every­ where we go, I cannot imagine a foolball game without the band playing the tight song afler scoring and songs to cheer the players on. songs the cheerleaders and dancing boots dance to, and songs thal just make us feel good. So how about it? Lei’s show the band this year how much we appreciate Iheir hard work, loo. They are working hard and sweat- ^ ing and practicing so they will sound good for all of you. so lei’s ' show them some appreciation, Beverly Skiver Mocksville Build A New High School To the eililor: Why delay? Buy the land. Build East Davie High School. Just be sure it is large enough to take care of needs many years from now. I would like to be to attend the opening as 1 did in 19.56 al Davie High School. Mamie B. Hartman Advance : Postponement Of School Bond A Disappointment To the editor; I cant tell you when I have heen more disappoinied in a bunch of people in my entire life than when 1 read in the local papers about the postponement of the Davie County school bond refcren- duiu. A.s I staled in my Idler ii> ilic ottilor aiul school hoanl members w few weeks ago, we need to act on the school facilities problem now. like in 10 years ago. Instead, all 1 see is inaction from the county commissioners, which has been entirely too consistent an act over the years in Davie County, Whether it is the animal control center/ humane society services to the exorbitant prices charged the East­ ern Davie water/sewcr system (when we should be like most coim- ties anti have a couiity-wivle water/sewer system), to now our woe- hdly behind school lacilities, Davic C(umty commissioners are al­ ways in a catch-up moile. This is from poor planning and not hav­ ing enough guts to impose thc proper property taxes needed to fund Ihis coutuy and its services. Hiding behind the state's lack of funding to our county is your way ol not wanting to face the music when it comes lo this November's re-election. We have needed schools and updating of John Sparks... Continued From Pii!>e 2 ol thc moon, asirohigy arul all ihc conversion chans. M y dad could do seemingly cvcryihitig. He W'as a gciiclicist, breeding and designing a herd of top milkers. He was a welder and mechanic, fixing machinery as needed. He was a weatherman, taking careful study tif the skies to determine when to cut the alfalfa. He operated heavy tnachitiery - tractors and balers anil combines and trucks and even a biillilozcr. He was a builder - erecting barns and shells with surprising talent. He was a veterinarian - helping cows with difficull births, administering niedicitie and protecting their heallh. He w'as. as necessary, an eleclrician atul plumber, even a butcher iluring hog-killing lime. Most of all, he was a man of faith. He planted even during a droughl. He worshipped God, even when everything was falling aparl. He didn'l swear. He just w'orked harder. I only saw him cry a few times. One of ihose was when his besl cow died during calving. M y dad had ordered the semen o fa champion pedigree bull. Bul al birth, the calves were loo big, much too big. That day in Ihe woods as he struggled to help Ihe cow deliver. I was a lillle boy w'alching over his shoulder. The cow was a lOO-pound-a-day milker. M y brother and 1 were always lagging along, riding behind him on the iraclor, on the hay wagon, atop the load of silage. We watched wide-eyed as the bull was brought to the cow in heat. We scanned the skies with him for signs of rain. And at the end of a summer day when he roared in on Ihe big tractor, we ate Wiilernielon together and drank a Coke. It wasn’t an easy life. We lived down a long dusly roail. Our friends were our pel calves. We looked forward to the once-a-momh visit from Ihe m ilk lesler, Guy Lyons. Thai Spillman Road soil was filled wilh rocks. We picked them up. The soil had been exhausted when my dad bought it. He revived it wilh nutrients and fertilizer. Along Ihe way, his children learned lo work, loo. Wc are so Ihorouglily imbued wilh ihe work elhic. lhat some of us are uncomfortable doing nolhing. We find pleasure in work. The newspaper has always been more like an ex­ tended vacalion lo me. When you have attacked smelly siables ihree-feel deep in manure wilh nothing bul a pitchfork, a newspaper job doesn’t seem like work at all. As children, we w'ent on vacalion in shifts. M y dad would take Ihree of us for a week. Then tny molher would lake ihe olher three. Cows have to be milked twice a day, everyday. Someone had lo .slay home. A l my first newspaper job, 1 got two weeks of paid viicaiion lo do whatever I wanted. It was an amazing luxury. M y dad finally gol lo travel, loo. A fler selling Ihe cows, he itnd my molher went places. They were on a cruise ship lhal ran aground in Italy, giving them un­ planned looks at M t, Vesuvius, Pompti and Vatican Cily. After being confined to Ihe farm all his life, he ireasured Ihose Irips. He also lauglii us how to treat a woman. M y dad loved my mom. He never left without kissing her. He brought her presents. He gushed about his love for her. He considered marrying her the besl decision of his life. He had pursued her, and he ireasured Ihe calch until his final days. He once told me to wrile someday when he died lhal his wife was an angel, a blessing from God. She had given him six children, who had given him 15 grandchil­ dren, He was both happy with her and proud of her. There you go. Daddy. And I agree. Farming is difficull, dangerous work, only slightly less hazardous than coal mining. M y father had many close calls. A seemingly minor fall off a stool inside the house killed him - a blow to the head lhal proved fatal. His children and grandchildren gathered around him lasl week, laking turns holding his hands as the brealh of life ebbed. His faith and devotion, those early mornings spent milking cows, the summer days hoeing corn ... have shaped our lives. His example has always spoken to us. He was quite a man. A good man. Our father. We are honored lo be his. ll hurts so badly to Io.se him. - Dwight Sparks school facilities for years. We built five elementary schools in thc 70s. Iw o middle schools in the 80s and only one elementary school in the 90s. This is pitiful and hasn't come close lo laking care of our needs. We can't alTord to put Ihis off any longer. Wilh interest rates at their lows in years, can we not refinance the current debts and help out what is needed from our properly taxes? Do we have inlerim couniy manager Jim Stockert working on that angle? Is all this inaction and indecision what drove away Ken Windley as our past county manager? These arc just a few queslions thal 1, as a concerned citizen have. No. its stated before, I am not a lifetime D;ivie Coimty resideni so 1 have seen how a few dilTerent areas work. I can say that Davie is definitely the most behind in Ih c ir progressive thinking of any place I have lived. I know we have primaries coming up in September and 1 am ready to cast a vote on the Republican side for Mr. Myers only. I don't know the man, but 1 plan on studying his ideas between now and then. If they don't suit me, I will not vote in thc primary at all hecause 1 know the actions and decisions of Ihe olhcr candidates. The liberal media has always said that Ihe Democrats are betler on the educational needs of the people. 1 have never believed them before but from what 1 am seeing from the local level of Davie County Republicans, I am starling lo believe that. 1 may have lo do something 1 have seldom tlone and lhat is push Ihe button for Demo­ crat Bob Rose and Bob Rose only in November al general election time. We have pressing high school needs lhat can’t wait. As shown in Ihe North Davie question and answer session in May, we are more than 200 overpopulated at Davie High School and have been for quite sonte time. There is no relief in sight as we have L.iSI en­ rolled on the first day of school and the school is built to hold 1 ,.420. If you take the numbers in 10th down to .seventh grade now (468- 4.36-405-469) lhat were enrolled on the firsl day, that gives us 1,778 in the high .school for the school year 2004-2005. Extrapolate out from whal we have in the middle schools this year (711 al North Davie and 694 at South Davie) and lhal will give you 1,855 a year or two afier that. Gentlemen, we need to get ihis done now and do il on one big bond. We have pressing elenienlary .school problems thal can’t wait, mainly al William R. Davic, Mocksvillc and Coolcemee, along with progressive technology needs at all the .schools. We need action and we need it now. This can't wait unlil March and put us five more months behind. We need thc couniy commis­ sioners and school board lo actively support one big bond referen­ dum and gel it passed. Any defeat or delay makes our problems lhal much worse. John Nclnis, Hillsdale Support Davie County Hospital To the editor: Thc citizens of Davie Couniy have been given a sccond chance to have a hospital, and whether or not we take advantage of this is up lo each of us. Yes. our hospital is small. No. we cannot do open hearl surgery here. It is. however, a good placc to be if you need hospital care and you wanl to he close to your I'riends and your loved ones. There are many things thal can be taken care of right here at home, and we need lo make sure lhat we always have that option. As you remarked in your editorial last week, you do nol have lo pay lo park. Vou do nol sit in the emergency room for six to eight hours. We have top luitch ER doctors, atul the nurses are as good as they comc. Many of the cilizens of our county ilo not know that Davic County I lospital is now open on the palicnl care lloor. We are prepared to take care of patients over night. It is no longer necessary lo go across the river to receive hospital care. If il is your desire lo be cared for here then it is up lo you to make your choice known to your physician. You should nol have lo go across thc river ill any direction to be cared for in a hospiiai. 1 can remember my father telling me "If you do not u.se it you lose it." He was referring to my brain. If wc do not use the hospital now. we will lose il. My grandson was one of the last in house patienls al Davic County Hospital, and I can tell you he woulil not have received better carc anywhere in this country. Would I be a patient there? Yes. of course I would. 1 used the emergency room two weeks ago for my granddaughter, and we were in. oiu and had a prescription filleil in less than an hour, riiat docs not happen any place else around here. Let your doctor know that if you need hospitalization you want to stay at home. Let's keep onr hospital open so lhat wc have that resource here for many years to come. Skippi Posey, Mocksvillc Hillsdale Intersection A “Whirlpool Of Doom’ To the editor: Our family calls ihe new road construction in Hillsdale Ihe "Whirlpool of Doom" hecause when we drive south on 801 we feel as though our car is being sucked inexorably into a roll of the dice wilh Fate Itself. Traffic engineers have apparently failed lo con­ sider that we Davie County residenls have no way of knowing who has the right-of-way in a traffic circle. Most drivers seem to use the same approach. 1 do; dart, dodge, and scream. As a public scrvicc, let’s look al these steps individually: 1) Dart. Dart inlo Ihe circle, looking neither right nor left, be­ cause lo do so would only encourage the other driver to believe he has been seen and encourage him lo think you might lei him in. 2) Dodge. Dodge any car that appears immediately in front ol yours from oul of nowhere. Skid sideways if necessary, but Iry not to hil thc other car if at all possible. Look in your rear-view mirror lo see if you must now dodge the confused driver behind you. 3) Scream, ll will make you feel belter. Bm try lo keep your eyes open if you can. Rather lhan pulling a fountain in the cenier (which will only distract us further), the engineers would be wise lo pave the inner­ most circle and painl a giant cross on il. U will make a scrviccaWe landing pad for the Air Care helicopter. Catherine K. Dean Advancc Difference In Law Enforcem ent P u z z l i n g To Ihe editor; Not long ago 1 received a letler from the Justice Department of Ihc Slale of Arkansas. It began, "the pro.sccuting altomey's office filed charges against ... in thc case in which you were a viclim." Two individuals in Pine Bluff had made up the fictitious name o a school and fraudcd Uniform Express out of Si,885 in unifonns. Afier nothing more than a telephone call to the police deparlment. an investigation was made which produced arrests wilh prosecu­ tion pending. The deleclive believes that 1 will gel most if nol all of the money involved. Does anyone believe lhal 1 would have received ihis kind of help in Davie County? On one occasion 1 called our sheriff's deparl- nicnl to report vandalism. A rock thc size of a pack of cigarettes had gone through two panes of glass and a Sheetrock wall. Thc detec­ tive I talked to insisted lhal a lawn mower had pickcd up the rock and cau.sed Ihe danuige. I wasted my lime when I explained lhal we do not mow the parking loi. No one ever came. On anolher occaision 1 called the sheriff's deparlment to ask for help in gelling rid of an employee’s abusive and drunk husband/boyfriend. Wotdd you be­ lieve that I was told lhal I needed lo hire a lawyer? 1 have never been to Arkansas and have never paid one penny of any kind of tax to lhal stale. Here, 1 pay significant couniy property tax while I al.so collect sales tax all over North Carolina. Davie County gels lo keep .1.3 perccni of ihis money - money thal was brought into Davie County by Uniform Express. 1 don'l understand how Iherc can be so much difference in law enforcemenl in the same coimtry. Mayhc we arc nol paying our people enough. Maybe ihey need a raise. D.N. McDaniel Mocksvillc Shady Grove JV Football Team Divided Unfairly To thc edilor; Thc Shady Grove Bulldog foolball coaches were faced wilh an unusual situation following football sign-ups. The Junior Varsity leam had a surprisingly large amount of potential talent. In fact, they had over 40 third and fourih graders wanting lo play football Ihis year. The bead coach needed to make some important decisions. All of the parents were called together for a meeting afier practice Tuesday. Aug. 20. The decision was made lo split the team. The reason given was to benefit the players allowing them more playing lime during games. According to the coach, these teams would be split fairly and hy experience levels. There will be an “A Team" and a "B Team". He also informed us lhat if one ofihe leams folded then those players could nol switch teams. Al Ihe lime, il sounded as if Ihe players’ besl interest was being considered. Well, w e quickly learned what a sneak and sweep play was when the coach took all of thc older, more experienced boys and pul them on one team. The second leam,"A" had all of the third graders and only three fourth graders. These fourth graders selected were unfortunately drawn to make the teams even in number. Oh yeah, ilid 1 mention that only one fourth grader on the “A" team has ever played tackle football. Thc “B" team consists of all the biggest and most experienced players. Yes, 1 want lo sound critical of this decision. Someone needs to take a closer look at the decision lo split these players like this. I Is There A Female Football Coach? To the editor: There is an exlra person on Ihe sidelines al Davie County foot­ ball games. A lot of fans would like lo know, why is she oul there? I’ve read all thc sports articles about the coaches, bul 1 don’t recall reading aboul any female coach being on Ihe staff, Ifone has been added, 1 think all Ihe foolball fans would like lo read all about her qualificalions for being oul there during the game and also, whal she coachcs. If by some chance she is a coach, should should dress like Ihe staff. Monroe McDaniel Mocksville am not saying splitting the team was a bad idea. Everyone wants lo see their little bulldog gel playing lime, bul, let’s make il fair. Fair to the individual Bulldog player, both Bulldog teams and fair to Ihe rest of thc league. Although splitting thc team was a good idea, the manner in which il was executed is scary. 1 fear for Ihe Ihird graders playing out there. They will be the snuillesl, most inexperienced and most timid kids in the league. I fear for their safely. I fear lhat they will get a bad taste of foolball and loose the drive to play and compete in tho fulure. I fear lhal die team may fold for they have already losl several players. 1 fear thal the Shady Grove Bulldogs will get a bad name in the league. If you agree, you need to voicc your conccrn before the first game when it will be is loo late. 1 am proud oftho.se Bulldogs. I am especially proud of lhal "A" team for willing to give all Ihey have got for success and team pride. They arc truly ibc “A Team". Written by a concerned giandparcnt. William O. Chase Richmond, Va. Louise Stroud’s Column Appreciated To the edilor: In ycars past, when Mocksville had no stoplight, Mr. C. Frank Stroud Sr. owned and was editor of the Davie Record. It was lo­ cated in the Masonic Building where the county administrative build­ ing now stands. One ofihe things I remember about his paper was titled "Seen Along Main Street." Wc are more fortunate that the Enterprise is printing articles written by one of his daughters. Miss Loui.sc Stroud. Miss Louise has made a fine contribution to the county in her field of music. She taught many students, including our daughter, Janicc Meyer. 1 be­ lieve that many people appreciate Mi.ss Loui.se’s wriling the article and the Enlerprise for priming them. Cccil Cartner Mocksville More Letters To The Editor - Page 4 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 29,2002 Larry Campbell is laking the complaints about the roundabout in stride... and even got a little advertising in for his barber shop. - Photo by Robin Fergusson R o u n d a b o u t C a u s i n g C o n f u s i o n I n H i l l s d a l e Continued From Page 1 Campbell, unofncial m.iyor who has operated a barber shop nearby for 31 years. "It’s like Ihey think I had something to do wilh it." Division traffic engineer, J.P. Couch, said motorists shouUln’l be too critical - yet. The roundabout is the best so­ lution to the traffic problems in the area, especially in the morn­ ings and evenings. Il’s tempo­ rary - until a new multi-lane bridge can be built over 1-40. The commercial development al Kinderton, and the expected residential growth there created the need, he said. "With that high of a volume of left turns (toward Winston- Salem). there’s no signal timing in the world that would handle that,” Couch said. "Tlic round­ about solves that problem. You ^ don’t enter under a red lighl. You yield, enter in and once you’re in, go lo w here you get o ff." Motorists w ill enter the roundabout lo Ihe right, and all turns will be to the right. The roundabout is diffcreni from a traffic circle in lhat il is smaller, and motorists can’t go round and round. There will be a median on Ihe Fannington side of Ihc roundabout, giving motor­ ists coming from that direction an immediate entrance inlo the intersection. "These ihings do a good job of moving traffic. They don’l have a lol of delay lhat a traffic signal has," Couch said. "When you get a gap in traffic, you go into the roundabout. Once it’s completed, people will see the benefits." That’s not likely for some residents, especially those who drive big tractor trailer trucks. "1 almost turned my truck over. We can’t make the turn," said Lisa Hepler, whose family owns a trucking company nearby. "We can maneuver straight Ih ro u g h it. but Just barely." Couch said there are banked curbs designed especially for large irucks. It’s that bunk that almost caused her truck lo turn over, llepler said. "I have never felt like I was going lo turn over unlil Ih is morning," Hepler said. "It’s im­ possible lo lurn. There's defi­ nitely no way we can go through lhat intersection." She lisled several nearby companies that use large irucks, lhal use the inlersection to reach 1-40. Couch said that motorists coming from U.S. 15S going onto 1-40 toward Winston-Salem will have a separale ramp lo gel onlo Ihe interstate, without en­ tering the roundabout. The new bridge is expcclcd lo be completed in five lo seven years. There will be al least five lanes, possible 7 or tS, depend­ ing on available funding. Couch said. While traffic circles are large and all motorists had lo slop be­ fore entering. Ihc roundabout is about yields and keeping the traffic flowing. "They’re much more efficienl," he said. C o o l e e m e e R e s i d e n t s C o m p l a i n A b o u t N o i s e O n W a t t s S t . R e g i n a G r a h a m A G o o d C h o i c e To Ihe editor; As a former member of the Davie County School Hoard, 1 am aware of the issues thal the board must work wilh. 1 am very pleased thal Dr. Regina Graham is a candidate for the school board. 1 have known Kegina for a long time and 1 know she has a genuine con­ cern for youlh in the community. She attended Davie Couniy schools and graduated with honors from Davie High School. She continued her education and has received several degrees. Her success can be attributed lo a quality education thal began in the Davic County Schools. Now, she would like to scr\e our community in ways that will help other children be successful. It takes a lot of courage and dedication to fulfill the responsibilities of a board member. Regina has Ihe education, experience, and com­ mitment it l.akes lo represent Ihe children of Davie County Her teaching experience, community involvement and leadership quali­ ties will be beneficial to the board. We need a fresh outlook, and a vision thal will move us forward, I have complete confidence in Dr. Regina Graham and 1 encourage everyone to vote for her on Sept. 10. Clyde Scott Mocksville Wake Up And Vote For Candidates Who Will Do The Most For Children To the editor: I have Just learned lhat the voters of DavieCouniy will not have a school bond referendum io vote on next month. Folks, it's lime to wake up and consider the consequences. You elected officials and all you Wannabes seriously need to take a few things into consideration. For inslance; 1. If the decision was made today to make improvements to our schools below the high school level, il would be minimum of two or three years before occupancy would occur. 2. If the decision to build a much needed (or soon lo be) high school in eastern Davie we are looking at five or more years in all probability, ie: Two years to find and acquire suitable land at affordable prices (seems that land always gets more valuable when government gets involved). Then .someone hiis to design the .school, construction contracts are bid and eventually awarded and constmction begins, weather permitting. 3. If a referendum was passed for S50 million, thal does nol mean the entire sum must be spent if it isn'l needed. When the stale budget is finally decided, the total amount voted on in Ihe referendum may not be needed and the tax rate adjusted accordingly. Lets face il, a high school will be needed in the eastern Davie area soon and the longer it’s put off, Ihe worse the crowding at DHS will get. All the lower .schools need additional classrooms now to gel rid of the “temporary" rooms. Tfiink about these issues, and when you go to the polls, vole for the pcople that realize that our children and grandchildren are the greatest asset we have. Send Ihe message lo the ones that will be voted into office and those already there. Il's lime lo get our heads out of the sand and look forward, nol to Jusl the next year or two but five years from now. Eminetl Thutlo Mocksville By Kim Juslen Davie County Enterprise Record C O O LEEM El- - It can bcconie noisy on Walls Sireel ul nighl. Three residents appeared before the lown board last week to discuss problems. "My biggest complaim is die children." said Judy Webb. 'There's so many kids on Ihe street and Ihey won'l get off | to allow cars to pass). I think something really needs lo be done. If something’s not done, it’s going to be an accident down there and il's going lo be too late. " If Eddie (Drum , police chief) could just stop and speak to them. Let them know they’re not supposed to be there. It’s awful what’s going on down Ihere. I'm ready lo move. 1 wenl and looked at a house today." "I moved here because of the quiet," said Sissy Neal. "Our house is up for sale. Problems al a local house include underage drinking. As soon as il’s dark there, they come out." She went on to list several addresses, names of Ihe property owners, names of the people living there, and what she believes is going on. Repeatedly she brought up drug use and sales, underage drinking and all-night parties. "1 have a 15 year old. I won’t let her outside." •'We all own our homes and we’re ready lo move out," she said. ’'If that one house becomes a H UD house, we're outnumbered." Ronnie Taylor said he hadn’t noticed any changes in Ibe neighborhood since the lown hired a company to handle ordinance infractions. "If ihere's a HUD house and the police are coming ihere a lot, they need lo tell HUD about it. I'd like lo see more police coverage. I ’ve lived in Cooleemee all my life. Ifl could sell my house, I would." GENE’S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 7 6 6 ^ 1 4 8 3612 Ciemmons Road Clemmons Forum Sept. 5 For Education Board Candidates D i s t r i c t C o u r t DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 29,2002 - S Cuntinucd From Piigc 1 Ashley Rowe, Mercedes Solo, Amiand A. Vonsiatksky and Jer­ emy West. The class designeil Ihe forum so that it includes input from ev­ ery school in Davie Counly. Each school will select a student representative and a question lo ask each candidate. Armand Vonsiatsky, senior class president, will host Ihe evening and Kyle Drown, junior, will serve as moderator. Each candidate will re.spond lo nine questions. Queslions lo Ihe candidates were developed at each Davie County school and submitted lo Ihe leadership class. The schools Ihen selecleil a rep­ resentative lhat will address Ihe candidates. Davie senior Ashley Prevette stressed the importance of bring­ ing Ihe elementary school stu­ dents inlo Ihe process. "I think Ihe earlier children Icam aboul Ihe elections, the more ihey will understand aboul our schools and Iheir needs. It also gels Ihe parenls involved." Posted on Ihe chalkboard in Ihe leadership classroom is a daily activity list of what Ihe slu- Re-Elect dents need to accomplish to make Ihe forum work. A check- lisl marks off a list of "lo-do’s" including Idlers lo Ihe candi­ dates. contacts at the schnols and calls lo Ihe media outlets. Pub­ lic service announcements have been produced. "Now it is lime lo think about Ihe details of Ihe evening," said Leadership Development leacher Jonalhan Frye. Nexl week, Ihe students will decide on the set-up of the room, technical requireinenls, sealing and programs. Seniors Sara Miller, Candice James and Jenny Bokeno said, "It’s a lol of work, bul il is an important project." The class nodded in agreemenl. Running for scats on Ihe Davie Couniy School Board are Regina Graham and Carol Livengood. Running forri:-elec- tion is Luther I’otis. Voters will select Iwo meinbers. The forum is Thursday, Sept. .“i al 7 p.m. in Ihe Davie High School gynuiasium. For more infomiation on Ihis or olher PTSA evenls, contact Christy Schaefer, R'SA presi­ dent, at <J40-.‘iS7y or DAVIEnSAiidol.roiii. BobbyKnigHt ★ Conservative Republican ★ Dedicated to Serving the Best Interest of Davie County D avie County Commissioner Paid for by Bobby Knigiit Taylor mentioned lhal when he nolified HUD about an arrest laking place in a HUD house! the tenants (who were nol involved wilh Ihe crime) were removed from Ihe home wilhin a week. "1 know your concerns are very imporlanl and I ’m glad you’ve come to speak lo us," said mayor pro-tem John Chandler. "We’ve heard your concerns. They’re on record. We’ll take Ihese complaints, talk lo our police chief, and gel some advice from him." He went on to suggest the possibility of holding a public forum to discuss what people can and should do when situations arise. Board member Fran Parker told Ihe group the lown is about to begin iis nexl phase of ordinance infraclion nolifica- lions. "We haven’t really gollcn inlo it hard and heavy," she said. Part of the reason for that is the cosl. The lown is charged al an hourly rale for the work being done. Before the end of the meeting, Parker said lhal police chief Drum asked lhal people call the communications phone number whenever there was an issue. "He wants these Ihings documented. Don’l be afraid lo call communications, even if il's time after time. I think Eddie is really going to work on this, and work on a solution. Right now his force is kind of lliin. We have really sirelehed those three guys lo the limit." C H I R O P R A C T I C O U T L O O K B y D r. B ra n d o n B yers DIFFERENT KINDS OF ARTHRITIS All kinds ol arlhrilis cause stiffness and pain. Chiropractic's natural healing methods and holistic approach to heallh are ideal lo ease this discomlort. Osteoarthritis, the most common form of the disease, causes degeneration of cartilage lining the joint, changes in the lubricatinq membranes and bony spurs around the joint margin. Eighty percenl of all Ameticans over 40 years old have this type of joint piODlem. This type of arthrilis begins years before any bone changes are found on x-rays. Chiropractic treatment works lo realign Ihe joint, reduce cartilage wear and eliminate pain. Rheumatoid arthritis causes swollen, distorted joints and inflammation of connective tissues throughout the body that affeci the function of the spine. Chiropractic treatment is designed to correct the spina! problems to improve normal body functions.To treat arthritis and eliminate joint pain, it is essential to have an accurate diagnosis of the joints, as well as of other possible problem sources. Relying on pain relievers without knowing the cause ol the joint problem only conceals Ihe pain and leads lo problems in other areas. Iniecling cortisone or some olher steroid delenorates the cartilage and adds to luture joint destmction.The chiropractic approach Is to address the cause of the arthritis, rather than merely looking at symptoms. The most common problems are misalignment and past trauma. Once chiropractic adjustments improve spinal alignment, a greal deal ol stress is removed from the joint. This resulls in a more freely movable joint and usually a great reduction in symptoms.Brought lo you as a communily seivice by Brandon Byers, 501 W ilkesboro St., M ocksvillc 751-2512 ANDREW C. B R O C K \ ( SciKili.' '4 ,1 )isirKt ★ K l . l’ L l ii .1C .\.N ★ Andrew’s Agenda* l-ower Taxes* Government Accountability* Fewer Regulations* Recruit Business and Induslty* Education Retorm* Tougher Criminal Sonlonces* Protect Senior Citizens* Conservative Family ValuesBlooraphv* Graduate ol Western Carolina University —BS In Economics and Political Science* Ulelong member Farmington Uniled Methodist Church* Ulelong Resident ol Davie County* Graduate o( Davio High SchoolExperience* NCSenalB * Congressman Waller Jones* NC Republican Parly* US Senator Lauch Faircloth* Wellaro Relomi * NC Supreme Courl Justice Bob Orr* Citizens lor a Sound Economy* RCS Communications www.andrewbrock.com Paid for by Brock for Senate The following ca.ses were dis­ posed of in Davie District Courl August 22. Presiding was Judge Lynn S. Gulleii. Prosecuting was Shawn Fraley, assistant district at­ torney. - Gregory E. Harrentine. speed­ ing H3 in 55. prayer for jmlgment continued on cosl. - Vincent Edward Belton. DWI. sentenced to 60 days in jail sus­ pended two years, surrender driver’s license anil not operate motor vehicle until properly li­ censed, 24 hours community ser­ vice, S!()() and cost: open container aficr consuming alcohol first, driv­ ing left of cenler. dismissed per plea. - Amanda Dawn Bobhilt. speed­ ing 99 in a 70. prayer for judgmenl continued for review- on February 20. eight hours community ser\’ice. altcnd school every day. stay in class for entire class period. ol>cy all rules established by mother, cost. - Michael Anthony Boblitz. felony larceny, dismissed due to in­ sufficient evidence. • Leonardo IL Buenrasiro, fail­ ure lo wear seal belt • driver, driv­ ing while license revoked, S250and cost. - Regina Sue Childress, simple assault, dismissed per mediation. - Sean Thomas Credle, speeding 81 in a 70, reduced to improper eiiuipment. cost: expired Inspeclion slicker, dismissed per correclion; open container aflcr consuming al­ cohol first, prayer for judgmenl con­ tinued for review February 13. sub­ stance abuse assessment. - Norman W. Eldreth. five counts failure to file/pay income ta.x, prayer for judgment coiUinued for live years on condition he file and pay his 1997. 2000 and 2001 tax returns and pay any money due in a timely manner and in future years, tile and pay taxes in a timely manner. - Dana Carroll Flanagan, misde­ meanor larceny, dismissed for fail­ ure of prosecuting witness to ap­ pear. - Christopher T. Foster, speed­ ing 55 in a 35, reduced to improper equipment, S50 and cost. - Josh LeBeau Geniry, felony breaking and/orentering, felony lar­ ceny after breaking/entering, four counts misdemeanor larceny, on for review, dismissed per compliance. - Carson Brett Glass, misde­ meanor larceny, purchase/receiving cigaretles/iobacco under 18, for re­ view, dismissed per compliance. - Rodolfo L. Gonzalez, allowing unlicensed minor to drive, prayer for judgment continued on cosl. - Amber Noclle Grocc. sin^ple assault, dismissed per mediation. - Vicki Groce, simple assault, dismissed |к*г mediation. ■ Robert Br>'an Hampton, simple assault, senlenced to 30 days in jail suspended one year, have no con­ tact wilh prosecuting witness, $50 and cost. - Clifford Green Hanes, DWI, sentenced lo 24 monihs suspended two years. 30 days active jail time, follow recomniendations of sub­ stance abuse assessnient. nol oper­ ate vehicle until licen.sed, $500 and cost: driving while license revoked, open container after consuming, dismissed per plea. - Jonathan Johnson, felony pos­ session with intent to sell/deliver cocaine, felony possession of co­ caine. waived probable cause, cases go to Superior Courl; misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia, dismissed. - Clifford M. Justice, driving while license revok«!d, prayer for judgment continued on cosl. - David W. Landes, misde­ meanor breaking or enlering, re­ duced to first degree trespass, sen­ tenced lo 19 days in jail wiih credit given for lime scr\ed. - Terri Shencke Lane, fictitious/ cancelled/revoked registration card/ tag. S25 and cosl. - Terry L. Mason, two counts misdemeanor probation violalion. probalion extended one year, six monihs intensive probalion. com­ munity service. S65 alloniey fee. - Felton Lee Mayfield, assault on a female, sentenced to 150 days in prison suspended five years, not as­ sault. threaten or harass prosecut­ ing wilness. complele treatment at Centerpoint. enroll in abuser treat­ ment program, $50 and cost. - Vanessa Robin Parks, expired registration card/tag, operating ve­ hicle with no Insurance, dismissed per correction. - Jennette Nicole Patterson, speeding 86 in a 70, rcduced to im­ proper equipment, S25 and cost. - Penny Vemser Quarles, misde­ meanor possession of drug para- pliernalia. felony possession of co­ caine. waived probable caiisc, cases go to Superior Court. - Coy Lee Reed, possession of drug paraphernalia, sentenced to 45 days in jail suspended 24 monihs. nol comniil similar offense, contra­ band ordered destroyed, $65 attor­ ney fee. $50 and cost. • Olivcrio C. Rescndiz, rcckless driving to endanger, reduced to im­ proper equipment, cost. - Pamela Kay Runyon, harass­ ing phone call, dismissed for fail­ ure of prosecuting witness to ap­ pear. - Calandra N. Sherrill, two counts luisdemeanor probalion vio­ lation. aclive sentence imposed with credit for time served. - Michael Brandon Smith, driv­ ing while licensc revoked, dis- nussed per corrcction. - Chad Thurlo. worthless chcck, dismissed percivil settlement. - George Rufus Williams, sell­ ing/delivering cocaine, disniissed per plea; resisting public officcr, sentenced lo 60 days in jail sus­ pended 24 months, remain of good behavior, not violate any laws, $50 and cost. - Mark Dwain Williams, com- municaling threats, dismissed nt re­ quest of pro.secuting witness. - Tonya James Wilson, driving while licensc revoked, dismis.sed per plea; speeding 51 in a 25, re­ duced to 34-25, child not in rear seat, cost. • Jason Richard Wolf, driving while liccnse revoked, rcduced to failure to notify DMV of address changc, cost. - David Jesse Wyait, driving while license revoked, found nol guilty: using foreign liccnse while driving while licensc revoked, dis­ missed per plea. Failed To Appear • Patrick Fidelia, speeding 85 in a 70. - William Fleming Mundy, mis­ demeanor possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia. - Jose Rafael Solis, allowing un­ licensed minor to drive, aid and abet DWI. Men At Odds Over Roaming Dogs; Case Dism issed Ily llelh Cassidy Davie Coimty Enterprise Record The case against a Davie man who was accused of coniniuiii- cating threats was dismissed in Davie Dislrict Courl last week. Paul M. Sawicki, 56. of .110 Cornatzer Road, was charged following several confronlalions wilh a neighbor over a dog silu- alion thal began earlier this year. According to testimony by Morris Reece, of 129 Hawihome Road, in the Hickory Hill neigh­ borhood, Sawicki’s dogs were responsible for getting inlo trash around the neighborhood and had damaged a cooler in which Reece was storing meal. In January, Reece found oul the dogs, labrador retrievers, belonged to Sawicki, and on Feb. 1, Reece went to Sawiei.i’s house. “I lold him Ihere was a prob­ lem wilh bis dogs. Me was very cordial and said he would Iry lo keep Ihem up, and 1 Ihoughi lhal was the end of il," said Reece. Bul the trash strewing continued, and in March, Reece went back to Sawicki's house, this lime wilh a request. "1 asked him lo come over and pick up my trash, and he didn’t," Reece said. "1 wanled him to experience what my neighbors and I had been going through." Recce said his homeowner's associalion made mention of the problem several monihs in a row, in a newsletter, advising people lo keep their dogs in Iheir yards. Reece said he called the Davie Counly Sheriffs Depart­ ment in March and spoke with an olTicer about Ihe problem, saying he wanted lo know what his rights were concerning dogs on his properly. On April 14, Reece had a party in his backyard for his daughter’s Urth birlhday, and as his daughter was crossing the yard, he said, one of the dogs, weighing approximalely 100 pounds, knocked his 40-pound ■ riaughler down lo gel her hotdog. "He jusl wanled the food. He didn’l bite," Reece said, "but I lold him thal was unacceptable. I was scared for my lillle girl. I lold him then, ‘Either you lake care of the dogs or 1 will.’ 1 was aware that, at lhal time, I could shool the dog. "He told me if anything hap­ pened lo his dogs, he would kill me." Sawicki’s girlfriend of sev­ eral years, Sandra Sirickland, lives al 17(> Hawthorne Road, and owned a male labrador re­ triever at the lime. Sawicki said he owned a black labrador aboul a year ago and owns a female yellow labrador now. During cross-examination of Recce, Sawicki's attorney, Rob Raisbeck, asked, "Diil you pour trash on M r Sawicki's yaril or on his girlfriend’s yard?" Reece replied, "He accused me uf lhal. He said he found some kind of paperwork with my name on it. Of course, trash from my yard could be in a neighbor’s yard and vice versa." On April I.S, Reece wenl lo Sirickland's residence, where Sawicki oflen is. and confronted him on the porch. "I'd had enough," he said. "1 feared for my child's safety on my property. We were basically loe-lo-loe, not yelling, but healed, and he said, Mranylhing happens to my dogs. I'm gonna kill you.’ " On Aug. -i, after having re­ ceived more threats al the end of July and early Augusl, he said, Reece took out a warrant. "I feared for my family and for my daughter. I have a mili- lary background - 1 take a ihreal lo kill seriously." Sawicki confirmed there were dogs running loose in the neighborhood, but said he didn’t know definitely that it was his dog. "He IReecej was complain­ ing lhat dogs were in Ins trash, hul I'm nol convinceil it was my dog. There are a lol of dogs iu the neighborhood," he said. Sawicki said there were three bags of trash deposited in bis driveway and yard, and among thal trash were several pieces of junk mail aildressed to Reece. "I got tw o or Ihree of Ihe pieces and wcnl to Reece's, I handed him the mail, lold him il was dumb to leave il in the trash, and left." On April 1.5, Sawicki said, Reece went to his girlfriend's house around 9:.'?0 p.m. "Reece was upset, alleging the dogs had gotten into his trash and pushed down his daughter, and I explained lo him 1 was try­ ing to keep the dogs penned up," Sawicki said. "He said if the dogs got back on his properly, they would disappear, and he would lake care of me. I lold him it’s a felony in North Carolina lo shool a dog, and he said, ’Prove it.’ "We ended up toe-to-toe and 1 lold him. You don’l want to mess wilh me." Sawicki, who said he is si.x Hispanic Teen Remains On Probation Two probalion violalions will have a Davie teen continuing her probalion for at least another six monihs, following judgmenl in Davie Dislrict Courl last week. Dioselina Romero, 17, of L‘i64 Main Church Road, was charged wilh larceny and resist­ ing a public officer and placcd on probalion for ihose offenses in December, 2001. According lo her probation officer, Chris Ellis, Romero has failed to show up for scheduled appoinlmenis wilh him. not paid her probation monetary fees and left her resi­ dence without advising Ellis. Romero, who does not speak English, had an interpreier help­ ing her during courl. Romero’s attorney, Wade Leonard, lold Judge Lynn S. Gullelt, "Whal you have here is a 17-year-old, a little bitty girl v.ilh a 4-monlh old at home. Her husband had lost his job, and now, so has she. She did under­ stand the community service portion of her sentence, and she did comply. I don’l get the sense .she is doing this willfully. She doesn’t have the money to pay. She’s suffered enough." Leonard asked Gullelt if she could substitute something else for the monetary portion of the probation. Gullelt said, '’If it was jusl a money matter, 1 could under­ stand il, in today’s economy." She asked Ellis whal he rec­ ommended for Romero. He an­ swered lhal inleiisive probation might be an alternative. Gullelt said, "I wanl her lo understand Ihe courl is serious about courl matters being fol­ lowed. This is her last shot. The court will not give her another six monihs intensive probalion shot." and ordered her lo perform 24 Gullell eoniinued Romero on hours of communily service. D o n ’t L et Y o u r T axes G o T o W aste ! = = \ b t e - ■ / In ш л п ам ю км YEARS • M amubdtoOo m e ANDCaSONKMlSlyEAM1 • ’ 5 1 ‘ : • FxiHEBorloAUGHiBasi SHANNON AND SrAOieL. < ' ' »*■ • РАГАЮАСМШМиСНташ m v iN X . a M YEARS OU> iM nOONAMIM IN О я т са т т ' • А тгао я о со о ш м в > Еш оммвг School AND Gm d u o v d т ш Dwie • Hk h School IN 19M ' • UCENUDDfl lUIUMNG CONnUCTOa ' MKHAMCt ':;..;r.CMTAI{«n/HAZttI)OU$’‘i^ ' •• DiAUHHWim ,'naaiuzai/LiMB < "H omeH ia iw c Oh. '' OlLjOUeR PARnj0|»W, ' •' I’MDOOWIPIN ' SMAU mfUffl«: AND ' LAND.mVnOflNG ‘ Roger p . S p i l l m a n f o r D a v i e C o u n l y C o m m i s s i o n e r September lOdi. I liavc grown from a small, 2-bay service station to the many successfiil businc,sses that I’m involved with now — around 750% growth in 34 years. I h.ive had many “old wise men" give me lots of advice over tile years — this is the best advice anyone can t.ike. I'm running for county commissioner beoiuse 1 have seen how YOUR ta.\es and MY taxes are being WASTED! I WILL look for more bids — 1 WILL look for ihe best prices for your money. Pa id for b y Roger P. Spillm a n feel, five inches and weighs around 23.‘i pounds, said al no lime during the confrontiition did he lell Reece he was going to kill him, but thal Rcece, who is five feel, 10 inches lall and weighs 160 pounds, "asked me if 1 wanletl a piece of him." During her testimony, Sirickland said Sawicki did nol threaten Reece. Raisbeck said, “Four months afler the fact, for whatever rea­ son, Mr. Reece decided he’d been threatened - lhat in ilself raises red flags. He was so con- cenied |in March] about the dogs getting in his trash, he called law enforcement, bul then, when his life was threatened, he waited four monihs to call law enforce­ ment. "He wenl Ihere on April 15 looking for a confrontation, and he found one." Shawn Fraley, assislani dis- Iriet attorney, .said, "The threat was communicated when he wenl lo this place lo deal wiih Ihe dog problem. Il was nol the smartest thing in the world lo do. to go there, but I think the facts are pointing out that Mr. Sawicki loved his dogs, and when Mr. Reece went there, he followed him off the porch and he threat­ ened him. It seems aflcr the war­ rant wa.s taken out, the dogs stopped going there." Strickland said her dog dis­ appeared less than a week before Ihe court date. Judge Lynn S. Gullctt ad- dre.ssed Sawicki and Rcece and told them, “We have a siluation here with people, nice people, and I can't tell who is telling the truth. 1 think all of you are tell­ ing the tmth as you see it. "Keep your dogs up folks, because Ihey’re causing prob­ lems in the neighborhood. The newsletter tells it best...do we have to wait for a child to be harmed...the owners are being A irresponsible...we hope this is- ' sue can be resolved without any hann. Until cooler heads prevail, you are pulling Ihe whole neigh­ borhood in danger. Swy away from each other, act like adulls. Go and live in peace." ★ ★ ★ REFÜBLICAN GeofoeM,1ile" M I T H ★ ★ ★ A Sheriff the people can talk to and feel their concerns are heard. p«idfiiri7 GearpM.iiike-Siiiith foT Sheriff Anyone needing transportation to the polls September 10 please call Welch Funeral Services at 751-3725 or Graham Funeral Services at 751-1100. 6 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Aug. 29, 2002 Public Records Mocksville Police The following incidents were reported to (he Mocksville Police Department. • A man reported ihoi he wa.s bit­ ten and hit by his girlfriend nt n house of Sofley Streei on Aug. 20. - The larceny of two air condi­ tioning unils from New Jer\isakm Apostolic Church. Campbell Road, was reported Aug. 21. -A women reported Aug. 22 whe was threatened al a home on Wilkesboro Street. • A teenager reported Aug. 23 he was slapped twice at a residence on Rolling Hills Lane. - Trash was dumped onto Ihe parking lot at Mocksvillc Market­ place. it was reported Aug. 25. -A man reported Aug. 25 he was assaulted at the Pir.za Hut. Madison Road. - Someone drove away witliout paying for S3 worth of gasoline at Horn's Express 11, it was reported Aug. 25. - A iree fell on a van at Davic Aulo Parts, Salisbury Street, during a slonii Saturday evening. - Someone yelled at a small girl in a parking lot at 1505 Yadkinviiie Road, il was reported Aug. 23. - Someone drove away withoul paying for $24 worth of gasoline at Fast Track. Yadkinviiie Road, il was reporled Aug. 23. • A vehicle struck a shopping cart in Ihe Mocksvillc Marketplace parking lol. it was reported Aug. 23. - A teenage girl reported site was physically restrained at a residence on Rolling Hills Lane on Aug. 23. Arrests - Jimmy Gray Keaton Jr.. 27, of Duke Whitaker Road, was charged Aug. 21 wilh four counts of forg­ er)’. Trial dale; Aug. 29. - Cynthia Dale Clear>-. 30. of 119 Cummings Lane, was chargcd Aug. 22 w’iih Uling a false police report. Trial dale: Sept. 19. - Barr>' Lynn Carroll. 35. of 135 Rupard Trail, was charged Aug. 22 wilh fraud. Trial dale; Aug. 29. - Donnie Lee Sellers. *13. of 315 Mountview Drive, was charged Aug. 25 wilh failure to appear in court. Trial dale: Aug. 29. - James Edward Alkins, 21. of 211 Norma Lane. Advance, was chargcd Aug. 24 with DWI. Trial tiate; Sept. 20. Traffic Accidents - A Linwood woman was charged with failure to reduce siK*cd and driving withoul a license after a wreck on South Main Slreel al 12:57 p.m. Aug. 24. Tonya Hepler McBride, 3S. failed to stop Ihe 1990 Nissan she was driving before it struck in the rear a 1990 Toyota ilriven hy Walter David Jordan. 46. of 13S Pennington Dowell Lane, reported Officer R.M. Robbins. - A Winsum-Salem man was charged with DWI after a wrcck on Belhel Church Road al 5 a.m. Aug. 24. Jaimo Ramirez Acevedo. 21. was driving a 1995 Tord that went off the road to the righi and slruck several trees and caught fire, re­ ported Officer N.L. Turrentine. Hiühwav Patrol The following traffic wrecks in Davic County were listed by the N.C. Highway Patrol. Wrcck Near Country Lane A Davic woman was chargcd wilh a stop sign violation after the vehicle she was driving hit an­ other Aug. 19. Barbara Hill Byerly of 20S Pepperstone Drive, Mocksville was driving her 2(K)1 Chrysler vchiclc east on Country Lane ap­ proaching the inlersection of 15S. Emily Robinette Harpe of i.17 Timber Creek Road, Advancc was driving her 2000 Infiniti vchiclc south on 158. Byerly failed to stop for the slop sign at the inlcrsection and the two vehicles collided. Trooper A.T. Keller reported the accident occurred at appro.xi- inately 8:20 a.m. and both drivers were taken to B.tplist Hospital for treatment. Wrcck On Davic Acadcmy Road No charges were filed after a Davic man wrecked the vehiclc he W.TS driving Aug. 20. Milton Antonio Martinez of 387 Swiccgood Street, Mocksvillc was driving a 199.1 Dodge vchiclc cast on Davic Academy Road be­ hind a 1985 Ford farm tractor driven hy Glenn Wilson Koontz of 1822 Davic Academy Road, Mocksvillc. Marline?, went to pass the slow moving farm tractor and as he approached Kooniz made a lefl turn into Ihe path of Martinez's vehiclc. TrooporT.J. White reported the accident occurrcd al approxi­ mately .1;(W p.m. and there were no injuries. Vchiclcs Collide Al Intersection A North Carolina man was charged with failure to yield riglit of way after llie vehicle he wrecked the vehicle he was driving Aug. 2.1, Brian Douglas Hopkins of Hillsborough was driving his2lM)l Acura soulh on N.C. 8(11 and had stopped at Ihc interseciion of U.S. 64. Steven Lynn Brown of Lillington was driving his I9<)9 Ford pick-up west on U.S. fi-l. Hopkins entered the westbovnid lane of 64 in an attempt lo cross and came lo a sudden slop in Ihe travel lane. Brown was unable lo avoid Hopkins vchicle and Ihe two collided. Trooper J.R, Allred reported the accident occurred al approxi­ mately 9:55 a.m. and Hopkins was lakenlo Baptist Hospital forlreal- mcnt. Vcliicle Collides With Kcncc No charges were filed after a Davie man wrecked the vchiclc he w;is driving Aug. 23. Charles Albert Belhel of 3212 Bernuida Village, Adviuice was driving his 1993 Lincoln vehicle south on Armsworlhy Road wlicn it failed to stop at the end of the ro:idway. Bclhel's vehiclc collided inlo a fence and continued inlo an open pasture. Trooper J.R. Allred reported Ihe accidem occurred al approxi­ mately 10:15 a.m. Woman Charged In Wrcck A North Carolina woman was chargetlw'ith exceeding safe speed afler she wrecked the vchicle she was driving Aug. 24. Leah Justine Abbott of Char­ lotte was driving her 1996 S;ilurn vchicle svest on Interstate 40 in heavy rain. Abboll's vehicle ran off the lefl shoulder, slruck aguard- rail, Ihen came lo rest in the me­ dian. Trooper A.A. Jusiice reported the accidcnl occurred at approxi­ malely 5 p.m. and there were no injuries. Wrcck On Interstate A North Carolina man was chargcd with exceeding safe speed afler he wreckcd the vchiclc he was driving Aug, 24. John David Hehus of Newton wasdrivinghis l‘J94 Ford vehicle cast on Inlerslale 40 during heavy rain. Helms' vchiclc ran off the left shoulder and slruck ihe guard­ rail. Trooper A.A. Jusiicc reported Ihe accidenl occurrcd at approxi­ mately 5:30 a.m. and there were no injuries, Wrcck On Duck Pond Rond A Davie wontan was chargcd wilh DWI and exceeding safe speed afler she wrccked Ihe ve­ hicle she was driving Aug. 25. Blaine Lavoiuie Carlcr of I SI Marconi Sircct. Mocksvillc was driving a l‘)‘)3 Jeep vchiclc north on Duck Pond Road when it ran oir ihc road lo the right. Carler overcorrectcd Ihc steering and crossed the ccnierline, slarled inlo a side skid, and collided wilh some trees. Trooper M.T'. Dallon reported the accitleni occurred at approxi­ malely 1:30 a.m. and ihere were no injuries. Land Transfers The following land transfers were filed wilh the Davie Regisler of Deeds, listed by parties involved, acreage, township and deed stamps purchased, with S2 representing $1,000. Corrections: John E. Seaford (49.54) and Pauline P. Scaford (49.5%) to Nancy S. Grooms and Norma S. Robertson (I'i), 7.8 . acres. - John E. Seaford (49.5%> and Pauline P. Seaford (49.5“:^) to Nancy S. Grooms and Nonna S. Rolwrtson (1(1),11.75 acrcs. - John M. Ferebee and Mary Evelyn Ferebee to John Frank Ferebee and Joyce W. Ferebee (96"^ interest), 1.87 acrcs, Clarksville. - Bennuda Village Retirement Center Limited Pannei^hip to Eliza­ beth C. CaUletbank, 1 condo­ minium, Farmington, S258. - T. Holt Haywood and Nancy A. Haywood to Bumfam Limited Partnership, I tract, Fullon, $20. - Raymond J. Markland and Ruth S. Markland, Clyde Hcndricks and Helen Hendricks to Kenneth D. Durham and Cynthia D. Durham, 1 lot, Mocksvillc, $28. - Bemice S. Hinkle (98% inter­ est) 10 Garry Dean Livengood, 3.75 acres, Fulton. - Howard Correll Jr. and Teresa Correll to Richard \V. Dodd and Dianne L, Dodd, I lol, Clarksville, $36, - Timothy L. Pennington lo Kennon A. While and Karen While, .57 acrc, Mockst'ille, $138. - Nancy V. Shoaf and Medford L. Shoaf lo Dustin Shane AllenUoger and Laura Anne Spry, 1.8 acrcs, Jcmsalem, $206. - Dessie M. Johnson lo George Robert Slone and Angel S. Slone, 1.44 acrcs, FuUon, S60. - Ronald Eugene Foster and Hillie Jean Foster, Raymond J. Fulford and Susan L, Humphrey Fulforil, and Jay Willimn Humphrey 111 and Gail Humphrey to Larry S, Hiall and Alice G. Hiall, I lot. Shady Grove, $287. - Fred E. Connor and Drucilla D. Connor lo Edward Manor and Anne Manor, 1 lol, ShadyGrove, $246. - Nancy Blakley Harris and Daniel Eugene Harris loMichio Sanders and Renee Sanders. 3 Iracls, Clarksville. - Luwonna W. Ellis Oakes and Glenn Caroll Oakes Jr. to Kenny Gray Ellis Sr., .81, Clarksville, S44. - Jack D. Elder and Ada Rulh Elder to Jerry Wayne McCiamrock and Jennifer G. McCiamrock, 3 lots, Fullon. - Raymond J. Markland and Ruth S. Markland, Clyde Hcndricks and Helen Hcndricks to Vincent E. Marino and Debra L. Presswootl, I Ioi. Mocksville, $28. - Lucille Polls Sain lo William Sanford Bameycastle, 18.67 acrcs, Clarksville, $82. - Tina Tomlinson Hensdalc to Mark Andrew Hinsdale, I lol. Shady Grove. - Terry Baxter Dedmon and Sheron C. Dedmon toWilliam Russell Hamm. 4 tracts, Chuksville, $82. - Weslview Development Co. to Kristina A. Reynolds and Touch­ stone Carolina, 5 lots, Famiinglon. $35». - Max D, Long and Shirley M, Long lo Jeffrey P, Long, (2.5% in­ terest), 6,23 acres, FuUon. - Helen S. McDaniel (1.59! in­ terest) lo Calhy McDaniel Bowers, 35 acrcs, Jcrsualem. - Helen S, McDaniel (1.5% in­ terest) to Charles Monroe McDanicI, 20 acres, Jerusalem. - Helen S. McDanicI (1,5% in­ terest) 10Tony R. McDaniel, 24,51 acres, Jerusalem. - RivcrHill Homeowners Assoc, to The fown of Bermuda Run, roads, Famiinglon. - Highlands* Homeowners Assoc, lo The Town of Bennuda Run, roads, Fannington. - Kenneth B. Burnette and Vir­ ginia Burnclte, Nora O. Boyce, Hassell S,McDowell and Judy I', McDowell, Thomas R, Oncll and Sue H. Orrcll, Stephen M, Beck and Carol P, Bcck. Alan R, Levin and Mclisa B, Levin, Judy E. Thomp­ son. Larry E. Senger and Lynn G, Scnger, and Austin D, .McGuire Jr. and Annie C. McGuire, rights of way and utility easement. - Charles S. Stovall and RcK-cca Stovall. Louis J. Crockett and Bar­ bara J. Crockell, Peter Nelson Sjostrom, Duard M. Eddins and Telula n. F.dilins. David A,Solomon and Gail J. Solomon.Edwin N, Troutnian.Fayc C. Troutman, Rich­ ard S. Farris Sr. John C, Patterson and Mabel Paterson. Heppie C. Cohetty, Richard A.Wolli. Harris L. Atwell and Claire S. Atwell, WilliamR, Grose Jr,, Thomas J, King Jr. andCiayS. King, Phyllis F. Ba.xter, Clyde Gardner andSherrvGardncr, Margarel W. Poovcy, Janies E. Everidge and Georgia AnnEveriilge, Carolyn Huggins Bryson, Jack C. llehnsand DagiicyA. Helms, Donna M.. Dyer, Loycc R.Bornliauscr, Richard W. Ford and doris L. Ford, Joseph C, Simnor and Joyce G. Sinmor, A. AnthonyVargas and Virginia K. Vargas. llerilwnoJ, Febusand Edra L. FFebus, Lawrence E. Everliartr and Nancy V. Everhart, WilliainE. Joseph and M. Lynn Joseph, Josephine Luck. Thomas G. Moriarty, Ronald R.Vanderklok, Howard O.L. Little and Anneb. Lillle, Rama B, Hillman, Betty Hall Nwton. Edward J. Foulds andGladys Foulds, Charles B, Hiatt and KayW, Hiatt, Kimberly J. Keiser and Marlene H.Keiser. Wil­ liam R. Nunn Jr. and Erlcen II. Nunn. Wanda R. Wills, Donna W. Cheek, John H. Deans and Fay Deans. Yaslia Choopani, Robert W.Roach adn Linday K, Roach. James O. Oalcs Jr aiulAnn Oates. Marshall M,Southern and Janice S, Soulhcrn. and Fairway Villas Homeowner's Associatitin to The Town of Bermuda Run. roads. - H. Eugene Bennett and Willie Bess Bennelt. Delbert Bennelt and Martha II. Bennett, and Bradley Bennett and KarcnT. Bennelt to Donald R. Goforth and Alice Gol'orth, ,78 acrc. Mocksville, S39, W W W . ' enterprise-recorcd .co m R e-E lect M ichael D . Allen for C ounty Com m issioner Pai(d for by Michael D, Allen Sheriffs Department The following incidents were reported to Ihe Davie Sheriffs Dept. - On Aug. 19 Joseph Marcella reported a registration lag was re­ moved from a motorcycle at a loca­ lion near Brook Drive, Mocksvillc. - Todd Edwards reporled obiain- Arrests ing propeny by false pretense al a home on Turrentine Church Road, Mocksville on Aug. 19. -O n Aug. 20 Mary Tolar re­ ported harassing phone calls and threat communicaiion at a home on Squirrel Lane, Advance. - Colean Tise reponed a hearing aid was removed from a residence on Deadmon Road, on Aug. 21. -O n Aug. 22 Michael Keene reponed golf items were removed form a business at Bennuda Run Drive, Advancc. The Davie County Sheriffs De­ partment made Ihe following arrests. - Justin Blane Winters, 17. of I IUI Cornatzer Road, Mocksville was arrested Aug. 17 for damage to property, lorceny, contributing to the deliniiucncy of n minor. Trial date; Sept. 19. -Richard Eugene Whilley Jr., 20, of 120 Excalibur Lane, Mocks­ ville wasarrested Aug. 19 forresist- ing.obstructing, delaying, and com­ municaling threats. Trial dale: Sept. 12. -Johnny Lee Boger. 29, of 162 Twin Cedais Golf Club Roud, Mocksville was arrested Aug, 19 for assault with a deadly weapon with intent to inflict serious injury. Trial date: Sepl. 12. -Anihony Steven McBraycr, 18, of 149 Baltimore Road, Advance was arrested Aug. 21 foraggravatcd possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, carelcss and rcckless driving. Trial date; .Sept. 26. Fires Davic County fire departments responded to the following calls: Aug, 19: Mocksville, 4:38 p.m.. Milling Road, automobile accident; Fork assisted; Mocksville, 5:43 p.m.. Deck Circle, power line fire; Fork assisted; Mocksvillc, 7:43 p.m.. Valley Road, gas odor. Aug, 20: Advance, 1:08 p.m., Cornatzer Road, lawn mower fire; Comatzcr-Dulin assisted; Sheffield- Calahain, 2:25 p.m., structure fire, assist Iredell; Center, 2:23 p.m., on standby for Sheffield-Calahain. Aug. 21: Smith Grove, 10:39 a.m., assist Forsyth County on fire alarm al Jewish Home. Aug, 22: County Line,6:28 p.m.. Cool Springs, automobile accident; Cenier assisted. Aug. 23: Fork, 9:57 a.m.. U.S. 64 East, automobile accident; Ad­ vance assisted; Smith Grove, 4:1(1 p.m., Fannington Road, vchicle ac­ cidenl: Fannington assisted; Ad­ vance. 7:02 p.m.. Peoples Creek Road, smoke investigation; Comatzcr-Dulin assisted. Aug. 24: Fork, 5:02 p.m., Will­ iams Road, hazardous conditions; Farmington, 5:14 p.m.. Crater Seals Lane, Irec fire; Center, 5:33 p.m., Parker Road, structure fire: Sheffield-Calahain, Parklop Road, stniclure file; Mocksville, 5:43 p.m., S. Main Street, tree in roadway: Mocksville, 5:44 p.m.. Cypress Cove Drive, tree fire; Fanuinglon, 5:47 p.m., 1-40 west, automobile accident; Center assisted; Mocks­ ville, 6:09 p.m., Madison Road, fire alann: Center assisted; Mocksville, 5:52 p.m.. Maple Avenue, trees down; Jerusalem, 6:37 p.m., U.S. 601 South, trees in power lines. •-'ri-' Sheriff Alien Whitaker Continue The ProgressJ J l.-l!: locy Reynolds (D.A.R.F.. Omccr), SherilT Allen Whilaker, Scliool Kcsource Officcr Scon Kimel (D.ivie County High) .md School Resource omcer Hrian lacobs (Nonh and South D.wie Middle Schools) I appreciate your continued support toward my third term as sheriff. — Paid For by Sheriff Allen Whitaker — I Early Deadlines Next Week The Enterprise Rccord will have early deadlines for next week’s issue so that employees can enjoy the Labor Day holiday. Ail news items and advertisements should be in the, newspaper olTicc no later than 5 p.m. on Friday to be included next week. DAVIR COUN rv ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 29, 2002 - 7 " t !t . Wdite (rhic^ingj Furniture Moving & D elivering M ark Hancock and Highway Patrol Trooper M .T. Dalton look at the rem ains from a fatal w reck on Point Road. - Photo by Robin Fergusson Woman Dies In Wreck On Point Road A Davic County woman was killed in a car wreck Sunday nighl on Point Road around 11:30 p.m. According loa report IVom the N.C. Highway Patrol Depart- meiil, Lisa AniKtlc Tysinger, 39, of 1168 Poim Uoitd, Mocksville wasdriving her vchicle soiilh on P<iint Ro;tcl Aug. 25 when il ran off the road in a curve to the right. Tysinger continued off the ro:id lo the right and traveled into a fielil where her vchicle struck several fence posts. The vehicle continued oul of conlrol. ovcr- tunicd, :ind cjeclcd Tysinger Ke]ions gave tho posted speed lim it as 55 :ind estimated Tysinger's traveling speed at 70. According to the highway Volunteers Sought At HorseFeathers HorseFeuihers Therapculic Riding prograin at IHdden Horse Fann olTcrs people of all ages with all types of disatiili- tics a chance lo have therapy , upon a horse. The non-prolu organization Involves a lol of volunteers with therapy, care ofthe horses and upkeep of llie premises. Volunteer training programs for students who need volun­ teer hours for college arc of­ fered. Volunteers are being offered a chance to lease a horse for the responsibility of taking care of one at feeding time, or $60 a month for people who do nol want to commit lo fced- ing. The horses would be avail­ able to ride anytime they are not scheduled for class. liach horse will be leased afler an ns- .sessment of riding ability has been determined so that the right horse goes to the right person. A person leasing a horse also has the option to rent an- Dlher horse for a friend lor $.5 an hour with the availability of horses and approval of man­ agement. i'or more informalion, call ITiclden Morse Farm , 681 Howardtown Circle. Mocks­ villc, at 99S-5H05. Weight Loss Puzzles Doctors ATLANTA, GA - Doctors were surprised when two separate studies found thal a natural di­ etary .supplement could help cause significant weight loss. Although not conclusive, both studies found thal patients re­ ceiving the Ibnnula called Bio-Rex 3000r’. losl more lhan twicc as much weighi as those in a control group on the same fat reduced diel. Nei­ ther group was instrxicted to de- crcMse the amount of food they ale or lo iucreiuse their exercise levels. An article published in the .l/mri- cnn J o iin ia l o f C liiiic a l S 'lilrilh n says that you don't have lo de­ crease the amounl of food you eal 10 lose weighi, provided that you limit the fat. According to a .spokesperson for Phillips Gulf Corporation, Ihe exclusive North American dislribu- tor of Bio-Rex 3000, Ihe company is considering additional sutdies in order 10 get federal approval lo make pharmaceutical claims, Cur­ rently, weight loss claims for the Bio-Rex 3000 supplement are lim­ ited, However, wilh the requisite approval, Ihe company could say thal Bio-Rex 3000 decreases sugar cravings, increases metabolism and interferes willi llie body's abil­ ity lo produce excess fat, Bio-Rex 3000 is currently avail­ able as a dietary supplement and plan in phannacies and nutrition sloresorby calling 1-800-729-8446, w w w .h cd sa le s.co m . B lo -R e i 3000 Is avnllublc ul: Or al your local; FOSTER DRUG 495 Valley R d ,'751-2141 Aulkur'i Nolr: Thli ilaltratnl fan nut btcn cvtJuMcd by the FUA. m»Kct JOOQ U not Utrndtd^jll^nj^lrMl.curi.urprttciiliiiy Do you need a “ F a i t h L i f t ” ? JLII.L .S'F.RVICI- ‘DliSlGN ■h What UV offer... ‘ACiiSH'iu-y ♦ 'Fl.vr Cowriiufs Tiviitmi'iiti 'Tilmi 'Jiliiuls •Â '.Ù iiy fiii.'iriN .'s Av.ili'Cowniys ,Siik Tiv.-s filims .Sf’iuv ‘J'liiMMiiiiL ^ a i K i ^ Interior Designs, Inc. (336)766-9918 ( 'Irnin».th Kd, Hnkif Clcmmiiin l.ibrar) l|).S.Vvs<KÍJli^ B A P T IST C H U R C H PurposePriven-___________OfMipng Uva tn FStrf4¡f J o i n u s a t o u r New Service Tim es Sunday - 8:30 a.nn.& 11 a.m. 4815 Hwy 158 • 940-6618 I mile we.st o f Hwy ¡58 ct 80! J Poorman^s Supper P into beans, Ciibbago, potatoes, slaw , hom em ade biscuits, liam biscuits, curnbread, desserts, and hotdogs. Thursday, September 5, 2002 from 5:30-7:30pm Hardison United Methodist Church 1630 Jericho Church Road, Mocksville donations appreciated Arc M)ii lor (1k‘ rising cost of college? I cun show you several wuys to save for higher education expcn.ses» including: I A tax-free 529 savings pliin^ I Coverdell education savings accounts (foniierly Kducalion IH/\s) I Custodial accounts (UCMAyirrMA) •• WtlWrawals for qualified h'ihet eduutjon expenses. Call or atop by today. Matt Voreh 66 Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-4400 www.cdwanljontrji.com MtmoiTstPC Edwardjones Scrvinj; Individual Inveilora Since ifl7i Sc.>»o о / A N e w V i s i o n f o r o u r C h i l d r e n A F a m i l i a r F a c e i n t h e C o m m u n i t y A n E x p e r i e n c e d T e a c h e r W h o C a r e s Paid for by Regina Gratiam, can(di(Jate Mocl<sviile, NC 75 Years Experience home (336) 492-2120 cell (704) 968-4776 patrol report alcohol is suspcctcd aiul reports will be sent lo Ihc .State Utircaii of Investigation for analysis. Tysinger was not wearing a seatbelt. Wetmore Farms WOODLEAF Available Now Squash, Cucumbers, Field Tomatoes Open Monday-Saturday 8:00 am-6:00 pm Closed on Sundays Fmm Mocksville take 601 Soulh lo 801 Intersection, lum right al light. 4 miles to caution light In Woodleaf. Follow signs to farm. 704-278-2028 Lookin' for some good Country Cookin’ Marie's PIace~Family Dining »49 Salisbury Rd. Moekavlll», N.C. ( BMkte of Natura-m GKts) Phone 761-0088 Fax. 761-0010 We will begin sorv/ng Breakfast on Sat 8/31/02 Our new hours of operation will be: Mon., Tues., Wed. 6;00am - 3:00 pm Thur., Fri., 6:00 am - 9:00 pm Sat 6:00 am ~ 3:00 pm Brukfmt dally eam-10:30 am Lunch ataiUng at 10:30 am Sat Braakfut aarvsd all day with lunch at 10:30am We look forward to serving you I owner: Marie Register & Family B race Y o u r self Braces for cliildren and adults. Dr. Penna & Staff O It r H O 0 O N r I S I MOCKSVILLE ~ (336) 751-2252 CDinplimciiliiry sccHiul opinions Vote C a r o l E. L iv e n g o o d Davie County Board of Education • Every child .ihoiiltl <ilw<iy.K be a first priority • 'li'dclim need the tools and time lo teach • Edticator.i need the respect they dc.wr\’e • I’areius, Teachers, Administrators atui Stiulents sitoiild uork toaelher lo produce Ke.sponsiltle and Well Prepared Citizens P aid f o r b y C a r o l E. L iv e n g o o d r i I - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 29,2002 ( ({ I и( •1к.<ЧН IU I C H A M B E R Г О С Ш G a NTT (рвлафхггг!, txc. 965 Yadkinville Rd. Mocksvillc, NC R. Scott Gantt 336-751-GANT Ughtnlng F ut Conn*cti«ftt NoBuiy 8ign*U eaay Sftup HattI« Fr*« Support Tvchnotoffy O a k a \Щ 1 Ж▼ O O JLF C L U * Dade Coimty C a d d y s Ш C H A i^ioN SH ip E vent Bank of The C a ro lin a s 135 Boxwood Village Drive, Mocksvillc 751-5755 352 Hwy 801 S., Advancc 998-1003 Telephone (336) 998-2427 H IL L S D A L E D E N T A L FAMILY AND CX)SMETIC GENERAL DENTISTRY Office Hours By AppointmenI 135 Medical Drivo Advanco. NC 27006 BBST ybu can tell icc w ant yo u r business. Since 1872 I ly Gaither Slrccl, Mocksvillc, NC 751-5951 Willow Oak Shopping Ccntcr, Mocksvillc, NC 751-5956 Lake Myers RV Resort 150 Fred Lanier Rd., Mocksville (338) 492-7736 S S T M M T E O CawiplHi * Bacwatlon Wwoft Counter Point M usic Instrutiwnt Sales & Repairs Beginners to Advanced Lessons for Gultar/Mandolln/Ban|o/Bass/Violln A U TOP QUALITY - BEST PRICES AROUND SO Court Squw«, MockMlll* • TS1-9390 Tuesday, Septem ber 10,2002 ^ Teams consist of 5 am ateu r players and I Sènior PGA Tour caddy from the RJR C h am p io nsh ip atTangiew ood ^ Shotgun start at 1:00 p.m . % I 8-hole 'C addy's C h o ice ” fo rm at Cost of Play - $ 125.00 per person Includes player merchandise packet • driving range balls green and cart fees • cookout dinner • door prizes 'M a jo r Sponsors Trim, Inc. Carolina Drilling, Inc. C e n t r a l C a r o l i n a B a n k S a r a L e e U n d e r w e a r - N a r r o w F a b r i c s P l a n t S p r i n t V F J e a n s w e a r Piedm ont M utual Insurance Com pany Yadkin Valley Telecom & over 3 0 H o le an d Team Sponsors D o n a l d G . B o w l e s , C P A 854 Valley Road, Suite 300 M ocksville, NC (336)751-3944 “ 911” i Commemorative Ceremony C o u n t y o f D a v i e A T i m e t o R e f l e c t w i t h P r a y e r a n d S o n g .99Patriot Day W e d n e s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 1 , 2 0 0 2 1 1 : 4 5 a . m . - 1 2 : 1 5 p . m . O N T H E S Q U A R E - M o c k s v i U e Pay respect to the victims o f 911 and show our nation’s solidarity and support fo r the men and women o f the Armed Forces. Observe a moment o f silent prayer wherever you are at 12:00 noon and say the Pledge o f Allegiance out loud.. Remember to drive tvitli your headlights on during daylight hours this day - and show your colors by tvearing red, white and blue! Ж o B t e r ’ s '^ W ^ H e it T c l e r s CELEBRATING OUR 50™ ANNIVERSARY 171 N. Main Sirecl.Mocksvillc, NC Phone; 336-751-2737 Mnrgarel Foster. Owner J 3 F A B L E S T STAFFING SERVICeS (336) 751-4414 Mocksville, NC Edwardjones Matt Voreh Iiivc.slnicnt Rqirc.sciitallvf 66 (luurl Mdcksvill,-. iN'C 2702H (.4.46) 7.^îl-1-|{«) Senil)}: lmliuilii.il ltH«''liirs ''incr IRTI Wombof SIPC m E A T O N F U N E R A L S E R V IC E SIN C E 1951 325 North Main Street Mocksville, NC 751-2148 H O W A R D REALTY Residential & Commercial Sales Property Management ph: 336-751-3538 fax: 336-751-7632 or visit our web site at www.howardrcalty.com CCB Central Carolina Bank - 4 DAVIE COUNTY LOCATIONS - 14S W. Water St.. Mocksville • 751-5936 880 Yadkinville Rd., Mocksville • 751-6261 Ciioleeniec Shopping Center, Cooleemee • 284-2542 5361 US Hwy. 158, Advance - ‘J40-2420 Cli)URTSIDE SPIORTS • Davie County Schools T-Shirts & Hats •Trophies • Uniforms • Swimsuits • Letter Jackets Custom Screen Priming di Embroidery 157 N. Main Street • Mocksville. NC 27028 (336) 751-4700 FuntTjIsя ' Cremations -----' •1’ге-Лп'.ШЕСпк-п1ч F u n e r a l H o m e • Nolai)- 635 Wilkcsbon) Süvel Mock-svillc, NC (336) 751-IKK) These Businesses Encourage You To Support Your Community and Shop Locaiiy Deijgn Properties. Inc. 68 Court Square • Suite 201 • Mocksvillc, NC Diane M . Foster • O w ner/B roker Phono/Fax 336-751-0131 I I I I ; ■ I ■ ; I I , ' ' ' I B I ' > * u S p o r t s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 29,2002 - Bl The ball is loose, som ething lhat happened all too often in D avie’s 13-7 loss at A lexander Cenlral.- Photo by James Barringer Davie Coughs Up Football Opener It.v Ilrlan Pitts Diwic Counly Enlerprise Kecoril The War Eagles staggered off Ihe fielil with Iheir heads clown ami wilh a look of clisbelieC. Yes, il was only one game. Yes, it was only the first of si.x nonconference games. Yes, wherc Davie is in 10 weeks is what matters. Still, it was such a horrible loss that there was no easy way to simply shrug it off. Last year Davie’s high-flying foot­ ball team obliterated Alexander Central 49-6 in Chris Deal’s debut as the Cou­ gars coach, and another behind-the- woodshetl beating appeared in order in Ihc second meeting between the 4-A schools. Someone forget to lell the Cougars. They never flinched and never trailed, taking advantage of three critical fumbles and one crushing penalty and stunning Davie 13-7 Friday in Taylors­ ville. Who would have guessed that? "1 don’t believe wc thought we could win, either,” Deal said amid a delirious upset celebration. "Last year (2-9 over­ all, 1-5 Northwestern Conference) was such a tough year. We knew we had gotten better, but you don’t know how Hudson White much until you get in a game situation. Our kids lost a lot of conndence (last year)." Davie knew it would take serious missteps on ils part not to open the sea­ son triumphantly, and Ihe deal went down with smoke, mirrors and more blown opportunities than a Calculus whiz could count. The War Eagles fumbled the ball away twice inside the AC 6-yard line, dug a 13-0 hole and let the worst of 14 penalties ruin a go-ahcad punt return late in the fourth quarter. "It hurts bad," senior outside line­ backer Timmy Redmond said. "We let them beat us. They shouldn’t have beaten us. Turnovers. That’s all it was." "We should have come out a whole lot harder in the first half - a whole lot harder." senior defensive tackle Jeremy West said. "It hurts because we were supposed to come out on top. We were supposed to dominate. We had il, and we got it taken away." The Cougars hitched a ride from quarterback Brandon Kinnaird, who sliced open Davie’s secondary repeat­ edly. He immediately sel the tone, di­ recting a 15-play drive that included three third-down convetsions on AC’s first possession. AC stormed to the Davie 7. but Davie dodged lhal bullet becausc cornerback Gareth White creamed Kinnaird from the blindsidc and caused a fumble that Brandon Bledsoe recovered. Offensively for Davie, everything that could go w'rong pretty much did. Junior Billy Riddle, a headhunter at safety who toted the mail for the first time since eighth grade, hauled Davie from the AC 26 to the AC 2, but the ball popped loose on his third consecu­ tive burst, the first of ihree lost fumbles. Davie was marching again on its next possession. Sophomore Justin Brown, .seeing his first backfield aclion since eighth grade, pounded out 20 yards on four consccutive runs, only to cough it up at Ihe AC 5. Instead of 14-0 Davie, il was slill 0- 0. "Thai was the biggest story," Deal said. "The defense bent but they didn’t break." “It takes the air out of your team and blows their team up," Davie coach Doug llling said of the momentum- changing turnovers, "You take a team rebuilding, boy it gives them a boost of power, and they start playing above their potential. Wc got the wind knocked out of us and wc never could regain it." Then came the most amazing mo­ ment of all. Kevin Winters killed a 53- ,^ard punt to back AC to its own 27 with just 43 seconds left in a scoreles.s half. Remarkably, the unconscious Kinnaird negoliated those 73 yards in 39 seconds, completing five straight passes. The fifth one went 40 yards to Dustin Kerley, who walked into the end zone. Kerley. who had seven receptions for 115 yards in the first half alone, was so open he could have caught the ball and shouted for pizza before turning loward the end zone. I’lca.se See Alexander - Page B7 ‘Cats Set For A Special Season Seldom over the 22-year history of North Davie football have the Wildcats had more reasons to be excited about a season. Three of those reasons are run­ ning backs Daniel Gough, Mark Huggins and Brandon Stewart. "It’s a mighty trio," Coach Ron Kirk said of his eighth-grade backfield. “It's like the Three Amigos.” Last year, during a seven-game win­ ning streak that sprang in week two of the seventh-grade season, the three­ headed monster couldn’t be slopped. Gough mshed for 1,013 yards on 71 car­ ries, a 14.2 per-carry average. Huggins added 496 on 51 rushes (9.7) and Slew- art had 357 on 29 rushes (12.3). Josh Miller, last year’s hidden gem at center, has taken major steps and gives North yet another dangerous op­ tion. “Plus we’ve got Miller who’s gained a lot of weight and strength (185 pounds)," Kirk said, gushing. "Mark is more of a quick fullback. When Miller takes over for Huggins, he’s like a freight train.” When North decided to put the ball up, quarterback Whit Merrifield always responded, completing 21 uf 32 passes for 321 yards. His body guards are cen­ ter Miller, guards Kevin Boehm and Michael Murphy and tackles Wesley Potts and Josh Dixon. Tom Kuell is one tight end and the other will be either Patrick O’Connor or Justin Smith. "We’ve got a big target in Kuell if anybody stops the running game,” Kirk said. "We’re probably going to throw more with Merrifield because he’s grown some and can see over the of­ fensive line. We’re small (up front) but we’re as strong as anybody can be for our size." The defensive maulers are end Miller; linebackers Huggins, Gough and Stewart; and tackle Murphy. Last year this group set North's middle-school record for wins and tied Knox and South Davie atop the Mid- Please See Gough - Page BS B um garner: All 8th-Grade Teams Chasing North Davie South Davie's eighth-grade football team gained a split decision in last year's Mid-South Conference champi­ onship race, tying North Davie and Knox. But Coach Todd Bumgarner is not putting his Tigers in the same preseason ■sentence with North Davie and Knox. His logic: Knox beat North Davie 14-0 and North Davie caged South Davie 27- 8 (the South-Knox game was postponed and never rescheduled, forcing a three- way tie). Norlh Davie was clearly the MSC's best team by the end of the year, and Bumgarner seems to welcome the hunter role. “Il could be North Davie’s year," he said. "We’ve got to go to Knox and Norlh Davie is the team to beat without a doubt. They showed that last year” Last year the Tigers (5-2) ripped through Corriher-Lipe, Erwin, Norlh Rowan and China Grove, squeezed past West Rowan and were 3-0 before get­ ting upset by Southeast 20-12. That’s not bad for a limping backfield. Injuries all but wiped out the season for Josh Eder and Nalhan Walker, but ihis year they’re back to fonn and primed to become co-stars. The core of the team includes Kenneth Brown, the other wishbone running back. “They're the leaders of the team,” Bumgarner said. “They make sure things get done and all three are tal­ ented. Brown is elusive. Walker’s got a lot of power aiid speed, and Eder will Please See SD - Page BS V-Ball Team Carves Foes Davie’s varsity volleyball team isn’t ready lo proclaim the season a dream. Bul 6-0 is a heck of a first burst. Coach Dave Markland certainly hopes it’s an omen. They basically yawned Ihrough the Cenlral Piedmont Conference-Metro Conference Chal­ lenge at West Forsyth, dispatching North For.syth in 22 minutes. East For­ syth and Mount Tabor were next. They stormed from behind to Irip AlexandcrCemral(5-l5, 15-11, 10-15, 15-7, 15-8), they put away always- strong North Iredell in four games (15- 10, 4-15, 20-18, 15-11) and hammered Lake Norman (15-9, 15-7, 15-5). "Whal’s got lo make you feel good is the versatility we have, as with Allison Schafer playing middle for the first time all year (against Lake Norman) and doing a great job,” Markland said. "This gives the girls an idea of whal we’re capable of. How that slacks up, we’ll see, but I think the girls are excited about Ihe season. They’re conscientious of how important this season is and the opportunity they have, and 1 think they're excited about play­ ing a higher level than they’ve ever played bccause they're finally doing things they’ve never done.” The War Eagles overcame two ob­ stacles againsl Alexander Central - sel­ ler Candice James’ sickness-induced absence and a two-games-lo-one defi- x cit. Sleepwalking over three Metro Con- t ferencc opponents didn’l help matters. "It actually hurl becausc it was as if Central was our first true malch.” Markland said. “I wa.s pleased wilh Ihe fact lhal the girls found a way to win.” The keys were sellers Heather Miller and Mandy Lambe, Alyse Bowden and hitter Sara Miller. “Lambe and Heather M iller did a good job of getting us through the match.” he said. “Bowden played well defensively and offensively, and Sara Miller had the best all-around game.” N O W IN demonstrated Davie's scintillating potential more than the North Iredell malch. The Raiders have dominated for years. "That was the best all-around match that I’ve seen since I’ve been here,” the third-year coach said. "That was two talented teams playing al a high level.” It left the War Eagles, two years re­ moved from 5-12 misery, giddy at the thought of what’s to come. "It’s really promising to look at that,” Sara M iller said. “We played good against them but I think we can even do a lot belter. Finally we have some age and a lot of good experience. It's nice to finally gcf here because we’ve waited a long time. We knew this year would be a strong year and it's really exciting.” The catalyst in the landinark moment was James, who dictated terms despite the lingering effects of her illness. "She did a tremendous job of running the offense and picking the hitters,” Markland said. “She again was sick but you'd never known she'd been sick. She had the best match I've seen her have as a setter. She had to come out in game two. She just couldn't go, and then she was able to go three and Please See 6-0 Start - Page B2 Moser Does A Number On NW Cabarrus - 5 Goals Northwest Cabarrus didn't do any- Ithing special lo try lo stop Matl Moser. ¡As a result, the Trojans resembled Wile IE. Coyote trying to calch Ihe Road Run- |ner. The .senior striker for Davie's var­ sity soccer team reaffirmed his rare coring ability in the second of three onconfercnce games, racking up five ^oals in a 6-1 pa.sting. Davie (2-0-1) opened with an abbre­ viated 2-0 win over Forbush, a lopsided game that was called due to lightning 10 minules inlo the second half. Davie rallied lo tic Lake Norman 2-2 in the third nonconference game. "And Ihey were all quality,” Coach Jim Caudill said of Moser’s five-goal explosion. “I had Iwo kids in my years al West Wilkes score five, but those goals were not the qualily of his goals. One of them was a penalty kick, but it was a well-deserved PK because he caused it. 1 le's jusl such a good player.” It was almost loo easy for Moser, who established Davie’s single-season rccord wilh 23 goals as a junior. “They jusl kepi leaving me open,” he said. "1 didn't have thal many opportu­ nities, 1 just made the most of them. I heard a couple limes: 'W ho's Please Sue M<i.scr - Page U2 Mo.ser Linder Lagos Hanrahan f п I! Il ' > : H2 - DAVIE COUNTY KNTKRPRISK RECORD, Aur. 29, 2002 Members of the Davie High varsity volleyball team, from left: first row - Mandy Lambe, Candice James, Jessica Lagle, Megan Dwiggins, Alyse Bowden and Heather Miller; second row - assistant coach Janice Jackson, Sara Miller, Ashley Davidson, Nicole Maready, Coach Dave Markland, Dawn Singleton, Sarah Williams, Allison Schafer and assistant coach Becky Miller. 6-0 Start Shows Volleyball Team’s Potential Continued From I’liRc HI four. So (here’s no queslion she gulteil il up." Janies was hartlly the onl\' one gelling the job done. "Sarali Williams, wilhoul a doubl. had llie besl malch she's ever had. She led in kills and hitting percentage." he said. "Ileaiher M iller luul a greal niaicli al righl side, ’nial’s Ihe besl leam we've bealen since I’ve been heiv." Nole.s: Megan Dwiggins pounded nine straight service winners againsi Lake Norman. "She’s like a slarler, even Ihough she conies in lo play back row." he said. ... Davio plays home lo Griinsley on Aug. 29, al Norlh Iredell on Sepl. ^ and al home lo WesI Row an on Sepl. 4. Members of the Davie High JV volleyball team, from left: first row - Ashley Cornatzer, Sally Lackey, Brittany Cooper, Tammy Jones, Janna Seamon, Catherine Crowe and Jennifer Wilson; second row - Kacey Stutts, Meredith Phillips, Kelly Mitchell, Mandi Reid, Jenna Hendricks, Kara Deadmon and Erin Whitaker. Markland Optimistic With JV Volleyball Tlie Davie JV volleyball leani dropped six of seven games ami slarled 0-.1 wilh nonconference losses lo Alexander Cenlral, North Iredell and Lake Norman lasl week. Dave Markland, ihough, can accept Augusl mis­ takes. "I Ihink Ihey're going to Ix- good - I really do - and have a good conference season." Davie's varsity coach said. "Righl now Ihe things that's hurting them is ihey're still iry- C a r o l i n a S t a r s S o f t b a l l T e a m F i n i s h e s W i t h 5 6 - 1 1 R e c o r d The Carolina Slars, a 14-un­ der softball team thal includes si.x Davie County players, has an amazing record of .“ib -ll. They've played in 10 tourna­ ments in NSA, USSSA and AAU, and have placed among the top three eight linies with four first-place trophies, Iw o nmner-ups and Iw o third places. They lied for si.xth in Ihc NSA Slale tournameni. They qualilied for the Super World Series by winning a NIT Tour­ nament. Tlic Super World will be held in Peoria, Illinois, ihis weekend. The Davie girls are Ashley W hillock, Amy Alexander, Whilney Williams, Hannah Tier­ ney, Kaitlyn Mall and Erin Whi­ laker. The resl of the team, from the Clemmons area, includes B.ritlany McKinney, Tara Reubcl, Kaillin Wernsing, Amanda Sizemore, Brittany Honcycult, Emily Smilh and Ellen Scolt. ing 111 Hgure out who the main seven or eight players are. and they're slill learning their posi­ tions." Although the War liagles didn'l come close li> reaching victory, they nearly forced a de­ cisive game on Iwo occasions, losing 16-14 lo Alexander Cen­ lral and North Iredell. They man­ aged lo pull oul a light game to push Lake Norman lo ihree games. "I've very pleased wilh the job Meredilh I’liillips is doing as a setter." Markland said. "She's never run lhal position before, and she's doing a real good job from a technique slandpoint." Markland also identiHed Jen­ nifer Wilson. Mandi Reid and Erin Whilaker ’They're the key players as sophomores." he said." They've got lo provide the leadership and be the people lhal we coiuit on in clulch situations. They're all gelling beller a! lhat." DAVIS REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Moser, Hanrahan Lead Davie Soccer To 2-0-1 Continued From I’aRC B1 on 4'.’' Bul Olher lhan lhal. il wasn't anything. "Everyone from the back lo Ihe front played awesome. My job is lo score. The defense did their job. so I was doing what I was supposed lo." Andrew Scolt and David Slein split lime al goalkeeper. "For a sophomore, he did a tre­ mendous job," he said of Slein. SO I'AR Davie's only hiccup was the first half against Lake Nornian, which blanketed Mo.ser while building a shock­ ing 2-0 lead. Lake Nomian is a new school under the guidance of Dane Perry, Norlh Davie Middle's ex-coach. "We had them oulmanned bul we didn'l play well," Caudill said. "They gave a lol of atten­ tion to Moser. He had. at times, three and four people on him - we're going lo see that again - and they actually organized the field beller lhan wc did." "(Perry) was my coach in middle school, so he had a guy on my jersey all night," Moser said. Thanks 10 Juan Lagos. Davie reversed itself Lagos caught the keeper off the line and drilled a 40-yaril shol lo cut the difference in half. Afler 71 minutes of si­ lence, Moser came Ihrough when Davie needed him most, salvaging a lie with his seventh goal in three games. " The lasl L‘i-20 minutes, we started lo play," Caudill said. “Moser finally got free. The sweeper never lefl the cenler of Ihe field, and lhat's because of his scoring. And il worked. Perry did a good job wilh his squad. "I w as a lillle disappoinied. bul I w as real proud o f Ihein for com ing back because w e very easily could have losl." While Moser and Lagos have registered nine of Davie’s 10 goals, Caudill was quick lo rec­ ognize the contributions of Patrick Little. Adam Linder and Zach TIanrahan against inspired Lake Nornian. “Lillle (who scored againsi Northwest) had a tremendous game al midfield," he said. "Liniler moved from midneld lo sweeper late in the match, and he shut down everylhing. llanrahan's just been tremen­ dous. I mean, I don'l even think aboul making switches because he's so damaging when he plays. 1 wouldn't wanl lo defend him. He'.s jusi thal good. Tie's got greal vision." Nole.s: Marking back Micah Gamer is nol youreveryday 12th man. "We don't lose anything when he conies in." Caudill said. “As a mailer of fact, we step up a little bit when Micah conies in." ... Davie’s next three non­ conference games are al home against Norlh Iredell on Aug. 2'). Alexander Central on Sept. ^ and Northwest Cabarrus on Sepl. .“i. Reynolds Scores Both Goals In 0 -2 - 1 Start Davie's JV soccer team got oulscored 6-2 in its first three games, losing 2-1 lo Forbush. lying Northwest Cabarrus 1-1 and losing ,V0 to Lake Norman. Both Davie goals were scored by Dylan Reynolds. “We're doing a lot of rebuild­ ing," Coach Jeremy Byrd said lasl week. "We’ve been up and down al Ihe beginning, bul I think once we get some of the kinks worked oul. we’ll be prelly good." Davie’s next three games are al home, againsi Mooresville on Aug. 27, Norlh Iredell on Aug. 29 and Alexander Cenlral on Sepl. 3. "The games slarl at .“i: LS p.m. Notes: The rosier consisis of sophomores Ashley Cornaizer, Kelly Milchell. Phillips. Reid, Whilaker. Wilson and Kara Deadmon and freshmen Briliany Cooper. Catherine Crowe. Jenna Hendricks, 'Tammy Jones, Sally Lackey, Janna Seamon and Kacey Stulls.... 'The War Eagles play al home lo Grimsley on Aug. 29. al North Iredell on Sepl. ^ and at home lo West Rowan on Sepl. 4. Matches begin al 4:.K) p.m. COMING SOON! Coastal $250 Cleaners Coastal $2.50 Clcanor.s is pleased to announce that they will be picking up and delivering clothes in the Mocksville area. 'You can drop off clothes to be dry cleaned at Phipp.s' Fabric Center located at 119 N. Salisbury St., Mocksville NC. Pickup days will be Wednesdays and Saturdays. Any dry- cleanable garment will be cleaned for $2.50. Men's dress shirts will be washed, pressed, starched & hung for $1.50.Our first day of business ivill be ^Monday, September hid, 2002. davisregiondl.co If you’re afraid of the dark, th a t’s understandable. If you’re afraid of yo u r life m aybe it’s tim e to ask fo r help. .Ajixiety is an illness that can fill your life with overwhelming fear and worry. While some feelings o f anxiety before an important event are expected, feelings of anxiety that are overwhelming or debilitating are not. Left untreated, anxiety can grow progressively worse. Some anxiety sufferers even become housebound. Fortunately help is available. The Delta Behavioral Health Program at Davis Regional Medical Center offers a comprehensive inpatient treatment program for those suffering from anxiety disorders. Don’t let the fearcondnue. Give us a call ac(704) 838-7450 and let the joy back into your life. ’^D A VIS REGIONAL R an D elta Behavioral Health Program D I D M О I К S V I t L L К О Л I) • 141), I X I I I S 4 , S I Л I I s V I I t L . ( 7 0 4 ) К 7 1 . II 2 8 Peeler Shows Stuff In W. Iredell Relays Davic TIigh cross couiiii’v coach Daric Beilcr has Knilcd Hekah Peeler as a budding star, and Ihc sophomore's off lo a good slarl. She led Davie in the firsl three meets lasl week, incknling a sec- onil-place performance among 100-plus com­ petitors in the Wcsl Ire­ dell relays. "I hate lo compare athletes, bui uhcn vou Peeler look al the limes she's running whal Janel Darcy w as hisi year. ;uid Janel made ihc slale meel." Beilcr said. "So dial's anolher indication thal Bekah's on par Tennis Team Opens With 3 Easy Wins The I'irsl three matches for Davie High's girls lennis team were virliial replays. The War Lagles rouled .Alexander Cen­ lral 9-0, Bishop McCiuiness .S- 1 and West Row an 6-.V They look 2.Í of 27 games bul twool their losses were lor- fcils lo Wcsl when the malch was decided. "1 hope il coniinues." firsi- yearcoach Kimberly Buckland said of Ihc hoi nonconl'crcncc slarl. "I Ihink il was more sur­ prising because we have so much lalem all Ihe way ilowii the linenp." Alyson W alker, Allison Bowles and Holly Vines col­ lected three wins apiece in singles, and Megan Jordan was 2-0. In doubles. Carly Balsley- Jordan went .Я-0 and Walker- Bow les 2-0. Buckland mar­ veled at Davie's balance and the mniiber of players who are ca­ pable of jumping anywhere in the lineup. Jordan, for inslancc. soared from No. 4 singles lo No. 1. The lop four enlering this week were Jordan. Deanna Shamel, Walker and Balsley, but lhal could change any second. Davic, overall, is lhal good. "They're impressing me very niucii," Buckland said. ■■'The lop eighl are very lighl. Tliey play so much the same as far as ability. Unforlunalelv. .Iordan Ititckland M eet The W a r Eagles Ashlee Prevette Sport: tennis If i coidd keep jusi one nuisic C l), ll would he: Nelly ville by Nelly or U2's Grealesi 1 liis. in lo.st ull my posse.sslons hul one. I’d keep: My Indiana Jones boxed trilogy. .Sumetlung people don'l know ahout me: I wanl a red Hummer Fantasy joh: Vin Diesel's agenl. I cmi't live without: My Nike Drifils. My greatest moment in spurts: When we c|ualified for dual leam slale playoffs in lennis. I would like lo swlleh places for a day with: Michelle Rodriquez from The Fast and ihe Furious. Funniest (ennis slory: 'The bloomer incident at Reynolds. I would like to eat dinner with (dead or alive): Colby from Survivor 2. Favorite cla.ss iu school and why: M r TIoyle's APP English class bccause M r Hoyle is hilarious. Athletes 1 admire mosl: My parents, the wink-wink girls, Jason Kidd and Andre Agassi. My favorite thins «bout phiyin); tennis is: Away matches and ihe Clemmons Sonic drive-in. EESy*S T R E E S E R V I C E A 336-492-2944 TOLL FREE 1-866-896-7711 fiec Estimates • Fully Insured •Serving Forsyth & Davie County Residential 8i Commercial Work Selective Trimming & Pruning - Tree Removal Stump Grinding • Storm Damage • Hazardous Removal Lot Clearing "Trained Arborist (Complete Clean Up) DAVIK COUN'I'Y ENTERPRISE RKCORl), Aug. 29, 2002 - ВЛ to go 10 the stale meel." Sluiron W ixnlward was Davie's No. 2 runner each time. T-or the boys team. Aaron H ollifield, Brandon Shore and Corey Doub sliarcil lop honors for Ihe War F.agles, whose leams finisheil sccond in a Ihree-lcam meet on Aug. 21. Lake Nonnan was firsl and Norlh Iredell Ihird. ■■'That's gooil lo have." Be­ ilcr said of his lop Mil), ‘■'They are pushing each olher. All five have to move up a lillle bit more to keep compelilive." W alker w e 'v e got eight good people and you can only have six. ( The w ee k ly challenges in praclicc) keep Ih em on ilie ir Iocs and keep e ve ry b o ily m o iiv a ted lo play th e ir besl. "Even my rreshmen (Megan .•\ppell. Meieililh Check and Jessica Overby i. They don'l gel 10 play in Ihe matches because we have 12 people, bul ihey're coming strong, loo. Possibly by Ihe enil of the year, maybe one of Ihem will even be in Ihe top six." Notc.s: I low deep is Davie'.’ 11 cruised wilhoul Ihe services of third-year starting senior Ashlee Prevette, who sat onl wilh an ear infection. ■■She'll be back in the lop six this week." Buckland said. ... The War Eagles play al Norlhwcsl Cabarrus on Aug. 2S, al home lo Bishop on Aug. 29. ;n Soulh Ireilell on Sept. anil at home to West Forsyih on Sepl. 4. "'The only ones ihey ever lell me aboul are Reynolds and West Forsyih.■■ she said. New Golf Era Opens With Bang The Davie High girls golf leam chrislened a new era in slyle. claiming sccond in ils firsl- evcr meel lasl week al llickorv Hill. Stalesville ilominalcd wilh a Iwo-player score of 76. bul Davie's 92 lopped six olher leams. liasi Rowan had 9.^. Norlh Iredell 99. Mooresville lO.V Lake Norman 104. Wcsl Iredell I I.S and South Iredell 120. " Thai was prelly good con­ sidering they had sonie nerves and jiiicrs.'^ Coach Debbie T'vans said. ■■Some of Ihe girls had mil ever cimipeted.^' B riliany W alker is Ihe excep- lion. qualifying for Ihe slale lour­ nam eni as an individual each of Ihc pasl Iw o years, and her ,S- over 4.' score reflected her e x ­ perience level. ■'ll was an ( )K round for her.'^ livans said. '■Slices certainly looking lo score beller lhan that.^' liniily Pellorini helped Davie slave oil liasi Rowan \i ilh a 49. "She fell like she could play bet­ ler. bul 1 Ihink she u;is happy lo gel lhal first one done and have a ilecenl score." Walker and Pellorini are se­ niors. The olher leam members are senior Jenny Broadw ay, jun­ ior I lealher Boger and sopho­ more Sarah Jarvis. C o m e c h e c k o u t o u r a r r iv a l o f N EW Fa l l M e r c h a n d is e ARIAT SANDALS and select footwear on SALE • Resistei & Stetson Straw Hats 20% off • Brighton Belts & Wallets 20% off • 20% off Rockies & Rough Rider Ladies Jeans • Mens & Ladies summer shirts buy one get one half price . (regular merchandise ONLY) All others reduced 30% or more »BCJI t M O rS.I.V.Í.MONTANA■ KSM I TI IS iJ h e Oaks Shopping Cenler • Lewisville • 336-945-2566 Hours: Mon-Fri 10-7; Sal 10 -y B an k o f The C a ro lin a s ★ ★ I n v i t e s Y o u T o ★ ★ / Customer Appreciation Daf August 30, 2002 • 10:30 AJM. - 2:30 RM. at the Mocksville Office, 135 Boxwood Village Drive if“® ® “/4 Lifetime of Republican Service and Conservative Principles On Tuesday, Septem ber 10th VOTE 9У M a c B u t n e r STATE SENATE T h e C o n s e r v a t i v e R e p u b l i c a n Meet Mac Malcolm "Mac" IK Butner, Jr. Personal: - NorlhCarolinanalivc - Married lo former Julia I.cntzol'China Grove, 1st Grade Tcachcr, North I liils Christian School - Children: Son. Wade; Daughter, 1 jura - Si*n of Ihe lale Stale Senator Malcolm W. Hutncr, Sr. and the lale Loretta 1- liutner Church: ' Active NIember ofHnon Uaptist Church - Past church responsibilities; Uliler, Finunce and Rudgd Commiitee Chainnan, Sunday School Tcachcr •* Cavassba CoUegc, Salisbury NC B.A. i)egree Business Administration, 1975 - University ofNorth Carolina, Chapel Hill NC Graduate. RliALTOKS Institute, 1988 - North Carolina Slate Univcniity, Kaleigh NC Graduate, Home Builder's Institute. 1991 Republican Party Scrvicc: -* Chairman, I-ighth Congressional Dislrici Republican Parly (1977-1978) -Cliaimun, Rowan County Republican Men’s Club (199M993) - Rccipienl, Outstanding Servicc A ward. Rowan County Republican Party, (1993) ' Western Campaign Coordinator, "Reagan for President” Committee, (1975*1976) ~ Fomvjr Member oflhe Rowan Counly, l-ighthCoHgrcssional Dislrici and llw NC Republican Party Uxecutive and Central Coniniiliees -Served in numerous campaigns since 1962 Profcsxinnal: -Owner, RHAITYONnofltowan.lnc. -Chaimun. Regulatory Affairs Commitlec.NC 1 lome Builders Association (1995) - Slate Director, NC 1 lome Builders Assoc. (1991.1995) - President, Salisbury-Rowan I Ionic Builders (1993) *• i’resiilent, Salisbury Board of Healtors (1991) 'State Director, NC Association of Realtors (1989.1991) •» Rowan Counly Planning Board (1992.1995) Adilltional Vfllunlecr/Communitv Aclivitics 'ChamberofCommerce, Red Cross, Canecr Society, I leart I'und, United Way, I iabital for 1 lumanity, National Rifle Association Lirctinic Republican W E B A C K M A C ! Former United States Senator Lauch Fairclolh Endorses Mac Butner for Stale Semite “M A C BUTNER Is the conservative choice for State Senator.” S en ato r La uch/ fa irc lo tK JOIN our CAMPAIGN! I ' Mac. Ji't.iA, Wad^ & I.adha Mac Butner for State Senate FO Box 1984 Salisbury NC 28145-1984 (704) 633-4494 • (704)638-0101 Fax (704) 639-1937 email: niacbulner@aol.com Paid for by Ma c Butnkk for State Scnath ____ YOU KNOW Where MAC Stands! 0 Pro-Life. Pro-Faniilv Valuc.s Life begins at conception. I wilt protect Ihe sanclily of life ofthe unborn and fighl for ihe preservation of traditional family values. I do not, and will nol, ac­ knowledge the so-called “alternative life*style” which nxKiks the ideals of traditional family values. a rax Relief 1 will NO T support any ta.x increases. Our currenl laxcs are a burden on our citizens and 1 will work diligently loreducethe tax burden for all families. 0 Kducation Choicc.s The liberal establishment has controlled our public school system foryears. llic result has been thal North Carolina slill ranks near the boUum in education. Wc must eliniinale the waste consistently producc*d by the educalion bureaucracy and return our tax dollars to the classriHin). Wc musl expand educational opportu­ nities so that parents have more freedom and control ofthe educalion ofiheir own children. 0 NO to Crime / Drugs Violent criminals and illegal drug dealens MUSTbe punished to tlie fullest extent of the law. Our brave law enforcement and judicial officers must be given the support to accomplish this for the safely of our families and the frecdomofour Nation. 0 Private Property Rights Tlic cornerstone of our Republic is the individual ownerrihip ofprivatc property. In recent ycnre, we have seen more and more encroachmcni upon lliat freedom by unreasonable regulations, making il more difllcult lo realize the American Dream. I will work toward protecting our private properly rights and making the dream of home ownership a reality for more North Carolina families. 0 NO to Lollcrv Iriilcpcmlcm sludie,s have shown thal ihc poor are dis- ptoportionalcly hun by the cffccts of state-sponsored gambling. A lottery is nol the answer to North Carolina's llnanciai problems. The elimination of bureaucratic waste along wilh sound, common-sense managemenl, and the willingness lo make tough choices, is Ihe solution to our slate's fmanclal prob­ lems. I will have the courage lo say “NO" lo waste. IZI The Right To Bear Arms The 2nd Amendment to our Conslilution states lhal “the right ofthe people to keep and bear amis shall nol be infringed." Iliis Is the fundanKnlal foundation of all of our freedoms. Without it, wc would be in tyrannical slavery. I will always supporUlnsriglU. Lifetim e Conservative ^ t 1¿ÍU. 29, :n02 1, Алуопо С.1П cnîor oiccpt cmptoyoes oí ^^o Dav.e Counly En!erpnsc Rccord and t^c^r •families. Onfy ono eniry aiioAOd por person por лсок. All ontrìos must bc on ofìg na! newspnnt of ta* to 33&-75)-9760 2, Gamos in this леоч'5 con!t?st a'O I stod in Oticfi ntívrrtípmont on^^o pages Fii in tho conicst bi.i.';4 and subm t of mail ino entry to f'lo Ertcrpnso Record, P.O. Bo* 99. Moci^sV’e, NC 27028 F O O T B A U 6 0 N I E S I N A M E T H E W I N N I N G T E A M S E A C H W E E K A N D W I N CONTEST RULES 3, Tho first oniriint correctly preO'Ctmg Iho outcome ot all games tn <1 rtee-< Will receive a borius ol S2500. Weekly prizes aro S25 t> Cap for first place and S5 for second place 4. in caso of l os, tho entrant who came closest to tho total numtjcr of pC'Hts in tre t‘C broai-of w^s if a t o still ousts, awards wll bo divided eqjaify among tho winnors. 5. Entries must bo delivered to \bQ Enterprise Record bctoro 5 pm Friday each week The off»ce is located at 171 S. Main Sl, Mocksvillo, NC. 6. Winners will bo announced following each contest. Decisions of judges will bo fmal. A now contest rt'ii to announced cacfi wook. ^2500 BONUS PRIZE For 1st Porfoct Entry ^ 2 5 1st Prize & Cap ® 5 2nd Prize Hillsdale Anim al Hospital K arla Frazier, DVM 134 Mcdical Drive Advance 9 98-8750 C all fo r in fo rm a tio n on n e w clie n t specials. Cooleemee Auto PartsJ 7670 NC Hwy. 801, Cooleemee (336) 284-6000 NAME BRAND AUTO PARTS Including: • Raybostos • Gates • WIX & Mucti Moro 18, ETSU V. NC Stato Tommy Ivey/Owner 8;00-5:30 M-F 8:00-12:30 Sat. (s Pizza Kinda Silly Name REALLY GOOD PIZZA 16. Colorado V. Colorado St. Mncksylle Marketplace Sliiipiiiiif; Cenler • 7 5 1 -0 4 0 9 E A T O N F U N E R A L S E R V I C E SINCE 1951 325 North Main Street Mocksville, NC 751-2148 1. (NFL) Indlopolls V. Now Orleans 8. Dnvio V. W est Rowan D a i r i i Q u e e n Have a Special Treat Before £r After the Game 5 2 8 6 H w y. 158 • A d va n ce • 9 4 0 -2 4 3 8 Gardner’s ® l& n s s L m e 5423 Hwy. 158-Advance Open Mon.-Frl., 8am-6pm & Sat., 8am-3pm 998-1723 Is your vehicle ready for the upcom ing w inter? 7. Wost Forsytti V. Ml. Tabor Come by and visit the professional staff at Gardner's Xpress Lube for all your vehicle niaintenance needs. Spillman’s Land & Home Sales 2. Carolina v. Clovoland Hwy. 801, Cooleemee, NC • (336) 284-2551 ' T o p s T r a v e l Tops on Professional Service Y()iirlj)cal Full Service Travel Agency 336-766-7303 25. UAB V. Florida www.topstravel.œm к 2750 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. • Clem rnons Matt Voreh In V l-.N lnlftll lil'p rC M Illn liv f (At (!iiiirt S(|iiiiir \(;2702Г, (ЖК.) Т.л1-1 UHI Min .Vr^iti;; liiiliviilu.il liiu',ti)r, >iiiM- 11171 17. Nortti Te«as v. Toxas Edwardjones O a k a VVLLEY ▼ c; O T. PGOLF CLUB 12.Vandoibm V. G a.Toch For Tee Times Cal! 940-2000 I------------------1 j SAVEan I _ ! additional ||=гз 10% on 162 SHEEK STREET ‘ 751-2167 i R w i l a l ! 10. UNC V. Miami, Otilo I With coupon I MQCKSVIUE'S COMPLETE BUILDER’S SUPPLY I *U!jf-2002* I * lumber yard lor tlio past 84 years. L _ j Wtioro your granddad was a satisfied custom erl т ш \ Beil if Howard C H E V R O L E T S a l e s • S e r v ic e P a r t s a n d B o d y S h o p — 2 4 H o u r W r e c k e r S E R V tc E — Statesville, NC (704) 873-9094 CLEMMONS CARPET ^ 2711 Le\vi.svillc-Clommon.s Rcl.. Clcmmon,s 31 Years U.\|x;rlcncc 766-8110 or 766-0166 C r o w c f e r h Ç C f w s n e y dissociates Ш 24. Norttiwostern v. Air Force Your Hometown Realtor 2 7 6 5 -0 Lewisville-O lem rnons R d. • C lem m ons 766-0515 Then look lo your good neighbor State Fatm^ agent. Through an unbeoloble alliance wilh Forlis Health’, I'm offering flexible ond affordable insurontc (overage. If thal's what you'te looking for, tome see me today; Darryl Bandy, Agent Acivanco, NC 33Ó-940-2302 5. Tampa Boy v. Houston Like a good neighbor, . State Farm is there:" * sloteform.com*5kj»i Feti« li“,rfraM (cn;«-«,Иддц Oft««F O R T IS WE HAVE MANUFACTURED j'^HOMESTO FITYOUR BUDGET. SEEJACE orSTEVETODAY! 13. Florida A & M v. Miami Bonanza Moftile Homes 700 W ilkesboro St, • M ocksvillo, NCInlor. Hv/ys. cot & 64 N, 336-751-5959 Owiu’fl it Opvrali'd hy Jack .Mar^iin Davie Medical Equipment 15. Central Fla. v. Penn St. p r o v id in g a ll o f y o u r h o m e iie a lt h c a r e n e e d s . 959 Salisbury Rd. Mocksville, N C 27028 ( 336) 751- 4288 • ( 888 ) 797-1044 Fax ( 336 ) 751- 4688 W i l s o n C o m m u n i c a t i o n s , J n c . “Your Total Communication Source” 4. ^ M a i^ lp h la ^ v ^ ^ ,^ t^ Г Г Ш 1 ! Cu.sc «Г Car СЬигцсг 1 u iih phone iictivn tlo ii {I Ullh Sh «aliil Kilh an> <Hhcr ofTrr. |j Ktpiir»; Vplrnitirr.m. jKli ^ Visit Us At Our Location next to B y-lo C itgo 5322 U S H w y 158 & 801 A d va n ce 3 3 6-99 8-2 997 X cingular*»¡«»ни Л*- « t do )OM Ь*л to *»t'' N EX TEL ^ u m H ills d a le D e n ta l 6. St. Louis V. Kansas City D r. J e r r y H a u s e r D r. A d a m D o r s e t t Family & Cosmetic General Dentistry 135 Medical Drive, Advance 336-998-2427 Your “Home-Town’* Drug Store 11. Virginia V. Fla. St. Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville, NC 336-751-2141 Vui inloi nuHiun on drug's \ lu'allh pmlik'iiis. цп to \> \\.Гоч1(.‘1ч1Г11Ц1'о.(.'оП1 D A V IE C O U N T Y ENTERPm/E^ECORD FUU. COVERAGE ON NEWS & ADVERTISII^ P.O. Box 99 171 Soutli Main Sl, Mocksville, NC 27028 plione: (336) 751 -2129 fax: (336) 751 -9760 20. Kentucky v. Louisville DAVIK COUN I Y KN TKKPRISK RKCORl), Лиц. 29, 2002 - H5 Bumgarner Likes South 7th-Grade Team’s Chances Smilh Davic I'odihall. sp:in- ninij nine years and KS leams in miildle-seliiKil play, lias clcliv- eieil I.'i winiiini; recDrils. si.\ conl'ercnce lilies, live perl'ecl rcciiriis anil iinly line losini: recdril. Alllioiiyli Папу Wliillock Ims iniiveil (in 111 Pavic Miiiirs slalT al'tcr Icailiim Ihe Tii;ers Inr 1.^ ycar.s, a reversal of I'Drliine seems highly unlikely in 2002. The cigliih-i’raile leam weni .“1-2 lasl year even lhinii:h ihc starl­ ing backlielil was crippled by injuries, and Ihe sevenlh-graile squad has a pair ol'mighly miles in lialHiacks Uric l.mvery. the hrolhcr 111' N.C. .Slale rreshman linebacker Patrick l.owcry, and I-loyd Collins. "Lowery’s nol very big bin he makes up I'or il wilh desire and he's real i|uick," said I'irsl-ycar coach 'riuld Bnmgarner. who served sevoral years on Whiilock's slalT. "Ciillins is a jitterbug." Tanner Lowe and Cameron Webb are balllini; for the I'nll- back role in .Sinilh's wishbone offence. The starling quarlcr- back is C'olliy .Seaford. allliough C’linl Howell is more lhan ca­ pable of stepping in, "I've been really impressed wilh Colby." Hunigarner said. "He's very litllc bul he's gol a lol of hearl." I'he offensive line is Jesse Kirk Ready To Unleash Garret Benge Norlh Davie's sevenlh-graile foolball team cinild challenge for one of Ihe lop spots in Ihc Mid- Soulh Conference, ll seems to he Inlenleil on bolh sides of ihe ball, especially al i|uarierback. "Oarrel Henge can be a run­ ning ipiarlerback anil he can llal- oul ihrow Ihe durn ball." Coach Ron Kirk said, "lie'll he an oul- slanding high-school i|uarler- back. We don't throw mncli but we are going lo incorporale Ihe pass a lilllc more." 'I'he running backs are Quin­ ton l-aiilkner. Zack Russell-My- ers. Nick O'Brien and Trent lirooks. The biggest hillers on defense have been Taylor livans, O 'B rien. Brooks, lirandon Smith, Adam Uidenhour and Dusty Smith. "We've got a lol of potential." said Kirk, whose team opened on Aug. 27 againsi Kno.x.Tlie Wild- cals’ second game is Sept. 10 at Corriher-Lipe al 4:30 p.m. "Il's one of the biggest teams we've had (.U phiyers). and we conid play lS-20 at a lime. 1 don'l know abonl the conference, hul when we scrimmage, they don'l run over the eighth graders bul they hold theirown.They're nol afraid lo stick iheir nose in there. " The only concern lo this team is we're real small al run­ ning back. Ilopeftdly they can get behind those hig linemen :uul can't be seen." Crolts. Brandon Jones, Juslin Bnrlon, Jesse Cousins and Gni- h:un 1 larmon. Crotls has consid­ erable potential. "1 Ie's been my best lineman." he said. "He's full speed all the lime and his future looks bright." The defense includes linemen Darius Hall, Jr. Payne and Jus­ lin Downs: ends Austin Wood and Crotts; and linebackers Cousins. Jorihm Brown. Lowe. Holder. Jones and Shay Jordan. "Cousins brings his w ork pail wilh him." praised Bumgarner. "1 le conies ready lo go everyday, and he's cMremely aggressive." Although Bumgarner is shorl on cNplosivc skill-position play- ers. il wouldn’t bc wise to bet against a team that doesn’t mind bumping against eighth graders. "We scrimmage against the eighth graders a lol. and they don't oack down one bit," Bum­ garner said. "W e’re prelty good sized, blit we don't liave an abundance of skill players like we have in the pasl. Thai’s a con­ cern. but we’re looking to get oiir name in the mix." Notes: Bningarner’s assis­ ianis are Brent Wall. Tim Dev­ ericks. Howard Riddle, Mike Dinkins and Andrew Brickey.... The Tigers opened at Corriher- Lipe on Aug. 27. They host West Uowan on Sept. 5. Gough Returns; Miller Bolsters North Arsenal Conlinued Fnim I’nue III Soulh Conference standings for its first conference tille since 1')>M, The Wildcats reached those heights by shaking off a sloppy opener, a l-t-0 loss lo Knos in which they comniilted si\ turnovers and failed to capi- lali/e on i'our trips inside the Trojans' 10-yard line. In fact. they were ilriving fora potential winner while trailing fi-0 lale in the fourth quarter. 'Their shol at p:iyback came •Aug. 28 as they opened against visiting Knox at 4:.^0 p.m. 'They go to Corriher-Lipe on Sept. 11. "We all felt like we should have won like 2S-6 or something like thal," Kirk said. Iflhe Wildc;ils erase the 2001 ileinons in the opener, they conId be in fora special year. The rea­ son: They ni:ide short work of everyone else. 2S‘)-.1-I. w ilh ihe closest win being a l‘J-point de­ cision over Soulh Davie. "I ihink al the end of the year w e had the best team in the con­ l'erence." Kirk said. " They want il all. They're shooting for the w hole nine yards. We jusl keep siressing lo iheiii to lake il one game at a lime. Jusl because they were 7-1 last year doesn't mean we can jusl show up. We've had leams lhat were pvelly good one yearand ihen ihey jusl fell apart on us the nexl year." The assislani coaches are ( icorge Newman. Danny .Mlard. Malt Mcl’hersim, Ronald Boger. Jason Boger and Darren Peebles. SD 8 th Graders Open Aug. 28 At Corriher-Lipe Coniimied l''roni I’a^v Kl surprise yon. lie's :i power run­ ner that also has ilie ability lo lake one Ihe dislance. He's very fasi." There's nothing flashy about South's qiLirlerback. Chris Brogdon isn't blessed w ith a lol of speed, size or strength. But whal he does have is all the in- Mngibles. His backup is Heath Bovil: the receivers are Jack Rooney and Anihony Brown; and the line is Mall Pennington. Kirsien Angell. Duslin Riel, Brian Blackwell and Derek Abendrolh. "You can’t beat Brogdon." Bumgarner said. "He's very smart and knows exactly whal lo do. lie could tell every person in Ihe huddle whal their job is on each play. He’s a true leam leader." The defense is led by tackle C.J. While, end Angell. line­ backer Hder and DBs Brow n. Juslin Thonipson :ind Kenny Rivers. While could be a terror. "He’s been a big surprise." Bumgariier said. “ He's real strong and quick.■’ Another surprise on defense is end Tristan I lairslon. who has pulled a dramatic about-face and made his presence fell. "I don't know whal he ilid over Ihe offseason, but he’s come back this year and I’ve been really inipiessed wilh him." he said. "I Ie’s gelling afler il." Niilt's: South’s first game is Aug. 2S al Corriher-Lipe. ll hosts Wesl Rowan on Sept. -I.... Barry W liillock. who guided South for I.? years, moved up lo D:ivie High’s sl;ilL opening ihc door for Bumgarner. His assis­ ianis are Brent Wall. Tim Dev­ ericks. Howard Riildle. Mike Dinkins and Andrew Brickey. Teams Needed For Benefit Softball Tourney .Л lienefit soflball imHiv.mienl is seheiUiled for Sept. 7 al Rich Park. The lournainenl is being pul logeiher lo support Duslin Myers, a Davie High sludenl who is battling c;incer. This will be a one-pilch lourn:unenl w iili nnlimilcd home runs. The cost is Sl 10 and Ihe de;idline lo enler is Sept. .1. Teams will hit their own halls. .“iO core or less. The first- and second-place leams and ihe ,MVI’ w ill receive trophies. C;ill Ruslin Harpe lo enler: ■l')2-.‘i.'20 (home). 15]-2^2fi (work) or.i,1i)-'MI-7-l72(cell). P u n t , P a s s & K i c k S e p t . 2 2 The aniiiKil Punl. Pass Л Kick competition for boys and girls ages S-L'i is scheduled for Sept. 22 at 2 p.m. Pinebrook F.lemcnlary School. Call the Mocksville-Davie Recreation Deparlment at 731- 2.Í2.Í lo register. D a n W a r d G e t s F ir s t H o le In O n e Dan Ward, ihe assislani golf pro at Pudding Ridge in Mocks­ ville. enjoyed his firsl hole-in-one last week. He worked his magic wiih a h-iron on No. 17, a par-3 playing ISO y;irds wilh the flag in the middle ofthe green. Kenny Williams. Bari Reece and Tucker Davis w itnessed the ;ice. "I've been playing golf for 1.“' years and never been close to a hole-in-one. Never even been close." said Ward. 30. "1 hit il a lillle thin and il landed about 10 feet short. All of a sudden I thought, ■'That's gelling pretty close,' and the ball just disappeared. I looked b;ick ami said: 'Did y'aW see that'.' I just got my first-ever liole-'m- one.' " F O O T B A L L C O N T E S T A r e Y O U U p T o T h e C h a lle n g e ? E N T R Y B L A N K A D V E R T IS E R EATON FUNERAL SERVICE SPILLtvlAN'S HOtvIE & LAND SALES I’laques-Tropliies-Mvdiils- Kii!>ravinK-llutt<)n.s-Kil)!)on.s Plastic ,Si(;n.4-NaniL‘ Ta^s саМЪжжж^ 30. Nevada v. Wasti. St. (Jjiry Tavl(»r 24l‘>Lc\visvillc*Clcinim)n4 Kd I’Imnc orl-av 77S-2I2I Clcinmons. NC 27»12 cniaihavvaril.s.xcalíTííol.com S a le m G le n C o u n t r y C lu b T h u rsd a y , Au};. 29 th Se;iriX)d.Siuiipler. ,SI2.95" W edne.sday, Se pt. 4th Counlry Style Sle;ik or Baketl Zili, SS.y.S" 'I'h u rstla y , Sept. 5th Surf* Turf. Sm.y.S" 22. Auburn V. So. Cam. 1000 Cllen D.iy Drive, Clemmons * 712-0303 S.ilomfilL'n.com_____________ CHAPPELL E L E C T R IC , L L C 29, W yom ing v. Tonnessoo 1710 CHARDALE DRIVE, CLEMMONS 7 6 6 -3 0 2 4 Electrical Service You Can Trust WILSON COIHMUNICATIONS STATE FARM-DARRYL BANDY 21. La.State v. Virginia Tecti Æ Beth’s Hallmark New Towne Shopping Center, Clemmons 766-6567 27. Marshall v. Appalachian VOGLER j^ SONS Si'rviiif! t/tf iolimmiiiiy/or over /У-/ war.s-. F u n e r a l H o m e ^^See Us For Prearranged Funeral Plans” Clcmnion.s С1ш|-)с1 • 2849 Mitldlcbiiook Dr. • 766-4714 J S T A B L E S T STAFFING SERVICES 3. Tennessee v. Green Bay For all your .Staffili!’ needs, ¡‘ive us a call. 336-751-4414 • Mocksville D I S C O U N T S A L E S 23. t^iss St. V. Oregon Great Savings Throughout The Store 1533 Lewisville-Clemmons Road, Clemmons Hours: Mon-Fri. 9*7; Sal. 9*5 766*4449 WWW. ciemmonsdlscountsaios. com B la n k e t C r e e k N u r s e r y a n d L a n d s c a p in g C om m ercial & R esldontial S p e c ia liz in g in L a n d s c a p e R e n o v a tio n s Plantings Installed • Plugging • Seed • Tractor Work Perennials & Herb Gardens Installed F re e E stim a te s 28. ecu v. Duko 1S20 Lowlivllla-Clemmans Rd. • Clemmons • 778-0303 • 766-0586 I I 2 I 3. ABLEST |4 - I 5 I 6. HILLSDALE DENTAL I 7. GARDNER'S XPRESS LUBE I 8. DAIRY QUEEN I 9. DAI^IEL FURNITURE I 10. CAUDELL LUMBER I 1L FOSTER DRUG I 12. OAK VALLEY I 13. BONANZA HOMES I 14. HILLSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL I 15. DAVIE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT I 16. BUCKS PIZZA I 17. EDWARD JONES-MATT VOREH I 18. COOLEEMEE AUTO PARTS I 19. BELL & HOWARD CHEVROLET I 20. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE. I 21. BETH'S HALLMARK I 22. SALEM GLEN I 23. CLEMMONS DISCOUNT I 24. CROWDER. MCCHESNEY I 25. TOPS TRAVEL I 26. CLEMMONS CARPET I 27. VOGLER & SONS I 28. BLANKET CREEK NURSERY I 29. CHAPEL ELECTRIC I 30. EXCALIBUR AWARDS I I I Tielireakcr I D u k e V. E C U I W IN N E R I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I ^ Entries Must Be Received Before 5 pm Friday. j 'Tit llrtiikiT Treilicl the louil score in Ihe foltdwiiig i^anic. In cii.ses of tics, . lliL- liclireaker will bc used lii ilclcniiinc llic winners. Total Points Scored_ NAME:.I I ADDRESS;_ j DAY PHONE:.MIGHT;. Н6 - DAVIK COUN l Y KNTKRPRISK RKCORI). Лиц. 29, 2002 Billy Riddle finds daylight. - P hotos by Jam es B arringer Sophom ore running back Justin Brown cuts to avoid A lexander Central tackier Ed Brandt Brandon Bledsoe (left) and team m ate bring down AC ball carrier Travis Shuford. Sam Stovall (right) eyes the ball as a defensive team m ate forces a fum ble Davie’s Jerem y W est catches the C ougar runner.Sam Slovall lum ps on an A lexande, C entral tum ble. M a M a n d (lelt) and Justin Lanning proteci tor qua,- terback Jam es Arnold. Davie linebackers coach M ike R om inger (right) pum ps up the defense, which held AC to 33 y a T 3 n g E l l c S w ^ d 2 l S r ^ the ai DAVIK COUN'l'V KN'l'KUPRISK RKCOR», Aii)>. 29, 2002 -117 Another Subpar Showing Could Mean 0-2 For Davie Ily llrian Pills Davic Coumy Bnlcrprise Rccord I3avic’s logic-dcrying loss at Alexander Central was the kind (if upset lhal can linger in Ih e losing team’s mind Гог weeks. The War l-agles tv.vve to pul il heliind Ihem and make sure il was Just a lium p in the road - because they w jil lind Ihem selves up againsi an even m ore Ibnnidahle oppo­ nenl this Tridav. I’iinc Il w ill he Davie’s home bpencr and Wesl Rowan's sea­ son opener. KickolTis 7:.4() p.m. "It doesn't get any easier." Davic coach Doug Illing said ol' llie North I’iedmonl 3-AConl'er- ence opponenl. "Il’s prohahly one ol'lhe toughest games we'll play all year.They've gol a slew of running backs, of course Joe Jackson being their Cadillac, 'niey'vc got a good i|uarlerback (Hillary Gbunblee), some i|ual- ily receivers and one ol' Ihe best olTensive lines we'll see. We're going to have our hands lull." ir anyone can understand the (lisappoinlnieni from Davie's 13-7 loss al Ale,\ander Central, which losl lo Davie last year, it’s I'ornier Davie assistant Scoli Young. Mis Falcons were heavy lavorilcs when they opened lasl year witli a stunning loss lo lowly .South Iredell. ”11' they don’l ttirn lhal ball over. Ihey don’t lose lhal game,’' West's fil'lh-year eoach said, "ll reminds me of what we ilid. We lost lo a leam lhal wasn'l as lal- enleil as we were. Then we had lo come back and play a very good Davie team. I think they went lo Ale.\aniler Cenlral and lost to a leam lhat they may have been belter lhan. "1 coached witli a lol ol' those guys (I'rom l‘)‘;4-‘)7), and I know what Ihey'rc going lo do this week. They’re going lo gel Alexander C. Quarterback Pulls Off Improbable Upset Conlinued Knim l’ii(>e III "It was .1 blow 11 assignmcnl," Illing said. "I’hysically we can play with anybody, hut we had mental breakdmvns." In Ihe I'irsl hair, Kimiaird was 11-lor-12 lor l.‘i(i yards as AC piled up I (I I'irsl downs. Deal couldn't believe his (^H's makeover. "I can'l believe il," he said. "He’s tcally grow n up. Thai kid look some hard knocks last year, riiirly perccni ol' hi ^passes were complele and he didn’t have an ol'I'ensive line.... Just gelling on Ihe scoreboard w as so huge I'or our kids." "Tonight is Ihe hardest game I’ve played in my whole lil'e," Kinnaird said. "Yeah, they’re good. Veah, Ihey'rc ranked in Ihe state. Uiil we knew we eould beal Ihem ," Kiunairtl's surgical precision carried inlo ihe Ihird. improving lo I.S-l'or-l? wilh a 20-yard touchdown connection lo Will Humgarner, who reeled in eight throws I'or 94 yards and made it 1.3-0 (AC botched the e,\ira- point snap) wilh 7:21 lel'l in Ihe cliird. Wilh Ihe War Itagles in des­ perate shape, they pul everything on James "Cooler" Arnold’s shoulders, ;md Ihe sopluimore quarlerback gave Davie some liope. He look a sholgun snap and sliced 14 yanls. Me rolled righl lo pass, eneounlered turbu­ lence. changed dircclions and sc;unpered 17 yards around lel'l end. He capped a 12-play, (13- yard drive wilh a 4-yaril touch­ down run, Arnold’s rushing numhers (11 carries. 19 yards) snl'I'ered hecause of three sacks I'or minus 34 yards, "He's a player and lhal's why we've gol him al lhal posiiion." Illing said ol'the converted tail­ back. "He made sonte mistakes, bul I'or his first varsity game I Ihoughi he did a heckuva job," "Oh. gosh." Deal said w hen asked about Davie's i|uick "I was like: ’Don'l go to any­ more i|uarterback draws,' He's an athlelc," Davie almost prevailed in spile of itself, ll had ,.\C's of­ fense on ils heels in Ihe fourih Huarter, forcing three-and-outs on Ihe Cougars’ lasl four posses­ sions. You could envision Davie stealing it when AC dropped back to punt from ihe back ofihe end /line w ilh 4:,S(i to play. Deal’s decision to punt over taking a salely and kicking off luriied oul lo be a disaster when I.arry Hudson fielded Humgarner's wobhlerat ihe AC 31. Hudson ran lefl behind a granite wall and nearly walked into the end /one. sidestepping a tackier al Ihe 2 and stumbling into the end zone. A 14-13 Davie lead was a Winters extra point away, hul Ihere was one problem. Penalty Hag 20 yards back. Clipping on Davie. "1 was kicking myself in the hull becuusc I didn't take a safely." Deal said. "I talked my- seiroulofii and said: ’Oh dang, it’s over.' " "1 thought that was the game." Hudson said. "I knew somebody had lo make some­ thing happen, and I ihoughi I did. My firsl touchdown in varsity is taken away from me and we get ;in L. Thai was ihe gaute righl there." Davie slill had :i golden chance. st;irling al Ihe AC 30, Mrown ran 7 yanls lo the 23, Ihen ran 6 more lo Ihe 17 - where fumble reared its ugly head once more. AC recovered and sealed il by forcing three incompleliiins and a 13-yard sack on Davie’s lasl gasp. "Perfect execution." Illing said of Hudson's return. "F.x- actly whal we wanleil but appar- ently wc gol a clipping call. I didn’t see it, W'e needed a big play and we get il. Bul eveiy- ihing we needed went against us." There were plenty of reasons for Ihe War liagles’ numbing loss. I'our of nine possessions ended in turnovers. They held AC to 33 yards on 29 rushes bul olisci lhal by allowing 213 pass­ ing yards. "Mat’s off lo Iheir coaching staff," Illing said. "We weren't hiuigry, that’s the bottom line. That’s Ihe firsi lime in a long lime lhal I've seen a leam more hungry lhan we were." Nutes: Aside from ihc fumbles, Hrown’s varsity debut was a success (13 carries, (il) yards).... Arnold complcled four of his firsl five throws for 7.*i yards. ... Hri;ui Hunler. a senior receiver w ho h:iiln't played since eighlh grade, returned a kickoff 33 yards. I);n k ‘ County U 0 7 0 - 7 A lc \iin (k r< ’in lr:il 0 7 6 0 - H Si'cntuI Q iiarU T AC - Kcrk'y •10 pass Im tii K iim airil (K crlcykick). :(M. T lilrti Q iiiirtc r AC - HuiunnTncr 20 p;tss from Kin- nairil iail). 7:21. DC • .ArnoM I run (W Inicts kick). I:-U. I KANi S rA llSTK'S |-its| liow IIS Riislics-y.iiils Passini; Coihp-An-liH PuiUs luinhk's-l.iisl IViiallios-yatils .^itl COIUCr'KUIs lN l)IV II> i:A I.S rA llS H C S l)a>k* Cnunly KC.SHINCi - H ioun l.V()0, RiiUlk- l:•.V ^A rпoU t 1-4 I’A.S.SlNCi-Arnolil K liC lilV IN C i - liiulsiinJ.-t.'S, I liinrcr 2-27. SicphL-ns I-11. Kaiulolph l-.l Alexander CciUral RU.SMIN(; - Millsaps Kin- nairilS-?. Sliulortl 2-0. Marlin I low • cll 2-{-}\, Kirrk-y PASS1NCÌ - K iiinairil lit-2n-().21.i lil-:C l-;iV IN (i - HinnyarriLT K filc y 7-1 ]>. Millsaps I-I IX ’ i: ЛС 1 } .^7-11«) S(>J t.1 io-:o (» .‘>•27 ■1-.Î 2-2 |.Ml).S (.--J.S 4-S Old School: Davie Sports From August, 1976 Coach Joey Kennedy had five assislants on liis Davie I'oolball staff - Andy Royals. Randall Ward, B ill Peeler. Buildy Lowery aiul Ken Boger. Team captains were Sid Short, C harlie Brown and Sieve Mepler. D avie returned 16 letternien, including Hepler, M ark West. M ark Howard, Keith Chaffin, Alex Thoiiip- ,son. Wayne Dull, Chris Sluipe, Danny A llen, Carl W hile, Brown, Ron Bivins, Denny How’ell. David Cam pbell. Circg Benson. Short and Joey Shore. a lol belter, Walch them, by the end of Ihc year they'll be lough. There’s loo much talent, Mark my words: They’ll be good. I don'l know’ if il'll be Ihis week or next week or the week afler, hut they'll be good," Wcsl oozes wilh lalenlcd skill players, starting with junior tail­ back Joe Jackson, who missed all of lasl year afler suffering serious injuries in a foiir-whceler accident, Jackson checks all Ihe boxes: He's fast, he's powerful, he's elusive. He rushed for 890 yards a freshman. In an Aug. 22 scrimmage against Piednioni. Jackson was "pretty good and lhat'sail under- slalemenl." Young said. "He runs lhal ball lough :unl he runs w ith a lot ofdeterniinalinn. He's a pleasure lo co:ich and he's fun lo watch," The game looks like a tossup. While both leams have power and speed on both sides of the ball, bolh have a similar chink in their armor: varsity inexperi­ ence. "We’re pretty talented, bul we're young," Young said, "I think we’re a lot alike," The key to the game will be how Davie’s front seven, which limiled Alexander Central lo 33 yards on 29 rushes, handles Jackson. "They looked real tough on rushing defense, and our sirength is rushing offense," Young saiil. "'The best part of our offense is going up againsi the best part oflheirdefense. Il’ll he interesting lo see." ’’We've ;;ol a lot of learning lo do this week, but we feel like everything's correctable." Illing said. "I'ln sure they’re going lo come in with the right frame of mind and ready to go lo w ork." A L A R (iK FA C TO R in Davie’s defensive plans went down on AC's fifth offensive snap. Junior nose guard Ilrandon Pane strained an M C L, He doesn't know whal hurl worse, ' the injury or having to watch; from Ihe sideline. "It was terrible. It was the.' worsl thing in Ihe world to gel . put out alter five plays." Pane said, "I’ve never had an injury like this, and it hurt real bad. 1 will be hack. If it’s nol Ihis week, il w ill be nexi week." Illing listed Pane as doubtful. "I wouldn't count on him play­ ing this week, hut if there’s a way. he's going lo get il done." he said. ’’That’s a big blow to our defense, but Brandon Bledsoe stepped in there and played well." Notes: Young has posted three straight winning records, including 12-2 in 2()()() and 6-.‘i lasl year. The 2002 Falcons are expected lo fall between 2000 and 2001, Davie held off up- set-niiniled West 20-10 lasl yeai lo up its series lead lo 23-10-2. R c G b o k MEN'S STAMI'EDE Rf‘í». 54.99 ^ S P E C IA L G R O U P к R ccbok LADIES' COURT III DKW S p e c ia l oS t h e W e e k Lance 1 0 - p a c k C o o k i e s Assorted Flavors Lim it S W hile Supplies Last When Your Healthcare ' Umbrella Seems To Hav^fSprung A ,Leal(... /? ■ u ^ We Are Here fo Help. Bill Foster Suzanne Barnhardt M arkl^ h ite Jane Rij^enbarlc Beth'Stroud I’lir цгсп! ¡пГоппа1||И1 im drug's hi'allh prohli'iiis, цо in w M \>.r(isU'r<lnini’().i(iiii Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 www.fostertlrugco.com * S 9 5 0 O l V A U . Q U A D C A B R A M S O V *S 9 S 0 0 * V P lu s 0 % F o r C O т О П М М 2 0 0 2 R A M Q U A D C A B 1 5 0 0 S T Q/l 4-Df. 4.7 Maflnum V-8.5-Spood. HO A m b a / . Manual Transmlstlon, AJr Conditionino, 9 X X 9 /im a in AM/FM caw.. SOOO Ib. Trallof Tow Pkg..(OdOWni 40/20/40 SplttSoat,726y70m7-nn)v ■I 0% lo r 60 m o t. SI,1«IS1»IW1».I., 2 0 0 2 R A M Q U A D C A B 1 5 0 0 4 x 4 SLT * 2 9 , 5 3 5 — - 5 , 2 5 0 Й *» « 2 3 , 9 8 8 ^ ^ Power Door Locks, Tdl. Cruiao. AM/FM. cass.. 500C lb TriiJlor Tow Rkg,. Cast i то * (0 down} Aluminum Wt)Q«ts. 40/20/40 Split Seat. 1 at 0% lo r 60 m o i. 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On approved credit. 751-5948 1-888-469-3781 157 Depot Street, Mocksville, NC IN BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN MOCKSVILLE B« - DAVIK COUNTV KN FERPRISF RECORD, Aiig. 29, 2()Ü2 Sydney Rowell practices on her hom e trail. Sydney and Brandon with trophies, and the trailer thal hauls equipm ent. They’ve Got It Bad Motorcross A Family Affair For Advance Racers Hr;imii)ii Kowcli is iiKikiiii: ■lie c<ini|K'liii(iii L'ai liiisl - lilcr- aiiy. ■ in ;i nalional inolorcycic racc in Mary land, liii; ‘)-ycar-nld Ad­ vance resilient entered six evenls and won six evenls. He won llie AMA 2(X)i liisirict 29 clianipi- onsliip, wliich includes Norlii Carolina ami Sonili Carolina. After finisiiint: sixlli at liie re­ gional (lualilier in Uldiintvilie, Tenn., he raced in the 21X12 Ama­ teur Motorcross National Cliain- pionsliips al l,ortMta t-vnn’s Ranch in I turricane Mills. Temi.. on Anti. .T-l 1. "It’s tho mosl presligions race Ihey ilo all year." iaiher Charles Kouell said. "It’s the one every­ one wants lo go 111." Hrandon's sisier knows how to mash the accelerator pedal, too. Sydney, 7. also won Ihe AM.'\ 2001 Dislricl 29 champi­ onship, becoming Ihe first fe­ male in over 20 years to win a championship in any class. They’re the firsl brolher-sisier landem lo ever win in any one year. Hrandon slarled riding when he w as 4 and raciiii: w hen he was (i. The Howells moved lo Ad­ vance from Winston-Salcm three years ago bccause they needed more riding space. They have 17 acres ami a mile-long Irack at Ihcir home off Under­ pass Uoad in Advance. Bolh kids are honor-roll students at Shady Grove Elemenlary. "He got thal (moiorcyeic) before lie learneil lo ride his bi­ cycle," Charles said. Sydney gol imo llic acl be­ cause "we were al the race irack every weekend and 1 got bored," she said. riic Rowells have spent about 50 wcckciuls at races in Ihe pasl year. Ihcir trailer is dresscil np with piclures of Ihe kids Hying Ihrough the air. " Il’s like going lo a camp­ ground every weekend," Cliarles said. "It’s pretty family-oriented. We don’t even wanl lo lalk about (money spent on racing). Too niticli, way too much. You can spend a lot of money." Charles is an eleclronic tech­ nician. Wife Jana works at U.S. Airways. f Brandon and Sydney Rowell, age 9 and 7, are cham ­ pion motorcross riders. They ride separate N o. 87s, and Brandon and Sydney Rowell of Advance are m aking their nam es known on the youth motorcross circuit. . Photos by Robin Fergusson Brandon Rowell, Sydney Rowell and their father Charles talk aboul the fast hobby. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 29,2002 - B9 Meadows Uncertain Whether Tiger Softball Team Can Contend South Davie's soflball leam hasn’t produced a winning record sincc 1997. and it might be asking a lol for Ihe Tigers to end the drought Ihis season. New coach Bill Meadows has nine eighih graders on his 14-girl rosier, bul several of them are firsl-year eighih graders. "We’re yoiing." said Mead­ ows, the fourth coach in si.x years. "I h.lven't seen any other schools. The only thing I've heard is Norlh Davic is going lo be strong, ll's going lo lie a learn­ ing cxpericncc, even for me." Al the center of South’s hojics is Lauren Parker, who returns as Ihc workhorse pilchcr. Among her slrongcst oiilings lasl year were nine .strikeouts againsl Norlh Davic and seven againsl Nortli Rowan. "Parker is going to be a solid pitcher," Meadow.s said. “She'll Ihrow strikes. She's pretty con­ sistent gelling il over Ihc plale." The rest of Ihe rosier includes eighth graders Vanessa Didenko, Grace Didenko, Jade Garrett, Rachel Coin, Samantha Hobson, Rebecca Riddle, Jaclyn Smith and April Siockncr and .seventh graders Taylor Cave, Tori Kar- Ick. Jamie Keegan. Taylor Ran­ dall and Laura Vanhoy. Offensively. Meadows i.s high on Randall, Goin, Smith and Riddle. A potential standout is Hobson, who is recovering from a broken ami. She had her original cast replaced by a smaller cast lasi week, and she made an immediate impression. "(Ang. 21) was the firsl day she really got to do anything, anil she was hitting line shots almost lo Ihc oulfield." he said. "I said: ‘When you gel lhat am i belter, w e ’ll have so m elh ing.' I Ihink she’s going lo m ake a great liltle ball player." Three eighth-grade newcom­ ers have shown promise - Slock- ner and Ihe Didenko twins, "Por a lillle girl that’s never played, Siockncr is learning pretty good. She’.s coming on pretty quick." he said. “The Didenkos have never played Notes: Starling in the lale 1980.S, Mcadow.s coached Davie 1 ligh J V softball for more lhan a dccadc. He’s taking over for Cindy Durham, who guided the Tigers for Ihrec years.... South’s last four records: 5-5, 4-7, 6-6 and 5-7.... Meadows’ assistants are Jane Whitlock and Renee Barney. ... Thc Tigers open on Sept. 4 against visiting Norlh Rowan. North Softball Team Aim ing High soflball, but they're picking it up They play al North D.ivie on quickly." Sept. 9. Life has been good to Norlh Davie's softball team in nine years of middlc-school compe­ tition. bul seldom has llic roster .sparkled this much. "Wc have Whitney (W ill­ iams) returning at pitcher, we have strong fielding and we have some strong seventh graders." said second-year coach Amy Spcckin, who guided Ihe Wild­ cats lo 8-4 and .“i-.l in Ihc Mid- South Confcrcncc in her fir.st year. "1 think we’re really going to be competitive, even more than last year." The roster includes eighth graders Megan Williams. Whit­ ney Williams. Brittany Hill Katie McDougall and Rachel White and seventh graders Gina Williams, Emily Tierney S a - rah Alexander. Stephanie Hin­ son. Kaielyn Jones. Lauren Milchell, Anna Bailey. Breanna Dalton, Amy Grubbs and Kayla Bowles. Opponents might have few answers for Whilney Williams, who pitched most of thc impor­ tant innings last year, and Spcckin is confident Tiemey and Alexander will play key roles as seventh graders. "They look like really strong seventh graders," she .said. “Wc look like we could be a really tough team." Notes: North opens at Knox on Sepl. 4. ...The assislanl coach is Angie Williams.... Last year Spcckin replaced Jamie Lyerly, who went 56-27 over seven years, and guided North to Iburlli in thc nine-team MSC. ... Over nine years. North is 77-36 with eight winning records. King Confident About 8th Straight Winning Record All seven of Irish King's Norlh Davic volleyball teams have won between eight anil 1.3 matches, never losing more than five. I ler eighih team is show­ ing signs of becoming part of lhal chain. "W e’re more athletic than we've been in a while, and 1 have more potential for .sellers," she said. "None of Ihc returners had a lot of playing lim e lasl year, bul th e y 'v e im proved Ireincn- dously." Thirly-nve girls Iried oul and King Irimmed the rosier to 14. including eighih graders Jenny Mann. Margo Masi. Morgan Owens. Ashton Grublis. Ashley Boger. Karla Woodsvard. Brill Harrison, Lea Tarleton. Brittany Wharton and Jennifer Hart. Thc seventh graders are Jamie Sum- cliff, Annie Shrewsbury. Molly Chappie and Alyssa Corne. Good work from Owens and Slancliff has the coach's atten­ tion. They honed Ih e ir skills al summer camps. "Last year Owens struggled just getting an underhand serve over the net." King said. “She came back froni camp and now M i d d l e S c h o o l F a l l S c h e d u l e s North Davie Brandon and Sydney share som e good-natured ribbing.Sydney shows unicycling skills. S S h i s S S ^ o m e '^ ^ ^ m otorcyle on the course Boys Soccer Aug. 26 vs. I'irst Assembly .10 at Downlown Sept. 4 vs. Forsylh County Day 6 vs. High I’oint Wesleyan 10 at FCA 17 at For.sylh Counly Day 19 at HP Wesleyan 23 vs. Downlown 24 vs. Salem Baptist J(l vs. Summit Oclober 3 vs. FCA 8 at Summit • All games start at 4 p.m. except for High Point Wesleyan at 4:30.... The coaches arc Johiv Marshall and Don Tabal. Volleyball Aug. 27 vs. Firsl Assembly 28 al Downlown Scpicmber 4 vs. Summit 10 vs. Slalesville 13 al Firsl Assembly 17 at For.sylh Counly Day 23 vs. Downlown 24 at Slalesville October 1 at Sumniil 2 at FCA 9 vs. Forsyth County Day lOv.s. FCA • All games start at 4 except for Forsyth Country Day at 4:15. ... Thc co;iches are Trish King and Sherry Angell. Soflball September 4 at Knox 9 vs. South Davie 11 at China Grove 16 vs. Erwin 18 at Wesl Rowan 23 vs. Corriher-Lipe 25 at North Rowan Oclubcr 2 at Southeast 8 vs. Knox 10 at South Davie 22-24 conference tournament al Southeast • Games start at 4:30. ... Thc coaches are Amy Spcckin and Angie Williams. 7th Football August 27 vs. Knox Sept. 10 al Corrilier-Lipc 17 vs. West Rowan 24 at Erwin Octubcr 2 vs. Soulheasl 8 al Norlli Rowan L5 vs. China Grove 22 at Soulh Davic • All games start al 4:30. 8tli Football August 28 vs. Knox Sept. 11 al Corriher-Lipe 18 vs, Wesl Rowan 25 at Erwin Octubcr 1 vs. Soulheasl 9 at North Rowan 16 vs. China Grove 23 at South Davie • All games start at 4:30. ... The coaches are Ron Kirk. George Newman. Danny Allard. Malt McPherson. Ronald Boger. Jason Boger and Darren Peebles. South Davie 8tli Football Aug. 28 al Corriher-Lipe September 4 vs. West Rowan 11 al Erwin 18 vs. Southeast 25 al North Kowan October 2 vs. China Grove 16 at Knox 23 vs. North Davic • The coaches arc Todd Bum­ garner. Brent Wall. Tim Devcr- icks, Howard Riddle, Mike Din­ kins and Andrew Brickcy. 7th Football Aug. 27 al Corriher-Lipe September 5 vs. West Rowan 10 al Erwin 17 vs. Southeast 24 al Norlh Rowan October 1 vs. China Grove 15 at Knox 22 vs. North Davie. Softball September 4 vs. North Rowiin 9 at Norlh Davie 11 vs. Soulheasl 16 al Knox 23 vs. China Grove 25 at Erwin 30 vs. West Rowan October 2 al Corriher-Lipe 8 al Norlh Rowan 10 vs. Norlh Davic Girls Tennis Septeiiiher 5 vs. North Rowan 9 al Wesl Rowan 12 vs. Corriher-Lipe 16 at Southeast 19 vs. Kannapolis 23 vs. Mooresville 26 at Erwin 30 vs. China Grove October 3 al Knox D E B R A B R O W N G R O C E Effi3®2sFor N C S e n a te S e r v in g Y a d k in , D a v ie & R o w a n Paid for by Debra Brown Groce RING? H o w A B O U T A N A N N U IT Y ? W o o d m e n ’s F le x ib le P re m iu m a n d S in g le P re m iu m D e fe rre d A n n u itie s a re c o m p e titiv e a lte rn a tiv e s to o th e r s a v in g s p la n s . T h e initial g u a ra n te e d ra te * is; 5.00%*Thi9 roto is guarantood for tho firsl month and than can vary monthly or can bo lockod In for ono yoar. Creola Rogers 569 Sheffield Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5162 m WOODMEN OF THE WORLD/ OMAHA WOODMEN UFE INSURANCE SOCIETY HOME OFFICE; 0МЛ11Л, NEBRASKA I . w o m IiiK 'ii.i (>111 slie has a power overhead serve. She didn'l play much last year, hul she'll probably be a main player. Slancliff looks really good, and her skills are probably al starting level.’’ Stancliff isn’t Ihc only 7th grader drawing rave reviews. “Chappie is .showing a lot of leadership and advanced skill." King said. "Ill fact, she ended up being one of my captains. It’s very rare when you have a domi­ nant cighlh-gradc group and you have a scvcnlh-graile caplain.” King is 69-21 overall for a .766 winning pcrcenlagc. and she isn’l afraid to talk about hosv good this bunch could be. Norlh opens on Sepl. 4 at Knox. "1 th in k w e ’ ll continue svhat w e ’ve done in Ihc past." she said. “I d o n 't w an l lo pred ict how tnany gam es w e 'll w in bccause our schedule's a liltle different Ihis year.” The Best In Barbeque Footlong Hot Dogs 990 Bar-B-QueSandwich ^1.50 Bar-B-QuePlate *4.95 Good Every Day! (Limited Time Only) Specials also available at Roberts Bar-B-Oue in Cooleemee 885 Salisbury St. • Mocksville • (336) 751-2495 OPEN MON. - SAT. 5am-9pm, SUN. 6ani-3pin J O P E N H O U S E A u g . 3 0 • S e p t . 6 OpenlOam-epmTuesday-Frlday 10am-3pm SaturdayWe Witt be dosed Sepl. 7 tor Ihe Saiisbury-Rowan Friends oINFIA Banquel. 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Лппу and Navy'» musi elile sinke learus, iirc depjrinxnlv and vearvh and rruue dive leams.• Xen»>n lamp is 40D% brighter and lasit -MXI't limpet lhan otiiinaty sianJard hultn.• Virtually indesinjclihle AUS hiMivin; and potycaibiinale tern.• Cenitied by Inlernalionai Safely usMiciaticni,• иа1еф(1М|Г lit 2.()(Ю feel. Starting at $505.00 A-Bolt liunter• Sanie high pcTfirrrunk'« design lhal has gisen all A-ll«li4 the rrpulaiH« as iJie пмм aciuniie “nut-oflhetxis'’ ridev« .SiikiKh mm binduii; hill design and eii-qitHNully cnvp, adjustable tnjtger.« Standantcalkbrnhast a ZT twn); Ntagnums, Zb"• (Mdeprc h»lt niUIion iiir <|utcL fitlkiw up vhiib and niurc Hiipe cleonincc.• faicnietl hinged ll<«»pljtc * ith ikrta^haMe iiuga/ine. m o H ы к к м А & т » 3-9.X40 RIIT-ESCOPn ■m:, 4I99.99 BX2I BINOCULAR nm Ш .9 9 inij'üihT» tm «НУ KtHIW ri lnHtM 3-9X32RtFLESCOPE $65Ì95 BUSHNELL81ЮКТУ1Е\У 3-9x40 SCOPB $34.99 BLAZER 4X32 RIFl.nsc0PE $17.95 W IN C H E S T E R A M M O WIN. ISDOHAIN I'AII.SAra $1S*00 aovMilio 12 GAUGE 2 3/4" lO /.S L U G .- nrOOnUCK-- i «1.9« I— ^ ^ROUSDMIX TAURUS MODEL 85 38 SPECIAL $250.00 BROWNING SHIRTS & JACKETS 20% -40% OFF BROWNING BOOTS CLOSEOUT PRICED BROWNING SAFES STARTING AT $540.00 WINCHESTER XPERT 22LR $8.49 BENCHMADE KNIVns 10%ОПРINCLUDINO 1ST lUDOUC-nON IIOPI’ES PISTOL CUiANlNQ KITI'CtJSII (ЖITOH $4.50 Î > K M C H Ï MUZZLELOADER SALE ALL BOOTS 20%-40%OFF ALL DEER SCENTS 20%-30%OFF BENELLl NOVA 12 GAUGE 3 1/2" SHOTGUNS MATTE $295.00 САМО $345,00 DAILY PRIZE DRAWINGS. FREE GIFTS WITH QUALIFIED PURCHASE. REGISTER TO WIN A MOSSBERG 835 CROWN GRADE 12 GAUGE SHOTGUN. SAIK PHICKS IJ.Mm:U T» in stock ITHMS ONLY.au. [TKM.SAKESUBJECTT0 PKIOH SMX. QUANTlTm MAV BK UNHTO) ON SOME ITEMS. 10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Aug. 29,2002 P 1 9 0 N J ^ C A R * 2 9 D riv e n b y: W h i l e y o u ’ r e h e r e . . . C h e c k O u t O u r C l e a r a n c e o n E v e r y N e w & P i e - O w n e d V e M c l e ! U p To $ 9 , 0 0 0 O F F Come See It! O n D i s p l a y A u g u s t 3 0 t h 8 a m - 3 p m 0 % o r g e t D o n ’t M is s T h is!! FREE Caos to th e F ir s t 1 5 0 V is ito r s ! up to 6 0 m os. Buy A m erican... Buy Ford... "Buy ALL AMERICAN FORD” FORD MERCURY iuM>a> It ^ \ -----MO ^ i Wtn$lon-8ehm t ^ MO AU. 7^ POM M MMCWT I -----^ uocktvm Just off 1-40 Exit 170, Hwy. 601 • Mocksville, NC (336)751-2161 Check us out at a a f O N l . C O n i • O.A.C., Select Models, Includes all rebates and Incentives assigned lo dealer. N D a v ie P e o p le DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 29,2002 - Cl Local Talent Only A Stone’s Throw Away D a v ie W o m a n T u r n s R o c k In t o A r t w o r k By .lackic Scaliolt Davio Coimiy Enterprise Rccord On any given (lay you will probably Iind Lotiisc BlackwcUlcr and her dog, Lucky, al her Davie farm relax­ ing and indulging in her latest pastime - rock painting. Blackwelder has had an in­ terest in arts and crafts for more than 20 years and has tried her hand at a number of undertak­ ings. “I’ve been involved in a variety of things." she says. She’s painted on pecan resin, wood, and glass. Blackwelder started her rock painting after a friend returning from a Irip brought her a couple of books on the subject. She be­ gan by first painting stepping stones on slalc and has eventu­ ally progressed to other types of rocks. The key to a successful project is to look for a rock with optimal smoothness. "You’ve really got to go where the wa­ ter is really swift." she says, “And that’s what makes them smooth." Blackwelder searches locally and lakes trips to vari­ ous locations around the state to look for the smoothest river rocks she can find. These are the rounded stones she uses to paint on when making items like doorstops or paperweights. Blackwelder's first step in her paintings is to seal her rocks, then she paints them with ^ a primer. Next she begins sketching her drawings on the rock's surface, nnd finally she begins the painting. “I use acrylic paints and I seal the rocks again with a semi-gloss." Her finished projects are pro­ tected with three final sealant applications so they will last if displayed outdoors. Blackwelder is 75 years old and enjoys eating out a lot. She teaches a local painting class that's held in town. But for the most part she spends a lot of her time painting. The price ranges on Blackwelder's pieces begin around SI5 and go up accord­ ing to the size and time she spends on the piece. She sells locally at shows and bazaars in the county. "I just do a few little shows around," Blackwelder says. She will be featured this year at the Red Bam in Tanglewood dur­ ing the annual Festival of Lights as well as at a show in Yadkinville. One thing is for sure, after you see the transformation Blackwelder can achieve by taking a simple piece of rock and adding her artistic touch you are sure lo never look al any stone the same way again. • '«-V First projects includeid stepping stones on slate. A colorful frog hicies behintJ a butterfly stepping stone. A mother cat and her two kittens rest comfortably in a bed of excelsior. X A tiny fawn still wearing its dappled coat is one of Blackwelder's favorites. This Indian princess Is painted on a large piece of stand­ ing rock. ' « s o * < f W -yr ■ . .r * I''*' lit. Jlse Blackwelder sits among a colorful display in her yard showing her many different rock paintings.- Photos by Robin ForguMon H, C2 • »AVIK COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aur. 29, 2002 Boger-Panozzo Engagement Announced Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth D. Boger of 1 if> Wanilcring Lane. Mock.s­ ville. annoiincc Ihc engagement of Iheir daughler, Susan Renee Boger lo Sergeant Nichola.s I’anozzo, the son of Dr. David I’anozzo of New Lenox, III. and Tliea Snicct.s (Ken Snieel,s) of Corpus Chrisli. Te,\as, The bride-elcci graduated from Davie High School and ihe Uni­ versily of North Carolina al Wilmington wilh a bachelor'.s degree in marine hiology. She is employed by the Arkansas Children’s Hospital Research Inslitiite as a research Icchnologisl. Tlie groom-lo-ho is a recriilter for the U.S, Marine Coqw in Lillle Rock, Ark. The wedding dale is Oct. 12 in Wilmington. F o u r C o r n e r s N e w s Hy Miiric Wliitc I'our Comers Correspondent Mrs. Johnsie Shelton and Mrs. Joyce I’arrish had lunch Sunday al the China Buffet in Yadkinviiie and visited Mrs. Irene Lowery. Mrs, Ollive Burgess is recu­ perating nicely following her re­ cent surgery, A large crowd attended the commissioning service of Brad. Melissa, Matthew and Luke P i n o N e w s Atkins at Courtney Baptist Church Sinulay. They will serve as missionaries in the Ukraine. We are proud of this family and are praying for Iheir safety. We extend our sincere syin- pathy lo Dwight Spark.s and fani- ily in Ihe death of his falher, Johnny Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smilh atteniled the graveside service of Johnny Sparks al Macedonia Moravian Church Monday. Jessup-Nail Engagement Announced Arthur Lee and Mary Lois Jc.ssup of Pilot Mountain announce the engagement of their daughler, Amber Lee Jesstip lo Alex Samuel Nail of Winston-Salem, Ihe son of James and Renee Nail of Mocks­ ville, The hride-elecl is a graduale of East Surry fligh School and earned an associate degree in nursing from Surry Community Col­ lege. She is employed as an 8lh Pulmonary RN al Forsyth Medical Center. The groom-to-be is a graduate of Davie High School and earned an eleclrical technical engineering degree from For.syth Technical Community College. He is employed as a programmer/analyst for Republic Mortgage Insurance Co, in Winston-Salem. The wedding is planned for Sept. 14 al Brown Mountain Baptist Church in Westrield. A d v e i n c e N e w s Parker-Maynard Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Samncl (S.D,) Parker Jr, of Yadkinviiie announce the engagement of their daughter. April Elisha Parker lo Nathan David Maynard of Clemmons. The bride-elect attends Lees McRae College pursuing a degree in elementary educaiion. The groom-lo-be altended For.syth Technical Community Col­ lege and is employed as an eleclrician hy llorieycnil Hlectric in Winslon-Salem. An Oct. .S wedding is planned at Turners Creek Baptist Church in Yadkinviiie. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 29,2002 - C3 By Nura Latham Pino Correspondeni Marie Ball celebraled her birthday last Sunday at Wesley Chapel Church. Her daughler, Martha Warner, placed flowers on Ihe altar in her honor. Visiling Wesley Chapel last SiHulay svere Rhan and Christie Gardner of Huntersville. It was nice to have Matthew Miller back in church. He was home from college for the weekend vis­ iting his parents, Pat and Kalhy Miller. The Wesley Chapel United Methodis Church Women will have their monihly meeting next Monday, Sepl, 2 al 7 p.m. Jesse and Madelyn Gentry honored their daughter, Christie Gardner, with lunch on Sunday for her birlhday. Others attend­ ing were Christie’s husband, Khan, her sisier, Andrea Geniry, and her grandntolher, Mallie Ward. Boh and Kathy Ellis had a going away dinner on Saturday for Willie and Nova Fleming, lliey have been visiling Bob and Louise Dill for the past monlh. Iliey lefl on Sunday morning lo Library Has New Hours The new hours of operation for the Davic County Public Li­ brary, 371 N. Main St.. MiKks- ville: •Monday-Thursday, lOa.tn.- S:30 p.m.; • I'riday, 10 a.m.-.‘i:30 p.m.; • Saturday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; and • Sunday, 2-.‘5 p.m. Hours for the Cooleemee Branch Library: • Monday, noon-6 p.m.; • Tuc.sday-Friday, 10 a.m,- 12:30 p.m. and 1:30-5 p.m. • Saturday and Sunday, closed. I go back to Wichita l-alls. Tx. Others attending were Bob and Louise Dill, Hannon and Nora Lalhain, Debbie Mattis, Fran, Dennis and Megan Craver, Jim and Chincra Latham, and Dale Latham. All our sympathy and prayers go lo Nancy and Michael Miller for the loss of their falher and father-in-law, John Sparks. ily iCdllh ZIrniiicrmun Ailvance Correspondeni A lovely cul flower arrange­ ment was on the altar of Ihe Melhodist church Sunday in honor of Robbie and Darlene Mills 12lh wedding anniversary on Aug. 26, given by their 11 year old son Matthew Mills who ordered Ihe flowers. Brent Sammons and his fi­ ance Sarah Maxwell, both from Morehead, Ky„ spenl from Tues­ day through Friday %vith Brent’s parenls, the Rev. Harry Sammons and wife Jane, and Jane’s mother Lucille Hale. Mrs, Hale makes her home with the Sammons family. Margie Markland underwent throat surgery Thur.sday, Aug. 22, at Forsyih Mcdical Ccnter. She is recuperating satisfacto­ rily. We wish her a speedy re­ covery. Denise Farley of Arlington, Va. spent from Wednesday Ihrough Saturday visiling her grandmother Edith Zimmerman. While here they visiied Eugene and Bess Bennell. Tticy also vis­ ited the Lucky Four Keunells on Burton Road to .see Ihe minalure horses and Ihe show beagles. Photographers were stationed there, and will he Ihere Ihrough Labor Day, to pholpgraph some of the horses for magazines, which Edith and Denise got lo observe. Later they went lo the Branch River Ranch for a lour where Ihey saw the old Byerly schoolhouse and went to the Peebles family cemetery, near the old Peebles plantation home- sile on Plantation Lane. Meredith Hendrix, student at UNC-Charlolte, and her Iriend Adam Kerr of Charlotte visited Meredith’s grandmother Edilh ZimiTieniian and cousin Deni.se Farley on Friday afternoon. They were also supper guests, along wilh Janie Hendrix who joined us for the meal. Dorothy Carter, Peggy Rum­ mage, Alice Wilson and Jane Jones altended a Prayer Evan­ gelism Conference for Women Seminar at Ridgecrest Friday ¡ifternoon and Saturday morn­ ing. They enjoyed the many women who witnessed Sharing and Hope lo Ihe group, plus the delicious meals served. Viola Sprinkle Shaw of Win­ ston Salem was a Sunday visi­ tor of cousin Edith Zimmerman. Viola had enjoyed a luncheon with Dr.Charles and Lisa Branch at their home al Branch River Ranch before her visil with Edith. Sympathy is expressed to the family of John Sparks in his , death. A lim ited number of the Davie County Heritage books are available. Call 4‘J2-52.U or yys-43.‘i6. Nancy Zimmerman is under­ going clienio treatments and is nol doing too well. Sunday afternoon visitors of Lib Carter were Rulh Hockaday. Edith Zimmerntan and Judy Barr. Susan Nelson visited Kazie Smiley on Thursday afternoon. The ladies are involved in mak­ ing a banner for Ihe Melhodist church. ' k iir ' k ' k ^ BACKCROl'Nl)VOTE it I ,0 \ IK W U \ 1 \ I 1,,пи. ,,, к. ★ lu I \KI G U S * lu ''IM * 11 u í. \ ii> > \ \ m i l I u ★ l'l K "i > \ \i 11^ \l, ^1 ll, I I и . I . II . \ l ' 1 . H.bi, , W. M ( n, \ l.t I tu .1 'i . .1 ' , W it. HXPERIHNCED * n \ \ \ l \ ( . \\|) D I \ I I O I'M l \ l I i.i ni.m I im i'. ',11 , ★ lU I H ,| I S ★ I I Л1Ч U ^l 111' \1MI I 1 ^ ANDREWS Conservative Republican for NC SENATE-DISTRICT34 Paid for by Committee to Elect Gus Andrews, Gary Davis-Treasurer i r k k k : k k k k ★ I. I i\i\ii \ k \i it )\ nK ii I s ★ \ i l jl'' I I )K I I )| C A I К )\ Mr. and Mrs. Scott Patrick Allen D a y w a l t - A l l e n C o u p l e M a r r i e d I n J a m a i c a April Dawn Daywalt and Scott Patrick Allen were united in marriage Aug. 4 in a garden ceremony in Jamaica at Sandals Resorts. The brille is Ihe daughter of Tomiiiy and Hellcn Daywall of Cooleemee. She is employed hy La-Petite Academy in Summerville, S.C. She is the grandilaughter of Claytie Caton of Cooleemee and the late Orrell Caton, Bill and Reha Daywalt. The groom is the son of Cindy Allen of Corry, Pa, and Bruce Allen of Spartanburg, Pa. He is Ihe grandson of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Prank Sturgis, all of Penn­ sylvania. He is employed by Dent Wizzard Int. in Charleston. S.C, On Sunday, Aug, 18 a recep­ tion was held al the VFW iu Cooleemee, given by Ihe bride’s parents. Afler a honeymoon in Ja­ maica. the couple will he at home in Charleston. S ocial live n is • On July 1.1 in Waterford, Pa„ a wediling parly was given hy the groom’s sisiers and brother-in-law, Stephanie and Michael McWilliants al their home, for the groom’s family and friends in Pennsylvania. • On Saturday, Aug. 17, Ihe groom's family hosted a dinner al the Stadium Club in Salisbury. V F W A u x i l i a r y H o s t s P i c n i c F o r V e t e r a n s The Moeksville VFW Auxil­ iary of Post 4024, along with the olher posts of Ihe 1 llh District, catered a picnic dinner lo the veterans in Ih e VA Salisbury Medical Cenier on Aug. 2.“). This is done twice a year. The tables were full and while dining they were enter­ tained by the five volunleers of "I leaven's Touch Bluegrass Gos­ pel" string hand from Mt. Airy. Red Cross Announces Blood Shortage; Sept. 4 Drive Is In Mocksville Throughout this summer, the American Red Cross has urged blood donors to make donating blood a life-long habit because it saves lives. The Red Cross has an­ nounced last week lhal the need for blood has reached a critical state for most blood types, es­ pecially for 0+ and O- blood. Blood is needed every day and nol just during holidays, ac­ cording to Roberl F, Fechner. executive director of the Caroli­ nas Blood Services Region of the American Red Cross. Thou­ sands of times every day across Ihis nation there is an individual emergency thal requires the blood from an unknown donor to save un individual life, an infanl’s life, the life ofa child, a molher, a father, an innocent vic- Re-Elect Michael D. Allen for County Commissioner Paid for by Michael D. Allen Couple Celebrates 50th Anniversary Jim and Ruby Johnson of Mocksvillc renewed iheir wedding vows with family and friends on Aug. 25 al Turners Creek Baptist Church, by the Rev. Curtis Gibson. The bride’s escort was Ron McKenssize. Bridesmaid was Lee Troxell. The groom’s best man was Danny Calloway. Brenda Calloway provided music and directed the wedding. The couple have two children, four grandchildren, and Iwo great­ grandchildren. A wedding trip is planned for early September. Rev. And Mrs. Otis Canupp Celebrate 70th Anniversary The Rev. and Mrs. Otis Canuupp of Cooleemee recently cel­ ebrated ihcir 70lh wedding anniversary wilh a small reception of family and close friends at Aulumn Care Nursing Home in Moeks­ ville. Mrs. Canupp has been a patient there for more than a year. Hosted by their children and grandchildren, approximately 3(1 guests attended. On Sunday, Aug. 18, they were honored at the 11 a.m. worship •service at Edgewood Baplisi Church in Cooleemee. The .service was dedicaleil to this couple who have been a part of the church family for more lhan half a cenlury. Their family al.so presenled ihe church wilh a solid brass "Altar Cross” in honor of Ih eir 70th anni­ versary. The Rev. and Mrs. Canupp were married Aug. 12, 1932 in North Cooleemee hy Bill Wilson. J P. They have four children; Marlene C, Benson of North Myrlle Beach, S.C,: Gerald "Sharp" Canupp and Linda Lou Marlin, both of Woodleaf; and Mona Jo Griffin of Edgewood Circle, Cooleemee. They have 15 grandchildren and 15 greal-grandchildren. For all women who are eli­ gible. i-)nsider joining Ihis orga- nizalion. This visil lo the hospi­ tal is one oflhe many patriotic projects. Dues are .$20 per year. This includes a small cancer policy. Meetings are once a monlh. For fiirlher informalion con­ tact membership ehair. Ruby Angell Purvis, P.O. Box 1194. Mocksville, telephone75 l-.‘i()7S. lim of a tragic accident. In this region, the Reil Cross nnist provide more than 1,500 unils of blood each d:iy lo meel Ihe needs of patients. Blood donors must be 17 years or older, weigh at least 110 pounds and be in genend good health. The enlire collection process takes aboul an hour. A blood donation can be made ev­ ery 56 days. A blood drive will be held on Wednesday, Sepl. 4 from 1:30- 6:30 p.m. al Ihe Davie coimty Public library, 371 North Main Sl. Mocksville, sponsored by the Mocksville Lions Club. Red Cross especially needs Type O blood. For more infor­ mation or to make an appoint­ ment, call: l-«00-GIVE-LlFE. Walk-in’s are welcome. D w ig h t L. M Y E R S — C onservative — R EPU B LICA N CA N D ID A TE For DAVIE C O U N TY C O M M ISSIO N ER Let's Have Common-Sense In Our County Government. P le a s e R e a d T h is L e tte r... Dear Davie County Concerned Citizen, As a citizen and property owner of Davie County, there iias probably never been a morc important point- in-time for your voice to bo lieard in tho goveming of our county. It is fiiom my deep concern for this point that 1 have decided to run for Davio County Commissioner. M y background is long established as a citizen of Davie County, coming here over SO years ago, graduating from Union Grove High School, and attending Wake Forest College. After serving in the military, I worked for twenty years with the Defense Department as an Electronic Quality Control Engineer, until retirement. In 1962, I broke ground for development of Lake Myers R V Resort, bringing to Davie County ono of the most recognized recreational lacilities in the Carolinas. Lake Myers draws thousands of families to our county (and economy) annually, as it has for 40 years. Open to the public. Lake Myers has provided an outstanding recreation fecility to the people of Davie County throughout this time. Additional business ventures included obtaining the patent for Water-Boggan water slides, and the design and development of water parks around the country. Now, most of my time and enjoyment is focused in cattle farming. Although I am a committed Republican, politics have never been on my agenda, until now. Seeing the problems we have in Davie County’s Govenunent, and listening to my neighbors throughout the county, 1 strongly feel a responsibility to get actively involved in addressing these problems. I am conservative by nature, and am very bothered to see waste going on anywhere. When tax money is being wasted, it is our money, yours and mine. This is not acceptable. We, the people of Davie County, woii( hard to buy propeity, on which we pay high taxes. But, do we really own what we are working so hard to pay for if someone else is telling us what we can and cannot do with it? More and more regulations and restrictions are continually being put into effect that are taking away from our freedoms and taking control of our daily lives. This too is not acceptable. Should the people elect me as a Davie County Commissioner, I will accept the responsibility of this office with full commitment to do all that I can to help solve our problems, and once again have good, sound, common-sense County Government. To further demonstrate my conimitment to the citizeni of this county, if elected, 1 will donate my salary as Commissioner to establish a worthy school program or college scholarship fund to promote education for our youth. With your support and your vote for me on September 10*^, I commit to you unbiased offoits in addressing the significant issues at hand. I will listen to you and 1 will not let you down. 1 love Davie County. Thank you for your ^ p o rt. Dwight Lj;Ä^ers Candidate for Davic Coi 'ommissioner C4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Aug. 29, 2002 Larry McGee was welcomed home by wife, Jennifer, and children Caleb and Joslyn. The McGee family poses for a photograph in their Mocksville home. O n A M i s s i o n Military Overseas Committed To Their Jobs, Reservist Says By Mike Barnhardl DavieCouniy Enterprise Record Tommy McGee came home Ihis monlh lo a son who had grown, lo a daughlcr whose voice had changed. Serving in Ihe U.S. Air Force • Reserves for Operalion Endur­ ing Freedom, McGce was gone less than a year - but the 10 months seemed lilce an eternity. He’s home in Mocksville now, in the house on Salisbury Street with wife Jennifer, daugh­ lcr Joslyn, 4, and son Caleb, 8. A staff .sergeant wiih the .115th maintenance squadron based in Charleston, S.C., McGce was gl.id to do his part. "Just being able lo be a part of the overall mission is awe­ some.” he said. "Everybody is there to get the mission done." McGce was in the Air Force from 1992-1906, then joined the reserves. Il was a compromi.se between he, who wanted to re- enlist, and his wife, who pre­ ferred life in the private sector. "I needed more stability in my life ... and I just like the mili­ tary." He works for Comfort Bill in Mocksvillc, a company that has been supportive since he was called back to active duly. Much of hi.s work has been in Charleston, but he spent 54 days at Rhein-Main Air Force Base in Germany, and a stint at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. His job was working on the C-17 Globemasier cargo “ Every­ body is there to get the mission done.” ■ Tommy McGee planes - Ihe ones laking troops, tanks, helicopters - even wrilien notes to drop over Afghanistan. "If we didn’l have the re.serv'- ists iind people going overse.is .. wc wouldn’t be able lo do whal we do." They wanted him to stay longer, but fam ily concerns brought him home. Even with thal, he’s heard rumors lhal in October, he’ll be called back to aclive duty. “It looks like my son has grown, and her voice has changed," he said. "I’m glad to be back. 1 wanl lo lake a shower in my own shower. 1 want lo mow my grass, pick a tomato. 1 missed Caleb’s birthday, and I really haled lhat.” Life in Germany was pretty much contained to the base. He did some sight-seeing, but the large number of foreigners in the city made him somewhat ner­ vous. You couldn’t lell who was friendly to Americans - and the Americans were obvious, he said. Diego Garcias was a tropical paradise, but the living quarters weren’t very desirable. There were jungle rats and crabs every­ where, and you couldn’t kill them. • His job is working on Ihe fuel systems, bul there wasn’t a lol of that work overseas, so he did routine mainlenance and inspec­ tions. "When you’re over there, you do whatever you can to keep those planes in the air. The Americans working for Operation Enduring Freedom work hard, McGee .said. Mosl, in their spare lime, spend it writ­ ing home, connecting via email. McGce also served during Desert Storm. In their nine years of marriage, Larry and Jennifer have been into two wars and had two children. Jennifer said .she has received plenty of supporl from family and friends, including a lol from their church. Believers Failh Center in Slalesville. "I've tried to keep them (children) as stable as possible," she said. "You have to pray a lot." Joslyn wants her dsddy lo take her camping. Caleb is ready for some fun time wilh his dad, as well. "We used to go lo places like Pull Putt and go see people. 1 remember when he tickled me all the time." He put soccer and fishing on the top of his list. "1 missed everything," McGee said. McGee goes through some of the items he brought home from Germany. - Photos by Robin Fergusson WANTED I S H O M E S T H A T N E E D P A I N T I N G IS HonMowiwri, Will bt elvtn an opportunity to h«v* th« Mmt AM« SPRAY ON SIINNO ip piM to ttwlr honw at special OlMOuntpfte««. NomofiCMttyraptlrbllleor constant Pslntmg costs. • AM* 8pny On swing CAN EASILY baipplM ovtr my type ■w<K« IncMIno wood, «tucGO, Meek, or brick. . AMstpnyOnSWIneWIUNOTM«,erwk,pMl,orch«lkind CMTiM • UFETUIE WARRANTY, No пкмму down *nd twnw to m yowbudgtt Whywitt? FREE E8TMATE8 www3prayon«lding.ccin 1'. Contact Distinctive ExtoHtfr Youi&M j»VM nj|oriM tm Araa^m g^ Call Now (336) 774-3852 Let The Outdoors In D o n 't Ju st re p la ce y o u r w in d o w s - B rin g th e B e a u ty o fth e o u td o o rs in s id e • Crafted For Beauty • Built Whh Security In Mind • Engineered For Energy Efficiency And Strength ■ Designed For htaintenance Freedom • Performance GuaranteedTo Last • Woodgrain Interiors Available 1 _____ BUIUOIN»KKMQOeUN«;^ *9 9 8 -2 1 4 0 KICK 0 X X TAP 0 0 X TOE D A N C E S T U D I O Opening In S eptember Lewisville Corners Shopping Center Ages 2-18 Beginners - Competition O w n e d & O p e ra te d b y : G e n a B e n n e tt S u r r a tt 9 4 0 - 5 6 7 3 H a n n a h ’s C l o s e t S a l e S e p t 1 3 - 1 4 IDAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 29,2002 - C5 Hannah Circle, a circle of First Uniled Melhodist Women in Mocksville, will sponsor iis fourth annual children's clothing sale on Sept. 13 and 14. Hannah’s Closet Children's Clothing and Toy E.xchange will be held in the new famiiy life center al Firsl Uniled Melhod- isl. 305 N. Main Si. Hours are Friday. Sept. 13 from 9 a.m.-l p.m. and 4-6 p.m., nnd Saturday. Sept. 14, from 9 a .m.-noon. with many items al half price. Hannah's Closet I'ealures good qualily used children's clothing sizes inl'anl-preleen. Brands previously soki include Gap, Gymboree, Harlsirings, Osh-Kosh and more. In addition, toys, games, pii/.zles. computer games and books are also sold. Baby furniture and ilems such as car .seals and strollers are popu­ lar sellers, as well. Dropoff days for sellers will be Tuesday and Wednesday, Sepl. 10 and II. from 9 a.m.- noon and 4-6 p.m. Sellers re­ ceive 60 pcrcenl of their prol'ils. wilh Hannah Circle relaining 40 percenl for their mission projects. For furlhcr seller's in- formalion, call the church office al 751-2503, and ihey will for­ ward your calls lo a member of the circle. Over the past three years, Hannah's closet has raised ap­ proximately SI 2,000, all ol' which has been spent on mis­ sions projecls ranging from do­ nalions lo KfAs lo flood relief elTorts in eastern Norlh Carolina. C h e c k O u t T h e s e D o r m R o o m S p e c ia ls 'Pw in M attre ss Sets sliming at$9 9 • Bedroom suiu • Living Room W ood slarttng ut * 2 3 0 • Dining Room B u n k Beds K&K3 Picce I.ciithcrvtic Living R with ad 1 oomS'cl $ ^ 0 0hofiJ. tliiiir, luvcscat) 221 East Main Street, Yadkinville • 679-8374 Hours: Monday-Friday, tOam-5pm: Salurday, 10am-2prtt N e w B o o k s A d d e d T o D a v i e P u b l i c L i b r a r y Some of Ihe new books al Davie Counly Public Library, 371 N. Main St., Mocksville: Annual Book Sale: Salurday, Sepl. 21,8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Sun­ day, Sept. 22, 2-5 p.m. Non-Fiction Body of Secrets - James Bamford The Counl and the Confes­ sion: A True Mystery - John Tay­ lor The Happiest Baby on the Block: The New Way to Calm Crying and Help Your Baby Sleep Longer Into the Mirror - Lawrence Schiller The Bureau - The Secret His­ lory ofthe FBI War Without End: Israelis, Palestinians and the Struggle for a Prontised Land Hypoglycemia, the Classic Healthcare Handbook Becoming an Effective Rider; Developing Your Mind and Body for Balance and Unity How to Behave So Your Preschooler Will, Too! Mom, They're Teasing Me: Helping Your Child Solve Social Problems Ficlion The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold Eleventh Hours - Catherine Coulter Henry's List of Wrongs - John Shepherd The Beach House - James Patterson Promises lo Keep - Gloria Mallelle Her Father's House - Belva Plain Unfit to Practice - Perri O'Shaughnessy Hot Ice - Nora Roberts An Accidental Woman - Bar­ bara Delinsky Slone Kiss - Faye Kellemian Preschool storytime is on Tuesdays al 11 a.m. in the nuilli- purjiose room al the main library. Anyone inlere.sled in a slorytime at the Cooleemee branch, call the library and ask lo speak lo Mary Sutler or leave her a message. Donalions in memory of AIc.Kandra Slogick were made by the Sliinsky Family and Helen Tucak. Adonation in memory of Mary Carol While Kunhardi was made by Elizabeth Marlin. A do­ nation in memory of Mrs. Lois Cujas was made by Mary Etchison and Bill Babcock. Davie Counly Public Library hours: Monday 10 a.m.-.S:30 p.m., rucstlay- l luirsday Ula.m.- 7 p.m.. Friday 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.-3 p.m.. Sunday closed, phone 751-2023. Cooleemee Branch hours: Monday noon-6 p.m.. I'uesday- Friilay 10a.m.-5 p.nt. (clo.sed for lunch 12:.30-1 :.^0), Salurday and f r e e t u i t i o n Solve the ta * mystery w ith training from HSR Block. W e cover everything from completing a basic 1040 to the skillful handling of complex schedules. Learn about recent changes in tax laws, as w ell as proven tax-saving strategies. Once you've completed the course, you may even have the opportunity to interview w ith HSR Block.** For more information or convenient times and locations, call 1-BOOHRBLOCK or, visit www.hrblock.com Willow Oaks Shopping Center Mocksvllle «751-3203 Mon. & Thurs. 10am-4;30pm r»c In III» ;uhI liLiirii.dv «utilijl ...... ....... Do your bones groan? Does your back creak? COMADOLL WATTS ORTHOPAEDICS & SPORTS MEDICINE Comadoll/Watts Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine has you covered Davie County. Now Located in the Davie County Hospital Dr. Jamc.s Cotnadoll and Dr, Gregg Ferrerò will see patienls in this oflice on Monday and Wednesday niornings. Call 751-2878 or our Salisbury olTiee 704-216-(KNEE)5633 for an appointment Sunday closed, phone 284-2805. EITectivc, Sepl. 3 - Monday- Thursday I0a.m.-S:30p.ni., Fri­ day 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Saturday 1(1 a.m.-3 p.m., Sunday 2-5 p.m. Cooleemee Branch hours will nol change. FUR'S-A-FLYIN& at the RED W O O F IN N Full service pet grooming now available. Boarding • Day Care • Training Call for specials 940-D0GS 415 Potts Road, • Acjvonce "■Sr ûû “1 believe It’s important for a judge to know and underatand Ibe com­ munity. Aa a prowculor, leacher and lifelong resident oF Ibe 22nd Judicial District, I’ve come to knerw our area and ila citizen«. 1 aak for your vole and support on September lOth." BORN AND RAISED IN OUR DISTRICT Cynthia Barnhill is the O NLY Candidate for Di,4trict Com i judge horn and r.iisc-d in the 22iid Judicial District. • .Vssislant District Attorney, judicial District 19C, И1Я8 - prc.scm • Assistant Dislrict Attorney, Judicial District ‘22, l‘.)i)r> - 1998 ■ I'ormer tcacher, Norlh Davidson High School in Lexington and Kisef Middle School in Greensboro ■ htwrlegrcc, UNC School of Utw, 1994 ■ Lnglish and Kducation Degree, Greensboro College, 1989 ■ Women’s Guild Sccrclaiy, Beck's United Chnrch of Christ CYNTHIA BARNHILL; ONE TOUGH PROSECUTOR FOR DISTRICT COURT JUDGE Paid (01 liy lliB Cvitliia Gainei flaiiiil (ot Oisliict Cond Judge Commitiei C H A N C E H E N D R IX C E L E B R A M E S 3 R D lilR T IID A Y ! Chance turned 3 years old on Aug. 17. He was surprised liy his grandpa (Graham Hendrix) with a trip to the Cornntzcr-Dulin I'lre Department, tie got to examine the fire trucks and take a short ride that he really enjoyed. He is still talking about riding and looking ut the fire trucks, especinily when he fs playing with his little fire trucks. On Sunday, he had a birthday party in his back yard with his family and friends from church and the neighborhood. He received many gifts and enjoyed the birthday cake that liis grandma (Joyce Hendrix) made just for him. It was his favorite cartoon character SpongchubS(|uarepanls. Chance wants to thank everyone, especially the Cornatzer Fire Department, for helping him celebrate and for ull the great gifts. He has had Ihree wonderful years and so has his mom (Susie Hendrix). Umited offer' CTEUn зхЛк ^ \ B U F F E L / 1 J L / l ^ J L V B A K E R 1580 Yadkinville Road • Mocksvllle • (336)751-0436 OPEN Sun.-Thurs. 11 am-9pm Fri, anij Sat.11 am-10pm %□ КЗо L5 И □ ■íLIta a -.2 Bl 23. Í ЫШШиa a a E .. !£!“ a ш B £veiy Friday Nieht Come Enjoy Ali-You-Can-Eat Steak and Shrimp Fri 4pm iil close ONLY 99 ia S3 Daily Lunch Special Hamburger & Fries or Grilled Chicken Salad or Sirloin Tips Mon-Fri llam -4pin YOUR CHOICE $ 3 9 9 We’ve ADDED more of your FAVORITE SELECTIOIVS to our BUFFET... COME m AND ENJOY!!! fa Ш Ш Mon.-Thurs. 2ат-4о1П Senior Citizens Buffet ONLY 99 O ver 60 Ite m B u ffe t A v a ila b le D a ily ! ' S e n io r C itize n B u ffe t D iscounts! I C6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 29, 2002 Obituaries Peggy Peters Criminger Mrs. Peggy Pcicrs Criminger of Salisbury died Salurday, Aug. 24 al Rowan Regional Mcdical Ccntcr after being in declining health for uvo years. She was bom in High Point, a daughter of thc late Haltie Henderson Peters and Henry Grady Pcicrs. Educated in High Point Schools, she graduaied from Women's College II: Greensboro and the School of Medical Tech­ nology al Charlotte Memorial Hospital. She was a mcdical tech­ nologist at Rowan Regional Medi­ cal Center for 1 ycars before re­ tiring in 1995. She had been em­ ployed at Albemarle Hospil,il In Elizabeth City. She was a mem­ ber of Ihe Firsl Baplist Church of Salisbury, the Exploring Ihe Bible Sunday School class and Ihe Mary Monroe Missionary group. She was a member of Ihc Woman's Missionary Union, served as Sun­ day Schol leacher, pianist and or­ ganist, and choir member at churchcs her husband ministered. Survivors: her husband, the Rev. Harvey Y. Criminger Jr., whom she married Oct. 15. 1955: a son, Daniel Criminger of Sanford: 2 daughters, Jane Criminger Johnson of Lexington and Belsy Criminger Lowery of Helena, Ala; a sister, Yvonne Pe­ ters Allen of Salisbury; and 4 grandchildren. Services were al 2 p.m. Mon­ day, Aug. 26 at Firsl Baplist Church of Salisbury by the Rev. Dr. Kennelh Lance, minister, and Ihe Rev. Jimmy Lancaster, minis­ ter of Jerusalem Baplisi Church in Davie Couniy, and Ihc Rev. Dr. Dale Steele. Burial was at Jerusa­ lem Baptist Ccmeler>’. Memorials; Firsl Baplist of •Salisbury, 223 N. Fulton St., 28144; or Jerusalem Baptist, 495 Plcivsant Acre Drive, Mocksville. Carol Street McMillan Carol Montgomery Street McMillan. 76, died on Saturday evening, Aug. 24, of canccr. Tlie wife of the late Archibald Alexander McMillan, she was born Jan. I, 1926, lo Dr. and Mrs. Claudius A. Street of Winston- Salem. She attended Centenary Melhodisi Church and Reynolds High School. She received her bachelor's degree from the Women's College of UNC , and a master’s degree in English from Ihc University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Afler working for thc Tarboro schools, Wachovia Bank and Ihc N.C. Dcpl. of Ar­ chives and Hisiory, she married A.A. McMillan in 1954. She did volunteer work wilh the Junior League of Raleigh, Adult Literacy N.C. and her Pullen Memorial Baptist Church circle. She parlicipalicd in book clubs and was a Democrat. She loved litera­ ture and travel. She was a found­ ing member of the Dickens Dis­ ciples and ser\ ed as the club's ex­ ecutive director for more lhan 10 years. She was a member of Ra­ leigh Moraviiin Church. Survivors: her children and sons-in-law, Carol and Steve Lewis of Raleigh. Julia and Denis Fallon of Rock Hill, S.C. Amanda and David Melton of Ponte Vedrà Beach, Kia., Alexandra and Sam Mordecai of Raleigh, and A.A. (Sandy) McMillan Jr. of Carrboro; her brolher and sister-in-law, Mr. and ,Mrs. C.A. Sireel of Advance: and brother-in-law and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. R.L. McMillan Jr. of Raleigh. A memorial service was held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 27, at Raleigh Moravian Church. Burial was at Spring Hill Cemelery, Wagram. Memoriiils: Raleigh Moravian Church. John Frank Sparks Mr. John Frank Sparks, 78, retired Davie County dairy farmer ol Mocksville, died Saturday, Aug. 24,2002, at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center as the result o( a head injury afler a fall at home. A resideni of Spillman Road. Mr. Sparks spent his lile cultivating the soil and building a top-producing herd of IHolsteins. Born April 30, 1924, in Davie Couniy, he was the son of John Henry and Lula Ward Sparks, and had been m arried for 55 years lo the love of his life, the former Madeleine Smoot, a longtime science teacher and the mother ol their six children. Mr. Sparks was a m em ber of M acedonia Moravian Church in Advance. He was a 1942 graduate of Farmington High School and attended the Universily ol North Carolina at Chapel Hill before returning to the farm, continuing a succession of Sparks generations farming in the county since the mid- 1700s. He nursed the soil to produce crops ol corn, wheal, oats, soybeans and allalla hay, and used deliberate and carelul breeding and culling practices to produce a herd consislenlly rated as the top milk and butterfat producers In the county. He rose at 4 a.m. to milk and worked until sundown. After retirement, Mr. Sparks worked 12 years until his death as the circulation manager of the Davie County Enterprise Record. He survived polio as a boy, and in re­ tirement, traveled with his wile to Alaska, Canada, Italy and other parts ol Europe and various places across the United States. They relurned frequently to the North Carolina mountains to rekindle their love, especially to the Boone area, where he courted his wife while she was a student at Appalachian State University. He counted their marriage as his greatest blessing from God. He and his wile instilled In their children a love ol God, a purpose in lile and an abiding work ethic. They had a lamily farm, with all the chil­ dren joining in its operation Irom an early age. He was preceded in death by his parents and five sib­ lings, Virginia S. Beckner, Wilson W. Sparks, Sgt. Kenneth P. Sparks in World War II, and as infants, Kermit and Edith Sparks. Surviving are his wife and children, Helen S. Young, John E. Sparks. Nancy S. Miller and Dwight A. Sparks, all of Davie County, Teresa S. Phifer of Monroe and Alethea S, Segal of High Point; 15 grandchildren, David Koontz, Eliza­ beth Koontz, Jonaihan Sparks, Kimberly S. Cook, Kristin Miller, Karin Miller, Paul Sparks, Robert Sparks, Michael Sparks, Dana Phifer, Katherine Philer, John B. Phifer, Annie Catherine Segal, Richard Segal and Caroline Segal; and a great-grandchild is expected In December. Also sun/iving are two sisters, Frances S. Gough of Mocksville and Betty S. Todd of Richmond. Va. The funeral service was held at 6 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 25 in Eaton Funeral Chapel. Burial was in God's Acre of Macedonia Moravian Church at 9:30 a.m. Monday, Aug. 26, The Rev. Greg Little was the officiating minister. The family requests lhat memorials be considered for the Farmington VFD, c/o Mr. Todd Naylor, 288 Deerfield Drive, Mocksvillo, NC 27028. Jerry Wayne Bracken Mr. Jerry Wayne Bracken. 55. of Winslon-Salem, died Sunday, Aug. 25, 2002, at his residence. M r . Bracken was born Dec. 1, 1946, in Rowan Couniy to Ihe late William H, and Mattie Wood! Brackcn. M r Bracken was a ntcmbcr of Calviiry Baptist Church, a minister of the gospel for 15 years and worked for Precision Concepts as a quality engineer. Survivors; his wife of 34 ycars. Martha Slewart Bracken; 3 sons, William (Chris) Briicken of Ad­ vancc, Timmy W. Bracken and wife Crystal of Clemmons and Jeremy W. Bracken and wife Col­ leen of Vilseck, Germany; a daughter, Tashia M. Bracken of Greensboro: a foster son, Joey Carter of Mocksville; 2 brolhers, William E. Brackcn of Slalesville and Lonnie R Bracken of Mocks­ ville; a sisler. Nelia E. Brackcn of Mocksville; and 3 grandchildren. Tlic funeral service was held at 1 p.m. Wedncsd.ny. Aug. 28. at Calvary Baptist Church, wiih the Revs, Jim Gryder and Curtis Gibson officiating. Burial follow in the church cemetery. Memorials: Hospice/Pallialive Care Center, I lOO-C S. Siralford Road. Winston-Salem. 27103. Ryan Christopher Martin Ryan Christopher Martin. 7. died Sunday. Aug 25. 2002. from complications following heart sur­ gery at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center in Win­ slon-Salem. He is sur\'ived maternally by Amanda McDaniel Martin and Jonathan Mayes; paternally by Joseph Christopher Marlin and Bridgetle Dawn Marlin; sisters Brianna Ashley Martin and Alexis Nichole Marlin; his brother. Jonaihan Mayes II; grandparenls Alan J. Martin HI. Lou Anne Mar­ tin. Sandra and Randy Money and Roger and Kalhy McDaniel; great-grandparents Allen J. and Pat Marlin Jr.. Joe and Jean Th­ ompson, Margie and Jim Lowery, Floyd and Trudy McDaniel and Adam B. Carter; along wiih sev­ eral aunts, uncles, cousins and other family and friends. Tlie funeral service ^vas at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 28, at Vogler & Sons Reynolda Road Chapel wilh the Rev. Ronnie Comer officialing. Burial was at Grapevine Baplist Church Cem­ etery in Lewisville. Memorials; Williams Syn­ drome Foundation, P.O. Box 297, Clausson, Ml 48019-0297. Richard Joseph Lasicki Mr. Richard Joseph "Dick" Lasicki, 71, of Merrells Lake Road, Mocksville. died Monday evening, Aug. 19,2002 at his resi­ dence after being in declining licahh. A Mass of Chrislian burial was held al 11 a.m. Friday. Aug. 23 al St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church wilh Ihe Rev. Father An­ drew Draper officiating. A prayer service was held at 7 p.m. Thurs­ day. Aug. 22 at Eaton Funeral Home. Military graveside rites were at 1 p.m. Friday at thc Na­ lional Cemetery in Salisbury con­ ducted by District 11 Memorial Honor Guard. Mr. Lasicki was born March 27.1931. in Brooklyn, N.Y., a son of the late Joseph and Harriet Michalski Lasicki. He was em­ ployed wilh Western Electric in New York and was a member of St. Francis Catholic Church in Mocksville. He was a Korean War veteran and » Champion Racing Homing Pigeon enthusiast. He was a member and officer of Fork Civic Club and a Eucharistic Min­ ister al St. Francis Catholic Church. Survivors: his wife, Margarei Mary Smith Lasicki of the home, to whom he was married for 48 years; 4 children, Carol Anne Gustafson of Mocksville, Patricia Ellen Fulkerson of Madisonville, Ky., Joan Marie Lasicki of Mocksville and Richard Juy Lasicki of Riverview, Fla.; 6 grandchildren: and a brother. Waller Lasicki of Brooklyn, N.Y. Hannah Marie Rutledge Hannah Marie Rutledge, infant daughter of Charles and Ginger Rutledge of Log Cabin Road, Mocksville, died on Thursday, Aug. 22. 2002. at Forsyth Medi­ cal Center. Hannah was born on July 18. 2002. in Winston-Salem. In addition to her parents, Hannah is survived by a brother, Travis Peacock (Jeannette) of Winston-Salem: a sister, Haley Rutledge of the home; her pater­ nal grandfather. Jack Rutledge of North Myrtle Beach. S.C.; her paternal grandmother, Grace Rutledge of Winston-Salem; her maternal grandparents. Dennis and Geralinc McGee of Cooleemee and her palernal greal- grandmolher, Ruby Rutledge. A funeral service for Hannah was held Sunday. Aug. 25 at 2 p.m. in Ihe chapcl of Davic Fu­ neral Service in Mocksville with Ihe Rev. Darrell Cox officiating. Burial was in Legion Memorial Cemetery in Cooleemee. Vermelle P. Hashforth Mrs. Vermelle Parker Bashforth. 92. of Center Street. Cooleemee. died Friday, Aug. 23, 2002 in Forsyih Medical Cenier. A graveside service was held at 10 a.m. Sunday. Aug. 25 in Rowan Memorial Park in Salisbury with Doll Foster offici­ aling. Memorials; Coolcemee First Baplisi Church. P.O. Box 5 IX. Mrs. Bashl'orth was born in Cooleemee on Nov. 4, 190S to ihe lale John Hancock and Effie Mable Miller Parker and was a retired medical secretary with ser­ vice al Ihe Dearborn (Mich.) Medical Center. She had been a registered nurse with Lowery Hospital in Salisbury. She was a graduate of Cooleemee High School. Class of 1920. She was a former member of the Dearborn Womens Scoiely and had been a lifelong member of ihe Coolcemee Firsi Baplist Church. She enjoyed oil painting and read­ ing. She was preceded in death by 3 sisters, Fadie P. Wood. Hlanche P. Stevenson and Cody Parker; and liy 3 brolhers. Boyd Parker. Wallace Parker and Grimes Parker Sr. Survivors: a sisler. Nellie Parker Zisselle of Chatham. Mass.: a special niece, Pal Lookabill of Mocksville: a special nephew. Grimes Parker Jr. of Cooleemee: and several olher nieces und nephews. Ronnkl Clay McKnight Mr. Ronald 'Ronnie" Clay McKnight. 58. of Advance dieil Thursday. Aug. 22. 2002, at Forsyth Mcdical Cenier. He was born Dec, 21, 1943, in Davie Couniy lo Ernest C. and Ruby Sniilh McKnighi. Mr. McKnight was thc owner of Pio­ neer Wood Products, and was pre­ ceded in dealh by his father, Ernest Clay McKnight. Surviving: his wife, June Pitls McKnight of thc home: a daugh­ ler, Kim McKnighi Doby (hus­ band Charlie) of Advancc; liis mother. Ruby Smith McKnight of Advance: and a sister, Vivian Allen (husband Lester) of Ad­ vancc. A funeral service was held at Hayworth-Miller Kinderlon Chapel, with Ihe Rev. Michael Waters officialing. A graveside service was held at 2 p.m. Sun- ilay, Aug. 25 al Green Meadows Baptist Church Cemetery. Memorials; Green Meadows Baplist Church. IfvffiN.C. 801 N., Mocksville. Shirley Eli/.abcth Spry Mrs. Shirley Elizabelh Seaford Spry, 62, of N.C. 801 South, Mocksville. died early Tuesday morning, Aug. 20. 2002 at her home after being in declining heallh. The funeral service was held at 2 p.m. Friday. Aug. 23 al Eaton Funeral Chapel wilh Wayne Renlz officiating. Burial was al Fork Baptist Church Cemetery. Mrs. Spry was born Nov. 27. 1939, in Davie Couniy, to the late Dwight Clifford and Gladys Jmiies Seaford and was retired wilh niore than 30 years of service wilh Crescent Electric Co-op, where she had been an account­ ing clerk. She was a grailuate of Salisbury Business College and was a lifelong member of Fork Baptist Church. She enjoyed spending time with her family and friends and traveling. She was preceded in death by her husband, Joe Spry; and a brother, James "Simon" Seaford. Surviving: her son and daugh- ter-in-law, Jeffery Seaford Lanilw and wife Donna of Mocksville; a grandson; and two nieces. Advance Florist & Gift Baskets Flowers for nil Occasions S is te r’s II o f M o c k s v ille "(336)751-1782 DAVIE FUNERAL SERVICE liicnrpnratcd 416 V.ilk'v Rd., .Miieksville, NC 336-751-3111 "Olir Family Senmig Your ГатИу" roiR iiDJiirroira TO'KR.ii iimiE ( < ] ■///, / / / A 7 ///.^ Sallie S. Sain 190(5-2002 MOCKSVnXE «( Robert L. Almond 1917 - 2002. WINSTON-SALEM Billy M. Munday 1954 - 2002 MOCKSVILLE & Carl C. Myers 1914 - 2002 MOCKSVILLE & Gary M. Bunton 1948 - 2002 MOUNT AIRY # Margaret Leonard Fruit « Balud Qoodi * Qourmat BuktU W»ddlne*Fuiwral> — Wc D e liv e r — (336) 940-6337 Иоп-Fri 9-e, Sal 9-3 C o m m u n it y R e m e m b e r s tU e . A e c in t : | ; Ж № Our community remembers the victims of the September 11, 2001, tragedy. Their memory will forever live In our hearts. E A T O N FUNERAL SERVICE 325 Nonh Main Si., Mocksvillc. N C • 75 l-21‘i8 /"nuii Mniirl'er of Nm om 1ШШ1Л1. puucrons AS.StX3AIX)N-4 uj*) ifH.úitnt Ì DAVIE COUN TY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 29, 2002 - C7 O b itu a r ie s Grady McKinnley Spry Jr. Mr. Grady McKinnley Spry Jr., 74, of Center Street. Cooleemee. died Tue.sday. Aug. 27, 2002 at his residence. Funeral services will be Thursday al 7 p.m. al Victory Ilaptisi Church with the Rev. Shelby Harbour officialing. The family will receive friends inimedialely following the service. A graveside ser­ vice will be held Friday, Aug. 30 al 11 a.m. in Legion Memorial Park. Mr. Spry was born July 19. 1928 in Cooleemee to the l;ite Grady M. Sr. and Lillian Willy Spry and was serving as mayor for the Town of Cooleemee. where he had lived all of his life. Me served in the U.S. Navy lorm 1946-1948, nnd was a graduale of Cooleenice High School and alleiuled Sali.sbury Business College. Me was a member, deacon, Sunday School superintendent and choir memher al Victory Baptist Church in Cooleemee. He coached Little League Baseball and girls softball. Mr. Spry had worked for Burlington Mills, Kem Rubber Co. and retired from Lexington Iñirniture. Memorials; Cancer Services of Davie, P.C). Box 744. Mocks­ villc; or Hospice of Rowan, 82.‘>A W. Henderson St., Salisbury. 28144. Survivors: his wife, Dorothy Hodgin Spry of the home; 2 sons, William Chrisiopher Spry of Mocksville and Russell Scolt Spry of Cooleemee: a daughter, Lisa (Tim) Michael of Statesville; 4 grand­ children; 2 great-grandchildren; 3 sislers. Mrs. Fred (Jessie) Pierce and Dolly Swaim. lioih of Cooleemee. and Irene "Wink” Hendricks of Mocksville; 4 brolhers. William "Bill" Spry of Manon. 111., Doyle Spry of Garner, Aaron Spry of llidilenite and Jerry Spry of Cooleemee. James Franklin Brackcn Mr. James Franklin Bracken, 83. of Liberty Church Road, Mocks­ ville, died Monday, Aug, 26, 2(102 al D:ivie Couniy Hospital. Funeral services will be riiiirsday, Aug. 29, al 11 a.m. al Liberty Baplisi Church with the Rev. Marvin Blackburn olViciating. The body will be placed in Ihe church 30 minutes prior lo the service. Burial will be in Ihe chureh cemetery. The family was to he at lialon Funeral Home Wednesday from 6-8 p.m. Mr. Bracken was born Nov. 28, 1918 in Davie Coumy lo the lale John G. and Eliza O ’Neal Bracken and was retired from Forsyih Couniy Schools. He was a member of Liberty Baptist Chruch where he was a deacon. He was preceded in dealh hy liis wife, Magdalene C;irter Bracken on Aug. 31, 199.“i, 3 brolhers, Marvin Bracken. Roy Bracken and Charlie Bracken, and 3 sislers. Alice Bnicken, Gertrude Crook and Mary Foster. Survivors; a brolher, the Rev. Albert Brackcn of Mocksville; 2 sisters, Ida Cleary of Mocksville and Isabelle Tolley of Winston- Salem. Chester West Mr. Chester West, 77, of Meta Breeze Lane, Mocksville, died Monday, Aug. 26, 2002 at Meadowbrook Terrace of Davie. Funeral services will be Wednesday, Aug. 28 at 2 p.m. in Eaton Funeral Chapel wilh Dr. David Gilbrealh olTicialing. Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park in Sali.sbury wilh military graveside rites. Memorials: American Diabetes Assoc., 1820 East 7th St., Char­ lotte, 28024: or lo Residents/Patient Fund Meailowbrook Terrace of Davie, 316 N.C. 801, Advancc. Mr. Wesl was born June 25, 1925 in Davie Couniy to the lale Mamie West Barney and was retired from Hoeclisi-Celanese of Salisbury. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army, anil a member of American Legion. He enjoyed fanning, gardening and collecting old toy cars. Survivors: his wife. Myrtle McDonald Wesl ofihe home; 4 chil­ dren, Judy (B.B.) Brittain of Salisbury, Mary (Joe) Lanier of Mocks­ ville, Donnie (Donna) West of Salisbury. Kenny (Margie) Stone of Mocksville; 9 grandchildren; 7 great-grandchildren; a brother, Lester West; a half brother. Tommy Barnes, bolh of Mocksville; and a spe­ cial friend, his dog "Smokie." Mary Ruth Boger Seats Mrs. Mary Rulh Boger Seals, 73, of Farmington Koad, Mocks­ ville, died Monday, Aug. 26, 2002 al Kale B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston-Salem. Funeral services will be Thursday, Aug. 29 at 2 p.m. in Galon Funeral Chapel with the Rev. David Jordan ofllciating. Burial will be in Fannington Community Cemelery. The family was to be al the funeral home Wednesday from 7-9 p.m. Memorials; Forsyth Hospice/Pallialive CareCenter, IIOOC S. Stratford Road, Winslon-Salem, 27103. Mrs. Scats was bom Jan. 6, 1929 in Forsyih County to Mary Lapish Boger of Mocksville and the lale David Carl Boger. She was a homemaker and had worked al Hanes Knitting for IS years. She was a member of Fanninglon Uniteil Methodist Church, a dairy farmer’s wife for 49 years, enjoyed cooking and baking, was a doll collector and a babysitter for many children. She was preceded in dealh by her husband, William F. "Bill" Seats and a brolher, Joe Bogcr. Survivors, in addilion lo her molher: a daughler, Rebecca (Jim) Allen, a son, Harold (Debbie) Seats, all of Mocksville; 2 grand­ daughters; a sister, Mrs. Kenneth (Virginia) Lanier; 2 brolhers, Huberl Boger and David (Janet) Boger, all of Mocksville. A M e a n i n g f i i l F u n e r a l S e r v ic e Welch FuHcrdl Hoiiie, liic, 556 South Main St. • Mocksville, NC • (336) 751-3725 -r Locally Owned & Operated — LPN’S • CNA H’s • CNA I • MT Comfort Carc Nur.sing is seeking individual for part-time & full-time. Good salary, benefits, comp, pay, portion of insurance, Oniy serious minded & dependable need call. Call Rhonda or Andrea at 760-3568, 9am-4pm, Mon.-Fri. Drug & alcohol free workplace. Attend The Church Of Your Choice No Crook Primitlvo Baptist Church,No Creok Church Rd.. Mocksvillo. 2nd & 4th Sundays. 10:30 a.m. Fourth Snlurday worship and conloronco.l :30 p.m. Paslor. Elder Eugono Bonnott. Eaglo Holghls Church,10 n.m, Sunday worship. 7 p.m. Tuosday Powortime, 7 p.m. Thursday Biblo sludy. Casual dross, contomporary music/worship. 5103 U.S. 158. Hiilsdalo. Mocksvlllc Wosloyan Church: Hospital St.. Sunday School. 9:‘i5 a.m. Worship. 11. Wodnosday Prayor Meoling. 7 p.m. Rov. Goorge Troyer. 751-5595. Union Chapol UnMod Mothodict Church: 2030 U.S, 601 N. Worship. 9;45 a,m. Sunday Sctiool. 11 a.m,. Paslor. Rov. Brad Holliman. Ccntor Unltod Mothodlst Church: U.S. 64 W. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Pastor. Slophon Blair. 751-2754. Childcaro diroclors: Carla Provotto. 492-5735 & Sandra Autry. 940-3753. Elbavliio United Mothodlst Church: N.C. 801. Advanco. Fellowship. 9 a.m. Sunday School. 10. Worship. 11. Kids For Christ (agos 4-11). 1 st & 3rd Sun,. 3-4:30 p.m. Toons for Chrisl (agos 12- 18) moot Sun,, 5-6-.30 p,m. Pastor; Rov. Novillo Stofoy, Cooloomee Church of God: Suitday School. 10 a.m. Worship Sorvico and Childfon’s Church. 11 a.m. Tuos, Prayor Mooting. 7 p,m. Wod. Family Sorvico. 7 p,m. For moro inlo. call pastor Robert Huletto al 284-2180 or visil www.caQlcog.org. Cornatzor United Molhodlst Church: 1244 Cornatzor Rd. Sunday School. 10 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m . 7:30 p.m. Biblo Study. Wodnosday. 7:30. Rov, Harold Zimmorman. pastor. BothcJ United Methodist Church; Bolhel Church Rd. Worship. 0:45 a.tn. Sunday School. 10:50 a.m Rov. Ed Carter, pastor Advanco Unltod Mothodlst Church: Sunday School. 9:45 a.rn. Worship, 11 n,m. Youth, 5 p m, Rov. Harry D, Sammons.Dowt\town Advanco, Farmington Unltod Mothodlst Church: Sunday School. 10 n.m. Worship. 11 a,rn, 1939 F.irrnington Rd. 998-37G9. Rev, Molmda Snydor. Oak Grovo Unltod Molhodlst Church; 1994 U,S. 150. Mocksvillo, Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11- Concord United Methodist Church. Cherry Hill Rd.. Mocksvillo. Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Pastor. John Androws, Hardison Unlled Methodist Church: Worship, 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 10:45. V/ondor(ul Wodnos-days Childron’s program. 6-7:30. Pastor. Rov. Donnis B. Marshall. Community Baptist Church: Sunday School. 10 a.m. Sunday Worship. 11, Evening sorvico. 6. Wodnosday Biblo Study. 7 p,m. Gladstone Road. Hiilsdalo Uni ted Methodist Church: 5228 U.S. 158. Advanco. Contomporary worship Sunday 10:45 a.m. Sunday School. 9:35. Casual dross, rolreshmonts. Jr. High Youth Sunday niglM. 5:30. Sr. High Youtti Sunday nighl. 7. Miclwuok@Htllsda!o prayer sorvico, Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Bible studies, ministries such os drama, worship, misions. singles, women’s, men's. Pastor: Jorry Wobb. 998-4020. Wesloy Chapel United Molhodlst Church; Worship Service: 10 a.tn. Su.iday School: 10:45 a.m. Rov. Mindy Snydor. Pino Rd. Redland Pontecosial Holiness Church; Sunday School; 10 n.m. Worship; 11 a,m. Evening; 6:30. Wednesday prayor mooting & Biblo study. 7:30 p.m. Rov. Jool Boyles. Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1913 U.S. 601 s. Worship: t0:30 a.m. W.G. WHITE & C 0 . 850 N, Trade SI, Winston Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 JERRY'S MEAT PROCESSING We Custom Meat Process Beef - Pork - Deer 2 7 years experience «92 Ralph Rolledge Rd. Mockivillo 492-5496 Sunday School; 9:15 a.m. Pastor: Rov. Robert Kasting. 751-5419. http7/www.mindspring.com/''holycross/ Mocksvillo First Prosbytorlon Church. 261 S. Main St. Worship: 11 a.m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday ovoning; ChorlstoTs (grades 1-5) & Youth (grades 6-12). 5:30 p.m. Pastor: Noal Carter. 751-2507. Mocks United Methodist Church, olf N.C. 801 S. at Mocks Church/ Beau­ champ roads, Advanco. Rov. Donnio Durham. 998-5518. Sunday worship: 8;45& tl a.m. Sunday Scliool; 10 a.m. Smith Grovo Mothodlst Church: 3402 U.S. 158. Mocksville. Pastor: Chris Clonu. Sunday School: tO a.m.. worship. 11. Childfon’s minislry. Beloro and altor school programs. 940-5296. Hillsdale Boptlst Church: Sunday Worship and Biblo Study 9 & 10.30 a.m.. Wednesday Followship Meal. 6 p.m. Children’s youth activities, prayer mooting. 6:30 p.m. Pastor R.T. Alderman. 940-6618. Minisler of Music. Brent Helton. 4815 U.S. 158. Advance. Faith ond Victory Family Worship Contor, 1687 Hwy. 601 N. Sunday Sorvicos. 10 a.m.. 7 p.m. Wodnosday. 7 p.m. Now Bollovors p.p. Church. Sunday School. 10 a.m. Worship Sorvico. 11. Wednesday night Biblo sludy. 5. Pastor Elizabeth Mock. Assoc. Pastor Dorrick Mock. Women’s Aux. & Brothofhood Biblo Study, 1st & 3rd Thursday. Liberty Unlled Mothodlst Church. U.S. 601 s. Worship:9:45 a.m. Sunday School: 11 a.m. First United Mothodlst Church of Mocksville. Early Sundny Worship Sorvico. 8:50 n.n\. Praise singing, casual dress, contomporary format. Tr.ulilionnI service. 10:55 a.m. 305 N. Main SI, 751-2503, Paslors. Crystal Alexander and Charles Turner. Believer’s Sonship Tabernaclo: Sunday woTship, 10:30 a m, S 6:30 p.m. Wed, ovoning. 7. Pastor: Jorty L. Couch. 998-1324. Cann Rd. - Potter's Lano, Turrenlino Baptist Church: Sunday School. 9:45 a.m.. Worship, 11: Niglit Service, 6. Pastor: Rov. Joo Smith. Bethlehem United Mothodlst Church: Sunday early worship. 8:45 a.nv; Sunday School, 10 Worship. 11 a.m, 321 Rodland Rd.. Advanco. 33G- 998-5083. Fax: 940-5502, E-Mail: bolhurnc(iPaol,com, Episcopal Church ot Iho Ascension, Fork-Bixby Rd.. Advance, Sun. School, 10 a m- Worship, tl a.m. 998-0857. Dial A Story Ministry for children. Bill nnd Peggy Long ofAdvance. 998-7716. Services al tho Oaks. Apt. 7A. 7 p.m . Thursdays. Bishop TR. Rico. Clement Grovo Church ot God, Body of Christ. 159 Parker Rd.. Mocksvillo. 492-5125. Saturday Services; Sabbath School, 10 a.m.. Worship. 11:45. Wednesday Bible Study, 7 p.m. Paslor: Elder Ernest Ijames. Radio Broadcast: Tho Bible Is Right. Tuesdays. 5-5:30 p.m.. WDSL 1520 AM and Sundays. 8- 8:30 a.m., WSTP 1490 AM. Green Moadows Baptist Church Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m., 7 p.m. Wodnosday Prayor & Biblo Study, 7 p.m. Pastor Rev. Michael Waters, 998-3022. LIborty Wesleyan Church. 2106 Shoffiold Rd.. Harmony. Sunday School 10 a.m.. Morn. Worship 11 a.m.. Wed. Bible Advonturo 7p.m., Sr. Minislry2nd Tues. each monih 10 a.m. 492-2963. Paslor; Ronald Loo. BUby Prosbytorian Church. 1806 Fork-Bixby Rd., near Cornatzor Rd.. Sun. School 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11. Pastor: Designated pastor. 998- 6813. Dulin United Methodist Church, 897 Dulin Rd,. Mocksvillo. 998'5409. Pastor; David Smith, Sun School 10:30 a.m.. Worship 9:30 a,m. Cooleemeo United Methodist. Main St., Sunday School, 10 a.m,. Worship. 11, Kids Kamp Sun. 5-6:30. Paslor: J . P . G R E E N M IL L IN G C O ., IN C . Makers of DAISY FLOUR W e Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksville, NC 336-751-2126 C A U D E L L L U M B E R C O M P A N Y 162 Sheek Street Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2167 Л е в ÌRLLAQE HARDWARE 5431 Hwy. 158* Advance, NC 336-998-1987 V O G L E R & S O N S l-uncral Moine 2849 M iddle Brook Or. Clem m ons, NC 27012 336- 766-4714 DOWNUNDER ROCK TILE Broil & Slacoy Lavory (336) 998-8287 or 998-4771 C cm inic Tilc liisuilU ilioii www.ausslctile.com EATON FUNERAL HOME /1 Trad ilion o í Curili i:.... .12.5 Norlli Main Street Mdcksville, NC 2702X 336-751-2148 'Krazy' Bob says, "Stop by and see why... [ I'' '')(I 3 7\ mall's rarely ili^ a sa le at all." Tuo5.- Fri,* 10.ifO-7pm SM.* lOam-Spm Closed Sun.&Mon.Ihe Old Wvbl) HkJy.Mwy 15B, 2 [)lo<kj W of 801 <g b f A U T O M irrs MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTIVE 884 S. Main SI. • Mocksville 336-751-2944 Rov. Porry Bradshaw {284* 6135) In Homo Biblo Studies, by Randy Howoll. 284-4667. Bear Crook Baptist Church, Boar Crook Ch. Rd., Sun. School 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m., Biblo Sludy Wed. 7 p.m. Rov. William Leo Cook 111, pastor. Cooleemeo First Baptist Church, 284 Marginal St., Sun. Biblo Study 9:45 a.m.. Morn. Worship 11 a.m.. Eve. Worship 7 p.m.. Youth. G p.m. Wodnosday suppor. 6 p.m. Music minister. Rogina Chandler. Mocksvliio Second Prosbytorian, 400 Pino St. Worship, 11 a.m.. Church School. 9:30. Rov. Thomas M. Loach.75M4tO St. Francis of Assissl, RC. Massos: Monday. Tuosday. Thursday. Fridcjy. 9 n.m. Wodnosday. 7 p.m. Saturday Vigil, 5 p.m, Sunday. 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Spanish Mass at 12:30 p.m. Rov. Andrew Draper. TOR. 751-2973, Farminglon Baplist Church. Sunday morning Biblo study, classos for all agos. 9:45. Worship: 11. 1841 Farmington Rd.. 5 milos from f-40, Pastor: Jimmy Hinson. Church: 998- 3826. Homo; 751-3492. Blaise Baptist Church, U.S, 601 North across from Horn’s Truck Stop. Mocksvillo. 751-3639. Worship & Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. and 11 a.m, Sunday ovoning, 7. Wednesday sorvico. 7 p.m. Pastor; Gienn Sellers. Shiloh Baptist Church, 544 E. Dopol St.. Mocksvillo, Sunday School; 9:45 a.m. Morning worship: 11 a.m. Pastor: Rev. Donald Ray Jonkins. 751 0597. Fulton Unilcd Methodist Church, 3895 N.C. 801 S., Advanco. Worship: 9.45 a.m. Sunday Sciiool, 10:45 a.m. Fulton Youth In Christ. Sundays. 5-6:30 p.m. Pastor: Rev, Jack Wallace. Heaven Bound Full Gospol Church.U.S. 64 W.. Mocksville, (beside Center Firo Dept,). Sunday School. 10 a.m,. Worship. 11. Sunday night praise' worsliip, 6. Wodnosday nigiit praise/ worship. 7. Pastor, James Ward, 998- 6394. First Bopllst Church, 390 N. Main St.. Mocksvillo. 751-5312. Sunday School. 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:55 a,m. Wodnosday Prayor Servico, Noon. Fork Boptlsl Church. 3140 U.S. 64 E.. Mocksville. Sunday School, 9;45, Worship service. 11 a.m.. 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, 7 p.m, Awanas. Sunday 6 p.m.998-8306. Cornatzer Baptist Church, 1372 Cornatzor Rd., Mocksvillo. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship, 1V,evening, 6:30; Awana's Worship. 7 p.m. Wednesday evening. 7:30 p.m. New Union Methodist Church. 1869 Sheffield Rd., at County Line Rd. Services: 8:30 a.m.. contemporary worship with casual dress and rolreshments; 9:45 a.m. Sunday Schooi assembly. 10. Sunday School lor all nges. 11 a.m.. Worship. 492- 5367. Ijames Baptist Church, Sheffield Rd.. filocksvillo, Sunday School. 9:45 a.m., worship, 11. Sunday ovoning. 6, Wodnosday, 7 p.m. Paslor, Tommy Faust. St. John AME Zion Church. 145 Campbell Rd.. Mocksville. Sunday School, 9:30. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Rev. Anthony Freeman. Advanco First Baptist Church, 1938 N.C. 801 S. Sunday School, 9:45 n.m. Worship. 11. Wodnosday Bible Study/ mission groups, 7 p,rn. Paslor:Martin Kastnor. 998-6302. Church of God of Prophecy, 2323 U.S. 601 S.. Mocksvillo. Sunday School. 10 a m,, worsliip, 11. Sunday ovoning. 6; Wednesday ovoning, 7. Paslor; Rov. Bobby Shinaull. 719- 6565 or 284-2935. Victory Baptist Church. Midway St., Cooleomeo. Sunday School. 10 a.m.. worship 11. Sunday ovoning, 6; Wodnosday Awana/Youth. 6.45 p.m.. Prayer & Bible Study. 7. Rov. Shelby Harbour. 284-2077. S E A F O R D L U M R E R C O M P A N Y Jericho Road M ocksville, NC 27028 336-751-5148 D A V IE L U M B E R & L O G G IN G 872 Main Church Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9144 F O S T E R D R U G C O M P A N Y 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2141 G E N T L E M A C H IN E & T O O L IN C . 3319 u s Hwy 158 Mocksviiie, NC 27028 336-998-3350 F U L L E R K tt ¿ ííir Precision Laser Cutting & Metai Fabrication 855 Salisbury Road. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-3712 Seventh Day Adventist Church. Milling Road, Mocksvillo. Sabbath School. Saturday. 9:30*11; Worship, 11-noon. Pastor, Ron Davis. 751* 3886. Macedonia Moravian Church. 700 N.C, 801 N.. Advanco. Sunday Schooi. 9:30-10:45 a.m. Worship. 8.45 and 11 a.m. 998-4394. Pastor: Rov. Grog Littio. Yadkin Valley Baptist Church. 1324Yadkin Valley Road. Advanco. Pastor: Ronnie Craddock. 998-4331. Sunday School. 10 a.m., worship, 11 & 6, Wednesday Night Prayor mooting. 7:30. Livo Sundays. WDSL 1520AM. 11-Noon. Mt. Zion Holiness Church of God, U.S. 64 E. al Mill Strool. Mocksville. Sunday School. 10 a.m.. Morning Worship. 11, Pastor: Bishop Jamos ijamos. Mt. Slnal AME Zion Church. 488 Pooplos Creok Road. Advanco. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m.. worship. 11 a.m.. Wodnosday night Biblo study. 7. Dr. Olis B. Robinson Sr., pastor. 998-6231. BUby Church o! tho Living God. 2121 Cornatzor Rd.. Advanco. Pastor. Rov. Perry Hawks. 768-1606. Worship. Sundny 10-11 a.m.. 6 p.m. Salem Unltod Mothodlst Church. Salem Church Road off Davio Academy Rd.. 8 milos wost of Mocksvillo. Worship. Sundays at 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10;45.UMW, second Wodnosday, UMM llrst Sunday breakfast at 7:30. UMYF Sundny ovonings, Rov. Stephen Blair, pastor. Piney Grovo United Mothodlst Church. 376 Underpass Rd., Advanco. Sundny School. 10 a.m.. Worship. It. Pnslor: Rev. Kendall C. Glover. 998-7316. Now Jerusalem Apostolic Church, 291 Cnmpboll Rd,. Mocksville, Pastor. Nottyo ijiimos-Dnrber, 751-0049. Sun. School. 10 a.m,. Worship 11. Wodnosday night: Diblo class. 7:30. Inlorcossory prayor. 6 p.m. True Light Christian Minislry, U.S. 601 N.. Onnner Rd. lo Camolia Lano, Mocksvillo, Pastor: Stovon W. Dallon. Sunday Schooi. 10 a.m,, worship. 11. Episcopal Church ot tho Good Shepherd, Church & Cross sts.. Cooloomoo. Worship. 9:30 a.m., fellowship hour afler church. Biblo Study 2nd nnd 4th Sundays after church. Priosl: Rev. Noah Howard. Jesus Lilo Mission, Liberty Church Rd., Mocksvillo. Sunday School, 10:30. morning worship, 11. Sunday ovoning at 6 and Tuesdays nt 7 p.m. Pnstor: Hilda Reavis. Mocksvillo Church of God. 862 U.S. 64 E. (bosido Armory). 751-0817 Paslor; Larry Hoiiiiioid. Sunday School. 10 a.m.. worship. 11. Sunday evening. 6. Wednesday evening. 7. Jorusalom Baptist Church. 3203 US 601 S., Mocksvillo. 284-2328. Rov. Jimmy Lancaster. Sunday servicos 8:15 a.m.. praise and worship: 9:45, Sunday School lor ail agos; 11 morning worship; 7.'ovoning worship, Wednesday sorvicos: 6 p.m.. family fellowship meal: 7 p.m.. TeamKID Youth 4 Christ. Adull Biblo Study. Nursery for infants and toddlers. Fellowship Baptist Church. 1084 Rainbow Rd.. Advanco. 998-6544 Sunday School. 10 a,m„ worship, 11 Sundny evening. C. Wednesday servico. 7 p.m. Thursday visitation. 7 p.m. Smith Grove AME Zion Church, 3707 Hwy. 158, Mocksville. Sunday morning worhsip. 11. Sunday School. 10 a.m. Rov. Morgan Glonn. pastor. Eatons Baptist Church. 495 Eatons Church Rd.. Mocksvillo. Sunday School. 10 a.m., worship. 11. Wednesday prayer meeting, 7:30 p.m. Pastor; Dr. David Gilbreath. 998-6149. S H E F F IE L D L U M B E R & P A L L E T G O . APALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksviiie, NC 27028 336-492-5565 CRAIG CARTER BUILDER, INC. 119 Hwy. 801 S. Suite 1 Advance. NC 27006 336-940-2341 Bjilihvt Ifujlii} ( Ifjn Cnij! i'jftff, l*rcMJcrl ♦ .Manin C. Ctfcr. Wc fVo H a y w o r t h - M il l e r F u n e r a l H o m e K in d e r t o n C h a p e l Locati-don H wy 158 Bi;rwi:nN Clemmons & A dvanci: 336-940-5555 888-940-8511 C8 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISK-RECOKD, TIuirsdiiy. AubusI 29,2002 S p o t l i g h t o n B u s i n e s s Get Aw ay: A Personal Touch Travel Agency Opens In Mocksville A Personal Touch is located at 79 Court Square In Mocksville. It does pay to go on vacationi Just ask Linda Blackburn of A Personal Touch Travel in Mocksville. "Years ago I went on vacation to Hawaii wilh a friend and met my husband Dave, who was in the service at the time. We were married a year later and have been married (or 24 years.” Linda, a native of New Jersey, started A Personal Touch Travel in the Orlando, Florida area. She has been a Iravel agent for 15 years and prides herself on two things: providing excellent personal service lo each customer; and on her conlinuing educalion and experience in the travel field. “I put my heart and soul into planning each trip," she notes with pride. “I’m excited for everybody re­ gardless of what their budget is. It doesn't matter if they are planning a $20,000 trip or a S1,000 trip. I put the same amount of effort into each customer.” A Personal Touch Travel is a full service agency. They book everything from air, cruise and land tours to simple airline reservations to virtually anywhere in the world. Her Dad, Elwood, was part of her inspiration for wanting to open a travel agency Linda explains, “He died at 48 and had always wanted to go to Hawaii but never got the chance. He worked hard all of his life and never really took time to relax.” Linda also loves to travel. She recently took 74 se­ nior citizens to Hong Kong for a week-long adventure. “I try to book one group tour per year," she said. “It's hard to do more than that since it’s just me running Ihe agency" A Personal Touch Travel also spe­ cializes in honeymoon packages. “Sandals Resort is the number one honeymoon destination righl now,” she notes. “But the Carribean Islands are also a very popular place (or newly­ weds." Blackburn also notes that she takes special courses to keep up with the changes for these special destinations. Hours of operation for A Personal Touch Travel are 9:30-5:00 Monday thru Friday. Walk-ins are welcome but appoint­ ments are preferred. "I want to give every customer the personal time and service they de­ serve,” she adds. Saturdays and eve­ nings are always by appointment only A Personal Touch Travel is locaied at 79 Court Square in Mocksville. Linda Blackburn has opened the new travel agency Adverlismg Promotion \ Personal TiHwh litivol, LIX 79 Court Square • Downtown MiKksville • ,13<>-753-0950 “Destination b Honeymoon Sfiecialisls"Linda Blackburn - 14 Years Expenence Local Fuii-Service Travil Age.no Servisi; Davie & suRROusnisc Countos www.p«f»on«llouchtr»v»l.com Mon-M 9-5. Evonlngs & Sal, by Appl, UGLY ROOF STAINS REMOVED FOR A LIKE NEW LOOK!! Nation's Laigest 4 Oldest Roof Stain Removers R o o f-B rite ^ 7 8 5 -2 0 3 0 100 Royal Dak Dr.. Winston-S.llem. NC 27107 Ife Fortress Insurance Group, LLC ’'Vtiini rxx (llltnit »V 'till t ft(st>rrbS‘VI\f *i>4 Njiíí 11ПМл| 'iokV.* • Sfu I tm |p.m»nr• OOrM r;il»4 'un'.i I'l'itH.Iitc. f.fjith, ir«J атиткаи! m'uMìa.'• 114j!1' t"» rfil J"vl ('fxf JUJ -Ì5' kmiiH'fn Hü. >uiie l‘C'ktiumvv SC UUrUw I in:C-mj||-<i'irU;i.|.'I(C«'rn4iri 4f» U^1■e .>r«t s«i s n.J(xn SA V IN G S up EV ER YD A Y 4 U • Party Dresses • Bab-y Diapers » Paper Products Clemmons Discount Sales 1533 Lewisville-Clemm ons Rd, 766-4449 ,• Clemmons • 766-4938 Hom e o r 77/f T o a s t e d H o t d o g O ncniif; Soft Serve Ice Cream Shnk«:s, Stintlacs & Conus AI^SO: IIAMBUKCiER,Cl IKRSKIIURGERS, VlSl I SANI>\VICIIIiSvKc MORK! 2432 Untls>ilIe^ninMMisRiL M O N .-SA T. Pizza Crusts, Sauce & G arlic Bread ' 2668 tjMrévileClomnions Rd |Ctemmons • 766-3080 • (Across from ViHaQo Candió & G^fts) | • Mon.-Fri. 9-8; Sal. 9-6; Sun. 12-5 j A-1 FIRST IM P R E S S IO N S CARPET&SPECIALTY SDMXS 4 0 3 -4 2 7 4 4 0 3 -6 4 4 2 WWW. A1 Rrstlmpressions.com Сафе!. Upholsleiy. VtaxVTite Roots, Leather, SmokaWater Damage, Color Repairs Dyeing-VehicleIntenor-Pets OdofConlfol-Resldentlali Commercial В IICRC S Г I I I I I I I M o c k s v i l l e S h o e S h o p Shoe, Boot & Tack Repairs 52 Court Square, Downtown Mocksville (336)753-0942 BRING IN COUPON «RECEIVE $2“ OFF REPAIRS (for a limited time)16 Yr3. Experience Open M-F 8:30am-6:00pm1^^ upen nhr виоаШ'Ь'.оорш Л w - t n e y Hooimg Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10-6 Sat. 10-2 Specializing In Carpet&Vinyl Ceramic Tile Hardwood Floors & Reflnishing CountsrTops Laminated Floors (336)766-0733 21 Years Experience NCWOPEN TO THE PVBUC LboIiv iiia-Cltmwofu rtk|xl 5919-C James St. Hillsdale Animal Hospital Call 998-8750 ^ for details, or to schedule an appointment. 134 MEDICAL DRIVE ADVANCE, N.C, 27006 FREE FIRST OFFICE VISIT ■ o r I 15% I DISCOUNT ON I VACCINES I I (excludes medications, . additional testing) ■ must have coupon C e n C e r p o i f i ^ C h a r c h Aasodatt Raformad Prasbyttrtan 6301 ShalkMvford Road in Lewisville (946-0540) Sunday Sehadula Morning WMship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:40 a.m. Caauai Evening WorMp 6:00 p.m. F o r m a r t b iib rm a tio m : w «irw .c«n tarp o in tw p .co m Bermuda Mini’s S e lf r S t b r a g e ^ 9 9 8 - 9 6 6 1 / Climate Control / 24 hr Compulerized Gate / Fenced v\/ith 24 hr lighting / Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 / Video Camera Security / Next lo Bermuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance 'No job too big or too small' Biisincsi Apparel, Tcuii Ijjgos, Moiwgninis, Gifts, Shin.s, Gips, Afgh;ui.s. Bag,s, Lovics NO SET UP CHARGE QUICK DELIVERY 7124)943 вш овгж пяе IT ire a to n « ^ ^ » Н Ш П Ж George's W/fage Garage, Inc. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Bumptr-To-Bumptr Car Care Needs >I7S LBDMMUCCLtHMOMS ROAD CLtMMONt, N07011 Local Independent Tire Dealer K EV IN PRIES _____Mantgtr EDWARDS TILE RITE (336) 813-TILE.^ ^ ,^ (■ 453 ) ^ k is b tc im à in d s tû ù e ù e . U r ham b M too. Ut 1^ pot |iii( «nia. Fm Oliala FOR ALL YOUR SPORTING NEEDS! YOUR SPORTS EXPERTS 2660 L»Msv«i»Cienirnor« Rd, Oerrmona 7 6 6 - 1 1 1 4 . Mon.-Fri. 1 030^; S at 9-5 CaroUna Express Phinibing Repair Specialists • Water Heaters • Well Pumps • Faucets • Disposals Over 15 Years of Quality Seivice I JAMES IDOL • CHRIS BULLARD 24-HR, EMERGENCY SERVICE SIDING & WINDOWS LET US ADD BEAUTY TO YOUR HOME We Do Restoration & New Construction • New Vinyl Top Decking • Vinyl Decks & Railing 'Vinyl Replacement Windows Screen Rooms • Vinyl Siding — •Sun Rooms _ • Enclosures ts w iia te s / 764-0885 9^2299 S P E C IA L O F T H E S 1 0 N T H Storm Doors: 9 Colors,5 St^s Glass with D a v ie S c h o o ls DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 29, 2002 - Dl Sluitly (irove Elementary New sialT menibcrs iiieliule: 2№llic Rogers (ciiimselor); Lisa Pr att (school psychologist inierii): Bobby I litc (behavioral therapist); Barbara Osteen (.school social worker); Jim Prniii (ciistoilinii) Carol Guslat'soii (food scrvice): Lisa Outlaiul (kinilergartcii tcacher); Debbie Keilmoml (.second grade); and Debbie Burford (second grade ;issislaiil). Mrs. Outland and Mrs. Tcsh hiive been busy assessijig their .'students, ll’s a "who knows whal week" in kindergarten. Mrs. Uedniond and Mrs. Burford's second grade cla.ss is studying animals. They have been classifying animals as living and non-living organisms. Siudents have planted their own viniiig bean hyacinth to grow in the classroom. A reminder lo all parenls and studenis thal Ihc jump rope leam begins practice on Sept. .1 and Ihe unicycle club starts Sept. 10, from 7;.10 - S:.^) a.m. The volunteer tea will be Sept. 10 at 2 p.m. Melody Morion who was chosen by her peers as Shady Grove's "Tejicher ofthe Year." Students of the Week for Aug. l‘)-2.1: Harrison Weaver, Lindsey Stroupe. Luke Waters, Victoria McNeil. Katie Allison. Chloc Berube, Allie Truils, Ryan Hailey. Josie Crowell, Chase Jones, Tara Tregarthen-Knight. llailieSekula, Olivia llarvel. Slepbanie Siler. Katie Barber, Robert Wilson. Jodey Ziglar. Candice Mize. Kerri Morcn, Chase Metford. Molly Graham. Taylor Stokes, and Tony Gatlson. Wlliliini K. Diivie Klvmenliiry Citizens of the Week for Aug. 12-2.1 were invited lo tbe Cilizensliip Luncheon Aug. 2.S: Jordan Myers. Taylor O'Neal. Spencer Kelly, Christian Childress, Jacob Barnett. Makala Caudle, Cody llenry.Jeimy Dodd. Mallhew Scarlet. Courtney Jones, Desirae Vandiver, Mark Diaz, Kelsi Miller. Mallhew Kennan. Kend;il TitTl, Tyler Woolen. Logan I lendiicks, Jonathan ChalTin, Joey Davis, Ale.x Espinoza. Ashley Anderson, Megan Beck. Ja'Chawn Martinez, Mary Ferebee, Ashley Shrewsbury. Tyler Lee, Taylor Anderson. I’eyton Blackley, Sara Childress. CJ Myers, Torri Rogers. Esmeralda Hernandez. Maddie Hum. and Krystal Beam. Shannon Williams is Ihe new school nurse. Fourth and fifth grade studenis are preparing for Ihe upcoming School Board Candidale Forum on Sept. 5. Students were asked to think of c|ueslions lhat Ihey would like to ask the candidates. Several c|uestions will be chosen and those students will have the oppornmily lo present to fellow students. One student's queslions will be chosen to presem at the forum. Several faculty members participated in the Brenner Children's Hospital Classic walk/ run on Saturilay, Aug. 24. Barbara Weaver, guidance counselor, will chair the United Way Drive. Birthday Luncheon for July and Augusi was held Aug. 21 in tlie hmchroon). Birthday students and their guest sat at spccial tables on lhat d;iy. Bus and Car Riders for the Week of Aug 12-1 ft: Cody Bunch. Ashley Cregar. Ross llolfner, Miraiula Myers, Luke naylor, Alicc Hoskins, Kenneth Tompkins, Courlney Draughn, Eric Rodrigues, Viancy Amaro Rodrigues, ami Megan Scarlett. Kinderg;irten classes of Linda Drye. Peggy Evans, Lori York, Donna Anderson, Karen Prince, Shirley Aiulerson, Angela Spillman and Sue Ireland have learned about the letter LI. Tliey painted with lemon Jello, learned about ladybugs, and made lizards. They e.xplored pattern blocks and teddy bear eoimlers in math. They learned about school bus safety. The children enjoyed louring Ihe school anti a bus. Tina Dyson, Denise Baugh ;mil Jemiy Janies' first grade classes began the year learning about w'atcrmclons. 'I'he classes enjoyeil measuring the circumference of walermelons. weighing. ;ind counling seeds in iheir slice of watermelon. The studenis were eager to learn if a watermelon would sink or float. During Augusi. lirsl graders arc studying Uric Carle. The children have learned a lot about Ihe ;iulhor and have enjoyed m;my ofhis liot)ks. In an effort to instill an appreciation I'orlhe heriuige ofthe United States, first graders w ill be given the opporlunily lo receive Ihe U.S. Heritage Aw ard .Sept. 11. Along wilh studenis, a number of local cilizens, including local firemen and military veterans, will be presenl to help students understand the importance of our country's heritage and how patriotism has been instnmicnl:d in helping the U.S. overcome obstacles throughout hislory. The U.S. Heritage Award was designed by scouts and adulls lo give youlh recognilion for learning about Ihe heritage ofthe United Stale. Siudents who receive the award are asked lo meel eight requirements, ranging from telling when Ihe Dcclanilion of Independence was signed to rendering a service thal benefits a neighborhood community. By receiving Ihe award, it is hoped that recipients will have a greater understanding of the U.S. and fosler a greater sense of patriotism. Organizer of the special event, Tina Dyson, said she wanted to find a way to help studenis coiiimeinorale Ihe Please Turn To Pane D2 Davie High English teacher Josh Jenkins instructs his studenis in the new classroom - Photos by Robin Fergusson A N e w M o b ile C la s s r o o m Local Company’s Innovative Product In Use At Davie High Uy ,]:ickie Scabolt Davie County Fiitcrprise Record Tcachcr Josh Jcnkiti.s' .stii- clcnts listen inloiUly us he reads a chapter from the liter­ ary classic Gilganiesh. Pic­ tures ol'history's greatest writ­ ers hang on newly painted walls and large expo.secl woiitlen beams give the room a "ineilievil, gothic feel", ac­ cording to the Davie Higli English teacher. Tliese siudents arc learning inside the newest classroom edition at the high school. It is a slate-of-the-art building composed of polyiirethane panels maiiuractured by a lo­ cal company. Insiilated Component Structures designeil and built (he new classroom using in­ novative materials that are stronger, safer, c|uieter, and can be placed on almost any terrain. ICS classrooms are more energy el'ncient, stronger, c|ui- eter, and drart-l'ree than present mobile classrooms. With an anticipated enroll­ ment of 1. 5X0 students the need for additional classroom spacc at Ihe high school was imperitive. "In most cases, mobile classrooms are the i|uick-l'i.\ answers lo growing student populations," saiil W.G. Potts, Davie Schools’ superinten­ dent. "Our interest as a school system is to provide siudents and faculty with an alternative to mobiles, which are eco­ nomical, structurally sound, and safe. Dy erccling the structural cla.ssroom al Davie High we achieved those goals. After researching the ICS structures as an alternalivc to mobiles, il made sense." Scott Hansen, Andrew Hansen, and Richard Lewis of Insulated Component Struc­ tures stand outside the new classroom at Davie High School. C o m m u n it y C o lle g e O f f e r in g A d u lt C la s s e s The Davie Campus of Davidson County Community College will offer the following continuing educalion and basic skills classes beginning the week of Sept. 4. For more infomiation please call Davie Campus Office at 751-2885. Notary Public Education. This course satisfies state re­ quirements for cerlification as a Notary Public. Learn the gen­ eral powers, limitations, and re­ quirements for attestation. Par­ ticipants musl be ut least 18 years of age. Sepl. 9, 11. M, W, ^10 7-9 p.m., 4 hours Instructor: ip Luther Polls. Davie Campus, si 550. Textbook: Approx. $17. i Building Level II Stundnrd I Inspcclion Course. This course 11 fulfills the Code Oiricials Quali- 1 fication Board's prescribed train- '( , ,ing course 10 gain admission to ;the qualifying examination for a '■ i^i fStundard Certificate al Level 11 |i|(inspecling up to 60,000 sq. ft. |«t one slory, or four stories at 1,000 sq. ft.) or Level 1. Par- icipanls should bccome fainil- 1Г wilh the new codes for the year 2002. New code volumes will be used. Sepl. 6-15. F, Sal, Sun. 8 a.m.-5 p.m., 40 hours. Instructor: William Whaley. Davie Campus, $60. Luw and Administration (Code Enforcement Course). This course provides a basic un­ derstanding of the governmen­ tal and legal system within which every code enforcement official works, and prepares the participant for admission to the qualifying exam. Sept. 6, 7. F, Sat. 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., 15 hours. Instructor; Andrew White. Davie Campus, S55. Mechunlcal Level I Slun- diird Inspection Course. For individuals inspecting residen­ tial and small commercial work, the course provides a working knowledge of the code appli­ cable to residential and small commercial constmclion inspcc­ lion and fulfills requirements to take the qualifying exam for Lovell. New code volumes will be used. Sept. 7-15. Sat, Sun. 8 a.m.-5 p.m., 32 hours. In.struc- tor: Chris Nuckolls. Davie Cam­ pus, $60. c Using The Internet То Your Advantage. This course is de­ signed 10 give a working knowl­ edge of Ihe Inlemet for individu­ als that desire to u.se Ihe Internet for their daily businesses and for personal inlerests. Studenis will be taught methods for finding u.seful infomiation on the World Wide Web. Students will need a 3 1/2" disk. Prerequisite; Basic Computer Skills or previous computer experience. Sept. 4- Nov. 20. W. 6-8 p.m., 24 hours. Instructor: Peggy Grolberg. Davie Campus, S55. Lab Fee: $5. Textbook: Approx. $20, op­ tional. TRCs: 2.4. Adult Buslc Educutluii (ABE). Course w'ork is in the areas of basic reading, English, math, spelling, and writing; courses are available for non- readers. There is no regisiration fee, and books are furnished free. Section 201. M-F.!) a.ni.- l p.m. Aug. 5-Dec. 20. Davie Campus. FREE. Entry: Any Cla.ss. Room 202.Instructor: Slaff, Seclion 202. T,Th. 5:30- 8:30 p.m. Aug..6-Dec. 19. Davie Campus. FREE. Enlry: Tuesday. Room 206. Instructor: Staff. Section 203. T. Th. 3:30- 5:30 p.m. Aug. 6-Dec. 19. D;ivie Campus, FREE. Entry: Any Class. Room 207.1 nsiructor: Staff. Adull High School Dlplomu (AHS). Adull high school di­ ploma courses are for people who did not complete Iheir high school education. Courses are free. Transcript of any previous high school work is required. Section 201. M-F9 a.m.-l p.m. Aug. 5-Dec. 20 Davie Cam­ pus. FREE. Entry: Any Class. Room 202. Instructor: Staff. Section 202. T, Th. 5:30-8:30 p.m. Aug. 6-Dec. 19 . Davie Campus. FREE. Enlry; Tuesday. Room 205. Inslruclor: Staff. Seclion 203, T. Th. 3;30-5;30 p.m. Aug. 6 - Dec. 19. Davie Campus. FREE. Enlry: Any Class. Room 207.Inslruclor: Staff. All assessments for ABE/ GED and'AHS evening courses: Tuesdays, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. ESL...Engllsh As A Second Language. This program is de- signcdj^for adults whose lan- guage is not Englisli. Inslruclion is in conversation, pronuncia­ tion, vocabulary, basic reading and writing, .spelling, and En­ glish grammar. Inslmction is de­ signed for cach student's needs and ability level. ESL...English as a Second Language. Students progress al their own pace. Stu­ dents may begin on any course date. Courses are free of charge. ESL . . . Ingles Cuino Segundo Idioma. Se ha diseñado este programa para el adulto cuyo idioma no es el inglés. La ensei'ianza se trata de conversación, pronunciación, vocabulario, lectura básica, composición escrita y gramática del idioma inglés. Métodos de enseñanza se acomodan las necesidades y habilidades del participante. Los participantes progresan a su propio rato. Se puede empezar la clase en cualquier fecha. El curso es gratis. Section 201. T, Th. 6:30- 8:30 p.m. Aug. 6-Dec. 19, Davie Campus. FREE, Entry; Any Class, Room 203,Instructor; Staff, t (¡eneral Educalionui De­ velopment (GED). Designed as a means for adults to obtain a high school diploma credential. Students prepare to take the GED exams to demonstrate high .school competencies in English, social studies, science, reading, and math. The program is the legal equivalent ofa North Caro­ lina High School Diploma. The cost is S7.50. All assessments for ABE/GED and AHS evening courses; Tuesdays, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Section 201. M-F. 9 a.m.-l p.m. Aug. 5-Dec. 20. Davie Campus. FREE.Entry: Any Class. Room 202.1 nsiruct or: Staff. Sm/o/i 202, T,Th. 5:30- 8:30 p.m. Aug. 6-Dec, 19. Davie Campus. FREE. Entry: Tuesday. Room 107. Instructor: Staff. Section 203. T, Th. 3:30-5:30 p.m. Aug. 6-Dec. 19. Davie Campus. FREE.Entry: Any Class. Room 207 Instructor: Staff. For more information about programs or courses, contact DCCC Davie Campus 751- 2885. 1)2 - DAVIK COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Лиц. 29. 2002Davie Schools davii: COUNTV ICN TERPRISE RECORD, Auk. 29, 2002 - 1)3 Conlinued P'nini I’iiKc DI wiiy and al tho saiiii.' limc provide Ihcni wiili llic «pporliinily lo learn aboul our coiimr>'’s hcriiapc and whal il means lo l>e palriolic.1 he award is a silver medal or paleli and is purchased through Ihc Nalions Trail Organi/.alion. A portion of Ihc proceeds collected is given to America's I'und for Chiluren, a fund designed lo l)cncfil children affecled by 9/11. Founli grade sludenis of Judy While have becomc snoopy reporters. Working alone or wilh a partner, Ihey have chosen and visited classcs lo snoop around to see what they arc doing. As a prewriting activity, sludenis decided whal questions they would ask. Then the adventure began. They made their way lo each classroom to interview students and leachcrs. Some had to make appointments lo come .another time. One team, Megan Campbell and Emily Davis, was gone 10 Linda Drye and I’eggy Evans' kindergarten for so long lhal the class decided they liked kindergarten betler than fourth grade. When they relumed. Ihey said it took them so long because they had aboul 4(1 questions to ask. Students arc wriling drafts. Some have begun lo lype their reports. Pinebrook Elcmcntury Kindergarteners arc preparing for upcoming evenis. riiursday, Aug. 29 will he the annual Mother Ooose Day. Children w ill dress as their favorile nursery rhyme char­ acters and recite nursery rhymes. All parents are welcome. Kindergartener grandparents w ill be honored Sept. 4. All kindergarteners will be inviting grandparents to have lunch in Ihe cafeteria and enjoy songs in Ihe classrooms. Kindergarteners have sellled inlo Iheir routines and schedules and are learning colors by paint­ ing, coloring, and playing games. The Ihird grade focus is on emphasizing patriotism this year by saying Ihe Pledge of Allegiance cach morning followed by a Pa- triotic song. The songs they will learn Ihis year are: The Star Spangle<l Banner, God Bless America. America the Beauliful, Ihis is iny Couniry. Grand Old Flag. My Country Tis of Thee, Born in the U.S. A. and This Land is your Land. I'orth graders, with Iwo new teachers. Ms. Groce and Mrs. Davis, and two reluming teachers. •Mrs. Hartman and Mrs. Lynch, are in fora great year. 'Hie first weeks have been full of lots of challenges and aclivities. In math, studenis have been focusing on pattering. In social studies, sludents are ■studying maps and globes. Stu­ dents are learning priK'ess skills in science. Tiflh grade has a rainbow as a symlxil of teamw (irk to reach a pot of golil al the end of Ihe year. So­ cial studies sluilenls are learning about reading maps and the life of early sclllers, .Science sludents are invcsligaliiig wealher and climate in addilion lo gardening projects. Malh classes are off and running wilh studies of division, niultipli- calion. factoring and number sense skills. in music, kindergarten slu- ilenis have started the year hy hearing and moving to beat/no beat stMiiuls. I'irst arul second graders slarled vvilh a review of beal and will lead inlo rhythm and ils notation. Third through fifth graders begin the year by learn­ ing/reviewing note reading. Later Ihis semester fourth graders will be learning lo play mounlain dul­ cimer lo correspiind wilh Iheir study of North Carolina. Fifth graders w ill soon be getting infor­ mation on Recorder Karate and Ihe nilh grade chorus. Ms. Freiniulh, school counse­ lor, is looking forw ard to a won­ derful year for students and par­ ents. riie Character Kids program will iKgin next week. Skate Night is Sept. .1, S:.1() p.m. Admission: S.L.'iO. Pinebrook w ill receive Sl per paid skater. Given away w ill be 2001- 2002 l-shirts. walerboltlcs. and li­ cense plates. The PTA membership drive svill liegin Sept. 1, Membership is $.?. Cooleemee Kloinenliiry First grade is in the process of reviewing Ihe alphabet and corre­ sponding sounds. The children have been getting to know one aiu)ther Ihrough sharing times and various other uclivitics. Mrs, Wall and Mrs. Angus' sec­ ond graders are working hard re­ viewing in malh and reading. 'Ilicy ha\ c rcail I-rog and Toail Are Friends. In math, ihey arc prac­ licing malh fads. Kindergarten children are be­ ginning lo leam letters. I hey have meel new friends in the classroom called the Letier People, llie chil­ dren have been reviewing and learning new nursery thymes. Third graders in Mrs.Jones' and Mrs. McDaniels' class have iK-gun Accelerated Math. Tlie stu­ dents are working with the com­ puter. Mrs. Maurers' class is en­ joying a unit on Ihe Rain ForcM, 'Iliey have been involved inactivi­ ties across the curriculum. In so­ cial sluilies, the third grade classes are participating in a map sludy. They are learning Ihe continents aiul oceans. .Mrs. Culler's fourth gratle slu­ denis are situlying topics such as being animal habitats in science and map skills in social studies. Cluster students are studying Ihe novel Cliarlotie's Web while homeroom sludenis are studying Mow lo lial Fried Worms. Norlh Davle Middle Aces The Aces eighth grade team have been succeeding in their work and have shown respectful and responsible behavior. Thank you to Aces parents for sending in items on the "wish list." The first Aces field Irip will be Ocl. 11 to Stone Mountain Slale Park in the North Carolina nuum- tains. Informalion and permission slips will come home soon. Aces Prime Time classes have been doing different "gelling lo know each other" activities. They will soon be meeting with si\lh grade Prime Time buddies to help Ihem become better aci|uainled with North Davie and all of the advant;iges the school has to of­ fer, Studenis in Ricky Hendri.x's social studies classes have been studying local geography, Norlh Carolina celebrations and festi­ vals, and American presidents. Science sludents are working wilh hydrology and ihe many uses of waler. Angie Williams' math studenis are working on evaluating and simplifying algebraic expressions. Science classcs arc learning aboul motion and forces. Aces studenis are beginning their year in language arls on a musical note. Sludents are writing ballads using their novel. Where Ihe Lilies Bloom as inspiration for compositions. This novel about a family in the mountains of Norlh Carolina integrates with history and will prepare our children for their fall field trip to Slone Moun­ lain. I’liariuilis In Prime Time. Pharaohs are conipleling activities to get to know one another. Personal cari­ catures will be displayed in each PT meeting room. Aug, 14 was Egypt Day . Stu­ dents siudied Egyptian numera­ tion, made mummies, wrote Ctinlimicd On Раце D3 N O C onstruction Loan INTEREST $106,680 Cash Rebate - $5,CXX) o Spocioui living room and opon ^ kilchen wilh adjacent dining ioo<n ^ four bedi(X)mj ond two baths wS Opiionol potth ond olteinote moiter ^ bedfoom juite Bonus storage area ^ over optiona) goroge and optional boiementplan Shown with optional dooble garage '$116.669 Cash Rebate - $5,000 • o Open foyer, living room, kitchen with adjaccnl dining room and breoUost areas Three bedrooms and fwo and one- ^ half balhs, including fhe master bedroom ^ and both wilh garden lub and walk-in •S closet. Bonus room, optional garage and i olternate ranch bosement. Shown with “ oplionol brick exieriof and garage. - Q j U NATIONWIDE HOMES a ( h $123,453 i x Cash Rebafo - $7,500 O kilchen wi^h odjoining dining O) room, laundry room and greol '•£ room wilh optional fireploco. Ihree bedrooms and Iwo and one holf balhs including mosier bedroom "P and both suilo wilh garcion tub and ^ wa!k-in closet locoted on first level. ^ SiMing toom on second level wilh ^ opiional dormer Shown with optional double garage and wrap oround porch. 339 Highway 68 South • 336-8Ì2-3098 or 800-688-0818 www.nationwide-homes.com 231 EtiiomDOO Ortvc 207 HoKTM Caroiim Ci. SBR. 3 IBA. 3505 sq П.. loo many amonrtJtH to bst I $329,950.CAU CONMC 9 751^8565 275 Mamson Roao 2777./sq tl,. ja n , 3BA, 15 MofY 5269,900, Oiu (Жм e 751-«569 H O W A R D liEALTY Put our staff to work for you! Call us at (336) 751-3538 or Visit our Website at www.howardrealty.com Ш MLS 330 s. Salisbury Sl, (Comer Hwys, 601 & 64) Mocksville, NC 27028 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8-6 • Salurday 9-12 • Sunday By Appt 2278 & 2286 US Hw\. 801 Nofnw 4BR. ЗВА. on 03 acres wrth Stream $249,000.CAU EVELYN «751.8563 1 76 НАМИ ION Cou зва 2BA. 1 5 Ac pal bsmi. FP2p(rd\ ZtrasI $209.900.CAU ilMEd 751-8560 : |Ц:Ц*'Л| ‘'ji Histoncal 6ВЙ. 2QA. homo on 5.11 aaes, vsiVi immacuUito tarxlscapog CAU JANE @751-8560 4BR. 2BA plus 2BR, 1 BA homos PLUS addittonal 3 34 actes In Farmington. $185,000. CAU JANE or MJ. @ 751^8560 3203 Whitamer Ct. WS 13W- acros. 1,5 story homo, ЗВЯ. 2,5BA, 5194,900. 1Ш. MARY 0 751-8566 137 TRANQUlirTY Ln. Benrub Rir •> 2 5BA. surnxm. Lg USn owefstfedyg $185,900. CAUMARYorKVEXiy »•иптсл^ва ЗВА. pan. bsmi. 2 FP s. ЗЭгс.аЛЗ ÛC ¡r.^J $174,000. CAU UNE d 751^8560 ЗВП. 2ВА, 2 half BA. 2 stones hvith a full basement. $164,900. CAU CONNIE @ 751-8565 3 Bodrooms, 2 Baths, spfldous rooms, largo (ot. $162,500.CAU JANE <9 751-8560 Brick ranchor on 1.39 acres, quid neighborhood. $144,900.CAU GENA @751-8569 _ __________Noar Wake Forest. 3BR. 2BA, FP, secluded noighborh'd $124,900 CAU LEE <9 751-8572 3BR, 2BA. brand new t^ome, many amenities. $124,900.CAU CONNIE @751-8565 5060 Hwv. SOI North Г>^НП1о1 7, Ncuit Rd. Yaomwviiu 3BR. 28A. 1853 sq, П. гтюЬк) homo w'S.S oaos. $109,900. CAU JANE •751-8560 3QR. 2Ba. rxTw carpet. fuH t>smnt. muiti-tov. deck. $109,900.CAU iANE 9751-8560 3BR. 2BA. Historic District, 1,5 stories, basorrient. $104,900. CAU LEE @751-8572 3BR. 2BA on corner tot w/ 12x16 storago building $104,900. CAU KEN @ 751-8564 Now Const.. 3BR. 2BA cottage, Conv. in-town k)cation $98,500 CAU lANE <9 751-8560 ЗВЯ, 2BA. immaculale 1512 sq. ft. $94,900. CAU KEN @751-8564 ЗВП, 2BA, cathedral ceilings, 2002 Skyline tHH. $89,900. CAU CONNIE @751-8565 112 Raymond Si. 3BR. iBA. new сафо1. paini, vinyl, tua bsmt $89,900, CAU MARY «7S1-8566 Cozy 26П. IBA. cottage, in ground pool with fencing $82,900. CAU JANE @751-8560 1.5 acros. 3 BR. 2 BA. 1552 sq ft. nxibtlo homo $79,900.CAU CONNIE @751-8565 3 Bedrooms. 2 Baths, with wirod shop/garago. $74,900.CAU JANE @751-8560 ,22S4GKi.Ui;^itoSi. 3U3USHW4 64Еаъ1 243 Main St.. Cooiíemce 1.69 Town Center zoned district land. 2ВП, IBA. $74,500. QUIMNE 9 7514560 1 1 1 JOVNCR SlHirf 3BR, 1.5BA. cozy cottage, in town.Sellet pay$ 1/2 CC. $64,900. G«u CSm @ 751-8569 167 HLAffTHsioi Orivi Leuislon. NC, 2BR. IBA. iMidwood nooo. ,87oc. $69,900. CM IUE« 7514572 3WARD 751-8567 bmt Сгмк Ch. Rd W1U MT orvioe... 3 Bodrooms. 1 Ba№. ronovaiod. $68,900.CAU CONNIE @751-8565 newly Ready to rriove int 2BR, IBA. room for 3rd BR. $59,900.CAU KEN @ 751-8564 2BR. IBA cottage, new windows & siding, 1148 sq. ft. $59,900. CAU KEN @751-8564 3BR. IBA. fencod backyard, enclosed porch, recent updates $59,900 CAU JANE @751>8S60 2 Bodrooms, 1 Bath, trosh paint and now carpot. $49,900.CAU JANE @751-8560 Great 1 */• aao tot, maintained. $44,500. еда UNE® 751-8560 JANE»VtllTLOCK751-B560 BEVERLY KUSS 998-4156 Л\Л11 ,\Hl I 1 О I S ANI) 1 \М ) ANI) Kl N 1 \1 IM U )l‘l Kills ilCh.I1 ^91.97 Ae. S4l3je5 ^9.76ACW-M75.000 «J73W.Ac.Jl50.000 ..MAC* houM.Sl7S,000--------e.e4Ae.seo,000______2.19 Ac. 127.000 ilr. H«nrv Rd.. Kivdofl OrWa (COI C«d«rRid9tnd~ ------t.49Ae.S22.000--------«Ac. Me,ООО ~15.6 icr«tSI40,000 ^LtSKtu $1(0,000 ------2acr«i »S,000 S«n(ord A««.. 8мг Cro«k cru Rd.. Edwtrdt M_____ __1.4 w% $134,900__Hwy. 601 S107.250,.40.02 ac/ti S2S7.000 RENTAL PROPERTIES ..9.8 «er»! »7,500 ..2eer«t S42S.000 IseMoaltonRd..eU7 CMt*r Orov« Church Rd.. 29S llamM Ctuirch Ro«!......... Davie Schools Conlinued From l*ai*e 1)2 sitys about bciitj: ;i pliiiraoh in Ancient Hgypt, aiul inailc pctsonal carlouclios. Ill iiiatli. .siuilciits aiv stuilyiny the order oropciatioiis In solvini: ptohlcnis [\\\{\ svoikinj: wiili vari­ ables. Wealher is the locus in seienee. The social simlies classes are studying Southwest .Asia. In language arts, students are writing in journals daily, loeusinu on a quote thal ties it^ our scho^^l theme, "l-or the Health of It." Mocksvillc Kk'ineninry Terriiie Kids: Monili oi Au­ gust: William Collette. Kevin Sides. Jonathan Smoot. Jaeline Anguinao. Shaw na Spears. Dustin I lilton. Mia Byers. Nick Sinopoli, Hrianna Mtiore. Blaise Bennett. Tanner Nelson. Amber liasham. Chelsea Rickard. Nate Coitiad. I'li/aheth llollaiul.Colton Orrell. Brandi Howell. Kevin Arrei>la. Brandoi\ Koonu. Maya Isaac. Ale,\ls Murphy. Justin Boger. Ileath Nail. Tyler Ciaddy. Uyan Kuhn. Sarah SptMiaugle. Kyle Serin, Michael Schot>nover. IViyanka Barad. Tevin .Anthony. Ale.\ Costner. Heather C'artncr. Clay Cave. Ashleigh Davis. Ryan Brooks. I'rica iVehlcs. ( ’ourtney Machette. April Koih igue/. Janel QuiiUiila, Jacob Allied. Kehla I'llils, Kyan Moxley. Kierra Riv­ ers. Raheem Alexander. Jonathan Ow'ings. ('ourtney D.uiiels. Jake Potts, Ayana Banks. James Ray. I.auren Bailey. Student ol Ihe Week. Aug. 12- 16: William Coltctl. Alex WiKun. Daniel I'orrest. Brock .Allen. (\vnihia .Arreola. Kristen Ciillespie. Ahhy Daniels. Kayia Beck, Sarah Wishon. Nicole .Scott. Ale.x ( ’hurch. Lorena Millo. Sydney Meliride. Alii Dyer, Kendra Custard. Ashlyn Byerly. I'ichina Morrison. Jeremy Whitaker, lulgardo I'oies, Aaron 1-elder. Calah OswelL Matlhew Hursey. Wesley Johnson. Kails n Buss. Kirsten Hailey. Roger Adkins. Student ol'the Week. Aug. I‘)- 2}: Andrew Ashhy. liavan Jeiuiings. Kaniryii W'agner. Scih Jiuie.s. Logan Kt)ontz. Christopher Abbott. Olivia Bowman. Alexis ('alli.>on. La/aro Sanche/.. Slim­ mer Scardino. Nicayla Slate, Stephanie .Addington, Tia ('leni­ ent, Tyler Carter. Jeremy Doss. ,Alex ('ostiier, Anne Berkeley. Lclio Burgdofer. liric Schoonover. Jake Seaiord. Becca ('ook, Lli/a- beth Kennedy. David RiHltiui»e/. Briliany ( ’lark. Kristin l-erebee. Student ofthe Montli. .August: Jenny l.ori Robltins. Autumn Stewart, iimily Boger. Tatum Ldwards. Tabitha Mi>rris. Ahby Daniels. Chelsea Byerly. Megan Reynolds, Diana iMoure-Gareia» Jasmine Covell, Lorena Millo. Uacliel Williams. Ashlyn Blass. Christina Shrewsbury. Ashley Drake. McKen/ie Marshall. F-li/a- beth Santis. I^aritis Wilson, Tan- t\er Bailey, Kellie lii/enga. Den/ell (íarnK’ii. Lrin Desin>yers, Kalherine Quijaila. Brittney Clark. Avi Cionie/. (-ciriinl/er l-:iemenl;iry C’t)rnat/er BT.A's first fmulraiser of ihe new school year is utiderway. .All parents ate asked to participate by laking catah>g gill anil wrapping paper orders from neighK'rs. frieiuls and co­ workers. Orders are due hy i-'riday. Se|>t.banil tliere will he pri/es for ibe lop sellers in cach class. Miss Byerly aiul Mrs. IVeler’s third grader^are busy settling into a new school year. Now that they have take the LO(l prelest. stu- tleiils are exciteil ti> he on a nor­ mal scheilule. They are reading tlte luuel “Third Cirade is IVouble.” learning lo write pri)per senleiices and spelling new words, i lie class is also going over dif­ ferent thinking maps. In math, stti- <lents areciJueeuirating tm review Wiuk. As part ol iheir social stud­ ies class, sludents are liu)king al maps and globes, l.asi week, ihey met I'oxy. Ihe piipjiet. and learite<l abom ihe effects v>f vhugs on people in society. Mrs. Myers and Mrs. McBride's kindergarien class has gotten off to a faniasiic slarl. Stu­ dents have heen learning about ihcir classroom and scluiol rules. Almost everyone knows each other's name aiul the class has al­ ready maile three l>ooks, "All ,Ahout Me." “My rirst Day" and "Binkie's Scliool Bus Safety." Mrs. Myers is very impressed at how fast her siudeuts are learning. The new kindergarteners are also talking and learning ahout the let­ ters "M" and "S." Mrs. Dalton's kindergarten class studied the week of Aug. L^. r*.Ml Aboul Me" and ihe letter "M." Students read literalure to in- cmporate self-awareness, they painted and coliued a self-portrait, made a macaroni ‘\M," and began their.ABC hooks by writing words lhat begin wilh the lelter "M." They explored pallern books and teddy bear counters and measured school tools w ith niarshniallows. Sludenis cul oul pictures from a maga/ine thal represenled things they liked, glued them onto con­ struction paper, and then compiled them to create their first class book lor the Reading ('enter en­ titled "What We Like." The fea­ tured aulhor of ihe week was Rosemary Wells. Studenis learned lolsof inteiestiiig things ahout this anlhoi and read several differeni books written aiul illustrated by her. During the week of ,Aug. 19. Mrs. Dalton’s kindergarteners fo­ cused iheir altention on scluml bus safety and the letier “S.‘"Hiey dis­ cussed school bus rules and why il is important to follow tlieiii. In Ihe class literacy centers, studenis painled a yellow scho»>l bus wilh black wheels, and ihey also se- i|uenccd a morning hus ride activ­ ity sheet with pictures ihtat ihey colored and cut. Studenis also put ”S" pictures in their sock shajK'd book and w rote ahout wurds be­ ginning with “S" in iheir AIK' book, b'eatuied aulhor of the week was l-'ric C’arle. Students discov­ ered lhal Carle uses collages for his illustrations and lhat most of his hooks are based on nature top­ ics. They much enjoyed reading some of his Inuiks and studying Ihe illusiralions. Kindergarlners also ilhisiraled poems in llieir po­ elry journals lhat related to their weekly themes. Cornat/er I’H teacher Miss Reavis got her students off a flying start. All studenis are par­ ticipating in the Presidential Physical Pilness Tesl. This con­ sists of five activities sit-ups. pull-ups. shuttle runs, u-siis and a one-mile run. Sludenis w ill repeal Ihis test in the fall atul again in the spring lo determine how much tliey liave improved over the course of the year. C'ougars of the Week: Josh Lankford, /ack W'agner. Carrie Harvey, Sydnee Aulry. I.auren Taylor, Krisien I'rivetle. Adriana Moreno, I:Ii/abeth Ilow'ard. Daniel Beneii/, Amber l.ink. Nicky Allen. 'I'yler Robinson. Rrika Coffey. Chelsea Doulin. Candace Shrews-bury. Lorena Taia-.Amaro. Jerry Bales, Rachel b'ricchione. Toby Lee Williams. Jana Hughes. Cougars oflhe Monlh: I.inda W'illard. Kelsie Stanberry, Kalelyn Sammons. Kara Rice. Nicole Hernande/. Ale\ Myrick. Ansiin Whitaker, /ack Spry. Andrew Workman, Ale.x Abbot. Justin M ci’lannoii. Jose Dia/-()lea, Luke Taylor, (icralil Whitaker, Hunter Devine. Caiiilace Shrew buty. Kelly Howard. C'iera Beam. Kt»sa ITores. .Amber Arnold, Dillon Rothrock. 'These sludents w etc the guests of the Mocksville W'onian's ( ’lub at a special Iniicli held in the me­ dia ceniet. A reminder to parents: Wednesday. .Aug. 2S - Vene/ia’s Night; Thursday. Aug. 29 - |-arly Release day: b'riday, Aug. .^0- No scluu>l for siudeius; Monday. Sepl. 2 - Labor Day holiday. Ccniral Davic 'The children in Ms. Tucker and Ms. Beck's pre-kindergarten class have been doing all kinds o\' ac- liviiies w ill» reclatigles and circles. They have tracetl and cul, made yarn shapes and painted w ith rect­ angular shapes and ciicles. ’They began learning aboul palterning with colors and shapes, ( ’ongralu- lalions to Hank Potts for being the “Super Studenl ofthe Week," ('enlral Davie I'ducation Onlcr Developmental Day II sludents siudied shapes aiul colors. They talked about a dillerent color and shape each day. and did activities Nviib colors and shajK's. They made a Shape Big Book and are working on personal shape and color bmiks. Tliey discussed Su/.y C’ircle. Sammy Square, Toniiny ’Triangle, Ricky Rectangle and Stella Star. They talked aboul the colors red. blue, green, orange and yellow'. Student of the week is Draylen ('lenient. Developmenlal Day \ sludenis finished talking about ocean ani­ mals. They made a special octo­ pus W 'ilh a paper bag. 'They read the story ahoul the (lingerbread Man. On I'riday Ihey had a gin­ gerbread man snack. Student of the week is Beau Plotl. LOT 18 TWIN CEDARS GOLF COURSE IN DAVIE COUNTY .Mliuniliconl l.()l Wilh Giili CiiiirM' View s ,? Ik'ilnxiMis. 2 lialhs. IWX)-fsc|,ri. Master Hiilh u iih Walk in Cliiscl. W'hitlixm! Tull & Sepiirato Shiftver Kilclicn wilh Hreaklkst Hikiiii Livinii RiKim. Dinini! Rixini I.aii:e Twd Car Gar.igc w ilh O|vnor (ia> l.di; l-ircpiacc in Livinf! Rixini l.ari:c Uiilinisheil Bonus I.cils (if I lariiwiHxl FliHirini; Spaeidus l.aundr>' Rixmi llcaiilinil liriek aiul Vinyl n,xli;ri(ir Hiiver uiav eluxise Carjiers Outsiamliiii;atS15‘),'XX),(X) 998-248 for 284-2694 F h i;i :m \n C o m m ikci m , Ri \i l^ iv n FOR SALT. 1.4 ( I.1.MMONS. NOKIli ( AKOI IN A For Further i ; ; . ----------------- Information ’ Contact: . /> / > 'ifi, VJock Nelson r, ^ I . ® " '* ' • fS Í S , смм.MC ■ HI UANC ежи M : НАЛ ■ «mi ы AM-n&M I к IC' III 'IìI'IIIImII <l.‘»llîimll < l^'lllllMin« 1Пч|||<к''Iti- hlsti'lls. li.nln.' IH l>«uluv «.ииД1ЧоЩ\ЧчИ'»'1.Ч'; Ч il.i|irbt('lllllj| /.>14 .1 I.II |<loti''<IMII.<l. Il4-.llv.ll. ik'ii(.il. 'mxi.,il «itliu- II'I- .l'wl .lovi'Icii'iiwiii Я к у н и н а 1460 Necdn»oro Rd-Woodlcaf- Gut sahc»T«, n<Mf Ul rcoi, new AC I.32AC. Jtonge biiJiip. ïvofVÿcpi pOTiiie '«Jie fiittu«. HcíDc Vw-ii Wininf/ $58^00.cut Pitcr. 3406 Hwy 158- (jKorutfd ЗВЯ hofi«fttfi (icw lu'íl'cn tíe ссхлгсг tcpv íTplKfmentíi'fl V,b'vA,t^i Ionie г prat loosax J89.900.0BJani<corJ.vw. 1660 s. Marf)JcheAd Rood-Ctcmmom •Gjn¿e sfocr ркл’ 2 ««см лчЛ twndetíJ iK:p liti Lvjç rocnn. lo3 d ifditn. <ЗЯ. ЗЗЛ U/jc oii.'tfd iciTOicd pofüi md dixk umwxW tw trwt SÎ59.900. OB ).■«*. R E A L X Y In Mocksville 3 3 6 . 7 5 1 , 9 4 0 0 • In Advancc/Hillsdale 3 3 6 , 9 9 8 . 8 9 0 0 NlíW PRICE 109 Savannah Ct - Pnccd bckw .vpQiylAb3it i«v«,<ER.ISEA.«^\cçenlci;vr,luty.,bW-A ïcj cmí- loûkr* Ь-icvd (ixk lvini.yood toco i ЧЖICC^ $I96.WCil Rodney. 119 New Hampshire Ct - ВсзинЫ jil bftík !i gii tioivc wílBR. 2ЙА. I3S log fP. din.i’jroom w-lurdrtootj ficorj. i cjr цп^е Homeovvncr'i Аиос. providei uniform ImdiCJpinj. Ij^n mjint., entrante h pirk jfCi. $159.900. Call Mary. _ Щ ШШШ, NEW HOMES IN CHARLESTON RIDGE special Financing - Free Appliances Ш Ш Ш ^2000 Rebate to Buyer ir/(iccc/)Uihlc (ij'fcr 123 Cardinal - Loa d ^1гзЫс vforc foooge & jwragc. brjc $спм)Ы porth. Hjnd^min's 'Tooiunc" pnge. bf|c bundry v«h 1/2 ВЛ tjrgc BA whetted nil MíQjTí lindicap«ift qu« nc^iboif*x)d I frt)m t-40. $ 176.900. GUI J ^ c . 5347 Hvrt 601 N orlli • Boiuinut property fcjiurci 2 25 aerei of »oty private, laiidicjpcd land' -tBR. 3 full baihi' Larrc roomj. nrdcn tub i jkjflijht m тдясг batir Over ÎO00 sq ft SIIO.OOO.Cül Cirtdy. SOO Eabt Lake Dnvo • Invruaiite home vauted \ bф^ cofT«r be Locii brvtd nc«. Grrat rc^baUxyl ]BR.2BA.$l4UOO.Cüt Ku> 222 Gladstone Road • This cozy 2BR cottaro is pcrfcct for bu;eri *ho need i «nail home & low mjimenance.Updates include new windows, some new carpet & intenor paint tjrw masier bedroom i Iivinj room, laree Uundry room. J79.000. Call Mary. 126 Oak Lxaf Ct - Grtat rtew ccruouoon liome n popuiir Oak OtJtJ №e rfchd. jnat ciWe-oc loatKn.V^JwJcetIr(nlAónii<eeva£e.pefieaüx lu tme txiym $99,900. Cail 144 Hickory Troo Road • Mockj <i!le • Pcrfsci price' 3BR. l.SBA home in move-in condition. Could be a starter home or invevtment property. All appliances juy. paved drive, attic fan, pretiy ysrili bndstapmg.Only 583,900. CaH Glen. S223 Hwy.ÓÓl South- N<eher*сл],73кхт4- OwTy cabnta r) кдгЛел. Maurr bith v»nh piden tub. sepeQte double vincy Lot Ы spue. Pnccd tosa$72,900.Call Peter. 125 W Robin St • Elkins rtxm ior ihe (mJy BcjutAJ «voodtd ci/dc-uc kicatm Pnvax paia room Of<eicpiTiicйшпсс 4аЯ.ЗВА$М9.000.СаЛ Ijanie. 1б55И м ...|.ч»‘ .-i.wii 109 Aubrey McrrdI Rd - The perica starter hofpc! Gnat corner tec deck wajher/drjtr. n:fri^tor (o soy Pnccd co sd. $79.900. O w r^ РгЫфг. Call Debbie. M2 Hickory Drive • Southwood Acrcs PrMtY Cape Cod k>tated in peaceful well- esublijhed njhbrlid w/larM manicurcd lawn & convcnieni to city, 3 lg BR. ¿.5BA, full bsmt w/fm. den & playroom, great stora«, 3-ar bsmt garage hasscgjiorgJwWi^l^^ 230 Edgewood CIrtJe - 3BR. 2BA, brxk rvKhcr wXpdited carpet wiyl & wai^ijpcr. New couxertops S tic Л kitchca Plus 2 car aim. fcnccd ^ture& t staBbamwfock roonv$116,ООО.Call Mary Lynne. 4795 Hwy 801 South • This property includes i acres and two 2BR, 2BA homes, and a two-storykshop It has 2 scptjc systems a . $IQ6,QQ0.C4UQen. Give Us A Call To Help You Find The Perfect Home! 1996 Hwy 601 Soudi • Beautifully remodeled coiujeon.91 acre. JBR. l,56A.o»cr ISOO sq.ft. New roof, vm/1 Sidmg, thermal swing windows, carpel ihrou^ut. paint formal dmtng room, siittni room w/gas log fircplace. breakfast nook. $96,900. Call Briggett, 225 New Hampshire Court • Chimwig paoo henne vrtih ЗВЯ. 2B\ No bvn mammince. lar^ rooms, nuursl os rrukcs utifaou very bw. $146,000. Col Debbie or Rockwyi 123 Center Street, Cooleemoe • Nice surtcr or retiree home with 2BR. lBA.loaied in good area. Updates include vinvl, storm doors, new root. Ready to move tnl $S9,900. CaQ Debbie or Rodr>ey. Janice iMcDaniel Debbie Pennington .MarvlytmelUvsingcr Mary Hendricks m 'W yo9-u84 ' ¿9i-66ij ‘Я0-7077 il7 Wlndww • VtoiòtiU Cmly ho™ wiil 3BA. 2iB/^ bonus rova n detfabie ni-de-sac riM fomul OR. ÇU b j fp n «Л-«' ttowt A ир shotvcr in Mstr su(e. $ I ) 9,900. Cal pnie. 163 Peoptes Creek Road • Gtut upper wKh 6^ acres. Млкс iooticn. Land on be scU separatdy,$l 19,fOO.CaU Debbi« or Rodney. I Ì74 lerkho Churth Rd. • Immaculate^ kept 3BR. 2BA bnck ranch wiih lots of room! Cow FP m U & den. )usv outside ol lown. $| IB,ООО.CaU СЫу. Jtnie Minion971-8787 GlenSienlcy650-517»Peter Heaven!I98-io(7 BrijgtttFcrrtll 055-1849 jKliieCoulsion Doniu Pennington 751-9400 7i>-94"i> \ i s i l u s o n l i l l - w r h : w w \ \ , I 4 ' i i n i i i } ; l ( ) i i K c a l l \ , c ч и п ............m ..............I - m a i l u s a l iu K i( < < ’ 1 4 ' n n i n } ; l o H l i i ' a l l \ , i 4 > i n 1)4 - DAVIK C O I N TY KN TKKPKISK UKCORI). Aii}-. 29. 2002 Toby Bost To Speak To Garden Club riic M ocksvillc C'larilcii Club will have its llrsl niccl- ing follou in!; siiiiinicr vaca­ tion on Tlnirstlay. Sept. 5 al 7 p.m . at the rirst Hapiist Church fellowship hall. The gticsl speaker will he Margaret Jo Brock, secretary; anil Doris M iller, treasurer. The club hatl its annual picnic on Aug. I at Ihe home ol' Glen and Doris M iller in Garilen Valiev. Edith Grubb poses in front of a 58 pound waterm elon and two cantaloupes, weighiing 24 and a half and 21 pounds eacti. Ttiey w ere grown in Mocksville by Clifton G rubb. ■Poby Bosl. author ol' llie North Carolina Garilener’s Guide. The club welcomes uuesi and polenlial members. New olTicers for the year are: I’al Reilly, presiiletil: Anne Rollins, vice presideni: M e l J o n e s W i t h B l a c k g r a s s S a t u r d a y A t U n i o n G r o v e lilackyrass. reaturiiii: Ilal can blues ami guspcl inti) his I'he concert beyins at 7:.^() music. Joining Heaver will be Mar­ lin Hraekett, sniigwriter. Waile Watkins, lead acoustic guitarist. Daiuiy Wicker I'roin .Statesville on guitar anil Mel Jones of Mocksville on liariiionica. Heaver anil friends, will appear ■Saturday nighl al l-'iddler's (irove in Dnion Orove. Reaver, from Atlanta. Ga.. a North Carolina native, combines a knowledge of guilar and blues, of mountain folk lo Afro-Ainori- p.m. Aug. ?i 1. Tbere is no admis­ sion. hut an offering will be taken for Ihe band. Fiddler's Cirove is off N.C. ‘Л11. Take U.S. 64 West from Mocksville.Sarafi Clark enjoys a gam e at the M ocksville G arden Club picnic. Grimes Hancock holds a 14 and a half pound can­ taloupe grown by Arnold Broadway of Junction Road, rvlocksville. Schools Announce bay Care Openings The Davie County Schools announce day care openings for .4 and 4-year-olds, licensed teachers w ill focus on child de­ velopment and preparing chil- ifren for school, with a high teacher lo stuileni ratio. t he four-star ihiy care is lo­ cated at Central Davie Ilducatioii Cenler on Campbell Koad in .Mocksville. Appliealiiuis will be laken on a first-come basis. CoiUaet the preschool coordinator al 7.S 1-7704 for more infunnalion. O ak H aven ^ Realm s (336) 751-2055 Visit our website to view thousands of listings in the Triad area! Updated Daily! www.OakHavenRealty.com Nobody saves you money like Oak Haven Realty! jg Pf *1 -OP* Angio Lawronco Drad Lawren Broker Sales Agcn 250 Nebbs Trail ■ 232 Nobbs Trail $213,500 ■ 5 + acros $243,700 NewLlstlngl Now Price! Builders, sellers, or other realtors may offer to pay closing costs or offer other savings when you buy a specific home or pay a specific price, but when you purchase ANY home or land in the triad area using Oak Haven Realty you can receive an ADDITIONAL 1% off the final purchase price! Just our way of saying "Thank Youi" Call for details! LAND & LOTS 5+Acres • Whip о Will $78,600 N ew U s IIn g 5 Acros - Whip О Will S75.000 SOLD 5.87 Acres - Sain Rd iS S ,ООО N e w L is tin g Lot 16 Charloston R)dgo $21.900 N e w L is tin g Sellers our commission is as low as 3.9% ! Ifii Wi(({esi. ШП lii.îfts к Seaford • $339,000| ^ H o u s e r R d * $255ДХ) irrrr¡ г п п Я « а д hiressMî home n Bemucb Ru\ 4400f/- sq. ЗВЯ. 3.5EW hoiiie on 5 »/• лс.ft wflli SBRs. 4Í1AS. Gdf CCU5C view. 3000t/-sf. Lots of features.F.*mi hoLEe cham, 2+/-X , p x i, гмлгу, grdcffs crihnnl & Сал±ю. Add (X avTiiable. Kjckit Elinbdb Wi(({99^Gtli ш т Ш Ш Great horse farm on over 13 acres. Fefxed and cross-fenced with pond and bam. 3738 Hwy.80! N • $245,000 w vv.SWMRcallDrs.coni Mocksville: 336-751-2222 Clemmons: 336-778-222 2 0 8 5 ^ f c ^ d ^ 1 9 ^ M |2 0 7 йф Ь Rciedge Rd • $J82JD00 horse fami with 18.5 ac. 3BR/2BA Restored i.imi houso situated on farm styte home. 40 Acres w/landing stnp 2477 Hwy 801 S. • $169,500 k m WiittB 909-3}) I Beautiful home on cofner lot in Imniacufate Condition' 3BR/3BA fnshd и1-гт Adoríitíe home n country neighticiftxiod' 1мпд areú open to kjtcnea User btcnty floorptìn 123 Redwood Dr • $126,500 | ^ 9 BientwoodRd - $123300 | )7i Edgevrood Circle • $119,900 3BR. 2BA. Rock hrepiace, qas logs, deck, storge building, emaculale umdsc^pmg. 159 Crestview Dr* $112.900 1Ч»зЫе Líase Pirchascl 3BR. 2BA. Bncli neat homel l^xiated motr»ichhomew/fncdyTd.Fiiltwsement 3 Bcdrooni. 2.5 Bath, 2 Fireplaces, w/basement Great horne . 1500t SF, fresh painted, new carpet, wnyl & more updates 3 ac. Wood home 2600*/- s.f.. 4BR, 3BAs. Gcmvn fvcplace. hot tub. wrap around porch, delachcd garaqc & more. Beautiful bnck home w/ over 1800 SF and a full bsmt. on 3.5 ac Bf^nd new constajctioni 1400+A SF, 3BRs, 2BAs, full basement. jy ^ jillè i iniijln Impressive 3BR/2.5BA home with large living room, sep. breakfast and dining, unfinished bonus room, lots nnore! 3BR, 2BA horrxj in greal devek>pmeni Excellent corxitionl . New home on over an acre. 1500+/-SF, 3BRs, 2BAs. 397 1 I . Charming in downtown f^lisviUe. Under complclc renovation. 3BRs, 2.5BAs. Spacioie floor plan w/2000t/- SF, 4BRs & 2BAs. &eat downtown location 422 Pleasant Ac *,$99,900 OiaHeston Rid^ '3BR, 2BA. All appliances induded. A great vak>e.Great homo wth 1200+ASF, 3BR5.2BAs 3 Bedroom. 1 Bath w/basement in YodkmiHe 95.000 I 7045 H w ^ 0 ^ $93,500 3 Bedroom, 2 aith, HSlSq. Ft, Complotcly Updated! 3 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath Cute bnck ranch on 1.68 aoes 3BR/2BA b ^ hoo'ie on 1.20 acrcs wtth S(Woous3EiR/2BAhofTtf, L»oe open floor pUi. Just l*e new* 3BR. 1.58A. bnck hoftie. Lrn U■ * " ‘ ‘ ................... ..... ac. tot. Compkstdy fcmodeted Uvougftout.Scflcf to pay $2000 m buyers ckKinglnicc MXkshop. corx^'ctc drrveway, srnaO Li^e bock dccit. bciutifii bnüscapng on over ac. tot. nfvrh * —— —•- Call For M ore G reat R esidential & Land Listing! We Ш кш Ut 1арреи»..У§у Make It 1®ме1 Mocksville Office: 834 Valley Rd. Suite 100, Mocksvilie.NC Clemmons Office; 2419 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd., Unit I, Clemmons,NC 3BRs,lBA hofTio in great condition. Urge lot 285 Whitney Rd. • $7^900 3BR, bnck ranch home w/full basement bving room & large den. 1 .Л ......I M LÒ Sffvmq You With Member^^^ф^ ur Winsloi» Sjlfin Bodtd of Rejltoi'i Muli^lr Listini^ St-fvui- it-ilifu-il (oiiiitu-ni,il liivt-aiii«-nt 4j-iiib«-i ■ ((IMÌ t iioliit.i Rt\il Dit,: iljlfw idr '.•iiiitu-i Í I,к ' Nrl ■ I utluHf n I ll luUntj ^ ' liU*4U.iUv)''cU .Иь,и Sr . ц !•> Í Southern Junction To Be At Center Fair Soulhem Jiniction, a five- piece bluegrass band from Con­ cord. will he the featured cnler- tairnnem al ihis year's Cenler l air and Uarbeeue. The band will begin perfomi­ ing around I p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 14 under the 1 lisloric Cen­ ler Arbor and will play for an hour and a half l-'ans describe Ihe band as having an original, eon- lernporary soimil solidly rooted in traililional bluegrass music. The membevs - which inehide Hob. Tcny and Todd Shue. all of Concord. Mack Waison of Char- lutle aud liddie Carr of Salisbury ■ bring a combined total of iiuiie than 120 years of musical ability lo the hand. Soaring, harmonious vocals, lightning-fast inslru­ menls and imiipie nuisical ar- tangeinents hest char;icleri/e the band's sound. Southern Junction’s repertoire includes a variely of songs, drawing I'roni various musical genres and even hlues. All ofthe members are beconiing known for their simgwriliiig uilent. The hand's 2000 release titled "Kight Hand Man" featured 10 original songs, and a recording scheduled lo he released in Oeloher will I'ealured 1.1 original tunes. Over the past nine years. Soulhern Junction has won nu­ merous band and individual awards in regional music com­ petitions. including .12 llrst-plaee band awards. The groups has also opened for several nationally- known nuisical acts iri'chiding cinmlry niusie star Killy Wells and bluegrass acts Laurie Lewis and Grant Street. Blueridge. the Met’eak Brothers, and Ihe Keno Brothers. ‘Harry The Dirty Dog’ To Open Arts Council’s Children’s Season the Davie County .\rts Council « ill continue ils 2002 - 200.' .Season. "Caleb a C\)ii- neclion to the ;\tts". with I larry Ihc Dirly Dog. The I'arradiildle Players, the tinning cinnpany of the ('hilihcii's Theati'e of C'harlolle u ill perform this play on Mon­ day. Sept. 0 al 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. al the Block I’erforining •Arts Center. fi22 N. Main St.. Mocksville. Harry is a very dirly dog who Nimply hates to bathe. When he hears the waler lun- ning in the biithlub. he promptly buries the scrub-brush and runs away from home. Harry soon misses his fainily, hul will he find his way home again? Come and find oul al Ihe spe­ cial season-opener for children. Studenls help the actors bring the slory lo life in ibis au­ dience parlicipalion version of Ihe classic children's book. As a special Ireal, a balloon atlisl will perform hefore Ihe show. 'I'ickels are ,SS for adulls; Sb for sludents /senior cilizens: and .S.'i for groups of I.'i or more, l-'or inlormalion call the Arls Council Box Ol'fice: 7.‘il-.W01) or e-m ail: l>oxi>IJii i‘(a ¡tin ii'iirlx.iiif;. L ib r a r y B o o k S a l e S e p t . 2 1 - 2 2 The Davie Couiilv Puhlic Library annual book sale will he held Sept. 21-22. I'he sale will lake place in ihe library’s mullipurpose room. .171 .N. Main Sl.. Mocksville. from 8:.1() a.ni.-.l p.m. on Saturday. Sept. 21 and from 2-,‘i p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 22. Paperbacks will be sold for 20 cents each, hardbacks for .“iO cents. Spccial ilems will also bc available. S p ecia lizin g In H orse F arm s, L arge A crea g e & L uxury H om es janel Hensley For more information contact Janel Hensley » 336-998-1153 coLoiueixBANKGtRQ TRIAD, RhAUOHS ''' ^^1.- tllLMi Giubb 1 ... ‘ . :;:i.... ■ C O L O U J e L C ^ ^ B■ B A N K C R □ BETTER THAN NEW! Brick ranch w/3BR, 2BA, very nice, split bedroom plan, reirigerolor, concrete drive, owner re-located. Seller wHl oj$isl wilh closing cost with occepfoble ofler. A great buy! $I04,M). Coll Ellen today! 940*7692 c o L o i u e u .B AN K eR S TRIAD, REALTORS- LOG HOM E SEM INAR SponsorucI by B E A R C R E E K L O G H O M E S Sleep Inn Hwy. 421 and 601, Yadkinville Thursday, Sept. 5 7-9pm A H yo u e v e r need to k n o w a b o u t b u ild in g y o u r d re a m h o m e. B rin g y o u r p la n s a n d id eas! B u ild e r an d m a n u fa c tu re r to be p re s e n t. R .S .V .P . su ggested. Call 336-492-2804 DAVIK COUNTV KN'I KRPRISE RFÍCORD, Aug. 29, 2002 - D5 In April of Ihis year, Soulh­ ern Junction was invited lo ap­ pear in a television show lilled "Carolina Calling" hosied by Arlhur Smilh on UNC public television. The band e;\n be seen in a Him lilled " riiis Mornenl in Coui(try"currently playing in the Country Music 1 lall of Гаше in Nashville. Tenn. l-or more inl'orinalion aboul the band, visit ils web site at www.soutlienijunclionband.com. A new department in this year's Center Fair is Ciafls by Persons wilh Disabilities. The categories, which are divided into two groups. 6-12, and 1.1 and above, are as follows; Crayon Artwork; Paini Artwork: Pencil Arlwork: Photography: Counled Cross-slilch: Miscellaneous Craft: Models; Woodwork: Best Craft Collection: and Best 1 lobby Colleciion. Prizes in the categories will be ,S2 for firsl place and SI for sec­ ond place, with the CNceplion of Best Craft Collection and Besi Hobby Colleciion. Prizes in ihese IWO categories will he S.l for llrsl place aud S2 for seconil place. The non-winning cniries in Ihis deparimeni will also receive a ribbon. l-ntries will he ;iccepled l-'ri­ day. Sepl. 1.1 from -1-4 p.m. and Saiurday, Sept. 14 from 7;.10-') a.m. Cenler I-'air catalogs are available at the Davie County Kegislcr of Deeds office and the Davie County Agricultural lix- lension olfices. FOR SALE BY OWNER P r ic e R e d u c e d !!! $159,900 288 D og w o o d Lane, M ocksville. Hrifk rancher liK'alcd on a nice wtKxiod lol in c^ccllcnt ncit:hIx)rh(KHl. 2.(K)() sq. It,. 3 2 balh. 2 car jiarajic. lia'place. spacious sunro«ini. \v/ ilcck. lull bascincni. Call 751-3436 Spillman’s Land & Home Sales 1600 sq. ft. with fireplacc. Includes lot Just $88,000 1700 sq. ft with Natural Gas. Includes lot Just $109,000 Like this...2000 sq. ft homo with 5 acrcs. Just $118,000 Come see our Home/Land Package '^Deals'* • Size o f Lots: Vi to S acres • Size of Homes; /250 to 2007 sq.ft. • N atural Gas available • Located in Davie County • Easy access to 1-40,1-77, 1-85 and Freightliner • 4 miles to Mocksville • 11 miles to Salisbury • 11 M iles to Cleveland CaU Roger, Shannon, or Siacee ioilay! Hwy. 801, Cooleemee, NC (336) 284-2551 I ) « , - , ^ 4156 Clemmons Road r U i l c I i i i ^ l i Clemmons, NC 27012 Carolinas Realty (336) 7t4-4if00 Call today to get the answers to even your toughest real estate questions. Check O u t These L istin g s 6575 HARRELL DRIVK - IMafftown - S 16,900 Nicc level lot in quiet conimunity 150' road IVonlage. Well & seplic on properly but nol guaranteed. Call Belli Atkinson 4872 .IQSMUA СТ.- Dar Ridyo - SI27,«00 Beautiful iiome on eul-de-sac lol in e.xeellent location. Open Family Room; Kitchen ct Breakfast area with split bedroom design. Home like new! Call Sandra Johnson 280 RIVERBF.NI) DR - Benm ida Run - ,S279,000 Great golfcour.se lot. [Entrance has Alrium w/lbunlain. Sunroom w/briek lloor. Romanlic courtyard off Kitchen. Call Bev Supple or Ciloria Matthews, 142 NORMA LANK - Advance - $139,900 Country Living Convenient to City & 1-40. Security System. Like New interior, updated tile baths and kitchen countertops, new laminate wood lloors, Berber carpet. 2 acres w/bcautiful hdwds! Call Sandy Dyson or Kathy Phillips H a v e a S a fe & H a p p y L a b o r D a y Tanglew ood A gents ?t44*n G‘.' I*.'irc«l I 7H4Í.-, .--.V'br-/(4 ЛЦ,:U4U7?U44t' t'j'i'ee n.-»!*’.M444,. cr7U4»'e »'¿'Г-сгГвг bu-:--. 1ГЧ.ГТ4, Vs». Ü tiJI.VJ i'.il.viLi.r-' 71M4I0 'Í4Í-40I8 Tt4M5J П4 44Н 7tl44U »ejl?0714 44J9 An Independently Owned and Operated Member of Ihe Prudenllal Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. • Equal Housing Opponunrty OAVIE COUNTY OFFICE Inteisection of Hwys 158 & 801 336-998-8816 Relocation 1-800-327-4398 W H A T E V E R IT T A K E S ; Ш w w w .c o ld w e llb a n k e r.c o m 'if (ain <t <4.mutUHÍfy tu m n ir a /tome., 'Г1к' periecc iruni л busy llícsiyle... Л neighhurhood U) enjoy, ÍíIIlmI wilh frifiully pt*ople.. * l*av<4l IVails (or Walking .uul lUkln« ■ Lu.Mirioiis. Alíuiilolsle Попнчн• si.so.ood-s.ìoo.ono* Anr.ii’iivf i;iiuy> l)i4i>raiivL‘Stii'i'l LiKlitin^> N.ilur.il I'.irk All'.) • lì.i/1'tii)* li'nni.s Courts 204 JJUKS «АГ KMWU lUM DAVS 4ВЯ65*BA IM yj!fl( fion>: Mht Wite»' is lecogni/eij » a livir»j Miire txxr«A/c^l:rtíJal iHi'ij ol )W pjy a loufnw ln.nI trfijnci S co.tied rtííhli {•п.’шге me tiorl i tf.u ebilions Sally K«cGui;e УИ- tlS5 $00.000 112 E UJUMTM M DAVI 46H ЗВА 6 ЬШViAji Utejítn ш cotr« tHífc on Sp-KiOuí Jibis tr/üo'jf»*.! lol olJíitujijo 6 FPs, irinned LUTfW"'/ updít^ kllchen, Ion aVii'jl nn riUuie К VüiFlMMrg Ií6;nM.000 141 MOMWI UNE DAVIE 3^^ ?iPA U ЮА.С I.Vnd j VJIÍ.1Í j'rií!'.,]“1ГкЮ Ifn^ lKiihx.('«.-d D-l t>w'fMm k'.vl rrjilit r.xíPí nr.’ofi;k.iaiii Piia'i; vitrf.u i<,iai -х<» ruiuajnW L( el l> í.l.iil ач.'.1Г| vul-í íi.uU4A¡i. n'Л9-П*.4 $429.000 lOT 49 RÍOUNO WAY DAVIE :irH tlibijl i>ü cimmji.;)/ i-f.V 2 " liU” 1 -Sj'[ lCiti.41 pl,in U'l 'lili rtil. Klloltì ? t«Jlli.S (II V kil A.'ni-k l.'.ll'lij [ktfri, tll^k .1/1(1 irn, --'iWbl ЮТ6С0УШ0ТО11СШ1Ш1Е4ВЯ 2ÍUVii;fl|i iltltiW flutti miti full {ki'rfii.;i.l *.1П iji-ii lí ultiu; CúTVtt'iití Itiil oKris tfiw/s, I'jIitnJ vlitrli *rk/li‘e tr,iils 3nJ ,ii-ut ; * ------$229.94v,vl’biíV .ïi-i Jotij'ivjn • 'ЙЗ-Й/Í -W.9M соимшммшгшжта. WlbMMHlwMlrtilIn • Ж*>»"*»Л«"И»Ч|1~.. ■ * m yillliuww trflM |Hi<Í< . lOT 43 МГШММЕ FAMU OAVIf ЗВП2'ЛК ftuí uí* to íuüur^t Ito <wi rwit Lteirvj f*i t;oo(í in (j.fiimj kiicfwi, Wlil A eniii, liii taiMnoil l.yiüs io«ti. ¿PjJi nhiiificúl A mue' Со LiilaJ «iih Monte Шв - ш т * Víki íkíTioQ • yj3-116/ $203,500 1S4 HAMATOa CT OAVK 3BR 20A &>.iut:y Л rvi-rüirttj ЦПЛ Wl B^'CC S(i.icic«j% i fieulijl ikcor «ili гти^е )и>г It.nvjs til in iieitoitlí Ufii m Itt yjmcx-'ntaiiioina ciostí m trd\’r(■ncludt-d Cm/Jofifiscn-DOe-lU/$in,900 lOT 4 RCOUNO WAY OAViE ЗЬН 25.ÍU SiÀiiKn} 12 ceii.ng'.'fi'it.W£ ык Joel Ji“,ii;ii l'i ru!i.tjl (}is Cünvnuiiit/ KlîJtll *,'м4к l^livl S tii< htrk yiUsIi. fwn'.il (lifiinî (j;e.it ti,o<4 a'ijis l»)f P. '«'.'il tWïïss 1ЫЯ1 Hxv.i“ Lm JLCrtS tü 1-40 V<»i fbrüig - Uid 116? $196.500 LOT 20 UDUIO WAV DAVIE M .fA OneItvtl «ilti 4'i.t trtliuir Ijftje kiitfifi *1 liLinJ CjMi plJii l.ui)* lo.'iij pcicli on ÍÍOÍ iMi/} 1аИ ()ir,t»| CiJ li'J *|!Г1 Ctms (iji-Vf Cm.VJüli'vn-Vja-11ÜJ195,900 176 OOIFVIÎW DR BERMUDA RUK QAVIE4ВЯ 3t)A i-GliB .in otlfi' üpliorui niaitoisfun U Et'tinudi Run Cíoll A Couiiti» Club '?{ucious Itre üiiidifig ijoil JmtUinium iJicms d.'iiiwjU'"jv SunftxKii й,к1 till лНЫг ' tv.iyv7iiiiiVK.kiFidiiri(j '»а'Иб/ $179.000 'tttrleO IH ctA fm lt бшЬмАйсп N(kyCoek œBrUJi.-, OirtsüMt ’ 106 CO^UMTON MIVE COVIMTON CREfK BAVll .3H :w Lfarrfti-g u« bd, U* irji'-t-глте kii*: in [«4xjLu OpenI'M (Ul. tuiM и Mi'Jrt vjitp л;'*1ш!1юи1 lutí'JI)Ul'l’J CtUllGj'feV'je- lltoÍlM.900 154 UTTU JOM OMVE DAVI 36H JBAGiejl bicá г^псЛ Ugt: yaid «itri (ouii lo pU/ pibi nice Uf« lietrs I ai arucheJ «■poít P^KjcíinsaiWa П5в$139,Г“ LOT 113 MTE« РАМ DAVI ЗОЛ 2ÜA UUeцзиг leni doiuis mean tmiH Ihis m^ly conMfutleO one lerel hune cfleiî ì Uíge ÿeal loan With lugs, Me tucL'jitisfi A (ukc.¿mirtry iiira kitciien, OouDe ли and ше • VKàiFien;.{>g906-1l6^$tÌ,9lB ЮТ Ш MYERS PARK DAVIE 7W IBA Hiss)VUl LUI>l!(Xll (y.Otlt)'|V, IlIcVLlU ID Il«ll4 toon lurth CO'JNI« Л Ijurvjiy foan on kitclen lots cl kil ul)in(.‘(s. a 6' lAiJe йтар aiound c»reie>l Lvk ns RAtUOAO STREET OAVK Ы Ш Giej]152 KMMOOU RlOei BIRMUOA МЯOAVII iBH m Or< ol a kinû end um| ■*/ iitciW.LIe of tie goll couise & LiW intdixjd^ use Ы Ion plus slix)/ abote tfejl iix<r lure йАИЧ. Ulil,Mii tm tivtso(r.s A mc'K AHS Aifianl/ Vicki (krfr,ii4 908-116; $144.100 . OiOü 1 (oldwoll iliHikff Re.j| Isidif CoipoMlion, (oldwcll HJnkftip Is д tcqlsk‘tc(J Ifjdcmjtk o( CoIJwcH Bjnlict Coipofation, An [quji OppoUunity Compjny, [quoi Moiislnq Oppotiuiiity iotli OKicf is mdcpt'tidonlly Owned ond Operütcd. puicn A an (Xjlii'jf sloij-K loan G-nl Pwl.k W8-tt"*-------3-ttU|74.IOO cutUQt' *I»I fTianv updJles. ne* tJipH, vm,l 111, Wau lelin, ujHijt«! kitciicfi, all ¿{!{)luncf5 ttit-ain Woluk'itui loi VJ ».те IvímIs uiuk-ilfluiril [litYiGiLiUJ9'Jd'tîbâ$72,000 521 PUOOM RIME ROAO OAVIE ?6Я IBA1 ?2AC ffcit W Pudilirm Goll С01Ш Part of land goes xioss slnri PuUic aaiVible PtiW W Iw ani4t ûouLie ot »НмсуИмЫ,АпЫаМ1мuoMMp«m SingifAiili' Still«: sysiem *o<jld lo k> updilitl Call Jjncl Hiiisley «8-1153 $35,000 SS«ШПмЦ 99SHMni-iiuwnm 99f*mim ttntfO -ltlt H t'tlSItM'IIU IH 'TtU ‘ I9WI«m-iiir . m«un ,tfl-IT If m-TUé . V,w w w 1)6 - DAVIK COI N I'Y KNTKUI'UISK KKCOKi). Л»«. 24. 2002Davie Dateline F u n d r a is e r s Saturday, Sept. 21 4lh Ammiil Ride Гог Animnls, ri(k‘ Ntans 11 *i.m. .11 Masonic Picnic' Groumls Ivhiiul Иг»ч:к ("cnlcr. Main Si.. Nhvksvillc. Cosi a\u. I'cc. N|xmsor>lnps available. Inio: 75 ) -5214 or www.ilavicnclunnanc.orj:. prc- scnlcil by Tbe Humane SikìcIv of Davic Guinty. R e lig io n Ongoing Prcschool/Puri'nl.s MoniinK OiH. Hclhlcbcn\ I ’nilcil NkMb. Time: a.m.-noon. Ages I Л: 2 • M.Wor T. Th. Th.Aw 4 A: 14c- К - ihrccor lour (lays |vr week. Call 99S-iiS20. IVcscluHtl/PiirciKs MiirniiiK Out. Center l/niied Meth.. Ages } \ 4 Mon.. Wcil.. I-ri. .S:l(ta.m. - \ \:.4) a.m.. Call 'Ш-.П53 ог4'^2-5735. Revelation Study.e;ich Sim. niyhi. 6:30 p.m. At Shctllcltl Music Hall. IntcrNCCtion of SlielTielit Rei. Turkeyfoot Rd. Kveryonc uclcomc lo attend. IkTore School Program for Shady Grove Sludcnts, avail.iblc Mon.- Fri. Ivjiinninj: f) a.m. at Ailvance UMCCvMnnumiiy BUij:.Scluvolbvts arrives S a.m. lo take chiltlrcn lo Sluuly Grov e Elcn\emary. CaU (H9‘) (nr Ices and inlo. Aminu iS; itihle Studv. Wedncs- ihiys III 7 p.m., iio|h: napiiM Tahcr- Davie Збпюг Games P U B LIC N O T IC E S DAVIli COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 29, 2002 - D7 H o t d o g S a l e T h i s S a t u r d a y Holdoiis tt ill bo Mikl from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. .Salurday. Aug. ,M lo I'oncfU ll\c C'ootcciiK'c I'irc I3c- parliiK'nl burial lumi. TIk firo itoparlm cnl rcccnlly paid for Ihc fuiiL'ral o f a m cm - l)cr wliose fam ily couldn'l afford Ilio burial. Dolivorios aro availablo. Call 284-2.1(U. Thc holdogs will bo sold al Good .Shepherd lipisco- pal Church. DHS Class Of ‘84 Plans Reunion Tho Uavic High Class of I9S4 will have ils somianiiual re­ union. an informal gol-logolhor on Doc. 26 I'roni 4-.S p.m. al iho Urock gynmasiiini in Mocks­ villc. All class niomhors aro wol- conio. If anyono knows a mem­ ber. llioir leiephone number, ad­ dress or email address, coniaci Kcrw yn Wilson al 4‘>2-2.‘>15 or кегн'ут\‘Им}/1(*1 niM i.i'tun or Cammio Webb al Cnnm iif»fhl’(“ (I'll <4111. Cana Club Donates To Cancer Services Tho Cana Home H.Mension Club met Aug. 22 al iho homo of President Ruth Hssic. There were 10 mcnibors presenl along w ith visitors Leila Essie and Natalie Ireland. A backpack was rdlod with school supplies lo donalo lo W RU school. Each member brought several itoms lo contribute. The nienibers sol Ihis meoling aside for working on a serv ice projecl. I’illowcases wore made for pil­ lows lo be dislribiilod to new breast eancor patients after sur­ gery. The will bo given lo Can­ cer Services. Inc. This was also an opporlunily for a hands on sewing lessons. Some of the members had never used a sow­ ing machine so our more e.xpc- riencod soamslross inslnictod on sewini;. Laying out a pattern, culling il out. and operaling a sewing machino wore somo of tho fun. After all the work wo enjoyed a delicious homemade poach (lessen mado by our host­ ess. Ne.xl monlhs meeting will be Sept. 26 at 7:00 at the Cana School building in the Cana Communiiy. If you would like lojoin us please call ihe Corpo­ rative Extension Service al 751 - 3679 fbr more infonnation. nacle. R e u n io n s Sunday, Sept. 8 Annual H<KK- Rennlon. at W RD I-ia* lX*pl, fcllousliipt'n’ni I l:.V)a.m. until, l.unch u ill Iv al I p.m. S p e c ia l E v e n ts Began Sunday, Aug. 11 Steprasl IJfestyle Seminar, SuihI.iv cxcnincs p.m.. nms 12 weeks al Mivk.s\illcSc\cnih-l).iyA(l\cnlisirvl- Kmship Mall. Call 4‘)2-:4i.S or 402- 7^>2iMO Prc-R'cistcr. D a te s to R e n ie n ~ ilx ;r Tuesday, Sept. 10 Primary iv School Hoard Kleclions, i>:.l(ta.ni.-7;.i(»p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12 l)a»io I Mill'd .MiihcHlisI Mission Hoard. Hxee. Coiiim. al (1:4.“; p.m.. Cicii. Bus. at 7;.^() p.m.. at Conconi l;m c . M e e t in g s Thursday, Sept. 14 l)a\ie I nited Methmlisl Mission Hoard, i:\cc. Ctunm. al i>:45 p.m.. Cicn. iUis. al 7:30 p.m.. at Conci>ul UMC. ()iii;i>in\i .Mocksville .\A. Thurs.. 7 p.m. - clt)scd mini:. Sun.. S p.m. • open mini-. Call Christine at »m-'»S.S5 or Terry')40-5‘M4. Narcotic.s Anonymous .\cainsi .All {.XldsCiriHip. Svnulas s.(> p.m.. I liups- (I.i\ s. S p.m., KiMim 2()S, iiriH-k Midi;, liruu l*rohIeni? Helpline. 'M(l-7H5- 72SO. Mocksville .\nuTican I.eulon i’osi 174. Vl-W Hill. S.inlnnl A\c.. 2nd riuirsil.iy. 7 p.m. R e c r e a t io n Iñ)rnioie inl'onnalion on ihcsc events, call 751-2.^25. Line Dancing ranninjilon ('omnuniily Cenler. liv­ ery luestlay. (\)si: ">2. Inslniciors: SlevCi^ Linda I {alley. I't)rm(fre inlo. call 75I-3S4S. Rec Club Hclofc lS15M*r alien'>25iscluH>l and oul ol scluKil proi!iams. Keyisiralion o|vn. GoodTimersSquareDance Dance Lessons $5 jvr nionlli. Vulun- lecrs lor dillerenl social evenls. Con­ lacl I-:ihel al ‘m-3S37. Silverstriders Walk Club Scniius. 50 and up. .\l-l-. i»:.^0-‘) a.m. No ch.ircc. Mothers Morning Out Tucsdav s aiul I huisdavs, S7 jvf day. S40 (vr inonlh. The Dance Company -Mun . l ues., W cd.. \ Sill. C.tll Lmilv Davie Senior 55 Л up have we ¿:ol hintl for you. 15ÌX) Л 5K Racewalk ConiivliiionSept.21 al YMCAtrack. Rei:.oiK*ns7a.m. ’>15 includes t-shirt. Div ision lor all ai:es. This is a judiicil evvMil. Го lìmi owl mon: call Kaihie al Rec. iX'pi. 751-2.^25. 3 On 3 Basketball Toiiniamcnl. .Sept. 2Я al Kec. IX*pl. ,S25 rei;, Ice. Trios Thursday, Sept. 19 .Mystery Trip. S.^0 (vr (vrson. leave 7 a.m.. rt’ium 6 p.m.. ree. deadline *V l.V Aniiijues Л: more! Friday, Sept. 20 .Soulhern Women’s Sh<iw. S.^0 [ч.*г (vrson. leave S:30 a.m., return 6 p.m. rey. deadline 9/13. Mon. Sept. 23-Thurs. Sept. 26 I'all I.ÌKhtImiisi' Tmir, S.V'i.S |vr |чт- s(m tloublc tvcupancy. Kog. tic;ullii\c Wed.&Thurs.,Oct.9&10 Indian Siimnier/Hiueon Когце/ ( herokee,SI25|кчj4Tsondbl. Keji, deadline‘V27. Y M C A For more infonnalit»n. call 751 -‘>()22 or visii Davie Family YMCA. Swim Lessons ChiH)se one week, four week, aiul Sat. a.m. sessions. I’re-regisiration re- ijuired. Call for costs.dates, and limes. Water Exercise Class Fasy enoujih for lvi!inncrs. challeni:- in^ enouiih for the e\j4:rieuced. All aces welcome. Call lor class iy(>es it limes. Gym & Swim I lmis. ‘>.11 a.m. (ajies 3-5). A jiaMt si.Ill lor any chihl. C'ontidcnce iV: self esU’cm siiessctl. Monthly sessions. Karate-Carucado Style Tvwsdays. 7-S;45 p.m. Ayes 7 up. Tae kwon Do .'\i:es 6 iV up. Mcel Tues. Л: Thurs.. 4:45. ft:00. 6:45 p.m. Pee Wee/Kiddie Kickers Stx:cer reeisiraiion l>e^ins Any. I for 3-S yr. olds. .Session nm Sepl. 14 - iXi. I‘). Please call for times and delails. Parents Night Out .Sept, 1.4. p.m. .Я-1Л. Take Ihe niehl off and allow ihe YMCAli)C.uc for your child. Aclivi­ lies incluile swimming, arts Л: crafts, panics and a niovie. Dinner served (t:.M)p.m.C't)sl:S7inemlvrs.'>10non- menilvrs. Report Davie Dateline items By Noon IVlonday Items fur l)avie Dateline should Iv ic|>oitcd hv noon Mond.iy of llie piih- licalion week. Call 751 -2120i>r ilrop II hv ihe ollice. al S. Main Si. across from lile couitlK)iise. LPN’S * CNA Il’s * CNA I • MT Coml'ort Cate Nursing is seeking individual for part-tim e c't full-time. G aud salary. lienetUs. comp. i)ay, portion of insurance. O nly serious mintled & dependable need call. Call Rhonda or Andrea at 760-3568, 9am -4pm , Mon.-Fri. Drvig & акч>1ю1 free workplace. ШШйт Lyie Hammond Sunday, Se m e r 22-7:1)0 MWAY-WEDlffiSDAV, Sepfember 23-25 - 730 W e d n e s d a y , S e f i e i v i b e r 4 t h W e n o w h a v e t w o Su n d a y Se r v ic e s 8:45 & 11:00 AM W e d n e s d a y - 7:30 PM AGAPE FA m i Ch u r c h 21 01 Le w is v o l e -Q je m m o n s Ro a d Cl e m m o n s , NC 2 7 0 1 2 -------------------------- 3 3 6 -7 6 6 -9 1 8 8 • AGAPEFAITH.COM NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix ol the Estate ol BURR C. BROCK., lale ol Davie Counly, this is to no­ tily all persons having claims againsl said estate to present them to the undersigned on or bolore tho 29th day ol November, 2002, be­ ing three (3) months from the first day ol publication or this nolico will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay­ mont to tho undersigned. This the 29th day ol August, 2002, Patricia Brock Genovese, EXEC 4138 N, Mills River Road Horse Shoe, NC 28742 8-29-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE JUVENILE COURT DIVISION FILE NO,: 02 CVD 246 LUCY BRICKENSTEIN ZOLB ZANTOUT, PLAINTIFF. VS, BASSAM CHAFIC ZANTOUT DE­ FENDANT 2ND AMENDED NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: BASSAM CHAFIC ZANTOUT TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking reliel against you has been liled in the above-entitled action. The nature ol the reliel being sought is as lollows: THE PLAINTIFF IS SEEKING AN ABSOLUTE DIVORCE AND EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION OF MARITAL PROPERTY, You are requited to make de­ fense to such pleading no laler lhan the 24th day ol September, 2002, said dale being lorly (40) days from the firsl publication ol this notice, and upon your lailure lo do so, the party seeking sen/ice against you will apply lo Ihe Court lor the reliel sought. This the 12th day ol August, 2002, MARTIN & VAN HOY. L,L,P. By: Sally W, Smith Attorney for Plaintill Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-2171 8-15-3ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executrix ol the Estate of ANTHONY USA. late ol Davie County, this is to notily all persons having claims against said eslate to present them to the un­ dersigned on or belore the 29th day ol November, 2002. being three (3) months from the lirst day ol publi­ calion or this nolice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted lo said eslale will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 29th day ol August, 2002, Alice Usa 118 Raintree Road Advance, NC 27006 Marlin 8 Van Hoy. LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 8-29-4tn R AND Y M ILLER & S O N S 295MllKrRuiiii*M(nk,sville (336) 284-2826 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, having quali­ lied as Ihe Execulrix ol the Estate ol HERMAN HARTMAN VOGLER, ol Davie County, North Carolina, does hereby notily all persons, lirms and corporation having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore November 29, 2002, or this notice will be pled in bar ol their recovery. All persons, lirms or corporatins indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment lo the undersigned. This the 29th day of August, 2002. Kathleen L. Vogler Execulrix of Ihe Estate ol Herman Hartman Vogler 197 Vogler Road Advance, NC 27006 Steven B. Fox TEAUGE, ROTENSTREICH & STANALAND, LLP Attorneys and Counselors al Law 101 Soulh Elm St., Suile 350 Post Oflice Box 1898 Greensboro, NC 27407 Telephone (336) 272-4810 0-29-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY Tho County ol Davie is solicit­ ing bids lor an Automated Finger­ printing Identilicatioln System. Sealed bids must be mailed to: Davie County Manager's Olfice 123 South Main Strcci Mocksvlllo, NC 270828 Alin; Chief Detention Olflcer, AFIS Bid and are due by 10 a.m., Thursday. Soptember 26, 2002. Public bid opening will be held in the 2nd Floor Conlerence Room ol the Davie Counly Administration Building al 10a.m., Seplemer26,2002. Inquir­ ies should be made lo Chiel Wendell Sain, Davie Delenlion Center, at 336-753-6647. Bid lorms and specilicalions can be obtained Irom Kimberly Harris, al e-mail calling 336-751-6237. Davie Counly Board ol Commissioners reserves Ihe nght lo reject any or all proposals. 8-29-1ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, having quali­ lied as the Administrator ol the Es­ lale ol MARGARET LEONARD, ol Davie County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, lirms and corporation having claims againsl said estate lo present Ihem to the undersigned on or belore Novem­ ber 29, 2002, or Ihis nolice will be pled in bar ol Iheir recovery. All per­ sons. lirms or corporatins indebted lo said eslate will please make im­ mediate payment to the under­ signed. This the 29th day ol August. 2002. Homer Lee Leonard, Jr. P.O. Box 1019 Cooleemee, NC 27014 8-29-4tp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administra­ trix ol Ihe Estate of ELSIE P. TURNER, late ol Davie County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said eslate to present Ihem to the undersigned on or belore the 15lh day ol November, 2002, be­ ing three (3) months Irom the lirsl day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of iheir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. This the 15th day of Aug 2002. Alma J. Lesane, ADMN 325 Cartner Road Statesville, NC 28625 8-15-41P C A S H PAID FOH ANTIQUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES. COLLECTABLES, OLD METAL TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE Call hlliur »oitlcli 33^92-5992 2 0 Y E A R W A R R A N T Y Longest Lasting 3' Coverage / Many Colors Pole Buildings Metal Roots & Siding | 1-888-278-6050 MID-STA1E METALS NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Co-Execu­ tors ol the Estate ol TREVA L. SPILLMAN, late ol Davie Counly, this is to notily all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore Ihe 22nd day ol Novem­ ber, 2002, being three (3) months from the lirst day ol publicalion or Ihis nolice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted lo said eslate will please make im­ mediate payment to the under­ signed. This the 22nd day ol August, 2002. Ann S. Younts, COEX 189 Lester Fosler Road Advance, NC 27006 James R. Spillman, COEX 2309 Bryan Terrace Clemmons, NC 27012 8-22-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PUBUC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING belore the Davie County Zoning Board of Adjustment al 7:00 p.m. on Monday, September 9, 2002 in the 2nd Floor Commissioners Room ol the Davie County Admin­ istration Building, Mocksville, NC. The public is invited lo altend. The lollowing items are scheduled lo be heard: Vulcan Materials Company has applied lor a Special Use Permil to operate a mining and quarry opera­ tion in the Heavy Industrial (1-4) zoning district according to §155.125(B) ol Ihe Davie County Zoning Ordinance. This properly Is localed oil the east side ot Farm­ ington Road, adjoining the present Smith Grove Quarry, and is lurther described as Parcels 42 and 43.01 and a portion of 43 of Tax Map F-5. Vicki and John Robinson have applied lor a Special Use Permil lo operate a youth recreation facility in the Residenlial Agricultural (R- A) zoning district according lo §I55,125(B) ol the Davie County Zoning Ordinance, This property is located oil the east side ol Ralph Ratledge Road, at 209 Hidden Meadows Trail, and is lurther de- ‘ scribed as Parcel 53,01 ol Tax Map F-2, Angela Killian has applied lor a Special Uso Permit to operate a commercial greenhouse in the Residential Agricultural (R-A) zon­ ing district acccording lo §155,125(B) ol Ihe Davie Counly Zoning Ordinance, This property is located olf Ihe soulh side ol Ijames Church Road, at 185 Grannaman Drive, and is furlher described as Parcel 15olTax Map G-3, A sign will be placed on the above listed properties to advertise the Public Hearing, All parlies and interested citi­ zens are invited to attend said hear­ ing at which time they shall have an oppporlunily to be heard in la­ vor ol, or in opposition to, the re­ quest, Prior to Ihe hearing, all per­ sons Interested may obtain addi­ tional inlormation on a request by visiling Ihe Planning and Zoning Departmenl weekdays between 8:30 a.m, and 5:00 p,m, Monday through Friday, or by leiephone at (336) 751-3340. John S. Gallimore Planning and Zoning 8-29-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Execulrix ol the Estate ol LAWRENCE E. MOBERLY, SR,, late ol Davie County, Ihis is lo notily all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore the 29th day ol No­ vember, 2002, being three (3) months Irom the lirst day ol publi­ cation or Ihis nolice will be pleaded in bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons indebted lo said eslate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 29th day ol August, 2002, Sandra M, Hadley, EXEC 400 Tot Street Mocksville, NC 27028 8-29-4ln LARRY’S WOODFLOOR\ SERVICE Laying • Sanding • Finishing FREE ESTIMATES Owner: Larry McClenney 129 Lakewood Drive 336-751-1721 P U B L I C N O T I C E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the power ol sale contained in a cer­ tain Deed ol Trust made by Michael R, Sell, Sr, and wife, Laurie C, Sell (PRESENT RECORD OWNERS): lo TIM, lnc„ Trustee(s), dated the 18th day of February. 1999, and recorded in Book 296, Page 690, Davie Counly Regislry, North Carolina, delaull having been made in the payment ol the note thereby se­ cured by Ihe said Deed ol Trust •and the undersigned, H, Terry Hutchens. PA, having been sub­ stituted as Trustee in said Deed ol Trusl by an instrument duly re­ corded in the Ollice ol the Regis­ ter ol Deeds ol Davie County, North Carolina and Ihe holder ol Ihe note evidencing said indebt­ edness having directed that Ihe Deed ol Trust be loreclosed, Ihe undersigned Substitute Trustee will oiler lor sale at tho Courthouse Door in the city ol Mocksville. Davie County, North Carolina nt 1:30 P.M, on September 11, 2002 and will sell lo Iho highest bidder lor cash Ihe lollowing real estate situate in the Counly of Davie. Norlh Carolina, and being moro particularly described as lollows: BEING all ol Lol 1 ol "Josey Acres" as shown in Plal Book 7. Page 40 (Slide 250), to which lel- erence is mado lor a moro particu­ lar descriplion. Together with im­ provements located Ihereon; said properly boing located al 3569 U,S, Highway 601 Soulh, Mocksville, North Carolina, Subjecl to Restrictive Cov­ enants in Deed Book 204, Page 429, and as amended in Deed Book 209, Page 683, Davio Counly Registry, and all other easements and restrictions of record. For back reference see Deed Book 146, Page 847: Deed Book 44. Page 54; Doed Book 38. Page 57 Davio Counly Registry, Should Ihe property be pur­ chased by a third party, lhat per­ son must pay the tax ol Thirty Cenis ($0,30) per One Hundred Dollars ($100,00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(l), Tho property to be ollerod pur­ suant to this notice ol sale is be­ ing ollered lor sale, transfer and corweyance "AS IS. WHERE IS." Neither Ihe Truslee nor the holder ol Iho note securod by the deed ol Irust'securily agreement, ol bolh, being loreclosed, nor Ihe ol­ licers, directors, attorneys, em­ ployees. agents or authorized rep­ resentative ol either the Trustee or tho holder ol the note make any- representation ol warranty relating to the tille or any physical, envi­ ronmenlal, heallh or salely condi­ tions exisling in, on, al or relaling lo the property being ollered lor sale, and. any and all responsibili­ ties or liabilities arising out ol or in any way relating to any such con­ dilion expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subjecl to all taxes, special as­ sessments. and prior liens or en­ cumbrances of record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit (no personal checks) ol live percent (5%) ol the purchase price, or seven hundred lilly dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time ol tho sale. This 21st day ol AugusL 2002. H. Terry Hutchens, PA Substitute Trustee PO. Box 1028 4200 Morganton Road, Suite 103 Fayetteville, NC 28302 В-29-2Ш NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY EtiblIc.Np'Ice Non-renewing MtCO Plans Eflective January 1, 2003, QualCholce of North Carolina, Inc. will no longer oiler coverage of Medlcare-fCholce benefits to our Medicare members In Alexander, Alleghany, Burke, Caldwell, Catawba, Davidson, Davie, Forsylh, Rowan, Stokes, Surry, Wilkes, and Yadkin coun­ ties, North Carolina. II you are a current member, you may remain enrolled unlil December 31,2002. (eclive wilh Ihis nolice." For additional inlormation, we suggest you call QualCholce of North Carolina, Inc.; 1-800-273- 4115 or TDD/TTY 1-800-735- 2962, M-F, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. For help and Informalion about Medicare, please call Ihe 1-800- Medicare (1-800-633-4227), Indi­ viduals lhal use a telephone de­ vice lor the hearing Impaired can call 1-877-486-2048, Pubno,2002:A08/02 8-29-lln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 02SP151 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE­ CLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BV STEPHANIE TOWNSON DATED AUGUST 4, 1999, AND RECORDED IN BOOK 310 AT PAGE 751 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to an order ol Ihe Clerk ol Superior Court an dunder and by virtue ol the power and aulhority contained in the above-relerenced deed ol trust and because ol de­ fault in Ihe paymenl of Ihe indebt­ edness thereby secured and lail­ ure lo carry out and perlorm the stipulation and agreements therein contained, and pursuant to demand ol Ihe owner and holder of Ihe in­ debtedness secured by said deed ol trust, Ihe undersigned substitule trustee will expose lor sale at pub­ lic auclion lo Ihe highest bidder lor cash at llte usual place ol sale at Ihe county courthouse ol said counly al 11 ;00 A,M, on Wednes­ day, September II. 2002. the fol­ lowing described real eslate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, situated in Davie County, North Carolina, and boing more particularly described as lollows: All lhat parcel ol land in Davie County, Slale ol Norlh Carolina, as more lully described in Doed Book 204, Page 164, ID M5020A0007, Being known and designated as Lot 7, Sallie Acres, lield in Plat Book 6, Page 159 And Being more commonly known as: 332 Michaels Road, Mocksville, NC 27028 The record ownor ol the prop­ erty, as rellected on the records ol Ihe Register of Deeds, is Stephanie Townson, The property lo be ollered pur­ suant to Ihis notice ol sale is being offered for sale, transfer and con­ veyance "AS IS. WHERE IS." Nei­ ther the Truslee nor the holder ol Ihe nole secured by Ihe deed ol Irusl/securily agreement, or both, being loreclosed, nor the ollicers. directors, attorneys, employes, agents or authorized representative ol either Trustee or the holder ol the note make any representalion or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmenlal, heallh or safely conditions exisling in, on, at or relating to Ihe properly boing ollered for sale, and any and all re­ sponsibilities or liabilities arising out ol or in any way relaling lo any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and un­ paid taxes and assessments in­ cluding but not limited lo any Irans­ lor lax associated with the loreclo- sure, lor paying, il any. A deposil ol live percenl (5%) ol the amount ol Ihe bid or seven hundred lilly dol­ lars ($750.00), whichever is grealer, and must be tendered in the form of certified lunds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open len days for upset bids as required by law. Following Ihe expiration ol Ihe statutory upsel period, all remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. The date ol this Notice is August 15, 2002. ELIZABETH B. ELLS OR DAVID W. NEILL Substitule Trustee 8520 Clilf Cameron Drive, Suile 300 Charlotte, NC 28269 (704)333-8107 8-29-2tn GENE TREXLER ROOFING New & Oid Rools Small Repair Jobs Free Estimates 336-284-4571 LAGLE CRANE SERVICE Owner & Operator Brad Lagle (338) 940-3762 (336) 399-3821 DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 02SP137 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE­ CLOSURE OFADEED OFTRUST EXECUTED BY ANNAMARIA DOBY AND WILLIAM DOBY DATED JANUARY 8, 1999, AND RECORDED IN BOOK 293 AT PAGE 392 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to an order of the Clerk ol Superior Court an dunder and by virtue of the power and aulhority contained in the above-referenced doed ol trust and because ol de­ laull in Ihe paymont of Ihe indebt­ edness thereby secured and lail­ ure to carry out and perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained, and pursuant to demand of Ihe owner and holder ol the in­ debtedness securod by said deed ol trust, Ihe undersigned substitute truslee will expose lor sale at pub­ lic auclion lo the highest bidder lor cash at the usual placo of salo at the county courthouse ol said county at 11:00 A.M. on Wednes­ day, September 11. 2002. Ihe lol­ lowing described teal estate and any other irnprovemenls which may be situated thereon, situated in Dnvie County, North Carolina, and boing more particularly described as lollows: Being all ol Lot 25, Seclion 2 ol Soulh Arbor as sot lorth in Pint Book 6, Page 174, Davie County Regislry, to which relerence is hereby mado lor a more particular description. And Being more commonly known as: 106 West Chinaberry Courl, Mocksville, NC 27028 The record owners of the prop­ erty, as rellected on the records ol the Register ol Deeds, are Annamatia Ooby and William Doby. The property lo be ollered pur­ suant to Ihis nolice of sale is being ollered lor sale, transler and con­ veyance "AS IS. WHERE IS." Nei­ ther the Trustee nor the holder ol tho note securod by the deed ol trust/security agreement, or bolh, boing loreclosed, nor Ihe ollicers. directors, attorneys, employes, agents or authorized representative ol either Trustee or the holder ol Ihe note make any representation or warranty relating to Ihe tille or any physical, environmental, heallh or salely condilions exisling in, on, at or relating to the property being olfered lor salo, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out ol or in any way relaling lo any such condilion expressly are dis­ claimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited lo any transler tax associated wilh the loroclosure, lor paying, il any. A deposit ol live percent (5%) ol the amounlollhebidor seven hundred lifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is grealer, and must be tendered in the form of certilied lunds at the time ol the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by lavi. Following Ihe expiration ol the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are immedialely due and owing. The dale ol Ihis Nolice is August 13, 2002, ELIZABETH 8, ELLS OR DAVID W, NEILL Substitute Trustee 8520 Clill Cameron Drive, Suite 300 Charlotte, NC 28269 (704)333-8107 8-29-2tn F O R S A L E : Cars • Trucks Utility Buildings Carports; All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lols 336-751-3442 MocksvlHe, NC M IL L E R E Q U IP M E N T R E N T A L FAIL IS COMING! Bobcal, aeralot core plugger a more tor rent loilayl NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virlue ol Ihe power ol salo contained in a certain Deed ol Trusl made by Marvin Kelly Smith and Twyla L. Smilh to A.P. While, Trustee(s), dated Ihe 30th day ol July, 1998. and recorded in Book 282, Page 469, Davio County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the paymont of the note thereby secured by Ihe said Deed ol Trust and the under­ signed, H. Terry Hutchens, PA, hav­ ing been substituted as Truslee in said Deed ol Trusl by an inslrument duly recorded in the Office of the Regisler ol Deeds ol Davie Counly. North Carolina and Ihe holder of Ihe note evidencing said indebtedness having directed lhal Ihe Deed ol Trusl be foreclosed, tho under­ signed Subslilule Trustee will oiler lor salo at the Courthouse Door in tho cily ol Mocksville, Davie Counly. North Carolina al I ;30 P.M. on September 11.2002 and will sell to Ihe highesi bidder lor cash the lollowing real eslate situate in the County ol Davie, North Carolina, and boing moro particularly de­ scribed as lollows: BEGINNING al an iron in Iho Northern right ol way margin ot Hinkle Drive, Southwest corner ol Lot No, 25 ol the plat entitled "Re­ vision of Baxter Gregory Subdivi­ sion" (See Map Book 5, Pago 88, Davie Counly Registry); and run­ ning thence with Iho Northern right ol way margin ol Hinkle Drive North 76 deg, 37 min, 05 sec. West 219.90 leet to an iron; thence North 13 deg. 22 min, 55 sec, Easl 183,91 leet to an iron in the property line ol C.M, Barney (See Deed Book 49, Pago 433, said Regislry); thence wilh Barney line South 87 deg, 30 min, 00 min, 20 soc. West 223.91 leol lo the BEGINNING, containing 0,942 acres, more or loss, as sun/eyed August 12,1981 by Tutterow, Together with improve­ ments localed thereon; said prop­ erty boing located at 157 Hinkle Drivo. Mocksville, North Carolina, Should tho property be pur. chased by a Ihird party, lhat per­ son must pay the tax ol Thirty Cents ($0,30) por One Hundred Dollars ($100,00) required by NCGS §7A- 308(a)(1), The property lo be ollered pur­ suant to Ihis notice ol sale is being ollored lor sale, transler and con­ veyance "AS IS. WHERE IS," Nei­ lher Iho Truslee nor Iho holder ol the note secured by Iho deed ol Irusl/securily agreement, ol bolh, being loreclosod, nor Ihe ollicers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized represenlalive ol either the Truslee or Ihe holder ol the note make any-ropresenta- tion ol warranty relating to Ihe title or any physical, environmenlal, heallh or salely condilions exisling in, on, al or relating lo Ihe property being ollered lor sale, and. any nnd all responsibililies or liabilities aris­ ing out ol or in any way relaling lo any such condilion expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances ol record and nny recorded releases, A cash deposit (no personal checks) ol live percenl (5%) ol the purchase price, or seven hundred lilly dollars ($750.00), whichever is grealer. will be required at Ihe lime ol the sale. This 21st day ol August, 2002. H. Terry Hutchens, PA Substitule Trustee P,0. Box 1028 4200 Morganton Road, Suite 103 Fayetteville, NC 28302 8-29-2tn W IS S C Q R V S R M IN I-ST O R A G E For ail your storage needs, choo.se usT Come i)v to inquire about free rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E in Forii C a llto d a ijl (33G) 098-8810 HOUSE FOR SALE Brick ranch home in cul-de-sac. Beautiful wooded 1.63 acres, outbuildings, near 801 N. in Farmington. $165,000. Call Merie Rector, Remax Realty Consultants 940-5780 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 02 SP 45 Under and by virtue of Ihe power ol salo contained in a certain Deed ol Trust made by Rhonda Christine Smith and Christine B, Darnell to Gabriel. Berry & Weston, Trustee(s), daled Ihe lllh day of March, 1996, and recorded in Book 234, Page 749, Davie Counly Reg­ istry, North Carolina, delault hav­ ing been made in Iho paymenl ol the note thereby secured by Ihe said Deed of Trusl and the under­ signed, H, Terry Hutchens, PA, hav­ ing been substituted as Trustee in said Deed ol Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Ollice ol the Register ol Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina and the holder of Ihe nole ovidoncing said indebtedness having directed that Ihe Deed ol Trusl be loreclosed, the under­ signed Substitute Trustee will oiler lor sale at the Courthouse Door in the city ol Mocksville, Davie County. North Carolina at 11,00 A M, on September 10. 2002 and will sell lo Ihe highest bidder lor cash the lollowing real estate situ­ ate in tho Counly of Davie, North Carolina, and boing more particu­ larly described as lollows: LYING AND BEING in Mocksville Township, Davie Counly. North Carolina, and begin­ ning at an iron lound, said iron lound boing Ihe Southwest corner ol Worth T. Hendrix, Dood Book 53, page 172, parcel 19, wilh said iron being located in Iho Northern righl ol way ol ForesI Lane, Ihonce wilh said right ol way North 72 degrees, 00 minutes, 18 seconds West 100,00 leet lo an iron lound, said iron lound being the Southeastern corner ol Furches Enterprises, Deed Book 148, page 708, parcel 17, thence wilh said Furches line North 06 degrees, 32 minutes, 35 soconds East 140,01 loot loan iron lound, said iron lound being located inthe Southern line ol John K, Johnstone, Deed Book 130. page 523. and Deed Book 145, page 78, parcel 15, thence with Johnstone lino South 73 degrees, 37 minutes, 10 seconds East 100.14 leet to an iron lound. said iron lound being locatod in the Wostorn line of Worth T, Hendrix, thence wilh said Hendrix line Soulh 06 degrees, 48 minuios, 30 soconds West 142,76 leol lo Iho POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 0,319 acres and boing Lot, No, 18 ol Davio Counly Tnx Map J-4-4 Block E with Iho above descriplion as surveyed by C, Ray Calos June 14, 1993. updated 3/6/96, Together wilh improvements located thereon; said property being lo­ cated at 179 Forest Lane. Mocksville, North Carolina, Should Ihe property be pur­ chased by a third party, lhat per­ son must pay the tax of Thirty Cents ($0,30) per One Hundred Dollars ($100,00) required by NCGS §7A- 308(a)(1), The property to be ollered pur­ suant to Ihis notice ol sale is being ollered lor sale, Iransler and con­ veyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Nei­ lher Ihe Truslee nor Ihe holder ol Ihe note secured by the deed ol trust/security agreement, ol bolh, being loreclosed, nor the ollicers, directors, attorneys, employees, agenis or authorized representative 01 either Ihe Trustee or the holder ol the note make any-represenla- tion of warranty relaling to the title or any physical, environmental, heallh or salely condilions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being ollered ior sale, and, any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing out ol or in any way relaling to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, Ihls property Is being sold subject to all laxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances ol record and any recorded releases, A cash deposit (no personal checks) ol live percent (5%) ol the purchase price, or seven hundred lilly dollars ($750,00), v/hlchevur is greater, will be required at Ihe time ol the sale. This 13th day ol August, 2002. H. Terry Hutchens, PA Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 1028 4200 Morganton Road, Suite 103 Fayetteville, NC 28302 8-29-2tn S u n r ise Carpet Cleaning & Janitorial Service residential, commercial, Industrial Special Any two rooms- $65.00 336-463-2965 &x!s&¡r¿s;r¿risíC C Q O O NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 02 SP 138 Under and by virtue ol the power ol sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Sean S, Walker lo Lee Johnson, Trustee(s), dated the 24th day ol November, 2000, and recorded in Book 417, Page 37, Davie Counly Registry, North Carolina, delault having been made in the payment ol Ihe note thereby secured by the said Deed ol Trust and the undersigned, H. Terry Hutchens, PA, having been substi­ tuted as Trustee in said Deed ol Trusl by an Inslrument duly re­ corded in the Ollice ol the Regisler ol Deeds ol Davie County. North Carolina and the holder ol the note evidencing said indebtedness hav­ ing directed that Ihe Deed ol Trusl be loreclosed. Ihe undersigned Substitule Trustee will oiler lor sale al the Courthouse Door in the city ol Mocksville, Davie Counly, Nortli Catolina at 11,00A,M, on Septem­ ber 10, 2002 and will sell lo Ihe highest bidder lor cash the lollow­ ing real estate situate in Ihe Counly ol Davio, North Carolina, and be­ ing more particularly described as lollows: BEING all ol Lot 33, as shown on Ihe map or plal ol Map of Myers Park nt Ridgemont, Section two, which is duly recorded in Play Book 6, page 103, Register ol Deeds lor Davie Counly. North Carolina, to which plan relerence is here made lor a more compioto and accurate description therool. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 272 Windward Circle, Mocksville. North Carolina. Should the property ba pur­ chased by a third party, lhat per­ son must pay tho tax ol Thirty Cents ($0.30) per One Hundred Dollars ($100,00) required by NCGS §7A- 308(a)(1). The property to be ollered pur­ suant to this notice ol sale is being ollered lor sale, transler and con­ veyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Nei­ ther the Trustee nor the holder ol Ihe nole secured by the deed ol trust/security agreement, ol both, boing loreclosed, nor Ihe ollicers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized represantalive ol either tho Trustee or the holder ol tho note make nny-representa- tion ol warranty relating to tho title or any physical, environmental, heallh or salely condilions existing in, on, at or relaling to the property being ollored lor sale, and. any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing oul ol or in any way relating to any such condilion expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances ol record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit (no personal checks) ol live percent (5%) ol the purchase price, or seven hundred lilly dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the lime ol the sale. This 13lh day ol AugusI, 2002. H. Terry Huichens, PA Subslilule Trustee P.O. Box 1028 4200 Morganton Road, Suile 103 Fayetteville, NC 28302 8-29-21П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executor ol the Eslale ol MARTIN L. JOHNSON, lale ol Davie Counly, Ihis is to notily all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore the 29th day ol Novem­ ber, 2002, being three (3) months Irom the lirsl day ol publicalion or Ihls nolice will be pleaded in bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im­ mediate payment to the under­ signed. This the 29lh day of August, 2002. Charles S. Stovall, EXEC 107 Fairway Drive Advance, NC 27006 8-29-41П I TUESDAY I ¡ 7:00 PM ! I YadklhMooMLodQ« | |С ф Л |А М А г А 1 М Й М * | ^ М п 0 А /М 0 п а П г л » J 1)8 - D A V IK C O U N I Y F.N TK R PR ISK R E C O R D . Aug. 29, 2002 P U B U C N O T IC E S N O RTH CAROLINA DAVIE CO UNTY IN THE GENERAL C O URT OF JU STIC E DISTRICT CO URT DIVISIO N FILE NO, 02 CVD 45 IN RE: BRITTAIN, a Minor Child, born Septem ber 5 .1 9 93 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: THE U N K N O W N FATHER, RESPO ND ENT. O F A MALE JU ­ V EN ILE B O RN O N O R ABO UT SEPTEM BER 5. 1993. IN DAVIE C O U N TY M O CKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA TAKE NO TICE that a pleading seoKing loliet againsi you has tieen filed in Ihe above-entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as lollows: A PETITIO N SEEKING LEGAL AND PH YSIC A L C U S TO D Y OF THE M INO R CHILD BY THE M A ­ TERNAL G RANDFATHER. You aro requited to m ake de­ fense to such pleading no later than the 15th day ot Seplember. 2002, said dale being thirty (30) days front Iho first publication of this notice, and upon your lailure to do so, the party seeking servico against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This Ihe 2nd day of August, 2002. Holly M. Groce Attorney at Law N.C. Slate Bar No. 22214 O F CO UNSEL: Robert E. Price. Jr. S Associ­ ates. PA . P.O. Box 26364 Winston-Snlom, NC 27114- 6364 Telephone (336) 760-2870 Facsimile (336) 760-2479 NO R TH C A R O LIN A 8-'5-3tn DAVIE CO UNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of ROY R ALEXANDER, late ol Davie County, this is lo no­ tily all persons having claim s against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore tho 15th day of November, 2002, be­ ing three (3) months Irom Iho lirst day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said estate : will please make immediate pay­ monl to tho undersigned. This the 15th day ol August. 2002. Roy F. Alexander. Jr., EXEC 210 Oakdale Drive Hillsborough, NC 27278 8-15-4tn NO RTH CARO LINA DAVIE C O U N TY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix ol the E state ol S T E P H E N F R E ­ DRICK P EACO CK, late ol Davie County, this is to notily all persons having claims against said estate 10 present them to the undersigned on or belote the 15th day ol N o­ vem ber. 2 002, being three (3) months Irom the first day of publi­ cation or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please m ake im m ediate paym ent to the undersigned. This the 15th day ol August, 2002. Stephanie Dawn Peacock 784 Daniel Road Mocksville. NC 27028 N O R TH C A R O LIN A 8-15-4tn DAVIE C O U N TY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Co-Execu- lors ol Ihe Estate ol W ILLIAM L. H E N D E R S O N , late ol D avie County, this is to nolily all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore tho 22nd day of No­ vem ber, 2 00 2 , being three (3) monihs from the first day of publi­ cation or this nolice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please m ake im mediate paym ent to the undorsigned. This tho 22nd day of August, 2002. Judy Henderson Beam 8360 Riverwalk Drivo Clem m ons, NC 27012 Donald B. Beam , Jr, 8360 Riverwalk Drive Clem mons, NC 27012 NO R TH CARO LINA 8-22-4tn DAVIE C O U N TY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executor of the E state oi M A R G A R E T B ARRETT M CCO Y, late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or belore the 15th day ot N o­ vem ber, 2 00 2 , being three (3) months Irom the Iirsl day ol publi­ cation or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please m ake im m ediate paym ent to tho undersigned. This the 15th day ol August, 2002 Bob L, Myers, EXEC 147 Apache Road Advance. NC 27006 ________________________ A s h D a i e C o n s t r u c t i o n • Krt'C Ksllniales • Insured • Ki'lialik', Friendly Sirvk'c ushdulcincûuiil.ccitii Sl'IXlAI.r/.INC. IN A M . I’llASKS OF Ho.MK R i;m ()I)k i.in (; V iin l Siiiin}.’. Ailililions. M inor lik v . tV: I’lunihiniJ. Kitchcn. H.iih I’.ilio Tlk*. IVcks. IX vks. Sheds, hams. I'cnccs. RoUiniiiu Walls toCcilmji I'.ms... Wl-Joil.ili: Wc W IU MATCH ANY LEamuATe co m petito r’s b id ON Co m parable Mater ials & Wo rkm anship. David McVitUar-^)Httcr Phone: (336) 492-7363 Mobile: (336) 655-8558 Snydkr & Co. CLI ANIN(; Skrvick CaUNOWFor 10% Discount Residential • Commercial New Construction • First Time Cleaning Rental Properties • Churches - \N e D o W in d o w s ! - • Insured • Himded OiviicT- IX'hhie.SnjxIer (.ijli) 751-270Ü orcfll !)0!H)623 H a p p y 3 0 f h B ir t h d a y M ic h a e l G a iiih e r Lt)Ve, Ymir Fnmih Davie County Schools BUS DRIVER TRAINING Tin; Davic Cotmty Scliixil Syslcm will «n'cr bti.s dri\ cr training Scpi. 4-6,8:15-3 p.m., al llic Davie Campus of David.soti County Coinmunily College (Rpjm^OO). Inlcrc.stcd iiidiyi4ual.s arc encounigcdttf^tfciul. Questions? Call 751-2627. 6 L A S S D 1 E D S Yarc! Sales 1ST TIME YARD Salo-Rain or Shine. Lots ol Stulfllll!! Saturday, August 3tst, 8am until 3pm, 232 Duke Street, Cooleemee, NC. 2 FAMILY YARD Sale on Satur­ day, August 31, 7am till ?, oil 601N, left on Liberty Church Rd,, left on Bear Creek (ihurch Rd, lelt on Georgia Rd. Follow Signs. 3 FAMILY Friday 30lh-Saturday 31st, Rain or Shine. 8-12noon. Foster Hair Styling, Dulin Rd. I loys. Ends. Call for ointment '51-1800. TOP N OTCH CONSTRUCTION Jesse Rutter • Cooleemee interior 'I'rim Cabinet Itbrallatioii Dcclcs Home Repair 336-399-8783 Antique Bed, TV, Odds & 3 FAMILy YARD Sale, 7am-un- til, too much to list, 137 Austin Lane ofl Fork Bixby Rd, 3 FAMILY YARD Sale. Saturday, August 31,109 Bradford Place oil of Sain Rd. Children's Clothes, baby items & much more. BARGAIN BOX THRIFT: over 1Q0 items $1. Red Dol Sale. 201 Redland Rd, Wed-Fri 10:00-5:30, Sal 10.00-3.00,998-1448, BENEFIT GARAGE & BAKE SALE Friday & Saturday, August 30&31 7:00am-1:00pm both days 100% ol the proceeds going lo 3 local families in need. Each lamily has a sick or injured parent or child in them. From Mocksville go 5 miles north just before W.R. Davie School. Turn lelt on Liberty Church Rd. 1 mile then turn left on Bear Creek Church Rd. Sale will be 2 miles on the right. There will be good signs al all roads. 492- 5942. Many nice things have been donated. Girls toddler clothes and womens large, X- large. 2 small TV's, Hooked on Phonics, cow collection & much more. Sponsored by Miracle Farm with the help of Hidden Meadows Christian Youth Ranch. Bear ye one anothers burdens, and so lullill the law ol Christ, Galatians 6:2. BIG YARD SALE, August 30 & 31st, 8:00am-until, 800 Sain Rd. MULTI-FAMILY YARD Sale-Sat- urday, August 31st, 7:00am- 1:00pm. 2868 Highway 64 East. Mens, Womens, and Childrens Clothing. Numerous Baby Items. Household items, Maternity Clothes, SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 7am- until, 348 Country Lane, Adult, children. & baby clothes, toys, and miscellaneous items. Experienced Auto Mechanic Needed General repair experience a must. Yard Sales •CARUL'YN'S COLLbCTIHLhS' 2076 Highway 601S Mocksviile, NC 27028 Located approx. 1 ml past Davie High School on right 601 S. 336-751-6252. Grand Opening Sale Barbies, Porceleln dolls, Bcanlo babies, Indian, Angels, lots more. Tues-Frl: 11:00-5:00 Sat: 11:00-3.00 CREEKVIEW CONSIGNMENT Bait & Tackle now open, Tues- day-Saturday 10:00am-6'.00pm, Now accepting furniture. 1430 801S beside 4th Creek, 336-751 - 4507. DEE'S ANTIQUESOn the Green....hill 733 Greenhill Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-6450 or 800 234-1393 August and it's back lo School!! Decorale that College Dorm With lurnishing (rom Dee'sl Furniture and accessories made lo last a lifetime!! Discounts throughout the shop!! “A little somelhing for everyone" We buy Estates...one ilem or all!!We also buy" Your Unwanted' items. Jusi give us a call! FOUR FAMILY YARD SALE. Saturday, August 31.8:00-12:00, 7369 Hwy 801 South, 1/2 mile Soulh ol Greasy Corners, Children's books, software, pres­ sure cooker, sewing machine. GARAGE & Tool Sale. 1 Day Only, Saturday, August 31. 8:00am until 5:00pm. Lots of New in the Box tools: Cradsman Welder S welding accessories. Metal culling band saw. Utility Winch, 14" melal cut off saw, 4 1 / 2" electric grinder, trailer light kits, tractor seat with armrests, and other new items. Also, lots of used items and yard sale items. 2 Weed Eaters. 2 captain's chairs from van. VCR's, computer items and computer items and com­ puter software, Nintendo Station and games, exercise equipment, lols ol items too numerous to mention. 3643 NC Hwy 801 N. Sign in yard С & N Custom En­ gravers. GARAGE SALE-789 Avon Street near Hospital. Friday S Saturday. 7*5. MULTI FAMILY YARD Sale - Center Community Complex oil Highway 64W. 8am-12:30pm. Saturday. August 31st. Л senior c ili/c ti а ч п р к ч . nov». lakiiii: applicalioib Гог 11Ш unils in M ocksvilk*. Rent h.iscd on incnm c, lor inlo. call 75l-2iK)5 or u rilc: IMacc. Р О И о \ Ш ) , M iK k s \ilk ‘.N C 270:s. Fijual Housini! O pjxirtunitv. T U I) 1-S(kV7.^5-2%2 ' GARAGE DOORS METAL WOOD INSTALLATION • FARTS ACCESSORIES ■ SERVICE COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL Bobby Ginther (336) 751-2986 Mocksville, NC A U C TIO N FRIDAY-SEPT. 6* 5:P.M. LOCATION: West CcnintI Communily CVnicr, 6I()() ЬКкк of Yailkinvillt: Rd.. Wulftown. NC. Гп'п> SViastun-Salcm. foìUiw Kcynolib Rtl. lUwy. 67 W.). Bear left on Yadkinviiie Road (Old U..S. Hwy. 421 ). .Sale аррго.ч. .S miles on lefl. Гис Okl iXik (Ky.ui KiMii! CJvvt. OU lUii l‘.uiaii. .Scmt.J lUiiicr IXJo. lY O^vikN-vt« IV Hol ’ ОИ U»k M.mtW Wm-^r 1ХшкчП . Glasv Sfl ( >1 h Ck»kl KuiUCil) Ol IVakc). M l\.'. Sci Ol Anikt .SohIwkIi 1‘.U. Sci. Swwt Hcait HlijfOil Lutnv line Okl l*al. lUuia IMi. l^.itS« l‘.ti. ( Ы Lu\»p, UiScC.ai«vaJ ((fTj{v C'aNc WjcT 2 Hluc C;ir. I>kk Oi) Ni’nJ, Ulir i'.ir IUímI Clitckciiv Hliic C;if, hutcil hiJtlfrtl) 1*,II. Hliic 1\ЦЦ1) htkf hlik.* »V -Чщ .SLtf Mi»m Л1И Suf tV.ibk'ts.C.tf n.Wct4. MliK Ri»isIctOi ScnI. Sd i)f S (ifmi IIIiil* IXil(4iin 11.ин1кч1 IV. Illiie HiiKif Di-Ji, lilik; Ca'.utLiy tS: .Sii^mt. I>)l|4im Ihsli MikIi Mxv (.'.uim.il (iU>v Nits Ol Hi Uiki CiLiw HiiUit I)islic4 Wlirti-liiiv Viir|!.ir Ju^rs. I OjI I\1 Milk Jiijr. WAMii* ILitklk*. (Xi/> Cliun». -i Cm Sli»« (lumi. .S Ini) Tcj KiUfcs. (i.L Siiwv Спкк. \ (U SUmw C'm.k, St-\i.T.il IW Ol Infiw.uv (S>xnc WjpKt). IÜ11) |'ДЛ11 Milk Okl Put l4*N4-il ('ill h(ck*f, KiiK lik.'hbk:4 lhkl«.T \ (iLt\4.-s. iMuti Su^jf Ikml. All Si/cs \u4-s. Oik.kcii Oil Nc-sj. .Scl\ Ol (¡L1444 NViiJc lXv.uiu,T .41. Hiinviil Vk’jkT Set huU-T WM jp. Cìliss 11.ml. SomtJ Sets Ol (Яг«чл. MikH Mkü 0U\4-4 And C4i|K MmUivc hUliLT Л CìLb4.*x, l\il C'.ikr SijjhI. lütl \ (iavti hiuikr DinIk.^. КЫ Hinl Oii lihK Ow. Olì Ncn». 'Hmlc Oil Ncsi. \Ы Ы О» Si-nI. Ciijnil Tc.i Sti Of ИЫ«с1чт 0)110411^“» (Idinüiux Mti^N, Set Oí I TiiMiH S^ciVN Muys. .Sliiilcj Гст|)к‘ Hhic OUsv Aiiiuul llinl lìt'VuùvN l«\s IV»**!. Ij*4 (К Munì Aixl St« 1‘Л {'»ичлииго. ihntiT !>sh. thttleni GLtssware. I*mk IXp. Lv Cnraru 11*мк Amiw .S.uhKmc1i P.1I. lluitif l'hsli. Ktiln Haikl (¡Livswiuc. DiaiJiiwid Pal. CiLtvNC A: Cmctwl 1Ы1. ln\l'\ llac. Mv»U\uv Sun« Onuii. PivaiIct Poiiiicil Sipwl IVitfi«) (iliNS Sli]^vrs. Mr.1 Ca)kL Okl Ikdics. Itip Aiunuil ОГ Kiili)’ GUss, (vfilDii Craiviviiy An llaskrt. ОикГч (-hxiiuJ Tea Miiiuíua* l*uik С1мг> Ик^чн» lUuicr Usli. 15 JV, Oiiki\ Tru Sd. /\it GLins. IX*]vrsMiiii GUss. Ditra^Lu^ Oiuni. .Su^ Л llolly litMol Bliic Camivul IkmUliK*:) Conc Kul)> CiUsNCV CHECK PHOTOS ON WEBSITE: WWW.MOCKAUCTIONS.COM. I'RÜVIEW 01- i riiMS WILU ÜU UliLO ÜN DAY ОГ SALU. 4 «) P.M, UNTIL. SALETIMH.TURMS: Cuh «c >p{vntcü check (nt> uul <>Г tuie chaki, e\CT)üiuif kiIJ u ii/whcrc U. Aukuvrcr i\ n« br jry «» in .»Кпичиц If I»» ату i» ilIctMi» Ы .Ч(/ГHlìSrOSSIIlli; IS (’ASI- l)|= AmI)I^T It.»l«%c»l.ii|»níiÍKv F R E D G . M O C K , A U C T IO N E E R (3 3 6 ) 6 9 9 -3 4 2 6 • N C A L »2 1 • w w w .m ocluuctiom .com ■ " — - t - -I . ■ . I Abortion Alt. DAVIE PREGNANCY CARE Center offers conlidential & free pregnancy tests, support ser­vices, and referrals. Make a healthy choice for your Ille! Gall 753-HOPE lor appoiniment. Animals APPROX. 4 Year Old guilding. Saddle included. $1200 neg. 998-0468. Leave Message. BRONZE TURKEYS, RING­NECK Pheasants, Guienees. Speckled Banians 998-8650. Apartments 2B0RM APT for mature adulls who enjoy 24 hr security, yard maintenance & paid utilities. Quiet & peaceful. Mocksville. Convenient. Shelia at 751-1515. Cedar Rock Assisted Living Com­ munity 2BDRM IN quiet neighborhood. Very Nice. Perfect for older adults. $550.00/mo. Mocksville. Call Shelia at 751-1515. LARGE 1 BEDROOM Apt. Wa­ ter/Sewer, Trash, Furniture, Downtown Mocksville, No Kids, Pets, or Hud. 704-278-1717. MOCKSVILLE SUNSET TER­ RACE: All brick energy efficient aparlment. 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court 8 swings. Kitchen appliances furnished in­cluding dishwasher. 1.5 baths, washer/dryer connections. High energy efficient heat pump pro­ vides central heat and air. Prewired lor cable TV 8. phones. Insulated windows & doors. No wax kitchen& balh lloors. Located in Mocksville behind Ihe old Hendricks Furniture building (now Carolina Precision Machin­ ery) on Sunset Dr. off of Hwy 158. OMice hours 1-6 M-F & Sat, IQ- 12. Phone 751-0168. VINEYARD BROOK, HANES Mall Area, 2 BR, 1.5 BA, Townhomes with screened porch & $495 mo, Hubbard RIty, 723- 4306.________________________ Building for Rent BARN/STORAGE BUILDING FOR RENT. Hillsdale. 30x45 approx. 25 Acres pasture avail. 940-6579 or 655-4698.________ Card Of Thanks HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Husband (Robert Robertson), Sister's (Ha­zel Thomas and Lucille Orrell), Brother (George Lester Foster). LOVE YOU!!!!! Gertude Robertson.___________________ Child Care STAY HOME MOM will babysit in my home. Pinebrook School Area. Excellent Rates ■ 940- 6664. WILL KEEP CHILDREN in my home belore & after school. W.R. Davie district. Relerences avail­able, nonsmoker. 492-5410. WILL KEEP CHILDREN in myHome. References Available. 492-2565. Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILD Care has immediate openings - ALL AGES-for 1st S 2nd shifts (3rd shift pos­sibilities). Convenient hours 5:30am -1 :45am. Full Time, Part Time, Drop In - upon availability Come see us at 571 S Main St.. Mocksville (across from В & F Manulacturing) Or call Debra, 751-PLAY(7529) Construction ________Equip_________ BOBCAT 753 FOR Sale. Low hours (378), 3 buckets, Hudson trailer. 751-3768. Furniture 2'X3' MIRROR WITH Gold Trim. $50.00 OBO. 940-5397. BUNK BEDS-FULL Bottom. Twin Top, Pine wilh Mattress $200.00, Dining Room Table. Natural and White. Six Chairs $150.00. Excellent Condition. 998-2290. Health CAN'T LOSE THAT Weight or Keep gaining it back? Don t give up!! You can lose and keep it off: il you need to lose lOlbs. or 210lbs. Seethe new you. and feel great, www.easydiet 123.com/ccc or 1-888-382-5592.____________ Home to Share ROOMATE WANTED: ELD­ ERLY room mate needed to move in home to help share ex­ penses. No drugs or drinkers. 998-7102.____________________ Homes For Rent 4Br. 4Ba-Advance-$1250/mo 2Br, lBa-Advance-$750/mo 2Br, IBa-Winston-Salem Condo-$750/mo 4Br, 2Ba/w Bldg-$1000/mo 3Br, 2Ba - Mocksville-$850/mo 3Br, IBa-ln town-$650/mo 3Br, 1.5Ba w/Storage Bldg.- $600/mo. Pennington & Company Realty 751-9400 2BR HOUSE CONVENIENT TO 1-40, Clean 704-546-2188 after 5:00pm. FURNISHED STUDIO EFFI­CIENCIES: Includes utilities, cable, local phone, housekeep­ing, relrigerator and microwave. Monthly rental-no lease. $550.00 monthly, plus tax, paid in ad­ vance. One time security deposit $100.00. For more information call 751-7310. Homes For Rem, Olflce Space for Lease. Call Swicegood Wall & McDaniel Realtors. 751-2222 R E A L E S T A T E A U C T I O N 1 2 : N O O N S A T U R D A Y , S E P T . 1 4 H O R S E LO VER S W e h a v e a n incredible H O IV IE 3 Bedroom, 3 Bath, Brick Patio Brick Floor Sun Room, Detached Garage P lu s 9 S t a l l B a r n 1 4 . 7 A c r e M i n i - f a r m To Be Offered At Public Auction $5,000.00 Down Day Of Auction a t Hwy -121 (jang lowaid Yadkinviilo, lako oxit 2-)0. SiwHcwfoitl Raid, lum lc«. go 6 thonlh mla Mni-laimoOn lighl, Sooauacnajns B551 Slvilcwlc«dno.K). Lowisvillo. 15 minula llme lo HANES MALL .md FORSVTH HOSPfTAL OPEN HOUSE - 11:AIVI-1:PIVI THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY SEPT. Sth, 6th, 7th AUCTIONEER #154 - Broker #99460 KEITH J. PIERCE, GRI PHONE; 336.764.1964 * * ^ iv iv . p i& r c G a u c t io n . c o m DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Aug. 29,2002 - D9 ß L A S S a ■ ■ IM EXREMSIVE f b o it e a b u e i Homes For Rent Land For Sale Mobile Homes/Sale Office Space Travel Employment 4BR, 2 FULL Baths, full Base­ ment with ponds, rent with option to buy $750/mo. 336-751-7886. FOR A LiSfiNG of avaiiabie rental properties, please check our ad in the Real Estate Section- Howard Realty-751-3538 Homes For Sale IIIABANDONED HOMEIII 4BR, DBA on 5 acre tract with creek and Mountain View. Call Gary about the Jerry Springer special. 744-9208. is t W e h o m e BUYERS gov­ ernment finance program. Low, Low down. All applications ac­cepted. Call 336-751-0184 Church Rd., Some restrictions. 998-7778. LAND FOR SALE- 8.04 acres Duke Whitaker Rd. 336-775- 2859._________________________ Lawn Care E J MOWING SERVICE Landscaping, mulching, pruning & weedeating 336-284-6120 336-391-2130________ Lots For Rent MOBILE HOME LOT lor Rent $160/month. 119 Eden Lane, Lot 5, oil Hinkle Dr. (off Hwy 601 South) Mocksville, 336-697- 1482. MOBILE H O M I lo T fo7 RerTl! For info. 998-2872. NEW A D DiflO N TO“^S^hady Acres Mobile Home Park. Re­ landscaped. 1984 or newer homes. John Crotts Rd. off Hwy 64E, Only 3 spaces left. 998- 8276 or 998-8222. 3 OR 4 BR, 2BA on 1.27 acre recently remodeled $89,900. 998-0280. 3BR, 2BA NORRIS S/W, Vinyl/ Shingle. Heart Shaped garden lub, much more. Must see. Call Tina 744-9207. BANK FORCES sale“!! ' MUST sacrificed BELOW bank payoff. ALL applications accepted Cafl Connie 744- 9207. BILL CONSOLIDAtTo^ W IT H the purchase of new modular home. Call 336-751-1571. CAPE COD HOME, 1930 Sq. Ft., 3BR, 2BA, Normal bldg. Cost $125,400. Aug, only $75,000. Built on you loti Call 1-866-624- 7457 or 751-7340. FHA PROGRAM FOR Firsl Time Buyers/Single Parents. Little money needed for new land/ home package. Call Gary 744- 9208. FOR SALE...BY OWNER, $99,000. 1900 sqft, over 1 acre, 3 or 4 bedrooms, 2 full balhs, fire­ place, Ig living room, den, cov­ ered front porch, garden area and barn, 1/2 basement with work area, brick with central air. Call lor appointment 751-5140. 1627 Jericho Ch Rd, Mocksville. FSBO, ADORABLY 2BHT 1 Ba 950 sp home at end ol cul-de- sac. Fireplace, privacy fence and large deck. Washer/dryer stay. Hdwd floors in living area, $78,000.164 Blue Bonnet Courl, Mocksville. 751-0758. MODULAR HOMES ON p u r lotShipped direct-Save $$. For free literature, call 1-888-889-6356. МООШГАР HOwTe S STARTW^^^ at Mid 40's. Call Today 1-888- 251-6790. NEW HOME, 7/12 roof7irrsul¥ed windows, much more. Normal cost $75,000. Built on your lol $57,950-AUG ONLYI 751-7340 or 1-866-624-7457. SELL IT FAST in the Classifieds. CALL TAMMY @751 -2129 S m r FOYER,Tb R, 2.5BA,’ 2 acres, near golf course, $135,000 FIRM. 191 Twin Cedars Golf Rd. 751-5614. f^ T 1 « Q D U L A R H O M S -Huge Savingl For literature. Call 1-800-322-8679. 2BR, 2BA, MOBILE Home on Private Lot, Range & Refrigera­tor, Washer & Dryer. Utility Bldg, Front & Back Porch, Landlord does yard work. Very Good Condtion. Couple Onlyl No Petsl $500/ month, $500/deposit. 998- 4385. UGLY HOUSE, CRAZY Price, 3 Bedroom, Cash Price $5,990. 744-9207. “FOR SINGLE PARENTS Only!" Special financing for you and your lamily 2,3,&4 Bedroom Homes starting as low as $164 per month. Only 7 units left. All applications accepted. Call (336) 751-0179. Start Work This Week! >7.501 h rT e m p -T o H ire Mocksville area, assembly/material handling 2nd shift 3:00pm -1:30am Mon -Thursday If hired, pay goes to $8.80/hr M any other jobs In Clemmons and Winston-Salem Areal Paychecks delivered weekly to the job site. Areo Interview Tlmei: Mocksville ESC Thurs.August 29th 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm TR Office 7748 Nortii Point Blvd. Winston-Salem English Interviews: Mon - Frl 9:30 am or 2.00 pm Spanish Interviews: Mon &Wed 3:30 pm Tues & Thurs 8:30 am or 3:30 pm Frl 12:30 pm *** Bring 2 forms of Identification to Interview *** SE HABLA ESPAÑOL, LLAME HOY Temporary Resources, Inc. ICxpcrience...Thc Dtfrcrence In Staffing 336-896-1000 III ST TIME buyers program. No credit needed. Call for free q^uali- fication by phone. HOME ZONE, (704) 857-0157. ^ 7 P ^ 'M 0 N fH 7 ¥ "lS 2 BA all appl., furn. New heat pump, 767-4319 STORE FOR RENT, N. Main St. $450/mo. Utililies included. 998- 0280. Pets 199314X60 MH, 2Br, IBa, Dish­washer, and Trash Compacter. In Pines Trailer Park. $9,000.00. Call 926-2027. 1994 3BR, 2B Ôakwoocl Cus­tom 80x14. Excellent Condition. Appliances included. Must be moved. $12,500. 704-278-1153. AKC BLACK LAB Puppies- 6months. Shots/Wormed, Cham­ pion Bloodline. $300. 998-6824 or 336-748-4632 (w). FURS-A-FlYrN Fuil Service Pet Grooming at the “Red Woof Inn". 940-DOCfSor 909-1353. Service 1995 FLEETWOOD VOGUE, 3BR, 2BA, Large LR and Kitchen. Excelleni Condition. Comes with Central Air Unit and Kilchen. App.-$14,100.00. 998-2290. ‘MIKE’S PRESSURE WASH* vinyl siding and repairs decks, patios, driveways and walkways, siding. 336-998-9588 336-909-1713 Insured - Iree esllmate. Lots For Sale BUILDING LOTS FOR direct sale, restricted, secluded, 1.6 acres, mature trees, cily water. See them on Wall Wilson Rd. Call 751-2000. M iscellaneous FOR SALE, 2 CEMETERY PLOTS In Rose Cemetery. 751- 5201. i^ree Slanding Basi^etball Goal, $75.00. Good Condition. 751- 4212. 1997 14X76 VINYL siding, shingle rool, SBR, 2Ba MH set up in Farmington Hghts and ready to move In. First month's lot rent FREE. $14,900.00 Call 769-0755/ pager 208-3203 •Г998 OAKWOOD 14X7^2BR, 2BA, Heat Pump, Garden Tub, Laundry Room, Open Floorplan, Very Clean, Many Upgrades. Must Sell-$21,000. 998-6943. 2 BR,‘2 BA Singie VVide. Excel^ lent Condition, new siding, car­ pet & paint. Furniture Included. $14,500.00. Call Karen Maready 918-1122. GAS FURNACE FITS Mobile Home, 30-gallon, hot water, 110V. 998-4805. G U N ^B iN ET $100.940-5131! LOCaI CHANNELS NOW a\^n- able on Directv. Single System $29.99 installed. Dual System $49.99 Installed. Call 751-9961. Toll Free 1-800-441-6408. 28X40 DW 3BR, 2BA, porch, stove, frig., $6500.00.492-7753. ?BADlCREiiif?~W th able deposil loan approved in minutes. Will do what others can't 767-4319 WE SAY YESI ABANDONED HOME.^' S^^^^^^ ba. Will sell in place or move to your lot. Some owner financing. 336 661-1163 DW, 136 JOE RdTNlcTloT, 3"BR, 2BA, Heat pump. Garden tub, Slde-by-slde, Relrigerator, Micro­ wave, Dishwasher. 998-5816. A PERFECT SHINE eve^im e. Honest and Dependable House- cleaning. Call for Prices & Inlo. 336-492-6696. F~URS-A-FLYiNyuliSen/ice Pet Grooming at the "Red Woof Inn". 940-DOGSor 909-1353. HONEStrbEPENDABLE, AND CARING Christian woman will sit with elderly 1 st shift. Short or fong term assignment. Mocksville Vi­cinity Valid Driver's License and own transportalion. Character relerences. Please call 336-751 - 1122. ifT NEED O F T electrician^ plumber or carpenter? Call T-N- T Services. Affordable Rates, Quality Guaranteed. Tim Dillard. 336-998-9101. LiNK'S SEAMLESS G U m ^ ^ ING Richard Link-Owner Free Estimates 998-1798 NEW IMAGE Painting & Remodeling, vinyl siding, decks, additions, pressure washing. Over 20 yrs exp. Owner Danny Church. 336-751-4507 Mobile - 336-909-4062 MURRAY EXPLORER GO-KART, 6hp. $800. 940-5131. V ifiirP ^ № R a d 'l’hoiosTt "Cap" Stanley Family Also, fam­ily ot Henry & Gaston Sutton, Humphreys, Swartzlander Fami­lies. Would like to Share info about these Davie County Gene­alogies. Also, looking for info about Bessie Sutton Stanley and Photos. Thanks, 1-423-638- 9075. Mobile Homes/ Rent 1999 DOUBLEWIDE, 3BR, 2BA, private lot near Jockey. $650/ month & $500/deposil. 336-284- 4679. MODULAR HOMES on your lot. Shipped direct- Save $$ For Iree literature, call 1-888- 889-6356. OSBORNE ELECTRIC for allyour eleclrical needs. Free Estimates. 751-3398. MORTGAGE COMPANY HAS SW'S AND DW'S ALREADY SET UP ON ACREAGE. Pay $485 and fees and move in. Call 1-800-750- 4588. OWNER FINANCING AVAIL­ABLE. 3bedroom/2 bath home. 1800 sqft. 450 per month. Rea­sonable Deposit 661-1163 YADKIN CO., nice large lots, sngl. 8 dbiwides. Cheap water, good neighborhood, owner fi­ nance. $11,900 and up. Brown Osborne 336-838-4590 Motorcycles 1995 HONDA MAGNA, Canary Yellow. Lots of Extras. EC $3500.00. 336-766-9201. Y ^ A H A P№80, Great“Starre“r Bike, $800. Yamaha TTR-225, $1900. 998-4292 9am-9pm. Music 3BR, 1.5BA C/A on Private Lot. Local 918-4111, 828-478-9416. M lT i^ F M N W o ^ o ir f o BUY! Deer Run. Call 751-4887. READY TO^MOVi in:^ 2br^"up^ stairs apt. furnished w/ furniture, all utililies. $550/month. 751- 1218 PIANO TUNING J & Rebuilding Self-players, Sales & Sen/ice Wallace Barford 998-2789 Repamn^ I TRAILER FOR RENT-Courtney Area. 336-463-4995. we re. you above the competition In fact, you'ro eligible for up lo t h r e e p a y r a is e s your Iirsl year) Our extensive training program provides you with the skills you need to succeed, plus lets you decide whon you are ready lor more pay/benefits and more responsibility. And lhat's just the beginning. As a mombor of our dynamic team, you’ll also benefit from Ihe following; 401К savings plan contribution — we’ll match 25% of your contribution, up to б"» cf your salary (available aner one year ol service of at least 1000 hours, must bo at least 21 years of age. Medical prescription, dental, life and A0& D benefits (avaiiabio altoi 120 days ol employment, with at least a 32 hour/ weeK average) Employee assistance program. • Weekly paychecks • Flexible scheduling • Paid vacations • Employee meal and gift discounts • Stock purchase plan (available to (hose at lest 21 years of age who have completed 90 days of service) Wo are truly commitlod lo your success as a dodlcatod mombor of our loam. Al Crockor Barro), wo listen (0 what you have to say ar>d uso Ihat foodback to mako positivo changos lo your work environment. What moro could you ask lor? tl you are mot^atfxJ and enthusiastic, with q passton lor customer sorvico, come In and sea a Manager todayl We ora currently looking fon PART TIME HELP COM IN TODAY ANO APPty. WE Alts A mST-MCSD. RJN PUa TO WORK. W* ortlooUngforHlOH to work hard and moto MOMYIII 6420 Sessions Ct. Clemmons, NC Exit 184,1-40 (336)712-9880 o u Country sto r* JWe^i^n^qua^pportunlty^^ ALL 4 U Travel Services offer vacation packages to Las Vegas, Disney World, Carrlbean, Cruises, Cancun, International and DomestioTravel anywhere in the World. An affiliate of TPI, Con­tact Harriet Schuler 336-284- 4747. Vehicles 1975 CADILLAC ENGINE & trans. Like New. 998-8947. 1986 FORD MUSTANG 5.0 Au­ tomatic one car owner. 492-7335. 1987 CHEVY BLAZER SIO Tahoe. 2 Wheel Drive, 6 cylinder, full towing package. Good Con­ dilion. 751-7677. 1992 CADILLÂcrSDRTsedàiï; 112,932 Original Miles. Second Owner, Garaged, Excellent Con­ dilion, documented. $4,650.336- 764-0885 or cell 978-2299. 19M 1nFINITI J30, Great car; extra clean, 10IK miles, $6,900. 751-9500. 1995 1 î ~e1?c ù r y “v1l l a g e rNaulica, all options, great condi­ tion. 1987 Honda Accord LX, leave message. 998-0212. s à l ïs¥ù'fîy Mô^fô^^ Buick - Dodge 700 W. Innes St., Salisbury 704-636-1341 TRACTOR WORK: BUSH Hog­ ging, Box Blading for driveways, gravel, or landscaping, light ioaderwork. Held ripping, 6lt. trac­ tor tiller, post holes 336-492-5174 before 9:00pm. WE DO HOUSE and Oilice Cleaning. Call 751-7442, Ask for Billie or leave message. WiLL'clEAN HOMES for rea­sonable price. Call Lynn at 998- 1681. WrInKLES IN YOUR Car^i? We'll re-stretch or new carpet in- slallalion. Free estimates. (336)998-8402 _____________ B&D Design & Conslriiclion- Yoiir complete home improve- inenl CO. We work lo meel your budget. Call Brian Darcy al 7.‘>l-4212.____________________ Travel HARRAH'S CHEROKEE CASINO TRIPSFrid-Nite Sept 6th $20pp Tues-Day Sepl 10th $10pp (New) Sat-Day Sept 28th $20 PPAtlantic City Trip-Nov 28lh-30th $219pp EZ Way Travel Local 998-4732 John & Evelyn Wyalt ■78 CHEVY SHORTBED truck good motor needs body & trans­ mission work $1200. '86 Chevy Astro Van good work van some body damage $1200. 492-7203 leave message. ^ 6 CHEVROLET SCOTTSDALE 3/4 Ion, V8, Auto, Air, PS, PB, High Miles but strong and dependable. $2900.00.940- 5866, leave message. '98 DODGE RAM Quad Cab. 2500 V8 Mag. Auto, power win­dows, door locks, cruise control, CD player, hide-away gooseneck hitch, longbed, dual exhaust, dual flowmasters, toolbox 492-7698. Wanted DOLL STUDENTS. FREE Pri­vate classes on Tuesday Night. Learn lo make your own Porce­lain dolls. Call Lila-Dee Dolls (Ruth 998-2980) or (Diane 725- 2594) after 5.00pm. 1 WANYt o WorkliTM^ tired with Work Ethics-depend- able, reliable, honest, nondrinker, want two or three day week, no nights, 10 hour day line, inside sales, customer service lype work, want long time situation, not temporary. Call 336-492- 7004. Email RPTurkeyfoot@aol.com PHOTOGRAPHY S fu b lO LOOKING lor models, all ages, male-female and twins. Call for an appoinimenl. 336-998-3409 W ANfEDTOBijYi PINE OR HARDWOOD. We select cut or clear cut. Shaver Wood Products 704-278-9291 night 704-278-4433 Or 828-430-8860 WMNTirTtfTOlUYsiarTdr^ber pine and hardwood. 336-859- 2480. CONCRETE HELPER, TRAVELreq. Drivers license preferred.Call 284-4369, Mon.-Fri., 10am- 2pm for application. EOE d1 d T o u MAKE the wroTig choice? Away Irom home too much? Want to be home every other weekend, GUARANTEED? Have a Class a CDLw/ hazmat? Coastal Transport Inc., a flatbed company, has what you wanti We have assigned trucks, 60% preloaded and pretarped trailers, and 90% coverage In the south­east. Call Davlcfat 1-800-835- 9770. EOE. EXFTc AR^ENTER FOR framing crew. 40-plus hrs. weekly w/over- lime. Must be dependable. No drugs, no hot-heads. 336-467- 7061 or 336-998-7428. HEAD START TEACHER~âtCentral Davie. Pay range $8.28- $10.09 DOE. Minimum reouire- menls one year ECE Certiíica- tion. Prefer AA in ECE. Benefits include BSBS insurance, life in­ surance, voluntary vision and denial, retirement plan, earned leave. 9 paid holidays per year, and prolessional development opportunités. Call 336-367-7251 ext. 233 lor more information. ÍHELP WANTED - Now taking applications ior Servers and wait staff, lull and part-time. Apply In person between 2-4pm, Mon- Thurs. Sagebrush, 2560 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. iîËLP"WANTED: CHILD care leacher assistant, Monday-Friday 9-6; child care credentials re­quired. Call 766-6979. Fm K ^ IaTE OPENING: EXPE- RIENCED electrician in residen­tial wiring v^ith Valid Drivers Li­cense. Appointment Only- Osborne Electric. 751-3398. □rND^TEiTGROlJNDS Malnte- nance Laborers a Supervisors.Pay DOE. Call 998-9340 for ap­ pointment. LANDSCAPERS, HELPERS^ AND Mowers Wanted. Call 751- 5613 or 345-1977 for interview. PART-TIME DRIVER Needed. Must have CDL & Pass Drug and Alcohol test. Apply at Horn Oil Company 190 North Main Street. TIRED OF WORKING lor soiT№- ± one else? Tired of Living from "v ; Paycheck to Paycheck? Be your own boss, and earn $25-$75 per hour in your own home. You can work part time or full time; you can earn a little extra, or you can be financially independent! If you have a computer, you can do it. www.works4u2.com or 1-888- 382-5592. WANTE~D^: EXPERIENCED IN- DUSTRIAL Spray Painter (pow­ der coaling & wet coating) for lo­ cal business second shift. Must • Radiologic Technologists • N uclear M edicine Technologist • Custom er Servico Representative— Phlebotom ist • Registered Nurses M edical Surgical Services • Cytotechnologist • S taff Pharm acist (RPh) • Speech Language Pathologist Intcrcitcd candidates, .ipply online or contact us at; Rowan Regional Medlail Ccnter, Attn: HR, 611 Mocksville Ave., Salisbury, NC a8i4<, FAX: (70.») 310-5034, Phonci (704) 3l0-s303i E-nioil; |olis@rowan.or8. t.lnique individuals Hive us a diverse perspective. EOE. . To learn more about exciting opportunities, please visit our website at: www.rowan.org. be dependable and able to pass drug test Call 998-2931. YOUTH DIRECTOR. FULL Time posilion to develop middle and nigh school groups in a growing 575 member congregation. A Christian with strong faith and character, a love for youth and previous experience required. Submit resume to Rev. Mark Weekley, Bethlehem United Methodist Church, 321 Redland Rd. Advance, NC 27006. LiKaicd in historic Salisbury, C^C, Rowii> RcHlonjl M ediul Center is a acutc carc facilHy «((«tin« a unique prcifosinnal sciiiiift (hai is holh collalwrativc and individually niirttirtnt{. Our Medical Center couples the T»nht comhination ol revourceii and ciKouraKemem cnaHlinn you in make an impact on people'« lives...and your carcer. OisctwvT real success at Rowan. At Rowan Regional Medical Center, strong ttrnwih potential and professional satisfaction comes loHcthcr. We proudly offer competitive salaries, Ixnefits and rnuch morc. Rcw an RegionalMedical Centoi DIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Aug. 29,2002 T Business Women To Meet Sept. 4 At Broci< Performing Arts Center The Davie Business Women's Association will meel Sept. 4 at the Brock Per­ forming Arts Center, Norlh Main Street, Mocksville. To RSVP. contact Marge Walls-Walkeral 492-2636. For more infonnalion on the club, contact Tracy Donathan at 751-2828. The nexl two meelings will be held at the Brock center. They had been held al CCB. “We are very thankful for our usual hosts at CCB and are also thankful for our hosts al the Davie County Arts Coun­ cil," Donathan said. Meetings will resume at CCB in November. Upcoming events include sponsoring a show and busi­ ness display wilh the arts coun­ cil, and the drawing for a cus­ tom area rug. “Come and join us for a lunch meeting for a greal net­ working opportunily wilh olher business women,” she said. Michelle Kimmer Joins Edward Jones 50 Years A Mason On Tuesday, July 9 at Advance Masonic Lodge 710, Rommie Barnie (right) presented to William L. Ward (center) his 50-year Masonic Apron. Also honored that night was Bud Atwell, second from right, who was presented his 50-year certificate as a courtesy to his home lodge in Virginia. Assisting in the ceremony were Dave Ward (left) and Randall Ward (second from left), William Ward’s brother and son. Michelle Kimmer recently joined Edward Jones as a branch office administrator (BOA) trainee. "A BOA is nol only respon­ sible for the daily operation of Ihe branch, bul also must pro­ vide top-level client ser\'ice and marketing support for my activi­ ties," said Matt Voreh, local in- veslnient representative for the fimi. I Ier Job includes processing client trade transactions, provid­ ing clienls with receipts for money and securities and assist­ ing in the planning of seminars and promotions. Kimmer must complete the firm’s training within six months, online classes with weekly tests, mid-term and final e.xams. Voreh said he is impressed wilh Kimmer’s office skills, ef­ ficiency and knowledge of the community. “1 know she will be a terrific asset to our team as we strive lo provide our clienls un­ paralleled personal service.’' Kimmer is a native of Mocks­ ville and had worked for BB&T in Mocksville for three years. BENMYNAn ^ W S S A N @ Home offlG №A/t S A ^ G S i 'ог »SSM тлхшл Was 29,753 Beat Disc • 3,056 НотМя '25,697 'огт ш ш ш и. BOSE 6 Disc CD. Sunrool, Lealher, WInit Delleclor, Splash Guards & More... $23,926 “Snort* 3.5 V-6' B»iroijc_^SLaîa CD Р1Ч.Г, po.tr ■ ‘ " ■ Window« » Lotto, L ' Л ■ I# Л f Alum Whails im ,9 b î So Much Moni Rikili lor 60 Mot. 'OZ MSMIL RiMi lor 60 Mot. AllnurMtntMinNuotrtUUs 7u.Tu&DX<MO(t2S300v««itii AltMpncMviMritockuntioñv. ibpc^i ttt(. Pcturtt V» toi «uttriwn purpMM or*f AJ r«n »;i on a»pfCvM crtM. Ad upiru №1132. 1М 1 . в шwsssfftusamt. B E N M Y N A T T O F S A L IS B U R Y Save Thousands with Big Dealer Discounts & Rebates up to $4,000 or 0% 'OZ GMC ServafxtCab on select Ш models B M C WK A M PKO m tlO NAL аНАОЕ ; Was 27,694 / Bear Disc - 2,718 Rebate - 3,000 How Only *21,976 V-8, Aulomalic, Two-Tone, Locking Differential, Alum. Wlieels, Power Windows & Locks, A/C, Cruise, CD,Tinlei) Glass & Much More... Running Boards, Sunrool, CD 4 Cass, Rear A/C, Rear Audio, Alum Wheels Was 19,504 Bear Disc -1,551 Rebate ■ 3.000 Ihw O nfy ^14,953 H w O nlÿ *32,875 AC, Automatic, AM/FM Stereo 0 ? FontiâCИ Ш т w/MUbgerBtr Power Sliding 32 710 ; Sonoma Door Rear A/C, ggjr Disc ■ 2,837 Was 14,848 ® Chairs, Alum HowOtHy Wheels & So $ 0 C 0 7 0 Much More! t J j O l O KowOnfÿ «10,787 Sik./6634 : V-6, Automatic, Tilt, Cruise i ^OZ Pofi{iâc Ocíind ЛМ 6 Г Pùnliàc Itsns ЛМ Was 22,350 Bear Disc • 1,857 ffowOnfi^ *17,493 Loaded, Sunroof, Aulo, Chrome Wheels, CD w/Equalizer, PW, Keyless Entry StlfStSM ^ 3 , 0 0 ^ Ю М 1 С 0%for60/lfofftts Automatic & 6 Speed Hurst Shifter • 4 to C h o o s e ! Ш. CO. M i*, 4 Ol. iMi. CO. emu. m. im om, *w . »n* 0 Down -*344*^^ -*272* ^ 4 pr. м , со. oüH.ni.i*icim. uh ■». im i or. ш. ca, мп. m пшшш! шгш» |»1ездб.».»19,995'0Dívn.‘285’’" ’•'■■’•“vîîi.'WriS"“ * «"•5,995 0 Dom-‘217’ I fc Ul. о. Сны. m I«, »ша. m. tmOMi.fiMnimHr 00w í.*274 4 Or. А*», со. CnriM. PW. «t«r WtMll. m. ММ«.ГМ»у1ПтйгМ1И о doot.»308’RING OF FM ^ lies [vent [very Sat i Hot Savings on Hot Wheels, i . Prices Clearly MarkedI4».ui.ca.cnw.M.>uiaM«.b«<i,m <i»,cniM.p«.iiintMa.iaaiua оо-»."з54Г-“ ---«ь **60Montfiiil9%. Tu,tiQ&doclHiluialticaingonippiov*dcrHii AilinttfHtnttihkudtetnUt. lu. Tig 4 DOC l»i of Ш9 00 i»niUi. Aa iiX piw» in ол in iiock umu only Whil« luppn« U»i PiWtei iri ioi iiiuiuiuon puipotw ony AJiriiiii/ionippwidCirtii. Ad eiplrii 9/lV2. uiodiiy marwoi J B 2 B J A H E A I . E H I I M O E B B t l f O . S . S A » S B M B Y • 7 1 М - О З а - 7 2 П 1