07-JulyKD W e ’re N o . 1 C e le b ra te Mocksville Legion On Top Fireworks July 4th Heading Into Playoffs At 9:30 P.M. In Rich Park ' '/I D A V IE C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/E^ECORD 149-160 Num ber 27 Thursday, July 5, 2012 ; 28 P A G E S C o o l e e m e e B u d g e t C u t s P o l i c e O f f i c e r Use Of Reserves Should Keep Full-Time Coverage Soapy Fun Lily Rankin and Ellie Ciiildress have som e soapy fun at the Society Baptist Church Vaca­ tion Bible School. For more photos and an article, piease see County Line News on page 11. E l l i s , C o o l e e m e e G e t N e w P r i n c i p a l s By Jackic Scabolt Enterprise Record COOLEEMEE - The town’s police force is being cut from five to four full-time officers, aftercom­ missioners adopted the 2012-2013 budget at a special called meeting and public hearing last week. Police Chief Bobby West said that he hopes to make up for the loss of an officer by using reserve officers, part-time en/ployees, and making scheduling changes. "The effect of losiri^ an officer will be felt,” Mayor Lynn Rumley said. “In turn, it’s up tojus to help the chief. We’re sorry tolput you in this position,but we’ll wOfkhard to get you out of this positi Town Clerk John Ch^andly^ presented the budget on and told board members it was bal­ anced nt $702,054 and included no tax increases. , , “The" tax . rate for the town of Cooieemee remains unchanged,” Chandler said. "The tax rate is proposed to be 38 t per $100 valu­ ation.” There will be some new, but fa­ miliar, faces in administrative of­ fices in area schools next month. Dr. Darrin Hartness, superin­ tendent, recently announced sev­ eral administrative changes. The recent retirements of Carol Cozart, principal at Cooleemee Elementary, and Larry Bridgewa­ ter, principal at Ellis Middle, left two slots open. Karen Stephens, assistant prin­ cipal at Pinebrook Elementary, will move into Cozart's role, and Alicia Holman, assistant principal at Elljs, will become the principal there. Stephens has been at Pinebrook since 2007 and was at Davie High before that, from 2002-06. She taught for 17 years in the Mitchell County school district. Please See Principals - Page 7 Chandler said that the budget reflected the top objectives identi­ fied by commissioners: • to continue to support the police department as its largest expenditure; • to continue code enforce­ ment: • to embark on the design phase of the Cooleemee Cotton Mill Project; • to continue to expand recre­ ation and efforts to create a Cool­ eemee pool and splash park; • to strengthen communica­ tion with residents through the Cooleemee 77mei newsletter and development of a phone tree and email alerts; • to continue delivering essential ,«services like garbage collection and street lights. Chandler said the state’s unem- . ploy ment rate remains higher than ‘ Ithe national average, but that Davie has recruited hewrnianufacturihg; jobs in the last six inonths. • : "Tho unemployment rate;in Cooleemee remains at Ifipercent,” Chandler said. "These conditions suggest that there will be little growth in state collected revenues during the fiscal year. With a'Da­ vie County revaluation coming in 2013, property tax revenues are expected to fall moderately. With less revenues than expected for the last three years, the town has had to make some adjustments that hurt.” A G r o w i n g M i n i s t r y Eagle Heights’ Community Garden Has IVIany Purposes By Mike Barnhardt Enteiprise Record There’s a seiinon in this gar­ den. Eagle Heights Church pastor Brent Spry is among the regulars who work in a community garden , off Farmington Road. Some members of the church tend to a personal plot of vegetables, while they and others from the church tend to other plots to grow food for the hungry. Spry quickly noticed that the plots hold plenty of pesky John- . son grass. When it comes up, it looks like a young corn plant. “We’ra.learning lessons here, too,” he said. “I’m going to do a sermon ... are you Johnson grass or com? This garden is teaching us.” He’s having fun, too. The preacher’s plot is the one marked by dark beer bottles - root beer. Terry Campbell came up with the idea to use the church land off Farmington Road for the gar­ den. It had been purchased for a new church building, but Eagle Heights has found a home at US 64 West and Valley Road (in front of Food Lion) in Mocksville. Campbell did much of the work to get it started, everything from tilling the plots to bringing in water. “Maybe next year, we can expand it and get someone in • with more equipment,” he said. The garden has many purposes, according to Spry. “The idea was two-fold: one, for church members who didn’t have adequate space at home. And we wanted to grow food for families who couldn’t afford it. “It helps church people to get together and fellowship and exer­ cise! There’s nothing wrong with a little work,” Spry said. They have corn and beans, tomatoes, cucumbers and more. Anyone needing some of the food can call Spry at 336-782-3461. He hopes to start a venison ministry, as well. Several mem­ bers of the church hunt, and Spry’s plan is to have venison available for needy families. Wesley and Lyman Spry enjoy playing between the plots of the Eagle Heights Church commu- Plcasc See Garden ■ Page 3 nity garden off Farmington Road. ■ Photo by Robin Snow { .1 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 5,2012Editorial Page T h e D e c l a r a t i o n o f I n d e p e n d e n c e IN CONGRESS, July 4,1776. When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessnry for one people to dissolve the politicnl bands which hnye connected them with nnother, nnd to assume nmong the powers of the earth, the separate nnd equni stntion to which the Laws of Nnture and of Nnture’s Ood entitle them, n decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires thnt they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. ' We hold these truths to be self-evident, thnt all meii are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certnin unnlien- nble Rights, that among these nre Life, Liberty nnd the pursuit of Hnppiness. That to secure these rights. Governments are insti­ tuted among MeUi deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, ns to them shall seem most likely to effect their Snfety nnd Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Goveniments long established should not be chnnged for light and transient causes; nnd nccord- ingly nil experience hnth shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Des­ potism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Govern­ ment, nnd to provide new Gunrds for their future security. Such hns been the pntient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrnins them to alter their former Systems of Government. The liistory of the present King of Great Britain is n history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of nh absolute Tyranny over these Stntes. To prove this, let Facts be stibmitted to a candid world. He hns refused his Assent to Laws, Ihe most wholesome nnd necessnry for the public good. He hns forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate nnd pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; nnd when so suspended, he hns utterly neglected to attend to them. He has refused to pnss other Laws for the accommodation of Inrge districts of people, unless those people would relinquish tho right of Representntion in the Legislnture, n right inisstimablo to theni nnd formidnble to tyrhnts only. J He has cnlled together legislative bodies at plnc^ unusuni, un- ; comfortable, ancl distan( from the depository of tiieir public Re- ! cords, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures. ^ He hns dissolved RepresentatiVe,Houses ropeaiedly, for oppos­ ing with manly firmness his invnsloii^,pn the ^iights of the peo- He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others lo be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable ,, of Annihilationi have returned to the People at large for their ex- ercise; the Stat&'rehidlh'ing in the mean time exposed tofall^thei:. dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.' He hns endeavoured to prevent tho population of these States;, for that purpose obstructing tho Laws for Naturalization of For­ eigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrntions hith­ er, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lnnds. He hns obstructed the Administrntion of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Lnws for estnblishing Judicinry powers. He hns made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for tho tenure of their offices, and the amount nnd pnyment of their snlarios. He has erected a multitude of Now Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to hnrrass our people, and eat out their sub­ stance. He hns kept among us, in times of peace. Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures. He has affected to render the Military independent of nnd supe­ rior to the Civil power. He has cpmbined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction for- . eign to our constitution, ancl unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislntion: For Quartering large bodies of armed troops nmong us: For protecting them, by n mock Trinl, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States': For cutting off our Trnde with all parts of tho world: For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent: For depriving us in many cnses, of the benefits of Trial by Jury: For transporting us beyond Seas to bo tried for pretended of­ fences For abolishing the free System of English Lnws in a neighbour­ ing Province, establishing therein nn Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once nn exnmple nnd fit instrument for introducing the snme nbsoluto rule into these Colonies: ■ For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, nnd altering fundamentally tho Forms of our Govern­ ments: For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging Wnr against us. He has plundered our seas, rnvnged pur Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed tho lives of our people. He is at this timo transporting large Armies of foreign Merce­ naries to compleat tho works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scnfcoly pnralloled in tho most barbarous ages, nnd totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation. He has constrained our fellow Citizens tako'n Captive on the high Seas to bear Aims ngninst their Country, to become the ex­ ecutioners of Iheir friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands. Ho hns excited domestic insurrections nmongst us, and has en­ deavoured to bring on the inhnbltants of our frontiers, the merci­ less Indian Savages, whose known rule of waifare, is an undistin­ guished doslniction of nil nges, sexes nnd concliHons. In every stnge of these Oppressions We hnve Petitioned for Re­ dress in tho most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury, A Prince whoso charncter is thus mnrked by cveiy net which mny define a T^'rant, is unfit to be i.-'i^ • l-r.'. * v' the ruler of n free people. Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our Brittish breth­ ren. We hnve wnrned them from time to timo of nttompts by their legislature to extend an unwnrmntnble jurisdiction ovor us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and mag­ nanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably in­ terrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice nnd of consnnguinily. We must, there­ fore, ncquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Sepnration, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind. Enemies in War, in Peace Friends. We, therefore, the Representatives of Ihe united States of Americn, in Genernl Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Su­ preme Judge ofthe world for tho rectitude of our intentions, do, in tho Nnme, and by Authority of the good People of those Colonies, solemnly publish and declare,That these United Colonies are, nnd of Right ought lo be Free nnd Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to tho British Crown, and that all political connection between them and Iho State of Groat Britnin, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Indepen­ dent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. Arid fpr the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on "the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes nnd our sacred Honor. Ф 11Ъ (Ш Р Ш Ь О / ii^ '■ ^ т ш М ' ; , О а /гь i t ü a u i J k > i t tm d \ I In The Mail ... To the editor: Having just completed n I5K mile trip lo Alaska and bnck vin 20-plus lower 48 stales nnd hnlf of the Cnnadlan provinces, I nnd my wife nro disgusted at what we observed in comparing what is happening in these other locations with ourTnrheel stale. A few weeks before beginning our louring north, wo trnveled lo our benutiful constal area for a brief visil. As we trnveled nlong 1-40, especlnlly soiU|i of Rnleigh, wo becnme nlmost nauseated at the amount of trash and garbage heaped up nlong the shoulders of the median. And there wore almost no rest areas along the way. Now, bear in mind the fact that l^orth Carolina’s gas lax per gal­ lon is approximately double Ihnt pf ndjolning stales. As we departed North Carolinn headed North, I suggested to my wife: "Observe the various contrasts as we trnvel to other D AV IE C O U N TY USPS 149-160 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 Published weekly by Ihe Davie Publishing Co. Dwight Sparks.........................Editor/Publisher .Robin Snow............................General Manager Mike Barnhardt........................Managing Editor Ray Tutterow...........................Advertising Director Brian Pills...............................Sports Editor I Mocksville Enterprise Davie Record Cooleemee Journal . 1916-1958 1899-1958 1901-1971 Periodicnis Postage Paid in Mocksville, NC 27028 Subscription Rates Single Copy, 50 Cents ' $20 Per Yenr In Davie; $25 NC; $30 outside N.C. POSTMASTER Send Address Changes lo: Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 -------------------^— 5-------------------------------- Food B ags With A Smile Appreciated To the editor: One thing that I have learned as I am maturing is Ihnt there is a difference between if you give, whnt you give and how you give. On June 28, there were food bags distributed lo Ihe children in the summer camp program nt Mocksville Elementary School. ' I havo moved n few times nnd now nm bnck in Davie County. Jokingly, my mother once snid, “ Well, you are back where you started.” I nudibiy Inughed, but in my henrt I thought, yes, I am Longing For More Respect To the editor: As a 63-year-old retired nurse educator who is oxperiencing frustration wilh society, I felt the need to expound. We nro ex­ periencing deterioration in common courtesy, respect and values with a subsequent increase in narcissism. No one says piense nnd thnnk you anymore, as evidenced by Ihe fnct that I cnn hold a door open for someone and they will not utter a word of thank you. I find myself blurting out, “ you are welcome” nnd they look at me with such disdain. I nm in n grocery store and find that I must move others’ grocery parts, because they nre in Ihe middle of Ihe I’Icusc See Respect - Page 4 Letters Welcome The Enterprise Record welcomes letters from its renders on ; tcjpics of Ipcnl, state, national or international issues. An effort < will be made to prin( all letters, provided they are not libelous, vulgar or in poor taste . The editor reserves tho right tb edit letters for graminar and for space. . ^ All letters should include the name and nddress of the writer, ihciitclihg a signature. A telephone number, not to be published, is also requested; Please have letters in the newspaper offico no later than 4 p.m; Monday of tho week to be published.'Davie County Enterprise Rccord P.O. Box, 99, Mocksville, davieS®, centurylink.net. NC: Highest Gas Tax And Filthiest Roads states and Cnnnda.” First, as always, we waited until crossing into Virginin before filling up tlie gas tank. As always is the cnse, gns wns cheaper. Tho only exception was when we were in Canada. Also, the vast majority of states hnve numerous clean rest areas, and wo can assure you, that if there had beeu a way of measuring the trash piled up along Ihe road, the sum total ofthe other states and Canada would not equal what was slung along 1-40 in North Carolina. Ask yourselves, “ What is happening in our great state?” In spite of the fact we hnve near the highest gas lax in Ihe nation, we now have among the worst roads and the filthiest. We haVe BGG: Beveriy the Garbage Governor. All she does is spit out and throw out garbage. Ken Hayes Mocksville back home. So, I would like to sny thank you to the Hardison United Meth­ odist Church,^the Second Harvest Food Bank of Winston-Salem, and the spirits who had physical forms handing out the bags with a smile. Victoria Prico . Advance DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .July 5,2012-3 i i ; ‘/ i k ;K\ 4 Tomatoes and corn are among the crops. Lyman (white shirt) and Wesiey Spry enjoy playing in the garden, and thini<ing of ways to fix some fresh green beans. .tTKTvvlv' ■ ' « I Spry and his sons sun/ey the vegetable plots in the Eagle Heights garden. Garden... Pastor Brent Spry: “it helps church people to get to­ gether and fellowship and exercise.” - Photos by Robin Snow Continued From Page 1 Eagle Heights averages about 115 people nt Sunday services. Spry snid. Tho church has started n Monday Night Madness program for teen-agers, rent­ ing the Brock Gym on North Main Street from 6:30-8:30 p.m. each week. Teens can drop by for socializing nnd gnmes. ■ ' “ We want them to know we’re here for them,” Spry said. “ If they Just need some- Lyman and Wesley Spry tail< about mai<ing some soup body to tnlk to, we’re here.” ttieir fresh green beans. 'I • V ' ' '"л-4 -* V ' ■ ДЩ ^«ti- 1 --.v Е Ж Spry looks under the leaves for a squash. ■ 6oJ>e a n d s u p p o r t are only a phone call away. ^ Hospice & Palliative “ I CARECENTER HOPE 3 3 6 -753-021 2 or 1 -8 8 8 -8 7 6 -3 6 6 3 www.hospicccarccentcr.org 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday,2012 Elizabeth Motslnger, Sth District Congressional candidate, Punya Krishnappa, re­ gional director for the Obama For America campaign, and Christina Vazquez, 79th District state house candidate, speak at the Davle Democratic Party cluster din­ ner. D e m s U s e T h e m e s T o M a k e S t a t e m e n t s District Court DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 5,2012-5 Gracia LIttauer, Cooleemee chair, with members of the precinct. the civil rights movement, a step to equality for nil people regardless of race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, or gen­ der. "Mnry Allen, chair of Jerusa­ lem, did a wonderful job telling nbout the tnble and expressing the iden that the' people of Je­ rusnlem Precinct nre committed to the re-election of President Obnmn and will do their share of tlie work to see that hnppen,” Lnurence;. After nnming the guests nt her tnble, she led the group in the Obamn Chnnt of "Fired Up nnd Rendy to Oo" to the npplnuse of everyone. The china on the Cooleemee precinct tnble wns tin pie plates. The drinking glass wns a canning pint jnr. There were pictures showing the poverty of the depression ern. There were signs placed at each end of the table with the words, "Rom- neyville” . Ofncia Littauer, chair of Cooleemee, gnve n history les­ son when she tnlked about her table. In the 1930s when Her­ bert Hoover wns president, people everywhere suffered widesprend poverty due to lack of employment and his admin- Mnny Dnvie County Demo­ crntic Pnrty members met nt the public library in Mocksville to celebrate the nnnunl Piecinct Cluster Dinner on Jurie 22 at 6 p.m. The Democratic Women of Davle sponsored this event, which drew many new faces. Saundra'James of North Cala­ hain Precinct wns the chair for the food committee. She and her committee members pre­ sented n spnghetti menl with snlnd, garlic bread nnd ten. Democratic Women of Dnvie provided the desserts. \ Ench precinct decided upon a theme for their table nnd pro­ ceed to design, set nnd decornte the tnble. • “This year’s tables showed a depth of creativity not seen before," snys Mazie Lnurence, Democratic Womijn chnir. Jenisalem Precinct hnd n tnble with n Carolina BUie theme. On the table were North Cnrolinn crops - sweet potntoes and peanuts. Framed pictiires on the tnble showed historical .scenes depicting North Caro­ lina’s progress over the last century, enabling children of sharecroppers to be educated; Respect... Continued From Page 2 grocery aisle. The individual appears perturbed, even when I say excuse me. There is profound road rnge. I nin driving 70 mph in the far left lnne nnd am passing on 1-40 going east, when someone suddenly appears and is tailgating. Tiiey are tailgating so close that I feel as if they will soon be silting in my backsiat. When I finnlly nm nble to move to the right, I nm flashed the middle finger, as if I didn’t even have the right to be there. We are reminded of inappropriate behaviors daily by pnrents hnving physical fights with children’s conches nnd other pnrents. Or how about the grandmother, who was ridiculed and humiliated by n few middle school students, on the school bus. Where nre the role models, ie, parents? Hnve they all abdicated responsibility for teaching their children what is right nnd wrong nnd npproprinte societal behaviors. 1 am sure that other countries view us (U.S. citizens), ns Incking credibility nnd laughable. Whnt n shame to think that we post World War II, used to be viewed as n grent country with high educntionnl stnndards and vnlues. We cnn’t even keep our children in schools. . Grnduntion rates continually decrease with n subsequent decline in rending nnd math skills. When have you ever purchased some­ thing and the individuni had to critically think in order to make change? If a student doesn’t have a cnlculator, they cnn’t perform complicated mnth skills, i.e., 2 plus 2 (tongue in cheek). Now, whnt about the elderly driving an automobile, Keep in mind, 1 am 63, so I’m not far behind. On 801, in Advance, the speed limit is 35 mph.and then changes to 55 mph, until Bermudn Run and then it is 45 mph. As n driver who used to have to be on time for work, I found that the elderly were on the road between 7-9 n.m. and 4-6 p.m., regularly. It didn’t matter if the speed lim­ it was 35 or 55, the would drive 35 mph for the next four-mile stretch. Or, have you ever experienced nn elderly person pulling out in front of you when there is no one behind you and you are driving 55 mph? Then, they will continue driving 35 mph. The elderly appear to be oblivious regarding their surroundings. How about restricting the drive time during peak traffic hours, 7-9 n.m. and 4-6 p.m., to allow the younger set time to arrive for work; also, mandate an annual driving test. We mny find thnt mnny el­ derly drivers would not be nble to pass, thus eliminating many accidents. Yes, I sound as though I am frustrated with everything, but I cnn remember n dny when people had respect for each other, empathy, sympnthy, and above all, patience. Ikeep thinking that society has deteriorated so fnr that all we can do is look up. My mantra is that society has gone to "Hades in a hnnd basket.” Diane M. Birch, RN, PhD, Retired Advnnce Members of the Jerusalem precinct at their theme table. istrntion’s nustere policies, she said. The people in the south were especially hard hit after the collapse of the stock mnrket in 1929. There were no jobs, so people hnd to survive in nny manner they could. There were long lines of people wait­ ing for a bowl of soup, which in many cnses was thqlr daily meal. Starvation nnd mnlnutri­ tion were rnmpnnt. People be­ gnn cnlllng their communities “ Hooverville.” “With the impending elec­ tion of Willnrd Romney and his cinims for nu?terity, by cutting educntion funding, by repenl- Ing the affordnble healthcare net, by privatizing Medicnre, nnd by eliminating many other socinl programs, such as food stamps, we quite possibly could return to calling our communi­ ties Romneyville,” Littauer said. East Shady Grove’s tnble theme was United States veter­ ans. The centerpiece was n vnse contnining the fings of nil five brnnches of the militnry, Mn- rines, Army, Nnvy, Air Force, nnd Coast Gunrd. Laurence of East Shady Grove talked about the role of the military in pro­ tecting the country against possible aggression by nnoth­ er country. “ Members of nil brnnches of the militnry hnve given the ultimate sacrifice, their life, in carrying out the or­ ders of Commander-in-chiefs. The job of the militnry person­ nel is to protect our country against aggression, not to attack women and children in foreign countries. However, our service personnel serve faithfully and many times come home after combat, nccidents, nnd bomb explosions with mnimed bod­ ies, emotional disorders, and hnve a great need for excellent healthcare. Sadly though, too many of our veterans, instead of being appreciated for their duty and service, return home and become homeless, disen­ franchised, and disillusioned,” she said. “Here in Davie County, the veterans even had to fight for a full-time veteran’s position to help take care of their needs. 'Our veterans deserve' more than n voucher for their health­ care, which is proposed by the Rynn Budget. Mitt Romney nvoided military service and when nsked if nny of his five sons hnd served in the military, Romney’s reply was no they arc busy helping me get elected President of the U.S.” Betty Dillard, chair of Hills­ dale Precinct, gave an intro­ duction to her summer-themed table. She had everyone stand nnd then sit down as they re­ sponded to her questions of Jiine nctivities in which they pnrticipnted. Smith Grove’s theme was Hawaii, birth state of President Obama. North Cnlnhaln’s theme table donned n tnblecloth, which en­ compassed the words, “ United We Stand.” Dennis Jnmes gave nn explnnation of why Demo­ crats must work together ns n unit to win the election. South Mocksville Chair Madeline Vnzqiiez displayed n copy of tiie birth certificate of President Barack Obama. North Mocksville County Precinct had a framed piece of art created by the grandson of Martha Scott, depicting Presi­ dent Obama emerging from a mnp of the United Stntes. The Rev. Nettie Barber reminded everyone of President Obama’s pledge to do the right thing for all people in the United States, despite all the obstacles he has encountered. Clnrksville used n pntriotic theme. Guest spcnkers included Elisnbeth Motsinger, cnndidate forthe fifth district Congressio­ nal seat. Motsinger talked nbout her cnmpaigh nnd snid running n positive campaign is what she is doing. Serving on the Forsyth Coun­ ty School Board, Motsinger snid; “I know very well the ef­ fects, of slashing public educa­ tion funding, has on students and teachers; as well as' limit­ ing quality education. Work­ ing in the henlthcare industry, I nm well nware of the negntive effects of budget slnshlng on seniors, women, nnd children, nnd it is wrong.” Christina Vazquez, Demo­ cratic candidate forN.C. House, read excerpt 'from “John Ad­ ams, Learn to Ride n Horse.” This is a child’s book that de­ velops the concept of building a movement. Vazquez chose this book to develop the anal­ ogy of what Is happening in the political arena todny compnred to whnt hnppened in the 1700s.' A movement led to the Americnn Revolution, In which America won its independence from English Rule. It began with the iden of one person, In this case, John Adams. Vazquez said, “To chnnge the political climate in America todny, we must begin by add­ ing our voices one at a tlmo. To crente a district where everyone hns a fair opportunity for suc­ cess, we must unseat represen- tntlves nnd senntors who vote for budgets that cut programs, which everyone benefits from, such ns education and health­ care.” ^ Speaker, Punya Krishnap­ pa, field director from OFA (Obama for America) made her second trip to Mocksville _ and spoke about' the Obiiiiia campaign. She will be at the July 10 regular monthly meet­ ing nt 7;p.m. nt 110 W. Depot St., to give a lecture on strate­ gies of the campaign. Then on the following day, Wednesday, she will give some training sessions. All Democrats in the county may attend. Delnias Parker, who Is run­ ning for Stnte House Senate Seat from District 35 anti his wife Sue attended. “Many of our nctlve Demo­ cratic Party members worked hard to make the dinner a suc­ cess,” Lnurence snid. “Creative Ideas cnptured the nttention of nttendees. The spenkers were Informative. We all know the importance of getting out the vote in this critical election.” T h e ft O f C o u n ty S tr e e t S ig n s C o s tin g T a x p a y e rs T h io u s a n d s To some, it sounds like fun. Maybe a bored teenager. Per­ haps an enterprising thief look­ ing for some easy recycling money. But what does It mean for the taxpayer? Unnecessary ex­ pense. What are we tnlking nboiit? ■The theft of county street signs. ' It mny seem like kids be­ ing kids to some, but to Davle County staff it is an ongoing and expensive project. “Signs and the Installation of the signs cost money that could be better spent elsewhere,” snid John Gallimore, Davle County’s GIS and public safety administrator. “ Davie County spends between $15,000 and $20,000 each yenr on replacing street signs. The majority of that expense is replacing stolen signs. Each sign costs nearly $100 for materials and labor. And thnt doesn’t Include the cost of stnff time to order the mnterials nnd coordinate in­ stalling the signs.” Even more Important than the cost of the signs. Is the delay It could cause for emergency re­ sponders. With new streets fre­ quently being added to the 911 GIVEUSACALL 704.872.7471 809 Salisbury Rd. Statesville, NC 28677< Blackbuickgm c.COm OVER 250 PRE-OWNED VEHICLES!! FREE HISTORY CHECK!! MANY BETWEEN $10,000 AND $15,0001! addressing system, the street sign could mnke the difference to someone needing help. “ It definitely helps EMS, fire departments nnd the sheriff’s office respond to 911 calls,” said Gallimore. “In an emer­ gency, seconds can mean some­ one’s life. Anything we can do to Improve emergency response will help our citizens be safer.” If you see someone taking a street sign, report it to the Da­ vle County Sheriff’s Office. Sign theft Is a misdemeanor. If yo,u nre cnught possessing n sign without permission, you could be cited and hnve to go to court. If you hnve n street sign thnt was taken down, turn it In to the Davle Development Ser­ vices Office at 172 S. Clement St., Mocksville. If n sign cnn be re-used, it will be. For more Information on ¿treet signs, to report n missing sign, or to help recover missing signs, contact development ser­ vices, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., nt 753-6050. The following cnses were dis­ posed of during Dnvie District Court. Presiding; Judge Wnyne L. Michnel. Prosecuting: Karen Biemackl and Wendy Terry, as­ sistant DAs. - Jncob Chnries Arnold, felo­ ny brenking and/or entering, re­ duced to misdemeanor brenking and/or entering, felony Inrceny, reduced to misdemennor lar­ ceny, sentenced to time served, $335 attomey fee. - Mnry Bndgett, worthless check, dismissed, civil, - Llndley Eliznbeth Bnll, simple nffrny, dismissed, medl- nted nnd at request of prosecut­ ing witness. - Brittany S. Boggan, speed­ ing 80 in a 70, reduced to Im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Robert Gregory Brice, ex­ pired registration, explred/no Inspection, dismissed per plen; driving while license revoked, sentenced to 120 days, sus­ pended IS months, not operate vehicle until licensed, $200, cost. - Renee Maria Brown, speed­ ing 76 In a 55, reduccd to 64 In a 55, $50, cost. - Ada Noeml Cnbnllero, sim­ ple affray, dismissed, mediated and at request of prosecuting witness. - Andy Eric Collins, driving while license revoked, prayer for judgment continued, cost; fictitious/altered title/registra­ tion, dismissed per plea. - Nicholas D. Cranflll, con­ suming nicohol by person un­ der nge 19, dismissed per plen in another case. - Ruby Renee Culp, fishing without a license, dismissed, corrected. - Luchnindn S. Dniton, driv­ ing while license revoked, pos­ session/display of nltered/flcti- tlous/revoked license, expired registrntion, explred/no Inspec­ tion, dismissed, corrected. ' - Megnn Nichole Dnvis, DWI, sentenced to 12 months, suspended 18 months, seven dnys active, surrender license, ■not operate vehicle until li­ censed, obtain substnnce abuse assessment/treatment, $400, cost; 2 counts misdemennor child abuse, unsnfe movement, explred/no inspection, dis­ missed per plen.' - Jessica Nicole Dotson, speeding 91 In a 70, prnyer for judgment continued, cost. - Dnvid Loyd Dozier Sr., speeding 80 In n 70, reduced to 74 inn 70, .$25, cost. - Isnac Dunn, consuming al­ cohol by person under nge 19, dismissed per deferred pros­ ecution, alcohol assessment/ treatment. - Deborah Church Durham! two counts driving while li­ cense revoked, dismissed, cor­ rected. - Susan Lori Flshbeln, reck­ less driving to endanger, prayer for judgment continued, cost, $200 failure to appear fee. - Michnel Dean Foster, com- D e a t h R u le d A S u ic id e The denth of a Mocksville mnn has been ruled a suicide. Richard Kyle Powell, 38, of Forest Lane, was found dead In his apartment off Forest Lane on June 26 from a small cali­ ber gunshot wound to the head, said Mocksville Police Detec­ tive Nelson T\irrentlne. The medical examiner’s of­ fice ruled the death a suicide. H a y B a le r Is S to le n A Farmington mnn reported n hay bnler was stolen from his field Inst week. According to the Davle County Sheriff’s Office a red New Holland baler was re­ ported stolen from a location on Fnrmington Rond bn June 23 nround 7 p.m. Anyone with Informntion on this crime is asked to call inves­ tigators nt 336-751-5547. munlcntlng thrents, sentenced to 120 dnys, suspended 18 months, hnve no contact with victims or their children or be on victims’ premises, do not possess any alcohol or Illegal controlled substnnces, nny vlo- Intlons will result in immedlnte nrrest, cost; simple nssnult, sen­ tenced to 60 days, suspended 36 months, cost. - Buddy Frogge, failure to re­ turn rental property, dismissed. Insufficient evidence. - Jerry Scott Gentry, failure to return rental property, dis­ missed, Insufficient evidence. - Maxxwell Gilbert Gore, speeding 73 In a 55, reduced to Improper equipment, $I(X), cost, $200 failure to appear fee; passenger restriction level 2, dismissed per plea. - Rnekwon Rnshod Grny, as­ sault on a femnle, Injuiy to per­ sonnl property, deferred pros­ ecution, attend and complete abuser treatment program, $30 restitution, $280 nttomey fee, if In complinnce chnrges may be dismissed In 18 months. - Dakota James Helmnndol- lar-Church,possession of weap­ on on educational property/aid­ ing possession of weapon on educational property, deferred prosecution, 40 hours com­ munity service, continue treat­ ment, do not possess any weap­ ons, enroll In' school, do not assault/threaten/harass victim. If In compliance charges may be dismissed In 12 months. - Tristian Ameil Hood, as­ sault with a deadly wenpon with Intent to kill, reduced to misde­ mennor assault with n dendly wenpon, sentenced to 60 dnys, suspended 18 months, 24 hours community service, do not go nenr prosecuting witness or on premises of prosecuting wit­ ness, $1,450 restitution jointly/ severally, $100, cost, $467.50 attorney fee; felony breaking nnd/or entering, reduced to misdemennor brenking and/or entering, felony larceny after breaking/entering, reduced to misdemennor Inrceny, posses­ sion of dmg paraphemnlln, sen­ tenced to 45 days at expiration of previous sentence, suspend­ ed 18 months, cost; simple pos­ session schedule II controlled substance, simple possession schedule IV controlled sub­ stance, dismissed per plea, all evidence ordered destroyed. - Nicole Maria Ijames, felony attempting to obtain property by false pretense, reduced to at­ tempted common law forgery, prayer for judgment continued, cost, $335 nttomey fee. - Maya Taquion Isaac, mis­ demeanor larceny, dismissed per compliance with deferred prosecution. - Mia Tasean Isnnc, misde­ meanor larceny, dismissed per compliance with deferred pros­ ecution. - Scott Douglas Johnson, expired registration, expired/ no inspection, dismissed, cor­ rected. - Marlenn B. Knight, speed­ ing 74 in a 55, reduccd to 64 in n 55, $25, cost. - Jonathan Wong Lcnim, communicating threats, cut/in­ jury/remove timber of another, dismissed, civil. - Patricia Baker Lucas, reck­ less driving to endnnger, re­ duced to unsafe movement,, prnyer for judgment continued, cost. - Felton Lee Mnyfield, mis­ demennor probntion violation, probation revoked, sentenced to 60 dnys; driving while li­ cense revoked, sentenced to 60 dnys. Appenled. - Amnndn Elizabeth Mellinl, speeding 67 In a 45, reduced to 54 In a 45, $50, cost; expired/ no Inspection, speeding 50 in n 35, dismissed per plea. - Willlnm Derek Mllnn, speeding 70 In a 55, reduccd to exceeding snfe speed, $25, cost. - Willlnm C. Miller, DWI, sentenced to 60 dnys, sus­ pended four months, 24 hours community service, credit for substnnce nbuse nssessment/ follow treatment, surrender li­ cense, not operate vehicle until licensed, limited driving prlvl- Iege/$I00 fee, $100,cost. - Heather M. Moore, shop­ lifting concealment of goods, dismissed per compliance with deferred prosecution. - Cnrol Pndgett Murph, no license, reduced to fnilure to notify DMV of address chnnge, $25, cost; opernting vehicle with ho Insurnnce, cnnceled/' revoked/suspended certificnte/ tng, dismissed per plea. - Maria Julia H. Nava, allow­ ing dog to be off premises, dis­ missed, corrected. - Shannon W. Oxner, extra- dltlon/fugltlve other state, dis­ missed, corrected. - Amy Humphrey Parker, driving w hlli license revoked, possession/display of altered/ fictitious/revoked license, dis­ missed, corrected. -Ashley Nicole Penk, misde­ mennor Inrceny, deferred pros­ ecution, 25 hours community service, cost, $ 115 nttomey fee, If In complinnce chnrges mny be dismissed In 12 months. - Anitn Sue Proffitt, misde­ mennor Inrceny, dismissed. - Kendra D. Robertson, sim­ ple assault. Injury to real prop­ erty, dismissed, spite warrant and prosecuting witness failed to prosecute. - James Robert Short Jr., fail­ ure to stop for steady red light, dismissed per plea; driving while license revoked, prayer for judgment continued, cost. - Joshuah Aaron Smith, speeding 85 In a 55, reduced to 64 In a 55, $50, cost. Get outstanding low prices on quality products. rtg.ie.M »•Qal.Roughntck* Wbt«UdTrMiiC«nfemwfrtctwMMwm lock-«Mnhirv]i«fKidhM«v> duijwnMli wiumr« DutlReduciionAliFilterf íl«lnMtUiCiey4(ur»«l hbtri IttrKt knO UptiHI liroi aiitxyn« амп)«п|. « to №ги nuntht. k>Ml tof lyiwn'iM M SM. tM. 6в& wr re 1«* »ЯМ M irySptêéOicllUting Tower F«n , OKilatM tof «V«) air dMKwDcn. I SWnprofMftttweamtmafl ЦММ. Wljruil Find tlio right supplies lo r your projects, plus export advlco. ANDBUiUDINQ SUPPLIES 162 SHEEK STREET 751-2167 J n iiS V (x iu £ . START K IC H I, STARV MERE.’ MOCKtVILLB'« COMPIETI ■UILDERS' SUPPLY Open Daily Weekdays 7:30 - 5;00 • Sat. 7:30 -12 noon - Natasha H. Smith, speeding 85 in n 70, prnyer for judgment continued, cost. - Seth Enri Smith, speeding 70 In n 55, reduced to Improper equipment, $25, cost. - Kristopher Adnm Swire, harassing phone call, not guilty, do not call or go on premises of complainant. - Ayana Lenrita Thomas, fail­ ure to wear seat belt, dismissed per plea; driving while license revoked, reduced to failure to notify DMV of address change, cost, $115 attomey fee. - Guillermo R. Trinidad, no license, reduced to failure to notify DMV of nddress chnnge, $25, cost. - Rebekah P. Troyer, speed­ ing 54 In a 35, reduced to Im­ proper equipment, $100, cost. - Joel Dnvid Wnllnce, simple assault, dismissed per plea; in­ toxicated and dlsmptlve, sen­ tenced to time served, have no contact with victim, cost. - Kallynn I. Waycaster, mis­ demeanor larceny, dismissed per complinnce with deferred prosecution. - Donnn Bell White, DWI, sentenced to 12 months, cost, $435 nttomey fee; possession of dmg pnrnphernalia, driving while license revoked, expired registration, fictitious/altered title/reglstratlon, .dismissed per plea, evidence ordered de­ stroyed; felony malicious con­ duct by a prisoner, reduced to misdemeanor assault on a gov­ ernment officinl, sentenced to 150 dnys. - Kristie N. Widener, felony larceny, reduced to misde­ meanor larceny, sentenced to 45 days, suspended 18 months, $5,360 restitution, obtain sub­ stance abuse nssessmcnl/trent- H a p p y “ 4 0 '^ ” B ir t h d a y E a r l! ment, $390 nttomey fee, cost; possession of drug parapherna­ lia, sentenced to 45 dnys nt ex­ piration of previous sentence, suspended 18 months, cost, $20 install fee, evidence ordered destroyed; second degree tres­ pass, simple possession sched­ ule II controlled substance, dis­ missed per plea. - Jnson L. Zeller, felony receiving stolen goods/prop­ erty, reduced to misdemeanor possession of stolen goods/ property, felony possession of stolen goods/property, reduced to misdemennor possession of stolen goods/property, sen­ tenced to 120 days, suspended 18 months, $5,360 restitution jointly/severally, do not go on premises or have contact with victim, cost, $335 nttomey fee; possession of burglnry tools, dismissed per plea. Failure to Appear - Hope Annette Atkinson, speeding 101 In a 70, reckless driving-wanton disregard. - Henry James Barber,' un­ lawfully pnssing emergency vehicle. - Clayton E. Goldsmith, un­ sealed wlne/llquor in pnssenger area. - John Lucas Jnckson,speed­ ing 76 In a 55, failure to wear seatbelt. - Federico R. Juarez, driving while license revoked. - Ethan Lee Miller, simple possession schedule VI con­ trolled substnnce, driving while license revoked, possession of open contniner/consuming ni­ cohol in pnssenger nren. - Rlcnrdo D. White, resisting public officer, fnilure to wenr seat belt, driving while license revoked. Tanner Koontz, A start to a ОЯЕАТ Mure! You made us all very proud! Mom & Dad, Jaclnda, Shaunn & Belle, « Miranda & Billy, Callahan 8i Josh, Kaleb & Megan. | H U M A N E S O C IE T Y O F D A V IE 2 > H S D C c o u n t y The Human Society of Davie County cordially invites you to F A M IL Y F U N D A Y Saturday, July 14"' • 11 AM to 3 PM at our Adoption Center Located at 291 Eaton Road, Mocksville ACriVl lira INTH/S EVENTARKAS FOI,I.OWS: • M e e tin g o f o u r in -h o u s e a n im a ls • A c tiv itie s fo r th e k id s • V a rio u s C o n ce ssio n s, a n d m o re ! j Doitiliims of iiccdal ilcm.'i from our wi.vh list ure niways gnally appreci.ilcd. I'or more informalion, plc.г'ic contact iis al (336) 751-5214. S T E V E IJ A IV IE S C A R P E T C L E A N I N G D I S C O V E R T H E B E A U T Y O F Y O U R C A R P E T ! Residential & Commercial FREE ESTIMATES Carpet & Upholstery Steam Cleaning Deodorizing & Soli Guard (336) • Water Extraction Service Locally owned & operated SERVING DAVIE COUr«nY AND SURROUNDING AREAS S p e d a l s o f the W e e k N E W S p e c ia l S e le c tio n o f M a rjo le ln B a s tin C a rd s b y H a llm a rk D on’t Forget Your M uscadines! PHOTO SPECIAL F R E E 8x10 OR 5x7 WITH PRINTS Everyday Low PriceDigital Prints 100 PHOTO PROCESSING HOURS; M-F 9-6; Sat. 8;30-4; Sun. CLOSED For great in fo n na tio n on drugs & health problem s, go to w w w .fosterdrugco.com . , ATT; Blue Cross/Blue Shield subscdbers. ,An eh vr was matte in the notification o f where you can obtain your prescription medlcdtions. You are still able to use Foster Drug. F o s t e r D r u g C o . 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • 336-751-2141 • www.fosterdrugco.com Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 ' ;•> 0' ’t V*' »* j' J ,••' r- »■• ,•♦ .*; Л'*"^ 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 5,2012Public Records M a rria g e s The following were issued marriage licenses by tlie Davic Register of Deeds. - Mntthew John Rowell, 24, and Catherine Anne Siegal, 24,' of Greensboro. - Joseph Adam Crotts, 26, and Megnn Mary Foucheux, 24, of Mocksville. - Dougins Keith Costner, 51, nnd Bonifncin Alejndo Tundo, 29, of Virginin. - Blair Preston Huffmnii, 24, of Winston-Snlem, nnd Leigha Marie Tiirrentine, 21, of Mocksville. - Robert Joseph Nownk Jr., 49, nnd Dawn Elizaljeth Catt- dle, 46, of Advnnce. -, Znchnry Thomns Ynrnot, 33, nnd Delene Lunnn-Weidel, 43, of Mocksville. - Michenl Brnndon Godbey, 26, nnd Megnn Nichole Sea- ford, 22, both of Mocksville. - Miciiael Shnne Brown, 34, nnd Samantha Louise Beck, 44, of Mocksville. - Michael Lund Roff, 42, and Pamela Fny Parnell, 47, of Mocksvillc. - Joshun Pnrker Englund, 22, of Florida, and Colby Leigh. Kinder, 25, of Louisiana. - Larry Wnyne Phipps, 50, and Christina Suzzan Currin, 43, of Mocksvillc. - Keith Dewey Montgomery, 20, and Samanthn Louise Prest- wood, 20, both of Mocksvillc. - Joshun Benjnmin Cnlinway, 19, of Mocksvillc, and Rnegnn Victoria Loos, 19, of Advance. - Paid Louis Konst Jr., 63, of King, and Lindn Jo Tesh, 63, of Advancc. - Gabriel Leon Diamond, 36, of Salisbury, and Christine Ann Colburn, 38, of Mocksville. - Kyle Matthew Reese, 21, and Annunzintn Tiziana Lubra- no, 32, of Stntesviile. - Dnnny Orny Hartman, 41, nnd Kim Speer, 38, of Mocks­ ville. - Scotty R. Shoffner, 29, and Lola Leigh Christian, 21, of Mocksville. C iv il L a w s u its Tlie following civir lawsuits were filed with the Davie Clerk of Court. - Lori Annette Kane vs. Kem Worth Rhodes, domestic vio­ lence protective order. - Mary Osborne vs. Brynn Thompson, domestic violence protective order. - Eaton Funeral Service vs. Lisa Nunley, contract. - Jcssicn Taylcr vs. Kenneth Brown, domestic violentje pro­ tective order. - Monica Jordan vs. Brooke Anthony Fryar, custody. - M. Jimmy Septnemnndn, Benny nnd Ernest Knwuwung vs. Jeffrey H. White nnd Seik- ou, Inc., contrnct. - Adritt Austin Lusk vs. Kris­ topher Adnm Swire, domestic violence protective order. - Americnn E;tpress Centuri­ on vs. Andrew Kelly, collection on nccount, $73,971.13. - Angelin Marie Rufty Mnbe vs. Timothy Edward Mabe, ■voluntary child support ngree- ment. - Dnvie Socinl Services vs. Bobby McCnrty, child support. - County of Dnvie vs. Com­ monwealth Group-Mocksville Partners, L.P.; Chicago Title Insurance Co., Trustee for PNC Bnnk, Nntionnl Asso­ cintion, successor by merger with National City Bnnk for­ merly known ns Nntionnl City Bnnk of Kentucky, lienholder; PNC Bnnk, National Associa­ tion, successor by merger with National City Bank formerly known ns Nntionnl City Bnnk of Kentucky, lienholder, tax foreclosure. - Davie Social Services vs. David C..Straney, child sup­ port. - Dnvie Socinl Services vs. Trncie D. Robertson, child sup­ port. - Jeffery W. Harrison vs. De­ nise V. Hnrrison, divorce. , - Joshun Ryan Hendrix vs. James Craig, Edie Craig, and Lake Myers Campground nnd Resort, negligence. - Debornh Kaye Foster M ill­ er vs. Kristina Lyn Raines nnd Shnnnon Lnmont Redmond, custody. , Robert Clinton Smith III vs. Ronnld Lee Townsend Jr., con­ tract, unjust enrichment. - Ford Motor Credit, LLC vs. Rnndnll Jody Gnmmons and Vickie Hutchins Gammons .col­ lection on nccount, $5335.53. - Krystle Nicole Beal vs. Tristnn Michnel Smith, di­ vorce. - Davie Socinl Services vs. Kelly S. Howes, child support. - Dnvie Socinl Services vs. Michnel Newton, child sup­ port. . - Dnvid Allen Enst vs. Sara Rnchel East, divorce. - Dnvie Socinl Services vs. Otis V. Booe, child support. - Brnnch Bnnking & Trust vs. Floyd Mnrshnll Lench, Jr. doing business ns Lench Truck­ ing, collection on nccount, $1,124.98. - Suntrust Bnnk vs. Da­ vid L. Reeve s and Victoria P. Reeves, collection on nccount, $2,550.37. - Jake Barneycastle vs. Ri­ cardo Queznda and Mnrthn Quezndn, minor settlement. - Andren J. Humphries vs. .Matthew D. Humphries, di­ vorce. - Cynthia S. Clinnrd vs. Rob­ in L. Cefole formeriy known ns Robin L. Fowler, confession of judgment. RED/ WHITE/ BLUE Sale! Sale: 7/3/12 thru 7/10/12 Wednesday, July 4th Open 10-6 Save extra 20% on your entire purchase.Exclutles custom framing. Coupon good Wed,, July 4th Only, ^ Yarn Sale!Starbella, Bornât IVvlst and Twirl and Paton’s Pirouette Sale $4.99 Reg P rice $6.gg-$7.99 All Made-Up Florals fi.fr y . and BowsPicks, Pots, Satltlles, Wreaths and More... O F F Reg P rice Entire Flag Department' 2 S % O F F Reg P rice Spring Floral Bushes O F F Reg P rice $5.99-$14.99 Spring and Summer Décor |Wall Décor, Figurines, Pillows and More.. 2 5 -5 0 % | O F F Reg P rice All Scrapbooks and Photo Albums 3 0 % O F F Reg P rice Denim Aprons, Full Lengtli Chef Aprons Prewashed SALE$2.99 ^aclc Dempsey Embroidery Kits ]1 , . . Pillow Cases, Quilt IjT iF iK i ■'"Sffr.r ...... . « 1 O F F Reg P rice _____ All Ready Made Frames and Pre-Cut Mats 3 0 % O F F Reg P rice - Lisa Mnrie Depnoll vs. Tif- fnny L. McCnnn, motor vehicle negligence. - Willinm Pnul Foley nnd Michelle Ann Foley vs. Crys- tnl Dnwn Tnylor, motor vehicle negligence. - Monica Nnil McMnster vs. Jnson Louis McMaster, di­ vorce. - Discover Bank vs. Eliza­ beth M. Johnson, collection on nccount, $4,663.24. - Discover Bnnk vs. Pnuln Wnlsh Cromer, collection on nccount, $1,766.47. - John Frederick Stoetzel vs. Pntricin Ann Stoetzel, custody, divorce from bed and board, equitnble distribution, iiijunc- tive relief. - Citibnnk vs. Joyce D. Klopp, collection on nccount, $1,869.85. - Citibnnk vs. Eugene W. Faircloth, collection on ac­ count, $2,600.53. C o o le e m e e P o lic e The following are from Cooleemee Police Department reports. - A womnn reported June 27 that a blood sugar monitor wns tnken without her permission. - The brenking, entering nnd larceny of ice cream and frozen treats from the park were re­ ported June 27. - Paris Regina Gregory, 41, of Erwin Street, was cited June 23 for allowing her dog to run at Inrge. She told Officer John S. Loos thnt when she let her dog out it attacked a neighbor’s dog. That neighbor reported their dog was killed. ■ - Timothy Ray Qreen, 49, of Stillwater Drive, Advnnce, wns charged June 19 with trespnss- . ing, communicating thrents nnd being intoxicated nnd disnip- tive. - The larceny of items from . property at the mill were re­ ported June 18'. S lie r iff’s D e p a rtm e n t The following incidents were reported to thc Davic County Sheriff.s Department. - On June 25 forgery nnd identity theft were reported at n home on NC 801 South, Mocksville. - Lnrceny wns reported at a home on Mr. Henry Road, Mocksville on June 25. - On June 26 n verbal dispute nnd trespnssing were reported at a liome on Persimmon Grove Lnne, Mocksville. - Larceny wns reported nt n home on Snin Road,Mocksville on June 26. - On June 26 identity theft wns reported nt n home on Bing Crosby Boulevnrd, Advnnce. - Thrents were reported nt n home on Mr.- Henry Rond, Mocksville on June 27. - On June 27 the unauthor­ ized use of a vehicle was re­ ported at a home on Cable Lnne, Mocksville. A rre s ts The Dnvie County Sheriff’s Department made the following arrests; - David Eugene Mnriowe,36, of Stntesviile was nrrested June 23 fornssaulton a femnle,simple assnult, nnd intoxicated/disrup­ tive. Trial date; Aug. 9.' - Seid Hasheim Mostafavi, 59, of Greensboro was nrrested June 24 injury to property nnd assault/battery. Trial date; Aug. 28 in Guilford County. - Joyce Christine Tallent, 48, of Whetstone Avenue, Mocks- All How-To Books ^ Buy one, Get One of Equal or Lesser value 100% Cotton T Shirts Y®“ *'’Adult Sizes Reg $ 3 .4 9Sale$2.99 B e n F ran k lin Store Hours Mon-Sat 9-9, Sunday 1-6 1115 YndkitwiiioRd. M ocksvilio, N C 27028 Phono 751-5408 ui-;i*ui;sKM v n \ к J u l i a H o w a r d /Vi ■ /loiisr 7<Jlh DiMrUi Pkasecontactme in; MOCKSVILLE: (336) 751-6567 RALEIGH; (919) 733-5904 State Legislative Building 16 W. Jones Street, Rm 1106 Raleigh, N0 27601-1096 , Email: Juliah@ncleg.nBt Look for us on Faeebook at: . Rep Julia Howard a PMOFOKUrJUUAllOWAKD fi ville was nrrested June 25 for fnilure to appenr.Trinl date; Aug. 1 in Gaston County. - Edwardo Orellana Palacios, 37, of Lexington was nrrested June 25 for failure to appear. Trinl date; July 26. - Andre Antonio Newton Sr., 42, of Chariotte wns nrrested June 25 for fnilure to nppenr. Trinl date: July 17 in Mecklen­ burg County. - Jimmy Lncure, 20, of Rn­ leigh wns arrested June 25 for failure to appear. Trinl dnte; July 9 in Wnke County. - Amnndn Lee Powers, 16, of Mr. Henry Rond, Mocksville was arrested June 25 foi^ defrauding innkeeper. Trial daté: Aug. 2. - Austin TVler Bartlett, 17, of Boxwood Church Rond, Mocksville wns nrrestedJune 25 for defrnuding innkeeper. Trinl dnte; Aug. 2. - Travis Brandon Powers, 19, of Mr. Henry Road, Mocksr ville wns nrrested June 25 for breaking/entering. Trial date; July 12. - Antonio Dwayne Mickens, 30, of Winston-Snlem was nr- ' rested June 26 for probation violation. Trinl dnte: July 18 in Forsyth County. - Teddy Willinm Johnson, 26, of Snin Rond, Mocksville wns nrrested June 26 for resist­ ing a public officer. Trinl dnte: July 19. - Charity Toney Prater, 30, of Sain Road, Mocksville was nrrested June 26 for resisting a public officer. Trinl dnte; J\<iy 19. • - Geneva Ann Mnrie Estep, 39, of Richie Rond, Mocksville wns arrested June 26 for manu­ facture'schedule VI controlled substance, possession of drug pnrnphemnlia, nnd misdemeanor possession of schedule VI con­ trolled substnnce. Trinl dnte; July 5. - Lou Kilby Estep, 43, of Richie Rond, Mocksville was. nrrested June 26 for simple pos­ session of schedule VI controlled substnnce, maintaining place for controlled substance, and manu­ facture schedule VI controlled substance. Trial date: July 5. - Ashley Len Anna Dobson, 23, of Richie Rond, Mocksville wns arrested June 26 for manu­ facture schedule VI controlled substance nnd possession of drug pnrnphernnlin. Trial dnte: July 5. - Robert Casey Dobson, 23, of Richie Road , MocksviUe wns arrested June 26 formanufacture schedule VI controlled substance and possessiori of drug parnpher- nnlin. Trial dnte: July 5. L a n d IV a n s fe rs The following innd transfers were filed with the Davie Reg­ ister of Deeds, listed by parties involved, acreage, township, and deed stamps purchased ' yvith $2 representing $1,000. - Grndy 1. Ingles, substitute . trustee to Federnl Nntionnl Mortgnge Assoc., I lot. - Green Tree Servicing' to Eric Demarko, 2 lots. Shady Grove, $8. - Miriam P. Brenner by her attorney in fnct to Frnnces A. Harpe Trust, I lot, Farmington, $519. - Federal National Mort­ gage Association to Stanislawn Pnszul nnd Tadeusz Grömadzki, 1.1 ncres, Fulton. - SunTrust Bnnk to Glenn Nelson Schenk nnd Pntricin McDaniel Schenk, 1 lot, Jeru­ salem, $30. - Taylor Development Group to Robert Floyd Benson Jr. nnd Cynthia Bailey Benson, 1 lot, Mocksville, $340. - PNC Bank to Richard R. Elledge and Barbara S. Blledge, 1.67 acres, Jerusalem, $90. - Edward Bruce Ramsey and Bertie L. Ramsey to Edward Bruce Rnmsey, 3.65 acres, Je­ rusalem. - John Southard to Sharon T. James and Stephanie J. Wise and Charies A. Wise, 5 lots, $250. - The Bnnk of New York Mel­ lon Trust to A&S Enterprises, I lot, Mocksville, $113. - D.R. Horton Inc. to Stephen M. Sink nnd Susnn Y. Sink, I lot, Farmington, $380. - Donald M. VonCannon, substitute trustee to LSB Prop- j erties, 1 lot, $741. - Donald Cole to Sue Cole, 1 lot, $54. - Robfrt Dean Salmons to Thomns Rich Salmons, 1.36 acres, $1. - Allegacy Federal Credit Union to Jeffrey C. Cook and Ellen S. Cook, 1 lot, Farming­ ton, $348. - Scott R. Levesque to David Taylor and Tamara Tnylor, .98 ncre, Clarksville. - Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to Joshua Steven Chesnee, 2.75 acres. - Iris Dyson Lookabill to Eu­ gene F. Potts, Deborah L. Potts and Junie D. Potts, 22.07 acres, Cnlahaln. - John C. McEwen nnd Pau­ line M. McEwen, trustees to Willinm Keith Koontz and Robyn Stromko Koontz, 7 acres, Clnrksvllle, $148. - Tnmnra R. Cornish, sub­ stitute trustee to Aurora Bank FSB, 1 lot. Shady Grove, $304. - Frances S. Hendrix to Syd­ ney Franklin Properties, 30,851 squnre feet, Mocksville, $550. - Don W. Brown and Lois B. Brown to Don W. Brown Jr. and Melanie F. Brown, 3.76 acres. - Jon L. Hoglen and Sharon N. Hoglen to Charies Odell Crews and Shirley Hollis Crews, 1.04 acres, $20. - Sharon N. Hoglen to Jon L. Hoglen, 12.78 acres, Clniks- ville. , - Kevin Bruce Little nnd Lisa Lynne Little to Travis W. Law and Britani Law, 1 lot, $484. - Federal National Mortgage Association to John Thomas Lanham nnd Meghnn , Leigh Johnson, 1 lot, Fnrmington. - Self Help Credit Union to Blanca Cecilia Pereira, 1 acre, $84. - Jeffrey Norman Moore and Bnrbnra Wolman Moore to Jnmes R. Buchnnnn and Karen N. Buchanan, 1 lot, Fnrming­ ton, $298. - Pnul Jeffrey Jones nnd Don­ nn J. Jones to Phillip S. Robin­ son Jr. nnd Rnchel Anne Robin­ son, 1 tract, Cnlahaln, $360. - Stnte Employees Credit Union to Nathnn L. Carmi­ chael, 2 tracts, $94. - Diana Gnspary and Renzo Giancario Gaspnry to Christy Marin Davis, 1 lot, Mocksville, $156. M o c k s v ille P o lic e The following are from Mocksville Police Departmeiit reports. - Credit cnrd theft was re­ ported on June 25. - A woman rejrarted June 26 harassing letters had been left at a residence off Milling Rbad. - A rock hit the windshield to a cnr on South Mnin Street, it wns reported April 27. - The Inrceny of money by an employee at Subway was re­ ported June 28. \a woman reported June 28 her ex-boyfriend continuously calls her nt nil times of day and night. ' L o o m lly Q r o w n , H y tliv p o n lo T o m a t o e s CuGumben, oth»r Fn$h Pndue* ft Lúcal Pimento САмм alêo avaHabh. ■' 302 Foster Road, Mocksville \ T h iU ® (PiMlttRJ.UJuilci(rRiajoRd.toWeileraD«vkiCouiily) Open Wed. through Fri. Noon-Spm and Sat. 8 am-noon ^^^^^^^CallFoj^jrectlonM v'. ■î . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 5,2012 - 7 M o n d a y M e e t i n g T o F o c u s O n C o o l e e m e e P o o l D e s i g n "i ? When Cooleemee’s 1949-era swimming pool finally showed its age in the last decade, resi­ dents initiated any number of "Save the Pool” efforts. ’ “The pool had become such a tradition, and inspired so many memories, that the idea of it being closed was difficult to grasp," said Mnyor Lynn Rtlmley. In the end, no nmount of fund rnising, volunteer work nnd town funds could sustain it. That tradition mny come alive again, with plans for a new splnsh and pool center in Cooleemee. Thc town's pool committee is nsking nil those with interest to come nnd give feed-bnck on n new pool de­ sign. Tlie public meeting will take place on Monday, July 9 at 7 p.m. at the VFW Hall on NC 801 South In Cooleemee. “ If you’ve got great memo­ ries from the old pool days, you. should come,” snys Town Rec- rention Director Snndra Ferrell. “If you've got children, this is going to be something impor­ tant for their growing up years, please come out.” . The main purpose of the meeting is for thc public to tnke n look nt the proposed design plnn of the new swim ccnter. Thc design combines elements of n trnditional swimming pool with splash or spray pnrk fen- tures. With nn nim of mnking the new fncility self-support­ ing, the committee believes thnt both nttrnctions will bring in customers. Committee members hope to begin building n core of dedi­ cated pool project volunteers. "Even if our prayers nre an­ swered and we nre nwnrded the NC Pnrks & Recrcntion Trust Fund Grnnt,". snys Ferrell, "it will have to be mntched 1-1. Thnt menns thnt our commu­ nity will hnve to dedicate itself to some major fund raising.”This Is the swimming pool concept being considered in Cooleemee. S o u t h Y a d k i n T u b e R a c e T o B e n e f i t R i v e r P a r k A big bull on a big trophy. Thnt, plus a hundred bucks, is whnt you might win if you enter the new "South Yndkin Tube Rnce” scheduled for Saturday, July 21 beginning at 10 a.m. The rnce will begin nt the Cooleemee Junction Wildlife Access area and end near the dam at RiverPark. It is about a mile and a half coiirse.With- out any extrn effort, the float in a tube takes about two and a half hours. Who knows what the winning time will be if the contestant uses n pnddle. Pre-registration for the race is encournged. RiverPnrk Bonrd member Brnd Wnller is busy procuring inner-tubes nnd life jnckets. No rnfts or other floats will be allowed and everyone BR Council Meets July 24 The Town of Bermudn Run’s regulnr July meeting will be held nt 7 p.m. Tuesdny, July 24, re-scheduled from July 10. must keep their life jnckets on during the entire rnce. Early registration (before July 15) is $10 but $15 after that. If you don’t have your own, RiverPark will rent you a tube ($5) or a life jacket ($5). You must be 16 or older to participate nnd those under 18 yenrs of nge will need n parent or gunrdinn to sign the required liability waiver. You can obtain Tube Race registration materials by calling (704) 245-2992 or 284-6040, by email or snail mail. Wnller snys everyone needs to bring sunscreen. He nnd his wife, Stephnnie, recently tried their tubes nnd cnme bnck look­ ing like lobsters. "Everyone needs to bring n wnter bottle or Gatorade” to avoid dehydra­ tion, he added. Organizers hope that Cool- eemec’s new South Yadkin River Tube Race will become an annual , feature of the Great Bullhole Duck Race & Festival, slated to be held the same day beginning nt 11 n.m. Trnnspor­ tntion bnck to the Junction will be provided from Ihc Bullhole nt 3 p.m. from the upi)cr park­ ing lot. “This is the week wc hope to renlly begin selling our duck tickets,” snys Stephnnie Wnller, who serves as River- Park's events coordinntor. "Wc nre nlso counting on local bu.si- nesses to support this nmazing pnrk by becoming n duck rnce sponsor nt any level.” Cheer- wine and Pinnacle Orthopcdic Assoclntes in Sniisbury hnve become “Golden-Bye Duck" sponsors. If you are ready lo place your bet on a duck lo win the ,$300 first prize, tickets are nvnilable at the Davie County Chamber of Commerce in Mocksvillc and the parks & rec department nt the Brock Building, In Cool­ eemee, tickets nre nvnilnble nt town Hall, thc Znchnry House nnd Villnge Auto Ccnier. In Sniisbury, the Lnnd'I'rust of Centrnl Cnrolinn hns tickets for snle from the office lU the old trnin depot. RiverParl< Events Coordinator Stephanie Waller be­ gins her float down the South Yadl<in River starting at the Cooleemee Junction. With husband, Brad, they took out at the Canoe Portage near the Cooleemee Dam. Principals ... Continued From Page 1 Holman has nine years assistant principnl experience, nt Dnvie High nnd Ellis. Slie was nlso a middle school math teacher for 17 yonrs. Amy Holcomb will be mov­ ing from her position ns nssis- tant principal nt Dnvie High to bccome Ihc nssistnnt principal at Ellis Middle. She has been with the system since 2007. Shnwn Keim will nlso be lenving his position ns nssistnnt principnl at Dnvie High, where he hns been since 2008, to be­ come the nssistnnt principnl nt Cooleemee Elementary, nnd Tim Taylor, who has been ns­ sistnnt principnl nt Cooleemee since 2009 will move to Dnvie High ns nssistnnt principnl. Hnrtness said he is excited nbout the future of the system ns the administrators move into Iheir new roles and thankful for the service of the two retirees, "Bolh of these fine folks [Cozart and Bridgewater] hnve made a positive impact on the lives of thousnnds of children, and they will be missed,” he said, Coznrt served 29 years in education, and Bridgewater served 33. owling: An American Tr^tíún! я Celebrate Independence Day All Weekl Mondai( J jly 2 ■ Friday July Bth 0OOAM - 5:00PM $6.00 Cover Charge Per Person 25H: Per Game 25$ Per Shoe Rental Win prizes for striking with a colored headpin on your lane añjj mlh ug W e do great birthday parties! * 2 H ours of Bowlinq *Sh o e Rental Included * Paper Products *B a loon Bouquet *C h eese or Pepperoni Pizza *Souvenir Birthday Bowling Pin! All of these great features plus your own party hostess for one great price! Call for details I m iß m $1,00 HotDogs.all week long Call and check out our other 0 0 0 soecia Kids Bowl Free All Summer! Sign up today! w w w .k id s b o w l f r e e .c o m/p w Visit Both of our Great Locally ed Locations! 2505 Davie Ave. A M U Statesville, NC 28625 V is it u s O n lin e ! w w w ,p la m o rb o w lin g la n e s ,c o n n 1811 JakoAlexander Blvd w Salisbury, NC 28147 704/ V is it u s O n lin e ! w w w .w o o d le a fla n e s .c o m 8 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 5,2012 William Davis, Louise Blackwood, Sandra Ferrell, John Chandler, Donna Eldred, Rhonda Webb BralkowskI, Mike BralkowskI, Walter Ferrell, Julie Spillman, Barbara Chapman, Daphne Beck and Margaret Webb Russell enjoy Friday Night Out In Cooieemee. C o o le e m e e N e w s Daphne Beck enjoys a relaxing evening. 1 ke and Rhonda Blackwell try their bocce skills. By Karen Chandler Smith Cooleemee Correspondent The lemperntiires, mny have been nbove the 100 degree mnrk, but thnt didn’t deter n group of couples nnd singles to gnther nt the Znchnry House for some socinlizntion on Fridny Night Out. Snndrn Ferrell, the recrention director, thought it would be n good iden to stnrt n night oiU for couples nnd singles to Ienrn to piny bocce or nny other nctiv­ ity of interest. A cooler of wa­ ter nnd drinks kept the bodies hydrnted nnd not only did they piny cornhole toss but bocce gnmes. hnd begun when I got there. 1 gnve severnl people n hug nnd their shirts were, whnt cnn I say, quite moist. The tempera­ tures were over 100 lhat day, but once the rays drifted behind the rooftops, the temps started dropping. Mike nnd Rhonda Bralkows- ki live in Lexington, but Rhon­ da grew up in Cooleemee nnd they try to support nnd enjoy n lot of the events nnd nctivities. It wns nice to see them drive so fnr for a liule fun. Dnphne Beck brought n lounge chnir nnd it wns the sent to have. With cell phone in hnnd nnd n front row sent to watch the bocce gnmes, she Vas'set. Funny how you ,get a group of people who grew up in Cool­ eemee nnd they stnrt reminisc­ ing nbout the "good ole dnys." Somehow we stnrted tnlking nbout how we nte our bnnnnn snndwiches. John Chandler said he put mnyonnnise nnd Bakin' ACROSS 1. Unmannerly sort 5, Printers' measures 10. They Impart I bitterness to beer W. Church recess 1^. Sachet emanation 16. Assist In I wrongdoing 17. One of two bn a ' diamond l'9. Hermitio 20. Richards of , "Jurassic Park" 21. Beer lover's heaven 23. Get undenway 24. On the bounding main . 2 5 . the dirty, rotten 29, HI from Hawaii 33. Sheepskin receiver 37; Take habitually 38. Like many 0. Henry stories 39. Vintner's prefix 4 0 . by the belli" 42. Farmland measure 43. River In a Strauss waltz 45. One of the Clantons 40. Supply grub to 47. Wolfgang Puck eatery 48. Work the dough 50. Car engine connection 52. Streetwise, perhaps 57. Raises trivial objections 61. Prepares for a crash ' 62. Golden Rule word 63. Social elite , 65. Without purpose 68. “Circle of f-rlends" , author Blnchy 67. Elder or alder Crossword Puzzle i Ì7 38 32 )8 Amettcon Profile Homolown ContonI . 68. Smoke-filled room fillers 69. Knight's mount 70. Srs.' exams DOWN 1. Rummy yummles 2. '60s poster genre ' 3. Port of old Rome 4i Pave over 5. Lawyer's assistant, briefly 6. Apr. addressee 7. Baseball's "Georgia Peach" 8. Indifferent to right and wrong 9. Big band section .10, Result of, compromise, , figuratively 11. Bassoon's kin ; 12, Stationer's supply 13. Editor's "leave It" ! Answers On 18. Opposite of ecto- 22. Have on 26. Rag, to a Molotov cocktail 27. Botanist Gray 28. "Rosemary's Baby" writer Ira 30. First word of "The Raven" 31. Add to the payroll 32. Didn't merely pass 33. Mount Olympus dwellers 34. Use a sickle 35. Paquin or Magnani 36. Tommies' WWI allies 38. Prelude to an Invention 41.__out Gust mtinage) 44. Chucklehead 48. Slay wilh 49. Ste. Jeanne__ 51. Urban eyesores 53. _ and all (as Is) 54. Integra maker, once 55. Revert to 12;00, say 56 . Park, Colorado 57. Groucho remark 58. Bring to naught 5 9 . never flyl" 60. G raf_ 61. Raised, as racehorses 64.12/24 or 12/31 Julie Spillman and Louise Blackwood play a game of bocce. peanut butter on his. Walter Ferrell snid his wife, Snndrn, puts peanut butter on her ham­ burgers but he hates miislnrd. I nte potnto chip snndwiches with mnyonnnise; pile them high then smnsh il down. Donna Eldred asked if I ever went underneath Ihe singe dur­ ing Halloween to the haunted house. 1 told her 1 always went to Ihe Halloween cnrnivaf and dunked for apples and played gathes; but 1 was always loo scnred lo go underneath Ihe singe floor nl Ihe nudilorium. Looking up lo nil those Ihnt did wns my practice. Eldred remembered the bookstore thal was right by Mr. Prim’s office. Erasers, pnper, pencils; 1 can still smell the aro­ ma coming from Ihere. Il was right beside Ihe audiiorium and there wns n bnthroom between the two. I reniember llie bnth- rooms being so clean nnd I cnn here the squeak of the doors al each slnll before Ihey slnmmed shut. Those were the bathrooms 1 remember going to after play­ ing outside behind the school. You hnd lo climb a set of tnll stairs out side lo gel lo it and Ihey were on Ihe right ns you cnme through Ihe door. And Ihnt green stuff thnt Mr. Johnson wpuld put on Ihe floors, I loved Ihe smell. We would scuff our feel bnck nnd forth, which helped lo oil the floor, Donna snid, “Yen, nnd we would fall and bust our butts.” Seems like he used the same stuff when someone gol sick. , Thinking nbout the nudilo­ rium, 1 slopped to meet Mr. Presnell one dny nnd hnd fun looking nl nil his Junk. I bought nn old basket lhat came off a bike and' plnnted begonias in il nnd lli memory of Leon Penni- gerl I bought a 16oz RC Cola glass bottle. Who knows, that 'mny be one he drank out of. A beiit lip'redpliistii,Coke'carrier wilh'Six sections ca^uglit my eye and I planted begonias in ench section. Mr. Presnell lold mo ho wnnled lo show me somelhing and he opened up his “house on Ihe go.” This building can be hitched up and taken anywhere, never saw anything like ihiit before. While the junk store was what you expected it lo be, junky, Ihis house on Ihe go was immaculate. Mr. Presnell turned on ap old record player and plnyed some music and in turn started enter­ taining me with some flat fool shuffle. He wns one of those guys 1 bet Ihnt everyone wnnled lo dnnce wilh becnuse he was a lot of fun nnd he could surely dnnce. Thnt dny he told me how he won three cnkes nt the cnke- wnlk in the nuditorium. Thnt wns always a big deal to win a cake, especially if Betsy Beck donated one of hers. How many times have I passed IhnI junk pince nnd never slopped. Everyone has a slory nnd you mny be surprised Sudoku Page 13 i 2 3 4 1 2 5 6 7 5 8 2 9 7 4 6 2 8 3 4 8 2 5 9 7 1 1 3 6 ns I wns when I look Ihe lime lo sny hello. He wns full of dales and memories but wouldn’t honor me an interview. I siire did enjoy meeting him lhal day nnd plan to visit again sobn.^ Doing back lo Cooleemee has helped revive a quiet part of me. This is Ihe little lowh 1 grew up in and there’s nothing like being able to walk on the • ' familiar streets again. ‘ ‘ Ron Bivins saw how excileci I wns when I first stnrled writ­ ing nnd he said, “Slow down, I’m nfrnid you nre going to run oul of things lo talk about.” As long as there arc people in Cooleemee, Ihere will nlwnys be things lo talk about and hopefully my personal memo­ ries will alwnys slay slrbngf i' ' Continuing lo driye 'up and i down Ihe streets: looking , foi' news is my goal. A,time came one,week when 1 couldn’t sub­ mit anything and I was so wor­ ried, but Mike Barnhardt said, “These things nre going lo hnp­ pen, it’s ok.” My only worry was 1 lold. him, “I don’t want them to think 1 don’t cnre.” Someday soon I will hnve a hub to work from and that will allow me to be more acces­ sible. If you have pictures that you wish for me lo use, send me some information nbout the. special occasion nnd 1 will.'use it in the column. Some of you hnve’exercised Ihnt option nnd' I really appreciated that. ' This is youf communiiy news column and I have had a ball so fnr. My pnssion will always funnel my desire to volunteer' my time and talent. ‘ • , Remember you can contact meal; 336.250.1133, or write me nt www^cooleemeenew's® gmail.com. 1 look forward to talking to you. ^ L o rd y , L o rd y , L o o k W h o Is T u r n in g “4 0 ” ! Solution Ón Page 13 L o v e Y a ! • The Three K's DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 5,2012 - 9 J u l y 4 , 2 0 1 2 /•' ^ a i l m e n / ciré/createci a r e / m a r e / . E x c e r p t f r o m t h e d e c l a r a t i o n O F I n d e p e n d e n c e , J u l y 4 , 1 7 7 6 A l i & t a t e I n s i i r a i i c e Mark Jones á Steve Rldcnhoiir 852USHwy¡64W.kSuitel01 Mocksville 336-751-0669 D a v i é C o u i i t y D a v i e M e d i c a l » m e n t 959 SaliibuiyHd., Mocksville 336-75M288 ' i r E a t o n F u n e r a l S e r v i c e , I n c . 325 N. M ^ Street, Mocksville . ' 336-751-2148 , F o r m a c A u t o m o t i v e , I n c . 1484 us Hwy. 64 W„ MocksviUe 33^-751-3372 F o s t e r D r u g G o , Road,Mod W51-2141 495 VkUey Road, MocksviUe • . 336-7 J o e ’ s T b w , 2 4 H o u r Roadside Rollback Service ' Smaif, M e d im i: H eavy Duty Towing > 1441 DeadnmnRd.; Mocksville 336-998-2693 Office E dw ^Jbnes Stayton Haipe/nnamdia^ 5539 US Hwy. 158, Suite 104 Advance, NG 336-940-3150 M i k e ’ s \ ^ c k e r S e r v i c e ' 24HOURSERVICB Since 1978 684 Junction Rd., Mocksville (336) 492-7303 or 909-2018 M o c k s v i l l e A u t o m o t i v e 884 South Main Street, Mocbvüle 336-751-2944 tísbonie’s'n re & A ntoinotive \ny Brand * C m -T n d a-T rectors A U M u ìo r& M b w rR tfé in 1083 Salisbuiy Road, Mocksville . 336-753-8090 P M C a r A u t o m o t i v e & t1re , 1628 Hwy. 601S, Mocksville 336-75i-;i800 T r a i l e r s o f t h e E a s t C o a s t 418 Interstate Drive, Mocksville 336-751-2377 V ^ y m a r t S u p e r c e n t e r .26lcbocer.Gm|^'Mocbville ' ' ■- '336-75I-1266 I S m B f T h m l o e i U B m b m m . 10 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE KECORD, Thursdny, July 5,2012 ^heffieM-Calahaln News %y Brcndn Bailey *§hcffieId-Cnlahnln PCorrespondent ■Nk£ Birthdny wishes go to nil 5hose celebrating birthdays this Sweeic; Linda Drye, Jody Apple Sand Cara Bailey on July 5; “j\manda Jordan, Jeremy Bai- Sey, Pamela Ladd nnd Sammy ¡»Reavis on July 6; Kenneth La- ¡jnier on July 7; Alex Frye and “Sydney Davis on July 8; Robby ¡^Stegall, Susan Phillips, Jessica iin^yson and Bnrbnrn Gobble on Mjuly 9; Conley Daniel on July ¿10; and Jerry McDaniel nnd “THatthew McDaniel on July 11. Several couples are celebrnting („anniversaries. Congratulations j to Jeremy and Kim Keaton who I will celebrate their anniversary on July 5j Ronnie nnd Sylvin Draughn on July 7; nnd Bryant nnd Mary McClamroch on July 9. If you would like an anniver­ sary or birthdny posted in this :section, plense do not hesitnte to cnll or emnil mo. Anyone wishing to purchnse n Sheffleld-Calnhnin Commu­ nity Center calendar can con­ tact me nt 751-7567 or emnil ■hrjballey®msn.com. Cost is :'i5. Purchasing a birthdny cnl- ..Tendar is a good wny to support ¿your jocal community center. To rent the Sheffield-Cala- whaln Community Center or ^’Recreation Aren, contact Becky ~Hill nt 704-546-2508 or Doris Dyson at 492-5712. The Sheffield-Cnlnhnln VFD meetings are held ench Mondny , night at the station at 7. The next Jr. Explorer Dny will be “ Sunday, July 22 at 2 p.m. at the fire department, open to chil­ dren ages 8-13. For more infor­ mation, please contact Teresa nt 704-546-5603. Poplar Springs School just finished its flrst summer camp for 2012, but will hold another the week of July 9. For more information, visit ww\v.poplar- ^sprlngsschoolMom. " The servers were busy Sat- ' Airday evening serving up those ;grent pintos, stewed potntoes, 'conions, slaw nnd combrend nt |;£the - Sheffield-Calnhnin Com- “•.■'riiunity Center. The dessert 'tables were overflowing with ‘ fnvorite sweets. New Union np- ’ .precintes nil the support shown nt the poor man's supper. These . suppers are n grent time to see ' old friends nnd meet new ones. The fellowship of one nnother is almost as good ns the meal. Pastor Steve sends his personal “. thanks to everyone that helped make this fundraiser a success, g j A Fnmily Fest is scheduled &at New Union UMC at 1869 Sheffield Road for Snturdny, j! July 21, beginning nt 5:30 p.m. I There will be nctivities for ir children and ndults. Hotdogs. hnmburgers nnd homemnde ice cream will be available. Hope you can join us for an evening of fun nnd fellowship. I; New Union's Vncntion I; Bible School will be Aug. 5-8 I from 6;30-8;30 p.m. Mark your cniendar nnd bring your chil­ dren for n grent time of lenrning more of God’s word. Children of all ages are welcome. The theme this year is “Galactic Klaire Allen and Hunter Dyson share a smile and a hug at the New Union UMC poor m an’s supper Saturday evening. Lizzie Reeves Is happy as she holds her youngest great-granddaughter, Ella Jane Jordan. Pastor Steve Rainey Is busy pouring drinks for din- Linda Dyson keeps the chafing dish filled for servers Steven Dyson, Tonya Allen ers at the Nevy Union United l^/lethodlst Church poor and Renee Vandall. W anda and Al Sutphin ahd Michele Dyson are busy In the m an's supper. kitchen. Blnst.” This should be an out of this world Bible school experi­ ence. New Union’s fall festival will be Saturday, Sept. 22, We nre tnking reseiyntions for ven­ dor spnce. If you would like to rent a space, please call Ruby at 492-6399 or Brenda at 751- 7567. Senior Bible Study at Liberty Wesleyan Church is held the second Tuesday of each month at 10 a.m. Everyone is invited. The Fox Mountain Enter- tniners performed for n great group at Drake’s in Harmony. The group consists of Dave McLellnnd, Doug Prevette, Tom Cloer, Jimmy PaschnI and Jnck Bailey. We missed Calvin Prevette, the mandolin pinyer, who hns been fighting a little bug. We wish him n speedy re­ covery. Drnke's, a fnmily cnfé specinlizing in iced and hot cof­ fee drinks, smootliies, baked goods nnd ice crenm, hns spe­ cini music on Snturday nights beginning nt 7. Prayer list requests nre for Lizzie Reeves, George Wall, Joann Ratledge, Eloise Ste­ phens, Janice Beck, Jonnn Smith, Pnt Gobble, Mndeline Lnpish, Bill Shoffner, Melody Wngner, Rny Wngner, Tenny­ son Anderson, Tom Wright, Rose Wright, Clyde Hutch­ ens, Joyce Cnrter, Jesse, Mel­ ody, Tnylor and Lincoln Dy­ son, Mnrty Looknbill, Johnny Wnlker, Robin White, Doug White, Jessica Blackburn, Di­ ane Shoffner, Jenn Renvis, Rny Livengood, Cheryl Richnrdson, Mnry Hendrix, Libby Creason, Virginia White, Teresa Camp­ bell, Pat Moore, J.W. Keaton, Sue Allred, Stacie Shoffner, Norman Spry, Wayne Dyson, G.H. Goforth, Fred Roth, Tra­ cy Barnes, Todd Olsen, Fran­ ces Gunter, Roger Hutchens, Wayne Slonn, Estelle Reeves and Cnrolyn Jordnn. Wishing you nil n safe and happy 4th of July. As your news correspondent. I need your help to make this a column of interest to everyone. If you have specini memories of the Sheffield communily, please contact me. I look for­ wnrd to receiving your com­ ments, information and photos. Plense submit your news items no later than 9 am on Mondays. You can contact me at brjlxii- ley@msn.com or at 751 -7567. IT Clyde Jordan keeps everyone entertained at his table. Elaine Beauchamp, at the head of the table, enjoys visiting with friends. ^--------------------- ....i l M Jack Bailey, Leslie Rainey, Al Sutphin, Jane Kimmer, Heien Bulla and Pam Mc­ Daniel are the first customers at the supper. iff Folks enjoy their meal and fellowship with one another. eiv/<inu' HOWARD REALTY R e a t i u r e c l L i s - t i n g i s ^ШKoamЬíáwtlгшlШЛ\al 36a?eAhti(№ttiíUB«8iiiíj«Urder^inj deUÁ9rg.Alt»ribn(gyu/rvi<199,000 litvi4b(yMd09.Fmhpahhúk$103,600 AVAILABLE RENTALSwe Grubb nd! 20R/1BA.........................................................4!» Pio« 81.; SBFVIBA172 0av1eSt.: 3DR/10A...........................................................MOflHwy. 15fl: 2BFV2BA.........................................................132tEatoni Church R(j: 4BFV2.6BA.......................................Und«_rpBM^R(t.; ^Qa^ag^fico............................Wlr>d»orH)Apt.: i WiTKliortoApt.; г ISSO/miniSOO/mth SSOO/mlh}35(VmUi AVAILABLE LANDООО Oak Qfovo Cri. nd: 4S»aciei.......................................000 Silk nd., Slokot CourMy; 42* acret............................OOCasltolar«: 0 03*< ac02 Will Doono nd: 0.04«/. ac...............................................01.Will Boon* nd; 2 Ьг*1‘ йо...............................................03 Will Booro nd: О.ОО.Лао...............................................00Qladilona nd: l,OU/-ao................................................Loiaaiaditonend: 1.12*Лио............................................LoUQladitoflaHd: 1.2l*/-ac............................................001 Cantar 8|; 0 80*Л acooa Cantar 81: 0,вЭ»Лаа.....................................................003Cantarsi; 000«Лас00 PinaviUa во; 0.В5*/- ae.............................:.....................00 Junctksnnd: t.4S«/ acООО Counlry Un#: 0.в7-*Лао..............................................DOVan/anind: 13.64«/-ao.................................................UO UB Hwy 64 Wall: 0Ж */• 70 acraa...............................14eOtoiyfcT; 0,75*ЛаоlieeiluWalara; 0.77+Лво..................................;..............Ito sull Walara: 0.7в»Лао..................................................Maytiawi I.OUAao.............................................................Cambrktoa Lana: 20»/* ao...................................................WiWernata Way; 13.7t/*ao.................................................'Evananoad: 24*Лао. 330 S. Salisbury St., Mocksville • 336-751-3538 To view aii our current listings visit us at; www.tiowardrealty.com. >337.600esDoo12.05013.760 20.3Б013.760 14.660 1B.B60 1B.OBO10.050 1B.050 1B.950 18,160 19,000 Ж5.0005.000 IB,ООО 1B.OOO 12,500 21,200... . 64,000 ...$ BO.OOO DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 5,2Ü12 -11 Fox Mountain Entertainers Dave McLelland, Doug Prevette, Tom Cioer, Jimmv Paschal and Jack Bailey preform at Drakes. ________ C o u n t y L in e N e w s By Shirley Thorne County Line Correspondent Our County Line community hos been scorcliing hot with record-breaking 100+ tempera­ tures. Plense be sure to stny fully hydrated when outside and check on elderly neigh­ bors and relntives living nlone. Some of us incurred damage from the sudden severe storm with hurricane-force winds that swept through Davie and other northern piedmont areas of our state Fridny night. Although the weather wns hot lnst week, our kids enjoyed vncntion Bible school nt So­ ciety Baptist ond Clnrksbury United Methodist. As you can see from our photos at Society, kids found a way to stny cool, have some fun, nnd enjoy learn­ ing Bible stories. . Society Baptist's "Wild for Wednesdays" for this week of July 4 has been canceled. The next "Wild for Wednesdays" will be on July 18. All chil­ dren nnd youth will meet at the church at 9:30 a.m. and go bowling. For further informn­ tion, plense call Pastor Chil­ dress on 466-0423. The annual Gaither-Tumer fnmily reunion will be held from 10 n.m.-l I p.m. Snturdny, July 7 at Tanglewood Pnrk. All relatives and friends are invited to bring a basket filled with good food and fond memories. Sunday, July 8, the United Methodist Women of Salem will conduct the morning wor­ ship service at 9:30. Church members invite others for this special recognition service. The Salem United Methodist Youth will leave on a summer mission trip Sunday. They will be going to the Hinton Rural Life Center in the mountains of southwestern North Carolina to help those residents in need. The group requests your prayer support while they are away. The United Methodist Wom­ en of Clarksbury will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, July 9 in the fellowship hall. Shirley Lewis will lead a program on mis­ sions. The group invites others. Piney Grove AME Zion Church is hosting n summer feeding program for children ages 2-18 from 11 a.m.-l p.m. Monday-Friday in the fellow­ ship hnll., Children are invited to come and hnve a good nutri­ tious meal. There is no charge. For more informntion, cnll the church on 704-546-2799. The Women on Missions of Society Bnptist will be collect­ ing children's snack food for the next few weeks to be dis­ tributed to families in need via the South Yndkin Food Pnntry. If you wish to donnte some snncks or money to buy snacks, please cnll Mary Jo Lewis on 704-546-7141. Cnlvnry Bnptist is supporting the "Coupons for Soldiers" pro­ gram. If you have coupons you are not using including those that hnve expired, they can be used to help support soldiers. For more information or to do­ nate coupons, please call Edna Simmons on 909-1425. There will be no V-Point Ru­ ritan brenkfnst Saturday, July 7. The club's next brenkfnst will be Saturday, Aug. 4. Upcoming community events include a hotdog nnd ice-crenm dinner fundrniser for World Hunger sponsored by the Women on Missions of Calvary Baptist Sundny, July 15, in the fellowship hall; poor boy's supper fundraiser spon­ sored by the V-Point Ruritans Saturday, July 21, at the V- Point Building; gospel sing­ ing at 6 p.m. Sunday, July 29, at Society Bnptist; nnd Bible school nt Plensnnt View Baptist Snturdny, Aug. 4. Our community sends get- well wishes to Sandy Cline, Betty Lou Richardson, Paul Shew, and Robert Walker. Sandy hns had to return to For­ syth Medicnl Center; he was initially in intensive cnre but is in Whitaker Care of Forsyth Medical Center. Betty Lou wns to hnve dingnostic tests at Da­ vis Regional Medical Center on Monday. Paul has been in Davie County Hospital. Robert had emergency gall bladder sur­ gery at Iredell Memorial Hos­ pital Friday. Octavín ("Tip" or "Tippy") Clement is nt the Knte- B. Reynolds Hospice House in Winston-Snlem and continues to rest and breathe on her own. Brandon Gwaitney continues to wait for his heart to be strong enough for needed surgery. Elaine Whitley is to hnve more diagnostic tests. Crystal Wnller continues to await a kidney transplant. David Call contin­ ues to recuperate nt home from surgery and awaits diagnostic results for further treatment. Lois Harris and Howard Snf­ riet remain in rehab at Autumn Cnre of Mocksville. Join us in prnyer for the Lord's divine iieallng nnd blessings upon these residents and others who nre having henlth problems. Wednesday of this week is the 236th birthday of our nation. County Liners will celebrnte with trips to the mountains or beaches, backyard cookouts, shopping sprees for summer sales, fireworks displays and other activities. Whatever your plans are, here's hoping thnt you and your family have a safe and happy Fourth of July celebration. The cake walk requires attention. Т Я Г -'W Kids enjoy recreation with foam at the Society Baptist Church Vacation Bible school attendees smile as they slide down the Inflatables. Bible school participants cool off with a drink and some air conditioning. Bible lessons are taught In the sanctuary.Children get a little m essy as they play with sidewalk chalk. 12- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 5,2012 J* iS») '•) Obituaries г 'ói Q uUt Shop 137 Jennings Road, Suite A Statesville, NC Monday-Friday 10:00am-4:30pm C l o s i n g S a l e F a b r i c 4 5 % O F F N o t i o n s 3 5 % O F F Q u ilts , Q u i l t T o p s , S e w i n g M a c h i n e s , T a b le s , L o n g A r m S a le EVERYTHING MUST GO! No Credit or Debit Cards Please! V » Ч ^ I» # , Richard Kylc Powell Richard Kyle Powell, 38, of Mocksville, died on Tuesdny, June 26,2012, Bom in Forsyth County on Nov. 27, 1973, he wns the son of Ronnell Mosteller Brodley of Indinn Vnlley, Vn. nnd Dn­ vid Richnrd Powell of High Point. He wns n self-employed snlesmnn. Also surviving: his stepfa­ ther, Michnel Allen Bradley of Indinn Vnlley, Vn.; n brother, Brlnn Dnvid (Dnnette) Powell of Mocksville: nieces, Atlnntn Nicole Powell nnd Jennifer Renee Powell of Mocksville; n step-brother, Dnvid (Abby) Fcntherbny of Mocksville; step-nieces, Emily nnd Lnuren Fcntherbny of Mocksville; nn uncle, Jimmy Lee Powell of Decntur, On.; nn nunt and un­ cle, Nnncy nnd Forrest Fleming of Morgnnton; n cousin, Sonyn Fleming; nnd his best friend nnd compnnion. Hunter. A celebrntion of life service will be held Inter. Memorinis; Humane Soci­ ety of Dnvie, 291 Enton Rond, Mocksville. Online condolences; iviviv. ilavleftmeralservice.com. FARM FRESH PORK GRAIN FEDBEEF Jarry & Cindy Potter (3 3 6 ) 9 9 8 -7 1 7 5 Freida Mae Robbins Freída Mne Myers Robbins, 65, of Center Circle, Mocks­ ville, died on Thursday, June 28,2012, nt her home. Bom in Forsyth County on Mnrch 15, 1947, she wns the dnughter of the Inte Henry My­ ers and Gladys M. Myers, who survives. She wns n driver for YVEDDI nnd wns of the Bnp­ tist faith. Survivors: her husband, Jnmes Dnvid Robbins, whom she mnrried on Jnn. 4, 1969; 4 dnughters, Amnndn Rob­ bins, Tnmicn (Gene) Enkins, Lynn Doby, all of Mocksville, Cnrlene (Glenn) Sidden of Concord; 3 brothers, Chnries (Dinne) Myers of Statesville, Bobby (Sarnh) Myers, Hermnn Myers nnd sister Knthy Myers, nil of Mocksvillc; 18 grandchil­ dren; 10 great-grnndchildren; nnd 2 specini boys, Preston and James Robbins. She was nlso preceded in denth by n dnughter, Angeln Robbins. A celebration of life service wns held Mondny, July 2 nt 7:30 p.m. in the Dnvie Funeral Service Chnpel with the Rev. Chris Contrell officinting. The fnmily received friends one hour prior to the service. Online condolences: u'li’ii’. davicfunerahervice.com. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 13tfi ’fin /iu a l ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ T R f i C T O R & E N G I N E S H O W & P A R A D E Step back in time, relax, eat, and have lots of fam ily fun! I u l y 6 * ^ & 7 % 2 0 1 2 P r e s e n t e d b y t h e P i e d m o n t A n t i q u e P o w e r A s s o c i a t i o n Masonic Picnic Grounds * N. NIain Street • NIoclcsvllle, NC G A T E S O P E N S A M D A IL Y ! Parade through Downtown Mocicsvilie Saturday, July 7 at 10 AM Led by “ Got To B e NC Shopping C art" ★ ★ V r FridayJulyS ★ ★ ★ All Day - Dliplaya of Tracton, Ш & Mils Enginea, &Ibnn Equipment Udiei Pedal PuU fflddie Pedal Race Wheel Banow Race Ladiei Frying Pan Ten CowPattle Bingo (tS.OO entry fee) Tractor Skill Eventi 6:00 p.m. - Bingo (sponsomd by Davie County Senior Services) в:30р.т.- MUSIC-JOcMnXbunbyeand & Broke N Lonesome ★ ★ ★ Saturday, July 7 ★ ★ ★ AU Day - Dliplayi of Tracton, Ш1 & MIm Englnei, & lirm Equipment 9:00 a.m.- Parade Line-up 10:00 B.m. - Parade Starti through Downtown Mockivllie Ш Ь у "Got Ib Be Я С Shopping Cart" mddle Pedal PuU CowPattle Bingo (fS.OO entry fee) Ibed Bucket Race AUCTION of Coniignment & Donated Hems 2;00p.m.- RaffleDrawlngforJMSB/UUsChalmennacfor Items call- 12 Got To Be NG Satunlayl 2012 Feature Tractor ' k ' A i k i k i k ' k i k A N N U A L D R A W IN G 1 s t P r iz e : 1 9 4 9 B A ll is C h a lm e r s or $2,000 2nd Prize: $500 3rd Prize: $250 Food Provided by the Masonic lodge Wagon Rides through Rich Park both days Kiddie Train Rides both days Farm Equipment Demonstrations both days Spaces still available for other than food vendors and to donate co: David Speer 336-68S-9649 or Arthur Bostiok 336-492' www.pledmontantiquepowerasBociation.coin VENDORS • ICE-CREAIVI • GREAT FOOD • FREE ADIMISSION The family of S a l l i e L y o n s B a k e r wishes to express our sincere thnnks to the staff of Davie County Hospitnl, Hospice caregivers, neighbors, friends and familyfor allyour acts ofkinaness during her illness nnd our bereavement. Florence C. Breedlove Florence Conell Breedlove, 90, of Sniisbury died at Genesis Eldercare Tuesday, June 26, 2012. Mrs. Breedlove wns bom July 2, 1921 in Dnvie County the dnughter of the lnte Vennie Sen­ mon Correll nnd Thomns Cor­ rell. She nttended Cooleemee School. She wns a member of Jerusalem Baptist Church nnd worked ns n tencher nnd trniner for Rownn County Vocational Workshop. She worked ns n seamstress and supervisor for Leisure Lnds nnd Eric Anders. She wns preceded in denth by her husband, Willinm Henry Breedlove Sr., in 2000; sons, Willinm Henry Breedlove Jr. in 1972 and Lnrry Breedlove in 2002. Survivors: her daughters, Lindn B. Ritchie of Sniisbury nnd Brendn Brady Bost (Kenn) of Knnnapolis; n son Rick Breedlove (Bonnie) of Rock­ well; brother, Howard Correll of Mocksville; grnndchildren, Mike Brady, Lynn Maurer, Jer­ ry Ritchie, Loretta Hnll, Mike Goodman nnd Jennifer Whhley; nnd 10 great-grnndchildren. Visitation was Fridny, June 29, nt Summersett Funernl Home. The funeral service was nt 11 a.m. Friday nt Summersett Memorinl Chnpel conducted by the Rev. Jimmy Lancaster with burinl following nt Rowan Me­ morial Park. Memorials: Jerusalem Bap­ tist Quilt Fund or Card Min­ istry, 495 Pleasant Acre Dr., Mocksville. Online condolences: .snmmerseuftmerallumw.com. |i AlilTÒMÀTÌc'TGAR VUA&H m , ^ W A S H E S O O RANDYMILLER &SONS SEPTIC TANK SERVICE 295 Mllltr Road •Mocksvlile (3 3 6 ) 2 8 4 -2 8 2 6 > Ws Pump Septic Tanks state Certllled Inspector Skid Steer Work Ttencher Work Hauling Sepllc Svstems LoeV^ork pTouchless 01 I Brush Wash ^ M o c k s v i l l e , A O T O P r i d e C a r W a s h * OPEN 24 HOURSI ★ N. Yadkinville Rd. Mocksville (across from Lowes Home ImprovemenI) ?lQ .^Q lS BlQ uG ri We buy .small & large Iructs of timber.Al.so nrcwood for snle. Please call forFREE ESTIMATE low RATES!!! Tri-axle Dum p Trucks For H ire Wi; Si-ll C avk SiMul, I'icUl I )irl, ( lr;ivcl, MuK Il iV; l'in.-\V()(itl. 4S0 ClMsweake Dr. • SaltburyЛешлШЛ UcMMifttanrM 7М .Щ Л т W h itn e e 's N e w & u s e d V a r ie t y s t o r é 998Y adkinville Rd., M ocksville (Acrou fivm farm Bureau Insurance) llOOK POR OUR SnCMU, NIW • USID.FURNIIURÉ, r . NIW, CUITOM fWADI MAnRIIS SITS 1 aURTINO Af 1190.00 A MUCH MORI» HcpUI«:№n.Noon-5:Mpm;|ios.l0;00am.5;00pm;VVed,Closed;Thurs. Noon-6;OOpm: Fri. IO:Mam-5:OOpm; Every Other Sat. 9.-30am-2'30pm (S S 6 ) 7 S 1 - 1 3 8 8 Sell it quickly wilh il Diivie/C’kMninoiis classific'd ad i-877-751-2120 Vncntion Bible School will be held nt Greater Mount Morinh Missionary Bnptist Church Monciny-Fridny, July 9-13, from 6-8 nightly. The theme is "Put on the Whole Armor of God". There will be cinsses for nil ages nlong with plenty of food, fun, and games. Everyone is invited, Cornerstone Breakfast Saturday A community breakfast at Cornerstone Christinn Church, 1585 NC 801 N., hosted by the SonShine Girls, will be held Saturday, July 7 from 7-10 a.m. All-you-can cat prices: $6 ndults, $3 chil­ dren 6-12, free under 6. Also nvnilnbie nre tenderloin biscuits nt $2 ench nnd snusnge biscuits nt$l ench. E a t o n s B a p t i s t T o C e l e b r a t e N a t i o n ’s B i r t h d a y O n J u l y 8 Entons Baptist Church will celebrnte the nntion’s birthdny Sun­ dny, July 8 nt 10:30 n.m. under the trees on the front Inwn of the church nt 430 Entons Church Road, Mocksville. The Fox Mountain Entertniners, n locnl bluegrnss/gospel band, will provide the music. The Lord’s Supper will be received, and n flng will be presented to the church. Hnmburgers and hotdogs will be served in the fellowship hall following the service. Everyone is welcome. GMMMBC Plans Bible School DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, I liursday, ,/uly b, ¿UU - 1 j The Advance Community Building in 1912-1913. A d v a n c e N e w s Dy Edith Zimmerman Advance Correspondent Jim Jones hns renlized his drenm to repnir the bell thnt used to hnng ntop the Advance Community Building (pnst Advance Academy) back in the dnys when it wns a school. Following the Advnnce United Methodist Church worship on Sundny, July 1 the congregn­ tion wns invited to join Jim for the ringing of the bell ns we cel­ ebrate the birth of our country, the freedoms we enjoy, nnd tlie history in our community. This old building still stnnds (minus the steeple) nnd is used ns n Dny Cnre Center. The bell is housed in n separate compartment on the north side of the building. Advnnce First Baptist Church sponsored n commu­ nity Freedom Celebrntion on Fridny night, June 29 to thnnk God for our veternns nnd our freedom, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the church parking lot. It wns elnborntely decorated with red, white nnd blue colors, blend­ ed with the picnic tnbles, nnd speakers stand. Food was pro­ vided, with n donntion going to resenrch. Gospel music wns by the Risen Son group. The cel­ ebrntion wns well nttended by the community. Brenda Zimmerman and her sister Jnnie., Hendrix enjoyed meeting with Brenda’s former college room-mnte Tommy Lee McNulty (Appalachian Stnte University) Snturdny for lunch nt the Cracker Bnrrell in Clemmons. Brendn had not- seen Tommy Lee in more than 30 years. Charles Allen Hauser nnd ; wife Martha of Lake Normnn visited Annn Lee Myers lnst Thursday. Kim Collette Hnll nnd sons Henry and Robert Hall of Win- ston-Snlcm were Snturdny visi­ tors of her nunt, Edith Zimmer­ mnn. They especlnlly enjoyed visiting the old J.E.B. Shutt homeplace, Kim’s grent-great- grandfather’s home. You are always welcome at First United Methodist Church 310 North Main Street Historic Downtown Mocksville Contem porary W orship 8:45 a.m. Traditional Worship 10:55 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 9:50 a.m. www.firstunicniocksvillc.org Telephone: 751-2503 F a r m s W o o d le a f. N C HOMtfiROWH ____________liO C ttF E M !H E & smiETCom 1»Ш1ВЕН1& ШииШЯРГРРЯИк « и т ш с м м с и ] | ю с ш с и о и м в о 1 & б н « р т $ ш / а т ш т ш я ш т Cantaloupe & Other Pnxiuce as they become available. Open: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m.-5;00 p.m.; Closed Sunday From IVIocksville, take US 601 south to NC 801 Intersection, turn right at light: 4 miles Into Rowan.Counly lo caullon light ш т т » In Woodleaf. Follow signs to Wetmore Farms. This message brought to you by these local businesses who encourage you to worship at the church of your choice. с Ж ^ AUTO PARTS MGCKSVILIE AUTOMOTIVE 884 S. Main SI. Mocksville, NC 27028 I 336-751-2944 ¡ F O S T E R D R U G C O M P A N Y 495 Válley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2141 Prescripiion Call In: 336-753-ORUG HAYWORTH-MILLER rUNI:'RAL IKDME 108 I;a-st KintlortonWa)' Advjncc, NC 27Ü06 3 3 6 .9 4 0 .S 5 S 5 u \v\v.ha\ svdi lli niilU'i'.i (Il Put This Space To Work For You Call 751-2120 GENTLEMACHINE &TOOLINC. 2716 Hwy. 601 N Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5055 Put This Space ToWorl( For You Call 751-2120 JERRY'S MEAT PROCESSING We Custom Moat Process Beef - Pork - Deer 30 years experience 892 nalph Rallodge Rd ■ Mocksvlllo 336-492-5496......... F U LLE R K tte i Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Fabrication 980 Salisbury Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-3712 Put This Space To Work For You Call 751-2120 DAVIE LUIVIBER & LOGGING 137 Crabtree Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9144 Put This Space To Work For You Call 751-2120 Put This Space To Work For You Call 751-2120 i MUTUMNCARE OF MOCKSVILLE 1007 Howard St. Mocksvlile 751-3535 Put This Space To Work For You Call 751-2120 Put This Space To Work For You Call 751-2120 JOE’S TOW 24 Hours Roadilde Rollback Service Small, Medium & Heavy Duty Towing Josoph Crotts, Owner \ 336-998-2693 • Office ^ 336-940-72S6-Mobile j SSPalletOne APALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksviiie, NC 27028 336-492-5565 EATON FUNERAL HOME 325 Norlli Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Call 751-2129 то Advertise Your Business on the Church Page Proud Of Old Glory Farmington Ruritans Show Tfieir Patriotism The Farmington Ruritan Club has placed American flags along a section of Farm­ ington Road to recognize and show members’ appreciation o f men and women in m ili­ tary service, as well as those who served in the past, ‘‘We would like to encour­ age other community and civ­ ic organizations in the county to join us in this project, as well as individual homeown­ ers,” said John Caudle. “This is only one of the many ways that we can show our appre­ ciation for this great land wc live in and the freedoms we enjoy daily.” The club places 52 flags along the road, usually dis- Farmington Ruritan members Frank Payne, John Cau- playing them for seven to 10 die and Jam es Latham place an American flag along dnys. Farmington Road. 14 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July S, 2012 Anna Beauchamp Named DBWA Woman Of Year Anna Beauchamp is the 2011-12 Davie Busi­ ness Women’s Association (DBWA) Woman of the Year. The award is based on nn in­ dividual’s community service, leadership, business practices and personal character. As evidenced by their votes, DBWA members know that Beauchamp excels in all areas. A Davie resident, Beau­ champ is part of the Farming­ ton community. She serves ns secretary for the Farmington Community Association board which manages the Farming­ ton Community Center nnd fu­ ture park. She has also plnnned fundraising events for the cen­ ter, including three years of the Farmington Expo. Beauchamp volunteers hun­ dreds of hour each yenr raising money and awareness for ALS. She started a locnl ALS wnik team, chaired the Winston-Sn- lem area walk for the past three years, and volunteers with the ALS clinic at Wnke For­ est Baptist Health. Since her brother was diagnosed with (related) PLS in 2008, she has Anna Beauchamp been a passionate and relent­ less advocate for finding a cure for the diseases. She is a Girl Scout leader and just finished three years of service as the service unit manager for the Oirl Scouts of Davie County. Beauchamp launched her own business in 2002 while working as a business analyst and project manager. She is an independent Mnry Kay consul­ tant. Her desire to help others and support worthy causes has lead her into the business of events planning for fundrais­ ers. Beauchamp is the president of DBWA and has served as programs and publicity chair. The Davie Business Wom­ en’s Association is a group of professional women who come together, to help them­ selves and others grow person­ ally and professionally through networking, support, and ca­ maraderie. DBWA meets the first Wednesday of each month (except July) at noon at Sun­ Trust Bank, 880 Yadkinville Road, Mocksville. Visit DBWA’s Facebook page or \vww.DBWA.org for more information. P e n n i n g t o n R e u n i o n J u l y 9 A reunion for employees of Pennington Chevrolet Co. will be held July 9 nt 5:30 p.m. at Deano’s Bar-B-Que in Mocks­ ville. Former employees and guests are invited to enjoy the evening with former co-work­ ers and to bring photos and other memorabilia. W H A T A R E Y O U W A I T I N G F O R ? JOIN US IN THE CONFERENCE CENTER, ROOM 110, ON OUR DAVIDSON CAMPUS FOR A PRE-ENROLLMENT SESSION ' THURSDAY, JULY 12 AT 2 P.M. RSVP AT WWW.DAVIDSONCCC.EDU/ADMISSIONS Learn about the DCCC application process, applying for and using financial aid, m aking plans to becom e a college student, and how easy It is fo r you to get on the path to success, RSVP fo ra chance to win $10 0 o ff your bookstore purchase w ith enrollm ent! Asia is ju m p -s ta rtin g her fu tu re w ith an A sso cia te o f A rts degree a t DCCC. A fte r co m p le tin g one m ore year o f classes, th e 2 0 1 0 g ra d u a te o f D avie C ounty High S chool p la n s to tra n s fe r h er cre d its to th e N.C. S chool o f th e A rts in W in sto n -S a le m and co n tin u e prep a rin g fo r a p ro fe ssio n a l a ctin g and sin g in g career. "I really like th a t I can ta ke all m y cla sse s on th e D avie C am pus in M ocksville ,” Asia said. It e n a bles her to use co m p u te r-so ftw a re and o ffice -m a n a g e m e n t skills she learned a t DCCC in a p a rt-tim e jo b a t th e D avie E ducation C enter in Advance. "I really fe e l like I am p a rt o f th e b ig DCCC fam ily. I w ould d e fin ite ly recom m end th e college to oth ers. It’s g re a t!" You d o n ’t have to w a it either. W e’re ea g er to help you ge t your e xcitin g fu tu re s ta rte d today. W e’re c o n fid e n t w e have th e rig h t program to ge t you w here you w a n t to go. Just a sk Asia IVIoore. S he’ll te ll you if she can do it, so can you. Sports DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July S, 2012 - 01 W e ’ r e N o . 1 L e g i o n E n d s T i t l e D r o u g h t By Brian Pills Davie Enterprise Rccord After seeing what the Mocksvillc Legion baseball learn did at Statesville on June 27, the question is this; What does it take for Mocksville to lose a game? "I^se” is simply not in Mocks­ ville’s vocabulary, even when faced with a 10-1 deficit. Post 54 seemed destined to lose for the first time in nine games, yet it rallied for a 12-10 win that clinched first place in the Southern Division with a game to play in the regular feason.. _ ____________________________________________________________________________ Mocksville improved to 18-6 and Brandon W ilson gets a standing ovation and a hug from Coach Todd Bumgarner after he leaves the mound; his final game before Please See No. 1 - Page BS leaving for the Navy. - Photos by James Barringer 1 0 S t r a i g h t F o r P o s t 5 4 Ross Heffner lays down a bunt for Mocksville Legion Post 54. By Brian Pitls Dnvie Enterprise Rccord . Mocksvillc and Kannapolis led the Southern Division race pretty much the entire way, and the leaders collided on June 28 in the final regular-season game for both teams. For the longest time, il seemed destined to be a winner-take-ail show- -down.,.But Mocksville threw a monkey wrench in Kannapolis’ hopes of seizing Iho No. 1 seed when Post 54 overcame n 10-1 deficit at Statesville Ihe night before. The 12-10 win wrapped up first place for Mocksville. So Ihe game at Kannapolis was nothing more than a coronation for Mocksville, which finished first for the first time in 19 years. The game meant nothing for Kan­ napolis, either, because it had runner-up wrapped up. As expected, there were a bunch of runs as neither tenm used Ihejr top pitchers. The only thing on the line was Mocksville’s winning strenk, and it grew a Ihtle more with a 13-10 win in which Mocksville never trailed. It’s been an unforgettable season. • The lOth straight win lifted Mocks­ ville lo 19-6 and 16-2 in the division, three games ahead of Kannapolis. • It has the longest winning streak in five years. It reeled off 10 straight in 2007. • It flnished with the most SD wins in 19 years, when Dale Ijames’ 1993 crew went'21-6 in; tha.-lrague^Back^ then the teams played each other three .i times. • It has the most wins in five years. • And Mocksville extended a six- game winning streak lo 10 without the services of .390 hitler and top-shelf pitcher Corey Randall, who was out of town. "I think they compete no matter what’s at stoke,” said assistant coach Todd Bumgamer, who steered the ship while coach Charles Kurfees served a one-game suspension for getting ejected at Statesville. “I haven’t seen a lot of difference in them in a game that really meant something and a game that didn’t mean anything. What’s unusual is having the top two teams playing on Please See 10 - Page B5 N a v y B o u n d W i l s o n G o e s O u t W i t h A B a n g Brandon W ilson gives it his best In his final game. ‘h . By Brian Pills Davie Enterprise Record In the June 26 home game against South Rowan, Mocksville’s Brandon Wilson pitched like there’s no tomor­ row. There’s a good reason why he left everything on Ihe field in a 14-4, eight-inning win. For him Ihere was no tomorrow in regard lo his baseball career. Wilson was wearing a baseball uni- , form for the final lime, one dny before joining the Navy. The way Wilson went out was absolutely tremendous. He gave up five hits in seven innings and struck out eight as Mocksville picked up ils eighth straight win lo improve to 17-6 and 14-2 in Ihe Southern Division, ll gave Post 54 a two-game lead over Kannapolis (12-4) wilh two lo go. “He’s pitched well for us and I hale to lose him,” coach Charies Kurfees said. “ But we've got to honor his commitment lo serve the United States Navy.” South never hnd h chance. Wilson threw nothing but strikes in the first inning. At one point he fanned Ihree in a row and four of five. He set down nine strnight in Ihe fourth, fifth and sixth. “ He did what he always does,” pitching coach Todd Bumgamer said. “ He threw three pitches for strikes all night long. (Scorekeeper) Will Smith said one time; ‘It wouldn’t be bad for Bran;lon to mix in a ball every once in awhile.’” The performance was a continuation from Wilson’s previous start in a 7-2 win over Stanly County. He finished wilh a 3-0 record, two saves and a 3.26 ERA. Riding Ihe emotion of knowing he was nearing Ihe end of the baseball road, he gave up eight hits and four earned runs over 16 innings in his last two starts. Kurfees sent Wilson out for the eighth. After a leadoff single, the coach pulled Wilson to a standing ovation. “They got n hit and he started walk­ ing lo the dugout,” Kurfees said. “ I called time and tuid; ‘Come on back out here to the mound. You’ve got lo enjoy this, moment n little bit.’” South’s 1-0 lend after the top of the first was short-lived. Karch Arey sparked a four-run first for Mocksville that included a two-run double by Will Beeson. A 5-1 lead was stretched to 12-1 in Ihe sixth ns Mocksville got RBI singles from Connor Bodenhamer, Jacob Walker and Ben Temple. Kirklin Bowles followed wilh a two-run hit. Arey’s RBI single in Ihe eighth pro­ duced Ihe mercy-rule margin. When Beeson relieved-Wilson in the eighth, he was making his first pitching appearance in 21 games and just his second of the season. The rust was not evident as he worked n hitless inning and kept his ERA at 0.00 through four innings. The phching workloads for Beeson, Matt M iller and Josh Fnircloth w ill increase now that Wilson is gone. “I know we might have one of those nights when 1 have to say: ‘Beeson, lake the catching gear off. You’re coming to the mound,” ’ Kurfees said. “ It’s coming,” Bumgamer added. “ Beeson is now one of the most valu­ able members of our team. W ill can pilch, man. He just hasn’t gotten to do it a lot.” The key contributors offensively were Arey (2-5, two RBIs, double), Temple (2-5), Beeson (1-3, two RBIs) and Bowles (2-5, two RBIs). This game was another bright mo­ ment for Bowles, who got two hits in Please See Wilson- Page B4 ■ i B2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 5,2012 f . V ' i 1-i ‘ ''' <м 4Ì' ‘‘ ■'"‘ ''л ? f ■‘¿Щ ; 4 l l l É l i » Ì Ì ^ * I S É S t e é ^ : W ! Coach Dan Tricarlco shows a camper how to bunt. Bobby Byerly hands out awards as youngsters in the Tri-Cats baseball camp sit on the hill at Rich Park. Happy campers Carter Helton and Thomas Essie. Corey Gordy Earns Leadership Grant Braddocl< Coleman. Camp volunteer Tommy Boyette stands with some of the players. Corey Gordy from Dnvie Higii School lias won n Nntion- ¡il Leadership Grant sponsored by NCSA Athletic Recruiting MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUMMER IS HERE! Bobcat, aerator, core plugger & more for rent today! H w y 6 0 1 S , _ _ J Mocksville (3361 751-2304 and the NFLPA. The award is given to a se­ lect number of student athletes throughout the country in all sports from footbnll to traci;. The grant is nwnrded to student athletes who qualify based on leadership in their community, ncademic achievement, athlet­ ics and a required essny written by the student nthiete. NCSA will woric with Gordy nnd his fnmily throughout his high school career and assist him to find a collegiate insti­ tution thnt best matches his ncndemic and athletic achieve­ ments. Fresh, home-style food Made from scratch Salads - M eats - Vegetables - Breads - Desserts Convenient Drive-Thru Heart-liealtliy options Great Prices - Friendly Service 6300 Amp Road (behM Ounkln Donuts) Lewlsvllle-Clemmons Road Exit off 1-40 Near New WF MEDICAL PLAZA-Clemmons Phone; 778-0112 - www.kwcafeterlas.com FREE DESSERT With purchase of an Adult meal TRY USl - Bring this coupon Offer good at Clemmons location only Expires 7/31/12 Little League All-Stars f '■'N Camp award winners, from left; front - Colby Moore, Reece Yount, Trot Byerly, Braddocl< Coleman, Luke Still­ son, Jackson Sink and Daniel Reichard; back - Kendall Burton, Wesley Sink, Austin Hunt, Corey Wiles and Ben Southern. The Davie County Little League 11 -,2 All Stars include, 1гогл left: front - Nate Essick, Clay Summers, Daniel King, Austin Brister, Jared Cox; row 2 - Sam Heafner, Lane Bolmer, Grayson Keaton, Luke Bolmer: row 3 - Assistant Tim King, Ben Summers, JJ Hayes and Manager Tim Essick. I ’« 4 Whitaker 4 For 4 In Win For Jr. Legion Thanl<s lo the starting pitch­ ing of Colby Cranfill and the hitting of Austin Whitaker and Dustin White, the Mocksville Junior Legion bnseball team picked up one of its most im­ pressive wins, benting Cnrson 13-10 at home lnst week. IVIocksville hns been up nnd down nil .senson, but give conch Aaron Hollifield’s club credit for getting back up time and agnin. Mocksville was 5-9 nfter a five-game losing strenk. After thnt, it won four of six and three of four. After taking the season series from Carson, it had a 9-11 record. Hollifield was elated to knock off a 15-7 squad. Mocksvillc won the first meeting 9-3, but Carson won the sccond matchup 6-2. “Offensively this was one of our best performances,” he snid. “I definitely cnn sec the improvement the team has mnde from Ihe beginning of itie year to now. It’s good thnt we’re inclin­ ing rather thnn declining. Thnt’s all you can nsk ns a bnliciub that we’re improved steadily throughout the yenr. Now we’re seeing tlie results of Ihe work thnt’s been put in,” With n chuckle, H o lli- fieid ndded: “ It’s been n lot of swent and a lot of hollering out there.” Mocksville never trailed, leading by scores of 3-0, 3-2, 8-2,8-4,8-7, 13-7 and tiie final margin of 13-10. With a score like that, you might not think there was much pitching to speak of. But that wasn’t the case ns Crnnfill pitched five effective innings nnd exited wilh an 8-4 lead. “ Cranfill threw five good innings,” Hollifield inid, “ And that's a good bnliciub. Both teams Imd beaten the other once, so it was good to win this one to win the (senson series).” Paul Davenport recorded the final six outs. Carson wnlched nn 8-7 defi­ cit bnlloon to 13-7 in Iho sixth. The five-run uprising fentured six hits, including Colton Or- reir.s leadoff single. White nnd Nathan Hownrd followed wilh singles before Cnrson intenlion- nlly wnlked Jose Carrillo. The strategy failed as Whitaker, Ryan Heath nnd Gnrrelt Byerly hnd hits to extend the rally. No one stood taller thnn Whitaker, who went 4 for 4 with n double. “ I think he wns hnppy lhat he finnlly cnme into his own iiere nt the end,” Hollifield said. “ He hit like he knows he can. I knew ■ when we got him at the begin­ ning of the year that he was a hiller. He hnd been up and down, but he was definitely stroking il this game.” While was right behind Whi­ taker at 3 for 4. Hollifield heaped praise on both for pulling in extrn work in the cage. “They had been showing up to tlie park early and hitting in the cage,” lie said. “They’ve been putting in extra time throilghout the year, and it definitely paid off in this game.They’ll show up at the field in the middle of the day. If we’re meeting at the field at 4:30, tliey'Il show up at 3:30 or 4 o'clock to get some extrn cuts in. Il pays off.” , A story on the final three gnmes of Ihe season w ill be published next week. UAVlb LOUIN1 If blN 1 bKl'KlM!, KbCUKU, 1 iluisuuy, jui^ j, Garrett Byerly makes the tag at second for an out for the Mocksville Jr. Legion baseball team.- Photos by Jam es Barringer Colton Orrell slides into home. N d Ryan Heath takes a swing for Mocksville Caleb Wallace lays down a bunt. Third baseman Luke Martin gets an out for Mocksville. Assistant Coach Daniel Hollifield congratulates Colton Orrell. Umpire Marion Pitts is in the background. Dustin White slides into second against West Iredell. Luke Martin, Assistant Coach Daniel Hollifield and (bolton Correll enjoy the day. Luke Martin hugs Colby Cranfill after Cranfill’s game ending throw for an out. Nathan Howard takes the throw for an out at second base. 'I, В4 - DÄVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July S, 2012 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 5,2012 - И5 Connor Bodenhamer takes a throw on a pIck-off attempt at first base for the Mocksville Legion baseball team.- Photos by J e Jacob Walker applies the tag for an out al third base for Mocksville. Connor Bodenhamer gets beaned In the back. Navy representative Marcus Steed stands with Bran­ don Wilson, who left for the Navy a day after pitching Mocksville to a win. W i l s o n . . . Continued From Page IU in the same inning forthe second time this season. They cnme in the seven-run sixth. Bowles hns n 10-gnme hitting strenk nnd .363 nvernBC. Thnt’s incredible for n guy who spent the first chunk of the senson in n backup role. “Bowles hns been vnlunble,” Bumgnmer said. “When he cnught thnt ball in center, did you notice how quick he got it in?” Kurfees said. “His nrm strength,is good." Notes: Kurfees gnve defen­ sive credit to third baseman Nick Collins and shortstop Temple. ... Mocksville beat South for the second strnight night. The first one wns 10-7. ... Top hit­ ter Corey Randnll missed both South gnmes. ... South plum­ meted to 4-18,2-15. Mocksvillc 14, S. Rowan 4 Mock nil r II rhl lib Aroy 5 Ddnhmcr 4 3 к Ai. Л í ííj , . > 4 '*^ ‘Л*и V- > '^■4,. Kirklin Bow[es takes a swing for Mocksville. ÍÉ ÍÍÍ Will Beeson gets some extension on this swing. s. Rownn too ООО 30-4 Mocksville 401 007 02-14 2D - Beeson,Arey.SB -ColIlns.Temple, HPB - Hoffner.Collins, Beeson.Boden- Immer. Win - Wilson. Mock IFHRERDB'SO Wilson 7 5 4 4 3 8 Beeson 1 0 0 0 1 0 Nick Collins (9) congratulates Connor Bodenhamer after a score. Will Beeson pitches strong in relief. J > A Mocksville Legion player takes a big swing in a recent game L e g i o n G e t s 5 R B I B o o s t F r o m C o l l i n s By Brian Pitts Dnvie Enterprise Record Nick Collins had fnded into thc Senior Legion bnsebnll wil­ derness. He appeared in the first seven games of the season, but then didn’t see the field for 12 of 14 games. He had snt six straight before Mocksville’s game at South Rownn on June 25. Collins got n shot to play at South. What did he do with his opportunity? He morphed into a star, singling, doubling nnd driving in five runs to pick up the slnck for two missing stnl- wnrts (Ryan Foster and Corey Randnll). Collins hnd half the RBIs ns Mocksville held on for a JO-7 win after building a 10-0 lend. Mocksville’s seventh strnight win lifted it to 16-6 overall and 13-2 in the Southern Division, it stayed nhend of second-place N o . 1 . . . Continued From Page B1 15-2 in thc division, taking nn insurmountable lead over sec­ ond-place Kannapolis (13-4). Mocksville ended n long title drought, claiming first for the first time since 1993. Its quest for first was much like taking out concrete. It hnd to settle for sec­ ond in 2003,2004,2005,2007 and 2011. But it kept banging and banging and banging until it got a little crack. And then all of a sudden, the concrete fell away and Mocksville pushed its wny through. It’s the fifth SD title in Mocksville’s 31-yenr history. Dnte Ijnmes guided Mocksville to the other four in 1989,1991, 1992 and 1993. "We just won the Southern Division,” third-year coach Charles Kurfees said with a mix­ ture of joy and relief. “Outright. No tiebreakers. We just won it. Now we've got to back it up (in the playoffs). You’ve got three seasons - preseason, regular season and playoffs - and now we've got to start over. If we win that first series, these kids nre going to get jacked up,” Kurfees wasn’t around to see Mocksville clinch - nt least not from close range. He was ejected in the top of the second, his flrst heave-ho as the Senior Legion skipper. The ejection cost him to a one-game suspension. “I saw it from the pnrking lot,” he said. “I didn’t relny nny signs. Bum (assistant coach Todd Bumgnmer) was in charge. “Sometimes that's baseball. Back when I played Legion ball, there was somebody getting thrown out every night. Back then you didn’t have to sit out Kannapolis (12-4). Mocksvillc pushed a 1-0 lend to 2-0 in the fourth ns Col­ lins contributed a run-scoring single. He was just getting started. With the score 3-0 in the fifth, the bases were loaded for Col­ lins, who pulled a bases-clearing double down the left-field line. Collins got his fifth RBI in the sixth, when Mocksville’s lead swelled from 6-0 to lO-O. Collins was 3 for 17 before becoming n rousing success in his return to the lineup. He started at third base bccause coach Chnries Kurfees hnd to adjust for the pending nbsence of Jacob Walker, who will miss part of the first-round series against Concord. Kirklin Bowles will also miss some of the first round. “(Assistant coach Todd Bum­ garner) said he was hitting Col­ lins ground balls during bntting prnctice nnd he looked like (Major League Hnll of Famer) Mike Schmidt,” Kurfees said. “He’s played every position out there but shortstop.” For six innings, Mocksville dominated like it wns supposed to against an opponent in dire straits (South fell to 4-17,2-14). South couldn’t do anything against starter Matt Miller, who had his own big impact in a return to the lineup. Making his first mound ap­ pearance in six games and his first start in 11 games. Miller carried a shutout into the sev­ enth . But South refused to throw in the towel, scoring five runs in the seventh to cut Mocksville’s lead in half. Miller, who started for the first time since going all nine in a 5-3 win at Wilkes, went on to get the win, allowing three n game unless you really did something.” Mocksville experienced a lackluster start. Not only was Kurfees thumped, Statesville was hitting homers right and left and leading by scores of 7-0 nnd 10-1. On top of all that, Ryan Foster had to lenve early after getting hit by a pitch in the shin. Statesville swatted a three- run homer in the first, a two-run shot in the second and a solo blast in the fourth. Foster wns beaned in his first at-bat by hard- throwing Colby Dishmond. “I thought he broke it,” as­ sistant coach Dan Lawlor said. "(Dishmond) hit him squnre in Ihe shin.” "Bum said his shin bone might be broke, nnd I nbout got sick on the field,” Kurfees said. “I snid; ‘I don’t want to hear that.’” “(Foster's) hobbled up and we're getting the crap beat out of us,” Bumgarner said. Indeed, things looked bleak with Dishmond on the mound. He struck out eight and walked one in five innings. "He’s legit,” Kurfees said. "He's up there with (Moores­ viiie Post 66’s Hunter) Harvey (in velocity). He’s good.” But Dishmond’s exit and the emergence of Statesville’s bullpen changed everything. Mocksville made it 10-3 before getting within 10-7 in the sev­ enth.Two errors and three walks aided the comeback, Mocksville completed the minor miracle in the eighth, scoring three to tie the game at 10. After Ben Temple singled and Will Beeson walked, Nick Collins reached on an error in which the second baseman threw the ball over the shortstop and into left field, Brice Merritt and Karch Arey threw gas on the Statesville fire with consecutive RBI singles. Post 54 scored its lOth and llth unanswered runs in the ninth. Ross Hoffner was hit by a two-strike pitch, AfterTemplc moved him with a bunt nnd Beeson singled, ColUns’ two- run knock provided the 12-10 lead. “They tried to get by with a 10-l lead and their (three) relievers struggled to throw strikes,” Bumgarner said. “We worked (Dishmond) enough in the flrst five innings lo get him out of there, and their bullpen couldn’t hold a nine-run lend.” “Winning is contagious,” . Kurfees said. Michael Bnll, who came in 4-0, was roughed up in a three- inning stint. He’d been so good for so long that you had started to take him for granted like run­ ning water and electricity. He had gone 8, 6 1/3, 6 and 7 in­ nings in his other division starts, but he showed that everyone can have an off night. Reliever Josh Faircloth couldn’t stop the bleeding. But Mocksville got another boost from Collins, TWo games earlier, he was an unexpected star with the bat. He was even better this time, piling up four RBIs and pitching fouroutstand- ing innings (one hit, no runs). Collins' pitching effort was all the more impressive when you consider he had worked just 8 2/3 innings coming in and it was his first mound appear- enmed runs in 7 1/3 and evening his record at 2-2. Reliever Josh Fnircloth wns also a mnjor part of this win. With the score 10-5 and the bases loaded with one out in thc eighth. Miller brought n fenrless attitude as he replaced Miller. ‘‘I told him: 'It’s bases loaded, one out,”' Bumgarner said. "He said:‘That’s what I like,’” In that eighth, Faircloth gave up a sac fly but nothing else. After getting the first two batters in the ninth. South managed to lond them again. With the go- ahead run at the plate, Faircloth induced a bouncer to short to secure his second save. “Well,that’s just Legion base­ ball,” Kurfees said of South's rally to make things interesting. “We were real close to getting out of here in seven innings, blit we lost some focus. Then, boom, it’s a ballgame,” ance in nine games. Entering the game with the score 10-1, he dropped his ERA from 3,11 to 2,31, After giving up a leadoff single in the ninth, Collins got the No, 8 batter to pop up before striking out the next two, “The story of the game was Collins," Bumgarner said, “He kept us in the game. He's com­ peted the past three games like he can. We went with Collins bccause we had confidence in him to hold them down nnd al­ low us to come back. He put the brakes on.” Aroy has hnd a lot of good games for Davie and Mocks­ ville, but this was his signature gnme. The Icndoff man went 5 for 6 after striking out in his flrst at-bat. He's 9 for 17 in the past Mocksville's offense clicked very well, with six different guys recording multiple hits. Besides Collins’ two-hit, five-RBI per­ formance, there was Karch Arey (2 for 6), Connor Bodenhamer (2-4, two hit by pitches), Walker (1-4, two walks as the DH), Ben Temple (2-4, two RBIs). Will Beeson (3-4, two doubles, two RBIs) and Bowles (2-5). "It's not like we were kicking it around,” South conch Michael Lowman told the Salisbury Post, “They were just hitting it,” Bowles continued to pound the ball at an astonishing pace. His ninth straight game with a hit raised his average to .358, which trails only the .390 of Randall. And Bowles literally ran from thc parking lot to the field, his availability uncertain until mere minutes before the National Anthem. "How about Bowles," three to hike his average to .361. It's the first five-hit performance in - get this -101 gomes. Carlos Bautista was 5 for 6 in a 20-15 win at Kannapolis in 2009. "He's a tough out at the top of that lineup. I'll tell you that,” Bumgarner said. "He’s got that perfect inside- out swing,” Lawlor said. Connor Bodenhnmer (2-6, two RBIs, double). Temple (2- 5) nnd Merritt (2-4, two wnlks) helped Mocksville nmnss 14 hits nnd win despite two runners get­ ting thrown out nt home. Notes: Bodenhamer notched his 12th double, the most in nine years. David Perkins hnd 12 in ‘03. ... After crncking double figures just twice in tho first 15 gnmes, Mocksville scored dou­ ble figures for the third strnight 1 0 . . . M o c k s y i l l e B a s e b a l l S t a t s Record: 19-6,16-2 SD ContinnGd From Page B1 the lnst night of the (regular season) nnd It didn’t mean anything.” Mocksville's arms were looking forward to throwing . to all-world Corey Seager, but tho 18th overall pick in the Major League Draft was on a flight to Los Angeles. The 6-4, 205-pound shortstop who engi­ neered Kannapolis' 4-3 win at Rich Park by singling, homcring and knocking in three runs has played his flnal Legion game. He was drafted June 3 and stuck around nearly a month. "He flew to Los Angeles to­ day to get his physical,” Kurfees said, “With the new rule in the draft, you have to be signed by July 17, and he got whatever the slot money was. Somebody said it was 2,3 (million)," Mocksville didn’t waste time jumping on top, scoring four in the top of the flrst on two singles and two doubles, A five-run fourth that featured a double. AVG.AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI BB SB Karch Arey ,348 89 23 31 7 0 0 15 19 4 M o ck sv ille L eg io n Michael Ball ,000 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 B aseb all S ch ed u leWill Beeson ,250 80 18 20 8 0 0 16 15 O'(19-6,16-2 division) Connor Bodenhamer ,355 104 35 37 14 0 4 28 24 2 L 12-6 vs. Rnndolph Co. Kirklin Bowles ,307 52 8 16 1 0 0 11 7 I W 6-3 nt High Point Nick Collins .250 36 6 9 1 0 0 13 5 4 W 6-5 nl Rnndolph Co. Josh Faircloth ,125 8 ' 2 1 0 0 0 0 I 0 L 8-2 vs. Cnidwell County Ryan Foster Rhett Hellard Ross Hoffner ,293 92 16 27 8 0 0 19 7 0 W 14-3 nt Mooresviiie Legends ,250 ,204 4 ' 49 0 5 I 10 0 I 0 0 , 0 0 'o 7 0 8 O' 0 W 3-2 Lexington L 9-2 nt Mooresviiie 66 W 9-5 nt Rownn Co.Elijah Jones ,142 7 2 1 0 0 0 0 I 0 W 11-3 vs. Concord Brice Merritt ,226 75 18 17 3 0 0 8 28 4 L 18-8 vs. High Point Matt Miller ,000 12 1 0 0 0 0 I 7 1 W 5-3 nt Wilkes County Corey Randall ,390 82 20 32 10 I 2 18 6 6 W 4-3 vs. Stnnly Co. Ben Temple ,290 93 21 27 2 , 1 1 18 17 2 L 4-3 vs. Knnnnpolis Matthew Tutterow ,000 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 6-4 vs, Wilkes County Jpcob Walker Brandon Wilson TOTALS ,312 ,166 ,291 96 6 891 23 1 200 30 1 260 7 1 63 0 0 2 I • 0 8 19 0 173 18 1 168 0 0 24 L 10-9 nt Lexington W 10-5 vs. Mooresviiie Post 66 W 16-7 vs. Statesville W 5-0 vs. Rownn Co. W 16-4 nt Concord W-L ERA G GS CG SH SV IP H R ER BB SO W 7-2 nt Stanly Co. Michael Ball 4-0 4.46 9 6 1 0 0 40,1 50 27 20 13 19 W 3-2 (11 innings) vs. M’Legends Will Beeson 1-0 0.00 3 0 0 0 0 7 '4 0 0 3 7 W 10-7 nl S. Rownn Kirklin Bowles 0-0 0,00 1 0 o ’0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 W 14-4 vs, S. Rownn Nick Collfns 1-0 2,13 6 1 0 0 0 12,2 14 7 3 3 8 W 12-10 nt Stntesviile Mason Doub Josh Faircloth Ryan Foster 0-2 2-1 4-0 19,05 3,85 1,66 3 8 5 0 0 3 1 3 1 0 0 I 0 2 0 5,2 30.1 27 11 29 14 15 20 7 12 13 5 3 14 11 4 22 32 W 13-10 nt Knnnnpolis 30 All-Slnr Showcase July 2-7 round 1 (best of 5) 9-14 round 2 (best of 5) Elijah Jones 0-0 6,75 4 0 0 0 1 0 4 4 4 3 0 1 4 16-21 round 3 (best of 5) Brice Merritt 0-0 8,43 2 I 0 0 5.1 10 7 5 5 23-28 Arcn 111 chnmpionship scries Matt Miller 2-2 5.21 6 4 I 0 1 29.1 35 24 17 19 17 (best of 5) Corey Randall 2-1 3.21 5 4 1 0 0 28 24 13 10 14 22 31-Aug. 5 stnte tourney nt Lenoir BenTemple 0-0 36.00 1 0 0 0 0 I 3 4-4 I ■I 9-13 Southenst Regionnlsnt Sumlcr, Brandon Wilson 3-0 3.26 8 3 I 0 2 30.1 21 15 11 15 21 S.C, TOTALS I9-É; 4.17 6 I 6 222 220 1.431 103 97 162 17-21 World Series nt Shelby single and four straight walks pushed Mocksville’s lead to 10-3, It hnd two singles nnd a double in a two-nm fifth that made it 12-6, Kannapolis cranked a three-' rtin homer In the ninth to make h 13-10, Major ofiensivo contributors abounded for Post 54, includ­ ing Connor Bodenhamer (3-5, two doubles), Ryan Foster (3-6, two RBI), Jacob Walker (3-5), Ben Temple (2-3, two RBI, two walks), Nick Collins (3-5, three RBI) nnd Ross Hoffner (2-5), It’s been fairly amazing what Collins has done since reenter­ ing the lineup - seven RBIs in two games and 12 in four games, Bodenhamer doubled twice to give him the most doubles in 24 - yes, 24 - years. Allen Bmce had 15 in 1987. Bodenhamer has the most runs (35) in five years. Zach Vogler had 40 in 2007. Guys pitching who don't nor­ mally pitch made it adventurous. Brice Merritt, who had worked 1 • 1/3 innings all year, started nnd went four for Mocksville. Kirk­ lin Bowles mnde his first mound appearance and worked one scoreless frame. After Beeson went three. Temple closed out in his first appearance on the bump. “(Merritt) did exactly whnt I wnnted,” Bumgarner said. “He said: 'Can't I pitch five so 1 can get the win?' But he wns nt 67 pitches. He pitched good nfter the first inning.” The one shining line be­ longed to Beeson, the eventual winner. He gave up one hit nnd stmck out five in three innings. Thnt^s typicnl of Beeson, who is 6-0 when counting his junior nnd senior seasons at Davie and his one Legion campaign. Kurfees snid. “He rolled in the parking lot about 10 minutes before gnme time. He hnd to go to Wingate. His dad (Chester) said he drove like crazy to get here.” Mocksvillc 10, S. Rowan 7 Mock ab r h rbl bb Arey 6 1 2 0 0 Bdnhmer 4 3 2 0 0 . Wnlker 4 2 1 0 2 Temple 4 1 2 2 1 Beeson 4 3 3 2 1 Collins 5 0 2 3 0 Bowles 5 0 2 1 0 Merrllt 3 0 1 0 0 НоГГпег 3 0 0 0 1 Totals 38 10 15 10 5 Mocksvlile 100 144 000-10 S.Rowan ООО ООО 511-7 2В - Merrill, Collins, Beeson (2). SB - Bowles. HPB - Hoffner, Bodenhamer (2). Win-Miller,S-Fnlrclolh. Mock IP H R ER BB SO Millet 7.1 9 6 3 3 5 Fnlrcloth 1.2 2 I 0 1 1 gnme. It did allow the most runs in nine games, ,„ Post 54 has a four-game winning streak in the series with Statesville, Mock 12, Statesviile 10 Mock ab r h rbl bb Arey 6 2 5 2 0 Bdnhmer 6 0 2 2 0 Wnlker 5 0 0 0 1 Fosier 0 0 0 0 0 Hoffner 4 2 1 1 0 Temple 5 1 2 0 0 Beeson 4 3 1 0 1 Collins 5 2 1 4 1 Merrllt 4 1 2 1 2 Bowles 5 1 0 0 1 Tbtals 44 12 14 10 6 Mocksvillc 001 002 432-12 Slatesvllle 430 120 000- 10 2B • Bodenhamer, Arey. HPB - Hoffner, Beeson, Fosier. Win • ColUns. Mock IPHRERBBSO Bull . 3 10 8 6 0 I Fnlrclolh 2 2 2 2 2 2 Collins 4 1 0 0 0 5 Beeson fanned the 3-4-5 batters in the seventh, all swing­ ing. “If he goes to Catowba and just focusses on pitching, he could be a*g6oa"’mlffdle'1rellef guy for them down the road,” Bumgarner said. “Will’s a good pitcher.” Notes; Temple got the team’s second triple of the year. ... Mocksville outhit Kannapolis 18-12. .„Post 54 has scored 10, 14, 12 and 13 runs in the last four games, ,„ Kurfees did a radio interview before watching the action from afar. “I told the radio guy we're in great hands,” he said with a laugh. “I said we've got Bum and Dan Lawlor. I was in the parking lot watching it from left fleld - me and the bus driver." ... Mocksville and No. 8 Concord started their best-of- flve, flrst-round series July 2. Concord finished in a four-way tie for flfth, but the tiebreaker dropped it to eighth. Mocksville will be at home July 5, away July 6 (if necessary) and at home July 7 (if necessary). Mock 13, Kannapolis 10 Mock ab r b rbl bb Arey 6 2 1 0 0 Bdnhmer 5 3 3 1 0 Fosier 6 3 3 2 0 Walker 5 2 3 1 1 Temple 3 3 2 2 2 Collins 5 0 3 3 I Bowles 3 0 0 1 1 Beeson 2 0 0 0 0 Merrill 4 0 11 1 Hoffner 5 0 2 0 0 IbtaU 44 13 18 II 6 Mocksvlllo 401 520 100-13 Kannapolis 300 300 00.»-10 2B - Foster, Bodenhamer (2), Arey. 3B - Temple. SB - Collins, Temple. HPB - Temple, Bodenhamer, Win - Beeson. Mock IP H R ER BB SO Merrill 4 7 6 5 1 4 Bowles 1 1 0 0 0 0 Beeson 3 10 0 1 5 Temple I 3 4 4 1 1 Make Splash in your New Apartment this Summer. Call fo r Sum m er M ove-In specials. N o r t h w o o d A p a r t m e n t s 800 Northridge Court (off Milling Rd) 1-888-902-9679 il" i Lonnie B urgess Formerly of All-American Ford - IS NOW AT- G E H V IA IN B6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 5,2012 iKcoia ysixresvu£ (The old Plnlshline Ford) 1011 Folger Drive, Statësville, NC (704) 873-FORD Lonnie invites aii of his Davie County friends to visit A/m for your next carl B r ie f s & N o te s Quality'Coverage from the'mositi'ilstecl healtliJnsiirer in.North Carolina' Authorized Agent Johnson Insurance Services JOHN W O O D (336) 753*1033 |wood9l27matl(e(p{ac«.com 4xir plan tor b«tt*r hMltK* | Call me for information on: • Individual Health Plans • M edicare Supplem ent Insuranco • Dontnl Plans for Individunls • Health Savings Accounts BlucCross BlueShicId оГ North Carolina Í CalftO B/ond Sluify, felfljciy ¿(XW. An iixkfvnJtrt Arertee ihf flitrf ('.ro« oi4Í вкв Shvid Au«/’of.cii U2(»2l.m9 ' _______og;iffrt W re stlin g C am p Tlic War Engle Intense Training Wrestling Cnmp for nges 5-18 will be held at Davie July 9-13 from 8 n.m.-3 p.m. There will be a lunch break from 11:30-1. Instructors; Davie nnd middle-school coaches nnd colieginte wrestlers. The cost is $75. For mote informa­ tion,.contact Aaron Hollifield nt 336-909-4609 or Mark McKnight nt 336-462-6421. Boys Basketball Cam ps Davie boys basketball conch Mike Abshernnd his staff will hold the Dny Camp on July 24-27 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. This is for ising first through ninth grndes,and the cost is $85. Absher and the rest of the Davie boys basketball staff will run the cnmps. They will niso include guest speakers, past and current plnyers and current college plnyers. For more information, contact Absher nt 751-5905. Youth Soccer C am p The Davie High boys nnd girls Soccer programs tenm will liost n Back to Basics youth cnmp July 23-27. Camp will run from 8 a.m.-noon. It is open to ages 3-rising eighth graders. The cost is $60 before July 1 nnd $70 after July 1 and includes a t-shirt. Reg­ istration information is available nt www.davie.kl2.nc.us or www. wnreaglepride.com. For any questions, contnct Lnnce Everette or Kerstin Steinour nl 336 751-5905. D avie H ig h C hcerleading C a m p ' The Davie High Cheerlcading Cnmp will be Aug. 6-9 from 6-8;30 p.m. nt the Dnvie gym. The cost is $40 forpre-registered by July 30 nnd $60 at the door. The camp is designed for'K-8 grades nnd available to teams or individunls. Contact Angie Stnge with questions nt stagea@davle.kl2.ne.us. Registrntion forms are nvnilable on the school website. D avle Youth F ootball The Davie County Youth Football Association will have signups on July 28 from 9 a.m.-noon nt the Brock Oym. R ussell-M yers S till H o t Znck Russell-Myers ’ hot start for the Columbia Blowfish in the Coastal Plain League was no fiuke. He’s 3-0 with a 1.85 ERA. Lions G o lf T ournam ent The Mocksville Lions Club annual golf tournament will be held nt Bermuda Run West on Friday, Aug. 10. Teams of four may enter for $240. Hole sponsorships are $100. Donations are accepted to help visually impaired residents of Davie County and North Carolina. S P O T I I G H T D o n e D i r t C h e a p Resldonllal Dralntg* SyttMTIt Storm Water Management Water. Proofing • Baaenwnt/Crawl S p « « l i e a n i S S i Driveways • GravaVConcret« aradlng/Excavatlng/DsmolHlon Mulch • Dirt ■ Sand • Qravel ddlgi.wordprcM.com Clemmons, NC • Tom Jonai • 336-749'OMS . Shelton Construction GENERAL CONTRACTORS, INC. Residential & Commercial Remodels & New Construction Builders Since 1979NC Unllmllod UconsB HSS220 Fully Insurod CALL FOR ESTIMATES Con or Bob Shaiton (336) 751-21009 •mall! <on>hellon(^adtel.nel g 'BAKERY THRIFT STORE I Kettle Cooked | iu tz .c h ip s ; 2 f o r $ 6 .0 0 ; Mon-Frl 9-7 Sat 9-6 Sun 10-5 , WALK-INSWELCOMEP AvaiШe;Tuesdíly ■ tiiruSaturdi^l arStudo 63S4 336^M84J7fi9 ми11Ы>т11я<р||М«*яд| ^3QCiit&Stvl с lor Ni-w ( lii'iils()мЬ. {)ГГс‘гсч1 bySlyli.st Kdli Campbell. .. ....... . scht4liilllig)niir>i|>I>oiiiliiU'nt. ОПгпиИ valili uilh «illu t s|\lisb ^Iso offering, HiUr Extensions (bcad-ln method), Cobr, Cuts, Hi-lites and morel^ .Ü I CREATIVE COMMERCIAL & P e r k i n s R o o f i n g o f M o c k s v i l l e He lives under Just one roof, but Jesse Perkins cares about every roof. That's what makes his business so spe­ cial. As owner of Perkins Roofing in Mocksville, Jesse treats each roof as if It was on his own home. If il Isn’t good enough for him, It will not be good enough for you. That Is the way Jesse treats each roofing job and cus­ tomer. His work and Integrity speak for Itself. Jesse, a Reidsville native, became Interested In roof­ ing when he was Just 13 years old. At age 17, the summer before graduating from high school, he began helping his brother In the roofing business. After graduating the next year, Jesse moved to Davle County and has been here 'Since, After years for working for other roofers, Jesse decided It was time to go out on his own. So, In the fall of 1997, he started Perkins Roofing. "I have been roofing most of my life and that’s what I love to do,” Jesse explains. "I started out with a ladder, hatchet and pick-up truck." Nov7, along with roofing, Jesse has added vinyl siding to his line of work. "I work with several local contractors on new homes arid do tear offs for older homes that need a new roof. I have done some repair work but we just don't have that many bad storms around here to do too much damage for roof repairs," Jesse notes. Jesse takes a great deal of pride In. his work and will work however many hours and days It takes to get the Job fin­ ished and done right. “I keep my business somewhat small. That way I can be on the job to see what goes on and make sure the job Is completed like It would be for someone in my family. Perkins Roofing also enjoys giving back to the commu­ nity. They are Involved In various fund raisers Including the law enforcement and rescue squad. So If you are In need of a new roof and a good, Ijonest dependable man for job give Jesse at Perkins Roofing a call for a free estimate at (336) 753-8355, LANDSCAPING 25"" OFF Mention this ad AiiilieiiiicBailnrsllop Expeiience We fix $6.00 Haircuts! 3 Professional B arbers W ith Over 100 Years C om bined Experience Walk Ins Welcome! 2721 Lctvisviile-ClcfnmonsRoad Clemmons (336)766-9011 ^ Hours: T\ie-Fri: 8:30-6:00 pm Sat8;00am-n6on — | ¡5' www.cUmmombarbertIwp.com V g W / TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR FUTURE. Create dnd Implement a strategy designed to help you achieve your long-term financial goals. Do sonnetiiing positive for yourself, Caii today for a no-cost, no-obiigation portfolio review. Together, wa can create a strategy that's right for you based on your current situation, ob)ectlves and risk tolerance. В Slayton R Harperinanclal Advisor 5539 Us Hwy 158 Suite 104 Advance. NC 27006 336-940-3150 www.edwardj0nes.com Member SIPC '.(Iw a I'I I Jones C L O C K R E P A IR Grandüther Mantle & Wall in-home in-shop service service'зэмамаи т т ж 209M e a d o ^ro o k M all Clocksfor^ Salel PER K IN S RO O FING "Quality wot* at reasonable priCM” Р1юм9ЭЭв-75»вЭ88 Fa»3M<7BMm Jesse PerWni - Ovnicr ^300 Spring Stre ‘ M°d«vll!i,NC E D W A R D SSIDING & WINDOWS 764-0885 Too hot on the detikT Cant u$e In ПЛ1Т Call US about our Structall RoofSyitMii \or Too пипу OmJmm ■---nytng 9Ц§Ш7 NoPrabtom . WtaiMilo Screen-ln rooms FreeEatlmatmmI Mobile Phono 9 7 8 -2 2 9 9 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thur.sduy, July 5,2012 - K7 ------- » Mason Hall, Jordon Hoffman, Allyson Ruiz, IVlikayla Correll and Caltlyn Sechrlst are ready for the game to start. Bryson Robinson, iVlark Metcalf and Alex Speckln are ready for some baseball. i WInston-Salem Dash Mascot "Bolt" and players Dan Black and Michael Early encourage Cornatzer Elementary students to do their best. Take Me Out To The Ballgame CZE Students Rewarded With Trip To See The Dash Take us out to the ball Emma Patterson and Olivia Jones have their gloves game. ready. . ThAt wns the cry from stu­ dents at Cornatzer Elemen­ tary School nnd, believe it or not, teachers did just that as school was winding down and baseball was starting. More than 350 students jumped on buses nnd headed for .the BB&T Ball Park, 'home of the Winston-Salem Dash, for a fun filled day. The field trip wns a reward for students who took part in a school-wide reading ......... incentive program promoted Ethan Wilhelm tries to catch a foul ball, and sponsored by the Dash baseball team. Before going to the game, students had nn assembly at school when they were vis­ ited by team mascot. Bolt, and Dash players, Dan Blnck and Michael Early. While Bolt got up to his crazy antics, Black and Early spoke to the students about the importance of working hard and maintaining good grades in order to be suc­ cessful, get into college, and fulfill their ambitions in life. Next came the most excit­ ing day of the school year as students and staff headed off щд]д^^д;23Г:2:Ж!Ы.а™Еа4Ы12— ддд— аая*™ ™ to watch the Dash play and jgyio^ Puckett and Pierre Valentine with teacher, Lin- beat the Potomac Nationals Doss, from Washington 14-0. For many boys and girls it was the first time they had seen a live professional baseball game. To make the day complete, their ticket included ,a Dash baseball cap and a hotdog. Cornatzer Assistant Prin- _________ cipal Don Teague, who or- Jordan Shoffner concen- ganized the trip along with trates on the game, school counselor Angela . Lankford'and Media Spe- cialist Amanda Brooks, said: “Due to the great effort of our students in achieving their behavior goals, the entire student body was re­ warded with a trip to the Dash game. In spite of a drizzly start to the day, it was unanimously agreed that the event couldn’t have turned out any better. "All students did a great __________________ ■ jo b ' cepresenting Cornatzer Mason Carter and Sara Elementary in their behav- Bishop are ready to go ior, team spirit and attitude.” Into the bail park. Robin Howard and Wesley Metcalf head to the park ready to catch a ball. Cornatzer Principal Dr. Cinde Rinn enjoys the game with students. B8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July S, 2012 Davie youth can audition for tlie drama camp and performance on Aug., 6. Register Now For Youth Drama The Davie County Arts Council hns once ngain con- trnctcd the Missoula Chil­ dren’s Theatre to come to the Brocic Perfonning Arts Cen­ ter to provide the dramatic instruction and production of this year’s production, Hansel ! nnd Oretel, The Missoula Children’s Theatre is based in Missoula; Mont. It is the nation’s larg­ est touring children’s theatre, touring extensively for 38 years from the home base to Japan.It will visit nenriy 1,300 communities this year with up to 45 teams of tour actor/direc­ tors, This yenr there will be one week for up to 60 students ages 8-15 to enjoy the theatre. Everyone must be registered to be able to audition. Regis­ tration forms can be found on the arts council’s website at www.davlearts.org or picked up at the Box Office Monday- Friday, noon-5 p.m. Registra­ tion ends on Aug. I. All students will audition for the play on Monday, Aug. Jim and Uccky McCracken (Speer) nre pleased to announce the arrlviil of their son Janies Wallace McCracken III on Mny 29, 2012. The baby, who weighed IJ pounds 14 ounces nnd was 23 1/2 inches long, was delivered by Dr. Washburn at Forsyth Medical Center. Jim is an employee at Inniar, and Uccky is u former teacher for Dnvie County Schools. Photo courtesy of Shnnnon Wood Photograpliy. 6. No advance preparation is necessary other than to bring a smile. Those auditioning should arrive at 1 p.m. and plan to stay for the full two hours. Some of the cast mem­ bers will be asked to stay for n rehearsal following the audi­ tion. Everyone selected will receive a rehearsal schedule on Aug. 6. Each student must attend his or her rehearsals nnd be prepared to perform twice on Saturday, Aug. 11. The two shows are open to the public and are well-suited for children (all tickets $7). “The music and costumes are well done and by show time the local actors have been so well-trained they present a terrific show,” said Sidniee Suggs, arts council director. This original musical adap­ tation of the Brothers Grimm’s Story puts a new spin on the age-old talË. Hank and Gretch- en’s friends have gone to sum­ mer camp and left them be­ hind, while their mom seems to have time for nothing but work. While waiting for din­ ner, Hank and Oretchen fail asleep and drenm their wny to times gone, by. When they wake, their clothes arc strange - nnd so are their names. Lost in the deep dark woods, Hansel and Qre- tel search for the path thnt will lend them to better times nt home. As evening approaches and the moon rises nbove the trees, crafty cooks and gin­ gerbread men lead the pair to a cnndy cottage and the Wild­ wood Witch. Is she bad? Is she good? Or is she just misunder­ stood? It's up to our heroes to unravel the secret. This production is part of the Missoula Children’s Theatre’s unique internntionai touring project. , “Creativity, socinl skills, goal achievement, communi­ cation skills and self-esteem are all characteristics that are attained through participa- ’ tion in this unique educational project,” Suggs said. For more information vis­ it the arts council website, www.davicarls.org or call 751.3112. 14 From Davie Earn Degrees From UNCG Qrnduntes from the Uni­ versity of North Carolina nt Greensboro from Dnvie County included; Katie Danielle Castrovlnci, with honors; Rebecca Eliznbeth Church; Riley Bnrrctt Dnvis; , MncKenzte Eliznbeth King; Jennifer Erin O'Neal, with honors; Melanie Regina Vaughn; Rebecca D. Boger; Eden Nicole Cassidy; Hcnther Nicole Froelich; Amber Mnrie Hnrris; Ifeomn G Onwurah, with honors; ObinnujuN Onwurah; Tyler Keith Steelman, with honors; and Sonya Sue Wilson. Amanda Denise Sparks ASU Graduate Amanda Denise Sparks, daughter of Rick ond Lora Sparks of Mocksville, groduot- ed from Appalachian Stote Uni­ versity in Boone on May 13. She earned a bachelor’s de­ gree in elementory education. She is also a 2007 graduate of Dovie High School. DCCC Announces Dean’s List Davidson County Commu­ nity College hns annotmced the students who have qunlified for the denn’s list for the spring 2012 semester; from Advnnce - Aiexnnder Abbott, Cnrolinn Altleri, Austin Carter, Richard Collins, Snrah Cranfill, Robert Crosslin, Jil- iian Duffner, Abigail Dupree, Jennifer Hernandez, Kari Koty, Bree Lapointe, Katie Lewis, Adrienne Olson, Brittany Perry and Courtney Simms; from Cooleemee - Danielle Pennington; nnd from Mocksville - Priyonka Borad, Michael Beover, Bobby Brown, Hnnnnh Buie, Megan Compbeli, Clnudin Compos, Amnnda Carnes, Joseph Da­ vis, Juston Dyson, Soleia Gai- luzi, Denzeii Garmon, Matthew. ; Greene, Erin Hamner, Chan­ dler Holland, Arhie Huffman, ■ Chariene James, Heather John- ; son, Mnry Ann Kiser, Jonathan ' Lagrotteria, Jacob Lambert, Alisha Leonard, Shelby Mast, Monico McMaster, Cortland Meoder, Jeffrey Meyer, Soul Navarro, Luke Naylor, Showna O’Rorke, Eriko Pope, Kelly Presley, Dorothy Sonderson, Dallas Shoffner, Billy Short, Katherine Sims, Shane Steck- ley, Tess Tagnani ond Tori Williams. C M Û C A R P E N fm 'S p '-U .....Л ■:V ^ ' ANIMAL HOSPITAL OF EAST DAVIE S u m m e r B o a r d i n g & b r o o m i n g i lowers Available MoHday^Thursday Expanded PoardlHglHcludes; 4 Walks per Pay. lastwaikat&?0P|y4 E m ily R o b e r s o n , D V M • D e a n n a L in d s e y , D V M J u lie W illia m s o n , D V M M-F 7:30-6* Sat 8:00-12 5162 U.S. Hwy 158 • Advance • 940-3442 Full Service Veterinary Hospital Laser Surgery and Ultrasonography D ogs • Cats • Rabbits • Ferrets • Pocket Pets www.anim alhospitalofeastdavie.com i l-l PICKLES DAVIE COUNTY ENlEKI-KlSl!; KKCOKU, Ihursday, July s,zul2 - «y B Y BRIAN CRANE S0^Ae0^JE0ЙCtSA^P, " iw iT iv ip iiA L ^ ik )e i? e o i^ E o b o p e o T to e e iH E R ы е к е a w (х ш ." tvOO PROfô ЛОГАМ осеШ. IT 'S i W B / Ê h i A i U w i . e . i f é UKE A P R m e , DUSTIN B Y STEVE KELLEY & JEFF PARKER ¡Tv u j © T Ù S J D K A WWvV.T<JMD(2A<SO/V\ICe.CO/V\ ¡3810 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, July 5,2012'Administrative Court il The following cases were idisposeil of during Dnvie Ad- ■ifninistrmive Court. Presiding: ‘Mngistrnte Kevin Hendrix. Pros­ ecuting: Burt Conley, nssistnnt > A . a, - Easley Eugene Abrnhnm, -expired registrntion, dismissed, •corrected. - Miranda Barneycastle, "Speeding 60 in a 45, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. \ - Matteson Brewer, speeding ' '87 in a 70, reduccd to improper tequipment,$75,cost. , I, - Alexnnder James Byrd, Speeding 71 In a 55, reduced to ^Improper equipment, $50, cost. , - Jncobo Cnrdenns, improper “passing, reduced to Improper ^equipment, $25, cost. T. - Naishn Dalton, speeding -70 in a 55, reduccd to Improper aequipment,$25,cost. - Phillip C.Danieley, speeding ■ “ 80 in a 70, reduced to improper ■•tquipment,$25,cost. - Chnd R. Delsenroth, expired '’^registration, dismissed, correct- Hpd. - Manuel Espinoza Espitin, -ispcedlng 80 in n 70, reduced to »dmproper equipment, $25, cost. - Tammy L. Franklin, follurc "'b wenr sent belt, dismissed, .medicnl excuse. - Jesslcn S. Qnffney, speeding 85 in n 70, fnilure to secure pns- vsenger under age 16, dismissed "per plea; no license, reduced to failure to notify DMV of nddress "change, $100, cost. -NnznrioL.Qonznlez, expired ;fjicense, reduced to failure to no- JLtify DMV of nddress chnnge, X$50, cost. r -Donald Edward Hans, speed- ,; ing 80 In a 70, reduced to Im- “ proper equipment, $25, cost.' ' ■''I - Jeffrey Lynn Hughes, speed- ,"_^ng 80 in n 70, reduced to Im- “proper equipment, $25, cost. - Angela Lynn Islam, expired registration, operating vehicle L,iwith no Insurnnce, dismissed, oicorrected. m'l . Cicero Henry Jones Jr., fnii- ^^re to reduce speed, dismissed, ‘’‘blvil. '1^ - Casey Lee Kelger, failure lo !.i'apply for new title, dismissed, HI corrected. II. -DustinTaylorLampkin.fail- ure to stop for stendy red light, ' reduced to improper equipment, ^'$50, cost. ° ' - Jason Ryan Lewis, failure to 'y Weat seat bolt, $25.50, cost. J«. - Krystal M. Lewis, fnilure to •cwear sent belt, dismissed, cor- irrrected. - Felton Lee Mnyfleld, fnilure lo wear sent bell, $25.50, cost. - Nntnshn Lynn McCray, speeding 70 in a 55, reduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Tina Collins McGraw, speeding 70 in n 55, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Brenda Onil McKee, fnilure to wenr sent belt, $25 50, cost. - Michnel P. McKinney, speeding 83 in n 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Hayden Lance Merklein, speeding 80 in n 70, reduced to Improper equipment, $25, cost. - Jose Manuel L. MIrandn, expired liccnse, dismissed, cor­ rected. - Benjie Gray Moore, cnn­ celed/revoked/suspended certifi­ cate/tag, expired/no inspection, dismissed, correctedi - Karla Vanessa' Moran, ex­ pired license, dismissed, cor­ rected.’ - Pntrlcln Mukhtnr, speeding 85 In a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Evan Pnul Nichols, speeding 90 in n 70, reduced lo 79 in n 70, ,$50, cost. - Nicholns P. Nlclnkls, speed­ ing' 80 in n 70, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Michnel Todd Nixon, riding bike nt night without hendlnmp, dismissed, corrccted. - Clarence Lee Pierce, speed­ ing 80 in a 70, reduced lo im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Michael Brnndon Poplin, expired registration, expired/no inspection, dismissed, corrected. - Inn j: Porter, unsnfo move­ ment^ reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Zachnry N. Randnll, speed­ ing 70 in n 55, reduced, to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Willinm T, Redwood, speed­ ing 80 in a 70, reduced lo im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Robinson M. Rodriguez, speeding 83 in n 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Dennis Robert Sine, failure to wear seat bolt, dismissed, medical excuse. Rynn Gregory Smith, speed­ ing 80 In a 70, reduccd to Im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Dominic A. Steele, speeding 83 in a 70, reduccd Id improper equipment, $25, cost. - Joshua Pnul Tingler, ficti- tious/nitered litle/registration, driving/allowing vehicle lo be driven with no registrntion, dis­ missed, corrected. - Emily Noelle Vnlenli, speed­ ing 85 in n 70, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Angela E. Weaver, speeding 84 in n 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Jason Lee Williams, ex­ ceeding snfe speed, $25, cost; cnnceled/rcvoked/suspended cortiflcnte/ing, opernting vehicle with no insurnnce, dismissed per plea. - Leslie Renee Willis, spei^d- ing 67 in n 55, reduccd to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Joshun Robert Wilson, speeding 88 in n 70, reduced to improper equipment, $100, cost. - Brenton Lannie Woods, possession of open container/ consuming alcohol in passenger area, .$25, cost. - Chnrles Holt Young II, speeding 92 in a 70, reduced lo exceeding safe speed, $100,' cost, June 15 The following cases were disposed of during Davie Ad­ ministrative Court, Presiding: Magistrate Patrick Hcnnelly. Prosecuting: John Bandle, assis­ tant DA. , - Amie Henrielta Allison, speeding 70 in a 55, reduced to 64 in a 55. $15, cost, - William Steve Ammons, speeding 74 in a 55, reduccd to 64 in a 55, $15, cost, - Everett L, Anderson, permit­ ting operation of vehicle with no insurnnce, dismissed, corrected; failure lo wenr scat bell, $25,50, cost. - Melindn S. Bnckstrom, fnil­ ure lo reduce speed, dismissed, civil. - Snmanlhn P. Bagshaw, fail­ ure to stop for stop sign/flnshing red light, reduccd to Improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 Im­ proper equipment fee. - Mathew Scott Barkley, speeding 67 in a 55, reduccd to 64 in a 55, $15, cost. - Prosper G. Bcdiako, speed­ ing 91 In n 70, rcduccd to 79 in n 70, $50, cost. - Annico Mnrie Binkley, speeding 63 in a 45, reduced to improper equipment, $100, cost, $50 Improper equipment fee. - Edward M. Blakely, speed­ ing 88 in n 70, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $100, cost, $50 improper equipment fee. - Melissa Housor Bonham, speeding 83 in a 70, reduccd lo 79 in a 70, $15, cost. - Justin Christopher Bowen, exceeding safe speed, dismissed, civil. - Elissn R. Bradford, speeding 84 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $15, cost, - Randall Scott Briggs, failure lo wear scat belt, $25,50, cost; expired registration, expircd/no inspection, dismissed per plea, - Jessica Mnrie Brody, fnilure to secure passenger under age 16, dismissed, corrected, - Carroll Thomas Brown, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $15, cost, - Lakeisha R, Brown,speeding 80 in a 70, rcduccd lo 79 in a 70, $15, cost; failure to secure pas­ senger under age 16, dismissed per plea, - Miciuiei Jermain Brown, speeding 80 in a 70, reduccd to improper equipment, $25, enst, $50 improper equipment fee, - Joy Olivin Bryant, speeding 66 in a 55, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 im­ proper equipment fee. • Garland Burton Jr., speeding 83 in n 70, reduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 Im­ proper equipment fee. - Newman Dnle Burton, speeding 80 in a 70, rcduccd lo 79 in a 70, $15. cost. • Kenneth R. Calhoun, fail­ ure to reduce speed, dismissed, civil. - Tressn Dcnee Campbell, operating velilcle wilh no insur­ ance, canceled/rcvokcd/suspend- ed certliicate/lag, dismissed, cor­ rccted. - Jnckson B. Cnrrubba, speed­ ing 86 in a 70, reduced lo im­ proper equipment, $50> cost, $50 improper equipment fee. • - Olin Searcy Carter, speeding 80 in It 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $15,'cost. - Sherclle D. Carter, failure to secure passenger under age 16, dismissed, corrected. - Amanda Renee Casper, fail­ ure to maintain lane control, dis­ missed, civil. - U. Marin-Castillo, no ppera- tor’s liccn.se, rcduccd lo failure lo notify DMV of address change, $50, cost. - Melindn S. Chandler, expired registration, expired/no inspec­ tion, dismissed, corrected.' - Cory Paul Cheeks, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced to 79 In a 70, $15, cost. - Brittany K. Chestnut, speed­ ing 85 in a 70, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $25. cost, $50 improper equipment fee. - Steven Jacob Cline, speed­ ing 57 in a 45, reduccd to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equipment fee. - Jean Cornatzer Conelly, speeding 57 in a 45, reduccd lo S T R O U S E H O U S E A U C T IO N S 1424^ Industrial !Эг., Statesville, N C 28в2Б Phone; 704*872-8444 AUCTIONEEn: MIKE OTnOUSE, NC uc. ff74ea w w w .s tro u s e h o u s e a u c tlo n s .c o n n Chtek Ш out on Facabogk в SIrauit Houh Auotlonil Thun., July 5 • 6i30PM • Ihickload Sunlus/Saivage-OutdoorlRecraallonal Sale!HUHTIHQ t ntHlHO, СДИИНО, tm TUB», FITHIII, РАТЮ nwr wd HCTIIll______ Fri,, July 6' 6;30PM ■ Ouliloor« i Qenwal Hetchandltel V. DM ro ялтувшашм$ от писн» wimmot ишодмо вугагм шк атекатюштщпяитогттпяиишчат . w^>atKHM«hoiMMuc(/oiw.coiii Sat., July7•CLOSED'Next FOOD SALE Is July 21stl DtnatloMi Ы0 to 1-Г7 South to BMit 4M. o. (ta»t) шррюя. W mfl»p*wt Rам! stellon - N»J(tMton Induatrtal Or., Btrouam HouaaAueilon Ie on Ihm L»n meroaa th* ЯН lrwekm...Juet я abort any» mna aaay to flna. SEPARATION? DIVORCE? *No offlco visit required for simple dlvorco* Ross Ketner Attorney at Law Family Law since 1996 Advnnco, NC ,336-813-1173 roeskotncKíígmnil.com improper equipment. $25, cost, $50 improper equipment fee. - Kimberly Boyd Corbett, permitting operation of vehicle wilh no insurance, dismissed, corrected, - Angela Leann Cowart, speeding 87 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, .$75, cost, $50 improper equipment fee. - Kristen Marie Crays, expired registration, cxpired/no inspec­ tion, dismissed, correctcd. - Jacquelyn D. Creggar, can- celed/revoked/suspended certill- cate/tag, dismissed, corrected. - Capriclu M. Crennell, speed­ ing 91 in a 70, rcduced lo 79 in a 70, $50, cost. - Nancy Ann Daniels, expired registration, expired/no inspec­ tion, dismissed, corrected. - Flavio V. Dominguez, speed­ ing 70 In a 55, reduccd lo im­ proper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equipment fee., - Shataura Julia Dudley,speed­ ing 89 In a 70, reduced lo 79 in a 70, $15, cost. - Kimberly Cherie Dyson, fail­ ure lo wear scat bell, dismissed, corrccted. - David Davis Eades, speed­ ing 70 in a 55, rcduccd to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equipment fee.- ' - Billy Wayne Fonder, unsafe movement, dismissed, civil. - David Troy Fennell, speed­ ing 57 in a 45, reduced lo 54 in a 45, $15, cost. - Sergio Fernandez, speeding 80 in a 70, rcduccd (o 79 in a 70, $15, cost. - Tara F. Fielding, no license, dismissed, corrccted. - Paul G. Fitzgerald, speeding 84 in h 70, reduccd lo improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 im­ proper ctiuipmcnl fee. . - Jessica Marie Flores, failure to wear seat belt, $25.50, cost; llccnsc not in possession, dis­ missed, corrccted. - Mario Pina Flores, no opera­ tor's liccnse, reduccd to failure lo notify DMV of address change, $50, cost. - Tristan Dijon Garmon, no li­ cense, dismissed, corrected. - Krysta Scott Gary, speeding 68 in a 55, reduccd lo 64 in a 55, $l5,cosl. . , . - Catherine E. Godbey, speed­ ing 40 in a 25, reduced to Im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. $50 improper equipment fee, - Karen Bibb Gurganus, ex­ pired registrntion, expired/no in­ spection, dismissed, corrccted, - Cynthia Reed Hall, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced lo 79 In a 70, Hartis Pool <& Supplies ClNnli«<№nM«<Fi»l&S(«imlalatlM 1)рм1пе«С1«1пг*№у1иш№р1ашЫ 'Пшипу I Inrrls/Owncr-Ovcr 20 Yrs. Exp. 277 Plcasaiil Лсгс Dr., Mocksvillc Home (336) 2844817 Business (336) 909-4027 > C U S T O M E R T U R N r K E Y íP I U C I N G 'O N r A Iiü ^ H O M E S M il щ м щ м щ т . ш APPRECIATION ■'•■On 'Í, )(f'i >»IS A L E $15. cost, - Dylan Nicholas Harkavy, speeding 88 In a 70, rcduccd to 79 Inn 70, $15, cost, - Caleb Patrick Harkins, speeding 66 in a 55, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. $50 improper equipment fee, - James William Hastings, speeding 70 In a 55. reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equipment fee. - Arnold Lee Hawkins, speed­ ing 61 in a 45, rcduccd to 54 in a 45, $15, cost, - Chaslly D, Hefner, speeding 83 in a 70, reduced lo improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 im­ proper equipment fee, - Agustín M, Hernandez, un­ safe movement, dismissed, civil, - Charles Jeffrey Hines, speeding 80 In a 70, reduced lo Improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 Improper equipment fee, - Sheenn Louise Hines, ex­ pired registration, oxplrcd/no in­ spection, operating vehicle wilh no insurnnce, cnncelcd/revoked/ suspended ccrlincale/lag, dis­ missed, corrected, - Joshua Scott Holcomb, fnil­ ure to mninlnin lane control, rc­ duced to improper equipment, $100, CO.«, $50 improper equip­ ment fee. - Richard W. Holley, speeding 86 in a 70, rcduced lo 79 in a 70, $15, cost. - Freddie Shnne Houston, speeding 85 In a 70, reduced lo improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equipment fee, - Marty Joseph Hulclicns, ex­ pired registration, expircd/no in­ spection, dLsmisscd, corrccted, - Kerry Gene Hutclilns, failure lo wear seal bell, $25,50, cost; fiiiluro lo comply wilh license re­ strictions, dismissed, corrected, - Cliasily Rose Ingram, speed­ ing 70 in a 55, rcduced to 64 in a 55,$15,cost, - Anita Fay Johnson, speeding 89 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $15,cost, - Marjaret R, Johnson, speed­ ing 61 in a 45, reduccd to 54 In a 45,$15,cost. . . - Knthryn Jones, speeding. 86 in a 70, reduced to 79 In.» 70, $15, cost. ' - Trlsta Rochelle Kent, failure lo wear seat belt, dismissed, cor­ rected. - Lnurio Fay Keslnor, speed­ ing 86 in a 70, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $50, cost, $50 improper equipment fee. - Herman Leroy King, speed­ ing 70 in n 55, reduced lo Im­ proper c(|uipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equipment feo. - Jnson Floyd King, speeding 86 in a 70, reduced lo 79 in a 70, $15, cost. - Gilbert M. Kozlowski, im­ proper backing, dismissed, civil. - Palricin Annn Kurfees, speeding 69 in n 55, rcduced to 64 in n 55, $15, cost. - Lee Bryce Lnnders, expired registrntion, $25, cost; expired/ no inspection, dismissed per plen. - Lawrence I. Langton, ex­ pired registration, expired/no in­ spection, dismissed, corrected. - Marc Alan Lehmann, speed­ ing 84 in a 70, reduced lo 79 In a 70, $15, cost. - Chnso A. Leonard, failure to reduce speed, dismissed, civil. - Joseph Craig Lewis, fail­ ure to reduce speed, dismissed, civil. Ж ' BAKERY THRIFT STORE, : s s a c H 5 : : v a c a tio n : : IT ô m s :• Mon-Frl 9-7 Sat 9-6 Sun 10-5 , In m n n i П № З Ш N ow ils'.Tliei CC IS T' L o a n O r ï g i n a t o r jO ñ S it e T o H e l p W i t h F i i t e TimeTolBiiyl/rv № > ■ '....... I - L ü Z j í ' ' ' H O M E C E N T E R S ivmiMchdlMstaM i f i ü O Q O o o o o 1 | Щ 7 У р Ж е Ж м Г £ я п е ; *•E x it14 8 0 n l-4 0 !\ i í U 4 ' " O O u ñ l f á b & i O < METAL ROOFING 3' Coverage • 40+ ColorsALL C0L0H3AHSmmSTAn RATIO 40 Year Warranty UP TO *500“ TAX CREDIT AVAILABLE Call for prices! 1-888-278-6050 MID-STATE METALS of the Carolinas, LLC I www.mldslalemelals.com i DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 5,2012 - B il L E G A L N O T I C E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualillad as Execu­ trix of the Estate of DOROTHY C. MCCULLOH, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all per­ sons, firms and corporations hav­ ing claims against said estate lo present them to the undersigned on or belore September 14,2012, (being Ihree (3) monlhs from Ihe first day of publication ol Ihis no­ tice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All per­ sons, firms and corporations in­ debted to said estate will please make Immedlale payment to the undersigned. This Ihe 14th day of June, 2012." LONNIE RAY MCCULLOH JR. 1948 US Hwy. 158 fwlocksvllle, NC 27028 6-14-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualilied as Execu­ tor of the Estate ol JEANNE M. JONES, lale of Davie County, Ihis is lo notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 28, 2018, (be­ ing three (3) monlhs from the first day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations Indebted to said esiale will piease make Immediate payment lo Ihe under­ signed. This Ihe 28lh day of June, 2012. DAVID JONES 691 Cedar Grove Church Rd f^ocksvilie, NC 27028 6-28-41n NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Execu­ tor of Ihe Estate of (MURIEL Q, GUDE, late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 28, 2012, (be­ ing three (3) months from Ihe first day ol publication ol this notice) or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted lo said esiale will please make Immediate payment to the under­ signed. This the 28th day of June, 2012. ERIC QUDE ' 1315 h/lt Vernon Rd Woodleaf, NC 27054 6-28-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PERSONAL REPRESEN­ TATIVE’S NOTICE Having qualilied as Personal Representative of Ihe Estate of WANDA FAYE ROYAL REEVES, decesed, late of Davie County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or before the 28th day of Seplembe, 2012, said date being at least three monlhs from the date of first publication of Ihis notice, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es­ tate will piease make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 28th day of June, 2012, the same being the first publica­ tion date. DONNA REEVES WHITAKER, Personal Representative Estate of Wanda Faye Royal Reeves Grady L. fvlcClamrock, Jr., NCSB #7868, Attorney for Ihe Estate 161 South f^ain Street IVIocksville, NC 27028 Telephone; (336) 751-7502 Fax; (336) 751-9909 6-28-4tn Estate of Lucille M. Sweeten Frank D. Sweeten, Executor o/o Neal E. Tackabery Blanco Tackabery & Matamoros, P.A, PO Drawer 25008 Winston-Salem, NC 27114-5008 6-14-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of MARSHALL M. SOUTHERN (aka Monroe Mar­ shall Southern), late of Davie County, this is to notify all per­ sons, firms and corporations iiav- Ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before October 5, 2012, (being three (3) months from the first day of publication ot this no­ tice) or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per­ sons, firms and corporations in­ debted to said estnte will please make Immedlale payment to the undersigned. This the 28th day ol June, 2012. PHILLIP J. MOHR 1 West Fourth Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attorneys at Law Ten Court Square , Mocksville, NC 27028 7-5-4Ш NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualilied as Executor of the Estate of VERNIE MAE HENDRIX, late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said esiale to present them to the undersigned on or before October 5, 2012, (being three (3) monlhs from the lirst day of publication of Ihis notice) or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will piease make immediate payment to the tinder- Advance, NC 27008 This the 21st day of June, 2012. ROBERT L HENDRIX 4101 NC Highway 801 South Advance, NC 27006 MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attorneys at Law Ten Court Square Mocksviiie, NC 27028 7-5-4tn, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of Ihe Estate of SALLiE LYONS BAKER, late of Davie Counly, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate lo present them to Ihe undersigned on or before October 5, 2012, (being Ihree (3) monlhs from Ihe first day ol publication ot this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will' please make immediate payment to the under­ signed. T/ils the 28th day ot June, 2012. EARLE LYONS SMITH 1618 Secret Garden Ct Salisbury, NC 28146 7-5-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Execu­ tor for the Estate of LUCILLE M. SWEETEN, (aka Lucille Sweeten, Lucille Marcantonlo Sweeten) of Advance, Davie Counly, NC, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms and corpora­ tions having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned at P.O, Drawer 25008, Winston-Salem, . NC 27114-5008, on or before the 14th day of September, 2012, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations Indebted to said estate wili please make immediate payment to the under­ signed. This Ihe 14th day of June, 2012, Frank D, Sweeten 189 Oleander Drive NORTH CAROLINA , DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE The proposed Schedules, Standards, and Rules lor Ap­ praising Real Property in Davie 'County for the revaluation of real property effective January 1, 2013, have been submitted to the Davie County Board of Commis­ sioners and are available for pub­ lic Inspection in the office of the Davie County Tax Administrator, County Administration Building, 123 South Main Street, Mocks­ viiie, North Carolina. The proposed use value schedule for appraising real prop­ erty at present use elfectlve Jan­ uary 1, 2013, has been submit­ ted to the Davie County Board of Commissioners and Is available for inspection In the office of the Davie County Tax Administrator. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held on the proposed Schedules, Standards, and Rules for the re­ valuation of all property and real property appraised at present use value effective January 1,' 2013, at 6:00 p.m., Monday, July 18, 2012, in Ihe Commissioners' Room, County Administration Building, 123 South Main Street, Mocksville, North Carolina. Brian S. Myers Tax Administrator 6-14-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 12 CVD 179 COUNTY OF DAVIE, Plaintiff, vs. THE HEIRS, KNOWN AND UN­ KNOWN, OF WILLIE MAY SCOTT WEST аЛ/а WILLIE MAE SCOTT WEST; HERMAN L WEST; Defendants. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: THE HEIRS, KNOWN AND UNKNOWN, OF WILLIE MAY SCOTT WEST a/k/a WILLIE MAE SCOTT WEST TAKE NOTICE that a plead­ ing seeking relief against you haS been filed in Ihe above-entitled action. The nature of the relief sought is the collection of prop­ erty taxes owing on the below- described property located in Davie County, North Carolina, and includes a foreclosure sale ol the property to satisfy Ihe unpaid property taxes. Plaintiff seeks to extinguish any and all claim or interest that you may have in the property. The real property is described and designated as fol­ lows: BEQINNINQ at a new iron pipe, (said Iron pipe being the Northeast corner of Tract No, iii-D oltheRN, Scott heirs land), and running thence the following courses and distances, South 82 deg; 30 mln, 55 sec. East 761,09 feet, South 08 deg, 03 mln, 51 sec. West 450.87 feel, South 88 deg. 57 min. 35 sec. East 12.23 feet, South 64 deg. 50 mln. 13 sec. West 878.23 feel, North 18 deg. 19 min, 07 sec. East 100,04 leet, North 73 deg, 48 min. 50 sec. West 53,65 feet, North 08 deg, 04 mlri, 31 sec. East 818.58 feet to the BEQINNINQ and containing 12.185 acres; more or less, as sun/eyed by Grady I. Tutterow on April 24, 1980 and shown as Tract No IV on the plat of the F. N. Scott heirs land In File No. 79 SP 54, Office ot the Clerk of Superior Court of Davie County, North Carolina, This tract is in­ formally known as Tax Parcel No, GS0000000203, pursuant to Ihe current Davie County Tax Maps, You are required to make de­ fense to such pleading not later than the 31st day ol Juiy, 2012, said date being 40 days Irom the first pubilcation ol this notice; and upon your failure to do so, the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 11th day of June, 2012, Kyla J. Slpprell Attorney for Plaintiff State Bar No. 23207 Kyla Slpprell PLLC P.O. Box 595 Mocksville, NC 27028' 6-21-31П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 11 CVD 674 COUNTY OF DAVIE, Plaintiff, . vs, LEON FRANKLIN PENNINGER; BRENDA F. PENNINGER; R.L FOSTER, Lienholder; Defen­ dants, NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BV PUBLICATION TO: R.L. FOSTER TAKE NOTICE lhal a plead­ ing seeking relief against you has been tiled In Ihe above-entitled action. The nature of the reiiel sought is the collection ol prop­ erty taxes owing on the below- . described property located In Davie County, North Carolina, and includes a loreclosure sale of the property to satisfy the unpaid property iaxes. Plaintiff seeks to extinguish any and all claim or Interest lhat you may have in Ihe property. The real property ia described and designated as fol­ lows: BEING ail of Lots 15, 18 and 17 as shown on Plat No. E en­ titled “Erwin Mills, Inc., property in Jerusalem Township by G. Sam Rowe, CE Newton North Carolina, October, 1953" which map is recorded in the olflce of Ihe Register of Deeds for Davie County, North Carolina, in Plat Book 3, Page 27. This tract Is informally known as Tax Parcel No. N5020A0005, pursuant to the current Davie Counly Tax Maps. You are required to make de­ fense to such pleading not later than the 31st day of July, 2012, said date being 40 days from the first publication of this notice; and upon your failure to do so, the party seeking service against you wiil apply to the Court for the relief sought: This the 11th day of June, 2012. Kyla J. Sippreii Attorney for Plaintiff Slate Bar No. 23207 Kyla Slpprell PLLC P.O. ЁОХ 595 Mocksville, NC 27028 6-21-3tn the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the under­ signed, Trustee Services of Caro­ lina, LLC, having been substi­ tuted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust, and Ihe holder of Ihe note evidencing said delault having di- sald Deed of Trust and Ihe under­ signed, Trustee Sen/Ices of Caro­ lina, LLC, having been substi­ tuted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust, and the holder ol the note evidencing said default having di­ rected that the Deed ol Trust be NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of EDWIN J. TITS- WORTH (a!k!a Edwin Johnson Tilsworth), late ol DavIe County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notily ail persons, llrms and corporations hav­ ing claims against the Estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned at the oHice of •HOUSE UW FIRM, PLLC, 3325 Healy Drive, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 27103, on or be­ fore the 21st day of September, 2012, or Ihis notice will be plead­ ed in bar of Iheir recovery. Ail persons, firms and corporations indebted to the said Estate wiil please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This Ihe 14th day ol June, 2012. Carolyn T Siavin Executor of the Estate of Ed­ win J. Tilsworth, deceased Don R. House HOUSE LAW FIRM, PLLC ^ 3325 Healy Drive Winston-Salem, NC 27103 336-768-2225 Ph. 338-768-3389 Fx. 8-21-4ln reeled that the Deed of Trust be loreciosed, Ihe undersigned Sub- foreclosed, the undersigned Sub- stitute Trustee wili offer for sale at NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualilied as Execu­ trix of the Estate of JACQUIE LYNN WHITCHER, late ol Davie County, this is to notily all per­ sons, firms and corporations hav­ ing claims against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or belore September 21,2012, (being three (3) monlhs Irom Ihe first day of publication of this no­ tice) or this notice wili be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per­ sons, firms and corporations in­ debted to said estate wili piease make immediate payment to the undersigned. This Ihe 21st day of June, 2012. STEPHEN EDWARD WHITCHER 188 Winding Creek Road Mocksville, NC 27028 6-21-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR THE FOLLOWING ZON­ ING AMENDMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant lo the requirements ol Article 20-B ol Chapter 153-A ol Ihe General Statutes of North Carolina and-Section 155.251 of the Davie County Code of Ordi­ nances, that the Davie County Board of Commissioners wili hold a Public Hearing in Ihe Com- misalonera Room of the Davie County Administration Building located at 123 South Main Street, Mocksville, NC on Monday, July 16,2012 at 6:00 p.m. to hear the following requests: A) Text Amendment. The Board wiil review a text amend­ ment to Ihe Zoning Ordinance in sections §155.001 and 155.125, The amendment proposes lo add delinitlons and update definitions to relied the 2012 NAICS edition. The amendment proposes to re­ name, combine and delete uses Irom the table of uses. The public is Invited to at­ tend the hearing at which time there wiil be an opportunity to be heard in lavor of, or in opposition to, the above items. As a result of Ihe public hearing, substantial changes might be made in the advertised proposal, reflecting objections, debate and discus­ sion at the hearing. Additional Information is available at the De­ velopment Services Department on weekdays between 8:30 a,m, and 5:00 p,m, or by telephone at (338)753-6050, Andrew Meadweil Planning Department 7-5-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY 10SP317 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of a Pow­ er ol Sale contained in that cer­ tain Deed of Trust executed by DAMIEN CLINTON AND SHANTE CLINTON AKA SHANTE L CLIN­ TON to DAVE VACH, Trustee(s), which was dated April 23, 2008 and recorded on April 24, 2008 in Book 755 at Page 657, Davie County Registry, North Carolina, Default having been made of stitute Trustee wili offer for sale at the courthouse door ol the county courthouse where the property is located, or the usual and custom­ ary location at the county court­ house for conducting the sale on July 18,2012 at 12:30PM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated In OavIe County, f^orth Carolina, to wit: BEING ALL OF LOT 1 OF REDBUD VALLEY SUBDIVI­ SION ACCORDING TO A PUT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 172, DAVIE COUNTY REGISTRY, REFER­ ENCE TO WHICH IS HEREBY MADE FOR A MORE PARTICU­ LAR DESCRIPTION, Save and excepi any releases, deeds ol release or prior convey­ ances of record. Said property Is commonly known aa 2074 US Highway 64 West, Mocksville, NC 27028, Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, and the court costs of Forty-Five Cents (45e) per One Hundred Dollars ($100,00) pursuant to NCGS 7A-308(a)(1). A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five per­ cent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Filly Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. Following Ihe expiraUon ol Ihe statutory upset bid period, aii Ihe remaining amounts are imme­ diately due and owing. Said property ,to be offered pursuant to this Notice ol Sale Is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS." There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at, or relating to the property be­ ing ollered lor sale. This sale Is made subject lo all prior liens, un­ paid taxes, any unpaid land trans­ ler taxes, special assessments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encum­ brances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property la/are Damien Clinton and wife, Shante Clinton. An Order for possession of Ihe property may be issued pur­ suant lo G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties In possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occu­ pies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered Into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the no­ tice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days’ written notice to the landlord. The notice shall also stale lhat upon termi­ nation of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable lor rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termina­ tion. If Ihe Iruslee Is unable lo con­ vey ilile lo this property for any reason, the sole remedy ol the purchaser is the return of the de­ posit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not lim­ ited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee, if the validity of the sale Is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discre­ tion, 11 Ihey believe the challenge lo have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser wili have no lurther remedy . Twstee Services of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brook & Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Ser­ vices of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 - Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.; 10-26894-FC01 7-5-21n NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY 12SP22 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue ol a Pow­ er ol Sale contained In lhat cer­ tain Deed of Trust executed by Eric Lee Gray and Suzanne Lynn Gray to TRSTE, INC., Trustee(s), which was dated December 29, 2008 and recorded on December 29, 2006 In Book 694 at Page 570, Davie County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the the courthouse door of the counly courthouse where the property is located, or the usual and custom­ ary location at the county court­ house lor conducting the sale on Juiy 18,2012 at 12:30PM, and will self to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated In Davie County, North Carolina, to wil: Being known and designated as Lot No. 39 of Pepperstone Acres, as shown on a plat record­ ed in Plat Book 6, Page 109 (Slide 218), Davie County Registry, to which reference is hereby made for a more particular description. Sub|ecllorestriclivecovenants ' in Deed Book 180, Page 592; and as amended In Deed Book 182, Page 269; Deed Book 182, Page 684; and Deed Book 206, Page 919; Davie County Registry, and any other easements and restric­ tion of record. For back title, see Deed Book 328, Page 10; Deed Book 2l’l, Page 845; Deed Book 142, Page 636; Deed Book 86, Page 153; and Deed Book 36, Page 99; Da­ vIe County Registry. See also Tax Map F-3-13, A, Parcel 39, located in Clarksville Township, Davie County, North Carolina. Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior convey­ ances of record. Said property Is commonly known as 137 Pepperstone Drive, Mocksville, NC 27028. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, and the court costs ol Forty-Five Cents (45e) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursuant to NCOS 7A-308(a)(1), A cash deposit (no personal checks) ol five per­ cent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Filly Dollars ($750i00), whichever Is greater, wili be required at the time ol the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are Imme­ diately due and owing. Said property to be olfered pursuant to this Notice ol Sale Is being ollered for sale, transler and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS," There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or salety conditions exist­ ing in,, on, at, or relating to the property being offered lor sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any un­ paid land transfer taxes, special assessments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any olher encumbrances or ex­ ceptions ol record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property Is/are Eric L. Gray and wife, Suzanne L. Gray. An Order for possession',of the property may be Issued pur­ suant to G,S, 45-21.29 In lavor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occu­ pies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or alter October 1, 2007, may, alter receiving the no­ tice ol sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. The notice shall also slate that upon termi­ nation of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated lo the effective dale of the termina­ tion. 11 the trustee Is unable to con­ vey tllle to this property for any reason, the sole remedy ol the purchaser is the return of the de­ posit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not lim­ ited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement ol the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. II the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, In their sole discre­ tion, If they believe the challenge .10 have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC Subslilute Trustee Brook i Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Ser­ vices of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX; (910) 392-8587 File No.; 11-12876-FC01 7-5-2ln ; I B12 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 5,2012 LEGAL NOTICES Dateline Ш NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY 11 SR 342 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of a Power o( Sale contained In that certain Deed of Trust executed by Steven S Russ and wife, Bev­ erly Russ a/k/a Beverly W. Russ to Vance C. Dalton, Trustee(s), which was dated March 26, 2008 and recorded on Inarch 31, 2008 In Book 752 at Page 359, Davie County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the under­ signed, Trustee Services of Caro­ lina, LLC, having been substi­ tuted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust, and Ihe holder of the note evidencing said default having di­ rected that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Sub­ stitute Trustee will offer for sele at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property Is located, or the usual and custoni- ary location at the county court­ house for conducting the sale on .vluly 18,2012 at 12:30Pf^, and will ¿ell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated In Davie County, l^orth Carolina, to wit: , Beginning at a pk nail In the .centerline of a branch and SR .1610 (Williams Road), being the Southeast corner of the herein .'described tract and the Northeast corner of Nora W, Smith (Deed Book 152, page 547); thence with Smith's Northern line and the • right of way margin of SR 1610 (Williams Road), North 63 deg. 30 mln. 16 sec. West 301.02 feet to a pk nail In the centerline of the road; thence continuing with the road's right of way. North 65 deg. 22 mln. 59 sec. West 71.68 feet to a point In the road's centerline; thence continuing North 69 deg. 33 mln. 31 sec. West 61.40 feet to a point in the road's centerline; '.thence continuing North 75 deg. 28 mln. 55 sec. West 52.79 feet to a pk nail In the road's center- line, being the Southwest cor­ ner of the herein described tract and tha Southeast corner of Lot No.3 of the Claude F. Williams Estate; thence with the Eastern line of Lot No.3, North 21 deg. 19 mln, 38 sec. East 700.91 leet to an Iron In the Northwest cor­ ner of the herein described tract and the Northeast corner ol Lot No.3; thence with the Southern line of VIrgll Wyatt (Deed Book 75, page 20 and Deed Book 82, page 45), South 68 dsg. 08 mln. 58 sec. East 419.25 feet to an Iron In the Northeast corner of the herein described tract and being the Northwest corner of Lot No.5 of the Claude F. Williams Estate; thence with the Western line of Lot No.5, South 15 deg. 23 mln. 30 sec. West 869.38 feet to the point and place of beginning, con­ taining 7.88 acres, more or less, as surveyed by Sam P. Hall, Pro­ fessional Land Surveyor on June 3,1998 (Drawing No. I 71 88-3), and being Lot 4 of an unrecorded plat of the Claude F. Williams Es­ tate. Subject to the right of way of SR 1610 (Williams Road) end any other easements or restric­ tion of record. For back title see Deed Book 198, Page 224; Deed Book 99, Page 609; Deed Book 26, Page 319; and Deed Book 20, Page 549; Davie County Registry. See also Tax f^ap 1-7. Parcel 1, lo­ cated In Fulton Township, Davie County, North Carolina. Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior convey­ ances of record. . Said property Is commonly known as 385 yVllllams Road, Mocksville, N0 27028. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, and the court costs of Forty-Five Cents (45c) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursuant to NCQS 7A-308(a)(1). A cash deposit (no personal checks) of live per­ cent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the expiration ol ths statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are Imme­ diately due and owing. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS WHERE IS." There ars no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, heailh or salety conditions exist­ ing In, on, at, or relating to the propsrty being offered for sale. This sals Is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any un­ paid land transfer taxes, special assessments, easements, rights ol way, deeds ol release, and any other encumbrances or ex­ ceptions of record. To the best ol tha knowledge and belief ol the undersigned, the current ownsr(s) of the property Is/are Steven S. Russ. An Order for possession of the property may be issued pur­ suant to Q.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties In possession by the clerk of supsrior court of ths county In which the property Is sold. Any person who occu­ pies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or alter October 1, 2007, may, alter receiving Ihe no­ tice ol sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. The notlcs shall also state that upon termi­ nation of a rental agrssmsnl, ths tenant Is liable for rsnt dus undsr ths rsntai agreement prorated lo the effective date of ths Isrmlna­ tlon. II the trustee Is unable to con­ vsy titis to this property lor any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser Is the return of the de­ posit. Reasons of such Inability to convsy includs, but ars not lim­ ited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge ol Ihe trustee. If the validity of the sals Is chaiienged by any party, the trustee. In their sole discre­ tion, If they believe the challenge to iiave merit, may request ths court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no lurther remedy.' Trustee Services ol Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC Attorneys lor Trustee Ser­ vices of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suits 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE; (910) 392-4988 FAX; (910)392-8587 File No.; 11-22602-FC01 7-5-2tn STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL COURT- FAMILY DIVISION BARRY COUNTY PUBLICATION OF HEARING Case No. 11-8242-NA Petition No. TO; Dustin Davis and Jessica Vanalmen, whose addresses and whereabouts ars uknown to Ps- titioner and whose Interest In the matter may be barred or affected by the loliowing; IN THE MATTER OF: Riley Davis A hearing reguarding Termina­ tion of Parental Rights will be con­ ducted by the court on August 17, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. In Barry County Family Court, 206 W. Court St, 3rd floor, Hastings, Ml 49058 be­ lore Judge William M. Doherty. IT IS THEREFORE OR­ DERED that Dustin Davis and Jessica Vanalmen personally ap­ pear before the court at the time and place stated above. The hearing may result In the termination of your parental rights over Riley Davis. 7-5-12n Fundraisers Saturday, July? Youth Yard Sale,ntChestniitOrovc UIVIC, 8 n.m. til 2 p.m. Spots still avallnble for $15. Call 782-8275. Sunday, July 8 54thAnnIvcrsar)'RcunionofHol- man & Frost Families, nt Pnlmclto Church, US 601 N. Mocksvillc. Fellowship begins 10:30n.m. Picnic dinner 1 p.m. Relatives & friends welcome. Monday, July 9 Pennington Chevrolet Employee Reunion, for nil employees, 5:30 p.m. nt Denno’s BBQ, Mocksvillc. Bring pics & memorabilin. Religion Report Dateline Items By Noon On Monday Items for Davie Date­ line should be reported by noon Monday of the publication week. Call751-2120ordrop it by the office, at S. Main St. across from the courthouse. Mon.-Fri. July 9-13 VBS al Grenter Mt. Moriah Mis- sionnry Bnpt. Church, 6-8 p.m. nightly. Tlieme: "Put on the Whole Armor of God". Special Events Saturday, July 21 Concert On The Square, down­ town Mocksville, 101 N. Main Street, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Come dance to bcach music, line dance lo lilts of 70s, and lets all do the Wobble Dance. Free, bring your chnir. Hor info: 909-2263. Meetings Ongoing Davie Counly Planning Board, 4th Tues. of ench month, 6 p.m. in commisslonerschnmbers,2nd floor, Dnvie Administrntion Bldg., 123 S. Main Street. Dnvie County Board of Adjust- mcnt, 3rd Mondny of ench month, 6p.m.,incommissioncrschnmbers, 2nd floor, Davie Administration Bldg., 123 S. Mnln Street. . Davlc Beelceepers Association, second Thurs. of every monlh, 7 p.m., 412 N. Mnin Street (First Bnpt. Church). Visitors wclcomo. To find out more info: www.dnvle- beekcepers.org Family & Friends ofthe Mentally III Support Group, 2nd Tues. of ench month,6 p.m., Hilliidnlc Bnpt. Church, Advnncc. Call 751-5441 fopr info. Advance Garden Club, 2nd Tues. enchmonth,Hlllsdnle Bnpt.Church, US 158,1:30 p.m. Lion’s Club, meets 1st Thurs. of ench month, 6 p.m. board, 7 p.m., general. Al Hardison United Meth- o<list Church. Hill.<idnlo Sunrise Rolnry Club, ever)’ Thurs. at 7 a.m., Bermuda Village. Dnvic Co. Fraternal Order of Police Lodge94,3rdTues. of every month,7 p.m.,5fcko's Restaurant. Davie Democratic Party, 2nd Tues. of ench month, 7 p.m., 110 Depot Street. Davie Co.RepublieanParty,every thirdTues.ofmonth,7 p.m. in Dnvie Co. courthouse. Davie Amateur Radio Club, 1st Tuesday of each month, 7 p.m., Dnvio Co. Hospital Training Room. Pubiic welcome. Dnvic Co. Republican Men’s Federation, second Thurs. of ev­ ery month, 6:30 p.m., Sngebrush Restaurant, Mocksville. For info: 408-8898. Dnvie Historical & Gcneaiogicni Society, 4th Thurs., 7 p.m., Davie Library. Al-Anon Family Group, at Mace­ donia Moravinn Church, N.C. 801 N., Advanco, Sundays 8 p.m., Rm. 225 (above fellowship hnll). Al- Anon is n group that helps fnmilies 6 friends of alcoholics. Cooleemee Womens Civitan Club, meets 4fh Thurs. of ench monlh, 7 p.m, Cooleemee First Bapt. fellow­ ship hnll. 204 Mnrginnl St., Cool­ eemee. All nren ladies invited. For further info: 336-284-4795. Stilch-In, a gathering of craftors nt Mocksvillc Library, sccond Wed. of cach monlh, 7-8:15 p.m. Bring your portable project an nil your best tips and tricks to siinre. Info; 751-2023. Community Foundation of Dnvic County Bonrd of Directors, 2nd Mon., 5 p.m. Rotating meeting. Fur info/monthly Iocnlion cnll 753-6903. Mocksville Garden Club, 1st Thurs. of ench month, 7 p.m., in former fellowship hull behind First UMC, Mnin Street, Mocksvillc, Norlh Dnvic Rurilan Club,month­ ly dinner meetings, sccond Mon. of ench month,7 p.m.Cnll 782-4276 for info and location of next meeting. SmartSlartofDavieCounly bonrd meeting, 3rd Tues. of every other month (begins Jnn.) at SunTnist on Vaditinville Rd., 9-10:30 n.m. Questions: 751-2113. Alzheimer’s Support Group, 2nd Tuesdny of cich montii, 6:30 p.m., at Davie Sr. Services, Mocksville. Info; 753-6230. Dnvie Civitan Club meets 4th Thurs. of eacii monlh, Fcb.-0ct„ 7 p.m.. at Hillsdnie Bnpt. Church, Hwy. 158. All visitors Welcome. NAACP Community Awareness Meeting, every 4th Mon. of ench month, 7 p.m., nt Shiloh Bnpt. Church. Center ECA Club meets 3rd Tues­ dny ofeuchmonth.ntCenterComm. Bldg., 7:30 p.m. Pleaso join us. Disabled American Veterans Post 75 meets on third Mondny of ench month, 7 p.m., nt 1958 Hwy. 601 S, Contnct Larty at 336-407-5662 , for more info. Town Of Cooleemee Plnnning Board, meets 3rd Thurs. of ench monlh nl Cooleemee Town Hnll, 7 p.m. Autism Support Group 3rd Mon­ dny of ench monlh, 6:30 p.m., nt Hillsdnie Bnpt. Church, Advnncc. Dnvio County Diabetes Support Group, first Thurs. of every monlh, 7-8:30 p.m., nl Dnvie Co. Public Library Smnll Conference Room. Info: 751-8700. Davie Co. Hospitnl Auxilary, every second Tues., in board room, 6 p.m. Davie Business Women’s Associa­ tion, 1st Wed. of each monlh, 12 noon,ntSunTruslBnnk, Vnlley Bnnk Branch locution. Open to nil iudic.s interested in networking. Davie Couiity Horse Emergency Rescue Tenm, 7:30 p.m., down­ stairs nt tho Agricultural Building, Mocksville. Every3rdTuesduyeuch month. For Info: 940-2 111. Davie Co. Band Boosters, meets 2nd Tuesday of month, 7:30 p.m., Davie High Bnnd Room. Christinn Businessmen’s Commit- lee of Mocksvillc,Thursdnys ,7 n.m. Mocksvillc Rolnry Hut. Gold Wing Touring Assoclntion, Red Pig Bnrbecue, Greasy Corner. N.C. 801 ntU.S.601,6p.m. 284- 4799. Cooleemee Rccrenllon Associn- lion, Zuchury House. 1st Tuesdny, 7 p.m. The Artist Group, Dnvie Counly Library, 7 p.m. lust Tues. Cnll Bon­ nie nl 998-5274. Farmington Mnsonic Lodge No. 265,2nd Mondny, 7:30 p.m. nl tlic lodge. Davlc Co. United Wny Bonrd of Directors, 4th Mondny, 5:30 p.m., Brock Center Annex, Conf. Room 208. Dnvie High Atliielic Boosters, 3rd Mondny, 7 p.m., sciiool cnfeterin. Farmington Ruritnn Club, 2nd Tluirsdny, 7:30 p.m., Furminglon Methodist churcli. HELPS Ministries, Christian re­ covery program forwomensexunlly nbuscd ns children. Mondnys, 7:30 p.m.,41 court Squnrc, Room 210. Parents Resource Organization (PRO) support group for fumilics of children wilh disubiiities. 2nd Tuesdny. 7 p.m. Cnll Rosemnry Kropfeldcr nt 998-3311 for locu­ tion. Jericho-Hnrdison Ruritnn Club, 2nd Tuesduy, 7 p.m., club build­ ing. Henllh Dept., clinic hours: Mon.- Fri., 8:30-11:30 n.In.. 1-4:30 p.m. Davlc County Board of Social Services. 4th Tuesdny, 5:30 p.m. at DSS. Narcotics Anonymous Against All Odds Group, First Bupl. Ciiurcli,390 N. Main Streei (upstairs), Thurs. 7 p.m.. Sun. 6 p.m. Drug Problem? Helpline, 336-785-7280. American Legion Post 174, Na­ tional Gunrd Armory, US 64 E., Mocksville, 2nd Thursdny, 6 p.in. Mocksville Civiinn Club, 7 p.m., 2nd & 4th Mondays, at First I’res- bytcriun Church. Advancc Memorial Post 8719 Veternnsof Foreign Wurs and Ladies Auxiliary,4thTucs.,7:30 p.m.. post homo. Feed Mill Rond. Davie County Right To Life, 7 p.m., 3rd Thursday, grand jury room, courthouse. 751-5235 or 492-5723. This newspaper really gets around ... In Amish Country This group traveled with Davie County Senior Services and J&J Tours to Charleston, W.Va. and Sugar Creek, Ohio to tour the Ohio Amish country. They take a break to have a group photo taken and to catch up on the Enterprise news. DAVIE-CLEMMONS Ш С И OVIR 29,000 RSABCBS íl/ВЙГ W f№ THE DA VIE COVNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD Thursday, July OS, 2012 ■ 13Щ, CalllVlonday-Friday8AM-5PM ¡ TOLL FREE Ш - 7 5 1 - 2 1 2 1 FAX: 704-630-0157 EMAIL: CLASSADSOSALISBURYPOST.COIVI /'■■EBEEACIS.............Giving away sonnettiing or selling an item valued at ( $500 or less? Found a lost pet? • RUII IT FOR FI1EEl4iiKwiii.(<eiii]i«iiMii)(MtoMJii. ' PICTU RE A P S Sell your pets, car/trucl< or stuff witfi a plioto ad & run it for 4 weei<s for $20. Sell your fiouse witti a ptioto ad for $30 for 4 weei<s. YARPSâ LÆ 10 liñas for$10.00 15 lines for $12.00 20 lines for $15.00 employíñent . Opportuiiltley Attn Drivers: Great Miles + Top Pay = Money. Security + Respect = PRICELESS. 2 Mos. CDL Class A Exp. 877- 258-6782 Dftvofs Drivers- CDL-A TEAM with TOTALI Miles. Equipment. Benefits. 60/cents mile lor Hazmat Teams. Solo drivers also neededi 800-942-2104, ext. 7307 or 7308. www.Drlve4Tolal.com Drivors Drivers- Class-A Flatbed - $ ■ Homo Weekends. Run Southeast US. Rsquires 1 yr. DTR Flatbed Experience & pay UP to .39c/mlle. Call 1-800-572-5489, ext. 227. Sunbelt Transport, LLC. . Driver« Tanker & Flatbed Independent ConlraotorsI Immediate Placement Available. Best oppor­ tunities In the trucking business. Call Today. 800-277-0212 or vww.prlmeino.com Area 2 Clmtand. 11376 Cool Springs Rd. (Woodloal aroa). URGE Yard Salo. Sal. July 7lh, aann-3pm. Housohold Horns, liko now lilt ctiair, computor doak. Wo'ra still cloanlngl Lota ol now Itoms oddod Blnco last week. Yard Sale Davie County BIGYard Sale Mookivllle. 508 Pino RIdgo Road, Fri. 7/06/12 &Sot. 7/07/12 7am-3pm. MockivUH. 137 Gumtroo Cl. (Northfidgo Sub. oti Camp* boll Rd.) MOVING Salo. Fri. 7/6 i Sat. 7/7, Barn. RAIN OR SHINE. Collectors, doalors, somothing lor alll Tools, antique 5pc Droxol BR set $3500 nood relinlshod, similar sol appraisod $15.000. 1996 Chevy Camoro NO TITLE parts only. Coiloctibles, misc. housohold Itoms, riding mowor, yard equipment, somo (urnituro. costume jowoiry, drill press and much more. Mocksvlllo. 151 Howard­town Circle (Smith Grovo Community) HUQE Yard Sale. Sat. July 7th. 8am- 2pm. Dale Earnhardt framed prints, TV, A/C, upholstery fabric, oloc' tronics, high chair, home docor, bar stools and much moro. yARDSSU Mockivllie. 2787 US Hwy 64 East, Fri. 7/06/12 & Sat. 7/07/12 Bam-12pm. Kids clothing size 6 & up, colloo lable, ond tables, computor desk Mocksvlile. 71B Shollloid Rd. SHOP-A-HOLIC Has Yard Salo - Don't MISS III Sal. July 7 Irom 7am- Noon. Namebrand loon boys' cloltios, and lots ol teen boy STUFF, men's XLSi XXL, women's L, XL, & XXL Namo Brand elollios, much morolll Rain Cancels. Yard Sale Davie County Mocksvlile. 951 Dulln Rd. Yard Salo. Sat. July 7th, 8am*1pm. 2 door wiro dog konnol, HE chest freezer, designer pocket- books. ladies' clothes & shoos, oxerclso oqulp- mont, iovosoat/sioopor sofa, Cannon camora, tiros & miso. 3-Famlly Yard Sale Mooksvllle. 2957 US Hwy 601 South, Sat., 7/07/12 Bam-unlll. Name brand womon & childrens cloth­ing - all sizes, toys, pock- elbooks, stioos & house­hold goodsi Ahs; Crafts Л Hobbles : SorapUeok and rubber stamp collocllon, $250. Cricket wllh 0 cartrldgos, $175. All liko now-must sell. 704-27B-2702. -Clothing & Footwear Boys' Unllorma Sizes 12-16.(15)Pants ond (15) Polo shirts. $30. Plonso call (704)213-7063 Here Comes The Bride Wadding dress $450. Call 704-701-4407 for moro inrormatlon. Electronics Playstation 2 gamaa, 10games loi $20. Call 704- 637-0336 1er more Inlor­ mallon. exercise » equipment Elllptloli weight bonch, weights, circio giido, box­ing bag with rack wavo DVDs and oxtras. $250 obo. Call 278-2782. Fitness Bear Powor Towor. 0X0 condition, cost $159 ot Dick's Sporting Goods. $80.00 704-928-5002 Fürnituref &Appllanceis Armoire, now, 01x56, by Bornhardt, honoy color, mirrors insldo oach door $400. Call 704-633-1058 Beautiful Coffee Table, 37x37x15. with (ourlnsot tiles, largo storage draw­er. $300. Call 704-855- 1171 or 980-234-0918. Bed. Now Catifronia king canopy bod by Bern­hardt. honey color $400. Call 704-633-1058 (lassHieds TO ADVERTISE CALL1 -8 7 7 -7 5 1 -2 1 2 0 Sklllod'Ulxu MILLWORK Local distributor ol line lumber products has positions available lor earnest, reliable workers. Drivers - Class A CDL specified route (minimum 2 yrs exp.) Maintenance of. DOT records and logs. Clean MVR. Familiarity with routing solt- ware. Computer skills helpful. Will load and unload as needed. I’osltlons are lull-time wllh excellent benelits Including a company matched 401 (k) plan, Visit vww.reeb.com for application or visit Ihe Mocksville, NC plant. EOE Drug testing employer. 346 Bethel Church Road Mocksville, NC 27028 Phone: (877) 304-0139x1907 Fax: (336) 751-4660 Furniture & Appliances : China oablnal, lighted. With sorving drawor. $100. Expandablo onter- tainmont contor, $400. 704-298-0457 DInlns furniture, dark chorry $500. Call 704- 701-4497 for more Infor­mation. Entertainment Center holds 27 inch TV. Glass door with shelves for audio. $50.704-278-3747 Offlc« or homo 5' studio dosk. Nico, solid dark wood. Vory attraolive. Must soil. $176. Call 704-239-2837 PIcnIo Tiblf with bonches 6 foot long troatnd hard wood brand new. $125 (336) 239-3570 Quality desk for salo. Groat for olfico or homo. Must soil, moving out of offico. $175 Cali 704-239- 2837 Sofa, 3 cushion, light bluo, now upholstery, vory nico. $75. Call 704-784- 2488 for more Infor.. Step 2 FIrotruck Toddler Bod groat condition no mattross included $90. Call 704-798-5548 Take a seatlWhilo floral couch with matching pillow. $185. Call altor 7 pm. 704-27- 3747. IWIn Captsln's bod with matching bookshelf $100, computor dosk $20, Bunk bed $100, Drossor $30. 919-208-7794 Lam AGaffleii,' Riding I $500 . Please Call 704-310-0879 M edial .equipment ATrENTION DIABETICS with Modlcaro. Qot a FREE talking motor onddiabolic tostlng supplì ot NO COST, plus FRI:EE homo dollvoryl Bost of oil. this motor oilmlnalos palnlul linger prickingl Cali 888-264-9573. ATTENTION SLEEP APNEA SUFFERERS with Medicara. Get FREE CPAP Replacement Supplies at NO COST, plus FREE home deilv- oryl Best of all, prevent rod skin sores and bade- rial inlectioni Cali 877- 763-9842. Large pewere noedsbalteries. $300 Must see to appreciate. Call Linda at 704-818-7931 Chalkboard, $5; Bod side rails, $10; microwave $30: terrarium with light $30. Call 704-431-0381 alter 5 pm. Miscellaneous ForSale Daaart Ross serving bowls, pitchor & various other matching pieces. $500. 704-208-0457 Fiberglass bed covor Ford FI 50 07-03 short bod painted whito w/iock brand now. $350. Call 338 798-5067 Hut SIrloklln Smokin' Joes t-shlrl, medium, vary colorlul on IronI & back $20.704;642-1827 Little 1Vkes outside play castle. Retails 1er $400, asking only $125. Call 704-637-3586 Luggage sat 3 po $35; portobio CD player $30; box window Inn $20; small Mr. Collee $15. Call 704-833-5172 May The Force Ba With You star Wara loosebail table $100. Call 704-642-1627 ler details. Poet inter, Hayward. $200. Paintball gun, $75. Please call 704-637- 5416 lor more Into. Puili Mowsra (4) ■Crallsman. Prices $100, $75, $100, $200, usod. Pleaso call 704-310- 0079 READERS & MUSIC LOVERS. 100 Greatest Novels (audio books) ONLY $99.00 (plus sh.) Includes MP3 Player & Accessories. BONUS: 50 Classical Music Works & Money Back Guarantee. Cali Todoyl 1-886-659- 4698 Rotor antanna, $35, w/box. Steel toe shoes, sz 9, now, $40. Backpack loalblowor/ vac., $25.26" men's Hully bIKo, $40.704-U7-Sie9 SAVE 65 Porcont & Qot 2 FREE GIFTS when you order 100 Percent guar­anteed, deiivored-to- the- door Omaha Steaks Family Value Combo NOW ONLY $49.90. ORDER Today 1- 868- 350-5448 use code 45069TQW www.OmahaSlonks.com/ Ivc97 STEEL BUILDINGS Porloci lor Homos & Garages. Lowest Prices, Moke Oiler and LOW Monthly Payment on remaining cancelled orders 20x24, 25x30, 30x44, 35x60 CALL 1- 600-091-0251 Nicole. Vase set 2 po $15; small electric heater $20; wooden tray table $30; lighthouse lamp $20. Cali 704-633-5172 WANTED 10 HOMES needing siding, windows or roofs. Sove hundreds ol dollars. No money down. Payments from $80/mo, Aii credit accept­ed. Senior/Military dis­counts. 1 •866-668-8661. Bpo place setting ol Desert Rose dishes. $500. Pleaso call 704- 298-0457 lor more inlo. I l i v e P a l o n e Miscellaneous ForSale win $4,000 In grocerlei.Entor to win. Toko our sur­vey at www.papor.net and loll us about your housohold shopping plans and media usage. Your input wiil help us improve the papor ond gol tho advertising spocials you want. Thank youl ' Music Seles Small upright pianobought from Kluttz Plano. Good condition. $150 OBO. 704-754-0006 or 704-928-5062 Sporting Goods Airhead raca towablo 3 porson float with OO* wide 64'' tail, Vory fun $165. Call 704-798-5546 TV, DVD & Video AT&T U-Vorso for jusl $29.99/moi SAVE whon you bundle inlornot-f Phono+TV and gol up to $300 BACKI (soled plans). Limited Timo. Cail Nowl 800-361-4843. dlgi- lalmojo.com Bundio & Savo on your Cable, Intornot, Phono & Morol High Spood Internet starting at less than $20/mo. CALL NOWI 800-296-7409. SAVE on Cablo TV- internet-Dlgllal Phono. Packages stari at $B9.09/m'o (for 12 months.) Options from ALL major sorvico providers. Cali Accollor today to learn morol CALL1-877-715-4515. Timbar wartttd - Pino or hardwood. 5 acros or moro sotoct or cioar cut. Shavor Wood Products, Inc. Coli 704-278-9291. Wheat pennies, Buffalo nickols, Morcury dimps ^ alt old coins. Call' BudHauser, 336-998-8692. v*”!4c ■ Fluffy 7 week old baby kit­ ties. 2 bull, 2 calico. Please call 704-636- 2474. Mama kitty needs a breaki Free kitten, oulslde/insido. 6 wks old, orange tabby. Adorable,, sweet. Worming medicine, incl. Call 704- 63S-a098. FREE kriTENSe mioíd. Freo Calleo cal lómale 3 yrs. oíd, spayod, haa had shols. ALLInnoed ol a good homo.704-699-6110 Free kittens. Approx. 8 wooks old. Male, lemolos. Males, lomaies. Call 704- 754-0402 Lv. Msg. but I’m never alone. I have Life Alert For a FREE brochure call: 1 , 8 6 6 - 3 8 7 - 4 1 9 6 Havo Sloop Apnoa? Covorod By Modlcaro? Get CPAP or BiPAP Replacement Supplies at NO COST, plus FREE Home Delivery! E E JH ^siepp W9 Mp you get Ш nntful nlghVt alocp: • fhM pctfonWUMi conMAilioii Mrkh • tlMfi «рл«а ip«cUM• Г(«« Поля and No-RMk Оиатхм , Swirer. flesMeo Co pii'tK'ms.dtJuilt'fird stnrtIti,SPI2-;iM47 B U N D L E & S A V E ! ON DIGITAL SERVICES FOR YOUR HOME p iG iT A L TV H iG H -S P E E D IN TER N ET D IG ITAL PHO NE OlffltB iHBV bo avallablo rraw In your area from Accellor, Inc. for thoso lop soivlco provldore: CHARTER • VERIZON • AT&T • Time Warner Cabl«” Authorized Retailer TO FIN D O UT M O R E C A LL TO LL-FR EE1-877-715^:4515By AqobIIw. Ino.. «Mt ftuthortztd r«UU«r. and wvte* i»*Wollon* apply to «11 moIc«». Call to m* II you qualily. FBEE 3yr Male Black Lab, Houso trained. GREAT W KIDS, neods room to run & moro altonlion, GREAT DOGM 704-239-0650 Froo dogs to good homo. 2 malo mixod brood dogs. 1 brown. 1 chocolate brindlo. Call 704-278-1972. FREE largo brown dogi Vory swoetl Noods good homo ASAPI Call 704- 754-3873 for moro infoi Froo Pit Dull mix puppios. Ploaso call 704-634- 7996 for moro Informa­tion. Froo Puppies • IWo froo Labradoodio puppios to good home. Coll 704- 797-1408. PIt/Lab mix puppies, 5 wooks old, Froo lo good homo. Coil 704-630-1065 ioavo mossago. No calls after 7pm Puppies, Welmaraner. 8wooks. Ali shols. Tails docked, dow claws removed. Parents onslto. $350 oa.'336-817-8850 K'.-'Instruction AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Train for hands on Aviation Caroor. FAA approved program. Financial aid If qualified. Job placement assis­tance. Call Aviation instituto of Maintenance. 877-300-0494. Lost & Found Found trl-colorod boagio In Noodmoro Rd. aroa. (noar pallet company) Call 336-284-4552 FOUNDS Fomaio Boagio 5Æ7/12 around E. Ritchie Rd in Salisbury. Call 704' '7è4-7342 tó Idontifÿ.' i FOUND] Largo grey & whito dog closo to Naíaroth Childron'e Homo In Rockwell. Cali 704-708-881810 Idonllfy. FOUND: Largo, white dog in Salisbury. Cail 704- 857-1017 to Identify from 8am to 5pm. Homes For Sale _ WCiammons area, 4620 Midstream Crossing. Rivergato Doveiopmont, Pracllcaily now homo. 1326 SqFt, SBR, 2.5BA, 2- car garage, spacious attic above garage. Appliances Ind.. custom wood window shades, patio on back, bonutilui neighborhood. $130k, loan assumable, 336-098-3305 Mini-Farm Mocksvlllo area, 3 bod­room homo with fuii basomont, shop building, barn, pond, other out­ buildings, 8 acre mini farm with pasturo. PRICE REDUCED. Call 336-751- 5628 or 336-345-2008 for moro Inlo. Ownor/brokor 3 BR, basomont. country. Take ovor payments.$43'l .50/mo, 20% down. $128k. 704-630-0695 Land For Sale Cooleomoo 1 aero vacant lot with timbor. Ruflin Street. $10.000 nog. 336-284-4225 Just ReducedI Near Mocksvlllo- Almost 40 acros. $275,000. Off Farmington Rd. For info. htlp://www,ciaroshoro.co m/Form/Farm.htmi 336-244-2824 slundyOyadtoI.nol Houses For fíent Century 21 Triad 336-751-5555 24S2 USHWVeOIS MOCKSVILLE 2BR, 1BA with hoat pump & air. No pots. $600 with 2 yr. lease. S625 with 1 yr, lease 228 CHARLESTON RIDGE DR., MOCKSViLU 3BR, 2BA, garage. All appliances including wash­ er and dryer. $900/mo. Tired of ttie hassle of managing your rental property? CALL Century 21 Triad today for details on how simple & affordable our property manage­ ment services are. Call Century 21 Ttlad 336-751-2222 and ask forKathI orAllcla. Century 21 Triad 336-751-5555 Cooleomoo. REALLY NICE 3BR, 1BA. nowly romodolod, $675/mo. Cali 336-909-0864 Mocktvillo. Mobile Home for rent, 3BR, 1.5BA, on pri­vate lot. NO pets. Seoo/mo. + dop, 336-492-7336. Premier Realty NCЗЗв-99в-7777 239 Wilkosboro St, Mocksvlllo3BR, 1BA, $600/mo. 19S6 US Hwy B4 E. Mocksvlllo3BR. 1.5BA, $825/mo. 441 Plnovlllo Rd, Mocksvlllo3BR, 2BA, $650/mo. Call 336-998-9345 William R. Davie area.3BR, 2.SQA brick ranch, full basomont. gárbgé, 30x40 dotachod garage, 2 ac.. NO pots. $900/mo. + dop. Cali 336-731-2081 Manufactured ? Homes For Kent,if Mobile homos for rant 2 &3 BR. Shady Acres МНР, John Crotts Rd.'. Mocksviiie. HUO accept­ed. No pots. Call 336-909- 2092 or 336-998-8222 LOST - 12 yr. old femalo Yorklo, silver, short hair, approx. 5 lbs. Liberty Ch. Rd. aroa. Cail 336-492- 5042 with any info. Homes For Sale Cooloomeo. 2BR, 1BA. Nico iargo lot. Fixor- uppor. Groat retirement or-starter home. Ownor financing avallablo with minimal down payment. Serious Inquiries only. $45,000.910-ai3-4e45 i' Manufactured b M m e Sales i 3BR 1909. Total electric. Central air. Eioctrlc rango, washor/dryer. Now windows w/storms. New outside doors + patio door. Now rubber roof. Must bo movod. Roady to go w/whoeis, tires & axios. $1,500 cash. 336* 751-3666 LM Commercial Real Estate Ceelsemee warehouse w/garago doors, 2 story, both 1800 sq.lt. $13,000 nog, Cali 338-284-4225 ] OR, basomont, country, remodeled, RENT TO OVKN.Hud/Section 8 ok. $B09/mo. Call Us isti 704-630-0695 ,,,,ow ce.e ;.yaCommercial Rental, SCM Businoss Park, For sale or lease. 9,000 sq.ft. building. 1500 to 4500 sq ft units. Commorclal lots for saie or will build to suit tonant. 336-998-3165 Manufactured Homes For Rent Davie County Private Lot, 3 BR, 1.5 BA, no pots. Vory clean. Section 8 ok. 336-575-2101 Junction Rd. Davio Co. 3BR, 2BA DW. 2 acros $650/mo. + dep. No pels. Rei. Req, 704-657-5490/ 704-796-1851 S e iiV b u n a o ^ - 3x higher pnymenta ■ F=roo Insurod Shipplnfi - 10"/o Rolorrai Bonus Ranked #1 on NBC’s Today Show "Oiir l)L\sl DttV.r Wii-; from Soli Vtnii' Oi'iil'’ Ihr .SViov» Call to Request a Free Appraisal(877)216-3316 Ponate A B oat o r C ar Today! B o ^ l ^ n g e t "a-Nlght Free Vacation!"MooeAKANm v t^ w w .b o a ta H g e l.c o tn iwi»immiMiiiKir»i>iuhn im tiiw m iannHii F R E E Home Security System! $850 Value! Call Today, Protect Tomorrow! 1 - 8 6 6 ' - 9 8 1 - 3 1 0 8* With $93 CuBtomor InstallQllon chargo and purchaso ol alarm monitoring eoMcos. BrHeme Mocksvlllo. FURNISHED 2BR on privalo lot, 601 South, no pots, $500/mo, + dep., relorences. ЗЗЙ- 284-4756 Autos. Entar lo win $4,000 In gato- llnsl Toiie our survey at www.papernet and lell us about your media usage and shopping plans. Your Input will help this рарёг help local businesses. Thank youl 1 We will print ' 11,000 copies ' olyour ' car, truck, boat,' motorcycle, pot, furniture ~ even the kitchen sink | and deliver it to ^ customers' '. doorsteps ~ I and we'ii print it; FOUR Thursdays. In a row ~ and you won’t g beiieve this part ~ we’ll also list it for 28 days onllnel ~ aii for the low • price of I $20 a month. Believe II. Cajl Classifieds to Advertise 877-751-21201 Motorcycles &ATVs Gettin’ DirtyKawasaki 220 4-wlieeler$500. Coll 704-701-4497 lor moro Inlormallon. Service DIreetory ; Financial Services “VVe can erase your bad credit-100% guaranteed” Tho Federal Tiade Commission says any credit repair company that claims to be able to legally romove accurate and timely Inlormallon Irom your credit report Is lying. There's no easy tlx lor bad credit. It lakes lime and a conscious elfort to pay your debts. Learn about managing credit and debt at lic.gov/crodil. A mes­ sage /rçm T/ia Salisbury Posts Ihe FTC. Do you have a service lo provide? TO ADVERTISE CALL 1-877-751-2J20 B14 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 5,2012 Ready To Grow Betty Anderson took a step back when she sliced into this tomato purchased at a roadside stand in Lake Norman, “i thought it was fuii of worms," she said. Upon a second iook, it was dozens of seeds that had sprouted inside the tomato - something she hasn’t seen in her 83 years Cherokee People Local Scouts Spend Week At Reservation Page D1 Rolling'Along Legion Baseball Sweeps In Playoff Round 1 Page B1 D A V I E C O U N T Y e n t e r p r i / S e c o r d USPS 149-160 Number 28 Thursday, July 12, 2012 Reese Harris sits on the restored more than 40-year-oid pedai tractor that was a favorite of her dad. wBeltoTKi Audiology and Hearing Care Centers Wyatt SlieptiBril Hearing Instrument Specialist Darren McDonald Nearing Instrnment Specialist Dr. Trina Bedsaul, Au. D. Doctor of Audiology EXPERIENCE and COMMITMENT COUNT!! • Members of the Bedsaul family have been helping people hear better in Winston-Salem for over 49 years. • We have maintained an office in Davie County and supported the community for over 30 years. Q u a l i t y c a r e , q u a l i t y p r o d u c t s . W o u ld n 't y o u r a w e r h a v e a B e lt o n e ? D a v ie C o u n ty H o s p ita l 2 0 0 H o s p ita l S treet • M ocJksville, N C Over 32 locations in NC to serve you better, call for an appointment at the location most convenient to you! 336-793-0460 or ¿00-581-5082 Restored Pedal Tractor Is Still A Favorite Toy Orcen Acres “Blackwelder Farm” is the place to be. And fnrm living is the life for me, snys 22-month-old Mary Reese Hnrris, the daughter of Jnmie nnd Nicole Blackwelder Harris of Chnrlotte. Mntemnl grandparents nre Doug nnd Mnry Blackwelder of Mocks­ ville. Doug and his brother, Dnie, opernte one of Ihe few dniry fnrms left in Davie County, nnd Reese loves to go to the fnrm. The 520 John Deere pedal trac­ tor she is sitting on is more thnn 40 yenrs old. It belonged to her father when he was n child nnd was one of his favorite toys. Mnrk Hnncock restored the tractor to like-new condition. Now, Reese says she has a tractorjust like “Pop.” Mnybe by next year, she will be nble to rench the pedals lo ride the tractor on her own. Hartman In Honor’s College Jo Eliznbeth Hnrtmnn of Dn­ vie County wns named to the denn’s list nt Appnlnchinn State University for the 2011-2012 school yenr. She was admitted into the Honor's College at Appala­ chian based on her academic performance. Becker Earns VT Honor Winston R. Becker of Ad­ vance was nnmed to the spring semester dciin’s list at Virginia Tech with a minimum 3.4 grnde point nverage. He is n senior mnjoring in engineering sci­ ence nnd mechnnics in the Col­ lege of Engineering. Two Dnvie County residents, Ashley Nicole Burton of Ad­ vnnce nnd Cynthia Mnrie Koh- nen of Mocksville, hnve been nwnrded diplomns during the spring graduation at Meredith College. Burton was niso nnmed to the denn's list for the spring se­ mester. 5 On WFU Dean’s List We Love A m erica-A nd Tractors Victoria Jones, Hazel Reavis, Leighton Reavis, Anna Nelson, Olivia Jones and Sophie Jones - all first cousins of i\/locks- viile - wave their American flags high as they watch the annual tractor parade sponsored by the Piedmont Antique Power Association Saturday in Downtown iVlocksville. Read more about the parade and show at the Masonic Picnic Qrounds on page 10. - Photo by Robin Snow 2 Earn Mereditt) Degrees % Shooting Victims Ran Mocksville store 'T‘__________________‘.A_________:______1..^*:__i Wnke Forest University has announced its dean’s list for the spring 2012 semester. Enming the academic honor from Davie County were: Nick- Inus Ashbum, Knthryn Guerrn, Caitlyn McKenzie, Amandn Nichols, Willis Jones. Ashbum, n sophomore nnd an honor grndunte of Dnvie High School, is the son of Kny Pow­ ell Koroll nnd Mnrty Ashbum of Advnnce.He is the grnndson of Elennor Greenwood Powell nnd the Inte Pete Powell of Ml. Airy nnd Rick nnd Marie Hart­ man of Advance. D a v i e S t u d e n t s A t U N C G E a r n A c a d e n i i c H o n o r s The following local students attained Chancellor’s List for the spring semester nt the Uni­ versity of North Cnrolinn nt Greenslwro: Katie Castrovinci, Knycee Dixon, Jennn Grachen, Julie Jones, Jennifer O’Neal, Kristi Stonemnn, Brinn Wood, Lnu­ ren Bailey, Michaela Brown, Candnce Enster, Tyler Hnm, Carla Harris, Natalie McBride, Ifeomn Onwurah, Ogechukwu Onwurah, Ligia Smith, Tyler Steelman, Kelly Stellato, Knit- lin Stevens. The following students nt- tnined denns’ list; Joy Bowles, Trenton Brooks, Rebecca '4 Church, Riley Dnvis, Knycee Dixon, Jenna Grnchen, Snmh Hnrvel, Julie Jones, Shermnn Lyons, Thomns Nelson, Shan­ non Nobles, Jennifer O’Nenl, Ashton Stnnsberry, Kristi Stoneman, Melanie Vaughn, Brinn Wood, Knitlin Dodd, Lnuren Bniley, Matthew Bol­ lard, Rebecca Boger, Michneln Brown, Cnssnndrn Brownell, Brandi Capps, Gene Dwiggins, Candace Easter, Aimee Gerre- ty, Amber Hnrris, Carla Hnrris, Nntalie McBride, Ifeoma On­ wurah, Ogechukwu Onwurnh, Kariyn Phipps, Ligin Smith, Tyler Steelmon, Kelly Stellnto nnd Kaitlin Stevens. Newspaper still on the lawn. Two cars parked at an odd angle in the upscale driveway. Inside, a husband and wife were near death when deputies responded Monday at 6:10 a.m. at 6186 Barrington Oaks Drive off Hampton Rond in A g e n c y A L i f e S a v e r You see the vans all over the county. And for many residents of Davie - they are lifesavers. YVEDDI - Yadkin Valley Eco­ nomic Development District Inc. - provided more than 3,900 rides to Davie residents from June-April. More than 1,800 were for the el­ derly and disabled, more than 2,000 for the general public. “Almost all of the E&D trips and a significant amount of ROP (public) trips are to life-sustaining services such as dialysis,” Jeff Cockerham, YVEDDI transporta­ tion director, wrote in a letter to Carl Humphrey, chair of the Davie County Board of Commissioners. The board last month agreed that YVEDDI would provide the services with $143,430 in state funds. Funds are also used for employment assistance, and more than 15 residents benefitted last year, many with cnr repairs. “We are proud to serve the people of Davie and hope you will partner with us again in this high calling to serve the transportation needs of those with limited mobil­ ity options,” Cockerham said. Clemmons. Deputies found two persons in­ side the residence with life threat­ ening gunshot wounds. EMS per­ sonnel transported both to Wnke Forest Baptist Medical Center. The two have been identified as HeiTiang Mahendra Patel, 43, and his wife, Alpa Vishnu Patel, 39. The Patels are residents of the home. Reports sny they operate the Citgo station on US 601 North at 1-40 in Mocksville. The husband died at about 2 p.m. Monday at Wake Forest Bap­ tist Medical Center. His wife died T\iesday. Records show the .45 caliber gun used in the shootings was pur­ chased by Hemang Patel in Geor­ gia in 2010. 32 PAGES M a n D r o w n s A t L a k e M y e r s It was hot Friday night. And as Saturday morning came in, the temperatures were still scorching. Jumping in the water seemed like a good way to cool off. That’s what Edward Chad Ste­ vens, 31, of East Bend did just after 2 a.m. as he was visiting his sister and brother-in-law at Lake Myers Family Campground west of Mocksville. It was the start of a horrifying night for the family. Stevens had some type of problem, and never came up from the dark water. "It’s just a bad tragedy," said Mark Hancock, Davie EMS direc­ tor. “Emergency services person­ nel hearts go out to the family for their loss.” The call came in at about 2:30 a.m., and persorinel from the Da­ vie, Rowan and North Iredell res­ cue squads assisted in the search. It was called off at about 5:30, and a recovety effort that included divers and a trained dog began at 8:30. The body was recovered at about 3:45 p.m. Saturday in wa­ ter that was 8-12 feet deep, not far from where he had jumped in on the campground side of the lake. "It was murkey and dingy and there was little visibility,” Han­ cock said. About 25 rescue personnel, in­ cluding five divers, helped in the search. Here Carnes The Parade Sarah Moore, Jennifer Gobble, Riley Crotts and Elloree Crotts jump for joy as the annual July 4th parade begins in Cooieemee. Jim Osborne (right) as Uncle Sam Is always a highlight of the parade. See more photos on page Cl. - Photos by KG Smith .Ni i ' * ■' .»A-«» .. 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 12,2012 Editorial Page Shelton Laurel 1 8 6 3 Massacre Still Echoes MADISON COUNTY - "Just some lost flntlnnders, Mn,” the bare-cliested innn must hnve yelled up to the house when we pulled nwny July 4. I had pulled into the drivewny to admire n yard sign: "Crutn- ville: Pop. 2, Ma & Pn.” He aslced where we were headed, and I couldn’t remember the name of the town without asking Eliznbeth. Newport, Tenn. “Bridge is out In Hot Springs,” he told me. “ You’ll have to go this-a-way.” That bit of information wns not available when I had mapped our trip by computer over the mountains. Instead of taking Inter- stnte 40 through the rocksllde prone Great Smoky Mountains, I found a route 12 miles shorter. The highway had been remarkably empty as we zipped along, passing “Driving Miss Daisy Nursing Home,” Then we saw the detour signs. The Hot Springs bridge over the French Broad River .will be closed more thnn n year for rehabilitation. We rerouted through the hills nnd hollers of Madison County, zigzagging up tiny Bear River on N.C. 208 over a bridge where I suddenly veered off the highwny. A word on a stnte historic mark­ er caught my eye; “SHELTON LAUREL MASSACRE” Here, far, far nwny from the Civil War battlefields, in n val­ ley so remote that Rebels and Yankees shouldn’t have mattered, an abomination wns committed In January 1863 that shocked the world. Some historians have compared it to the Vietnam My Lai mas­ sacre. It echoes of atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan. Thirteen men nnd boys, part of the Shelton family, all civilians, were lined up in turn, five, five nnd three, to be exe­ cuted. Men nnd grand- fathers begged for n chance to pray for God’s for­ giveness of their sins and to write last words to their wives. The execu­ tioners, n Confeder­ ate detach­ ment of the 64th Regi­ ment, ig­ nored their pleas nnd shot them, d u m p in g the bodies in a shallow ditch. The youngest, n 13-year-oId boy and the last to die, after seeing his brother nnd father killed, cried nnd begged to go home to his mother. The first volley failed to kill him. The execu­ tioners finished tlie job. The Sheltons were Union sympathizers. Washington had done them no harm. Even now in Mndison County, there is a Dixie Highway and a marker that honors Confedernte Gen. Robert E. Lee. On July 4, I spotted n pickup truck flying two Confederate battle flags. For some, the wounds and bravado of the Cjvil War still linger. The Shelton family moved here after the Cherokee were forc­ ibly removed during the Trail of Tears, subsistence farmers like most everyone else. They had no stake in the wnr, no reason to choose sides. That mnde them “home-made Yankees,” Western Carolinn University professor Ron Rnsh has explained. For others, the Civil Wnr was a burning crusade. According to historical documents, the Confederates decided the Sheltons wouldn’t be allowed tp buy salt — the mineral vital to surviv­ ing the harsh mountnin winters. Without salt, tliey couldn’t cure hams. Without hams, they would starve. So, some of the Sheltons stole it, even raiding the supply from the home of the Confederate leader, scaring his wife and children in the process. In retaliation, the Confederates descended upon Shelton L.aurel, whipped the women and put nooses around their necks to force them to tell where the men were hiding. They rounded up 15 men and boys — all Sheltons or their clan — and planned to mnrch them to Knoxville to turn them over to the Rebel army. When two escaped, the militia leader decided to settle things right there. On his command, the Sheltons were ordered to their knees. Some in the firing squad reportedly demurred, but they were told to shoot or be shot.. The historic marker reads: “Thirteen men and boys, suspected of Unionism, were killed by Confedernte soldiers in eariy 1863. Graves 8 mi. E.” Family members retrieved the bodies and buried them in a proper cemetery. About 10 widows were created that day. An outraged N.C. Gov. Zebulon B. Vance ordered nn investiga­ tion. A general amnesty after the wnr absolved everyone of every­ thing. Professor Rash, in a You'Aibe video about the massacre, said it is a stark reminder of “how thin the veneer of civillzatloi\ is.” When the dogs of wnr are unleashed, unexpected things happen. Our trip over the mountains took much longer than expected, but I’m glad we went that way. — Dwight Sparks t I VI/AL№LIKEAJAL№LiKEA• • • f: Yotl A , '’ c c a X ti T o ï ïo m à l. ............. rw WCOWSTiTulioA/Al'rîl peNALTV/; In The Mail . . . Sex Offender Status Not Always Fair To the editor: This is in reference to a story published on June 14 in the Da­ vie County Enterprise Record. The nrticle wns titled “Jury Finds Registered Sex Offender Guilty.” The young mnn in this nrticle hnppens to be my son. 1 feel that the public should know how nnd why he is Inbeled a sex offender. I have been debating whether to write this or not, because I hnd to get my emotions to settle a little before I did write. It Happened over 11 years ago when he started dnting this giri and introduced her to me. I asked how old she was nnd she stated she was 17 yenrs old nnd my son was 24 at the time. I had no rea­ son to doubt her; she nnpeared to bo older than whnt she actually wns. Her family would'come to our home for friendly barbecues, horseshoes, and bonfli^s. My son hnd stnyed at their house a time or two and the parents seemed OK with that. It was a consensual and mutual relntionship. One dny, the giri calls my son nnd nsks him to come pick her up, because she skipped school and needed to go to the store. It wns 25 miles to the town where she Jived, so he goes to pick her up, tnkes her to the store and then bnck home. He comes back home and thought no more about it until n few dnys later when thi sheriff comes to arrest him. The mother had gotten nngry nt the daughter for skipping school and took it out on my son. The thing that makes me angry is that why didn’t this mother call and speak to my son or myself if she had a problem with my son? After we had befriended them, invited them to our home, and for her to do this has been an issue for us. My son never forced himself on this giri or anybody else. I am not with him 24/7, but I know how he is, and what he is capable of doing. All of this took place in Michigan, and his father and I nccepted Cooleemee Parade A Success To the editor: The Cooleemee Lawnmower Parade wns a success - one of the biggest and best ever with all the entries. Thanks to nil the people who came to support the parade on such n hot day. Thanks to our Hotdog King, Walter Ferrell, for cooking more thnn 300 hotdogs. Thnnks to Police Chief Bobby West and all of his men for their help, and to members of the Cooleemee Fire Department for their help. • Also, n big thnnk you for all the people who entered a lawn- mower, rode or walked in the parade. Good things happen when we nil work together, Hellen Daywalt Cooleemee D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I/^ E C O R D USPS 149-160 171 S, Main St„ RO, Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 Published weekly by Ihe Dayle Publishing Co, Dwight Sparks.......... Robin Snow............. Mike Barnhardt......... Ray Tutterow.... Brian Pitts... ..............Editor/Publisher ..............General Manager ..............Managing Editor ..............Advertising Director ..............Sports Editor Mocksville Enterprise. Davie Record Cooleemee Journal 1916-1958 1899-1958 1901-1971 Periodicals Postage Paid in Mocksville, NC 27028 Subscription Raies Single Copy, 50 Cents $20 Per Year In Davie; $25 NC; $30 outside N.C. POSTMASTER Send Address Changes to: Dnvie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 i ! l 0 t ^ r s W e l c o m e • s'' ' Enterprise Record welcomes letters from its renders on ^qplciof local, statei national or.international issues. An effort will be made to print all letters, proVided they are not libel6u?j vulgar or in poor taste. The editor reserves the right to edit letters for grammar and for space. . . ' All letters should include the name and address of the writer,^ including a signature. A telephone number, not to be published, is also requested. Please have letters in thenewspaper office no later thiu) 4 p.in. Monday of the .week to be published.^Davie' County Enterprise Record P.O. Boxi 99, Mocksville, davie3@i centurylink.net. j ■t-------^^^^^^ " -V a job here, that is why we live here now. Wc hnve spent thousands of dollars on attorneys trying to get him off the registry. I hnve gone to the courts where he was first chnrgcd of this nnd found a hand-written letter from the giri to the judge stating that my son docs not deserve this, that it was her mother who was nngry at the time. This hns been my fight ns n parent, and 1 have seen the frustra­ tion nnd pnin this Inbel hns caused my son. His girlfriend men­ tioned in this story wns between a rock nnd a hard place, so to say, when this situation happened at the school. My point is people need to remember they were young once nnd made somo silty decisions that may have had some.advem effect on their lives. Hopefully, we lenm from these mistnkes and move on with life. It is difficult to move on with your life when there is a stigma hnnging over your head. My son hns hnd great job opportunities, but becnuse of this stigmn, they will not hire him, or if they hire him, someone finds out and tells the boss that they cannot work with him becnuse of whnt they think they know. My son nnd his girlfriend have gotten mnrried recently and he so desperately wants to provide for his family. They have a daughter together, and the thing that bothers my son is that he cannot go to any school functions with her, and how is he going to explain this to her when she gets older, why her daddy can’t go to the school play, or take her to the park, or the zoo, or any other place that may have small children? He was trying to help his girlfriend/wife out at the time of the situation at the school. My husband and 1 both were at work at the time, and so was her father, and she had no one else to help her at that time. I think that we need to put ourselves in their shoes for a moment to see how we mny hnve hnndled the situation. My goal is not to hurt any feelings, but to make people aware of why people may do what they do. My son does not deserve to be shunned becnuse of n situation that had no malicious intent and would do whnt he could to help his fellow man. Su Dinmond Salisbury Davie Loves Children To the editor: In reference to the letter from Victorin Price of Advance in the July 3 edition: the people of Davie County truly love the children in our whole county. For the lnst three summers, through grnnts, churches, business­ es, individunis and Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest NC, our children have not gone hungry while school is not in session during the summer months. Not 6nly do the elementnry children receive food ench week but through Davie High Hunger Fighters with the guidance of Jimmy Welch and other teachers, our high school students are also fed weekly. Jesus snid in Mntthew .25:40: “ Whntever you do to the least of these you do to me.” We have been given much, so we must give in return. Blair Routh, Outreach Chair Hardison United Methodist Church Mocksville DAVIE COUNTY KNTKRI'RISIC RICCOKD, Thursday, July 12,2012-3 Relay For Life Important For Cancer Patients, Research To the editor: Relny For Life of Davie County went bnck home on May 19 to its originnl location, nt Dnvie High School. This wns our 15th nnnuni event nnd the wenther was phenomenal. After much dis­ cussion, the decision wns made to make th|s a daytime event nnd hnve it in cooler wenther. We niso snw benefit in scheduling it while schools nre still in session nnd before fnmilies leave for vacations. Although the attendance was not whnt was anticipated, we will be closing out this fiscal year nt approximately .$90,000, As wc wrap up Relny For Life in Dnvie County, we would like to thnnk the following committee members for their commitment to this event nnd congratulate them on. n job well done: Teresn Couch, Angie Davis, Bob Ellis, Knthy Ellis, Sharon Hawkins, Doris Jimerson, Knthy Mnshbum, Stephanie Miller, Bnrry Rentz, Dan Robertson, Tim Snwyer, Betty Shultz, Brittnny Shultz, Jnckic Spivey, Azalee Stockton, Kim Strohacker.Amy Young and Shnne Young. If you know these folks, please thnnk them for nil their hnrd work. Relny For Life cannot be successful without a dedi­ cated committee in place. We also applaud the 40 teams that fimdrnised and the generous sponsors who so willingly gnve, and do so on nn annual bnsis. You mny ask what $90,000 can do. If you nre n cancer pntient, 1 Raleigh Report you’re hoping to see those funds go to your needed cnncer cure, or at lenst to the trentment you nre in need of, to prolong life until the cure is avnilnble. If you arc n caregiver, you niso wnnt to find that cure for your loved one, but you may need that ndded support nvnilable from qualified professionals who nnswer cnlls 24 hours n day, 365 days per year nt I-800-ACS-2345. Through May of this fiscal year, your- dollars nllowed The Americnn Cnncer Society to fill 91 requests by patients nnd cnregivers in Dnvie County, through informntlon requests. Look Good Feel Better Programs, Medicntion Assistnnce, Rench to Recovery (Brenst Cnncer) nnd Trnnsportation Assistnnce. Your Relny For Life helps provide the funds thnt fill those requests and funds millions of dollars in re­ search to the following facilities in North Cnrolina, as well ns throughout the country. As of June 2012, the Amcricnn Cancer Society funds 130 grnnts in NC totnling $24,891,500: Duke University, $1,701,000; Duke Mcdical Center, $6,443400; NC Centrnl University, $958,000; NC Stnte University, $1,427,000; UNC Chnpel Hill, $10,875; Wnke Forest, $3,140,000. If you have not been a pnrt of Relay For Life nnd would like to be, plense see one of the folks mentioned above or simply cnll 1-800-227-2345. You will be put in contnct with your locnl stnff partner. There will be n locnl interest meeting on Aug, 9 nt 6 p,m, in the back room of SngeBrush. Our current committee will be in atlendnncc nnd nny newcomers who wish to be involved with the pinnning for next year will be there. Make plans to attend nnd join this extraordinary tenm who hns mnde the decision to fight back against cancer - now the number one killer in Davie County, We encourage anyone who is diagnosed, or hns n fnmily mem­ ber dingnosed with cnncer, to cnll 1-800-227-2345, When a pa­ tient is dingnosed, they deserve to know what is available to assist them. They may need more information, programs, transportation services, giis cards, dietician on cnll, emotlonni support. The ACS database also references other organizations, in the area, who have submitted services available for cancer patients. As important as research and pntient progrnms nnd services are, we must also remember our duty to educate the public, and especially our children, on the causes of cancer and the need for screening and eariy detection. Let’s make sure those we love are informed and nwnrc. Prevention education snves lives. Anyone who would like to follow the progress of Relay For Life of Davie County this yenr, mny do so nt www.relayforlife.org/ davienc. We hope to sec more feet on the track and more survivors and caregivers in 2013, Will you be one of them? Allison Reeves, Jonesvilie Americnn Cnncer Society Staff Partner Legislature Overrides Governor’s Veto Of Budget By .lullii C. Howard NC House of Representatives Tuesday, July 3 marked the close of the North Carolina Genernl Assembly’s 2012 short session. After long hours nnd intense negotintions, the House of Representntives was able to work with members from both parties to produce compro­ mises on legislation dealing wilh death penalty reforms, the state budget, nnd n reguln(ory framework thnt could eventu- nlly result in significnnt energy explorntion nnd jobs in North Cnrolinn, Despite signs thnt Gov, Per­ due would be willing be lo sign the House nnd Senate’s budget compromise, the governor uti­ lized her 18th veto of Ihe bien­ nium on the compromise plnn. With the end of session rnpidly nppronching, increases in edu- cnlion funding, fixes to the state Medicnid plnn, and raises for teachers, stale employees, nnd retirees were in dnnger of not being implemented. However, wilh the help of six members from ncross the aisle, the House of Representatives was nble to override Perdue’s veto Inte on Monday night In n 74-45 vole, wilh Ihe Sennte following suit. The new budget becomes law, .• Senate Bill 820 “Clean En­ ergy nnd Economic Security Act,” This measure creates a regulatory framework around the process of natural gas ex­ traction known as hydraulic fracturing or frncking. A new body, Ihe slate Mining Com­ mission, will be responsible for writing rules thnt will ensure that energy exploration nnd exirnclion nre done in n respon­ sible fnshion. Hydraulic frac­ turing will nol be allowed until nfter proper regulations are in place nnd the General Assem­ bly explicitly approves the pro­ cess to move forward. Despite Perdue's insistence that she supports responsible energy development. Including hydraulic fracturing, the gov­ ernor vetoed this legislation. Following a vole in the Senate and with the help of a group of six Democratic lawmakers, the House overrode Perdue's veto late on Mondny night in n 72- 47 vole, • Sennte Bill 416 “ Amend Denth Pennlty Procedures." This legislation mnkes chnnges to the way death penalty cnses work, particularly in regards to the wny Ihc 2009 Rncial Justice Act operntes. Mnny critics of the Act point out thnt Ihe stnt­ ute required genernlized statis­ tical evidence of bins, instend of evidence thnt rncial preju­ dice distorted sentencing out­ comes in the pnrticulnr cn.se nl hnnd. Critics niso pointed out Kinderton Place (Lowe's Foods) Shopping Center 240 NC HlgHway 801 N orth, Suite G i Advance, NC 27006 Phone: 336.998;7888 I Fax: 336.998.8811 Email: chilosmexicanrestaurant@yahoo.com’ I that non-minority convicted criminnis were nbusing the law in order to prevent or delay the death penally. After multiple attempts to nddress these prob­ lems, this compromise legisln- tion was worked out. Gov. Per­ due vetoed Ihe legislation, nnd the veto wns overridden with the help of votes from 5 House Democrnis, The refonns nre en­ acted inlo lnw. Now thnt the short session hns concluded, the General As­ sembly is not expecting to re­ turn for nny significnnt voles until nfter the 2012 election. I hope my updntes during this short session hnve been a help. Again, if you hnve nny ques­ tions or concerns, feel free to contnct me. Legi.Klalive Office; 919-733- 5904; Mocksville; 75I-H567; Em ail; Juliah@iwleg.nel FARM FRESH PORK A ll Natural N o Arttllcial IngredientsGRAIN FED BEEFn omens om- otuyarAMumit Jorry & Cindy Foster (336) 998-7175 RANDY MILLER &SONS SEPTIC TANK SERVICE 295 MllkTKoail* Mocksvlllc (336) 284-2826 ■ ■ We Pump Septic Tanks Slalo Certlllod Inspeclor Skid Sletr Work Trenchor Work Hauling Sepllc Sytlema Foollngi LoodorWork S T R O U S E H O U S E A U C T IO N S ^ 1424 Industrial Dr.. Statesvlllo. N C 28625 Phono: 704-872-B444 auctioneer, mike 3Tn0U9E, NC UC #7405w w w .a tro u 8 e h o u 8 e a u c tio n s .c o m Ch«cf( Ufl out on Ftc»book 9 Strou«« Nout« >lue(/oftf f Thun., July 12 • 6:30PM • lyuckload SuipluVSatvage-OutdooiiRecreational SalelHUNTIMQ « FIIHINa • DoAJ ktc Trip S, DouUt I'« nectnw Ui)o C«r«n tM>W3v FWtos Gtrtrt i Vi'nfoem Km«« SWfgw C«Ttt U firti. l£M »5 M« GrnW. It^iUr Ptat Lining N«0. IVx S Kfl* C«Kt SerVV r»« 3ai» UGir Sate, tkrt/q Ocoj C*mo CciiTjn CaMfX Ofi>*y Fwd TiW. Qwi liroti. IfUer vvrtr»i. r*c« Bo»«, ft« Knm Ortai Mtt Pwn PrrM Hoj/t ft AUj Gircu Lrnri ne#li K4'/«kPATIO - OricU CT«n. 0^1« UrtrKAi Oiot Lai^n Untnii«. PitoCnvi. tlmrtxM. SM Uetfi PiM TaM. Toj<« Torofi PjM iteaef» 3 Pwicr Dkto. Qoan iftrrcciini, VMOAfUS* rwrc«Oiii(jrtli« S>ru»art GiiOr#*WmntPORTS- 10 12.1» l9ft18llKmUKnltc(StJU«t.Mb«(kw<».niAwTrt;T^PodF\M(s CAHPIMO - Ta(*i Tc« Cat Qr«i. larittTB. CoMn fMlrgCMd C«Tfi Col ilamolLS. Murvny Dui. M 5>m ol T«rti. FWUp OrtrMi30a Cootl'ct Pc()UrrTNItl - Scfwrr in LH«uy ft nearrt*nll)*« »«ivy Ba;t OftKK Dtrxlv Pniicrn ZES ft CN Sifp Fan MH Cw • ОЫОЛЯ l!«4cnOjier« IUb(UM.WeQFVM0>nu.W«(SuLA3cU»art.F4*wTttlt Fri., July 13 • 6i30PM • Outdoon ft General MeichandiselQr«s >Wrvnaii.Cooim.PaBoChan Trvt.SkiTUM. FcldrgQ«rt ft ftlORflU «croce th9 nn tT0ok0...Juet 0 Mhoft ttrfv» «rttf мсу to ппЛ HOWARD REALTY 11193 LioEntY Church Ro.Э8В PuboiNO Ridoe Ro. Г371 280 WANOEniiio Lane F e £ a 1 : « j i r e c l L . i s - t ; i n g s Ш IIP !№XltH43\U7prijS'ir«rcljii]«UbTà ]№iì(n?i\F\a’.|jitron(r4(m«>£&4D )&33hcmeon30*iicrM.3BA'^nirwrous Spdaûus4Ba'ЗQAw/ñn(S^^t«iв(rwtLaQ« *jfc4*S«VUi’jirtrjTd(ol$559,900 poAîafTîiUiWcçiWÎlCffi $304,000 oAiuUnji4stocjuidpcíid $375,000 oneflolLcwíyüitJscdpipg W50,000 1918 Farmington Ro.f^n^TWYADKiHVjLLERo. .246 Walt Wilson Rd. m v i 280 RoluhowooíJ fiikn;&ec*Rewai'&500«S4l.6№4FulBA. «da3QAoütimtrxJif«0i2cara¡m»i(car 48П'2и1вА, f ШбЛn;artl,rtc0pcul.3c«gf3,6»ics$32O,OOO lif9írocm,síTMnp<nftUUSTSE£!5219.000 dcüAgr5AMrt.ioefWííaiVigi$199,900 ncotoMKisoi $189,000 1231 North Main 148 Grey Street ■'.'Ül.MRr II 1544íC.»5ilBfVlBAa«a53.Sa«npcrdi 4BH2eAcndey^0tfeelDMJtfJh'»ooli,páíl 48fll!WtrOfar<ft№niítiHs3jh(üc*i»w'$164,000 1вгсвЗЬ|>п10Ш75в1й-51*Ч $159.900 WjeUtfej^^«rtifï(i$164,999 pirtvstraîiiubrçsiMilWl *149,900 373 501ян Maik Sr,ü o i ■ |[l 6B№1QAfbtoncHomobuiAn1913,Noa/ tfiaiB\lj>»)i№ahcncnMrl2SicnkX№s 36A?8Abrid(rardiwth6x<i(tind2yT.cUrod.(towntcwnModsviSo.$149,900 $124,500 atUkgsifditai<r«rt»*ilreilw$114,000 12rw*nto*iBR«Û0fFERSl $114,900 ^linLevel 1 BfVlBAan».baleniamcritiei miB^C£ííf3n*,frtrcc<,feí9í«í5fia\-f.^*i 30R2fiA»iMNcítift4eSjb>í.lhijgranl lipn»in3itJttìn4nu0'$11O,OOO rwugrtafleflo«ticn!$109,900 AJa«iaVLa3to]fiMrMf,tirg'$105,000 lífai9tojcufdú»Ff8síipírtf6dí.$103,500 765 ConNAIZER Rd,■ i l l !■»_ ilS 217 Bracken RoadI I I [ ¡ д и ш ш и е ь Е 38H'2BAtfickrarch0nifM.àeà}<inùi0ùi HsCft*8fi'3ËAwt*aJ^hytiU»Sii2 mictó«rt,lrtMta)«*SOÍI,900 a»«rt*witoíT.toJllS96,600 НстЯОопздЧю« »83,800 mr»'Uals ci Surf Nwi ПС »90,000 172 Elisha Creek u m ■ f l l K ■ la ! 40ftSFilB\15toytaTeiniwai3A«ft ATT.WVESTOflSI3efV1Btaca5e.bU-iiUiiWj 3BftílB^MIdeallMftfl«*lcaíednAíJvaí«e.В0чапо11в(!!$ед,990 lir9eden,«iMbií^in(&seiTeil $78,900 dca£ariettRerul№lenailin(^.$69,9^ Also has brpattnÿabuUn» $63,500 243 Main Street AVAILABLE LAND 26ftlBArattorrodКХ8КШtow.Rodjgtftai lerunidiMjynrb»,$59,500 hrtprcditpmddt?rt.$49,900 AVAILABLE RENTALSiraOiubbRd: 2DR/iBA.,......438 Pino SI.; 20n/IDA172 Davio SI.: 3BFVIDA.............1321 Ealotu Church na: 4ВП/2.5ВЛ...UrxJorpassRd.; Oaiaoa/Office.......WindsongApt.; 20ПША.............WindjonoApl.; 3BR/1DA............ .,.$55<MTilh$50(Vmlh....$G50/mth....iitOO/mthS33<MiithM75rttilh...$50шт OOCasilaLono: OM*/-ac.............oaWiliOooiiaRfI: 0 94»/-ac...........OIWiilBooranj. 2.62*/-nc...........oaWiilUoonand. 0.00»/-ac...........00GUuislofw Rd. 1.0U/-ac...........Loi 3 Oiadiiimo Rd: 1,12W-»c.........loUOiadalonaRd: I ZUAk:........001 Centt»»8l. 0.69»/-K..............001* Conte» Si: 0 60»/-ac..............003 Contei Si: 0 69*/-ac..............OOPinovlliaRd: OSS«/-ac.............00 Juncloo Rd: 1.45*/-ac.............000 Counliy Lane; 0.S7«^ ac..........DOVaruanlBd. t3b4*/'BC............00 US Hwy M WoX: over */• 70 acre*....MSQtaryCT: 0.7SW<BC...........:...115 8011 WaiOf«: 0.77+A«.............nosutWater«; 0.76»/-«.............Mayhew: lOU^aeCambrióge Lorte: M............. ADOmOWU USTWaS AVAUAME ir CAUJHQ U«-7S13»U t12.e»}t13,7&0120.350t13,7S0(M.esoil 5.950115.950 I1S.050116.950 (15,850 118,150119.900119.900 ... $100.900 ...$425.000$15,000¡15.000$15.000$12.500...$121.200$64,000$258,000 330 S. Salisbury St., MocksviUe • 336-751-3538 Io view all our current listings visit us at: www.howardrealty.com.Ш ш I .-J, 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, JulyI2,2012 I, \ M o t o r c y c l i s t C a p t u r e d A f t e r C h a s e wwM— I I—.................................I 1 1^ ^ —.......................... I I Congresswoman Virginia Foxx gives Davle High student Kade Mliioy a tour of Wastiington, DC S t u d e n t V ie w s G o v e r n m e n t A t W o r k WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) recently welcomed Davlc High Scliool rising Ju­ nior Kade Mllloy to tlie United States Capitol. Mllloy,,who was In Washing­ ton for a National Young Lead­ ers Conference,shadowed Foxx during an official House Rules Committee meeting and toured the Capitol grounds with the Congresswoman as her guide. “Kade has the makings of a great lender,” Foxx said. “Her talent and drive were nppnrent ns was her curiosity nbout the work thnt goes on In Congress. 1 wns more than hnppy to give Kade n behlnd-the-sccnes look at her government and the mnny wnys young people can engage in the legislative process.” “My favorite part of my trip to Cnpltol Hill last week wns the unique experience I encoun­ tered when Dr. Foxx allowed me to sit in on her Rules Com­ mittee meeting,” Knde snid. “ I found it really Interesting that I was able to see firsthand whnt hnppens when n bill Is being .debated, nnd it inspired me to become more versed in the is­ sues thnt our nntion is facing. “1 feel that my time spent with [Dr. Foxx] wns invaluable. I am so blessed to have seen firsthand what goes on In our nation’s cnpltol and how bur representatives work together to get things done.” Mllloy, who is interested in studying psychology, said thnt nfter her trip to Washington and her visit to Cnpltol Hill, she hns begun to consider careers In the political field. A higli speed chase last week ended nfter a motorcyclist and police vehicle collided. Michael Anthony Fricchi- one, 26. of Underpass Road, Advance wns not injured in the wreck. He wns charged on July 7 with fleeing to elude arrest, improper passing, nnd speeding. According to Chief J.D. Hnrtmnn of the Dnvie County Sheriff’s Office, at approxi­ mately I p.m. Snturday a wild­ life officer attempted to stop Fricchione for speeding on his 2004 Knwnsnki. Fricchione refused to stop nnd a chnse ensued. The wildlife officer cniled for assistance and sheriff’s deputies Intercepted Fricchione at the Fnrmington Road exit. “ Deputies saw the motor­ cycle come up the exit ramp at Fnrmington Rond, but it crossed Foxx welcomes Kade I loy to her office. bnck over to Interstate 40 nnd officers joined the chnse west­ bound,” Hartman said. Hnrtmnn snid Fricchione’s bike wns traveling in excess of 130 mph on the interstate. When Fricchione renched exit 170 he exited onto the rnmp and passed a vehicle on the right then his motorcycle col­ lided with a Mocksville Police Depnrtment vehicle nt the top of the ramp. . Hartman said that Ut this point in the incident N.C. High­ way Patrol were involved. “After the motorcycle col­ lided with the officer’s vehicle Mr. Fricchione was taken into custody without incident,” Hartman said. “ He was not injured.” , , Fricchione was plnced in Dnvie Detention Center in lieu of a $6,500 secured bond. He is scheduled to nppenr in Davie District Court today. Agency Helping With Pollinator Habitats Davie County USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) Acting Executive Director Rodney Spens, announced thnt polll- nntor hnbitnts, which support polllnntor species, will be nc- cepted ns n Continuous Sign-up Conservation Reserve Program (CCRP) practice. CCRP is n voluntnry progrnm that helps prodiicers apply conservation practices to snfegunrd environ­ mentally sensitive land. Pollinator habitats are qrens of permanent vegetation in an agricultural landscape: field edges, field middles, odd cor­ ners,' or any ngriciiltiirnl loca­ tion suitable for establishing pollinator habitat. “Pollinators provide a very important ecological service,” Speas said. “Approximately three quarters of nil flowering plnnts rely upon externnl nssis­ tnnce to polllnnte.” In addition to agricultural crops such ns fruits nnd veg­ etables, these plants Include seed producing wildflowers, fruit producing shnibs nnd nut producing trees which provide a source of food for matiy wild­ life species. Studies indicate thnt birds, bees, bnts, and other pollina­ tors are in significant decline across the country nnd nround the worid. Nenrly 80 percent of thè crops "grown In the worid require pollinntion. In the U.S., insects pollinnte'crops thnt pro­ duce $40 billion worth of prod­ ucts annually. Pnrticipnnts of newly en­ rolled pollinator hnbitat prac­ tices are eligible to receive n $150 signing incentive per ncre - a one-time payment issued to CRP pnrticipnnts nfter the con- trnct is npproved. The follow­ ing prncticcs qualify; • Pollinator 'Habitats (for continuous sign-up only); • Wetland Restoration prac­ tice which restores tho func­ tions nnd vnlues of wetlnnd ecosystems thnt have been de­ voted to agricultural use and; , • Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds prnctice which provides food and cover for qunil nnd uplnnd birds in cropland areas The SIP for all other continu­ ous sign-up practices remnins unchnnged at $100 per ncre. Continuous CRP sign-up nl­ lows pnrticipnnts to submit of­ fers for selected CCRP prnclic- es to enroll in CRP at anytime Instead of waiting for a sign-up period. Pnrticipnnts nnd offered Innds must meet certain eligi­ bility requirements. For. more Informnlion, cnll 336-248-2687 ext. 2 or visit wwwj!ia.iis(la.gov. Meredith Ratledge Jessica Whiite Students Serve Barn Fii-e Believed As H ouse P ages To Have Been Arson SEPASATIOm DIVORCE? *No offico visit required for simple divorco* Ross Ketner Attorney at Law Family Law since 1996 Advance, NC 336-813-1173 rosaketnci^gmnil.com A barn fire earlier this week is being investigated ns n pos­ sible nrson by the fire mnrshal nnd sheriff’s officials. According to Dnvie Sheriff’s Chief J.D. Hnrtman, on July 9 nround 2:45 n.m. n report of n barn burning nt Liberty Church and Bell Branch roads was received. Hartmnn said by the time firefighters arrived the barn wns fully engulfed in nnmes. “ Four wheelers were seen in the nren shortly before the fire wns reported,” Hartman snid. Anyone who mny hnve seen nnything in the nren thnt morn­ ing is asked to 751-5547. Electronics, Jewelry Taken From Residence RALEIQH - Jessicn White nnd Meredith Rntiedge, stu­ dents nt Dnvie County High School, recently served as a Page for the N.C. House of Representatives. White is the daughter of Mark and Jeanna White of Mocksville and was sponsored by Speaker of the House Thom Tillls (R- Mecklenburg). Ratledge is the dnughter of Mnrshnll nnd Kim Ratledge of Advnnce nnd wns sponsored by Rep. Julin How­ nrd (R-Dnvie). Tillls appoints the Pages and introduces each one to mem- bers and residents in the House gallery at the start of each week during Monday night’s session. For decades, the Stnte House hns relied on the service of Pnges, who help deliver bills nnd nmendments for Represen- tntives during dnily House ses­ sions and committee meetings, offer nssistance in individuni Representatives’ offices, and nm errands around the Legis­ lature. Pnges spend a week nt the Genernl Assembly assist­ ing members nnd their stnff nnd lenmlng about the structure of North Cnrolinn government. . SERVICE TIMES: Sunday 10:30 AM Sunday 6:30 PM Come visit tviih us and hear. the.FuU Gospel Messqsei( \ j We fce/ieuc ilmtlorJ Jcsiisiwi7/ Saue, Hca/’&De/iber/^^', ' • « ' arclki'AslSH] i > ‘ #1 in North Carolina for more than 20 years. Tlwnk you for trusting us to insure your auto, iiome, life and business. Sheriff’s officinis nre ask­ ing for help in solving n recent home break-in. According to Chief J.D. Hartmnn, on July 9 nround 1 p.m. a report of n brenking nnd entering wns received from n home on Sheffield Rond, Mocksville. Hartman said several elec­ tronics nnd jewelry were taken sometime after 8 n.m. thnt dny and reports from neighbors give descriptions of three vehicles seen nt the home during the time ofthe incident. “One neighbor reported seeing a black or blue Honda, nnother neighbor reported n blnck BMW, and nnother re­ ported seeing n red vehicle nt the home,” Hartmnn said. “We have multiple descrip­ tions of vehicles being at the residence.” Hartmnn is nsking anyone who mny hnve seen nnything in the nren that dny to cnll 751- 5547. Cash Taken From Safe The Dnvie Sheriff’s Depart­ ment is investigating n snfe erncking nnd felony Inrceny: According to Chief J.D. Hartmnn, on July 6 n brenk-in wns reported nt a home on Du­ lin Road, Mocksville. “ The victims oame home from vacation and discovered a snfe had been entered nnd n large nmount of cnsh wns sto­ len,” Hartman said. Hnrtmnn snid approximately $40,000 wns taken and there were no signs of forced entry to the home. A surveillance system nt the residence was working but the suspects deleted that portion of the footage. “The surveillance film has been sent to forensics to recover the lost footage,” Hnrtmnn said. Anyone with information on this Incident is nsked to cnll 751-5547. Keith Hiller 1109 Yadkinville Rd. Wiiiow Oafcs Shopping Ctr. Mocksville 751-6131 Í C A LL ME F O R A Q U O T E TO DAY □Nationwide* On Your Side Auto Home llie Bmhms К1|)опми«Аип(ли(1|*лс<ОлУ<с>иг$1<a OH 4111 N«ti«nvUt. IM DCJ7ÍÍ77I W e t m o F a r m sWoodleaf. NC H 0 M E 4 S R 0 IIIIN i ^ ^ M f l T O E S I I0CA1PEACHE& Sm iEETCORNlCREENBEANaBANflNAKmR&YEUlllMSQUA»^ ZINMHIiNlCllCUMBERaGRaNPm№ allONEVIlEINRIIIlOHSREAIlYNOIIIIICantaloupe & Other Produce as they become available. Open: IWon.-Frl. 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.; Closed Sunday From Mocl<svllle, (ako U S 601 soulh to NC 801 Intersection, turn right at light; 4 miles Inlo Rowan County to caution light In Woodleaf. Follow signs m i l QTMI Q A O O lo Wetmore Farms.________________l v r C I ^ £ U £ ! u HUMANE SOCIETY OF DAVIE 'HSDC COUNTY T h e H u m a n S o c ie t y o f D a v i e C o u n t y c o r d ia lly in v it e s y o u to FAMILY FUN DAY Saturday, July 14"' • 11 AM to 3 PM a t o u r A d o p t i o n C e n t e r Located at 291 Enton Rond, Mocksville ACTIVITIES IN THIS EVENT ARE AS FOLLOWS: • Meeting of our in-house animals • Activities for the kids • Various Concessions, and more! | Domillons of needed items from our wish list nre niways greaijy appreciated For more infoniialion, please conlnct us nt (336)751.5214, ‘ ’ District Court DAVIE COUNTY EN'I ERPRISE RECORD, I hUr.sday, July 12,2ÜU - b The following cnses were dis­ posed of in Davie Dislrict Court. Presiding: Judge Wayne L. Mi­ chnel. Prosecuting: Knren Bier­ nncki nnd Wendy J. Terry, assis­ tnnt DAs. - Devon Isaiah Allen, speeding 88 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $25, cost. - Chnries T. Armstrong, speed­ ing 97 in n 70, reduced to careless and recWcss driving, $300, cost. - Joseph Daniel Bailey, speed­ ing 73 in n 55, reduced lo im­ proper equipment, $50, cost, $50 improper equipment fee. - Austin Michael Baity, DWI, sentenced to 60 days, suspended 18 months, 24 hours community service, surrender license, not op­ ernte vehicle until licensed, credit for substnnce nbuse assessment/ follow treatment, limited driving privilege/$100 fee, $100, cost; driving nfter consuming under nge 21, dismissed per plen. - Holden Jack Brncewell, con­ suming. alcohol by person age 19/20, dismissed per complinnce with deferred prosecution. - Jorge A.H. Castillo, slop/ leave stnnding vehicle on inter­ state, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $75, cost, $50 improper equipment fee. - Jaime Janene Chessman, driving while license revoked, 45 days, suspended 18 months, not operate vehicle until licensed, $100,cost, $170 nttomey fee. . - Mickey Thomns Daniels, speeding 83 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 Improper equipment fee. - Nathaniel T. Dickson, con­ suming alcohol by person 19/20, dismissed per compliance with deferred prosecution. - Kim Derise Enriy aka Kim- beriy A. Cockerhnm, failure lo wear sent belt, $25.50, cost; driv­ ing while license revoked, dis­ missed, corrected. - Leon Eudes, possession of open container/consuming i)lco- hol in passenger,area, prnyer for judgment continued, cost. - Jnson Christopher Foley, ns­ snult on n femnle, sentenced lu time served, cost. - Tonyn Johnson Olbbs, speed­ ing 80 in n 70, reduced'lo im­ proper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improperequipment fee. - Michael B. Ouilbault, mis­ demeanor probation violation, probation revoked, sentenced‘to 24 months, cost; misdemeanor probation Violntion, probation re­ voked, sentenced lo 60 days, cost; misdemeanor probation violation, probation revoked, sentenced lo 12 months, cost. Appealed. - Jonathan E. Irizarry, speed­ ing 95 in a 70, reduccd lo careless and reckless driving, $400, cost. - Meng Lee, speeding 93 in a 70, dismissed per plea; reckless driving lo endanger, reduced lo careless and reckless driving, $300, cost. - Renee Reynolds Lena, simple assault, brenking or entering, dis­ missed at request of prosecuting witness and in the interest of jus­ tice. ,' - Kenneth Roger Mnrtin, as­ sault on a female, sentenced to 150 days, suspended 18 months, not nssault/threaten/harnss vic­ tim, do not use or possess alco­ hol, complete abuser treatment program, obtain substnnce abuse nssessment/trentment, $100, cost, $170 attorney fee. - Quenton D. McDowpll, mi.s- demennor Inrceny, sentenced lo lime served, cost, $170 attorney fee. - Herbert L. Meadows, reckless driving to endanger, dismissed, civil settlement. - Dnrrin Donnldo Miles, DWI, sentenced to 60 days, suspended is months, 24 hours community service, surrender license, not op­ erate vehicle until licensed, credit for substance abuse assessment/ follow treatment, limited driving privilege/$100 fee, $100, cosi; speeding 52 in a 35, dismissed^ per plea. - Jonathan A. Morrison, mis­ demeanor larceny, sentenced to time served, cost, $170 attomey fee. - Royal Junior Morrison, as- snult on n femnle, dismissed, stnte unable to locate prosecuting wit­ ness.' - Jo.seph Tyler Neeley, disor­ derly conduct, sentenced lo lime served, cost. - John Willinm Parker, simple possession marijuana, dismissed per plea; possession of drug pnra- phernalin, deferred prosecution, 24 hours community service, ob­ tnin substance abuse assessment/ follow treatment, cost, evidence ordered destroyed, if in compli­ ance cliarges may be dismissed in 12 months. - Pamela Denice Pearson, sim­ ple a.ssaull, $50, cost. - Troy Dorsey Pearson, nssnult on a female, $50, cost, $142.50 attorney fee. - David Wayne Scliamens, fail­ ure lo slop for slop sign/flashing red light, prayer for judgment continued, cost. - Destin Lamar Sloan, assault Ull u female, sentenced to time served, have no contact with victim, $170 attorney fee; com­ municating thrents, dismissed per plea. - Paula Jane Smith, simple as­ sault, dismissed, prosecuting wit­ ness failed lo prosccutc. - Dana Hill Stockton, DWI, sentenced lo 60 days, suspended 18 months, 24 hours community service, surrender license, nol op­ erate vehicle until licen.sed, credit for substance abuse nssessment/ follow treatment, limited driving priviiege/$IOO fee, $100, cost; failure lo maintain lane control, dismissed per plen. - Nicholas Scott Tilley, no li­ cense, simple possession sched­ ule VI controlled substance, dismissed per plen; possession of drug ))araphernalin, deferred prosecution, 48 hours community service, evidence ordered de­ stroyed, if in compliance charges may bc dismissed in six months. - Austin Nakia Vickers, con­ suming alcohol by person 19/20, disndssed per compliance with deferred prosecution. - Joseph Mark Williams, no registration card, reduced lo fail­ ure to notify DMV of address change, $25, cost; no liability insurance, reckless driving lo en­ danger, hil/nin leaving scene af­ ter causing property damage, dis­ missed per plea. - Melissa B. Woodward, speeding 67 in a 55. reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, $50 improper equipment fee. F'nilure to Appcur - Robert William Hardy, DWI. simple possession of schedule IV controlled substance, slop/lenve standing vehicle on interstate/ controlled access highway. - Jason Cathell Hawks, driving while license revi^ked, possession of stolen goods/property. - Ciiristopher Henderson, as­ sault on a female. - Joshua Worn, speeding 86 in a 70, driving while license re­ voked. ■ - Chloe Elizabeth Wood, flee­ ing lo elude arrest wilh vehicle, no license, resisting public offi­ cer, injury lo personal property. If you're suffering from foot or ankle pain, we can help. Wake Forest Baptist Health offers a connprehensive range of foot and ankle care for patients of all ages. Our orthopaedic su rg e o n s and podiatrists are expeits in ankle replacement, athletic injuries, trauma, hammertoes, bunions, plantar fasciitis and m any other types of foot and ankle problems. For an appointment with a Wake Forest Baptist foot and ankle specialist a t o n e o f o u r many Triad locations, call 7 1 6 -W A K E or visit WakeHealth.edu/Feet. ^ ■To make an appointm ent, call 888-716-W AKE or visit W akeHealth.edu W a k e F o r e s f B a p t i s t H e a l t h ■ A Mission to Care. A Mission to Cure, Public Records B u ild in g P e rm ltB - ' — 6 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 12,2012 B u ild in g P e r m its The following building permits were issued in Davie County, listed by applicant, type of building, estimated cost, and location. - Harris Pool & Supplies, in- ground pool, $28,000, March Ferry Rd., Advnnce. - The Pool and Spa Store, inground pool, $19,900, Rabbit Fnrm Trail, Advance, - Carter Pool Co„ pool, $19,000, Chandler Dr., Mocks­viiie. - Stan Riddle, amphitheater, $12,000, .Gibson Way, Mocks­ville. - Christopher Bolcato, com­ mercial upfit, $20,000, Danner Rd„ Mocksville. - Genoa Construction Ser­ vices, remodel for ADA com­ pliance, $50,000, yadkin Val­ ley Rd„ Mocksviiie. - Larry McDaniel Build­ ers, install two doors, $66300, Bethel Church Rd„ Mocks­ville. Larry McDaniel Build­ ers, building upfit, $73,750, N, Main Street, Mocksville. - Select Homes, on-frame modular, $ 174,500, Cattle Way, Mocksville, - Freedom Homes, off-frame modular, $140,826, Wagner Rd., Mocksville, - Larry Williams, replace deck, add screened porch, $16,000, Woodlands Court, Advance. - Dick Anderson Construc­ tion, single family dwelling, $175,000, Maple Vnlley Rd., Advance. - CHA Pole Barns, pole shed, $15,000, Ridge Rd„ Mocks­viiie. - Andrew Beck, accessory building,$7,000, Yadkin Valley Rd., Advance. - Immaculate Builders, base­ ment upfit, $34,000, Cartgate Court, Advance. - Isenhour Homes, single family dwelling, $154,000, Legacy Dr., Advance. Grubb Construction, ga­ rage and bonus room addition, $107,000, Hawthorne Rd., Mocksville, - Morgan & Parker Builders, remodel, $20,000, Savannah Court, Advance. - Isenhour Homes, single family dwelling, $159,000, Legacy Dr., Advance. - Decked out of the Triad, multi-sectional deck/screened porch, $42,000, N. Hidden- brooke Dr., Advance. - America’s Home Place, sin­ gle family dwelling, $250,000, Dulin Rd„ Mocksville. - James Lynch, accessory structure, $2,500, Timber Trails Lnne, Mocksville, Champion Windows, screened porch, $17,700, E, Knoll Brook Dr., Mocksviiie. - Richnrd P, Hendricks Con­ struction, three-car garage, $200,000, Holly Lnne, Mocks­ville, - Miiler Building & Remod­ eling, replace deck, $9,608, Magnolia Avenue, Mocksville, S p e c i a l s o f t h e W e e k тттвттштш^--------- A S S O R T E D C A K E S N A C K S $ 4 9 - . N lw — M a rjo le ln B a s tin C a rd s b y H a llm a rk Don t Forael Yo.,r Muscadines! PHOTO SPECIAL We are sorry to Inform you that we will be discontinuing our photo iab service. For ijrcat information on (iritys & health problems, go to WAvw.fostcrdru<{co.com A rre s ts The Dnvie County Sheriff’s Department made the following arrests; - M ichaei Dean Foster, 49, of Riverdale Road,Mocksville wns nrrested June 28 for violation of conditions of release nnd nssnult. Trinl dale: Aug, 2. - Stephanie Lynn McClure, 34, of Roiling Hills Lane, Mocksviiie was arrested June 29 for obtninlng controlled sub­ stnnce by frnud. Trial date: July 10 In Harnett County. - Bobby Brian Oordon ,45 ,of Plymouth was anested June 29 for failure to appear. TVial dale: July 24 in Forsyth County. - Erin Lee Mabe, 30, bf Baltimore Road, Advance was arrested June 29 for failure to appear. TVial date: July 24 in Forsyth County, - Eddie Henderson Poster, 60, of US 601 North, Mocksvillo was arrested June 30 for assault with deadly weapon, nssault on government official/employee, injuiy to personal property. Trial date: July 5, - Ricky Fredrick McKnight, 22, of Patricia Way, Mocksville wns nrrested July i for assault on femnle, interfering with emergency communicntion.and possession of firearm by felon. Trial dnte: July 12. - Eddie Henderson Foster,60, ofUS601 North,Mocksville wns arrested July 2 for communicat­ ing threats, Trial date: July 5, N onwovens S h e r iff’s D e p a rtm e n t Tlie following incidents were reported to the Davie County Sheriff’s Depnrtment. - On June 29 harassing phone calls were reported nt a home on Fred Lanier Road, Mocksville. - An assault nnd larceny were reported at a home on Westridge Road, Advance on June 29. - On June 30 larceny wns reported at a church on Beau­ champ Road, Advance, - A break-in and properly damage were reported at a re­ tail establishment on US 158, Advance on June 30. - On July 1 larceny was re­ ported at a home on W. Robin Drive, Advance on July I, - On July 2 a break-in and lar­ ceny were reported at a home on Gladstone Road, Mocksville, - The break-in of a motor vehicle was reported at a liome on Gladstone Rond, Mocksville on July 2. - On July 2 threats were re­ ported at a home on Mela Breeze Lane, Mocksville. - A break-in and trespass­ ing were reported at a home on Stacee Trail, Mocksville an July2. - On July 2 identity theft and the unlawful use of a crcdit card were reported at a home on Pleasnnt Acre Drive, Mocks- villei - A break-in of a motor ve­ hicle and larceny were reported at a home on Stonewood Lnne, ■ scncmi Requirements ■•iSSSpa*. programming ’ WondGfwarecxperience •liS S H " " ’ «PPllcantj shoutd •PPly «end resume] to Jessl@>aygo|,com A V G O L N onwovensOpening for АУ90) NontvoMn MduitrUf 12 Hour NIgKt Shift Maintenance Teci)nlctan Requtremenls »» » follows!' Mccnanlc^tnndSuong Elcctrlcal Experience • Advanced Level skills operating PLCConUoi Panels • Experience wiih pneumatks and hydrautlcs • Perform Preventallve Maintenance on specified equipment• Ab)liiYtounde»Undel|strale9ic . and tactical Maintenance procedures• Irivcnlorycounloi spare equipment, parts,and tools• LlfVPush/Pullmln,Qf20lbs.• AbKlty to continuously climb levels of stairs• Ability to work lr> extreme hot conditions • Working In a fast paced environment ‘ Housekeeping Immdkne wisldimtiea aim to vtbm Have experience witn HeifenhauserorA-CelllEgulpmerttI Have experience woixing In Nonwoveni QuAltfled applicants should apply setidresum»stoJ»ssl@>av0oUom i PO»*»H»| Mocksville on July 2. - On July 2 the break-in of a motor vehicle was reported at a home on Gladstone Road Mocksville. - A break-in was reported at a retail establishment on NC 80J North, Mocksville on July 3, - On July 3 property dam­ age was reported at a location on 1-40. - Larceny was reported at a home on Belhlehem Drive Advnnce on July 3. - On July 4 a break-in and lar­ ceny were reported at a home on Yadkin Valley Road, Advance. - Larceny wns reported nt a home on US 158, Advnnce on■July 4. -OnJuly4crueltytoanimais was reported at a home on Duke Whitaker Road, Mocksville, - An assault was reported at a home on Daniel Boone Trail Mocksville on July 5, - On July 5 fraud was re­ ported at a home on NC 801 North, Mocksville, - Lnrceny and safecrack- mg were reported at a home on Dulin Road, Mocksville on July 6. - On July 6 larceny wns re­ ported at a parking lot on Thou­ sand Trails Drive, Advance, - Fraud was reported at a pharmacy on US 158, Advance on July 6, - On July 6 a break-in and larceny were reported at a home on Red Bud Lnne, Mocksville - Larceny wns reported nt « home on Pineville Rond Mocksville on July 7. - On July 7 larceny wns re­ ported at a homeon CedarCreek iioad, Mocksville, ■ Vandalism was reported at "home on Amber Hill Road Mocksville on July 7. -On July 7 harassing phone cnils were reported nt a home on Moore Trail, Mocksville, - Trespassing was reported at a home on Livingston Road, Advance on July 8. „ 8 vandalism was ^ “ .“‘ «homeonBridge- wnter Drive, Advance. - Larceny was reported al East Mocksville on July 8, -On July 9 an nssault on a fe­ male was reponed at a home on Deadmon Road, Mocksville. vehlT use of a o°n Deadmon Road, Mocksville - On July 9 arson was re- ported at a location on JbertyChurch Road, Mocksville.. - A break-in and larceny were c C h V ' ^ sJuly 9 Road, Mocksville on nr,« ® 'vns re- i - A break-in was reported Í m a home on Gladstone Road,' IMocksville on July 9, - On July 9 a forged check was reported at a bank on Nt:801 South, Advance. ■A break-in and larceny weii RonT Sheffield Road, Mocksville on July 9 -On July 9 larceny was re- Mocksville on July 9 9 « break-in was ported at a home on Emily Drive, Advance. ^ - Fraud Was reported at a home on US 64 West, Mocks Vllle on July 9. J u lia H o w a itl — 7<J„, Please contact me in- ■ « s is a s f' * GeEEN eURNS ^SIDENT OF: FOOD LION Dear Neighbors, Its a new day at Food Lioni For many years, we've had the pleasure of serving millions of customers in your area. We recently asked you about the type of shopping experience you want. We listened to you. We heard you. And we thank you — for your honest and candid feedback. Based on w hat you told us, we've m ade some changes to improve the overall shopping experience w e deliver to you every day. When you shop with us, you’ll find: • L o w e r p ric e s o n 6 , 0 0 0 a d d it io n a l ite m s • A w id e r s e le c tio n o f s to r e b r a n d p r o d u c ts • E a s ie r a n d c o n v e n ie n t s h o p p in g w i t h n e w s h o p p in g c a r ts , c le a n e r a is le s , f a s t e r c h e c k o u ts a n d b r ig h t e r p a r k in g lo t s ; • F re s h e r p ro d u c e I'm personally inviting you to visit your local Food L|on and see for yourself the things we've done to improve the store for you and your family. Once you visit, let us know’ how w ere doing. Tell your store m anager w hat you think about the changes we've made, call us toll-free at 800-210-9569 or visit www.foodlion.com/customerservice. We w ant to hear from you about your new Food Lion. Come visit us to get your Lion's Share of savings. We hope to see you soon. 51п5в)ге1у, Cathy Green Burns President, Food Lion getyourlion ’sshsrb ;f ’ ^oeoRm juuAHn,..Щ g| . ......... •- 4. -i. - К *.-4 '*■ 4 *■"'* “А ^ А » «С Л -Л ■ 'Í Г, - 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 12,2012Dateline Fundraisers Saturday, July 14 Church Brenkfnst, nl Farining- lon UMC, 1939 Farmington Rd., Mocksvillc from 7-10 a.m. Cost is suggested donntion. Proceeds to church activities. Friday, July 20 Coolccmcc Civitan BBQ Chickcn, 11 n.m. til 1 p.m. (or til sold out) at Civitan Bidg., NC 801,Cooleemee.' Cost$7.Meal is l/2chickcn,bakcd ' beans, slaw, roll, dessert. Eat-in or , takc-out. Delivery of 5 or more : orders. Call 284-2196, 284-2030, ' 909-069(5, or 909-2192 to reserve \ your order. ! Saturday, July 28 ! HoldogLunch,sponsorcdbymen's ' fellowship of Now Union UMC In ' church parking lot, 1869 Sheffleld Rd., II n.m. til 2 p.m. Donations accepted. Women will sell bnkcd goods & craft items. Reunions Fri.-Sun., July 13-15 2nd Ijnmes Fnmily Reunion, de­ scendants of John Ijames & Nettle Howell, July 13 nt 6 p.m., July 14 1-6 p.m., July 15 nl 2 p.ni. At Cen­ ter Comm. Bidg, 138 Godbey R.d„ Mock.svillc. For info: 751-1361 or 751-2589. aellglqn Sunday, July 15 Annual MIssioniiry Ony, nt Cedar Creek Missionaiy Bnpt. Church, lunch 1:30 p.m., afternoon .service nt 3 p.m, with guest spenker. Rninbo>vTca,presented by willing workers and women’s fellowship of Shiloh Bnpt. Church, 3 p.m. with •spccinl guests, Saturday, July 21 Family Fcst,nt New Union UMC, begins 5:30 p.m. Games for whole fnmily. Hotdogs, hnmburgers, home­ made icc crenm. Sun.-Wed., Aug. 5-8 VBS, »1 New Union UMC, 1869 Sheffield Rd., 6:30-8:30 p.m. Theme: Galactic Battle, a Cosmic Adventure Praising God. Sun.-Wed., Aug. 12-15 , Homecoming & Revival, lit New Union UMC, Sunday 11 a.m. with covercd dish lunch to follow nt Sheffieid-Cninhnln Comm, Ctr, Revival nightly 7 p.m. Special Events Saturday, July 21 Couccrt On Thc Square, down­ town Mocksville, 101 N. Mnin Street, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Come dance 10 beach music, line dance to hits of 70s, and lets all do Ihe Wobble Dunce. Free, bring your chair. For info: 909-2263, D a te s.tQ .B e m e m ta e r Saturday, July 28 FootballSlgn-ups,9a.m.til 12p.m. nt Brock Gym for Davic Co. Youth Football Association. Mon.-Thurs., Aug. 6-9 Cheerleading Cnmp, 6-8:30 p.m. @ DHS. Cost $40 pre-registered by July 30, $60 nt door. IVieetings Wednesday, Aug. 1 Davic Business Women’s As­ sociation, nt SunTrust Bank, 880 Yadkinville Rd., Mocksville, 12' noon. Forinfo: 998-7207. Ongoing Davic County Planning Board, 4th Tues. of eni:h month, 6 p.m. in commissioners chambers,2nd floor, Davie Administration Bidg., 123 S. Main Street. Dnvie County Bonrd of AcUust- ment, 3rd Monday of each month, 6 p.m., in commissioners chnmbers, 2nd floor, Dnvie Administration Bidg., 123 S, Mnin Street. AA.St. Francis Assisi Cliureh Hall, 7 p.m.,Thursdays,contnct Jnn: 336- 753-1838. Davic Beekeepers Associntion, second Thur.s, of cvciy monlh, 7 p.m„412N,MainSlrect(FirslBapt, Church), Visitors welcome. To flnd out more Info: www.davlebeekcep- crs.org Dnvlc Quiltcrs Guild, 3rd ^lon. of each month, for info: 492-2000. VFW Post 4024,7 p.m.,2nd Tues. ench month, VFW Hut, Snnford Av­ enue, Mocksvillc. Eligible members welcome. Come enrly for refresh- menLs, For info cnll 492-7521, Triumph Pnrcntlng Clnsses, Wednesdays, 10:30 n,m„ cull for info; 751-5636. Humnne Society ot Dnvlc Co., bi­ monthly meetings 2ndTues. of cveiy evcn-numbcrcd nionlh, nt Humane Society Adoption Center,290 Eaton Rd.Call 751-5214 for info. Fnmily & Friends of thc Mentnlly III Support Group, 2nd Tues. of each month, 6 p.m., Hillsdale Bapt. Church, Advance; Cnll 751-5441 fopr info. Advnncc Garden Club, 2nd Tues. cach month,HillsdalcBapt.Church, US 158,1:30 p.m. Lion’s Club, meets 1st Thurs. of each monlh, 6 p.m. board, 7 p.m. general. At Hardison United Melh­ odist Church. Hillsdale Sunrise Rotary Club, every Thurs. nt 7 a.m., Bermuda Villnge, Dnvlc Co. Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 94,3rdTueS. of every month, 7 p,m„Zcko's Restaurant, Davie Democratic Party, 2nd Tues. of cach monlh, 7 p.m., 110 Depot Street. Davic Co. Republican Party,every third Tues. of monlh,7 p.m, in Davie Co. courthouse. Dnvie Amateur Rndio Club, ist Tuesdny of ench monlh, 7 p.m., Davie Co. Hospitnl Training Room. Public welcome. , Davic Co. Republican Men’s Fedcrntion, second Thurs. of ev­ ery monlh, 6:30 p.m., Sngcbrush Restaurant, Mocksvillc. For info: 408-8898. Dnvlc HIstorlcnl & Gcncnioglcni Soclcty, 4lh Tliurs., 7 p.m., Davie Library, Al-Anon Fnmily Group, at Mace­ donia Moravian Church, N,C, 801 N,, Advnnce, Sundnys 8 p.m., Rm. 225 (nbove fellowship hall). Al- Anon Is a group that helps families & friends of alcoholics. Coolccmcc Womens Civitan Club, meets 4lh Thurs. of each monlh, 7 p.m; Cooleemee First Bapt. fellow­ ship hall, 204 Marginal St.. Cool­ eemee. All nren ladies invited. For further info: 336-284-4795. Stltcli-In, a gathering of crafters al Mocksvillc Library, second Wed. of cach month, 7-8:15 p.m. Bring your portnble project an nil your best lips and tricks to share. Info: 751-2023. Community Foundntion of Dnvlc County Board of Directors, 2nd Mon., 5 p.m. Rotating meeting. For info/monthly location cnll 753-6903, Mocksvillc Garden Club, 1st Thurs, of ench monlh, 7 p.m., in former fellowship hnll behind First UMC, Mnin Street, Mocksvillc, North Davic Ruritan Club, month­ ly dinner meetings, second Mon. of eachmonlh,7p.m.Cnll7824276for info and location of next meeting. Smnrt Start of Davic County board meeting, 3rd Tues, of every other monlh (begins Jan,) at SunTrust on Yndkinville Rd., 9-10:30 n.m. Questions; 751-2113. Town or Coolccmcc Planning Bonrd, meets 3rd Thurs. of each month at Cooleemee Town Hall, 7 p.m, ' Davie Business Women’s Associn­ tion, 1st Wed. of each month, 12 noon,at S unTnist Bank, Vnlley Bank Branch locntion. Open to all ladies interested in networking, Dnvlc County Horse Emergency Rcscuc 'Ibnm, 7:30 p,m,, down­ stairs at Ihe Agricultural Building, Mocksville, Every 3rd Tuesday ench monlh. For info: 940-2111, Dnvlc Co. Bnnd Boosters, meets 2nd Tuesday of monlh, 7:30 p,m„ Davic High Band Room, ClirlstlnnBuslnessmen’sCoinmlt- tccofMocksville,Thursdnys.7n.m. Mocksville Rotary Hut. Gold Wing Touring Associntion, Red Pig Barbecue, Greasy Corner, N.C, 801 at U.S,601,6p,m. 284- 4799. Coolccmcc Recreation Associa­ tion. Znchnry House, 1st Tuesday, 7 p.m. The Artist Group, Davic County Library, 7 p,m, last Tues. Cnll Bon­ nie nt 998-5274. Center Community Develop- ment,3rd Mon.,7 p.m. Communily Bidg. Cooleemee Town Board, 3rd Monday,Tbwn Hall, 6 p.m. unless otherwise noted. North Cooleemee and Clark Road Council, 2nd Wednesday, 7 p.m. Meeting in different members homes, Mocksville AA, closed non-smok­ ing meeting, nt St. Francis of Assisi Church fellowship hall, 862 Yndk­ inville Rd,, Mocksville. Thursday, 7 p.m. Info: Jan 753-6863, Davic Domestic Violence Scrviccs nnd Rape Crisis Center. Offers weekly support group for domestic violence & sexual assnult victims, Tlic group meets every'Fucs, evening from 5:30-7 p,m, Plense cnll offlcc for location, 751-3450, Sons of Confederate Veterans, 1st Monday, Cooleemee Historical Building, 7 p,m. MocksvillcRotnryClub,Tucsdnys, 12:10 p,m.. Energy United Educa­ tion Ccnter, 182 S. Salisbury St., Mocksville. Farmington Mnsonic Lodge No. 265,2nd Monday, 7:30 p.m. nl the lodge, Dnvlc Co. United Woy Bonrd of Directors, 4th Monday, 5:30 p.m,, Brock Ccnter Annex, Conf. Room 208. Dnvlc High Athletic Boosters, 3rd Monday,? p.m.,school cnfclcria. Fnrmington Ruritan Club, 2nd Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Farmington Melhodist church. HELI’S Ministries, Chrislian re­ covery program for women sexunlly nbused ns children. Mondays, 7:30 p.m., 41 court Square, Room 210. Parents Resource Organization (PRO) support group for families of children with disabililics, 2nd Tuesday, 7 p.m. Call Rosemnry Kropfelder nt 998-3311 for locn­ tion. Jcricho-Hnrdisnn Ruritan Club, 2nd Tuesday, 7 p.m., club build­ ing. Health Dept,, clinic hours: Mon.- Fri., 8:30-11:30 a.m., 1-4:30 p.m. Dnvlc County Bonrd of Socinl Scrviccs, 4th Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. at DSS. Narcotics Anonymous Against All Odds Group, First Bapl. Church, 390 N. Main Street (upstairs), Thurs. 7 p.m.. Sun. 6 p.m. Drug Problem? Helpline, 336-785-7280. Americnn Legion Post 174, Nn- tional Giinrd Armory, US 64 H., Mocksville, 2nd Thursday, 6 p.m. Mocksvillc Civitnn Club, 7 p,m„ '2nd & 4lh Mondays, al First Pres­ byterian Church, Advance Memorial Post 8719 Veterans of Foreign Wnrs and Ladies Auxilinry,4thTucs„7:30p.m„post home. Feed Mill Road. Davic County Right To Life, 7 p.m., 3rd Thursday, grand jury room, courthouse, 751-5235 or 492-5723, Coolccmcc Memorial VFW Post 1119,2nd Sni., 10 n.m., VFW Hall, N.C, 801. Corinthian Lodge No. 17F&AM, 2nd, 4th Frldnys, 7:30 p.m. nt the lodge. Mocksvillc Lodge No. 134, isl Tuesday, 7:30 p.m, nt Ihe lodge, Caolccmee CIvltan’s Club Meet­ ing, Ist nnd 3rd Mon, ench month. 7 p,m„Civilan Property,801 Norlh, Cooleemee. DavicCo.MSSupportGraup,2nd Mon. of cach monlh, 6 p.m., Dnvie Co. Hospital. Report Davie Dateline By Noon On Monday Items for Davie Dateline should be reported by noon Monday of Ihc publication week. Call 751-2120 or drop il liy Ihe office, nl S. Main St. across from Ihc courthouse. C/MA CARPENTER*i % 7 POWERSPORTS Sales • ScQoters • Service • Go Karts Parts • Dirt Biites • Accessories • ATV's www.MottsPowersports.com 1925 S. Main St. Salisbury, NC 704-636-9900 Hours: Tues & Wed 10-8pm/Thur & Fri 10-6pm/Sat 10-3pm S^TUNORA Ir DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, 1 hursday, July IZ, ¿Mil - у B o n d R e d u c e d F o r M a n A c c u s e d O f A s s a u l t , K id n a p p in g A Mocksville mnn who wns chnrged nfter an altercation with his wife hnd his bond re­ duced in district court June 28. Kenneth Darrell Powell, 26, was charged with second- degree kidnapping, assault on a female, nnd nssnult inflicting serious bodily injury following an incident June 20 nt his for­ mer Wyo Road residence. According to reports, the victim told police thnt nfter re­ fusing to have sex with Powell, she was pushed into n bathtub nnd nssnulted. She snid she tried to lenve but Powell pulled her back into his cnr nfter chnsing her, nnd when he got her bnck to the home, he dragged her by the feet and hair into the home, Powell wns placed under a $50,000 bond. His nttorney, Lori Hnmilton- Dewitt, told Judge Wayne L, IHichacl that Powell is n life­ long resident of the county and "thc nlleged victim is his wife of nine yenrs. My understnnd­ ing is that she’s left the state. nnd she (told) his family mem­ bers she does not wnnt lo pros­ ecute,” Hnmiiton-Dewitt snid Pow­ ell told officers he wns also as­ saulted, and that on the police report, it indicates the victim snid she did assault him. She nsked for Powell’s bond lo be reduced to $10,000, Assistnnt DA Karen Bier- nacki said she hnd been unnble to contnct the victim and hnd lenrned Powell is wnnted in Florida on nnother chnrge, “He could be a flight risk. And if he wns nssaulted, he got the better end of this fight,” she told Judge Michael, as Michnel' looked nt pictures of the vie- S S S P O n i G H T D irty D ig s o f C ie m m o n s During the last eight years. Dirty Digs, based in Ciem­ mons, hns established itself as n reputable company provid­ ing professional excavating, grading nnd hauling services to homeowners, contractors nnd engineers. Some of our customers hnve told us thnt they did not icnow about all the other services we offer. The following will give you a better iden of the types of projects Dirty Digs are per­ forming. Storm Water Management Dirty Digs installs catch basins, yard drains, interceptor drains, pipes of nil sizes (plastic and concrete) and under­ ground downspout collection systems. Re-grading mny be necessary nt times for storm wnter run­ off. Erosion Control Slope stabilization and ditch building mny include install­ ing checic dams, erosion mats, retnining walls, interceptor drains nnd sediment ponds. Water prooflng - Basements and Crawl Spaccs Dirty Digs offers complete waterproofing solutions for many types of problems with foundations including repair of cracked basement walls, installation of steel posts for re-en­ forcement, French drains (outside and inside) and installation of water proof coatings and membranes. There is a 10-year warranty on water proofing systems. Driveways Dirty Digs removes old concrete or asphalt driveways and installs new driveways in concrete or gravel. Dirty Digs nlso repairs nnd restores existing, worn or eroded gravel driveways and associated ditches, .Land Clearing and Site Preparation Dirty Digs does many things from Innd clearing to land­ scaping - including removal of trees, stumps, roots, vines, shmbs, brush nnd debris. V^efix $6.00 Haircuts! 3 Professional Barbers W ith Over 100 Years G)mbinedE3q)erience Walk Ins Welcome! 2721 Lewisvilie-Clemmons Road Clemmons (336)766-9011 ^ Hours: 1\ie-Fri: 8:30-6:00 pm Sat8:00am-noon wwwMenimonsbtirbenhop.com H Q W * l>HOMC ar TViC RCAU HAint:UT -----------------------cii. im Dirty Digs cnn nlso dig bnsements and footings and return nt the npproprinte time'to provide backfilling and final grade services. Demolition Dirty Digs takes down and disposes of unwanted houses, barns, sheds, silos, fences and anything else that’s in the wny. Dirty Digs removes swimming pools nnd fills in thc hole. Ponds and Lakes Dirty Digs builds dams for new ponds and inkes nnd we drain and remove sediment from existing ponds and lakes. We also remove or repnir existing dams, Geo-Thermal Heat Pump Systems Dirty Digs is certified by “Climnte Master” in the fusion process for joining the plastic pipe used in these systems. Digging the ditches and installing the pipes for these sys­ tems is always performed in conjunction with HVAC contrac­ tors. Mulch • Dirt • Sand • Gravel • Top Soil Dirty Digs not only delivers but also spreads-or places these products exactly where they go. Equipment Packages - Grading and Excavating Dirty Digs brings the appropriate size equipment for the tnsk nt hnnd. We use small equipment for working close to people’s homes or in tight places nnd Inrge equipment for Inrge land clearing or earth moving projects. So as you can see. Dirty Digs is many things to many peo­ ple. Whether your project requires only one of our services or is more complex nnd would be better served by an integrated approach with nn nrrny of services, Dirty Digs cnn help. Dirty Digs offers on-site inspections to evnlunte problems nnd offer solutions nt NO COST to our customers, ' Give Tom Jones a cnll right now and get started with ii free estimate from Dirty Digs. Call anytime - 336-749-0465. Too hot on the deck? Can’t use In rain? Cali us about our Structall Roof System or Too many flying bugs? No Problem. We also do Screen-ln rooms Free Estimates! Mobile Phone 978-2299 E D W A R D S S ID I N G & W IN D O W S 764-0885 tim, Powell stood motionless, clothed in nn ornnge jnil jump­ suit with his ankles shackled. Michnel reduced Powell’s bond to $25,000 nnd told him he is to hnve no contact with the victim, that even if she calls him, he must hang up. His next court dnte is July 26, Rosldontlal Drolnago Systoms Storm Water Managomont Wator Proofing • Basomont/Crawt Space A Drlvoways • Oravol/Concroto liS iitS Qradlng/Excavallng/Domolltlon irwuT»Q_ . 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Call today to schedule a froo portfolio review. i Slayton R Harpe Financial Advisor 5539 Us Hwy 158 Suite 104 Advance, NC 27006 336-940-3150 www.odwardJonet.com Member sipc I'.ilwii 1(1 Jones Sell it quickly with a Davie!Clemmons classified ad 1-877-751-2120 10 - ÜAVIE COUNTY ENTKKmSE KECOKU, Thursday, July 12,2012 Attendees wait for the arrival of the antique tractor parade on Saturday, July 7 on court square in downtown iVlocksviiie. Tractors Take Over Mocksville By Jackie Seabolt Enterprise Record Tractor enthusiasts gath­ ered over the weekend at the Masonic Picnic Grounds for the 13th annual Independence Day Tractor Show and Parade sponsored by Piedmont Antique Power Association. Attendees braved the sum­ mer heat to get a look at dis­ plays of antique Ford, John Deere, Farmall, Allis Chalmers, and International tractors, “ I just like 'em ,” says 14-year-oId Austin Thies of Mocksville. Austin has a 1939 A llis Chalmers lhat was at the show. He’s had the tractor for about two years and says that his grandfather bought it for him fully restored. "A ll I have to do is keep it clean and put gas in it .... and store it in the shed.” Beside Austin’s tractor is another. A 1950 John Deere that belongs to his brother, 19-year- old Aor9n Thies. Aaron says that he purchased his tractor off Craigslist from the Lincolton area. “ I’ve col­ lected toy tractors since I was little." The tractor and engine event continued through the weekend with food, wagon rides, kiddie train rides, and farm equipment demonstrations. “ I come over here when I can,” attendee Keith Phillips of Lexington says as he looks at the displays. “When 1 can get out of m y busy schedule, which includes retirement and working extra hard.” The show ended on Sat­ urdny with a parade through downtown Mocksville and a raffle drawing to win nn antique tractor. David Kimmer Is answering his phone, holding his dog, and driving his Farmall. Arthur Bostick drives Bobby Cartner to the concession stand during a break. - Photos by Robin Snow Isaac Norman holds granddaughter, Emma, 2, at the tractor show. Garret Byerly of Mocksville drives his Massey Ferguson through town The Got To Be NC shopping cart leads the parade. Austin Thies, 14, of Mocksville poses with his 1939 Allis Chalmers. St®ve Myers and grandson wave at the crowd. Brothers Tim Wisecarver and Robert Wisecarver show two Massey Fergusons. Ray Tutterow owns this antique Ford tractor and has the pictures to prove It. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 12,2012 - Bl More than a hundred Davie football players have shown up for Tuesday-Thursday work­ outs and Monday-Wednesday strength-and-condltionlng sessions in hopes of getting a leg up on the competition as the 2012 season approaches. The W ar Eagles are coming off an eight-w in season in which they shared first place in the aiways-tough Central Piedmont Conference. Coach Doug llling enters his 15th year at Davie with 118 victo­ ries (ranking as the winningest coach In school history), eight CPC cham pionships and one state runner-up. The talent appears to be here for anoth­ er big run. At left, a player,hits the water cooler to com bat the high temperatures. Read more and see more photos on page B4. - Photos by James Barringer Post 54 Sweeps In First Round By Brian Pitts Davie Enterprise Record The Mocksville Legion baseball team traveled an eight-year road to win a playoff series. Not that getting past the first round will be enough to satisfy a top-seeded team, but the 3-0 sweep of Concord did put away Post 54's string. of first-round disappointments. Mocksville lit up host Concord 11 -5 on the Fourth of July to complete the sweep in the best-of-five series. The 13th consecutive win lifted Mocks­ viile’s record to 22-6. It was Post 54’s first series win in the postseason since 2004, when it swept Concord. Mocksville suffered first-round flameouts to Lexington in 2005, to Rowan in 2006, to Concord in 2007 and to Rowan in 2008,2009 and 2010. Last yeor Area III changed to a double­ elimination format. It was a one-year trial that was unpopular,.so the area switched back to the series in 2012. “I’m just glad we were able to sweep so we wouldn’t have to play another game and we can rest our pitchers,” coach Charles Kurfees said. Mocksviile’s biggest lead was 7-1. Concord got within 7-5, but no closer. In the fourth, Post 54 pushed a 3-1 lead to 7-1. The big blow was Ben Temple’s two-run single. After Concord clawed back, Mocksville squashed the No. 8 seed’s chances in the eighth. Karch Arey walked, Connor Boden- hnmer singled and Corey Randall rapped a run-scoring double. After ' Ryan Foster hit a sac fly. Temple banged an RBI single ns Mocksviile’s lead went from 7-5 to 10-5. Playing key. offensive roles were Arey (3-3, two w'niits), Bodenhamer (1-2, three runs, three walks), Randall (3-6, two doubles). Temple (2-3, four RBI) and Brice Merritt (1-3, two walks, double). Post 54 doesn’t hit many homers - it has eight for the year - but it has plenty of gap hitters and it knows how to work pitchers deep into counts and draw walks. It drew eight free passes and pounded out four doubles in this one. Mocksville has 76 doubles for the year, the most since it had 77 in 1993. Arey (seven-game hitting streak, .352 average) and Bodenhamer (seven- game hitting streak) remained sizzling Please See Sweeps - Page B5 Faircioth Clutch In Game 2 By Brian Pitts Davie Enterprise Record If Mocksville conch Charles Kurfees had been forced to insert the 2011 Josh Faircioth into a tight spot, he would have been a little worried. The 2011 Faircioth was 0-1 with a 12.27 eamed- run average in 11 innings. But Faircioth hns improved dramati­ cally since 2011. The 2012 Faircioth is a big renson why Mocksville escaped 6-5 in 11 innings at Concord in game two of the best-of-five, first-round playoff series on July 3. Top-seeded Mocksville (21-6) took a two-gnmes-to-none lend while rolling up its I2th straight win. It prevailed in extra innings for the second time this season. The other one also went 11, with Mocksville benting the Moores­ ville Legends 3-2. Corey Rnndnll pitched five-hit bnll for se,ven innings before getting a no-decision. Faircioth took over from there, and he was stellar, giving up two hits in four scoreless innings. His sixth relief appearance resulted in his third win in four decisions and trimmed his ERA to 3.40. "We were lucky to get out of that one, but we did,” Kurfees said after beating eighth-seeded Concord. “We left the bases loaded twice. We tried a squeeze play early in the gnme and bunted it right back to the pitcher. We didn’t execute a few times.” It was 2-2 in the fifth before Con­ cord’s No. 3 batter, Austin Bundy, bombed a two-run homer to put the host team in front. Mocksville overcame deficits in the sixth and eighth. With the score 4-2 in the sixth, Brice Merritt ripped a triple to score Nick Collins. Karch Arey’s single tied the game at 4. Mocksville made two errors in the seventh as Concord regained a 5-4 lead. Mocksville fought back in the eighth. It started with two outs, Arey was hit by a pitch and moved to second Please See Clutch - Page BS Foster Does It All In Playoff Game 1 By Brian Pitts Davie Enterprise Record Talk about a one-man wrecking crew, Ryan Foster was an unstoppable machine in game one of the best-of-five, first-round playoff series against visiting Concord on July 2. Foster pitched eight innings and went 3 for 3 with two doubles and three RBIs to key Mocksviile’s 9-0 wipeout. After winning the Southern Division regular season for the first time since 1993, top-seeded Mocksville (20-6) won its llth straight to record the first 20-win season in five years. Post 54 is riding the longest winning Please See Foster - Page BS Two Thumbs Up: Twins Play for High-Profile Team ! as his son, Aaron, 19, poses 1950 John Deere. By Brian Pitts Davie Enterprise Record Even though Davie County fans have followed the Mnrtin twins since they burst into the Brock Gym recre­ ntion league ns third grnders, this seems nimost too good to be true. Cody and Caleb Martin are stars on a 16U Team Loaded squad that went 24-3 in the AAU circuit during April nnd Mny, nnd they’re rnnked in the top 50 nationally in the 2014 class. Team Loaded, bnsed out of Rich­ mond, Vn,, won the Tenm Londed Invitational in Richmond, It won the Under Armour Pittsburgh Jam Fest, It made the elite eight in the Bob Gib­ bons Tournnment of Chnmpions in Atlanta, Ga, It reached the final four in the Southern Jam Fest in Hampton, Va,, losing to the No, I team in the na­ tion (Team Takeover out of Maryland), Team Loaded was ranked fifth when it clashed with Team Takeover, Then Team Londed made the elite eight in the Are You From Here Classic in Dallas,Tx, ■ “ We’re ranked 16th in the nation now," Team Loaded conch Kevin Easley said in June, “ It’s fluctuated because we hnven’t played since Mny, In June other teams were playing and won tournaments, so we’ve dropped a little bit. But at one point we got as high as fifth in the nation. That’s really prestigious," Tenm Loaded and the Martins play against the best of the best all over the country. After taking June off, they will crank up again in July,. “We don’t dodge any competition,” Easley said, “We try to give our guys the platform to become better players and challenge them every gnme. Our tenm is extrèmely tnlented,” In regnrd to the Mnrtins, rising ju­ niors nt Dnvie, their confidence, their profiles and their skills ore growing week by week. They’ve received offers from N.C. Stnte, Wake Forest, Virginia Tech and Miami, Ensley is sure the other schools that are recruiting them will extend offers in due time - nmong them In- dinna, Georgin Tech, Harvard, North Cnrolinn, Old Dominion, Tennessee nnd Louisvijle, "A ll of those schools would take those kids,” Easley said, “They might not hnve come out nnd snid: ‘We’re offering you,’ But n lot of times nt that level, if a school like Georgia Tech hasn’t seen them but once, they won’t necessarily offer them. But if they see them again they will. If those schools are recruiting them, then it’s a good possibility they could go there. At the end of July, all of those schools are going to offer them,” Team Loaded features three players ranked in the top 50 in their respective classes, including BJ, Stith, who has committed to Virginia. His father, Bry­ ant Stith, is a Virginia great who played in the NBA. "(The Martins) have been ranked as high as 34 and 35 in the country Please Sec Twins - Page B3 '4. Î B2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursdny, July 12,2012 Winning a state championship In clay target and trap, from left: Dylan Cranfill, Cole Allen, Will Seamon, Zach Seamon and Weston Walker. Ethan Isgett crushes another sporting clày. Second place team members include Zach Hall, Garrett Bell, Hunter Crews, Ben Campbell and Jared Pettet. Youth Win State Championship Eloise Jobert takes aim. The Carolina Clays Scho­ lastic Clay Target Team won tiic 2012 NC State Trap Championship. "Hard worlc and diligence paid dividends for both squads of Caroiinn Clays members. God is good," Head Coach Jeff Allen said. The first place squad was led by CC team members Dy­ lan Cranfill, Weston Walker, Will Seamon, Zach Senmon and Cole Allen. Clay crusher Zach Seamon led his squad into the final round to set the pace for oth­ ers. Following the winning squad was nnother Carolina Clays squad of Zach Hail, Garrett Bell, Hunter Crews, Ben Campbell . and Jared Pettet, locking up a strong second place at the champi­ onship. “ Precisely handling a Rem­ ington semi auto, like driving a fine sports car, Zach Hall led members posting the high­ est individual score for the squad," Allen snid. “ Cnrolinn Clnys Lady Shooter, a senior Eloise Jobert took the second place highest fetnnic award.” More thnn 17 squads from all across North Caroiinn competed for tlie 2012 SCTP Stnte Championship title nt the Durham Gun Club. SCTP is the only clay tar­ get shooting sport program in the United States that award scholarships to all levels of clay target disciplines, skeet trap and sporting clays. SCTP is sponsored by NSSF, fire­ arm manufactures, suppliers and dealers. Carolina Clays is made up o f tnembers from fourth lo 12th grnde, as well as two collegiate squnds. Each team member is scholarship eli­ gible and earns credit towards his/her shooting, educational and professional careers. “ Building character, where safety and leadership prin­ ciples are instilled is a prior­ ity as a Carolina Clays SCTP member,” Allen said. "Now, it’s on to the NC State Skeet & Sporting Clay Champion­ ships, and the US Open.” B o w i i c : A n O n e r i c a « T i U D i n o i t ! C h u rc h G ro u p s , S c h o o ls , S c o u ts ... B o w lin g is a g r e a t fo r m o f F e llo w s h ip ! We do great bowling outings! Call us today to ask how your group can have a great time bowling with us! Mjj wiGi u W e do great birthday parties! *2 H ours of Bowlino *Shoe Rental Incluaed * Paper P roducts *B a loon Bouquet *C heese or Pepperoni Pizza *S o ft Drinks Exclusive Coupon Offer! Bowl 3 gannes with your shoe rental included for just $7.00 per person! a savings o f m ore th a n 50% ! V a lid fo r up to 6 p e o p le on o n e la n e E x p ire s A u q u s t 3 1 ,2 0 1 2 All of these g reat features plus your own party hostess fo r one great price! Call fo r details !■* Kids Bowl Free All Summer! Sign up today! w w w .k id s b o w l f r e e.c o m /p w V is it B o th o f o u r j r e a t L o c a lly ''w n e d L o c a tio n s 2505 Davie Ave. 0 1 0 M 9 0 9 Statesville, NC 28625 704/Of Visit us Online! www.plamorbowlinglanes.com 1811 Jake Alexander Blvdw Salisbury, NC 28147 704/ Visit us Gnilne! www.woodleaflanes.conn DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July J2,2012 - B3 Jr. Legion Finisties With Major Rally The Bandits include, from left; front - K’Lea Parks, Makenzle Smith, Lindsay Custer, Jessie Beck and Katelyn Webb; back - Olivia Boger, Brianna Brewer, Summer Bivins, Sydney White, Allison Carter and Casey Potts. Bandits Undefeated In Diamond Explosion The I4u Davie Bniulits fin­ ished up its spring season by going undefeated in the Dia­ mond Explosion tournament in Dobson on June 23-24. Tlie Biindits, who nre made up of nil Davie girls, went 6-0 on the weekend while pinying some stiff competition from North Carolina and Virginia. Playing in seven tourna­ ments this season, the Bnndits won three of them nnd finished nmner-up twice. “ We hnve some very talented girls on this team nnd nre ex­ cited to see what we can do in the fall,” coach Gary Simpson snid. Davie's all-district selections, from left: Abby Daniels, Morgan Hendrix, Kristina Parrish, Sadie Lagle, Aille Fruits and Caroline Miller. Lagle, Hendrix, Fruits Get Aii-State Honors Three pinyers from Davie’s softbnll tenm - senior cntcher Sadie Lagle, sophomore out­ fielder Morgnn Hendrix and sophomore second baseman Allie Fruits - were named lo the N.C. Softball Coaches Associa­ tion 4-A All-State Tenm. T w i n s ... Continued From Page B1 ■in their class,” Ensley said. “That Is tremendous. They’re in the Super 60 of ESPN. They mny be rnnked in the 40s on ESPN. “ (The Mnrtins and Stilh) nre our marquee guys. They’re , nil getting n lot o f love from scouts. We’ve buih this team to be pretty specini.” As you might suspect by looking at Team Londed’s sen- sntionnl wln-loss record, Slith nnd the twins are surrounded by superior complemenlnry players. "We have four or five other guys thnt are getting recruited to play nt the high mnjor level,” Ensley snid. “ We’re a really big tenm. Slith, Cody nnd Cnleb all play the same position. So to have them on the floor nt the snme time, we might hnve to play them at the two, three and four. Cody nnd Cnleb will more than likely play the two and There were 102 girls from 37 schools nnmed to the tcnm, led by North Davidson with seven players selected. North Davidson, Davie nnd West Forsyth were Ihe CentrnI Piedmont Conference schools who pinced girls on the team. three in college so Ihey can play together.” In 2010-1,1, Easley wns nn ns- sislnnt coach at High Point Uni­ versity. When Davie coach Mike Absher took his tenm lo High Point’s camp in the summer of 2011, Easley wns introduced to the twins. “ I’ve gol n renliy close re- Intionship with Ihese kids,” he snid. “1 wns nt hnlf of the Davie County gnmes, especlnlly the home gnmes. And I went to all of Ihe tournnment gnmes. 1 prob­ ably missed three or four of Iheir games. They’re like my little brothers, so it is n unique chance for me lo be nble lo coach these kids and help them become bet­ ter players.” Easley snid the twins hnve gotten more explosive since the end of their sophomore seasons. He’s seen Iheir com­ fort level grow ns they compete ' ngninst Ihe finest 16U tnlenl in Ihe land. “ They’re becoming a lot West matched Davie with three picks. Six War Engles were named lo Ihe All-District 7 leam. Dis­ trict 7 covers six 4-A schools and 21 girls were nnmed, in­ cluding seven from Aiexnnder Central, six from Lake Norman and two from Mooresville. Making nll-dislrict from Dn­ vie were Lagle nt cntcher, Hen­ drix al ouinelder, Fruits at sec­ ond base, junior Caroline Miller al pitcher, junior Kristina Parrish at third base nnd sophomore Abby Dnniels al third base. Cody Marlin more aggressive offensively, tnking more shots nnd picking their spots to take shots,” he said. “They’re doing a much better job of Inking the ball to Ihe basket and rebounding.” The Martins are menacing only on the court. Off the court, they’re grncious and humble. They’re nol enamored with Ihe spotlight. “ I’ve tnken Ihem to a lot of trips,” Ensley said. “They’re su- Caleb Mnrtin per kids. They’re yes-sir, no-sir kids. They’re humble, and you don’t find lhal in a lot of super- star, high-profile type of players. We have n leam full of guys like lhat, which is extremely unique. That makes Cody and Cnleb a lot of fun to coach. They take coaching. They don’t believe the hype. They don’t rend the newspaper clippings. Those guys wnnt lo get better every time they step on the court.” The Mocksville Junior Le­ gion bnseball tenm suffered a pair of one-run losses to North Iredell, but the lenm fell a whole lot better nfter charging past West Iredell in the final game ofthe season. Mocksville lost by scores of 2-1 nnd 9-8 (nine innings) nl North Iredell before winning 9-5 over visiting West Iredell. Conch Aaron H ollifield’s team seesawed to n 10-13 fin­ ish. “ 1 lolij them to keep work­ ing hnrd nnd try lo gel better al something every dny,” Hollifield said. “ Whether it’s somelhing physical or mentnl, try to im­ prove on something in one nren of your life every day. That’s the mnin Ihing in life. “They’re n good group of kids. I loved them to death, nnd it was good lo go out wilh a win." Mocksville hnd won three of four nnd was coming off n 13-10 win over Carson before trnveling to North for a double- header. Nathan Howard (five innings, three hils) pitched very well,but fniled to get nny offensive sup­ port in the 2-1 loss. “Nnlhnn threw one of the best gnmes he’s thrown nil yenr,” Hollifleld snid. “ We’ve gol lo score more than one run behind him.” Mocksville actually scored first, nnd it came in the fifth. Dustin White led off wilh a double, moved to Ihird on n Hownrd bunt and scored on n Luke Martin ground out. But North nnswered with two nms in Ihe bottom of the fifth, and Mocksville couldn^l re­ spond in the sixth nnd seventh. Jesse Tknch worked around two wnlks in a scoreless inning of relief. "Our pitching wns grent,” Hollifield snid. "We just had zero offense.” In in Ihe second game, Mocksville sprinted to nn 8-1 lead, then collnpsed nnd lost 9-8 in n gnme Ihnt went nine innings. North tied it with n five-nm sixth. Colby Crnnfiil and Austin Whitaker pitched Ihc first three innings. While and Cnleb Wnl­ lnce made their first mound ap­ pearances, and Tknch closed. White did most of the dnm­ age on offense, going 3 for 5. “ Everybody got pinying lime,” he said. "In the second game, I really tried to get every­ one in. We should hnve won thnt game even with our backups, but we just didn’t.” All told, the day wns marked by couldns and shouldns. Mocks­ ville fell to 1 -4 in games decided by one run. M o c k s ville Jr. L e g io n Schedule (10-13 record) W iO-3 Western Forsyth Blue L I1-.5 Randolph W 14-6 nt Wilkes Co. W 9-3 nt Carson . L 10-0 vs. Rowan Co. L 6-4 vs. W. Forsyth Blue W6-3 E. Randolph L 7-0 nt W. Forsyth Blue W 18-3 nt W. Forsyth Green L 9-8 at Eastern Randolph L 9-7 al Kemersville Cubs L 10-2 al Kemersville A team L 6-0 vs. Kemersville A leam 13 L 6-2 (8 innings) vs. Carson W 7-6 (9 innings) vs. K’ville Cubs L 7-5 al Rowan Co. W 17-0 vs. W. Forsyth Green W 13-3 vs. Wilkes Co. L 4-3 at West Iredell W 13-10 vs, Cnrson L 2-1 al North Iredell L 9-8 (9 innings) at N. Iredell W 9-5 vs. West Iredell__________ “ We were the better team,” he said. “The coaches knew it and Ihe players knew it. But we just didn’t execute Ihnt dny.” In the final game nt home ngninst West Iredell, Mocks­ ville fnced quite the chnllenge: Not only wns it Irniling 4-0, il didn’t hnve a hit through four innings. Then Mocksville came back with a vengeance, scoring six nms in the fifth lo tnke n two- mn lend. Rynn Henth got il stnrted wilh n walk. Tommy Boyette nnd Kyle Cookson hnd wnlks before Colton Orrell doubled. Then Howard singled nnd Mar­ tin nnd Pnul Davenport slashed doubles. "(West’s pitcher) was siuing us down,” Hollifield said. “Then all of a sudden, we just decided to start hiuing the ball. We’ve been known lo do lhat through­ out Ihc yenr - bust out nnd have a big inning.” '/ West scratched out one to cut Mocksville’s lead to 6-5. But Mocksvillo added insurance in Ihe sixth. After Boyette reached on an error, Wallace, Orrell and White put together singles as Mocksvjile avenged a 4-3 loss from the first meeting. While got his first stnrt on the mound nnd went three innings. Boyette covered the final four, giving up one run. “ I asked Boyette: ‘Are you a better starter or reliever?’” Hollifield said. "He said; ’Re­ liever.’ 1 said; ‘Alright, you’re probably going to come in.’ He did excellent.” The big rnlly chnnged the mood of the lenm ns it bagged up Ihe equipment for Ihe last time. “They were walking away with a good feeling,” he said. “To finish on a high like that is what we wanted.” Randaii, Foster On All-State Team Corey Randall and Ryan Fos­ ter, who led Davie to one of its best two-yenr runs ever nnd are playing big roles on a Mocks­ ville Legion leam that entered Ihe week with 13 straight wins, were named to the 4-A All-State team for the N.C. Baseball Coaches Association. Thirty players were selected. Davie, Hough, Ardrey Kell and Providence were Ihe only M a k e S p l a s h i n y o u r N e w A p a r t m e n t this Summer. Call fo r Sum m er M ove-In specials. N o r t h w o o d A p a r t m e n t s 800 Northridge Court (off M illing R d ) 1 -R R 8 -9 0 2 -9 6 7 9 Hanis Pool & Supplies Cleaal«*(tai:à>Nl$pihttildM Op«rii«&Clo$i««VlqlliMr Tommy Hiinis/Owner-Over 20 Yrs. Exp. 277 PlctLsanlAcns Dr., Mock.svillc Ho<m 1336) 2844817 Business 1338) 90M027 schools to place two on the leam. Foster pitched and played Ihird base for Davie, going 9-3 nnd hilling .357. Rnndnll pitched and played first, going 7-2 and hitting .506. For Mocksville, Foster is 5-0 with a 1.28 ERA, and he’s hitting .336. Rnndnll is 2-1 with a 3.60 ERA, nnd he’s hitting .377. The only other pinyer from the CentrnI Piedmont Confer­ ence who was named all-state was North Davidson shortstop Landon Lassiter. B r i e f s , D a t e s Boys Basketball Camps Davie boys baskelballcoacli Mike Absher and his staff will hold the Day Camp on July 24-27 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. This is for first through ninth grades, and the cost is $85. Absher and the rest of the Davie boys basketball staff will mil the camps. They will also include guest speakers, past and current players and current college players. For more infonnnlion, conlact Absher at 751-5905. Youtli Soccer Camp The Davie High boys and giris soccer programs team will host a Back lo Basics youlh cnmp July 23-27. Camp will run from 8 a.m.-noon. Il is open to ages 3-rising eighth graders. The cost is $60 before July I and $70 nfter July I and includes a t-shirt. Reg­ istration information is nvailabie at www.davie.kl2.nc.us or www. wnreaglepride.com. For any queslions, contnct Lnnce Everette or Kerstin Steinour nt 336 751-5905. Davie High Cheerieading Camp' The Davie High Cheerieading Camp will be Aug. 6-9 from 6-8:30 p.m. at the Davie gym. The cost is $40 for pre-registered by July 30 and $60 nt the door. The camp is designed for K-8 grades and available to teams or individuals. Contact Angie Stage wilh questions al slagea@davie.kl2.i)c.us. Registration forms are available on the school website. Davie Youth Footbaii The Davie County Youlh Football Association will have signups on July 28 from 9 a.m.-noon al Ihe Brock Gym. Golf Tournament The Feed My Sheep golf tournament will be held nt Oak Val­ ley on July 27. The captain’s choice will begin at I p.m. A tenm entry is $260. An individual entry is $65. Contnct Pnt Russell at 940-2383 or 978-5083. В4 - PAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, July 12,2012 li 1 0 0 - P lu s S h o w U p F o r D a v ie H ig h F o o t b a ll W o r k o u t s Football players take a break and swarm the water cooler on a hot morning Í Is it ever too cnrly to talk footbnll in Davie County? Didn’t think so. . An nvernge of a 100-plus nthletes hnve been showing up for workouts, with practice ses­ sions on Tuesdny and Tiiursdny mornings and strength/condi­ tioning workouts on Monday and Wednesday mornings. There’s n buzz in the air once ngnin for a program that alwnys expects to contend for a chani- jjionship. Coach Doug Illing be­ gins his 15th yenr nt Dnvie with n 118-62 record. He hns guided Davie to eight conference titles, including a share in 2011. Davie has one Western RegionnI title nnd one stnte runner-up (2010) under Illing. "We’ve nveraged about 104 kids for practice and weight lifting/conditioning,” said de­ fensive cootdinntor Devore Molman, who commented with Illing out of town on vacation. Freshman Cade Carney (2) fires a pass as coaches ana teammates look on. Jae-Re Peebles makes a catch. “So we’ve had strength in num­ bers - a little above average.” Davie will hnve a slew of seniors in 2012. “ We were junior-dominated last yenr, so we’re going to hnve 20-30 seniors.this yenr,” Holman said. "We hnve a lot of freshmen and sophomores nnd n lighter junior class." The War Engles hnve gone to cnmp at Catawba for many years, but this yenr they’re going to camp at St. Andrews University in Lnurinburg. The camp will run July 19-22. "When coach Illing was nt Summerville (S.C.) as n player, conch (John) MoKissick would tnke them to St. Andrews for cnmp,” Holmnn said. Holmnn said nil the plnyers who are being counted on to contribute on varsity have been showing up for practice, nnd “we’ve gol n couple kids who have trnnsferred in. We w ill welcome them in our fnmily.” There’s been one chnnge on the stnff. Mitch Speer is no lon­ ger an nssistnnt, nnd he hns been replaced by Wnde Lovejoy, n Dnvie newcomer who moved in from Alexnnder Central. Love­ joy is a new teacher at Shndy Grove Elementary. Holman has moved from inside linebackers to outside backers. Terrell Wilson will help Holman at that position. Mike Herndon has moved from d-line to inside backers. Randy Athey hns the d-line, while John Buliins nnd Tim Devericks nre hnndling DBs. Offensively, Illing conches tlic quarterbacks, Todd Bum­ garner the running bncks and Mike Rominger the tight ends. Jiinmy Welch and Lovejoy have the o-Iine, while Chris Cnilison nnd Ron Bivins conch receivers. Devore Holman puts his troops through warmup stretches. Nick Gannella, Craig Moore and Travis McDaniel work on blocking techniques. Head coach DoiJg Illing coaches up one of his players. Sophomore Parker Correll attempts a pass. At right, coach Randy Athey watches as T. J. Freldt takes his turn at the front of the line. - Photos by James Barringer DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, July 12, ZülZ - BS Mocksville Tries To End Futility Against Rowan By Brian Pitts Dnvie Enterprise Record Wouldn’t it be fun to beat Rowan County in a playoff series? Wouldn’t it be great to knock off Rownn just ortce? Mocksville is Hying to scratch a 30-year itch in a second-round, best-of-five series this week. The scries agninst Rowan stnrted July 9 nt Rich Park, and the teams w ill play .each day at alternating sites until a winner is determined. Mocksville won the Southern Division’s regular-season crown for the first time since 1993. It had placing second down pat - it was runner-up in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2011 - before getting over the hump in 2012. Now Mocksville is trying to turn an nbysmnl track record agninst Rowan. Mocksville is 0-14 in play- F o s t e r . . . Continued From Page B l streak since it won 15 in a row in ‘93. Concord, seeded eighth, lost to the Mocksville for the fourth time in a row. The regular-season scores were 11-3 and 16-4. Foster was spectacular as usual on the bump, giving up six hits, walking none and striking out six while averaging 11.8 pitches per inning. This wns Mocksville’s second shutout of the senson, and Foster was the mnn on the mound in the other one as well (5-0 over Rownn County). Concord’s best chance to at least make Foster sweat a little cnme in the second. With the score 3-0, Concord got n two-out single, The guy stole second. He tried to score on a single, but center fielder Con­ nor Bodenhnmer threw him out at the plate, Concord managed to get runners to second and third with two outs in the seventh. Other - than'that,-Poster was utterly dominant as he improved to 5-0 and lowered his ERA to 1.28. He has a serious scoreless-innings o ff series agninst Rowan. Its season hns ended at the hands of Rowan 15 times in 30 years. It has a 6-50 record against Rowan in the postseason. It was 12-57 against Rowan from 1994-2011. Rowan defeated Mocksville in a series in 1982,1984,1991, 1992, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2010. And not one of those series was competitive, with Mocksville getting swept eight times and winning one game in the other six series, In 2011, Area III tried a double-elimination format. Mocksville went 3-0 when not facing Rowan. But Mocksville went 0-2 - wouldn’t you know it - when facing Rowan. In fairness to Mocksville, Rowan has been Area Ill’s gold standard. So it’s not like Mocks­ ville has flopped as the favorite time and again. In a twist, the roles are re­ versed this time. Mocksville (22-6) is the favorite. It has won 13 straight for the longest win­ ning streak in 19 years. Were the regular-season matchups a preview for what’s coming this week? Mocksville beat Rowan 9-5 to snap an 0-10 streak at Newman Park. At Rich Park, Mocksville won 5-0 behind Ryan Foster’s 15 strikeouts and defeated Rowan in back-to-back games for the first time since 1991. Foster’s Ks were the most since 2001, or 321 games. In other words, top-seeded M ocksville has been buck­ ing trends all year. Rowan, by contrast, is hardly a juggernaut. Seeded fifth, it has a 15-15 re­ cord after sweeping the Moores­ ville Legends in the first round. Ashton Fleming is the top hitter with a modest .301 aver­ age. The team is hitting .240. The top RBI man is out with an injury. But Rowan can pitch it. It has a 4.35 ERA, and its staff is peaking at the right time. All the arms have gotten healthy in the last few weeks. , This is a double-blade sce­ nario for Mocksville. It could finally end the curse against Rowan, and it could hand Row­ an its first losing season in 23 years (1989). M ocksville’s third-year coach, Charles Kurfees, says history will have nothing to do with anything that happens this week. “ It’s just another ballgame. Just another game,” Kurfees said. "We’re not worried about none of that mess (from the past). Just let the guys play the game. Let the coaches coach and let the umpires umpire. Keep it out of the hands of the umpires, keep it out of the hands of the fans and keep it out of the hands of the media, nnd we’ll have a helluva series. “ I think it’ll be a good series for the fans to watch. I’m excited about it.” Kurfees says his team has the personality to deal with the Rowan mystique. "It’s like our bus driver said the other night (at Concord),” he said. “He said half the time he doesn’t know whether we won or lost. He said we’re the same when we win and the same when we lose. I think that’s a good sign.” Kurfees welcomes the op­ portunity to face Rowan’s stable of quality pitchers. “ We’re pre­ pared for it,” he said. “I think we finished in first place for a reason.” Randall streak going (23). Will Beeson struck out two of four batters in the ninth to finish it off. This is exactly the way coach Charles Kurfees wnnted his henvily-favored team to play - with the exception of one minor detail, “ We couldn’t close the deal (in seven innings)," Kurfees said after M(Kksvillc reached 20 Ws for the first time since going 23- 12 in 2007. "If we get up by 10, that’s two less iimings we have to pitch. For some reason, we can’t win (by the 10-nm rule).” Temple Foster helped himself with a single, two doubles and two sac flies, but he was not the whole offensive story, Bodenhamer (3-5, two RBI), Corey Randall (2-5), Ben Temple (2-5, two RBI), Beeson (1-3, two RBI, walk) and Ross Hoffner (1-3, double, walk) made life very comfortable for their pitcher. Notes • After missing the final four games of the regular season, Randall returned and resumed his massive hitting streak, get­ ting at least one hit in his 19th consecutive game. That moved S w e e p s .. Continued From Page B l hot. Bodenhamer hns the most nms (42) in 12 years, Andrew Daywalt and Steve LeFaivre had 48 and 47 runs in 2000. Bodenhamer has the most hits (44) in five years. One game after seeing his 19-game hitting streak come to an end, Randall responded with a single and two doubles. Merrht increased his waik/liit by pitch total to 30. That’s the him within eight of the program record set in 2000 by Zach Greene, • Bodenhamer’s 15th double matched the record for doubles in a season, Allen Bruce banged out 15 in 1987, • Mocksville rolled on with­ out the services of two play­ ers - Jacob Walker and Kirklin Bowles, Walker has been an important starter all season, and Bowles used a major surge to break into the lineup in the second half of the season, Mocksvillc 9, Concord 0 Mock ab r h rbl bb 1 0 3 2 2 0 3 3 Arey 5 2 Ddnhmcr 5 2 Rnndall S 2 Foster 3 I Temple 5 0 2 2 Beeson 3 0 1 2 Collins 4 0 0 0 MerriH 4 0 0 0 Hoffner 3 2 1 0 Totals 37 9 13 9 Concord ООО ООО 000 -0 Mociuviile 340 002 00«-9 2D - Hoffner, Foster (2), Bodenhnmer. SB ■ Rnndnll, Win - Foster. Mock IP H R ER DB SO Foster 8 6 0 0 0 6 Beeson 1 1 0 0 0 2 Mocksville Baseball Stats R e c o r d :2 2 - 6 , 1 6 - 2 S D AVG.AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI BB SB Karch Arey ,352 102 29 36 7 0 0 16 23 4 Michael Ball ,000 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Will Beeson ,239 92 18 22 9 0 0 18 18 0 Connor Bodenhamer ,379 116 42 44 16 0 4 32 29 2 Kirklin Bowles .307 52 8 16 1 0 0 11 7 I Nick Collins ,200 50 7 10 2 0 0 14 7 4 Josh Faircloth ,100 10 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Ryan Foster ',336 104 19 35 ■13 0 0 25 ,8 0 Rhett Hellard ,250 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ross Hoffner ,196 61 9 12 2 0 0 7 9 0 Elijah Jones ,142 7 2 1 ,0 0 0 0 1 0 Brice Merritt ,215 88 20 19 4 I 0 9 30 4 Matt Miller •ООО 12 1 0 0 0 0 1 7 I Corey Randall ,377 98 23 37 12 I 2 20 .6 7 Ben Temple ,298 104 21 31 2 1 I 25 21 2 Matthew Tutterow ,000 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jacob Walker ,312 96 23.30 7 0 1 19 18 0 Brandon Wilson ,166 6 1 I 1 0 0 0 1 0 TOTALS ,293 1008 226 296 76 3 8 197 191 25 W-L ERA G GS CG SH SV IP H R ER BB SO Michael Ball 4-0 4,46 9 6 1 0 0 40,1 50 27 20 13 19 Will Beeson 1-0 0,00 5 0 0 0 0 10 7 0 0 4 13 Kirklin Bowles 0-0 0,00 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Nick Collins 1-0 2.13 6 1 0 0 0 12,2 14 7 3 3 8 Mason Doub 0-2 19,05 3 0 0 0 0 5.2 11 15 12 3 4 Josh Faircloth 3-1 3,40 9 3 1 0 2 34,1 31 20 13 15 23 Ryan Foster 5-0 1,28 6 4 I I 0 35 20 7 5 11 38 Elijoh Jones 0-0 6,75 4 0 0 0 1 4 4 4 3 0 4 Brice Merritt 0-0 8.43 2 1 0 0 0 5.1 10 7 5 ■■I':-;■5 Matt Miller 3-2 5.44 7,5 1 0 1 36,1 46 29 22 20 19 Corey Randall 2-1 3.60 6 5 1 0 0 ■ 35 29 18 14 18 27 Ben 'Temple 0-0 36,00 1 0 0 0 0 1 ■3 4 4 1 I Brandon Wilson 3-0 3,26 8 3 1 0 2 30,1 21 15 11 •15 21 TOTALS 22-6 4,01 6 2 6 251 247 153 112 104 182 Kurfees most in five years, Colby Sea­ ford had 33 in 2007, The most productive hitters for the series were Foster (8-12, six RBI), Bodenhamer (7-12),Arey (5-13) and Temple (seven RBI). Matt Miller and Will Beeson got the job done on the hill in game three. Miller worked seven effective innings to raise his record to 3-2. Beeson turned in another brilliant effort in relief, preserving o 6.00 ERA through five appearances. M ocksville succeeded through another wave of gomes without ail of its players. Ja­ cob Walker (,312) and Kirklin Bowles (,307) missed the entire M o c k s v ille Legion B aseball Schedule (22-6,16-2 divUlon) L 12-6 vs, Randolph Co. W 6-3 at High Point W 6-5 at Randolph Co, L 8-2 vs, Caldwell County W 14-3 at Mooresville Legends W 3-2 Lexington L 9-2 nt Mooresville 66 W 9-5 at Rowan Co. W 11-3 vs. Concord L 18-8 vs. High Point W5-3 at Wilkes County W 4-3 vs, Stanly Co, L4-3 vs, Kannapolis W 6-4 vs, Wilkes Counly L 10-9 at Lexington W 10-5 vs, Mooresville Post 66 , W 16-7 vs, Statesville W 5-0 vs. Rowan Co, W 16-4 at Concord W 7-2 at Stanly Co. W 3-2 (11 innings) vs. Legends W 10-7 at S, Rowan W 14-4 vs, S, Rowan W 12-10 at Stntesville W 13-10 at Kannapolis Playoffs W 9-0 vs. Concord W 6-5 (11) at Concord W 11-5 at Concord 9-14 round 2 (best of 5) 16-21 rounds (bestof5) 23-28 Area HI scries (best of 5) 31-Aug, 5 state tourney at Lenoir 9-13 SE Regionals at Sumter, S.C, 17-21 World Series at Shelby Bodenhamer C l u t c h ... Continued From Page B l on a wild pitch. Connor Boden­ hamer singled to knot the score at 5, It remained 5-5 through the ninth and IOth,Inthe 11th, Ryan Foster reachcd on a one-out error. Ben Temple was hit by a pitch and Will Beeson walked. With the bases loaded, the Concord pitched drilled Collins to force in the eventual winning run. A hit by pitch isn’t the pret­ tiest way to win the game, but Kurfees wasn’t about to give it back. Concord opened its half of the 11th with a single. With one out, Faircloth beaned a batter to put runners at first and second. He didn't crack. Back-to-back series. But Nick Collins, who played third base; Ross Hoffner, who played second; and Foster, who played first, second and third, made Kurfees look like a genius as he shuffled the pieces into their proper plnces. MocksviJlc 11, Concord 5 Mock nb r h rbl bb Arey 3 3 3 0 2 Bdnhmer2 3 1 1 3 Rnndall 6 1 3 2 0 Fosler 4 1 1 2 0 Temple 3 0 2 4 1 Beeson S 0 0 0 0 Collins 5 0 0 0 0 Merrill 3 2 1 0 2 Hoffner 5 1 1 0 0 IbtaU 36 11 12 9 8 Faircloth flies to right ended the game, "If it wouldn’t have been for Bodenhamer and Faircloth, I guess wc would have got beat,” Kurfees said, "Foster made a big play at second. He barehanded one up the middle. He threw it in the dirt and Randall scooped it up.” Notes • Foster’s red-hot bat pro­ duced two singles and two doubles, making him 10 for 14 over three games. The streak elevated his average from .279 to ,340, • Bodenhamer (3-5) not only extended his hitting streak to six, he broke the Mocksville record for doubles in a season. He got his 16th, breaking the record of 15 by Allen Bnice in 1987, • Arey’s single also extended his hitting streak to six, • Fans saw the human side of Randall, who went 0 for 5, His hitting sti«ak was stopped at 19, Zach Greene holds the record at 27, set in 2000. Mock 6, Concord 5 (11) Mock ab Arey 5 Bdnhmer 5 Rnndnll Foster Temple Beeson Collins Merritt Hoffner Falrcloth 2 TdIuIs 44 rbi bb Mocksville 210 400 031-11 Concord too too 300 -5 2B - Merritt, Fosler, Rnndall (2). HPB ■ Bodenhnmer, Arey, Win - Miller, Mock IP H R ER BB SO Miller 7 11 5 5 1 2 Beeson 2 2 0 0 1 4 Mock 101 oo; 010 01-6 Concord 020 020 100 00 -5 2B • Collins, Beeson, Foster (2), Boden­ hamer. 3B • Merrill, HPB - Collins, Beeson,Temple (2), Bodenhnmer, Arey. Win-Falrcloth. Mock IP H R ER B B SO Rnndall 7 5 5 4 4 5 Falrcloth 4 2 0 0 1 1 C om e F ind O u t W hy T hey C all it t w é / ^ A P H o u s e Plus Racing for the Sportsman, Stnwl S ^ k , and Stadium Stocit Mvislons Ш Ш ,12 and Older-$10 * Agas 6 throueh 11 • t i Children under e VPREEl RLENTYiOFjFREEPARKING www-BowmanGrayRaclng.com ш п ш * LmllkMit»!« т ш т шРМ||Мм1*М 336-73l3.iai9 l i : kt Jake Renegar of the Davie Courthoùse team displays his unique bowling technique at Big Brothers/Big §isters Bowling for B6 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 12,2012 Bowlers Help Davie BBBS More thnn $29,700 was roiscd for Big Brotliers Big Sis­ ters Services of Dnvie County nt tiie 2012 Bowl For Kids’ Snlie. “ With all of our business sponsors and the participation of 350 bowlers, we rnised over $29,700,” said Amy Bonrdwine, director. “In its eighth year, Bowl For Kids’ Sake proceeds continue to support programs that have provided mentoring services to hundreds of Davie County children.” Millions of children in the United States fnce adversity. Children who have positive role models are more likely to succeed than those who don’t, she said. “Big Brothers Big Sisters one-to-one mentoring services are proveti to help children overcome adversity nnd bent the odds. The nation’s largest donor nnd volunteer supported mentoring network. Big Brotii- ers Big Sisters holds themselves accountable for measurable outcomes in children reaching educational success, avoiding risky behaviors and nchieving higher aspirations,” Bonrdwine said. ■ A recent survey completed by Hnrris Interactive on adults who participated in the pro­ gram as children, found; • 90% agreed their Big made them feel better about them­ selves; • • 81% say their Big caused them to change whnt they thought possible in life; • 77% set higher goals than they would hnve on their own; • 42% earned n degree from n four-year college. “Making a difference is sim­ ple. An hour a week, a shared meal, a word of encouragement all are small gestures that can make a difference in a child’s life,” she sold. To leam more nbout oppor­ tunities to get involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters or to schedule a presentation for n chiirch, organizntion or other group, contnct Bonrdwine at 751-9906 or hbhsdavie® mocksviUe.com. Kids’ Sai<e. Rachel Jordan, Molile Russell and Claire Smith have big fun at the bowling event. Journey Church proves Its generosity as the King Pin winner for all churches. North Davie Middle brings a big team to help with the big effort. Big Brother Brad Hoots erijoys the day with Little Brother, Richard. ’Щ Г- • • Big Sister Laura Aron and her Orthobots Team raised the most money for an indi­ vidual team with the help of her Little Sister, Yuli. 0 O iri.'S The Cornatzer Gutter Ball Girls with the t-shirts they designed. The State Employees Credit Union team wins the King Pin for the most money raised in the business category. South Davie Middle raised the most money overall and is the sixth-time King Pin winners among schools. Team Avgol supports Big Brothers Big Sisters each year. P e a c h e s Now Available Silver Queen Corn Now Available НПЛДЮР ОИГ.НАИП Mocksville Civitans and Junior Civitans defends their title as the King Pin winners in the civic club category. Hours; Mon.-Fri. 8:00am • 6:00pm, Sat. & Sun., 8am-7pm Looli lor us on facebook; HHItoii Otchati 3 3 6 -4 9 2 -7 2 4 6 o r 3 3 6 -3 4 5 -0 9 9 4 D i r e c t i o n s : F r o m 1 - 4 0 E x i t 1 7 0 I n IMocksviiis, tal(0 Hwy.6O1 North, ieft! on Ijamoa Ctiurch Rd., lollow signs > DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursday, July 12,2012 - Cl ||Morgan Boone and Noah Welch enjoy some slippery fun at Cooieemee's Fourth of July celebration. ¡C o o le e m e e N e w s • Photos by КС Smith ^By Karen Chandler Smith f Cooleemee Correspondent The July 4th parade on ^Wednesdny wns hot nnd it wns I great. There seemed to be more эр1е lined on the streets thnn lever before nnd it wns grent «hnving the addition of several tractors. ' Wayne Beck wn? the Grand Marshal of the parade and he was tickled to death. Beck had a heart attack the first of the year and the first thing he be­ came concerned about was the Inwnmower pnrnde. He always decorated his lawnmower and drove it proudly each year and he was worried he wouldn’t be nble to go this year, but spv- eral people were determined to mnke thnt happen. Wiilinm Dnvis, Walter Fer­ rell, Jeff Beck, Rusty Miller nnd Randy Miller were instm- mental in getting Wnyne trans­ ported to Cooleemee School in a bus nnd then wheeled his chnir right onto the decornted trailer that wns pulled by his own tractor. This wns the same Please Sec Cooleemee - Page CIO Tim, Hope, Jake and Cooper Hart chose Cooleemee on July 4th as the Davie part of their visit to North Carolina’s 100 counties. Tronia Gibson with her patriotic angels: Coleman Lawhon, Rainey Phelps and Allie fl. Miller. A youngster shows his patriotism. Parade Grand Marshal Wayne Beck is flanked by Jeff Beck and Randy Miller. Adam Smith takes a bite of watermelon. 'il I'c' Owen and Tonya Madden and Robin and Betty Goodrich feed Matilda, some watermelon. their horses, Jill and Rhonda Taylor feeds granddaughter Grade. w »I* ’ '■f (i'V k W ' " ’M r iWayne Williams enjoys a __— _—--------------------------- „ ^ ^ o , ,bool slice. Alayna Smith, NickJ Caudill, Dalea Caudle, Zach Caudle, Lindsey Qaudle, Della Caudle and Amber Smith enjoy ic^ cream. иI.! • Г '’*IM I') i:î C2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 12,2012 Craig & Rhonda Modi Celebrate 25th Anniversary Craig nnd Rhondn Mock of Mocksville ceicbrnted tiieir 25tii wedding nnniveranry witii n cruise to tiie Caribbean; visiting Nns- . sau nnd Haif Moon Cay. Tiie couple’s ctiiidren are Lnuren and Michnei Mock. Mr. Mock is tiie Postmaster at Cooleemee nnd Mrs. Mock is a registered nurse employed by the Davie County Heaitii Department. They were married on June 27,1987 at Mocks United Method­ ist Church in Advnnce. Miiya Nichole Bnrccnas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfrcddo Uurcvniis und the grundduuglitcr of Rose und Donald Akers of Mocksvillc, graduate from Rainbow Child Care in Elkin on June 29. She will attend Mocksvillc Elementary School In the fall. Farmington High Class Of 1956 Members of the Farmington High School Class of 1956 who gathered at the Farmington Senior Center on May 19 for their 56th-year reunion Include, from left: front - Rosalene Gentle Hall, Margaret Adams Honeycutt, Lester Phil­ lips, Dwight Langston, Peggy Coe WIshon and Clay Lawrence; row 2 - Rachel Langston Howard, John R. Hauser, Lydia Baity Shore, Gray Laymon, Jerry Hanes and faculty member Mona Groce; back - Cuba Benfieid Jr., Johnny Da­ vis, Jean Sharpe Riddle, Clarence Elmore and Bessie Smitherman. T H E F E E D B A G R E S T A U R A N T s t a r t i n g M o n d a y ! S t J F a r m F r e s h & F a s t D i n e i n o r O u t Catering & Outside seating available At the F ^b ag in historic Farmington, FRESH, HANDMADE ■Grilled Burgers Start­ ing at Just $4.95 for 6o2 w/chips and basic fixings. Also enjoy our 8oz Cowboy. Still a Great Full Menu. Add a Hand-Dipped Cone for $1.25 all of July with this ad. B e e t B u r g e r I n T o w n At the Crossroads of Farmington Road & Hwy. 801 991МЮ9 L io n s , D u lin U M C F illin g S h o e b o x e s F o r N e e d y C h ild r e n Thompson-Blackwell Engagement Announced Announcement is made of the engagement of LaToiyn Terell Thompson of Chariotte and Derek Lavar Biackweii, also of Char­ lotte. The bride-to-be is the dnughter of Mr. and Mrs, James Cedric Turner and Mr, and Mrs. Thomns Chnmbers, nil of Hnrmony, The groom-to-be is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Biackweii of States­ ville, She is the granddaughter of Hester and Son (deceased) Thompson and Otelia and Tab (deceased) Turner of Hnrmony, He is the grandson of James and Loin (deceased) Scott and Lombe (deceased) and Beulah Blackwell, of Statesville, She is a graduate of North Iredell High School and the Univer­ sity of North Carolina Charlotte where she eamed a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. She is employed with Ihe Mecklenburg Cöunty Public Defenders Office. He is a graduate of North Iredell High School nnd nttended North Carolina Agricultural and Tech­ nical Stnte University. He is employed as n production supervisor at Tyson Food in Monroe. An Aug, 4 wedding is planned at Landmark Church of God in Statesville, The Winston-Snlem Twin City Host Lions Club had a lesson on packing Shoe Boxes from Samaritan’s Purse “Oper­ ation Christmns Child” Volun­ teer Cindy Miller nt their June 7 meeting. The Lions will Join with locnl churches nnd other groups to send boxes of Hope nnd Love to hurting children nround the world. Operation Christmns Child or OCC is n project of the internntionnl Christinn relief nnd evnngelism organization of Samaritan’s Purse. It con­ sists of filling a shoe box with items such as toys, school ¿up- C i v i t a n s S e l l i n g B B Q C h i c k e n The Cooleemee Civitans will sell bnrbecued chicken on Friday, Juiy 20 from 11 a.m.-l p.m, nt the Civitan Building on NC801. Meals wiil include a half a barbecued chicken, bnked benns, slnw, roll nnd dessert for $7, ent in or tnke out. Delivery is available for orders of five or more. Call 284-2196, 284- 2030,909-0696 or 909-2192. t e a c h e r G o i n g T o J a p a n Chattie Elnine Kellogg, daughter of Theodore Gleason Kellogg II and Chattie Diane Kellogg of Advance, has been selected to participate in the Japan Exchange and Tenching (JET) Progrnm. Kellogg, a 2011 graduate of Guilford College, earned a de­ gree in English, Kellogg will be departing for Japan on Snt­ urdny, July 28 from Atlantn’s Hartsfield-Jackson Internation­ al Airport. She will spend one year immersed in Japanese cul­ ture ns an Assistant Language Tencher in Niigata Prefecture, Japan, and will be keeping a blog at wmvMclelyfmcltMS. The program invites yoiing college graduates to Japan to teach English in schools or to engage in international ex­ change activities nt local gov­ ernment offices. Participants experience Japan at the grass­ roots level through daily activi­ ties at schools and local gov­ ernments, and act as "cultural nmbassndors” of the United States to the iocal community. The participants receive n stipend and round trip airfare to Jnpnn. Applicnnts must be U,S, citizens, and hnve a bachelor’s degree; they nre not required to have knowledge of the Jnpn- neselanguage. For more information, visit http:l/w\vw.atUmta.us.emb-ja- pan.gojp/ plies, toothbrushes, toothpaste, candy, soap, washcloths, socks, shirts, hats and sunglasses. “It is a way of showing kids thnt they are loved and have not been forgotten,” said Lion Phyllis Newman, a member of Dulin United Methodist Church in Mocksviiie. “ For many of these children, the simple shoe box will be the first and only gift they have ever received. The gift filled boxes are sent to countries that have been devas­ tated by war, poverty, disease, disaster, famine and persecu­ tion,” Lenm more by visiting ivtvtv. samartUmspurseMrg/occ, The National Collection dates are Nov, 12-19, All Lions Clubs in Zone 31-D are invited to pnr­ ticipnte, Cnil Lion Newmnn at 336-816-6819 or at ncpanda. tiewman@gtnaU.com for more information, Dulin UMC has been pack­ ing shoe boxes for OCC for ,mnny years nnd will participate again this season. If any local churches would like to join, contact Pnstor Lynn Jordnn nt 998-5409 or 336408-1945, Madison Grace Le Mc­ Clamrock of Apex, North Carolina, would like to an­ nounce (he birth of her new baby sister. Olivia Carolyn Le McClamrock was born on June 10,2012 at 12:03 a.m. at WakeMcd Hospital In Cary, North Carolina. She weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz. and was 18 inches long. Proud parents arc Gra­ dy and Huong McClamrock. Maternal grandparents are Be IVan and Hong Le of Mocksville. Paternal grand­ parents arc Marilyn Mc­ Clamrock of Mocksvillc and Grady and Cathy McClam­ rock of Mocksville. Maternal great-grand- parents arc the late Luong Le and Man TVan of Viet­ nam and Chum ThI Nguyen of Vietnam and the late Lai IVan of Mocksvillc. Pater­ nal great-grandparents arc the late Grady and Carolyn Corrlher of Mooresville, Syl­ via Kennedy of Raleigh, and Grady and Lucy McClam­ rock of Mocksville. Lily Perez-Cornatzer would like to announce the arrival of her baby brother, Gamaliel Alexander Pcrcz-Cornatzcr on Monday, May 14, 2012. He weighed 7 lbs IS oz and was 20 inches long. Our mom and dad are Gamaliel and Meredith Perez of Ncwland.NC. Our grandparents are Andrea Cornatzer and the late Terry Cornatzer of Moeksvlllc. Our great-grandparents are Mary S, Carter and the late Ralph Carter of Mocksville and James Tom Cornatzer and the late Ann Cornatzer of Advance. у DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 12,2012 - Penelope and Scruffy are waiting for a forever home. Penelope, Scruffy Waiting For Their Forever Homes “ Penelope” is a little tan and white beagle, who as well as her sister and brother, wns res­ cued by the Humane Society of Davio from the county-opernt- ed animal shelter. She hns a grent personality and is her family’s pack lender. She’s a typical puppy thnt loves to play and then likes to settle down for a long nap, .She’s spayed, up-to-date on shots, has an estimated' birthdate of Mnrch 17, would need basic puppy training and the time needed for a puppy. “Scniffy” is n lovnble tri- colored Terrier/Schnauzer mix rescued from the shelter. He Iq v c s to go outside nnd play with some of the other adop­ tion center dogs in the fenced- in play area. He can be a little hard headed when he needs to come in, but it usually doesn’t take too much coaxing to lure him in. He's neutered, up-to- date on shots, kennel trained and hns an estimated birthdnte of Feb. 20,2011, ’ Like nil cnts nnd dogs at the adoption center, they have re­ ceived lots of TLC and social­ ization by staff and volunteers, are spayed or neutered, up-to- dnte on shots and avaiiabie for adoption. Look for all cats and dogs available for ndoption at wwmlavieiichwiiaiie.org or on the Humane Society of Davie County Facebook page, Don’t be discouraged if you can’t find your forever furry friend on Ihe first visit. Kit­ tens, cats, puppies and dogs are rescued several times ench week. If you need help with choosing n pet' thnt fits your Sudoku 1 2 3 4 5 3 6 7 6 4 8 3 7 9 4 1 5 9 \3 8 8 7 5 9 6 2 1 3 Solution On Page C9 lifestyle, experienced stnff can help. The center is at 291 Eaton Road, Mocksville nnd is open on Mondays by appointment; Tuesday-Friday from 11 a,m,-5 p,m. nnd on Snturdny from 10 a,in.-4 p,m, “ If you cnn’t ndopt, then vol­ unteer and make a difference in the lives of our rescued cnts and dogs,” said Dolly Urdan­ ick, “There nre lots of things you can do. Just share your time with the cats and dogs and you’ll be rewarded with a wagging tail or snuggling purr. You’ll never find a more grate­ ful and thankful friend.” Cpil Jackie at 751-5214. Upcoming HSDC Events • Saturday, July 14, II n.m.- 3 p.m.. Family Fun Day at the center nnd meet the cnts nnd dogs, fun things for kids, con­ cessions nnd more, • Saturdny, July 28th, 8:30- 11:30 a,m,, rabies vaccination clinic for cats nnd dogs, $7 cash/shot. Cats must be in car­ riers, Dogs must be on a leash, 3 Year Shots require proof - vaccination certificate, • Saturday, Aug. 18, big yard snle. For more details on these events,call 751-5214. HSDC offers a spay-neuter clinic. Sign up nt least one week in advance and payment by cash or credit card is required for the transport on the second Wednesday of each month. The adoption center needs: paper towels, liquid bleadh and laundry detergent, Purinn Dog Chow or Purinn Puppy Chow (nil brown kibble), Purinn Cnt Chow or Purina Kitten Chow, unscenled scoopable/cluniping cfit litter nnd 13 & 30 gnilon trnsh bngs. Thelma Couch with Midway Assistant Fire Chief Michael Craft after a ride on En­ gine 86 on her 80th birthday, Thelma Couch Honored On 80th Birthday Crossword Puzzle Open 38-Down ACROSS ' 1,New-_hay 5, Synthetic fiber 10, Alka-Seltzer- landlng-ln-water sound 14. Indy winner Luyendyk 15. Bobby of Ihe Black Panthers 16. Ready to pluck 17. Greek Z 18. Recap giver 20, Monroe _ (1823 pronouncement) 22. Churchlllian gesture 23, Blond shade 24. Basis for discrimination 25, Is ao minded 29, Goldie of "Laugh­ in'' 31, In an evasive manner 32, Ibn _ (Arabia's founder) 34, It has 100 seals 36, Beau Brummell 37, De Mllle or Moorehead 39, Signed like an Illiterate 40, Dustin's "Midnight Cowboy" role - 42, "Welcome" giver . 43, Think highly of 46, Vintner's dregs 47, Lily Tomlin's Ernestine, for one 49, Irish Rose's man 51, Like some deodorants 52, Bearded beast 53, "Platoon" war zone, Informally 56, Part of SSN: Abbr, 57. Not Invincible 59. Sparsely distributed amount 63, Shaker stuff Г "( 14 1У ¡6 Amoiican Profile Hometown Content 64, Hammer head 65, Like a King story 68, Ballet bend 67, Capp or Gump 68, Rationed, with "out" ■ 69, Malamute's tow DOWN 1, Mlata maker 2, Stackable cookies 3, "Red Scare" fanatic, so to speak 4, Clutter-free 5, Hands out 6, See the old gang 7, Partner of rank and serial number 8, "Slippery" tree 9, Ultimatum. alternative 10. Blesaer of holy water 11, Smith or Claiborne Answers On 12. Unlock, poetically 13 . annum 19,"_Madness" (antl-marlJuana film) 21, Like .steak tartare 25, Lamp cover 26, Highest-numbered Item In a rack 27, "How/can _7" (gambler's query) 28, Proofreader's finds 30, Suffix with cannon or block31, Look from Snideiy 32, Pago Pago's place 33, Slack-Jawed 35. Sing the praises of 38, One surrounds each theme entty In this puzzle 41, "Rope-a-dope" pugilist 44. Placed In Inventory Page € 9 Thelma L, Couch wns hon­ ored Wednesday, June 20 ns she celebrated her 80th birth­ day, She was born in Davie County to A. Frank and Carrie Riddle Lnird. She is a graduate of Mocksviiie High School nnd is now n resident of Lexington. Ms, Couch’s first surprise was her sister Lydin taking her to the Midway Fire Department where her late husbnnd, Ros- coe R, Couch Sr., spent severnl hours volunteering and serving the unit ns assistant fire chief. The current nssistnnt chicf, M i­ chnel Crnft, honored Ms. Couch with a ride in Fire Engine 86, Next her sister took her to the First Baptist Church of Wel­ come for a surprise luncheon hosted by sisters, Lydia Lnird, Helen (Gene) Lanier, Ednn Mntthews and iier dnughter, Mnrcin Atkins, Also assisting where severnl nieces, great- nieces nnd grent-nephews. Approximately 40 guests nttended, including fnmily, church fnmily and friends. First Baptist’s pnstor, the Rev. Mnrk Blair, presented the blessing for the meal. Lexington Mnyor Newell Clark presented a proc- inmntion to pny tribute lo Ms. Couch. To ndd to her joy, Ms. Couch received more than 70 greet­ ings, including messages from the President of the United Stntes: the governor of North Carolina; US Reprcsenlntive Melvin L. Watt; family living in Australia, Georgia and Vir­ ginia; many businesses; and friends nnd fnmily from sur­ rounding counties. She snid she appreciated and enjoyed each person who helped make her 80lh birthday so memorable. L o c a l l y O r o w n , H y d r o p o n i c T o m a t o e s Sweet Corn, Cantelopes, Cucumbers & other Fresh Produce also available. Dew Drop Farm 302 Foster Road. Mocksvillc Open Wed. through Fki. Noon-Si>,m anu Sat. 8 am-noon j Call For Directions (336) 492-2849 g Y o u a r e a lw a y s w e lc o m e a t First United Methodist Church 310 North IVIain Street HLstoric Downtown Mocksville Contemporary Worship 8:45 a.m. Traditional Worship 10:55 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 9:50 a.m. wwvv.firstunicmocksvnie.org Telephone: 751-2503 uiS' : î : " ' ól Quilt Shop 137 Jennings Road, Suite A Statesville, NC Monday-Friday 10:00am-4:30pm C l o s i n g 45. Acted the field general 48, Like a ready-to-use violin bow 50. On the other hand 52, Bottled spirit 54. Kate's TV roommate 55. Allotted, with "out" 57, Compete In logrolling 58, Kralt cousins '59, Therapeutic spot 60. Relief pitcher's locale 61. Checkers color 62. Writer Resten F a b r i c 4 5 % O F F N o t i o n s 3 5 % O F F Q u ilts , Q u i l t T o p s , S e w i n g M a c h i n e s , T a b le s , L o n g A r m S a le E V E R Y T H I N G M U S T G O ! No Credit or Debit Caids Please! Í «í’.v» .4 л"! I In 1 I f 1i iii ! I C4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 12,2012 D a v i e H ig h J R O T C C a d e t s A t t e n d C a m p A t O a k R id g e A total of 19 cndets from Davie High School JROTC program were among some 170 cadets including 36 tacti­ cal officers and seven chaper­ ones from 17 schools in North Carolina who attended the Ju­ nior Cadet Leadership Course (JCLC) at Oak Ridge Military Academy. Designed to provide- the ca­ dets trnining opportunities not generally available at their home school, participants were divided into three training companies. Through the five day experience, each company rotated among training sites to include mastering the obstacle course; drown proofing, which included learning how to swim, as well as flotation for long pe­ riods of time; safety nnd marks­ manship training; mnp rending/ land nnvigntion; nnd, an oppor­ tunity to rappel from n 35- nnd 70-foot rnppel tower. The highest performing cndets in each of these train­ ing events, along with the top physicnl fitness mnle and fe­ male cadets, received individ­ ual awards. During graduation ceremo­ nies on the final dny of cnmp, several additional awards were presented to the overall distin­ guished and honor graduates, as well as the overall honor company of the cnmp. These awards were based on a cadet’s overall performance at cnmp and depended heavily on their motivntion nnd demonstrnted leadership ability. While most of a cadet’s time nt camp was spent in follower roles, the cnmp wns designed to allow each cadet the opportuni­ ty to perform leadership func­ tions at the sqund, platoon and company level. Through the daily performance evaluations administered by the compa­ nies at the end-of-cycle review board, the honorées were iden­ tified. Earning special recognition from Davie High School wns Cadet 2nd Lt. Ryan Helper for being selected as thc top male in overall physical fitness. In addition,' all participating cndets were nwnrded certifi- cntes of JCLC completion and certification thnt they hnd suc­ cessfully negotinted the rnppel tower. TVpicnily, JCLC grndu­ ntes return to their home pro­ grams where they fill positions of higher rank and responsibil­ ity. Davie High JROTC instruc- tor Col. Terry Hales said the camp was an excellent oppor­ tunity for cadets to continue in the development of strong lead­ ership skills, self confidence, and setting high expectations for themselves. Davie High school cadets nt­ tending cnmp included Nicho- Ins Benitez, Brnndon Booie, Zontrae Butler, Jnmes Cnrpen­ ter, Tyier Dnvis, Tnnner Doub, Nicholns Ongllnrtli, Gunner Halliday, Ryan Hepler. Trey Lngle, Josh Lnncnster, Alex Lnwrence, Justin Mnllnrd, Ash­ ton McDnniel, Nick Moody, Brian O’Hnre, Dnvid Osborne, Jnson Sellers, and Clay Whit­ tington. Chaperone Leslie Burch enjoys the rappel tower. helpy hope and support are only a phone call away. ^ Hospice &c Palliative gji CARECENTER E m b r a c i n g H O P E 336-753-021 2 or 1 -888-876-3663 WWW.hospicecareccnter.org f Cadet 2nd Lt. Ryan Hepler receives a fitness award. Cadets fill the gym at Oal< Ridge Military Academy DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, I'hur.sduy, ,»ujy 12,2012 - C5 S h e f f ie ld - C a ia h a ln N e w s By Brenda Bniley Sheffield-Calohaln Correspondent Elmer Allen’s first request for bis 80th birthday wns to be surrounded by family, friends, neighbors and church family. The second request was for ev­ eryone to share homemade ice cream. A ll of his expectations were fulfilled and exceeded the afternoon o f Saturday, June 30 nt the Ijnmes Baptist Church shelter. The weather was hot, making the ice crenm, desserts nnd cold water even better. Elmer’s son, Everette Gray Allen, his wife, Lisa and their children Justin nnd Caitlin of Apex, hosted the party. Many of Elmer’s extended Allen ^'f^ier Allen smiles at his fnmily were preseitt. Also, n ®Oth birthday party, and at number of Glasscocks who are riQilt, thanl<s family mem- the family of his late wife Naii- bers for attending, ey, joined. Mnny of his church family, friends and neighbors also came to celebrate. Elmer’s birthday which was July 3. He wants to thank all those who attended, brought ice cream or desserts, and shared in this spécial event with him. We all wish Mr. Allen a happy birthday. Belated birthday wishes to Kerri. Diye and Britt Atkins who celebrated July 2 and to Madeline Lapish who had ________________________________________________________ a birthday July 9. Birthday Jerry and Annette Ratledge and Robert Ellis are ready wishes go to those célébrât- for the ice cream, mg this week: Zach Frye and Rachel Cave on July 13; Tony Prevette, Roger Johnson and Tammy Beck on July 14; Bar­ bara Barney, Johnny Kenton nnd Hal Wall on July 15; Mike Preston on July 16; Timmy Gobble, Jnson Brown nnd So­ nya Spry on July 17; and Mat­ thew Dyson and Wanda Hartle on July 18. Several couples are celebrating anniversaries. Congrntulntions to Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Brown who will celebrate on July 12; Daniel nnd Tammy Hartle on July 15; Dale and Lynn Sherrill on Caitlin and Justin Allen wish their grandfather a happy I .July 17; and Lynn and Marsha tjirthcJgu Lawson July 18. If you would .. . like an anniversary or birthday Cheri Mason and some of posted, please do not hesitate the members of Eatons Baptist to call or emitil me. Church ’Youth Group attended Some of Elmer Allen’s brothers and their families are early arrivals. Tim and Debbie Glasscock, Marsha Tutterow, Jerry Ratledge, Terry and Debbie Spillman and Everette Glasscock enjoy the party. Anyone wishing to purchase a Sheffield-Caiahaln Commu­ nity Center calendar can con­ tact me at 751-7567 or email brjbailey@nisn.com. Cost: $5. Purchasing a birthday calendar is a good way to support your local community center. To rent the Sheffield- Mission Serve in Washington, DC the week of July 2-7. It wns a long week with a lot of trials and triumphs. They stnrted on the trip and learned thnt n se­ vere windstorm left Maryland, Northern Virginin and Wnsh­ ington, DC without power for several days. Things were Cnlahaln Community Center rough at times with extreme or Recreation Area, contact heat reaching 105 degrees with Becky Hill at 704-546-2508 or a 118 degree heat index, but in Doris Dyson at 492-5712. the end Jesus prevailed. Each The Sheffield-Calnhnin member wns nssigned to n VFD meetings are held cach group without knowing anyone Monday night at thc station at else and formed lasting friend- 7. The next Jr. Explorer Day ships with other Christians will be held Simday, July 22 at around the country who also 2 p.m. nt the fire department, attended. Local groups helped open tochildren ages 8-13. For complete roofing repairs, a more information, plense con- wheelchnir ramp, lots of paint- taet Teresa nt 704-546-5603. A Family Fest is scheduled at New Union UMC at 1869 Sheffield Road for Saturday, ing, and other tasks. God hns worked wonders those who at­ tended surely chnnged. They hnd a free day on July 4 and July21,beginningat5;30p.m. spent tlie day. in Woshington, There will be nctivities for both DC visiting museums, riding children and ndults. Hotdogs, the Metro, nnd enjoying fire- hnmburgers nnd homemade ice works at the end of a hot day. cream will be nvnilable. Hope On Friday, the six 12-15 you can join us for an evening year olds at Mission Serve sur- of fun and fellowship. prised Cheri w^th a birthday New Union is getting ready cake at the job site. All of us in for Vacation Bible School Aug. 5-8 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Mark your cnlendnr and bring your the Sheffield community wish her a very happy birthday. Senior Bible Study at Liber- This bug was created at a Harmony Public Library summer reading program event. cook-out, lawn gnmes, Harmo­ ny VFD Inick (spraying water), mural painting to be displayed in the library, astronomy club presentations nnd more. Chil­ dren, be sure to bring your par­ ents to nil these events, if you have questions or need more information, please call 704- 546-7086. Prayer list requests are for Lizzie Reeves, George Wall, Joann Rntledge, Eloise Ste­ phens, Jnnice Beck, Joann Smith, Pat Gobble, Madeline Lapish, Bill Shoffner, Melody Wagner, Rny Wagner, Tenny­ son Anderson, Tom Wright, Rose Wright, Clyde Hutchens, Jpyce Carter, Lincoln Dy­ son, Marty Lookabill, Johnny Walker, Robin White, Doug White, Jessica Blackburn, Dinne Shoffner, Jeno Reavis, Ray Livengood, Cheryl Rich­ ardson, Mary Hendrix, Libby Crenson, Virginia White, Te­ resa Cnmpbell, Pnt Moore, The Ritchie family greets some of their church friends. J.W. Kenton, Sue Allred, Sta- children for a great time of ty Wesleyan Church is held the cie Shoffner, Normnn Spiy, learning more of God's word, second Tuesdny of ench month Wayne Dyson, G.H. Goforth, Children of all nges are wel- at 10 n.m. Everyone is invited. Fred Roth,Trncy Bnrnes.Todd , come. The theme this year is. The Harmony Public Li- Olsen, Frances Gunter, Roger “Galactic Blnst.” This should brnry’s Summer Reading Pro- Hutchens, Terry Allen and be an oiU of this worid Bible gram theme is "Dream Big, Carolyn Jordan, school experience. Read!” The programs are held As your news correspon- Homecoming and revival at each Thursday from 6:30-8 dent, I need your help to mnke New Union is Aug. 12-15. Our p.m. On July 12 the Piedmont homecoming service is 11 a.m. Astronomy Club will host nn with the Rev. Benny Church as indoor presentation; on July guest spenker. The Rev. Andy 19 it is Dreamcatchers with Lambert will be revivnl spenk- Frances Beeson; nnd on July 26, it is Zoofnri with Michelle McKay. On Aug, 2, beginning nt 6 p,m„ the Summer Rending Progrnm Grnnd Finnie will be held at Tomlin.son-Mdore Pnrk nble by cniling Ruby nt 492- in Hnrmony. There will be a ,751-7567. ' i6399 or Brendnnt 751-7567. ,j, er Sunday-Wednesdny with services nightly nt7. New Union’s fall festival will be on Saturday, Sept. 22. Vendor reservations are nvail- this a column of interest to everyone. If you have special niemories of the Sheffield community, please contact me. 1 look forwnrd to receiving your comments,, informntion nnd photos. Plense submit your news items no Inter than 9 a.m. on Mondnys. You cnn contnct me al brJhalley@insii.voM or The Mission Serve team from Eatons Baptist, above, iticiudes Emma Etter, /J^dam Naylor, Tori Nelsot],, “The President" Cheri,-Mason, Cody Ma­ son, Lindsey Custer, Abby Kerr apd Pastor David Gil- iDteath; The ramp at right Is one of the projects fin­ ished In Washington, DC. I- t , L; i I'i '» ! I I » ' i m } ' ' 5•ti !!< 'i ‘I :!':î il :ii;^I C6 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 12,2012See ‘Caught Up’At The Brock July 20-21 Kingdom Productions and the non-pi^fit Serving Him Minis­ try nre partnering to bring the faith based play “ Caught Up” to the Brocic Performing Arts Center in Mocicsville. Three shows have been scheduled for Friday, July 20 and Saturday July 21. Friday’s opening night performance will be at 7 while the Saturday show times will be a 1 p.m. matinee and an eve­ ning presentation at 6. “We’re so excited about be­ ing able to bring Caught Up to the Brocic Center,” says Mike Drayton of the Serving Him Ministry. “I was approached some time ago by a local area Pastor, Daniel Qamble, who shnred with me n script for n play he had written. I read the script, immediately passed it along to my wife Debbie, and we knew this play had to be produced and presented to the folks in the Piedmont nrea. It is n powerful play, wilh a timely message, and one thnt will im­ pact the lives'of all who see iti” Gamble, writer nnd director for the production, had this to say nbout Caught Up. “ I wrote the script with the intention of providing a faith and family friendly alternative to many of the things being done in the arts these dnys. This piny will hopefully speak to all who attend about the need for a relntionship with Jesus Christ while nddressing some events before, during, nnd nfter Ihe Rapture of the church.” The piny is based upon I Thessnloninns 4:14-18 from the scriptures. It will Inst nbout two hours nnd has a cast of 31 people representing about a dozen or so churches, from the community, crossing over denominational lines. The play will be a multi-media produc­ tion with videos, singing and, of course, some wonderful act­ ing, he said. “The play is meant to pro­ vide a way for folks to come together, in the name of Je­ sus, and with that name lifted above all others. It is our hope, our prayer, that area churches, Christian groups and faith or­ ganizations use this play as an outreach event opportunity,” Gamble said. “This play does have a pretty sizable cost associated with it and ticket sales will be the main source of covering expenses,” says Drayton. “We have built stage sets, acquired the props needed, covercd event insur­ ances and of course taken on the costs associated with rent­ ing the beautiful Brock Per­ forming Arts Center. We could really use the help, in selling tickets, of anyone who enjoys seeing these kinds of Christian activities put on, We ask for folks to talk up this play nnd to organize groups and come out and support Caught Up. “Even with the expenses in front of us, we still wanted to keep ticket prices affordable for all. Tickets will be just $10 each for, any show, either day. We suggest getting your tickets in advance but tickets will also be available at the door.” Many area pastors have been announcing the details about Caught Up to their respective congregations and have the fly­ ers up on their bulletin boards and several have placed word of the play’s show times in church bulletins. Play organizers want all to know that the scheduled Caught Up performances, while intend­ ed for most ages, due to some topics discussed, recommends this production for those at lenst 8 or so and older. Tickets are being sold on a first come, basis. All sents nre general seat­ ing and it is suggested you ar­ rive at least 30 minutes before Area youth rehearse their party scene while Pastor Daniel, playeti by Johnny Sherrill, looks on.The play “Caught Up” will be at the Brock Performing Arts Center July 20-21. Stan Barnett, Johnny Sherrill and Patty Smith practice a scene for Caught Up. show time. Anyone requesting their needs are met. email him at Kingdoni_Pro- visit the Serving Him Ministry special assistance will have an por further details contact (liicli<ms@rocketiiuiil.com; or website for all details at ivtviv. escort nssigned to make sure Gainble at 336-354-2978 or contact Drayton at 751-7661 or Sem ngHhiM w ays.org. Davie County Arts Council in vites stud en ts ages 8 to 1 5 to au d itio n fo r the Missoula Children’s Theatre Production of.... H A N S B b a n d G R E T E b SEE DETAILS AT: www.davieaits.org or call our Box Office (M o n ,-F ri. N o o n 'til5 :0 0 p.m .) 336.751.; Register N O W for your audition August 6th at 1:00 p.m. A sk about our First-Time ' ' Hom ebuyers Program. V ^ ' PiedmoHt FE D E R A L SAVINGS BANK Straightforward, commonsense banking. 336.766.058» I pledmontfederal.com 3701 Cleminons Road, Clemmons, North Carolina 270« !ât F a r m i n e to n N e w s DAVIE COUNTY EN'l KKl'KlSli KliCUKU, I hursdny, July li, ZUl ■> - с / By Laura Mathis Farmington Correspondent You are invited to attend the following special events in the Farmington community. The Farmers Market at the Farmington Community Center is open on Saturdays 8 a.m.-l p.m. Last week they had com, green beans, potatoes, cucum­ bers, tomatoes, blue and black berries, squash, hand painted items, canned goods, honey, eggs, goat's milk soap and so A d v a n c e N e w s much more. Residents are buy­ ing up the produce quickly so come enriy. Farmington United Method­ ist Church nt 1939 Farming­ ton Road will cook n commu­ nity brenkfnst Snturdny, July 14 from 7-10 n.m. Donntions will be nccepted in support of church nctivities,The brenkfnst provides support for church nctivities and encourages com­ munity fellowship. The Farmington Commu­ nity Center will have its anni- versaiy celebration Saturday, July 21 from 8 a.m.-2 p.m., a fun-filled family event to cel­ ebrate the center's 41 years of service. Proceeds will support non-profit groups.There will be biscuits nnd coffee in the moming. Fnrmington Ruritans will sell hotdog plates with all the fixings, the Farmington Fire Department will provide gnmes and fun for the kids, the Farm­ ington Farmers Market will be open with fresh locally grown produce and there will be nn as- sortment of crafters nnd locnl business.There will also be live niusic, homemnde ice cream and desserts, antique tractors on display, train ride for the kids, and Irish dancers from Rince na h’Eireann are scheduled to perform at 10 a.m. Plan to come for some great old-fastl- ioned fun. There is still vendor space available by calling Anna Beauchamp at 998-7207. Fnrmington Baptist Church at 1835 Farmington Rond in­ vites kids ages 3 years old through fifth grade to Sum­ mer Spectacular July 22-25 from 6:45-8:30 each evening. Summer Spectacular is a high . energy, kid friendly show thnt emphnsizes n Biblicnl theme. Each night after the show the kids will go bnck stnge (they will be given a backstage pass when they register) to spend some time with a Back Stage Star. Of course the night will aisp have games (stunts) and snacks. Your kids will hnve a blast, will be challenged to live right and will not soon forget whnt they will experience. For more informntlon or to register, visit /armingtonbc.org or con­ tnct the church at 998-3826i Take time to stop by the Haj Paj Boutique nnd support our new locnl business. TTiey nre hnving clenrance specials nnd they've received a new ship­ ment of nbilene cowboy boots (American made) to get you ready for fall. Wishing you rain showers this week and cooler weather. By Edith Zimmermnn Advance Correspondent The Rev. Jimmy Myers preached a wonderful July 4th message Sundny nt Advance United Methodist Church dur­ ing the nbsence of pnotot^, the Rev. Cheryl Skinner, who was on vncntion. Lay leader Frankie Vogler did the preliminaries. Jimmy’s message was histori­ cal, relating to pnst wars and our dependence on God to give us victory in preserving this grent nntion of ours. Abby Vogler wns chosen to receive n new silver dollnr. As Jimmy presented it to her his focus wns on the inscription "In God We Trust" on the coin, nnd how dependnnt we nre on God for his Divine protection. Trncy Zeiss nnd dnughter So­ phie of Raleigh arrived Sundny to spend the day with Tracy’s pnrents Rommie nnd ’ Cnthy Bnmey and grandmother Anna Lee Myers. Tracy retumed home Inte Sundny lenving So­ phie to visit her grnndpnrents Rommie nnd Cathy nnd grent- grandmother Anna Lee Myers for the remainder of the week. We were happy to see Mar­ gie Markland at church the past couple Sundnys. Her nbsence wns due to n broken hip, weeks of hospitnlizntion, therapy and being home bound for quite a while. Welcome bnck Margie., Hunter LeRoy participated in the tractor show nt the Mnsonic Picnic grounds on Snturday. He was delighted to show his grandfather Lathnm’s antique little Cub Cadet tractor/mower. Ruth Latham and grandson Hunter LeRoy visited Ruth’s sister-in-law Betty "Dub" Potts on July 4 who is a resident at Salem Towne Assisted living in Winston-Salem. Betty was able to participate in a 'wheel­ chair' July 4th parade. Thnnks to Bob nnd Betty Potts and Joe Everett for their hours of work in the restoration of the old Advance Academy bell, nnd under the supervi­ sion of Jim Jones. The bell was mng last Sundny in n brief ceremony. From 1883-1924, students were trained as teach­ ers for public schools. Mr John Minor was the principal. The curriculum included spelling, reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, grnmmnr, history, philosophy, nlgebrn, geometry, chemistry, physiology, Lntin, greek, bookkeeping, telegraphy and music. This infomntion is from Paulinn Shermer Barney, an acndemy grndunte. Mrs. Bamey in June 2002 gnve me this knowledge on the follow­ ing persons who were trnined at the acndemy as teachers: Charles Thomas Potts (1880- 1901) who taught at Howards School; Taylor Frederick Bai­ ley (1881-1944) who taught at Dulin/Comatzer School; An­ nie Faircloth Hall (1895-1897) who taught at Noah’s Ark in Calahaln'community; Amy Tal­ bert (1901-1956) who taught at Elbaville School; Alice Wood Potts (1901-1988) who taught at Fork Church School; and Paulina Shermer Bamey (1918- 1923) who taught at Baltimore/ Bixby School, also at Fork Church Community until her marriage to Wiley S. Bamey (castle) in 1923. The Advance Academy/ Community Building, now a Day Cnre Center, is owned by the Methodist Church and is an asset to our community. Jnnie Hendrix spent several days through July 4th with her dnughter Amnndn H. Fortin, husbnnd Scott, nnd son Ethnn nt Scott’s pnrents home nt Lnke Jnmes. C o u n t y L in e N e w s By Shirley Thorne County Line Correspondent Our County Line community hns continued to endure temps in the high 90s with some dnys I00+. We nre to hnve cooler temps in the 80s plus thunder­ storms nnd rain. Our gardens will welcome the rain. The next few weeks there nre severni community events, including one vncntion Bible school. Piney Grove AME Zion Church is conducting Bible school for children of all ages Wednesday-Friday this week fjpom ,6:30.-8:30 ench evening with Bible study, crafts, nnd recrention. Refreshments will be served ench night. The school will end with swimming and picnicking at the Stntesville Enst KOA, formeriy Midwny Cnmpground & RV Resort, Snturday moming.All children in Ihe community are invited. For more information, plense cnll 704-546-2799. The Bnptist Men of Society will meet nt 7 n.m. Saturday in the fellowship hnll. The men invite others for brenkfnst and prayer. The men will discuss upcoming community needs and projects. The Women on Missions of Calvary Baptist Church located on Davie Academy Road will host a hotdog and ice-cream dinner at noon Sundny, July 15, in the fellowship hall. Just make a donntion nnd eat to your heart's desire. Proceeds will benefit Worid Hunger. Enjoy good food and fellowship and help a worthy cause. CInrksbury United Method­ ist Church is sponsoring a "Life Support Group" for fnmilies with members suffering from drag abuse. The group will meet nt 6:30 p.m. nt the CInrks­ bury Scout Hut on NC 901 nenr the church. The next meeting will be Monday, July 16. For more Information, plense cnll Dnphne Marshall on 704-546- 5696. . The next "Wild for Wednes­ dnys" sponsored by Society Bnptist will be July 18. Chil­ dren nnd youth will meet n( the church nt 9:30 a.m. and go bowling. Those going should bring $6. For more information, please call Pastor Childress on 466-0423. The Women on Missions of Society Baptist Church will meet at 2 p.m. Thursdny, July 19, in the fellowship hnll. The meeting will begin with refresh­ ments nnd fellowship hosted by Julia Blackwelder, Mary Jo Lewis will lead n program on Intemntionnl missions with emphasis on Southern Baptist ministry at the upcoming Sum­ mer Olympics In London. The F o u r C o r n e r s N e w s By Marie White Four Corners Correspondent Mr. nnd Mrs. Lennord Shel- Carollnn Bench. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joe White vis­ ited Glenda Sapp. Darrell Murray visited Mr. ton visited Patricia Hamm at and Mrs. Clyde Murray. women invite others for fellow­ ship and mission study. There will be a softball tour­ nament sponsored by Piney Grove AME Zion Church Fri­ day and Saturday, July 20-21, at the Center ball park on US (j4 West. For moro Information, please call 704-546-2799, The Salem United Methodist Youth left Sunday on a mission trip to the Hinton Rural Life Center. The group continues to request your prayer support. Faye Everhart of Clemmons was the guest speaker at Salem and led the group in their com­ mission service. Piney Grove Als hosting a summer feeding program for children ages 2-18 from 11 o.m.-l p.m. Monday-Friday in the fellowship hall. Chil­ dren are Invited to come and have a nutritious meal. There Is no charge for the meal. For more Information, please call the church office on 704-546- 2799. The Women on Missions of Society Baptist Church will collect children's snack food for the next few weeks. The food will be distributed to families in need via the South Yadkin Food Pantry. If you wish to do­ nate some snacks or money to buy snacks, please call Mary Jo Lewis on 704-546-7141. Calvary Baptist is supporting the "Coupons for Soldiers" pro­ gram'. If you have coupons you are not using including those that have expired, they can be used to help support soldiers. For more information or to do­ nate coupons, please call Edna Simmons on 909-1425. Upcoming community events Include a poor boy's supper fundraiser sponsored by the V-Point Ruritans Saturday, July 21 at the V-Point Build­ ing; country ham and sausage breakfast, bake sale, and yard sale sponsored by the United Methodist Men of Salem from 6-10 a.m. Saturday, July 28, at the County Line VFD; gospel singing at 6 p.m. Sunday, July 29, nt Society Bnptist Church; V-Polnt Ruritan country ham nnd sausnge breakfast from 6-10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 4,at the V-Point Building; nnd Bi­ ble school for all ages at Pleas­ ant View Baptist from 2-6 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 4. Our community sends get- well wishes to Joel Cnrtner nnd Hnrvey Willinms. Joel is to hnve surgery nt Wnke Forest Baptist Medicnl Center todny (Thursdny). Hnrvey hns begun trentments for n rare blood dis­ ease. Sandy Cline is recuperat­ ing at home but continues to need rest. Betty Lou Richnrd­ son had surgery last week and is recuperating at home. Pnul Shew nnd Robert Wnlker have improved and are recuperat­ ing at home. Octnvin "Tippy" Clement remnlns nt the Knte B. Reynolds Hospice House in Wlnston-Salem. Brandon Gwaltney Is to hnve n henrt cnu- terizntlon on Mondny. Elnlne Whitley is nwaltlng test results. Jewell Waller continues to nwnlt n kidney transplant. Da­ vid Cnll has begun a series of treatments and is hoping to re- tum to his postal route in a few weeks. Lols Hnrris nnd Howard Snfriet remain in rehab at Au­ tumn Care of Mocksville. Join us In prayer for the Lord's divine healing and bless­ ings upon Joel, Hnrvey, Sandy, Betty Lou, Paul, Robert, Tippy, Brandon, Blaine, Jewell, Dn­ vld, Lois, Hownrd, nnd others who are hnving henlth prob­ lems. Also, please remember In prayer Renny and Carol Wooten Holton; Renny's father Luther "Buster" Holton of the Cool Spring community died Sunday, June 24, at the Gordon Hospice House of Statesville. Also, please pray for the family of Chad Stevens of East Bend, who drowned nt Lake Myers Family Campground Saturday. For news and memories to share, please call Shirley on 492-5115 or email sdtlink® hotmail.com. II AliTDMAnrvC^I CAR ' BAKERY THRIFT STORE 1 20%O Sf ; Salsa I I 9aisa68 ounces $S.I9' Mon-Fri 9-7 Sat 9-6 Sum 0-5 , I I ■ ' Hua«avii.i.B AUtoOAN MikHH. (Ma, " ^ w iis H E S :pTouchless or<; Brush wash M o c k s v i l l e A u t o P r i d e C a r W a s h ★ OPEN 24 HOURSI ★ N. Yadkinville Rd. Mocksville (across from Lowes Home Improvement) £"¡’5* MEMBER FDIC£1го12 Piedmont Federal Savings Bank ’ W h e n A N u r s i n g H o m e I s n ’t T h e A n s w e r W o u l d n 't i t b e g r e a t t o h a v e a s s i s t e d l i v i n g i n t h e p r i v a c y a n d c o m f o r t o f y o u r o w n h o m e ? That’s why so many seniors and their families choose certified in-home seirvices^ 1 . _ _from Providence Senior C ar^ ____ As the preferred local provider of ^ Certified Companion Aides (CCAs), Providence Senior Care helps you live life on your own terms, in your own style and without burdening family. Affordable rates available for 1 hour to 24-hour care. C a ll to d a y f o r a F R E E a sse ssm e n t (3 36)472-381 0 D o y o u n e e d a w e e k e n d a w a y ? fVe c a n h elp. A s k a b o u t R e s p it e C a re . P r o v i d e n c e S e n i o r C a r e M e d ic a id C e r tifie d a n d C A P D A a n d C A p p ro v e d N ow serving D avie County , vvww.providenceseniorcare.com j \v \v w .fa c e b o o k .c o m / p a g c s/ P ro v id e n c c -S c n io r-C a re y 2 8 1 8 5 8 9 8 5 2 3 5 6 9 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i B U I L D A B A C K P A C K Help Local Students Succeed this School Year Every child deserves fresh notebooks, carefully sharpened pencils, and durable, newly-purchased backpacks that represent the start of the new school year. When a child doesn't have adequate supplies, he or she struggles to focus on learning and academic success during precious classroom hours. Stop by your local Walmart to donate supplies or backpacks beginning July 23 through August 20. Donate a backpack at the Davie Family YMCA July 1-August 15 and Join the Y with only a $ 19 joining fee. Thanks to the community partners who make this possible; Questions? Cont.icl Waim.ia at 751-1266 ot visit youi local store at 26 I CoupLM Creek Rd, Mocksville. 2 /028 Walmart S«v« money. L)v* better. United Way г а Davi* County Unlt»ilW«y. inc.theUad ;i¡ : -f M I) ‘f I î! Üi/ C8- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursday, July 12,2012Obituaries William D. Kirkpatrick , William Donnld Kirkpnl- • rick, 95, died July 6, 2012, nt the Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston-Snlem. He wns born Mntrh 1, 1917, ; in Fort Lawn, S.C., to Wiilinm Murray nnd Mnttie McDonnid : Kirkpntrick. He was the oldest ;of two children. He grndunted 'from Orent Fnlls High School, ¡'nnd nttended Cleinson Univcr- i sity. He wns employed by Duke ; Power Co. stnrting nt Nitrolee : Hydroelectric Plnnt nnd retir- ' ing as n district superintendent ; in Winston-Snlem in 1982. He t served ns n medic in the US ' Army Air Force in World Wnr MI, nnd was stationed in North Africn, Sicily, nnd Italy, and was in eight campaigns.’ He married Mnry Eliznbeth Wnlk­ er of Ropk Hill, S.C., on Oct. : 29, 1948. They hnd two sons; Wiilinm Michnel Kirkpatrick, ' bom Jnn. 4, 1953, nnd Carl ; Walker Kirkpatrick, born June 13, 1957. The fnmily moved ‘ to Winston-Snlem in 1958. He wns n member of Centennry United Methodist Church, nnd i wns nctive in “The Seventy" '>' nnd in visiting shut-in church members. He was n meinber of the Civitnns and n volun- \ teer for Meals on Wheels. He ; loved the Lord nnd his fnmily. i He wns n lifel6ng supporter of J; Clemson athletics, particularly ; footbnll and was an IPTAY rep- resentntive for many years. He, ; enjoyed telling mnny stories to fnmily members nboui his life growing up: pnrticulnrly on the banks of the Cntnwbn River, nnd experiences he hnd with his relntives. He enjoyed early morning wnlks with his friends ~ at the “Par Course” in Winston- Snlgm. He wns preceded in death 5; by his wife Mary, his parents ; Wiilinm Murrny nnd Mnttie » McDonnid Kirkpntrick, and his “ brother Olin Kirkpntrick. ■ Survivors; his 2 sons, Wil- i linm Michnel (Knren) Kirkpnt- ; rick of Mocksville nnd Carl i Wnlker Kirkpatrick of Winston- I Salem; and 3 grandsons, Kevin I' Michael Kirkpntrick of Atlanta, ' On., Bryon Wilbar Kiikpatrick of Durham, and Christian Lloyd South of Winston Salem. The funernl service wns held ;; at 2 p.m. Wednesday, July 11 i at Centennry United Method- ‘ 1st Church in Winston-Salem. The fnmily receive friends nnd ; fnmily nfter the service in the ; church parior. Memorials; CentenniyUMC of Winston-Salem; nnd the Knte B, Reynolds Hospice Home of ■' Winston-Snlem. Dorothy R. Smith Mrs. Dorothy Richnrdson Smith, 93, of The Oaks at For­ syth County, formeriy of Lex­ ington died Sundny, June 24, 2012 nt Knte B. Reynolds. A funernl service was held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, June 27 at Midway United Methodist Church, Lexington, by the Rev. John Woods. Burinl followed in the church cemetery. Visita­ tion wns June 26 nt Davidson Funeral Home, Hickory Tree Chapel. She was born in Davie Coun­ ty' on Mnrch 10, 1919 to the Inte Robert Walter nnd Lettie Elnora Boyd Richardson. She wns retired from Lucent Tech­ nologies in 1988 nfter 37 yenrs. She wns n member of the Com­ munications Workers of Amer­ ica, serving ns a Union Steward nnd n member of the Telephone Pioneers of Americn. She wns n member of Midwny United Methodist Church, The Ladies Bible Sundny , School Class, The Willing Workers Circle and The United Methodist Women, receiving n Lifetime Membership Pin Award. She wns also a member of the Mid­ way Homemakers Club. Mrs. Smitli was married to Hnriey Reynolds Smith who preceded her in denth in 2000. Also preceding her in death, a son, Hnriey Reid Smith, a daugliter, Mary Lou Smith Curry, 6 brothers (Elmer, Alv- lin, Leroy, Shiriey, Donald nnd Clyde Richardson: 4 sisters, (Frnnces Busby, Ann Schil­ ler, Elizabeth Cale nnd Louise Swisher, nnd n dnughter-in-law, Snndrn Leonnrd Smith. Survivors; 2 brothers, Wii­ linm Richnrdson (Pearlie) of Mocksville, Bobby Richnrdson (Sue) of Chnpin, S.C.; a son- in-lnw, Sid Curry, dnughter- in-lnw, Rosemnry Smith, both of Welcome; 5 grandchildren, Catherine Cuny of Lighthouse Point, Fla., Kimel Curry, Char­ lie Curry (Wendi), Hnriey Smith 11 (Kim) nil of Welcome nnd Cindy Burris (David) of Lexington; 4 grent-grnndcliil- dren, Jesse Smith, Blnine Cur­ ry, Devnn and Cnmeron Burris; step-grnndsons. Dean, Brnndon nnd Brinn Wood; and several nieces and nephews. Memorials; Midway UMC Building Fund, 9795 Old Hwy 52 N,' Lexington, 27295; or Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home, 101 Hospice Lane, Winston-Salem, 27103. Carol Lorraine Gaither 'Carol Lorraine Gaither of Mocksville, dnughter of Alice Gnither nnd the inte Thomas Gaither, wns bom on Dec. 27, 1947 in Mocksville and died on June 28,2012 following nn ex­ tended illness.' She nttended public schools of , Davie County; following graduation from Central Dnvie High School in 1966, she nt­ tended N.C. CentrnI University ,nnd enmed n bnchelor’s degree in business ndministrntion from Shnw University in Rnleigh. She attended Essex Commu­ nity College in Enst Orange, N.J. to further her business acumen. She maintained a mnnngerinl. position during her 23 yenrs with AT&T based in New Jersey. Expanding her in­ terest in business, she opened n soul food restnurnnt, cniled, “Around the Comer,” while liv­ ing in Enst Oriinge. in nddition to mnnngemenf responsibilities she enjoyed the liands-on ns­ pects of catering. She found a way to balance the demands of work and life’s blessings. She was n traveler who enjoyed nu­ merous excursions nnd cruises. Although she hnd no children, she spent her lifetime tnking care of her mother, siblings, nicces, nephews and others. Anyone who needed nnything , knew they could count on her. After retiring from AT&T she returned to her home and was involved with the American Cancer Society nnd other com­ munity nctivities until debili­ tated by her illness. She wns n member of St. John AME Zion Church throughout her life. She hnd n courngeous spirit and fnced life’s chnllenges with an unyielding faith. Survivors; her mother, Alice Gnither; 5 brothers, Gordon, Reginnld, Victor, Michnel, nnd Julian Gaither; 3 sisters, Do­ ris Gnither Jimerson, Deborah Gaither Ellis, nnd Thomasine Gnither; her cnregiver, Mnrilyn Turner; nnd n host of nieces, nephews nnd other relatives nnd friends. Funernl service was held Sunday, July 1 at 5 p.m. at First Bnptist Church in Mocksville. The Rev. Gwendolyn Hnmpton officiated nnd Julinn Gnhher provided the eulogy. Burinl fol­ lowed in St. John AME Zion Church Cemetery. The fnmily received friends nt the church one hour before the service. Online condolences; wtviv. Graham Fum ralHom e .net. Irvin Ronald Bibb Sr. Mr. Irvin Ronald Bibb Sr. of Little River, S.C. died on July 3,2012 at Wake Forest Bnptist Medical Center. For the last six months he had battled several complications following an accident in which he broke his hip.His fight to the end gives a new dimension to the meaning of courage. He was born on Aug. 26,1931 in Ches­ ter, Pn. to Elijah Null and Lnurn Ednn Kirk Bibb, who preceded him in death. He was a 20-year officer of the U.S. Navy. He grndunted from Roosevelt Uni­ versity in 1970. He worked five yenrs for the NC Stnte Employ­ ment Security Commission. He wns retired. He continued to work pnrt time for the Univer­ sity of Michigan Institute for Social Research. He worked with his brother Paul retriev­ ing cars for a cnr denlership. He wns nctive in the Ten Party of Myrtle Bench nnd the Sons of Ihe Americnn Revolution. He wns full of energy, smiled nnd joked with everyone. He loved tojnugh. Survivors; his wife of 59 yenrs,Rnmonn Jnne Bibbof Lit­ tle River; 2 dnughters, Beverly (Alnn) Wnlter of Thomnsville, Knren (Wiilinm) Gurgnnus of Clemmons; n son, Irvin (Terrie) Bibb Jr., Greenville; 12 grnnd- childrc;i, Erin Bibb, Cameron Bibb, Matthew Wnlter, Julie Wnlter, Wiilinm Gurgnnus III, Lauren Gurganus, Layne Gur­ gnnus, Wnde Gurgnnus, Lncey Gurganus, Leanna Gurganus, Leezn Gurgnnus, Lily Gur­ gnnus; nnd n grent grnnddnugh­ ter, Ellinnn Bibb; a brother, Paul Bibb, 3 sisters-in-law, Elaine (Jnck) Stoops, Erica (Dorsey) Fooks, Sandrn (Bart) Tnylor; nnd several nieces and nephews. A grnveside service wns held Monday, July 9 at the Salisbury Nntiorinl Cemetery nt 2 p.m. The family received friends on Monday fat Dnvie Funeral Ser­ vice, Mocksville. Militnry hon­ ors were provided by the Nnvy and the VFW Memorinl Honor Gunrd. Memorinls; American Henrt Assoeintion. Online condolences; »vvviv. daviefunuralscrvke. Green Isaac Jr. Green Isnnc Jr. of Mocks­ ville died on Snturdny, June 30, 2012 nt Forsyth Medicnl Center in Winston-Snlem. He was born in Gadsden County, Fin. to Ihe late Green Isaac Sr. nnd Allie Clark Isnnc on Nov. 22, 1919. He was educated in Gadsden County School System nnd he nttended Floridn Normnl College, now Floridn A&M University. He wns a Worid War II veteran, serving in thè U.S. Army from I94I-I945. Mr. Isaac worked at Cooleemee Cotton M ill for 26 years, not missing a dny for 14 of those yenrs. When the mill closed, he begnn working at AT&T in Winston-Salem, where he remained 16 years, until his retirement in 1985. Mr. Isnnc was a render and had a special interest in reading history. He was n huge sports advocate and loved gardening and sharing his harvest with neighbors and friends. He was a devoted member of Mocks­ ville Second Presbyterian church where he served ns nn elder. He was superintendent of Ihc church Sunday School- from September 1947 until July 2011. He was preceded in death by his father Green Isaac Sr., his mother Allie Clark Isaac; 6 sis­ ters, Euln, Ethel, Orndee, Doro­ thy, Inez and Leoln; 6 brothers, Frnnk, Jnmes, Owen, Morton, nnd Lonnie. Survivors; his wife, Rebec- cn Cody Isnnc of the home; 2 ‘sons, Bruce (Edith) Isaac of Mocksville, Lewis “Jerry” Isaac of Asheville; 4 dnughters, Frances Spencer, Alice Isaac, and Rachel (Roland) Wade of Winston-Salem and Eleanor Brown of Mocksville; n sister, Florence “ Peggy’’ Brown of Quincy, Fin.; 8 grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; and a host of nieces, nephews, many other relatives and friends. Funeral service wns held Tuesdny, July 3 nl 2 p.m. in the chapel of Graham Funeral Home. Pastor Fred N. Terry officiated and burinl followed in Mocksville Second Presby­ terian Church Cemetery. The family received 'friends at the funeral home 30 minutes be­ fore the service. Online condolences; wviV. GrahamFuncralHomejiet. M ETALRO O FIN G 3’ Coverage • 40-t- Colors Ml colons AM cmarsTM mt£b 40 Year Warranty UP TO •500" TAX CREDIT AVAILABLE Caí! for prices! 1-888-278-6050 MID-STATE METALS of the Carolinas, LLC j www.mldstatemotals.com b P in o N e w s MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUMMER IS HERE! Bobcat, aerator, core plugger & more lor rent today! H w y . 601 S.. . f t - « - M o c k s v ille (336} 75l *2304 By Nora Lnthnm Pino Correspondent There are several on the prayer list at Wesley Chnpel United Methodist Church; Clyde Murrny, Dorothy West, Luther nnd Ostine West nnd Charles nnd Jnne Masten. It wns nice lo hnve Mnrlene Trivette bnck in church Sundny. She has been at her home on Onk Island for several weeks. Bob nnd Knlhy Ellis, Rick and Judy Wilson aiid Ethnn, Allison, Reid nnd Luke Boger' spent the Inst weekend in June in Ronnoke, Va. They attended Bob’s Thompson fnmily re­ union at his aunt’s, Phyllis Cof­ fey, in Vinton, Va. on June 30. Ethan, Allison, Reid, Luke nnd Knlhy, also visited the zoo on Mill Mountain nnd Ihe stnr of Roanoke. There were approxi­ mately 50 family and friends at the reunion with the farthest be­ ing from Cincinnnti, Ohio. The U V M coliseum box of­ fice employees enjoyed a din­ ner pnrty at the home of Bob and Kathy Ellis Sundny. Those ntlending were Monn Jones, Robert nnd Dana Miilhenrn, Terri Brown, Charles Duggins, Dnvid Sturdivnnt, Jenn Scales, Anita Thompson, Joe Rice and Willie Gwyn. Meredith Pleas­ ants was the guest of honor cel­ ebrnting her grnduntion from V/ake Forest University. My brother, Sandy Cline and his wife, Ann, visited me on Stinday. Sandy hns been in Ihe hospitnl but is home nnd during better. ' J Mary Frances Peoples Mrs. Mnry Frances Ratledge Peoples, 80, of Hospital Street, Mocksville, died Tuesdny, July 3, 2012, at Davie Plncc Resi­ dential Cnre. She was born June 21,1932, in Davie County to Ihe late Duke Martin and Eva Hunter Ratledge. Mrs. Peoples, was n member of Chestnut Grove United Methodist Church. She wns niso preceded in death by her husband, Hnrvey Lee Peoples; nnd 2 brothers, Duke Rntledge Jr. and Donnie Rnlledge. . Survivors; 2 dnughters, Miiry Lee Boger of Mocksville and Debbie Settle of Lewis­ ville; a son, Jnmes Harvey Peoples (Amy) .of Mocksville; 7 grandchildren; severnl grcnt- grnndchildrei\; n sister, Shiriey Webb; n brother, Jerry Rn­ tledge, both of Mocksvillc: nnd many nieces and nephews. A privnte grnveside service wns conductcd Thursday, July 5 nt Chestnut Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery with the Rev. Jimmy Lnncnslcr officiating. Meinorinls; Davie Place Ac­ tivity Fund, 337 Hospital St., Mocksvillc. Online condolences; inini’. ealoHfimcralservlce .com. Ella Angeline Shore "nitterow Mrs. Elln Angeline Shore Tulterow, 88, of Brookslone Terrace in Clemmons, died Saturday, July 7,2012 at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston-Sn­ lem. She was born May 29, 1924, in Yadkin Counly to the late Jnmes Blnine and Ella Hoots Shore. She was a member of Bear Creek Bnptist Church , in Mocksville where she wns in­ volved in nctivities. She was also preceded in death by her husband, the Rev. Grady Lester Tutterow; n sister, Jeannette Shore; and 6 brothers, Luther, Rev. J.C., Clyde, F.B., Thomns nnd Henry Shore. Survivors; n daughter, An­ nette Tulterow of Charlotte; a son, Grady L. Tulterow (Lindn Brynnt) of Mocksville; n grandson, Ian Leonard nnd several niec­ es and nephews. A funeral service was conducted at 4 p.m. Monday, July 9 al Benr Creek Baptist Church with Ihe Revs, Charles Buckner and Greg McEwen officiating. Burinl followed in Ihe church ceme­ tery. The fnmily received friends one hour prior to the service at the chUrch. Meinorinls; Benr Creek Baptist Cemetery Fund, 3190 US 601 N., Mocksville. Online condolences; ww\v.ealoi{fimerahervlce.com. Cynthta Fay Owens Cynthia Fay Owens, 72, of Daniels Road, Mocksville, died on Tuesdny, July 3,2012, nt her home. Born in Lognn, W.Vn. on .Sept. 30, 1939, she was the daughter of Ihe late Bascom Watkins and Flora Mae Rod­ gers Watkins. She was retired from VF Jeans nnd wns of Ihe Baptist faith. Her husbnnd, Dewey Pntrick Owens, preceded her in death in 2001. She wns niso preceded in denth by 10 brothers and sis­ ters. Survivors; a son, Gregory Patrick Owens of Mocksville; 3 daughters, Kimberiy Ann Ow­ ens White of Stalesville, Ronda Fay Owens Williams of Yadk­ inville, and Fonda Kay Owens of Stalesville; a brother, Frank Watkins of Logan; a sister, Molly Watkins Smith of Ohio; nnd 4 grnndchildren, Rnymond Pntrick While and Christopher Todd White, both of States­ ville, Jessicn Fay Williams and Nathan Scott Williams, both of Mocksville. A celebration of life service was held Friday, July 6, at 11 a.m. in the Davie Funeral Service Chapel with the Rev. Bobby Henderson officiating. Burial wns in Ihe Cnlvnry Bap­ tist Church Cemetery on Dnvie Acndemy Rond. Tlie family re­ ceived friends Thursdny, July 5 nt Davie Funeral Service. Memorinls; Hospice/Pnllin- live Cnre of Dave, 377 Hospital St., Mocksville. Online condolences; iviini’. davleftmeralservice.com. I Cedar Creek Bapti^ Plans Annua! Missionary Day Cedar Creek Missionnry Baptist Church will hold its annunl Missionary Dny on Sundny, July 15 with lunch nt 1;30 p.m. nnd the nftemoon service nt 3 with guest speaker, the Rev. Ardenl Roseboro nnd Church fnmily of Liberty Grove Bnptist Church of Taylorsville. Shiloh To Hold Rainbow Tea The Willing Workers and Women’s Fellowship of Shiloh Bap­ tist Church, Depot Street, Mocksville, will host a Rainbow Ten on Sundny, July 15 nt 3 p.m. Sister Selenn Bnrker nnd Ihe Prnise Team of Refuge Community Church in Cooleemee will be Ihe special guests. Everyone is invited. Victory VBS Juiy 15-19 Vacation Bible School will be July 15-19, Sunday-Thursday at Victory Baptist Church in Cooleemee. Join the fun on Sunday from 6-8;30 p.m. and Mondny-Thurs- dny from '6;30- 8;30 p.m. The theme is SKY ... Nothing is Im­ possible with God. Each night will be packed with excitement, games, crafts, Bible lessons, snacks, music and decorations. The VBS team is soaring lo the sky with excitement nnd rendy to revenl incredible Imths nboul God’s Word Ages 3 yenrs old to fifth grnde nre welcome. Cnll the church ice al284.2077 lo pre-register. ‘No Perfect People Allowed’ July 29 At Journey Church Are'you a screw up? A walking disaster? Do you botch, fum­ ble, fail and generally mess up on a near dnily bnsis? Are you fnr from perfect? If so,_you’re in good company at Journey Church because the "No Perfect People Allowed” series begins Sundny, July 29 nt Journey Church, Wilkesboro Street, Mocksville, with Iwo wor­ ship experiences beginning nt 9;30 nnd 11; 15 n.m. Hillsdaie Baptist VBS Starts Sunday, July 22 Hllisdnlc Bnptist Church will hnve Vncntion Bible School from 6;30-8;45 for five nighls starting on Sunday, July 22. There will be games, Bible stories, crafts nnd snncks. The last night is Thurs­ dny, July 26 nnd is n fnmily night celebrntion. This yenr’s theme is “SKY".....Everything is possible with God." Registrntion is nvniinble nt HlltsdaleBaplistCliiircli.org. Ijames/Howell Reunion July 13-15 At Center DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 12,2012. CM Descendants of John Ijames and Nellie Howell will meet for the Second Ijnmes Fnmily Reunion nt 6 p.m. July 13, from 1-6 p.m. July 14 nnd al 2 p.m. July 15 al the Cente'r Commu­ nily Building, US 64 We.st at 1-40, Mocksville. For more information, call 751-1361 or 751-2589. C rossw ord Answers Sudoku Solution 1 7 6 2 8 5 3 9 4 4 8 5 9 1 3 6 2 7 3 2 9 6 7 4 1 S 8 2 6 3 4 .5 7 8 1 9 S 9 1 8 3 6 7 4 2 7 4 8 1 2 9 5 3 6 9 1 4 3 6 8 2 7 5 8 3 7 5 4 2 9 6 1 6 5 2 7 9 1 4 8 3 Fresh, home-style food Made from scratch Salads - Meats - Vegetables - Breads - Desserts Convenient Drive-Thru ^ Heart-healthy options Great Prices - Friendly Service 6300 Amp Road (behind Ounkltt Donuts) Lewlsvllle-Clemmons Road Exit off 1-40 Near New WF MEDICAL PLAZA - Clemmons Phone; 778-0112 - www.kwcafetertas.com F R E E D E S S E R T With purchase of an Adult meal TRY USl - Bring this coupon offer good at Clemmons location only Expires 7/31/,12 T h is m e s s a g e b r o u g h t to y o u b y th e s e lo c a l b u s in e s s e s w h o e n c o u r a g e y o u to w o r s h ip a t th e c h u r c h o f y o u r c h o ic e . AUTO M R T t MOCKSVILLE AlflDMOnVE 884 S. Main SI. Mocksviile, NC 27028 | 336-751-2944 I F O S T E R D R U G C O M P A N Y 495 Valley Road Mocksville, N0 27028 336-751-2141 Prescription CaU In: 336-753-DRUG LAWN SERVICE A STUMP REMOVAL Justin Homo. Insurod SpocialUIng In lawn caro i slump removal. Call fora Iroe osllmalel 6 336-354-3773 HAYWORTH-MILLER l - L I N I i R A I . H O M I . - (OS fcw i K iiu lc rto iiW a y Advanc*’. N C 27006 336.940.5555 Put This Space To Work For You Call 751-2120 GENTLEMACHINE &TOOLINC. 2716 Hwy, 601 N Mocksville, NC 27020 336-492-5055 Put This Space To Work For You Call 751-2120 MEAT PROCESSING Ma CHSlom Maal PrQcsaa Beef - Pork - Deer 30 years experience 892 Ralph Ffatlgdgo R d' Mocksville 336-492-5496........ m iiRW sasAf Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Fabrication 980 Salisbury Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-3712 Put This Space To Work For You Call 751-2120 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 137 Crabtree Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9144 Put This Space To Work For You Call 751-2120 Put This Space To Work For You Call 751-2120 MUTUMNCARE OF MOCKSVILLE 1007 Howard St. Mocksville 751-3535 Put This Space To Work For You Call 751-2120 Put This Space To Work For You Call .751-2120 JOE’S TOW 24 Houn RoKlilda Rollback Swvlce Small, Medium t H u v y Duly Tawing Joseph Crolts, Owner ! 335-99S-2693-Oflica < 336-940-7256-Mobiie i APALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Fool Road Mocksviile, NC 27028 336-492-5565 EATON FUNERAL HOME 325 North Main street Mocksville, NC 27028 Call 751-2129 to Advertise Y our B usiness on the; C hurch Page CIO. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 12,2012 C o o l e e m e e ... Continued from Page C1 tractor he would drive to bush hog and plow gardens. He was custodian at Cooleemee School, custodian for Victory Baptist Church and he mowed neighbor’s yards. He was an active 88-year-old man right up until he had his heart attack. To help with the heat, the guys put a generator and fan in front of Beck while be was on the float and Sandra Ferrell and Trish Chandler decorated the float. These guys thought of everything to help make this a successful day for Beck. Many friends visited with Beck after the parade while he sat in the nice shade. He was all smiles and shook many hands and received many hugs. His son, Jeff Beck, lives in Tennessee, and wouldn’t have missed this special day for any­ thing. ,He rode on the float bed­ side his ciad and Randy Miller drove Ihe tractor. "What 0 Warm reception, 1 don’t think people knew how much that meant to him. To know how much he was thought of by so many people, it brought tears to my eyes,” said Jeff Beck. The Lester-Canipe Family won the best-decorated float. The first place win made a greater meaning to their fam­ ily’s news this year. Earl and Joann Lester’s daughter-in-law, Mary, and her two children, John and Angela, received their citizenship this past April. Mary decorated the float and the win­ ning put her new citizenship to a new level. Congratulations Lester and Canipe family. . Tronia Gibson came in sec­ ond on her lawnmower with her Patriotic Angels: Coleman Lawhon, Rainey Phelps and A l­ lie Miller. Jim Osborne, dressed as Uncle Sam on his lawnmow­ er, came in third. Honoroble mentions went to; Bob Phillips and Oracle Mae, Dan Marion Family and Owen Madden. Tim Hart, his wife Hope and two children, Jake and Cooper, came to the July 4th parade be­ cause they are visiting every county in North Carolina this year and they chose the parade to complete their visit to Davlc County. I encouraged them to see the Historical Museum, the refurbished 1930’s M ill House and of course, I hoped they made a trip to the Bull Hole to cool off. They are from Fuquay Varina and I hope they come back for another visit soon. On July 21. it is going to be JFK... « rtniiw ’’i-'ir.p шеМвг a, 'V'f! .v Й lifjiSfeshiììI lœ; -înti tw'fi; » I l ïe a i «njj •ищ у-fi ' ';Ç. il» 'àv¡-.■iffa-ssmir IwsuTdwx. <1'î! , ".fC; 4- ■ Ш ' Ч The Lester and Canipe families are winners with this entry in the Cooleemee parade. hoppin' and boppin’ nt the Bull Hole, so mark your calendar so you don't miss all Ihe fun ac­ tivities. Starting at the Cooleemee Junction off Junction Road, the first annual South Yadkin Tube Race will start at 10 a.m. The winner will receive $100 and a trophy with a big bull on top. You must wear a life jacket and only tubes are allowed, no floats or rafts. Early registra­ tion, before July 15, is encour­ aged: $10 and after the date it’s $20. Tubes or life jackets can be rented $5 each. Call 704.245.2992 or 284.6040 to obtain registration materials. Free games, face painting and good food will be available down at the Bull Hole. If tubing isn’t your thing, then enjoy the excilement of the Duck Race, which starts at 2 p.m. Single tickets are $5, Quack Packs nre six for $15 and Flocks (15) for $50. First place wins $300, sccond $150 and third $75. Plenty of shade is available to stay cool so you can watch all of tho events. Wc hope to see you there. Kaci Corriher will be offer­ ing free tennis lessons Monday, July 16 from 10-11 n.m. Feel free to contact me at www.coolec'nieeiicws®giiiall. com or call 336.250.1133, W H A T A R E Y O U W A IT IN G E Q R ? J u m p - S t a r t y o u r f u t u r e t o d a y ! JOIN US IN THE CONFERENCE CENTER, ROOM 110, ON OUR DAVtDSON GAMPUS FOR A PRE-ENROLLMENT SESSION t THURSDAY, JULY 12 AT 2 P.M. RSVP AT WWW,DAVJDSO^|CCC.EDU/^P^A^SSlONS Léarn about the DCCC application processi ap’plying for aritl usii^g fliianèld to bècdme a college student, and how easy it is for you to get o(t thè' path tas’uccassi;RSyp for aoh^nce to'M purchase with enroiiment! i .................. Mary jump-started her future with a 2-year degree at DCCC. Later this year, she'll transfer those credits toward a bachelor's degree in exercise science at Winston-Salem State University. Mary says she may even pursue a higher degree in physical therapy sometime in the future. "I saw so many doors of opportunity, but I realized that having a degree was the key to unlocking them," she says. “DCCC provided that key to me. You don't have to wait either. We're eager to help you get your exciting future started today. We're confident we have the right program to get you where you want to go. Just ask Mary Leonard. She'ii tell you if she can do it, so can you. ' 0мг dedication. Your Journey. T h e C o ü j î g e ô f , D A V iD ^ N \ \ N t ) D a v ie C o u x T i K T,,^.^,,r .-/<.flBVld8onccc.0du/adml88lon;5 , to learn about the Incredible career and educational . opportunities for you here. ^ Youth U A V lb c u u m i 1 ILlN lU .Kl'Kldb lllUrttUUjr, juiJ' 1/Л Troop 505 members erect this memorial to Tom Cowden, a fellow Scout and friend who died of cancer earlier in the year.Boy Scout Matthew Hoke works on a project at the metalwork shop at Cherokee Scout Reservation. Scouts Learn, Have Fun At Cherokee Reservation A group of Scouts from Troop 732 prepare to raise the flags one morning at camp. By Chris Hoke Special to the Enterprise Two of the county’s Boy Scout troops spent last week at Cherokee Scout Reservation In Yancey ville giving scouts an opportunity to earn merit badg­ es, spend time with friends, and enjoy favorite camp activities. Troop 505, which is spon­ sored by Center United Meth­ odist Church, wns led for the week by Senior Patrol Lender Dakota Baker. Mike and Cha- sity Baker provided adult leadership. Milce is the troop’s Scoutmaster. Otis Hedricks nnd Christina Keenan also assisted. “ You hnd to be full aware at all times. You got to be there with all the scouts at every event,” said Dakota Baker of his job ns Senior Patrol leader. Hunter Hendrix was the Se­ nior Patrol Leader for Troop 732, sponsored by Bethlehem United Methodist Church. As­ sistant Scoutmaster Scot Ogle organized the summer camp trip for 732. Jeff Allen, Brian Andrews, Craig Hendrix, Chris Hoke, and Craig Roberts as­ sisted Ogle. Russell Suggs, who was able to drive scouts to camp and visit one time during the week, is the Troop’s Scout­ master. Camp for the two troops wns organized into sessions In which scouts could take either merit badges, or other activi­ ties. Subjects offered Included aquatics classes; crafts such ns basket weaving and woodcarv- ing: shooting sports includ-: ing riffle and shotgun; as well as camping, mountain biking, climbing, metalwork, and oth­ ers. Troops took part in Chero­ kee’s gateway contest - assem­ bling an entry way into their campsites. The site in which 505 stayed during the week won the contest. It included a memorial to Tom Cowden who hnd been Involved with tl^e group, and passed away from cancer earlier this year. Troop 505 also received Troop of the Week ond an Honor Patrol des­ ignation. It wns not clenr at the time of this article if 732 had received any awords. Leaders found ways to keep busy at camp. When not attend­ ing morning leader meetings, or taking cnre of other needs, scoutmnsters were able to toke part in competitions including comhoie, a dutch oven cook­ off, and horseshoe tournament. By taking pnrt in these compe­ titions and completing other ac­ tivities, the scoutmasters could: earn points towards the “Scout-- master’s Merit Badge.” “Boy Scouts is always been: a grent thing,” said Scoutmns-' ter Mike Baker. “A lot of times: it teacheb them their trade skill- what they’re gonna be whether it be a carpenter, or a fireman, or a police officer...” Both troops attended camp from Sunday-Saturday. Be­ tween the two of them, more than 40 scouts participated. The gateway to Troop 505’s campsite was named best for the week,- Photos by Chris Hoke Troop 505's Nick Hilton and Shawn Keenan show off a troop award. - Photo by Chaslty Baker "'.'.Ai ж ';'- о 3i/lembers of Troop 505 pose at the entrance tp Cherokee Scout Reservation. Leaders Brian Andrews and Scot Ogle are the horse­ shoe champions. ^ D2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 12,2012 LEGAL Ш Ш Ш NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTllCE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the K e ° e 'd " o m " !ta l'b v Ma" PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS t c C e andlsS^Nava"^^^ TO YOU PURSUANT TO to W.R. Starkey, Jr., Trustee(s), dated the 4th day of September, 2009, and recorded In Book 805, Page 755, In Davie County Reg­ istry, North Carolina,'default haV' FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COM- I^UNICATION IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, except as stat­ ed below In the Instance of bank­ ruptcy protection. IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANK­ RUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANKRUPTCY STATUTORY REQUIREMENT AND FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ,AND IS NOT IN­ TENDED AS AN ATTEMPt TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR An order for possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to Q.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties In possession by the clerk of superior court of the county In which the property Is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered Into or re­ newed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the no­ tice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. Upon ter­ mination of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent due under <h0 rental agreement pro­ rated to the effective date of the termination. If Ihe trustee Is unable to con- Followlng the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts will be Imme­ diately due and owing. Said prop­ erty to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale Is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance AS IS WHERE IS. There are no representations ol warranty re­ lating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at, or relating to the property being of­ fered for sale. This sale Is made Q.S, 45-21,29 In favor of the pur- are disclaimed, Also, this prop- chaser and against the party or erty Is being sold subject to all parties In possession by the clerk taxes, special assessments, and of superior court of the county In which the property Is sold. Any person who occupies the prop­ erty pursuant to a rental agree­ ment entered Into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. The notice shall also state subject to all prior liens, unpaid . that upon termination of a rental taxes, special assessments, land agreement, that tenant Is' liable transfer taxes. If any, and encum­ brances of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current Inn hfinn tnfldn In ihB nnumnni I,«oocoo, un inns irusiBB is unaoie ro con- owner(s) of the property Is/are of the not^hBrebv secured bv RECOVER ALL OR ANY POR- ,vey title to this property for kny Roman Hernander-Vargas.01 me now inereDy secureo oy c nPBT ppdm vni i tho cnio rorT.»H„ m ih» di cacc tai/c Mnrir'tr.TION OF THE DEBT FROM .YOU PERSOr^ALLY This 19th day of June, 2012. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY; ■ Attorney at Law Hutchens, Senter, Kel- lam & Pettit, P.A. ^ Attorneys for Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 hltps://sales.hsbtlrm.com Case No; 1075380 (FC.FAY) 7-12-21П the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned. Substitute Trustee Sen/Ices, Inc. having been sub­ stituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Ofllce of the Reg­ ister of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said Indebt­ edness having directed that the Deed ot Trust be fdreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door In the Clly of Mocksville, Da­ vie County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 1:45 PM ori July 24, 2012 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate slluated In the County of Davie, North Caro­ lina, and being more particularly . described as follows: BEING known and designated as Lots 32,33, 34, and 35, Block A, The B.R. Armsworthy Property as set forth In Plat Book 3, Page 62, In the Office of the Register ol Deeds of Davie County,' North Carolina, reference to which Is hereby made for a more particu­ lar description. Together with Improvemonts located thereon! said property being located at ------------ --------- 568 Baltimore Road, Advance, dated the 14th .day of February,. NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a cer­ tain Deed of Trust made by Elsa Del R. Melgar Guerrero and Omar A. Guerrero (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S); Elsa Del Rosario Melgar De Guerrero) lo Richard T Hayes, Trustee(s), reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser Is the return of the de­ posit. Reasons of such Inability to convey Include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy peti­ tion prior to tho cohflrmatlon of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without Ihe knowledge of Ihe trustee. If the validity of Ihe sale Is challenged by any party, the trustee. In their sole discretion. If they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare Ihe sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR, THE PURPOSE OF THIS COM­ MUNICATION IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, except as stat­ ed below In the Instance of bank­ ruptcy protection. IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANK­ RUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RE­ SULT OF A BANKRUPTCY PRO­ CEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS- GIVEN TO YOU PURSUANT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT AND FOR INFORMATIONAL IN- North Carolina. Parcel ID Number; E7-000-00- 118-01 Trustee may. In the Trustee's sole discrellon, delay the sale for up lo one hour as provided In ^CQS §45-21.23. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS§7A-308(a)(1). The property to be olfered pursuant to this notice of sale Is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither Ihe Trustee nor the holder ol the note secured by the deed of trust/security agree­ ment, or both, being foreclosed, nor Ihe officers, directors, attor­ neys, employees, agents or au­ thorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, heallh or safety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responslbllllles or liabilities aris­ ing out of or In any way relating to any such condlllort expressly are disclaimed. Also, this prop­ erty Is being sold sublect to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances of re­ cord and any recorded releases. Said property Is also being sold subject to eppllcable Federal and Slate laws. A cash deposit or cashier’s check (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the pur; chase price, or seven hundred fllty dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, wllj be required at the time of the sale. An order for possession of the 2006, and recorded In Book 649, Page 281, In Davie County Reg­ istry, North Carolina, default hav­ ing been made In the payment of the note thereby secured by Ihe said Deed of Trust and the undersigned. Substitute Trustee Services, Ino. having been sub­ stituted as Trustee In said Dsed of Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Olflce of the Reg­ ister of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said Indebt­ edness having directed that the Deed ol Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door In the Clly of Mocksville, Da­ vie County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 1 ;45 PM on July 24, 2012 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real esiate situated In Ihe County of Davie, North Caro­ lina, and being more particularly described as follows; Being known and designated as Lot No. 194, as shown on the Plat of Myers Park at RIdgemont, Section Two, as recorded In Plat Book 6, Page 103, In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Da­ vie County, North Carolina, ref­ erence to which Is hereby made for a more particular description. Together with Improvements located thereon; said property being located at 463 Mount­ vlew Drive, Mocksville, North Carolina. Trustee may. In the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided In NCGS §45-21.23. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents, ($0.45) per One Hundred property may be Issued pursuant Dollars ($100.00) required by to G.S, 45-21.29 In favor of the NCGS §7A-308(a)(1). purchaser and against the party or parties In possession by the clerk of superior court of Ihe counly In which the property Is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered Inlo or re­ newed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the no­ tice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. Upon ter­ mination of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent due under the rental agreement pro­ rated to the effective date of the termination. ' • If the trustee Is unable to con­ vey.title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser Is the return of the de­ posit. Reasons of such Inability to convey Include, but are not limited to, the filing ol a bankruptcy peti­ tion prior to the conlirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the The property to be offered pursuant to this' notice of sale Is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/seburlty agree­ ment, or both, being foreclosed, nor the olflcers, directors, attor­ neys, employees, agents or au­ thorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safely conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all' responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing out of or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this prop­ erty Is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances of re­ cord and any recorded releases'. loan without the knowledge of the Said property Is also being sold trustee. II the validity of the sale subject to applicable Federal and Is challenged by any party, the trustee. In their sole discretion. If they believe Ihe challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return Ihe deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. 4 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION State laws. A cash deposit or cashier’s check (no personal checks) of live percent (5°/o) of the pur­ chase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at Ihe time of the sale. TEfvJDED AS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACTTO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY POR­ TION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY. This 19th day of June, 2012. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY; Attorney at Law Hutchens, Senter, Kel- lam & Pettit, RA, Attorneys tor Substitute . Trustee Sen/Ices, Ino. P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street ■ ‘ Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 hftps'J/sales.hsbflrm.com Case No; 1082447 (FC.FAY) 7-12-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 10SP107 Under and by virtue of a Pow­ er of Sale contained In that cer­ tain Deed of Trust executed by Roman Hernandez Vargas and Elender Grey Johnson to PRLAP, Inc., Trustee(s), dated August 14, 2008, and recorded In Book 768, Pagq 601, Davie County Regis­ try, fvlorth Carolina. Default hav­ ing been made In the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and Ihe,under­ signed, having been substituted as Trustse In said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Office ofthe Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, and the holder of the note evi­ dencing said Indebtedness hav­ ing directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustees will offer for sale at the Courthouse Door In Davie County, North Carolina, at 1;15PM on July 24,2012, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property, to wit; Being all of Lot Number Forty four (44) Section Two Charleston Ridge two as set forth In Plat Map 7, Page 87 Davie County regis­ try to which'reference Is hereby made for a more particular de­ scription. Subject to restrictions ol record. Said property Is commonly known as 159 Cloister Drive, Mocksville, NC 27028. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, pursuant to N.C.Q.S. 105-228.30, In the amount of One Dollar ($1.00) per each Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or fractional part there­ ol, and Ihe Clerk of Courts fee, pursuant to N.C.Q.S. 7A-308, In the amount of Forty-five Cents (45) per each Orie Hundred Dol­ lars ($100.00) or fractional part 'thereof or Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), whichever Is greater. A deposit of five percent (5%) ot the bid, or Seven Hundred Fllty Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the time of the sale and must be tendered In the form of certified funds. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE; An order for possession of the prop­ erty may be Issued pursuant to Q.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the pur­ chaser and against the party or parties In possession by the clerk of superior court of the county In which the property Is sold. Any person who occupies the prop­ erty pursuant to a rental agree­ ment entered Into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days’ written notice to the landlord. The notice shall also state that upon termination of a rental agreement, that tenant Is li­ able for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the elfec- tive date of the termination. Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc. Substitute Trustee 1587 Northeast Expressway Atlanta, GA 30329 (770)234-9181 Our File No.; 432.1002236NC /D 7-12-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE l0SP7g Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Bradley S. Morris and Rose C. Morris to The law offices of Daniel A. Fulco, PLLC, Trustee(s), dated February 28, 2007, and recorded In Book 702, Page 226, Davie County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made In the payment of the note thereby se­ cured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an instru­ ment duly recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Da­ vie County, North Carolina, and the holder of the note evidenc­ ing said indebtedness having directed lhat Ihe Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustees will offer for sale at the Courthouse Door in Davie County, North Carolina, at 1 ;15PM on July 24,2012, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property, to vylt; Being known and desig­ nated as.Lot No. 9 of Gladstone Woods Subdivision as shown on Plat Book 7, Page 73, Davie County registry, to which refer­ ence Is hereby made for a more particular description. Together with Improvements located thereon; said property be-. Ing located at 174 Stonewood Rd. Mocksville, North Carolina. Said property Is common­ ly known as 174 Stonewood Road, Mocksville, NC 27028. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, pursuant to N.C.Q.S. 105-228.30, In the amount of One Dollar ($1.00) per each Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or fractional part there­ of, and the Clerk of Courts fee, pursuant to N.C.Q.S. 7A-308, In the amount of Forty-five Cents (45) per each One Hundred Dol­ lars ($100.00) or fractional part thereof or Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), whichever Is greater. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the bid, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the time of the sale and must be tendered In the form of certified funds. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts will be Imme­ diately due and owing. Said prop­ erty to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being olfered for sale, transfer and conveyance AS IS W/HERE IS. There are no rep­ resentations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, envi­ ronmental, health or safety condi­ tions existing In, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale Is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, spe­ cial assessments, land transfer taxes. If any, and encumbrances of record. To the best of the knowl­ edge and belief of the under­ signed, the current owner(a) ot the property Is/are Bradley S. Morris and Rose C. Morris. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE; An order for possession of the prop­ erty may be Issued pursuant to for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effec­ tive date of the termination. Nationwide Trustee Services, Ino. Substitute Trustee 1587 Northeast Expressway Atlanta, QA 30329 (770) 234-9181 Our File No.; 432.1003914NC /D 7-12-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain Deed of Trust made by Emapuel E. Bonaparte and Forrest H. Bonaparte to Jelfrey M. Ruben, Trustee(s), dated the seih day of February, 2004, and recorded in Book 538, Page 889, in Davie County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned. Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trust­ ee In said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidenc­ ing said indebtedness having di­ rected that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Sub­ stitute Trustee will difer for sale at the courthouse door in the City of Mocksville, Davie County, North Carolina, or the customary loca­ tion designated for foreclosure sales, at 1;45 PM on July 24, 2012 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated In the Township ol Clarkesvllle, In the County of Davie, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows; Lying and being In Clarksville Township, Davie County, North Carolina, and being more particu­ larly described as follows; Begin­ ning at an Iron pin ths Southeast corner of the within described tract, Southwest corner of Charles Bally In the center line of N.C. 801, which point of beginning Is one mile, more or less. East Irom intersection of N.C. 801 and U.S. 601; thence from the beginning point with the center line of said road South 80 deg. 28’ 27" West 197.10 feet to a point, the South­ west corner of said tract in the centerline of N.C. 801; thence. North 00 deg. 10' 00” East 24 leet to an iron pin; thence. North 00 deg. 10' 00" East 353.92 feet to an Iron pin, the Northwest cor­ ner of said tract; thence. North 70 deg. 52' 21" East 295.97 feet to an iron pin, the Northeast corner of said tract; thence. South 11 deg. 02’ 49" West 427.63 feet to an Iron pin In the Northern right of way of N.C. 801; thence South 11 deg. 02' 49" West 23 feet to point and place of beginning, con­ taining 2.17 acres, more or less. Together with improvements lo­ cated thereon; said property being located at 4190 HIgliway 801 North, Mocksville, North Carolina. Being that parcel of lancl con­ veyed to Emanuel E. Bonaparte and wife, Forrest H. Bonaparte, as tenants by the entirety from Marshall Wayne Strader and wile, Linda Johnston Strader by that deed dated 09/04/1984 and re­ corded 09/04/1984 In Deed Book 124, at Page 211 ol the Davie County, NC Public Registry. Trustee may, in the Trustee's sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided In NCGS §45-21.23. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale Is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agree­ ment, or both, being foreclosed, nor the olflcers, directors, attor­ neys, employees, agents or au­ thorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, heallh or safety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing out of or In any way relating to any^such condition expressly prior liens or encumbrances of re­ cord and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the pur­ chase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the time of the sale, An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to Q.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties In possession by the clerk of superior court of Ihe county In which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or re­ newed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the no­ tice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. Upon ter­ mination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement pro­ rated to the elfectlve date of the termination. If the trustee is unable to con­ vey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the de­ posit. Reasons of such Inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the tiling of a bankruptcy,peti­ tion prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale Is challenged by any party, the trustee. In their sole discrellon. If Ihey believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the salo to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COM­ MUNICATION IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, except as stat­ ed below In the instance of bank­ ruptcy protection. IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANK­ RUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARQED AS A RESULT OF A BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PURSUANT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT AND FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT IN­ TENDED AS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY POR­ TION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY This 4th day of June, 2012. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. , SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY; Attorney at Law Hutchens, Senter, Kel- lam S Pettit, P.A. Attorneys for Substitute Trustee Services, Inc, P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 https-J/aafes.hsbflrm.com Case No; 1057685 (FC.FAY) 7-12-2Ш NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualllled as Executor of the Estate of ANITA R. MCKE- OWN, late of Davie County, this Is lo notify all persons, firms and cor­ porations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before October 12.2012, (being three (3) months from the first day of pubilcatlpn of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corpora­ tions indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 12th day of July, 2012. JOHN T MCKEOWN 233 Old Towne Dr Advance, NC 27006 7-12-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of DANIEL LEE SLAT­ ER, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and cor­ porations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before October 12.2012, (being Ihree (3) months from the first day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of Iheir recovery. All persons, firms and corpora­ tions Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 12lh day of July, 2012. KATHERINE L. SLATER 188 Valley Oaks Drive Advance, NC 27006 7-12-4 V LEGAL NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Execu­ tor of the Estate of JEANNE M. JONES, late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 28, 2012, (be­ ing three (3) months from the first day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded. In bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the under­ signed. This the 28lh day of June, 2012. DAVID JONES 691Cedar Grove Church Rd Mocksville, NC 27028 6-28-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualllled as Execu­ tor of the Esiate of MURIEL Q. QUDE, late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 28, 2012, (be­ ing Ihree (3) months Irom the first day of publication ol this notice) or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the under­ signed. This the 28lh day of June, 2012. ERIC QUDE 1315 Ml Vernon Rd Woodleal, NC 27054 6-28-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PERSONAL REPRESEN­ TATIVE’S NOTICE Having qualified as Personal Representative of the Estate of WANDA FAYE ROYAL REEVES, decesed, late of Davie Counly, North Carolina, this is to nolify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore the ,2Bth day of Septembe, 2012, said dale being al least three months from the date of first publication of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted lo said es­ tate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 28lh day of June, 2012, Ihe same being the first publlca- lion dale. DONNA REEVES WHITAKER, Personal Representative Estate of Wanda Faye Royal Reeves Qrady L. McClamrock, Jr., NCSB #7866, Attorney for the Estate 161 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone; (336) 751-7502 Fax; (336) 751-9909 6-28-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualllled as Executor of the Estate of MARSHALL M. SOUTHERN (aka Monroe Mar­ shall Southern), late of Davie County, this is to notify all per­ sons, firms and corporations hav­ ing claims against said esiate to present them lo the undersigned on or before October 5, 2012, (being three (3) months from the first day of publication of this no­ tice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All per­ sons, llrms and corporations In­ debted to said esiate will please make Immediate payment lo the undersigned. This the 26ih day of June, 2012. PHILLIP J, MOHR 1 West Fourth Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attorneys al Law, Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 7-5-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualllled as Executor ol the Estate of VERNIE MAE HENDRIX, late of Davie County, this is lo notily all persons, lirms and corporations having claims againsl said esiate to present them to the’ undersigned on or before October 5, 2012, (being three (3) months from the first day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded in bar of Iheir recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indsbled lo said estate will please make * immediate payment to the under- slgned. This the 21 st day of June, 2012. ROBERT L HENDRIX 4101 NC Highway 801 South Advance, NC 27006 MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attorneys at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 7-5-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualllled as Executrix of the Estate of SALLIE LYONS BAKER, late of Davie Counly, this Is to nolify all persons, firms and corporations having claims againsl said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before October 5, 2012, (being three (3) months from the first day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded in bar of Iheir recovery. All persons, firms and corporations Indebted lo said estate will please make Immediate payment to the under- signed. This the 28lh day of June, 2012. EARLE LYONS SMITH 1618 Secret Garden Cl Salisbury, NC 28146 7-5-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualllled as Executor ol the Estate ol FRANCES EM- • MALINE SIZEMORE NEAS, lale of Davie Counly, this Is to notily all persons, lirms and corpora­ tions having claims against said esiate to present them lo the un­ dersigned on or before October 12,2012, (being three (3) months from the first day of publicalion of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons, lirms and corpora­ tions indebted to said esiate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 12lh day of July, 2012. WILLIAM IVAN NEAS 133E Valley View Rd Advance, NC 27006 7-12-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PERSONAL REPRESEN­ TATIVE’S NOTICE Having qualllled as Personal Representative ol the Esiate of JAMES WILLIAM FOSTER, de­ ceased, lale of Davis Counly, North Carolina, this is to notily all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of October, 2012, said dale being at least three months from the dale of first publication of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said es­ tate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This 12lh day of July, 2012, the same being the first publica­ tion dale. KATHY FOSTER-JORDAN, Personal Representative Esiate of James William Foster Qrady L. McClamrock, Jr., NCSB #7666, Attorney for the Estate 161 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone; (336) 751-7502 Fax; (336) 751-9909 7-12-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as Executor of the Esiate of EDWIN J. TITS- WORTH (a/k/a Edwin Johnson Titsworlh), lale ol DavIe County, North Carolina, the undersigned doos hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations hav­ ing claims agalnsi the Estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned at the office of HOUSE LAW FIRM, PLLC, 3325 Healy Drive, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 27103, on or be­ fore the 21st day of September, 2012, or this notice will be plead­ ed In bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations Indebted lo the said Estate will please make immediate payment lo the undersigned. This the 14th day of June, 2012. Carolyn T. Slavin Executor of the Estate of Ed­ win J. Titsworlh, deceased Don R. House HOUSE LAW FIRM, PLLC 3325 Healy Drive Winslon-Salerin, NC 27103 336-768-2225 Ph. 336-768-3369 Fx. 6-21-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Execu­ trix of the Estate of JACQUIE LYNN WHITCHER, lato of Davie Counly, this Is to nolify all per­ sons, llrms and corporations liav- Ing claims against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or before September 21,2012, (being three (3) months from the first day of publication of this no­ tice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All per­ sons, firms and corporations In­ debted to said esiate will please make Immediate payment to Ihe undersigned. This the 21st day of June, 2012. STEPHEN EDWARD WHITCHER 188 Winding Creek Road Mocksville, NC 27028 6-21-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR THE FOLLOWING ZON­ ING AMENDMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the requirements of Article 20-B of Chapter 153-A of the General Statutes of North Carolina and Section 155.251 of the Davie Counly Code ol Ordi­ nances, lhat the Davie County Board of Commissioners will hold a Public Hearing In the Com- mlBBlonera .RQQm of the Davie County Administration Building localed at 123 South Main Street, Mocksville, NC on Monday, July 16,2012 at 6:00 p.m. lo hear the following requests; A) Text Amendment. The Board will review a text amend­ ment to the Zoning Ordinance in sections §155.001 and 155.125. The amendment proposes to add dellnlllons and update definitions to reflect the 2012 NAICS edition. The amendment proposes to re­ name, combine and delete uses from Ihe table of uses. The public Is Invited to at­ tend the hearing al which time there will be an opportunity lo be heard In favor of, or In opposition to, the above Items. As a result of the public hearing, substantial changes might be made in the advertised proposal, reflecting objections, debate and discus­ sion al the hearing. Additional inlormatlon Is available at the De­ velopment Services Department on weekdays between 8;30 a.m. and 5;00 p.m. or by telephone at (338) 753-6050. Andrew Meadweil Planning Department 7-5-21n NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY 1Q8P317 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of a Pow­ er of Sale contained in lhat cer­ tain Deed of Trust executed by DAMIEN CLINTONANDSHANTE CLINTON AKA SHANTE L CLIN­ TON to DAVE VACH, Trustee(s), which was dated April 23, 2008 and recorded on April 24, ^008 in Book 755 at Page 657, Davie County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the under­ signed, Trustee Services of Caro­ lina, LLC, having been substi­ tuted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said default having di­ rected that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Sub­ stitute Trustee will olfer for sale al the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property Is localed, or the usual and custom­ ary location al the counly court­ house for conducting the sale on July 18,2012 at 12:30PM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described properly situated in Davie Counly, North Carolina, to wit: BEING ALL OF LOT 1 OF REDBUD VALLEY SUBDIVI­ SION ACCORDING TO A PUT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 172, DAVIE COUNTY REGISTRY, REFER­ ENCE TO WHICH IS HEREBY MADE FOR A MORE PARTICU­ LAR DESCRIPTION. Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior convey­ ances of record. Said property Is commonly known as 2074 US Highway 64 West, Mocksville, NC 27028. Third parly purchasers must pay the excise tax, and the court costs of Forty-Five Cents (45C) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursuant to NCQS 7A-308(a)(’l). A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five per­ cent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Filly Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the lime of the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are imme­ diately due and owing. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice ol Sale Is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE Iii." There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, heallh or salety condlllons existing In, on, at, or relating to the properly be- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 12,2012 - D3 ing offered for sale. This sale Is pursuant to this Notice of Sale 58 sec. East 419.25 feel lo an made subject lo all prior liens, un­ paid taxes, any unpaid land trans­ fer taxes, special assessmenis, easemenls, righls of way, deeds of release, and any olher encum­ brances or excepllons of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property Is/are Damien Clinton and wife, Shante Clinton. An Order for possession of the property may be Issued pur­ suant to Q.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the purchaser and against Ihe parly or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the counly in which Ihe property Is sold. Any person who occu­ pies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the no­ tice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. The notice shall also stale that upon termi­ nation of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective dale of the termina­ tion. ' If Ihe Irustee is unable lo con­ vey tilie to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the de­ posit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, bul are not lim­ ited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the conlirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of Ihe trustee. If the validlly of the sale is challenged by any party, Ihe trustee. In iheir sole discre­ tion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare Ihe sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will havo no further remedy. Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brock & Scolt, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Ser­ vices ol Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE; (910) 392-4988 I FAX; (910) 392-8587 File No.; 10-26894-FC01 7-5-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY 12 SP 22 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virlue of a Pow­ er of S,ale contained In lhat cer­ tain Deed ol Trust execuled by Eric Lee Gray and Suzanne Lynn Gray lo TRSTE, INC., Truslae(s), which was dated December 29, 2006 and recorded on December 29, 2006 In Book 694 at Page 570, Davie Counly Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and Ihe under­ signed, Truslee Services of Caro­ lina, LLC, having been substi­ tuted as Truslee In said Deed of Trust, and the holder of Ihe note evidencing said dei.aull having di­ rected that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, Ihe undersigned Sub­ stitute Trustee will olfer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property Is localed, or Ihe usual and custom­ ary location at the county court­ house for conducting the sale on July18,2012al12;30PM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated in Davie Counly, North Carolina, to wit: Being known and designated as Lot No. 39 of Pepperstone Acres, as shown on a plal record­ ed In Plat Book 6, Page 109 (Slide 218), Davie Counly Registry, to which reference is hereby made for a more particular description. Subjectto restrictive covenants in Deed Book 180, Page 592; and as amended In Deed Book 182, Page 269; Deed Book 182, Page 684; and Deed Book 206, Page 919; Davie County Registry, and any olher easements and restric­ tion of record. For back lllle, see Deed Book 328, Page'10; Deed Book 211, Page 845; Deed Book 142, Page 636; Deed Book 86, Page 153; and Deed Book 36, Page 99; Da­ vie Counly Registry. See also Tax Map F-3-13, A, Parcel 39, located in Clarksville Township, Davie County, North Carolina. Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior convey­ ances of record. Said property Is commonly is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations of warranty reialing to the lllle or any physical, environmental, heallh or safely condlllons exist­ ing In, on, at, or reialing to Ihe properly being olfered for sale. This sale Is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any un­ paid land transfer laxes, special assessmenis, easemenls, rights of way, deeds of release, and any olher encumbrances or ex­ ceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of tho undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property Is/are Eric L. Gray and wife, Suzanne L. Gray. An Order tor possession of Ihe property may be Issued pur­ suant to Q.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties In possession by the clerk of superior court of the counly In which the properly Is sold. Any person who occu­ pies the property pursuant to a rental agreemont entered Into or renewed on or aller October 1, 2007, may, aller receiving the no­ tice ol sale, lermlnale Ihe rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice lo the landlord. The notice shall also state that upon lermi­ nalion of a rental agreement, ihe tenant Is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated lo the effective dale ol the termina­ tion. If Ihe truslee is unable to con­ vey lllle to this properly for any reason, Ihe sole remedy of the purchaser Is the relurn of Ihe de- posil. Reasons of such inabliity to convey include, bul are nol llm- lled lo, Ihe filing of a bankruptcy pellllon prior lo Ihe confirmallon of Ihe sale and reinslalemenl of Ihe loan wllhoul the knowledge of the Irustee. If ihe validity of the sale Is challenged by any party, the trustee. In Iheir sols discre­ tion, If Ihey believe Ihe challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sals to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no lurther remedy. Trustee Services ol Carolina, LLC Subslilule Truslee Brock & Scoll, PLLC Attorneys lor Truslee Ser­ vices of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE; (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.;11-12876-FC01 7-5-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY 11 SP 342 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained In lhat certain Deed of Trust execuled by Sleven S Russ and wife, Bev- eriy Russ a/k/a Beverly W. Russ to Vance C. Dalton, Truslee(s), which was dated March 26, 2008 and recorded on March 31, 2008 in Book 752 al Page 359, Davie County Registry, North parolina. Default having been made of Itie I'lole thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the under­ signed, Trustee Services of Caro­ lina, LLC, having been substi­ tuted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said defauli having di­ rected lhat the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Sub- slltule Truslee will olfer for sale al the courthouse door of Ihe counly courthouse where the properly Is localed, or Ihe usual and custom­ ary location at the county court­ house for conducting ihe sale on July 18,2012 al 12:30PM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash Ihe following described property sllualed in Davie Counly, Norih Carolina, to wit: Beginning al a pk nail in the centerline of a branch and SR 1610 (Williams Ropd), being the Soulheasl corner of Ihe herein described Iracl and the Northeast corner of Nora W. Smith (Deed Book 152, page 547); thence with Smilh's Northern line and the righl of way margin of SR 1610 (Williams Road), North 63 deg. 30 min. 16 seo. West 301.02 feel to a pk nail In ihe cenlerilne of ihe road; Ihence continuing wllh the road's right of way. North 65 deg. 22 min. 59 seo. West 71.68 feet to a polnl in Ihe road's cenlerilne; thence continuing North 69 deg. 33 min. 31 sec. West 61.40 feel known as 137 Pepperstone to a polnl In the road's cenlerilne: Drive, Mocksville, NC 27028. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, and the court costs of Forty-Five Cents (45C) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursuant to NCQS 7A-308(a)(1). A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five per­ cent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required al the lime of Ihe sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all Ihe remaining amounls are imme­ diately due and owing. Said prt^erty to be offered Ihence continuing North 75 deg. 28 min. 55 sec. Wesi 52.79 feel to a pk nail In the road's center­ line, being the Southwest cor­ ner of Ihe herein described tract and Ihe Soulheasl corner of Lot No.3 of the Claude F. Williams Esiate; Ihence wllh the Eastern line ol Lot No.3, North 21 deg. 19 min. 38 seo. East 700.91 leet lo an iron in the Northwest cor­ ner of the herein described Iracl and Ihe Northeast corner of Lot No.3; Ihence wllh the Southern line of VIrgll Wyatt (Deed Book 75, page 20 and Deed Book 82, page 45), South 88 deg. 08 min. Iron in the Norlheasl corner of Ihe herein described Iracl and being Ihe Northwest corner of Lot No.5 of Ihe Claude F. Williams Estate; Ihence with the Weslern line ol Lot No.5, Soulh 15 deg. 23 mln. 30 seo. Wesi 869.38 leet to Ihe point and place of beginning, con­ taining 7.88 acres, more or less, as surveyed by Sam P Hall, Pro­ fessional Land Surveyor on Jung 3,1998 (Drawing No. 171 88-3), and being Lot 4 of an unrecorded plal of Ihe Claude R Williams Es­ tate. Subjecl to Ihe rlghl of way ol SR 1610 (Williams Road) and any olher easemenls or restric­ tion ol record. For back lllle see Deed Book 198, Page 224; Deed Book 99, Page 609; Deed Book 26, Page 319; and Deed Book 20, Page 549; Davie Counly Registry. See also Tax Map 1-7, Parcel 1, lo­ caled In Fulton Township, Davie Counly, North Carolina. Save and except any releases, dseds ol release or prior convey­ ances of record. Said property Is commonly known as 385 Williams Road, Mocksville, NC 27028. Third parly purchasers must pay Ihe excise tax, and Ihe court cosls ol Forty-Five Cenls (45c) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursuanl lo NCGS 7A-308(a)(1). A cash deposit (no personal ch.scks) of five per- csnl (5%) ol Ihe purchase price, or Seven Hundred FIfly Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required al the lime of the sale. Following the expiration of Ihe slalulory upset bid period, all the remaining amounls are Imme­ diately due and owing. Said properly to be offered pursuant lo this Notice of Sale Is being'Olfered for sale, transler and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS." There are no representations of warranly relating to Ihe lllle or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions exist­ ing In, on, at, or relating lo the properly being olfered for sale. This sale Is made subject to all prior Hens, unpaid laxes, any un­ paid land transler laxes, special assessmenis, easemenls, righls ol way, deeds ol release, and any other encumbrances or ex- cepllons ol record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property Is/are Steven S. Russ. An Order lor possession ol the properly may be Issued pur­ suanl lo Q.S. 45-21.29 In lavor ol Ihe purchaser and against the party or parlies In possession by Ihe clerk of superior court of Ihe county In which the property Is sold. Any person who occu­ pies Ihe property pursuanl to a rental agreemenl enlered Inlo or renewed on or afler October 1, 2007, may, after receiving Ihe no­ tice of sals, lermlnale the renlal agreement upon 10 days’ written notice 10 Ihe landlord. The nollce shall also state lhal upon lermi- nalioii of a renlal agreemenl, Ihe tenant is liable for rent due under Ihe renlal agreement prorated lo Ihe effective date of the termina­ tion. If the Irustee is unable lo con­ vey lllle 10 this property for any reason, the sole remedy of Ihe purchaser is the return of the de­ posit Reasons of such inability lo convey Include, but are not lim­ ited to, the filing of a bankruptcy pelillon prior to Ihe confirmallon of the sale and reinslalemenl ol Ihe loan wllhoul the knowledge of the Irustee. If the validlly of Ihe sale Is challenged by any party, Ihe trustee. In their sole discre­ tion, If Ihey believe the challenge to have merit, may request Ihe courl to declare the sale to be void and relurn the deposll. The purchaser will have no furlher remedy. Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Truslee Ser­ vices of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE; (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.;11-22602-FC01 7-5-21n NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualllled as Executor ol Ihe Esiate ol BERTIE RUTH SHORE STYERS, late ol Davie County, this is lo nolify all per­ sons, firms and corporations hav­ ing claims against said esiate lo present them lo the undersigned on or belore October 12, 2012, (being three (3) monlhs from the flrsl day ol publicalion ol Ihls no­ llce) or Ihls notice will be pleaded In bar of Iheir recovery. All per­ sons, lirms and corporallons In­ debted lo said esiate will please make immediate payment lo the undersigned. This the 12th day of July, 2012. USA S. STEELMAN PO Box 654 Yadkinville, NC 2755 ■ 7-12<4lp D4 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD,Thursday, July 12,2012 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue ol the power of sale contained In a cer­ tain Deed of Trust made by Derek T. Lawrence and Robin M. Boy­ er to CTO Heal Estate Services, Trustee(s), dated the 23rd day of December, 2(102, and recorded In Bool< 456, Page 851, In Davle County Registry, North Carolina, default fiavlng been made In the payment of the note thereby se­ cured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc, having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an Instru­ ment duly recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Davle County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidsnolng said Indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be fore­ closed, the undersigned Substi-' tute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door In the City of lvlool<8ville, Davle Counly, North Carolina, or the customary loca­ tion designated for foreclosure sales, at 1:45 PM on July 24, 2012 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated In the County of Davie, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows; BEGINNING at an Iron rebar set 1/2” In the line ol Ruth Spill­ man Ogden . (Deed Book 160, Page 880) and the southwestern corner of the within described tract Ihenoe North 03 deg 17 min 30 seo East 204,14 feet to a 1/2" existing Iron rebar Iri the line of Texle G, West (Deed Book 325, Page 176) and the northwest cor­ ner of the wilhin described tract; thence South 88 deg 31 min 49 sec Gast 444.61 feet lo a 1/2" existing Iron rebar; thence South 88 deg 31 min 49 sec East 30.00 feet to a 1/2" existing Iron rsbar at approximate center line ol SR 1426 (Blevins Road) and being the northeast corner of the within described tract; Ihenoe South 00 deg 17 min 17 sec East 84.24 feet to a point at approximate center , line ol SR 1426 (Blevins Road); thence South 04 deg 42 min 03 sec West 120,03 feet to an iron rebar set 1/2" al approximate center line of SR 1426 (Blevins rtoad). and being the southeast corner ol the within described tract, thence North 88 deg 31 min 49 sec East 476.02 feet to the ' place of BEQINl'liNQ, contain­ ing 2.239 acres, more or less, ail ns sot forth In Survey by Ooorge Robert Stone, PLS dated 6 Janu­ ary 2000, Job No. SI 400 and Map No. 814003, Together with Improvomonts located thereon; said property being located at 318 Blevins Road, Yadkinville, North Carolina. Trustee may. In the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in NCGS §45-21.23, Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well os the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant lo this notice of sale is being offered lor sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS, Vi/HERE IS," Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agree­ ment, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attor­ neys, employees, agents or au­ thorized representative of either the Trustee or the holdei< ol the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and,any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing out ol or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this prop­ erty Is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances ol re- , cord and any recorded releases, Said property Is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the pur- : chase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever ; is greater, will be required al the ; time of the sale, ; An order for possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to G.S, 45-21.29 In faVor of the purchaser and against the party or parties In possession by the clerk ! of superior court of the county. In which the property Is sold. Any person, who occupies i the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered Into or re­ newed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the no­ tice of sale, terminate the rental i* . V L E G A L N O T I C E S agreement upon 10 days’ written notice to the landlord. Upon ter­ mination of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent due under the rental agreement pro­ rated to the effective date of the termination. II the trustee Is unable to con­ vey title to this property lor any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser Is the return of the de­ posit. Reasons ol such Inability to convey Include, but are not limited to, the filing ol a bankruptcy peti­ tion prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale Is challenged by any party, the trustee, In their sole discretion. If they pelieve the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no lurther remedy. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COM­ MUNICATION IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, except as stat­ ed below In the Instance ol bank­ ruptcy protection. IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANK­ RUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PURSUANT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT AND FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT IN­ TENDED AS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY POR­ TION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY This 4th day of June, 2012. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY: Attorney at Law Hutchens, Senter, Kel- lam & Pettit, P.A, Attorneys for Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. PO. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 htlps://sales.hsbllrm,com Case No: 1069642 (FC,FAY) 7-12-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 11 SP365 , Under and by virtue of a Pow­ er of Sale contained In that cer­ tain Deed ol Trust executed by Thomas A Burghart to Jackie Mill­ er, Trustee(s), dated December 18, 2009, and recorded In Book 814, Page 1046, Davle County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made In the pay­ ment ol the note, thereby secured by the said Deed ol Trust and the undersigned, having been sub­ stituted as Trustee in said Deed ol Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Office of the Reg­ ister of Deeds of Davle County, North Carolina, and the holder of the note evidencing said Indebt­ edness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustees will offer for sale at the Court­ house Door In Davle County, North Carolina, at 1:15PM on July 24,2012, and will sell to the high­ est bidder for cash the following described property, to wit: BEGINNING at a point In the ■ roadway of State Road 1825, the Northern corner of this triangular shaped parcel; thence South 31 degrees 41 minutes 58 seconds East 296.40 feet to a point In the roadway of said road, the South­ east corner of the old tract line; continuing In the same direction 63.63 feet to a point in said road, the Southeast corner of the par­ cel; thence South 73 degrees 21 minutes 48 seconds West 25,70 feet to a new Iron pin In said road; continuing in the same direction 242.24 feet to a new Iron pin In an old tract line, the Southwest corner of the parcel; thence North 10 degrees 00 minutes 00 sec­ onds East 77.92,feet to a 24 inch Pine tree; continuing in the same direction 14.03 feet to a 20 Inch Pine tree at the Southwest cor­ ner of the old tract line; continu­ ing in the same direction 255.32 feet to a new Iron pin In said road; continuing in the same direction 41,88 feet To THE POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 1.069 acres as sur­ veyed by Tutterow.Surveylng Co, Said parcel is bounded on the East by State Road 182$; on the South and West_by the property of Claude H. Beck as described In Deed Book 20 at page 155 of the Davle County Registry. This description prepared from a map of a survey done by Grady L.’Tut- terow. Registered Land Sur^ieyor, onApril18, lOSit. Note: This included Right of Way on State Road 1825. Said property la commonly known as 148 Houston Road, Mocksville, NC 27028, Third party purchasers.must pay the excise tax, pursuant to N.C.Q.S. 105-228.30, In the amount of One Dollar ($i;pO) per each Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or fractional part there- ol, and the Clerk of Courts lee, pursuant to N.C.G.S. 7A-308, In (he amount ol Forty-live Cents (45) per each One Hundred Dol­ lars ($100.00) or fractional part thereof or F|ve Hundred Dollars ($500.00), whichever Is greater. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the bid; or Seven Hundred Fifty Dol­ lars ($750.00), whichever is great­ er, will be required at the time of the sale and must be tendered In the form of certified funds. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all ihe remaining amounts will be Imme­ diately due and owing. Said prop­ erty to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale Is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance AS IS WHERE IS. There áre no representations of warranty relating to'the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions exist­ ing In, on, at, or relating to the property being olfered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, special assessments, land transfer taxes, II any, and encumbrances of re­ cord. To tho best ol the knowl­ edge and belief of the under­ signed, Ihe current owner(s) of the property Is/are Thomas A Burghart PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: An order lor possession of the prop- ,erty may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the pur- chaser and against Ihe party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county In which the property Is sold. Any person who' occupies the prop­ erty pursuant to a rental agree­ ment entered Into or renewed on or alter October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sala, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 day?’, written notice to the landlord. The notice shall also state that upon termination of a rental agreement, that tenant is li­ able for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the efleci- tive date ol the termination. Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc. Substitute Trustee 1587 Northeast Expressway , Atlanta, GA 30329 (770)234-9181 Our File#: 221.1100458NC/R 7-12-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 12SP144 Under and by virtue of a Pow­ er of Sale contained In that cer­ tain Deed of Trust executed by Ralph S Rowe and Marla J Rowe to Rebecca W Shala, Trustee(s), dated July 13, 2006, and record­ ed In Bool< 670, Page 948, Davle County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made In the payment of the note thereby se­ cured by Ihe said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an instru­ ment duly recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds ot Davie Counly, North Carolina, and the holder of Iho note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trust­ ees will offer for sale at the Court­ house Door In Davie County, North Carolina, at 1:15PM on July Notices DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT lo Horllaoo (or ll'o Blind. Froo 3 Day.Vaoallon, Tnx Doductlbla, Froo Towing, All paperwork Tokon Caro 01.877-7S2-0496, 'Homes For Sale Clemmona aroa, 4S20 IHIdalroam Croasino. RIvorgolo Dovolopinonl. Practically now homo, 132aSqFI,3BR,2,5BA,2- car garago, spacloua alllc abovo garago. Appllancos Ind., custom wood window shadoa^ pallo on back, boaulllul neighborhood, $130k, loan aaoumnblo, 339-99B-0305 201 Diook Dr, Available at ond of July. 3BR, bonus room, large 30' x 40' dolnched garago. Call 33G- ■)92-7SO0fordolall3, Homes For Sale M ini-^Farm Mocksvilla orea, 3 bod* room homo with full basomont, shop building, barn, pond, othor out­buildings, 0 nero mini Inrn) with pnsluro. PRICE REDUCED. Cnll 336-751- 5620 or 330-345-2008 for moro Inlo. Ownor/brokor Land For Sale Just RòducedI Near Mooksvlile* Almost 40 ncros. $275,000. Off Fnrmington Rd. For info.http://www.clare8horo.co m/Farm/Form.html 336-244-2824 slundy®yadtol.net , 'Land For Sale /' VinQINIA- 22 ACRES • Tail hardwoods, siroam, 10 mlnulos from Smith Mountnin Lako.Socludod, ovorrun by wlldllfo. Bring survival rntions • $04,000 • I'll flnanco • low down. 434* 444*5088. Manufàctufêdfü Н о т Ш Ш Ш Ш 3BD 19B9, Total oloclric, Conlral air. Eloctric rango. washor/dryor. Now windows w/storms. Now outsldo doors f potio door. Now rubbor roof. Must bo muvod. Roady to go w/whoots, tiros & oxios. $1,500 cash, 336- 751-3666 LM liesort & Vacetloh Property Noar Ashovlllo, NC. Mountain Chalet on 1.07ac. 2bdrm, 2bath. lg. etono firoplaco, new wall, septic, appllancos and a nice mtn, view. $144,750. Call Now 626*266-1666. Houses For Rent МоокауШе, Furnished IBR collage In country. No pole, $4S0/mo. + dop, + rol. 336-284-4758 F R E E Home Security System! $ 8 5 0 V a l u e ! Call Today, Protect Tomorrow! 1 - 8 6 6 - 9 8 1 - 3 1 0 8 • With $90 Cuitomor Irwiaiintion chatQo ond purchns® ol olatm monltorlna o«rvlcoB. G ProtootMmioiijfcit Your Home W S e i ï Y o ï K G i O l é -Зх hiQlicr pnymonla ' Fron Jiisiiröii Shipp/nö ' 10% Rolorral Clonus Ranked #1 on NBC’s Today Show ‘ O ur bcM Wiis lr*»m S i*ll «!)oUI" ■SnC's The io.hy Shiw Cali to Request a Free Appraisal ( 8 7 7 ) 2 1 6 - 3 3 1 6 Ponate A B oat or C ar Today! B o ^ ^ n g e i "2-Ntflht Free Vacation!" . w w v \ / . b o a t a w f le l. c o wtiVtlMilAUMfUUUH >■ I 24,2012, and will sell to the high­ est bidder lor cash the following described property, to wit: BEING KNOWN and desig­ nated as revised Tax Lot 10.01, being a 1.00 acre tract, on a Re­ combination Survey for Michael P. Delllsanti and wife, fvtargaret Deillsanti, as recorded In Plal Book 8, Page 355, Davle County Registry, to which reference is hereby made for a more par­ ticular description. TOGETHER WITH AN DStJBJECT TO septic system easements set forth DB 322, PQ 836, and In Plat Book 8, Page 355, Davle County Reg­ istry, and sub]ect to a 30 It, ac­ cess easement as set forth In Plat Book 8, page 255 Davle County Registry lo which reference Is hereby made for a more particu­ lar description. SUBJECT TO easements and restrictions of record. FOR BACK TITLE, see DB 322, PQ 836, and DB 177, PG 448, Davle County Registry. See also Tax fvtap H-5, Pci 10.01, lo­ cated In fvlocksvllle Township, Davia County, North Carolina Note; Doris Kathleen Del­ llsanti died In 2006. Said prop­ erty Is commonly known as 277 Harvest Way, Mocksvillo, NC 27028. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, pursuant to N.C.G.S. 105-228.30, In the amount ol One Dollar ($1.00) per each Five Hundred Dollars ($500,00) or Iractlonal part there­ of, and the Clerk of Courts lee, pursuant to N.C.Q.S, 7A-308, In the amount ol Forty-five Cents (45) per each One Hundred Dol­ lars ($100.00) or fractional part thereof or Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), whichever Is greater. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the bid, or Seven Hundred Fifty' Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the time of the sale and must be tendered in the form of certilied lunds. Following the expiration ol the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts will be Immediately due and owing, Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance AS IS WHERE IS. There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safely conditions exist­ ing In, on, al, or relating to Ihe property being offered for sale. This sale is made sub|sct to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, special _ assessments, land transfer taxes,' if any, and encumbrances of re­ cord. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current ownor(s) of the property Is/are Ralph S Rowe. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: An order for possession of the prop­ erty may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of Iho pur­ chaser and against the party or parties In possession by the clerk of superior court of the county In which the property Is sold. Any person who occupies the prop­ erly pursuant to a rental agree­ ment entered Into or renewed on or alter October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days’ written notice to the landlord. The notice shall also state that upon termination of a rental agreement, that tenant Is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the elfec- tlve date of the termination. Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc. Substitute Trustee 1587 Northeast Expressway Atlanta, GA 30329 (770)234-9181 Our File#: 221.1100173NC/R 7-12-21 } Houses For Rent Century 21 IVIad 336-751-5683 2462 US HWVeOIS MOCKSVIIU2BR, 1 BA wllh hoal pump & air. No pels, $600 wllh 2 yr. loaso. $625 wllh 1 yr. lease агаснмишонтоое DR., MOCKSVIUE 3BR, 2BA,' garage. All appliances Including wash oranddiyor, SOOO/mo, Tlrgdoftlio hassle of managlne your rental iroperty? CALL lontury 21 Triad today for delails on flow simple & sifordablo our property manage­ment services are, Call Century 21 TVIad 336-751-2222 and ask forKalhl or Allcla. Century 21 Triad 33e-7S1-55SS Mocksvillo 3Bod/2bath $750/month plus doposit; cuto os a bultoni Rocontly romodolod; call or toxt 336*413*4625 Mockivllle. Mobilo Homo lor ront, 3BR, 1.5BA, on pri­ vato lot. NO pots, S600/mo, -f dop. 330-g09-2100. Mooknille. 2BR. 2.6BA, 2'Car garage, no pots, largo dock. fHust Soo • vory cleoni $600/mo. -f $450 dop. 330-75M438 Premier Realty NC330-09В'Ш7 239 Wllkosboro St, Mockfvllfe 3BR. ISA, $600/mo. lose us Hwy 64 E, Mocksvillo 3BR, 1.58A, $825/mo. 441 Plneviile Rd, Mocksville3BR, 2BA, $650/riio. Call 336-998-0345 3QR, basement, country, remodeled. $899/mo. or can uso ront towards pur* chaso. 704-630*0695 O ffices ’ I Commercial Rentai. BCM Business Park, For sale or loose, 9,000 sq.ft. building, 1500 to 4500 sq ft units. CommorclQl lots for salo or will build to suit tenant. 336*908*3165 Manufactiiredl’i Hom esFo^-Rent\\ Davle County, mobllo homo park, 3BR, 2BA. No pots. Sect. 8 OK. Call 336-576* 2101 or 336*576*5644 Junollon Rd. Davio Co. 3BR, 2BADW. 2 acres $650/mo. -I- dop. No pots. Reí. ñoq. 704*657*5490/ 704*706*1651 ----------T-------------- .Manufuctiired Homes For Rent Mobila hemal for rant, 2 &3 BR. .Shady Aerea МНР, John Crolla Rd., Mociievlllo, HUD accept- od. No pots. Call 336-gOO- 2098 or330-O98-B222 Mockivllle, 2291 Hwy eOlS, 14x00, 3BR, 2BA, apple., heat pump. $500/ mo. + $600 dop. No inside pels. ЗЗв-098-7003 Resort^ Vactloh Rentals YOUR BEACH VACA­TION Is roadyl Ocoanlront, crookfront, privoto llshing plorl Simple and fabulous. Como rolax wllh us. All sizes, all price ranges. Pawleys Island Realty. 000*937*7352. www.paw* (eysl8landrealty.com Autos',. ‘ ;'f .'r'a'f/ We will print 11,000 copies of your car, trucii, boat, motorcycle, pet, furniture ~ even tiie kitchen sink and deliver It to customers' doorsteps - and we'll print it FOUR Thursdays In a row ~ • and you won't believe this part ~ wa’ll also list It for 28 days onllnel ~ ail for the low price of $20 a month. Believe It. Call Classifieds to Advertise 877-751-21201 Chavy 810 Blaier 1994, 4WD. needs work, not running, good tiros and rims $200. Qood title Coll 704-797-8033 Rear step bumper, Chromo Ford pickup (llko now), comploto w/pad, fits 2005* 2008. List $385, OBklng $100 firm. 704-060*2735 lYivel trailer fittoli & swaybare, $350. TrflVOl Irallor tiro & wheol, now, $65. Call Э36-в02-9930 TWO new trailer tires, novor used. 6 ply, LT225/76RI6 $150. Call 704-855-4930 for moro Information. .S e rv ic e D /ra cto ry : Auctions AUCTION-Commorelal cor­ner lot, (Estate, deceased). 4.695 actas. Hwy 401, Loulsburg. NC 27549. July 24, 11AM. Fostert Auclloneera i Real Estate, Inc. 252-7в7-гИ8. NCAFLK8117. foelersauc- tlonoors.com ESTATE AUCTION, Snturday, July 14, 9 o.m. Estate of Botey Lynch (Deceased), 1212 Edge- wood Avo., Burlington, NC. 1835 Seth Thomas Clock, Starling Sliver, Diamond Rings, Qold, Sliver, China, Furniture, Antiques, Old Books, Coins, Art, moro. Visit www.ParkAuctlonRealty.com or www.AuotlonZlp.com, ID# 14226 lor dolalia/pic- lurea, 336-263-3057. NCFAL«8834 RESTAURANT EQUIP­MENT AUCTION • Wednesday, July 11 al 10 a,m. 196 Crawford Road, Stalosvlllo, NC. Walklns, Coolers, Fioozers, Qas Fryers, Ovens, Mixers, Seating, Sllcers, Ico Machines. www.ClassIoAuctlons.com. 704-79l-e826.ncal6479. Financial Services “We oan агам your liailoredn-100% guaranlMil"The Fodoioi Trade Commission says any credit repair company lhal claims to bo able to legally romovo accurate and llmoly inlormetlon Irom your crodlt report Is lylna.Thoro’enooasylix for bad crodlt. II takes time and a conecloua effort lo pay your debts. Learn aboul.managlno credit and debt at llo.gov/ciedll. A mas- sage Irom The Sallabuty Posts Ihe FTC. Inlgilor/eirttrior pilnllng.pressure washing. Decks ileuses & mobile homos. CemanI driveways. Also, builds decl<s or stains existing docks, Froo estl- males, 50 yoars expert* onco.SJS-MMSIS THE DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD : DAVIE-CLEMMONS REACH OVER 29,000 READERS EVERY WEEK! I Thursday, July 12, 2012-so Calliyionday-Friday8AIVI-5 PM TOLL FREE 1 1 7 7 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 2 1 FAX: 704-630-0157 EMAIL; CLASSADS@SALISBURYPOST.COM I Gílvfnó aw|^ somethin A P S -or selling an Item valued at Found a lost pet?. JOG or less. ______ _ ».iT FOR'FREEl4iwiiffA«auÄm«ii»,ctfi»«Ä P IC TU R E A P S Sell your pets, car/truck or stuff with a photo ad & run it for.4 weel<s for $20. Sell your house with a photo ad for $30 for 4 weel<s. VA R P S A LE 10 lines for $10.00 ' 15 lines for $12.00 20 lines for $15.00 Bmpfoyment Oppmtiiñltlés Drivors ATTENTION CDL-A DrIversI Avarltl Is Hiring In Your Area. Great Benefits & Homelime. 4 Months T/T Experience Required - Apply Nowi 888-382-8808, AVERITTcareers.oom. Equal Opportunity Employer. Drivers ATTENTION CDL-A DrIversI Averitt is Hiring In Vour Area. Qreat Benefits & Hometime. 4 Months T/T Experience Required • Apply Nowi 888-382-8608. AVERITTcareers.oom. Equal Opportunity Employer. Driven ATTN: DRIVERS Freight Up ■> More $$$. New Pay Package. New KW Conventionale. 2 Mos CDL Class A Driving Exp. 877-258-8782 Bmployment Opportunities Orfvors Drivers- CDL-A TRUCK DRIVERS NEEDEDI Miles. Equipment, Bonefits. Hazmat Teams Start at 50/cenls mile. Solo Drivers Also Neededl 800-942-2104, ext. 7308 or 7307. www.Drlve4Total,com Drivers Drivers- Choose your hometlme Irom Weekly, 7/ON-7/OFF, 14/Ofi- 7/OFF, Fuii or Part-time. Daily Payl Top EqulpmentI IRequlres 3 months recent experi­ ence. 800-414-9569. www.driveknight.com Employment Opportunities Drivors OWNER OPERA- TORS- Guaranteed minimum 2,700 miles/weeki All miles paid loaded/empty. Class-A CDL & lyr exp. Lease Purchase Program' w/Down Payment Assistance, Fleet Owners Weloome, 866-220- 7845, drlvelor- greatwlde.com Drivo™ .any $2500 SIgn-On SonusI Super Servtee Is hiring solo and team drivers. Great Benefits Package, CDL-A required. Students wilh CDL-Ad welcome. Call 888-441- 9358 or apply online at wwv.8upeis6rvlcello,com Drivers DRIVER- Tango Transport now hiring Regional OTR Team. Top Pay. Plenty ol Miles. Qreat Home Time. Family Medlcay Dental, 401k. Paid Vacations. Call 877- 626-4605 or WWW. drlvefortango.com Drivers Drivers- CDL-A Experienced Drivers. 6 months OTR experi­ ence. starts at 32/cents mile. Up to $5,000 Slgn-On BonusI New student pay and lease pro- graml 877-521-5776. www.usatruck.jobs Drivers Drivers- CDL-A Experienced Drivers. 6 months OTR experi­ ence, starts at 32/cents mile. Up to $5,000 Slgn- On BonusI New student oay and lease programi 677-521-5775, www.usatruck.|ob3 Orlvore Drivers- New Freight lanes in your area. Annual salary $45k to $60k. Flexible home- tlme. Modern Trucks. Qreat Benellts. CDL A, 3 months recent experience. 600-414' 9569. www.dri' veknight.com Drivers Driver’s neededl Receive PTDI oertl- lied, Claes-A CDL training. Accredited school. Pell Grant/Stafford local available. Job place ment. Ql Bill approved, 16+ Contact Jamie 800' 362-2793, ext, 1964 Drivers Drivers/Flatbed Class- A. Get Home WeehendsI SoutheastRegional, Earn up to 39o/ml, 1 year OTR Flatbed Experiencerequired. 600-572' 5469, X227. Sunbelt Transport, LLC, Drivors OTR DRIVERS Start up to .44 cpm. Home most weekends. Flatbed Exp. Prelerred. 600-441- 4271, X N0100, HornadyTransportatIo n,com DrlVflrB OTR/CDL CLASS A DRIVERS- Slnales, Teams, Owner Ops, Multiple Domiciles, Concord, Hope Mills, Myrtle Beach, Atlanta, US/VCanada routes, out time. 1V^o weeke. Call 1-800-869-2434, x16, www.oatoon- cord.com. Good pay, monthly bonus, good benefits. Seles ADVERTISING SALES DIRECTOR- North Carolina Press Services in Raleigh, NC Is looking for a strong, energetic, hard-working sales directorl The NCPS Sales Director is responsible lor overall sales strategy, includ­ing insido and outside sales lor NCPS. The Sales Director targets advertising agencies and individual companies, routinely makes cold calls and scheduled .pitches, maintains call sheets. The Sales Director also produces or oversees production of sales materials and presentations. The Sales Director mar­kets all NCPS products, Irom display to the 2x2,2x4 and classified networks, and makes recommendations on any new products that could be sold. The Sales i Director reports directly to the Executive Director and the lull NCPA-NCPS board ol directors. Newspaperexperience preferred; must have at least I years ol solid sales experience with a portlo- llo ol success stories. Salary commensurate with experience and peilormance.To apply, send an online cover letter, resume and any samples to NCPA Executive Director Beth Grace at beth@ncpress.com. Orlvgra Tanker & Flatbed Independent Contraotorsi Immediate Placement Available. Best oppor- tunilies in the trucidng business. Call Today. 800-277-0212 or www.primeino.com MEMBER SERVICES DIRECTOR- Do you love newspapers? Are you a creative thinker and leader who can build a membership program and lead a team dedicated to helping North Carolina's newspa­ pers stay strong and grow? Are you moti­vated, energetic and a true self-starter? The North Carolina Press Association In Raleigh, NC, Is seek­ ing a hard-working, creative, motivated member services director to oversee conventions, meet­ings, events, contests, publications and pro­ mote the cause ol newspapers. The director oversees a popular editorial con­test and an advertis­ing contest; organizes board meetings, our annual Winter Institute, plus work­ shops serving news­ paper managers, reporters, editors, ad directors and credit managers, and over­ sees compilation of our popular annual member directory. At least live years experi­ ence In meeting/events plan ning or similar expert ence required. Newspaper experi­ence Is a definite plus. NCPA oilers excellent benellts.All cover letters and resumes should be eubmitted online to Executive Director Beth, Grace at bethOnopress.com, No phone calls or paper applloatlons, Employment Opportunities RostmanVFood-Servlco Wendy’s Job Fair Your CarMr Starts Hsrs Wsndy’s In Advancs islooking for smiling faces with great atti tudes and people skills. Competitive wages & benellts, Ilex ibie work schedules strong potential fo promotion from within Apply In person Friday, July 13, 2-7 p.m. at: 147 Hwy 801 Advance. Jobs Wanted Experienced, honest dependable CNA. Will care for elderly or handicapped. Pie, call 336-909-2067 YárdSale Davle County Advance. 237 Redland Road, July 13-July 14 Fri 8am-5pm, Sat Bam-2pm. Estalo TagAtard Solo. Household Itoms and fur­nishings, giasswaro, plus contents ot auto repair chop Including tools, old aorvice manuals, unique fabricated tools, weldor, lawn mowera, loaf vacu­ um. Lots of motor and air- piano magazines dating from 19609 Moekivllla Consignment Unlimited. 200 WNIkosbojo St. July Specials - Kids clothes 76% oil. Rod Tags 50% olf, l^ew Items In thI week. Western & Harley shirts mon & womens. Western bootss, side tables, bar stools & garden flags. Open TUos - Sal. Sk«lgd.Ut»r MILLWORK positions available for earnest, reliable workers. pr(llab Drivers - Class A CDL specified route (minimum 2 yrs exp.) fiflalntenance of DOT records and logs. Clean MVR. Familiarity with routing soft­ ware. Computer skills helpful. Will load and unload as needed. Positions are lull-time with excellent benellts Including a company matched 401 (k) plan. Visit www.reeb.com lor application or visit the Mocksville, NC plant, EOE Drug testing employer, 346 Bethel Church Road Mocksville, NC 27028 Phone: (677) 304-0139x1907 Fax: (336)751-4660 Olhor CALIFORI^IA BOUNDI Quys/Gals to travel USA with coed business group representing major Rock & Roil, Fashion and Sport publl- cationsl Transportation lurnlshed. Must start ASAR 1-888-802-8747, Part Time Job wllh Full Time Benellts. You can receive cash bonus, monthly pay check, lob training, money for technical training or college, travel, health benellts, retirement, and much morel Call now and learn how the National Guard can benellt you and your familyi 1- 800-GO-GUARD. O lhsM tclasslllod Auction Company Reps WANTED. Rogers Realty & Auction Company Is looking for profession­al auction sales repre­ sentatives. Contact Mark Rogers (600) 442-7906 or bmrogers@rogersre- alty.com. Moekivllla. 437 Liberty Church Hoad, Fri., 7/13/12 &Sat., 7/14/12 8am-2pm Meekivllle. 4678 US Hwy 601 N. (near 601/801 Inlorseclion, 2 miles from Yadkin Co. line) Yard Sale, Sal. 7/14, 8am- 2pm. Girla' clothing (Infanl-preteen), womon'a 8l men's clothing. Books, CDs, sofa, reclinar. Lola ol miso. Iloma. Mockivllla, 670 Wood­ ward Rd. 'iSrd Sale. Sat. 7/14, 8am-1pm. Adult & loan name brand clothing, antique baby carriage, roii-away bed, atalnloss sleai Irash can, new In box standing Jewelry armoiro, sewing machine & many other extras, Mookavllle. 873 Deadmon Rd. VSrd Sale. Sal. July 14th, Bam-untli. Name brand girls' & boys' ololhos (8-12), womon's clothing, toys and house­hold misc. 3-Family Yard Sale Barn/Attic Cleanout Mockivllle. 143 Frod Lanier Rd., Sat., 7/14/12 6am*untll. (across from Lako Myors) Purnlturo, household itoms, vacuum cleaner, & much morol Building Equip »Supplies STEEL BUILDINGS lor HOMES & Garages Savo THOUSANDS, LOW monthly Payments, MAKE OFFER on Clearance Ordora 40x60, 30x38,25x30,20x22 Call Nowi 800-991-9251 Nicole. Clothing & Fàob m ar Boys' Unlforms-Slzea 1416. Navy Pants (10) and Red, White. Blue polo shirt (10) $20 Call 704* 213*7963 GIrIt silN 4 thru 16 shorts, loans, skirt, capris $15 takes all 704-637- 0058 Computer problems? Viruses, spywaro, email, printer Issues, bad Inlomel connections - FIX IT NOWI Prolesslonai, U.S.-based technicians. $25 oil sonlco. Coll for Immediate help, 1 883-431-2934. CRT Monitori and HPPrinter, 19 Inch and 17 Inch. $35 for all. 704-433- 2434. DISH Network. Starting ol $19.99/month PLUS 30 Premium Movie Channels FREE for 3 MonthsI SAVEI & Ask About SAME DAY Inslallattonl CALL 888-827- 8038. Motaroycli RadiDCommunicator, 2 now Nandy MRC-11X bike lo biko and passenger Intercom. $75 each or 2 for $140.704-202-0701 24" Sanyo TV w/book & remote $50; Philips VCR/DVD player w/booK & remoto $25, 704-754' 7481 Loavo msg. ,, “Ekerilse;, : .V. & Equipment ' TREADMILL. In groat Shape, eloctric. Asking $150. (704) 636*6080 for more details. Farm ifi u à a j g " ' MANTIS Deluxe Tiller. NEWI FastStart engine. Ships FREE. One-Year Money*Back Guarantee when you buy DIRECT. Call for the DVD and FREE Qood Soil book! 877-747-3083. MANTIS Deluxe Tiller. NEWI FastStart engine. Ships FREE. One-Year Money*Back Guarantee when you tiuy DIRECT. Call lor the DVD and FREE Good Soil book! 877-747- 3083. Food »Produce Canning & Groon Tomatoes $10/25 lb box Dew Drop Farm ЗЭМ92-2849 fum liur« »Appliances Breyltlll dMk, booKcaso & rolling chair. Solid wood, whitewashed stain, Por- foct for home ofilco, $200 obo, 704-209-1450 Cherry FInlih Dbl Bod w/matching bedside labio, chest, & dresser w/ mirror, $400. Call 704-857-1900 Desk Chain, 1 high back and 1 low back, excollent condition. $75 for both. 704-433-2434. Detk,rolltep, 60'. Asking $450. Ploaso call 704-938-7055 after 9am lor more Information. Dlihwiiher, Kanmora Qulatwaih. Used twice. Asking $200. Ploaso call 704-938-7055 after 9am for more Information. Miscellaneous : ForSale Compenlon 3*Whe0)Scooter for salel Well carod for, ono ownor. Asking $500 obo, coll '04*857*2515. Cut AwayPlasma cutting machlna >500. Call 704*431*6367 or moro Information. HbflrglaiB camper shell for salo, fits 2004 Chevrolet long bod. white $400. Coll 704*639*1671 Gantry Crane$500. Call 704*431-8367 for more Information. Golf etubt, four w/bag. $20 oach. Call 704*636* 4230 for moro Informa­ tion. Miscellaneous ForSale Yard salo iloms,numor* ous household items, buy whole lot, make offor. Call for appt. 704-636-0749 100 0/d Country Albums, $100; 50 old country 45’a, $18; 10 cookbooks. $20. Call 336*284*2765 S-OrUWER CHEST $80; full bodframo $15. Ploaso call 704-279*4106 or 704*708*7306 M usic Salei Plano, full sizo, bolge, needs tunoup but plays groat. $150 Call 704*637- 0058 Griuly Edge Sander$500. Call 704-431-8367 for more information. I ttava a five piece wood* on table In excellent con* dition for only $100.00 please coll 704-267-1S60 Nice sleeper sofa, oxcel- Ioni condition $125. Call 704-639*0779 for moro Information. SiMpar lofa, full sizo, ‘great for dorm room, extra bod* room, basement, family room", blue w/triangie design. $150.704-637*5189 ibble and e chair», $95. Ploaso call 704*433* 2700 for more informa* tion. 4plac. ool< vonoor boys bodroom set. Excellent condition. $275. Call 338- 749-8988 Hm Nil! 1982 Andy Grifllth Show ComlC Book. FR-Q cond, complete. Andy, Opie i Aunt Boa photo cover. S75 704-639-0779 Manral Avengan comics #79,86, king-sizo special *2, good-very good cond. $15 lor all 3. Call 704- 639-0779 May The Force BeWHhYou star VVan foosebali table $100. Call 704-642-1827 for delails. Oxy/aca outllt $50; com' pressor $300; bench grinder $50; propane lank/healor $75. Call 704-431-8367. Ptek up camper lop, 62" wide, 78" long, good con­ dition, $35; antique cast Iron laundry heater, $40. Cnll704-830-0517 law naC anlm Rilling Mowar $500 Please Call 704-310-0879 Machinery » Tools Datla 12 1/2 Inch portable pfaner. New. $150; 32 ft. now aluminum ladder w/stabilizer, $300. Call 336*924*6423 s i AHENTION DIABETICS with Medicare. Get a FREE talking meter and diabetic testing supplies at NO COST, plus FREE home deliveryf Best of all, this meter eliminates painful finger pricklngi Call 888*284-9573. ATTENTION SLEEP APNEA SUFFERERS With Medicare. Get FREE CPAP Replacement Suppl/as at NO COST, plus FREE home deliv­ery! Best cl ail, prevent red skin sores and bacte­ ria! infection! Call 877- 763*9842. Push Mowtrs (4)Craftsman. Prices $100, $75. $100, $200, used. Ploase call 704*310 0879 READERS & MUSIC LOVERS. 100 Greatest Novels (audio books) ONLY $99.00 (plus sh.) Includes MP3 Player & Accossorlea. BONUS: 50 Classical Muslo Works & Money Back Guarantee. Call Todayl 1-688*659- 4896 Real Ofd spinning wheel. Com!ote.$150. Piease Caff 336*924*6423 SAVE 65 Percent & Get 2 FREE GIFTS when you order 100 Percent guar­ anteed, delivored-to- the- door Omaha Steaks - Family Value Combo NOW ONLY $40.99. ORDER Today 1- 888- 359-5448 use code 45060TQW or www.OmahaSteaks.conri/ fvc97 WANTED 10 HOMES needing siding, windows or roofs. Save hundreds ol dollars. No money down. Payments from $69/mo. Aii credit accept* ed. Senior/Military dis* counts. 1-866*668*8661. 4-Famlly Yard SaleMocksville. 422 Becktown Road, Fri., 7/13/12 & Sat., 7/14/12 6am*4pm. Push mower, tables, contpuler, stroller, vehi­ cles, rims, doll houso & tons moro! Antiques i Collectibles. Olhor/Not Classllled Business & Tech Application Analyst - Advanced, The University ol North Carolina at Chariotte, ITS BusinessSystems, Position #008003. Apply: https://Job8.unco.eclu by 07/22^12. Salary: $67,922-$63,016, Antique Oak Wash Stand w/Towoi Bar. excellent condition, $300.704-433- 2434. 2007 Kanmore chest Ireezor 7.2, white. Asking $125. Please call 336- 248-2158 , I live ^ a l o n e but I’m never alone. I have L ife A l e r t F o r 9 F R E E b r o c h u r e c a ll: 1 - 8 6 6 - 3 8 7 - 4 1 9 6 DRIVER* Tango Trans­port now hiring Regional OTR Team. Top Pay. Plenty of Miles. Groat Home Tlmo. Family Medical/Dental. 401k. Paid Vacations. Call 877- 826*4605 or www.drlvo- forfango.com Business Opportunities Sat Junior Golf Clubs & Bag, Walter Hagon, 7 Clubs & Putter. $75, 704- 433-2434. I Щ D VD à Video AT&T U-Vorse for just $29.99/mol SAVE when you bundle Intornot-f Phono-fTV and got up to $300 BACK! (select plans). Limited Tlmo. Call Now! 800-361-4843. dig!- talmo|o.com Bundle & Save on your Cable, Internet, Phone & Morel High Speed Internet starting at loss than $20/mo. CALL NOW! 800-296-7409. A SODA/SNACK VEND­ING ROUTEI Machines & Locations, $9k Invest- mont. Finance Available with Excoliont Credit. 1- 600*367-2106, ext. 6077. Instruction I DISH Network. Slanini at $19.99/month PLUI 30 Premium Movie Channels FREE lor 3 MonthsI SAVEI 8; Ask About SAME DAY installatloni CALL 888' 827-8038. SAVE on Cable TV- Internet-Dlgltal Phono. Packages start al $89.99/mo (for 12 months.) Options Irom ALL major service provldora. Call Accellar today lo learn morol CALL I-877-715-4515. Umbar wanted - Pino or hardwood. 5 acrea or moro seloct or door cul. Shaver Wood Producta, Inc. Call 704-278-9291. IWheat pannlei, Buffalo nickels. Mercury dimos S all old coins. Call Bud Hauser, 336-998-8892. Fra* KKIant - 2F calicos white w/multl-color spots,1M orange/tabby color, iltter-tralnod * mousers, 704-754-1348 Free Kittena. 3 rno.old, wormed, llttor trained. Call 704-279-9840 or 704-880-5238 AIR TRAFFIC CON­TROLLER- Train lo become an Air Traffic Controller In a secure governmanl career al FAA approved AT-CTI school. Attend class lo earn your associate degree by training al Aviation Institute of Malntonanco In Chesapeake, VA. Median aalary lops $100,000 (US BLS) wllh experience and full corlllication. Call toll tree (877) 680-1001 lor Information. Hampton University/Aviation Instituta of Maintenance. AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Traln for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid If qualified. Job placement assis­tance. Call Aviation Instituta ol Maintenance. 877.300-9494. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE Irom homo. Medkxil, Business, Criminal Justice, Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial aid II quolillod. SCHEV certilied. Call 888- 8 9 9 - 6 9 1 8 . www,ConluraOnllne,com ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE Irom home. Medicai, Business, Criminal Justice, Hospitality. Job place­ment assistance. Computer available. Financial aid If qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 88-869-6918. www.CenturaOnllne.com DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT to Heritage br Ihe Blind. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All enrork Taken Care 01. 877-752-0496. Lost a Found Found dog, Labradoodie, malo, whito. Artz Rd. area on July 9th. Piease cai! to Wemity 704-807-3893 Free ktttans. 2 male & 3 females approx. 7-6 wks old. To good homes only. 704-27&-1058 Havo Sloop Apnoa? Covered By Medicare? Get CPAP or BiPAP Replacement Supplies at NO COST, plus FREE Home Delivery! O alBl^Sleop »V* h»lp you o*t * rtitfiil nlgtìt»• l««pU.coCftW»p»i1»i*9uUrtyW • Pif* p*rton«iU*d oonMUM V*«» a thep tpnea »pmMMI• rr*« hoTTM Bnt Na-R»k OuanntM C.i// Woiv 4fi(f Qiù/ify ln Mmiiícj rÌ4 F R E E C P A P S U P P L I E S МШ1 Mjw Afi4//cnm ■1.877.763.9842 ’ fflB ifisW m S ircr. R e s M e d B U N D L E & S A V E ! O N DIGITAL SERVICES FOR YO UR HO M E DIGITAL TV H IG H -SPE ED INTERNET ВШМ1рд Equip, Exterior solid wood, olf white french doors, 60x60 Inches. $115. Call 336-749-6968 DIGITAL PHO NE Offer« may t>a avoJIablo now In your wea from Accellof, Inc. for thoM top servlc« provltier«: CHABTEn • VERIZON • AUT • Tim« W«rnirCabl«*Authoi(z«d Retailer ^STARTINQAT * c ä f | / m o . TO FIND OUT MORE CALL TOLL-FREE1-877-715-4515By Aoe*U«r, Ine-, ЯП auU>oi<»Kl rataflvr. Found mala brown lab with a brown collar in the Sells Road area. Call 704-273*6518 Found Siberian Husky on Richfield Rd on July 6th. Caii to Idonlify 704-223-1504 Found: Bright Pink Watch/tlmeploce al Salisbury Mall Cinema. Offico #704-797*0255 Baagte pups. Sweet, full bioodod, well tempered at an awesomo price - $90. Call 704-вЗ»-в299 Coon dogs, 7 weeks old, black and tan, four males, ono fomato. Gold Hill area. Call 704-232*3251. Lost JR^ wfifta small dog- with brown over one eye since late7/4. Morían Park area Answers to •Anger. 631-721-7434 PupplM, Clilliuatiuas. Bom May 23rd. Wormed. Par­ ents on site. $150 each. 336^03-2389 loandw V to «a mvlOM. Citf to ГМ It you qualify HAPPY JACK® Dura- Spot: latest technology in Ilea, tick, mosquito & mito conlrol on dogs. Patented. At Farm, feed & hardware stores. At Southern Stages, www. happyjackinc.com LOST black Nintendo DSI, Rich Park, Mocksville on 4th Of July. Reward if found or info. Ploase call 336*264-2160 Lott Cat. Bfack Femafe. 7-5-12. Kepiey Road, Salisbury, west. Reward 704-6394)145 LOST: Goifcart charger. Left at canivash in Rockwell on Friday 6/29 by mistake. REWARD! 704-279*6793 Do you have a sendee fo provide7 T O A D V E R T I S E C A L LI4t77-751-2m f - D6 - DAVIE COUNTY EN'i'EKl'KISE RECORD, Thursday, July 12,2012 PÍCKLESi t ii A Lasting Faith Bailey’s Chapel Celebrating 100th Anniversary On Sunday Page C1 Ouch Rowan Wins 3 Straight iB Legion Baseball Playoffe Page B1 D A V I E C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I / E ^ H E C O R D B o a r d W r e s t l e s W i t h A l l o w i n g M e m b e r s A T i m e T o S p e a k By Mike Barnhurdt Enterprise Record Be nicc. Worlc together. County commissioner.s were full of advice for eacli otlier on Monday nigiit as they wrestled with the idea of nilowing ench member to speak their jninds nenr thc end of regular meetings. That practice wns abandoned by Carl Humphrey wh(in he be­ came chair, and Keii White has been asking for months that it be re-instated. He made that mtotipn on Mon­ day to add it to ihc agenda. But there was already, a motion and sccond on thc floor to adopt the agenda, said Attorney Ed Vogler, so White's motion was out of line. The agenda was adopted 3-2, with White and Richard Poindexter voting against it. Wliite then mnde a motion to amend the adopted agenda to al­ low commissioners a time to speak. After discussion, it was ad­ opted unanimously. “It ought to be a permanent fea­ ture of'the agenda," White said. “It should not be up to one person to determine if we spenk or not.” Mark Jones said he respected Humphrey’s decision to disallow Please See Comments - Poge 9 N e w S c h o o l B o a r d M e m b e r s T a k e O a t h F e e lin g B lu e Flanked by family members, three new members of the Davie County Board of Education took the oath of office last week. Paul Drechsier, Wendy Horne and Clint Junker were sworn in by Ellen Drechsier, clerk of court and wife of Paul. Soon after, the three took over the seats, plus one, va­ cated by Terry Renegar and Rick Ellis and sat through their first board meeting ns official mem­ bers. Earlier this week, they took the class School Board 101, by the NC School Board Association, in Raleigh. During the board comments por­ tion of the meeting, Horne thanked everyone for attending the meet­ ing, admitted she was caught off guard a little by having to .speak, but said she was privileged and honored to have the opportunity serve the community. Drechsler also said he was "hon­ ored and privileged to be a part of this board.” Please See Oath - Page 4 Summer Concert Series Saturday Markel Summers enjoys picking blueberries at Calahain Farms, a part of the summer The summer concert series sponsored by Historic Downtown Mocks- camp experience at Cornatzer Elementary School. For a story and more photos on the ville continues Saturday from 6:30-8:30 p m. on the square with a DJ Spinning dance music. A group Wobble dance will be part of the pro­ gram. Bring a lawn chair for seating.camp, please turn to page D1. Tube On Down To RiverPark Festival Saturday COOLEEMEE - This place has had a lot of names over the years - Pearson Falls, Fisher’s Ford,The' Shoals and then the Bullhole. Whatever'its name, for more than 2i)0 years it has been a sig­ nificant regional attraction in the Carolina Piedinont. This Saturday, it will be the site for the 3rd Annual Grent Bullhole Duck Race and Festival tliat runs from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. One of Riv- erPark!s two signature events, or­ ganizers aim to have 1,500 rubber ducks in the river for a race thnt begins nt 2. Stej)hnnie Wnller, the park’s events coordinntor, was seen last weekend in front ofthe Mocksville Wal-Mart, selling duck tickets nt $5 each, $25 for a "quack pack” of six or “flocks" for $50. Each duck ticket is numbered, paired with an actual numbered rubber duck, Prizes for the Duck Race; $300 for first; $150 for second nnd $75 for placing third. Tickets will be available until the end of the business day Friday. Outlets in Cooleemee are Village Auto, Town Hall and the Zachary House; in Mocksville, the Cham­ ber of Commerce; and, in Salis­ bury at the LandTrust in the old train depot. On Saturday’s Race Day, tickets can be purchased until 1 p.m. at RiverPark on the Rowan side near the picnic shelter. After that you’ll be just another spectator without a duck in the racé. RiverPark’s newest bonrd mem­ ber is Brnd Waller who took up his duties this yenr. He is coordinnting Cooleemee’s South Yndkin River Tübe Race, a new feature for this year’s festival. The Tube Race will begin at 10 a.m. on the Davie side at the Cooleemee Junction Wild­ life nrea, just down the dirt rond near the rnilroad tracks off Junc­ tion Road. Ending nt the park’s canoe por­ tage just above the dam, the win- ner of this rnce will be nwarded a big trophy with n bull on top nnd $100. Trnnsportntion bnck to the Junction will lenve about from the big picnic shelter at 3:30 p.m. Stephanie, 29, and Brad Wnller, 32, moved to Cooleemee in 2010. Both grew up in Rowan County and grnduated from West Rownn High School. So, when they looked nround to see where they could get involved, RiverPark came up first. Both had been regular Bullhole- goers since childhood. "This is simply a beautiful place—it's unique," snys Stepha­ nie, who spearheaded work on the first Duck Race. She has a snap­ shot of her and her dad on his mo­ torcycle out on the rocks in the old days when she was about 8 year’s old. Brad remembers flrst going to the Bullhole when he was about 13 years old with some friends RiverPark events coordinator, Stephanie Waller, drums up business for Saturday's South Yadkin River tube race and rub- Please See Festlv4l - Page 6 ber duck regatta. 'i I ' T a y l o r S w i f t ’s I n f l u e n c e R u n s D e e p in N a s h v i l l e 2 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 19,2012 Editorial Page NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Tnylor Swift owns this town. Hun­ dreds of girls dress like her and sashay down the sidewalkf imi­ tating the reigning country music princess. Princess, not queen, of course; not while Loretta Lynn draws breath. At the Country Music Hnll of Fame, many of Taylor's shim­ mering concert dresses are on display. Girls and their mothers pressed close to the glass to inspect them. She must be a little thing, judging from the sizes of the dresses. My country music pedigree had stopped with the, denth of Tammy Wynette. But with July 4 falling in midweek, Elizabeth and I skipped out to Nashville for two nights to see the town for the first time. Five miiiutr« after arriving, we went to the Country Music Hall of Fame, not be^.-'use it was first on our list but because it was air-conditioned in i'.iS-degree weather. Elizabeth took my photo beside tlie plaques of iii/ ^irls r- Loretta, Tammy, Dolly and Pntsy. I took hers with Elvii. • • ,'ohnny. Because it was so hot outside, I drank in the museum’s infor­ mation, staying until closing time. We snw the rhinestones and glitter on all the old star’s costumes. Fifty yenrs ngo, male sing­ ers dressed as dudes — Porter Wagoner — and woi^en were often frumpy — Loretta Lynn. These days, the country starlets look like glamor girls while men tind to wenr old cowboy hnts nnd jeans — Trace Adkins — looking like any guy in a bar. We saw Dolly Parton’s penciled original pnge of "Jolene.” the best song ever recorded. The museum also hns several of Merle Haggard’s songs, scribbled on the original paper. We read how the old Tennessee "hillbilly” music long ago went cowboy. Cowboys are sexy and have broader appeal. I was amazed how much Influence tiny Oklahoma has had on country music — with the Dust Bowl migration to California and today with stars Toby Keith and Carrie Underwood. Pretty Taylor Swift, meanwhile, hns introduced country to the teeny-bop generation. Some other impressions of Nashville: • There may be more cowboy hats and boots stores here thnn in Dnilns. The bools nnd lints were glitzed with rhinestones and baubles — not exnctly work clothes. • We didn’t see a trace of the 2010 flood thnt devnstated down­ town Nashville. The town is spotliss, • Visit the Grand Ole Opry once before you die. The nnme "Darius Rucker” meant nothing to me, but women nnd girls rushed the edge of the stage as if he were n rock stnr, which he used to be before "going country.” Fnr from country, Ringo Starr cartie to Nashville as we were leaving. We nlso henrd the exciting bluegrnss bnnd Okl Crow Medicine Show. Little Jim­ my Dicklns, 91, nil 4-feet, 11-Inches of him, nlso performed, dressed in his usual dandy rhinestone regalia. • Nashville honky-tonks are exciting. We drifted in nnd out of bars up nnd down the strip, cntching performnnces of wannabe stars. Some were excellent; some were okay. At hole-ln-tlie-wnll Tootsies Orchid Lounge, the first nmg on the ladder for a num­ ber of today’s stars, a tattooed giri played fiddle with nmnzing skill; We were sardines packed in the can. It took flve minutes for me to worm out — a geezer among 20-somethings. • After complimenting n performer nt the Silver Dollnr Sn- loon, Beveriy "Junior” Hendrlch of the husbnnd;Wife tenm Blair’s West, she gave me a card with her Facebook and website informntion, just In case I was a record producer. • Statues of three U.S. Presidents are on the Inwn of the Ten­ nessee capital, including the crypt of James K. Polk. Also on the capital grounds is a statue of newspaper editor and former Sen. Edward W. Carmack, who was gunned down on the streets of Nashville for something he wrote. He was a racist, even by the standards of his dny. He wnnted the 15th Amendment repenled nnd advocated lynching becnuse it helped control blacks. A law­ yer in town has campaigned for the statue to come down. • At the Nashville farmer’s market, we sampled delicious moonshine cheesecnke made and sold by n fellow nnmed Ran- dy.' • Tennessee’s BIceritenninI Mnll includes a fascinnting Pnth- wny of History, trncing the.stnte’s past. We wnlked the path in the heat of the day, convincing us that a visit to President An­ drew Jackson’s home,The Hermitage, was ill-advised. • The TV show "American Pickers” is based in Nnshville, and our tour bus went by the headquarters. The line outside was more than an hour long in the hot sun. We didn’t get off. - Dwight Sparks p№l>yVMiitetVMteRieni(ipIn The Mail . . . To the editor: I often rend letters to you with which I disngree, but have only responded two or three times in my life. I do feel the need to respond to the letter from the nurse/educators’s letter. Using genernliza/ions, that is taking one incident and using it as n judgment on all, is flnwed rensoning. For every impolite driver I hnve encr untered on the road, I hnve met thousnncls who nre courteous. Fbr every inept pnrent I’ve dealt with, I hnve encountered hundreds who nre wonderful role models fqr their children. As for the younger generation, I find Ihe majori ity to be polite, cnring nnd enger to mnke the world n bette)' place. I assure you thnt far more of our students today stay iii school than did when I was growing up in pre-Worid War li days. As fqr their needing calculators to count (I don’t think they'all have the need), they are only making use of technol^ ogy, something cach of us does every day. \ Idiocy Running Rampant To the editor; After experiencing the idiocy of Ihe design of my riding mower. I’ve decided to write concerning the level being ex­ hibited in today’s worid. First, of the many mowers I’ve used over the yenrs, the current one tops them all in idiotic features. It cuts off if the blade is running when placed into reverse. I’ve tnken cnre of thnt. Second, the left coi-ner of the blade housing had a sharp, squared comer which jammed against every secure object to the left. Corrccted thnt.Third, and most dangerous, when shift­ ing to reverse from the fastest forward speed, the mower al­ most flips me off the seat since It speeds backward at the snme speed. In trying tp nnnlyze why so much of today's equipment is similarly idiotic, I cnme to the conclusion that far too many of today’s designers and engineers have only degrees - taught by hippie professors with no emphasis on common sense, but all emphasis on political correctness. These chnrncters couldn’t ndjiist the chain on their bicycles. Another exnmple is the two 35 mph rond signs on US 601 south of Yndkinvllle. No one I’ve observed pays attention to the idiotic signs. They are placed before two nifty side roads; one of which is gravel. Now just south of these signs Is a major intersection with a caution light with a 45 mph sign. Justified. The only conclusion I cnn come up with is thnt pols or DOT personnel live out these side roads. What a waste of time and money. Ken Hayes L e t t e r s W e lc o m e The Enteiprise Record welcomes letters from its renders on topics of local, state, nntional or international issues. An effort wilt be made to print all letters, provided they are not libelous, vulgar or in poor taste. The editor reserves the right to edit letters for grammar and for spnce. ’ : • All letters should include the nnme and nddress of the writer, Including a signature, A telephone number, not to be published, Is also requested, Please have lettets in the newspaper office no Inter than 4 p.m. Monday of the week to b« published,; Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box, 99, Mocksville,' dav|e3@ centuiylink.net. ‘ ‘ : B e R e s p e c t f u l O f T h o s e N o t L ik e U s And now for the elderiy. Where Is the evidence of patience that the writer longs for? I would rnther older drivers use the good judgment to drive nt n speed that is comfortable for them thnn to try nnd out rnce other drivers. After all, others can pass them. At what nge does one become elderly? Using the fnulty tnc- tlcs of genernlizntions I could sny nfter 97, becnuse my friend nt thnt age cnn out walk nnd out think n lot of 60 yenr olds. I nm 83 nnd I recently drove to St. Simons Islnnd, Gn. with three polite young people (nges 9,12 and 14) without waiting until 9 a.m. to begin. I encountered only polite drivers and, In spite of heavy rain, made the trip safely. It is true that we need to show respect for others as the head­ ing of the letter indicates, but thnt includes being respectful of those who are not always like us. Helen B. Everhart, Clemmons 1 D A V IE C O U N T Y USPS 149-160 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mooksvllle, NC 27028 (336) 751-2120 Published weekly by the Davie Publishing Co. Dwight Sparks.............................Editor/Publisher Robin Snow,....!..........................General Manager Mike Barnhardt............................Managing Editor Ray Tutterow...............................Advertising Director Brian Pitts....................................Sports Editor Mocksville Enterprise Davie Record Cooleemee Journal 1916-1958 1899-1958 1901-1971 Periodicals Postnge Pnid in Mocksville, NC 27028 Subscription Rntes Single Copy, 50 Cents $20 Per Year In Davie; $25 NC; $30 outside N.C. POSTMASTER Send Address Chnnges to: Dnvie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 Beating The Heat Like humans, rabbits also suffered in the re­ cent heat wave. Pam Hunter of iVIocksviiie found her rabbit sitting inside its water dish to beat the heat. DAVIK COUNTY KN'rEKI’RiSl!: RICCORO, ihursday, .fuly 19,2012 - 3 D E C E A S E D E S T A T E A U C T I O N Sunday, July 22 2:pm 2 2 1 n c c a d i l l y D r i v e , W i n s t o n - S a l e m 2 7 1 0 4 ioff Gouniry Club lioar Jonestown intorsocUonl 2:pm: Selling contents of home and 15 stations gym fitness equipment 4:pm: Selling serenity & seclusion. O H /B y the way - did I mention we are throwing in this brick rancher with full basement to bootU View details and photos at: www.peggauction.com <http://www.peggauction.com/> #5098 John C. P e g g Phone: 336-996-4414 DAVIE COUNTY 2011 ASHLEY FURNITURE INDUSTRIES, INC. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND RURAL CENTER ECONOMIC INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ENGINEERING SERVICES Davie Counly Iuls reccivwl nn iiwiiril of liicir Communiiy Dcvtliipmcnl Block Economic Developmcrn Application nnd NC Rural Center Economic Infnislriiclure Grant Applicittion submilled lor FY 2011 funding. Tlic Iwo grants will provide $1,450,200 to assist in providing sewer improvements to Ihe proposed Ashley Furniture industries, Inc. facility to be l(K.iileil nl 916 Ballimon: Road, Advance. Davie County is hereby soliciting pri^snls lo provide engineering services to aid in the Implcracntution of Iho proposed projecl. Persons or firms Interested in submitting a proposal for this service may contact tho James Stockcrt, Deputy Counly Manager, (336) 753-6021 for an information packet which outlines the scope of work for the servicc solicited. All proposals are due by l;00 p.m. on Mondny, July 30, 2012. Davie Counly is im Equal Opportunity Employer. Local, minority, female owned, and smnll businesses nre cncoimiged to submit proposals. Davlc County niservcs the right tu reject any or all proposals. THE 4-DAY SUPER SALE J u l y 2 0 - 2 3 PAINTS & Stains To find a Sherwin-Williams® store near you visit sherwin-wHliams.com or call 1-800-4-SHERWIN. Join us on *Heuil ial«t oniy. Discount (alien off of full ptici. Sale pilcing 01 ottier offitt thil . letuli in great«! tavingt will supersede this offer. Noi vaiiit on previous put chases. Excludes Multi-Puipose ptimef, Mlnwax* Wood Finishes Quarts, Udderi.ipfay equipment and accessodei & gift cards. Other exclusions may apply. See store Of sherwln'wiiuamt^om foi detaUs. V*Ud at Shaiwin-WWUmi ami 5t\am\ft''W«UarMoi>t»at»d ««tpa»n\ More» only. Not valid in Canada. 0 2013 The Stieiwin-Wliliamt Company. PMCVrVMilUiVMtereGtwi) I ■ 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Julyl9,2012 • t Surrounded by her husband and sons, Wendy Horne takes the oath of office.Flanked by his son, Paul Drechsier takes the oath from his wife, Ellen. O a t h ... Continued From Pngc 1 Junker, who will serve six years, ns opposed to fpur for the other two, snid, "I nm humbled to be here and be pnrt of this nnd hnve you guys sitting there stnring nt us," referring to those in rnttendnnce, who Inughed at his comment. Renegar, former chair, nnd Ellis were recognized for their dedication to the bonrd. New chnir Bnrbnrn Owens said of the two, “The onth we took wlien we took office six years, these gentlemnn hnve taken very seriously. They have alwnys taken the high rond nnd represented the citizens and students of Dnvie County well. During their tenure, mnny chnnges hnve taken place. “Each school hns n preschool nt its site, the Enrly College hns opened, the buildings nre being mnintnined, video conferencing Renovation Bids OKd Bids for work nt the Davie County Schools’ administra­ tive offices nnd nt three schools were unnnimously npproved lnst week. Little Diversified Architec- turnl Consulting will head the architecturnl nnd electricnl con­ sulting for HVAC renovations to K building on thc Dnvie High cnmpus for $36,000. Lot­ tery funds will be used for the HVAC project, expected to cost nbout $475,000. Webb Henting & Air of Ad­ vance was the low bidder and was awarded the contrnct to re­ plnce HVAC in the ndministrn­ tive offices. The total bid was $128,027. Angell Pnving of Mocksville wns awarded a paving contrnct for North Dnvie Middle, One of the pnrking lots will be ex­ panded, and the long and high jump nrens will be paved, nt a total cost of nbout $27,032. The other paving project, a pnrking lot expansion at Soulh Dnvie Middle, was nwnrded to AAA Pnving of Kernersville. Thnt bid wns $13,008. begnn, Ellis Middle nnd Centrnl Dnvie opened, they have voted on resolutions by the hundreds, school bonrd policies hnve been updnted, online Driver's Edu­ cntion started...and they have nlways been nbout protecting the classroom for the students, nlwnys mnking sure children come first, nlwnys thinking out of the box, nsking whnt if, nnd they hnve nlways tried to hand the peace sign out, nlways tried to extend the olive branch. Their legncy will live on with us and we wish them great suc­ cess in their future endeavors,” Owens snid Chnd Fuller wns voted vice chnir of the bonrd. Clint Junker takes the oath with his family by his side. Erica Bost questions board of education members about their renovation plans at Davie High School. 2012 NISSAN FRONTIER S V K IN G C A B ItKludex Power Windows, Power Do Locks. Air Conditioning MSRP $21,099 rtctwyll«b>t«$ SOO NMAC $ SOO DiKMnt $ 1.КЮ 5а1в518,9Я 0 2012 NISSAN J U K E M o d t lllO lU Stii.lifi«, Vln«1129B9 S A V I N D A Y S T IT A W I ' " """— " I Vin» «1679 MS№ S2U4S FKtwyRebntt S2/)C0 NMAC i MO Dttcoink S U78 . » * 1 9 , 5 6 7Ofw »t thu price. • Q U A L I T Y C E R T I F I E D P R E O W N E D V E H I C L E S 2012 NISSAN S E N T R A : Model Л2212, Stk.l6eM , V in iT ie sM №Ып1 'sòol $1^00 Ш £ , 2 3 0 M OiM et this prie*. MSRP Ш 2 NISSAN A L T I M A 2 *5 S ÎMStf, $дио Diwwt-; 1 $ 2 ,5 0 0 ,----------ЙП1В0ОТ p è H 8 i8 2 tó Oneatthisprici 2012 NISSAN TITAN CAB МмМШ»}. V iiin O O lM M»? Fict«yR(S|^ VIP* 'IMAC 'Ditcount $ J.U0 S a le ^2 S ,6 2 0 : On*«tthlt|Mric*, 2012 NISSANiM A X I M A 3,5 SV $JÎ,925i ';)Flct«yRibit«fi$3lOOO'’ NMAC' $'S00 iMü9:,9M itti. 1М5Л vin W I3U ‘ LEATHER, SHAKER STEREO, NEW TIRES, r - ....... 06 FORD MUSTANG GT «ERSTEREC STK. «PU IS $18,971 ! 06 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEEtaiHER, NEW TIRES, SUNROOF, UMITtD,sn(.li«7A $11,971 02 DODGE DAKOTA CLUB CAB RT, 5.9 ENGINE, CHROME WHEELS,NEW TIRES STK.IP221BA$8,988 -12,9M -4 9 U OSUDtUACSrSWHITE DIAMOND, TAN UATHER, UKE NEW, Sn<IP2178A_04 NISSAN MAXIMA SLLEATHER, AND LOTS MORE SHC. «800A__________0> NISSAN CUBtCVT AUOYS, VERY ROOMY, OVER 30 MPG, CERTIFIED TO lOOK, STKIPJ197_*M,971 OiACURAMDX wmi NAVIGATION STK. 6570A lOCHSVYMAUBULT STX.IP2J4I---------------------------------------------------------*1S988II NISSAN ALTIMA J.SS ” iIfORD fcsiON $?'FUU. PWR, AUOYS, PWR SEAT STKIP2207_______ lOrORDlSCAPtXlT Sn<IP22J9- -.Ч9М -•16,9л 07 NISSAN MAXIMA SE SUNROOF, AUOYS, BOSE, PURE LUXURY, STKIPJ JI7 06 NISSAN AMUDAU STKI6926A. ■ -»1г9М ot NISSAN AinMAISU ---------------------------------«1ММ -*1S,9U -•И19П -'20ДМ Sn«P2224..09 NISSAN ALTIMA USL^JHE^UN^F, 1-OWNER, low miles, Sn<#P2209 LUXURY RIDE AND FUN TO DRIVE, snt. IP2239 07 NISSAN MOZTOUIUNG loS^MUMWo'a^^^^---^-‘24,971 M B u ia K w a L ^'^ -------------_ . ‘24,9M-‘26,971 .‘17,971 District Court DAVIE COUNi y EM EKl'KISli; KEL'OKU, I liur.sday, July 1У, э I I •i The following cnses were disposed of during Davie Dis­ trict Cbtirt. Presiding; Judge April C. Wood. Prosecuting; Karen Biemacki and Wendy Tetiy, assistant DAs. - Trncy Lynn Bnker, simple assnult, dismissed in the inter­ est of justice) - Billy Scott Beck, second degree trespnss, dismissed nt request of prosecuting witness. - Erica Monique Brown, DWI, sentenced to 60 dnys, suspended 18 months, 24 hours community service, surrender license, not opernte vehicle until licensed, credit' for sub­ stance nbuse assessment/foi- lovv trentment, limited driving privilege/$100 fee, $100, cost; speeding 92 in n 70, dismissed per plen. - Krystnl Nicole Cnudie, misdemennor probntion violn­ tion out of county, probntion 'extended, 48 hours community service, enroll/complete TASC program, $225 attorney fee. - Obie Cole Jr., driving while license revoked^ sentenced to time served. - Tony Lashoy Gndson,' DWI, sentenced to 120 dnys, suspended I8.months,48 hours community scrvice, surrender licehsè, not operate vehicle un­ til licensed, credit for substance nbuse nssessment/follow trent­ ment, do not consume alcohol, submit to testing for nlcohol use, $100, cost, $307.50 nttor- ney fee: no license, reckless, driving-wnntori disregnrd, driv­ ing nfter consuming under age 21, dismissed per plea. - Ryan Emanuel George, misdemeanor probation viola­ tion, possession of probntion revoked, sentenced to 45 dnys, $180; felony possession qf sto­ len goods/property, reduced to misdemeanor possessiori of stolen goods, possession of sto­ len goo^/property, sentenced to 45 dnys; communicating thrents, dismissed per plen. - Tiffnhy B. Lawson, speed­ ing 97 in 'a 70, reduced to Care­ less and reckless driving, $700, cost. - Edwardo Pnlncios, DWI, sentenced to 45 days; speeding 66 in a 55, open container nfter consuming alcohol first, no li­ cense, dismissed per plen. Lisa Stewart Parks, speed­ ing 88 in a 70, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $100, cost; i window tinting violntion, dis- missed, corrected. - Brittnny Sue Shields^ brenk­ ing or entering, sentenced to time served. . - John P. Stoetzel, assnult on ia femnie, communicnting thrents, dismissed, photogrnph- ic evidence not consistent with , victim’s version of events/de- fendnnt’s principle witness re- cnnted nnd snid victim encour­ nged his untrue stntements. - Lindn Gnil Swnim, speed­ ing 67 in n 45, prnyer for judg- S u v e r i o r C o u r t The following cnses wore disposed of during the July 9 session of Dnvie Superior Court. Presiding; Judge Tanya T. Wallace. Prosecuting; Greg ' Brovyn, Rob Taylor, and Wendy Terry, assistant DAs. - Jiicob C. Backstrom, three counts felony brenking or en­ tering n vehicle, sentenced to six to 17 months, suspended , 24 months, nttend school nnd hnve no disciplinnry nctions, 30 hours community service, hnve no contact with victims or Pat­ rick Jenkins, DNA testing, tnke nil required medicntions, no 11- legnl drugs, submit to drug test­ ing nnd curfew, $40 restitution to victim, cost, $300 nttorney fee; two counts misdemeanor larceny, larceny of a flrearm, dismissed per plea. - Rebecca Dawn Booe, two counts misdemennor probntion violation, in complinnce, pro- •• Bation terminated successfully. - Jnbie L. Bullins,, felony attempted larceny, reduced to misdemeanor larceny, sen­ tenced to 45 dnys, suspended 24 months, TASC progrniji for substance abuse nnd nico- hol abuse treatment, submit to regular drug tests, do not don- sume alcohol while on proba­ tion, do not go on premises of Wal Mart, hnve no contnct with Brittany Nnwar, cost, $420 at­ torney fee. - Ryan Emanuel George, ficer, nssnult on n government officinl/employee, dismissed per plen; DWI, sentenced to six months, suspended 24 months, credit for 60 dnys served, obtain substance abuse assessment/ treatment, submit to drug test­ ing, curfew, surrender license, not operate vehicle until li­ censed, J250, cost, $420 attor­ ney fee; possession of schedule II controlled substance, assault on a government officinl/em- ployee, sentenced to six to 17 months to run at expiration of previous sentence, suspended 24 monthsi credit for 60 days, DNA testing. - Herman Myers, assnult on n femnie, sexunl battery, dis­ missed, victim would not coop­ erate with prosecutor. - Billy Brian Perry, failure to report chnnge of nddress, dis­ missed, mnin witness says she was lying about initial informn­ tion. - Margaret Rebeccn Shough, 2 counts obtaining property by false pretense, felony larceny, dismissed per complinnce with deferred prosecution. - Brnndon Robert Spittel, probation viq|ntion, probajion, continued, comply with" all' terms of probntion nnd with drug testing by probntion offi­ cer, submit to drug screen. - Willinm Edmond Vidrine, nbuse of disnbled/elderiy with injury, reduced to assault on a felony Inrceny, sentenced to six to eight montlis, suspended 24 months, hnve no contnct with victim, obtnin ,substnnce nbuse nsscssment/trentment, submit to drug testing while on proba­ tion, $1,031 restitution jointly/ severally with co-defendnnt, DNA testing, cost, $360 nttor- ney fee. - Joshua Shannon Wingo, felony probation violation, sen­ tenced to 10-12 months, seven dnys jnil credit; possession of cense revoked, cost. Appealed, stolen goods/property, sen- Ruben R. Espiriozn, DWI, tenced to eight to 10 nibnths, sentenced to 60 dnys, sus- two dnys jnil credit, DNA test- pended 18 months, 24 hours ment continued, cost. - Lewis Jncob Wyatt, speed­ ing 80 in a 70, prayer for judg­ ment continued, cost. FiillurG to Appear - Raphael, Calloway, failure to wear seat belt. - Either Andrew. Keller Jr., Inrceny of vehicle, breaking and/or entering, Inrceny nfter brenking/entering. - Timothy Edwnrd McGin­ nis, speeding 63 inn 45, driving while license revoked. DW I Court The following cnses were disposed of during Davie DWI court. Presiding; Judge Rod Penry. Prosecuting; Jnmie Lnprnd, assistant DA. - Charies Wesley Birdsong, resisting public officer, found not guilty; DWI, sentenced to 24 months, suspended 18 months, 30 days nctive, surren­ der liccnse, not operate vehicle until licensed, obtain substance abuse assessment/treatment, $500, cost; driving while ii- iicense, not operate vehicle un­ til licensed, credit for substnnce nbuse. nssessment/follow trent­ ment, $100, cost; driviiig left of ccnter, dismissed per plen. - Jnrrett Lee Wallace, DWI, sentenced to 60 dnys, sus­ pended 18 rtionths, 24 hours community service, surrender license, iibt operate vehicle un­ til licensed, credit for substance abuse assessment/follow trent­ ment,$100;cost.;V' - Jon ■ William • Welborn, DWI, sentenced to M days, suspended 18 rnonths,24 hours community service, surrender license,' not operate vehicle until licensed, credit for sub­ stnnce nbuse assessment/follow trentment, $ 100, cost; fnilure to maintnin lnne control, drinking beer/wine while driving, hit/ run lenving scene nfter cnusing property dnmnge, dismissed per plen. - Timothy J. Willlnms, DWI, sentenced to 60 dnys, sus­ pended 18 months, 24 hours community service, surrender license, not operate vehicle un­ til licensed, credit for substance abuse assessment/follow treat­ ment, $100, cost. mg, cost.community scrvice, surrender Where can you find the best selection of pre-owned cars In the area? 11л* B L A C K A U T O M O T I V E G R O U P in S tc r te s v ille 300 Pre-Owned Vehicles In Stock"^ Y O U W A N T E D C A R S P R IC E D R IG H T - B L A C K H A S T H E M ! ! ! misdemeanor probation viola- female, sentenced to 45 days, tion, sentenced to 25 days. ' suspended 24 months, credit - Dnvid Jordan Kirby, break- for substance abuse assess­ ing nnd/or entering, Inrceny, ment/follow trentment, not ns- Are you looking for cars under ^10,Ж 1 sentenced to 10-12 months, DART/New Direction program, DNA testing, cost; breaking and/or entering, larceny after brenking/entering, sentenced to 10-12 months nt expiration of previous sentence. - Tina Anne Leonard, felony probation violntion out of coun­ ty, probntion continued, TASC, pay money owed, comply with nil terms of probation. - Buck Nathnn Manuel, felo­ ny larceny, sentenced to 20-24 months, DNA testing, cost. - Seid Mostafavi, driving while license revoked, failure to heed light/siren, fleeing to elude arrest with motor vehicle, possession with intent to manu­ facture/sell/deliver schedule II controlled substance, posses­ sion of drug paraphernalia, giv­ ing fictitious informntion to of- HarnsPool & Supplies snult/threaten/harass victim, cell phone seized to be returned to riglitful owner, cost. - Brandon Lee Ward, fiee- ing to elude arrest with motor vehicle, reduced to aggressive driving, sentenced to 45 dnys, suspended 24 months, enroll in and complete driver safety course within 90 days, not op­ ernte vehicle for 30 days, $100, cost. - Romi Rnheem White, two counts breaking and/or enter­ ing, sentenced to eight to 10 months, continue in treatment for controlled substance, DNA testing, cost; two counts lar­ ceny after breaking/entering, dismissed per plen. - Rachel Crenson Willlnms, worthless check, dismissed, civil. - Vaiorie Leigh Williams, O down with your p o d credit. 4 " S rSERVE You, We have 46 cars, trucks, SUV’s and vans for under $10,000. P L U S Over 40 late model cars, trucks, SUV’s and vans priced under $15,000. F R E E H i s t o r y C h e c k ^ o n a li ^ v e i i i c i e s . A r e y o u L o o k i n g f o r a C e r t i f i e d C a r ? BLACK HAS THEM!!! Chevrolet • Buick • GMC ClMl«<ClMicab«l>ooltSpa 0|ieii«»l»)d«*№HliMrlÌ4>ÌKeimiil Tommy Huris/Owncr-Ovcr 20 Yrs. Exp. 277 Plcnsanl Acre Dr., Mocksvillc Home 13361284-4817 Business (336) 9094027 S E P A R A T I O N ? D I V O R C E ? *No offico visit required for simplo divorce* Ross Ketner Attorney at Law Family Law sinco 1996 Advanco, NC 336-813-1173 ro3skotnoi@gmoiI,com Y o u m u s t s e e f o r y o u r s e lf . Black Automotive has over 45 2011 & 2012 LOW MILEAGE VEHICLES! - MANY UNDER 20,000 MILES - CHOOSE FROiVI MODELS LIKE; Ford Focus • Ford iVlustang GT • Hyundai Sonata • Nissan IVIaxima Nissan Aitima • Nissan Sentra • iVlitsubishi Eclipse • Chrysler 200 Honda Accord • Honda Civic • Toyota Corolla • Toyota Camry Dodge Charger • Dodge Caliber • Dodge Avenger • Chevy Sonic Chevy Impala • Chevy Malihu and more... ALL PRICED TO SELL! PLUS OVER 35 CARS, TRUCKS, VANS & SUV’S 2009 and 2010 Units avaiiable all with low mileage and ali come with a printed vehicle history report, giving you peace of mind. See Our Complete Inventory at: www.blackbuickgmc.com or www.blackccijr.com CALL US TODAY AT 704-872-7471 OR COME BY 809 SALISBURY RD., STATESVILLE, NC « EXIT49B ■ JUST 2/10 MILE RIGHT OFF 1-77 BLACK A U TO M O T IV E G R O U P I '.'i 6 . DAVIE CpÙNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 19,2012 The Sheets property in the Davie Academy community (left) and the Springer Farm where the Vadl<in and South Yadi<in rivers converge are among properties protected by The LandTrust For Central North Carolina. L e a r n A b o u t L a n d T r u s t A t J u i y 2 6 M e e t i n g Whnt do Cooleemee Pinnta- lion nnd the Springer property hnve in common? Both Dnvie County sites fnll under the protection of the LnndTrust for Central North Cnrolina. The LandTrust also hns advised on the Riverpark at Cooleemee Falls. On Thursday, July 26 Davie County Public Library will host Jason Walser, executive direc- F e s t i v a l ... tor of the LnndTrust. He will shnre information and insights on the work of the LnndTrust in this area, nfter some refresh­ ments nnd a brief reception nt 5:30 p.m. Mnny landowners wish to pnss;down property undisturbed thnt hns given menning to their lives and can give grent joy sat­ isfaction to others. Often, these landowners have important financial or family consider­ ations. l^andTnist professionnls help landowners understand the options - including legal and tax implicntions. Then they de­ termine the best wny lo protect and preserve the property thnt is denr to them. The LandTrust for Centrnl North Carolina was fomially organized in 1995 as nn off­ shoot of the Yndkin-Pee Dee Lnkes Project. The founding bonrd of directors snw the need for a land conservation organi­ zation to compliment the sus- tainnble development work of the Project. Later thnt year the Cooleemee Plantation became tho first property protected through the use of a conserva­ tion easement. In 2001, Walser came on bonrd. Since then,the LnndTnist hns crossed mnny thresholds. In late 2004, tiie lO.OOOtli ncrc wns protected. Staff nnd board members hnve refined the orga­ nization's focus to place n mn- jor emphnsis on the Two Riv­ ers Preserve nlong the Yadkin and South Yadkin rivers, and the Uwharric Moiuitain region. Additionally, the protection of working farm lands' has contin­ ued throughout the ten-county region (Anson, Cabamis, Da­ vidson, Davic, Iredell, Mont­ gomery, Randolph, Richmond, Rownn and Sinnly). The 2012 LandTrust annual meeting wns held nt the newly protected Springer Fnrm.Guests enjoyed n hnyride and tour, of the Springer property, located at the heart of Two Rivers Pre­ serve, where the Yadkin and South Yadkin rivers converge. Continued From Page 1 who could drive. "I spent two summers down there fishing with my cousin,” he said. Now, Waller thinks the plnce'^ hns changed for the better. Their son, Waylon, is ,6 and their daughter, Cheyenne, is 3 and they are practically growing up at Cooleemee’s "Beach.” “ Il is great that women feel comfortable coming come down here now and bring­ ing their children without uny fears," says Waller He snys he took a, seat on the RiverPark board beci\use he wants this to continue and grow. "Already, people are coming from all over the region. Last Weekend, I met a family that cnnie all the wny from Durhnm just’to enjoy our river ns n dny trip. Word is getting out.” Wnller hns enough confix dence in the pnrk’s future thnt he hns established “Hot Digity Dogs,” investing in a profes­ sional vendor cart thnt includes n place to wnsh your hands be­ fore enting. RiverPark hnd been trying for three yenrs to contrnct with someone to sell drinks nnd hotdogs nnd Waller now pays the park a fee to do just thnt. If the Tube Rnce is n hit, the park is considering setting up A tube rental concession.. The Wallers nre among . a new generation of young, en­ ergetic Cooleemee lenders who are writing a new page in Cool­ eemee history. Former mayor John Chandler is heartened by the emergence of this younger group that is giving of them­ selves to tho community. "RiverPnrk is n splendid piece of God’s Crcntion,” says Chandler, who was a found­ ing member of the "R^ver Task Force” formed to build the na­ ture park in 1999. “ It needs a hew genenition to become its stewards.” Proceeds from July 21 ac­ tivities wilt be spent to keep RiverPark open, clean and safe. Thnt’s the bnseline from which pnrk lenders believe they cnn find the right time to begin n mnjor fund rnising effort to complete Phase II oh the Davie County side. Mnny in Cool­ eemee are looking forwnrd to thnt pedestrian bridge thnt will make the Bullhole just nn easy wnlk nwny. When the neuos o f serious illness touches yon . . . helpy hope and support are only a phone call away. ^ Hospice & Palliative “> CARECENTER E m b r a c i n g \ i O V ^ 336-753-02 1 2 or 1 -888-876-3663 www.hospicecarecenter.org Brad Waller seiis hotdogs, drini<s and snaci<s from his cart at RiverPari< at Cool­ eemee Fails - The Bullhole. I ■'I.‘I I - 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, July 19,2012 Public Records Marriages The following were issued marringe licenses by the Dnvie Register of Deeds. - Nicholits Bi^ce Woodinng, 36, nnd Angela Lynn Myers, 47, of Mocksville. - Gary Lee Wnrzun, 42, of Michigan, and Lisn Kay Ken- nington Tnylor, 38, of Mocks­ ville. - Jason Andrew Correll, 34, and Tamrii Jade Tate, 26, of Mocksville. - WilUftm Sidticy Luther Trivette, 30, of Virginia, and Rachel Marie Burriss, 28, of ' Advance. - Derek Jeffrey Cornelius, 24, of Enst Bend, nnd Knrlie . Elizabeth Beamer, 22, of Boon­ ville. - Christopher Taylor Evans, 42, of Mocksville, and Tammy Renn Hnll, 43, of Advnnce. - Jacinto Qusman Znmorn, 49, and Casimira Martinez Dominguez, 47, of Winston- Salem. - Ricky Allen Cnudill,' SO, and Patricia Anne Boulding, 55, of Cooleemee. - Scott Martin Burris, 30, and Suzanna Oidley Ritz', 25, of New Orleans. - Eustorgio Alonso Ve­ lazquez, 28, and Azucena Na­ varro Perez, 24, of Advance. - Otto Hinz, 35, nnd Albania Martinez De Jimenez, 31, of Mocksville. - William Michael Anderson, 20, and Nancy Elizabeth Alex­ ander, 20, both of Mocksville. Civil Lawsuits The following civil lawsuits were filed with the Davie Clerk of Court. - Riverview Townhouses vs. Mnrin Carolina Ferguson, com­ plaint in summary ejectment. - Kerri Elizabeth Humphrey vs. Matthew Rynn Holt, domes­ tic violence protective order. - Patricia Ann Stoetzel vs. John Frederick Stoetzel, do­ mestic violence protective or­ der. - Trina Lynn Doby vs. Timo­ thy D. Harmon, custody. - Tiffany Vandall vs. Ray Irvan Strong Jr., domestic vio­ lence protective order. - Kristen West vs. Jeremy West, domestic violence pro­ tective order. - State Employees Credit Union vs. William D. Whaley and Deborah C. Whaley, con­ fession of judgment. - Discover Bank vs. Sue Lnne, collection on account, $2,139.71. - Davie Social Services vs. Cornelius J. Ellis, child sup­ port. - Dnvie Socinl Services vs. Michnel L. Cline, child sup­ port. - Davie Social Services vs. Joshua C. Reeves, child sup- . port. - Davie Social Services vs. Aaron B. Harrison, child sup­ port. ^ - Davie Social Services vs. Anthony W. Carter, child sup­ port. - Portfolio Recovery Associ­ ates vs. Lnwrence Hilton, col­ lection bn nccount, $844.84. - Stephen Lftwson vs. Alicia Marie Lawson, domestic vio­ lence protective order. - Bradley Foster vs. Eddie Foster, no contact order. - Jimmy Foster vs. Eddie Foster, no contact order. - Portfolio Recovery Associ­ ates vs. Tabitha Blackwell, col­ lection on account, $3,438.79. ■ - Citibank vs. Jean L. South­ ern, collection on account, $1,753.07. - Citibank vs. Jean L. South­ ern, collection on account, $8,952.69. “• Cassandra Ernesta Foote Scales vs. Alvin Louis Seales, divorce. - Luis Alberto Lopez-Parrilla vs. Rosa Mirian Alvarengn Lo- pez,'divorce,equitable distribu­ tion. - Davie Socinl Services vs. Robert W. Bruce, child sup­ port. - Davie Social Services vs. Shalia B. Harris, child support. - Davie Social Services vs. Andrew D. Harris, child sup­ port. - Ford Motor Credit vs. Em­ ily W. Gurley and Donnie L. Beaver,collection on account, .$5227.78. - Ally Financial vs. Christina E, Hodges, collection on nc­ count, $6,701.60.' - Davie Social Services vs. Adam L. Buckinger, child sup­ port. - Davie Social Services vs. Normn E. Gomez, child sup­ port. - Discover Bank vs. Roger D. Smith, collection on account, $1,551.20. - Discover Bank vs. Kenneth T. Gantt, collection on account, $1,871.34. - Discover Bank vs. Chris­ tine Rector, collection on ac­ count, $13,478. - Davie Social Services vs. Anthony A. Wilson, child sup­ port. - Discover Bank vs. Mildred Newhouse, collection on ac­ count, $6,413.27. - Elizabeth Sain Pitts vs. Christopher Aaron Pitts, di­ vorce. - Jose Angel Guardado vs. Carrignn Guardado, custody. - Patricia Gale Harbin Draughn, vs. Wayne Martin Draughn Jr., child support, di- L o c a l l y O r o w n , H y d ir o p o n lt s T o m a t o e s Sweet Corn, Cantefopes, Cucumbers & other Fresh Produce also available, ^ - D ew Drop Farni:> 302 Foster Road, Mocksviiie (ro!ierR.l.lliuunfniiJicHJ. In Wcslem Davlc Coun(y) Open Wed. through Rti. Noon-5pm and Sat. 8 am-noon | Call For DIrecllons (336) 492»2849 il M a k e S p la s h i n y o t i r N e w A p a r t m e n t this Summer. Call fo r Sum m er M ove-In speciak N o r t h w o o d A p a r t m e n t s 800 Northridge Court (off MiUing Rd) 1-888-902-9679 vorce. - Felecia Irene Lewis vs. Winfred Sean Welch, custody. - Ford Motor Credit vs. Wil­ bur Blnckwell, collection on account, $4119.09. - Davie Social Services vs. Daniel H. Creager, child sup­ port. - Sue Peoples Holleman vs. Joann S. McBride, money owed. Arrests The Davie County Sheriff’s Department made the following arrests: - Huynh Trong Ngo, 44, of Winston-Salem was arrestedJuly 5 for DWI, misdemeanor child abuse, and child not in rear seat. Trial dote: Aug. 16. - Robert William Hardy, 35, of Sain Road, Mocksville was arrested July 5 for failure to np­ pear. Trial date: Aug. 2. - Dana Lynn Morris, 54, of Belmont was arrested July 6 for solicitation of contributions act and fnilure to return rental property. Trial date; Aug. 2 in Gaston .County. - Chloe Elizabeth Wood, 22, of Jasmine Lane, Mocksville was arrested July 6 fcir failure to appear. Trial date: Aug. 2. - Elmer Andrew Keller, 38, of Winston-Salem was arrestedJuly 6 for larceny of motor vehicle, brenking/entering, and larceny after breaking/entering. Trial date: July 12. -Haden McKinley Smith,20, of Westridge Drive, Advance was arrested July 6 for assault inflicting serious bodily injury. Trial date: July 26. - Craig Garrett Smith, 27, of Mountview Drive, Mocksville was arrested July 6 for failure to appear. Trial date: Aug. I in Forsyth County. - Donald Jamaine Turner, 37, of Charlotte was arrested July 6 forchild support.Trial date: July 17 in Rowan County. - Isaac Williams Jr., 43, of Pineville Road, Mocksville was arrested July 8 for failure to pay monies. Trial date: Aug. 10 in Yadkin County. -Jonathan Marshall Beck, 19, of Caswell, Virginia was arrested July 9 for injury to renl property. Trial date; Sept. 13. - Michael Ray Cooke, 38, of Pfafftown was arrested July 9 for violation of pretrial release. Trial date; July 9. - Mark John Ranney, 45, of US 158, Mocksville was arrested July 10 for domestic violencis protection order viola- tion.Trialdate:Aug. Win Yadkin County. - Danny Ray Miller, 29, of Cedar Grove Church Rond, Mocksville was arrestedJuly 10 for failure to appear. Trial date: July 26 in Cabarrus County. - Cody Lee Roberts, 20, of Millers Creek was arrested July 10 for assault. Trial date; Aug. 30. - Michael Lee Lnwrence, 45, of Stoneybrook Trnil, Mocks­ ville wns nrrested July 11 for trespassing. Trial date: July 26 in Davidson County. Siieriff’s Department Tlie following incidents were reported to the Davie County Sheriff’s Department. - On July 11 larceny was reported at a home on Milling Road, Mocksville. - A break-in of n motor ve­ hicle and larceny were reported at a home on Canyon Road, Mocksville on July 11. - On July 11 the larceny of a dirt bike was reported at a home on US 601 South, Mocksville, - Larceny was reported at B L A C K . '^B U IC K C3 M C r ! и"7Ш Г 1 a home on Gladstone Road, Mocksville on July 11. - On July 11 identity theft was reported at a home on Fos- tall Drive, Mocksville. - Larceny was reported at a home on Kennen Krest Road, Mocksvilleon July 11. - On July 12 an assault on a female was reported at a home on KIngsmlll Drive, Advance. - An assault was reported at a home on Cornatzer Road, Mocksville on July 12. - On July 12 larceny was reported at a location on Farm­ ington Road, Mocksville. - Larceny was reported at an office building on Medical Drive, Advance on July 12. - On July 12 larceny was reported at an office building on Grey Sheeks Road, Advance. - Larceny was reported at a home on Alamosa Drive, Ad­ vance on July 12. - On July 12 an assault on a female was reported at a home on Riverbend Drive, Advance. - An assault on a female was reported at a home on Kitigsmill Drive, Advonce on July 12. - On July 13 vandalism was reported at a home on Delanos Way, Mocksville, - The break-in of a motor vehicle and larceny of a firearm were reported at a parking lot on Salisbury Road, Mocksville on July 13, - On July 13 larceny was reported at a retail establishment on US 158, Advance. - An assault on a female was reported at a home on Hownrdtown Road, Advance on July 14. - On July 14 larceny was reported at a retail establishment on Snlisbury Rond, Mocks­ ville. - Lnrceny wns reported nt a home on Legion Hut Road, Mocksville on July 15. - On July IS trespassing nnd damage to property were re­ ported at a home on Todd Road, Advance. - Larceny wns reported at a church on Beauchamp Road, Advance on July 15. Land Transfers The following land transfers were filed with the Davie Reg­ ister of Deeds, listed by pnrties involved, acreage, township, and deed stamps purchased with $2 representing $1,000. - Bobby Gray Brannock and Ruth J. Brannock to Darren Crotts nnd Kimberly Crotts, 6 lots, Mocksville, $340. - Tnmnrn A. Fleming, substi­ tute tnistee to W. Joseph Burns, trustee for Debbie S. Prnchel,' .9 ncre $66. - Grndy L Ingle, substitute trustee to S(eve Lnkey, 1 ncre, $245. - Barry Wnyne Holt and Mary Katherine Holt to Philip Allen lyey and Sonja Carter Ivey, 1 lot, $300. Scott R. Levesque to Jeanne S. Broadway, 7.07 acres, Clarksville, $185. - MTA Group to Carmen Ma­ rie Minor, .7i acre,$217. ' - Thomas M. King, ехесц- tor of estnte of Joe H. King to Thomns M. King and Susan King, 3 tracts, Farmington, $88. - Grady I. Ingle, substitute tnistee to Wells Fargo Bank, 1 lot, Mocksville, $188. • - Ascuncion O. Martinez and Jennifer Hullet Martinez to Robert Alvin Hullett Sr. and Susan Garris Hullet, 1 lot, Mocksville, $254. - Robert E. Lagle and Linsa S. Lagle to Deborah Lagle Jones, 10.06 ncres, Jerusnlem. ШЖШ * Grady L. McClamrock Jr., estnte commissioner to Lucio Tnvern Grnnndero, I lot, Jeru­ snlem, $25. - Secretnry of Housing nnd Urban Development' to Mat­ thew Pete Burchette, 1 lot, Mocksville. - Willinm H. Joyner nnd Peggy A. Joyner to Michael Bledsoe, .83 acre, Clarksville, $112. - Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to Joiin Hutchens Koontz, I lot. ' - Shannon S. Yost and Cory Yost to Dagoberto Hernandez and Monica M. Hernandez, 1 lot, Jerusalem. - Rogers, Townsend and Thomas, substitute trustee to Secretary of Housing and Ur­ ban Development, 9 lots. - Elizabeth Williams Foster to David Eli Williams, 29 acres, Mocksville, $6. - William F. Cote and Sheila M. Cote to Brian K. Ward and Robin E. Ward, 2 tracts, $580. - Sallle R. Perkins to Grout Family Properties, 4 acres, $126. - Bert Michael Tribble and Sheila Fry Tribble to Lillie Mae Wooten Fry, 2 tracts, Mocks­ ville, $306. - CJ. Ramey, attorney in fact for Oak Valley Associates, Ridge Run Properties sand Oak Valley Properties to Isenhour Homes, I lot, Farmington, $110. - Michael S. Buchanan and Sara S. Buchanan to Matthew E. Farabaugh and Marisa A. Fnrabaugh, 1 lot, Farmington, $344. - Timothy В. Nestor to Chris­ topher M. Miles and Dawn N. Miles, 2 tracts, $946. - Darrell W. Donohue to James C. Goodin Jr. and Bnrbn- rn P. Goodin, 1 lot, Mocksvillc, $265. - Thomns C. Campbell and Dónese С. Campbell to David Joseph Ferraro Sr. and Sanders Haste Fen-aro, 5 acres, Farm­ ington, $1,050. - The Caudle Law Firm, sub­ stitute trustee to US Bnnk Nn- tional Association, 1.9 acres. Shady Grove, $184. - Jimmy Dale Swaim to Shelley Jo Swaim, 12.84 acres. Shady Grove. - David Joseph Harris and Susan H. Harris, Ronnie Ste­ ven Harris and Helen H. Har­ ris, Judy Harris Spillman nnd Arthur C. Spillman, Fi-ederick Alan Harris, Marilyn Harris Pierce and Richard E. Pierce to Judy Harris Spillman and Arthur C. Spillman, I tract, Clarksville. - Sarah Hege Seaford to Ste­ ven F. Ridenhour and Sherrie S. Ridenhour, 1.02 acres. - Sarah Hege Seaford to Ste­ ven F, Ridenhour and Sherrie S. Ridenhour, 7.1 acres. - Adams Egloff Avant Prop­ erties to Patrick Tri Hguyen nnd Kim Thuy Thi Nguyn, 1 unit, Farmington, $394. - D.R. Horton Inc. to Kyle B. Drum and Angela Fox Drum, 1 lot, Farmington, $579. - Susan Blackmore Hannah and Robert Hnnnah, Mnrthn Blackmore Atwood, Willinm F. Blnckmore Jr. and Ellznbeth White, Ina Blackmore Kamenz and Donald Kamenz (l/5th in­ terest each) to Alice Blackmore Hicks, 41.58 acres, $167. - Mary Luceiile Benton Gibbs and Ron Gibbs, Don Benton, Rebecca Benton Boeschel and Bob Boeschel, and Amy Ben­ ton Ritchie and Cliff Ritchie to Alice Blackmore Hicks and James B. Hicks, 41.58 ncres, Mocksville, $208. - Robert L. Ellis and Sherry 809 Salisbury R d Statesville, NC 28677< B la c k b u ic k g m C .C O m O VER 2 5 0 P R E -O W N E D V E H IC LE S !! FR E E H IS TO R Y C H E C K !! IVIA N Y B E TW E E N 3 1 0 ,0 0 0 A N D $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 !! Albert Ellis to Kathleen O'Mara Ellis, 1.27 acres, Fulton, $290. - Jerry Eugene Tullock and Lavonda Wilson Tullock to Ronald Charies Wilcox Sr. and Frances Nixon Wilcox, I..52 acres, Mocksville, $270. . - Thomns F. Cocks and Con­ nie J. Cocks, and Elizabeth P. Adams to Thomns F. Cocks nnd Ellznbeth P. Adnms, 1 lot, Fnrmington. - Teresn Hofstetter nnd Pat­ rick Hofstetter to R. Keith Cnrter, 13.5 lots. - Clifford W. Hownrd to Jnmes Willard Stone 11,1 lot. Moclcsville Police The following incidents were reported to the Mocksville Po­ lice Department. - The larceny of n cell phone from a residence on Crestview Drive was reported July 9. - A trespasser wns reported on property on Carolina Street on July 5. ■■ - A disturbance wns reported July 5 nt n residence on Sunset Drive. - A womnn who hnd been reported missing wns found on July 5 in an altered mentnl state in the Walmart parking lot. - A disturbance was reported July 5 in the parking lot of Sun­ set Apartments. - A Nintendo DSI was lost at the fireworks at Rich Park on July 4. - Windows to a house and car off Milling Rond were dnm- aged, it was reported July 11. - The brenking, entering nnd Inrceny from n vehicle pnrked off Vnlley Rond of gold-colored teeth grills, unemployment nnd Food Stnmp cnrds and a driver’s license wns reported July 7. - The Inrceny of n white gold Linde stnr sapphire ring from n unit nt Sunset Apnrtments wns reported July 10. - Clerks at two convenience stores reported July ■ 10 they were the victims of a monoy- changlng film-fiam. - The breaking entering and larceny of Mariboro cigarettes, Advil, l^lenol and antibiotics was reported from a residence on Client Street on July 6. - A trespasser wns reported at a residence on Yadkinville Rond on July 12. - The larceny of a phone cnrd from Dollar General on Yadk­ inville Road was reported July 11. - The Inrceny of n $20 bill from Bojnngles, Yadkinville Road, was reported July 14. - A man reported July 5 his lost debit cnrd hnd been used several times in Mocksville. - A counterfeit $10 bill was found at KFC on Yadkinville Rond on July 4. . - A disturbnnce was reported July 3 on Wilhaven Drive. - A disturbance was reported July 1 at n residence on Enst Depot Street. Arrests - Dennis Dnle Grny II, 41, of Woodward Road, wns chnrged July 3 with Inrceny. He is nc- cused of tnking n drill from Lowe’s Home Improvement. - Dnnn Lynn Morris, 54, of Belmont, was charged July 6 with failure to return rental property. Trial date; Aug. 2. TVafflc Accidents - A Mocksville man wns cited for failing to reduce speed nfter n wreck on Interstnte Drive nt 8:29 p.m. July 13, Dylan Wayne Stumbo, 20, of Richie Road, wns driving n 2000 Dodge thnt went off the road to the road, down an embankment, reported Officer Mac Parker. He estimnted the cnr wns trnvellng at 60 mph in the 45 mph zone. - No charges were filed after n wreck on Lexington Road nt 2:24 p.m! July 11. Corey Pondector Foote, 43, of Mnrconi Street, wns driv­ ing a 2005 Ford and became dizzy, nnd the car went off the road to the left and hit a power pole and concrete wall. He was tnken to Dnvie County Hospitnl for trentment of injuries. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 19,2012 - V G r a n d J u r y I s s u e s I n d i c t m e n t s O n J u l y 9 The following were indicted by a Davie grnnd jury July 9. - Pnul Andrew Bnrrier, break­ ing/entering, larceny pursuant to brenking/entering. - Ronnid Louis Boles, sex of­ fender on child premises. - Jnmes Michnel Cole, 7 counts brenking/entering ve­ hicle, 8 counts Inrceny. - Andren Tremaine Dalton, brenking/entering, larceny, breaking/entering vehicle, mis- demeanor larceny, second de­ gree kidnapping, safecracking. - William Rny Doby, posses­ sion of firenrm by n convicted felon. - Derek Wnyne Englert, 3 counts brenking/entering, Inrce­ ny, 2 counts conspiracy to com­ mit breaking/entering, 2 counts conspirncy to commit robbery with a dangerous weapon, 3 counts second degree kidnap­ ping, first degree burglary, rob- C o m m e n t s ... Continued From Page 1 commissioner comments be­ cause Ihey had become so “ acidic and vitiolic.” "It was a negative for the county and a negative for this board.” But, Jones said, commis­ sioners should be allowed to speak. "We need to open our meet­ ings and allow discussion. We ought to nllow the elected commissioners to speak.” He encouraged fellow board mem­ bers to use the time to be posi­ tive and not a time to browbeat fellow commissioners. Robert Wisecarver said he was willing to try the comments section, but would vote to disal­ low It again If comments were made attacking individuals or commissioners. Humphrey, who was the tar­ get of many of those past com­ ments, was pessimistic. "I’m very uncomfortable with this,” Humphrey said. “ 1 don’t think it will fly. It had gotten totally out of control ... almost to name calling.” He suggested somo commis­ sioners used the time to appeal ^ to special interest groups, when their discussions and comments should be made for all of the people of Davie County. Richard Poindexter said the right to speak doesn’t stop with commissioners. "Eveiy person in this county should have that right.” And They Speak When It came time for the commissioners to speak, most of the time was spent thank­ ing employees and groups and bragging about the positive things. Humphrey started it by ask­ ing Poindexter to go first, say­ ing that he had always com­ plained about being the last lo speak. Poindexter laughed. "I was alwnys first,” he said. He went on to thank board members for approving a pay increase for employees, whom he praised for their work ethic. Wisecarver thanked the residents, who nearly filled Ihe meeting room, for attending. "We are the elected officinis nnd we try to put our differenc­ es nside nnd mnke decisions for the best (of nil of the county).” While nnmed mnny pnst chairs of the board. "The job does not come with an instnic- tion booklet. I do believe re­ spect, humility and gracious­ ness nre qunlities we hnve to embrnce. It is importnnt wc fo­ cus on doing the right thing. Wc don’t hnve to ngree. If it gets to n point thnt we nre not listening and being respectful, it’s going to bo hard to get much done working together.” • bery wilh a dangerous weapon. - Dillon Randall Englert, flrst degree burglary, robbeiy with n dnngerouis weapon, conspiracy to commit robbery with a dan­ gerous weapon, second degree kidnapping. - Marcus Antonio Gadson, statutory rape of. a person who is 13,14, or 15 years old. - Keot’e Griffin, breaking/ entering, Inrceny, brenking/ entering vehicle, misdemeanor Jones listed the positive things happening - such ns the crenllon of jobs, recrentlon pos­ sibilities, the accomplishments of youth sports tenms nnd more. "Grent and major wonderful .things nre going to hnppen in Dnvie County.” Humphrey nlso thnnked the nudlence, nnd nsked for prnyers for former bonrd member and chair Cari Boon, who is in Ihe hospital with heart problems. 1\vo members , of the pub­ lic spoke during their allotted time. pewey Hunt Jr. urged more togetherness. "We have the best county in Ihe United States of America ... and we’ve got to get along. We need to'tighten this down and not knock each other nround.” Tim Smith asked for Hum­ phrey’s resignation, snying he wns speaking for a group of veterans. "Mr. Humphrey, for the pnst year, has been arrogant. Every­ body knows that. He needs to step down. He has embarrassed Ihis county for n year now.” Smith said he didn’t under­ stand why Humphrey’s fellow commissioners haven’t stepped up to censure the ch(iir based on Ihe county’s code of ethics. "If you would step down, the county would be a better place,” Smith said, T h is Is N o P y r a m id S c h e m e $399 $499 Limited Quantity Also Available In Black (Spedai Order) m e g b r o w n h o m e f u r n is h in g s M,iW.F 9-6 ♦ Th 9-8 • Sat 9-S ] 336,998,7277 5491 US Highway 158 In Advnnce megbrovynhome.com larceny, second degree kidnap­ ping, snfecrncking. - Thomns Richnrd Hunter, Jr., second degree kidnapping, first degree burglary, robbery with a dangerous weapon, con­ spiracy to commit robbery with a dangerous weapon. - Erin Lee Mabe, breaking/ entering, inrceny pursunnt to brenking/entering, 2 counts conspirncy lo commit robbery wilh n dnngerous wenpon, con­ spirncy to commit brenking/ entering, 2 counts receiving stolen goods, 2 counts first de- gree burglnry, 2 counts robbery wilh a dangerous weapon, 3 counts second degree kidnap­ ping, possession of a controlled substance in prison/jail. - Wesley Mark Mesiemore, 3 counts assault with a firearm on a law enforcement officer, false imprisonment, 11 counts com­ municating thrents. - Kem Worth Rhoades, as­ sault on a female, assault with a deadly weapon inflicting seri­ ous injury, assault with n dend­ ly wenpon with intent to kill/ inflict serious injury. - Ronnid Leon Snyder II, Inrceny, obtnining property by false pretenses. - Collin Andrew Tnylor, 2 counts breaking/entering, larce­ ny, 2 counts conspiracy to com­ mit breaking/entering, 2 counts conspiracy to commit robbery wilh a dangerous wenpon, 3 counts second degree kidnap­ ping, 2 counts first degree bur­ glary, 2 counts robbery wilh a dangerous wenpon. - Tadarrin Lamont Wallace, 3 counts obtaining property by false pretenses. C h a m b e r T e a m s W i t h S u m 5 The Davie County Chnmber of Commerce is pnrtnering with SumS'Communications to assist wilh new membership sales. SumS’s primary goal will be to pursue new businesses for chamber membership, as well as communicate the benefits of being a part of the chnmber. '‘Pnrtnering with SumS prcr sented n great opportunity to us. Wendy Horne and her staff are already actively involved In our networking nnd lends groups, nnd know first hnnd how beneficlnl chnmber mem­ bership cnn be,” said Carolyn McManamy, chamber presi­ dent. "Sharing Iheir experience and excitement about Ihe cham­ ber provides potentinl members with n business perspe.ctive, but nlso how lo levernge benefits to grow Iheir business.” SumS is the publishing com­ pany for DavieLiFE magazine and is owned and operated by Wendy Horne. Horne and her sales team bring a wealth of experience, both ns n business owner and nn nctive member of Ihe Dnvie Chnmber, McMn­ nnmy snid. “ 1 consider it nn extreme privilpge to work with the en­ ergetic, well-gxiided team nl tho Dnvie County Chnmber of Commerce,” Horne snid. "As n business owner whose business relies henvily on effective snies, but also a member of the Davie Chamber who has benefitled grently from membership, I nm looking forwnrd to educnting businesses on what the chamber does and how they can benefit from membership. Once Ihey have all of the information in their hands, Ihe decision on whether lo join is an easy one.” For more thnn 40 yenrs, the Dnvie County Chamber of Commerce Has served the busi­ ness community. "We believe in working to­ gether to promote n strong nnd vibrant business community throughout all of Davie Coun­ ty,” McManamy said. "As Ihe countywide chamber, we rep­ resent businesses from Cool­ eemee lo Advance, Mocksville to Bermudn Run nnd all points in between.” The office is al 135 S. Salis­ bury St. in Mocksville, the snme site ns Ihe Dnvie County Visitor Center nnd Davie County Eco­ nomic Development Commis­ sion office. For more informntion on joining the chaniiber, call 751- 3304 or visit wwwMaviecliam- bur.com. С S T R O U S E H O U S E A U C T IO N S 1424 Industrial Dr., Statesvlllo, N C 28625Phone: 704-872-0444 AucrraNEEn mike arnouse. nc lic wtAtisw w w .s tro u 8 e h o u s e a u c tlo n s .c o n n Ch$ck u$ out on Feeobook 9 Strou*« Noute Д(юКот/ Thurs.| July 19 • 6:30PM • ihKliloail Sivplus/Salvage-OutdoorlRKreatlonal SalelHUKTIHO &FIIHINO- DfCoy/^nVV«^ SctUrqCt!nri.Km*i RxM PMPortri АлгтшИг^ШЪ ìkJmMFoKlin 4’DrcoatlUirtt FMiCnwi DoMS«al Cc^&KiyttSà(LP«kvBvnX' M*rci^CXm5#fdMrtw.Dan« PriVia».F1uifl«neeiiM«ìeCoclw.D»ryialof__^1* Pcrd№MGr4i OasritiropGndM StvMsOasQnh. DcUM&nc*«rt. JCMrrtw Qu-0«rcDri SnvtirOliTtaraitl GnU. Tot ly FryvsMTIO* MirtetUrbiiu [>f»ctófCrart.C«mi.*Ttitla».Chsr»a«IM*ihlargii» гГЧпшОМвг.ЭгдСМаи.РИоПа*«», А№МуСЛ4пСосИп YàrtOine».tr»(rtio*fi«IWlMMlHO• Iff, 1M5,16.18, » 24 • 5? IHx« SiTirtWSyittmГЛеп AJ KAhЫ8wTib«, Ы»!ТютоЛг*.KraxCcwt ЬгОймCAMBINO - E2-Up С<лсрп. T«rti. Degl Ccdir, TttitTopGu i QwcdU Orti. CorM Poi KL Tah Fry« 8«l 3« à lOOOl Coc* Pott Ivttrni. Tin Par*. FcMrgChtnГ1ТМ191 - Prolcrin 2!i001 U» TimOtm, »WKn SyUemi. SVM Mt. Total Oyfm ИСЮ. ПкипЬМ№и. Ac|uiUUt DiirtMIt Fri., July 20 • 61ЗОРИ • General Meithaiyflse. Outdoon, & Recraatkn talelPaüaYvdOtnwi8MinraPocH.C«rrm r>i^rglW«iC<uun.lMaiOuftCh»(a)ii^ain.PaKUnift<M.3<Mrnrw4 Аюкжг«!. b-FcM Doori A Lprt МОЯШЯ Sat., July 21 • 6i30PM • F O O D S A L .E 1Oo^iWtnMMirlOiAltyFocüi'DMf.äMlTeh.Chckanri'jajitirtitUatnPalilofV Bo«creuB.O«3«A6rMitDian, Chctio Tirùm. StMowl W«d9M. C<m Dogi. Цгошй. Dotcgr*. Urcn UmL oartc Oriad »тШ t Ou4 CtMtn. Suagi.C«M МШМ Pw*<^Ddücti.Frin^Fr«t.0nu«№Q«.8/«*»*L0rf ИОЙШЯ Iв п Ё м а YOUR c o Ö L m n s m 01г»виопшгШЮ$-ГГ South to ЕхН4ЯА. О. В»апл1А¥^ apprta. аМтОв$¡met али 8МЮП - Ммг /«<Г on IndueirM Dr., atnwm Нои»*АиеГюп Ы оп (fM Letttrmokm...Ju»l m »hort dtlvmna »m»y to find._________^ • D isco unt ТоЬасж» P roducts p J > V A i V C ' / > • C igarettes • C igars A ^ • C h eivin g Tobacco »Snufif 4985 Hwy. 158^ Advance 336-940-2475 C o p e n h i ^ e n . . . . . . ^ 1 6 - ^ ’ C o p e n h i ^ e n S o i r t i i e m B l e n d & W i n t e r g r e e n ................ • • • • • • $ - 1 0 ^ 5 $ 8 ^ 9 G r i z z l y K a y a k K o d i a k . . . . . . L o n g h o r n . . . . . . ^8 -^’ R e d M a n • R e d S e a l ______ ^ 1 2 ^ ® S k o a l . . м . . ^ 1 6 " « • LOTTERY • POW ERBALL $^Q .85 «M EGA M ILLIONS S k o a l X - t r a (AllStyles) • • • • • • , _ _ - л а с ^ CigaretteSmoke’Qpntídns-Timberwolf...... *10^ ‘ ■ ■ ■ с«ь.»мр»»||' A l t S a l e s C a s h O n l y . S a l e E n d s H 3 1 Í 1 2 I ( I ! il' l<I'i : 11 |i. i I ■i 10 - OAVIE couN rv KIN lEKi'Kisu; KKCOKO, !hursday, July IV, ¿»IZ www.RandÿiyiarloniCom • www.RandyMarjpn.com * wvvw.RandylVlarlbh.coni • www.RaniiylVlaribn.coni • wwwJandyMarion.com is proud to annoice our new partnership w l Bell & Howard Chevpoloi (1 '■'Î fVsSW • t • -Vtj, 'p ' U\iiA .'<1 . if - B e l l S L H o w a r d C h e v r o le t f . Í. N E W E X T E N D E D H O U R S : S A L E S M o n d a y - S a t u r d a y 9 a m - 9 p m ¿ S E R V I C E | i y i p n d a y - f ^ r l d a y 8 a n n - 8 p n ii S a t u r d a y 8 a m - 4 p m ■r.¿ 1:1 O I L C H A N G E No Appointment Necessary Does not Include shop supplies and NC tax. N/A to 2011 & later models. Expires August 31, 2 0 1 2 .4' . J (i/| I ‘I < .> ■, . - V Ä « !' , V 6 0 1 G A I T H E R R O A D " E X I T 1 5 1 S T A T E S V IL L E ^ ^ 7 Q 4 ‘- 2 S 3 - 4 1 6 9 s a i e s 7 0 4 - 2 5 3 - 4 1 6 7 s e r v i c e * www.RandylVlarion,com > www.RandylVlarion.com vwww.RandylVlarlon.com > w w w .R andypr!onxom > w w w .R andvlV larion:^ . Sports DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 19,2012 - HI R o w a n W i n s T h r e e S t r a i g h t T o S t e a l S e r i e s Ryan Foster pitches during a 1 -0 win over Rowan County in game one. R e j u v e n a t e d R o w a n T i e s S e r i e s I n G a m e 4 By Brian I’llts Dnvic Enterprise Record Mocksville’s 2-0 series lend couldn’t have tasted much better. But the onde- sunny picture turned in gnme three,nnd rojuvennteti Rowrin County tied the series nt 2-2 with n 10-5 win in gnme ■four nt Newmnn Park on July 14. “That (catch) was n real blow to ns,” Bodenlinmer told the Post. "We had the momentum. It was n terrific piny. After that we weren’t ns focu.«ised. We relnxed and they got on us real bad.” “ I was worried it might go out,” Rowan pitcher Ethnn Free snid. "Thnt catch mnde it worth com­ ing out here tonight,” Oantt said. “He Thus,thcsecond-round,best-of-flvc Janimed his shoulder but hung onto ■serlesheaded’fo’h'declslve^nmdflve;' the ball.’’ ' i Fifth-seeded Rownn evened its over- The margin gpt . ugly, 10-4, but all record at 17-17. No. 1 Mocksville *; Mocksviiie had opportunities to rally. ;(24-8) was 6-0 following a loss and 'suffered bnck-to-bnck defeats for the first tiine nil senson. ■ “ We’ve mnde il to gnme five,” ;Rownn coach Jim Gantt told the Salls- ;bury Post. “It feels n lot better thnn it ;did nfter two games. Now we’ve got ;our chnnce.” ; There was no question in regard to ;the play of the giime. Rownn center ; fielder Will Snpp robbed Karch Arey : with n flnshy grnb in the fourth, keeping : Mocksville’s lend at 4-3. : An inning enrlier, Mocksville over- Icnme a 3-0 deficit with three runs. Three wnlks helped the cnuse. Singles by Connor Bodenhnmer and Rynn Foster were mixed in. In the fourth. Will Beeson singled, '.Kirklin Bowles wnlked nnd Brice Mer- !ritt put down n sac bunt. Mocksville ■ took the lead on Ross Hoffner’s sac :ny. • With two outs and n runner nt third, i Arey creamed one to right-center. Sapp 'got on his horse, collided into tho wnll and held onto the bnll. Snpp snved one |run nnd maybe more. Arey would hnve had an easy double, possibly a triple. The catch deflated Mocksville’s spirit, Brian Bnuk, who went 3 for 5 with three runs and two RBIs, tied the game with n single in the bottom of the fourth, when Rownn genernted three runs to roar in front 6-4. With two outs nnd the bases loaded in the eighth, a ground out ended the thrent. In the ninth, Nick Collins’ bases- loaded walk cut the deficit to 10-5. A ground out stranded three runners and ended the game. Free did an excellent job in relief (five innings, one run) as four Rownn pitchers limited Mocksville to seven hits, hnlf the Rowan totnK Bodenhnmer (3-3) and Merritt (2-3) had five of tho seven. Mocksville’s offense has been a major disappointment throughout tho series, hitting .214 (27-126) through four games. “I knew they hnd a lo^of power hit­ ters, so I couldn't over|3ower them,” Free snid. “I mostly just let them hit it nnd relied on the defense.” “ We performed as a team,” Evans Please See Tics - Page B4 By Brian Pitls Davie Enterprise Record It’s deja vu all over again. After grabbing n 2-0 lend in the best- of-five, second-round series ngainst nemesis Rownn County, Mocksville Post 54 hnd plenty of renson to be­ lieve it wns finally going to knock off Rowan. But the monkey remains on Mocks­ ville’s bnck. Mocksville did a nosedive, losing three straight, including gnme five here July 15. In Ihe decisive battle, Rownn was just an itsy-bitsy, teeny- weeny better, winning 3-2. When Rynn Foster cnn’t end the Rowan curse, you have lo wonder what it will tnke. The grentest Mocks­ ville pitcher ever in terms of ERA was strong once again nnd only allowed one unearned run. But he wns done after Ihe sixth, turning the game over to the bullpen with the score l-I. Rowan promptly scored two runs in the seventh nnd held on. Fifth-seeded Rownn (18-17) moved nbove .500 for the first time since June 8. No. 1 Mocksville finished 24-9. This Rowan tenm cnn’t be confused with the many juggernaut teams of the past, but it somehow did what nil Rowan teams do - beat Mocksville in Ihe playoffs. Mocksvillc fell to 0-15 ngainst Rowan in plnyoff series. Rowan ended Mocksvillo’s season for the 16th time in 31 yenrs, including the fifth straight yenr. Mocksville’s slump-ridden offense hit .196 (31-158) for the series and stennded 42 runners. "I wns hoping wo’d have a story about us winning, and wo could tnlk nbout the ‘55 Dodgers benting the Ynn- kees with Johnny Podres,” Mocksville coach CharliS Kurfees said, shoulders sagging. "Bnsoklyn had never beaten the Yankees, and we’ve never beaten (Rowan). But Rynn.just rnn out of gas. “This was a classic series. I told nil the reporters before game one it was going to be a good series, that they had really good pitching and we’d have to battle to win.” Mocksville’s offense was consider­ ably stronger on paper than Rowan’s. But in baseball, everything starts with - you guessed it - starting pitching. Rowan’s stnff wns deeper, bottom line. “I knew they hnd nn nrsenal sitting over there,” Kurfees said. “Their pitch­ ers were ready. They didn’t show it dur­ ing the regular senson becnuse some of them were injured or whatever.” Karch Arey lifted Mocksviiie' to n 1-0 lead in the first. He roped a shot in the right-field comer and got a rare stand-up triple. It was his first three- bagger of the yenr nnd the team’s fourth. He scored on a wild pitch. Rownn stnrter Avery Rogers wns shaky in the second, wnlking one nnd benning two. But he escaped a bases-loaded jam. Rogers (4-2) was in control from there, giving up three hits in seven innings. He entered with nn ERA of 0.61. "It just look me a while to calm down, and once we scored a run it was a big lift,” Rogers told the Salisbury Post. Foster continued to do his thing. After two innings, he had 21 consecu­ tive scoreless Innings ngainst Rowan and 34 overall. Rownn nicked Foster with an un­ earned run in the third. W ill Sapp reached on an error, stole second on Ihe next pitch and scored on Brian Bauk’s solid hit to left-center. “ Foster threw me a human pitch for the first time,” Bauk told the Post. “ It was up.” . Foster informed Kurfees he had nothing left after the sixth, or 89 pitches. "He wasn’t hurting any. He was just tired," Kurfees snid. Not that Mocksville was inserting chopped liver in relief. Will Beeson Please See Steals - Page B4 .„J.. . Corey Randaii scores tiie oniy run of tiie game on a liit by Jacob Waii<er.- Photos by James Barringer Miller Is Back As Davie High Volleyball Coach Becky Miller resigned as Davie’s volleyball coach after the 2011 senson, nnd she hns been replaced by ... Becky Miller. That’s ultimately how it worked out, but there was a bizarre twist be­ tween Miller’s resignation and Miller’s return. Diane Long was named M iller’s successor in May. Long held the job fbr n little over n month. She resigned on June 27 to tnke n tenching job nt Western Guilford High. Long lives in Guilford County, so it was nn offer she couldn’t refuse. "We knew it wns n possibility,” Dn­ vie Athletic Director Mike Absher snid. "As it got Inter nnd later, we were kind of hoping thnt it mnybe wnsn’t going to happen. But we knew there wns that chance. Hey, you’ve got to respect her decision. She mnde the right decision. I know it was a tough decision, but for her qunlity of life, it wns renlly a no- brainer for her.” ■ .Long’s drive lo Davie wns 50-55 minutes. She cnn get to Westem Guil­ ford in less thnn 10 minutes. "I cnn relnte lo il,” Absher snid. “When I coached nl South Cnidwell, I drove nbout 45 minutes (from States­ ville) before we moved closer (in Con­ over). I cnn be nt Dnvie in two minutes and it’s added yenrs to my conching. because that travel wears you out. “We wish (Long) the best at West­ ern Guilford. She has n grent future in conching.” Long’s departure left Davie vol­ leyball without a head coach with the senson just around the comer. Miller stepped up. “She will come back with Ihe same passion and enthusiasm she has for the kids and for Ihe sport,” Absher said. “The time off she’s had probably gave her n chance to recharge a little bit. I’m not nt nil hesitnnt nbout her coming bnck nnd doing il. It nctually plnyed out really well for us.” "When (Absher) told me whnt was going on, I said we can’t have them without a coach,” Miller said, “ It’s such a good group coming back, and the new group coming in has so much potential that it was Ihe logical thing lo happen right now,” Miller will begin her eighth year with an overall record of 96-80, in­ cluding 42-32 in the Central Piedmont Conference. Davie went 16-12 and 16-11 the past two yenrs. " I’m rendy to go ngnin,” M iller said. "1 hnd surgery on my knee (last week for a meniscus tear), so that set me back n little bit. But other than that, I’ra rendy to go.” Debbie Evans will remain the var- sity assistant. Long was the JV coach in 2011. The new JV coach w ill be M iller’s daughter. Heather McEwen. McEwen was nn all-conference performer on Davie’s last CPC chnm­ pionship team, 2002. Tills is her second stint ns JV coach. "Her children were so little (when she coached JV in 2006),’! Miller said. "They’re more self-sufficient, so she’s pretty excited about doing this. She will be able to do a lot of the physical stuff that I can’t do. She knows volleyball. She’s grown up with it. Of course, Deb­ bie,will be there, too, and Debbie is a grent assistant coach, I think it will be a good season for eveiybody.” I I Il \ I it ■ I I : li V :! J12 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 19,2012 Campers and instructors pose for a photo at the Davie Famiiy VIVICA’s Intro to Tennis Camp iast weel<. Tennis Sl(ills Tauglit At Davie Famiiy YiViCA Camp Nineteen children from Davio County, nges of 6-12, lenrned the basics of tennis through the Davie Fatnily YMCA nt the second-nnnual Intro to Ten­ nis Cnmp wns nt South Dnvie Middle School from 9-11 n.m. July 9-13.' The children learned fiindn- inentnls for beginning tennis, such ns how to hold nnd swing the rncket, forehand nnd bnck- hand strolces, how to serve, the layout of the court nnd etiquette, as well ns charncter vniues such ns good sportsmnnship nnd re­ spect for fellow pinyers. Sports progrnms nt the YMCA focus on building ath­ letic skills, mnking new friend­ ships, and developing' life-long passions while nchieving gonls in n supportive environment with caring ndults. Ench pnr- ticipnnt in the camp received a YMCA Sports Camp 2012 tee shirt and a group picture. Attending the tennis cnmp were Ashley Ferguson, Nonh Hnrris, Sydney Hnrris, Seth Hill, Dylnn Koontz, Sydney Love, Hnzel Marion, Silrnh West Mnrklin, Jny NHnnd, Slinnnon Nilnnd, Alyxnndra Rossman, Bay lee Smeeton, Noble Smith, Savannah Swish­ er, Lnndon 'Vick, Pete Wilson, Mnrty Jacobs, Bailey Smith nnd Meg Voreh. Chelsen Caron is the Dnvie Fnmily YMCA youth coordi­ nator. The instructors for th'e cnmp were Donnld Hursey, Da­ vid Hursey, Dnvid Lee, Evnn Lnnkford nnd Fred Voreh. , On the finnl dny of the tennjs cnmp the nttendees were treate'd to an icc crenm social. Forbush, Starmount in i\/liddie Sciiooi Conference The county’s three middle schools will hnve two new di­ vision rivals in footbnll starting this fall. Forbush and Starmount hnve joined the Davidson-Dnvie Conference. Forbush nnd Stnrmount left the Sertomn youth footbnll lengue to join one of the divi­ sions in the Dnvidson-Dnvle Conference, One division w ill include Ellis, North Dnvie, South Dnvie, Lexington, Thomasville, For­ bush and Stnrmount. The other division will consist of nil Dn­ vidson County schools - North Davidson, Brown, CentrnI Dn- ■vidson, South Davidson, TVro, Ledford and Onk Grove, which is n brnnd new school. With seven teams in each di­ vision, there will be a six-gnme regulnr senson. After the regular senson, the tenms will cross over nnd piny a plnyoff game. The first-plnce tenm from Division A will piny the first-place team from Division B. The second- place tenms will fnce off, the No. 3 teams will meet, etc. “ We’re excited nbout (For­ bush nnd Starmount) coming to piny footbnll because we know they travel well, they have good fnn support nnd nnnncially it w ill help the schools," Davie County Athletic Director Barry Whitlock snid, "It cuts out on n lot of travel. Instend of going nil the wny to Brown, we cnn go to Starmount nnd Forbush in 20 or 30 minutes.” Davie County will benefit from the Forbush-Stnrmount influx during wrestling season ns well. The Yadkin County schools will remnin in n wres­ tling conference with Wilkes County schools, but they will likely wrestle ngninst Ellis, North, South, Lexington nnd Thomnsville once in the regulnr senson and then compete in the conference tournament. That means there would be seven teams in the tournament instend of five. “It’s not certain yet, but we think they’re going to wrestle in our conference tournnment,” Whitlock snid, “We will sched­ ule Forbush and Starmount to wrestle everybody one timcdur- ing the regular season, nnd we’re going to tnke the records of thnt one time and seed for the tourna­ ment. Everybody wants them to come lo the tournament because it will be a better tournninent with seven tenms. “Starmount nnd Forbush nre in a conference with the Wilkes County schools, but the Wilkes schools don’t invite them to the tournnment. It’s just n Wilkes County tournnment. They’re left out, so they cnn come to our tournnment. “ When Forbush comos to wrestle North, South could go there, too, nnd Forbush could Wrestle North nnd South and knock two mntches out in one dny. If Forbush comes to South, we could hnve Thomasville come to South nnd tliey could wrestle South iind Thomnsville. Stnrmount could go to Ellis nnd wrestle Ellis nnd Lexington.” B r i e f s , D a t e s Boys Basketball Camps Davie boys basketbnll coach Mikc Absher nnd his stnff will hold the Day Cnmp on July 24-27 from 9 n.m.-3 p.m. This is for first through ninth grades, and the cost is $85. Absher nnd the rest of the Davie boys bnsketbnll stnff will run the camps. They will niso include guest speakers, past nnd current players nnd current college players. For mòre informntion, contnct Absher at 751-5905. Youth Socccr Camp The Dnvie High boys and girls soccer programs team will host n Back to Basics youth cnmp July 23-27. Camp will run from 8 n.m.-noon. It is open to ages 3-rising eighth grnders. The cost is $60 before July 1 nnd $70 nfter July 1 nnd includes n t-shirt. Regr istrntion information is nvniinble at www.dnvie.kl2.nc.us or www. wnrenglopride.com. For nny questions, contnct l,ancc Everette or Kerstin Steinour at 336 751-5905. Davie High Cheerieading Camp The Davie High Cheeriending Cnmp will be Aug. 6-9 from 6-8:30 p.m. at tho Davio gym. The cost is $40 for pre-registered by July 30 nnd $60 nt the door. The cnmp is designed for K-8 grndes and nvniinble to teams or individuals. Contact Angie Stnge with questions at stagea@dnvie.kl2.nc.us. Registrntion forms nre nvailabie on the school website, Davie Youth Football The Davie County Youth Football Association will hnve signups on July 28 from 9 n.m.-noon nt the Brock Gym. Golf Tournament The Feed My Sheep golf tournnment will be held nt Oak Val­ ley on July 27. The captain’s choice will begin at 1 p.m, A team entry is $260. An individual entry is $65. Contact Pnt Russell at 940-2383 or 978-5083. Lions Golf Tournament The Mocksville Lions Club annual golf tournament will be held at Bermudn Run West on Aug. 10. Teams of four may enter for $280. Hole sponsorships are $100. Please See Briefs ■ Page B3 S e n io r A ll S ta rs The Davie Senior All-Stars won the District 2 championship after (defeating Walnut Cove 10-4 antJ 8-1, earning a berth to the state In Brevard. Team members are, from left: front - Taylor Cranfill, Millie Wright, Brooke Makas, Courtney Bode, Ashton Brown and Courtney Cornatzer; standing - assistant coach Guy Cornatzer, Kelsl Miller, Elizabeth Holland, Elizabeth Heafner, Karlssa Leazer and assistant coach Donald Bode. Not pictured: head coach Zach Wright, Kristy Turner and Valérie Karrlker. G ra b T h a t F la g Chelsea Caron, the Davie,Fam ily YIVICA Youth/Sports Coordinator, took this photo at the Davie Famiiy YIVICA Flag Footbaii Canrip this summer. Ben Blankenship is the boy sliding, Jackson Law­ rence hps the bail, Colin Duncan and counselor Gina Williams are trying to pull Jackson's flag. B S s y ^ B In d u stria l 76 ^^^hologles i ■ i # " - w h i I I G o in g F o r S ta te T itle The Davie 12U Aii Stars are in Franklin for the state tournament after winning District 2 with a 6-1 record. They beat Rowan 2-1 in a best-of-three series, winning 11-4 for the titie. They dedicated the season to Paul Spillman, who devoted more than 20 years to Davie Little League. He died on June 12. The team members are, from ieft: front - Lydia Kennedy, Bridgett Tierney, Payton Lipscomb, Emme Chamberlain; back - Coach Dink Smith, River Simpson, Katelyn Webb, iVlakenzi Burchette, Coach Darin Ferguson, Cariy Smith, Sydney Hendren, Sierra F.erguson arid IVIanager Ross Smith. B r i e f s ... Continued From Page B2 Cooleemee Redskins Football Camp The Cooleemee Redskins Footbnll Cnmp, open to nil interested boys in grndes 3-6, will be held Aug. 7-9 from 8-10 n.m. nt the Cooleemee softball field. This is free to all participants. Piney Grove Church Softball Tournament The annual Piney drove AME Zion Church softbnll tournament will be July 20-21 at Center. Play will begin Fridny nt 6 p.m. and Saturday at 9 a.m. Registration is $ 100. Contact Lonell Pruitt at 336- 331 -2670 or 704-252-2044, or Dnvid Shnrpe at 704-402-3564. Russell-Myers Can’t Be Stopped Zack Russell-Myers’ mngic-carpet ride in the Coastal Plain League keeps going nnd going. After he pitched the Columbia Blowfish (22-14) to n 5-1 win over Gnstoniii, Russell-Myers wns 5-0 with n 1.37 ERA. He has allowed 20 hits in 39 1/3 innings, nnd opponents nre hitting .143 against him. In the 14-team league, he’s tied for first in wins and third in ERA. Black Knight Boys Basketball Coach Resigns Kevin King resigned ns North Dnvidson’s boys basketbnll conch Inst week. King, 42, was 34-61 over four years. “The last two yeArs hnve been hnrd,” King told the Winston- Salem Journal. “ It got to the point where I wns not hnving fun. I tried to work this summer through team cnmp, but it felt like work. Bnsketbnll for the Inst 23 years hns been the highlight of my day. I don’t know if I nm burned out or need n chnngc.” Sammy Stnten, a longtime North nssistnnt, will be the conch on an interim basis. Brandon’s Buddies Golf Tournament The first annunl Brandon’s Buddies Foundation Charity Golf Tournament will be Aug. 4 at Bermudn Run West, with n shotgun stnrt nt 9 n.m. The cost is $200 per team, including lunch. This will be captain’s choice. To register or sponsor, contnct Keith Koontz at 336-499-6159 or Greg Beaty nt 336-414-8522. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursday, July 19,2012 - B3 If y o u 'r e s u f f e r in g f r o m f o o t o r a n k le p a in , w e c a n h e lp . ■: ■ W ake Forest B aptist H ealth offers a com preliensive range o f fo o t and anl<le care fo r patients o f all ages. O u r o rth o p a e d ic surgeons and podiatrists are experts in ankle replacem ent, athletic injuries, traum a, ham nnertoes, bunions, plantar fasqiitis and m any o th e r types o f fo o t and ankle problenns. For an a p p o in tm e n t w ith a W ake Forest B aptist fo o t and ankle specialist at o n e o f our m any Triad locations, call 716-W A K E orvisitV V akeH ealth.edu/F eet. , ,... . . . . . . .. . . . . ....... ... . . . . . . " ' 0 0 - W a k e F o r e s t - , , . ' To'rnake an appointm ent, call 888-716-W AKE or visit W akeHealth.edu B a p t is t H © 3 lt h “ A Mission to Care, A Mission to Cure.' I I ‘/il .<1 \ I I'‘ I ; : I l:l I l! B4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 19,2012 Steal... Continued From Page B1 had a 0.00 ERA in five ap­ pearances and 10 innings. He hadn’t lost in 2011-12 during high school and Legion, go­ ing 6-0 in that span. But after going from catcher to pitcher, Beeson wasn’t his usual loclc- ■ down self. In the Rowan seventh. Chase Hathcock’s bloop hit broke the tie. Bauk mashed a hanging curve for a double to make it 3-1. “ Beeson did all he could do,” Kurfees said. “ He was catching and then comes in to pitch.” “ This was all about be­ ing able to execute in tough situations without letting your emotions get the best of you,” Rowan coach Jim Gantt told the Post. The final stages were nerve- wracking. In the eighth, Corey Randall reached on a two-out fielding error. Foster made Rowan pny, ripping a double to left-center. It was now 3-2. Ben Temple struck out but reached on a wild pitch, then stole sec­ ond. With two runners in scor­ ing position, Mocksville struck out on a fullcount pitch. The ninth ended in ago­ nizing fashion. Matt M iller walked, prompting Gnntt to lift Alex Bost and insert Bauk. Miller moved into scoring posi­ tion on a wild pitch. But Bauk struck out three straight to leave the tying run 180 feet nwny. “We hnd our chances and we didn’t cash in,” Kurfees said. "If we cash in, maybe we win the game 4-3.” Mocksville, held to four hits, struck out 13 times. “To hold thnt team to two runs is unbelievable,” Gantt said. “They’ve got scary hitters with a lot of power.” “We won becnuse we worked so hard the last three gnmes,” Bauk said. “ It was Just amaz­ ing. We earned it. We fought for it. We deserved it.” Notes • After Inmenting the henrt- wrenchlng defeat,'Kurfees turned his attention to consola­ tion prizes. Mocksville won the Southern Division for the first time since 1993. It ripped off 15 straight wins, matching a program record. It finished with the most wins since 2000. “ I’ve enjoyed it,” he said. “ It’s been a good summer. When they hired us (in 2010) they told us we had a mountnin to climb and we had to turn this program around. I think last year we built a good founda­ tion, nnd this year we took it to another level. We’ve just got to keep pushing to get to the next level.” • Foster finished 6-0 with nn 0.90 ERA. That is not n mis­ print. He owns the best ERA ever. Jon David Crider wns at 1.10 in 1994, Brynn King nt 1.69 in 2008 nnd Chnd Triplette nt 1.93 in 1988. Foster is the third pitcher to go undefented with at lenst six decisions. Mnrcus King was 6-0 in 1993 nnd D J. Webb 7-0 in 2011. On top of all that, Fos­ ter hit the third-most doubles ever (14). • Connor Bodenhamer left his mark and then some. He set the record for doubles (16). He tied for sixth in runs (45). And he ranks eighth in walks/ HPBs (33). Rowan 3, Mocksville 2 Mock ab r h ’ rbi bb Arey 5 1 1 0 0 Bdnhmer 4 0 0 0 0 Randall 4 1 1 0 0 Foster 3 0 1 1 1 Temple 4 0 1 0 0 Beeson 3 0 ' 0 0 1 Collins 2 0 й 0 0 Miller 0 0 0 0 1 Mcrrllt 4 0 0 0 0 Hoffner 3 0 0 0 0 Totals 32 2 4 1 .3 Rowan Co. 001 ООО 200-3 MocluvlUe 100 ООО 010-2 2B - Foster. 3B - Arey. SB - Temple. HPB - Hoffner, Collins. Loss - Beeson. Mock IPHRERBBSO Foster 6 3 1 0 0 5 Beeson 2 3 2 2 1 1 Miller 1 1 0 0 0 1 The ball bounces away as a Rowan runner slides Into second. Shortstop Ben Temple covers the bag. - Photos by James Barringer Second baseman Jacob Walker gets an easy tag out. Corey Randall stretches as Mocksville gets a close call at first. The runner Is called out as Corey Randall catches the throw. Mocksville Baseball Stats Record: 24-9,16-2 SD AVG.AB R H 2B ЭВ HR RBI BB SB Knrch Arey .314 J24 31 39 7 1 0 17 25 5 Michnei Ball ,000 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Will Beeson ,231 108 22 25 10 0 0 19 21 0 Connor Bodenhamer ,370 135 45 50 16 0 4 33 33 2 Kirklin Bowles .288 59 9 17 1 0 0 14 9 1 Nick Collins ,181 55 7 10 2 0 0 15 9 4 josh Faircloth .100 10 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Ryan Foster .327 122 20 40 14 0 0 27 11 0 Rhett Hellard .250 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ross Hoffner .178 73 9 13 2 0 0 8 .11 0 Elijnh Jones .142 7 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Brice Merritt .201 104 21 21 4 1 0 10 31 4 Mntt Miller .000 12 1 0 0 0 0 1 8 1 Corey Randall ,341 117 26 40 12 1 2 20 8 8 Ben Temple ,305 121 23 37 3 1 1 25 25 3 Matthew Tutterow ,000 2 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jacob Walker ,300 103 23 31 7 0 1 20 19 0 Brandon Wilson .166 6 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 TOTALS .280 1166 243 327 79 4 8 209 218 28 W-I. ERA G GS CG SH SV IP H R ER BB SO Michael Ball 4-1 5.36 11 7 1 0 0 45.1 58 34 27 18 21 Will Beeson 1-1 1.5Ü 6 , 0 0 0 0 12 10 2 2 5 13 Kirklin Bowles 0-0 0.00 1 0 0 0 0 1 1'0 0 0 0 Nick Collins 1-0 . 1,97 7 1 0 0 0 13.2 15 7 3 4 9 Mnson Doub 0-2 19.05 3 0 0 0 0 5.2 11 15 12 3 4 Josh Fnircloth 3-1 4.15, 12 3 1 0 3 39 40 25 18 19 29 Rynn Foster 6-0 0.90 8 6 2 ,2 0 50 29 8 5' 13 51 Elijnh Jones ' 0-0 6.75 4 0 0 0 1 4 4 4 3 0 4 Brice Merritt 0-0 8.43 2 1 0 0 0 5.1 10 7 5 1 5 Mntt Miller 3-3 5.07 9 6 1 0 1 44.1 52 33 25 24 23 Corey Randnll 3-1 3.53 7 6 1 0 0 43.1 31 21 17 24 37 Ben Temple 0-0 36.00 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 4 4 1 1 Brnndon Wilson 3-0 3,26 8 3 1 o'2 30.1 21 •15 11 15 21 TOTALS 24-9' 4,02 7 3 7 295 285 175 132 127 218 Ryan Foster slides as Ashton Fleming fields. Hli* t( I ' 1' , : Nick Collins tags out a runner at third. Coach Charles Kurfees fist bumps Ben Temple. T i e s . . . Continued From Page B1 Evnns snid after getting three hits. “ Now we’ve turned it nround.” “ We’re pinying a good tenm, n pntient, disciplined tenm,” M ocksville conch Chnries Kurfees snid. Notes: Mocksville stnrter Michnei Bnll, who lost for the first time in five decisions, wns chnsed nfter four innings. He Insted just three in his previous stnrt, a 12-10 win over Stntes­ ville inte in the regulnr senson.... Rownn pinyed error-free defense until the ninth. Rowan 10, Mocksvlllc 5 Mock ub r h rbi bb Arey 5 0 0 1 0 Bdnhmer 3 2 3 1 1 Randnll 3 .0 0 0 2 Foslcr 5 0 1 1 0 , Temple 3 0 0 0 2 Beeson 5 1 1 0 0 Bowles 2 1 0 0 2 Collins 0 0 0 1 1 Merrill 3 1 2 0 1 Hoffner 1 0 0 1 1 Tolals 30 5 7 5 10 Mocksvillo 003 100 001- 5 Rownn Co. 210 302 20х-10 SB - Randnll. HPB - Bodenhamer. Loss-Bnll. Mock IPHRERBBSO Bnll 4 6 6 6 4 1 Fnircloth 3 7 4 4 4 5 Collins 1 1 0 0 1 1 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 19,2012 - B5 Rowan Avoids Eiimination In Game 3 Of Series By Brian Pitts Davie Enterprise Record With its season on life sup­ port, Rowan County regained some mojo behind the lights-out relief pitching of Alex Bost nnd defeated Mocksville 6*4 in game three of the second-round, best- of-five series here July 12. Mocksville’s series lead wns cut to 2-1 as it lost for the first time since June 14. It lost to a Southern Division opponent for the first time since June 6. It hnd woii 15 strnight to mntch the longest winning strenk in program history. Bost, who w ill pitch next year for Catawba College, show­ cased his tnlent in 2 2/3 innings of relief. He gnve up one hit, walked none nnd struck out six to improve his record to 3-0. Bost had pitched just 15 1/3 innings all senson for Ro\vnn. He wns idle for most of the regu­ lar senson because of a swollen elbow. But since mid-June, lie’s been the mnin mnn iti Rownn’s bullpen. He has'n curvebnll nnd slider to go with a formidable heater. “ His slider' is nasty, and it’s hard," Brinn Hightower, Bost’s high-scliooi conch nt Enst Rownn, told the Snlisbury Post. “ I’ve never conched a kid with n better brenking bnll." “ We didn’t look good,” M ocksville conch Chnries Kurfees snid. "We couldn’t fin­ ish the deni. We’ve got to finish them off.” Fifth-seeded Rownn im ­ proved to 16-17. Top-seeded Mocksville fell to 24-7, losing to Rowan for the first time in five meetings this senson. Trailing 2-0, M ocksvillc caught up against Jnred Mn­ this in the fourth. Rynn Fos­ ter’s single nnd Ben Temple’s double spnrked the rnlly, nnd they scored on snc fiies by Wiil Beeson nnd Brice Merritt. Mocksvilldook a 3-2 lead in Ihe fifth, but the dnmage could hnve been grenter. After Knrch Arey and Connor Bodenhnmer hnd singles, Mocksville had run­ ners nt the corners with no outs. A 4-6-3 double play prevented a Rowan paper cut from becoming something serious. “ A key to the gnme wns Mnthis pitching out of jnms,” Rownn conch Jim Gantt told the Post. “ He held them to one run (in the fifth) when it looked like they might get a bunch.” Rownn tied it in the sixth. Brian Bnuk’s two-out grounder was errored, and he was safe on n bnng-bang play. Bauk came nround to score. Rownn broke the 3-3 tie in the eighth. Mntt Miller wnlked West • Rownn tenmmnte Justin Evnns, ending his night. With second nnd third and two outs, Kurfees ordered reliever Michnei Ball to intentionally wnlk Bnuk. It mnde perfect sense. Asiiton Fleming wns the next batter, nnd he was 0 for 4 with two Ks. But Fleming blooped a two- run single to left. “ Miller had my number nil night nnd hnd kept the bnll away from me,” Fleming told the Post. “But Ball threw one high and down the rniddle." Mocksville clawed back to within 5-4 in the eighth. Beeson doubled, took third on a wild pitch and scored on Kirklin Bowles’ ground out. But Rowan got the run back in the ninth. Again it was a bloop hit that did it. After Avery Rogers doubled, he scored on Nathan Fulbright’s flare. “ We’ve fought every night,” Fleming told the Post. “We just haven’t been getting that big hit. But tonight we did.” “They got one run on a chink hit, and they got another run when wc had the infield pulled in,” Mocksville nsslstnnt conch Todd Bumgnmer snid. “They hit n popup thnt landed two feet out of the infield.” “They know how to put the bnll in piny," Kurfees snid. Bost wns too good for Mocks­ villc. He entered in the seventh with the score 3-3 and fanned two of Mocksville’s biggest hitters. He whiffed two in n 1-2-3 ninth. Miller (3-3) got the loss after working seven five-hit innings. His coaches felt he performed well enough to win. The only downside to M ill­ er’s effort was allowing the lead- off man to reach too often. In all, Rownn’s first batter reached seven dmes. Rowan would score in five of those innings. “Miller had the best bullpen before the gnme thnt I’ve seen from him nil year, nnd he bnttled his butt off with n fnsibnll nnd high pitch count,” Bumgarner snid. “ M iller pitched great nnd deserved to win,” Kurfees snid. “ But our big guys just nren’t hit­ ting the bnll right now, nnd we’re putting too much of a burden on our pitchers.” Notes: Temple and Beeson accounted for four of Mocks­ ville’s seven hits. ...Jncob Wnlk­ er (.300) missed this game nnd the finni three of the series to nttend n wedding out of stnte. Rowan 6, Mocksville 4 Mock nb r b rbi bb Arey 4 1 1 0 0 Bdnhmer 4 0 1 0 1 Randall 4 0 0 d 0 Foster 4 1 1 0 0 Temple 4 1 2 0 0 Beeson 2 1 2 1 0 Bowles 3 0 0 1 0 Merritt 3 0 0 1 0 Hoffner 4 0 0 0 0 Ibtals 32 4 7 3 1 Rowan Co. 101 001 021-6 Mocksville ООО 210 010-4 2B - Beeson, Temple. SB - Arey. HPB -Arey. Mock IPHRERBBSO Miller 7 5 4 3 4 3 Ball 1 2 1 1 1 1 Faircloth 1 2 1 1 0 1 i .11 IVIocksville Matches Longest Win Strealc Ever By Brian Pitts Duvie Enterprise Record After benting Rownn County in gnme two nt Newmnn Park, the Mocksville Legion team could really start to believe, Mocksville Post 54, ready to wipe awny bad memories of so mnny pnst encounters wilh Rownn in the postseason, took n commanding .2-0 lend in the second-round, best-of-five series with n 5-3 victory on July 10, "It feels awful, but whnt cnn we do?" losing pitcher Avery Rogers told Ihc Snlisbury Post nfter fifth-seeded Rownn fell to 15-17. Mocksville defeated Rowan twice in a playoff series for the first time in 15 nll-time series. It picked up its 15th straight win to match the longest winning streak ever (the 1993 team won 15 in a row). Mocksville (24-6) was 9-6: when the unbeliev­ able streak started. Mocksville hns the most wins in 12 years (it went 24-10 in 2000)^ And Mocksville defeated Rownn for the fourth lime in ns mnny tries Ihis season. Corey Rnndnll picked up where Rynn Foster left off in game one. After Foster beat Rownn 1-0, Rnndnll cnrried a spectacular one-hit shutout into the ninth. "He used the curvebnll n little bit, but he had a great chnngeup,” Rownn conch Jim Gnntt told the Snlisbury Post. “ He overmntched our hitters. We needed to have better np- pronches,” “ He’s got a good chnngeup, he locates his fastball and tie throws n slider nnd curveball,” Mocksville pitching concliTodd Bumgnmer snid, “ A lot of his fnstbnlls mil back in. So he’s got n love of movement, loo.”. Just like game one, this wns nnother tremendous pitchers’ duel.The gnme wns 0-0 through five innings. Rogers worked nround bnses- loaded, one-out trouble in the first, getting n 4-6-3 double piny. Then he retired 13 of 14. Mocksville nnnlly spoiled Rogers’ night in Ihe sixth. Wilh one out, Connor Bodenhamer, who led Mocksville with two hits, singled the other way between first and second. On the next pitcii, Rnndnll Inced a single to left. In the first three wins over Rowan this season, Foster wns the winning pitcher each time. Guess who got the hit that led lo the 2-0 lead in.this one? You got it - Foster. He singled in Ihe hole between short and third. Coach Charles Kurfees put up the stop sign lo hold Boden­ hnmer nt third, nnd it would have been bases londed. But the throw from left bounced pnst Ihe cntchcr nnd pitcher nnd went out of play behind home plate. The result: runners move up, two runs. "Rynn’s been big for us nil yenr - defensively, offensively nnd on the- mound,” Kurfees snid. "H e’s a candidate for (Area III) player of the year, no doubt.” "Thnt wns nctunlly a bad pitch (to Foster),” Rogers told the Post. “ We had thrown him four or five curveballs that he didn’t even swing at. Then I cnme bnck with n high fnstball, right where he wnnted it.” Will Beeson, who wnlked nnd rnced lo tiiird on Ross Hoffner’s bnd-hop single past first, scored on a wild pitch to mnke it 3-0 in the seventh. Mocksville broke Ihe game open in the ninth. Ben Temple served n soft liner to right nnd Beeson was hit by n pitch. After both runners moved up on n bnlk, Kurfees summoned Kirk­ lin Bowles ns n pinch hitter. Bowles got it done. In his first nppenrnnce in four games, he steered n single pnst n lunch­ ing shortstop lo knock in two runs. Mennwhile, Rnndnll hnd been throwing n gem. He more thnn mnde up for six walks, striking out 10 nnd finishing wilh a two-hitter in 8 1/3. Randall worked around a walk in Ihe first, second, third and fifth. He lost his no-hitter when Nathnn Fulbright doubled in the fourth, but.he kept the score 0-0 with a pair of Ks. Randall retired 10 straight between the fourth nnd eighth, nnd through eight Mocksville hnd held Rownn scoreless for 26 consecutive innings. “ He got better as he went,” Kurfees snid. “ He got stronger nnd stronger.” “I know the sixth, seventh grounder to secure his lenm-high third snve. Jncob Wnlker, who knocked in tiie gnme’s only run in gnme one, robbed Rownn of n hit. The third bnsemnn bnckhnnded n grounder down the line nnd nnd eighth he wns unlouchnble,” Uhrew him out by a hnif-step. Bumgamer said. “He had it on “It was n major league piny,” cruise conlrol.” With Mocksville lending 5-0, Rnndnll (3-1, 3.53) Inbored in the ninth. There were back-to- back wnlks nnd a single. Then n fly ball wns misplnyed for nn error, Wilh the score 5-3, runner nl second nnd one out, Rnndnll exited, "We probnbly stnyed with him too long,” Kurfees snid. "We should have gone to (Josh) Fnircloth enrlier in the ninth. But we snid: ‘Hey, it’s Corey’s gnme.’ But then we got his pilch count too high.” Fnircloth restored order to the frnzzled ninth. He induced n liner lo first, nnd Rnndnll, who moved from the mound to first, mnde n nice cntch for the second out, Fnircloth retired lendoff-mnn W ill Sapp on n Kurfees snid, Il turned out to be Wnlker’s finnl game. He missed the next three to attend a wedding. Mocksville 5, Rowan 3 Mock ab r h rbi bb Arey 5 0 1 0 0 Bdnhmer 5 1 2 0 0 Rnndall 4 1 1 0 0 Foster 3 0 1 0 0 Walker 4 0 0 0 0 Temple 3 1 1 0 1 Beeson 2 2 0 0 1 Merritt 3 0 0 0 0 Bowies 1 0 1 2 0 Hoffner 4 0 1 0 0 Total! 34 5 8 2 2 Mocksvlllc ООО 002 102 -5 Rowan Co. ООО ООО 003-3 HPB - Beeson. Foster. Win - Randall. S - Fairclolh. Mock IP II R ER BB SO Rnodall 8.1 2 3 3 6 10 Faircloth .2 0 0 0 0 0 1 ¡1 F o s t e r W i n s 1 - 0 P i t c f i e r s ’ D u e l I n G a m e 1 By Brian Pitts Davie Enterprise Record Five hits, one run - and n win for Mocksville. Ryan Foster put on n phe- nomenni show in gnme one of the second-round, best-of-five ■ scries ngninst visiting Rownn , Counly on July 9. Whnl’s new. He’s been doing thnt all year. In fnct, he’s been doing thnt for two Mocksville Legion Baseball Results (24-9,16-2 division) L 12-6 vs. Rnndolph Co. W 6-3 nt High Point W 6-5 at Randolph Co. L 8-2 vs. Cnidweii County' W 14-3 n lM ’vilie Legends ■ W 3-2 Lexington L 9-2 at Mooresville 66 W 9-5 nt Rownn Co. ' W 11-3 vs. Concord L 18-8 vs. High Point W 5-3 at Wilkes County W 4-3 vs. Stanly Co. L 4-3 vs. Kannapolis W 64 vs. Wilkes County L 10-9 at Lexington W 10-5 vs. M ’ville Post 66 W 16-7 vs. Stntesville W 5-0 vs, Rowan Co. W 16-4 nt Concord W 7-2 nt Sinnly Co. W 3-2 (11) vs. Legends W 10-7nlS, Rownn W 14-4 vs, S, Rownn W 12-10 at Statesville W 13-10 at Kannnpolis Playoffs W 9-0 vs. Concord W 6-5 (11) nt Concord W 11-5 at Concord 2nd Round • W i-0 vs. Rownn Co. W 5-3 nt Rownn Co. L 6-4 vs. Rownn Co. L 10-5 nt Rownn Co, L 3-2 vs, Rownn Co. yenrs, counting his junior nnd senior seasons at Davie and iiis one American Legion senson, Foster outdueled Brinn Bnuk nnd Jncob Wnlker knocked in Corey Randnll as Mocksville pulled out a 1-0 win. Fifth-seeded Rowan slipped to 15-16.Mocksville’s 14lh con­ secutive win lifted it to 23-6. “ Foster’s got ice wnter in his veins,” Mocksvilie conch Charles Kurfees.snid. “ He’s been good every time he’s been on the mound. He’s moving up the Indder of the nil-time Mocks­ ville Americnn Legion bnsebnll tenm. He’s moving to one of the sinners on the nll-time team wilh Buddy Jenkins, Jnck Kimei,, Mike Lovelnce, Dénny Key, Chnd Triplette, Erik Wnlker. ... He’s phenomennl.” Foster went nil nine innings, giving up five hits, two wnlks and striking out eight. Three of the five were infield hits. Foster has pitched 19 strnight scoreless innings against Rownn nnd 32 scoreless innings overall. In a 9-5 win over Rowan, he gave up four his in six innings. In a 5-0 win over Rownn, he gnve up three hits nnd struck out 15. Foster moved lo 6-0 wilh n 1.02 ERA. Thnt’s ns good ns it gets. Now he owns the lowest ERA in Mocksville’s 31-yenr history. There hnve only, been . three ERAs under two. “They won our division, nnd you don’t ever win n division wilh just one pitcher," Rownn conch Jim Gnntt told the Snlis­ bury Post. “Sliil, we’re looking forwnrd to seeing someone else - anyone else. We know Foster’s good." “We hnve n lot to do wilh (Rownn’s sub-.240 batting aver­ age for tiie senson)," Mocksville pitching conch Todd Bumgnpier said. “ They’ve fnced Foster three times.” Each and every time Rownn got n ninner in scoring position, Foster would come up wilh n clutch K. Rowan hnd runners nt first and second in a scoreless game in the third. Foster stnick out the No. 3 batter to end the inning. Rownn hnd n nmner nt third in n scoreless gnme in the fourth. Foster got n strikeout to end the inning. Rownn hnd n runner at third wilh Mocksville lending 1-0 in Ihe fifth. Foster struck out the lendoff man to end the inning. Rowni) hnd n runner nt sec­ ond in the sixth. Foster got the next two bntters,.one of them on strikes. Center fielder Connor Boden­ hnmer helped his pitcher with n tumbling cntch in the eighth. “ Foster probnbly didn’t hnve as good a stuff as he had the lnst time we pinyed them(15 Ks),but when he needed n big strikeout, he went nnd got it,” Bumgnmer snid. “ He would bare down nnd strike somebody out.” “ I don’t know how I stnyed calm watching this gnme,” Kurfees snid. Bnuk’s fine effort for Rownn went to wnste. He pitched five- hit ball for seven innings. He fell to 2-3 after suffering his second 1-0 loss of the season. Foster earned the praise, but il was Wnlker who provided the only run the ace would need. Three straight hits did the trick in the fourth. Randnll nnd Foster got hits to set the stnge for Wnlker, who punched n grounder between short nnd third lo pinte Rnndnll. “ (Wnlker) mnde n couple good plays at second nnd hnd the only RBI," Foster snid. “ He definitely hnd n good gnme.” "Rynn nnd Corey both hnd good hits right before me,” Wnlker snid. “ I got nn inside fnstbnll nnd got n ground bnll in Ihe hole. We finally strung three hits together,” The ninth inning wns rivet­ ing. The first two Rownn batters reached, nnd the next bnlter got nhend in the count 3-1. “The first guy got n hit, but I thought we’d still be OK,” Wnlk­ er said. “When Rynn walked the next guy, I started to get n little concemed. But then he struck one out. Then I knew he’d pull through." After Foster got a strikeout for the first out, he bnrehnnded n bunt nnd, fired to Wnlker, who wns covering |irst. Now there were ranners nt second nnd third with two down. “I wnsn’t too worried,” Fos­ ter snid. “ I hnd confidence that 1 could go one pitch at a time, mnke Ihe right pitches nnd get out of thnt jam." With the count 2-2, Foster called time and motioned catch­ er Will Beeson to the mound. “Rynn shook me off twice becnuse he wanted to throw an­ other curve," Beeson said. “ He told me lo give him n target nnd he’d fit it in there.” Foster snnpped the curve on the inner hnlf, freezing Chnse Hnthcock. Strike three. Mocks­ ville exhnled. “(Beeson) wns going through the signs nnd 1 wnnted to throw nnother curvebnii," Foster snid. “ He wasn’t putting one down, so we talked nbout it. I think he was nfmid he might hnve lo block one up lo save n ran. I wns nble lo buckle one in tliere for n strike. It stnrted up. It probnbly looked like it wns coming nt him, biit it broke down nnd got the inside pnrt of the pinte nt Ihe knees.” Bum gnm er knew he’d wnlched somelhing specini. “1 didn’t hnve nny iden whnt he wns throwing,” he snid. “ I figured it wns nnother curvebnll. They put n pinch ronner in thnt would hnve scored on n hit lo go up 2-1. He threw n curve nnd froze him up.” Mocksvillc 1, Rowan 0 Mock nb r h rbi bb Arey 3 0 0 0 0 Bdnhmer 3 0 0 0 0 Randall 4 I 1 0 0 ' Foslcr 3 0 1 0 1 Walker 3' 0 1 1 1 Temple 3 0 2 0 1 Beeson 4 0 0 0 0 Merritt 3 0 0 0 0 Collins 3 0 0 0 0 TotaU 29 I 5 1 3 Rowan Co. ООО ООО 000 -0 Mocksville ООО 100 OOx-1 HPB - Arey, Bodenhamer. Mock IP II R ER BB so Foster 9 5 0 0 2 8 FARM FRESH PORKAU Natural No ArUflolal knvdlantaGRAIN FED BEEFeraiaoismi'- oa/mirjintMjuu; Jerry & Cindy Foster (336) 998-7175 S-H H EHETZ C AR CRUSHING I Plus nil NASCAR Racing ^ h i IJif AloiJj/u-il, •• ------ tri'L‘1 Stuck, .111(1 Sl.Ktiiiiii Sluik DIVÍSIUII& DEMOLITION DERByI ì ^ u r d a y ^ N i g h t Oaiai openpen fo r p rM lI 12«n«l 0ld«r«910 Age« e through 11 >91 Children under 6 • FReei RLENTY^OFJFREEPARKING www.BowmaneravRaclnK.com Fun'Pita СпНпмМ'* IWrprtalkiYinl T rK b rfiM S M n 3 3 6 -7 2 3 .ia iB Вб. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 19,2012 T h i s n e w s p a p e r r e a l l y g e t s a r o u n d Great News On The Great Wall Ronald and Cindy Booe obviously aren’t the only people visiting the Great Wall in China - but they’re the only ones smart enough to bring along their latest copy of the Enterprise Record. On A Cruise With The Enterprise James “Buster” Clement, Louise Clement, Gladys Scott and Clyde Scott keep up with the news from home while on vacation on the Grand Turk Islands on a Carnival cruise. Dateline DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 19,2Ui2 - «7 f In Amish Country This group traveled with Davie County Senior Services and J&J Tours to Charleston, W.Va. and Sugar Creek, Ohio to tour the Ohio Amish country. They take a break to, have a group photo taken and to catch up on the Enterprise news. Fundraisers Friday, July 20 Coolccmcc Clvilnn BBQCIilckcn, 11 n.m. til I p.m. (or III sold out) at Civitnn Bidg., NC 801,Coolccmcc. Cost $7. Menl Is 1/2 chickcn, bnkcd beans, sinw, roll, dessert. Ent-ln or tnkc-out. Delivery of 5 or more ' orders. Cnll 284-2196, 284-2030, 909-0696, or 909-2192 to reserve your order. Saturday, July 21 Community Brcnkfost, at Jerlcho- Hnrdison Ruriinn (Greenhiil Rd., Mocksvlllc). Country hnm,snusagc, eggs, grits, biscuits, gravy - $6 per person. Donnlions nccepled. Pro­ ceeds to communlly projects. Saturday, July 28 Hotdog Lunch, sponsored by men's fellowship of New Union UMC In church parking lot, 1869 Sheffield Rd., 11 a.m. til 2 p.m. Donations accepted. Women will sell baked goods & cmfl llcms. Religion Saturday, July 21 Family Fcsl,nt New Union UMC, begins 5:30 p.m. Games for whole fnmily. Hotdogs,hamburgers,home- made icc cream. Patriotic Rninbow Tea, presented by the senior missionary circle of Greater Mt. Moriah Missionary Bnpt. Church, 3 p.m. with featured speaker. Family Fest, at New Union UMC (County Line Si Sheffield roads), 5;30p.m.Activilles, food, Icc crcam. Bring Inwn chair. Sunday, July 22 Guest Speaker at Mt. Zion Holi­ ness Church, Bishop Junior Gray, 3 p.m. Homecoming & Church Annivcr- sary,nt Friendship Missionary Bapl. Church, 157 Neely Rd.,Coolccmcc, 4 p.m. Lunch served 2:30 p.m. Ice Crcam Social, to honor Dnvid & Lynn Jordan, 3-5 p.m. nt Rich Park Shelter #1. Please bring your favorite homemade icc crcam & join Iho fellowship. Sun.-W ed., July 22-25 Summer Spectacular, nt Fanning- ton Bapt. Church, 6:45-8:30 p.m. nightly, ages 3 thru 5th grade. Tues.-Thurs., July 24-26 Summer Kevivai, at Friendship Missionnry Bapt.Church, 157 Nccly Rd.,Coolccmcc,7 p.m. nightly with guest revivalist. Rnlnbow'n:a,at MocksvlllcSccond Presbylerlan Church, 4 p.m. Sun.-Wed„ July 29-Aug. 1 Sky VBS, at Turrentine Bapl. Church, 6:30-8:30 p.m. All kids welcome. Call 998-2366 for info, Sua-Thurs., July 29-Aug. 2 VBS,al Bread of Life Bapt. Church, 4557 NC 801, Mocksville, 6:30-9 p.m. nightly, nges 2-18. Sun.-Wed., Aug. 5-8 VBS, nt New Union UMC, 1869 Sheffield Rd.. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Theme: Galactic Battle, a Cosmic Adventure Praising God. Sun.-W ed., Aug. 12-15 Homecoming & Kevivai, al New Union UMC, Sunday 11 n.m. with covcred dish lunch lo follow nt Sheffield-Caiahaln Comm. Ctr. Revival nightly 7 p.m. Ongoing SuminerDay Care, Advancc UMC, K-5lh/More nl 4, open enrollment, competitive pricc & reasonnble rates, for more info or lo register: 998-0199 If no answer lv. msg. MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers), Isl nnd 3rd Fri. of every month during Iraditionnl school year, 9:30-11:45 a.m., at Blaise Bapt. Church. H20 (His lo Own), new ministry al Jerusalem Bnpt. Ciuirch,3203 US 601 S.,Mocksville.On Wednesdnys at 7 p.m. for 18-29 yenr olds who nre collcge, single, or mnrried. We cover topics pertinent & interesting lo this age group. Awana, every Wed. evening 6:30-8 p.m. nt Eagle Heights Church. The Life & Teaching of Jesus, presented by Mocksville Seventh- Day Adventist Church, Mon. & Thurs. at 7 p.m., at 407 Milling Rd„ Mocksville. Free ndmission. Forinfo: 704-876-3665. AWANA & Youth Program, nt Ijnmes Bapt. Church, ench Sun. evening 5:45-7:30 p.m., ages four through sixth grade. Info; 492- 6434. Women’s Discussion Classes, two classes held weekly at Jericho Church of Christ, Tues. 10:30 a.m. and Wed. 7:30 p.m. No cost for materials. All women Invited. Women’s Bible Study, every Wed. 5-6 p.m.. In n home nenr Milling Rond nren. All women welcome. Info; 751-5229. Women’s Study Group, Phnse 2, on Biblical women, presented by Hannah's Ministries. Free & lield every sccond Snt. of each month, 10-11 a.m. All welcome. Info: 940-5149. CareNet Counseling Centers, at First Baptist Church, 390 N. Mnin St., Mocksville. Offers Inlcr-dc- nominational counseling. Academi­ cally trained, certified counselors & mental health professionals. Info. & appt. 751-2041. Preschool/Parcnts Morning Out, Bethlehem United Meth. Time: 9 a.m.-noon. Ages I & 2 - M,W or T, Th: Age 3 - M,T, Th. Age 4 & Pre-K - three or four days per week. Call 998-6820. Preschool, at Center United Meth. Church, 2 days per week or 4 days per week (4 yr. old class); 2 doys per week (3 yr. old class); 2 days per week (2 yr. old class) 8:30-11 ;30 a.m. Phone 940-3753. Awana & Bible Study, Wednes­ days at 7 p.m., Hope Baptist Tab­ ernacle. Sp,e,Qial..Event9 Saturday, July 21 Concert On Thc Square, down­ town Mocksville, 101 N. Main Street, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Come dance lo beach music, line dance lo hits of 70s, ami lets all do ihe Wobble Dance. Free, bring your chair. For info: 909-2263. Saturday, Aug. 18 Conccrt On The Square, down­ town Mocksville, 101 N. Main Street,6:30-8:30 p.m. 77m Спи Лйеу ... features Mel Jones. Free, bring your chair. For info: 909-2263. Saturday, Sept. 15 Concert On The Square, down­ town Mocksvillc, 101 N. Main Slreet,6:30-8:30p.m.S/ii/ifloi)ii/(... rock Л counlry lop hits. Free, bring your chair. For Info: 909-2263. Ongoing Live Music & Dancing, every Sat. night bluegrass, nt Sheffield Music Hall,call 336-751-7417 for info. Coffee House, 4lh Sun. cach monlh, 7 p.m., nt Cornnlzcr UMC. Good coffee, good fellowship, & good music. Farmington Farmers Market, Saturdays 8 n.m. Ill I p.m. nl Farm­ ington Comm. Cir. Specializing in locally hornc-grown & hand-made goods. For Info; 998-2912. Pates to Remembef Saturday, July 22 CasllngCall,DavleCo.YoungFilm Makers Club auditioning actors for short comcdy film. Audition 9:30 a.m.tll I2noonnlDavieCo.Llbrary. Questions: 284-6418. Saturday, July 28 FootballSign-ups,9a.m.lil 12p.m. al Brock Gym for Davie Co. Youth Football Association. Mon.-Thurs., Aug. 6-9 Cheerleading Camp, 6-8:30 p.m. @ DHS. Cost $40 prc-registered by July 30, $60 at door. Ongoing Spay-Ncuter Clinic, 2nd Wed. of each monlh by Ihe Humnne Society of Davic County, affordable spay- neuter surgery for cals and dogs, Call 751-5214 lo make reservation and for details. Footloose Friends,evcryTues.,7-9 p.m.(first lime danccrs should arrive 6:30). Cost $4 cach night, open to couplcs or singles. Call Link 413- 5204 or 972-2659. Boot Cnmp in thc Park, w/Jesslcn Lagle, upper shelter Rich Park, Sat. 8:30 a.m. Cost: $6 ($10 for couple). Free Monthly Diabetes/Blood Pressure/Cholesterol Screenings, last Fri. of each monlh in 2009 nt WalMan,9a.m. lil 12 noon. Spon­ sored by Davie Lion's Club. Farmington Farmers Market, now open Sat. 8 n.m. til I p.m. and Wed. 5-8 p.m. Local produce & homemade items. Location: 1723 Farmington Rd., Mocksville. Visit Cooleemce’s Mill Village Museum, 14 Church St., Wed.-Snt. IOa.m.lil4p.m.Toursalsoavailable by appt. Call 284-6040. Storytlmes, at Davie Co. Library: Tues. 10a.m. &Fri. 11a.m.-stories, songs, fun for preschoolers. Ist Sal. of every monlh - stories/activities for kids of all ages. At Cooleemee Branch: every other Fri. 10:30 a.m. (call or check website for dates). At Hillsdale UMC: every other Fri. 10 a.m. (call library or check website for dates). Meetings Thursday, July 19 2012 Back To School Empower­ ment Day Committee Meeting, at New Jerusalem Apostolic Church, 291 Campbell Rd., Mocksvillc, 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 1 Davie Business Women’s As­ sociation, nt SunTrust Bank, 880 Yadkinville Rd., Mocksville, 12 noon. For info: 998-7207. Tuesday, Aug. 7 Class of ‘67 Reunion Planning Meeting, 6:30 p.m. at First Bnp- tist Church. All members please come. Ongoing Dnvie County Planning Board, 4th Tues. of cach month, 6 p.m. in commissioners chambers,2nd floor, Davic Administration Bidg., 123 S. Mnin Street. Davic County Board of A(l|ust- ment, 3rd Mondny of cach monlh, 6 p.m., in commissioners chambers, 2nd floor, Dnvie Administration Bidg., 123 S. Mnin Sired. AA,Sl. Francis Assisi Church Hall, 7 p.m.,Thursdays,contact Jnn: 336- 753-1838. Dnvie Beekeepers Association, second Thurs. of every month, 7 p.m.,412 N. Main Street (First Bapl. Church). Visitors welcome. To find out more info: www.davicbcckcep- ers.org Davic Quiltcrs Guild, 3rd Mon. of ench monlh, for info: 492-2000. VFW Post 4024,7 p.m., 2nd Tues. each monlh, VFW Hut, Sanford Av­ enue,Mocksville. Eligiblemcmbcrs welcome. Come curly for refresh­ ments. For info cnll 492-7521. Triumph Parenting Classes, Wednesdays, 10:30 n.m., call for Info: 751-5636. Humnne Soclcty of Davie Co., bi­ monthly meetings 2ndTucs.of every even-numbered month, al Humane Society Adoption Cenler,290 Eaton Rd.Call 751-5214 for info. Family & Friends of the'Mentaliy III Support Group, 2nd Tues. of ench month, 6 p.m., Hlllsdnle Bapt. Church, Advnncc. Cnll 751-5441 fopr info. Advance Garden Club, 2nd Tues. cnchmonth,HillsdnleBapt.Church, US 158,1:30 p.m. Lion’s Club, meets 1st Thurs. of each monlh, 6 p.m. board, 7 p.m. general. Al Hardison United Meth­ odist Church. Hillsdale Sunrise Rotary Club, every Thurs. at 7 a.m., Bermuda Village. Davie Co. Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 94,3rd Tues. of every month,7 p.m.,Zcko's Restaurant. Davic Democratic Party, 2nd Tues. of cach month, 7 p.m., 110 Depot Street. Davio Co. Republican Party,evcry lhlrdTucs.ormonlh,7p.m.inDnvie Co. courthouse. Davie Amateur Radio Club, Ist Tuesday of cach month, 7 p.m., DnvIe Co. Hospital Training Room. Public welcome. Davie Co. Republican Men’s Federation, second Thurs. of ev­ ery month, 6:30 p.m., Sngebrush Restnurnnt, Mocksville. For info: 408-8898. Davie Historical & Genealogical Society, 4th Thurs., 7 p.m., Davie Library. Al-Anon Family Group, at Mace­ donia Moravian Church, N.C. 801 N.. Advahco, Sundays 8 p.m., Rm. 225 (above fellowship hall). Al- Anon is a group that helps families 6 friends of alcoholics. Coolccmcc Womens Civitan Club, meets 4th Thurs. of each monlh, 7 p.m. Cooleemee First Bapt. fellow­ ship hnll, 204 MnrglnnI St., Cool­ eemee. All nren Indies invited. For further info: 336-284-4795. Stitch-In, a gathering of crafters at Mocksville Library, second Wed. of each month, 7-8:15 p.m. Bring your portable project nn nil your best tips and tricks to shnre. Info; 751-2023. Community Foundation of Davie County Board of Directors, 2nd Mon., 5 p.m. Rotating meeting. For Info/monlhly location call 753-6903. Mocksvillc Garden Club, 1st Thurs. of each month, 7 p.m., in former fellowship hall behind First UMC, Main Street, Mocksvillc. NorthDavicRuritanCiub,month- ly dinner meetings, second Mon. of ench month ,7 p.m. Cal 1782-4276 for info nnd location of next meeting. Smnrt Start of Davie County board meeting, 3rd Tues. of every other month (begins Jnn.) nl SunTrust on Yadkinville Rd., 9-10:30 a.m. Questions: 751-2113. Alzheimer’s Support Group, 2nd Tuesday of cach monlh, 6:30 p.m., at Davie Sr. Services, Mocksville. Info; 753-6230. Davie Civitan Ciub meets 4lh Thurs. of cach month. Fcb.-Oct., 7 p.m., al Hillsdale Bapl. Church, Hwy. 158. All visitors welcome. NAACP Community Awareness Meeting, every 4th Mon. of cach monlh, 7 p.m., nt Shiloh Bnpt. Church. Ccnter ECA Ciub meets 3rd Tues­ day ofeach month, at CenterComm. Bidg., 7:30 p.m. Plense join us. Disnbled American Veterans Post 75 meets on third Monilay of each monlh, 7 p.m., nt 1958 Hwy. 601 S. Contact Larry at 336-407-5662 for more info. Town Of Cooleemee Planning Board, meets 3rd Thurs. of ench month at Cooleemeo Town Hall, 7 p.m. Autism Support Group 3rd Mon­ day of ench month, 6:30 p.m., nl Hillsdale Bapt. Church, Advnncc. Davie County Diabetes Support Group, first Thurs. of every monlh, 7-8:30 p.m., nt Dnvie Co. Public Library Small Conference Room. Info: 751-8700. Davic Co. Hospital Auxilary, every second Tues., in board room, 6 p.m. Davie Business Women’s Associa­ tion, Ist Wed. of each month, 12 noon,ntSunTrust Bank, Vnlley Bank Branch location. Open to all Indies interested in networking. Davie County Horse Emergency Rescue Team, 7:30 p.m., down­ stairs nt the Agricultural Building, Mocksville. Every 3rd Tuesday cach monlh. For info; 940-2111. Davie Co. Band Boosters, meets 2nd Tue.sday of month, 7:30 p.m., Davic High Band Room. Christian Businessmen’s Commit­ tee ofMocksvlile,Thursdnys,7 n.m. Mocksvillc Rotnry Hut. Gold Wing Touring Association, Red Pig Bnrbecue, Greasy Comer, N.C. 801 nt U.S.60l,6p.m.284- 4799. Cooleemee Rccrcatlon A.ssocin- tion, Zachary House, Isl Tuesday, 7 p.m. Davic Domestic Violcncc Scrviccs and Rape Crisis Ccnter. Offers weekly support group for domestic violence & sexunl nssault victims. The group meets every Tucs.evcning from 5:30-7 p.m. Please call office for location, 751-3450. Sons of Confederate Veterans, Ist Monday, Coolccmcc Historical Building, 7 p.m. Mocksville Rotary Club,Tuesdays, 12:10 p.m.. Energy United Educa­ tion Ccnier, 182 S. Salisbury St., Mocksville. Farmington Masonic Lodge No. 265,2nd Mondny, 7:30 p.m. nt Ihe lodge. Davie Co. United Way Board of Directors, 4lh Monday, 5:30 p.m.. Brock Center Annex, Conf. Room 208. Davic High Athletic Boosters, 3rd Monday, 7 p.m., school cafctcrin. Fnrmington Ruritan Club, 2nd Thursdny, 7:30 p.m., Fnnnlngton Methodist church. HELPS Ministries, Christian re­ covery program for women sexually abused as children. Mondays, 7:30 p.m., 41 coun Squnre, Room 210. ParcnLs Resource Organization (PRO) support group for fnmilies of children with disabilities, 2nd Tuesday, 7 p.m. Call Rosemary Kropfelder nt 998-3311 for locn­ tion. Jcricho-Hnrdlson Ruritan Club, 2nd Tuesday, 7 p.m., club build­ ing. Health Dept., clinic hours: Mon.- Fri., 8:30-11:30 n.m., 1-4:30 p.m. Davie County Board of Social Scrviccs, 4th Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. at DSS. Narcotics Anonymous Against All Odds Group,First Bnpt.Church,390 N. Main Street (upstairs), Thurs. 7 p.m.. Sun. 6 p.m. Drug Problem? Helpline, 336-785-7280. American Legion Post 174, Na- tionnl Guard Armory, US 64 E., Mocksville, 2nd Thursday, 6 p.m. Mocksvillc Civitnn Club, 7 p.m., 2nd & 4th Mondays, nt First Pres­ byterian Church. Advancc Memorial Post 8719 Veterans of Foreign Wars and Ladies Auxiliary,4th Tues.,7:30 p.m., post home. Feed Mill Road. Davic County Right To Life, 7 p.m., 3rd Thursday, grand jury room, courthouse. 751-5235 or 492-5723. Coolccmcc Memorial VFW Post Iil9,2nd Sat., 10 a.m., VFW Hnll, N.C.801. Corinthlnn Lodge No. I7F&AM, 2nd, 4th Fridays, 7:30 p.m. at thc lodge. Mocksvillc Lodge No. 134, Ist Tuesdny, 7:30 p.m. at Ihc lodge. Cooleemee Clvltan’s Club Meet­ ing, Isl nnd 3rd Mon. ench month, 7p.m.,CivitnnProperly,80l North, Coolccmcc. Davic Co. MS Support Group, 2nd Mon. of each month, 6 p.m., Dnvie Co. Hospitnl. Seni-oxs» All Senior Activities lake pince nt Dnvie County Senior Services locatcd at 278 Meroney SI . Mocks­ ville unless otherNvise noted. Cnll 753-6230. Friday, July 20 AARP Driver Safety Progrnm, 9 a.m.lil 1 p.m. (there will be breaks). Cost $12 for AARP members, $14 non-members (school personnel can take class for$5). Cnll 753-6230 for Infor nnd to register. Ongoing Sr. Lunchbox, M,T,W, 11:30 n.m., Th. & Fri., II n.m., lunch served dnily. Quilting Ciub, every Monday, 10 a.m. Bridge, every Friday, 2 p.m. SKIPBO, Wednesdays, 1 p.m. Scrnpbooking, every 2nd Tuesdny, 2 p.m. Report Davie Dateline By Noon On Monday Items for Davie Dateline should be reported by noon Mondny of the publicationweek.Cnll751-2l20or drop it by the office, at S. Main St. across from thc courthouse. I НЛР HIM IW MY 6ВЛ5Р BUT SOMEHOW HE SOUIBMEP FREE ЛЫР MAPE IT SACK TO HIS TBUCKi HE HAP TO SE AT LEAST A 600P SiX'FOOTER/ 7-17 ,3 тт/исомкзммЛ AH, УЕ6. THE OL' -OME THAT Г бот AWAY” STORY. / VS------------------------- ,<^ruf/MA s o a B«- DAVIE COIJNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 19,2012 PICKLES H0U3 PIP Tt^l$ HAMMER V. 6Ef iw MV Püföer ftiR&EWASSOHEAW,' Mwie sbo geew to A harpw /\№ sro№ m & s M t MAVK stoc'Re A KLEPftMAtilM: WnH AMriESlA> . BY BRIAN CRANE m A / o r A «L E fT o M A K ilA C ,E A a { A»U7№IU)ERE,WI4VM0131PI s t e a l A H A M M E R ? I HAVE M6 lA^E. FoRAV^AMMER. W)HO KItoWS? AWW6E lAXl WAVIE A suBcoMsaous PE&ieero be A R.A0®M11V(. THE CRlMtMAU MIWPI6VEK9 COMftE/, iJiisi'-rvtoüG.nroFAtise FOB TH\6 HAMMER. ' / i t DUSTIN B Y STEVE KELLEY & JEFF PARKER © T U nID R A WWW.TüNJP(2ACiO/V\ICö,COM DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, riiiir.sdiiy, July 19,2012 ■ Cl i § People B a ile y ’s C h a p e l C e le b r a tin g 1 0 0 Y e a rs S e r v i c e , M u s i c , M e a l A n d M o r e T h i s S u n d a y ADVANCE - The names nre famil- inr - nnd so is Ihe little wliite church thnt hns stood the test of time. The names include Bniley, Barnes, Cnrter - common in this community nestled between Advance nnd Forit, They nre the ones who started whnt is now Bailey's Chapel United Meth­ odist Church, And when the church ceiebrnles its iOOth nnniversnry on Sundny, nnccstors of those who got it all stnrted will be nmong tlie congre­ gntion, ' The beginning goes something like this. Sallie Barnes, who was born in 1882, mnrried Chnrlie Carter at nge 17, They soon moved to n fnrm owned by Cnpp Bailey - nnd she wnlked severni miles to go to church on Sundnys, Mr. Baile/ wns concerned about her long walk, and told her if she wanted a church, he would donate the land and timber for its construction. Folks in tho community began meeting in a “ brush nrbor" for summer worship, hearing preachers that Mr. Bniley procured from other churches. In 1912, Bailey's Chnpel wns formed ns a non-denominntional church. Community members, along with n couple of carpenters hired by Mr. Bailey, built a permanent stnicture . from timber that stood on the site. It was named after Mr. Bniley, ns a Bni- ggt^y Myers and Edna Barnes are proud of their church home - Bailey's Chapel United Methodist in Advance - and are helping with ley fnmily cemetery was also nearby. Tho church still has thnt same old- timey feel and look, with the addition of a few modern amenities nnd stained- glass windows that are a highlight for members nnd visitors. ■ " T\vo current membersEdna Bnmes nnd Betty Myers - weren’t rniscd nt Bniley’s Chapel, but they married into Please Sec Church - Pugc C2 W h a t: 100th Anniversary Celebration W h e r e : Bailey’s Chapel United Methodist Church, Bailey’s Chapel Road, Advance W h e n : Sunday, July 22 T im e : Sunday School,'10 a.m.; Worship, 11 a.m. with the Rev. Dr. Bob O ’Keef, a brass band and blue­ grass music; covered dish meal, 12:15 the 100th anniversary celebration this Sunday.- Photos by Robin Snow il ; | l- - f ' fly® . t o iiF i; M M A photo of the church is featured on commemorative Items. f: Stained-glass windows are a big part of the charm. , , 1 ' ' " O ' * I ‘ V ■- I - I ; i 1 \ ’ ' ' I I ' m m A . ! I Edna Barnes walks through the sanctuary at Bailey’s Chapel United N/Iethodlst Church - where you’ll find her most every Sunday, third pew back on the left side. Ç2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 19,2012 Billy & The Bluegrass Boys At Farmington Friday Night DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursday, July 19,2012 - C3 The Fridny Night Bluegrnss Jam will welcome Billy & The Bluegrass Boys Band featur­ ing Billy Castevens, Melvin Wilson, Ike Brown, K.R.Pfnff, Jimmy Jackson and Alvls Brown singing traditional bluc- grass and gospel music. Put on your dancing shoes, come join them for some flat-footin’ or two-slepplng. Hamburgers, chicken sand­ wiches, drinks and homemade desserts will be available. The concert will be held in the cafeteria of the Farmington Community Center on Friday, July 20 and the cost will be $5. Food will be available at 6 and music will start at 7. Opanasenko Earns Master’s This historic photograpli from Bailey’s Cliapei includes, from left: sitting - James Tuci<er, Robert Robertson, Mabel Myers, Lydia Sue Garter, Doris Tucker, Layvelle Livengood, Lorene’Robertson; row 2 - Jay Barnes, Athene Spry, Thelma Myers, Gray Carter, O’Neil Jarvis, Wilbur McMatian, Mabel Robertson, Mildred Myers, Mavis Tucker; back - Samuel Myers, Nelson Tucker, Green Barnes, Paul [Robertson, Rutii Carter, Robert Liv­ engood, Zaddie Mae Livengood, and teacher, Mrs. Mabel Minor. Church... Continued From Page Cl the neighborhood and now it is their church home. “ We’re proud of it and we try to take care of it," Mrs. Barnes said, She was among those on a Wednesday night painting crew to spruce up the fellowship hall for Sunday’s celebration, “The church is beautiful and the windows are beauti­ ful,” Mrs, Myers said, “I’m not bragging because it was all here before I got here,” Members, former members and visitors are welcomc. A group photo will be taken, and there will be horse-drawn car­ riage rides. A history table of artifacts and photos will be on display, and the church is selling com­ memorative mugs and plates. Brennan Carter Opanasenko graduated Mny 12 with n mas­ ter’s of science degree in marine science from the University of North Carolina Wilmington. Opanasenko, a 2005 gradu­ ate of Central High School, earned a bachelor’s degree in marine biology with depart- Young Filmmakers Hosting Audition July 21 For Comedy IRANDY MILLER] &SONS SEPTIC TANK SERVICE 295 Milltr Road • Mocksylllc (336) 284-2826 • WePumpSepUclanlu' Slats CortltM Inspeclor Skid Steer Work TtencherWork Hauling Sepllc Sysler Footings Loader Wor, The Davie Coimty Young Filmmakers Club Is auditioning actors for a short comedy film on Saturday, July 21 from 9:30 a.m.-noon at the Davie County Public Library's on North Main Street in Mocksville. Call 284-6418 or email ere- 8tivchomeschool@yahoo.com. T H E F E E D B A G R E S T A U R A N T Thursday N o w @ 6 : 3 0 » m . M o n . - S a t 6:30A№ 3PM Breakfast & Luncli Friday 6:30AM- 8PM Breakfast, Lunch, Supper Saturday 6:30^PM Breakfast & Lunch F a r m F r e s h & F a s t D i n e i n o r O u t Catering & Outside seating available At the FeedBagin historic FBrmington ■ enjoy hearty Breakfost s f^ n g at 6:30am and Great Full menu daily for Lunch until 3pm, premiering our HANDMADE FRESH GRILLED Rodeo 90% lean BURGERS 60Z & 80Z AVAILABLE DAILY. Call TODAY for DAILY FRESH SOUP! Stop ih today and we w ill send you on your way..... Good to Go from The FeedBagCrew. A t th e C r o s s r o a d s o f F a r m i n g t o n R o a d & H w y . 8 0 1 998-1109 Class Of ‘67 Planning Reunion Members of the Davie High meeting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, School Class of 1967 arc asked Aug. 7 at Fii^t Baptist Church, to attend a reunion planning North Main Street, Mocksville. This photo at the church of the Minor famiiy includes, from left: front - Charlie nor, Green Minor, Mary Jane Howard Minor, Delia Minor; back - John Minor, Sally Minor Sheets and Mattie Jane Minor Barnes. Meef The Jordans At Sunday Ice Cream Social David and Lynn Jordan (He ored at an ice cream social at is the former pastor of Engle Shelter 1 in Rich Park from'3-5 Heights Church) will be hon- p.m. Sunday, July 22. Smith Earns Marine Corps Scholarship Austin Smith, son of Tim Smith of Smith Grove and Mi- chale Dapp of Winston-Salem, graduated from Ronald W. Reagan High School on June 9. Frank Martin was the speaker, Smhh, a member of the Na­ tional Honor Society, will enter Appalachian State University in the fall with o full scholarship from the Marine Corp Schol­ arship Foundntion: a Veterans Affairs of Nortl^ Carolina Com­ mission and the Art and Dannie Weber scholnrships from the Winaton-Snlcm Foundation. His fnther is a Mnrine Corps Vietnnm veternn nnd the recipi­ ent of severnl mcdnls.Smith Friends are invited to at­ tend nnd bring n freezer of ice cream. S r. S e r v ic e s O ffe rin g S a fe D r iv in g C o u rs e Dayie Senior Services will offer a drive safety class through AARP. Although geared lo those age 50 and older, any age can take the class. AARP says the class will: teach defensive driving, new traffic laws and rules of the road: how to adjust to nge-relnt- ed chnnges such as vision nnd hearing; how to get nn insur­ nnce discount; and lenm nbout modern driving chnllenges. The AARP Driver Snfety Program is the largest class­ room refresher course designed for those nge 50 nnd older. The course will be held at senior services on Friday, July 20 from '9 a.m.-l p.m. (with breaks). Instructor Jerry Shelby will be the teacher. Cost; $12 for AARP members, $14 for non-members. School person­ nel can take the class for $5. Pay the instructor on class day. Call senior services at 753- 6230 to lenrn more. "MY CAR STARTED SPINNING AND I THOUGHT, UH OH...” ACCIDENTS HAPPEN. That's why Nationwide Insurance offers Accident Forgiveness, which means your rates won't go up because of an accident. It's like getting a second chance. To get Accident Forgiveness, call us today, Left to Right: Robyn Koontz, Judy Mason, Matt Hiller, Cynthia Danner and Nancy Grooms Matt Hiller Insurance 1109 Yadkinville Rd., Mocksville 751-6131 THANKS forMaMng Us lllnNoithbrclliu for more than 20 yian. Ыч: КЧ MSr Un«K.rWi2 □ Nationwide Insurance’ mental honors with minors in chemistry nnd ienderstiip from UNCW in 2009. Opanasenko is the daughter of Billy and Vanessa Carter of Mocksville. Her grandparents are Norman T. and Ella Smith of Mocksville and Gray and Ruby Nell Carter of Advance. Ч f, Sudoku 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 7 4 6 4 9 8 9 1 5 6 5 4 9 5 8 3 7 1 Adopt A Furry Friend From HSDC Solution On Page C8 Meet “ Benny” , a tri-colorcd (black/brown/whlte) Beagle fellow, rescued by the Humane Society of Davie County from the county-operated animal shelter. Some dogs are frightened by certain noises, and Benny is one of those. When he becomes frightened, he tends to pace the floor. But once you call him to you, he’ll come right to you and roll over on his back waiting for 0 belly rub. He’s submissive and gets along well with all the other dogs nl the adoption cen­ ter. He’s neutered, up-to-date on shots, is kennel trained and has an estimated birthdate of June 26,2007. Meet “Jagger” , an ornnge- and-white kitten rescued by the society from the shelter. He’s full of himself and is always into something. He’s the one in ACROSS 1. Patch up, as a lawn 7. Rating unit 11. Some NFL ball carriera 14. Fit for farming 15. Vacuum hookup 16. Sleep acronym 17. College hoops coach with 902 victories 19. Shoebox marking 20. Linguistic suffix 21. Caught In Ihe act 22. Unicellular critter 24, One of the Simpsons 25. Circus pitchman 27. Conductors' spots 30. Capitol feature 32. Trues up 34, U-Haul unit 35. Poop 38. Ingrid's "Casablanca" role 39. House coat? 41. Holed In one 42. Prefix meaning "milk" 43. Do a 10K 44. Como to 46. Largest of the Sun's orbiters 49. Arguers have them 50. Vouched for 52. Love personified 54. Expectant dad, perhaps 55. Social reformer Jacob 56. Teddy's li^ount Rushmore neighbor 59. Fraternal fellow 60.1980 Travolta film 64. Drink on draft 65 . Combs, aka Diddy Crossword Puzzle i Horsemen Amtfflcan PioMe tkxnetiMn Content 66. Fuse unit 67. Bandleader Kyser 68. Bridge seat 69. Like some pools or arguments DOWN 1. Broccoli__ 2. Love personified 3. Kenio__ 4. Fall back 5 . Fields (mythical paradise) 6. Rink fake-outs 7. Kick target, maybe 8 . up (dress finely) 9. Bat wood 10. Hang on to 11. Nonstaff writer, e.g. 12. Bathysphere designer William 13. Makeup problem 18. Within reach 23. Labor dispute figure 24. Surgical binding 25. Ollle's partner 26 . Arenas (Chile’s southernmost city) 27. Sandbox plaything 28 . podrlda......... 29. Alan Freed, notably 31. Like Bo Peep's charges 33. Sail spar 36 . off (repel) 37. Tbut's figures 40. Packard or Kaiser 45. Links pairing 47. Read carefully 48. Common Seattle forecast 50. Command to Rover 51. When doubled, a Washington city 53, Book after Jonah 55. Deliver a tirade 56. Act Ihe lookout, e.g. 57. Yawn inducer, perhaps 58. Took a gander al 61. "Citizen X" actor Stephen 62. _-rellef 63. New Deal agcy. Answers On Page CS Tell us what you think with a letter to the editor Details, Page 2 You are always welcome at First United Methodist Church 310 North Main Street Historic Do>vntown Mocksville Contemporary Worship 8:45 a.m. Traditional Worship 10:55 a.m. Sunday School for aii ages 9:50 a.m. ww.rirstumcniocksville.org Telephone: 751-2503 W h e n A N u r s i n g H o m e I s n ’t T h e A n s w e r W o u l d n ’t i t b e g r e a t to h a v e a s s i s t e d l i v i n g i n t h e p r i v a c y a n d c o m f o r t o f y o u r o w n h o m e ? That’s why so many seniors and their families choose certified in-home services from Providencc Senior Care. As the preferred local provider of Certified Companion Aides (CCAs)’, Providcnce Senior Care helps you live life pn your own terms, in your own style and without burdening family. Affordable rates available for 1 hour to 24-hour care. Call today fo r a F R E E assessment (3 3 6 )4 7 2 -3 8 1 0 D o you need a lueekend aw ay? We can help. A sk about Respite Care, P r o v i d e n c e S e n i o r C a r e Medicaid Certified and CAP DA and C Approved Now serving Davie County ^ www.providenceseniorcare.com j \vww.facebook.conv'piiges/Providence-Senior-Carc/28185898S236693 Benny and Jagger are two of the pets available for adoption from the Humane Society of Davie County, the kitten room that will pounce on anything that moves.He loves to play and when he can’t get someone to play with him he will pester the other kittens until they do. He loves affection but only after his playtime is over. He’s neutered, up-to-date on shots, litter box trained, hns nn estimated birthdate of April 6. He gets along well with all the other kittens. Like all cats and dogs at the center, they have received lots of TLC and .sociali/ntion by the staff and volunteers, they have been spayed or neutered, are up-to-date on shots and waiting for their forever home nnd fam­ ily. If you need help with choos­ ing a pet that fits your lifestyle, experienced staff is wnitlng to help find your perfect match. The ndoption center is nt 291 Enton Rond, Mocksville nnd is open on Mondnys by nppolnt- ment; Tuesdny-Fridny from 11 n.m.-5 p.m. nnd on Snturdny from 10 n.m.-4 p.m. Don’t be discournged if you cnn’t find your forever furry friend on your first visit. Kit­ tens, cnts, puppies nnd dogs nre rescued severnl times ench week. Check www.d(mcnclm- niane.orn or the Humnnc Soci­ ety of Dnvie Facebook page. The HSDC offers a spny/ neuter clinic. Sign up at lenst one week in ndvnnce and pay­ ment by cnsh or credit cnrd is required in advance. The trans­ port tnkes pince on the second Wednesdny of each month. For more details,call 75l-52l4and ask for Joyce. A rabies vaccination clinic will be held Saturday, July 28 from 8:30-11:30 a.m. for cats and dogs at the adoption center. Cost; $7 cash/shot. Cnts must be in carriers. Dogs must be on a leash. 3 Year Shots require proof - vaccination certificate.Recycle Electronics For Free On July 28 A new huulfill ban makes it Illegnl to dispose of televi­ sions nnd electronics, such ns computers, printers, nnd video gnmes, in the landfill. These items must be recycled. On Saturday, July 28, 7:30 a.m.-noon, electronics will be collected for free recycling al the landfill al 360 Dalton Road In Mocksville. Items that will be collected iiiclude PCs, hnrd drives, laptops, televisions, keyboards and mice, serv­ ers, cell phones, PDAs, video games, iPod nnd MP3 pinyers, network equipment, VCRs, ■scnnners, printers, copiers, GPS, typewriters, telephone systems, rechnrgeable batteries, nnd ink and toner cartridges. There nre other options for many of these items, and work­ ing electronics can be donated to pinces such as Goodwill.The counly will offer one additional electronic collection event in 2012, on Saturday Oct. 27, nt the same time and localion. For more information or cjuestions on local recycling op­ tions or the landfill bans, con­ tnct Colleen Church with NC Cooperntive Extension, Dnvie County Center, al 753-6lOO,or visit www.p2pays.orglcillzciis. asp for stale wide information on waste management and re­ cycling. P о W E R S P O R T S Its mom tun when got a Stth u d :n m e f i r e s S a le s • S c o o t c r s • S c r v i c c • G o K a r t s P a r t s • D i r t B i k e s • A c c e s s o r i e s • A T U 's C4 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 19,2012 Cooleemee residents attend an informational meeting on a design for a new swimming pool for the town. The meeting was July 9 at the VFW building. Cooleemee News By Karen Chandler Smith Cooleemee Correspondent On July 9, residents hnd a chance to sit down nnd nsk questions nbout a proposed re­ design of tho swimming pool and the nttendance wns good. Dnvid Wnll with Signnture Aquntics crented the design shown to the public nnd mnny questions were nsked con­ cerning costs, depths, needed upgrndes on the bnth house, concessions, lighting, use of existing plumbing nnd more. The committee that hns been working on the detnils for over a yenr Were present nnd Chris Brnnhnm, town commissioner, officinted the meeting, This . design would nllow wheelchnirs to roll right into the wnter nnd the splash nren gives plenty of seating for moms or grandparents to wntch their little ones. The depth maximum would be 5 feet ovcrnll and this would nccommodnte competitive swim meets and allow volley­ ball piny. ■ Currently the pool hns a large nren thnt hns deep depths nnd the new design will nllow more use of the pool by filling in the depth with rock nnd concrete. The proposed design will nt- troct mnny fnmilies from not only Cooleemee but from sur­ rounding nreas,they snid. If you didn’t get n chnnce to go to the theeting, another one will be scheduled. Karen Stephens, Cooleemee Elementary School’s new prin­ cipal, wns in the process of interviewing tcnchers for Ihis upcoming school yenr nnd we had n chnnce to tnlk briefly nt the end of the dny. ‘The most important thing is coming in ' and developing some relationships. My biggest concern is tnking cnre of the children, 1 plnn to help the staff come together nnd feel good about where they are from, they should feel good becnuse it is n grent community; build on thnt because they have been grow­ ing academically. “I want the children to know that they will be safe, I’m going to take care of them nnd they nre going to be very loved. I’m bringing my own son to the pre- K this year nnd when they see me, I wnnt them to see a smile on my face, thnt they know we are going to hnve a good yenr at school and things are going to be very positive.” Sounds like to me the kids of Cooleemee hnve n lot to look forwnrd to this yenr. The South Yadkin T\ibe Rnce will be held Saturday, July 21, starting at 10 a.m. The tubes will go into the water nt the Junction, locnted off Junction Rond, and will end up nt the dam nt the Bull Hole. The win­ ner will receive $100 nnd a tro­ phy thnt has n big bull on top. Life jackets and tubes cnn be rented for $5 n piece. You must be 16 or older to pnrticipnte nnd those under 18 yenrs of age will need n pnrent or gunrdihn to sign tho required liability waiver. Feel free to cnii (704) 245-2992 or284-6040 for more informntion. The 3rd Annual Duck Race will be held Snturdny, July 21, and the festivnl will begin nt 11 n.m, Fnce painting nnd gnmes, food nnd fun in tho sun and sand will be avuilnble. Come on down nnd enjoy the fun. I’ll be counting so the 33rd person that snys to me “1 love Cool­ eemee” will get n free 11x14 professional print. Don’t just hear about it; be there because we are going to have a lot of- fun. Feel free to contnct me nt w\vw.cooleem eenem ®gm ail. com orcall me at; 336.250,1133, I would love to hear from you. These photos show a scene from the old Cooleemee pool, and the design for the new version. I Town Commissioner Chris Branham talks about the possibilities for the new Cooleemee pool. Cooleemee Elementary teacher Christie McDougal Instructs students In a summer program (left), and new principal Karen Stephens Is ready to welcome students. Q i u d d e D a y F or J o sh R o m in g e r All Day At KFC of Mocksville Sunday, Aug. 5 10% of all sales to benefit Josh Rominger S ilv e r Q u e e n C o r n Corn will be » available this Friday. [H O P O R C H A R D 336-492-7246 or 336-345-0994 DlrBollons: From 1-40 Exit 170 In Mocksville, lake Hwy. 601 North, lell on Ijames Church Rd., follow slgns^ Hours; Mon.-Fri, 8;00am • 6:00pm, Sat, & Sun., 8am-7pm Look lor us on Facebook: Hilltop Útchatd W h i t n e e ' s N e w & U s e d v a r i e t y S t o r e 998Yadkinville Rd., Mocksville ^Across fmm Farm Bureau Imuranee) LOOK FOR OilR ipiciilLi, NIW ft UIIO FI.,..NIW, CUSTOM MAOaMAnRIM «nt . B T A R T IN 9A T |l(^i00ftM U C H ,W HOURS: Mon. Noon-5:00pm;TuM. 10:OOam-5:OOpm;Wed. Closedi Thurs. Noon.&OOpm; Fri. I0:00am-5:00pm; Every Other Sat 9:30am-130pm ____ (M 6 )7 5 S .1 1 B 8 C l a s s i f i e d s 1-877-751-2120 DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, i’liur.sdiiy, ,iuly 19,2012 - C5 .BLUE ;^ ,.^ V -'S T A R 'o r ~ . v . í-íKíhw.-»v r -s L- ■ ’ c t^ b ■ The V-PoInt Ruritans invite everyone to a poor man's supper from 4-6:30 p.m. Saturday, July 21 at the V-PoInt Building on Old Mocksville Road about .3 mile from NC 901. The supper buffet will include pinto beans, slaw, corn bread, onions, spaghetti, tossed salad, dessert, and drink for a donation. Proceeds will benefit the placing of a "Blue Star" bronze marker near US 21 and NO 901, The marker, about 2- by 3-feet in size, will pay tribute to veterans and will have a flower bed at its base. Pictured is a similar "Blue Star" marker at Sullivan Road and Davie Avenue in Statesville. County Line News By Shirley Thorne County Line Correspondent This week County Liners have been battling hot and hu­ mid days but are looking for­ ward to a cooler weekend. We agnin remind folks to drink plenty of liquids'nnd check on older folks living alone, ■ The Sniem United Methodist Youth enjoyed the cooler temps of southwestern North Caro­ lina and had n snfe successful work week nt the Hinton Rural Life Center. Remember Ihe meeting of the Women on Missions of Society Baptist Church at 2 p.m. todny (Thursdny) in the fellowship hall. The meeting will begin with refreshments and fellowship hosled by Julin Blackwelder. Mary Jo Lewis will lend a progrnm on intemn- tionnl missions with emphnsis on Southern Bnptist ministry nt Ihe upcoming Summer Olym­ pics in London, The women invite others. There will be n softball tour­ nament sponsored by Piney tirove AME Zion Church Fri­ day and Saturdny, July 20 & 21, ot Ihe Center community ballpark on US ^ .West. For more informatibn, plense call 704-546-2799. ' Our V-Point Ruritnn Club continues to grow in members, Lnst week IhC' club welcomed two new members, Jnckie Clem­ ent nnd Herbie Jnmes, who will concentrnte on community en­ vironmental poncems. Be sure Pino News to join Ihe club for Iheir poor man's supper from 4-6:30 p.m. Snturdny at the V-Point nuild- ing on Old Mocksviilc Road nbout .3 mile from NC 901. Society Baptist will host "Wild for Wednesdays" for children and youth next week. Please call Pnstor Dnvid Chil­ dress on 466-0423 for more in- ' formntion, Piney Grove AME Zion is hosting a summer feeding pro­ gmm for children nges 2-18 from 11 n.m.-1 p.m, Monday- Fridny in Ihe fellow.shlp hall. There is no charge for Ihe menl. For more informntion, plense call 704-546-2799. The Women on Missions of Society Baptist will collect children's snack food for Ihe next few weeks to be distrib­ uted lo families in need vin the South Yadkin Food Pantry. If you wish to donnte some snncks or money to buy some snncks, please call Mnry Jo Lewis on 704-546-7141. Cnivnry Bnptist is supporting the "Coupons for Soldiers" pro­ grnm. If you have coilpons you are not using including those that hnve expired, Ihey cnn be used lo help support soldiers. For more informntion or lo do- ; nate;coupons; plense call, Edi},a Simmons on 909-1425. Upcoming community events include a counlry ham and sausage breakfast, bnke snle, nnd ynrd snle sponsored by Ihe United Methodist Men of Salem from 6-10 o.m. Satur­ day, July 28 ot Ihe County Lind VFD; community-wide prayer brenkfosl hosled by Ihc United Methodist Women of Clnrk.s- bury nt 8:15 n.m. Sundny, July 29, in the fellowship hull; spa­ ghetti supper followed by a gospel singing at 6 p.m. Sun­ dny, July 29, nl Society Bnptist Church; V-Point Ruritan coun­ try hnm nnd sausage breakfast from 6-10 a.m. Solurdoy, Aug. 4, nt the V-Point Building; nnd vncntlon Bible school for nil nges at Pleasant View Baptist Church from 2-6 p.m. Sntur­ day, Aug, 4, Our stole's primary election was in Mny nnd Ihe run-off wns on Tuesdny, Per North Carolina law, as of July 27 roadways should be clcor of political signs until 30 days prior to Ihe November election. That is, political signs cnnnol be put up nlong our rondv/nys prior lo 30 dnys before nn elec­ tion and must be taken down no later than 10 days afler an election. There nre still some signs of Mny winners nlong US 64 West. Candldntes, be good Inw-nbiding citizens and see that your signs ore removed. Our community sends con­ gratulations lo Caleb and Sara Snow Dovls upon the birth of son Caleb Coss on' July 9. Weighing 7 lbs. 15 oz.. Cnss Joins his older brother Adren as Ihe love of grandparents Jimmy nnd Elnine Koontz Snow nnd greal-grnndpnrents Oscnr nnd Snrn Wilson Koontz, both of Dorse Rond in Counly Line, nnd grnndpnrenis Rick nnd By Nora Latham Pino Correspondent There nre several on Ihe prayer list at Wesley Chapel, Clyde Murray, Dorothy West, Luther and Osline West and Chnrles and Jone Mosten. Tina Gobble nnd her grand­ son, Bnnks, nttended Wesley Chnpel Sundny with her father, Vemon Dull. The Wesley Chapel United Methodist Women hnd their monthly meeting lnst week ol .the home of Noncy Collette on her beautiful back porch. Those attending were Kathy Ellis, DeWilln Smith, Betty West, Toby Hnwkins, Sarn Eure, Mnr- lene Trivette nnd Norn Lnthnm. Mnrlene nnd Calvin Triv- elle visited Chnrles nnd Jnne Mosten lost week. Pnslor Snrn Scruggs, niso, visited them, Jim and Chinero Lotham, Jim, Kendro, M, J. ond Stephen Jacobs nnd Bob nnd Knthy Ellis attended the' wedding of Chin- ero's niece, Amy Moshbum of Hudson, ot Blowing Rock Country Club on Solurdoy, July 14. Jim ond Chinern’s dnughter nnd her fnmily, Audrn, Glenn nnd Caroline Rous, come from Dnniel Islond, S.C. lo ollend Ihe wedding. Lost week Madeleine Spnrks and I took lunch to Jnnice Hunter. Jnnice hns been in Ihe hospitnl but is home nnd do­ ing belter. We enjoyed tnlking nbout ndvenlures we hnd ns wc grew up together. On Sundny, my son, Dnle Lothom, and Joyce Sutton look me lo lunch. It's olwoys good to spend time with my children. Four Corners News By Marie White Four Comers Correspondent Jerry Polls visited Mr,ond Mrs, Grody Beck, Glenda Snpp Visited Mr, Advance News nnd Mrs, Joe While, Remember Pnlricin Hamm,- Bettie Smith’s daughter, os she deals with Ihe loss of her hus- bond, Terry Hamm, By Edith Zimmerman Advnnce Correspondent Elnine Smith pul 24 red ros­ es on Ihe nitor of the Elbnville United Methodist Church lost Sundoy in memory of her lote molher, Mabel Howord’s lOOth birthday on Sunday, July 15, After the church service Elnine shnred Ihe roses with friends of her mother’s, Edith Zimmer­ mnn nnd Irene Hnll were nmong Ihe recipients, Jimmy nnd Nellie Sizemore and grnnddnughler Elio of Courtney visited Anno Lee Myers Thursdoy. Edith Zimmerman’s grond- children visited on Sundoy, Amondn Hendrix Fortin, hus­ band Scott ond young son Ethon Fortin ofSolisbury, Edith hnd the misfortune lo fall nt her home Snturdny nnd wns Ireoled ot Ihe Dnvie County Hospitnl for minor injuries. Get well wishes go lo Jeo- nette Cornotzer who is being Ireoled for severiil physical oil- menls. ^ W A S H E S ^ pTouchless orq I Brush wash | I Mo cksville ^ [ A uto P ride . Ca r Wash ★ OPEN 24 HOURSI ★ N. Yadkinville Rd. Mocksville (across Irom Lowes Home ImprovomenI) WWW. ourdavie.com Stephanie Davis nnd grenl- grondpnrenis Jerry nnd Wilmn Hones ond Melvin nnd Wilma Gregory. We send get-well wishes to Margie Beck, Jeon Duly, ond Regina Gunter, Margie is hov­ ing bnck problems ond has been confined to home rest. Jean hod surgery last week nnd is recu­ perating ot home. Regino wns hospilnlized lost week ond is re- cuperoling at home. Joel Cort- ner is recupernting nt home af­ ter successful surgery Thursdoy of last week. Sondy Cline coa- linues lo improve ol home and wos able to go lo church Sun­ day, Ocinvin "Tippy" Clement remains at the Kate B, Reyn­ olds Hospice House in Win- ston-Snlem. Brondon Gwoilney hod heort surgery Mondoy, he is on oxygen full lime. Elaine Whitley continues to await test results. Jewell Waller continues lo nwnit n kidney tronspinnt. Lois Hnrris nnd Howard Sof- riet remoin in rehab nt Autumn Cnre of Mocksville. Join us in prayer for the Lord's divine healing and blessings upon Margie, Jean, Reginn, Joel, Snndy, Tippy, Brandon, Elaine, Jewell, Lois, Howaru, and olliers who arc having heallh problems. Re­ member in prayer Ihe fnmily of Barbara Smoot Walker, who died Ihis past weekend; she was a daughter of the late John and Minnie Koontz Smoot. Also, remember in prayer Ihe fam­ ily of former Davie Academy Road resident Fay Owens , who died July 3 al home. Much appreciation is given lo the Kelchie family for Shir­ ley's dedication to our commu­ nity news since its inception. After her death her husbnnd Bill fllled in. About two weeks ngo Lucille Houston Beck, life­ time member of Plensnnt View Bnptist Church, joined our news team. She was reared on Vaughn M ill Road near Soci­ ety Road and married Shirley's brother Tom Beck of nearby Stroud Road, The couple set­ tled on Stroud Road and reared Iheir three children. We appre- Lucllle Beck, life-time County Line resident and Pleasant View Bap­ tist Church member, Is the newest member of the "County Line News" team. ciale Lucille's support of our news column. For news and memories to share, please call Shiriey on 492-5115 or email sM in k ® liolmall.com, FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT® FOR HEALTHY tlVINS . FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY H E L P IN G K ID S S U C C E E D D o n a t e a N e w B a c k p a c k a n d J o i n t h e Y f o r $ 1 9 Help kids start the school year ready for success by donating a new backpack from now until August 15 and get your joining fee for only $19. All backpacks will be donated to Davie County Schools. Stop by the Y for more details. Call 751 9622 for more information or Visiv www.davieymca.org Find us at www.facebpok.com/DavieFamilyYMCA 1 r.''^1 F I C6. DAVIE COUNTY ENTEkPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 19,2012 Sheffield-Calahaln News By Brenda Bailey Sheffleld-Calahain Correspondent The Sheffield community and the New Union United Methodist Church church fnm­ ily extend n wnrm welcome to our newest nddition, Cnrson Bryant Thutt. Cnrson was born Thursdny, July 12 nt,7:02 p.m., weighing 7 lbs. 6 oz. nnd 21.5 inches in length. Cnrson is the son of Amber and Ed Thutt and the little brother of Mor­ gan. Maternal grandparents nre Randy nnd Vicki Groce of Yadkinville nnd Tom nnd Knth­ ryn Thutt of Kinston. Matemnl grent-grnndparents nre Cccil nnd Lenn Mae Allen of the Sheffleld community and Bud and Frances Groce of Hamp- tonville. We send our love nnd congratulations to all of you. Birthday wishes go to nil those celebrnting this week; Dnniel Baity nnd Johnny Brown on July 19; Stephanie Payne, Crystnl Pnyne, Jonnthnn Johnson nnd Renee Hollnnd on July 20; Yvonne Messick nnd Brooke McNiel on July 23; and Kristi Lanier, Cody Ferguson, Tommy Dyson nnd Yvonne Ijames on July 25. Congrntuln- tions to the couples celebrating anniversaries: Brian nnd Tinn Dyson on July 20; Steve and Pntricia Mnson, Nick nnd Jni- me Stowe and Darryl nnd Lisn Sizemore on July 21; Kip nnd Denise Miller on July 22; Jus­ tin nnd Henther Dyson on July 23; S.T. nnd Ruth Snow on July 24; nnd Nonh nnd Cnrrie Fun- on July 25. If you would like nn nnniversnry or birthdny posted in this section, plense do not hesitnte to cnil or emnil me. I BAKERY THRIFT STORE i I • Mon-Ftl 9-7 Sat 9-6 Sun 10-5•I R Ki’K K S K N iv m !■;J u lia H o w a rd N C H o u se 7<Jlh ¡)isu w( Please contact me in; MOCKSVILLE: (336) 751-8567 RALEIGH: (919) 733-5904 16 W. Jones Street, Rm 1f06 Raleigh, NC 27601-1096 Email: ¡utiah@ncleg.net Look for us on Facebook at: Rep Julia Howard | PAIPFOHIirJUUAtlOWAKD 2 To rent the Sheffield-Cnln- haln Community Center or Recreation Aren, contnct Becky Hill nt 704-546-2508 or Doris Dyson nt 492-5712. The ShefHeld-CnInhnIn VFD meetings nre held ench Mon­ dny night nt the stntion nt 7. The next Jr. Explorer Dny will be Sundny, July 22 nt 2 p.m. nt the fire depnrtment for children ages 8-13. For more informn­ tion, plense contnct Teresn nt 704-546-5603. A Fnmily Fest will be held nt New Union Snturdny, July 21 beginning at 5:30 p.m. New Union is nt County Line nnd Sheffield roads. There will be nctivities for children and adults. Hotdogs, hnmburgers nnd homemnde ice crenm will be nvnilable, Hope you can join us for nn evening of fun nnd fellowship. New Union is getting rendy for Vacation Bible School Aug. 5-8 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Bring your children for a grent time of lenrning more of God’s word. Children of nil nges nre welcome. The theme this yenr is "Gnlnctic Blnst.” This should be nn out of this world Bible school experience. Homecoming nnd revival nt New Union is Aug. 12-15. Our homecoming service is 11 n.m. with the Rev. Benny Church ns guest spenker. The Rev. Andy Lnmbert will be revivnl speaker Sundny-Wednesday with ser­ vices nightly nt 7. New Union’s fall festival will be Snturdny, Sept. 22, We are taking reservntions for vendor spnce, Cnil Ruby nt 492-6399 or Brenda at 751-7567. Senior Bible Study at Liberty Wesleyan Church is held the second Tuesday of ench month at 10 n.m. Everyone is invited, The Hnrmony Public Ll- brnry’s Summer Rending Pro­ grnm theme is "Drenm Big, Rendl” The progrnms nre ench Thursday from 6:30-8 p,m. On July 19 the program will be “Dreamcatchers” with Frances Beeson; nnd on July 26, it Is Zoofari with Michelle McKay. On Aug; 1, from 1-3 p.m., the Summer Reading Progrnm Grnnd Finnic will be nt Tomlin- son-Moore Pnrk in Hnrmony. Plen,sc note the new dnte nnd time. This wns scheduled for Claude and Flossie Lackey, Gwen and Buster Cleary and Autman and Maggie Cleary at Buster and Gwen's wedding. The tént meeting i$ atill in| pv0w ^ in Slervices will be h0l4 eadi night through each ', Mrs. C. C. Beck ìa mi well, we are sotcy to Mris, Arthur Wrigjit of Char­ lotte epént Saturdoy with Mrs. T. M. Smith. I M r., and iVilrs. Gi'iidy Ijaitiios i .iH'V г \ l i л IjitiiH '.N l 1 Supday euests uf Mri>. M i, -Mi's. kcid K it f iu ’ Й Ы - к у М е д и ; d i. ' ' I .МПЧ-1 ' WM'k,» in Uu i." = Morgan Thutt is aii smiies as she holds new baby brother, Carson. M E T A L R O O F IN G 3' Coverage • 40+ Colors 411 com* m tHiBar star luno 40 Year Warranty UP TO *500°° TAX CREDIT AVAILABLECall for prices! 1 -8 8 8 -2 7 8 -6 0 5 0 MID-STA1E METALS of the Carolinas, LLC j www.mldstatemalals.com g Aug. 2. There will be a cook­ out, Inwn games, Hnrmony VFD tnick (spraying water), mural painting to be <lisplayed in the library, solar viewing and much more. The Astronomy Club members will bring filters to view the sun which,is the only safe way to look directly at the sun. Children, be sure to bring your parents to all these events. If you hnve questions or need more information, please call 704-546-7086. Bnck by populnr demnnd, nn old newspnper clipping of the Sheffield News is shown this week. This wns sent tq me by Marie Roth. Also, n photo of Buster and Gwen Cleary’s wedding is included thnnks to Ray Clark. If you have nn old news nrticle or photo that you B U IL D A B A C K P A C K Help Local Students Succeed this School Year Every child deserves fresh notebooks, carefully sharpened pencils, and durable, newly-purchased backpacks that represent the start of the new school year. When a child doesn't have adequate supplies, he or she struggles to focus on learning and academic success during precious classroom hours. Stop by your local Walmart to donate supplies or backpacks beginning July 23 through August 20. Donate a backpack at the Davie Family YMCAluly 1-August 1S and Join the Y with only a $ 19 Joining fee. Thanks to the community partners who make this possible) would like pictured in this col­ umn, plense forwnrd to me. You, the renders, nre the renl writers of this column. I wnnt to personnlly thnnk nlso Janice Jordnn and Pam Branham for their contributions of articles and photos ench week. Prnyer list requests' nre for Lizzie Reeves, George Wnll, Jonnn Rntledge, Eloise Ste­ phens, Janice Beck, Jonnn Smith, Pnt Gobble, Madeline Lapish, Bill Shoffner, Melody Wngner, Rny Wngner, Tenny­ son Anderson, Tom Wright, Rose Wright, Clyde Hutchens, Joyce Cnrter, Lincoln Dy­ son, Mnrty Looknbill, Johnny Wnlker, Robin White, Doug White, Jesslcn Blackburn, Di­ nne Shoffner, Jenn Reavis, Ray Livengood, Cheryl Richnrdson, Mnry Hendrix, Libby Crenson, Teresn Cnmpbell, Pat Moore, J.W. Kenton, Sue Allred, Stn­ cie Shoffner, Norman Spry, Wnyne Dyson, G.H. Goforth, Fred Roth, Trncy Bnrnes.Todd Sheffield news from Juiy 22„ 1949. Olsen, Frnnces Gunter, Roger If you have specinl memories Hutchens, Estelle Reeves, Bry- of the Sheffield community, an McClamroch, Tony Price, please contnct me. 1 look for- Terry Allen nnd Cnrolyn Jor- wnrd to receiving your com- dan. Our condolences to the ments, Information nnd photos. Lillie Mnc Johnson fnmily. Plense submit your news items As your news correspondent, no Inter than 9 nm on Mondnys. 1 need your help to mnke this a You can contnct me nt hrjbai- column of interest lo everyone. ley®in.m.com or nt 751-7567, S p e d a l s o f t h e W e e k Questions? Contact Walmart at 7 5 1 - I 266 or visit your local store at 26 1 Cooper Creek Rd, Mocksville, 27028 W a lm a r t '!c Sav* mon«y. LIv*Divlt Counly UnMWiK. Inc.mdngtheLeaU ACT# POPCORN iT f il Limite Foster Grant Sunglasses and Readers 5 0 % O F F READY TO EAT POPCORN *70„ . , i f 9 Limit 4 - NEW S p ad ai Saiection of Marlolein Bastin Cards by Hallmark 1 Don't Forget Your Muscadines! | | F o s t e r D r u g C o . 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • 336-751-2141 • www.fosterdrugco.com Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 I '" ' DAVHi COUNTY EN l liKPKISE KliCOKU, I hursday, July IV, M U - и/ Farmington Community Center Celebration Saturday The Farmington Community Center will celebrate 41 years since the property was deeded to the Fnrmington Community Associntion in 1971 by the Dn­ vie Bonrd of Educntion. On Snturday, July 21 from 8 n.m.-2 p.m., the ceiebrntion will Include nntlque trnctors, old fashioned cornhole gnmes, live music, trnin ride for the kids, Irish dnncers, crnfters and vendors. Tho Fnrmington Farmers Market'will be open, nnd the Fnrmington Ruritnns will cook hotdogs to sell. The Fnrmington Fire Department will provide children’s activi­ ties lo rnise money for depnrt­ ment needs nnd the Pednling Pirntes cycling team will be there with a dessert lent raising money for the National MS so­ ciety. There is no admission fee and tickets will be sold for the train ride, children’s nctivities nnd Cornhole gnme. For more informntion visit www.Farm-, ingtoncc.org or cnil 998-2912. The fncilily served as the Fnrmington High School from 1921 through the spring of 1956.That fall, Farmington, Mocksvillc, Cooleemee, and Shady Grove high schools were consolidated inlo D'avie County High School in Mocksville. The Farmington campus then served as an elementary school until the spring of 1970, after which Smith Grove nnd Fnrin- Ington elementnry schools were consolidated into Pinebrook Elementary, which opened in the fall of 1970. The old Fnrm­ ington School building wns soon demolished, but the rest of Ihe cnmpus hns functioned ns the Fnrminglon Community Center since 1971, when the Fnrminglon Community Asso­ ciation, formed to facilitate the building’s use for community progrnms nnd events, acquired the property. The organization became a non-profit organiza­ tion in 2006, partnered'with the Davie Senior Services to open n senior center, became nn Unit­ ed Wny ngency for the support of progrnms, has continued the preservation of the old Fnrm­ ington High School fncilily s S P O n i B H T TGT Recycling’s team puts green technology lo work, recycling old cars and all types of metal. T G T R e c y c lin g s e rv ic e When Bill Ratliff of TGT Recycling was working for a trucking company, he had a side Job of collecting recyclable goods. He enjoyed the side Job so much that he decided to make It his family business. TGT Buys Old Cars and Other Metals "I have always liked collecting things,” Bill said in a recent interview. “So I borrowed $250.00 to buy my first car to re­ cycle and started knocking on doors - literally." Bill, along with his girlfriend, Kaitlyn Wade, his daughter Carmen Tomlin and brothers Aaron and Goty Smith, have made a business out of collecting recyclable goods. "We usually begin our workday around 7 a.m. and start looking for old cars at houses that look abandoned or where the grass has grown all around it,” he mentioned. "And by 9 a.m. we are knocking on those doors offering to buy that old car.” After only a few months in business, Bill said they are up to buying 10 to 15 cars a week. "We normally give anywhere froiVi $200-$600 for a car depending on if it's drivable or not," he noted. "We will also buy parts off of cars as weil. We buy anything metal." Shop Location and Business Hours TGT Recycling will come and get your car or metal or you can take It to their shop which Is located at 360 Hwy 801 In Woodleaf (just outside of Cooleemee and five miles from Greasy Corner.) The shop sits on 32 acres of land that was previously hmientic Baihershop Experience W e f i x $ 6 . 0 0 H a i r c u U ! 3 Professional Barbers With Oyer 100 Years G)inbined Experience Walk Ins Wekome! 2721 Lcwisvillii-ClemmonsRoiul Clemmons (336)766-9011 ^ Hours: Tlie-Fri: 8:30-6:00 pm Sat 8:00 nm - noon ^ >5' www.clmmonsluirberihopxom (jLEMMONSBinSHOPg) _ Hctmk a r DH* R*Ai. £tt. Ш0 owned by Roger Spillman before being bought by TGT Re­ cycling. “I Just want to personally thank Roger for giving me the opportunity to get in there and go to work," Bill said with gratitude. TGT also handles large equipment and demolition Jobs. They will bring In their equipment and clean it up. Recently they cleaned out the old mlil by the Yadkin River in Coolee­ mee and came out with 70 tons of steel. ' Another passion of Bill's is giving back and being there for the people. “I was where they were and now I am here for them," he said. “If you tell me you will be here by 4:30 and you don't show up until 5:30— for whatever reason —I will stay and wait until you get here.” TGT Recycling always gives free estimates. The shop hours are Monday-Friday 9 a.m, - 5 p.m. and on Saturday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Bill can be reached at (336) 284-2799 or by email at tgtrecycling@gmail.com. They are in the process of getting a website set up but for now you can check them out on Facebook. TGT - Think Green Technology TGT - Think Green Technology - Is part of a five-year recycling plan that Bill Is working on. “I hope to one day recycle glass, cardboard, plastic and whatever else that needs recycling," Bill said. “I would like to get a glass recycling.machine and take the glass and turn it Into sand which can then be used for road base." His recycling vision is limitless. Too hot on the deck? Can’t use In rain? Call us about our Structall Roof System or Too many flying bugs? No Problem. We also do Screen-ln rooms Free Estimates! Mobile Phone 978-2299 EDWARDS SID IN G & W INDO W S 7 6 4 - 0 8 8 5 nnd is working to use it lo meet needs in the community. Records show mpre thnn 40,000 people cnme through the fncilily in 2011. “Through the Davie Senior Center site, the Teen Gathering place, the Fridny Night Blue­ grass Jam nnd olher progrnms, meeting space for civic groups such ns the Fnrmington Ruri­ tnns, 4-H clubs, Giris Scouts and Davie Co. Coon Hunters Club, facility rentals to local fnmilies, use of the bnll field nnd other recrentionnl nctivities on site, the fncilily has been a great resource to Davie County residents,” said Lnura Mathis, executive director. The organization acquired more than 60 acres thnt adjoins the original property through a donation by Louis and Martha Smith in 2007. They arc work­ ing toward the construction of the new Farmington Nature Park. “This Is truly something to celebrale nnd everyone is in­ viled lo come and join in on the fun,” Mathis said. ijgililis “D on e D irt C heap Residential Dralnogo Syttomt Storm Walor Managoment Wotor Proofing • Baaoment/Crawl Space licA r^H A ' Driveways»Qravol/Concrelo ■ ■ Grodlno/Excavatlng/DomolHIon iniurva Mulch • Dirt • Sand • Gravel ddlgs.wordpress.com Clemmons, NC • Tom Jones • 336-749-0465 C L O C KR E P A I R Grandfethcr Mantle & Wail in-homc in-shop service scrvicc 33U92-aN 33H3t-M62 209 M eadoi^rook M all Clocks for Salel ■m rn mi. 'BAKERY THRIFT STORE I : C a t e r e r s ; ; 9 our ; • cheap prices ; ' Mon-Frl 9-7 Sat 9-6 Sun 10-5 , P E R K I N S R O O F I N G "Quality work at reasonable prices" Phone: 336-753«355 Fa)il33e.7S34373 ' Jcsso Perkins - Owner -300 Spring Si Mocksville, NC - 336448-0769 W ALK-INSW ELCO M El Ke ié^CompanUe3^S^ I I ^ I ^ ClemmonsiHairòtudio *64,99 Perm, Cut & Style, special ^vith Mtmm Camphdl Only, NI AV CMliN I S ONI V ()rfcr I'.xplrc.s: ()ctobcr 31,2012 Also ofTcring. Hair Extensions (bcad-ln method), Color, Cuts, Hl-lites and more! 2 5 "" O F F Mention this ad Call for a free estimato at 7(Ц*74в<4799 or 704-667-2728Israel Melton • elítede8ígnland@aol.com IS YOUR BROKER LEAVING TOWN? If 80, iimybc now is a good timo to look at Edward Jones. Wilh Kdwnnl Jones, you get personni, coniidential, one-on: ono servlet! from u finnneial advisor who cun help you with all your (inuncial needs. Transferring your account Is easy, Call today to learn more. Slayton R Нафо Financial Advisor 5539 Us Hwy 158 Suite 104 Advance. NC 27006 336-940-3150 www.edwardj0n0l.com Member sipc K<i\\ai'(IJones IM ii ■ ’<1 Ll;'-'li; C8- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 19,2012 Obituaries Mary ‘Gerì’ Paige Mrs, Mnry Oernldine “ Geri” J" Groce Paige, 92, formerly of ■‘ US 158, Mocksville, died Tues- .‘ dny, July 10, 2012, nt CInpp's jj Convnlescent Nursing Home in Asheboro. • She wns born Mnrch 3,1920, { in Forsyth County tO' the late 5 John M. and OIndys Naylor » Groce. Mrs. Paige was a grad- lunte of RJ. Reynolds High J School cinss of 1938 and Bre- ; vard Junior College. She was i a volunteer with Girl and Boy i Scouts. Mrs. Paige worked nt the Davie County Enterprise i Record nnd the Davie County !; Sheriff's office. She was a •; member of Smith Grove United ; Methodist Church. 'i She was also preceded in » death by her husbnnd, Jnck i Warren Paige; a son, John • Paige; and a brother, John M. ; Groce Jr. S Survivors: 2 sons, Jack Paige » (Judy) nnd Jeff Paige (Trish), a, i dnughter, Cathy Deaton, all of J Mocksville; 5 grandchildren; 1 and 8 great-grandchildren. ; A funeral service wns con- ; ducted nt 3 p.m., Fridny, July i 13 at Smith Qrove United “ Methodist Church wilh the ; Rev, Chris Henson officiating, i The body was plnced in the church 30 minutes prior to the service. Burial followed in the church cemetery. The family ' received friends Thursday, July 12 at Eaton Funeral Home. Memorials; Smith Grove UMC, 3492 US 158, Mocks­ ville. Online condolences; mvw. eatonftmeralservice.com. Barbara Smoot Walker Mrs. Barbara Smoot Walker, 68, of Winston-Snlem, died Snt- urday.July 14 2012, at the Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston-Salem. She was bom Jnn. 14, 1944, in Forsyth County to the late John Alexander and Minnie Al­ ice Koontz Smoot. Mrs, Walker was a member of First United Methodist Church, Mocksville, She was also preceded in death by her husbnnd, Dnvid. Lynn Wnlker; her sister, Jnnice Smoot Southern; nnd her broth­ er-in-lnw, Marshall Southern. •Survivors: 2 sons, John Dn­ vid Walker and wife,Snrah of Chariotte and Willintri Mat­ thew Walker of Comelius; a brother-in-law, Steve Walker and wife Tami, father-in-lnw, John Wnlker, all of Mocks­ ville; 3 nieces, Tracy Mohr and husband Philip, Brittany White and husband Tyler and Alyson Walker; n nephew, Eric South­ ern and wife Amy; nnd 5 gtent- nieces nnd grent-nephews. A funeral service was to be conducted at 2 p.m. Thursday, July 19 at First United Method­ ist Church of Mocksville with Dr. Crystnl McPhnil officiating. Burial was to follow in Salem United Methodist Church Cem­ etery. The family was to re­ ceive friends from 6-8 p.m. on Wednesday, July 18 at Eaton Funeral Home. Memorials: Kale B. Reyn­ olds Hospice Home, 101 Hos­ pice Lnne, Winston-Salem, 27103. Online condolences: iviviv. entonfiinerahervicc.com. C lassified A dvertising 1-877-751-2120 Francis E. Ridenhour Mrs. Francis Elms Riden­ hour, 84, formerly of Pine Ridge Rond, Cooleemee, died Friday, July 13, 2012, nt The Laurels of Sniisbury, She wns born Dec, 16, 1927, in Cnddon County, Okin. to the lnte Alfred Raymond Elms and Peari Yandeli Elms Freeborn. Mrs. Ridenhour was retired from Rowan Co. Vocntionnl Workshop she had worked as a gunrdinn ad-litem. She wns a member of Cooleemee Pres­ byterian Church where she had been active in all phases of church life. Mrs. Ridenhour was a member of Cooleemee VFW Auxiliary 1119. She was nlso preceded in death by her husband, Jnmes Franklin Ridenhour Sr.; n sis­ ter, Aline Bernice Parks; and a brother, Don Raymond Elms. Survivors: 2 daughters, Elizabeth Pcnri R, Dnvis (Ed) of Eutnwville, S,C, nnd Ja­ net Carol R, Dnvis (Bob) of Mooresville; a son, James Franklin Ridenhour Jr, (Carol) of Greenville, S.C.; a half sis­ ter, Sandrn Welpmnn of Las Vegas, Nev.; 6 grnndchildren; 15 grcnt-grandchildren; and 3 great-grent-grandchildren. A Amend service was con­ ducted at 2 p.m,, Tuesday, July 17 at Enton Funernl Chnpel with the Revs, John Groff and David Ridenhour officiating. Burial followed in Legion Me­ morinl Park. The family receive friends at the funeral homo one hour prior to the service. 'Memorials: Cooleemee Pres­ byterian, PO Box 27, Cool­ eemee, 27014, Online condolences: wwiii, ealoitfimeralservicc.com. ж i N E W D a v i e C o u n t y S u m m e r I n v e n t o r y P r o u d l y P r e s e n t e d b y E R I N H E G E a n d P R U D E N T I A L C A R O L I N A S R E A L T Y NEW PRICE! 176 s. MADERA DR McAllister Park $349,900 249 CHERRY ST Mocksville $95,000 179 RIVER HILL DR Bermuda Run $739,900 464 N. HIDDENBROOKE Advance $425,000 HUGE REDUCTION! 118 FANCY BUnONSLN Farmington Road Area $189,900 149 ARBOR HILL AVE Mocksville $319,900 154 BENT ST Bermuda Run $299,900 192 TIFTON ST Bermuda Run $400,000 117 HOLLY LN Mocksville $159,900 169 WOOD LN 801 North Area $147,500 ER IN HEGE Broker/REALTOR® 336.970.3071 erin.hege© prucarolinas.com 118 ELI AVE Mocksville $110,000 1963 CORNATZER RD Advance $119,900 2 0 1 1 Leading Edge S ociety Q ualifier (Top 6% of Prudential Agentt Nationwide) Cfliolinas Realty For m ore photos and listings, visit ... A n in d o p o n d o n lly o w n o d a n d o p o ra lo d b ro k e r m o m b o r o f B R E R A lfllalos. Inc. Lillie IVIae Johnson , Lillie Mae Johnson of Mocksville died on Thursday, July 12,2012. She was bom Feb, 2,1940, to the late Aziliee Johnson Barker, She was raised by Aziliee and Garfield Bnrker. She gradu­ ated from Dnvic County Train­ ing School in 1958. She wns n senmstress nnd n cook for many yenrs before retiring, then cared for a number of children in tho Davio area. She loved to cook, play bingo nnd enjoy life. She wns nn nctive member of Shiloh Bnptist Church, where she was a member of the Chancel Choir, president of the Willing Work­ ers and chnir of the Kitchen Committee, She was an active member in tho NAACP where she served ns brnnch secretnry and wns named Mother of the Year in 1999, She was a mem­ ber of the Le Jour Des Femmes Club and the Dnvie County Training School Reunion Com­ mittee. She wns also preceded in denth by n sister, Emmn Lee Frost; 3 brotliers, Paul Johnson, Benjamin Johnson and Ben J Johnson. Survivors: 3 sons, Brndford (Julia) Johnson, Curtis John­ son, nnd Stncey Johnson; 3 daughters, Pnmeln Johnson of Mocksville, Paulette Rhyne- hardt nnd Patrenin Johnson of Winston-Salem; n specini nc- knowledgement to Timothy Rhynehnrdt; 9 grnndchildren; 2 grent-grnndchildren; other reln- lives nnd many friends. Her funeral service wns held Tuesday, July 17 at 2 p.m. in the chapel of Graham Funeral Home. The Rev. Joe Clark offi­ ciated and the Rev. Dr. Donnld Rny Jenkins delivered the eu­ logy. Burinl followed in Shiloh Baptist Church Cemetery. The fnmily received friends nt the funeral home one hour before the service. Oniino condolences: GraltamFimeralHome.net. Crossword Answers J.Í-I X J « Sudoku Solution 4 1 8 7 3 5 2 6 9 2 3 9 1 6 4 8 7 5 6 7 S 2 9 8 4 3 1 1 5 2 8 7 9 3 4 6 7 4 6 3 5 2 1 9 8 8 9 3 4 1 6 5 2 7 3 2 1 6 8 7 9 5 4 9 6 4 5 2 1 7 8 3 5 8 7 9 4 3 6 1 2 G e t it w e e k ly with a subscription to the Enterprise Call Today! 1-877-751-2120 Jerry Dean Compton Mr. Jerry Denn Compton, 69, of Rock House Rond, Mocks­ villc, died Monday, July 9, 2012, at Forsyth Medicnl Cen­ ter in Winston-Snlem. Ho was born June 7, 1943, in Tnzewoll Counly, Va. to the Into Ross Leonard nnd Vir­ ginia Hekn Hess Compton, Mr, Compton enjoyed old cnrs, collecting guns nnd knives and music. He loved being with family and his dog, Kyra, He wns also preceded in death by 2 sisters, Judy Tnylor and Dorothy Compton; and a brother, Jackie Compton. Survivors; his wife, Satidra Akers Compton of the home; 6 children, Deborah Marshall (Jatnes) of King, Jerri Sue Shumate (Johnny) of Enst Bend, Cyndi Shrewsbury (Glen) of Mocksville, Regina Compton of East Bend, Gerry Comp­ ton (Debbie) of Bast Bend and Dennn DeFtnnk (Mnrtin) of Pennsylvania; their mother, Doris Compton Stnnden; 16 grnndchildren; 7 great-grand­ children; a brother, Johnny Compton (Rita) of W.Va.; and severni nieces and nephews. A memorial service was con­ ducted nt 6 p.m. Thursdny, July 12 nt Eaton Funernl Chnpel, The family received friends following the service. Online condolences: ifiw . eatoiifimcralservice.com. ■Pearl W. Poindexter Mrs, Pearl Wnlker Poin­ dexter, 81, of Yadkinville died Thursday July 12,2012athome in Yndkin County, She wns bom in Davie Coun­ ty on Feb. 17,1931 the daugh­ ter of the late Eddie O, and Lula T, Walker. She worked many years at Courtney Elemonlary School Cafeteria in Yndkin County retiring at age 76. She wns a wonderful cook and was known for her sourdough bread. She was preceded in death by her sisters Mildred Latham, Ailene Cnrtner, Pauline Sink, Janie Koontz; brothers Johnny Walker, Ed S. Walker. James K, Walker, Sam N. Wnlker and son Frnnk Donnld "Donnie" Poindexter 111. Survivors; her iwsband of 60 yenrs, Frnnk Donald Poindex­ ter Jr.; 2 daughters Pam (Gene) Renegar, Janice (Phil) Quick; a son, Philip (Shnnnon) Poindex­ ter; 5 grandchildren, Beth R. <Ben) Sunderman, Drew*(Codi) Renegar, Chase Poindexter, Morgnn Poindexter, nnd Brady Poindexter; step-gramldnugh- ter, Janei (Eddie) Cook; grent- grandchildron Allie Ann and Emery Sunderman, and Jaxon Renegar; step great-grandchild, Ryan Cook; 2 sisters, Betty Grissom, Gail (Jimmy) Kelly; a brother, Jnck E. (Doris) Wnlk­ er; 2 sisjers-in-lnw Ruth Wnlk­ er and Carman Walker. The family received friends Saturday, July 14 nt Gentry Family Funeral Service in Yad­ kinville. A graveside service wns conducted at 2:30 p.m, Sunday, July 15 at Huntsville Baptist Church Cemetery by Lnymnn Joe Cartner, Memorials: Huntsville Bap­ tist Building Fund, C/O Jane Crnver, 4901 Courtney Hunts­ ville Road, Yadkinville, 27055; or Hospice/Palliative CareCen- ter, 101 Hospice Lane, Win­ ston-Snlem, 27103, Online condolences: ivu'u', gentryfiinerotservice.com.' S hau n C .M c B ra y e r Mr. Shnun Cariton McBrny- er, 26, of Baltimore Rond, Ad­ vnnce, died Fridny. July 13, 2012. He was bom May 31, 1986, in Forsyth County to Dennis Carlton nnd Pntricia Dale Poole McBrayer, Ho hnd nttended Jericho Church of Christ and North Main Street Church of Christ, Ho graduated from Forsyth Technical Community College and UNCG, where he enrned a bachelor’s degree in computer programming. He was n waiter nt Captains Gal­ ley in Hillsdale. He enjoyed nil sports, especially golfing, wc- quotbnll nnd snowbonrding. He was preceded in death by paternal grandparents, Robert Dennis nnd Mnry Lois McBrayer. Survivors: his pnrents of Ad­ vancc; 4 brothers, Philip Cnri- toii McBrayer of Greensboro, Darren Timothy McBrayer, Randy Alynn McBrayer nnd Anthony Steven McBrayer, all of Clemmons; nnd mnternnl grnndparents, Bill and Mnry Proctor of Stntesviile. A memorinl service was con­ ducted al 11 n.m. Monday, July 16 nt Enton Funeral Chnpel with Mr, David Powell officint- ing.The family received friends nt the funeral home following the service. Memorinis: Jerry Long YMCA, 1150 S. Peacc Haven Road,Clemmons, 27012. , Online condolences: w»v»v. еа1о1фт егаЬегу1се.сот. Jeanne McNeil Braun Jeanne McNeil Braun died on July 7,2012. Mrs. Braun was bom in New Jersey on March 30, 1927. She was the wife of the late William P, Brnun Jr, for 58 years, Mrs, Broun nttended Prntt Institute in New York and was a textilede- signer before marrying. Survivors; 3 cUildvcn, W il­ liam P. Braun 111 (wife Darn Sue) of Pennsylvania, Le.sley B. Milgrom (husband Martin) of Indiana and Amnndn B. Juhasz husband Steven of Advance; grandchildren, Alexnnder, Dan­ iel, Julin and Nicholas. The fnmily plans a sninll per­ sonal gathering. Memorials; charity of the do­ nor’s choice. Edna Gatton Edwards Edna Gallon Edwnrds, 100, formeriy of Cooleemee, died Saturday July 14,2012 in Pitts- boro. She was bom Mny 19.1912, Iredell County; dnughter of Jnmes L, nnd Minie Jnckson Gntton. Survivors; 6 children, Bob­ by E, Helen Hege, Lester Rny nnd wife Mary, Chester Gray, Dorothy Adkins, Bren Gibson and husbnnd Chuck Collins; 14 grnndchildrea; 21 great-grand children; 6 great-grent-grand- children; nnd 2 sisters. Services were Tuesdny, July 17 nt 2 p.m. at Edgewood Bnp­ tist Church, Cooleemee, with the Revs. Frank Blankenship and Fred Carlton officialing. Burial was eariier in dny. The fnmily received friends follow­ ing the service. , Memorials: Edgewood Bnp­ tist, 7483 NC 801 S., Mocks­ ville, Online condolences: h’ii’h«, daviefimeraiservice.com. / DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,Thursday, July 19,2012 - C9 Family Fest Saturday At New Union Metiiodist New Union United Methodist Church will hold a Fnmily Fest on Saturday at the church beginning at 5:30 p,m. The church is at County Line and Sheffield roads. There will be nctivities for children and aduils nnd n possible surprise involving Pastor Steve, Hotdogs and hamburgers with all the trimmings and homemade ice cream w ill be available. Bring a lawn chnir and invite everyone you know for nn eve­ ning of fun, food and fellowship. Robin Speaks To Preach Initial Sermon On July 29 On July 29,2012 (The 5th Sundny) nt 10 a.m., Brother Robin Speaks will preach his initial sermon at New Patterson Grove Faith Church, in East Bend, where the Rev, Dr. Jamie Grant is senior pastor. “God has shown evidence to our church congregntion thnt there lis a tremendous calling on Brother Robin’s life,” Grant said. “ Wc Inre so thankful, and blessed that God has chosen NPGFC as the Iplace to start the inauguration of Robin’s bright and blessed future lin ministry. Wc are all looking forward to this powerful word from Ithis man of God, We invite everyone to come out and cclebrnie Ithis joyous occasion with us,” Rainbow Tea Saturday I The Senior Missionary Circio of Greater Mt, Moriah Mission- S Baptist Church will have n Pntriotic Rainbow Tea on Saturday, y 21 at 3 p.m. Greater Mount Moriah Deacon Bonrd Member bny Williams will be the featured speaker, „ The tnbles of circle members will decorated in red, while nnd fblue, nnd will be filled with foods and drinks. Everyone is in­ cited. Farmington Baptist Summer Spectacular July 22-25 Fnrmington Bnptist Church’s Summer Spectacular for kids (nges 3 through fifth grade will be July 22-25 from 6:45-8:30 p.m. Summer Spectacular is set of free shows for kids that promote Biblical themes each evening the kids need to know, need to un­ derstand nnd thnt will chnnge their lives. The shows are designed to bo fun, funny, interactive, engag­ ing, and memorable. They are followed with a tour of the back­ stage iiren. Each kid will get n backstage pass upon registration, the plnce where they leam the backstage Bible story where that night’s theme came from. This is interactive, challenging, and en­ gaging. The backstage area reinforces the theme of the night. After tho backstage tour, the group goes outside where they pnrticipnte in stunts, nothing dangerous, jusl fun. Drinks and light snacks nre provided during stunt time. ■ To end the evening, kids return to the closer and await pick up from parents. Pick up is secure, not just anyone is allowed to pick up a child... only those that have been approved by the parents of the children. Summer Spectacular isn’t your matnn’s VBS, it’s more., it’s spectacular. Leam more at www.farmiiigtonbc.org or by calling 998-3826i Bread Of Life Plans VBS Bread of Life Baptist Church, 4557 NC 801 N., near US 601 North, Mocksville, will hold Vacation Bible School July 22-29, starting from 6:30-8:30 p.m. July 22 wilh registration, pizzn. in- flntnble slides nnd outside activities; and continuing nightly from 6:30-9 for nges 2-18. Parents are also invited. Second Presbyterian Tea July 22 Mocksvillc Second Presbyterian Church will hold its Annunl Rainbow Tea on Sunday. July 22 at 4 p.m. Brad Cunningham New Pastor At Liberty United Methodist The Rev. Brad Cunningham is the new pastor at Liberty United Methodist Church, 141 Liberty Circle. Mocksville. He eamed a master’s of divinity degree from Duke University and hns been serving in the Westem North Cnrolinn Conference ofthe United Methodist Church for the past eight years. His pre­ vious church wns Liberty United Methodist Church in Gold Hill. Rowan County. He nnd wife Renee have n 2-yenr-old son. Will. Liberty hns worship services on Sundnys nt 9:45 n.m.. followed by Sundny School at 11. All are invited. Junior Gray To Be At Mt. Zion Bishop Junior Gray of Freedom United Church of Woodleaf will be tho guest speaker at Mt, Zion Holiness Church, M ill Street nt US 64 East, Mocksville, at 3 p.m, Sunday, July 22. Bishop James Ijnmes is the pnstor. Friendship Homecoming Sunday Friendship Missionnry Bnptist qhurch, 157 Neely Rond, Cool­ eemee will celebrnle its nnnuni homecoming nnd church nnni- versari on Sundny, July 22 nt 4 p.m. Lunch will be at 2:30. Guest speaker w ill be the Rev. Marvin Harper, pastor of Tabernacle United Church of Christ. Yndkinville. nlong with the congrega- "°The summer revival will be Tuesday. July 24-Thursdhy. July 26 at 7 nightly. The Rev. Dr. Charies E. Gray, pastor of Mt. Ol­ ive Missionary Baptist Church. Winston-Salem, will be the guest revivalist, along with The Dance Ministry, choirs and congregn- "°The public is invited. The Rev. Ervin Baker is the host pastor. T h is m e s s a g e b r o u g h t to y o u b y th e s e l o c a l b u s in e s s e s w h o \/nii tn \)i/nrshin thp, n h llf c h o f VOUF c h o ic e . Ainro PART« MOCKSVILLE А1Я0М0Л VE 884 S. Main St. ^ MocKsvlllB, NC 27028 i 336-751-2944 I FOSTER DRUG COMPANY ‘495 Valley Road Mocksville, N0 27028 336-751-2141 f’rtscripdon Cull In: 336-753-DRUG HAYW ORTH-MILLER 1 4 J N E R A L I l O M E 1 IDS Uasi KlmlcrtunWajr Advance, NC 27006 5.940.SS5S W \\ W .ll.l\ \W II i ll in ilK l. l " M l ■ 1 Put This Space To Work For You Call 751-2120 GENTLEMACHINE &TOOLINC. 2716 Hwy. 601 N Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5055 Put This Space To Work For You Call 751-2120 JERRY'S M E IIT P R « I№ Wa Custom Meat Pfocesa Beef - Pork - Deer 30 years experience 892 Ralph Rallodgo Rd • Mocksvlllo 336-492-5496 F U L L E R M » Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Fabrication 980 Salisbury Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-3712 Put This Space To Work For You Call 751-2120 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 137 Crabtree Road Mocksvlile, N0 27028 336-751-9144 Put This Space To Work For You Call 751-2120 Put This Space To Work For You Gall 751-2120 ,r>UTUMNCARE OF MOCKSVILLE 1007 Howard St. IVIocksvllle 751-3535 ........ Put This Space To Work For You Call 751-2120 Put This Space To Work For You Call 751-2120 JOE’S TOW 24 Hours Roadside Rollback SsfVlce Small, Medium & Heavy Duly Towing Joseph Crotts, Owner ! 336-998-2693 - Office ' 33B-g4D-7256-Mobile : SSPailefOne APALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mooksvllle, NCi 27028 336-492-5565 EATON FUNERAL HOME 325 North Main Street ttfocksvllle, NC 27028 Call 751-2129 to Advertise Y our B usiness on the Church Page CIO. DAYIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny. July 19,2012 I ' Alice Lee Cannady Gaither, Hilda Cain Smith and Hazel Howeii Watson are recognized at the Davie County Training Schooi/Centrai Davie High Schooi reunion. T r a in in g S c h o o i/C e n t r a i D a v ie R e u n io n H o n o r s C ia s s O f ‘6 2 Robert Mnrch nnd the Rev. Evelyn Mntlison-Miller, mem­ bers of the 50-yenr honor clnss, presided and offered the open­ ing prnyer nnd grnce nt the nnnunl reunion of the Dnvie County Training School/Cen- trni Davie High School. The class of 1962 wns made up of 33 grnduntes. Mary Alice Peebles-Peoples nnd Ernestine Willis-Brooks lit cnndles in memory of thbir decensed clnssmntes: Richnrd “Dickie" Carson, Collette Ellis, Bernard Atgeon Qaither, Paul Horn, Lonnie Martin, Jimmy Mayfield, Johnny “JB” Rose, Bnrbnrn Carson Mason nnd Richmond Lyons. A inusicnl tribute wns ren­ dered in honor of United States veterans, nnd musical tributes were played in memory of Whitney Houston and Don Cor­ nelius. A plaque was presented to thc Steele family in memory of Marshall Allan Steele, who plnyed an importnnt role in thc annual reunions. They recognized the old­ est survivors of Davie County Trnining Schook Alice Lee Cnnnndy Gaither of Mocksville and Hnzel Howell Walston of Richmond, Va., both members ofthe class of 1940. Hilda Cain Smith received accolades for her leadership as chair of the reunion committcc from 2008-2012. Some specific events during her administra­ tion; 0 dinner progrnm honor­ ing Dr. Julius A. Fulmore, who spearheaded the group and led them in establishing a scholar­ ship through the Davie Com­ munity Foundation; recognition F o r k B L O O D D R I V E Who: F'brk Baptist Chttrdlif" American Red Cross Wliat: Annual Blood Drive Where; Fork Baptist Fellowship Hall Vhen: M on d ay. A u gu st 6 (2:00-6:30) Why: To ^Save a Life^ How: Contact Fork Baptist Church # 998-S306 J iU fo r an appointm ent Fresh, home-style food Made from scratch Salads - Meats - Vegetables - Breads - Desserts Convenient Drive-Thru ^ Heart-healthy options Great Prices - Friendly Service 6300 Amp Road (behind Dunkin Donuts) Lewlsvllle-Clemmons Road Exit off 1-40 Near New WF MEDICAL PLAZA - Clemmons Phone; 778-0112 - www.kwcafeterlas.com F R E E D E S S E R T With purchase of an Adult meal TRY US! - Bring this coupon Offer good at Clemmons location only Expires 7/31/12 of the oldest graduate of the training school; the institution of four-year tenure for reunion officers except the treasurer; and tlie development of a scrap­ book of annual events. The dinner prbgram ended with the installation of 2012- 2016 offiicers; Azalce Stockton, chair; Eliznbetli Turner Thomp­ son, secretary; Clyde Scott, scholarship chair; and Dorothy Graham, treasurer. Thc group sang the school aimn mater arid then danced until midnight. Biggest loser winners from the Davie Family YMCA, from left: front - Chandra Macemore, Susan Macemore, Robin Dotson, Cindy Kiser, iVlaritza Randolph; row 2 - Ellen Drechsier, Leta Banner, Carolyn Pebles, Libby Melton, Johna Wiseman; row 3 - Tracy Deloatch-Peebles, Janice Peeler, Patty Harris, Sherri Jefferies. Not pictured: Amber Arnold, Crystal Davis, James Feehan, Crystal Gilmore, Sandra GInther, B.J. Hunter, Ronald & Virginia Jarvis, Nicholas & Jill Shaw, & Erin Strouse. YMCA Group Are The Big Losers A group at the Davie Family YMCA hnd the highest per­ centage of weigiu loss across thc nine branches of the YMCA of Northwe.st North Carolina Association competing in the recent Transformation Nation Triad (TNT) progrnm. The group lost a total of 9.18 percent of body weight in 16 weeks. TNT was a free 16-week weight loss program in part­ nership with WXII News 12 and Forsyth Medical Center. The station broadcast live from YMCAs each Wednesday chronicling participant’s weight loss throughout the program. The Dnvie Family YMCA provided five class sessions free for 125 people in Davie Coimty. Alex Justice, h YMCA train­ er and N.C, Highway Patrol Trooper, led the session of 25 I participants who lost the high­ est percentage of weight. The other trainers for the Davie Family YMCA TNT program were Lo» Jarvis, Michael Jones, Aileen Visser, Jason Shepherd. The program provided sup­ port and motivation for people to reach their wellness goals including free group training once a week, along with in­ formation from nutritional and motivational speakers. “We are so proud of the hard work from ail of the Trans­ formation Nation Triad par­ ticipants. Our YMCA trainers provided the knowledge and niotivation, but the partici- pants renlly put in the effort," snid Chris Brady Comer, ex­ ecutive director of the Davie Family YMCA. “The YMCA is a nonprofit tliat believes ev­ ery person can reach their full potential and this program is a perfect example of that mission in action." Visit wmv.ilavieymca.org to learn more about the YMCA. The Y provides financial as­ sistance and does not turn any­ one away due to the inability to pay. H i l l s d a l e M e t h o d i s t ages 4 through Sth grade A u g. 5-9,6:30-9 p m . Whert! kids leant that Jesus iiial<es a difference every day! V B S is an exciting, action-packed week of Bible lessotts, stories, snacks, songs, gam es & more for ages K-Sth grade. V B S is F R E E and open to the entire conmwnity! 5018 US Highv^^ay 158, Advance Coordinators: (iiurtney Randleman & Shelley Smort Registration forms: ww\v.hilis(laietimc.com. AUCTION Thursday, July 26 • 10:00 AM Personal property of Jacl( and Ruth Brown (deceased) 150 Lewisville Vienna Rd., Lewisville, NC omimOHS: tm m m u m u h m io \m m lU tixilM ) rn m H ltK m nM M oid U Ca ¡¡/¡Omifetumleflmlewiiifilli-i'iennalU Sa!e3'dhooseonlik f^hjugmailiJb/tocwuilifUfeet COUECTIBltS; Nmh Suit ^ (Rkhmonl V*) Uiiuotlug - MiCoy- Pink DtprBilw - R f Riln (Rod/Mount VA) Swtl lUih Com Whliltn Ju9 - Whilt Ita» VInejji luj -Mlikey Moun VlewMailK - « i 4 7li Rtcwdi/iibiin» - Ntsttd Mhlng Bowli -WncBiHou« ■ tji( Kniv« - M tny - 1950i FowbillTableKip Can* ito iL 'is i ^''*“ '■ '^ ''*''"'9 “'^» I" " * ' I " ' * I'»*« iwiylWng - 199S Niwn (OIKS: MoiganOollin, Walling Ubirtyllall Mljrs-Silver Qulitm-Sllm Wmo- 6UNS;Smlth4Wnion3aSp(damml-Wliiihni«M»l(l37A129a.SI»«9iici-S|xlng(l(WMo<ltl84!J6oll-Aiitoiinille JtWlUnnOkl-lUl-SlBllng-CoitUTO / Duncannte-iaiihBiDny-ltillable - fccaitaul TablB-Slns«Siw(n9M«hlni-Upliolil«edrumiiuni-(K.Maiile - f" " SUnd - Oak Orop ltal [nd labl« - ManiH Oodc - Old RCA New Wst4 TV - Wrought Iron Pd tio Furrilt ure - (Hd Slore OispUy 0 birKi • lAVW/UHMNttraftimanBaltByOpiraltd laitatjelrtmmm-Wman Riding MowfWlitelBanM-ftrd M l- TeimCas'------ • • ■ Mittmsinoylnpwkwt<i9MAMMhday Mmirni\gatmli«dp.m(^ummm37S0)mihlestpiau!isandinfomallon. WRIGHT AUCTION SERVICE Roy Wright-Auctioneer • NCAL if 2120 •336-998-8637 Food and Ratrooms Available Youth UAV US COUN 1 Ï U.IN 1 KUCOKU, 1 nursoay, JUiy ly, ¿U1A - Ui I ! ‘•I 'Cornatzer students listen as Lauri Moses at Banl< of V ' I Í Carolinas shows them money.Anahi Sanchez and Chaylyn Dendy interview David Anderson about why he started his garden. M o n e y A n d F a r m s : CZE Campers Learn From Local Farmers And Businesses ; This flrst week of summer ’camp was n blast at Comntzer ■Elementnry School. ; Students learned much nbout ;ijioney, goods and services, earnings, and savings. Camp­ ers created their own piggy .banks nnd studied ways to save ‘ money and then invest it to help start a business. They discussed the resources in the community to aid in beginning a business. Campers went on a field trip I to the Bank of the Carolinas in Advance. They took a tour and learned about savings accounts. At the close of the presentation they received a folder with cop­ ies of money to color, a ruler, and a smiley face stress ball. The Davie Community Foundntion made this program possible: A local farmer, Michelle Bishop from Small Axe Gar­ dens at Mocksville, shared in­ formation about why and how she started farming and her goals for growing her farm. She brought in pepper and sage plants for the students to trans­ plant. Camp students took their plnnts home to nurture and con­ tinue to wntch them grow. Ench day campers work in centers, journal, and blog, ploy reading nnd mnth gnmes, mea­ sure, build, sort and classify. Farm Week, a study of food sources, wns the theme in week two. Campers photographed the field trip and videotaped and interviewed the owner of Calahain farms. Camp was n- buzz with activities. Students learned fibout plant parts and then visited Calahain Farms for n seasonal crop tour with David Anderson who explained the importance of bees in pollinat­ ing ills crops. Learners held cu­ cumber, squash, peppers, okra, tomatoes and blueberries. Mr. Anderson ignited senses as kids smelled and touched herbs. Each child picked a pint of blueberries to take home to eat - some now and some later. Older students assumed the roles of engineers .and went through the scientific design process to crente plans and build farm fences to a specified scale. Fences will be judged by Ronnie Riddle. Younger learners studied the life cycle of bees and built model bee hives. \ Campers continue to reod, measure, blog and journal and mntched seeds to vegetables. In addition to produce, they have learned about pork, beef and poultry farms and animals. Each afternoon has included a taste test of fresh produce. Learning will continue through thc summer and local businesses will be involved as much as possible. If you have an interest in sharing informa­ tion with camp, call at 940- 5097..Will Burris and Jonathan Garcia enjoy the pari«. Michelle Bishop of Small Axe Gardens shows.campers how to transplant sage and pepper plants. D2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, July 19,2012 Paige Smart holds her $1,000 scholarship as International Female Junior Civitan of the Year. Madison Whitlock - Distinguished Governor Award. Whlttney Correli Award. International Honor Key J r . C i v i t a n s R e c o g n i z e d A t I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n v e n t i o n The Junior Civitnn Inlernn- tionnl Convention wns Itelcl June 14-16 in Norfolk, Vn. There were more than 256 attendees nt the convention with three dnys of lendership seminnrs, fellowship, dnnces and fun. Hnnnah Dnniel, Snrah For­ est, Meredith Ratledge and Jessica White nlong with Ad­ visors Leslie Birch nnd Ashley Bordner attended the conven­ tion. Mndison Whitlock, NC Dis­ trict West Qqvemor nnd Dnyie High Junior Civitnn Club Co- President received tho Distin­ guished Governor Award. On the District level she completed reports on time, nttended the Senior Civitan Convention, attended the dis­ trict meeting, rnised more thnn $3,000 for the International Research Center for Sno-Do, attended Sno-Do, participated in District Dnnce-a-thon and held the Junior Civitan Con­ vention. “On the club level as co- president Madison has done an exceptionnl job,” snid Lena Reinsvold of the sponsoring Mocksville Civitan Club. She prepared meeting agendas, presided over meetings, en­ couraged all members to par­ ticipate in projects nnd club events, helped with new Junior Club, initinted club participa­ tion in Hunger Fighters, par­ ticipated in projects as well as initiated the first ever Junker’s M ill Band Fundraiser, which was the largest fundraiser in the club’s history. This is the first year thnt the club has been awarded the Distinguished Honor Club award. "She has proven leader­ ship skills, is hnrd working, responsible, dedicated and is a great example for others to follow," Reinsvold said. "Her efforts and hard work are to be commended. She will truly be missed next year as she will be attending Wnke Forest Univer­ sity.” Paige Smart, co-president, received the International Fe­ male Junior Civitnn of the Year Award. This is the most presti­ gious awnrd to be nwnrded to n Junior Civitnn. She received n .$1,000 scliolarship, tlie In­ ternational Honor Key and a plaque. This award was based on her dedicntion, time spent on projects nnd nctivities, let­ ters of recommendntions, club, school nnd community awards nnd overall nctions in Junior Civitnn for this yenr. She was awarded the NC West District Female Junior Civitnn of the Yenr in April which mnde her eligible to be submitted for the International nwnrd. “ Paige participates in every aspect of the club and shows exceptionnl tenm work nnd leadership skills,” Reinsvold said. “ She encourages others to do the same and is n fine exnm­ ple for nil, Pnige is respected by her peers and shows respect to others in return, is thought­ ful, caring, and shows great compassion for those in need. Paige will go the extra mile to make n meeting, project or activity a success. She is hard­ working, dedicated, respon­ sible and loyal to the club and truly exemplifies all aspects of , a Junior Civitnn. She has been active iri Junior Civitan for the past seven years.. Her efforts nnd success nre to be com­ mended.” Smnrt is n senior this year and w ill be nttending Cntnwbn College in the fnll. Jessica White, NC West Dis­ trict Lt. Governor was award­ ed the International District Officer of the Year Award. Tho' nward recognizes the most out­ standing district officer having shown lo be worthy by virtue of accomplishments through­ out the yenr nnd can only be awarded to a district officer. She received the Phylicin Barnes Service Awnrd in April, which quniified her for sub­ mission for the International award. She hns served as It. gover­ nor on the NC West District board for the past two yenrs. “Jessica is always eager to assist the District Chair, any Junior Civitan or Civitan in helping 'others. During her term, she has attended new club charters, district board meetings, Civitnn meetings, aren meetings, joint district meetings, both Junior Civitnn and Civitan conventions as Wbll as International conven­ tions.” She was on the commit­ tee for the first ever - District Dance-a-thon as well design­ ing the flyer for promotion. She also volunteered to coordinate the district training academy. Jessica raised $1150.00 for the Internationnl Resenrch Cen­ ter from non Civitan sources nnd nttended the Internationnl Dnnce-n-thon in Canada. She was PR coordinator this year in^ the club doing a great job with^ club communicntions ns well ns building a Fncebook pnge. She hns participated in club meetings nnd projects showing dedicntion nnd loynlty to her club. Jessica will serve as co- vice president in the upcoming year for the club ns well as be­ ing olccted to serve as Deputy Governor for the District. Whittney Correll, Interna­ tional Director received the In­ ternational Honor Key award. She was elected to this position nt the IntemntionnI Conven­ tion Inst yenr. A Junior Civitnn IntemntionnI Director serves on the bonrd nnd is one of the grentest lendership positions in Junior Civitnn. "Whittney has helped Ju­ nior Civitan Governors across the nation to attain their goals and motivating them to nttain Honor Club stntus, nttended bonrd meetings in Birming- hnm, rnised $1910.35 for the IntemntionnI Resenrch Center for Sno-Do, nttended Sno-Do in Cnnndn, chaired'the Inter- nntional Dance-n-thon . proj­ ect nlong with raising $535 , for the International Research Center, attended Dance-a-thon in Perth, Ontario and served on the elections committee nt the 2012 IntemntionnI Conven- tiqn. ' “ Whlttney work extremely hnrd to rnise funds for the In- ternntionnl Resenrch Center by having ynrd snles, selling candy nnd face painting nt bnll gnmes. She hns represented her position well and has shown exceptional leadership skills. Whittney served as co­ treasurer in the club. She has participated in meetings and community projects nnd is nl­ wnys willing to help,” Rein$- vold snid. Correll has been nctive in Junior Civitnn for the past sev­ en yenrs. ! Davie High Junior Civitan Club was awarded the Distin­ guished Honor Club award; South Davie Junior Ciyitan Club and Davio County Early College Junior Civitnn Cliib were both nwnrded the Honor Club nwnrd. A ll three clul^s nre sponsored by the Mocks­ ville Civitan Club. I These Junior Civitan Clubs are a community service club for young people. Members are given the opportunities i f lendership that the communitj', Mocksville Civitnn Club nnd ench school hope to develop. By participating in Junior Civ­ itan, members have the oppor­ tunity to develop leadership skills through communication and'team work, all the whijo He* or she develops a sense (jf public responsibility through community service as Well promoting the skills needed f<>r a positive self-image and heliis create n positive public image for all young people. Hannah Daniel, Sarah Forest, Club Advisors Leslie Birch and Ashley Bordner, Jessica White and Meredith Ratledge at the Jessica White - International District International convention.Officer of the Year. Farm s W o o d le a f. N C Quality Coverage from tiie most trusted health insurer In'North Carolina'. HOMtGROWN JE S IlO C IU P E flC H R S II№ C O R N lC R E E N B E A N aBANANAimRSl YHIOWSQUASHI IUGCHItGUGUIIIimGliE»lf^ &HOIiVDEIIirNBMISREM|VN№Cantaloupe & Other Produce as they become available. Open: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.; Closed Sunday From Mocksville, take US 601 soulh lo NC 801 Intersection, turn right at IlghI: 4 miles Into Rowan County to caution light In Woodleaf. Follow signs lo Wetrhore Farms.m m m ñ Authorized Agent Johnson Insurance Services JOHN WOOD .(336)753-1033 Jwood@127marketplace.com Contact us for an Insurance plan that fits your needs and your budget. pjv) for better hiifttr I » Individual and Group Plans ■ • The largest provider network in North Carolina’ • Medicare Supplement Plans • Dental Coverage for Individuals and Groups • Life and Disability Coverage* • Consumer-Driven Health Plans BlueCross BlueShleld orNorlli Carolina 'Awi/abfe ffom Sc«git through U5AN« li(t •’ {Cotcvo flmnd Stuáy, Г«Ьпм(у 2008. 2 MailetQuesí Neíwiiik Compare, Afiil¿009. An indtpendent кеше efttM Blve Спи anj Blve ShieliJAisodallonшогм i^9. Daws ■t H U M A N E S O C IE TY O F D A VIE hs:d c c o u n t y R A B I E S V A C C I N A T I O N C L I N I C - $ 7 .0 0 c a s h / s h o t HSDC Adoption Center 291 Eaton Rond, MoGksville • (336) 751-5214 Saturday, July 28,2012 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM FOR DOOS AND CATS ONLY ALL CATS MUST BE IN CARRIERS. ALL DOGS MUST BE ON LEASH. J^YEARSHOTC require PROOF - VACCINATION CERTIFICATE *■ DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, 4'hursduy, July 19,2012 - 03 T w o F r o m D a v i e G e t G o l d e n L e a f S c h o l a r s h i p s F l a g F r o m O v e r A f g h a n i s t a n . Captain Keith Carmack presented a US flag in honor of the school, the teachers, the students; and the staff) June 7 at William R. Davie's annual aw/ards day. This flag was-flown over Afghanistan in a UH-64 Apache helicopter by Col. Todd Royar, com m ander of the 159th Combat Aviation Brigade, where Carmack served as a public affairs officer during his deployment. Diane Ireland and her sec­ ond grade class, which included Cole Carmack, made cards and wrote letters to soldiers during the deployment. They also made decorations that were on display upon his return home. The teacher has been a big part of the support chain throughout the deployment. Shown, from left: Diane Ireland, Shannon Carmack, Keith Carmack, CoI.e Carmack, Principal Rex Allen. B e t s y F o r r e s t E a r n s M a s t e r G a r d e n e r S c h o l a r s h i p The Dnvie County Extension Master Gardener Volunteer As­ sociation nwnrded its sccond nnnuni high school scholarship to grndunting senior Betsy For­ rest. She received the nwnrd on May 31 nt the Eariy College High School Senior Awards night. Forrest grndunted with hon­ ors from the Dnvic County Enriy College High School and completed an associate’s degree nt Davidson County Community College. She has been acccpted to Appalachian State University in the fall nnd ' will be in the school’s mnrch- Smith Smith Earns Degree From Campbell Danielle Glover Smith grad­ uated from Campbell Universi­ ty on May 12 with a bachelor’s degree in communication stud­ ies nnd n minor in Spnnish. She niso achieved the dean’s list this semester. She is the dnughter of Keith nnd Lindn Lnthnm and Danny Smith, Farm Bureau Recognizes Davie Scholars Dnvie County Farm Bureau held it’s scholarship recogni­ tion dinner on July 10 at Cap­ tain’s Galley Seafood Shack in Advance. Attending were the bonrd of directors, fnrm burenu insumnce agents nnd staff and their families. Davie Farm Bureau awarded five $2,500 scholarships to Da­ vie High School seniors. The winners were; • Lnurn Untz, dnughter of Mnrk nnd Michelle Untz, nt­ tending Wnrren-Wilson Col­ lege for nrt thernpy: • Madison Whitlock, dnugh­ ter of Ron nnd Cilprin Whitlock, nttending Wnke Forest Univer­ sity for exercise science; • Lacey Tuthill, daughter of Dean and Judy Jones, attending Liberty University for nursing; • Katera Cockerham, daugh­ ter of Kathy Cockerham, at­ tending North Carolina Central University for nursing; nnd • Logan Dunn, dnughter of Michnel nnd Lisa Dunn, at­ tending Wingate University for pursing. ing bnnd, Slie is Ihe daughter of Phil and Grace Forrest, The Master Gardener Vol­ unteer Association established tlie $500 scholarship nward in 2010, ll is open to nny Dn­ vie County high school senior in good standing thnl hns been nccepted to a college or univer­ sity two- or four- year program in agriculture, horticulture, for­ estry, environmental sciences, or a related field. Students should visit tlieir school's guid­ nnce counselor in the fall for Ihe scholarship applicntion nnd guidelines. Davie Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Associa­ tion President Blair Gardner presents the scholarship to Betsy Forrest. The N.C, Slnte Education Assistance Authority recently selected Priyanka Barad nnd Lognn Dunn as recipients of $12,000 Golden LEAF Foun­ dation scholarships, Barad graduated from Davie County Enriy High School nnd will nttend UNC-Chnpel Hill, Dunn nttended Dnvie County High School and will nttend Wingnte University, They nre among the 215 students selected to receive a $3,000 scholnrship cnch year for up to four years of study nt n participating N,C. public university or private non-profit college or univer­ sity. Recipients are from rural, economically distressed North Carolina counties nnd are se­ lecled bnsed on n number of criteria, including a review of school and community service activities, goals, and expressed intent lo contribute lo rural communities upon graduation from college. The Golden LEAF Founda­ tion crented the Golden LEAF Scholarship program to broad­ en educalionni opportunities nnd provide support to stu­ dents from nirnl counties, with tlie hope Ihnt after grnduntion, recipients will provide lender­ ship in these communities. “The Golden. LEAF Board of Direclors has been pleased to assist more thnn 7,800 stu­ dents from families in rural communities nttend college since 2000,” snid Dnn Ger- Inch, Golden LEAF president. “The Golden LEAF Scholar­ ship is one of the many tools we have to help fulfill our pur­ pose of growing North Caroli­ na’s rural economy. Our hope is that tlirough this scholarship opportunity, scholars will be able to gain valuable knowl­ edge and skills and come back to their hometowns or another rural area to help our commu­ nities prosper." The Golden LEAF Founda­ tion is a nonprofit organization established in 1999 to help transform North Carolina’s economy. The foundation re­ ceives one-hnlf of North Cnr- olinn’s funds from Ihe 1998 Mnster Settlement Agreement with cignrette mnnufncturers nnd places emphasis on assist­ ing tobacco-dependent, eco­ nomically-distressed and/or rural communities. The foim- dation works with governmen­ tal entities, educational institu­ tions, economic development organizations and nonprofits to achieve its mission. The foundation has awarded 1,094 grants totnling more thnn $484 million since its inception. The N.C. State Education Assistance Authority (NC- SEAA) administers the pro­ gram on behalf of the Golden LEAF Foundation. For more information, visit C FN C .org or cnil College Foundation of NC at 866-866-CFNC (2362). DCCO Offering Fire Protection Technology Online Davidson Coiuity Communi­ ty College is tuming up the heat on a program thnt has not been offered Ih u couple of years at the college - Fire Protection Technology. The progrnm, which offers four certificates ns well as a two-year degree option, gives lliose interested a chance to hone their skills in fire protec­ tion. Certificates offered in­ clude operations, command, supervision and management. Students svishing lo furlher pursue Iheir studies mny go on S t u d e n t s E a r n A c a d e m i c H o n o r s A t A p p a l a c h i a n Appninchinn Slate Univer­ sity has released Ihe dean’s nnd . chnncellor’s list for Ihe spring semester. Chnncellor’s list rec­ ognizes students who attained a 3.85 grade point average or higher. Dean’s list recognizes students who nttnined n 3.45 nvernge or higher. Chnncellor’s list from Dnvie; Hannah Wnlker Cnrtner, Chris­ tine Michelle Gulledge, Bethn- ny Grnce Little, Grace Caroline Williams, Kayla Delaine Cor- natzer, Lora Elizabeth Smith, William Mcneill Totten. Deans list students from Da­ vie; Kaylee Michele Allison, Ciera Nichole Beam, Jessie Anne Bumgarner, April Leigh Gregory, Jo Elizabeth Hart­ man, Katherine Diane Johnson, Kadesha Maddox, Lora Eliza­ beth Smith, William Mcneill Totten, Jacob Tanner Alston, Brian Scolt Baker, Jason Wil­ liam Gallimore, Ryan Patrick Harrison, Diandra Delores Jackson, Megan Marie Rem- bielnk, Tntum Lesly Snow, Mntthew Brister Webb, Bailey Simmone Williams. lo earn a two-year AAS degree in Fire Protection Technology. Dnvid Newell, who will head the courses, says the certificate programs are online, but are like any olher college curricu­ lum course. ' , The courses this fnll, which Include fire prevention nnd public educntion, as well ns fire service supervision, cover many of the basics of fire pre­ vention and all aspects of pub­ lic education - everything from Smokey Ihe Benr to tours of fire stntlons, nnd how to educnte eveiyone from children to Ihe elderly nnd much more. Remaining courses include detection and investigation, building construction, inspec­ tion and codes, fire protection law, firefighting strategies, chemistry of hazardous mate­ rials and emergency manage­ ment, Newell says there is a lot involved in being a firefighter - and oftentimes, he secs folks signing up for ttiese courses who nre already firefighters. But you don’t have to be nn ex­ isting firefighter, “ Demnnds have stepped up in this field,” Newell says. “The bnr hns risen and often, you need a two-year degree - nnd sometimes even a four- year degree to ndvnnce in this career. These programs provide a sound foundation for those Interested in fire protection that will ultimntely mnke better fire­ fighters.” To learn more, visit ilavid- sonccc.edu and select “Aca- demics nnd Schools,” Under “ Schools and Learning,” select “ Health, Wellness and Public , Snfety,” There, individuals may view nvailable courses online, Slude>ils interested in sign­ ing up for Fire Protection Technology or to lenm more informntion mny contnct Now­ ell at tllnewell®davidsonccc. edti, 336-249-8186 ext, 6332, or Rose McDaniel nt nm ion® davidsonccc.edu or 336-224- 4800, General enrollment dead­ line for fall 2012 progrnms at DCCC is Aug, I, i t Jericho-Hardison Ruritan (Greenhlll Road, Mocksville) C o itim u n ily B reakfo st $6 Per Person • Donations Accepted • Proceeds to fund community projects Saturdayjulyl 1*7to 10 a.m. Country Ham,Sausage, Eggs, Biscuits,Gravy, Grits,etc. [ INTERESTilRATES ARE W A N W IIfflM E LOW!T i m e . T o B ü y l f ; ! ' у >. t'-f V H O M E C E N T E R S w ÍN W ;1 s tG lio lG e s ta te s u llle .c o m 7 П Л f I f l Q Q O O D > 719 B eechnut Lane • Statesville, NC • Exit 148 On /-4Ò # U 4 r * 0 0 0 " * 0 i L i № 0 : V i IS } Ì ' t i l ..v.. .. . t D4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 19,2012 L E G A L N O T I C E S I n ' i ì ¡i : I NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY • NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the power ol sale contained In a certain Deed ol Trust made by Emanuel E. Bonaparte and Forrest H. Bonaparte to Jeffrey M. Ruben, Trustee(s), dated the 26th day of February, 2004, and recorded In Book 536, Page 889, In Davie County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made In the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trust­ ee In said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidenc­ ing said Indebtedness having di­ rected that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Sub­ stitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door In the City of Mocksville, DavIe County, North Carolina, or the customary loca­ tion designated for foreclosure sales, at 1:45 PM on July 24, 2012 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated In the Township of Clarkesvllle, In the County of Davie, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows; Lying and being In Clarksville Township, Davie County, North Carolina, and being more particu­ larly described as follows; Begin­ ning at an Iron pin the Southeast comer of the within described tract. Southwest corner of Charles Baity In the center line of N.C. 801, which point of beginning Is one mile, more or less. East from Intersection of N.C. 801 and U.S. 601; thence from Ihe beginning point with the center line of said road South 80 deg. 28’ 27’ West 197.10 feet lo a point, the South­ west corner of said tract In the centerline of N.C. 801; thence. North 00 deg. 10’ 00" East 24 feet to an Iron pin; thence, North 00 deg. 10' 00” East 353.92 feet to an Iron pin, the Northwest cor­ ner of said tract; thence. North 70 deg. 52' 21' East 295.97 feet to an Iron pin, the Northeast corner of said tract; thence. South 11 deg. 02’ 49" West 427.63 feet to an Iron pin In the Northern right of way of N.C. 801; thence South 11 deg. 02' 49” West 23 feet to point and place of beginning, con­ taining 2.17 acres, more or less. Together with Improvements lo­ cated thereon; said property being located at 4190 Highway 801 North, Mocksville, North Carolina. Being that parcel of land con­ veyed to Emanuel E. Bonaparte and wife, Forrest H. Bonaparte, as tenants by the entirety from Marshall Wayne Strader and wife, Linda Johnston Strader by that deed dated 09/04/1984 and re­ corded 09/04/1984 In Deed Book 124, at Page 211 of the Davie County, NC Public Registry. Trustee may. In the Trustee's sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided In NCOS §45-21.23, Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCQS §7A-308(a)(1). The properly to ba offered pursuant to this notice of sale Is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.'' Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured. by the deed of trust/security agree­ ment, or both, being foreclosed, nor the' officers, directors, attor­ neys, employees, agents or au­ thorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or ' warranty relating to the title or any physical, envii'onmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this prop­ erty is being soid subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances of re­ cord and any recorded releases. Said property Is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the pur­ chase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the saie. An order for possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties In possession by the clerk of superior court of the county In ^ which Ihe property Is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered Into or re­ newed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the no­ tice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. Upon ter­ mination of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent due under the rental agreement pro­ rated to the effective date of the termination. If the trustee Is unable to con­ vey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the de­ posit. Reasons of such inability lo convey include, but ard not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy peti­ tion prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee, if the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee. In Ihelr sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. THiS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COM­ MUNICATION IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, except as stat­ ed below In Ihe Instance of bank­ ruptcy protection. IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANK­ RUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BAIvIKRUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PURSUANT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT AND FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT IN­ TENDED AS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY POR­ TION OFTHE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY This 4th day of June, 2012. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY; Attorney at Law Hutchens, Senter, Kei- lam & Pettit, P.A. Attorneys for Substitute Trustee Services, inc. RO. Box 1028 4317 Ramsdy Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 htlps://sales.hsbllrm.com Case No; 1057685 (FC,FAY) . 7-12-21П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PERSONAL REPRESEN­ TATIVE’S NOTICE Having qualllled as Personal Representative of the Estate ot WANDA FAYE ROYAL REEVES, decesed, late of Davie Counly, North Caroling, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or before the 28th day of Septembe, 2012, said dale being al least three months from the dale ol lirst publication of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es­ tate wlil please make immediate payment lo the undersigned. This 28lh day of June, 2012, the same being the first publica­ tion date. DONNA REEVES WHITAKER, Personal Representative Estate of Wanda Faye Royal Reeves Grady L. McClamrock, Jr., NCSB #7866, Attorney for Ihe Estate 161 South Main Street Mocksviile, NC 27028 Telephone; (336) 751-7502 Fax; (336) 751-9909 6-28-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of MARSHALL M. SOUTHERN (aka Monroe Mar­ shall Southern), late of Davie County, this Is to notify all per­ sons, firms and corporations hav­ ing claims against said estate to present Ihem to the undersigned on or before October 5, 2012, (being three (3) monlhs from the first day of publication of this no­ tice) or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per­ sons, firms and corporations In­ debted lo said estate will please make immediate payment lo the undersigned. This the 26th day of June, 2012. PHILLIP J. MOHR 1 West Fourth Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 MARTIN & VAN HOY LLP Attorneys al Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 7-5-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer­ tain Deed of Trust made by Derek T. Lawrence and Robin M. Boy­ er to CTC Real Estate Services, Truslee(s), dated Ihe 23rd day of December, 2002, and recorded in Book 456, Page 851, in Davie County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made In the payment of Ihe note thereby se­ cured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an Instru­ ment duly recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Davis County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be fore­ closed, the undersigned Substi­ tute Trustee wlil offer for sale at Ihe courthouse door In the City of Mocksville, Davie County, North Carolina, or the customary loca­ tion designated for foreclosure sales, al 1;45 PM on Juiy 24, 2012 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated In the County of Davie, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows; ' ‘ BEGINNING at an Iron rebar set 1/2" in the line of Ruth Spill­ man Ogden (Deed Book 180, Page 880) and the southwestern corner of the within described tract thence North 03 deg 17 min 30 sec East 204.14 feet lo a 1/2" existing Iron rebar in the line ol Texle G. West (Deed Book 325, Page 178) and Ihe northwest cor­ ner of the within described tract; thence South 88 deg 31 mln 49 sec East 444.61 feel lo a 1/2" existing Iron rebar; thence South 88 deg 31 mln 49 sec^East .30.00 feet to a 1/2” existing' iron rebar al approximate center line of SR 1426 (Blevins Road) and being the northeast corner of the within described tract; thence South 00 deg 17 min 17 seo East 84.24 feet to a point al approximate center line of SR 1426 (Blevins Road); thence South 04 deg 42 mln 03 sec West 120.03 feet to an Iron rebar set 1/2" at approximate center line of SR 1426 (Blevins Road) and being the southeast corner of the within described tract, thence North 88 deg 31 min 49 sec East 476.92 feet to the place of-BEGINNINQ, contain­ ing 2.239 acres, more or less, all as set forth In Survey by George Robert Stone, PLS dated 8 Janu­ ary 2000, Job No. S1400 and Map No. SI4003. Together with Improvements located thereon; said property being located at 318 Blevins Road, Yadkinville, North Carolina. Trustee may. In the Trustee's sole discretion, delay Ihe sale for up to one hour as provided In NCQS §45-21.23. Should the property be pur­ chased by a Ihird party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Gents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1). The property lo be offered pursuant to this notice of sale Is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agree­ ment, or both, being foreclosed, nor Ihe officers, direciors, attor­ neys, employees, agents or au­ thorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating lo the titie or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, al or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities 'aris­ ing out of or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this prop­ erty Is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances of re­ cord and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject lo applicable Federal and Stale laws. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the. pur­ chase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. - An order for possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the purchaser and against Ihe party or parties In possession by the cierk of superior court of the county In which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant lo a rental agreement entered into or re­ newed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the no­ tice of saie, ternjlnate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice lo Ihe landlord. Upon ter­ mination of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent due under the rental agreement pro­ rated to' Ihe effective dale of Ihe termination. if the trustee is unable to con­ vey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is Ihe return o,f the de­ posit. Reasons of such iriabillty to convey include, but are nol limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy peti­ tion prior to Ihe confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If Ihe validity of the sale Is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge lo have merit, may request Ihe court to declare Ihe sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR, THE PURPOSE OF THIS COM­ MUNICATION IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION obtained will BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, except as stat­ ed below In the instance ol bank­ ruptcy protection. IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANK­ RUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDING, THiS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PURSUANT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT AND FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT IN­ TENDED AS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACTTO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY POR­ TION OFTHE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY This 4th day of June, 2012. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY; Attorney at Law Hutchens, Senter, Kei- lam & Pettit, P.A. Attorneys for Substitute Trustee Sen/ices, inc. P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayettevlile, North Carolina 28311 hllps://sales.hsbllrm.com Case No; 1089842 (FC.FAY) 7-12-21П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 11 SP 385 Under and by virtue of a Pow­ er of Sale contained In lhat cer­ tain Deed of Trust executed by Thomas A Burghart lo Jackie Mill­ er, Trustee(s), dated December 18, 2009, and recorded iH Book 814, Page 1046, Davie Counly Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made In the pay­ ment of the note thereby secured by Ihe said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, having been sub­ stituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Olfice of the Reg­ ister of Deeds ol Davie County, North Carolina, and the holder of the note evidencing said Indebt­ edness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, Ihe undersigned Substitute Trustees will offer for sale al the Court­ house Door in Davie County, North Carolina, al 1 ;15PM on Juiy 24,2012, and will sell to the high­ est bidder for cash Ihe following described property, to wit; ' BEQINNING al a point in Ihe roadvi(ay of Slate Road .1825, the Northern corner of this triangular shaped parcel; thence South 31 degrees 41 minutes 56 seconds East 298.40 feet to a polrjt In Ihe roadway of said road, the South­ east, corner of the old tract Ilne; continuing In the same direction 63.63 feel to a point in said road, the Southeast corner of Ihe par­ cel; thence South 73 degrees 21 minutes 48 seconds West 25.70 feet lo a riew Iron pin in said road; continuing in Ihe same direction 242,24 leel to a new Iron pin In an old tract Ilne, the Southwest corner of the parcel; thence North 10 degrees 00 minutes 00 sec­ onds East 77.92 leel to a 24 inch Pine tree; continuing In the same direction 14.03 leel to a 20 Inch Pine trde al the Southwest cor­ ner ol Ihe old tract Ilne; continu­ ing In the same direction 255.32 feet to a new iron pin iri said road; continuing In the same direction 41.68 feet To THE POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 1.069 acres as sur­ veyed by Tutterow Surveying Co. Said parcel Is bounded on the East by Stale Road 1825; on Ihe South and West by the property of Claude H. Beck as described In Deed Book 20 at page 155 of the Davie County Registry. This description prepared from a map of á survey done by Grady L. Tut­ terow, Registered Land Surveyor, on April 18,1984. Note; This included Right of Way on Stale Road 1825. Said property Is commonly known as 148 Houston Road, Mockavllle, NC 27028. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, pursu^int lo N.C.G.S. 105-228.30, In Ihe. amount of One Dollar ($1.00) per each Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or fractional part there­ of, and the Cierk of Courts fee, pursuant to N.C.Q.S. 7A-308, in the amount ol Forty-live Cents (45) per each One Hundred Dol­ lars ($100.00) or Iractlonal part thereof or Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), whichever is greater. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the bid, 6r Seven Hundred Fifty Dol­ lars ($750.00), whichever is great­ er, will be required al the time of the sale and must be tendered In the form of certified funds. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, aii the remaining amounts will be Imme- dlaiely due and owing. Said prop­ erty to be offered pursuant lo this Notice of Sale Is being offered for saie, transfer and conveyance AS IS WHERE IS. There are no representations of warranty'relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions exist­ ing in, on, al, or relating to Ihe property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, special assessments, land transfer taxes, if any, and encumbrances of re­ cord. To the best ol the knowl­ edge and belief of the under­ signed, the current owner(s) of the property Is/are Thomas A Burghart PLEASE TAKE NOTICE; An order for possession of Ihe prop­ erty may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the pur­ chaser and against the party or parties In possession by the clerk of superior court ol the county in which Ihe property is sold. Any person who occupies the prop­ erty pursuant lo a rental agree­ ment entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving’ the notice of sale, ' terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice lo the landlord, The notice shall also state that upon termination of a rental agreement, that tenant is li­ able for renl due under the rental agreement prorated lo the effec­ tive date of the termination. Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc. Substitute Trustee 1587 Northeast Expressway Atlanta, GA 30329 (770)234-9181 Our File #;221.1100458NC/R 7-12-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 12SP144 Under and by virtue ol a Pow­ er of Sale contained in that cer­ tain Deed of Trust executed by . Ralph S Rowe and Marla J Rowe to Rebecca W Shala, Trustee(s), dated Juiy 13, 2006, and record­ ed In Book 670, Page 948, Davie County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made In the payment of the note thereby se­ cured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an Instru­ ment duly recorded In the Olllce ol the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, and Ihe holder of Ihe note evidencing said Indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trust­ ées will offer for sale al the Court­ house Door in Davie County, North Carolina, at 1 ;15PM on July 24, 2012, and will sell to the high­ est bidder for cash Ihe following described property, lo wit; BEING KNOWN and desig­ nated as revised Tax Lot 10.01, being a 1.00 acre tract, on a Re­ combination Survey for Michael F. Delllsanll and wife, Margaret Delilsanll, as recorded In Plat Book 8, Page 355, Davie County Registry, to which reference Is hereby made for a more par­ ticular description. TOGETHER WITH AN DSUBJECT TO septic system easements set forth DB 322, PG 836, and In Plat Book 6, Page 355, Davie County Reg­ istry, and subject lo a 30 ft. ac­ cess easement as set forth In Plat Book 8, page 255 Davie County Registry lo which reference Is hereby made for a more particu­ lar description. SUBJECT TO easements and restriclions of record. FOR BACK TITLE, see DB 322, PG 836, and DB 177, PG 448, Davie County Registry. See also Tax Map H-5, Pci 10.01, lo­ cated In Mocksviile Township, Davie County, North Carolina Note; Doris Kathleen Del- lisanti \jled In 2006. Said prop- erty Is commonly known as 277 Harvest Way, Mocksville, NC 27028. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, pursuant to N.C.Q.S. 105-228.30, In Ihe amount of One Dollar ($1.00) per each Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or fractional part there­ of, and the Clerk of Courts fee, . pursuant to N.C.G.S. 7A-308, In the amount of Forty-five Cents (45) per each One Hundr;ed Dol­ lars ($100.00) or fractional part, thereol or Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), whichever Is greater. A deposit of five percent (5%) of Ihe bid, or Seven Hundred Filly Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of Ihe sale and must be tendered In the form of certllled funds. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, aii the remaining amounts wlil be immediately due and owing. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice ol Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance AS IS WHERE IS. There are no representations of warranty relating lo the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions exist­ ing in, on, at, or relating to Ihe property being olfered for sale. This sale is made subject lo all prior liens, unpaid taxes, special assessments, land transfer taxes, II any, and encumbrances ol re­ cord. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property Is/are Ralph S Rowe. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: An order for possession ol Ihe prop­ erty may be Issued pursuant lo ' Q.S. 45-21.29 In lavor of the pur­ chaser and against Ihe party or parties in possession by Ihe clerk of superior court of the counly In which Ihe property Is sold. Any person who occupies the prop­ erty pursuant lo a rental agree­ ment entered Inlo or renewed on or alter October 1, 2007, may, after receiving Ihe notice of saie, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days’ written notice to Ihe landlord. The notice shall also state lhat upon lerminallon ol a rental agreement, lhat tenant is liable for rent due under Ihe rental agreement prorated to the effec­ tive dale ol Ihe termination. Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc, Substitute Trustee 1587 Northeast Expressway Atlanta, QA 30329 (770) 234-9181 Our File #; 221.1100173NC/R 7-12-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the requirements ol Article 20-B of Chapter 153-A ol the General Statutes of North Carolina and Section 155.236 of the Davie Counly Code of Ordi­ nances, that the Davie Counly Board of Adjustment will hold a Public Hearing In the Com- misalonera Room of the Davie Counly Administration Building, 123 South Main Street Mocks­ ville, NC on Monday July 30, 2012 at 8:00 p.m. to hear the lol- lowlng request: Gavle.County has applied to amend a Special Use Permit for a Public Recreation Facility in the Resldentlai-Agriouiturai (R-A) and Resldenllal-20 (R-20) zoning districts as shown In §155.125 of the DavIe County Zoning Or­ dinance. The subject property Is located al 599 Farmington Road Mocksvilie NC 27028 and Is further described as Parcel of the Davie County Tax Map F50000004102. A sign will be placed on Ihe above listed properties to adver­ tise the Public Hearing. All parties and interested citi­ zens are inviled to attend said hearing at which time they shall have an opportunity to present facts and testimony In support of, or In opposition to, the request. Prior to the hearing, additional Information on a request may be obtained by visiting Ihe Develop­ ment Services Department week­ days between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 ■ p.m. Monday through Friday, or by telephone at (338) 753-6050. As a result of the public hear­ ing, substantial changes might be made In the advertised proposal, reflecting objections, debate and discussion at the hearing. Any­ one who needs an accommoda­ tion lo participate in the meeting should' notify the Development Services Department al least 48 hours prior to the meeting or call North Carolina Relay al 1-800- 735-8262. Andrew Meadwell Planning Department 7-19-gtn DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 19,2012 - D5 L E G A L N O T I C E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualllled as Execu­ tor of the Estate of JEANNE M. JONES, late of Davie Counly, this is to notlly all persons, llrms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore September 28, 2012, (be­ ing three (3) months Irom Ihe lirst day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded in bar o( Ihelr recovery. Ail persons, firms and corporations Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment lo the under­ signed. This Ihe 28th day of June, 2012. DAVID JONES 691 Cedar Qrove Church Rd Mocksville, NC 27028 6-28-4tn . NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executor ol the Estate of VERNIE MAE HENDRIX, late of Davie County, this Is to notlly all persons, lirms and corporations having claims against said estate lo present them to the undersigned on or ' belore October 5, 2012, (being three (3) monlhs from Ihe first day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of Ihelr recovery. All persons, firms and corporations Indebted lo said estate wiil please make immedlale payment to the under­ signed. This the 21st day ol June, 2012. ROBERT L. HENDRIX 4101 NC Highway 801 South Advance, NC 27006 MARTIN & VAN HOY LLP Attorneys at Law Ten Court Square Mocksvilie, NC 27028 7-5-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualllled as Executrix of the Estate ol SALLIE LYONS BAKER, late ol Davie County, this Is to notlly all persons, lirmS and corporations having claims against said estate lo present Ihem to Ihe undersigned on or before October 5, 2012, (being three (3) months Irom the lirst .day ol publication ol this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons, llrms and corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment lo the under­ signed. This the 28lh day ol June, 2012. EARLE LYONS SMjTH '1618 Secret Garden Ct Salisbury, NC 28146 7-5-4Ш NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualilied as Executor ol the Estate ol FRANCES EM- ' MALINE SIZEMORE NEAS, iate ol Davie County, this Is to notlly ail persons, llrms and corpora­ tions having claims against said estate to present them to the un­ dersigned on or belore October 12,2012, (being three (3) monlhs Irom the lirst day ol publication ol this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, llrms and corpora­ tions Indebted to said estate will please make Irrimediate payment lo the undersigned. This the 12th day ol July, 2012. WILLIAM IVAN NEAS 133E Valley View Rd Advance, NC 27006 7-12-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate' of BERTIE RUTH SHORE STYERS, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all per­ sons, firms and corporations hav­ ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before October 12, 2012, (being three (3) months from Ihe first day of publication of this no­ tice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of Iheir recovery. All per­ sons, .firms and corporations In­ debted lo said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This Ihe 12th day of July, 2012. LISAS. STEELMAN PO Box 654 Yadkinville, NC 2755 7-12-4tp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualllled as Executor of the Estate of BONNIE M. H ELSABECK, late of Davie County, this Is to notlly all persons, lirms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before October 19, 2012, (being three (3) months from the first day ol publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons, llrms and corporations Indebted to said estate will please make immedi­ ate payment to Ihe undersigned. This Ihe 19th day ol. July, 2012. QRADON CORNELL UNK- FORD 123 Cedar Ridge Road Mocksville, NC 27028 7-19-4tp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualllled as Executor ol the Estate ol ANITA R. MCKE- OWN, late ol Davie County, this Is lo notlly ail persons, llrms and cor­ porations having claims against said estate to present them lo Ihe undersigned on or before October 12.2012, (being three (3) monlhs Irom the lirst day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol Ihelr recovery. All persons, llrms and corpora­ tions Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 12th day ol July, 2012. JOHNT MCKEOWN 233 Old Towne Dr Advance, NC 27006 7-12-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualllled as Executor ol the Estate ol DANIEL LEE SLAT­ ER, late ol Davie County, this Is to notlly all persons, llrms and cor­ porations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before October 12.2012, (being three (3) months from the lirst day ol publication ol this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, lltms and corpora­ tions indebted lo said estate wlil please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 12th day ol July, 2012. KATHERINE L. SLATER 188 Valley Oaks Drive Advance, NC 27006 7-12-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PERSONAL REPRESEN­ TATIVE’S NOTICE Having qualified as Personal Representative ol Ihe Estate ol JAMES WILLIAM FOSTER, de­ ceased, iate of Davie County, North Carolina, this is lo notlty all persons having claims against said estate to present Ihem to Ihe undersigned on or before the. 12th day of October, 2012, said date being al least three months Irom Ihe date ol first publication of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery.. All persons Indebted lo said es­ tate will please make Immediate payment to Ihe undersigned. This 12th day ol July, 2012, the same being Ihe first publica­ tion date. KATHY FOSTER-JORDAN, Personal Representative Estate of James William Foster Grady L. McClamrock, Jr., ■ NCSB #7866, Attorney tor the Estate 161 South Main Street > Mocksvilie, NC 27028 Telephone: (336) 751-7502 Fax: (336) 751-9909 7-12-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of Ihe power of sale contained in a cer­ tain Deed of Trust made by Ma­ rla Chegue and Jesus Navarro lo W.R. Starkey, Jr., Trustee(s), dated the 4th day of September, 2009, and recorded in Book 805, Page 755, In Davie County Reg­ istry, North Carolina, default hav­ ing been made In Ihe payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been sub­ stituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Olfice of the Reg­ ister of Deeds of Davie Counly, North .Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebt­ edness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for saie at Ihe courthouse door in the City of Mocksvilie, Da­ vie County,. North Carolina, or Ihe customary location designated lor loreclosure sales, at 1:45 PM on Juiy 24, 2012 and will sell lo the highest bidder f^r cash Ihe lollowing real estate situated In the Counly ol Davie, North Caro­ lina, and being more particularly described as lollows: BEING known and designated as Lots 32, 33, 34, and 35, Block A, The B.R. Armsworthy Property as set forth In Plat Book 3, Page 82, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, reference lo which Is hereby made for a more particu­ lar description. Together with Improvements located thereon; said property being located at see Baltimore Road, Advance, North Carolina. Parcel ID Number; E7-000-00- 118-01 Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay Ihe saie lor up to one hour as provided In NCGS §45-21.23.. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs ol Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice ol sale Is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of Ihe note secured by the deed of trust/security agree­ ment, or both, being loreclosed, nor Ihe olllcers, directors, attor­ neys, employees, agents or au­ thorized representative ol either the Trustee or the holder ol the note make any representation or warranty relating to Ihe title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at or relating lo Ihe property being olfered for saie, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this prop­ erty Is being sold subject lo ail taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances of re­ cord and any recorded releases. Said property Is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) ol live percept (5%) ol the pur­ chase price, or seven hundred lllly dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, wlil be required at the time of Ihe sale. An order lor possession ol Ihe property may be Issued pursuant lo Q.S. 45-21.29 In lavor oi Ihe purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk ol superior court ol the county In which Ihe property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered Into or re­ newed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the no­ tice of saie, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice lo Ihe landlord. Upon ter­ mination of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent due under the rental agreement pro­ rated to the elfectlve dale of the termination. If Ihe trustee Is unable to con­ vey lille to this property lor any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser Is the return ol the de­ posit. Reasons ol such inability to convey include, but are nol limited lo, the tiling ol a bankruptcy peti­ tion prior to the conlirmatlon of the sale and reinstatement ol the loan without Ihe knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale' is challenged by any party, the trustee, In their sole discretion. If Ihey believe Ihe challenge to have merit, may request Ihe court to declare Ihe sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. THiS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COM­ MUNICATION IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, except as slat­ ed below In the instance of bank­ ruptcy protection. IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANK­ RUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PURSUANT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT AND 'FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT IN­ TENDED AS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACTTO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY POR­ TION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY This 19th day ol June, 2012. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY: I Attorney at Law Hutchens, Senter, Kel- iam & Pettit, P.A, Attorneys for Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayettevlile, North Carolina 28311 https://sates.hsbfim.com Case No: 1075380 (FC.FAY) 7-12-2Ш NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue ol the power ol sale contained in a cer­ tain Deed ol Trust made by Elsa Del R. Melgar Guerrero and Omar A, Guerrero (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S); Elsa Del Rosario Melgar De Guerrero) to Richard T. Hayes, Trustee(s), dated the 14th day of February, 2006, and recorded In Book 649, Page 281, in Davie County Reg­ istry, North Carolina, delault hav­ ing been made In Ihe payment ol the note thereby secured by the said Deed ol Trust and Ihe undersigned, Substitute Trustee Sen/Ices, inc. having been sub- sliluted as Trustee In said Deed ol Trust by an instrument duly recorded in Ihe Olfice of Ihe Reg­ ister of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina and the holder of Ihe note evidencing said Indebt­ edness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute .Trustee will offer for sale al Ihe courthouse door in the City ol Mocksville, Da­ vie County, North Carolina, or Ihe customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 1:45 PM on July 24, 2012 and will sell to Ihe highest bidder for cash Ihe following real estate situated in Ihe Counly of Davie, North Caro­ lina, and being more particularly described as follows: Being known and designated as Lot No. 194, as shown on the Plat 61 Myers Park at Ridgemont, Section Two, as recorded In Plat Book 6, Page 103, in the Olllce ol Ihe Register of Deeds of Da­ vie County, North Carolina, ref­ erence to which is hereby made for a more particular description. Together with Improvement# located thereon; said property being located at 463 Mount- view Drive, Mockevllle, North Carolina. Trustee may, in the Trustee's sole discretion, delay Ihe sale lor up lo one hour as provided in NCQS §45-21.23. Should Ihe property be pur­ chased by a third party, that party must pay the excise lax, as well as Ihe court costs ol Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be olfered pursuant lo this notice of sale is being offered for saie, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.“ Neither the Trustee nor Ihe holder ol the note secured by the deed of trust/security agree­ ment, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attor­ neys, employees, agents or au­ thorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating lo Ihe title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at or relating lo the property being ottered for sale, and any and ail responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing out of or in any way relating lo any such condlllon expressly are disclaimed. Also, this prop­ erty is being sold subject lo all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances ol re­ cord and any recorded releases. Said property Is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and Slate laws. A cash deposit or cashier’s check (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of Ihe pur­ chase price, or seven hundred lilty dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required al the time ol the sale. An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant lo G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of Ihe purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of Ihe county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant lo a rental agreement entered 'Into or re­ newed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the no­ tice of sale, terminate Ihe rental agreement upon 10 days’ written notice to the landlord. Upon ter­ mination of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable lor rent due under Ihe rental agreement pro­ rated lo the elfectlve dale ol the termination. II the trustee Is unable to con­ vey tllle to this property lor any reason, Ihe sole remedy ot the purchaser is the return of Ihe de­ posit. Reasons of such Inability to convey Include, but are not limited to, Ihe filing of a bankruptcy peti­ tion prior to Ihe conlirmatlon ot the saie and reinstatement ol the ioan without the knowledge of the trustee. II {(le validity of Ihe sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge lo have merit, may request Ihe court to declare the sale to be void and return Ihe deposit. The purchaser will have no lurther remedy. THiS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THiS COM­ MUNICATION IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, except as slat­ ed below in the Instance ol bank­ ruptcy protection. IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANK­ RUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PURSUANT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT AND FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT IN­ TENDED AS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACTTO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY POR­ TION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY This 19th day ol June, 2012. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY: Attorney al Law Hutchens, Senter, Kel- iam & Pettit, RA. Attorneys lor Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. RO. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayettevlile, North Carolina 28311 https-J/sales.hsbflrm.com Case No; 1082447 (FC.FAY) 7-12-2Ш NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 10SP107 Under end by virtue of a Pow­ er of Sale contained In lhat cer­ tain Deed ol Trust executed by Roman Hernandez Vargas and Elender Grey Johnson lo PRLAP, Inc., Trustee(s), dated August 14, 2008, and recorded In Book 788, Page 601, Davie County Regis­ try, North Carolina. Default hav­ ing been made in Ihe payment of Ihe note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the under­ signed, having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of Ihe Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, and the holder of Ihe note evi­ dencing said indebtedness hav­ ing directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustees will otter for sale al Ihe Courthouse Door In Davie County, North Carolina, at 1:15PM on Juiy 24,2012, and will sail to the highest bidder lor cash the following described property, to wit: Being all of Lot Number Forty four (44) Section Two Charleston Ridge Iwo as set forth in Plat Map 7, Page 87 Davie Counly regis­ try to which relerence is hereby made' for a more particular de­ scription. Subject lo restriclions olrecord. Said property la commonly known as 159 Cloister Drive, Mockevllle, NC 27028. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, pursuant to N.C.G.S. 105-228.30, In Ihe amount of One Dollar ($1.00) per each Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or Iractlonal part there- ol, and the Clerk of Courts lee, pursuant to N.C.Q.S. 7A-308, In Ihe amount ol Forty-live Cents (45) per each One Hundred Dol­ lars ($100.00) or fractional part thereof or Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), whichever is greater. A deposit ol five percent (5%) of Ihe bid, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required al the time ol the sale and must be tendered in Ihe lorm ol certllled funds. Following the expiration ol Ihe statutory upset bid period, ail the remaining amounts will be Imme­ diately due and owing. Said prop­ erty to be olfered pursuant lo this Notice of Sale is being ottered for saie, transler and conveyance AS IS WHERE IS. There are no representations ol warranty re­ lating to Ihe title or any physical, environmental, health or safely conditions existing In, on, at, or relating to the property being of­ fered lor sale. This sale Is made subject lo all prior liens, unpaid taxes, special assessments, land transfer taxes, if any, and encum­ brances of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property la/are Roman Hernandez-Vargas. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE; An order for possession of the prop­ erty may be issued pursuant lo G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of Ihe pur­ chaser and against the party or parties in possession by Ihe clerk of superior court of the counly In which the orooertv Is sold. Anv person who occupies the prop­ erty pursuant to a rental agree­ ment entered Into or renewed on or alter October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days’ written notice to the landlord. The notice shall also stale that upon termination ol a rental agreement, that tenant Is li­ able for renl due under Ihe rental agreement prorated to the ettec- live date ol the termination. Nationwide Trustee Services, inc. Substitute Trustee 1587 Northeast Expressway Atiante, GA 30329 (770)234-9181 Our File No.; 432.1002236NC /D 7-12-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 10SP79 Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed ol Trust executed by Bradley S. Morris and Rose C. Morris to The law ottices ol Daniel A. Fulco, PLLC, Trustee(s), dated February 28, 2007, and recorded In Book 702, Page 226, Davie County Registry, North Carolina. Delault having been made in the payment ol the note thereby se­ cured by the said Deed ol Trust and Ihe undersigned, having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an Instru­ ment duly recorded in Ihe Olllce of the Register of Deeds of Da­ vie Counly, North Carolina, and the holder ol the note evidenc­ ing said indebtedness having directed that Ihe Deed ol Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustees will otter lor sale at the Courthouse Door In Davie County, North Carolina, at 1:15PM on July 24,2012, and will sell to Ihe highest bidder for cash Ihe following described property, to wit: Being known and desig­ nated as Lot No. 9 ol Gladstone Woods Subdivision as shown on Plat Book 7, Page 73, Davie Counly registry, to which reler- enoe la hereby mado for a more particular description. Together with improvements located thereon; said property be­ ing located at 174 Stonewood Rd. Mocksviile, North Carolina. Said property Is common­ ly known as 174 Stonewood Road, Mocksville, NC 27028. Third party purchasers must pay the excise . tax, pursuant to N.C.Q.S. i 05-228.30, In the arnount of One Dollar ($1.00) per each Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or fractional part there­ of, and the Clerk of Courts fee, pursuant lo N.C.Q.S. 7A-308, In Ihe amount of Forty-five Cents (45) per each One Hundred Dol­ lars ($100.00) or fractional part thereol or Five Hundred Dollars ($500,00), whichever Is greater. A deposit of five percent (5%) of Ihe bid, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, wlil be required al Ihe lime of the sale and must be tendered In the lorm of certified funds. Following Ihe expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all Ihe remaining amounts will be Imme­ diately due and owing. Said prop­ erty lo be ottered pursuant lo this Notice of Sale Is being ottered for sale, transfer and conveyance AS IS WHERE IS. There are no rep­ resentations ol warranty relating to the title or any physical, envi­ ronmental, health or safely condi­ tions existing in, on, at, or relating lo the property being ottered lor sale. This sale Is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, spe­ cial assessments, land transfer taxes, if any, and encumbrances of record. To the best of the knowl­ edge and belief of the under­ signed, the current owner(s) of the property Is/are Bradley S. Morris and Roae C. Morris. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: An order for possession of Ihe prop­ erty may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of Ihe pur­ chaser and against the party o^ parties In possession by Ihe clerk of superior court of the counly in which the property Is sold. Any person who occupies the prop­ erty pursuant to a rental agree­ ment entered Into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days’ written notice to the landlord. The notice shall also state that upon termination of a rental agreement, lhat tenant Is liable lor renl due under the rental agreement prorated lo Ihe ettec- live date ol the termination. Nationwide Trustee Services, inc. Substitute Trustee 1587 Northeast Expressway Atlanta, QA 30329 (770) 234-9181 Our File No.: 432.1003914NC /D ’ 7-12<Un • J :| ,\ : i ч 11 / D6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 19,2012 L E G A L N O T I C E S »DAVIË-0LEMM0N8 Щ ■ d a s s i f i e d sтлен oifa tf,oceMAOtns tmr mm Ca»Mond*KrldiylAIHPU TOLL FREE 1 Ш 1 - 2 1 2 1 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA ' SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 12SP28 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE­ CLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY WILLIAM PAUL FOLEY AND MICHELLE BRUMFIELD DATED APRIL 29, 2004 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 548 AT PAGE 777 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In the above-referenced deed of trust and because of defaOlt In the paynnent of the secured In­ debtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and hold­ er of the secured debt, the under­ signed substitute trustee will ex­ pose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder lor cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 2:00 PM on August 1, 2012 the fol­ lowing described real estate and any other Improvements which may be situated thereon, In Da­ vie County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: . Being known and designated as Lot 36 as shown on the map of Myers Park at Ridgerhont, Sec- 2005 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 625 AT PAGE 364 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of Ihe power and authority contained In the above-relerenced deed of trust and because of default In the payment of the secured In­ debtedness and failure lo perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and hold­ er of the secured debt, the under­ signed substitute trustee will ex­ pose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the 'usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 2:00 PM on August 1, 2012 the fol­ lowing described real estate and any other Improvements which may be situated thereon. In Da­ vie County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an Iron lo­ cated In Ihe western right of way margin of a 60 foot street locally known as Dogwbod Lane In the northeast corner of Lot 22 of the Angell Subdivision (which plat Is recorded In Plat Book 5, at page 170, Davla County Registry), said Iron being located Ihe following two courses and distances from the original northeast corner ol William J, Marklin, Jr., et ux and the southeast comer of Henry Howell: South I deg. West 50.00 feet; South 6 deg. 20 mln. East 140.00; runs thence from said was renewed on or after October I,2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice to the landlord. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. The date of this Notice Is July II,2012.- 12-029263 Jacqueline Summer Hunt Attorney for the Subslitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 htlp;//shaplroaUornoys,com/nc/ 7-19-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE Public Sale: Mocksville Minl- Storage Intends to sell the con­ tents ol the following unlls for un­ paid renl and expenses. #130 Mickey Kelly, 150 Sam­ my Clement, 239 Chris Glnese, 326 Melanie Isaac, 356 Pamela Jones, 459 Derek Albea, 472 Russell Eleazer, 474 Jared Frasi­ er, and 377 f.'7-tha McMillan. Public sale date: July 31,2012 at 1:00 p.m. Household Items. No personal checks. 124 Eaton Rd, Mooksvllle. (336) 751-2483. 7-19-2ln Î Ц Resort & Vacation Property DOUGLAS LAKE EAST TENNESSEE. Lako Property with prlvato boal sllpl Dank Selling for $14,900. 4 Acros Subdlvldablo Lakofront $49,900. Bank Releasing August. 4th. 877*717- 5263, ext. 91. - Houses For Rent lion Two, which map Is recorded' POINT OF BEGINNING wllh the In Plat Book 6, Page 103, In Ihe western right of way margin ol Office of the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina; ref­ erence lo which Is hereby made for a more particular description. And Being more commonly known as: 300 Windward Cir, Mockavllle, NC 27028 The record owner(8) of the lhat 60 foot streei locally known as Dogwood Lane, South 15 deg. 05 mln. East 170.00 feel lo an Iron In the southeast corner of Lot 22 of Ihe Angell Subdivision at the Intersection of Dogwood Lane and Soulh Circle; runs thence on a curve, lo Ihe right with the north- property, 08 roflected on the re- ern right of way margin of a 60 cords ol the Register of Deeds, foot street locally known as South l8/are William Paul Foley and Michelle BrUmfleld. The properly to be olfered pur- ' suant to this notice of sale Is be­ ing offered for sale, transler and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or Ihe holder of the note make any representation or warranty relal- Ing to Ihe title or any physical, en­ vironmental, health or safely con­ ditions exlsllng In, on, at or relat­ ing lo the property being olfered for sale. Any and all responsibili­ ties or liabilities arising out of or In any way relating to any such con- dlllon expressly are disclaimed. This sale Is made subject lo all prior Hens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assess­ ments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater. Is required and must be tendered In the form of certllied lunds at the lime of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds In a timely manner will result In a Declaration ot Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you ara a tenant residing In the prop­ erty, be advised that an Order for Possession of Ihe property may be Issued In favor of Ihe purchas­ er. Also, If your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice to the landlord. You may be liable for renl due under the agreement prorated lo the effective date of the termination. The date of this Nollce Is July 2, 2012. 11-012919 Jacqueline Summer Hunt Attorney lor the Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Partway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 http://sh»plroattomeys, com/nc/ 7-19-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 12SP162 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE­ CLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY LARRY T MCGEE AND JENNIFER L. MCGEE DATED SEPTEMBER 9, j Circle, Ihe following two courses and distance: South 81 deg. 10 mln. West 103.46 feet; South 87 deg. 10 min. West 102.0 feet lo an Iron In the southwest corner ol Lot 22 and the southeast corner of Lot 14 of the Angell Subdlvl: slon; runs thence with the eastern line of Lol 14 of the Angell Sub­ division formerly owned by Ed­ die Merrell, North 2 deg. 20 mln. West 193.72 feel lo an Iron In the line of Lot 14 of the Angell sub­ division, the noilhwesl corner of Lol 22; thence wllh a new line for, VWIIIam J. Marklin, Jr., North 87 deg. 32 mln. 41 sec. East 179.95 feel to the POINT AND PUCE OF BEGINNING and being Lot 22 on the plat of Ihe Angell Sub­ division set forth In Plat Book 5, at page 170, Davie County Reg­ istry and Ihe southern half of that certain tract conveyed lo William J. Marldin, Jr. And described In Deed Book 109, page 311, Davie Counly Registry. And Being more commonly known as: 260 Ivy Ln, Mocks­ ville, NC 27028 The record owner(8) of the property, as reflected on the re­ cords of the Register of Deeds, l6/are Larry T. McGee, II and Jennifer L. McGee, The properly to be olfered pur­ suant to this nollce of sale is be­ ing olfered for sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS, WHERg IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relat­ ing lo the title or any physical, en­ vironmental, health or safely con­ ditions exlsllng in, on, al or relat­ ing to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibili­ ties or llabllllles arising out of or In any way relating to any such con­ dition expressly are disclaimed. This sale Is made subject lo all prior Hens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assess­ ment^ Including but nol limited to any transfer tax associated wllh the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater. Is required and must be tendered In the form of certified funds al the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds In a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing In the prop­ erty, be advised lhat an Order for Possession, of the property may be Issued in favor of Ihe purchas­ er. Also, If your lease began or NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC ADMINISTRA­ TOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Public Ad­ ministrator ol Ihe Estate of CLAY MACYKIRKMAN, JR., Deceased, lale of Davie Counly, Norlh Caro­ lina, this Is lo notify all persons having claims against the estate of the deceased to exhibit them lo Ihe undersigned on or before October 26, 2012, or this Nollce will be pleaded In bar of their right to recover against the estate of Ihe said deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This the 19th day ol July, 2012. Bryan C. Thompson Public Administrator of the Estate of Clay Macy Kirkman, Jr. SURRATT & THOMPSON, PLLC 100 N. Main Street, Suite 2425 Wlnston-Salem, NC 27101 (336)725-8323 7-19-4tn r tir.'i r . ’ , NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 12 CVD 254 DAVIE COUNTY o/b/o REBECCA PEREZ-HESTER; Plalnlilf, vs. FELIX FIGUEROA-BORJA & JOHN HAMPTON HESTER; Defendants. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: JOHN HAMPTON HESTER TAKE NOTICE lhat a plead­ ing seeking relief against you has been filed' In the above-entitled acllon. The nature of the relief being sought Is establishment of paternity for a minor female child born on 12/28/07 lo Rebecca Perez-Hesler. You are required to make defense lo such plead­ ing not later than the 28th.day of August, 2012, said date being 40 days from the first publication of this nollce; and upon your failure to do so, the party seeking ser­ vice against you will apply lo the Court for the relief sought. This Ihe 16lh day of July, 2012. Kyla J. SIppreli Attorney for Plalntllf P.O. Box 595 Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)753-6014 7-19-3tn NORTH CAROLINA. DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Execu­ tor of the Estate of MURIEL G. GUDE, late of Davie Counly, this Is to nolify all persons, firms and corporallons having claims against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or belore September 28, 2012, (be­ ing three (3) months from the first day of publlcalion of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AH persons, firms and corporations Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment lo the under­ signed. This the 28lh day of June, 2012. ERIC GUDE 1315 Mt Vernon Rd Woodleaf, NC 27054 6-28-4tn Century 21 'n’lad 336-751-5555 2492 USHWVeOtS MOCKSVIUE 2BR, 1BA with hoat pump & air. No pots. $600 with 2 yr. lease. $625 with 1 yr. lease 228 CHARLESTON RIDGE DR., MOCKSVILLE 3BR. 20A, garago. All appllancos Including wash' or and dryor. $900/mo. Tired of the hassle ol managing your rental property? CALL Century 21 D'lad today tor details on how simple & affordable our property manage­ ment services are. Call Century 21 IVIad 336-751-2222 and ask forKathlerAllcla. Century 21 niad 336-7S1-SSSS liia l Mocksvllto 3Bod/2bQm $760/rnonth plus deposit; culo as a bulloni Rocontiy remodolod; call or toxt 336-413-4625 Mooksvllle. Furnished 1BR coUago In country. ' No pots. $450/mo. -f dop. f rof. 336-284-4768 Mocksvliis. Mobllo Homo for rent, 3BR, 1.5BA, on prl­ vato lot. NO pots, $600/mo. f dop. 336-909-2100, MoGksvlllo. 2BR, 2.5BA, 2*car garago, no pots, largo dock. Must Soo • vory clean! $600/mo. + $450 dop. 336.75M438 ’ Houses For Bent Premier ReaKy NC 338-998-Л77 239 Wllkosboro St> Mocksvillo 3BR, 1BA, $600/mo. 1956 US Hwy 64 E, Mocksville 3BR, 1.5BA, $825/mo. 441 Pinevllle Rd, Mocksvillo 3BR. 2BA. $650/mo. Call 336-998-9345 3 DR, 2 OA, good localion. Brick house with 3 car garago. $700/mo. Call 336-909-0864 3BR, basement, country, remodeled. $899/mo. or can use rent towards pur­ chase. 704-в30-0695, Office & Commercial Rental’ BCM Business Park, For salo or loaso, 9,000 sq. ft. building, 1500 to 4500 sq ft unlls. Commercial lots for salo or will build to suit tonant. 336-998-3165 Autos Manufactured Homes For Rent Advance. 3GR, ' 2BA. $500/mo. -f dop. No insido pots or smoking. 336-655-3157 Mobile homes for rent. 2 & 3 BR & DW. Shady Acres МНР, John Crotts Rd., Mocksvillo. HUD accopt* od. No pots. Call 336-909- 2092 or 336-998-8222 Mocksville 4BR, 2BA for rent or 8ole.14x60 mobilo homo, rocontiy remod­ eled. 336-998-8257 LM Mocksville. 2291 Hwy 601S, 14x00, 3BR, 2BA, Is., hoat pump. $500/ mo. * $500 dop. No insido pots, 336-990-7003 Resort s : Vactlon Rentals Myrtle Beach Qoll Course Condo for rent. 2BR, 26A, full kitchen, groat view ol golf course & lake. Pool, tennis & golf. $525/wk. Call 330-414.6871. Intsrior/exterlor painting,prossuro washing. Docks houses & mobilo homos. Comont driveways. Also, builds docks or stains existing docks. Froo osll< matos. 50 years oxperi- once. 336-909-3616 W e w i l l p r i n t 11,000 copies o f y o u r car, truck, boat, motorcycle, pet, lurnlture - even the kitchen sink a n d d e l i v e r I t t o c u s t o m e r s ' d o o r s t e p s - a n d w e ' l l p r i n t I t FOUR Thursdays In a row ~ a n d y o u w o n ' t b e l i e v e t h i s p a r t ~ w e ' l l a l s o l i s t I t f o r 28 days onllnel ~ a l l f o r t h e l o w p r i c e o f $20 a month. Believe II. Call Classifieds to Advertise 677-751-2120! SarvlcB D irectory Financial Services "WO can arasi your bad credll-100% guarantotd'' Tho Fodoral TTodo Commission says any crodit repair compony lhal claims IÒ bo able lo logaily removo accurato and llmoly Information rom your crodit roporl le ying.Thoro'snooasylix lor bad crodit. It taiios time and a conscious ollort to pay your dobls. Loam about managing credit and ^obt at lto.gov/crodlt. A mes­ sage Imm The Salisbury Post & the FTC. auction Bank Owned | 25 Counties in Western NC Several Offered Without Reserve 82 P ro p e rtie s | O n lin e B id d in g Begins: July 14 Resld. Lots) Some w/ Water/fvltn. Views | Gatcd/Goif Course Communities 64 P ro p e rtie s | B a llro o m A u c tio n : Ju ly 25 - 26 Commercial & Investment Properties jAcreagc | Bldg Lots ( Homes | More View aii properties by searching fXI685 at Tranzon.com Tunion Fox I NCAF4953 | Salo Subjeci 10 Icmis A Conditlonj spij*;»*4ji TRANZON.COM 800-868-0458 Scottle Tollie Takes Marine Course Marine Corps Pfc. Scottie L. Toilic Jr., son of Donna Carriclc of Mocl<sviiie, recently gradu­ ated from the Marine Aviation Supply Specialist Course with Marine Aviation Training Sup­ port Squadron One, Marine Aviation Support Training Sup­ port Group 21, Meridian, Miss. Students learn to perform the functions that provide logisti­ cal support to aviation activi­ ties .They perfonn tasks dealing with aviation supply support, including financial manage­ ment, inventory management, material management, person­ nel staffing, and requisitioning procedures. Graduates leave with an un­ derstanding of provisioning nnd requirements deteimina- tion, material handling proce­ dures, and fiscal accounting and purchasing procedures in . accordance wilh Federal Acui- silioning Regulations. First Choice Personnel Opens Here First Choicc Personnel opened a new office July 30 al 965 Yadkinville Road in Mocksville. The general matuiger is Scott Gantt, who formerly owned Gantt Personnel. Gantt and his fnmily served staffing needs in the Mocksville area for 17 years. Tracy Vogler, a former Gantt Personnel associate, is the di­ rector of recruiting. First Choice is a family- owned staffing agency with ties to Mocksville and has been in operation for 15 years with offices in Winston-Salem and Higli Point. The overall objec­ tive is lo help local job seekers find the job or career path that best suits them along with part­ nering with locnl businesses to help locale the best candidates for their staffing needs. First Choice will accept'ap- plications beginning at 9 a.m. July 30 at the Yadkinville Road location. H O W A R D R E A L T Y tctAîur7}«‘a»tfflpiWiUCfi£l$3tM,000 detaAyj.Aiiefibe(»gy«avT9i.$199,000 AVAILABLE RENTALS7«2 nivorvlew Kfwll Ct: 2üfV20A...............................$760/гл1ЬOZOntvuibondOf.; aUfWDA...................................$l,005/mlh170ОгиЬйП0.: 20n/IDA........................................$550Mith4M Pino 61.; SUfVlOA............................ $500Mi h1321 Eatons Church Rd; 4üfV2 6UA..., ... - 00 Catll« Lano: 0 03*/-«o.....02 Will Door)« nj; 0 04«/- ac...01 Will Boon« nd: 2B2*/- ac...03 Will Doono nd; 0 DO«/- ac...OOOiAdstorwnd: 1.0U/-ac....Lot 3 Oladslono FU; t.12*/>K... L0t4Qladtt0(i»Rd: l.2IW'«c...001 Conlor 81; 0 69*/* AC.......002 Conlor 8t; 0 69«/* ac......003ContorSt; 0 69»/'BC.......00 Pidovilio nd: O.es«/* ac.....00 JurKtlon FU: 1.4SW-BC.....000 Country Lan«: 0.S7W* ac...00 Vaniant Rd; I3.&4«A ao... - AVAILABLE LAND 00 U3 Hwy 64 Weit: over ♦/• 79 acre*,..,UBOtoryCT: 0.78W.ac...............Ita StillWalotf. 0.77*i-<w............ ...ИООЛПШ ....Ì35o/mm »4 гблпт „SSOOAnlh 110 siili Water»: 0.70*Aao.....................................Mnyfiow; t.OUAac.CùmbfWo« Larw: 20*Л oc......................л............WlWomo»! Way; 1Э.7+Лвс......................................EvaniRoad; 24*Лас..........................................AOOmONAL USnMÛS AVAUAUf BY CAIUNO U0-7I1-IUI 330 S. Salisbury St., Mocksville • 336-751-3538 T o v i e w a l l o u r c u r r e n t l i s t i n g s v i s i t u s a t : w w w , h o w a r d r e a l t y . c o m . G e t i t w e e k l y A subscription to the Enterprise Record keeps you informed of what’s happening in your neighborhood every week. Only $20 per year in Davie County C a ll T o d a y ! 1 -8 7 7 -7 5 1 -2 1 2 0 D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P m / i 3 < E C 0 R D THE DAVIE COUNTY ENTEHPKISE RECORD DAVIE-CLEMIVIGNS REACH OVER 29,000 READERS EVERY WEEK! е ш е а р в Thursday, July 19, 2012-711 Call Monday-Friday 8 AM-5 PM TOLL FREE \ w m m FAX: 704-630-0157 EMAIL: CLASSADS@SALISBURYPOST.COM T' ■*'- • ■''m': •’ !i- Giving away something,or selling an item' valued at ; $500 or less? Found a lost pet? IT;'FOR';FIIEEi^ik»wiitiiisitnti|i(iV'CuwMw.>, PICXUBE,APS Sell your pets, car/truck or stuff w ith a photo ad & run it fo r 4 weel<s for $ 2 0 . Sell your house w ith a photo ad fo r $ 3 0 for 4 weeks. ï â B D - S â L E io lines for $10,00 15 lines for $12.00 ,20 lines for $15.00 , Employment Oppomnitlês Drivors ATTENTION CDL-A DriversI Averill Is Hiring In Your Area. Great BenelllB & Homeilme. 4 Monlhs T/T Experience Required • Apply Nowl 888-362-8608. AVERITTcareers.com . Equal Opportunity Employer. Drivors CDL-A TRUCK DRI­ VERS NEEDEDI Miles. Equipment. Benellls. Hazmal Teams Start al 50/cents mile. Solo Drivers Also Neededi 800-942-2104, ext. . 7308 or 7307. www.0rlve4Tolal.com Dilvors Drivers- CDL-A Experienced Drivers. 6 monlhs OTR experi­ ence, starts at 32/cents mile. Up lo $5,000 SIgn-On BonusI New student pay and lease pro- graml 877-521-5775. www.usatruck.]obs Dllvotl Drivers- Choose your homeilme from Weekly, 7/0N-7/0FF, 14/ON-7/OFF, Full or Part-time, Dally Payl Top Equlpmentl Requires 3 months recent experience. 800-414-9560. www.drlveknlghl.com Drivers Drivers/Flatbed Class. A. Get Home Weekendsl Southeast Regional. Earn up lo ■ ■ ■ I year OTR Experience39c/ml. 1 Flatbed required. âOO-572 5489, X227. Sunbelt Transport, LLC. Orlvors OWNER OPERA­TORS- Guaranteed mln. 2,700 mlles/weeki All miles paid loaded/empty. Class-A CDL. Lease Purchase Program. Discount plans lor major medical & more. Fleet Owners Welcome. 866-Z20- 7845. drlvefor- grealwlde.com Dllviin Tanker & Flatbed Independent ContractorsI Immediate Piaoement Available. Best oppor- lunllles In the trucking business. Call Today, 800-277-0212 or www.prlmelnc.com employmentOpportunities MEMBER SERVICES DIRECTOR- Do you love newspapers? Are you a creative thinker and leader who can build a membership program and lead a team dedicated to helping North Carolina's newspa­pers stay strong and grow? Are you moti­ vated, energetic and a true sell-slarler? The Norlh Carolina Press Association In Raleigh, NC, Is seek­ ing a hard-working, creative, motivated member services director lo oversee conventions, meet­ ings, events, contests, publications and pro­ mote the cause ol newspapers. The director oversees a popular editorial con­ test and an advertis­ing contest; organizes board meetings, our annual Winter Institute, plus work­shops sen/Ing news­ paper managers, reporters, editors, ad directors and credll managers, and over­ sees compilation ol our popular annual member directory. Al least live years experi­ ence In meeting/events plan­ ning or similar experi­ ence required. Newspaper experi­ence Is a dellnlte plus. NCPA oKers excellent benellls,All cover letters and resumes should be submitted online 'to Executive Director Beth Grace at bethenopress.com. No phone calls or paper applications, pleasel Othot Experienced tfM climbersat Absolute Lawn & Tree. NCDL req. 336-766- 0819 or ЗЗв-401-3051 JobsWanteil Experienced, honest dependable CNA. Will care (or elderly or handicapped. Please call 336-909-2067 : Yard Sale Davie County Advanca Mulll-Famlly Yard Salo, Friday. July 20 & Saturday, July 21, 8am - Until. 315 Hilton Rd„ 158 or 801 cll Rodland Rd. Household Ilems, boys clothlno, lurnlluro and toys Mookivttio Moving Salo. Saturday, July 21, 8am- 2pm. 801 Norlh aoroas from Green Meadows Church. Anilquos, dishes, lols ol olhor household Iloms Mooluvtlla. Center Meth­ odist Church Shelter. Yard Sale. Friday, July 20, 7am-5pm. Bodroom sulle, movlos, household Iloms, clolhos,' odds & ends, Dora playhouse, 2 kitchen sots. TYDE SWIM TEAM COACH (Davie/Statesville Family YIVICAs) Previous coaching experience prelerred; knoviledge o( competitive swimming required, responsible tor overseeing the overall operation pf the swim team. Contact 336-72V2100 ext 6282 Saiss ADVERTISING SALES DIRECTOR- f;Jorth Carolina Press Services In Raleigh, NC Is looking for a strong, energetic, hard-working sales direclorl The NCPS Sales Director Is responsible for overall sales strategy, Includ­ ing Inside and outside sales for NCPS. The Sales Director targets advertising agencies and Individual companies, routinely makes cold calls and scheduled pitches, maintains call sheets. The Sales Director also produces or oversees production ol sales materials and presentations. The Sales Director mar­ kets all NCPS products, from display to Ihe 2x2,2x4 and classllled networks, and makes recommendations on any new products that could be sold. The Sales Director reports directly lo tho Executive Director and the lull NCPA-NCPS board of directors. Newspaper experience preferred; must have at least five years of solid sales experience with a portfo­ lio of success stories. Salary commensurate wllh experience and performance. To app№ send an online cover letter, resume and any samples to NCPA Executive Director Beth Grace at belh@ncpress.com.________ Yard Sale Davie County Y A R D iA L E .Mockivllla. Wall Wilson Rd (oil ol Deadmon), Sal. July 21st, 6am-3pm. Clolhos, shoes, toys, baby Itoms, treadmills, household Itemsll Mocksvttte. 301 Ijames Church Rood, 07/20- 07/21 7nm-12pm. Friday and Saturday Adult mens and womens clolhos, kids clothes sl2o 4-12, leys, tools, ' books, movlos, games, houso- wares, and much moro Mockivllie. B31 Fred Lanlot Rd. 3-Famlty Yard Sole. Sal. 7/21, 7;30am- 11am. Lols ol women's, men's and girls clolhos, toys, housewares, hoovor vacuum cloanor, llshing polos. Something lor overyonel No oarly birds. Rain cancels. Multi-Family & Moving SaleAdvance. 445 Bolloys Chapol Rood, Fri.. 7/20/12 8am-5pm& Sat.. 7/21/12 8am-12pm. Lots of (urnlturo, housohold goods, toys... EVERYTHING MUST GO! COMMUNITY Y A R D S A L E Pudding RidgeMookivllleSal., July 21sl eam-lpm tlQ EAH1:í ШНСЗ! ' Antiques, \ : ё С 0 П к а ы и Antique oak wush stand. Orlglnlal bovolod rnlrror, boautlful. $350. Coll 704* 213*3553 Baby Hems Baby Hawk Mel Tel custom rovorslblo, $75. Flshor Prlco bouncing zobra, $25. 7O4-270-O927 Grace MyRlde69 convert- Iblo car soats (2), $75 oa. Ralnforost jumporoo, $40. Moby wrap, blue, $25. 704-279-0927 Building Equip & Supplies Fetdtag aluminum ladder.' 10 It. Llko now. $75. Pleaso call 704-838- 3187 lor moro Into. Clothing Л Footwear,' Fox Dirt bike booti (S2 11)w/now mudcovers. Hondo colors, $100. Now largo vintage Honda race lersey, $25. Night 336-998-8922 * Conip(iten''H’ »Software \f. Computer monitor lorsale.Doll E173Fp LCD monitor 17" $25. Call ‘гпА.пг\а.1^02 MANTIS Deluxe Tiller. NEWI FastSlart engine. Ships FREE. Ono-Yoar Money-Back Quaranlee whon you buy DIRECT. Cali lor Iho DVD and FREE Qood Soli bookI 877-747-3083. Г Food & Produce ' ______L Canning & Green Tomatoes $10/25 lb box Dew Drop Farm 33M92<284ft Open oncc H month BACKYARD TREASURES Lots of used furniture & yard sale Ilems Fri., July 20th Sat., July 21st 8am-3pm 2655 Liberty Church Road, Mocksville Other limes call 336-463-5471 lor an appointment. Ask lor Lee or Shirley. 1 '] AMIque Iron bed, rog. size, over 100 yrs. old, $100. Futon, $76. 4 It. labio w/giass lop, $35. 704-546-6645 BIktl - boys' 12 In. rod Huffy $12; 16 In. blue/rod Spiderman $14; 2 16 In. tires, $1.50 ea. Used but good 704-754-8837 Ckrtli coyend goosonock rocker. Great shape. $125. Ploaso Call 704-213-3553 ■liMwueee, 25 avaiiabls. $5 08. 3 llshing rods, reels & splncast, $20 lor all. 704-278-9527 alter 6pm or leave message.Concrete pello table, 42" round wilh two 4” bench­ es, no cracks $50. Caii 704-279-4947 Clmraem IW-ii» program­mable timer. $20. Class­ room bulletin board sot, $2. Old wooden student desk, $10.980-234-6668Derk wood table wllh lour matching cushioned bench chairo wllh backs $260. Cali 704-276-3747. Fa« mechlne, Sharp UX355L, plain paper, manual Incl. like new $25. Call 704-754-8637Electric Fireplace Enter- lainment Conlor $190. Wheelchair $50 Call/text 704-640-4982 HV|0 hendkiim dog lot. Soli lor $100 If buyer lakes apart. Caii or text 704-640-4982French Provincial Bod­ room Sulle. Queen HB, Drossor and two night stands $476. Call 704- 433-5242 Newlvofytable lamp. $25. Please Cali 704-638-6965xnchen ter. Usod but nol abused. Lols ol storage. $500 OBO. 704-636-1362 lor appt. or details. LM II no answer. Salisbury aroa. New orlilail Etienne Aigner shoos, burgundy ioalers, size 6.5, $50 & Aigner hanilbag. burgundy. $50.704-638-6965Secllonet eofe, $175; Dining Table w/6 chairs & china cabinet. $250. 704- 856-6005 Oval track soats w/new Spl. bells, now window net. $200 ali. Night Caii 336-996-6922 WroiiiM Iron Table wllh Glass Top, 4 wrought iron chairs & 4 cushions. $500. Caii 704-433-5242 READERS & MUSIC LOVERS. 100 Qroatost Novels (audio books ONLY $99.00 (plus sh. Includes MP3 Player & Accossories. BONUS: 60 Classical Muslo Works & Money Back QuamnloB. Call Todayl 1-866-659- 2 bedelde tables, $25/oa.; 1 anilquo marble labio, $50; George Foreman grill, now, $60. Call 704- 638-8965 V round (atv, slovo pipe over 100 II. wilh elbows. $80. Antique Inid out bod, wolnú» llnlsh, $400. 336- 776-0020/336-712-9618 4896 SAVE 65 Percent & Got 2 FREE GIFTS whon you order 100 Percent guer- antood, dellvered-to- the- door Omaha Steaks ■ Family Value Combo NOW ONLY $49.99. ORDER Today 1- 688- 359-5448 use codo 45069TQW or www.OmahaSloaka.com/ Ivc97 « w f l í É I New fn box Ponderosa dollhouse. also havo fur­niture. $450 takes all. 704-212-7417, *82 to unblock your number STEEL BUILDINGS Period for Homes & Garages. Lowest Prices, Make Oiler and LOW Monthly Payment on romalning canceiiod ordera 20x24, 25x30, 30x44, 35x60 CALL 1- 600-991-9251 Nicole. mchlneiy^' : Crafteman 2hp 10* radi­al arm saw with eland and attachments. $100. 336-248-2158 Cummins Mack Table saw. 10 In. Qood condilion. $55. Call 704-933-2228 leave message Table top |uke box radio, AM/FM/Cassetle,$IOO;2 onlerlalnmont centers, $50 oach. 704-636-8965 ireadmlll, oxcollont condi­tion, $125. Wheel choir, $150. Walkor, $25. Aroa run, earth tones, $40. Cali 704-932-9666 t, Mtdfcal* 1 > 1 Equipment AHENTION DIABETICS wilh Medicare. Qet a FREE talking motor and diabetic losling supplies at NO COST, plus FREE home dellvoryl Bost ol ali, this meter eliminates palnlul linger prlcklngl Call 688-284-9573. lypewrltar, TA Royal oioc- trlo, alpha 610 $20. Caii 704-754-8837 p.m. lor more Inlormatlon. WANTED 5 HOMES IN YOUR COUNTY hooding siding, windows or rools. Savo thousands during our HUGE remodel pro­gram. No monoy down. $89/monlh. Aii credit accepted. Call Nowl 1- 666-668-8681. ATTENTION SLEEP APNEA SUFFERERS wllh Medicare. Gel FREE CPAP Replacement Supplies al NO COST, plus FREE homo dellv- oryl Bost ol ail, prevent red skin sores and bacte­ rial InlecllonI Call 877- 763-9842. It kidi iteel rime in tires - 4 $15 ea.; chalkboard $5; 3 cordless phonos $5 oa.; bed side rails $10. Caii 704-431-0381 altor 5pm. Wtieelchatr (menual) byVista, works perfect, mint condlllon. $226.336-766- 5096 In Clemmons. Leave Message 1U3-1HB Miteummi truck seat w/good black slip-on cover, $65. Night 336-998-6922 1UB Coleman pop-up.Needs canvas, some TLC. Qood condition. $450 obo. 704-279-0631 Battiiwm caUnete, whie w/wash basin. Like now. Ready lo install. $60 Caii 336-778-0020 or 336- 712-9618 20 laL Mds peiti washer, new in box, $100. Cralts- man USA large 24 o volt stick welder, $250. Night 336-996-6922 MI$€êll«ieous M S t ì e 4lti grada biackmaslor reading book, $2. 4lh grad malh biackmaslor book. $2. 980-234-8868 TV,OVDêyidw AT&T U-Vorso lor just $29.99/mol SAVE whon you bundle lnlornot+ Phone+TV and get up lo $300 BACKI (seloct plans). Limited Time. Call Nowl 800-361-4843. digl- taimoJo.com Bundio & Save on your Cable, Inlornet, Phono & Morol High Speed internet starting al loss than $20/mo. CALL NOWI 800-296-7409. DISH Network. Starling at $19.99/monlh PLUS 30 Premium Movie Channels FREE lor 3 MonlhsI SAVEI & Ask About SAME DAY Instaiialioni CALL 686- 827-803B. SAVE on Cable TV- Intornot-Dlgltat Phono. Packages start at $89.g9/mo (lor 12 monlhs.) Options Irom ALL major service providors. Cali Accoilor today to learn morel CALL 1-877-716-4516. Ш Ш - Ttmbaf wanted • Pino or hardwood. 5 acros or more seloct or clear cut. Shavor Wood Products, Inc. Call 704-278-9291. INairtad;0И Pio Salo Please call anytime 336-655-6353 Wtiaat pannlae, BuKalo nici<ei8, Mercury dimes & ail old coins. Call Bud Hauser, 336-998-8692. Free Baautllut Black Female Himalayan cat lo good home. Spayod, do- clawod, house bro- kon.704-232-0940 Fraa KIttana. Fiulfy. 4 lómales, calico, white w/biack, orange/while. Imale, while w/gray out­ line. 704,603.8257 FrMktttani. Black, tabby & black & while lómales. Llller trained & very Iriend- 1у.704-798-186в, 704-637- 1567 or 704-762-9345 FREE KmV ’Sue Elion" 8 mo. oid spayed, FoLV nog. & vaccines. Voty playlul but wllh aHltudol Ploaso caii 704-636- 0619 I live a l o n e but I’m never alone. (have Life Alert' For a FRE£ ibi^hur« call: 1 - 8 6 6 - 3 6 7 - 4 1 9 6 A S«f« St«p W«lk-ln Tlib wtll orrer ind«p«ndanc« to thos« *Mi(>ns ■ lafo «nd Msy way to b«th« rl&Kc tn tho conv«nl*nc« «id comrort of their own homo. Conitructed and bulk right horo in Amorka for tafoty and durability from tho ground up, and wilh more standard featurM than any other tub.You'll agTM - thora |u«t itn't a bettor wali(< In tub on the market.So take your first step towards feeling great and stay in the home you love. Give us a call todayl' CaH1Way1W.Fr*«1.866>986>8S64for PRU Infonnatton and ror *On urvn>ti>ed tub. *ctu«l he<gtn mty wybated gpon lmi»IUtK)o 5Р1МШ» Mother cat, calico and spayod. along wllh hor 3 growing kittons. Cats need a homo nowl Tho Humane Socloly and Faithful Friends have boon unable lo find homos. If homos cannot bo found, cats will most likely be taken (0 (ho pound 704-699-6110 Beagle pupi. Swoot, full blooded, well tomperod at an awesome prlco • $60. Call 704-в39'вг99 FREE female dog modi* urn 8lzo. Mua\ go to a good home. Call 336- 309-3532 Falth/Sallsbury area. FREE Ub/Beagle Mix Pupplesll 7«wooks old. Nood good bomos. Ca^l 704-754-6190 Instruction AIR TRAFFIC CON­ TROLLER* Train to become an Air Traffic Controller In a secure government career ot FAA approved AT-CTl school. Attend class to oarn your associate dogroe by training at Aviation Inslllute of Maintenance In Chosa* poako, VA. Median salary tops $100.000 (US BLS) with oxporlonco ond tuH certification. Call toll freo (877) 560*1001 for Infor* matlon. Hampton Uni- vorslty/Avlallon Insiltuto of Maintenance. AIRLINES ARE HIRING* Train for honds on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid If qualified. Job placement assis* tanco. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance. 877-300-9494. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from homo. Medical, Business, Criminal Ju&tlco,Hospitality. Job place­ ment assistance. Computer available. Financial aid If qualified. SCHEV corlillod. Caii 8BB-899-6918. www.CenluraOnllne.com Free puppies. Cutest little Boxer mix pupplos. 4 males need a wonderful homo. 704*209*1996 Fupplet, Ctilhuahuat. Bom May 23rd. Wormed. Par­ ents on silo. $150 oach. ЭЭ(МвЗ>2Э59 HAPPY JACK® Dura Spot: latest technology In flea, tick, mosquito & mile control on dogs. Pat onted. At Southern Stales stores, www.hap- py}ackinc.com \FreeAds FREE BOAT. 22 ft. 1/0 with Ford engine. No outdrive. Project boal. Please call 704-647-0634 Frea firewood. Must pick up yoursell. Mostly poplar wood. Please call 336- 998-7418 lor more inlo. FREE 1 week llmeshare al Links Goil i Racquet Club, Mynio Beach. Last week ol yoar. Large 2BR, 3BA. 2012 maini, loo paid. 704-979-3016 HIGH SCHOOL DIPLO­MA Irom homo. 6-8 weeks. Accredited. Got a Diploma. Qet a JobI Froo Brochure.. 1-800-264- 6330. Bonjomin Fronkiin Higlit School, www.diplo- malromhomo.com Notices DONATE YOUR CAR. TRUCK OR BOAT to Heritage for Iho Blind. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible. Froe Towing, All Paperwork Takon Caro Of. 677-752-0496. Homes For Sate Advance. 4BR, 2.5BA. if you are looking for a nice home with acreage that has an abundance of pri­vacy don't dare miss this. Ono of tho bost parts of this homo is tho now detached garage and groat storage buildings (3) worth $40.000. Also It has a gazobo that stays with the property. If you come to soo this homo you “will" buy it. $95.900. Cali 33e-900-1005 ■ y iiiih ia if.!';i'iiii MONEY FOR SCHOOL- Navy 4 year NROTC scholarships lor rising seniors. Or HS grads got monoy lor college & groat caroer. Paid training, lull bonollts. Restrictions may apply. FT adivo duty or PT roson/es. Go lo www.navy.com lor moro inlormatlon. lost a Found BEAD FOUND Food Lion parking lol, Advance. Catl to Idontify 336-998-4292 Mocksvilie area. 3 bod- foom homo with lull basomonl, shop building, barn, pond, other out­ buildings, 8 aero mini farm with pasture, PRICE REDUCED. Call 336-751* 5628 or 336-345-2006 lor moro Info. Owner/broker Land For Sale Just ReducedI FOUND dog. Big Uully whito dog found noar CVS on E fnnes St. Call 704-762-0374 for moro Information. FOUND fornaio Chihuahua, off Third Crook Church Rd., Clovoiand. Call 704- 798-3267 to Idontify FOUND small Beaglo mix, Mt. Uila area around 7/11/12. Call 704-502* 7143 to identify. Found younoi lactating fomalo Pit Bull on road­ side close to Brenner Avo., in Salisbury. 704- 798*7975 LOST Basset/Lab mix, male, missing 7/14/12 In Rockwell behind F&M Bank. Call 704-223-1287 with any Information. Near Mockivllie* Almost 40 acres. $275,000. OffFarmington Rd. For Info, hltp.7/www.claroshore.co fTVFornVForm.html 336-244-2824 siundyOyddteI.tiol Manufactured HomeSales 3BR 1989. Total eloclric. Central air. Electric range, washer/dryer. New windows w/storms. New outside doors ■«" patio door. New rubber roof. Musi be moved. Roady to go w/wheols, tires & axles. $1,500 cash. 33S- 7S1-3Q66 LM i e l l Y o u r G o i d - 3x higher payments - Froo insured Shipping -10% RolorrHl Bonus Ranked #1 on NBC's Today Show ■*Oui' hcsl oiTor wa.s Ikh h .St ll '>'t»tir CiolJ’ ■MHr> ¡'hi- To.hiy .Sfu»K- Call to Request a Free Appraisal ( 8 7 7 ) 2 1 6 - 3 3 1 6 ............ CONSUMER ALERT P R A D A X A L in k e d T o s e r io u s B l e e d in g A n d D e a t h S erious in te rn a l b le e d in g has been reported In patients taking PRADAXA (dabigatran). N ationw ide, hundreds o f deaths have been reported due to uncontrollable bleeding. If you or a loved one has experienced bleeding after taking PRADAXA, call the law firm of M a rtin & Jones to protect your legal rights. FREE CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION 1 - 8 8 8 - 8 3 6 - 7 8 9 2 T O UFREE RALEIGH OFFICE 410 Glenwood Ave. è- ATLANTA OFFICE 3353 Peachtree Rd. è- WWW. M il rtln < m ( lJ o n o s .c o m /\ííonitíVíí ni L o w f .... m • ОАУ1К COUW'l'Y KW IKKPHISK KECOKD, Thursday, July 19, ¿012 I I , iT И I'i i4 < I i1«. II nfTT I S # Ш ii i Lindsay McDougail and Allison Hires prepare to take a pedlcab ride. DCCC students and staff, from left: front - Lindsay McDougail, Reba Smith, Alli­ son Hires; back - Eric Fuller, Peggy Grotberg, Ann Funk and Jeannine Woody. The group is pictured at the World Financial Tower In Shanghai. D C C C S t u d e n t s S t u d y C u l t u r e I n C h i n a Students at Davidson County Community College lind tlie opportunity to see the unique culture of China, thanks to the college’s International Edu- cotion program, which hosts short-term study abroad trips - “troikas” - that allows them .to trovel to different parts of the world. During the trip, five DCCC students were able to earn aca­ demic credit and' experience life in Beijing and Shanghai by attending classes at Beijing Union University and Shanghai Financial University, visiting government offices, and ex­ ploring various historical sites including the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. “This trip was a tremendous opportunity for our students,” says Pfggy Grotberg, instruc­ tor of computer information at DCCC. “We can try to describe the culture and people of China to our students, but nothing compares to experiencing it for themselves.” The program, titled "China’s Economic, Socinl and Cultural Impact Due to Globalization,” has been offered at DCCC for four years nnd is part of the China troika program that is organized by Community Col­ leges for Intemntional Devel- Stancliff Earns ETSU Degree Jamie L. Stancliff of Ad­ vance earned a bachelor’s of science degree from Enst Ten­ nessee Stnte University. Locals Earn ASU Degrees Appalachian Stnte Univer­ sity lias released its graduation list for the Spring 2012 semes- ■ ter, Among the graduates from Davie County were: • Brian Scott Baker, bach­ elor’s, business administration/ management; • Ian Edward Isabelle, bach­ elor’s, business administration/ mnrketing; • Megan Mnrie Rembielak, bachelor’s, business adminis­ tration/marketing; • Lora Elizabeth Smith, bochelor’s with honors, com­ munication studies; • William Mcneill Totten, bachelor’s with honors, com­ munication studies; • Samantha Simpson Voteh, master’s of business adminis­ tration; • Garrett Tyler Benge, bach­ elor’s of business administra­ tion/health care management; • Jessie Anne Bumgarner, bachelor’s in communications/ public relations; • Amanda D. Sparks, bach­ elor’s of elementary education; • Hannnh Marie Speight, ■ bachelor’s in communications disorders; and • Justin Michael Kidd, bach­ elor’s in criminal justice. opment. The participating students were required to tnke a geog­ raphy class thnt was tailored to their experiential learning abroad, as well as research the cultural customs and plnces thnt were visited during the trip. While there, the group was able to get an authentic taste of Chinese culture by making dumplings with the help of stu­ dents at the Shanghai Financial M University - they then got to taste the results. They also saw a Chinese acrobatic show, vis­ ited the famous Silk and Pearl market, took a riverboat ride around Shanghai and much more. “The Chinese students also shared where they went on their free time - to shop, eat, meet with their friends and how to use the local transpor­ tation systems,” says Grotberg. “While this part of the trip was more cultural than business, it was extremely educational for our students, The opportunity to see the Chinese culture first­ hand is an experience that will have an impact on them for the rest of their lives.” Allison Hires, a student enrolled in the Early College Program at the DCCC Davie Campus, says that the trip was a rewarding, eye-opening expe­ rience. “This trip completely changed my outlook on Ihe globalization of many aspects in modem culture,” says Hires, “I experienced things I couldn’t have in the United Slates, which helped me leam about myself and grow as a person.” Students interested in learn­ ing more about this ond other progrnms can learn more by visiting ctavidsonccc.edu. Gen­ eral enrollment deadline for fnll 2012 progrnms nt DCCC is Aug. 1. A pre-enrollment ses­ sion will be held nt 2 p.m. in Room 110 of the Conference Center at the DCCC Davidson Campus in Thomasville on July 12. RSVP for Ihc pre-enroll- ment session at davldsoiiccc, edii/rsvpJitm. For more infor­ mntion about enrollment, visit davtdsonccc.edu/admiasinns. i m L R E G I S T R A T I O M .G O IN G O M N O W ! Registration deadline is August 1, 2012. Visit www.twincityrec.com or www.twincitysoccer.coni to register or for more details! R e c r e a t i o n Convenient locations • . '*•’ ‘ Affordable No TRYOUTS • Everybody plays • High Quality Uniforms •Great communication/ organization • Opportunities for skill development and advancement • Fantastic experience kids and families Photo c David W olla/D2Spoits PHoiociiaphv All players will receive a FREE Personalized Trophy and a Twins Car Magnet! A Perfect 300 Lifetime Bowler Reaches High IVlark At Age 75 Page 8 D a z z lin g War Eagle Quarterback In All-Star Game Page B1 D A V I E C O U N T Y E N T E R P m / i S l E C G R D USPS 149-160 Number 30 Thursday, July 26, 2012 Fun In rne River The annual rubber duck race and first tube race to benefit RiverParl< at Cooleemee Falls - The Bull­ hole was a success Saturday, and brought families from surrounding areas to the park on the South Yadkin River. Some of the ones with younger chil­ dren played in the shallow rapids (above), while others, such as Emma Grace Schambach (right) found a rope to swing over the river for a refresh­ ing splash. Read more and see more photographs about the festivities on page C1. - Photos by KC Smith S u p e r i n t e n d e n t : ‘ B e s t O f S i t u a t i o n ’ By Beth Cassidy Enterprise Record Does the school bonrd support the projected renovations project at Davie High or were they forced to agree just to keep funding for the 2011-12 fiscal year? Erica Bost wants to know, A lifelong resident of the county, mother of four, and former teach­ er, Bost asked the school board that question July IQjIn keeping with their policy of not addressing comments made during the meet­ ings, the board did not respond. But former chair Terry Renegar, current chair Barbara Owens, vice chair Chad Fuller, and Superinten­ dent Dr, Darrin Hartness all later answered the question in similar ways. “We were making the best of the situation we were handed,” Hartness said,' ■ Last July, the board was told by county commissioners funding for the schools would be left flat (un­ changed from the previous year) if the board agreed to renovate the high school, at a cost not to exceed $6 million, with $1 million of that corning from lottery proceeds and the remainder from the county. Wanting to protect funding, the board mnde the choice to agree to the plan. Fuller snid: “We were fnced with n set of choices, when the S t a t e C r i m e R a t e D o w n ; D a v i e ’ s G o e s U p By Jackic Seabolt Enterprise Record The crime rate in North Carolina is the lowest it’s been since 1977, according to a recent report by the attorney genernl. But, while overnir crime has dropped, some geographic nrens snw increnses in reported crimes. Dnvie County is one of those areas, according to Sheriff’s Chief J.D. Hartman. "Some regions hnd a rise in certain critiies and Davie is one of them.” Hartman said that crime sta­ tistics for Davie show an incrense in burglaries and larcenies. № “Between last Thursdny and Sunday there were nine homes bro­ ken into and 12 cars broken into,” Hnrtmnn snid. Property crimes in Davie went up from 2,300 in 2010 to 2,419 in2011. “So keep an eye on your neigh­ bors house nnd if you see nnything f 32 PAGES C o u n t y B a l k s O v e r S c h o o l D e e d Uy Beth Cii-ssidy Kntcrprisc Record Davie Schools’ Superintendent Dr. Darrin Hartness wns perplexed when he received no reply to n let­ ter he sent to Beth Dirks, counly manager, five months ngo. In the letter, he said the school system wnnted to exercise its op­ tion to purchase Cornatzer El- ementary and Included the cus- • tomnry^ $10 for the title to be transferred.' At the July school board meet­ ing, he told the board he would continue to follow up on whnt should have been a “simple trans- nction.” He niso snid the county put the .school on it.4 insurance policy ear­ lier Ihis yenr, which confused him because the school was already in­ sured by the school system. Jim Stockert, county finance of­ ficer, confirmed the debt for the school wns paid Sept. 8,2008 and said the system had one year to exercise its opiion to have the title transferred. No one noticed that option hadn’t been exercised until earlier this year, when work was being done on a sewer system. Stockert realized the county still owned the school. That is why it was put on the county’s insurance, he said, at ti cost of about $8,000 per year. “It has double coverage now,” Stockert snid. Plense See Balks - Page 4 commissioners told us we could either tnke tiie funding we’ve been getting nnd spend the $6 million nt Dnvie High or they would cut $1.3 million out of our operating budget. We made the choice to keep our people employed. Does the board of education support the renovations plan? Yes. Is it what we wanted to do? No. It makes the most sense to build another school, but we had no other choice.” Please See Situation - Page 4 suspicious, call us.” Hartman said three neighbors who live nenr n Davie home snw unfnmilinr vehicles nt the house Irist week but did not report it. “Anything you think is out of the ordinnry we’d npprecinte a call just to check it out.” •i It’S 20 MPH Downtown Downtown Mocksville can be a busy plnce - full of pedes­ trians and vehicles. That’s the main renson the town is trying to mnintnin the 20 , mph . speed limit on Main Street that exists from^ the US '601/64 intersection (Suicide, Crossing) to V Church Street; (police departinent and First Methodist). “Please drive slow and re­ spect pedestrians and cross­ walks,”, said Town Manager ChrisUne Bralley. ' , , New businesses are open­ ing downtown, bringing more pedestrian traffic, she said. Because Maiti Street is also a major US (158) highwny, it is busy; as well; ■ ‘ Mocksville police officers dp use radar to detect speeders across town, so if you speed through downtown, you could get i\ ticket. t Finally Fed Up With Tomatoes In Bumper Year 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 26,2012 Editorial Paee 1Ш1У OLYMPIC DfôIGN. a I h i c u Çrom СШМД/ I am sick and tired of tomato sandwiclies. After my enting five in a day last week, my appetite lias fal­ len drnmntically. There’s no way I can consume this summer’s bumper crop. I can’t give them away. Everybody has all they want and more. Tomatoes for lunch. Tomatoes for supper. I refuse to eat them at breakfast. After struggling for years on tomato welfare, I have finally become a competent farmer — with the help of my mother. I grow them at her house where there is bountiful sunshine. It doesn’t huit thnt she makes sure they have water. 1 have five plants — all different varieties. Three would have been plenty. One advertiser urged me to grow German Johnsons. I planted one of those but quickly forgot which it wns. They nil taste about the snme to me. The end is in sight. The plnnts have about run their course. , And none too soon. I’m stuffed up to here with tomatoes. E d it o r ia l C a r t o o n s Some readers suspect I’m a closet liberal — not because of anything I write in this spnce but becnuse of the editorini cartoon. A fellow from Eaton’s Church Rond cniled a few months back to say he wns sick and tired of the editorial cartoon bashing good Republicans. He wondered if I wns secretly part of the Mainstream Media elite ruining the country. No, I as­ sured him, that’s President Obama’s job. He thought the Enterprise-Record would be better without a cartoon. Similarly, in The Clemmons Courier this week, n let­ ter writer urges me to be "fnir and balanced” with the cartoon. Last week’s cartoon had chided M itt Romney yet again. Nothing we do causes more complaints. Technically, we don’t “do” the cartoons. Except for Hints by Heloise that we publish in Clemmons, everything but the cartoons are locally produced. We buy the cartoons from a syndicate for five dol­ lars n week — cheap except for the wenlth of complaints they prompt. We’re shopping nround for n new five dollar cartoonist. I try to change every year, but it’s a bit of trouble. We’ve been with our present cartoonists — different in Clemmons and Davie — for about 18 months. We’ve only had one cartoonist at a time. One of the syndi­ cates has n package for n hnndful of lesser-known cnrtoonists thnt looks interesting. There was a time when cnrtoonists would lampoon anybody or anything. No more. These days, most cnrtoonists hnve po- Inrized themselves. They embrnce the labels of left or right. Indeed, the current cartoonists in both newspapers are on the ! left hand side of the political scale. The Eatons Church Rond ■ render is correct. The old cartoonists, however, were both con­ servative. Confession; I voted for George McGovern in 1972. My drnft number wns 21 and I had just taken a free bus ride to the Char­ lotte screening facility to walk around in my underwear with hundreds of other potentinl drnftees nnd told to go home to ■ await a letter from Uncle Sam. I picked up a McGovern politi­ cal button down the street on the way to the bus terminal. I still have it and pull it out to wear to the polls every four . years. While President Nixon remains my favorite president for . ending the drnft n week before thnt letter was mailed, it wns President Reagnn who finnlly got my political head in order ■ in 1980. Someone once told me this can’t be n real newspaper wit­ hout a political cartoon. Someone else told me the same thing about crossword puzzles. We wnnt to give our readers a real newspaper. There w ill be weeks when the cartoons will make readers wonder — like parishioners in the pews on Sunday morning when an odd hymns slips into the church service — who pick­ ed that one? - Dwight Sparks DAVIE COUNTY USPS 149-160 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 Published weekly by the Davie Publishing Co. Dwight Sparks.............................Editor/Publisher Robin Snow.................................Qeneral Manager Mike Barnhardt............................Managing Editor Ray Tutterow......^........................Advertising Director Brian Pitts.....................................Sports Editor Mocksvlile Enterprise Davie Record Cooleemee Journal 1916-1958 1899-195B ' 1901-1971 Periodicals Postage Paid in Mocksville, NC 27028 Subscription Rates Single Copy, 50 Cents $20 Per Year In Davie; $25 NC; $30 outside N.C. POSTMASTER Send Address Changes to; Dnvie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 ^ I n T h e M a i l . . C o m m i s s i o n e r s N o t L i s t e n i n g To the editor; Over the Inst few months, I hnve become more educnted nbout local county politics. This is whnt I hnve learned nnd feel others need to know: Dr. Hnrtness is a mnn of integrity, knowledge nnd grent leader­ ship skills. We are lucky lo have such a great mnn as superinten­ dent ofthe Davie County Schools. He hns been open, honest, bnd informntive. I truly appreciate him presenting facts and informing citizens and pnrents of whnt is hnppening within the school sys­ tem. Thnnk you. ■ Unfortunntely, in this county, we hnve some elected officinls - County Commissioner, Cnrl Humphrey and Robert Wisccnrver, who nre making decisions (and giving ultimatums - ie. school budget cut) that would be detrimental to our schools, the teachers', and most importantly, the students in our school system. This has been going on for years behind closed doors. Most arc not aware of the decisions nnd the level of deceitfulness and manipulation used by these two men and a few others In the past. Recently, with their latest attempt to cut the school budget by $2.2 million, many of us became enlightened, aware nnd much more engnged. Robert Wisecarver snid recently in a county commissioner meeting; "Funding our schools is a top priority for this board." What? Then why were you trying lo cut the school system's bud­ get by $2.2 million or approximately 23 percent? Oh, yea, you wanted to use that money to renovate the high school's locker room/cnfeterin. Is that more important than 50 teachers' jobs? We cnnnot trust Commissioners Humphrey and Wisecarver to mako good, fair decisions or listen to the people. Many of us got a glimpse of that on June 14 at a public hearing regarding the county/school budget. These two men were not listening to the 200-plus people that night. They hnd their minds mnde up before they wnlked into thnt courtroom, which is unjust and wrong, Residents of the county deserve to know the fncts and hope­ fully they will become aware, enlightened, and more active. Lori Smith Advance G e t O n A B i k e A n d H a v e F u n To the editor; I've been pedaling for as far back as my memory allows. 1 re­ member opening all the doors downstairs and zooming in and out through the gnrnge, into our foyer, through the laundry room and back inlo the garage on my little red tricycle. Eventually, I went to a big boy bicycle with training wheels which were removed shortly after. Around age 7, Dad took me and my brother to West­ em Auto where we picked up a couple of Westem-Flyer B.MX bikes.We rode those things all over the fnmi, even in the bam when the cows were out to graze. We really could have used some fenders. We covered miles and;niles of thnt fnrm. Those bicycles were our trnnsportation. A couple of years later, we got our first 10 speed geared bi­ cycles for Christmns. Dad would wake us up on Saturday or Sun­ day moming and the whole family would ride into town for a biscuit at Hardee's. It was about a 8-mile round trip. For a 10 year old, this was a big deal. 1 was able to transport myself from my house to town. Until then, I thought a car was necessary for get­ ting to and from town. Suddenly, the world was at my fingertips or at lenst a 5 mile radius of it was. I'm not sure when or why we stopped riding our bikes into town for breakfast like thnt but it hns nlwnys remained one of my most treasured memories with my family. I did continue to ride bicycles with my friends and my brother. We would go to friends houses, to the store for a drink nnd 1 even used my bike to get me back and forth to lifeguard class. When 1 tumed 16,1 followed suil and joined the car-centric world, 1 never completely slopped riding bicycles, but it became solely for recreation. I would load my rond bike onto my car and drive 30 miles to join a group for a club ride or mountain bike outing. Eventunliy, I would drive my cnr up to 100 miles to pay a $20-$40 entry fee and race my bike around in circles. Somehow this all mnde sense to me because that was what all the other cool people on bicycles were doing. Now that I have opened my own business, my mentality has started to change. While visiting Portland, Ore. for a bicycle me­ chanics training class, I got to see a different side of the bicycle culture. Portland is now my favorite city. On nny given dny rain, shine, hot or cold, cyclists of Portland hit the streets to go wher­ ever it is they need or wnnt to go. They bike to work, to the gro­ cery store, to the library or to meet friends nt a restaurant or a . coffee shop. It has not always been like this and it didn't happen ovemight. They mnde a conscious and collective decision to cre­ ate this type of environment and the more they do the stronger their economy grows. When people decide to make the smaller trips by bike, it cre­ ates more opportunity for entrepreneurs. When a person chooses to use a bicycle instead of a car, the world around them gets big­ ger. When they need or want something, they will think to them­ selves, whnt nre my options nnd how fnr nwny are they? The Please See Cycling - Page 3 B lâ m e H o lly w o o d paving company professional To the editor: Whnt happened in Colorado is no mystery. Hollywood hns spewed violence in movies for years. Violence is so prevalent that people have become desensitized to the point that they now tnke their own children with no perception of potential long-term harm. What goes around comes around. Everyone there went for the sole purpose to see murder and mayhem. Unfortunately, they got more than they planned for. This can of worms belongs to Holly­ wood - not the Tea Party, not the NRA and not the Second Amend­ ment. Delmar McDaniel Mocksville R i v e r F e s t i v a l A S u c c e s s To the editor: I would like to thank Stephanie Waller and her husband Brad for nil the hnrd work they put in the duck race planning; also to the volunteers and sponsors nnd especinlly nil the people who bought ducks and entered the tube race. Thanks to Bob Connelley for all the hard work he does at the RiverPark. Thanks to the Davie County Rescue Squad, Walter Ferrell and Don Trexler for cooking all the hotdogs. Thanks to our police of­ ficers and Chief Bobby West (He was there to help.). We had a great tumout and great weather. From the lawnmower parade, I forgot to thank Dude Jordan, William Davis nnd Ed Carter for cutting the watermelons. Hellen Daywalt Cooleemee ‘ V ' To the editor: We would like lo make a comment about a paving company that was paving Jericho Church and Junction ronds last week. In past years when paving occurs in your neighborhood, it is total disgust to most all residents on the path with nil the debris during the day and left behind after a days work for your autos to pick up. But this company did nn exceptional job in the professional aspect of cleaning the road from debris during the day of work in respect of the homeowners plus motorists traveling the route. And there was no back up with traffic congestion. ' By the way, it's a smooth job. Thnnks to the crew of "Yadkin Valley Paving Company. "Job well done. Donnie and Joanne Davis Mocksville L e t t e r s W e lc o m e The Enterprise Rccord welcomes letters from its readers on topics of locnl, state, national or intemational issues. An effort will be made to print all letters, provided they ate not libelous;. vulgar or in poor taste. The editor reserves the right to edit letter$i ' for grammar and for space. , ; i : All letters should include the name and address of the writefi:' including a signature. A telephone number, not to be publish^; is also requested. Please have letters In'the newspaper office m later than 4 p.m. Monday of the weik to be published. Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box,'99, Mocksville; davleS® centiuylink.net. . . Cycling ...DAVIE COUNTY EN'rEKl'KlSli KECORÜ, 1 hursday, July 26,2Ü12 - J Continued From Page 2 closest may be 10 miles away, which for the average person equates to nbout 40 minutes by bike. This is not n rnre circum­ stance in n rurni area like Davie County. While 10 miles is not that far nwny for a experienced cyclist, even he will most likely choose the closest option. This is where opportunity arises for the entrepreneur. The more people are on bikes, the less threaten­ ing remote competition becomes. Any small business owner in Mocksville cnn tell you thnt running n business here is chnlleng- ing. Mnny of us own and operate our businesses out of pnssion to bring what we love to the town we love. Some even hold dowh second and third jobs just to keep their business open. If we were In it just to be profitable, most of us would do better elsewhere. The populntion of Dnvie County in 2009 wns 41,000 and only 5,000 of those are in, the town limits. We businesses need every local customer we can get as well as visitors from outside of Da­ vie County. However, enrs make it easy for oiir customer bnse to drive 25-40 miles a*ay to buy the same or similar products and services taking the money out of our local economy. If we start using cars less nnd ride bicycles more often, our money will stny in our local economy longer. Growing the bicycle culture can help the economy in many olh­ er ways. Using n bicycle for short trips cuts down on how much of a person's money is spent on transportation. It provides cardio­ vascular exercise which greatly reduces many of the fnctors that cause some of the most threatening henlth issues Americans face today such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, nir pollution, stress nnd depression. Eliminating some of these factors inherently cuts Massacre Brings Civil War Stories To IVIind To the editor: My daughter, Pat Ingle, wife of Jack Ingle, brought me a copy of the story nbout the Shelton Laurel Massacre. I enjoyed the ar­ ticle so much that I have sent it to some friends, who may not be familiar with the slory. My late wife was a native of Mars Hill and lived a few short miles from Shelton Laurel. In the mid-50s we took our children nnd my wife’s pnrents down n dirt road inlo Shellon Laurel lo a small counlry slore thnt hnd no electricity - nor did any of the olher residents. My mother-in-law purchased nn oil Inmp in the store nnd later converted it to electricity. It was a delightful nflernoon for me and I remember how cordial all of the people we met seemed to be. All of this brings to mind that during our Civil Wnr mnny peo­ ple in Mndison County were sympathetic to the Union cause be­ cause they were bitterly opposed to slavery. A case in point - my wife’s great-greal grandfather wns a farmer and part-time preach­ er at Bull Creek Bnptist Church on the highwny from Mnrs Hill to Marshall. He hnd severnl leen-ngcd boys who were in church during one of his sermons. Severnl Confederate soldiers entered the church, look two or three of the teen-ngers where they Inter were fighting against the Union soldiers in Soulh Carolina. Their anti-slaveiy blood flowed deeply in their veins and two of them escaped nnd mnde their way inlo Tennessee where they joined the Union forces and fought against the Confederate army. To my knowledge, they nre Ihe only ones to hnve fought on both sides during Ihe Civil Wnr. Afler Ihc war, these boys became big-time ministers and one n doctor who moved lo Missouri where he prac­ ticed medicine until his death. Such is the follow-up story of Ihe Shelton Lnurel Mnssncre. You have a great pnper and I nlways look forward to my dnughter bringing the next issue. Hugh A. Snow. Winston-Snlem down on how much we spend on henlthcnre. Tnke Portland. By 2017 it's residents will have saved $64 million in health care cosis thanks to bicycling according to a 2011 issues of Joumnl of Physl- cnlActivily and Health. As for rond snfely, I tnlk lo people cverydny who nre nfraid to get on n bicycle in trnfflc. I've even hnd people sny they henrd nbout someone being killed on a bicycle. Therefore, they refuse to gel on one and ride down the road. First of all, people are killed everyday in nuto-accidents. It happens so often that we don't even pay attention when it comes across Ihe news and we don't think twice about getting into a car and driving 55 mph down a busy stretch of road to take our fnmily out for ice-cream. When you are on a bicycle in traffic, you are traveling n much slower speed thnn you would be in a car. Therefore, you are less of a threat making Ihe ronds safer for everyone. The more bicycles on Ihe road, the safer it becomes for everyone. We hnve to stop being n reactive communily nnd slnrt being more pronclive. We lend lo wnit lo mnke a chnnge when the need for one is long pnst due. Therefore, if we wnit nround for bike lanes nnd grcenwnys lo nppear, il will never happen. However, if a bunch of us get on bikes every lime we go a mile or two, you will get there just as quickly, you will save money, be healthier, happier, and you will help businesses thrive. As more bicycles take lo Ihe road, our community will become more nnd more bike friendly, Ihe roads will gel safer nnd more bicycles will tnke lo the rond. Bike friendly communities become more of a tourist desti­ nation. In n survey of visitors to Portlnnd, 78 percent snid that Ihc city's bike-friendlincss wns n fnclor in their decision lo visit there. Existing businesses will thrive, people will be less stressed nnd more friendly toward each other, property values will go up, more businesses will be nitracled to Ihe area, more jobs will be created and our dollars will slay in our communily longer. So gel on a bike and have fun mnking n difference. EricPhillips, Mocksville When you suffer frorn foot pain, every step is torture. If you, suffer from foot or ankle pain, W ake Forest Baptist Health can help you get back on your feet. W e offer a com prehensive , , ; range of foot and ankle care for patients of all ages. O ur orthopaedic surgeons and podiatrists are experts in ankle replacement, , athletic injuries, trauma and m any other types of foot and ankle problems. For an appointm ent with a W ake Forest Baptist foot and апк1ё specialist at one of our m any Triad locations, call 716-W AKE or visit W akeHealth.edu/Feet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . W a k e F o r e s t * To make an appointm ent, call 888-716-W AKE or visit W akeHealth.edu Baptlst HGalth ■ A Mission to Care, A Mission to Cure, ‘i V ■ 'tv;.,.. •„ • DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 26,2012 Т т^ЩИтттГ Superintendent Dr. Darrin Hartness witti schooi board members Barbara Owens, Chad Fuiler, Carol Livengood, Steve Ridenhour, Clint Junker, Paul Drechsler and Wendy Horne. Photos by Robin Snow S i t u a t i o n ... Continued From Page 1 The decision cnme nbout eight months before Little Di­ versified Architectural Consult­ ing presented the long range fncilities study, which conclud­ ed thnt building n new school, centrally locnted, was the best option. Former BOE choir Terry Renegar, who will tnke his sent ns a commissioner in Decem­ ber, continues to, agree with re­ sults of the stiidy. “The smnrt play is to build one school and repurpose Dn­ vie,” he snid. “The $6 million renovntions ... thnt’s a default plan, but it’s the only thing the BOE could do. From n practi­ cal standpoint, it doesn’t mnke sense to spend thnt money down there, but we realized we had to do whatever we could to make the lives of the students better. ll^ng term, it’s n bad investment, but how long nre you going to keep kicking the can?” Owens, who took over as chnir at Ihe July meeting, said, “ Erica brings up some really good questions. I would like to hnve some time to sit down with the new members of the board and ask them where thej; stnnd.” Owens snid she nnd the oth­ ers want to know where com­ missioners are going to get the balance of funding for the renovations, after the $1 mil­ lion and nfter the $3.1 million in qunlified school construc­ tion bonds (QSCBs), which the school board applied , for and is authorized to use. That left $1.9 million. A phone call to Jim Stockert, county finance officer, provided the informa­ tion the balancé would come from a lease-purchnse, similnr to n mortgage. Owens wns sur­ prised at thnt news nnd thnnkful to hnye an nnswer, snying she would let Hnrtness know. As of July 19,$64,023.50 has been spent or bills hnve been received for à boundary survey of the site, civil engineering services nnd architectural fees, but it’s not too late to put the brakes on the project, accord­ ing to Fuller. That’s a possibility that ap­ peals to Bost, who snid she asked the questions nt the meet­ ing because it doesn’t make sense lo her to spend money thnt isn’t bnsed on the findings of Ihe long-range plnn. “They made the decision to spend Ihe money long before the study carne out. To me, it mnkes sense to spend bnsed on needs identified by the study. It’s out of order to me,” Bost snid. "And I don’t want them to spend that money and then people come bnck and say, ‘Ok, thnt’s good enough, we’re done.’ I just wnnt all the kids in the county to have the best they need - not Ihe best they want, the best they need. Even if I didn’t have children in Ihe system, I would feel thnt wny. I grew up here, I cnme bnck here to live nnd rnise my family, nnd I want my kids to want their kids to live here. Wc have to do what’s best for nlithe children, present nnd future.” Ж Barbara Owens; “I would like to ask them (new board members) where they stand," B a l k s ... Continued From Page 1 When asked why n phone cnil wnsn’t mnde four years ago to then superintendent Robert Landry, Stockert said, “The motter wns given lo the attorney nt the lime to get the lien released. Al that lime, they Chad Fuller: "It makes the Erica Bost: "It makes most sense to build an- sense to spend based on other school, but had no needs identified by the other choice.” study." New school board members Clint Junker, Paul Drechsler arid Wendy Horne get to work. should hnve researched it ... somebody should have been talking to someone ... it should have been on somebody’s radar screen.” While the issue hns been unofficinlly discussed in th« months since Hnrtness attempt­ ed to obtain the title, no' formnl action has taken place. Dirks, Hartness, Barbara Owens, Chnd Fuller (chnir and vice chair of the school bonrd) nnd Carl Humphrey and Rob­ ert Wisecarver (chair nnd vice chair of commissioners) talked nbout the issue Thursday morn­ ing, and Dirks snid afterward, “The county hns n legal obli­ gation to provide ndeqiinte fa­ cilities for schools. That pDllcy doesn’t say who hns to own the school, but our prnclice hns nl­ wnys been whenever the debt Is retired, then thnt facility is deeded to the schools. This will be on the August agenda for the board to consider.” . Commissioner Ken White brought up the issue nt Ihe July 16 county commission meet­ ing, and was told by Humphrey that it was to be discussed at last Thursday’s meeting. He nlso said it concerned a con­ tract, and may need to be talked about in closed session. That is­ sue was referred to County At­ torney Ed Vogler,'who said he hud just learned of the situation and would have to research to see if it should be a closed ses­ sion discussion. If the board votes to not transfer the title, it will be the only school owned by the' county. (Ellis Middle is not yet paid off.) The school system holds the title to all the other schools. Furniture Mattress Connection I s C l o s i n g I t s D o o r s H urry in F o r e v e r ! ! ! fo r th e p e s t S election & Value This sa le Ш in progress G O I N G o u r OF BUSINESS belpy hope and support areonly a phone call away. ^ Hospice Palliative C A R E C E N T E R E m i h r a c i n g ì ì . O P E 3 36-7 53-02 1 2 or, 1 -888-876-3663 Nvwsv hospicccareccntcr.org We’re Selling Furniture m i l No Regard For P rom o r Loss! HOURS: IVlonday - Friday 10 am > 6 pm • Saturday 10 am - 4 pm R m i H u r e M a t t r e s s C o n n e c t i o n ISOO North Main St. (Hwy. 158) • Mocksville, NC We Accept: ' (BealdeCorollnB Precision Machining) CasI) OT Approved Clieck (336) 817-3390 or (336) 391-7252 District Court DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 26,2012-5 The following cases were disposed of during Dnvie Dis­ trict Court. Presiding; Judge Wnyne Michnel. Prosecuting; Karen Biemacki and Wendy Terry, assistant DAs. - Jose Antonio Acosta, fail­ ure to secure passenger under age 16, corrected. . - Amanda Melissa Allen, speeding 63 in a SO, reduced to iniproper equipment, $25, cost. - Matthew Cory Allen, driv­ ing while license revoked, $50, cost; expired/no inspection, dismissed per plen. - Jamie Moore Amos, driv­ ing while license revoked, dismissed per plea; possession of stolen goods/property, sen­ tenced to 60 days, suspended 18 iTionths, not operate vehicle un­ til licensed, $50, cost, $142.50 attorney fee. - Felix Josue Arellano, no li­ cense, dismissed per plea; fail­ ure to reduce speed, $25, cost. - Shelby Edith Benumont, speeding 55 in a 40, dismissed per plea; no license, rcduced to failure to notify DMV of nd­ dress chnnge, $25, cost. - Chnrles W. Birdsong, as­ sault on a female, dismissed at request of prosecuting Witness. - Karen M. Birdsong, simple assault, dismissed at request of prosecuting witness. - Jackie M. Blankenship also known as Jackie Marie IJlven, misdemennor child nbuse, prnyer for judgment continued, cost, comply with trentment and recommendations of DSS, $390 attorney fee. - Auyanna Lnshny Brooks, speeding 69 in a 35, reduced to 49 in a 35, $25, cost; reck­ less driving-wanton disregard, dismissed per plea; operating vehicle with no insurance, dis­ missed, correctcd. - Mnnley Alfred Bunion, mis­ demeanor Inrceny, sentenced lo 45 days, suspended 18 months, 24 hours community service, not go about Piedmont Towing, $50, cost; $225 nttomey fee, $300 restitution. - Brnndon Cnmpbell, simple assault, assault on a female, dismissed ot request of pros­ ecuting witness. - Jnmes Paul Corter, assault on 0 femnle, sentenced to 150 dnys, suspended 18 months, ot- lend/complete obuse treatment progrnm, hove no contact with victim, $10, cost; driving while license revoked, fnilure tb heed light or siren, fictitious/altered title/registration, dismissed per plen; resisting officer, posses­ sion of stolen goods/property, $50, cost, $390 attorney fee. - Johnny Eugene Coss, shop­ lifting concealment of goods, second degree trespass, $25, cost, $170 attorney fee, not go about Wol Mart. - Shonnn Rose Cnudle, mis­ demennor larceny, reduced to shoplifting, sentenced to time served, cost, $10 jnil fee. - Cindy Lineberry Church, sell/distribute tobncco product A . Garner Farlcigh M . G nrncr 3 A r r e s t e d F o r S t e a l i n g A i r C o n d i t i o n i n g U n i t Three people were arrested by sheriff’s officials for break­ ing into a home lnst month. Alexander Garner, 23, of Boxwood Church Rond, Mocks­ ville and Nicole Farieigh, 22, of Duke Street, Cooleemee were arrested June 20. Garner was charged with brenking/entering nnd larceny nnd received a $ 10,000 secured bond. Farieigh Was charged with felony conspiracy and breaking/ entering. She wns released on an unsecured bond. Matthew Boyd Gnmer, 32, of Swicegood Street, Mocks­ ville was arrested July 21 for brenking/entering, Iprceny, and. conspiring lo commit breaking/ entering nnd Inrceny. He was given a $10,000 secured bond. According to Dovie County Sheriff’s Office Chief J.D. Hort- mon, a mobile home on Swice­ good Street was broken into in June and nn oir conditioner unit Larceny Suspect Sought The Dovie County Sheriff’s Department is looking for a mnn with outstnnding wnrronts for larceny and breoking/enter- ing. Joshun Whicker, 30, who hns no perma­ nent address is wanted to breokingI into locol homes. Authori­ ties are ask­ ing anyone with informotipn on Whicker’s whereabouts to coll 751-5547. wos stolen. Detective Lee Whitesides bcgon investigoting the cose ond discovered the location where the metal from the unit was sold. More informotlon wns obtained ond warrants were drown on the Garners nnd Forleigli. “Alexnnder Gomer ond Miss Farieigh were orrested quickly,” Hortmon snid. “ But we were unnble to find Motthew until lost week.” Alexnnder Garner nnd For- leigti ore scheduled to nppenr in Dovie District Court on Aug. 16. Matthew Gamer is scheduled to oppeor in court on Aug. 2. to n minor, deferred prosecu­ tion, 24 hours communiiy ser­ vice,. $225 nttomey fee; if in complinnce charges mny be dismissed in six months. - Susnn Foster Cline, expired registrntion, expired/no inspec­ tion, dismissed, corrected. - Rnymond Conison, shop- lifdng concenlmeni of goods, prayer for judgment continued, cost, $225 nttomey fee. ' - Nicholns D. Crnnfill, sim­ ple possession schedule VI controlled substnnce, deferred prosecution, obtoin substnnce nbuse assessment/treatment, 24 hours community service, cost, if in complionce charges moy be dismissed in 12 months. - Douglas Woyne Crisco, driving while license revoked, possession/display of altered/ fictitious/revoked license, dis­ missed per pleo; speeding 45 in 0 35, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Teresn Byeriy Crotis, driv­ ing while license revoked, dis­ missed, corrccted. - Brendon R. Cullinghom, driving while license revoked, reduced lo failure lo notify DMV of nddress chonge, sen­ tenced to time served, $200 failure to nppenr fee. - Jennettn D. Dickey, driving while liccnse revoked, reduced lo failure to notify DMV of ad­ dress chnnge, $25, cost, $225 ottomey fee; use of foreign license while driving while license revoked, cnnceled/re­ voked/suspended certificote/ tog, dismissed per plea. - Lisa Waller Dillnrd, speed-, ing 69 in a 55, reduced lo im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Hoylcy Colemnn Fisher, speeding 85 in o 70, reduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Bortolo H. Flores, driving while license revoked, sen­ tenced to time served, cost. - Candice Mnrie Foster, speeding 45 in a 35, rcduced to Improper equipment, cost. - Srinlvnson V. Gopol, speed­ ing 89 in 0 70, rcduccd to im­ proper equipment, $ 100, cost. - John Hugh Graves, four counts ench ollowing dog to run ot night, dog/cnt/ferret vnccinn­ tion, dismissed per plen; nllow- ihg dog to run nt night, dog/cat/ ferret vnccinntion, prayer for judgment continued, cost; nl­ lowing dog to run ot night, dog/ cot/ferret vaccination, prayer JACflS’S Ш М »№ 7 Don't Forgot Tax Froo Wookend Aug 3,4 & 5 for judgment continued, cost. - Stephen Paul Gray, pos­ session of drug para()hernnlio, deferred prosecution, 24 hours community service, complete drug’ educntion progrnm, evi­ dence ordered destroyed, if in complinnce chnrges may be dismissed in 12 months. - Crystal Moody Jackson, possession of stolen goods/ property, dismissed, corrected. - Brittany D. Johnson, speed­ ing 80 in a 70, prayer for judg­ ment continued, cost. - William R. Johnson, DWI, driving while license revoked, dismissed, insufficient evi­ dence; failure to appear on im­ plied consent offense, prayer for judgment continued, cost, $200 fnilure lo appear fee, $280 nttomey fee. - Douglas Royle Jones, driv­ ing while license revoked, dis­ missed, corrccted. - Dylan Addison Kennedy, speeding 65 in o 55, reduced lo improper equipment, $25, cost; driving while license revoked, dismissed, corrected. - Monique A. Lipscomb, driving while license revoked, dismissed, corrected; failure lo yield, $25, cost, $170 ottomey fee. - Jill A. Morsholl, Iwo counts assault with a deodly weapon, dismissed, prosecuting witness foiled to prosecute. - Karen Mateo, misdemeanor larceny, dismissed, deceased. - Shawn Carlton McBrnyer, driving while liccnse revoked, unsafe' movement, dismissed, abated. - Billy Joe Nelson Jr., misde­ mennor Inrceny, $25, cost, pay restitution for two games, $170 nttomey fee. - Amanda Gnye Normnn, shoplifting concealment of goods, def^eired prosecution, 15 hours community service, cost, $280 nttomey fee, if in compli­ ance chorges mny be dismissed in six months. - Mnndie Michelle O’Nenl, simple ossault, dismissed, cross-warrant, other defendant pled guilty. - Shemiko Ricketl, shoplift­ ing concealment of goods, sen­ tenced to 10 doys, suspended 18 months, not go on premises of Wol Mnri, $61.62 restitution, cost, $225 ottomey fee. - James Ryon Robinson, simple ossoult, dismissed', me- dioted. - Ashley Jordan Shoof, speed­ ing 94 in 0 65, reduced lo 74 in 0 65, $300, cost. - Michelle Mnrie Snow, speeding 67 in n’55, rcduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. -Alan Woyne Sporks, misuse of 911 system, proyer for judg­ ment continued, cost; resisting public officer, dismissed per plea. - Kevin Lee Spry, speeding 63 in 0 45, dismissed per plea; DWI, sentenced lo 12 months, suspended 18 moiilhs, 7 dnys active, surrender, license, not operate vehicle until licensed, obtnin substnnce abuse assess- ment/treotment, $400, cost. - Poulo Myers Stonley, sim­ ple possession schedule VI controlled substnnce, $25, cost. $170 attorney fee, evidence or­ dered destroyed. - Derrick F. Stevenson, speeding 93 in o 70, reduced to careless nnd reckless driving, $100, cost. - Pntricia Rene St. John, shoplifting concealment of goods, prnyer for judgment continued. - Dustin Croig Sutphin, driv­ ing while liceiise revoked, re-- duced to failure to notify DMV of nddress chnnge, $25, cost, $170 nttomey fee. - Stefnnie L. Vonschoyck, felony harboring escapee, re-: duced to common Inw obstruc­ tion of justice, sentenced to time served, $10 jnil fee. - Samuel Robert Watson, driving while license revoked, reduced to fnilure to notify DMV of address chnnge, $25, cost. - Knilynn I. Woycnster, shop­ lifting concenlmeni of goods, prnyer for judgment continued, cost, no go nbout Wnl Mart. - Hubert Edword Willis,reck- , less driving-wanton disregard, reduced to unsafe movement, $25, cost; fnilure lo heed light or siren, dismissed per plen. - Julie Ann Wyntt, resisting public officer, cost, $20 instnll fee, $280 nttomey fee. Failure to Appear - Jnsmine Gnither, frnudulent disposnl of morlgnge property. - Donald Ray Heggins II, driving while license revoked. - Robert Arthur Palmer, in- toxicoted and disruptive, sec­ ond degree trespass. S p e c i a l s o f t h e W e e k C H E E R W IN E 1 / 2 U r . % 0 0 C a s e Limit 8 Cases NEW S p e c ia l S e le c tio n o f M a rjo le in B a a tln C arda b y H a llm a rk D on't Forget Y our M uscadines! F o s te r G r a n t S u iig liä s e s a n d R e a d e r s O F F Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • 336-751-2141 • www.fosterdrugco.com Regular Hours: IVI-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 Whicker H i I.-'.',* 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 26,2012 Public Records DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 26,2012 - / Cooleemee Police The following are from Cooleemee Police Department reports. - An employee at Dollar General was threatened via telephoneon July 15. - The larceny of a 10-foot step ladder from a building off Duke Street was reported July J5. , -The larceny of items from Dollar General was reported on July 13. - Sisters Brandi Michelle Fleming, 26, and Kelli Maria Fleming, 22,both of Watt Street, were charged with simple phys- ;ical assault after an altercation i'on July 10. They are scheduled ;to face the chnrges July 26 in '.Davie District Court. - A 57-ycar-old woman was .reported missing on July 4. - The Inrceny of logging ‘chains dnd tools from a trailer !off NC 801 was reported on July 3. I - The larceny of a cell phone ¡from a vehicle at RiverPark wns reported June 29. ; - The larceny of a pint of Jim ►Beam from the ABC Store wns ;reportedJune28. U ;Civil Lawsuits t The following civil suits •were filed wilh the Davie Clerk iof Court. t - Dnvie Socinl Services vs. Donald J. Hollingsworth, child support. ' - Davie Socinl Services vs. Kristine N. Carter, child sup- 'port. - Dnvie Social Services vs. Christopher A. Knight, child »support. - Portfolio Recovery Associ- . ntes vs. Amandn Parrish, col- lection on account, $1,111.24. - John Marinus Hillegnart I vs. Shirley Virginin Hillegnart, ■divorce. - Portfolio Recovery Associ- r ates vs. Bartolo Flores, collec­ tion on account, $1267.24. - Davie Socinl Services vs. Dorothy E. Breeze, child sup­ port. - Sherri Boone vs. George Renegnr, divorce. t Bnrry Comelius Etchison vs. Gennnn Stroud Etchison, custody, divorce, equitnbie. dis­ tribution. - Davie Socinl. Services vs. Rebecca E. Ellis, child support. - Anthony F. Tavares vs. Sa­ bine Tavares, divorce. Land IVansfers The following land transfers were filed with the Davie Reg­ ister of Deeds, listed by parties involved, acreage, township, nnd deed stamps purchased with $2 representing $1,000. - Jnmes Edwnrd Ijnmes and Josephine Hnll Ijnmes to Jnson Lee Ijnmes, 2 tracts, Mocks­ villc. - D.R. Horton Inc. to Kim­ berly M. Schütz, 1 lot, Farm­ ington, $345. - Lillian Allen Sidden to MSG Investments, 49.31 acres, Fulton. - Lillian Allen Sidden to Shirby S. Eagle, 11.17 acres, Fulton. - Lillian Allen Sidden to Marla S. Gibson, 16.97 acres, Fulton. - Joann C. Burton to Gary Christopher Livengood Jr., 1 tract, $60. - Jesse Charles Kimmer nnd Shirley S. Kimmer to Tamara K. Taylor, 2 parcels, Jemsa- lem. - Federal National Mortgage Association to Akhtnr Snfri nnd Knrina A. Bnulista, 1 lot, Fnrm­ ington. - Jnmes V. Binkley nnd Kris­ ten P. Binkley to Carolyn E. Price, 1 lot,.$416. - Schwarz-RJR to Ashley Furniture Industries, 311.14 acres, Shndy Grove, $20,872. - Willinm F. Junker Sr. and Kathy B. Junker to Blaise Bnp­ tist Church of Mocksville, 3 trncts, Mocksville, $110. - Blaise Bnptist Church of Mocksville to Willinm F. Junker Sr., 1 tract, Mocksville, $110. - William O. Whaley nnd Deborah C. Whaley to Thomas J. Mitchell and Lana M. Mitch­ ell, 7.15 acres, Mocksville, $440. - Ronald E. Cotterman to Pnuline Gajewski and Robert P. Gnjewski, 1 lot, Mocksville, $240. - Substitute Trustee Services of Carolina to Federal Home Lonn Mortgage Corp., 7.54 acres. - Janell Y. Pack to Ryan M. Showalter and Meredith H. Showalter, 1.53 acres, Fulton. - Janell Y. Pack to Beverly Pnck Hobson nnd Stnnly 0. Pack., 3 tracts, Fulton. - Mary R. Cornatzer to Frances H. Comatzer, 2 trncts, Farmington. - Norma Ann Moran to Thomas E. Brindle, 1.32 ncres, Fnrmington, $390. - Substitute Trustee Services of the Carolinas to Sun Trust Mortgage, .49 acre, $73. ^ - Substitute Trustee Services lo Deutsche Bank National Trust Co., I lot, Fnrmington, $280. - Isenhour Homes to Lau­ rence Anthony Sasso and Mnrthn Lynne Snintsing, 1 lot, Farmington, $636. - Snndra T. Vance and Theon H. Vance Jr. to Duke Vnnce and Mischelle Vance, 10 acres, Je­ rusalem. - Jerry Ray Sullies and Sandrn Sullies to Gloria Han­ cock Matlocks, .7 acre, Shndy Grove, $30. - Brinn T. Hurst and Stepha­ nie Hurst to Christopher Hayes nnd Leonard Hnyes, 1 lot, p J > V A lV c ^ TOBACCO • Discount Tobacco Produ^ • Cigarettes »Cigars • CiiewingToi>acco •Snuff 4985 Hwy. 158, Advance 336-940-2475 Copenhagen Copenhi^en Southern Blend & Wintergreen.... Grizzly ...... *10^ Kayak • • • • • • Kodiak ...... Longhorn Red Man Red Seal Skoal Skoal X-tra (All Styles) Timberwolf • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $ g . 2 9 $ ^ 0 . 8 5 $ < |2 - 5 9 $ 1 6 - 2 9 $ 1 0 . 8 5 • LOTTERY • POWERBALL •MEGA M ILLIONS . v i x T G - .. ... All Sales Cash Only. Sale Ends 7131112 CÓDtlÜPÍ , , Fnrmington, $476. - Secretary of Housing and Urban Development lo Brenda Richiey Mosko,4 lots. - John Rny Veach Sr. rind Pa­ tricin W. Vench to Tracy Veach O’Neal, 1.15 acres. - Samuel Turner Cable and Peggy Jean Cable to Barbara Cable Allen and Tony Edgnr Allen, 4 tracts, Jerusalem. , - Jerry Lee Crews and as ex­ ecutor of estate of Mary Ander­ son Crews to Jerry Lee Crews and Janie Crews, 36.23 acres, Clarksville. - Jerry Lee Crews nnd as ex­ ecutor of estate of Mnry Ander­ son Crews to Jeanette Crews Wood, 20 acres, Clarksville. ■- Isenhour Plomes ot Ben­ jamin S. Holslon and Pearl J. Holslon, 1 lot, Mocksville,- $324. Mocltsville Police The following nre from Mocksville Police Depnrtment reports. - The Inrceny of Oxycodone nnd Opana pills from n resir dencc on Cnrtner Street wns reported July 16. - The Inrceny of items from slornge units off US 601 South wns reported July 19. - A patrol vehicle was dnm- nged, as wns a wrecker thnt pulled it from a sewer line ac­ cess off Old US 158 on July 18. - Fraudulent checks were written lo Food Lion, it was re­ ported July 16. Arrests - Ronnie Denn Hellnrd, 65, of South Mnin Streei, was charged July 15 wilh assault on a femnle. Trinl date; July 26. - Christina Gayle Jnckson, 32, of South Main Street, wns charged July 15 wilh assault. Trial dale; July 26. - Karl Russell Draper, 63, of Lake Myers, was charged July 21 with larceny. Trial dnte; Aug. 23. He is nccused of tnk­ ing items from Wnlmnrt. 'IVaflic Accldcnts - No charges were filed af­ ter a wrcck on Valley Rond nt 10:29 a.m. July 20. John Ray Lntham, 68, of South Angell Road, was driv­ ing a 2001 Chevrolet and failed lb yield mnking a left turn, causing n collision wilh a 2005 Dodge driven by Sallie Ann Posey, 55, of Creekside Drive, reported Officer Joey Reyn­ olds. - A Mocksville man was cit­ ed for driving without a license after a wreck in a service sta­ tion parking lot on July 18 nt ll;21n.m. Herman Eugene Myers, 58, of Draughn Lnne, allempled lo cut through the parking lot al Gaither and Wiikesboro Streei nnd il struck n 1999 Ford driven by Aaron Rnnsom York IV, 35, of Dendmon Rond, reported Officer K.L. Hurley. - A Statesville man was ’ charged with careless and reck­ less driving after the car he was FARM FRESH PORK A ll N atural N o A rtm c la lln gre d lo n ts GRAIN FED BEEF mronocKs m y - DeuvmrAVAiuuiiB Jerry & Cindy Foster (336) 998-7175 driven struck a parked vehicle in Downtown Mocksvillc at 6;19 p.m. July 19. Casey Lee Keiger, 28, was driving a 2000 Snturn at an es­ timated 35 mph in the 20 mph zone when it stnick a parked cnr belonging to Erin Adnir Foil of Singleton Road, reported Offi­ cer Blnke Spillmnn. Keiger and his passengers, ages 6 nnd 4, were not injured. Arrests The Dnvie Counly Sheriff’s Department made the following arrests: - Jason Dean Moore, 39, of Kennen Krest, Mocksville was arrested July 12 for failure to transfer tille. Trial dale: Aug. 23. - Brad Allen Ellison, 22, of Emily Drive, Advance wns nr­ rested July 12 for possession of stolen goods, simple posses­ sion of schedule VI controlled substnnce, nnd possession of drug pnraphernalia. Trial date: July 19. - Miclinel Bernard White,47, of Duke Street, Cooleemee was arrested July 13 for failure to appear. Trial date; Sept. 10. - Eliznbelli Leannn Hardie, 28, of Cedar Creek Church, Mocksville was arrested July 13 for child supoort. Trial date; Aug. 14. - Derek John Wark, 44, of Riverbend Drive, Advnnce wns nrrested July 13 for nssnult on a female. Trial date: Aug. 23. -Thomas Costas Bode, 19,of Blossom Hill Court, Mocksville wns arrested July 14 for false imprisonment and conlribuling to the delinquency of a juvenile, Trinl date; Aug. 30. - Daniel Kimball Bales, 17, of Broadmoor Drive, Advance wns nrrested July 14 for resist­ ing a public officer, possession of marijuana, and possession of dmg paraphernalia. Trinl dnte: Aug. 30. - Jonallian Jermaine John­ son, 29, of Legion J-lut Road, Mocksville was arrested Jiily 16 for failure to appear. Trial dnte: Sept. 10 in Rownn Counly. - Mnrquishn Denise Holland, 30, of Fonzo Wny, Mocksville wns nrrested July 16 for vandal­ ism. Trial dale; Aug. 23. -JoshunJohnMulligan,36,of Greensboro wasarresledJidy 17 for fnilure to nppear. Trinl dnte: Aug. 22 in Johnson Counly. ■ Steven Bernnrd Fowler, 40, of Whilney Road, Mocksville was arrested July 17 for failure to register as a sex offender. Trinl dnte; Aug. 22 in Wilkes County. Slieriff’s Department The following incidents were reported lo Ihe Davie County. Sheriff’s Depnrtment. - On July 15 harassing phone. calls were reported at a home on Still Waters Drive, Advance. - Larceny was reported al a home on US 64 West, Mocks­ ville on July 16. - On July 16 threats were reported at a home on Doe Trail, Mocksville, - An nssnult on a female and Ihrents were reported nl a home on Gladstone Road, Cooleemee on July 16. - On July 16 larceny was reported at nn office building on Salisbury Rond, Mocksville. - Frnud wns reported al n pharmacy on US 158, Advance on July 16. - On July 16 a break-in and larceny were reported at a home on Fairfield Rond, Mocksville. - Larceny was reported at a home on US 64 West, Mocks­ ville on July 16. - On July 18 an assault was reported nt n home on US 601 South, Mocksville. - Larceny was reported nt a home on Chal Smith Road, Mocksvilleon July 18. - On July 18 damage to prop­ erty was reported al n home on Snm Cope Rond, Advnnce. - Identity theft wns reported nt n home on Mndison Road, Mocksvillc on July 18. - On July 18 fraud wns re­ ported at a home on Brentwood Drive, Advance. - An allempled breaking/ entering was reported at a home on Springfield Drive, Advance on July 19. - On July 19 trespassing was reported at a home on Sheffield Road, Mocksville. - A break-in nnd larceny were reported at a home on Yadkin Valley Road, Advanco on July 19. - On July 19 a brenk-in and larceny were reported al a lo­ cation on Hillcrest Drive, Ad­ vance. - A hacked computer was re­ ported nt n home on Mein Breeze Lane, Mocksville on July 20. - On July 20 a break-in, Inr­ ceny, nnd Inrceny of a firenrm were reported at a homo on Cherry Hill Road, Mocksville. - A brcnk-in nnd Inrceny were reported at a home on Dublin Road, Advance on July 20. - On'July 20 a break-in of a motor veliicle wns reported nl n home on Covington Drive, Advnnce. - A break-in, larceny, and Inr­ ceny of a firearm were reported at n homo on Dnniel Rond, Mocksville on July 20. - On July 20 a break-in of a motor vehicle was reported at n home on NC 801 South, Advnnce. - A break-in of a motor ve­ hicle was reported nl a home on Roxbury Court, Advance on July 20. - On July 20 a break-in of a motor vehicle was reported nl n home on Shndy Grove Lnne, Advance. - A brenk-in was reported nt a home on Elmore Road, Mocks-. ville on July 20. - On July 20 Inrceny wns reported nt a location on Turkey Foot Rond, Mocksville. - A brcnk-in of a motor ve­ hicle wns reported at a home on Covington Drive, Advnnce on July 20. - On July 20 n brenk-in of a motor vehicle and Inrceny were reported nt a home on Covington Drive, Advance. - A break-in of a motor ve­ hicle was reported at n home on NC 801 South, Advance on July 20. - On July 20 the break-in of a motor vehicle was reported al a home on Alexandria Court, Advnnce. Cooleemee May Require Landlord/Tenant Registry COOLEEMEE - The lown bonrd is working on a pro­ posed landlord registry that w ill require tenant names nnd a notification if a rental property becomes vncant. Mayor Lynn Rumley pre­ sented Ihe board wilh a draft of the registry at this month's town meeting. “ With this we w ill know if a property is vacant or not and we’ll know names and addresses of tennnts,” Rumley snid. The proposed draft lists no fees to landlords filing Ihe registration form but if the or­ dinnnce is ndopled, landlords will hnve 30 days to register their property. Vacant properties will also be required to be registered! And if a tenant vacates a rental property landlords will be re­ quired to notify the town clerk in writing within 15 dnys lo updnte the registry status. The proposed draft lists fail­ ure of landlords to register their property a misdemeanor crime punishable with n $50 fine for the first offense and another $50 fine if a sccond offense occurs during 30 days. “ 1 think it’s a good thing,” CommissionerTommy Daywalt says. “In case of an emergency if someone is hunting people they can come lo lown hall and look up their address.” “ 1 think it's a wonderful iden,” Commissioner Jean Snead says. “ We need lo know who’s where in our town.” Another draft review of the proposed Inndlord registry is pinnned for Ihe August meet­ ing. Not Guiity: Judge Can’t Tell Who’s Telling The Truth Judge Wayne Michnel wnsn’t nble to lell lnst week who wns telling the truth in the cnse of n domestic dispute, so he end­ ed up finding the nccused not guilty of nssnult on n female. Randy Lee Barrier, 55, of Mocksville, and his wife, Ju­ lia Ann Griffith Hege Barrier, had been married for nlmost 13 yenrs when police were sum­ moned lo their home Feb. 16. According to Julin, her hus­ band pushed her in the hallway of their home, called her names, and then, when she wns Inking black garbage bags containing clothing out of the back of her truck, her husband pushed her again. “ He took his body and tried to push me lo the other side of the Imck to slop me, twice. I wns frightened becnuse 1 am severely disabled from a car accident in 2008,” she testified. “ I was afraid my legs would collapse and I'd get hurt, I was afraid I’d be crippled for life," After the first push, Julia said, she called 911. Offlcers came to the house but left. She told Randy that if he pushed her ngain, she'd call 911 again. He did push her again, and as she braced her­ self by putting her knee up onto the tailgnte, she bumped nnd scratched her knecf which the police noticed when they cnme the second time. She snid she suffered emo­ tionnl, verbnl and mental abuse for many years of the marriage. The couple is now separated. Julia admitted on cross-ex­ amination by Randy's attomey Ryan Addison that she has been diagnosed wilh bi-polar dis­ ease and post traumatic stress disorder. She said she was “ ir­ ritated” that day because Randy had gone to her best friend and “ lied, told her they’d doubled my medication becnuse I wns so crnzy. I was irritated because he'd gone behind my bnck and told my best friend I wns in an nllemntive reality.” She said her medicntion hnd to be doubled becnuse she wns melnbollzing it so quickly. Also going on, she testified, wns trouble in the mnrringe. “My husband was going to divorce me, and I worshlp him, and I was very upset,” she said. “My husband had given me a horrible Vnlentine’s Dny gift, nnd 1 wns going through a be­ trayal is what my psychiatrist called it.” Addison asked her lo demon­ strate whnt hnppened when she wns pushed,' and she showed him, but even nfter she did, he continued to nsk her whnt hnppened, so mnny times thnt Judge Michnel asked him twice to “move nlong” with his ques­ tioning. Sgt. Brandon Emory wilh Ihe sheriff's department testi­ fied they were dispatched twice lo Ihe home, and the first time, because there wns no evidence a crime had been committed, they left. Also, he said, the cou­ ple told him they were going to be going to sleep and there would be no more problems. The second time, he said, “Mr. Barrier was outside in his cnr when we arrived. He ap­ peared lo be unsure as to why I came back. Mrs. Barrier said they were back behind Ihe Imck, and she was trying to get stuff out of the Imck, and Mr. Barrier bumped into her on several occasions, causing her to have lo brace herself and bumping her knee. Her injuries were consistent with what she said hnppened.” Addison mnde n motion lo dismiss the chnrges, saying, “The logic is if she’s trying lo remove items, and he’s trying lo push them back in ... if she’s pulling stuff out and he’s resist­ ing, there is going to be some contact. If there was jostling at the back of the imck, and she put her knee up, then that’s consistent wilh her injury but that’s a voluntary action. They just bumped against each other; there was no assnult.” Michael denied the motion, and Randy testified next. According lo him, Julia was upset with Randy’s son and had become “quite agitated.” He said the couple hnd been contemplnting sepnrntion for almost a year nnd thnt she wns mnd thnt dny because her tmck hnd been used to move his son’s belongings, which were still in the truck. “She was at the rear of Ihe truck, and I grabbed the flap of a box she was going through, and she said ‘Don’t push me.’ 1 T h is is N o P y r a m id S c h e m e $399 $499 Limited Quantity Also Available in Black (Special Order) m eg brown h o m e , f u r n i s h i n g s M,TW.F 9-6 • Th 9-8 • Sat 9-5 | 336,998,7277 5491 US Highway 158 in Advance mogbrownhome.com told her 'I didn’t push you,' and she said it again. We rubbed shoulders in passing, there was no bump. She said ‘Don't push me or I'll call the law' nnd I said ‘go nhend and call the law, I don’t care becnuse 1 didn’t do anything wrong.'” Randy said he wns in the car when police arrived because he was sitting there waiting for Ju­ lia to tum off the bedroom lights nnd go to sleep, so he could go into the house and down lo Ihe basement to sleep. “ 1 hnve never assaulted her in my life,” he said. After hearing all Ihe testi­ mony, Michael said, “ 1 have heard two different stories. I have no reason lo believe Mr. Barrier over Mrs. Barrier or to disbelieve one over the other. 1 cannot determine beyond a rea­ sonable doubt what happened, and these nre two equally be­ lievable stories. So 1 find Mr. Barrier not guilty.” iOaBU: • BAKERY THRIFT STORE, I S a v e u p to • ; 6 0 % : Daily ' Mon-Fri 9-7 Sat 9-6 Sun 10-5 i Lonnie Burgess Formerly ot All-American Ford - I S NOW A T-C ER M A IN (The old FInlshline Ford) 1011 Folger Drive, Statesville, NC s (704) 873-FORD \ 1 Lonnie invites all of his Davie County friends to visit him for yournext car! \ R K I'R K .S K M A IIM ';Julia Howaitl ;Vi ■ //oust’ 7 ‘Jt/i D isfiict Please coniaci me in: MOCKSVILLE: (336) 751-8567 RALEIGH: (919) 733-5904 16 W. Jones Street, Rm 1106 Raleigh, NC 27601-1096 Email: juliah ®ncleg. net Look lor us on Facebook at; Rap Julia Howard j| PAIUfOHHrJUUAllOWAKO 8 2 Day AUCTION for listing & color pictures, plcusc visit ««»v.Y O R K A U C T IG N com ••NO BUYERS I'R m iU M " A U C T IO N Fri. • July 27, 2012 @ 5 pm Sat. • July 28, 2012 @ 10 pm Kent & Pat Brcndle - estates 7009 S. Carolina Ave • Boonville, NC • Yadkin Co. Iloonvillc, N.C.: from the interseclion of S. Carolina Ave. (Ilwy. 601) & E. Main St. (Hwy. 67), lake S. Carolina Ave. (Hwy. 601) South for -f/-1 mile. The Brendte homeplace is on the Right. Sal AUCTION Items **Anti({ue Furniture & Modem Furniture (2 pc. mid. 1800s Mohog. China Press. l8«H)s Cherry Chest of Drawers, mid 1800s Wal. Chesl of Drawers) * vintage Toys. Pedal Cars, Wagons. Ganys & PuzzJes • vintage Ddl & Chlldrtn’s Items • Qocks • Ijunps * Majolica • RS Prussia • Porcelains • Cut Glass • Olasswart • Bristol Glass • Salt Glaze Pottery * Antique Smalls & Collectibles * Scrapbooks, Books, & Comic Books * Paintings • Silhouettes • I*rints, Frames & Mirrors • Yadkin Co. Advertisements, School and Sport Memorabilia • • • nn all day AUCHON w/many great Itenu. Frf. AUCVON Items •• old Wagon • 'Tmck • Uwn Mowers • Tlllcis • Tbbacco and Store Advertisements, Bottles, Tins & Etc. • Wood Stoves • Victrulas • Radios • vintage Wrlnwrs • Antique Furniture * Antique Smalls & Collectibles • 'Tom Dark" Collectibles • Military, Knives & Etc. • old Farmstead Items and Tools • Wrenchcs & Sockets • Hand Tbols • Miscellaneous Items. M a n y O th e r lt e m s * * ** L u n c h A vo llab lc ^^ ^^ R cstro o m w w w .Y O R K A U C T IO N .c o n , 704-546-2696 • Hnrmony, NC • ncul # 74 • sincc 1935 www.AuctionZlp.com ft 4569 l = ' e £ i ' t ; u r G c l L . i s t ; i n g j B I l i » « ™ HS3lwn.»l»uim.3eil!B*.lMT»TOm Spídoul4Sft(ia*»/»tí»dtaJ«KrtUí5« Bl^S*ltü«'í«lijnl|<d»55S,900 K«nîarjirtl*ii,rtliucœ »394,m l0 WhjUnjliBxtoijond $376,000 raiMlolUwlKlinlKwg $3S0,000 »at On* itaM fS№ n I eeiw M M,4GAX^QjsttnbtlimA2c«ffiaijille3r 4Q№!UBA,IHalBA,IJtlayb1dihomah Pi*rl»BaipliilH»nlmtl«v»238,500 $188,000 IMif-KnOilBiVIBAMIwStiienpnli vWntlind38liai»UbinAliitaltng> lsa2J»Mli«tliltnticli!h|kn>>M (Wta*rSjK|«nd$184,000 !ü«2it«ljin).taWnL»1M,99a 16aaAM*in>iw«>(lK.(<linliv.ddn(n(llMaii(ta»*o[ii(iKi$124,600 aiu»«ntiill«!<mrtrtititta$114,900 lírwwWíMBBMiOfFÍRSI$114,800 tmhtHiolMUxniHdiiitmlmMlilltillmliiatl$110,000 Mai\LlwllBIV1BActnlo.Ejcefc«iroeii«M jelWBAht«ta»licSlSiili.IWujmnlinalici««tolteli$109,800 Mi((iO|ilK*lr»ifMlfrs!»105,000 l«nti)Oià»fi«i[Mnsi(H$103,500 ■ f IjlE J E IIS iQ lD g B !]■ 217 BnACKEH ROAO 36ÍV!BAb(i(*™ic(i[nqJ<l,as»í«i)road. 4B(WfiiB*,tJllcr)lilii«h*««í*l!loam(lxlwt.M|attlaik<<kt99,g00 $85,500 Horaiiimippi.1 eoi. $83,900 ftirtinder!$<8,990 l|||H mj»idlnilticn>i«illubi№aii ■‘’ScSSSúESSÍS^r' Arr.KVeSTOfiSIIifVI6toxaji.EiHnU.Mj 3BVIBA, An Bal •«<» ma'tallii h Mi»«l$7B,800 roi»]lM!ll(!t»»!N(«ilUC.$89,800 i(al»»llB«ii«toi!ih[laa.$68,800 ■ AJsof«llir9tlBi)iM*»$62,500 ü a p — 26fV1M(«^Ol»liMSi™ii(tc(«i1|Hlh WHBAhinlci((«ilil<«!UeKm.lVxtiigi(«( lwartitM!)h[<ai>i.$68,S00 IM[it<iil[«v«li»$49,800 AVAILABLE RENTALS742гfí^efvlewKnollCl: 2BfWQA.........................826 níverbefxí Of.: 3ÖFV20A...............................ITaOíUbbRd,: ZDfVIBA..................................436 Pino 6t.: 20R/10A1321 EBloni Chuttíl FW: 4DfV2.6DA........................Undarpa«» FU.: Oarags/Oftic«.............................Wlndtoog Apl.: 20ntDA...................................W»nd»ong Apt.: 3DR/I0A.................................. OOCAStl«LAn«: O S3«/'sc...02 Will Boon« Hd; 0.D4«/- ac...01 Will Qootta fU: 2.S2*/> ac...03 Will Boon« FU: 0.90«/* ac...00Oladslon« Rd: I.OUZ-ac....Lot 3 Otadilona FU; 1.12*/-ac.... Lot 4 Qladiion* Rd: 1.2U/-ac.„.001 Conter 6(: 0 69*/-ao......002Cenlet8l: OeOt/-ac......003 Centaf Si: 0 69W- ac......00 Pmevlll« Rd; 0 ac.....OOJunctwnRd; 1.45*i-ac.....000 Couniiy Lon«: 0.a7*/»ac OOVanzanlRd: 13 54W-ac.... AVAIUBLE LAND 00 US Hay »4 Wall; ov«rV-70aCfM....145 0l«ybT. 076«/. ac...............nssuHWaiaf*; o.77*/-ac............. S900№lh...$350№lh...1476Arih...$500Mith llOSUlWatar«: 0.76W-ac........PiAaytidw: l.OUAac............................................CamtxVig« Una: 20W- ac......................................WiWamaii Way: 13.7W*ac.....................................Evani Ftoad: 24+/* ac..........................................AMfTWNAl USHNQS «WUUUI BY CAIUNO Uf-7it-9UI .»12.65013.760 20.36013.760 14,650 16.050 1&.M0 16.&60 16.660 (16,050 (16,150 (10,900 J10.000,$109.600.069.900116,000516.000515.000 112.600.1121,200 g t 330 s. Salisbury St., Mocksville • 336-751-3538 To view all our current listings visit us at: www.howardrealty.com.l i h p i u - u / \ 1 1C, 1 1 Ы Ч 1 Е ,К Г Н 1 3 £ 4 K C - i^ U K U , 1 liu r su u y , J U Ij' ZO, /.UIZ Bonnie Rlggan with her bowling ball - and the pin she was given after bowling a perfect game. - Photos by Robin Snow Perfect: L ife tim e B o w le r K n o cl< s ‘E m D o w n By Jackic Scabolt Enterprise Record Bonnie Riggan has been bowling since she'wns old enougti lo lift a bowling bnll. And on June 27 she did whnt nil bowlers strive to do. Riggan hit the magic number 300 and bowled a perfect game. Riggan, 75, joined a No Tap League this summer nnd visits the lanes every week. In a No Tap mntch nine pins on the first ball is scored as a strike. “I don’t use a hook like the pros. I just use a strnight bowl right down the middle,” Riggan says as she picks up her 10 pound ball and demon­ strates her technique. Riggan retired in March from banking and snys she plnns to join nnother lengue this fnll. "I just enjoy bowling so much,” she snys. “And I get some exercise.” As she puts her ball back in the bag she shares a bit of information that helps her with her game. "I keep all my supplies in­ side, especially in the winter. That wny the bnll Isn’t loo cold to put your fingers in.” As she zips her bag she shows a pink rabbit foot at­ tached lo the zipper. “ A friend of mine from Oregon I bowled with gave me that for good luck,” she smiles. Hopefully her luck will hold and Riggan can bowl another perfect game. Larry Richie of Mocksville plays "Shuckin the Corn" In the bluegrass banjo competition at the Alleghany County Fiddlers Convention in Sparta on July 21. His rendition earned third place. L o c a l s W i n A t A l l e g h a n y F i d d l e r s C o n v e n t i o n SPARTA - The Alleghany Counly Fiddlers Convention drew 37 bands and 219 indi­ vidual contestants Friday and Snturday, July 20 and 21 at Ihe Higgins Agricultural Fair­ grounds. The event is sponsored by Ihe Sparla-Alleghnny Volunteer Fire Depnrtment nnd Alleghany Fairgrounds Inc., nonprofit or- F : a L L M G I S T R A ' r i O M G O I N G O N N O W ! Registration deadline is August 1, 2012. Visit www.twincityrec.com or www.twincitysoccer.com to register or for more details! • Ф R e c r e a t i o n • Convenient locations ' ' ' l i ) ' ' ' ' i• Affordablie / ^ • No TRYOUTS'V; ' ' Ip iS ' • Everybody plays » • High Quality I Uniforms '.....■ ' w ljl •Great- communication/ ^ organization ^ • Opportunities for ^ » skill development and . advançement • Fantastic experience kids and families I'hoto Diwid Wolla/i?SSports Pliologinphy ' Ш * ■ - . к <■' 4 I I AH players will receive a FREE Personalized Trophy and a Twins Car Magnet! ganizntions. Local winners are: • Bluegrass band: Destina­ tion Bluegrnss Bnnd of Mocks­ ville, second. • Bluegrass bnnjo: Larry Richie of Mocksville, third. • Dobro; Robert Ellis of Mocksville, second. • Vocal; Keith Souther, of Mocksville, third. Town Begins Street Rehab Eleven streets in Mocks­ ville will be repaired in com­ ing weeks using n method thnl should snve Ihc town $400,000 and be more environmentally friendly. Cnlled chip seal nsphnlt sur­ face treatment, Ihe streets lo be repnired were chosen bnsed on n priority list, nccording to Town Manager Christine Brnl­ ley. The N.C. Depnrtment of Trnnsporlnlion will be doing most of Ihe work. “These improvements will continue lo serve residents by providing enhanced traveling safety nnd driving conditions in the most cost effective pro­ cess for Ihe most streets at one lime,” Brnlley snid. “ In practi­ cal terms, this menns the right trentment lo the righl street nt the righl lime.” Preparation for Ihe treat­ ment hns begun. Many streets prepared nppear lo have been patched, she said. “Chip seal will provide Ihe opportunity to maintain the streets for n much lower cost, allowing the town to improve more streets nl one time,” Brnl­ ley snid. Chip seni refers lo a method where liqifid nsphnlt is healed and sprayed on a well-prepared base or existing street. Gravel or crushed stone is spread over the nsphnlt. This method is de­ signed to provide nn effective moisture barrier for the pave­ ment ngainst water intrjision by sealing existing cracks. This surface will initinlly hnve some loose aggregate or grnvel for two to three weeks thnt will be eliminnled by trnffic. Benefits of chip seni trenl- ment include; better skid psis- tnnce thnn nn overlay; reduces or eliminates blnck ice; cost efTective; environinenlally friendly; and less traffic disrup­ tion and delays. "Pavement preservation is soolnlly responsible and eco- friendly,” Bralley said. “It utilizes up to 80 percent less of Ihe earth’s non-renewable resources than road rehnbilita- tion/reconstruction." DAVIE COUNTY KNTKRPRISE RECORD, I'liiibday, July 26,2012 - «1 - Photos by Eric GroomsQuarterback Adam Smith runs the bail for the West in the East-West All-Star Game. At right, Smith enjoys a moment on the sideline. S m i t h D a z z l e s O n F i r s t E a s t - W e s t P l a y I By Brian Pilts Davie Enterprise Record Adam Smith didn’t need to work up Smith certified Ills all-star creden­ tials In a couple seconds. Smith, who wns among 44 play­ ers selected to play in Ihc East-West All-Star Football Onme last week at Jamieson Stadium in Greensboro, wns n Davie phenomenon ns n 2011 senior. Davie fnns snw him do electrifying stuff week nfter week. In Ihe Enst-Wesi game. Smith in­ troduced himself lo 7,000-plus fans in dazzling style. The score was 14-3 East in.the sccond quarter when Smith entered the game at quarterback. His first piny ' was a speed option to tho left. Smith kept Ihe ball, showcased his fifth gear , <iQd,ij^^)ilcd\56;yardsvto the^East.5.' The feeling of exhilaration was tem­ pered by a holding penalty. Thnl was li bummer for sure, but Ihe message wns unmistakable. “ (West conch Mike Sexton) told me we were going to run option on my first piny, so 1 wns ready for it,” Smith snid. “The whole defense kind of overfiowed.They rend it pretty well, so I kept it, made a cutbaclc nnd there wns n huge hole. 1 don’t think they re­ ally knew I could run the ball like lhat. It fell kind of surreal.” “ We knew whnt he could do run­ ning tho bnll,” Sexton, who conchcs nt Erwin High, told the Sniisbury Post. “ He proved thnt he could do it on n regulnr high-school field or In front of .^nll-sfnrs.!' • s “ He mnde something happen,” Davie coach Doug llling said. “ It was pretty special. (An official) threw n holding flng bnck behind the play. You hale to see lhat. But Adam showed people whnt he’s cnpnble of and how . much of a threat he is.” The West trailed 21-3 nt Ihe hnlf nnd lost the 64th-annual'game 34-9. Smith attempted two pass€s, com­ pleting one for 7 yards. In the second half, the West mounted its best drive of the game, mnrching 80 yards. Smith qunrlerbncked the sccond half of thnt drive, which ended at the Enst 1 as the West turned it over on downs. The West finally got in the end zone whh 5:08 reninining, “ it wns a really good drive. It just ended on a bad' note,” Smith said, “ Their defense hnd a great sland. We started to click like we hnd nt prnctice nil week,” Smith w ill live forever in Dnvie lore for whnt he achieved in 2011, when Dnvie won eight gnmes nnd lied Mt, Tnbor for the conference chnm­ pionship, He completed 109 of 202 pnsses for 1,917 yards, averaging 17,5 yards per completion and throwing 18 touchdowns ngainst three interception,^. That’s only half of it. He was Ihe No. 2 rusher, running for 771 yards nnd Y o u ’ r e • The throw to Society first baseman David Childress barely beats the runner, Matt Carter of Green Mead­ ows. The shootout late In the regular season ended with Green Meadows winning 15-12. The church Q u t I league tournament began July 24. See more photos on page B2. - Photo by James Barringer nvernging 6.5 per carry. Ho scored a team-high 11 TDs and hnd a Hand in 29 of the team’s 48 TDs* Smith is the 16th^player in Davie’s 56-yenr history to play In the East-West game. “ He showed he belonged,” llling said. “Any time he’s gol Ihe ball in his hnnds, he’s got the potentini to score. He represented Dnvie Counly very well. Very few people have had the' chance to do lhat. All the conches spoke very highly of him.” Smith joined John Grimes (1961)i Ed Bowles {1962), Ronnie Spiy (1966) Edgnr Osbome (1967), Rnndall Ward (1967), Fred Bniley (1968), Allnn Please See Smith - Page B4 Dillard, Jones In All-Star Game By Brian Pitts Davie Enter)>rise Record Shannon Dillnrd and Nate Jone? hnve secured Iheir college destinations'. But before heading off to college and beginning the next chapter of theit basketball careers, they hnd one more prep gnme to play. Davie coach Mike Absher beamed as two War Engles were all-stars on one team in the East-West AH-Star Gamp nt the Greensboro Coliseum on July 16, There were 3,006 fnns on hnnd tq watch Ihe Davie guys help Ihe West IQ a 107-97 win, Davie wns the only school from th?, West or Enst lo produce two all-stars. Jones nnd West Rownn’s Keshun Sher­ rill pnced Ihe West with 13 points each. Dillard made his presence felt with eight points and eight rebounds. Dillard and Jones were stars for Davie during an unprecedented 23-7 . season in 2011-12, with Davie win­ ning the conference tournament and mnrchiiig to the 4-A final four. Then they became just the fifth nnd sixth East-West All-Stars in school history, joining Jingles Ijames (1970), Dwnyne Plense Sec Stars - Page B3 В2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 26,2012 Mark London bats for Green Meadows. In middle, London beats out a close play as Grant Dickerson fields. At right, Lindsey Childress tags out Steve Smith Third-base coach Tim Bowles gets out of the way as Grant Dickerson pursues the ball. Runner Mark London pops up from his slide. Tim Bowles of Green Meadows focusses on the pitch. B r i e f s & D a t e s Davie High Checrlcadiiig Camp The Dnvie High Cheerlcading Cnmp will be Aug. 6-9 from 6-8:30 p.m. nt the Dnvie gym. The cost is .$40 for pre-registercci by July 30 nnd .$60 nl Ihc door. The cnmp is designed for K-8 grndes nnd nvnilnble lo tenms or individiinls. Conlnct Angie Stnge with questions nt stngcn@dnvie.kl2.nc.us. Registrntion forms nre nvnilnble on the school website. Davie Youth Football The Dnvie County Youth Footbnll Associntion will hnve signups on July 28 from 9 g.m.-noon nt the Brock Oym. Golf Tournament The Feed My Sheep golf tournnmerit will be held nl Onk Vnlley on July 27. The captnln’s choice will begin nl 1 p.m. A tenm entry is $260. An individuni entry is $65. Contnct Pnt Russell nt 940- Society's Todd Josey reaches home before Trey Thomas' tag. 2383 or 978-5083. Lions Golf Tournament The Mocksville Lions Club nnnunl golf toumnment will be held nt Bermudn Run West on Aug. 10. Tenms of four mny enter for $280. Hole sponsorships nre $ 100. Cooleemee Redskins Football Camp The Cooleemee Redskins Footbnll Cnmp, open lo nil interested boys in grndes 3-6, will be held Aug. 7-9 from 8-10 n.m. nt the Cooleemee softbnll field. This is free lo nil pnrticipnnts. Brandon’s Buddies Golf Tournament The first nnnunl Bmndon’s Buddies Foundntion Chnrity Qolf Toumnment will be Aug. 4 nt Bermudn Run West, with a shotgun stnrt nt ? n.m. The cost is $200 per tenm, which includes lunch. This will be captain’s choice. To register n tenm or receive sponsorship informalion, contnct Keith Koontz nt 336-499-6159 or Greg Beaty nt 336-414-8522. Habitat for Humanity Softball Tournament The Dnvie County Habitnt for Humanity softball tournament will be held July 27-28 at Center bnllfleld. The entry fee is $175. The first-plnce leam will win the entry fee back. Contnct Derrick Nichols at 336-577-6689 or Blnke Nichols nl 336-413-9490. 1 -V illage I n n- E v en t C e n t er (S/emmo/u, O/S'^6 6205 Ramada Drive Clemmons, NC 27012 www.thevillageinn.corn 336.712.0174 J A Don't Miss Out July, 29 Lesly’s Quinceanera August, 1 - 3 Christ Cathedral Revival August, 3-4 James Gray High School Class of 1957 Reunion August, 4 Forbush High School Class of 1997 Reunion August,. 11 Silvia’s Qulnceaftera August, 18 Carolina Kustom Modelers Car Show (a o u H f ^ u ^ a n d '& u g u d G lO e M n ^ ^ o u p te & Schmidt & Lewis j Hauser & Reese James & Hunt | Navarro & Alonso Wright & Dillard Family Reunions Cannady Family Reunion Fulp Family Reunion Mitchell/Sarcy Family Reunion Williams/Cameron Family Reunion WINDJAMlVffiR NIGHT More details to followl Contact Lana Schlotfeldt ’ at 336,714.0172 for more details. Join us in Celebrating our Grand Opening on September 25th from 4:30 - 7:00 pm! Green Meadows' Kirklin Bowles bats during GM's 15-12 win. Chester Bowles connects for Green Meadows, ■ Photos by James Barringer S t a r s ... Continued From Page Bl Dunne Phillips (2000) and Drew Absher (2009). “ When I snt down in that coliseum, seeing two guys rep­ resenting Davie Counly in that game, I had a strong sense of pride,” Absher said. “Not just for our bnskelbnll program, but for our school and community. I told ihem it's the last thing you’re going to do lo represent Davie County. They embraced lhal and represented us in a posi­ tive manner.” Dillard was n late addition to the West as Olympic’s Josh Smith had lo pull out. The Clem- son signee couldn’t participate because he had nirendy played in two all-star gnmes. Dillard wns thrilled to lenm about his brenk. “ When I made the phone call and lold him what had hap­ pened, Shannon was up here very quickly,” Absher said. “It happened five dnys before the game.” People watched in awe os Jones, a 5-11 wing, averaged 23.7 points as an all-state senior. He nailed 873-pointers, the No. 3 total in school history. He be­ came the fifth different player in 56 years lo score 40 points in a game. He racked up 12 30-point gnmes in three varsity years. He finished No. 5 in career points (1348). He also averaged 4.9 rebounds and 3.2 assists as a senior. DAVIE COUN TY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 26,2012 - B3 Eveiyone wants to see what Jones does at the next level. He’s a Division-I talent, but he didn't qualify academically lo go that route. Instead he will go to Alabama next month and play for Wallace Stale Community College, located in Hanceville, Al. During the Davie season, ACC coaches couldn't stop raving about Jones’ extraordi­ nary athleticism and shooting ability. “ (Virginia assistant coach Ritchie McKay) saw us play three or four times,” Absher said. “He said; ‘I’ve seen 25 lo 30 high-school games this yeor, and I’ve seen one other guard that I would put ahead of Nate Jones.’ I don’t know his name, but that kid signed with Ihe University of Georgia. “ (N.C. Slate coach) Mark Gottfried talked about Nate defensively. He said any head coaqh is fortunate when one of your best scorers - and Nate was our best scorer - is also one of your belter defenders. That’s something coming from a coach at that level. “ In general, you hear a lot about how deep his ronge is, how he can just score Ihe ball and they like that he can drive and fiiiish.They also like the fact that he can shoot in transition. That’s one of Ihe hardest skills, but Nate’s as good as I’ve seen. That’s a skill that not many guys have.” Coaches Mike Absher and Chris Callison stand with East-West All-Stars Shannon Dillard, Nate Jones and Adam Smith. Jones’ new home come next month, Ihe Wallace Stnte Lions, nre synonymous with winning. ' Lnst year they won the Al­ abama Community College Conference Tournament to earn a berth to the National Junior College Athletic Association toumament. The Lions achieved a perfect regular season as re­ cently as 2008-09, when they were ranked No. 1 in the nation. Coach John Meeks, Wallace Slate’s coach for two years, is a proven winner, compiling 200-plus wins in his first eight years of coaching and guiding six teams to Ihe national tour- Highly-Regarded Twins To Join iVlartins At Davie By Brian Pitts Davle Enleфrisc Rccord Cody and Caleb Martin have some unexpected help in Iheir quest to follow up last year’s record-setting 23-win sea.son for Davie boys basketball. Another set of twins - Austin and Taylor Hatfield - have trans­ ferred from South Davidson to Davie. That’s two prolific scorers to go wilh the Martin twins, Kenyon Tatum and Pey­ ton Sell. Kurils Banner and Chris Campbell, who played reserve roles on the 2011-12 team, are rising seniors. The other six - the Martins,Tatum, Sell and Ihe Hatfields - are rising juniors. It’s been well documented the Martins ore highly-touted Division-1 prospects. The Hat­ fields, bolh listed at 6-0 and 170 pounds, are guards who arc Division-I prospects as well. The Hatrields were highly productive varsity players os freshmen at South Dovidson, with Austin averaging 19.5 points and Tnylor 16.7. They cnrried the Wildcnts - who were cooched then by Eric Alspaugh, who played at Davie and later coached on the Davie staff - lo Iheir flrst winning season (14- 12) in more than 20 years. The school’s transformation from punching bag to contender accelerated in 2011-12 as for­ mer Davie conch Jim Young look over Ihe reigns. With the Hatfields teoming up for 40.1 of Ihe teom’s 73.1 points, the Wildcats captivated Ihe Denton community with Ihe first 20-win season in school history. They went 24-6, shared the Yadkin Valley 1-A Confer­ ence championship with North Rowan and reached the sectional finals. The twins established glitter­ ing credentials as sophomores. Austin averaged 21.3 points, 4 i rebounds, 2.1 steals, hit 83 3-poinlers and converted 95 free throws, Taylor scored 18.8 points to go with 6.8 rebounds and 2.6 steals. He nailed 85 treys and hit 111 free throws. Both shot 70 percent from the line. The twins made The Dis­ patch All-County team for the second straight year, with Tnylor tnking home the Counly Player of the Yenr award. South and North Rowan split in the regulnr season, with South handing the Cavaliers their only league loss. When they met in the YVC Tournament finals. North squeaked out a,62-60 decision. Although that’s a 1-A ‘ league, keep in mitid that North edged Davie 60-59 in the Sam Moir Christmas Classic finals. The Wildcats’ storybook run ended in the sectional finals ogoinst one of the state’s finest teams, regardless of classifica­ tion. They were given little chance lo hang wilh eventual 1-A champion Winston-Salem Prep, and l^ p eventually pulled owoy 97-71 on the way lo a 31 -1 finislt. But the game was tied nt 55 wilh 3:21 left in the third quarter. Austin buried a 3-poinler lo lic |t at 55. Prep owned Ihe final 11 minutes, but il was quite an ac­ complishment for South lo hang around for three quarters. The twins were undaunted by Prep’s substantial size. Austin put on a show with 32 points and five 3s. Taylor also hit five 3s and finished with 23 points. The Hatfields and Martins have known each other for sev­ eral years.They crossed paths in middle school when the Martins ployed for Soulh Dovie and the Hatfields for Soulh Dovidson, When Ihe Hotfields decided to tronsfer to Dovie, Young resigned. Young, who went 77-49 in five years as Dovie’s coach (1997-98 through 2001-02), re­ signed on Moy 24. Young, who is retired from teaching, lives in Romseur, which is nearly on hour from Soulh Davidson. “The twins are transferring out, and that was the biggest reason why I went over there,” Young lold The Dispatch (Lex­ ington). “With the twins leaving and the travel, I didn’t think it would be worthwhile, really. They’re looking for belter com­ petition al Ihe 4-A level. I hope it works well for them.” Young found another coach­ ing job, taking over the giris program at Eastern Randolph. It will be his second stint with the ER girls; he coached there from 2004-07. The 2012-13 season will mark Young’s 41st year as a coach. “ 1 still love coaching,” Young told The Courier-Tribuno (Ashe­ boro). “ It’s 0 great opportunity and it’s right in my back door.” 'Obviously, the Hatfields’ deporture will be o huge blow to South Davidson. Molt Kiser has been nnmed the new conch, moving up from assistant. “They’re gonna be dearly missed," Kiser told The Dis- pntch. Both Hatfields are getting serious interest from BYU, Stanford, Western Carolina, Elon nnd Liberty. Rick Lewis of phenomhoopreport.com offered this evaluation of Austin. ‘ “ Austin hnd an outstanding performance at Ihe Inaugural Reebok Showdown, and his interest and offer list will only continue to grow this summer,” Lewis wrote. “A hnrd working gunrd thnt competes, defends nnd plays with an aggressive style of ball thnt is refresh­ ing today. (The Hatfields) will tenm up with the Martin twins at Davie Counly next season and watch their recruitment gain traction and momehtum. They ore fun to wolch and they know how lo piny the game the correct way, (In the Reebok tournament) Austin averaged 19 ppg for Knppa Magic, and no one outplayed/outworked Ihis young man.” Lewis' evoluation of Tayior: “Like his twin brother, Taylor is a hard-nosed young player that gives maximum effort 100 percent of the time. Knows how to run a leam efficiently and ef­ fectively and does all the little things/intangibles thot enoble his team lo be successful.” Open Tryout Aug 5th МиЛЬеб-вугеЫа-СаппоНитЭЬеГогеМауЬгои ШНес expoience REQUIRED - AU-Slar/TVavd experience a plüsV^ Information - contact Shane Simmons @>998-8850____________Ч R A N D Y M ILLE R & S O N S SEPTIC TANK SERVICE 295 Miller Road •Mocksville (336) 284-2826 • WePump^UcTinkt Stala CertlM Iniptctor Skid Steer Woik Trencher Work Hauling Septic SvMlemi nnment. Jones turned down offers from Dovidson Community College, Tallahassee CQ nnd Centrnl Florido CC. “ 1 think once coach Meeks got here and got in front of him, it really clarified a lot of things for Nate,” Absher said. “Note wos the fifth kid signed from North Coroiino, and they're coming here next yenr to ploy three gnmes.'Conch Meeks has a lot of connections with low- to mid-major Division-I coaches in North Carolina. They’ve gol a good academic support program in place.” If everything goes as planned, Jones will transfer to a Division- I program in 2014. “ Lost yenr they went to the nntionnl toumnment,” Absher said. “ In Ihe junior college world, that’s huge for recruiting. Because there’s a Ion of col­ lege coaches that come to thnt. (Meeks) wns nble to come in and tell Nate and his dad (Brad) that. Here’s some guys that I’ve had and here's where they've landed at the end of their two years. If he will do what he needs to do on and off Ihe court for the next two yenrs, I think he’ll hnve n grent opportunity to piny nl a very high level.” Dillard To Catavrba Dillard w ill take his un­ canny leaping ability lo nearby Catowbo, 0 Division II school. As 0 senior the 6-4 center aver­ aged 16 points and 9.6 rebounds. He went out os the No. 4 career scorer with 1,387 points. “It’s a good fit for him for a lot of reasons,” Absher said. “I think he'll be able to go in there and contribute pretty early in his career.” The Indians are trying to regain their mojo after a 9-18 season. That hasn’t been the norm under 18-year coach Jim Baker, who led Catawba to six league or toumament titles in one seven-year span. It has qualified for the NCAA D-II toumament nine times. “ Early in the season, one of their assistants saw Shan­ non play at least twice, maytie more,” Absher said. “ Obviously at the Sam M oir (Christma^ Classic) they watched him.They stayed in close contact. They liked Shannon as a person and felt like academically he could do what he needed to do. They needed on athletic guy that could block shots and play above tiie rim. So that excited them.” Boker is bringing in a nine- player class, maybe the most talented in his tenure. He indi­ cated that Dillard may redshirt this coming year. “ We really don’t wnnt to waste a year for Shonnon play­ ing him four or five minutes a game,” Baker lold the Salisbury Post. Regardless of whether Dil­ lard redshirts or not, the most important thing is he’s going to get a'college education and con­ tinue his basketball career. “ Basketball got him there, and four, years from now he’s going to walk out of there with a degree and he will have had the opportunity that very few people get - lb continue to play a game that he loves,” Absher said. “ He w ill develop relationships at Catawba that w ill be lifelong. It’s kind of hard for kids to see all that, but It’ll be a great op­ portunity for him.” W h e r e c a n y o u f in d t h e b e s t s e le c t io n o f p r e - o w n e d c a r s in t h e a r e a ? B L A C K AUTOMOTIVE GROUP in Statesville ^“With 300 Pre-Owned Vehicles In Stock”^ YO U W A N T E D C A R S P R IC E D R IG H T - B L A C K H A S T H E M !!! A re y o u lo o k in g fo r c a r s u n d e r M O , O down with your good credit. S B t V E Y o u ! We have 46 cars, trucks, SUV’s and vans for under Si 0,000. P L U S Over 40 late model cars, trucks, SUV’s and vans priced under $15,000. FREE History Check on all L vehicles. Are you Looking for a Certified Car? BLACK HAS THEM!!! Chevrolet • Bulck • CMC Downi.9?APR. Financing on most certified models (For Well Qualified Buyers) Y O U W IL L B E A P P R O V E D You must see for yourself. Blaclc Automotive has over 45 2011 & 2012 LOW MILEAGE VEHICLES! - MANY UNDER 20,000 MILES - CHOOSE FROM MODELS UKE: Ford Focus • Ford Mustang GT • Hyundai Sonata • Nissan Maxima Nissan Altlina • Nissan Sentra • Mitsubishi Eclipse • Chrysler 200 Honda Accord • Honda Civic • Toyota CorolUi • Toyota Camry Dodge Charger • Dodge Caliber • Dodge Avenger • Chevy Sonic Chevy impala • Chevy Mailbu and more... ALL PRICED TO SELL! PLUS OVER 35 CARS, TRUCKS, VANS & SUV’S 2009 and 2010 Units available all with low mileage and all come with a printed vehicle history report, gMng you peace of mind. S e e O u r C o m p le te I n v e n to r y a t: w w w . b la c k b u ic k g m c . c o m o r w w w . b la c k c d jr . c o m CALL US TODAY AT 704-872-7471 OR COME BY 809 SAUSBURY RD., STATESVILLE, NC • EXIT 49B • JUST 2/10 MILE RIGHT OFF 1-77 B L A C K A U T O M O T I V E G R O U P В4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 26,2012 Adam Smith drops back to pass for the West in the East-West Ali-Star Game in Greensbbro. in middle, he pitches on the option. At right, he reads an option piay. Sm ith... Smiti"! stands with family members. At right, he sits alongside teammates.- Photos by Eric Grooms Continued From PageBl Bnrgcr (1970), Cliris Jacobs (1984), Andre Frost (1989), Sam Stovall (2003), Ryan Boehm (2005),ReShaun Porks (2006), Garrett Benge (2008), James Mayfield (2009) and Zach Long (2010) as Davie pltiycrs who have mnde the East-West game. “1 had so much fun,” he said. “1 met a bunch of friends that I will keep in touch with.” Now Smith will turn the page to Guilford. He will re­ port to camp Aug. 8 to begin his college career. Tlie Quak­ ers’ 2011 starter returns, and Smith is among four freshmen QBs in the 2012 class. But he isn’t conceding anything. “I think the job is pretty open for anybody,” he said. “That’s tho way they’re talk­ ing to me at least. I’m not go­ ing in there expecting to sit on the bench. I’m going to work my hardest and try to get on thc field the flrst game.” 2012 NISSAN FRONTIER SV KING CAB, i Includes; Power Windoy«, P o t f t r D o o r Locks. Air Condition«^ One at this i M o d U e n u S rittm « e r '" : " " 'е д а в NMC S SOO) DijKOun« S HITS ¡<k*W,S67 2012 NISSAN JUKE ммыпот, wnimm S A V I N ’ D A Y S Q U A L I T Y C E R T I F I E D P R E O W N E D V E H I C L E S 2012 NISSAN SENTRA SR MfxMflUD, StkMtSe^VinlTMIM SaveBlj ^2,lOO0ff One at this pricwUlvr 2012 NISSAN TITAN .CREW CAB м о м ш т , stk. «usa VtnUMOH М5*Й FactofyRetute NMAC S^SÖÖ] Dhcowt SUOO Sale ^16)230 On« at thii price, 2012 NISSAN ALTI MA 2.5S US№ V ff* NMAC $ uo DàtauM $Д]ВО sate«25,62Ö w On« at thil price. MSRP/ 2012 NISSAN MAXI MA 2i5’SV MS№ $ДШ FxtoiyMiM $2.000 NMAC S SOO OÜcount SW МпЫППткММ«, _ v t a « m n , 8 2 0 : M S » s u m .ПсШчШ» iSlOCO NMAC’ $ SOO Docoint^ $]ДОО ,s à ie ^ 2 9 .9 2 S l 06 FORD MUSTANG GT LEATHER. SHAKER STEREO, NEW TIRES, STK. »P2215 $17,971 IS 06 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LfATHER, NEW TIRES, SUNROOF. LIMITED, STK. M667A $10,971 OSCADIUACSTS WHITE DIAMOND, TAN LEATHER, LIKE NEW,STKIP2178A $12,988 Je,988M SEtRlNG CONVERnBU UMITEO DROP THE TOP AND HAVE FUNI STKI6878A.... )2 DODGE DAKOTA due CAB »T, 5.9 ENGINE, C HRO M E WHEELS,NEW TIRES STK. #P221BA-J8,98B M NISSAN MAXIMA SL .EATHER. AND LOTS MORE STK. И800А_________________________*15,988 09 NISSAN CUBE CVT AUOYS. VERY ROOMY, OVER 30 MPG, CERTIFIED TO ШОК, STKIP2197 ...’14,971 b l ACURA MDX WITH NAVIGATION STK. 6570A..............................................'14,988 No c h e v y m a u b u l t STK.IP2241.............................................;...________________*15,988 n NISSAN ALTIMA I U 'UU. PWR, 1-OWNER, CERTIFIED TO lOOK, STKIP2I96_____________ >7 NISSAN MAXIMA SE SUNROOF, ALLOYS. BOSE, PURE LUXURY, STKIP2217-------------------- }B NISSAN ALTIMA 2.SSL ■THR, SUNROOF, ONLY 40K MILES, CERTIFIED TO lOOK, SIKt68<7A.. Ц 1 FORD FUSIONS! 'ULL PWR. AUOYS, PWR SEAT, STKIP22Ö7_______________-_____ lOFORDESCAKXLT ЛХ1Р2229.. 09 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.SSL L eather, su n r o o f. i-o w n e r, l o w m iles, stkip2209.. M NISSAN ARMADALE TO6926A.. II TOYOTA CAMRY SE IP2224... ,...*16,971 ..*16,971 ..»17,971 ...h7,971 ...17,988 ....*18,971 -*18,988 ..*18,988 .*10,988^7 mmm mi lUXURY RIDE AND FUN TO DRIVE, STK. IP2239 .7NISSAN150ITOUR1NG EATHER, NEWTIRES. RARE SPORTS CAR, CERTIFIED TO ЮОК, STKIP22«*21,988 0 NISSAN MURANO SL 2W0 1ATHER, SUNROOF, LOADED, CERTIFIED TO \OOK, STXIM99A________*»,971»NISSAN MURANO U AWD ’ ITHR, SUNROOF. 1-OWNER/LOCAL, STKI4923A___________________*M.971 lOB GMC ACADIA AWD ' .EATHER, SUNROOF, 3RD ROW SEAT, STKIP22I6...*26,971 629 Jake Alexander Blvd. S Salisbury, NC 28147 -............... www.BenMynattNissan.com SALISBURY PICKLES DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .luly 26,2012- US BY BRIAN CRANE (m i tmNg U)0M'T61bP w uuo с м и т ж .CHAWELONtHeiV?/. efÜPIP (’HOWE! STOPIP M PEER tUt » *1>\Н I ' , J L DUSTIN BY STEVE KELLEY & JEFF PARKER (g)TOiODi?A .гр/Л , Вб - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 26,2012 H e r n d o n L e d B a s e b a l l T o 2 1 1 W i n s I n 1 4 Y e a r s I L By Brian Pitts Davie Enterprise Record Milce Hemdon loves coach­ ing. He loves Davie baseball. He loves to compete in the rugged Central Piedmont Conference. But Hemdon hated missing his son’s games, and that’s the reason - the only reason - he resigned as Davie’s baseball coach on June 21. Carson Hemdon (6-6, 220) was a freshman at Liberty last spring. Most freshmen, espe­ cially at the Division-I level, don’t see the field much. But Carson saw the fleld moré than expected, even for a 41-19 power. The pitcher went 3-1 with a 4.60 ERA whilo making six starts and seven relief ap­ pearances. He worked 31 1/3 innings and held opponents to a .225 average. He’s currently playing for Forest City in the Coastal Plain League. Missing Carson’s outings was tortuous for his father. “I actually thought he’d be playing a position and then I'd get my fill of it on the week­ ends,” Mike said. “ But when he was pitching once a week, I missed it and that wasn’t any good. I didn’t want to look back three yeors from now and regret it. I prayed about it, talked to my wife about it and I felt it was the right time to step down.” Hemdon stepped down after guiding the War Eagles for 14 years. “I will miss the game and miss the players,” he said. “But I will not miss my son play. That’s what I’m not going to do.” DavieAthletic Director Mike Absher said; “ We respect his decision to move on. He’s just in another phase of his life. I ’m glad he’s still going lo be here as an assistant football coach and still teaching.” Before arriving nt Davie, Herndon led Southwest Quilford to the 2-A state championship in 1997. He coached there from 1991-97. With Hemdon at the helm at Davie, it was a rare year when the War Eagles didn’t have to be accounted for in the CPC. They went 211-130 in Herndon’s 14 years, including 77-67 in the CPC. Hemdon collected eight CPC titles (four regular sea­ sons, four tournaments) while becoming the winningest coach in school history.They captured the regular season in 1999,2006, 2011 and 2012,and they claimed the tournament in 2000, 2006, 2011 and 2012. Herndon led Davie to 11 winning seasons, including the seventh in a row in 2012. There were four 20-win seasons and only three losing seasons. The ‘ 11 and ‘ 12 seasons were smashing successes. The War Eagles dreamed about a state championship both years. That didn’t happen, but there were many great moments during 22-3 and 21-5 joumeys. Herndon’s career record in 21 years is 312-190. “ He w ill be tremendously missed,” Absher said. “He has been quality on and off the field, and he will be a hard man to replace. He had our baseball program at a high level.” Hemdon will remain at Davie in the PE department, handling strength-and-conditioning class­ es, and on Doug llling’s football staff coaching linebackers. “ He’s truly right for what he does for kids,” Absher said. “ Every day he comes in here as o coach and a teacher, he wants lo develop young men. I think that carries over to all the success he had as our baseball coach. He’s a competitor and he’s high in character, which carried over to his teams. He was always in control of his team and the situation, whatever they were faced with; He has those traits of what a good leader is about. He really had high expectations of his players on and off the field. I just can’t say enough good things about him.” Hemdon said the credit goes to talented players buying into his program. “They made my job easy,” he said. “ I’ve been blessed and fortunate. I really enjoyed it. I will miss the game and the players tremendously, but I don’t think I can live with myself if I miss my son play.” Hemdon is 47. When Cnrson completes his baseball career, Mike figures he’ll be fired up to get back into baseball. “I will take a three-year hia­ tus and see what happens after that,” he said. “ I’m sure 1 will want to coach.” In the meantime, he was be Davie’s No. 1 fan. “ I guess I ’ll go down to ‘liar’s corner” (down the, left- field line) and second-guess whoever’s coaching,” he said with a laugh. “ I’m kidding. 1 wouldn’t do that.” Absher said 17 coaches ap­ plied fbr the opening. The ad­ ministrntion is finishing up interviews this week, and the new coach will be named in the near future.Herndon B o s w e l l C o m m i t s T o D - 1 L i b e r t y Boswell After Davie’s baseball team won 22 games in 2011, two players - Carson Herndon and Alex Newman - moved to Ihe Division-I leyel. Davie won 21 games in 2012, and two more,- Ryan Foster nnd Corey Randall - arc headed to the D-I level. Nick Boswell w ill be the fifth D-I player from the 2011- 13 crop, the rising senior at Davie committing to Liberty University. The Davie second baseman will join Herndon nt Liberty. Newman is a rising sophomore CHAD CARPENTER‘D CO"TUNDRA at Gardner-Webb. Foster and Randall are rising freshmen nt UNC Wilmington nnd UNC Asheville, respectively. Boswell got a scholarship offer from Liberty on July 2. The next day High Point, a Big South Conference rival,offered. He also received an offer from Western Cnrolina. , Boswell said picking the Flames “was an easy decision,” adding “ I love the baseball coaches at Liberty. They’re re­ ally nice and they know what they’re talking nbout. Plus, the way the baseball program is , going (was a factor). It’s going up.” Liberty has been on the up nnd up for a long time. You have to dig hard to flnd the last losing season. The Flames have racked up USwinsthepast’three years, including a 41-19 mark in 2012. Their records the past seven yenrs; 39-21,36-25,35-26, 33- 21,42-19,35-24 and 41-19. Boswell impressed college coaches in June at the North Carolina State Games. “I knew they could mean n lot, but 1 didn’t think they could mean that much,” he said. “ I knew if I worked hard that it would eventually pay off, and it did pay off. And I’m happy thnt it did.” When the War Eagles went 22-3 in 2011, Boswell was the only sophomore in the starting lineup. It was hard to imagine a better nine-hole hitter (.290 overage). Boswell became the lendoff man in 2012, and he played a starring role on a 21-5 squad, leading the club in runs (29), walks/hit by pitches (23) nnd steals (14). He was No. 3 in nv- cnige (.373) nnd hits (31). He has spent the spring nnd summer playing for the Golden Spikes, a showcase leam out of Greensboro. “ 1 cnn’t really describe it,” he said of securing n future at the next level. "It renlly makes you work harder. It’s really an exciting time. But then again, you know there’s somebody out there trying to outwork you, so you’ve got to get better.” Boswell tumed in n terrific 60-ynrd time (6.6 seconds) at the Stale Games. Mike Hemdon, who coached Davie baseball from l999-2012,saidBoswell';s baseball IQ is extremely high., “ He’s a run-nnd-defense guy,” Hemdon said. “He had the second-fastest lime in Ihe 60 at the State Games. He has a great head on his shoulders. He kno\v;s how to play the game.” ; you WOUt-PM'T BELIEVE THE STEAL OF A PRICE I GOT THIS FORI The Davie Crush (ages 11-12) went 4-0 in a recent tournament, outscoring foes 53-4. Team members are, from left; front - Evan Marshall, Cody Smith, Michael Shelton, Landon Bandy and Hite Merrifield; back - Jed Bryant, Corey Wiles, Tyreece Hears't, Cody Hendrix and Brody'McCullough. Not pictured; Hunter Snow. ттпнрлаштсом, The Davie Jr. All-Stars won District 2 and placed third In the state. They are, from left; front-Toni Burke, Brianna Brewer and Kirsten Freeman; middle - Natalie Moore, Lauren Porter, Hannah Woody, Emily O’Connor and Lauren Coats; back - Brooke Ludwick, Makayla Cody and Rachel Smith. ! DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, I'liursday, July lb, ¿\>¡ ¿ -и / C h a f f i n G o i n g I n t o W i n g a t e H a l l Kendall Chaffin’s footbnll career at Wingate will be im- mortnlized on Oct. 20, when he’ll be inducted into Ihe Wing­ nte University Hall of Fame. “That was a pretty big sur­ prise,” said Chaffin, a lifelong resident of Davie County. “I got a call from (Wingate Assistant Athletic Director) B ill Nnsh about three or four years ago. He said somebody nominated me. I got a call about two weeks ago (from Nash). We started shooting the breeze nnd he said; ‘Well, pack your bags on Oct. 20. You’re going into the, ath­ letic holl of fame nt Wingate.’ I was pretty blown away.” It was Chaffin’s second hall- of-fame call. He wos named to the Davie High Athletic Hall of Fame in the fall of 2009. He was 0 star football player and wrestler at Davie, graduating in 1989. How’s this for 0 resume? Choffin was on oii-South At­ lantic Conference selection os on offensive tockle in 1992. He switched to middle linebocker for his senior season in 1993 nnd accomplished something that had never been done in the SAC. He wns oll-SAC on defense in ‘93. “(Nosh) said they’ve never had 0 ployer who has been all-conference on offense ond defense in the SAC-8,” Chnffin, 41, said. What’s more, Chaffin once plnyed offense and defense in the snme game. Then in 1994, he became the first Wingate player to play professionally. He played for the Taipei Dragons (Taiwan) in the United Football League. Memories come rushing bock os Nosh made the call. "Sometimes you have to move for the greater good of the team,” he said. "Going into my senior yeor, I was up for the blocking trophy for Ihe SAC-8. S S S P O T U G H T C l o c k R e p a i r S h o p O p e n s i n C l e m m o n s Working on clocks has always been something Don Ted­ der has enjoyed doing In his spare time when he wasn’t working at Piedmont Airlines. So In 1989, when Piedmont Airlines was bought out by USAIr, the retirement package they offered Don was to good to pass up. He was happy to accept It and retire. For the years since, Don has worked on clocks from his home until this past spring. Shop Opened This Past Spring “I had always worked on clocks at my home for people," Don said In a recent interview. “So this past spring, I de­ cided to open a shop.” Clock Repair Is located at 209 Meadowbrook Mall In Clemmons. Don services and sells all types of clocks. “Right now we have about 22 clocks In the shop for sale," he mentioned. “We take them on a consignment basis." Clemmons Resident Since 1970 Don has lived In Clemmons since 1970. His wife, Faye, Is a retired teacher from Meadowlark Middle School In Win- ston-Salem where she taught math and science. They have two sons - Mike who lives In Clemmons and Don, Jr, who lives In Monroe. Will Make House Calls for Grandfather Clocks Don also works with Grant Clark who has a grandfather clock business In Winston-Salem. “Grant comes In about two to three days a week and helps me out in my shop," he said. “Grant also makes house calls to homes with grandfa­ thers clocks that are too big to bring into the shop." For mantel and wall clocks, the shop in open for business from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Monday through Friday. Saturday Is by appointment only. If you plan on coming by, please call first. “When you are old and retired, you need more vacation time so I Just want to make sure that I am here," he said with a laugh. Don said that It sometimes take two to three weeks to locate a problem and find the parts to fix It. The shop phone number Is (336) 831-7462. Authentic ВагИегеПор Experience We fix $6.00 Haircuts! 3 Professional Barbers With Over 100 Years Combined E?q[)erience Walk Ins Wekome! 2721 Lewisville-Clemmons Road Clemmons (336)766-9011 Honre; 1Ue-Fri:8;30-6fl0pm Sat 8:00 am-noon WWW,(IemmoiiibaTberih0p.com W j < ^ O n N s Barbershop g > i E D W A R D S SID IN G & W INDO W S 764- Too hot on the deck? Can’t use In rain? Call us about our S tru c ta ll R o o f S yste m O f Too many flying bugs? No Problem. We also do Screen-ln rooms Free EstlmatesI M obile Phone 978-2299 I probably would have been an all-American at offensive tackle. My coach called me during spring break my junior year and said this spring we’re going to move you to middle linebacker. That blew me away because I wos trying to gain weight to get over 300 pounds, and now I wns going to hove to lose weight. My playing weight nt linebacker was 265.1 hod to be the biggest linebacker in thot ieogue.” FISH DAY! IT’S TIME TO STOCK YOUR PONDI Oellvory will Bo: ’nieiday, Auguit 7ClemmoM 4:(KM:45 9 Ckmmora Mftii Co. Wednesday, August 6Hljh Point 9:00-9:45 9 Soviwo'j WCouni/ GaideiiCiniw Thomsvill« 10:3W1:15 9 H« Fam « Oarten Tuesday, August 14 Slatesvllle 10:45-11:30 9 Soithem SUios SalllbUiy 1:15-2:00 ® Soutttm Slate Catfish $40/100 Blueglll $40/100 F IS H W A G O IV To Place An Order Call ■Toll Free 1-800-643-8439 ? www.dshwagon.com g “ D o n e D ir t C h e a p ’ Rosldontlol Drolnago Systoms Slorm Water Monogomont Wator Proofing • Boeomonl/Crowl Spnce Ucensed & DHvowoys • Gravol/Concroto IneureH Qradlng-'Excovotlng/Domolltlon Mieuiciu Mulch • Dirt • Sand • Qravol ddlgs.wordpress.com Clemmons, NC • Tom Jones • 336-749-0465 C L O C K R E P A IR GrancUathcr Mantle & Wall in-home in-shop service servicc 33M9Z-4368 s a t m r n 209 M e a d o w b ^ k M all Sale! m BAKERY THRIFT STORE i C a t e r e r s ; ^ our cheap prices Mon-Fri 9-7 Sat 9-6 Sun 10-5 PERKINS ROOFING “ Quality work at reasonable prices" Phone: 336-753^55 Fax: 336-7534373 ” Jesse Perkins • Owner 3ÍX) Spring Streei Mocksville, NC« n 1Й.1SPII-401SII I L A N D S C A P I N G 25"" OFF Mention Ihis ad Call ior a froo oetimoto at 704-746-4705 or 704-657-2728 Israel Melton • elitedesignland@aoi.com You can't control the market^ but you can control your decisions. Sometimes the market reacts poorly to changes In the world. But just because the market reacts doesn't mean you should. Still, il current events are making you feel ■ uncertaln about your finances, you should schedule a complimentary portfolio review. That way, you can help ensure you're In control of where you want to go and how you can potentially get there. Take control. Schedule your free portfolio review todayl Slayton R Нафе Financial Advisor 5539 Us Hwy 158 Suite 104 Advance, NC 27006336-940-3150 www.edwardJonei.com Mumbe» sipc EdwardjonesMAHINC SENSE OF INVCSTINQ ' ' h i B8 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 26,2012 i! : V Ww^.RanilyMarlpn.com • wivw.Randi/Marion.com • www.RandylViarion.cbni • wwwiRandyMarion.com * www.RandyMarion.com 'I I i w l Bell & Howiinl Chevrolet. ‘k : v N EW E X T E N D E D H O UR S: S A L E S M o n d a y - S a t u r d a y 9 a m - 9 p m S E R V I C E M o n d a y - F r i d a y 8 a m - 8 p m S a t u r d a y 8 a m - 4 p m J ' ' ' ! © s S s S s iS a D i C H A N G E No Appointment Necessary Does not Include shop supplies and NC lax. N/A lo 2011 & later models. Expires. August 31, 2012 ' S T j I'' R O A D 1 - 4 0 E X I T 1 5 1 ■ ’Vj Statesville ‘vl 704-253-4169saies 7 0 4 " 2 5 3 " 4 1 6 7 3 o r v i c e....... .................... ......................................... « W W W .R anf||fiyla(;|(in;^^www.RandvlVlarlort.Doni • www.Randyiyiarion.coni • wvtfw.Randy|Vlarlon.com • DAVIE COUNTV ENTERI'KISE RKCORD, Thursday, July 26,2012 - Cl Cooleemee News R i v e r P a r k C o m e s T o L i f e W it h T u b e s , D u c k s A n d P l e n t y O f F u n By Karen Chandler Smith Cooleemee Correspondent The Cooleemee Recreation Depnrt- menl is holding n River Cnmp Aug. 6-11. Registration will be limited to Ihe first 30 kids, nges 8-12. Conlact Ihe rec department nt 336.749.1961, cr284.6040. It will bo n week of learn­ ing nbout the river nnd il’s natural re­ sources. A cnmp out on the lnst dny will be fun and lunch will be provided every day. Tho week long camp is $25 per person. ■ The tennis clinic held by Kaci Cor­ riher has' been successful. She w ill be at Iho tennis courts Monday froni 10- 11 a.m. She will continue to hnnd oul cards for parents interested in priyntc • J' • leSsons b’iit the cllnics'nre free. ') ''* ' Daphne Beck, president bf.River- Pnrk wns pleased with the participa­ tion on Saturday’s RiverPnrk Festivnl, which included the first nnnual South Yadkin River Tube Rnce nnd the third nnnuni Duck Rnce. “ Hnving 28 par­ ticipants for the first nnnual tube race was successful dnd I want to thnnk ev­ eryone who helped make the festival a huge success.” Jami Lawhon won the lube race by a long shot. “I’m in it to win it,” she said nt the beginning of the rnce. Her sister, Julie Phelps, snid she whs going lo “knock everyone off Iheir tube lo win.” 'When the rope wns released for the competitors to stnrt Iheir journey down the river, Jnmi slung her nnns straight in the air nnd (ler pink flippers were locked in full speed ahead. She snid niong Ihe wny she got some leg crnmps nnd the flippers were rubbing ngninst n tender nren on her foot nnd siw took iliem off for a real. “ I hnd thoughts of going back and going down the river with everyone else but I decidpd to keep going be­ cnuse I wanted lo win this Ihing.” There were 28 people registered for the tube rnce nnd some had pnddlcs, some hnd nippers and some decided lo just enjoy Ihc rnce nt a leisurely pace. Tiie Dnvie County Rescue Squnil wns in the water and rendy to go. TWo scuba divers were in the water as the tubers were going down the river nnd about four boats were following Ihe pnck. Eventually, nfter Jami touched Ihe finish line, Ihe rest of the tubers slowly came in. Whnt looked like n boat covered in leeches were nil the olher tubers hnnging on the perimeter of the boni, Two scuba divers were at the boat ramp where the competitors received assistance getting out of the river. A leisure ride down the 1.5 mile Grilled hotdogs were smoking while music waves were bouncing off the river rapids. Several families came with tents and chnirs and Ihe little kids hnd fun in the shallow water right at the sandy banks. The duck race didn’t take long but it’s niwnys exciting lo see Ihe ducks clumped together as Ihey swim by the rocks, down the rapids and then gently slow down as they nppronch the finish line. First pince winner ■ wns Mike’s Wrecker Service, second was The Good Shepherd Episcopal Church and third place went to Jenny Tnylor. You would think sliding down the smooth rocks wilh the rapids splash- ridecan tidte up to.two hpure, but Jn- ing,on your.back, watching the lube ' ml’s*feibe*totnls'‘^efe‘‘3S’l\ift 14 seconds. Now we have n mark to shoot from next year and w» all hope we will hnve nnxious competitors sinnding in line to try nnd beat those numbers. watching and hoping your duck would win the race would be enough fun, but leave il lo kids and young'adults to look for more. Jamie Lawhon shows off her trophy, cash anij gift certificates as the winner of the first South Yadkin Tube Race. P i l l g i i f t S f " - ' I'i'.' Charlie Ferrell the river. swings toward Wayion Waller spots the third piace duci< at the finish line.Littie Hailie Head enjoys the water in the arms of Juiie Phelps. I C2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 26,2012 Ij! № I') I' i Loy-Price Engagement Announced Bobby nnd Sonya Loy of Mocksville announce tlie engagement of Iheir daughter, Kelly Chnrlene Loy to Hnrley David Price, both of Statesville, He is the son of Dan and Angela Price of Mocks­ ville and Anitn Nielson of Stntesville. The couple will marry on Sept. 29 nt Victory Baptist Church in Cooleemee. V P l i e n A N u r s i n g H o m e I s n ’ t T h e A n s w e r W ouldn't it be g re a t to have assisted liv in g in the p riva c y and com fort o f yo u r ow n home? That’s why so matiy seniors and their families choose certified In-home services from Providence Senior Care. As the preferred local provider o f C ertified Com panion Aides (CCAs)*, Providence Senior Care helps you live life on your own terms, in your own style and w ithout burdening family. Aifordable rates available for 1 hour to 24-hour care. C a l l t o d a y f o r a F R E E a sse ssm e n t (3 3 6 )4 7 2 -3 8 1 0 D o y o u n e e d a w e e k e n d a w a y ? W e c a n h e lp . A s k a b o u t R e s p it e C a re . P r o v i d e n c e S e n i o r C a r e M e d ic a id C e r tifie d a n d C A P D A a n d C A p p ro v e d N o w s e r v in g D a v i e C o u n ty www.providenceseniorcare.com j wvw.facebook.com/pige9/Piovlilcncc-Scn\ot-Care/281858985235693 J Snyder-Wyrick Engagement Announced Debbie Snyder and Dean Wyrick, together with their families, announce their engagement. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L a n y Fortune of Salisbury. She is the owner of Snyder’s Cleaning Service. The groom-to-be is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wyrick of Spencer. He is employed at Spillman’s Service Center. The wedding is set for Sept. IS at the Old t’ulton United Meth­ odist Church. Sr. Services Sponsoring Pigeon Forge Trip Davie Senior Services and J&J Tours are sponsoring a trip to Pigeon Forge, Tenn. Nov. 13-15. Partieipantswillattendshows at Dixie Stampede, Country To­ night and Blackwood Brothers Breakfast Show. They will tour the Titanic Museum, which is commemorating the centennial year of the maiden voyage of “ the ship that was not supposed to sink.” Two breakfasts nnd two din­ ners are included in the price, as is transportation in a motor conch to nnd from senior ser­ vices. For reservations or to leam more, coll 753-6230. White-Potts Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Kennon A. White and Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Powers of Advance announce the engagement of their daughter, Rachel Leigh White to Dnniel Steven Potts, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Potts of Mocksville. The bride-elect’s grandparents are Norma Jean Keesling of Bermudn Run, the late Donald M. Keesling, and the late Helen Stanfield White. She is a 2007 graduate of Davie County High School and a 2008 graduate of Davidson County Community College with a degree in cosmetology. She is employed by Pro­ gressive Image Salon & Day Spa in Winston-Salem. The groom-to-be’s grandparents are Peggy Rhoades Groce of Mocksville, the late M.H. Groce, Hoyle Potts of Lexington and the late Betty Potts. He is a 2001 graduate of Davie County High School and is the owner of The Gardener Company of Mocks­ ville. The wedding will take place on Sept. 22 at First United Meth­ odist Church of Mocksville. Class Of '87 Reunion Oct. 5-6 The Davie High Clnss of 1987 is planning a 25th-year reunion for the weekend of Oct. 5-6. Friday, Oct. 5 will be a Meet & Eat at Dnvic High starting at 6 p.m. with special parking pri­ or to the Davie football game. Alumni are invited to bring food and family to socialize be­ fore the ballgame. On Saturday, Oct. 6 the re­ union will be held nt Triple J i Fnrm off US 64 East in Mocks­ ville from 6-11 p.m. Dinner will be catered by Miller's Res­ taurant nnd dress will be blue jenns cnsunl. Cost will be $15 per person. Visit hlip;//davtehlgh87.wlx. com/ilavtelilgliS? for full de­ tails or contact Brad Dyer 909- 4147, Robin Frye McCarson 462-7027, W iil Marklin 909- 1230 or Jeannie Latham Ortiz 462-6244 with nny questions. I ANIMAL HOSPITAL OF EAST DAVIE S u m m e r B o a rd in g S -G ro o m in g _____________________________ vV Expanded 9оапЯид1иб1м1м: ' 4Ш 1с8регЙ г1ус La»twalkatl^OPM Emily Roberson, DVM • Deanna Lindsey, DVM Julie Williamson, DVM M-F 7:30-6-Sat 8:00-12 5162 U.S. Hwy 158 • Advance • 940-3442 Full Service Veterinary Hospital Laser Surgery and Ultrasonography D ogs • Cats • Rabbits • Ferrets • Pocket Pets ____________www.animalhospitalofeastdavie.com FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT® FOR HEALTHY LIVING FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY H E L P IN G K ID S S U C C E E D Donate a New Backpack and Join the Y for $ 19 Help kids Start the school year ready for success by donating a new backpack from now until August 15 and get your joining fee for only $19. All backpacks will be donated to Davie County Schools. Stop by the Y for more details. Call 751 9622 for more information or Visit www.davieymca.org Find us at www.facebook.com/DavieFamilyVMCA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .July 26,2012 - C3 i S u d o k u 1 2 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 1 6 4 7 9 8 4 7 5 3 8 f 7 1 8 9 2 3 2 1 4 At Camp Dogwood are, from left: Camp Director Susan King, Teresa Vines, Glenn Stephens, Elizabeth Vines, Hope Allen, and counselors Marie Robert and Shawna Maxwell. Locals Attend Camp For Visually Impaired Solution On P age C 7 Four members of the Mocks­ ville Lions Club attended Camp Dogwood in Sherrills Ford on Lake Norman June 24-30. C r o s s w o r d P u z z le ACROSS 1. Grin from ear to ear 5. B-29's quartet, for 8hort 10. Make ready for surgery 1 4 . Wanna Do" (Sheryl Crow hit) 15. Available for rental 16. Still capable of exploding 17. Dead end 19. Old phone button abbr. ■ 20. "Old MacDonald" refrain 21. Lassie's mat« 22. Was really awful 23. Biological quintet 25. Earth-friendly prefix 27. Navy, e.g. 34.__Bay, Jamaica 37. _ to go (eager) 38. Iranian of old 30. Ship's guidance system 41. Bowed, In music 42, Short round of tennis 44. Puts on one's thinking cap 46i Play follower, usually 48. Neptune's domain 49. Housed temporarily 54. Silvery fish 68. HBO alternative 61. "Peachyl" 62. Retreat lo a safe house 63. One who's constantly taking shots 65. Last word 66. _ LUNCH (store sign) 67. Statistics calculation 68. Took one's turn \I—Г""“ •U IV ¿u Ï5 Am«tlc«n ProfM Hodwlown Conimi 69. South African novelist Alan 70. Bellicose deity DOWN 1. Toyland visitors 2. "Dallas" matriarch 3. "Star Trek" extra 4. Revealing skirts 5. School gp. 6. Bowler's shot 7 . podrlda 8. The Carolina»'__ River 9. Piggy abode 10. Novel's essence 11. Longtime Phllbln cohort Kelly 12. Deadlocked 13. Exec's extra 18. Biblical verb 22. Soft seat 24. Kind of sheepdog or pony 26. The Ivy League's Big Red 28. In the past 20. Architectural order .30. Babysitter's nightmare 31. Euros replaced them 32. Fathers' brothers, for short 33. Swellhead's problem 34. Beanery handout 35. Baltic Sea feeder 36. Digs of twigs 38. Comfy shoe 40. Toothpaste- ' endorsing org. 43.. New York's _ River 45. Without support 47. New Hampshire city 60. Stuffed dell delicacy 51. Eva or ZsaZsa 52.,Practica piece 53. Old Venetian magistrates 54. "Pygmalion" ' penner 55. Silent performer 56. Temptation scene 57. Time to give up? 59, Jabba the _ of "Star Wars" 60. Gridiron great Graham 63. Absorb, with "up" 64. Won__soup A nswers On P age € 8 B U IL D A B A C K P A C K Help Local Students Succeed this School Year Every child deserves fresh notebooks, carefully, sharpened pencils, and durable, newly-ptjrchased backpacks that represent the start of the new school year. When a child doesn't have adequate' supplies, he or she struggles to focus on learning and academic success during precious classroom hours. Stop by your local Walmart to donate supplies or backpacks beginning July 23 through August 20. Donate a backpack at the Davie Family YMCA July 1-August 15 and Join the Y with only a $ 19 Joining fee. Thanks to the community partners who make this possible; Questions? Contact Walmart at 75 1 -1 266 or visit your local store at 26 1 Cooper Creek Rd, Mocksville, 27028 Walmart S iv«m oi4y,ll»tb«lnr.Dn<>Ci>uiityUiilMdWiy,lnc. Designed for the visually im­ paired, the camp is operated by the Lions for 10 weeks every summer. Campers come from across the state for weekly ses­ sions. Activities include swimming, fishing, boating, skiing, tubing, bing6, crafts, dancing, bowling and horseback riding.The camp provides trained counselors to assist and transport campers. > Mocksville Lions sponsored Teresa Vines and her mother, Elizabeth, who attended ns her caregiver, Glenn Stephens and Hope Allen. The cnmp has a computer lab and library, Braille books and magazines, large print editions, and software to help computer- savvy blind campers. "I love meeting new people, and seeing my old friends from last year," Stephens snid. "My favorite activity was playing my drum at the dance.” “ I am impressed with the counselors,” Allen said. "We nre privileged to hnvc such a wonderful group of young peo­ ple who are willing to spend their summer working with the visually impaired. They are a compassionate group who wo have had a wonderful time get- ting to know. When they leave camp and go to all parts of the world to continue college, or go into their chosen professions, they hnve enriched our lives.” Shnwnnn Mnxwell, n coun­ selor .from Lns Vegas, Nev., who is also visually impaired, hns n guide dog nnd holds n seminar for campers about ob­ taining and caring for such an animal. Hnving her dog helps comp- ers understand that a guide dog can make their lives more independent. She is a rape cri­ sis ndvocnte and part-time dog groomer. Another counselor, Mnrie Robert from NcwOrlenns, Ln. snid the grentest reward is see­ ing the smile of cnmpers nnd hearing their appreciation. "I am so impressed at how well orgnnized the nctivities are nt Cnmp Dogwood,” she snid. Susan King, camp director, snid: "1 hns been my pleasure nnd my honor to serve ns direc­ tor since January 2011. I nm delighted to be a part of such an importnnt program. Serving the blind nnd visually impaired residents of North Carolina is a rewarding vocation. “ 1 thoroughly enjoy nrrang- ing recreational opportunities lo benefit cnmpers. Working for tlie North Cnrolinn Lions, guid­ ing and growing this progrnm is an nmnzing opportunity that I am grateful to have. I have met many amazing people, Li­ ons nnd cnmpers, in my short tenure here in Slierrill’s Ford. 1 hope to spend much time this yenr reaching out to more blind nnd visunlly Impnired who mny not be fnmilinr with our pro­ gram," King snid. To leam more, visit vviftv. nclionscampilogwood.com. G reat Cooling Services I s r i g h t n o w s o o n e n o u g h ? s p ir e■'i/ftiimii iiiul ('.ооЧпц 3 3 6 -9 7 0 -1 3 5 9 Sell it in the classifieds 1-877-751-2120 S i)i'in (> ' 4 ' S u n li n e r S a le ! ^ a l e : 7 / 2 5 / 1 2 t h r u 7 / 3 1 / 1 2 Ben Franklin StorÈ Hourç Mon-Sat 9-9, Sunday 1-6 1115 Y a d K ln v illo R d. M o c k s v illo , N C 270 28 P h o n o 751 -5 48 B I I , I i’ ! 1.1'I. C4. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 26,2012 Farmineton News______ By Laura Mathis Farmington Correspondent On Saturday, July 20, resi­ dents celebrated the 41st year of the Farmington Community Center since it was deeded to the Farmington Community As­ sociation in 1971 by the Davle County Board of Education. The community come to­ gether to enjoy a fun-fllled event that provided a little something for everyone. The event was unique in that it not only brought the community together for fun, it also brought together other non-profits and gave them a chance to raise a support for their group or cause as well as the community cen­ ter. Members of the Farmington Fire Department Auxiliary set up gomes for the kids such as a big wheel run, wnter balloon toss, face painting and more. They always put ?orth a great effort to raise funds for the fire department and I encourage you to support them flnnncialiy when you can. Sarah HaUser and her family sold homemade ice cream, pop­ corn, and some yummy desserts to raise support for Ihe National MS Society. Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic, often disabling diseose that attacks the central nervous system, which is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. Her cycling team, the Peddling Pirates, rode to the event from Clemmons to show their support. Sarah and her team ride to, raise support for the cause throughout the year. The Farmington Ruritans sold hotdogs and all Ihe fix­ ings in support of their club. They work throughout the yenr to raise funds for community projects nnd scholarships for local youth. Along with good food, there was some great en­ tertainment. Youth . from the Rince na h'Elreann School of Irish Dance performed. Rny Presnell and Elaine Van Auken sang some old country fovorites ond Mel­ vin Wilson ond Billy Cnstevens of the'Billy & The Bluegrass Boys group sang some grent tunes. The gentlemen from the Piedmont Antique Tractor As­ sociation brought out their four-wheeled pride nnd joys, their beautiful antique tractors. There was n surprise addition to the display when Raymond Bowles and his son, Sam, brought their monster golf cart and little 64 John Deere' trac­ tor. Jimmy Hendrix brought his famous little train for the kids to ride. It is always a crowd pleaser as the kids anticipate hopping aboard for a ride. I'd like to know how many smiles that little train lias brought to the faces of kids and their parents through the years. We are thankful to Jimmy for hav­ ing the heart to create the little machine and the willingness to share it wherever he can. Please keep Jimmy in your prayers as he is facing some tough health issues. Thanks to David Bowles (Shorty) for driving the train. The Farmington Formers Morket provided visitors with some fresh produce ond goods to take home. They had a good selection of torhntoes, cucum­ bers, squosh, green peppers, canned goods, hand painted glossware, goats milk soaps, eggs and more. The Farmington Community Center stoff would like to thonk eveiyone who came to support the community center and the other non-profits, and to the vendors who spent the morn­ ing sharing their talents nnd businesses. There was a great collection of businesses repre­ sented: Scentsy, Mary Kay, 31 Gifts, Spry Shots, Haj Paj Bou­ tique, Broadway's Best Theater Company, Bath Fitters, Centu­ ry 21 Realtors, Stelln and Dot Jewelry, Soul Frogs, BeeGra- cious Birdhouses, and more. The Farmington Community Center is looking forward to an­ other year of working toward Please See Fnrmln|;ton ■ PuRe C7 Michael and Jed Fllppin ride the “train" at the Farmington Community Association anniversary celebration on Saturday. David Benfleld navigates the Big Wheel course. Farmington Ruritans ready to sell goodies, from ieft; Neal Essie, Tim Sawyer, Jim Latham, Tim Ballard, Frank Payne and Chip Essie. Melvin Wilson and Billy Casstevens play music. The Allens with BeeGracious Birdhouses are ready for customers. Raymond Bowles and his son, Sam, on the big golf cart and John Deere tractor. Karen & Michael Fowler with Soul Frogs show their display. Suzy Albert and her daughter with Stella and Dot Jew­ elry. UAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 26, M U ■ иэ Electronics Recycling Saturday Prints and Nerf are waiting for their forever homes and are among pets available from the l-lumane Society of Davie County’s Pet Adoption Center. A d o p t A F u r r y F r i e n d T o d a y ‘.'Prints” is a tri-colored (black/brown/white) Beagle rescued by the Humane Soci­ ety of Davie County from the county-operated animni shelter. He has a laid back personal­ ity and like nny puppy, loves to play but is happy to be curled up in a lap taking a nap. He’s neutered, up-to-date on shots with an estimated birthdate of March 17 and will need basic puppy training and the time needed for a puppy. “ Nerf” is a precious little blnck poodle rescued from the shelter. She’s smnrt with beauti­ ful eyes and soft curly hair. She gets along w tll with all of her canine friends at the adoption center, is spayed, up-to-date on shots, is kennel trained and has an estimated birthdate of June 26,2005. Students from the Rlnce na h’Elreann School of Irish Dance prepare to perform. Todd Taylor Taylor Joins Engineering Consultants Todd Taylor of Davie County has joined Jewell Engineering Consultants as project manager and water resources engineer., Taylor earned a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Biuefieid State College and a master’s degree in busi­ ness administration from Wake Forest University, He has more 'than 16 years of progressive engineering ejlperience in tlie public and private sectors. He is a licensed professional engi­ neer. Prior to coming to Jewell, Taylor served the Town of Har­ risburg for seven yenrs as town engineer and public works di­ rector. boug Jewell, the firm’s president, said: "Wc are very pleased to have the experience that Todd brings having worked both in the municipal and the private arenas. He understands better than most, the challenges thnt public officials face.” • Jewell is based in Kemers- ville, nnd provides wnter re­ sources and civil engineering services to local governments, individuals, and commercial and industrinl clients. These services include surface woter and stormwnter management, municipnl stormwater pro­ grams, water-related permit­ ting, flood control, dam engi­ neering, stream stabilization, lake mnnngement, drainage design, sediment nnd erosion control, hydrologie and hy­ draulic modeling, expert wit- , ness services, and general civil engineering. The cats and dogs nt the adop­ tion ccnter have received lots of T L t nnd socialization from stnff and volunteers. They have been spayed or neutered, are up-to-date on shots and waiting for their forever home nnd fam­ ily. If you need help with choos­ ing n pet that fits your lifestyle, experienced stnff can help. 'The adoption center is ot 291 Eaton Road, Mocksville and is open on Mondays by appointment: Tuesday-Fridoy from 11 o.m.-S p.m. and on Saturday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Kittens, cats, puppies and dogs are rescued several times cnch week. Check wmvMa- vlaiichwmiiic.org or visit the Humane Society of Davie Fa­ cebook pnge. Snturday, July 28, there will be a rabies vnccinntion clinic from 8:30-11:30 a.m. for cats nnd dogs Ht the adoption cen­ ter. Cost: $7 cash/shot. Cats must bc in carriers. Dogs must be on a leash. Three Yenr Shots require proof of vaccination certificate. An adoption fair from 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. will be at the Mocksville Walmart, 261 Cooper Creek Drive. Meet some of the ani­ mals nvnilable for adoption. CLEMMONS COUNTRY STORE2690 Lewlsville-Clemmons Road • 766-8988 F A R M E R ’S M A R K E T E S T C L E M M O N S ! L O C A L P R O D U C E B E I N G D E L I V E R E D D A IL Y ! IHIS WEEKS SPECIAL J99/ULTontaioes,Siiuasli&luGhlnnl Peaches Cnnteloupe Blueberries Ftesh Crop Pintos Cabbage Mollasses German Johnson Pink Tomatoes Green Beans Com New Potatoes Vldallas ‘ Locally Mado Salad Dressing & Bar-B-Que Sauce " PlmontoCnMM.LocdHon>y. Iiton vta C hldiw PIM, Country Hmtv Apptt Butter, PoundodiM, AmWt Product, PotRoM tPM v Pra««vw ,8ton*Q rounilQ it»4C om M M l■hllMlHlMiOllMKttZJMAll Spring a Sumnw Ragt, MallUix Conn And DOOfl MATS 20V. OFFI THANKS FORBUYINGWCAU 'vitii cjtir oiKt I Gnmdviciv Country Store25 Viilklin-Jle R(vmI. (IVihIc (hr llii/runvn I\>il (Xlkc) 'i.oiiu'ÌAihrii'thvìhmh'towitOtstimh'rSi'rvki', \\\‘ Aplmxliilv Your Ihnhws.*! S o f t b a l l T o u r n a m e n t for Habitat for Humanity When; Friday & Saturday July 27"'& 28'" Where; Center Softball Field \ . Cost: $175.00 Per Team Prizes: Xst Place Trophy & $175.00 ( . i 2nd Place Trophy Most Homerun Plaque Food & Refreshments will be sold -A -k 50/50 DRAWING & RAFFLE TICKETS ★ (Tickets for chances on great donated Items Including a 47" LDC TVS, numerous gift cards from area merchants) Hit your own ball, Classic IVI Balls only. USSSA Rules ALL PROCEEDS GO TO HABITAT FOR HVmNITY A new landfill ban makes it illegal to dispose of televi­ sions and electronics, such ns computers, printers, and video gnmes, in tiie Inndfill. Tliese items must be recycicd. On Snturday, July 28, 7:30 a.m.-noon, electronics will bc collected for free recycling nt the landfill at 360 Dalton Road in Mocksville. Items that will bc collected include PCs, hard drives, laptops, televisions, keyboards nnd mice, serv­ ers, cell phones, PDAs, video games, iPod and MP3 players, network equipment, VCRs., scanners, printers, copiers, GPS, typewriters, telephone systems, rechargeable batteries, and ink and toner cnrtridges. There are other options for mnny of these items, nnd work­ ing electronics cnn be donated to places such as Goodwill. The county will offer one ndditionnl electronic collection event in Breakfast Saturday Snlem United Methodist Men will sponsor n complete country brenkfnst Snturdny, July 28 at the County Line Volunteer Fire Depnrtment from 6-10 n.m. A choice of omelets and pnn- cnkes will also be available. Donntions will be nppreci- alcd towards the building fund for n new fellowship hall. There will bc baked goods nnd crafts nvnilable. 2012, on Saturday Oct. 27, at the same time and location. For more informntion or questions on local recycling op­ tions or the Inndfill bans, con­ tact Colleen Church with NC Cooperative Extension, Davie County Center, at 753-6100, or visit www.p2piiys.org/cilizeiis. asp for stnte wide information on waste management nnd re­ cycling. A S t o r e h o u s e F o r J e s u s will be helping with School Supplies for Davie CO. School Children SCHOOL SU PPLIE S NEEDED for Davle County School Children 2012/2013 DONATIONS ftCCtPTID Mon.-ThuB. »om-5Bm thni Aug. Uth AU SCHOOL tIEMS ARE GREATIY NEEDED WITH THE EXCEFHON Of: NO Craynti and NO Spiral Noteboolu WE PO ffiOk Book Bagsl Cokxed Pondls, Highl^hleis, Markets S Tliin Lne Markets, Sdssofs (poinlod S round), Pockel FoWers vim toads S 2-Pockel Folders, Gkie SScks, Didionaty (combination Spanish/English), DivUer Sheets, Zppcred Poudi (of Pencils, Smal Pencil Box, Block H Pencil Basors, Index Cards, tlire« fling Binders |all sizes), Calculator«! Texas Instnjmenls TI 34 (used (or Middle Sctiool), Parents MUSTttteel Income Roqulrementt. Parents MUST bring proof of Oavie Counly residence. Dates For DistributkHi: FRIDAY, AUGUST 17TH • lOam-lpm “WORKING PARENTS”THURSDAY, AUGUST IGTH • &-7pm only School Lists Hill he available for parents to take at Walmart In 2011 li-p f>ave out 6,000 school items. W'dielp Pre-K thru Uigh School. A Storehouse For Jesus 675 E. Lexington Rd. • Mocksville, N0 • (336) 753-8081 i Hariis Pool & Supplies lbàs*Clieiiiicab>Pool&Si))lnilabtlon Op«iÉg I Ctol« • ITiiyl liner i!t|4^^ Tommy Ilmri4/0wncr-0vcr2ü Yrs. Exp. 277 Plcasjuii Acre Dr.. McK’k.sviIlc Home (336) 28Ф4817 Buiittess 1336) 909^27. H U M A N E S O C IE T Y O F D A V IE H ilD C C O U N T Y R A B I E S V A C C I N A T I O N C L I N I C - $ 7 .0 0 c a s h / s h o t HSDC Adoption Center 291 Eaton Road, Mocksville • (336) 751-5214 Saturday, July 28,2012 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM FOR DOGS AND CATS ONLY ALL CATS MUST BE IN CARRIERS. ALL DOGS MUST BE ON LEASH. 3-YEAR SHOTS REQUIRE PROOF - VACCINATION CEKflFICATE Contact: Derrick NIcftols ЭЭ6-577-вв89 or Blake Nichela 336-413-9490 Hillsdale Methodist ages4 through5thgrade' Aug. 5-9,6:30-9 pm. Where kids leam lliat Jesus makes a difference every day! Y B S is an exciting, action-packed week of Bible lessons, .stories, .snacks, songs, gam es & more for ages K-Sth grade. V B S is F R E E and open to the entire community! 5018 US Highway 158, Advance Coondinntors; Courtney Randleman & Siielley Smnrt Registration forms: www.hillsdaleiimc.com. Kinderton Place (Lowe's Foods) Shopping Center24O NC Highway 801 North, SgiteG 1 Advance, NC 270P6;. . Phone: 336.998.7888 I Fax: 336.998.8811 Email: chilosmexicanrestaurant@yahoo.com ^ : ,1 I !' C6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 26,2012 Sheffield-Cdlahaln News By Brenda Bailey Shcffîcld-Cnlahaln Correspondent Nine elementary school children attended the annual “Christmas in July Camp" at the restored one-room Pop­ lar Springs School on Ijames Church Road July 9-13. Vauda and Robert Ellis moved the old school, which was attended by African-American children in the community, to their prop­ erty a mile down the road from its original site in 2004 and re­ stored it. Since then,. Vauda has lield Christian-based comps for chil­ dren focusing on heritage and crafts from a time when life was much simpler than how, Katy Alexander, who attended the flrst summer camps at the school, served as assistant camp leader this year. Campers included: Landon Correll, Ca­ leb Earnhardt, Jacob Earnhardt, Alice Ortibb, Hannah Keller, Emily Peterson, Rebecca Peter­ son, Sarah Peterson and Han­ nah Swisher. On Thursday, Calvin Ijames, who attended Poplar Springs as a child and still lives a mile away on Parker Road, talked lo the students about what it was like to go to school tliere and answered lots of questions from the campers. Ijames told the children Ihe school didn’t have restrooms when he was a stu­ dent. Instead, the giris and boys went to separate outhouses in the woods behind the school. Ijames said he once killed a copperhead snake in front of the giris’ outhouse when they spotted it and ran back to the school frightened. Students who ‘ lived all the way to the Iredell County line attended Poplar 'Springs. Bccause tho road to the school was oftentimes too . muddy for travél, they had to be dropped off the bus at Ijames Chureh and wnlked the rest of the way. Actlvhies during the week ‘ included making crafts with a heritage theme. Vauda taught the campers to make butter and sourdough rolls. After knead­ ing the dough, they carried the pans out to the back of her van to rise and then brought them inside to bake. Campers got a chance to eat a roll with homemade but­ ter with Calvin and took the rest ■home to share with their fami­ lies. Other guests were Daniel Motley, a retired Winston- Salem/Forsyth County school­ teacher who recently moved to Davie; and Kothy Chaffin, one of the original Seed Plant­ ers who helped Vauda get the school up and running. Robert Ellis stopped by to visit during thecamp. Vauda holds craft workshops for adults in thc school and spe­ cial programs as well as renting it for small gatherings and par­ ties. Poplar Springs School holds a Christmas Open House/ fundraiser every year. This year’s open house is scheduled for the first Saturday in De­ cember. Read more about Ihe school and scheduled events on its website at wwv.poplar- spniigssclwol,com. The school has also a Facebook page. Thanks to Kathy Chaffin for submitting the above article and photos on Poplar Springs School. Birthday wishes go to all those celebrating this week: Al Sutphin, Chrislain Reeves, Megan Nicole Stowe, Kourt- ney Cohen and Sandra Boger on July 26; Stacey Johnson and Eugene Reeves on July 27; Jeffrey Spry, T^son Wil­ son and Sherry Keaton on July 28; Corey R. Dyson and Clark Oobble on July 29; Brenda Beck on July 30; Seth Johnson, Haley Annette Atkins, Dennis Ijames, Cody Brown and Jan­ ice Beck on JulySI; and Paul Ijames ond Ben Cohen on Aug. I. Congratulations to Sherrill and Teresa Johnson who will celebrate their anniversary on July 26 and to Edward and Am­ ber Thutt who will celebrate Pastor Steve Rainey waves from tiie seat on the dunk­ ing booth). theirs on July 29. If you would like an anniversary or birthday posted in this section, please do not hesitate to call or email me. To rent the Sheffield-Cala- haln Community Center or Recreation Area, contact Becky Hill at 704-546-2508 or Doris Dyson at 492-5712. The Sheffield-Calohaln VFD meetings ore held each Mon­ day night at the station ot 7. Tile next Jr. Explorer Day will be Sunday, Aug, 26 at 2 p.m. at the fire department, open to children ages 8-13. For more information, please contact Te­ resa at 704-546-5603. We are proud of Justin Dy­ son for malcing the dean's list at Davidson Community College. Justin is a coptoin with the Shef- field-Calahain Volunteer Fire Department, a key ployer in the church softball league for New Union UMC, an accomplished singer and musician and is the lead singer for The Long Road. He and his wife, Heather, hove a son, Harper. Justin is thc son of Terry and Sandra Dyson. Al­ though he wears many hots, he still finds the time to further his education. Justin, we,applaud you for your hard work, dedi­ cation and being o role model for so many in thc community. Congratulations from all your community family. Family fun fest at New Union was 0 big hit for the young and not so young on Sat­ urday. There was lots of good food, games for all ages and a time of fellowship. Everyone enjoyed getting o chance lo dunk Ihe pastor. Pastor Steve thanks everyone for coming out and supporting this fun day. New Union thanks Pastor Steve for being such 0 good sport and making this family fest a day to remember. Thanks to Candace Vaughn for submitting photos of this event. The Men’s Fellowship of New Union will serve their fa­ mous hotdogs Saturday, July 28 from 11 B.m.-2 p.m. Come and enjoy some good food and fel­ lowship. Donations are accept­ ed. The women’s group will have a bake sale and will sell craft items, including the knit­ ted scarves that are popular. New Union is getting ready for Vacation Bible School Aug. 5-8 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Bring your children for a great time of learning more of God’s word. Children of all ages are wel­ come. The theme is “Galactic Blast.” This will be an “out of this worid" Bible school expe­ rience. Homecoming and revival at New Union is Aug. 12-15. Our homecoming service is 11 a.m. with the Rev. Benny Church os Please See S-C-Page C7 At the Poplar Springs camp, from left: front - Landon Correll; row 2 - Caleb Earn­ hardt: row 3 - Emily Peterson, Rebecca Peterson; row 4 - Sarah Peterson, Alice Grubb; and row 5 - Katy Alexander (assistant damp leader), Hannah Keller, Daniel ivlotiey (retired teacher/counselor from Forsyth County Schools), Anna Swisher, Calvin Ijames (former Poplar Springs student) and Jacob Earnhardt. Showing off their dreamcatchers at the Harmony Public Library; from left: Melissa Donnelly, James Donnelly, Lauren Donnelly, Bailey Frye, Karen Donnelly, Mary Warlick and Ray Warllck. ; Bailey Vaughn, Klalre Allen and Hunter Dyson at the ' Family Fun Fest.Pastor Steve Rainey and his wife Leslie are ready for a hotdog after the games. “ Folks enjoy a time of socializing at the Family Fun Fest sponsored by New Union United Methodist Church last Saturday. •■V . A' n David “Shorty" Bowles drives the Polar Express children's train ride. Farmington Pat Steelman, Sarah Hauser, Brittany Johnson and Eric Hughes sell goodies for the National MS Society. Continued From Page C4 meeting needs in the commu­ nity and continuing the preser­ vation of the old "Farmington School" to "Preserve the Past to Promote the Future". They will also be working loword the opening of the New Farming­ ton Noture Pork that will ben­ eflt families for years to come. For more information on the Farmington Community Cen­ ter, visit ww\v.Farmiiigtoitcc. ors or coll 998-2912. Juan Cohen, James Hendrix, Shorty Bowles and Eric Hughes display tractors. S - C ... Conttnued From Page 06 guest speaker. The Rev. Andy Lambert will be revival speaker Sunday -'niesday with services nightly at 7. On Wednesday, there will be a service featuring Kevin Carter and Full Assur­ ance. New Union’s fall festival will be Saturday, Sept. 22. We are taking reservations for vendor space, coil Ruby at 492-6399 or Brenda at 751-7567, On Sunday, July 29, Ijames Baptist Church will have a guest speaker, the Rev. Steve Hedgecock, at the 11 a.m. wor­ ship service. Everyone is wel­ come. The church family at Ijames express its deepest sympathy to Bonnie Chaffin Gunter on the death of her husband, Charies, Friday night. Our prnyers are with all of the Gunter family. Ijames Baptist Homecoming and Revival will be Aug. 12- 15. The Rev. Ron Harrison, di­ rector of South Yadkin Baptist Association, will be the speaker for the II a.m. worship service on Sunday, Aug, 12 and for revival. A covercd dish lunch will be enjoyed by all attendees following the Sunday worship service. Revival services will be held Sunday-Wednesday nights at 7. Visitors are always welcome. Senior Bible Study at Liberty Wesleyan Church is held the second Tuesday of each month at 10 a.m. Everyone is invited. The Harmony Public Li­ brary’s Summer Reading Pro­ gram theme is “ Dream Big, Read!" The programs are held eoch Thursday from 6:30-8 p.m. On July 26, it is Zoofari with Michelle McKay. On Aug. 1, from 1-3 p.m., the Summer Reading Program Grand Finale will be ot Tomlinson-Moore Pork in Harmony. Please note the new date and time. This was scheduled for Aug. 2. There will be a cook-out, lawn games. Harmony VFD truck (spraying water), mural painting to be displayed in the library, solar viewing and much more. The Astronomy Club members wiil bring filters to view the sun , which is the only safe way to look directly at the sun. Chil­ dren, be sure to bring your par­ ents to oil these events. If you have questions or need more in­ formation, call 704-546-7086. Thanks lo Melissa Gaither for submitting Ihe articles and pho­ tos for the library. Prayer list requests are for Lizzie Reeves, George Wall, Joann Ratledge, Eloise Ste­ phens, Jnnice Beck, Joonn Smith, Pot Gobble, Madeline Lapish, Bill Shoffner, Melody Wagner, Ray Wagner, Tenny­ son Anderson, Tom Wright, Rose Wright, Clyde Hutchens, Joyce Carter, Lincoln Dy­ son, Morty Lookabill, Johnny Walker, Robin White, Doug White, Jessica Blackburn, Di­ ane Shoffner, Jean Reavis, Ray Livengood, Cheryl Richardson, Mary Hendrix, Libby Creason, Teresa Campbell, Pat Moore, J.W. Keaton, Sue Allred, Sta­ cie Shoffner, Norman Spry, Wayne Dyson, G.H. Goforth, Fred Roth, Tracy Barnes, Todd Olsen, Frances Gunter, Roger Hutchens, Estelle Reeves, Lori Cheeks, Wade Reeves, Don Leonard, Melissa Lam­ bert, Bryon McClomroch,Tony Price, Terry Allen and Carolyn Jordan. Our condolences to the Charies Gunter family. As your news correspondent, I need your help to moke this a column of interest to everyone. If you have special memories of the Sheffield community, please contact me, I look for­ ward to receivmg your com­ ments, information and photos. Please submit your news items no later than 9 o.m. on Mon­ days, You con contact me at brjbailey@msn.com or at 751- 7567. A d v a n c e N e w s By Edith Zimmerman Advance Correspondent A trip is planned to go to the Chariotte U.S. National White­ water Outdoors Center Satur­ day, July 28. If interested con­ tact Advance United Methodist Church Family Ministries Co­ ordinator Janna Watson nt 940- 2533 by Thursday, July 26. We were happy to see Leslie Fidler at church Sunday after illness. Leslie and husband John were accompanied by friends from Maryland Larry and Les­ lie Pozancek who are visiting the Fidlers for the week. Edith Zimmerman’s grand­ children, Christopher Fariey of Arlington, Va. nnd Denise Far­ ley of Boulder, Colo., arrived Tuesday for a few days visit. Christopher left on Thursday, Denise remained with Edith through Saturday. Jack Gray, o student ift the University in Auburn, Ala,, arrived Saturday to visit his grandmother, Jeanette Cor- natzer, for a few doys. Jonie Hendrix arrived home Tuesdoy after spending the past week with her children and grandson Meredith H. Go­ wen, husband Chris Gowen and young son Caleb in Cary. Bill and Moriene Whicker of Walnut Cove were Thursday visitors of Anna Lee Myers. Crossword Answers Sudoku Solution 6 1 8 9 7 2 4 5 3 9 2 4 3 S 1 8 7 6 5 3 7 6 4 8 9 2 1 1 5 6 2 8 4 3 9 7 7 9 2 5 6 3 1 8 4 4 8 3 7 1 9 5 6 2 3 4 5 8 2 6 7 1 9 B 6 1 4 9 7 2 3 S 2 7 9 1 3 5 6 4 8 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 26,2012 - C7 Pino News By Nora Latham Pino Correspondent Stephen Weymouth wns guest speaker at Wesley Cha­ pel United Methodist Church on Sunday. He is finishing his pastoral internship ot Farming­ ton UMC. This Sunday there will be a song service at 10 a.m. featur­ ing Tom and Toni Horton, and Rick nnd Judy Wilson'and Bob and Kathy Ellis. Several members of the Wes­ ley Chapel United Method­ ist Women traveled to Cross- nore this past weekend to visit Crossnore School and attend the annual play at the school, 'Miracle in the Hills’. They were saddened when they got there to hear of the death of, the administrator and friend. Dr. Phyllis Craine, who had been fighting cancer for sev­ eral years. Those making the trip were Kathy Ellis, DeWiilo Smith, Betty West, Toni Hor­ ton, and Sara Eure. Bob Ellis drove the van. Descendants of Artifus and Mary Peari Weatherman Ru- pard gathered Sunday at Hunts­ ville Baptist Church, the home church of Mama and Papa Rupard, to celebrote family. The Rupords hod 13 children. They have all passed away ex­ cept one, Clarence, who is 88 and lives in Mocksville. He wos able to attend the reunion. Members from nine of the chil­ dren's families enjoyed the good food and fellowship. The children of Mary Luna Rupard Fulk hosted the event. C o u n t y L in e N e w s By Shirley Tliorne County Line Correspondent The V-point Ruritans thank everyone who sup­ ported their supper Satur­ day. The United Methodist Men of Salein w ill host a country Haiti and sausage breakfast from 6-10 a.m. Sat­ urday, July 28 at the County Line VFD on Ridge Road .1 mile from US 64 West. The breakfast buffet w ill include fried country ham nnd sau­ sage, scrambled eggs, grits, baked apples, biscuits, and drink. Omelets w ill be avail­ able upon request. Make a donation and enjoy break­ fast with family anti friends. Shop the bazaar table for a pie or cake and the yard sale outside for that hidden trea­ sure. Proceeds w ill benefit the building of a new fellow­ ship hali. The United Methodist Women o f Clarksbury w ill host a community-wide prayer breakfast at 8;i5 a.m. Sunday, July 29 in the fel­ lowship hall. Carol Brazel w ill lead the program. Ev­ eryone is invited. Society Baptist Church w ill have a spaghetti supper at 5 p.m. Sunday in the fel­ lowship hall. After the sup­ per there w ill be a gospel singing featuring the Glory Street Quartet of Kemers- ville at 6 p.m. in the sanctu­ ary. Church members invite everyone for the fellowship supper and singing. Society w ill have "W ild for Wednesdays" for children and youth next week. This week the group were going to Sci-Works. Call Pastor David Childress on 466- 0423 for information about the activity next week. The United Methodist Women o f Clarksbury w ill collect school supplies for the Harmony Elementary School until the end of Au­ gust. If you wish to donate, please call Joneli Lewis on 492-7496. Piney Grove AM E Zion Church is hosting a sum­ mer feeding program for children ages 2-18 from 11 a.m.-l p.m. Monday-Friday in the fellowship hall. Chil- dren are invited for a good nutritious meal. There is no charge. For more informa­ tion, please call the church office on 704-546-2799. The Women on Missions of Society Bnptist w ill col­ lect children's snack food for the next few weeks. The food w ill be distributed to families in need via the South Yadkin Food Pantry. To donate snacks or money, please call Mary Jo Lewis on 704-546-7141. Calvary Baptist Church is supporting the "Coupons for Soldiers" program. If you have coupons you are not us­ ing including those that have expired, they can be used to help support soldiers. For more informntion or to do­ nate, plense call Edna Sim­ mons on 909-1425. Upcoming community events include a V-Point Ruritan country ham and sausage breakfast from 6-10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 4, at the V-Point Building; vacation Bible school for all ages at Pleasant View Baptist from 2-6 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 4; and honiecoming at Clarks­ bury United Methodist Church Sunday, Aug. 19. Our community extends its deepest sympathy to the fam ily o f Octavia "Tippy" Wilson Clement, who died Saturday at the Knte B. Reynolds Hospice House in Winston-Salem. She had been hospitalized in critical condition about three weeks prior to entering Hospice. A County Line native, she was bom in Davie in 1936 to the late Andrew, and Dora ■nimer Wilson and was the youngest o f 12 children. She was reared pn the Wilson family farm off Ridge Road and attended grade school at Poplar Springs School and high school at Davie County Training School. She married Odell Clement o f Cooleemee, who prede­ ceased her. The couple set­ tled in Cooleemee and later moved to the Wilson farm o ff Ridge. A former sewing machine operator, she was retired from Sara Lee, After retirement, she worked at Davie Senior Services and did store merchandising. She was a lifetime mem­ ber of Piney Grove AM E Zion Church, where she was a delegate to the district AfylE Zion conference and a member o f the Senior Adult Choir and Usher, Steward­ ess, and Missionary Boards. A service celebrating her life w ill be held at 2 p.m. today (Thursday) at Piney Grove with burial to follow in the church cemetery. The fam­ ily w ill receive friends from 1:30-2 p.m. at the church. Much appreciation is given to her family for her con­ tributions to news "flash­ backs" through the years. We send get-well wishes to Rhonda G riffith Bridge- man, Faye Koontz Dwiggins, and David Steele. Rhonda and husband Richard were in a wreck last week; she was treated and released at the hospital and is recuperat­ ing at home. Faye has been at Forsyth Medical Center. David was injured when his lawn mower tumed over. Margie Beck has improved and was at church Sunday. Brandon Gwnltney's proce­ dure last week indicated the hole in his heart had healed itself and his heart is func- ■ tioning normally: he is sup­ posed to return to his pulmo­ nary specialist for treatment. Elaine Whitley continues to await test results. Jewell Waller continues to await a kidney transplant. Lois Harris and Howard Safriet remain in rehab at Autumn Care of Mocksville. Join us in prayer for the Lord's divine healing and blessings upon Rhonda, Faye, David, Margie, Bran­ don, Elaine, Jewell, Lois, Howard, and others who are having health problems. Re­ member in prayer the family of "Tippy" as they adjust to life without her. Also, re­ member in prayer the fami­ lies o f those killed or injured in the Colorado shooting and the family of the shooter. For news and memories to share, please call Shiriey on 492-5115 or email sdtlink© hotmail.com . For any item requiring an immediate re­ ply, please call since I w ill not be checking my email on a daily basis until I get an­ other computer. I C8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 26,2012 r 'l.} \^l : The rubber ducks are dumped into the river at the start of the race; while a Winston-Saiem Journal photographer gets perch on a rock to catch a shot of the race. R i v e r ... Continued From Page C l A group of people was headed down a trail up nbove the dam to where Ihey snid a rope wns hanging from a tree brancii. Nnturnily, they were going to swing out and jump in the river; I hnd lo go so 1 could get some good videos and pho- togrnphs. Yes, Il wns muddy from the rains nnd the wet bodies mnde the ^irt hill nice nnd wet as Ihey ' climbed out of Ihe river lo do il ngnin nnd ngnin. The recrention director, Snn­ drn Ferrell, climbed Ihe hill nnd took a fearless swing into the river. Then somehow, the pres­ sure wns on me. Next Ihing I knew, someone wns holding my recorder, my money, my cnmern and their positive rein­ forcement mnde my feet cnrry me to the top of the hill and that is where I stood for 15 minutes, holding the rope. There is one Ihing about be­ ing older, you see things you want lo do but realistically, you need lo calculate if you should tnke a chnnce of putting your­ self out there. My wedding bnnd has been in my jewelry box for some time because my joints have been swollen and sometimes mnking a iist in the mornings has been painful. Realistically, 1 didn’t know if I would hnve the strength to hold myself up long enough to mnke it to the water.. With my hnnds shnking nnd a sick feeling in my stomach, my sock feet left the mud nnd I wns holding on for denr life. I wnmed the crowd that I was going to have to hold my nose after letting go, but 1 didn’t gel the chnnce lo do that. The plan wns, let go, hold my nose nnd all would be well, but while holding on to the rope tight, my hands slid down the rope and I eventunlly fell into the wnjer. An ugly sight I ’m sure, but 1 did come up for nir. My sinuses were full of Ihe dirty river wnter and I wns spil­ ling and coughing out water like n drowning person. I just knew someone would jump in to mnke sure I wns okny, but in­ stend I believe I henrd laughter in the background. As I pulled my hnnds out of Ihe water, they looked like Ihey were broken. My ring finger was twisting and bending sideways and I couldn’t mnke n fist nnd my pinky on the other hand was purple. A nice man named Jason grabbed my hands nfter I pul my foot on n tree root nnd he pulled me to safety. Someone said, "Now wasn’t that fun?” nnd 1 quickly said, "Np,” Would I ever do it ngain? Well, maybe 30 pounds lighter I might and if I hnve been to the gym consistently for six months. If I hndn’t jumped, ! would have carried that for a long lime with regret. But sometimes, you just havo to go. The hnnds mny be shnking nnd the bulterfiles' mny be doing flips in Ihe slom- nch, but when you tum nround nnd look where you’ve been, you could put a skip in your step and a smile your fnce, I didn’t hnve a skip in my step,, but I did have n smile on my fnce, I cnn sny I swung from n rope into the river nl the South Yndkin River Festival and it was grent, Plense feel free to contact me at www,cooleemeenews® gmall.com or call me at: 336.250,1133,1 would love lo henr from you. The Hahn family from Cornelius came ready to spend a fun day on the river. Tubers make splashes as the first race to RiverPark starts Saturday, a part of a festival celebrating the river and park.- Photos by KC Smith R ig h t4 n o u r o w n b a c k y a rd f o r 3 0 y e a rs . Amoiiü tho m<iitv liMSures oi owning yoin own liniiic. IS voui ovyn lii\ckvi)id. dm (, lommons Bi,incli is anothoi Irensiiti’ loi oiii ( oiiiiiuniilv Wi'’n' i i'k‘hi,Uiiii;o)iii ïolli annivcis.nv in Clcinnion-. I ii.I.iv. Ain',u -! I'liM '-i' sl(i|i hv .uul ( wilti II', lumi H' lo ; 1 i;;hl u 'lli'sliiiiriils will 111' st'iviHl. Wo look loivv.iid In '.i'I'lin; . 'ii' the place ijoii call Iìoìiìc Celebrating 3 0 years in Clemmons, August 1 7 . FEDERAL SAVIN os BANK straightforward, commonsense Banking* ' 336.766.05811 pledmontfederaUom ; 3701 Clemmons Road, Clemmons, North Carolina 27012 ;■ MEMBER FDIC, Piedmont Federal Savings Dank Davie County Arts Council jovites sty dents ages 8 to 15 to iwditioii for the Missoula Children’s Theatre Production of.... a n d G R E T E b SEE DETAILS AT: www.daviearts.i^ or caU our Box 0 № e (Mon.-Fri. Noon'til5:00p.m.) 336.751.3000 for your audition A u g u s t 6 t h at 1:00 p.m. Youth 1>AV till 1 I t Illll JUIJ' AU â^A Cornatzer Elementary camp students Bryson Parker, Brandon Hernandez and; Wyatt Burton get a close-up look at a lobster at Lowes Foods. M a k in g G o o d C h o i c e s Students Learn About Healthy, Local Foods Studcnt.s nt cump nt Cornntzer Elementary School know about the food they ent. They know thnt bees make honey, how vegetnbles grow and how to go shopping. • The students finished InsD goes on behind the scenes nt n grocery store. Did you know that Ihe henllh- iest food is usunlly found along the perimeter of the store? The field Uip was tho culml- okler students sorted food into food groups. The third and fourth grad­ ers continued their STEM unit of study with n challenge to ' create containers that would carry squash from the fnrm to the marke^. Bach small group designed their own unique container. These students were The songs, pninting, gnmes nnd engaging lessons hnve kept llie students busy. Above, Cora Whit­ ley learns about buying food at a grocery store. At left, George Snyder talks about the im­ portance of bees. And below,. Brae Scanlon and Randy Martinez learn how a beehive works. nntion of the food unit. In which week with Rene Qnlllher of V jtudems learned nbout henlthy Qiilliher Orgnnlc Farms bring- . fopd choices nnd the dangers of ing a vnrlety of orgnnlcnlly too much sugnr. ,growri fniits. nnd vegetnbles , The, first and second graders introduced ^q n6W'.:lg]plop cpm- for n tnstlng fensl. She niso measured the amount of sugar puters, supplied mnterialS’^5d‘'£nmpeW’i^ ' Colce'hnd in cereals. Sugnr could plant squnsh seeds nnd is ndded to mnny foods, Ihey tnke their new plnnts home to lenmed. Kindergnrtners nnd the grow. ________ Davlc Coimty beekeeper George Snyder visited the stu­ dents on'Uiesday, July 17. He brought a demonstration hive, real beeswax, n smoker, gloves, nnd his hnt. The students were amazed to learn thnt bees can find their wny nround so well ■and thnt they venture six miles nway from the hiye‘. He told them that without bees, mnny food crops would not be polli­ nated, giving the students a new appreciation for honeybees. Students traveled to Lowes Foods in Advnnce lo .see what Emma Cole enjoys a snack. Teacher Hannah Beck has,fun with the students Barry Fortune and Brianna Howell pay attention on a at Lowes Foods. field trip. L' ' D2- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, July 26,2012 Obituaries Betty Jean Forrest Mrs. Betty Jenn Normnn For­ rest, 72, of Fork Bixby Rond, Advnnce, died Snturday, July 21, 2012, nt WFBMC in Win­ ston-Snlem. She was born July 25, 1939, in Davidson County to the Inte George nnd Agnes Holt Nor­ mnn. Mrs. Forrest loved cliil- dren'nnd cooking. She wns also preceded in death by 2 brothers, June and . Jnck Normnn. Survivors; her husband of 58 years, Phillip Junior Forrest of the home; a daughter, Bnr- bnra Forrest Crnver (Jeff) of Advnnce; 2 grnndsons, Dnniel Franklin Craver (Nicole) and Joshua Gene Craver (Amber): 2 great-grnndchildren, Jonah Ezekiel Crnver and Joy Elisa­ beth Crnveri n sister, Mnrie Myers; 6 brothers, Glen Nor­ man (Mnrie), Wayne Normnn (Lois), E.D. Normnn (Mnrie), Fred Normnn (Evelyn), Jlmbo Normnn (Henrietta) nnd Albert Normnn (Ellen), nil of Lex­ ington; nnd severnl nieces and nephews. A funerni service wns con­ ducted at 3 p.m. Tuesdny, July 24 at Eaton Funeral Chapel. Burial followed in No Creek Primitive Bnptist Church Cem­ etery. The family received friends on Mondny, July 23 at the funeral home. Online condolences: u'lviv. eatonfimerahemce.com. M E T A L R O O F IN G 3’ Coverage • 40+ Colors 411 COLOM АйВЕНешаТАПЯАТеО 4 0 Year Warranty UP TO *500“ TAX CREDIT AVAILABLE Call for prices! 1 - 8 8 8 - 2 7 8 - 6 0 5 0 MID-STATE METALS ol the Carolinas, LLC j www.mldstatemetals.com l Octavia Clement ‘ Octnvin "Tippy” Clement died on July 21, 2012 nt Knte B. Reynolds Hospice Home. She wns born in Davie Coun­ ty on Sept. 18, 1936, dnughter of the late Andrew nnd Dora T. Wilson. She attended Pop­ lar Spring and Davie County Trnining Schools.She worked at the Senior Service Center in Mocksville. She was n lifelong member of Piney Grove AME Zion Church, where she served ns president of the Stewnrdess Bonrd, Usher Bonrd, Senior Choir Member and Mission­ ary Depnrtment. Her hobbies included sewing, making sweet potnto pie nnd sweet potnto cobbler for her fnmily. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Odell Clement; a son, James Adnm Clement: 7 brothers; nnd 3 sis­ ters. ' Survivors; 2 sons, Duncnn Clement of Cooleemee, nnd Chnrles Clement nnd friend Clicri of Mocksville; 3 daugh­ ters, Portin Wilson of the home, Cathy Scott of Mocksville, nnd Pnmeln (Dnn) Brinkley of Winston-Salem; n sister, Ceoln Wilson of Mocksville: her god-mother, Ruby Houpe; piny brother, Luke Nichols; a specinl friend, Otelin Turner; a specinl co-worker, Nancy Lucky; 11 grnndchiidren; 11 grent-grnndchildren; a grent- great-grnndchild; other reln- tives nnd friends. Her funeral service wns to be held Thursdny, July 27 nt 2 p.m. nt Piney Grove AME Zion Cluirch in Hnrmony. The Rev. Mnrcus Fnrmer wns to officiate nnd burinl wns to follow in the church cemeteiy. The family wns to receive friends 30 min­ utes before the service. Online condolences; tfii'ii', GrahamFtmeralHome.net. Tell us what you think with a letter to the editor Details, Page 2 Isaiah Blake Campbell Infant Isaiah Blake Camp­ bell died Wednesdny, July 18, 2012. He wns bom June 20, 2012 in Forsyth County to Jnmes (J.C.) nnd Brittnie Wagner Campbell. In nddition to his pnrents, survivors include; grandparents, Cnrolyn nnd Roger Mullis of Yndkinvllle, Patricia Wagner of Waverly, Ohio; Timothy Wag­ ner of Mocksville; grent-grand- parents, Lynn Horne Wngner of Hnmptonville, Joel Wngner of Mocksville and Carol Kiger of Yadkinville, Blanche nnd Rnn­ dy Evans and Jim and Thelma Hickman of Waverly, Ohio; and nunts nnd uncles, George Wngner, Annn Wngner, Megnn , Sidden, Christopher Bullin, Rebeccn and Matt Huttar, nnd Michelle Tucker. A graveside service was conducted Friday, July 20 at 10 n.m. nt Mnrler Rond Bnptist Church cemetery with Pnstor Rnndy Johnson officinting. Faye Clark Willard Fnye CInrk Willnrd died on July 16,2012. She wns born Feb. 16, 1923 in Bedford County, Tenn. to Wnlter Clny CInrk and Ruth Smith CInrk. She hnd resided in Winston-Salem. She blessed mnny and loved more through her faith, laughter, smiles nnd strength. . Survivors; Cheryl Willnrd Nehnevnjsn (Peter) of Win- ston-Snlem; Scott A. Nehneva- Jsa (Ericka) of Atlnn^, Gn.; Knren J. Rnmey (Joshun nnd grnndson Isainh) of Hillsville, Vn.; Thomns Clark (Mildred nnd dnughter Amy) of Bowl­ ing Green, Ky.; brother-in-law, Glen P. Willnrd; nephew,Glen; nieces, Dinnn nnd Marie, all of Belnlr, Fin.; nnd mnny nieces, nephews, extended fnmily and friends, A funerni service followed by visitation was conducted at 4 p.m. Fridny, July 20 nt Clem­ mons United Methodist Church with Revs, Chris Thore, Mnr­ cus Portis and Pnula Northrup officiating, Burinl wns at Ever­ green Cemetery in Murfrees­ boro, Tenn, Memorials; Sons of Thunder Qunrtet: Disciplined Order of Christ (www.clochrMrg); or Debbie Burchett Endowment Fund (DBEF), David Alvin Moran Dnvid Alvin Mornn, 73, of Stone Lnke, Wise, died on Thursday, July 19, 2012 at his residence, after finding out he had terminal leukemia on Mny 4,2012. He wns bom nnd raised in Trevor, Wise, by Alvin and Flossie Moi;an, who taught him to vnlue a job, work hard, and trent others as you want to be treated. He served seven yenrs in the U.S. Mnrine Corps Re­ serve. He worked at Americnn Motors/Chrysler, in Kenosha, Wise, for approximntely 30 years, and retired in 1993. He spent a few years in Mocks­ ville before moving up to Stone Lake, where he had dreamed of spending his Inter years; n pince where he nnd his fnmily hnd property. Stone Lake was the place where he vncntloned, fished, and hunted since child­ hood, Ho wns a hunter nnd wns pnssionnte nbout nniriials and nature. He was an nuto nnd trnctor collector nnd enthusiast. Buying nnd selling was an ev­ eryday thing. His pnrents, brother Frnnk Moran, and sister Dolores Pa- gel preceded his denth. Survivors; 4 children, Scot Moran of Stone Lake; Sherry Kirchschläger of Walworth, Wise.; Michael (Amy) Mornn of Mocksville and Jnmie (Bry- on) Rodgers, nil of Mocksville; 6 grnndchiidren, Morgnn Mo­ ran, Stephanie Kirchschlnger, Nicholns Hilton, NoInn Hilton, Nnthan Rodgers, and Colton Mornn; his specinl friend, Ar- lon Anderson. A ceiebrntion of his life will be held at the Stone Lnke Fire Stntion on Snturdny, Jiily 28. A specinl tribute will be held at 11 a.m. with lunch and social time to follow imtil3. Memorials; Northwoods Humatie Society, PO Box 82, Hny wnrd, W I54843; or Ameri­ can Cancer Society, 1-800-227- 2345, www.cancer.org. MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUMMER IS HERE! Bobcat, aerator, core plugger & more for renl today! l-lw y 6 0 I S , n 'in / l Mocksvillc |336| 751-2304 W W W .our. d a v ie .c o m ’ ^ îa u tô m a tic T ' ')■> CAR W M H l b W A S H E S d >Tduchless orc^ I Brush wash f Mo cksville ^ A uto P ride : C a r Wash : ★ OPEN 24 HOURSI ★ N. Yadklnvllle Rd. (,.] Mocksville (across Irow Lowes Home improvement) Pecóla Eloise Holman Mrs. Pecoln Eloise Holman, daughter of the Inte Lodokns and Viola Cannady, bom on May 17, 1931 in Mocksville, died on July 21, 2012 follow­ ing nn extended illness. Mrs. Holmnn nttended the public schools of Dnvie County. She was employed by YVED­ DI as a substitute teachcr at the Head Start progrnm nnd by the Davie County School Sys­ tem as n lunchrooni monitor. As n member of St. John AME Zion Church for several years, she was the Sr. Choir Presi­ dent, She served as a member of the missionary depnrtment nnd wns n Iny council member. She wns an nctive member of The Le Jour des Femmes Club. She hnd n remnrknble memory for family history and commu­ nity events. Her hobbies were maintaining those nails, word puzzles, TV game shows, sing­ ing in choirs, and taking care of kittens. She wns mnrried to the late Rev.T.S. Holmnn. Survivors; her son, (Chris) Azccm Wahid-Holmnn (Cnrln); 2 grnnddnughters, Courtney nnd Joy; 2 grent-grnndchildren: a sister, Alice C, Gnither; sev­ ernl nieces nnd nephews. Her funeral service will be Friday, July 27 nt 4 p,m, nt First United Methodist Church in Mocksville, The Rev, Gwen­ dolyn Hnmpton will officiate and Julian Gaither will provide the eulogy. Burial will follow in St. John AME Zion Church cemetery. The fnmily will re­ ceive friends nt the cluirch one hour prior to the service. Online condolences; www. GraliamFiiiieralHonie.net. Mary Helena Boger Mary Helena Boger, 82, of Hardison Street, Mocks­ ville, died on Wednesdny, July 18, 2012, at Autumn Care of Mocksville. ■ Born in Dnvie County on July 8 ,1930, she wns the daughter of the late Enoch Clyde Jarvis nnd Mary Legnns Jnrvis.She wns a homemaker nnd a member of Union Chnpel United Method­ ist Church. Her husband, Lester Franklin Boger, preceded her in denth in 2003. Survivors; n son, Jerry (Lin­ da) Boger of Rochester, N.Y.; a daughter, Sandra Sizemore of Mocksville: a brother, Thomns Jnrvis of Yndkinvllle; 3 grnnd­ chiidren, Scott (Jennifer) Crnn- fili of Mocksville, Brent (Lori) Sizemore of Chinn Grove, and Brian Boger of Rochester; great-grnnddnughter, Amie Cranfill; sister-in-law, Cath­ erine Senmon of Mocksviiie; brother- and sister-in-law. Jack and Ann Boger of Mocksville; a nephew, Rick Seamon of Mocksville: and severnl other nieces and nephews. She wns preceded in death by 4 brotliers, Lester, Frank, James, and David Jarvis, nnd a sister, Cflmilln Allen. A ceiebrntion of life service wns held Sunday, July 22 nt 4 p.m. nt Union Chnpel United Methodist Churcli with the Rev. Dnrren Crotts officiating. Buri­ al wns in the church cemetery. The fnmily received friends at the church on Sundny. Memorials; Union Chapel UMC, 2030 US 60 IN , Mocks­ ville. Online condolences; Hnfif, davieftmeralservice.com. Monk Gunter Chnrles Aubrey “Monk” Gunter, 72, of Sheffield Rond, Mocksville, died on Friday, Jiily 20,2012, nt Kate B. Reyn­ olds Hospice Home in Win­ ston-Salem. Bom in Davie County of July 18,1940, he was the son of tho late Paul Gunter and Odessa Baity Gunter. He was a to­ bacco fnrmer, chicken fnrmer, worked at McKnight’s Pallet, Miller Bros. Dairy nnd retired from Somers Lumber Co. in Union Grove. He was a mem­ ber of Tumor’s Creek Bnptist Church. Survivors; his wife, Bonnie Chaffin Gunter, whom he mar­ ried on Dec. 1 ,1983; 3 daugh­ ters, Tammy (Johnny) Cass nnd Znna (JefO Potts, all of Mocks­ ville, and Renee (Keith) Lackey of Hnrmony; 9 grnndchiidren; and 8 great-grandchildren He was nlso preceded in denth by 2 sisters, 3 brothers, 1 grandchild, and a special neph­ ew, Steve Gunter. A celebration of life service was held Mondny, July 23 nt 11 a.m. in Ihe Davie Funeral Service Chapel with the Revs, Alex Heafner and Greg McE­ wen officiating. Burial followed in the Ijames Bnptist Church Cemetery. Pnllbearers were Keith Lackey, Shannon White, ’ Johnathon White, Johnny Cass Jr., Justin Potts, Jnson Feimster nnd Jeffrey Kent Potts Jr. Jef­ frey Potts Sr., was an honorary pallbearer. The family received friends on Sunday, July 22 nt Dnvie Funeral Servicc. Memorials; Ijames Bap­ tist Cemetery Fund; Knte B. Reynolds Hospice Home; or church or charity of tho donor’s choice. Online condolences: ti'H'tv. davieftmeralservice .com. Carrie Loggins Drane Mrs. Cnrrie “ Nannie” Lee Loggins Drane, 95, of Clem­ mons, died Snturdny, July 21, 2012 nt Dnvie Pince in Mocks­ ville. Mrs, Drane was the widow of Pnul Tiffin Drnne Sr, Funerni services were nt 11 a,m, Wednesdny, July 25 at Clemmons First Baptist Church, Dr, Robbie Phillips of­ ficinted. Mrs. Drane was bom in Win- ston-Salem to Luther Lee and Victoria Fulk Loggins on Oct. 11,1916, Survivors; a son, Paul Tiffin (Fnye) Drnne Jr. of Advance; 4 grandchildren, William H. (Deborah) Mnce III, Ashley (Steve) Smith, Leigh Anne (Todd) Dnvis, nnd Pnul (Wendy) Drnne; 5 grent-grnndchildren, TVler Davis, Bekah Smith, Will Mace, Ryan Davis, nnd Bailey Drnne; a sister-in-law, Lucille Loggins Swaim; and a number of nieces and nephews. Mrs, Drane was preceded in death by n dnughter, Pnuln Drane Hnyes; 2 brothers, Cln- dio nnd James Loggins; and a sister, Inn Loggins Fnir. Mrs, Drnne retired from Westem Electric and was nn active member of Clemmons First Baptist Church as long as her health pemiitted. She was a Sunday school teacher, a mem­ ber of several committees, and sang in the choir for years. The family received friends at Frank Vogler and Sons Clem­ mons Chapel Tuesday, July 24. Memorials; Hospice/Pal­ liative Care, 101 Hospice Lane, Winston'-Snlem, 27103. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 26,2012 - Oi John Erwin, with wife Sandy, is the new pastor at Sa­ lem and Center United Methodist churches. John Erwin New Pastor At Center, Salem UMCs The Davie United Methodist Charge churches of Salem on Dn­ vie Acndemy Road and Center on US 64 West, Mocksville, wcl- comcd Pnstor John Erwin and his wife Snndy for his first scmion on July IS. Erwin has come to Center and Salem from n two-point chnrge nenr Asheville where her served the Methodist churches of Sardis nnd Fnnning Chnpel for the pnst 11 years. He plays guitar, ban­ jo, fiddle/violin and loves to sing and participate along with the church choirs. He enjoys working out nnd hns become n ranner nnd enjoys running barefoot. He nnd his wife grew up in Illinois. Erwin hopes to become a part of the community, grow the churches and have fun. Salem in­ vites the community to worship eveiy Sundny at 9:30 n.m. (there is a coffee, juice and treats time beginning at 9). Center invites the community to Sundny School ench Sundny at 9;45 a.m. nnd worship services at 11. Macedonia Pians VBS Macedonia Moravian Church will host its 2012 Vncntion Bible Schools Monday, July 30-Friday, Aug. 3. Dinner will be served every evening nt 5;30 followed by the progrnm until 8. There will bo Bible stories, songs,crnfts, games and more. Kids will tour the Wonders of God’s creation and explore His awesome power. Classes will be held children from 3-13. Call the church at 998-4394 for more informntion or to register or visit wwwjnace- donitimoravian.org/vbs2012Jitml. True Light Celebrating Pastor's 7th Anniversary Tree Light Christinn Ministry is celebrnting the seventh pasto nil anniversary of the Rev. Edna K. Dalton on Saturday, July 28 at 4 p.m. at the Dovie County Public Library multi-purpose room, North Main Street, Mocksville. Tho Rev. Clyde L. Lindsay, pns­ tor of Greater Faith Missionary Bnptist Church, Will deliver Ihe evening message. The public is invited. Concord UMC To Host Tuttle Family On July 29 July 29 will be a special service of word and song at Concord United Methodist Church on Chcny Hill Road. Guests will be the Tuttle Family from Kernersville who will offer their talents in the 11 a.m. worship service. All nre invited. A nursery will be nvailable. Hotdogs Saturday Thiis Week At New Union l\/lethodist The Men’s Fellowship of New Union United Methodist Church will be serving hotdogs with all the trimmings, chips and drinks from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. in the church parking lot at Sheffield and County Line roads. Donntions will be accepted. The Women’s Fellowship will have baked items for sale. There will also be crnft items for sale by both groups, VBS Continues At Bread Of Life Bread of Life Bnptist Church, 4557 NC 80rN., nenr US 601 North, Mocksville, will hold Vacation Bible School July 29-Aug. 1 from 6:30-9 p.m. for children age 2-18. Parents are invited. Dulin Methodist Plans Honiiecoming For Aug. 5 Sunday, Aug. 5 is homecoming at Dulin United Methodist Church, 897 Dulin Road, Mocksville. Worship starts at 9 a.m., with special guest, the Rev. David Smith, preaching, followed by The Rhythmaires, a southem gospel group, singing the "Good News” nt 10 n.m. Moody Bowers, Lucy Lawrence, Bob Kieger, Johnny Westmoreland, Sondra Beene and Jimmy Wellborn are known for using their talents for the Lord. Come see why. A covered dish luncheon follows at 11:15 a.m. Y ard Sa le , C a r W a sh A n d ¡H otdogs S a tu rd a y B y G M M M B C W o m e n The Women’s Fellowship of Greater Mount Moriah Mission­ ary Bnptist Church will have n ynrd sale, cnr wash, and hotdog snle beginning at 8 a.m. iit Auto Zone, Mocksville, on Snturday, July 28. ' ■ - 'b' ; M h l e y o u r s e lv e s th e r e fo r e u n d e r f G o d , th a t h e m a y e x a lt y o u in d u e tim e : C a s tin g a ll y o u r c a re u p o n h im ; f o r h e c a r e th f o r y o u .” T h is m e s s a g e b r o u g h t to y o u b y th e s e lo c a l b u s in e s s e s w h o e n c o u r a g e y o u to w o r s h ip a t th e c h u r c h o f y o u r c h o ic e . AUTO MRTS MOCKSVRIE AUTOMOTIVE 884 S. Main St. Mocksville, NC 27028 I 336-751-2944 | F O S T E R D R U G C O M P A N Y 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2141 Prescriplhn Call In: | 336-753-DRUG | ш ш ш ш ш ш ш Specialiiing In lawn caro á slvmp removal. Call lor a troe esiimatel | 336-354-3773 1 www.oodegreeneorthlawntervlce.com H A Y W O R TH -M ILLE R FUNERAL HOME 108 Eilt Kimlcrtim Way AcIvjn«,.N'C 27006 3 3 6 .9 4 0 .5 5 5 5 Put This Space To Work For You Call 751-2120 GENTLEMACHINE &TOOLINC 2716 Hwy. 601 N Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5055 Put This Space To Work For You Call 751-2120 JERRY'S MEATPROEESSING We Custom Meat Process Beef - Pork-Deer 30 years experience 692 Ralph Ratlodge Rd* Mocksvlllo 336-492-5496 JPP-i7SSM ■ FU LLERKl'te Precision Laser Cutting & Melal Fabrication 980 Salisbury Rd. Mocksville, N0 27028 336-751-3712 Put This Space To Work For You Call 751-2120 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 137 Crabtree Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9144 SPIÍ-Í7ÍS« Put This Space To Work For You Call 751-2120 Put This Space To Work For You Call 751-2120 *^ ^ 4 U T U M N C A R E II OF MOCKSVILLE 1007 Howard St. Mocksville 751-3535 &P17-47VUÍ Put This Space To Work For You Call 751-2120 Щ Put This Space To Work For You Call 751-2120 fesbiOE'STOW 24 Hourt Roadilde Rollback Service Small, Medium & Heavy Duty Towing Joseph Crotts, Owner § 33&-998-2693 • Office ? 336-940-7256 - Mobile I S a P a lie t O n e A PALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5565 EATON FUNERAL HO M E 325 North Main Street Mocksville. NC 27026 SP17-*7S$70 Call 751-2129 t o Advertise Y our B usiness on the Church Page » 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 26,2012 iFundraisers ; Saturday, July 28 llotdog Lunch,sponsored by men’s fellowship of New Union UMC in churcli parking lot, 1869 Sheffield Rd., 11 n.m. til 2 p.m. Donntions accepted. Women will sell baked goods & craft items. Salem UMC Brcakfnst,nl County Lino VFD, 6-10 a.m. Choice of omelettes & pnncnkes wiil also be available. Donntions lo building fund forncw church fellowship hnll. Also baked goods nnd emits. Greater Mi. Morinh Car Wash & Sale, by womens fellowship of Qrcaler Mt. Morinh Bnpt. Chruch, begins 8 a.m. nt Auto Zone. There will be yard sale, cnr wnsh, hot dog snle. Reunions Fri. & Sat, Sept. 14 & 15 Cain Reunion, at Center Comm. Bidg. (US 64 W. & 1-40). Friday 5:30 p.m. fish fry, Snt. 12:30 bring picnic covered dish. Cull 998-3626 for info. Religion Saturday, July 28 7th Pastoral Anniversary Ccl- ebralion, by True Light Christinn Ministries, 4 p.m. nt Dnvic Co. Librnry multi-purpose room. Sunday, July 29 Special Scrvlcc, nt Concord UMC, Cherry Hill Rd., 11 a.m. worship service with specinl guests. Nursery will be available. Sun.-Wed., July 29-Aug. 1 Sky VBS, ut Turrentine Bnpt. Church, 6:30-8:30 p.m. All kids wclcome. Call 998-2366 for info. Sun.-Thuns., July 29-Aug. 2 VBS,ntBrcadofLifeBnpt.Church, 4557 NC 801, Mocksviilc, 6:30-9 p.m. nightly, ages 2-18. Mon.-Fri., July 30-Aug. 3 VBS, at Macedonia Mornvinn Church, dinner cnch night at 5:30 p.m., program follows til 8 p.m. Clnsscs for children 3-13. Call 998- 4394 for Info nnd registration. Sun.-Wed., Aug. 5-8 VBS, nt New Union UMC, 1869 Sheffield Rd., 6:30-8:30 p.m. Theme: Galnctic Bnttic, n Cosmic Adventure Praising God. Sun.-W ed., Aug. 12-15 Ilomccomlng & Revival, nt New Union UMC, Sunday 11 n.m. with covered dish lunch lo follow nt Sheffield-Calahain Comm. Ctr. SEPARATION? DIVORCE? *No offico visit required for simple divorcc* Ross Ketner Attorney at Law F a m i l y L a w s i n c o 1 9 9 6 A d v n n c c , N C 3 3 6 - 8 1 3 - 1 1 7 3 r o s s k c t n e r @ g m n i l . c o r a Locally drown, Hytiroponlts T o m a t o e s Sweet Corn, Cantelopes, Cucumbers & other Fresh Produce also available. Dew Drop Farm 302 Foslcr Road, Mocksviilc (poslcf Rd. il jiut ofT Rlilgo Rd. In Wcstcn» Davie Counly) Open Wed. through Fri. Noon-Spm and Sat. 8 am-noon Gail For Directions (336)492-2849 M e g a n C a m p b e l l i stylist at Kelli & Company Hair Studio In Clommons, invites you to come in and see herl Megan is accepting new clients and works wllh walk-in's and appoinlments. Giv* Mcflon/ci call at 336-940^590 6354 Cephis Dnve, Clemmons ||«л Lewes Foodi ihofviro ccr^tof The Best In Barbeque B r e a k f a s t S p e c i a l s 2 w / B a c o n o r S a u sa g e o r U v e rm u s h w /G rits o r H ashlvrow ns o r n ic e & G ra v y w /T o a s t o r B is c u it, CoStee o r Tea «• 2 Sausage B iscu its — $ 3 .0 0 • CoKee, $ .9 9 w ith p u rch a se S p e c i a l s • H o t D o e $ .9 9 • S m a ll B B Q C h o p T r a y $ 4 .9 9 • O p e n F ace S te a k S a n d w ic h $ 4 .9 9 • C s B u r g e r w /F F $ 5 .9 9 • l/z B B Q C M c k e n w/FF О Slaw only Cmiwtatloiu «1Л0 extra) $ 5 .9 9 • H a m b u rg e r S te a k w/dwiwoix^bg. $ Ь Л 5 • B o n e ie s« P o r k Chopw/<tat<.d>v4. $ 5 Д 5 • C o u n tr y S ty le S te a k w/(Mctoia%4* $ 6 .9 9 A L L Y O U C A N E A T F L O U N D E R $ 7 JtS A L L Y O U C A N E A T C A T F IS H $ & Z 5 7 am. - 8:30 p.m. Mondav-Saiurday 2203 Hwy. 601 N. • MOCkSHllla • 338-492-2220 Revival nightly 7 p.m. a p e .Q ia l.E y g n t3 Saturday, Aug. 18 Conccrt On The Square, down­ town Mocksville, 101 N. Main Slrcet,6:30-8:30p.m.7i'HC«;M//ey ...features Met Jone.'!. Free, bring your chnir. For info: 909-2263. Saturday, Sept. 15 Conccrt On The Square, down­ town Mocksviiie, 101 N. Main StKet,6:30-S:30p.m.SlanBobbill... rock & country top hlls. Free, bring your chair. For info: 909-2263. Saturday, Sept. 22 Glcnn Leonard’s Temptation’s Review, presented by Dnvie Co. Arts Council, reserved senting adult $35, students/seniors $33. Call 751 -3112 for ticket info. ■Pates to Rgmemtjer Saturday, July 28 FootballSlgn-ups,9u.m.til 12 p.m. nt Brock Gym for Dnvie Co. Youth Footbnll Associntion. Saturday, Aug. 4 SaxapahawKlvcmiill'№p,lcaving CHA, Church Streei, Coolecince at 12 noon. Return 8 p.m. Cost: $20 per person (may pny day of trip). Mon.-Thurs., Aug. 6-9 Cheerleading Camp, 6-8:30 p.m. ® DHS. Cost $40 pre-registered by July 30, $60 nt door; Mon.-Sat., Aug. 6-11 Davlc Co. Arts Council Children’s Summer Theatre Camp, Open to Class of '67 Reunion Planning Meeting, 6:30 p.m. nt First Bap­ tist Church. All members plense come. Ongoing Davle/Mocksville AA, closed non­ smoking meeting, at First Bnpt. Church, 390 N. Mnin Street (ncross from Davie Co. l-ibrary).Thursdays, 7 p.m. Info: Jan 753-1838. Davlc County Planning Board, 4th Tues. of cnch month, 6 p.m. in commissioners chnmbcrs,2nd floor, Davie Administration Bidg., 123 S. Main Street. Davie County Board of Adjust- nicnt, 3rd Mondny of ench monlh, 6 p.m., in commissioners chambers, 2nd floor, Davie.Adminislralion Bidg., 123 S. Mnin Street. Davlc Beekeepers Association, sccond Thurs. of cvciy monlh, 7 p.m.,412 N. Main Street (First Bapt. Church). Visitors welcome.To find oul more info: www.daviebcekeep- crs.org Davlc Qullters Guild, 3rd Mon. of ench month, for info: 492-2000. VFW Post4024,7 p.m.,2ndTues, .cnch month, VFW Hut, Sanford Av­ enue, Mocksviilc. Eligible members welcome. Come enriy for refresh­ ments. For info cnil 492-7521. Triumph Parenting Classes, Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m., cull for info: 751-5636. Humane Society of Davlc Co., bi- morithly meetings 2ndTues. of evciy even-'numbcrcd month, nt Humnne Society Adoption Ccnler,290 Eaton Rd.Call 751-5214 for info. childrcn8-15.Regisln>tiondendlinc. Family&FrlcndsoftheMcntally Aug. I. For info: 751-3112. Meetings Thursday, July 26 2012 Back To School Empower­ ment Day Comnilttcf! Meeting, 6 p.m. at New Jerusalem Apos­ tolic Church, 291 Cnmpbell Rd., Mocksville. Wednesday, Aug. 1 Davlc Business Women’s As­ sociation, nt SunTrust Bnnk, 880 Yndkinville Rd., Mocksviilc, 12 noon. For info: 998-7207. Tuesday, Aug. 7 III Support Group, 2nd Tues. of each monlh, 6 p.m., Hillsdale Bnpi. Church, Advnnce. Call 751-5441 fopr info. Advancc Garden Club, 2nd Tues. cnch month,HillsdaleBnpt. Church, US 158,1:30 p.m. Lion’s Club, meets 1st Thurs. of ench month, 6 p.m. board, 7 p.m. general. At Hardison United Meth­ odise Church. Hillsdale Sunrise Rotary Club, every Thurs. al 7 a.m., Bermuda Villnge. Davlc Co. Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 94,3rd Tues. of every month,? p.m.,Zeko's Rcslnurant. Davlc Democratic Party, 2nd Tues. of ench month, 7 p.m., 110 Depot Street. Davlc Co.Rcpubllcan Party,evcry thirdTucs. of month, 7 p.m. in Davlc Co. courthouse. Davie Amateur Radio Club, 1st Tuesdny of cnch month, 7 p.m., Davlc Co. Hospital Training Room. Public wclcome. Davie Co. Republican Men’s Federation, second Thurs. of ev­ ery month, 6:30 p.m.. Sagebrush Rcslnurant, Mocksville. For info: 408-8898. Autism Support Group 3rd Mon­ dny of cnch monlh, 6:30 p.m., al Hillsdale Bnpt. Church, Advnncc. Dnvic County Diabetes Support Group, first Thurs. of every monlh, 7-8:30 p.m., al Dnvie Co. Public Library Small Conference Room. Info: 751-8700. Davlc Co. Hospital Auxllary, ■ every second Tues., in bonrd room, 6 p.m. Cooleemee Recrcatlon Associa­ tion, Znchnry House, 1st Tuesdny, 7 p.m. The Artist Group, Davie County Librnr)’, 7 p.m, last Tues. Call Bon­ nie nt 998-5274. Sons of Confederate Veterans, 1st Monday, Cooieemee Historical Building,? p.m. Mocksville Rotary Club,Tuesdays, 12:10 p.m.. Energy United Educa­ tion Center, 182 S. Sniisbury St., Mocksvillo. Farmington Masonic Lodge No. 265,2nd Monday, 7:30 p.m. nt the lodge. Davie Co. United Way Board of Directors, 4lh Monday, 5:30 p.m.. Brock Center Annex, Conf. Room 208. Davlc High Athletic Boosters, 3rd Mondny, 7 p.m., school cafcleria. Farmington Ruritan Club, 2nd Tliursdny, 7:30 p.m., Fnrminglon Methodist church. HELPS Ministries, Christian re­ covery program for women sexunlly nbused ns children. Mondays, 7:30 p.m., 41 court Square, Room 210. Parents Resource Organization (PRO) support group for fnmilies of children with disnbilities, 2nd Tuesdny, 7 p.m. Cnil Rosemary Kropfelder nl 998-3311 for loca­ tion. Jericho-Hardison Ruritan Club, 2nd 'Hicsdny, 7 p.m., club build­ ing. Health Dept., clinic hours: Mon.- Fri., 8:30-11:30 a.m., 1-4:30 p.m. Davie County Board of Social Services, 4th Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. at DSS. Narcotics Anonymous Against All OddsOroup,FirslBupl.Church,390 N. Mnin Street (upstairs), Thurs. 7 p.m., Sun. 6 p.m. Drug Problem? Helpline, 336-785-7280. American Legion Post 174, Na­ tional Guard Armory, US 64 E., Mocksville, 2nd Thursdny, 6 p.m. Mocksville Civitan Club, 7 p.m., 2nd & 4th Mondays, nt First Pres­ byterian Church. Advance Memorial Post 8719 Veterans of Foreign Wnrs nnd Lndies Auxiliary,4thTucs.,7:30p.m.,posl home. Feed Mill Road. Davie County Right To Life, 7 p.m., 3rd Thursdny, grand jury room, courthouse. 751-5235 or 492-5723. Cooiccmee Memorial VFW Post lU9,2ndSat.,IOa.m,.VFWHall, N.C.801. Corinthian Lodge No. 17F&AM, 2nd, 4th Fridays, 7:30 p.m. at the ' lodge. Mocksville Lodge No. 134, 1st Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. at the lodge. Cooiccmee Civitan’s Club Meet­ ing, 1st nnd 3rd Mon. each monlh, . 7p.m.,Civitan Propcrty,80l North, Cooiccmee. Davie Co.MSSupportGroup,2nd Mon. of ench month, 6 p.m., Davie Co, Hospital. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon On Monday Items for Davie Dateline should be reported by noon Mondny of Ihe piibl lent ion week. CnI 1751 -2120 or drop il by tiie officc, at S. Mnin St. across from the courtiiouse. Habitat Growing; Tourney This Weekend Hnbilat for Humanity of Da­ vie County is having its first softball tournament Friday and Snturday at the Center Ball Field with eight to 10 teams. Local businesses provided items including a 47-inch TV, golf nnd food cards nnd more for a raffle, with tickets being sold for .$1 each. To donate to Ihe raffle, call Daphne Frye at 998-2341. To play in the tournament, contact Derrick Nichols at 336- 577-6689. Entry, feo Is $175 (refundable to the winner). Proceeds will go toward pro­ viding a Habitat home for a Da­ vie family. Hamburgers nnd hotdogs will be sold during the tournnment, nnd Frye invites residents to come for a meal, to buy tickets and watch some softball. “Lots of things have been changing for Habitat of Da- vie,” Frye said, "If you haven’t visited tho Restore lately, you need to check it out. We hnve furniture, light fixtures, rcclin- ers, pianos and lots of books. Before you replace anything at your house, check out the Re­ store and sec if they have what you need first.” Such purchases are perfect for students in college or to change the look in your home, she snid. Desk lamps are SO percent off, and tent sales are happen­ ing because of a large amount of donations. Restore hours arc T\iesday- Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tb schedule a pickup, call 753- ' 1438. “ Remember, one man’s trnsh is another man’s treasure,” Frye said. “Wc look forward to Hab­ itat for Humanity continuing to grow to eliminate sub-standard housing one family at a time. Your dream of home ownership could be a phone call away.” Contact Eldon Nance at 751- 7515 or drop by the Restore to pick up an application for home ownership. You are always welcome at First United Methodist Church 310 North Main street Historic Downtown Moci<svillc Contemporary Worship 8:45 a.m. Traditional Worship 10:55 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 9:50 a.m. www.firstumcmocl<svUle.org llElephone: 751-2503 F o r l c B L O O D W D R I V E Who: Fork Baptist Church/ American Red Cross What: Annual Blood Drive Where: Fork Baptist Fellowship Hall When: M on d ay. A u gu st 6 (2:00-6:30) Why: To ^Save a Life^ How: Contact Fork Baptist Church 998-8306 fo r an appointm ent J ## Make Splash in your New Apartment this Summer. Cedi fo r Sum m er M ove-In specials. N o r t h w o o d A p a r t m e n t s 800 Northridge Court (off M illing R d ) 1-888-902-9679 Chuckie Day For Josh Rominger AH Day At KFC of MocksviUe Sunday, Aug. 5 10% of all sales to ben^tjosh Rominger :- Л'л : •:v-‘. TV i.-'.-r -,;y. -•• ; ’.v, v v r DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, .July 26,2012 ■ D5 L E G A L N O T IC E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualllled as Executor ol the Estate of MARSHALL M. SOUTHERN (aka Monroe Mar­ shall Southern), late of Davie County, this Is to notify all per­ sons, firms and corporallons hav­ ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before October 5, 2012, (being three (3) monlhs from the first day of publication of this no­ tice) or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per­ sons, firms and corporations in­ debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 26th day of June, 2012. PHILLIP J. MOHR 1 West Fourth Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 ^ MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attorneys at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 7-5-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of VERNIE MAE HENDRIX, late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporallons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before October 5, 2012, (being three (3) months from the first day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the under­ signed. This the 21st day of June, 2012. ROBERT L HENDRIX 4101 NC Highway 801 South Advance, NC 27008 MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attorneys at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 7-5-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of DANIEL LEE SUT- ER, late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons, firms and cor­ porations having claims against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or before.October 12,2012, (being three (3) months from the first day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corpora­ tions indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 12th day of July, 2012. KATHERINE L. SLATER 188 Valley Oaks Drive Advance, NC 27008 . 7-12-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PERSONAL REPRESEN­ TATIVE’S NOTICE Having qualified as Personal Representative of the Estate of JAMES WILLIAM FOSTER, de­ ceased, late of Davie County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to' present them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of October, 2012, said date being at least three months from the date of first publication of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said es­ tate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 12th day of July, 2012, the same being the first publica­ tion date. KATHY FOSTER-JORDAN, Personal Representative Estate of James William Foster Grady L. McClamrock, Jr., NCSB #7866, Attorney for ths Estate 161 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone: (336) 751-7502 Fax; (336) 751-9909 7-12-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of Ihe Estate of BERTIE RUTH SHORE STYERS, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all per­ sons, firms and corporations hav- Ion oWma against said estate to present them to the linderalgned on or before October 12, 2012, (being three (3) months from the first day of publicalion of Ihls no­ tice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All per­ sons, firms and corporations In­ debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This ths 12th day of July, 2012. LISAS. STEELMAN PO Box B54 Yadkinville, NO 2755 7-12-4tp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY Creditors notice Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of BONNIE M. H ELSABECK, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before October 19, 2012, (being three (3) months from the first day of publication of this notice) or this notice wiil be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will please make Immedi­ ate payment to the undersigned. This the 19th day of July, 2012. QRADON CORNELL LANK­ FORD 123 Cedar Ridge Road Mocksville, NC 27028 7-19-4tp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of ANITA R. MCKE­ OWN, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons, llrms and cor­ porations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before October 12,2012, (being Ihree (3) months from the first day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corpora­ tions Indebted to said esiate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 12th day of July, 2012. JOHN T. MCKEOWN 233 Old Towne Dr Advance, NC 27006 7-12-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the requirements ol Article го-В of Chapter 153-A ' of tfie General Statutes of North Carolina and Section 155.236 of the Davie County Code of Ordi­ nances, that the Davie County Board of Adjustment will hold a Public Hearing In the Com- mlBBlonera Room of the DavIe County Administration Building, 123 South Main Street Mocks­ ville, NC on Monday July 30, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. to hear the fol­ lowing request: Davie County has applied to amend a Special Use Permit lor a Public Recreation Facility In Ihe Residential-Agricultural (R-A) and Residential-20 (R-20) zoning districts as shown In §155.125 of the Oavie County Zoning Or­ dinance. The subject property Is located at 599 Farmington Road Mocksville NC 27028 and Is further described as Parcel of the Davie County Tax Map F50000004102. A sign will be placed on the above listed properties to adver­ tise the Public Hearing. All parlies and Interested citi­ zens are Invited to attend said hearing at which time they shall have an opportunity to present facts and testimony In support of, or In opposition to, the request. Prior to the hearing, additional Information on a request may be obtained by visiting the Develop­ ment Services Department week­ days between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, or by telephone at (336) 753-6050. As a result of the public hear­ ing, substantial changes might be made in the advertised proposal, reflecting objections, debate and discussion at the hearing. Any­ one who needs an accommoda­ tion to participate In Ihe meeting should notify the Development Services Department at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or call North Carolina Relay at 1-800- 735-8262. Andrew Meadweil Planning Department 7-19-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 12SP28 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE­ CLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY WILLIAM PAUL FOLEY AND MICHELLE BRUMFIELD DATED APRIL 29, 2004 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 548 AT PAGE 777 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In the above-rSferenced deed of trust and because of default In the payment of the secured In­ debtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and hold­ er of the secured debt, the under­ signed substitute trustee will ex­ pose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash at Ihe usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 2:00 PM on August 1, 2012 the fol­ lowing described real estate and any other Improvements which may be situated thereon. In Da­ vie County, North Carolina, and being more partlculariy described as follows; Being known and designated as Lot 36 as shown on ths map of Myers Park at RIdgemont, Sec­ tion Two, which map Is recorded In Plat Book 6. Page 103, In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina: ref­ erence to which Is hereby made for a more particular description. And Being more commonly known as; 300 Windward Cir, Mocksville, NC 27028 The record owner(s) ol the property, as reflected on the re­ cords of the Register of Deeds, Is/are william Paul Foley and Michelle Brumfield. The property to be offered pur­ suant to this notice of sale Is be­ ing offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representallon or warranty relat­ ing to the title or any physical, en­ vironmental, health or safety con­ dlllons existing In, on, at or relat­ ing to ths property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibili­ ties or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such con­ dition expressly are disclaimed. This sale Is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assess­ ments Including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) ol the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater. Is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at Ihe time of Ihe sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds In a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS; if you are a tenant residing In the prop­ erty, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be Issued In favor of the purchas­ er. Also, If your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1,2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice to the landlord. You may be liable for rent due under Ihe agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. The dale of this Notice Is July 2, 2012. 11-012919 Jacqueline Summer Hunt Attorney for the Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 (704)333-8107 hUp-J/shaplroatlorneys. com/nc/ 7-19-2ln NORTH CAROLINA , DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 12SP162 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE­ CLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY URRY T MCGEE AND JENNIFER L. MCGEE DATED SEPTEMBER 9, 2005 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 625 AT PAGE 364 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Upder and by virtue of the power and authority contained In the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default In the payment of the secured In­ debtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand bf the owner and hold­ er of ths secured debt, the under­ signed substitute trustee will ex­ pose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 2:00 PM on August 1, 2012 the fol­ lowing described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon. In Da­ vie County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows; BEGINNING at an Iron lo­ cated In the western right of way margin of a 60 foot street locally known as Dogwood Lane In the northeast corner of Lot 22 of the Angell Subdivision (which plat Is recorded In Plat Book 5, at page 170, Davie County Registry), said Iron being located the following two courses and distances from the original northeast corner of William J. Marklln, Jr., et ux and the southeast comer of Henry Howell: South I deg. West 50.00 feet; South 6 deg. 20 mln. East 140.00; runs thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING with the western right of way margin of that 60 foot street locally known as Dogwood Lane, South 15 deg. 05 mln. East 170.00 feet to an Iron in the southeast corner of Lot 22 of the Angell Subdivision at the Intersection of Dogwood Lane and South Circle; runs thence on a cun/e to the right with the north­ ern right of way margin of a 60 foot street locally known as South Circle, the following two courses and distance: South 81 deg. 10 min. West 103.46 feet; South 87 deg. 10 min. West 102.0 feet to an Iron In the southwest corner of Lot 22 and the southeast corner of Lot 14 of the Angell Subdivi­ sion; runs thence with the eastern line of Lot 14 of the Angell Sub­ division formerly owned by Ed­ die Merrell, North 2 deg. 20 mln.' West 193.72 feet to an Iron In ths line ol Lot 14 of the Angell sub­ division, the northwest corner of Lot 22; thence with a new line for William J. Marklln, Jr., North 87 deg. 32 min. 41 sec. East 179.95 feet to the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING and being Lot 22 on the plat of the Angell Sub­ division set forth In Plat Book 5, at page 170, Davie County Reg­ istry and the southern half of that certain tract conveyed to William J. Marldin, Jr. And described In Deed Book 109, page 311, Davie County Registry. And Being more commonly known as: 200 Ivy Ln, Mocks­ ville, NC 27028 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the re­ cords of the Register of Deeds, Is/are Larry T. McGee, II and Jennifer L. McGee. The property to be offered pur­ suant to this notice of sale is be­ ing offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relat­ ing to the title or any physical, en­ vironmental, health or safety con­ ditions existing In, on, at or relat­ ing to the property being oHered for sale. Any and all responsibili­ ties or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such con­ dition expressly are disclaimed. This sale Is mads subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assess­ ments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred titty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater. Is required and must be tendered In the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS; If you are a tenant residing In the prop­ erty, be advised lhat an Order for Possession of the property may be issued In favor of the purchas­ er. Also,' If your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1,2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice to the landlord. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of ' I the termination. The date of this Notice Is July 11,2012. 12-029263 Jacqueline Summer Hunt Attorney for the Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 http://shaplroaltomeys.com/nc/ 7-19-21П NORTH CaIhOUNA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE Public Sale: Mocksville Mini- Storage intends to sell Ihe con­ tents of ths following units for un­ paid rent and expenses. #130 Mickey Kelly, 150 Sam­ my Clement, 239 Chris Ginese, 326 Melanis Isaac, 356 Pamela Jones, 459 Derek Albea, 472 Russell Eleazer, 474 Jared Frasi­ er, and 377 Martha McMillan. Public sale date; July 31,2012 at 1:00 p.m. Household Items. No personal checks. 124 Eaton Rd, Mocksville. (336) 751-2483. 7-19-21П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC ADMINISTRA­ TOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Public Ad­ ministrator of the Estate of CLAY MACY KIRKMAN, JR., Deceased, late ol DavIe Counly, North Caro­ lina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the deceased to exhibit them lo the undersigned on or before October 26, 2012, or this Notice will be pleaded In bar ol their right to recover against the esiate of the said deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This the 19th day ol July, 2012, Bryan C, Thompson Public Administrator of the Estate of Clay Macy Kirkman, Jr. SURRATT & THOMPSON, PLLC too N. Main Street, Suite 2425 Winston-Salem, NC 27101 (336) 725-8323 7-19-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 12CVD 254 DAVIE COUNTY o/b/o REBECCA PEREZ-HESTER: Plaintiff, vs".' FELIX FIGUEROA-BORJA & JOHN HAMPTON HESTER;' Defendants. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO; JOHN HAMPTON HESTER TAKE NOTICE lhat a plead­ ing seeking relief against you has been filed In the above-entitled acljon. The nature of the relief being sought Is establishment of paternity for a minor female child born on 12/28/07 to Rebecca Perez-Hester. You are required to make defense to such plead­ ing not later than Ihe 28th day of August, 2012, said date being 40 days from the first publication of this notice; and upon your failure to do so, Ihe party seeking ser­ vice against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 16th day of Juiy, 2012: KylaJ.Sipprell Attorney (or Plaintiff P.O. Box 595 Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)753-6014 7-19-3tn STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE. SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY BEFORE THE CLERK 12SP156 IN RE; GORDON K. WHITNEY and DONNA D. WHITNEY, FORECLOSURE OF DEED OF TRUST Dated March 5,2010, , • RECORDED IN BOOK 820, AT PAGE 549, IN THE DAVIE COUNTY REGIS­ TRY NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the au­ thority contained In a certain Deed of Trust dated March 5, 2010, se­ curing a Note and Indebtedness of $740,000, which was executed by Gordon K. Whitney and Donna D. Whitney, and which Is recorded In Book 820, at Page 549, Davie County Registry, the undersigned having been appointed Substitute Trustee by Instrument recorded In said Registry, default having Oc­ curred In the payment of the Note secured by said Deed of Trust, and at the request of the holder of said Note, the undersigned Substitute Trustee, In accordance with the provisions of said Deed of Trust, will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at 1 ;30 o'clock p.m. on the 8th day of August, 2012, at the Courthouse door In Mocksville, Davie County, North Carolina, all of debtors' right, title and Inter­ est In the real property at 131 Serenity Hills Trail, Advance, North Carolina, 27006, which Is more particularly described as follows; Lying and being located In Davie County, North Carolina, Parcel #B7010A0010 and being more particularly described as follows; Being known and designated as Lot No. 10, River Bend Hills, as recorded In Plat Book 6, Page 162-163, and re-recorded In Plat Book 6, Page 185 In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Davie Counly, North Carolina, to which reference Is hereby made for a more particular description. Save and Except that 285.46 Square feet, more or less, con­ veyed by warranly deed lo Wil­ liam E. Lee and wife, Tammy C. Lee recorded In Deed Book 424, Page 850 Davie County Registry. Together with all the Improve­ ments now or hereafter erected on the property, and aii ease­ ments, appurtenances, and fix­ tures now or hereafter a part of the property. Ail replacements and additions shall also be cov­ ered by this Security Instrument. All of the foregoing Is referred to In this Security Instrument as the “Property." The record owner of said property as of a date not more than ten (10) days prior to the posting of this notice Is: Gor­ don K. Whitney. Trustee, or Trustee's agent conducting Ihe sale, may begin the sale up to one hour after the time fixed herein as provided In NCGS §45-21.23. An order for possession of the property may be Issued pursuanl to NCGS §45- 21.29 In favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties In possession by the clerk of supe­ rior court of the counly In which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the properly pursu­ ant lo a rental agreement entered inlo or renewed on or after Octo­ ber 1, 2007, may, after receiving the nollce of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon ten (10) days' written notice to the land­ lord. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent due under the rental agree­ ment prorated to the effective date of the termination, II you are a tenant and have any questions about your legal rights, please consult an attorney. Although not required by statute, any and all bidders and purchasers at sale should under­ stand that the property described In Ihe subject foreclosure pro­ ceeding may or may not contain a atruclure ol any kind. The Substi­ tute Trustee in Ihis matter makes no representallon or warranty as to the type or existence of a structure situated on the subject property or whether or not said structure has been affixed in any way. Likewise, Substitute Trustee makes no warranties or represen­ tations of any kind as to whether title to the mobile/manufactured home(s) on the subjecl property. If any, has been property can­ celled or whether there are any outstanding liens thereon. Said property will be sold sub­ ject to taxes, assessments, and any superior easements, rights of way, restrictions of record, liens, or other encumbrances prior to the lien of the deed of trust being foreclosed, said sale to remain open for Increased bids for ten (10) days after report thereof to the Clerk of Superior Court. In the event Ihe debtor flies a bankrupt­ cy petition prior to the expiration of the 10-day period required by Q.S. 45-21.27, an automatic stay of the foreclosuie will be imposed in accordance with the Bankrupt­ cy Code (11 U.S.C. §362) and the bidder must pursue relief through the bankruptcy court. The Substitute Truslee may require the high bidder to deposll cash at the sale In an amount equal to the greater of five per­ cent (5%) pf the amount of the bid or $750.00. if no upset bid Is filed, the balance of the purchase price, less deposit, must be made in cash upon tender of the deed. Third party purchasers at sale must pay the tax of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) as required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1), . This the 17th day of July, 2012. Alan B. Powell Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 1550 High Point, NC 2726 (336) 889-8733 7-26-2tn I ! D6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, July 26,2012 L E G A L N O T IC E S CLASSIFIEDS NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain Deed of Trust made by RIcfiard S. Leonard and Sandra M. Leonard (Richard S. Leonard, deceased) to Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, Trustee(s), dated the 3rd day of February, 2010, and recorded In Book 819, Page 436, In Davie County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made In the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and ths undersigned. Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trust­ ee In said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidenc­ ing said Indebtedness having di­ rected that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Sub­ stitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in tho City of lulocksvlile, Davie County, North Carolina, or the customary loca­ tion designated for foreclosure sales, at 1:45 PM on August 7, 2012 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated In the County of Davie, North Carolina, and being hiore particularly described as follows; The land referred to Is situated In thg STATE OF NORTH CARO­ LINA, COUNTY OF DAVIE, CITY OF MOCKSVILLE, and described as follows; BEQINNINQ at an Iron In Ihe western edge of Cedar Grove Church Road (SR 1811) the southeast corner of the Fork Bap­ tist Church Cemetery line the fol­ lowing two calls; North 79 deg. 10 min. West 308.99 feet to an Iron; North 10 deg. East 249.44 feet to an Iron; thence South 80 deg. 24 mln. West 341.60 to a stone; thence South 04 deg. 41 min. West 575.90 feet to an Iron; thence South 84 deg. 20 mln. East 445.66 feet to an Iron In the western edge of Cedar Grove Church Road (SR 1811); thence North 28 deg. 22 mln. East 421.94 feet with the Cedar Grove Church Road to the point and place of BEGINNING con­ taining 6.52 acres, more or less as surveyed and platted by Ste­ phen T. Beasley, Registered Sur­ veyor, August 7,1973, and being a portion of those lands described in Deed Book 64, Page 342, Da­ vie Registry. Together with Im­ provements localed thereon; said property being located at 182 Cedar Grove Church Road, Mocksvlllo, North Carolina. Parcel ID Number: J7-120- AO-025 Trustee may. In the Trustee's sole discretion, delay the saie for up to one hour as provided In NCQS §45-21.23. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Fprty-Flve Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCQS §7A-308(a)(1). . The property to be olfered pursuant to this notice ot sate Is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agree­ ment, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attor­ neys, employees, agents or au­ thorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sals, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing out of or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this prop­ erty Is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior lions or encumbrances of re­ cord and any recorded releases. Said property Is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the pur­ chase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, wiil be required at the time of the sale. An order for possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to G.S, ,45-21.29 in favor of the purchassr and agalr\st the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county In which the property Is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered Into or re­ newed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the no- ,tlce of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. Upon ter- ». mlnatlon of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent due under the rental agreement pro­ rated to the effective date of the termination. If the trustee is unable to con­ vey title to this property for any reasori, the sole remedy of the purchaser Is the return of the de­ posit. Reasons of such Inability to convey Include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy peti­ tion prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale Is challenged by any party, the trustee, In their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROlUl A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS С01И- MUNICATION IS TO COLLECTA DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, except as stat­ ed below In the Instance of bank­ ruptcy protection. IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANK­ RUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PURSUANT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT AND FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT IN­ TENDED AS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACTTO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY POR­ TION OFTHE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY. This 17th day of July, 2012, SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY; Attorney at Law Hutchens, Senter, Kellam & Pet­ tit, RA. Attorneys for Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, NC 28311 hllps;//sales.hsbllrm\com Case No: 1040153 (FC.FAY) 7-26;2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY Davie County WFBH Hospital Sewer Contract 1 - Gravity Sower Contract 2 - Smith Creek and Yadkin River Pump Station Upgrades INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids for the construc­ tion the WFBH Hospital Sewer: Contract 1- Gravity Sewer and Contract 2- Smith Creek and Yad­ kin River Pump Station Upgrades will be received by the Davie County Manager (123 S. Main St., Mocksvlile, NC, 27028) until 2 PM on Thursday, August 16th, 2012, then publicly be opened and read aloud In the Commissioner's Meeting Room. Mark "WFBH Hospital Sewer (either) Contract 1 - Gravity Sewer or Contract 2 - Pump Station Upgrades" on the outside of the bid envelope. DESCRIPTION OF WORK Contract 1 - Gravity Sewer consists of Installing approxi­ mately 3,300 If of 18" diameter gravity sewer with two road bores (1-40 and US Hwy 158) along with connection to the Smith Creek Pump Station. Contract 2 - Pump Station Renovations consists ol the reno­ vation of the Smith Creek and Yadkin River sewage pump sta­ tions with miscellaneous pumps, pipes, valves, Instrumentation, and emergency power generation equipment. Each project may be awarded only to a contractor properly li­ censed under Chapter 87 of the General Statutes of North Caro­ lina. A 5% Bid Bond Is required with thé bid In the form of cash, Certified Check from a bank or trust company Insured by the FDIC or Bid Bond. No bidder may withdraw his bid within 90 days after Ihe actual date of the opening thereof. The contractor shall comply with Ihe Department of Labor Safety and Health Regulations for construction promulgated un­ der the Occupational Safely and Health Act of 1970 (PL91-596) and under Section 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (PL91-54), or lat­ est revisions. Minority owned and female owned business enterprises are encouraged to bid. Copies of the bid documents and plans for project may be ob­ tained after Monday, July 23rd, 2012 from Grey Engineering, Inc., 254 West Water Street, NC 27028 (Phone 336-751-2110) for a Non- Refundable fee ot $125.00. The projecl documents may also be examined at the following locations: Carolinas AQC Online plan room www.cagc.org Phone:704-372-1450; Davie County Administration 123 S. Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Phone: 338-753-6003 Davie County reserves Ihe right to waive any Informalities and lo reject any or all bids. 7-26-1 tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE DAVIE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Take notice that pursuant to NCGS 160A-267, the Davie County Board of Commission­ ers adopted a resolution at Its meeting held on Monday, July 16, 2012, declaring the following property as surplus and autho­ rized the County Manager to dis­ pose of said property by private sale at a negotiated price to the Dragonfly House Children's Ad­ vocacy Center. The sale will not be consummated until 10 days af­ ter publication of this notice. Jtolus 9683, Dell Latitude E5500 Com­ puter, $1,376.97 9684, Dell Latitude E5500 Com­ puter, $1,376,97 9718, Camera System w/AudIo, $5,000.00 9719, Camera Interview System, $2,513.37 9720, NCA Trak Software, $3,000.00 Brenda B. Hunter, MMC Clerk to the Board Davio County Board of Commis­ sioners 7-26-Itn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the Estate of SALLIE LYONS BAKER, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before October 5, 2012, (being three (3) months from Ihe first day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment lo the under­ signed. This the 28th day of June, 2012. EARLE LYONS SMITH 1618 Secret Garden Ct Salisbury, NC 28146 7-5-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of FRANCES EM- MALINE SIZEMORE NEAS, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corpora­ tions having claims against said estate to present them to the un­ dersigned on or before October 12,2012, (being three (3) months from the first day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corpora­ tions Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 12th day of July, 2012. WILLIAM IVAN NEAS 133E Valley View Rd Advance, NC 27006 7-12-4tn Manufactured Homes For Rent Mocksvlllo Lots of Privacy Scente Dr., 2BR. tBA S/W. Privalo lol, now updntos, Qpptlancos Includod, ener« gy oificlent hoal/AC unit. $450/mo. $450 dep, refer­ ences. Call 336*402-7811 for moro Informallon. i , RèsortA' Vactlon Rentals Myrtle Beach Got! Courte Condo for ront. 2BR. 2BA, full kitchon, groat vlow of golf course & iako. Poet, lonnls&golf.$525Avk. Call 336-414-6871. »Ut05 Honda 2005 Accord, fully fondod, $300 down, Gocxi crodit, bnd crodil, no crodll, no problemi Call 7O4-072-5255 www.tagofnc.com Autos W e w i l l print 11,000 copies of your car, truck, boat, motorcycle, pet, furniture ~ even tlie kitctien sink a n d d e l i v e r I t t o , customBrs’ doorsteps ~ a n d w e ’ l l p r i n t I t FOUR Thursdays In a row- a n d you w o n ' t believe t h i s part ~ w e ' l i a l s o list I t for 28 days onllnel ~ a l l for t h e l o w price o f $20 a month. Beiieve II. Call Classifieds to Atlverllse 877-751-2120! Ilavel trailer liHch & sway bora, $350. Travol trailer llro 8. wheel, new, $85. Call 336-692-9930 ■ Servie* OIrmetory Financial Services "«H Mn «■» your bad eradlt -100% giiaranlMd’' The Federal TVade Commlsskin says any credit repair company that claims to ba able lo legally remove accurals and llmely Iriformallon from your credit report le yIng. Thera's no easy llx lor bad credit. II takes time and a conscious elfort lo pay your debls. Learn about managing' credit and debt at ltc!gov/crodlt. A meS- saga from The Salisbury Post i the FTC. Intwlor/txtarlor painting,pressure washing. Dodis houses & mobile homos. ComenI driveways. Also, builds docks or stains existing docks. Froe osll< malos. 50 yoars exporl- onco. 339-90«-3at6 re a l estate a u c t io n s C STROUSE HOUSE AUCTIONS 1424 Industrial Dr., Statesvllla, NC 28625Phono; 704-B72-8't'l4 AUCTioNEEn: mike sinouac. no lic. »7405www.strousehouseauctions.com Chtck UI out on Facobook 6 SIrauie House 4uclfetiif Thurs., July 26 • 6i30PM • Ikkload Stiiplus/Salvaje-Otitikxrlllecreatlonal SalelKUKTINO A niHINO - 6O16O Ctiw T«oWiy lüAii. Rom r Drcf) Moot Tru Ttnwor. DKOfMm. HewTiiMi. VMen, TfM Tret. Kt/ik PttUm. ThrtM (Vg. Pstd Case. Wciwrt Dccts, TacUt tcxn, F^srvig It««, fly R»cts. AJ'Twar 1 Ccnin, rood Sivm, ^ Gmdea, net Kn^s, lA VMS, Troliria PiM C«a ■AT10* PtrtiBerthn.)PfricnSwrg.lbUriie(№irrtas.№K)orQ»ri,0)hetUfTtrrtB,ChaMlcuigei.liiirnrnoc*s.4pc CorMnaSonS«tEiMTciu,YirijQam»t. Pc(>-UpCarti(m,Cooiin WAnnnm- MtOn9imWM^w9)Mia.SoiiitP<aQNUI. 3 Chtftor & M eurw 0«. [>xUe Fsh Fry Call btmw btiTYl Ots (M, W<tcr Otl M.Witw Pvtomn» Orl & SW4 0» ft Beat Sffioün. 5 Dtfw Starira Ott (№, Ixtt ol (Mb.----1M-CdimanaiToQoUE.Caiten.lly«iKnPacki,Pn^Ca(r()8MiftQni,lar«fm.}0(f Pcn,M(|Pi:(,TKti(M. llolcnt01TrM(M.D(<M,n»(urt«rlQkt,Mircy»00.0^,-8klTiti»it)i(*at8<-h.1,2.tiP«r«nTiiw,VftiwTrryihTW.WOc<CU«,BaMtrtOia,1atwg<iai,PodCittOcaw Til,July27<S;Mnil<№ciuMfcQMWtlM^^Oiti, Pato, Carim Pato Untriias, SatTRiirD Pools, ir tVi. CMri SU TiM. eu CariWr, DraM tolM. VMrtBast^(k»ii,8imPcd5l^.>Ufwccto.ntf»^rw>ii ____ Sat., July 28 «CLOSED | DtrteOons: HO to t-77 South to exn49A. Q. BagnatAv. approx. 3M mihpaat { ShftI Station - fikut tatt on Induatrfal Dr.. Strouaa Houaa A uctlon 1$ on ttiaLart . gcmaa tha tracka..Ju$t a ahort drtvm and aa$y to Pnd. j W efm on Farm st№odleaf.NC H O M t G R O IM M M firo E S IlO C A lP E A C H E a SW EErC O R N lG R EIN B EA liaBANANAPDTER& YIUeWSQUASli ЯЮСНЩСисиМВЩШЮМ PEPPERS aHGNEYDEIUfMElOtlSREADYNOIMCantaloupe & Other Produce as they ttecome available. Open: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.; Closed Sunday From Mocksville, take US 601 south to NC 801 Inlersecllon, lurrt right at light; 4 miles Into Rowan County to caution light In Woodleal. Follow signs Щ Я «У Ю О П О О 10 Welmore Farms. 1 и Ч Г £ .1 ч Г £ л м £ Я 3 0 + N C P r o p e r t ie s Ju ly 25 - A u g 6 Nominal Opening Bids from $1,000 ‘ For details, visit williomseuctlon.com ^ I rJC t Л. Ы V/. & ЛW/l (/^17 »VI*W'ltUAMb £.. Williams llfHííí»•wWoW« rMJ MtlU A u c t i o n : 4 L a k e f r o n t L o t s Saturday, August 4 at 11:00 a.m. Cedar Hills at Lake Hartwell In GA • Deopwnlor Lota with Exceptional Immonso Water Viowa • Also Oderlno Lukolroni Lol in Mountain Vlow Development AUCTION TRIQQEH PRICES AS LOW AS $99,000 Prevjew: Sat, July 28 ~E.3~ oa Fnm Uc. >0:479 10am-12pm ¿■T lO-. IIACiliN |U'Al:l'V(il(OUI’ mmair,JULYZ7 *8 A0 PM roRKBflPnsrCHIIRCH SPEAICm- R/AN l-IOOPER ARTIST-CIND/JOHNSON W itH STAGE 2 MINISTRIES #1 in N o rth C a ro lin a for more than 20 years. Tluml<you for trus ting us to insure your auto, lionte, life and business. F O R K В Д Р Ш Т STUDENT MINISTRIES 336.998.8306*^^ Come Find O ut W hy They C all It T H t M A P H e * u s t Keith Hiller 1109 Yadkinville Rd. Willow Oaks Shopping Or. fHoci<5Vllle751-6131 m CALL ME FOR A QUOTE TODAY Nationwide" On Your Side Auto Home Life Business temrAMBIST }eieCembln*dUotlfC VKV n>Mt IU JVl1H4U1S'2I»l N«Uvn«klt.Uw oca7ji??i OffittD Еадшшошхш: Plus Racing for the Sportsman, Street Stock, and Stadium Stock Divisions regend ' Ш й М а12 and Older-$10 „ . — I,- Agos 6 throuBh 11 - $1 W H E L E N Chlldran under e- FREE! ----------^ GOBMGBEFREEPARKING www.BowmanGrayRaclng.com 33в-723.181я Гш'ШжИиUckebiritliVIP pattini to ШСМГ mwlettltlnítK», il» IRWIN TQohllW Motar SimÂiiaii -л -г* ..Ч ‘-•v» • ..к . WE DA Vìe COVNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD D A V IE -C L E M M O N S ш е и OVER29,001 Я £ Л О Ш EViRY WSKI I Thursday, July 26,20J2 • 7D ¡ Call Monday-Friday 8 AM-5 PM : TOLL FREE m m m FAX: 704-630-0157 EMAIL: CLASSADS@SALiSBURYPOST.COiV! m ¿olTi6thlng or selling an item valued at ,'. $500 or less? Found a lost pet? I l l U I I I T F O I I P IC T U R E A P S Sell your pets, car/lruck or stuff with a photo ad & run It for 4 weeks for $20. Sell your house with a photo ad for $30 for 4 weeks. Y â R P S A L E 10 lines for $10.00 : 15 lines for $12.00 20 lines for $15.00 ATTENTION CDL-A Driveral Avorltt Hiring In Your Area. Great Benefits & Hometime. 4 Months T/T Experience Requlreri - Apply Nowl 888-362-8608. AVERITTcareero.oom . Equal Opportunity Employer, Drivo™ ATTN: DRIVERS... Apply Now, 13 Driver Positions. Top 5% Pay, 401K, Great insur­ance. Ne»f KW Con- ventlonals. 2 Mos CDL Class A Driving Exp. 877-258-8782 Class A Flatbed Drivers; Grow with Ual We are expanding and offering Great Pay & Benefits, Fuel Bonus, Safety Bonus & Morel www.gypsumex- press.com. 866-317- 6556 ext. 6. Drivers ' Drivers- CDL-A Ex perlenced Drivers. 6 rhonths OTR experi­ ence, starts at 32/ cents mile. Up to $5,000 Slgn-On BonusI New student pay and lease pro flraml 877-521-5775. www.uaatruck.jobs Drivers- CDL-A TRUCK DRIVERS NEEDEDI Miles. Equipment. Benefits. Hazmat Teams Start at 50/cents mile. Solo Drivers Also Neededi 800-942-2104, ext. 7308 or 7307. Www.Drlve4Total.com Drivors • DRIVERS- Class A CDL REGIONAL Company Drivers & Owner Operators. 1- .800-444-0585. Trish, Ext. 3206. Tim, Ext. '3205. Online applica­ tion: www.howellsmo- tor.com • Drivers Drivers- HIRING EX­PERIENCED/INEXPE­ RIENCED Tanker Driv­ ersi Great Benefits and Payl New Fleet Volvo Traotorsl 1 Year OTR Exp. Req. - Tanker Training Available. Call Today: 877-882-6537. wvw/.OakleyTransporI.com Drivors Drivers- New Freight lanes In your area. Annual salary $45k to $60k. Flexible home- time. Modern Trucks. Great Benefits. CDL-A, 3 months recent experi­ence. 800-414-9569. www.drlveknlght.com . Drivors Drivers/Flatbed Class- A. Get Home WeekendsI Southeast Regional. Earn up to 39c/ml. 1 year OTR Flatbed Experience required. 800-572- 5489, X227. Sunbelt Transport, LLC. Drivers OTR DRIVERS Start up : to .44 cpm. Home most weekends. Flat-bed Exp. Preferred. BOO-441- 4271, X NC100, HornadyTransportallon. Drivers Tanker & Flatbed independent Contractorsi Immediate Placement Available. Best oppor­tunities In the trucking business. Call Today. 800-277-0212 or Wvw.prlmelno.corn ímplájfment Oppoimhltles Pfoiesslonal-Sorvicos MEMBER SERVICES DIRECTOR- Do you love newspapers? Are you a creative thinker and leader who can build a membership program and lead a team dedicated to helping Norlh Carolina's newspa' pers stay strong and grow? Are you moti­ vated, energetic and a true self-starter? The North Carolina Press Association In Raleigh, NC, Is seek­ ing a hard-working creative, motlvotec member services director to oversee conventions, meet Ings, events, contests, publications and pro­ mote the cause of newspapers. The director oversees a popular editorial con lest and an advertlS' ing contest; organizes board meetings, our annual Winter Institute, plus work­ shops serving news­ paper managers, reporters, editors, ad directors and credit managers, and over­ sees compilation of our popular annual member directory. At least five years expert ence In meeting/events plan­ning or similar experi­ ence - required. Newspaper experi­ence is a definite plus. NCPA offers excellent benefits. All cover let- tors and resumes should be submitted online to Executive Director Beth Grace at beth@ncpress.com. No phone calls or paper applications, pleasel Rottflurant/Food-Sorvlco Proodty Servine th* Community Domino’s Pizza of Mocksville and Shayne Lory are now accepting applica­ tions for all posltlonsi Please print out an application at and bring It Ini Salei ADVERTISING SALES DIRECTOR Norlh Carolina Press Services In Raleigh, NC Is looking for a strong, energetic, hard-working sales directorl The NCPS Sales Director Is responsible for overall sales strategy, Includ­ ing Inside and outside sales for NCPS. The Sales Director targets advertising agencies and Individual compa­nies, routinely makes cold calls and sched­ uled pitches, main­ tains call sheets. The Sales Director also produces or oversees production of sales materials and presen­ tations. The Sales Director markets all NCPS products, from display to the 2x2, 2x4 and classified net­ works, and makes recommendations on any new products that could be sold. The Sales Director reports directly to the Executive Director and the full NCPA- NCPS board of direc­ tors. Newspaper expe­ rience preferred: must have at least five years of solid sales experience with a portfolio of success stories. Salary com­ mensurate with expe­ rience and perform­ ance. To apply, send an online cover letter, resume and any sam­ ples to NCPA Executive Director Bath Grace at belh@ncpress.com Jobs Wanted Experienced, honest dependable CNA. Will care for elderly or handicapped. Please call 336-909-2067 Yard Sale Davie Coimty CiMimont, 3-Famlly Spring Valley Dr. (2nd left past YMCA, oil S, Poaco Havon Rd.) Sal. 7/20,7om-untll & Sun. 7/29, 10om-4pm. Family clothes, tiousotiold, shoos, luggage, |ewolry, bikes, wheelchair and more. Plaau No Early Blnlf. Mookivllla Yard Sale. Saturday, July 28th, 7am- 3pm. 232 Milling Road. Toonago/womens clolhea and assorted ilema Mockivllie. 1476 US Hwy 64 East. Mulll-Family Yard Sale. Fri. 7/27, Sal. 7/28 & Sun. 7/29, 7am- 4pm. Plano, generator, furniture, Elvis & Star Wara memorabilia, fossil collocllon, collectibles, old baseball cards & much more. Mocknilla. 232 Angell Rd. Yard Salo. Sat. July 28th, 7am-untll. Houso­hold Items, clothes and baby Items. Rain or shine. Mockntlla. 345 Wllllama Rd.Vtird Salo. Fri, 7/27 & Sal. 7/28, 8am-untll. Clothes, toys, tools, books, housewares and much moro. Mockivllla. 4554 Hwy 64 West, (at Priscilla's Beauty Shop) HUQE Multi-Family Yard Sale. Fri. July 27th, 7am-3pm & Sat. July 28th, 7am-12pm. t-ots ol baby Itoms, clothes, toys, houso­ hold Itoms, clothes, plus size clothes, Vera Bradloy purses i accessories, otc. Babyltms eraco High Chiir. Pink; Brown, w/matchlng Groco Ploy Pon w/changing ЮЫо. Togoliior $50 or $30 oa. Cali 704-754-1912 anylimo. Building Equip & Supplies ^ for Sale > FIborglass 10'x26', 10 shoots $120.00. Call 704-433* 8072. Clotiilng & Footwear School unlformi, girls.22 piocos, size 10. $50 for Qtl. Ploaso call 704-200-0238 & Compute i Sottwai ters ire Compaq Preiarlo 6000 dosktop computer, nowly Installed Windows XP, $50. 707-857-6748 Complete Dollcomputor systom. $100. Ploaso call 704-B57-6748 fami Cl Iti 8 ft. Woods llnlsh mowor, $950; 3x5 ft. carryall, has wood rails, $300; 6 ft. scrapo blade, $150. Call 336-4g2-2gi6 Furniture Alma made deiks (2)30x60x20; Alma mado credonzas (2) 10x56x29 $87.50 oa, Call 336-945- 5093 Blue Leather Sofa $150. Can deliver Pioaso Call 704-433-7513 2 twin over full bunl< beds, 1 black, 1 blue. $75. (new 1 cost $200) Loave message at 704-433;9405 OMk, rolltop, 60". Asking $400. Please call 704- 938-7055 after 9am for more Information. Dlihwaaher, Konmore Quiatwaih. Used twice. Asking $200. Please call 704-938-7055 after 9am for more Informallon. Gai package unit wllh 3 Ion air conditlonor. $500. Ploaso call 704-213- 4022 for more Info. GE Electric Stove VGC $200. Qlrls 16" bike w/lralnlng wheels. VQC $25. 704-856-8005 Kitchen Table w/ four chairs In good shape $80.'Ploase call 704-267- 1560 Oak dining tablo (round) with oxtenslon loaf and 6 chairs. $200. Call 707- 246-1328 ' ■ Furniture, Old wrought Iron glasstop tablo w/4 chairs. BUY NOW - $500. Call 704- 603-6511 for moro Info. Sofa, leather, bluo. Good condition. $150. Can deliver. Ploase call 704- 433*7513 for moro Info. tJprlght freezer. Asking $95, Ploaso call 704-0433*2700 for more Information. Wooden table octagon $60, watorbod • 8 cylln- dor, quoon sIzo $300. Coll 338-045-5O93 2 toddler bods. 1 rod,1 whito. $40. Ploaso call 704-637-005B for moro informallon. 4 piece oak vonoor boys bodroom set. Excollent condition. $225. Call 336* 749-8968 t/Lawns Garden Real Puah mowor, IB" wide cutting path. Includes new shorponing kit, bagger. $100. Call 704-в38-9725 Riding Mower$500 Please Call 704-310-0879 Waedoator puili mowor, like now, $125.DlnnSA ^QII 704-857-6748 A m i s ] Craneman 2hp 10' radi­ al arm saw wilh stand and altachmonts. $100. 336*248-2158 Médical ВдШртШ ATTENTION DIABETICS wi\h Modlcaro. Qot a FREE talking motor and diabotic tostlng supplies at NO COST, plus FREE homo dollvoryl Bost of all. Ihl8 motor oliminatoa painful (Ingor prickingl Call 888-284-9573. ATTENTION SLEEP APNEA SUFFERERS wllh Modlcaro. Got FREE CPAP RoplacomonI Supplloa ot NO COST, plus FREE homo dollV' oryl Bost of all, provont rod skin soros and bacte­rial infoctioni Cali 877- 763-9842. Miscellaneous ForSale • Drill Press $50; Radial saw $150: bandsaw $60; 230 amp woidor $50. Call 704-638*9441 Four round wood columns 8 Inch dlamoter $150 OBO. Williams wall furnaco. propane $100. 704-636-7736. Hard drive. 1Tb. SATA for computer (new). $90.24" Sanyo TV, no remote. $60.19" AOC CRT moni­ tor, $60. (704) 857-6748 Push Mowers (4) - Craftsman. Prices $100, $75, $100, $200, usod. Ploaso call 704-310- 0879 Spike aroator (pull boliind mower. Like now. $60. Call 704-298*4445 for moro Information. STEEL BUILDINGS for HOMES & Garages Savo THOUSANDS. LOW monthly Payments, MAKE OFFER on Cloarance Orders 40x60, 30x36,25x30,20x22 Call Nowl 800-991-9251 Nicole. Table saw Delta 10", now* nover used. $110. Call 704-633-1150 for moro Information. Duller for app. 20 ft. boat. Frame Is 3x4 steel tubing & alum. Winch, 16" alum, whools, moveable axle. $450.704-857*9275 Trailer hitch for '02-’06 Honda CRV, $160. Blue ox tow bar, $95. Calf for moro info. 704-213-6201 Miscellaneous i For Site ' WANTED 5 I^OMES IN YOUR COUNTY needing siding, windows or roofs. Savo thousands during our HUGE romodol pro­ gram. No money down. $B9/month, Ail crodit accoplod. Coll Nowl 1- 886-808-8681. 12хВав chain link dog lol. Easy lo assemble. 2 brackets In oach corner. $200. Cali 704-645-9280 16'HWiHaPVC porch or dock railing, 4 posts & caps. $195: 2 iron bar stools, handmade In NC sell lor $200/pr. 336-470-2951 (2) MIchalln Energy tires, 225/55/16 MXV4, $50; Leonard alum, truck bed cover, 60"i<89" size. $100. 704-636-8071 Music Sales Alto Sax Wllh caso, and muslo stand. Good con­dition. $200. Ploaso call 707*246-1328 Appafachllan Mt. lapDulclmor. 3 strings, nut. wood fin w/lnstrucllon book. $90 obo. 336-470- 8942 Booh TR300 Trumpet w/hard covor caso & 2 mouthpiocos. Oood Condition. $190. Call 704-633-6877 For Safe • Clarinet w/caso . Asking $200. Coll 704- 640*9919 for moro infor­ mallon. Violin with caso. display Bland, and music eland. Groat condition. $140 707-246*1328 'Sporting Goods Grumman AluminumCanoe, 18 Fool. Qood Condition. $450.00 704- 6336877 1Vpewrlt»r,TA Royal eioctrlc,, alplia 610 $20. Fax ma*' chine. Sharp, UX355A, plain papaor, manual Incl. $25. 704-754-8837 alter 10 a.m. Mountain Bike, now In box, Rock Shogun 21 spood. 26". Orlglnaiiy $650. now $275. Call 704 990-6938. TV, DVD & Vide o M e t ...4 -I. AtMBsome I'ilcel leefle pupt« Swoot, full blooded, woll tom- pored • $55. Call 704- 213-22M MIxod Brood Medium sized dog noods good loving homo with yard to runi Call 336-802*0198 Mixed Breed 8 month old malo, free to a good homo. Lovoa to ploy ond noods room to run. Call 704-640*9542. 2 Pit Bull Mixod Dogs Nood Good Homo(s). Call (704)278-1972 or (704)326-6100 for moro information. Puppies, Chihuahuas. Born May 23rd. Wormod. Par­ ents on silo. $150 oach. 33M63'23S9 2 FBEE FULL GROWN oulsldo rabbits black with a iittlo whito & full brown. Email voach90holmoii.com Free Guinea Pigs, 3 young malos. Vory friendly and are uso to children. 704- 239-5814 or 704-637- 7616 HAPPY JACK® Dura- Spot: latest technology in lloa. tick, mosquito & mile control on dogs. Pat- ontod. At Southern Staloa sloros. www.hap- pyjackinc.com Bundio & Savo on your Cable, Intornol, Phono & Morol High Spood Intornot starting al loss than $20/mo. CALL NOWI 000-r.36-7409. SAVE on Cable TV- Inlernot-Dlgital Phone. Packages start al $89.99/mo (for 12 months.) Options from ALL major service providers. Call Accollor today lo learn morol CALL 1*877-715-4515, Timber wanted • Pino oi hardwood. 5 acros or moro select or clear cut. Shavor Wood Producía, Inc. Call 704-278-9291. Wanted:Otd Pie Salo Please call anytime 336-655-6353 Wheat pennies, Bulfaio nickels, Morcury dimoa & all old coins. Cail Bud Hauser, 336-998-8692. Free Kittens. Mixed Brood 12klttons. All differenl col­ ors. nood loving homes. Please call 704-644-0960 Mixed Breed KittensI Free to good homel Wormod. Call 704-880- 6799 or 704-880-1768 Mixed Breed buff 9 wook old kilton. She is fluffy, beige, & litter box Iralnod. Cali 704-636-2474. Free Pit Bull mix puppios. Please call 704-634- 7996 for moro informa­ tion. Free Ads Free ffrowood. Must pick up yourself. Mostly poplar wood. Pioaso call 336- 998-7418 for moro info. Free piano, full size upright. Fair condition. Ploase call 704-279- 6685 for more info. Instnictlqn AIR TRAFFIC CON­TROLLER- Train lo become an Air Trallic Controller in a secure govornment caroor at FAA approved AT-CTI school, Attend class lo oarn your associate degree by training al Aviation Inslltuto ol Maintenance In Chesa­ peake, VA. Median salary lops $100,000 (US BLS) wllh onpotlonce and lull cerlillcallon. Call loll tree (877) 560-1001 lor Inlor­ mallon. Hampton Uni- versily/Avlallon Inslltuto ol Maintenance. AIRLINES ARE HIRINQ- Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid II qualllled. Job placement assla- lanco. Call Aviation Inslllutd of Maintenance. 877-300-0494. Lost & Found i Found - solid black dog around Lentz Road area on 7/18/12. Please call 704-202-5051 lo Idonllly. Found Boston Terrier, lemala. Faith area. Pleaso call 704-033- 1722 to Identify. Found dog, neutered male. Golden Relrlover/ Lab mix, brown. Approx. 40-50 lbs. Near West Rowan Grill. 980-234-0316 Found whtto bunny with black lipped oars, Found al 500 W. Innos Street. 704-472-0892 _ I l i v e I 'W ' a l o n e but I'm never alone. I have Life Alert. F o r a F R E E b r o c h u r e c a ll: 1 -8 6 6 -3 8 7 - 4 1 9 6 Lost & Found Found dog, yollow Lab/ Chow mix. Neulorod malo. Off 150 near Lazy 5 Ranch. Call 336-207- OBI 7 to Identify. FOUND dog. Big fluffy white dog found noar CVS on E Innos St. Call 704*762*0374 for moro information. Found female dog. mostly white, short hair, approx. 30 pounds, off Leonard Rd.in Sniisbury 704-798- 4040 lonvo message. LOST English bulldog, basi­ cally all while, fow red spots on 7/17/12 on Trexler Loop. Cali 704-236-3900 If any Information. Loat female Colilo. In iho Smith Qrovo aroa. Ploaso call 336-998-3940 If found. Missing - Please HELPI Dark brlndlo Boxer w/whito markings on chost. Ml. Hopo Ch. Rd aroa on Tuos., 7/17/12. Ploaso call 704-223-0784 or 704-223-2395 Notices Wore you implanted with a St. Judo Riala Defibrillator Load Wire bolwoen Juno 2001 and Docomber 2010? Havo you had this load replaced, capped, or did you rocolvo shocks from tho load? You may be entitled to compensation. Contact Attorney Charles Johnson, 1-800-53S- 5727. Homes For Sale Advance. 4BR. 2.5BA. If you are looking tor a nico homo with acreage lhal has an abundance ol pri­vacy don't dare miss this. Ono ol the bost parla ol this home Is Ihe now detached garage and great storage buildings (3) worth $40,000. Also it haa a gazabo lhal staya wllh the property If you come to see this home you 'Vriir buy It. $95,900. Call 33«-M*-100S Land For Sale Just ReducedI Near Mockavlilo- Almost 40 acros. $275,000. Off Farmington Rd. For info, hllp;//www.claroshoro.co m/Form/Form,hlml 336-244-2824 . slundyeyadlol.nol Resorts \Vacation Property Near Ashovlllo. NC. Mountain Choiot on 1.87ac. 2bdrm, 2bath, Ig. stono firoplaco, now woll, sopllc. appliances and a nico mln. view. $144,750. Call Now 828-286-1666. Condos & Townhomes Mocksviila. 2Bn,2BA condo. Milling Way Villas. Pool, walk to YMCA, No pols. $850/mo, 33M69-3669 Houses For Rent Century 21 TVIad 336-751-5555 260 SUMMIT DRIVE MOCKSVILLE 3BR, 2BA wilh garage. Appliancos includod. $650/mo. 2452 US HWY 601S MOCKSVILLE2QR, IBAwith hoal pump & air. No pols. $600 wllh 2 yr. loaso. $625 wllh 1 yr. loaso 228 CHARLESTON RIOGE DR., MOCKSVILLE 3BR, 2BA, garage. All appliances Including wash­ er and dryer. S900/mo. Tired of Ifie hassle of managing your rental iroperty? CALL ^ntury 21 Triad today lor details on how simple & affordable our properly manage­ ment services are. Cali Century 21 TVIad 336-7S1-2222 and ask for Kethi or Alicia. Century 21 TVIad 33B-751-5S55 Houses For Rent Mocksvlllo. Furnishod 1BR cottago in country. No pots. S450/mo, + dop. -f rof. ЗЭе-284-475в Mocksvlllo. Mobiio Homo lor font, 3BR. 1,5BA. on pfl- vnlo lot. NO pol.4. SGOO/mo, + dop. 336-909-2100, Promier Realty NC 336-990*7777 239 Wiikesboro St Mocksvlllo 2BR, IDA SGOO/mo. 294 Sain Rd Mocksvlllo 4BR, 3.5ВЛ SI 975/mo, 273 Main Church Rd, Mocksville 2BR, 2DA $500/mo. 1958 US Hwy 64 E, Mocksville 3BR, 1.5DA $825/mo, 196 PlnehHI Ct, Clemmons 4BR, 3BA$1200/mo. Call 338-998-9345 3 BR, basement, country, near 1-40. Reni to own $720/mo. KUD/SECTION В oK. Call UI 1st. 704-630-0695 3 BR, 2 BA, good location. Brick houso wilh 3 car garnyo. S700/mo. Call 336-909-0804 3BR,2DA, good location. Brick houso with 3 car gorago. S700/bo. Cali Э30-909-0864 Offices Commercial Rental BCM Businoss Park, For salo or loaso, 9,000 sq. ft. building, 1500 lb 4500 sq It units. Commercial lots (0( ealo or will build to suit tonanl.33Q-998-3165 Wlnaton-Salom.Ofllco/Warohouso Spaco for loase. S1200/mo. + S1O0O doposll. 1,800 Sq. Ft. Somo utililios incl. Vista Realty, 336-768-1433 Manufactured Homes For Rent Mocksville 3Bod/2bath $750/month plus deposit; cute as a bultoni Recently remodeled; call or text 336*413-4625 Advance. 3BR. 20A, S500/mo. + dop. No insldo pots or smoking. 336-655*3157 Mobile homos for rent. 2 &3 BR & DW. Shady Acres МНР, John Crotts Rd., Mocksville. HUD accopt­ od. No pots. Call 336-909- 2092 or 336-998-8222 Mocksville. 2291 Hwy 601S, 14x80. 3BR, 2BA, appls., heal pump. 3500/ mo. + $500 dop. No insido pots. 336-098*7003 vvilsoi5law DO NOT LEASE or SELL your property’.s mineral or gas rights without talking to a lawyer! FRACKING LEGISLATION ENACTED Please contact Kimberly R. Wilson or Willinm J. Blakemore at Wilson Law, P.A., 1101 Haynes St., Suite lOSa.-Ruleigh, NC. or toll free at 1-877-571-4047 for ii free consultation. kim@wilsonlawpa.com ' InllQi'wiisonlawpn.com WWW.WILSONLAWPA.COM CONSUMER ALERT PR A D A XA LINKED TO SERIOUS BLEEDING AND DEATH Serious internal bleeding has been reported in patients taking PRADAXA (dablgatran). Nationwide, hundreds o f deaths have been reported due to uncontrollable bleeding. If you or a loved one has experienced bleeding after taking PRADAXA, call the law firm of M a rtin & Jones to protect your legal rights. FREE CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION 1 - 8 8 8 - 8 3 6 - 7 8 9 2 TOLLFREE RALEIGH OFFICE 4.10 Glenwood Ave. è- ATLANTA OFFICE 3353 Peachtree Rd. &. (I/ Linv www.M<»rti(nnndJioncii:com ,C UB - uAviii CUUIN 1Ï iUN 1 ü.Ki'Kisii, KU.CUKU, iniirsaay, juiy zo, n iu I t n ' M \ 4 - * I !!'''' A ’ S ». r / />;«i f':iv . « '. ., -C* ■ < t, I-V-Xi, 1 :.' '1 . i ' . - - ^.T' V/*'li- >,-'î Nick and Skylette Koon, As Ferguson and Kelli Allen talk with a vendor at the. N.C. Department of Agricul j Sandy Ridge Farmer’s Market. ;,, Chon IVIartinez and Tanner Rogers assist fellow camper Isabel Bishop with her catch on a fishing outing. These are the 2012 Junior Master Gardener Day Camp graduates.Carter Lagle and John Motley build bluebird boxes. ‘Mini’ Jr. l\/laster Gardener Day Camp Set For Aug. 1-2 Join Davic County 4-H nnd the Extension Mnster Onrden- er VoUniteers for Mini Junior Muster Gnrdcner Dny Camp Aug. 1-2 from 9 p.m. nt the Davie County Cooperative Extension Center. The progrnm is open to youth in grndes first nnd second, and there are a few slots available. Junior Master Gardener Is n nntional 4-H cur­ riculum thnt offers horticulturnl andxjnvironmental educntion for kids through fun and crentive nc­ tivities. The cnmp fee is $20 nnd due nt the time of registration. Cnmpers leam about plants, nnture, and the environment by pnrticipating in nctivities, proj­ ects, nnd trips. The annual San­ dy Ridge Fnrmers Market trip is a favorite ns they get to explore the mnrket and purchase a plant. Participants in the 2012 pro­ gram will learn about insects, wildlife, plnnt cnre, nnd cnmiv- orous plants, nnd a few of the craft projects plnnned include sun catchers, tie-dye shirts, ter- rnriums, and plant people. The mini cnmp is modeled nfter the week long Jr. Master Gardener Day Cnmp offered for youth in grades third through fifth. The 2012 cnmp was held in June and included blueberry picking nt Cnlnhnln Fnrm, les­ sons on honeybees nnd beekeep­ ing with n live observntion hive, nornl nnntomy observations under stereo microscopes, the fnrmers mnrket trip for n scnv- enger hunt and budgeting exer­ cise, nnd crnft nnd educntionnl projects, gnmes, nnd nctivities, such ns the secret smnlls gnme, soil pnrticle play, building blue­ bird boxes, nnd fishing. For. more information on the cnmps or to enroll n child, con­ tact NC Cooperative Extension, Dnvie County Center, nt 753- 6100. Tho center is nt 180 S. Main St. in Downtown Mocks­ ville. k Duck Tomato .Betty and tro y Spillman brought in this cherry tomato that is shaped like a duck.