07-JulyCaps & Gowns Davie Residents Earn Degrees From DCCC Page B7 ________ It’s A Streak Sr. Legion Puts Together Back-To-Back Wins PageBT DAVIE C O U N TY ^ ^ ------------ ENTERPRI/ERECORD Town Office Filing Starts Monday The filing period for m unic­ ipal offices in B erm uda Run, C ooleem ee, and M ocksville begins at 8 a.m . on M onday, July 6 and w ill close at noon on Friday, July 17. Filing w ill be conducted for the offices of: • Tow n o f Berm uda Run M ayor K en Rethm eier and C ouncil seats held by John G ugIielm i and Jerry W est; • Tow n of C ooleem ee M ayor Lynn Rum ley, and com m ission seats held by Jam es Szym an- ski, Jean Snead and D aphne B eck (I a tw o-year term ); and • Tow n o f M ocksviIle M ay­ or Dr. F.W. Slate, and com m is­ sion seats held by W ill M arklin and R ob Taylor. Filing fees are $5 and m ay be paid to the D avie County Board o f E lections, 161 Pop­ lar St., Suite 102. Contact the elections office w ith questions a t 753-6072. Fireworks Saturday - T ^ejanhual firew orks disj-. £lity at R ich Park-m: M ocks- • Ville is scheduled toistart at., ' 9:30 p .m:: Saturday. Parking; j ^ $ 5 i i ffie pw kivrtere w jnp' ‘ adm ission if you w alk in. . food for . sale ,pnorotq, th e ; fireworks.- B nng a picnic if ypu-& $ire. J i ' Thursdav.-’Ju lyg^ O I 5 B reck Bullock talks about his plans to turn m uch of the old mill property In C ooleem ee into Y p h o to ^ y KC Smith New Life For An Old Mill :t Owners Plan To Open Recycling Seryjce By KC Smith Cooleem ee Correspondent C O O LEEM EE - Som e res­ idents here had big plans for the form er m ill property along the South Yadkin R iver - retail shops, condos and m ore - a to­ tal refurbishm ent. T ow n officials even got grants to help pay for studies. T he m ill w as sold, and new ow ner Breck B ullock is starting a business there. H e is also the ow ner of the Cooleem ee H ard­ w are Store at the shopping cen­ ter and of South Yadkin Pow er, w hich generates pow er from the river at the back side o f the m ill. B ullock is originally from G reensboro, but has lived in W oodleaf area for approxi­ m ately 20 years. He said the previous ow ner o f the m ill had called him sev­ eral tim es over the years about purchasing the property, but Bullock had never considered it until recently. T he previous ow ner w as re­ quired by his insurance com pa­ ny to dem o certain parts o f the property or repair it because it was heavily dam aged, so since he w asn’t interested in spend­ ing a dim e on either, he called B ullock again. T his tim e they w orked up a deal - som e $600,000 for the property. T he m ill isn ’t being used for any purposes but B ullock plans to open a recycling service. C alled W aste Industry N et­ w ork, it w ill be a sister com pa­ ny to his other business called G lobal Salvageable N etw ork, w hich is a m etal processing facility in Lincoln County. He has a partnership in both com ­ panies. G lobal Salvage can take a car at one end and in a few m in­ utes it com es out on the other end in pieces as big as your fist, he said. T he m achine separates all m etals and plastics. The com pany hopes to of­ fer a service to help w ith recy­ cling. “ We m et w ith lngersoil R and and our goal is to m ake com panies like lngersoil R and becom e 100 percent landfill free.” B ullock says lngersoil R and doesn’t have a lot o f w aste but w hat they do have w ill be col­ lected, sorted and put in the right place. T he process would be taking all the cardboard, plastic and foam . T he m ill w ill be a transition point for recycling. “We don’t ju st buy the plas­ tic or pick up the plastic and sort it, but w e w ill’granulate it and get it ready fpr the extru­ sion process, w hich is the sam e Please See M ill - Page 9 ! 0 ’ -i • Thanks, Miss Laura Farmington Honors One Of Its Own For Building Up The Community By Allyson Sawtelle Special to the Enterprise FA RM IN G TO N - W ith grateful hearts m any m em bers of the Farm ington com m uni­ ty honored L aura M athis, or “M iss Laura,” w ith a recep­ tion on Sunday afternoon, June 28. M athis has been the driving force behind the grow th at the com m unity center (FCC ) over the past 12 years, including attaining 501(c) (3) status for the Farm ington Com m unity A ssociation — w hich in tum allow ed the association to be a U nited W ay Partner A gen­ cy, preparing the w ay for the satellite Senior Center site, the Teen G athering Center and the G row ingaH ealthierF uture afterschool program . M athis has been instrum en­ tal in the developm ent o f the 65-acre Farm ington N ature Park and im provem ents to the center. U nder her direction, the com m unity cam e together and renovated the old Farm ington High School cafeteria into the beautiful banquet hall facility it is today, w hich is enjoyed by m any as a place to hold special events. Eagle H eights Church has adopted the FC C as its hom e and has w eekly services there. H er touch is seen in every area of the facilities, from the senior and youth gardens to the kiosk leading to the nature trail to the children’s nature projects decorating the m eet­ ing room . M ostly, she has left a last­ ing im pact by caring for the Farm ington com m unity and beyond, and being a friendly face that has blessed so many people o f all ages that have had great experiences at FCC. H er last day as executive director of Farm ington Com ­ munity C enter w as June 30. M elanie Cooke o f O ak G rove Church R oad, M ocks- ville, is the new executive director. Cooke has experience in organizing events, business m anagem ent and volunteer coordination. She is com plet­ ing her bachelor’s o f Christian M inistries degree, and has had a focus on running youth cam ps for the past four years. She is active w ith the D avie Please See Mathis - Page 3 gram s Laura M athis is surprised a s sh e finds out m em bers of the Farm ington Com m unity A ssociation g av e her a v a ­ cation for her w ork in developing the center and its pro- 689076382120 2 - D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R IS E R E C O R D , T h u rsd ay , Ju n e 25,2015 Editorial Page In Congress, July 4, 1776 I n T h e M a i l . . . Try A Little More Kindness The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States o f America, W hen in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of N ature's God entitle them , a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. W e hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Cre­ ator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of H appiness.-That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among M en, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -T h at whenever any Form o f Government becomes destructive o f these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new G overnment, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form , as to them shall seem m ost likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are suf­ ferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train o f abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute D espotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such G overnment, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colo­ nies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their form er Systems o f G overnment. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history o f repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid w orld... (A documentation of the king's oppressions are listed here) ... In every stage of these Oppressions We have Pe­ titioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our re­ peated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by ev­ ery act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. N or have We been wanting in attentions to our Brit- tish brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attem pts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the cir­ cumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and w e have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would in­ evitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them , as w e hold the rest o f mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends. W e, therefore, the Representatives of the united States o f A m erica, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the N am e, and by Authority of the good People o f these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crow n, and that all political connection between them and the State of G reat Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Com merce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support o f this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor. (56 signers) To the editor: I do enjoy the editorial page, but many have become mean spirited. W hy? We ail have our own opinion and it’s really not too much to ask to accept theirs for what it is and move on. Maybe we all should try a little kindness towards each other. W hat could it hurt? People point fingers and blame one another. Perhaps the To the editor: Are you disabled and need a wheelchair, crutches or cane to get around? If not, do you know someone that needs this kind of assistance to get around? Several times in the past few months, I have watched as people using a wheelchair tried to manipulate the doors to a fast-food restaurant to gain entrance to the facility. AU of these establishments display a handicap friendly sign on the window and handicap parking places but make it ex­ tremely difficult to open the heavy doors and gain entrance to the facility. As a friend and I were talking when we witnessed this event, you almost need three people to assist the wheel­ chair person gain entrance into the establishment. I urge you to pay attention when you visit these estab­ lishments and notice how difficult it is to open the doors to enter the facility. None of the banks, fast food franchises, restaurants, most stores, the Davie County office building Relay For Life Exceeds Goal To the editor: On behalf of the Relay for Life of Davie County plan­ ning committee, we would like to say a huge thank you to all who supported the Relay for Life and its efforts for the 2015 season. From donations for the annual survivor dinner, to the Relay event, we could not have had such a successful year without you. We truly appreciate all spon­ sorships and donations made during this season. Through your generous donations, both time and mon­ etary, Davie County beat it's goal to raise $78, OOO.by a little over S10,000. A total of $88JD 15.48 was raised as of Monday, June 22. If you would like to donate to Relay for Life of Davie County, please mail your tax deductible donation to: Amer­ ican Cancer Society, c/o Relay for Life of Davie County, 4-A Oak Branch Dr., Greensboro, NC 27407. Teresa Couch and Betty Shultz Event Leads for Relay for Life of Davie County fault lies within each of us. Let’s all take a long look at ourselves. We just might be surprised at what we need to do first. The blame game just doesn’t work. Perhaps it is best served by the song “Man in the MirTor” by M. Jackson. Each and every one of us need to do that before we point fingers at anyone. Francine Grigg, Advance and a majority of the offices and businesses in the county do not have a handicap button to push or motion detector to open the doors. You must physically pull the door open to gain entrance. However, Wal-Mart, Lowe's Home Improvements, Food-Lion, most pharmacies, other food stores, a number of the convenience stores, senior services and the Davie Family YMCA do have doors that can be opened by mo­ tion detectors or push buttons. The Americans with Disabilities Act was made law in 1990 and has been modified several times. It primarily deals with civil rights protection and discrimination in the work force and does not specifically cover such items as door openers. Employers can receive tax credits for pro­ viding conveniences for a handicapped worker that they employ. Do you feel it would be convenient for all facilities that serve the general public to provide easy access to their es­ tablishment? If so, I urge up to let the facility know how you feel and ask why they do not have door openers to al­ low the public to have easy access to the facility especially persons with a physical handicap. Fred Voreh Mocksville Letters Welcome T he E nterprise R ecord w elcom es letters from its readers on topics o f local, state, natibnal or in­ ternational issues. A n effort w ill be m ade to print all letters, provided they are n ot libelous, vulgar o r in poor taste. T he editor reserves the right to •. edit letters fo r gram m ar and for space. AU letters should include the nam e and address o f the w riter, including a signature. A telephone num ber, not to be published, is also requested. P lease have letters in the new spaper office no later than 4 p.m . M onday o f the w eek to .be published. D avie C ounty E nterprise R ecord P.O . B o x, 99, M ocksviU e, davie3@ cehturylink.net. DAVIE C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/i^ECORD USPS 149-160 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99, MocksvIJIe, NC 2702S (336) 751-2120 Published weekly by Salisbury Newsmedla LLC Dwight Sparks............................Editor/Publisher Robin Snow................................General Manager Mlke Barnhardl...........................Managing Editor Ray Tutterow..............................Advertising Director Brian Pltts Sports Editor Periodicals PosUge Paid in Mocksville, NC 27028 Subscription Rates Single Copy, 50 Cents $26.69 PerYearIn NC; $32.03 outside N.C. POSTMASTER Send Address Changes to: Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 County Doesn’t Care What’s Right To the editor: The “stink” of the county is our local government. Let's start off with our new and additional tax increase to pay for the new high school. Are we supposed to believe that the price of construction was not known from the start? Maybe someone should have asked. I believe it was known and just hot told, and.now it has been passed onto us as a sur­ prise. W hat has me bewildered is no one is complaining. Next, Pete Gallins is trying to build a business in Davie County, a potential employer of a company producing a green product. He is following all of NCDENR regulations and has been for three years, and now with the new high school being nearby, the county is looking for ways to shut him down because of smells. He has gone above and be­ yond to be thoughtful of his neighbors. Planting 600 trees was no small task, but he did it on his own. There have been no complaints from his neighbors, only from North Davie, and I don’t think anyone lives there. As for the impact to the adjoining neighbors, don't let the county fool you into thinking they care. I have had to deal with impact issues as an adjoining landowner and the only one “impacted" by the Farmington Community Cen­ ter walking trail. The county told the FCC what they had to do to keep their permit in place to use the walking trail. The FCC failed to be in compliance in several areas. When my wife and I complained, we were labeled as troublemakers and we were ignored. Andrew MeadWell (zoning director) saw these infractions and would not enforce the rules that the county had made. I believe that is a job that the taxpay­ ers pay him to do and he wouldn’t. How many people get paid to not do their job? The taxpayers of Davie County need to take a long, hard look at the people they trust to make decisions for them because something is wrong. Mr. Gallins, good luck to you. It seems you have a hard fight coming your way. Mike Williams Mocksville Public Facilities Should BeAccessibIe DAVIE COUNTY ENT ERPRISE RECORD, T hursday, July 2 ,2 0 1 5 -3 John and R ose C audle thanks Laura Mathis for her work in Farmington. Laura and Kenneth Mathis enjoy the reception in her honor Sunday. Mathis ... C ontin u ed F ro m P age I C raftA ssociation and her church. T hanks to the Farm ­ ington Ruritan C lub, the A m erican flags w ill be flying along Farm ington R oad and beyond this w eek as w e celebrate the birth o f this nation. Every Tuesday eve­ ning, there is a bicycle ride leaving the FC C at 6 for cyclists o f all abili­ ties. A lso on Tuesday evenings, there is a line dance class starting at 6:30. Each w eekday, the satellite Senior Services site is open to all Seniors from 10 a.m .-1 p.m . On Thursday evenings, the Piedm ont Future Film ­ m akers m eet at 6:30. Each Sunday, E agle H eights Church has its’ services starting at 9:30. T he D avie County Coon H unter’s Club m eets regularly at the “hut” and the C lover 4-H C lub also m eets at FC C . The Farm er’s M arket has local produce avail­ able each Saturday m orn­ ing under the shelter. T he Teen G athering Place is m eeting on each first and third Saturdays from 6-9 p.m . T here is a Bluegrass B and N ight at least one Friday night o f each m onth. Softball and baseball practice and gam es are abundant at the Farm ing­ ton field, and people are w alking the N ature Park trail in search o f exer­ cise and bird w atching, fishing, or ju st to enjoy the natural beauty of the area. • The 6th A nnual Tour of Farm ington cycling event is scheduled for Sept. 12. This event drew 160 cyclists last year and local cycling enthusiasts have grow n to appreciate it. M ore inform ation is available at wm v.active. co m . • The first Fire/Rescue Squad Chili C ook-O ffis also happening on Sept. 12, in conjunction w ith the Tour o f Farm ington. T hisjudged event is open to fire departm ents, rescue squads, sherriff’s and police departm ents, as w ell as to restaurants and the public. M ore in- Association President J.D. Hartman serves punch form ation w ill be com ing on this event. V isit ww w farm ing- loncc.org to see all upcom ing events. Laura Mathis in the garden she helped plant with children in the Growing a Healthier Future atter- school program. Oh, Give Me A Home C harism a is a beautiful gal seeking a loving hom e. She is a fem ale dom estic short hair and her estim ated date of birth is Nov. 20,2013. She is a sw eet cat who is playful and loves getting scratched behind her ears. She is adventurous and loves exploring her surroundings. C harism a is up-to-date on shots arid is spayed. FrankIyn is a black and white m ale Hound mix. His estim ated date of birth is June 10, 2014. He is a little shy at first but warm s up quickly. Frankiyn is a good listener and would do well in an active hom e environment. He is neu­ tered and up-to-date on all his shots. If you want to m eet Franklyn, Charism a or another pet available for adoption, fill out an application at www.davienchumane. org or call the Adoption C enter at 751- 5214. Wko says moving can't be fun? Join us as w e celebrate the GRAND OPENING of our new Mocksville store in the Mocksville M arketplace Shopping Center - 1423-D US HWY 601 N (beside Sheetz) Friday, July 17th! YOU'RE INVITED! There will be m usic, refreshm ents all day, and lots of door prizes. O ur grand prize will be a brand new rediner! Plus, w e'll be offering a $100 VISA Gift Card and Free Activation on any new cell phone purchase during this special event! Time: 10 a.m . - 4 p.m . "RIBBON CUTTING WILL BEAT 10:00 AM We will have DOOR prize draw ings EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR! 4 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 2,2015 T O W N O F M O C K S V I L L E N e w s U p d a t e July - September, 2015 Special Events and Information of Interest for Mocksville Citizens Incorporated Can we help you? The town hall staff continuously strives toprovide better services to our customers... Are you aware your water bills may be drafted?This procedure Is very simple. AU you have to do Is stop by town hall, complete a form and provide us with a voided check. You will continue to receive a bi-monthly bill. This bill will inform you of the amount that will be drafted and the date it will be drafted. Payments must reach the town hall by the20th of the month ora penalty will be added. If you use the addressed envelope provided, pleaseallow 5 to 7 business days forthe payment to be processed. A drop box is located beside the front door where payments may be dropped off 24/7. As always, we will be glad to accept your payment at the town hall. SERVICE DIRECTORY Duke Power 1-800-POWERON W ater & Sewer Em ergency N um ber 751-0896 (Not for billing questions) Time W arner Cable. 1-888-683-1000 CenturyLinkTeIephone 1-888-723-8010 Repair service 611 Yadkin ValIeyTeIecom 336-463-5022 GDS Davie Recycle Sr G arbagePickup 751-1585 Pied N at Gas 1-800-752-7504 > 24 Hr Emergency Service ■y: 751-4954 - MOCKSVILLE PUBLIC OFFICIALS Dr. F.W. Slate, Mayor JohnnyFtye Lasli Sanford WJU Marklin RobiTaylor ; Amy Vaiiglin-Jones Plannin Brian Williams, Chair StcvJe DuUn ClitilJunker Alan Lakey ConnJe Kowalske Zoning Board of Adjustment Lynn Hicks-Byerly1 (extraterritorial member) ; Patsy Crensliaw DewcyHunt (Chair) GallKeUy m --SusanPrim . StuartShore (Wce-Chair) . Christine BraUey, .Town'Manager . ’ 753-6700 , Todd Penley, Police Cliicf 753-6710' MikeWesi1 Public WorJa Depaitmeot 751-2519’ Michael Garner,' Recreation Director • 75 !-’2325 Frank Carter, Flre Chief . ;751-5782- Rustin Hafpel • Parks StGrounds 751-5500 Contracted Services BuUding Inspections 753-6051 !Planning StZoning 753-6050 JULY 4™ CELEBRATION at RICH PARK Bring your family out for an evening of fun, music, food and fireworks. Fireworks Display starts at 9:30 Parking is $5 per car beginning at 5:00 pm. You may walk in for FREE. Parking will also be available behind the Brock Gym for free. Music will b e provided Piedmont Antique Power Association 1} J u ly 3 rd & 4 th Ic kAiiiiUal Tractor itE ngine Showii Parade :.. masonic Picnic Grounas ■ Popiar Si.- Mocuvme, NC PARADE through Downtown M odtsvlile I l' S a t,J u ly 4 a t 10:00AM Coming Sept. 19tft — Fall Antique Tractor & Truck Pull v If you have any questions, please contact Arthur Bostick at 336-492-5992 or Bob Conaway at 336-7S3-0702 . . ofvlslt the website at www.piedmontamlquepowerassociation.c6m-; DOWNTOWN MOCKSVILLE CRITERIUM Thursday, July 30,2015 at 6:15 PM Agreat evening of fun for the entire family as DowntownMocksvilIeweIcomes one of the fastest growing sports In America.Watch asamateurand nationally acclaimed pro cyclists race In a loop around Downtown MocksviIIereaching speeds up to 45 miles per hour. The start/finish will be located on Main Street near the Courthouse and the cyclists will transverse Main Street1WaterStreet1SaIisbury Streetand Gaither Street. Cruise In The first and third Monday of each month from S:30 till dark, the Piedmont C.A.R.S. Association is hosting its summer Cruise In. The Cruise in dates for 2015 as follows: July6 July 20 Aug.3 Aug.17 Sept.7 Sept. 21 Oct15 more information visit our website at w.piedmont-cars.com. Piedmont C.A.R.S. Association is responsible for any damages.loss.or injury while attending the Cruise Ins. N O B U R N IN G A L L O W E D I N S iD E T H E C I T Y L I M I T S Burning is not permitted inside the town limits. TheTown of Mocksville Code of Ordinances states that it shall be unlawful to burn or set fire to or bury any garbage for the purpose of disposal. Mocksville/Davie Parks & Recreation Dept. 644 5J. Main St. •Mocksville, NC 27028 • (336) 753-6740 Summer Plavaround Program - Starting ZUMBA- Monday nights @ 7pm with Adi! in June 22 @ Shelter #5 in Rich Park. $4 per dass-No membership feel Think Children are dropped off at 8:30am for a you can't dance?Then come out and just free breakfast & picked up by 12:30pm have fun! Get in shape and have a blast! after a free lunch Monday - Friday for 6 Forinfo:336-692-4839. weeks at Mocksville Elem. School. Weekly K-12 Grade Basketball - Registration themes for summer fun! Weekly Fee = $10. starts In October! Cosh $55. Open to -" Closed July3rd.Grades: K-6th. DavIeCountyyouth. an evening of fun, music, food and PICKLEBALU- Brock Gvm on Monday ( fireworks. Parking is $5 per car beginning Friday at 9 am. Wednesday nights starting at 5:00pm. You may walk in for free & at Spm.Open to all ages! Come learn the parking will be available behind the Brock hottest new family sport! More dates and Gym. Music then a fireworks display @ times will be added as interest grows.Call 9:30pm. Sandra for more infol Davie County Senior Games- Open to Davle Youth Council • DYC- Open to anyone 50 or better/ Sports include middle and high school students Bowling, Billiards, Croquet, Table Tennis, Interested in initiating, organizing and Race Walk, Horseshoes, Bocce, Cycling, executing programs & projects that Track & Field Events, Basketball, benefit youth. Leadership opportunities, Badminton, Tennis, Golf, Shuffleboard, community service, recreation and Swimming and More! Try your hand at fundraising. We are a member of the PickIebaIII •...................... " ' Senior Walking Program - @ Brock Gym Monday • Friday from 8:OOam-9:OOam.NoChargeI Good Timers Square Dancing Club- Davle Metro Tae Kwon Po - $35 per Farmington Community Center, Monday at 7pm. Cost is $5 per month. Volunteer month.Offering classes for kids 6 and up ^ J g ^ T s /f im o re ll0^ 0"0"1'"'' and adults of al ages. A great way to learn Ca"998 3837 ,of more ,ntaself defense, build confidence, gain Picnic Shelter Bentals - available at Richdiscipline and have fun In a relaxed Park, & Cooleemee Riverpark. $45 for 4atmosphere. Meeting on Tuesdays and hours and $85 for over 4 hours! Call EmilyThursdays starting at 5:30 p.m.There are 3 at 753-6740 to reserve yours nowl classes offered per day! Chief instructor: Mr. Gary Keeble,3rd Dan Black Belt. Join our email list to find out MocksvIIIeIDavIe Perks & Recreation Dept, events! Send your email address to: recdepartment@moeksvlllenc.gov. M anagers Corner Here's to a new yearjqnew fiscal year with a new budget.The Town of Mocksville residents are fortunate to have the Ieadershlpprovided by Mayor Francis Slate and Town Board members; Will Marklln, Lash Sanford, Rob Taylor, Amy Vaughan Jones and Johnny Frye. I sincerely express my gratitude to each for their guidance and support Their concern and many hours of dedication are priceless to the success and best interest of this town.The ojannlng of continued growth and improvements to infrastructure Is an attribute to tne future of our residents and businesses, existing and new. The adopted budget for 2015-16 for the Town of Mocksville is balanced at 58472,285.This budget maintains the current tax rate of .29 per $100 valuation. Landfill, recreation and cemetery rates will also remain the same. Incentive and orant funding for economic development projects Include Glldan Yam, Avgol America, Inc, and Quality Drive. Other projects include the refurbishment of tennis courts at South Davie and the Rich ParkGreenway. TheTown of Mocksville has approximately 2500 water/sewer conneclions.The water treatment plant averages between OS and 1.2 million gallons of water perday The Town of Mocksville,Hugh A. Lagle WaterTreatment Plant was recently one out offorty-two water systems,with populations ranging from 2443 to818005 to receive state recognitionfor NCAreaWide Optimization.Congratulations to the operators on their change of thinking and operations, resulting in this state recognition. The 2015-1016 budget has approximately $910,000 of Capital Improvementsforwaterand sewer. Waterand sewer rates will increase effective Julyl 2015. The average residential customer in the town limits will have an approximate SB bi-monthly increase. Latefee penalties for bills paid afterthedue date of the 20" will also increase $5. TheTown of Mocksville appreciates the collaboration with the CountyofDavie regarding services including; tax collection and billing, planning and zoning,VoIP and rT services, 911 communications and various other agreements. To each employee, a sincere thankyou;for public service that extends beyond a daily job. Thankyou for taking thetimetobetterunderstand budget restraints and the abilities to resolve problems creatively while seeking additional resources.Thank you for the afterhours and late night response,for the extra assistance to residents and visitors,for doing morethanjustajob.Thank you for continuing toprovide services of police and fire protection, street maintenance, distribution of safedrinking water,disposal of sewer,planning,zoning,ayard waste collection site, cemetery maintenance, a farmers market, parks, recreation and cultural opportunities to more than 5000 residents and daily visitors. The combined and continued efforts along with support from elected board members, local and state representatives,staff, department employees,contractors, legal counsel appointed board memberc, volunteers and caring residents will continue forthe citizens of Mocksville to receive services regarded as top priority in effective and efficient manner. Respectfully,ChristlneW.Bralley TownManagerMocksville, IVC-TIme Well Spent" 1-2016 Budget Revenues ills, Davie County Arts Council BROCK PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 622 North Main Street, Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-3000 www.daviearts.org PERFORMANCES ATLANTIC CITY BOYS - 9/19/1S, 7 JOpm -Fourdynamicsingerswhp have wowed audiences in Las Vegas, Disney World and Atlantic City. Now they lend their world class vocals to the rock-n-toll harmonies of the 60s with the hits of The DrifterslThe Beach Boys and FrankIeValIi &The Four Seasons. TICKETS: Adult~S3S,Student/Senlor~$33. EXHIBITS/CONTESTSFLAGS OF DAVIE-July, 2015-TaIwdrive or stroll down Main Street In Mocksville to enjoy these flying canvases, designewy local artists/community members. COMMUNITY THEATRE-Auditions for our next Brock Players production, TTie WIcJted Witch of 0:,will be held on July 25th at IOam at the Brock Theatre. Checkour website for updates. Street Light Outages For your convenience, Duke Energy provides a 24-hour Customer Senrice Une 1-800-653-5307. Town residents may report street light outages directly to Duke Energy or you may contact the Town Halt and we will be glad to report the outages for you. 753-6700. When reporting an outage, it Is necessary to have the closest street address to the light. DoYour PartTo Keep Mocksville Beautiful Summerhas arrived.Grass is greener, trees and shrubs are in full bloom. As we enjoy the next few months of this beauty,the Town of Mocksville requests that you keep your trees and shrubs trimmed and away from the right of way,yards mowed and sidewalks dear.Town hall staff has received several TownofMocksviIIe * 171 Clenienistv MocIaviIIe * Phone (336) 753-6700 * Fax (336) 751*9187 * WebSite wwwmocksvlllenc.org • www.doviecountyeom (diooie ft wn of MorbWffe f/nlrj The Town of AlcrfcswVIe does not discriminate on ffte basis of race, sex, tolar, age, national origin, religion or disability In Its employment opportunities, programs, services or activities.. 2 Arrested; One Sought In Sex Case COOLEEMEE - Two men have been arrested and iiilliorities are looking for a hird - all accused of sexual ictivity with an underage ;irl. Police Chief Bobby West iaid his department first got he report on May 15 after he 14-year-old girl’s father law her kissing one of the iuspccts. The initial investigation •evcaled that more people were likely involved, and he girl was taken to The OragonJly House for an in- erview. Angel Pereira, 23, of DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 2 ,20J5 - 5 Davie Residents Among Those With Salmonella A ngel P ereira Watts Street, was charged with two counts of tak­ ing indecent liberties with a child and two counts of statutory sex offense with a child. Luis Perez, 21, of Jeri­ cho Church Road, Mocks­ ville, was charged with (wo counts of taking indecent liberties with a child, one count of first degree sex of­ fense with a child, I count of statutory rape and one count of first degree rape. A third suspect, Josc Pereira, 33, of a different Walls Street address, left town. He is facing war­ rants for one count of tak­ ing indecent liberties with a child and (wo counts of first degree sex offense with a child. West said the abuse may have been ongoing for about seven years. A total 197 cases of diar­ rheal illness associated with eating food from Tarheel Q Restaurant have been iden­ tified. O f these 197, case dis­ tribution 'includes 14 North Carolina counties and six states. Salmonellosis is an in­ fection with bacteria called Salmonella. People can get Salmonella infection from eating raw or undercooked foods, particularly meat, poultry, eggs or unpasteur- ized milk. In recent years there have been more outbreaks caused by people eating contami­ nated fresh fruits and veg­ etables. People can also get it from handling pets — in­ cluding dogs, cats, reptiles, birds or baby chicks, aquat­ ic frogs and turtles — and through contact with tropi­ cal fish tanks and pet feces. Davie County Health Department has had 74 po­ tential cases of salmonella; 17 of the 74 cases have con­ firmed lab specimens. The other 57 cases have met case definition for the sal­ monella outbreak. For current informa­ tion visit the Davie County Health Department at http:// www.daviecountync.gov/in- dexMspx?NID=658j. Town of Mocksville C a l e n d a r o f E v e n t s JULY .July 3 July 3 July 3 July4 July 4 July 4 . July6 July 7 . JuIyIO July 17 ’ Juiyie July 20 July 24 July 30 July 31 • Garbage SiRecycIe Pickup RA.PA AntIqueTra ctor show TOWN HALL CLOSED PAPAAritiqueTractorParade 10am Yard Waste site - CLOSED CELEBRATION RICH PARK Cruiseln Town Board Meeting 4 pm Garbage & Recycle Pickup Garbage & Recycle Pickup Yard Waste Site 8:00 a m - Noon Crulselni ’ . Garbage & Recycle Pickup Downtown Mocksville Criterlum Garbage & Recycle Pickup A U G U ST Aug. 1 Yard Waste Site 8:00 am - No- . Aug.3 Cruise In ; Aug.4 Town Board Meeting4pm • Aug.7 GarbageA Recycle Pickup . Aug. 14 Garbage Si Recycle Pickup Aug.15 Yard Waste Site 8:00 am - Noon Aug.17 Crulseln Aug.21 Garbage & Recycle Plckiip Aug.28 Garbage&Recyde Pickup SEPTEM BER Sept.1 Town Board Meeting 4pm Sept. 4 Garbage&RecydePickup SeptS YardWasteSite8:00am-Nooh Sept 7 TOWN HALL CLOSED Sept7 Cruisein Septll Garbage & Recycle Pickup I Sept. 18 Garbage&flecydePlckup Sept 19 Yard Waste Site 8:00 am - Noon Sept.19 D.C Arts - Atlantic City Boys 7:30 pm• Sept 21 Ouiselri Sept25 Garbage&RecydePickup Sept26 FREEJunkeriMIIIEvent - . TaylorVaden&TheMemphlsStomp4- . CarolineSouIBand 6-9 pm w w w .m ocksvillenc.org “ I ■530 pm I I! L ----------------------------- - - - J MOCKSVILLE FARMER'S MARKET Wednesdays (s> 3-6 p.m. M ocksville Town Hall Parking Lot For more info, call 336-671-0553 or 336-753-6700. Yard Waste Site Thewastesltewilibe CLOSED on Sat,July4,2015forthe July4* Holiday.The waste site will be open on Saturday1JuIy 18th S tn efan d 3* Saturdays of August&September. The yard waste site hours are from 8am to 12 Noon.Yard Waste may be dropped off during theweekby appointment only by calling 751-5500. Please do not throw yard waste over the fence when the gate is locked. Do not leave bags of yard waste at the compost site. Residents of the Town of Mocksville are allowed to waive the dumping fee at the yard waste site for one truckload of yard waste per month. Purchase; Mulch • $5 per scoop Leaf Compost - $5 per scoop Drop off fees: I * load of yard waste per month - Free (Town of Mocksville Residents only) Truckload of yard waste: $5 1/2 truckload or less:$3 Trallerexceedlng 10ft: $10 FOGAlert FATS, OILS AffO CREASS ACCUMULATIONS CAN BLOCK YOUR PRIVATE PLUMBING SYSTEM AS WEU AS PUBUC SEWERSBoth residential and business customers can help prevent wastewater overflows by minimizing the amount of FOG disposed of through plumbing drains. Inside a sewer, fats, oils and grease change to a plaster-like consistency and can block the pipes,causing an overflow of untreated wastewater.At home, you can dispose of normal cooking oil and grease by putting It in a container as part of your solid waste rather than through your sink and plumbing drain. Wiping and scraping pots, pans and other utensils Ixefore washing them ar important steps In proper grease disposal.If your business generates waste grease, fats or oil, you should have a grease Interception system that works effectively. A company that recycles fets, oils and grease should regularly clean out the grease trap. F o r m o r e i n f o r m a tio n v is it: w w w .c r o s s r o a d s c y c l i n g c l a s s i c . c o m D o w n to w n M o c k s v H te C n te n u m ThnRdaii,July30ai 6JMnil Sponsored bp: Mocksville Tourism/DoviB Counly Chomber of Commerce Visrtor & Information Center A great evening of fun for the entire family as Downtown Mocksville welcomes one of the fasted growing sports in America. Watoh as amateur and nationally acclaimed pro cyclists race in a loop around Downtown Mocksville reaching speeds up to 45 miles per hour. The start/finish will be located on Main Street near the Courthouse and the cyclists will transverse Main St., Water St., Salisbury St., and Gaither St. Ewent Schedule: 5:15 PM — Street Closure 6:00 PM — Womens Race 6:45 PM - Cat 4/5 Mens Race 7:25 PM — Masters 40+ Race 7:25 PM — Masters 50+ Race 8:10 PM - Cat 3 Mens Race :00 PM — Pro, 1,2 Race Re m in d e r t o D o w m t o w n Me r c h a n t s ... On July 30,2015, there will be a bike criterium downtown. All streets from N. Main to Water St., Water St. to Salisbury St., Salisbury St. to Gaither St., and Gaither St.to N. Main St. will be CLOSED from 5:15 PM to 10:00 PM. AU vehicles Inside the bike race area will not be able to leave from 5:15 PM to 10:00 PM. 6 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, T hursday, July 2,2015 Public Records Land IVansfers The following land trans­ fers were filed with the Davie Register of Deeds, listed by parties involved, acreage, township, and deed stamps purchased with $2 represenling$1.000. • Jean G . Griffin and James A. Goforth Jr. to Willie 'L. Clement Jr. and Heather C. Clement, 3 tracts, Jerusalem, $400. - Kevin Dale Messick and Laura Messick to A Joshua Dombrosky and Annette Dombrosky, I lot, Farming- ton, $428. - Stanley Edward Ran­ dall and Pamela B. Randall, Bennett Marion Randall and Susan Wall Randall, and Deree Randall Lackey and Gary Lackey to Jason E. Lawrence and Kati L. Law­ rence, I tract, Mocksville, $326. • Cipriano Chiquito and Apolinor Mendez to Aituro Maldonado Ponc and Mima Guadalupe Vasquez Rivera, 4 lots, Jerusalem, $41. • Timothy A. West to OdieCaroIyn Billings, 131 acres, Clarksville, $50. - Timothy A. West to Odie Carolyn Billings, 1.93 acres, Clarksville. - Substitute Trustee Ser­ vices to JPMotgan Chase Bank NA, I lot, Calahaln, $186. - PSC Development to RS Parker Homes, I lot. Shady Grove, $60. - PSC Development to RS Parker Homes, I lot, Shady Grove, $70. • Williams Development Group to True Homes, I lot, $42. - True Homes to Robert M. Santalesa and Elizabeth M .Santalesa, I lot, $510. - Matthew C. Howell and Stephanie H. Howell to Ronald Paul Felling Jr. and Barbara A. Felling, I lot, Mocksville, $246. • JKK Property Investors to Sunchnser Enterprise, 4 lots, $40. - Thomas G. Foster Jr. and Helen S. Foster to Regi- naldo R. Alvarado and Ber­ ner A. Alvarado, 2 tracts, Jerusalem, $90. - Thomas G. Foster Jr. and Helen S. Foster to Regi- naldo R. Alvarado, I lot, Je­ rusalem, $30. • Latone Garrett to Derek S. Loyd and Amanda L. Loyd, I lot, $500. • Charles R. Crenshaw III and Melinda Crenshaw to Charles M. Preston and Andrea Mojica, 1.39 acres, Mocksville, $309. • The Caudle Law Firm, substitute trustee to N.C. Housing Finance Agency, I tract, $184. - • lsenhour Homes to John Keith Vines and Heather Vines, I lot, Farmington, $110. • Ronald Wayne Palmer and Leanne P. Palmer to Ambar M. Pereira Ortiz, I lot, Mocksville,$197. • James Larry Sands to Gregory Wayne Gobble, 4 5 acres, Clarksville. • Jeffrey Azar and Jacque­ lyn E. Azar to Deborah Jane Gouge, I lot, Farmington, $416. • Elizabeth D. Hill and Steven Edward Klingen- smith to Jeffrey Azar and Jadquelyn Elaine Azar, I lot. Shady Grove, $480. • Linda T. Keller and Mi­ chael Keller, Donald Ray TUtterow, Bonnte T. Zander and Albert Zander, Caro­ lyn Susann Kraemer Frye and William Sanford Frye, Lynda S. Tutterow to Jo­ seph' Ashbum and Wendy Ashbum, 21.65 acres, Jeru­ salem, $250. - Buck Hom Consuoction to Wishon & Carter Build­ ers, 2 lots, Mocksville, $40. - Wendell Lorin Dinjgler and Lora Miller Dingier to Tyier McKinney Jr. and Kara Ruth McKinney, I lot, $465. - Margaret A. Honeycutt and Shirley A. Johnson and Gaiy Landon Johnson, and Roy A. Adams and Cathy T. Adams to Margaret A. Hon­ eycutt, I lot. • Jan D. Heiser and Juanita T. Heiser to Dave A. Thomas and Carrie C. Thomas, I Iot1Farmington, $730. - Maigaret A. Honeycutt, and Shirley A. Johnson and Gary Landon Johnson, and Roy A. Adams and Cathy T. Adams to Shirley A. John­ son and Gaty Landon John­ son, I lot. • PSC Development to Kevin P. McGowan and Melissa McGowan, I lot. Shady Grove, $100. • Riva I. Meadows and Michael K. Ponton and Ja- New Pool & Spa InsiaIMIon Cleairiag • Cbemlcab Opening & Closiiig Vinyl Uner Replacement1 tMMtyHanfe/hfflM- Omttln.bp. Home: (336) 284-4817 iC ell: (336) 909-4027’ net Renee Ponton to Mari­ etta R. Langston, I lot, Mocksville, $274. - Christopher H. Stoltz and Regina Rhoades to Thomas Allen Hooker and Christine Wilson Hooker, I lot, Faimington, $670. - RCM Properties to An­ dres Ascencio Rodriguez and Glenda L. Moreno Olea, I lot, Mocksville, $305. • Richard A. Green and Lynette M. Green to Gaiy A. McLean and Petra H. McLean, co-trustees, I lot, $580. - Christopher T. T im er to Ricky Royal, 2 tracts, Farm­ ington, $360. - Howell W. Woltz, trast- ee to Thomas John Stopyra and Mary Caroline Weston Stopyra, fourth interest, .4 acre, Shady Grove. - Howell W. Woltz, trust­ ee to Thomas John Stopyra and Mary Caroline Weston Stopyra, I tract, Shady Grove, $1396. • Roy Naylor and Pam Naylor, David NaylortTeny Naylor and Martha Naylor, Dale Naylor and Darlene Naylor, and Gary Naylor and Delphie Naylor to Da­ vid Lee Naylor, 1.83 acres, Clarksville, $120. • Jeff D. Rogers, substi­ tute trustee to Branch Bank­ ing and Tnist, 3.3 acres, $270. - Eastwood Construction to Larissa Page, I lot, Farm­ ington, $446. - Wesley Tbdd Thylor and Jessica Lynn Thylor to Michael D. Grubbs Sr. and Jennifer L. Grubbs, 1436 acres, Farmington, $660. • Robin March Hanes to Kevin A. McKenzie and Dennis T. McKenzie, 4 tracts, $1,760. • William C. Bradley and Margaret J. Bradley to Cur­ tis A. Hodge and Shawn McGehee Hodge, I lot, Farmington, $329. - Joel Crotts and Lauren E. Crotts to Jerry D. Hodge Jr., .91 . acre, Jerusalem, $236. • George C. Angell and Daune D. Angell, Patricia A. Hege, and Geraldine A. Cozart and Lester Cozart to E. Andrew Morgan, I tract, Mocksville, $250. • Trastee Services of Carolina to Bank of Amer­ ica NA, I lot, Farmington, $417. • Trustee Servies of Caro­ lina to James R. Henry, I lot,M ocksville,$213. • Jennifer Vogler Miller to Jennifer Vogler Miller and Grayson Jones Miller, 3 acres, Shady Grove. Arrests The following were ar­ rested by the Davie County Sheriff’s Department. June 22: James Shore, 25, Main Church Rd., Mocks­ ville, failure to appear in court; Kenneth Holmes, 22, Sain Rd., Mocksville, probation violation; Teny Steele, 28, Winston-Salem, assault on a female; James Sweat, 39, Sweat Trail, Mocksville, assault, injury to property. June 23: Crystal Keaton, 32, Fulton Rd., Advance, assault; Ryan Gore, 28, Becktown Rd., Mocksville, larceny, trespassing; David Harrell, 22, Magnolia, pro­ bation violation; Lucinda Brooks, 42, US 601 S., Mocksville, abandonment of animal, cruelty to ani­ mals. June 24: Christopher Carter, 23, Watts St., Cool­ eemee, cyberstalking; Eric Grooms, 46, US 601 S., Mocksville, communicating threats; Frances Tyson, 54, Legin Hut Rd., Mocksville, possession of stolen goods; Billy Shoffner Jr., 52, Buck­ ingham Lane, Mocksville, trespassing, damage to property. Juue 25: Kendall Cun­ ningham, 19, of Windward Circle, Mocksville, failure to appear in court; Mat­ thew Russell, 25, Deck Circle, Mocksville, posses­ sion marijuana, possession drug paraphernalia; Ken­ neth Shanks, 58, of US 601 S., Mocksville, assault on a female. June 26: Ricie Hollar, 66, Angell Rd., Mocksville, trafficking opium or heroin, possession with intent to manufacture or sell Sched­ ule II controlled substance, maintaining a vehicle or dwelling for a controlled substance, possession Schedule II controlled sub­ stance; Carol Green, 60, Thomasville, worthless check; Hunter Maxwell, 21, High Point, attempted lar­ ceny. June 27: Rebecca Shore, 29, Yadkinville, larceny by employee, larceny, obtain­ ing property by false pre­ tense; Charles Wyse, 37, NC 801 S., Advance, assault. June 28: Justin Tillery, 25, Children’s Home Rd., Mocksville, assault on a fe­ male, injury to property. Sheriff’s Dept. The following are from Davie County Sheriff’s De­ partment reports. June 22: assault on female, Jasmine Lane, Mocksville; domestic dis­ turbance, Duke W hittaker Rd., Mocksville; trespass­ ing, Buckingham Lane, Mocksville; obtaining prop­ erty by false pretense. Gun Club Rd., Advance; cru­ elty to animal, Calvin Lane, Mocksville. June 23: trespassing. County Line Rd., Harmony; larceny of firearm, Wyo Rd., Mocksville; communicating threats, Guinevere Lane, Mocksville; emergency commitment, Fairway Dr., Bermuda Run; assault on female, Eaton Rd., Mocks­ ville. June 24: possession of stolengoods, Salisbury Rd., Mocksville; trespassing, in­ jury to property, Bucking­ ham Lane, Mocksville. June 25: communicat­ ing threats, Calvin Lane, Mocksville; obtaining prop­ erty by false pretense. Ole­ ander Dr., Betmuda Run; possession marijuana, Deck Circle, Mocksville; distur­ bance, assault on female, US 601 S., Mocksville; identity theft, N. Lake Lou­ ise Dr., Mocksville; assault on female, US 601 S. June 26: breaking, en­ tering and larceny, US 64 E., Mocksville; injury to property (2 reports), Liberty Church Rd., Mocksville; communicating threats, US 64 E., Advance; obtaining property by false pretense, US 64 W., Mocksville; lar­ ceny of firearm, Channel Lane, Mocksville; larceny, US 158, Bermuda Run; breaking, entering and lar­ ceny, NC 801 S., Advance; damage to property, Ridge Rd., Mocksville. June 27: found property, US 64 W., Mocksville; lar­ ceny by employee, US 158, Betmuda .Run; larceny, US 64 E., Advance; assault, Westside Dr.. Mocksville; disturbance, Farmington Rd., Mocksville; domestic disturbance, N. Forke Dr., Advance; assault, NC 801 S., Advance; second de­ gree trespassing. Wall St., Mocksville; June 28: assault on fe­ male, damage to property. Children’s Home Rd., Mocksville. Cooleemee Police The following are from Cooleemee Police Depart­ ment reports. • Cassandra Shynise Dal­ ton, 23, of Dalton Road, Mocksville, was charged on June 11 with assault. Trial date: July 16. • Newman Dudley Stroud, 75, of Grove Street, was taken to the hospital after apparently being run over by a van. His wife reported he was checking the trans­ mission fluid, and aksed her to put a van’s transmission into drive then back into park, and when she did, it ran over him. He yelled, and she backed back over him, she told Sgt. Brent C. Cran­ ford. - An abandoned green Jeep with fictitious license plate was found at the end of Cross Street on June 12. - A domestic disturbance was reported June 14 at a residence on Erwin Street. Winzel Dallas Jacobs, 37, o f Berkshire Lane, Mocks­ ville, was charged with as­ sault. • A gate at RiverPark was damaged, it was reported June 14. Mocksville Police The following are from Mocksville Police Depart­ ment. • An attempted shoplift­ ing from WalMart was re­ ported June 28. • The breaking, entering and larceny of money, food,' office equipment and build­ ing materials from a build­ ing off Yadkinville Road was reported June 28. • The larceny o f a wallet from a vehicle parked off North Main Street was re-j ported June 27. ! • The larceny o f money' from a residence at North- ridge Court was reported June 27. • A teen reported June 27 he was “jumped” by three people in the WalMart park­ ing lot. • The larceny o f a cell phone from a table at a res­ taurant on Yadkinville Road was reported June 26. • A disturbance was re­ ported June 25 at a resi­ dence on Railroad Street. • A trespasser was report­ ed June 23 at a residence on Hollowhill Court. • The larceny of a wallet from a vehicle parked at a restaurant off Yadkinville Road was reported June 23. - The larceny of a trailer and Iawnmower from a parking lot off Industrial Drive was reported June 23. • Cardboard was being burned in a barrel off Wil- kesboro Street, it was re­ ported June 22. • The larceny of $21/14 worth o f fuel from Homs Express 2 was reported June .22. • The larceny of cigarettes from Rushco, Salisbuiy Road, was reported June 22. A rrests • Timothy Phillip Mad­ dox, 20, of Graywood D ., Advance, was charged June 28 with possession of mari­ juana. • Everett Lohr Anderson, 42, of Railroad St., was charged June 25 with resist­ ing an officer and a leash law violation. Trial date: Aug. 13. Tkaffic Accidents - No charges were filed after a wreck on US 601 North at 12:46 p.m. June 23. Ethan Tyier Page, 21, of Morganton, drove a 2010 Toyota from a private drive causing it to hit a 2010 Mit­ subishi driven by Devonta Alonzo Scott, 22, of East Lake Drive, reported Offi­ cer K.Holcomb. Williams Road Secluded apx. 17+/-Ac Small stream , wooded Call todayl Reagan High School Call today & see this beautiful homel Updated Floors & Palntl S a n q e m H w tv .S i3 n q e rfle a lti|.c —499-5859- BUYERS SELLERS AUCTIONS 704-902-9640 THE RIGHT TOOLS FOR THE JOB! • Storm Damage Clean Up and Removal • Hauling-9tavd,cnishediton«,mulch,sand,Upioll,efll<llrt • Grading and Land Clearing of Lots of AU Sizes• FoundationandDrivetvaycxcavation• R ightofW ayM aintenance I • Utility Maintenance I• Bush Hogging/Mowing I• Stump Gt Tree Removal* TreeTrimmIng 334 Pudding Ridge Rd., Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-2048 w w w .Sm ithExcavatingL LC .com j , C O O t o , ^Ice Cream] 151N. M dn St. • Mocksville, NC OPEN YEAR ROUND 60 Flavors! rvjfl.. We sell Deluxe & Front Porch mem Hand Dipped made in N.C. B H GAME ROOM: Galago, Pinball, Air Hockey, bxee Bal HOT FUDGE SUNDAES • MILKSHAKES BANANA SPLITS Si • SUGAR FREE FLAVORS AVAILABLE DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, T hursday, July 2,2015 - 7 Sumrior Court ____ The following cases were disposed of during the June 15 session o f Davie Supe­ rior Court. Presiding: Judge Anna M. Wagoner. Pros­ ecuting: Robert S. Taylor, Wendy J. Terry, and Karen Biernacki, assistant DAs. - Edith Lucindy Brown, assault with a deadly weap­ on inflicting serious injury, dismissed; simple posses­ sion schedule IV controlled substance, sentenced to 45 days, suspended 18 months, obtain substance abuse as­ sessment, not violate any laws, remain on good be­ havior, reside in a residence approved by probation of­ ficer, not assault/threaten/ harass victim, be employed and show proof o f that to probation officer. • Althea Voletta Car­ son, DW I, sentenced to 12 months, suspended 18 months, 7 days active, ob­ tain substance abuse assess­ ment/treatment, surrender license, not operate vehicle until licensed, remain on good behavior, not violate laws, $500, cost, $960 at­ torney fee; hit/ran leaving scene after causing property damage,dismissed by court. • James Lewis Davenport, misdemeanor probation vio­ lation out o f county, proba­ tion revoked, sentenced to 60 days at expiration of oth­ er sentence; misdemeanor probation violation, proba­ tion revoked, sentenced to 15 days to ran concurrent with other sentences; dis­ charging fireajm in town limits, injury to real prop-, erty, ’remanded to district court judgment; discharg­ ing a weapon into an occu­ pied dwelling/vehicle, dis­ missed. ' - Eddie Henderson Fos­ ter, assault with a deadly weapon, assault on a law enforcement/police officer/ other causing serious injury, communicating threats, dis­ missed, civil settlement. • Ernest William Gragert, misdemeanor probation vio­ lation, probation terminated unsatisfactorily. - Marquisha Denise Hol­ land, felony probation vio­ lation, probation terminated ■unsuccessfully, $420 attor­ ney fee. - Mitchell Randolph Ivey, felony possession schedule I controlled substance, sim­ ple possession schedule IV controlled substance, sim­ ple possession schedule 111 controlled substance, dis­ missed per plea; possession of marijuana up to one-half ounce, possession of drag paraphernalia, sentenced to 45 days, suspended 12 months, obtain substance abuse assessment/treatment, regular terms and condi­ tions, submit to random testing/warrantless searches for illegal controlled sub­ stances, reside in residence approved by probation of­ ficer, not violate laws, cost. • Dustin Ray Lovelace, conspiring to traffic in opi­ um/heroin, trafficking in opium/heroin, dismissed per plea; trafficking in opi­ um/heroin, reduced to pos­ session with intent to sell/ deliver a schedule Il con­ trolled substance, defened prosecution, 18 months supervised probation, 48 hours community service, obtain substance abuse as­ sessment, remain on good behavior, cost, if in compli­ ance charges may be dis­ missed in 18 months. • Hunter Dane Morgan, identity theft, sentenced to 12 to 24 months, sus­ pended 30 months, 60 days active, 39 days jail credit, obtain psychological as­ sessment, obtain substance abuse assessment, reside in a residence approved by probation officer, submit to random tests/warrant­ less searches for illegal controlled substances, do not obtain any more tattoos while on probation, turn cell phone over to sheriff's office to be destroyed, do not own or possess a smart phone, cell phone or com­ puter while on probation, do not be on the property where drags are sold, any positive drag test will result in arrest without bond and to be held to next term of court, no vis­ itation from Skylar Macleod during active sentence, no contact with Skylar Ma- cleod or Tyier Shrewsberiy while on probation, curfew for. 10 months, do not be on the property of Bermuda Run Pro Shop; conspiracy to commit robbery with a dangerous weapon, reduced to conspiracy to commit common law robbery, sen­ tenced to five to 15 months at ‘ expiration of previous sentence, suspended 30 months, 60 days active at expiration of previous sen­ tence, abide by same terms as other sentence; attempted robbery with a dangerous weapon, unlawfully obtain­ ing a credit card, obtaining property by false pretense, four counts breaking and/or entering, 3 counts larceny after breaking/entering, dis­ missed per plea; breaking and/or entering, sentenced to five to 15 months at expi­ ration of previous sentence, suspended 30 months, $779 restitution to Stratford Golf Club Inc. jointly and sever­ ally with Skyler Macleod; larceny after breaking/en­ tering, sentenced fo five to 15 months at expiration of previous sentence, suspend­ ed 30 months. - Paul Ray Neely, ficti­ tious/altered title/registra­ tion, DW l, no license, fail­ ure to apply for new title, driving/allowing vehicle to be driven with no registra­ tion, remanded to district court judgment; felony pro­ bation violation, sentenced to 90 days, probation termi­ nated at end of sentence. • Christopher Eugene Phillips, maintaining ve­ hicle/dwelling/place for controlled substances, traf­ ficking in opium or heroin, conspiring to traffic in opium/heroin, dismissed per plea; trafficking in opi­ um or heroin by sale more than four and less than 14 grams, sentenced to 70 to 93 months, obtain GED, work release recommended, com­ plete substance abuse pro­ gram, $50,000, cost, $600 lab fee, $4,210 attorney fee. • Devonta A. Ponder, vio­ lation of court order, con­ tinue under formal orders of court, $300 attorney fee. - Anthony Ausbon Price Sr., first degree burglary, as­ sault on a female, common law robbery, dismissed, insufficient evidence after victim has recanted story. • David Purkey, DWl, injury to personal prop­ erty, misdemeanor larceny, unsafe movement, give/ lend/bonow license plate, remanded to district court' judgment. • Terri Michelle Shoaf, misdemeanor probation violation, sentenced to 7 days, credit for 2 days, pro­ bation extended 12 months, allowed to take medications in jail, continue on proba­ tion to complete treatment for substance abuse, obtain counseling, $300 attorney fee. • Gerald Stephen Smith, motions, probation trans­ ferred to unsupervised. • Malisa T. Spry, felony probation violation, proba­ tion revoked, sentenced to 5 to IS months, credit for 15 days, obtain drag/alcohol rehabilitation treatment. • Daniel Ray Williams, felony probation violation, probation continued, do not miss any class without permission, if any classes missed or any< illegal con­ trolled substances found in residence or car, defendant will be arrested without bond, seized items to be de­ stroyed, $300 attorney fee. • Mamie Lorene W il­ liams, maintaining vehicle/ dwelling/place for con­ trolled substances, traffick­ ing in opium or heroin, con­ spiracy to traffic in opium/ heroin, dismissed per plea; trafficking in opium or heroin by possessing more than four grams and less than 14 grams, sentenced to 70 to 93 months, credit for 90 days, obtain GED and vocational training, have no contact with co-defendant, complete drug/alcohol reha­ bilitation program, $50,000, cost, $550 attorney fee. - James Fred Wilson, felony assault inflicting se­ rious bodily injury, reduced to misdemeanor assault in­ flicting serious injury, sen­ tenced to 60 days, credit for 73 days, do not be on prop­ erty of Four Oaks Tavern. Failure to Appear • Roderick 0 . Alexander, failure to appear on felony. - David Everhart, posses­ sion of stolen goods/prop­ erty, resisting public officer, fleeing to elude arrest with motor vehicle, possession of marijuana up to one-half ounce, possession of drag paraphernalia. • Alvin Dale Johnson, felony larceny. The following let Court disposed'Iof during Davie District Court. Presiding: Judge Rod Penry. Prosecut­ ing: Karen Biemacki and Wendy TetTy, assistant DAs. - Troy Wesley Allen, reckless driving-wanton disregard, reduced to care­ less and reckless driving, prayer for judgment contin­ ued, cost. • Joseph John Bedford, resisting public officer, im­ peding traffic by sitting/ standing/lying in roadway, dismissed per compliance with informal deferred pros­ ecution. - Joshua Caleb Booe, fel­ ony second degree kidnap­ ping, reduced to common law false imprisonment, sentenced to 45 days, sus­ pended 18 months, credit for U days, continue men­ tal health treatment • do not miss any appoiiitments, have no contact with vic­ tim s, pay medical bills, $700.71 restitution, cost, $1,270 attorney fee, $20 install fee; robbery with a dangerous weapon, reduced to assault on a female, sen­ tenced to 60 days at expira­ tion of previous sentence, suspended 18 months, same terms as previous sentence. • Lawrence Lynn Brown Jr., DW I, sentenced to 60 days, suspended 18 months, 24 houre community ser­ vice. surrender license, not operate vehicle until licensed, obtain substance abuse assessment/treatment, $100, cost, $100 DWI fee, $20 install fee, $390 attor­ ney fee. - Victoria Celeste Brace, speeding 62 in a 45, reduced to improper equipment, $75, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee; expired registra­ tion, dismissed per plea. • Frances B. Braebakerl two counts simple assault, dismissed at request of pros­ ecuting witness. • Johnny Lee Cass1 two counts driving while license revoked, fictitious/canceled/ revoked- registration, DWI iai vehicle, dis­ missed per plea; D W l, sen­ tenced to 30 days. • Oniver Candido Castro, failure to stop for stop sign/ flashing red light, prayer for judgment continued, cost. • Mark Kenneth Chernek, assault on a female, sen­ tenced to 60 days, sus­ pended 18 months, credit for 31 days, have no contact with victim, complete an­ ger management treatment, cost; 2 counts domestic violence protective order violation, sentenced to 60 days at expiration of previ­ ous sentence, suspended 18 months, cost; domestic vio­ lence protective order viola­ tion,dismissed per plea. • Nicole L. Dellinger, DW I, sentenced to 60 days, suspended 18 months, 24 hours community service, credit for substance abuse assessment/complete treat­ ment, surrender license, not operate vehicle until licensed, $100, cost, $100 DW l fee, $20 install fee; driving while license re­ voked not DWI, failure to burn headlamps, posses­ sion/display of altered/ficti­ tious/revoked license, dis­ missed per plea. - Mamie Lorene Fergu­ son, expired registration, expired/no inspection, reck­ less driving-wanton disre­ gard, driving left o f center, resisting public officer, dis­ missed per plea. • Dustin Ryan Gyovai, DWI, sentenced to 60 days, suspended 18 months, 24 hours community service, credit for substance abuse assessment/complete treat­ ment, surrender license, not operate vehicle until li­ censed, limited driving priv- ilege/$100 fee, $100. cost, $100 DWI fee; unsafe lane change, dismissed per plea. • Marquisha D. Holland, possession with intent to sell/deliver cocaine, sell/ deliver cocaine, dismissed, insufficient evidence. - Tracy Lynn Houser, larceny of motor fuel, dis­ missed, civil settlement. • Paige Nicole Hughes, second degree kidnapping, reduced to aid/abet assault. on a female, sentenced to 60 days, suspended 18 months, credit for nine days, contin­ ue counseling/mental health treatment, do not miss any doctor’s appointments, have no contact with victim or co-defendant, $700.71 res­ titution to victim; cost, aid/ abet common law robbery, sentenced to 45 days, sus­ pended 18 months; robbery with dangerous weapon, dismissed per plea. • Donnie Ray James Jr., unauthorized use of vehicle, sentenced to time served, cost, $280 attorney fee. • Derek Anthony Jones, speeding 95 in a 70, re­ duced to careless and reck­ less driving, $500, cost, $20 install fee; failure to wear seat belt, dismissed per plea. - Dayon TVree Jordan, larceny of motor fuel, dis­ missed, civil settlement. • Ricky Lee Lineberry, domestic violence protec­ tive order violation, dis­ missed at request of pros­ ecuting witness. • Amy Laura Locklear, misdemeanor larceny, sen­ tenced to time served, cost, $U 5attom eyfee. • Adrian Rashaun Lyons, possession of marijuana paraphernalia, deferred prosecution, 12 months supervised probation, 24 hours community service, have no contact with vic­ tim, obtain substance abuse assessment/treatment, cost, $445 attorney fee, $20 in­ stall fee; if in compliance charges may be dismissed in 12 months; conspiracy to sell/deliver marijuana, dismissed per plea; driving after consuming under age 21, sentenced to 45 days, suspended 12 months, lim­ ited driving privilege/$IOO fee, cost. • Robert A. Malton, do­ mestic violence protective order violation, sentenced to time served, cost, $225 attorney fee. • Hunter Dane Morgan, simple possession schedule VI controlled substance, possession of drug para­ phernalia, dismissed per plea. • Paul' Ray Neely, DWI, sentenced to one year at expiration of sentence be­ ing served, suspended 18 months, 7 days active, sur­ render .license, not operate vehicle until licensed, ob­ tain substance abuse assess­ ment/treatment, $400, cost, $100 DW l fee. • Sarah Louise Overman, simple assault, dismissed at request of prosecuting wit­ ness. • Jason Lyle Padgett, driving while license re­ voked not DW I, dismissed, corrected. • Joseph Lene Sackett, DWI, sentenced to 60 days, credit for 72 days, cost, $100 DWI fee, $225 attor­ ney fee*, driving Ieft of cen­ ter, dismissed per plea. - Hunter David Scott, re­ sisting public officer, misde­ meanor larceny, second de­ gree trespass, dismissed per plea; misdemeanor larceny, reduced to unauthorized use of a vehicle, deferred prosecution, 12 months supervised probation, suc­ cessfully complete juvenile program, if in compliance charges may be dismissed in 12 months. - Kristen Faith Searcy, speeding 85 in a 70, pos­ session/display of altered/ fictitious/revoked license. expired registration, dis­ missed per plea; driving while license revoked DWl revocation, prayer for judg­ ment continued, cost, $20 install fee. • James Robert Short Jr., violation of unsupervised probation', dismissed, in compliance. • Derrick Lamas Smoot, driving while license re­ voked, reduced to failure to notify DMV of address change, $25, cost, $200 fail­ ure to appear fee, $20 install fee. • Christine Lynn Teague. DW I.sentencedto 180 days, suspended 18 months, 72 hours community service, surrender license, not oper­ ate vehicle until licensed, obtain substance abuse as­ sessment/treatment, $300, cost, $100 DWI fee; driving while license revoked, ficti­ tious/altered title/registra­ tion, expired registration, expired/no inspection, dis­ missed per plea. > Austin Howard Tilley, driving while license re­ voked not DW I, dismissed per plea; DWI, sentenced to 120 days, suspended 18 months, 48 hours communi­ ty service, surrender license, not operate vehicle until li­ censed, credit for substance abuse assessment/follow treatment, $200, cost, $100 DWl fee, $20 install fee. • Amanda Elliott Walser, misdemeanor larceny, re­ duced to aid/abet misde­ meanor larceny, felony breaking and/or entering, reduced to misdemeanor aid/abet breaking/entering, sentenced to 45 days, sus­ pended 18 months, enroll in substance abuser treatment program, $150 restitution to victim, cost, $280 attorney fee; larceny after breaking/ entering.dismissed per plea. • Zachary Todd White, DW I, sentenced to one year, suspended 18 months, 7 days active, surrender li­ cense, not operate vehicle until licensed, credit for substance abuse assess­ ment/follow treatment, $400, cost, $100 DWI fee. Failure to A ppear • Kari Leonn Barnett. DWI, failure to wear seat belt. • Letitia L. Blankenship, misdemeanor larceny. - Mitchell Blankenship, misdemeanor larceny. • David Everhart, shop­ lifting concealment of goods. • Jessica C. Jones, simple possession schedule Vl con­ trolled substance, posses­ sion of marijuana parapher­ nalia, driving while license revoked not DWI. - Y Sao Nie, DWI, driv­ ing while license revoked DWl revocation, driving left of center. •Teresa DianeThompson. speeding 56 in a 45, use of foreign licensed while driv­ ing while license revoked. ^Paula’s Place^ “Home Style CooMngrf .99 Footlongs $2.75 Hambuigers > Open REGULAR HOURS July 4«i! 2076 US Hwy. 601S, • Mocksville, NC 336-753-1315 Regular Hours: MonSai 6amSpm; Sun 7am-3pm 8 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 2,2015 r t \fri -r.h- vb:.lV?V ' . /* 1 S r ' " V - I ' T £ f - \ ' H ' ■' 3 ^ : t 3, ' 'V ■ I V ■ % . , - J --O './-- 4 1 ’ ' V 1 W * ! t ,(■ * & & ■ , ? W p H V ' - *v W 3 f J i / .. & * .. x * - t * -< . ^ Revolutionary W ar ie-enactors take part in a marker dedication cerem ony in 2009 at the Pearson Graveyard near C ooleem ee. 4th In Cooleemee Lawnmower Parade, Free Watermelon And More Folks line Marginal Street for the annual Cooleem ee Lawnmower Parade. COOLEEMEE - Word had not yet reached the Forks of the Yadkin that North Carolina and the other 12 American colonies had declared their indepen­ dence from England 239 years ago. After they won, though, July 4th became the day. to celebrate that hard-fought battle as well as the liberties and freedoms that indepen­ dence bestowed upon us. Since the 1990s, Indepen­ dence Day is honored here by a Iawnmowcr parade that begins at Cooleemee School. Anyone can partici­ pate by lining up a patrioti­ cally decorated lawnmower, float, car, bicycle or pet by 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, July 4. Judges will be in the crowd and there will be prizes to win at the parade's end on the Zachary House grounds. Bring your lawn chair and view the parade along Marginal Street. As always there will be free watermelon for all under the arbor. Hotdogs and cold drinks will be for sale at the Cook Shack and historic displays about the American Revolution in the Forks of the Yadkin will be on view on the patio. The July 4th activities are sponsored by the Town of Cooleemee. Patriot militia Captain Richmond Pearson is buried just a little over a mile from Cooleemee. His Anal resting place, with impressive stone quarried walls, was restored by Del McCullough and Terry Dedmon in 2000. It is maintained by the Cool­ eemee Historical Associa­ tion. Pearson’s militia unit trained at Veach's muster ground near where Liberty United Methodist Church now stands. From behind trees, they harassed Gen. Cornwal­ lis’s army through the local woods on their way to battle American Genera! Nathani- al Greene’s forces at Guild­ ford Courthouse. Tractor & Engine Show, Parade Friday, Saturday Antique tractors and en­ gines will be in Mocksville this weekend for the annual Tractor and Engine Show and Parade sponsored by the Piedmont Antique Power Association. On Friday and Saturday beginning at 8 a.m., the free show will be open at the Masonic Picnic Grounds off North Main Street. Cartner family reunion attendees include, from left: front - Andy C artner1 Charles Fox, Sally C. Com- The highlight is the an- er, Mildred C. Beck; row 2 - Jim Cartner, Ann Cartner Cline, Aileen C. Balance, Jeanette C. Turner, nuai parade through Down- Coleen C. Peacock, Willa C. W ootton, Carl Cartner, Alice C. W augh, Jo C. S ees and Clint Cartner. town Mocksville, which be­ gins at IO a.m. on Saturday,Cartner Family Holds 61st Reunion There will be vendors, ice cream, food and chances at The 61st annual reunion Seventy-two family Alexander Cartner and good to come together with prizes-including a 1950 8N ofthe descendants of Arthur members signed the regis- Blanche Richardson Cart- family and share precious Ford tractor-both days. Alonzo Cartner and Mary ter for the 61st reunion; ner. Cora Stroud Camer was 14 were grandchildren of Marriages, births and Sunday, June 17 in the fel- Arthur Alonzo Cartner and deaths for the previous year lowship hall of Clarksbury Mary Cora Stroud Cartner. . were read and copies were United Methodist Church After a welcome by made available. This will be memories,” said Coleen Also scheduled for Fri- Cartner Peacock. day: 5 p.m., bingo; 6:30 T heC artnerslivedinD a- p.m., music by Gaining vie County and are of Dutch Ground, tractor skill events, descent. As the family grew, kiddie pedal race, ladies near Harmony. Tije first Cartner reunion son of Clayton Cartner and written details in the Picto- Iredell County and settled toss, and a wrench tossing was nfeld at V-Point Com- M ildredA ndersonCartner1 rial History Book of the De- o — i .— I.-.,.. munity Center in 1954, with there was a brief business scendants of the A.A. Cart- 100 family members pres- meeting before the meal, ner Family, ent. The community build- The minutes- for .the-2014 Lunch was serve picnic ing was built by the seven reunion were presented by style, as is traditional. Cartner brothers and other Coleen Cartner Peacock, ‘‘Boo’’ heritage, and it is always President Andy Cartner, included with pictures and they purchased property in pedal pull and frying pan J - - — •- A - HS— Iredell County and settled toss, and a wrench tossing on Cartner Road to raise the contest; cow patty bingo is. family. at 7 . sign up anytime during “We hope to keep this the day for $5. family reunion going for fu- Saturday's activities in- ture generations of Cartner elude wagon rides, a water- We are so proud of our descendants to cherish their melon eating contest, a kid- ,” she said. die pedal pull at 11 a.m., an It’s Best Tb L^eave Fireworks Displays To Professionals What would the 4th of lege Ofs Emergency Physi- July be without fireworks? cians. “M anK of those ER A little less busy in hos- visits are initiated with the pital emergency rooms. line ‘Hey, watch this!’” The nation’s emergency If you do ignite Are- physicians urge you to cel- works, these do’s and don’ts properly. • Keep a bucket of water over a fireworks device severe injury. or fire extinguisher on hand, when trying to light the fuse • Don’t carry fireworks • Light fireworks one at and immediately back up in a pocket. a time. to a safe distance after you • Don’t try to relight or Disposeofallfireworks light it. handle malfunctioning fire- ebrate the country’s birth- will help make it a safer ex­ day by using common sense perience. when it comes to the poten- • Have knowledgeable tial dangers of fireworks. supervision by an experi- “We see many injuries enced adult, in the ER due to fireworks • Buy fireworks from around the 4th of July," said reputable dealers. • Don’t point or throw works. • Don’t give any fire- fireworks at another person. "You should only watch works, including sparklers, • Don’t try to re-light or a professional fireworks to small children; older chil- pick up fireworks that have display managed by experts dren should be supervised not ignited fully. who have proper training by a responsible aduit. • Don’t wear loose cloth- and experience,” said Ge- • Don’t light fireworks ing while using fireworks. rardi. “Have fun and enjoy indoors or near other ob- • Don't set off fireworks this great American holiday. Dr. Michael Gerardi, presi- • Read warning labels jects. in glass or metal containers We don’t want to have to dent’of the American CoI- and follow all instnictions. • Don't place your body — the fragments can cause see you in the ER." auction at I p.m. and raffle drawing at 3 p.m. Activities for the kids will include a monster truck bounce house both days. During the parade on Saturday, Deep Roots Com­ munity Garden will have a booth at the First United Methodist Church on North Main Street selling hotdogs and bottles of water for SI each. Spay, Neuter Clinic July 8 The Humane Society of Davie County will be offer­ ing a spay/neuter clinic on Wednesday, July 8, open to all N.C. residents. Interested pet owners must sign up by Friday, July 3 at the adoption center, 291 Eaton Road, Mocksville. Pet owners need to bring a signed copy of the rabies vaccination certificate (no tags) and the spay/neuter fee during sign up. Cost is $55 for cats and $75 for dogs, and a $3 trans­ portation fee.Owners can bring their own kennel or pay a $5 kennel rental fee. Davie residents who get government assistance (food stamps, etc...) will be charged $10 dollars. They must get a form stamped at the DSS office prior to sign­ ing up. Call the adoption center at 751-5214. a Mill.DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 2,2015 - 9 Continued From Page I thing we do with metal.” Food products will be in scaled containers and pig farms will get that, he said. “We will be the first cer­ tified CND, concrete and demolition facility, in North Carolina. If you are certi­ fied the state knows that you are disposing of the mate­ rial properly: It’s 'coming this way, it’s really big up north.” The processing will not generate noise or smells, he said. The part that was democd recently will have an 80,000 square foot con­ crete slab. The rest will be inside the mill and passers by will not be able to know of the existence of the facil­ ity from the front side of the mill, he said. “W hatever I do will be a neat facility." “Our goal in five years is to hire just under 50 em­ ployees. With Cooleemee having less than 1000 resi­ dents, if all are hired from Cooleemee, 50 is a pretty good percentage." Bullock says when he started building the power plant at the mill, he was focused ondoing just that. Even though he knew sev­ eral people in the town, it wasn’t until he bought the hardware store that he got to know many who live here on a more personal level. "Recently, Mike Garner (county recreation direc­ tor) reached out to me as a goodwill gesture and we discussed South Yadkin Power’s donation to the park." Five hours a day on Sat­ urday and Sunday water will be coming over the dam, if the water is there. It meant a lot to Bullock that Gamer took the time to come and talk with him about the park. Bullock isn't always aware of events go­ ing on in Cooleemee and he appreciated Gamer's con­ versation. Bullock is fully aware of the groundwork that has been done to the mill, in­ cluding the $300,00 state grant that prepared the mill for investors. He said the previous owner and he agree this would not work in Coolee­ mee. Location is a key ele­ ment for success. Bullock has seen mil­ lions invested in old mills that were turned into beau­ tiful establishments, and within a year have grass tnller than a man with only one person living there to oversee the property. He made specific refer­ ence. to a small town 16 miles from Atlanta, Ga. Af­ ter $68 million in taxpayer money, it fizzled'. “It’s a small town with one stop­ light." He was aware of this project because it includes a hydroelectric power plant. The mill was about half the size of the mill in Cool­ eemee. Within one year all the stores closed. “As a business man, I wouldn't invest in it.” Bullock said the new re­ cycling facility would take up about one third of the mill. He has some ideas about the other third but is not sure of it's future yet. The other third, located on the south end next to the bridge, is up for sale. The white building out front was used for offices and Bullock plans to use it for the same purpose. “We like Cooleemee and we want Cooleemee to thrive. We are pretty well vested here. We are here to stay for a while." Between Bullock and his wife Betty, they have eight children including one ad­ opted child. When asked what he would want people to know about his charactcrr he said he had always thought of putting on his tombstone: "He might not have made it but he sure died trying.” I asked him what was his definition of finally making it: "I’m 54 and I average 80 hours a week. I’ve done it since I got out of college. “Finally making it would be being successful in my relationship with God first, then my family and busi­ ness: that’s complete suc­ cess. That’s how I try to live my life. Anybody that knows me, anybody that comes in here will tell you I don’t slow down. “Right now I have seven businesses that I'm part of or own. It just takes all my time.” Not only docs he have the business in Lincoln County and two in Cooleemee, he has two other hydroelectric power plants. He business owns Cycle Social Rehab in Greensboro is a school for the mentally challenged. It has 11 vans and buses that go out every morning to pick the clients up and they arrive to class­ rooms like school. A big recreation center including a gym provides even more. The state uses the facility as a prototype, he said. Z s z k o ’s V i l l a g e e NOW HIRING Wait Staff Looking for part-time and full-time positions. Please inquire within during die hours o f 2-5 pi 3 949 Sausbury Road,Mocksville ,'NC 1 ......... Bullock says it's really neat to see the transforma­ tion that takes place with the clients in a mater of couple months. The clients come in withdrawn and talking little, but through socializing and being with other people, it helps them to open up and have a fuller life. The recycling facility in Cooleemee hopefully will be up and running for op­ eration within 90 days, in which public notices will go out for employment ap­ plications. LAKEWOOD MOTEL L o w D a i l y a n d W e e k l y R a t e s 751-2189 OWNER 7>etkns ■ (33?) 753-8355 TheDausy SAND TRAP Custom GoH 50%O ff All Brand Name Used Drivers, Excellent Condidon'. 3623 Q e m m o n s R o a d Q em m ons 7 6 6 -2 2 3 3HAMnHKthn IlMiSi IttLYfal I, Sm dm] Foil Service F L O B isr& G iFrSH O P 81B South Main Sf MocksvlllfcNC 336-753-3100thsdalsydepoiegr B ruce’s P o ttery B am ■20 S. Main SI, HlSVilMC Functimal Of Non-Functional WbedTbrovm Of Hand Camed Pottery Formerly ofSeacrove, NC OpenTues-Frt 10-6 & Sat 9-1 336-465-1041 I CLASSES AVAILABLE! " Jesse Perkins of Perkins Roofing of Mocksville Perkins Roofing of Davie PERKINS ROOFING “Quo/fty work at reasonable prtees” Phone: 336-753-8355 . F«JC 336-753-6373 He lives under just one roof, but Jesse Perkins cares about every roof. That's what makes his busi­ ness so special. As owner of Perkins Roofing in Mocksville, Jesse treats each roof as if it was on his own home. If it isn’t good enough for him, it will not be good enough for you. That is the way Jesse treats each roofing job and customer. His work and integrity speak for itself. Jesse, a Reidsvilfe native, became interested in roofing when he was just 13 years old. At age 17, the summer before graduating from high school, he began helping his brother in the roofing business. Af­ ter graduating the next year, Jesse moved to Davie County and has been here since. After years for working for other roofers, Jesse de­ cided it was time to go out on his own. So, in the fall of 1997, he started Perkins Roofing. “I have been roofing most of my life and that's what I love to do,” Jesse explains. “I started out with a lad­ der, hatchet and pick-up truck.” Now, along with roofing, Jesse has added vinyl sid­ ing to his line of work. “I work with several local contractors on new homes and do tear offs for older homes that need a new roof. I have done some repair work but we just don't have that many bad storms around here to do too much damage for roof repairs," Jesse notes. Jesse takes a great deal of pride In his work and will work however many hours and days it takes to get the job finished and done right. “I keep my business somewhat small. That way I can be on the job to see what goes on and make sure the job is completed like it would be for someone in my family. Perkins Roofing also enjoys giving back to the com­ munity. They are involved in various fund raisers including the law enforcement and rescue squad. So if you are in need of a new roof and a good, honest dependable man for job give Jesse at Perkins Roofing a call for a free estimate at (336) 753-8355. I a k e w a y M o w e r S e r v i c e Saws - Generators LogSplitters Blowers 10% OFF Pine Needles (iObalemin.) 336-766-2738 tvwv.lakewayirunvenHLCom SIP H O N S BfflBtIISHBP I 3 Professional Bathers Tues.-Fri. 830am • 6 pm; SaL 6am-noon (336)766-9011 in lfiet 2721 Lewisville Clemm ons Ad. » Clemm ons « W alk-ins are w w w.cjemm onsbartKrshop.com Rj welcome! ReStore [ ★★★ NEW STORE HOURS!! TUES. -FR/. 9am-6pm &5AT. 9am-5pm i I i I i i ^acrossrromuKeiiiyAVMrarat a a o -sa a - iu o iaSdaUe. j Starting JuIyP' see our new Christmas Room! 25% OFF Christmas Items JThru July Of, 2015 with this coupon) AapttyGenfyUnJfadfaniof Obtfo Rjn KMdhada, Itnml S Fmlbtt 124W ilkesboro St.,Mocksville J (across from O'Reilly Arno Para} 336-753-1438 ?gSttalA 10 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 2,2015 Army Chaplain To SpeakAt Bethany Baptist Chaplain Roy M. Win­ ston will speak on “God and Country” .during the morn­ ing worship service Sunday at Bethany Baptist Church, 162 Hillsdale West Drive, Advance. An active duty US Army chaplain, he is chief of the Department of Ministry and Pastoral Care at Bnyne- Jones Army Community Hospital at Fort Polk, La. Winston has served in Iraq nnd at bases in the U.S. He has been married to the former Rebecca Wolf for 30 years, and they have one daughter, Rachel (mar­ ried to Jeremiah Verdin), and a granddaughter, Ruth. Winston is an ordained Southern Baptist minister who pastored churches in Alabama, Georgia and Flor­ ida before entering active duty in 2009. He earned a bachelor’s degree in theolo­ gy from the Baptist College of Florida inGraceville.and earned master’s degrees!in religion and divinity from New Orleans Baptist and Liberty Baptist theological seminaries. He is a doctor of ministry candidate. ! < BarneyAwarded Golden Leaf Scholarship; Balsley-Creason Couple To Marry Mr. and Mrs. Jeff BalsIey of Mocksville announce the engagement of their daughter Carly to Jeremiah Creason, son ofTerry and Karen Creason of Mocksville. The bride-elect is a graduate of UNC-Asheviile1 is a F&l manager at Mercedes in Winston-Salem. The groom-to-be graduated from UNC-Charlotte and works at Sheffield Fi­ nancial as a senior account executive. Both arc graduates ; ofD avieH igh School. An Oct. IOth wedding is planned at Adaumont Farm in Trinity. EmiIyJonesKeeps 4.0 At Campbell Emily Jones of Mocks- vile has been plaed on the • president's list for the 2014- 2015 school year at Camp­ bell University in Buies Creek. It is the highest under­ graduate academic recog­ nition Campbell awards to students. She is a rising se­ nior and will begin her first year in the master's pro­ gram. She plans to graduate in 2017 with a master’s de­ gree in business and an un­ dergraduate degree in trust and wealth management. She has maintained a 4.0 E m iIy Jo n e s grade point average every BankinN ew ark1Del. The N.C. State Educa­ tion Assistance Authority selected Laura Bamey as a recipient of up to a SI2.000 Golden LEAF Foundation Scholarship. Bamcy is a graduate of Advance Davie County High School and plans to attend Camp­ bell University. Barney is one of 215 students selected to receive a 53,000 scholarship each year for up to four years of study at a participating NC school and community s^r-, university or college. vice activities, goals, and: Recipients are from ru- expressed intent to contrjb- ral, economically distressed ute to rural communitjcs counties and are selected upon graduation from col- based on a number of cri- lege, teria, including a review of i By Edith Zim m erm an Advance Correspondent Several from our com­ munity attended the blue- grass music and hotdog festival at Elbaville Meth­ odist Church Sunday eve­ ning. Music was by Mona Jo Griffin and friends. Do­ nations went for local mis­ sions. An Independence Day covered dish picnic will be held on Thursday, July 2 at Bethlehem United Meth­ odist Church on Redland Road, Advance, at the pic­ nic shelter at 5:30 p.m. In case of bad weather the event will be in the fam­ ily life center. A bluegrass/ gospel duo, Eric and Ben Marshall of Mount Airy, will perform at 6:30. There is no charge except to bring a covered dish. Soft drinks •and tea will be provided. A love offering will be taken for the band. Reservations are requested to take a head count for the drinks and seating. Advance Methodist pas­ tor, the Rev. Patrick Snow’s parents of Kemersville were among the visitors at worship service Sunday morning. The SalIie Sue Peebles/ mens Sunday School class enjoyed an after church lunch at Captain Gal­ ley Seafood Restaurant in Kinderton Sunday. I was recipient of one of their de­ licious meals since I wasn't able to attend. Teachers of the class are Adela and Bob Rescigno. Best wishes go to Gene Vogler and Cokie Jones who were in the Bailey Bar­ ber Shop at Fork on June 13 when a truck smashed into the building. Fortunately no one was hurt seriously but a great deal of damage was done to the building. Get well wishes go to Marcelle Beck who has| been hospitalized this past week. ! Brenda Zimmerman of New York arrived on Mon­ day to spend the week with her mother, Edith Zimmer-, ship with JP Morgan/Chase Mocksville. N i c h o l s O n D e a n ’s L i s t s AUCTION EVERY FRIDAY • 6 PM 2 2 4 D uke W hittaker R oad M ocksville, NC 27028 ANTIQUES • COLLECTABLES • TOOLS YARD, GARDEN & HOUSEHOLD ITEMS H IC K S A U C T IO N C O . Harold L. Hicks, Auclioneer • 336-354-6986 N C R B U 230262 N C A F U 7961 S c h o o l s R e c o g n i z e ‘S t a r s ’ Several students and one also piled up the awards: health poster, Katie Koontz came in over budget, three' staff member were recog- • in Accounting I1Jessica was the fourth place region- students from the Masonry: nized for recent achieve- Crews placed first in the re- al winner. Ill class decided they want-! ments during the June 2 gion; Also recognized was the ed to do the work as an in- Davie Board of Education • in insurance and risk ProStart team. The culinary dependent study. I meeting. management', Nathan Hincs team, made up of Des- Spillman said he wasii’t C T E S tars was the second place stale tiny Lee, Emma Kilgore, sure they realized at fifst Donna McNeil, director winner; and K athrynBradshaw 1 Jenni- how hard the work would of career and technical edu- • on the stock market fer Velazquez, and Rachel be, but they were able to fin- cation, said this is the first team, Jesse Beeker, KaIeb L arsenw onsecondplacein ish it, and did “a really good year Davie has had an offi- McCarson1 Kassidie Mc- the state. job,” Spillman said, cial chapter in the National Daniel and Jonathon Ressa Tiie restaurant manage- Ethan McCoy, Chase Skills USA, a partnership placed second in the region ment team, made up of Prim and Conner HenneUy between students, teacher and fourth in the state. R achelL arsenandK yleE l were recognized for com- and industry to ensure a • Future Farmers of Homsi placed first in the pleting the project, skilled workforce. America Taylor Sheets state and represented the A dm inistrator of the Y ear1 In recent competitions: earned a state FFA degree county and state at the na- It isn’t often Jeff Wa!-: • in auto tech, Matthew and first place on forest tional competition in Los lace, assistant superinten-'rresf nlnrpH firct in --.I a i__ /-..,-r , ..dent, gets to tell his boss,' CONSTRUCTION INCLUDED IN PRICING: neighr io are pu Miie Rodus Statesville, NC|, Concrete Footers Per Plan, Block/via stucco i-ounaanon Pernoa One Doy Crone Service. Professlonol SetOn Foundation, HVAC System Heot Pump sized To Home, Ptumblna & Zxstfwl E,ecWc Hoc* Ups To easllnS Service, Interior And Extertor trim Out 2 Quoiitv SiAMfi StGDS Built To Code. More Irclndart PTenso A* r™ iw ii C hoice semester at Campbell. She She is Che daughter of ................................................................. compete “ “ “ '"Iern" Mark and 0w J" jOnes °r jOrrest placed BrsI in the proficiency application, and Angeles, Calif. s tn w,t - » • ” . . . s .—'........1 state and second in the re- Jake Hendrix earned a state -'Student organizations Superintendent Dr Damn! Eton in auto tool Identilica- FFAdegree. provided through career and Hartness, what to do, but; llon; HOSA (Health Occupa- technical education provide he got to last week when he! r,„ u p V1-V nl ( . , . . . • Kyle McCune placed tions Students of America) opportunities for students called Hartness to the podi-1 P 1 ^ n| Advance, a pre-business major at second in the region and students earned regional to demonstrate leadership um Io be recognized as Ihei ClemsonUniversity was named to the dean's I,st for ,he fourth in ,he state in Ma- wins and competed at ,he and technical skills beyond 2014-15 Admlni tra,or of! spnng semester w„h a mm,mom 3.5 grade point average, son,, I; state level: Ih eclassro o m an d D av ie ,he Year. i • in Carpentry I, Joshua • Laura Barney, first County. These skills and He said Hartness, who' Hill placed second in the place regional winner in job opportunities become step- has spent more than 20* state; Isaiah Whitley placed seeking skills; ping stones to their future,” years in public education first in the region and fifth in • Abby Hines, first place M cNeilsaid. as an elementary princinal'; the state; and James Waller in the region in researched W ilIiamEUts assistant superintendent at placed second in the reg.on persuasive speaking; ConcessionStand the central office level and and third in the state; and • KeIsie Stanberry, third Folksw hovisitthecon- in curriculum instruction • in Urattmg I, Dakota place regional in medical cession stand at William and who came here in 201T Baker was the third place terminology; Ellis might not realize who has been recognized at the'! state winner. . Kaitlyn Lipscomb, completed the work on it. state level and finished in In their competitions, third place in the region in Michael Spillman, facili- the top three for slate suner students in the Future Busi- medical photography; and ties director, said when the intendentoftheyear ness Leaders of America • in extemporaneous bid to do the block work He will have, among oth­ er items in his legacy, stu­ dent achievement and the passing of the bond for the j high school, Wallace said. “He provides excellent | leadership for the whole! district and community. I j heard a former president! say this, and it’s not father) and son, but he said, ‘My I dad loved me enough to allow me to take risks and make mistakes.' Everyday, we know what to expect of you, who you are going to be, what you want us to do •and what you want us to be, but you also care enough about us to allow us to take risks. You allow us to do our jobs.” RANDY MILLER] &SONS S E m c TANK SERVICE 295 Miller Road. Mocksville (336) 284-2826 *We Pump Septic Tanks. Twneher Week DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 2,2015 -11 Foiks or an aqes enjoy the vacation Bible school kick-off at Society Baptist, including C J Dwiggins t< snip wnne y o u n g e r ones wait for face paint by Kim Muir. a gam e of cornhole. Below, som e fellow- County Line By Shirley Thorne County Line Correspondent County Liners have wel­ comed the recent rain and cooler temperatures. Since the end of the school year, kids have enjoyed vacation Bible school at Society Bap­ tist and Clarksbury United Methodist. Many of our families have taken vacation trips to the beach or mountains. Many are having fam­ ily backyard grilling galas. Also, there are the fireworks displays and retail sales. W hatever your celebration plans are, here's wishing you a safe and happy time. The Salem United Meth­ odist Men will meet at 7:30 a.m. Sunday, July 5, in the fellowship hall. The men in­ vite others in the communi­ ty for breakfast and prayer. The Society Baptist soft­ ball team plays at 8 p.m. Monday, July 6, and at 9 p.m. 1Diesday, July 7, at Rich Park in Mocksville. The Clarksbury ECA will meet at 2 p.m. Tuesday, July 7 at the V-Point Building for the regular monthly meet­ ing. Special guest will be Ann Simmons of the Iredell County Agricultural Exten­ sion. Beginning at 3 p.m. Ms. Simmons will speak on canning and will check canning equipment. If you wish to have equipment checked for proper working condition, bring it with you. Everyone is invited. For fur­ ther information, call Carol Jones on 704-546-2414. The V-Point Ruritans will meet at 7 p.m. Thurs­ day, July 9 at the V-Point Building for the monthly meeting. After dinner guest speaker Beth HinesIfcy (RN. BSN), community relations coordinator of Carolina Do­ nor Services, will present a program on "Saving or En­ hancing the Life of a Person via Organ or Tissue Dona­ tion." Club members invite everyone for this program. Call Alice Absher on 704- 546-7800. There will no breakfast sponsored by the V-Point Ruritans during July. They look forward to seeing you at their next breakfast Sat­ urday, Aug. I at the V-Point Building. Upcoming community events include a country ham and sausage breakfast SEAFORD STUMP REMOVAL LoallyOMHdtOptnM Mocksville, NC 336-909-0610 B i Lauren Lewis helps the kids with crafts at the Clarksbury Methodist vacation Bible school. Jackson W ooten and Sam antha Redm ond enjoy craft time. Emily Ireland, G racie M ae Trivette1 and Ali Ireland smile. Anna Smith helps Jackson W ooten. Carrie Etzkorn helps with the children.G racie Mae Trivette1 Ali Ireland, Jackson W ooten listen to a Bible story. hosted by the Salem United Methodist Men from 6-10 a.m. Saturday, July' 18 at the County Line VFD; and Senior Bingo hosted by the V-Point Ruritans at 2 p.m. Thursday, July 23 at the V- Point Building. Our community extends its deepest sympathy to the family of John Lee Wil­ liams, who died last Thurs­ day at Autumn Care of Mocksville. He was bom in Davie County in 1935 to the late John Henry and Elizabeth Seamon Williams of Mr. Henry Road near the Davie Academy Building. An only child, he helped his parents on their farm and attended Cool Spring High School. He then mar­ ried Sue Pinkston and the couple built a home on the Williams family farm and reared daughters Ann and Kay. He was self-employed as a builder of bams and fences and farmed part time. He was laid to rest with a graveside service celebrat­ ing his life last Saturday morning in the cemetery of Salem United Method­ ist Church, where he was a long-time member. We send get-well wish­ es to Evan Walker, who has been hospitalized with pneumonia at Wake For­ est Baptist Medical Center. Alice Absher has been re­ cuperating at home since Friday. Ricky Swisher has been transferred from Wake Forest Baptist Medical Cen­ ter to Brian Center of States­ ville for rehab. Pat Swisher has been transferred from Autumn Care of Statesville to The Gardens of States­ ville. David Steele has been transferred from Iredell Me­ morial Hospital to Bermuda Commons. Naomi "Om" Stroud remains at Iredell Memorial Hospital.Perry Cartner remains at Davis Regional Medical Center. Betty Lou Richardson has improved and is in rehab at Iredell Memorial Hospi­ tal. Jean Snyder remains in rehab at Autumn Care of Statesville. Join us in prayer for the Lord's divine healing in the lives of Evan, Alice. Ricky, Pat, David, Om, Perry, Betty Lou, Jean, and others who are having health problems. Pray for the Lord's support and comfort upon the family of Lee as they adjust to lie without him. For news or memories to share, call Shirley on 492- 5115 or email sdilink@ho- tmail.com. If you know of someone who has graduated or received a certificate or award; please send a photo plus data for a special grad­ uation tribute. You are alw ays w elcom e at First United Methodist Church 310 North Main Street Historic Downtoivn Mocksville ContemporaryWorship 8:45 a.m. TraditionalWorship 10:55 a.m.Sunday School for all ages 950 a.m. Weekly Prayer ServiceThurs. Noon-I OO p.m. www.nrstumcmocksville.org !telephone: 751-2503 STEVE IJAMES CARPET CLEANING! DISCOVER THE BEAUTY OF YOUR CARPET! Residential & Commercial FREE ESTIMATES Carpet & Upholstery Steam Cleaning j a a A A ia I Deodorizing & Soil Guard (336) 4 0 4 v | Water Extraction Service Locaiiy owned & operated SERVING DAVlE COUNTY AND SURROUNDING AREAS I 12 ■ DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, T hursday, July 2 ,201S I \ Iredell Sheriff’s Sgt. Gary Sim pson and narcotics dog "Abbey” visit children at the Harmony Public Library. In the middle photograph, Lauren Harris m akes friends with Abbey. Sheffield-Calahaln By Brenda Bailey Sheffield-Calahaln Correspondent Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe 4th of July holiday.The 4th of July celebration at Rich Park will be held Saturday be­ ginning at 5 p.m. The fire­ work display is around 9:30. Bring the family and enjoy an evening in the park. Birthday wishes go to those celebrating this wee: Kerri Drye1 Jodi Renegar and Britt Atkins on July 2; Michele Dyson on July 3; Wayne Dyson and VilIard Beck on July 4; Jody Apple, Linda Drye and Cara Bailey on July 5; Sammy Reavis, Pamela Ladd, Amanda W. Jordan and Jeremy Bailey on July 6; and Alex Frye and Sydney Davis on July 8. Congratulations to the fol­ lowing couples celebrating an anniversary this week: Charlie and Sheny Keaton on July 3; and Jeremy and Kim Keaton on July 5. If you would like an anniver­ sary or birthday posted, do not hesitate to call or email. Individuals wishing to support the Sheffield-Cala- haln Community Center and Recreation Area by pur­ chasing a community calen­ dar can contact me at 751- 7567, facebook message or via email brfbailey@msn. com. New Union’s men and women’s groups thank ev­ eryone for coming out on Saturday to support their fundraiser. The next Hotdog Saturday will be July 25. New Union’s softball team will play Monday, July 6 at 7 p.m. vs. Farmington Baptist at Rich Park. It is time to register for Vacation Bible School at New Union and Lib­ erty Wesleyan churches. VBS is scheduled for July 20-22 from 6-8 p.m. at New Union, at 1869 Shef­ field Road. Dinner will be served each evening at 6. The theme is “Everest.”. Come embark upon an icy expedition where kids Ieam to overcome obstacles with God’s awesome power. There wilt be classes from pre-K-grade 12. Hope all of you can join us. Sunday night Bible Study at ljames Baptist discusses the worldview of other religions. The study begins at 5:45. Everyone is invited. Child care is pro­ vided. The Youth of ljames Baptist meet each Sunday evening at 5:45 for recre­ ation and Bible lessons. Youth 6-12th grade are in­ vited. Wednesday night prayer meetings at ljames are held each week at 7. AU are in­ vited as Pastor Daniel leads in prayer and Bible Study. Vacation Bible School at ljames Baptist will be July 26-31 from 6-8:30 each eve­ ning. The theme is “Camp Discovery.” It is open to ages 2 through those who have completed 5th grade. There will be fun for ev­ eryone on the waterslide on Friday. Hope you can join us all week. Senior Bible Study at Liberty Wesleyan is held the second Tuesday of each month at 10 a.m. Next scheduled meeting is July 14. Everyone is invited. Calahaln Friendship Baptist Church sends love and condolences to Rose Wright and family on the death of her brother, John Tarr, who lived in Pennsyl­ vania. Worship services at Community Covenant are held each Sunday at 10:45 a.m. and at 6 p.m. A small group Bible Study is held each Wednesday from 7-8 p.m. Everyone is invited. To perform at The K ot mer Deli, contact Deanna at 704-450-3424. Schedule for July: Joe Mahaffey and NuHiWay on July 11; Rich & Richard on the 18th; and the Fox Mountain Enter­ tainers on the 25th. Melissa Gaither invites children (0-4) to Toddler Storytime each Wednesday morning from 10:30-11 am at the Harmony Public Library. The children sing songs, play musical instru­ ments, enjoy a story, do crafts and have snacks. Sgt. Gary Simpson and narcotics dog Abbey pre­ sented an informative and interactive program at the Harmony Library on Mon­ day, June 22. The children asked questions and got their pictures made with - Abbey. On Tuesday, June 23, the North Iredell Rescue Squad presented a program. Capt. David Cook and oth­ ers explained what the . squad does and let the chil­ dren tour the ambulance and rescue truck. The Harmony Volunteer Fire Department presented a program on Thursday, June 25. Capt. Todd Cranfill and other volunteers talked with the children about fire safety, demonstrated the turn-out gear, and let them tour the truck. Since it was so hot, they also got sprayed with the fire hose. After each of these programs, everyone enjoyed refreshments. The summer July sched­ ule is as follows: Kids at Play presentation on July 8 from 10:30-11 a.m. is Soda Rockets - team about chem­ ical reactions; Iredell Coun- Enjoying time inside an arriDuiance at m e Harmony Library, Corbin and Rylan Giwoyna, Hagan, and Thom as and A nnabelle Blackwelder. ty Sheriff and SWAT team will have a truck on display from 5:30-7 p.m. on July 13; Harmony mayor Joyce Rogers will read an original story about bullying dur­ ing Storytime on Wednes­ day, July 15 at 10:30; Super Hero Academy for toddlers and up with Pat Hepler from 5:30-6:30 on July 14; Ki- wannis “Read around the World" with Tammy Money from 6-7 p.m. on July 16; A to u r °< th e tire trIjc k is Pc PrjIar. boat races will be fun dur­ ing Kids at Play at 2 p.m. on July 18; Pat Hepier will have an assortment of craft projects from 5:30-7 p.m. on July 20; Legos from 4-5 p.m. on July 23 and ISAR (Iredell Search and Rescue) with North Iredell Rescue Squard-Search and Rescue from 6-7 p.m.; Legos meet from 10-11 a.m. on July 25; and on July 28, the “Grand Finale” with Professor Whizzpop and a science and magic show with the theme “Super Heroes.” For more information, contact the li­ brary at 704-546-7086. Prayer requests continue for Madeline Lapish, J.W. Keaton, M elvinAllred1Tom Cloer, G.H. Goforth, Bryan _ , _ Swain, Jean Reavis, Creole 0 a Pt-Todd 0ranfl11 and volunteers talk about fire safety. Rogers1Bonnie Gunter, Lori Dyson, Villard Beck, Fred Roth, Bertie Stout, Sherri Dyson, Johnny Naylor, Jim­ my Dyson, Dot Keller1Alice Abslter1 Betty Richardson, Judy Beck, Greta England, Randy Groce, Elizabeth Foster, Rick Swisher, Jean Cloer and Barbara Reavis. Our condolences to the John Tarr family and the Frances Blevins family. Submit items to brfbai- ley@msii£om or call 751- 7567 no later than 9 a.m. on Monday. s In front of New Union UMC who have served In the military. all those who are serving or Diego Cruz Perez show s the creations he m ade in Lego Club at the Har­ mony Library. DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Tliurstlny, ,Inly 2,2015 - 13 CanaIPino By BcttyE tchisonW csi Cana/Pino Correspondent W hen I moved to Pino in 1955, I joined Wesley Chapel United Method­ ist Church, which was one of the four churches on the Farmington Methodist Charge; the Pino Grange; and the Pino/Farmington Home Demonstration Club. I never seemed to master the skills such as cooking, canning, and sewing that were taught in the Home Demonstration Club; but membership in that group afforded me the opportunity to meet some interesting people as did other con­ nections in the Farmington community; in the churches on the Farmington Charge, Farmington, Wesley Cha­ pel, Mount Olive, and Huntsville; and at Farming­ ton Elementary School. One group of those out­ standing people whom I met I call "The Grand Ladies of Farmington." Some of the Grand Farm­ ington Ladies I knew well and others I just knew from reading or hearing about them, but however I got in­ formation, I was greatly im­ pressed by how they lived and contributed to society. Beginning in north Farm­ ington, the first grand lady I will write about is Mrs. Lau­ ra McPherson Tabor Brock. Mrs. Brock, the wife of Burr C. Brock, was the mother of nine children; one, James Nathaniel, died as an in­ fant. With so many chil­ dren to care for, Mrs. Brock must have been a busy lady; but when you saw her, she never seemed overburdened even though many of the parenting duties fell to her because her husband, who was a lawyer and for many years a member of the N.C. General Assembly, was away from home quite a bit. When I saw Mrs. Brock, I always thought, "There is a true Southern Lady.” Even though she was a small, she seemed strong and she was always calm, charming, and gracious. Ac­ cording to the book, Davie County Heritage—North Carolina 1997, Mrs. Laura Brock was involved in the work of the Farmington Methodist Church and in many activities in the com­ munity as well as the re­ sponsibilities of caring for her children and in later life for her husband, who had a stroke. Mrs. Brock's children, Burr Coley Jr., Margaret Jo. Frances Alverta, John Ta­ bor, James Moses, Richard Joseph, William Laurie, and Rufus Leo, had great respect and admiration for their mother, who was named Davie County Mother of the Year in 1964. W hen Mrs. Brock received this honor, she showed her sense of hu­ mor when she said, “I don't know what I did to deserve this. All I did was turn a plague of boys loose on the community!" Nell Hartman Lashley was a strong professional lady, but that did not inter­ fere with her Southern Lady demeanor. She was an ex­ cellent teacher and a fine lady who was concerned about the needs of every child in her classroom. I knew Mrs. Lashley well because I taught with her for several years at Farmington Elementary School. That lady was not only willing to help any child, but she was also willing to help any co­ worker. I had only taught a couple of years when I moved to Farmington El­ ementary, and Mrs. Lashley was a mentor to me in every sense of the word. She was never haughty or conde­ scending, but always kind and helpful. M issV adaJohnson with Mrs, Montgomery, and M lssV adaJohnson show ­ ing off her engagem ent ring from Herb Nicholson. Mrs. Q ueen B ess Kennen at her hom e, Kennen Krest. Her home in north Farm­ ington where she lived with her son, Charles, was the Hartman homeplace. It was a pleasant place to visit—it seemed to me that the gen­ tle breezes blew just right though her large rooms. Mrs. Lashley's great­ grandmother was Elizabeth Etchison, the sister of my great-grandfather, Orrell Etchison, so she was really my distant cousin, my only relative among the Grand Ladies of Farmington. Mrs. Bertha Johnson lived down the road from Mrs. Lashley, and her house was a pleasant place to go for club meetings. I did not know Mrs. Johnson well, but she was a fine hostess who was always pleasant and cheerful. Her house had many antiques which added to the Southern charm of visiting there. Mrs. Johnson had two children, Mary Ann and John Frank. Both of the Johnson children moved away from Farmington; and after Mrs. Johnson’s death, her house was sold. It is now owned by Terry and Debbie Spillman, who have remodeled it to its original charm. Across the road from the Farmington Methodist Church sits a stately house which was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Henry Bahnson. Mrs. Bahnson, “Miss” Mattie as she was often called, was the perfect hostess. An afternoon at her house with refreshments served on her porch took one back to the days when manners mattered and ev­ erything was done accord­ ing to Emily Post. This lady was charming and gracious—in fact, love­ ly in every way. An after­ noon spent at the Bahnson home was like a trip back to the Old South. Her daugh­ ter, Jane Bahnson Shore, helped her mother prepare for guests; but Mrs. Bahn­ son did the serving. The Bahnson children were: Jane, who married Roby Shore; Helen, who married Dr. Lester Martin; Elizabeth who married A. A. Holleman; Charlie, who married Polly Barber; and Francis Henry Bahnson Jr. (Frank) who married Caro­ lyn Lee. Mrs. Bahnson was a spe­ cial to her grandchildren who called her “Mama B.” Her grandsons, Lester and George Martin, spent a great deal of time with their grandparents in Farmington and came to love not only the grandparents, but also the village. Lester, who is a 90-year-old retired judge, still comes to Farmington as often as possible to church, to the Feed-Bag restaurant, and to the Martin property just down the street from the former home of his grand­ parents. Lester’s love of Farmington is so great that his wife, Elizabeth, said, “If something happened to me, you would probably move to Farmington in 30 min­ utes!" Lester said, “Why would I wait that long?” Mrs. Marion Johnson, who lived in the big brick house near Farmington Road and NC 801 which was built before the Civil War, was an interesting person. One of her grand­ sons described her perfectly when he said, “My grand­ mother was smart, progres­ sive, and intellectually curi­ ous.” My mother, Lola Sofley Etchison, boarded with the Johnsons and went to Farm­ ington High School. My mother loved books as did Mrs. Johnson so they had a lot in common. Mr. John Henry Caudle also lived at the Johnson home in order to attend school at one time. He said, “After the dishes were done and everything was in order, Miss"Marion would go to her room to read.” So it would seem that Mrs. Johnson found time to read all of her life even though she had all the duties of a country house­ wife and the mother of three daughters and two sons: Nell, Grey, Bill, Ed, and John Francis. Even in her later years, Mrs. Johnson would pull a little red wagon to the Bookmobile which came from the Davie County Li­ brary each month to return a load of books and get a new supply. As luck would have it, Mrs. Johnson's one-time boarder, Lola Sofley Etchi­ son, drove that Bookmobile; and she loaded that vehicle with books that she knew “Miss” Marion would enjoy because of the kindness that Mrs. Johnson had shown her so many years earlier. Mrs. Marion Hauser Johnson, who was bom in Yadkin County, was one of Farmington’s interesting women. Elizabeth Graham Wil- liard lived across the road from the Johnson house. She was a Farmington girl bom and bred. Elizabeth, who was often called Lib, is included among Farming­ ton's outstanding women because of her great contri­ bution to students in Farm­ ington and Davie County. Mrs. Williard taught at Farmington High School. She taught a number of sub­ jects because that school did not have many teach­ ers. W hen the Davie high schools were consolidated into one high school, Da­ vie County High School, Mrs. Williard moved to that school where she was also considered an excellent teacher. In addition to being a fine teacher, Mrs. Williard was a single mother who raised on Mrs. Elizabeth G raham Williard1 m aster teacher. This picture w as m ade when Mrs. Williard w as a young lady who lived in Farmington. The Johnson H ouse in Farmington, which w as the hom e of Mrs. Marion Johnson and other earlier Johnson families. outstanding son, John Gra­ ham Williard. After gradu­ ating from college, John Graham became a chief fi­ nancial officer at Wake For­ est University. Among Mrs. Williard's great loves were her son, her village, Farm­ ington, where she owned a lot of property, and her pro­ fession. Elizabeth Graham Williard was indeed a great teacher, and it is her con­ tribution in that field puts her in the category of great Farmington women. The property which Mrs. Williard owned is now owned by her son. It in­ cludes her home which is now a beauty shop, the old brick store which is now a gift shop with an apartment overhead, and the tin build­ ing beside the fire depart­ ment which now houses an art studio. When you say Farming­ ton, a name pops into the minds of many Farmington residents, former residents and students. That name is Miss Vada Johnson. Miss Vada was the dark­ haired lady who was always young in spirit and who was a true Southern lady with, all the charm and manners tfiat attend that designation. Miss Vada taught school about 40 years; but accord­ ing to her, she never aged. This lady spent her years in the classroom trying to impart to her students the manners that she felt were so important along with the subject matter. She had special interests which she used to create in­ terest in learning—one of those special interests was American Indians and their lore. Miss Vada loved teach­ ing, and she loved Farm­ ington. Because of her at­ tachment to Farmington and all its institutions and ac­ tivities, Farmington people were greatly surprised when Miss Vada announced that she was going to get mar­ ried and move away from Farmington. She married Mr. Herb Nicholson and moved to his home in Ten­ nessee. She never came back to live in Farmington, and she is buried beside her husband in Tennessee. Farmington people viv­ idly remember this Grand Southern Lady and the tre­ mendous influence that she had on her students and the community. No discussion of Grand Farmington Ladies would be complete without includ­ ing Mrs. Queen Bess Ken- nen. She presided over her big house on Farmington Road, which was filled with antiques and interesting artifacts, much as a queen would preside over her do­ minion. This well-educated lady was many things—she was a public school teacher, a Sunday School teacher, a philanthropist, and a Re­ publican. The Queen Bess Sunday School Class at the Farmington Methodist Church was named for their long-time teacher. Among her philanthropic projects was the donation of the land for the Farmington Medical Center. Mrs. Kennen was a strong Republican. She worked not only at the lo­ cal level but aIso.pt.thc state and national levels. She was a delegate to a National Republican Convention and was an invited guest at President Hoover's inaugu­ ration. In her later years, she still had the pretty red shoes that she wore to the inaugu­ ration. W hen Mrs. Kcnnen was involved in Republi­ can politics, the party may have been strong in Davie County; but it was weak in North Carolina. When she was at the national conven­ tion, she was asked how the party was doing in North Carolina. Mrs. Kenneu, who was a great storyteller, answered the question with a story. She said "The party in North Carolina is a little slow like the lady who was washing her clothes in the Yadkin River near Hunts­ ville. North Carolina. A history buff came upon the lady at the river and said. •Is this where Cornwallis crossed the Yadkin?’ The lady took up her apron and wiped the snuff from the cover of her mouth and said, ‘No, I don’t guess so because I have been here all of the morning and I ain’t seen nothing of him!" Mrs. Kennen finished her report by saying. “We may seem to be a bit slow, but we are making progress. This dear lady who passed away many years ago would be happy to see that the Republican Party has indeed made progress. Mrs. Kennen’s mind stayed keen, and she re­ mained active to near the end of her life. In her last years she often called me at night. One night she re­ cited the whole poem. “O Captain! My Captain” from memory. A lady with a keen mind to the end, the fasci­ nating Queen Bess Kennen was indeed a Grand Lady of Farmington. There were/are many OtherGrand Ladies in Farm­ ington, but space and in some cases lack of knowl­ edge prevent me from in­ cluding them in this article. Perhaps someone else will pick up the mantle and write not just article but a book about these outstanding people. Pkose contact me it MOCKSVILLE: (336) 751-8567 RALEIGH; (919)733-5904 3 0 2 Legislative Office Bldg. 3 0 0 N. S alisbury St. R aleigh, N C 2760 3 -5 9 2 5 Email: iuiiah@ncleg.nel Look for u s on Facebook at: R epJulIa Howard Paip for by Jcim IIouajoi DAVIECOUN1I \ I M I Kl')K ISf RECORD,Thursday, Ju ly 2,2015 ■ 14 !■Ills R‘sk t^oPirie55 Vifiited among Men, denvinatL^^en HaPPr6 'n Coln the consent of the jC ?r IrM^ ' ^ c 0 f r o m t D e c la ra tio n o f I J u lu 4 EdwardJones Slayton Harpe/Financial Advisor 5539 US Hwy, 158, Ste.104, Advance 336-940-3150 Walmart Supercenter Allstate Insurance 261 Cooper Creek, Mocksville 336-751-1266M ark Jones & Steve Ridenhour 852 US Hwy. 64 W., Ste. 101, Mocksville 336-751-0669 Mike’s Wrecker Service Weathered Rock Stone, Mulch \ and More 1819 US Hwy, 64 West, M ocksvillep 336492-5979 EatonFuneral Service, Inc. 325 N. Main Street, Mocksville 24 HOUR SERVICE Since 1978 684 Junction Rd., Mocksville (336) 492-7303 or 909-2018136-751-2148 FosterDrug Co. 495 Valley Road, Mockswlie 136-751-2141 Osborne’s Tire &Automotive Any Brand of Tin • Can-Trucks-Tracton AU Mqjor & Minor Repairs 1083 Salisbuiy Road, Mocksville York’s Exxon Joe’s Tow 24 Hour Roadside Rollback Service Small, Medium & Heavy Duty Towing 1441 Deadmon Rd., Mocksville 336-998-2693 Office Junior & Aaron York 24 Hour Wneker Service NCltapecdons • AutamoImRepain 184 Salisbury St, Mocksville 336-751-2220 336-753-8090 PhilCar Automotive & Tire 1628 Hwy. 601S.. Mocksville 336-751-1800 T h is M e s s a g e B r o u g h tT o Y o u D y T h e s e A r e a B u s in e s se s ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ . S p o r t s DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 2,2015 - BI Jr. Legion Clinches Conference Coaches, from left, Denny Key, Todd Bumgarner and C harles Kurfees talk between innings. Davis’ Grand Slam Propels Mocksville Legion To Win By Brian Pitts Davie Enterprise Record The regular season ended June 30, w eather perm itting. But it feels like it's just beginning for the Mocksville senior legion baseball team. A four-game winning streak has rebooted the whole sense of who this team is and what it can be. Mocksville rallied past host Kannapolis 12-6 onJune 25.Three days later, it dispatched Concord 8 4 on the road for records of 7-14 overall and 5-6 in Area III. It didn't enjoy a winning streak before this uprising. “W e're on w hat you call a winning streak,” coach Charles Kurfees said. “W e've got our line­ up like we want it and w e're hot.” E xplain the late-bloom ing ways of this Mocksville team. “The teams at the top, we’ve played them tw ice,” assistant coach Todd B um garner said. “Rowan County, Randolph County and High Point. There’s not too many teams that have beaten those teams. We played those teams in non-league and we’ve played them in league games.” At K annapolis, M ocksville put up 12-plus runs for the third straight game. Kannapolis fell to 8-13,4-7 in the first meeting be­ tween the teams since 2012. After grabbing an immediate 2-0 advantage, Mocksville faced a 6-2 hole. It would win going away behind the efforts of Charlie Muchukot (2-for-6), Sawyer Davis (2-5. grand slam), Kenny Overfelt (2-5, double), Jalen Scott (2-5) and Ncil Hutchins (2-4, two RBIs). Ross Hoffner (walk, hit by pitch, two runs), Elijah Jones (1-3, two walks) and Nolan Stanley (1-3) contributed as Mocksville regis­ tered 12 hits. M ocksville’s three pitchers offset seven walks with 13 strike­ outs. Brett Fulk was uneven for five innings, as he walked six but fanned eight. Colby CranfilI picked up the win with two strong innings in which he walked none and struck out three. Two days after getting his first win at Kemersville1 Cranfill squared his record at 2-2. “H e’s looking good now ,” Kurfees said. “He’s getting in a groove now. Maybe w e’re rolling at the right time.” Bradley Dzeskew icz closed w ith tw o scoreless innings as M ocksville held Kannapolis to eight hits. It was the lefty’s IOth appearance in 20 games. “Dzeskewicz is getting better,” Kurfees said. “Every time he goes out there he’s getting better.” Davis stole the show in the sev­ enth. He was a star in 2014, hitting .425 (46 for 108) with two home runs and 29 RBls in 20 games, but he was in a deep slump going into this game (.214, no homers, six RBIs). Mocksville trailed 6-4 going into the seventh. When the inning ended, it was 10-6 good guys. M uchukot singled. One out later, Barrett Hennings and Jones had back-to-back walks. On the first pitch to Davis, he launched a grand slam to center field. That gave Mocksville an 8-6 lead. “When he came to the plate, I told those boys on the bench: ‘It’s time for Sawyer to hit one. He hasn’t hit one all summer,’’’ Kurfees said. “He hit one to dead center field right in the net. He crushed her. Last year he had a heck of a batting average, one of the top batting-average guys of all time.” Davis' .425 average in 2014 ranks seventh on the all-time chart. “When he hit the grand slam, you could just see them wilt,” Bumgar­ ner said. Overfelt and Scott followed Please See Slam - Page B5 By Brian Pitts Davie Enterprise Record If it seems like the Mocksville junior legion baseball team always has a rally up its sleeve, always pulls out the close games, well, there's a reason for that. It never fails in tight-game, pressure situations. M ocksville overcam e a 3-0 deficit in a 5-4 win over Moores- ville. A game against Lake Nor­ man was tied 2-2 aftersix innings. M ocksville erupted for a 6-2 victory. With the regular season nearing the finish line, Mocksville is float­ ing on clouds at 19-2 overall and 10-2 in the seven-team conference. It has eight consecutive victories in a streak that began June 16 - this following win streaks of six and five. The win over Mooresville clinched the conference cham ­ pionship for M ocksville, which stands in a tie for fifth for wins in a season. The top teams from the past: 35-7 in 2007,30-12 in 2006,29-8 in 2003,27-14 in 2004 and 19-13 in 2008. The 2015 squad won’t break the record for victories, but it has a chance to set a new standard for winning percentage. At .904, it has the No. I percentage at the moment. The 35-win club in 2007 won at an .883 clip. M ock 12, K ann. Reds 2 Two days later squeaking past the Kannapolis Reds 2-0 on the strength of Henry Stone’s com­ plete-game pitching and two-RBI hitting, M ocksville buried the Reds with a virtual flawless per­ formance on June 22: It outhit the hosts 14-6 and only committed one error. “We played about as well as we can play,” coach Tim McKnight said. “We were clicking on all cylinders.” M ocksville wasted no time setting the tone. Jake Bameycastle, Ben Summers and Stone sparked a three-run top of the first with singles. Jesse D raughn, Ridge Sanders and Matthew McKnight helped the uprising with walks. A six-run fifth blew it wide open. Sanders (2 for 3), Summers (2-4), Stone (2-4), Cody Smith (2 4 ) and Guy Brunelli (2 4 ) had multiple hits. Even when McK- night went to his bench, the line kept moving. Matthew Glass pinch hit in the seventh and promptly singled. Mocksville got a major boost from starting pitcher Carson W hisenhunt, who appeared on the mound for the first time all year. An injury kept him from pitching for North Davie and he got the ball here on a 60-pitch count. Pitching depth is essential when you play so many games in a week, and M cKnight was delighted to see the rising freshman come off the DL and respond with 3.2 innings and one walk. Both runs off him were unearned. “He ran into some trouble in the fourth, he had to come out and he didn’t get the win,” McKnight said. “I wanted him to get the win. But he was up to 66 pitches and I couldn’t let him go any longer. In the first, second and third innings, he cruised. He gave us a big shot in the arm.” Corbin Jefferson picked up the win in 2.1 innings of scoreless relief. He retired seven of eight batters, but he rolled an ankle between innings and exited. He wound up on crutches the next day. So Sam Heafnerrecorded the final three outs. M ock 5, C arson I Although it was a nonconfer­ ence game, Mocksville added a quality win to its resume with a convincing home win over Carson on June 23. "Carson had wom out Moores- ville twice,” McKnight said. “They Please See Clinches - Page B4 Wilson’s Catch Highlights First 7-On-7 By Brian Pitts Davie Enterprise Record If it had happened in late Au­ gust, September, October or No­ vem ber, it would undoubtably make the top-five list for catches of the year. Mason W ilson’s one-handed, falling-on-his-back catch against East Rowan in a seven-on-seven scrimmage was insane. It was ri­ diculous. It was one of those where you punch the guy beside you and go: “Holy moley!” It happened on June 24, sev­ eral weeks before the scoreboard comes on and the lights light up. But it was certainly fun to watch. M ason’s older brother, Spen­ cer, told assistant coach Blaine Nicholson that Mason practices one-handed catches all the time. No one's disputing that. “He pulled an Odell Beckham,” coach Devore Holman said of the New York Giants receiver who made one of the greatest catches ever last year against the Cowboys. “It was a one-handed catch.” “That was a good one,” offen­ sive coordinator Todd Bumgarner said. “He has improved a lot and that was a heck of a catch.” Adam Smith has a year remain­ ing at Guilford, and he hopes to play the game beyond 2015. But from the sound of his commentary in the film room, he could have a future in coaching. Because he found something on Mason s Please See Catch n wiasuu s p u n ™ — " " " ” " ' aiii"— -------- D e1M aura Isaac m akes a reception during Davie’s seven-on-seven - Page B3 , Photos by Brian Pltts B2 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 2,2015 Mocksville Farmer's Market EVERY WEDNESDAY f r o m 3 : 0 0 - 6 : 0 0 p m Location: MocksviHeTown Hall Parking Lot 171 S. Clement St.§Products Available: Hand M ade Soaps, Various Plants, Bread,Pies, Baked Goods,Pralines, Eggs, Honey, Jams, Jellies, Spinach, Lettuce, OnionsfTomatoes and other Fruits and Vegetables Forinform ation Call: 336-671-0553 o r336-753-6700 Briefs & Dates Lions Club GolfTournameiit The seventh-annual Mocksville Lions Club Golf Tour­ nament will be July 31 at Bermuda Run West with tee times at 8:15 a.m. and I p.m. Proceeds will be directed primarily to benefit visually impaired individuals in Davie County and across North Carolina. For questions, contact Terry Lewis at 336-733-0924 (work) or 336-998-7552 (home). 350 Security Pump Item #18950 Caliber: 12 gauge Capacity: 4+1 Finish: Matte Black Barrel Length: 18.5” MSB: $265.00 s ig g fls S a u a g e A r m s Q e m m o i B P a w n & J e w e l i -V 1609 L ew isville-C iem m ons R d., C lem m o n s 7 6 6 - 8 3 1 2 Hrs. M-F 9-6, Sat. 9-3 Davie Volleyball Camp July 13-15 The morning session of the Davie Volleyball Camp will run July 13-15 from 8:30 a.m.-noon for rising third through eighth graders. The cost is $50 before July I, $60 after July I .The afternoon session for rising ninth through seniors will go July 13-15 from 1:30-4 p.m. The cost is $30 before July I, $40 after. For more information, contact coach Amber Brandonatheremail address (brandona@davie.kl2.nc.us). Davie Cheer Camp Aug. 3-6 Davie CheerCamp will be Aug. 3-6 from 6-8:30 p.m. at the Davie High gym for ages K-eighth grade. Pre-registra­ tion will be $55 until July 29; late registration is $75 cash at the door. Forms are available on the school website or in the main office at the high school. ContactAngie Stage for further details at stage@ davie.kl2.nc.us. Bolmer Benefit Golf Tournament A benefit golf tournament for Lane Bolmert a Davie High student severely injured in a car wreck, will be held July 17 at Pudding Ridge. Lunch will be at 12:30 p.m. with the tournament at 2 p.m. Cost is $200 per team or $50 per player. Hole sponsorships are available for $100. To register or Ieam more, contact Heather Byers at 336-413-9500 or Hbbyers@hotmail.com . TTi-Cats Baseball Camp The annual Tri-Cats Baseball Camp will be July 13-16 from 9:30 a.m. to noon at Rich Park. The cost is $75 if reg­ istered by July 6; $85 if registered after July 6. Davie High coach Bobby Byerly will be camp director. His staff will include Davie assistants Jamey Holt and Danny Allard and former East Davidson coach Dan Tricarico. For questions, call Byerly at 336-978-5194 or email him at byerlyb@ davie.kl2.nc.us. There's only one Em ergency D epartm ent in th e region designed around the unique needs of children. That's the Em ergency D epartm ent at Brenner Children's H ospital. All of our equipm ent is child-sized. And our physicians, nurses and staff are specially trained in em ergency care and pediatrics. So w hether your dinosaur's em ergency is a broken bone or an allergic reaction, Brenner Children s Hospital provides com prehensive em ergency care, 24 hours a day, seven days a w eek. BrennerChildrens.org ^OO- Wake Forest’ B a p t i s t H e a l t h B renner C hildren's H ospital DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1 ,2015 - B3 £ * 0 5 Ben Ellis m akes a catch and turns upfield against the East Rowan defense during a seven-on-seven scrim m age last w eek at Davie. Catch... Continued From Page BI o n e-h an d ed catch that could help him the next tim e he runs that route. “A dam told him: ‘Hey, great catch, great effort. B ut next tim e if you keep running, you don ’t have to stop your feet, turn around and catch it one-handed,’” H olm an said w ith a laugh. L ast y ear B en E llis carried D avie as m uch as he could, setting a sin­ gle-season record w ith 1,191 receiv in g yards. T hat was one o f many re­ cords he set. His exploits w ere overshadow ed by a 6-6 finish. This year he’ll be catch­ ing sp irals from C hris Reynolds, w ho looked to be in m idseason form in the first seven-on-seven of the summer. Every time you looked up, Reynolds and Ellis w ere hooking up w ay dow n the field. “They gave us a lot of tw o high safeties, and Ben was able to knock the top o ff o f the back o f it, and o f course Chris has got an excellent arm ,” H olm an said.“Those guys w orked real hard in the offseason. T h ey ’ve sp en t a lo t o f tim e together throw ing and catching the football. T hey’ve developed chem ­ istry, so they’re thinking the sam e things and they w ere able to connect. I look forw ard to that being real good for our team .” “ I d o n ’t k now how good E ast Row an is, but there’s going to be a lot o f team s that can’t stay w ith Ben Ellis,” Bum gar­ ner said. “A nd C hris can throw the deep ball with the best o f them . H e’ll hit you dead in stride.” There w as a lot to like from the scrim m age as a whole. “I really liked the way G reg Dalton (5) listens to coach Devore Holman. At right, Spenc,-- Wilson stands with Blaine Nicholson and RandyAthey. A ssistant coach Blaine Nicholson em ulates M ason W ilson’s unbelievable catch, shown on the right, to his brother S pencer (7). w e got after it,” Holman said. “O ur kids’ effort was great, and th at’s w hat I look for m ore than any­ th in g . W e se em to be w o rk in g on e x ec u tin g w hat we teach. W e’ve got a long w ays to go yet, but w e got a good start toward that.” Sm ith, w ho had a spec­ tacular season as D avie’s quarterback in 2011, has been coaching at D avie as part of an internship, and his presence has been a blessing, H olm an said. “He does a heck o f a job,” he said. “I’m going to m iss him when he goes back to Guilford. Because h e ’s p lay in g the gam e right now, the kids soak up everything he says, and he has made us better.” T his is a dead w eek, so there are no football w orkouts betw eSh June 29-July 2. Quarterback Hite Merrifield (7) listens as Todd Bumgarner directs the offense. - P h otos by B rian P ltts DOING THE MOST GOOD" I Serving Residents July 6 is a stren g th an d c o n d itio n in g day. Davie w ill practice July 7. O n July 8, the o-line and d-line will go through strength and conditioning, while the skill players will play a seven-on-seven at A tkins at 10 a.m . Davie will practice July 9. The routine will be the sam e July 13-16, w ith D av ie p la y in g a sev- en-on-seven at Northeast G uilfordon July 14. The w eek of July 20 is another dead week. D avie’s annual team cam p at C ataw ba w ill be July 24-26. T he first official practice w ill be A ug. I. Of D A V lE C O U N T Y HS! For into visit: w w w .salvationarm ycarolinas.or9/w ln sto n -salem t | For a limited time, buy any iPhone - get an iPad Mini fc $149.99!’ ✓ N o C o n t r a c t P a y m e n t P l a n ✓ F r e e A c t i v a t i o n ! * Restrictions apply; see store for details. iPad Mini non-retina (16GB): MSRP $379.99 YodteIA T o i a m m ^ 9 ^ 4 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 2,2015 Mocksville junior legion batter Evan Marshall puts the ball in play. Team m ates com e out of the dugout to congratulate Jam ie Sheek (17) on scoring a run. At right, Matthew G lass is called safe at home. Clinches... Continued From Page BI rolled in here pretty high. It was a big win because we played some guys that hadn't been getting a lot of Bryceh Huffman came out of nowhere to impress on the mound. In five innings, he allowed four hits, one unearned run and walked one. Mocksville’s three-run second enabled Huffman to get the win. “Brycen is a good little pitcher," McKnight said. “I haven’t used him much. He hadn't thrown in a while. He offspeed-ed them to death. They never did make an adjustment.They did get to him in the fifth and hit the ball hard; Other than that, they didn't do any damage.” Though Ben Summers debuted on the hill in the sixth, he looked quite com­ fortable. He worked two hitless innings and faced the Fans sit on the hill to support the Mocksville junior legion baseball team , which won the conference with a 10-2 record. innings. The righthander who took over was rocked for three runs, “and it should have been more," McKnight said. M ocksville struck for two in the fifth to take a 3-1 lead. Draughn singled and scored on Summers’ triple. Summers scored on his hit minimum. He issued a walk' because of an error, in the seventh, but a come- Summers and Brunelli backer led to a Summers- both went 2 for 4 to pace to-Cody Smith-to-Brunelli an eight-hit attack. Barney- ________________ double play to end the game, castle, Drnughn, Stone and CoachTim McKnight, w hose team is 19-2 overall, huddles the boys betw een innings. “Since the Moorcsville Bandy had one each, game (on June 16), we’ve M a tth e w M c K n ig h t and the stakes. Mocksville “ It seem s like w hen did sustain a concussion, righted the ship," McKnight improved to 4-0 with six came in still needing at least somebody cools off, some- “The first responder said said. ' strong innings. He gave up one win to clinch a playoff body else takes over." McK- ifthere’s any internal bleed- M ocksviliepoundedout five hits, one unearned run, spot (the top two teams in - • •• the conference advance to postseason play). This clinched the conference 10 hits to Carson’s four. Bar- neycastle went 3 for 4 and Smith had two hits. Mocks­ ville got one from Stone, B runelli, G lass, Landon Bandy and Sanders. M ock 4, Lake N orm an I There pretty about a home win over Lake Norman, except the outcom e. Lake N or­ man is winless, but it gave Mocksville a hard time on June 25. It was 1-1 going into the bottom of the fifth. ‘Tl was a trap game five hits, one unearned run, walked none and struck out five. Stone got the save, striking out the side in the seventh. “When the leadoff man reached in the seventh, I didn’t take any chances," t anything coach M cKnight said. “ I went to Stone and he shut the door." After the win, M ocks­ ville learned that Moores- ville was forced to forfeit four w ins, including the 12-2 decision over Mocks­ ville on June 16.The infrac- night said. S um m ers (2 -3 ) and Stone (2-3, three RBIs) led the way with two hits. Bameycastle1 Draughn and Bandy had one apiece. Stone had been auto­ matic as a starling pitcher, but he showed he’s human by allowing three runs (one earned) in four innings. He walked three and plunked two. He was lifted following a one-hour-plus rain delay. Stone remained 5-0 be­ cause of Draughn’s relief. M cK night said. “ In the tion; It submitted its roster fourth we gave up an un­ earned run and I got pretty aggravated. It wasn’t that we played bad, we just didn't have the normal zip and energy. “The lefty they threw after the deadline. That’s why Mocksville entered the week 19-2 instead of 18-3. M ock 5, MooresvUIe 4 On the long list of mem­ orable w ins, this one on June 26 ranks at or near the title. Talk about making the most of your opportunities. Mocksville produced eight base runners and five of them scored. Stone (big shock here) was vital to the outcome, which served as payback for a 12-2 loss on June 16, although the result was changed to a win by forfeit. Mocksville staged rallies Draughn got his first win in in the fourth and fifth, and his first decision by allowing Stone was involved in both, one run in three innings. He In the fourth, Mocksville struck out 4 and cemented a chopped the 3-0 deficit to 5-0 mark for Mocksville in 3-2. Draughn singled and one-run games, advanced to second on an “The big reason I went error. Summers singled and to Jesse is w e had over the coach put up the stop an hour delay," McKnight ing, time is of the essence," McKnight said. “He knew who he was and where he w as, but he couldn't re­ member the play. I talked to Ridge and his parents (the next) morryng. It was good news. Hopefully he’ll be cleared by this weekend. Ridge came off his feet and his neck slammed into Hunt­ er. He. was really lucky.” The injury produced a 45-minute delay. Tied 2-2, Mocksville pulled away in the seventh. Evan Marshall was hit by a pitch, Barn- eycastle singled, Draughn walked, Summers got an infield hit and Stone hit a sac fly. Brunelli capped the rally with an RBl single. W hisenhunt got his sec­ ond start, but he only lasted one scoreless inning because he slipped on the mound and tweaked his elbow. Huffman answered the call ,allowing two runs in 4.2 innings. Josh Tibbs, fresh from the beach, worked the final 1.1 innings - no runs allowed - to improve his record to 2-1. M ocksville collected nine hits, including two each from Barneycastle, Sum ­ mers and Brunelli. Heafner, Marshall and Stone had the others. At 10-2, Mocksville is the runaway winner in the conference race. The Da­ vidson County Braves and Kannapolis Reds are tied for second at 6-4. Mocksville hasn’t lost since June 14. changed speeds and really top, not only because of the sign, holding Draughn at said. "I just wasn’t going to kept us offbalance." opponent but because of the third. Then Summers stole put Henry back out there. Theleftyexitedaftcrfour deficit it had to overcome second. Stone's tw o-run Jesse is a good change of single pulled M ocksville pace compared to Henry, within one. “Stone was the man of the hour again,” McKnight said. It was 4-2 Mooresville going into the bottom of the fifth. A three-run uprising and Jesse was able to keep them offstride. He threw strikes. He got in a jam in the seventh but he made pitches when he needed to. He's been in that situation before.” put M ocksville ahead to M ock 6, Lake N orm an 2 stay. Bandy opened with a The road win on June 27 single and Barneycastle sin- took a backseat to a scary gled with one out. With two injury in the second i outs, Summers delivered RBI single. “Ben’s been swinging a hot bat,” McKnight said. After Barneycastle tied it by scampering home on a ning. Right-fielder Sanders and center-fielder Hunter Bowles collided on a fly ball in no-man's land. Sanders was air lifted to the hospital for precautionary reasons. Mocksville hitter Cody Smith takes a cut. passed ball, Stone provided Luckily, he came away with the lead with a double. no head or neck injuries. He Jr. Legion Schedule (19-2 overall, 10-2 conference) W 54 at Kcmersville on May 18 W 13-8 home vs. Kemersville on May 20 W 5-2 at West Forsyth on May 22 W 12-3 home vs. Winston-Salem at 7 on May 23 W 8-6 home vs. Rowan Co. on May 25 W 13-3 at Concord on May 26 L 12-2 at Davidson Co. Braves on May 30 W 4-3 home vs. Davidson Co. Braves on May 31 W 6-2 at Winston-Salem on June 5 W 7-4 at Kannapolis O's on June 6 W 4-3 home vs. Kannapolis O’s on June 10 W 3-2 home vs. West Forsyth on June 12 L 10-6 home vs. Concord on June 14 Wforfeitat MoorcsvilIeonJune 16 W 8-0 at Concord on June 18 W 2-0 home vs. Kannapolis Reds on June 20 W 12-2 at Kannapolis RedsonJune 22 W 5-1 home vs. Carson on June 23 W 4-1 home vs. Lake Norman on June 25 W 5-4 home vs. Moorcsville on June 26 W 6-2 at Lake Norman on June 27 July I at Wilkes Co. at 7 2 at Carson at 7 4 first round of playoffs 8 second round of playoffs DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 2,2015 - BS Jones Hits 2 Homers In Wild 13-12 Win Sawyer Davis connects for Mocksville. Slam... • Photos by Brian Pitts Continued From Page BI •vith singles and both came around to score as Mocks­ ville rushed to the 10-6 lead. ! t cruised home from there. M ocksville's mood has ! urned to the point that play­ ers were disappointed they • :ouldn’t get on the field o practice the next day >ecnuse of a junior league .’nine. “The kids were telling me they want to practice." Kurfees said. “Usually it’s ‘I don’t want to practice.’ They’ve got a little taste of winning now.” K urfees raved on and on about Scott (.307). He played second earlier in the week and third in this one. Not only is he hitting over .300, he’s logged 31.1 C atcher Neil Hutchins fires to second. innings in three starts and five relief stints and posted a respectable 4.88 ERA. “Let me tell you who’s the most improved player in Davie County - bar none," Kurfees said. “It's Jalen. He turned a nice 5-4-3 double play. He made every play and he was smooth. I can’t believe how much he’s im­ proved. He puts the bat on the ball and his pitching, my gosh, w e’ve throw n him against the best teams. I mean we haven’t thrown him against any dogs. He's gone up against High Point, Rowan and Randolph Coun­ ty." Hoffner (.283) leads the club in runs (19) and walks/ hit by pitches (13). Stanley (.361) extended his hitting streak to seven. On Sunday, Mocksville picked up its fourth win in six days, beating Concord 8-4 on the road. It was the first meeting of the season. Lowly Concordfell to 2-16. 2- 10. By Brian Pitts Davie Enterprise Record It was agonizing, visit­ ing Mooresville leading by scores of 3-0,6-2 and 8-5. It was horrible, with Mocks­ ville’s 11-8 lead vanishing in the top of the ninth. It was excruciating, with Moores- ville takinga 12-11 leadinto the last of the ninth and the first batter striking out. It was all that, except for when it was exhilarating. Mocksville showed off its grit and determination to pull out a 13-12 decision on June 24 at Mando Field. Nolan Stanley was the final hero, knocking in the winning run with one out in the bottom of the ninth. Mocksville (5-14,3-6 Area III) has back-to-back wins for the first time all season. Itwas averaging4.1 runs per game before scoring 13 in each of the last two. It gave up double-figure runs for the ninth time, but overcame that thanks to 13 hits, four doubles, eight walks, three hit by pitches and two home runs from Elijah Jones. It was the first meeting of the season between the teams. Mooresville slipped to 7-8,2-6. “It was a sloppy game, but a thriller,” coach Charles Kurfeessaid/'Everybody is a lot happier." Three Mocksville pitch­ ers combined for 9 walks, but the offense picked up the slack. Charlie Muchukot (2-5. double, walk), Jones (3-6, four RBIs, double, 2 homers), Sawyer Davis (2- 4 ,double, walk) and Kenny O verfelt (3-6, two RBIs, double) paved the way. Ross Hoffner (1-3, two walks), Jalen Scott (I -4, two walks) and Stanley (1-3, w alk) chipped in. Jones hit a first-inning double that cut the deficit to 3-1. H is third-inning solo home run trimmed the deficit to 6-3. And his two- run homer in the seventh provided a 10-8 lead. Jones had been strug­ gling before this perfor­ mance. His average went from .192 to .224 as he blasted the team's third and fourth hom e runs o f the season. He owns three of the four. The third-inning blast was Mocksville’s first big fly since Jones' HR on May 28. He recorded the first two-homer outing by a single player in 88 games. “T hey w ent a long ways,” Kurfees said. “The one he hit to left field, man, he crushed it. Me, Bum and daddy were talking about the one he hit to center field. It was one of those old- school home runs you used to see back in the old days. Buddy, he crushed it.” Connor Clark labored through five innings on the hill. Adam Fletcher worked an effective 3.1, allowing one hit and one run. Bradley Dzeskewicz got the final two outs to pick up his first win. It was his team-high eighth relief appearance. “Clark is on a 90-pitch count because that's what the coach at Wingate wants," K urfees said. “ Fletcher pitched great (from the sixth through the eighth).” Mocksville’s 11-8 Ieadin the 9th disappeared because of two hits, the fifth error of the game and two walks. W hen the dust settled, the hosts were trailing 12-11. “We can’t seem to play defense,” K urfees said. “Then we messed around and pulled it off.” Davis walked with one out and took second on a passed ball. Overfelt singled to the right-field corner. A bad throw plated Davis and advanced Overfelt to third. M ooresville inten­ tionally walked Scott. When Scott stole second without a throw, M ooresville em ­ ployed a defensive align­ ment that did not include outfielders. “They brought the left fielder in to play third,” K urfees said. “The third baseman was holding the runner on. The shortstop came in between third and the mound. They had no left fielder. The center fielder and right fielder came into the infield. They were trying to keep the runner at third." Stanley smacked a single through the crowded infield to seal the deal. H offner extended his hitting streak to five games. Scott (.297) hit safely for the 12th time in 15 games. Stanley (.363) pushed his hit streak to six. He has hit in seven of nine games. Barrett Hennings (.393) dropped below .400 for the first time all season as he suffered his third hitless game. Mocksville Unloads On Kernersville H yB rianPitts Davie Enterprise Record .A fter M ocksville went I m the longest losing streak i five) in five years, what w ould you have said if iomeone told you Mocks- ' uie was going to hammer I rernersville on the road? Mocksville came in 3-14 overall and 1-6 in the league. Kemersville was 10-7,5-3. Ii didn’t look good for Post .‘■4/174. i But M ocksville put a jjim m er of hope back into its season with a 13-4 romp on June 23. It was the first win since June 11, or 12 days. It broke the longest skid since it dropped six in a row in 2010. It was the largest margin o f victory in 2015. “We beat Kemersville. What do you think of that?” coach Charles Kurfees said. “Would you have thought that? T hey are freak in ’ good.” Colby Cranfill, who post­ ed a team-high four wins in 2014 but came into this 0-2, returned to form with seven solid innings. He got the win by scattering 10 hits, walking one and holding Kem ersville to three runs (two earned). It was just the fourth time in 18 games a M ocksville hurler went at least seven innings. W ith Adam Fletcher pitching a scoreless eighth and Brett Fulk finishing up, M ocks­ ville allow ed the few est runs in 12gam es(itlost3-l to Kemersville on May 28). K urfees m ade som e changes to the lineup, put­ ting Fulk, a rotation pitcher who made his first plate appearances of the season, at third and inserting Jalen Scott at second. Mocksville made two harmless errors. “We shuffled the deck a little bit,” Kurfees said. “Fulk made every play at Mocksville Baseball Stats 2015 Record: 6-14, 4-6 Area III AVG.AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI BB ® F'orrest Barber .000 6 I 0 0 0 0 2 0 Ileau Byerly .131 38 3 5 I 0 0 4 0 Jose Carrillo .300 10 I 3 I 0 I I 0 Connor Clark .320 25 I 8 3 0 I I 0 jlolby Cranfill .217 23 3 5 I 0 2 4 0 !lawyer Davis .229 61 11 14 3 I 10 9 0 Itradley Dzeskewicz .166 6 0 I 0 0 I 2 0 Myles Evans .000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 Jarrell Farmer .000 11 0 0 0 0 0 I 2 I HrettFulk .166 6 2 I 0 0 0 3 3 0 Harrett Hennings .373 83 14 31 6 I 13 9 I Koss Hoffner .283 74 19 21 5 0 8 13 3 Neil Hutchins .245 53 6 13 0 0 0 5 3 I Ktijah Jones .224 61 10 14 3 0 3 12 9 0 Charlie Muchukot .245 61 15 15 2 0 4 7 .4 David Ncal .000 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l'.enny Overfelt .333 60 11 20 7 0 0 9 7 2 J tlen Scott .307 52 6 16 3 0 3 3 0 I Iolan Stanley .361 36 4 13 I 0 6 3 I I lick Wilson .320 25 I 8 2 0 0 2 2 0 I OTALS .272 693 108 189 38 4 5 81 85 13 W-L ERA G GS CG SH SV IP H R ER BB SO Jose Carrillo 0-0 0.00 I 0 0 0 0 1.1 I 0 0 0 I Connor Clark 0-1 5.85 4 4 0 0 20 21 20 13 14 18 Kyle Cookson 0-0 0.00 0 0 0 .2 I 0 0 I Colby Cranfill.2-2 5.31 6 3 0 0 22 35 20 13 4 17 Hrad Dzeskewicz 1-4 10.80 10 I 0 0 20 25 28 24 16 18 Jarrell Famaer 0-0 12.60 2 0 0 0 0 5 9 8 5 /,dam Fletcher 0-1 5.94 7 2 0 0 0 19.2 -25 16 13 IO 10 Lrett Fulk 3-2 3.12 7 5 0 0 31.2 29 25 11 19 33 MijahJones 0-0 10.12 2 0 0 0 5.1 9 IO 3 4 Jike Mayhew O-I 15.42 2 2 0 0 7 14 15 12 7 7 Charlie Muchuko0-0 6.00 I 0 0 3 3 2 Jilen Scott 0-3 4.88 8 3 0 31.1 48 30 17 25 TOTALS 6-14 6.33 0 159 206 164 112 86 128 third. It all starts on the mound and defense. I was pleased tonight,” Mocksville had managed just one run against K em ­ ersville over the previous two meetings. That, coupled with the losing streak, was why it was shocking to see Mocksville dominate while banging out 16 hits. It Iedby scores of 7-0 and I l-I. The offense was paced by Ross Hoffner (3-for-4, double, two hit by pitches), Barrett Hennings (3-4, dou­ ble, triple, five RBIs, two walks), Kenny Overfelt (2- 4, double, two walks), Scott (3-6) and Nolan Stanley (2-5). Elijah Jones (1-6), Connor Claric (1-6) and Fulk (1-3, two RBIs, walk, hit by pitch) also contributed. Hoffner has gone on a tear, going 9 for 15 during a four-game hitting streak to lift his average from .211 to .298. He doubled off the wall in left, narrowing miss­ ing a home run. Hennings, whose aver­ age had dropped to .400, moved back up to .418 as he knocked in the most runs (five) in 37 games. Drew Mocksville Sr. Legion Schedule (7-14 overall, 5-6 A rea ID ) L 10-5 at Randolph Co. on May 20 L 11-5 (10 innings) vs. High Point on May 21 L 9-7 home vs. Davidson Co. at 7 on May 22 L 11-4 vs. Winston-Salem ' W 4-1 at Davidson Co. on May 23 L 3-1 home Kemersville on May 28 W 8-6 at Stanly Co. on May 29 L 5-4 home vs. Eastepn Randolph on May 31 L 14-2 home vs. Winston-Salem on June I L 12-2 home vs. Rowan Co. on June 3 L 12-4 home vs. South Rowan on June 9 W 9-6 at Davidson Co. on June 11 L 10-1 at High Pointon June 15 L 8-6 home vs. Greensboro on June 18 L 9-4 at Eastern Randolph on June 19 L 16-0 home vs. Rowan Co. on June 21 L 9-4 home vs. Randolph Co. on June 22 W 13-4 at Kemersville on June 13 W 13-12 home vs. M ooresvilleon June 24 W 12-6 at Kannapolis on June 25 W 8-4 at Concord on June 28 29 home vs. Winston-Salem at 7 30 home vs. Stanly Co. at 7 July I All-Star Game/Showcase at McCrary Park 3 first round playoff series (2 of 3) 6 second round series (3 of 5) Weibley had five RBls in (13-0 over Wilkes County a 16-11 loss to Davidson last year) and recorded the County in 2014. m osthitsin36gam es(18 in M ocksville generated a 9-5 win over Kemersville the most runs in 23 games last year). WhenANiirsIngHome Isnf t The Answer Wouldn Y it be great to have assisted living in the privacy and comfort of your ovm home? P r o v i d i Medicaid, Ci Now serving Davidson, Da WW “A HOMETOW As the preferred local prorider of “Experienced Companion Aides”, rroridence Senior Care helps you live life on your own terms, in your own style and without burdening family. Affordable rates available for 3 hour to 24 hour care. Call today for a FREE assessment (336)472-3810 S N C E S e n i o r C a r e \P DA, CAP C and Respite Care vie, Forsyth, GuUfrrd, Randolph, Rowan, Yadkin Counties w .providenceseniorcare.com »N AGENCY WITH A HOMETOWN FEEL." Birthday Celebration To Remember Dallas and Braylan Simms1 shown at left with parents Michelle and Daniel, had a pool birthday party to remember complete with a circus theme, including cotton candy, corn dogs, sno-cones, a bounce house, hamburg­ ers, hotdogs, barbecue and homemade cup­ cakes with clown faces. Enjoying the day above are Kendall Correlll Ember Wilson, Ellie Wilson, Marshall Taylor, Braylan Simms, Dal­ las Simms, T.J. Goodman and Malicah Wilson. - P hotos by KC Smith ■nt*. i J f l ? V V' " ' Hf- - 1- - >b ,c y Davidson County Community College students celebrate another milestone in their lives at 2015 com m encem ent exercises. Local Residents Earn Diplomas From DCCC More than 1,500 gradu- stacles, to Iinish the work Cooleemee: Donald ates celebrated a milestone they started when they en- Cover. |S » |i 9 H p k toward their academic and rolled at DCCC. As we cel- Mocksville: Melisa Al- career goals - the comple- ebrate commencement and len, Heidi Amett1 Diana .I* of degrees and certifica- come to the close ac- Barron, James Caudle1Rich- .rr - as Davidson County also Charest1 April Clement, Com munilyCollegehosted to work among a faculty Jeanette Ellis, Ollie Gam- _ /* 3 E 9 ^ H 52nd Commencement and staff that provided the ble, Logan Guinn1Kimberly .r o S ^ H ceremony on May 16 at the supportive environment for Hutchens, Andrew James, tV Y ^ H Davidson Campus. students to achieve,” said Tiffany Johnson, Heather fc| " , I V Y ^H 2384 Dr. Mary Rittling, DCCC KIuge1Bryan Kluttz,Joshua f J \ including 643 president. “I hope our grad- Link1BradleyLong1Court- I V j J r " T ^ B uates will carry Dr. Walsh's ney Magallanes1 Damian T i ■ plomas 1313 certifi- words of encouragement on Marcelino1 Christopher Mc- I - ' W them Brita McIlwain1 l ^ ^ w B I p « Guest speaker Dr. Su- academic studies, as they Tam myM itchell1Nathaniel I B I I \ • | znnnc Walsh, community enter the workforce and as Moody1ZenithM oore1Mat- I I I | college graduate who a they go on to make a differ- thew Myers, Uriel Navarro, -I deputy director of postsec- ence in our community and Taylor O'Neal, Amanda Os- •' I ondary education for the theworld.” mond, Jon Ostrander, Mad- Bill & Melinda Gates Foun- A reastudentsw hograd- Pearcy1 Alex Peoples, dation, addressed the crowd uated include; Chelsey Reinhardt, Emma ‘|MljflBBM M M BK r i of graduates and guests, of- Advance: Austin Legard1 Rogers, Abigail Stowe, r'B S -* i* j 'a | j fering congratulations and Joseph Leonard, William Sean Strouse, Jermaine . ~ ^ Ijffij challenging them to contin- Meeker, Brandon Miller, Sturdivant1 KiyomiTaylor, '-flPp; ',fSfc* ue reaching for their goals. LindaM iller1VictoriaM ur- Jessica Tulbert1 Jorge Tu- < -T ttB r “I "m " ? Prolld " z r r T 1 " S t Kyh !!,'"1V v nI V 0 n Wona; Com m encem ent speaker Suzanne Walsh, Board of Trustees Chair Kengraduates who have worked S ™ . Enn Weatherman, than W hfaker, M ane Wood. ary Ftittlinqhard, many overcoming ob- Olivia Wood. i»i«i j m m ny. “Legends" recognized at Piney Grove AME Zion Church, from left: Rebecca Frost, Doretha Nichols, Robie Nichols, Thelma Gaither, Willie Ferrell, and Carolyn and William Nichols. Piney Grove Recognizes ‘Legends’At Special Ball A S enior, Legend Ball Come this far by Faith.” to the legends, "Speak your saxophonist. A dinner was ored each legend with a per- Church for their dedicated was hosted by Piney Grove Family and friends stood Name,” was given by Teresa served. sonal gift, and the women time and efforts in helping AME Zion Church on Sat- as the youth ushered in the Brown. M usicalseleclions As the guests mingled received a gift bag. celebrateourpioneers,” said urday.M ay 16 at the Unity legends. The Rev. Marcus were presented by Friends they took pictures at Mamie “I would like to thank Vickie Turner-Brown. “To High Community Center. Farm ergavew ordsofhon- -n- Christ, The Anointed Lewis’ booth. At the end of the Legend committee and the Legends of Piney Grove The theme was “We or and blessings. A tribute Vessels and Perrell Brown, the event Piney Grove hon- members of Pincy Grove we say thank you.” This newspaper really gets around .. J P ''7 : ISWffi&KSt g g jg . ImportantNewsHappensHere For the past three weeks, Allison Staley served as a US Senate Page in Washington, D.C. Allison was appointed by Sen. Richard Burr. She was on the Senate floor every work day and had the opportunity to hear senators speak on the bills that were being debated. W hile Allison was there, the Senate debated the National Defense Authorization Act, the Defense Ap­ propriations Bill, and the Trade Protection Agreement. Allison is grateful for the time she got to serve on Capitol Hill and for Sen. Burr for appointing her. All in Washington agreed, the news she brought from home in the latest copy of the Enterprise Record was just as important as what was being debated in Washington. f r f i f c v . c i i . . C: i^ U T J :s , 'Hf - 4 Dancing Around With The News The dancers from Advance Dance competed at Nationals in Charleston, S.C. for the Applause Talent Competition. They read their papers on stage after the awards ceremony where many of their dance groups won first place titles against other competing studios. This was a week-long competition and there were 33 studios competing from Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Kentucky, Illinois, Michigan, Georgia, Indiana and Minnesota. By far, they were the most informed team there. B8 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, T hursday, July 2,2015 Obituaries Annie Belle Stewart ‘Sis’ Buchanan Annie Belle Stewart “Sis” Buchanan, 72, of the Farm­ ington community, died Friday, June 26,2015, at the Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston-Salem. She was a native of Person County, bom Feb. 4, 1943 to the late John Ray Stewart I and Geneva Cothran Stewart. I Prior to retirement, she had I worked as a facility mainte- I nance supervisor for Siecor I Fiber Optic manufacturing. I She enjoyed crafts, cooking I and sewing. She delighted in I listening to bluegrass music, I and she enjoyed camping. I The true joys of her life were I her grandchildren and great I grandchildren. Survivors: her husband, I Eugene W. Buchanan; 5 sons! I Mike Stewart of Salisbury, Lefty Stewart and wife Kim, and Steve Stewart, all of Mocksville, Kendall Chaffin and wife Melissa of Advance, and Russell Buchanan of Flor­ ida; 5 daughters, Melissa Towery of Salisbury, Barbara Stewart of Mocksville, Tammy Coble and husband Ron­ nie, and Becky Coore and husband John, all of Pleasant Garden, and Christy Stewart of Durham; a brother, Hugh Ray Stewart of Roxboro; a sister, Martha Gray and hus­ band Lany of Asheboro; plus 21 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren. She was also preceded in death by: 4 brothers, Bobby, Jimmy, Ronald and Donald Stewart; and a grandchild. Holt Chaffin. The family received friends on Sunday, June 28 at the Davie Funeral Service Chapel. A graveside celebration of life service was held at 11 a.m. Monday, June 29 at Springs Road Baptist Church Cemetery in Hickory, officiated by the Rev. Shane Nixon of the First Baptist Church of Mocks­ ville. Pallbearers were Chris Bracken, Timmy Bracken, Jonathan Dwiggins, Brandon Stewart, Michael Blanken­ ship, Willie Cozart1 Landon Correll and Ayden Home. Memorials: to help offset final expenses to Davie Funer­ al Service, 416 Valley Road, Mocksville. Condolences: www.daviefiineralservice.com . John ‘Lee’ Williams Mr. John “Lee” Williams, 79, of Mr. Henry Road, Mocksville, died Thursday, June 25,2015, at Autumn Care of Mocksville. He was bom-Dec. 3, 1935, and was the only child of the late John Henry and Elizabeth Seamon Williams. He was self-employed as a bam and fence builder until the age of 62 when he became disabled due to a stroke. Survivors: his wife and caregiver of 59 years, Mamie Sue Pinkston Williams of the home; and 2 daughters, Ann and Kay, both of Mocksville. Agravesideservicew asconductedat 11 a.m., Saturday, June 27 at Salem United Methodist Church Cemetery. The family received friends on Friday at Eaton Funeral Home. Condolences: www.eatonfiineralservice.com. Tell us what you think with a letter to the editor Details, Page 2 Nelda Mae Hutchins Wall Mrs. Nelda Mae Hutchins Wall, 91, of Farmington Road, Mocksville, died Tuesday, June 23,2015, at Autumn Care of Mocksville. She was bom on April 2, 1924, in Davie County to the late Troy Martin and Flossie Leona Irving Hutchins. . She was also preceded in death by her husband, Thomas Lemuel Wall; and 2 brothers, Edward Hutchins and Ervin Hutchins. Survivors: a daughter, Kae Hendrix (Robert) of Mocks­ ville; a granddaughter, Melissa Hendrix Shuping (Kyle); 3 great-grandchildren, Taylor, Sarah and Emily Evans (Tyier Hayes); and 3 great-great-grandchildren, Aubrey Nicole Evans, Riley Peyton Hayes and Silas Spencer Hayes; and a sister, EdithAlIen of Mocksville. A memorial service was conducted at 11 a.m., Friday, June 26 at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Sam Lewis, Dean Allen and Freddie Wall officiating. Inurnment fol­ lowed in Oak Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery. The family received friends at the funeral home one hour prior to the service. Memorials: Oak Grove UMC Cemetery Fund, c/o Steve Whitaker, 2539 US 158, Mocksville. Condolences: www.eatonfitneralservice.com. Troy Eugene Spaugh Troy Eugene Spaugh1 69, of Mocksville, died under Hospice care at his home on Hank Lesser Road on Tues­ day, June 2,2015 surrounded by his family. Bom M ay 15,1946 in Forsyth County, he was the son of the late Henry Harrison Spaugh and Minnie EasterWhisen- hunt Spaugh. He served his country in the U.S. Marines and had worked in janitorial service at the 1-40 rest area. On March 21,1970, he married Helen Louise Everhart, his wife of 45 years, who survives. Also surviving: their children, a son, Casper Gray Spaugh and wife Linda, and a daughter, Cathy Dawn Hansen and husband Pete, all of Mocksville; 2 sisters, Almie Sweet and'Cleave Binkley; 3 brothers, Harrison! Paul and James Spaugh; and 4 grand­ children. He was also preceded in death by a sister, Marie S. Campbell; and 5 brothers, Bud, John, Clyde, Arthur and Jasper Spaugh. Condolences: wwwjlaviefimeralservice.com. Apacha Wall ‘Pat’ Overby Mrs. Apacha “Pat” Wall Overby, 77, of Advance died Tuesday June 23,2015 at her home. She was bom Aug. 26,1937 in Forsyth County to Willie and Joyce Bryant Wall. She was preceded in death by her husband, Norman “Sid” Gray Overby Sr.; a daughter, Patricia Marie Overby; and a brother, Bobby Lee Wall. Surviving: 5 children, Norma Pettyjohn of Winston-Sa­ lem, Bobbi Shell of Advance, Norman Gray Overby Jr. and wife Pam of Winston-Salem, Ronnie Overby and wife Billie of Lexington and April Todd and husband Doug of Advance; her caregiver, Garret Todd; Il grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren; 2 great-great-grandchildren; and a sister, Bertha Marie Moran. A funeral service was held at 11 a.m. Saturday1June 27 at Davie Baptist Church with Pastors Robert James and Josh Gentle officiating. Burial followed In the church cem­ etery. The family received friends Friday, June 26 at Hay- worth-Miller Kinderton Chapel. Condolences: www.hayworth-milier.com . RENOVATED ^ f o r t h w o o d K „ L ' APARTMENTS 1(_ „ 800 Northridge Court ‘ PooVCoffee Bar Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-4141 -DVDLbniy www.northwoodapts-nc.com JltM NOW PICKING! - Davie CmntvCirmn TomatoesflKOther FRESH PRODUCE also available^^^^^r The Difl**"'*1 302 Fostcr Road, Mocksville I(FostsrRd. isjuslolTRidge Rd. ia Western Davie County) Call For Directions ( 3 3 6 ) 4 9 2 - 2 8 4 9 Open WED. through FRI. Noon -Spm and Sat. 8am-noon Fr--------------------- -,Y the Week 1/2LITER CHEEfeWINE PRODUCTS (Includes regular & diet varieties Qf: Cheerwlne, Sun Drop, Sunklst, RC Cola, 7UP, Canada Dry, and Diet Rite) $2.25/six pack $9.00/case Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • M ocksville • 336-751-2141 w w w .fosterdrugco.com Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-6 • Sat 6:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 v d i i e y Animal Clinic 1243 Yadkinville Rd. • Mocksville, NC 27028 Open Mon.-Fn. 7:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. & 2:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.; Sat 7:30 a.m. -12 Noon »UIYSPECIALS Spay and Neuter Clinic $25.00 OFF (AU pets m ust be current on all vaccines) Boarding Special Board Your Pet 5 DAYS and Receive One Night FREE Rabies Clinic EveryThursday $9.00 T o m a k e a n a p p o i n t m e n t c a l l : (336) 751-6201: Fielding Combs Mr. Fielding Combs, 82, of Bermuda Run, died Sunday June 21,2015 at the Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home. He was bom June 20,1933 in Forsyth County to Field­ ing and Madeline Burch Combs. Mr. Combs was founding owner of Associ­ ated Posters Inc. which be started in 1962. He served in the U.S. Army. Surviving: his mother; | his wife, Ann Lynn Combs; 2daughters,JayneLow eand [j Wendy Fielding Combs-Kis- I er; 2 step-daughters, Debo- | rah Henning Owen and Dana | Franklin; 12 grandchildren; g and 6 great-grandchildren. A memorial service wa held at 2 p.m. Saturday, I June 27 at Hayworth-Miller Kinderton Chapel with Pas- , tor Jim Reid officiating. The family received friends following the service. Memorials: Hospice/Palliative CarcCenter1 IOl Hos­ pice Lane, Winston-Salem, 27103. Condolences: www.hayworth-miller.com . George Hathan Allen Mr. George Hathan Allen, 94, of Comatzer Road, Mocksville, died Saturday, June 27, 2015, at Davis Re­ gional Medical Center in Statesville. He was bom Dec. 11,1920, in Davie County to the late Joseph Elkanah and Mary Elizabeth Winters Allen. Mr. •Allen was veteran of the U.S. Army and retired from Heri­ tage Furniture after 35 years. He was a lifelong member of Comatzer United Methodist Church. Mr. Allencnjoyed his many visits from relatives and friends, going out to eat on Tuesdays and loved his flea market business in Lexington. He was preceded in death by his wife of nearly 67 years, Pauline Bowens Allen; 2 sisters, Dorothy Honeycutt and Margaret Byerly; and 4 brothers, Paul Allen, Roy Allen, JamesAllen and Jerry Allen. Survivors: a son, Tim Allen (Brenda); 2 grandsons, Brandon Allen and Travis Allen (Whitney); 2 great-grand­ children, Phoenix Allen and Maddux Allen; 4 sisters, Edna McCIary1 Hazel Estes, Marie Shoaf and Nellie Cooper; a brother, Daniel Allen; and several nieces and nephews. A funeral service was conducted at 6 p.m., Monday, June 29 at Comatzer United Methodist Church with the Revs. Shane Young and Daniel Allen officiating. Buri­ al followed in the church cemetery. The family received friends from 4:30-5:45 Monday at the church. Memorials: Comatzer UMC General Fund, 1032 Cor- natzer Road, Mocksvill. Condolences: www.eatonfitneralservice.com. Charles William Woodruff Sr. Mr. Charles William Woodruff Sr., 91, of Mocksville. died Wednesday, June 24,2015, at Forsyth Medical Center in Winston-Salem after a short period of declining health. He was bom Jan. 18,1924 in Davie County to the late Charles Gaither and Ella McMahan Woodruff. Mr. Wood­ ruff was a fourth generation native of Davie County and was the youngest of 10 children. As a young man, he had worked at Wilkins Drug until being drafted into the U.S. Army for three years. During World War II1 he served in the Ilth Airborne 188th Parachute Infantry as an ammu­ nition bearer. He served in New Guinea, South Philippines and Japan and was a recipient of the Bronze Service Star Medal. Mr. Woodruff was on the first Triad Flight of Hon­ or. He worked for Holly Farms Poultry for 36 years and re­ tired as a commodity purchaser in 1988, Mr. Woodruff en­ joyed his retirement years trading and watching the stock market. He was a member of Mocksville Masonic Lodge 134 AF&AM. Mr. Woodruff attended First United Meth­ odist Church of. Mocksville and married his wife there on June 26,1949. He was preceded in death by 5 sisters and 3 brothers. Survivors: his wife of 66 years, Christine Hendricks W oodruff of the home; a daughter, Gina Woodruff Bout- well (Raymond) of Louisburg; a son, Charles W. Woodrufl Jr. of Mocksville; a granddaughter, Molly Hendricks Bout- well; and a sister, Eleanor Woodruff Frye. A funeral service was conducted at 11 a.m., Saturday. June 27 at First United Methodist Church in Mocksville with Dr. Glenn L. Myers Jr. officiating. The body was placed in the church 30 minutes prior to the service. Burial followed in Rose Cemetery with full Masonic Rites. The family received friends Friday at Eaton Funeral Home. Memorials: First UM C.310 N. Main St., Mocksville. Condolences: wwwjratonfiineralservice.com. VourWvel Company" JULY 2015 TOURS July 12 • Brian Free & Assurance (in concert) RockHiII, SC July 14 • Antique Shopping, Asheville, NC July 18 • Samson The LastJudge (play) FortMiIlSC July 21 • Gospel Jubilee, Wytheville, VA July 24 «100 Mile Yard Sale July 30 *Views of Pilot Mountain & Mount Airy C U L TODAY OR VIST OUR W ERSiTI FOR MORE IHFORWUmOH ON THESE UPC0MIN6 TRIPS DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, T hursday, July 2,2015 - B9 / I l l S T a T e Steve R idenhour M ark S. Jones 852USHwy.MWSte.IOI • Moduville.NC (336)751-0669 -confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent D raver ofIhe effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. S* AUTUMN CARE OF MOCKSVILLE 1007 Howard St. Mocksville 751-3535 Certified Dealcrof LENNOX CA LSTO Heating & Cooling, Inc 5649 Country Club Rd.. Winsioii-Salcm 336-765-6430 DANIEL FURNITURE & ELECTRIC CO., INC HomcAppliances South Main St, Mocksville, NC [336)751-2492 Courteous, Deptndabtt Strvtct forovtr7SYears JolinnyMarklln-WllIMaridln Davie Discount Drugs Cooleemee Shopping Center Cooleemee, NC (336) 284-2537 JayPatel Registered PhannaeistIOw SOUTHERN STATES Davle Farm Service, Inc. 116 Wllkesboro SI., Mocksville (336) 751-5021 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 137 Crabtree Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9144 MO N. Clement St.. Mocksville. (336) 751-5820 F U L L E R ttK JERRY’S MEAT PROCESSING GENTLE M ach in e &T0 0I Inc. 2716Hwy.60l North Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5055 ifei , JOE'S TOW 24 Hours Roadside Rollback Service Small, Medium & Heavy Duty Towing Joseph Croitsl Owner 336-998-2693 • Office 336-940-7256 - Mobile 1063 Salisbury Road • Mocksville{Jppx. IMmeonomDtwottghSettMt (336) 753-8090 H=PaIIefOne www.palletone.com 336-492-5565 Shores Plumbing & HeaMng Richard Shares • Otvrwr 1485 N, Main SL1 Mocksville, NC (336) 751-5653 w fB iv m 3 Mocksville Locations • 1423 YadkInvHIo Ftd., Mocksville• 1360 US Hwy. 601 S., Mocksville• Inside WaJmart Supercenter.261 Cooper Creek Dr., Mocksville \ UArBmdl A Ugnmml S KLlshtrI Bmd Tim, Com put* Idandng, —nmli, Fnpor* Isnli bWk. ImpsrHom, OB OwngM, MtmmtaS240 US Hwy. 156, Advincn1 WC Valley £•* Animal »*•* Clinic * 9 Call ut to make your appointment (336) 751-6201 W a lm a r t 261 CooperCreekDrive Mocksville, NC (336)751-1266 Thisscripturemessagebroughttoyoubythese businesses who encourageyou to worship at the church ofyour choice. DELIVERY AVAILABLEOpen Mon--SaL Sam - Spm336-492-59Z9 1819 US Hwy. 64 W- MocksvilleH M IS He* Sdi 9 MO Mk Cns MidiOudi) WefmoreFarms W oodleaf, NC READY NOW! FRESH PRODUCE Tomatoes & Squash OtherProduce Also Available Open: Moil-FH. SM e.m.-6.-00 p.m. Selurdn 6:00 a.m.*5:00 p.m- Closed Sunday 704-278-2028 nmrignrafsft Imdsns AM* Carry sautn I Eaton Funeral Service 323 North Main St., Mocksville. NC 21028 (336)751-2148 Serving Davfe CountySInce 1997 rS H z A d — 1 F u n e r a l H o m e 635 Wilkesboro Si. • Mocksville. NC (336) 751-1100 www.grahamfuneralhome.net Saw s - G enerators Log Splitters & Blowers MOfT Hna Nndlu(1 Obale min., retail only) '-335-766-2738 wwwJ8lBwayfflowarcvc.com Paula’s Place “H om e Style Cooking" 2076 US Hwy. 601 S. M ocksville, NC 336-753-1315 Whitnee's New & Used variety Store 998Yadkfnville Rd., Mocksville (Beside MedovlIIeTIra (SAtrtomotIve) HOURS: MoaNoon-SeOpm Tusi. IMOuvSOMtWMaoMd IHnNocn-UOpm: frt lOMvn-SOOpn hwj Othir S»t Mfcm-UOpm (336) 753-1388 aFor v)bere two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. ” M&ahew 18:20 HAYW ORTH-MILLER 1IINI-HAI. HOMli ••ante. NC 27006 336.940.S55S McCuiston Concrete Co., Inc. 336 -345-392 Over 39 Yearsin business Advance1NC R A N D Y M IIiE R f^ &sons SEPTIC TANK SERVICE 295 Miller Road • Mocksville Slale (336) 284-2826 Certified Wa Pump Septic Tanks I f l f l l o u n t a l n D E S I G N S y tv t F irs t F id e lity NC, IJ.C IJltGuiM Cokgc OtLSunr 101 IimerouvK 1731 UBLte Owk PMnrflSute JOJ WMswSrlrfnNCniOJ 336-399-4886 gffiBS* FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2141 336-753-DRUG HOffARDREALTY 330 S. SaGsbuiy SI, Mwksville 336-751-3538 lE S gfsl m ille r's R e s ta u ra n t 7x0 Wilfeesboro Street Mocksvilte 336-751-2621 Edwardjones MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING Slayton R. Harpe Financial Advisor 5539 U.S. Hwy. 158, Suite 104 Advance, NC 27006 M em ber SIPC 336-940-3150 FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRYAndrew J. Rivers DMDIia HotplUlSL - Mocksville,NC27028 336-751-6289 *Serving Children & Adults' AccrmNG Most Major UeuAAHOjRivtrsfamllydtntittry.com_____ Shoaf Concrete Co. Mocksville, NC336-751-1989 Mon-Fri 6:30am - 3:30pm Y nim d (BiiIiBrvmrq Yonr Fall Tlae D ty O tn Slaee 1985 Infant - 3rd OradeSmall Infant be Crawler RoomsBefore Ie After School Programs ISSee: _ Debbie Joaee, Owner 184 Couneil St. • Mocksville 751-7118 BlO • DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, ThursdaytJuIy 2,2015 FunAt The Library Continues Dateline T h . Youth Services Dc- partment o f Davie County S u n d a y , J u ly 1 2 . PubIicU braryhasm orefun Molroan & Z rost 57,h_ ... . . . . niversary IamHy reunion,oppomimties for youth to ^ uo Cbufchi us 60, N bust the boredom. Mocksville. Fellowship begins Monday evening at 6:30 at l0:3o n.m., picnic dinner at the Grey Seal Puppets will | p.m. Relatives and friends present a professional show, welcome. On Tuesday, the Mr. S a tu rd a y , J u ly 2 5 Lemoncello's Games and Ratlcdgc Reunion, Cor- Robo-Lego carts will be ncistone Christian Church, rolled out for families to 1585 NC 801 N., Mocksville. enjoy quality time from Registration at Il ajn. with 10:30 a.m.-noon. At 2 p.m. Polluck lunch M noon- erinS hometown heroes Horn the “ r P l" “ « “ r Mocksvitle Po'** Deprnt- " ^ t t S ment will talk abont law „ 336-337-3678, toyrr® enforcement work and how. hayvsrnrledgecoiih or visit on officers can help youth in Facebook RatMgesofifavIe- need win Mocksville. The coiutiy@groupsfacebookxom. Teen Tuesday group will Those attending will receive meet from 3:30-5 pjn. a « W ®f ‘he Rotledge Family Wednesday at 11 a.m TreebncktoJohnRatIedgeSr. , .Munchin' at the Movies « d Bdw«d RU M *, shows “Paddington.” PG 1 R @ |i n i o n 95 minutes and at I p.m. for _ Snackin’ at the Cinema fea- S u n d a y , J u ly 5..I . .L ,I, j Greater Mt. Moriah Mission-ures Into the Woods. PO. ar> Baptist service sponsored 125 min- by Pastor’s Aid Committee. 3Thursday Ranger will pjn.,withihcRev.JoelShackl- be available for 15-minute eford.pasiorofCIark'sMemo- appointments from 11 a.m.- rial Baptist of Boonville. noon. Next Chapter Book J u ly 12*16 ; Clubs for adults and teens Vacation Bible School, will meet I and '3:30 p.m. Hardison Methodist. 6 p.m. . Young Adult Readers Club Beach Party: Surfing Through will meet with Mrs. Archer The Scriptures. AU welcome. Ia t 2:15 p.m. 751-5630. Story Time is at 11 a,m. J u ly 1 2 -1 7 : on Friday. Vacation Bible School, Edge- I On Saturday, Ranfer «8“ 2 -™ . will be available for read- ^ d c , with the™ Journey Off , - I, The Map. 6:30-8:30 nightly,em from 11 a.m.-noon for Ca|| ^ „ McSlrain ^ • 15-nunute appointments. . 433.9024 DCPL programming 'I S x ju Iv -jo Sg ftee and open to the public, ^ Consult the web-calendar Baptist,Ccotcemce.6:30-8:30 for mpre details at wwwM- pm . wiIh ending bash July brary Javiecountyarg. [8 1.3 p,m.Camp Discovery theme, games, snacks, crafts. W etmore Farms Woodleaf, NC Tom m s H im e g ro w n C a n t a I r a R e s a r e a e h e s l O th e r F re s h P ro d u e e A lso A v a ila b le Open: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Saturctay 8 KJO a.m.*5:00 p.itL, Closed Sunday 704-278-2028FnmMo<t!t8etattUS60! UVthUHCSOl htmertbn, tvmiightal)tK4tttlletntoRtiwa>(aMyu<aeloo Ijbth HiwdUf Uwriw » MOnowferns. Ages 2 & up. 204 Marginal St. Sunday, July 19 Homecoming, Edgewood Baptist, 11 a.m., wiih message by GeneTutterow. Meal to fol­ low. July 20*22 Vacation Bible School, New Union Methodist, 6-8 p.m. Theme "Everest.” Prc-K-12th grade. Meetings Ongoing Davk/Mocksvillc AA, closed non-smoking meeting, at First Bapt. Church, 390 N. Main Street (across from Davie Co. Library).Thutsdays,7pjn.lnfo: Jan 753-1838. Al-Anon Family group, Sun­ days,8p.m.,Macedonia Moravi- an,NC80l between Farmington and Bermuda Run. For families and friends of alcoholics. Sugar Valley Com posite Squadron, each Tues. 6:30- 8:30 p.m.. Blue Hangarnt Sugar Valley. Program for cadets (12-18) and adults. For info: 336-9784(86. DavieCounty Planning Board, 4th Tti es. of each month, 6 p.m. in commissioners chambers, 2nd floor.Davie Administration Bldg., 123 S. Main Street. Davie County Board of Ad­ justment, 3rd Monday of each month, 6 p.m., in commission­ ers chambers, 2nd Door, Davie Administration Bldg., 123 S. Main Street. Davie Beekeepers Association, second Thurs. of every month, 7 p.m., 412 N. Main Street (First Bapt. Church). Visitors welcome.To find out more info: wwwdaviebeekeepers.org DC Networks, 7:45-9 a.m. second Tues. each month- Ketchie Creek Bakery, Valley Rd., Mocksville. Networking/ referrals group hosted by Davie County Chamber of Commerce. For info: 336-751-3304. DC Networks, 4th Tues. each month, LaCaretta, Bermuda Run,11:45a.m.-1 pm.Network­ ing/referrals group hosted by FARM FRESH PORKABNahml Mo Artffldal InoredtontsGRAIN FED BEEFsr afuss tntr- BanarMMMu Jerry A Clndy Foster(336) 998-7175 METAL ROOFING 3’ Coverage • 40+ Colors AU MtOTSMfaowr STM AlFED 40 Year Warranty UP TOWTAX CBEWT AVAIAOf704-278-3000 MID-STATE METALS of Ihe Carolines, LLC Davie Chamber of Commerce. Info: 751-3304. Davie Q uiltcrs G uild, 3rd Mon. of each month, for info: 492-2000. IMumph Parenting Gasses, Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m., call for info: 751-5636. Humane Society of Dnvic Co., monthly meetings 2nd Tues. of every month,at HumaneSociety Adoption Center,291 EatonRd. Call 751-5214 for info. Family & Frlendsofthe Men­ tally III Support Group, 2nd and 4th Tues. of each month, 6 p.m., Hillsdale Bapt. Church, Advance. Call 751 -5441 for info. Advance Garden Club, 2nd Tues. each month, Hillsdale Bapt.Church,US 158,1:30p.m. Lion’s Club, meets 1st Thurs. of each month, 6 pm. board, 7 pm.general.AtHardisonUitited Methodist Church. HUlsdoleSunriseRotary Chib, every Thurs. at 7 am ., Bermuda Village. Davie Co. Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 94,3rd Tues. of every month, 7 p.m., Zcko’s Restaurant. Dovie Democratic Party, 2nd Tues.ofeachmonth,7p.m., HO Depot Street. Davie Co. Republican Party, every third Tues. of month, 7 p.m. in Davie Co. courthouse. Davie Co. Republican Men’s Federation, second Tuesday of evety month, meal/meeting, 6 p.m.. Sagebrush, US 601 N., Mocksville. For info: 408-8898. Women welcome. Davie Historical & Genealog­ ical Society, 4th Thurs., 7 p.m., Davie Library. Al-Anon Family Group, at Macedonia Moravian Church, N.C. 801N ..Advance, Sundays 8 p.m., (in fellowship hall). Al-Anon is a group that helps families & friends of alcoholics. Cooleemee Womens Civitan Club, meets 4th Thurs. of each month, 7 pm . Cooleemee First Bapt. fellowship hall,204 Mar­ ginal St., Cooleemee. All area ladies invited. Stitch-ln,agatheringof crafters at Mocksville Library, second Wed. of each month, 7-8:15 p.m. Bringyourportableprojectanall your best tips and tricks to share, info: 751-2023. CommunityFoiindationofDa- vieCounty Board of Directors, 2nd Mon., 5. North Davie Ruritan G ub, monthly dinner meetings, sec­ ond Mon. of each month, 7 p.m. Call 782-4276 for info and location of next meeting. Smart Start of Davie County board meeting, 3rd Tues. of every other monih at SunTrust on Yadkinville Rd., 8:30 a.m. Questions: 751-2113. Alzheimer’s Support Group, 2nd Tuesday of each month, 6:30 p.m., at DavieSr. Services, Mocksville. info: 753-6230. Davie Ctvilan G ub meets 4th Thun.ofeochmonth.Feb.-Oct., 7p.m.,at Hillsdale Bapt.Church, Hwy. 158. All visitots welcome. NAACP Community Aware­ ness Meeting, every 4th Mon. of each month, 7 p.m., at Shiloh Bapt. Church. Center ECA Club meets 2nd Monday of each month, at Center Comm. Bldg., 7 p.m. Pleasejoin us. Disabled American Veterans Post 75 meets on third Monday of each month, 7 p.m., DAV building, Hwy. 601 S. Contact 336-407-5662 for more info. Town Of CooIeemecPIanning Board, meets 3rd Thurs. of each month at Coolcemeelbwn Hall,7p.m. Davlc County Diabetes Sup­ port Group,flrstThuis.of evety month,7-8:30p.m.,atDavieCo. PublicLibraiySmaIIConference Room. Info: 751-8700. Davie Co. Hospital Atudlary, every second Tues., in board room, 6 pm. Davie Business Women’sAsso- cintion, I st Wed. of each month, 12 noon, at SunTrust Bank, Valley Bank Branch location. Open to all ladies interested in networking. Davie County Horse Emer­ gency Rescue Team,7:30p.m., downstairs at the Agricultural Building.Mocksville. Every 3rd Tuesdayeach month. For info: 940-2111. Davie Co. Band Boosters, meets 2nd Tuesday of month, 7:30 p.m., Davic High Band Room. C hristian Businessm en’s Committee of Mocksville, Thursdays, 7 a.m. Mocksville Rotary Hut. Gold Wing Tauring Associa­ tion, Red Pig Barbecue, Greasy Corner,N.C. 801 atU.S.601.6 p.m. 284-4799. Center Community Develop­ ment, 3rd Mon., 7 p.m. Com­ munity Bldg. Cooleemee Town Board, 3rd Monday, Town Hall, 6 p.m. unless otherwise noted. North Cooleemee and Clark Road Council,2nd Wednesday, 7 p.m Meeting in different members homes. Davie Domestic Violence Ser­ vices and Rape Crids Center. Oners weekly support group for domestic violence & sexual assault victims.The group meets every Tbcs.cveningfrom5:30-7 p.m. Please call office for loca­ tion,751-3450. Mocksville Rotary G ub,Tues­ days, 12:05 p.m.. EnergyUnitcd Education Center, 182 S. Salis­ bury St., Mocksville. Davie Co. United Way Board of Directors, 4th Monday, 5:30 pra.,Brock CenterAnnex.Conf. Room 208. Davie High Athletic Boosters, 3rd Monday, 7 p.m., school cafeteria. Farmington Ruritan Club,2nd Thursday,7:30p.m.,Farmington Community Center. HELPS Ministries, Chrislian recovery program for women sexually abused as. children. Mondays, 7:30 p.m., 41 court Square, Room 210. Parents Resource O rgani­ zation (PRO) support group for families of children with disabilities,2ndT0esday, 7 pm. Call Rosemary Kropfelder at 998-3311 for location. Health Dept., clinic hours: Mon.-Fri.. 8:30-11:30 a.m., 1-4:30 p.m. Davk County BoardofSociaI Scrvices,4thTuesday,5:30p-m. at DSS. NarcoticsAnonymousAgainst AU Odds Group, Ftrst Bapt. Church, 390 N. Main Street (upstairs),Thurs.7 p.m.,Sun: 6 p.m. Drug Problem? Helpline, 336-785-7280. Mocksville Civitan Club, 7 pan., 2nd & 4th Mondays, at First Presbyterian Church. Advance Memorial Post 8719 Veterans of Foreign Wars and LadiesAuxiliary,4thTues.,7:30 p jn„post home,Feed Mill Road. Davie County R ightlb Life, 7 p.m., 3rd Thursday, grand jury room, courthouse. 751-5235 or 492-5723. Cooleemee Memorial VFW Post 1119, 2nd Sat., 10 a.m., VFW Hall, N.C. 801. Seniors ****** 16th. -flnnutd ****** TRACTOR it ENGINE SHOW it PARADE Step back in time, relax, eat, and have lots of family JunI J u l y 3 r d 6 c 4 th , 2 0 1 5 Preseatecf by Ote PiedmontJbitiqoe PowerJLssociation Masonic Picnic Grounds • N. Main Street • Mocksville, NC GATES OPEN 8AM DAILY! Parade through Downtown Uordisville SatunIarlJiiIr 4 at IO AM * * * Fri4ay,Jaly3 * * * LOTS of FVN forthe EHTUtE FAMUM ASOtr- Mop»t|oo4*f»tteM, nemos Eaglnto, Kiddie CoranwilXiottoffunthIngi Ior Ibe tods‘ * ~ and sebride* scheduled both deys lor the kxb~.IYideR Iulv Sid at «30 PM we will ban a KUdie Pedal MCE SatudaR fnlvdth at 1140 AM we Tril havs a XUdto Pedal POliL “Moastertfreek” BOUNCE XOtISE will be open BOTO days WATERMELONESTDtO CONTTST Intytlh ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * Food PravMetI by Die A N N U A L Masonic Lodge D R A W IN G K e 9 KItMIeTraln Rides both days Farm Equipotent Itopia- BWge(s>0Mi»0d OMCwricrSsoMrJomroJAtono.- MHtC br-oamwo OtODmfAoifrSuIerJDtopja.- Timer SUM Emle,nnMEMd RICE,U41e« PedoJ PefI A Frytag PeeTm foneocij MDsm- CoPaUeaSIOOJSgn(paDdmUsOTImJ ★★★ Saturday, July4 *★* ASOer- Iltoue-C MDpa- C MOpm- Iiflta Ilrtwleg “Red Belly” or $2,500 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Spaces still available for other than food vendors and to dc both days u call-Bob Coneway 338-909-8818or Arthur Bostick336-414-7834 VENDORS ■ HtE-CREAM - GREAT FOOD ■ FREEADMfSSION Jr AUCTION Thursday Afternoon, July 9* - 3:00 PM 407 Danner Road - Mocksville, NC Estate of L.D. Hendricks (Deceased) Ford Diesel 4000TVaclor, Disc, Plows, Model T 3-Door Iburing Gv, Economy TYactor, Gravely Lawn Mower, Ibble SawslGrasscatchertDrilipresseslHbrizootBlIkuidSaw,’ Vkes, Grinder, Weed Eater, Old Bailer, Lots of Scrap MetaL Corn Sbeller, Crosscut Saws, Wheat Cradle, Hand lbcds, Ybrd Tbots, Air Compressor, Bott Bins, Nke Chopping Block, Meat Saw, Meat Cleaver, 4pc. Iron PatioSet,2 Colfee Grinders, Meat Scales, Liquor Jugs, 2 Lg. Wooden Barrels, Pot Belly Stove, PkkJe Jar, Men’s Hats, 2 Pop-Up Campers, Mbtn Stove w/Solar Panels, Ctdar Chest, Old Ugh Back Beds + MUCH MOREK STILL DIGGING!! Visit Us On wwwjintHonrimom TGtMS: Cuhor Good Check-No Bupn Pmniiim-fcod by Hofipa1SQrick Bi* All kens SoM As b • Where H • Auction CD, M ia No Guarantee.Keith Yoketey - AucUoaeer NCAL5323 • NCAF8708 - Phone: (336) 243-7484 Celh (3)6) 250-5556 .. AU Senior Activities take place at DavieCountySeniorServiccs located at 278 Meroney St., Mocksville unless otherwise noted. Call 753-6230. Monday, July 13 Emotional Distress Seminar, 10:45 am ., with Paula Swindle, LPC. Novant Health. Open to adults of all ages. RSVP by July 6. Tuesday, July 21 Veterans Social, 10:30 a.m., with Don Timmons, Hospicc/ Palliative Core. RSVP by July 14. Co-hosted by Veterans Ser­ vice Office.open to all veterans. Ongoing Sr. Lunchbox, M1T1W1 11:30 a.m.. Hi. & Fri., 11 a.m., lunch served daily. Quilting Club, every Monday, IO am. SKIPBO, Wednesdays, I p.m. Scrapbooking,every 2ndTkes- day, 2 p.m. Free Blood Pressure Checks, once a month, nt 10:30 am . in the Nutrition Site. SingingSraiors Chorus,Thurs­ days, IO a.m. Scrabble,! pm.every Monday. Texas Hold’Em -Thursdays, I pm. Sr.Book G ub,every thirdTues. of the month, 1:30 p.m. Computer Classes«are avail­ able, call for information. Arthritic Exercise -every other Wed. 10:30 a.m. Line Dancing Level I, Tues­ days, Thursdays. 8:45 a.m. Line Dancing Level 2, Mon­ days, Wednesdays, 9:45 a.m. Low Impact AcroMcs«Tues. & Thurs., Il am. Fitness Equipment Room - open Mon.-Thurs. 8 am . til 8 pm. Fridays 8 a.m. til 5 pm . & Sat. 9 am . ti! I p.m. Art,Mondays9a.m.til 12p.m. Tai Chi, Tuesdays (call for sesssion dates) Woodcarvingt Wed.9-11 am. Silver Health, Mon., Tues., Wed., 8:30 am. Yoga.callfordates and sessions. Dance Party Aerobics, 5:30 p.m. onTbes. & Thurs. Silver Health, Mon., Wed.. & Fri. at 8:30 a.m. Report Oavle Dateline Items By Noon Monday ItenisforDavieDateUnediould be reported by noon Monday of the publication week. Call 751 - 2120 or drop it by the office, at S. Main St. across from the courthouse. H O W A R D R E A L T Y F e a t u r e d L i s t i n g s 3301SafeligySL Hodtsvie-336-751.3S38 r S l n PAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 2,2015 * B Il LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE PUBLIC SALE: Mocksville Mint Storage Intends to sell the contents of the following unlls In an attempt to recover unpaid rent and expenses: «102, WIIHamWhiUdter «189, RusseH Ralliff «210, Kim Palmer «391, John Coffey «404, Latrida Brown «474, Willie Bernard Clement «39, «44 & «4, Belty DeBoard Household Hems. No personal checks PUBLIC SALE DATE: JuIyIOl 201SAT1:00P.M. 124 Eaton Road, Mocksville (330)751-2403 Publlshulune 25. July 2 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREOITORS Having qualified as Executor for the Estate of BETTY JOSE­PHINE H. TUTTEROW Ol Davie County, NC. the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against me estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the Itltt day ol Seplember, 2015, or Utls notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU persons, firms and corporaiions IndeWed to sakf estate will please make immedi­ ate payment to the undersigned. This Ihe ltlh day of June. 2015.HoUnOemHe TUtlerow SteeuMrof the Estate 4 Courtland Center LexIngion1VA 24460PuMsh: June 11.18,25, July 2 E n e r g y T j f l j ^ q q STATfMEMTOF This institution is an equal opportunity provider and em­ it you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrlmlnaUon, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint form, found online at htip-J/www.ascr.usda.gov/com- plaintJtllng_custhtml, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter con­taining all of the Information re­ quested In the form. Sendyour completed complaint form or Ieller Io us by mail at U.S. De­ partment of Agriculture, Direc­ tor. Office of Adjudication. 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W.. Washington. D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or emaH at pmgram.lnteke@usda.gov.Publish: JULY 2 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE JUVENILE COURT DIVISION File No. 14 JT 11 NOTICE OF s n in c i OF PROCESS OYPUSUCATION IN THE MATTER OF: AMaIeMInorCMdBom on January 27,2014 TO: STEPHANIE CAMPBELL, MOTHER OF A MALE MINOR CHILD BORN ON JANUARY 27,2014 IN IREDELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-enti­ tled action. The nature ol Ihe relief sought is as follows: ter- minaUon of your parental rights regarding a male child born on January 27, 2014, In Iredell County, North Carolina. (An Order for Service by Publica­ tion was entered by the District Court on April 6,2015.) You are required to make de­ fense to such pIeadng not Ialer than July 28, 2015, said dale being forty (40) days from the first publication of Ihls notice, and upon your failure to do so. the Davie County Deparlmenl of Social Services will apply to the Court for the relief sought. YOU ARE NOTIFIED Io ap­ pear and answer Ihe Petition by serving the original of your writ­ten response upon the Davie County Clerk of Superior Court, Juvenile Division, Oavie County Had of Justice. 140 South Main Street, Mocksville, NC 27028, within forly (40) days after the date of the first publication, or nolaterthanJuly28,20lS. You must also serve a copy of your written response on the Peti­ tioner's Attorney Nsted below. You have a right Io be repre­ sented by an attorney In Uks case. If you want an attorney and cannot afford one, the Court will appoint an attorney for you. You may contact the Davle County Clerk of Superior Court immediately to ask for a court-appointed attorney. This is a new case, and any attor­ney appointed to represent you in another case will not repre­ sent you In this case unless Ihe Court appoints that person again or you retain them. A copy of the Petilion may also be obtained from the Clerk of Court during regular business hours. This Notice first given the 18lh day of June. 2015. Holly M. Groce. Esq. Attorney for Davle County DSS 123 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Phone: 336-753-6012 NC Stale Bar No. 22214 PUBLISH: June 16,25 & July 2.2015 15 S P 100 NOTICE RF FORECIOSURESAIE NORTH CAROLINA,DAVIE COUNTY Under and by virtue of a Pow­ er of Sale contained In that cer­ tain Deed of Trust executed by Edward Manor and Anne Man­ or to Real Estate TiUe Services. LLC, Trustee(S). which was dat­ ed June 18,2010 and recorded on July I. 2010 in Book 830 at Page 412. Davle County Regis­ try. North Carolina. Default having been made CHAD CARPENTER'S T U N D R A of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Ttust and the undersigned. Trusiee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust, and the hold­ er of the note evidencing said default having directed that Ute Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the proper­ ty Is located, or Ute usual and customary IocaUon at the coun­ ty courthouse for conducUng the sale on July 13, 2015 at 10:00AM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated In Davie County, North CaroNna, Io wit: AU that certain parcel of land situated (’the property”) in Shady Grove Township, Da­vie County. North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: Being known and designat­ed as Lot No. 40 of Westrtdge, Section II. as sel forth in Plat Book 5. Page 5 (slide 135). Da­ vie County Registry, to which reference is hereby made for a more particular description. Being Ihe same property conveyed to Edward Manor and wife, Anne Manor, by Warranty Deed dated Augusl 8.2002. of record In Book 432, Page 202. In (he Office ol the Registry of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina. Save and except any releas­ es. deeds ol release or prior conveyances of record. Sakf property is common­ly known as 164 Westrldge Road, Advance, NC 27006. A cash deposit (no per­ sonal chedts) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Oollars ($750.00), whichever is great­ er. will be required at the time of the sale. FoHowing the ex­ piration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. THIRD PARTY PURCHASERS MUST PAY THE EXCISE TAX AND THE RECORDING COSTS FOR THEIR DEEO. Said property to be offered pursuant Io this Notice of Sale Is being offered for sale, trans­ fer and conveyance ‘AS IS. WHERE IS.’ There are no rep­ resentations of warranty relat­ ing to the Iille or any physical, environmental, health or safety condilions existing In. on, at. or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior Hens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assess­ ments. easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or excep- Hons of record. To the best of Ihe knowledge and belief of Ihe undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property is/are Edward Manor and wHe Anne Manor.' An Order for possession of the properly may be issued pur­ suant Io G.S. 45-21.29 In tavor of the purchaser and against the party or parlies in posses­ sion by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property Is sold. Any per­ son who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement enlered into or renewed on or after October 1.2007. may. al­ ter receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written noUce to Ihe landlord. The notice shall also state that upon termina­ tion of a renial agreement. Ihe tenant is liable for rent due un­ der the rental agreement pro­ rated to Ihe effective date of the terminalion. If Ihe trustee is unable to convey Utle to this property for any reason. Ihe sole remedy of the purchaser Is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey Indude, but are not limited to. the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of Ihe sale and re­ instatement of Ihe loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale Is chal­lenged by any party, Ute trust­ ee. in their sole discretion, H Ihey believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and relurn the deposit. The purchaser wHI have no fur­ ther remedy.Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee 8rock & Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suile 200 Wilmington. NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 15-08000-FC01 PUBLISH: JULY 2.9 Sudoku 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 2 3 1 7 4 9 3 5 4 8 2 7 6 2 9 3 7 1 8 Solution On Page B12 Crossword Puzzle THE KGY TO BEIWd 6000 AHOLER ts THE ABILITY TO THE ElOMS ZZ Cnaseof Im Pnlllles 2) DroooaM 24 Dodare 26 Tiny sum KHisMno 11 Cowboys' M CokKkto Gnat IS Time's partner 40 Shlrtwilhaslosan light: Var 42 Pulls apart 44 YaeMing prize heaos 48 Justiee 54 Ukely ST Tradillonel PLUTONIUM 64 Uke65 NotwindyYOU'RE NOT 60NNA FOOL ME WITH THAT OLO 6000 CARNIVORE, BAOCARNiVOflE ROUTINE. I Groceryholders CaeopMny 6 WartMp WAY TO TAKEONE FOR THETEAM, FRANK. I see CLEM 60T ONE THEM THAR HYBRIDS 6 Cemie Martha7 Salesign > LaMl 10 Olf-cdor 11 Word-of-mouth12 SouIMsdoit 11 “Duck soupr 16 JapsMse Iishdekeaey 19 Museumemployee 21 Mtsrepresent 24 Taken in26 Reggae fan. otten 26. Looks al Iustfuly 27 Cad 26 *Me and Bobby * 31 ’Bye Bye Bye’ band32 Hot chocolate? 33 Cateh 38 Mater3* CMter 41 Eskimobosl 42 Drizzly day chapeau 45 Voucher 48 Draco's mom in IM HarryPoIter series 48 Kindofmeet49 Cry of exasperation 60 Mlnorcomplafnts Si CMtography. e.g. 53 Tennis star Roddick 1 ' 64 Slightly open 55 Links numbers 68 Elderoralder Answers on Page B12 Getitweekly with a subscription to the Davie County Enterprise Record Only $26.69 P./Yr. in Davie County 751-2120 : B12 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 2,2015 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY FIUKGS NOTICE Is hereby given that the filing period for the towns of Bermuda Run, Cooleemee and Mocksville will open at 8:00 a.m. Monday, July 6, 2015, and remain open until 12 Noon, Friday, July 17,2015. NOTICE is further given that the offices to be filled in the November 3rd Municipal Elec< tions are: Bermuda Run for Mayor and two Councilman; Cooleemee for Mayor and two Commissioners (4 year term) and one Commissioner {un­ expired 2 year term); end In Mocksville tor Mayor and two Commissioners (4 year term). NOTICE Is further given that all filing fees are requested to be paid by check made pay- • able to the Davle County Board of Elections In the amount of $5.00 each. The Board of Elections Of­fice Is located at 161 Poplar St, Suite 102, Mocksville. Ques­ tions may be directed to 753* 6072. Luther B. Potts, Chairman Davte County Board of Elections PubIIshiJune 25, July 2 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORSHaving qualified as Executor for the Estate of BETTY J. CAMP­BELL of Davle County, NC, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms and corpora­tions having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhib­ it them to the undersigned on or before the 11th day of September, 2015, or this notice will be plead­ed In bar of their recovery. AU persons, firms and corporations Indebted to SBld estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned.This the 11th day of June, 2015. Julle C. Smith Executor of the Estate 382 Cornwallis Drive Mocksville, NC 27028PubIIshtJune 11,18,25, July 2 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE PERSONALREPRESENTATIVE'S NOTICEHaving qualified as Personal Representative of the Estate of HAROLD WAYNE SMITH, de­ ceased, late of Davle County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 11th day of September, 2015, said date being at least tluee months from the date of first publication of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU persons indebted to said es­ tate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned.This 11th day of June, 2015, the same being the first publica­ tion date. Elaine D. Smith, Personal Represenfsffve Esfefe Of HAROLD WAYNE SMITHGrady L. McClamrock, Jr., NCSB #7868. Attorney for the Estate 161 South Main Street Mocksville, North Carolina 27028 Telephone: {338)751-7502 Fax: (336)751-9909 Publish: June 11,16,25, July 2 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORSHaving qualified as Admin­istrator of the Estate of Susan Elizabeth Smith, deceased, fate of Davle County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons hav­ ing claims against said estatg.to present them to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of Sep­tember, 2015, said date being at least tluee months from the date of first publication of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned.This 18th day of June, 2015, the same being the first publica­tion date.Ltwanca LA McGee, Administrator of the Estate of Suasn Elizabeth Smith 5110 Palmerston Lane Winston-Salem, NC 27104Publish: June 18,25, July 2,9 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORSHaving qualified as Executor of the Estate of BOBBILOU LAKEY TOLLISON, deceased, late of Davie County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons hav­ ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of Sep­tember, 2015, said date being at least tluee months from the date of first publication of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This 18th day of June, 2015. ArfAur Leroy Toll/son,Executor of the Estete of Bobbl Lou Lakey Tolltaon LEGAL NOTICES 1711 Farmington Road Mocksville, NC 27028Publish: June 16,25, July 2,9 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORSHAVING QUALIFIED COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of LAURA GREY BOWLES WHITAKER, deceased, tlon of a large tract described In Book 71, at Page 193, Davle County Registry end described as follows: Beglnnlngetanlron pipe In Ihe Western edge of theof Oavle County, North Carolina, cooleemee Junction Road,this Is to notify all persons having PaU| pavidson Southeastclaims against said estate to pres- eeutor ol the Estate ol GRADY ent them to the undersigned on or LUTHER TUTTEROW, late of before the 25th day of September, -, . . h . of Davle County, ,his Is to notify all 2015 s a , c X 5 S n S n pin; «!encepersons, firms end corporations the first day of publication of this M B7 rfan w ^ |ron edlnbar of SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE In possession by Ihe clerk ol SERVICES, INC. superior court of the county In SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE which the properly Is sold. P.O. Box 1028 Any person who occupies 4317 Ramsey Street tbe property pursuant to a rent- Fayetteville, North Carolina Q| agreement entered Into or 28311 renewed on or alter October 1, https://sales.hulchenslawflrm. 2007, may after receiving the com notiCe of sale, terminate the Case No: 1156942 (FC.FAY) rental agreement upon 10 days' PUBLISH: JUNE 27. JULY 2 written notice to the landlord. Upon termination of a rental ir before October sons indebted to said estate will North N. 67 deg. W. 354 It. to ai In Blanch Hedricks line; thence STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA agreement, the tenant Is liable ig. E. 353 ft. to an to the undersigned. This the 25th day of June, 2015. 2, 2015, (being three [3] months from the first day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery.AU persons, firms and corpora- CALVIN G. WHfTAfCEfl tlons Indebted to said Estate will ExecutoroftheEatate please make Immediate payment 2351 Fallen Tree Drive V to the undersigned. Jacksonville, FL 32246 Immodlate payment Iron, PaulDavIdsonNWcorner, thence South 87 deg. E. 353 ft. to the point and place of begln- ' nlng containing 30,045 square feet and being Lot #9 according COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 15 SP 102 Ior rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the ef­ fective date of the termination. If the trustee Is unable to convey title to this properly Ior , Under and bv virtue of the any reason, the sole remedy of rasas E r * “ “ i rs tsz sswThlsthe 24th day of June, 201£ „ _ , _ . , , . . . mo^siand^evlfRoad75”0 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA The property hereinabove nC)h°day o^Decernber, 2009, a bankruptcy petition prior .- Fort Mill, SC 29708 COUNTY OF DAVIE described was acquired by In- and recorded!n Book813, Page the confirmation of the saleMARTIN S VAN HOY, LLP NOTICE TO CREDITORS strument recorded In Book 655, 839 |n 0av|e county Registry, end reinstatement ol the loan AttomeysatLaw HAVING QUALIFIED as Ex- Page 951, DavloCounty Public Nortb Carolina Hefautt having without the knowledge of the IOCourtSquare ecutor of the Estate of GRADY Register ol Deeds. Qeen made in the payment ol trustee. If the validity of the sale Mocksville, NC 27028 LUTHER TUTTEROW, late of Together with Improvements the nol0 thereby secured by Is challenged by any party, thePublish; July 2,9,16,23 Davle County, this Is to notify all |0cated thereon; said property the sa!d Deed 0/Trust and the trustee, In their sole discretion,persons firms and corporations b0|ng |oeated at 550 Junctlon Substitute Trust- H IHey believe the challenge to "SffilSKSS* !S S S M S K K S S T Moc“ "e' No,m c,r°- S S S J iW hlS S S i S i r a i SsarasM S r r r 'r r s r “^ rs ;rn; ssrsssaa:the Estate of Mary Ann Beeson from the first day of publication of sole discretion, delay lhe sale duly_recorded .ln the Office of Purcn«0f w" Sweat, Deceased, late of Davle fhls notice) or this notice will be for up to o further e hour as provided me Register of Deeds of Davle remedy. ceased to exhibit them tc dersigned on or before Septem­ber 25, 2015, or this Notice will b. PkU U In b., .I ,b.l, n,h, ,0 ' ‘ “s “ * * -• ^ ™.. debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment This the 18th day of June, 2015. Ralph Andrew Sweat Executorot the Estate of Mary Ann Beeson Sweat C/O Bryan C. Thompson SURRATT & THOMPSON, PLLC NOTICE TO CREDITORS 100 N. Main Street. Suite 2425 Wlnston-Saiem, NC 27101 (338) 725-8323 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE P.O. Box 1029 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina County, North Carolina, this Is to pleaded In bar of their recovery. In NCGS §45-21.23. _ County, North Carolina and the notify all persons having claims AI1 P0rsons, Ilrms and corpora- Should the property be pur- holder of the note evidencingagainst the estate of the de- tlons Indebted to said Estate will ch0S0d by a thlrd parlyi lhet said indebtedness having dl-please make Immediate payment party must pay the excise tax, reeled that the Deed of Trust to the undersigned. as we|| as the court costs of be foreclosed, the undersigned MAWcyT n^ronSlI5' Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per SubstiluteTrusteewilIofferforOne Hundred Dollars ($100.00) sale at the courthouse door Inrequired by NCGS §7A-309(a) the City of Mocksville, Davie MAHfSi & VAN HOY, LLP (D- 0ounlT- Nor,h 0ara»na: or thoAttorneys at Law The property to be offered customary location designated IOCourtSquare pursuant to this notice of sale for foreclosure sales, at 1.45 Mocksville, NC 27028 Is being offered for sale, trans- PM on July 7, 2015 and willPublish: July 2,9,16,23 fer and conveyance “AS IS, sell to the highest bidder for NORTH CAROLINA WHERE IS." NelthertheTrust- cash the following real eslale DAVIE COUNTY ee nor the holder of the note situated In the County of Da- - - • secured by the deed ol trust/ vle, North Carolina, and beingsecurity agreement, or both, mofe particularly described as being foreclosed, nor the of- follows: fleers, directors, attorneys, BEING all of Lot 1, contain- GRAY SHKTsTwkk HmUGl »mplbms, .gent, or .ulhb- Ing 1.734 acr.s. mor. or l..s ------------------------------------ Publish: June 18,25, July 2,9 Sheets; Harold Sheets), late of rized representative of either according to a survey entitled submjtted for foe purchase of Davle County, this Is to notify all 'he Trustee or the holder of the Plat Map for Jeffrey D. Hayes prop0rty owned by the Countypersons, firms and corporations note make any representation by Grady L. Tutlerow, said gav|e https://sales.hutchenslawfirm. Case No: 1159262 (FC.FAY) PUBLISH: JUNE 25, July 2 • PUBLIC HOTICE Public Notice for Sale of County Property Pursuant to NCGS 160A-269 An offer ol $82,000 has been STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS ir warranty relating to the title survey being recorded In Plat scribed 0S fol|0ws;particularly de- r any physical, environmen- Book 10, Page 129, In the Of- r before October tal, health or safety conditions fice of the Register of Deeds ecutor of the Estate of MARY 2, 2015, (being three [3] months existing In, on, at or relating to of Davle County, North Caroli-JACQUEL1NE BEAMON, lata from the first day of publication of the property being offered for na, reference to which Is here­of Davle County, this Is to notify this notice) or this notice will be 8ai0i and any and a|| respon- by made for e more particular d in bar of their recovery. S|biiltFes or liabilities arising out description. Together with In HAVING QUALIFIED as Ex- dersigned on or before October tal, health or safety conditions fice of the Register of Deeds J he JjLeuntJ1 e Js Jpe ' ----- “ Vee [3] months existing in, on, at or relating to of Oavle County, North Caroll- 00' I'm „rr«* mn,J ™ IevT Il persons, firms and corpora- taln 5.01 acres, more or less, lract of real estate on US Hwy recorded In Book 953,—1 I— ......................... ,— -------... — -. ,. Siuiturus Ui iiauniues aiisiuu uui uesui iuhui i. iwacmw .......- _ _tlons having claims against said All persons, firms and corpora- o( or any way re|al|ng t0 any provements located thereon; P0Sf 906 °f ,h® 0avle, 0ountV Estate to present written claim UonslndebtedtosaldEstalewIII such condl,|on expressly are said property being located R09'sW* Nor!h,0arolna 0ndtn IhA IinHArennQrI nn nr hAfnrA Habm makrp ImmoHlAlo AnumAnI . . . T . 7 ... ktarl AA IUrnH dent f CStmnto the undersigned September 18,2015, (being [3] months from the first d publication of this notice) or this Howard R. Sheets, notice will be pleaded In bar of ExecutoroftheEatate sons, firms 3274 Mlddlebrook Drive payment djscla|med A!s0i lhis proper. at 2161 HWY 158, Mocksville, and corporations Indebted to said Clemmons, NC 27012 ate payment to the undersigned.This the 11th day of June, 2015.MARYANN POTTS 902 JunIorAvenue Shenandoah, VA 22649MARTIN 8 VAN HOY, LLP Attorneys at Law IOCourt Square Mocksville, NC 27028 make Immedl ilhl^nd day of July 2015 ty is beln9 80ld subJect t0 flH North Carolina.taxes, special assessments, Trustee may, In the Trustee's and prior liens or encumbranc- sole discretion, delay the sale es of record and any recorded for up to one hour as provided releases. Saldpropertylsslso In NCGS §45-21.23. PublIshtJuly 2,9,16,23 being sold subject to applicable shou|d the properly b0 pur.Federal and State laws. chased by a th,rd partyi that A cash deposit or cashier’s • party must pay the excise tax, check (no personal checks) of as well as the court costs of live p .,...I (5%) ol lh. pur- FOBy-Fi,. CkMA (»45) per S T 1Z T ' chase price, or seven hundred One Hundred Dollers (£100.00) ,Iillv dollars II750.D0I. Vihlohev- ,„ „i,.d h. N nns sle.nner, qualifying bid will beeome Ihe listed as parcel Identification D700000193 with the Davie County lax office. Persons wishing to upset the offer that has been received shall submit a sealed bid with their offer to the office of the County Manager, 123 S. Main St., Mocksville, NC 27028, by 5:00 P.M., July 13, 2015. At that time the County shall open NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of thePublish: June 18,25, July 2,9 p0wer of sale contained Ii STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA .COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORSHAVING QUALIFIED A qualifying higher bid Is ane that raises the existing of­fer to an amount not less than $86,150.. A qualifying higher bid must fifty dollars ($750.00), whlchev- required by NCGS §7A-308(a) er is greater, will be required at (1). the time ol the sale. The property l0 be o((0r0d " su'ch' bid received will An order for possession of pursuant to this notice of sale becorTle me new offer,................................ the property may be Issued js b0|ng offered for sale, trans- certaln Deed ol Trust made pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 In (er and conveyance “AS IS, by Larry Thles and Michelle fevQf of the purchaser and WHERE IS." Neither the Trust- •Thies (PRESENT RECORD against the party or parties In ee nor the holder of the nOWNER(S): Larry Thles and possession by the clerk of su- secured by the deed of trust/ Michele Thles) to Larry D'Ame- Perlcr court of the county In security agreement, or both, .. Mo IlIlTrustee(S), dated the 10th which the properly Is sold. being foreclosed, nor the of- be accompanied by a deposit In Co-Administratrix of the Estate of day 0f November, 2006, and Any person who occupies fleers, directors, attorneys, ,he amouflt of fl^e Percent ls%>HENRYLEEPEEBLES1 Iateof rec0rded In Book 688, Page lhepropertypursuant toarent- employees, agents or autho- of the bid; the deposit may beDavle County, this Is to notify all 895, in Davle County Registry, al agreement entered Into or rized representative ol either made In cash, cashier s check, persons firms and corporations Nor1h Carolina, default having renewed on or after October 1, the Trustee or the holder of the 0Lcert. c c J ® 0ountV having claims against said Estate been ma(Je [f) )he paymen, o( 2007, may after receiving the note make any representation wllJ return 'he deposit on any IL PaT ^hW1 m, hA^A ^ ir ! 'b* note thereby secured by notice of sale, terminate the or warranty relating to the title bid not accepted, and will return lamber ia 2015 (beino three 131 'he said Deed of Trust and the rental agreement upon 10 days' or any physical, environmen- the deposit on an offer subject month. Irdm ths’llrst d.y ol pub- und.r.lgn.b. Substitute Trust- wrltt.n nollo. to lb. Isndlord. tsl. health or s.I.ty conditions f “J " ’ ^ qu*kl>"ns WiAr Ilcation of this notice) or this no- ee Services, Inc. having been Upon termination ol a rental existing In, on, at or relating to 010 ls '*«-bivou .tlce will be pleaded In bar of their substituted as Trustee In said agreement, the tenant is liable the property being offered for The County will return the recovery. AU persons, firms and Deed of Trust by an Instrument for rent due under the rental sale, and any and all respon- deposit of the final high biddercorporations Indebled to said Es- duly recorded In the Office of agreement prorated to the el- sibilitles or liabilities arising out at dosing, tate will please make Immediate the Register of Deeds of Davie fective date of the termination, of or In any way relating to any The buyer must pay cash aipayment to the Co-Administratrix, County, North Carolina and Ihe || the trustee is unable to suct1 condition expressly are closing, undersigned. holder of the note evidencing convey title to this property for disclaimed. Also, this proper- The Counly Board must ap_ This the 18th day of June, sa|d Indebtedness having dl- any reason, the sole remedy of tY Is being, sold subject to all prove the final high offer before 1 reeled that the Deed of Trust the purchaser Is the return of taxes, special assessments, jbe sa|e |S C|0sedi which It will betoreclosedi the undersigned the deposit: Reasons of such end Prlor llens or encumbranc- do w|,hin 30 days alter the final Substitute Trustee will offer for inability to convey Include, but 06 of record and any recorded ups0t bid period has passed, sale at the courthouse door In are not limited to, the filing ol a releases. Said property is also The county reserves the right the City ol Mocksville, Davie bankruptcy petition prior to the being sold subject to applicable l0 w|lhdraw the property from County, North Carolina, or the confirmation of the sale and re- Federal and State laws. sale at any time before the Ii- customary location designated instatement ol the loan without A cash deposit or cashier’s na! high bid Is accepted and for foreclosure sales, at 1:45 the knowledge of the trustee. If check (no personal checks) of the right to reject at any time all PM on July 7, 2015 and will the validity of the sale Is chal- five percent (5%) of the pur- bids. This process is In accor- sell to the highest bidder for |enged by any party, the trust- chase price, or seven hundred dance with North Carolina Gen- cash the following real estate 0e, In their sole discretion, If fifty dollars ($750.00), whlchev- eral Statute 160A-269. situated In the County of Da- they believe the challenge to er Is greater, will be required at Further Information mav he vie, North Carolina, and being ( J 0 merit, may request the the time of the sale. ob™Z<t Jt the d ^M ha more particularly described as court to declare the sale to be An order for possession of County Manager, 123 S. Main follows, V0|d 0nd return the deposit, the property may be Issued st Mocksville NC 27026 Tract One: Beginning at an The purchaser will have no fur- pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 In during normal business hours iron stake In the Western edge Iher remedy. favor of the purchaser and Publish: JULY 2.9 against the party or parties 2015. Ernesf/ne Holman, Co-Admtniairairlx6B79 Hampton Road Clemmons, NC 27012 Katie Arnold, Co-Administratrix 397 Whitney Road Mocksville, NC 27028 Publish: June 16,25, July 2,9 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis­trator of the Estate of NINA M.RAY, deceased, of DavIe County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all ___ _ ______ persons having claims against 0f Cooleemee Junction Road,said estate to present them to the Southeast corner of Lot No. 7urdsfslgnsd un ur bslure the 25th mnni No„h 87ds, ul Ssptsmbsr, 2015 b.lng „ w<g 352 , „„ ,tb’s . mon h. Irom he IIrsl 0.» » , h j b p „ of publicaton of this notice, or _ .. „ . ... .this notice will be pleaded In bar hence Sou h 3 de9- Wost 05of their recovery. AU persons In- 'eet tc an Iron stake; thence debted to said estate will please South 87 deg. East 353 feetmake Immediate payment to the 10 an lran st0ke In the Westernundersigned. erfS0 of Cooleemee Junction This the 25th day of June, Road; thence North 2 deg. 20’ 2015. East 85 feet to the point andWanda F. Scalf place of beginning and being 176 Latham Farm Road Lot No. 8 according to an un- Mocksville, NC 27028 recorded map surveyed andPiedmont Legal Associates, PA p|atted by J.C. Comer and A.L. Lynne Hicks, Bow|es, Registered Surveyor,AttorneyforEstate of lha A n Holleman Properly ^ 0ar*°’” 2® owned by John A. Spillman for M b b ti NO 2 ” ••• C a Book 7,, (3?6|7?I S ’ r f ' '*>' C° " V "•=- Crossword Answers Sudoku Solution Publish: Jure 25, July 2,9,16istry. Tract Two: A certain lot of parcel of land located In Mocks­ ville Township and being a por- Q D Q Iiia QQD DQQDEI OQClD EQ Q Q H IiD Q D 4 5 1 8 9 2 7 3 6 7 3 8 4 6 1 2 9 5 9 6 2 5 3 7 4 1 8 8 2 5 3 1 9 6 4 7 6 4 2 7 8 9 5 3 3 9 7 6 5 4 1 8 2 8 9 7 2 5 3 6 4 2 4 6 9 8 3 5 7 1 5 7 3 4 6 8 2 9 D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R IS E R E C O R D T H U R S D A Y , JU L Y 2 . 2 0 1 5 - B 1 3 DAVIE-CLEMMONS TOLL free 1-877-751-2120 o r 704-7974220 Call us Monday-Friday 8-5 Jeana Kristin Deadline to have your classified ad in the next issue: Tuesday 3 P.M. Email: classads@ salisburypost.com OR place your ad online at: Salisburypost.com and click‘Place Classified Ad1 r e a r - Eicarclse Equipment. Elliptical trainer, Image 8.0. Heavy duty. Excellent condition. $150. 704-637-3288 Job Opportunities Drivers lta c to r IV aiIer D rivers N eeded for area hauls from Mocks­ ville, NO. Homo each day. Class A CDL required, cur­ rent DOT medical, drug/alco­hol screening req'd, 3 years min. tractor-trailer experience. Clean MVR and background a must. Benefits. Seeking steady hard workers. Call 336-492-5631 between 9am and 4pm and leave message for application. L v ^ urn1tSfrF■4&Apiillani es Antique Olnlng set Mahogany chairs, need ILC. Buv- er picks up. $40 704-232-0940 8ar stools, wood, no backs,set of 4. $45. Call 336-684-1975 Ceblnetstereos3 to choose from. $75 each or all 3 $150,704-796-8761 Diningroom sattable, 6 chairs, hutch & China cab­inet. $500 Call 704-279-3716. Drivers: Regional. Dedi­ cated 5days on, 2 days off. Great Benefits, 401 kl Paid Vacation/Holidays. CDL-A1 www.gptruck.com 000-922-1147 X0676 or 6083 Entertainment center,light oak, Bassett. 52" high. Good condition. $45.336-998-3890 library desk with 2 shelves $45. Call 704-636- 5494 for more Information. Fllet of Chicken In Mocksville s seeking MAINTENANCE MECH. with Industrial mainte­ nance exp. Multiple positions & shifts. Apply In person at 251 Eaton Road, Mocksville. We are an EOE. AU qualified applicants will receive con­ sideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender Iden­ tity or expression, sexual ori­ entation, national origin, ge­netics, disability, age, veteran status or any other character- sties protected by law. Shan. Peeler@houseofraeford.com Loveseat tot saleJean material, turns into mBttress bed $60 704-433-6620 Reduced Queen size sleep x number bed great shape. $300 obo. 704-305- 8844 Rocking chair • maplesturdy, gold trim with design, very nice. $80 Call 704-636-5494. TVcablnet-cherry$360. Call 704-636-5494 for more Information. IWIn headboards |2),1 set of rails, mattress and box spring $225. Call 704-433-6620 Whirlpool Dryer For SaleUsed, great condition, no Issues, email:JluoOiOmlca.edu $120.00 Whtflpoot Heavy Duty DryerWorks great. $100.704-798-8761 H garagiSalesSi Freshwater rods & reels,3 for $20. Call 704-278-9527 after 6pm or leave message.Coot8#mee. 1B4Maln$t. Yard Sale.Frl. July 3 & Sal. July 4 6am-2pm Turkey DecoyRemote controlled Tom Ilirkey decoy for sale. $50 Call 704-847- 4521Mocksville, 526 Saln Rnad Multi-Family Ybrd Sale, Thursday & Friday, 07/02/15, 07/03/15, 6 am-untll. Estate Items - furniture, antiques, etc.; big area rugs, eacher supplies, wheelchairs, canes, treadmill, Christmas dec­orations, power tools, and brand new Items from boutique. 'IawnSCffnjBhL! SO11Mumy mower w/bagglng system Rear eng. Briggs and Stratton mo­tor runs good, needs cart work- float stuck. Good tires, body and battery. $200 (704) 202-8370 Fertilizer spreaders two - one prop for $30 and one broadcast for $60. Call 704-636- 5494.U flaby Items/,-] Qrayco baby strollar still In box ast action fold classic connect Ightwelghl stroller. Comes apart o be Just a carrier. Priced else­where at $175 and above. Asking $95. Call 704-433-3705 John DHre riding lawn mower2014, Series 130, 22hp, 42“ cut. only 28 hrs, Looks and runs like new. $1000 ObO. 336-661-5605 Old Eddleman Mower, One of the first he built. 16* cut 1 1/2 HP motor $100. 704-433-9328 Medical Equipment 2 Burial Plots • Rowan Mamorlal 2 Burial Plots at RM Park • Sun­ dial area. Valued at $2650 each. $500. Call 770-330-6132 Electric lift chatr,vinyl, excellent condition $250. Call 704-279-3718. ! T T ('!Miscellaneous:; i H K 1 . Pass Concrete steps for salsfive for $100. Call 704-433-8816 for details. KllIfIeasandtIcks faster, control mosquitoes with Hap­py Jack DuraSpot: 92% flea control In 24 hours. Contains NYLARI Yadkinville Quality Hardware (336-679-2049) (kennetvax.com) Didn't Get A Paper?Call Circulation at 704-797-4213 Monday-Friday 8 AM to 5 PM Hendbag forsale meoium size w/cell phone case, good condition $25. Call 704-267- 1415 before 6pm.^General NoticesLeather tote handbag small, red, black & white, good condition $7. Call 704-267-1415 before 6pm Didn't Get A Paper?Call Circulation at 704-797-4213Monday-Friday 6 AM to 5 PMPecan harvester for salebrand new $300. Call 704-209- 6454. Rolling backpack, black w/wheels & 2 zip pockets, good condition $10. Call 704-267-1415 before 6pm. Lost & Found . Found BBagIearound Bostian Heights, China Grove area, older female. Call 704-655-7071 to Identify.To Place A Classified Ad CallTollFree 1-877-751-2120Monday-Friday 8 AM to S PM Found dog, large brown Lab, female. Meadowcreek Dr. aree, China Grove. Very friendly. Email pantherz1fan8@yahoo.com to IDWater fountain.recirculating. Oid Tlmey. sl2a. 336-492-3020 FODND dog. Older, female Boston Terrier. Corner of Nolley & Gladstone In Mocksville. 704-500-8024 to ID.' Tl/, DVlf & Video" J TV’s for sale two for $50. Call 704-636-5494 for more Information. Foundyoung, female dogTan/brindle, possibly some Pit Bull mix, recently had pups, Hwy 70/Hur- iey School Rd. area. 704-637-8608. Lost Chihuahua, white femalearound MooresvIIIe RdY-D" Ave­nue area. Call 704-267-2634 with any Information. Cafs I rfoLLL' F®®RfIIUSTLv1 ‘ R/ktiteMgrey'andwWteYliblack arid white .1) dark caRco', Dterclwi tanta;callJ704-?10-&13],11’&rtf8pfTLYFfY.I^Ay(Ml.aA^fi-2iS3^Lfl Condos & . , Townhoroes, ■ Free Kittens.Approx 8-8 weeks. 6 kittens, differ­ent colors, mBle & female. VERY CUTEl Call 704-857-3604 2 BH. BbBA. quiet Hidden Creek neighbor­hood! Comes with washer, dry­er, fridge, oven, microwave and patio set. New kitchen floor, gar­bage disposal, hot water heater. Call Chuck tor more into todavi $99,000.00. Call (336)455-1199. Free mother cat A 2 kittens. Mom Is Calico, kittens are grey & white. To good homes only. 704- 855-4389 Fm OrangeKIttensLittered trained and wormed 2 fe­male kittens 9 weeks old. Please call Emily 704-279-2127 Free “Purrty" kitten8 weeks old, multi-colored, litter box trained. Call 704-209-0190. if Homes FprSaie Mocksville. jM U H y H H |3 6 R , AvaMabie■ ^ ^ ^ ■ ^ ■ 9 / 1 / 1 5 .Downsize IhTg:Goiflng. Rshlng. Easy CIeanin0I One floor living on Lake Louise Golf Course. Eat-In kitchen w/gran- !formaToR opens'to GRw/^s"'^' fireplace. Master BR w/bath & WI closet. BFVOfflce and full Bath. High tifod flo ^'& ri^teed porch w/ storage rm plus patio overlooking Eth fairway. Bonus rm/guest suite w/bath. Double garage. Access to 100 acre Lake Louise w/commu- nlty dock. Uwn care. Irrigation & i Dogs Pupptn Mother & father on April 26.3 available, all males.Wormed. $100 each. (336)463- 2359 Free Chocolate Lab Puppy5 mo. old - house trained. QreaI with kld6 and cats. Must go. Call 704-245-3735 leave a message Free dogs - Border CollieOre yr. old, also female Dachshund/ Poole mix, 3 blue eyed pups, 4 mos. old. 980-6434073 after 5 ed In HOA S10Q/mo. 115 N. Uke Uuise Dr., Mocksville, NC 27026. $239,500 Call (757) 651-9053. I Homes For Sale Salisbury, For Safe By OwnerBR, 1 r-----BA, 1200 Walmart.$59,999 Call Michael at 704-433- 6019. To Place A Classified Ad CallToll Free 1-877-751-2120Monday-Frlday 8 AM to 5 PM Manufactured . H o m e i Country. 2BR mobile home. Partly furnished. Not pets. S500/ mo. + deposit & ref. 336-284-4758 Apartments Mocksville • Sunset Terrace Apts., 1 & 2 BR. all appl. Central H/A. Slanting at $450. Call 336-751-0158 CondosS . Townhomes Salisbury 1501 Wellington Hills Circle 3BR, 2.5BA Updated end unit, freshly painted, tiled kitchen, sunroom. Close to shopping and schools. Rent or lease to purchase. No smoking, no pets. $1,050.00 month, deposit/ 07/01/2015 (704)433-0834 Houses For Rent. Century 21 Triad Rental Praperlles available In various price ranges In Oavle County, Forsyth and surround­ing counties. For information on all Rentals please go to:WWW.CENTUR- Y21TRIAD.COM. Click yellow 336-751-5555 Look f o r i t i n C l a s s i f i e d s Office &' Commercial Rental 1400 square feet. Dfflce located on MlK Jr. Ave. 5 offices/multi­use rooms, conference area. One block from the Fibrant Fiber Optic Center. 704-213-0078 Manufactured HomesForRent Mocksville, 2BR, IBA mobile home, new flooring, AB­SOLUTELY NO PETS. S450/mO. $300 dep. 336-940-2515 Move-In Special - No Deposit. Davle County. Newly remodeled ‘BR, I BA. Small manufactured iome. No pets. No smoking. S400/ no. includes water & garbage pick up. 704-640-2305 WantedToRent 2BR house with outbuilding for horse & one donkey. 2-5 . Pet friendly. 336-877-52“ “ Automobiles Ford Escape, 2012cylinder, 2WD, automatic, SUV. Gray, one owner, power windows, smoke-free, power locks, alloy wheels, CD player, cruise control, ABS, A/C, well maintained. 2012 Ford Escape with 102,400 highway miles. Great running car. Well-main­tained, dependable and nomical. S9,200/neg. (704) 932- 2054 or (704) 957-6244 To Place A Classified AdCallTollFree 1-B77-751-2120Monday-Fnday 6 AM to S PM Motorcycles & ■' ATV’S Yamaha Vfrago 535,1996Saddlebags, excellent condition. Great beginner bike. Blue and White. $3000. Call 336-492-7549. Trucks, SUVs Didn't Get A Paper?Call Circulation at 704-797-4213Monday-Friday 6 AM to 5 PM Ford Explorer LTD, 2080 Automatic, 4 wheel drive. Good shape. $3500 Call 336-492-6551. Services Cleaning Services 473-4098 form ~ 'Ul' I : ^ B14 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 2,2015 \PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE m If OOO-EEE REAOVft* PHOOO-EEE; TUATS FREtJCH FOR" VES.1 VES!" I SEUEVE ITS PROMOUNCEP "WEE WEE.''SUPPER, EARL? r WRbNfi' ITSwee/wee/WEE! NEE!OOO-EEEH OOO-EEE// HO, ITS SPELLEP O-U-l, O-U-I, THATS 000-EEE, OOO-EEE ARE WEIRP, O C O - C E f .1 D U S T I N B Y S T E V E K E L L E Y & J E F F P A R K E R PROBLEM?m i EP- TOU UAre a u n tE PROBLEM PAP... A PffOBtEM m i h i MUBt LOOK LIKE THE [NOT AT ALL *1VM YOU LOOK LIKE THE BIGGEST FOffTUNE COOKIE EKEff BIGGEST IPIOT SWEETHEAffT M O T H E R G O O S E & G R I M M B Y M I K E &RIMM, MOVE VOUR CHAIR BACK, IT^ TSO CLOSETomeTV IffTCiS CHEWING YOUR CUP IN CLA$$, EH? YOU KNOW THE RULE6. 5TICK IT ON THE ENP OF YOUR N 05E. SSiti THEY’RE SENSITIVE TO THE COLP. J fn p f / i # tlfeM J •»” ?(Bwf WOULP YOU LIKE TO COME UP FOB A PRINK? y USA, USA Davie Celebrates Nation’s Independence Pages 14, B6, B7 It’s A Streak Sr. Legion Puts Together Back-To-Back Wins Page BI DAVIE C O U N TV T E N T E R P R im A E C O R D USPS 149-160 Thursday, July 9, 2015 ItStiIIStinks Attorney Says Odor From Composting Isn’t All That Smells B y M ike B a rn h a rd t Enterprise R ecord The stink continues. B ut according to attorney, Phil Searcy, the stink isn’t com ­ ing from the G allins com post­ ing operation off Farm ington R oad adjacent to the new D a­ vie H igh School. It’s coining from how the county is treating Peter G allins and his business. “This w hole thing is about odor,” Searcy told county com ­ m issioners M onday night, “the odor o f Pete’s operation and the odor o f how this thing has been handled.” G allins flew from Florida from a fam ily birthday celebra­ tion for M onday night’s m eet­ ing because he learned last T hursday that regulating his and other sim ilar businesses was on the agenda for action. H e learned after arriving that no action'w ould be taken - that the board is scheduled to take a vote on the issue on Sept. 8. T he board had unanim ously ' voted June 15 to delay action for 60 days. T hen it w as on M onday’s agendrf. Searcy said the issue first arose in January, and it w as about a road that had been used to reach w hat is now G al- Iins ’ property for m ore than years. It w as the only access to a particular field. H e said that the county, through A ttorney Ed Vogler, offered $3,000 to G allins to re­ route o r fix the road. W hen G al- Iins asked that the county just fix the road because its heavy equipm ent w as already on site, V ogler said they couldn’t be­ cause that w as taxpayer m on­ ey. “T hat’s a bit o f the sam e,” Searcy said. H e said his office reached out to school superintendent D r. D arrin H artness and C oun­ ty Z oning D irector A ndrew Please Sec Gallins - Page 5 Pete Gallins shows a map to, from left: County Manager Mike Ruffin, and Commissioners Mark Jones, Dan Barrett, Terry Renegar, John Ferguson and Richard Poindexter. - Photos by Robin Snow NO FARWi IS SAFE I A M S M A L L b u s i n e s s I A M D A V IE % C O U N T Y Io let commissioners know their feelings.Several of Gallins' supporters hold up Rob Taylor Files For Re-Election Rob Taylor filed for re-elec­ tion to the M ocksville Town B oard on M onday, the first day candidates could file for a seat to be decided in N ovem ber. T he filing period for m unic­ ipal offices in Berm uda R un, Cooleem ee, and- M ocksville, closes at noon on Friday, July 17. Filing w ill be conducted for the offices of: - • Tow n o f Berm uda Run M ayor K en Rethm eier and C ouncil seats held by John G uglielm i and Jerry W est; »Tow n of C ooleem ee M ayor Lynn R um ley1 and com m ission seats held by Jam es Szym an- ski, Jean Snead and D aphne B eck (I a tw o-year term ); and • Tow n o f M ocksville M ay­ or Dr. F.W. Slate, and com m is­ sion seats held by W ill M arklin and R ob Taylor. Filing fees are $5 and m ay be paid to the D avie County Board o f E lections, 161 Pop­ lar St., Suite 102. C ontact the elections office w ith questions at 753-6072. SeriousFun Advance Fire Camp Inspires Young People B y R on Sem ple Special to the Enterprise A D VA N CE - D espite the blistering heat, 13 youngsters had a cool tim e at the A dvance Fire D epartm ent’s 3rd A nnual Fire C am p June 22-24. T he fire station’s outside therm om eter reached 104° and som e activities w ere m oved to the air-conditioned old station- house o r under the shade trees at the A dvance M ethodist. . R onnie Robertson, fire school, coordinator, said the rising fifth, seventh, eighth and ninth grade students w ere kept 'w ell hydrated. AdvanceFireDepartmentvolunteershelpyoungpeople “T hey w ere very engaged at Fire Camp learn how to take care of someone i'n;an and participation w as great. In emergency situation. fact, several show ed interest in joining our junior firefighter program .” O ne highlight w as a sim u­ lated four-w heeler accident. Cam pers used their new train­ ing to take cervical control o f the “victim ,” stabilize him , im ­ m obilize him on a backboard, place him in a Stokes basket and carry him to an am bulance. W hile congratulating them ­ selves on a job w ell done, they w efc' inform ed that they w ere “contam inated” by a deadly poisqn in the form o f w hipped cream . The team w as rushed betw een tw o fire engines and “decontam inated” by a steady spray o f water. N o one com plained. A nother favorite w as “sav­ ing the baby.” In full turnout gear and SC BA s the cam pers craw led blindly along a floor searching for, finding and res­ cuing a “baby” w hich used to be a doll. T he cam pers took turns m anning charged fire hoses, they rose 85 feet up in the ae­ rial ladder o f TVuck 12 w ith A dvance A ssistant C hief W ll H olt and veteran Firefighter Jam ie H offm an and they got to ride in a fire truck. “They quickly learned that no fire vehicle m oves an inch until everyone is safely belted in," said Robertson. Param edic Joe A shbum taught C PR and Param edic Roy M ojica m ade them fam il­ iar w ith the equipm ent oil the Please See C am p - Page 5 689076382120 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 9,2015 Editorial Page Raising A Stink Over Land Near New High School Ah, the country life. Peaceful. Relaxing. And the air’s a little ... stinky? Kty the city slickers — or members of the Davie County Board of Education — who get their first whiffs of country air only to discover there may be hints of unpleasantness. The drama over the new Davie County High School is a never-ending theater. Nothing has . come easily. There have been pitfalls at every stage, and we have stepped in them all. Now with cement trucks loaded and ready to start building a S60 million school, we discover an offen­ sive smell when the breezes are out of the northwest — as they often are. We knew about the gravel mine across the road. We knew about the asphalt plant to the south. We knew about the old dairy farms! We knew about noise from Interstate 40. We knew about die Little League ball park. But nobody thought about Pete Gallins’ state-of-the-art compost farm over, the ridge near the old silos which opened three years ago. Gallins collects leftover foods — fruits, vegetables., foods from area restaurants and institutions — and s them,yielding a nutrient-rich, soil Additive for farms and gardens. He recycles. However, he has suddenly run afoul of the heavy and long arm of the Davie County government. The county wants to create a special zoning designa­ tion for composting operations which would require Gallins to plant trees and erect expensive fences for a buffer. Then he would have to request and be ap,- proved for a county permit — risking that the PTA might pack a hearing with sensitive-nosed protesters and shut him down. . That sounds like Soviet-style neighborliness. Call it what it is: Old fashioned bullying. Hie school system and county might rightly be surprised by the odor. The Gallins operation started while the our high school debate was in full flower. But now that the grading is nearly complete, now that construction contracts have been awarded, now that commissioners have raised taxes by 10 cents, now that county residents are justly weary of the 15-year ' struggle,,it’s timetobea good neighbor. It’s always time to be a good neighbor. • There are conflicting reports about the odor. By ’ various accounts, it is either faint or overpowering. It is either in the imagination or unmistakable. Threat­ ening letters from lawyers have been mailed back and forth over the smell. Any boy raised on a diary farm who mucked stables in sp>ring knows you get used to the stink by midday. Before bulldozers cleared away all the trees separat­ ing Mt. Gallins from the school site, nobody smelled the operation. Gallins, trying to be a good neighbor, had already planted 600 trees on five acres border­ ing the school property before the county unleashed its code officers on him. School officials had earlier asked about buying more land from him for ball fields. How bad can the smell be if the school system tried to get even closer? The compost site is on two acres in the middle of a 156-acre farm. Gallins has invited the county com­ missioners to visit his farm, and some have. Their decision has been delayed until September. The county can only hope that Mt. Gallins doesn’t meet Farmington prankster Bert Bahnson who had great fun with the Kinderton development a decade ago. Perhaps football coach Devore Holman could use the stink as a home field advantage when the school finally opens. With the War Eagles accustomed to the compost smell, they can stink out the visiting teams. Mr. Gallins might find himself in the War Eagles Hall of Fame. • Dwight Sparks VlhensIbu Gree.ce iVe Wheels In The Mail ... Most Have Moral Principles DAVIB C O U NTY ENTERPM/E^ECORD USRS 149-160 171 S. Main St.. P.O. Box 99. Mocksville. NC 27026 (336)761-2120 PiAIIshed weekly by Sallsbuiy Newsmedia LLC Owight Spaik8.................... .......Editor/PuUsher . Robin Snow................................General Manager Mike BamhardL..........................Managing Editor ...Advertising Oirector MocksvIIIeEnterprIse DavfsRecord CooIeemeeJoumaI1916-1958 1696-1958 1901-1971 Periodicals Postage Paid in Mocksville, NC 27028 Subscription Rales Single Copy, SO Cents $26.69 PerYear In NC; $32.03 outside N.C. POSTMASTER Send Address Changes to: * Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 To the editor: We wish to express our gratitude to and pride in Rep. Julia Howard and Sen. Andrew Brock and all who voted for SB 2 ‘Magistrate Recusal for Civil Ceremonies.* This is certainly a victory for religious liberty in North Carolina, and we applaud each legislator who supported it (and also' for the pro-life measures that passed this session). O f course, with the recent Supreme Court decision re­ garding marriage, we don't know yet what will happen to this new law since five justices just over-rode the votes of nearly 43 million citizens in 32 states who voted to put the natural definition of marriage into their state constitutions between 1998 and 2012. As the Roe vs Wade decision, in 1973 deleted pro-life laws in-all the states, so Obergefelf vs Hdrigfcs'tiiis over­ ridden the will o f the majority of America’s citizens. And as with abortion! just because something is'legal 'does not make it right. Those o f us who are conservative on social issues are nowhere near to caving in on the moral standards upon which this country was founded, just as we have nev­ er caved in regarding the pro-life issue. This is not going away. Our countiy was founded on the Judeo-Christian prin­ ciples found in the Bible, God's holy and inerrant Word. Those men gave us the most incredible document ever penned for the governance of a country. One of our found­ ing fathers, Jedediah Morse, said, "To the kindly influence of Christianity we owe that degree of civil freedom, and political and social happiness, which mankind now en- joys...W henever the pillars of Christianity shall be over- throw n.our present republican forms of government - and all blessings which flow from them - must fall with them." Marriage is an institution formed by God, and therefore its definition belongs to Him. (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:4-6) We are to ‘render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s." (Mark 12:17) Because marriage be­ longs to God, only He can give its definition, and He has spoken. We believe that the majority of the citizens in this coun­ try still have moral principles that derive from God (see Romans 2:15), moral standards that have not yet been brain-washed out of us by the secular educational system or the media. There have always been battles between right and wrong because most people still have a strong sense of right and wrong. For example, we know it is wrong to take the life of an innocent person; we know rape and mur­ der are wrong; we know pedophilia is wrong; we know it is wrong for a man to have sex with another man, or a woman to have sex with another woman. (God’s standard is that sex occur only between a man and a woman who are married, not before marriage or with any bther person after marriage.) Most people have not seared their consciences enough to applaud these actions, although unfortunately because of social pressure and the fear of ridicule or ha­ rassment they often do not voice their opinions. A pluralistic nation must allow publjc cultural dissent, meaning I can disagree with you or you can disagree with' me, but we still treat each other with respect even in our disagreement. Webster's definition of ‘tolerance" is "en­ durance of, or permitting liberty to, uncongenial persons, or opinions differing from one's own.” I tolerate your be- Americans Are Still Free, For The Time Being Tb the editor It’s a free country. So far. Fly your own flag. Don’t complain about your neigh- bom ’s choice. Live with it. Freedom of speech still stands. For now. W hen you are told how to think or act, are you free? Let God sort it out. We’JI all have to face Him in the end. Keith Walker Mocksville Iiels even if I don't agree with them, and you tolerate mine even if you disagree with them. Tolerance goes both ways • or should. If I'm a baker and because of my sincere reli­ gious opposition to same-sex "marriage" I refuse to bake a cake for such a ceremony, then the person requesting it should go somewhere else and get one. Don't put me out of business over it. If I'm a photographer with a strong conscience against same-sex ‘marriage,” and don't want to film your ceremony, don't put me out o f business. Go to another photographer who will be glad to do it for you. Ifa magistrate has a strong religious conviction against same- sex ‘marriage,” then find another magistrate who will do your service. No one is being deprived of anything - except the Christians who are being ridiculed, fined, fired, sued, 'fun bu td f busiriessT or forced to violate their consciences.- '' Where is the tolerance in that? Why is it that those who scream tolerance the loudest seem to be most lacking in it? I have a t-shirt that says on the front: ‘Intolerance is a beautiful idea* (a quote from Josh McDowell). On die back it says: ‘Mother Tbresa was intolerant of poverty; Bono .was intolerant of AIDS; Nelson Mandela was intolerant of apartheid; M aitin Luther King was intolerant of racism; Je­ sus was intolerant of bigotry." Those who are intolerant of the Bible's moral standards have a problem with God, not with the Christ-followers who espouse them. Those of us who stand on the unshakable ground of the moral absolutes of the Bible are not about to abandon that moral high ground. We are not going to isolate ourselves in our churches and shut up in the face of anger and objec­ tion. Why should we? And why would we start now? We are citizens of this country, with the same right to as anyone else, plus we are citizens of Heaven. "Cultural rejection is a scriptural promise and a long time historical fact.'1 (David French, National Review) (See John 15:18; Matthew 10:22) The sexual revolution will not stop here. Next will most likely be a battle to legalize polygamy and incest (which would be much more "natural* marriages than man/man or woman/woman). And perhaps not much further down the slippery cultural slope my friend could m any her much­ loved cat, or someone would many even an inanimate ob­ ject like the Statue of Libeity. Once one leaves God's moral absolutes, then obviously anything goes. Thomas Jefferson said, "And can the Iibenies of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed I tremble for my countiy when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever." And so "If legislators and judges hold these beliefs {In absolute moral truth], blessings of liberty wiU be preserved for America's posterity. If they do not, the world will witness the demise of the greatest experiment o f liberty ever known." (Marv Summa.JJD.) GordonandGailStewart Mocksville Letters WeIcome ; The Enterprise Record welcomes letters from' its readers on topics of local, state, national or in-' tematiooa! issues. An effort will be made to print I all letters, provided they are not libelous, vulgar or in poor taste. The editor resetyes the HghLtoj edit letters for grammar and fprspace. L^''. ".rf£v., AU letters should include the name and address of the writer, including a signature. A telephone1 number, not to’be published, is also requested Please have letters in the newspaper office no later I than 4 p.m. Monday of the week to be published, j Davie County Enteipise Record P.O. Box, 99 * Mocksville, davie3@centurylink.net. ,.H DAVIE COUNTY EN TER PR ISE REC O R D , T hursday, July 9,2015 • 3 Hillary Clinton Believes Government Is For The People Tb the editor: Hillary Clinton wasn’t bom a lawyer, social activist, or politician; she wasn’t bom a wife, mother, or grandmother; she was bom an American with the opportunity to live a life unavailable to previous generations of women. De­ spite what many people have been taught to believe about Hillary, her record o f service is honorable and consistent. There is no one more capable at this time in American his­ tory to sit in our White House. She has long been guided by the belief that our government belongs to the people and that the American Dream is achieved when every Ameri­ can is given equal opportunity, protection, and liberty. Many years ago, Hillary set out to be a policy molder, de­ fending what she believed to be morally and ethically right. She wanted policy to positively impact the lives of every­ day Americans because she believes that policy should serve the people for whom it’s created. It’s this approach that radically altered progressive politics in America and made her an icon in the movement that would revamp a dy­ ing Democratic Party and champion the cause of ordinary, everyday Americans. One can’t even begin to comprehend her vision for America without first examining her career and personal life experiences. Hillary's career o f advocacy began during her time at Yale Law School. During her residency, she worked with abused and neglected children, which allowed her com­ passion for children to blossom and helped to develop her opinion on the child welfare system. She took her deep concern for children and began an internship with the Chil­ dren's Defense Fund, an organization that seeks to empow­ er American youth who face social and domestic challeng­ es. She traveled across the countiy and gained exposure to the problems being faced by children and young adults and served as an active advocate for their cause, eventually woiking full-time with the CDF after graduation. In South Carolina, she helped investigate the state pris­ on system and learned about the conditions being faced by youth offenders who were incarcerated alongside adults: The teenagers received little protection from adult offend­ ers who abused them in horrifying ways. Mfith the sup­ port o f the CDF, Hillary led an effort to separate juvenile offenders and provide a faster process o f justice. Hillary also spent time In Massachusetts, where she and other aids investigated discrepancies that had been discovered when comparing the number o f school-aged children to that of school enrollment. She went door to door in communi­ ties looking for an explanation to the contrasting figures and what she found she later described as “revolutionary and heartbreaking.” She found children who were not in school due to physical disabilities and school-age siblings at home, left to babysit their younger brothers and sisters while their parents worked. Her zeal for the common good Thanks ForThe Help Tb the editor Many thanks to the three men from Classic Metal who helped me when I fell in front of a restaurant. They stayed with me until my wife came. I really appreciate their concern and help. Fred Roth Mocksville GoupIeAppreciated Tb the editor . Wayne and Melissa Hardy are one reason Davie County is such a great place to live. I wanted to Uke a minute while it was fresh on my mind to give public thanks to Wayne and Melissa for being great human beings as well as exceptional service providers." They are kind and compassionate animal lovers who have invested thousands of countless hours (and dollars) caring for an army of four-legged companions through the years, many of whose lives would have most assuredly met a pre­ mature end had it not been for their efforts. They are not boastful about their mission, only committed to providing for those of God’s creatures who in most cases no one else wanted, or wanted to help. Mocksville, and the*Earth for that matter, are better plac­ es to live because of people like Wayne and Melissa. KellySuIlivan Mocksville and her passionate advocacy on behalf o f these handi­ capped and often impoverished children nationalized the issue of inadequate access to public education. The CDF submitted the findings to Congress which led to the pas­ sage of the Education For AU Handicapped Children Act, which mandates that all children, regardless of emotional, physical,or mental disabilities will have the opportunity to be educated in our public school system. Hillary later moved to Arkansas, where she began teach­ ing law and running legal aid clinics that were designed to represent the poor. H er impact throughout Arkansas would be tremendous, especially when her husband Bill was elected governor in November of 1978. She brought enthusiasm and excitement to the governor’s mansion when she transformed the office of First Lady from one of passive southern charm to one o f a bold career woman and social reformer. She would play a crucial role in Bill’s administration and her name would become famous across Arkansas and the entire nation. From this point forward, HiUary would be known as a voice to the voiceless and her popularity would continue to rise. As we move forward in our discussion about her ca­ reer, we will examine her work as First Lady o f Arkansas, First Lady of the United States, United States Senator, and Secretary of State- all of which serve as a soUd foundation for her historic presidential campaign. Caleb Carter MocksviUe Storehouse Needs Volunteers Tb the editor A Storehouse for Jepus needs you. A Storehouse for Jesus is an independent, non-profit, Christian ministry helpinjg those in need and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have been serving Davie and surrounding counties for 22 years. Everyone who works for the Storehouse is a volunteer giving unselfishly o f their time and skUls to serve those less fortunate. They are being the hands, feet and heart of Christ. The distribution side of the ministry gives out food, clothing, household items, etc. to people from all counties while the medical ministry serves Davie County only. Both nAdical and distribution are in desperate need of' volunteers in the foUowing areas: Monday mornings: 2 men to stock food, 8 a.m.; 2 men to pick up food from stores, 8-11 am .; Medical Assistance Program (MAP), computer skills needed, 8:30 am .; phar­ macists, pharm techs, 8 a.m.-I pm .; checkout, 9-noon; receptionist, 1-5 p m ., phone skiUs, filing, and computer skills helpful but not necessary; and receiving/warehouse,’ afternoon. Tuesdays: receiving/warehouse, morning or afternoon; 2 m m to pick up food from stores 8-11 am .; I man to stock food pantry 8:30 a.m.; MAP, 8:30 a m ., computer skills needed; nurses, 8 am .-l pm .; doctors, PAs, nurse practitioners, 8 am .-l p.m.; pharmacist, pharm techs, 9-1. Wednesday mornings: MAP, 8:30, computer skills need­ ed; pharmacist, pharm techs, 9-1; 2 men to pick up food from stores, 8-11. Thursday mornings: 2 men to pick up food from stores, 8-11; check out, 9-noon; receiving/warehouse. Thursdays: 2 men to pick up food from stores 8-11 am .; receptionist, 1-5 pm ., phone skills, filing, and computer skills helpful but not necessary; MAP, 4:30 p m ., computer skills needed; nurses 3:30-7 pm ., 2nd, 4th and 5th Thurs­ days; doctors, PAs, nurse practitioners, 8/a m .-l pm .; phar­ macist, pharm techs, 9 am .-l pm . Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings: 2 men to pick up food from stores. It would be tremendously helpful to have people trained that may be called to fill in when we need substitutes. For those who are new to the area or have never come for a tour o f the Storehouse, we encourage you to do so. Almost everyone who tours is amazed by what God is doing for those in need by the generosity o f people who donate items, financial support, prayers and their valuable time. We truly thank all of you. Cynthia Baldwin Mocksville IVlMTA^^^piVsRCE... Jl ^ NbUlS ^TriL HAV-MG ^kANAFFA1R WtTH VbUR /YGk SECTARYC l^\AREN'T)burS^ IVKfcS M J L m orthwood APARTMBNTt 800 Northridge Court MoeksriIle1NC 27028 (336)751-4141www.northwoodapts-nc.com NEWLY RENOVATED •Studio,I and 2 Bedrooms • Pool/Coffee Bar •DVD Libraiy gjzko’s VillageMP j Y now hiring wait staff Looking for part-time and full-time positions. Pkaseinquirew idiin during the hours of2-5 pm. 949 Salisbury Road 1Mocksville 1NC Y y i B ii Mocksville Farmer's Market EVERY WEDNESDAY from 3:00 - 6:00 pm Location: MocksviIleTown Hall Parking Lot §171 S-CIementSt Products Available:" Hand Made SoapsfVarious Plants, BreadfPies, Baked Goods, Pralines, Eggs, Honey, Jams, Jellies, Spinach, Lettuce; OnionsJomatoes and other Fruits and Vegetables Forinformation Call: 336-671-0553 or336-753-6700 In the Nation, we’re more forgiving.* At Nationwide Insurance*, we believe drivers like you deserve a break. That's why we offer Accident Forgiveness, which means your rates won't go up because of an accident. We put members first, because we don't have shareholders. Join th e N ation o f second chances. Left to WaAfr Robyn Koontz JuOy Masoa Matr Hitter, CynrAfa OonnerandNoncy Grooms Matt Hiller Insurance ’ 1109 Yadkinville Rd., Mocksville(336 ) 751-6131 Nationwide* * Is on your side Specials of the Week Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville * 336-751-2141 www.fbsteidrugco.cani Regular Hours: 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1 :30-5 4 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, JuJy 9,2015 ^RlfflrTANI O L B Smith Grove Ruritans Location Important To Health Where children are bom in North Carolina makes a big difference in how long they live and the quality of their health, according to new county data cards re­ leased by NC Child. A baby bom in Davie County is expected to live 78.8 years. In Orange Coun­ ty, where life expectancy is the {ongest in the state, Davie children will live 2.9 fewer years. . . In Watauga County, chil­ dren can expect to live an average of 81 years - on par with Japan where residents have the longest life expec­ tancy of any major country. Drive 80 miles east to Surry County and children's life expectancies declined by nearly a decade to 73 years. Children bom in Suny have life expectancies on par with children in Cambodia. The county-level pic- The Smith Grove Ruritan Club presented Citizenship Pins to Pinebrook School students. At left, President Terry Funderburk presents pins to Kasey Williford, daughter of Scott and Kirsten Williford, and to Cooper White son of Lane and MaryAnn White and Michael and Lindsay Hunter. At right, Dr. George Kimberley presents the program tures of child health and to Ruritans for safety practices for senior citizens to prevent falling in their homes. Dr. Kimberly is a basketball we,1~beine were produced player for Davie Senior Services shows off his hook shot form. He also was the high scorer in the play-off qame by Uila A' Bel1, directorWith 4 points. of research and data at NC ’ • Child. Bell compiled data Man Learns Law Not What He Was Taught A Mocksville man who relied on a memory of a les­ son from driver’s education found out last week the law is not as he thought. Steven M. Courtney, 22, was driving a Dodge In­ trepid on US 158.nearWebb Road just after 7:30 p.m. Jan. 7, on his way home from working out of state. ^Two cars were headed to­ ward him; the second one was an unmarked NC High­ way Patrol car operated by Trooper E.M. Stone. As. Stone' approached Courtney, he visually es­ timated Courtney's rate of speed to be 60 mph, which was confirmed by use of ra­ dar, Stone testified in Davie D istrictCourtJuly 3. Courtney, who repre­ sented himself, testified he was "tired and exhausted" after working in West Vir­ ginia and was in a rush to get home to family and friends. He admitted he was going faster than he should have in the 45 mph zone, but added: "Everyone speeds down that hill," Courtney said he was in sight of the 55 mph sign. “I remember my teacher, Jeremy Byrd, telling us in driver’s ed that when you are approaching a higher speed limit sign, you can go ahead and speed up so you are traveling that speed when you get into that zone," Courtney told Judge Jimmy Myers. Courtney also said by the time he met S(tone, he was in the 55 mphf zone. Myers asked: “Do you think he clocked you before you reached the 55 mph zone?” and Courtney said it was possible. Myers said: “Even if the law was you could start speeding when you see the sign,'you were still travel­ ing 60 mph, and that is not the speed limit there.” Myers reduced the charge of speeding '60 in a 45 to exceeding a safe speed. He was given a prayer fpr judgment contin­ ued on cost. NC Trooper C.D. Hall it is lawful to go the speed said no matter what is indicated on the sign. It is taught in driver’s education illegal to speed up before classes, the law is once the reaching the sign, even if it vehicle is past the sign, then is in sight. Senior Tar Heels Hear Legislative Updates CHAPEL HILL - The explained that "self-ne- N.C. Senior Tar Heel Leg- gleet” is part of elder abuse, islature (NCSTHL) met in Last year 25,000 reports Chapel Hill June 9-10 for were filed and more than its second meeting of 2015. h a lfo f those investigated, The 98 delegates, and were cases of self-neglect, alternates heard updates re- She informed the group garding funding for aging about "Burt’s Law,” Senate programs and services, and bill 445 NC Chapter IOlA- received information and 506 which protects group statistics about elder abuse home residents from sexual and awareness. abuse, mental health or sub- Suzanne Merrill, direc- stance abuse issues which tor of the Division of Aging became law in May 2015. and Adult Services reported Melanie Bunn, a demen- on legislative updates aiTCt tia training specialist wiih implementation. The N.C. Alzheimer’s of NC1 provid- House of Representatives ed ways to help caregivers passed a budget proposal and loved ones effectively for FY 2015-16, including manage the condition. She vital programs for older provided guidance regard- adults. The House restored ing how to relate to and $967,000 for the Home and meet the needs of persons Community Care Block making the journey through Grant Funding. The Senate the physical, emotional, is completing its proposal, intellectual, and relational which does not include res- maip of Alzheimer’s dis- toration of the $967,000 for ease and other forms of the HCCBG. Merrill high- dementia. According to lighted the creation of the Bunn, Alzheimer’s is the N.C. Alzheimer's Strategic sixth most frequent cause of Plan scheduled for comple- death in the United States, tion by February 2016 and Van Braxton, SHIIP the White House Confer- (Senior Health Insurance ence on Aging July 13. and Information Program) June is Elder Abuse Director, shared the vision Awareness Month. of assisting North Caro- Caroline Farmer of the linians "make informed, NC Department of Justice educated decisions about spoke about elder abuse Health Care." They field and ways to be safe online, approximately 3,500 calls AU North Carolinians can per month and during peak freeze credit reports by go- months for renewal, the ing to http://www.ncdoj. call center is handling up gov and clicking on “Pro- to 10,000 calls. SHIIP is tect Yourself.” This site has always looking for more other information on scams volunteers and suggestions. The STHL 2014-15 N ancyW arrenoftheN C legislative priorities: I) Adult Protective Services Preserve or Restore Op­ tional Medicaid Services; 2) Maintain funding for se­ nior centers; 3) Strengthen and fund North Carolina’s Adult Protective Services Program; 4) Notify Medi­ care Patients Admitted for Observation.; 5) Home and Community Care Block Grant Funding. A more de­ tailed explanation of these priorities are available on the STHL website. The STHL promotes citizen involvement and advocacy concerning aging issues before the General Assembly and assesses the legislative needs of older adults by convening a fo­ rum modeled after the Gen­ eral Assembly. Contact your local del­ egate, Fred Voreht or lo­ cal Area Agency on Ag­ ing (AAA).Cisit the STHL website at www.ncsthl.org as well as our Facebook page. The next STHL meet­ ing will be Oct. 8-9 in R a-. Ieigh. School Board Briefs Child Nutrition News The. Child Nutrition department has been awarded a contract by the county to provide meals to inmates housed at the county’s detention facility, starting July I. Daughn Baker, director of child nutrition, told the board members at their June 2 meeting under the con­ tract, three meals a day, plus bag lunches if needed, will be_ prepared at Central Davie Academy and taken to the Green'Street facility. The county will pay $3.40 per meal for the expected 160 meals per day and will provide a vehicle for delivery. The contract will run through June 30, 2017 and is expected to generate about $40,000 per year in revenue. The board voted unanimously to loan $20,000 in startup funds for sup­ plies for the prison meal program to the Child Nutrition department. The money will be returned to the child nutrition budget as soon as is “fiscally feasible.” Free Summer Meals For the eighth year in a row, the child nutrition de­ partment, through a partnership with the U.S. Depart­ ment of Agriculture, will provide free meals to chil­ dren during the summer. The “Power Up for Summer Fun” program will provide meals at 22 sites through­ out the county, Monday-Friday, for children aged 1-18, regardless of income. No enrollment or registration is required. Lunch will be served at all the sites, and breakfast at some. A complete listing of sites and times is available at the school system’s website, wwwMavie. k!2jic.us, and questions may be directed to 751-2751. Driver's Education Funding The, future of funding for the Driver’s Education program is looking brighter. According to Superinden- tent Dr. Darrin Hartness, funding for the program is'in- cluded in the House budget. “We are just waiting now to see what the Senate will do," he said. Their budget was expected to be released late last week. The pro­ gram could be funded through late fees from vehicle registrations. HVAC Replacement A contract for replacement of the HVAC system at Mocksville Elementary School was awarded to Profes­ sional Air Systems. The $60,289 project will replace five heat pumps with natural gas for energy savings, according to Facilities Director Michael Spillman. The bids were opened May 29 and all came in under bud­ get, Spillman told the board. HOWARD REALTY F e a t u r e d L i s t i n g s SlfflAkgi tie d OilZmsdiHMtera riUtNWpriJimotalai^MJljeOiOOO if tmten $29,900 330 S. SalBbUiy St., Mocksville • 336-751-3538 jrai To vtewaJI our current listings visit us at- IJSvlnmiiiffil www.howardrealty.com. Ie bI . FISH DAY! ITS TIME TO STOCK YOUR PONDl OellvetyWill Be: Saturday, July 16SillsbtiyeftfctieSMMn SEfes Thursday, July 23 ThoiMWifc iia-ii«e«f»mii^*i CtawnofM 1MS-1 30 9 Omm Ufcg CS. “LIKE” us on FaeebookI FISHYVAGON To Place An O nfer Call Toll Free 1-600-643-6439 www.fl8hwBflon.com g on social, economic and health outcomes for the data cards as a supplement to the N.C. Child Health Report Card, an annual report re­ leased in partnership with the N.C. Institute of Medi­ cine that monitors the health and safety of children in North Carolina. “Across indicators we see that a distance of fewer than 100 miles can mean the difference between positive or negative outcomes in children’s lives, a fact that simply cannot be explained by random chance or gener­ ic predisposition," said Bell. “These geographic dispari­ ties are a stark reminder . of the profound impact the environments w here"-our'” children live, play and go to school have on their long­ term health opportunities.” The data cards present indicators ranging from in­ come and insurance cover­ age to asthma and infant mortality. In Davie County: • One in 21 births (4,6% percent) is to a mother who received late or no prena­ tal care. Women who are uninsured at the time of conception may encounter administrative delays for Medicaid that prevent them from accessing prenatal care during the most criti­ cal period of their babies' development. • One in 5 children (19.2% percent) lives in poverty. Research shows children raised in poverty have poorer health out­ comes and are more likely to suffer from acute and chronic health problems as they age. • One in 13 children is uninsured (7.6% percent). Children who lack access to health insurance are less likely to receive the pre­ ventive care they need to achieve and maintain good health. • A total of 2340 chil­ dren (24.4% percent) are es­ timated to be food insecure, living in households that struggle to provide enough healthy, nutritious food for all members of the family. • One in 9 babies (10.9% percent) is bom at a low birth weight putting chil-* dren at greater risk for de­ velopmental delays or fu­ ture health complications including infant mortality. “These health challenges are avoidable,” Bell said. “We know that smart public policy decisions can help enhance local efforts to ensure all children in Da­ vie live in homes and com­ munities that promote their health and development.” Gallins.DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 9,2015 - 5 C ontinued From Page I Meadwell, and neither pro­ vided a courtesy return call. It wasn’t long, he said, before Gallins received no­ tice that the county zoning office had decided his op­ eration was a landfill and should be regulated as such. “You show me what land is being filled," Searcy said. “This stinks, yes. Ya’ll ought to be ashamed.” Searcy said the issue is long from being over. “You will cost the county money. We came to you as profes­ sionals. Where is 'W e will talk to you,’? It’s not there.” Gallins, who takes or­ ganic food waste from res­ taurants and institutions and turns it into compost for sale, referenced a June 26 three-page memo from Hartness to County Man­ ager Mike Ruffin and mem­ bers of the board of educa­ tion. The memo said the Enterprise Record printed “misinformation” and went into details about his con­ tacts with Gallins. On Monday, Gallins said he could refute much of what Hartness had written, but did not want to get into a “he said, I said" argument. Hartness said in the memo that he contacted Scott Mouw with NC De- Spurgeon Foster partment of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), which regulates Gallins’ business, and “ex­ pressed my concerns about the odor complaints we had received from the middle school and had reported to the county. Mr. Mouw in­ dicated that Gallins ... were struggling to balance their process and control odors.” Mouw later said in a let­ ter to Hartness that DENR had received no complaints about odor from the site. “I would like to note for the re­ cord that did not indicate the Gallins operation was strug­ gling with odor issues,” Mouw wrote. “If you would make these points clear to Andrew Meadwell the board and county man­ ager, I would be very grate­ ful.” Gallins said: “He’s telling Darrin, ’Why are you put­ ting words in my mouth?”’ According to Meadwell, his office has received one complaint about odor from the composting operation, and that came from School Board Chair Chad Fuller. The proposed regulations from the county planning board, which Fuller’s father, Phil Fuller, chairs, came just over a month later. Gallins presented maps to commissioners that showed where the schools had wanted to place berms of topsoil on his land, because Phil Searcy it had to be moved because a building couldn’t be built on top of it. “We didn’t take the dirt, and now it is being piled up. That takes away from how much space they have. “All that junk has come up since we didn't want to participate.” Gallins said he supports education and the new high school. If approved, the regula­ tions could make it too ex­ pensive for Gallins to stay in business. Setbacks are large, and requirements would include 10-foot trees within two years as well as an opaque fence. Gallins said he studied the county's zoning ordi- Introducing Beltone Legend™ hearing aids Hear the moments that make memories If you've been wondering what the world would sound like with a little hearing help, now's the time! New Beltone Legend hearing aids feature next generation micro-technology to deliver clean, clear sound. Don't miss another memorable moment. Beltoneisoffering FREE in-office TRIALS oftfienew Eiettcne Legend to those who qualify. Call today for your Free hearing examination/ ! SMART SAVINGS f $800 Off a pair of Call 336-774-1113 or 800-581 -5082. Spaces are limited. ; 17 or 9 hearing aids ; I HXi&taiqriSMffitttSRttateaitnditi J;J (tB4tMnUcn|iMupjitaBEristraM J4 i =BeItone I, I Helping the world hear better j- beltone mmm care oentir MOCKSVILLE WINSTON-SALEM 562 Valley Road, #109A a n d 751 Bethesda Rd., Ste. 100 Mocksville, NC 27026 Winston-Salem, NC 27103 www.ncbeltone.com •Hearing rantigiro are atays Ires at local BeMne office. nance before opening the Farms are exempt from business, and saw noth- zoning regulations, and ing that would prevent him Miles Jones said that' any from starting the operation, farm could be considered But because he didn’t get "obnoxious” at some point, a permit, Meadwell said, “Farmers need to think long the business would not be and hard about what’s going grandfathered, or exempt on here.” from any new regulations. Spurgeon Foster, a Io-I He is disputing cal farmer, said he is wor- I Meadwell’s claim that the ried about the proposal. “If I operation is a landfill and you're trying to re-classify a not part of a farm, and the farm as a landfill ... I have county board of adjustment a problem. I can see this may hear that claim. as being a danger to every- Gallins questioned the body.” county’s integrity. “With Fosteraskediftheschools all due respect ... saying it needed more land, and would be brought up in 60 County Board Chair Terry days and doing it 16 days Renegar said to his knowl- later ... When the commis- edge, the schools don’t, sioners vote to do some- “Then offer him enough thing and don’t do it, people money and he might sell, have a real problem on a lot but don’t put him out of of levels.” business,” Foster said. “It’s A previous board of ad- wrong what you’re trying to justments meeting was can- do.” celed two hours before it Commissioner Dan Bar- was to start, after Mouw had rett visited the site, and said driven here from Raleigh to though the wind was blow- testify. ing in his direction, he no- “It's like the rules are be- ticed no smell at the prop­ ing changed in the middle erty line with the school of the game,” Gallins said. site. The odor was very “I knew the law. I’ve tried noticeable as he came upon to follow it. I don't want the actual composting site, to break any rules. But the which is on five or so acres rules change and you’re al- near the middle of a 150- ready there?” acre site. He said he can find no Barrett and Commission- justification as to why the erM ark Jonesapologized to county is proposing regula- Gallins about the item being tions much more stringent on Monday’s agenda. Bar- than DENR. rett said he was just as sur- Gallins said that prised as anyone. Meadwell told him in Feb- Commissioner Richard ruary the schools “would Poindexter said “bona fide sound the alarm” if he had fanners” would not be af- to go through a special use fected by the proposal, but permit process, which is "we need to have a say being proposed for such about what goes on in this operations in residential- county.” agriculture zones. “This has been a flawed “This requirement puts process and for whatever us out of business,” Gallins reason, this has been put said. on the fast track,” Barrett A few residents spoke in said. “If people don’t think his favor during the pub- they’re getting a fair shake, lie speaking portion of the you lose credibility. We meeting. have to do better. I think “This young man and his w e're being pulled into wife were recognized by the something.” Piedmont Environmental He said the time was Alliance as the green busi- needed to study the issue. of the year,” said Randy Renegar asked. what e)se McDaniel Sr. “I don’t think needs -to be done.. "W e’re we should be talking about talking about commercial this. I don’t see why Mr. composting. It’s vague what Gallins property wouldn't classification it would come be considered as a bona- under. We need some direc- fide farm.” He read from the tion,” Renegar said, county’s zoning ordinance Commissioner John Fer- to support his claim. guson said he sees it as a “W e're over-regulated text amendment that would in this country and now affect the entire county, not w e're doing it right here,” just one operation. McDaniel said. “Leave this “I'm not sure other than man alone.” aesthetics what w e're trying "I’m shocked and sur- to regulate," Jones said, prised this board has tak- Renegar said because of en such a punitive action the vagueness of the zoning against him," said Gaye ordinance, he sees no reason Dillard, Gallins’ mother, to wait on making a deci- “You’re trying to shut him sion, though he voted with down because he won’t sell all other commissioners to the school property. You wait until Sept. 8. need to treat him as you “It needs to be dealt with would your own family and Sept. 8. It has to be dealt friends." with,” Renegar said. Who says moving can't be fun? Join us as w e celebrate the GRAND OPENING of our new Mocksville store in the M ocksville M arketplace Shopping C enter- 1423-D US HWY 601 N (beside Sheetz) Friday, July 17th! ^ YOU'RE INVITED! There will be music, refreshm ents all day, and lots of I door prizes. O ur grand prize will be a brand new rediner! Plus, we'll be offering a $100 VISA Gift Card and Free Activation on any new cell phone purchase during this special event! Time: 10 a .m .- 4 p.m. "RIBBON CUTTING WILL BE AT 10:00 AM We will have DOOR prize draw ings EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR! 6 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, T hursday, July 9,2015 Public Records Marriages ' protective order. Jackson, judgment for ter- ment reports. nandez, 38, Thurmond, 801 S., Mocksville; break- The following were is- -GerardoM ossoVazquez minate. - The larceny by an em- probation violation and as- ing, entering and larceny, sued marriage licenses by vs- Mayra V. Maldonado, - Portfolio Recovery ployee of Keystone Fire- sault on a female; Ronald Dyson Road, Mocksville; theDavieRegisterofDeeds. chi,d support, custody, Associates vs. Angela M. works, Yadkinville Road, Leonard, 19,Liberty Circle, larceny by employee, No - Joseph Christopher emergency protective relief. McAIphin1 collection on ac- was reported July 5. Mocksville, underage pos- Creek Road, Mocksville; Culler, 50, and Sandra Lee - Heather Jones vs. Mi- count, $2,183.56. -A vehiclew asdam aged session of alcoholic bever- juvenile problem, Deck Joyce, 44, of Mocksville. chael Jones, domestic vio- - Kendall Foucheux vs. during a fight on Whitney age. Circle, Mocksville; domes- - Alan Taylor Under- lence protective order. JessicaA nnaReavisandJoe Road,itw asreportedJuly5. July 2: Susan Toney, 46, tic disturbance, US 64 E„ wood, 25, and Karianne Ni- ' Glenda M. Blanton vs. Nathan Reavis, motor ve- - The larceny of metal Dobson, conspiracy; T y ii- Mocksville; breaking, en- cole Nobles, 23, of Mocks- Kimberly Blackwelder, do- hide negligence. pipes from a building off sha Mattison, 26, Salisbury, tering and Iarceny1S. Angell ville. mestic violence protective - Amanda Smith vs. Teny Yadkinville Road was re- possession of heroin, pos- Road, Mocksville. - "iyier Allen Bare, 21, order- Alexander Steele Jr., do- ported July 3. session of drug paraphema- July I: domestic distur- of Woodleaf, and Rebekah -C hristopherS eanSpell mestic violence protective -Thelarcenyofcom puter lia. bance, Cable Lane, Mocks- Elizabeth McCann, 21, of vs. Melissa Ann Spell, mo- order. tablets and money from a July 3: Donnie James, ville; larceny, Howell Road, UnionGrove. tion for ex parte relief. - Gregory Ray Smith residence on North Main 19, Casa Bella Drive, Ad- Mocksville; missing person, - Angela Olivia Thomp- ‘ Tamara S. Roseman vs. vs. Joyce Jolene Smith, di- Street was reported July 3. vance, conspiracy, Iar- Turkey Foot Road, Mocks- vorce. - The larceny of clothes ceny, assault with a deadly ville; larceny, Turkey Foot - Synchrony Bank vs. and accessories from weapon; Dallas Shelton, Road, Mocksville; domestic Judy Riley, collection on W alM artw asreportedJuly 19, of Marshall, harboring disturbance, Poor Boy Trail, account, $840.20. 3. a fugitive, conspiracy, Iar- Mocksville; assault, Fulton - Jennifer Allen Isgett - An attempted Aim flam ceny; Benjamin Turner, 25, Road, Advance; DW I, Val- - Jeanette C. Steelman vs. Rodney Gray Isgett1 was reported July 2. Granda Drive, Advance, ley Road, Mocksville; DWI, Sanford E. Steelman, divorce, equitable distribu- - The larceny of a cell conspiracy, larceny, resist- US 158, Advance. son, 30, and Kelsey Trent Ricky Lee Lineberry, do- ' Hatcher, 28, of Georgia. ' mestic violence protective - John W ayneMcGee, 53, order- I of Advance, and Dawn Ma- * J°se Jesus Lopez vs. tie Martin, 48, of Bermuda Maria Rendon, custody. Run. - Leah Faith Magan, 20, and Bradley Alan Long, 20, divorce, equitable distribu- tion. both of Mocksville. ,ion' -R ogerLeeAdklns 11,23, - SheiIaAnn Chemek vs. of Mocksville, and Melissa Mark Kenneth Chemek1 Danielle Nichols, 23, ofAd- child suPPort, custody, di- vance. equitable distribution, terim distribution, motion for mediation. - Ford Motor Credit - Kasey Lynn Newark, 23, and Jacob Guthrie Ran­ dolph', 23, both of Advance. - William Michael Ander- In d ic tm e n ts The following were in- , dieted by a Davie Grandvorce from bed and board, , . . .. ,. ..................................’ Jury during the June 15pmntanf* HictriKrifirtn in. . . wsion of Superior Court. - William Todd Dale, or, collection on account $10,980.80. Synchrony Bank son, 23, of Mocksville, and ys. Rodney Pearce Ten- Jessica Brooke PhiIpott123, of Advance. - Matthew Scott Strong, 38, and Marites MagIinte warY Stephenson, collec- Booc131, of Mocksville. tion on account, $2,860.76. -VictoriaJenniferRivers, - Progressive Premier 38, and Mark Alan Seivers Insurance vs. Tonya Elaine Jr., 21, both of Mocksville. w ^ight, negligence. - Chad Wayne Harris, 34. of Mocksville, and Josey cus Gadson, domestic vio- Lane Lunsford, 28, of Ad- ,ence protective order. phone from a building off ing an officer; Armando July 2: attempted break- US 601 South was reported Garcia, 17, Oakland Ave., ing and entering a vehicle, June 29. Mocksville, conspiracy, Iar- Boxwood Church Road, - The larceny of a tag ceny, resisting an officer; Mocksville; disturbance, from a vehicle off US 601 Charles Dalton, 43, US 601 M cK nightRoad1 Advance; North was reported June 29. S., Mocksville, assault on unauthorized use of vehi- A rrests a female; Samantha Fisher, cle, Liberty Church Road, ^ - Sequoia RaqueI Bare- 33,Dobson, communicating Mocksville; larceny, Richie obtaining property by false more> 21, of Lexington, was threats; JereIl Hanks-Jones1 Road, Mocksville; stalking, pretense. charged June 26 with solic- 22, Charlotte, simple pos- Dare Lane, Advance; distur- - Joyce Johnson, 11 '''n^ P rostItudon-TriaI date; session marijuana, posses- bance, Granada Drive, Ad- counts obtaining property julY 16' sion drug paraphernalia. vance; trespassing, Tifton by false pretense. ' ^tacY Ray Bennett, 24, July 4: Kendrick Myers,' St., Bermuda Run. - Caleb Randall OswelI1 Climax, was charged 20, US 601 N., Mocksville, July 3: domestic dispute, possession of heroin, pos- June 26 with soliciting pros- assault on a female; Krys- NC 801, Mocksville; Iar- session of drug paraphema- ''tution. Trial date: July 16. tal Caudle, 21, US 601 N., ceny, NC 801 N., Bermuda Ija. -B ryantR em ereL adson1 Mocksville, assault; An- Run; injury to property, NC - Thomas Donald Preston Hopkins, S.C., was tonio Pickard, 38, Greens- 801 S., Mocksville; larceny, 111, simple possession of charSed June 26 with aid- boro, failure to appear. US 158, Advance; iden-• • - - - in » .i,j .i« ..i^ - ,.,i :- » : - j ujy g. Benjamin Turn- tity theft, W indsor Circle, 25. Granada Drive, Bermuda Run; larceny, - Jose Mauricio Torres vs. Ana Francisca Martinez, custody. - Rebeca Perez Hester vs. - Andrew James Dnnton, John Hamplon Hosier, di- ™ C a n c e l maintain- Sheriffs Department. 36, and Donna Ann James, vorce- -- - vance. — Kenneth Lee Riddle III, 28, and Julia Morgan Fair- cloth, 23, of Advance. Advance, larceny, breaking Rainbow Road, Mocks- and entering a vehicle, in- ville; breaking, entering and jury to property, possession larceny from vehicle, NC of stolen vehicle; Benjamin 801 S., Advance; breaking, - Erica Fleming vs. Mar- ^ edule „ control(ed sub_ ing and abetting prostitution stance, possession of mari- and Possession of mariM - juana, possession of sched- na-Trial date: July.16. ule VI controlled substance, two counts possession with Arrests intent to manufacture/sell/ The following were ar- deliver a schedule VI con- rested by the Davie County Tumer' 25, Granada Drive, entering and larceny, La- I1ment Advance, possession of sto- Quinta Drive, Advance; as- ing dwelling for a controlled June 30: Seneca Du- len Soods' sault on a female, US 601 substance, possession of lin, 27, of Hobson Drive, S '> Mocksville; larceny, US marijuana paraphernalia. Mocksville, DW I, conspira- Sheriff’s Dept. 158, Advance; possession -HadenM cK inleySm ith, cy to breaking and entering; T hefoIlow ingarefrom mariJuana' J-4® B., Mocks- larceiiy. Jose Perez, 37, of Hobson Davie Sheriff’s Department ville; missinS Person. Junc- - Midian Monteze Smith, Drive, Mocksville, attempt- reports. iion R°ed, Mocksville. four counts each breaking/ ed burglary, conspiracy to June 29: breaking, en- ^uly 4: domestic distur- Credit Acceptance entering a ( motor vehicle breaking and entering; Tim- tering, larceny from vehicle, hance’ HS 64 W., Mocks- Jennifer J. Ransom vs. April Corp vs TamraC Williams and larceny’ Possession of olhY Talbert, 56, Gladstone Sain Road, Mocksville; ville; disturbance, assault, Suarez, custody. Luna collection on account St0len m o,or vehicle- ha‘ Road. Mocksville, failure domestic disturbance, NC US 601 N " Mocksville; $7,655.08. ’ bitual DWI’ driVing while to appear in court; Rebecca 801 S., Advance; break- indecent liberties with a - Barclays Bank Dela license rev°ked DWI revo- Drake, 23, Delanos Way, ing, entering and larceny, child’ HS 601 S., Mocks- ware vs. David M. Hast- Cat‘0n’ °pen con,ainer after Mocksville, conspiracy to Comatzer Road, Advance; vi,le; ProwIer. Cress Lane, ings, collection on account consum,ne alcoho1- breaking and entering; Des- breaking and entering, Gal- Advance name $4,702,63. tiny Johnson, 19,ofW ilhav- adrim Way, Advance. July 5: breaking and en- - Mary F. Jackson, Le- Mocksville Police en Dr., Mocksville, assault. June 30: breaking and tering. Self Lane, Mocks- - anne J. Link, minors and The following are from ju lT Michael D ijon, entering, Deck Circle. laJcenJ' of vehicle. Pigman, domesl,c violence „„b„m vs. Will of Jem . W. Mocksville Police Depart- 23- RidSe R° ad. Mocks- Mocksville; DWI, driving Chtldrens Home Road, ville, larceny; Nestor Her- while license revoked, NC Mocksville. 39, of Mocksville. C iv il L a w s u its The following civil law­ suits were filed with the Da­ vie Clerk of Court. - James R; Ransom and erJ. Ransi 1, custody. - Neal S. Gordon Jr. vs. Shana L. Gordon, divorce. - Bradley Wayne Med­ ford vs. Mary Ann Cleary Medford, divorce, change. - Virginia Smith vs. Jody Davie Social Services vs. Michael B. Restivo, child support. - KayIa Elizabeth Brooks vs. William Alex Montgom­ ery Jr., custody consent or- Storm Rips Parts Of Davie The storm started in Da­ vie County Tbesday eve­ ning, June 30, but you don’t have to tell folks 'yho live along US 601 South and McCullough Road that fact. They were there, and be­ fore it moved onto David­ son and counties to the east, it uprooted trees and tore limbs off of others. Several homes in the area had trees on them. One of the casualities was the DAV building, which sits at the comer of US 601 South and McCullough Road, when a large tree went through the roof. Officials still don’t know if the DAV building can be saved, but insurance investi­ gators were there last week, assessing the damage. Commander Wilson Foster said the roof on the building is only two years old, but the DAV doesn't have replacement insurance or insurance for the con­ tents. The local DAV has 105 members, although mar.y are disabled and unable 0 attend meetings. . To assist the DAV, contact Fosterat 336-918-0657. Clockwise from top: workers remove the tree from the DAV building; Wilson Foster talks about the DAV; and investiga­ tors assess the damage. - Photos by Robin Snow m DAVIE COUNTY EN TER PR ISE REC O R D , Thursday, July 9,2015 ■ 7 ^ orinG the ARMED forces A Blue Star Highway The Davie County Commissioners adopted a resolution declaring US 158 a "Blue Star Memorial highway, a tribute to the nation's armed forces. Shown at an unveiling ceremony, from left: Veteran Neal Smith, Commissioners Richard Poindexter, Dan Barrett; Terry Ren- egar, Mark Jones and John Ferguson, veteran Luther Potts and Davie Veterans Service Officer Meagan Williams. Morgan G arner has her ducks picked out for the annual G reat Bullhole Duck R ace on July 18. Great Bullhole Duck, Tube Races July 18 “I 'U S A V a Y O U M O N M Y r CURTIS CAPPS1 DEALER /GENERAL MANAGER There will be people and rubber ducks in the South Yadkin River on July 18 for the annual Great Bullhole Duck Race to benefit Riv- erPark at Cooleemee Falls -T he Bullhole. The numbered rubber ducks will be dumped into the river at'I p.m., with the first duck to cross the finish line bringing the owner of the number $300. Second place is $150, third is $75. Ducks are $5 each, a quack pack of six for $25 or a flock of 15 for $50. Buy them in Cooleemee at the town hall, Zachary House, VilIageAuto and Davie Dis­ count Drugs, in Mocksville at the Davie Chamber of Commerce and recreation department, and in Wood­ leaf at Jacob's Western Store. A tube race and float begins at 10:30 a.m. at the wildlife access area off Junction Road. Call 751- 2325 for details. The winner gets $100. N E W 2 0 1 5 FO R D F IESTA S E.VtKfMlJ//' Aiiioiru-tiir. Im ni * comfort pky„ power window. MHRR $ 1 7 ,/,0 5 DISCOUNT -$A O O rm iA TF - $ l,0 0 0 N O W O N L Y $ 1 5 ,9 7 5 O R L E A S E F O R S 1 5 7 /M O ':r window. I $ 1 7 ,/,0 5 - $ /,0 0 I d iSCOUNT & /S i v N E W 201 5 FO R D FO C U S SE iff Kr, Si inroof. IjOwnr Rkn. HIw j S.tieAutomatic, Sunroof, IjOwnr Pkn. Slnuz H.dnlllio ! M SRP $ 2 2 ,0 1 5 ' DISCOUNT - $ !,/,2 9 REBATE -$ 1 ,2 5 0 FORD CREDIT - $ 1 ,0 0 0 N O W O N L Y $ 1 8 ,3 3 6 O R L E A S E F O R $ T 6 9 /M O Mighion Earns Mastership Award M S I* I Il h B H ^ B K S S | H | Paul Mighion, DDS1 MAGD of Mocksville, earned the The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) Mastership Award during the annual meeting June 18- 21 in San Francisco. The award is the AGD’s highest honor and one of the most respected designations within the profession. To earn this award, Mighion completed more than. 1,100 hours of den­ tal continuing education. Migfiion joins more than 2200 active AGD Masters who have gone above and beyond the basic require­ ments to care for their pa­ tients’ oral health. “This award, requires an extraordinary amount of time and effort,” says AGD Immediate Past President W. CarterBrown. “Dr. Mighion should be commended for his unflagging commitment to continuing education, which allows him to provide * l / * N E W 201 5 FO R D E SC A P E SE DISCOUNT RFllA IL­ FORD CREDIT N O W O N L Y f ^ ^ Q B I R g a H gj j B B Q B B Q H H B l Dr. Paul Mighion the best possible dental care and oral health education to his patients. Mighion graduated from the University of Detroit Dental School in 1984. Mighion and his wife, Janet, have lived in Mocksville since 1987. Contacthis office at 751- 2364. ‘Despicable Me 2’ Outdoors At WinMock BERMUDA RUN - Free blankets. Fresh popcorn and movie night will be held beverages will be available, here on Thursday, July 9 at A donation of canned 8:30 p jn . with the outdoor goods for the Second Har- showing of “Despicable vest Food Bank is encour- Me 2” at WinMock1 168 E. aged. Kinderton Way. ' For more information, ’ Bring a lawn chair or call 336-397-2010. 8 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 9,2015 C a m p . . . Continued From Page I Davie EMS unit,. Pete Ressa of the Da­ vie County Rescue Squad taught them how to immo­ bilize a patient and use a backboard. C J. Dwiggins1 assistant chief of the County Line Fire Department, showed them how to use the self- contained breathing appara­ tus and Advance Firefighter Ryan Tumer showed the campers how to use ropes, knots and fire extinguishers. That came in handy when they had to put out :■ simulated fire with a simu­ lated fire extinguisher. Tl; rub was that the simulate fire wouldn’t go out if yo: didn’t use the extinguisher properly. Assistant Chief Art Mote and Tony Collins, retired Statesville fire captain, showed the mechanical advantage of using ropes and pulleys to move a 150 pound tire which, of course, no camper could move be­ fore the demonstration. N.C. Wildlife Officer Kenny Osborne brought his boat along and instructed the campers in water safe­ ty. Bradley Collins, a life­ guard at Tanglewood Park, schooled them in swimming rescue techniques. Another popular feature was the automobile driving simulator provided by Da­ vidson County Community College. This let the young­ sters get safely behind the wheel years before they are eligible to take the driving These aren t m onsters, just A dvance Fire Cam p participants in a full firefighting suit C am pers cool off on a hot day Cam p Dired i-toD ertson instructs the young people The cam p includes classroom instruction a s well hands-on activities. bandaging, donning turnout gear and SCBAs, hooking up a hydrant and manning a live fire hose Advance Fire Chief Rod ney Miller congratulated the graduates and presented them with their Fire Camp certificates Veteran Firefighter An­ drea Stewart and- Junior Firefighter Spencer Miller led the Red Team and Ca­ dets Josh Collins and Alex Watts led the Blue Team. Campers from Advance: Chandler Allen, Logan Al- Peter BIandJonathan Bowman, Baylei Cox, Ra chel Dove, Julian Howard, Elana Lopez, Ben McGuire Luke Morgan and Vinnie Ressa. Camper Baytop Fos- from Winston-Salem and Garrett Wolford is from Mocksville Capt. Rick Hockaday’s crew worked to keep the kids hydrated and provided snacks and meals. Fight­ ing fires—even simulated Ones-aUiduces hunger At the graduation picnic the campers dazzled an au dience of about 60 family members and friends with displays of knot tying, CPR Jeff Fmney teaches how to load a patient onto a board f«f Jfi Learning to aim w ater from a fire hose and quickly putting on a firefighting suit are important parts of becoming a firefighter. : Trencher Chevy Astro Vans rm !TWte S W jiiie * ' 'M < Uil <r I./, , m i _ K r I B i d s m u s t b e i n b y 5 : 0 0 p m o n M o j n d a y r J u l y 2 7 t h . r C111 I jjtt) .1 o r f e r i i v M O m I j \ w > , ; L * */■ * • ,H I ’< * J ',T Chevy Luminas Chrysler Town & Country Van Chevy S-IO Blazers Chevy 2500-HD " Chevy S-IO Pickups ' Chevy Express'2500 VansChevy SrlO Pickups ' Chevy Venture Van C a ro ly n G r e y a n d R y a n M a tth e w S is s o n B e l l - S i s s o n C o u p l e W e d Walser-Matthews CoupIe To Marry Danny and Jane Walser of Advance announce the en­ gagement of their daughter, Amanda Danelle to Jayme Thomas Matthews, son of JeffandTeny M atthewsofYad- kinville. Carolmc Grey Bell and c.sC rotts. , The bride-elect Ba 2007 graduate of Davie Hil Ii School Ryan Matthew S,sson were Th= bride ,a a graduate and a 2011 and 2015 graduate of Forsyth Technical Com- m amed on Aprtl 25 m Ad- of the Untverstty of North College. She is employed as assistant director vanCe at the home of the Carohna at Chapel Hili and and lead teacher at Stratford West Children’s Academy in bndes parents. The Rev. the Wake Forest University Clemmons. David McNees of Roanoke, Va., presided. School of Medicine where The groom-to-be is a 2007 graduate of Forbush High , she is employed as an assis- School and a 2009 graduate of Forsyth Technical Com- ? ' bndeIs ,he dau«l,,er ,am Profeaaee- The groom is munity College. He is employed as an automotive systems technician at Matthews Garage in Yadkinville. The couple plans an Oct. 10 wedding at Winding Creek Farm & Wedding Bam in Hamptonville, and the couple They reside in Boone. plans to live in East Bend. of. Don and Denise Bell of a former United States Ma- Advance. She is the grand- rine and a graduate of Loui- daughter of the late J.C. and siana Stale University. Margaret Cates and the late D onandM am ieBelI. The groom is the son of Thomas and Lisa Sisson of Baton Rouge, La., and is the grandson of Cecil and Paula Johnson and Wilanne and the late Roy Sisson. The matron of honor was Mindy Ledbetter. Brides­ maids were Grace Hinton, Christine McCarthy, Me­ gan Horton, and Emily Mc­ Dowell. The best man was Tom­ my Sisson, the groom's brother. Groomsmen were Mitch Crain, Casey Norton, Patrick Foy, and Alex Bell, the bride's brother. Placing flowers in re­ membrance were- Kathryn and Grace Sisson, sisters of the groom. The flower girl was Jubilee Sisson and the ring bearers were Everett and Hudson Sisson and Lu- S e l l i t q u i c k l y in the classifieds 1-877-751-2120 Forever Homes Needed G race is a black fem ale Australian Shepard and lab mix puppy. Her esti­ m ated date of birth is Nov. 17, 2014. She is sugar sw eet and loves playing in the flowers around the adoption center. She is a happy dog who would instantly fall into your good graces. Lilly is a fluffy fem ale dom estic short hair kitty. Lilly's estim ated date of birth is April 8. She is a tiny kitty who loves being cuddled and is great .with the youth volunteers at the adoption center. If you want to m eet Lilly, G race or another available pet, fill out an adoption application at www.davienchumane.org or call 751-5214. 9 AUCTION EVBIY FRIDAY'6 PM 224 Duke Whittaker Road Mocksville, NC 27028 ANTIQUES • COLLECTABLES • TOOLS YARD, GARDEN & HOUSEHOLD ITEMS H IC K S A U C T IO N C O . Harold L Hicks, Auctioneer • 336-354-6986 NCRBW 230262 NCAFW 7961 DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 9,2015 - 9 VBS At Victory Baptist Gear up for Vacation Bible School at Victory Baptist Church in Cooleemee to learn about conquering challenges with God's power at the “Everest” Bibleschool July 12-16, 6-8 p.m. There will be classes for ages 2 and up. On July 16, VBS ends with singing favorite VBS songs and an ice cream sundae celebration for the children and their fami- S m i t h G r o v e M e t h o d i s t V B S Vacation Bible School at Smith Grove United method- ist Church, US 158, Mocksville, will be from 6:30-8:30 p.m. July 9-II, with the theme “Camp Christ at the Grove.” There will be wild and crazy games, campsite arts and crafts, snacks, interactive music and Bible stories. There will be a Family Fun Night Saturday starting at 5 p.m. with supper, inflatables, live music and more. To register or leant more, contact Susan Armsworthy at 998-3854. F a r m i n g t o n U M C B r e a k f a s t Farmington United Methodist Church. 1939 Farming­ ton Road, Mocksville, will host a community breakfast from 7-10 a.m. Saturday, July I!, with pork tenderloin, sausage and gravy, eggs, grits, stewed apples, biscuits, breakfast casserole, coffee and orange juice. Donations will be accepted for A Storehouse for Jesus. H o t d o g s , C h i c k e n O n S a t u r d a y A n d B i b l e S c h o o l N e x t W e e k The Youth Department of Greater Mt. Moriah Mission­ ary Baptist Church will be selling hotdogs and chicken plates and sandwiches on Saturday, July 11 starting at 11 a.m. at 162 E. Depot St., Mocksville. Vacation Bible School will be July 13-15 from 6-8 p.m. with classes, food, and fun for all ages. Hillsdale Baptist VBS Hillsdale Baptist Church in Advance is holding its Va­ cation Bible School Sunday-Thursday, July 12-16, from 6:30-8:45 p.m. AU children age 4 through rising 6th grade are invited. The theme is “Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power.” Kids embark on the coolest adven­ ture of the summer with Bible-Ieaming experiences kids see, hear, touch, and even taste, “sciency-fun gizmos,” team-building games, Bible songs, and treats are a few of the activities that help faith flow into real life. For more information and to register online, visit Imp:// bitxfo/hbekids. Explorers Taste Foods From Around The World Mariah Crotts brought Australian ANZAC bis­ cuits, talked about their his­ tory; and showed a picture of the metal tins that are tra­ ditional with this food. Nolan Crorts chose Ital­ ian foods and served pizza and Fettuccine Alfredo. Charlotte Heasley picked Irish foods and brought soda bread and colcannon. Hannah, Abigail, and Deborah Wells focused on American foods and brought watermelon and gluten free chocolate chip cookies and showed some family cookbooks. Members discussed pos­ sible summer activities. The Explorers 4-H club met at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, June 16 at Jerusalem Fire Department. The meeting was led by Hannah Wells, vice presi­ dent. Members said the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4-H pledge. Club members brought in cultural foods and talked about where the foods came from. Bailey McCook brought golden chicken wings and white rice and talked about Vietnamese dishes. 350 Security Pump Item #18950 Caliber: 12 gauge Capacity: 4+1 Finish: Matte Black Barrel Length: 18.5” MSR: $265.00 *199 ,95 S a v a g e A r m s Clemmons Pawn S l .Tewehy 1609 I^wisville-Clem m ons R d 1 C lem m ons 7 6 6 -8 3 1 2 Hrs.M-F 9-6, SaL 9-3 CJ & Clara Phelps create with legos during a Lemoncello G am es and Robo Legos activity time at Davie County Public Library. Mom lends C J som e support with the Lego Mindstorms manual. Beat The HeatAt The Public Library The Youth Services De­ partment of Davie County Public-Libraiy is the place to beat the heat of summer. Monday evening at 6:30 Silver Trout Arts will enter­ tain families with stories, songs and puppets. On Tuesday from 10:30 a .m., Ryanne Wallace, com­ munity care coordinator for children from the Davie Health Department, will in­ form youth about services. At 2, Lemoncello’s Games and Robo-Lego carts for families will be rolled out. The Teen Tuesday group will meet from 3:30-5 p.m. Wednesday at 11 a.m. Munchin’ at the Movies shows “Night at the Muse­ um-Secret of the Tomb,’’ PG ,'98 minutes and at I p.m. for Snackin' at the Cinema features “The Maze Runner.” PG 13,113 min. Thursday, Ranger will be off. Next Chapter Book Clubs for adults and teens will meet at I p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Middle School Read­ ers Club will meet with Mrs. Archerat 2:15 p.m. On Friday, Story Time is at U a.m. On Saturday, Ranger will be available for read­ ers from 11 a.m.-noon for 15-minute appointments. Programming is free and open to the public. Visit www.library.daviecoiinty . orX- 10 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 9,2015 County Line ___________ By Shirley Thorne County Line Correspondent Last week was the week of the Fourth of July. That week remains the most pop­ ular for family vacations, especially beach and moun­ tain trips. It was a safe time for CountyLiners. Betty Cartner and family attended a family reunion in West Virginia. Martha Lambert daughter Pat and family cruised the Caribbean for eight days. . Sandy and Ann Cline spent the week at the South­ eastern Old Thrashers' Re­ union. Folks'at Society Baptist celebrated with an ice-cream and cake social. Pleasant View Baptist members were IOT0GwahneVshk0ut ^ ^ ®ara^ 0 a Vw aIt- John Hopkins, and Julie C artner check out the old hand-crafted lectern in the historic St. M atthews Lutheran Former members and Church at hOTiecoming on Sunday. At right is 91 -year old Inez Daywalt1 the oldest attendee, friends of St. Matthews Lutheran began the week with dinner-on-the-grounds. Some folks attended local events; some celebrated with backyard cookouts and fireworks. The V-Point Ruritans1 meet at 7 p.m. today (Thurs­ day) at the V-Point Build­ ing. After dinner guest speaker Beth Hinesley (RN/ BSN), community relations coordinator of Carolina Do­ nor Services, will present a program on "Saving or En­ hancing the Life of a Person via Organ or Tissue Dona­ tion." Club members invite everyone for this program. The Baptist Men of Soci­ ety will meet at 7 a.m. Sat­ urday, July 11 in the fellow­ ship hall. The group invites. _ __________________ others in thecommunity for ZT . ............' breakfast and prayer. The The hOTiecoming celebration men will discuss upcom­ ing projects or needs in the community. There will be a ground­ breaking ceremony for the new Matthew 25 Ministries at IO a.m. Saturday at the new site beside Galaxy Gro­ cery on US 21 South in Har­ mony. Everyone is invited. The Society Baptist soft­ ball team plays at 8 pjn. Monday, July 13 and at 7 pjn. Thursday, July 16 at Rich Park in Mocksville. The Women on Missions of Society Baptist will meet at 2 p.m. Thursday, July 16 __________________________ in the fellowship hall. M il. M artha K. Lambert, grandson Wil, and family enjoy 8-day C aribbean cruise with ports-of-call in St. M aarten S t Kitts San dred Bendfield will lead a Juan, and Grand Turk. ' ' program on mission needs in North Carolina. The women invite others in the community. Upcoming community events include a country ham and sausage breakfast hosted by the Salem United Methodist Men from 6-10 a.m. Saturday, July 18, at the County Line VFD; Gospel Choir Extravaganza Families enjoy the bountiful covered dish lunch well as fellowship with one another. SE som e gam es of with Danny C artner tossing a shoe at the right. Please See C-L County Liners enjoy the Pied­ m ont Antique Power ciation events, including the tractor parade (above); and at left, Kevin Stroud with grandson Eli and Imogene M. Stroud take a wagon ride. Riley Taylor, daughter of Melanie Nantz Taylor, builds sand castles at North Myrtle Beach. CanaIPino DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 9,2015 - Il By Belty Etchison W est Cana/Pino Correspondent Lany Tutterow1 husband of Frances West Tutterow and son-in-law of Betty and Roland West, died on July 3, 2015, at his home. Lany and Frances have had a farm at Cana for a number of years and have been attached to the Cana community. Larry has farmed and.raised beef cat­ tle on the land which has been owned and farmed by Frances’ Etchison ancestors for more than IOO years. Larry has been good to all of the Etchison and West families. Years ago he said to me, "You take care of the inside of the Frostland house and I will take care of the outside.” He has done just that for many years. We appreciate all Larry has done for us; and we mourn his loss with Frances and his children, Jason and his wife, Page, and Elizabeth (Izzy) and her husband, Joe, and his pre­ cious grandchildren, Reese and Harper Tutterow, and Joseph Burchette. Larry’s funeral was held at the First Missy Claire Cujas w as honored at a gradua­ tion party at Frostland which w as once the hom e of her great- g re a t-g ra n d p a re n ts, John and N ana Etchi­ son. United Methodist Church in Mocksville where he was a member. He was buried at the Eaton’s Baptist Church Cemetery. June 30 was moving day for Methodist preachers who have new assignments for the coming church year. The Rev. Sara Scruggs, who has been the pastor of Wes­ ley Chapel and Farmington UMCs, the two churches that make up the Farming­ ton Charge, moved that day to her new assignment in the Asheville area. Scruggs has been pastor of the Farming­ ton charge for four years. The Rev. Arnold Gosnell and his family moved to the parsonage in Farmington. Gosnell and his wife, Sarah, have three children, David, 17 and who will be going to the University of North Carolina at Asheville in the fall; Emily, 15 and a stu­ dent at Davie County High School; and Avery, 4. The members of Wesley Chapel and Farmington welcome the GosnelI family and look forward to having Gosnell as their pastor for the com­ ing year. Kathy and Bob Ellis and Bob’s grandchildren, Daniel, Dalton, and Nathan Kato, spent the Fourth of July holiday sightseeing in Washington, D.C. They were not able to enter the White House or the Capitol, which were closed on the holiday weekend because of security concerns, but they saw both buildings as well as the many memorials in the city. They were able to spend time in several sec­ tions of the Smithsonian. The boys, who live in Jack­ sonville, Fla., have been with Kathy and Bob for sev­ eral weeks this summer. Madelyn and Jesse Gen­ try Jr. spent several days this week at their place at Ocean Jam es Larry Tutterow (above) died on July 3, 2015. At right, Larry and Frances Tutterow with their three grandchildren - R eese Tutterow, in front, Harper Tutterow in the tree, and Joseph Burchette in Larry’s arm s. The picture w as m ade about two or three years ago. Isle. They returned home on Saturday afternoon. On June 27, Al and Su­ san Cujas had a graduation party at Frostland in Cana in honor of their daughter. Missy Claire, who gradu­ ated in June from Davie County High School. Al and Susan were assisted by their daughter, Amy, who is a student at Catawba College and who is spend­ ing her summer vacation with her parents, and their son, Oliver, who is a stu­ dent at Redeemer School at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Winston-Salem and is enjoying his sum­ mer vacation at his home in Cana. Twenty-two Cujas family members and friends came from Pennsylvania to honor Missy: Anthony and Linda Cujas and their sons, Caleb, Dylan, and Brandon; Richard and Diane Cujas and their daughters, Eliza­ beth Cujas and her friend, Travis Rinier, and Anna Cujas and her friend. Chase Faith, who attend Indiana University of Pennsylva­ nia; Patrick and Pam Cujas and. their children, Ryan, Allyson and Catie; Kelly and Ron Schreckengost and their son, Gabe, all of Ford City, Pa. Other relatives who came from Pennsylva­ nia were: Brenda Gordan of Ellwood City, and Michael and Gena Gordan of New Castle. A number of Missy’s friends from school at­ tended. Among them was her boyfriend, David Mi- chalski; and friends Kath­ erine McGum, Sabrina KorsonJCirstie Hutchins, Tally Duke, Josh Lancast­ er, and Sarah Buie. Other guests were: Marty and Bill Babcock of Raleigh, Gray and Rachel Yancey of Clemmons, Mindy, Al­ exander, and Autumn of Yadkinville; Jason and Page Tutterow and daugh­ ters Reese and Harper, and Elizabeth and Joe Burchette and their son, Joseph, all of Advance. Bob and Amy Mi- chalski, David Michalski’s parents, and Randy Stroud of Mocksville had lunch at the party. Missy’s grand­ parents, Betty and Roland West, enjoyed the day that honored Missy, who is one of their grandchildren. The young and young-at-heart guests enjoyed an inflat­ able water slide and a pool and the others enjoyed visit­ ing and reminiscing. Al and Susan served pasta, salsa, chips, veggies and dip, fruit, a deli tray of meats for sand­ wiches and desserts, includ­ ing homemade cookies and ice-cream. Lowtharpe folks celebrate the Fourth of July withan ice-cream social: Nathan Holder pauses for the cam era; Savannah Holder gives Betty S. hug; and Kim Muir gives kids rides on her horse. C ontinued From Page 10 for Matthew 25 Ministries at 3 p.m. Saturday, July 18 at Harmony United Meth- .odist; Senior Bingo hosted by the V-Point Ruritans at 2 p.m. Thursday, July 23 at the V-Point Building; vaca­ tion Bible school Saturday, July 25 at Salem United Methodist; country ham and sausage breakfast hosted by V-Point Ruritans from 6-10 aim.Saturday,Aug. I. Our community sends get-well wishes to Ruth Greene, who was hospital­ ized with an infection and dehydration last week and is recuperating at home. Evan Walker is recuperating at home. Ricky Swisher re­ mains in rehab at The Bridg­ es, formerly Brian Center, of Statesville. Pat Swisher remains at The Gardens of Statesville. David Steele re­ mains in rehab at Bermuda Com monsofDavie. Naomi "Om" Stroud remains at Iredell Memorial Hospi­ tal. Peny Carmer remains at Davis Regional Medical Center. Betty Lou Rich- rehab at Autumn Care of and others who are having ardson remains in rehab Statesville. Join us in prayer health problems, at Iredell Memorial Hospi- for the Lord's divine healing For news or memories to tal. Jean Snyder remains in in the lives these residents share, please call Shirley on 492-5115 orem ail sd:link@ tional institute or received hotmail.com. If you, or you a certificate or an award; know of someone who has, please send a photo plus graduated from an educa- data for a graduation tribute. Advance By E dith Zim m erm ao Advance Correspondent July Fourth was celebrat­ ed throughout the commu­ nity with family get-tgeth- ers and celebrations. Sunday morning at Ad­ vance United. Methodist Church there was a special presentation of the Ameri­ can flag by veterans in uni­ forms, Hank Wade (Navy) and R.C. Athey (Air Force). The "Old Glory'1 flag was at the church alter and folded by the veterans (the re­ quired 12th fold) while Jim Jones read an appropriate message after each fold. A t the conclusion Jim read a Poem, "I Am The Flag.” Patriotric organ music was played softly. The family of Medford, Nancy and Melany Shoaf had cook-out at their home during the holiday week­ end, which included their children and granddaughter, Brent and Carolyn Shoaf and Katie Shoaf.' We are so happy that Alan Jones is home from the hospital after weeks of hosi- talization and surgery for a brain tumor. Our best wish­ es and prayers go to him. Bethlem UMC will host a concert by the Nelsons gospel group at 6 p.m. on Sunday, July 12. No ticket required. A love offering will be taken. Brian, Anna Howell and son Jake Howell have re­ turned home from a trip to Arizona. Hailey Weatherman un­ derwent foot surgery on Monday. Get-well wishes go to her. One of our com­ munity people, Podiatrist Dr. Tim Vogler, was the sur­ geon who practices in High Point. Tama O'M ara is con­ fined with the shingles. Best wishes go to her. Anne Wilson is recover­ ing from back surgery and is improving satisfactorily. A speedy recovery is wished. Faye Poindexter has been readmitted to the hos­ pital. She had back surgery a few days ago, is needing additional corrective sur­ gery. Get well wishes are exteded to her. Robert and Beverly San- doz have been vacationing _ in through-out the Midwest. Visititing relatives in New Mixico, Arizona, Las Ve­ gas, and other western ar­ eas. Beverly is recuperating from thyroid surgery she had on June 2 and we are so happy she is able to travel while recuperating. My weekend vsitors SEAFOROSTUMP REMOVALLeaXy Omtdi Opented Mocksville, NC 336-909-0610 have been great neice Lau­ ren Bennett from Cleveland, Ohio, Bess Bennett and Lucy Barney. Sympathy goes to the families of Doris (Dot) Mc­ Daniel and Randy Minor. REPRESEN TA TIV E Julia Howard i\C H ouse 70th District MOCKSVILLE: (336) 751-8567 RALEIGH: (919) 733-5904 302 Legislative Office Bldg. 300 N. Salisbury Si Raleigh, NC 27603-5925 LotitforusonFaeebookab RepJuIIaHoward Paid form JuuaHowwi I 12 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, ThursdayT July 9,2015 Obituaries Gladys Mae Cornatzer Shore Mrs. Gladys Mae Comatzer Shore, 90, of Comatzer Road, Mocksville, died Tuesday, June 30, 2015, at Ber­ muda Commons Nursing and Rehab in Advance. She was bom Sept. 15, 1924 in Davie County to the late Ross Cleveland and Mattie Florence Barney Cor- natzer. Mrs. Shore was a member of Victory Baptist Church in Clemmons. Mrs. Shore enjoyed traveling, es­ pecially to the coast. She nev­ er met a stranger and loved to offer coffee to her company. She was also preceded in death by her husband, James OdeIl Shore; and a sister, Car­ rie Beatrice Comatzer. Survivors: a son, Waverly Shore (Linda) of Pfafftown; 3 grandchildren, Timothy Dameon Shore (Keyser Ford), James Monroe Shore and Lisa Michelle DiCiaccio (Josh); and 3 great-grandchildren. Carmen Shore, Anthony and Gabby DiCiaccio. Afuneral service was conducted at Il a.m .,Friday1July 3 at Comatzer United Methodist Church with Chaplain Jon Smith officiating.Burial followed in the church cemetery. • The family received friends Thursday, July 2 at Eaton Fu­ neral Home. Condolences: www.eatonfiineralservice.com. Elinor Jane Paxton Satchell Mrs. Elinor Jane Paxton Satchel!, 89, died Thursday, May 14,2015, at Autumn Careof Mocksville. She was bom Sept. 10,1925, in Harrisville, W.Va. to the late Robert and Nina Paxton. Mrs. SatcheIl earned her reg­ istered nurse degree and served in the Cadet Nurse Corps ■ in Newport News, Va.from I 1944-1947. She was a devot- I ed wife of 38 years to Rich- J ard OdelI Satchell of Newport I News during his ministry in I churches in Spence, Md., At- I lantic, Va., Lutherville, Md., and Heathsville, Va. until his death on Oct. 30, 1986. Mrs. Satchell was seamstress and enjoyed needlework, much of which is in her granddaugh­ ters’ homes. She made a pine- I apple pastry beyond compare.I Mrs. Satchell filled her home I with a broad range of music, ____________________I from classical to country. She was an inveterate reader and inventive crossword puzzler. Mrs. Satchell was a treasure trove of wisdom and a fount of hillbilly humor. Survivors: 5 children, RobertMason Satchel! (Ellen) of Gloucester, Va., Richard Lee Satchell (Susan) of Phoenix, Ariz., Jane Satchell McAllister (Charles) of Mocksville, William David Satchell (Karen) and John Mark Satchell (Pat), all OfRichmond1Va.; 7 grandchildren; 8 great-grand­ children; and a sister-in-law, Luemma Paxton of Callahan, Fla. A celebration of her life will be conducted at 4 p.m., Friday, July 17 at Eaton Funeral Chapel. The family will receive friends following the service. H er ashes will be in­ terred in Peninsula Memorial Park of Newport News, Va., next to her husband. Memorials: First Baptist, 412 N. Main St., Mocksville; or a charity of one’s choice. Condolences: www.eatonfimeralservice.com. Arthur Russell Youngberg Mt. Arthur Russell Youngberg, 79, a resident of the N.C. State Veterans Retirement Home in Black Mountain, died on July 1,2015. He was bom in Jamaica, N.Y., a middle-class neighbor­ hood in the New York City borough of Queens on Dec. 25, 1935 to Edwin Jerome and Florence Slamm Youngberg. He was the younger of two boys. He attended public school in New York and was a member of his high school rifle team which won the National NRA Junior Championship in 1952 and 1953. Afterhigh school he joined theU .S.M a­ rine Corps where he rose to the rank of sergeant and earned the rifle marksmanship badge of expert rifleman. Upon completion of his service in January 1962, he studied at Polytechnic Instimte of Brooklyn where he earned a bache­ lor’s degree in aerospace engineering and Rensselaer Poly­ technic Institute where he earned a master’s in mechanical engineering. One of his favorite projects during his career was the work he did with Pratt & Whitney on the JT8D turbo engine, introduced in February 1963 with the inaugu­ ral flight of Boeing's 727. When he lived in Mocksville he was a member of First United Methodist Church where he would often help teach Sunday School or keep the nursery. Mr. Youngberg worked as an engineer at IngersolI-Rand from 1969-1985. In retirement he enjoyed listening to his collection of-classical music recordings, watching docu­ mentaries and sports, and keeping his family updated on all the quirky things he'd find in the newspapers and mag­ azines. He was always on the lookout for something witty. Surviving: his wife, Phyllis L. Youngberg of Givens Es­ tates in Asheville; 2 daughters, Traci Wood and husband Russ of Alpharetta, Ga. and Terri Queen and husband Da­ vid of Asheville; and a grandson, Russell A. Wood IV of Alpharetta. A private memorial service was held July 8 at the NC State Veterans Cemetery, Black Mountain. Memorials: Wounded Warrior Project, 4899 Belfort Road, Suite 300, Jacksonville, FL 32256, woundedwar- riorproject.org; or National Humane Society, to HSUS, H02EE120202001, 2100 L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037; or your local Humane Society. Condolences: www.grocefimeralhome.com . Doris Lee Sparks iDof McDaniel Doris “Dot” Lee Sparks McDaniel, 89, of Mocksville died Wednesday, July I, 2015, at Kate B. Reynolds Hos­ pice Home. Bom in Davie County on June 4, 1926, she was the daughter of the late Henry Moss Sparks and Maggie Hel- Iard Sparks. She was the widow of the late Billie E, Mc­ Daniel Sr. who died July 21,1999. They were married for 53 years. Mrs. McDaniel spent most of her life as a hair­ dresser. She completed her working career in food service at Davie County Hospital, where she worked for some 12 years. She enjoyed reading, camping, sewing and crochet­ ing, but the real enjoyment of her life was spending time with her family. Survivors: 2 sons, Billie Edward McDaniel Jr. and wife, Lonna1 and Rodney K. McDaniel and wife Terri, all of Mocksville; a daughter, GaiI Campbell and husband Lar­ ry of Mocksville; a brother, Bobby Gene Sparks (Peg) of Mocksville; 5 grandchildren, Deena Burris (Chris), Rhon­ da Duggan (Brian), Kara McDaniel (Michael Lippman), Matthew McDaniel (Joyce Crater) and John Edward Mc­ Daniel; 4 great-grandchildren, Carson, Ally, Abby and Ava; plus a host of nieces and nephews. She was also preceded in death by 4 brothers: Bill, Gil­ bert, Thomas “TJ” and Dick Sparks; and 3 sisters, Helen Yokley, Betty Jo Bowens and Emily Stimpson. The family received friends Friday, July 3 at Comatzer United Methodist Church. The celebration of life service was held at 11 a.m. Saturday, July 4 at Comatzer UMC officiated by the Rev. Shane Young. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Serving as pallbearers were Jimmy Sparks, Ricky Sparks, Tommy Sparks, Denny Yokley, Mark Crotts and Jason Wisecarver. Honorary pallbearers were Sonny and Saylor Blevins. Memorials: Epilepsy Foundation of N C1 Piedmont One, Suite 5541-A, 1920 W. First St., Winston-Salem, 27104. Condolences: yvwwMaviefimeralservice.com. Clinton Norris Boyer Mr. Clinton Norris Boyer, 86, of Advance, died Sunday, July 5,2015 at his home. He was bom March 30, 1929 in Forsyth County.to the late Sidney and Nellie Doty Boyer. Mr. Boyer worked for R J. ReynoldsTobacco Co. for 37 Vt years in the sheet met­ al department. For a number of years, he enjoyed working as a 4-H Leader in Davie County. Mr. Boyer was a mem­ ber of Green Meadows Baptist Church where he was part of the Willing Workers Class and he held many positions within the church. Surviving: his wife of 67 14 years, Frances Hauser Boyer whom he married on Aug. 10, 1947; 2 sons, Lar­ ry Boyer (Linda) of ZebuIon and Randy Boyer (Janice) of Advance; 3 grandchildren, Angie Marshall (Randall) of Advance, Jeffrey Boyer and Philip Boyer, both of Zebulon; 4 great-grandchildren, Reid Marshall and Evan Marshall, both of Advance, and Joey Boyer and Zackary Carter, both of Zebulon; special cousin, Abram Barefoot (Glen) of Le- land; sister, Ada McBride of Clemmons; sister-in-law, Dor­ othy Breedlove of Winston-Salem; and a brother-in-law, John Hauser of Cary. A funeral service was held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, July 7 at Green Meadows Baptist Church with the Rev. Josh Greene officiating. Burial followed at the church cemetery. The family received friends at the church prior to the service. Memorials: Green Meadows Baptist, 1646 NC 801 N., Mocksville. Condolences: www.hayworth-miller.com . John A. Coil John A. Coil, 86, of Mocksville, died on Sunday1July 5, 2015 at Regency Care, Clemmons. He had been declining health for several months. He was bom on April 8, 1929 in Swan, Ind., to Albert and Fem (Warner) Coil. On May 21, 1950 in Andrews, Ind., he married Virginia Blake; she survives. Also surviving: a daugh­ ter, Sally Ann (Michael) Brill of Advance; a' son, John A. (Janette) Coil of Kansas City, Kan.; 5 grandchildren; 3 great-grandchildren; 3 broth­ ers, Keith A. Coil of Hunter- town, Ind., Hariy Malcolm Coil of Fort Wayne, Ind., and Jesse E. Coil of Craw- fordsville.Ind. He was preceded in death by: his parents; a sister, Wanda Lee Hampton; and a brother, Warner Albert Coil. He had been pastor. of several Christian churches through the years. He had been the director of building, grounds and transportation for the Middlebury School Cor­ poration, built two golf courses (Oak Hills, Middlebuty, and Hawthorne Hills, Fishers, Ind.) and hauled milk from farm to dairy in his earlier years. He resided in Venice, Fla. for 17 years after retirement then moved to Mocksville due to declining health and to be close to family. He was a for­ mer member of Central Christian Church and most recent­ ly of First United Methodist Church in Mockville, had an associate membership at St. Mark's Methodist Church and was a member of the Masonic Lodge. Visitation will be from 5-8 p.m. on Friday July 10 and 10-11 a.m. Saturday1July 11, followed by a funeral service at 11 ajn. at MiIler-Stewart Funeral Home, MiddIebuiy1 Ind. Services will be conducted by his son John Coil. Fam­ ily and friends may gather for a graveside service at 3 pm . on Saturday at Swan Township Cemetery, LaOtto, Ind. Memorials: Alzheimer's Foundation of America; Prayers and Squares, Mocksville FUMC; or the Shane Fleming Memorial Scholarship Fund (Mocksville FUMC). ' Condolences: millerstewartjuneraihome.com. Randall G. ‘Randy’ Minor Randall “Randy” G. Minor, 60, of Advance died at the home of his parents, Bobby Grant Minor Sr. and Mickey Collins Minor, on Wednesday, July I, 2015, while under the care of Hospice. He was bom in Forsyth County on Aug. 28,1954. He was a graduate of Davie High School and attended Forsyth | Tech where he received train- B ing to begin his 30-year career j in welding. He worked for jj Varco Pruden Buildings Kemersville. In addition to his parents, I he is survived by: 3 broth- I ers, Bobby G. Minor Jr. and I wife Janet, Michael Minor I and wife Anita, and Walter I Minor and wife Annette, all B of Advance; 2 sisters, Deb- I bie Livengood and husband I Dennis, and Renee Carter and I husband, Marty; plus several I nieces and nephews. Services will be announced later by Davie Funeral Ser­ vice of Mocksville. Memorials: Hospice of Davie, 377 Hospital St., Mocks­ ville. Condolences: wwwMaviefimeralservice.com. James Larry ‘Tater’ lDitterow Mr. Janies Lany Tutterow, 68, of Rainbow Road, Ad­ vance, died Friday, July 3, 2015, at his home, surrounded by family. He was bom March 6, 1947, in Davie County. Known as “Tater” by friends, he was a graduate of Davie High School. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and did a tour of duty in Vietnam in 1971. W hile in his teens, he worked for his Uncle June Tiitterow and developed a love of con­ struction work. His dream of owning his own construction company became a reality in 1984, when he became owner of Carolina Drilling & Blast­ ing in Mocksville, a family owned business of 30 years. His greatest love was spend­ ing time with his grandchil­ dren, riding them around .on his golf cart and John Deere tractors. He spent lots of time on his farm, raising beef cat­ tle. He especially loved the spring/fall hay harvest. He en­ joyed round track and drag racing. He supported many race teams and loved traveling around the United States drag racing with Rickie Smith and Todd Tutterow. In 2009, he and his son started their own team, Tutterow Racing. He beamed with pride every time his son sat behind the wheel of a race car. There was nowhere else he would rather be on a Saturday night than a local short track, cheering on his son. As he was able to be semi-retired, he enjoyed spend­ ing time at his home on 59th Avenue in Cheny Grove. He loved having annual 4th of July parties with family and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents, J.B. Tutterow and Betty Walker Grissom.. Survivors: his wife, Frances West Tutterow of the home; 2 children, Jason Everett Tbtterow (Page) and Eliz­ abeth “Izzy” Tutterow Burchette (Joe); 3 grandchildren, Emily Reese and Harper James Tbtterow and Joseph Pat­ rick Burchette Jr.; and his extended Tutterow, Walker, West and Etchison families which included many uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces and nephews. The funeral service was conducted at 2 pm ., Monday, July 6 at First United Methodist Church, Mocksville with Drs. Glenn L. Myers Jr. and David Gilbreath officiating. Burial followed in the Eatons Baptist Church cemetery .with Masonic Graveside Rites. The family received friends Sunday, July 5 at Eaton Funeral Home in Mocksville. Memorials: Wake Forest Baptist Health, c/o Compre- ' hensive Cancer Center, Medical Center Blvd., Winston-Sa­ lem, 27157; or Wounded Warrior Project, PO Box 758517 Topeka, KS 66675. Condolences: www.eatonjuneralservice.com. Johnnie Doub Bailey Mrs. Johnnie Doub Bailey, 86, a resident of Davie Place, Mocksville, and formerly of US 64 East, died Friday, July 3,2015, at Forsyth Medical Center in Winston-Salem. She was bom Oct. 20, 1928 in Forsyth County to the late John Fletcher and Alma Tate Doub. Mrs. Bailey was a member of Cooleemee United Methodist Church, retired from Western Electric and was a member of the Telephone Pioneers of America. She was also preceded in death by her first husband, Hubert Hoke Moore; her second husband, David Kenneth Bailey; a daughter, Diane McIntyre; a son, John Hubert Moore; 5 sisters, Nell Moore, M aiy Samuels, Ruth Goins, Jessie Flynn and Pat Douglas; and 3 brothers, Toby, Frank and Jerry Doub. Survivors: 2 daughters, Linda Brannock and Johnnie Lynn Swicegood (Jimmy), all of Mocksville; 2 sons. Tony Moore (Toni) of Mocksville and Samuel Bailey of Coolee­ mee; 9 grandchildren; 22 great-grandchildren; and a broth­ er, Jack Doub of Advance.' Afuneral service was conducted at 6 pm ., Monday JuIv 6 at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Robert Garrett of­ ficiating. The family received friends at the funeral home following the service. Burial was at U a.m..Tuesday July 7 at Rowan Memorial Park in Salisbury. Memorials: Metrolina Association for the Blind 704 Louise Avenue, Charlotte, 28204; or a charity of the do­nor’s choice. Condolences: www.eatonjuneralservice.com. Obituaries DAVIE COUNTY EN TER PR ISE RECORD, T hursday, July 9,2015 -13 r----- “ Chaffin Gaither Snow Ville; a brother, Joe Tommy Chaffin (Judy Collett), of Ruth Elizabeth Chaffin Gaither Snow, 84, of Mocksville Mocksville; 7 grandchildren, Robby Robinson, Rhonda died Sunday, July 5, 2015, at Gordon Hospice House in Martin, Shanda Gaither, Michael Crowe, Nathan Crowe, Statesville. t Anthony Gaither and Jennifer Gaither; and eight great- Bom in Davie County on March 19,1931, she was the grandchildren, daughter of the late John Bunyan Chaffin and Hazel Eliz- She was also preceded in death by a grandson, Daniel abeth Blackwelder Chaffin. She was first married to the Gaither, a great- grandson, iyier Aaron M abe1 a brother • late Kelly Lee Gaither Sr, In and & sister. I her earlier years, they enjoyed The family received friends on Tuesday, July 7 at Davie I NASCAR racing and they, Funeral Service. The celebration of life service was held at I along with their late son, Kel- 11 a m. Wednesday, July 8 at Davie Funeral Service Cha- I Iy Lee Gaither Jr., went to a pel officiated by the Revs. David Walters, Franklin Myers I Daytona race. She had a love and Daniel Harmon: Burial followed in the ljames Baptist I for flowers and was able to Church Cemetery. I grow many varieties in flower Memorials: Gordon Hospice House, 2347 Simonton I beds in her yard. She took Road, Statesville, 28625; or charity of donor's choice. I. great pride in her yard and en- Condolences: wwwMaviejuneralservice.com. I joyed decorating it. She was I fascinated with Purple Martin I birds and maintained hous- Georgia Ellis Comatzer I ing for them for more than Mrs. Georgia Ellis Comatzer, 92, of Bingham and Parks I 45 years. Crocheting was one Road1Advance, died Friday, July 3,2015, at Forsyth Medi- I of her indoor hobbies, Mrs. cal Center in Winston-Salem. I Snow was a life-time member Mrs. Comatzer was bom Nov. 24,1922, in Davie Coun- of ljames Baptist Church and ty to the late Willie Lee and Stella Carter Ellis. She retired a member of the VFW Auxiliary. She was a graduate of from Hanes Knitting/Sara Lee after more than 40 years. Mocksville High School. She worked as a c&se worker for Survivors: several nieces and nephews, the Department of Social Services. Until their passing, she A graveside service was conducted at 11 a.m., Monday, was care giver for Kelly Sr. and Kelly Jr. July 6 at Com atzerBaptist Church Cemetery with the Rev. On July 24,2004, she married S.T. Snow. Also surviv- Ed Kuhar officiating. The family received friends at the ing: 2 sons, Curtis Gaither and wife Retha of Harmony, graveside following the service. and Ronald “Moony” Gaither of Jonesville; a stepson Dale Memorials: Comatzer Baptist, 1372 Comatzer Road Snow of Harmony; 2 daughters, Brenda Crowe and hus- M ocksville., band Phil and Kathy Elizabeth Gaither, both o f Mocks- Condolences: www.eatonjuneralservice.com. The family of the late Omega ljames wish to thank all the family and friends who offered their support to them during the short illness, and after her passing. For your prayers, presence, the food, and monetary gifts, and all the warmth and love expressed, we say “THANK YOlt and God bless each of you." A speaal thanks to the Kitchen Conunittee of Qement Grove Church. j ' _ Lucille ljames S1 Edmottia H. Hollis _' What’s precious to you is precious to us.“ Auto. Homa. Life. Retirement. They all matter, so wrao them all in a blanket of Nationwide* protection. We put members first, because we don’t have shareholders."1 Join the Nation* that knows w hat’s Im portant. Combine your policies and save up to 25% Keith Hiller 1109 Yadkinville Rd. Willow Oaks Shopping Cento,Mocksville<336) 751-6131 Nationwide*Is on your side ■d M NKiMr imm OTftVM I, I Nu-ra.utUteMartian ta mw nnn Mil wriuau« » urru an u anmiK Mn num BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT LakeWay Mower I Service LakeWay Mower Service & Repair, in Clemmons, would like to say “Thank you” to all of its loyal custom­ ers. Over the last four years, LakeWay has enjoyed rapid growth and feel that is due to the type of service and relationship they have built with their customers. “We have completed over 3,000 repair and service jobs, with two-thirds of those jobs being repeat busi­ ness," mentioned owner Chris Sonafrank In a recent interview. “We want to be an affordable alternative to pur­ chasing something new, as well as, the alternative to any other repair shop In the area," he added. LakeWay Mower Service is owned by LakeWay Landscaping, LLC which has been in business since 2005. “We are a full service lawn care and landscaping company that serves both residential and commercial accounts,” Sonafrank said. uWe are always looking to Increase our lawn care and landscaping business." Some of the offerings of LakeWay Landscaping services are: • Plugging • • Seeding • Fertilizing • Pruning ■ Tree removal • Landscape design and Installation • Leaf removal • Raised beds • Retaining walls • Grading • Planting • Ground cover “If it's broken, we can repair itl" Sonafrank also wants his customers to know that if the repair would exceed the value of the equipment, he will let you know. “We don’t want our customers spending money on something terminal." Some examples of what LakeWay repairs or ser­ vices are: • Riding mowers • Push mowers • Commercial Zero turn mowers • Generators • Blowers • String trimmers . * Chafnsaws i Mower Service Landscaping Grounds Maintenance 7 6 8 - 2 7 3 8 .* Log splitters • Trailers • Hedge trimmers • Bed edgers ' LakeWay Mower Service & Repair also carries most of the parts for your service and repair needs. Those that are not in stock can usually be received the next business day. “So if you can’t find it, let us do the looking for you,” Sonafrank said. The rewards program at LakeWay Mower Service is successful and appreciated by the customers. “Our customers receive $25.00 off any repair or service after their fourth visit," he said. A new item LakeWay Mower Service has recently started selling is NC long leaf pine needles. “We are offering a 10% discount and customers can earn a punch on their reward card for purchas­ ing their pine needles with us." (minimum 10 bales) added Sonafrank. LakeWay Mower Sen/ice is located at 3612 Clem­ mons Road. For more Information call (336) 766- 2736, visit their website at www.lakewayllc.com. or like them on FaceBook. SAND HtAPI CndomGollI 5 0 % O ff AU Brand Name Used Drivers, Excdlent Condition! 3623 Clemmons Road Oemmons 766-2233tfaMaHNHinIMSK UMiWdkSu Oari T h eD aisy D epot F o il Service Florist & Gift Sh o p818 South Main Sf MocksvIIIfeNC336-753-3100 B ruce’s P o ttery B arn 820 S. Main SL Moduville, NC Functional CsfNtn-Functional WbeeiTbmontM HandCarvedPottery Formerly ofSeagrove, NC Qtn MM ISat KMjTufeTliA S Fri KM 336465*1041 |CLASSES AVAILABLE! " PERKINS ROOFING "Quality worfc at reasonable prices" Jeste Aridns-Owner 300 Spring Street Iakfm MowerSeim Saws - Generators 2 LogSplitters £_!5t Blowers 10% OFF R ne Neerilre (lObalemin.) 336-766-2738 Wtwtlakewaynvnvasvcam 3 Professional Barbers - Tues--Frl. 830am - 6 pm ; SaL Bam-noon (336) 766-9011 £5X23 .2721 LewlsvllIeCiaTiinonsRdV-OenimorB Wslk-Insar www.ctemmonsbarbarshopxbni.-i:;'i Uv. welcome! S itfH a b lta tM i l forKomaflfty*ReStore ■ NEW STORE HOURS!! ★ * * TUES. -FM. 9am-6pm&SAT. 9am-5pm S iartin g Ju ly t11Seeour . new Christmas Room! 25% OFF Christmas Items (Thni July JI1 2015 wth this coupon) JasptyGMiyuserftotfbBeVaMhes Sys MtMuds UantMnAre I 124 Wilkesboro St., Mocksville ^ a a tre from O'Reilly Auto Pare) 336-753-1438 14 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 9,2015 M '■ -J I IrV ■ !- iLtr w/ :... v,W Adults chow down on watermelon Saturday afternoon at the PiedmontAntique PowerAssociation annual Fourth of July Show and Parade. - Photos by Ray Tutterow JOH V:Gene McLaughlin shares his knowledge or tractors ror the tractor club. Two childiren practice milking a 50 gallon barrel cow. L .AR y f i y j Q IjP i S r r w r "" ■ tf...,/* • ■n •4 *■ • ■ - ^ * , v ItSjf p i Joe Cartner and Larry King size up Tom Brown’s Co-Op . a s* * Some of the many makes and models of every kind of tractor was present at this event. It’s A Blast After a day of celebrating our nation’s indepen­ dence, many Davle residents headed to Mocksville to enjoy the annual fireworks display at Rich Park. Enterprise Record photographer Robin Snow pro­ vides a glimpse of the show. v rw Si*.' p | „ O ' " i r * ' J * W W * * orts DAVlE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday5July 9,2015 - BI B2 • DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 9,2015 ETifilJfrd'AL! SHOP DAM! Spending your money in Davie County has many advantages. • Creating & saving local jobs • Increased local tax revenues • Bettercustomerservice ^ • S u p p o rt fo r c o m m u n ity & sc h o o ls • Strengthens the local economy Look locally when making your next purchase. For more information on local businesses Iookthrough each issue of the Davie County Enterprise Record orvisitwww.daviechamber.com. Make YOUR money work for YOUR community. ■SHOPDAVIE DAVIE COUNTY Chamber Cl Cemmtrci MAJOR BRANO TIRES COMPUTER BALANCING ALIGNMENTS PROPANE TANK REFILLS N.C. SAFETY INSPECTIONS MINOR AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS OIL CHANGES BRAKES' I B F G o o tM c H 5240 US Hwy. 158, Advance, NC 336-998-8139 Your LOCAL SOURCE for: Worm Castings-Vermlcompost, ' Vegetable & Manure Compost, j) and we also ' provide I Compost T o p ' I Dresslngfor , Lawns www.sunrisecastings.com ' (336)972-1301 byplonlretH Enifdiid idlh mtoo* H help planfi Im me hdp plant, grew ImfIMi mtwMdi Iicld 9 Ilmn Ih Mlg .* fiuhter Poiiil p-7 Musk 50 Court Square, Downtown Mocksville, NC S chool Band Instrument . Headquarters * 1 LmL Affadabla & Carmnlent — • HmMiHimtdpiwfl.InfloralWMhe ■ AS ofyeur rentd poymannceri b* opf£edlsward puidxse ' litumsveuhgnpsonlnstreiiiiiitiimilidili • Convenient REPAIR S MAIHIDUNQ ploi by sur s^ert Indiikkn 336.751.9390 Email: eounterpoint.music@hotmail.coin . •INSTRUMENTS I LESSONS I RENTALS IRERURS Call 751 -2129 to advertise YOUR Davie County Business on this page! Da v ie Disc o u n t Dr u g s iFree Prescription Deliverv I. i > w Local/Irea 1 Blister Packs Available * * Immunization Available * GiftItems * * GreetmgCardsforAllOccasions * I SENIOR CITIZENS ' 10%. DISCOUNT EVERYDAYtj Lowest Prices — Guaranteed7 Cooleemee Shopping Center (Hwy. 801 S.) Cooleemee, N C • Pb: (336) 284-2537 JayP ateIl FtPHHOURS: Mon-Fri 8ntn-6pm; Sat. 9am-12 nocn; by Emergency Whitnee's New & Used Variety Store 998Yadkinville Rd., Mocksville(Beside /MoeksvIiieTlre & Automotive) Check Out Our NAME BRAND SPORT SOCKS! » Sizes ft Styles for. Infants to Adults! , * In o Variety of Sthool & Team Colors * plus Custom Mattresses and So Much MORE!!! (336) 753-1388 Mocksville Tire & A utom otive, Inc 962 Yadkinville Road (336) 751-6115 Supportourcommunity by looking for local Davie County businesses first when purchasing goods or services. Call 751-2129 for details on advertising YOUR Davie County Business on this page! KEEP IT IlV THE COIWfY DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 9,2 0 1 5 - B3 /instate.ttfft* In pnod hand* Steve Ridenhour Mark S. Jones852 US Hwy.MVKSa IOI • MedawIIetNC (336) 751*0669 W ff AUTUMN CARE 11 OFM OC KSVILLE 1007 Howard St. Mocksville 751-3535 Certified Dealer of LENNOX CALSTO Heating & Cooling, Inc. 5649 Country Qub Rd., Winston-Salem 336-765-6430 DANIEL FURNITURE Sc ELECTRIC CO., INC. HomeAppliances Coarteous.IppeiuleMeServiee) Jorom -fern 'Aift W iytokB p TpnMaddla Davie Discount Drugs Cooleemee Shopping Center Cooleemee, NC (336)264-2537 z SOUTHERN STATES DavleFannSgnricainc. 11S Wllkesboro SL1 Moekavllie (336) 751-5021 “Your local Iawivgnrdnn and farm supply Ilornilncn 1952* DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 137 Crabtroe Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9144 ATrodMon S 5T Since I97S 140 N. Cloment St.. Mocka ville. NC (336) 751-5820 FU L L E R K ter 336-751-3712ivww.fullerweldlng.eom JERRY'S MEAT PROCESSING Beef - Pork - Deer 40 year* experience 89* Rtleh HetMsn Rd • MeckevIM336-492*5496 GENTLE Machine ftTool Inc. 27T6Hwy.601 North Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5055 24 Hours Roadside Rollback Service Small, Medium 6 HeavyOutyTowIng Joseph Crotts, Owner336-998-2693 - Office 336-940-7256 - Mobile SsPaIIetOne www.palletone.com 336-492-5565 Shores Plumbing Richard Shores - Owner 1485 N. Main SL1 Mocksvtlle, NC (336)751-5653 mmnP 3 Mocksville Locations • 1423 Yadkinville Rd.. Mocksville• 1360 US Hwy. 601 S., Mocksville• Inside Walmart Supercenter,261 Cooper Creek Or., Mocksville ICMMr ItnpnSm, 04 Onraat Ntw Mrmn fapdrv Ilm I MMOimus OFOnod S Hwy. tse. Advance, NC M = H A l lVB=U1M v % V h I . - M w \ y 5 X f ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye wilfand it shall be ,done unto you. (John 15:7) This scripture message brought to you by thesebusinesses who encourage you to worship at the church of your choice. Valley £•* Animal Tr­o n ic « 9 Optn Mm-M. 7:30 un.tfcltpn (336) 731-6201 Walmart 261 CoopcrCreekDrIve MocksvIIIerNC (336)751-1266 M at ia JM I M9M cm ummouac Wetmore Farms Woodleaf, NC READY NOIWI FRESH PRODUCE Tomatoes & SquashOther Produce Also Available Open: IIoa-FrL 8:00 ajn.-SflO pjit Saturday 8:00 ariL-SiO pjn, Ciowd Sunday 704-278-2028 Eaton Funeral Service 325 North Main St, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-2148www.ealonfizfKnlservicc.com SStyhig Davie County Shwe1997 — 1 Fu n era l H o m e fw.grahamfuneraihome.m LakewayMowerSenrice Saws - Generators [IQbalemIrLlKUlImy) 336-766-2738 P aula’s P lace tfHome Style Cooking” 2076 US Hwy. 601 S. Mocksville, NC 336-753-1315 . WliitneefS Hew & Used variety Stare996Yad Itinvltle Rd., Mocksville (Bedda ModavUIcTira AAirtoawdte) HOUti Hen. NoooJ Totn IftOfeiLSSfeniAfeQcMd TImNKiotaBntMIMfeiLigteK Fa^r Ofer Sn OJfeiL UOpn (336) 753-1388 “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, mere am I tn the midst of them." Manhewl&dU) HAYW ORTH-MILLER FUNERAL HOME 108 Eut KIniIertonWay Advance, NC 27006 336.940.5SS5 M c C u is to n Concrete Co., Inc. 336-345-392 OverJp Years In business AdvancerNC RANDY MILLERW &SONS Iii SEPTIC TANK SERVICE 2» MUler Retd .MockstiDe stale (336) 28 4 -2 8 2 6 Cenmed ' Wa Pump Saptk Tuks ' rilT lountoln DESlGNS^Art (336)940-3176 1890 Farmington Rd * Mocksville EmalLfarmlngtonartstudlotfyahoo-Com B CWlld Mountain Designs and Art F irst F id elity NC, IXC I OS GdM Cotaoe W-Sdu 101 JimBfenNC IW JUO Sfe Cftft tana* Sdt 3UMnur>SUimNC171® 336-399-4886 SRffi 4- Miller's 330 S. SaMuiySl, HocMe 336-751-3538 HziBi IS] To view a) our Oiirent lstinas visit us at www.howardreafty.com. Restaurant 710 W U hesboro Stroct MoeksvfSIe 336-751-2621 FAMILY & COSMETIC OEMTlSTfiY Andrew J. Rivers DMDna Hospital SL • ModuvlllANC 27028336-751-8289 'SarvingChUdrtnaAAiItsm AeamtaG MeiT Mawa IhsummosRlvenbinlJydcnttstrvxsm FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksville. NC 27028 336-751-2141Pmcripilon Call In: 336-753-DRUG EdwardJones MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING I Slayton R. Harpe I RnanclalAdvisor www.edwardjones.com M em ber SIPC 5539 U.S.Hwy. 158, Suite 104 Advance, NC 27006 336*940-3150 ShoafConcreteCa Mocktvdler NC 336-751-1989 MothPri 630am - 930pm | YoangCbfldrentSf ) L e m h i g C e n t e r | Toor Fall Time Bqy O m Since 1905 • infant - 3rd Orsde• Small Infant if Crawler Rooms • Before & After School Programs • Professional Erperlenced StaffProud to be a put of Uu Hrt CooEia ftHQadxprtai Prcy GteCMM DaMfe Jo n ee , O w ner 184 Oouaeil 8t. • MocksvWe 751-7118 PlrfilD B4 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 9 ,2015 L o d g e d B all K e e p s S e n io r W in n in g S tr e a k A Iiv e By Brian PItts Davie Enterprise Record A season that went wrong for so long has started to see almost everything go right. Just when you think you’ve seen everything in the game of baseball, the Mocksville senior legion beaf visiting W inston-Salem 9-J? on June 29 on a lodged ball, With the tiebreaking run at third in the bottom of the ninth, a Winston pitch got lodged in the backstop mat. The play was dead imme­ diately, and all runners ad­ vanced one base. So Barrett Hennings trotted home with the clinching run. “ I ’ve heard about it getting lodged behind the (catcher’s) chest protector, but never in the mat," coach Charles Kurfees said. Winston (12-7,6-6 Area III) battered M ocksville 11-4.on May 23 and 14-2 on June I in a pair of non­ league gam es. B ut Post 54/174 seized the game that mattered and snapped a three-game losing streak to Winston in the process. At 8-14, 6-6, Mocksville is riding the longest winning streak (five) in three years. It ripped off 15 straight in 2012. Mocksville got multi-hit games from Elijah Jones (3-4, homer, double, walk), C harlie M uchukot (2-4, double), Ross Hoffner (2-3, two doubles, walk, hpb) and SawyerDavis (2-4, two dou­ bles). Kenny Overfelt was I for I with two walks before leaving with an injury. Neil Hutchins also had a hit. Mocksville led 6-3 be­ fore suffering a meltdown. “We played like crap (in the late innings)," Kurfees said. “We had a nice lead and Jalen Scott was shoving it. Then all of a sudden ..." Jones homered during a fOur-run third that vaulted Mocksville to a 4-2 lead. He owns four of the team’s seven long balls, and his six-game hitting streak has boosted his average from .239 to .271. The meltdown came in the Winston eighth. Mocks­ ville squandered a 7-5 lend and fell behind 8-7. Winston scored two runs on a throw­ away at first. But all's well that ends well. Jones, the second relief pitcher, w orked a 1-2-3 ninth to keep Mocksville’s deficit at 8-7. Then Mocks­ ville stole it in dram atic fashion. Hoffner, who is 15 for 30 in nine games to jack his average to .317, opened with a double and advanced to third on a wild pitch. Hen­ nings reached on a hit by pitch. When Jones walked, the bases were loaded with no outs. Hoffner scored the tying run on a wild pitch. With the count I-I to Da­ vis, another pitch went to the backstop. The ball got lodged in the mat and Hen­ nings was awarded home. It's unheard-of to see a game decided that way, lrut Kurfees and Mocksville will take it, • W inston coach M ike L o velace, w ho p iloted M ocksville for 11 years (1999-2009) after starring on the m ound for Post 54/174 from 1989-91, was seething, following the um­ pires down the left-field line. The rule states: Apitched ball lodges in the umpire's or catcher's mask or para­ phernalia, and remains out of play, runners advance one base. , Scott remained 0-3 even though he gutted out 7.1 innings. Hei issued the first of two walks with two outs in the seventh. "He pitched a heck of a game,” Kurfees said. “He was up two runs when we took him out, I'm telling you, he’s the most improved player I'v e ever seen in Davie County. I ’ve never seen someone improve that much from one year to the next than that boy. And he hasn't pitched against any weak teams, either.” A fter Bradley Dzeske- wicz failed to record an out against two batters, Jones came on to get the win • his first decision in his third relief appearance'. He did not allow a hit in 1.2 scoreless innings. Notes * Hoffner and Jones ar­ en’t the only ones on a hit barrage. Davis is 8 for 17 over four gam es, surging to .260 after spending con­ siderable tim e below the Mendoza Line. He flirted with a homer to opposite field, banging a double off the left-field wall. • O verfelt (.348) was injured after getting caught in a rundown. Hoffner took over at shortstop. “He fell dow n and the shortstop kicked him in the head with his knee,’’ Kurfees said. • Mocksville had three players selected to the Southern Division All-Star Team: pitchers Colby Cran­ fill and Connor Clark and outfielder/No. 3 batter Hen­ nings. The Area III All-Star Game was held July I at McCrafy Park in Asheboro. However, it was rained out in the second inning and was not rescheduled. Quick Fall: Jr. Legion Swept In First Round By Brian Pitts Davie Enterprise Record they were a little better than further damage. said. "We couldn't create M cKnight said: "H e kept "Really, the games felt ' " J T ' ' . . . , A base-running m is- any offense to take care of Os in the game by making closer than (5-1, 4 - 1 ) ” w . • After getting held to four take cost M ocksville in the little (mistakes).” pitches when he had to. He M cK niehtsaid “We iust M ocksville s junior Ie- hits in gam e one, it got the fourth. With the deficit O ne day after H enry threw the changeup w ell didn’t hit it well enough gion earn went on a mete- worse as M ocksville had 2-1 and a runner at second, Stonesuffered his first loss, enough to get them out on We pitched it well enough ooc n j irw asancrin.l.y lhrcc hits.« McCraly Park. Mocksville go, an infield ,he same fa.e „ as debl, ,0 ,h e irf r o n .L .” » d C l a y e d ^ = I g h P ic tn f, , Brycen H uffm an w ent 2 hit. But the lead runner was McKnight(4-l).M ocksville D espite the lackluster • defense Butwhen we score HSHSe H i S Er— = ~ ~ship, M ocksville s season 17 in two playoff games, ed third and fell when he ........... .................“He threw well,” coach years (19-13 in 2008). Jr. Legion Loses Game 1 At Home was over - swept 2-0 in the Mocksville was 5-0 in one- slammed on the brakes, first-round, best-of-three se- run games because the key “We had a little rally go- ries by the Randolph County bats had never gotie cold at ing,” McKnight said. Reds That doesn't make a thesam etim e. TheknockoutbIowcame Rv R r.Q„ P!Mc . , , lot of sense. But, as they say “It was the same thing in the sixth. Two errors and n n • r, ” m of lhe firat and as he suffered his first loss,around the ol’ batting cage, (as game one).” McKnight a sinol* in Uavie Enterprise Record coasted from there. He only walked two.only walked two. Carsonwasanon-Ieague “He was getting out of H en ry S to n eh a d b ee n gam ethatw asjustforpride jam s and w e stuck with I’ batting cage, (as game one),” McKnight a single resulted in tw o that’s baseball. said, “We just didn’t hit the unearned runs. Now Mocks- Affer losing game one ball. We put the ball in play ville’s hole was 4-1. - - - »--- -■------------- -------------- 5-1 athom e,Mocksville was (only striking out twice). If “W henyou’renothitting !liaste^ ulallseaso n istart* and momentum. The Ran- him,” McKnight said. “He beaten 4-1 at Randolph in we hit it hard, we hit it right - and the way they w ere IIlg 5'° .on the mound and dolPh County game, though, was making pitches when game two on July 5. at them,” pitching it and fielding it - V ° ?llvenng clutch hits was hurtful. Stone didn’t he had to. If we could have Mocksville finished 19- M ocksville scratched we couldn’t afford to make tJ roughout the season- But Pitch bad- but he had to done a couple little things, 5. It seem ed like it was out a game-tying run in the those errors,’’ he said.' t^e kid is mortal. be near-perfect because we might could have elim- destined for a deep playoff third. After Landon Bandy Mocksville showed life - - ! “ ev as the M o<*svUle (19-4) only inated one run, possibly run, but the inspiring season reached on an error, Cody in the seventh, putting two ^IS'tmg RandolPh County managed four hits. two.” crashed as Mocksville man- Sm ith plated him w ith a runners on with no outs f ! poun , out H h,ts Cody Sm ith- Ben Sum- M ocksville had a great aged two runs in the final single. , , , The offensive ineptitude andbeatM ocksvdle’sJunior m ers, M atthew Glass and chance to make things inter- three games. The Reds took a 2-1 Ie a i only continued how ever - leglonbaseballtcam S*1 m HunterBowleshod t(ie hits, esting in the sixth, loading “A s good as w e’ve inthethird.butitcouidhave M ocksvillebouncedintda gam eoneofthefirst-round' T h eR ed sto o k aq u ic k the bases with no outs.The played, you hate to see the been w orse. They had a • double play and a strikeout best‘ hree play?ff senes' 2*° lead. th<m doubled the rally chased R andolph's season end this way,” coach runner at third with no outs, closed the book ° n Fourth JuIv at marpm tr, 4-n in th- th\^\ ------.-.-u- o... .u . -on the Fourth o f July at margin to 4-0 in the third, starting pitcher. But the re- ----------- - V------...... H..™ . I. Witt[wugnmes wnere Af« « “ k™ lle go, wilb- liefm «ngolapopup.,h=na ran into a good team, and Matthew McKnightavoided we did not Dlav bad ” he , , straight in 4-1, the Reds closed the strikeout, and an outfielder P y ' loss for Mocksville, which scoring in the fifth. robbed Sam Heafner to end Tim M cKnight said. “We but complete-game pitcher “It was two games where Briefs & Dates L ions C lub G olfT ournam ent Mocksville, which scoring in the fifth, dropped a meaningless reg- "They’re pretty legit,” the inning, ular-season finale at Carson coach Tim McKnight said. “Heafner hit a sinking on July 2 by an ugly count “We didn’t play bad. We liner to left,” M cK night of IO-O in five innings. were shorthanded. They’re said. “He left his feet and Carson (19-8) snapped a good team. We’re a good caught it. We couldn’t get M ocksville’s eight-gam e team. We just got beat. the big hit when we need- ThsiBV.],,h.annu,lM ocksvm .Lions aubG olfT oun,am = n ,w illbeJi,ly'3U IB ™ d. "TJ»y hi, i, all ov .r ,he edit. Run West with Iee Umes a, 8:15 a.m. and I p.m. These proceeds will be directed primarily June^4 C a rln wHeh l”^ P“”? br°UEh' ta a sub' Io benefit visually impaired individuals in Davie County and across Norih Carolina For 5 T m iu , m , T " * g “ m“ in“ and he had a PrettT questions, contact Terry Lewis a, 336-733-0924 (work) or 336-998-7552 (home) u , u wlIh lhcm E«od sinking fastball,and he D avie V olleyball C am p Ju ly 13-15 23, broke out Io a 7-0 lead Stonew entthedistance had a little zip on it." Them oming session of the DavieVolIeyball Camp will run July 13-15 from 8‘30a m - •_ _ . noon ^or risinB thIfdthrough eighth graders. The cosl is $50 before July I, $60 after July M O C K S V l l l e B a S S b a l l S t a t S I. The afternoon session for rising ninth through seniors will on Inlv n .i s t .-so a _ _ 2015 Record: 10-15, 6-7 AreaIII — ( — — —- —.v.v —.J 4 , tfW UlIGl JlAlye afternoon session for rising ninth through seniors will go July 13-15 from 1:30-4 p.m. The cost is $30 before July I, $40 after. For more information, contact coach Amber Brandon at her email address (brandona@davie.kl2.nc.us). D avie C heer C am p A ug. 3-6 Forrest Barber Davie Cheer Camp will be Aug. 3-6 from 6-8:30 p.m. at the Davie High gym for ages Beau Byer,y K-eighth grade. Pre-registration will be $55 until July 29; late registration is $75 cash at carrdIo the door. Forms are available on the school website or in the main office at the high school, ^ onnor Clarlc ContactAngie Stage for further details at stage@ davie.kl2 nc us Colby Cranfill B o lm erB enefitG oIfT ournam ent SawyerDavis AVG. AB R .000 .310 29 .217 23 H 2B 3B H R RBI BB SI A benefit golf tournament for Lane Bolmer1 a Davie High student severely injured ™ a car wreck, will be held July 17 at Pudding Ridge. Lunch will be at 12:30 p.m. with S c : ioumamenf at ? n m P m t ,_____.... .. Jarreii farm er .250 80 14 20 the tournament at: 2 p.m. Cost is $200 per team or $50 per player. Hole sponsorships are Adam Cletcher available for $100. To register or Ieam more, contact HeatherByers at 336-413-9500 or R-.„ p n, Hbbyers@hotmail.com . FU1K T H -C ats B aseball C am p Thennnual Tri-CaK Baaeball Camp will be July 13-16 from 9:30 a.m. to noon at Rich Neil HutthTm Park. The cost is $75 if registered by July 6; $85 if registered after July 6. Davie High Elijah Jones coach Bobby Byerly will be camp director. His staff will include Davie assistants Jamey Charlie Muchukot HoltandD annyA llardandform erEastD avidsoncoachD anTrica ' ** Byerly at 336-978-5194 or email him at byerlyb@davie.kl2.nc.u A ll-State, A ll-D istrict F rom ,D avie Softball Softball Coaches Association. Thosefouralong with junior Julie Gough, sophomore K'lea Parksandfreshman Bridgett Tiemey were named all-district. .000 0 .000 11 .000 I .166 . 6 .357 98 .336 95 -323 71 .270 85 New Pool & Spa Installation Cleaning • Chemicals Opening & Closing Vinyl Uner Replacement Tommr Horrl i/O m ir - O m 29 Yn. Exp. Home: (336) 284-4617 ^CeII: (336)909-4027^ You are always welcome at First United Methodist Church 310 N orth M ain S treet H istoric D ow ntown M ocksville ContemporaryWorship 8:45 a.m. TraditionalWorship 1055 a.m.Sunday School for all ages 9:50 a.m. Weekly Prayer Service-Thurs. Noon-I .-00 p.m. www.firstumcmocksville.org Telephone: 751-2503 ------------------------------------J------------------- David Neal .000 Kenny Overfelt .324 Jalen Scott .285 Nolan Stanley 296 Nick WUson 282 TOTALS 286 W -L ERA Jose Carrillo 0-0 0.00 Connor Clark O-I 5.85Kyle Cookson 0-0 0.00 Colby Cranfill 4-2 3 74 Brad Dzeskewicz 1-4 11.14 JaiTeIl Farmer 0-0 12.60 Adam Fletcher 0-?.651Brett Fulk 3-2 3.12 Elijah Jones I-O 7.71 Jake Mayhew 0-1 15.42 Charlie Muchukot0-0 Jalen Scott 1-3 5.09Nick Wilson 0-0 TOTALS 10-156.00 19 35 27 32 U 23 14 23 17 23 0 0 12 25 7 16 .286 870 146 249 58 0 0 0 0 2 0I00040I00II0400I20 I 0 0 2 4 05I21313I000I20 0 0 0 0 I 0000I2I0000000003306I21813I11I0121773008526041810052088500000090011104300340I0077I200450585811111322 SV IP H R ER BB SO01.1 I 0 0 0 I02021 20 13 14 180.2 I 0 0 I I033.2 48 25 14 5 3102129 31 26 16 19059 8 7 5 II2937 24 21 14 18031.2 29 25 Il 19 33079 10 6 4 40714 15 12 7 7046 4 4 3 I047.2 68 43 27 7 36I42 4 I I 32204260 199 136 96 16.' DAVIE COUNTY EN TER PR ISE REC O R D , T hursday, July 9,2 0 1 5 - B5 the diamond. In middle, coach C harles Kurfees has his Nick Wilson throws Sweeps Continued From Page BI H offner has been un­ stoppable for 12 gam es, going21 for43.M uchukot’s 8-for-I7 production during a four-game hit streak has bumped his average from .227 to .277. “We put on a (hitting) show,’’ Kurfees said. The m ound w ork was impressive. Kurfees gave a thumbs up to Jalen Scott, who went all nine innings to get a deserved first win in four decisions. JIe held S. Rowan to eight hits, three runs w ere unearned, he walked none and struck out six. He w orked a perfect ninth and fanning two. K urfees offered high praise to the rising senior at Davie. “You have to tip your hat to Jalen,” he said. “I ’m telling you, he did a great job. It’s a Sunday afternoon on July 5 and he rolls nine innings. Jalen is now on the map. Mark it down. He is on the map." Scotthas two of the staff's three complete games. In a team-high 47.2 innings, he has 36 strikeouts against seven walks. And every time pitching coach Denny Key gives him the ball, he goes deep in the game. In his five starts - which have come against D avidson Coun­ ty, High Point, Randolph County, Winston-Salem and S. Rowan - he has lasted at least 6 2 innings in each one. “If a college coach isn't interested in him, they-re not very smart,” he said. “Here’s a kid who has played third base, second base and pitched. And he’s not com­ plained one bit. He hasn’t missed a game or practice all season. What do you want as a college coach? How much more do you want? How do you not give a boy like that an opportunity?" M ocksville overcam e peaking at the right time. At right. Jalen Scott fires a pitch four errors, which is about average for this erratic de­ fensive club. S. Rowan com­ mitted one error, but it failed to get a single run-scoring hit. It had two sac flies. It scored on a fielder's choice grounder. A nd it scored three runs on errors. Mocksville bolted to a 2-0 lead in the bottom of the first, getting five hits, all of which were hit on the screws. Hoffner and Over­ felt provided run-scoring singles against lefthander Blake Johnson, w ho had won four of five decisions. S. Rowan, though, did not lack fight. In a 2-2 game in the third, Jones doubled but was later picked off at third by the catcher. M ocksville.regained a 4-2 lead in the fourth on Muchukot’s RBIdouble and Hoffner’s RBI bunt. A fter five innings, S. Rowan had to feel fortunate to only trail 4-2. Mocksville had an 11-4 advantage in hits, including five for extra bases, but it was still a close game. And then came a S. Rowan charge in the sixth. Two errors, a bunt hit, a double and a sac fly sent in three runs as the visitors took a 5-4 lead. Mocksville answered in the bottom of the sixth. Sin­ gles by Wilson and Hutchins and M uchukot's bunt hit loaded the bases with no outs and finished Johnson’s outing. Hoffher's RBl single tied the score and Henning’s sac fly gave Mocksville the lead for keeps. Hutchins' double in the 7th made it 7-5. It was an an inch or two from leaving * the park in left field. “ It hit the top o f the wall, went up in the air and came back in the ballpark,” Kurfees said; “We haven’t figured that one out yet. (Teammates) told him, 'One more Rice Krispie.”’ m In the final regular gam e, Stanly on a wild pitch a s Bradley D zeskewicz covers hom e Scott allowed a run in the 8th, but slammed the door in the 9th, retiring the 1-2 batters. Mocksville is 3-1 in one-run games. N otes: W ilson had a rough day at third, “but he made up for it with a double play and a couple big hits,” Kurfees said. ... Mocksville's next opponent is an old nemesis, top-seed­ ed Rowan County. Rowan has made M ocksville cry “ uncle” for m any years, with 17 of Mocksville’s 33 seasons ending with a loss to Rowan. That best-of-five series began July 6.Charlie M uchukot runs off the field. At right, Kenny Overfelt plays short. Davis Hits Another Home Run As Mocksville Beats Concord By Brian Pitts Davie Enterprise Record Ross H offner rapped three hits, Saw yer Davis homered for the second time in as many games and Colby Cranfill picked up his third win in six days as Mocks­ ville’s senior legion baseball team led all the way in an 8-4 decision at Concord on June 28. W hile C onco rd fell to 2-16 overall and 2-10 in A rea III, M ocksville's fourth straight win lifted it to 7-14, 5-6. Three of the wins during the streak have come on the road. Hoffner (3 for 5, three steals, double), Davis (2-4, w alk), Elijah Jones (2-5, double) and Kenny Overfelt (2-5, double) had multiple hits. M ocksville got one from Connor Clark (1-4, double) and Neil Hutchins (1-3, two RBIs, double) as it outhit Concord 11-5. In the third, Davis' home run doubled the lead from 2-0 to 4-0. Hoffner scored after doubling. Davis went the first 19 games without a long ball. One game earlier, he blasted a grand slam at Kannapolis. In the sixth, three singles, a walk and an error allowed Concord to chop M ocks­ ville’s 6-0 lead to 6-4. But Mocksville restored order in the seventh as Hutchins’ two-run double plated Clark and Jalen Scott. Cranfill (five innings, three hits, 0 runs, one walk, .five Ks) earned his third win in a span of four games. He was 0-2 before kicking into high gear. Nick M lson earned the team's first save in his first mound appear­ ance of the season. He went four innings, allowing two hits and one earned run. A 13-for-27 ram page over eight games put Hoff­ ner over .300 for the first time this season. Davis has caught fire in the DH role, going 6 for 13 over three games. OverfeIt notched his team-high eighth double. Find the Perfect Caregiver for You or Your Loved One • Over 30 Years of experience providing' families with quality in-home care • AU C aregiver^m ust p ass a rigorous screening process • Caregivers can be available in 24 hours or less • Local owners Norman and Patricia Potter have worked and served in the community for over 25 years • Now serving Davie County Contact RN V anessa Wilson for an A ssessm ent Todayl Savyyer Davis connects on a pitch.- Photos by Brian Pltts Griswold V sX HOME CARE Keeping the Heart at Home Since 1902 (336) 462-8472 w w w .G risw o ld H o m e C are .co m A /v in sto n -sale m • B6 ■ DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 9,2015 C colesm ee Police Chief Bobby W est takes a dare to go down the huge slip-n-slide at the annual Fourth of July celebration. Below left, W est accepts the $100 bet from G ene Lagle, and donated it to the First Baptist Church C ross Walk. Below right, Fire Chief Doug Aldredge also accepts the chal­lenge. W Cooleemee r By KC Sm ith to the charity of his choice. Cooleemee Correspondent West took advantage of the opportunity and he chose to Saturday, July 18 at Riv- give the money to First Bap- erPark Cooleemee Falls is tist Church to help with re- the annual Bullhole Duck freshments that are served at Race. Proceeds go to keep- the annual Cross Walk each ing RiverPark safe, clean year on Good Friday, and open. w ith the fire department The race begins at I looking on as West made p.m. Cash prizes: 1st place, his way down the slide, Fire $300; 2nd place, $150; 3rd Chief Doug Aldredge was place, $75. Duck tickets are challenged by his staff to go $5. Quack Pack (6) - $25 or down the slide, too. Even Flock (15)- $50:— though a donation wasn’t The tube race will begin involved with his challenge, at Cooleemee Junction at he made his way to the end 10:30a.m. w itha$100cash of the wet plastic just like prize. For more information West, with a smile on his call 336.751.2325. face. On Saturday, July 4, JoAnn Lester was on the people started lining the sidewalk with her mother sidewalk of Marginal Street Anne Keller and her old- ;■■ around 9:30 a.m. for the an- est son Lany Canipe. They D ude J o rd a n . Linda Jordan, McNaire Ezzard, Betty Ezzard, Hellen Q ueen and A noela nual lawnmower parade. were excited to see their — —.......................................................................................... a In the beginning there • granddaughter, Angela Ari- used to be a lot of lawn- ola.ontheirfloatforshejust mowers decorated in red received her natural citizen- white and blue, but many ship two weeks ago. are getting creative and now McNaire Ezzard and his we have the pleasure to see mother Betty were ready decorated floats, bikes, four for the parade to get start- wheelers, tricycles, dogs ed. Betty is every bit of 94 and more. years of age and I loved The winner of this year’s how her hair was naturally entry is the youth group at blowing in the wind. First Baptist Church. They Betty said all of her chil- Won a $50 gift certificate, dren went to college and congratulations. Second have good jobs. ‘‘They’ve place was Call to Coolee- all amounted to something.” mee and third place was Ja- She said the only thing she mie O’Neal and his train of ever did was be a mama, drum shaped cars. One of'the hardest things After the parade every- she said of being a parent one heads down to the cook was the discipline. “You shack where great smelling love 'em so much you hate hotdogs are being served, to get on them all the time Free watermelon is always about something.” She has refreshing and the slip-n- three boys and a girl, slide is something the chil- It was good to see Jessi- dren always look forward ca Daywalt representing her to. Except this year, two father Tommy Daywalt in adults gave it a try. the parade. She had a sign Gene Lagle challenged on the front of the cart that Police Chief Bobby West said in memory of Tommy to slide down the slide for Daywalt. He would have wmmmamw. ■%. x —j a.Jioo donation to bn given Pfease See 4th. Page B7 Hi(iary S hores and daughter Sadie. V y The First Baptist Youth had the winning entry. m e ta"0 B8Ck' R anda" H8ad and S,eve Corriher c DAVIE COUNTY EN TER PR ISE REC O R D , Thursday, July 9,2015 - B7 Kids have tun while waiting for the slip-n-slide to be ready for action Anne Keller, Larty Canipe and JoAnn Lester show their patriotism. Friendly faces greet those along the parade route T hese children wave from an entry in memory of Tommy Daywalt, who w as a town commissioner. 4th ... Continued From Page B6 liked that. Tommy was al­ ways supportive at all the events in Cooleemee. A group of girls stand­ ing in line to go down the slip-in-slide stood still for a quick photo. Looking at the photos later I noticed the swimming pool in the back­ ground. It looks neglected and I wondered if many people think about it any­ more. I can still get strong chlorine whiffs to drift in my yard from time to time; gentle reminders that it’s still there. I love this town and it warms my heart to see peo­ ple gather together, enjoy each other and have fun. So many masters of Cooleemee - have passed on and I miss them all. How great for us to stijl .think of new ways to fellowship, while always keeping with the traditions of the past. Cooleemee is a spot on ihe map, bui it is the people Avery, Brenden and Charlotte Myers, triplets, and Julie and Em m a G race Snow enioy the free Wa- that live here that make it termelon. what it is. I'm a Cooleemee Girl, always have been, always will be. Never dreamed I would get to move back to the place where I skipped down the streets and made lifelong friends. Staying committed to helping our historical town progress forward and help it to be the best it can possible be is easy for me. Hope you have the same thoughts. Feel free to contact me at Ivtvw-CooZeeHieeneiviS 'gmail.com or 336.250.n 3 3 . ..C lassic cats are am ong the parade entries. f ^ JsP$ ^ s , .: m b s * ^ For a limited time, buy any iPhone - get an iPad Mini for only $149,991* T A B ^ No Contract Payment Plan Free Activation! M T b f n r j M i i. ' W lPjiaaIaSi^BaisSI * Restrictions apply; see store for detailsJPad Mini non-retina (16GB): MSRP $379.99 ’ Y adtelg k Telecam w B8 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 9,2015 Administrative Court JuneS The following cases were disposed of during Davie Administrative Court June 5. Presiding: Judge April C. Wood. Prosecuting: Sheri Woodyard1 assistant DA. - Anthony Abeyta, speed­ ing SO in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $15, cost. ' - Sudhakar Agnihoth- ram, speeding 92 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $15, cost; reckless driving to en­ danger, dismissed per plea. Jason K. Alexander, no license, dismissed, correct­ ed. - Tosha Ann Allen, speeding 90 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $15, cost; reckless driving to endan­ ger, dismissed per plea. - Stephen Michael Ap­ ple, speeding 83 in a 70, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $25, cost, $50 im­ proper equipment fee. - . Barrera-Arteaga, reck­ less driving to endanger, dismissed, civil settlement. - Paul Nathan Bates, speeding 69 in a 55, reduced to 64 in a 55, $15, cost. ,- Auquanna S. Brooks, failure to stop for steady red light, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equipment fee. - Gina Leigh Buelin, speeding 70 in a 55, reduced to 64 in a 55, $15, cost. - Erika Rachel Bums, speeding 85 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - - Kendall A. Busbee, speeding 83 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $15, cost. - Janelle D. Callahan, speeding 85 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Gretchen K. Cameron, speeding 86 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $50, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Teresa Riley Cape, speeding 88 ina70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $15, cost; ex­ pired registration, expired/ no inspection, dismissed per plea. - Samantha G. Castle- man, speeding 84 in a 70, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $25, cost, $50 im­ proper equipment fee. - Hsi Chuan Cheng, speeding 88 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, METAL ROOFING 3’ Coverage • 40+ Colors ju MWM U Eaoor nut urto 40 Year Warranty UP TO1SM " TAX CREDIT AVAIUBLf 704-278-3000 MID-STATE METALS of the Carolinas, LLC www.midstatemetals.com \ cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Chan Chungleong, speeding 92 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $15, cost. - Angel Rios Colon, driv­ ing while license revoked not DW I1 reduced to failure to notify DMV of address change, cost. - James Arthur Coody, speeding 88 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $15, cost. - Joseph Grant Crabtree, speeding 85 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Salvador Marin Cruz, no license, reduced to fail­ ure to notify DMV of ad­ dress change, $50, cost; failure to reduce speed, dis­ missed per plea. - Eric John Debari, speeding 88 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $100, cost, $50 improper equipment fee. - Michelle D. Dennis, speeding 66 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $15, cost. - Alif Mohamed Dha- ramsi, exceeding safe speed, dismissed, corrected. - Tristan G. Eckert, speeding 85 in a JO, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee.. - Yvette S. Falemalama, speeding 83 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $15, cost. - Diana Graciela Flores, speeding 70 in a 55, dis­ missed per plea; no license, reduced to failure to notify DMV of address change, $50, COSt.; - Aaron Carl Foster, speeding 83 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equipment fee, $200 failure to appear fee. - Dillon" Todd Frank­ lin, unsafe movement, dis­ missed, civil settlement. - Austen Vestal Gobble, speeding 55 in a 35, reduced to 44 in a 35, $15, cost. - Drake Turner Goodson, speeding 65 in a 55, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Katherine G. Gorham, speeding 86 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $50, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee; expired registra­ tion, dismissed per plea. - David Lamont Hair­ ston, speeding 83 in a 70, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $25, cost, $50 im­ proper equipment fee. - Mary C. Hampton, failure to yield for stop sign/flashing red light, dis­ missed, civil settlement. - Elizabeth G. Holloway, speeding 85 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Tempestt E .' Hoover, no liability insurance, dis­ missed, corrected. - James Ellis Howard, speeding 70 in a 55, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Lany Damell Hudson, operating vehicle with no insurance, fictitious/altered title/registration, dismissed, corrected. - DanelI S. Humphrey, speeding 68 in a 55, reduced to 64 in a 55, $15, cost. - Sean Edward Hussey, speeding 84 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. , - William Peak Janvier, speeding 90 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $15, cost; reckless driving to endan­ ger, dismissed per plea. - Andres R. Jimenez, failure to reduce speed, dis­ missed, civil settlement. - Shyree. C. Johnson, speeding 86 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $15, cost. - Tanisha N. Johnson, speeding 84 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Clifton Leon Jones, speeding 86 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $50, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Michael Keith Joyner, fictitious/altered title/regis­ tration, dismissed, correct­ ed. - Napoleon Sanchez Juarez, speeding 83 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $15, - Deja Shyann Keaton, driving while license re­ voked not DW I1 dismissed, corrected. - Russell Carl Koons, driving while license re­ voked not DW I1 dismissed, corrected. - Kimberly Kaye Kruse, speeding 86 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $50, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Kathy Shore Lackey, speeding 50 in a 35, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Renee S. Lagergren, speeding 86 in a 70,reduced to improper equipment, $50, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Scottie Wayne Lanning1 operating vehicle with no insurance, driving/allowing vehicle to be driven with no registration, driving/allow­ ing vehicle to be driven with registration not displayed, dismissed, corrected. - Stacey Renea Latham, driving while license re­ voked not DW I1 dismissed, corrected. - Daniel P. Leyva, speed­ ing 84 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee, $200 failure to appear fee. - Ramon Cruz Lopez, failure to stop for stop sign/ flashing red light, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equipment fee. - Jamie Wayne Martin, speeding 65 in a 55, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Carl David McKinney, flctitious/altered title/regis­ tration, dismissed, correct­ ed. - Haley K. McKinney, speeding 84 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $15, cost. - Gabino Menes, no li­ cense, reduced to failure to notify DMV of address change, $50, cost. • Joseph Daniel Merlino, speeding 86 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $15, cost. - Adrianne R. Meyers, speeding 84 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Grettels L. Pazfonseca, speeding 50 in a 35, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. . - Tyisha Mariah Peck, failure to wear seat belt, $25.50, cost; failure to se­ cure passenger under age 16, dismissed per plea. - Manuel Ambioris Pena, speeding 88 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $100, cost, $50 improper equipment fee, $20 install fee. - Ehzabeth G. Pokeia, speeding 84 in a 70, amend­ ed to improper equipment, $25, cost. - John Allen Potter II, speeding 88 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $100, cost, $50 improper equipment fee. - Kathleen Ann Powe, speeding 70 in a 55, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Jose Ignacio Prandoni, speeding 86 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $50, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Jacob B. Ratledge, speeding 70 in a 55, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - David Joseph Ratte, speeding 80 in a 65, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Alice Pratt Rhyne, speeding 88 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $100, cost, $50 improper equipment fee. - Gary Louis Riley Jr., speeding 87 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $75, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Billy Gray Robbins, speeding 57 in a 45, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - James Scott Roberts, speeding 70 in a 55, reduced to 64 in a 55, $15, cost. - Stephen J. Roncskevitz, speeding 91 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $15, cost. - Masha D. Roundtree, - speeding 91 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $50, cost; reckless driving to endan­ ger, dismissed per plea. - Brint Dean Russell Jr., speeding 83 in a 70,reduced to 79 in a 70, $15, cost. • Rualdo Juan Sanchez, allowing unlicensed person to drive, dismissed per plea. - Rachel Ann Severance, speeding 89 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $15, cost. Kenneth Edward Slaney, operating vehicle with no insurance, dis­ missed, corrected. - Wanda Boone South­ ern, speeding 75 in a 55, reduced to 64 in a 55, $15, cost. - Joseph Lawrence Stan- co, speeding 87 in a 70, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $25, cost, $50 .im­ proper equipment fee; fail­ ure to maintain lane control, dismissed. - Mary Marie Teague, speeding 84 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Guillermo R. Trinidad, no license, reduced to fail­ ure to notify DMV of ad­ dress change, $25, cost. - Allen Peyton Vaughn, speeding 84 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Douglas Wayne Walck1 speeding 73 in a 55, reduced to improper equipment, $100, cost, $50 improper equipment fee. - Bobby Day WatsonJr., speeding 83 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Brad E. Whitehurst, speeding 82 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee; driving while license revoked not DWI, dismissed, corrected; pos­ session/display of altered/ fictitious/revoked license, dismissed per plea. - Joshua D ,-Whiteside, speeding 84 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Alyssa C. Williams, speeding 84 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $15, cost. - Ricka Williams, speed­ ing 86 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $50, cost, $50 improper equjp- m entfee. - Elizabeth Witherspoon, speeding 83 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - David Paul Worden, speeding 84 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Casey Jonathan Wyatt, speeding 83 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. -‘ Gaiy Frank Yarbrough, failure to stop for steady red light, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equipment fee. - Zachary Davis Yoder, speeding 86 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $50, cost; $50 improper equip­ ment fee. May 21 The following cases were disposed of during Davie Administrative Court May 21, Presiding: Judge April Wood. Prosecuting: Kaitlyn Jones, assistant DA. - Kenneth Eugene Aas- and, speeding 83 in a 70, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $25, cost, $50 im­ proper equipment fee. - Christopher M. Armet1 speeding 53 in a 35, reduced to ^ improper equipment, $100, cost, $50 improper equipment fee. - Santana V. Ascencio, no license, reduced to fail­ ure to notify DMV of ad­ dress change, $50, cost. - James Robert Barrett, speeding 84 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - William A. Belcher, expired registration, dis­ missed. -• Juan D. Lozano Beni­ tez, speeding 71 in a 55, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $50, cost, $50 im­ proper equipment fee. - lRobert Kent Bennett, speeding 83 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Savannah C. Bias, speeding 95 in a 70, dis­ missed per plea; reckless driving to endanger, re­ duced to careless and reck­ less driving, $500, cost, $20 install fee. - Jermaine L. Blackmon, speeding in excess of 65 miles per hour, reduced to improper equipment, $100, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Cindy Iveth Blanco, speeding 70 in a 55, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Jessica Irene Bobbitt, failure to wear seat belt, $25.50, cost. Please See Court - Page BlO n m KiirAiiirriB M T Ladlea Admitted for Only IWo Donan ^ ^ T ^ P Iu s ’Racing lIor,tlie 's’mi lsnid Bo w/m an G ra y W B ,STADIUM' AilTiMTTl , G, „ , open forprectlce at 6 a^ C o' S . ' ,3 G S M Q a Z 9 CMldnw und.T« , FREB Fmd P *.: JSOO lnCMStam . ttwWInston-Satem.Jounial. www.BowmanGrayRacing.com 336-723-18X9 THE RIGHT TOOLS FORTHE JOB! • Storm Damage Clean Up and Removal I• Hauling • gravel, crushed ltone, muldi, sand, topsail, «c fill dirt I • GradingandLandClearingofLotsofAIISizes I• Foundation and Driveway Excavation | • RightofWayMaintenance• Utility Maintenance • Bush Hogging/Mowing • Stumpfir Tree Removal • Tr Y 334 Pudding Ridge Rd., Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-2048 www.SmithExcavatingLLC.com Ice Cream 151N. Main St. • Mocksville, NC O P E N Y E A R R O I I M n 60 Flavors! t W e sell Deluxe & Front Porch ■ « H and D ipped m a d e In N.C. B g H GAME ROOM: Galaga, Pinball, Alr Hockey, Skee Ball HOT FUDGE SUNDAES • MILKSHAKES BANANA SPLITS • SUGAR FREE FLAVORS AVAILABLE • ft. S heffield-Calahaln DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 9,2015 - B9 NEW Harmony library program. Pat Hepler dem onstrates how to m ake a stepping stone. By Brenda Bailey SheffleId-CaIahaIn Correspondent I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July holi­ day weekend. Even though the weather was not the best for outdoor events, it didn’t seem to dampen the spir­ its of those who attended events in our community. There was excitement at my house Wednesday morn­ ing at 3 when my daughter called and said “I have a liver and kidney!" Two minutes later, she called r[liri -Irin i . , back and told me that all Mayleigha Dalton and Travis aned Cole Turner use their imaginations to dec- Lane Johnson show s off his creation at the the numbers on the new Iiv- o ra ,e therr S' ------- er did not match hers, so it was a "no go.” Disappoint­ ing, but at least we know now that a call can come in at any given time. And I know I can be dressed and ready to go out the door in 2-3 minutes. I really appre­ ciate everyone’s prayers and concerns. Birthday wishes go to those celebrating this week: Madeline Lapish, Jessica Myers, Zakre Ladd, Robby Stegall and Barbara Gobble on July 9; Conley Daniel on July 10; Carson Thutt on July 12; Zach Frye on July 13; Tony Prevette, Roger . . . . . Johnson and Tammy Beck LeVI Muncy show s a superworm" he found, on July 14; and Barbara be served each evening at Barney, Hall Wall and John- 6. The theme is “Everest." ny Keaton on July 15. Con- Embark upon an icy expe- gratulations to the following dition where kids Ieam to couples celebrating an an- overcome obstacles with niversary this week: Bryant God’s awesome power, and Mary McCIamrock on There will be classes from July 9; Charlie M. and Pat pre-K-grade 12. S. Cleary on July 10; John- The next Hotdog Sat- ny and Lee Ann Brown on urday at New Union UMC July 12; and Daniel and will be July 25. Tammy Hartle on July 15. Sunday night Bible If you would like an anni- Study at Ijames Baptist versary or birthday posted discusses the worldview of in this section, please do not other religions. It begins at hesitate to call or email me. 5:45. Everyone is invited. - This is the last week to Child care is provided, order a 2016 calendar. In- The Youth of Ijames dividuals wishing to sup- Baptist meet each Sunday port the SheffieId-CaIahain evening at 5:45 for recre- Community Center and ation and Bible lessons. RecreationAreabypurchas- Youth 6-I2th grade a ing a community calendar vited. can contactm e it 336-751- W ednesdaynightpniyer “Camp Discovery,” open group Bible Study is held Connty Senior Center. Next PntronsattbeH arm ony 7567, facebook message or meetings at Ijames Baptist to ages 2 through those each Wednesday from 7-8 meeting is July 20. The Public Library made Sten­ y a email b,Jbailey® nsn are held each week et 7. AU who completed Iifth grade, p.m. Everyone is invited. meetings may include show ping stones with Pat Hepler com. ITie cost is $5 each, are invited as Pastor Daniel Kids have fun being kids T heD avieC ountyQ uilt and tell, demonstrations, on June 29. June 30, Louise These make wonderful leads in prayer and Bible as they explore the Bible, Guild held a raffle on a pa- guest speakers or work Wooten read the book “Su- Chnstmas presents. Busi- study. make friends, sing songs, triotic quilt at the PAPA sessions. I thank the guild perworm” and let the chil- nesses and churches may The Ladies Class of and leant how Jesus works TractorShow onFridayand members for all their .work dren search through bowis purchase a display adver- Ijam esB aptistspentaday through them in everyday Saturday. Brenda Bailey in the community, and I was of dirt to find their own tisement for $35. Contact making scenery for the up- lives. There will be fun for was the winner of the quilt surprised, but excited to be worms and centipedes. Sto- me for more information. coming VBS “Camp Dis- everyone on the waterslide made by Jean Shipley, guild the winner of such a beau- rytime on July I was about It is time to register for covery." Regeni Looper co- on Friday. vice president. Proceeds tiful quilt. the book "Pete the Cat and Vacation B.ble School at ordinated the work day and Senior Bible Study at went to “Backpack for Bud- JoeM ahaffeyandN uH i- His Magic Sunglasses." Af- New Union and Liberty prepared lunch. Liberty Wesleyan Church is dies" in Davie County. Vic- W ay w illp e rfo rm a tT h e ter reading the book cftil- Wesleyan churches sched- Vacation Bible School held the second Tuesday of ki Groce, president of the Komer Deli in Harmony dren made and decorated uled forJuly 20-22 from 6-8 at Ijames Baptist will be each month at 10 a.m. The guild, thanks everyone for on July II; Rich & Richard their own paper sunglasses. p.m. at New Union, 1869 July 26-31 from 6-8:30 Rev. David Blevins will be their support, those work- on the 18th; and the Fox T hesum m erJulysched- Sheffield Road. Dinner will each evening. The theme is guest on July 14. Everyone ing the booth and selling Mountain Entertainers on uie; lredeil County Sheriff is invited. tickets, and those purchas- the 25th. and SWAT team will have a Worship services at ing the tickets. She invites The New High Country truck on display from 5:30- Community Covenant are everyone to join them the Boys will perform at Deb- 7 p.m. on July 13; Super held each Sunday at 10:45 third Monday of each month bie’s Country Kitchen Fri- Hero Academy (toddlers am . and at 6 pm . A small at 6:30 pm . at the Davie day. Plcase Sce s .c . Page B10 Louse W ooten instructs children at the library program how to search for insects and worms. John W allace is the grand m arshal in the PAPA tractor parade on Saturday. Brenda Rutherford, G race Hoots, Bonnie Gunter, Brenda Glasscock, Dot Grannam an, Coleen Brown and Penny W esolowski, m em bers of the Ladies C lass a t Ijames Baptist, enjoy lunch (above) after making scenery for Vacation Bible School (below). Brenda Bailey displays the quilt she won Satur­ day at the Davie Quilt Guild fundraiser. 5 BlO - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 9,2015 Dateline Fundraisers S aturday, July 11 Community Breakfast, Farmington Methodist, 1939 Farmington Rd., Mocksville, 7-10 a.m. Pork tenderloin, sausage and gravy, eggs, grits, steewed apples, biscuits, breakfast casserole, coffee, OJ. Donations for A Storehouse for Jesus. Hotdogs, chicken plates and sandwiches, starting at 11 a.m. by youth department of Greater Mt. Moriah Mission­ ary1 Baptist, 162 E. Depot St., Mocksville. Reunions S unday, July 12 Holman & Frost 57th' an­ niversary family reunion, Palmetto Church, US 601 N., Mocksville. Fellowship begins at 10:30 a.m., picnic dinner at I p.m. Relatives and friends welcome. S aturday, July 25 Ratledge Reunion, Corner­ stone Christian Church, 158S NC 801 N.. Mocksville. Reg­ istration at II a.m. with pot- Iuck lunch at noon. Bring fam­ ily photos or family tree info. To register or ask questions, contact Haycs Ratledge at 336-337-3678, bayes@hayes- ralledge.com, or visit on Face- book Ratledgesofdaviecoun- ty® groups .facebook.com. Those attending will receive a copy of the Ratledge Family Tree back to John Ratledge Sr. and Edward Ratledge. Religion July 9-11 Vacation Bible School, Smith Grove Methodist, -6:30-8:30 p.m. Family Fun Night Satur­ day, 5 p.m., supper, inflatables, live music and more. 998- 3854; July 12-16 Vacation Bible School, Hardison Methodist, 6 p.m. Beach Party: Surfing Through The Scriptures. AU welcome. 751-5630. Vacation Bible School, “Ev­ erest,” Victory Baptist, Cool­ eemee, 6-8 p.m. Lem to con­ quer' challenges with God's power. For ages 2 and older. Vacation Bible School. Hills­ dale Baptist, US 158, 6:30- 8:45 p.m. with theme, “Ever­ est: Conquering Challenges With God's Mighty Power." http:llbitdolbbckids. July 12-17 Vacation Bible School, Edge- wood Baptist, ages 2-12th grade, with theme Journey Off The Map, 6:30-8:30 nightly. Call Felecia McSwain at 704- 433-9024. July 12-18 Vacation Bible School, First Baptist, Cooleemee, 6:30- 8:30 p.m. with ending bash July 18 1-3 p.m.Camp Dis­ covery theme, games, snacks, crafts. Ages 2 & up. 204 Mar­ ginal St. July 13-15 Vacation Bible School, GreaterM t. Moriah Mission­ ary Baptist, 162 E. Depot St., Mocksville, 6-8 p.m. Classes, food and fun for all ages. Stinday, July 19 Homecoming, Edgcwood Baptist, Il a.m., with message by Gene Tuttcrow. Meal to fol- July 20-22 Vacation Bible School, New Union Methodist, 6-8 p.m. Theme “Everest." Pre-K-12th grade. O ngoing Free coffee and doughnuts, every Wednesday, 7 p.m., Con­ cord Methodist, Cherry Hill Rd. at NC 801,Mocksville. Beginning Bible Study, Verse by Verse, Thursdays, 6:30-8 p.m., Sage Garden Core Center, 977 Yadkinville Rd., Mocks­ ville. 734-9476. Bible Study of Revelation, MockPlacc Community Center, Mocksville,Thursdays at 11 a.m. Simply Moms prayer and book study group for moms of all ages with kids of all ages, second Fridays,9:30-11:30 a.m. during school year,Cornerstone Christian Church, NC 801. Free childcare. 998-0600. Weekly Prayer Service, First UMC, N. Main St., Downtown. Thursdays, noon-1 p.m. in sanc­ tuary. Not a structured service, quiet time to pray and meditate. Preschool,at Macedonia Mora­ vian Church, 9a.m. til 12noon. Optional lunch bunch I p.m. Ages 12 months - 5 yrs. Call 998-6492. Bible Study, study Bible with Les Feldick on DVD, Davie YMCA.each Tues., 10-11 a.m. &6-7p.m.AlsoeachSun.2p.m. on WDSL AM radio. GricfSliare Recovery & Sup­ port Group, at Hillsdale UMC, 5018 US 158,Advance. Second & fourth Sundays of each month 4 p.m. For info: 998-4020. Kids for Christ, at Liberty UMC, 141 Liberty Circle, Mocksville, each Wed. 3-5:30 p.m.For kindergarten-5th grade. No cost, just a time for play, snacks, Bible stories, & music. Info: 940-7246. MOPS (Mothers of Preschool­ ers), 1st and 3rd Fri. of every month during traditional school year, 9:30-11:45 a.m.. at Blaise Bapt. Church. Awana, every Wed. evening 6:30-8 p.m. at Eagle Heights Church. The Life & Teaching of Jesus, presented by Mocksville Sev­ enth-Day Adventist Church, Mon. & Thurs. at 7 p.m., at 407 Milling Rd., Mocksville. Free admission. For info: 704- 876-3665. Youth Program , at Ijames Bapt.Church,each Sun.evening 5:4S p.m., ages 12-18. Info: 492-6434. Women’s Discussion Classes, two classes held weekly at Jericho Church of Christ, Tues. 10:30 a.m. and Wed. 7:30 p.m. Nocost for materials. AU women invited. Women’s Bible Study, every Wed. 5-6 p.m., in a home near Milling Road area. AU women welcome. Info: 751-5229. Women’s Study Group, Phase 2,onBiblical women, presented by Hannah's Ministries. Free & held every second Sat. of each month, 10-11 a.m. AU welcome. Info: 940-5149. ’ CarcNet Counseling Centers, at FirstBaptist Church, 390N. Main St.,Mocksville.Offers in­ ter-denominational counseling. Academically trained, certified counselors & mental health professionals. Info. & appt. 751-2041. Prcschool/Parents Morning Out, Bethlehem United Mcth. Time: 9 a.m.-noon. Ages I & 2 -M 1W or T1Th-Age 3 -M,T, Th. Age4&Pre-K-Ihreeorfour days per week. Call 998-6820. Preschool, at Center United Methodist, US 64 W., Mocks­ ville. 2,3, Sl 4 year olds. Mon- day-Thursday, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Tiffany Grooms,336-473-2615. Awana&Bible Study, Wednes­ days at 7 p.m., Hope Baptist Tabernacle. • Coffee House, 4th Sun. each month, 7 p.m., at Comatzer UMC. Good coffee, good fel­ lowship, & good music. Special Events T hursday, July 9 Bermuda Run Family Movie Night, WinMock, 8:30, “De­ spicable Me 2. Fresh popcorn and beverages available. Bring canned goods for Second Har­ vest Food Bank. Friday, July 24 Free concert under the oaks, Downtown Mocksville, 7-9:30 p.m.withtheMystcry Hillbillies, boogie, western swingand rock­ abilly. Bring a chair. 909-2263. O ngoing Family to Family 2014 Cours­ es, 12 class course sponsored by NAMl-NW Piedmont (affiliate of National Alliance on Mental Illness). Participants my be fam­ ily/friend of person diagnosed with mental illness. Classes run Feb. 24-May 5 each Monday, 6-8:30 p.m. at Hillsdale Bapt. Church.Advancc. Spay-Ncutcr Clinic, 2nd Wed. of each month by the Humane Society of Davie County, af- fordablespay-ncutersurgery for cats and dogs. Call 751-5214 to make reservationandfor details. Free Advanced Healthcare Planning W orkshops, 2nd Tues. of each month, I &4 p.m., EMS Building, Mocksville. For info: 336-768-6157 ext. 1622. Footloose Friends,everyTues., 7-9 p.m. (first time dancers shouldamve6:30).Cost$4each' night, open tocouples or singles. CalILink4I3-5204or972-2659. Federal Benefits for Veterans, DAV Chapter#75bldg., 1958 US 601 S.,evcrythirdSat.,12-4p.m. For info: 336-407-5662. Free Monthly Diabctcs/Blood Pressure/Cholesterol Screen­ ings, last Fri. of each month in 2009 at WaIMart, 9 a.m. til 12 noon.'Sponsored by Davie Lion's Club. Visit Coolcemcc’s Mill Village Museum, 14 Church St., Wed.- Sat. 10 a.m. til 4 p.m. Tours also availab!ebyappt.Call284-6040. Storytimes, at Davie Co. Li­ brary: Fri. 11 a.m.,main library. S-C C ontinued From Page B9 and up) with Pat Hepler from 5:30-6:30 p.m.; Har­ mony mayor Joyce Rogers will read an original story about bullying during Sto­ rytime on Wednesday, July 15 at 10:30 ajn.; Kiwannis “Read around the World” with Tammy Money from 6-7p.m .onJulyl6; Allison Woods “Turtle Dogs" at 10 a.m. (alt ages) and boat rac­ es will be fun during Kids at Playat2p.m .onJuly 18; Pat Hepler will have an assort­ ment of craft projects from 5:30-7 p.m. on July 20; July 22 at 10:30 a.m., the sher­ iff’s department will present “Take a Bite out of Crime with McGruff;” Legos from 4-5 p.m. July 23 and ISAR (Iredell Search and Rescue) with North Iredell Rescue Squard-Search and Rescue dogs from 6-7 p.m.; Legos meet from 10-11 a.m. July 25; and July 28, the "Grand .. ) Finale" with Professor Whizzpop, a science and magic show with the theme “Super Heroes” from 5-6 p.m. For more information, contact the library at 704- 546-7086. Prayer requests continue for Madeline Lapish, J.W. Keaton, Melvin Allred, Tom CIoer1 G.H. Goforth, Bryan Swain, Jean Reavisl Creola Rogers, Bonnie Gunter, Lori Dyson, ViIlard Beck, Fred Roth, Bertie Stout, Sherri Dyson, Johnny Naylor, Jim­ my Dyson1Dot Keller1Alice Absher, Betty Richardson, Judy Beck, Greta England, Randy Groce, Elizabeth Foster, Rick Swisher, Jean Cloer and Barbara Reavis. Our condolences to the Lar­ ry Tutterow family and the Ruth Snow family. Submit news items to brfbailey@msn.com or call 751-7567 no later than 9 a.m. on Monday. Meetings T hursday, July 9 Back 2 School Empowerment Day committee, 6 p.m., New JerusalemApostoI ic, 291 Camp­ bell Rd., Mocksville. O ngoing Davie/Mocksvillc AA1 closed non-smoking meeting, at First Bapt. Church, 390 N. Main Street (across from Davie Co. Library).Thursdays,7 p.m.Info: Jan 753-1838. Al-Anbn Family group, Sun­ days, 8 p.m. ,MacedoniaMoravi- an, NC 801 between Farmington and Bermuda Run. For families and friends of alcoholics. Sugar Valley Com posite Squadron, each Tues. 6:30- 8:30 p.m., Blue Hangarat Sugar Valley. Program for cadets (12-18) and adults. For info: 336-978-4186. Davie County Planning Board, 4th Tues. of each month, 6 p.m. in commissioners chambers, 2nd floor, DavieAdministration Bldg., 123 S. Main Street. Davie County Board of Ad­ justment, 3rd Monday of each month. 6 p.m., in commission­ ers chambers, 2nd floor, Davie Administration Btdg., 123 S. Main Street. Davie Beekeepers Association, second Thurs. of every month, 7 p.m., 412 N. Main Street (First Bapt. Church). Visitors welcome. To find out more info: www.daviebeekeepers.org DC Networks, 7:45-9 a.m. second Tues. each month- Ketchie Creek Bakery, Valley Rd., Mocksville. Networking/ referrals group hosted by Davie County Chamberof Commerce. For info: 336-751-3304. DC Networks, 4th Tues. each month, LaCaretta, Bermuda Run, ll:45a.m.-l p.m. Network­ ing/referrals group hosted by Davie Chamber of Commerce. Info: 751-3304. Davie Q uilters Guild, 3rd Mon. of each month, for info: 492-2000. TViumph Parenting Classes, Wednesdays. 10:30 a.m., call for info: 751-5636. HumancSocicty of Davlc Co., monthly meetings 2nd Tues. of every month.at Humane Society Adoption Center, 291 Eaton Rd. Call 751-5214 for info. Family & Friends of the Men­ tally III Support Group, 2nd and 4th Tues. of each month, 6 p.m., Hillsdale Bapt. Church, Advance. Call75l-5441forinfo. Advance Garden. Club, 2nd Tues. each month, Hillsdale Bapt. Church, US 158,1:30p.m. Lion’s Club, meets 1st Thurs. of each month, 6 p.m. board, 7 p.m. genera] .At Hardison United Methodist Church. Hillsdale Sunrise Rotary Club, every Thurs. at 7 a.m., Bermuda Village. Davie Co. Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 94, 3rd Tues. of every month, 7 p.m., Zeko's Restaurant. Davie Democratic Party, 2nd Tues. of each month, 7 p.m., 110 Depot Street. Davie Co. Republican Party, evety third Tues. of month, 7 p.m. in Davie Co. courthouse. Davie Co. Republican Men’s Federation, second Tuesday of every month, meal/meeting, 6 p.m., Sagebrush, US 601 N., Mocksville. For info: 408-8898. Women welcome. Davie Historical & Genealog­ ical Society, 4th Thura., 7 p.m., Davie Library. Al-Anon Family Group, at Macedonia Moravian Church. N.C.801 N.,Advance,Sundays 8 p.m., (in fellowship hall). Al-Anon is a group that helps families &friends of alcoholics. Cooleemee Womens Civitan Club, meets 4th Thurs. of each month, 7 p.m. Cooleemee First Bapt. fellowship hall, 204 Mar­ ginal St., Cooleemee. AU area ladies invited. Stitch-In,agatheringofcrafters at Mocksville Library, second Wed. ofeach month,7-8:15 p.m. Bring your portable project anall your best tips and tricks to share. Info: 751-2023. CommunityFoundationofDa- vie County Board of Directors, 2nd Mon., 5. North Davie Ruritan Club, monthly dinner meetings, sec­ ond Mon. of each month, 7 p.m. Call 782-4276 for info and location of next meeting. Smart Start of Davic County board meeting, 3rd Tues. of every other month at SunTrust on Yadkinville Rd., 8:30 a.m. Questions: 751-2113. Alzheimer’s Support Group, 2nd Tuesday of each month, 6:30 p.m., at DavieSr. Services, Mocksville. Info: 753-6230. Davie Civitan Club meets 4th Thurs, ofeach month, Feb.-Oct., 7 p.m.,at HillsdaleBapt. Church, Hwy. 158. AU visitors welcome. NAACP Community Aware­ ness Meeting, every 4th Mon. of each month, 7 p.m., at Shiloh Bapt. Church. Center ECA Club meets 2nd Monday of each month, at Center Comm. Bldg., 7 p.m. Pleasejoin us. Disabled American Veterans Post 7S meets on third Monday of each month, 7 p.m., DAV building, Hwy. 60i S. Contact 336-407-5662 for more info. Town Of Cooleemee Planning Board, meets 3rd Thura. of each month at CooleemeeTown Hall,7 p.m. Davie County Diabetes Sup- portGroup,first Thura.of every month,7-8:30p.m.,at DavieCo, Public LibraiySmall Conference Room. Info: 751-8700. Davie Co. Hospital Auxilary, every second Tues., in board room,6p.m. Davie Business Women’s Asso­ ciation, I st Wed. ofeach month, 12 noon, at SunTrust Bank, Valley Bank Branch location. Open to all ladies interested in networking. Davie County Horse Emer­ gency Rescue Team, 7:30 p.m., downstairs at the Agricultural Building,Mocksville. Every 3rd Tuesdayeach month. For info: 940-2111. Davie Co. Band Boosters, meets 2nd Tuesday of month, 7:30 p.m., Davie High Band Room. C hristian B usinessm en’s Committee of Mocksville, Thursdays, 7 a.m. Mocksville Rotary Hut. Gold Wing Tburing Associa­ tion, Red Pig BnrbecuelGreasy Comer,N.C.801 atU.S.601,6 p.m. 284-4799. Cooleemee Recreation As­ sociation, Zachary House, 1st Tuesday, 7 p.m. The ArtistGroup,Davie Coun­ ty Library, 7 p.m. last Tues. Call Bonnie at 998-5274. Center Community Develop­ ment, 3rd Mon., 7 p.m. Com­ munity Bldg. Cooleemee Tbwn Board, 3rd Monday, Town Hall, 6 p.m. unless otherwise noted. North Cooleemee and Clark Road Council, 2nd Wednesday, 7 p.m. Meeting in different members homes. Davie Domestic Violence Ser­ vices and Rape Crisis Center. Ofrers weekly support group for domestic violence & sexual assaultvictims.Thegroupmeets everyTues. evening from5:30-7 p.m. Please call office for loca­ tion,751-3450. Sons of Confederate Veterans. IstMondaylCooIeemee Histor­ ical Building, 7 p.m. MocksvilleRotary Club,Tues­ days, 12:05 p.m., EnergyUnited Education Center, 182 S. Salis­ bury St.. Mocksville. Farmington Masonic Lodge No. 265,2nd Monday, 7:30 p.m. at the lodge. Davie Co. United Way Board of Directors,4th Monday,5:30 p.m.,Brock Center Annex, Conf. Room 208. Davie High Athletic Boosters, 3rd Monday, 7 p.m., school cafeteria. FarmingtonRuritan Club,2nd Thursday ,7:30p.m.,Farmington Community Center. HELPS Ministries, Christian recovery program for women sexually abused as children. Mondays, 7:30 p.m., 41 court Square, Room 210. Parents Resource O rgani­ zation (PRO) support group for families of children with disabilities, 2nd Tbesday17 p.m. Call Rosemary Kropfelder at 998-3311 for location. Health Dept., clinic hours: Mon.-Fri., 8:30-11:30 a.m.. 1-4:30 p.m. Davie County Board of Social Services,4thTucsday,5:30 p.m. at DSS. Narcotics Anonymous Against AU Odds Group, First Bapt. Church, 390 N. Main Street (upstairs), Thurs. 7 p.m., Sun. 6 p.m. Drug Problem? Helpline, 336-785-7280. Mocksville Civitan Club, 7 p.m., 2nd & 4th Mondays, at First .Presbyterian Church. Advance Memorial Post 8719 Veterans of Foreign Wars and LadicsAuxiliary ,4th Tues.,7:30 p.m.,post home, Feed Mill Road. Dnvie County Right Tb Life, 7 p.m., 3rd Thursday, grand jury room, courthouse. 751-5235 or 492-5723. Cooleemee Memorial VFW Post 1119, 2nd Sat., IO a.m., Court... Continued From Page B8 - Jose B. Bonilla, speed­ ing 85 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - William David Booie, failure to wear seat belt, $25.50, cost. - Harley Charles Bower, speeding 51 in a 35,reduced to improper equipment, $50, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - James Allen Brackney, speeding 87 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $75, cost, $50 irpproper equip­ ment fee. - Lisa Michellh Bradley, speeding 58 in a 45, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Coleton E. Bragg, speeding 86 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $50, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Matthew J. Bratton, speeding 84 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Sheldon Lee Brice, I’ VFW Hall, N.C. 801. C o rin th ian L odge No. 17F&AM, 2nd, 4th Fridays, 7:30 p.m. at the lodge. Mocksville Lodge No. 134,1st Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. at the lodge. Cooleemee Civitan’s Club Meeting, 1st and 3rd Mon. each month, 7 p.m.,Civitan Property, 801 North, Cooleemee; Davie Co. Multiple Sclerosis Support Group, 2nd Mon. of each month, 6 p.m., at new hospital,Bermuda Run. For info: 336-972-6673. Seniors AU ScniorActivitics take place at Davie County SeniorServices located at 278 Meroncy St., Mocksville unless otherwise noted. Call 753-6230. M onday, July 13 Emotional Distress Seminar, 10:45 a.m., with Paula Swindle, LPC, Novant Health. Open to adults of all ages. RSVP by July 6. T uesday, July 21 Veterans Social, 10:30 a.m., with Don Timmons, Hospice/ Palliative Care. RSVP by July 14. Co-hosted by Veterans Ser­ vice Office, open to all veterans. O ngoing Sr. Lunchbox, M.T.W, 11:30 a.m., Th. & Fri., 11 a.m., lunch served daily. Quilting Club, every Monday, 10 a.m. SKIPBO, Wednesdays, I p.m. Scrapbooking,every 2nd Tues­ day,2p.m. Free Blood Pressure Checks, once a month, at 10:30 a.m. in the Nutrition Site. Singing Seniors Chorus,Thurs­ days, 10 a.m. Scrabble, I p.m. every Monday. Texas Hoid’Em -Thursdays, I p.m. Sr.Book Club,cverythirdTues. of the month, 1:30 p.m. Computer Classes • are avail­ able, call for information. Arthritic Exercise - every other Wed. 10:30 a.m. Line Dancing Level I, Tues­ days,Thursdays, 8:45 a.m. Line Dancing Level 2, Mon­ days, Wednesdays,9:45 a.m. Low Impact Aerobics - Tues. & Thurs., 11 a.m. Fitness Equipment Room • open Mon.-Thura. 8 a.m. til 8 p.m. Fridays 8 a.m. til 5 p.m. & Sat. 9 a.m. til I p.m. Art, Mondays 9 a.m. til 12 p.m. Tai Chi, Tuesdays (call for sesssion dates) Woodcarving,Wed.9-11 a.m. Silver Health, Mon., Tues., Wed., 8:30 a.m. Yoga,call for dates and sessions. Dance Party Aerobics, 5:30 p.m. on Tues. & Thura. Silver Health, Mon., Wed., & Fri. at 8:30 a.m. Report Davle Dateline Items By Noon Monday Itemsfor DavieDatelincshould be reported by noon Monday of the publication week. Call 751- 2120 or drop it by the office, at S. Main St. across from the courthouse. speeding 85 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Brittany Jo Brown, failure to secure passenger under age 16, dismissed, corrected. - Carmela Eileen Brown, speeding 50 in a 35, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Ryan Allen Brown,- speeding 92 in a 70, re­ duced to careless and reck­ less driving, $200, cost, $20 install fee. - TVler Rhyse Brown, no license, operating vehi­ cle with no insurance, dis­ missed, corrected. - TVrone Edward Brown, speeding 58 in a 45, reduced to improper equipment, $25. cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Zatoria T. Butler, speed­ ing 50 in a 35, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 equipment fee. -A bim aelB .Candela,no license, reduced to failure to notify DMV of address change,$25,cost'. PUBLIC NOTICE Public Notice for Sale of Five Earn Scholarships Five students from Da- education; vidson County Communi- • AnnaGeorge of Mocks- ty College are recipients ville, Nuraing Assistant I; of scholarships provided . Christina Ogle of through the Golden LEAF Mocksville. practical nurse Scholarship program for the education; and N.C. Community College . Janna Winstead of ^ f m ' Mocksville, practical nurse County Property Pursuant to The program, designed education. NCGS160A-269 to help North Carolinians at- “The Golden LEAF An offer of $82,000 has been tend the state’s community scholarshin serves as a prenr subml,,ed ,or ,he purchase of colleges i« I lluiarenlP serves as a Ereat property owned by the County. J o , g resource to our students,” of Davie, more particularly de- a J/OU1(A)U grant from the said Sandra Porter, enroll- 8crlbed as follows: Golden LEAF Foundation, ment services coordinator The County of Davie Is the The scholarship can be on the DCCC Davie Cam- ,ee 8lmple owner o( 8 cef‘ ?e”d ,fL iL ? ? booJs-tees, supplies, transporta- continued support of the 158 as recorded In Book 953, Hon and childcare related Golden LEAF scholarship Pa90 906 of the Davle County to attending classes during program.” Registry, North Carolina and the 2015 summer session, and industry-recognized “ credential testing expenses that address skill gaps upon course completion. Eligible students demonstrate finan­ cial need and reside in rural counties, such as Davie, that are tobacco-dependent and/ or economically distressed. Scholarships for occupa­ tional and curriculum stu­ dents are available during the fall, spring and summer semesters. Students awarded schol­ arships from DCCC and their programs of study are: • Sarah Brewer of Mocksville, Nursing Assis­ tant I; • Christy Davis of Mocksville, practical nurse DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 9,2015 - B lI PUBLIC NOTICE listed as parcel Identification D700000193 with the Oavie County tax office. Persons wishing to upset the offer that has been received shall submit a sealed bid with Ihelr offer to the office of Ihe County Manager, 123 S. Main St., Mocksville, NC 27028, by 5:00 P.M., July 13, 2015. At Ihat time the County shall open the bids, If any, and the highest qualifying bid will become the new ofler. If there Is more than one bid In the highest amount, the first such bid received will become the new offer. A qualifying higher bid Is one that raises the existing of­ fer to an amount not less than S06.15O. A qualifying higher bid must be accompanied by a deposit In the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid; the deposit may be made In cash, cashier's check, or certified check. The Coun­ty will return the deposit on any bid not accepted, and will return the deposit on an offer subject to upset if a qualifying higher bid is received. The County will return the deposit of the final high bidder at closing. The buyer must pay cash at closing. The County Board must ap­ prove the final high offer before the sale Is closed, which It will do within 30 days after the final upset bid period has passed. The County reserves the right to withdraw the property from sale at any time before the fi­ nal high bid is accepted and the right to reject at any time all bids. This process Is In ac­ cordance with North Carolina GeneraIStatute 160A-269. Further information may be obtained at the office of the County-Manager, 123 S. Main St., Mocksville, NC 27026 during normal business hours Publish: JULY 2,9 Sudoku 1 2 3 4 5 2 5 6 7 6 5 1 3 2 7 4 2 8 9 1 9 4 8 4 7 2 1 5 Solution On Page B12 “Here Comes Ilie Sun" Acroet I ButtIo 4 Inorderinstltmay IS -Ir* a I" 17 Musical bated on e 1950 movie20 Pylhoner Idle 21 Hardly a beauty 22 OT the tame itripe 23 Prei. Lincoln 2S Contente of tome CartrMget 2S City eatl-toutheait of Hewcattle England 31 Gumbo pods JS “Gimme I* (start oran Iowa State cheer) 36 Holdup 36 Good witchcraft 40 Freneh beverage 41 PlaIna Ind fan 42 HawXeorfiIm 43 Park, N.J. 46 Elghthplanetfromthe ■un: Abbr. 46 Deet In general? 47 Fancy duds 49 Foot pads SI demer 62 Gaucho't accessory 64 Ball 66 Come back Crossword Puzzle 4 Fr. martyreis, maybe 5 "We’fe on the petlo' 6 'Fernando'group 24 'Borstal Boy* ai 26 Mean 26 Cut, as lumber27 Rally 28 Receis 29 Klndofteit 30 Pale 33 Storms 34 Proncient 37 'In your facel' 39 FordorToyola, e.i 44 Oancecrazefrom 9 Wapiti 48 Prench cheese col Answers On Page B12 THE AWKWARD TRANSITION FROM PET 6ROOMER TO SARSER AND AT THE RECEPTION WE'U. HAVE MAUVE NAPKINS, NOW KELP ME PICK OUT A CHINA PATTERN (Ohndri 2015 PAHKINC HEATING UP THE BRANDING (RON WAS EASY, BUT GETTING A COW ON AN IRONING BOARD :S HARDER THAN YOU MIGHT MOTHER NATURE’S SUGGESTION SOX FARM FRESH PORK JerrySClndy Foster (336) 998-7175 , SUMMER IS HERE! Bobcat, aerator, core plugc & more Ior real today! RANDY MILLER &S0NSSEPTIC TANK SERVICE 295 Miller Road • Mocltsrille(336) 284-2826 • He Pump Septic Tanks • • v C a M M B s r r ■ S J jif F irair,. *« a .'ito ,H K S H H P M F e i CONSTRUCTION INCLUDED IN PRICING: Fielght To Site (50 Mils Rodlus Stolesvllle. NC], Concrete Footers Per Plan, Bkx k And Stucco Foundation Per Pion, One Ooy Crane Service, Piofesstonal ■!Tvr*: Se! On Foundcfloa HVAC System Heot Pumo Sized To Home, Plumbing & '-'JlLt1Ij Electtc HookUpsIo Etfsnng Service, InfeHoi And Exterior Tdm Out, 2 Ouolly 5 5#*^ steFs ^uttt T° CcO0' Mcra Included, Please Ask For Detallsl m m C / f o f c n B 12 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 9,2015 LEGAL NOTICES STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Admin* Istrator of the Estala of Susan Ellzabath Smith, deceased, late of Davie County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons hav­ing claims against said estate to present them to Ihe undersigned - on or before Ihe 16th day of Sep­ tember. 2015, said date being at least tluee months from the date of first publication of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned.This ISth day of June, 2015, the same being the first publica­ tion date. Lawrence U. McGee, AcImInIetrator of the Estate of Suean EIUabeth Smith 5110 Palmerston Lane Winston-Salem, NC 27104Publish: June 16,25, July 2,9 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORSHaving qualified as Executor of the Estate of BOBBILOU LAKEY TOLUSON, deceased, late of Davle County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons hav­ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of Sep­tember, 2015, said date being at least tluee months from the date of first publication of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This 16th day of June, 2015. Arthur Leroy Tolllson,Executor of the Estate of Bobbl Lou Lekey Iblllson 1711 FarmIngtonRoad Mocksville, NC 27028 Publish: June 16,25, July 2.9 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORSHAVING QUALIFIED as Ex­ecutor of the Estate of GRADY LUTHER TUTTE ROW, late of Davle County, this is to notify all persons, IIrms and corporations having elalms against said Estate to present written claim to the un­ dersigned on or before October 2, 2015, (being three (3) months from the first day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU persons, firms and corpora­ tions Indebted to said Estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned.This the 24th day of June, 2015. ANNEHE MARIE TUHEROW 2740 Island View Road Fort Mill, SC 29706 MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attorneys at Law IOCourt Square Mocksville, NC 27028 Publish: July 2,9,16,23 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Executorof the Estate of Mary Ann Beeson Sweat, Deceased, late of Davle County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the de­ ceased to exhibit them to the un­ dersigned on or before Septem­ ber 25, 2015, or this Notice will be pleaded In bar of their right to recover against the estate of the said deceased. AU persons In­ debted to said estate will please make immediate payment This the 18th day of June, 2015. Ralph AndrewSweat Exeeutorofthe Estate OfMaryAnn Beeson Sweat CIO Bryan C. Thompson SURRATT S THOMPSON, PLLC 100 N. Main Street. Suite 2425 Winston-Salem, NC 27101 (336) 725-8323 Publish: June 18,25, July 2,9 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS HAVING QUALIFIED as Exec­ utor of the Estate of MARY JAC­ QUELINE BEAMON, late of Davle County, this is to notify all per­sons, firms and corporations hav­ ing claims against said Estate to present written claim to the under­ signed on or before September 16. 2015, (being three [3] months from the first day of publication of this notice) or this notice wilt be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AU-persons, Rrma and corpora­tions Indebted to said Estate will please make Immediate payment- to the undersigned..This the 11th day ot June, 2015. MARYANN POHS 902 JunIorAvenue Shenandoah, VA 22849 MARTIN & VAN HOY LLP Attorneys at Law IOCourt Square Mocksville, NC 27028 Publish: June 18,25, July 2,9 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNH OF DAVIE NOTtCE TO CREDITORS HAVING QUALIFIED as Co-Admlnlslratrtx of the Estate or HENRY LEE PEEBLES, late of Davle County, this 13 to notify all persons, Arms and corpora­tions having claims against said Estate to present written claim to the undersigned on or before Sep­ tember 18. 2015, (being three (3] months from the Rrst day of pub­lication of this notice) or this no­tice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU persons, Rrms and corporations indebted to said Es­ tate will please make immediate payment to the Co-Admlnlstratrix, undersigned. This the 16th day of June. 2015. Ernestine Holman, Co-Administratrix 6879 Hempton Road Clemmons, NC 27012 Katie Arnold,Co-Administratrix 397 Whitney Road Mocksville, NC 27028 Publish: June 18,25, July 2,9 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNH OF OAVIE ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having quallRed as Adminis­trator of the Estate of NINA M. RAY, deceased, of Davle County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of September, 2015, being three months from the first day of publication of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU persons In­debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 25th day of June. 2015.Wanda F. Scalf 176 Latham Fann Road Mocksville, NC 27028 Piedmont Legal Associates, PA Lynne Hicks, AttomeyforEstate NC Bar #011125 124 West Depot SUeet Mocksville. NC 27026 (336)751-3312 Publish: June 25, July 2,9,16 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNH OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having quallRed as Executor of the Estate of LAURA GREY BOWLES WHITAKER, deceased, of Davle County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to pres­ ent them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of September, 2015, being three months from the Rrst day of publication of this notice, or this notice will be plead­ed In bar of their recovery. All per­ sons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned.This the 25th day of June, 2015. CALVING. WHITAKER Exeeutor of the Estate2351 FaIIenTreeDrIveWest Jacksonville, FL 32246 Publish: June 25, July 2,9,16 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNH OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDfTORS HAVING QUALIFIED as Ex­ ecutor ol the Estate of GRADY LUTHER TUHEROW, late Of DavlB County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said Estate to present written claim to the un­dersigned on or before October 2, 2015, (being three [3] months from the first day ol publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery.All persons, firms and corpora­tions Indebted to said Estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. Thlsthe 24th day of June, 2015 ANNEHE MARIE TUHEROW 2740 Island View Road Fort Mill, SC 29706 MARTIN & VAN HOY, UP Attorneys at Law IOCourl SquBre Mocksville, NC 27026 Publish: July 2,9,18,23 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNH OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS HAVING QUALIFIED as Ex­ecutor of the Estate of OMEGA IJAMES, late of Oavle County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said Estate to present written claim to the undersigned on or before October 9.2015, (be­ ing three [3] months from the first day of publication of this notfce) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations Indebted to said Estate will please make Immedi­ate payment to the undersigned. This the 9th day of July, 2015. Edmonla Hollis, Executor of the Esfafe 2651 US Hwy.' 601 N. Mocksville, NC 27028 Publish: July 9,16,23,30 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNH OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORSHAVING QUALIFIED as Ex­ecutor ol the Estate of HAROLD GRAY SHEETS, (a/k/a Harold G. Sheets; Harold Sheets), late of Davle County, this Is to notify all persons, Rmis and corporations having claims against said Estate to present writtpn claim to the un­ dersigned on or before October 2, 2015, (being three [3] months from the Rrst day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU persons, Rrms and corpora­ tions Indebted to said Estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned.This the 2nd day of July, 2015, Howard R. Sheets,Executor at the Eetete 3274 Mlddlebrook Orlve Clemmons, NC 27012 Publish: July 2,9,16,23 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNH OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORSHAVING QUALIFIED as Ex­ecutor of the Estate of RALPH HOOVER BOGER, late of Da­ vie County, this 13 to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said Estate Io present written claim to the un­dersigned on or before October 9, 2015, (being three [3] months Irom the Rrsl day of publication ol this notice) or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AU persons, Rrms and corpora­ tions indebted to said Estate will pleese make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 2nd day of July, 2015. Martha Darlene Chambers 376 Ben Anderson Road Mocksville, NC 27026 MARTIN & VAN HOY, UP Attorneys at Law 10 Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 Publish: July 9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SAIi NORTH CAROLINA, DAVIE COUNTY Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained In that certain Deed of Trust ex­ ecuted by Edward Manor and Anne Manor to Real Estate Title Services, LLC1 Trustee(s), which was dated June 18,’ 2010 and recorded on July 1, 2010 In Book 830 at Page 412, Davle County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Ser­ vices of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said default having direct­ ed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property Is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conducting the sale on July 13, 2015 at 10:00AM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described prop­ erty situated In Davie County, North Carolina, to wit: AU that certain parcel of land situated ('the property*) In Shady Grove Township, Da­ vie County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: Being known and designat­ed as Lot No. 40 of Westrldge, Section II, as set forth In Plat Book 5, Page 5 (slide 135), Da­ vie County Registry, to which reference Is hereby made for a more partlculardescrlptlon. Being the same property conveyed to Edward Manor and wife, Anne Manor, by War­ranty Deed dated August 6, 2002, of record In Book 432, Page 202, In the Office of the Registry of Deeds of Davle County. North Carolina. Save and except any releas­ es, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record. Said property is common- Sudoku Solution Crossword Answers 6 1 7 9 2 4 3 8 5 8 4 3 6 7 5 1 2 9 2 9 5 3 8 1 6 4 7 9 6 8 5 4 3 7 2 3 5 2 9 7 8 6 4 7 2 4 6 8 5 9 3 1 7 9 8 5 2 4 3 6 5 8 6 4 3 9 2 7 1 4 Al 2 /J.!6 9 5 8 NIKIElN Iy known as 154 Weetrldge Road, Advance, NC 27006. A cash deposit (no per­ sonal checks) of Rve percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00). whichever Is great­ er, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the ex­ piration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are Immediately due and owing. THIRD PARTY PURCHASERS MUST PAY THE EXCISE TAX AND THE RECORDING COSTS FOR THEIR DEED. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale Is being offered for sale, trans­ fer and conveyance ‘AS IS WHERE IS." There are no rep­ resentations of warranty relat­ ing to the title or any physical, environmental, heallh or safety conditions existing In, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior Hens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assess­ ments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or excep­tions of record. To the best bf the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current own­ ers) of the property Is/are Ed­ward Manor and wife Anne Manor. An Order for possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties In possession by the clerk of su­perior court of the county In which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the prop­ erty pursuant to a rental agree­ment entered Into or renewed on or after October I. 2007, may, after receiving the notice or sale, terminate the rent­al agreement upon 10 days' written notfce to the landlord. The notice shall also state that upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the ef­ fective date of the termination, if the trustee Is uneble to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to. the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan with­ out the knowledge of the trust­ ee. If the validity of the sale Is challenged by any party, the trustee, In their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no fur­ ther remedy. Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC SubstItuteTrustee Brock & Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 OleanderDrIve Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8567 File No.: 15-08000-FC01 PUBLISH: JULY 2,9 15 SP 68 AMENDED NOTICE OF FODECLOSUDE SAlE Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained In that certain Deed of Trust execut­ ed by Camille M. Davidson to William R. Echols, Trustee(S), which was dated March 13, 2012 and recorded on March 19. 2012 In Book 885 at Page 633, Davie County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by Ihe said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said de­ fault having directed that the Deed of Truqt be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the prop­erty Is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conduct­ ing the sale on July 20, 2015 at 10:00AM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated In Davie County, North Carolina, to wit: ALL that parcel of land In Davie County, State of North Carolina, being known and delineated as Lot 5, Section 3, BERMUDA RUN, LTO., GOLF- DOMINIUMS, filed In Plat Book 5, Page 2. By Fee Simple Deed from Rachel P. Helton, unmarried as set forth in Book 508, Page 965 dated 08/22/2003 and record­ ed 08/27/2003, Oavie County Records, State of North Caro­lina. Save and except any releas­es, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record. Said property Is common­ ly known as 630 Rlverbend Drive, Bermuda Run, NC 27006. A cash deposit (no per­ sonal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is great­ er, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the ex­ piration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are Immediately due and owing. THIRD PARTY PURCHASERS MUST PAY THE EXCISE TAX AND THE RECORDING COSTS FOR THEIR DEED. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale Is being offered for sale, trans­ fer and conveyance 'AS IS WHERE IS.' There are no rep­ resentations of warranty relat­ing to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale Is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assess­ ments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or excep­ tions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current own­ ers) of the property Is/are Ca­ mille M. Davidson. An Order for possession of the property may be Issued pur­ suant to G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties In posses­ sion by the clerk of superior court of the county In which the property is sold. Any per­son who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October I, 2007, may. af­ter receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. The notice shall also state that upon termina­ tion of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent due un­ der the rental agreement pro­ rated to the effective date of Ihe termination. If the trustee Is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser Is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such Inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and re­ instatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee, if the validity of the sale Is chal­ lenged by any party, the trust­ee, In their sole discretion, If they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no fur­ther remedy. Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 OIeanderDrIve Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4986 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 15-05725-FC01 PUBLISH: JULY 9,16 15 SP 57 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SAIE NORTH CAROLINA,DAVIE COUNTY Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained In that certain Deed of Trust executed by Nazakat Khan and Joyce Khan to Wade H. Leonard, Jr., Truslee(S), which was dated July 26,2002 and recorded on July 26, 2002 In Book 430 at Page 194, Davle County Reg­ istry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust, and the hold­ er of the note evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of' Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Tmstee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the prop­erty Is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conduct­ ing the sale on July 20, 2015 at 10:00AM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the fol­lowing described property sit­ uated In Davie County. North Carolina, to wit: Tract I: Being known and deslgnat-. ed as Lot 19 of Block F, Sec­ tion 1 of LaQuInta, recorded In Plat Book 4, Page 120-121 of 125 (Slide 122) In the Office of the Reglsterof Deeds of Davle County, North Carolina. T^act II: Beginning at an Iron stake In the northerly right of way line of Granada Drive, said Iron stake also being the South­ east comer of Lot 19, Block 19, LaQuInta Sub-Division (Davie County Plat Book 4, page 128), running thence with the east- emly line of said Lot 19, North 13° 19’ 45“ West 110.00 feet to an Iron stake In the East­ erly line of said lot 19; thence along a new line South'46 * 21' 18' East, 92.31 feel to an Iron stake in the northerly right of way of said Granada Drive as It curves to the right an arc dis­tance of 60.00 feet, the chord bearing and distance of said curve being South 44° 35’ 00' West, 59.96 feet to the point and place of beginning, con­ taining 2,894 square feet, more or less. Being a parcel of land from the Southwest portion of Lot 20, Block F, LaQuInta Sub-Di- vision as recorded In Plat Book 4, Page 128, Register of Deeds Office of DavIe County. North Carolina. Subject to restrictive cove­ nants In Deed Book 89, Page 285, and Deed Book 90, Page 514, Davle County Registry, and any other easements and restrictions of record. For back title, see Deed Book 120, Page 470; Deed Book 120, Page 159; Deed Book 95, Page 161; Deed Book 91, Page 561; Deed Book 91, Page 280; Deed Book 89, Page 291; Deed Book 89, Page 62; and Deed Book 82, Page 275; Davle County Registry. See also Tax Map G-7-4, A, Parcel 32. located In Shady Grove Township, Davle County, North Carolina. Save and except any releas­ es. deeds of release or prior conveyances of record. Seld property Is common­ ly known as 112 Casa Bella Drive, Advance, NC 27006. A cash deposit (no per­ sonal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is great­ er, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the ex­ piration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are Immediately due and owing. THIRD PARTY PURCHASERS MUST PAY THE EXCISE TAX AND THE RECORDING COSTS FOR THEIR DEED. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale Is being offered for sale, trans­ fer and conveyance 'AS IS WHERE IS.’ There are no rep­ resentations of warranty relat­ing to the Iltle or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at. or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale Is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assess­ ments, easements, ^rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or excep­tions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property Is/ are Nazakat Khan and wife, Joyce Khan. An Order for possession of the property may be Issued pur­suant to G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties In posses­ sion by the clerk of superior court of the county In which the property is sold. Any per­ son who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered Into or renewed on or after October I, 2007. may, af­ ter receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. The notice shall also state that upon termina­ tion of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent due un­ der the rental agreement pro­ rated to the effective date of the termination. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such Inability to convey Include, but are not limited to. the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and re­ instatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee If'the validity of the sale is chal­lenged by any pBrty, the trust­ ee, In their sole discretion, If they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit The purchaser will have no fur­ther remedy. Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott. PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 OIeanderDrive , Suite200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4968 CU ■FiAX: <91°) 392.0587File No.: 15-03571-Frni PUBLISH; JULY 9,16 DAVIE-CLEMMONS D avie C ounty E nterprise R ecord. T hursday. July 9. 2 0 1 5 « B 13 I TOLL fre e 1-877-751-2120 o r 704-797-4220 C a l l u s M o n d a y - F r i d a y 8-5 Jeana Kristin Deadline to have your classified ad in the next issue: Tuesday 3 P.M. Email: classads@salisburypost.com ;. v OR place your ad online at: Salisburypost.com and click ‘Place Ciassifled Ad’ Employment Auto Melntanance Auto Technician ' Experience necessary. Must have own tools. NC inspec­ tion license a plus. Heated & air conditioned shop. Mon- day-Frlday & 2 Saturdays per month. Pay based on experience. $500-$700/wk. Call 704-637-1115 Itactor Italier Drivers Needed lor area hauls from Mocks­ ville, NC. Home each day. Class A CDL required, cur­ rent DOT medical, drug/alco­ hol screening req’d, 3 years min.tractor-trailer experience. Clean MVR and background a must. Benefits. Seeking steady hard workers. Call 336-492-5631 between 9am and 4pm and leave message for application. Mtcknllli. 2655 Uberty Chnreh Rd. Multi-Family Yferd Sale, Fri. 7/10 & SaL 7/11, 6am-2pm. Reln or Shine. Quart canning Jars, yard tools, furniture pieces, toddler bed, radial arm eaw and other wood­working tools, lots ol household Items. Worth the drivel 336-403- 4507 for Information Rlet of Chicken in Mocksville is seeking MAINTENANCE MECH. with industrial mainte­ nance exp. Multiple positions & shifts. Apply in person at 251 Eaton Road, Mocksville. We are an EOE. AU qualified applicants will receive con­ sideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender Iden­ tity or expression, sexual ori­ entation, national origin, ge­ netics, disability, age, veteran status or any other character­ istics protected by law. Brian. Peeler@houseofraeford.com MocknUIe-Hwy 156(beside MawMavVs Reslaurant near Farmlrglon Rd.) Multi-Family Vbrd Sale. Fri. 7/10,9am-untll a Sal. 7/11, 7am-3pm. Lots of furnHure, 2 com­plete bedroom suites, 1 children's loft bod, 1 early American bed­room suite, 2 dinette sets (each w/4 chairs), childrens toy: " household Skttchen Ht n Country Ln. 1« ght. GIGANTIC 3- 158 brick house on. - 3-Famlly Vbrd Sale.,Fri. 7/10, 7am-4pm & Sal. 7/11,7em- 2pm. Many different & unique Items. Also, cookbooks, housewares, Jew­elry, games & pictures. Great prices. GreatpricesI Nelp Wanted for prott boatings operation, I Henced spray booth she metal painter. Must hat Knowledge of mil thickness hlxing 2 part paints. Apply t Carolina Rnlshlng Inc., **" US Hwy 601 South, ' ' Mile, Call with questloi 1336-284-4481 Only Expe Iencecf Painters need apply. Parking Lot Yard Sato. Consignment Unlimited 643 Wll- kesboro St. Mocksville. Saturday, July 11, 6am-until. Come shop. Multiple vendors/families will be set up. Knick-knacks, pottery, of­fice supplies, clothing, garden items, vintage and more. If you would like to set up. fee is $10. AU welcome. Call 336-753-6680 Merchandise HalerTV 39’ fiat screen Haler TV. Only had It for one year. $250. 704-490-796 or 704-232-6316 7 t-shlrts, like new - 4 Aeroposlle and 3 American Eagle. XL teenage boys. $25 for all. 704-647-9650 Entertalnnent eanter, Ilghf oak, Bassett. 52* high. Good condition. $45.336-696-3890 Safe S Matching ChairI good condition, great for den 1 r living room. $160 for both. Call Wet tile cutterwith stand & blade. Kolbalt, In mint cond. Used twice. $115 obo. 704- 202-0631 07 Hayabina FRONT Fender(Black) If Interested please cal 704-920-6246. China Grove $50. AtfJtistabIe bedfRnos, single to queen. 2 available. $40 for bolh, 704-431-0361 after 5pm. For sateKobe Bryant size 7 youth floral basketball shoes. $50 Call 704- 6479650 FsrsaIeLebron James Soldier 7s Bball shoes orange size 11. $50. Please call 704-647-9650 Bed Ilnar for snail wheel baseDodge pick-up truck. Good cor dltlon. $60. 704-310-1305 or 704- 657-1667 Antique skeet throwerChamberlin Cartridge Co. skeet thrower for sale. Cast dated 1862. $200. Call 704-647-4521 tost 8 Foentf LOST ROT/PIT MIXIN TYRO OFF HWY 150 & SINK FARM PD. NAME IS JACK. BLACK/TAN. (336)309-0543 letters, photos,^ relics, etc. Also antiques. Call Steve 336-692-6156' Pets & Livestock FREE KfTTEKS Free playful kittens. LlOerTrained, M&F. Cell Brenda 336-671-3799 forplcsl Complete Cratt Room. 100s rubber stamps, embossing machine w/ plates, paper, glitter and 60 much more. $500 obo. 704-278-2782 Didn’t Get A Paper? Call Circulation at 704-797-4213 Monday-Frlday 8 AM to 5 PM Fnur 17 In. wheels 417 In. stock wheels off FISO Ford SporIsIVack 5 lugs. $300. Call (980)521-1935 Igloo dog house, largeIn very good condition. $60 Cash only. Call 336-264-2523. Leathersaddlo bagsfor motorcycle. Good condition. $65. 704-310-135 or 704-857-1667 Auctions KSaIes Mocksville, 209 Sunburst lane YARD SALE Sat., 7/11/15,8am-3pm. Bathroom medlelne cabinets & light fixtures. NASCAR die cast cars (Bill Elliott & DaIa Earnhardt Sr.), lots of good thlngsl Mocksville, 339 Ivy Lane YARD SALESat., 7/11/15, 7am-until. Baby & children Items, clothing, outdoor items, bookshelves, lots of teach­er's things & more! Moeksvllte, 499 Raymond Streetinside Ybrd Sale. Fri. 7/10, Sat. 7/11. Mon. 7/13 & Tues. 7/14. 6am-5pm. Collectibles, sporting goods, baby items, bikes, auto parts, clothes, tools, furniture, toys & books, candles, etc. More Items added everyday! For sale Nike HyparquIckness blue/white BBaII shoes. Size 11. $50. 704- 647-9650 KSoftwari Tablet and laptop computerAsus tablet $150 andToshlba lap­top $175 In great cond. Has all at­tachments. 704-202-0631 Furniture SAppIIances:- Bedroom suite,queen. Black. Almost new, only 1 year old. $500. CaII 704-636-9749 Bedroom suite, queen. Brown. $300. Please call 704-636-9749 for more Info. China cabinet.Glass front china cabinet with drawer. Made by JK Rlshel. $150. Call 336-692-6626 Dining table and 6 chairs70x35 dining room table and 6 chairs. $100. Call 336-692-8626 ' Laathertotehandhagsmall, red. black like cow print, good condition $7 Call 704-267- 1415 before 6pm Load locks, (2 avallabls) Good condition. $30 for both. Call 704-310-1305 or 704-657-1667 FREE TABBY KITTEKSAdorable tabby kittens. Freel Please call 704-492-5427 Puppies MotherA father on April 26.3 available, all males.Wormed. $100 each. (336)463- FreepuppIes Free to good home. English Bull­dog/Lab mix. Call 704-224-3852 Man's Bold Wedding BandLost Friday, July 3 around Wal- mart In Salisbury, call 704-754- Real Estate 3BR, 3BA, 2200 sq.ft. Available 9/1 /15. Downsize free living: Golfing, Fishing, Easy CIeanIngT One floor living on Lake Louise e. Eat-In kitchen w/gran- tops/lsland plus parr Formal DR opens to GR w/gas fireplace. Master BR wibath & ... doseL BR/Offlce and full Bath. High tray & vaulted ceilings, hardwood!' J floors. Screenedttlled porch wI jge rm plus paUo overlooking 6lh fairway. Bonus mVguest suite wibath. Double garage. Access to I In HOA $100/mo. 115 N. Lake ' 'r.. Mocksville. NC 27026.■ Call (757) 651-9053. Houses Fer Rent Salisbury, For Sale By Owner Kill fleas and ticks faster, control mosquitoes with Hap­py Jack DuraSpofc 92% flea control In 24 hours. Contains NYLARI 'Udktnvllle Ouaftty jkenneNaXjeofn) NEW Portable Gensrator $100 firm. If Interested please call 704-920-6246 China Grove $100. Pool table, $350 firm. 3 1/2x7 tbl. Please call 704-636- 5603 after 4 p.m. Roll of barbed wire.$20. Please call 704-310-1305 < 704-857-1867 Rolling backpack, black w/wheets & 2 zip pockets, good condition $10. Call 704-267-1415 before 6pm. Shelf racks, small, metal. 2 available. $10 for both. Call 704- 431-0361 after 5pm. To Place A Classified AdCallTollFree 1-877-751-2120Monday-FrIday 8 AM to S PM $15. Please cell 704-6375014 Entertainment center, cherry (2) end pieces w/closed lower cabinet, middle media section w/ doors. $450 Call 704-633-2675 Water fountain,recirculating. Old Tlmey. $125. 336-492-3020 Kill flaaa on contact on dogscats with DD-33 flea mist. L__longer. Pleasant odor. Contains NO Rpronltl SMITHERMANS HARDWARE 336-766-9109 www.happyjack.com Alofices Oldn't Set A Paper?Call Circulation at 704-797-4213 Monday-FrIdayOAM to 5 PM o u m L Found 6/30: small brawn/tan dog In Rockwell area. Pleasscaller text and have proof of ownership. 784-202-8684 I Found Boier PitbuTl mix. Mala. ] I _ Ubsrty area. 704-633-8749 ! Found female catrecently spayed. Gold Hlll area. Call 704-636-5700 opt. 9 leave message. Found gray tlgar kitten.Male. Very friendly. Eagle Landing/ Up Rd. area. Call 704-765-1493 to Identify. Found yellow catwearing collar In East Rowan area. Call 704-636-5700 opt. 9 leave message. Lest Dog In Reekwelf area. Male Rottweiler/Beagle mix, black and tan, named Zeus. Reward (Or return. 704-224-5443 eled, near Walmart.$59,999 Call Michael at 704-433- 6019. To Place A Classified AdCallToll Free 1-677-751-2120Mondsy-Frlday 6 AM to 5 PM Century 21 Triad Rental Propartles available In various price ranges In Davle County, Forsyth and surround­ing counties. For Information on all Rentals please go to:WWW.CENTUR- Y21TRIAD.COM. Click yellow rental tab. 336-751-5555 CIemnonsAres2BR, 2BA, all appliances, totallyremodeled. $695. Call 3-------- 2101 or 336-576-5644. Mocksville 2295 Hwy 601$, 3BR, 1BA house, appls., heat pump. $67S/mo. + $675 dep. No Inside pets. 336-996-7003 1400 square fast. Offlee located on MLX Jr. Ave. 5 offlcet/multl- use rooms, conference area. One block from the FIbrent Fiber Optic Center. 704-213-0070 !Manufactured#! H o m S f ib rH B h tI Farmington. 3BR, 2BA doublewlde on 1+acre lot. $750/mo + $750 de­posit. Available SepL 1. Background check. 336-655-4480 Mocksville, 2BR, 1BA mobile home, new flooring, AB­ SOLUTELY NO PETS. $450/mo. + $300 dep. 336-940-2515 Move-In Special - No Deposit. Davle County. Newly remodeled 1BR, IBA Small manufactured home. No pets. No smoking. $4001 mo. Includes water & garbage pick up. 704-640-230S Transportation Small Slagle-wide Mobile Home1 BR, 1 BA, newly remodeled, cen tral air, elee. heat, In mobile home park. $6,000, no outdoor pets, 704-640-2305. Mecksvllls - Sunset Terrace Apts., 1 & 2 BR, all appl. Central H/A. Starting at $450. Call 336-751-0168 NOW LEASING! Brenner Crossing Apartments SallsburyiB Newest Aflortfable 'Apartment Community. Call today or visit our temporary . leasing office at 633 Fomey Street ' Salisbury, NC 28144 , 1-866-751-9701 . www.brennercrosslng.co N isi. NlSRAtAfRtilyCb-(S) |KAirtomohfles> Escape, 2012 cylinder, 2WD, automatic, SUV. Gray, one owner, power windows, smoke-free, power locks, alloy wheels, CD player, cruise control, ABS, A/C, well maintained. 2012 Ford Escape with 102,400 highway miles. Great running car. Well-main- talned, dependable and eco­nomical. $9,200/neg. (704) 932- 2054 or (704) 957-6244 To Place A Classified Ad CallTolIFree 1-877-751-2120Monday-Friday QJVM to S PM Didn’t Get A Paper? Call Circulation at 704-797-4213 Monday-Friday 8 AM to 5 PM 3 TO URS. 2 PURPLE HEARTS. I EVICTION NOTICE. W hen m y landlord found d iscrim in ated ag ain st be< to HUD or your local fair I I had Post-T raum atic S tress D isorder (PTSD ), I r 'e n I called HUD for help. If you feel th a t you’feel th a t you ’ve b een or disability, rep o rt it Visit h u d .g o v / f a i r h o u s i n g or call th e HUD H otline 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 9 - 9 7 7 7 F A IR H O U S I N G IS Y O U R R IG H T . U S E IT ! N FH AI l d M t a ] I ^ i i I l D u i u y S l l i t n a ' B14 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 9,2015 PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE VODCHAttMPW iRMlMP? WHV UXXJLP VOD PD THAT?'VES11 UlAS1 B O T I CHAMGEP MV MINP,I THOUGHT W D SAlP VDO WERE MAKIttG A CHOCOLAm CAKE POR PESSERt IO ) THE GDILT VOD SHOliLP FEEL FOR WEASELING W fO F THAT CHOCOLATE CAKE.' HEAvN1 HDHr V od K ttoto WHAT'S EVEM HEAVIER?OH11 PDKJT KMOW. CHOCOLATE CAKE JDST SODKIPEP 90 HEAYV, ' BY STEVE KELLEY & JEFF PARKERDUSTIN 000000... I WY1IfE IN SEASON' 00 WE SOUGHT A COUPLE OF PINTSTHOSE LOO# PELICIOUS/ YOU KNOW- MOM PAD ANPI LIKE THE SIG- JUICY ONES TOO. 5WEETHEAST. IT SEALLY SIG ONEI 5015 THI5 ONE..SLUESESSIE5. BY MIKE PETERSMOTHER GOOSE & GRIMM HBLLQft ATmiWAvKBaPlI AMSlAieR PHOIAS VIBRATE/ CHAD CARPENTEft'.A GOOP INDICATION YOU MAY SE MARRIEP TO SOMEONE WITH A RGHlNG PROBLEM r ■•j.fTUNDRA THE U ffT TIME HE CAME OUT TO PLAY WITH YOU, YOU SLEW Hlff TREE PORT POWN I THOUGHT YOU WERE GETTING INTO YOUR PAJAMAS? EVER 51NCE YOU TOLP ME ASOUT THE SIRP5 ANP THE 6EE5, I W EW HAROLP ANP I WERE MEANT ------------------- FOR EACH OTHER. www.tundracomics.com© Tundra 2015 Remembering & Reminiscing Central Davie/Training School Annual Reunion Held _______________ Page 12 Swept Rowan Continues Playoff Domination Over Mocksville Page BI DAVIE C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/ENHECORD EHHHSEiI Superintendent New High School Opponents Latch Onto ‘Stink’ Issue B y B eth C assidy Enteqirise Record Superirttendent D r. D arrin H artness told the school board m em bers last w eek the issue involving the G allins farm has nothing to do w ith the school system , nothing to do w ith the new high school and nothing to do w ith com m ercial com post­ ing, but “has becom e political and that’s real unfortunate." Pete G allins operates a com ­ posting facility on his 150-acre farm , recycling food w aste into com post that he sells and donates. In 2014, the business w as recognized as the G reen B usiness o f the Y ear by the Piedm ont E nvironm ental A lli­ ance, and that sam e year, Gal- Iins Farm diverted 850 tons o f food w aste from landfills, ac­ cording to its w ebsite. H e and his w ife also live on the farm , adjacent to North D avie M iddle School and the building site for the new D avie H igh. H artness said he’d never heard o f G allins or his oper­ ation until M ay 8, 2014, tw o days after the bond referendum for the new high passed. G allins em ailed H artness, introduced him self, and said his property adjoined the new school site. H e said it appeared “utilities m ay need to run across our land," and said he w anted to be kept inform ed about the devel­ opm ent o f the school site and how it m ight affect his land and business, adding his busi­ ness m ay have to be relocated because o f the close proxim ity to the school site. E ight m onths later, on Jan. 13, 2015, the school board re- Plcasc See Stink - Page 7 Friday Is Deadline To File For Town Offices D en G rubb built this Free Little Library to be erected on M arginal S treet in C oolee­ m ee. - Photo by KC Smith Free Little Library Cooleemee Getting Books ForAII To Enjoy B y K C S m ith Cooleem ee Correspondent C andidates continue to seek elected offices in B erm uda Run, Cooleem ee and M ocks­ ville. In Cooleem ee1Steven D oug­ las C oniher filed for mayor. Tw o seats on the tow n coun­ cil are being sought by Jessica D ayw altA lm ond1 K aren C han­ dler Sm ith, Jam es Robert Szy- m anski and StevenA ndrew La­ gle. Szym anski and Jean Snead are the incum bents. C om ple­ tion o f an unexpired term now held by D aphne B eck is being sought by B eck, Judith Free­ m an Phillips, M ichael Bernard W hite and A ndrew K eith R ea­ vis. In B erm uda R un, K enneth A . Rethm eier filed for re-elec­ tion as m ayor, and Jerry W est filed for re-election to one of tw o seats to be decided. The other is held by John G ugliel- m i. Robert S. Taylor filed for re-election to the M ocksville Tow n B oard. Voters w ill also choose a m ayor, now held by Dr. F.W. Slate. T he seat held by W ill M arklin is also up for election. Filing is open until noon on Friday, July 17 at the D avie Board o f Elections, 161 Pop­ lar St., Suite 102 (low er level, back entrance o f B rock Build­ ing). Fee is $5. W hen m y sister-in-law sent m e new s clipping about com m unities setting up these Free Little L ibraries in their sm all neighborhoods, I knew right aw ay Cooleem ee had to have one, The library belongs to everyone; neighbors, friends, people w ho pass by, and all ages. This library is a w ay to share good things to read. It’s basically a free book ex­ change; take a book, return a book. The three shelves w ill have books that you w ould recom ­ m end, childhood books and books that teach and intrigue. Just stop by, brow se through a book and see if you w ould like to read it. Take it and read it. L ook and see w ho read the book or gave it and when you’re finished, you could leave a special note. Pass the book to a friend or return it to any Free Little Library. T here are no fees and no rules. • M aybe there is an elderly person living on your street, this w ould be a great w ay to choose a book for them . Y ourrelationship w ould be enhanced and your neighbor w ould feel m ore connected to the com m unity. These are popping up all over the w orld. T here is even a w orld m ap that show s specific locations o f each registered li­ brary and m any travelers seek them out to take their picture beside it. T he international m ovem ent that began in 2009 has helped thoughtful book lovers estab­ lish m ore than 20.000 libraries around the w orld. You don’t have to custom build one, the organization has kits you can purchase w ith all you need to build one. W hen you go to their w ebsite, you see shapes, sizes and personal­ ity touches that w ill help you decide w hat you w ant to do for your neighborhood. O n the com er o f M itchell Avenue in Salisbury, I saw one that really appealed to m e. I took a picture o f it and began m y journey to find som eone w ho w ould be w illing to share their tim e and talent for the project. A suggestion cam e across Facebook for me to call Den G rubb. G rubb has a special place in his heart for children and he didn’t hesitate to take on the project. I gathered old w ood I had Please See L ibrary - Page 7 Senior Center Named After Bobby Knight B y M ike B a rn h a rd t Enterprise Record T he D avie County Senior Services building in M ocks­ ville has a new nam e - the Bob­ by H . K night Senior Center. C ounty com m issioners last w eek unanim ously approved nam ing the center after the late K night, w ho was a com m is­ sioner w ho believed in helping others - including the senior citizens. M em bers o f his fam ily - in­ cluding w idow B em ice K night - w ere on hand for the official announcem ent. “T his is long overdue,” said Com m issioner Richard Poin­ dexter. “N ever has a m ore D avie County C om m issioner R ichard Poindexter (right) presen ts a fram ed resolution to Bernice Knight and m em - honest and hum ble person sat b ers of her family after the senior center w as nam ed after her late husband, Bobby Knight. Please See K nigbt - Page 7 - Photo by Robin Snow 689076382120 2 - D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R IS E R E C O R D , T h u rsd ay , Ju ly 16,2015 Editorial Page Columbine High School, Littleton, Colo. Columbine High School Memorial COLUMBINE HIGH SCHOOL — A warren of rabbits played and nibbled on the manicured lawn — 10 of them. It was summer break. Only two humans wandered through a nearby flower garden to disturb them, not the usual hun­ dreds who must tramp through on school days. Vacationing in Denver, I had deliberately steered our rental car here as we returned from a trek up 14,115-foot Pikes Peak — amid the last remnants of melting snow — where we could see the vistas that inspired Katharine Lee Bates in 1893 to pen "America the Beautiful." From that breathtaking high we stopped by this unlikely tourist destination in Littleton, Colo., the scene of one of human civilization's low points. It was a “Why not?” moment — not on anyone’s list of things to do while in Denver. The gawker came out in me. We easily found the school, but it belied no trace of the April 20,1999 tragedy that claimed 12 students and a teacher, wounded 23 more and terrorized 1,945 students. As we circled the parking lots, the well-kept school looked like any other. No sign or memorial on the school grounds recalled the day when two heavily armed students opened fire on their classmates, horrifying a nation. We counted the rabbits and thought it odd that there was no memorial. Back on the street, we spotted the sign a block away: "Columbine Memorial.” We parked at a very nice baseball complex with picnic areas in full use and still couldn’t find the memorial. A fellow pointed to a sidewalk leading over a knoll. W ith the majestic snow-capped RocKy Mountains rising 10,000 feet in the distqpoe, \jre found a circle encased in stones and bricks and flowers that beautifully memorial­ ized the victims. 1 * I should have packed some tissues. This is no place to take a retired teacher without something to dab the tears. Encased in a wall are numerous quotes from Columbine students, faculty and parents: • “A kid my age isn’t supposed to go to that many funer­ als.” • "Those of us who are people of faith in this community turned to God, found He was there and found He wasn’t silent.” • “W hen my mom finally found m e, she just couldn’t seem to let go of me for the rest of the day.” About 100 words of text in granite are devoted to each of the victims. Only one of the memorials ventured into the political arena. Most of the texts were serene, but they all reflected deep loss. This was under the name of victim Rachel Joy Scott: "Her middle name described her; she was a Joy! Her beauty reflected her kindness and com­ passion .... In her diary she wrote: ‘I won’t be labeled as average.’” Around the circle we stopped at each of the inscriptions. We read and wiped tears. It is a beautiful, gripping memo­ rial intentionally placed apart from the school and tucked below the landscape much like the Vietnam Memorial. The names of the shooters were not inscribed. Littleton is a prosperous community nestled at the foot of the Rockies. Another Denver suburb was also the scene of the 2012 mass shooting inside a darkened movie the­ ater. With the majesty of God's mountains rising in the West, this seemed an unlikely setting for evil to lurk. — Dwight Sparks mm T o P A y r P9W (TH OizcfiiiZ /O J In The Mail ... Going Beyond Call Of Duty To the editor: I w ish to inform your readers of a service that the M ocksville Fire Department perform ed for the residents and staff at The Heritage at Cedar Rock. Because o f a wind storm, the American flag here at Cedar Rock got pulled away from it's lanyard, and got tangled in an adjoining pole. As the height of the flag pole was higher than the capability to correct it, on short notice, (July 3) I called the M ocksville Fire Department for help. I spoke w ithA ssistant Chief Lonnie H om e and told him of our predicam ent. He took on the opportunity to help us get "Old Glory" waving once again, in it’s proper position in time for the 4th. W ithin just a few m inutes one of M ocksville's Fire Departments fire tracks arrived with Assistant Chief Lonnie H om e and Firefighter Randy Waller. After a quick survey, it was obvious a bigger track was needed. So the tw o firefighters saddled up and returned to the firehouse.Once again, after just a short while, the two re­ turned with M ocksville's bucket track, and what a beau­ ty it w as. As the residents and staff looked on, the two firefighters went about the task, swiftly. O ur flag was not only hung up on the other pole, but was tangled in the lanyard of the opposing flag pole. Not an issue with these guys, as in quick order, it was free once again. So Firefighter Waller lowered the bucket, and Assis­ tant C hief H om e lowered the "Stars & Stripes" and then ceremoniously raised it, while the residents and staff re­ spectfully watched with hats off and hands over hearts. I introduced Lonnie and Randy to the three veterans who are residents and staff here. One had a stellar ca­ reer in the U.S. Navy. This sailor was serving aboard the USS Enterprise during the evacuation of Saigon. The three-man crew of his helicopter, which was evacuat­ ing men, women and children from a position north of Saigon, was brought down by North V ietRegularA rm y solder's. Only a couple of hundred feet about the ground the chopper made a hard landing, with all three surviv­ ing the impact. Sureounded by several hundred of these solders, the pilot and co-pilot bolted from the disabled craft, which had become the only target for all of the enemy to fire at. Som ehow the tw o pilots made it out of the area, probably because of the attention the downed pole was receiving. Our resident was thrown from the craft upon impact, and was able to remove himself, far enough away from the withering fire, concentrated upon the doomed craft. A t that point all o f their fire shifted to the m en, women and children, who were gathered together to be rescued, and taken to one of the U.S. warships waiting for them, on the G ulf ofTonkin. Then the butchering began. More than 200 bodies of men, women and children began falling from side to side around this sailor. Finally an A6-Intruder appeared and dropped bombs directly upon him. This was at the order of one of the pilots, witness- • ing what was happening from his position. H e called in a "Broken Areow" which m eans, "all is lost take every­ thing out." Overall, this lasted for more than 12 hours before they were rescued. There are many more very graphic details about this battle which I will not go into. This sailor served in a war, in which returning sailors, solders and airm an were cussed at and spit upon and even called "baby killers." My father was also one o f those. M y dad served dur­ ing W orld W ar II, Korea and the Vietnam War. At the age of 54, with eight grandchildren, w ent into combat, and in one conflict, received the "Bronze Star with "V" for Valor" (look that one up). He never told us about this m edal. We found the medal and the citation after his passing. It seems that this generation and many of my own, have lost the understanding of what the flag of the Unit­ ed States of America represents. It is desecrated over and over, sometim es by well intended folks. However, it is done mostly out of ignorance. Today and for many years, the proper respect and han­ dling for our flag has not been taught. As a crash course on the history behind on what it took to have our flag still flying, I suggest that folks go to YouTube and type in "Star Spangled B annerA s You've N ever Heard It". In just several minutes, you will be moved, if you have a love and appreciation of this great country. Once again, we w ish to thank the M ocksville Fire D epartment for their help. It was very much appreci­ ated. Lloyd Cearley Mocksville Be Intolerant OfThe Intolerant DAVIE C O U NTY E N T E R P R I/£ *§ hC 0 RD USPS 149-100 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27026 (336)751-2120 Published weekly by Salisbury Newsmedla LLC Owlght Sparks............................Editor/PublisherRobin Snow.................................General Manager RayTutterow................................Advertising Director Brian Pltte...............................,.....Sports Editor Periodicals Postage Paid in Mocksville, NC 27028 Subscription Rates Single Copy, 50 Cents $26,69. PerYearIn NC; $32.03 outside N.C. POSTMASTER Send Address Changes to: Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 To the editor: This is in response to the article in the July 9 Da­ vie County Enterprise Record titled “M ost Have Moral Principles.” To begin, I do not share the w riter’s pride and grati­ tude for Rep. Howard and Sen. Brock, especially after the legislators utterly absurd vote for partisan school board elections and I also disagree completely with their support o f pro-life and religious liberty measures. If the writers o f the article feel so strongly about the magistrates being able to opt-out o f performing their normal state-directed and paid jobs, I would suggest that the writers and those who agree with them, and pay the salaries of those opting-out. I do not want my tax m oney used to fund them for not doing their sworn job. The writers are the ones who have been “brain­ washed by the secular education system and the media.” A nother example is Franklin Graham who masquerades as a man of G od, but interprets the Bible to suit himself and certainly does not practice the Love One Another theme that is consistent throughout the Bible. Same-sex marriage and abortion are the law of the land and maybe the writers should focus a little more on supporting and upholding the laws o f the land and o f NC. The t-shirt example was well done, “Intolerance is a beautiful idea” and that intolerance also applies to discrimination o f any kind. We should be intolerant o f those who do not welcome every person be they gay, black, yellow, m an or woman to the table of friendliness and acceptance. It is this “ho­ lier than thou" attitude that is preventing many from ac­ cepting others who do not fit their mold. We do not have to love those with whom we dis­ agree; however, but God says accept everyone, and he will be the final judge...not you. Don Witte Advance Loiters Welcome T he E nterprise R ecord w elcom es letters from its readers on topics o f local, state, national o r in­ ternational issues. A n effort w ill be m ade to print all letters, provided they are n ot libelous, vulgar o r in p oor taste. T he editor reserves the right to edit letters for gram m ar and for space. AU letters should include the nam e and address o f th e w riter, including a signature. A telephone num ber, riot to be published, is also requested. P lease have letters in the new spaper office no later than 4 p.m . M onday o f the w eek to be published. D avie C ounty E nterprise R ecord P.O . B ox, 99, M ocksville, davie3@ centurylink.net. DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, T hursday, July 16,2015-3 Bermuda Run Butterflies Club Members Increasing Numbers Of Black Swallowtails By Eleanor Salley Special to the Enterprise Many years ago while garden­ ing, I discovered some small caterpillars that loved my parsley slants even more than I did. In fact, they did not leave Tiuch behind after they were :hrough eating. I became inter­ ested in what kind of butterflies hey would become. So I began some research and found out they were going to be ieautiful Black Swallowtail But- 'erflies. I knew I had seen them •md enjoyed them in my yard luring the summer months for years. I decided that after reading •ibout the high rate of mortality ■'or butterflies, I would begin to ■tid these caterpillars along their metamorphosis journey. This meant collecting the tiny caterpil­ lars ( known as instars) as soon as I could see them on the parsley stems and bringing them inside to spend the next 2 1/2 weeks in large clear jars containing fresh parsley I had grown just for this project. The whole process of a cater­ pillar turning into a butterfly is so rewarding to experience that I knew I would have to spend my summers aiding these soon-to-be butterflies for as long as I could. So now I observe the tiny quarter-inch caterpillars becom- ■ ing as large as an adult person's little finger in only two weeks of non-stop eating. They climb onto sticks I provide, attach them­ selves to the stick and shed their skin to expose a beautiful pale green chrysalis dotted with shiny gold dots. In two and a half week, a gor- All together we successfully from flower to flower geous Black Swallowtail Butter- released 15 Black Swallowtail So the next time you see a glo- fly emerges and begins to pump Butterflies into Bermuda Run to rious Black SwaIlowuiI Butterfly its wings full of fluid from its visit our gardens and bring us in your yard, you can wonder if it body so it can begin to fly. This is joy watching them fly gracefully is one of my success stories, when it is the most vulnerable to birds of prey. I take the butterflies outside to release them as soon as they are ready to fly making sure no birds intemipt this part of the process. Then I enjoy wondering if the Black Swallowtails visiting the flowers in my yard are some of my own. The Bermuda Run Garden Club, of which I am a mem­ ber, decided to study growing , harvesting, drying , and cooking with herbs for our 2014-2015 year. What a great opportunity to get members interested in helping the Black Swallowtail Butterflies flourish in Bermuda Run. This Black Swallowtail butterfly w as nurtured by Eleanor Salley, after em erging from its chrysalis stage (below). , ^ V 'I I ■■ V * ' I i A • v .v A -A ■ Eleanor Salley nurtures Black Swallowtail butterflies in her Berm uda Run hom e. A Patient’s Friend Woman Earns Volunteer Award At Medical Center Helen Aneskewich began vol­ unteering as a patient advisor ifter receiving excellent care as ■. patient at Wake Forest Baptist Health Davie Medical Center. In this role, she shares her story with employees during patient- i nd family-centered care training : nd relays why including family members and caring for a patient ii a ■ holistic manner is important lor healing and patient outcomes. Aneskewich also serves as a i iember of the patient experience I jam. By bringing patient con- c eras and suggestions to the team, m d by weighing in on important < iscussions that affect DMC staff, patients, and families, Aneske- Wake Forest Baptist Health guest wich assists in making changes and volunteer services manager. that positively impact the experi­ ence of everyone at Davie Medi­ cal Center. "We truly appreciate her service and the difference she helps us to make in the lives of all of our pa- She is involved in discussions tients and their families.” regarding the new DMC bed tow- There are a variety of volunteer ers so that the perspective of the opportunities at DMC. patient and the family member can be at the forefront of the designs. In her spare time, she is a quil- make a difference in a lot of peo- ter. She was named volunteer of pie’s lives just like Helen is do- “We would love to have you join our volunteer family to help the month at the medical center. lDavie Medical Center could ing." said Runnels. A volunteer orientation not create such an atmosphere scheduled for 2 p.m. on Thursday, for patient- and family-centered July 16 at Davie Medical Center care without volunteers such as on the 4th floor of Plaza I. Con- Helen," said Pamela H. Runnels, tact Landon Lynch at 998.1310. Bi* . i i Helen Aneskewich volunteers at Davie Medical C enter For a limited time, buy any iPhone - get an iPad Mini for only $149.99!* v' No Contract Payment Plan ✓ Free Activation! Restrlctlons^appiy; see store for details. iPad Mini non-retina (16GB): MSRP $379.99 Y a d te F 4AT e le c o m S ^ ^ 4 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD t T hursday, July 1«, 2015 CPM Growing Aviation Jobs In Davie Aviation has been creat­ ing jobs and opportunities in North Carolina since the days of Wilbur and Orville Wright and the aerospace industry is still an important job growth cluster for North Carolina. Carolina Precision Ma­ chining (CPM), a home­ grown Davie County aero­ space manufacturer has relocated its manufactur­ ing operation to the former D im Building in Mocks­ ville at 351 Bethel Church Road. Founded in Davie Coun­ ty by Steve Vick in 1993, CPM manufactures preci­ sion machine parts for aero­ space, aviation and heavy equipment manufacturers. The company employs 30 ASpecioIThankYou! to the June 27,2015 SUMMER FESTIVAL SPONSORS from Cooleemee Civitons M ike & Christy Hopkins........Soillmon Auto...... W hH nes's Variety. Davie Funeral Service...........Eaton Funeral Service......__D aidel Furniture & Electric__ ...A lbem arle, NC ...C ooleem ee, NC Davie Discount Drags. ......Scoops Ice C ream . „ Hot O iggiN Doas & Ice C ream ..Carolina Finishing, In c______O sborne Tire & Autom otive...... Cooleem ee H ardw are, LLC........Deo no's BBQ.™... Cheerw ine Bottlers.._______„ A dvance Auto.___ e, NC e, NC e, NC le, NC e, NC so, NC ....M odtsvil e, ...Jllocksvil e, Mocksvil e,....M ocksville, ....M ocksvil e, ....C ooleem ee,. .. ....M ocksville, NC ....C ooleem ee, NC ....M ocksville, NC ....M ocksville, NC ....Cooleem ee, NC ....M ocksville, NC ....Salisbuty, NC ....Mocksville, NC people and this move will help the company create IQ- 25 new jobs over the next l2 to 18 months. “W hile big economic development deals like Ashley Furniture, Avgol, Baptist Health, Gildan, and Avgol get lots of attention and news coverage, it is the small business entrepreneur that creates most of the jobs in this country,” said Terry Bralley, Davie County Eco­ nomic Development Com­ mission president. “Entre­ preneurs in Davie County like Steve Vick know how to get things done. They are taking the initiative, assum­ ing the risk, and putting our people to work. “Davie County seems to have the right combination of factors that make this fertile ground for the en­ trepreneurial mind-set. We are growing but w e are still small enough that a small business owner in Davie County can feel like a big fish in a small pond. “Many of these suc­ cessful leaders are up and coming young folks with vision, high energy, passion and talent. We’re blessed to have folks like Steve in our community. The Davie County EDC is looking at ways to foster and grow this entrepreneurial talent base.” The new location pro­ vides room for expansion and reduces operating costs by enabling work-flow effi­ ciency improvements. According to Steve Vick: ‘T his new location gave us a clean slate and the oppor­ tunity to think outside the box and re-configure work­ flows from scratch: improv­ ing efficiency, reducing costs and making us a more valuable partner for our cus- tomers.The additional floor space and plant layout has allowed us to improve eveiy aspect of our operation.” One of the biggest ad­ vantages of the new loca­ tion is additional space for new equipment. CPM is in the process of installing and configuring the newest laser in the new location. The cost of cutting hard-to-machine materials by conventional mechanical machining pro­ cesses is high due to the low material removal rate and short tool life. Some mate­ rials are not possible to be cut by the conventional ma­ chining process. Laser beam machining uses a laser beam to remove materials without mechani­ cal engagement with the work-piece material. The N.C. Community Colleges system, DCCC Community College and the Northwest Piedmont Work­ force Development Board worked together in support of private sector job growth at CPM. With the support of an Incumbent Workers Grant from The Northwest Pied­ mont Workforce Develop­ ment Board and a Work­ force Development Grant from Davidson County Community College and the N.C. Community Col­ lege System, CPM earned the aerospace manufactur­ ing certifications AS9I00C and ISO 9001:2008 in 2013 paving the way for contin­ ued job growth in the avia­ tion sector. “The AS9100C certifica­ tion enables CPM to com­ pete on a level playing field with firms that are many times our size in the aero­ space industry,” Vick said. “It is unique for a firm our size to achieve this pres­ tigious certification and it demonstrates our commit­ ment to total customer sat- “Congratulations to Steve Vick and to the entire team at Carolina Precision Machining," Bralley said. “It is impressive when a firm is able to compete at this level and we look for­ ward to the continued suc­ cess of Steve Vick and the entire team at Carolina Pre­ cision Machining.” CPM is a privately owned and operated com­ pany established in 1993. CPM provides precision machine part manufacturing for aerospace, aviation and heavy equipment manufac­ turers with quality that is certified to comply with AS 9I00C and ISO 9001:2008. Machinists at CPM do high-precision, close toler­ ance tooling work and high 4 volume turning and milling. They also perform first ar­ ticle inspection components and prototypes prior to pro­ duction. Carolina Precision Ma­ chining can be reached by telephone at 751-7788 and on the web at www£pmma- chiningcom. BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT L a k e W a y M o w e r S e r v i c e LakeWay Mower Service 8c Repair, in Clemmons, would like to say Thank you” to all of its loyal custom­ ers. Over the last four years, LakeWay has enjoyed rapid growth and feel that is due to the type of service and relationship they have built with their customers. aWe have completed over 3,000 repair and service jobs, with two-thirds of those jobs being repeat busi­ ness," mentioned owner Chris Sonafrank in a recent interview. aWe want to be an affordable alternative to pur­ chasing something new, as well as, the alternative to any other repair shop in the area,” he added. LakeWay Mower Sendee is owned by LakeWay Landscaping, LLC which has been in business since 2005. "We are a full service lawn.pare and landscaping. company Uiat serves both residential and commercial accounts," Sonafrank said. "We are always looking to increase our lawn care and landscaping business.” Some of the offerings of LakeWay Landscaping services are: • Plugging •Seeding • Fertilizing • Pruning • Tree removal • Landscape design and installation • Leaf removal • Raisad beds • Retaining walls • Grading • Planting • Ground cover "If it’s broken, we can repair it!" Sonafrank also wants his customers to know Uiat if the repair would exceed the value of the equipment, he will let you know. "We don’t want our customers spending money on something terminal.” Some examples of what LakeWay repairs or ser­ vices are: • Riding mowers • Push mowers • Commercial Zero turn mowers • Generators • Blowers • String trimmers • Chainsaws M ow er S ervice L andscaping G rounds M aintenance 5 0 ° Off All Bnurd Name Used Driveis, Excellent Condition) 3623 Oemm ons Road Oemmons 766-2233 T h e D a isY D e p o t F u ll Service Florist &GiftShop 818 South Main St-MockndIIeNC 336-753-3100thedatydepotegmallcom Bruce’s PotteryBam 820 S. Main SL1 MukntlelKC Funttknal IiNon-Funttitnal W btdTbmunli Hand Carved Pottery Formerly o f Seacrove , N C QpenWriSSa IOliTia1 Ihn1J h iw 336-465-1041 I CLASSES AVAILABLE! • Log splitters • Tralers • Hedge trimmers • Bed edgers LakeWay Mower Service & Repair also carries most of the parts for your service and repair needs. Those that are not in stock can usually be received the next business day. "So if you can’t find it, let us do the looking for you," Sonafrank said. The rewards program at LakeWay Mower Sen/ice is successful and appreciated by the customers. "Our customers receive $25.00 off any repair or sen/ice after their fourth visit,’’ he said. A new item LakeWay Mower Service has recently started selling is NC long leaf pine needles. "We are offering a 10% discount and customers can earn a punch on their reward card for purchas­ ing their pine needles with us.” (minimum 10 bales) added Sonafrank. LakeWay Mower Service is located at 3612 Clem­ mons Road. For more information call (336) 766- 2738, visit their website at www.lakewayllc.com. or like them on FaceBook. PERKINSROOFING "Qiia/Jtyworfc O treasoflobfeprfeesn Phones 336>7S3>8355 Njc 330-753-6373 BtTMft IakewayMowerSeniice Saws - Generators . LogSplitters Blowers 10% OFF Pine Needlfs (IObalemia) ,336-766-2738 ■r¥ ^ T R e S to r e ]. *** NEW STORE HOURS!! **★ ! TUES.-FtM. 9am-6pm&SAT. 9am-Spm • Starling July 1“ see our f-'* new Christm as Room! 3 Professional Barbers Tues1-FrL 830am • 6 pm; Sat. Uam-noon (336)766-9011 2721 Lewisville Ctemmuis Rd.• Ctemmms « WaRc-hsare wmv.demmanstrarberstiop.com Bj welcome; 25% OFF Christmas Items f TTjj-u Ju.1/ Jf1 JOtS with I/its cou,- ' I 124 Wilkesboro St., Mocksville **** I ^ jK r o s s from O1ReIUjf A ute Parts) 3 3 6 - 7 5 3 - 1 4 3 8 DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 16,2015 - 5 District Court District Court. Presiding: •fudge Jimmy L. Myers. Prosecuting: Karen Bicr- nocki and Wendy Terry, as­ sistant DAs. - Jason K. Alexander, simple assault, dismissed, mediated. - Rosa M. Luna Alvoren- ga, no license, dismissed, corrected. - Ashley Noelle Angel, expired registration, ex­ pired/no inspection, dis­ missed, corrected. - Matthew Edwin Baker, speeding 85 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, SIO1 cost. - Joshua David Barney, speeding 85 in a 55, rear lamps violation, speeding 69 in a 55, dismissed per plea; reckless driving to en­ danger, $50, cost. - Kimberly Blackwelder, assault and battery, dis­ missed, mediated. • Glenda Sue Blanton, as­ sault and battery, dismissed, mediated. • Teresa Ratledge Booie, simple assault, dismissed, mediated. - Austin Eugene Britt, littering not more than 15 pounds, dismissed in the interest of justice; fish­ ing without a license, dis­ missed, corrected. - Roger Dale Coltrane, probation violotion, sen­ tenced to 45 days, credit for six days, probation will be terminated after active sen­ tence is served; two counts driving while license re­ voked not D W l, fictitious/ altered title/registration, dismissed per plea. - Joseph Nelson Corkhill, speeding 86 in a 70, prayer for judgment continued, cost. - Anthony T. Douglas, driving while license re­ voked DWI revocation, sentenced to 120 days, sus­ pended 18 months, not op­ erate vehicle until licensed, $100, cost; unsafe move­ ment, dismissed per plea. • Lillian Taylor Downs, speeding 92 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70. • Keilie Lynn Eizengo, failure to return rental prop­ erty, $50, cost. - Ted York Essick, speed­ ing 65 in a 45, dismissed per plea; driving while license revoked not DW I, prayer for judgment continued. - Brian Hugh Fitzgerald, speeding 92 in a 70, re­ duced to 79 in a 70, $100, cost; failure to carry valid license, dismissed per plea. • Reginald J. Gaither, assault on a female, dis­ missed, prosecuting witness failed to appear. • Jerry Eugene Gooden Jr., show cause, dismissed per compliance. • Karleon T. Gregory, re­ sisting public officer, sen­ tenced to lime served. • Ashley Marie Griffin, probation violation, sen­ tenced to 37 days, proba­ tion will be terminated after active sentence is served, $170 attorney fee. - Chad Wayne Harris, expired registration, dis­ missed, corrected. - Donald Hollingsworth, cyberstalking, dismissed, mediated. • Sheila Ann Hunt, DWI, sentenced to 60 days, sus­ pended 18 months, 24 hours community service, credit for substance abuse assess­ ment/follow treatment, sur­ render license, not operate vehicle until licensed, lim­ ited driving privilege/SlOO fee, $100, cost, $100 DWI fee. • Roy Robert Locklear, misdemeanor larceny, sen­ tenced to time served, cost, $19750 attorney fee. - Timothy P. Maddox, reckless driving-wanton disregard, exceeding posted speed, dismissed, civil set­ tlement. • Lawrence F. Matthews, violation of court order, dis­ missed per compliance. • Mandala L. Matthews, 2 counts misdemeanor lar­ ceny, dismissed, mediated. - Inez McCIannon, simple assault, dismissed at request of prosecuting witness. - John Hardin McCIan- non, simple assault, dis­ missed at request of pros­ ecuting witness. - Rhiannon D. McCorkIe, shoplifting concealment of goods, prayer for judgment continued, cost. • Michael Jason O’Brien, cyberstalking, prayer for judgment continued. - Hector Jose Santana, misdemeanor larceny, prayer for judgment con­ tinued, cost; driving while license revoked not DWI, reckless driving to endan­ ger, dismissed per plea. • Jevin Lorenzo Scott, felony obtaining property by false pretense, reduced to misdemeanor larceny, sen­ tenced to 45 days, suspend­ ed 18 months, obtain sub: stance abuse assessment/ treatm ent,$4530 restitution to victim, cost. $307 5 0 at­ torney fee. • Sharina Shegail Scw t1 speeding52 in a 35,reduced to improper equipment, $ 10, oost,$20 install fee. • Christopher Singletary, cyberstalking, dismissed at request Of prosecuting wit­ ness. - Samuel Patrick Stacy, driving while license re­ voked DWI revocation, sentenced to 45 days to run with sentence now serving. • Michelle M. Starnes, as­ sault and battery, dismissed, mediated. • Paul Michael Taylor, exceeding safe speed, dis­ missed, civil settlement. • Linda Mae Treadway, speeding 97 in a 70, re­ duced to careless and reck­ less driving, $700, cost, $20 install fee; driving while li­ cense revoked not DWI, fic­ titious/altered title/registra­ tion. possession/display of altered/fictitious/revoked li­ cense, dismissed, corrected. - Courtney Carrington Wells, speeding 64 in a 50. reduced Io improper equip­ ment, $25, cost, $50 im­ proper equipment fee, $200 failure to appear fee. Failure to A ppear • Kelsey Breanne Cheeks, speeding 77 in a 55, driv­ ing while license revoked not DWI,canceled/revoked/ suspended certificate/tag, operating vehicle with no insurance. - Scotty Eugene Chunn, expired registration. • Joseph Earl Coalson, no license. -SherreII L. Collins, driv­ ing while license revoked not DWI. - Jamon D. Jefferies, driv­ ing while license revoked not DWI. • Erica Lynn Jenkins, obtaining a controlled sub­ stance by fraud/forgery, simple possession schedule VI controlled substance, misdemeanor larceny. - Betty Houston White aka Melony Yvonne White, possession of marijuana up to one-half ounce, posses­ sion of drug paraphernalia, misdemeanor probation violation. Dishon Emmanuel Worth, possession o f drug paraphernalia. Defendant Skips Out While Jury Deciding Verdict A Hiddenite man ac­ cused of larceny decided nw to stick around to hear the jury’s verdict in Davie SuperiorCouit last week. Now, there is an order for his arrest. Douglas Eugene Curiee, 51, represented himself on the felonies of larceny from a merchant and habitual felon, in front of Judge Julia Gullett. He was accused of stealing a knife from Lowes Home Improvement on Feb. 6,2013. Although the knife was valued at about $20, because -he cut open the clamshell packaging, dis­ abling the anti-theft device, the charge became a felony, father than a misdemeanor. Chris Holbrook, now a pastor at a local church, was the loss prevention associate at Lowes. He said that day, on closed circuit television, he saw Curlee approach the knife case, holding some­ thing in front of him that resembled a binder. Curiee selected a knife from the case and went down another aisle, where Holbrook said he watched him take anoth­ er knife from his pocket and cut the clamshell packaging on the Lowes knife. He dis­ carded the packaging onto a shelf, put the knife in his right pocket and exited the store. Holbrook and anoth­ er employee confronted Curiee outside on the side­ walk. He said Curiee “tried to flee” and they struggled. Holbrook demanded the knife, and Curiee pulled one out of his left pocket but it wasn’t the one he stole. Holbrook told him to empty his right pocket, but Curiee continued to deny he’d tak­ en anything, and a woman approached, telling Hol­ brook to leave Curiee alone. Holbrook said Curiee then removed the knife from his right pocket, dropping it on the ground, and the woman picked it up and handed it to Holbrook. Curiee took off running through the parking lot and toward Goodwill. Officer Daniel Mat­ thews, with the Mocksville Police Department, said he saw Curiee running from Lowes to Goodwill. Mat­ thews went into Goodwill and said people in there pointed toward the back of the store. He and Officer Ronald Armstrong searched Goodwill. Cpl. Cody Ste­ phens was in the area when he heard on his radio a sus­ pect was on the run and thinking officers might need K9 assistance, he said, he joined them in Goodwill, but Curiee was nowhere to be found. Stephens went to Shiki, beside Goodwill and asked workers if someone had run in there and they indicated a man did and was in the bathroom. Stephens folind him there. “He was in the stall and I had him come out. He was breathing hard and sweat­ ing,” Stephens testified. The jury of six men and six women watched the video taken in the store (hat day. Curiee shook his head repeatedly while watching the video, and said, during his motion to dismiss the charges, that the movement Holbrook said he made to cut the packaging and take the knife out wasn't visible on the video. He also said while Hol­ brook said the packaging had been cut, by looking at a picture of it, it didn’t look like it had. Curlee's common-law wife, Shephanie Roark, said the only knife Curiee had in his pocket was a Spider- man knife her son had given Curiee years ago. While they were on the sidewalk, she said, “A long-haired skinny guy walked out of Lowes and said, ‘Here’s your knife.' They let him (Curiee) go and he went jog­ ging, not running, to Shiki.” She said Curiee had an appointment at Shiki with someone he was going to do work for. Assistant DA Wendy Terry asked RoarklllSo you say Pastor Holbrook said you were the one who gave the knife to him and said 'H ere's your knife, leave him alone’ but you said that’s not true, so Pastor Holbrook is deceiving the jury?” Roark said, “No, he’s mistaken.” She said she and Curiee were at Lowes that day to price air filters. Curiee made another motion to dismiss, say­ ing Holbrook should have produced video taken from outside the store that day that “would’ve shown ev­ erything.” Holbrook previously tes­ tified there were no cameras outside the store, but Curiee said there are. Gullett denied the mo­ tion. In his closing statement, Curiee said the officers roughed him up and Hol­ brook “choked him a little bit” outside the store and that the only knife he had on him was the Spiderman knife. The packaging was not cut as far as he could see, he said, and when he left Lowes, he “jogged” to Shiki to meet with someone whose house he was going to roof. “I know I’m innocent. I've got three children. I wouldn't steal a $20 knife,” he said. Terry told the jury to use their common sense in con­ sidering what they'd heard in testimony and seen on the video. “There’s an expression, ‘If it looks like a duck and it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then it’s a duck.”' She said Curiee could clearly be seen on the vid­ eo going past the tools and straight to the knives. “How many other men in America do you know who wouldn’t stop to look at the tools?” she asked the jury. She said the bubble part of the packaging was where Curiee made the cut to re­ move the knife, not the edge o f the packaging where Curiee pointed to make his argument to the jury about the packaging not being cut. “Eveiything Mr. Hol­ brook told you is consis­ tent with the evidence. Mr. Holbrook has no incentive to not be completely hon­ est, but the defendant is cenainly interested in the outcome of this case and so is his common-law wife. And consider this. The de­ fendant ran. If someone is beating you up and rough­ ing you up and you hear si­ rens, you wouldn’t run, and you sure wouldn't hide in a bathroom. Ms. Roark said he had a business meeting in Shiki, but she couldn’t explain why he ran through Goodwill. And if you have a business meeting, you aren't going to hide in a bathroom” Teny said. At the close of her argu­ ment, the jury left to delib­ erate. Curiee and Roark left the courtroom, and when the jury returned less than 15 minutes later, the bailiff went to find them to tell them there was a verdict. He saw Curiee outside the courthouse at a car, but by the time he could get down there, Curiee was gone. Roark went back into the counroom, sobbing, and told Gullett Curiee had her phone with him, so the bailiff called it. but it went right to voicemail. Deputies searched for Curiee for 25 minutes but could not find him, so Gullett said the jury could return to the coun­ room and deliver their ver­ dict, which was guilty. The second phase of the trial dealt with Curlee’s sta­ tus of habitual felon. Teny told them Curiee had been convicted of ut­ tering a forged instrument, escape from prison, and larceny, all felonies, and the jury deliberated about three minutes before returning a guilty verdict. Gullett issued an order for Curlee’s arrest, setting no bond, and said once he is found, he is to remain in jail until the next session of Superior Court, Sept. 14. She was unable to sentence Curiee in his absence, so he received a prayer for judg­ ment continued. Peaches Now Available HILLTOP ORCHARD Mocksville, NC 336-492-7246 or 336-391-2060 i:Fnm MO Exit 170 in : 601 North1Ieft 4. Mow sfeni^ Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8;00am • 8:00pm, Sat. & Sun., 8am-7pm Look tor us on Facebook: Hilltop Orchard HOWARD REALTY F e a t u r e d L i s t i n g s ____________ BnMttffacpvMrnOMCojtyIfca1M.SpnMMsitK M d tt $134,000 gxty*m GrtXan Wa WW $89,900 330 S. SaBskuiy SL1 Mocksville • 336-751-3538 CLOSING SALE SHOP 601 LADIES APPAREL BEST SELECTIONS AVAILABLE NOWI TOPS,PANTS,PURSES.JEWELRY,FIXTURES, EVERYTHING MUST GO ■3911 CLEMMONS RD CLetmONSl NC NBXT DOOR TO MONOAY - FRIDAY f0.-0O-6.-0O OATUHtMY fOjOO-JjOO Farnkitb IftLB IfT Mocksville Farmer's Market EVERY WEDNESDAY from 3:00 - 6:00 pm Location: MocksviIIeTown Hall Parking Lot §171 S. Glement St.^ Products Available: Hand M ade Soaps, Various Plants, Bread, Pies, Baked Goods, Pralines, Eggs, Honey, Jams, Jellies, Spinach, Lettuce,Onions,Tom atoes and other Fruits and Vegetables Forinformation Call: 336-671-0553 or336-753-6700 6 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, T hursday, July 1«, 2015 Public Records - Land Transfers The following land trans­ fers were filed with the Davie Register of Deeds, listed by parties involved, . acieage. township, and deed stamps purchased with $2 representing $ I £00. -Lillie Mae Wooten Fty to Bert Michael Tribble and Sheila Fty Tribble, .83 acre, Mocksville. • Shiki to CL Tran, I tract, ■ Mocksville. - Alaina LouTsb- Doss to Blair Anne Gibson and Jordan Allan Younts, 1.15 acres, Farmington, $504. • IH2 Property North Car­ olina to IH2 Property TRS 2,1 lot, Mocksville. - Marcus L. Brewei <uid Cherie H. Brewer to Scott Hunter and Julie Hunter, I lot. Shady Grove, $540. - - Grady L. McCIamrock Jr., commissioner of estate, to Grady L. McCIamrock Sr., I lot, Jerusalem, $50. - Harry Scott Vogler and LaRhonda K. Vogler to Bobby Rycroft and Tiffany Rycroft, I lot, Jerusalem, $270. • Oak Valley Associates to Isenhour Homes, I lot, Farmington, $110. • Joan A. Coe to Jennifer M. Myers, I lot, Farming­ ton, $290. - Trustee Services of Car- ” olina to Federal National - Mortgage Assoc., I lot. • Margaret A. Honeyc­ utt, Shirley A. Johnson and Gary Landon Johnson, and Roy A. Adams and Cathy T. Adams to Roy A. Adams and Cathy T. Adams, I lot. • Kimberly W. Homer and Elizabeth W. Beidler and Charles Frederick Beidler Jr. to Zachary Knight and McihelIeKnight, 1.31 acres. Shady Grove, $248. • AUegacy Federal Credit Union to Dennis C. Dyson and Ann C. Dyson, .86 acre, Mocksville,$107. • Lance Vaughn and Kim­ berly Vaughn to Robert T. Redding and Georgina M. Redding, I lot, Shady Grove, $820. • David H. Cozart and Rosemary Cozart1 Steven J. Pickrel and Nancy Laine Pickrel to Aaron M. Veach and John R. Veach Jr., I lot, Mocksville,$195. • Ann Highsmith Hil- lebrand to Jaryd WiUiam Shore, I tract, Farmington, $4. • Ellen Griffith to Mi­ chelle S. Lane and Joel C. Lane, I lot, Farmington, $420. - James B. Leonard and Karen M. Leonard to Brad­ ley Daniel Baig and Kristi Nicole Barg, I lot, Farming­ ton, $327. - Alma Pendergast and Gayle Tate Sink to The Al­ lied Wisdom Foundation, 6 acres, Farmington. - RobeiCP.' Keelen and Bobby' Lynn Chisum to Patrick H. Valcarcel and Lodovisa Valcarcel, I lot, Fulton, $530. - Richard Paul Whimey and Martha E. Whitney, co­ trustees, to Julie A. Stamper and Jonathan L. West, I lot, Mocksville, $257. - Patricia Peyton Petree to George H. Hamilton V SEAFORD STUMP REMOVAL LotaBy Owmdt Operttoa ^ Mocksville, NC SMOMtlQS and Lillian P. Hamilton, 7.7 acres, Farmington, $200. • William E. Alley and Carol M. Alley to Gary Hin­ sdale and Lorrie A. Hins­ dale, 2 tracts, $3521 - Ptieneious Clark Wil­ liams III and Marcheta D. Williams to Matthew Ibdd Woollard and Karen Bames Woollaid, I lot, Farmington. - Jefirey R. Smith and Margie T. Smith to Michael A. Neely and Constance B. Call, 2 tracts, Mocksville, $13. • Donna Cope Parsley I ‘ d as executrix and heir of c.-tate of Bobby Gray Cope, Sandra Cope Motley and Michael Edward Motley, Larry Gray Cope, Peggy Cope Waller and Teny Joe Waller to Lany Gray Cope, I tract. - Matthew Pete Burchette to WestIey Scott Newton and Sarah Elise Newton, .54 acre, Mocksville, $210. • Phillip Seats and Kathy K. Seats to Mark Allen Manspile and Lisa Ann Manspile, I lot, Mocksville, $245. • Sylvia E. Lagle to Roy Lyden Williams, I lot, Jeru­ salem, $4. - RS Parker Homes to Matthew P. Burchette, I lot, Mocksville, $467. - Curtis Dean Hodges and Scarlett Beck Hodges to James C. Wayne and Linda H. Wayne, I lot, Shady Grove, $370. • Wayne Dennie Wagner and Judy H. Wagner to Dar­ lene Wagner Chapman, .69 acre, Jerusalem, $130. • Jerry W. Smith to Achan Wayne Smith and Candie Miller Smith, I acre. • John H. O’Neal to Johnna Charlene Hayes (50% interest), Tammy Ly- nette O’Neal (16.68% in­ terest), Jonathan Michael Britt (16.66% interest), and Joshua Allen Britt (16.66% interest), 25 acres, Calahaln. - Tiustee Services of Car­ olina to US Bank NA, I lot, $294. - Kathy Anne Tatum Crews, trustee, and Carley M. Tatum and Robert Win­ ston Crews Sr. to Kathy Anne Tatum Crews and Robert Winston Crews Sr., 250.6 acres, Jetusalem. Kathy Anne Tatum Crews, trustee, and Carley M. Tatum and Robert Win­ ston Crews Sr. to Kathy Anne Tatum Crews and Robert Winston Crews Sr., 6 tracts. - Kathy Anne Tatum Crews, trustee, and Carley M. Tatum and Robert Win­ ston Crews Sr. to Cariy M. Ihtum and Kathy Anne Ta­ tum Crews and Robeit Win­ ston Crews Sr., 208 acres, Jerusalem. - CMH Homes to Lo- rin A. Wood and Karen S. Wood, .96 acre. • CMH Homes to Victoria Rivers, 103 acres, $270. • Christopher Holden and Luanne Holden to Victor Oitega and Heather B. Orte­ ga, I lot, Farmington, $790. • Linda Beck, and Rog­ er Henry Hill and Eliza­ beth Corwin Hill to James Thomas Tbnerow1 2 tracts, $270. •Annie E. Grant to Sonny Miller, 55 acre, Jerusalem, $20. • John W. Long, executor of estate of Janie S. Chaplin, to John W. Long and Faye C. Long, 3 tracts, Shady You are always welcome at First United Methodist Church 310 N orth M ain Street H istoric Downtown M ocksville ContemporaryWbrshlp 8:45 am. TraditionaIWbrship 1055 am. Sunday School for all ages 950 a m Wbekly Prayer Servlce-Thurs. Noon-I £0 pm www.firstumcmocksville.org Telephone: 751-2503 ^ Grove, $120. • Marilyn S. Spainhour to Anthony Zordano and Carol Marie Zordano, I lot, Farm­ ington, $385. • Jefiirey R. Wilson and Katherine A. Wilson to Rodney Edward Wilson Sr., I lot, Mocksville, $24. - Mark T. Wall to Uri N. Arieli and DanaArieIi, I lot, Farmington, $408. - Rogers Townsend & Thomas, substitute trustee to Santander Bank, 21 £25 square feet, Faimington, $139. • Brian S. Motsinger and Christine Motsinger to Ttacey F. Settle and Su­ san M. Settle, I lot, Fulton, $410. • R&L Real Estate to Vick Investment Properties, 7.84 acres, Mocksville, $1,790. - Jeanine Sterling Bate­ man to Batangas Consult­ ing, I condominium, Farm­ ington, $270. - Batangas Consulting to Gecvge A. Hollodick and Ruthe E. Holtodick, I con­ dominium, Farmington, $270. - JKK Property Investors to Batangas Consulting, I condominium, Farmington, $210. - Batangas Consulting to Thomas S. Bateman, Scott S. Bateman and Kimberly Wachtel, trustees, I condo­ minium, Farmington, $210. • William H. Bartlett and Frances W. Bartlett to How­ ard B. Hufi Jr. and Lynn A. Huff, I lot, Mocksville, $276. - Garlene B. Kurfees and Stuart Kurfees, and Luvada B. Howell and Stewart Howell to Luvada B. How­ ell and Stewart Howell, 832 acres, Mocksville, $69. Building Permits The following building permits were issued, listed by applicant, type of con­ struction, estimated cost and location. • Russell Smith, shop, $94,000, Farmington Rd., Mocksville. - Eric Wayne Inc., con­ crete mixing pit, $175000, Lee Jackson Dr., Advance. - The Veritas Group, condo renovation, $18000, Bermuda Village Dr., Ber­ muda Run. • Sign Clinic, speaker canopy, $2000, US 158, Bermuda Run. • New Atlantic Con­ struction, new high school, $52,671,737 000, War Ea­ gle Dr., Mocksville. - New Atlantic Construc­ tion, temporary job trailer, $4000, Faimington Rd., Mocksville. - Magnolia Construction, building upfit, $52000, Yadkinville Rd., Mocks­ ville. • Insulated Concrete Structures, interior upfit, $85,250, N. Main Street, Mocksville. - Craig Hendrix Con­ struction, remodel, $4500, Cemeteiy St., Mocksville. - Lisa Obermilter, demo­ lition of buildings, $1000, Greenhill Rd., Mocksville. • Ground Breakers Grad­ ing-& Hauling, demolition of home, $10,600, West- view Ave., Cooleemee. - Lakey’s Backhoe Ser­ vice, demolish three floors of church, $50000, N. Main St., Mocksville. • Decked Out of the Tri­ ad, deck, $7000, Justin Ct., Advance. - Mark Aaron Menius, single family dwelling, $151000. Foster Rd., Mocksville. • Jonathan Giles, addi­ tion, $4000, INvin Cedars Golf Rd., Mocksville. - Peter Pappas, slab for garage, $4,700, Eatons Church Rd., Mocksville. - NC Solar Now, roof so­ lar system, $24500, Hicko­ ry Tree Rd., Mocksville. • Brandy Morton, finish basement, $13,000, Prim­ rose Rd., Advance. - Decked Out of the Tri­ ad, deck, $5000, Monarch Q ., Advance. • Isenhour Homes, single family dwelling, $345000, Caudle Meadows Dr., Ad­ vance. • Disaster One, wa­ ter damage restoration, $13000, Fox Horn Q ., Mocksville. - Madison Home Build­ ers, single family dwelling, $82500, Ollie Harkey Rd., Mocksville. • Jerry Smith, bathroom remodel, $20000, March Ferry Rd., Advance. - Decked Out of the Tri­ ad, deck, $5,000, Jericho Church Rd., Mocksville. Thriteel Basement Systems, wail repair, $20,999.75, BroadwayRd., Mocksville. • True Homes, single family dwelling, $137,700, Scotch Moss Dr., Advance. • Lea Shipley, garage, $10000, Spillman Farm Trail, Mocksville. • Jefi Beauchamp, kitch­ en remodel, $12000, Bear Creek Church Rd., Mocks­ ville. - Mid-State Metals of the Carolines, storage build­ ing, $40000, No Creek Rd., Mocksville. - Thte Rice Homes, single family dwelling, $305000, N. Hiddenbrooke Dr., Ad­ vance. - Eastwood Construc­ tion, single family dwelling, $178500, Glenmoor Ave., Bermuda Run. Phoenix Restora­ tion Services of the Caro- linas, fire restoration, $123,733.19, Spyglass Dr., Bermuda Run. - Morgan Sl Paricer Build­ ers, remodel patio into porch, $17050, Sycamore Ridge Dr., Bermuda Run. • Eastwood Construc­ tion, single family dwelling, $155,100, GIenmoor Ave., Bermuda Run. • Todd Ellis Builders, ad­ dition, $155000, River Dr., Bermuda Run. • Eric Brown Construc­ tion Sl Remodeling, de­ tached - garage, $35000, Charleston Ridge Dr., Mocksville. - Lucio Granadero1 wall replacement, $6000, Avon Street, Mocksville. • Keith Snyder, storage building, $4,610, Covenant Cove Dr., Mocksville. - Angell’s Pools, swim­ ming pool, $29010, Corn­ wallis Dr., Mocksville. • Harris Pool Sl Supplies, inground pool, $21000, Lakeview Rd., Mocksville. Russell Tremblay, swimming pool, $65000, Peoples Creek Rd., Ad-' vance. • S&C Pools, swimming pool, $28,600, Bing Crosby Blvd. Bermuda Run. - Harris Pool Sc Supplies, inground pool, $26000, Birchwood Lane, Mocks­ ville. • Harris Pool Sl Supplies, inground pool, $21000, W. Church St., Mocksville. Arrests The following were ar­ rested by the Davie County Sheriff’s Department. July 6: Christina Nunn, 29, Swicegood St., Mocks­ ville, possession Schedule II controlled substance, simple possession marijuana, pos­ session drug paraphernalia; Joseph Reid, Swicegood St., Mocksville, maintain­ ing a vehicle or dwelling for a controlled substance, pos­ session stolen goods, pos­ session drug paraphernalia. July 7: Armando Garcia, 17, Oakland Drive, Mocks­ ville, assault; Curtis Tbmer1 erty, NC 801 S., Advance; Granada Drive, Advance, trespassing, Fairway Dr., breaking, entering and Iar- Bermuda Run. ceny from vehicle; Larry July 11: custody ex- Hedrick, 37, Hope Lane, change, NC 801 N., Ber- Mocksville, violation of muda Run; emergency court order. custody, US 158, Advance; July 8: Carl McKinney, unauthorized use o f vehicle; 24, Calvin Lane, Mocks- larceny,NC801 N.,Mocks* ville, failure to appear In ville; possession marijuana, court; Chance Campbell, Sheffield/Turkeyfoot roads, 18, Jessica Th-ail, Mocks- Mocksville. ville, breaking, entering and July 12: assault, Danner larceny, trespassing; Shal- Rd., Mocksville; assault, US ynn McKinney, 22, Rural 64 E., Mocksville; trespass- Hall, failure to appear in ing, Joe Rd., Mocksville; court, larceny, possession of trespassing, Yadkin Valley stolen goods; JerryM oyano, Rd., Advance, disturbance, 25, Danbury, larceny, pos- Houston Rd., Mocksville. session stolen goods, failure to appear in court. July 9: Morgan Bam- hardt, 21, Dare Lane, Ad­ vance, failure to appear in court; Victor Trejos, 42, Junction Rd., Mocksville, failure to appear in court; Cooleemee Police The following are from Cooleemee Police Depart­ ment reports. • Jeffrey Scott Bailey, 48, of Erwin St., was charged _ July 4 with damage prop- Jeremy Jones, 24, Center eBy T[1al daK. A„g , 3 St., Cooleemee, posses-He is accused of throwing aslon dnrg pamphernolin, IjoardthroljghaivIlldow toha—mhamJah O—L.4.. I a f\/possession Schedule IV a residence on Duke Street.d m es Nicholas Trootman, . The Iock Rlvcrpark 27, Salisbury, possession was cm ,,, Vm rep o n e d Jldy drug paraphernalia, posses- ^ sion marijuana, possession '. James 0 sbome, 20, of Schedule IV drags; David Rm in s , , was c|led June Everharr, 58, Cleveland, 2g for aUowhlg a0 an||m | N C1 failure to appear In „ „ „ 1 Iarge. Accordillgto court; Eric Grooms, 36, US 601 S., Mocksville, cyber­ stalking. July 10: Benjamin Turn­ er, 25, Granada Drive, Ad­ vance, breaking, entering and larceny; Jackie Bled­ soe, 26, US 601 N., Mocks- Officer Shawn Breitzman, Osborne’s dog had terror­ ized the neighborhood twice in two weeks. Mocksville Police The following are from ville, possession of weapon Mocksville Police Depan- by prisoner; Darren John- ment reports, son, 29, Legion Hut Rd., -ThelarcenyofapadIock Mocksville, failure to ap- fr°m WalMart was reported pear in court; Alonzo Smith, July 10. 28, Winston-Salem, failure * A trespasser was report- to appear in court; Joshua ed July 9 at Autumn Care, Cole, 28, Statesville, fail- Howard Street, ure to appear in court; Tra- * The larceny of house- vis Sutterlin, 20, Lakewood hold goods and telephone Ave., Mocksville, contempt equipment from WalMart of court; Roger Jenkins, 57. was reported July 6. Stony Point, stalking. * The shoplifting of con- July 11: Gerald Doby, doms from WaIMart was re- 31, Turkeyfoot Rd., Mocks- ported July 6. ville, possession marijuana. Sheriff’s Dept. The following are from Davie County Sheriff’s De­ partment reports. July 6: breaking, entering A rrest Mandie Michelle O ’N eal, 40, of Gladstone Road, was charged July 9 with communicating threats. TVaffic Accidents A tractor-trailer broughtand larceny, drugs, US 601 j ~ ui^ ivi uaiici uiuuUmc R. i ... i ite down power lines whi e try-S., Mocksville; larceny, US • r 3 601 N ., Mocksville; distur- ing to turn around in a park­ ing lot at Wilkesboro and Gaither streets at 6:23 pm . •i. . u-ii , p. Juiy 10, reported Officer rng lhreats, Hrllcras Dr.. N.s . Rhodes^ bance, Dots Lane, Mocks­ ville; assault, communicat- Advance; larceny, Hillcrest Dr., Advance; unauthorized use of vehicle, Pineville Rd., Mocksville. July 7: breaking and en- No charges were filed against the driver, Lorin An­ thony Lavin, 69, o f Dallas, Texas. • A Mocksville womantering, damage to property, .. . US 601 S.. M n e M lk - JL *light after a three-vehicle wreck on Yadkinville Road US 601 S., Mocksville; lar­ ceny, US 158, Advance; obtaining property by false . , , . . pretense. Will Boone Rd ., “ Mocksville; domestic dis­ turbance,US 158,Advance; disturbance, Com atzetRd., Advance; assault, Yankee Lane, Mocksville. July 8: injury to property, Roberson Dr., Mocksville; Linda Harris Angell, 72, of US 601 North, ran the red light in a 2010 Kia and it hit a 2002 Chrysler driven by Alice Lewis Hendon, 74, of Cana Road, then it hit a 2014 Kia driven by Eunice Buffington Smoot, 65, ofIittering1YadkinValleyRd., D . . Bnrnrnrla Ron; ShOting: ' “ k B° " R o,d' rePoned Yadkin Valley Rd., Bermu­ da Run; financial card fraud, Patricia Way, Mocksville; disturbance, Emerald Lane, Mocksville; trespassing, Jericho Church Rd., Mocks­ ville. July 9: breaking, entering Officer Joey Reynolds. - A Mocksville woman was cited for failing to yield right of way after a wreck on YadkinviIle road at 1:40 pjn.July 9. Paula D. Ijames, 46, of Spring Street, drove a 2002 J 7 ’ oreT 1.8 ,:" 7 ™ g Toyota from Hospital Street and larceny, Spttnghill Dr., 3 .. , . Mocksville; financial nrrrO S ? " ; P a th o fV S J' 11P ■ Co e> j being driven on Yadkinville 158, Beratndn Road by gyeed Threshaodfraud, US Lane, reported Officer W.D.na and paraphernalia, NC 801, Woodieaf; financial card fraud, WUls Rd., Ad­ vance; larceny, Chinabeny Q ., Mocksville; financial card theft, Ashley Way, Ad­ vance; breaking, entering and larceny, Granda Dr., Greene. • No charges were filed after a wreck on US 601 SouUi at noon June 29. Lastelia Kieria Gray, 21, of Woodieaf, was driving Advaim ™ dm nesdcdistur-' ? I ^ H o n d n ,Inrt ,IightIy, — KlimArwI SktA -K a -Aaa aP abance. Shady Knoll Lane,bumped into the rear of a M o e M v ^ r a ^ S : ^ * Gnutada Dr.,Advance. B n“ dosePlL wnsleP' 53' July 10: damage ro prop- ^ “ ^ ^ ned Stink. DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, T hursday, July 16,2015 - 7 Continued From Pngc I received a letter from Gat­ lins' attorney, Philip Searcy, about an old farm road that ran along Galliiis' property Iiiw and encroached on the new high school site. Since the county owned the land, attorney Ed Voglcr com­ municated a compromise to Scarcy Feb. 12, Hartncss said. In late March, North Davie Principal Mary Fos­ ter told Harlncss and two school board members she’d received numerous complaints about n strong odor outside the school. The next day, Chad Fuller, board chair, contacted Zoning Di­ rector Andrew Meadwell, sharing Paster’s comment. When Foster was con­ tacted in April by the Davie County Enterprise Record, she said: “It smells like gar­ bage and it's not every day. It’s typically first thing in the morning and then dis­ sipates. It’s certainly not something that has an ini- poet chi our school day.” When asked if the chil­ dren, who play outside dur­ ing the day, had complained of any odor, Foster said they had not. Meadwell visited the farm in the spring, and in April, said, “In some as­ pects it is looked at as an agricultural type use, and in some aspects, it’s a manu­ facturing type use. It's not much different than a farm­ ing type operation. His Knight... Continued From Pnge I in one of these chairs than ;Mr. Bobby Knight.” I He credited Knight's 'dedication for making the senior center a reality, as well as it being named a North Carolina senior cen­ ter of excellence. Library... ,Continued From Page I at my Trcehouse1 includ­ ing an old window that my next-door neighbors, Dennis and Parris Whitley, graciously gave to me. Saving the tongue and groove cedar slats that lined my closets was well worth the care we took at remov­ ing them during remodel­ ing. Old beaded board was part of the construction; Grubb planed it some and used the reverse side. It's rewarding to take house is probably less than a hundred yards from the operation. He could have hogs, chickens, a dairy farm, which would be just as intrusive if not more so than what he is doing now.” He said he’d been out to the farm and with the way the wind was blowing that day and standing right at lhc composting operation, he could smell the compost, which he described as an earthy, musty smell. He added there are other residences on the road going to the farm and he'd never received any complaints. In April, Searcy re­ sponded to Voglcr’s offer, saying he needed a zoning letter stating the property is properly zoned for the cur­ rent uses aiid indicating the acceptance of the previous offer for the road. ’T his email was a sur­ prise to me since zoning had never been raised as an issue and is not related to the road issue he wanted to have ad­ dressed,” Hartncss said. He said Searcy attached a letter from Scott Mouw, of the NO Department of Environment and Natural Resources, in support of composting. On April 24, Hartness contacted Mouw and ex­ pressed his concerns about the odor complaints. He said Mouw indicated to him Gallins was operating under a demonstration permit and was "struggling to balance Commissioner Marie Jones said Knight was al­ ways the same - whether at a board meeting, at church, at a youth ball gnm e.orjust on the street. “He never sought any­ thing for himself at all,” Jones said, “it was the way he lived, from his business their process and control odors.” In June, Hartncss and Fuller met with Gnllins and his wife, showed them the layout of the project and told him utilities would not cross his land. Hanncss said during that visit, he noticed no odor. But in a Jtute 26 memo, Hnrtness told the board, “Something has changed since I first visited this site...the process has now created an odor nuisance.” In a July I telephone conversation, Mouw told Hortness he hod an issue with his use of the word “struggling.” He also told Hortness there had not been any official complaint about odor, and when Hartness asked him why his April 24 concerns were not noted as complaints, Mouw told him he was because is a “non- regulatory state employee, is not involved in the |>cr- mitting or compliance pro­ cess and is not obligated to share my concerns. Mr. Mouw said if there was an odor complaint. I should make it official by talking to the Branch Head of Waste Management. He then said I may not want to lodge a complaint ‘for what it’s worth.’’’ Hartncss said mmors saying lie and Fuller ap­ proached Gallins to buy land arc false, and that it was Gallins who offered to sell property. to his church activities to little league football • ev­ erything.” “He was soft spoken but when he did speak, people would listen.” said Com­ missioner Dan Barrett. "He was a wonderful man and had a wonderful impact on everyone he.met.” “Some have snid we were trying to purchase his prop­ erty for practice fields and (hat is just not true; practice fields were already designed on the site and shown on drawings we shared with Mr. Gallins. Our conversa­ tions with Mr. Gallins re­ lated to his property and the high school were at his request." But Hortness also snid he had conversations with Gallins regarding a grad­ ing casement or “even a jHtrchosc of a portion of Iiis property for storing some unused soils” but were not able to reach “a scenario that made sense for both parties.” He told the board it was unfortunate people had "latclied' onto” the odor complaint and made it about the new high school, but said he wasn’t surprised, because those same people were against the hew high school being built. “Really (he only issue we have is w e've had some complaints about odors and those arc significant com­ plaints, so w e've filed those with the county. I understand last evening nt the board of commissioners meeting there were a lot of not-so- nice things snid about the honesty and integrity of the superintendent and folks sit­ ting around me, and I'll just say to those folks who made those statements I’ll let my record stand as it is." During (Ik board com­ ments’ portion of the meet­ ing, Barbara Owens said it saddened her a group of people were attacking Hart- ness and some of the board members. “Wc in Dnvie County ore better than that. We as a board have always taken the high road and wc will con­ tinue to take the high road.” Making The Grade Davie Food Sanitation Scores N am e L ocation G rade Autumn C are Facility Mocksville 95 Berm uda Run Country Club East Berm uda Run 98 Berm uda Run Country Club W est Berm uda Run 94.5 Carolina Bible Cam p Mocksville 99 C J’s BBQ Mocksville 97 C ooleem ee Elem entary Building Cooleem ee 92.5 C ornatzer Elem entary Building Mocksville 93 Davie County Jail Facility Mocksville Approved Davie High School Building Mocksville 82.5 D ays Inn Mocksville 100 Dynasty C hinese R estaurant Mocksville 90 Farmington Oragway Mocksville 98 Hampton Inn Berm uda Run 100 Highway Inn Mocksville 97.5 Hot Diggity D ogs Pushcart Mocksville 98 Kountry Kids Mocksville Superior Lake M yers Grill Mocksville 98.5 Lake M yers RV Resort Mocksville 97.5 Lowes Food Deli Berm uda Run 100 Lowes Food Seafood Berm uda Run 100 Lowes Food M eat Market Berm uda Run 100 M cDonald’s Mocksville 95.5 North Davie Middle School Building Mocksville 95 Quality Inn Mocksville 96.5 S agebrush S teakhouse #565 Mocksville 96.5 Scottish Inns Mocksville 99 ' Shady Grove Elem entary Building Advance 95 South Davie Middle Building Mocksville 93 William Ellis School Building Advance 98 William R Davie School Building Mocksville 95 old wood that many would toss away and nun it into a masterpiece. That's exactly what Grubb did. I was going to paint it white with a tin roof, but when I saw the beauty of the wood when it was assembled, I decided to enhance it all with polyure­ thane. Grubb is well known as a top-notch builder and now he will be known as a superb a Free Little library builder. Thank you so much for sharing your time and talent' for the kids of Cooleemee and anyone else who has a chance to stop by and get a book. Go to www.liltlefreeli- braryxrrg for more informa­ tion. The Free Little Library will be at 276 Marginal St., next to the sidewalk beside the magnolia tree. A ribbon cutting with refreshments is scheduled for Aug. I at 3 p.m. Hojk to see you there. POW ER ASSOCIATION M O C K SV ILLE, NC Thank You TotheSPONSORS 16th Annual Tractor Show & Parade Without you we could not do what we do — S h o w a B ig S u c c e s s On July 3* and 4* Ptedmont Antique Power Association held its 16'" Annual Show and Parade at the Masonic Picnic Grounds. We had the largest turn out of tractors, engines and display In the history of ear shows. There were people from S different states at the show. We want to thank evervone who made Utls event successful: the folks who brought their tractor and engines, Oavie County Chamber of Commerce, Davle Rescue Squad, The Town of Mocksville. OavIe County Sherrdf Dept, Mocksville Police Oept., Masonic Lodge 334, Oavle Enterprise, To AU our Sponsors who supported us. To ad the people who comes out to support us year after year. Special Ptanks to Iohn Walbcc who was our Grand Marshall for the show. Congratubtlons to Kyte Greenwood who was the winner of the 19S0 ford Tractor although he chose to take die S2.S00. The tractor wUI be offered for sale at seal bids on Aug. Jia at 7:00 pm at the Davle County Senior Services on 278 Meroney St., Mocksvilleat our regular monthly meeting. The tractor will be there to sec. SPONSORS OkfTown Clock LakePheIpf GralnWhitnee's Variety Store Osborne PreTriangle Insurance Agency Mocksvllb Automotive Qavie Farm Service- Southern S(ate Carolina Farm Credit Shoaf Sand & Concrete Farmington Wrecker Service FosterDrugStore Eaton Funeral Service Envlrnomcnial Heating Solutions Piedmont Structural Company Oanbl FurnitureGarnhardt BuIkFeedServicetnc. Rlvendcll Urge Animal Hospital BCRWeIding Davb Funeral Service TarHeeIQ Trailers of East Coast Davie Garage Ooor Cooleemee Super Market Hot Diggle Oog Reedy Creek Equipment Crossroads Veterinary Services Joe's Tow Advantage Auction Big BoyToyStore Cooleemee Hardware Bostkk Auction Service Sink Farm Equipment Republic Waste Services jh^toEVERYONEi^heipedwiththesiwwlblsvartWehawtnedtoindiJdeevayoneon ^listist but ifwemhsedyouweapologat Pkasebeassure thatweappredateyourhelp. Trarisportalion planners for Ihe WinstonBalem Urban Area Transportation Advisory Committee, the Piedmont Aufiwrity for Regional Transportation and the Winslon- Salem Transit Authority need your input on a long range plan for improving our trans­ portation system Ihrough 2040, called the Draft 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). The plan covers all facets of transportation, including highways and streets, mass transit, bike lanes, greenways, commercial transport, rail and air. They are also seeking input on two related documents: the Draft Air Quality Conformity Detemiination Report, and the Drafl Fiscal Years 201 $-2025 Metropolitan Transporta­ tion Improvement Program (MT1P). You can review the documents and meet with staff at these locations: • JuM 8.10 am to 12 pm. ShaHowford Square, 6550 ShaHowford Rd. Lewisville, NC • Jul 23,5 pm to 7 pm. The Booe House, 5135 SulHvantown Rd. Walkertown, NC • Jul 23,4 pm to 7 pm, Village of Clemmons Town Hall, 3715 Clemmons Rd1 Clem­ mons. NC • Jul 28,11 am to 2 pm. Clark Campbell Transportation Center, 100 W. Fifth Street, Winston-Salem, NC * • Jui 30,4 pm to 6 pm, Tanglewood Farmers Market, 4061 Clemmons Road, Clem­ mons, NC • Aug 8,10 am to 12 pm, Dbde Classic Farmers Markel1421W. 27th SI, Winston- Salem, NC • Aug 15.10 am to 3 pm, Honeybee Festival. 702 W Mountain St. Kemersville, NC • Aug 18,10 am to 3 pm, Forsyth County Health Department, 201N Chestnut SI, Winston-Salem, NC * •Spanish language translation available at these meetings Drafts are available online at www.dot.citvofws.oro. and copies will be placed July 16 through August 20 at all town halls and public libraries in the urban area, at NC Dept, of Transportation Offices, 375 Silas Creek Pkwy, and at Suite 307 in the Stuart Munici­ pal Building. Come out and give your Hioughts directly to DOT staff or send your thoughts via mail, fax or e-mail by August 20 to: Fredrick Haith1 Winston-Salem Dept, of Transportation, P.O. Box 2511, WinslonBaIem. NC 27102,336-748-3370 (fax), fredrickh@ritvofws.Qro Tbe Winslon-Satem Urban Area MelrepoUan Planning Organteation (MPO) does not exclude participation or discriminate in any program or acivily receiving Federal assistance on the grounds of raoe. eotor, national origin, sex, age. or disability. Any person who believes bey have been aggrieved by an unlawful dtecriminatory practice regarding Ihe Wlnaton-Satem Urban Area MPO pregrams has a right to file a Iotmal complaint with Angela Cannon. City Attorney. City of Winston- Salem. P.O. Box 2511,27102. within one hundred and eighty (180) days krt towing the date of the aleged discrimination occurrence. i&) Winston-Salem 8 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, T hursday, July 16,2015 D u c k R a c e , T u b e F lo a t S a tu r d a y COOLEEM EE-The An­ nual Great BulIhoIe Duck Race will take place here on Saturday. Proceeds benefit River- Park at Cooleemee Falls - The Bullhole. The numbered rubber ducks will be dumped into the river at I p.m., with the first duck to cross the finish line bringing the owner of the number $300. Second place is $150, third is $75. Ducks are $5 each, a quack pack of six for $25 or a flock of 15 for $50. Buy them in Cooleemee at the town hall, Zachary House, Village Auto and Davie Dis­ count Drugs, in Mocksville at the Davie Chamber of Commerce and recreation department, and in Wood­ ieaf at Jacob's Western Store. A tube race and float begins at 10:30 a.m. at the wildlife access area off Junction Road. Call 751 - 2325 for details. The winner gets $100. t The Misty River Band will perform Friday at the Farmington Community Center. I M isty R iver B a n d H ere F riday Farmington Commu- a cool fall morning, the sun at Merlefest and will be Tyme Out in Taylorsville - mty Center is hosting "The began to come up over the performing on Oct. 10 at A concessionatthecom - M istyR iverB and11Friday river. A mist rose up from the Four Oaks Festival in munity center will have vol- nighr, July I at the commu- the water, and Deward Huie Mocksville. Other previous unteers cooking hamburgers mty center. was in awe at the beauti- places they have performed and hotdogs. Admission is Doors will open at 6 with ful sight in front of him. At include Renofest in South $6. music stating at 7. The that moment, the idea of the Carolina. Union Grove Fid- For further information band performs traditional bluegrass band name came dler’s Convention, local contact the band the com- bluegrass and gospel as well to him. It would be called wineries, private parties, munity center or Rick or as writing and performing TheM istyRiverBand. and they opened for IIIrd Judy Wilson at 492-5962 their own songs. Over the past 30 years The Misty River Band is the band has seen many based out of Union Grove changes and members, but Five From Davie Earn and includeds Deward Huie the thing that has remained (banjo), Bud Martin (man- consistent is the love of UNC-P AnaHnmir HnnnrG dolin), Josh Myers (bass), bluegrass music. Check out /tO C lL /C ? / / I l u n U H U f S Dwight Burks (fiddle) and their music at wwwjnrb- Five Davie students at Doughterty Irvine K Fur- Ronme Moore (guitar). bluegrass.com. U N CPem brokeeam edaca- man and Laura A. Spillman. Each member brings his The band has 2 CDs - demic honors for the spring Named to the honor roll or her own style to the har- “Going To The Grove" and semester. were Christian McGougan mony and lead vocals. "Pickin’ In The Moonlight". Earning chancellor’s list and Shanice Elizabeth Tay- ln 1985, while fishing on Theyperform edthreeyears honor were Jennifer Brook lor. ServesAs Page Julia Rhys Vaughan- Jones.a Davie Highstudent1 recently served as a Page in the N.C. Senate. She is the daughter of Robert and Amy Vaughan- Jones of Mocksville, and was sponsored by Sen. An­ drew Brock. High school students in grades 9-12 serve as pages when the General Assembly is in session, attending daily Senate sessions, committee meetings and assisting staff members. HistoryFairAug. 15 The Davie County His­ torical and Genealogical Society will not meet in July or August. Members and the public are encouraged to attend, the Yadkin Valley Histori-' cal Association’s Fair and Conference Aug. 15 from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Yad- kinville United Methodist Church, 204 W. Main St. The conference theme is “Stoneman’s Raid” in the Yadkin Valley. Registration is $15 in advance; $20 at the door, and includes lunch. Send registration to: John Reynolds, treasurer, 7618 Rolling Oak Ct., Clem­ mons, 27012. Make checks to YVHA. The fee includes membership. Christ Hartley, author of “Stoneman’s .Raid 1865," will be one o f the speakers. Ed and Sue Curtis, organiz­ ers of the Salisbury Prison Symposium, will also speak. PUZZLED by how com plex th e m ortgage process can be? At Piedm ont Federal, we specialize in a home loan process with NO SURPRISES. Seeing the big picture is w hat w e are all about. . At Piedmont Federal, w e take the tim e to make ( sure all parts of your m ortgage fit together just right. W e never sell any of our hom e m ortgage loans, • so you'll always know w ho to contact if any questions arise. Our loan process is.sjmple and straightforw ard, so give us a .cali to find out how our way o f putting It all together . ha» w orked well for hom eow ners for over 100 years. * H om e M ortgages (Serviced here / not sold) ■'Online Banking • M obile B anking, • Checking / Savings / CDs •E-A ccounts PiedmoHt* FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK Ht. * V „ .^ facebqok.com/PiedmontFederalSaving^B^nk'1-.:' RFDC DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 16,2015 - 9 Zoo Hero Animals To Be At Library Monday Evening Davie County Public Library’s Youth Services Department is bustling with families taking advantage of books, technology, pup­ pets, dress-ups, puzzles and games on these hot summer days. One mother commented: “It is such a fun place to be, we love it here.” The Summer Reading Program events and activi­ ties continue Monday eve­ ning at 6:30 when the NC Zoo will bring Hero Ani­ mals and tell their stories. On Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. county heroes from the 911 call center will teach children, why, when and how to use their services then explain what happens when they must make a call to them. The Teen Tuesday group will meet in the conference room from 3:30-5 p.m. Wednesday at Il a.m. Munchin’ at the Movies presents “BIG Hero 6," PG, 102 minutes and at I p.m. Snackin’ at the Cinema features “The Incredible Hulk,” PG 13,112 min. Thursday, Rangeroffers 15-minute appointments from 11 a.m.-noon. Next Chapter Book Clubs for adults and teens will meet at I and 3:30 p.m. Young Adult Readers will meet with Mrs. Archer at 2:15 p.m. to discuss and watch “If I Stay,” PG 13,106 min. On Friday, Story Time is at 11 a.m. On Saturday, Ranger will be available for read­ ers from 11 a.m.-noon for 15-minute appointments. DCPL programming is free and open to the public, learn more at www.iibrary. daviecounry.org. The Humane Society of Davie County will be offer­ ing a rabies clinic on Satur­ day, July 25. HSDC will offer I-year rabies vaccinations from 9 a.m.-noon for $7 at the adoption center at 291 Ea­ ton Road, Mocksville. Cash or check preferred. Dogs must be on a leash. Families enjoy sum m er activities at the Davie County Public Library ttI lLL SA V B YO U M O N B YI" CURTIS CAPPS, OEALER /GENERAL MA NBW2015 FORO FIBSTA SE NEW 2015 FORD FOCUS SE S17.405 i Msnp -SAOO I DISCOUNT -SlOOO I Rabies vaccinations will be offered July 25 by the H um ane Society of Davie County. Humane Society Rabies Clinic Set For July 25 Automatic. Sunroof, PaworPkR, Slilu-. SatvIUtnMSRP $22,015 IDISCOUNT -$1,429 jREBATE -$1,250FORDCREDIT -$1,000 N O W O N L Y $ 1 8 ,3 3 6 O R L E A S E F O R S 1 6 9 /M O Ntw^uiS EUHD FUSION S NEW 2015 FORD EDGE SE Woll Hiiulppvrl IncIueIInR appe-a MSHP Cats must be in kennels. Direct questions to 751 - 5214. The adoption center needs the following items to provide pets with a healthy and safe sanctuary: -13-gal- Ion trash bags, ZipLock bags, towels, bleach, and white distilled vinegar for cleaning. ICO p.ICkilRO$22,935-$1,036 MSRP $29,615-$1,000 DISCOUNT -S1,227-$500 REBATE -$1,000 $ 2 0 , 3 9 9 N O W O N L Y $ 2 7 , 3 8 8 !1 9 /M O I O R L E A S E F O R S 2 7 6 /M O EORD CREDIT -$5C N O W O N L Y $ 2 0 , 3 9 O R L E A S E F O R $ 2 1 9 /M O NE W 2015 FORD ESCAPE SE NEW 2015 FORD EXPLORER r, wheat driver. ?,OL EcoBoor;!, traitor towpkR. Watt equip, V-G 3.SL, Sync, Sal. Radio.MSRP $30,030 MSRP $32,085DISCOUNT -$1,619 DISCOUNT -$1,396REBATE -$1,750 REBATE -$1,000FORDCREDIT -$1,000 FORDCREDIT -$1000 N O W O N L Y $ 2 5 ,6 6 1 N O W O N L Y $ 2 8 , 6 8 9 O R L E A S E F O R $ 2 8 5 / M O I O R L E A S E F O R $ 2 9 5 / M O A dog braces for a rabies vaccination. Have Pet Spayed, Neutered Aug. 12 e Humane Society avie County will of- spay/neuter clinic on esday, Aug. 12, open N.C. residents to bring rets. erested pet owners sign up by Friday1Aug. he adoption center at Eaton Road, Mocks- Adoption center hours lesday-Friday 11 a.m.- n. and Saturday 10 I p.m. I owners need to bring I Af-,ki«c uar- and the spay/neuter fee dur­ ing sign up. Cost: cats, $55; dogs, $75; all, $3 transportation fee. Owners can bring a ken­ nel or pay a $5 kennel rental fee. If the animal does not have a rabies vaccination, it will be a $10 fee. Davie residents who get government assistance (food stam ps,etc...) can get a spay/neuter for $10. They must get a form stamped at the DSS office prior to sign­ ing up. v IO - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, T hursday, JuJy 16,2015 County Line Hot and humid weather is "Move, Act, Care, Fol- again prevails in County low, and Share at G-Force - Line. Please check on resi- God's Love in Action." The dents living alone - espe- children will explore and cially our elderly folks. experience serving God and However, the weather others with active love, did not deter folks from en- Upcoming communi- joying beach music by the ty events include a country Catalinas last Friday eve- ham and sausage breakfast ning as they returned home hosted by the V-Point Ru- to Statesville. ThenlastSat- ritans.from 6-10 a.m. Sat­ urday morning Matthew 25 urday, August I , and "Youth Ministries in Harmony held Day' Saturday1August 15, at the ground-breaking of their Calvary Baptist Church. Our community ex­ tends its deepest sympathy new larger facility. Remember the meet­ ing of the Women on Mis- to the family of Alice Efird sions of Society Baptist at Griffin, who died July 4 af- 2 p;m. today (Thursday) in ter a few years of declining the church fellowship hall, health. One of six children. Mildred Benfield will lead she was bom in 1925 in Da- The Salem United Methodist Men invite everyone to breakfast from 6 -1 0 a.m . Saturday, July 18 at the County Line VFD on Ridge Road .1 mile from US 64 W est. The buffet includes country ham and -'p ro g ™ onm issionneeds ii= Co”™ V » 'the kte'cT rl sausage, scram bled eggs, grits, baked apples, red-eye gravy, sausage gravy, biscuits, and drink, in North Carolina. The and Anna Belle Williams Pancakes are served upon request. D onations are accepted. A bazaar table of crafts and baked women invite others in the Efird of County Line. She goods will be available. Proceeds benefit the building of a new fellowship hall. As shown, folks of ail community to join them, was reared on Davie Acad- ag es enjoy good eating and fellowship. They continue to collect emy Road and attended healthy snacks for children Salem United Methodist of need during the summer Church with her family, school vacation. To donate She graduated from Cool or for more information, Spring High School in 1947 please call Maiy Jo Lewis and married Robert Richard 'Bob" Griffin in June 1948. She had a successful career on 704-546-7141 Society Baptist soft­ ball team invites everyone in business and retired as to come and support their personnel director of Won- team as they play at 7 p.m. derknit of Mocksville. In today (Thursday) at Rich's her retirement years, she Park in Mocksville. enjoyed farming at her resi- Be sure to begin your dence on US 64 West just weekend with breakfast west of Fifth Creek Pres- with the Salem folks from byterian Church. A service 6 - 10 a.m. this Saturday, celebrating her life was held July 18, at our County Line Wednesday afternoon of VFD. All proceeds benefit last week at Westmoreland thebuildingofanew church Chapel of Bunch-Johnson Funeral Home in States­ ville; she was laid to rest in fellowship hall. The Clarksbury Unit­ ed Methodist Youth will the Salem United Methodist leave this Sunday, July 19. on a mission trip to Pennsyl­ vania. Please pray for their safety in travel and that they wishes to Alice Absher, The C atalinas1 featuring Cool Springers Johnny Barker at left and at far right Lynn and Gary Barker, uie aaiem umieu metnooist return hom e t0 9ive a concert at Statesville “After Five Sum m er C oncert Series" last Friday. Below Chur c iTCe me t ery beside her left' johnnV Barker P|ays "Last Date” one m ore time for the Cool Spring C lass of ‘63; and Frank husband, who died in 2000. Harm on' Linda Shoem aker Parker. Shirley Thorne and Johnnv Barker from the C lass of ‘63 get We send get-well together, will accomplish much to the John Cartner, Billy Ketchie, Glory of God. The Women on Mis­ sions of Calvary Baptist will st at 7 p.m. this Monday, Carolyn Y. Moore, Imogene Stroud, Bessie T. Josey. Al- has been hospitalized at Iredell Memorial Hospital July 21, in the church fel- for chemotherapy treatment. Iowship hall. DeeVanHoy Johnisnow ondialysissev- will present a program on eral days a week. Billy had mission needs in North Car- surgery at the W.G. Hefner olina. The women invite Veterans Medical Center others in the community to Tuesday of last week and join them .for the program is . recuperating at home, followed by a period of re- Carolyn was hospitalized at freshments and fellowship. Iredell Memorial Hospital The V-Point Ruritans and has been recuperating invite all senior adults in the at home since last Friday, community ,to join them for Imogene suffered complica- an afternoon of bingo at 2 tions during a stent proce- mains in rehab at Bermuda sister-in-law ' Hilda James Commons of Davie. Perry died last week. Hilda was p.m. next Thursday, July dure.M ondayofiastw eekat Cartner reijiairis " at Davis' a long-time teacher of busi- 23, at the V-Point Building. Iredell Memorial Hospital, Regional Medical Center. There will be prizes and was air-lifted to Wake For- Betty Lou Richardson est Baptist Medical Center, and remains in the coronary Memorial Hospital. Jean Spring High article. I snacks for everyone. Salem United Meth­ odist Church invites ail critical care unit there. Bes- and commercial arts Cool Spring High School mains in rehab at Iredell and contributed to our Cool FUTURE HOME MflTTHEH 25 Snyder remains in rehab at member in prayer Abigail children to a 1-day vacation sie had shoulder surgery last Autumn Care of Statesville. Campbell, who has been Bible school Saturday, July FridayatIredellM em oriaI t - : - . ..:------------c- 1 ........ - •• 25. Registration begins at 8;30 a.m. and classes are Join us in prayer for under the care of Hospii the Lord's divine healing in as her health has declined. RickySwisherremains the lives Alice, John1BilIy1 The theme for the school Statesville. David Steele re- Specials of the Week For news or memories to share, please call Shirley Statesville. Pat Swisher Pat, David, Peny1 Betty on 492-5115 or email sdt- remains at The Gardens of Lou, Jean, and others who link@hotmail.com. If you, from 9a.m .to5 p.m .andin- in rehab at The Bridges of Carolyn, Imogene1 Ricky, elude music, Bible lessons, ~ - - crafts, games, and snacks. are having health problems, or you know of someone Pray for the Lord's comfort who has, graduated from ... ~ . ,. , , , ,., • ... . and strength upon the fam- an. educational institute or e W augh, director of Matthew 25 MiniS- iiy Of Alice as they adjust received a certificate or an trie s 'n Harmony, breaks ground for new building to life without her. Also, award; please send a photo Dext to G alaxy Grocery. - Photo courtesy of the Statesville Record & Landmark pray for Lois Efird James plus data for our special as both her sister Alice and graduation tribute. UNCLE C AL’S COOKIES 2 for $1 Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • 336-751-2141 www.fosterdrugco.com R egular Hours: M -F 8:30-8 • S at 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 THE RIGHT TOOLS FORTHE JOB! • Storm Damage Clean Up and Removal , • Hauling - gravel, crushed stone, mulch, send, topsoll, & Illldlrt I • GradingandLandClearingofLotsofAIISizes• Foundation and Driveway Excavation • RightofWayMaintenance I • UtiIityMaintenance 1• Bush Hogging/Mowing • Stump 6t Tree Removal • Tree Trimming 334 Pudding Rldge Rd., Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-2048 wvyw.SmithExcavatingLLC.com W hat’s precious to you is precious to us.SM Auto. Homo. Life. Retirement. They ell matter, so wra them all in a blanket of Nationwide' protection. We pu members first, because we don't have shareholders.'" Join th e N ation' that knows w hat’s Im portant. Combine your policies and save up to 25% Keith Hilier1109 Yadkinville Rd. Willow Oaks Shopping CenferMocksville(336) 751-6131 if!Nationwide’is on your side Obituaries DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 16,2015 -11 r K a th e rin e M a x in e I ja m e s E v a n s Ms. Katherine Maxine Ijames Evans, 63, of Columbus, Ohio, died on July 6,2015, in Columbu after an extended illness. She was bom in Davie County on Aug. 13, 1951 to the late Elder John Calvin Ijames and the late Katherine G. Ijames. She attended Davie County Schools, and during her high school years, she en- Ijoyed playing basketball for the Mohawkettes. She attend­ ed Mt. Zion Holiness Church i Mocksville. She left Davie County and relocated to Co­ lumbus in 1975. Sheeam ed her cosmetology license. Known as “Ms.Black” In Columbus, she was a woman of style, sassiness and confidence. She required respect. She was a direct per­ son and held nothing back. The question was not if she would tell you the truth, the question was can you handle the truth. She returned to North Caroli­ na for a short time and shared her knowledge of cosmetology and other talents with her sister, Pastor Nettye Ijames-Barber, and her niece, Tamela Tatum. She was preceded in death by a brother, Bishop Robert E. Ijames, and a sister, Annie I. Wilson. Survivors: a son, Curtis Russell Ijames of Mocks­ ville; 2 daughters, Qucena Shelisa Ijames and Tanisha Shanta Ijames, both of Columbus; 8 grandchildren and a great-grandchild, all of Columbus; 3 sisters, Rosa Lee M a ry A lie n ‘N e ttie ’ N ail Mrs. Mary "Nettie" Alien Nail, 92, of Gladstone Road, Cooleemee, died Monday, July 6.2015, at her home, sur­ rounded by her loved ones. She was bom July 15, 1922, in the Cana community of Davie County to the late Jacob Josiah and Bertha Cu- i threll Allen. Mrs. Nail was : a member of First Baptist | Church, Cooleemee. She e joyed working in her garden and had a love for her grand­ children and great-grandchil­ dren. She was also preceded in death by her husband. John Henry Nail; and 5 brothers. Survivors: 3 children. Cornelia Nail of the home. Ronald Nail (Mindy Leon­ ard) of Mocksville and Betty McIntyre (Ronnie) of Wood­ ieaf; 5 grandchildren, Justm Ji McIntyre, Megan McIntyre, Stephanie Hinz1 Ashlee Baune and Meagan Andrade; and 7 great-grandchildren. A funeral service was conducted at 2 p.m., Thursday, July 9 at First Baptist Church, Cooleemee with the Revs. Alan Mullins and Larry Allen officiating. The body was placed in the church 30 minutes prior to the service. Burial followed in Rowan Memorial Park in Salisbury. M a ry V irg in ia W a te rs ‘M iss y ’ F o s te r Mrs. Mary Virginia Waters “Missy” Foster. 71, of Dog­ wood Lane, Mocksville, died Wednbsday1July 8,2015, at Forsyth Medical Center in Winston-Salem after a long pe­ riod of declining health. She was bom March I, 1944, in Davie County to the late Samuel Edwin Waters Sr. and Virginia Adams Wa­ ters. She was a member of First United Methodist Church, Mocksville where she sang in the chancel choir. She retired from Davie County Social Services after 30 years. She was also preceded in death by a daughter, Melanie Lynn Foster Turner; and a brother, Major Edwin Waters Jr. Survivors: her husband, Carroll Foster of the home; a daughter, Beth Goad (Charles) of Mocksville; 5 grandchil­ dren, Charlie Link, Emily Turner, Daniel Turner, Sam Tay­ lor and Maggie Goad; a sister, Molly Sell (Billy) of Locust; and her canine companion, Snoopy. A memorial service was conducted at 11 a.m., Saturday, July 11 at First United Methodist Church, Mocksville with Dr. GIenn L. Myers Jr. officiating. Inurnment followed in Rose Cemetery. The family received friends Friday, July IO at Eaton Funeral Home. Memorials: First UMC Choir, 310 N. Main St., Mocks­ ville. Condolences: www.eatoifnneralservice.com. J a m e s L a r r y T u tte ro w Mr. James Larry Tutterow, 68, of Rainbow Road, Ad­ vance, died Friday, July 3, 2015, at his home, surrounded by his family. He was described by many as a man with a big heart, who you always knew when he entered the room. He was bom March 6,1947, in Davie County. Known as “Tater" by his friends, was a graduate of Davie High School, Class of 1965. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and did a Tour of Duty in Vietnam in 1971. While in his teens, he worked for his Uncle June Tutterow and developed a love of con­ struction work. His dream of owning his own construction company became a reality in 1984, when he became owner of Carolina Drilling & Blast­ ing in Mocksville, a family owned business of 30 years. He was a member of First United Methodist Church, Mocksville and a member of Statesville Masonic Lodge 0027 AF&AM. His greatest love was spending time with his grandchildren, riding them around on his golf cart and John Deere tractors. He spent lots of time on his farm, raising beef cattle. He especially loved the spring/fall hay harvest. He enjoyed round track and drag racing and supported many race teams and loved traveling around the United States drag racing with Rickie Smith and Todd Tutterow. In 2009, he and his son started their own team, Tutterow Racing. He beamed with pride every time his son sat behind the wheel of a race car. There was nowhere else he would rather be on a Saturday night than a local short track, cheering on his son. As he was able to be semi-retired, he enjoyed spending time at his home on 59th Avenue in Cherry Grove. He loved having annual 4th of July parties with family and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents, J. B. Tutterow and Betty Walker Grissom. Survivors: his wife, Frances West Tutterow of ihe home; 2 children, Jason Everett Tutterow (Page) and Eliz­ abeth “Izzy” Tutterow Burchette (Joe); 3 grandchildren, Emily Reese and Harper James Tutterow and Joseph Pat­ rick Burchette Jr.; and his extended Tutterow, Walker, West and Etchison families which included many uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces and nephews. The funeral service was conducted at 2 p.m., Monday, July 6 at First United Methodist Church, Mocksville with Dr. Glenn L. Myers Jr. and Dr. David Gilbreath officiating. Burial followed in the Eatons Baptist Church cemetery with Masonic Graveside Rites.The family received friends Sunday, July 5 at Eaton Funeral Home in Mocksville. Memorials: Wake Forest Baptist Health, c/o Compre­ hensive CancerCenter1Medical Center Blvd., Winston-Sa­ lem, 27157; or Wounded Warrior Project, PO Box 758517, Topeka. KN 66675; or First UMC Choir, 3 IO N. Main St., Mocksville. Condolences: ivww.eaioiiftiiieralservice.coni. E lin o r J a n e P a x to n S a tc h eIl Mrs. Elinor Jane Paxton Satchell, 89, died Thursday, May 14,2015, at Autumn Care of Mocksville. Among the survivors are a daughter, Jane Satchell McAllister and husband Charles of Mocksville. A celebration of her life will be conducted at 4 p.m., Friday, July 17, at Eaton Funeral Chapel. The family will receive friends following the service. Her ashes will be in­ terred in Peninsula Memorial Park of Newport News, Va., next to her husband. Memorials: First Baptist, 412 N. Main St., Mocksville; or a charity of one’s choice. Condolences: www.eaioiifiiueralservice.com . T o m m y E d w a r d C a m p b e ll Mr. Tommy Edward Campbell, 63, of Lewisville, died at Wake Forest Baptist Health. He was bom Jan. 19,1952 in Forsyth County to Edward and Jessie Marie Spaugh Campbell. He was of the Baptist faith and was the owner of Boxwood Specialist. Surviving: a daughter, Nikki Hurst; a son, Zachary Campbell; 2 grandchildren, Taylor Hurst and Logan East­ man; 2 sisters, Iris Matthews and Nancy Collier; a brother, Curtis Campbell (Sandy); a niece and 2 nephews. A funeral service will be held at 6 p.m. Thursday, July 16, at Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek Chapel. The family will receive friends following the service at the funeral home. Memorials: Wells Fargo, acct#6664230007 to help pay for funeral expenses. Condolences: wwwJiayworih-iniller.com. (Jimmy) Arnold of Cooleemee; Pastor Nettye Ijames-Bar- ber of Mocksville. and Pastor Sylvia I. Mankins of Co­ lumbus; 2 brothers, Bishop Janies E. (Josephine) Ijames and John Calvin (Margaret) Ijames, both of Mocksville; and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives and friends. Amemorial service will be held on Aug. 13 at 6:30 p.m. at Mt. Zion Holiness Church, 113 Mill St., Mocksville. A lb e rta L u d w ic k C re a so n Alberta Ludwick Creason, 90, of Lexington died W ednesday.July 1,2015 at Abbotts Creek Center. Bom in Rowan County on May 12, 1925, she was the daughter of the late Clara Mae Ludwick and Ruben Lud- wick. She was a homemaker and a member of First Baptist Church in Cooleemee. She was preceded in death by her husband, Norman F. Creason; daughter, Linda Marlene Coley; son, Colon James Coley Jr; and 2 grand­ children. Survivors: her son, Rich­ ard Coiey (Lois) of Lin- wood; daughters, Barbara Crawford (Tim) of Lexing­ ton, Brenda Trexler of Salis­ bury; IO grandchildren; 20 great-grandchildren: and 11 great-great-grandchildren. Visitation was Monday, July 6 at First Baptist Church in Cooleemee, 204 Marginal St. The service was at I! a.m. Monday at First Baptist Church in Cooleemee with the Revs. Allen Mullis, David Davis and Josh Schefield officiating. Burial followed at Legion Memorial Park in Cooleemee. Condolences: www.iyertyfimeralhonie.com. N ico le L y n e tte H ic k m o n T a y lo r Nicole Lynette Hickmon Taylor, 42, died on Saturday, July 11,2015, at Rowan Regional Medical Center. Born in Lansing, Mich, on Sept. 23, 1972, she was the daughter of Sharon Leigh Osbom, who survives, and the late Wallace O'Neal Hickmon. She was a gradu­ ate of Eastern High School in Lansing. She worked in retail sales and attended Enon Bap­ tist Church in Salisbury. Also surviving: her hus­ band of more than 20 years, Edward Richard Taylor of the home; a son, Tyler Tay­ lor of Salisbury; 3 step-sons, Philip Taylor (Hillary) of Ne­ vada, Todd Taylor (Starr) of Gold Hill and Robert Taylor (Jody) of Rockwell; 2 broth­ ers, Greg and Jason Osbom; 3 sisters,Monica Prince,Liz M cClellanand Leslie Osbom; 8 grandchildren, Kourtney, Nicholas, Alexis, Samuel, and Kami Taylor and Madison, Morgan and Macey Banks. A celebration of life service was conducted at I p.m. Tuesday, July 14 at Enon Baptist Church in Salisbury with the Rev. Ken Clark officiating. Burial followed in Rowan Memorial Park. Memorials: to help with funeral expenses, Davie Funer­ al Service, 416 Valley Road, Mocksville. Condolences: www.daviefimeraiservice.com . V e rn o n J a m e s S m ile y Mr. Vemon James Smiley, 48, of Advance died Friday, July 10,2015 at Wake Forest Baptist Hospital. He was bom May 27,1967 in California to Edward Lee and Barbara Folk Smiley. Surviving: his wife, Samantha Bell Smiley; a daughter, Kathryn Smiley; his father and wife Linda; a brother, Jeff Smiley and wife Angel; and 2 step-sisters, Tammy and Su­ san Freeman. The family will have a private memorial service. Condolence: www.hayworth-miller.com . The family received friends Wednesday, July 8, at Eaton Funeral Home in Mocksville. Memorials: First Baptist, PO Box 615, Cooleemee; or Hospice/Palliaiive CareCcnter1 377 Hospital St., Ste. 103, Mocksville. Condolences: www.eaionfiineralservice.com. W illie E ste e G e te r Mr. Willie Estee G eterof Salisbury died on Friday, July 10,2015 at Novant Health Rowan Medical Center in Salis­ bury, where he had been a patient for one day. Born in Woodieaf on Feb. 4, 1932, Mr. Geter was the son of the late Benjamin Fred Geter and Lucy Pharr Geter. His formal education was in the public schools of Rowan County. He left North Carolina at a young age and moved to Philadelphia, Pa., seeking better job opportunities. He was employed by General Motors, and retired after 32 years. While in Pennsylvania he joined St. Matthew AME Church and maintained his membership until he returned to North Carolina where he joined New Jerusalem Holi­ ness Church in Woodieaf. Mr. Geter loved to fish and talk. He was a frequent visitor at the Rufty Home, where he talked, exercised and played board games. He was known for picking on the staff. Each time he visited, he provided lunch for the workers as well as those who were in his group. He always took doughnuts to the medical staff when he had an appointment with his physician, even if it made him late. He did no less at the Laurel Nursing Home where he took physical therapy. He was a constant encourager to staff and patients, and pro­ vided lunch on a continual basis. Family was important to him, and he enjoyed organizing the family reunion. He was preceded in death by his first wife Dorothy, and their son, Joseph; 7 brothers, William, James, John, J.W., Benjamin, Nathaniel, and Albert Geter; 2 sisters, El Willie Barkley and Areta Allen. Survivors: his wife, Maxine Richardson Geter of the home; a sister, Essie Ruth (Hallie) Leach of New Jersey; a brother-in-law, James Richardson; 6 sisters-in-law, Helena Washington, Brenda Morrison, the Rev. Brenda Geter, Lu­ cille Geter, Shirley Geter, and Mary Nora Geter. His funeral service was to be held Thursday, July 16 at noon at Graham Funeral Home in Mocksville. The Rev. Brenda Geter was to officiate. The family was to receive friends at the funeral home one hour before the service. Condolences: www.GrahamFuneralHomejiet . R a n d a ll G . ‘R a n d y ’ M in o r Randall "Randy” G. Minor, 60, of Advance died at the home of his parents, Bobby Grant Minor Sr. and Mickey Collins Minor, on Wednesday, July I, 2015, while under the care of Hospice. He was bom in Forsyth County on Aug. 28,1954. He was a graduate of Davie High School and attended Forsyth Tech where he received train­ ing to begin his 30-year career in welding. He worked for Varco Pruden Buildings, Inc. in Kemersville. In addition to his parents, he is survived by: 3 brothers, Bobby G. Minor Jr. and wife Janet, Michael Minor and wife Anita, and Walter Minor and wife Annette, all of Ad­ vance; 2 sisters, Debbie Livengood and husband Dennis, and Renee Carter and husband, Marty; plus several nieces and nephews. A graveside celebration of life service will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday. July 19 at Elbaville UnitedM ethodistChurch Cemetery, 2595 CN 801 S., Advance. Memorials: Hospice of Davie. 377 Hospital St., Mocks­ ville. Condolences: wwwJaviefimeralservice.com. 12 - UAVlE COUNTY ENTEKl1KIiSE RECORD, Thursday, July 16,2015 Class Of ‘65 Hosts Central Davie Reunion Dy Dr. Rcginn G rnham , Special to the Enterprise The students of Davie County Training School/ Central Davie High School held their 27th annual school reunion on June 20 at 7 p.m. at Village Inn Event Center in Clemmons. The hosts, and featured class, were the students of . the Class of 1965. The banquet was opened by the master of ceremony, Stephen Anderson, followed with an invocation by Odell Rhynehardt and a welcome by Sandra Wilson Holman. raduatin^ciass^ off 1965 ^h e Central Davie C lassof 1965, from left: seated - S andra W ilson Holman, Ernestine P eebles Holman, C onnieC hunn Nich- were^introduced* by Elton 0 ,s ’Ann Msiyfield Griffin, Toni Dalton Tatum, Dianne A nderson Smith; standing - William Crews, Newman Dalton, C larence Foote and they include: Clark, Elton Foote, Perry Studevent1 Steve A nderson, Berlins S m ootT hom asl Odell Rhynehardt. . Steve Anderson, Walter Bell (deceased), William Britton, Jane Brown (de­ ceased), Wayne Brown, Harvey Campbell, Franklin Chunn (deceased), Clarence Clark, Anita Clement, Wil­ liam Clement (deceased), William Crews, Newman Dalton, OveIla Dulin, John Ellis (deceased), Teny Wayne Evans (deceased), Callie Fisher, Calvin Fisher, EIton Foote, Exie Fowler, Mary Gaither (deceased), Willie Holman (deceased), Ann Farrington Howie (de­ ceased), Faye Ijames (de­ ceased), Peariine Gregory ~ Latiker, Eugene March (de­ ceased), Patrishal Parks Moore, Connie Chunn Nichols, Ernestine Peebles, Odell Rhynehardt, Wii- Steve A nderson presents a plaque lie Scott, Peny Studevent, to Frances Cain Ferrell (Class of Frankie Tatum, Donald 1943); accepted by Faye Cain Cart- Wharton (deceased), and er (Class of 1960). Andrew ' Woodruff (de- ceased)- and McKayIa Bohannon, Davie High School in 1962 Frances Cain Ferrell. it reads: The reunion committee Smdents who started granddaughter of John Bo- through 1967. T heschool Thisrecognitionbeganat As o ff springs o f our dear meets quarterly at Graham school in this group, and hannon. closed when Davie County the 2008 reunion when the O ldG ofdandB lue Funeral Homeand the meet- completed their educa- The Class of 1965 pre- schools integrated and all Class of 1958 honored the Our Loyalty, we ever pledge ings are open to all students ted » d«nnti™ — . of DCTS/Central Davie. Three high school graduates w ho received scholarships include Jahkarius Hargrove, McKayIa Bohannon, and Joel Ryan Robinson. Current officers include: Azilee Stockton, chair; Lou­ ise Owens, recording secre­ tary; Liz Thompson, cor­ don elsewhere ^ included sented a donation of $600 students began attending the surviving students from the to you. Robert “Bobby” Gaither to the scholarship fund, and current Davie High School Class of 1938. Recognizing A slo n g a sy o u d e fe n d th e (deceased), Pearline Hall the Class of 1960 presented in 1968. older students has continued right and true, (deceased), Robert Ijames a donation of $625 to the The school was located in succession and next year M aintaining morals for as- (eceased), Alvin Mayfield scholarship fund. at 160 Campbell Road in the surviving students in the piring youth. (deceased), Glenn Rose (de- With candles glowing, Mocksville, which is now Class of 1944 will receive Dear DCT, the school o f all responding secretary; and ceased), and William Stude- Rachel Carson named the the location of Central Da- special recognition. ourpride D orothyG raham treasurer vent (deceased). 26 students who have died vie Academy. William Crews an- Thy fam e has spread both The 28th annual reunion r a iy Mudevent read a since the reunion last year, C lydeS cottpresented nounced the oldest person fa r and wide, banquet is scheduled to be ln u I t o r eU lej and Emestine Ho,man coPies of a proposal re- attending the banquet, who We’ll cherish and we'll held next year at the same and Udell Rhynehardt pro- named the deceased mem- cently submitted at the June was EverIena Garrett (Class praise and honor.you. location and time on Satur- vided the grace for dinner. bers of the host class. This 2015 meeting of the Davie of 1941). The banquet con- Our school so dear, day, June 18. The host for Alter the buffet meal, was followed by the annual C ountyBoardofEducation eluded with door prizes and O urA lm a M aterG old and the banquet will be students the program continued with singing of the Negro Na- for renovation of an existing singing the school alma Blue. from the Class of 1966 To a presentation of scholar- tional Anthem, "Lift Every flagpole, and construction of mater, written by one of A fu n traditionafterthe be added to the mailing list ships. Years ago,thereunion Voiceand Sing." a new flagpole, along with a the school’s former teach- banquet is a time of danc- contact Liz Thompson at organization began giving a Magalene Gaither, a request for an informational ers, Mrs. C.L. Massey and ing from 9 p.m. to midnight 492-6091 scholarship to a high school retired teacher of DCTS/ sign with a brief history of scendant of a DCCS/Cen- piled a detailed history of ,h w T v L b members of Local Author Releases New Book 8^ ale' As I ' tS lo d ' ■“ * were tte Cl,ss of 1943' Conard Au,hor D“ “ McCarthy to Bicker, and Patrick real- lishing and Enterprises, the scholarship fund grew, the distributed. Her information Smoot.DelaineTaborFlem- has released the hardback izes there is no time to lose, book is a.ailabS through aceomn was moved to ,he a,es back to ,877 when ing and Fmnces Cain PerreIl edition of he, juvenile Be- They must move. But con- bookstores nationw idt Davie Commumty Found.- ,he Davte Education Umon recetved special recogni- lion, “The Big Old House vincing Connor to go down from the publisher at wrnv ClydeScott chair of the r h t„ r f ? ,!°N SPr° , 'ad Mg a tid to s ira tto tte e ftte tIttec tte Sctmy Stotm,” to ,he creepy basemen, is M epnbliM ng.com /bpok- SCholamhip c l m t c ore u D r „ W“ ° ‘a ! ' re"“ " te te site itWtiiSltts 1™° no, going to be easy. Fright- ,,ore. or b , visiting ban.e- sented rehoiatStior to Joei . o v e sra e Pte d tte ttPitttIttes and brotherly love. ened, alone and plunged sandnobleeom or amazon.„ P b I ues to the cumsnt status of Contud Smoot's plaque was Brothers Connor and in total darkness, Ihe boys com. r I e’ar™ °" sch°°ls ln ,hc dounly. given to Alice Brown, De- Papick suddenly find them- must trust in eacb other A native of Southeastern ra am ass Dunng 1939-1962 the lame T. Fleming’s plaque selves trapped in their room and overcome their fears New England, McCarthychool was named Davie was uiven in ATiiee Ctcci- ..,u.-. „ j _________ «. . . ®. *of 1953), Jahkarius Har- school was named Davie was given to Azilee Stock- when a dangerous thun- to search for a place where makes her home in Advance grove, grandson of Ernest County Training School, ton, and Faye Cain Carter derstorm comes roaring they can be safe. with her husband RH and argrove (cass o ), T henam ebecam eC entral received the plaque for through. The lights begin P ublishedbyT ateP ub- crazy dog, Sadie. Who says moving can't be fun? Join OS OS W O colobralo Ibo O R A N P O PE N IN G o f. o u r now M ocltsvillo F lo r e in Iho M o c k sv ille M a r k e tp la c e S h o p p in g C e n ter - 1423-D US HWY 601 N (bosido Shoolz) Friday, July 17th! Y O U 'R E W W TCP.' Tlioro will bo m usic, rofrosbinonfs oil tiny, oriel lots of d oor prizes. Q ur.grand.prize w ill bo a b ra n d n e w r e d in e r ! Plus, w o'll bo offering o $ 1 0 0 VISA O ift C ard an d f r e e A c tiv a tio n on an y n ow coll p hon o p urchase during this special'vvont! Tim e: I O a.m . - 4 p.m . 'RIBBON CUTTING WILL BE AT 10:00 AM W e w ill h ave DOOR prize d raw in gs EVERY HOUR O N THE HOUR! - Sports DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 16,2015 - BI The Rowan catcher drops the ball on the tag, allowing Neil Hutchins to scorein gam e one. - P hoto by A dam H ouston Mocksville Has Epic Collapse In Game 2 By Brian Pitts Davie Enterprise Record It was memorable, except for when it was unbearable. In the aftermath of an excru­ ciating 7-3 home loss to Rowan County in game two of the sec­ ond-round, best-of-five series on July 7, Mocksville legion baseball players w alked w earily to the locker room, looking like they’d just gone 15 rounds w ith the favored opponent. They had the storied opponent on the ropes, but couldn’t close the deal, watching a lead slip away in the top of the ninth inning and falling behind two games to none, !bp-seeded Rowan improved to 19-5, winning for the 17th time in 18 games. No. 9 Mocksville slipped to 10-17. P itc h in g fro m th e B rett Fulk-C olby C ranfill com bina­ tion was the story for eight-plus innings. But Mocksville always finds a way to lose to Rowan, and it lived another nightmare in the ninth. An error, a walk and four hits turned a 2-1 Mocksville lead into a 7-2 deficit. “I hate it happened the way it did,” Mocksville coach Charles Kurfees said. “Rowan's hitters are so disciplined. You give them an inch, they take a mile. It was tough. Things snowballed on us.' "These kids are hurting right now. They play for each other, and I think they really love being here." Fulk and Rowan’s Omar Bau­ tista put on a dazzling pitchers’ duelforalong tim e.ln7.1 innings, Fulk allowed seven hits and one run. He dropped his team -best ERA to 2.76. To put that in per­ spective, the team ERA is 5.78. It was his longest outing in a six team-high starts. But he remained 3-2becauseofRowan’s iith-hour uprising. "Fulk pitched a heck of a game," Kurfees said. “What more can you ask? W ejust didn't finish the game for him. I feel for him.” "That pitcher had kind of a jerky motion, and he had good location that gave us trouble,” R ow an's Juan G arcia told the Salisbury Post. Charlie Muchukot (2-4), Kenny OverfeIt (2-4, steal, homer) and Jalen Scott (2-3, hpb) had multiple hits as Mocksville cracked dou­ ble-figure hits (10) for the fourth straight game and the IOth time in 11 games. Ross Hoffner (1-4), Barrett Hennings (1-4), Elijah Jones (1-2, hpb) and Nick Wilson (1-4) added one apiece. Bautista went six-plus innings for Rowan. He held Mocksville to two runs, but he kept getting bailed out of trouble by his defense. Row­ an turned double plays in the first, second, third and fifth. “If they’d gotten some hits with men on, they would have had a big lead," Rowan coach Jim Gantt told the Post. “Our infield was fun to watch. They turned double plays that kept us in the game.” It was scoreless for five innings. In the fourth, singles by Jonesand Wilson gave Mocksville hopes for a breakthrough, but the next pitch was grounded to third to end the inning. Rowan finally touched Fulk in the top of the sixth. After Garcia doubled to center, Riley Myers blooped a single to right. The ball was bobbled, allowing Garcia to scamper home. That was one of six Mocksville errors. Mocksville answered for two Please See Epic - Page B2 Mocksville Rally In Game 1 Falls Short By B rian Pitts Davie Enterprise Record The Mocksville legion baseball team’s recent good fortune ran out in game one of its second-round, best-of-five series. W ouldn't you know it would run out against top-seeded Rowan County, which has owned Mocksville forever. Ninth-seeded Mocksville had won six of seven games and three straight one-run games before fall­ ing short 4-3 at Rowan on July 6. Rowan had a first-round bye while M ocksville was sweeping Southern Rowan in two games. Rowan’s 16th win in 17 games lift­ ed its record to 18-5. Mocksville, which has lost five straight and 10 of 11 to Rowan, slipped to 10-16. Rowan hammered Mocksville 12-2 and 16-0 in the regular sea­ son. This game, Mocksville played better defense (Rowan had the only two errors), and it dominated the hit department (11 -6). "Fun gam e, playo ff atm o­ sphere," Rowan winning pitcher Bryan Ketchie told the Salisbury Post. “Mocksville hit the ball all night, but we had good offense, too.” "We outhit them, but we didn't outhit them in the clutch," Mocks­ ville coach Charles Kurfees told the Post. “We played decently, but our RBI guys just didn’t get it done tonight." Neil Hutchins, scorching in all three postseason games, went 3 for 4 from the No. 9 spot in the order. Charlie Muchukot (2-5), B anett Hennings (2-4) and Nick Wilson (2-4, home run) had two hits each. Ross Hoffner (1-4) and Kenny Overfelt (1-3, two steals, walk) added one apiece. “Mocksville swung it well, and they’ve been playing very good lately," Rowan coach Jim Gantt told the Post. “We were happy to win a one-run game.” Rowan jumped on top 2-0 in the second inning. Hunter Shep­ herd followed a walk from starter Connor Clark with a run-scoring triple to the right-field comer. A sac fiy plated the second run. Rowan right fielder Harrison Baucom foiled a potential Mocks­ ville rally in the fourth. Hutchins tried to go from first to third on a Muchukot single, but he was called out on a close play as Bau- com made a big throw from right. Instead of runners at the comers Please See Rally - Page B2 Rowan Sweeps M’Ville By Brian Pitts Davie Enterprise Record Even as Rowan County piled up three straight wins in yet another postseason disposal o f M ocks- ville’s legion baseball team, the series never felt like a runaway. Mocksville lost game one 4-3. It was dam close to winning game two before falling 7-3. It jumped out to a 3-0 lead in an eventual 14-4, seven-inning defeat in game three on July 8. Game three was m arked by coach-um pire d isputes, w ith Mocksville assistant Denny Key getting dumped and head coach Charles Kurfees making frequent trips on the field to yell at umpires. “W hen you have a bunch of teenagers playing nine innings, you’re going to see some crazy stuff," Rowan’s Heath Mitchem told the Salisbury Post. "And we sure did." "It was a sweep, but it was a really w eird sw eep,” Row an’s Harrison Baucom said. “We didn’t have any rhythm throughout the whole series, but that’s what makes it so humbling.” The start o f the gam e was delayed 40 m inutes by rain. Top-seeded Rowan (20-5) ran its torrid streak to 18 wins in 19 games. No. 9 Mocksville finished 10-18. Sawyer Davis missed the entire series, standing by his father’s side during an illness. Neil Hutchins, who was an amazing 10 for 15 during the playoffs, was out of town and had to miss game three. K urfees put R oss H offner in Hutchins' spot behind the plate, and he moved JaIen Scott to Hoff- ner's position at second base. "I said: ‘Sawyer, don’t worry about playing baseball. Be with your daddy,”' Kurfees said. Charlie Muchukot (2-3, hpb) paced a Mocksville team that was outhit 12-8. Barrett Hennings (1- 4), Elijah Jones (1-3, walk), Nick W ilson (1-4), K enny O verfeIt (1-3, steal), JaIen Scott (1-2, sac) and Nolan Stanley (1-2) had one hit each. In the third, Rowan erased Mocksville's 3-0 lead and forced a tie. M ichael Caldw ell blew through a stop sign at third and scored Row an’s first run on a play at the plate that brought out Kurfees for the first time in a series of arguments. Center fielder Mu- chukot threw to Scott, who relayed the ball to catcher Hoffner. Please See Sweeps - Page B2 A Look Back At The Davie Fall Sports Season B yB rianP ltts Davie Enterprise Record Year In Review: This is the first in a three-part series, looking back at the 2014-15 school year. First is a recap o f the highlights from the fa ll season. Next week: The winter season. • In the second varsity football game of the season, Ben Ellis shat­ tered a record that had stood for 14 years, piling up 253 receiving yards in a 48-36 home loss to West Rowan. Three of his six catches went for touchdowns. The old record for receiving yards: Thadd Johnson’s 197 in a 27-17 win over South Rowan in 1999. Parker Correll went 14 of 25 for 300 yards, just the fifth 300-yard passing game in Davie's 59-year history. “No. 9 (Ellis) is the real deal,” West Rowan coach Scott Young said. • CorreIl (15 of 24 for 201 yards and 118 rushing yards) accounted for five touchdowns (three rushing, two passing) in Davie’s 37-19 win at Lexington. Linebacker Christian Launiusrackedup 19 tackles. • Whit Merrifield of Advance was named player of the year on the Triple-A Omaha Storm Chas­ ers. What did he do for an encore? He homered three times in four playoff games. In 76 regular-season games with Omaha, Merrifield hit .340 with 28 doubles, three triples, three homers, 29 RBIs and 57 runs. His 41 doubles between Double-Aand Triple-A tied for sixth among all minor leaguers. • Davie varsity football over­ came an 11-point, fourth-quar­ ter d e fic it and pulled out a heart-pounding 35-32 win over visiting North Rowan, which came in ranked No. 7 in 2-A. CorreIl scored from 17 yards out with 1:11 to go to put Davie ahead. Then linebacker James Boyle intercepted a pass in the red zone with 16 seconds left to seal the deal in an epic shootout. “That’s a 2-A school, but they play with 4-A talent,” Davie coach Devore Holman said. Correll played a phenomenal game, rushing for a career-high 147 yards and passing for 221. Ellis was vital to Davie's chanc­ es, making eight catches for 106 yards. Launius collected 13 tack­ les. With North clinging to a lead, it boiled down to a dramatic Davie drive that started at its 26-yard line with4:51 remaining.The War Eagles went 74 yards in 10 plays, all on the ground. The play that qualified for Holman’s Film Files Hall of Fame cam e on third-and-1 from the North 17. Correll kept the ball over right side. Four Cavaliers latched onto him around the 5, and he moved the pile over the goal line. “You’ve got to give it to the offensive line," CorrelI said. “They blocked their tails off on that last drive. We jammed it down their throat." Boyle intercepted a deflected pass on a third-down play from the Davie 16, setting offafrenzied celebration. • In the Statesville Invitational, junior Nick Simmons of Davie's cross country team finished ninth out of 120 runners with a person­ al-best 17:08. • In Davie varsity soccer, Jos- thin Servellon delivered two goals in a 3-2 win over visiting Reyn­ olds. Davie overcame an injury to star Jorge Hernandez, who had scored eight ofhis team's I2goals. • CorreIl threw for 200-plus yards for the sixth straight game and tossed a TD pass for the 12th consecutive game as Davie varsity football dispatched host Thomas- ville 31-13. E llis (five catches for 121 yards) surpassed 90 receiving yards for the fifth game in a row. • A pair of 100-yard rushing gam es-123 from Cade Camey and IOl from Correll - could not pre­ vent a 58-31 varsity football loss at Reagan. Launius had 17 tackles, including two for losses. Boyle had IO tackles, including three for losses, and caused a fumble. • Freshm an Kim Clem o of Davie jayvee volleyball had five aces and four kills in a 2-0 win over Bishop McGuinness. “She is one of the best fresh­ men I have ever seen as trained outside hitter," coach A m ber Please See Fall - Page B5 Savannah E verett runs in Midwest Regional. B2 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 16 ,2015 Sweeps... Continued From Page BI “It w asn’t even close,” K urfees said. “The boy jum ped over the bat and Ross actually tagged him twice - front and back. I went off. How I didn’t get thrown out, I don't know.” IVvo bases-ioaded walks followed. “You have to take what they give you,” Row an coach Jim Gantt told the Post. “For us,I think the key was being patient. We had to wait for our opportunities.” M ocksville held a 4-3 lead entering a disastrous fifth. Six hits and seven runs later. Rowan held a com­ manding 10-4 advantage. A n infield popup fell betw een three players. A bunt down the third-base line loaded the bases. An­ other bunt was errored and extended the inning. W hen the base umpire ruled that Wilson didn’t se­ cure a throw at first, Rowan led 5-4 and Key was thrown out. Kurfees came out to ar­ gue. He wound up protesting the game, then decided to drop the protest. “Wilson took about three steps and dropped the ball,” Kurfees said. “Key jumps up and goes to the third-base line. Before Key could say anything (the base ump) threw him out. “I said: ‘W hat did you throw my assistant coach out for?’ He said the assis­ tant coach can not come out on the field. I said: ‘Really? When did that all of a sud­ den become a rule? Show me in the rule book. OK1 the game is under protest. Let's get this paperwork going.'” L ater, the um ps let Kurfees know that Key was ejected for arguing. Now Kurfees was seething. “Then they said they’re throwing him out because he argued,” he said. “I said: ‘I’m going to drop the pro­ test, but now I'm going to let (Key) argue. I went back out there and said: ‘Now let’s talk about the call at first.’ Somebody said they timed the argument at close to 30 minutes." The bottom fell out in the fifth, and Rowan scored the game's final run in the seventh on a one-out passed ball. It was over via the mercy rule. “(The fifth is) when we fell apart,” K urfees said. “We dropped a fly ball and didn't cover a bunt. Things rolled downhill. "If we lose, that's fine. But there was no sense in this, That took us complete­ ly out of it. I’m not normally one to talk about umpires because I know it’s a tough job.” B radley D zeskew icz, who made his team-high 14th mound appearance but only his second start, took the loss. He w as chased after four innings, just short of his longest outing (4 2/3) on June 18. Jones and Wilson made their fourth and second re­ lief appearances, respec­ tively, but they didn’t fare any better than the starter as Rowan blended 12 hits w ith nine w alks. M ean­ while, Rowan starter Hunter Shepherd went 5.2 innings to m aintain his spotless record (5-0). Notes • Rowan did what it al­ ways does, beating Mocks­ ville in a series for the 17th time in as many tries. It end­ ed Mocksville's season for the 18th time in 34 years,the other ousting coming in the experimental double-elim­ ination tournament in ‘11. ... This was the eighth time in 10 years that Rowan sent M ocksville packing. This was the IOthtimethat Row­ an swept Mocksville in the playoffs. ... Mocksville has lost seven straight games and 11 of 12 to Rowan. It is 8-59 against Rowan in postseason games, and it is 17-68 against Rowan overall since 1994. • Mocksville suffered a third straight losing season. • Rowan’s sweep over­ sh ad o w ed M u ch u k o t's 14-for-29 hitting in a sev­ en-game hitting streak. • Hennings, who hit safe­ ly in 22 of 27 games, was first in average (.354) and hits (39). ... Overfelt, who hit in 18 of 24 games, was first in steals (eight) and third in average (.333). ... Hoffner - who hit in 11 of the last 13 games to lift him to the No. 4 average (.320) - was first in runs (29), dou­ bles (11) and walks/hit by pitches (18). ... Scott, who hit in 15 of 19 games, was fifth in average (.311). ... Jones led in homers (four) and RBIs (19). Epic... Continued From Page BI runs in the bottom half. Sin­ gles by Muchukot, Hoffner and Hennings loaded the bases. A wild pitch plated Muchukot and tied the score. Mocksville went ahead 2-1 on W ilson’s groundout. The crowd, the biggest in memory, was loving it. The rows of chairs on the “Mocksville Mountain” in­ voked memories of the old days when Mocksville reg­ ularly drew 1,000-plus fans. “It makes you think of the A m erican Legion of old,” Kurfees said. “Ameri­ can Legion is back. I really believe that. People are supporting us. The crowd’s into it. When the crowd is getting onto you and that kind of stuff, that’s just ol’ time legion baseball. You've got to love it." Cranfill relieved Fulk w ith two on and one out in the eighth and delivered terrific work, striking out back-to-back batters. With Mocksville holding the 2-1 lead in the ninth, Cranfill fanned the first batter on three pitches. “Cranfill did everything we asked of him," Kurfees said. “We didn’t make the plays and it ju st snow ­ balled.” Row an’s second batter in the ninth hit a routine grounder. Mocksville des­ perately needed this game, and it had a prime chance to even the series. The ground­ er was booted, however, and an epic collapse ensued. “ We had them rig ht where we wanted them in the ninth,” K urfees said. "It's tough on a young man to make an error like that. We got (ahead 0-2) on the next batter, and the game is probably over 2-1. It didn't happen.” Harrison Baucom fought back from 0-2 to draw a w alk. M ichael C aldw ell singled to load the bases. Then came a two-run, go- ahead single between short and third from Garcia. “I was looking for some­ thing besides a fastball, and I did get an offspeed pitch,” Garcia told the Post. “We were smarter hitters in the ninth. We got ourselves in good situations and we got hits.” After a passed ball gave Rowan a 4-2 lead, Heath Mitchem, who earned the win in relief to lift his record to 2-0, singled to make it 5-2. It got worse for Mocks­ ville, Shepherd’s two-run double to the right-field wall making it 7-2. Rally... Continued From Page BI with no outs, M ocksville had one on with one out. The score would remain 2-0. Mocksville clawed with­ in 2-1 in the fifth. Hutchins scored on Hennings’ single to right. Baucom’s throw would have retired Hutchins, but the catcher dropped the ball when applying the tag. Rowan put Mocksville in a 4-1 hole in the fifth. Back-to-back walks and a “We battled on our at- bats in the ninth,” Gantt told the Post. Overfelt hit an incon­ sequential solo homer in the ninth, his first of the season. He had a long ball at Southern Rowan erased by a rainout. Cranfill surrendered six runs in 1.2 innings, but only one was earned as he struck out five. After winning four straight decisions, his record slipped to 4-3. Rowan outhit Mocksville 11-10. “The sun will come up tomorrow,” Kurfees said. “You’ve got to get up and play again. We told them life’s not easy. Outside of baseball, you’re going to have ups and dow ns, and you’re going to have to get up. You've got to fight your way through that. You can’t let one bad day ruin everything. You’ve got to get up the next day and go do it again.” Notes: Hoffner pushed his hitting streak to seven. He hit safely for the IIth time in 12 games. ... M u­ chukot is 12 for 26 during a six-game streak. Riley M yers, who cleared the bases with a double off the left-field wall. Mocksville fought back in the sixth. Wilson led off w ith his first legion ho­ mer. Hutchins’ two-out RBI single plated Overfelt and made it 4-3. Ketchie held on, though, improving to 3-0 despite allowing 11 hits in seven innings. “ I threw (my cur- veball) a lot on 3-2 counts and got big outs with men on,” Ketchie said. “We w ent up 4-1 and KetchieIosthis focus a little bit in the sixth,” Gantt said. “But we pitched well. He gave us seven innings.” Clark, the losing pitcher, allow ed five hits in five innings, but hurt him self with 7 walks. Bradley Dz­ eskewicz, in his 12th relief appearance, allowied one hit in three scoreless innings. John Owen and Myers worked one scoreless inning each for Rowan, with Myers picking up his first save. N otes: M o ck sv ille's batting average over nine games is a robust .335. ... Hutchins is 20-for-40 during an 11-game hitting streak. Hoffner and Muchukot ex­ tended their streaks to six and five games, respectively. Muchukot is 10-for-22 in those five games. ... Colby Cranfill got the start at third and made a beautiful play in the eighth.... Mocksville played without Sawyer Da­ vis (.250, two homers) be­ cause of his father’s illness. ... Rowan is 16-0 against M ocksville in playoff se­ ries, and it has ended 17 of Mocksville’s 33 seasons. Wefmore Farms Woodieaf. NC TOMATOES Homegrown Watermelons, Cantaloupes & Peachesl Other Fresh Produce Also Available Open: Mon.-Frl. 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Closed Sunday fnm Woofevtffc rate us 601 south w NCSO I Inrmtaho, fun ifptt of IIjAtdmite Wo Somw Cdunlyra covffon P$httoWoo<M. 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More included, PleoseAsk ForDetailsI Ch o ke DAVIE COUNTY EN TER PR ISE RECORD, Thursday, July 16,2015 - B3 second basem an R oss Hotfner catches a throw from catcher Neil Hutchins, then puts down the tag tor an out as Rowan tries unsuccessfully to I ^ossjHoffner tags a Rowan County runner during the second-round playoff series. At right, assistant coach Todd Bum garner talks to Nick Wilson. Team m ates greet Nick W ilson following his hom e run in gam e one. • P h o to by A dam H ouston Brett Fulk winds up in gam e two. W \ C oach C harles Kurfees has a word with his players during gam e two. - P h o to s by J o n Lakey * IIrett Fulk w as dom inant In a no-decision NickWiIson smiles. Nolan Stanley catches flyball Flight fielder Barrett Hennings fields b ase hit. C harles Kurfees talks to players betw een innings. Colby Cranfill walks oft after a painful defeat in gam e two. B4 * DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 16 ,2015 Shores Plumbing /in state. 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Rivers DMD11B Hospital SL •- Mocksville,NC 27028336-751-6289*Serving Chlldrtn&Adula’ accepting Morr Miuoa InsukanosRlvmfamllydenllstry.com_____ Mocksville, NC 336-751-1989Fri 6:30 am - 3 :30 pm I YoungChDdrezL’sl , learning Center Tonr Fall tim e Day Can Blaoe 1983 • Infant - 3rd Grads • Small Infant St Crawler Rooms • Before Se After School Programs • Professional Experienced StaffFroud Io be a part of the Nortfe Cwoiu ProJtbdeigirtai Pnpui ★ ★ ★ ★ Mowr^Nv4 Uti Cenler C Dabble Jonas, Owner 164 Council St. • Mocksville 751-7118 DAVIE COUNTY EN TER PR ISE RECORD, Thursday, July 16 ,2015 - BS > . i Allie Cunningham, Ruby D ennard, Sum m er Bivins and Payton Beaty celebrate point. Eric Rodriguez vies for ball. Ryan Shelton tries to save a point. Fall... said. “She has a fabulous presence on the court be­ cause of her knowledge of the game.” Libero Hannah Dix pro­ duced five aces. "Hannah is one of the smartest players I have seen at the jayvee level,” Brandon said. • Though it was little consolation during Davie varsity football’s 59-29 bcatdown by North David­ son, Jonn Young hit one of the longest field goals in Davie history. His 47-yarder was three from the record and tied for the third-lon­ gest. Correll threw for 274 yards and rushed for 82. Ellis had 140 yards on six catches. In a blow to the football and wrestling teams, soph­ om ore d-linem an Austin Freidt was sidelined for good with a broken foot. “I consider him one of our best defensive linem en,” Holman said. “H e’s got a motor and it’s wide open." • Freshman Ty Dockery rushed for 127 yards in Da­ vie JV football’s 26-14 loss at North Davidson. "H e’s awesome to coach,” coach Jimmie Welch said. “He’s a great kid to be around." • In a Central Piedmont Conference golf meet at Ma­ ple Chase, Lindsay Stroupc birdied a par-4 and shot a 6-over 42 to tie for second place. She matched her best score of the season in rela­ tion to par. • In the tennis CPC Tour­ nam ent, doubles partners Ryan Shelton and Tatum Edw ards earned a berth to the M idw est Regional by w inning tw o o f three matches. After beating a pair from West Forsyth, they suffered a narrow 11-10 quarterfinal loss to Reagan. Shelton and Edwards took fifth by win­ ning 10-8 over two Davie teammates. • Kathy Hutchens (Class of 1977) and Cooter Arnold (Class of 2005) were induct­ ed in the Davie Athletic Hail of Fame on Oct. 3. Hutchens starred in soft­ ball and basketball at Davie, and she played volleyball and basketball at Catawba College. Arnold rewrote the re­ cord book in football and also excelled in track. As a Davie senior, he earned all- state honors on offense (run­ ning back) and defense (cor- nerback). Then he played football at UNC. "You hear coaches say: T wish we had 100 more like that,’” Aileen Steelman said of Hutchens. “Kathy was one of those.” “To w atch the things this man did in high school was unbelievable," Raeshon McNeil said of Arnold. “It’s easy to be amazed as a fan because you don’t see it everyday. But w e saw it everyday in practice and we were still amazed at the things that he would do." • Despite playing with turf toe, Carney ran for a season-high 129 yards in a hard-fought 35-25 loss at unbeaten West Forsyth. Ellis (six catches for 111 yards) enjoyed his fifth 100-yard game. • In the cross country CPC cham pionship meet at Beeson Park in Kemers- ville, Sim m ons, a junior, reached his goal of making the all-CPC team and ended a five-year drought in the process. The top 14 made all-conference and Simmons claimed 14th. Hew as running 15th late in the race, but he moved up one spot and became Davie’s first male all-CPC runner in six years. “ I was ranked 17th,” Simmons said. “My goal was to drop some places and get all-conference. W hen coach (David) Koontz told me I was in 15th, I decided I had not run all summer to get the first spot that wasn’t all-conference.” Koontz was thrilled with Sim m ons’ determ ination. “Nick answered the call,” he said. “He ran his heart out.” • The Davie jayvee de­ fense did everything it could in a‘6-3 loss to West Forsyth. ComerbackAngel Perez had an interception. Josh Smith played a strong game at the other corner. Linebackers Broc B arnette and Cody Hendrix and lineman Mason Wilson impressed as well. “The defense played lights out,” Welch said. “Pe­ rez and Smith were the most impressive players to me." "M ason played well," Tim Devericks said. "He is a little undersized for a d-lineman, but he gives it everything he has and does the things his coaches ask him to do.” • By shining in the CPC golf tournament at Pudding Ridge, senior Stroupe and junior Meghan Donley qual­ ified for the regional for the second time each. Stroupe tied for seventh at 7-over 42. Donley (47) broke 50 for the fourth time. • Davie's jayvee soccer team never tasted victory, but at least it finished on a good note, tying Mt. Tabor 1-1 at home in the final game of the season. It was scoreless until the w aning m om ents. Tabor scored with two minutes left. Davie’s top scorer, Kev­ in Alas, answered in the final minute. He was responsible forsix of the team’s IOgoals on the season. “ Everyone was going crazy,” coach Andrew Davis said. • In varsity football’s 49-7 belting o f visiting Reynolds, Ellis broke the mark for season receiving yards. Joe Watson (1,085 in 2010) was the record-holder. C arney broke off the longest run of the century (91 yards) for Davie as he put up his third straight 100- yard game and the 20th of his career. He also surged to second on the career rushing list (3,591) despite missing five games in two years. Correll threw threeTDs, giving him two or more in a game for the 16th time. Cameron Coleman averaged 16 yards on four carries as Davie put up 45-plus points for the fifth time. • In cross country, Sim­ mons finished 28th out of 143 in the M idw est Re­ gional at Beeson Park as he turned in a personal-best 16:36. “What a way to cap a tremendous junior year," Koontz said. Cade Spencer finished with :I a I - re ord 18:12. Peyton Jones (19:12) had a breakout performance. Katelyn Hernandez led the Davie girls with a person­ al-best 21:34 as she was 61th out of 135. • Davie jayvee football lost 14-0 at Reynolds and fell to 4-5,1-4 even though the defense limited the op­ ponent to 14or fewer points for the sixth time in nine games. Hendrix and Barnette added to their stellar sea­ sons. Spencer Wilson earned praise for his play on the DL. “Spencer did a good job of attacking the fullback all night," Devericks said. “By far, I thought he was the best defensive lineman that we had tonight." • Conell ran for a game- high 125 yards, but Davie varsity football lost 45-24 at M t.Tabor in the reguiar-sea- son finale. Young converted a 47-yard field goal for the second time as he remained perfect on the season (six for six). > In the final game of the season, the Davie jayvee defense held up its end of the bargain yet again in a 14-0 home loss to unbeaten Mt. Tabor. Davie's defense gave up one score to Tabor, which finished 10-0. “They had been beating people badly,” Holman said. “Our guys laid it out on the line. The pile made several tackles.” Nosetackle Bailey Sloan provided a lift. “We watched Sloan again on film after the game, and he held his own and fought hard in there," Holman said. • In the first-ever meeting between the teams, Davie varsity football lost 37-22 at third-seeded Charlotte Cath­ olic, the eventual state 4A runner-up, in the first round. The loss wasted a sensa­ tional performance by junior Carney as Davie finished 6-6. With Cameron Duke, Will Myers, Gabe Gonnel- la. Dane Wallace and Luke Pratapas controlling the line of scrimmage, Camey churned 23 times for a sea- son-high 170 yards. Tre Redmond contrib­ uted three catches for 118 yards. Cornell moved to fifth in season completions (134), to fourth in passing yards (2,337) and to third in TD passes (21). Carney's 43rd career TD put him in a tie for second, and he moved to second in career points (264). 7 The o-linemen gather around Parker Correll after he scores the game-winning touchdown against North Rowan. Bids must be in by 5:00 pm on Monday, July 27th. ( I Backhoo (i ) Chovy Ltiminas ' (? I Chryolor Town & Country Van ; ■ I Trencher !> I Chevy S-IO Blazers I?,} Chovy 2500 HD (, i Trailers j.) Chovy 5-10 Pickups- (: I Chevy Express 2500 Vans ■ j ) Chevy Astro Vans (f I Chovy Vonturo Vph \ _ _ - B6 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 16,2015 CanaIPino ___ By Betty Etchtson W est Cano/Pino Correspondent James Larry Tutterow, who had a farm and oth­ er strong ties to the Cana community, died on July 3, 2015, and was buried at Eaton’s Baptist Church on Monday, July 6, 2015. There were two visitations at Eaton’s Funeral Home on Sunday, July 5. Hundreds of people, including family members who live in the area and from as far away as New York; employees of Larry's company, Caro­ lina Blasting and Drilling; racing friends; high school classmates, and a multitude of friends, young and old from near and far, came to pay their respect. One man rode his motorcycle from Wilmington to Mocksville just to say farewell to his employer and friend, and then he rode back to Wilm­ ington. He said: "The rea­ son I thought so much of Larry is that he treated you like somebody, not like a something.” A fine tribute from an employee who was also a friend. A huge crowd of people attended Lany’s funeral at the First United Methodist Church in Mocksville on Monday1July 6. Dr. Glenn L Myers Jr., pastor of the First United Methodist Church in Mocksville, was in charge of the service; and he was assisted by Dr. David Gil­ breath, pastor of Cana’s Ea­ ton's Baptist Church. The Chancel Choir did a beauti­ ful selection called; “Heav­ en Medley” and closed the service with “The Lord’s Prayer.” Frances West Tut­ terow, Lany’s wife, did the eulogy. Frances began with Psalms 147:3: “God heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. He cures our pains and our soreows.” After the scripture, her first words were, “Our hearts are broken. Larry said many times that he was not afraid of dying. He also was not afraid of living. He lived life to the fullest and in that there is a lesson for us all. I told Dr. Petty, Dr. Lally, and the nursing staff at the Com­ prehensive Cancer Center at Wake Forest Medical Cen­ ter that I wished that they could have known Larry when he was well—he was so full'of life. His love of life led to many friendships which were so important to him. Many of you have told me stories about the good times that you had with him. “James Larry 'Tater' ‘Poppy’ Tutterow wanted me to tell you how much he and I appreciated your love, FARM FRESH PORKADHattnl Ho Aitffidal bMradtentsGRAIN FED BEEFWMOK our-OEUKffMUUUItf Jerry & Clndy Foster (336) 998-7175 support, and friendship. Talk about love—Izzy and Jason said that they knew that their father loved them because he told them every time he saw them and every time he talked to them feven on the cell phone." Frances asked: “How many of you have heard, ‘Love you, man?’ Number one —he loved his children, Jason and Izzy, his daughter- in-law, Page, his son-in-law, Joe, and his three grandchil­ dren, Reese, Harper, and Joseph, who were grand in his eyes and in his heart. He loved his mother, Betty Walker Grissom, who died just two months before he did. He loved our extended families, the Tutterows1 the Walkers, the Wests, and the Etchisons, and also Page's family, the Steeds, and Joe's family, the Burchettes. “Larry was an only child who grew up close to his Uncle June and Aunt Libby in the Center community. He loved their family. He and Tommy were closest in age, and they were like brothers. As the Tutterow family expanded so did Lar­ ry’s love. “There was nothing that L any loved to talk about more than farming. It was like he was already in heav­ en when he was discussing fanning with Gray Etchison of Clemmons and Johnny Etchison of Siler City, who he liked to call Uncle Gray and Uncle Johnny.” Frances described Lany with the following words and phrases. “He loved God and country. He was a vet­ eran of the United States Army, and he served in Vietnam for 11 months. He was a conservative. He was excellent with math and could add faster in his' head than most people could on an adding machine. Even though he could add in his head, he liked an adding machine, but not a calcu­ lator. He loved the TV remote, which he called a ‘tuner’ and he wanted it in his hand whenever he was in the house. He liked cleaning products, particularly Castle Glass Cleaner. He did not like a drive thru—he want­ ed to go inside a restaurant, particularly Miller's. He was not a patient person— he did not like to wait, but he did wait 30 years before he took me on honeymoon to Hawaii. “Now back to L any’s loves. He loved John Deere tractors; - dynamite; back- hoes; John Deere lawn- mowers, the biggest avail­ able; bush hogs; baling hay; ponds; green grass in yards and pastures; pick-up trucks;, pink shirts; starched and creased Wrangler jeans; cowboy boots; and his cows. Most of all, Larry loved people—particularly Frances W est Tutterow de- Larry Tutterow (center) with Gray Etchison on left and Johnny Etchi- Iivered the eulogy at her hus- son. T hose three loved to discuss farming. Larry called them Uncle band, Larry's funeral Gray and Uncle Johnny. iC O O b . Ice Cream, 151 N. Main St. • Mocksville, NC OPEN YEAR ROUND 60 Flavors! PeI*' We sell Deluxe & Front Porch h u h Hand Dipped made in N.C. DfiD ( Birthday Parties ii Croups Welcome! ) GAME ROOM: Galago, Pinball, Alr Hockey, Skee Ball HOT FUDGE SUNDAES • MILKSHAKES BANANA SPLITS BL * SUGAR FREE FLAVORS AVAILABLE • Harper, Joseph, Reese, Ja­ son, Page, Izzy, and Joe.” Later, the preacher add­ ed that Larry loved Frances more than anything. This is true. You could not talk to Larry two minutes without him mentioning Frances. Frances said: “I have been a nurse for 38 years, but Larry’s favorite nurs­ es was Harper, who would check his blood pressure; Joseph, who would help with his medicine and fix his cover; and Reese, his chief communicator who kept him up-to-date on rac­ ing, and would work with the cell phone and iPad. Joseph was his farm bud­ dy, who kept up with all the tractors, lawnmowers, and other equipment and knew just where each piece should be in the bam.” According to Frances, Izzy described her father by saying, “His office door was always open and he was generous to a fault; and in fact, he would literally give you the shirt off of his back. Because of his love for people and his outgoing personality, he was a great salesman, who sold dyna­ mite at one time. He became the owner Carolina Drilling and Blastingin 1984, and he was very proud of his busi­ ness. He liked to say, ‘I have a booming business.’ He Above are Elizabeth “Izzy” Burchette and Jason Tutterow, chil­ dren of Larry and Fran­ ces W est Tutterow. At right are grandchildren Harper and R eese Tut­ terow, daughters of Ja ­ son and Page Steed Tutterow; and at left, Joseph Burchette, son of Jo e and Elizabeth Tutterow Burchette. was proud that his children had been by his side, had learned the business, and had continued his dream, especially, during the last very difficult recession.” Frances then said Co Izzy and Jason: “You know he was so proud both of you and he loved you so much.” Frances quoted Izzy who said, “My Dad gave whatev­ er he did 100%. He wasn’t scared and he never held back. In fact, his energy was contagious and it made him successful.” Larry was recognized by his silvery white hair since he was in his 30s. Izzy said, “He had head full of silver but a heart full of gold.” Frances continued, “Peo­ ple wanted to work with Lany and to hang out with him. That was evident at the race track, whether at the track with Jason and Page and Tutterow Racing or traveling with Ricky Smith or Todd Tutterow while they were drag racing. He developed many friendships which have lasted a life­ time. Jason said, “Dad has his own #Hashtag.” Page said” “He never tried to be someone he wasn’t. What you saw is what you got.” Frances described anoth­ er of Larry’s special inter­ ests: “He loved the beach, especially his house on 59th * w Avenue at Cherry Grove. When he was there he would begin in the morning by pulling everything out of the storage room—the lawn mowers, the hoses, the tools, the golf cart, etc. He would have the beach music blaring while he worked but a lot of his time was spent talking to his friends, neigh­ bors, and anyone who came down the street. At night, he would return everything to the storage room only to re- peatthe same ritual the next morning. He loved the 4th of July, and he would plan a big party at his beach house for a multitude of friends and neighbors. Lany Tutte­ row loved life and he would want us to celebrate his life during this 4th of July hol­ iday.” Frances concluded her remarks: “If you ever met him, you would remember him because he was a larger than life person. He would light up a room. He loved life; and he loved his fami­ ly, his extended family, his Carolina Drilling family, his racing family, and his many friends. Thank you all so much for your love for him and our family, for the many kind deeds, for keeping the farm going, for keeping the Advance yards mowed, for bringing food, for sending cards, for praying for us, and for keeping his memory alive.” Lany’s body was tak­ en from First Methodist to the Eaton’s Baptist Church Cemetery. The funeral pro­ cession, which was three or four miles long, traveled slowly through Cana where Larry had spent many hours caring for his farm and the Frostland yard. The large crowd gathered at the grave site and where the Masonic Graveside Rites were given by Taylor Slye. Geraldine Brown, L any’s long-time friend, sang “Amazing Grace.” The flag which had covered the casket was presented to Frances by her cousin, LTC Paul Updegraff of the U.S. Army Reserves. Family and friends were invited to stop by Frostland, Frances’ ancestral home, to speak to the family and for some refreshment on a hot July afternoon. Marty Bab­ cock of Raleigh; Patrice Burleson of Durham; Kath­ ryn Rollins of Lake Wylie, S.C.; Martha Moorefieid of Advance; David Michalski of Mocksville; Susan, Amy and Missy Cujas, and Henry West of Cana served guests tea, lemonade and desserts. Local Class B Propane Driver! Q u ality O il C o m p an y is seek in g a d e p endable, cu sto m e r service frien d ly P ro p a n e D river! P ro p a n e e x p erien ce a n d know ledge o f th e W in sto n -S alem a n d su rro u n d in g areas p re ­ ferred. M u st have C lass B C D L a n d H azm at e n d o rse m e n t. In tere sted c an d id ates sh o u ld apply o n lin e at www.QOCNC.com o r call C h ris A rcen eau x @ 336 -7 1 4 -5 1 6 0 fo r m o re in fo rm atio n . By Edith Zim m erm an Advance Correspondent Janie Hendrix has re­ turned from Oak Island where she spent a week with her children and grandchil­ dren, Amanda H. Fortin and husband Scott Fortin and children Britany, Etnma, Ethan and Joshua Fortin. Jimmie and Nellie Size- more of Courtney were Fri­ day visitors of cousin An- nalee Myers. Other visitors during the week were Lucy Barney, Barbara Morgan and Mary Robertson. Sympathy goes to the family of John A. Coil. He died last week at Regen­ cy Care in Clemmons after several months of declining health. He and his family moved to this communi­ ty from Indiana some time ago. Sally Ann Coil and husband Micheal Brill are among the survivors. They are neighbors of Rommie and Cathy Barney. Among my visitors last week were Medford and Nancy Shoaf and Melany Shoaf of Fork/Bixby Road, Rick and Leila DeLucia of Hickory Hill, Bess Bennett, Cynthia Bennett Summers of Mocksville and Ruth Latham who brought me a tray of delicious food. Sympathy goes to the family of Georgia Ellis Comatzer and the family of Gladys Comatzer Shore in the recent deaths of these two ladies. ) Sheffield-Calahaln DAVIE COUNTY EN TER PR ISE RECORD, T hursday, July 16,2015 - B7 By Brenda Ballcy Sheffield-Calahaln Correspondent Birthday wishes go to those celebrating this week: Sonya Spry and Jason Brown on July 17; Mat­ thew Dyson, Jay Vandall and Wanda Hartle on July 18; Johnny Brown and Dan­ iel Baity on July 19; Renee Holland on July 20; and Danny Goforth on July 21. Congratulations to the fol- . lowing couples celebrating an anniversary this week: Dale and Lynn Shenill on 'July 17; Brian and Tina Dyson on July 20; Nick and Jaime Stowe on July 21; and Kip and Denise Miller on July 22. If you would like an anniversary or birthday posted, please do not hesi­ tate to call or email me. A baby shower was held for Gina and Allen Groce at the William R. Davie VFD on Sunday afternoon. Ap­ proximately 40 guests were served vegetables and dips, nuts, chicken salad crois­ sants, cupcakes and punch. A table with a huge assort­ ment of candy was avail­ able. Gina and Allen thank everyone for the gifts and making this a special day. I thank Michelle Hamilton for submitting the photo. Ben Hedrick, grand­ son of Dennis and Yvonne Ijames, had a great day fish­ ing at Lakewood in Greens­ boro. The photo was sub­ mitted by his mother, Emily Ijames Brown. New Union and Liberty Wesleyan’s joint Vacation Bible School begins Mon­ day and will be held through Wednesday, July 22 from 6-8 p.m. Dinner will be each evening at 6. The theme is ‘,‘Everest.” Embark upon an icy expedition where kids - Ieam to overcome obstacles with God’s power. There will be classes for pre-K through grade 12. The next Hotdog Sat­ urday at New Union UMC will be held July 25. New ! Union will have a yard sale |on Saturday, Aug. 8 from ‘7-11 a.m. Homecoming at New lUnion will be at the 11 a.m. worship service on Sun­ day, Aug. 9. A covered dish luncheon will follow at the Sheffield-Calahaln Com­ munity Center. The youth at Ijames Bap­ tist went on a retreat June ;26-28 to the home of Mike and Andreia Collins in Vir­ ginia. They completed a study titled “Distractions.” Pastor Daniel Harmon ac­ companied, as well as lead­ ers Kristi Lanier, Andreia Collins and Wendi White. On Saturday, June 27 the group went kayaking on the New River. A total of 12 youth attended the retreat. A time of fun, fellowship and worship was enjoyed by all. Thanks go to Pam Branham for the article and photos. Vacation Bible School at Ijames Baptist will be July 26-31 from 6-8:30 each evening. The theme is “Camp Discovery," open to ages 2 through those who have completed 5th grade. At Camp Discovery, kids have fun being kids as they explore the Bible, make new friends, sing songs, and learn how Jesus works through them in their every­ day lives. There will be fun for everyone on the water- slide on Friday. Hope you can join us all week. The Komer Deli was full of excitement Saturday as folks came to hear Joe Ma- haffey and Friends. This week, Rich Sc Richard will perform. The Fox Mountain Entertainers will be back on the 25th. To perform at the deli, contact Deanna at 704- 450-3424. The summer July sched­ ule at the Harmony Public Library: Kiwannis “Read around the World” with Tammy Money, 6-7 p.m. July 16; Allison Woods “Turtle Dogs” at 10 a.m. (all ages) and boat races during Kids at Play at 2 p.m. July 18; Pat Hepler will have an assortment of crafts from 5:30-7 p.m. on July 20; July 22 at 10:30 a.m., the sher­ iff’s department will present "Take a Bite out of Crime with McGruff;" Legos from 4-5 p.m. bn July 23 and ISAR (Iredell Search and Rescue) with North Iredell Rescue Squard-Search and Rescue dogs from 6-7 p.m.; Legosm eetfrom 10-11 am . on July 25; and on July 28. the “Grand Finale” with Professor W hizzpop. A sci­ ence and magic show with the theme “Super Heroes” from 5-6 p.m. For more information, contact the li­ brary at 704-546-7086. Prayer requests continue for Madeline Lapish, J.W. Keaton1Melvin AIlred1Tom Cloer, G.H. Goforth, Bryan Swain, Jean Reavis, Creola Rogers, Bonnie Gunter, Lori Dyson. Villard Beck, Fred Roth, Bertie Stout, Sherri Dyson, Johnny Naylor. Jim­ my Dyson, Dot Keller, Al­ ice Absher, Betty Richard­ son, Greta England, Randy Groce, Elizabeth Foster, Rick Swisher, W.A. Beck, Todd Olson and Barbara Reavis. Our condolences to the Nettie Nail family. Submit items to brjbai- ley@msn.com or call 751- 7567 no later than 9 a.m. on Monday. Ben Hedrick, grandson of D ennis and Yvonne Allen and Gina Groce show off one of the m any Ijames, caught this 54-pound catfish with his outfits they received at the shower. hands at Lakewood Pond in Greensboro. Harmony Public Li­ brary sum m er pro­ gram participants learn about chem ical reac­ tions from Angel John­ son and Lysa Orner (above); then go out­ side to test the soda rockets. Mahaffey and Friends band m em bers performing at The Korner Deli last Saturday include J.D. Clower1 Jo e Mahaffey and Mark Wingler. ,Iiames Baptist youth heading out for a retreat, from left: front - Wendi White, Kayli Lanier, Abbey ‘W hite Sydney White, Kilton Ritchie, Justin Chaffin; back ■ Destry W ilson, Tyler Cox, Pastor Daniel ‘Harmon, Hunter McDaniel, D akota Ritchie, A lyssa Godbey and Kristi Lanier. Hunter McDaniel, Dakota Ritchie, Pastor Dan­ iel Harmon and Kolton Richie have fun in the swimming hole. 4 1 I r Th Hin Abbev White and Kayli Waving from their canoes: Pastor Daniel Harmon, Dakota Ritchie, Alyssa G odbe) Justin Chaffin, Hunter W hite takeTt easy in hammocks. M oD anieIandM aryCIoyce. B8 • DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, T hursday, July 16,2015 Dateline Fundraisers Saturday, July 18 Salem UMC breakfast, 6-10 ajn., County Line VFD1 Ridge Road. Biscuits, ham, sausage, eggs, grits, gravy, baked ap­ ples, pancakes to order. Dona­ tions for new fellowship hall. Reunions Saturday, July 25 RaUedge Reunion, Cor­ nerstone Christian Church, 1585 NC 801 N., Mocksville. Registration at 11 ajn. with pot]uck lunch at noon. Bring family photos or family tree info. To register or ask ques­ tions, contact Hayes Ratledge at 336-337-3678, hayes® hayesratledgexom, or visit on Facebook Ratledgesofdavie- county®groups fitcebooksom. Those attending will receive a copy of the Ratledge Family Tree back to John Ratledge Sr. and Edward Ratledge. Religion Saturday, July 18 Patriotic Ten by Sr. Mission­ ary Circle of Greater Mt. Mo­ riah Missiooary Baptist, Depot St., Mocksville, noon. Enter­ tainment,food.AU invited. Sunday, July 19Homecoming, Edgewood Baptist, 11 a.m.; with message by Gene Tbtterow. Meal to fol­ low. Misrionary Day, Cedar Creek Missionaiy Baptist, 3 p.m., the Rev. Joel Shackle­ ford. Lunchat 1:30. July 19-23 Vacation BUiIe School, Liber­ ty Methodist, 141 Liberty Cir­ cle, Mocksville, 6-8:30 nightly. July 20-22 Vacation BUrie School, New July 22-24 Vacation Bible School, Oak Grove Methodist, 1994 US IS8, Mocksville, 6-8:30 night­ ly- Saturday, July 25 Vacation BUrie School, Salem Methodist, 169 Salem Church Rd., Mocksville, 9 a.m.-S pm. “G-Force” theme. Registration Sunday, July 26 Friday, July 24 Chinquapin Grove Mission- Free concert under the oaks, ary BapUst pastoral anniver- Downtown Mocksville, 7-9:30 sary for Pastor and Mrs. An- pjn.withtheMysteryHinbillics, thony Woodruff, 3 p.m., with boogie, western swing and rock- Cedar Creek family. Lunch at abilly. Bring a chair. 909-2263. “ . ... , MeetingsSpeciaIEvents Saturday, Juiy 25 Patriotic Tea SaturdayAt Greater Mt. Moriah MBC Mocksville unless otherwise noted. Call 753-6230. Tuesday, July 21 Veterans Social, 10:30 am., with Don Timmons, Hospice/ Palliative Care. RSVP by July 14. Co-hosted by Veterans Ser­ vice Office, open toall veterans. 0 f/Q h w o o d S ^ ' a e u T u m r a _ NEWLY RENOVATED Studio, I and 2 Bedrooms Pool/Coffee Bar Mocksville, (336)751-4141 www.northwoodapts-itc.com DVDLibiary The Senior Missionary Circle of Greater Mt. Moriah Missionary Baptist Church will host its annual Patriotic Tsam Saturday, July 18 at noon.The women will decorate tables in red, white, and blue to honor the United States. Each table will present a talent and there will be plenty of food to eat. Everyone is invited. Bible SchooIAt Salem UMC “G-Force” Vacation Bible School will be held Saturday, July 25 from 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. at Salem United Methodist Church, 169 Salem Church Road, Mocksville. Registration begins at 8:30 ajn. VBSAt New Union New Union United Methodist Church and Liberty Wes­ leyan Church will hold Vacation Bible School July 20-22 from 6-8 pjn. at New Union, 1869 Sheffield Road (comer of County Line Road). Dinner will be served each evening at 6. The theme is “Everest.” Embark upon an icy expedition where kids leam to overcome obstacles with God’s awesome power. There will be classes from pre-K-grade 12. Mocksville American Legion Post 174,9 a.m,, Maw Maw's Kitchen, US 158 near Farming­ ton Road, Mocksville. Seniors All SeniorActivities take place at DavieCounty SeniorServices located at 278 Meroney St., Salem Breakfast Saturday Salem United Methodist Church will host breakfast on Saturday, July 18 from 6-10 a.m. at County Line Volunteer Fire Department, Ridge Road, just off US 64 West. The menu will include biscuits, ham, sausage, eggs, grits, gravy, and baked apples. Pancakes will be made to order. Donations to support building a new fellowship hall will be accepted. Cedar Creek Missionary Day Cedar Creek Missionary Baptist Church will celebrate its annual Missionary Day on Sunday,July 19 with lunch at 1:30 p.m.-and the afremoon service at 3 with guest speak­ er, the Rev. Joel Shackleford of Clarks Memorial Baptist Church, Boonville. Oak Grove UMC Bible School Oak Grove United Methodist Church, 1994 US 158, Mocksville, will hold Vacation Bible School July 22-24 from 6-8:30 nightly. Liberty UMC Bible School Liberty United Methodist Church, 141 Uberty Circle, Mcoksville, will hold Vacation Bible School from 6-8:30 nightly July 19-23. 4 ®19! Oak Grove UMC 1994US Hwy. 158, MocksviUe KKaSonBibIeSclHMri Blast Flrom The past July 22,23, & 24 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM Dine For Kid’s Sake Dine For Kid’s Sake, with 10 percent of proceeds going to Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Davie, on Ties- iy, July 28 at Zaxby's, 5337 US 158, Bermuda Run. CHAD CARPENTER’S TUNDRA C fprovidence' U Senior Care Providence Senior Care is looking for experienced Certified Nursing Assistantsand Personal Care Assistants to work FuIITime and PartTime in the Mocksville/Advance area. Please call for more information. 336 -472-3810 AUCTION Saturday, July 18th -10:00 AM 749 Cornaizer Road - Mocksville, NC Estate of Sally Ava Barney Jones (Deceased)From UxiBgloa take Hwy. 64 towards Mocksville. Pncecd 6H inks pen YttdfcinRivtf bridge and turn tight oraoComaUCT Rd- Sdeon ItfL 1988 Dodge Car, iVxlli’ Storage Briidiag, IWe&6 Chrir^CUu Cabinet, KUchtn CaMnet, RanMn Skorkry CedwCtet Single Bed ACbesLdpfc Bedroom Suite, Wardrobe, Grab 4 Matching Chair, Desk, Rodta*, Half Mora Dbte, Meta] Wardrobe, Nice Old DoR StroUen Flax Winder, Sm. Shot Froot Desk, Cfcodle Stand, Shawnee Bowb, BobneIItStrtsm China, PU LaaplCokeSIgn, Martin Hardware Store IhermoaKter, Uahn Mowers Thermometer, Royal Crown Sign, ChfcTs Stager Sewmg Madmw1 SaudTby, StnittoIby Cinwtte Mirer, LumarIbjr Rmd Grader, Dht Dish, Pottery Jogs, Crock, Rodgers Flatware, KMcbawarL SlepSlooh New Rejal Sewing Machine, Vao Dyke Upright Piano, Old RmRo, Forth Swing, Hospital Bed, Blue Jars, SaH Glare Bowl, Nke Bectric Lanm Coffee Grindtfc Old Cir 1M LighlL Oid Chr Hood, 2 Griswold Meat Grinders, Grisvroid Alumfanm Watoi Kettle, Old Scales, Weil Bucket, 2 Powder Uoms, 2 NC Llteose Ihgs (19(0), OM Gas Nozzle, Oid Qrtsser Sets, Cetome Jeweby, QoibLOak Mantle Clock, Head 4 Shoulder Clock, Floor Lanm Wvd Cart,SearaThbkSaw,Heater,YardToob,2BrassBk>wtc«hes, YMo TV, Microwave+MUCH MOREiI VMt Us Pa mnv.ancHniizlp.ffnn TERMS: CtakwGoodQut-No Buyers fajuam-Food by Htfper'sQisck Bhe All fcems SoM AS IS • WHERE B • Amion Cd Mifcn No Ouuanttei Keith Yokeley • Auctioneer NCAL S323. NCAF 8768 Phone: (33® 243-7404 Cefc (336)250-5556 SHOvEt YOUR FOB 610. THBEE-MOMTVtSlOM OF A I BE AU.Y CANT STANO HEB HOUEB-THAM-COW ATTmJPE H e's A M inister WHY YOUA WALBOS WEABIMS PANTSMinisterDevan E.An toin' Wilkins Wood ruff w as presented with his minister’s Ii cense by Pastor An­ thony L. Woodruff Chinquapin Grove Missionary Baptist Church, Mocksville. He preached his first sermon at Chinqua­ pin Grove on Feb. 22. RANDY MILLER &SONSSEPTIC TANK SERVICE 295 MiIlerRead • MocksriDe (336) 284-2826 Nb Pump Septtc Ibola FETCHOF HAYlNS TO UP TUST WHEN SOTTEM COMFY? rMTROOUONS THE Ebotheb T)TV RBMOTB-STOC 2000* LET FIDO* PO THE WORK ANP HAVE FUN AT THE SAME TIME! 006 MOT IMOXOtO. METAL ROOFING 3’ Coverage • 40+ Colors Ui woe am Wwrras an© 40 Year Warranty JP TO lSOrTAX CftEm AVAUBLE 704-278-3000 MID-STAH METALS OftheCaroIinas1LLC www.mklstalemetals.com i Please contact me in: MOCKSVILLE: (336)751-8567 RALEIGH: (919) 300 N 'fusat@ndeg.net New Pool & Spa IutaBation Cleaning* Otenlcar v A X S L , Tm»w Honivtomi-Orw J» fob* Homw 133«) 284-4817 ^CeIt: (336)909-4027^ Look (or iiBoiihcebook ah Rep JuUb Kowaid PmmtrJuuHomtD I DAVIE COUNTY EN TER PR ISE REC O R D , Thursday, July 16,2015 • B9 LEGAL NOTICES NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY INTHE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION FILE NO. 14 CVS 386 BANKOFAMERICA, N.A., vs. CHRISTOPHER M. GUSKE, KIMBERLYGUSKEand SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC., as Subslllute Trusted, Defendants. OFSME OF BEAI PROPERTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of Ihe power and authority contained In that certain Or- der Issued by Ihe Honorable Anna M. Wagoner, Wed on or about March 9. 2015 in the I on March 12, 2015 at Sook 982 at Page 297 with the Davle Courtly Register of Deeds and pursuant to appll- Substitute Trustee will place tor sale, at pubUc auction, to the highest bidder tor cash at the usuri place of sale at the Davie County Courthouse, 140 South Main SI., Mocksville. North Car­ olina on Jtdy 26,2015 at 1:45 p.m. that certain parcel ot land. Including Improvements there­ on. situated, lying and being In the County ol Davie, Slate of North Carolina, and being more particularly described as Lying and bring In Clarks- vNIe Township, Oavle County, NC and beginning at an exist­ing rebar, said existing rebar being the Eastern most comer of the within described prop­ erty and being the Southern comer ot Cralg E. Fiebelkom. Deed Sook 189. Rage 211 and bring located In the Northern edge ot Candl Lane, a public right of way, Plat Book 3. Page 116, thence South 61 degrees. 24 min„ 49 sec. West 75.12 ft. to a point, thence North 39 degrees, Si min., 45 sec. Wesl 316.96 ft. to an existing rebar, with a existing rebar being the Northeastern comer of Norman Dillingham. Dead Book 642, Page 749, being located 43.96 IL prior to heretofore men­ tioned rebar, thence North 55 degrees, 57 min., 23 sec. East 110.10 ft. to an existing rebar, lhence South 49 degrees, 50 min., 20 sec. East 67.65 ft. to a new iron set. 3/8 inch steel rod. thence South 27 degrees. 39 min., 56 sec. East 241.61 ft. to the point and place of be­ ginning and containing 0.771 acres, bring 33.605 sq. ft. as surveyed by Kenneth L Fos­ter & Associates. P.A.. June 11. 2006. see Deed Book 663, Page 268. Address of property: 172 Candl Lane, Mocksville, NC 27028 Present Record Owners: Christopher M. Gueke and Klmberiy Gueke The terms of the sale are that the real property herrinbe- posit or a certified check not to exceed the greater ol five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00). Intheevent that the Owner and Holder is paying the same. be required to pay revenue stamps on the Substitute Trust­ ee's Deed, any Land Transfer Tax. and the tax required by N.C.G.S. Section 7A-308 (a) (I). The real property herein- rove described are being of­ fered for sale 'AS IS. WHERE IS* and will be sold sub)ect to all superior Hens, unpaid taxes. Sudoku 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 3 7. 6 8 1 1 7 3 4 9 6 7 6 2 1 7 9 8 5 1 4 Answers On Page BlO Substitute Trustee reserves the right to sell the real property either as a group or on an in­ dividual basis whichever wiH bring the highest bld(s). Other conditions will be announced at the sale. The sale will be held open for ten (10) days for upset bids as by law required. If the Substitute Trustee Is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Rea­sons of such Inability to convey include, but are not limited to. the Wlng of a bankruptcy peti­ tion prior to the sale and rein­ statement of the loan without the knowledge of the Substitute Trustee(S). Ifthevriidityofthe sale is challenged by any party, the Substitute Trustee(s), In its sole discretion, if he believes the challenge to have merit, may declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice Where Uie Real Property Is Residential With Lees Than 15 Rental Units: An order for possession of the property may be issued pur­ suant to G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the purchaser and against the parly or parties in posses­ sion by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any per­ son who occupies the properly pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October I, 2007. may, af­ ter receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. Upon termina­ tion of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due un­ der the rental agreement pro­ rated to the effective date of the termination. Respectfully submitted this the 19th day of May, 2015. HUTCHENS LAW FIRM Attorneys for Substitute Trust­ ee Services. Inc.. Substitute Trustee Jeffrey A. Bunda State Bar No. 34432 Post Office Box 12497 Charlotte, NO 26220 Telephone: (704) 362-9255 Facsimile: (704) 362-9267 Posted: Witness: Publish: July 16.23 IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OFNORTH CAROUNA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 16SP34 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OFA DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY BURR B. MYERS AND CHRISTINA L MYERS DATED JANUARY 16,2009 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 779 AT PAGE 963 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROUNA ' NBIICIBF SAU Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In the above-referenced deed ot trust and because of default In the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform Uie stipulation and agreements therein contained and. pursuant to demand of Uie owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned subsiituie trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at Uie usual place of sale at the coun­ ty courthouse ot said county at 2:00PM on July 29. 2015 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Davle County. North Caroli­ na, and bring more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a railroad spike lying In the eastern boundary of the Nancy I. Myers tract de­ scribed In Deed Book 109 at Page 633, Oavle County Reg­ istry. said point of beginning being the northwest comer of Tommy F. Comatzer (Deed Book 115 at Page 112) and the southwest comer of Ear- He Beauchamp (Deed Book 114 at Page 645). and running thence from the point and place of beginning with Cornalzer South 04 deg. 16 min. 07 sec West 785.12 feet to an Iron pin, southeast comer of the within described tract, southwest cor­ner of Betty G. Benge (Deed Book 114 at Page 646) and lying in the norlhern bound­ ary of Mary Robertson (Deed Book 64 at Page 539). Utence with Robertson North 66 deg. 42 min. 02 sec. West 465.54 feet to a concrete monument, southwest comer ot the within described tract and the south­east comer of National TexUIes (Deed Book 119 at Page 313), thence with National TexUIes North 03 deg. 32 min. 01 sec. East 579.43 feet to an iron pin, soulhwest comer of Bailey L. Myers (Deed Book 177 at Page 616), thence with Bailey L. Myers North 79 deg. 39 min. 35 sec. East 168.04 feet to an iron pin, thence with Bailey L. Myers North 02 deg. 21 min. 50 sec. East 187.24 feet to an iron pin, thence a new line with Nancy J. Myers South 68 deg. 30 min. 24 sec. East 268.81 feet to a point In the center line of a 10 foot driveway (eat­ing to Joe Myers road, thence conUnuing said bearing 48.61 feet to an iron pin. northeast comer of the within tract and lying on the western boundary of Beauchamp, thence with Beauchamp South 04 deg. 23 min. 37 sec. West 31.28 feet to Uie point and place of begin­ ning, containing 7.966 acres as per plat and survey of Grady L. Tutterow, RLS dated January 14.1999. Joe Myers Road across the properly of Briley L. Myers and Nancy J. Myers to the above described property, as described in the deed of Ease­ ment recorded In Book 352, Page 875 Oavle County, North Carolina records. And Being more commonly known as: 174 JoeM yers Rd, Advance, NC 27006 The record owner(s) of Uie property, as reflected on the re­cords of the Register of Deeds. Is/are Burr B. Myers and wife, Christina L. Myers. The property to be offered pursuant to Uils notice of sale is being offered for sale, trans­ fer and conveyance 'AS IS. WHERE IS.' Neither Uie Trust­ ee nor the holder of the note secured by Uie deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor Uie offi­cers. directors, attorneys, em­ ployees, agents or authorized representaUve of eHher Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relaUng to Ute tHle or any phys­ical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the proper­ ty being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or llabil- IUes arising out of or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with Uie foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars (8750.00), whichev­ er Is greater. Is required and must be tendered In the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. FoNowIng the explraUon of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds In a timely manner will result in a DedaraUon of Default and any deposit wiH be frozen pend­ ing the outcome of any re-sale. Il the sale Is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be enUtled only to a return of Ute deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgag­ or. the Mortgagee, the Substi- tute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the properly, be advised Uiri an Order for Possession of the property may be Issued In favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1.2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice to the land­ lord. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement pro- raied to Uie effective date of Ute termination. The date of this Notice is June 3,2015. Grady I. Ingle or EHzabeth B. ENs SubstituteTrustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte. NC 28216 <704)333-8107 httpJ7$hapimattomeys.comAic/ 14-066948 Publish: July 16,23 PBBUBNBIlBiFor Sale of County Property Pursuant to NCGS160A-269An offer of 8100.000 has been submitted for the pur­chase of property owned by the County of Davie, more particu­ larly described as foHows: The County of Davie is the fee simple owner of a cer­ tain 5.01 acres, more or less, Iract of real estate on US Hwy 158 as recorded In Book 953, Page 906 of the Davie County Registry, North Carolina and listed as parcel Identification D700000193 with Uie Davle County tax office. Persons wishing to upset the offer that has been received shall submit a sealed bid with their offer to the office ot the County Manager, 123 S. Main S t, Mocksville, NC 27028, by 5:00 P.M., July 27, 2015. At that time the County shall open the bids, if any. and the highest quaNfying bid will become the new offer. If there Is more than one bid In Uie highest amount. Ute first such bid received will become Ute new offer.A qualifying higher bid is one Uiat raises the existing of­fer to an amount not less Uian 8105,050.A qualifying higher bid must be accompanied by a deposit In the amount of five percent (5%) of Ute bid; the deposit may be made In cash, cashier’s check, or certified check. The Coun­ ty will return the deposit on any bid not accepted, and win return Ute deposit on an offer subject to upset if a qualifying higher bid is received.The County wiH return the deposit of the final high bidder at closing. The buyer must pay cash at closing. The County Board must ap­prove the final high offer before the sale is closed, which it will do within 30 days after Ihe final upset bid period has passed. The County reserves the right to withdraw Ute property from sale at any time before the fi­ nal high bid is accepted and the right to reject at any time all bids. This process Is in ac­ cordance with North CaroNna General Statute 160A-269. Further information may be obtained at Uie office of the County Manager. 123 S. Main SL, Mocksville. NC 27026 during normal business hours. Publishrjuiy 16.23 Crossword Puzzle 10 SIMM 14 Pttnonwithttii 16 AdorRudd 16 FirefttMiie 17 Notmuehofa sacrfflctt 20 Convwt to Ittatl ABSOLUTE ESTATE 336-354-6986 JULY 18 - IOAM ESTATE OF DOROTHY DRAUGHN (deceased) 491 Hospital St. Ext, Mocksville, NC Antiques, Tools, Hue Furniture HICKS AUCTION CO. Collectables & Glassware Harold L Auctionzip.com n c r b u t 2 3 0 2 6 2 2 Admss Wtttson 26 Devolopmanl «3 Author Jorott 46 MotH 46 Fsshionmttgaeintt 60 Molokttlmeal 67 Cub* or Cols 60 Three English rivw» 60 AfcttmtttiVttIy60 Thegoodotaedsys 61 Ardsmpgtts 6 Pregramguida location? 6 CuliMry cover-up S TttmpaBsyNFUr 27 RedBordeaux 26 Ctteftt cartoon friend 20 Stattti30 Rent 31 Signed 33 Beaeh Boy VWion 34 Vtayup 36 PotttnlMtogotaround 37 Hatttd 1706 Colonial burden42 Chantttustt Adam* Answers On Page BlO W hen A Nursing Home Isn’t The A nsw er Wuuldn't it be great to have assisted living in the privacy and comfort of your own home? P r o v id i Medicaid, Cl N o v j serving Davidson, Dar, WW “A HOMETOW As the preferred local provider of “Experienced Companion Aides”, Providence SeniorCaie helps you live life on your own terms, in your own style and without burdening family. Affordable rates available for 3 hour to 24 hair care. Call today for a FREE assessment 036)472-3810 SNCE S e n i o r G a r e JP DA, CAP C and Respite Care vie, Forsyth, Guiffbrd, Randolph, Rowan, YadJdn Counties tv.providenceseniorcare.com N AGENCY WITH A HOMETOWN FEEL.” BlO - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Tliursdayl July 16,2015 LEGAL NOTICES STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA to Iha undersigned. COUNTY OF DAVIE This Ihe 2nd day of July, 2015. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Howard R. Sheets,HAVING QUALIFIED as Ex- ExewtoroZfZieEeCaIa eculor of the Estate of GRADY 327a Mlddlebrook Drive LUTHER TUTTEROW, late of Clemmons, NC 27012 Davle County, this Is to notify all Publish: July 2,9,16,23 persons, Ilrms and corporationshaving claims against said Estate STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA to present written claim to the un- COUNTY OF DAVIE derslgned on or before October NOTICE TO CREDITORS 2, 2015, (being three [3) months HAVING QUALIFIED as Ex- from the Ilrst day of publication of ecutor of the Estate of RALPH this notice) or this notice will be HOOVER BOGER, late of Da- pteaded In bar of their recovery, vie County, this Is to notify all AU persons, firms and corpora- persons, firms and corporations tfons Indebted to said Estate will having claims against said Estate please make Immediate payment to present written claim to the un­ to the undersigned. derslgned on or before October This the 24th day of June, 2015. 9, 201S, (being three [3] months ANNETTE MARIE TUTTEROW from the first day of publication of 2740 Island View Road this notice) or this notice will beFort Mill, SC 29708 pleaded In bar ol their recovery. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINAMARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP AU persons, firms and corpora- COUNTY OF DAVIE Attorneys at Law tfons Indebted to said Estate will 10 court Square please make immediate payment Mocksville, NC 27028 to the undersigned.This the 2nd day of July, 2015. Afarffte Dertene Chambers 376 BenAnderson Road Mocksville, NC 27028 claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned at 165 Klmel Park Drive, Suite 200, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27103, on or be­ fore October 15, 2016 or this no­tice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU persons, firms, and corporations Indebted Io the said estate will please make Immedi­ate payment to the undersigned.This 13th day of July, 2015.Sue Caudle Lawrence ExecutoroftheEetate of D.C. LAWRENCE (AKA DANIEL CARL LAW• RENCE) Robert D. Hlnshaw, Esq.185 Kimet Park Drive, Suite 200 Winston-Salem, NC 27103 Publish: July 16,23.30; Aug. 6 the knowledge and belief of theundersigned, the current own- Be|ng a parce| o( land (rom er(s) of the property IsZare Ca- th0 Southwest portion of Lot mllle M. Davidson, 20, Block F, LaQuInta Sub-Dl- An Order for possession vision as recorded In Plat Book of the property may be Issued 4, Page 128, Register of Deeds pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 In Office of Davle County, Northfavor of the purchaser and Carolina, against the party or parties In subject to restrictive cove-possesslon by the clerk of su- nants |n Da0d B00K eg, Page parlor court of the county In 285 and Deed 8ook B0 Pag0 Whichlhepropertylssold- Any 5t4 Oavi0 county Registry HOMEOWNERS ASSOCtA- person who occupies the prop- and any other easements and TI0N- INC' FOR PAST DUEerty pursuant to a rental agree- restrictions of record. -scqcccmctutc 1 tonu un For back title, see Deed Book 15 SP 69 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL ESTATE IN RE: FORECLOSURE OFA UEN HELD BY KtNDERTON VILLAGE SINGLE FAMILY 120, Page 470; Deed Book 120, ASSESSMENTS UPON TtB SWEETWATER CIRCLE ADVANCE, NORTH CAROU­ NA, AKA BEING ALL OFLOT Publish: July 2,9,16,23 NOTICE TO CREDITORSHaving qualified as EXECU­TOR for the estate ol: WILLIAM L DAVIS PO BOX 947 COOLEEMEE, NC 27014 This Is to notify all persons, MARTIN & VAN HOY. LLP Arms and corporations havingAttorneys'at Law claims against the said decedent10 Court Square to exhibit thent to the undersigned Mocksville, NC 27026 on or before: OCTOBER 20th, Publish: July 9,18,23,30 2015.This notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery.'AU persons, firms and corporations Indebted to said estate ere notified to make Immediate payment.THIS THE 13TH OF JULY, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis­trator of the Estate of NINA M.RAY, deceased, of Davle County,North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the STATE 0F N0BTH CAROLINA undersigned on or before the 25th COUNTY OF DAVIE day ol September, 2015, being NOTICE TO CREDITORS three months from the first day U4' nm ireicn of publication of this notice, this notice will be pleaded In Lu, ol their recovery. AU persons In- County, this Is to notify all per- WILLIAM L DAVIS, DECEASED debted to said estate will please S0nSt,irfns and corporations he-- nM/lc rnl IWTV e" p make Immediate payment to Ihe inj| clalms^agalnst said Estate undersigned. " •- HATHAN ALLEN, late Of Davie 2015. upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the ef­ fective date of the termination. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for This the 251h day of June, 2015.Wanda F. Scalf 176 Latham Farm Road Mocksville, NC 27028 DAVlE COUNTY FILE #2015 E 252 present written claim to the un- SHELLY DAVIS, EXECUTOR derslgned on or before October FO BOX 236 16, 2015, (being three [3] months COOLEEMEE, NC 27014from the first day of publication of CRYSTAL D. JAMES,this notice) or this notice will be CO-EXECUTOR pleaded In bar of their recovery. 505 OAVIE ACADEMY PD. Piedmont Legal Associates, PA M Pareons, ,lrms and corpora- MOCKSVILLE, NC 27028Lynne Hicks, lions indebted to said Estate will ATTORNEY: Attorney for Estate plaase make Immediate payment JAMES L CARTER, JR. NC Bar #011125 to the undersigned. ' 129 N. MAIN ST.124 West Depot Street Thlsthe 16th dayof July, 2015. SALISBURY, NC 28144Mocksville, NC 27026 Vm "■Allen- Publish: July 16,23,30;Aug. 6 (336)751-3312 Executor ot the Estate Publish: June 25, July 2,9,16 of Oeorge Hethan Allen 15 SP 68377 Country Lane STATE OF NORTH Mocksville, NC 27028CAROLINA Publish: July 16,23,30; Aug. 6 COUNTY OF DAVIENOTICE TO CHEDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINAHaving qualified as Executor COUNTY OF DAVIE oftheEstateofLAURAGREY NOTICE TO CREDITORS BOWLESWHITAKER,deceased, HAVING QUALIFIED as Exec- Under and by virtue Of a of Davle County, North Carolina, utrlx ot tha Estate of EMILY .C. power of Sale contained In that this Is to notify all persons having WINKLER, (a/k/a Emily Chloe certain Deed of Trust execut- clalmsagalnstsaldestatetopres- Wlnkier), late of Davie County, ed ^ camllle NI; Davidson toent them to the undersigned on or thl9 Is to notify all parsons, firms w)|iram 0 Cctlois Trustee/slbefore the 25th day of September. and corporations having claims S was dalad ’ C rch S2015, being three months from aQalnst said Estate to present 20 f and „n I l hthe first day of publication of this wfIKan ciaim 10 IPa undersigned 2012 and fecordad on March noUce, or this notice WlIIbepIeBd- on of ba,ore Qdober 18, 2015,ed In bar of their recovery. AU per- (being three (3) months from the sons Indebted to said estate will Hfs' daY oi publication of this no- ptease make Immediate payment llceIor this notice will be pleadedto the undersigned. In bar ol their recovery. Allper- Thls the 25th day of June, sons- ,lrms and corporations ’ 2015. CALVING. WHITAKER Executorofthe Eatate2351 FaIIenTreeDrIveWest Jacksonville, FL 32246Publish; June 25, July 2,9,16 Executrix of the Estateot Emily C. Walker STATE OF NORTH CAROUNA 3849 Nicholson Rd.COUNTY OF DAVIE Westminster, MD 21157NOTICE TO CREDITORS HAVING QUALIFIED AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SAlE 19, 2012 In Book 685 1 633, Davle County Registry, North Carolina. ' Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the ment entered Into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, alter receiving the notice p _ . _ . _ ..0 , — — - —- - of sale, terminate the rent- 119 OF KINDERTON VILLAGE al agreement upon 10 days’ n ’ri RnnW Q1 Pann ppiv Dcmrt phaEE 1A SHOWAf ONAwritten notice to the landlord. S n !iS ! MAP AND PLAT WHICH IS IN The notice shall also state that ®°°kp? - ^ n ®!? T l PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 144 OF!«' □ 62; and D00d Book THE DAVIE COUNTY REGIS-82, Page 275; Davle County JRy WHICH fS mLBD T0. Registry. See also Tax Map JQELA DAVIS G-7-4. A, Parcel 32. located In MAYA £ DAV|S Shady Grove Township, Davle For8C|OSur0 of Uan filed with County, North Carolina. m0 C|erk of Sup0r,or Cour, Qn U110 iu p,up0lly w 1®' 20U' 'f,e *14any reason, Ihe sole remedy of es’ d00dS ol r0,0aso or Prior M 107. Under and by virtue of the purchaser Is the return of oonYeyancesofrecord. |he power an(j authority con- the deposit. Reasons of such ®aid property Is common- talned In that certain Declare- Inability to convey Include, but iY Ifnowr1 es 112 Caaa Bella tlon of Covenants, Conditionsare not limited to, the filing'of a Qfiva' Advance, NC 27006. and Restrictions for Klnderton bankruptcy petition prior to the A cash deposit (no per- Village Single Family Home- confirmation of the sale and re- sonal checks) of live percent owners Association, Inc and Instatement of the loan without (5%) of the purchase price, or recorded In the Office of the the knowledge of the trustee. If Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars Register of Deeds for Davie the validity of the sale Is chal- ($750.00), whichever Is great- County, North Carolina In Book Ienged by any party, the trust- af, will be required at the time 354, Page 393, and because ee, In their sole discretion, If °f the sale. Following the ex- °f default In the payment of they believe the challenge to plration of the statutory upset the Indebtedness thereby se- have merit, may request the bid period, all the remaining cured and pursuant to the de­ court to declare the sale to be amounts are Immediately due mand of the owner and holder void and return the deposit, and owing. THIRD PARTY of the Indebtedness secured The purchaser will have no fur- PURCHASERS MUST PAY by said Lien, and pursuant to ther remedy. THE EXCISE TAX ANO THE the Order of the Clerk of Su- TrusIeeServIces RECORDING COSTS FOR PafIor Court Ior Davie Coun-of Carolina, LLC THEIR DEED. ty, North Carolina, entered In Substitute Trustee Said property to be offered is foreclosure proceeding, Brock & Scott, PLLC pursuant to this Notice of Sale Bossabi Black Slaughter, the Attorneys for Trustee Services Is being offered for sale, trans- aPPolntad Trustee, will expose of Carolina, LLC fer and conveyance "AS IS ,or sala al Publlc aucl,Qn on 5431 Oleander Drive WHERE IS.” There are no rep- julY 28> 2015t at 12:00 PM on Suite 200 resentatlons ol warranty relat- ,fle slaP8 01 ,he 0avie County . Wilmington, NC 28403 Ing to the title or any physical. Courthouse, Mocksville, North PHONE: (910) 392-4988 environmental, health or safety Cafoilna. the following de- FAX: (910) 392-8587 conditions existing In, on, at, or • scf,bad faai property (including File No,: 15-05725-FCOl relating to the property being ,he hous0. if anY and anY °>her PUBLISH: JULY 9,16 offered for sale. T hissalels Improvements thereon): Be- made subject to all prior Hens, in9 aii 01 (-01 H 9 01 Klnderton 15 SP 57 .unpaid taxes, any unpaid land Village Phase 1A shown on a transfer taxes, special assess- maP and Pial which Is In Plat ments, easements, rights of ®00if 7, Page 144 of the Davleway, deeds of release, and any County Registry. Property ad- other encumbrances or excep- dress; H0 Sweetwater Circle,tlons of record. To the best of Advance, NC 27006. Present the knowledge and belief of Own0f(s): J°ai A. Davls and- 1 the undersigned, the current Maya H. Davis. ThesaIewIII bePo™ rols.teconteln..lnth.1 0,s lhe |s, m .d. sub |..t» .11 prior ..I ,, oorta,Io Deed Trusl executed „ „ N„ , k„ KheJ and wlfo, «"d to .11 deeds by Nazakat Khan and Joyce JoycaKhan of ,fusl, iians. unpaid taxes,Khnn In WaHa H I-------- „ " ,BHtfiCtiOne, 0as0m0nt the property may be Issued pur- s0ssrnanls. iaas0S and other suant to G.S. 46-91 5>Q In fnvnr ma,,0rS °f f0cofd. " anY' P°f‘ NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA,DAVIE COUNTY Under and by virtue of debted to said Estate will please undersigned, Trustee Servicesmake immediate payment' undersigned. Thlsthe 16th day of July, 2015. Sheryl L. Ravlte, of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee In. said Deed of Trust, and the hold­ er of the note evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Publish: July 16,23,30; Aug. 8 Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county Khan to Wade H. Leonard, Jr., Truslee(S), which was dated July 28. 2002 and recorded on July 26, 2002 In Book 430 at Page 194, Davie County Reg­ istry, North Carolina. o G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the purchaser and againstthe parly or parties In posses- , _,. _. , , „ sior, by th. cterk ot sop.rior ” “ S f I * 1" “ “ '. ... r .. . h R ark R Ai1CihtAr tho Tnictaa ecutor of the Estate ol GRADY STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA courthouse where the prop- LUTHER TUTTEROW, late of COUNTY OF DAVIE erty is located, or the usual Davle County, this Is to riotlfy all EXECUTOR’S NOTICE and customary location at the persons, Ilmis and corporations HavlngquallfledasExecutorof county courthouse for conduct- having claims against said Estate lha Estate of Georgia Ellls Cor- ing the sale on July 20, 2015 to present written claim to the un- natzer, Deceased, late of Oavle at 10:00AM, and will sell toderslgned on or before October County, North Carolina, this Is to ttle highest bidder for cash the2, 2015, (being three [3] months no% a^l persons having claims following dascribed property from the first day ol publication ol aSainsl the estate of Ihe deceased SituataH in Dauia rmmiu Wnrth this notice) or Ihls notice will be 10 exhibit them to the undersigned ^ 'ua 0dJ ntiP a;'0 CounlY’ Nor,h pleaded In bar of their recovery. on of before October 23, 2015, or 'All persons, firms and corpora- this Notice will be pleaded In bar ALL that parcel of land In tlons indebted to said Estate will ol their right to recover against 0avIe County, State of North please make immediate payment the estate of the said deceased. Carolina, being known andto the undersigned. All persons Indebted to said es- delineated as Lot 5, Section 3, This the 24th day ol June, 2015. tate will please make Immediate BERMUDA RUN, LTD., GOLF- ANNETTEMARIETUTTEflOW payment. DOMINIUMS, filed In Plat Book2740 Island View Road This the 7th day of July, 2015. 5, Page 2Fort Mill, SC 29708 SfYan C. ThompsonMARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Executorofthe Estate Attorneys at Law of Georgia Elite CornaUer 10 Court Square SURRATT & THOMPSON, PLLC Mocksville, NC 27026 M 'Publish: July 2,9,16,23 IJAttlt b.»irrg been m.rte ^ bl Bl.ck Sl.rrght.r, tb. Trust... of the note thereby secured ,k« u Immedrate y upon conc us on by the ..tb D ..P ofTro.t .nd o ^ .p test b . I Z K “ "> * “ Sd *«” ■“the undersigned, Trustee Ser- nursuant (0 a L ntai aaL eL am 10 0XC00d the greater of Rve ot C m lb ., LLC, having Z .m d ' I or ™ . d on o Pe'“ "' <5%> ,h8 b,d *"«“ «been substituted as' Trustee 0fler Octobar. 2007 mau or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars In said DOttd ol Trost1 .nd th. ^ <»»"^»1. An, .uoo.s.lol bld- 2 ? J , » T 11mldLnd"? 'b™1"*'8 » • .grsement d8r 8d8“ ?8 ™du ,8d “ » nd8r Sfmft n T 1I 9t dlI T upon 10 days' written notice to »»1. b.l.boaottb.purob.s. ed Ihat the Deed ol Trust be th. iandiord Tha nQt,„ ah.,, price In cash or certified check foreclosed, the undersigned I iso JtA tJ L ^ 01 'he time Rossabl Black Substltut. Trusts. »ill otter Ior 0, , rml>| ^ reem m Sl.ught.r, PA th. Trust.., ten- sale at the courthouse door ol tanant i8 iiab|e to; fen( du0 un d0fS to him a deed Ior the prop- th. county courthouse » h .r. w m, nl erty or attempts to t.nd.r such th. prop.ny I. Iocted or h . ,„ ,d to lh.-.tteo«v. d .l. ot the d” d; 88L T f ? “ “ . T , ' usual and customary location tarmination cesslul bidder fail to pay the fullat the county courthouse for , balance of the purchase price conducting the sale on July 20, f lhe trustee is unable to so bid at the time, he shall re- 2015 at 10:00AM, and will sell convaYbti0 to this property for main liable on his bid as provld- to the highest bidder for cash any f0ason' the sole remedy of ed tor in n.c q.S §45-2l.30(d> the following described prop- be Purchas0f Is the return of and (0j -|-his sai0 wm b0 h0kj ........................ - • ~ the deposit. Reasons of sucherty situated In Davie County, North Carolina, to " Tract I:e not limited to, the filing of a der for possession of the prop- NOTICE TO CREDITORS HAVING QUALIFIED as Ex­ ecutor of the Estate of OMEGA IJAMES, late ol Davie County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims By Fee Simple Deed from Rachel P..Helton, unmarried as ____________ww„ set forth In Book 508, Page 965 IOO-N. Maln SUeet,TuKe242S da,0d 00f22/2OO3 and record- Wlnston-Salem, NC 27101 ed 08/27Z2003, Davie County (336) 725-8323 R0OOfds, State of North Caro- Publlsh: July 16,23,30; Aug. 6 iina- Save and except any releas­ es, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record. Said property Is common­ ly known as 630 Rlverbend Drive, Bermuda Run, NC 27006. A cash deposit (no per- N.C.G.S. §45-21.29 In favor ol the purchaser and against the party or parties In possession STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Publicagainst said Estate to present Administrator, of the Estate ot written claim to the undersigned BRENDA DARLENE MAYS, late onorbeforeOctober9,201S, (be- of Davle County, North Carolina, sonal checks) of five percenting three [3] monihs from lhe first this Is to notify all persons having (5%) of the purchase price, or day of publication of this notice) or claims against the estate of the Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars this notice will be pleaded In bar of deceased to exhibit them to the ($750.00), whichever Is great- thelr recovery. Ail persons, firms undersigned on or before Octo- . or, will be required at the time and MrporatJons Indebted to said ber 23, 2015, or this Notice will of the sale. Following the ex- Estate will Pi0a00 make Immedl- be pleaded In bar of their right to plration of the statutory upsetate oavment to the understand recover against the estate ol the bid period, all the remaining said deceased. AU persons In- amounts are immediately due debted to said estate will please and owing. THIRD PARTY make Immediate payment. PURCHASERS MUST PAYThis the 18th day of July, 2015. THE EXCISE TAX AND THE Lot 19 of Block F, Sec- lnstatement of lhe loan without m V e o L ^ ra g e 120-12? S 'n — on 125 (Slide 122) In the Office of fenged b^any p lw the S tl- Lythe suP0rlorcourt the Register of Deeds of Davie ae, in ,heir sole discretion, » - ° n K.In .wh,cf1 ,he prop'County, North Carolina. Iract Il:. have merit, may request the Beginning at an iron stake couft to declare the sale to be In the northerly right of way vold and return the deposit. luuu, , line of Granada Drive, said Iron The purchaser will have no fur- ing lhe notic0 of /a| [efm| st.k. .I ., being th. Soutb- tb.rr.m .dy, m . r.nt.l ,gr.ont.ni upon..S i oorn.r ot Lot IS, Block t9, Tmste. S.tvlo.s d„ s. of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC ,w K M .. „ erty Is sold. Any person whotb.» bellev. tb. challenge to th. prop.lty pursn.nthave rrmrlt mow ronimei tha . . , 'to a rental agreement entered Into or renewed on or aftdr Oc­ tober 1,2007, may, after recelv- ie payment to the undersigned.This the 9th day of July, 2015.Edmonla Hollla,Executor of the Estate 2651 US Hwy. 601 N. Mocksville, NC 27028 D . _ PttbtkthiPitlytLttLttMt, S S Z = I Said property to be offered " SURRATT A Pursuant to this Notice of Sale THOMPSON, PLLC !S b0ln9 O,,0r0d ,or sale' ,rans- 100 N. Main Street, Suite 2425 conveYance “AS IS Winston-Salem, NC 27101 WHERE !S." There are m ,—3) 725-8323 fesantaIionS of warranty relat- Publish: July 16"23.30, Aug.6 ing ,0 ,he 11110 or anY Physical, environmental, health or safety STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTiCETO CREDITORS HAVING OUALIFIED as Ex­ecutor of the Estate of HAROLD GRAY SHEETS, (e/k/a Harold G. Sheets; Harold Sheets), late ol Davle County, this is to notify allpersons, firms and corporations ..„ , ,having claims against said Estate STATE OF NORTH CAROUNA conditions existing In, oi, ,to present written claim to the un- COUNTY OF DAVIE relating to the property being designed on or before October NOTICE TO CREDITORS offered for sale. This sale Is 2. 2015, (being three (3) months Having qualified as Executor of mede subject to all prior liens, from the first day of publication of lha Estate of D.C. LAWRENCE unpaid taxes, any unpaid land this notice) or this notice will be (AKA DANIEL CARL LAW-' transfer taxes, special.assess-pleaded In bar of their reMvery. RENCE), late of Davle County, ments, easements, rights of AU persons. Arms and corpora- Nor,h Carolina, the undersigned way, deeds of release and any tlons Indebted to said Estafe will do0S hereby notify all persons, ott10f encumbrances pr excep- ----- flnrI cofPoraHons having tions of record To th0 b0st of LaQuInta Sub-Division (Da­vie County Plat Book 4, page 128), running thence with the easterniy line of said Lot 19, North 13“ 19' 45" West 110.00 feet to an Iron stake In the East­ erniy line of said lot 19; thence along a new line South 46 ° 21’ 18' East, 92.31 feet to an Iron stake in the northerly right of way of said Granada Drive as it curves to the right an arc dis­ tance of 60.00 feet, the chord bearing and distance of said NORTH CAROLINA curve being South 44“ 35’ 00" DAVIE COUNTY West, 59.96 feet to the point iN THE GENERAL COURT and place of beginning, con- OF JUSTICE talning 2,894 square feet, more BEFORE THE CLERK 10 days’ written notice to the landlord. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant a„ M 4- . „ ' ls liable for rent due under theAttorneysforTrusteeServices „„,„1 __Of Carolina 11 c 0n,al aSr00m0nl prorated to oi oaroiina, LLC >ha __,., .___,Carolina Il C ayiomiwin proraieo IO 5431 Ote'nrter Drive ' " . 1 , " “ " " '■ "* Suite 200Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4986 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 15-03571-FC01 PUBLISH: JULY 9,16 OF COUNSEL: ROSSABIBLACK SLAUGHTER, RA., Post Office Box 41027, Greensboro. North Carolina 27404-1027. Telephone; (336)378-1899. Signed: July 13,2015.Michael C. Talierclo, Attorney for the Trustee Publish: July 16, 23 please make Immediate payment lifms' 1 Crossword Answers OBDSQ OBBQ BDOB BBBBB BDBB BDQB BdaBBBBDBBBBBOD DQO BBBB OOBBBB DdBO BBOB OOdBBD BBBB DBD BBBDO BBBB BdBO dBBDBdBQOBBDBQO BBBO BDOO DBBBB BOB BBOD BDBBBB OBDO DBdB BdBBDB BODB Einn BDBBBDODBBDDOBB BBOB DBOd OdBOB BBBB BBBB Hramrari Sudoku Solution 7 6 5 4 2 8 9 3 4 8 2 3 9 7 5 6 9 5 3 8 6 7 2 4 6 4 8 7 3 5 9 2 2 1 7 9 8 6 3 4 S 3 9 5 4 2 1 6 8 7 8 3 9 6 S 4 2 7 1 1 7 4 2 9 3 5 6 8 5 2 6 1 7 8 4 3 9 D avie C ounty E nterprise R ecord, T hursday. July 16, 2 0 1 5 8 B11 DAVIE-CLEMMONS toll free 1 -877-751 -2120 OR 704-797-4220 C a l l u s M o n d a y - F r i d a y 8-5 Jeana Kristin Deadline to have your classified ad in . the next issue: Tuesday 3 P.M. 1 Email: classads@ sali9 buryp0 st.com OR place your ad online at: Salisburypost.com and click 'Place C lassified Ad’ Employment ipjiilqgjjnjtles' Auto Maintenance Auto Technician Experience necessary. Must have own tools. NC inspec­ tion license a plus. Heated & a|r conditioned shop. Mon- day-Friday & 2 Saturdays per monlh. Pay based on experience. $500-$700/wk. Call 704-637-1115 Job Opportunities I ■ Furniture Sflppllances PT Maintenance Custodian. Approx. 30 hrs. Clemmons Rrst Baptist Church. Please call 336- 766-6486 or email nereonnelft cfbctodav.org. Job description available upon request. Auctions & Sales NOW HIRING!!! Assem blers Order Pickers Material Handlers 1st and 2nd Shift Temp to Hire Don'f DeZay Apply Today! Call 336-609-6667 for details and apply online at www.debbiesstaffino.com Applyin Person: 300 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27026 NeveraFee EOE THE CLASSIFIEDS: Your Ticket to L ocal Finds Advance. 2871 HG Hwy 801 South 3-Famlly Yard Sale, Fri. 7/17 & Sal. 7/18, 8am-2pm. (Look for signs up on hill) Baby clothes, toys, fur­niture. A little bit of everything! Don’t miss this selel IN JULY SAlEIStation on Main. 185 N. Main St., Mocksville. Saturday, July 18,6am to 3pm. 75% off new Inventory. Holiday decorations, Jewelry, fur­niture, clothing. New Webkins 3 for $10. Mocksville, 309 ParfcAve. MuIti-FamilyYard SaleFrl., 7/17/15 A Sat., 7/18/15, 7am- 12pm. Boys & girls children cloth­ing & shoes, toys A household Aocksvllla. 121V 2pm. A LOT of baby & children’s Items. Bake sale Items to help Glrl Scouts go to Washington, D.C. ILY BIRDSl Furniture, household goods, clothing, many Items. Too much to Iistl Raln can­cels both days. Merchandise Electronics Compaq Computer $50. Sharp Stereo S75, Lexmark Printer S25. $150 for ell. For more Info call 704- 640-9919. Estate Auction Sat. July 18, 2015* 9AM 273 Ben Anderson Rd., Mocksville Penonai Property of Zane Prlddy, living & Nancy Prlddy, t SEEAUCTiONZIP.COM IDffIOI 33 for terms, photos & listing. *** NO BUYERS PREMIUM*** Beautiful Modern Exceptional Home Furnishings, 3BR Suites, Love Seat, Chairs, Lltt Chair, Glider Rocker, Wicker, DR Suite, Kitchen Hutch, Oak Breakfast Table/4 Chairs, New Washer/ Dryer, PatIo Table/Chairs, Linens Towels, Kitchen Items, Shop Tools, Wood Working, 15 Rod/Reels, Boxes Of Tackle, Jon Boat/Trolling Motor, GardenA Yard Items. Terms: Cash, check, credit cards day of sate. Out-ol-state buy­ ers cash or credit card only* Rain or Shine0 Food Available SPEER AUCTIONS Mocksville, NC * 336-655-9649 DAVID SPEER, NCAL 2964 NCAFL 9488 Antique dining setTable with 6 chairs that need TLC. 704-232-0940. Buyer picks up $45.00 Caueh w/2 matching chairs, beige. Very well built. $100. 704- 279-6290 No calls after 6pm. End table and coffee table, excellent condition for both $75. 704-279-6290 No calls after 8pm. Oak china cablnBt w/glass doors beige. Appx. 38"W x 70"H $100. Excellent cond. 704-279-6290 No calls after 8pm. Oversized cloth sofa,1 1/2 sized chair and ottoman. $300. Call 704-433-5462 Games & Toys Miscellaneous For Sale Didn’t Get A Paper?Call Circulation at 704-797-4213Monday-Friday 8 AM to 5 PM GraatOutdoarTent Like New. Sleeps 6-8. Call/text 704-298-5363, $75.00. Shelf racks, small, metal.2 available. $10 for both. Call 704- 431-0381 after 5pm. Singer sewing machlna TSyaars old.Runs great. $30 to a good home. 704-279-6290 No calls after 8pm. To Place A Classified Ad CallToll Free 1-877-751-2120Monday-Friday 8 AM to 5 PM WanttoBuy . Merchanilise Ceeh paid for coin and stamp col­lections. I also buy Civil War, WWI and WWfl Items like uniforms, hel­mets, swords, medals, documents, letters, photos, relics, ete. Also Indian relics, sterling silver Items, antiques. Call Steve 336-692-8156 Pels SLivestoch Cats FREE KinEH in to a good loving home, x train, Please call 704- Free kittens. Lap-Iovlng kitlens, blend­ ed colors. Black face w/brown nose & tiger striped. No answer, please leave message. 704-798-6742 Dogs 1 males and females. 704-224-3837 control mosquitoes with Hap­py Jack DuraSpot: 92% flea control In 24 hours. Contains NYLARI Yadklnvllle Quality Hardware (336-679-2049) Kill fleas on contact on dogs and cats with DD-33 flea mist. Lests longer. Pleasant odor. Contains NO Rpronlll SMRHERMANS HARDWARE 336-766-9109 www.happyjack.com Notices General Notices; Didn’t Get A Paper? Call Circulation at 704-797-4213Monday-Frlday 6 AM to 5 PM , Ldst ft Found FOUND DOG 7/8 Gold Hlll on Old Beatty Ford Pd. Proof ol owner­ship required. Contact: 704-273-0003 Found Dagjaw Mussell/Terrler mix, female, blacks white body, brown head, High RockLakeerea. 704-639-0283. Found female dogmedium size, brown with reddish tint color. Old US 80 & Faith Road area. Call 704-213-4251. FoundInHmlay Park Calico cat, declawed, no tall. Call 704-838-4459 Lost Belgian Shephard dogfemale, brown & white, Brlngle Ferry Road area, went missing on July 7th. Call 704-633-0039. Lost Cellphone near car wash next to the Kangaroo In Rockwell. If you have found It please call 338-466-4844. LOST NIALE BLUE HEELER Black & silver, answers to "BUD­DY? E. 8ank St. and Long St., Salisbury. Fitly-Rtty Store. Reward for return. Please call 704-223- 0897. Lost small female dog on May 9th Mt. Hope Church and Old Concord Road area. Jack Russell Terrier mix. REWARDI Call 208-412-6142 LOST WEDDING BAND.Men’s size 10 plain wedding band. Lost In Walmart on Wed. 7/6. S25 REWARD. 704-636-7872 Male Lhasa Apso LostBrown, medium size male i camoflage collar, answers to F Call 704-636-8237. Real Estate Homes For Sale Sparta, NC • Mountain Home For Sale By Owner ’ sleeping loft, open living area w/flreplace & hardwood floors, lg. covered rocking chair porch 8 back porch, cool mountain air. long range mountain views, attached dou- irage & detached storage bldg. g furnished for $238,000. Call 704-938-1569 or 704-310-0885 ! Homes For Sale Houses FoiiiRehtj Salisbury, For Sale By Owner 3 BR, U BA, 1200 I sq.ft. ' eled,Walmart.$59,999 Call Michael at 704-433- 6019. To Place A Ciasslfleii Ad CallTollFree 1-B77-751-2120 Monday-Friday 8 AM to 5 PM USTreasury Dept. Online Auction Friday 7/24 Bidding starts at 10am 620 West Franklin S i Salisbury 1,946 ± sq. ft., 2-level home Wl 3 BR, 2.5 BA, 2nd floor laundry, 1-car garage, In- ground pool, storage bldg, & masonry fence OPEN: 1*4pm S a t 7/11 & Sat. 7/18 703-273-7373Sale# 15-66-134, AU 2056 Manufactured Home In Country. 2BR mobile t Partly furnished. Not pets. SoOOI mo. * deposit & ref. 336-264-4756 Manufactured Home Small Single-wide Mobile Home 1BR. I BA. newly remodeled, cen tral afr. elec. heat. In mobile home pars. >o,uuu. no ouiooor pets, 704-640-2305. Apartments < ' Mocksville • sunset Terrace Apts. 1 & 2 BR, ell appl. Central H/A Slarting at $450. Call 336-751-0168 NOW LEASING! Brenner Crossing Apartments Salisbury's NewestAfIordabfe ApartmentCommunIty Call today or visit our temporary leasing office al 633 Fomey Street SallsburylNC 28144 1-866-751-9701 www.brennercrosslng.ee 96 S.L NlS BAUM Realty C of= I Century 21 Triad Rental Properties available In various price ranges In Davle County, Forsyth and surround­ing counties. For Information on all Rentals please go (o:WWW.CENTUR- Y21TRIAD.COM. Click yellow rental tab. 336-751-5555 CooIeemeB Ares2BR. Stove, relrlg., central alr/ heat. No inside pets. $500/mo. + dep. 336-284-5040. Ask for Nancy Office & CommercialHentaI 1400 square feat. Otflae located on MLK Jr. Ava. 5 offices/multi­ use rooms, conference area. One block from the Flbrant Fiber Optle Center. 704-213-0070 Manufactun Homes Fof Rf Harmony. 3BR. 2BA. Private lot. central air. lawn care provided. $450/mo. + dep. Call 704-546- 2133 or 704-860-7372 Mobile homes for rent. 2 & 3BR ShadyAcres MHP, John Crotts Rd., Mocksville. HUD accepted. No pets. 338-909-2092 or 336-998-8222 Mocksville, 2BR.1BA mobile home, new flooring, AB­SOLUTELY NO PETS. $450/mo. $300 dep. 336-940-2515 Transportation AiitiiiP Ford Eseape, 20124 cylinder, 2WD, automatic, SUV. Gray, one owner, power windows, smoke-free, power locks, alloy wheels, CD player, cruise control, ABS, A/C, well maintained. 2012 Ford Escape with 102,400 highway miles. Great running car. Well-main- talned, dependable and eco­nomical. $9,200/neg. (704) 932- 2054 or (704) 957-6244 To Place A Classified AdCallToll Free 1-877-751-2120Monday-Friday 6 AM to S PM 25’ Remington Pontoon boat, 2000. New Interior & cover. Low . 70hp. $1399.336-575-2101 Trucks. Sliy a Vans'' DiuiTt Get A Paper? Call Circulation at 704-797-4213Monday-FrIday 8 AM to 5 PM 3 TOURS. 2 PURPLE HEARTS. I EVICTION NOTICE. W hen m y landlord fo und o u t I had Post-T raum atic S tress D isorder (PTSD ), I received an evictio n n o tice. T h at's w hen I calle d HUD fo r help. If you feel th a t you’ve b een discrim inated a g ain st b e c a u se of a m ental o r e m otional injury o r disability, re p o rt it to HUD o r your local fair housing center. visit hud.gov/fairhousing or call th e h u d H otline 1-800-669-9777 (English/Espanol) FAtR HOUSING IS YOUR RIGHT. USE IT! NFHAIlaimlfan Housing Ailmncu A public scivico inossayo Iroin tho U.S. Oopaitnmiil ol Mousing anil Urban Dcvclopnu Mousing Alliance. The Ietlernl Fair Housing Aci pioliibils discrimination because ol roe familial sl.ntiis or disability Tor rnoiu lnloimatioii. visit www.hud.gov/fairhousirtg. . B12 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 16,2015 PICKLES BYBRIAN CRANE I’M WRlTlNfe AN ACTUAL LGTTeR To Nd sister, ^ou know, with A PEW AWP NICE STATiOMERV I USUALLY WRITE EVERV- THlWfeON COMPUTER THESE PAVS WRONG? SHOOT.' I WOULPN'T WDRRV ABOOT IT "HORSEPD-CVEfS' LOOKSOORRECrTo m e . SUTTHEWlAFTeR I WROTE IT ITHIT ME. AOTOCORRECr CtoESN1T WORK WITH HAMPWRlTtNG1 SO WHEN ICAMETO THE WORP HORS P'OEuVRES," ITHOUfeHT PONT WORRV1 IF 16ET IT WRbMG AUTOCORRECT WILL FIX IT. 7A DUSTIN BYSTEVE KELLEY & JEFF PARKER PUSTIN/ TP MV VMlVE PEFINirELV PUT OFF WASHING VOUP CLOTHES FOP TOO LONG.. .WHEPE VOU'PE GIVING YOUP LAUNPPV HANIPEP THE HEIMLICH ilk . MANEUVEP ^ JV MOTHER GOOSE & GRIMM BY MIKE PETERS ~ rte summer, d>o VOUTftiNKTVUS F A per b a g w ill t.OOK0 oot?ONM6 f its Sum m er 1PO VOU TftlMK THIS BIKINI IAJIU. LOOK QOOPOM ME?* TUNDRA -AFTER TH E F IR S T SPRIfJQ T H A W UciTORS VfgWOMS I DON'T KNOW ABOUT y o u , 6UT XVE OOT A NASTY CASE OF JOCKEY ITCH . . A/ w w w .tu o c f r a c o m f c s ic o m © T u n d ra 2015 New YMCA Director Collaboration With Local Groups Among Goals Page 14______ Smart Students Davie County Schools Honor Students Listed Pages B4-B5 DAVIE C O U N TY VENTERPRI/ERECORD USPS 149-160 Number 29 Thursday, July 23, 2015 Davie Sheriff’s Sgt. Shawn Ruff escorts Kenneth Johnson from his home after the arrest.- Photos by Robin Snow Stolen Property Recovered Man Arrested Less Than A Year After Release From Prison By M ike B a rn h a rd t Enterprise R ecord It w asn’t a norm al investi­ gation into break-ins, but folks in w estern D avie County w ere relieved last w eek w hen sher­ iff’s officers raided a house on Calahaln Road. They cam e away w ith tw o and a half truck loads o f stolen goods valued at an estim ated $50,000, and m ade tw o ar­ rests. M ore stolen property has been found elsew here, m ainly in W inston-Salem . M uch has been returned to the ow ners, said D avie Sheriff’s C hief J.D . H artm an. K enneth Johnson, 39, of Calahaln R oad, w as charged w ith 18 counts o f breaking, en­ tering and larceny. H e is being held in the D avie D etendon Center. H is father, JerTy Johnson, 77, o f the sam e address, was charged w ith one count o f ac­ cessory after the fact. H e has been released from custody. H artm an said the calls start­ ed com ing in last fall, ju st a few m onths after the young­ er Johnson had been released from prison. Still, investigators could not com e up w ith credi­ ble leads. Early this year, the sheriff’s departm ent did som ething un- guns and tools. M ore charges usual, assigning tw o undercov- are likely as property is recov­ er detectives to the case. M ost ered, Ijartm an said, strings o f larcenies are scat­ tered across the county, or are a one-tim e visit by traveling thieves, H artm an said. Putting detectives on one case could provide vital inform ation. It paid off. L ast m onth, they got a w ar­ rant to search the property at 805 Calahaln Road. T hey raid­ ed the house ju st after 8 a.m. July 14, and w ere there w ell into the afternoon confiscating stolen property. T he suspect was som ew hat picky, m ostly stealing antiques, ' 1 *& This property on 805 Calahaln Road was raided last week for suspected larcenies. i il I It i in Je rry Jo hnson NotA Delay Roundabout Construction To Start Mid-August BER M U D A RU N - M any are w ondering w hat is going on w ith the roundabout project entering here from Clem m ons on US 158. W ork was com pleted on the new gatehouse in the spring, but w ith the arrival o f sum m er and now the second half of 2015, there hasn’t appeared to be m uch progress lately on the roundabout itself. “M anager, w hat’s the status of the roundabout?” council­ m an E d Coley asked during the July 14 B erm uda R un Tow n C ouncil m eeting. “I don’t see m uch activity.” L ee R ollins, tow n m anag­ er, said that m uch o f the w ork since the gate construction has been on the perim eter and not as visible to those driving through tow n. “N ow they’re w orking on the TNvin C ity Soccer side,” Rollins said. “T here’s slope and drainage w ork that has to be done, w hich leads dow n to the pum p station ow ned by D a­ vie County. A nd there’s som e other w ork in front o f W in- M ock.” Please See BR - Page 7 The Mystery Hillbillies In Free Concert Here Friday T he M ystery H illbillies w ill ‘ perform a free concert under the oak trees on the square in D ow ntow n M ocksville- from 7-9:30 p.m . Friday. Bring a chair for seating if you like, or your dancing shoes. The H illbillies perform a range o f m usic from rockabilly to blues, from classic country to w estern sw ing. 17 Face Conspiracy Charges In Drug Investigation L ast fall, the D avie County Sheriff’s D epartm ent started receiving calls about prescrip­ tion narcotics being illegally sold in the southern part o f the county. A ldiough the investigation is ongoing and m ore arrests are expected, a group o f som e 17 individuals face various drug charges, including conspiracy. T hey w ill all be tried for con­ spiracy in addition to the drug charges, said J.D . H artm an, sheriff’s departm ent chief. “L ooking at the total pic­ ture, they’re all involved in that conspiracy,” he said. N ot all o f them knew each other, but there w as a connection w ith a m ain goal o f keeping prescrip­ tion painkillers available at all tim es. Som e w ould pay oth­ ers to go to the doctor to get a prescription for specific drugs, others w ould steal the drugs, and som e w ould sell their ow n prescriptions. The first arrest w as Joe Lynn Stafford, 72, o f N C 801 near G reasy C om er. H is house, ac­ cording to investigators, had a regular custom er base com ing and going. Stafford was charged w ith Conspiring to Traffic m ore than 28 gram s o f O pium , Sell/ D eliver Sch II C ontrolled Sub­ stance, Possession w ith intent to Sell and D eliver Sch II Con­ trolled Substance, Possession w ith intent to Sell and D eliver Sch II C ontrolled Substance, M aintain a V eh/Dw ell/Place for C ontrolled Substance, Sell/ D eliver Sch II C ontrolled Sub­ stance, Possession w ith intent to Sell and D eliver Sch II Con­ trolled Substance, Trafficking in O pium o f H eroin, Traffick­ ing in O pium , Trafficking in O pium , Trafficking in O pi­ um , Possession w ith Intent to M anufacture Sell and D eliver Sch II C ontrolled Substance, Possession w ith Intent to Sell and D eliver Sch II Controlled Substance, and M aintain a Veh/ D w ell/Place for C ontrolled Substance. S taffordisatD avie County D etention Center under a $1,250,000 bond. • Shane A aron H artness, 35, o f U S 601 S., M ocksville, w as charged w ith Conspiring to Traffic m ore than 28 gram s Please See Conspiracy - Page 7 Jo e L y n n S taffo rd 689076382120 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 23,2015 Editorial Page Did Mothers On Wagon Trains Rebel At Denver? DENVER — They had bumped along in their Con­ estoga wagons for a thousand miles over the prairie, surviving Indian attacks, thieves, cholera and dysen­ tery. They had slept under the stars, eaten camp food, w ashed their clothes in stream s, forded dangerous riv- I ers and endured ter- I rible weather and I unimaginable hard- I ships. W hen the wagon I trains got here a I 10,000-foot wall of snow-covered mountains loomed in front o f them. That’s ' when, I imagine, some women in , those wagons rebelled and said, “Enough. I We stop here. W e’re T h e g rav e of Buffalo Bill Cody, going no further.” T here’s no other suitable explanation for why 1.8 million people live here. Denver is the M ile High City, and I had always wrongly assumed it was a mountainous town. It is hat­ ter than W inston-Salem even though 4,000 feet higher in elevation. It is at the western edge o f the prairie just before a monster wall of mountains forms. Elizabeth and I spent five days here last month trying to take in as much of Colorado as possible. We watched the Rockies baseball team lose. We sampled the beers. We saw the new class of cadets marching at the Unit­ ed States A ir Force Academy. We walked the streets of Golden, home of Coors beer. We drove through ski country and ate lunch at the mountaintop hippie town o f Nederland that seemed lost in the 1960s — one of the first towns in Colorado to adopt medicinal marijuana sales. Marijuana is sold at seedy-looking stores bearing a Green Cross — painted identical to the Red Cross. We’re grandparents. We didn’t sample, but there were plenty of homeless sorts in Denver who looked like they had. M arijuana is good for tourism, but the pot-smoking tourists seem to be establishing.themselves as perma­ nent residents of the streets and bumming about down­ town. We visited the grave of Buffalo Bill Cody atop Look­ out M ountain with a beautiful view of Golden and Den­ ver. He was one of my boyhood heroes. We toured a museum near his grave and learned that North Carolina was his last tour for his W ild W est Show before he died in 1917. He performed in W inston-Salem in and Salis­ bury in 1916 and a number of other spots along the rail­ roads through the state. A tour of North Carolina in 1901 ended in tragedy near Lexington. A freight train crashed into one of the tour’s trains of animals, killing HO hors­ es and seriously injuring celebrated sharp-shooter Annie Oakley. The old buffalo hunter, scout and Pony Express rider found his ultimate calling as a showman, playing before the Queen of England and a host of European royalty. Buffalo Bill's grave is made of stone, protected by a wrought iron fence. We saw the gold-gilded Colorado capitol dome. In the Rocky M ountains National Park above 10,000 feet I stood by a bank of melting snow higher than my head. Temperatures were in the 50s — a kind relief from our own sweltering heat. N S J O fiS R 'Y aV .K S-TW S. SV O piT DAVIE C O U NTY ENTERPM/i^ECORD USPS 149-160 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NO 27028 (336) 751-2120 Published weekly by Salisbury Newsmedia LLC Dwight Sparks.... Robin Snow......... Mlke Barnhardt.... RayTuRerow....... Brian PiRs............ ....Editor/Publisher ....Genera) Manager ....Managing Editor ...Advertising Director ....Sports Editor Periodicals Postage Paid in Mocksville, NC 27028 Subscription Rates Single Copy, 50 Cents $26.69 PerYear In NC; $32.03 outside N.C. POSTMASTER Send Address Changes to; Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 \ cat* t o -w ev e u u V N fja u Y k a A P TOO L a c e e p T i t" ? a In The Mail... Superintendent Blaming Others To the editor; The article in the July 16 Enterprise Record, “Superin tendent: New High School Opponents Latch Onto ‘Stink’ of the April 2012 BOC (county commissioners) regular; meeting and the April 2012 BOC budget meeting. Listen- to the people Superintendent Darrin Hartness recruited to, Issue,” caught my attention. The headline is the method of attend those meetings and support his effort not to use a, operation that Superintendent Darrin Hartness likes to use, $2 million fund as part of the regular school budget. The; blame someone else for something he or a member of the people he recruited called members of the BOC every vile, board of education (BOE) does. I believe if the editor of the and uncivil name they could think of in an effort to help- Enterprise Record does a little research he will find that the Superintendent Darrin Hartness keep the $2 million fund, stink issue was not created by anyone who did not support His recruits did the same thing in a BOC listening meeting building a new high school or by Mr. Gallins. The informa- at the Advance Fire Department and at the June 2013 BOC tion that I have seen indicates the stink issue was created meeting when the BOC did not give the BOE the date they; by Chad Fuller, chair of the BOE and supported by School wanted to vote on a school bond. - Superintendent Darrin Hartness. The lack of action, total silence, taken by Superintendent); In the December 2011 BOE meeting, Superintendent D arrinH artnessduringthosem eetingsisaclearindicatioiC Darrin Hartness had no problem chastising everyone who that peace and harmony is not important when people r e - had written a letter critical of a member of the BOE and cruited to push his agenda are speaking, ended his.remarks with “I support peace and harmony to I make the community a better place.” Check the minutes . Frank Everhartil Advance* A Grudge Against Eastern DavieTf To the editor: One has to wonder if past county commissioners held that much of a grudge against Eastern Davie because the hospital came to Bermuda Run or because of because after two failed attempts at the second high school, the new high school finally got voted in last May. The reason I say this is that all of a sudden a new water/ sewer rate was put through for Eastern Davie as of July I, 2014. The rates went from $8 per 1,000 gallons over 3,000 gallons to $11. Meanwhile, Cooleemee is paying $3.60 and Mocksville is paying around $5. Why should one area of Davie County be forced to pay over three times what another area of the county pays? Amazingly enough, this came right after that vote for the new high school and school board went through in May 2014, before new coun­ ty commissioners that had also been chosen through the primary, took office, due to not being voted in officially through the November election. Sounds fishy to me. Those of us on the Eastern side of Davie County feel like we have been used for years to help pay for every­ thing the county needed, just because we started wanting a second high school and finally got a new high school on Farmington Road on the third attempt at a school bond ref­ erendum. Grudges die hard, as you can see. But when we“ have the same county-wide water rates, we really ought to- have the same county-wide sewer rates. I have asked and been told it is because we have to use Forsyth County to treat our wastewater. But when I first moved out to Davie County in 1996, we were originally using a company from Rowan County and not being used by Davie County as a profit center. Going to the state utility commission doesn't seem to matter because they say the local county commissioners can do these sorts of things “just because they can.” I asked several of our commissioners back in the late 90s to justify the increase when it happened and they couldn’t. We com­ plained mightily, but it still hasn’t done any good as you can see and it has kept going up and is over triple what one locality pays. Now it looks to me like it is time for the people of East­ ern Davie County to keep speaking up, to get the county to keep working on building and owning the system like th ey ' do in the other two parts of the county, thus giving them no '1 more excuses for the excessive charges. C John N elm s'’ Hillsdale-1 I’ve found tw o green tomatoes in the back yard this week — both half eaten and apparently dropped from the branches of a maple tree. I didn’t plant tomatoes this spring, but my neighbor did. Now squirrels are grabbing them and picnicking in the trees. Sm arter squirrels would w ait until the tomatoes ripen. — Dwight Sparks Right-Wing Fundamentalism Ungodly To the editor: I’m not going to hold my tongue any longer. Something needs to be said and it looks like I’m going to be the first one in this community with the backbone to speak out against the ungodly nature of right-wing fundamentalism. In recent decades, this movement has invaded our churches like a cancer and poisoned our way of life. The Great Commission has been replaced with a social and po­ litical agenda aimed at destroying the separation of church and state. It wasn’t too long ago that Billy Graham warned of this disaster when he declared that “the hard right has no interest in religion except to manipulate it.” The people in this movement do not resemble Jesus Christ because they are filled with hate and indifference and it’s time for this to stop. It’s time to leave self-interest and anger behind and reclaim the principles of Christian living, which are grounded in love and service to others (see Matthew 22:36- 40). This begins by rightly understanding the context in which we all live. So many people have bought into the lie that the United States of America was intended to be a Christian theocracy. This couldn't be farther from the truth. It's worth noting that most of our founders probably wouldn't be able to pass as members of even the most lib­ eral Christian congregations today. One doesn’t have to look far into the lives of people like Thomas Jefferson and John Adams to recognize their unorthodox affirmations. There's an extensive amount of evidence to suggest that our founders envisioned a government that was completely secular. The separation of church and state was thought to be essential to creating a society where people were free from convictional tyranny. The founders saw no problem in asking people to separate personal convictions and civil law as it related to the common good. A pluralistic democ­ racy thrives when everyone is given equal liberty, protec­ tion, and opportunity. To achieve the goal of providing all citizens with full equality, the framers of our republic insisted on having a’. ' system of checks and balances. The separation of pow­ ers that we have in the United States not only allows the branches of government to be held accountable for their* Please See Ungodly - Page 3 Letters Welcome T he E nterprise R eco rd w elcom es letters’ fro m - its readers on topics o f local, state, national or in­ ternational issues. A n effort w ill be m ade to print all letters, provided they are n ot libelous, vulgar o r in p oor taste. T he editor reserves the right to edit letters fo r gram m ar and fo r space. .. AU letters should include the nam e and address o f the w riter, including a signature. A telephone ;? num ber, n ot to be published, is also requested. Please have letters in the new spaper office no later .« than 4 p.m . M onday o f the w eek to be published. 7 D avie C ounty E nterprise R ecord P.O . B ox, 99, M ocksville, davie3@ centurylink.net. , s* DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 23,2015 - 3 Ungodly... Continued From Page 2 actions, but ensures that minorities are not socially and po­ litically oppressed by designated authorities. The rights of human beings shouldn’t be based solely on majority con­ sensus - the majority has the ability to be in the wrong. John Adams called this the "tyranny of the masses" and the Constitution is designed to prevent this. I’m struck with a profound disconnect when I hear the right talk about the Constitution. The same people willing to organize and Speak out against what they believe to be tyranny have ho problem being tyrannical towards those they disagree with. Instead of favoring social and legal equality for all, Utey prefer to restrict the rights of others in the name of religious freedom. Freedom doesn't really exist unless it’s given to everyone without exception. This is a disgusting display of hypocrisy. It’s certainly a mockery of freedom. U.S. Senator, Joe Manchin (D) of West Virginia, recently said that “America is a nation of laws, and we must re­ spect and abide by the Supreme Court’s decision.” He was referring to the controversial decision regarding marriage equality. The senator personally opposes same-sex mar- . riage, but understands that there’s a historical distinction between religious and civil marriages. There’s never been an instance where a religious institution has been forced to recognize a union that it opposes on theological grounds. The claim that the legalization of same-sex marriage will force ordained clergy to perform weddings Uiat violate their interpretation of Holy Scripture is a lie. It’s intended to scare UieologicalIy conservative Christians into voting and behaving a certain way. This is brainwashing at its best. Nelson Mandela once said that “to deny people their human rights is to challenge their humanity." When you attack a person’s humanity by seeking to take away their basic rights, you’ve declared war with their Creator. AU human beings are Imago Dei, made in the image and like­ ness of God (Genesis 1:26-27). AU people are of sacred worth and are deserving of dignity and respect. The com­ parison of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans gender (LGBT) individuals to pedophiles, murderers, and rapists (violent and heinous crimes) is unacceptable and runs counter to the ethics demonstrated in the earthly ministry of Jesus. Hate isn’t a Christian value. The people of God are called to love without exception and we have a social obligation to fight for the rights of all people. Jim Wallis, the founder of Sojoumer magazine, says Uiat "Self-concem is the per­ sonal and political ethic that dominates our world today, but the Kingdom of God says that our neighbor's concerns, rights, interests, freedoms, and well-being are as important as our own." A Christian who opposes same-sex marriage should never use that as a reason to deny someone service or assistance. Business owners shouldn't be discriminating against LGBT couples In the name of religion and magis­ trates shouldn't be able to deny them a marriage license. We shouldn't be obsessed with our own privileges, but should seek to model after the life of Jesus, who chose to set His status as God aside and wash the feet of lowly peo­ ple to demonstrate His redemptive love (Matthew 5:39-48; Mark 10:44-45; John 13:1-17; Philippians 2:3-8). Christianity involves far more than the eternal destiny of the soul; it involves the way we live in the world. We have been reconciled to God through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and have been called to join Him in the re­ newal of all things. The Great Commission demands much more from us than a vocal proclamation of the Gospel. It calls us to live as a holy and peculiar people who are de­ fined by generosity, love, and peace. It calls us to actively be the Body of Christ in our communities. It calls us joy­ ously share the hope that we have with the entire human family as we seek to further the Kingdom of God. Jesus has given us the ministry of reconciliation and as His fol­ lowers, reconciliation and justice are our gifts to the world. The Gospel becomes tangible when we become the hands and feet of Jesusin the midst of a hurting and broken world (see 1st Peter 2:9-10; Galatians 5:22-26; Romans 12:9-15; Matthew 28:19-20; Revelation 21:1-5). The Christian Church confesses that Holy Scripture is the unique and authoritative witness to the Word of God; its inspired, tangible pages point us to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Cornerstone. Knowing that in life and death we belong to God, we embrace the truths of Scripture with a certain amount of confidence and humility. We should acknowledge that we aren’t infallible interpreters and are subject to misunderstanding and error. We should always look at the texts of Scripture with what New Testament scholar, N.T. W right, calls a "hermeneutic of love.” It’s a sad reality that people often mishandle Scripture to satisfy their own interests. This is exactly what we are witness­ ing with the right-wing fundamentalist movement that has taken evangelicalism captive. We know this isn't authentic Christianity because of Jesus’ teaching regarding good and bad fruit (see Matthew 7:15-20). Hateis incompatible with the moving of the Holy Spirit. You can mishandle Scripture to support, racism, sexism, homophobia, and even child abuse, but you can't use Jesus. The Gospel doesn’t ridicule, marginalize, and alienate people. The Gospel saves people. Consider this a sermon and call to action. Caleb Carter Mocksville Final Candidates For Municipal Elections Town of Bermuda Run Mayor (Vote for one) K enneth Allen R ethm eier J a n e t W ike Sm ith Town Council (Vote for two) Jo h n A nthony G ugliem i Jerry W ayne W est Town of Cooleemee Mayor (Vote for one) S tev en D ouglas C orriher Je a n n ie M cD aniel Taylor Town Commissioner (Vote for two) J e s s ic a D ayw aItA Im ond S tev en A ndrew Lagle K aren C h an d ler Sm ith J a m e s R obert S zym anski Town Commissioner, Unexplred Term D aphne E lizabeth B eck Judith F reem an Phillips A ndrew Keith R eavis M ichael B ernard W hite Town of Mocksville Mayor (Vote for one) M ishael Louis D evauit W illiam Jo h n so n M arklin III G len Elm on S tanley Jr. Town Commissioner (Vote for two) R obert S am uel Taylor III Kevin S tu art M arion B rent S tan ley W ard Elections will be in November. SlNESS SPOTLIGHT Clemmons Barbershop is at 2721 Lewlsville- Clemmons Road in the Clemmons Shopping Center. PMMONS RlIIiBERSNOP Walk Ins Welcome 3 Pmfessiomu Btovers TUes--Rrf. 830am - 6 pm; Sat 8am-noon (336)766-9011 2721 Lewisville Clemmons Rd.' Clemmons '. g Walk-Inaare ‘Old Reliable’ since 1960 Clemmons Barbershop: Business cuts to flat tops M nd IEAP Qstom GoH 50%Off AU Brand Name Used Driven, Excdlent Condition! 3623 Clemmons Road Qemmons 766-2233HnMnXKltua IMU IfrtMdft&aOMij Brace’s Potterv Barn 820 S. Main SI., MtxksvilkNC Fundiorutl td Nm-Fundiorud WbeclTbrovm Esf Hand Carved Pottery Formerly o f Seacrove, NC Qsi VM & Se 1W; Tum, Thn, I Pi IW 336-465-1041 ;CLASSES AVAILABLE] . TheD aisy D epot FuDSavice Fl o r is t & G if t Sh o p 818 South Main 5t.- Mocksville, NC336-753-3100thedalsydepotegmallcom PERKINS ROOFING aQuaIKyworfc at reasonable prices0 Phone:336-7534355 . Fas 336-7334373 Jene EvndK • Otmer “Old Reliable" and "Home of the Real Haircur are Justtwo phrases customers have used when describ­ ing the oldest and best barbershop In the area since 1960. That is because Clemmons Barbershop combines first class service and the best of small-town values to help give It its first-rate reputation. Just like in Floyd's Barbershop In Mayberry, cus­ tomers may find hours of friendly debates and discus­ sions going on about anything from fishing, hunting, sports or current events or business. That old-fashioned escape from today's modern word Is what keeps the regular and new customers coming back year after year, haircut after haircut, Serving many of the fine and loyal people from For­ syth, Davie, Davidson, Yadkin Counties and beyond. Also customers who are in town on business or have moved away from the area as far away north as New York and south as Florida, make sure to stop in for a good cut and a friendly conversation. At Ciemmons Barbershop, customers can choose from men's business cuts, flat tops, high and tights, buzz cuts, short and long style cuts for both men and boys, as well as any other specific requests. Clemmons Barbershop is located at 2721 Lewis- ville-Clemmons Road in the Clemmons Shopping Center. The shop hours are Tuesday-Friday 8:30 am to 6:00 pm and on Saturday's 8:00 am to noon. You can reach Terry at 766-9011 or visit his website at clemmonsbarbershop.com. Everybody Is WELCOME at Clemmons Barber­ shop. ReStoreHabitat" 1 1 1 lor Humaritj* at Dtrit CMttf **★ NEW STORE HOURS!! TUES. -FRI. 9am-6pm Si SAT. 9am-5pm AMBttHfiaxfr Uarfft»MabB»7a«te TwiMdt-ICnathr I m t ir tft 1 24W ilk esb o ro S t„M o ck sv ille . (acrossfrom fffleilly Auto Parts) 336-753-1438 6^71 4 - PAVlE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 23,201S SHOP LOCAL! SHOP DAVIE! Spending your money in Davie County has many advantages... • Creating & saving local jobs • Increased local tax revenues • Better customer service • Support for community & schools • Strengthens the local economy Look locally when making your next purchase. For more information on local businesses look through each issue of the Davie County Enterprise Record or visit www.daviechamber.com. Make YOUR money work for YOUR community. I SHOP COUNTY Mocksville Tire & Automotive, Ini. 962 Yadkinville Road (336) 751-6115 I Davie Discom F ree PrescriDtio in L o ca IA re it Drugs) ii Delivery ; a ijt m m L . * BlistcrPacksAva * ImmuruzationAvailable * Greeting Cards for Al SENIOR CITI i 10% DISCOUNT E w m m liable * • Gift Items • Occasions • ZENSVERYDAYSj; !,onoest Prices— Guaranteed! Cooleemee Shoppmg Center (Hwy. 801 S.) e CoolcemcclNC • Ph: (336) 284-2537 S JayP atell RPHHOURS:Mon-Fri 8am-6pm; Sat. 9am-12 noon; (Sty Emergency ^ Call anytime to consult our pharmacist j d Whitnee's New & Used Variety Store 998 Yadkinville Rd., Mocksville (Beside MocfcsvifieTYre <£ Automotive) Check Out Our NAME BRAND SPORT SOCKSij I . Sizes & Styles ^rInfarttstoAdubsYi - JPUB Custom Mattresses A HOURS: Mon. NoorvS:00pm;Tues. I WXhro-5:00pm;Wed. Closed; Thurc, and Fri. IftOOinvSlXJpm; Every Other Sat HOam-JJOpm • (336) 753-1388 Call 751 -2129 to advertise YOUR Davie County Business on this page! /^Counter Point Musk 50 Court Square, Downtown Mocksville, NC School Band Instrument H eadquarters ^ 1 loul, Affordable 6 Cormrienl ■ HJI or your ItnIoI puyinentt con b« oppQed Iovnrd puidiase • lelumssrexdiingti tn imtnmenb Milobli 336.751 ^9390 Email: counlerpoinl.music@holmail.com INSTRUUEttTS I LESSONS I RENTALS I REFAIRS MAJOR BRAND TIRES COMPUTER BALANCING ALIGNMENTS PROPANE TANK REFILLS N.C. SAFETY INSPECTIONS MINOR AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS OIL CHANGES BRAKES ll&BSSga K UNIROYAL M BFGoothlch 5240 US Hwy. 158, Advance, NC 336-998-8139 HhtM tw Your LOCAL SOURCE for Worm Castings-VermicomposL V '- ‘-L‘- * " 'u r e ComposL and we also I provide CompostTop Dresslngfor Lawns www.sunrisecastings.com (336) 972-1301 Benefits of Worm Cestlnge:-IMX Drgenlt, Sofa for IOdi I. F • Ildt In nclriMh, Wtily abutted byplenl roots - Inndtid with mlooaraanlH Io help pbnti b« more dltee mhlanl and repel tone plant peft Itltld INPMUdnr' Udl,°Contgln natural hormonn Ie help plonti grow Support our community, by looking for local Davie County businesses first when purchasing goods or services. Call 751 -2129 for details on advertising YOUR Davie County Business on this page! KEEP IT IN TnE CUlIMY DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 23,2015 - SSDistrict Court __________ £ £ The following cases were ““ ,disposed of during Davie £». District Court. Presiding: — Judge Mary F, Covington. ""Prosecuting: Karen Bier- nacki, Kaitlyn Jones and Wendy Teny, assistant DAs. - Kelvin Abreu, simple’ possession schedule VI con­ trolled substance, deferred prosecution, 12 months supervised probation, 24 hours community service, submit to random drug test- e ing, TASC program: if in compliance charges may be dismissed in 12 months; possession of drug para­ phernalia, deferred pros- scution, 12 months super­ vised probation, 24 hours community service, TASC program, if in compliance charges may be dismissed in 12 months. - Joseph Lawrence Craig, consuming alcohol by per- >on 19/20, dismissed per compliance with informal deferred prosecution. - Anthony Heath Curiee, nisdemeanor probation vio­ lation out of county, proba- :ion continued six months, $165 attorney fee. - Daniel Todd Davis, DWI, sentenced to 60 days, suspended 12 months, 24 hours community service, ... surrender license, not oper- - .ite vehicle until licensed, Z obtain substance abuse as- .iessment/treatment, $100 * DWI fee; driving after con- ' turning under age 21, driv- “ ng wrong way on dual lane r. highway, reckless driving T- o endanger, possession of marijuana up to one-half Z ounce, and knowingly pos- » sess with intent, dismissed per plea. - Melvin Lynn Gaither, misdemeanor probation violation out of county, pro­ bation revoked, sentenced to 120 days, credit for ill days. Appealed. - Rudis Odir Guevara, two counts resisting public officer, identity theft, two counts no license, reckless driving-wanton disregard, reckless driving to endan­ ger, dismissed per plea; DWI, sentenced to 60 days, credit for two days, sur­ render license, not operate vehicle until licensed, ob­ tain substance abuse assess­ ment/treatment, cost, $170; DWI, sentenced to one year, credit for two days, sur­ render license, not operate vehicle until licensed, ob­ tain substance abuse assess­ ment/treatment, cost, $170 attorney fee. - Nestor Hernandez, as­ sault on a female, sentenced to 120 days, cost; proba­ tion violation, probation revoked, sentenced to 75 days at expiration of pre­ vious sentence, credit for eight days; communicating threats, dismissed per plea. - Johnathon M. Hicks, reckless driving-wanton disregard, prayer for judg­ ment continued, cost. - Zachary Hinkle, misde­ meanor larceny, sentenced to 30 days, suspended 18 months, obtain substance abuse assessment/treatment, electronic house monitor­ ing, remain in school and complete high school di­ ploma, for first 60 days do not leave house except for education and/or treat­ ment, use no drugs un­ less prescribed by doctor, not allowed in any public place that sells medicine, cabinets are to be cleared of medication, obtain cogni­ tive behavioral intervention therapy; possession of drug paraphernalia, sentenced to 30 days at expiration of pre­ vious sentence, suspended 18 months, TASC program, obtain cognitive behavioral intervention therapy; misde­ meanor probation violation, sentenced to five days. - Michael Philip Hub­ bard, DWI, sentenced to two years, suspended 18 months, 30 days active, ob­ tain mental health evalua­ tion, do not use or possess alcohol or drugs, obtain substance abuse assess­ ment/treatment, surrender license, not operate vehicle until licensed, $500, cost, $225 attorney fee; posses­ sion of controlled substance on prison/jail premises, dis­ missed per plea. - Jason Levon Hubbel, misdemeanor probation vi­ olation, probation continued and extended six months, complete substance abuse assessment/treatment within 60 days, $ 165 attorney, fee. - Christine-Marie Irwin, unlawfully passing emer­ gency/public service ve­ hicle, prayer for judgment continued, cost. • James Randal Isenhour, DWI, sentenced to 60 days, suspended 12 months, 24 hours community service, credit for substance abuse assessment/follow treat­ ment, sunender license, not operate vehicle until licensed, $100, cost, $100 DWl fee; expired registra­ tion, dismissed per plea. - Billy Jack Jackson, tex- ting/email violation in com­ mercial vehicle, $100, cost. - Donna Ball Johnson, possession of drug parapher­ nalia, deferred prosecution, 12 months supervised pro­ bation, 24 hours community service, submit to random drug tests, do not use drugs or commit similar offense, obtain substance abuse as­ sessment/treatment; if in compliance charges may be dismissed in 12 months; simple possession schedule VI controlled substance, deferred prosecution, if in compliance charges may be dismissed in six months. - Stephanie Lynn Knox, speeding 84 in a 70, prayer for judgment continued, cost. - Tiffany Nicole Lewis, resisting public officer, prayer for judgment contin­ ued, cost, $225 attorney fee; allowing unlicensed person to drive, dismissed per plea. - Carlos S. Norsworthy, driving after consuming under age 21, not operate vehicle until licensed, $100, cost. - Jamie Lynne O’Brien, reckless driving to endan­ ger, $50, cost, $440 attorney fee; failure to stop for stop sign/red light, failure to stop for stopped school bus, dis­ missed per plea. - Carlos A. Policarpo, possession of marijuana up to one-half ounce, deferred prosecution, 12 months su- Police Chief, Sheriff Speak To NAACP Todd Penley, Mocksville Chief of Police, was the guest speaker at the April NAACP meeting. He gave an overview of his department, the require­ ments to become an officer and future goals for the de­ partment. The staff of21 in­ cludes three females. Anyone interested in be­ ing hired must be a high school graduate, pass a test on a 10th grade level and complete Basic Law En­ forcement Training. Anoth­ er path is to begin as a vol­ unteer. The goal is, also, for all officers to be trained in the Sensitivity Intervention Program (CIT)1Penley said. During the question and answer period, Chief Pen­ ley talked about maintain­ ing open lines of commu­ nication between the police and the community, proper police training, the code of ethics and reliable, respon­ sible parenting. The chief was accom­ panied by officers Patrick Reagan and Koula Hol­ comb and Town Manager Christine Bralley. She and Penley stressed their doors are always open to residents with questions or concerns. Davie Sheriff Andy Stokes was the speaker at the June meeting; he gave a history and overview of the sheriff's department. He stated he has a staff of 85 which on call 24/7, 365 days a year. Davie County has a ratio of 1.4 officers per 1,000 people over against the state ratio which is 2 5 officers per 1,000. In this meeting and the meeting with Penley, a concern about the lack of minorities employed was expressed. Stokes noted it's hard to complete with other counties where the pay is better. The next meeting will be held on Monday, July 27. pervised probation, obtain substance abuse treatment, submit to random drug screens, 24 hours commu­ nity service, cost; if in com­ pliance charge may be dis­ missed in 12 months. - Tammy R. Poos, simple assault, injury to personal property, dismissed per plea. - Felicia Louise Potter, violation of unsupervised probation, probation termi­ nated unsuccessfully. - Matthew Blake Robbins, obtaining property by false pretense, deferred prosecu­ tion, 12 months supervised probation, 48 hours com­ munity service, do not go on or about Walmart during probation; if in compliance charges may be dismissed in 12 months. - Sherrod M. Robinson, speeding 90 in a 70, prayer for judgment continued, cost. - Joshua Jevon Rogers, speeding 83 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Anthony Gavin Simp­ son, violation of court order, sentenced to one day, cost, $225 attorney fee. • India Martez Smoot, burning personal property, dismissed at request of pros­ ecuting witness. - Jennifer Lynn Wood, DWI, sentenced to 45 days to run concurrent with sen­ tence now serving, sur­ render license, not operate vehicle until licensed, ob­ tain substance abuse assess­ ment/treatment, $100 DWI fee, cost, $280 attorney fee. Failure to Appear - John Robert Chambers, speeding 87 in a 70, driving white license revoked not DWI. - Heather Dawn Little, 2 counts misdemeanor lar­ ceny. • Jami Macemore Long, possession of stolen goods/ property. - Travis W. Sutterlin, in­ jury to personal property. - Thomas Avery Tilley, DWI, failure to dim lights when meeting vehicle. DW I Court The following cases were disposed of during Da­ vie DWI Court. Presiding; Judge April C. Wood. Pros­ ecuting: Steve Boone, assis­ tant DA. - Joshua N. Bames1 DWI, sentenced to 60 days, sus­ pended 12 months, 24 hours community service, sunender license, not oper­ ate vehicle until licensed, obtain substance abuse as­ sessment/treatment, limited driving privileged 100 fee, $100, cost, $100 DWl fee, $390 attorney fee; speeding 86 in a 70, open container after consuming alcohol first, dismissed per plea. - Brittany N. Priestley, speeding 75 in a 65, dis­ missed per plea. • Hannah Brielle Sokal, speeding 87 in a 70, reduced to improperequipment,$50, cost, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. CHAD CARPENTER’S TUNDRA 7-21 COULD YOU MAWP ME I THAT TlWFOIL?LOW-BCJDSET Town of Mocksville Community Development Block Grant NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice Is hereby given that the Town of Mocksville will hold a public hearing on August 4, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. at the Town Hall of Mocksville located at 171 S. Clement Street, Mocksville, NO. The purpose of this hearing Is to receive comments from the public concerning the submittal of a proposed Community Development Block Grant Economic Development applica­ tion, for $221,760, Io the North Carolina Department of Com­merce. Commerce Finance Center. The grant funds will be used by the Town to assist with rail spur addition to serve an expansion of Avgol American, Inc., a manufacturing facility lo­cated at 176 Avgol Drive. The grant will provide approximately 75% of the estimated $295,660 Economic Development Proj­ect. Avgol American, Inc. will add 50 new Jobs over the next two years, with 60% of the Jobs benefiting persons whose household Incomes are within the low to moderate-lncome limits for Davle County. AU Interested persons are Invited to attend this hearing. This information Is available In Spanish or any other lan­ guage upon request. Please contact the Clerk's Office at (336) 753-6700 or at 171 S. Clement Street, Mocksville, for accommodations for this request at least 48 hours prior to Ihe hearing. Esta InformacIbn estfi dlsponible en espafto! o cualquler otra Iengua a peticlbn. Entre en contacto con por favor Ia oflclna del vendedor en (336) 753-6700 o en 171 S. Clement Street, Mocksville, para las comodldades para esta peticldn por Io menos 46 horas antes de Ia audiencla. Hearing impaired persons desiring additional information or having questions regarding this subject should call the North Carolina Relay Numberfor the Deaf at 1-600-735-6262.Publish: JULY 23 Mocksville Farmer's Market EVERY WEDNESDAY from 3:00 - 6:00 pm Location: MocksviHeTown Hall Parking Lot r f g l 171 S. Clement St. Products Available: Hand M adesoapsfVarious Plants, Bread, Pies, Baked Goods, Pralines, Eggs, Honey, Jams,Jellies, Spinach, Lettuce, Onions,Tomatoes and other Fruits and Vegetables Forinformation Call: 336-671-0553 or336-753-6700 6 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, T hursday, July 23,2015 Public Records Arrests The following were ar­ rested by the Davie County Sheriff’s Department. July 13: Chance Camp­ bell, 18, Jessica Trail, Mocksville, possession of stolen property; Wilber Car­ rillo, 27, Swicegood St., Mocksville, assault on a female; Dewey Weaver, 30, Winston-Salem, probation violation; Jessica Vaughn, 21, Frost Road, Advance, possession o f marijuana and drug paraphernalia. July 14: Alvin Prentis, 23, Greensboro, failure to appear in court. July 15: Jeffrey Tysinger, 43, Calvin Lane, Mocks­ ville, failure of sex offender to report new address; Da­ vid Hamilton, 44, Casa Bel­ la Drive, Advance, failure to appear in court; Fredrick Talbert, 43, Gladstone Road, Mocksville, possession of firearm by felon; Richard Cuthbertson, 23, Swice- good St., Mocksville, injury to personal property; Roger Naylor, 28, Swicegood St., Mocksville, assault on a fe­ male; Marcus Gadson, 25, Dakota Lane, Mocksville, violation of court order; Kenneth Shanks, 58, US 601 S., Mocksville, domes­ tic violence protection order violation. July 16: Timothy Coun­ cell, 24, Asheville, DWI; Armando Garcia, 17, Oak­ land Ave., Mocksville, fail­ ure to appear in court; Dis- hon Worth, 22, Salisbury, failure to appear in court. July 17: James Hunter, 60, Kemersville1 failure to appear in court; M i­ chael Nixon, 23,. Paso Lane, Mocksville, viola­ tion of court order; Phillip Smith, Howardtown Circle, Mocksville, larceny; Aaron Jones, 45, Salisbury, failure to appear in court; Douglas K ane,40, Falling Creek Dr., Advance, violation of court order, trespassing. July 19: Leon Smith, 35, Greensboro, trespassing. July 20: Linda Rodri­ guez, 21, Yadkinville1 DW l1 driving while license re­ voked after DWI. Sheriff’s Dept. The following are from Davie County Sheriff’s De­ partment reports. July 13: breaking, enter­ ing larceny from vehicle, Patricia Way, Mocksville; unauthorized use of ve­ hicle., Gladstone Road, Mocksville; identity theft. P each es Available & S ilv er Q u een C o rn Available This Weekend HILLTOP ORCHARD Mocksville, NC 336-492-7246 or 336-391-2060 Directions: From MO Exit 170 In Mocksville, take Hwy. 601 North, left on Ijames Church Rd., follow signs. U Oak Grove UMC ]| ife’<7TQHwy. 158,M ocksville Vacation Bible School P la s t E^rom The past July 22,23, & 24 6:00 PM - 8:3 0 PM Gigantic SUMMER CLEARANCE Sale! This SATURDAY 7/25! PAfefNERS W estern C o . ♦ BOOTS * APPAREL* SUPPLIES* ORDER ONLINE NOW www.PartnersWesternCompany.com use coupon code SteerlO Io Save 10% on our website 223 C ooper Creek Drive, Suite 105 Walmart Shopping Center Mocksville, NC 27028 336.753.1075 W e carry: ★ W rangler ★ C inch ★ C ruel Girl ★ A riat (w estern & w ork boots) ★ Ju sd n (w ork, w estern Sc kids boots) ★ O ld W est (kids & adult) ...a n d m a ny more. 70 off Ralph Road, Mocksville; identity theft, obtaining property by false pretense, Oakleaf Court, Mocks­ ville; larceny, Nancy Easter Loop, Mocksville; break­ ing, entering and larceny from vehicle, NC 801 N., Mocksville; missing person, AngelI Road, Mocksville; possession marijuana and paraphernalia, US 158, Ad­ vance. July 14: assault, Farm­ ington Road, Mocksville; obtaining property by false pretense, . Quail Ridge Lane, Mocksville; obtain­ ing property by false pre­ tense, N. High Field Road, Advance; harassing text messages, Gun Club Road, Advance; breaking, enter­ ing and larceny, Dutchman Creek Road, Mocksville; unauthorized use of vehicle, Poor Boy TYail, Mocksville; obtaining a controlled sub­ stance by fraud, NC 801 S., Advance; communicat­ ing threats, harassing tele­ phone call, Deadmon Road, Mocksville; breaking, en­ tering and larceny, Daniel Road, Mocksville; break­ ing, entering and larceny, Chinquapin Road,' Mocks­ ville. July 15: runaway juve­ nile, Pinewood Lane, Ber­ muda Run; prowler, NC 801 S., Advance; runaway, US 601 N., Mocksville; obtaining property by false pretense, Junction Road, Mocksville; larceny, US 158, Mocksville; commit­ ment, Brentwood Drive, Advance; trespassing, NC 801 S., Mocksville; do­ mestic, US 601 S., Mocks­ ville; dispute, Dakota Lane, Mocksville; breaking, en­ tering and larceny, Swice- good St., Mocksville; com­ municating threats, US 158, Bermuda Run. July 16: DWI, 1-40, Mocksville; vandalism, Gladstone Road, Mocks­ ville. July 17: nuisance dog, Deadmon Road, Mocks­ ville; breaking, entering and larceny from vehicle, Comwallis Drive, Mocks­ ville; trespassing, Falling Creek Drive, Advance; damage to property, Glad­ stone Road, Mocksville; breaking, entering and lar­ ceny from vehicle, Greene Court, Mocksville; breaking and entering, Cornwallis Drive, Mocksyille; assault on female; Hillcrest Drive, Advance. July 18: disturbance, Middleton Lane, Advance; disturbance, Ijames Church Road, Mocksville; sex' of­ fense, Miss Ruby Lane, Mocksville; assault, Boot­ leg Alley, Mocksville; child custody dispute, NC 801 N., Bermuda Run; larceny, Ford Trail, Mocksville; breaking, entering and larceny from vehicle, NC 801 N., Ber­ muda Run. July 19: breaking into coin operated machine, NC 801 S., Cooleemee; injury to property, Pine Valley Road, Mocksville; dispute, Calvin Lane, Mocksville. Mocksville Police The following are from Mocksville Police Depart­ ment reports. - A man reported July 13 a friend had conned him out of money. - The larceny of a com­ puter from WalMart was re­ ported July 14. - The larceny of a cell phone was reported July 13 from a business on Valley Road. ; - A woman reported July 13 someone attempted to open an account in hfcr name. ; A rrests - Stephanie Lynn KIopp McClure, 37, Rolling Hills Lane, was charged July 14 with assault. Trial date: Aug. 6. She is accused (?f pushing and grabbing hfcr mother. ; - Byron Raymond Kfc- aton, 55, of Shelby, was charged July 13 with lar­ ceny, defeating anti-theft device and felony larceny. Trial date: July 16. r A U M EVERY FRIDAY * 6 PM 224 D uke W hittaker R oad M ocksville, NC 27028 ANTIQUES • COLLECTABLES • TOOLS YARD, GARDEN & HOUSEHOLD ITEMS HICKS AUCTION CO. Harold L. Hicks, Auctioneer • 336-354-6986 N C RBL#230262 NCAFLM 7961 j FINE JEWELRY SeSkos Pulsar W a ic lw s s t r - O H 2503 Lewisville-Clemmons Hd., Clemmons Beside Lowes Foods Board of Education OKs Personnel Decisions The following personnel Davie to Comatzer/Mocks- changes were approved by ville; and Stephanie Nagle, the Davic Board of Educa- from teacher assistant at tion at the July 7 meeting. Mocksville to data manager, Employment: Kathryn William Ellis. Edminson, English teacher. Resignation: Sharon Davie; Michael Errickson, Muntz, child nutrition as- behavior specialist, Central sistant, Davie; Warren Davie Education Center; Schleupncr, child nutrition Andrew Obermann1 assis- assistant, Mocksville; Bar- tant principal. South Davie; bara Allen, child nutrition Rebecca Waggoner, seventh assistant/bus driver. North grade math teacher, South Davie; Sharyl Beck, art Davie; Cynthia Myers, as- teacher, North Davie; Sonya sistant principal, North Da- Sherrill, child nutrition as- vie; Stephanie Anderson, sistant/bus driver, William language arts/social studies R. Davie; Melissa Hill, bus teacher. South Davie; and driver, Davie; Laura Dean, Debra Harwell, EC teacher, eighth grade language arts/ South Davie. social studies teacher. South For information only Davie; Kimberly Howard, (not voted on): financial bookkeeper, Shady Declined position: Wil- Grove; Kim Brockwell, Iiam MarTs, drafting/tech- EC teacher, North Davie; nology education teacher, Edward Johnson, custo- Davie. dian, Mocksville; Elizabeth Leave of Absence: Crys- Bustle, chemistry teacher, tal Sltoffner, benefits spe- Davie; Brittany Pauser, so­ cialist, Central Office. cial studies teacher, Davie; Reassignment: Sean David Tesh, social stud- Nelson, band teacher, from ies teacher, Davie; Chelsea Comatzer/Mocksville to Craine1 EC teacher, Cor- North Davie; Jason Carter, natzer; Melanie Micale, music teacher, from North third grade teacher, Pin- ebrook; Brandy Doub, first grade teacher, Mocksville: and Lynn Monroe, teacher assistant. Shady Grove.FARM FRESH PORK Jerry & Clndy Foster(336) 998-7175 , RANDY MILLER &S0NSSEPTIC TANK SERVICE 295 M iller Road • Mocksville (336) 284-2826 • We Pump Septic Tanks • M lL New Pool & Spa Installation Cleaning • Chemicals Opening & Closing 2 Vinyl Liner Repiacementa Iomity Hardi/Owntt - Over 29 In. Ei;. Home: (336)284*4817 Cell: (336) 909-4027 'i Se I cted Boot Styles V alid th ru 8.31.15 j In th e N ation, w e're m ore forgiving. At Nationwide Insurance', we believe drivers like you deserve a break. That’s why we offer Accident Forgiveness, v/hich means your rates won't go up because of an accident. We put members first, because we don't have shareholders. Join the Nation of second chances. M att H iller In su ra n ce 1109 Yadkinville Rd., Mocksville (3 3 6 ) 751-6131 Nationwide*is on your side .-Bermuda m V illaae; NOW HIRING CNAs 3rd Shift F u lla n d P a rtT im e Contact: PameIaMcNcilIat (336) 998-6712 to set up an interview. METAL ROOFING 3' Coverage • 40+ Colors Ui COLORS UtEENEBflf $WI MfED 40 YearWarranty UP T O 'W ir TAX CREDIT AVAILABLE 704-278-3000 MID-STATE METALS HOWARD REALTY F e a t u r e d L i s t i n g s 330 S. Salisbuiy Si, Mocksyille • 336-751-3538 Coble Draughn Hartness HOlIeman Curry Conspiracy C ontinued From Page I Davie County Detention ture Sell and Deliver Sch Opium, Possess Drug Para- Center on a $75,000 bond. II Controlled Substance, ,.phemalia, Possession o f • Michael Lee Cline, 40, Possession with Intent to ..Stolen Goods, Obstruct- of Duke St., Cooleemee, M anufacture Sell and De- ing Justice. Simple Pos- was charged with Con- liver Sch II Controlled -session Sch II Controlled spire to Traffic in Opium, Substance, Possession -Substance, Possession with Possession with Intent to with Intent to Manufac- -Intent to Manufacture, Sell, Manufacture Sell and De- ture Sell and Deliver Sch ,and Deliver Sch II Con- liver Sch II Controlled II Controlled Substance, -trolled Substance, Sell Sch Substance. Possession Trafficking in Opium, Sell/ .-JI Controlled Substance, with Intent to Manufac- Deliver Sch II Controlled ■Trafficking in Opium, ture Sell and Deliver Sch Substance, Possession ’"Possession with Intent to II Controlled Substance, with Intent to Manufac- M anufacture Sell and De- Possession with Intent to ture Sell and Deliver Sch -liver Sch II Controlled M anufacture Sell and De- II Controlled Substance, -Substance1M aintainaV eh/ liver Sch II Controlled Possession with Intent to -Dwell/Place for Controlled Substance, and Conspire to Manufacture Sell and De- Substance, and Possess Traffic in Opium. C lineis liver Sch II Controlled Drug Paraphernalia, Hart- in the Davie County Deten- Substance, and Possession ’hess is in prison. tion Center on a $200 JlOO of a Stolen Firearm. • • Tracy Gene HolIe- bond. . Brandi Lynn Lee, 40, 'man, 40, of Creason Road, • Jennifer Elaine Hahne, of Yadkinville, was charged M ocksville. was charged 28, of Yadkinville Road, with Trafficking in Opium, with Conspiring to Traffic M ocksville, was charged Conspire to Trafficking in jn Opium, Possession with with Conspire to Traffic in Opium, Possession with Intent to M anufacture Sell Opium and Possession with Intent to Sell and Deliver, Iind Deliver Sch II Con- Intent to M anufacture Sell Trafficking in Opium, and .trolled Substance, Conspire and Deliver Sch II Con- Possession with Intent to Yo Sell/Deliver Sch II C on-' trolled Substance. Hahne Sell and Deliver Sch II Jrolled Substance, M ain- is in Davie County Deten- Controlled Substance, tain Veh/Dwell/Place for tion Center on a $50,000 • Bron DePaul Smith, CS, Driving while License bond. . 43, o f Edgewood Circle, Revoked, and Trafficking • Jeffery K ent Potts, 29, M ocksville. was charged in Opium. HoIleman is at of Duke W hitaker Road, with Conspire to Traffic in the Davie County Deten- M ocksville, was charged Opium, Sell/Deliver Sch II -lion Center on a $100,00 with Possess Drug Para- ControlledSubstancewith- boHd - phemalia, Possession with in 1,000 feet of a School. m. • Shannon M ichelle D a- IntenttoM anufactureS ell 'D o n a Id T y ro n n e tjBo" y is (Link), 39, o f Creason and Deliver M ethamphet- Smith, 74, o f Edgewood R oad, M ocksville, was amine, and Trafficking in Circle, Mocksville, was yharged with Possession Opium. Potts is in prison.' charged with Conspire to Jvith Manufacture Sell and • Ricky Jeryl Bostian Traffic in Opium and Sell/ b eliv er Sch II Controlled Sr., 61, of Yadkinville Rd., Deliver Sch II Controlled Substance, M aintain-Veh/ M ocksville, was charged Substancew ithinlO O Ofeet D w ell/Place for Controlled with Possession with Intent of a School. Substance, and Conspire to M anufacture Sell and 'A p ril Easter Coble, 46, Jo Traffic in Opium. Da- Deliver Sch II Controlled of Delanos Way, Mocks- yis is in the Davie County Substance, Maintain a Veh/ ville, was charged with Detention Center under a Dwell/Place for Controlled Conspire to TYaffic in Opi- $27,500 bond. Substance, and Conspire um , and Possession with : • Danny Eugene Work- to Sell/Deliver Sch II Con- Intent to M anufacture Sell m an,55,ofB urlington,w as trolled Substance. and Deliver Sch II Con- jcharged with Possession • Julia Hack “Chick- trolled Substance, w ith Intent to M anufac- en Lady" Daniels, 61, o f ♦ Cherron Hugh Cuny, Jure Sell and Deliver Sch Draughn Lane, Mocksville, 19, of Fonso Way, Mocks- Il Controlled Substance, was charged with Sell/De- ville, was charged with !Trafficking in Opium, liver Sch II Controlled Sub- Possession with Intent to Possession with Intent to stance, Sell/Deliver Sch II M anufacture Sell and De- ^anufacture Sell and De- Controlled Substance, Sell/ liver Sch II Controlled Sub­ liver Sch II, Trafficking in Deliver Sch II Controlled stance, Sell/Deliver Sch II ippiunu .and Trafficking in Substance, .Possession Controlled Substance. Dpium. W orkm anisinthe with Intent to Manufac- • Kathy Hutchens Draughn, 57, of Lake­ wood Dr., Mocksville, was charged with Sell/Deliver Sch II Controlled Sub­ stance, M aintain a Veh/ Dwell Place for Controlled Substance, Trafficking in Opium by Sell, Traffick­ ing in Opium by Delivery, Trafficking in Opium by Possession, and Possession with Intent to Manufacture Sell Deliver Sch II Con­ trolled Substance. • Ricie Ray Hollar, 66, of S. Angel Road, Mocks­ ville, was charged with Possession with Intent to M anufacture Sell and De­ liver Sch II Controlled Sub­ stance, Sell/Deliver Sch II Controlled Substance, M aintain a Dwelling for Controlled Substance, BR C ontinued From Page I Rollins said that work on the roundabout itself will get under way next month. “As part of the con­ tract, the official work of the roundabout form itself on 158 will not begin until mid-August,” he said. Rol­ lins added that the contract calls for the project to be complete on Nov. 5. ' In business items dur­ ing the meeting, the coun­ cil approved a resolution to accept conveyance of the Kinderton Commercial Gazebo and Green from the Hillsdale Group. In addition to accepting transfer of the property, the resolution also gives the council the authority to re­ cord the deed. M ayor Ken Rethmeier and councilwoman Shirley CagIe both said they were pleased to see the gazebo area finished and also with the recent town activities held there. “As a village, we now officially have a village green,” said Rethmeier1 who noted two civic events where the Special Occa­ sion Band performed on May 30, and the N.C. Brass Band played on June 20. T he council approved an amended audit contract w ith accountant Eddie Carrick for an additional $2,000 after the town sur­ passed the threshold of $500/300 expended in the Possess Sch II Controlled Substance, Possess Sch IV Controlled Substance, Possess with Intent to Manufacture Sell Deliver Sch II Controlled Sub­ stance, Maintain a Vehicle for Controlled Substance, Trafficking in Opiates by Sell1Trafficking in Opiates by Delivery, Trafficking in Opiates by Possession. 2014-15 fiscal year for the roundabout project. Since federal highway funds are being used for the project, a compliance audit for the roundabout project is re­ quired. • Rollins said that the town had begun paving projects for the fiscal year 2015-16, starting with the James Way subdivision. “We’ll be working in other sections as well in areas that areas that were impacted more by the w in­ ter,” Rollins told council members. "So if you know of residents in particular areas that have concerns, I would be happy to talk to you or them.” Find the Perfect Caregiver for You or Your Loved One • Over 30 Years of experience providing families with quality in-home care * AU Caregivers must pass a rigorous ’ Caregivers can be available in 24 hours or less Local owners Norman and Patricia Potter have worked and served in the community for over 25 years Now serving Davie County Contact RN V anessa Wilson for an A ssessm ent Today!G risw old Y / HOME CARE . Keeping the Heart at Home Since 1982 (O o O ) Oc.~OH- / c. ww w .G risw oldH om eCare.com /w inston-salem .<-1' r Bids must be in by 5:00 pm on Monday, July 27th. Chevy Astro Vans ChevyLuminas Chevy S-IO Blazers , Chevy S-IO Pickups ChevyVentureVan Chrysler Town & Country Van Chevy 2500 HD Chevy Express 2500 Vans I 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 23,2015 Cooleemee By KC Smith Cooleemee Correspondent Cooleemee Women’s Civitan Club is having a spaghetti dinner on Friday, July 31 from 5-7 p.m. at the VFW Post 1119 on 7722 NC 801 S. Enjoy spaghetti with meat sauce, salad, bread, dessert and a drink for $7. All funds raised support projects of the club. The annual Duck Race and Tube Race was held at RiverPark at Cooleemee Falls, BuIIhole on Saturday, July 18. Even though the water levels were low and the heat was brutal, the bucket was full of yellow ducks when it tipped over. A smooth trail of v. , was flanking the rocks on the east side of the river, which thrust them forward to the finish line. With the levels being so low, there wasn’t much wa­ ter coming over the dam but it was good to see some. The cracks in the mud PtauuS-Cto ta m -Pw 9 F O I k S watch the rubber ducks float down the South Yadkih at the G reat Bullhole Duck R ace Saturday B ecause of the low w ater levels, m ore rock and sand is visible at RiverPark M * * Anna Lynn and Emma Fernandez enjoy sno Michelle from Mocksville finds a perfect spot to enjoy the festivities J . v ~ 3 ^ . V ^ Cooling off in the river w ater w as the favorite past time Saturday afternoon. I DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 23,2015 - 9 1V / -A T f v n iI k V A ' 1A l " .A\ 2014 FORD F-ISO SUPERCREW XLT STK# P2992 $27,987P A Y M E m F O R90 DAYS% UP TO JE MOS 2005 NISSAN ARMADA SE 4WD STK# P2988 $13,988NISSA"ALTlMA y W SENTRA ^ i r s r "■"•E K S'I 2011 CHEVY IMPALA LTZ STK# P2923A $13,787 JUKE 2015 n i s s a n PATHFINDERm : 2015 NISSAN BervM/natt'Discount Nissan'Rebate:.MSRP ..........Ben Mynatl DiscoNMAC Cash.........Nissan Rebate..... NMACtJash PLUS .1.9% fop72 Coliaga1Grad,..,'.............. SALE $18,925 SALE $25,997 SALISBURY M r if l_____________________________________M I i M 629 Jake Alexander Blvd. S p n „ Ba.ktou .m i-__saijsburyLNc^28i 47 www.B6 nMyn5ittNissan.com 10 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 23,2015 AdoptA Pet Today ' Meet Franklyn, a black and white male Hound mix ; with an estimated date of birth of June 10, 2014. He I is a little shy at first but warms up quickly. Franklyn is > a good listener and would do well in an active home : environment. He is neutered and up-to-date on shots. Casper Is an orange and white cute kitten. She is a spayed female domestic short hair and her estimated date of birth is Dec. 10, 2014. Casper is a sweet cat who loves getting attention from people. She is outgoing and will walk right up to new people to greet them, if interested In meeting these or other available pets, fill out an application at www.davienchumane. org or call the Pet Adoption Center at 751 -5214.SE Library Full Of More Than Books This Summer Dnvie County Public Li­ brary’s Youth Services De­ partment continues to offer engaging, fun opportunities for youth. Monday evening at 6:30 Paul Miller from FLOW Circus will perform. “FLOW shows are fabu­ lous, and Paul is sure to put his superhero best into this year’s performance,” said Julie Whittaker. On TXiesday from 10:30 will be a PBS special, “My Bionic Pet,” about animals with disfigurements and the heroes who help them with prosthetics. Games and Legos come out at 2 p.m. The Teen TXiesday group will meet from 3:30-5. Wednesday at Il a.m. Munchin’ at the Movies presents “Penguins of Mad­ agascar,” PG, 92 minutes and at I p.m. Snackin’ at the Cinema features “Batman, PG 13,” 126 min. Thursday,. Ranger of­ fers 15-minute appoint­ ments from Il n.m.-noon. Next Chapter Book Clubs for adults and teens meet at I. Middle School Readers will meet with Mrs. Archer at 2:15. On Friday, Story Time is at Il a.m. On Saturday, Ranger will be available for read­ ers from Il a.m.-noon for 15-minute appointments. DCPL programming is free and open to the pub­ lic. Visit www.library.da- viecounty.org. From future stars to All-Stars. W ake F orest B aptist H ealth offers ath le te s o f all a g e s an d skill levels a full ran g e of o rth o p a e d ic tre a tm e n t a n d physical th e rap y deliv ered by th e region's m o st ex p erien ce d sp o rts m ed icin e te am . .O ur new Stratford location now h a s e x te n d e d an d w eek en d hours. A nd w e 're a pro u d p a rtn e r o f D1 S p o rts Training. To m ake an a p p o in tm e n t w ith a physician or a physical th e ra p ist, call 888-716-W A K E o r visit W ak eH ealth .ed u /S p o rtsM ed icin e. Wake Forest* Baptist Health A Mission to Care. A Mission to Cure. SPORTS M EDICINE 888-716-W AKE 1901 M ooney St. {off Stratford Road near Hanes Mall) 131 M iller St. ^ proud ESpartner Think You’re Smart? Try completing the Crossword and Sudoku Every week in the Enterprise Record County Line DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE R E C O R D ,Thursday, July 23,2015 - U By Shirley Thorne County Line Correspondent Temps in the 90s have continued. Please continue to check on senior adults and outdoor pets. We are looking forward to cooler temps of 88 and 89 the weekend. The V-Point Ruritans in­ vite all senior adults in the community for an afternoon of bingo at 2 p.m. today (Thursday) at the V-Point Building. There will be prizes and snacks for every­ one. Salem United Method­ ist Church invites ail chil­ dren to a 1-day vacation Bible school Saturday, July 25. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. and classes are from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and in­ clude music, Bible lessons, crafts, games, and snacks. The theme for the school is "Move, Act, Care, Fol­ low, and Share at G-Force - God's Love in Action." The children will explore and experience serving God and others with active love. Piney Grove AME Zion Church will celebrate the anniversary of the Piney Grove Spiritual Choir at 3 p.m. Sunday, July 26. There will be refreshments and fellowship in the fellowship hall at 1:30. Church mem­ bers invite everyone as they celebrate with spiritual mu­ sic and fellowship. Upcoming community events include a country ham and sausage breakfast hosted by the V-Point Ru- ritans from 6-10 a.m. Satur­ day, Aug. I, at the V-Point Building; country ham and sausage breakfast hosted by the Salem United Methodist Men from 6-10 a.m. Satur­ day, Aug. 15 at the County Line VFD; and "Youth Day' from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sat­ urday, Aug. 15. at Calvary Baptist Church. Our community extends its deepest sympathy to the family of Elizabeth "Libby" Boger Smith, who died at home TXiesday of last week. She had been diagnosed with cancer a few months ago. Libby was bom in Iredell County in 1954 to Edith Henderson Boger and the late Glenn Boger. She was reared on Godbey Road and attended Salem United Methodist Church with her family. She began her grade school education at Cool Spring High School and, upon school consoli­ dation, had to continue her school education in Davie County, Libby was a regis­ tered nurse and worked for Davie Dermatology. She had served as President of the N.C. Dermatology of Nursing and also served on the National Dermatology of Nursing Board. She and husband Randy made their home on Angus Hill Road in Union Grove. A service celebrating her life was held Friday afternoon at Union Grove United Methodist Church, where she was a member; she was laid to rest in the church cemetery. We send get-well wishes to Olander Cuthrell and David Sneed. Olander has been hospitalized at For­ syth Medical Center. David is in the intensive care unit of Davis Regional Medical Center. Imogene Stroud has improved but remains in the coronary critical care unit of Wake Forest Baptist Medi­ cal Center. Naomi "Om" Stroud is resting comfort­ ably at the Gordon Hospice House in Statesville. AJice Absher and Bessie Josey are recuperating at their respec­ tive homes. Ricky Swisher remains in rehab at The Bridges of Statesville. Pat Swisher re­ mains at The Gardens of Statesville. David Steele re­ mains in rehab at Bermuda The youth and counselors from Clarksbury United Methodist Church, Mount Bethel United Methodist Church of Harmony, and Bethlehem United Methodist Church of Statesville pose for the cam era before leaving for building mission trip to Altoona, PA, last Sunday. Clarksbury United Methodist Youth get send-off and support from church m em bers as (Urn, Angela and D eanna Curll see Ducan off; Mary G race Knotts, group leader, m akes sure they have everything; Carly Etzkorn and Hollee are ready for the trip while Dennis and Nathaniel Etzkorn chat; and Pastor Katie Lineberger1 Michael and April Lassiter, and Dan H utchens show their support. Commons of Davie. Peny Cartner remains at Davis Regional Medical Center. Betty Lou Richardson re­ mains in rehab at Iredell Memorial Hospital. Jean Snyder remains in rehab at Autumn Care of Statesville. Join us in prayer for the Lord's divine healing in the lives Olander, Da­ vid Sneed, Imogene, Om, Alice, Bessie, Ricky, Pat, David Steele, Peny1 Betty Lou, Jean, and others who are having health problems. Pray for the Lord’s comfort and strength upon the fam­ ily of Libby as they adjust to life without her. Pray for safe travel as the Ciarksbury United Methodist Youth re­ turn from their mission trip to Altoona, PA. For news or memories to share, please call Shirley on 492-5115 or email sdtlink@ hotmail.com. If you, or you know of someone who has, graduated from an educa­ tional institute or received a certificate or an award; please send a photo plus data for a graduation tribute. Q uality Q l| Local Class B Propane Driver! Q u ality O il C o m p an y is seeking a d e p endable, cu sto m e r service frien d ly P ro p a n e D river! P ro p a n e e xperience arid kn o w led g e o f the W in sto n -S alem a n d su rro u n d in g areas p re ­ ferred. M u st hav e C lass B C D L a n d H azm at en d o rse m e n t. In tere sted c an d id ates sh o u ld app ly o n lin e at w w w .Q O C N C .com o r call C h ris A rcen eau x @ 336 -7 1 4 -5 1 6 0 for m o re in fo rm atio n . Does your child need help with School Supplies? guild W alm art BACK LIVE UNITED PACK Support Sludrnt Sutcesi Build a Backpack is a program brought to Davie County by Walmart and United W aythat partners with the Davie County Schools to help students in need with basic school supplies, To register for a Backpack with BASIC school supplies: P lease fill o u t an application a t w w w .d avieunitedw av.org (u n d er H ow W e H elp section! o r call th e n u m b er listed below Applications will be taken until A u g u s t 7 .2 0 1 5 Supplies will be collected at Walmart from July 8,2015 through August 12,2015. (Ityixir Oua does not need a please consider dcnetmg supplies at Welmeit to help ether children the County) Backpacks will be delivered to the schools for pick up at Open House/ Complete School Supply lists and Open House information will be posted on the Davie County Schools’ website. For more information or to help with this effort, please call 336-7S1-0313. 12 • DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 23,2015 I These folks help or are in organizations that help with providing food to hungry Davie County residents. They w ere honored by the Episcopal Church of the A scension at a “thank you” lunch. Have You Ever Been Hungry? Groups Working TogetherTo Feed Davie Residents Have you ever been hungry? Hungry doesn’t count when all you had to do was go to the cabinet or refrig­ erator to get something to eat. Really hungry was when you were not sure where your next meal or bit of food was coming from or how many days it might be before food was available. “We have that here in Davie County," said Monte Taylor, a member of Episcopal Church of Ascension in Fork. “It’s around us more that most realize. Hunger knows no age barrier. It's seen in the young and old alike." Teachers and school staff from elementary to high school see it daily. social workers deal with it daily, and most likely many Davie residents help to provide food to family and friends from time to time. In Davie County, 14 percent of the population is food insecure and live in poverty with 24 percent of those are children, accord­ ing to the Second Harvest Food Bank. There are three food pantries that work to fight hunger in Davie County. On Tuesday, July 14, Our Daily Bread Food Pantry at The Episcopal Church of the Ascension on Fork-Bixby Road in Ad­ vance celebrated a thank you luncheon for the many individuals, churches, grocery stores, civic clubs, and charitable organiza­ tions that have helped the pantry serve the hundreds that visit each month. . A newly upgraded pantry, led by the efforts of Ascension youth mem­ ber Sidnee Everhart, was celebrated as she works toward her Gold Award in Girl. Scouting. The Church of the Ascension considers these churches, individuals, and organizations partners in this ministry as well as their brothers and sisters in Christ. Partners are Advance First Baptist, Bixby Presbyterian, Davie Baptist, Elbaville United Methodist, First Presby­ terian Mocksville, Fork Baptist, Good Shepherd Episcopal Cooleemee, Liberty United Method­ ist, Macedonia Moravian, Mocks United Methodist, Mocksville Lions Club, The Davie County Food Lion Stores, Lowes Food Advance, Mocksville Wal-Mart, Energy United Foundation, Food Lion Charitable Foundation, W al-Mart Foundation, Sec­ ond Harvest Food Bank of Northwest North.CafoIina, and many individuals. Our Daily Bread at As­ cension purchases food for Cooleemee and Comatzer elementary schools Book Bag programs through its nonprofit designation. Ascension works closely with The Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest North Carolina with both the book bag program and its pantry operations. Last fiscal year Our Daily Bread distributed ' 112,641.pounds of food or 93,867 meals. Hunger is a real prob­ lem in Davie County. Many of the clients that visit Our Daily Bread are elderly, disabled, or underemployed - meaning they don’t make enough money to pay all the bills and buy food, too. Many do not qualify for Food and Nutrition Services (Food Stamps), so those indi­ viduals don’t have a lot of choices left. W hat can you do to help? At Our Daily Bread, the biggest need is food. Food donations are welcomed, and monetary donations are welcomed as well. Checks can be made out to Church of the Ascension (memo: Pantry) and mailed to 183 Fork-Bixby Road, Advance1NC 27006. Baby food, baby sham­ poo, and baby diapers are items highly requested and are difficult to obtain by most food pantries. Non­ food items are also needed. Families that can’t afford food also can’t afford toilet paper, detergent, house­ hold cleaners, soaps, and general toiletries. Help is needed picking up food from two Davie County grocery stores and volunteers could be used when the pantry is open six times per month. Call Church of the Ascension to leave a message if inter­ ested in volunteering at 998-0857. B esuretoleave your name and a number to be reached. First Presbyterian Camp Discovery More than 75 chil­ dren attended Cam p Discovery Vacation Bible School at Mocks­ ville First Presbyterian Church last month, They enjoyed crafts, science experim ents, m usic and Bible sto­ ries, all of which fo­ cused on 1 John 4:19: "We love because He first loved us!" The kids also com pleted two mission projects, collecting m ore than 30 pairs of shoes for the Soles4Souls pro­ gram and about $400 for Cam p Grier, a PC(USA) cam p in Old Fort. Find out more about children’s minis­ tries and mission work at First Presbyterian by visiting fpcmocksville. f For a limited time, buy any iPhone - get an iPad Mini for only $149.99!* I f c i i y No Contract Payment Plan V = l r |, | A S Free Activation! YO Cl LBI 470 CO Telecom w* Restrictions apply; see store for details. IPad Mini non-retina (16GB): MSRP $379.99 Telecom DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE R EC O R D ,Thursday, July 23,2015- 13 W esley Chapel ladies with a quilt they m ade and sold in 1997 to help pay for the Fellowship Hf an^. N° ;a Latham, G ene and Marie Miller and Clyde and Virginia Murray at a W esley C ha- Latham D iirB e ^ W e s u n e ' Rev’ Ta^im J Talbert 3 Christm as party a num ber ot years ago. and Dew illa Smith. pel Fellowship C CanaIPinn m l By Betty Etcbison W est Cana/Pino Correspondent lie Fay Dull, Laura Ward, Trivette. There are no Fe- Mre. Lou Ward, Betty Mc- rebees and the only Wards ■ A Mahan, Wade Dull, Char- left are the descendents of :H![ Some weeks ago, I wrote lie Dull, Elmer Latham, John Gaither Ward: Mad- T £ | about the “Grand Ladies of Mary McMahan, Vemon elyn Ward Gentry and her •£&j| Fannington. Dull, Elizabeth West, Mr. husband Jesse Gentry, and !VfiJ Recently, Janie Dixon, Will Hutchins, Mrs. Will their daughter, Andrea Gen- I l i the wife o f .O'Brien Dixon Hutchins, Mrs. L.L. Miller, try Brock and her husband, jfeg and the daughter-in-law Margaret McMahan, Mre. Andrew Brock, and their S'® ant^ ^*xon’ Opal Latham, Mrs. Hattie daughters, Scarlett and Stel- brought me some Wesley Dull, Clarence Poe Dull, la. The only Lathams still Chapel United Method- Bill Ferebee, Mary Lee Mc- active are: Nora Latham, ist Church records that she Mahan, Mre. Vemon Miller, and Kathy Latham Ellis found at her deceased in- Mrs. Zclla Ferebee, Virginia and her husband, Bob EI- law’s house. The records Ferebee, Catherine Ferebee, lis. There are no Swings, have lists of Sunday School Ethel Cranfill, Mrs. Roland Hutchins, Sheltons1 Dixons members as early as 1926. Cranfill. and Roland Cran- or Cranfills. There were Reading the names remind- fill. eight Wests on the ’29 roll DeWiIIa Dull Smith, ed me of the “Grand People As I look at this list, the and today the only Wests HOW deceased, w as an of Pino,” and it brought only people who are on the on the roll in the Wesley active, valuable mem- home the fact that few of list and who are still living Chapel Sunday School are ber of W esley Chapel the people listed in 1926 are are: Annie Lois Ferebee, Roland West and his wife, with us today. who is 100, Catherine Fe- Betty. The Miller family were three Dull brothers. The following is the rebee, Bill Ferebee, John has stayed in the commu- R oyd1 Luther and Charlie 1926 Sunday School Roll: Harding McClannon, Gene nity and has remained ac- and their families. TTie Mc- L.L, Miller, J.H. Swing, Miller and Vemon Dull, tive in the church. Gene and Mahans, Mary, Margaret, L.F. Ward, W.W. West, W.A. Vemon Dull is the only one Marie M iller’s sons are all Harmon and his wife, Eva Shelton, F.R. McMahan, who is still able to attend members and have leader- Lee, were church leaders at G radyLatham 1RoyD ixon, church at Wesley Chapel, ship roles. They are Lonnie that time. There were sev- J.D. McCIannon, Luther Gene Miller has not been GeneM iIlert MichaelMiHer eral Sheltons and Roy and Dull, George Dull, William able to attend recently, but is and Patrick Miller and his Otis Dixon. Vemon Miller Latham, Fred Swing, Mrs. stili interested in all church wife, Kathy. : and his wife, Florence, were J.H. Swing, Mrs. F. Ward, activities. Bill Ferebee, who The record of the Sun- strong leaders of the church. Mrs. C.H, McMahan, Nan- is 94.1ives at Davie PIacein day School for 1928 and JohnG aitherW ardw asthe nie Dixon, Mae Dixon, Ber- Mocksville, and still comes 1929 Hst the following Sun- teacher o f the Fellowship tha Dull, Louise Latham, to breakfast at Wesley Cha- day School classes: The Sunday School Class, and a Juanita Latham, Susie Dull, pel each month. M en’s Class, taught by Mt. great teacher he was. Gaither Latham, Mre. F.R. In the 89 years since C.H. McMahan; the Young Some of the members McMahan, Mary Shelton, 1926, the size of Wesley Women’s Class, taught by of the Fellowship Class Alice Dixon, Frances Lee Chapel has deceased con- Mrs. Jo Swing; the Inter- passed away much too early Ward, John Gaither Ward, siderably. There were 86 mediate Class, taught by it seemed, including Vestal Theda Shelton, Beulah members on the roll in that Mre. L.F. Ward; the Junior and Coleen Dull, Margaret Dixon, Harvey Dull, How- year. There are now about Class, taught by Miss Maiy Langston Dull, Mac Eure, ard Dixon, Edith Miller 30 or 35 active members of Shelton; and the Primary Roscoe Leftwich, Bob and McMahan, Lacy Shelton, the Wesley Chapel Sunday Class, taught by Mrs. Eva Louise Dill, John Gaither John Miller, Harmon Mc- School. Lee Miller McMahan. To- Ward, Johnsie Shelton, and Mahan, Eloise Ward, Paul There are a few fami- day there are three classes: Gene and DeWiIla Smith. Latham1TillmanDulI1 John lies who were a part of the the Fellowship Class, taught The members of that class F. Ferebee, Thomas W. Fe- Sunday School in 1926 that by Nancy Collette; the still remember those people rebee, Frances Dull, Annie are still active in the church, Adult Class, taught by Toni and appreciate the many Lois Ferebee, Evelyn Dull, but there are many family Horton; and the Children's contributions that they Elizabeth Miller, Mrs. W.W. names that are completely Class, taught by Andrea made to the church. Other West, Vemon Miller, Royd missing. There are no Mc- Gentry Brock. people, who were members Dull, Margaret Miller, Mrs. Mahans and they were an When I joined Wesley of the Fellowship Class at Virginia Dull, Walter Miller integral part of the church. Chapel UMC in 1955, there one time, moved out of the West1H armonLatham1Vir- T herew erem anyD uIlson were number of people who area. They were: Gene Dull, ginia West, Laura McCIan- the list and now there are were on the 1926 list stili Von and Madelyn Shelton, non, John HardingMcClan- three members of that fam- active in the church. There Norman and Nita Bullard, non, Mildred Dul(,_Gene ily still active: .Vemon Dull .^ere three Latham brothers,. and Harry and Ellen Rawl- MiIler1 Luther West, Lon- and his daughter Tina Dull Gaither, Hugh, and Grady ings. nie West, Jessie West, Sal- Gobble, and Marlene Dull and their wives, and there The Pino community S ara Eure, Mack Eure, Harmon Latham and Nora Latham in a picture m ade several years has changed; and of course, Wesley Chapel has changed. There are complete families who are no longer with us, but there are new families who have moved into the area over the years. We are lucky that a number of those people have chosen Wes­ ley Chapel as their church home, including: Tom and Toni Horton; Clyde and Virginia Murray; Frank and Toby Hawkins; Sara Eure and her husband Mac, now deceased; Nancy and Ka­ tie Collette; and Dale and Dawn Ellis. Even though the Wesley Chapel membership has de­ clined, the church is blessed to have a number of mem­ bers who are 90 or older. They include: Mattie Ward, wife of John Gaither Ward, who is 100 and is living at the Eims Nursing Facility in Clemmons; Marie Miller, who is 93, and her husband. Gene who are both still able to live at their home, who is 92; John Harding Mc- Clannon, who is 92; Vemon Dull, who is 90 and is still able to attend church; Vir­ ginia Murray, who is 90 and is unable to attend church; and Nora Latham, who is 90 and is living at Somerset in Mocksville but who comes back to church at Wesley Chapel. Just as the church membership has changed through the years, so have the pastors. Methodist min­ isters in our area receive their assignments from the Bishop of the Western North Carolina Conference and his cabinet. The Farmington Charge, which is made up of Farm­ ington UMC and Wesley Chapel UMC, was assigned a new pastor this year. The Rev. Sara Scruggs, who had been the pastor for four years moved to a new as­ signment in the Asheville area. The new pastor for the Farmington Charge is the Rev. Arnold Gosnell. He comes from Centenaiy UMC in Clemmons. The people of the Farmington Charge look forward to working with Rev. Gosnell as they continue the work begun by those who have gone before. There were many peo­ ple who were/are indeed “Grand People” and who have made great contribu­ tions to Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church and to the Pino community. J T COOjca1 Ice Cream) 151N. Main St. • Mocksville, NC OPEN YEAR ROUND 60 Flavors! We sell Deluxe & Front Porch Hand Dipped m ade in N.C. Groups WefcomeQ GAME ROOM: Galaga, Pinball, Alr Hockey. 5kee Ball HOT FUDGE SUNDAES • MILKSHAKES BANANA SPUTS • SUGAR FREE FLAVORS AVAILABLE •M till AK Females Admttted fer IWo OoIIare (No Escort Required) 9 fnc. r5MlTH'£XCAW INC;'LLC Plus Sportsman, Street Stock, and Stedlum Stoek Races THE RIGHT TOOLS FOR THE JOB! Bo w m a n * Storm Damage Clean Up and Removal * Hauling • gravel, crushed stone, mulch, sand, topsoll, & fill dirt * Grading and Land Clearing of Lots of AU Sizes ” ’ ’ ~ ‘ >Exca J5TAPIUM ZiKTTi1TtiCftm i Gates open tor practice 12 and Older - $10.•sssrsBftVrig,VlP Gnnd Marehal Psckan faiasthYIilgiaiiigrVIMllrtH , from Farm Bureau lasaraaee www.BowmanGrayRaclne.com 336-723-1819 Foundation and Driveway Excavation RightofWayMaintenance “ “ “ Utility Maintenance RESIDENTIAL and > COMMERCIAL I• Bush Hogging/Mowing _• Stump & Tree Removal • TreeTrimming 334 Pudding Ridge Rd., Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-2048 www.SmithExcavatingLLC.com ■ 14 - UAVlE CUUIN I Y EN IE K ttKlDE KECOKU. Thursday, July 2,4.2U1S MANAGER /a W II . N E W 2 0 1 5 FO RD F IESTA S E N E W 20 1 5 E P ^ ,? r ,r ° C U S S ESTKlt !13)7 STKlt 11306 Automatic trans & comfort phg, power windows Avtoms,lc- Sun'°°f- P o w e rP A fit Sirius Satellite MSRP $ 1 7 ,4 0 5 M SRP $ 2 2 ,0 1 5 DISCOUNT - $ 4 0 0 DISCOU" T . -5 1 .4 2 9 REBATE - $ 1 ,0 0 0 RE9ATE -$ 1 ,2 5 0 N O W O N L Y . $ 1 5 , 9 7 5 v 'I 1°°° O R L E A S E F O R S 1 5 7 / M O N O W O N L Y $ 1 8 , 3 3 6L t A S t F O K S 1 5 / / M O O R L E A S E F O R $ 1 6 9 / M O ISSfefii"' N E W 2 0 1 5 FO RD F U SIO N S N E W 201STKttH 517 . IVi?// Equipped including a p p e a r a n c e package MSRP ' $ 2 2 ,9 3 5 DISCOUNT - $ 1 ,0 3 6 M S ffP REBATE - $ 1 ,0 0 0 DISCOUNT FORDCREDIT - $ 5 0 0 REBATE N O W O N L Y $ 2 0 , 3 9 9 N O W O N L Y O R L E A S E F O R $ 2 1 9 / M O O R L E A S E N E W 2 0 1 5 FO RD ED GE S E '.RP $ 2 9 ,6 1 5 ;COUNT -$ 1 ,2 2 7 : BATE - $ 1 ,0 0 0 O W O N L Y $ 2 7 , 3 8 8 O R L E A S E F O R $ 2 7 6 / M O m "Ti.?, R C - I N E W 2 0 1 5 FO RD E SC A P E S E N E W 2 0 1 5 FO R D F -150 REG CAB, XLSTKttniSDii STKt 71153-1 A wheel drive. 2.0L EcoBoost. trailer tow pkg. v -g , Auto, A/C. M S ffP $ 3 0 ,0 3 0 M SRP $ 2 7 ,6 9 0 DISCOUNT -$ 1 ,6 1 9 DISCOUNT -$ 1 ,5 4 3 REBATE -$ 1 ,7 5 0 REBATE - $ 2 ,5 0 0 FORDCREDIT - $ 1 ,0 0 0 FORDCREDIT - $ 7 5 0 N O W O N L Y $ 2 5 , 6 6 1 N O W O N L Y $ 2 2 , 8 9 7 O R L E A S E F O R S 2 8 5 / M O ^ i NEW 2015 FORD F150 SUPERCREW 4X2, Al rf STKtt TIIS36 Chrome appearance pkg MSRP $ 4 2 ,4 0 0’ MSRP : DISCOUNT REBATE FORD CREDIT N O W O N L Y -5 7 5 0 $ 3 5 , 5 0 0 GTON.COM. The Davie Family YMCA Is trying to make learn­ ing fun for summer campers with a Johnny G- Force and Mad Science. - Photos by Robin Snow Kim McCiure ts excitea aoout her new job as ex­ ecutive director of the Davie Family YMCA. New Director Working To Improve YMCA By Mike Barnhardt Enterprise Record Kim McClure had de- . cided to be a stay-at-home mom. Ie didn't last long. The new executive di­ rector of the Davie Family YMCA said when her first daughter went to day care, , she lasted three months at home. She wanted a job. So she started working part-time at the daycare center where her daughter attended. It wasn’t long be­ fore that was a full-time job. For21 years,theJackson- ville, NC native has worked with children - twice with the YMCA - most recent­ ly in charge of the child care services branch of the YMCA of Northwest North Carolina. Her husband, David, is a Winston-Salem police offi­ cer. They have two daugh­ ters: Ashleigh, 25, and Katelin, 15. “Tm very passionate about what we do at the YMCA,” she said. “I want­ ed to be a part of a commu­ nity branch and Ieam more about all we do.” She has been in Mocks­ ville for about a month, and likes what she has experi­ enced. “This community, every­ one is so nice, outgoing. This is like their home away from home and that’s very encouraging.” Like most things, the YMCA is constantly chang­ ing, trying to meet the needs of its members and the com­ munity. The next step, she said, is turning one of the two racquetball courts into a functional training facility for personal workouts, boot camps and sports agility training. “That will bring a new realm of fitness options that we currently don't have,” she said. And there’s “Hop the Gap,” evidenced by the huge hop-scotch game painted onto the floor at the entrance. It focuses on children, and what they need in summer months to be successful: food, books, exercise, fun activities and swimming, “Children need to learn how to swim and feel com­ fortable around water," she said. The program is open to all, with financial assis­ tance available to those who qualify. The local YMCA re­ ceived a grant for a summer STEM (Science, Technol­ ogy, Engineering and Math) camp, a week of fun and in­ tense activities by certified teachers. McClure said she is ready to help keep the YMCA a vital part of Davie County. “I want to get to know the community and find ways to collaborate or partner. I’m interested in meeting with other non-profits and finding out how we can col­ laborate.” McClure earned a bache­ lor’s degree in business ad­ ministration from Gardner Webb University. A major upcoming proj­ ect is getting kids ready for school. The Bright Begin­ nings program not only pro­ vides backpacks for school children in need, but raises money to take'them shop­ ping for clothes and school supplies. That program is Aug. 1-15, and those who donate a new backpack can join the Y at no cost. Sports DAVIE COUNTY EN TER PR ISE RECORD, Thursday, July 23 ,2015 - BI Merrifield Close To Getting Big Call When Kansas City’s top player, outfielder Alex Gordon, went to the disabled list with an injury on July 8, W hit Menifield of Advance was in line to get the call he’s been waiting for. He was pulled out of his game for the Triple-A Omaha Storm Chasers. That’s a sign that some­ thing was brewing. Maybe Meni- field was finally going to get to go to The Show. It was right there, beautiful to envision and almost close enough to touch. A ndthen it wasn’t. Gordon, an all-star performer, went down with a strained groin. “I got taken out of the game,” M errifield, 26, told the W in­ ston-Salem Journal. “Kansas City called and weren’t sure of the exact move they were going to make at the moment. That was one of the options and they wanted to take me out of the game just in case they did decide to call me up. They didn’t want me in there and risk me getting hurt or anything like that." Instead of pulling up M erri­ field, who can play a handful of positions, Kansas City decided to go with Brandon Finnegan, a 22-year-old lefthanded relief pitcher. It was Merrifield’s second letdown in recent months. He came oh-so-close to m aking Kansas City’s opening-day roster; he had a fabulous Spring Training and was one of the final cuts. “I tried not to get my hopes up, but it’s hard not to at that moment,” Merrifield said. "It was disappoint­ ing, but it’s part of the business.” Merrifield’s numbers forOma- ha are strong. Through the first half of the season, spanning 85 games, he was hitting .293 (98 for 335) with 21 doubles, four triples, three home runs and 22 RBIs. He could have played in the Triple-A All- Star Game as a replacement, but he declined the opportunity, choosing to spend time with family. “I’m a big believer in God’s timing, and His timing is perfect with everything,” he said. “So maybe it’s not in His plans for me to be a major leaguer. And if it's not, I’m fine with that.” Merrifield has a great relation­ ship with Omaha hitting coach Tommy G regg, a W inston-Sa­ lem native who played at Reyn­ olds High and Wake Forest be­ fore reaching the major leagues in 1987. He spent m ost of his nine-year career with the Atlanta Braves. “H e’s a good guy to bounce stuff off of,” Merrifield said. "He says not to worry about w hat’s going on in the front office. Just show up every day and do the best you can. Prepare like today is the day you’re getting the call.” Lake Billings helped Davie beat West Forsyth and end the longest-ever win streak by a coach. - Photo by Chris Mackie Year In Review Highlights From Davie’s Winter Sports Season By Brian Pitts Davie Enterprise Record YearIn Review: This is lhe sec­ ond in a three-part series, looking back at the 2014-15 school year. This is a recap o f highlights from the winter season. Next week: The spring season. • Going into the Davie wres­ tling season opener against Al­ exander Central, who could have imagined James Moore stealing the show in the final - and decisive - match of the night? Moore, an unheralded freshman heavyweight, delivered a 36-30 victory in an electrifying opener. The year before, Moore was a 220 backup at North Davie. But man, did he bust out of obscurity. Fans were on the edge of their seats when Moore walked to the mat with the score 30-30. At 226, he was 24 pounds lighter than his opponent. On top of that, he fell behind 2-0. He trailed 4-3 after two periods. “I was scared,” Moore said. "I was thinking: ‘Oh crap, I’m going to get pinned and let my team down and myself down.” The Davie gym became a mad­ house when M oore turned the opponent to his back. Then the referee slapped the mat. “I heard all the cheering in my headgear. It hurt my ears but I loved it.” • Freshman Cooper Wall of Davie’s varsity boys basketball team made a strong statement in his high-schoo! debut, scoring a team-high 21 points and sparking an 80-68 win over Forbush. “Con­ sidering it was his first time out, that's pretty impressive,” coach Mike Absher said. • Wrestler Parker Correll (220) put up an early exclamation mark by destroying a tough opponent from Carson, winning by technical fall over Anthony McCurry. Later in the week, Correll marched to second in perhaps the strongest regular-season tournam ent that you'll find - the Southern Slam in Greenville, S.C. • After the 21 -point debut, Wall scored 21 again in a 79-64 loss to Alexander Central. Nic Stames matched his career high with 20. • In the Central Piedmont Con­ ference opener for the Davie varsity girls, Madison Zaferatos had a robust line (22 points, eight rebounds, six assists) in a 60-49 win at Reagan. “She does it from everywhere - transition, 3s, mid­ range," coach Dave Ruemenapp said. • Cory Heiner of Davie’s JV boys looked Dennis Rodman-es- que in a 51-48 win over North Iredell. The relentless hustling machine with an uncanny nose for the ball had 24 rebounds to go with 18 points. “His motor will outwork anybody,” coach Bruce Wallace said. • Davie wrestling captured the 18-team TabThacker Memorial at West Forsyth, beating the arch-ri-- val Titans by one point. Bailey Freshman Cooper Wall scored 21 points in his Davie debut. - Photo by Jenn O’Brien Ingram (145) was the star at 3-0. • In the Robert Sawyer Invita­ tional, Davie swimmer Nick Sino- poli broke the school record while placing second in the 100 back. • Zaferatos made the all-tour­ nament team in the Sam M oir Christmas Classic by scoring 50 points in three games. • Jordan McDaniel of Davie’s boys made all-toumament in the M oir. He scored a career-high 20 points - with three 3-pointers and six rebounds • as No. 6 Davie upset No. 3 MooresvilIe 66-55 in the first round. In the first minute of the third- place game, Davie was dealt a big blow when Stames suffered a season-ending broken hand. The junior point guard was the team's top scorer at 12.8 ppg. *.Cornell accelerated his big season with a 4-2 comeback win over Parkland’s Thomas Rodri­ guez. Correll btimped up to heavy­ weight to face the defending 4-A champ at 220. He was 0-3 in pre­ vious matchups with Rodriguez, and he fell behind 2-0. Then he responded with four unanswered points. “We didn’t dodge him,” coach Buddy Lowery said. “We wanted to find out what CorTelI could do." • Will Shepherd of Davie’s JV boys hit a magical 3-pointer at Reynolds to erase a deficit and send Davie to the signature win of the season to that point, 53-50. With Davie trailing 50-48, Shep­ herd pulled a 3 that had Wallace thinking: “No, no, no." Lo and behold, the shot sw ished. “He caught the ball two or three steps out from NBA 3-point range,” Wallace said. “I didn’t want that shot, but he hit it.” • An unbelievable wrestling match at West Forsyth ended with Davie on top by an eyelash, 31- 27. Preston Beauchamp became the toast o f tow n by narrow ­ ly surviving a double-overtime Please See Review • Page B2 Silver Spirts Third In National Games The women’s 70+ Silver Spir­ its basketball team represented North Carolina in the 2015 Na­ tional Senior Games in St. Paul, Minn. July 7-11. Thirteen teams were divided into three groups for team play. The Silver Spirits won all four games in their group, beating the New Mexico Canyon Nets 36-20, the Texas Lady Ball Hawgs 45- 35, NOVA from Virginia 32-12 and the Chicago North Stars 42- 14. Bracket play in the double elimination started next. In the first game, the Silver Spirits beat the Albuquerque Fox Trotters 34-24. Later that day, they beat the Arkansas Diamonds 30-28, for six straight wins. The next day, the Silver Spirits lost to the Michigan Spirits 50- 35, pitting them against the Ball Hawgs1 which they had already beaten. The Spirits lost, 30-23. The North Carolina state champion Silver Spirits were awarded the Bronze Medal for third place. The Ball Hawgs were second, the Michigan Spirits first. “National Senior Games is like a reunion for this basketball team,” said member, Alice Bar­ nette. National games are held every other year. Team members Sue Allen, Rachel Howard, Charlotte Mill­ er and Bamette have participated in 10 national tournaments while Vickie Frye, Kay Poole, Lois Green1Aileen Steelman and Mary Newton have played in six. Each has also played in the Huntsman World Games and won the world title. r The Silver Spirits 70+ basketball team placed third in the National Senior Games in St. Paul, Minn. July 7-11. %fZ H IP b H I I k . I M ''MMHtefe':)! Ifrn l 3 S r n : Aubriana Peebles takes a shot to the face. In middle, L.P. Mua attempts to block a shot. At right, Sha’veh Martinez fights for the ball. R eview . Continued From Page BI for all the marbles. But he couldn't have lifted Davie w ithout help from seven victorious teammates: Josh Lankford, Kyle M cCune, Isaiah O lm edo, C orrell, Lake BilIings1Thad Vandiv­ er and Daniel Wilson. This gave Davie the reg- ular-season title for the 25th tim e in 30 years. W est, ranked fifth in 4-A, slipped to 26- 1. “It was vety nerve-wrack­ ing,” Billings said. . H ollyw ood c o u ld n ’t have created a better script - Lowery and his 154-5-1 CPC record against West coach M aurice A tw ood and his 391 consecutive wins (a national record in all sports). Low ery and A tw ood had 1,241 w ins between them. Atwood suf­ fered his first defeat in seven years. ; ,It was 28-27 Davie, when B eaucham p and W est’s. Keon Mackelvene locked up at 152. It was 0-0 after tw o periods. It was I - I . after three. It was 1-1 after the.first overtim e. Beau­ champ seized a 2-1 win that required eight grueling minutes. “I was so tired,” Beau­ champ said. “I was intense. I was nervous. I wanted to break (Atwood’s) streak.” “Everybody knew what was at stake, and maybe we had a little more oomph,” Lowery said. • Behind De’Jah Joyner (11 points), Ashlyn Hamp­ ton (10 points, four blocks), Zaferatos (10 points) and A siah Peterson (13 re­ bounds), the Davie girls beat West Forsyth for the first time in II meetings, 43-34. • The varsity boys got the monkey off their back, obliterating Parkland 86-47 for their first CPC w in in two years. Heath Slabach hit five 3s and scored 21 points. McDaniel had 15, Wall 13 and Dylan Shoffner 12. • Swimmer Jacob Sink had a head-turning win in the 100 breast, beating Reagan’s Paul N eil, who finished third in the state last year. • When Davie wrestling finished second of 23 teams in the Boneyard Bash, Cor- rell had three straight pins. “ Parker could win (the state),” Lowery said. “He has explosive power. Plus, he’s got a little bit of a mean streak in him. H e's got a little bit of vinegar.” Hunter Smith went 4-0 at 106 and Wilson was 3-0 at 138. • In the CPC champion­ ship swim meet, Davie got all-conference performanc­ es from D anielle W ood (second in 50 free and 100 free), Sink (second in 100 fly and 100 breast) and N. SinopoIi (second in 100 free). The 200 free relay with Maria Stillson, Katie Shoaf, Victoria Sinopoli and Wood also finished second. • W hen D avie’s boys beat W est Rowan 59-51, Wall was critical to the outcome, scoring 11 of his team-high 16 points in the fourth. • In the CPC wrestling tournam ent, six W ar Ea­ gles walked off with titles: V andiver (126), W ilson (138), Ingram (145), Mc- Cune (170), Olmedo (182) and ConreIl (220). • A46-44 win over Reyn­ olds was a continuation of never-ending excitement for Davie’s JV boys. Shepherd had 17 points and four 3s. At the end, Heiner blocked a 3-point shot and Broc Barnette chased down the loose ball. • When Davie's varsity girls beat West Forsyth 58- 51. Hampton’s sophomore talent was clearly evident, with 21 points and IO re­ bounds. • When you glanced at H einer’s stats in a 44-38 comeback win at West For­ syth - 30 points and 39 rebounds - you rubbed your eyes in disbelief.The 5-10, 130-pounder fueled a come- .back from 15 down. “If ev­ eryone went wide open like Cory, we wouldn't have to worry about coming out and looking flat," Wallace said. • Wall's career-high 28 points went for naught in the Davie varsity boys’ 81-74 loss to Parkland. • Getting 16 points from Cameron Tabor, the JV girls avenged a loss and held on by a thread over Reynolds, 40-38. • Finding a way to pull out the kind of game that had eluded them for many years, the varsity girls beat Mt. Tabor for the first time in 12 years, 48-41. Led by Zaferatos (14 points, seven assists), Pe- terson (11 points), Hampton (10 points) and Joyner (11 rebounds), the War Eagles stopped a 21-game losing streak to Tabor and ce­ mented the highest CPC finish - second place - in 10 years. “We just made up our minds that we weren't going to lose this game,” Ruemenapp said. • In the final game, the JV boys had one more mem­ orable moment in the tank as it stunned Tabor 58-56 in overtime. The Spartans were 11-0 in the CPC. At 11-10, Davie achieved the most wins in seven years. “No one would want to play us if we had a conference tournament,’’ Wallace said. Heiner had six of Davie’s 11 OT points and finished with 24. “It was just Cory being Cory,” he said. D avie doesn't prevail without Shepherd, who had 14 points and hit an OT 3 that pushed the lead to five. “H e’s a clutch player,” he said. • In the state swim meet, Sink placed ninth in the 100 breast and set a school record at 58.64. “Had Jacob been in the championship heat, he would have finished sixth," coach David Koontz said. “Man, was his swim impressive." • In the M idw est Re­ gional, w restlers W ilson, Correll1 Billings and Ingram placed in the top four to qualify for the state. • Correll’s dream of win­ ning the state at 220 was crushed in overtime in the semifinals. “Parker would beat that kid eight out of 10 times, if not nine," Lowery said. Correll pulled him self up by the bootstraps and salvaged third by recording his third and fourth pins of the weekend. “It was tough, thinking I should have been in the finals," he said. “Can you come back from losing like that? So yeah, I want­ ed to go out there and get third.” At 53-4, C orreIl was three wins from the sin­ gle-season record. He post­ ed the 15th 50-win season in history. At 139-37, he tied for ninth in career wins. • G etting 14 p o in tsj eight rebounds and six as> sists from Zaferatos and I C points and 11 boards from; Joyner, Davie's varsity girlS beat Porter Ridge 51-34 fog their first playoff win in IOJ years. > In the second round a? McDowell, Davie was un-. done by early foul trou** ble and lost 65-53. Joyneit (15 points, 15 rebounds)j H am pton (11 points, I Tj rebounds) and Z aferatoS (10 points, nine assists) kept; Davie around. £ E ven w ith th e se c ~ ond-round exit, at 18-7,! D avie enjoyed the most! wins in 12 years. * Form er M’Ville Player : Now C oaching At ASU The new running backs coach at Appalachian State, Stu H olt, has ties to the county. Holt played baseball for the Mocksville Ameri­ can Legion team during its greatest years, 1989-91. Mocksville went 90-38 during that captivating run, and Holt was a part-time catcher who saw action in 87 of 128 games. The ‘89 team is the win- ningest of all tim e, going 37-15, winning Southern Division and Area III cham­ pionships and finishing sec­ ond in the state. Holt, a foot­ ball star from Starmount1 got 43 at-bats, hit .233 and had one home run. The ‘90 squad was one of the great power-hitting clubs in state history, blasting 80 homers and 80 doubles during a 25-13 season. Holt had 42 at-bats and hit .214. The ‘91 team captured the Southern D ivision’s regular-season title and went 28-10. Holt got 83 at-bats and hit .241 with two hom­ ers, 17 RBls and 22 walks. Holt grew up in Hamp- tonville and is the son of a coaching legend. B.W. Holt, who retired in M ay after winning a second straight, NClSAA eight-man football' cham pionship at Rocky M ount A cadem y, guided; five programs to 321-111; the ninth-most wins in state- history. The younger Holt walked on at North Carolina, where he was a long snapper for ' coach M ack Brow n. H is" first job was a high-school " assistant in Vermont. He headed to Florida, bouncing between high school and'" college jobs before joining" the staff at Tennessee State- in 2010. He spent the 2013-J 14 seasons coaching tight* ends and special teams at | South Florida. I Now he’s thrilled to- be back in his home state,I coaching running backs forS the Mountaineers. ■ “It's kind of surreal, to be J honest with you," Holt told-l the Winston-Salem Journal.; “It's one of those things you" don’t plan on, and so it’s^; been a real exciting tim e!' My dad is fired up and (he' folks in the Starmount com -“ munity. I’ve gotten tons of2 messages and calls. It’s a* pretty special deal. It’s really 3 special to come back.” - Briefs & Dates 9 With the outcome on the line, freshman James Moore’s pin clinched a win over Alexander Central. Lions Club GolfTournam ent * The seventh-annual Mocksville Lions Club GolfTouma- 2 ment will be July 31 at Bermuda Run West with tee times at J 8:15 a.m. and I p.m.These proceeds will be directed primar- S ily to benefit visually impaired individuals in Davie County » and across North Carolina. For questions, contact T erryJ Lewis at 336-733-0924 (work) or 336-998-7552 (home). 2 Davie Cheer Camp Aug. 3-6 3 D avieCheerCampwill be Aug. 3-6 from 6-8:30 p.m. a t*» the Davie High gym for ages K-eighth grade. Pre-registra-3 tion will be $55 until July 29; late registration is $75 cash— at the door. Forms are available on the school website or injj the main office at the high school. Contact Angie Stage for., further details at stage@ davie.kl2.nc.us. — Sanders 2nd Place H Three Mocksville drivers finished in the top five in S Saturday’s Stadium Stock race at Bowman Gray Stadium— in Winston-Salem. '* A J. SanderstWesley Thompson and Dan Speeney were second, third and fifth, respectively. Mocksville’s C hris" Allison was eighth in the I5-!apper. DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 23 ,2015 - B3 Campers compete in a contest. In middle, Ross Hoffner watches Carson Queen catch the ball. At right, Ben Walker bunts. Trot Byerly takes batting practice. In middle, Chase Robertson works on bunting. At right, Paul Davenport looks on as Will Allard makes a long throw. 52 A tten d A n n u al B a se b a ll C am p The 15th-annualTri-Cats D inkins, Denny Key and er A derhold, Nick Jones Baseball Camp - for ages Danny Allard. College play- and G avin M aines. The 6-15-w as held at Rich Park ere who helped were Charlie offensive awards: Hunter on July 13-16, with 52 kids M uchukot, Ross H offner Burleson, Holden Moxley on hand. and Elijah Jones. and Carson Q ueen. The D avie baseball coach A w ards w ere handed coaches awards: Kendale Bobby Byerly directed the out at the end of the fourth B urton, C olt M iller and camp. His assistant coaches and final day.The defensive Reece Yount, were Dan Tricarico, Mike awards winners were Park- D m C o i j Coach Bobby Byerly circles the campers before heading to stations. T t T i : i- Coach Mike Dinkins (left) looks on as the campers stretch before beginning their drills.- Photos by Brian Pitts Who says moving can't be fun? Join us as we celebrate the GRAND OPENING of our new Mocksville store in the Mocksville M arketplace Shopping Center - 1423-D US HWY 601 N (beside Sheetz FridayjrJuIy 17th! YOU'RE INVITEDI There will be music, refreshm ents all day, and lots of door prizes. O ur grand prize.will be a brand new recfiner! Pius, vve'i! be offering a $100 VISA Gift Card and Free Activation on any new cell phone purchase during this special event! Time: 10 a.m . - 4 p.m . 'RIBBON CUTTING WILL BE AT 10:00 AM We will have DOOR prize draw ings EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR! A m B4 • DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, T hursdaytJuIy 23,2015 D a v ie S c h o o l s A c a d e m ic H o n o r S t u d e n t s L is te d Foiuth quarter academic honor roll students In Davie Schools are listed below. Cooleemee Elementary T hird G rade A Honor Roll: Haley Benge, Elijah Branham, Eli­ jah Crotts, Samantha Fro- elich, Dahlia Jackson, Jor­ dan Kistner, Destiny Lyons, Joshua Nail, Makayla Pirk, Lucas Ranker, Savannah Stegall, Blake Stokes. AIB Honor Roll: Mia Carrillo Chico, JanieJade Casarez, Maliyah Chunn, Jaylin Downs, Lendis Hernandez Bonilla, Oliv­ ia Hutchens, Lucas Jones, Coleman Lawhon, Camden Leonard, Kadence Lynch, Janeth Martinez-Diaz, Hannah McMillian, Les­ lie Mena Carachure, Bruce Mendoza-Romo, Sydney Phelps, Adam Potts, Joshua Solorzano, Evan Walker- Fourth G rade A Honor Roll: Richard McDaniel, Angel Rodri- guez-Mondragon. AJB Honor Roll: Bry­ an Argueta Bonilla, Claire Brown, Victoria Burton, Trey Dingman, Carmella Dontrell, Griffin Ferrell, Danaesha Jackson, Darius Jackson, Kateiyn Johnson, Solomon Lyons-Redmond, Melissa Mejia-Carrillo, Emma Reynolds, Chad Rus­ sell, Hector Salas, Raelin SheetslCodyTranlAryanna Wall, Damian Zamora-Sau- stegui. < Fiflb G rade A Honor Roll: Ashley Ammerman, Jasie Hollar, Joseph Shuler. AlB Honor Roll: Azariah Brailsford, Bailey Brewer, Jake Bucklin, Kyndall Cor- rell, Ashley Garcia-Abarca, Ashlee Harris, Lindsey Har­ rison, John Jarvis, Ashlee Jones, Za'Haree Maddox, Tanner Sechrest, Aiden Smith, Taylor Threadgill, Abigail Walker, Rachel Wat­ son, Abigail Wells, Cole West. Cornatzer Elementary T hird G rade A Honor Roll: Colton Cary, Joshua Dequenne, John Harris, Sophia Heagle1 Stuart Robinson, Samantha AIB Honor Roll: Aus­ tin Beaty, Carlos Cal- deron-Santamaria, David Castillo, Grayson Garwood, Makenna Groff, Aaron Harding, Ellie Harrison, Ja'Niah Jamison, Laney Jaycocks, iyier Lavergne, Kaitlin Locklear, Iris Mo­ rales, Raquel Sanchez-Ter- an, Tyier Warren, Chloe W iliam s, Kera Williams, Sandy Zelaya Gomez. Fourth G rade A Honor Roll: Rea­ gan Brooks, Morgan Cary, Katelyn Cohen, Lila Hunter, Anna Lowery. AJB Honor Roll: Dina Ataalla, Carter Bracken, Wesley Brooks, Marissa Crotts, Bentley Dancy, Au­ drey Dyson, Christina Gad­ dy, Emma Hayes, Madelynn Keller, Amber McCullough, Celina Navarro, Jay Niland, Emma Reavis, Summer Simpson, Sean Spell, Jacob Terpenning, Deron Wil­ liams, Kyzer Young ■ FIfthG rade A Honor Roll: Dylan Doss, Chloe Horton, Kaisee Osborne, Courtney Wilkes, Malachi Woodward. AIB Honor Roll: Chloe Beal, Sara Bishop, Mason Carter, Ayden Crotts, Krys­ tal Davis, Christopher En­ riquez Jimenez, Timothy Nelson, Kiara Perez, Ra­ chel Quance, Cecilia Rodri- guez-Luque, iy ie r Steele, Kristian Summers, Nicholas Vance, Cheyenne Wait. Mocksville Elementary T hird G rade A Honor Roll: Hannah Beale, Iris Chappell, An­ drew Chunn, Landon Cor- rell, Kenadi Gentry, Caro­ line Lakey, Jordan Luffman, Kylie McCIamrock, Tandee Moss, Jesse Naylor, Lauren O'Connor, Alexus Scott, Macey Smith, Bonnie Thy- lor. AJB Honor Roll: Kay- lie Billings, Holt Carter, Samantha Elliott, Patrick Foil, Lauren Forbes, Evan. Froelichi Uzbeth Gomez, Peyton Green, Hailey Hager, Rebecca Harrison, Joseph Hernandez, Jose Hemandez-Romero, Cin­ dy Jaimes-Ramos, Mack- enzye Jenkins, Angel Kel­ ly, Mason Kuhnemann, Catalina Lopez-Guzman, Bodie Parker, Hartes Rea­ vis, Kez'Maron Stockton, Brooke Thurmond, Mat­ thew Tran, Deseree Turner, Stephen Vernon, Brian Wil­ son, Emma Woodruff-Car- ter. Fourth Grade A Honor Roll: Sydney Dirks, Maelynn Kenney, Hazel Marion, Sarah Mark- lin, Maxwell McKnight, Diya Patel, Kaylee Robert­ son, Burke Rosenbaum, Iris White. AIB Honor Roll: Gene­ sis Antunez, Andre Ascen- cio-Moreno, Evan Ballard, Easton Bameycastle, Emily Barrows, Isabelle Bracken, Wesley CarterlAnna Catlett, Raydiant Clinton, Morgan Creason, Anna Crotts, Tenia Davis, Makayla Duty, Drew Gledhill, Camren Godbey, Megan Harrison, Evan Hendrix, Daniel Horton, JaIen Ijames, Grace Jacobs, Somer Johnson, Alyssa Jones, Dallie Lakey, Ethan Lane, Andrew Law, Oliv­ ia Lewellyn, Emma Light, Aubrey LucaslKiah Mathis, Sebastien McEwen, Elbys Olea-Vargas, Alejandro Ro­ sas, Caden Seaford, John Stokes, Christopher Taylor, Cecilia Viera-Atwell, An­ drew W hite, Hayden W il­ liams. Fifth Grade A Honor Roll: John Baltazar-Vaigas, Stella Brown, Trotter Byerly, Da­ vis Byers, Elizabeth Cruz, Whitney DeLoach, London Dirks, Caleb Earnhardt, Melanie Espitia Moreno, Kaitlyn Foil, Ethan Fiye1 Austin Glass, Maxwell Junker, Isabel Lane, Kim­ ball Little, Kaitlin Mischler, Ryan O'Connor, Abigail Reynolds, Jaidelyn Tbr- res-Adame, Lauren Warlick, Dallas Yount. AlB Honor Roll: Omar Aleman, Rachel Barrows, Taylor Belton, Talayeh BerTy, Joshua Bumgarner, Owen Byers, Dyllan Cau­ sey, Deanna Curll, Lacey Ends, Silas Fuller, Juliana Grubb, Jesus Guzman-Pe- rez, Mason Hall, Peyton Helton, Rudy Hernandez, Isabella Humphries, Joie lavaroni, Jenna James, Sky- Iette Koon, Dylan Koontz, Billy Laird, Nathan Linville, Emma Mathes, Bailey Mc- Cook, Cadence McEwen, Elijah Miller, Nathan Mon­ tenegro, Serenadi Parks, Allison Plott, Brian Reyes, Lillie Rollins, Jasmine Rua- no-Vargas, Kayleigh Sagen- dorf, Cristian Salas-Heman- dez, Kathryn ShupelJhosue Solis-Romero, Alexander Speckin, Olivia Tatum, Evan Whitaker, Madelyn W hitt1AHie W iliam s, Clau­ dia Willis, Jordan Wood. Pinebrook Elementary Third Grade A Honor Roll: Gabrielle Clemons, Ryan Cristobal, Grey Deal, Savannah Dix­ on, Kathiyn HarpetAddison Hendrix, Sarah Lawson, Elijah Menser, Ty Mill­ er, Christian Pope, Alexis Sheppard. AJB Honor Roll: Retcher Allen, Silas Bemont, Con­ nor Berg, U llian Blanton, Kadence Bogard, Ian Bo- ger, Owen Brandon, Kade Byington, Mason Caudle, Tucker Cline, Kayse Cole, Nathan Crotts, Bryce Ellis, Cole Fender, Allison Har­ din, Sophie Henson, Marty Jacobs, Katelyn Linkous, Alyssa Martin, Tyier Mc­ D aniel, Shane McKinney, Spencer Melton, Barrera Miranda, Jaqueline Or-' tega-Gonzalez, Calvin Phelps, Allison Reese, Jack­ son Shore, Hunter Shutt, Lucas Tenery, Hunter Testa, Landon Vick, Kayley Wev- erink, David Whitaker, Lo­ gan W hite, Kamiyah Wil­ son, Brianne Winfrey, Reily York. Fourth Grade A Honor Roll: Riley Almond, Maggie Bahgat, Chailyri Blanton, Stepha­ nie Bueno-Chiquito, Robert Childress, Hunter Davis, Kireten Dwyer, Reagan Edson, Zeb Pilcher, James Rhile, Krystin Roberts, Ma­ son Shermer, Jackson Sink, Owen Sulecki, Robert Wil­ liams, G rade WiIsonlAvery Yount. AIB Honor Roll: Alicia Allen, Bryce Bailey, Wyatt Beck, Annika Bell, Jacob Bias, Lauren Booth, Kylie Chandler, Hannah Davis, Rebecca Devericks, Car­ oline Dill, Bailey Drane, Sydney Ellis, James Estep, Travis Goddard, Savannah Gouch, Leah Grimes, Park­ er Groover, HoIyn Hedrick, Madison Hurley, Camden Hurst, Anna Johnson, John Jones, Caroline Landy, Chloe Ledford, Austin Le- mus, William Lemus, Mary Leonard, Jonathan Lewis, Cadence Lookabilt, Hailey McCue, Emma McDaniel, Kaden McDaniel, Mya Mc­ Gowan, Richard Nuckolls, Ethan Price, Jaqueline Ro- driguez-Salgado, Madelyn Rogers, Caden Shoemaker, Brady Steele, Briella Thom­ as, Sam Warner, Davin Whitaker, Marc Winfrey. Fifth Grade A Honor Roll: ; Jarret Barnes, Maigo Deal, Con­ nor Dula, Elijah Kennedy, Kayiyn Nuckols, Isabelle Pitts-Deskins, Caleb West, Pacey West, Cooper W hite, Kasey Williford. AIB Honor Roll: Katha­ rine Agientas, Roxanna Bar­ ney,Cooper Beck, Benjamin Blankenship, James Bonel- lo, Madeline Burt, Christine Cao, Jackson Clark, Charles Crenshaw, Kaleb Dodson, James EIdred, Angel Fe- amngton, Owen Fender, Abigail Retcher, Hannah Floyd, Madilyn Ford, Jen­ nifer Gonzalez-Chiquito, Aniya Harris, Naomi Hel- lard, Ayla Home, Mason Hoskins, Zymere Hudson, Brooke HuttonlLucas John­ son, Davin Kausetud, McK­ enna Koons, Daniel Law­ son, Max Martinez, Audrey Miller, McKenzie Mixon, Cassidy Nichols, Hannah Patterson, Jasmin Perez, Louis Pope, Samuel Rhile, Cameron Richardson, Ste­ phen Rivas, Luke Roberts, Lizbette Sanchez-Nava, Re­ ece Sigmon, Kenzie Sraee- ton, Shelby Smith, Evan Steele, Karoline Thom­ as, Hannah Watson, Lacy White, Katelynn Wilson. Shady Grove Elementary Third Grade A Honor Roll: Caden Alderman, Sophia Brady, Larissa Carboni, Addi­ son Chaffin, Tbtum Chil­ dress, Nathaniel Dosher, Erin Fincher, Dylan Hanes, Adam HiIl1Tyier Matthews, Mack Moore, Aaron Mor­ ris, Ashley Newsom, Jen­ na Scully, McKenna Sink, Emma Teague, Gabriella Thompson, Aubrey Wayne. AJB Honor Roll: Park­ er Bailey, Cooper Bliss, Grace Butler, Luke Clark, Joshua Clodfelter, John Da­ vis, Richard Dingier, Emily Dixson, Celeste Driscoll, Cooper Drum, William Dwiggins1Jordan FulIlTaha Guver, Kendal Hamsberg- er, Carter Helton, Owen Home, Conner Humphrey, Joshua Keyser, Annabelle Lakey, Brooklyn Lakey, Lance M attel, Jace Martin, Landon Novak, Lyle Pifer, Ethan Ratledge, Kelly Re- ichard, Braeden Rodgers, Joseph Sainz, Jack Sch­ reiner, Ayderi Self, Jaden Smith, Tbylor Smith, Pey­ ton Spaugh, Emily Tbtte- row, William Wands, Mar- gaux West, Gavin Williams, Abigail W ilson, Harmony Young. Fourth Grade A Honor Roll: Parker Aderhold, Emily Ayers, Helena Berrier, Saman­ tha Burcham, Tyier Butler, Tyier Creel, Alex Doreett, Jonathan Dzybon1 Emily Gamer, Cameron Good, Noah Harris, Nolan Haskin, Lawson Hire, John Kiger, Nicole Korczyk, Colby Moore, Mackenzie Moore, Leslie Newsom, Savannah Norman, Chesney Shook, Parker Simmons, Ema- line Sloane, Brodie Smith, Robert Watkins, Leslie Yar­ brough. AJB Honor Roll: Liam Allen, Elizabeth Barney, David Beaty, Madelyn Brewer, Morgan Brew­ er, Sean Brewer, Kath­ ryn Cheek, Avery Collins, Brendan Dellinger, Hayden Dix, Ashton Douglas, Zoie Galloway, Dalton Grego­ ry, Jonathan Gunter, Justin Hayes, Connor Henderson, Alexandra Kulis, Mere­ dith Lopez, Christopher Mathews, Nicholas Mikul- ski, Matthew Monroe, Ca­ leb Morris, Desmond Oli- veri, Zoey Peoples, Joshua Pruitt, Karlie Quinn, Brody Richardson, Nicholas Ruff, Joshua Sainz, Ethan Silvey, Ava Smith, Zayne Smith, Gavin Stagg, Caleb Stew­ art, Hunter Teague, Jacob Weakland, Meagan White, Palmer W illiams, Courtney Woody, Richard Zabala. Fifth Grade A Honor Roll: Zoe Bud­ die, Katherine Claybrook, Benjamin Hoke, Laurin Hoke, Madeleine Kulis, Caleb Mathis, Jacob Pow­ ers, Thomas Smith, Bailey Snow, Blake Walser, Ryan Walton, Chloe Winters, Katy Zwanzig. AIB Honor Roll: Emily Agejew, Chase Atkinson, Evan Barr, Michael Beck, Mary Cain, Olivia Camp­ bell, Tbte Camey, Noah Chaffin, Heidi Dix, Olivia Dosber, Mathis Driscoll, Tyson Dulaney, Jacob Durham, Jacob Fincher, Keller Frakes, Sean Froe- lich, Robert Greene, Seth Hill, Riley Hoge, Peyton Justice, Kennedy Klatt, Gavin Ledford, Jenna Lee, Yi-Yun Liang, James Lit­ tle, Riley' Little, Charles McCormick, Annika Mc­ Daniel, Jaylen McDaniel, Olivia McKnight, KayIa Naylor, Lyric Oliveri, Dar- ah Osbome, Sean Riordan, Sierra Rivera, Colton Ses- soms, Madeline Smith, Bri­ an Smithwick, Cole Swade, Maya Tarbet, Spencer Wil­ liams. William R. Davie Elementary TbirdGrade Aiex Anderson, Ashley Bledsoe, Gavin Bolduc, Cody Byrd, Ethan Cleary, Zoey Cleary, Conner Col­ lins, Evan Copeland, Victo­ ria Cregar, Carter Cuthrell, Macy Davenport, Rebecca Dixon, Eric Duggins, Corey Dyson, Zane Dyson, Nathan Dzeskewicz, Peyton Estep, Evan Gale, Lane Gold- ner, Morgan Harrington, Grayson Haynes, Hailey Johnson, Craig McBride, Robert McGrew, Kimber­ ly Mohat, Bentley Moody, Anna Nelson, Melia Privett, McKinley Reavis, Nick Roda, Drew Sherrill, Pita Suarez, Chevy Swaim, Ol­ ivia Swisher, David Tanner, Coleman Trivette, Gage Turner, Logan Waltenrian, Scott Webb, Jenna Wishon. Fourth G rade Alexa Allison, Charlotte Anderson, Jacob Atwood, Payton Ballou-Tomel, An­ thony Batchelor, Carleigh Baughman, Summer Beck, Stephen Blackmon, Ben Buchanan, Caden Coble, Emma Dunn, Hunter Dys­ on, Chase Gilpin, Autumn Harbour, Avery Hicks, Isa­ iah Johnson, Connor Kea­ ton, Kareon Ledbetter, Sky- IarLindseylAidan Meagher, Allison Medves, Eric Men­ doza, M J. Naylor, Cyndle Nix, Keelyn Oakes, Luke Olinger, Dani Olmedo, Jackson Pierce, Emma Roe, Logan Sherrill, Tyier Shore, Carlyssa Sisson, Mela­ nie Steele, Bailey Vaughn, Corena W hittaker, Maycee W iles, Ethan Williams. FifthG rade Jayde Abshire, Xander Anderson, Tanner Atkins, Adam Binkley, Diego Car­ bajal, Heaven Chappell, Bryce Childress, Jake Deel, Bailey Dyson, Daisy Espi-' noza, Marcie Estes, Caleb Hawkins, Cathy Hernan­ dez, Blake Jenkins, Daelynn Johnson, Jasper Johnston, Ruth Lucero, Wesley Ma­ son, Keziah McCallum, Lorelai M oore, Nolan Por­ ter, Alan Prevette, Aidan Rogers, Arasely Santam- aria, Will Summers, Anna Swisher, Annalise Wal- terman, Hannah Wishon, Marielle Youker. North Davie Middle Sixth G rade A Honor Roll: Elijah Atkins, Matthew Breed­ en, Nathan- Brooks, Katie Dyson, Bailey Dzeskewicz, Vanessa Gamez, Nathan Hutchins1BIake Little, Kris­ tian LyonslKateIyn Pollard, Bryson Roberts, Madison Shaver, Savannah Swisher, Jason W ishon, Sarah Wood- ruff-Carter, Abigail York, Lauryn Yountz. AlB Honor Roll: John A lleii Kelli Allen, Nathan­ iel Andrews, Nicholas Azar, Kennedy Burton, Maken- na Carter, Madison Col­ lins, Caleb Correll1 Aidan Dixon, Mia Foster, Justin Fowler, Cayden Glenn, Al­ ice Grubb, Emma James, Jakob Jenkins, Victoria Jones, Hannah Keller, Mer­ ritt Killian, Kaylee Krause, Taylor Latham, Haley Ly­ ons, Landon Miller, Cole Myers, Nathan Olinger, Madison Owen, Alexander Petros, Ashley Redmond, Nora Rhyne, Allen Rogers, Mason Seats, Annabelle Shaw, Bvan Shives, Eli­ za Smith, Timothy Thurto, Gavin Townsend, Jackson Trivette, Calista Turcios, William W ilkins, Ethan WooIlard1Zoey Zamora. Seventh G rade A Honor Roll: Kathryn Anderson, Holland Barber, Molly Boger, Sally Bo- ger, Owen Brown, Kaitlyn Fletcher, Jonathan Foster, Grace Fowler, Blakley Free­ man, Matthew Hill, Grace Huret, Nathaniel Marshall, Lydia Pilcher, Parker Pry- siazniuk, Howard - Rhile, Connor Robertson, Sarah Rogers, Zaid Serrano-Her- nandez, Regan. Shoemaker, Katherine Walton, Riley W hite, Aaron Williams. . AIB Honor Roll: Ian Agientas, Casey Atwood, Jasmyne Ball, Logan Bal­ lou-Tomel, Lluvia Bello Cervantes1Noah Bohannon, Acy Bost, Stephen Carter, Megan Cash, Sarah Crav- er, Kali Creekmore, Pay­ ton Crotts, Abbey Custer, Gabrael Day, Madalen DeCanio, Colton Dehring, Kailey Dennis, Anthony Deters, Breanna Driver, Landyn Ellis, Benjamin Fleming, Jaqueline Gon­ zalez, Victoria Gray, Lil­ lian Haire1 Ashden Harris, Mackenzie Heaggans1 Ve­ ronica Hernandez, Ashlyn Hicks, Emma Ivester, Ca­ leb Knight, Caden Leonard, Alea Livengood, Angelina M arroquin, Grace Masen- cup, Vnginia Mason, Valerie Medves, John Motley, Jeny M yers, Ulises Navarro, Al- yssa- Osbome, John Poole, Justice Redmon, Joshua Robinson, Enuna Rumple, Anna Smith, Lauren Smith, Alexx Spry, Christian Thy- lor, Sydney Walterman, Ca­ leb Watson, Collin Wiedej1 Grayson W illiams, Destiy W ilson, Ricki Wilson. E igbfhG rade A Honor Roll: Katie Al­ len, Miranda Bailey, Armis- sa Bowles, Sarah Bracken, Paige Carter, Salem Cart­ ner, Kiley Childress, Lau- ralynn Ellis, Sarah Hardin, Giovanna Hutchins, Mat­ thew King, Hope Ledford, Danielle Meyer, Katelyn Nardone, Sydney' Nelson, McKenna Oakes, Caitlyn Sagraves, Cassilyn Shires, Baylee Smeeton. AIB Honor Roll: Hope Baity, Hunter Bowles, Da­ kota Carter, Sarah ‘ Carter, Justin Chaffin, Madeline Clark, John Davenport, Ryan Davis, Kaitlyn Flow­ ers, Olga Gamez-Garcia, Troy Griggs, Jacob Hen­ drix, Katherine Hines, Faith Home, Thomas Huret, Mya Johnson, Rylan Johnson, Kayli Lanier, Desiree Lew­ is, Sumer Longworth, Haley McCulloh, Caleb Meadwell, Izoma Mua, Hannah New­ man, Mason Reavis,- Coby Roberts, Meggan Rumple, Jacqueline Santamaria Lo­ pez, Madison Stanley, Ab­ bey White, Abigail Wilkins, Ethan W illiams, Stephen Wishon. South Davie Middle . SixthG rade A Honor Roll: Marianna Booth1Ashley Buiero1 Jona­ than Cabrera1EIloree Crotts, Dyllan Everhardt, Shayln Funderburk, Stephanie Gil­ liam, Malak Heikal, Ana Hemandez-Lqpez1 Luca Iacopi, Madeiyh Kenney, Christina Kluttz, Zy’mier Lewis, Jackson Nixon, Da­ vis Osbome, Vemon Prater, Mya Ramos, Belle Retko, Jack Reynolds, Stuart Rob­ ertson, Turner Rosenbaum, Hailee Stanley, Carly Wall. AJB Honor Roll: Mia Al­ len, Dylan Angus, Bethany Barbee, Kerry Barber, Ame­ lia Baysinger, Isabelle Bep- sley, Olivia Blue, Robert Bostic, Miah Chalmers, Es­ meralda Chilapa-Marcelino, Zackery Cole1WiIliam Con- dra, Abigail Comele, Slade Dean, Lacey DeCess, Chris­ tian Durst, Tristan Foster, Ashley Gallardo. Melchor Gamez-Cerda, Katie Gil­ liam, Fernando Gonzales Trejo1 Emmanuel Grenade- ro-Trejo, Tabitha Harry, Zachuy Hepner1Taylor Hil­ liard, James Horton, Zacha­ ry Jarvis, Christopher Jijon * Sanches, Conner Jones, Carlos Lazcano, Lee Leyva- Hemandez, Madeline Light, Rebecca Ludwick, Leslie Martinez, Mason McCIam- rock, Janelle Melton, Rich­ ard Morris, Skyler Peliicer, Ivan Poag, Gage Reckten- wald, Kristen Reid, Ryan Saad, Litzy Salas-Ramirez, Alexis Salazar, Monica Segovia-Hemandez, Adam Szewczyk, Jordan Thomp­ son, Brenda Torres-Solano, Aidan Treier, Valerie Vides, Ella West, Carrington Wil­ lis, Andrew Wilson, Ol­ ivia Wooten, Kenia Yare- li-Cuadra. Seventh G rade A Honor Roll: Victoria Bailey, Rylea Carter, UUian Easter, Noah Etter, Phillip Fuller, Carley Green, Anto­ nia Hutchens, Brooks John­ son, Savannah Jones, Cas­ sidy Kluttz, Kanuon Lantz, Mackenzie Myrick, Mattie Pilcher, Cielo Pina-Arroyo, Yosari Rodriguez, Kayla Roscoe1 Logan Wagner. Please See Honor • Page B5 i f f ( DAVIE COUNTY EN TER PR ISE RECORD, T hursday, July 23,2015 -B 5Jdonor... Conttaued From Page B4 Patterson, Rebecca Peters- Ward, Joshua Woods. Oniewek, Amelia Halver- James Dobbins, Melissa ardo Hernandez, Jasmine u 1L Bmma en* Sarah Petersen, Mallie C e n tr a lD a v ie son, Ashlyn Hampton, Jef- Domanski1Meghan Donley, Hoeffner, Austin Home, “ AJvaabe* Poplin. Madison Purvis, Ri- frey Hayes, Abigail Hines, Penelope Donnelly, Beata Brittany Hunter, Kiretie .,,,dereon, Adnanna Barber, IeyQuartermain1 Jonathan Academy CoveyHough1TayIorHurst, Eaton. Hannah Edwards, Hutchins, Blake Ingram, B« wett» Abigail Reagan. TVevor Richardson, SixthGrade1JuhaNunn; Raylah Jenkins, Anna Molly Engstrom, Bryan Marie James, David Jones, " mL ^T y1 Bu,Cklm’ 2achaiY Rodgera. Maty Seventh Grade1AlexOaith- Jones, Robert Jones, Caleb Espinoza Melgoza, Cam- Seth Jones, James Koontz. ,.,Madison Byerly, Ingnd Rolland,HunterRose1Tyier ^ E ig h th Grade, Kaila Unning1 NdraLareen1 EI- eron Fearrington, Kaylen Jordan Koontz. Katelyn ...u^ena-Torres, Anana Cal- RubIe1Zachaiy Runge1Gre- DeBusk. via Lascano Gomez, Sieira Fields, Jessica Floyd, McK- Koontz1 MeredithKurfees, n an8I .• ll.Ja* ,a Saltrick, Emma Schrein- D a v i e H ig h Latham, Brianna Lyons, enzie Folk, Kalea Godfrey, Candace Lakey, Joshua '21- castI110* er, Anna Sloan, Memelee NlnthGrade KalyxLyons1AshtonMann. Gabriel Gonnella, Nicolas Lancaster, Joshua Lank- ^ isyn V ckertiani-Alex- Smalley, Madison Smith, A Jionor RoU: Emma Madeline Marshall, Nicho- Gonnella, Ana Gonzalez, ford, Jacob Utham, Shane cook, B^ceson Cozart, Makayla Smith, McKenzie Alien, Destiny Anders, las Mathes, Madison McU- Marla Griffith, Joseph Hall, Uazer, Dylan Leonaid, .,!-,NOian crotts, Cheyenne Stakeiy, Rhylie Stanber- CodyBeane1CIoudBeau- rtney, Loren Myers, Shelby MatthewHarding1 Makay- BriannaLocklear1NathanieI ■•' S I ? CrT W ^llte* 1Y' Shelby Starnes. Rich‘ champ, Savannah Beck, Nelson, William Penley, Ia Haitness, Hadley Hil- Marshall, Adriana Maiti- ' i c j 8c0J I1. Shay- ard Stewart, Luke Stillson, Amber Bostic, Avery Bou- Maria Roa, Ryan Sheltpn1 ton, Nathan Hines, Hannah nez, Andrew McBride, Sar- ; ia bdmOTds Alexa Entfe, Zamarie Summers, Joshua dreau, Zachary Buddie, Ul- NancyShoaftBrysonShoff- Hutchens, Uslie James, ah McCoy, Cody McGee, ....’jAdam Gledhill, Kattenn Sutton, Erika Tsrry, Olivia IiButterfield1 U uraCain, ner.HeathSlabach.Delaney Sarah James, Yaneth Jijon1 KatherineMcGum1 David A8h,cy i r 3’ I^cker' Coleman Tumer* Cindy Calix, Benjamin Smith, Jordan Smith, Chei- Brittanic Jones, Paul Kelly, Michalski, Matthew Moore, Ir mn®?' wiYne Hoffmann Carter, Alex Crotts, Jared sea Strange, HunterThurIo. Austin King, Kaitlin Unier, Samuel Motley, Sarah My- -M g le1 Tiffani Lengench, West, Nathan Whitley, U ke Dequenne, Anna Dever- A/B Honor Roll: Amber Danielle Ugters. Camryn ere, Gavin OBrien1 Kather- ' i B 8? t^ ,S’ ,He' Witliams* Kennedy Wise, eaux, Emma Dixon, Jesse Adkins1WiIIiamAHent Vic- Lesser, Shariece Mance, ine Parker. Hannah Perry. ..,i^ilia Lipnicki, Evan Ut- AustiftWyatt. Draughn, Brandon Dwyer, toria Atkins, Rachel Baker, WiIIiamMarklin1 Shannon Danielle Privat, Jose Quin- Ue1 Alexis Lyons, Estefam Seventh Grade Hannah Etter, Benjamin RHey Ball, Caroline Bandy, Maitinez, Jordan McDan- teros. Kara Rice, Katelyn MWmez Julian, Katlyn Savannah Albeity, Alli- F0ster, Briannah Freyer, HunterBames1 McKenzie iel.Troy McDaniel, Hannah Sammons, Renea Shrews- i i M , son Ange1, Tanner Batten, CIaIre Funderburk, Shelby Bameycastle, Kaila Bau- Melton, Taylor Morgan, bury, Brittney Shultz, Kath- loei McLaughlin, Joaquin Jaxon Beaty, Joseph Boyle, Gordy1 Samuel Heafner1 tJerSer. Jessica Beck, Cas- Emily Muchukot, Angelica ryn Smiley, Jake Steiner, Mena, Courtney Neely, Sarah Bracken, Annabel Sydney Hendren, Jonathon Sandra Becker, Luke Ben- Mulhem, Autumn Murphy, Kara Stessman, Jacob Tay- Ernma Patterson, MakayIa Burcham, Garrett Chandler, Houghton, Biynn Howard, son, Jaidyn Bentley, Uriel Tyier Nichols, Jessabel lor. Austin Thomas, Dakota Phelps, Meghan Popecki, Abigail Chilton, Zoe Clark, garah Impelllzeri, Cait- Bemardino-Pedroza1Olivia Obrero1SummerOiT1Zach- Thompson, Corey Tilley, amantha Repreza Gomez, Eric Clifton, Carter Cooke, lin Irvin, Dewaunis Kelly, Boger, Madison Bohan- ary Oxendine, Drue Park- Afton Tillman, Jennyfer Alexis Ridd e, Kaitlyn Ros- Jessica Crosby. Samuel De- Panycja Leszczuk, Megan n®n- Jessica Boner, Milton er, Nikolas Parnell, Luis Villatoro, Zachary Wagner, roe, Giselle Ruano-Var- quenne, Lindsey Dingier, MacDonald, Benton Mark- Bonilla, Adrianna BoteI- Paulin, Chandler Peterson, Caroline Waters, Emily gas, AHyson Ruiz Turcios. James Dosher, Mary Fair- Jin, Emijy Pender> Aubrce |0, Avery Brown, Elaina Hailey Pirk, Zachao- Plott. Whetsel, Duke Whittaker, C - u o . o • Alayna clo,h' Wa,ker Peathemgill, Prjvat, Kristan Reynolds, Bure, Hannah Burroughs, Kasey Potts, Sophie Potts, Linda Willard, Caroline smith, Claire Smith, Jaimee Jared Fulk, Samuel Hen- Trinity Scarlett, Zachary Crystal Cabrera, Zacha- Michael Rauen, Christian Williams, Collin Williams, bmith, Luke J ntder. Mck- drix, Cassidy Hodges, Mar- Seamon, Samantha Smith, O' Cartner, Hailey Chunn, Reavis, Jaret Richardson, Joshua Wood, Alexandra iyla Stokes, Bella Thomp- shall Huff1Olivia Huff, Da- Taylor Smith, Sara Stanley, Ze'Mora Cockerham, Elijah Daniel Rigolini, Demillion Yarbrough, ton.Cody Wait,Iyy Walker, kotaHutchins.Najlaljames, EmiIyTesh1LayneTimid- Colpaert, Dylan Cox1Jamie Roby1 Adeaxis Rodriguez r * ,,* * , mchaet Werbeck, CarIey Emerson Justice, William aiski, Kaitlyn Trader, Claire Decess1Shane Denney, Sara Recendiz, Jacob Rosier, Whitley, Brittany Wooten, Kelly, Zachary Koreryk. Wallace, Catherine Whit- Duncan, Marzella Ehett1 Emily Ruble, Ryan Saun- E a r fy C o lle g e Michole Wright. Walter Kuhlenkamp, Mat- Jey< Shelby Williford, iyier Myles Evans, Giuseppe ders, Morgan Sessoms, Ninth Grade Eighth Grade thew Lawver. Austin Leon- Zickmund. Fanale, Matthew Forrest, Thomas Somig, Joseph A Honor Roll: Hizabeth , A Honor Roll: Rachel ard, Justin Lunsford, Alexis a/b Honor Roll: Lind- Magenta Fougerat, Victo- Spry, Emily Stiller, Maria Anna Allen, Samantha Bo- ,Bostic, Anna Corriher, Si- Mann, Bailey McKnight, say Aggar, Kaitlin Allen, na Frye, Cameron Fuller, Stillson, Rachel Sutton, ger> Lily Cline, Henry Dil- srea Foster, Mason Hollar, Hunter Meacham, Logan Emily Arismendy, Landon Morgan Galliher1 Kayli Morgan Taylor, Mary Tel- lon-Whitehead, Riley Mar- Hebecca Jarvis, Cheyanne Miller, Kayla Moore, Zach- Bandy, Jesse Beeker, Hea- Garwood, Sarah Gosnell, (up, MikayIa Thomas, Key- Iens. Luke Roscios, Shawn Iennett1Jacob Juarez. Nick- ary Moore, EmUy More- nor Bland, Undsay Bowles, Ali Guttenberg, Meghan Ja Torees-Adame, Michael Stanley. Jlas Koon, Marceli Lewtak, no-Jimenez, Aubrey My- Quy BruneUi, Haley Bulat- Hadley, George Haire, Lau- Walker, Caleb Wallace. A/B Honor Roll: Emily lair Ortega Gonzalez, Ash- ers, Spencer Nifong, Shane ko.JacobByrd,ValerioCan- rel Hecht, Erandi Hernan- Gracie West, Alexis W l- Chambers, Malcolm Ra- ey Plott, Robert Raisbeck, O'Brien, Thomas Olive, dkj0 Castro, Christopher dez-Brito, Madison Hooker, Iiams1JanaYount. herty, Karla Gamez-Ga- pmery Rosenbaum, Aaron Emma Patterson, Corbyn Care, Micah Carroll, Kelli Courtney Howard, Uam 12th Grade mez, Jennifer Granadero, jHothrock, Madison Taylor, Phillippe, Sara Reagan, Carter. Madison Carter, Jennings, Foster Johnson, A Honor Roll: Kather- Jennifer Johnson, Madison [Hannah Williams. Paige Riordan, Jackson Ashton Chaffin, Kimberly HealyJunker,Micah Kluttz, ine Allison, Christopher Kassel, Tessa Lachman, • AIB Honor Roll: Carlos Scully. Caitlyn Sechrist, Clemo.ZacharyClubb.Jake CaseyLarsen1 MaryLew- Andrews, Cynthia Arreola, EvanMangt GiIlianMiIIer, Alvarado, Kevin Argue- CameronSimmons1AbigaiI Conratj, Elizabeth Cren- is. Jacob Love, Cayce Ma- DavidBiIIingst EmilyBo- Isaac MiUer, Carson Prim, a-Amaya, Destiny Belton, SIoane1GraceSmithl MaI- shaw, Nora Day, Marvin gallanes, Lauiyn Mallard, ger, Alyssa Boyter, Sabrina BriannaReedl SarahRob- lustin Boaidwine, Rylan Ioiy Smith, Zachary Smith, Del Cid1 Madison Dezam1 Tristan Merritt, Roxanne Britt, McKenzie Brook- «tson, Emily Saarm1 Kath- 3urton, Erin Cartner, Wil- Grimkey Spencer, Evan Tyiil Dockeiy, John Ellis, Miller.NathanMinor.David qian, Sarah Burford, Gar- «tyn Seipp, Kamryn Szeli- iam Collins, Kimberly Steele, Korri Steelman, Benjamin Fouts1 Kingston Moore, Jacob Morse, Claire rett Byerly, Jessica Crews, 8a> Brittany Tate, Meghan 3iaz Rivera, Thylor Duty, Salem Stewart, Delawy Gainey, Moigan Gamer Myers1JosephMyers1Jen- Missy Cujas, Tanner Doub, Voreh1TharaWagner1Sarah datthew Easter, KaiUyn Stoltz, Hayden Strickland, Je88Jca Gonzalez, JUIian nt^er Ngo, Grade OBrien, Caleb Dyer, Morgan Fuller, Walton, ivans, Melissa Gamez-Cer- Carmen Tbmlin, Mackenzie Griffey, Nyasha Hall, Feilds Angel Perez, Linnea Pla- ChristinaGrannaman1Hiz- IOtbGrade la, Nicholas Garcia, Dallas Umberger-Rores1 Jackson Halliday, Cody Hendrix. >ou, Wesley Potts, Luke abeth Heafner1 Jesse Hen- A Honor Roll: Yuliana 3rubb, Maram Heikal, Mi- Wayne1Olivia West1Angela Kathryn Hill, Jacob Hum- Pratapas1 KaiUyn Reid, An- dricks, Jacob Hester, Mi- Areoyo, Amanda Barbee, :hael Hernandez, Jaretzy Zamora. phrey> Hanna Hutchens, drew Renegar, Christopher chael Holcomb, Katharine JosePtl Cartner, Jay Davis, Temandez-Gama, Chris- Eighth Grade Brianna- Ingram, Brooke Reynolds, Madison Riddle, Irwin, De'Jah Joyner, Nich- Jessica Gillespie, Mariah ian Hemandez-Lopez1 Zoe Beau Atkinson, Meran- Ireland, Andrew Johnson, Boyce Rollins, Julie San- olas Juhasz, Shyanne Kiek- Hutchins, Jessica John- Juffman1 Kenzie Hunt- da Bames, WiUiam Barney, chase Johnson, Cody John- ct«z, Rebekah Santis, Lo- enapp, Jadene Kinyoun, son, David Justen, Matteo sr, Skylar Hunter-Willis, Steven Beaty, Madeline Quinton Johnston, San Sheets, Victoria Shoaf, Sabrina Korson, Victoria Marcella, Victoria Nelson, ' IJaston Johnson, Emily Bell, Chandler Cannoy, Christopher Kapp, Kristian Dylan Shoffner, Kristina Long, Moigan MacDon- Kristen Pierce, Josslyn Johnson, Peyton Johnson, LathamChamberIain1Ethan Kauserud, Lydia Kennedy, Shouse, Molly Shuffler, aid, Ethan McCoy, Sarah Ruiz-Tbrcios1 Claudia So- ; Maggie Junker, Andrew Chase, William Cheek, SarahLane1 MateuszUp- Kate Sink, Jessica Smith, McLaughlin, Olivia Miller, Hs. Joseph Sprinkle, Chris- '"Uwrence1 David Lucas, Sarah Chemek, Nicholas nicJcit Lauren Long, Olivia Raetiet Smith, Michael Jeanette Mullies, Joseph WPtier Wall, Katie White, " Fulie Miller, Amanda Ngo, Childs, Hailey Clampitt, Madeja, KaUna Marshall, Sparks, Joshua Spaugh, Bri- Nobles. TYavis Norona, Kayla Wicker, Alyssa Wis- ' Kimberly O'Rorke, Gar- Meghan Coats, Jacob Cros- Kerigan Martin, Yobanca onna Speight, Quentin Tay- Kamiyn Osbome, Ashton h®11- " rett Penley, Nicholas Pin- by, iyier Dancy, Wiliam Martinez Perez, Martha I®1-. Hunter Telesco, Carly Patrish, William Poulsen, AJB Honor Roll: Dana • ;kos, Darcy Ren, Adamaris Dingier, Susie Douglas, Martinez-EHaz, Jeb Mas- Thompsonv ThomasTrad- Savannah Priestley, Zoltan Adams. Megan Collins, "' jieyes, Casie Richardson, Meredith Everett, Morgan encup, Brittney McCIan- Blaine Tbtterow, Nicole Pukanecz, Kayla Raisbeck, Adrian Hemandez-Brito, •’ JJaley Riddle, Jockalon Rores, Braxton Folmar, Na- non> Brianna McGowan, Valliere, Julia Vaughan- Jessica Ritter, Giselle Ro- Daylanera Lawson, Amy . Roberts. Joshalyn Roberts, talie Folsom, Allison Fonse- Manhew McKnight, Hai- Jones1KayIan VogIer1Kath- driguez, George Rothberg, McGraw, Timothy Prieto, ")>anielle Sanderson, Han- ca Lobo, Peyton Freeman, Jey Molloy, David Morton, Orn Walsh, Taylor Walton, Hampton Smith, Kelsie Samantha Rivera, Jamie -jiah Shore, Kacie Smith, Grace Gamer, Macana Oo- Lillian Murillo, Jessica Na- Collin Weatherman, Ashlyn Stanbeny, Undsey Stroupe, Schweter. -iAustin Taylor, Hannah ins, Jaclyn Grachen, Lauren vairo-Luviano, Cassandra Whitaker. Brooke Summers, Brandi HthGrade ‘"Wells, Izaak Woerz, Sydney Grooms1AbigaiI Halverson, Newell, Tabitha Nicholson, IlthG rade Swisher. Jordain Taylor, Honors List: Glamar Ga- Wyatt1AbbyYount. PeytonHampton1 Wlliam Charles Osbome, Emma A Honor Roll: Kayla Al- Madelyne Voreh1AIan Wat- leas. Brittany Hager, Sho- W illi a m E ll is Harper, Mikhail Harris, Osbome, Chely Peoples, Ient ElisabethBeauchamp, son, Andrew White, Dan- deah Kelly, Yahssain Khan, xM-jj, SydneyHanis1AshIeyHen- Idalis Perez.Landon Phelps, Grace Cain, Payton Cartner, ielleWood. Eryn Koty, Gillian Luttrell, c. r r . dren, Emily Henson, Tala Charleigh PhilIips1 Ariana Madison Coalson, Craig AIB Honor Roll: Jae- CartosMaltez1SkyMyers, k I Hicks.Charles Hill,Andrew Rcjcett, Margaret Poole, Colbourne, Toni DePaoli, line Anguiano, Andrew Emily O'Connor, Evelyn I Sarah Allard, Logan Hilton, Holland Hodges, Chaney Posey, Grace Pril- Emma Etter, Jordan Rnch- Ashby, Joni Bailey, Rachel Ramlrez-Rores, Hannah 'AHen, Salma Ataalla1 Ava AmandaHofmann1Spencer Iaman1HaileyRamsey-Me- er, Kaitlln Retcher, Kirsten Baker1LauraBamey1Pay- Sprinkle, Jacqueline Tbas- " JJandy, Annie Banks, Und- Hoke, Jackson Holcomb, ro, Christian Renken, Jacob Freeman, Makayla Hardin, ton Beaty, Blaise Bennett, teJr- I f y aAle0: Cheyanne Bea- Zane Hollomon, Mason Roberts, Preston Robertson, Molly Hartness, KateIyn Samuel Bennett, McKayIa 12th Grade iley, Korrte Beauchamp, Home, Laura Jester, Vic- AlejandroRodriguez1Zack- Hernandez, John Howard, Bohannon. Caleb Boswell, Honors List: Diana Bar- SavannahBeeker1CaroIine tor Johnson, Travis Jones, ery Rominger, Makayla Tessa Ivester, Chandler MattieBowlesiMaryBrad- ron. Andrew Chambers, --llliss,Caleb Bowling, Kaleb Easton Kilgore, Cameron Ross1HannahRubIe1Cindy Jones, Peyton Jones, Mad- shaw, Alyssa Brockman. Austin Legard1 William Brewster, Samuel Bnggs, Lee1AddisonLewis1 Syd- Sanchez-Teran1 Derek Sark, ison Kitchene, Seth Little, Mia Byeis, Nicholas Cari- Meeker, Brandon Miller, • Justin Collins, Jordan Com- ney Love, Hannah Mabe, Graham Silvey, Christopher Maddox McCloud, Mitch- ello, Alec Carter, Christian Unda Miller, Zenith Moore, <r, Haley Conrad, Pacey odalis Mariche Sanchez, Simmons, Kinzie Simpson. ett McGee, Faith Peterson, Childress, Joshua Cole, Taylor O'Neal. Alex Peo- •'•Correll. Peyton Correil, Christian Martens, Chloe victoria Sinopoli, Stormy Logan Prysiazniuk, Jack TayIorCrotts1HannahDan- Ptes- Luke Roscios. Kyle •Spencer Crutchfield, Reed Martin1OwenMcCormack, Smith-Ward, Benjamin Robinson,Hannah Shuskey, iel, Logan Davis, iyier Da- Saarm1Abigail Stowe1Jorge Cunningham, Tatum Davis, Timothy McCraw1 Wiliam Southem1 William South- Nicholas Simmons1 Casey vis, Ryan Davison1 Brant Tutiven, Jerry Vemon. - Rachel Devereaux, Natalie Merrifield, Madison Mill- em> JiIjian Staley, Hunter Snyder, Madison Stakeiy, Dupree, Tatum Edwards. IJezam1 Hollie Dix, Lare- er, Dylan Molloy, China Strickland.BrendanTaylor, Allison Staley, Emaline Tk- Melanie Fichialos, Tiffany • <n Doares. Skylar Doby, Moore, Hayden Moore, Addie Thomas, Bridgett actl- Iesse Tkach, Andrew Heming, Charles French, • Iilizabeth Dorsett, Matthew Ratjyn Mote, Christo- Tierney, Olivia Toler, Kait- Whitesell, Sabrina W l- David Gosnell, Cody IJowney1 Erin Engstrom, pher Overstreet, Jonathan Jin Tow1 Nolan Tbcker1 Iiams1Avery Williford. Griggs, Labrisha Hayes, liadie Essie, Olivia Falek, Quance, Martha Rangel, Karly Tumer, Aubrey'Val- M B Honor Roll: Katy RyanHeath1BrookeHedg- "Madison Fendley, Kdtian Mollie Runge, Ramsey entine, Kathryn Vaughn, Alexander, Samuel Allen, speth, James Hendrix, Edu- Gladfelter, Madison Grif- Saltrick, Chloe Sammons, CooperWaIl,Jacob Watson, Ana Almazon Ruano, Car­ din, Owen GuIledgetNathan Oliver Sanchez-Lobo, WU Katherine Watts, Michelle tos Ascencio-Moreno, Jake •'"Hampton, Nathaniel Haskin, Schreiner, Parker Shelton, Werbeck1 KinstonWhiten- Bamhardt1AshleyBeeding, •••iyier Hayes. Emma Helton, Robert Shelton, Emma Sla- er> Crayton Wise. Genny MauroBeIinazzi1AysiaBe- 'CalebH ill,MasonHire1Na- bach.AUisonSmart.Brooke Wooten, Kaitlyn Wrisley, mont, Maria Boada Gutier- •tian Home, Eden Hughes, Smith1SydneySmithl Clay Whitnee Wyrick.i rez, Jordan Boger, Harrison -Cariy Jaycocks, Landon Summers1BrittanyTsague, IOtbGrade BoIlinger1SarahBuie1Jada Jones, Presley Jones, Isabel- Madison Tellup, Cara Teriy, A Honor I Roll: Juan Burroughs, Joshua Byrd, • liKite.ElenaLopez,Easton Nina Thompson, William Acosta-Perea, JaIa Bog- tsaac Campbell, Mauricio •Tovelace, Braeden Martens, Trader, Patrick Turner, Axel ard, James Boyle, Charles Carrillo-Chico, Alexandria • Olivia Martin, Anna Mc- Vargas Jimenes, Reece Viz- Chapman, Emily Clark, Carter, Wiliam Clontz, • Cullough, Luke Morton, Caino, Courtney Wagner, Luke Davis, Savannah Ev- Lauren Coats, Boyd Cor- Imira Newsom, Anna Or- Michael Walton, William erett. Adam GalIimore1Erin retL Allie^Cunningham,- tiz, Olivia Pamsh, Lauren You are always welcome at First United Methodist Church 310 North Main Street Historic Downtown Mocksville ContemporatyWorchip 8:45 a m TiaditionaIWorchip 1055 am. Sunday School for all ages950am. weekly Prayer Sendce-Thurs.Noon-1K)0 pm. w w w iirstiiincm ocksviU e.org T elephone; 751-2503 B6 - DAVIE CO liN r Y EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 23,2015 Sheffield-Calahaln ____ By Brenda BaiIcy Slicfficld-Calahaln Correspondent Birthday wishes go to those celebrating this week: Pam W illiams, Emma Jnde McNeil, Yvonne Messick and Brooke McNieI on July 23; Tommy Dyson, Wesley Jordan and Yvonne Ijames on July 25; Sandra Boger, Bobbie Garmon, Al Sutphin, Christian Reeves, Megan Nicole Stowe and Kourtney Edwards on July Tammy Money From Kiwanis reads to Jaxton Allen and his mom (left), and to Bernis and Lisbeth Amaro, Ryle Hardy ar 26; Eugene Reeves on July Anabelle Blackburn at the Harmony Public Library. 27; Jeffrey Spry, Tyson Wilson and Sherry Keaton on July 28; and Corey R. Dyson and Clark Gobble on July 29. Congratulations to the following couples cele­ brating an anniversary: Jus­ tin and Heather Dyson and David and Jane Kimmer on July 23; Jesse and Bobbie Garmon on July 26; and Edward and Amber Thutt on July 29. If you would like an anniversary or birth­ day posted in this section, please do not hesitate to call or email me. It’s time for Hotdog Satur­ day at New Union UMC. The Men's Fellowship will serve hotdogs, chips and drinks from II a.m.-2 p.m. this Saturday in the church Please See S-C - Page B7 Harmony Mayor Joyce Rogers reads "Super Hero'1 an original story about bullying. Travis and Cole Turner show off some c their art work after hearing the story. Det. Lt. Brian Boyd ________________ shows a bulletproof Angel Johnston with the Kid’s Museum helps Thomas Blackburn prepare for boat races, which he enjoys at right with Ana- vest. belle Blackburn. i Colby and Riley Giwoyna and Anabelle and Thomas Blackburn show off their Super Hero shields. At right, Turtle Dog Snapper hams it up with trainer, Iredell Sheriff's Detective Sgt. Troy Miller explains to the children at the library how a tear gas gun is used. At right, SERT team members showinq their truck include Sheriff Darren Campbell, Miller, Det. Lt. Brian Boyd and Deputy Jason Shoemaker. DAVIE COUNTY EN TER PR ISE RECORD, Thursday, July 23,2015 - B7 ^Rich and Richard, a father-son duo, and Rich Winsenried perform at I ne Korner Deli. Carson Thutt celebrates his birthday party with his "NeNaw", great-grand­ mother Lena Mae Allen.IS-C... ^Continued From Page B6 parking lot at 1869 Sheffield jjRoad. Donations will be ac­ cepted. Women's Fellow­ s h ip will hold a bake sale. “Crafts and RADA cutlery llwill also be available. « You are invited to New IlUnion UMC Saturday af- •temoon at 5 for the show­ in g of the movie” Do You •Believe?” This stirring new “film from the creators of “ 'God’s Not Dead” is more Jhan a movie. It's a question “we all must answer in our !lifetime. Please invite, pray 'and come out and watch. New Union will have ^a community yard sale on ■■Saturday, Aug. 8 from 7-11 2a.m. Contact Heather Dys- jpn at 492-6408 or Doris IDyson at 492-5712 no Iat- ;er than Aug. 2 to reserve a jspace for $10. Proceeds go Ilo the New Building Fund. fFree donuts and coffee will !be provided. «■ Homecoming at New Union will be at the 11 a.m. worship service on Sunday, Aug. 9. Pastor Eric Line- berry will be the speaker. A covered dish luncheon will be held at the Shef- field-Calahaln Community Center following the ser­ vice. Revival will be Aug. 9-12. Vacation Bible School at Ijames Baptist will be held July 26-31 from 6-8:30 each evening. The theme is “Camp Discovery.” It is open to ages 2 through those who have completed 5th grade. Kids will explore the Bible, make friends, sing songs, and leant how Jesus works through them in ev­ eryday lives. There will be fun for everyone on the wa- terslide on Friday. Hope you can join us all week. The Fox Mountain Enter­ tainers will perform at The Komer Deli in Harmony Saturday at 6:30 p.m. Up­ coming events for August: Tomm Dollee Band on Aug. I; Nick & Isaac on the 8th; Joe Mahaffey and Company (JMJ) on the I5th; Iredell Ramblers on the 22nd; and Bob, Rick and The Caroli­ na Chicks on the 29th. To perform at the deli, contact Deanna at 704-450-3424. The SERT Team (Sher­ iff’s Emergency Response Team) presented a program at the Harmony Library on Monday, July 13. Det. Sgt. Troy Miller, Det. Lt. Bri­ an Boyd and others spoke to the children and adults about their jobs and the tools and weapons they use. Sheriff Darren Campbell talked and answered ques­ tions. Afterwards, the group went outside and toured the SERT truck and let every­ one see the tools/weapons. The Super Hero Acad­ emy consisted of an "Ob­ stacle Course" the children had to run through in order to become a "Super Hero." At the start line, the chil­ dren hopped through Hula Hoops, bowled using Super Hero bowling pins, ran over the "Stinky Smells" bubble wrap path, competed in a ring toss and ended at the finish line by throwing a "Thor" hammer (box cov­ ered in aluminum foil) into a goal. Afterwards, it was time for super hero photos. It ended with popsicles and drinks. Everyone passed and became Super Heroes. "Super Hero," an orig­ inal story about bullying and how to stop it was read to the children at story time on Wednesday morning by Harmony Mayor Joyce Rogers. After the story, the children were given a col­ oring book about the story, bracelets with anti-bullying mottos, stickers and snacks. Last Wednesday morn­ ing, children joined Miss Tammy Money from Ki- wanis for a story “Read around the World” and snacks. Each child received a free book to take home . On Saturday, Allison Woods OLC staff member Dennis Goodin and owner/ trainer John Rucker, gave a demo of the turtle dogs (Boykin spaniels) used to find eastern box turtles for research. Also on Saturday, the Iredell Museums' Kids at Play boat races taught about density and what ma­ terials float and or sink. The children made boats out of several items to include cups, corks, foam, etc. After the boats were built, they were given the opportunity to test their creations to see if they would float or sink. The schedule for July: Legos from 4-5 p.m. on July 23 and ISAR (Iredell Search and Rescue) with North Iredell Rescue Squard- Search and Rescue dogs will be here from 6-7; Legos meet from 10-11 a.m .on July 25; and on July 28, the “Grand Finale” with Profes­ sor Whizzpop, a science and magic show with the theme “Super Heroes” from 5-6 p.m. For more information, contact the library at 704- 546-7086. Prayer requests continue for Madeline Lapish, J.W. Keaton, Melvin Allred1Tom Cloer, G.H. Goforth, Bryan Swain, Jean Reavis, Creo- Ia Rogers, Bonnie Gunter, Lori Dyson, VilIard Beck, Fred Roth, Bertie Stout, Sherri Dyson, Johnny Nay­ lor, Jimmy Dyson, Dot Keller, Alice Absher, Betty Richardson, Greta England, Randy Groce, Elizabeth Foster, Rick Swisher, Pat Moore, Todd Olson and the Peru mission team. Our sincere condolences to the John Henry O'Neal family. Submit items to br/bai- /ey@msH.c0m or call 751 - 7567 no later than 9 a.m. on Monday. \Auditions For ‘Wicked Witch of Oz’ Saturday j Davie County Arts !Council’s Brock Players in­ cite adults, middle and high $chool aged students to au- Siition for the upcoming pro­ duction of "Wicked Witch !of Oz.” Auditions will be July -25 at 10 a.m. The play is a comedy involving O z’s witch and one of her flying !monkeys as they land on the !set of a high school's pro­ duction of “The Wizard of Oz.” I Those who wish to audi­ tion may schedule a time to 'stop by the Brock Perform­ ing Arts Center prior to July £5 to review roles and Unes !that will be used at the au- ’ditions, 751-3112. Those !who audition will need to be available for possible call- presented on the Brock's the director. She is familiar She is a graduate of the Uni- many diverse character backs during the afternoon stage on Oct. 16,17,23 and with theatre arts and will be versity of North Carolina at roles, of July25. T obechosenfor 24 at 7 p.m. and on Oct. 18 sharing her knowledge on Greensboro, and earned a For more information a role, actors must attend the and 25 at 3 p.m. Tickets go diction, theatrical produc- bachelor’s degree in theatre about “The Wicked Witch auditions on July 25. onsaleA ug. 18. tions, and character devel- and drama. Shehasdirect- of Oz” call the arts council The production will be Lauren Butler will be opment during rehearsals, ed productions and played at75l-3IJ2. First Baptist Recognized For Recycling First Baptist Church Mocksville is a top state collector of hair care, skin care, and cosmetic product packaging for the Personal Care and Beauty Brigade, a free, national recycling pro­ gram created by Gamier and TerraCycle. By collecting used personal care and beauty packaging, this church has helped to divert more than 1,000 units of waste from landfills. After they sign up to join a recycling brigade, organi­ zations earn points for every Advance unit of waste they collect. The points can be redeemed for charitable giffs or a cash donation to the non-prof­ it of the collector's choice. TerraCycIe will turn the col­ lected packaging materials into new plastic products such as park benches and recycling bins. "Thank you to every­ one who makes this Bri­ gade successful,” said Tom Szaky, CEO of TerraCycle. “The Personal Care and Beauty Brigade has become one of our top collection programs and I am excited for it to keep growing.” interested in recycling with and sign up for free at tvv Any school, individual, TerraCycle can Ieam more terracycle.com. families or organizations about the Brigade programs DB WA Accepting Scholarship Requests The Davie Business Women’s Association an­ nounces the availability of its annual scholarship appli­ cation. The scholarship is to as­ sist women seeking to fur­ ther their professional cre­ dentials by expanding their education. Applications are avail­ able at the Davie County Chamber of Commerce. Applicants can “like” DBWA on Facebook to ac­ cess the form. Information for submitting an applica­ tion will be included with form. The application dead­ line is Aug. 7. The mission of the DBWA is to bring togeth­ er business women of di­ verse occupations to help themselves and others grow personally and profession­ ally through networking, support, and camaraderie. The DBWA meets every first Wednesday, at noon in the conference room of Sun Trust Bank. : He’s A Minister MinisterDevan E.An- foin' Wilkins Wood- fuff was presented With his minister's license by Pastor An­ thony L. Woodruff, fchinquapin Grove Missionary Baptist fchurch, Mocksville. He preached his first sermon at Chinqua­ pin Grove on Feb. 22. By Edith Zim m erm an Advance Correspondent Hunter LeRoy and Will Vogler have spent this past week at a Scout Camp, the Camp Cherokee Camp­ ground in Yanceyville. On Thursday night the boys were among the eight Scouts elected to be induct­ ed into "The Order of The Arrow,” with a large crowd attending the event. The families of the two boys were in attendance for the Scout festivities. The children of Advance United Methodist Church passed collection pates Sun­ day for change, or any do­ nation, to sponsor a worth­ while activity. My Sunday afternoon visitors were grandchildren and three great-grandsons, Meredeith Hendrix Gowen and husband Chris Gowen, their sons Caleb, Asher and Ellis of Waxhaw. They were joined by Meredith’s moth­ er Janie Hendrix for an eve­ ning meal. We welcomed Alan Jones back at the Methodist Church Sunday for the wor­ ship service. He has been absent for a few weeks due to brain surgery. Danny Chandler and Vickie Wentz, who were married a few weeks ago, have returned from their honeymoon. Sympathy is extended to Buddy Absher in the death of his father, James Absher of Crumpler. Lauren Bennett visited her great aunt Edith Zim­ merman last Thursday af­ ternoon. She had been in the community for several days visiting her parents, Brad and Karen, and grand­ mother, Bess Bennett. Lau­ ren stopped by briefly to say good-bye before returning to her work in Cleveland, Ohio on Friday. Local funeral home gets a new name and location SALISBURY - Cleveland Fu­ neral Services formerly of 111 Railroad St., Cleveland, NC is now Genesis Funeral Home of Salisbury, NC. The new funeral home Iocotion is 128b N. Merritt Ave., Salis­ bury, NC. The funeral home is operated by Elder Marcus J. Barber who was the CEO and founder of Cleveland Funeral Services Inc., in Cleveland, NC and now is the CEO and founder of Genesis Funeral Home of Salisbury, NC. Barber explains... “I've been in the funeral business over 25 years and my family has served Rowan and Davie plus surrounding counties for over 25 years. My goal In the business is to always pul God first.' Genesis Funeral Home is a Christian firm. They re­ located to Salisbury to better serve families 'because being in Cleveland, some families CfNESIS Elder Marcus J. Sorber and his wife Mrs. Rachel Barber stand in front of their new location. did not have transportation Io reach us. But being in Salisbury, families can walk or ride the city bus to the fu­ neral home to make arrange­ ments for their loved ones." The motto at Genesis Funer­ al Home is T he service you wont from people you know'. Genesis Funeral Home serves oil cultures and religions. We offer cremation services, tra­ ditional funerals, memorial services and graveside ser­vices. For more information, conlad Mr. Alan King, Man­ ager and Funeral Director at Genesis Funeral Home at (704) 633-8555. B8 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, T hursday, July 23,2015 C h i n q u a p i n P a s t o r A n n i v e r s a r y Chinquapin Grove Missionary Baptist Church will cel­ ebrate the anniversary of Pastor and Mrs. Anthony Wood­ ruff on Sunday, July 26 with special guests for the 3 p.m. service, the Cedar Creek Missionary Baptist family. Lunch will be at 1:30. T r u e L i g h t P a s t o r A n n i v e r s a r y True Light Christian Ministries will host a weekend cel­ ebration in honor of their pastor, the Rev. Edna K. Dalton beginning Saturday, July 25 at 4 p.m. in the Davie County Public Library multi-purpose room with Bishop Donald Keaton delivering the evening message. On Sunday, July 26 at 11 a.m.. Minister Brenda Kirby will deliver the mes­ sage. Obituaries ‘C a m p D i s c o v e r y ’ A t I j a m e s Ijames Baptist Church will hold Vacation Bible School July 26-31 from 6-8:30 each evening. "Camp Discovery” is open to ages 2 through those who have completed fifth grade. Discover how Jesus works through each person.There Bill Boger (Tammy) of Granite Quany; several nieces and will be fun for everyone on the waterslide Friday evening nephews; and special friends, “Angus” and “Jack.” after commencement. Ijam esis at Ijames Church and Shef- A funeral service was conducted at 2 p.m., Fridayl July 17 at Union Grove United MethodistChurch with the Revs. S. Neill Shaw and Fred Carlton officiating. Burial fol­ lowed in the church cemetery. The family received friends Thursday, July 16 at Eaton Funeral Home in Mocksville. Condolences: www.eatonfimeralservice.com. Elizabeth Ann ‘Libby’ Bogcr Smith Jam es Michael Feehan Mrs. Elizabeth “Libby” AnnBoger Smith, 60, of Union Mr. James Michael Feehan,44, of Mocksville, died Frir Grove, died Tuesday, July 14,2015, at her home. day moming, July 17,2015 at the HOCK Family Pavilion She was bom Sept. 20,1954 in Iredell County to Edith at Duke Home Care & Hospice in Durham. Elizabeth Henderson Boger and Mr. Feehan was bom July 24,1970 in Newton, Iowa t'6 the late William Glenn Boger. the late Richard Lee and Gennie Marie Cupp Feehan. He Mrs. Smith was a member of was a graduate of Iowa State University and a member of Union Grove United Methodist St. Paul's Episcopal Church. He loved traveling and loved Church. She had served as presi- his dogs. dent of the N.C. Dermatology of Survivors: his wife, Erin Amira Feehan of the home; Nursing and had served on the a son, CaIder James Feehan of the home; a sister, Mary National Dermatology of Nursing Feehan of Newton; his uncle and aunt, Charles and Sheryl board. Cupp of Des Moines, Iowa; his aunt, Lorrie Symmonds of Survivors: her husband of 33 Newton, and a number of other aunts, uncles and cousins.' years, Randy Smith of the home; A memorial service was held at St.. Paul's Episcopal a daughter, Renee Galliher (Mi- Church on Wednesday, July 22 at I p.m. by the Rev. John chael) of Mocksville; 3 grand- Shields. The family received visitors at noon with an hour children, Amanda Harris (Brent), reception following the service. ^ Morgan Galliher and Michael Memorials: Cancer Services of Winston-Salem, 3175 GalIiher Jr., all of Mocksville; Maplewood Ave., Winston-Salem, 27103. T a sister, Katie Bowie (Wendell) of Statesville; a brother, Condolences: wwwjsalemjtt.com. field roads, Mocksville. Eatons Baptist VBS Eatons Baptist Church invites children, age 3-grade 6, t o "Everest, Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Hoyle Russell ‘Bucky’ Barber . . Mr. Hoyle Russell “Bucky” Barber, 87, of Salisbury, Power,” from 6:15-8:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 2-Thursday, died Sunday, July 5,2015 at Novant Health Rowan Medi- 6. ca| Center surrounded by his family. Kids will Ieam how God’s faithful presence enables He had been in declining health but death was unex- them to conquer life challenges, with Bible adventures, pected. songs, teamwork building games, treats, crafts and collect- Bom March 23,1928 in Lexington to the late Ethel Mae ing Bible Memory Buddies. Send children in play clothes, Barber and Guy Alexander Barber, he was a graduate of they may get wet and messy. Boyden High School and Catawba College Class of 1950. Parents, grandparents and friends are invited each eve- Before his retirement Mr. Barber was self-employed as ning at 8:10 for the Summit Celebration. To preregister or the owner of Davie Sanitation. Mr. Barberwas a longtime Ieam more, contact Pastor David Gilbreath at 998-6149. member and former elder at Franklin Presbyterian Church. The church is on Eaton Church RoadatRichie Road. W hilehis life allowed, he was a golfer and loved to garden. Mornings he could often be found enjoying the fellowship of friends at College Bar-B-Que. Surviving: his wife of 65 years, Ann Martin Barber, to whom he was married June 24,1950; sons, Gerald Frank- .. . ___ The Youth of Greater Mt. Moriah Missionary Baptist Ijn Barber and wife Jonna of Richmond. Va.; Martin Lee death by his son, Donald Houston Taylor Jr.; daughte. Church will host a worship service on Sunday, July 26 at 3 Barber and wife Dreama of Mocksville; and John Russell Donna Godbey; sister, Nellie T. Kerley; brother, Billy E p.m. The guest speaker will be the Rev. Joel Shackleford, Barber and wife Cheryl of Orinda, Calif.; daughters, An- Taylor, pastor of Clark’s Mtmorial Baptist Church of Boonville. „ettt Barbtr Goodman of Salisbury and Candace Barber G r e a t e r M t . M o r ia h Y o u th Donald Houston Taylor Donald Houston Taylor, 84, of Salisbury died Sunda; July 19,2015 at Novant Health Rowan Medical Center. Bom in Davie County on June 8, 1931, he was the so of the late Lena ShoafTaylor and Loyd H. Taylor. He wa a veteran of the U.S. Arm; serving in the Korean War. H worked as a nursing assistar at the VA Medical Center fc 30 years and as a security ol ficer at Rowan Regional Med ical Center for 21 years. H was a member of the NRA. H was a loving husband for 3 years, a loving and kind fathe and brother who loved all ani mals, and was especially clos to his sister Carol who consid cred him her hero. He was a all-around good guy who nev er met a stranger. He was also preceded i Everyone is invited. H i l l s d a l e M e t h o d i s t V B C Jennings and husband Scott of Clayton; sister, Patty Shinn of M t Ulla; 8 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. The family received friends July 8 at Summersett Fu­ neral Home..The funeral service was at 11 a.m. Thursday, July 9 at Franklin Presbyterian Church, conducted by the “Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Rev. John Elam. Burial followed at Rowan Memorial Park. Power” Vacation Bible School will be held at Hillsdale Memorials: Franklin Presbyterian, 280 Franklin Church United Methodist Church, 5018 US 158, Aug. 2-6 from Dr., Salisbury, 28147; or The Alzheimer’s Foundation of 6:30-8:45 nightly. Leam more at www.hiUsdaleumc.com . America, 322 Eight Ave., 7th Floor, New York, NY 10001. Condolences: www.summersettfioieralhome.com . N e w U n i o n H o t d o g S a t u r d a y N adinc L anier K oo „t2 Mrs. Nadine Lanier Koontz, 88, formerly of US 158, The Men’s FellowshipofNew Union United Methodist died Saturday. July 18,2015. at Bermuda Village Health- Church will serve hotdogs this Saturday from 11 a.m.-2 care Center in Advance. p.m. in-the parking of the church at Sheffield and County Line roads. The Women’s group will hold a bake sale.Craft items and RADA cutlery will be available for purchase. M o v i e N i g h t A t N e w U n i o n Everyone is invited to the showing of the movie “Do You Believe?” at New Union United Methodist Church, 1869 Sheffield Road, Mocksville, this Saturday afternoon at 5, This new film from the creator of "God’s Not Dead” is more than a movie, it's a question we all must answer in our lifetime “Do you believe?” F r i e n d s h i p H o m e c o m i n g S u n d a y Friendship Missionary Baptist Church will observe its annual Homecoming and the IlOth church anniversary, Sunday, July 26 at 3 p m . Lunch will be served at 2 p.m. The guest speaker for the evening service will be the Rev. Waymon Monroe, pastor of Solid Rock Baptist Church, Winston-Salem. The Summer Revival will be Tuesday, July 28 through Thursday, July 30 at 7 nightly with different speakers each night. The public is invited. The Rev. Ervin Baker is the host pastor. Mrs. Koontz was bom June 26,1927, in Davie County to the late Harrison Henry and Mary Louise Wall Lanier, She was a member of Oak Grove United Methodist Church and a lifelong member of the Pioneers Volunteer Network. Mrs. Koontz enjoyed working in her flower gardens. She was also preceded in death by her husband, James Franklin Koontz; 5 sisters; and 5 brothers. Survivors: her nieces and caretakers, Ann Allen of Mocksville and Kay Burton of Advance; and several other nieces and nephews. A graveside service was conducted at 11 a.m., Tuesday, July 21 at Rose Cemetery with the Rev. Sam Lewis offici­ ating. Memorials: Oak Grove UMC General Fund, 2006 US John Frank ° ’Neal Stel- Survivors: his wife, Shirley Taylor of Salisbury; sor Michael Edward Taylor (Teresa) of Salisbury; daughter: Mary “Snookie” DayvauIt (Phillip) of Kannapolis, Ba: bara Roseman of Mocksville; step-son, Jimmy Thompso (Vickie) of Salisbury; step-daughter, Angela Alexande (Todd) of China Grove; brother, C. Douglas Taylor (Kay of Thomasville; sisters, Carol T. Snyder (Pete) of Cleve land, Diane Menster (Jim) of Woodleaf1 Geraldine “Geri Balfrey (Bobby) of Beech Island, S.C.; sister-in-law, Lin da Taylor of Coolecmee; numerous grandchildren an. great-grandchildren. Visitation was Wednesday, July 22 at the Haven Luthei an Church Fellowship Hall, 207 W. Harrison St., Salisbury 28144. Graveside service was at noon Wednesday at Salis bury National Cemetery with the Rev. Chris Williams ol ficiating. Military rites were performed by the Lyerly Vol unteer Honor Guard. • Memorials: Rowan Humane Society, 112 W. Innes St Salisbury,28144. I Condolences: www.lyeriyfimertilhome.com . ; John Henry O ’Neal John Henry O’Neal, 73, of Mocksville, died on Friday, July 17,2015, at Gordon Hospice Home in Statesville after a period of declining health. A native and lifelong resident of Davie County, he was bom on Oct. 8,1941, to the late 158, Mocksville. Condolences: i w.eatonfimeralsenice.d Specials of the Week Notice of Upcoming www.YORKAUCTION.com "NO BUYER’S PREMIUM ” 2 D a y o n s t e A U C T I O N Sat. Aug. 1,2015 @10 AM Sat. Aug. 8,2015 @ IOAM F & F B u ild e rs , In c . * C ly d e F e lk e r - e s ta te (d ec .) 549 Old Mocksville Rd. * Statesville, NC * Iredell Co. 1-40 exit #154, take Old Mocksville Rd. N. for I1A m. Scissor-Lifts * Forklifts * Vehicles * 4 Post Car Lift * h-duty Trailers * Zero Turn Mower * Concrete Equip. * large metal & wood working Tools *. 100+ power hand Tools * Jack- Hammers * 90 pc. Scaffolding * Walk Boards * 70+ hacks of Lumber * many other items www.YORKAUCTION.com 704-546-2696 • Harmony, NC yorkauction@yadtel.net ncal it74• since 1935 www.AuctionZip.com # 4569 J AssortedUNCLE AL’S COOKIES 2 f o r $ 1 Foster Drug Co. 4 9 5 V alley R oad • M ocksville • 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -2 1 4 1 w w w .fo ste rd ru g c o .c o m Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 la Tutterow O’Neal. He was I the widower of Frances Cran- I fill O’Neal, who died July 4, [ 2010. They were married for 49 I years. Mr. O’Neal honorably I served his country in the U.S. Army (1960-1962). He retired |! as a long-distance truck driv- H er, having worked for Christy I Trucking, and he served in law P enforcement with the Davie H County Sheriff's Dept., Mocksville Police Dept, and I the NC Dept, of Corrections, f He enjoyed his membership in I the Piedmont Antique Power Association and was a long-time member of Center United Methodist Church. Survivors: daughters, Charlene O ’Neal Hayes and hus­ band James of Mocksville and San Jose, Calif., and Tam­ my O ’Neal of Mocksville; a brother, Bill O ’Neal and wife Ruby of Mocksville; a sister-in-law, Retha Gaither and husband Curtis of Harmony; 6 grandchildren, Krista Man­ ning (Tommy), Brittney Taylor, Austin Moody, Nicholas Moody, Johnathan Britt (Courtney) and Josh Britt; and 5 great-grandchildren, Olivia and Charles Henry Manning, Raylan Kase Britt, Kaden Clark Castle and KayIce Mi­ chelle Ollis. The family received friends on Monday, July 20 at Da­ vie Funeral Service Chapel. The celebration of life service' was held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, July 21 at Center United Methodist Church officiated by the Revs. John Erwin and Greg McEwen. Burial followed In the church cemetery with full military honors to be accorded by the VFW Me­ morial Honor Guard and the NC National Guard Honors Team. Memorials: Hospice of Iredell. 2347 Simonton Rd Statesville, 28625; or to PAPA, PO Box 1041, Mocksville.' Condolences: wwwdaviefimeralservice.com. DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 23,2015 - B9 AlNstate Steve RIdenhour Mark S.Jones652 US Hwy. HW,St*. IOI • Mocksville, NC (336) 751-0669 h ' AUTUMN CARE OF MOCKSVILLE 1007 Howard St. Mocksville 751-3535 Certified Dealer of LENNOX CALSTO Heating & Cooling, Inc. 5649 Country Club Rd.. Winston-Salem 336-765-6430 DANIEL FURNITURE & ELECTRIC CO., INC. HomcAppliances 848 5outh Main St., Mocksville. NC (336)751-2492 Courttou:, DtpendabU Strvict SeroxerJSYtm Jolinny Marklln«Will MarkUn D a v i e D i s c o u n t D r u g s Cooleemee Shopping Center Cooleemee, NC (336) 284-2537 Q SOUTHERN STATES DavIe Farm Service, Inc. 116 Wllkesboro St., Mocksville (336) 751-5021 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING ' * * (TV • V -/ God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is; (Psalm 63:1) t its- FULLERKftta 336-751-3712 www.tullerweldlng.com JERRY'S MEAT PROCESSING We Custom Meat Prooeee Beef - Pork - Deer 40 years experience 6B2 RaJpn RaUaOsa Rd • Moelisvllla (Afipx. IM mOe from Ottit Hign ScfixiO(336) 753-8090 Mocksville, NC 336-751-1989Mon-Fri 6:30am - 3:30pm Shores Plumbing & Heating Richard Shores - Owner 1465 N. Main SL1 Mocksville, NC (336) 751-5653 SPILLMAN’S («11 Ttdoy l«r Delrvery 284-2551 mm.E* 3 Moekeville Locations • 1423 YadkInviire Rd., Mocksville• 1360USHwy-601 S., Mocksville• Inside Walmal Supercenter,261 Cooper Creek Dr., Mocksville T k e D a i s y D e p o t Full Scnicc Florist & Cif tSiio p 81B South Main SL-MocksviIIa NC 336-753-3100thedalsydepot9gmall.com OttiSnoa -S »• 1Hhan Thisscripturemessagebroughttoyoubythesebusmesses who encourage you to worship at the church ofyour choice. A MqaBtndlQ MjennHfihS KCSsiiityI BtBid fink Compulif Islendna ItimnK fapani Iscik Iifik V-‘“| btqadioQ, Oi Chsitgwl Walmart ijc (336) 751-1266 A Trnitilim kTE" Since 197} 110 N. Clement St.. Mocksville, NC (336) 751-5820’ G E N T L EMachine &T00I Inc. 2716Hwy.601 North Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5055 f i l s , J O E S T O W 24 Hours Roadside Rollback Service Small, Medium & Heavy DutyTowIng Joseph Crons, Owner 336-998-2693 - Office 336-940-7256 - Mobile S s P a I I e t O n e www.palletone.com 336-492-5565 I E a t o n F u n e r a l S e r v i c e 325 North Main St., Mocksville. NC 27028 (336)75^2148 Serving Davie CountySince 1997 —1 Fu n e r a l H o m e w.grahamfuneralhome.net IakewaiiMower Service Saw s - G enerators Log Splitters & Blowers IOSflFF PtDJlieefiHs (10 bale min., retail only) ‘ 336-766-2738 P a u la ’s P la c e “H om e Style C ooking” 2076 US Hwy. 601 S. Mocksville. NC 336-753-1315 Whitnee's New & used Variety Store996Yadkinville Rd., Mocksville (Betide ModsviffeTIre 4 Automotive) HOURS HoaNoonJOBrre (336) 753-1388 aFor where two or three are gathered together in my name, were am I tn the midst of them. ” HAYWORTH-MILLER 1UNIiRAL HOME •juice, NC 27006336.940 .SSSS M c C u is to n Concrete Co., Inc. 336-345-392 Over 39 Years In business A dvance, NC PliiICar A utom otive & T ireTotii Full Stnia Vthkb UgiDkunce CralfT SlNO KES TO TSHKL TO* DCAlf*' P 1628 H'vy^6tn s! - 75M800 ^mountain DESIGNS F i r s t F i d e l i t y NC. IJ-C tas GhVtrt CoJt* Ri. Sva 101 JvrwtafliNC JUU JUOSlu CtMk PulwjSifls MJWImUKhSiWn NC Wl 03 336-399-4886 gSTnow a^a FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27026 336-751-2141Pmcrtprim Call In: 336-753-DRUG HOWARD REALTY 330 S. Salisbury SI, Mocksville 336-751-3538 Miller's Restaurant 710 W U k e s b o ro S tr e e t M o e h sv ttte 336-7 5 1 -2 6 2 1 EdwardJones MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING I Slayton R. Harpe I FinanclalAdvlsor 5539 U.S. Hwy. 158, Suite 104.. u Advance, NC 27006vv.edwardjones.com M em berSIPC 336-940-3150 P r o v i d e n c e S e n i o r C a r e MeJiciid1 CAP DA, CAP C ind ReipiteCireA’ra W 1IM 4 ftmt, Nn7Ii, Cufcit FAMILV & COSMETIC DENTISTRY Andrew J. Rivers DMDIlBHospiUlSt.. MockjvilteNC27028 336-751-6289'Serving ChIIdrtnS Adults' Acceptwo Most Mjuor IksurancesRlversfarnityderrtistry-c V ram g f n tiM i-n ta gj Learning Center Four Full Time Daj Can Biitee 1983 • infant - 3rd Grade• Small Infant Se Crawler Rooms• Before Ie AfUr School Programs • Professional Gxperienced Staff Proud to be t part of Uu Kgtt Cootra Prt-KiidBprta Propw ★★★ ★S3 AebUe Jonea, Owner 184 Council SL • Mocksville 7 5 1 -7 1 1 6 ,B lO - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, T hursday, J u l, 23,2015 Dateline Fundraisers Saturday, July 25 Hotdog Saturday, Now Union Methodist, Sheffielil and County Line roads, Mocks- villc, I) ajn.-2 p.m. Bake sale. RADA cutlciy. Saturday, Aug. 8 Community Yard Sale, New Union Methodist, 1869 Shef­ field Rd., Mocksville. To rc- scrveSIOspace.call heather at 492-6408 or Doris at 492-5715. Reunions Saturday, July 25 Ratledge Reunion, Cor­ nerstone Christian Church, 1585 NC 801 N., Mocksville. Registration at Il ajn. with potluck lunch at noon. Bring family photos or family tree info. To register or ask ques­ tions, contact Hayes Ratledge at 336-337-3678, Itayes© hayesratledgenom, or visit on Facebook Ratledgesofdavie- county@groups.facebook£om. Those attending will receive n copy of the Ratledge Family Tree back to John Ratledge Sr. and Edward Ratledgc. Sunday, Aug. 9 Annual Baity family re­ union, 1Hirners Creek Baptist Church fellowship building. Covered dish lunch at I p.m. Plates, etc., will be furnished. Religion Saturday, July 25 Vacation Bible School, Salem Methodist, 169 Salem Church Electronic Recycling Saturday Free electronic recycling will be offered at the Davie County Landfill, 360 Dalton Road, Mocksville, will be held from 7:30 l.m.-noon on Saturday, July 25. It is illegal to dump elec­ tronic items into the trash. Among the items to be accepted: PCs, hard drives, laptops, cell phones, vid­ eo games, iPod and MP3 players, network equip­ ment, consumer electronics, DVDs and VCRs, ink and toner cartridges, recharge­ able batteries, telephone systems, scanners, printers, copiers, typewriters. For information, contact Johnny Lambert, director of Davie County Public Utili­ ties, at 753-6090. Rd., Mocksville, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. "G-Fbrcc” theme. Registration nt 8:30. July 25-26 IVuc Light Christian Minis­ tries weekend celebration in honor of the Rev. Edna K. Dal­ ton. 4 p.m. Saturday at Davie County Library, Bishop Don- old Kenton. Sunday at 11 a.m.. Minister Brenda Kirby will de­ liver the message. Sunday, July 26 Chinquapin Grove Mission­ ary Baptist pastoral anniver­ sary for Pastor and Mis. An­ thony Woodruff 3 p.m., with Cedar Creek family. Lunch at 1:30. Youth will host service at Greater Mt. Moriah Mis­ sionary Baptist, 3 p.m.. Guest speaker; Rev. Joel Shackleford, pastor of Clark’s Memorial Baptist of Boonville. Homecoming, IlOth church anniversary, FViendship Mis­ sionary Baptist, Lunch at 2 p.m. with service at 3 with the Rev. Wtymon Monroe. July 26-31 Vacation Bible SchooItIjames Baptist, 6-8:30 p.m., age 2-5th grade. WaiersIidc Friday after commencement. July 28-30 Summer Revival, Friendship Missionary Baptist, 7 nightly. Aug. 2-6 Vacation Bible School, Ea­ tons Baptist, 6:15-8:30 p.m., with theme, “Everest, Con­ quering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power." Ages 3-sixth grade. 998-6149, Hillsdale Methodist Vacation Bible School, 6:30-8:45 p.m., “Everest: Conquering Chal­ lenges with God’s Mighty Power." hilhdaletimcxom. Sunday, Aug. 9 Homecoming, New Union Methodist, 1869 Sheffield Rd., Il a.m. service. Covered dish lunch to follow at Sbef- field-Calahaln Community Center, 174 Turkeyfoot Rd. Roni Stoneman of Hee Haw fame, 10:45 a.m. at Victoty Baptist, Cooleemec; 6 pm. at First Baptist of Cooleemee. Aug. 9-12 Revival, New Union Method­ ist, 1869 Sheffield Rd., Mocks­ ville, 7 nightly. Ongoing Free coffee and doughnuts, every Wednesday, 7 p.m.. Con­ cord Methodist1CherryHiII Rd. at NC 801, Mocksville. Beginning Bible Study, Verse by Verse, Thursdays, 6:30-8 p.m.. Sage Garden Core Center, 977 Yadkinville Rd., Mocks­ ville. 734-9476. Bible Study of Revelation, Mode Place Community Center, Mocksville,Thuisdaysat 11 a.m. Simply Moms prayer and book study group for moms of all ages with kids of all ages, second Fridays,9:30-11:30a.m. during school year. Cornerstone Christian Church, NC 801. Free childcare. 998-0600. Wcdtly Prayer Service, First UMC, N. Main Si,, Downtown, Thuisdays,noon-1 p.m. in sanc­ tuary. Not a stnictured service, quiet time to pray and meditate. Preschool, at Macedonia Mora­ vian Church, 9a.m. til 12 noon. Optional lunch bunch I pm. Ages 12 months • 5 yrs. Call 998-6492. GriefShare Recovery & Sup­ port Group,nt Hillsdale UMC, 50I8U S158, Advance. Second & fourth Sundaysofeach month 4 p.m. For info: 998-4020. Kids for Christ, at Liberty UMC, 141 Liberty Circle, Mocksville, each Wed. 3-5:30 pm. For kindergarten-5th grade. No cost, just a time for play, snacks, Bible stories, & music. Info: 940-7246. MOPS (Mothersof Preschool­ ers), 1st and 3rd Fri. of evety month during traditional school year, 9:30-11:45 a.m., at Blaise Bapt. Church. Awana, every Wed. evening 6:30-8 p.m. at Eagle Heights Church. TheLife & lbaching of Jesus, presented by Mocksville Sev­ enth-Day Adventist Church, Mon. St Thurs. at 7 pm ., at 407 Milling Rd., Mocksville. Free admission. For info: 704- 876-3665. Youth Program , at Ijames Bapt. Church.eachSun.evening 5:45 p.m., ages 12-18. Info: 492-6434. Women’s Discussion Classes, two classes held weekly at Jericho ChurchofChristtTUes. 10:30 a.m. and Wed. 7:30 p.m. Nocost for materials. AM women invited. Women’s Bible Study, every Wed. 5-6 p.m., in a home near Milling Road area. AM women welcome. Info: 751-5229. Women's Study Group, Phase 2,onBiblkal women,presented by Hannah's Ministries. Free & held every second Sat. of each month, 10-11 am. AM welcome. Info: 940-5149. CarcNet Counseling Centers, at First Baptist Cburch,390N. Main St., Mocksville. Offers in­ ter-denominational counseling. Academically trained, certified counselors & mental health professionals. Info. & oppt. 751-2041. Preschool/Parents Morning Out, Bethlehem United Meth. Time: 9 am.-noon. Ages I St 2 • M1W orT, Th. Age 3 - M.T, Th. Age ASt Pre-K • three or four days per week. Call 998-6820. Preschool, at Center United Methodist. US 64 W., Mocks­ ville. 23. St 4 year olds. Mon- day-Thursday, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Crossword Puzzle 1 Whack 6 Gloomy 9 Mama's partner 14 Tied up 15 Kind of wrench 14 Condo, e.g.7 Commonclown name8 PulIHghtIy S 201S HarperLee novel 2 -Welcomeh site J Seaman's reference 4 Cul (California lraek) 4 Space chimp of 1961 '6 Oaredevlla 9 AnimaiorOIsney 0 Double-crosser. 1 MuakofTeaIa I20 I Tiffiuiy Grooms,336-473-2615. AwnnaA Bible Study, Wednes­ days at 7 p.m., Hope Baptist Tabernacle. Coffee House, 4th Sun. each month, 7 p.m., at Comatzer UMC. Good coffee, good fel­ lowship, St good music. SpeciaIEvents Friday, July 24 Free concert under tbc oaks, Downtown Mocksville,7-9:30 pjn. with theMysteiy Hillbillies, boogie, western swing and rock­ abilly. Bring a chair. 909-2263. Saturday, July 25 DC Cruisers,2:3© p.m.,Davie Family YMCA1 Cemeteiy St., Mocksville. New members welcome. Ongoing Family to Fhmlly 2014 Cours­ es, 12 class course sponsored by NAMl-NW Piedmont (affiliate of National Alliance on Mental Illness). Participants my be fam­ ily/friend of person diagnosed witb mental illness. Classes run Feb. 24-May 5 each Monday, 6-8:30 p.m. at Hillsdale Bapt. Church,Advance. Spay-Neuter Clinic, 2nd Wed. of each month by the Humane Society of Davie County, af- fordable spay-neuter surgery for cats and dogs. Call 751-5214 to makereservationandfordelails. Free Advanced Healthcare Planning W orkshops, 2nd TYies-Of each month, I &4p!m., EMS Building, Mocksville. For info: 336-768-6157 ext. 1622. Footloose Friends,every Tues., 7-9 p.m. (first time dancers shouldorrive6:30).Cost$4each nighl.open to couples orsingles. CallLink413-5204or972-2659. Federal Benefits for Veterans, DAVChopter#75 bldg., 1958 US 601 S.,eveiy third Sat., 12-4p.m. For info: 336-407-5662. Free Monthly Diabetes/Blood Pressure/Cholesterol Screen­ ings, lost Fri. of each month in 2009 at WaIMort, 9 a.m. til 12 noon. Sponsored by Davie Lion’s Club, Visit Cooleemee’s IItBIl Village Museum, 14 Church St., Wed.- Sat.-10 a.m. til 4 pjn.Tours also available by appt. Call 284-6040. Storytimes, at Davie Co. Li­ brary: Fri. 11 a.m.,moinlibraiy. Meetings Saturday, July 25 Mocksville American Legion Post 174,9 a.m., Maw Maw's Kitchen, US 158 near Farming­ ton Road, Mocksville. Orlgoing Davic/Mocksvitle AA, closed non-smoking meeting, at First Bapt. Church, 390 N. Main Street (across from Davie Co. Library).Thursdays,7pjn. Info:Jan 753-1838. Al-Anon Family group, S un­ days,8pjn.,Macedonia Moravi­ an,NC801 between Farmington and Bermuda Run. For families and friends of alcoholics. Sugar Valley Com posite Squadron, each Tues. 6:30- 8:30 p jn., BI ue Hangar at Sugar Valley. Program for cadets (12-18) and adults. For info: 336-978-4186. Da vie County Planning Board, 4th Tues. of each month, 6 pm. In commissioners chambers, 2nd floor, Davie Adminisuation Bldg., 123 S. Main Street. Davie Board of Adjustment, 3rd Monday of each month, 6 pjn., in commissioners cham­ bers, 2nd floor, Davie Adminis­ tration Bldg., 123S.Main Street. Davie Beekeepers Association, second Thurs. of every month, 7 p.m., 412 N. Main Street (First Bapt. Church). Visitors welcome.Tb find out more info: wwwdaviebeekeepera.org DC Networks, 7:45-9 a.m. second Tues. each month- Ketchie Creek Bakery, Willey Rd., Mocksville. Networking/ referrals group hosted by Davic County Chamber of Commerce. For info: 336-751-3304. DC Networks, 4th Tbes. each month, LaCaretta, Bermuda Run,ll:4Sajn.-l pm. Network­ ing/referrals group hosted by Davie Chamber of Commerce. Info: 751-3304. Davie Q uilters G uild, 3rd Mon. of each month, for info: 492-2000. Triumph Parenting Classes, Wednesdays, 10:30 ajn., call for info: 751-5636. Humane Sodety of Davie Con monthly meetings 2nd Tues. of every month,at Humane Society Adoption Center,29l EaIonRd. Call 751-5214 for info. Family Se Friends of the Men­ tally III Support Group, 2nd and 4th Tues. of each month, 6 p.m., Hillsdale Bapt. Church, Advaoce.Coll751-5441 for info. Advance Garden Club, 2nd Tues. each month, Hillsdale Bapt.Church,US 158,1:30p.m. Lion’s Club, meets 1st Thurs. of each month, 6 p.m. board, 7 pjn.general. At Hardison United Methodist Church. HillsdaIcSunrise Rotary Club, every Thurs. at 7 a.m.,Bermuda Village. Davie Co. Fraternal Ordcr of Police Lodge 94,3rd Tues. of every month, 7 p.m., Zcko’s Restaurant. Davle Democratic Porty, 2nd Tues. of eachmonth,7 p.m., HO Depot Street. Davie Co. Republican Party, every third Tbes. of month, 7 p.m. in Davie Co. courthouse. Davie Co. Republican Men’s Federation, second Tuesday of every month, meol/meeting, 6 p.m., Sagebrush, US 601 N., Mocksville. Forinfo: 408-8898. Women welcome. Davie County Horse Emer­ gency Rescue Team,7:30 p.m„ downstairs at the Agricultural Building,Mocksville.Every 3rd Tuesday each month. For info: 940-2111. Davie Band Boosters, meets 2nd Tbesday of month, 7:30 p.m., Davie High Band Room. C hristian Businessm en’s Committee of Mocksville, Thursdays, 7 a.m. Mocksville Rotary Hut. Gold Wing Touring Associa­ tion, Red Pig Barbecue1Greasy Comer, N.C. 801 at U.S. 601.6 pjn. 284-4799. CooIecmcc Recreation As­ sociation, Zachaiy House, 1st Tuesday, 7 p.m. TheArtistGroupl Davie Coun­ ty Libraiy,7 pjn. lastTues.Call Bonnie at 998-5274. Center Community Develop­ ment, 3rd Mon., 7 p.m. Com­ munity Bldg. Cootcemec Tbwn Board, 3rd Monday, Town Hall, 6 p.m. unless otherwise noted. North Cooleemee and Clark Road Councll,2nd Wednesday, 7 p.m. Meeting in different members homes. Davie Domestic Violence Ser­ vices and Rape Crisis Center. Offers weekly support group for domestic violence & sexual assault victims.The group meets everyTues.eveningfrom5:30-7 p.m. Please call office for loca­ tion,751-3450. SonsofConfederate Veterans, I st Monday, Cooleemee Histor­ ical Building, 7 pjn. MocksviIIeRotary Club.Tues- days, 12:05 p.m., EnergyUnitcd Sudoku 66 'My badl' 63 Pago Pago's place 64 Engineeound 66 ToohMty66 UndisguiMd 67 Startlhepot 66 "Mlchiainano 1 Self-satisfied2 Sigllppler 3 Yardeeletag 69 Tumdown 70 PIanistOameMyra 71 Green fruit 21 Tatkcaeualy 24 Cryllkeabtty 26 Sludloelgn 26 Ths Right Slur author Tom 28 Approx. 29 Honehuport 31 Scandinavian furniture chain 32 Informeposltively33 Bakery come-on 36 Stage 37 Muslecompllallon seller 12 Bortc add Iargel 89 Minor hang-up16 The Parthenon's 43 Ridicule goddess 44 Friend In war 20 Tinyamount 46 Tlmeeorservlce Answers On Page B12 arguing contest 6 Swearto 7 Counlryname 8 Comb stoppers9 Puddlngfruit 10 AquaHcpIant 11 Hymnofpraise: 49 Perched 62 SkaIerHughes 64 Subwayhandhold 66 Putsway 66 Gathering doude. say 67 GoHsrMcIIroy 66 Cram, with “up" 69 Feedbagcontents 60 ReIatfveofarabUt61 Largestofseven62 ■ ShebIoweT 63 Groundakeeperb 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 5 8 5 4 1 3 5 8 2 9 4 1 8 8 2 6 4 9 '7 1 Solution On Page B12 Education Center, 182 S. Salis­ bury St., Mocksville. I ' Farmington Masonic Lodge No. 265,2nd Monday, 7:30 p.ml' at the lodge. f Davlc Co. United Way Boarq of Directors, 4th Monday, 5:30 pjn., Brock CeotcrAnnexlConf.1 Room 208. Davle High Athletic Boosters;' 3rd Monday, 7 p.m., school cafeteria. FarmingtonRuritnnGub, 2nd Thuraday,7:30p.m.,Farminglon Community Center. HELPS Ministries, Christian recovery program for women sexually abused as children; Mondays, 7:30 p.m., 41 court Square, Room 210. [ Parents Resource O rgani­ zation (PRO) support group for families of children with disabilities, 2nd1besday,7 p.m,1 Call Rosemary Kropfelder at- 998-3311 forlocation. r Health Dept., clinic hours: Mon.-Fri., 8:30-11:30 a.m.; 1-4:30 p.m. Davie County Board of Social Servicos.4thTbcsday,5:30pjn. at DSS. NarcoticsAnonymous Against AM Odds Group, First Bapt. Church, 390 N. Main Street; (upstairs),Thura. 7 p.m.. Sun. 6; p.m. Ibug Problem? Helpline, 336-785-7280. Mocksville Civitan Club, 7 p.m., 2nd Si 4th Mondays, at First Presbyterian Church. Advance Memorial Post 8719 Veterans of Foreign Wars and LadiesAuxiliniy,4thTues.,7:30 p.m.,post home, Feed Mill Road. Davie County Right Tb Life, 7 p.m., 3rd Thursday, grand jury room, courthouse. 751-5235 or 492-5723. Cooleemee Memorial VFW Post 1119, 2nd Sat., IO a.m., VFW Hall, N.C. 801. C o rin th ian L odge No. I7F&AM, 2nd, 4th Fridays,' 7:30 pjn. at the lodge. Mocksville Lodge No. 134,1st, Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. at the lodge.. Cooleemee Civitan’s Club Meeting, I st and 3rd Mon. each month,7 p.m., Civitan Property, 801 North, Cooleemee. Davie Co. Multiple Sclerosis Support Group, 2nd Mon. of each month, 6 pjn., at new. hospital ,BermudaRun. For infer 336-972-6673. Seniors AU Senior Activities take place1 at Davie County SeniorServiccst located at 278 Meroney Si., Mocksville unless otherwise noted. Call 753-6230. Tuesday, July 21 Veterans Social, 10:30 a.m., with Don Timmons, Hospiccf Palliative Care. RSVP by Julyj 14. Co-hosted by Veterans Ser-j vice Office,open to all veterans. Ongoing j Sr. Lunchbox, M.T.W, 11:30,1 a.m.,Th.& Fri., 11 ajn.,lunch; served daily. Quilting Club, every Monday,: 10 a.m. Ii SKlPBOtWednesdays, I p.m. I Scrapbooking,every2ndTues-: day. 2 p.m. Free Blood Pressure Checks*; once a month, at 10:30 a.m. in' the Nutrition Site. ■■ SingingSeniors ChorustThurs-! days, 10a.m. ! Scrabble, I p.m . every Monday. < Tbxas Hold’Em -Thursdays,I pjn. ■ Sr.Book Club,every thirdTues.f: of the month, 1:30 p.m. Computer Classes • are avail­ able,call for information. ArthriticExercise-every other ■ Wed. 10:30 a.m. Line Dancing Level I, Tues-: days. Thursdays, 8:45 ajn. Line Dancing Level 2, Mon­ days, Wednesdays, 9:45 a.m. Low Impact Aerobics - Tues. AThurs., U a.m. FitncJs Equipment Room - open Mon.-Thurs. 8 a.m. til 8 pjn. Fridays 8 a.m. til 5 pjn. A Sat. 9 ajn. til I p.m. Art,Mondays9ajn.til 12pjn. Tai Chi, Tuesdays (call for sesssion dates) Woodcnrving,Wed.9-|| a.m. Silver Health, Mon., Tues' Wed., 8:30 ajn. Yoga.call fordates and sessions. Dance Party Aerobics, 5:30 pjn. on Tues. & Thurs. Silver Health, Mon., Wed., & Fri. at 8:30 a.m. Report Davle Dateline Items By Noon Monday IlemsforDnvicDatellneshould';be reported by noon Monday ol the publication week.Call 75|. I 2120 or drop it by the office, at S. Main St. across from the counhouse. DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE REC O R D .T hursday, July 23,2015 • B ll LEGAL NOTICES Executor of the Eetoto of Qoorgo Hathoa AUon 977 Country Lane STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE n F ^ing0 OuS r pS8m e 377CounlryLane STATEOFNOflTHCAROUNA " ’ J* STATE OF NOfiTH CAROLINA J S J V ",S f g tt" S S ssk Sb sskss - E iK s s ato present written claim to the un- HAVING QUALIFIED as Exec- Wilkins), fate of Oavle County. Ulrtx of the Estate of EMILY C. North Carolina, the undersignedIUlUVl CD _.__..___... ... ^ X before October h o m l h e WII*LER' ,a/Wa emtlY does hereby notify all persons. Win,"ef)' lale 01 Davte countK flr,n8- corporations havingk <° "Ottty an parsons, firms claims against ttwestate of safo * * ewForallon8 having claims decoder? to exhibit them to the aSatnst es1bI* » present Admlntolrator. undersigned, on or S ? - 1T r f ! 10 8lP e8tal8 written ONm to the undersigned before October 23, 2015 or thisPayment on or before October 16. 2015, notice wll be pleaded In bar ofto the undersigned.TNs the 24th day of June, 2015. ANNETTE MARIE TUTTEROW 2740 Island View Road Fort MIN, SC 29706MARTIN E VAN HOY. LLP Attorneys at Law g three |3| months from first day of publication of this... r _._•foe) or this notice wll be pleaded said estate will please make im- In bar of their recovery. AH per- medtote payment to the under-sons, firms and corporations In- signed,debted to said Estate will please This23rddayof July, 2015.- make Immedlaie payment to the JotR. Wttktnt, \ u arilSr f f i S S undaralSnwl AdmMotrotorofthoEotototT r avtt!0; tJc 27033 Thfsthe IOtitdayof July. 2015. of Brtdo L WtlklnaPublish:July2,9,16,23 Sheryl L RavM, 1077GyroDrIve cn T X M W iB T U A ^iY . Execufrix of the Eototo Winston-Salem. NC 27127 OtEmBya Watttor Publish: Jifiy23,30;Aug.6.13 SSjSffxffr°*Vr f , 9049 Nicholson Rrt HAVfrvIG^OUWJRED^as F, We8Untnstef- «021157 NORTH CAROLINA J S T i n 1S S S AD,' DAVIE COUNTY LUTHHt TUTTEROW, late of STATE OF NORTH CAROLINADavie County, this Is to notify aN COUNTY OF OAVIE persons, firms and corporations EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Pubfiah: July 16,23,30; Aug. 6 U ponterm inationofarental Ihe return of the deposit. Rea- North 03 deg. 32 min. 01 sec. agreement, the tenant is liable sons of such Inabllliy to convey East 579.43 feet to an iron pin,for rent due under the rental include, but are not Nmlted lo. southwest comer of BaUey agreement prorated to the ef- the fiNng of a bankruptcy petl- L. Myers (Deed Book 177 at (active date of the termination, tfon prior to the sale and rein- Page 616), thence with Bailey OF COUNSEL: statement of the loan without L. Myers North 79 deg. 39 min. ROSSABfBLACK the knowledge of the Substitute 35 sec. East 166.04 feet to an SLAUGHTER, P.A., Trustee(S). If the validity of Uie iron pin, thence with Bailey L. Post Office Box 41027, sale Is challenged by any party. Myers North 02 deg. 21 min. Greensborot NorthCaroNna the Substitute Trustee(S), In Its 50 sec. East 167.24 feet to an27404-1027. sole discretion, if he believes Iron pin, thence a new line with Telephone: (336)376-1899. the challenge to have merit, Nancy J. Myers South 88 deg.Signed: July 13.2015. may declare the sale to be void 30 mln. 24 sec. East 268.61 Michael C. Tallerclo, and return the deposit. The feet to a point in the centerAttorney for the Trustee purchaser wHI have no further line of a 10 foot driveway leaf- Publish: July 16,23 remedy. Ing to Joe Myers road, thence Notice Where the continuing said bearing 46.61their recovery. Al persons, firms, and corporations indebted to the NORTH CAROLINA- r e - — . — ------------------ DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION FILE NO. 14 CVS 386 BANKOF AMERICA, N.A.. PMnttH, Real Property Is Residential With Less Than 15 Rental Units: feet to an Iron pin. northeast corner ol the within tract and lying on the western boundary the property may be Issued pur- ■ „ w , „ . - a W sr fK K 5WSSS5SSC Z L V Z l S i S F S S , RLS “ *d j*“ »the property Is sold. Any per­ son who occupies the property Sub|ect to a perpetual ten pursuant to a rental agreement loot right-of-way leading Iomrn entered into or renewed on or Jcu Myers Road across the after October 1. 2007. may, af- property ol Bailey L. Myers SERVICES. INC., os Substitute tar receiving the notice of sale. anJ Nancy J. Myers to the terminate the rental agreement above described property, as upon 10 days' written notice to described In the deed of Ease- the landlord. Upon termlna- "rent recorded In Book 352, tlon of a rental agreement, the Pa9e 37S Davle County. North tenant Is Uable for rent due un- CaroUna records, der the rental agreement pro- And Being more commonly rated to the effective dale of the knownas: 174 JoeM yers Rd, termination. - - -------------- IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE E THE CLERK to present written ciaUn to the un- the Estate of Georgia ElBe Cor- ' "otzer, Deceased, late ol Oavle2. 2015, (being three |3) months County, North CaroNna, this Is to from the first day of pubticatlon of ratify all persons having claims this notice) or this notice wU be against toe estate of the deceased pleaded In bar of their recovery, to exhibit them to the undersigned AU persons, firms and corpora- on or before October 29.2015. or Of FSIIiCISSVRE SUE SfREAlESIIITI This the 7th day of July, 2015. 29,2015 or IN RE: FORECLOSURE OF A UEN HELDBY KINDERTON VILLAGE SINGLE FAMILY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIA­ TION, INC. FOR PAST DUE ASSESSMENTS UPON 118 SWEETWATER CIRCLE ADVANCE. NORTH CAROLI­NA, AKA BEING AU OF LOT W O F KINDERTON VILLAGE CHRISTOPHER M. GUSKE, . KIMBERLYGUSKEand SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE Defendants. AMENDED NOTICf OfSAU Of REAl PROPERTY please make Immedtote payment to the undersigned.This the 24lh day of June, 2015.ANNETTE MARIE TUTTEROW 2740 Island View Road Fort Mil. SC 29708 MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP AttomeysatLaw ExecutorofItwEstate 10 Court Square of Georgto EBIo Comefzer Mocksville. NC27028 SURRATTS THOMPSON. PLLC „Publish: July2,9,16,23 IOON Main StreaL Suite 242S PHASE 1A SHOWN ON AWtoston-Satem. NC 27101 MAP AND PLAT WHICH IS INSTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA (336)725-6329 PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 144 OF COUNTY OF OAVIE Publish:July16.23.30:Aug 6 THE DAVIE COUNTY REGIS-NOTICE TO CREDITORS TRY, WHICH IS TITLED TO:HAVING QUALIFIED as Ex- JOEL A. DAVIS 0CIfior of the Estate of OMEGA STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA MAMES, late of Davie County. DAVie COUNTY Ihis Is to notify al persons, firms pubuc ADMINISTRATOR’S and corporations having dafms NOTICEagainst said Estate to present written claim to the UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power and authority contained In that certain Or­ der Issued by the Honorable Anna M. Wagoner, filed on or about March 9, 2015 in the above-captloned matter, and recorded on March 12. 2015 at Book 962 at Page 297 with the Davie County Register of Deeds and pursuant to appli­ cable law, the undersigned Substitute Trustee wHI place (or sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash at the Posted: usual place of sale at the Davie Witness: County Courthouse. 140 South Advance, NC 27006' The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the re­ cords of the Register of Deeds, !store Burr B. Myere and wife, Christina L. Myers. The property to be offered Jeffrey A.Burida Pursuant 10 tnts notlce 01 sale State Bar No 34432 is beinP 0,,ered ,or sate' Wana* Post Office Box 12497 ,er and conveYance "AS IS. Chariotto. NC 28220 WHEFIE ,s- 'NeWtef ,he Tnrat- Telephone: (704) 362-9255 9® nof trJe holder ol the nole Facsimile: (704) 362-9267 " L ^ Respectfully submitted this the 19th day of May. 2015. HUTCHENS UW FIRM Attorneys for Substitute Trust­ ee Services. Inc.. Substitute Trustee MAYA H. DAVIS Main St.. Mocksville, NorthCar- Foreclosure of Uen filed wllh olina on July 26,2015 at 1:45 IN THE GENERAL COURTthe Clerk of Superior Court on p.m. that certain parcel of land, OF JUSTICE Oecember 16. 2014, file #14 including Improvements there- OF NORTH CAROLINAFubNc M 107. Under and by virtue of on. situated, lying and being SUPERIOR COURT on or before Octebar9 MiS fh*!. Administrator, of the Estate ol the power and authority con- In the County of Davie. State DIVISIONIng three 19] months from the Bret BREN0A OARLENE MAYS. Iate talned In that certain Dedara- of North Carolina, and being DAVIE COUNTY“ ™™T !lPm “;e of Davle Counlv North GamNna ... Z___,,__. -T 15SP34BRENDA OARLENE MAYS. Iate talned In that certain Dedara- day of publtoalton of this notice) or eI Davla counlY-Noflh CaroNna, tlon of Covenants, Conditions, more particularly this notice wIN be pleaded In bar of ,Ns ls 10 notlfy 8,1 Person8 having and Restrictions for Kinderton follows: !Mr _ A1I n fl„™ J S L S t t J S . X Z S “ W W y . M r . f c LyK9 end M n , in CIMmand corporations indebted to said deceased exhibitEstate wll please make Imtned- ate payment to the undersigned. This the 9th day of July. 2015. EdmooloHeBto, ExocutorefthoEototo 2651 US Hwy. 601 N. MocksvlIetNC 27028Publish: July 9.16.23,3 before Octo-owners Association, Inc and vNIe Township. Davie County,NC and beginning at an exist- recovwagainflIM M aleo! Uis 3M .^ i,e SM. e e ^ e c S b * 9 EesBm mo.1 c»ner “ S ™ * , 1p/vie awnsaid deceased. AU persons in­debted to said estate wll please make Immediate payment. This the 16th day of July, 2015. BryonaThempsoo,Public Admlnlotrotor e f the Eototo ef Brondo Oortono Mayo said Lien, and pursuant to the VtoKt of wav Plat Book a Paoe Order of the Clerk of Superior m u,- a ai w • j A , ., .. 116» thence Souih 61 degrees,SURRATT & Court for Davle County, North ~ • .. ... - THOMPSON. PLLC Carolina, entered In this fore- 100 N. Main Street. Suite 2425 ct08ure being foreclosed, nor the offi­ cers, directors, attorneys, em- Publsh: July 16,23 PtoYees- aSent8oraUttWtewI representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the Utle or any phys­ ical. environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on. at or relating to the proper­ty being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabil­ities arising out of or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the fored08ure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty doNars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be Under and by virtue of the tendered In the form of certified me rare- min'' ?9 seC- West 7312 power and authority contained funds at the time of the sale. Rossabi I!',0 a point' thence North 39 in the above-referenced deed This sale will be held open teniiuNBur rieoraee SI mln JX can Waal __-■ k .______I J .,. ,. J . .... r . IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY BURR B. MYERS AND MNUARY 16.2009 AiND ofdefaifitinthepaymentoflhe Sftv b e ^ lh e South^m RECORDED IN BOOK 779Indebtedness Iharehv snmrari afty . I!61"9 l he_ Southefn AT PAGE 963 IN THE DAVIE of the owner and holder of HOTlCl OF SUESTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF OAVIE NOTICE TO CREDlTOflS HAVING QUALIFIED as Ex­ecutor of the Estate of HAROLD GRAY SHEETS, (a/kto Harold G. Sheets; Harold Sheets), tote of Davie County, this to to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said Eslate cute, at iz;uu m on ine steps nan««ham b-.*i» ba *to present written claim to the un- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA of the Davle County Court- S 7? » » -------------------------------------------------------------------------w -derslgned on or before October COUNTY OF DAVIE house. Mocksville, North Car- . , / , n , and. pursuant to demand ot ING. Failure to remit funds in 2, 2015. (being three (3J months NOTICE TO CREDITORS olina, the following described «?'ratotoJt? men' Ihe owner end holder of the a timely manner will result In a from the first day of publication of HavlngqualifledasExecuiorof real property (including the noned fet^ r- lnence Noftn 55 secured debt, the undersigned DecIarationofDefauItai Winston-Salem NC27101 Black Slaughter, the appointed »??£?*,; PttfustandPecaUseordeIault days for upset Mds as required(336) 725-8323 Trustee, will expose Ior sale 11 , ^ 0XtsttnS retW. in the payment of the secured by law. FoRowIng the expiration Pubtish: July 16 23.30 Aug.6 at pubflc auction on July 26. Indebtedness and failure to of the statutory upsel period.• 2015, at 12:00 PM on the steps NofflWasiem corrrer of N°fman perform the stipulation and all remaining amounts are IM--• - - •- - - • Dlllngham. Deed Book 642. agreements therein contained MEDIATELY DUE AND OW- notlce) or this notice will be the Estate of D.C. LAWRENCE house if anv and anv other deSrees- 57 mtn -23 sec- East substitute trustee wHI expose deposit will be fitaen pending -aj Ia K.. o) their recovery, (aka DANIEL CARL LAW- imorovements thereon)- Be- 110'10 11 10 80 extstinS rabar- tor sale at public auction to the the outcome of any ‘ "me Md eeroora. scmt-bi u . - /'...-a. ^ a imo'owij. 00 IKaaaa o~.,k -a en a ,.a.................... ....................................RENCE). late of Davfe County. Jflg au Qt L0t 1ig ot Kinderton ,hence South 09 deSfees- 50 highest bidder for cash at the the sale is set aside for anyNonh Carolina, the undersigned village Phase TA shown on a mln- 23 sec- East 67.65 ft. to usual place of sale at the coun- reason, the Purchaser at thedoes hereby notify all persons. ^ D)a, wWch «... a ne* tron s0L 3/8 inch steel ty courthouse of said county at sale ShaN be entitled only to a tJras- aftd, ^ p9fa“on® ba^ 9 Book 7, Page 144 of the Davie rod- tnetVee Soutn 27 deSrees. 2:00PM on July 29, 2015 the return of the deposit paid. The d ^ em lo to ^ ^ h W T itt^ h e C°unly Registry. Property ad- .I ? -:* 8 tottPWtnSdescribedrealestaie PurchasershaRhavenofurther All persons, firms and corpora­tions indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 2nd day of July, 2015. Howard R. Sfieeti, Executor ot the Estate 3274 Mlddlebrook Drive Clemmons, NC 27012 Pubfish:July2.9.16.23 fore Octobw 16,2015 or this no- Maya H. Davla. The sale will be UcewlUbe pleaded In bar of Ihelr made subject to aH prior sales STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA recovery. AU persons, firms, and and releases and to all deedsCOUNTY OF DAVIE corporations indebted to the said of trust, liens, unpaid taxes, make Immedi- restrictions, easements. at 185 Klmel Park Hegistry. property ao- ___ , t » 1» - u , ..........116 Sweetwater Circle. J2J5L1 0LSSl awl any other improvements recourse against the Mortgag- . . .------- _ ginning and containing 0.771 which may be situated thereon, or. the Mortgagee, the Substi-Dflrae halnfi flixne m It aa t_ «-..»_ a....... ...... a. ...............— dress: Advance. NC 27006. Present surveyed by Kenneth L. Fos- na. and being more particularly any of the foregoing, ter & Associates, P.A.. June described as follows- 11.2008, see Deed Book 663, Page 268. NOTICE TO CREDITORSHAVING QUALIFIED as Ex- ale payment to the undersigned, eculor of the Estate of RALPH This 13th day of July. 2015. HOOVER BOGER, tote ot Oa- SueCaudIeLawrenco vie County, this Is to notify all ExocuteretBteEotato persons, firms and corporations of D.a LAWRENCE having claims against said Estate (MCA DANIEL CARL to present written claim to the un- LAWRENCE) derslgned on or before October Robert D. 9, 2015, (being three (3] months from the first day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. Al persons, firms and corpora- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA dons Indebled to said Estate wll COUNTY OF DAVIE please make Immedtote payment NOTICE TO CREDITORS to the undersigned. Having quatfled as EXECU- This the 2nd day of July, 2015. TOR for the estate of: Martha Oartono Chambers WIUlAM L OAVIS376 BenAnderson Road PO BOX 947MocksvUto. NC 27028 COOLEEMEE. NC 27014 MARTINA VAN HOY. LLP This to to notify al persons, Attomeysatlaw firms and corporations having 10 Court Square claims against the said decedent and other matters of record. If any. Pur­suant to N.C.G.S §45-21.10(b), any successful bidder will be required to deposit with Rossa- bi Black Slaughter, the Trustee, immediately upon conclusion 185 Klmel^rk Driversulto 200 ot Ui0 saJe a cash deposit Address of properly: 172 Candl Lane, Mocksville, NC 27028 Present Record Owners: Christopher M. Guske and Kimberly Guske SPECIAL NOTICE FOR Beginning at a railroad spike LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If lying in the eastern boundary you are a tenant residing In of the Nancy I. Myers tract de- the property, be advised that scribed in Deed Book 109 at an Order for Possession of the Page 833, Davie County Reg- property may be issued In favor istry. said point of beginning of the purchaser. Also, if yourbeing the northwest comer of lease began or was renewed Tommy F. Comatzdl' (Deed on or after OctobeH, 2007, be' The terms of the sale are Book ,1S 81 paSe 142) and advised that you may terminatethat the real property hereinbe- the southwest comer of Ear- the rental agreement upon 10 fore described wRI be sold for tte Beauchamp (Deed Book days written notice to the land- Winston-Salem. NC 27103 to exceed the greater of Five cash to the highest bidder. The H4 at Page 645). and running lord. You may be liable for rentPublish: July 16,23,30; Aug. 6 Percent (6%) of the bid amount Substitute Trustee reserves thence from the point and place due under the agreement pro- or Seven Hundred Fifty Dot- the right to require a cash de- 0< beginning wilh Comauer rated to the effective date of the Iars ($750.00). Any success- posit or a certified check not South 94 d09- 16 min. 07 sec termination, hti bidder shall be required to to exceed the greater of five West 73S-IS feet to an Iron pin. Tha data ol lhis Noli„.ka ..» K_i of the percent (5%) of the amount of southeast comer of the within June 3 A0isr flflrtl. A. Lu A____, ,__u t AT... . HflDflfIkaJ IfflAl AA..IK.UAAI a ad. *tender the fuH b purchase price In cash or certl- Oto bid or Seven Hundred Fifty described tract, southwest cor- fled check at the time Rossabi Dollars ($750.00). In the event ner of Betty G. Benge (Deed Black Slaughter. PA, the Trust- that the Owner and Holder is Book 114 at Page 646) and ee, tenders to him a deed for exempt from paying the same. tYtnS tn 'he northern bound- the property or attempts to the successful bidder shall also arY ol Mary Robertson (Deed AAfAAfAHAf18 haulnQ tender suctI deed- afXJ should be required to pay revenue Book 64 at Page 539), thence im <hl D.M HflflMiflfli said successtut bidder fail to stamps on Ihe Substitute Trust- wilh Robertson North 86 deg.M J X T iS B m S d m S d m S I pay the (uH balancfl O1 the pur- a.-, Deed. „ Land Trflnaer 42 Mn. 02 ape. Wfls1 405.04•............................... ................vhQ«« nriA* mi hi* .« .I,-.!A,- Tax, and the tax required by teet to a concrete monument, N.C.G.S. Section 7A-308 (a) (I), southwest comer of the within ■a. . . , described tract and the south- HmI iS d1^ J L (’ oast COfnef ot National Textiles above described are being of- «ook 119 .. p„ . ....fared tor sale -AS IS WHFRP (Uee0 BOOK 119 81 pa9e 313>- Publsh: July 9,16,23,30 on or before: OCTOBER 20th, ctrasP Prtce 80 Wd at the time, 2015. he shall remain liable on hto bid STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA This notice wifi be pleaded In as provided tor In N.C.G.S §45- COUNTY OF DAVIE bar of Ihelr recovery. Al persons, 21.30(d) and (e). This sale will NOTICE TO CREDITORS firms and corporations indebted to be held open ten (10) days forHAVING QUALIFIED as Exec- said estate are notified to make upset bids as required by law. utor of the Estate of GEORGE Immediate payment. An order for possession of the NATHAN ALLEN, late of Davie THIS THE 19TH OF JULY, property may be issued pur-County, this Is to notify al per- 2015. - — •- *------------- --sons, firms and corporations hav- WILLIAM L DAVIS, DECEASEDIng claims against said Estate to DAVIE COUNTY FILE present written dalm to the un- #2015 E 252 derslgned on or before October SHEUY DAVIS, EXECUTOR 16,2015, (being three (3| months PO SOX 296from the first day of pubScaikm of COOLEEMEE. NC 27614tftto notice) or this notice will be CRYSTAL 0. JAMES, pleaded in bar of their recovery. CO-EXECUTOR Al persons, firms and corpora- 505 DAVIE ACADEMY RD. tions indebted to said Estate wll MOCKSVILLE. NC 27028please make Immediate payment . ATTORNEY:to the undersigned. JAMES U CARTER, JR.This the 16th dayol July. 2015. 129 N. MAIN ST. Tfrn H. Allan, SALISBURY. NC 28144 written notice to the landlord. Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. EUs Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte. NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 httpV/shapltoattomoys.eom/hc/ 14-066948 Posted:____________ In Iavor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of su­ perior court of the county In Iered for sale ‘AS IS. WHERE IS* and will be sold subject to 'I superior Hens, unpaid taxes. right to sell the real property either as a group or on an in­ dividual basis whichever wil Publish: July 16.23 i with National Textiles I-O11U1 vwuit wi uflo WUiiiy in , , ,. . . . . . , „ . _ ,which Uie propefly B sokl Any “ hj Be WghK1 Ud(S). Oiher_ ■___ . . ' condlttonetfliillhaannnnnihaflaiconditions will be announced at the sale. The sale wil be held open for ten (10) days for upset bids as by law required. If the Substitute Trustee Is terminate the rent- unable to convey title to this agreement upon 10 days’ property for any reason, the ..............................................sole remedy of the purchaser is person who occupies the prop­ erty pursuant to a rental agree­ ment entered into or renewed on or after October I, 2007, may, " $ f a hwood IS NEWLY RENOVATED Bedrooms Pool/Coffee Bar800 Northrtdge Court Mocksville, NC 27028 m _ , (336) 751-9141 -DVDLibnhy www.northwoodapts-nc.com „ B12 ■ DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 23,2015 LEGAL NOTICES PUBllGNOTlCiFor Sale of County Property Pursuant to NCGS160A-269An offer of $100,000 has been submitted for the pur­ chase of property owned by the County of Davie, more particu­ larly described as follows: The County of Davle Is the fee simple owner of a cer­ tain 5.01 acres, more or less, tract of real estate on US Hwy 156 as recorded In Book 953, Page 906 of the Davle County Registry, North Carolina and listed as parcel Identification D700000193 with the Davle County tax office. Persons wishing to upset the offer that has been received shall submit a sealed bid with their offer to the office of the County Manager, 123 S. Main St., Mocksville, NC 27026, by 5:00 P.M., July 27, 2015. At that time the County shall open the bids, if any, and the highest qualifying bid will become the new offer. If there Is more than one bid In the highest amount, the first such bid received will become the new offer. A qualifying higher bid Is one that raises the existing of­ fer to an amount not less than $105,050. A qualifying higher bid must be accompanied by a deposit In the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid; the deposit may be made In cash, cashier's check, or certified check. The Coun­ ty will return the deposit on any bid not accepted, and will return the deposit on an offer subject to upset If a qualifying higher bid Is received. The County will return the deposit of the final high bidder at closing. The buyer must pay cash at closing. The County Board must ap­ prove the final high offer before the sale Is closed, which It will do within 30 days after the final upset bid period has passed. The County reserves the right to withdraw the property from sale at any time before the fi­ nal high bid Is accepted and the right to reject at any time all bids. This process Is In ac­cordance with North Carolina General Statute 160A-269. Further Information may be obtained at the office of the County Manager, 123 S. Main St., Mocksville, NC 27028 during normal business hours. Publish: July 16, 23 AMENDED NOTICE OF F0REC10SURE SBlE 13 SP 63 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain Deed of Trust made by Freddie L. Bryant and Shirley A. Bryant (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Shirley Bryant and Freddie Bryant, (Freddie Bryant aka Freddie L. Bryant, deceased)) to Norman L. Nl- fong, Trustee(S), dated the 20th day of November, 2002, and recorded In Book 450, Page 503, In Davle County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made In the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned. Substitute Trust­ee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Davle County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having di­ rected that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door In the City of Mocksville, Davie County, North Carolina,'or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales,' a t'1:45 PM on August 5, 2015 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated In the County of Da­ vie, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an Iron, the Southernmost corner of the within described tract, the Northeastern comer of WiHIam R. Clement (Deed Book 124, Page 249) and the Southwest­ ern corner of Agnes F. Hamp­ton (Deed Book 123, Page 274) and running thence with the line of William R. Clement North 73 degrees 57 minutes 38 sec­onds West 233.97 feet to an Iron, William R. Clement's cor­ ner; thence with Clement's line. North 05 degrees 17 minutes 14 seconds East 190.24 feet to an Iron, the Northernmost corner of the within described tract; thence with Peeples line South 68 degrees 06 minutes 44 seconds East 316.01 feet-to an Iron In the line of Agnes F. Hampton; thence with Hamp­ ton line South 32 degrees 54 minutes 40 seconds West 161.64 feet to the point and place of Beginning, containing 1.061 acres, more or less, and being the Identical property described In deed recorded In Book 165 at Page 825, DavIe CountyRegIstry, TogetherwIlh improvements located thereon; said property being located at 153 Bryant Lane, Mocksville, North Carolina. 'Together with the above-de­ scribed land there is a non-ex­clusive perpetual easement of Ingress and egress 20 feet In width, the Western boundary of which begins at the Northwest­ ern corner of the above-de­scribed lands and runs North 05 degrees 17 minutes 14 sec­onds East 190.24 feet to an Iron In the Southern right-of-way margin of a 16-foot roadway leading to U.S. Highway 64, said 20-foot easement to be appurtenant to the above-de­scribed lands and to run with the same In the hands of all persons whomsoever. Parcel ID Number: HS 000 000 5401 Trustee may, In the Trustee's sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided In NCGS §45-21.23. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a) (1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale Is being offered for sale, trans­fer and conveyance ‘AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Trust­ee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/ security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the of­ ficers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or autho­rized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmen­ tal, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all respon­sibilities or liabilities arising out of or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this proper­ty Is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or encumbranc­ es of record and any recorded releases. Said property Is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the pur­ chase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichev­ er Is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. An order for possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties In possession by the clerk of su­ perior court ol the county In which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rent­al agreement entered Into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the ef­fective date of the termination. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey Include, but are not limited to. the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and re­ instatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is chal­lenged by any party, the trust­ ee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no fur­ ther remedy. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SER­ VICES, INC.SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE P.O. Box 1028 4317 RamseyStreet Fayetteville, North Carolina 26311 https://sa!es.hutchenslawflrm. Case No: 1101827 (FC.FAY) PUBLISH; JULY 23,30 15 SR 124 NOTICE OF F0REC10SURE SAlENORTH CAROLINA, DAVlE COUNTY Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained In that certain Deed of Trust execut­ ed by Jeffrey V. Anderson and Kathy P. Anderson to South­ land Associates, Inc., Trust- ee(s), which was dated August 20, 2004 and recorded on August 25, 2004 In Book 567 at Page 808 and rerecorded/ modified/corrected on July 30, 2014 In Book 964, Page 454, Davle County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC1 having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust, and the hold­er of the note evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the proper­ty Is located, or the usual and customary location at the coun­ty courthouse for conducting the sale on August 3, 2015 at 11:30AM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated In Davle County, North Carolina, to wit: Beginning at an Iron axle In the Northern right of way mar­ gin of SR 1114 - (also known as ‘Swlcegood Street") the Southwest comer of the prop­ erty now or formerly owned by Elbert Stevenson Miller (Deed Book 659 Page 625 of the Da­ vie County Registry) and being also the Southeast corner of those lands described by Deed Book 129, Page 216, Davie County Registry and running thence with the Northern right of way margin of SR 1114 North 67 degrees 1 min. 42 sec. West 266.95 feet to an Iron pin found; thence N 30 deg. 49 min. 15 sec. West 22.01 feet to an Iron; thence N. '1 deg 21 mln. 45 sec E I2l.96feet to an iron; thence N. 24 deg 44 mln 4 sec E 28.39 feet to an iron; thence S 86 deg 52 mln 55 sec E 23.66 feet to an Iron; thence N 59 deg 2 mln 22 sec E 18.66 feet to an Iron; thence S 68 deg 28 mln 27 sec E 71,87 feet to an Iron; thence S 72 deg 23 mln 10 sec E 78.04 feet to an Iron; thence S 51 deg 46 mln 3 sec. E 16.15 feet to an iron; thence S 70 deg 30 mln 37 sec E 43.36 feet to an Iron; thence S 67 deg 23 mln 26 sec E 29.12 feet to an Iron; thence along the northern line of the property described by deed Book 129, Page 216, David County Registry S' 68 deg 14 mln 1 sec E 29.14 feet to an fron pin, e corner; thence S 2 deg 58 mln 17 sec W 103.52 fee to the BEGINNING con­ taining .98 acres more or less and being all of that property described In Deed Book 129, Page 216, along with a portion of that property described in Deed Book 63, Page 392 of the Davie County Registry. Save and except any releas­ es, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record. Said property is common­ ly known as 157 Swlcegood Street, Mocksville, NC 27028. A cash deposit (no per­sonal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is great­er, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the ex­piration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are Immediately due and owing. THIRD PARTY PURCHASERS MUST PAY THE EXCISE TAX AND THE RECORDING COSTS FOR THEIR DEED. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale Is being offered for sale, trans­ fer and conveyance ‘AS IS WHERE IS." There are no rep­resentations of warranty relat­ ing to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale Is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assess­ ments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or excep­tions of record. To the best of the knowledge end belief of the undersigned, the current own­ ers) of the property Is/are Jef­frey Van Anderson and wife, Kathy PresneN Anderson. An Order for possession of the property may be Issued pur­suant to G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties In posses­ sion by the clerk of superior court of the county In which the property Is sold. Any per­ son who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered Into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, af­ ter receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days’ written notice to the landlord. The notice shall also state that upon termina­ tion of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent due un­ der the rental agreement pro­ rated to the effective date of the termination. If the trustee Is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such Inability to convey Include, but are not limited to, the Iillng of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and re­ instatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale Is chal­ lenged by any party, the trust­ ee, fn their sole discretion, If Ihey believe the challenge to heve merit, may request the court Io declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no fur­ther remedy. Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 OIeanderDrive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE; (910)392-4988 FAX: (910)392-8587 iFIIe No.: 11-00865-FC01 1 PUBLISH: JULY 23,30 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 15 CVD 328 NOTICE OF SiRVICI OF PROCESS OYPVBIICATION JO SE m um cio To r r e s , ANA FRANCISCA MARTINEZ, Defendant. TO: ANA FRANCISCA MAR­ TINEZ, Defendant Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed In the above ac­tion. The nature of relief being sought Is as follows: Plaintiff Is seeking custody of your minor children. You are hereby required to make defense to such pleading no Iaterthan the 4th day of Sep­ tember, 2015 which Is 40 days from the first publication of this notice. Upon your failure to file a pleading by the above dale, party seeking service against you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This the 23rd day of July, 2015. Thomas A. Fagerll NC State Bar No. 10319 Attorney for Plaintiff Post Office Box 2468 Yadklnvllle.NC 27055 Telephone: (336) 677-3772 Publish: July 23,30; Aug. 6 PORllC NOTICE Pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 131E-13(d), the Board of Commissioner (the ‘Board") of Davle County (the "County") is providing notice that It plans to consider declaring Its Intent to sell or otherwise convey Hs home health agency, Oavle County Home Health Agency, In a manner consistent with the governmental purpose and which ensures the continued provision of quality care to the communities it serves, at its regular meeting to be held at 6:00 pm on Monday, August 3, 2015. Upon such declaration of In­ tent, the Board plans to Issue a Request For Proposal ("RFP"), related to the sale of Its home health agency. By this Notice, the Board also solicits any other party Interested In participating In the RFP to contact the Davle County Manager, Mr. Mike Ruf­ fin, In writing by August 3, 2015 at mruffln@daviecountync.gov. Upon receipt of an acceptable proposal, If any, as shall be determined by the Board In Its sole discretion, the Board in­ tends to negotiate terms with the applicable respondent In a manner consistent with Hs gov­ ernmental purpose. StacyA Moyer Interim Clerk to the Board of Davle County Commis­ sioners Publish: July 23,30 Crossword Answers Sudoku Solution SWAT DARK G O S EITlA W A T IC IHIM A N □Elia EIIlBB QBDBQ BBBB BDBBBQ BBBB Q Q C lH Q BBQB BQBB BDBBD QBDB QBDQ BBBD B BBB BBQB 6 8 2 7 9 5 3 4 9 5 2 6 3 4 7 8 7 3 4 5 8 6 9 2 5 7 3 9 4 6 8 2 1 2 9 3 8 5 7 4 6 8 4 6 7 2 3 5 9 2 6 7 4 1 3 9 8 5 3 8 1 5 9 2 4 6 7 4 9 5 8 6 7 2 1 3 TURN=KEY!Please com a me MOCKSVILLE: (336)751-8567 RALEIGH: (919) 733-5904 300 N. Salisbuiy SL Raleigh, NC 27603-5925 Email: juliah@ndeg.net LookforusonFacebooket RepJuIIa Howard innm IfeW. L o o l a j r 6 WhoIs 50!!!Vh*?; - ^ —HIIIIH,---- ' - t u :,su r/ CON STRUCTION INCLUDED IN PR IC IN G -r^ 1us- st°!eM®- N?l’ Concrete Foolers Pet PlanGlockAnd Stucco Foundation Pet Plan, One Day Crane Service, Piolesslonal Set On Foundation. HVAC System Heat Pump SHed To Home, Plumbing & Elecfrtc Hook Ups To EXstIng Service. Inlertor And Exterior Trim Out 2 Qudlly Steps Built To Code. More Included, Please AskFor Delollsl srymm. Ch o k e mtftstcnolcestatesmeliom Love. M o m , M r. B., D a d , J Bobby, Kelly, H arley C a se y an d B u tc h DAVlfe C O . E N T E R P R IS E -R E C O R D DAVIE-CLEMMONS TOLL f r e e 1-877-751-2120 O R 704-7974220 T H U R SD A Y , JU L Y 2 3 , 2 0 1 5 • B 13 Callus lMonday-Friday 8-5 Joana Kristin Deadline to have your classified ad in the next issue: Tuesday 3 P.M. Erpail: C lassads@ salisburypost.com OR pIace your ad online at: Salisburypost.com arid click 'Place C lassified Ad’ Employment irtuhltles Other P T M a in te n a n c e C u sto d ia n . A pprox. 3 0 h rs. C lem m o n s R rst Baptist C hurch. P le a s e call 336- 766-6486 o r em ail o e rs o n n e ia cfbctodav.org. Jo b description available u p o n req u est. Auctions KSaIes Peals & Rargalas Fiy rocs A reels (4). $50 for all. Call 704-278-9527 after 6pm or leave message. Freshwater rods $ reels (3). $35 for all. Call 704-276-9527 alter 6pm or leave message. Mockevllle. 356 Gladstone Nd. BIG 2-Famlly Yard Sale. Fri. 7/24 & Sat. 7/25, 8am-3pm. Dorm re­frigerator, toots. Like new boys' 10- 12 school clothes, skateboards, football helmet, household goods, —'ih more. Reln or shine. Mocksville.477 Plnebreok Sehool Rd.Ybrd Sale fundraiser for Susan Athey. Saturday, July 25, 7am- 12pm. Plnebrook Elementary School.Clothing; shoes; household Hems, big and small; children’s books and toys, baked goods.Reserve one parking spot and ta­ble for $20, add'l 6paees are $10. Call 338-998-3666 for more Inter, matlon or to resen/a your space. Merchandise AB Lounge Ultra CD Instructions. Great ab work­out! Excellent Ccnd. $50 Call 704- 855-6353. Crattsraan mower with 42" deck, 19.5hp Briggs engine. 3 plastic bag- Sier. Needs deck belt replaced, (belt urntshod) $300 firm. 704-223-2701 Curlo cabinet, lighted oak, 5 shelves, beautiful $300. Landis. 704-920-0689 Gazelle GilderTony Little" Gazelle Glider with meter, cup holder. Excellent Cond. $35 704-855-6353 SIrIiSbIkelZO",light blue. Good condition. $30. 704-639-9107 Ladles beach bike vrnelmet $150. Landis. Call 704- I-0669 for more Information. SafaForSaIeLirown leather sofa (very good co dltlon) $200. Call 704-431-4009 Swimming Pool LInBr New In box. 12' round by 4’ deep. $100. Call 336-998-7011 Swimming Pool LinerNew In box. 15' round by 4’ deep. $100. Call 336-998-7011 TablesforsaleLarge coffee table & 2 end tables - traditional style by Thomasvllle. Sold as a set. $125.704-431-4009 Washer and dryer Westlnghouse, heavy duty. $125 each or $225 for both. Call 704- 239-4271. Wooden rocking chair, child's. iVhlle, Like new. $35. Please ca /04-639-9107 Lawn & Garden Murray 42” Riding Mower with Bagger, In great condition. $400.704-279-8674 after 6 pm. Miscellaneous Didn't Get A Paper? Call Circulation at 704-797-4213 Monday-Frlday 8 AM to 5 PM LIgM Curlo CabinetGlass shelves (4). 71' H, 20' W Light Maple wood. $100. Please call 704-433-9328 To Place A Classified Ad CallToll Free 1-877-751-2120Monday-Frfday 8 AM to 5 PM Peis & Livestock Cats FREE KITTENS7 Free kittens. Grey & white. Utter box trained. Boy & girls. 704-210- 2913 11am to 9pm Free To Good HomesFive kittens, black and white, and 1 orange. 8 weeks old. 704-267- 5673. Dngs Plt-bull, black/whlte, full blooded, house trained, comes with dog house, 1 year old. 704-232-1150 FREE PUPPIES, Mixed breed. 6 weeks old. Need good, loving homes. Call 704-638-6476 Kill (leas on contact on dogs and cats with DD-33 flea mfst. Lasts longer. Pleasant odor. Contains NO Rpronlll SMtTHERMAN’S HARDWARE 336-766-9109 www.happylack.com Notices G d h O ia fN b tlG ie s!! Didn't Get A Paper?Call Circulation at 704-797-4213 Monday-Frlday 8 AM to 5 PM lost & Found Found - Block adult male cat very friendly. Catawba College area. Call 704-647-4771. Found brown & white male dog no tags or chip. Windmill Rldge & Glen Heather area oft Hwy 150. Call 704-798-2585 to Identify. Found Pit/Sozer mix, female. Tan w/ white. In Rockwell, off 152 on Sunday morning. Super sweet. Call 704-431-2323 FREE Beautiful Kittens.UOer trained. Please call Brenda 336-671-3799 Lost dog. White and brown spotted. Hasred . call 704-467-1698 anytime. Rockwell area. LostfiFound Manqtactnred ,. Home Real Estate HomesForSale dining room, kitchen. Open con­cert. 2 storage buildings. Tax val­ue: $94,600. Asking $80,000. Call 336-751-5925 Salisbury, Far Sole By Owner 3 BH, 1 71005.BA, 1200 /.M jl sq.ft. A jijfe m : eled,Walmart.$59,999 Cali MIehaeI at 704-433- 6019. Sparta, HC • Mountain Home For saie By Owner 3 BR, 2 BA home on sleeping loft, open living area w/flreplaee & hardwood floors, lg. covered rocking chair porch & back porch, cool mountain air, long range mountain views,. '> garage & detached storage bldg. Illng furnished for $238,000. Call -938-1569 or 704-310-0885 To Place A Classified AdCallToIlFree 1-877-751-2120Monday-Frlday 8 AM to S PM Land For Sale area, 35+/- seres, wooded, paved road frontage, stream. Exeolisnt acreage home site or hunting property. Priced to sell $135,000 Chris Miller, Broker, 704-577-7082 AFMLandSaIes. com For Info Text LAND23 to In Country. 2BR mobile home. Partly furnished. Not pets. ssOO/ mo. + deposit & ref. 336-284-4758 Apartments Mocksville • sunset Terrace Apts.. 1 4 2 SR. all appl. Central H/A. Starting at $450. Call 336-751-0168 NOW LEASING! Brenner Crossing Apartments Salisbury’s NewesIAIfordabIe . Apartment Community Call today or vlalt our temporary leasing office at 633 Forney Street Salisbury,NC 28144 1-666-751-9701 www.brennemrosslng.com Si. NUSBAUM Realty Cof=Y HousesForR eiitr Century 21 Triad Rental Properties available in various price ranges In Oavio County, Forsyth and surround­ing counties. For Information on all Rentals plea6e go to:WWW.CENTUR- Y21TRIAD.COM. Click yellow 336-751-5555 CooIeemes Area2BR. Stove, refrig., central alr/ heat. No Inside pets. $500/mo. * dep. 336-284-5040. Ask for Nancy Moeksvllia 2295 Kwy 601S, 3BR, 1BA house, appls., heat pump, $675/mo. + $675 dep. No Inside pets. 336-996-7003 Houses For Rent • Mocksville area. 3BR, 2BA, good location. Outbuilding. $695/mo. No pets. Call 336-909-0864. MnhufaGfured HnnihsForRent Harmony, 3BR, 2BA. Private lot. central air, lawn care provided. $450/mo. + dep. Call 704-546- 2133 or 704-880-7372 Mobile homes for rent. 2 & 3BH ShadyAcresMHR John Crotts Rd., Mocksville. HUD accepted. No pets. 336-909-2092 Oi .................... Mocksville, 2BR.1BAmobile home, new flooring, AB­SOLUTELY NO PETS. $450/mo. + $300 dep. 336-940-2515 Mocksville. Mobile Home for rent. 3BR, 1.5BA, on private lot. NO pets. Please call 336-618-1426 Automhbiles To Place A Classified Ad CallToll Free 1-877-751-2120Monday-FrIday B AM to 5 PM BoatsfiW htercraft 25' Remington Pontoon boat, 2000. New Interior & cover. Low hours. 70hp. $13999.336-575-2101 Trucks, SUVs fi.Vans ' Didn't Get A Paper?Call Circulation at 704-797-4213 Monday-Friday 8 AM to 5 PM Services 'Servici "I WILL REMOVE ALL NON-RUN­NING RIDING MOWERS & ANY OUTDOOR POWER EQUIP & GOLF CARTS. FREE. MocksWW Cooleemee area. 704-6470036 U n e m p l o y e d o r N e e d a N e w J o b ? D o n ’t S e a rc h E v ery w h ere. W e H ave D o n e T h a t F or You. Salisbury. NC More jobs than ever [ before in one place!" Job match alerts Resume & profile management One click application process JobsJpflrinlfln - CmitMyijIar.' , AflMbury, lie O11I 1S WJltS Z aua SflBflbury. NC I/ ' * * * SflCbury NC NEW. Real-Time Job Matching™ eliminates time-consuming and inaccurate keyword searching II$ S a ta r m S a lisb u r y lJ P o st | CLASSIFIEDS 1704-797-4220 §j Partnered w ith RealM atch & TheJobNetwork m Search done on Thursday, July 11,2013. Results could be higher or lower depending on the day of your search. j| B14 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 23,2015 PICKLES BYBRIAN CRANE SRAMMA ANOI UAVfESEEN MARRtEP SO LONS, INE CAN ACTUAtLV REAP Ea c h p i u e r i E M i n p s , OU1VEAU, WAtCH THIS. I'LLHrlL SRAMMA a J o k e u s in g ONLV t o n V E A H ? TH EN U otN C O M E SH E 'S N O T L A U S H IN G f SEEtH EREf I JU S ttO L PUER A VERV FUNNV JOKE OH1GRAMma NEVER LAUSUS A t MV JOKES DUSTIN BY STEVE KELLEY & JEFF PARKER THE BtlJE BAttO O NB A fE YOU PON TFILLEP WITH COLP WATEP ANP THE PEP BALLOONS APE FILLEP WITH HOT- WANT TO MOTHER GOOSE & GRIMM WHATARe I MAKm MVSSCF rOU OOIMfcr A PSAMOTBUTHZR 'W ipjeutf sans> BY MIKE PETERS SAtfCOOLPftDO MAKE QMS FOR RRI6NE? BOB? B O B W O R K S F O R T H E FPA1TWE RXJtMN t> PRU& ADMINISTRA­ TION!. ----------- ISMt 7HAT T H E A S S M C iIi THAT AttOWS RAT PUNS/,, CIGARETTfi STUBS AWP IMSfiCTFARrs IN OUR FtOOPf NOTTO WORRft THOSETHINGSARfi PfiRFfiCUV SAFfi, ANPlM MOPfiRATiON WIU NOT HORTVOU POOR B u r i S A N P J a p a n e s e BfifiUfiS K N o w lllI A i e a ,, HSRfiS VOUR P B & 3 PvN P J f _ TU N D R A S YET ANOTHER CELEBRITY WARPR08E MALFUNCTION 00P5IE P/VISYf RPB6ET THE PICNICS, SAMS' WEVE HIT THE MOTHER COPE! flfeftgfifitaC r E aG L iIILfitU i Orcas Finish Strong Oak Valley Swim Team Hosts Championship Meet __________Page B6 Singing Pilot Young Man Working To Make Dreams Come True Page Cl D A V I E C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/ENRECORD Lyndsy and Pete Gallins and their son Michael at the site of their composting business - behind their house and on property adjacent to the new Davie County High School under construction on Farmington Road. - P hoto by R obin Snow Carolina Dynamite Composter Working To Reduce Food Waste Into Landfills By B eth C assidy E nterprise R ecord It's a little m ind boggling to think that a big pile o f garbage can becom e som ething bene­ ficial, and for som e people, it m ight not be the m ost exciting topic, but Pete G aIiins gets pretty anim ated w hen asked how com post is m ade. In fact, G ailins w ent to col­ lege at the U niversity of W yo­ m ing to study business, but an agriculture class provided an “aha” niom ent, w hen he real­ ized studying crops and soils w as w ay m ore interesting. A fter earning a degree in agronom y, G allins m oved back east. He grew up in food service, bussing tables, and w orking in cafeterias and on vending m a­ chines w ith his fam ily’s busi­ ness, G allins Foods. H e saw firsthand the enorm ous am ount o f food w aste that ended up in landfills, and w hen he had the opportunity in college to be part o f a com posting project, an idea w as bom . Fast forw ard a few years. G allins and his w ife Lyndsy bought the Reavis farm off R ocky D ale L ane in Farm ing­ ton. T heir m odestw hite farm ­ house sits on a knoll at the farm , w here chickens, goats, cats, and a dog share the 150 acres w ith the new est G atlins, 3-m onth-old M ichael. U nder an enorm ous pe­ can tree is w here the couple m arried. B am s and a m ilking parlor dot the property, and at the bottom o f the yard,500 feet from the house, is w here G allins m akes com post. G allins explained about how organic m aterial - food w aste, napkins and paper goods - is broken dow n by m icroor­ ganism s, a process that takes four to six m onths, The food w aste is trucked into a shed on the farm ; m aterial that is not com postable is separated, T he w aste that w ill becom e com post sits on a concrete pad for a short period o f tim e until it reaches an optim al tem pera­ ture and is m oved to a field a few feet away. The row s o f w aste are turned periodically by a w indrow com post turner that G allins w as able to purchase after being aw arded a grant by the N C Recycling Business A ssistance Center. The turner m akes the w ork faster and helps control odor, G allins said. It is one o f the few new er pieces o f equipm ent G allins ow ns; m ost o f w hat he uses is old dairy farm equipm ent that he has m odified for his use. “This is a pretty low -tech operation,” G allins said. O nce the process is com ­ plete, the end result is Carolina D ynam ite C om post, a fine, rich, organic com post that sells for $8 a bag. It is available at a few W inston-Salem area retailers, and G allins sells it at the farm . H e has also donated bags to com m unity gardens. T he com post is so rich, he said, that it only takes a sm all am ount w orked into soil to produce healthy, beautiful plants and flow ers. “In som e w ays, it is a com ­ plete fertilizer,” G allins said, referring to the m ultitude of m icronutrients that are present in the com post. It's not a big operation. G allins and Lyndsy are two o f the three-m an team , w ith Lyndsy doing billing and paperw ork, M atthew Polivka driving the dum p truck and G aIlins handling everything else. T he w aste com es from various places, including C ataw ba College, W ake Forest U niversity, Forsyth Country D ay School, Sum m it School, the N orth Carolina School of the A rts, Salem C ollege, and V F Jeansw ear in M ocksville. 2 Shot In Separate Incidents ‘Lost’ Victim Calls 911 By M ike Barnhardt Enterprise Record A t 2:15 a.m . last Friday, D a­ vie C om m unications received a 911 call from a m an w ho said he had been shot. H e didn’t know w here he w as - he ju st said he w as on a gravel road. U sing G PS tracking on his cell phone, they found the w hite m an bleeding - just off W yo Road at the entrance to the Farm ington Pet Cem etery. He w as identified as Justin M obley, 24, a hom eless m an of W inston-Salem . “H e had been shot m ultiple tim es,” said Sheriff’s C hief J .D . H artm an. “H e didn’t know w here he w as.” - M obley is still in the hos­ pital, w here he has undergone m ultiple surgeries. The only hints he has given to w hat hap­ pened was on the scene that night, w hen he said “silver V W ,” H artm an said. A nyone w ith inform ation is asked to call D et. Terry Carter at 751-5547. Neighbor Shot After Request E arly Saturday m orning, A lexis M orris and her room ­ m ate couldn't sleep because o f a ruckus going on at the end o f her drivew ay on Sw icegood Street, ju st outside o f C oolee­ m ee. T hey asked the people argu­ ing to leave. AU did but one. A s they retreated to their residence, a m an follow ed them - firing a shotgun blast as they w ere about to enter their residence. Please See Com post - Page 10 Please See Shootings - Page 4 County Plans To Sell Home Health Agency It w asn’t an easy decision. It T h e p la n is d e p e n d e n to n t t . . „ given to ensuring that our pa- w asn't that difficult, either. county com m issoners adopting ® W a n t tO 3 S S U T 6 p a tlG m S a n a S tatT t h a t tients receive the sam e level of C ounty M anager M ike R uf- a declaration o f intent to sell at y y g a r g a d v O C a tih Q f o r th S IT I ” quality care w e are now pro- fin announced last w eek the its m eeting M onday evening. _ . ' ^ viding. county’s intent to sell the hom e R uffin said reim b ursem ents - County Manager Nllke Ruffin ..We to work c ioseiy . health agency operated through as a result o f the A ffordable paym ent rates, m aking it near- include a num ber of details, in- w ith staff w ho are affected by the D avie County H ealth D e- Care A ct are som e o f the m ain Iy im possible for sm all depart- eluding the possibility of future the sale throughout the process partm ent. reasons for the change. m ents such as ours to even em ploym ent for current hom e to answ er questions and hope- T he hard part o f the deci- “Several factors have con- breakeven. health staff by the new entity, fully secure em ploym ent for sion: 18 people w ill be losing tributed to the decline o f the “We recognize the financial The sale should be com pleted them w ith the new buyer. We their jobs w ith the county. The agency - none o f w hich are the loss the departm ent is experi- by the end o f the year, Ruffin w ant to assure our patients and easy part: the county has been fault o f county hom e health encing and consider this our said. staff that we are advocating for losing about $312,000 per year, em ployees,” he said. “The best course o f action for D a- “This is a tough decision them during this process. Ruffin said he thinks that 15 changes in hom e health ser- vie County and the patients w e for all involved, but in order “T he successful purchaser or so of the em ployees could be vices reim bursem ents have serve.” to m ake up the loss o f hom e w ill be a com pany that em brac- hired by the purchasing agen- had a significant im pact on If com m issioners approve health revenues and ultim ately es the values and philosophy cy; and the other three w ill be our departm ent. T he effects o f the intent, the county w ill ac- avoid a funding crisis, w e fee! w e have show n in providing in line for county jobs w hen m anaged care the the A fford- cept proposals from other hom e this is in the best interest o f all this im portant service,” Ruffin they becom e available.' able Care A ct have decreased health agencies. Proposals w ill parties. H igh priority w ill be said. 689076382120 2 • DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 30,2015 Editorial Page Professor’s Gift Sent Smart Girl Off To College The little girl from the headwaters of Bear Creek hap­ pily walked the two miles to the bus stop every morning in first grade. At Farmington School, amid a class of boys and girls, she could escape the loneliness of the remote tobacco farm. When it rained her father plopped her atop the plow mule to keep her out of the mud as he led her to the bus stop at Elmore’s Store Road. They hod no way of ■ knowing if school was cancelled. I Sometimes the bus didn’t come. The next year she learned the I great advantage of having three I considerably older brothers: One I of them drove the bus. Her father, Robert Smoot, was I a justice of the peace. He occa- I sionally married young couples I on the front steps of the family I home. He dammed the shallow I creek on the farm in summer to pond enough water for Bear Creek Baptist Church to have its baptisms. Ciris in white dresses and boys in white shirts would be dunked In the water and emerge ... wearing gray. Robeit and wife Mattie Eaton Smoot had set aside money to send their daughter to college ... until he fell deathly ill. A long hospital stay exhausted the.family’s savings. Adding to their woes, two sons had joined the U.S. Navy during World War II and the third lived in Salisbury. Mattie and her daughter struggled to plant the crops that spring, but it was a poor harvest. The dream of college for the smart little girl, valedicto­ rian of the Farmington High Class of 1942, seemed hope­ less. Maybe then God stepped iri. A letter arrived from Or­ egon. A great uncle she had never met, Robert Wilketson, a college professor, invited young Madeleine to come out to Oregon. He and his wife, a childless couple, invited her to their home. They would pay for ail her college ex­ penses — everything. She couldn’t accept. IWo brothers were away at war. Her father was ill. And she had barely ventured outside Davie County. Professor Wilkerson’s generosity would not be de­ terred. He sent a check for $300 — enough to pay for young Madeleine’s tuition for the first year at Appala­ chian State Teacher’s College. The joys of school would become a fixture in her life. She taught at Mocksville High and Farmington High. After a 20-year hiatus to raise six children, she taught the wonders of chemistry to legions of teens at Davie High. I am one of the six children. My mother, Madeleine Smoot Sparks, tums 90 this week. Her lifespan has included wars, economic booms and upheavals, and an array of presidents all the way back to Herbert Hoover. She has witnessed a host of inventions of labor saving devices. Last year she joined Facebook. I have always been amazed at her strength of character, good humor, generous spirit and tenacity in the face of trouble. The character-building lessons of the Bear Creek tobacco farm were not lost on her. Professor Wilkerson’s generosity also amazes me. His check allowed her to escape the tobacco field where she had to hoe weeds and pluck yucky green worms from the tobacco leaves by hand. A boy from Farmington courted her heavily, finally winning her hand. They were frugal, hard working and Cod-fearing. Johnny Sparks and my grandfather sawed the timber and did most of the work to build a four-room house on Spillman Road. The young couple moved in before construction was finished. They painted walls, fin­ ished the flooring and added a bathroom... as they could afford it. In turn, the six children joined the family dairy enter­ prise, all helping milk cows at night or morning. Cow ma­ nure has always been a fact of life for me. I’m hoping it built character. My mother’s example has always been an inspiration for me. I love her a lot. — Dwight Sparks In The M ail ... C arter’s P aranoia Com ical To the editor: Mt. Carter’s comical paranoia of an imaginary “ungodly ... right-wing fundamentalism” is reminiscent of Hill­ ary Clinton’s “vast right-wing conspiracy.” His amusing claims that our nation’s "founders probably wouldn’t be able to pass as members of even the most liberal Christian congregation today” and that they “envisioned a govern­ ment that was completely secular” is a distortion of history and another example of bur flawed educational system. Nearly all of the signers of the Declaration of Indepen­ dents, the Articles of Confederation and the Ccmstitution of the United States of America, held some type of Christian religious affiliation and the majority of them had some type of formal seminary training. The distortions of history creates distorted opinions. Kurt Musselman, Mocksville Longing For An Old-Time Homecoming To the editor: I remember when I was a little girl, homecoming at church meant something special. I always got a new dress and maybe new shoes, too. We children were given speech­ es to Ieam by heart. No carrying a piece'of paper up and reading it,.no sir. And songs, too. We always sang “Jesus Loves Me” and some of us had solos. We were nervous, but proud, when we did it right. Then a visiting minister would give a message about old times and old friends and the final great homecoming in heaven with all our loved ones and the Lord. I remember wondering one time if we would eat there, too. Of course I never asked any questions like that. I never asked any questions at all. Sit still and be quiet • or else. I did not want to know what or else included. After the sermon (which always seemed way too long) we had dinner on the grounds. Foralong time, I wondered why we didn't eat sitting on the ground. I didn’t ask about that, either. When dinner was over, we went back to the sanctuary for the afternoon singing. Our choir would start it off with several favorites. I guess from the time I was 12 or so, I sang in the choir. I had to. My brother was choir director and that was just how it was. Don’t get me wrong, I loved being in the choir. It made me feel “big.” I always sang alto, still do to this day. We’d sing a few songs and then the guest group would get up and sing some more. Afternoon singing was great. Some folks didn’t stay. Some folks went to sleep. Most of us just sang along and loved it. I miss the old homecomings. I wish we could slow down and visit more often. I wish the children could have a part in our service. Maybe then they would stay with our churches and not go looking for somewhere else to belong. I guess I’m just too old. Nowadays, homecoming is almost just another Sunday service. The special singing is done first thing in the morn­ ing, not after lunch. We don't have dinner at noon, just lunch. We do have a visiting minister but the sermon better be over by noon or folks start to wiggle and glance at their watches. Then we all troop to the fellowship hall and eat our lunch and gather up the leftovers and get out of there as quickly as we can. The ones who have come from far away have little time to talk and find out what’s been going on over the past year. Of course, what with Facebook and E-mail and tweet and twitter, they mostly already know. I miss all the excitement of homecoming. I miss all the folks who aren’t here anymore. I wish we could take the time to enjoy our life more. Maybe I just miss ... what? The past? No, I miss the closeness, the fellowship that my parents shared with their friends on.homecoming, I guess I just am looking for something that is gone. I guess I’ll just have to wait until the final homecom­ ing when all this will be like I remember it. And we can sit down by the river and with rapture, old acquaintances renew. Sandra Vance, Mocksville Youth Making A Positive Impact DAVlB COUNTY ENTERPRI/E^ECORD USPS149-160 171 S. Main St.. P.O. Box 99. Mocksville, NC 27026 (336)751-2120 Published weekly by Salisbury Newsmecia LLC Mike Bamhardl.......Ray Tbtlerow........... Brian PKts............... ...Managing Editor ...Advertising Director ...Sports Editor Periodicals Postage Paid in Mocksville, NC 27028 Subscription Rates Single Copy, 50 Cents 526.69 Per Year In NC; $32.03 outside N.C. POSTMASTER Send Address Changes to: Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 To the editor: With all the recent tumultuous events in the news, have you ever wondered what the world is coming to? Admit­ tedly, everything seems to be spiraling downward as fast as it can go, but we all still have a chance to impact our community's future. This is what has been on my mind for the last several months. As a young person myself (I am 16), I know that the world I live in will be worse off unless we caii make a positive impact on the youth of today. I believe that one way to secure our youth for tomorrow is through the min­ istries of the church. That's the reason why my church is organizing the "Stand Up For Jesus" Youth Service, which will be held Never Forget Your Roots To the editor: My dad, Mr. George Barney, had only one sister, Ella Bamey Foster. She had U children. AU have passed away except one, Lucille Foster Otrell of Advance, who is al­ most 95 years old. There were seven of us with only three remaining. My brother, Paul Barney, almost 92, and sister, Bla Bar­ ney Smith and I went to visit Lucille last week. We enjoyed it so very much, exchanging pictures and recalling child­ hood memories of our families visiting each other, even making ice cream, even though times were hard back then. Lucille's son, Douglas, was there and enlightened on many'of our precious memories. No matter what we achieve in life, if anything, we must never forget our roots and background. Bobbie Bamey Shoaf Mocksville on Aug. I at 6 pan., at Liberty Baptist Church, 2433 Lib­ erty Church Road, Mocksville. I would like to invite all the area churches, and especially church youth groups, to this service. My desire is that through this service, church youth will be encouraged to stand up for Jesus in the upcoming school year. Jonathan Whitaker, a 2015 graduate of Davie County Early College, and Cameron Dula, will preach. A meal will be provided after the service. Any questions may be directed to libertybaptistmoeks- ville® gm aiU om , and you can also visit Liberty Baptist Church's website at wwwn2lbcjirg to Ieam more. Benjamin Phillips Mocksville Letters Welcome The Enterprise Record welcomes letters from its readers on topics of local, state, national or in­ ternational issues. An effort will be made to print all letters, provided they are not libelous, vulgar or in poor taste. The editor reserves the right to edit letters for grammar and for space. AU letters should include the name and address of the writer, including a signature. A telephone number, not to be published, is also requested.' Please have letters in the newspaper office no later than 4 p.ra. Monday of the week to be published. Davie County Enterprise Recoid P.O. Box, 99, Mocksville, davie3@centurylink.net. DAVIE COUNTY EN TER PR ISE REC O R D , Thursday, July 30,2015 - 3 Writer Designs God That Fits Misguided Beliefs To the editor I was saddened by the recent letter in the Davie County Enterprise Record titled “Right-wing fundamentalism Un­ godly. rhe writer has obviously designed his own little god, a god that fits with his own misguided beliefs. He wrote what he called a sermon to right-wing fundamen­ talists in an attempt to brow-beat and to intimidate them into silence. He tried to portray himself as a historian and a theologian. However, as I read the article I realized he is neither. He made the statement: “There is an extensive amount of evidence to suggest that our founders envisioned a gov- smment that was completely secular,” but then offered no evidence to support the claim. He also stated: “The separa­ tion of church and state was thought to be essential to ere- 'ting a society where people were free from convectional yranny.”Another unsupported false claim. The truth is, if one reads the writings of the founders and Jie original founding documents, one can see that the writ- ir’s claims are absolutely baseless. For example, Patrick Henry, a well-known American patriot said: “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on eligions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very eason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, Raleigh Report Monuments Bill Passes By Julia C. Howard NC House of Representatives The big news out of Raleigh is the passage of ■Senate Bill 22, dubbed the MonumenU Bill, which will protect North Carolina's historic markers and monu- menu. It’s an important bill that comes to us at a period where many monumenU :ire facing opposition that :ieeks to remove objecu of cultural significance. The Senate shut down all of iu committees. This is !iignificant in that it marks u serious hold on legisla­ tive business until the House and Senate reach a compromise on the budget. Everybody is holding bill Iiosuges and hunkering down for a long, drawn-out negotiation process. I hope we can get to a pro-growth, pro-business, pro-North Carolina compromise soon. SB22 only contained l>rovisions to protect the ' j:tQrage and disposal of old North Carolina and United States flags, but due to iecent events, the bill was i;iven the opportunity to J tand for more. In April, ihe Senate added section 3 to the bill, which creates a class for certain monumenU iirtd historic markers called “objecU of remembrance.” Objects that fit this deflni- lion would be protected from removal from public j paces on account of politi­ cal meddling. The bill came ntjust the right time to start protecting these historic objects; just this week, one of the monumenU memori- z-lizing the contribution of southern women during the Civil War was defaced with graffiti. ■The $1.42 million roundabout project on US 158 in Bermuda Run, awarded to Lareo Construc­ tion in 2014, continues to move towards iu Novem­ ber completion date. Some constituenU have expressed concerns regarding dis­ rupted traffic flow. Town Manager Lee RcflIins had this to say: "The US 158 Bermuda Run Roundabout Project completion date is contracted for November 5,2015. The contractor has focused the begin­ ning phases of the project around the perimeter areas of US 158. This is to ensure the roundabout design on US 158 fiu properly for drainage and smooth driv­ ing. As portions of each phase of the project have been complete, the Town and the contractor, with review by NCDOT are con­ sistently double checking elevation poinU and slopes that tie the project together. AU parties have worked diligently to mitigate traffic flow issues throughout the project.". If you have any ques­ tions or concerns regard­ ing the Bermuda Run roundabout, contact my office and we'll look into any issues. I am pleased to hear that all parties believe that traffic disruption is being addressed and that the project is on-course for completion in November. Legislative Office: 919-733-5904; Mocksville Office: 751 £567. Julia. Howard@nclegJtet. prosperity, and freedom to worship here.” General George Washington, a general during the Revo­ lutionary War and our nation’s first President, said: “It is impossible to govern rightly without God and the Bible.” Daniel Webster said: “If religious books are not widely cir­ culated among the masses in this country, I do not know what is going to become of us as a nation. If truth is not diffused, error will be. If the power of the Gospel is not felt throughout the length and breadth of the land, anarchy and misrule, degradation and misery, corruption and dark­ ness will reign without mitigation or end.” I could go on with additional quotes but for the sake of space will leave it there. But I ask you, does that sound like our founders “envisioned a government that was completely secular” or that they thought “the separation of church and state to be essential ...”7 Any honest individual should recognize the difference between truth and error. The writer’s distortion of American history didn’t sad­ den me near as much as his twisting of Scripture to support his views approving of those who practice homosexuality and lesbianism. I was unimpressed with his use of Scrip­ ture, as even Satan quoted Scripture to Jesus during His 40 days of testing in the wilderness (Luke 4: 1-13). The writer selected verses that only point out Jesus’ love and-care for every member of the human race. No problem there, but he never mentioned, not even once, the need for repentance (a turning away from sin) before a person can be restored to fellowship with God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. However, Jesus Himself said; “...but unless -you repent you will all likewise perish.’’(Luke 13:3). The little god that the writer has designed in his own mind is obviously not a god of justice and judgment, only a god of love. How convenient. As long as you claim Jesus’ name you can live like the devil, continue in sin and every­ thing will be alright. The truth is that the Word of God says: “But the ... sexually immoral ... and all liars shall have their part in the lake which bums with fire and brimstone... (Rev. 21:8). IfGod were not also a God of judgment why would the Scriptures say; “it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God”? (Heb. 10:31). That’s God’s truth, and if you love people you tell them the truth, and that isn’t hate. If we don’t warn sinners of where they are headed unless they turn from their sin then we are not do­ ing what Christ has called us to do. Whether they heed (he warning or not is their responsibility. The writer said; “Hate is incompatible with the moving of the Holy Spirit" and “Hate isn’t a Christian value.” I would simply refer him to Proverbs 6:16-19 where God mentions seven things He “hates," Since Christians are called to be Christ-like, why are we not to bate the same things God hales? He hates sin, not the sinner, but He does require sinners to repent in order to avoid His coming wrath. The writer was correct when he said; ‘The Gospel saves people.” However, he left out the most important part of the Gospel message. A person must first admit they arc lost in sin, and then turn from it in order for the blood of Christ to cleanse them (IJohn 1:7). The death, burial affd resur­ rection of Jesus Christ is sufficient to save anyone, but it is only efficient for those who humble themselves, turn away from their sin and turn to Christ as Savior. Doyle Seymour, Mocksville Storehouse Still Providing School Supplies To the editor: It has been 18 wonderful years that Storehouse has been privileged to distribute school supplies to Davie children. We have been blessed with donations from eveiy area of Davie County and even beyond. The Surf Club, made up of high school teens, is a great group of young people that always share their time in help­ ing us pack. We also had a church youth group helping this year along with our volunteers. Wet Towel Makes Man’s Day To the editor: I would like to say a big thank you to the kind lady who saw me cutting down a tree in my nieghbor's front yard this past week in 90-degree weather and who stopped along the road and approached me with the greeting of “God just told me that you needed this cold wet towel on your neck.” And with that, she quickly laid this towel on my neck and then drove off. I was busy and didn’t get her name but she did say that she was from a landscape company. As one Christian to another, I want to say thank you again. DavidCarmichael Mocksville Senior Services An Oasis To the editor Davie County Senior Services is an oasis for many se­ niors of North Carolina. I have been taking advantage of their goodness and education in many areas for the past few years and I am so blessed to have been using the facil­ ity. I have only great things to say about the organization. The best that I feel is just as we walk in, the reception­ ist is caring and makes you feel welcome and at ease. Throughout the times I have taken advantage of the center, I feel like a member of the family. Most employees are family to me. I want to thank all persons who are part of the center on a working basis and everyone who donates and makes this senior oasis available. It is available to all seniors like me. I really choke up when I think of how much this center has helped me and a thank you is small for all I have re- I ceived. Nancy Shortt Doub Advance Once again we will distribute to Davie County children. Ourdates are: Thursday Aug. 13, 5-7 pan., working par­ ents; Friday Aug. 14,9-11 a.m.,non working. Thank you so very much Davie for all your’support through these years. Jean Young, School Coordinator Storehouse For Jesus, Mocksville Thank You, Officers To the editor Thank you to Davie County law enforcement for work­ ing many long hours to solve the many robberies in our community. Too many times we forget how much intensive work and research goes into solving a crime. Thanks to their diligent efforts we and other neighbors were able to recover some of our stolen articles. BiIIlJean and Eamestine Cleary, Mocksville Notice of Upcoming www.YORKAUCTION.coin "NO BUYER'S PREMIUM ” 2 Day „»si,.AUCTION Sat. Aug. 1,2015 @ IOAM S at Aug. 8,2015 @ IOAM F & F Builders, Inc. * Clyde Felker - estate (dec.) 549 Old Mocksville Rd. * Statesville, NC * Iredell Co. 1-40 exit #154. take Old Mocksville Rd. N. for m. Scissor-Lifts * Fbrklifts * Vehicles * 4 Post Car Lift * h-duty Trailers * Zero TUm Mower * Concrete Equip. * large metal & wood working Tools * 100+ power hand Tools * Jack- Hammers * 90 pc. Scaffolding * Walk Boards * 70+ hacks of Lumber * many other items www. Y ORKAUCTION.com 704-546-2696 • Harmony, NC ' yorkauction@yadtel.net ncal 4 7 4 ' since 1935 www.AuctionZip.com #4569 | C o m e F in d O u t W h y T h e y C a ll It T H t M APHO USt Foster Drug Co 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • 336-751-2141 www.fosterdn19co.com Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 Specials of the Week Assorted Flavors STATE FAIR CHIPSI •*“- *■*- ’ 790 ea. Umll 4 Mocksville Farmer's Market EVERY WEDNESDAY from 3:00 - 6:00 pm Location: MocksviIIeTown Hall Parking Lot §171 S. Clem ent St. _ P ro d u c ts A vailable: Hand Made Soaps, Various Plants, Bread, Pies, Baked Goods, Pralines, Eggs, Honey, Jams, Jellies, Spinach, Lettuce, Onions1Tomatoes and other Fruits and Vegetables F o r in h r m a tio n Call: 3 3 6 -6 7 1 -0 5 5 3 o r 3 3 6 -7 5 3 -6 7 0 0 199 Lap/M/^-ML’/Wbeten Sontlnn ModHM Tour Race Plus Spoftaman and Street Sfodt Raeos Bowman G ra y STADIUM Special Discount Price: S5 Friday Adult Admission! }3 3 e -7 2 3 -1 8 1 9 4 -D A V lE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, T hursday, Jnly 2015 A Conservation With... Chad Brown, Davie Medical Center CEO ByLesGnra Wake Forest Baptist HealthWire Chad BrownlMBA, MHA, FACHE,joined Wake Forest Baptist Health - Davie Medical Center a year ago as its first presi­ dent, after serving as chief executive officer of Duke LifePoint-Person Memorial Hospital in Roxboro- Brown oversaw the first full year at the Bermuda Run campus and continuing operations at the hospital in Mocksville. He took time recently to answer questions about accom­ plishments during his first year and the growth still to come. What attracted you to Davie Medical Center, having worked at another community hospital with an academic medical cen­ ter connection? Coming to Davie Medi­ cal Center was an opportu­ nity to see a facility grow from the ground up, to be able to grow services in this community. It’s exciting. There is a great relationship here between the com­ munity hospital and our academic medical center partner of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. We're truly integrated. It’s much like a family. Wbat has surprised you about your first year leading Davic Medical Center? The service-oriented attitude toward patients and families, it’s so much more than lip service. It’s how engaged our employees, physicians and volunteers are in wanting to do the right thing, go that ex­ tra mile for patients and families, and feedback from our patients has validated that. That’s been our model when we recruit employees, even physicians, in terms of training. People come to the hospital expecting quality care. We certainly provide that, and we have great outcomes. It’s the service aspect where we’re really trying to differentiate ourselves. How can Davie Medical Ccnterservc as a driver of growth In Davie County? When new industries come in, they look at the quality of life in the com­ munity for their employee base. They're looking at the school system, the health care system. We’re a big part of that, a big part of telling Davte County’s sto­ ry and recruiting businesses to this area. Members of our board of directors also serve in leadership capaci­ ties within the county and have been so supportive of our growth. Give an example of how Davie Medical Center has collaborated with commu­ nity partners in the past year. We’ve worked with the county on rcpurposing our Mocksville campus. When Davidson County Commu­ nity College was develop­ ing a new surgical tech­ nology and central sterile processing program, tbeir leaders recognized the need for clinical teaching space. We have a facility that has an operating room and clinical space that we no longer occupy. We worked with them to provide that space. That program will produce quality students who hopefully will stay in Davie County, and be employed by our hospital. It’s a natural synergy. How have you and your family settled In to the community? I’ve gotten very in­ volved in United Way's Davie County chapter and CEO Chad Brown reflects on the first vear or Da­ vie Medical Center. I'm on the board of the Mocksville YMCA. Both are great organizations. My wife and three children have acclimated unbeliev­ ably well and have jumped right in to community life. The community has been so accepting and supportive during our first year. It is wonderful to be a part of the Davie community. Shootings... ContinuedFromPagel man said. It struck Morris in the side. They did get enough She was in the hospital on information to identify An- Monday, listed in stable thony Laquane Brooks, 24, c o n d i • who listed a Swicegood tion, said Street address but stays at Sheriff’s different locations, accord- Chief ing to Hartman. He was J . D . charged with assault with Hartman, a deadly weapon with in- Inves- tent to kill inflicting serious tigators injury. He was taken into got little custody in lieu of a $50,000 help in bond. WOOKS identify- Investigators had talked _ _ , ing the to members of Brooks’ ^jAKIIlO Til© Odtllsuspect, although quite a family, and the suspect few people had gathered turned himself in on Sun- Davie County Clerk of Court Ellen DrechsIer(Ieft) issues the oath of office to members of prior to their arrival, Hart- day in High Point. the Davie County Board of Elections, from left: Trey and Kayla Raisbeck, accompanying their father, board member Robert Raisbeck, and Selm a Suiter and Luther Potts. PUZZLED by how complex the mortgage process can be? At P iedm ont Federal, w e specialize in a hom e loan process with NO SURPRISES. Seeing the big picture is what we are all about. ____ At Piedmont Federal, we take the time to make I sure all parts of your mortgage fit together just right. r ^ l ¥ " * We never sell any of our home mortgage loans, -L JL1 LLX JLJLJL JL L- so you'll always know who to contact if any questions arise. ' E c t v c n Our loan process is simple and straightforward, so give us a FEDERAL call to find out how our way of putting it ail together *..............■■■■■■■ . . ^ ..................................— has worked well for homeowners for over i OO years. ' SAVINGS BANK • Home M ortgages • M obile Banking Kerwced here/ not sold), • Checking / Savings / CDs * Ou,,ne Banking • E-Accounts DAVIE COUNTY ENTER PR ISE RLCORD1ThunidHy1JuIy 30,2015 - SDistrict Court probation terminated. served, cost, $445 attorney - Shahbaz Z. Noorani1 fee; simple assault, dis- assault on a female, dis- missed per plea, missed, prosecuting witness - Jessica Marie Taylor, failed to appear. speeding 69 in a 55, dis- - Hubert Ray Orren, driv- missed per plea; driving ing while license revoked while license revoked not not DWIf reduced to failure DW I. prayer for judgment to notify DMV of address continued, cost, change, not operate vehicle - Mitzi Cook Thomas, unlil licensed.cost. iwo counts simple worth- • Ben Jason Richard, driv- less check, dismissed, civil ing while license revoked settlement. DWI revocation, sentenced - Niria Velazquez, driv- ro 45 days, suspended 18 ing while license revoked months, not operate vehicle not DW l, reduced to failure until licensed, remain on to notify DMV of address good behavior, not com- change, not operate vehicle mit similar offense, $200, until licensed, cost, cost, $225 attorney fee; - Camcroir Jacob Warner, driving/allowing vehicle to communicating threats, dis- be driven with no registra- missed, mediated, tion, operating vehicle with - Charles Edwaid Zim- n° insurance, expired/no mer, speeding 84 in a 70, inspection, dismissed per open container after con- Plea- suming alcohol, dismissed - Jolynn Samantha Ro- per plea; driving while Ii- meo, four counts abandon- cense revoked DWI revoca- ment of an animat, sen- tion, sentenced Io five days, tenced to 30 days, suspended Failure to A ppear 18 months, obey doctor’s -M iguel Benitez,exceed- orders. stay on medication, ing posted speed, obtain mental health assess- - Elijah M. Clemens, ment^treatment, do not care driving while license re­ fer or possess any animals voked not DWI revocation, other than service dog; five expired registration, counts abandonment of an - Cassandra S. Dalton, animal, dismissed per plea, assault inflicting serious in-' - Michael Glenn Shell, jury, assault on a female, prayer - Thomas W. Eppolite Jr., for judgment continued, do driving while license re- not possess any weapons. voked DWI revocation. - Sherrell Angel Simp- - Jorge Oscar Hernandez, son. assault and battery, dis- DW l, reckless driving toen- missed, prosecuting witness danger, failed to appear. . Edward James, operat- - Shewan Tyree Suber. ing vehicle with no insur- felony uttering forged in- ance. strument. reduced to misde- - Aaron Keith Jones, mis- meanor common law forg- demeanor larceny, ery, sentenced to 120 days - Labron R. Mayfield, concurrent with sentence misdemeanor probation vio- now serving, cost, $390 at- lation. tomey fee; felony conspire- - Kary Marie Riggs, driv- cy. dismissed per plea. ing while license revoked - Timothy Steve Talbert, not DW!. possession of drug para- -Tonya Olivia Stout, food phemaiia, sentenced to time stamp fraud. Superior Court The following cases were ing by supervising officer, disposed of during Davie pay for the victim’s mental Superior Court. Presiding: health counseling expenses, Judge Julia S. Gullett. Pros- not any sexually stimulat- ecuting: Robert S. Taylor, ing or sexually oriented Wendy J. Teny, and Karen materials, not use/possess/ Biemacki, assistant DAs. control/distribute/sell/ex- • Roderick 0 . Alexan- change/collect pornography der, possession o f mari- and/or child erotica, not pa- juana, possession of drug tronize businesses or places paraphernalia, dismissed where sexual entertainment per plea; felony possession is the primary business, not with intent to sell/deliver linger/loiter/spend time at marijuana, failure to appear, location where persons un­ sentenced to 6-17 months, der age 18 are likely to be suspended 30 months, one present such as parks, play- day credit, submit to DNA grounds, schools, arcades, testing, obtain substance not work/volunteer for any abuse assessment/treat- business or organization ment, submit to warrant- that provides services to less searches and random children under age 18, not drug screens, $100, cost, associate or have any con- $97456 attorney fee, $4.96 tact with convicted sex of- mailing costs. fenders except in counsel- • William Michael An- ing group, not be alone or derson, 3 counts statu- engage in any sexual behav- tory rape/sex offense with ior wilh any person under defendant greater than or age 18, abide by curfew set equal to 6 years older than by probation officer, $500, victim, dismissed per plea; cost; taking indecent liber- taking indecent liberties ties with a child, sentenced with a child, sentenced to to 16-29 years, suspended 16-29 months, work release 36 months, probation be- not opposed, probation will gins when defendant is re- begin upon release; tak- leased from incarceration, ing indecent liberties with some previous conditions, a child, sentenced to 16-29 • Mark Edward Beaver, years at expiration of previ- felony probation violation, ous sentence, suspended 36 probation continued, if in months, not assault/threat- violation will return to court en/harass victim, can be in front o f Judge Gullett, around biological children $240 attorney fee. but must have supervision - Jackie Lee Bledsoe 111, when around another child, fleeing to elude arrest with abuser treatment program, vehicle, habitual felon, sen- reside at residence ap- tenced to 58 to 82 months, proved by probation officer, obtain substance abuse/ not socialize or communi- psychological/psychiatric cate with individuals under treatment, $1,152 attorney age 18 in work or social ac- fee, $14.20 copy fee; driv- tivities unless accompanied ing while license revoked by a responsible adult who not DW I, dismissed per is aware of abusive patterns plea, and is approved in writ- - Frederick Stanley Brown, motions, motion denied, probation contin­ ued. - Joshua A. Carpenter, misdemeanor larceny, sen­ tenced to 120.days, 58 days credit, $360 attorney fee, cost. • Lauren Ann Dyson, 3 counts felony probation violation, probation contin­ ued. • David Everhart, fleeing to elude arrest, possession of drug paraphernalia, sen­ tenced to 8-19 months; pos­ session of marijuana up to one-half ounce, possession of stolen goods, resisting public officer, dismissed per plea. • Billy Jack Fleming, pro­ bation violation, probation revoked, sentenced to 4-14 months, 45 days credit. - Michael Freeman, al­ lowing attorney to with­ draw. • Luis Gutierrez, assault with a deadly weapon on government official, failure to appear on felony, sen­ tenced to 16-20 months, suspended 30 months, 150 days active/credit for time served, submit to DNA test- ing.do not possess firearms, weapons to be destroyed after appeal period, $200. cost, $900 attorney fee. • Shane Haitness, felony probation violation, proba­ tion revoked, sentenced to 4-14 months, one day cred­ it, DART program; felony probation violation, proba­ tion revoked, sentenced to 10-21 months to run con­ currently with previous sen­ tence. • Alexander James Har­ vey, fleeing to elude arrest with vehicle, sentenced to 8-19 months, suspended -30 months, submit to DNA testing, obtain substance abuse ' ' assessment/treat­ ment, provide resources for drug treatment, $750 attor­ ney fee, $4.20 expenses; speeding 99 in a 70, reck­ less driving to endanger, dismissed per plea. - AIviii Dalei Johnson, felony larceny, sentenced to IO -21 months, suspended 30 months, 24 hours com­ munity service, submit to DNA testing, do not be on the property of Lowes while on probation,$200,cost. - Deneen Marsh, break: ing and/or entering, larceny after breaking/entering, dis- missedper compliance with deferred prosecution. - Tammy R. Poos, occu­ pant or owner setting fire, sentenced to 6-17 months, suspended 30 months, 169 days credit, submit to DNA testing, obtain men­ tal health assessment/treat­ ment, $3500 restitution to victim, $100, cost, $840 at­ torney fee. Hector Rodriguez, cockfighting, attempted cockfighting, sentenced to 45 days, 162 days credit. - Jared Morris Runyon, felony probation schedule I controlled substance, dis­ missed by court per compli­ ance with deferred prosecu­ tion. Timothy . Michael Shank, carrying concealed gun, dismissed, defendant has obtained valid con­ cealed firearm license. - Lauren Hayley Ste­ phens, driving while license revoked DWI revocation, sentenced to 45 days to run concurrent with proba­ tion sentence; misdemeanor probation violation, proba­ tion revoked, sentenced to 12 months. 12 days credit, obtain substance abuse treatment. • Matthew Holland Walk­ er, breaking and/or enter­ ing. misdemeanor larceny, dismissed per compliance with deferred prosecution. - Rebecca Catherine Wood, two counts posses­ sion of heroin, dismissed per plea; possession of drug paraphernalia, sentenced to 45 days, suspended 24 months, 4 days credit, comply with TASC pro­ gram, submit to warrantless searches/not be in com­ pany of illegal substances, cognitive behavioral inter­ vention therapy, not be in places where drugs are sold or kept; possession of drug paraphernalia, sentenced to 45 days at expiration of pre­ vious sentence, suspended 24 months, three days cred­ it, same terms as previous sentence. Failure to Appear - Tomarcus Antonio Gra­ ham. failure to appear on felony, habitual felon. • Darren Lynn Johnson, larceny after breaking/en­ tering, two counts posses­ sion of stolen goods, break­ ing and/or entering, assault on a female, failure to ap­ pear on felony. - Carl David- McKinney, felony probation violation. • Mary Elizabeth Mason, obtaining property by false pretense. - Timothy James Wil­ liams, DWI. THE RIGHT TOOLS FOR THE JOB! * Storm Damage Clean Up and Removal * Hauling-gnwl, OUiJwd stone, mulch, land, topioll, a IBl dlft• Grading and Land Clearing of Lots of AU Sizes * Foundation and Driveway Excavation • RightofWayMaintenance "• UtiIityMaintenance * Bush Hogging/Mowing • Stump & Tree Removal • Tree Trimming 334 Pudding Ridge Rd., Mocksville, NC 27028 B36-998-2048 S ^ ^ n i ^ l t e a V a t i n g L L C ■com i - S r r a = V T Violation, dis- -R m dyD anK iIIO obbte, - BryaM R. U d r a ,. pos. r S r i s m :s i s =ESsr= = "im:: r S tt .rssistantDAs m „ * Benjamin M. Hcndren, prostitution, sentenced to -KerinethRWAiAT .; Joseph Edward Coffey, simple worthless check, time served. - Jacob D w liiit Allred !m ,nk PffrePbemaIta, 'beck. dismissed per pirn. -R te k y L e e L m e b c n y . t e c k l e e ^ d r i S t e S te I e o Z S ' m b,«„ce' ' » b '~ 6 Pto p en , by f Z• eer dismittAH ?i„n T e *! coJltrolled subs,ance, open container after con- pretense, felony conspiracy ■' • w c p a r j t f j a sr* — - J b J T ir h - S S c o „ , b e . x t x l t xSSSSS H r n n e , ^ ^ ^ = * — = = £ ^ r yeteouiy- „■■■, i , h" ' prfT tlon conlmlIed, - Climon D. Hudspeth, mcnt/follow treatment, do Jr , T 15 days acttve. driving white license re- not m e drag,, submit to nm- J f T - l0 fJ 118 >"ta- - Jemmtne D. Dalton, voked not DWI. dismissed, dom dntg screens cost $20phemaha, deferred prosecu- driving while license re- corrected ;n« ai 7 v .• S o . , * OtOnths probation, voked no, DWI, pntyet f„, - Stetwn Michael Ijames, d j L J y I T s m S 24 horn, common,ty « , judgment continued, com, assault on n female sen- In 12 , Z b s S . S m 0rneyfe^ 2 0 in - lenced10 bays, suspend- assessment/treatment, if m stall fee. ed 18 months, not assault/ ounce, dismissed net olea- X y - X fflnls0sT -E ricA IanD ixon-Speed threaten/harass victim, en- simple possession rehed^ S S s A Z J a m I 0T ili0n: T I T ' 0 r°E fn SUbsUmce abuse treat- die II controlled substance. Michael Aaron Cain, careless and reckless dnv- ment program, obtain men- defeired prosecution 12 S S S i : ins^ c0su n Ial health assessment, cost, m o n ^ s n a r e d pmba- - Zmdttuy Tyler Ftye, - Michael R. IsikofT. .!on, 24 hoot, community Iailure Io notify D M y of simple possession schedule lawfully passing emetgen- service. , T n0lK0penie m “ mrolled “ bstanee, cy/public vehicle, pmyer for -A ngeIaM cO eeM yers ^ M a n t w T 'dhT d ' T ti0ii “ “ sim pleS o r i h J c h e c M * :- Matthew W Carmt- possession of drugs. - Winxel Dallas Jacobs, missed, civil settlement chael.drtvm g while license - Douglas Raymond Fulk, assault, dismissed, medi- -A ndrew O rayN ichoIs revoked not DW I, reduced fishing without a license, ated. fe|ony rajlure ln 'd d h0 ii°iilyD M V O f fEsndsSeb.collected. - Nathanal Jones, second as sex offender reduced M e U n t X S d 0S f - ^d -sT T -0 T - degne d“ “ ed 10 mfSfiemeanor obstnict-A l.,r S r n T T ' n° beense, reduced to fad- at request of witness, stay ing justice, sentenced to 45 S«edten 88 t e 7 0 T “ r y ° f “fi- "m y from Cire|e K . days,suspended l2m on,hs.r t * ; ™ . * ™ - T uced dreSS, ebsnge. not operate . Diana Marie Kepley, do no, commit similar of- Io improper equipment, vehicle until licensed, cost, driving while license re- fenses.JU M .cost. S e l v u C k -.- - Armand» i R- OffnfIs. ™ked not DWI, dismissed - Evu, Paul Nichols, pos- -Ja m c e Lynn Christie, misdemeanor larceny, sim- per plea; failure to reduce session of marijuana u b lo misdemeanor pioba,ion VI- pie assault, sentenced to speed.cost. one-half ounce'possession olatton, probation continued time served, cost, $170 at- - Danell E dw .nl Knight, or drug paraphernalia, sen- under prior order. Iomey fee; misdemeanor speed competition, reduced tenced Io one day. evidence - Michael D. Clement, conspiracy, resisling public to careless and reckless oidered destroyed; m isde- two counts dog/cat/fenet officer, dismissed per plea, driving. $300. cost. meanor probation violation 6 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 30,2015 Honor Draughn and her fashion style are the inspiration behind Mocksville’s newest cloth- On North Main Street in Downtown Mocksville, Honor Darling has seen quite a bit of business since ing store. opening about a month ago. Honor Darling Clothing Boutique Opens In Downtown Mocksville fashion dream has come to life in Downtown Mocksville. With prayers, stepping out on faith, and having a supportive husband to bring the dream to life, H onorDarling was created. With a goal of offering more than trendy fashion at affordable prices, this bou­ tique has Christian values and a tag line explanation: “Bold in Style. Anchored in Christ.” Said owner Aubrey ■ Draughn: “We have been overwhelmed with com­ munity support, dedicated ■ custom ers,andadow ntow n that has embraced our mis- sion...I can;t imagine this store being anywhere but M ocksville” ijraughn lives in down­ town Mocksville and works in this community as a so­ cial worker. Her husband,. Justin, has been a part'of the revitalization efforts in the downtpwn area and serves on the town planning board. With strong roots to this town and county, the Draughns couldn’t be hap­ pier with the success in the community they love. W hen you first walk in to this fully renovated retail space you will be struck by the white tile ceiling, black chandeliers, and the bright and showcased “Honor Darling” sign. Justin Draughn Con­ struction custom designed built-ins and shelves that line the wall as well as a register area that faces the storefront. Everything about the in­ terior is her style and vision that her husband was able to create. “Justin was really able to take my visions and blow them away.He defi­ nitely exceeded my expec­ tations. He was able to put them on display for others to see through the store­ front. Seeing him bring it to life has been just as inspir­ ing as the original vision I had for the store.” The original inspiration was their 5-year-old daugh­ ter, Honor Presley, who is a mini fashionista who is confident no matter how many necklaces she has on or layers she is rocking for the day. She has proven to be the biggest cheerleader for her parents and for her namesake store.' ' The name Honor Dar­ ling comes from her fash-, ion choices in the morning when dressing for school or church. "I have to say to her of­ ten, ‘Now, honor darling, should you really wear that today? Let’s change clothes-or wear something a little more appropriate for school,’ but she is strong willed and comfortable in her clothing choices and wants to wear the clothes she has picked out. That confidence with her ador­ able personality is what was behind the naming of this store,” her mother said. Aubrey and Justin haven’t been alone in bringing this vision to life. Aubrey’s best friend since third grade, Courtney Cas- tle-Britt, has been a sup­ porter of this dream from the beginning and has put in many unpaid hours back !/(tillin' i/u i'/in q 4 - y If? 5 Justin and Aubrey Draughn. to when the store was noth- , ing but a Facebook page selling clothing through posts. “Courtney has been a key player by bringing an attention to detail and abil­ ity to maintain organization into my desire for buying the clothes and finding the styles that will fill up the boutique shelves. Courtney has taken on a part-time management role within the store and the day-to-day tasks.” Aubrey is finding that stepping back a little from Honor Darling for her full­ time job is a little harder than she imagined - but she is confident in the Honor Darling team. “Putting so much time and energy into 'bringing this dream to life is a once- in-a-lifetime experience for me and my family. W hile it has been a bit exhausting it has been exhilarating,” she said. On opening night, al­ most a month ago, she was overwhelmed with emo­ tions by seeing the store packed with- friends, old and new, that wanted to see this new boutique and all it had to offer. “All of our opening goals were exceeded and we had a difficult time keeping any merchandise on the shelves for the first two weeks. But now that I have been able to see what the demand is I am able to keep up with it by get­ ting multiple shipments of new clothes and new styles weekly,” she said. Draughn wants to re­ member the feelings from that first night, the feelings of thankfulness and being overwhelmingly blessed, because she knows that God is behind this bless­ ing and wants to always remember to give Him the glory. A grand .opening cel­ ebration” is being planned Courtney Castle-Britt and Aubrey Draughn. The Draughn family:.Aubrey, Justin, and their children Cannon (1) and Honor Presley (5). for July 30 and the commu­ nity is invited. There will be live music, giveaways,, and other surprises. The celebration will kick off at 6 p.m. and will end when the last customer leaves. . -“Seeing others find joy in my store and the clothing I offer is a blessing I want to extend to others,” she said. Honor Darling is closed Sunday and Monday and open 11 a.m. until at least 8 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. For a limited time, buy any iPhone - get an iPad Mini for only $149.99! * SNoContractPaymentPIan A ✓ Free Activation! I O Q C G l I B Telmcom* Restrictions apply; see store for details. iPad Mini non-retina (16GB): MSRP $379.9 DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 30,2015 - 7 Y a d t e l O p e n s N e w M o c k s v i l l e L o c a t i o n Yadtel Telecom offi­ cially opened its new store in Mocksville Friday, July 17 with music, door prizes, special deals and lots of cookies. Approximately 500 peo­ ple attended the event at the store on Yadkinville Road, in front of Lowe’s Home Improvement. Yadtel’s Mocksville store had been located about a mile north beside the Walmart Super­ center. “We went through 59- nine dozen Subway cook­ ies,” said Robin Sammons, store manager. “They (Sub­ way) did a great job keeping us in stock. The crowd was amazing.” The store’s grand open­ ing began with a 10 a.m. ribbon-cutting ceremony conducted by the Davie Chamber of Commerce. Yadtel CEO, Mitzie Branon did the honors of declaring Joe Dillard is happy with his free items, the store officially open and addressed those gathered. “We are very excited to be in this new location,” she said. “The new store is beautiful and the people of Mocksville have always been so supportive. We in­ vite everyone to come out and enjoy the changes we have made.” Following the ribbon cutting, the day’s first door prize drawing was won by Clarence Draughn. He and his wife Evelyn received VIP tickets to a Winston- Salem Dash baseball game. Prizes were given out all day long, culminating in a grand prize drawing won by David Call, who won a $500 recliner. The new store features an updated layout with a phone bar, free Wi-Fi, an expanded selection of accessories and easier access. “Customers are telling us they love the new loca­ tion,” Sammons says. “The fact that we are right at the traffic light and folks do not have to drive all the way to Walmart makes this a much better spot.” Teresa Mathis helps Harold Wilson fill a bag with goodies. © 3 # i M David Call sits in the recliner he won.Yadtel CEO Mitzie Branon and Carolyn McManamy. Davie Chamber of Com­ merce president. Yadtel CEO Mitzie Branon cuts the ribbon officially opening the new Mocksville store. Dairy Farmer Talks About Milk With Rotary Club Myles Payne is similar in many ways to the mem­ bers of the Mocksville Ro­ tary Club he spoke with on July 21 - working hard and taking pride in providing a quality product to custom­ ers. But unlike the typical lo­ cal business, Payne’s most important asset is cows and his product is milk. Payne and his family are dairy farmers. The Payne family owns Payne Dairy Inc. near Tay­ lorsville. They milk 200 cows twice a day, every day. On the 500-acre farm, com, small grains, soybeans and fescue hay are raised. To dairy farmers, the ultimate reward is knowing their ac­ tions help create a healthy, abundant and affordable food supply for this com­ munity. “We love what we do," Payne said. "Dairy fanners across North Carolina dif­ fer in how many cows we milk and some of the ways we farm so that our methods work well for the environ­ ment, but we all share a pas­ sion for what we do. It is our responsibility to take care of the natural resources and animals on our farm and we take that responsibility with a great deal of pride and commitment.” The family lives and works on the farm and that is a strong incentive for protecting the land, water and air. Cow comfort and health is monitored every day. Payne works with a dairy animal nutritionist to formulate the best diets for the cows and veterinarians come to the farm regularly to check on the animal’s health. Every day, advance­ ments in animal care and milk quality methods result in better milk. "W hat we do on our farm is the starting point for safe and nutritious dairy foods in the supermarket," said Payne. “Because of this commitment at the dairy farm, people can count on wholesome dairy foods.” 8 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TER PR ISE REC O R D , T hursday, Jnly 30,2015 Public Records Land Transfers - Margarita A. Martinez Capps Avenue LLC11 villa. Yob, child support; Evan P. new address as a sex offend- ville; assault, Springhill T hefollow inglandtrans- and Jose Andres Montene- Farmington, $200. Fain, child support; Jason P. er, Ryan Jordan, 32. Main Dr., Mocksville; larceny, E. fers were filed with the gro Jr. to Micah C. Fuller • RS Paricer Homes to Deters, child support; Xavi- St., Cooleemee, assault, Kinderton Way, Bermuda Davie Register of Deeds, and Amber E. Basham, I Kevin Ray Matthews and er 0 . Dulin, child support; failure to appear in court; Run; larceny, US 64 W., listed by parties involved! lot. Mocksville, $330. Jeffiey Tbdd Johnson, I lot, ------- ~ ~ " ^ -A:- acreage, township, and deed * Doborah A. Smink to Farmington, $766. stamps purchased with $2 Jam esLeeE sterandJoA nn - Brenda F. Penninger to representing $1000. Ester, I villa, Mocksville, Roger P. Spillman, I lot, Je- - Russell E. Tbcker Sr. S180- rusaiem,$64. and Paula R. Tbcker to Paul V. Overcash Sr. and Patsy M . Overcash, I lot, Jerusa­ lem, $85. • Oarland L. Myers and Margaret B. Myers to Ken­ ny L. Myers and Brittany E. M yers, 12.6 acres. r Stan Andrews and Caro- Megan K. Seamon to - Chad W. Correll and Brandon W. McGuire and Amanda D. CorreIl to Jona- Brandy L. McGuire, I lot, than F. Caron and Susan G. Clarksville, $336. Caron,4acres,$840. - William C. Wilkinson - Carl L. Davis and Beu- and Caroline Wilkinson to Iah W. Davis to John T. At- sociates vs. Julie A. Snell, W.C. Wilkinson LLC, I lot, wood, I lot, Farmington, collection on account. Jerusalem. $336. • Brian L. Thompson and Iyn S. Andrews to Todd Pen- U nda Conner Tliompson to M a r r i a g e s ley and Erin Penley, 1-plus Mwk,A. T bm eyandD oro- ^ fo„owing were ^ low,M ocksville,$433. IhyL 1^ ra e y 1Ilo t1M0Cks. marriage lieeose, by - Justin Blane W inters ville,jM O . UieDavieRegisterofDeeds. and Candace Marie Win- * Timothy L. Norman and _ R , SheUer 32 mm .O K elth Moom1 I IM1 Kayla J. Nomum to Robert 0f Penm ylvm ia1 and M mt' «<>•»£ c . Nicholson II and Kah H.Mocksville, $236. - Jonathan A. Sechrest Nicholson, I lot, Clarks- Mocksvil|e and Shanda S. Sechrest to ville, $306. Mocksville. Bany Lynn Sechrest and * Norma L. Dunn Maiy Schmucker, 21, of Ann F. Sechrest1 19.21 acres, Farmington, $170. Duane Gray Longworth and Rjlodes Russell Joseph Lacha- pelle, 55, and Sharon Kelly Jennie Lassiter Longworth, - Fonest C. CranflU Con- 1-87 acres, Farmington. stnicUon to Christopher Lewis Smith and EUen of Mocksville. Michael James Chris- n ^ „ tensen, 38, and JuUe AnnBeedmg & C ttdle to Qleenei37iOfAdvtmce. Frank Moore Adams,Lucas John Wooten and Bryant D. Cassell, child Debergerac Allison, 23, E. Mocksville; domestic dis- support. Lexington Rd., Mocksville, turbance,US64 W., Mocks- - Ken David Crowe vs. possession marijuana, pos- ville; disturbance, Cable Kathryn Anne Crowe, di- session drug paraphernalia; Lane, Mocksville. vorce. Tonya Stout, 43, Wind- July 24: damage to prop- - Rebecca R. Scarlata vs. ward Q ., Mocksville, Food erty, Kilboume Dr., Bermu- Sharon Edwards,'complaint Stamp fraud; Zackary Hin- da Run; possession drugs for damages from breach of kle, 16, Pratt Farm Lane, and paraphernalia, Byerlys residential lease. Mocksville, probation vio- Chapel Rd., Mocksville; • Portfolio Recovery As- lation. damage to property, Kil- July 22: Justin Lanning1 bourne Dr., Bermuda Run; 20, Mattie Lane, Mocks- possession of stolen prop- ville, setting fire to woods/ erty, US 601 S., Mocksville; field; Jose Velez, 32, of So- larceny of vehicle, Richie noraD r.,Advance,failureto Rd., Mocksville; assault on appear, probation violation, child, Junction Rd., Mocks- - Jennifer Jacobs Young larceny, trespassing. ville; possession drags, vs. Andrew L. Young, di- July 23: Brandi Fere- paraphernalia, breaking and vorce. bee, 22, US 64 B., Mocks- entering, Gladstone Rd., • Jennifer Leigh Jamagin vUle, aiding and abetting Mocksville; committment, vs. Anthony Foyell Cope, larceny; Joshua Caipenter, US 158, Advance, custody, child support. 25, Lakey Dr., Mocksville, July 25: domestic dis- • Tim Allen Estate for failure to appear in court; turbance, Patricia Way, George H, Alien vs. TbrheeI Oscar Young, 44, Clark Rd., Mocksville; domestic Q , Inc., wrongful death. Mocksville, probation vio- disturbance, US 601 S., • Discover Bank vs. Di- lation. Mocksville; possession onna Alexander, collection July 24: Joseph Camp- marijuana and parapheraa- on account, $11,685.71. bell, 37, Byerlys Chapel lia, US 601 S., Mocksville; Portfolio Recovery As- Rd., Mocksville, possession injury to property, resisting $1,190.75. • James M. Sale vs. Man- dy O ’Neal, domestic vio­ lence protective order. I lot, Farmington, Jayne Louise Wooten, I lot, 51 0f WjnJton-Salenr and* soc*fltes vs. Johnie D. Pur- Schedulellcontrolledsub- an officer, fighting, Daniel Tbmi Leigh Shouse, 50, of Advance. • Eric Todd Gibson, 52, and Amanda Paige Bartolo, 30,of Ramseur. • Juan Antonio Sorto Hernandez, 36, and Mima $180, Calahaln,$242. - John A. Kazakos and * Norman Carter and Ja- Viiginia Kazakos to Yvonne mie M - Carter to Scott L. Bigard Wmters1I lot, Farm- HaYnes and Connie Ann ington, $800. Haynes, 2 tracts, Clarks- - Roger P. Spillman and ville, $308. Debbie A. Spillman to Raul - Wiffiams Development Rodriguez and Recendi2 G rouptoT raeH om esL L C , Hernandez, A l acre, Jerusa- * Iot- Shady Grove, $42. Iem ,$86. - Susan R. Hicks to Linda -W elIsFaigoB anktoM i- T- Taylor and Marilyn C. chael J. Stoltzfbs and Esther Tuttje- 1 ,ot» Farmington. M . Stoltzfus, 2 tracts, Jeru- *475. salem ,$69. ‘ Martha Reavis and as - Jeffrey M. McNeil and executor o f estate o f Nor- ^ « 0 ^ 9 , 7 ^ Rachel C . McNeil to Ken- man Eugene Harvel, and neth C . Melder and Sara w yJie Thomas Buridns Jr., Beth Meider, I lot, $473. antJ Erika Harvel to Rosa- key, collection on account, stance, possession drag par- Rd., Mocksville; distur- $2,594.59. aphemalia; Jason Church, bance.D W I,SwicegoodSt., Billy R. Greer vs. An- 31, Wall St., Mocksville, Mocksville. gela H. Greer, divorce. possession drug parapher- July 26: assault on a fe- •E dithL .B row nvs.Jerry nalia, possession Schedule male, resisting officer, NC W. Cleary, divorce. II controlled substance, 801 N., Advance; harassing Patricia Anna-Myree breaking and entering. telephone call, LaQuinta Raquel Zavala Ruiz, 33"*of Kuriees vs- w arIc Anlhony July 25: Brandon Doby, Dr., Advance; trespassing, Charlotte. ' * Higgins, divorce. 24, Andrew Rd., Advance, Hobson Dr., Mocksville; - Joey Wayne King, 30, * Rita R w jIjle vs- WJJ* DWI; Mauricio Carrollo- larceny, Swicegood St., ofK ing, and Chelsea Arlene Ijam E-W hlte-tIlvOrce- Chico, 17, Hobson Dr., Mocksville; disturbance, Beddard, 26, of Clemmons. * Jesse F' Dobbins vs. Mocksville, possession Pineville Rd., Mocksville; - Shannon Jeremiah BeverJy Seaford Dobbins, drag paraphernalia; Mi- larceny, Buck Hill " * Lovingood, 39, and Nikito ville. divorce. chael Spaugh, 24, Daniel Mocksville; loud music, • Leslie M. Bailey Met- Rd., Mocksville, simple af- underage drinking. Brier calf vs. Marion Jay Met- fray, resisting public officer; Creek Rd., Advance. • Dana Lee Hayes 24 caif> a,Jmony- child sup- Gary Kirk, 27, Daniel Rd., ..........- ................................ and Amanda KaOtenne Port- custodI'. <“ V0I“ Moeksville1 simple affray, - Daniel P. DesNoyers Imd Ridings, I lot, Mocks- Sm yers,32,ofM ocksville. an^ jwanI- etIajIable resisting officer; Ronald and Melodee H .D esN oyeis, ville, $240. -JackR andallR eynolds, tjjstrIhutjOn* Post separa- McKnight1 19, LibertyCir- trustees to Kevin Dellinger * CjPrianO Chiquito and gQ ^ ld Manda Rggjna tJon support, attorney fees, cle, Mocksville, simple af- Mocksville Police The following are from Mocksville Police Depart- and Clarissa Dellinger, 5 Apolinor Mendez to Maria iG e k e n lp p ,'^ ,^ ^ Mocks- motion for interim distribu- fray, resisting public officer; damaged acres, Farmington,$335. Isab eIB eizaP erezan d Ja- vdje tion, motion for emergency Justin Leonard, 25, Deck « ,;* > ,1 « naint an Mmmi - Judith H. Malpass to yier M ayo Rosales, 5 tracts, . Jonathan David Nobles, status tNO, injunctive relief, Circle, Mocksville, resisting y-ew JjTy ? J James P. Miller, I villa, Jerusalem, $90. 20, and Kara Lynne Stess- w ritofPossessionofm aritaj public officer. ’ Farmington, $282. * Grace V. Lowry, ex- Jjoth Qf Mocks- home- motion for media- July 26: Kevin Stanley, - Bailey’s Chapel United ecutor o f estate o f Philbert v|JJe’ ’ tion._ _ _ 42. Kings Mill Dr., Ad- M ethodistC hurchtoH eniy Nixon Evans1TheLutheran . j 0Se Alexander Guerre- * Dawn C phiPPs vs- vance- trespassing, resisting Mountview Anderson Spry, Paul Keith Church-Missouri Synod, ro Ardon, 35, and Briseyda -jamCS W. Phipps Jr., di- public officer; Abby Larue,c r\ 1 Cl Dt.i._ nnd Hnlv Trinitv I Itlhprttn _ t.o,oo Ay111ItakIm ydlo.wlk.. n d :.... n j a j ...... July 19. • The larceny of a credit card from a residence on Spry, Darlene Spiy Blake antJ Noly Trinity Lutheran and William Blake, and Bet- Church to Jamie Paul Fbn- ty Eudene Barnes, I strip of taJne 41,(1 Marilyn Alice Iand1Shady Grove. Fontaine, 2 tracts. Mocks- - Annie M. Connell to vJJJ®.$liQ70. Ramos Solis 32 vorce- equitable distribu- 17, River Rd., Advance, ofSalisbury. ' ' tJon>writofpossession,m<>- underage alcohol consump- David Guadalupe Tor-tion for mediation.tion; Jacob Taylor, 18, Gun res, 79, and Maria Adelina Branch Banking & Club Rd., Advance, under- Garcia Mercado, 48, both of Trast Co. formerly known age alcohol consumption. Candance Gamble, I acre, * Kathleen Cooltdge and ga[jsjJury as BB&T Financial FSB Jerusalem. H i™ - Cooltdge Io Rag- Brym ^ vs Shiriey B . Everhtut and Sheriff’s Dept. . .. . . . Kfllnn K Kvjarhart rnllnA. __ . . . r Dr. was report­ ed July 21. • The larceny of a bear statue from property on Val­ ley Road was reported July 22. • Tlie breaking, entering and larceny of fuel and cash from a vehicle on Wilkes- 33, of Harmony, and Me- E fllPh E- Everhart, twJlee* Tjw following are from boro Street was reported_............... .. — . tifinnnflccniinr.x28.Q55.fQ _ . _ _? __ _____ ■ r - Secretary of Housing land Holdings LLC1 I k t e S ^ e t t Cmn- f 40 U n . „ ? , ™ s L t c M = ^ ’ je ^ “ o ’ “ ■ * * 2 0 :D W I' driving p h ™ c ^ L m ! r i m worth, 45, of Mocksville. p ^ r p . Salisbuty St., Mocksville; 22. -ErinM icheleTum er, 18, ’ 0 010 ecoverY • larceny, injury to property, -T heIareeny o fa g a m e o f Cleveland, and Dustin aOctaes vs- ®na n . Pjoe Ridge Rd., Mocksville; disc from a computer at Lee Newton, 21, of Wood- r6wI6 M ^ lleOe0n 00 a°* trespassing, Farmington W alM artw asreportedJulycount,$3,454.85. Rd Mocksvi|,e; Jareeny 23. onnie a r- ^s- Golfview Dr., Mocksville; - The larceny of money LisaRamage, domestic V10- JjtteringtU S IS S 1Advance; and papers from the Davie encepro lveor r‘ domestic disturbance, Gun County Public Library was Cl»b Kd..Advencetdom es- t e p J d M y 2 3 . ^ and Samuel Joseph Demer- Crenshaw III and Melinda anville IV, and Nicolas Mor- Eichie Crenshaw, 8 lots, gan Josephson and Nicole Mocksville, $120. Rae Josephson to Richard * Stanley Eesnick to ^ L. McFarland, 1.38 acres, BatanSas Consulting, I lerf $20. condominium, Farmington, . Manhews Jame8 ^ nk. - Nancy P. Hobson to -wUO. Kevin Scott Hobson and * Batangas Consulting to Sheila R. Hobson {half H any L. Petersen and Eliz- _ t interest) ant Julie Renee abeth A. Petersen, I condo- Krueger, 50, and Kimberly Hobson (half interest), 7 AS minium, Farmington, $200. - 0 - acres, Clarksville. * AJbert M. Relak and • Christopher P. Walton to Maria N. Relak to Natalie Maridin Family Properties, E. Wells, 2 tracts, Shady 3 lots, Mocksville, $40. Grove, $300. - M aiy Elizabeth Brock * Eebecca Myers Lyons er, 25, and Kimberly Anne Ross, 25, of Harmony. Timothy Gerald_ James Carroll, collection on Renee Cline, 50, of Mocks^ accOunt, $1,434.22- v;ii- - Ford Motor Credit vs. Stephanie Ann Wainer, and Christopher Clemens Rus- Civil Lawsuits sell, collection on account, The following civil law- $3347.09. Arrests The following were < West by attorney in fact and Gene Lyons to Steven suits were filed with the Da- . Sherri Kilby vs. Britney Timothy Albert West, and Gray Myers, I acre, Shady vie Clerk of Court. KUby and Phillip Hussey, Enoch Edward Bundy to Grove, $10. - Paul B. Barney, execu- custody. John Graham W iliiaid, S -U S Bank NA to Dunstar tor of estate of Sallie Ava acre, $40. Inc., I lot, Farmington, $48. Barney Jones vs. David - David Summers and * Jennifer Slagle Rota Harrison Burrow, Alco Steel Amy Summers to Sara an(J as aministrator of es- Corp. and Alma Bamey Handy, I condominium, tate of Edith Bailey Slagle, Shoaf, wrongful death. Farmington, $146. antJ PauJ Eota to Edward - Christopher Sean Spell - Ervin D. McCullough S. Chandler and M aiybruce vs.M elissaA nnSpell.com - and Priscilla G Mc- Eollins Chandler, I tract, plaint for ex parte relief. Cullottgh to James Otegoty *W3- - Portfolio Recovety As- McCullough, Teresa Are- * Jennifer Slagle Rota sociates vs. Jonathan R. Iia McCullough, and Jeffrey 01,(1 05 aministrator of es- Brewer, coUection on ac- Dale McCullough, 2 par- tate o f Edith Bailey Slagle, count, $1,892.30. cels, Jerusalem. antJ Paul Eota to Bryan C. -W illiam LeeRoyW hite- - Sheryl J. Hall to Walter Thompson and Sharon K. sides vs. Karen Ann Schulz, V Gannon and Pamela K Thompson, I tract, $369. divorce. - - *-----------GsmZ I Im Mocksville - Jennifer Slegle Rote - Eatou Fuuentl Service ' ” ?■ “ >«>; consptntcyt property Beauchamp Rrl11 a ring ro mu at huge. Trial J680 1 and as am iuistm torof estate vs. Zane Priddy1 com m a. ParriekTomaH0 Ptnew0Od M ock,VtHe1 tdcntity theft, daleiA ug.20. -MarkH Sw aim and o f Edith Bailey Slagle, and - David Barnes vs. U e 1^ e* Bermuda Run, mak- US 601 N., Mocksville; -DonnieG astonA IIenJr., A nnE S w aim toM atthew Paul Rota to Timothy A. Vo- Anne Barnes, divorce. ing a fake affadavit/perjury; domestic violence preven- 54, of Millington Lane, Ad- W atkinsandEIyseW atkins gler and Amy C. Vogler1 I - Davte Social Services ^ J y; ^ ’ ^ wice,' t,on onJer violation. Calvin vance, was charged July 21 - ’ tract,$110. vs.: Jessica M. Fountain, ® *•’. Mocksvilje* $ Lane, Mocksville; identity with consuming alcohol in uid Wil- * Martha Schreiner to chiJd support; Avery J. Pat- ^ounts aiding and abeltinE theE- Tifton St., Bermuda public and being drank and Charles Batangas Consulting, I vil- terson, child support; Jason arJeJy' . . Run- I. r? n n n F. Neal, child sunivtrt! Rrin t V tic disturbance, S^rcasdell -A signonH ardingStreet Lane, Mocksville; injuiy was damaged with spray to property. Midway Dr., paint, it was reported July 23. July 21: assault, Ollie • An attempted shoplift- Harkey Rd., Mocksville; ing was reported July 24 at larceny of vehicle, Ollie WaIMart. Harkey Rd., Mocksville; -Tlrestoavehtcleparked possession marijuana/para- on E. Depot St., were cut, it phemalia, Harding/S. Main, was reported July 26. Mocksville; breaking, en- • A woman reported July tering and larceny, US 601 26 she was assaulted at a S., Mocksville; domestic residence on Avon St. rested by the Davie County disturbance, Middleton A rrests Sheriff’s Department. Lane, Advance; injuiy to -T ina A rIeneRestivo,23, July 20: Linda Rodri- property, Chal Smith Rd., of N. Main St., was charged guez, 21, Yadkinville, DWI, Mocksville. July 24 with three counts of driving while license re- July 22: disturbance, Da- parole and probation viola- voked; Jose Santiago, 32, vie St., Cooleemee; larceny, tions. Trial date: Aug. 6. Particia Way, Mocksville, Joe Langston Rd., Mocks- - Clinton Antwan Cock- assault on a female; Sha- ville; injury to property, erhnm, 40, of Mill St., was na Gordon, 45, Pinewood Pine Valley Rd., Mocks- charged July 26 on an order Lane, Bermuda Run, sec- ville; disturbance, Kings for arrest for failing to ap- ond-degree arson, insurance MiU Dr., Advance; injury to pear on a charge of allowing I lot,Farmington,$636. • Robert Brooks and Wil­ lie A. Brooks toRtmdall Bmoks 2 4 4 acres Ia1Fatmlttstoti1 $200. E. Neal, child support; Erin " v - ; i Jffftoy N uaa1 July 23: injury to proper- Jemsldem - Bataogas C0PSOltias to A. MaeCaolI aka Erip A. Kapp.polts, fa,lore to ptpori ty, Corawallts Dr., Mocks- disruptive. Please See Records - Ihige 9 Driver’s Ed Suspended As State Funding Ends Making The Grade Davie Food Sanitation Scores By Beth Cassidy Enterprise Record School board members voted unanimously July 7 to suspend the driver's edu­ cation program, due to lack o f funding included in the state’s continuing budget resolution. Donna McNeil, director of career and technical edu­ cation, told the board the General Assembly’s bud­ get resolution through Aug. 14 provides no funding for the state-mandated driver's education program and no provision allowing school systems to charge more than the $65 fee that was charged last year. She said the actual cost per student for the program is about $300 and offer­ ing the course to additional students (beyond students already enrolled) would re­ quire the use of local funds allocated to other programs. Students who would be eligible to begin the class­ room portion of the train­ ing this year have the op­ tion of either waiting until they are 18, at which time they can apply for a license without any training, or us­ ing a private driving school. McNeil said she contacted private driving schools in Clemmons, Winston-Sa­ lem, Salisbury and Yadkin County, and fees for the classroom portion range from $65 to $85, and for the behind-the-wheel train­ ing, costs range from $200 to $350. There are no private driving schools in Davie County, she said. Letters will be sent to parents o f students who would have been In the pro­ gram this year with informa­ tion about driving schools. Behind-the-wheel train­ ing will continue to be provided to students who completed the classroom instruction during the 2014-15 school year. The General Assembly is debat­ ing whether or not to even require a driver training course to be eligible for a North Carolina driver’s li­ cense, said Superintendent Dr. Darrin Hartness. Board member Barbara Owens said, “It might be a way to cut the budget but it’s a scary cut.” Name Location Grade Blackboard's Seafood Shack Mocksville 97.5 Davie County Group Home Mocksville ApprovedLake Louise Golf Club Mocksville 94.5Monte Del Rey Mocksville 98Snook’s Bar-B-Q Mocksville 90The scores are compiled by Ihe environmental health section of the Davie County Health Department See all scores and learn more at httpsJ/pubBc.cdpehs.com/NCENVPBUES• TABUSHMENT/ShowESTABU$HM£NTTablePage.aspx?ESTT$T_CTY*3 0. Teaching Assistants May Be Cut By State By Beth Cassidy Enterprise Record Superintendent Dr. Dar­ rin Hartness shared con­ cerns related to the state’s continuing budget with the school board members at their July 7 meeting. Topping the list is the proposal that would reduce the allotment for teacher as­ sistants by $24.8 million, a six-percent reduction. The Senate side of the proposal is a reduction of more than 50 percent for K-3 assis­ tants, the equivalent of 8,500 fewer teacher assis­ tants in the state. He said Andrea Cranfill1 local and state teacher assis­ tant o f the year, is involved with lobbying legislators and shared with Hartness that Sen. Andrew Brock (R-Davie) met with her “in the hallway and said he was supportive, and then the Senate delegation, includ­ ing Mr. Brock, was not very supportive of teacher assis­ tants when they-were on the floor, so she was very disap­ pointed in our local repre­ sentation as well as the rest of the Senate.” Teacher assistants, he said, transport students in and around, as well as to and from school, as many of them are bus drivers. “They work in small groups, support instruction and are an integral part of what we do in education, so I really have a lot of concern about them, as employees and as people.” Another concern, he said, is the reduction in class sizes in grades K-3 to one teacher for every 16 students. Next year, that would drop to one for every 15. W hile it is good to reduce class size, he said, that creates a need for more Funding for additional teacher positions would be taken from funding for teacher assistants. In addi­ tion to that, Hartness said, the best teachers are hired out o f colleges and universi­ ties in May, June and July. While the Senate and House continue to debate and with the budget in limbo, possi­ bly until October, Hartness said, it puts school systems in a difficult position as they face the beginning of a new school year. “If I'm a principal at a school right now, I might be thinking about who do I have on my team next year, who is going to be in the classroom, planning where students will be and plan­ ning who will do what du­ ties, and that's all up in the air right now. I wish Raleigh would hear and understand the impact o f their deci­ sions and hear the impact of the IaCk o f their decisions,” Hartness said. No more teacher assis­ tants will be hired here to fill vacant positions, he said. Once a final budget is in place, a reduction in force may be needed. Grand Jury Indicts Five The following were in­ dicted by a grand jury dur­ ing the July 6 session of Da­ vie Superior Court. • Nathaniel Neil Flowers, habitual breaking/entering, two counts larceny pursuant to breaking/entering, and two counts breaking/enter­ ing. • Melvin Lee Gaither (Pruitt), possession more than one-half ounce but less than one and one-half ounc­ es of marijuana, possession o f marijuana paraphernalia, possession of firearm by a convicted felon. - Shane Aaron Hartness, obstructing justice. Christopher Alien Howell, habitual felon, pos­ session of firearm by a con­ victed felon. - Alonzo Leroy Smith, habitual felon, habitual breaking/entering, speeding to elude arrest, two counts each breaking/entering and larceny pursuant to break­ ing/entering. NEWLY RENOVATED C jfQ--------- A P U l , • Studio, ferthwood APARTMENTS 800 NorthHdgc Court ModcsviUetNC 27028 (336) 751-4141 www.no rthwoodapts-nc.4 Bedrooms Pool/Coffee Bar DVDLibrary Large Variety! D — m j ^ n r A U H andnm deItem s!BOUTIQUE IocaM rtiK H K / O neofaK jndT reasures Pottery - Jewelry - Cards - Clothing Baked G oods < 336-753-0146 128 N- Main St. • Mocksville, NC 27028 Records... • Robert James Feather- stone, 33, o f Salisbury, was charged July 21 with assault on a female. Trial date: July 30. • Crandon Hairston, 31, Avon St., was charged July 16 with burglary. Trial date: July 23. - EmmanuaJ Joseph Bras­ well, 18, o f County Line Rd., Harmony, was charged July 17 with obtaining prop­ erty by false pretense. Trial date: July 30. • Daylon TVree Jordan, 24, Wilhaven Dr., obtaining property by false pretense. Trial date: July 30. • Larry Ronald Wilson Jr., 20, US 64 W.. Mocksville, was charged with obtaining property by false pretense. Trial date: July 30. - Tracy Ann Price, 48, of Lewisville, was charged July 19 with DWI. Trial date: Aug. 21. • Pedro Rodriguez, 20, of Forest Lane, Mocksville, was charged July 20 with DWl and driving without a license. Trial date: Aug. 20. TVaffic Accidents • A Mocksville teen was cited for failing to reduce speed after a wreck on US 601 near Country Lane at 12:15 p m . July 27. Matison Elizabeth Keegan, 16, of Hidden Val­ ley Lane, failed to stop the 2008 Volvo she was driv­ ing before it struck the rear o f a 2013 Chevrolet driven by Edward Russell Brinson, 61, of Albemarle, reported Officer K.L. Hurley. • No charges were filed after a wreck on Wilkesboro Streetat 12:17pm . July 25. Sonia M oveta.Riley, 63, of S. Main St., stopped the 2000 Honda she was driv­ ing abruptly because of a vehicle in front of her, and her vehicle was struck in the rear by a 2001 Jeep driven by Lauren Michelle Hobbs, 35, of Wilmington, reported Officer R E . Spillman. • A 2003 Satum driven by Jose Beraabe Jimenez Acos­ ta, 59, and a 2002 Volkswa­ gen driven by Britani Leann Charles, 18, of US 158, Mocksville, collided in the intersection of Yadkinville Road and Country Lane at 5:49 p.m. July 25, reported Officer Brian M. Hill. No charges were filed. HEATING, COOLING, RESIDENTIMfi SALES, SERVICE, INSTALLATIONf C X 1 SERVING DAVIE AND ROWAN COUNTIES Office: 336-284-2881 Mobile: 336-345-9207 Rowan: 704-633-4777 When A Nursing Home Isn’t The Answer Wouldn't it be great to have assisted living in the privacy and comfort of your own home? P r o v i d i Medicaid, Cd Nov> serving Davidson, Dm WWT “AHOMETOW As the preferred local provider ofTixpefieiKed Companion Aides", Providence Senior Care hdm you live life on your own terms, in your own style and without burdening family. Affordable rates available for 3 hour to 24 hour care. CaU todayfora FRE E assessment <336)472-3810 ;n c e S e n i o r C a r e lP DA, CAP C and Respite Care He, fbnytb, Guifford, Randoipb, Rowan, Yadldn Counties v.providencese niorcare.com N AGENCY WITH A HOMETOWN FEEL.” Does your child need help with School Supplier uild Walmart ;' -.BACK LIVE UNITED P A C K p » i w i Suppod Student Suaeu 1 B uild a B a c k p a c k is a p ro g ra m b ro u g h t to D a v ie C o u n ty b y W a Jm a rt a n d U n ite d W a y th a t p a rtn e rs w ith th e D a v ie C o u n ty S c h o o ls to h e lp s tu d e n ts in n e e d w ith basic s c h o o l su p p lie s . To register for a Backpack with BASIC school supplies: Pleasefilloutanapplicationat w w w .davieunltedw av.org (under H o w W e H elp section) or call the number listed below Applications wilt be taken until August 7. 2015 S u p p lies will b e c o llected a t W alm art from July 8 ,2 0 1 5 th ro u g h A u g u st 1 2 ,2 0 1 5 . 0 nur chW !fees not nwtf ■ backpack fhase consMv Odnattig MrpNw At HMnaif to Aep met OOOm f» ft# Court# B ac k p a c k s will b e d eliv ered Io th e sc h o o ls for pick u p a t O p e n H o u se. C o m p le te S ch o o l S u p p ly Iiste a n d O p e n H o u se inform ation w ill-be p o s te d o n U ie D avie C o u n ty S c h o o ls’ w eb site. For more Information or to help with this effort, please coll 33S-75J-033J. IU -D A V lE COUNTY EN lE K l'K lbE KECOKD, Thursday, July JU ,21)15 Lyndsy and Pete Gallins and son Michael at a row where the scraps are heated and turned to make compost.- Photos by Robin Snow Compost... Continued From Page I Keeping the food from ending up in dumpsters at those sites provides a cost savings to them, as the dumpsters do not have to be emptied as often, so the benefits are fiscal and environmental, Gallins explained, adding he hopes Davie leaders will realize the potential for savings for county sites, including schools. The business is permitted providing an income for through the state Depart- himself and his young In 2014, the business was recognized as Green Business of the Year by the Piedmont Environmental Alliance, for diverting 850 tons of food waste from the landfill. Taking food waste and converting it into compost that can be used to grow more food means a circle has been completed, and Gallins is happy to be a part of that process while it of Environment and Natural Resources and is subject to random site checks throughout the year, to make sure they are com­ plying with what Gallins calls strict state guidelines on odor and water runoff. family. “We like it here; we like our neighbors. Slowly and steadily, our business is growing. There’s no secret to success; it’s just hard work," he said. Pete. Gallins can see the construction of the new Davie High School fromrhis bordering property. He says he wants to be a good neighbor. - A * K I S S ® The process yields a nutrient-rich soil amend­ ment The family enjoys the country life, raising goats and chickens along with making compost IwWNTO H A g re a t e v e n in g o f fu n fo r th e e n tire fam ily a s D o w n to w n M o ck sv ille w e lc o m e s o n e o f th e f a s te s t g ro w in g s p o rts in A m e ric a . W a tc h a s a m a te u r a n d n a tio n a lly a c c la im e d p ro c y c lists r a c e in a lo o p a ro u n d D o w n to w n M o ck sv i 11 e* r e a c h I n g s p e e d s u p to 4 5 m ile s p e r h o u r. T h e sta rt/fin ish will b e lo c a te d o n M ain S tre e t n e a r th e C o u rth o u s e a n d th e c y c lists will tr a n s v e r s e M ain S t., W a te r S t., S a lis b u ry S t., a n d G a ith e r S t. Women Cat 4/5 Men Masters 404- Masters 504- Cat 3 Men Pro, 1,2 Town of Mocksville Mocksville Tourism Development Authority (MTDA) DC Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Center g g o s s is fWitmtjSoillslmfswdavsl Julw30flAiifiusff2K0.l S Reminder to Downtown Merchants ... On July 30,2015, there will be a bike criterium downtown. AU streets from N. Main to Water St., Water St. to Salisbury St., Salisbury St. to Gaither St., and Gaither St.to N. Main St. will be CLOSED from 5:15 PM to 10:00 PM. AU vehicles inside the bike race area will not be able to leave from 5:15 PM to 10:00 PM. With young Michael in tow, Lyndsy Gallins points to the pile of scraps (above) before it is sorted and placed into the windrows. At right is a finished bag of Carolina Dynamite Com­ post, which Pete Gallins says is so packed with nutrients it can burn plants if too much is used. Below, Gallins shows some of the prod­ uct before it is bagged to sell. Sports DAVlE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 30,2015 - BI W '* FreshmanAddieThomas (left) and sophomore Kaylx Lyons run the 100 hurdles at West Forsyth. - Photo by Chris Mackle Year In Review Of Davie Spring HighlightsA Recap By Brian Pitts Davie Enterprise Record Yearln Review: This is the third in a three-part series, looking back at the 2014-15 school year. This is a recap o f highlights from the spring season. • Senior Colby Carter of Da­ vie’s golf team birdied three of the final five holes to shoot a one-un­ der 35 and claim medalist honors in the season-opening meet at Oak Valley. Carter beat the runner-up by a whopping five strokes. • Playing brilliantly in her high-school debut, freshman Kam Parks scored three goals to propel Davie JV soccer to a 4-0 win over Glenn. Not only was this Parks' Davie debut, she was playing a new position (forward). “She had never scored in a game, so to score three goals was pretty amazing,” coach Kenneth Ham said. • Davie’s varsity soccer team exorcised demons with a I -0 over­ time triumph at North Davidson. Getting a goal from Claire Dever- eaux, the War Eagles beat North for the first time since 2010. In Overtime1Annie Kinder attempted a shot that deflected off the keeper. Devereaux finished it. “It was a phenomenal game,” coach Kerstin Steinour said. • In a track meet at Reagan, Nick Simmons set a school record in the 1600 at 4:38.85. ■ Carter stayed hot for Davie golf with another medalist per­ formance, one-over 37. Freshman Chris Carr was next at 38. • Despite trailing 4-0, Davie’s JV softball team stormed back to beat Ledford 6-4 to make Morgan Wyatt a winner in her coaching debut. “I didn’t even sleep the night before, I was so excited,” Wyatt said. Freshm an R iv er Sim pson pitched no-hit ball in the final four innings, Bridgett Tierney hit an inside-the-park homer, and Emilee Dishman and Sierra Ferguson had two hits each. •Carterearned his third medal­ ist of the season at Sapona Ridge, shooting an even-par 35. Freshman Cameron Patton was third overall at 37. • Ferguson of Davie JV softball went 3 for 3 with five RBIs in an 11-1 rout of Forbush. “She’s a stud,” Wyatt said. • In the Central Piedmont Con­ ference opener at Maple Chase, Carter and Will Perkins led Davie golf with a pair of one-over 37s. • Davie JV softball wiped out a 5-1 deficit and topped Montour (Pa.) 10-6. Ferguson, Katelyn Webb, Sydney Hendren and Bailey Walsh had'two hits each. • T yler R oberts and M cK ­ ay Chamberlain combined on a four-hitter as Davie JV baseball beat North Davidson 6-1. • In the season opener. Davie varsity baseball pulled off a re­ sounding 2-1 win at Reagan. “It was one of the most enjoyable games that I've been in in a while,” coach Bobby Byerly said. In his varsity debut on the mound, Isaac Campbell went four innings and left with a 1-0 deficit. Reliever Nathan Hareell earned the win, facing the minimum for three innings. • In a 5-1 varsity baseball win over Ledford. Byerly raved about the Harrell twins up the middle, third baseman Brandon Lankford and center field Mitchell McGee. “The Harrell brothers (shortstop Ryan and second baseman Nathan) made unbelievable plays on bad- hop ground balls," he said. "There was a little squibber up the third- base line, and Lankford threw the guy out by three steps. It was like a major-league play. McGee was going gap to gap and running everything down.” • At Winston Lake, golfer Wes­ ley Sink shot one-over 37, while Carter and Michael Fouts had 39s. • Zach H udspeth pitched a two-hitter, struck out nine and led a 5-2 payback win over Reagan. Jake Byrd and Ben Summers had two hits each. • In a five-team track meet, Av­ ery Williford won'the IlOhurdles and 300 hurdles, George Mitchell won the longjump and triple jump, and Simmons won the 1600. For Davie’s girls, Hannah Dove-(shot put, discus) was a double winner. • Smarting from an 0-5 start, Davie varsity lacrosse broke a 10-game losing streak with an 8-3 win over West Stokes. NickJuhasz put up three goals,Ryan Robinson had two, and Dylan Walters had two assists. • At Southeast Guilford, Davie varsity baseball won 4-2. The story was pitcher N. Harrell, who went 5 2/3 innings. “Since 1990 I’ve been around coaching, and this has been the most impressive pitching performances that I’ve seen on a continual basis,” Byerly said. • Davie’s pitching was terrific in a 4-3 win at North Davidson. Campbell allowed one earned run in four innings, and Colby CranfilI tossed three hitless innings and struck out six. Craig Colbourne went 3 for 4 with a home run. • In her first games as Davie varsity softball coach, Dawn Lowery piloted the War Eagles to their first 3-0 start in six years. Tierney and Anna Devereaux hard­ ly looked like freshmen. Tierney started 6 for 7, while Devereaux doubled and homered in her sec­ ond game. “You can’t teach some o f the stuff D evereaux does,” Lowery said. Please See Review - Page B3 Davie Licking Chops For ‘Hitmas’ By Brian Pilts Davie Enterprise Record The first official day of football practice is Aug. I, but the day ev­ eryone will be especially jacked up for is Aug. 7. That’s Hitmas Day, the first practice with full contact. The War Eagles will hit the game field at 6 p.m. “We’re going to do our Hitmas ceremonies on the practice field at the Hitmas tree,” third-year head coach Devore Holman said. “Then w e’re going to (War Eagle Stadium) and we’re going to do the Oklahoma drill and all those things. We’U have a couple indi­ vidual periods to get warmed up. W e’ll have group time and then w e'll have an intrasquad scrim­ mage.” Holman is inviting the commu­ nity to come out and watch from the stands. It’s always the most spirited practice. “I think the cheerleaders are going to be involved, and we may have the concession open,” he said. “Our kids are licking their chops for that day.” Davie will scrimmage at East Rowan on Aug. LI at 10 a.m. It will scrimmage Lake Norman at Mooresville High on Aug. 14 at 6 p.m. Davie and Lake Norman will square off for half a game. The War Eagles’ nonconference schedule will have tw o new opponents this year. Gone are Lexington and Thomasville, which were cannon fodder for Davie from 2011-14. Davie went 8-0 against them over that time. The hew foes w ill be con­ siderably tougher; D udley and Hopewell. Holman has traded a pair of 2-A opponents for a pair of 4-As. The 2015 schedule: Aug. 21 at home vs. Page; Aug. 28 at West Rowan; Sept. 4 at North Rowan; Sept. 11 at Dudley; Sept. 18 at homeys. Hopewell; Sept. 25 at home vs. Reynolds in the con­ ference opener; Oct. 2 at Reagan; Oct. 9 at home vs. West Forsyth; Oct. 16 at North Davidson; Oct. 30 at home vs. Mt. Tabor; and Nov. 6 at Parkland. Davie has a bye on Oct. 23. The coaching staff is in flux as three assistants left Holman’s staff Please See Hitm as - Page B2 Sanders, Smith WinAt Bowman Gray A .J. Sanders o f M ocksville won the “A” Race in the Stadium Stock Series Saturday night at Bowman Gray Stadium in Win- ' ston-Salem. It was Sanders’ fourth win of the year at the stadium, but his first since opening the season with three straight victories. It was his 12th win o f the year at all tracks. Wesley Thompson of Mocks­ ville finished fourth. A J.’s son, Stephen Sanders of Midway, was sixth. ! j Mark Smith of,Advance took Hayden Williams finishes fifth in the breaststroke in the Greater Forsyth Swim League championship meet, the checkered fiag;in the “B Race, a|q0ut him and other members of the Oak Valley Orcas team on page B6. W Orcas Make A Splash B2 ■ DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE REC OR D,Thursday, July 30,2015 Hitmas... WyattArmsworthy takes aim; and displays his state championship awards. Wyatt Armsworthy Target Shooting Champ Wyatt Annsworthy is the Carolina Clays 2015 ATA Aim Pre Sub Trap- Champion. Trapshooting Home- grounds in Bostic played host to the state champi­ onship. After grueling 95 degree temps for five days with 225 clay target event, the multiple scholarship award winning Carolina Clays team member Wyatt Armsworthy gained a com­ petitor’s edge early in the competition. “Clay target shooting is a mental game,” said Coach Jeff Allen. “Wyatt, like his Carolina Clays teammates, displayed physical and mental excellence to cap­ ture the 2015 Pre Sub Jr. Mens division title.” Wyatt is a former fifth grader at Pinebrook Ele­ mentary where he was an integral part of the “Back­ pack Buddy” program that provided food for the needy this past year. He has spent the past two years on Car­ olina Clays as a dedicated skeet and trap shooter. In addition to being an outdoorsman, he has worked hard to perfect the art of incubating chick­ en and turkey eggs. He is You are always welcome at First United Methodist Church 310 North Main Street Historic Downtown Mocksville C o n tem p o ra ry W o rsh ip 8:45 a.m . T raditionaIW orship 10:55 a m S u n d ay S ch o o I fo r all a g e s 950 a.m , W eekly Prayer Service-T hurs. N o o n -I:00 p.m . www.firstumcmocksville.org Telephone: 751-2503 excited about his ability to participate in his church youth group at Smith Grove United Methodist during the SPRITUS trip to Oak Island. But most importantly, W yatt loves spending qual­ ity time with his grandpar­ ents, often eating ice cream or popcorn. Wyatt will be attending North Davie Middle School next month. Wyatt will be continu­ ing his clay target shooting with national champion­ ship plans. Continued From Page B I during the offseason. Wade Lovejoy and Mike Rom inger left the gam e, with Rominger set to retire from teaching early in the 2015-16 school year. Alex Tesh left to become an as­ sistant at rival North David­ son. Holman has added two coaches (Barry W hitlock and Corey Gordy), but the puzzle remains a work in progress, “I’m looking to hire two guys right now,” he said. "W e're still in the hiring process. It’s getting late into the game and w e're still looking to bring some peo­ ple aboard. I'm looking to hire a running backs coach and a defensive line coach. We’re trying to structure it the best we can for the time being, and hopefully w e’ll be able to get two people in here. You have to be careful about hiring just anybody. We want to hire the right people.” Barry W hitlock - who was an assistant under then- coach Doug Illing from 2002-08, including the last six years as offensive co­ ordinator - will be back on the sidelines after a six-year hiatus. Offense is his thing, and “W hitlock is helping us where needed on offense,” Holman said. G ordy w ill coach JV offensive linemen. He was a starter on the OL during Davie’s last winning season in 2012. Holmanhas 12 assistants at the moment. The rest of the staff: Tim D evericks (assis­ tant head coach, defensive coordinator, safeties), Todd Bumgarner (offensive co­ ordinator, quarterbacks), Blaine Nicholson (JV head coach, spurs), Chris Callison (receivers), Ron Bivins (JV receivers), Jim mie Welch (offensive line), Tenell W il­ son (JV offensive line), R andy A they (defensive line), David Hunt (lineback­ ers) and David Wooldridge (kickers, punters). Nicholson is taking over as JV coach. Welch held that role in 2014. During Holman’s 20-plus years as assistant coach under Mike Carter, Randall W ard, Benjie Brow n and Illing, he alw ays w orked on the defensive side of the ball. He did not coach a position during his first two years as head coach, but that has changed. This year he will coach comerbacks. “I’m excited about roll­ ing the sleeves up and being involved (with a position),” he said. “I'm glad to be back in the nuts and bolts of things. I think it also helps my relationships with the kids. I'm excited to help coach D evericks and the defensive staff. The kids know sometimes I get a little intense, and I hope some o f that rubs off on those comers.” SINESS SPOTLIGHT FARM FRESH PORK ABNatwai Jerry a Clndy Foster (336) 998-7175 „ C^mhohs BRRBer^ •Clemmons Barbershop is at 2721 Lewisville- Clemmons Road in the Clemmons Shopping Center. Tiiesl-Fri. 030am • 6 pm; SaL Sam-noon (336)766-9011 2721 Lewlsvills Clemmons Rd. • Clemmons www.d9mmonsbarbershop.com ' Walk-Ins are ‘Old Reliable’ since 1960 Clemmons Barbershop: Business cuts to flat tops S A N D M l f ) ! t r a p I J O (U S to m G o liIH H r 5 0 % O f fAll Brand Name Used Drivers, Excellent Condition! 3623 Clemmons Road Gemmons 766-2233HnMxiTxTluslMSft ICkUVblkSii Oad T h e D a i s y D e p o t s FuIIService FLORIST&QFTSHOP819 South Main Sf Mocksville SC336-753-3100!hfdilsydepoiegmall.com I P E R K I N S R O O F I N G "Quality work at reasonable prices" Phone: 33&753-8355 Foe 336-7594373 jesse Pericins - Owner 300 Spring Street \^ 4 > ModaVilkNC B r u c e ’s P o t t e r y B a r n 820 S. Main St., Moduville, NC Funeluml Cf Non-Functional WhedTbnwn td ' Hand Carved Pottery FormerlyofseagroveiNC OpMivMtsaiacTLBSlThASRiKM 336-465-1041 I CLASSES AVAILABLEI " "Old Reliable’’ and “Home ot the Real Haircut” are just two phrases customers have used when describ­ ing the oldest and best barbershop in the area since 1960. That Is because Clemmons Barbershop combines first class service and the best of small-town values to help give it its first-rate reputation. Just like In Floyd's Barbershop in Mayberry, cus­ tomers may find hours of friendly debates and discus­ sions going on about anything from fishing, hunting, sports or current events or business. That old-fashioned escape from today's modern word is what keeps the regular and new customers coming back year after year, haircut after haircut. Serving many of the fine and loyal people from For­ syth, Davie, Davidson, Yadkin Counties and beyond. Also customers who are in town on business or have moved away from the area as far away north as New York and south as Florida, make sure to stop in for a good cut and a friendly conversation, At Clemmons Barbershop, customers can choose from men's business cuts, flat tops, high and tights, buzz cuts, short and long style cuts for both men and boys, as well as any other specific requests. Clemmons Barbershop is located at 272t Lewis- vllle-Clemmons Road in the Clemmons Shopping Center. The shop hours are Tuesday-Friday 6:30 am to 6:00 pm and on Saturday's 6:00 am to noon. You can reach Terry at 766-9011 or visit his website at clemmonsbarbershop.com. Everybody is WELCOME at Clemmons Barber­ shop. ReStore jJ w f HabitatM i l for Humanity*•fDavW CHaly NEW STORE HOURS!! ★★★ TUES. - FRL 9am-6pm Si SAT. 9am-5pm Starting July 1“ see our new Christmas Room! 25% OFF Christmas Items (Thu July Jf. 2015 wilh Ihii coupon) fa^dngGetff UstdOatajoesof QXhes,Tofil(M-Knajn,tiKni&hrn/btt. I 124W ilkesboro St., M ocksville ■ (acroisfromO'RellljrAuto Parts) 3 3 6 -7 5 3 -1 4 3 8 roStet* DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 30,2015 - B3 Paul Davenport applies the tag as Beau Byerly throws out a W. Forsyth runner. Review... Continued From Page BI • In a 7-1 win at Alexan­ der Central, Jalen Scott of Davie varsity baseball gave up three hits in six innings. Not bad for his first varsity start on the mound. Paul Davenport (3 for 4) continued to sizzle. Lank­ ford (home run) and Beau Byerly had two hits each. Lankford and R. Hanell turned in how-did-they-do- that plays. “Lankford made a ridiculous play," Byerly said. "He went six to eight feet across the (foul) line and threw the guy out. Ryan made two amazing plays.” • In Davie JV softball's 16-1 cruise over West Row­ an , Webb went 4 for 4 with a home run. Emilee Dishman and Baiiey Walsh had three hits each. “Webb is built like a Mack Truck,” Wyatt said. “When she digs in and drives the ball, it’s scary.” • The reason Davie JV baseball edged North David­ son 2-1 was complete-game pitcher Hudspeth, who im­ proved to 3-0 with an 0.74 ERA. The winning rally in the sixth began when Jake Bameycastle reached base. A fter C ham berlain laid down a sac bunt, Barney- castle scored on a sac fly by Roberts. • Davie varsity lacrosse scored the most goals in its two-year history as it over­ whelmed North Davidson 17-7. Josh Lankford was unstoppable with five goals. North had no answers for Ryan Robinson and Juhasz as they poured in four each. K aleb M cC arson added three. • In Davie varsity base­ ball’s 2-1 loss to West For­ syth, you had to feel bad for Campbell, who fell to 0-3 despite a 2.15 ERA. He walked none and fanned 10. "Our team ERA is 1.40 and we’re a 500 team," Byerly said in frustration. • In a two-game stretch that will be remembered for a long time, Davie varsity softball knocked off West . Forsyth 4-1 when the Titans were 16-0 and ranked third in the state, and it held off North Davidson 7-5 when North was ranked ninth in the state. No one could have predicted the feat because the Vftar Eagles had lost four of six. "We knew North and West were probably think­ ing it would be a piece of cake to beat an 8-6 team," Lowery said. “Man, it was a great day to be a War Eagle.” At W est, junior Julie Gough went all seven in­ nings and didn't issue a walk. “She pitched an ab­ solute gem,” pitching coach Johnny Miller said. K'lea Parks went 2 for 3 with two RBIs. There's no way to exag­ gerate the significance of the win over North. Davie had not won in the series since 2001. Pitcher Olivia Boger (seven innings, seven Ks), M akenzie Smith (3 for 3, two RBIs) and Sarah Myers (2-3, two RBIs) connected the dots for Davie, which seized imm ediate control with seven runs in the first two innings. “This has been a long time coming,” Lowery said. “Olivia was a beast. When she gets that attitude, she's hard to stop.” • Davie JV softball won a scintillating 8-3, eight-in­ ning decision at West For­ syth. Simpson got it done as the pitcher and with three hits. Tiemey went 4 for 5 ASTCOA j -.,.tgf-'Cr Jake Bameycastle rounds second 'Jikiuif* Katelyn Hernandez plays center mid. and Ferguson 3 for 4. “I told the girls to not let his­ tory repeat itself and make a statement,” Wyatt said. • Carter fired a two-under 34 with two birdies and an eagle at Wilshire, and Davie golf captured a CPC meet for the first time in four years. Perkins (37), Sink (38), Fouts (39) and Carr (39) helped the cause. • D avie track athletes Williford and Dove enjoyed a moment in the sun in the CPC championship meet. Williford swept first in the hurdle events, while Dove captured the discus for the second time in her career. Dove added a runner-up in the shot put to earn all-CPC honors in two events. Sa­ vannah Everett and Mitchell made all-CPC by placing second in the high jump and triple jump, respectively. • H endren sm ashed a three-run homer in a 13-4 win over North Iredell. "It was one of those like you see in the major leagues when they go to the second deck,” Wyatt said. • W hen D avie varsity baseball toppled M t. Ta­ bor 8-2, Cranfill delivered a strong com plete gam e. L ankford hom ered and Chris Reynolds went 3 for 3. • Davie tennis enjoyed the longest winning streak in four years (six) as it bur­ ied W est Forsyth 7-2 on Senior Day. Elijah Gregory, Austin Angel, Jack Robin­ son, Holden Poole and Ben Fouts clinched the verdict in singles. Davie achieved a winning season for the fifth straight year - with a young roster. "That is just phenomenal," coach Shane Nixon said. • Davie’s super sopho­ more, Gregory, qualified for the tennis regional. “It was a privilege to take the journey to regionals with Elijah,” Nixon said. “He is such a good kid and a wonderful player. His future is also bright - really bright.” • Carter (ninth place), Perkins (tied for I2th) and Sink (tied for 12th) earned all-CPC in golf. Carter and Sink represented Davie in the regional. • Davie varsity lacrosse closed the season on a high note, winning the final three games. Juhasz and Walters combined for five goals in a 12-0 win at Atkins. In an 8-6 win over West Stokes, the War Eagles enjoyed the first back-to-back wins in their brief history. Juhasz had a hat trick. • Davie varsity baseball didn't quite com plete an improbable triumph in the CPC Tournament, but man, did the War Eagles make a run at it. In a 6-5 win over Reyn­ olds, Caleb W allace pro­ vided an unexpected boost, going 3 for 3 w ith two RBIs. Lankford went 2 for 4. The ending was off-the- charts crazy. With the bases loaded, Reynolds’ suicide squeeze backfired thanks to catcher Davenport, who fielded the bunt, stepped on home and threw to first for a double play. “I don’t think I've ever seen one end like that,” Byerly said. Campbell played a big role in a 5-3 semifinal win over West Forsyth, tossing seven innings and outduel- ing Jake Mayhew. McGee (2-3), Reynolds (2-4) and Lankford (2-4, homer) led the attack as Davie stopped a five-game losing streak in the series. In the tournam ent fi­ nal, North Davidson barely outlasted Davie in a 10-9 barnburner. Colboume did everything he could to pre­ vent defeat, going 4 for 4 with two RBIs. Scott and McGee had two hits each, while Lankford belted his sixth homer: R. Harrell also hom ered. "You w ant to win, but that was just a fun game,” Byerly said. “It had everything.” • In an unbelievable closing push, Davie varsity soccer beat North Davidson (3-0) and Tabor (1-1, 4-2 shootout). “It was an amaz­ ing feeling to beat Tabor and North." Steinour said. Devereaux had two goals and Jessica N avarro one against North. Goalie Mary Tellup “had some amazing saves,” Steinour said. On Senior Night, the War Eagles soaked in a moment they wondered would ever arrive - the first win over Tabor in 19 years - and fin­ ished with the most league wins (five) in 12 years. Emily Muchukot provid­ ed a huge lift at 15 minutes, scoring the game's first goal. It was I • I after 100 minutes. In the shootout, Devereaux, Lindsey Stroupe, Brooke Hedgspeth and Muchukot scored in succession. Tellup blocked Tabor's third shot and its fourth shot missed. “W hat a game,” Steinour said. • Williford extended his jo y ride in the M idw est Regional, placing in the top four in both hurdles to earn state berths. Mitchell advanced by claiming fourth in the triple jump. • D avie JV baseball staged a dramatic recovery against Lake Norman, over­ coming a 7-0 deficit to win 11-7. Bam eycastle (3-4), Cody Hendrix (3-4), Rob­ erts (2-3, homer) and Jake Byrd (2-4) had multiple hits. • After tying for 12th in the CPC to squeak on the all-conference team, Sink played like a man possessed in the golf regional. The sophom ore’s even-par 72 was good for runner-up medalist. His card included one birdie, one bogey and 16 pars. It was Davie's finest regional round in 13 years. “I always feel like I can play that kind of golf,” Sink said. “I'm glad I could finally play a round like that.” Carter was second for Davie at 79. • W hen D avie varsity softball beat Ardrey Kell 6-2, it had the most wins (18) in 14 years. McKenzie Bameycastle had two hits, G ough got the w in and Boger earned the save with three scoreless innings. Faith Bokeno stops the ball at striker George Mitchell on left, Nathan Harrell on right. Briefs & Dates Davie Cheer Cam p Aug. 3-6 Davie Cheer Camp will be Aug. 3-6 from 6-8:30 pun. at the DavieHigh gym forages K-eighth grade. Pre-registra­ tion will be $55 until July 29; late registration is $75 cash at the door. Forms are available on the school website or in the main office at the high school. ContactAngie Stage for further details at stage@ daviejd2.nc.us. Division-I Commitments Davie County has had three Division-1 commitments in recent weeks. From Davie High, Jonn Young (football) and Olivia Boger (softball) gave verbal commitments to West Virginia and Mercer, respectively. Young is a kicker/punter as a rising senior. Boger is a rising junior and a pitcher. Running back Cade Camey of Davidson Day committed to play football at Wake Forest. McKnight New Boys Soccer Coach Davie has a new varsity boys soccer coach - Mark McKnight. Kenneth Ham guided the War Eagles the past two years, going 12-28-2 overall and 5-18-1 in the Central Piedmont 4-A Conference. They finished fifth out of seven teams in 2013 and tied for last place in 2014. McKnight became the Ilth coach in the program’s 28- year history. He was head coach fora brief period in 2012, Lance Everette halfway through the season when Everette took a job at North Iredell Middle. McKnight went 1-5-4 as the interim coach, with all 10 games coming in the CPC. McKnight will have a difficult chore. Davie has suffered three straight losing seasons and 13 losing seasons in 14 years. BuIlins New Girls Tennis Coach John Bullins is the new girls tennis coach at Davie, re­ placing the winningest coach in history in Sandra Boyette, who went 94-46 in nine years, including a 53-35 mark in the CPC. Davie has racked up 16 straight winning seasons. The first practice will be Aug. 3, but time and location is to be determined due to rebuilding of the courts at South Davie Middle. To find out important information about practice, players need to email Bullins at bullinsj@ davie.kl2.nc.us. STORE CLOSING SALE SHOP 601 LADIES APPAREL GOOD SELECTIONS STILL AVAILABLEI 3611 CLEMMONS RO CLEMMONS, NC NEXT DOOR TO CLEMMONSKfTCHEN MONDAV - FRIDAY 10:004:00 SATURDAY 10:00-2:00 936-775-9288 B4 • DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 30,2015 Going For The Gold Girl Scouts Spruce Up S. Davie Tennis Courts Girl Scouts paint themselves orange along with the bleacher supports at the South Davie tennis courts. im w B Scouts present South Davie Principal Melissa Lynch with sheets of printed numbers for future championship years to be added to the banners, from left: Abby Yount, Sierra Foster, Julie Miller, Mrs. Lynch, and Abbe Hurt. / T ,n(W,noiiiat I1IIIlS TtNMS Mmmm Preparing to attach the cchampionship signs to the building, from left: Emery Rosenbaum, Sierra Foster, Abbe Hurt, Abby Yount, and Sydney Walterman. Six local girl scouts from Cadette Troop 41166 earned their Silver Awards during the past scouting year. The Girl Scout Silver Award is the second high­ est award in Girl Scouting and can be earned by girls in grades 6-8. It represents accomplishments in Girl Scouting and community. The Silver Award require­ ments encourage girls to build skills, explore ca­ reers, gain leadership skills and make a commitment to self-improvement, Each girl dedicated a minimum of 50 hours of service to designing and ex­ ecuting a project. SD Tennis Court Renovations The South Davie tennis court renovation project was undertaken by Cadette Scouts Sierra Foster, Emery Rosenbaum and Julie Mill­ er, all eighth graders from South Davie. The scouts presented their project to the Mocksville Town Board in early March describing the conditions of the ten­ nis courts and the build­ ing nt South Davie Middle School. After presenting a slide show and project de­ scription, the girls received unanimous approval to con­ tinue the project from May­ or Dr. Francis Slate and the board members. Flyers with details were designed and commitments from spon­ sors obtained. Several weekends were used to paint the bleacher supports bright orange, re­ place the bleacher boards, sand and paint four doors and concession window, scrape gum, clean bath­ rooms, repair wind screens on fencing, paint back­ board, and pressure wash the building and sidewalks. Aluminum signs were designed and attached to the building denoting past conference titles and un­ defeated seasons for South Davie and Davie High ten­ nis teams. A sponsorship banner was also placed under the breezeway of the building. AU money was raised by sponsorship donors and do­ nations of materials. Cham pionship Banners The second silver proj­ ect involved placing cham­ pionship athletic banners in the gym at South Davie. Scouts Abby Yourit. Abbe Hurt and Sydney Wal- terman headed the projeci. The goal was to promote pride and honor accom­ plishments of past students at South Davie. After designing banners, the scouts presented the project to South Davie Prin­ cipal Melissa Lynch. The troop spent hours gathering data, contacting coaches, searching past yearbooks and trophy cases for confer­ ence titles and undefeated seasons since the school in­ ception in 1980. Scouts presented Lynch with a sheet of additional future year numbers that can be added to each ban­ ner as needed. Sponsorship banners also hang in the gym thanking local busi­ nesses for their support. Girl Scout Troop 41166 was formed in 2007 at Mocksville Elementary School. "I’ve had all six of these girls together as a troop for 8 years now. They be­ gan together as first grade Brownies,” says troop lead­ er, Marjorie Foster. "I've loved watching them grow together as scouts into young adults. We have had many adventures during the years including camping, attending events, and a trip to Savannah, Ga. after fifth grade to the birthplace ol Girl Scouting. “I promised them in first grade that if they stayed in scouting through the yean and earned their Bronze! Silver, and Gold Awards, I would take them on a trip tti Europe during high school! They earned their Bronze Award with a Clean Aii Project at Mocksville EL ementary School and now their Silvers this year. I guess we better start earn­ ing money now." The scouts are bridging to SeniorScouts as they pre­ pare for Davie High School and begin the lengthy pro­ cess of preparing for theit Gold Award. The Gold Award is the highest award in scouting and is equiva­ lent to the Eagle Scout in Boy Scouting. Gold Award recipients are eligible fot" scholarships and advanced ranks in the military. Sierra Foster sands the faded metal doors of the bath rooms. Scouts preparing for painting and pressure washing, from SydneyWaItermansweepsbath- left: Abbe Hurt, Sydney Walterman, Abby Yount, Sierra rooms. Foster, and Emery Rosenbaum. DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 30,2015 - B5 Allstate.NftuVi In Qeed Tmls1 Steve Ridenhour Mark S.Jones8SJUSHwy.64WSt». 101 • Mockrvffle1NC (336) 751-0669 rfltfg* AUTUMN CARE * OFMOCKSVILLE 1007 Howard St. Mocksville - 751-3535 Certified Dealer of LENNOX CALSTO Heating & Cooling, Inc. 5649 Counny Club Rd., Winston-Salem 336-765-6430 DANIEL FURNITURE &. ELECTRIC CO., INC. HomeAppliances . Courteous. Deptntlaiile Servlee /or o w 75 Kws Johnny Marklln»WiO Marklln k . , n ' I i, .« h. V 1 Hessthe LORD, O my soul: and all that is .within me, bless his holy name. (Psalm 103:1) D a v i e D i s c o u n t D r u g s Cooleemee Shopping Center Cooleemee, NC (336) 284-2537 g g SOUTHERN STATES Davfo Farm Service, Inc. 116 Wllkesboro St., Mocksville (336) 751-5021 ■Your local lawtvgarden and firm supply store since 1952* DAVlE LUMBER & LOGGING 137 Crabtree Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9144 336-751-3712www.fullenweldlng.com JERRY'S MEAT PROCESSING We Cuatom Meat Process Beef - Pork • Oeer 40 years experience 092 Rafph RatIaOga Rd - Uocksvilia336-492-5496 1083 Salisbury Road • Mocksville(Ape*- IM mBo Irom Oavfe High ScfKeO(336) 753-8090 E a t o n F u n e r a l S e r v i c e Serving OthAe County Since 1997 —1 Fu n e r a l H o m e 635 Wilkcsboro St. ■ Mocksville, NC(336)751-1100 www.grahamfuneralhome.net Saw s - G enerators Log Splitters & Blowers i n Off Pine RHdlKi (10 bale min., relall only) »' 336-766-2738 wwwJUBtnynmwBrtvc.com Paula’s Place “H om e Style C ooking” 2076 US Hwy. 601 S. Mocksville, NC 336-753-1315 aFor where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.0 Matthew 18:20 HAYW ORTH-M ILLER FUNERAL HOMli 108 East KIiitIertonWay Advance. NC 27006 336.940.5SSS McCuiston C oncrete Co., Inc. 3 3 6 - 3 4 5 - 3 9 2 ^ Over39Yearsinbusiness AdvancefNC F i r s t F i d e l i t y NC, LLC1121 GtdM Crim IU-SUie let JanMWMtNC ZRU UJO SJii Cmk PoiwihSvftr JOJVrtftWvSJmrK IJlOJ 336-399-4886 S f j i S HOWARD REALTY 330 S. Salisbuiy St, Mocksville 336-751-3538 H b t n I S l To view all out current listings visit us al: ■ BMyxc- 'www.howardrealty.com. IffiiUer1S R e s ta u ra n t 710 WIIftesboro S tr e e t M o e k sv tl Ie 336-7 5 1 -2 6 2 1 ProvidenceSeniorCare Mcdiciiil, CAP DA, CAP C ud Rnpitc CutXev UTtinr Potitai, Dow, FenyA, Ceifiri Rower, Yedhn Caioiria www.providenceseftiofrart.com "A I IOMTrotVN AG PtCT WITH A IIOJtETOWK FED-’CtIlKiJay fir a FREE aiusimtnl (336 )472-3810 F O S T E R D R U G C O M P A N Y 495 Valley Road Mocksville. NC 27028 336-751-2141 336-753-DRUG EdwardJones MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING Slayton R. Harpe ! FinanciaIAdvisor 5539 U.S. Hwy.158, Suite 104 Advance, NC 27006www.edwardjones.com Member 5IPC 336-940-3150 TAMlLV & COSMETIC DENTBTFtV Andrew J. Rivers DMD11B Hospital SU - Mocksville. NC 27028336-751-6289“Serving Chlldrtn Si Adults' Accepting most Major InsurancesIiverstamiIydenilSTtycon Shoaf Concrete Ca Mockxvillef NC 336-751-1989Mon-Frl 6:30am - 3:30pm Shores Plumbing & Heating Rlchaid Shores - Owner 1485 N. Main SL1 Mocksville, NC (336)751-5653 PhilCar Automotive & Tire SPILLMAN’S HOME a p T F U E L OIL CaHtodayfor ' ’ Heating Olluelivaryl (all Today hr Delivery 284*2551 Sflp m ? 3 Mocksville Locations • 1423 Yadkinville Rd.. Mocksville• 1360 US Hwy. 601 S., Mocksville• Inside Walmart Supercenter,261 Cooper Creek Dr.. Mocksville TheDaisyDepot FuIIScrvi Cu FL O R lSr& C U T SH O P Bta South Main Su-MocksvUIeNC 336-753-3100thedalsydepotSgmall.com OwVmhA *' IM "** EaSk..*, This scripture message brought to yo u by these bus inesses who encourageyou to worship at the church ofyour choice. Imrilim, CampvtN Balmtiia _gnmantu PrepeMTaiiIiItaHkr IuSelny Imgemn, Ol Oangeu MiMt Memotire bpein, Brns f t urn IiLi M tm rm a — - t 5240 US Hwy. >5B, Aavancg, NC W a lm a r t 261 CooperCreekD rive Mocksville, NC (336) 751-1266 ^ ° ' sc T fc^ GENTLE f ^ a j o r s t o w SsPaIIetOne A Tradition Q pF Since 197S M a c h in e ft Tool Inc. www.palletone.com 2716Hwy.601 North MocksvilIefNC 27028 336-492-5055 24 Hours Roadside Rollback Service Small, Medium & Hesvy Duty Towing Joseph Crolts, Owner 336-998-2693 - Office 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksville, NC 2702B 140 N. Clement St., MockaviUo, NC 336-492-5565(336) 751-5820 DELIVERY AVBILABLEOpen Moru-SaL Sam- 8pm336-492-5979 1819 US Hwy. 64 W, Mocksville(HO U19 JMl 9> < Mt EOM Cm UMe 0u»| W hitnee's New & Used v ariety Store 996Yadkinville Rd., Mocksville (SesfdeMocfsvWleTlie £Automoth«JHOUU Msv Noon-SMpnc ToeAltKEhnuSMpnuVred-OaMd;TNn. NoorvAMpnu Frl I POCenvS CCftnu Other SlLTJCUrvUCftm 1336) 753-1388 Ilountoln DESiGNsyAvt Yoar Fall Time Oay Care Since 1983 • Infant - 3rd Grade• Kmaii infant & Crawler Rooms• Before Se After School Programs • Professional Bxperlenced BtaffProuG to be a part of the Noilb Cwfaa PnAtttdensrtBt Piapm AttaCailtr 5s e r f 184 Council St. • Uocksdlle 7 5 1 -7 1 1 8 B6 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, T hursday, July 3 0 ,201S O ak V alley O rc a s H o st L ast G FSL S w im m ing M eet On Friday evening and freestyle, sixth in IOOm 25m backstroke. Saturday morning, July 24 IM, and fifth in 50m back- • 6&under girls: the and 25, the Oak Valley Or- stroke; Jack Scully finished IOOm freestyle relay of cas Swim Club in Advance IOth in 50m freestyle, ninth Addy Buchanan, Kate hosted the last Greater For- in 50m backstroke, and NichoIson1Tegen Hadfield, syth Swim League Cham- Ilth in 50m breaststroke; J and Kayden Richardson pionship meet. Coates placed third in 50m placed first; Richardson The league began in butterfly, seventh in 100m finished third in 25m free- 1973 and will merge with IM1 and fifth in 50m breast- style; Buchanan placed the Winston-Salem Asso- stroke. eighth in 25m freestyle and ciated Swim Clubs league • 13-14 girls: the 200m eighth in 25m backstroke; over the next year. The medley relay of Umberg- THadfieIdfinished IOthin GFSL once included the er, Abby Sloane, Hannah 25m freestyle and fifth in now non-existent Hickory Williams, and Freya Had- 25m backstroke; K Nich- H illEelsfrom M ocksville. field placed sixth; the 200m olson placed third in 25m The Orcas finished third freestyle relay of Hope backstroke, out of the seven teams in Ledford, F Hadfield, Han- • 7-8 boys: the IOOm the meet with 1,186 points, nah Williams, and Umberg- freestyle relay of Helms, They finished behind the er finished sixth; Sloane Ashton Williams, Elliott Sherwood Sharks (2025) finished ninth in 50m Gould, and Ian Patton and the Willow Run Dol- freestyle and IOth in 50m placed seventh; I Patton phins (1704), teams that are breaststroke; Hannah WiI- finished fourth in 25m free- one-and-a-half to two times liams placed IOth in 50m style, fourth in 25m back- the Orcas1 size. freestyle and 12th in 50m stroke, and seventh in 25m Rounding out the meet backstroke; Ledford fin- breaststroke, were the Clemmons West ished 10th in 50m butterfly, • 7-8 girls: the IOOm Aqua Demons (1,074), 12th in IOOm IM1 and 7th medley relay and the IOOm Forsyth Country Club Cra- in 50m breaststroke. freestyle relay of Lexy zy Ducks (735), Grandview • 15-18 boys: the 200m Chin, Katie Moore, Cora Gators (648), and Brook- medley relay of Wyatte Nicholson, and Rediet Kel- wood Barracudas (597). Copeland, Cameron Ogle, Iy finished eighth in each Brookwood's team, which Jacob Sink, and J Coates event, includes several Davie fam- finished third; the 200m • 9-10 boys: the 100m ilies as well, was awarded freestyle relay of W Co- medley relay of Ryan the league's Sportsmanship peland, Ogle, B Folmar1 Moore, Alex Dorsett1 Award. and Sink finished fourth; Hayden W illiams, and Each team could submit W Copeland placed first in ■ Ethan Ratledge finished up to two relays for each 50m freestyle, third in 50m second; the 100m free- relay event, giving a max- backstroke, and fourth in style relay of Ratledge, A imum of 14 relays com- 100m freestyle; Sink fin- Dorsett, David Patton, and peting in each relay event, ished first in 50m butterfly, Hayden Williams placed Eachteam couldsubm itup first in 100m IM1 and first second; Ratledge finished to three individual swim- in 50m breaststroke; Ogle third in 25m freestyle, fifth mere for each individual placed 12th in 50m butter- in 100m IM 1 and sixth in event, resulting in a maxi- fly, 8th in 100m IM1 and 7th 50m freestyle; D Patton mum of 21 swimmers vy- in 50m breaststroke. Sink placed sixth in 25m free­ ing for points in each in- set a championship meet style, third in 25m back- dividual event. The top 10 record in the 15-18 boys stroke, and ninth in 25m relay teams and the top 12 50m butterfly. breaststroke; Hayden individuals in each event • 15-18 girls: the 200m Williams finished sixth in scored points for their medley relay of Hadley 25m butterfly, fifth in 25m teams, .-.,.Hilton, Ledford, Maria breaststroke, and fourth in The 11-18 year-olds Stillson, and Paige Folmar 50m freestyle; A Dorsett swam on Friday evening, placed second; the 200m placed ninth in 25m but- Eaming places for the Or- freestyle relay of Hilton, P tcrfly, seventh in IOOrn IM 1 cas in those divisions are as Folmar, Sloane,-and Still- and third in 25m breast- follows: son finished second; Hilton stroke; R Moore finished • 11-12 boys: the 200m finished first in 50m free- ninth in 25m backstroke medley relay of Nicholas style, third in 50m back- and IOth in 50m freestyle. Chin, David Patton, Sean stroke, and fourth in 100m • 9-10 girls: the 100m Coates, and Evan Cope- freestyle; P Folmar placed medley relay and the 100m land placed fifth; the 200m fourth in 50m freestyle, freestyle relay of Katelynn freestyle relay of Chin, Ilth in 50m butterfly, and Williams, Elena Brechko, Copeland,. Coates, and Ilth in 100m freestyle; Karlie Quinn, and Emily Ryan Moore finished sixth; Stillson finished first in Gamer placed second and Jaylen McDaniel finished 50m butterfly, second in fourth, respectively; Gar- 10th in 50m freestyle and 100m IM, and first in 50m ner placed sixth in 25m ninth in 50m breaststroke; backstroke. freestyle, ninth in 25m S Coates placed IIth in The 10 year-olds and breaststroke, and fifth in 50m butterfly; Ryan Walton younger swam on Saturday 50m freestyle; K Williams 10th in 100m IM and 10th moming. Points-eaming placed seventh in 25m free- in 50m backstroke. finishes for the Orcas in style, fifth in 25m back- •11-12 girls: the 200m those divisions are as fol- stroke, and sixth in 50m medley relay and 200m lows: freestyle; K Quinn finished freestyle relay of Jenna • 6&under boys: the eighth in 25m freestyle, Scully, Elizabeth Tilley, 100m freestyle relay of seventh in 25m butterfly, Elizabeth Dorsett, and Cait- Zach Hirata1 Justice Little, and second in 25m back- Iin Hadfield finished sev- Brody Mace, and Aidan stroke; Brechko placed enth in each event; Mack- Nicolay finished, first; the sixth in 25m butterfly, third enzie Umberger finished 100m freestyle relay of in 100m IM 1 and third in fourth in 50m freestyle, Patrick Brady, Calahan 25m breaststroke; Mere- eighth in 100m IM1 and Quinn, Daniel Hennessey, dith Warren finished Ilth fifth in 50m backstroke; E and Colin Nicolay placed in 25m backstroke; Katy D orsettplacedllthandT il- fourth; A Nicolay finished Cheek placed U th in 25m- ley 12th in 50 butterfly. first in 25m freestyle and breaststroke. • 13-14 boys: the 200m second in 25m backstroke; The Orcas were coached medley relay of Walton, Hirata placed sixth in 25m by former Davie High McDaniel, Braxton Fol- freestyle and first in 25m School swimmers Bailey mar, and Jack Scully fin- backstroke; Mace finished Folmar and Cody Patton, ished third; the 200m free- seventh in 25m freestyle; Assistantcoachwascurrent style relay of Walton, Jack EvanH elmsplacedseventh Davie High School swim- Scully, McDaniel, and J in 25m backstroke. Hirata mer Maria Stillson., Paige Coates placed third; B Fol- set a championship meet Folmar and Hadley Hilton mar placed third in 50m record in the 6&under boys were volunteer assistants. Assistant Coach Maria Stillson and Elliott Gould look on as Evan Helms gets ready to start. David Patton and Ryan Moore prepare to race. DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 30,2015 - C l i u Working two jobs, flying and playing music - Sam Foster is a busy young man. Flying And Music Sam Foster Working To Build Hobbies And Careers By Beth Cassidy Enterprise Record She's got an evil heart and she feels no pain. I told her I loved her and she left me in the rain. - Sam Foster Sam Foster will never be ac­ cused of being too loud or too talkative. In fact, he’s pretty shy. That is, until he has a guitar in his hands. The young singer-songwriter from Advance has been playing guitar since he was 4, when his dad, Garry (His mother is Anne), bought him a little guitar from a pawn shop. Garry remembers a picture he took of Sam, in his foot­ ed pajamas playing Heartbreak Hotel on that little guitar. . Elvis might have been his idol when he was 4, but by 15, Sam was into heavy metal and as he says, “screaming Christian mu­ sic." Garry chimes in, “Then when he turned 16, he got his hair cut short and regained his redneck status." Sam describes his musical style as Americana. His voice has a lit­ tle grow, his dialect is distinctly Southern, and most of his lyrics, 1 1 ' .Sam Foster practices his music at home. he said, are about girls. “All my songs end up sad.” Garry is quick to comment, “Yeah, he dates a girl one time and she w on't go out with him again so he writes a song.” He has written eight songs but covers other artists, including Robert Earl Keen. Steve Earl, and his favorite, Dwight Yoakum. He favors older country music, many times choosing deep cuts, little known songs by his favorite art- Two jobs, one at Dynamic Air­ ways in Greensboro (Sam wants to be a pilot, like his dad), and the other at Food Lion, leave little time for music, but Sam still man­ ages to play often, and thanks to James Vincent Carroll, a friend and professional recording artist, he has gotten some exposure play­ ing in venues. “I want to make sure people know how much James has done Sam Foster often plays gigs with mentor and fellow musi- for me. I can’t thank him enough cian James Vincent Carroll. • Photo by Robin Snow for all he does. He and I have re­ corded five demos,” Sam said. The two met last year when Carroll, who also lives in Davie, was playing at an Advance bar and grill. Sam was playing his music that night and Carroll was scheduled to play after him. Sam said he noticed Carroll standing nearby and listening, and when he finished, Carroll told him he could play his breaks wherever and whenever he wanted. “So I follow him around and play his breaks,” Sam said, with a laugh. His goal is simple: to be able to fly around and play music. He has his private pilot’s license and is building training time to earn his commercial pilot's license. Week­ end nights find him at clubs and restaurants, picking up gigs when he can. He is scheduled to play at J. Butler's in Winston-Salem Aug. 22 and Sept. 5. Maybe his playl­ ist will include “Evil Heart," or a more positive one he wrote, “Roll with the Punches,” about life and letting things go. "Not a woman," he said. Sam is available to play at al­ most any gathering or venue, and his website is wwwj>amfoster. bandcamp.com. A budding musician with his first guitar. 4 C2 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Ju h 2015 Allens Married For 50 Years Gilmer and Wanda Allen celebrated their 50th wed­ ding anniversary on June 26. They were married June 26,1965 in Farmington. They are the parents of Tammy (John) Phillips of Mocksville, and Anthony (Gina) Allen of Advance. They have five grandchil­ dren.Gilmer and Wanda Allen - then and now, Cathy Boles (left), president, presents the Davie Business Women's Associaton Woman of the Year award to Just Hope’s Krystal Dumas. Krystal Dumas Honored By Business Women Davie Business Women's Association named Krystal Dumas The Woman of the Yearfor 2015. Dumas operates Just Hope, Inc. She founded Just Hope in 2013. This year, it was named The Best Non­ profit of the Year. Just Hope was estab­ lished to help individuals and families in need of as­ sistance , but were unable to obtain traditional services. Dumas with the assistance of donations, coupons and volunteers, offers a mobile agency that provides food and toiletries to people in need. She also organizes Thanksgiving meals, tem­ porary hotel stays, budget­ ing and frugal living ses­ sions, school supplies and Christmas angel tree pro­ gram. The members of Davie Business Women's Associa­ tion support Dumas and Just Hope by providing mone­ tary and item donations. Recently , Just Hope be­ came a partnering agency with United Way of Davie County. Dumas was rec­ ognized as Davie County's Super Women of the Year by The Davie Chamber of Commerce. Dumas resides in Mocks­ ville with her husband Jocques and their two chil­ dren, Kayse and Emma. She is employed at Bermu­ da Village. U lhfok Callie Teresa Leonard, daughter of Kevin and Julie Leonard and sister of Landon Ray Leonard and Jaydon Lee Leonard, was born on June 4, 2015 at Forsyth Medical Center. Callie weighed 7 lbs. 2 oz. and was 20 inches long. Maternal grandparents arc Alford and Linda Adams of Mocksville. Callie Teresa was named in memory of her be­ loved aunt, Teresa Robertson Myers. United Way Continues With FamiIyWize k They Help With Daily Bread An article about the Our students and staff at William Daily Bread Food Pantry Ellis Middle School, Fork at The Church of the As- Fire Department, Store- cension inadvertently left house For Jesus and 601 In- four groups off when trying temet Cafe, to thank so many for help: .COOA [Ice Cream] 151N. M ain St. • Mocksville, NC OPEN YEAR ROUND 60 Flavors! We sell Deluxe & Front Porch Hand Dipped made in N.C. C Bi^day I ^ e s Cf proiipg Welcomef) GAME ROOM: G a l a g a P inball, A ir H ockey, S k e e Ball HOT FUDGE SUNDAES • MILKSHAKES BANANA SPUTS J l ' SU GAR FREE FLAVORS AVAILABLE • W JACOB’S !western store I Tax Free HOLIDAYI Saturday, Aug. 1I We pay taxes on all clothing and boots. United Way of Davie County and FamiIyWize Community Service Part­ nership, an organization focused on improving the health and well-being of individuals, families and communities, announced that local residents saved $192,872 on prescription costs, as a result of the part­ nership between the two or­ ganizations. FamilyWize works with nearly 1,000 local United Ways to help make all FDA approved prescription med­ ication more affordable for individuals with high pre­ scription costs through the free FamilyWize Prescrip­ tion Savings Card. Key highlights of the Health Impact Report from the United Way of Davie County include: • $192,872 savings on prescription dedications. • 1,943 people helped. • 9,608 rescriptions. “Thanks to our partner­ ship with FamilyWize1 we are able to make a difference by providing a way for our neighbors to stay healthy,” said Melinda Beauchamp, United Way chief profes­ sional officer. “By reducing the burden of high prescrip­ tion medication costs for those who are uninsured or underinsured, we are help­ ing to build a stronger com­ munity.” The FamilyWize Pre­ scription Savings Card, which is accepted at more than 60,000 pharmacies nationwide, covers all FDA approved prescription med­ ications. The card is free to all consumers, insured and uninsured, and has an aver­ age savings of 42 percent. To take advantage of the savings that FamilyWize of­ fers, consumers can down­ load a card from Family- Wize.org, call United Way at 751-0313 or go by the UW office in the Brock Building at 622 N. Main St., Mocks­ ville, , or download the free FamilyWize app. She’s 95 Patty H. Griffin celebrated her 95th birth­ day with a party in her honor given by her daughter, Phyllis Gough, and granddaugh­ ter, Susan Cranfill (pictured). Many friends and neighbors attended. Women’s Civitan To Hold Spaghetti Supper Friday The Cooleemee Wom­ en's Civitan Club is having a spaghetti dinner fundrais­ er on Friday, July 31 from 5-7 p.m. at VFW.Post 1119 in Cooleemee. The menu includes spa­ ghetti with meat sauce, sal­ ad, roll, dessert and drink. The price is $7 at the door. AU funds raised support projects of the club which include: Davie County Spe­ cial Olympics, the Boys & Girls Club of North Caro­ lina, the Cooleemee Volun­ teer Fire Department and the Cooleemee Historical Association's Discovering Our Heritage Program. Bethlehem Seniors Plan Dinner And A Program On Monday, Aug. 10 at 5:30 p.m., the Seniors Min­ istry at Bethlehem United Methodist Church will host a dinner and program in the church Family Life Center. The church is at 321 Red- Iand Road, Advance. The community is in­ vited and reservations are needed. Following the meal, Ray Flynn of Clemmons, president of Abraham Pro­ ductions, will present his personal testimony and talk about his ministry of spread­ ing the gospel through mu- For more information or to make reservations, call (336)712-9946. shop STARTING AUG. I - AUG. 17 Buy Any 2 W rangler Apparel and Get *10 back by mail. I-yO v e r 130 s t y l e s o f w e s t e r n b o o t s s o u n k u ) WOLVERINE^ These "Cool Dads” brought their children to a STEM story time at the Davie County Public Libra - and helped make ice cream to celebrate National Ice Cream Week. Summer Programs Still OngoingAt Library S ' t v e r 35 S t y I e O o f W o r k b b o t s A mS Parks RdJ Woodleaf, NC 704-278-4973Tues.-Fri. 10-6; Sat. 8-4 Closed Sun. and Mon. Davie County Public Li­ brary's Youth Services De­ partment offers the last full week of Summer Reading Programs. Monday evening at 6:30 The Story Lady, Sharon Clarke, will weave magical tales with music and activ­ ities. On Tuesday from 10:30 the Lemoncello Game and Lego Carts will be out for family fun. Davie County’s EMS Department will share community hero stories and show participants a rescue vehicle The Teen Tuesday group will meet from 3:30-5 pm. Wednesday at 11 a.m. Munchin' at the Movies presents the newest version of the musical Annie, rated PG1 118 minutes and at I p.m. Snackin’ at the Cinema features The Hobbit- Battle of5A rm ies,?G l3,144 min. Thursday. Ranger offers 15-minute appointments from Il a.m.-noon. Next Chapter Book Clubs for adults and teens will meet at I p.m. Young Adult Readers will discuss I Am Number Four by Pitticus Lore at 2:15 p.m., viewing the me ie, PG 13,109 min. On Friday, Story Time at Il am . On . Saturday, Rang will be available for rea ers from 11 a.m.-noon I 15-minute appointments. DCPL programming free and open to the publ Visit www.iibrarydavi coimtyarg to Ieam more. Children Visit Pet Adoption Center The Children's Minis­ try from Bethlehem United Methodist Church in Ad­ vance visited the Humane Society of Davie County the morning of July 22. The children brought do­ nations of bleach, cat litter, log toys, and many other items that were urgently needed. The kids had a big day of making crafts, touring the idoption center, and visiting with several dogs. In par- :icular they met Midnight, a 'ab mix puppy who is look­ ing for his forever home. DAVIE COUNTY EN TER PR ISE RECORD, T hursday, July 201S - C3 Children from the Bethlehem Methodist Children’s Ministry celebrate their visit to the Humane Society’s PetAdoption Center The children color pictures in books, and then use chalk to decorate the sidewalk in front of the adoption center. Getting a chance to interact with the animals available for adoption is a highlight of any visit to the Humane Society. Cooleemee H yK C Sm ith Cooleemee Correspondent Cooleemee Women’s Ci- '’itan Club is having a spa­ ghetti supper Friday, July 31 Irom 5-7 p.m. at the VFW Post 1119,7722 NC 801 S. .Spaghetti with meat sauce, salad, bread, dessert and drink for $7. The grand opening for the Little Free Library will be Saturday, Aug. I at 3 p.m. at 276 Marginal St. AU attending will have a chance to win a book bag; all names will go in a jar for the drawing. Cupcakes, cookies and drink will be served for refreshments. This library isn’t intended to replace the current library at the shopping center. In­ ternet access is available there, lots of books plus many more resources. The Little Free Library is open 24/7 so those who have odd work hours can benefit. Not only does the Little Free Library promote lit­ eracy, is sparks a sense of community. Pausing on the sidewalk to choose a book will create opportunities to strike up conversations with neighbors or friends. Todd Bol built the first Little Free Library in Hud­ son, Wise. In 2009 he placed a structure that looked like a birdhouse in his front yard and put a sign on it that read, “FREE BOOKS." His mother was a former teacher and lifelong reader and this was a sweet tribute. Five years later there were more than 10,000 Little Free Libraries in 50 coun­ tries around the world. You will find a notebook in the library where you can offer suggestions, com­ ments, recommendations or requests. Although this library is on a resident's properly, the library is yours. Strangers, your families visiting from out of the area, anyone and everyone is welcome to leave a book or take a book. Knock on your neigh­ bor's door that doesn't get out much. Maybe you could choose a book for them from time to time or perhaps read a chapter to them once or twice a week. Not only would their life be enhanced, but also your life will be uplifted also by your giving. Maybe someone who hasn’t picked up a book lately would be interested in helping you create a book club. The possibilities are limitless. For more information on how to start a Little Free Li­ brary in your town, commu­ nity or on your street, go to: www.littiefrcelibrary.org. Feel free to con­ tact me at www.coolce- meenews@gmail.com ore 336.250.1133. Riley Bost, left, with Derek Bost was the winner of the tube race in the Great Bullhole Rubber Brad Corriher (left) had the winning duck in the race. Lean Duck and Tube Race on the South Yadkin River, dez, finished in second. Third place wnet to Jeff Smith.nanoez, with mother Casey Fernan- C4 - DAVIE CO U N TV EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 30,2015 Sheffield-Calahaln ____ B yB rendaB allcy Saturday1Aug. 8 from 7-11 SheffieId-Calahaln a.m. The church is at 1869 Correspondent Sheffield Road, Mocksville. Please contact Heather Birthday wishes go to Dyson at 492-6408 or Do- those celebrating this week: ris Dyson at 492-5712 no Judy Broviak, Darren He- later than Aug. 2 to reserve drick and Brenda Beck on a space for $10. This yard July 30; Seth Johnson, HaI- sale is open to everyone, ey Atkins, Dennis Ijames All proceeds go to the New and Cody Brown on July Building Fund. Free donuts 31; Paul ljames and Ben and coffee will be provided. Cohen on Aug. UFredRoth Homecoming at New on Aug. 2; Noah Drye and Union wil! be held at the Chris Wilson on Aug. 3; 11 a.m. worship service and Sue Brockway, Allison on Sunday1 Aug. 9, Pastor Swisher and Slade Keaton Eric Lineberry will be the on Aug. 5. Congratulations speaker. A covered-dish to the following couples lunch will be held at the celebrating an anniversary Sheffield-Calahaln Com- this week: Richard and Pam munity Center following Williams on Judy 31; Justin the service. Revival will be and Courtney Keaton on Aug. 9-12. Sunday night’s Aug. 2; and Larry and Do- revival speaker will be the ris Dyson on Aug. 2. If you Rev. Mike Lee and music would like an anniversary will be provided by Friends or birthday posted, please of Harmony; Monday will At the Harmony Public Library enjoy waving to the photographer with McGruff the Crime Dog and do not hesitate to call or be the Rev. Donnie Durham Deputy Burleyson. email. and music by the Mount Chris and Janice Jor- Pleasant UMC Choir; Tues- dan of Sheffield attended day; Tuesday is the Rev. his North Forsyth Class of Bob Briggs and music by 1965 50th-year reunion on the Johnstown UMC Quar- Saturday, July 25. More tet; and Wednesday's speak- than 200 alumni and guests er is the Rev. Rex Cran- filled the banquet room at fill and music by Franklin Maple Chase Country Club Smith. Everyone is invited in Winston-Salem for din- to homecoming and revival, ner and an evening of music Vacation Bible School at and fellowship. This gradu- ljames Baptist is continu- ating class of 519 students ing through Friday, July 31 has the distinction of hav- from 6-8:30 each evening, ing been the first to hold its ljames Baptist will hold commencement in the Win- homecoming and revival ston-Salem Coliseum, so Aug. 9-12. The annual that more than 4,000 family homecoming meal will fol- members and friends were low the 11 a.m. service able to attend. 0n Sunday. The Rev. Tim Sheffield-Calahaln VFD Stutts will be the speaker meetings are held each for homecoming and revival Monday night at the station services each evening, Sun- flI 7. day-W ednesday,at7. Stutts The Sheffield-Calahaln has been in the ministry for Qrent Hayes with Community Center and 20 years, and has served the raQ r.,0 H * H _ . Recreation Area thanks ev- last nine years as pastor of eryone for the support of Front Street Baptist Church their community birthday in Statesville. Special music calendar fundraiser. will be presented at each New Union and Liberty service by the ljames choir Wesleyan were blessed this and others. Vistors are al- past week with the turnout ways welcome, at Vacation Bible School. Sunday night Bible Study More than 45 children at- at ljames Baptist discusses tended each evening. Sev- the worldview of other relt- era! of the children came on gions. It begins at 5:45 each Sunday and performed two week. Everyone is invited, of the songs they learned Child care is provided. “My God is Powerful” and . TheY outhofljam esBap- “DoLord.” W ethankallthe tist meet each Sunday eve- teachers, those that helped ning at 5:45 for recreation in various ways,, the chil- and Bible lessons. Youth dren and most importantly, 6-12th grade are invited, the parents for bringing The Wednesday night their children to VBS. prayer meetings at ljames New Union’s men and Baptist are held each week women’s groups thank ev- at 7. AU are invited as Pas- eryone for coming out on tor Daniel leads in prayer Saturday to support their and Bible Study, fundraisers. The next Hot- Senior Bible Study at dog Santrday will be held Liberty Wesleyan Church Aug. 22. is held the second Tues- _______________________________ New Union will have a day of each month at 10 McGruff and Deputies Shoemaker and Burleyson talk to the children about “taking a bite out of community yard sale on P IeaseS eeS -C -P ageC S crime." Teresa Cummings \vith Scout, a human remains recovery dog. as the dog searches for a target. m m i m ® Janice and Chris Jordan at his 50th-year high Pastor Eric Lineberry1 Al Sutphin, Renee Vandall, Larry Dyson and Jimmy Bailey are busy helping school class reunion. the first customers at Hotdog Saturday at New Union United Methodist Church. The Fox Mountain Entertainers pause while performing at The Korner Deli in Harmony. DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, July 2015 - C5 ; P a sto r E ric L ineberry w elco m e s e v ery o n e to th e N ew U nion M ethodist/L iberty W esle y an V acation Bible S chool S-C... : Continued From Page C4 how officers help the com- ; a.m. The next meeting is munity, gave out coloring ; scheduled for Aug. 11. We books, sheriff badge stick- ; were blessed to have David ers, and pencils. McGruff ; Blevinsasourguestspeaker let everyone take pictures in July. He has graciously with him and Deputy Jason accepted our invitation to Shoemaker let the children speak again at our August explore his patrol car.The meeting. Everyone is in- children had a great time. vi,cd- Am berThuttiscollecting ; Ed Spencer will be the soda can tabs for the Ron- ; guest speaker at Liberty aid McDonald House. Take ; Wesleyan Sunday at the 11 them to her any Sunday at ; a.m. worship service. Ev- New Union UMC, or con- 1 eryone is invited. tact me and I’ll see that she W orshipservicesatCom- receives the tabs. She ap- __________ ™ — m m , munity Covenant Church predates your help with this -r: ,«* 3 : are held each Sunday at worthy cause. y so n a n d so m e of th e B ible S chool children sing at N ew U nion's S u n d a y s : 10:45 a.m. and at 6 p.m. A Earlene York and friends ■ small group Bible Study is send their condolences to ; held each Wednesday from the family and friends of I ; 7-8 p.m. Everyone is in- 6-year-old Abigail Camp- ! vi*eJ. bell.Shew asthedaughterof T heC enterFairandB ar- JohnandHeatherY eom ans, ; beque will be held Sept. Il- granddaughter of Robin • Gatton, Mike Campbell, The Tomm Dollee Band Jay and Maureen Lytsell, , will perform at TTie Ko- and great-granddaughter of ■ mer DeIi Saturday at 6:30 Mary Ann Gatton and Jerty : p.m. U pcom ingeventsfor and Frances Campbell. • August: Nick & Isaac on Prayer requests continue - the 8th; Joe Mahaffey and for Madeline Lapish, JAV. Company (JMJ) on the Keaton1Melvin Allred,Tom I5th; Iredell Ramblers on Cloer, G.H. Goforth, Bryan _ the 22nd; and Bob1Rick and Swain, Jean Reavis, Creola , The Carolina Chicks on the Rogers1BonnieGunter1Lori m : S L I Z ™ ” , R o T B™!e“rds,ouT shFS E very° n e 'e am S ,h e W° rdS a " d m m e rn e r" s >° S° " 9 S B^ le S chool. . 3424. Dyson1JohnnyNaylor1Jim- ; Melissa Gaither invites my Dyson1Dot Keller, Alice I children (0-4) to Toddler Absher, Betty Richardson, I Storytime each Wednes- Greta England, Elizabeth J day morning from 10:30-' Foster, Rick Swisher, Pat ; 11 at the Harmony Public Moore, Todd Olson, Rachel [ Library. The children sing Holland, Warren Howard, I songs, play musical instru- Virginia Lanier and Dal- ; ments, enjoy a story, do ton Edwards. Our sincere ! crafts and have snacks. condolences to the families ; Deputy Matthew Burley- of Abigail Campbell, Bob ) son and McGrufT1 the Crime Brannock, Randy G. Groce, ! Dog presented a program and Leon Eaton. ! at the Harmony Library on Submit items to brfbai- ■ Wednesday, July 22 at the ley@msn.com or call 751- ! 10:30 storytime program. 7567 no later than 9 a.m. on • Deputy Burleyson spoke Monday, with the children about Pastor Eric Lineberry tells a Bible story. The Bib s begins with dinner Alisa Allen, Dawn Allen and Heather Dyson lead a crafts class. H O W A R D R E A L T Y Featured Listings iir-E Michaelene Lineberry1 one of several teachers, with children in her Bible School class. m 2ttatwtKnra/t)®}l«*!WBiiK!!t6 tEM3»iB*<rafi»petttt»»nlraj8m SRn BtftnV MTiISfi WfiI K WIH» lsntMCf ZO SuUleiU $89,900 B $44,900 fUrSMOLHTODff UUrai«l$38,t 330 S. Sabhiiy SI, M o c M e • 336-751-3538 P W t view ell our cment Iislingsvisil us at |fS>| www.howardreatty.com. Itg sll C6 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 30,2015 County Line _____ By Shirley Thorne County Line Correspondent The hot humid weather in County Line keeps most folks inside these days. As pictures show the Salem folks had an exciting and fun vacation Bible school Saturday. This week we have a few events for your enjoyment. Begin your weekend with breakfast with the V-Point Ruritans from 6-10 a. m. Sat­ urday, Aug. I, at the V-Point Building on Old Mocks­ ville Road about .3 mile from NC 901. The buffet includes country ham and sausage, scrambled eggs, grits, commeal mush, baked apples, biscuits, and drink. A minimum donation of $7 per plate will be accepted. Take-outs are available for $7 per plate. Ham biscuits and sausage biscuits are $ I each. Proceeds benefit the club's community projects. The United Methodist Men of Salem will meet at 7:30 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 2 in the fellowship hall, The men invite others in the ' community for breakfast and prayer. Calvary Baptist Church is sponsoring a food and school supplies drive for A Storehouse for Jesus. For donations or information, contact any church member. The Salem AU Ages Mis­ sion Tbam spent the week working on projects at the church including work in the cemetery and inside the church, plus work on the new fellowship hall. Upcoming community events include a country ham and sausage breakfast hosted by the Salem United Methodist Men from 6-10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 15, at the County Line VFD; and "Youth Day' from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. followed by a hotdog and ice-cream supper Sat­ urday, Aug. 15, at Calvary Baptist Church. Our community extends its deepest sympathy to the family of little Abigail Elizabeth Campbell, who went to sleep at home last Thursday night to awake in the arms of Jesus in Heav­ en. She was bom Sept. 2008 and endured many hospital­ izations during her six years of life. An angel unaware, she touched many lives with her smile, charm, and en­ thusiasm for life. With her parents John and Heather Campbell Yeomens at her side, she enjoyed a fun trip to W olfLodge via the Make- A-Wish Foundation. Abigail enjoyed spending time with family at her home in Win­ ston-Salem, with her rela­ tives and friends in County Line, and with her friends at the Children's Center in Winston-Salem. A service celebrating her life was held last Sunday afternoon at Vo- gleris Funeral Home Chapel in Clemmons, and she was laid to rest beside fam­ ily members in the Society Baptist Church Cemetery. We send get-well wishes to Margie Beck, who was hospitalized with an infec­ tion last week and is recu­ perating at home. Olander CuthrelI is in rehab at Silas Creek Manor Nursing Cen­ ter. David Sneed was trans­ ferred to the intensive care unit of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center last week. Imogene Stroud remains in the coronary critical care unit of Wake Forest Bap­ tist Medical Center. Naomi "Om" Stroud has improved and continues to rest com­ fortably at the Gordon Hos­ pice House in Statesville. Ricky Swisher remains in rehab .at The Bridges of Statesville. Pat Swisher re­ mains at The Gardens of Statesville. David Steele re­ mains in rehab at Bermuda Commons of Davie. Peny Cartner remains at Davis Regional Medical Center. Betty Lou Richardson re­ mains in rehab at Iredell Memorial Hospital. Jean Snvder remains in rehab at Autumn Care of Statesville. Children at the Salem United Methodist Church Vacation Bible School enjoy lots of activities includ­ ing crafts, Bible stories, games, and outside play (above and below). Join us in prayer for the and others who are having remember in prayer John hotmail.com. If you, or you Lords divineheahnginthe health problems. Please C artnerjhissonJohnT om know of someone who has lives Margie, Olander, Da- pray for the Lord’s comfort died unexpectedly Friday. graduated or received a cer- vid Sneed, Imogene, Om, and strength upon the fam- For news or memories to tificate or an award- please Ricky, Pat, David Steele, ily of Abigail as they adjust share, please call Shirley on send a photo plus data for ny. Betty Lou, Jean, to life without her Also, 492-5115 or email sdtlmk® our graduation tribute From left at Salem Methodist Bible School: Vera Shue on the move with G-Force; children with certificates; and Josiah Fife smiling ' J .'------------1----------W A ' J , I— Please contact me in. MOCKSVILLE: (336) 751-0567 RALEIGH: (919) 733-5904IURN?KEY!302 Legislative Office Bldg 300 N. Salisbury SL Raleigh, NC 27603-5925 Email: juliah@ndeg.net Look for us on Facebook Bh Rep Julia Howard Paidfok Br JuuaHovmd Iiiim iIiiIi Bermuda .- j- NOW HIRING CNAs 3 rd S h ift F u ll a n d P a r tT im e CONSTRUCTION INCLUDED IN PRICING W 1I tS Sfe (s0 Mile Rodus Statesville, NO), Concrete Footers Per Pton, Foundation Per Plan, One Day Crone Service, Professional Set On Foundation. HVAC System Heat Pump Sized To Home, Plumbing & Electric Hook Ups To Eadsflng Service. Interior And Brteitor Trim Out, 2 Quality steps BuHt To Code. More Included, Pleose Ask For Delallsl Contact PameIaMcNeiIIat (336)998-6712 to set up an interview.Ch o ic e Dateline DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, T hursday, Ju lj 2015 - C7 Saturday, Aug. 8 Community Yard Sale, New Union Methodist, 1869 Shef­ field Rd., Mocksville. To re­ serve $10 space, call heather at 492-6408 or Doris at 492-5715. Reunions Sunday, Aug. 9 Annual Baity family re­ union, Tbrncrs Creek Baptist Church fellowship building. Covered dish lunch at I p.m. Plates, etc., wilt be furnished. Monday, Aug. 10 Pennington Chevrolet em­ ployee reunion, 5:30 p.m.. Deano's Bar-B-Q, Mocksville. Spouses and children also wel­ come. Bring pictures and mem­ orabilia. Religion Sunday, Aug. 2 Concord Methodist Home­ coming, 10:30 a.m., music by choir, 10:45, worship with guest Don Rouih, covered dish meal to follow. Aug. 2-5 Revival, Cedar Grove Bap­ tist. Sunday at 3 p.m. wilh the Rev. Maurice Maxwell. Monday-Wednesday at 7 p.m. wilh. in order, the Rev. Rod­ ney Barker, Ihe Rev, Tamica Robinson and Ihc Rev. James Clement. Aug. 2-6 Vacation Bible School, Ea­ tons Baptist, 6:15-8:30 p.m., with theme, "Everest, Con­ quering Challenges with God's Mighty Power.” Ages 3-sixth grade. 998-6149. Hillsdale Methodist Vaca­ tion Bible School, 6:30-8:45 p.m., "Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power.” hillstialeiimc.com. Sunday, Aug. 9 Homecoming, New Union Methodist, 1869 Sheffield Rd., Il a.m. service. Covered dish lunchy to follow at Sheffield- Calahaln Community Center, 174Turkeyfoot Rd. Roni Stoneman of Hce Haw fame, 10:45 a.m. at Victory Baptist, Cooleemee; 6 p.m. at First Baptist of Cooleemee. Monday, Aug. 10 Seniors Ministry dinner and program, Bethlehem Method­ ist,321 Redland Rd.. Advance, 5:30 p.m. Ray Flynn to present testimony. Aug. 9-12 Revival, New Union Method­ ist, 1869 Sheffield Rd.. Mocks­ ville, 7 nightly. Sunday, Aug. 16 Children in White program at Mainville AME Zion, 3 p.m., with JJ Rice as speaker. Wear white. Ongoing Free coffee and doughnuts, every Wednesday, 7 p.m.. Con­ cord Methodist, Cherry Hill Rd. at NC 801, Mocksville. Beginning Bible Study, Verse by Verse, Thursdays, 6:30-8 p.m.. Sage GardenCare Center, 977 Yadkinville Rd., Mocks­ ville. 734-9476. Bible Study of Revelation, Mock PIaceCommunily Center, Mocksville,Thursdays at 11 a.m. Simply Moms prayer and book study group for moms of all ages with kids of all ages. secondFridays,9:30- Il :30 a.m. during school year, Cornerstone Christian Church, NC 801. Free childcare. 998-0600. Weekly Prayer Service, First UMC. N. Main St., Downtown, Thursdays, noon-1 p.m. in sanc­ tuary. Not a structured service. quiet time to pray and meditate. Preschool, at Macedonia Mora­ vian Church,9 a.m.til I2noon. Optional lunch bunch I p.m. Ages 12 months - 5 yrs. Call 998-6492. GriefShare Recovery & Sup­ port Group, at Hillsdale UMC, 5018US 158,Advance. Second & fourth Sundays of each month 4 p.m. For info: 998-4020. Kids for Christ, at Liberty UMC1 141 Liberty Circle, Mocksville, each Wed. 3-5:30 p.m. For kinderganen-5th grade. No cost, just a time for play, snacks, Bible stories, & music. Info: 940-7246. MOPS (Mothers of Preschool­ ers), 1st and 3rd Fri. of every month during traditional school year,9:30-11:45 a.m., at Blaise Bapt. Church. Awana, every Wed. evening 6:30-8 p.m. at Eagle Heights Church. The Life & Teaching of Je­ sus, presented by Mocksville Seventh-DayAdvenIist Church. Mon. & Thurs. al 7 p.m.. at 407 Milling Rd., Mocksville. Free admission. For info: 704-876- 3665. Youth Program , at ljames Bapt. Church, each Sun. evening 5:45 p.m., ages 12-18. Info: 492-6434. Women's Discussion Classes, two classes held weekly at Jericho Church of Christ, Tues. 10:30 a.m.-and Wed. 7:30 p.m. Nocost for materials. AU women invited. Women’s Bible Study, every Wed. 5-6 p.m., in a home near Milling Road area. All women welcome. Info: 751-5229. Women’s Study Group, Phase 2,on Biblical women.presented by Hannah's Ministries. Free & held every second Sat. of each month, 10-11 a.m.AU welcome. Info: 940-5149. CareNct Counseling Centers, at First Baptist Church, 390 N. Main St.. Mocksville. Offers inter-denominational counsel­ ing. Academically trained, certified counselors & mental health professionals. Info. & appt. 751-2041. Preschool/Parents Morning Out, Bethlehem United Meth. Time: 9 a.m.-noon. Ages I & 2 - M1W or T,Th. Age 3 - M.T, Th.Age4&Pre-K-threeor four days per week. Call 998-6820. Preschool, at Center United Methodist, US 64 W., Mocks­ ville. 23. A 4 year olds. Mon- day-Thursday, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Tiffany Grooms,336-473-2615. Awana & Bible Study, Wednes­ days at 7 p.m., Hope Baptist Tabernacle. Coffee House, 4th Sun. each month, 7 p.m., at Cornatzer UMC. Good coffee, good fel­ lowship, & good music. Special Events Saturday, Aug. 8 ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) charity event for Terry “Bus” White, 11 a.m.-7 p.m., Junker's Mill, Downtown Mocksville. Prizes, games, entertainment, raffle, food. Call Daniel Brown at 251-3832 or Eric Blount at 751-1881. Ongoing Family to Family 2014 Cours­ es, 12 class course sponsored by NAMl-NW Piedmont (affiliate of National Alliance on Mental Illness). Participants my be fam­ ily/friend of person diagnosed with mental illness. Classes run Feb. 24-May 5 each Monday, 6-8:30 p.m. at Hillsdale Bapt. Church.Advance. Spay-Neuter Clinic, 2nd Wed. of each month by the Humane Society of Davie County, af- fordablespay-neutersurgery for cats and dogs. Call 751-5214 to make reservation and for details. Free Advanced Healthcare Planning W orkshops, 2nd Tues. ofeach month, I &4p.m., EMS Building, Mocksville. For info: 336-768-6157 ext. 1622. Footloose Friends,every Tucs., 7-9 p.m. (first time dancers shouldarrivc6:30).Cost$4each night.open to couples orsingles. Call Link413-5204 or972-2659. Federal Benefits for Veterans, DAVChapter #75bldg„ 1958US 601 S.,every third Sat., I2-4p.m. For info: 336-407-5662. Free Monthly Diabetes/Blood Pressure/Cholesterol Screen­ ings, last Fri. of each month in 2009 at WaIMart, 9 a.m. til 12 noon. Sponsored by Davie Lion’s Club. Visi t Coolceraee's Mill Village Museum, 14 Church St., Wcd.- Sat. 10 a.m. til 4 p.m. Tours also availablebyappt.Ca!l284-6040. Storytimes, at Davie Co. Li­ brary: Fri. 11 a.m., main library. Meetings Ongoing Davic/Mocksvillc AA, closed non-smoking meeting, at First Bapt. Church. 390 N. Main Street (across from Davie Co. Library).Thursdays,7p.m.lnfo: Jan 753-1838. Al-Anon Family group, Sun­ days. 8 p.m. ,Macedonia Moravi- an,NC80I betweenFarmington and Bermuda Run. For families and friends of alcoholics. Sugar Valley Com posite Squadron, each Tues. 6:30- 8:30 p.m., Blue Hangarat Sugar Valley. Program for cadets (12- 18) and adults. For info: 336- 9784186. Davie County Planning Board, 4th Tues. of each month, 6 p.m. in commissioners chambers, 2nd floor, Davie Administration Bldg., 123 S. Main Street. Davie County Board of Ad­ justment, 3rd Monday of each month, 6 p.m.. in commission­ ers chambers, 2nd floor, Davie Administration Bldg., 123 S. Main Street. Davie Beekeepers Association, second Thurs. of every month, 7 p.m., 412 N. Main Street (First Bapt. Church). Visitors welcome. To find out more info: www.davicbeekeepers.org DC Networks, 7:45-9 a.m. second Tues. each month- Ketchie Creek Bakery, Valley Rd., Mocksville. Networking/ referrals group hosted by Davie County Chamber of Commerce. For info: 336-751-3304. DC Networks, 4th Tues. each month, LaCarctta, Bermuda Run, 11:45 a.m.-] pjn. Network­ ing/referrals group hosted by Davic Chamber of Commerce. Info: 751-3304. Davic Quitters Guild, 3rd Mon. of each month, for info: 492-2000. TViumph Parenting Classes, Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m., call for info: 751-5636. HELPS Ministries, Christian recovery program for women sexually abused as children. Mondays, 7:30 p.m., 41 court Square, Room 210. Parents Resource Organiza­ tion (PRO) support group for families of children with dis­ abilities, 2nd Tuesday, 7 p.m. Call Rosemary Kropfeldcr at 998-3311 for location. Davie County Board of Socinl Scrviccs.4th Tuesday .5:30 p.m.. NarcoticsAnonymousAgainst AM Odds Group, First Bapt. Church. 390 N. Main Street (upstairs), Thurs. 7 p.m., Sun. 6 p.m. Drug Problem? Helpline, 336-785-7280. Mocksville Civitan Club. 7 p.m., 2nd & 4th Mondays, at First Presbyterian Church. Advance Memorial Post 8719 Veterans of Foreign Wars and LadiesAuxiliary,4thTues.,7:30 p.m.,post home,Feed Mill Road. Davic County RightTo Life, 7 p.m., 3rd Thursday, grand jury room, courthouse. 751-5235 or 492-5723. Cooleemee Memorial VFW Post 1119, 2nd Sat., 10 a.m.. VFW Hall, N.C. 801. C o rin th ian L odge No. 17F&AM, 2nd, 4th Fridays, 7:30 p.m. at the lodge. MocksviIIeLodgeNo. 134,1st Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. at the lodge. Cooleemee Civitan’s Club Meeting, 1st and 3rd Mon. each month, 7 p.m., Civitan Properly,801 North,Cooleemee. Seniors AU Senior Activities lake place at Davie County ScniorServices located at 278 Meroney St., Mocksville unless otherwise noted. Call 753-6230. Tuesday, July 21 • Veterans Social, 10:30 a.m., with Don Timmons. Hospice/ Palliative Care. RSVP by July 14. Co-hosted by Veterans Ser- Office.open to all veterans: Ongoing OPEN SUNDAY, AUG. 2 -2-4 1 3 1 M IL L W R IG H T C O U R T % You must see this immaculate 2B/R. 2BA. 2 car garage Condo in a quiet Neighbornooa convenient to downtown Mocksville and 1-40. O n ly $ 1 3 6 ,5 0 0 .Dir Take !40 West to exit 174. L to Hwy. 158, R to Milling Rd. see signs. « D a rlen e K in l e y Realty • 3 3 6 -8 87-2273^ W k = S ia d P 'S FINE JEWELRY Watches W tM 2503 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd., Clemmons Beside Lowes Fdods V alley £ -* A n im al " *• C linic ; 1243 Yadkinville Rd. • Mocksville, NC 27028 Open Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m. • 12:30 p.m. & 2:00 p.m. • 5:30 p.m.; Sat. 7:30 a.m. • 12 Noon AUGUST SPECIALS Are you concerned about theInfluenza Virus Outbreak? W e now offer the vaccine!! $ 3 0 .0 0 (includes Limited Office Exam and Vaccine) T rllex is Buy 6 months, get 1 dose FREE + $15 rebate. T rifex is Buy 12 months, get 2 doses FREE + $50 rebate. R abies C linic Every Thursday $9.00 10% OFF ALL SERVICES T o m a k e an a p p o in tm e n t ca ll: (336) 751-6201 Sr. Lunchbox, M,T,W, II:30 a.m..Th.& Fri., il a.m.,lunch served daily. Quilting Club, every Monday. IO a.m. SKIPBO, Wednesdays. I p.m. Scrapbooking.every 2ndTues- day, 2 p.m. Free Blood Pressure Checks, once a month, at 10:30 a.m. in the Nutrition Silc. SingingScniors Chorus,Thurs­ days, 10 a.m. ScrobblelI p.m. every Monday. Texas Hold’Em -Thursdays, I p.m. Sr.Book Club,even'thirdTues. of the month, 1:30p.m. Computer Classes • are avail­ able, call for information. Arthritic Exercise-every other Wed. 10:30 a.m. Line Dancing Level I, Tues­ days, Thursdays, 8:45 a.m. Line Dancing Level 2, Mon­ days, Wednesdays, 9:45 a.m. Low Impact Aerobics • Tues. & Thurs., Il a.m. Fitness Equipment Room • open Mon.-Thurs. 8 a.m. til 8 p.m. Fridays 8 a.m. til 5 p.m. & Sat. 9 a.m. til I p.m. Art, Mondays 9a.rn.tif 12p.m. Tbi Chi1Tucsdays (call forsess- sion dates) Woodcarving, Wed. 9-11 a.m. Silver Health, Mon., Tucs., Wed., 8:30 a.m. Yoga, call for dates and sessions. Dance Party Aerobics, 5:30 p.m. on Tues. & Thurs. Silver Health, Mon., Wed., & Fri. at 8:30 a.m. Report Davle Dateline Items By Noon Monday ItcmsforDavieDatelineshould be reported by noon Monday of the publication week. Call 751- 2120 or drop it by the office, at S. Main St. across from the counhouse. RANDY MILLER &S0NSSEPTlCTANKSERViCE 295 Miller Road • Mocksville (336) 284-2826 • We Pum p Septic Tanks * Tmncher Wort Wetmore Farms Woodleaf. NC TOMams Homegrown Watermelons, Cantaloupes & Peaches! Other Fresh Produce AlsoAuailable Open: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. . Saturday 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., Closed Sunday Fam AtcdmiteUkt US 601 joutft WIKSO I lnftntflion. BifP right at tjfrt Atone into (town Ceotry n awtwi Sght Bi WoodkatFoIhw Vgtts W Wamat Fam MI-2028 m Providence' Senior Care Providence Senior Care is looking for experienced Certified Nursing Assistants and Personal Care Assistants to work FuIITimeand PartTime in the Mocksville/Advance area. Please call for more information. 336-472-3810 In the Nation, we're more forgiving. At Nationwide Insurance*, we believe drivers like you deserve a break. That’s why we offer Accident Forgiveness, which means your rates won't go uo because of an accident. We put members first, because we don't have shareholders. Join the Nation of second chances. Matt Hiller Insurance 1109 Yadkinville Rd., Mocksville (3 3 6 ) 751-6131 Nationwide* Is on your side •Diiapn tsuBweaudvm 08 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 30,2015 Cana/Pino By Betty Etchlson West medical center building. Dr. ing to the Parmington Com- differed from his father's Cana/Pino Correspondent Weatheisbeganpracticing munity Center in 2011. The career as a family care doc- there in July of 1961. Resi- center sold the property to tor. Weather had ambitions According to a 1961 ar- dents were thrilled they had an individual who opened a to become a concert pianist, tide in the Davie County achieved the goal and1 would quilt shop there and now the In 1953, he spent a year Enterprise Record, as early have a doctor practicing in building is being used as a studying under Juilliardpia- as 1958, the Pino Commu- their community. In 1967, beautysalon. nist, Edwin Hughes in New nity Grange kicked off the the people of the communi- Farmington Medical Cen- York City. Though he would Idea of building a medical ty were saddened when Dr. ter personnel helped many continue playing piano and center for the Farmington Weathers, who had built up people through die years, composing music, it becai Community. a practice, decided to return Residentsaregratefultothe more of a hobby. Weathers Shoitly after that, a group to Stanley, which was his people who worked so hard changed paths and stud- of residents joined to form home community. to bring an idea to fruition ied to become a minister at the Farmington Medical After Dr. Weathers left, and continued to work to Southern Baptist Theologi- Center. Members of the first a number of medical pro- make the project a success, cal Seminary in Louisville, board of directors were: fessionals practiced at the Some were: Queen Bess Ky.,from 1953-56.Heagain James Essie, president: Farmingtbn Medical Center. Kennen, James Essie, Wade decided to change careers Wade Groce, vice presi- At one time Baptist Hos- Groce, Nannie Sue Harpe, and earned his doctorate dent, WJC. Hamrick, secre- pital was overseer of the and John Henty Caudle. of medicine from Virginia tary; Reid Hauser, treasurer, center and at another time Themedicalpeoplewho Commonwealth University Vada Johnson: Bffie Allen; Davie County Hospital worked at the center deserve in 1960. Scrip Robertson; Lawrence performed that duty. Ibere credit for providing excel- “He spent several years West; and Betty West. That were a number of doctors lent care for years. Recently, working as a family medi- Df. Weathers In a recent picture in the Gaston group and others of the through the years, including a lady said, uMarie Miller cine doctor at his private Gazette. The caption read: Graham Weathers Pino-Farmington commu- Dr. Roach and Dr. Ibomas; helped me more when she practice in Farmington. In sculpts the head of Astro to be worn by the hu* nity set about raising funds a physician’s assistant, John worked at the Farmington 1967, he returned home mart puppets at Paramount theme parks. Weath- to build a medical building Levis; and a nurse practitio- Medical Center than anyone and joined his father’s prac- erg Stanley doctor took as much care with his patients as he did his artwork." Auction Items Sought For Aug. 8 Benefit A benefit ham break- unable to work for weeks, fast and auction for Ubby To donate new or used and Randy Smith will be items in good condition, on the land which had been ner, Marie Miller. ever did.” tice in Stanley. Weathers donated by Mrs. Queen The center served the RecentIylBIizabethEaton continued the practice and Bess Kennen. Funds were community well for a num- Atterbeny, a Davie native expanded the offices after raised by having suppers, a ber of years; but due to so- who lives at Belmont, sent his father’s death. He en- she walks her two puppies Police Chiefs Donnie Davis horse show and a commu- cietal, economic, and other an article about Dr. B.G. joyed explaining to patients in a garden. Gail Weathers and Ralph Handsel stand at nity fair. Additional funds changes, the board of direc- Weathers Jr., who passed about their illnesses and says the piece took about a the Brevard Station Muse- were raised by selling stock, tors realized that it was not away in July. This was an helping them to understand year to complete and almost um in Stanley. He was also $8,000 was raised and the going to be able to have the interesting article about the them ,said Gail. He was an the whole family pitched in commissioned for a statue $4,000 needed, to complete medical personnel and the first doctor to practice at the unbelievable diagnostician, to help. Gail and Graham at Daniel Stowe Botanical the building was borrowed, patient load to keep the cen- new Farmington Medical “He had three sons from a W eatherseventraveledto Garden. Threeyearsaftertheidea ter operating. Center. The article which previous marriage. He mar- England to study Queen was set forth, the building The last board of direc- appeared in July 17, 2015 tied his second wife, Gail, Charlotte, was completed and was tors of the Farmington issue of “The Gaston Ga- in 1970 after meeting her “(Graham Weathers) al­ ready for the next phase Medical Center, which in- zette,” and it was written by years earlier while she was ways said that art was 5 per- that Gail Weathers will for- which was to find a doc- eluded John Hemy Caudle, Eric Wildstein. in nursing school in Char- cent inspiration and 95 per- ever cherish of her Iatehus- tor to practice medicine at president; William Laurie “He took as much care lotte. They would have a cent perspiration, Gail said. band. Weather often invited Farmington Medical Center. Brock; Barbara Allen; Ma- with his patients as he did son together and they acted Sculphire is a lot more com- Thatgoalbecameareal- rie Miller; Eddie Leagans, his artwork. For more than as foster parents for 16 chil- plicated than people realize, ity, when Dr. B.G. Weath- secretary-treasurer; Billy 40 years, Bailey Graham dren over the years. In 1995, he sculpted a min­ ers Jr. agreed to begin his' Brock; and Ostine West, Weathers Jr. spent his days “Graham Weathers took iature of Queen Charlotte gave her a surprise Christ- medical practice in the new decided to donate the build- practicing family medicine his love of art to the next that sails aboard the USS mas gift of 600 crumpled in Stanley. When he came level and took sculpture Charlotte. Another minia- dollar bills so she could home, he slipped off to his courses at Gaston Commu- ture sculpted by Weathers earn a psychology degree basement art studio. There nity College between 1967 is also in the collection of from Sacred Heart College, he stayed until early hours an 1971. He went on to earn Queen Charlotte Hospital Hewasjustalwayssosup- of the morning learning ev- a fine arts degree from UNC in London. Another is dis- portive and very caring and erything from sculpture to Charlotte in 1980. He ere- played at Mirow Castle in let everybody be themselves painting to mixed media. ated sculptures that have Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Ger- and pursue their own inter- “He would come home been exhibited throughout many. est, she said. He wanted to the office after work- the United States and in- “Many of his works can leave his mark and he cer- held Saturday, Aug. 8 at call: Rose Speece at 704- ing eight hours, have sup- temationally. Among his be found here in Gaston, tainly did that, and I’m so the Union Grove Commu- 539-4715, Gene Shaver at per,-take a quick nap, and notable works are Sweet ’Here I Stand' was dedi- proud to have been his wife, nitybuilding.withbreakfast 704-539-4455, Carol Ibl- then go into the studio and Blessing Angel the 84-inch cated in 2001 at Christ’s from 7-10 and the live auc- beit at 704-539-4474 or work until one or two in the fiberglass angel sculptures Lutheran Church in Stan- tion beginning at 9 ajn. Jeanne Gaither at Union morning, said Gail Weather, that found their way into ley. The stainless steel and She is being treated for Grove Methodist, 704-539- his wife of45 years. They’re the Smithsonian Anacostia bronze sculpture depicts theran Church in Stanley, ovarian cancer and has been 4349. two different worlds there, Community Museum and Martin Luther nailing his 95 The public is invited.” and he needed both of those the United House of Prayer thesesonthedoorofWitten- worlds in his life. for AU People churches in berg Cathedral in England, “He passed away on Sat- more than 20 cities. His a key act in the Reforma- urday at the age of 83. But sculpture ‘Queen Charlotte tion.BustofformerStanley many here remember him. his dedication to both ca- Walks in her Garden’ has reers yielded results that been displayed since 1989 made a lasting impression on at the Charlotte Apparel Stanley and beyond. Bom Center in Uptown Char- in Stanley as the youngest lotte. The bronze life-size son of Edith Bumgardner statue features British mon- and Bailey Graham Weath- arch Queen Charlotte wear- Thomas Flynn ‘Tommy* Meroney ers Sr., his early interests ing a long-sleeved gown as Mr. Thomas “Tommy” Flynn Meroney Jr., 81, formerly of Sout Main Street, Mocksville, died Tuesday, July 21, 2015, at Autumn Care of Mocksville. He was bom on March 19,1934, in Davie County to the late Louise Rodwell Meroney and Thomas Flynn MeronevAug. 16 At Mainville AMEZ Sr-A memorial graveside service was conducted at 11 a.m., A “Children In White” program at Mainville AME Zion Friday, JuiJr 24»at ^ ose Cemetery. Church, where the Rev. Sylvia Y. Perry is the pastor, will Condolences: wwwtatonfimeralservicexom. be held on Sunday Aug. 16 at 3 pjn. This program is sponsored by the Buds and under the Elizabeth ‘Faye* Keaton direction of Sister Hazel Dillard. The guest speaker will Elizabeth “Faye” Keaton, 62, of Mocksville, died Sun- be Brother JJ. Rice, youth pastor at Refuge Community tiaJf' JuiJf 26,2015, at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Church. Winston-Salem. Come and wear white. For any information, call 336- She was Iwm in Iredell County on Aug. 2, 1952, the 399-9214 or call the church at 751-9146. daughter of the late Lester1 Local Class B Propane Driver! Quality Oil Company is seeking a dependable, customer service friendly Propane Driver! Propane experience and knowledge of the Winston-Salem and surrounding areas pre­ ferred. Must have Class B CDL and Hazmat endorsement Interested candidates should apply online at www.QOCNC.com or call Chris Arceneaux <§> 336-714-5160 for more information. “Though his sculptures will surely stand for years to come, it is his-kind heart students and friends to learn with him in his art studio. He was a man who once “A celebration of Weath­ ers' life will be held at 2 I. Aug. 22 a Christ’s Lu- Though Dr. B.G. Weath- :rs Jr. has been gone from I for many years. Obituaries ‘Children In White’ Program 16 At Mainville AMEZ What’s precious to you is precious to us.” Auto. Home. Life. Retirement. They all matter, so wrap them all In a blanket of Nationwide' protection. We put members first because we don't have shareholders.5” Join th e N ation' th a t knows w hat’s Im portant. Combine your policies and save up to 25% Keith Hiller1109 Yadkinville Rd.Willow Oaks Shopping Canter Mocksville (336) 751-6131 (6 Nationwide*Isonyour side Concord UMC To Celebrate Homecoming Harding Troutman and Inez GunterTroutman. She was the wife of Jimmy Gray Keaton Sr. and they had been married for more than 44 years. Also surviving: a daughter, Concord United Methodlet Chotch will have a home. S j S S l t o w ^ d commg celebration on Sonday.Ang. 2. hu!b„ d Tlm Mocksvi|1 Allammvttedtotheeervtce ofmmembenng^ le b ra - ,„d SneleChrietieandhneband non, and fellowship. The eerv.ee will begin «10:30 with Bob of Salisbluy. , w ringing by the choir, followed by worship at 10:45. Onest „ieee, Terasa Nanee of Vfeid- Speaker will be rat,rad Methodist minister Don Routh. A Ieaf and , liMer.ln.|aWi p covered dish meal will follow. pjyn|) Cedar Grove Baptist Revival Services Aug. 2-5 services Sunday, Aug. 2 through Wednesday.Aug. 5, with the following schedule: Sunday, 3 p.m., the Rev. Maurice Maxwell of She was also preceded in I death by a son, Jimmy Gray Keaton Jr., on April 23,2013; and a sister, Peggy Troutman Davis. Mrs. Keaton had been a cashier in the retail industry, I " ”! a ! .? ? Blbie'M Jlh O d to C h S m d W"I' M“ ’- S" ' "" " “ A celebration of life service was to be conducted at 2 P-m. Wednesday1JuIy 29 at the Davie Funeral Service Cha­ pel officiated by the Revs. David Stetler and James Wardcombe Baptist Church in Lexington; Monday at 7 pjn., RnriflI wa« m M tnu, in .h. n„ r .----- the Rev. Rodoey BorketofRefuge Commimii, Chorah io f “- - .- " aL !° /° U°W "» Be,r <??* Bal» « On” * Cooleemee; Ttedny ,, 7 pm., the Rev. Tamie. Robinson S I S S S Ih th T n e m l'c S * “ “ of St. John AME Zion Church in Mocksville; and Wednes- Memorials' Kate B RevimifkH • ii rh" ’ .J 'P M ’ of’ ^ames Clement of Fnirfield Baptist * £ £ $ £ £ £ % %Hoe- urc m oc svi e. Condolences: wwwdaviefuneralserviceaom. DAVIE COUNTY EN TER PR ISE RECORD, T hursday, July 30,2015 • C9 Obituaries Abigail Elizabeth Campbell Dallas Wayne Smith Abigail Elizabeth Campbell was bom on Sept. 19,2008 Dallas Wayne Smith, 78, of Advance DIED suddenly and died on Thursday, July 23,2015, at her home with her Tuesday, July 21,2015. family by her side. a native of Davie County, he was bom June 5, 1937, Her life would to the late John Wesley Smith seem short for many and Mabel Livengood Smith, but those touched by He was the widower of the her understood the late Wllma Jean Snider Smith quality of existence who died Feb. 12,2012. They exceeds the quanti- were married for 51 years and ty of time which one together they were owner/op- lives. Abigail was a erators of the former County sassy and enthusi- Line 64 Texaco/Grocery for astic little girt with 20 years. He was also a dis- determination that lributor for Stroh’s Brewery was amazing. She for 25 years, retiring in 1994. loved her family and Survivors: his daughter, had them wrapped Renee S. Howell and hus- around her finger, band Mark, and son, Timothy She had a way of Wayne Smith and wife, Cathy, bringing people to- all of Mocksville; grandchil- gether. Her smile and dren, Stephanie Renee Howell and Trevor Wesley Smith; laugh would brighten anyone's day. Abigail never went sisters, Linda Spake (Don) of Walnut Cove and Margaret anywhere without someone telling her how beautiful her Perrell (York) of Mocksville; sisters-in-law, Nora Smith blonde curly hair was or comment on her stylish outfits, and Barbara Smith, both of Mocksville, and Cathy Bamey Among her favorite things to do were going out for ice (Rommie) of Advance; and brother-in-law, Robert Ever- cream and going to school at The Children's Center. Abi- hart of Mocksville. gail accomplishments at school made her strive eveiy day He was also preceded in death by 3 brothers: John W., to Ieam more. William Bert and D. Cecil Smith; and 2 sisters, Dorothy Survivois: her parents, John and Heather Yeomans; big Jean Everhart and infant sister, Judy Smith, sister, Ashlyn Yeomans (sissy); Sugar (her dog); grand- The family received friends ot Davie Funeral Service parents, Robin Gatton, Mike Campbell, Jay and Maureen Chapel on Friday, July 24. The celebration of life service Lytsell; great-grandparents, Mary Ann Gatton, Jeny and was held at 10 a.m. Saturday1JuIy 25 in the chapel officiat- Frances Campbell; uncles and aunts, Brandon Campbell, ed by the Rev. Darren Crotts. Burial followed in the cemc- Jimrny Yeomans, Tiffany Southard; great-uncles and aunts, tety of The Episcopal Church of the Ascension. Billy and Sherrie Haithcox1Bobby and Debbie Hefner, and Memorials: Episcopal Church of Ascension 183 Fork Johnny Gatton; cousins, Jennifer N. Hefner, Logann Foltz, Bixby Road, Advance,. Jesse Yeomans, Adam and Jennifer E. Hefner; and special Condolences: wwwAaviefuneraiservice.com.people Abi loved. Grandma Kelly Eamest1Aunt Stephanie Slane, Draven Slane and Wanda Ladd. She was preceded in death by a great-frandfalher, Pete Bonson Leon ‘Jiggs’ Bailey 0 lI 0J- Mr. Bonson Leon “Jiggs” Bailey, 90, of US 64 E., • ■ sS v1ce W,S held “ 3 pj"- s^ jr' July “ MocksviLe, died Sunday, July 26.2015, at FOtsyIh Medi-with Dr. ChnsThompson officiating, in the chapel of Frank cal Center in Winston-Salem. Vogler and Sons Funeral Home, Clemmons. Ura family re- m,. Baiky was tonl Feb 16, 1925 In Davie County to eeived frtends Sunday poor to the service. There will be a the Iate Uonsml and Josie Tucker Bailey. He was retired from Dixie Furniture. Mr. Bailey was a member of Forkprivate burial. Memorials: The Children Center, 2315 Coliseum Dr., Winston Salem; Society Baptist cemeteiy fund, 879 Gar­ den Valley Rd., Statesville; or to Mountain Valley Hos­ pice-Woltz Hospice Home. 945 Zephyr Road, Dobson, 27017. Bobby Joe Jenkins Baptist Church. He was also preceded in death by his wife, Nellie Mae Danner Bailey; a daughter, Wanda Flippin; a brother, Al­ fred Bailey; and 2 sisters, Mamie Jean Hartman and Peggy Jones. Survivors: a son, Tlm (Debbie) Bailey of Advance; 4 grandchildren, Kevin Gilbert, Kerri Creel (Rob), Clint Bai- Mr. Bobby Joe Jenkins, 71, of Advance died Friday, ley (Barbie) and Lauren Flippin; 6 great-grandchildren, July 24,2015. Gracen, Bubba, Shayna, Tyier Carter and Brylie; and ca- He was bom Aug. 5,1943 in Norfolk, Va. to Ervin Dol- nine companion, “Puppy.” phus Jenkins and Lucy Staley Jenkins. Mr. Jenkins was an A graveside service was to be conducted at Il a.m. a beekeeper. Thursday, July 30 at Fotk Baptist Church Cemetery. The Survivors: his wife, Betty Jenkins of the home; 2 sons, family was to receive friends from 6-8 p.m. on Wednesday, Bobby and Tony of Pennsylvania; a stepson, Greg of Ad- July 29 at Eaton Funeral Home, vance; his mother, Lucy Jenkins, sister, Barbara Pardue Memorials: Alzheimer’s Assoc. Western Carolina and brother, Jeny Jenkins, all of King; and many friends. Chapter, 3800 Shamrock Drive, Brancomb 10, Charlotte, A graveside service was conducted at 2 pjn. Monday, 28215-3220. July 27 at Westlawn Gardens of Memoty by Pastor Ed Condolences: wwwtatonfiineratservicexom. Sears. ' Condolences: wwwJmyworth-miller.com. Charles Edward rRirner Sr. Charles Edward Timer Sr., 75, of Charlotte, died early Bobby Gray Brannock Thursday morning, July 23,2015 in Duke Memorial Hos- Mr. Bobby. Gray Brannock, 84, died surrounded by his Pital in Durham after a short period of declining health. family on Saturday, July 25.2015, at Novant Health For- ______________________ HewasbomJuly21,1940,1 * inFarRockaway,N.Y.,sonof the late John Orgery Turn­ er and Helen Wilson Tumer. He was reared in Mocksville, where he attended Davie County Taining School (now Davie High School). He be­ gan employment at an early age with Dixie Sugar Facto­ ry in Lexington. He eventu­ ally returned to his place of birth, Far Rockaway, where he worked as a presser at a dry cleaner. He later became a construction worker for Gunner Construction Co. in Hempstead, N.Y., for many years until his health de­ clined. He worked briefly for Ti-State Daily Newspaper Benjamin Bunch Bemnamin Bunch, classical guitarist from Basel, Swit­ zerland, died July 8,2015 in Basel, of cancer. He was bom July 17, 1947 in Statesville, the sixth of eight children of Charles L. Bunch Sr. and Katherine Frost Bunch. Following a self-guided tour of Europe with a friend after high school, he graduat­ ed from the N.C. School of I the Arts in Winston-Salem, I majoring in organ music and later the classical guitar un­ der the tutelage of Jesus Sil­ va. After studying with the masters in Europe, he was professor of classical guitar at the Musik Akadamie in Basel for more than 30 years, and performed on stage, radio and TV on four continents. I He was invited to speak at the I First World Symposium on [ Heitor Villa-Lobos in Paris and later in Sao Paulo, while touring in South America. He was among the group invited to the reburial of Andre Sego^ via in Spain. As a young musician, he had master classes with Segovia. Mr. Bunch transcribed and arranged hun­ dreds of musical works for the classical guitar. His recent life was centered around daughter Alycia May, who at age 7, under her parents* guidance, is an accomplished violin­ ist, singer and dancer. In 2000, he was the featured artist for the Lakeland (Florida) Imperial Symphony Orchestra. He was bom on a farm in Statesville and enjoyed that life with seven siblings until moving to Brevard and later to Mocksville. He lived in Lakeland breifly in the early 1970s before moving to Europe. He came to Lakeland often to visit his mother, Katherine Bunch, now 100, and has many friends there. Survivors: his wife, Krisztina Wajsza Bunch, concert pianist, daughter, Alycia May, and step-daughter, Anthea of Basel; brothers, Charles L. Bunch Jr. (Maxine) of States­ ville, David Bunch (Jean) of Lakeland, Austin W. Bunch (Marion) of Atlanta, Ga.; sisters, Linda Best of Brevard, Anne Toopes (James) of Gainesville, Ga., and Jane Ather­ ton (Mark) of BeIIinghamlWash. He was preceded in death by: his father; brother, W i­ liam D. “Bill” BunchofLakeIand (Benjamin and Bill were featured musicians at annual family gatherings.). syth Medical Center. He was bom April 13, 1931, in Forsyth County to the late Curtis and Margie Crews Brannock. Mr. Brannock was a veteran of the U.S. Navy I having served during the Kore- I an Conflict. He had worked at I Western Electric and was later I owner of United Alarm Compa- I ny. Mr. Brannock was a member I of Oak Grove United Methodist I Church and former president of I Kedmont CARRS Association. He was also preceded in I death by his brothers, Harold I Dean and Danny Brannock. Survivors: his wife, Ruth I Jordan Brannock of the home;I 2 sons, Alvin Brannock of Pem- I broke, Va. and Jason Brannock (Coty) of Winston-Salem; 2 daughters, Bonnie Davis (Steve) of Pembroke and Lori Co- fr°m which he retired. He married and divorced Doris Drum (Chip) of Kennesaw, Ga.; 5 grandchildren, Hannah Phiffer, and in this union four children were bom. He was and Hayden Drum, Lily and Hadley Brannock and Katie a slronI believer in being responsible for his household, Davis; a great-granddaughter, Lillian Davis; 2 brothers, working hard to provide for his family. He followed many George “Buck” Brannock of Winston-Salem and Donald of the teachings of his grandparents, Daniel and Annie Brannock (Brenda) of Mocksville; 2 sisters, Betty lnabinet Wilson. Although Charles faced many emotional (James) of King and Maty Hege (Ben) of Summerville, Ga. physical hurdles in his life, he still had the ability to be A funeral service was conducted at 11 am ., Tiesday, &** harded, kind, and a caring person. He loved to bring July 28 at Oak Grove United Methodist Church, with the laughter to those in his presence. He returned to Charlotte Rev. Sam Lewis and Bobby Summers officiating. Burial 10 be closer to his children. followed in the church cemeteiy with railitaiy honors con- Preceding him in death include a daughter, Carla Tum- ducted by the VFW Memorial Honor Guard. The family er* “ d a brother, John Lewis Turner, received friends Monday, July 27 at Eaton Funeral Home Survivors: 2 sons, Charles EdwardTumer Jr. of Mocks- in Mocksville. vilie and Anthony (Teresa) Timer of Durham; a daughter. Memorials: Oak Grove UMC, 1994 US 158, Mocks­ ville. Condolences: wwwaatonfuneralservicetom. Local obituaries online... w w w.ourdavie .com Donna Timer-Finger, a brother, Daniel F. Tumer of Far Rockaway; 5 sisters, Lottie Ann Crawford of Jamaica, N.Y., BetQr Chandler of Charlotte, Anne “Liz” Thompson of Mocksville, Lois Pennick of Far Rockaway, Susan Cole of Winston-Salem; an uncle, Witmer “Pete” Wilson of De­ troit, Mich.; 15 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren; and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends. Funeral service was to be Wednesday, July 29 at 2:30 pm. at Graham Funeral Home in Mocksville. Minister Lil­ lian Cockerham was to officiate and the Rev. Johnny Ruff was to deliver the eulogy. The family was to receive friends at the funeral home 30 minutes before the service. Condolences: WivwJGrahamFuneratHome Jiet. Walter Leon Eaton Mr. Walter Leon Eaton, 90, of Mocksville, died Friday, July 24,2015, at Gordon Hospice Hbuse in Statesville. He was bom June 12,1925, in Davie dbunty to the late Carl W. and Ullace Bowles Eaton. Mr. Eaton was a veteran of the U.S. Navy having served during World War II. He was the vice president of Eaton Funeral Home, Inc. Fol­ lowing his retirement, he spent much of his time involved with Meals-On-Wheels and other community service. He was also preceded in death by his wife, Joyce Mil­ dred Whitener Eaton; and his brother, N. Wayne Eaton. Survivors: 3 sons, Michael Eaton (Lorrie) Hickory, Steve Eaton (Carol) of Yadkinville and Jeff Eaton (Ann) of Mocksville; 5 grandchildren, Christopher Eaton (Natassia), Eric Eaton (Amber), Carla Bemia (Jeff), Zach Eaton (Jor­ dan) and Ally Eaton; 4 great-grandsons, LachJan Bemia, Cooper Eaton.Jasper Bemia and Walker Eaton; 4 sister-in- laws, Annie Lapish, Sarah Hartline, Frances Whitener and Mary Louise Whitener; and several nieces and nephews. A funeral service was conducted at 2 p.m., Sunday, July 26 at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. A. Shane Nix­ on and Dr. David Gilbreath officiating. Burial followed in Rose Cemetery. The family received friends Saturday1JuIy 25 at the funeral home. Memorials: Gordon Hospice House, 2341 Simonton Road, Statesville, 28625; or First Baptist Building Fund, 412 N. Main St., Mocksville. Condolences: www^atonfitneralservicecom. Billy Ray Moore Sr. Billy Ray Moore Sr., 80, died Sunday, July 26, 2015, at the VeteransAdministration Hospital in Beckley, W.Va. A native of Raleigh County, W.Va., he was bom March 28,1935, the son of the late GfSver C. Moore and Minnie’ Dodd Moore. He was the widower of the late Mary Fran­ ces Smith Moore who died June 13,2002,after47 years of marriage. He graduated from high school in Ghent, W.Va., and then honorably served his country in the U.S. Air Force from December 1954, through December, 1958. He and his wife moved to Ncmh Carolina in 1989 where he retired from the Davidson County Sani­ tation Dept. He enjoyed his church and going fishing when time permitted. Survivors: 2 sons, DaneU Moore (Dee) of High Point, and Billy Ray Moore Jr. (Don­ na) of Lexington; 2 daughters, Joyce Thompson (Danny) of Daniels, W.Va., and Kelly Caldwell (Thomas) of Newport News, Va.; a brother, Gro­ ver C. Moore Jr., of Ghent, W.Va., plus several grandchil­ dren and great-grandchildren. The family received friends at Heaven’s Gate United Full Gospel Church, 100 Rolling Park Drive, Lexington, on Wednesday, July 29 from 6-8 pjn. The celebration of life service was to be held at the church at 11 ajn. Thurs­ day, July 30 officiated by Pastor Ken Norman. Burial was to follow at Salisbury National Cemeteiy wilh full military honors accorded by the Air Force Honors Team and the VFW Memorial Honor Guard. Memorials: Heaven's Gate Church, address above. Condolences: wwwJavieJuneralservicecom. CIO - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 30,2015 Faith a female black and white Australian Shepard mix. Herestimated date of birth is Nov. S S S j H ^ r 17, 2014. She is spayed. She is a | : w little shy but sweet. She would be v \ a faithful companion. She is the last of her sisters and she would y jjH H if really like to find a forever home. ' Menchl is a spayed friendly fe- male domestic short hair. She is up-to-date on vaccinations, good SP§R jPff 'l ^ g H ^ H ' with other cats, and looking for a ^ H K § g I i j B H j i I : forever home. She loves to play ^ B E S g i I J P f H ^ H ' with toys and socialize with peo- pie. To adopt these or other pets SvrajjH . from the Humane Society of Da- pB pS ff vie, fill out an application at www. J s S fg S y ^ H ] davienchumane.org or cail751- Humane Society Taking Precautions Against Dog Flu PARKWAYOFLEXINGTON.COM Dog Au has been in the news lately. Should pet owners be concerned? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Pre­ vention, Canine Influenza is a contagious respiratory disease in dogs caused by specific Type A influenza vi­ ruses known to infect dogs. There are two influenza vi­ ruses: an H3N8 virus and an H3N2 virus. There is no evidence of transmission of canine in­ fluenza from dogs to people. Canine influenza H3N8 virus originated in horses 30 years ago, spread to dogs, and can spread between dogs. H3N2 virus has re­ portedly infected some cats. It was first detected in the United States in April of .2015, The signs of influenza in dogs are cough, runny nose, and fever, but not all dogs will show signs of ill­ ness. The severity of illness can range from no signs to severe illness resulting in pneumonia and sometimes death. The percentage of dogs infected with the dis­ ease that die is small. ''17Jtif- Almost all dogs are sus sT" ceptible to canine Au in fection and illness tends to spread among dogs housed in kennels and shelters. <: “We are taking every precaution to insure that our dogs and cats are safe. A: of this date there have been *>■ no reported cases in Davie '.tv County,” says Gloria Worn mack, managing director of the Humane Society of Da­ vie County. Dan Emmadi DVM, . - PhD, Veterinarian of Record for the Humane Society of Davie, cautions every­ one to be watchful for any symptoms characteristic of acute respiratory infection (cough, nasal discharge, sneezing, lethargy anorexia, high-grade fever and pneu- , monia). Emmadi encour­ ages dog owners to work closely with their veterinar­ ians in diagnosing canine Au as soon as symptoms occur. <fc N E W 2 0 1 5 FO R D F IE ST A S ESTKU 11317 A u ro m a rz c trans £ comfort pkg, power windows M SRP $ 1 7 ,4 0 5 DISCOUNT - $ 4 0 0 REBATE - $ 1 ,0 0 0 NOWONLY $15,975 OR LEASE FOR S157/MO Deliver Of Mental Health Services Changing Here N E W 2 0 1 5 FO R D F U SIO N SSTKU 11517 tV et/ Equipped including appearance package M SRP $ 2 2 ,9 3 5 DISCOUNT - $ 1 ,0 3 6 REBATE - $ 1 ,0 0 0 FORD CREDIT - $ 5 0 0 NOWONLY $20,399 OR LEASE FOR $219/MO N E W 2 0 1 5 FO R D F O C U S S ESTKU II30C Automatic, Sunroof. Power Pkg, SitIusSatelIite I MSRP. $ 2 2 ,0 1 5 I DISCOUNT - $ 1 ,4 2 9 I REBATE - $ 1 ,2 5 0 I FORD CREDIT - $ 1 ,0 0 0 I NOWONLY $18,336 I OR LEASE FOR $169/MO N E W 2 0 1 5 F O R D E D C E S E M SRP $ 2 9 ,6 1 5 I DISCOUNT -$ 1 ,2 2 7 I REBATE - $ 1 ,0 0 0 I NOWONLY $27,388 j OR LEASE FOR $276/MO DayMark Recovery Services will expand local service options delivered as part of the CenterPoint Human Services behavioral health provider network with the assumption of men­ tal health services previous­ ly offered by RHA Health Services on Sept. I. RHA, a large provider of behavioral health services, will continue to deliver ser­ vices within the CenterPoint provider network for indi­ viduals with intellectual? developmental disabilities. CenterPoint, as the Lo­ cal Management Entity/ Managed Care Organization overseeing publicly funded behavioral health services for individuals in Forsyth, Stokes, Davie and Rocking­ ham counties, is working closely with both companies to support approximately 950 CenterPoint clients through this transition. D eliveryofmental health services formerly offered by RHA by a larger local pro­ vider entity will allow for economies of scale to sup­ port a continued provider presence. In smaller rural counties, client demand for services typically does not support the provider’s cost of deliv­ ering care. CenterPoint takes seri­ ously its responsibility to assure continuity and avail­ ability of quality care for individuals receiving ser­ vices. While clients will be offered a choice of provid­ ers, planning for transition of services to DayMark has been implemented to assure timely completion of the labor-intensive transition by Sept. I, assuring that clients experience no lapse in treat­ ment. CenterPoint will post a Request for Proposal in the spring of 2016 to identify a provider of these services for the next fiscal year. DayMark1 a nonprofit organization with a large Io- cal presence, offers a range of office and community- based services for people with mental health and/ or substance abuse needs ' across North Carolina. CenterPoint is maintain­ ing close communication with RHA and DayMark in transition. Both agencies are committed to working with CenterPoint in provid­ ing opportunities to clients in transition to choose a preferred service provider. Client needs will receive top priority as the transition occurs and clients are of­ fered a choice of providers to meet their needs. N E W 2 0 1 5 FO R D E SC A P E S ESTKU Tl 1384 4 wheel drive. 2.0L EcoBoost, trailer tow pkg. M SRP $ 3 0 ,0 3 0 DISCOUNT -$ 1 ,6 1 9 REBATE -$ 1 ,7 5 0 FORDCREDIT - $ 1 ,0 0 0 NOWQNLY $25,661 OR LEASE FOR $285/M O N E W 2 0 1 5 FO R D F -150 RE G C AB, XL. STKU TI1S34 V-6,Auto,A/C, M SRP $ 2 7 ,6 9 0 DISCOUNT -$ 1,5.43 REBATE - $ 2 ,5 0 0 FORCfCREDIT - $ 7 5 0 NOWONLY $22,897 $ 2 4 ,3 3 0 -$ 1 ,3 5 0 $ 1 ,5 0 0 21,480 r GTON NC 337J Students D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I S E R E C O R D , T h u r s d a y , J u l y 3 0 ,2 0 1 5 - D l WRD Students Enjoy A ‘Summer of Fun’ The Summer of Fun Learning Academy had a splash at William R. Da­ vie Elementary School this summer. Seventy-five students at­ tended the program provid­ ed through a grant from the Davie Community Founda­ tion in partnership with the school. Students enjoyed learn­ ing about the ocean and ocean life throughout the academy. They have been engaged in reading materi­ als about ocean life, learn­ ing new vocabulary, and writing creative tales about sea creatures. Students have been memorizing math facts and problem solving. And there are the brain breaks. Students have been dancing, singing, and ex­ ercising using the website, GoNoodIe. Students learned about healthy eating habits. For the Fourth of July, they cre­ ated a snack of fresh straw­ berries, blueberries and whipped cream.GoNoodIe time was popular as students get some exercise while learning. i * - * w : j * ? H J ; M n W'Hiam R. Davie Elementary Summer of Fun Learn- Akira Redmond, Anthony Batchelor and Richard AshburnDavidson and Kyle McGee mg Academy students are eager to learn about ocean work on a project as part of the program sponsored bv the enjoy a snack. animals and life. Davie Community Foundation. Learning Starts Early Preschoolers Building Social, Math And Science Skills B y G I a m a r G a lc a s Special to the Enteiprise Central Davie’s Preschooi Summer program has fun and en­ gaging opportunities for students age 2-6. Each week, a theme leads to activities helping children develop new social and emotional skills, as well as language, fine motor, math and science skills. Critical thinking skills are taught through play, which enhances a new sense of creativity. Students experienced ocean week, when they learned about marine life, the ecosystem and how they work together. They made friends and formed teams during this study. They were in awe when they learned a whale's tongue can weigh as much as an elephant, and when they discovered that the Great W hite Sharks all have 300 teeth, which regrow when broken. They used the facts to learn math. I ‘ . The students lit up when they J' realized they were making ocean 'j bottles using sand and shells. They learned about the shells’ textures, forms, colors and shapes. aSfi.* Some were excited to look for shells when going on vacation. , t j f r /«• Ocean Week transformed into ■ :■■■ Pirate Week, when students made Trt"'Sl Bp jte . their own pirate gear consisting of patches, telescopes and hats. They aJ learned that boys and girls can be pirates and that pirates make their own maps when sailing. 7 " j created treasure maps before be- ing taken a global awareness adventure. The maps allowed treasure on a jE j T scavenger hunt around the school. ^ —S 1 are to m , -'B L . the programs. Contact KayAshley or Tammy Naylor. Clamor Galeas is a student at *'fVl Davie County Early college High Students in the Central Davie Pre-School summer program enjoy dressing as pirates a< Scl‘ooi. they learn about the ocean. , \ \ D2 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, T hursday, July 30,2015 PUBLIC NOTICES After Jury Seated; Woman Pleads No Contest After hours of pretrial said. Crater replied, "At the lights, she said, until she the doors of this courtroom 12 months unsupervised motions and the seating of After making the turn, tim e, it was suspicious to was in her garage, at which again. This has really shak- probation. She must do 24 a jury, an Advance woman Mayers’ vehicle went over me. Jabbing on the brakes point she saw two sets of en her. She is well loved m hours of community service ch an eed h erp leafro m n o t to the left hand side of the is not a normal operation of lights, from the cars of Cra- the community and people within 30 days, surrender guilty to no contest to a road, which has no lane the vehicle, which led me to ter and N.C. Highway Patrol think very highly of her,' herdnver s license, obtain a charge of DWI. markings. Crater said she believe there was something TrooperAdamW ard. Freeman said. "This was a substance abuse assessment Chad Freeman, attorney sped up and drove onto the else going on." When asked if she’d had momentary lapse." and treatment, pay a fine of for Paula Miller Mayers, grassy side of the road for Crater also said video anything to drink, May- Gullett sentenced May- $100 and court costs. 58, argued there was not about 60 yards, before driv- recording is activated when ers testified she had been ers.to 60 days, suspended reasonable suspicion to stop ing back onto the road and the blue lights come on, and suffering from bronchial Mayers as she was traveling into her driveway. The ga- although there was a video pneumonia and one of the home around 8:40 p.m. June rage door was opening and of the traffic stop, stan- daycare parents had given 13,2013. she pulled straight into it, dard policy is if the video her "cough medicine with Deputy Mark Crater was with Crater behind her. He is not requested within six some kind of whiskey in it,” the officer who stopped said he exited his vehicle months, it is erased. Free- which she said had a bitter ...................... Mayers, who was listed on quickly so he could get into man said he filed a motion taste, so she added green qf JUSTICE 1 a Chamber of Commerce the garage before the door requesting the video three tea, pineapple chunks and DISTRICT COURT DIVISION website as executive direc- shut. months and three days after whipped cream to make it 16'JJjjJ tor of Stepping Stones Day- W henCrateraskedM ay- Mayers’ arrest, but Crater taste better. Around 7:30 NOIICI OF SERVICE care in Clemmons. H etesti- ers why she didn’t stop, she said he never received noti- p.m., she said, she drank a OF PROCESS fied in Davie Superior Court told him she didn’t realize Iicationtherequesthadbeen "jellyjar” am ountoftheliq- n u D IIQ I IP ATIDII last week he was headed he was trying to stop her. filed. uid. D lr U D lI b I lI IU H west on US 158 when he Freeman asked Crater if Mayers testified she had Assistant DA Steve JOSEMAURtCtO TDflflES, saw Mayers "jab stop” the “jabbing” the brakes, or ap- been at a fast food restaurant B oonearguedthejabbingof ^ an ' brakes on a white Ford Ex- plying them rapidly, is an a half mile from her home the brakes was reasonable A^ A franci SCA MARVNEZ, plorer twice, once as she infraction or misdemeanor, and was upset because her suspicion to stop, and said Defendant. was still on US 158 and and Crater said it is not and business and debit cards after Crater activated his TOi ANAFRANClSCAMAR- o mooima m the second time as she was that Mayers had not com- were denied, but added blue lights, Mayers made notlcethat a pleading 6:00 pm on Monday, August turning onto Mooring Lane, milled any infraction or workers there gave her food no effort to stop, and in fact, S0ek|ng rfl|ief aga|ns, you has 3 ,201S. at which point Crater turned misdemeanor in making the for free because they knew sped up. been filed In the above ac- Hf.-IshIis th^ ofteJ hJreId: i'r j XKSS2S55S sTffif*"TTfT1 seeking custody of your minor Si No ice NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT PUBIIC NOTICE Pursuant to N.C. Gan. Stat. § 131E-13(d), the Board of Commissioner (the ‘Board") of Davle County (the "County") Is providing notice that It plans to consider declaring Its Intent to sell or otherwise convey its home health agency, Davie County Home Health Agency, In a manner consistent with the governmental purpose and which ensures the continued provision of quality care to the communities It serves, at Its regular meeting to be held at on his blue lights. turn. "People who have used an impairing substance are reasonable suspicion to stop her brakes three times, but press, more likely to jab stop,” he (Mayers)7” Freeman asked, said that is her habit and has METAL ROOFING 3’ Coverage • 40+ Colors iu COlOftS Mf HIMYSTM MTEl 40 Year Warranty UP TO1SM- TAX CREDIT AVAILABLE 704-278-3000 MISSTATE METALS of the Carolinas, LLC www.midstatemetals.com Freeman argued the you are hereby required to been so for decades because missing video would have make defense to such plead­ing no later than the 4th day of health agency. By this Notice, the Board also sollcltsany other party Interested in participating in the RFP to contact the Davle New Pool & Spa Installation Cleaning Chemicals Opening ACIosIng 3 Vinyl Uner Replacement" Tommy Horrli/Dwitr - Ow' TT Yn. Exp. there have been wrecks in precipitated a possible set- Jjfl1™J?,ar ,“" J , ® y County Manager, Mr. Mike Ruf- the area and she applies her tlement of the case in dis- dayP8fram the first publication '""?'!!£ Au9us,t3’ 2015 brakes to let people behind trict court and should have 0f this notice. Upon your failure f ’ niruffln@davlecountync.gov. know she is about to turn. been preserved because he to file a pleading by the above Pai^ afe P b® She also said she always made the request for it in a ^a*!' palJy aaekJ ^ lusarvIaa determined by the Board In Its goes onto the grassy area, timely manner and through C9urt I0r^ ere th« Dn»,n in. YOU MAY WANT TO JUST STlCK WITH 8UTTON-UP5. PANG. I HIT ALL USUAaY TAKE , WHAT HAVE WE HERE? LOOKS TO A SAGGlE OF CATNIP WHATTf WAIT.' THAT'S NOT MINE/ I'M SEfNG SET UP? apply court for the relief sought, but does so in an effort to the proper channels. H epre- This the 23rd day of July, avoid obstacles that, include sented case law related to 2015. a chain link fence, downed discovery, but because the Thomas A. Pa9®ril •. , , . |. ... g * NCState Bar No. 10319trees, and metal surveyors case law dealt with felo- Attorney for Plaintiff poles. • nies, and discovery is not post Office Box 2468 She never saw the blue required for misdemeanors, YadkinviIIe1NC 27055 Gullett also denied that mo­ tion to suppress. After several minutes of consulting with Mayers, Freeman informed the court Mayers was changing her plea to no contest. Boone told the court Crater noticed a strong odor of alcohol on Mayers, and said on the horizontal gaze nystagmus test, conducted by Ward, Mayers showed six of six clues, indicating impairment. She also failed the alphabet and backwards counting tests. - Before Boone could give the re­ sult of her Alco-Sensor test, Freeman said she would admit to appreciable im­ pairment. According to her court file, she blew a .16, twice the legal limit. Freeman said Mayers “is a good individual” who he has known for many years. “She’ll never darken sole discretion, the Board In­ tends to negotiate terms with the applicable respondent In a manner consistent with Hs gov­ ernmental purpose. Stacy A Moyer Interim Cierk to the Board of Davie County Commissioners PubllShiJuIy 23,30 Sudoku 1 2 3 2 4 5 6 5 7 4 5 8 2 7 1 6 9 4 3 5 9 7 9 1 6 4 6 2 Answers On Page D4 Crossword Puzzle 1 Go wilh the tide 6 Lexusaltematlve 11 Insense stick remnant 14 Fix a patch, sey 16 Large drinking bowl 16 Hawaiian accessary17 Premium shipment selection from an etaller 19 Acted asa guide 20 Happy Meal throw- 21 Painters supplies 22 "Easy I* 24 Ocho * Ires 26 Malcolm's ally 27 Financial transaction parly 60 -fa Ire 31 BeabreadwInner 32 Tom-off piece 33 Salgonsoup36 Give a piece to 37 Free from friction 39 Doofus 40 MaInchBracterln "The Matrix" movies 41 Worked In Vegas 42 Valley girl's comeback43 Fonward a letter 45 Thlnga to come togrips with? 47 Oast 49 LookevII 60 Clockwatcher 61 Umps call them 62 Uttleglob 66' Uma’s rola In "Pulp I I 61 Army officer below captain, In slang 62 Justice Kagan 63 Fr. woman 64 Mean smile 66 ClassIcaIguitar string mstertal 1 "Curses, foiled 2 San (Riviera 3 Ray Charles’ “Whal’d ‘ 4 Redtopper 5 Blastofflead-In 6 Notlnahortsupply 7 2006 Bast Animated Feature nominee Tell us what you think with a letter to the editor Details, Page 2 60 On the newsstands 10 Numbers after 1 11 Typeofnour 12 Checkforthe possibility that 13 What some sports are broadcast In 18 Kindly 23 Reagan era prog. 24 Boastpossesslon of 26 French revolutionary Jean- Paulstabbed In his 27 NovslIstKoone 26 Choice 29 Tank protector 30 Oyster-shucking 32 Canary islands country 34 Rapunzel'slBdder 36 Murdsrs, mob-styte 37 Commanders of 36 Fromwhenceyou may get down 45 Tennis champ Sampras 46 Make smaller 47 SideIInesTV greeting 48 Hate state 49 Vamp, e.g. 61 Beem!nderof'60s TV 62 Mortal combat 63 The Santa Trlnlta bridge crosses It 64 Plnto__ 67 Plasma component 68 Shad eggs 69 Donewithawink Answers On Page D4 DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 30,2015 - D3 Klever Araniva and Rubi Benitez work on a project at Cornatzer Summer Camp. Avaden Robinson and Larry Beam work together at the summer Kinder Camp students get an up- cam p close look at a Bearded Dragon. Cornatzer Summer Camp Students Visited By Zootastic In the second week of summer camp, Comatzer students moved from local animal activities and took a safari deep into Africa as they studied and read about African culture and animals. In small reading groups or with partners, they re­ searched and wrote about a jungle animal, integrating math facts with lessons on main ideas and supporting details. Campers became artists and sculpted clay animals and zoologists who watched animals streamed through a zoo camera lens. Campers read letters from children in Africa and responded to questions. ZooTastic visited with a trainer and animals includ­ ing a giant boa, white ferret, Bearded Dragon, Cockatiel and a monkey. Students saw som eof the animals. Camp­ ers were able to research, play reading games, Ieam facts, watch, touch, and pet unusual animals. The Davie Commu­ nity Foundation funded the camp. The foundation also provided funds for 10 ris­ ing kindergartners to Ieam about a day of the life of kindergartener. They started each morning with a free breakfast. The day consisted of calendar time, math cen­ ters, alphabet exploration, story time, and writing. These students were also able to enjoy a visit with the animals from Zootastic. "Students left Thursday afternoon seeming very ex­ cited with anticipation for their upcoming kindergar­ ten year,” said Dr. Cinde Rinn, principal. Alexis Lambert works on a report. Hands On Minds Camp Held At Cornatzer The Comatzer Summer Camp Hands on Minds To­ gether - supported by the Davie Community Foun­ dation - engages learners in alternate approaches to math, science and reading exercises. Summer classes are interactive and focus on helping children leam co- Barry Fortune, Bryso,. Pa, operative skills while build­ ing vocabulary and literacy. The theme is animals stud­ ied and researched from dif­ ferent continents. Children read reports online and in books, take notes, discuss what they have discovered, write up reports and work together to study and experiment with animal topics. In the first week, learners visited the Davie Humane Society’s Pet Adoption Center and were amazed at the sanitary expectations for keeping animals. Activities are fun and help rising second through fifth graders to build vocab­ ulary, resiliency and more positive attitudes about learning. school volunteer Madison Stakeiy helps Brianna Givens and Bruany tndez. «■ A^ery Rnbinson and Johnathan Garcia work together on their animal research project. :-------:— Emilee Short and Rubi Benitez complete a science experiment. Daniella Diaz and Madelyn Marrow display their animal puppet. ready to tour the Davie Humane Society’s Pet Adoption CenStudents are Students display their finished research projec ? on an animal of their - Photos by Rachel Sutton, high school volunteer choice. D4 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 30,2015 LEGAL NOTICES STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORSHAVING QUALIFIED as Ex­ecutor of the Estate of GRADY LUTHER TUTTEROW, Iale of DavIe County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said Estate to present written claim to the un­ dersigned on or before October 2, 2015, (being three [3] months from Ihe first day of publication of this notice} or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU persons, firms and corpora­ tions indebted to said Estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This Ute 24th day of June, 2015. ANNETTE MARIE TUTTEROW 2740 Island View Road FortMIIIlSC 29706MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attorneys at Law IOCourt Square Mocksville, NC 27026 Publish: July 2,9,16,23 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS HAVING QUALIFIED as Ex­ecutor of the Estate of OMEGA IJAMES, late of Davle County, this Is to notify all persons, finite and corporations having claims against said Estate to present written claim to the undersigned on or before October 9,2015, (be­ing three (31 months from the first day of publication of this notice) or Ihls notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU persons, firms and corporations Indebted to said Estate will please make Immedi­ ate payment Io the undersigned. This the 9th dey of July, 2015. Edmonla HoUta,Executor of Iho Esfefe 2651 US Hwy. 601 N.Mocksville. NC 27028Publish: July 9,16,23,30 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Georgia Ellis Cor- natxer, Deceased, late of Davle County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the deceased Io exhibit them to the undersigned on or before October 23, 2015, or Ihls Notice will be pleaded In bar of their right to recover against the estate of the said deceased. AU persons Indebted to said es­ tate will please make Immediate payment.This the 7th day of July, 2015. Bryan C. Thompaon Executor of the Eatato ot Georgia Elllo Comaber SURRATT & THOMPSON. PLLC 100 N. Main Street, Suite 2425 Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Publish: July 16,23,30; Aug. 6 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS HAVING QUALIFIED as Ex­ecutor of the Estate of RALPH HOOVER BOGER, late of Da­vie County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said Estate to present written claim to the un­dersigned on or before October 9, 2015, (being three [3] months from the first day ol publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of Ihelr recovery. AU persona, firms and corpora­tions Indebted to Bald Estate wilt please make Immediate payment to Ihe undersigned.This the 2nd day of July. 2015. 376 Ben Anderson Road Mocksville, NC 27026MARTIN & VAN HOY. LLP Attorneys at Law IOCourt Square Mocksville, NC 27028 Publish: July 6,16,23,30 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS HAVING QUALIFIED as Exec­utor of the Estate of GEORGE HATHAN ALLEN, late of Davle, County, this Is to notify all per- ’ sons, firms and corporations hav­ing claims against said Estate to present written claim to the un­ dersigned on or before October 16. 2015, (being three (3) months from the first day of publication of this notice) or this noUce will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU persons, firms and corpora­ tions indebted Io said Estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned.Thlsthe 16th day of July, 2015. Tlm H. Allen, Executor of the Eetato of George Hathan Allen 377 Country Lane Mocksville, NC 27028Publish: July 16,23,30; Aug. 6 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS HAVING QUALIFIED as Exec­utrix of the Estate of EMILY C. WINKLER, (a/k/a Emily Chios Winkler), late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said Estate to present written claim to the undersigned on or before October 16, 2015, (being three [3] months from the first day of publication of this no­tice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU per­ sons, firms and corporations in­ debted to said Estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned.This the 16th day of July, 2015. Sheryl L. Ravltz, Exeeutrlx ot the Eatate OfEmlIyG walker 3849 Nicholson Rd.Westminster, MD 21157 Publish: July 16,23,30; Aug. 6 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Public Administrator, ot the Estate of BRENDA OARLENE MAYS, late of DavIe County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the deceased Io exhibit them to the undersigned on or before Octo­ber 23, 2015, or this Notice will be pleaded In bar of their right to recover against the estate of the said deceased. AU persons In­ debted to said estate will please make Immediaie payment.This the 16th day of July. 2015. Bryan G Thompaon, Publle AdmlnlatratoroftheEetate ot Brenda Darlene Maya SURRATT A THOMPSON, PLLC 100 N. Main Street, Suite 2425 Wlnston-Satem, NC 27101 (336) 725-6323 Publish: July 18,23,30, Aug.6 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORSHaving qualified as Executor of the Estate of D.C. LAWRENCE (AKA DANIEL CARL LAW­ RENCE), late of Davie County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the - undersigned at 185 Klmel Park Drtve, Suite 200, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27103, on or be­fore October 16, 2015 or this no­tice will be pleBded In bar of lhelr recovery. .AU persons, firms, and corporations Indebted to Ute said estate will please make Immedi­ate payment to the undersigned.ThlsISth day of July, 2015. Sue Caudle Lawrence Executor ot the Eatate OtD.C. LAWRENCE (AKA DANIEL CARL LAWRENCE)Robert D. Hlnshaw, Esq. 165 Klmel Park Drive, Suite 200 Winston-Salem, NC 27103 Publish: July 18,23.30; Aug. 6 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF OAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as EXECU­TOR (or the estate of:WILLIAM L DAVIS PO BOX 947 COOLEEMEE, NC 27014 This Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before: OCTOBER 20th, 2015.This notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU persons, firms and corporations Indebted to said estate are notified to make Immediate payment. THIS THE 13TH OF JULY, 2015.WILLIAM L. DAVIS, DECEASED DAVIE COUNTY FILE #2015 E 252 SHELLYDAVIS, EXECUTOR PO BOX 236 COOLEEMEE, NC 27014 CRYSTAL D. JAMES, CO-EXECUTOR 505 DAVIEACAOEMY RD. MOCKSVILLE, NC 27026ATTORNEY; JAMES L CARTER, JR. 129 N. MAIN ST. SALISBURY, NC 26144 Publish: July 16,23,30; Aug. 6 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVlE NOTICE TO CREDITORS HAVING QUALIFIED as Ex­ecutor of the Estate of JAMES LARRY TUTTEROW, late of Davis County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said Estate to present written claim to the un­dersigned on or before October 30, 2015, (being Uiree [3] months from the first day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU persons, firms and corpora­tions Indebted to said Estate will please make Immediate payment io the undersigned. This the 30th day of July, 2015. Franeea Weat TUtterow Ekecutor of the Eatate 482 Rainbow Road Mocksville, NC 27028Publish: July 30, Aug. 6,13,20 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OFDAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Admin­ istrator of the Estate of BRIOA L. WILKINS (afk/a Brlda Lee Wilkins; a/k/a Brlda Cody Wilkins), late of Davle County, North Caro­lina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms, and cor­ porations having claims against the estate of said decedent Io exhibit them to the Administrator, undersigned, on or before Octo­ber 23, 2015 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of lhelr recovery. AU persons, firms, and corpora­ tions indebted to the said estate will please make Immediate pay­ment to the undersigned. - This 23rd day ot July, 2015. Jal R. Wllklne, Admlnlatrator otthe Eafete ofBrlda L. Wllklna 1877 GyroDrIve Winston-Salem, NC 27127 Publish: July 23,30; Aug. 6,13 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS HAVING QUALIFIED as Ad­ministrator of the Estate of VER­NON JAMES SMILEY, late of Davle County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said Estate to present written claim to the un­dersigned on or berore October 30, 2015, (being three (3) months from the first day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU persons, firms and corpora­ tions Indebted to said Estate wil! please make Immediate payment to Ihe undersigned.This the 30th day of July, 2015. SAMANTHA B. SMILEY Admlnlatrator ot the Eetate 157 BrIerCreek Road Advance, NC 27008 . Publish:July30,Aug.6.13,20 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS HAVING QUALIFIED as Execu­tor of the Estate Of LEWIE DOUG­LAS WHITE, late of Davle County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and cotporatlons having claims against said Estate to present written claim to the undersigned on or before October 30, 2015, (being three [3] months from Ute first day of publication of this no­tice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU per­sons, firms and corporations In­ debted to said Estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned.This the 30th day of July, 2015. Megan MaryAnna Favre, Executor of the Eatate 324 Grannaman Drive Mocksville, NC 27026Publish: July 30, Aug. 6,13,20 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OFDAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS HAVING QUALIFIED as Co-Ex- ecutors of the Estate of NADINE L. KOONTZ, late of Davle County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said Estate to present written claim to the undersigned on or before October 30, 2015, (being three [3] months from the first day of publication of this no­ tice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU per­sons, firms and corporations in­debted to said Estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 30th day of July, 2015. Ann G Allen,Co-Exeeutor ot the Eatete 295 Cheny Hlll Road Mocksville, NC 27028 KayL. Burton Co-Execuforotthe Eetate 165 Hlllcrest Drive Advance, NC 27006Publish: July 30, Aug. 6,13,20 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Co-Ex- ecutors of the Estate of FIELD­ ING COMBS, JR., late of DavIe County, North Carolina, the un­dersigned do hereby notify all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against Ute estate of said decedent to exhibit Utem to the undersigned at 185 Klmel Park Orlve, Suite 200, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27103, on or be- Crossword Answers □ □ □ □ □ Q H m a n □ □ □ Q Q Q Q Q O D B S E ! D B D Q Q Q El Q Cl D B D O H DQEl D H D D O D D Q D D D D Q D D D Q Q D D D D D D D Q Q D D D Q Q D D D D Q D D D D D D D D D D Q D Q B D D D B B B D Q D D D D D D Q D D Q D D D D D Q Q D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D O D D Q DQ D Q Q d d q d d d d d d d D D O D D D D D D D D D Q Q Q D D D D D D D D D D D Sudoku Solution 4 1 8 6 2 5 3 7 9 7 3 2 4 9 8 5 6 1 6 9 5 3 1 7 4 8 2 3 5 1 8 7 4 2 9 6 9 4 7 2 3 6 5 8 2 8 6 1 5 9 7 4 3 8 6 3 5 4 2 9 1 7 5 2 9 7 8 1 6 3 4 1 7 4 9 6 3 8 2 5 fore October 29, 2015 or this no­ tice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AU persons, firms, and corporations Indebted to the said estate will please make Immedi­ ate payment to the undersigned. This 24lh day of July 2015. Robert D. Hlnahew end Wendy Comba-Klaer Co-Exeeutore of the Eatate ot FIELDING COMBS, JR. Robert D. Hlnshaw, Eaq. 165 Klmel Park Drive, SuIteEOO Winston-Salem, NC 27103 Publish: July 30, Aug. 8,13,20 NOTICE OF SERWCE OF PROCESS RY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COPUNTY IN THE DISTRICT COURT 15-CVD-330 REBECA PEREZ HESTER vs JOHN HAMPTON HESTERTAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed In Uie above entitled ac­ tion. The nature of the relief being sought Is absolute divorce.You are required to make de­fense to such pleading no Ialer than forty (40) days from this dale and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought.This the 30th day of July, 2015.PIEDMONT LEGAL ASSOCIATES. PA Lynne Hicks, State Bar#011125 Attorney for Plaintiff 124 W. Depot SI.Mocksville, NC 27026 Telephone: 336-751-3312 Publish: July 30, Aug. 6,13 AMENDED NOTICE OF FOREOLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA, DAVIE COUNTY 13 SP 63 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain Oeed of Trust made by Freddie L. Bryant and Shirley A. Bryant (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Shirley Bryant and Freddie Bryant, (Freddie Bryant aka Freddie L. Bryant, deceased)) to Norman L. Nl- fong, Trustee(s), dated the 20th day of November, 2002, and recorded In Book 450, Page 503, In Davle County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made In the payment of Ihq note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trust­ee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Office of the Register of Deed9 of DavIe County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said Indebtedness having di­ rected that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substilute Trustee will offer (or sale at the courthouse door In the City of Mocksville, Davle County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 1:45 PM on August 5, 2015 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated In the County of Da­ vie, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an Iron, the Southernmost comer of the within described tract, the Northeastern comer of William R. Clement (Deed Book 124, Page 249) and the Southwest­ern corner of Agnes F. Hamp­ ton (Deed Book 123, Page 274) and running thence with the line of William R. Clement North 73 degrees 57 minutes 38 sec­ onds West 233.97 feet to an Iron, William R. Clement's cor­ ner; thence with Clement's line, North 05 degrees 17 minutes 14 seconds East 190.24 feet to an Iron, the Northernmost comer of the within described tract; thence with Peeples line South 68 degrees 08 minutes 44 seconds East 318.01 feet to an Iron In the line of Agnes F. Hampton; thence with Hamp­ton line South 32 degrees 54 minutes 40 seconds West 161.64 feet to the point and place of Beginning, containing 1.081 acres, more or less, and being the identical property described In deed recorded In Book 165 at Page 825, Davle CountyRegIstry. Togetherwlth Improvements located thereon; said property being located at 153 Bryant Lane, Mockavllle, North Carolina. Together with the above-de­ scribed land there Is a non-ex- cluslve perpetual easement of Ingress and egress 20 feet In width, the Western boundary of which begins at the Northwest­ ern corner of the above-de­ scribed lands and runs North 05 degrees 17 minutes 14 sec­ onds East 190.24 feet to an iron In the Southern right-of-way margin of a 16-foot roadway leading to U.S. Highway 84. said 20-foot easement to be appurtenant to the above-de­ scribed lands and to run with the same In the hands of all persons whomsoever. Trustee may, In the Trustee's sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided In NCGS §45-21.23. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, that parly must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A-306(a) (1). The properly to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale Is being offered for sale, trans­fer and conveyance ‘AS IS, WHERE IS.‘ Neither the Trust­ee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/ security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the of­ficers, directors. - attorneys, employees, agents or autho­rized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmen­ tal. health or safety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all respon­ sibilities or liabilities arising out of or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this proper­ ly Is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or encumbranc­es of record and any recorded releases. Said properly Is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and Stale laws. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the pur­chase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichev­er Is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. An order for possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties In possession by the clerk of su­ perior court of the county In which the property Is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rent­ al agreement entered Into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the ef­ fective date of the termination. If the trustee Is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such Inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and re­ instatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale Is chal­lenged by any party, the trust­ ee, In their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no fur­ ther remedy.SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SER­ VICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 https://sales.hutchens1awflrm. Case No: 1101827 (FC.FAY) PUBLISH: JULY 23,30 15 SP 124 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALENORTH CAROLINA, DAVIE COUNTY Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained In that certain Deed of Trust execut­ ed by Jeffrey V. Anderson and Kathy P. Anderson to South­ land Associates, Inc.. Trust- ee(s), which was dated August 20, 2004 and recorded on August 25, 2004 In Book .567 at Page 608 and rerecorded/ modified/corrected on July 30, 2014 In Book 964, Page 454, Davie County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust, and the hold­ er of the note evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the proper­ ty Is located, or the usual and customary location at the coun­ty courthouse for conducting the sale on August 3, 2015 at 11:30AM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated In Davle County, North Carolina, to wit: 'f Prjor Beginning at an Iron axle. In the Northern right of way mar­ gin of SR 1114 (also known as 'Swlcegood Street') the Southwest comer of the prop­erty now or formerly owned by Elbert Stevenson Miller (Deed Book 859 Page 825 of the Da­ vie County Registry) and being also the Southeast eomerof those lands described by Deed Book 129, Page 216, Davie County Registry and running lhence with the Northern right of way margin of SR 1114 North 87 degrees I mln. 42 sec. West 288.95 feet to an Iron pin found; ■hence N 30 deg. 49 mln. .15 sec. West 22.01 feet to an Iron; thence N. I deg 21 mln. 45 sec E 121.96feet to an Iron; thence N. 24 deg 44 mln 4 sec E 28.39 feet to an iron; thence S 88 deg 52 mln 55 sec E 23.88 feet to an iron; thence N 59 deg 2 mln 22 sec E 18.66 feet to an Iron; thence S 68 deg 28 min 27 sec E 71.87 feet to an lrdn; thence S 72 deg 23 mln 10 sec E 78.04 feet to an Iron; thence S 51 deg 48 mln 3 sec. EIS-1IS feel to an Iron; thence S 70 deg 30 mln 37 sec E 43.36 feet !to an Iron; thence S 67 deg 23 mln 26 sec E 29.12 feet to an Iron; thence along the northern line of the property described by deed Book 129, Page 218, David County Registry S 88 deg 14 mln 1 sec E 29.14 feet to an iron pin, a comer; thence S 2 deg 58 mln 17 sec W 103.52 fee to the BEGINNING con­ taining .98 acres more or less and being all of that property described In Deed Book 129, Page 216, along with a portion of that property described jln Deed Book 63, Page 392 of the Davle County Registry. | Save and except any releas­ es, deeds of release or conveyances of record. Said property Is common­ ly known as 157 Swlcegood Street, Mocksville, NC 27028. A cash deposit (no per­ sonal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is great­ er, will be required at the time of Ihe sale. Following the ex­ piration of Ihe statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are Immediately due and owing. THIRD PARTY PURCHASERS MUST PAY THE EXCISE TAX AND ThjE RECORDING COSTS FdR THEIR DEED. I \ Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of S^le is being offered for sale, trans­ fer and conveyance ‘AS IS WHERE is ; There are no rep­ resentations of warranty relat­ing to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale Is made subject to all prior liens;- unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assess­ ments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or excep­tions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current own­ ers) of the properly Is/are Jef­frey Van Anderson and wife, Kathy Presnell Anderson. . An Order for possession of the properly may be Issued pur­suant to G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties In posses­ sion by the clerk of superior court of the county In which, the property Is sold. Any per-. son who occupies the properly pursuant to a rental agreement; entered Into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, al­ ter receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days’ written notice to • the landlord. Thenotlceshalll also state that upon termina­ tion of a rental agreement, the I tenant Is liable for rent due un-' der the rental agreement pro­ rated to the effective date of the termination. If the trustee Is unable to convey title to this property fpr. any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser Is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such Inability to convey Include, but I are not limited to, the filing of a ’ bankruptcy petition prior to the '. confirmation of the sale and re­ instatement of the loan wllhout: the knowledge of the trustee. If; the validity of the sale is chal-; Ienged by any parly, the trust­ ee, In their sole discretion, If' they believe the challenge to I have merit, may request the I court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit.‘ The purchaser will have no fifr-' ther remedy. j ; Trustee Sen/Ices' of Carolina, LLb;SubstituteTrustee 1 Brock & Scott, PLLb ; AttomeysforTrusteeServIces I of Carolina, LLC I 5431 Oleander Drive I Suite 200 I Wilmington, NC 26403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910)392-8587 File No.: 11-008B5-FC01 PUBLISH: JULY 23,30 ' DAVIE CO. ENTERPRISE-RECORD DAVIE-CLEMMONS TOLL FREE 1-877-751-2120 o r 704-797-4220 THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 • D5 Call us Monday-Friday 8-5 Jeana Kristin Deadline to have your classified ad In ; the next issue: Tuesday 3 P.M., Email: classads@ salisburypo9t.com OR place your ad online at: Salisburypost.com ^ and click ‘Place C lassified Ad’. Employment J o b O p p p rtu n ltle f| Experienced Cook & W aitresses Neededfor Miller’s RestauranLAppIy In person al 710 Wilkesboro Street, Mocksville. Barnette Heating and A/C, Inc. is seeking an HVACServIce Technician with at least five years experience in the service field. Salary $26,000- $32,000 • Heath insurance • 401 k • Uniform provided Send resume with creden­ tials to 965 Salisbury Rd., Mocksville, NC 27028 newtoday Transportation Equipment Maintenance Ooordlnator/Weekend Dls- jatcher. Knowledge of die­ sel tractor & trailer repairs eq. Class A CDL preferred. Olspatchlng exp. preferred. Microsoft Excel & web based irogram knowledge. FULL 3enefits package. Very com- setltlve pay. Fax resume: 312- 275-7726 Auctions & Sales Advance, 772 Peoples Creek Rd.Yard Sale, Frl., 7/31 & Sat., 6/1, 8am-4pm. Maple drop leaf table, oval Oak pedestal table, lg. oak bookcase, computer cabinet, Advance, 781 Baltimore Rd. BIG Yard Salel Frl., 7/31/15, 6am-2pm. Clothes, furniture, books, lots more.... come and seel (Cancelled If raining) Advance. 140 Idlewlld Rd.(off Gordon Dr.) Rnel Day of Estate Sale at the home of Bob & Elizabeth Hoots. Fri. 7/31 ONLY, 7am-3pm. Household Items, some furniture & cabinets, upright freezer, plus ladles’ size clothes. AU Items MUST go. Cell 336-909-3576 ,GarageSaIes .1 ■ Deals & Bargains Mocknllie, 156 PeppBisfone Dr. YARD SALESat.. 06/01/15, 7am-2pm. Nos­talgic barroom lights, tin signs, Camel Joe, Nascar Items, clothes, toys, household, furniture, motor­cycle. SUV. FrBshwater rods & reels (4).$35 for all. Call 704-278-9527 after 6pm or leave message. Grayco baby stroller still In boxfast action fold classic connect light­weight stroller. Retells @ $175 A up. Asking $85. Call 704-433-3705 MoeknlllB, 261 Mysrs RaBdMulti-Family Yard Sale, Saturday, 08/01/15, 7 am-1 pm. Four-wheel­er, ladles' plus-slze clothes, household Items, too many items to Ilstl RAINOR SHINE Handmade swing6 ft. wooden w/matchlng table, very nice. $100. Call 704-433- 0938. JohnDeereSabrel14hp. 46" cut with power flow bag­ger. $300.336-998-5384Moeknille, 422 Becktown Road Mulfi-FamllyYard Sale, Fri. A Sat., July 31 AAug 1, 7am-S pm. Baby swing, bassinet, bouncy seat, Bar­bie Items, toys, clothes A shoes of all sizes, household items A TVs, air compressor A tots morel Metal roofing. 10 - 3' x 16' long pieces. Red. Like new. $375. Call 704-639-9870 Set of 10 Lisboa, white mugsBlock Spal Portugal. Excellent condition. $125.704-278-3747Moeknille, 596 RIehieRoad YARD SALESat.. 8/01/15, Sam-Spm. Can­celled If raining. Sharp Stereo for sale, $75. Free Home Theater, needs work. Call 704-433-8072 MoeknlllB. 124 Cyprus Creek Dr. (Elisha Creek). Yard Sale. Sat. 8/1. 7:30am-3pm. Household Items, books, women's clothing, etc. Swimming Pool Liner New In box. 12’ round by 4’ deep. $100. Call 336-998-7011 Swimming Pool Liner New In box. 15' round by 4' deep. $100. Call 336-998-7011 TomTom GPS with all accessories. $15. Please call 704-647-0728 Mocknllie., 7000 Hwy 601 South.Inside A Outside Yard Sale., Sat. Aug. 1, 8am-2pm. AU clothing $1 each. Washer, dryer, cook stove, antique oak dresser, adult walk­er, eane, weed eater, much more useful Items. ParktnglotYardSaIe. Sat., Aug. 1st, 6am. Consignment Unlimited, 643 Wllkesboro St., Mocksville. Multiple families/ven­dors. New items, antiques, holiday, books, Jewelry, vintage and much MedieaIEqiiipmenf Eleotrlc scooterlike brand new. $500. Call 704- 279-6319 for more Information. . Miscellaneous' I ' ' ForSaIe Didn't Get A Paper? Call Circulation at 704-797-4213Monday-Friday 8 AM to 5 PM[::Deals A Bargains I 32" Panasonic TV Excellent condition with remote and manufacturers manual. Call 704-857-4051 fortnfo. $75.00 Foam mattress topperKing size, brand new. $50. Call 704-279-6319 for more Informa­tion. Araa rug, beige.No stains. Good condition. 5’x7I $10,704-647-0728 To Place A Classified Ad CaliToii Free 1-077-751-2120Moqday-Frlday 8 AM to 5 PMArrnolreon 2 drawer chest. Curved front, ma­hogany color (not antique). Excellent condition. $175.704-223-0927 B Z BBeautiful wood armolre for office or home. Retails Ior $1650. Asking for $225. Please call 704-213-9300 , Cats BodySoIId crunch S sit up station. Excellent condition. $100. Cali 704-278-3747 FREE Kittens. 6 weeks old. Males A females, very cute A playful with light blue a you. 704-857-1867 or 704-310-1305Body solid dip station. Excellent condition. $60. Please call 704-276-3747 FreeToGood Homes Rve kittens, black and white, and 1 orange. 6 weeks old. 704-267- 5873. Building. $399. You MUST move. 704-639-9870 Deaean bench.Good condition. $25. Please can 704-647-0726 ! 1 Dogs Decorative wood display cabinet.6 shelves - 4 glass. $350. Can 704-639-9870. Kill fleas on contact on doas and longer. Pleasant odor. Contains no Rproniii Smitherman-s HARDWARE 336-766-9109 www.happyjack.comEleetroliu cordless.racuum cleaner.Uke new. $50. Call 704-647-0728 General Notices Didn’t Get A Paper?Call Circulation at 704-797-4213Morday-Frlday 8 AM to 5 PM Lost GFound Found brown & white male dog no tags or chip. Windmill Rldge & Glen Heather area off Hwy 150. Call 704-798-25B5 to Identify. Found dog In China Grove, 1-65 male, 1 yr yellow w/black face & shade. Contact w/proof of owner­ship. 704-699-4299 FOUND Male BoxerMfi. try. 704-636-5700, option re message Found Young Terrier Mix Dog on Barger Rd. Sweet & loving baby Is missing his humans. Call 704- 425-0146 to Identify. Found: Young dag • female- oft Majolica Road • July 2,2015 Mostly White. Call 704-837-0074 or email: sharynwatson®hotmall. com. Musthava proof dog Is yours. ________ Lost cat-IgglfI missing L a e e x - since Wed. morning K u ''!. f l 7/15/15 al Powell Bridge Rd. and Hwy B V yTZia 21. He Is a 3 yr o,J r LOST WEDDING BAND. Men's size 10 plain wedding band. Lost In Walmart on Wed. 7/8. $25 REWARD. 704-636-7672 Lost: Calico Cat with White Paws InMIIiford KnolisArea (704) 633-9305 Reward HomesFqrSale Mocksville. 401 Wllkesboro St.4 BR, 1 BA. Large living room, dining room, kitchen. Open con­cert. 2 storage buildings. Tax val­ue: $94,600. Asking $80,000. Call 336-751-5925 isarta. NC - MouoUIn Home For saie By Owner UtlfUl 3 BR. 2 BA open Irving Brea w/fireplace 8 range mountain views.: 704-936-1569 or 704-310-0685 Homes For Sale HouseslFor' To Place A Classified Ad CaliToll Free 1-877-751-2120 Monday-Frlday 6 AM to 5 PM Land For Sale Rowan County-Cleveland area, 35+/- acres, wooded, paved road frontage, stream. Excellent acreage home site or hunting property. Prlcedtosell $135,000 Chris Miller, Broker, 704-577-7062 AFMlandSales. com For Into Text LAND23 to I i f l U Apartments SunsetTerrace A;1 & 2 BR, all appl. Central I Starting al S450, Call 336-751-0166 NOW LEASING! Brenner Crossing Apartments Salisbury's Newest Affordable Apartment Community Call today or visit our temporary leasing office at 633 ForneyStreet Salisbury, NC 28144 1-866-751-9701 www.brennercrosslng.com I S.L NUSBAUM Realty Co .(j [J HousesFor Rent plan. 2 ca Advance. 125 UtDejohn Dr. 2 .BR. t.SBA. Master sulle has 1/2 bath, nalk-ln closet & laundry area. Newly.............. i flooropen- 1, diningroom & living room. New efficient ap­pliances. 95% efficient water heater & cent. AC. Very deanl High efficiency oil heat. No pets, no smoking. $850/ mo. Call 336-7494465 Century 21 Triad Rental Properties available In various price ranges In Oavle County, Forsylh and surround­ing counties. For Information on all Rentals please go to:WWW.CENTUR- Y21TR1AD.COM. Click yellow rental tab. 336-751-5555 Mocknllfe 2295 Hwy 801S, 3BR, 1BA house, appts., heat pump. $675/mo. + $675 dep. No Inside pets. 336-996-7003 Mocknllle area. 3BR, 2BA, good location. Outbuilding. $695/mo. No pets. Call 336-909-0664. - M annfactiini Homes FarReh Mobils homes for rent. 2 & 3BR ShadyAcres MHP1 JohnCroBs Rd., Mocksville. HUD accepted. No pets. 09-2092 or 336-998-6222 Mocknllie, 2BR, 1BA mobile home, new flooring. AB­ SOLUTELY NO PETS. $450/mo. $300 dep. 336-940-2515 Mocksville. Mobile Home for rent. 3BR, 1.5BA, on private lot. NO pets. Please call 336-705-4974 Move-In Special - Davte Coun­ty. Newly remodeled 1BR, 1BA. Small manufactured home. No pets. No smoking. $400/mo. In­cludes water & garbage pick up. Small deposit. 704-640-2305 Transportation A utom ohllaql o Place A Classified Ad Boats AWaterc 25' Kemmgton Pontoon boat, 2000. New interior A cover. Low hours. 70hp. $13999.336-575-2101 T ru c k s iS u y ® A Vans ~ D iem Get A Paper?Call Circulation at 704-797-4213Monday-Frlday 6 AM to 5 PM Services M isc e lla n e o u s Services.', ‘I WILL REMOVE ALL NON-RUN­ NING RIDING MOWERSiANY OUTDOOR POWER EQUIR A GOLF CARTS. FREE. Modsvia' Cooleemee area. 704-6470036 Share Curiosity. Read Together. www.read.gov D6 - DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD 5Thursday, July 30,2015 PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE MOT REAUxPO VOO LIKE PIE, EARL? MO,.. I TAKE TMATgACK. BUT OTt-IER TriAM TM AT, I'M MoT ) v MOCH O fA PlE M , y IUKEBLUEgeRRVl CHeRRV, LIME, MlMCeMEAT, APPLE, BAMANA AMP PUMPKlM, I VO LlKE SOME PIES. DUSTN BY STEVE KELLEY & JEFF PARKER HOW WAS TOU!? fflPE/ SWEETHEAffT? I THINK I MAY HAVE OVEffPONE IT.FffEEZEff/ PEA S ffEALLY HELPEP. I’M NOT SO SAPPLE SOffE NOW EVEffYTHING FEELS MUCH BETTEff EV EffY TH IN G ?/ YEAH EVEffYTHIN G MOTHER GOOSE & GRlMM BY MIKE PETERS ^ th neM S s a ^a S W b S in Ifo o p p v r a m ip s5 J tv - -R ** L I ' • CHAP CAftPZNTrftl ACCORDING TO THIS, WHEN VOUR CAT SRlNGG YOU HOME SOMETHING DEAD, IT’S THEIR WAY OF SHOWING LOVE AND AFFECTION. THEY WERE O M i m i Y SRED FOR SMlFFlW6 OUT NARCOTICS... UNDERCOVER. MEOWTHE OTHER UJMgER' JACKS FAILED TO SEE THE HUMOR IN PAUL SUNYAN’S STATIC ELECTRICITY PRANK Tundra 2015 www.tundracomics.com