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More Than Dance Spring Concert This Weekend Features Works By Davie High Students Paged " I i " I - 'M k m É i i É I TV Time : Merrifield Get§ Good Preôs ; On SportSouth Broadcast PageBI DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPm /Ei^ECO RD USPS 149-160 Nümber 18 Thursday, May 7, 2009 3 0 M G E S P o w e r t i a y B r i n g i n g 5 0 J o b s T o D a v i e Fifty new jobs are' coming to Moclcsville, Powertray, n manufacturer of paperboard trays for tlie food in dustry, will move into, a building on Bethel Church Road. Fifty em ployees should be added by 2011. "We are excited to have Powertray'here in Davic County and their confidcnce in our com munity and workforce is appreci ated,” said Terry Bralley, president of the Davic County Ecortomic Development Commission. "They are bringing green-collar jobs to the area, which will strengthen our commitment as a community to re duce waste and pollution and ben efit the environment.” • Powertray designs, manufac tures, and distributes paperboard trays, ioiowls and lidding systems for the frozen, convenience ond retail food industries in North America. The company is commit ted lo going green, Bralley said. The cellulose, fiber-based pa perboard is environmentally safe and biodegradable, especially when com pared to plastic to Styrofoam products, Jay Hilbish, managing member and president of Powiertray, siud the company hopes to be in Davie for a long time. “We chose Mocks ville after an extensive review of plant sites in the Carolinas, Tennes see and Arkansas," he said, Money from the N.C. Rural Economic Development Center will be used to help fit the build ing to Powertray’s needs, Bralley said. “We want to thank the center for tlieir confidence in Mocksville, and also Sen. (Andrew) Brock and Rep. (Julia) Howard for their as sistance through the rural center." Powertray hopes to be in the building next month, and be at full capacity with 50 employees within a year and a half. All job inquiries should be di rected to David Davis, Employ ment Security Commission, Room 109, Gantt Center, 751-3315. D a v ie ’s G o t T a ie n t The Daniel Boone Family Festival last,Saturday in Downtown Mocksville featured plenty pf local talent. In the photo above left, Grammy winner David Holt (left) ahd Josh Goforth share the stage with Mel Jones (playing harmonica). In the photo at right, Davie native Jamie Harper shows off his fiddling skills as a member of Carrie Hassler & Hard Rain. - Photos by Mike Barnhardt Davie Prepares For H1N1 Threat There’s good news and bad news with the H lN l flu that has captured headlines arid newscasts for more than a week now. The good news - the virus appears to cause mostly flu-like symptoms. The bad news - there is no natural im m unity or vaccine available. Davie health officials say common-sense precoutions are the best now, but if things get worse, they are ready. . Health Director Suzanne Wright said the county has a supply of emergency supplies such as masks and medicines that arrived Sunday night. They were distributed to the proper locations earlier this week. The health department is in daily contact with medical offices and school nurses, Wright said. ■ “W e’re m oving forw ard as norm al... and all is well,” she told county commissioners on Monday **The big alert is that its a new, novel strain that we have no vaccine for... and no natural Immunity to it.” Luanne Angell, communicable disease nurse Davie County Health Department night. "The big alert is that its a new, novel strain that we have no, vaccine for ... and no natural im m unity to it,” said Luanne Angell, communicable disease nurse at the health department. Over the weekend, the first case of H lN l flu was confirm ed positive in an Onslow County resident. There are six other “probable” North Carolina cases pending results at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for H lN l testing. These cases meet definition and include a traveler in Wake County and residents of Craven County. NC Public Health is working with the.se individuals to m ake sure they have the treatment'needed to keep fiu from spreading to those around them, and investigate where they may have become infected. Although there have been Davie residents tested for flu, no cases have been identified as possible H lN l flu. The Davie County Health Department is working with NC Public Health and community partners to prepare and respond to the H lN l (swine flu) outbreak. Davie County Health Department' has received its m aterials apd treatment portion from the strategic national stockpile. The county supply has anti-virol treatment and protective equipm ent such as masks and gowns for providing medical care to people who may be sick with H lN l. The health departm ent is working with Davie Count'y H ospital and private doctors offices so that suspect cases are immediately identified, isolated, tested and treated if necessary. Davie County H ealth Department and NC Public Health . have taken steps to ensure a coordinated disease control and prevention effort. Davie County Schools have been provided information for school staff and parents of school children; Davie County website Please See Flu • Page 4 T a s k F o r c e H o f ^ s T o N ip G a n g P r o b l e m ih T l i e B u d Members of the Davie Gang Awareness TasK Force discuss ways to curb the growing problem, I, - Photo by MIHe Barnhardt By M ike B arnhardt Enterprise Record They call them “wannabes,” They wear the clothing and flash the signs of gangs such as the Crips, Sureños, MS 13s, Bloods, 18th Streets and Skinheads. But they’re not members of a gang - not yet. “A ‘wannabe’ is a gonnabe,” said Jerry Medlin, a detective with the Mocksville Police Department and member of the newly-fonned Gang Awareness Task Force. “Sometimes, they’re more danger ous than tiie real thing - trying to provethemselves.” . And yes, all of the gangs listed above are alive and well in Davie County. Add Hell’s Angels to the list. One of the task force’s priori ties is to educate school officials, parents and teens to look for signs that a child may be ready to enter a gang - or already has. “We’re trying to stop it before it gets too far,” said Kim Harmon, lead nurse for D avie County Schools, She said the problem is not widespread, but serious. "Don’t be naive. This is a serious deal.” "Somebody needs to get fired up,” Medlin said. In Mocksville, Please See Gangs • Page 4 E^toriaJ Райе M om ’s Exam ple H as Been The Best G ift To H er K ids 2 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April May 7,2009 Mother’s Day is upon us, the moment during the yeiu when we pause and thank the women who bore, burped and baked for us in childhood — and beyond. Now in her 80s, my mother hasn’t quit her duties even as I’ve reached middle age. She still bakes cookies, cakes and pies for us. She’s quick with a glass of tea or an extra dollop of ice cream for the grandchildren. I can’t visit her without leaving with sometliing in my arms — a magazine or one of her signature oatmeal cookies. That is her nature. Always has been., What I’ve enjoyed most in recent years are her stories of how it used .to be — growing up on a remote tobacco farm at tho lieadwaters of Bear Creek. I want to impress my boys with the information of her life before cell phones and electricity and running water. Lest the next generation grow soft, I want them to know about the grit of their grandparents and their hard-scrabble lives during the early 20th century. My mother told me recently she felt like she had lived during the best of times. Oh, the things she has seen, and . the progress that has been made ... ' Best of times? She was a little girl during the Great Depression. She saw her three brothers pack and leave for service in World War II. Nearly every family in the county directly felt that war. Many buried their kinsmen. The Korean War that followed was no picnic. The losses in Iraq and Afghanistan are comparatively few. The numbers of troops involved arc much'smaller. My mother’s generation knew the uncertainty of the nucleiu- threat of Ihe ‘50s and ‘60s, the woiry that the Soviet Union vVould unleash bombs upon us. The communist threat loomed very real. The ups and downs of the econoriiy were bumpy then too. She drew water from a well and walched her father plow with a mule. They lived far from doctors and hospitals. They walked to church and to school in mud or dust. And they watched this counlry emerge as the world’s leading economy and the defender of liberty. They watched political giants and nuts come and go. She and my fatlier watched asplialt being topped over their dusty road and welcomed the invention of washing machines and refrigerators and televisions, Compared to what my mother has seen, our current economic malaise seems less intimidating. Everything : seems a little easier these days when viewed through the lens of the past. If hers was the greatest generation, how will mine be remembered? Hers took up arms against tyranny and . weathered crisis after crisis with a stoic résolve. They didn’t scream “The sky is falling!” after every evening newscast. America doesn’t need to rear a soft generation. Like the doses of castor oil applied to my mother’s generation, • we could use a tablespoon of reality. In the midst of unparalleled prosperity, we are grooming a worrying , generation. We worry when times are good — certain that they won’t last. We worry when times are bad — sure our best days are behind us. In the absence of real problems, we worry about contrived and imagined ones. My parents sprang from sturdy stock. They weren’t crybabies. They worked without complaining and didn’t expect a hand-out. They worked their fears out privately on their knees in prayer. They were part of a generation that has been proud to be Americans, proud of their heritage and ready to defend our shores. My mother’s cookies have always been good. But the legacy of her life and the example of her generation are her best and lasting gifts to her children. — Dwight Sparks DAVIE CO UNTY ENTERPRI/E^ECORD USPS 149-160 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 Published weekly by the Davie Publishing Co. Dwight Sparks........... Ftobln Snow............... Mike Barnhardt..,,;.... Pay Tutterow.............. Brian Pllts..............;.... .................Editor/Publisher, .................General Manager .................Managing Editor ................Advertising Director ..............Sports Editor Mocksville Enterprise Davie Record Cooleemee Journal Periodicals Ppstiige Paid in Mock,sville, NC 27028 Subsciiplion Rales Single Copy, 50 Cents • $20 Per Yenr In N.C., $25 Outside N.C. POSTMASTER Send Address Changes to; Davie Counly Enterprise Record . >1 <»/27 In The Mail Virginia Foxx Again A Disgrace To Ihc editor; Ms. Virginia Foxx hns done il ngniti; disgrnccd herscll', the US House of Reprcsentnlives nnd North Carolinn. I luive .received many cmnils from all over the world calling nttention to her dis- plny of ignorance and tolnl lack of empathy with the human race. She has always voted agninst North Cnrolinn's 5th Congres sional District's best interests, but I have never heard her say such ignornnt, untrue nnd very inhuman words about someone; com pletely misinterpreting the bill in debate. This is from a woman . i , who is a mother and grnndmotlier and must have known that the mother of the person she was dismissing was in the Hou.se Gal lery. ■' Ms. Poxx, who has n doctornte in education, demonstrated how far the conservative movement will go lo make fools of them- selve.s in public rorum.«. Her uncalled for comments di.sgraced the citizens of the Sth Congre.ssional District, as well as the Univer sity of North Carolinn, where she received her graduate degrees. Qracla M. Lltlauer, Cooleemee Grandmother Thankful BBQ Fundraiser a Success To the editor: 1 would like lo thank the lady who so graciously helped me with my sick grandson on Tuesday, April 28 at Miller's Restau rant. May God bless you for hleping us in our time of need. Kathy Harpe Mocksville Mocksville &Davie; What A Great Place To Live To the editor; On March 18,1 went home from my job for lunch break. Out side of my home, I slipped and fell nnd had lo crawl on my hands and knees to gel lo my front door. I used my cell phone nnd callcd my husband Keilh, who was on duty with the Mocksville Police Depl. I told him 1 was sure I hnd broken something in my right foot (three broken bones in my right ankle). When Keith nrrivcd, he found me still on my hands and knees and helped me turn over and when I did, 1 saw a fire truck with Jeff Lagle and Jnson Myrlck, Jn.son Shore and Richie Rcavis with the EMS and Michael ijulliher nnd Kevin Wnrd with the Rescue Squad - all there to help. 1 know all of these dcpnrtmenls hnndle these type calls on a daily basis - but 1 really never thought about needing their services, but I did that dny and nil of these men were so professional, but also so kind and helpful. Sheriff Andy Stokes heard the cnll and he also came by tp check,on me. Alice Smith was out walking and she also stopped nnd made sure 1 was OK. The reason for my letter is lo say thank you - everyone. We nil hope we will never need uny of these services, but this was a great feeling knowing these great people nre here for us if needed. I also want to thank Keith for taking such good care of me and taking me lo all of my follow-up appointments after my surgery (1 was bedfast for five weeks). Also thanks lo my mother, father, mother-in-law, my sisler and nieces, and friends for all of your cards, visits, food - everything. . ■ , What a great placc to live - Mocksville, Davie County. Fran Brown Gunter Mocksville To Ihe editor; • ’ A spccial thanks to all who supported the barbecue chicken fundraiser May 2 at Fork Volunleer Fire Depnrlmenl. The donations of money, cnkes, pies, and all the people who helped, arc responsible for this event being so succcssful. The Fork community can always be depended on and we thank you for your supporl. Anytime you meet a firefighter, let him or her know how much they are appreciated. Gladys Lowe, Secretary Fork VFD Board of Directors C onsider Rightness O f The R ight To Life To the editor; What an eventful ICO days. History has been made in so many ways. Some agree and some disagree wilh various decisions by our new president. When a person considers the vast proportion of the earth’s population that is non-white, there must be a great deni of salisfaclion that America has elected one who here, at least, is a "minority president.” There are ways that he now speaks for them, as well as for all America, We join in praying that God will grant President Obama wisdom anti boldness to make a difference for good. Many of us want leaders who will also speak up for and protect another needy group. There are babies who are being slaughtered, poisoned, ripped apart and abandoned. All this is legal because the U.S, Supreme Court snid so in l'973. Statistically, this atrocity has far surpassed the 9-11 attacks, and all wars in which America has been involved. We call on our president and all our leaders to consider the rightness of the right to life, both inside and outside the womb. George Troyer Mocksville L e t t ^ W ^ / 0 m f d The Enterprise I^ecord welcomes letters fron» its read ers, The letters may be on topic? pf foca^, stafe, national or international issues. ‘ \ ‘ ,.' ' ' , An effort will be'tpade-to print ai| letters, provided they are not libelous,'vulgar or in poor taste.'The editor reserves the righi to edit letters for grammar and tor spwe, All letters shpfiljd in9lu^e name'and addriss « f the writer, including a signatt^rA telephone number, noVto be published, is also requested. ^ Please iiave letters in'the newspaper office no,lat^r than 4 p.m. Monday of the week to published. Davie Coiiiity Enterprise .Record P.O. Box, 99, Mocksville, enutWs@davie-enterprise.com; R a l e i g h R e p o r t U n p a id F u rlo u g h s O rd e re d By Julia C. Howard NC House of Representatives Yet another sign of a turbu lent economic situation. Gov. Bcv Perdue announced lhat she is ordering unpaid furloughs for state employees. Under the ex ecutive order, stale employees will undergo a pay cut of 0.5 percent. In exchange for the lost pay, those employed by the state would bo given 10 hours of un paid time off which they could take between June 1 and Dec. 31. This effort from the chief executive is what she calls an effort in maintaining a balanced budget through the remainder of this fiscal year. Employees will see the hal^perccnl cut reflected in their May and June earnings. Statements by the governor emphasize that these actions are emcrgcncy steps to ensure the stale can continue to provide essential services to the citizens Ihrough June. House Bill 708 is a legisla tive action that calls for manda tory furloughs for state employ ees. Last week, the bill wus withdrawn from the House Commillee on State Goycrn- ment/State Personnel when leadership realized that the bill did not have enough support lo transition out of that committee and move before the Appropria tions pnnel. HB 708 is nn act to nulhorize our governor, ihe Lcg- islniive Services Committee, nnd Chief Justice lo order mnn- dntory furloughs of slate em ployees in an effort to balance the budget. The legislation would lay out dcrmitions, pro visions, and procedures for the authorizalion of furloughs for our states employees. • A landmark public hearing was held at the N.C. History Museum in Raleigh, the House Commillee on Appropriiftions opened a public forum to hear citizens concerns on the state’s budget. The auditorium at the History Museum was packed with an eager audience. The event was so popular that staff had to deal with an overflow crowd who were unable to find seating. Also participating were community colleges from around the state via the internet. This was the fir.st meeting of its kind and over a period of three hours communities, organiza tions, and agencies were given the- opportunity to voice their concerns with the versions of the budget which have been pro posed by the governor and Sen ate. The House of {Representa tives is working on/the docu ment and leaders of the House and committees felt that the public should continue to have a voice in this pfoccss. Simply Stated, hearing tho apprehension and distress from around North Carolina was humbling. The outpouring of concerns and requests mirror the anxiety expressed to me from our community. I would still like to emphasize what you are all aware ,of - we arc not alone. Tho state has felt the im pact of this unprecedented eco nomic situation. Many cuts to vital programs have been pro posed and I continually strive here 10 offer alternatives. To gether we share the burden and each of us may sense some threats to our way of life. Some members of our comniunity hnve experienced serious con sequences and are in distress be cause of the economy. As 1 have expressed to many of you be fore, I will continue to do my level best to ensure lhat during this process we emerge with prosperity and success. I have confidence in our communities strength and resilicnco. Thank you for working with me to keep the area thriving;' • Continuing this week was debate on a controversial piece of legislation, the Smoking Ban. The bill, which passed the House of Representatives sev eral weeks ago, was brought before a panel of lawmakers. In an interesting development, the Senate Committee un Health cleared the legislation out of that committee and to the Sen ate Floor for final proceedings. The proposed law moves to the Senate Chamber as a more strin gent measure. The legislation heads to the floor whh elimina tion of the House provision which would allow smoking in places that do not serve or em ploy persons under .the age of 18.- Furthermore, an addition to the bill cased anxiety within the moliOn-picture industry. The added section permits actors to smoke on set (or portrayal and theatrical purposes. House Bill 2 has re-calendared for debnlc by the Senate on May 6. • The General Assembly was pleased to have UNC Day. Law: makers from the Senate and the House honored the UNC Tarheels on their championship win. The team stands as a sym bol of our stale's pride, strength and determination. It wns won derful lo tnke the time to give credit to these skilled men. Wc Ihnnk the members and the coaches for their spirit and com mend these stars on providing an inspirntlonal model for North Carolina's leaders and citizens. • Feel free to contact my of fice if you hnve any questions or would like additional infor mation on the proceedings of the Appropriations Committee, the smoking ban, Hou.se Bill 708 or any other policy initia tives of this .session. Legislative Office; 919-733- 5904; Mocksville Office; 751- 8567;, JuUah®ncleg.net. E-mail; N O W O P E N ! f ’ ‘I < 1 ii \ A » The Wake Forest Baptist Healthcare Center - Davie provides primary care, occupational medicine, and á walk-in clinic treatiiig non-emergency injury and Illnesses. Also included area laboratory and a radiology department, , , Walk-in Clinic Monday through Saturday, 9a.nii, to 9p.m. ' ' Sunday, 1p.m. to 9p.m. , Primary Care by appointment, Monday through Friday ■ , ^ 8a.m, to Noon and Ip.m, -5p.m . Occupational Medicine Monday through Friday, ia.m . to 4:30p,m. Traditional hospital services, Mudiná'surgeries/Inpatient beds (or both acute care ■ and swing bed status, the gastrointestinal lab, physlclancllnlcs,.radlology, laboratory and the 24-hour Errtergency Department, will remain at Daviú Cóurtty Hospital. Wake Forest University Baptist 1 Я Ж И Ж И Ш 1 И Ш 1 М 11 1 И И 1 1 Д Healthcare Center-Davie DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 7 , 2 ^ - 3 To all who have said a loving “les” to life and earned the name ^^othen” T o d a y w e h o n o r a ll, w h o th ro u g h th e ir la b o r o f lo v e , b rp u g h L f o r t h life in to th e w o rld ...a n d th o s e w h o , b y th e lo v e th e y b ^ e tn . th e ir h e a rts , g a v e a d o p te d ch U d re n a n e w life . . M o th e rh o o d is m o re th a n 9 to $. i t ’s 24 h o u rs a d a y J o y fu l T e a rfu l H e a rtb re a k in g E la tin g T h e g ^ jio fs e lfffv e n in lo v e tim e a n d tim e a g a in . : F o r y o u w h o h a v e fo u n d th e cou rag e to lo v e c o n tin u o u s ly , niue ca n o n ly sa y ‘H a p p y M o th e r's D a y ” to d a y a n d e v e ry d a y. W e o w e y o u o u r th a n k s - a n d o u r liv e s . This message sponsored by the Knights of Columbus of Holy Family Catholic Church in Clemmons. Dnvid and Ruth Anne Adams Jim & Pat Allen Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bailey Ken & Joanne Baker Sam & Ana Bandy Peter & Mary Sue Bcckage Jnck and Andrea Beilis Rodney & Marjorie Booker Stephen Bowden Willinm Bowden Joe and Mary Ann Braeckel Ed Brennan Mike and Dolores Brown Chris nnd Theresa Biynnl Gerald and Barbara Bryant Tom and Eileen Callaghan Jim and Cliris Callahan Walter Capiga Jim and Judy Chillick John and Teresa Cibelli Chris and Sue Clark Mary Lee and Joe Clarke Tim and Connie Colt Mike and Kathy C ooper. Bob & Nancy Creel Chad and Alisha DeTroye Joe & Joy Di I^m bo Brian & Kerry Diekmnnn Bob and Janice Dorseh Michael and Katy DoUb Gloria and Bob Duckwonh Mike and Treva Facciolo Tom nnd Peggy Fergus Sam and Mary Ferguson Michael and Donna Pina Pat and Beverly Fitzgerald Jnmes and Bridget Floraek Dick and Mary Ellen Foley Chrisloper Fox Patfick and Joette Fox Bob and Joann Gearren Ryan and Jessica Grimsland Jeny and Ben Haniziuk Greg Harrison John and Anne Harrison Tim and Lois Hnsenour Gray nnd Megan Hauser Jnck and Kathleen Hayes Erich Heht . , Dole and Moggie Herbslritt Chris and Sandra Herman Michael and Betsy Heniska Barton Hill Jonathan and Paulina Hill Dick and Jonn Human Carlos M. Iruela Bruce and Anne Jaworoski Duvyood and Faye Jones Jack and Ellie Jordan Waller.and Ginger Jozwicki Norman and Maria Justice James Kimball Karyn nnd John Kliem Joseph Klimcznk Erica Konczal Jaclyn Konczal Jeff and Susan Konczal Lisa Konczal Mark Kovach Ron and Debbie Kovalak Greg and Nina Krull Dr. and Mrs. Paul Kuhl Vito Labruzzo Shawn Lane Dan and Laura Lawlor Bruce and jah Libke • Kari and Linda Mnlcr Alfred nnd Annette Mann Vincent and Nancy Mannlno Joo and Cindy Manno . Greg nnd Linda Marino . Casey and Doris Matuszak Michael and Eva Mazza Mac and Jeanne McGafflgan An McKay Hernan Mena ahd family Jonathan and Aricne Meter Mr. and Mrs, David Meyer Lenny and Vicki Meyers Milch and Kris Miller Bill and Joyce Milner ' Chris and Lindsey Molies Dennis Monaghan Barry and Marriann Moody Jack and Donita Moore Patricio and Allyson Morrillo Dwight and Vanessa Mouton Joe and Nancy Muster Ray and Shannon Nowak Robert and Carol Nowak Robert Obenshain DanandViòkiObergfell William and Janet Olszeski Roger And Debra Orden Ben Palombo Michael and Marick Paolucci Chris and Heather Pinker ■ Father Kenneth R,- Parker Ken and Rita Paspy ' Frank and Marilyn Petto Kenneth and Lauren Pickett and family John and Cindy Pickles Douglas and Trisha Powell Kevin and Susan Rapier Terry nnd Judy Roberts Jim and Linda Robertson Pete, April, and Lauren Roscana Larry and Mary Roscana Tom and Diane Runser John nnd Denise Saniga Mark and Patricia Schipke Allan Schreiner Peter Schroeder Norm and Mary Ellen Schumaker Hank nnd Meg Schurtz Ronald and Carolyn Schwartz Bill and Marie Sears Thome, William, and Delaney Sears Fran nnd Warren Shinker Mike and Mary Showaltcr ,' Carl and Laura Shutt ' • ,• Jared Shmt • ■ , Hemy Slide ; Bob and Belly Smilh • ■ AlSpaiigh M arkStanek ' John and Gail Stemper ■ Brian and Kathy Stemecker Chuck and Carole Tabor KeithTart Philip Tervccr , Mr. and Mrs. JoramThom^s . Christopher Thomsen , , Ed and Pat Thomsen . " John nnd Carol Tomel ^ Paul and Ellen Tommasi ■ , '; Robert and Patricia Travatelio , Bob and Kay Triplett ■ , Ken and Karen Vaden EdVoitus JoshVoitus JeffWaddell Mike and Carol Warchol Bob Webber ' Steve and Belly Winter Alex Wolfe • -Л Pnul and Carolyn Zlfchak ';', 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 7,2009 F a r m i n g t o n R o a d S h e ll S t a t i o n f o r L e a s e R e c e n tly re m o d e le d ! ! Shell convenience store located at Farmington Road and 1-40 in Davie County. Station has great traffic flow, a constant, customer base and a fantastic interstate location. This business is ideal for husband and wife operation and has great potential for additional growth. A well qualified candidate should be flnancially responsible,* have good business management skills and be available as an owner / operator. Contact: Danny Brown or Carolyn Simmons ® (336) 722-3441. N o w A v a ila b le Stiavifbeiries Already Picked *8“ /gal. Extended Hours TOR Strawiierry Season: M-F 12-5 AND Sat. 8-12 We also now have Tomatoes, Cucumbers and Lettuce Locally Qrown, H ydroponic .Tomatoes Come Tmti'The iSijfvrcncc! Dew Drop Farm 302 Foster Rosicl, Mocksville (i'ciMrr K(i. Is jiiM oir KMko Ud. Ill WcMcrti Davio Cciuiity) EXHNDED HOURS: Mon. - Fri. Noon-5i>m and Sat. 8 am-noon Call For Directions (3 3 6 ) 4 9 2 -5 2 6 3 G a n g s . . . Continued From Page 1 authorities tiiink gangs aro re sponsible Гог grnfnti tiiut hns bc come an everyday occurrence. There nre signs of drug dealing, sex, beatings. He’s seen video of'Davie youth wearing gnng clothing and flushing gang signs pointing aulomntic weapons nt the camera. "W here there nre gnng.s, there nre crimes,” Hnrmon snid, “ If wc cnn stop it or slow it F l u . . . Continued From Page 1 hns been updated w ith informntion about H lN i from CDC and an inform ational poster nbout prevention; local employers have been notifieil about neccssary prevention steps. The department is also working to spread information in the Latino community. The state’s NC CARE Line is open and receiving calls from the public nbout M IN I flu concerns ( I-800-662-030), The line is in English and Spanish, Although Ihere have been a couple o f hundred caries confinncd in Ihe US, few people dówn, it w ill help the commu nity in genernl." Tiie group has a video of its own, which shows some of the gang symbols, tattoos, clothing nnd signs, Much of it wns nimed in Davie County. “ We need to make the par ents aware, make the teachers aware ... whut theyVe looking at may not be just art work," said Stunrt Shore, Insk forcc member und Mocksvifle police detective. hnve been hospitalized nnd one death has been reported. It is too early to know if this new H IN I flu w ill cnusc illness like seasonal flu, but the sume prevention steps ure effective: • Do not travel to Mexico unless nbsohitcly neccssnry. • Keep your hands awny from your eyes, nose and moutii where flu enters the body. • Cover your rnoulh with the inside of youi' elbow when you cough or sneeze. • Wash hnnds with soup nnd warm water. • Stay home if you are sick or keep your children home if they arc sick. In Loving Memory of Tracy Eugene Fortune Feb. 18,1980 — M ay 6,2008 We miss you more than words can say. We knew you weren't here to stay. Our love for you gets stronger and stronger day by dny. It saddened our hearts to see you go away. G o n e b u t n o t fo rg o tte n . With Love, your family and friends. Gang Warning Signs • admits to hanging out wllh kids in gangs • shows an unusual Interest In one or two colors of clothing or a particular logo • has an unusual Interest in gangster-lnfiu- enced music, videos, movies or websites • uses unusual hand signals to communicate with friends • has specific drawings or gang symbpis on school books, clothes, walls or tattoos • comes home with unexplained physical Injuries such as fighting-related injuries to the hands/knuckies • has unexplained cash or goods such as clothing or jewelry • carries a weapon • has been in trouble with the police • exhibits negative changes in behavior such as withdrawing from family, declining school attendance, performance and behavior, staying out late without reason, displaying an unusual desire for secrecy, exhibiting signs of drug use, breaking rules consistently, and speaking in gang-styie slang What Parents Can Do • spend time with your chiid • get involved Inn school activities • be a positive role model • know your child's friends and their families • encourage good study habits • teach your chiid how to cope with peer pressure • help your chiid develop good conflict/ resolution skills (www.safeyouth.org) • encourage your child to participate in positive after schooi activities with adult super vision (recreation centers, sports, youth groups) • take action In your neighborhood • talk with your child about the dangers and consequences of gang Involvement, let them know you don’t want them hurt or arrested, that they should not; - associate with gang mem bers - attend parties or social events spon sored by gangs - use hand signs, symbols, or language meaningful to gangs - wear clothing Including specific colors which may have meaning to gangs In the area У . Advance Come Ceiehrate Mother *sDé^ at Captain’s Galley IVIother’s Day Weekend Suoer Soecials Specials Served May 8,9 & 10 Signature Specials (Served with soup or salad, and one side) Shrimp Trio 8 oz. R^ibeye 8 oz. Ribeye C'ombo (C a ju n F a n ta il, P o p c o r n ' $ Q 0 5 (w ith c h o ic e o f C a ju n o r C o c o n u t S iirim p ) -i -j p - s K o ir i» T e riy a k i M a rin a te d C h ic k e n o r*10“ « P o p c o r n S h rim p ) $ I 2 » 5 Colorado Chicken (T o p p e d w ith B B Q S a u c e , S h a llo ts , M o z z a re lla & C h e d d a r C h e e s e ) « 1 0 » » Fisherman’s Platter (In c lu d e s B a b y F lo u n d e r, D e v il C ra b , S tu ffe d C la m , C la m S trip s , P o p c o r n S h rim p ) New Captam’s Galley TOfiO Soecials • Buy One Captam's Galley Fried Scarood Platter, Get the Second Half Off • Buy One Cohíbo 6, Get the Second Half Off • Buy One Signature dmnerlas s'pecified m menu). Grit the Second Srgnafure Dinner of Equal or Lesser Value Mali Oti • Receive a Free larye. Side or Pint of Any ot our Howe.made Sauces’ or Salad Dreüümi)!; Free with the purchase of a Family Value Meal * ’Sfjíscidií,’ Apply for Takeout Only’ * Every Thursday All You Can Eat Grab Legs $22^0 Every Saturday All You Can Eat umbo Peel & Eat Shrimp $ 1 5 9 5 Tiies WedThurs Specials B a b y F l o u n d e r o r P o p c o r n S h r i m p $ 5 9 5 ' N pw .FeatuijlngM preD atty S pecials- go m e an d ^ i\|o y f ood a.G rc«|, P r | ^ TUESDAYS KIDS EAT FREE! (10 years old and under from the Kids Menu) I Open: 11 a.m. - 9 p.m., Tuesday-Sunday K in d e rto n Place, 2 1 8 H w y. 8 0 1 N , A d v a n c e 33бт940-б8б8, District Court The follow ing cases were . heard in Duvie District Court on ■ A p ril 30. Presiding; Judge Jimmy L. Myers. Prosecuting: Wendy J. Terry, Assistant DA. - Kristen Coble, simple as sault, dismissed per failure of prosecuting witness to uppear, - Anthony Foyell Cope, un sealed wine/liquor in passenger area and failure to reduce speed, dismissed, - Scott Crunfill, cruelty to animals, prayer for judgment contitiued; cruelly to unininis, dismis.scd per plen.. - Tracy Lynn Cranfill, cruelty to animuls, prnyer for judgment continued on cost,, $349 resti tution; cruelty to animals, dis missed per plea, - Douglas Raymond Fulk, al lowing dog to run at night; dis missed per civil settlement, - Ronnie Lee Gobble, resist ing a public officer, sentenced to seven days, credit for time served; injury lo personal prop erty, dismissed per plea, - Jesus Vasquez Quiroz, no operators license, rcckless driv ing to endanger, dismissed per picu; D W I, sentenced to 60 days, suspended 18 months, $100, cost, surrender license, not to operate u motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, sub- stnnce ubuse ussessment/treut- ment, 24 hours community ser vice, - Roger Denn Reinhnrdt, as sault on u female, sentenced to 75 days, suspended 18 months, cost, ubuser treatment program, possess no firenrms. ■ Carlos C. Sanchez, no op erators liccnse, $25, cost. - Cccilio Simon, driving with liccnse revoked,’ prayer for judgment continued on cost, - Douglas Todd Talley, as sault on a female, sentenced to 75 days,, suspended nine months, ubuser treatment pro gram, $425 attorney fees, only contuct with complainunt for exchunge of child. ' ' - Jcreitiy Michael Taylor, simple possession of schedule , VI controlled substimce, driving with license revoked, rictitious info to officer, dismissed per plea; possession of drug para- phernulia, prayer forjudgment continued 90 dnys, cost, violntc no Inws. - Kenneth Eurl Taylor, simple ussault, injury to per sonal property, dismissed per mediation. - Richard Lee Vantuyl, us- suuit on a female, assault wilh a dcndly weapon, dismissed per fnilure of prosecuting witness to appear. Failed to appear; - Brian Andre P illsbury, simple worthless check, A p ril 23 The follow ing cuses were heard in'Davie District Court on April 23. Presiding; Judge Rod Penry. Prosecuting; Jamie Gen try und Wendy Terry, Assistunt DAs, - Emily Chnpmon Newton, DW I, sentenced to 60 duys, sus pended 18 months, $100, cost, surrender license, not to oper-, ale a motor vehicle unlil li censed by DM V, substance abuse assessment/treatment, 24 hours community scrvice; ex ceeding safe speed, open con- Jeep Found In Dumpster Scott Gorski got quite u sur prise when he came to work at Salem Insulation on Bailey Street on Mondny, April 27, There was a Jeep in the dumpster, . It wusn’t the entire vehicle, but Inrge portions of n 1999 Jeep Grnnd Cherokee had been placed in the com pany’s dumpster, reported Mocksville Police Officer Justin R, Foster, The vehicle had been re ported stolen ill 2004, and the insurance compnny thut puid the claim didn’t huve much infor mation available, the report said. tainer after consuming alcohol, dismissed per plea, ' - Vienvnn Nguyen, unlaw fully passing emergency ve hicle, prayer forjudgment con tinued on cost. •' - Stephanie M. Olivarez, re sisting a public officer, consum ing ulcohol by 19/20, dismissed. - George C. Pritsis, failure to notify DM V of address chunge, $50, cost; speeding 86 in a 70, use o f foreign license while driving with liccnse revoked, dismissed per plea. - Santiago A, Ramirez, driv ing with license revoked, prayer forjudgment continued on cost, not to operate a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, - Daniel Euri Rcusner Jr„ us sault on a female, dismissed per failure of prosecuting witness to appear, - Margaret R, Shough, DW I, sentenced to 60 duys, suspended 18 months, surrender licensc, not to operate a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, sub stance ubuse asscssment/trcnt- ment, $100, cost, 24 hours com munity service; driving after consuming under 21, dismissed per pleu, - Mnrgnret R, Shough, driv ing left o f center, dismissed per plen. ' - Edwurd A rtiiur Theurcr, fishing without u license, prayer forjudgment continued, - Dasher Brent Wilchcr, pos- session of marijuana up to one und one-half ounces, possession of fortified wine/liquor/mixed beverage under 21, dismissed, evidence ordered destroyed, - David Michael W illard, driving with license revoked, posscssion/displuy o f altered/ fictitious/revoked drivers li cense, expired/no inspection, possession o f open container/ consuming ulcohol in passenger ureu, unsafe movement, dis missed per plea; D W I, sen tenced to 12 months, suspended 18 months, $400, cost, surren der license, not to operate a motor veiiiclc until licensed by DMV, substance abuse assess ment/treatment, seven days in jail, - Nyeshia Marin Woods, dis orderly conduct, cost, $200 nt- tomey fees; simple assault, dis mis.sed. Failed to appear: - Adriçn Paul Guillory, driv ing with license revoked, rear lamps violation. - Narado Michael Harris, possession of marijuana up to one and one-half ounces, pos session of drug paraphernalia. - Andrew Adam Lusk, mis demeanor probation violation out o f county. - Janice Norman Smith, driving with liccnse revoked. - David CIny Trcxler Jr., driving with licensc revoked, speeding 47 in n 35. Do you suffer fromGOlhAnACKS? LoMi doctora ari now a medical •tudy In aoirt to IlMoflidlvoMM iMlaalriyofan himtiaational modlciM; ' If you have goiit, yog may be eligible to participate In the PRE-SURGE 1 study, evaluating an Investigational medicine for ' preventing acute gout flares In select patients. Researchers are ., Interested in' determining ttie effectiveness and safety ot the : Inyestlgationgl medicine when uged In combination with an ^ . FI}A''approyed medicine commonly used for goiit treatment. To iw comlderad (or pwlfelpation in ttw raE-8URQE 1 ituify, ■ youimwt: ..... P re r ,1in( ^ e . medicine known as allopurinol, AND • Not currently bQ experiencing a gout flam,’ Ttie Investigator will vvi)^ with you to detarmhi« wtwther you qualify for the atuily, using a more coffiprehenilvei list of crittrta, Q u ail^ particlpants.wMrecalve study (M iciiw as w el lb ; study-rolated rnedical evaluations at no coit; minitHira«ffl«nt for: time and travel may also be available, ' Ito Iflin m o n ,p iN M O M ^ , '/ 1 ' C r e s c e n t M e d ic a i R e s e a r c h 704-647-9913 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 7,2009 - 5 P r e t t y F l o w e r s Sun or Shade, wu cun help •j.'j you elioosc t)ic ilowers that wiil inpkc your yard Ihe prelticst uround. Mom's L.A, ¿;tft Cards! Ttrtte toSVictp Por Mo>w.At U,A. M o m s L o v e R o s e s Mom will Enjoy the Mngnifiecnl Color and Fnigraiicc, W e Pelivet- C o n t a i n e r G a r d e n s Container Gardens are an easy to add color and beauty.^ to your Dcck, Porch or Patio.^' Dccoratiiig made easy. I n t h e N u r s e i y I luge sclcction of Trees and Shrubs to spmce up your OuUkxM- Living Spacc, Great for screening, borders, color ond shade. The Plant Experts R E Y N O L D S Our Plant Experts hnve been Buzzing nround for years. Ask us forndvice.O A R D E N S H O W C A S E ” 4400 Slycni I'cfry RtoiI, Wimlon-Snlcm, NC 2711Ы Ш -'М -Ш , LARcyiuilds.com Mon-Siil 9-7 Sun .12-5 M a k in g p e o p le h a p p y o n e c u s to m e r a t a tim e . 7 IIU I1 Л: ( !()unir\ i II imi' u ili liilfill ,ill \'iiiu ilei iii.ilm j; m cds ,is mn kii(iMÌc (lf;c,ijiic' si.Ili .ISSISI-. \'(ii 111 luiniiiL', viiiii iliiM iiis min u .ilu'. \\ l\i (lu i VIIU II- liiiililiiij^ ,1 1КЛ1 lìdiiu', Il iiiiK II liii^; I II к (Il ( iii.ilm^; \I IMI i \isl iii|; liniiii . Ili\\ Il \ ( !llU lllr\ 's ^11,il IS In l KMIl' llii.- |ii I In I li\ 1ПД i in inim iH iii li\ Ini iisiii^ mi \n iii IH i ils .iiiil luiilin^ ilii iilimI II,il.mi i' Im l\M I n SIS Ir. Ini MI .imi lim i lim i W illi liill iiiiK' 1 n m iin ii.is iiii- libili iMi|n i. iili , li.iiilw nnil, l.iiiiiii.iu lini II ini' .Mill I .ilim i IS In iii.iki' GABI ..£LM ir CO..»», N E T R Y “T "U'R'bÑ'iíg 'ríb'llSíES Ы Т Ь O hW iES" T t n V C Ñ 'S r ’ Ccm^fTW HOME SHOWCASE 5275 U.S.Hwy158, Advance, NC (Tangiewood Crossing Shopping Center) 336-998-7800 щ я ш ■ ■■B l ■1 ■Ш Ш Ё Ш H I {[¡¡И ¡m i I B I H H т ц н D A V I S К I: (,1 C) N A 1 M 1 1) 11 ( A L C E N IPER ' WWW,, d a v ii S r С g i о n a 1. с о ПД DAVIS REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 2009 COMMUNITY EDUCATION SERIES ■ LUMBARSPINALSTENOSiS Wednesdi^,May13 • 5:30 pm'• Davis Re^onal Medical Center Classrooms Do you need relief from Lumbar Spinal Stenosis? Now you have options. Lumbar Spinal Stenosis (LSS) can be a painfiil and debilitating condition. Ifyou feel you’ve loscsorne of your quality of life, pleasaatiend our FREE PRESENTATION.; At tills event, you will leam ‘about ISS, innovative treatments and the latest technologies, as well as meet other people with LSS! Ifyou're dred of living with the pain, join us for a higtily informative discussion. Certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Sutgeiy, Dr, Williamson is a graduate of the University of Tennessee College of Medicine. He completed his internship and residency at Erlanger Medical Center and fellowships at Rush'Presbyterian-St Luke’s Medical Center and Shrjnets ' g Hospital forCrippledChildren in Chicago, lliinois.' . O T\[A T , The program is free and open to the public, and reservations ah M— — — MMwiini rei]uestedat704-838-72S5. \ '1 ’Л i Í 2 I H Dll) M I) С К S V I 1 I I ПОЛИ 4.1) , I X I 1 15 4 , S I Л V r S V I I L E ( 7 0 4 ) К 7 ,1 () 2 К I 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 7,2009 Ehablic Records Advance Pediatrics Joins Group DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 7,2009 - 7 I II i . I Civil Lawsuits The following civil lawsuits were filed with the Davie Cleric of Court. - Juan Pedro Sanchez vs. Rolling Thunder Customs, Dennis Johnson and Joyce Ann Johnson, money owed, attorney’s fees. - LVNV Funding vs. Beatrice M, Stevens, collection on account, $1,989,81. - LVNV Funding vs, Keith McDaniel, collection ; on account, $882.04. ' - LVNV Funding vs. Karen Messer, collection on account, $1,281,11. - LVNV Funding vs. Wilda • T. Wilson, collection on account, $2,314.19, - LVNV Funding vs; Shannon D, Hall, collection on account; $1,069,89. Christopher Scott Meadwell vs. Angela Nicole Meadwell, child support, custody, divorce from bed and board, equitable distribution. - Anthony Joseph Henriquez vs. Heather Boger, child support, custody. - William Dwight James vs. Patricia Ann Lineberry James, divorce. - Anita K. Humphrey vs. Louis Earl Humphrey, divorce, - First Citizens Bank vs. Jimmy L, Barringer, collection on account, $4,763.71. - Target National Bank vs. Leeann Keen, collection on account, $3,674.19, - P-F Plumbing Contractors vs. Cane Garden, doing business as Scenic Homes, Douglas W, Shell and Sharon D, Shell, money owed, - First Citizens Bank vs, Bradley C, Vest, collection on account, money owed, $4,228,04. - Crystal Horne vs. Peter Hadley, child support. • Amy Caudle Nichols vs. Mark Allen Nichols, alimony, child support, custody, equitable distribution, post separation support, attorney fees, - Kate Janinc Sykes vs. Matthew Eugene Jessup, domestic violence protective order. - Suntrust Bank vs. Tommy E. Player Jr., collection on account, money owed, $12,764,57. - North Star Capital Acquisition vs. Joyce E, Booker, collection on account, $3,833.61. - Larry Douglas McClenney vs, Lucille Dillon McClenney, divorce, - Matthew W, Dillon Jr, vs. Jessica Leigh Bledsoe, custody and child support. - Deborah Kay Goins vs, Joseph P, Goins, divorce, - James L, Sheek vs. Kenneth W. Taylor, money owed. - Citibank, South Dakota vs. Jean N, Ward, collection on account, $8,640,16. - Laura Elena Rodriguez Enriquez vs. Alberto Antunez, divorce. - Renee Reynolds Barney vs, Dovid Allen Barney, custody, divorce, resume maiden name, - Byron Clayton Cox Jr. vs. Verna Faye Cox, collection of personal property of decedent, - James Vogler Jones vs, Frances Peters Ellis, divorce. - International Portfolio vs, Franklin R. Smith, collection on account, $1,460.08, - The Sherwin Williams Co. vs. Distinptive Properties of the Triad, Phillip A. Beauchamp, Thi Alderman, collection on account, contract, money owed, lien enforcement. - Peter Ressa vs, Sheri Dene Ressa, custody, divorce, equitable distribution, - Brittany Williams vs. Garland Shane Holleman, domestic violence protective order. - Suntrust Bank vs, Billy Beck, collection on account, $1,764,33. - State of NC DENR vs. Southern Piedmont Land Development, money owed, $3,526.95. - State of NC DENR vs. Jeffrey K, Phipps, money owed, $5476.34. - EMA Resources vs. Michael William Vestal, individually and doing business as MW Vestal Trucking, contract. Marriages The following were issued marriage licenses by the Davie Register of Deeds. - Ulises Barrera Jimenez, 23, of Winston-Salem, and Jessica Lynn Lau, 18, of Mocksvilie. - Thomas Bert Everhart, 32, of Lexington, and Megan Lynn Orubb, 31, of Mocksvilie. - Todd Henry Sherrill, 45. and Glenda Dariene Angell, 41, both of Mocksvilie, - Fred Russell Humphries, 48, of Mocksvilie, and Lucretia Ann Roper, 44, of Rutherfordton. - Kevin Thomas Garnett, 49, and Kathleen Renee Nettles, 38, of Mocksvilie. - Nicholas Lee Davis, 22, und Renee Lynn Ratledge, 20, both of Mocksvilie, - Salvatore Deluca, 52, and Tina Lynettc Bennett, 40, of Clemmons, - Marcus Deron Williams, 25, and Kristen Leigh King, 25, both of Mocksvillc. - Anthony Wade Sellers, 43, and Angie Carol Hairston, 31, of Mocksvilie, - Charles Wesley Birdsong Jr., 28, and Kandy Michelle Royse, 23, of Yudkinville, - Bartolo Enriquez Flores, 39, and Margarita Jimenez Jimenez, 38, of Mocksvilie, - Albert Wesley Manring Jr., 32, and Elizabeth Gull Moore, 32, of Mocksvilie. - Roger Dale Kiser, 37, and Wally Anne Osborne, 26, of Harmony. Land Transfers The following land transfers were filed with the Davie Reg ister of Deeds, listed by parties involved, acreage, township, an deed stamps purchased, with $2 representing $1,000. - Muttamy Carolina Corp. to Daniel T, Fishel and Faye P, Fishel, I lot, Farmington, $317, - Amil B. Whitehead to The Peter Group, 1 lot, Mocksvilie, $226. - Grady 1. Ingle, substitute trustee to The Bank of New York, .5 acre, $66, - 1st Choice Housing to Kelli Hannon, 1 lot, $222. - Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to Eliseo Romero and Margaret Healy Romero, ,41 acre. - SunTrust Bank to Gregory Mayes Gilmer, 1 lot, Farming ton, $190. - Ariene McCloud to Frunk G, Janus and Pamela J, Janas, 1 lot, Mocksvilie, $560, - The Peter Group to Jenni fer Sousa, 1 lot, Mocksvilie, $263. - Phase IV Realty to Betty Lynn W, Peters, 1 lot, Mocks vilie, $340, - Isaac H, Baity and Debra Lynn Baity to Donald Edward Graham and Carolyn R, Gra ham, 2 lots, Farmington, $34. - Floyd E. Greene (1/2 inter est) to Floyd Greene Family Bam Н Е Щ Т F a ames A G Earm Reba and Todd Mclnnis Mucallonal Farm Toiirs for Ciiildren ft Aduhs 367SlwflMdRMHl-Modavill«,NC27028 33M9^-7S29 336.407-2M0 toddnb«367s@yMttel.n«t Limited Partnership, 9.5 acres, - Denise Bennett (1/2 inter est) and Warren Bennett, and William C. Carter (1/2 interest) and Pamela Carter to William C. Carter and Pamela Carter, 4 tracts, Mocksvilie, $64. - Ralph S. Rowe and Maria J, Rowe by attorney in fact, Ralph Stanley Rowe to Nancy Ambrosini, 1 lot, Mocksvilie, $9. - Jeffrey Mark Smith to Cheri Taylor Smith, 1 lot, Calahaln, - James Clyde Hutchins and Carol S. HutcUns to David Lee Hutchins and Donna Marie Hutchins, 2,17 acres, Farming ton, $270, - James A. Clendenin to James A. Clendenin and April Dawn Ends, .5 acre, - Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to Ronald B. Grout nnd Patricia R, Grout, 1.97 acres. - Donald William Parks and Connie L, Siler to Amber S, Creason, ,46 acre, Farmington, $270, - Michael Scott McDougall and Kristi Ann McDougall to Bobby Johnson and Deanna Johnson, 1 lot. Shady Grove, $458. - Duvid B. Whelpley to C, Wuyne Prater and Lucy M, Prater, 1 lot, Farmington, $600. - Glenn A, Hughes and Betty M. Hughes to Michael S. McDougull und Kristi A. McDougull, 1 lot, Fulton, $400, - Jennifer G. Walser (1/2 in terest) to Jonathan P. Walser, 1.5 ucres, Fulton. - Von C, Shelton and us'ex- ecutor of estute of Johnsic T, Shelton, and Madeline B. Shelton, Bobby J. Shelton and Peggy O, Shelton to Joseph Mark White and Jeunnu Buxter White, ,75 acre, $108. - Bermuda Village Retire ment Center to D. Gray Angell and Christina C. Angell, 1 ion- dominium, Farmington, $200. - Patricia S, McCloud to Anthony Barrymore Cook and Eric Bernard Cook (1/2 interest ench), 5 ncres, Clarksville, $4, Deanna Shuniel Btuekwclder to Bradley Davis Blackwclder and Deunna Shamel Blackwclder, .98 acre, Mocksvilie. - US Bank National Associa tion, trustee to Sandra S. Shep herd, 2 tracts, Mocksvilie, $98, - Federul National Mortgage Assoc, to Stefanie P. Taylor, 1 lot, Fulton. - Jane E. Siefert and Daryl D, Siefert to Howard L. Boggs and Janice S, Boggs, 1 lot, $289. - Arthur C. Ratledge Jr, und Helen C. Ratledge to AuShante R, Damaso, 2 tracts, Clarksville. - Donnie K. Simmons and Angie K. Simmons to Brian Eugene Thomas and Lisa Rumos Thomus, 13.39 acres, Mocksvilie, $664. - Stacey Alexander Smith and Jennifer S. Smith, Justin Patrick Smith to Greene Hill Farms, .48 acre, Mocksvilie, - Stacey Alexander Smith and Jennifer S. Smith, Justin Patrick Smith to Greene Hill Furms, 1 truct, Mocksvilie. - Stacey Alexander Smith and Jennifer S. Smith, Justin Patrick Smith to Greene Hill Farms, 3 tracts, Mocksvilie. - Stacey Alexander Smith und Jennifer S. Smith, Justin Patrick Smith to Greene Hill Farms, .31 acre, Mocksvilie, - Stacey Alexander Smith and Jennifer S. Smith, Justin Patrick Smith to Greene Hill Farms, ,57 acre, - Stacey Alexander Smith and Jennifer S, Smith, Justin Patrick Smith to Greene Hill Farms, 7,025 square feet. D ix ie l a n d f a r m •o a niing 1лш»апш Cmtm 12x12 Su*,MmliMmAim,TnA, 6c«#rfFadMei,HolKoMVtehRadi Mention Ad and get $50 off Board llrst f/iree montfjsl www.dbcMMdfarm.coin C onU ct: Mftrieea Phone: 536402-6403 1784 Godbey Road - Mockeville, N C 27028 Mocksvilie. - George R,'Frank III and Martha Frank to Donnie R. Simmons and Angie K, Simmons, 2 tracts, $160. - George R, Frank III and Martha Frank to Donnie R. Simmons and Angie K. Simmons, 44,100 square feet. - Structural Designs to Francis S, Covvey and Danette Covvey, 1 lot, Jerusulem, $364, - Pro Rehab Construction to Roy S. Smith Sr, and Shiriey A, Smith, 1.19 acres. - Sun Trust Bank to Richard W. Chatham and Peggy K. Chatham, 2,19acres, Jerusalem, $130. - Colonial Estates lo Johnny Marklin, I lot, Mocksvilie, - Homesales of Deluwure to David E, Crysler and Carol F. Crysler, 1,74 acres, Jerusalem, $64, - Lisa S. Cumpbell, substi tute trustee to Wells Fargo Bank, 1 lot, $186, - Margaret L. Bieman, per sonal representative of estate of Cyrus Clyde Lakey to Roger P. Spillmnn, 2 tracts, Mocksvilie, $170, - Jerry Meade Graham and Betty Love Graham lo Lurry William Jones and Renae Jones Tkach, 1 lol, Mocksvilie, Mocksvilie Police The following incidents were reported to Mocksvillc Police Department, - Vandals wrote on Ihe walls of n bathroom nt the Davie Fam ily YMCA, il was reported April 30, - The larceny of 3 gallons of gas from a vchicle on North Main Street wus reported Muy 3, - The lurceny of n 1996 Dodge Neon from a residence on Cumpbell Road was reported May3, - An employee at .lersey Mikes failed to turn a deposit into the bank, it was reported May 1. - The larceny of junk butter ies froin u business on South Muin Slrcel were reported Muy 1. Arrest.s - Desmon Duone Sellers, 18, of Rolling Hills Lune, was chargcd April 30 with resisting a public offlcial. Trial dale: May 21. - Ronald Keith Atwood, 45, of Winston-Salem, was charged April 30 with breaking and en tering and larceny. Trial date; May 18, - Sumunthu Lee Willard, 26, of Jesse King Road, Advance, was charged April 28 wilh lar ceny, Trial date; May 28, - Mario Francisco, 29, of Bethel Church Road, was charged Muy 2 with lurceny. Triul date: June 19. -Juan Ana Jose Jiminez, 18, of Bethel Church Road, was charged May 2 with lurceny. Triul dute; June 19, Traffic Accidents - No churges were filed af ter a wreck on Cfoopei* Creek Drive at 12:44 p.m, May 1. Brandon lyier Earnest, 22, of Statesville, backed a truck inlo a 2006 Saturn driven by Cindy Lou Stapleton, 49, of Cuna Road, reported Officer E.M. Parker, - Both drivers said they had a green light before vehicles collided al East Lexington and South Main streets at 10:20 a.m. May 3, Lurry Douglas Head, 59, of Junction Road, was driving a 1994 Ford on East Lexington and Virginiu Dule King, 61, of Hudson, was driving a 2000 Toyota on Soulh Main when the two collided, reported Officer Chris Hefner, - Two vehicles cpllided at Milling Road and Morse Street at 1:15 p,n). May 3, Randall Dean Boger, 44, of Whitney Road, was driving u 2003 Dodge from Morse to Milling, and Eleazarr Romero Catalan, 33, of Morse Street, was driving a 1993 Geo from Milling onto Morse when the two collided, reported Chris Hefner. Fires Davie County flre depart ments responded to the follow ing calls: April 27: Advance, 1:11 p.m,. Rolling Meadow Roud, reported structure fire; Fork as sisted; Advunce, l:37p,m„Casa Bella Drive, illegal bum; Ad vance, Cornatzer Road, auto mobile accident; Cornatzer- Dulin assisted, April 28: Jerusalem, 4:24 p.m., fire alarm; Cooleemee, 4:25 p.m., fire alarm. May 1: Mocksvilie, 2:03 p.m., S. Main Street, automo bile accident. May 2: Mocksvilie, 8:34 a.m.. Milling Roud, vehicle fire; Cornatzer-Dulin, 3:24 p.m., Cornatzer Road, illegal bum; Mocksvilie, 4:15 p.m,, Baker furniture; Comutzer-Dulin us- sisted; Mocksvilie, 5:59 p.m., US 64 East, automobile acci dent; William R. Davie, 8:34 p.m., Eatons Church Road. May 3: Mocksvilie, 10:22 a.m.. Suicide Crossing, automo bile accident; Cenler, 6:53 p.m,, Sheffield Roud, uutomobile uc- cident; Smith Grove, 7:04 p.m., NC 801 North, automobile ac cident. Arrests The Davie County Sheriffs Department made the following arrests: - Michael Blaine Spaugh, 36, of River Road, Advancc was arrested AprH 28 fordri'ving with license revoked, fictitious/ con cealed/revoked registration card/tag, operating vehicle on insurance. Trial dale: June 19. - Tony Lynn Wilson, 41, of US 64 West, Mocksvilie was arrested April 29 on un order for urrest. Triul date: May 19, • -Stacy Ray Lane, 49, of A von Street, Mocksvilie was arrested April 29 for simple assault and communicating threats. Trial date: May 28, - Marguritu Beizu Perez, 23, of Dcadmond Road, Mocksvilie W U.S urrcsled April 29 for fuilure to appear. Trial date; May 18. - Loretta Daphne Sloan, 44, of NaylorStreet, Mocksvilie v^us arrested April 29 for cruelty to animals. Trial date: May 7, - Vickie Lynn Thompson, 42, of Asheboro was arrested April 30 for simple assault and sec ond degree trespassing. Triul dule; June 18. - Tricia Ann Thompson, 18, of Asheboro was arrested April 30 for simple ossault and sec ond degree trespassing. Trial date: June 18. I - George Wesley Mock, 39, of Mocks Church Road, Mocks vilie was anested April 30 for communicating threuts und hu- russing phone call. Trial dule: May 28. - Stephanie Dona House, 29, of Oakland Avenue, Mocksvilie was arrested April 30 for cyberstalking. Trial date: May 28. - Kenya Monique Nelson, 39, of Winston-Salem wus arrested April 30 for breaking/entering. Trial date; May 28, - Adrien Paul Guillory, 26, of Brockland Drive, Advance wasurrestedMay 1 for failure to appear. Trial date; May 21. - Brittany Marie Williams, 19, of Hobson Drive, Mocks vilie was arrested May 2 for assault/battery and possession of fortified wine/liquor/mixed beverage under ¡2. Trial date; May 21. Sheriff’s Department The following incidents were reported to the Davie County Sheriff’s Department. - On April 23 animal cruelty was reported after two dogs were dropped off in u purking lot on Eaton Road, Mocksvilie. - Fraud was reported at a home on Bermuda Village Drive, Advance on April 26, - On April 27 a break-in and ■ larceny were reported at a home on Seaford Road, Mocksvilie, , - A motorcycle was reported ■ stolen at a home on US 64 West, Mocksvilie on April 28. - On April 28 shoplifdng was reported at a convenience store on US 601 Soulh, Mocksvilie. - Threuts were reported nt u home on Wall Street, Cool eemee on April 28. - .On April 28 damage to property was reported al a home on Underpass Road, Advance. - Vandalism was reported at u home on Redlund Roud, Ad vunce on April 29. - On April 30 u burglary was reported at a home on Blevins Roud, Mocksvilie. - Threuts were reported at a home on Deadmon .Road, Mocksvillc on April 30. - On April 30 larceny was reported at u location on Liberty Church Road, Mocksvilie. - Trespassing was reported at u home on NC 801 North, Mocksvilie on May 1, - On May 1 lorccny was re ported at a home on Murphy Road, Mocksvilie, . - An assault was reported at a location on Pleasant Lane, Mocksvilie on May 1. - On May 2 a larcciiy was reported at a home on Sain Road, Mocksvillc. - Damage to property was reported at a home on Hobson Drive, Mocksvillc on May 3. - On May 3 a larceny was reported at a home on US 158, Advance, - Fraud was repotted at a home on Pepperstone Drive, Mocksvilie on May 3, - On May 3 an ussuult was reported at u home on US 158, Mocksvilie. - An ussault was reported al a home on US 601 South, Mocksvillc on May 3. Highway Patrol The following traffic wrecks in Davie County were listed by the N.C, Highway Patrol. • An Iredell woman was charged with unsafe movement ufter Ihe vehicle she wns driv ing hit nnothcr April 22, Amber Lynn Hnrpe of Statesville wns driving u 1997 Ford west, muking a left turn onto US 601. Regina Michelle Sheets of Locust Street, Mocks- ville wns driving her 1998 Dodge north on US 601. Hnrpe fulled lo yield her vehicle right of way lo Sheets' vehicle and the two collided. Trooper C.D. Hall reported Ihc accident occurred at ap proximately 2:50 p.m. and Sheets and a passenger were tuken to Dnvie Counly Hospi lnl for trentment. • A Davie woman was charged with failure to reduce speed after an accident on April 23. Brittany Danielle Roycroft of N. Hiddenbrooke Drive, Ad vance was driving n 1996 Lexus north on US 601 behind a 2000 BMW driven by Sara Madison Hunt of Angell Road, Mocks vilie. Holly Marie Weir of Fork Bixby Road, Advance was stopped in her 2002 Ford fac ing north on US 601, Hunt be gan slowing her vehicle for traf fic, Roycroft failed to slow her vehicle in time und it collided with Hunt's. Hunt's vehicle was pushed into Weir's, Trooper C.D, Hall reported the accident occurred at np- proximately 3:33 p,m. and there were no injuries. • No charges were filed after an accident on April 23. Michael Thomas Lux of Gor don Drive, Advance wus driv ing a 1991 Chevrolet west, muk ing a left turn onto Creekvyood Drive from NC 801. Lux' ve hicle ran off the road to the right and collided with a flre hydrant. Trooper C.D. Hall reported Ihe accident occurred at ap proximately 5; 14 p.m. and there were no injuries, • Brent Collins Cranford of Lexington wus driving his 2000 Ford north on NC 801. A deer entered the roud in front of Crunford's vehicle und it col lided wilh the unimal at 5:18. a.m, April 21, reported Trooper C.D. Hull. Advance Pediatrics hus joined Cornerstone Health Carc, providing care of children from their office at 114 Kinderton Boulevard in Advunce. “We nre very plenscd thnt this respected pediatric practice has chosen to become part of Cornerstone. We look forward to sharing the benefits of our centralized administrution services and electronic medical record system wilh Ihem, allowing the providers more time to care for their young patients,” snid Grncc E. Terrell, MD, Cornerstone president nnd CEO. Dr. Susan Y. Hunsinger established Ihe practice in 2001. Hunsinger, along with Dr. Kuthy L. Gross, certified physician assistant Kristen M. Murphy ond certified pediatric nurse practitioners M. Whitney Ewing nnd Chrissic C. Hull provide well and sick child carc for patients from birth to age 21. Medicul’ services include developmentnl pedintrics, preventive care, asthma and allergy mnnngement, comple- menlnry nllcrnalive medicine, immunizations, school and sports physicals and dingnosis and treatment’of acute nnd chronic diseases. Sume dny nppoinlmenis nre uvuilnble. Advance Pedintrics pnrticipalcs in most major health plans. Call 998-9742. Laurence Elected Chair Of Davie Democrats Davie Democrats elected new officers nt the unnunl convention Snturday, April 25 at Ihe Duvie Counly Public Library in Mocksvillc, Mazie Laurence, who has served as first vice chair for four . years, was elected chair. She replaces Clyde Scott, who has served the party of Davie for many years. Jeff Plott, chair'of Ihe South Mocksvilie Precinct, was elected first vice chair. Maxine Dowell was elected third vice chuir. Lindn McDaniel from Cooleemee wus elected secrelury. Jean Seaford was re-elected treasurer. Laurence knows the challenges facing Democrnts in here. Hnving worked during the two recent election cycles, she said many Democrats are reluctant to offer their talents publicly for fear of intimidntion by the Republican opposition. "Thnt must chnngc," she said, "The Democrat Party is an inclusive, diverse party. Everyone is welcome regardless of age, gender, racc, ethnicity, or sexual preference," She said all positive, progressive movements, including the Social Security Act, were Democrat initiatives. “Democruts always find it 'difficuit to mold inlo just one party ideology, hence; new and different ideas nrc consluntly arising for discussion and (Consideration, each with the possibility of providing for a better way of life for Ihe hard working people of Dnvie County,” she said. As chair of Ihc Democrat Farmer’s Market Opens In Cooleemee COOLEEMEE - A farmer’s market is starting here - and ' vendors are welcome to join in the weekly evenl which starts al 7 a.m. Saturday, May 9 und will run all day every Snlurdny nt ihe Civiinn building on NC 801. ■ To leurn more or inquire ubout setting up u booth, cnll John Chnndler nt 284-4207, Willinm Dnvis nl 284-4167 or Duvid Jordnn nt 909-2192.. Purty, Lnurence’s agenda includes getting all precincts organized und active, creating n 'Young Democrat group, and working to get n permunent headquarters in Ihe county. “Fundraising must be a priority in this effort, so Democrats throughout the county will be asked to participate in the financing,” she suid. "Plans for Ihis much- needed project arc under wuy. Wilh over 6,000 Democrats contributing a small amount of money on a regular monthly basis, it will be possible lo have a headquarters in Mocksvillc for meetings, events, and for the potential networking wilh olher counties in the fifth District. “There is much work to do nnd it is necessary lo have nil Democrats in the counly working together lo bring ubout the needed changes in Davie County,” Laurence snid. "Fixing the problems with health care, education, jobs, tuxes, and the environment is the goal of the Democrat Party, und the goul will only be realized when Democrnts nre elected to fill govcminent positions locully ns well ns nntionally.” Laurence snid she is looking forward to meeting und working with’nil Democrnts in Dnvie County. Fuye Cuin from the CInrksvllle precinct presented n resolution usking for reduction of health cure insurnnce premiums. After brief discussion, n motion was made und seconded to send Ihe resolution to the Fifth District convention nl Mitchell College in Statesville May 16 at U) a.m. Rosalyn Fielding, chair of the Hillsdnie precinct, presented three resolutions for considerntionn. One wns encouraging nclive Democrnts lo attend local government meetings to present Democratic ideas at the gatherings and to bring elccted officials new ideas nnd options for Ihcir consideru- tion. This resolution received upprovni to go lo the district convention. A resolution encouraging Ihe use of green muterials in construction of public buildings nnd n resolution on banning Ihe use of dog and cat fur in the clothing industry will go to the district convention for consideration. Doug Seaford, chair of the food commillcc, and Sue Nokovich and the Democratic Women of Duvic Counly, served the food and provided desserts. “Thanks to all Democrnts who cnme enrly to set up the tables, work the registration table, collect money for lunch, count ballots, and do all the other necessary jobs required for a successful convention," Laurence suid. "Thunks lo Kevin Smith for presenting such nn in.spiring keynote address, und to Clyde Scott for promising his continued support for the Davie Democrat Purty." H a v i n g K n e e P r o b le m s ? I If your knta pain la cauaed by oataoaithrltla and you I ara at laaat 40 yaara of age, you may qualify to I participate In a clinical research study for an i I investigational medication being offered at Crescent | I Medical Research, As a qualified participant, you will receive: at no cost.... Study.Related Care frotn Experienced Doctora | Study Medication or Placebo (Inactive Substance) g Financial Compensation up lo $4SS | I Call now to find out If you qualify [C lie n t Medical Research ' Tonioffow 'i Medicine Today Salisbury •?Q4-64?-9913| Or reach ut on the w W e in v ite y o u to c o m e h e a p a r t o f o u r f a m ily . Please present this coupon fon 20% OFF Your Entire Purchase | (Exdudes Alcohol) \ — I I I Expires 05-24-09 j C i m a r r o n S t e a k h o u s e '------------------------------------------------------------------' F l C I M A R R O N 3260 S. Stratford Rd. 712-4689 Hrs: Mon, 11am-9pm Tues-Thurs llarh-IOpnn Sat 4-11PM www.cimarronrestaurant.com W m in g W o m e n s W â n ù id a y 1/2 O FF Wine by the Glass Tkonfe. Ljoui The Davie High ProStart Teams would like to thank the following sponsors for helping us make it to national competition. Your support is priceless. ADF Printing (Zintas Rugs Cornerstone Christian Church Curves, Advance Curves, Mocksvlile , Davie High Faculty, Staff, & Administration Farm Bureau Insurance, Barry Jones Jr. Food Lion Fuller Welding and Fabricating Gianna's Boutique Coin' Postal, Mocksvilie ■ Jockey International Kountry korner Learning Center Larry Coibourne Mary Kay, Sharon Heubel, Rep Mebane Charitable Foundation One Shot Photography Ray Young Ronald Dodson Rotary Club, Mocksvilie Sports Clips The Davie County Enterprise- Record The Portrait Gaiiery VF Jeansw^ear - Mocksvilie Yadkin Valley Telephone 4-Siar**** Animal Ark, Clemmons Bandy Insurance Choco Latte, Advance Cycle Group Deacon Tower Grill Diana Marie Lowder Dr. Hauser & Dr, Dorsett • Elizabeth Bustle Hip Chicks Boutique, Clemmons Johnny and Madeline Hire Krispy Kreme Lindsay & Gardner, CPAs, LLP Massage Envy, Winston-Salem Meta Johnson-A Divine Touch Phyllis Bullins Realty World, Kernersviile Representative Julia Howard The Palms Tanning The Salem Center The Tire Shop, Advance Tilley Harley Davidson UPS Store, Clemmons Venezia Family Restaurant 3-Star*** Carolina Roof Stain Removal & Prevention DHS Agriculture Classes Deano's BBQ East Davie Animal Hospital Faces Farmington Beauty Salon Golden Coral, Wihston-Salem Gunter's Country Store Farmington Beauty Salon Harris Teeter Jenny Nails Joe Miller Juice Shop Ketchie (Zreek King's Car Wash, Mocksvilie Lauren Reith Lisa Keeney Lowes Foods Miller Building Piedmont Lanc(scape Design, Inc Thonias and Betty Moeller Universal Finance, Mocksvilie WalMart, Mocksvilie .11- J 2 0 -7 0 % OFF MOCKSVILLE Next to Peebles 751-3747 GOLD GALLERY STOREWIDE SAVINGS NOW ! t h Y ear CLEMMONS Next to Mi Pueblo 7664800 D a vie Jew elers Watdi OFF Replaceineiit W it h t h is c o u p o n J Every Dazding Diamond On Side!MOTHERS RINGS ORDER NOW! 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 7,2009 People Members of the Red Hat Society Social Butterflies pose at a spring outing on High Rock Lake. G i v Æ i o m y Ç ^ a t S h e D e s e r v e s f o r Herself. ■Ш%гда’т Р í ' ^A ' ' \ C h o ú h to f'2 MfV* ■.-'tí.',- I ' 'aV Ì‘Л* ’;íOi Mark Your Calendar For A n i m a l A r k ’ s ,.v 1 o * '> A n n iv e rs a ry ^ O p e n H o u s e / C e le b r a tio n ! \ Saturday, May 9,2009 10am - 2pm Take a Tour, Play Games and See Live Animals! C O M E A B O A R D T H E A R K A N D J O I N T H E F U N l t m Mitch Spindel, DVM Owner ^ 3515 Lawrence St. v Clemmons, NC 27012 ^ (336)778-2738 www.anlmalarkvet.com “All the. love and care your pet needs to stay healthy" \ S o c / a / B u t t e r f lie s C e le b r a t e A n n l v e r s a r j / 'riic^ociul BuUerllics of the Triad Chiiptcr of Ihc Red Hut Socicty celebrated their first mmivcrsary with a celcbratioii on Saturday, A pril 25 at the lioine of Rcnce Walters on Hiuh Rock Lake. Members attending were Queen Mum Dianne Orubbs, Princess Shelia Stanley, Andrea Comatzer, Dolores Hendrix, Penny Hcge, Laura Medford, Linda Morrison, .Doris Slater, Mary Stafford, Dianne Stanley, Renee Walters and Kitty Ward. Unable to attend were Sue Mad den and Terry Smiley. New members are Maria Henderson, Angela Dalton, Kim Wesley, Wendy Johnson, Bambi Hughes, Betty Sue Lashmit, Nancy Mason and Nancy Willis. Blukc imd Jcssicii Nichols o f Mock.sviilv nre proud to nnnouncc the hirth of their son, 'I^’ler niiikv Niciiols. Horn nt Fonsyth Medical Ccnlcr on A p ril 12 ut 2:16 p.m ., lie wclgiied S lbs. 9.4 oz. nnd was 20 inchcs long. His m nterniil grnndpnr- eiils nre Jim m y nnd Carolyn Koontz of Mocksvillc. His pn- tcrnal grnndpiircnls urc Der rick nnd Teresa Nichols of Mocksvillc. His nunts and unclcs urc Jumie Koontz, Chad Nichols nnd Bobby und T iffu n y R ycroft, nil o f M ocksvillc. 'l^le r Is also loved my scverul other frie nds und fu m ily members. J a m e s & J e a n L a n k f o r d C e le b r a t e 6 0 t h A n n iv e r s a r y James and Jean Lankford of Cooleemee celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on Saturday, April 16, Tlic couple was married in 1949 in York, S.C. They have been blessed wilh 10 children, 13 grandchildren and eight great-grand- children. Family and friends Iwsted a dinner for the couplc at Dan Nicholas Park on April II. Ba!<e Sale Sat The Cooleemcc Women’s Civitan Club w ill hold a bake sale beginning at 9 a.m. Satur day, May 9 at the Cooleemcc Shopping Ccnter and Dollar General, both offN C 801. L e a r n T o D e c o r a t e W it h F lo w e r s "Decorating With Flowers” by Susan Jackson w ill be the program at Ihc Thursday, Iv^iy 7 mccling of Ihc M ocksvillc Garden Club, behind First United Methodist Church on North Main Street at 7 p.m. Visitors arc welcomc. Autumn Care Plans Activities Autumn Care of Mocksville is observing National f^ursing Home Week wilh several activi ties designed "to enrich the re lationships aitd contacts be tween residents, youth, commu nity members, family and staff.” "Our residenls have so much to offer," said Jane Harrison, activities director, "and this ■ seemed like the perfect show case." Events include; a Mother's Day Tea on Sunday, May 10 at 2:30 p.m.; an ice cream social on Wednesday, May 13 at 10:30 a.m.; a car show on Thursday, May 14 at 10:30 a.m.; and a beach parly on Friday, May 15 al 2:30 p.m. The week is being celebrated w ilh the theme "N uturing a Love that Lasts." M y nume I.s Kmmu M ûrie Joncs und I ccicbrutcd my 4th iilrth d n y ou A p ril 26. M y duddy, Drnd Joncs, nnd his fi- nncc, C iiristic Tiiylor, guvc me a Dora thc Explorer birthday party! M y Papnw und M aniaw Joncs (G ury und Kuren Joncs), m y A u n t Shunnon Joncs, my Papaw nnd Mumaw Taylor (Gury und Tcrcsa Tay lo r), my G rcat Papaw and Mamaw “ U ill” Holder, und funiily und frlciids werc tlicre und wc hud lots o f fun! M y Grcut Mamaw B ill cclcbralcs hcr birtliday on A pril 26, tool тие аршнтмопе одра ;W A I----------- ■ALL HOMES ARE TRUE OFF-FRAME MODULAR HOMES THe HAMI>rON nANOH W A » t1 0 9 .3 0 t' THB AVONDALe CAPI W A» lu n tliu t STATESVILLEHOUSING CENTER^ •U870EM t4JffiÜM > U flonB iM liim Pii1(Drtv0.4inllM •LfftonB utlnM iTO • Â Ï Î J ilS I''"“ Factoiy Built • Factory Sold • WeAfíElhe Builder-Land i Financing Available 704.924.9393 www.StatesvilleHousing.coni Toll Free 1.877.283.4344 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 7,2009 - 9 ' Matt Steele and Matt Justice volunteer Inside at the community center. ' Davie Master Gardeniers with the tree they planted at the Farmington Community Center on the United Way Day of Caring. F a r m i n g t o n N e w s By Laura Mathis Farmington Correspondent Saturday, May 2, was the Davie Uniled Way Day of Car ing, Each year, businesses and groups comc together to sup port United Way agencies by volunteering for projects. This year, the Farmington Community Ccnter wns blessed w ith three groups w hich worked around Ihe community ccnter. The Master Gardeners worked in the senior garden. They built and filled an extra raised bed; sincc the seniors arc u tiliz in g thc other garden spaces so well,' and prepared a new perennial flower bed. They also planted four W olgcin bushes and a Ooldcnrain Tree in honor of Jerry W. Kcrley, a member o f Ihe Dnvic County Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program from 2003 until he passed in Ihe fall of 2007. He was treasurer at the time of his passing, headed up Ihc Day of Caring projects cach year, gtwe prcsontnlions for groups in the county, assisted with Ihc annual Junior Master Gardener Day Camp and other projects. Thanks to Donnie Davis of Davis Landscaping for donated dirt for Ihc projcct. Employees from Davie Suntrust banks painted thc foyer nnd bathrooms in Ihe gym , sealed window s, nnd cicancd dirt from a parking pad. Eric Hcrmnnson, Kay Caudle, Kalhl Hodge, Ashley Clemmons, and Charity Post arc not in tho accompanying picture. Matt Steele and Matt Justice werc there from Tlte Gloss Boss and Car-Oo-Clean and spent Ihe day cleaning and waxing the gym floor. A ll o f the w ork that w as' done made a hiige improvement lo the facility. Not only w ill it benefit those who come for the senior and teen- programs through (he week, but also vari ous community groups who use thc facility. It makes Ihc facil lly morc attractive for meetings and family gatherings. This in turn w ill help the community center to raise more funds through rentals. On April 25, Gina Sheppard, Stephenie Keaton, and Pal Rushing o f the Farmington Beauty Shop sponsored thc Spring F ling , an annual fundraiser al the Farmington C om m unity Center. Gina Sheppard, who was in charge of the event, said she would like to thank Marla Newsome and Beth McCashln for their help as well as. Eagle Heights Baptist Church for supplying thc food and Farmington Bluegrass and Ihc Brian Shcppcrd group for providing music. A thank-you to all thc vendors who came to set up and to W illiam Keaton for donating several bales of straw. The group raised almost $600 which w ill go toward a new community playground for the com m unity ccnter. Thc Farmington Community Center would like lo thank everyone for supporting thc center and helping them to continue meet ing needs in our communityA special thanks to the Davie tlnltcd Way for grants rcceivcd und for the United Way Day of Caring. They really have made a difference in our community. Scott Hall With his sons, Caleb and Phillip, move dirt at the community center. Melllssa Kennedy, Chris Bracken and Deana Shoffner are all smiles as they do some chores. F o u r O s r n e r s N e w s By M arie W hile Four Corners Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Ed Voglcr vis ited Mr. and Mrs. L,S, Shelton Sunday, . Mr, and Mrs, Joe White vis- iledCilenda Sapp Sunday night, Clyde M urray is doing nicely aflcr recent eye surgery, I would like to wish every M other a great and happy Mother’s Day. M other’s Day Mother's Day i.i here, / tike lo remember my mother dear. She passed away many years »SO, Bui her memories just seem to grow and grow. In Ihis world w ilh a ll the Iroiible and strife, t feel her influence each day o f my life. So spread a I lute sunshine fo r your molher. And give an extra bll o f cheer Each and every day o f ihe year. For the greatest friend and there’s no other. In a ll Ihe world like your Molher. ooooococccooo Ain't It Nifty, Rick Mabe is 50 10I May feyou,Mc on //ove you,loma Strawberries Available at the NE side of ^ Harper Pioad on Hwy. 158 '{¡¡‘¿ / (Moved Irom across Irom Ihe Craver Building: lurlher west) 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday - Saturday il SOUTHERN PIEDMONT RECYCLING & WASTE, LLC Container RetHal and Waste Removal Service (336) 753-0084 Now Ofifering Both Small and Large Waste Containers BREAKFASTFUNDRAISER C O R N A T Z E R - D U L IN V O L . F IR E D E P T . L A D IE S A U X I L I A R Y SATURDAY, MAY 16 6:30-10 a.m. Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Country Ham, Qrlts, Qravy, Hot Bisculta, Freah Colfea, Milk, Ice Tea A Juice Dine In or Take Out • D onations A ccepted Come Support Your Volunteer Firefighters 1522 Comatzer Road • 336-998-2395 мйидаюшьппй D im e 's D in e r 4395Nwy64W 336-492-5710 Mon, Tues, Wed • 6am-2pm Tliurs, Fri & Sat • Oam-Bpm New Owners Wanda, Tina and Barbara welcome you to try our new menuL • Open for B re a k fa st • H andm atle B u rg e rs fre s h , n av er fro /e n ! • Friday N ight Fish Fry • D elicious Italian S p ecials ev ery S atu rd a y night • F resh B uffalo W m gs ' C alering Supertiow l and Holiday P la tte rs Friday 6PM: The Roan IVItn Boys Bluegrass and fiospel Changing EnlerlainmenI Every Friday Call Ahend! We Service What We Sell S a lisb u ry C y c le C e n te r 1514 JakeAlexander Blvd. West (Hwy 601) Sallsbui7, NC 28147 704-633-5787 Quick 15 minutes from MocksviiiB Dunlop Shlnko Mlchelln Continental Metzler FUllBora (JiHlArrhnd) F re e T ir e in s ta lla tio n o n B ik e w it h T ir e P u rc h a s e 1 0 % O ff T ir e in s t a lla t io n o n W h e e ls w it h T ir e P u r c h a s e Guaranteed Lowest Tire Prices a v ie P la c e 'ng Assisted Living Community Spring at Davie Place Spring has finally spningl On a beautiful day in one of the many pretty outdoor areas at Davie Place, residents, guests and staff pause to take in the fragrance and colors of the Irises, Taking adviuilage of the grounds on a warm sunny day Is one of our residents' favorite pastimes. Although (here are many activities for the indoor montlis, spending some time outdoors with nature is high on everyone’s list. Our friendly, homey atmosphere and our stafTs concern for our residents conje together to provide a supporlive, comforting environment. Come tour our facility and see why we are so proud of who we are and what we do. Davie Place...a place to call homel For information On Placement, Contact: S u z a n n e S im p s o n -V o g le r 336-751-2175 ■"a : 10 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 7,2009 P> k County Line News DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 7,2009 -11 Game Night's youngest was Morgan Thutt, being heldSharing the Reeves family table at the Sheffield Gonimunlty Game Night, from left; Chester Reeves, Linda ^er arandfather Randy Groce Dyson, Wade Reeves, Estelle Reeves, and Mary Teague. y y . y • S h e ffie ld -G a la h a in N e w s ! I i ] By Janice Jordan Sheffield-Calahaln Correspondent When you arc six years old , and have at least three teeth thut are loose,, nothing gets much more exciling lhan waiting for , your seventh birthday to arrive, • Even school is more fun because you Itnow your mother will bring cake for everybody in your class, including your teachers. Reminding your ' family, aboul what gifts you ! would like to have is also a project that cannot go uniioliced . by them. Candice Foster’s special day arrived on Muy 2 but Ihe timing was such that il lasted thc entire weekend. It started on , Friday with cupcakes delivered '' to her class. Saturday, thc ,, official day, Candice requested • what most women like to do, namely shoppitig. She enjoyed herself by window shopping ; and wishing at Concord Mills [ Mall. Having been invited by 1 her Uncle Jonathan and Aunt I Trade to be their guests at I Shailey Springs on Sunday, i Candice enjoyed all thc country ham and mashed potatoes she could eat und was the centcr of attention as every waitress formed a group lo sing Happy Birthday. For several days, she hnd told her molher over and over just the kind of cake she wunled, und she tried to sneuk u peek into the box us they drove lo the mountains. She got just what .she ordered although Ihe look of surprise oh her face when she finally got to sec it was a delight for those of us who witnessed il. Only a granddaughter of mine would innocently opt for a pig cuke for her birthday in the’midst of the potential HINl flu epidemic that began with thc name. Swine Flu. I huve lo say that thc seven pink pigs of vurious sizes were pretty cute. Even the plates were pink pig fuces. Il wns a great , place and lime for pigging out. Sheffield Music Hall wus Ihc scene of Jo Ann Renegur’s birthday parly on Saturduy, April 18. Surrounded by ubout 100 of her friends und family,. Jo Ann danced the night away to the music of Mounluin Pnrk Old Time Bund. Since Jo Ann look over the Music Hall, attendance has grown and the enterlninmcnt is alwnys good. She proudly offers a plnce where people of all nges cnn have fun in a wholesome atmosphere. Yadkin Valley Partners will be featured on Saturday, May 9. You can contact Jo Ann at 704-546-3099 Candice Foster holds the pig present she received for her 7th birthday. for information nbout the music hall. Game Nightat the Sheflleld- Calahaln Communily Center lust Friday was enjoyed by everyone who attended, including those who were there for thc first time. After attendees had Ihe opportunity lo eat hotdogs and snacks prepared by Larry und Doris Dyson, Ihe first bingo game begun in earnest. The winner was Amber Thutt, who demonstrated Ihe .skills of many women who can multi task, as she fed her baby daughter, Morgun in a high chair while she kept one cur tuned to Ihe bingo ciillcr , and simullancously eyed her card. Winner of the second game wns Ann Richurdson, who can usually be found ench Gume Niglit al a front table along side her husbund, Vance. A few of the others who cume lo play were Cecil und I^na Mae Allen., Randy and Vicki Groce, Pam Ladd, Ethan Holland, Betty Richardson, Allen Grocc, Gina Holder, Betty Godbey, Frnnces McCinmrock, AiisuAllcn, Betty Stroud, Put Moore, Eliznbeth Moore, Lizzie Reeves, Chris Dyson, Lori Dyson, .Yvonne Ijumes, Dot Keller, nnd Jo Ann Rencgur with her grandchildren, Cody and Sydnee Pierce. John Hill was Ihe winner of the grand prize drawing, a $50 gift card. Barbnrn Gobble won Ihe 50/50 cash drawing and donnted her winnings lo Ihe community centcr. The not proceeds of the evening will be used for the upkeep ofthe facility, plus will help the fiuid for restrooms in the Recrcntion Aren, Crusher Run will pluy its music Friduy, May 8 at Sitnms BBQ in Grunite Fails; Center United Methodist Church will hold a benefit breukfust for thc family of Clark Rogers on Saturduy, May 8 from 6-10 a.m.; church softball league games begin Ihe week of May 10; a golf tournument on May 17 al Pudding Ridge will beneni the W.R, Davic Riiidcrs football nnd cheerleading programs; the annual memorial service at tlie Sheffield-Calnhuln Volunteer Fire Depurtment will be Sunduy, May 17 ut 2 p.m.; tho next parking lot hotdog lunch at New Union United M ethodist’ Church will be Sulurdny, May 23; the annuul Reeves Fumily Reunion will be Saturday, June 6 at the, Shcffield-Culuhaln Communily Centcr starling ut 4 p.m.'; und the next Game Night nl the center will be Friduy, June >9. . Severul Sheffield-Calnhuln fircfighlers spent Friduy night, May 1 preparing barbeque chickcn huive.s lo help with u fundrniser thnl wns held the next duy nl Dnvie High School. As ulways, Gary Allen led the effort to cook tho meat und to keep watch over it all ijight. The recipe is tried and true nnd Ihc food was as good as ulways. The extras were sold and enjoyed al the last minute here in the community. Everyone’s help in ull cupncities wns uppreciated by the deparlment, One wedding anniversary wus sent for the week, and it is for Dale and Debbie Ijames, who will celebrate on May 9, Birthdays include Ruby Bailey, Joannah Pierce, Carl Dyson, and Samuel Gruy Hunt on Mny 7; Scunn Lengyd on May 8; Maelene Snyder on May 9; Murk Reavi.f and Evun Cnve on May 11; J.W. Keaton and Robert James McGrew on Muy 12; and Tammy Keller, Emily Ijames Brown, and Stephen Keller on Muy 13. The Cove Church in Mooresville held u benefit concert for Ihc Clurk Rogers fumily last Friday night, and lie was able to see purl of il via Ihe Internet before being tukcn inlo surgery ut tiie Onsis of Hope Hospitnl in Tijuanu, Mexico. While preparing Ihis column on Monday morning, I received the news thnl Clurk Rogers hud jusl passed away. Having followed the last few months of his life through . emails and other . reports, I cume lo admire Ihis young man, ns well ns severul members of his fnmily, but regrettably I never had the pleasure of knowing Clark, as so many others in our neighborhoods have. So when word of his deulh cnme, 1 wns certninly saddened nnd . surprised, as I, too hiid been hopeful that Ihe trentmenis would work. As u mother, I cun only imugine the puin of losing n child, regurdlcss of uge. It’s obvious thnt everyone who was close lo Clark has a deep faith, nnd 1 um sure thut you join me in thc hope they cun find some comfort for their loss. Just from what little I have learned nbout Clark’s life, I know that God certainly hnd a purpose for him. Such a talented nnd respcclcd young man surely touched ihc hearts of counlles.s people. Condolences are offered to his wife, Lisa, his parents Robert and Crcolu Rogers, and nil of his family and friends. As you remepiber Clurk Rogers' family in your pruyer.s, nlso consider prayer for the injured nnd ill children, Preston Loyd, Jaxon Sechfist, and Joanna Trent. Joanna went for a chcmo treatment on May I, but her counts were loo low to receive it. It was rescheduled for this week. She is about halfway ; through her Irentnienls. Robin Ellis underwent surgery on Monduy inoming, und 1 nm told that his cancer was contained nnd doctors were ubie to remove il. Please say a prnyer for him. Send news for Ihis column to jvjjorilaii® holinail.com, 492- 5836. Allen Groce, sitting next to Gina Holder, hopes he holds the winning tickets at Game Night. Jo'Ann Renegar with grandchildren Samantha, Sydriee and Cody at the Sheffield Music Hall. Jo Ann Renegar dances at her birthday party with granddaughter, JoAnnah Pierce. W( ÍACOBS festem Store 355 Pmki Rd • Woodlear, NC 7Ü4-278-4V73 llun'l loriiol Mullinr's Ш1У j M onüuy-Priday Ю -б • Snlúrday 8^4 С The Piedmont Antique Power Association Tractor Run mal<es Its way down Liberty Church Road last Saturday. C la r k s v ille N e w s i<i ;i'k i:s i:m a i i \ !•;Julia Howard Л / 7*)ih / n / Please contact me iii: MOCKSVILLE; (336) 751-8567 RALEK5H: (919) 733-5904 . 16 W. Jones Street, RmlfOB Raleigh, NC 27601-1096 Bmall; ¡ullah@ncleg.net Pa id FOR UYJUUKHOWMU By Marcia Lambe Clarksville Correspondent Mothers Day is May 10. Don't forget your mothers Sun duy. God cAuld not be every where und therefore he mnde mothers. To my mother, daugh ter, and mothers-in-law and sis- ler-in-luw, 1 wish u very Happy Mothers Day and 1 love you all. There were nbout 27 Irnclors nnd their drivers from Ihe Pied mont Antique Power Associu tion thut made a tractor run Sul- urduy in this part of Davie . They slurled from West Dnvie Tractor und . cume through Sheffield, where Ihey stopped for a lunch break. They traveled 29' miles, stopping at Coimty Line. Bill and Pulriciu Shelton en joyed u week nl the bench. Gel well wishes this week lo Frances and Stacy Beek, Sudic Whaley, and Brenda Beck. Birthday wishes to ; Ricky Hendricks, Jordan Hendrix David Snow, May 8; David WinebargerJr., May 12. ' The William R. Davip Fire Deparlment Port-a-Pil barbecue chicken sale is May 22. Happy Mothers Duy nnd • huve u grent week. By Shirley Thorne County Line Correspondent This week our country will unite in prayer for the 58th annual observance of National Day of Prayer, a day created in 1952 by ajoint resolution of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Harry Truman for all to pray - especially for our nation. Many of our . churches will have Ihe doors open for folks to comc and pray. Some towns and cities will have planned gatherings for prayer. Let’s all remember to lake a special tlnie to pray lhal wi as a nation will seek God’s will find that He will bless us. The Baptist Men of Socicty will meet for breakfast at 7 u.m. Saturduy, May 9, in Ihe fellowship hull. After breakfast the men will have a planning session for projects. Men of all uges nre invited. The unnuul meeting of the Hurmony High School Alumni nssociulion will be Saturday, May 9, in thc cafeteria of thc Harmony Elcmentnry School. The doors will open al 5 p.m. for fellowship wilh schoolmates and friends. Dinner will be served at 6. All graduates nnd former students und their spouses nre invited. Cost of the dinner is .$10 per person; reservations nol required. The cluss of ’59 will host thc event and cntcrluinment will be gospel songs by a quartet from Clarksbury United Methodist Church. Special recognition will be given to the oldest alumnus, alumnus traveling the greatest distance, and Ihe class having the most present. Some door prizes will be given. The United Methodist Women of Salem will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 13, in the fellowship hall. Jennifer Godbey will lead Ihe program. The Women invite others. Upcoming events include a Red Cross Blood Drive Thursday, May 14, at Clarksbury United Methodist Church; vacation Bible school regi.sirulion from 12:30-2:30 p.m. May 23 with Bible school P in o N e w s A tribute to County Line mother Clara Myrtlo Mae Gaither Griffith (1893-1995). From left Clara about 1915, about 1945, and on Mother's Day 1994 at Society Baptist Church, where she was honored as being the oldest mother present. She attended Society for more thari 101 years. from 6:30-8:30 p.m. June 14-18 at Pleasant View Baptist Church; and baccalaureates aod graduations for Davie and Iredell schools. Our community extends sympathy to the fnmily of William Henry Turner, who died Wednesday of last week it Davis Regional Medical Cenlcr. An Iredell native, he was born in i931 to the late Stokes and Martha Nicholson Turner of Society Koad. He ntlended Iredell schools and gruduuted from Unity High School in 1950 as valedictorian. During that time he attended Piney Grove AME Zion Church wilh his family. After graduation he joined the U.S. Air' Force nnd served for over 20 yeurs. Upon retirement from Ihe military he continued in federal government work as an investigator nnd a secret service agent. His assignments took him to many counlries of the world. In 1992 he relumed with his spn Cory to thc Turner family farm on Society Road, where he made his home until his death. A funeral service was held Monday afternoon of this week at the chapel of Graham Funeral Home of Mocksville, and he was laid to rest in the'SuIisbury National Cemetery. Get-well wishes to Becky T. Curtner, Pnul Carlncr, Howard Snfriet, and Jean Webster. Becky became worse al home and hud to return to Forsyth Mcdical Center for further treatment. Paul wus hospilulized lust Monduy ut Iredell Memorial and'was expected lo be released Tucsdny or Wednesday of this week. Howard hud a stroke Wednesday of last week and was al Davis Regional Medical Center. On Monday his condition hud improved and he wns transferred from ICU/ critical care to a regular room. Jean has been at Iredell Memorial Hospital. Bud Wallace remains at Forsyth Medical Cenler. Please join us in prayer for the Lord’s ble.sslngs and comfort in the lives of Becky, Paul, Howard, Jean, Bud, and the fumily of William. Also, please rememlicr in prayer thc family of Clurk Rogers, who died early Monday in Mexico. Clark was a grandson of Carl and Mnry Kathryn Rogers of US 64 West near NC 901 and a son of former County Linei- Robert Rogers. Last summer (here were several accidents in our area Involving children with lawn- mowers and tractors. This yeur the first accident has already occurred as young Preston Lloyd was critically injured when his grundfniher Archie By Nora Luthani Pino Correspondent Sunduy, April 26, was United Methodist Women day nl Wesley Chupel United Methodist Church. The service was conducted by the UMW in the absence of Pustor Jack Tookey. UMW President DeWilla Smith, Kathy Ellis, Sara Eure, Nora Latham and Toby Hawkins took part in the service. Betty West delivered the sennon on several women in the Bible. UMW district shepherdess, Barbara Crotts, said a few words about thc UMW organization, Sunday, May 3, Pastor Tookey was back. He delivered an inspirational sermon ■ followed by communion. It was also Ronald McDonuld day. Everyone who supported Ihe Sport a Shirt, Share u Night campaign for the Ronald McDonald house wore Iheir shirt and Sara Eure look a group picture. Between our church und the Executive Benefits Group at Wachovia, we sold 32 shirts. Vernon Dull’s granddaughter, Brittany Gobble was one who purchased u shirt on a Sunday when she attended with her grandfather. She was there Sunday along with her family, Brent, Tina and Alex. . The next breakfast at Wesley Chiipel will be Saturday, May 16, from 6:30-10 u.m. We hope everyone will attend. James and Leila Essie had us Iheir guests in Caswell County, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Williams of Austin, Texas, Mr. and Mrs; A d v a n c e N e w s Chester Buker of Tennessee, Lnnicr Williams of Lewisville, Mr, and Mts. Ben Williams of. .Yancey vilic, Elizabeth Johnson of Locust Hills und Juh Robbins of Newton. They came to see Ihe replnccmcnl of thc restored grave stone of Sarah Lanier Williams who died in 1814. The fragment of the gravestone hnd been found inii cultivnlcd field ' of Ben Williams’ property near Yanceyville where it had been much nbused. It was restored by a firm in Danville, Va, which brought il back to thc Neal, Graves, Williams cemetery near Leila’s old home on Wednesday. After a visit lo thc gravestone, the group had lunch at tho .Yancey House in Yanceyville. Sarah died in 1814 while liying with her youngest child, the wife of Barsellns Grnves in Yanceyville. W.A. Beck takes part in the tractor run. By Ediih Zimmerman Advance Correspondent Thursday May 7 is National Day of Prayer. The Advance United Methodist Church sanc tuary will be open from 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. for anyone to come and spend time in prayer for our communily, nation and world. Hunk und Goye Wade, Joe and Eva Everett, Ashley Wade Everett and daughter Savannah Everett participated in Ihe 9lh Annuul Ruinbow of Heroes. Walic Saturday, May 2 for Ihe Duke Hospital pediatric and blood and bone marrow trans plant family support program in Durham. The marathon was on the Duke campus, a small walk ing truck 52 yurds which in cluded 13 Inps. Held in honor of the children, survivors and deceused, more than $140,000, was raised. Proceeds slay on premise,s lo help families with lodging in Durham while chil dren are being treated, und for gasojine, cards, assisting food, and providing activity for the children teaching them art, mu sic, and science activity. Seven year old Meredith Everett is a survivor but was sick Saturday and not able to attend the muru- Ihon, staying home with her dad Jody Everett. Joe and Eva Everett vished Edith Zimmerman late Saturday sharing pictures they had tnken of Ihe marathón with Erika Summers, pediatric nurse who hud tuken such good care of their granddaughter Meredith. Erika is Edith’s great niece and Ihe daughter of Cynthia Sum mers of Mocksville and grand daughter of Bess Bennett, (my apology to the Everell family for tnisspelUng Meredith’s sur name in last weeks news col umn aS Elliott. Rick and Leila DeLucia at- tended Ihe first communion of their grandson Addison DeLucia Sunday at the Holy Family Catholic Church in Clemmons. Others attending were Addison’s parents. Tommy and Mary DeLucia and brother Austin, also great-grandmother Ni\ncy Delucia. There was 90 children who received their first communion. Brenda Zimmerman of Crawfordville, Flu. and friend Fuilh Humphreys of Glen Cove, N.Y. urrived Tuesday to spend time with Brendn’s molher Edith Zimmerman. Faith hud been a guest of Brenda and friend. Maxine Glenn in Florida for a week. She and Brenda were driving back home lo New York where Brenda will spend the summer months. Get well wishes go out to Frankie Hackell who is a patient at Forsyth Medical Center. \ Lloyd accidentally backed over him. Many folks in Counly Line know Archie and his family. His brother Grady "Puff’ Lloyd taught English al Cool Spring. Let’s pray for Preston and also remember lo exercise caution as we urc mowing our lawns and plowing our gardens. Tribute To Mothers This Sunday is special as wc honbr our mothers, living and deceased. Muny folks will remember those deceased by placing flowers on their graves. Some of us will wear a red rose ■ if our mother is still living or a white one if nol. Many will treat their mother to dinner at a restaurant; for others it will be u lime of children coming home for a family dinner. Merchants are running “Mother’s Day” sales us many of us buy a special gift of love and appreciation. ' ^One tradition has remained constant through the years - that of churches honoring mothers. Our local churches will be recognizing all mothers during worship service this Sunday. Some wiil recognize thc oldest and the youngest mothers present. Perhaps some will stlli recognize the one with the most children or most children present. There will bo special songs honoring mothers in worship. Today many will sing "Faith of Our Mothers.” In Ihe 1950s Society Baptist still used the old brown back “Favorite Songs and Hymns” hymnal and thc traditional song sung wus “If I Could Hear My Mother Pray Again.” That song is still my favorite. Mother’s Day was always a high attendance day at Society inthe 1950s and 1960s as muny children who had left Ihe coop returned. Usually thc mother with the most children and Ihe oldest mother remained Ihe same for a few yeors at a time. For muny years in Ihe early 1950s Mrs. Carl Riddle with eight children was recognized for most children. Ono such long-term recipient of the oldest mother ut Society was Clara Myrtle Mae Oaither Griffith, to whom we pay tribute Ihis year. Born in 1893 Clara was Ihe youngest of Ihree children of Richard R. and Jane Isabel Owings Gaither of US 64 Wesl about a mile from Society. She liyed wilh her parents und attended Socicty Baptist Church. A young man Omen "Om” Griffith from Houslonville often visited his grandparents Daniel Webb and Dovie Griffith, who lived near thc Gaithers. Om attracted Clara’s attention mote Ihnn uny other young mun hud. At uge 26 in 1919, she and Om were married while sitting in the buggy al Ihe minister’s home. died. Clara helped Om wilh his gardening and wilh the cleaning of the church. She loved living Ihere; she could walk lo church, to nearby Stroud Grocery, and to the bus slop on US 64. Neither she nor Om drove a car. After Om’s death of an enlarged heart in 1972, she chose to continue to live there even though she hnd only un indoor cold water faucet. She seldom missed a church .service whether it be a Sunday morning or night or a weeknight. She loved the Lord and loved going to church and to thc Women’s Missionary Union meetings. In July 1994 she fell in her home and went to live with son Rayford in. Lexington. She continued to attend Socicty until she required further care and went to live at Autumn Care Nursing Center in Mocksvillc in October 1994. In February 1995 she went to be with the Lord after attending Society Baptist regularly for over 101 years. Al 101, years 5 months she is perhaps Ihe oldest mother who has lived in County Line in many years. She loved living in the litUe log house behind Society und enjoyed being nblc lo “do what she wanted lo and when she wanted to.” 1 always knew Clara Myrtle Mae Gaither GrifTith as “Aunt Clara.” She wns Grandma Thome’s younger sister; I visited her often and still miss her very much. Aunt Clara, if you arc watching us from Heaven toduy, thnnks for being a pan of County Line for over 101 years. If your mother is still living, 1 After living with his parents the hope you enjoy time with your first few months after their mother us I plan to have dinner marriuge, they lived nt several places within a mile of Society nnd reared their sons Paul, Rayford, and Ralph. Around 1939 tho couple moved lo the "Johnny Stroud home” behihd Society Baptist Church; at that time, Mr. Johnny told her that she could live there until she with my mother. Happy Mother’s Day lo all mothers. Get it weekly Subscribe today 1-877-751-2120 BlucCross BlucShiclcI оГ North Carolinn Your plan for better healtHÚ Medicare Advantage Plans R ated b e st overall for'quality in N orth C arolina' Premiums starting at $0' • More coverage than Original Medicare alone ■. ■ Health care benefits and Medicare prescription drug coverage In one plan Now enrolling those who are: • Turning 65 • Eligible veterans • Newly eligible to Medicare Learn more! Attend an upcoming Medicare Advantage meeting An authorized sates representative will be present to answer questions and help with applications. There is no obligation to enroll. If you need accommodations for persons wit/i special needs, please let us know. C a ll to d a y ! T o ll fre e 1 -8 0 0 -3 2 8 -9 6 0 S , M o n d a y -S u n d a y ,8 a ,n t.~ 8 p .m . For the hearing and speech impaired (TTY/TDD): 1-888-451-9957 Thurs., M ay 14, 2:00 p.m . W inston-Salem Ham pton Inn 1990 Ham pton inn C ourt W inston-Salem .(N ear Hanes Mall) W ed., M ay 27, 2:00 pirn. C om fort Suites 1620 C otton G rove Rd. Lexington CTake N C -8 Exit 91) W ed., M ay 13, 10:00 a.m , Davie C ounty Public Library 371 South M ain St. Mocksville (O ff Hwy. 158 turns into .Main St.) Tues., M ay 19, 2:00 p.m . Statesville Civic C enter 300 South C enter St. Statesville (US-70 to Shelton Ave. U S -21/N C -115) Also available for Medicare beneficiaries in North Carolina: Blue Medicare Supplement"'and Blue Medicare Rx"^' Blue Medicare HMO" and Blue Medicare PPO'“ are Medicare AdMag^e plans"óffered. by PARTNERS National Health Plans of North Carolina, Inc. (PARTNERS), a subsidiary: ' of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC). PARTNERS is a Medlcare . '. Advantage organization with a Medicare contract to provide HMD and PPO plans, ’ t' ■ Plans are administered by BCBSNC. . ‘ Benefits, premium and/or copayments/coinsurance moy change op January 1,2010. i Please contact BCBSNC for details. . i.-. ; ; ; 7. Medicare Options Compare Jool, 2009 Plans. Summary Ratings, www.medicare.gov. (Accessed February 2009). Quality rating for Blup Medicare HMO plans'wlth ■ i prescription d'rüg coverage. 2. Rate is for me l^edi'care fiMO standardpign, 2009.^^^ . You must tontinúe to pay your Part 6 premitim, 3."BC6SNC is a prescription drug sponsor with a medicare contract. Prescription drug coverage is not sold as a benefit , of ariy Medicare supplement plan.:' : ' ■ ■ BCBSNC and PARTNERS dre independent licensees of the Blue Gross and Blue • . , Shield Association. ®, SM Marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. : M00S3_4304,3/9/09 U4225,3/09 , 12 - D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R IS E R E C O R D , Thursday, M a y 7,2009 B ic y c le F e s tiv a l T h is W e e k e n d A t S h a d y G r o v e ■ m - The Davie County Bicyelc Festival will be held May 9 and 10 at Shady Grove Elementary School in Advance. A Cornatzer Road Tim e /TWal and a Harold Zimmerman ‘Memorial Mountain Bike Race will be held. The time trials will have categories for jun iors, adult women, fixed gear, and adult men, 10 miles start ing at one-minute intervals from 9-11 a.m. The mountain bike raccs in clude categories, for juniors, 2.5 miles, women and Cat 3, 7.5 miles, Cat 2 and Cat 1,12.5 miles, beginning at 1 p.m. It is a mostly wooded course with several steep climbs, and has never been raced. A ll entry fees are $20, with proceeds going to the Venture Patrol of Boy Scouts of America TYoop 732. On Mother’s Day at 9 a.m., a 50-m ile ride w ill travel around Dayie County. To learn niore, contact David Mills at 940-5125, or via email at milhbike®ymllel,net: 4ft, 'I I < -f h t% V,-.. *4 / Ü Sprinkle Completes Combat Training Army National Guard Pvt. Joshua J. K. Sprinkle has gradu ated from basic combat training at Fort.lackson, Columbia, S.C. During the nine weeks of training, the soldier studied the Army mission, history, tradition and core values, physical fit- ne.ss, and received instruction and practice in basic combat skills, military weapons, chemi cal warfare and bayonet train ing, drill and ceremony, march ing, rifle marksmanship, armed and unarmed combat,' map read ing, field tactics, military cour- .tesy, military justice system, basic first aid, foot marches, and field training exercises. He is the son of James Sprinkle of Hobson Drive, Mocksvillc. Cooleemee Elementary first graders learn how to work a .hoe at the Mill Hoiise Museum garden; C o o le e m e e F ir s t G r a d e r s L e a m O ld - T im e y W a y s With hard times lingering it may be just the right moment for children to team to use a hoe again. That's what Cooleemee El ementary first graders did when they got hands-on experience in working a garden. Cooleemee Historical Asso ciation volunteer Bonnie Byeriy ■ Students learned to churn had them loosen up the dirt to butter, lead the cow, feed chick- plant an onion set and explained how food was canned for the winter. ens and pick lip their eggs as well as scrub clothes on a wash board. It was all part of CHA's "Discovering Our Heritage" school lessons program. The production included hours of set up and 12 volunteers. — NOW OPEN IN MOCKSVILLEil — F u r n it u r e M a t t r e s s C o n n e c t io n 1500 North Main St. (Hwy. 158} • Mocksville, NC (Beside Carolina Precision Machining) Open Thursdays, Fii^vs, Saturdays and Moridaj^ Onlf *' Hours: Thurs., Fri, & Mon. 10:00am-5:30pm; Sat. 10:00am-3:00pm S p e e io liz in g in M a r k e t S a m p le s S p e c ia l B u y s a n d C lo s e o u ts FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! S o fa s , L o v e s e a ts , C h a irs , R e c lin e rs , S e c tio n a ls , R e c lin in g S o fa s , H o m e T h e a te r S e a tin g H u g e S e le c t io n o f R e c lin e r s , L e a t h e r & F a b r ic • SPECIAL ilYi Full Size Firm MattreM SeU...................$199 • SPECIAL BUY! Queen Pillow Top Set.......................$299 • SPECIAL m Therapedic"' King Size Firm Set...............S499 • SPECIAL BUY! Leather Matcli Rocker Reciiner...............S299 • SPECIAL BUY! 7 Pc. Wood Dinette Set....................S349 • SPECIAL BUY! Entertainment Center.......................S399 • SPECIAL BUY! 100% Leatlier Chair and Ottoman.............^99 • SPECIAL BUY! Sofa and Loveseat.................As low as $599 • SPECIAL BUY! 100% Leather Sofa.........................S688 • SPECIAL iUYi Reclining Sofa wHh Loveseat.................$999 Call Us at (336) 817-3390 Financing Available Volunteer Bonnie Byeriy shows the students how to can fruit and vegetables at home._______________________________________ Free Skin Cancer Screening Clinic May 20 At Heaitii Dept Free skin cancer screenings will be held on May 20 from 8- 11-45 a.m. at the Davie County Health Department to coincide with Melanoma/skin Cancer Detection and Prevention month, sponsored by the American Academy of Dermatology; Suzanne P. Hess M.D., and the Davie Co. Health Dept. The screenings ore part of a national campaign to encourage early detection and t^ach prevention of skin cancer, the most common form of cancer in this country. Approximately one million new cases of skin cancer will be diagnosed in the United Stales this year. , The academy's national detection and prevention program is in its 25th year and was launched this year in May fo raise awareness of melanoma and urge Americans to regularly examine their skin for signs of this serious form of skin cancer. Skin self exams consist of periodically looking over your body for any changes in the size, color, shape or textur? of a mole, the development of a new mole or any other unusual changes in the skin, Any of these signs should be reported to a dermatologist right away. To do a thorough exam, it’s important to use a full-length and hand-held mirror so you can see the back of your head., your back and buttocks. Don't forget place like your scalp, the soles of your feet and between your toes, under your arms and the palms of your hands. The key to successful treatment of most types of cancer is early detection and treatment. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 751-8700. N e lm s In S c h o la r s S o c ie ty Jared Andrew Nelms of Ad vance has accepted membership ’ in the Nadonal Socjety.of Col legiate Scholars (NSCS), He will be honored during an induc tion convocation this fall on the campus of the University of South Carolina. “NSCS is more than just a symbol of academic achieve ment. Membership gives stu dents access to a number of amazing benefits including ca reer and networking resources, scholarships, travel, and service projects both on cahipus and in the community,” says Stephen E, Loflin, NSCS =director. NSCS is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies and is the nation’s only interdisciplinary honors organi zation for first- and second-year college students. Membership is by invitation only, based on grade point average and class standing. Make M om 's Day Receivi; FREE tic tiv a tio ii ti 536 v iiliif w ilh .itiv-iie w w ireless service vuitl;i d Iw o ye;ii servict; ngtotiinoi or rt FREE ciccessoiy on («com tuilnreuls ot u p yta ck'i l im ite d tin if otfor. R esnictioiis rruiy ¿ippW Y a d t e l MWIi-eloHH Cad us at 336-463-5022 or visit us at www.yadtel.com DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 7,2009 - B l JV Baseball Piles Up More Wins By Brian Pitts Davie Enterprise Rccord I Another winning week, another tear for Corey Randall. The Davic JV baseball Icam con tinued its stellar season with a pair of wins over West Forsyth, 6-5 on the road and 8-6 at home. The sweep im proved Dayie to 13-2 overall and 6-1 in the Cbntral Piedmont Conference. Randall was absolutely relentless over a seven-game stretch, going 14 for 22 (.636) and hitting safely in every game. "Corey seems to hil mo.sl balls square," coach Danny Allard said. “One thing about Corey - and it really doesn’t matter what kind of pitching he’s facing - he doesn't swing and miss much. He puts everything in play, so that gives him a chance to get on base." Steven Lewis threw five sharp in nings as David grabbed a 6-0 lead at West. Davie tried like crazy to give il away, but Shane Carter came in, weath ered a few choppy waters and finally put West away. He got his second save to go wilh a 4-0 rccord. Lewis stayed perfect at 3-0. “West hadn’t been pulling the ball in play very well, and all of a sudden they started putting things together," Allard said. “Luckily, Shane did his normal thing and closed il down after Steven had pitched a great game.” Davie staggered West 3-0 in the top of the first. Javan Phillips led off with a single, Will Beeson was hit by a pitch and Randall singled Phjllips home. Matt Dyson followed wilh a two-run hil. Randall went 2 for 4 wilh two doubles and three Rfils. Dyson, who bats behind Randall in the five spot, went 2 for 3. ■ “It seems like when Mall gels a hit it’s in a good situation,” he .said. “The way Corey’s been hitting. Mall's usu ally got sornebody on base to push across.” Plcnsc See Wins - Page B5 K e e n e y S t i r s R a l l i e s I n E i g h t - I n n i n g W i n By Brian Pitts Davie Enterprise Rccord For a good part of the season, I sophomore Hannah Keeney played ■f^paringly forDiivie's JV softball team. Xack of production and/or lack,of play ing lime causes some players tb retreat inlo a shell and lose confidence. Nol Keeney. She hung in there and picked the perfect time to prove her self, delivering two clutch hits in a dra matic 5-4, eight-inning win over visit ing Starmount last week. “This was Hannah’s third or fourih start,” coqch Alyse Bowden said after Davie improved to 11-2 overall. “She has been starling the past few games, but this is the be.sl I’ve seen her.pluy all year. She hil the ball well all nighl and really came ihrough for us.” Eariier in the week, the War Eagles pounded West Forsyth 12-5 on the road. That’lified Davie's Central Pied mont Conference rccord to 3-1. Davic 5, Stnrmount 4 (8) In the first meeting. Heather Riddle’s two-run, go-aheud hit in the fifth keyed a 3-1 Davie win. The rematch at Rich Park was another thriller. The bottom of the seventh featured the first of two electrifying rallies. With Davie trailing 3-1, Keeney sparked Davie wilh a one-out double. Wilh two outs. Holly Thompson kept the inning alive with a run-scoring infield hit. Davie survived lo play another inning when Kayla Cornatzer roped a double that scorcd the speedy Thompson all the way from first. Jhe Rams scored one in the lop of the eighth, but they would have,had more if.inot for ^ teirifio catch by,^Jtii;- ompspn, who’aij|^^p$c№ ,lo be ih ^ ' for Davie. " ' ■ ‘ ' Bowden's heart skipped a beat . when Ihc ball left the bat. , “Holly made a game-changing catch," she said. "Without that catch they would have scored several more. It was a hard hit between Holly and Hannah, and I just closed my eyes and hoped for the best. I heard Mr. Clontz cheer and I knew Holly had made the play. We used the momentum from that catch when we got up to hil.” Riddle led off with a walk and moved inlo scoring position on Megan Hennings' infield hil. Rebecca McCann moved bolh up wilh a sacri ficc bunt, but Starmount got the scc ond out with a strikeout. Keeney approached the plate with everything re.sllng on her shoulders. With ice water in her veins, the No, 8 batter smacked a shot over the left fielder's head that scored Riddle and Hennings, lying the game and winning the game in one swoop. "We made several errors in the be ginning. but the girls never gave up,” Bowden said. “They dug a little deeper and finished the, game out slrong.” Cornatzer went all the woy at pitcher, offsetting 12 hits with perfect Please See Rallies • Page BS Junior Heather Whitehead shields off a Mount Tabor player.- Photo by James Barringer Davie Soccer Ties Tabor In Double Overtime Battle W o rth N o tin g . . r Sophotnores D ^nl«! Moxley and Ryan Moxley of Davie tennis quali fied for the Midwest i^egional in doubles. They did so after placing fourth in the CPC Tournament, Clare Moser ond Huunah Stroupe providett goals and Kelley ÇundifT made 19 saves as Davie varsity soccer tied Mt. Tabor 2-2 in double ,0T, avoiding defeat to Tabqr for just the third time in 27 meetings. ' Hannah Keeney of Davie JV softball went crazy in a 5-4, eight-inning w in over Starmount, She dottbM during a two-run rtüly in the bottom of the seventh, aiid she laced 9 tw<>-oiit, two-run. walk-off hit in the eighth. Morgan W yatt and Lindsey Bailey of Davie varsity softball homered in a 15-2 rout of Mt. Tabor. It was Wyatt's seventh loiig ball. Santanfi^a Tarlelon is on an S-for-12 tear. Dayie sophomore golfer Jason Galllmore shot 4-over 74, one off the paçe, in the CPC Tournament at Bermuda Run West. Junior Nick Capra tied for ninth at 78, Corey Randall of Davie JV baset>all wenj: 14 fof 22 (.636) qver a seven- game'strbtch, and Shane'Carter is 4-0 with two saves for thé 13-2 team. Eiyah Jones.ofN. Davie baseball hit a grand slam in anü 8^3 win at Thomasville. It ‘wi»s North’s first home run of the year. I^le r Correll had two doubles und four RBIs, and Austin Boger went 2 for 2 with three RBIs off tho bench as Ellis baseball drillied S. Davie I4 v 3. Nick Boswell and l y Marshall hud three hits each as Ellis routed South 12-2. , V , . By Brian Pitts Davie Enterprise Rccord Despite a poor confcrcncc rccord, the Duvie varsity soccer team had something to be cxcilcd aboul last week - a tie wilh Mount Tibor. The War Eagles left the Tabor field feeling good after a 2-2, double-overlime decision because they hadn't scored against Tabor since 2007 and their all-time series record entering the game was 1- 24-1. Davie led 2-0 before Tabor rallied in the second half. The teams went at it for 100 minutes. “That's the best offensive numbers (18-16 shots in Tabor’s fayor) that we’ve ever had against them,” 19lh- yeur coach Pete Guslafson said, “It’s the most we’ve ever scored on them, and we had never gone ahead of them 2-0 that 1 know of. It was just a tre mendous effort.” While Tabor's record moved to 6- 7-2 overall and 2-2-2 in the Central Piedmont Conference, Davie improved 10 7-4-1,1-4-1, Clare Moser, wilh an assist from Jessd Ren, and Hannah Stroupe gave Davie the 2-0 lead. Tabor scorcd five minutes into the second half and wilh five minutes left in regulation. Il was Davie's second double-OT battle in four games, including a 1-0 loss to North Davidson. Tabor dominated Davic 5-1 and 7- 1 ih 2007 and 4-0 ond 1-0 lost year. But the War Eagle’s took Tabor to the limit - and beyond. Keeper Kelley Cun diff was superb with 19 saves. ‘Their coach told me; ‘I don't want you lo think this was a fluke. Y’all played hard. This was not a fluke,’” Gustafson soid. Gustafson said seniors Cassic Bames, Ren and Stroupe reenergized the War Eagles during the five-minute break between regulation and over time. 'The seniors look over the overtime talk," he soid. “I told (assistont coach Polly Reynolds): ‘They're not saying anything that 1 wouldn’t say. I would say the same thing.’ Those seniors ore reolly slopping il up as far as leader ship. They're part of the reason we lied." 'nibor 4, Davie 0 The next nighl, the Spartans came to War Eagle Stadium mad and slapped Davie back to reality. ‘They come over with their guns, and they had it," Guslafson said. “We had awakened a sleeping giant. They ployed hard, played fast and I told their coach it’s probably the fastest I’ve seen Tabor. We couldn’t keep up wilh them. The night before we could." Reynolds 4, Davie 1 The emotionally-spent War Eagles were overwhelmed by the Demons,' who romped to 5-2-1 in the CPC by Please See Ties - Page B2 i\/lerrifieid Thriving At South Carolina Whit Merrifield mode the on- houncer look good. With South Carolina’s baseball team hosting Vanderbilt Friday night on SportsSouth, Merrifield stepped to the plote in the second inning wilh a runner at third and one out. Color commentotor Trey Dyson of fered this between pilches; “If you asked coach (Ray) T^anner who he’d wont up in this situation, I guarantee you he’d say he wanted Merrifield. He’s always doing the right things for his team. He’s a great situational hit ter. When you’ve got a runner on third with less than two outs, you want a good situational hitter up there. And Meirifield certainly is that." .: W o seconds ofler Dyson finished talking. Tanner colled a suicide squeeze on the third pitch of Merrifield’s at-bat. His execution was textbook, dropping the bunt down the Ihird-bose line and ini;reasing South Corolina’s lead lo 5- l. Dyson sold; “Thai’s why I men tioned (Tanner) would like lo have 0 guy like Merrifield up in this situation. Because he knows if he calls a squeeze, Merrifield is probably going to execute it. And he did perfectly right there. Big run right there." Merrifield, 0 2007 Davie graduate and the brother of Davie junior Costner Merrifield, was one of the SEC's lop freshmen last year, and nothing has changed. The cenier fielder is having an outstanding sophomore season, bat ting leadoff and hiuing .338 with eight homers and 34 RBIs. During another Merrifield ot-b^t, Dyson raved some more. “Here’s a guy who played every day ' as 0 freshmon, and he’s playing every day as a sophomore," the color man said. “He’s got a chance to break all kinds of hit records, games played records, runs scored records, sacrifice bunt records,.. He just does every thing." Moments later, Merrifield fouled off a 98-mph offering from a Vanderbilt reliever. The next pitch was 95 and Merrifield jumped on it, flying out to the warning track in straightaway cen ter. He W’^s clpse lo his ninth homer. : В2 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 7,2009 1 I ,I ' Г; If/ i', Katie Gerdon goes one-on-one during a 4-0 loss to the Spartans. ' t N ATIO N W I D E 'INSURANCE/#/ SHOW CAR Pit STOP S E E T H E O F F IC IA L S H O W X A R O F T H E N A S C A R '..........'■ if: ONE DAY у •, ONLY! S í ' ’'î f S f I i f î » ru Nationwide JOIN US Saturday, May 9,9:00AM - 4:00PM at N ationw ide Insui'ance 1109 Yadkinviile Hvyy Mocl<sviiie, NC 27028 KEITH W HILLER (336)751-6131 Nationwide’ Insurance netionwM«.cohV>eri«tPieduflluntlnrMnt>iiNMUrtinliUA<«ln«it<ncaCflmp№|r«ilAMM«JConf>*nM »tomtCnu ClAirtM«.a<«UIS 6U4MbinlwMWggiAleir -------— ----------------------------ta)ir4»orJm«1i>fiuMtlunn>»>t»ftt«tpyMГШлЫ AMniitWn t/ЫскИС»AutoIUC4C. haá /J Пал А,ЛЛ k.* UafnuAte bu. .им »- bvi(4№xhC«Ai«ollKS>0 »e ШогмМ.ШкппМ »<*U(rvx. «<t№• КИ«м(М k«ramM «ri M>VK«m«t(M ГШ Freshman >Jansen McDaniel does a header - Photos by James Barringer Stopper Cassie Barnes and forward Clare Moser compete for possession. 7/es... Continued From l^age B l taking a 2-0 lead and never trail ing. Clare Moser’s direct kicic at 45 minutes cut the dendt tu 2-i, but Reynolds answered 12 minutes later Reynolds won 4-1 both times against Davie, which fell to 7- 6-1, 1-6-1, "W c weren’t used to that much physical play,” Gustufsôn said. “That really stressed our team out at hulftime. We hud u hard time with their physical- ness, their size und their speed. We just couldn’t keep up with them ull night long. Wc did for u while, but the better teum won.” The coach had plenty lo say about Bamcs, Ren und Booth. "Cassic has stepped it up und is pluying like u beust,” he said. "She’s learned thut she pluys better when she’s mud. Jennifer is the peison who probubly stops tho most shots. She has to take it in the chest und in the belly," Ren doesn’t sluck - ever. She cun’t afford to, always drawing ■ the opposing team’s biggest of fensive threat. "Jessaiiever gets a break," he said. ‘TJie weakest teum hus a good player, and that’s her as signment. So she never gets n breather. She probnbly takes the most physicul punishment of uny body on the teum. She’s pushing nnd shoving, nnd her upper-body strength is just phe- ^W A S H E S d $ g o o ^ ^Tòuchless or<;; I Brush Wash | M ocksville C A u to P ride Car Wash ii«J N. Yadklnvllle Rd. (.« Mocksville in ) Home Improvement) ti G iv e M o m t h e c h o ic e , c o n t r o l a n d j i e x i b i l i t y t o c o n n e c t t o f r i e n d s a n d f a m i l y . Buy One Get One FREE Altar ISO Mall In Ribali 2 MP CarnGfa with video ' MP3 player with Music capabilllles Text, Picture, and Video Messaging Somsung rt}00 Hua II $99.99 ÁIMrtlOOMdl InRlblM Full QWERTY keyboard GPS-capable ! • 2 MP camera with video oapturV*’ v** *• Media playor * ‘ BluetoothiSi BlochBerry® Curve’“ 8330 THE PHONE PLACE , 121 Depot SI, Mocksvillo, NC 27028 Moii.-Frl. 8:00am-Spm 336-751-2626 FREE AllorXOOMilMnRaluM High speed wireless connection, speeds up lo 3.1 Mbps USB Plug and Play USB modem wilh swiyel-lype connector UTStareomUM175 For titrmi and cortdilloni, www.alltel.cofTVlermi.hlmJ. "TMi оПог throughlhe Phone Place, Irto. only. e i lt e lwireless «iitKHlted «gem Davie has a future star In freshman Laura Shelton. nomenul." N otes; Gustafson cited freshmnn Luurn Shelton and . ju n io r Heather W hiteheud. "Luurn is phcnoincnul us n fieshmun," he suid. "Her vision of the field is ju.st great. Her und Heuther ure clicking. 1 don’t think I’ve ever seen Henther sweut, I don’t know whnt it is, She doe.sn’t sweut." ... Moser's goul nguinst Reynolds wus her 16th. Stroupe nnd Shelton nre sccond with five each. Golf Team Finishes Tliird - Again On the cusp of its best finish in nine yenrs, the Duvie golf teum couldn’t close the deal. The War Eagles entered last week’s CPC Tournament ut Ber muda Run West in sccond pluce with u nine-stroke lend over third-pluce Mount Tabor. They lost to Tubor by 10 strokes to stumble to third in the final stnndings. Duvie hasn’t taken sccond since 2000, und this is the third struight year it has fin ished third. Reynolds shot a 26-over 306 at Bermuda Run West, one stroke better than Tabor. Davie was at 317, We.st For.syth 318, North Davidson 324 and North For.syth 413. The final CPC standings; Reynolds 1196, Tabor 1259, Davic 1260, West Forsyth 1292, North Davidson 1333 and North Forsyth 1639. The full from second to third did not, however,, cost Davie a Midwest Regional berth. The top three teams advanced. In the CPC Tournament, Davie was paced by sophomore Juson Gallimore, who tied one other for second with a 4-pver 74. The medalist was a stroke better at 73. Junior Nick Capra tied three others for ninth at 78. Big Turkey Jacob Karriker, 14, killed this 21 lb. turkey with an 8-inch beard and 1 -Inch spurs while hunting with his dad on private property in Davie County. He Is the son of Lane and Jill Karriker of Mocksviile. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 7,2009 - B3 South/ElllsTied For Middle School Tennis Title Behind the play o f staie- ranked Scott Gallimore, Ellis has had a first-rate tennis pro gram in its two years of exist ence, and the Jaguars w6re in the process o f building a pow erhouse. No one in the confer ence had beaten them\. South made its mark with a 6-3 victory. South coach Hali Collins was ecstatic. "Il feels em powering to have taken down a team like Ellis. It gave my team a newfound coiifi- dence to knovv we are in fact ns good ns everyone el.se in the conferince and that we do have a shot at the conference title.” The win avenged a narrow 5- 4 loss to Ellis at Oak Valley. What was the difference this time? “ 1 think the difference first o ff was Robert Daniel,” Collins said. "He faced Isaac Dunn af ter losing to him 8-6 in the first match. This time he was more confident and went into it giv ing his all and won 6-3. Also 1 switched up a few o f my doubles teams that 1 knev/ worked well together - since I knew now that E llis was a strong competitor.” Ellis got its wins from G alli more (6-0 scorc), Evan Dowell (6-1) und the doubles team of Gallimore and Luke Walker (7- 5). South’s wins came from Robert Daniel (6-3), Jacob Horton (6-4), Stephen Daniel (6-3) und Jason Sellers (6-4). South won two of three doubles thanks to Stephen Daniel-Evan Lankford (6-1) and Sellers- Horton (6-2). "M y doubles all did very w e ll,” C ollins said. "Even David Hursey and Stephen Daniel put up a strong fight in a close match with Gallimore and Luke Walker. I can’t forget that we were able to pull a strong victory because everyone who won last time was able to win again this time. Stephen Daniel won both times against his com petitor, not letting any nerves about Ellis get him. He played us strong as ever.” The w in almost assures South of a tic with Ellis for first place in the regular season. Later in the week the Tigers dismantled Lexington 9-0 to run its record to. 7-2. The winners were David Hursey, Lankford, Horton, James Neal, Adam Carter, Andrew Wh*aley, Lankford-Hursey,.S. Daniel-R. Daniel and Brandon Ruth-Joel Cartner. Ellis Baseball Pounds Its Way To 8-0 Record Offense hasn’t been a prob lem for the Ellis baseball team. Neither has pitching or defense. In fact, the only thing that might can sidctruck Ellis ut this point is overconfidence, injury or un opposing pitcher thut gets hot ut the right time. Anything cun hnppen, espe cially when county rivals hook up. But Ihe Jugunrs arc 8-0 and they’ ve made it look easy. They’ve obliterated everyone, scoring double figures in every game and winning each time by seven-plus runs. They have ruled the county, beating North Davie 17-4 and 15-8 and South Davie 14-3 and 12-2. Ellis picked up four wins last week: 21-5 over Thomasvillc, 14-3 over South, 12-2 over South and 17.-6 over Forsyth Country Day. The first South-Ellis game was suspended with South lead ing 2-0. The game was resumed at Ellis. South appeared ready to at least threaten E llis’ perfect rccord, but the unfuzed Jaguars surged ahead in the fourth and kept pouring it on. Tyler Correll doubled twice and knocked in four runs. Aus tin Boger went 2 for 2 with three RBIs. Tristan Comer knocked in a pair of runs. Jeremy Walker threw a complete game. North Soccer Take 1st Loss C aitiin M ille r scored two goals and Jessica White udded unotherns North Duvie’s soccer team blnnked Thomnsville 3-0 Inst week for its fourth shutout of the seuson. M iller and W hite hnd one ussist cuch ns the Wildcats im proved to 5-0-1, Meredith Ra- tledgc added an assist. Coach John Murshall said: “Jill Duffner played very well in the back. We also got good games out of Ashley Trivitte and Jordan Flchurty in the buck.” Luter in Ihe week, the W ild- cuts lost 2-0 to Ellis. The flrst meeting resulted in u 1-1 tie. This one murked the flrst loss for North (5-1-1). M ille r (nine goals) and While (.six) have 15 of North’s 17 goals. Jones Hits Grand Slam In DH Sweep At T’vllle Bishop went all the way on the mound, striking out seven and walking one. In the nightcap. North moved over .500 at 4-3 by blowing it open after it was 3-3 in Ihc scc ond inning. Travis Holden went 3 for 3 with a double, triple and four RBIs. Elijah Jones hit a graiid slam. North had not hit a homer all year until Jones con nected. Matt Andrews did the pitching,'striking out six and walking one. North Dayie’s baseball team roughed up Thomasvillc in a doubleheader on the road last week. North won the first game 19-0 in five innings, and the sccond game wus 18-3 in four innings. The offensive leaders in game one were Ben Beeson (3 for 5, two doubles), Luke Mar tin (3-5, four RBIs, double, triple), Christian Latham (2-3, three RBIs) and Jonathan Chaf fin (2-4, three RBIs). Carson Briefs, Dates GolfBeneflt The Murine Corps League Detachment ^1096 1st Toys ForTots golf benefit is scheduled for June 6 at Twin Cedars at 8 a.m. The cost for the four-person captain’s choice is $50 per person and $200 per team. Sign up before June 1 to save $20. There w iil be a free breakfast for players. For more informntion contuct Ron Sechrist (998-3007) or Tom Kopetzky (336-749-7547). Golf Tournaments • The North Duvie Middle<School Booster Club w ill hnve u flrst-unnunl golf tournnment on Muy 30 nt Pudding Ridge. Prizes w ill be awarded for longest drive, closest to the pin and winning teaihs. The cost is $60, which includes door prizes, goody bag, mulligans, tee-buster and lunch. Lunch w ill start at 12:30 p.m. A shotgun start w ill be at 2. Sponsorships are available. If you would like to play or be u sponsor, contact Greg Brooks ut 336-782-9656. • The Hillsdale United Methodist Church golf tournament will be held May 15 at Oak Valley at 1 p.m. The captain’s choice will have a shotgun start. The tournament w ill include prizes and sup per, Registration w ill last until May 11, The cost is $75 per player. A ll proceeds w ill benefit Hillsdale United Methodist Missions & Outreach Ministries, serving those in need locally and globally so that they w ill know the love o f Jesus Christ. Register at www.hillsdaleumc.com or cull the church at 998-4020. N A S C A R S lm u la to i: ' Nationwide Insurance w ill have ashowcar on display at its of fice on Muy 9 from 9 n.ni.-4 p.m. The showcur comes with u NASCAR simulntor ride thnt w ill be free to the public. Donuts w ill be served in the morning und hot dogs at lunch, free. There w ill be houriy drawings for Nationwide Series caps, T-shirts and other prizes. Nationwide is located at 1109 Yadkinviile Hwy. in Mocksville. One-Pitch Tournament The Cooleemee Redskins Booster Club w ill hold a one-pitch softbnll tournament on Mny 16 nt Cooleemee. Call Luny Thies ut 492-5057 (home) or 336-692-7299 (cell). Coed Softball League There w iil be a coed softball league on Sunday afternoons at Cooleemee starting May 17. The entry fee is $225. This w iil be a ' one-pitch league. Contact Luny Thies at 492-5057 (home) or 336- 692-7299 (ceil). Legion Tryouts Tryouts for the Junior und Senior Legion baseball teams w ill be held Saturday at Rich Park at 5 p.m. Anyone who hasn’t signed up needs to be there by 5. "And Tyler made a real nice play nt flrst to complete a double play,” couch Mike Dinkins suid. "Austin came off the bench and really stepped up.” In the second game of the doubleheader with South, Mar shall and Walker held the Tigers to two hits (Nnthan Hownrd nnd W ill Cartner), puriayed South errors into seven unearned runs and dropped South’s record to 4-6. Walker struck out the side in order in the seventh. While South was kicking it around, Ellis wus pluying near flawlessly in the field. Nick Boswell (3 for 3), Marshall (3- 4) and Walker (two hits) led the Ellis ussnult. "I feel very fqrtunutc to do whnt wc did,” 'D inkins said. "When they made a mistake, we capitalized on it. Wc got lucky We had two bulls hit the base with a guy getting ready to fleld it. I mean you can’t explain thut. We just got some timely hits and timely breaks.” The hits kept com ing in bunches at FCD. Boswell (3-3), Andy Lewis (3-4), Comer (3-4, five RBIs), Walker (2-4), Mar shall (2-4) and Boger (1-1, two RBIs) did the most damage. To put Ellis’ offensive talents into perspective, Comer is one of the hottest hitlers - and he bats ninth. ‘The one that’s killing the ball is Tristan,” he said. "He has been crushing it. I bat him there to have another leadoff mun, und the bottom of my lineup hus re- nlly produced.” Notes: Marshall, who bats third, plays 'third and also pitches, is nursing u pulled hum- string. Dinkins is crossing his fingers that Marshall can return for the May 9 jamboree nt Rich Pnrk. North und South w ill pluy nt 11 a.m., Ellis-South at 1 p.m. and Ellis-North ut 3 p.m. ‘Thut would be u big hole to fill on third and a huge bat,” he said. "He’s really started hitting the ball.” ... With Landon Adams out for Ihe season with an injury, Charlie Mulchot has stepped in the void. And he’s ucquittcd himself well. "He has gotten on base, gotten key hits and played extremely well in the field." Five Tied For Third in Basketball League Six teams have two or three losses in the men’s open basket ball jeague. Necdniorc Logging remains in first w ilh an 8-1 record, and Team V is alone in sccond ut 7-2. Five teums nre tied - in the loss column - for third, includ ing Cuttin’ Up (7-3), Bnrnctte Heating & A ir (7-3), The Rem edy (6-3), Bird Gung (6-3) und Cozart’s Handyman Services (6- 3). Creek All-Stars and Hatzoff arc knotted at 5-4, Dem Boyz is 4-5 imd Few Good Men is 2-7. A-Teani 60 - David Pitts 9, LeBron M uyfield 13, Ernest Mnyfield 6, Cody Tliorpc 4, Jo.sh Holcomb 16, Cody Sulier 12. Ilu lzo ff 80 - Vincent Cock- erhum 5, Gcrmnin Mnyfield 7, Shawn Westbrook 14, RaShawn Davis 14, Drew Absher 23, Tracey Arnold 8, Mike Silvu 9. C u llin ’ Up 94 - Furu(| Peter son 5, J. Sipeo 14, D. Brooks I, Linwood Skinner 6, Ruy Bristow 23, Dec Blnkency 9, Tony Leuzer 2, Trcmnine King 34. Nccdmure Logging 101 - Pnul Cuthbertson 8, Steve Hcggins 30, Briun’ Avery 30, Jerry Shen-ill l5,T.J.Gnithcr 18. Bnrnetle IlcnIIng & A ir 72 - Greg Burnette 2, Andy Snow 23. Bubba Coleman 9, Brent Ellis No.1 In Golf Chusc Moore nnd the pllis golf teum finished first in the Mid-South Conference. Coach Vann Harrell team included Seth Morris, Scott Dennard, Jacob Gorzelski, Tyler Gaddy, Jon Tisc, Jeff Phillips and Ryan Baiiey. Moore was the teum medulist und Gorzelski won the coach’s award. "Thanks for ull Ihe support from parents, our host course Oak Valley und golf pro Ran dall Jnmes,” Harrell said. ‘Con gratulations for a job w ell done.” Wall 6, Scott Tonidnndel 17, J. Hoots 15. Creek All-Slnr.s 70 (OT) - Puris W ilson 14, Brandon Chrnpck 3, Jumal Durham 16, Darrell Wongc 25, Julian Long 10, Omar 2. Tar Heel Lawn Core 63 - Andy Ward 8, Juson Tutterow 10, Todd Corvin 7, Scott Cor- natzet 16, Matt James lO.Anily Everhart 10, James Blakely 2. Tl'ani V 67 - Setm Stevens 8, Austin Spuugh I'd, Eric Alspaugh 19, Walt Boxley 15, W iil Bynum 2, Lnndon Hnrris 5, Cnlcb Duvis 3. Barnclle Hculing & A ir 59 - Greg Barnette 2, Andy Snow 15, Brent Wull 7, Bubbu Cole man 13, Scott Tonidnndel II, Lnnce Evcrette 7. The Remedy 56 - Jeremy M iller 3, Brad Dyer 10, Alex W illlnms 12, Eric Lowery 5, Brundon Mnxwell 13, Forrest Breedlove 2, Rynn Denney 10. Evans’ Services 46 - John Evuns 9, A l Evnns 6, Juson Hnwks 13, Truvis Peucock 9, Shannon Pulliam 3, Dominic Graham 6. C ozart’s Handyman Ser vices 87 - Mnmic Lewis 8, Bun-y Chunn 16, Briun Lune 23, Tony Mnllurd 2, Curios Dixon 23, ChndWnrd 12. Few Good Men SO - Sum H illie 27, Munn Oglesby 2, Steve 5, Ike Johnson 8, Drey 2, Kuvcri H illie 8. B ird Gnng 79 - Mnrcus Ln.ssiter 8, Murio Hnwkins 23, Phil McFuddcn 19, Micnh Brim 16, Mutt Burchcttc 13. A-Tcam 56 - David Pitts 7, LeBron M nyfield 5-, Ernest M ayfield 8, Cody Sulier 22, C liff Suucrbrum 2, Josh Hol comb 12. Dem Boyz 81 - Tony Tenor 24, Cedric Tenor 4, Brundon Fin ger 28, Dcwnync Collins 13, Jo.sh Morrison 13. FISHDAY! IT’S TIME TO STOCK YOURPOND! ' DellveiYWillBe: Friday, May 22 Clemmons • 9:30-10:15am ©Clemmons Milling Co. Uxlngton-3:45-4;30pm ©Davidson Fanner's Co-Op Saturday, May 23 Sallsbuiy’ TiSOam-SilSam ©Southern States FIS H W A G O X To Place An Order Call TollFrae1-6(X>-«43-8439 www.fishwagon.com 'Reinvent Lfour Summer! Why play virtually when we have the real thing? Canoeing, zip lines, cooking, hiking, waterparks, sports & more! All live, and all with the Davie Family YMCA CampPRYDE for rising grade students. 9 field trips and 2 cookouts over the summer. ii'»«-;'“' . < - rf s t*. ' —V -A M 'i Camp PRYDE Is funded In part through a grand from the Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Daycamp options are avallable for rising l “-5"' graders In the Davie Fam! y YMCA Camp Sunburst. REGISTER FOR SUMMER CAMP TODAY! $35 per week $40 registration fee Stop by the YMCA for more Information, or visit our website; davle.ymcanwnc.org/chlldcare/camp.php YMCA OF NORTHW EST NORTH C A R O U N A DAVIE FAM ILY BRANCH Davie Family YMCA 215 Cemetery St., Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9622 davle.ymcanwnc.org В4 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 7,2009 i,‘ l i V г N ‘:' ■ I f' ! V a r s i t y B a s e b a l l S e a s o n G o e s S o u t h By B rian Pitts Davie Enierprisc Record The Dnvie varsity baseball team entered last week's three- game stretch at a crossroads, Facing West Forsytll twice and Mount Tabor, its season could turn one of several different di rections. Instead of remaining in contention for at least second, the War Eagles went south. Losing 3-0 and 8-1 to West and 12-8 to Tabor, the War Eagles limped to 10-9 overall and 4-5 in the Central Piedmont Conference. The psyche is low and the chanco for a decent playoff berth is out the window. The CPC standings heading into the .final regular-season games had West Forsyth at 7-1, Tabor at 6-2, North Davidson at 6-3, Davie at 4-5, Reynolds at 3-6 and North Forsyth at 0-9. The CPC Tournament begins Thursday with the higher seeds hosting. Toumainent-host Davie w ill be at home against Reynolds at 7 p.m. Dnvie w ill host the semifmals and final on Friday and Monday. W. Forsyth 3, Davlc 0 The Tilans were coming off a 13-2 loss to 'nibor, but they got well »gainst light-hitting Duvic. Shelton Howard pitched well for 5 1/3 innings, i)ut his rccord slipped to 4-3. Davie only had two hits ns it was blanked by West for the second consccutive time, dating to last year’s 10-0 loss. Sopho more Connor Bodcnhamer had both hits. In his eighth varsity game his averaged rose.to .481 (13 for 27), and he became lied for fourth on the team in hits. West went ahead 3-0 in tho sccond, and that was thnt. Davlc never reached third, much less scored. “ Connor wasn’t w ith us when everybody was hot,” coach M ike Herndon snid. “Now everybody’s,struggling. Ho doesn’ t know whnt struggling’» all about. Ho has a good approach. When he lakes pitches, his weight his back. We’ve got kids, when they take pilches Iheir weight’s forward, He hns heller swing mechanics Ihnn Ihc rest of them right how, bccausc a lol of ihem arc press ing and trying loo hard instead of lolling it come lo them.” W. Forsyth 8, D a v id Josh Berryhill put on quite a show. The junior righthander carried a shutout and 1-0 lead into Ihc sovenlh, and when lie look Ihc mound in the final in ning his season ERA had dipped to 1.67. He was three outs from a 4-1 record. Then everything went wrong. Boom, boom, boom nnd West hnd nn oighl-spot on the board. The Tilnns hud one hit through four innings and four hits through six. But in Ihe sovenlh, all of B e rryh ill’.s efforts went for naughl. West sent up 13 bailers, Senior Evan Crisco covers got three walks, saw three pitch ers and scored eight runs on s(ivcn hits. It all slnrted wilh one out and nobody on. Jess Cartner relieved with the bases full and promptly got a strikeout for the sccond oul. Davio was ono oul from victory. ■ The first in a series of excru ciating moments was a swing ing strike. The curvoball rico- chelled to Ihe backstop and Ihe tying run scorcd. Then came a double. The lug nuts wero loos ening. Then came a single. The wheels were coming off. Then camc a single, three-run homer, walk, walk and single. You had lo hurl for Davie, especially B erryhill and his huge pitching for six innings. “Our whole leam competed Iho whole entire,game,” Hern don said. "It wns a hard loss, but I was proud of Ihe way our guys competed. That’s baseball. II just wasn’t meant lo bo. I cun’I fault anybody for lhat because wo pinyed our guts oul.” The dnrk end overshadowed Howard's theatrics at third base. Ho made one major-league play after another, "II wns incredible,” Herndon suid, “ He played ns good a third base as I’vo ever seen from any body. He’s gol lo build on lhal.” Dnvie look Ihe 1 -0 lend in liie first. Alex Newmnn led o ff wilh a single, Bodcnhamer reached on nn error and Jacob Vernon advanced them w ith a bunt., Newman scored on a Carlner grounder. But West’s ace, lofty TVIer Coyle, retired 13 in a row, a streak thnt finally ended in the sixth with n Bodcnhamer singlo. Carlner’s ERA was 0.84 in four appearances when he came in looking for Ihe save. In Ihe first gume against Wesl, righty Ryan Mayhew run his rccord lo 4-0. Neither Mayhew or Coyle throw lhat hard, but Ihey fines.scd Davie lo death. M t. 'nibor 12, Davlc 8 Parker Thomas and the Spar tans spoiled Senior Nighi for COMPLETE SHOE REPAIR ' Ezra Gough (Formerly Clemmons Shoe Shop) 50 Years Experience Men's and Women's Shoes • Soles and Heels • W ork and Western Boots • Clean and Polish • W interizing (Waterproof and Polish) • Stretching/Lengtli ancl W idth Handbag Repairs/Straps, etc. • DEALER for W olverine Footwear and Harley Davidson boots Sales@workinboots.com or 336-940-6076 or 336-682-0264 E&Plnep'd (open September and October} Muscadinc/Scuppernung Grapes You Pick or We Pick ~ Great a.s Fresh Fruit or Juice, Jelly or Wine Muscadines are the healthiest of all arapes. Very High in Antioxidants. mmmmmmBaaBsaai i.... n im ri ii second on a steal by. - Photos by James Barringer wilh a 2.14 ERA in three .starts. The top avornges; Bodenhnmer's .424, Carlner’s .357, Newm an’s .349 and Vernon’s .310.... Carlner hns 20 RBIs in 19 games. Newman has 13 steals. B erryhill H ow ard Carlner, Evan Crisco, Howard, Vernon and Jake Wyatt. They built a 9-0 lead before turning to coast mode. It was exasper ating for Ihe War Eagles, who had lo put a tliree-gamc losing streak up against 'Thomas, a 6- 5, 225-pound righthander wlio is one of the eliie arms in Ihe Slnle. ‘iHo was ranked llie 199lh prospect in Ihe country in col lege and iiigli school,” said Ta bor conch Mike Lovelace, who is approaching his 11th year as the Mocksvilie Legion coach, “ric’s prcdicled lo go in tiie lop seven rounds. He was clocked al 92 last sunnner and 94 in Iho fall. In high school he’s been consistently at 88-90.” Ironically, Davie had ils best offensive showing in quite a while against Thomas, who called it a night aflcr five in nings, Newman, Carlner and Seaford gol hits off him in Ihe first four innings, and Jacob Barber, Seaford and Newman hit Thomas around in Ihc fifih. Davie’s nine hits were the most in five games. It had gone 15 fo r 99 (.|5 1 ) ovor four games. The War Eagles had scorcd seven runs in four games before getting all eight in Ihe final three frames. N otes: Bodcnhamer was robbed by a diving first base- ■man as his five-game hilling sireak died. Ho cumo in hilling .466. ... Bnrber, who came in w ith 14 at-bnts, launched li three-run missile over ihe iefi- ccnler trees in the sovenlh. “ Fvo probably coached or witnessed over a thousand games al Rich Park, and it’s in Ihe top three for longest homers,” LOvelnco snid. “ He liil it n mile.” ... Seaford went 3 for 3 lo iili his average from .255 to .300. ... Slarler Brad Gaither wns chased after 2 2/3 innings. He camp in 2-0 West Forsyth 3, Davlc О Duvic nb r 11 Ы Newinim cf 4 0 0 0 Bodcnlinnicr rf • 3 0 2 0 Vcrnonc . 2 0 0 0 Ciitiner Ib 3 О О О ticrmionss 3 0 iO 0 Borbcrdh 2 0 0 0 Crise« 2b 2 О О О РоЛсгЗЬ 3 0 0 0 Scafordlf 2 0 0 0 Tolnls ' 24 0 2 0 DnvIc ' ООО ООО 0 - 0 W.Fureylli 210 ООО \ - г .SB - Dodcnlinmer (2), Diirlier. Uuvio II* Il K KK IIII ,S0 Howurd,L 5.l .4 3 2 4 . f> Wal.ion .2 0 0 0 0 1 West Forsyth 8, Davlc 1 Duvie ul) г h bi Newmnn cf 3 1 1 0 Bodcnhnmcr If 3 '0 1 0 Vernon 0 2 0 0 0 Curtner Ib-p 3 0 1 I tluradou ss 3 0 0 0 Untber clli,3 0 1 0 HownrilJb 1 o'0 0 Scnford If 1 0 0 0 Wnlson rf 2 0 0 0 Long rf 1 0 0 0 Foster 2b 2 0 0 0 Tolnl.1 24 1 4 1, W. Komylli ООО ООО 8--8 Unvic 100 ООО 0- SB - Burbcr (2). Dnvie 11* II К 1EK 1Ш SC Berryli. L 6.1 6 3 3 2 5 Conner .1 4 4 4 0 1 Onither .1 1 1 0 2 1 M ount Tabor 12, Davie 8 Dnvlc nb r h Ы Newmnn cf 4 1 3 0 Boilcnbnmcr rf 3 1 0 0 yernon с 2 , 1 0 1 Cnrtnerlb , 4 1 1 0 H«rndon ss 4 1 0 0 Barber dh 4 2 2 3 Howard 3b 3 0 0 ■0 Crisco 2b 3 1 0 0 Seaford If ,3 0 3 .1 '^'otnls 30 8.■ 9 5 Tnbor ,012 603 Ö-12 Dnvie ООО Ò22 4 - 8 21) - Newinnn (4), Cnrtnor (5). HR - Borbcr. SB -Newmun (13). Duvlo Il> H K БК BII SO Onlllicr, L 2.2 2 3 3 3 1 Wulson 1 2 6 6 4 2 Fo.sler 1.1 4 3 2 1 2 Crisco - 2 2 0 0 1 0 ’ 100 Lapllllimmmoámed Race USING THE INFAMOUS DOUBLE-FILE RESTART RULE , Plu« Sportsman, Street Stock,and Stadium S^I^RacM 1^ B o w m a n G ray Saturday/Night .> Oatoa 01 racUeaate ___________ ___ F»ni'Pibes! 12 and Oidor - $10 Four $200 A0OS 6 through 11 • $1 | Г ^ Scanner PackigM . Children under 6 - FREEI RH2way.comfiLENTYÍCFjFREE'PARKING www.Bowm anG ravRaclm .com 3 3 6 -7 2 3 'í8 í9 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 7,2009 - B5 D. M oxley R. M oxley Jacob Barber beats out an infield hit. Moxley Boys Advance Sophomore iwins Daniel Moxley and Ryan Moxley of Davie’s tennis leam qunlillcd for Ihe MidwestRegional by reach ing Ihe semifinals in last week’s Central Piedmont Conference Tournament at Hanes Park in Winslon-Salem. Duvie 'finished fourth as n team, matching its regular-sea- son-finish. Reynolds won ihe tournament wilh 24 points, fol lowed by West Forsylh (21),, Mount Tnbor (20), Davio (6), ' North Davidson (3) nnd Norlh Forsylh (0). The top five quali-« fiers in singles and doubles eamed regional berths. After receiving n first-round bye, the Moxley boys dominated N orlh Davidson in the quarterfinals, winning 6-1, 6-1. That made their season record 11-4. They wound up fourth af ter losing to Tabor in ihe semifi nals nnd 10 Reynolds in ihe third- place malch. Junior Brel Williams went 2- 2 and finished sixlh. His season ended al 11-7. “ Ho played really w ell,” conch Bnrry Kennedy said. “1 just think ho ran out of gas (in Ihe fiflh-piace malch).” • Davie’s lop player, sopho more AIox Fleming, lost in ihfc quarterfinals lo West Forsyjli. He went 4-7 while pluying the No. 1 seed all year. Matt Hurscy and Brandon Roycroft lost in Ihe first round in doubles to North Davidson. They went 5-5 on the year. Party Rentqis Plus Candelabras'Archways'Cake Stands ' Punch founlains'Chocolate Fountains Commercial Accounts Welcome Trade Show Booth Pipe & Drape Inflatable Moon Walks'DunkTanks Popcorn Machines'Collon Candy Machines TeiitS'Tables'Chairs Staging'Dance floors Dinnerware-Linens www.partyrental8plu8no.com “ B ig E n o u g h to S e rv e Y ou... S m a ll E n o u g h to A p p re c ia te Y ou." 704-636-0788 •704-933-1131il ■— ----------------------------------------------------------------w 1B19 S Main St Salisbury • 2110 Dale Eatiibardt Blvd Kannapolis ' Ä ' Shane Carter hasn’t lost on the mound. At right, l\/1att Dyson stretches at first. Wins... Continued From Page B l Tho next day nt Rich Park, Davie used a four-nin fifth to deny .West. The Tilans hnd a 6- 3 lead, |]ut Dyson singled, Blake Wise doubled, Phillips singled and Beeson drew a bases-loadcd walk as Davie pushed across four runs for a 7-6 load. Wise, in his first start, picked a most opportune limo lo come up wilh his biggest hit. “ Blake is my backup catcher, and you better have a backup catcher,” Allard said. “ Blake hns shown us something in the cage. Ho swung Ihc bat woll against N orlh Forsylh, so he got a chanco lo show what ho coulcl do starling. And he look advan tage o f il.” . The lop hillers were hardly a surprise. Leadoff batter Curler wont 2 for 3 with a double and two RBIs, and No. 2 man Phil lips went 2 for 3 wilh an RBI. Randall extended his hilling sireak lo eight. Meanwhile, Phillips pitchcd seven effective innings in his first mound start, and his first appearancc in six weeks. Allard was running extremely low on arms, and whal a Band-Aid Phillips lurned oul io be. “ W ilh us playing three games in Iho same week, I had to use Javan, who had not pitchcd sincc the sccond time wc played Norlh Rowan (on March 13)," ho snid. “ He only gave up three earned runs be cause wc mado seven errors. Javan pitched a heckuvu game for somebody who hud only thrown in one game. I told Ja van he was one o f the options and he kept on asking me: 'Am I going lo pilch?' You could tell by Ihe look on his face he was excitcd.” The only reason Phillips hadn’t pitched more is his valué at shortstop. “ Il's not that I didn’t havo' confidcnce in Javan as a pitcher. It’s just lhat he’s done such a good job al short,” he said. “ And if you.’VO got olher pitching, you don’t want lo move yot^r short stop.” Notes: The War Eagles were 9-0 before a 10-2 nonconfor- ence loss at North Meek. Their only olher loss was 7-3 at North Davidson as North avenged a 5- 3 Davio win in the first meet ing. Wyatt Hits 7th Homer It was not Ihe best week for Davie’s varsity softball team. Tho War Eagles lost 3-1'at West For.syth, extending West’s series winning streak lo six, and lo.st 10-0 at liome lo Slarmount, get ting outscored 22-0 over two meetings Ihis season and watch ing their losing streak grow lo four. Davie got a lillio relief from Mount Tabor, drubbing Ihe Spiu-- lans 15-2. Ttibor is winless in Ihc Central Piedmont Conference. The 1-2 sirclch left Davie al 8^9 overall and 3-4 in Ihe CPC. Davie is in third place nnd will remain there unless something crazy happens in Iho final week of Ihe regular season. West Forsylh improved to 6- 1 in Ihe CPC despite getting oulhit by Davie 10-6. Jordan Schullz caught fire, going 3 for 3 with a walk. But Davie didn't manage to score until the lop of Ihe seventh; Slarmount no-hit Davie until two outs'in the sixth and final inning. Lendoff batter Chelsea Neal broke up Ihe no-hit bid with a single. Samantha Tarleton gave up all 10 runs, but none of them wns eamed. Errors.havo crippled Davie all year. Davio unloaded on Ihe Spur- lans (4-11, 0-8 CPC). Morgan Rallies ... Continued From Page B 1 control (0 walks). She also went 2 for 4, as did Sadie Lagle. “It was a very eventful game,” she Said. “A lot p f action hap pened in the sev enth and eighth innings. As a coach you cai\ ' only do so much from tho side lines. It’s really up lo the girls as to how Ihey ploy.” Davie 12, W. Forsyth S The War Eagles hud little trouble w ilh Wesl. Lana Bot toms (3 for 4), Desirae Moses (2-3) and Tori Clontz (2-4, two RBIs) led Ihe way as Davie completed a two-game sw.eep over West. Clontz went Ihe dis- Keency Tlirleton Bailey Wyatt tripled in her first ut-but, banging a laser off Ihc top of Iho fence in the air und just inissing u home nm. She Inter homered for Iho 7th lime Ihis scuson, tho shot whistling ull Ihe way up lo the baseball field. Liiidsey Bailey also homered while going 3 for 5, the same us Tori Cloniz. Dnvie was lulling an inept .227 going inlo Tnbor. The 18-hit attack bumped Davie's murk lo .247. Notes; Neal, who missed huge tim e w ith mono, has bounced back nicely, hitting .307 in 13 ut-bals.... Bailey has capitalized on spot duty, hitting .400 in 15 at-bals.... Wyalt has “slumped” lo .456 (21 for 46). ShestillhasmoreRBIs(19)dian ■ ■games played (16). ... Tarleton has caught lightning in a bottle after a 1 -for-13 start, going 8 for 12 to raise her average lo .360. West Forsyth 3, DnvIc 1 lance, giving up one earned mn. Davie set the tone in the top o f the first. W ilh two outs, Hen nings reached on an error to load the bases. McCann made the er ror hurt w ith a single. Erin Deadmon staggered the Tilans with a two-run hit for a 3-0 lead. It's tumed out to be a memo rable ride for the firsl-year coach. “ I’ve been really lucky and' proud lo have girls who play wilh thoir heart and give it Iheir all,” she said. “ I really think Iheir dedicajion is the key rea son to why we’ve had such a successful season.” Slarmount was Davie’s sec ond extra-inning test in three games. The other one didn’t end as w ell (3-1 loss lo N orth Davidson). Davie at1 r h Ы Neal cf 4 1 2 0 Clonti! dh ■'4 0 0 0 Wyall c 3 0 0 0 Schullz lb 3 0 3 l Fiinderburk ss 4 0 1 0 Kiddle 2b 3 0 1 0 Turlelon p 3 0 2 0 McCune rf 3 0 \0 Huniillon If 2 0 0 0 Totnb 29 I 10.I Duvie ООО ООО 1-■ 1 W. Forsyth 102 ООО X--3 Dnvie IP II R 1m BD so Turle.L 6 6 3 1 2 4 Starmount 10, Davio 0 Duvie ab r h bl Neal cf 3 0 1 0 Clontz dh-p 3 0 0 0 Wyntt c 2 0 0 0 Schullz Ib 2 0 0 0 Chesney 3b . 2 0 .0 0 Funderburk ss ' 2 0 0 0 Riddle 2b 2 0 0 0 Hnndy rf 2 0 0 0 Hamilton If 1 0 0 0 McCune ph 1 0 0 0 Totub 20 0 l 0 SlurmOunl 410 032 -1 0 ■ Davie ООО ООО-0 Duvie IP II R iËR BB so Tarle.L, 5.1 9 10 0 •:2 3 Clontz .2 0 0 0 0 1 Davie 15, M t.Tabor 2 Davie ab r h M Nenlcf 2 !1 0 Hamilton cf 4 0 0 0 Clontz p 5 1 3 2 Wyatt c-ss 5 3 2 3 Schultz lb 3 2 1 0 Chesney.ss '2 1 1 1 Riddle c. 3 l 1 1 Funderburk 2b 1 l l 0 Tarleton 2b 3 1 2 0 Bailey dh 5 2 3 2 McClannon 3b 4 1 1 0 McCuno If 2 I 1 2 Short If 3 0 1 0 Totub 42 15 18 11 Davie 180 020 4--15 Tabor ÓIO 100 0.-2 2B.-Tarieton, Bailey, 3B-Wyotl. HR - Wyalt, Bailey. DavIe IP H R ER BB SO Cloniz, W 7 5 2 2 0 5 Creek Farm EQVBSTiuANCBm» Let us slurc our poulon for twrsea wilh youi Speciallalng In thoughtful, com patalonat* Inatructlon lor rider and hoTM. ' 428 Allen Road, Mockev<llo,flC 33&-492-5451 www.bBarcf8aMaritnquMlclr.coni Second baseman Wll Cope puts down the tag. - Photos by James Barringer A T T E N T I O N ! Former FreigMliner, Ingersoll Rand, & Performance Fibers Employees. Do you have questions and need help with your 401K options? — C O N T A C T u s T O D A Y ! — ( B r a c k e n T i m n d c d , I n c . in v s • 401K • ROLLOVERS • MUniML FUNDS • FEE BASED ACC0UN1S W . C h a rle s B ra c k e n - investment CoruuUanllCertified Mutual Fundi SpectalM 2 0 1 N . C h u rc h S t., M o o re s v ille , N C 28 115 704-663-2224 E-Mail: wbracken®iaimail.cbm \tid iiMilmentAilviMiry Strvicra ofjeml fhrounh tnttrSnuriliee, Inc. М е тЫ г FIN liA , S U V ntxil iU glnU m l hurnlment Advlmr. Marine Софз League Detachment #1096 S S raeW f" Saturday, June 6 • 2009 8:00 AM Shotgun Start ★ D-DAY REMEIUIBRANCE ★ t w i n C e d a r s G o lf C o u r s e M o c k s v ilie , N C • Captain’s Choice • 4 Person Team • $50 Per Person • $200 Per Team ic EARLY BIRD TEAM SIGN-UP ★ Sign Up Before June 1st and Save $20 • Mulligans $5 Per Person • SO/SO Drawing •Door Prizes • $300 Prize for First Place • Second Place - Pat on the back • FREE BftEAKFAST FOR PLAYERS Contact: Ron Sechrist or Tom Kopetzky 336-998-3007 or 336-749-7547 rsechrlst@yadtel.net or t.kopetzky@gmail.com B o tto m lin e , it 's a ll f o r t h e K id s ! H e lp u s h e lp T h e m ! Allstate Insurance Mark Jones & Steve Rklenhour i - , 852 US Hwy, 64 W., Suite 101 " : ■ Mocicsville ' 336-751-0669 Gaudell Lumber .162 Sheek Street; Mocicsville' 336-751-2167 ■ 'I _ . . DavieCounty irise Record 171 South Main Street, Mocicsville 336-751-2129 EatonFuneral Service, Inc. 325 N. Main Street, Mocksville ■336-751-2148 Formac Automotive, Inc. 1484 US Hw. 64 W.. Mocksville . 336-751-3372 Foster Drug Go. 495 Valley Road, Mocksville 336-751-2141 Fuller Architecture 68 Court Square, Mocksville 336-751-0400 Mike’s Wrecker Service 24 HOUR SERVICE 684 Junction Rd., Mocksville (336) 492-7303 or 909-2018 Davie Medical Equipment 959 Salisbury Rd„ Mocksville . 336-75M288 ■ Ib lb u B y These £o cal Businesses. Mocksville A u t o m o t i ^ ; 884 South Main Street; Mocluville 336-751-2944 OsborneVTire & Automotive I^eTrack & FarmTiiv Sales & Repair 1083 Sallsbuty Road; Mocksville 336-753-8090 PhUGar Automotive 1628 H.wy. 601S,, MocksviUe 336-751-1800 Supercehter 261 Cooper Creek, Mocksville ., 336-751-1266 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 7,2009 ■ Cl “ I ‘ r 1.IJ, n r¡/ f if '/ /1 I ' " , » “ tj. I Y Ì ‘ f 'ffT ' 4, i’ ft- •< t I ■ S' niir Lauren Bailey, Adlna Guyton and Kayleigh Heubel rehearse a number for the Davie High Spring Dance Concert Thursday and Friday nights at the Brock Performing Arts Center. - Photos by Robin Snow D a v ie H ig h D a n c e C o n c e ih T h u rs d a y , F r id a y N ig h ts Tatum Snow is used to ex pressing herself through dance, The Dnvie High School senior grew up dancing nl Hope Community Church, where her mother helped start a worship nnd arts academy. And the dance student nt DaVie High School has cho reographed a picce that will be a part of the school’s J ^spring dance concert Thurs- _ . _ i^ day and Fridny nights at the TatumSnow: We re show^,B.,outperforming Arts Cen- mg that no matter what hap pens, Ood will always be your strength,”. ter in Mocksville, Tickcts are $6 in advnnce (751-5905 ext. 414) or $10 nt the door. Snow said seven of her fellow students wiir dance with her to "Yoii’re My Hope" by Skillet;'‘We’re showing that no matter what happens, God will always be your strength.” Kayleigh Heubel is an other senior who will present her "Winter to Spring” piece, It will feature music of the Beatles. “I’ve always really liked the Beatles,” she said, '‘The dance has to do with the mo ment, 'quality and sounds. It Is Inspiring und natural sounding,” Teacher Terri Winchell said that all of her dancers are ijispiring. The Thursday and i^rlday shows start at 7 p.m, ,, , ‘‘The Concert theme is change and spring and Jove; a!iV,^^|upbeat, uplifting con cert fdiM^ng dance asart and entertainiiient,” shesaicl. Kayleigh Heubel: “The __ dance is inspiring and natu- Taylor Hiatt practices a Katie Buss and Tatum Snow enjoy a rehearsal during ral” move. ■ class. Heather Scherer and Carly DempskI rehearse for the' spring concert. • \ .Jyiegan Becl<, Madison Pratapas and Hunter jDopen refine their movements Ayana Banks and Laura Tierney strike a pose. ^ C2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 7,2009 Davie Schools Schools... DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 7,2009 - C3 Shady Grove Elementury The art department is preparing a spring surprise. It is time for the spring art celebration to showensc thc blossoming talent of hundreds of artists. Students have been working on creating artworks thnt reflect the naturnl environment in thc garden and in the landscapes of the, local community and around the world. In the' garden at the end of the month, there will suddenly appear large and colorful butterflies that w ill line and flutter along thc garden walls, Monet-inspired watercolor lily gardens nnd Iris paintings that celebrate the Impressionistic Era, bamboo inspired chalk drawings that mirror the forests that' fill the Eastern part of thc world, clay ladybugs that are crawling everywhere, hand painted Aboriginal turtle ina.stcrpicccs thnt reflect Australian culture, Watercolor tree frogs that live in the rainforests of the Amazon, snake .sculptures that arc slithering through thc grass, nnd beautiful bright flower sculptures thnt started from n tiny seed. Thc dnte and time of the show will be posted on Ihe school website. The garden exhibition w ill travel to the Brock for June. The Dnvie Arts,Council in pnrtncrship with Shady Grove will celebrnte 'Onrden Art at the Brock’. Join us at thc Brock on Sunday, June 7 at 2 p.m. for an art celebration. There w ill be live jazz music, local artist demonstrations, urt making stations, and light refreshmeiits. The fifth grade chorus completed their "Music In Our World” concerts for the year. They combined with tho William R. Duvie chorus and sang u concert for thc students at ench school, on A pril 10. They performed, at KidsFest in ' Mocksville on Saturday, April 25 and performed in the Davlc Combined Elementary Chorus at thc Brock Performing Arts Cenlcr on April 26. They worked hard all year nnd did an exceptional job at all of their performances. After performing in the April PTO, the fifth grade miisic classes arc continuing their “ Recorder Karate” unit. They are using the music reading skills thnt they worked on earlier in thc school year lo help them learn each new song in the unit. They earn n different color "belt” for their recorder when they complete a song. Many are coming early in thc morning to pass off songs and continue on with new challenges. Fourth, graders have been working in small groups to compare each member in thc four fam ilies o f orchestral instruments. They are challenged with finding out why each Instrument is in the family, how It produces its sound, and where it ranks in pitch compared will) Ihc other family members. Aftcl- working w ith groups, they presented their findings to thc cluss. When all Ihe families of instruments have been discussed, they w ill play listening games to identify the sound of ench instrument. The expressive elements of mi/sic hnve kepi Ihc Ihird grnders busy. They lenrned about dynamics and tempo and how cach of these can make music more interesting. They practiced the Italian tenns for many of the dynamic njarkings nnd mndc decisions on which would be appropriate for types of music. They learned to move lo lenipo markings and used a metronome to practice changing tempo.s in a song. "Carnival of tho Animals” has kept thc .sccond graders danciilg. hopping, and swimming to some cool music. Saint-Saëns’ musical work was written at Ihe request of his music studenls, and students enjoyed listening to some of his musical jokes. Dancing tortoises, racing mules, nnd elusive cuckoos hnve • challenged the students’ listening skills, and they hnve asked lots of great questions about the Instruments as they enjoyed watching some of thc picces being performed. First graders have been investigating form in music. “Bop Till You Drop” was Ihcir favorite piece as they discovered that il had four different sections that were put together in a-pattern. They practiced rhyming sounds as they followed the directions in Ihc song and moved to Ihe beat. Putting their classmates in ABA form was also a favorite activity. Kindcrgartncrs have had a lot of fun learning about melody. They compared thc melodies of some favorite songs and were surprised lo find out they were all tho same. They practiced counting ns they identified and sang high, middle, and low pitclles and then showed them on the Smart Board. But thc mo^ fun o f all was learning to play “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Stw” on Ihc xylophones and metallophones, , Cookcnicc Eleiticnlnry Sccond grade classes arc researching Ihe butterfly life cycle. They arc monitoring the growth of Painted ^.ady caterpillars aiid discussing what they need to live and grow. Many classes arc using the ELMO to closcly see thc pitrts o f a caterpillar, Tho students are making predictions and recording their observations in a booklet, as well as reading several books on Cooleemee Elementary Star Students for the week of Aril 27, from left: front - Jake LInville, Mahala Owens, Alexis Jordan, Brian Adkins, Jose Ruiz; back - Luis VIsoso, Amelia Allen, Auston Johnson, Charisma Hale, Morgan McNIcholas, Adrianna ■ Botello, , H a r m o n y M e d i c a l C a r e , P A 3210 Harmony Hwy, Harmony, NC 28634 704-546-7587 C o m p l e t e F a m i l y C a r e P e d i a t r i c C a r e i n c l u d i n g I m m u n i z a t i o n s X-rays • Labs • Minor Surgery including lacerations, removal of lesions, toenails and warts Worker’s Compensation • DOT Physicals Joint Injections • EKG’s and Echocaidiograms EXTENDED HOURS Monday, Wednesday,Thursday 7:30am - 6:00pm Tuesday, Friday 7:00am - 5:00pm Come visit Cocoa, our clinic dogi Elizabeth Gentile, P/^-C Michael Cevasco, PA-C, MA-PAS Lisa Welcomes Walk-Ins from 1:30-4:00!l (Appointments preferred) In Harmony With Your Healthcare"« I insects. They arc using the internet nnd watching videos to sludy butterflies, Mrs, Pike is sharing some information and stories with thc classes. During w riting, Ihey arc composing poems and stories relating to , butterflies. Third grade students nre workiitg hnrd to get rendy for the EOO, They hnve been learning math vocnbulnry and strutegies for reading and math. Fantastic Four celebration was held.at thc Cooleemcc Park on Friday for those studenls who were on Level 4 for the week. Fifth grade students arc finishing a scicncc unit on weather. They are studying and : learning about forces of molion next. In reading, Ihey continue to work in literature circles with some new titles, in math, they arc trying to finish with the major, concepts prior to the EOO tests. The nuiin focus is on tlie metric system. Fifth grade classes had a great time althc coiinty Wide Held day at thc Davie YMCA, DARE graduation is Tuesday, May 12, Mocksvillc ElGmentury Students of the week of April 27: Kcnia Cuadra, Valeric Vidcs, Alexis Soldruno, Caleb Swiu-tz, Eduardo Castillo, Luke Snider, Oscar Miguel, Martina Mayo- ,M iguel, Samantha Soldano, Veronica Mayo-Mlguel, Ronny O ’Ncnl, Trent Mabe, Cody James, Talayia Curcy, Ross Starnes, Nathan Krull, Tabby Nicholson, Jcsua Brieva, Kaily Vernon, Thomas Sutton, Matthew Forrest, Paige O’Byrne, Ben jamin Juarez und Joanna Boole,. North Dnvie Middle The Battle of the Books leam came in sccond in the county competition. North members con- gralulale the Ellis team who won and went to tiie regional compe tition. To top off all Ihe work and effort the team went to AMF Bowling Lancs in Winston on April 21 for an cnd-of-lhc-ycar celebration. Team members are already reading books for next year’s competition. They w ill miss Ihe one eighth grade mem ber, AIcx Abbott, who has been on Battle of liie books for Ihe past tiuee years. Team members are Alex Abbott, Anna Beth Carter, MacLena Apperson, A llison Hubbard, Emma Rogers, Kathleen Justen and Elisabeth Newman. • The Extreme team won Ihe fundraiser back in Ihe fall. They will celcbratc with a lunch Irip to' Rich Park May 211 Extreme Team students of Ihe month of April arc: Stephen Gray, Sky Tranqille, Dalton Carpenter, Jordan Budd and Laura Kinder R & R studenls of thc month for April are; Clay Thompson, Sarah Myers, Kendail Lanier, Madisyn Creekmorc, Rob Blake, Allyson Edwards and Chris Hennessey. A leam field trip lo Raven Knob for o tun filled day wilh team building activities is planned for June 1. Early College High School As psul of Davie Counly Early College High School's continuing focus on college readiness, sophomores took an overnight field Irip, along with teachers Mr. M iller, Mrs. Absher, and Ms. Ziglar, on Friday, April l7 nnd Sniurday, April 18. Studenls vis ited the cnmpuscs and took guided tours of thc University of North Carolina at Greensboro,.the University of North Cnrolina nt Chnpel Hill, und North Carolina Stale University. Studenls stayed overnight at Camp Caraway in Asheboro, where they partici pated in activities such ns n chnl- ienge course, pnintball, nnd hik ing. On Friday, April 24, the fresh- inen class took n field Irip to thc University of North Carolina al Asheville. Ms. Berkmnn, Mrs. Davies, Mr. Reeder, and scverul pnreni chaperones went with stu denls to Ihe university. After eat ing lunch in the food court, stu dents were given an information session about UNC-Ashcvillc where they learned nbout admis sion requirements, possible ma jors, acndcmic expcctnlions, nnd campus culture. Students were taken on guided tours of the cam pus. When DCECHS students and faculty left UNC-Ashevillc, they went on a lour of thc West ern North Cnrolina Nature Cen ler so that tiiey could sec various forms of wildlife, such as snakes and foxes in a hubitat similar to Ihcir natural one. The Drama Club hosted the sccond annual DCECHS Variety Show on Monday, A pril 27, DCECHS students performed 21 acts. Participants di.splayed tal ents such us stand-up comedy, original music, ,skils, interpretive dances, und singing. There were 16 students in the crew who as sisted wilh the show, which wus held at the Brock Perfonning Arts Center,' Chris Diggs wns n 2009 N,C. semi-finnlist in Ihe high school category of the Letters About Lit erature contest. In Ihis national contest, students submit letters that they have written to authors of books they have read; Ihc pur pose of Ihcir letters is to describe to the author the impact that Iheir fiction or nonfiction work has had on the student's life. Thc letter that Chris submitted was one that he had written in his English II class lo author Elle Wiesel, Ho locaust survivor, Nobel Peace Prize winner, and author of a world-famous memoir about his experiences entitled Night. Gina Maurice submitted her "This I Believe” essay to mvw.lhisibelleve.org. According to the website. This I Believe is nn inlemntionnl project engaging people in writing, shnring, nnd discussing the core values that guide their daily lives. Gina wrote her essay in her freshman semi nar class, revised it, and submit ted it to thc website. Students who submit quality essays about their corc beliefs cun have them pub lished on thc website. On Tuesday, A p ril 21, DCECHS hosted an informa tional session for incoming fresh men nnd their pnrcnts. They were given information about thc con- Irnct Ihat Ihey must sign and abide by ns early college students, bus rouies, and cxtracurricuhu' oppor tunities. Parents and students were given an opportunity lo meet Ihe faculty/staff, ask questions, and give their input about what professions the incoming clus!{ was interesled in lo help plan for next year's career day. Wllllum R. Dnvic Elementary Alma Rosas, ESL teacher, has been granted with $ 1,300 by The Community Foundation of Davie County lo use it in a project named; Bililerasy Program for English Languugc Learners (ELLs) in kindergarten and first grade. This is thc second yenr she obtains Ihis grant. The project consists of leaching ELLs to read in Spanish. This way, Spanish speaking students start building literacy skills and knowledge in their native lunguage while Ihey leam the English language, Later, Ihey w ill be able lo transfer that knowledge inlo English and won't fall behind for not speaking English, Tina Dyson und Sue Ireland’s first grade students have been reading about unimnis nnd theii' needs. They studied the life cycle of plants. Studenls mude their own dirt snnck lo eat using vanilla pudding, cookie crumbs, and gummy worms. Thc class planted grass seed. Thc ball of seed and Please See Schools - Page C3 D o n ’ t S e t t le F o r 2 n d B e s t, B u y th e B e s t Smokey Blue Plush I full Sei..........................$549.951 Full Set,....... ...............$629.951 Full Set...........................$849.951 ^Queen Sei......... ........$629.95^Queen Set,...',...................S659,9 5 ^ Queen Sei...',..................H M o c k s v ille F u rn itu re ''•.I Sij • Ni : $ '\ \ I', Ü.AVI'; $ A \ i-; Continued From Pago C2 are dccoraied .likcU tlle people ltíi4¡( enough,The little cups are topsoil was placed in yogurt cups nnd sludenis Will be able to give 'growing in the sunlight nnd nnd started sprouting, The cups their grass n. hafr'cut once it is stùfdétilshâVe to watiir them dally, ________________________ ■' . ‘ ■ ''y': : lit niáth students áre enjoying the r i 1 1 ' Success Maker lab and workingtjU C lO K li hard in Acceleratcd Malh, Comatzer Elementary In Mrs, Clmppcll’s art class, kindergarten stiidents are happily rhaklng a, wiggle-nosed puppet , w ith, paper-mache. and constniction paper, in first grade, students nre sludying Maurice Sendak’s Where Ihe Wild Things ' Arc, then depleting Ihcir own "W ild Thing” , with pencil, ink and media, Second graders arc making portraits in art for a spccial Mothers Tea, Third grade studied the ortisi David Hockney to create their own photo montage. Thanks to all who brought in old magazines for this projcct. Fourth graders are finishing "Insects with Patterns” projects, The first group to make a clay project was Ihe fifth grAders, They made coil pottery, and a jewelry projcct that is a surprise for Mothers Day, First grade students learned 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 1 8 9 '7 5 8 4 3 9 7 6 8 1 1 7 2 5 9 1 a 4 3 Solution On Page C5 Crossword Puzzle Scandal Sheet ACROSS 1, Packing a rod 6. Sticking points? 11, Tissue layer 14. 'Toodlesl" 15. "One to a ■ customer," e.g. 16. "Norma (Fleld movie) 17. POWcamp scandal? 19._-Locka, Fla. 20. Ate like a king 21. Young cow 23. Fights for air 26. Hangs In the hammock 27. Formal declaration 31. Seaport of Italy 33. Deck oul 34. Martinique erupter 35. "Red slate" org. 30. Refuse to admit 39. Model add-on 40. Glowing review 41. Mattress problem 42. Ticks off 43. Paired socks 44. Stin'ed up 46. One of Edison's 1,000+ 47. Stackable cookies 49. Trail carriers 51. Dracula player of 1931 53. Skilled craftsman 58. Mrs. McKinley 59. Private eye scandal? 62. Dog doc 63. Bond or Scully 64. Things to fill out 65. Bard's before 66. Poverty-stricken 67. Senator/physician Bill 27 20 20 33 30 41 DOWN 1. " Icarel" 2. French filmmaker Clair 3. Intro to physics? 4. Takes a peek at 5. Tranquilizer shooter 6. Klutzy sorts 7. Fix, as a fight 8. Docs' org. 9. In the company of 10. Metal marble 11. Overspending scandal? 12. Place for a carnation 13. Decade divisions 18. Copier paper buy 22. Saturn model 24. Come before 25. Eliot's Mamer 27. Root beer brand 28. Think lank nugget 29. Church service scandal? 30. Take a stab at 32. Alice's sitcom boss 34. Pequod co- owner, In "Moby- Dlck" 36. Appliance with a timer 37. Roach or termite 39. Talk trash ab6ut 40. Lab maze runner 42. Like Putin 43. Huge canine 45. Hugs, on cards . 46. Smart-alecky 47. Drab shade 48. More boorish 50. Far from genial 52. "Picnic" playwright 64. Stereotypical lab assistant 55. Calcutta wrap 56. PIN-activaled devices 57. Hatchling's home 60. Flying geese formation 61. Exterior lineman • Answers On Page C5 B e n F r a n k l i n 1115 Yadklnviile Rd. • Mocksville, NC 2702B • 336-7S1-5488I • SenptwoUntSuppIlM • RlUMm • LadiMlbps All Sales Final • No Returns f ir M t f io r Y M S a lM •M tS(|uam a ' . •W U A vS u p p lM •VÎW» •fhHNM ''' •CIMMiiim Dm «- •ÉM lawM etotM ot» about rocks and soil during Unit Sludy. They studied soil samples and compared and contrasted Ihem. They observed the layers of soil ih liu'gc plastic containers and then made edible layers that they enjoyed. The students learned about Ihc composition of rocks and got lo crack open and sort “ rock cookies” . Each student brought in a rock for thc scicncc tabic and completed a rock research paper. This week they are learning about igneous, sedimentary and mctamorphic rocks and Ihcir characteristics. Earth Day was celebrated with learning more about recycling und hnving thc students participate in cleaning up the outside areas.' In Math Trailblazers, Unit 11 has been finished and the students participated in many hands-on activities working wilh 100. They arc working on Unit 13 which teaches addition and subtraction strategics. They arc learning about doubles and halves. During W riter’s Worl'sl'op. the students have been writing about'characters, setting and the. plot of stories. Next, they begin a unit on poetry and w ill leam all about Ihc types of poems. Thc last field trip of Ihe year w ill be to Dnn Nicholns Park. All piu'cnis luc Invited on Wednesday, May 27. The end-of-year pjcnic is Friday, June 5 ut 12:45. Each class will hnve u short program in thc classroom followed by un outside circus-themed party. Congratulations to Cougars of the Week; Thomas Olive, Evan Elizabeth Sleele, Shyanne. C orrell, Hayden Strickland, Osvaldo Salas, Emily Moreno, Troy Clary, Sara Reagan, Chaya Scott, Allyson Ruiz-Turcios, Jason Barrera, Taylor Puckett, Courtney Barney, Jacob Pearcy, Pierre Valentine, Becca Edwards, W ill Kelley, Valerie Medves, Isaiah Saunders, Caleb Steele ,Oiivia Jones, Charlie Barnhardt, Aubrey Meyers, Jose Gama and Jacob Huffmnn. Mrs. Ancuta’s and Mrs. Hollifield’s first grade class wns treated to a visit by Dub Potts, fucilitics director, nnd his horse, Chester. They werc invited by B ill Campbell, director of public relations, who rends Cnidccott Medul Winner books lo Ihe class every Wednesday. The book this week was The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses by Paul Goble. Mr. Potts Inughl Ihe children nbout grooming, life spnn, equipment nnd eating habits. Every student hnd Ihcir picture tnken with Chester. Pinebrook Elementary The kindergnrten classes arc continuing lo read books, sound out words and learn sight words. In math they continue lo talk about the days of the week, months and seasoris. They arc creating art projects, writing and learning songs and poems to cclcbrale parents at a Parent Tea on Friday, May 8. Mrs. Drane and Mrs. King’s first grade students have been discussing plants, rocks, and soil. Thc students enjoyed talking about the properties of each and shared their own rock collections. Thc students have enjoyed working with Davie High School intern, Kirsten Lambert. She has been an asset lo Ihc classroom wilh working with reading and math groups, as well as teaching her own lessons. The class enjoyed field day on Friday, May 1. Second graders with Polls, Moore, Harpe, and Chappie went on a field trip lo Horizons, followed by a picnic al Hurley Park. They arc incubating eggs and studying embryology. Thanks lo thc 4-H for eggs and Incubators. Students have caterpillars and arc monitoring Ihcir growth. Third grade classes w ill be singing a pairiotic song at the upcoming ITO meeting on May S. Mrs. Bradford's class will sing The Presidents Song, naming all 44 presidents of the United States. Mrs. Orsillo's class w ill sing Grand Old Flag. Mrs. Curother’s class will sing Stars and Stripes Forever. Mrs. Van Offeren’s class will sing This Land Is Your Lund. A ll of thc classes will conclude with God Bless The USA. Mrs. Bradford’s class enjoyed hunting for candy ih their classroom for Easter and hunting for confetti eggs outside which they had previously made. Thc children popped Ihe confetti-filled eggs on each others’ heads for a rollicking time. Mrs. Davis’s fourth graders celebrated Earth Day by getting outside and beautifying thc earth. Studenls put on their gardening gloves and pulled weeds and picked up trash in the school’s front flower beds. They worked hard on this and look their jobs seriously. Students will be adding mulch to the beds and possibly planting new flowbrs. Ms. Howard’s class did their pari lo keep Ihe carlli clean on Earth Day. They took trash bags and collected trash from around the campus. .The fourih graders would like to encourage a il students, parents, and visitors to' take care of the earth by riot littering. Bus riders of the week'áre Louis Patrick Mua, Victoria Jones, Nora Day, Ashton Tilley, and Aluna Marshall. These students werc given ribbons and recognizcd during morning announcements. PBS winners this week were Sawyer Sheets, Karina Ruano, Annie Shaw, Elizabeth Velazquez, Katherine Walton, Kristina Lakey, Madeleene Koefoed, Hannah Newman, Liza Warner, Carly Smith, Cody Smith, Brandpn Wright, Jacob Doyle, Julia Soulh, Daniel York, Louis Patrick Mua, Adrian Rodriucz and Brendon Hicks. These students w ill be having lunch with a friend or adult of their choice. (iri'Ut (>)veraw‘ Stalls Johnson Insurance Services JOHN WOOD (336)753-1033 Jwood^l 27markotplacc.com C an/ac/ u.i f o r u u iiis iir tiin v ¡ iltiu Ib u l jU .i y n ttr o n d y iitir b tid ^ v l • Indivldiinl Finns • No Referral IIMO and . PPG Group Phuis »Small Group (Average • Mcdicarc Supplenk'nt Insurancfi • Dental Coverage for ' . IndivldiiaLs luid G.roiipi>' > Health Savings Accouiils nwit J tm KkM ■>»•« «<■ IlM tti Hie* 'y . ‘ ■', T dme davie m edical equipment Your HcMne Care Company You Have the Right to Choose Your Home Medical Equipment Company - Davie Medical Equipment. Especialiy if you go to a neighboring hospital. Our long-established, convenient and very competitive business Is here to sen/e you with the latest and best home care products. Our certified arid licensed employees keep your needs and comfort at the top of their priorities when you come to us for service. When your physician or therapist refers you to a medical equipment specialist, you want to be sure that your specialist Is able to take ofyour individual needs. At Davie Medical Equipment, we have the trained staff to see that your safety and the equipment's effectiveness matches your concerns. Our powered mobility equipment Is available in a variety of offerings allowing for different methods of operation, size and three or four wheel models. We sen/lce all ofour equipment on site and provide training for all of the products we carry. We can satisfy your short term needs with our rental programs or longer term with either rentals or purchases. Come In to speak with one of our specialists today and allow us to help you with greater independence, well being and enjoyment of llfel dme davie medical equipment 9v59 S a lis b u r y 'R d . • iV lo c k s v llli (336)751-4288 • fax (336)751-4686 Lv.'C4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE-RECORD, THURSDAY, May 7,2009 h I : h{'f-.h SS S P O T U G H T 1 ^ 'N(?l0i^mmo«waiKounl»(>rtp0clili.A^»no)_k^llprt _ j earaae Dccr l^epalrs A ll Electrical C pcner Repairs • Emergency Service • Senior Citizens Discount • 25 Years EKperlence MKINU GARAGE DOOR SERVICES "Mr. Ed" 1336) 99a>2336 » Fabminqton, NC C'^t'ud 'p<^(it(C (^ atc 3 3 6 - 7 8 8 - 0 8 6 2 3 3 6 - 7 6 6 - 8 1 9 5 W l WA.StI ( )R r,XIRA( [ A il RIK <S ‘Al >niN( . h'l I I <MMl r il >11111 >l< flu ()s CJn I()|) O l C ntp pl R iK js On M.'utlwdocJ F lo o ts R ugs On rih ‘ K loors PpI S tnins ^ O do r fio in o v t'fl n (*p iiirs A i'roU*r;l(H P ic k u p a n d D e liv e ry English’s Bridal & Formal moves closer to the heart of Clemmons For 26 years the English family has operated a clothing or herded Into large common dressing rooms. Every Item shop. For the iast eighteen years English’s Bridal and For- that goes out the door reflects on the business. Word of malwear has occupied a spot In the Newtowne Center. mouth Is still the best advertisement.” A d v a n c e H a i r D e s i g n Mother's Day Specials Mom's - Wash, Cut & Blow Dry Mother's Corsages • Authorized Avon Agent • Houra: T utt.-S a t. 9;30am-6pm 3431 US Hwy 64E, Advance « 336!-998-3387 Now, the shop has been transplanted to a new location In the upper plaza of the Clemmons Center., Just across the street from thelewlsvllle-Clemmons entrance to CVS, you can now find hundreds of wedding gowns, bridesmaid’s gowns, mother of the bride dresses, social occasion gowns and tuxedos. The new shop Is larger than the old one, with twice the floor space and number of dressing rooms.\ Moving the bridal shop In the early spring without sklp- ' ping a beat, was no easy task. It wasn't In the English fam ily’s long-term plan, but It had to be done. With the help of friends and family ^nd offers of help from many more,’the doors nevér had to close. This small business really did stimulate the local economy .to get the task done. In the end, several charities will also have benefited through the donation of formal attire. I , ' For all that has changed, the business philosophy stays the same. It has always been pretty simple and straight forward. Customer service Is Important, no matter If It’s a $5 bowtle or the clothing for an entire wedding party. As owner, t\/lark English explains it, "We feel that a bride should be treated 'like a bride'. It Is a special time In every woman's life. It Is not a time to be pressured Into a quick decision, worn out lugging heavy gowns around, re-hangIng dressés. Mark and Cass are always there, and they treat you Just like family. Their son Alan, who now lives In Connecticut, even maintains the website, www.engllshbrldal.coni. . Stop In and see the new space, If you’re an old friend, lyiake new friends If you’re not. Please remember them when you need their services. Forgive the transition phase; there are always some growing pains. Experience and lon gevity still make a big difference. Storm Water Management Residential Drainage Systems Land Clearing, Demolition . Landscape/Hardscape j ülemmons NC Licensed And Insured Tom Jones 336-749-0465 E D W A R D S SID IN G & W IN D O W S 2729 Lewl^vllle-Clemmons Road Clemmons, NC 27012 Phone or Fax; 336-766-0999 Hours: Monday-Wednesday 10 to 6, Thursday 10 to 8, Friday 10 to 5, Saturday 10 to 3' Sand Trap Custom Golf 766-2233 OR 760-2880 New Iron Sets! /T k 3-pw«149 ! U G LYR O O FSTAIN REMOVED FOR A LIKE NEW LOOKI Nation’s LarQOSt & Oldost Roof Stain Removers R o o f - B r it^ 7 S 5 -2 0 3 0 100 Royal Oak Dr., WInslon-Salem, NC 27107 II Used Clubs 1/2 Price* *MKM nniV|rtioiM ' BRIDAL ANI3 I'OilMALWHAH WE’VE MOVEDI 272» Lcwlsvlllc-Clcnimons Rii. Clemmons (jusl belore Slorbucfcs) (336)766-0999 www.cnglislibiiclal.com - Mon-Wod; 10*6*Thurs: 10-0 Fri: 10*5»Sal: 10-3»Sun: Cloi L -L C ySerylcimg Commercial and Residential Pools > Pool Openirlgs and Closings ' • W««l(ly Service V*€|l|nrilci|!8 . '•F re e Water Testing • Portabie'Spas • LIrief Changes ' • Renovations Pu^pi and Filters Sold and Serviced % f(^| Deck Renovations . :VTIIiiVy«irk SaK Water Chlorine Generators...nevej- buy chlorine again! ' , visit our showKoolu okv pqiot street, MootesviLLe ■' view our Sp«s flkvel swiiu sp«s «t www.w.t^Ltylaottw.bs.oom. ■ 33 6-7 51 -76 65 Store Hour., T-F, 9-5; S«t„ 9-1;Si V) /003 ..Clo.»dSun,&Mon, Km'iis&r Dateline DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Muy 7,2009 - C5 Fundraisers Friday, May 8 Port-A-Pit Cliickcn Dinner, nt S. Davie Middle School, 11 n.m, lil 6:30 p,m.TickcL'i$8nnJnvnilnblcntschoo! or by calling 751 -.^941 or 940-7594. Eat-in at picnic sheller or tuke-out. Delivery available on orders of 10 or more. Sponsored by Booster Club & Athletics Dept, with prwecds lo pur chase of equipment. M uster G ardener Plant Sale, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., downtown Mocksvillc (Coopcralive Ext. Cenler, 180S. Main Street), vaiious plants available, Saturday, May 9 Country Ham & Sausage ilreiik- fast, Ccnter UMC Fumily Life Cen ter, 6-10 n.m,, proceeds to Clark Rogers lo nsslst with mcdical Irent- mcnls, menu: country ham, sausage, eggs, & all the trimmings. Community Breiikfa.it,al First Pres- bylerinn Church, Mocksville, 6-10 n,m. Proceeds to disaster relief. M ock’s Cliurch Fnmous Country Hnm & Tenderloin llrcakfast, nl Mocks UMC, Advancc (at comer of Mocks & Bcauchump rds.), 6:30-10 a.m. Eat-in or take-out. Country ham, tenderloin,eggs, grits,sausage gmvy. Sudoku Solution biscuits, & beverage. Sponsored by Mocks United Melh. Men lo benefit Iheir ministries nnd projects. Friday, May 15 Gold Tournam ent, .sponsored by Fnrm inglon Rurilnn. Captains Choicc, shotgun start, $200perteam. Tee lime I p,m. Dinner provided following loumameni. Register call Wee Brock al 998-3621. Reunions Sunday, May 17 Kelly/Hownrd Reunion, relatives & friends of Tom Kelly und Julie Smilh Howard, 1 p.m. in Bclhlchem Family Life Center, 321 Redlund Road, Advunce. Bring picnic lunch. For further info: 998-8934 or 998- 4799. Reli^on Fri. & Sat., May 15 & 16 The Pecklnpnws Return,6:30p,m„ nl Blaise Bapt. Church Family Life Cenler, gospel songs & humorous stories. Tickcl info: 751-3639. Special Events Thursday, May 7 Community Prayer Breakfast, al Davio Sr. Cenler, 7:30 a.m. spon- Crossword Answers 4 6 1 8 7 9 2 5 3 7 8 3 5 2 4 8 1 9 S 2 9 3 1 6 7 8 4 3 4 2 1 6 5 8 9 7 1 S 8 7 9 2 4 3 6 9 7 8 4 3 8 5 2 1 6 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 5 2 3 5 9 4 7 1 6 8 8 9 4 6 5 1 3 7 2 sored by YMCA of Davic. Tuesday, May 19 Book Signing, at Dnvie Library, author L, Diane Wol fo wilh new book Overcoming Obslncles wilh Spunk, 7 p.m. ' , Dates to Reiriember Thursday, May 7 Free Pesticide Collection Day, 10 a.m. lo 2 p.m. nl Mnsonic Picnic Grounds (behind Brock Performing Arts Center). For info call 753-6100. Wednesday, May 20 Free Skin Cancer Screenings, 8- 11:45 a.m. at Davie Health Dept. For info or lo schedule nppl. cull 751- 8700. YMCA For more informnlion, call 751 -9622, visit www.davie.ymcanwnc.org, or come to the YMCA for a lour. Get Geared Up for Safety School is almost out and time for summer fun. Join a RN nnd SAFE kids coordinator for fun. inleraclivo session on bike & pedeslriun .safely. Free & open to public. CnI1751 -9622 lo register. Summer T-Bali Children 3-8 cnn practice skills, de velopment & good sportsmanship. Pracliccs Tues. & Thurs. first half of season, games held second hulf. Reg, ends Juno 19; senson June 23-July 28, Cosl: .$40 mcmbers/$65 non- members. HelbMudah,HelloFaddah Cnmp’s Coming, and YMCA hns nil Ihe fun of tBsidenI cump wilhout spending Ihe night. We offer every thing from volleybnll lo knitting, to .sclf-dcfcnsc lo scrapbooking - also hnlf-day specialty camps. Finnncinl aid to tho.se who (|ualify. Ongoing Mock Pluce, (open to any senior). p e n i p r b S r.L unchbox,M ,r,W , I l:30a.m,, QuHHnB Club, every Mondny. 10 All Senior Activities tnke plnce al -n,, & p^i.. 11 a.m., lunch sdrvcd Davie Counly Senior Services lo- jj,j|y Bridge, every Friday, 2 p.m. catedal278MeroneySt.,Mocksville Health Exercises, E.xercise SKIPBO, Wednesdays, 1 p.m, imless olherwise noled. Call 753- Room of Senior Services.’M, W, F. Stm pbooklng, every 2nd Tuesday, 8:30 n.m. Tucs. & Thurs. 9 u.m. nl ^p.m. S p e c i a l s o f t h e W e e k FRESHEN UP wUh Foster Aerosol Bowl Cleaner, Air Freshener Spray, PineGlo2pk Bowl Cleaner 7 9 ?» $-100 Llmit6 ^ While Supplies Last '!(< !///( I ) L ( ii< /) P H O T O S P E C I A L M~OFF A d v a n t i x F i l m One Week Only I'o i' i^i'cal in lo i iiiiillo ii on (lrii);s \ h t'iiilh pt'i)l)i('nis. n«i In « w « .I'o s li'rd ru n iii.io m Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 » Sun 1:30-5 Foster Drug Go. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 w w w .fo stc rd ru g c o .c o in B U S IN E S S S P O T U G Iir Edwards Siding & Windows Joiinny Walker could not believe It. After eight years of staining, sealing, sanding and painting, his home looked new with almost no maintenance at all. That's because he called Betty and Harold Edwards, of Edwards Siding and Windows. “The heat, the sun, the weather continually wore down my deck and front porch," said Walker of Winston-Salem. “You could wash; you couid paint; but you couldn't keep It white,” he said. Walker estimated that he was staining and painting at least twice a year, until he finally contacted Edwards Siding and Windows. The experienced professionals at Edwards Siding covered Walker's rear deck with white vinyl, and replaced all of the wooden railing with durable vinyl railings. The ahtl-sllp vinyl flooring which covered the wooden deck floor Is also treated to prevent chipping; and can be hosed off for simple clear\lng. “They are very good to work with," said Johnny Walker of Betty and Harold Edwards' company. The Edwards worked with the Walkers to design a customized fit for their existing home, with Just the right style and appearance that they desired. Walker and his wife were so elated with the clean, virtually maintenance-free decking that they decided lo do their front porch and walkway as well. Mr. and fvlrs. Tom Tran of Winston-Salem also called Edwards Siding and Windows, to replace the railing around their home, and the trim for their windows. “I was very pleased," said Tom Tran of the work which Edwards Siding did for his home. So pleased that he called his father. In order to get the same work done on his father's home. “They are good at what they do," he said. Betty and Harold Edwards have owned and operated Edwards Siding and Windows since 1978. They are licensed and Insured, beginning their business when aluminum siding w&s In vogue. With the advfent of vinyl siding and windows, the Edwards have seen their volume of business explode. “We stay kind of busy," said Betty Edwards of the sunrooms, screened In porches, vinyl decking and vinyl replacementwlndowswhlchthelrcompanylnstalls. Edwards SPEC IA L V P e r M o n th THE BEST VALUE IN FITNESS Membership and Amenities Includes: Lois ol Cardio • Free Weights • Circuit Training All Womens Center! Free Child Walch Qroup Fllness • Baskelball PllalesA'oga • Qroup Fllness Wet SaunayDry Sauna • Flat Screen T.V.'s B22I RMiaila Drive • ClMimoiii • 712-2021 www.pMkfitiiMiciulis.coin Siding does both residential and commercial work. They have done Jobs for a number of construction companies, including John S. Clark and McNair Construction. Edvyards Siding has Installed vinyl siding and windows for churches, restaurants, motels, apartment buildings; and has been contracted with the United States Housing and Urban Development. With both residential and commercial customers, Edwards Siding uses high grade materials, such as Norandex Reynolds, to give their customers the longest life and iiest look of their products. They also offer a labor warranty. Call (336) 764-0885 for more Information. Edwards Siding gives FREE ESTIMATES on customized decking, railings, sunroom or screened-ln porch additions, vinyl siding, and all work to be performed. They will, alt down with each client to create that beautiful new sunroom or renovate an existing deck. In all that Ihey do, Edwards Siding strives to please their customers with personal service and the most professional Job possible. “Most of our work is done through referrals," said Betty , Edwards. “We have built our reputation through others' recommendations." Why wait to ease the burden of dally living? Call (336) 764-0885 or the Edwards' mobile number; 978-2299, for a np-obllgatk)n, free estimate on how to transform your home or business today • 4 0 % Off SAIE FRI. a. SAT. ONLYM M M l IHIMM UM*» M>IM, ■ itiiliiw tcM M n ( ii'iiinm iis D iscount .Sail'S 15.U I i HÍsvilli-< ■|^■mllпмl^ Ull. • I kiuiuiiiis • 7Wi-jy.'S M i l ] BAKERY THRIFT STORE A tru sh ja m s Sta sh 'T e a s C h e rrie s C afe Cock Book’ SeJadDress^ arolinaSmall Engine SalM • ••rvlcft ol outdoor powor aqulpmoni; mawtr*, trimmer*, chain tawa, Wttwori, 8»nai*tor>, a mois 1034 fork Bixby M., Advance 998-7755 re s t & r e la x a tio n s tie d e s e rv e s ... LaVida®massage Ite t a fa m tie y u M Mother’s D a y P a c k a g e . 60 Minute M assage a 60 M inute Cusiom Focal on/y S 7 4 ’ 5 ro: _ New Towne Shopping Center . Juit down from Staples 2517 Lewisville Clemmons Rd. 336i766.0622 Clf loh^bNC.LaViddMassagexom'; 'ieivlceb by Ilf »HdNCMwiHt« Bodywork ' If.»SMlOnCM»|tji.O.(W.lllly|<W.,>Cll>HfllfllfeWmiw.:' ■ Сб - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPMSE RECORD, Thursday, May 7,2009 p e * O i^ U /i* u T é 4 tlh ^ • iMciy iil). 5*8 I).m. WtmllmiiJ V iniiyattlM BOUTIQUEGIKT5 • ACCKSS0RIE5 . WINeV m. ^ ... w here shopping is D e lic io u s l The perfect spotfor jf íf a t h e n h * 15% OfFHiUldbiIgS (txdiuHngBm-cktWoak) * Gift Certiflcates * Spccial Pricing on Boutique Gifts Easy tofind, hard to forgeL. •IntbiheaitofKlndfitonCommefdalonUS 158 ■ • N«( to D«vtc Ocmulology and ailropniili: Rocarcli • I Mock 60m Meg Btovni Home FumUlUngi 1 0 ^ G leneagles W ay, Advance, N C 27006 • 336.998.2778 ^ I louRi Momlay-i>.«unUy, 9 .un. • 5 p.m. Ì' ; ■ t • i , ( American Café (formerly Alexander’s Bar-B-Q) Ö’iШ tìMMfcSS ^l'.é S Ê îM sS . Includes Blue Plate Specials, Plates listed in Menu, and Select Salads. 1 14 N o r t h M a in S t. @ t h e C o u r t S q u a r e , M o c ic s v ille 751-3500 Monday - Friday 6:00 AM - 2:00 PM AN OPEN LETTER Having recently |olned RE/MAX Realty Consultants-West located at 128 ■ Peachtree Lane Advance, NC 27006. look forward to meeting and getting to know the people of the Davie County cqmmunlty. Having driven and looked around this area, I can happily say without hesitation how pleased I am to be here and twcomlng a viable part of your growth (li Is so beautiful hero). As a licensed REAUOR® with 25+ years In theTrlad area I believe I havo skills and knowledge to aid in assisting you and your real estate concerns. Equally, I know I have a lot to learn about the area and I eagerly await the opportunity to bo taught by all of the community. So, please don’t be hesitant to share your knowledge and expertise with me. I am a willing student. As a way of Introducing myself, I would like to offer a FREE Home Value Assessment. Simply call or email me with your request. DON’T MISS THIS! I will be mailing out a very unique monthly newsletter which I promise to be informative, entertaining and not completely about real estate. In addition to the contents mentioned, I will be providing you with the opportunity to have your curiosity challenged with trivia questions and facts. Also, I will provide you with opportunities to win: dinner dates for 2, movie tickets and other prizes as we go forth. To receive this newsletter, please call, email or fax me your address. I look forward to hearing from you and I do welcome the opportunity to help resolve any real estate concen^is or questions you have. Many thanks lor your attention and I'm looking forward to hearing from you. '?< M u W a y n e E d g a r l ^ x l e r S r. Wayne Edgar Trexler Sr., 65, died May 2, 2009 at Rowan Regional M emorial Hospital after • a short, but hard battle with cancer. Born Nov. 21, 1943 in Davie County, he was the son of the late Olenn Trexler and Яогепсе Mae Bams Trexler. Educated in Davie County Schools, he was the owner and operator o f lYexIer Construction. Mr. lYexler drove the wrecker fo r his friends Robbie and Mark at Franklin Service. Mr. Trexler was of the Baptist Faith. He never met a stranger; he loved his family, ami enjoyed helping people. He was a golfer, a bowler, and shot for APA pool league. Survivors: his wife, Joyce Frady Trexler, whom he married A pril 15,1961; a son Wayne E. "Bubba" Trexler Jr. (Sherry) of Woodleaf; daughter, Lisa T. Waddell (Phillip) of Lexington; 2 brothers D avid "B oone" Trexler and Gene Trexler of Cooleemee; 2 grandchildren, Brandi McKinney of Lexington and Curtis Trexler of Woodleaf; 2 great-grandchildren, Bryton Wayne Chislom and Nevaeh Jade Hayes. Visitation was Tuesday, May 5 nt Lyeriy Funeral Home. A graveside service was held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, M ay 6 at Oakwood Cemetery in Concord. O nline condolences: »vivw. lyerlyfuneralhome. com. D iiiu n y C a b le H e lla rd Tommy Lynette Cable Hellard, 35, o f Benson, Ariz., formerly of M ocksville, died Tuesday, A priÍ28, 2009 at her home. Born in Davie County on Aug. 13, 1973, she was the daughter of Samuel Turner and Peggy Jean Muuldin Cable. She wns nn LPN in the Hospice Unit ut the VA Hospital in Tucson and was a member of Jerusalem Baptist Church. Also surviving: a daughter, Reagan N icole H ellard; a brother, Gene (Carol) Cable of Salisbury; 2 sisters. Dale (Tony) A lle n and Debbie (A uther) Rabon of Mocksville; and sev eral nieces and nephews. The service to celebrate her life was held Sunday, May 3, at 3 p.m. in the Davie Funeral Ser vice Chopel w ith the Rev. Jimmy Lancaster officiating. The family receive friends on Sunday. Burial was private. O nline condolences: www.daviefuneralservice.com. ( \ , У/Л y ///’, /,'//,'/ Russell N. Hodges Died April 20,2009 NORFOlK,VA Walter R. Bennett, Sr 1936 - 2009 ADVAiSfCB • Eric S, Manning 1955 - 2009 M ocK svaiE Donald L Johnson 1955 - 2009 8AU8BURY i i , Joe A Medford’ ' 1935-2009. . SAUSBUItY Edward M. Tkach 1931-200? CLEMMONS,. ton I lIMi'I.ll Si t\ I 325 N.Maüi street, Mockevüle, NC (336)7S1-2148 W illia m H e n ry T u rn e r Mr. W illiam Henry Turner, 78, dijed on April 29, 2009 in Davis Hospital follow ing ap e xte n d e d illness. He was born in I r e d e l l County on A p ril 5, 1931,son of the late Stokes nnd Martha Nicholson Turner. He graduated valedicto rian of the class of 1950 at Unity H igh School in Statesville. Shortly thereafter, he entered the US A ir Force and began a career which lasted 20 years. He was honorably discharged in 1971. Ho continued working for the federal government as an in vestigator, and as a Secret Ser vice agent. He met and made many friends as he traveled within the states and other coun tries. He returned from Califor nia to hischildhood community in 1992 where he and his son Cory made their home. He was preceded in death by a daughter. Curia Turner; all six of his siblings, Maijoriev Mabel, John Archie, Mitchell, Joe and Stokes. Survivors: 2 sons, Byron (A lliso n ) Turner o f W alnut Creek, Calif., and Cory Turner and friend Amanda . o f Statesville; a daughter, Jasmin Turner o f Atlanta, Ga.; a sister- in-law, Eva Turner; 6 grandchil dren, Deseree, Angel, C.J., Timothy and Robert Tumer, and Zoser Hazel; a large number of nieces and nephews including a special nephew, Charies Tumer; other relatives and friends, His funeral service was held Monday, May 4 at 12:30 p,m. in the chapel o f Graham Funeral Home. The Rev. Norman Dudley officiated and burial fol lowed with military rites in Na tional Cemetery, Salisbury. The family received friends 30 min utes before the service. O nline condolences: GrahamFuneralHomc.net\. Latusha Diane Imcs Latashn Diane Imes, 30, of New York, died April 27. 2009 after a brief illness. She was born Sept, 20, 1978 in F a r Rockaway, N , Y . , dnughter of George and A lfr e d ia Imes Redmond. She joined Piney Grove AME Zion Church at an early age and attended Davie High School. She fur thered her education in nursing, and worked as a CNA for sev eral years. She was preceded in death by her grandfathers, Andrew Redmond and David Dalton. Survivors: her husband, An thony McClelland and their 4 children, Nyeshia, A nitra, Akeon, Keshawn McClelland, all of New York; 2 stepsons, Khari and Antonio McClelland; her parents, George and Alfredia Redmond; God-par ents, C aroline and W illie Ferrell; 4 brothers, Ramek H owell o f Charlotte, Shawn Peebles o f California, Tyrone James and Curtis Lewis, bodi of M ocksville; a- sister. Tiffany James o f Mocksville; a sister- in-law, Felicia Stevenson; her m other-in-law , Peggy M cC lelland; grandparents, Beaulah Redmond, V ivian Imes, Pauline B row n, and Buford Dalton; a special loved one, Hannah Lynch; a host of uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. The funeral service was held Wednesday, May 6 at noon at Piney Grove AME Zion Church in Harmony. The Rev. David Hoover officiated and burial followed in the church cem etery. The fam ily received friends one hour before the ser vice. O nline condolences: GrahaihFimeralHome.net. P e a rl A n d e rs J o r d a n Mrs. Pearl Anders Jordan, 86, o f Marconi Street, Mocks ville, died Sunday, May 3,2009, at Autumn Care o f Mocksville. She was born July 24,1922, in McDowell County, W.Va. to the late W alter Glenn and Naomia Belcher Anders. Mrs. Jordan was a retired RN and was a member o f First United Meth odist Church in Mocksville. She enjoyed wnlking, crocheting, gardening and cooking, espe cially scalloped potatoes and chicken pie. She was also pre ceded in dcnth by an infant son. B ill Harris Jordan Jr., her hus band, B ill Harris Jordan Sr.; and a sister, Beulah Hartlage. Survivors: her daughter, Me lissa Ann Jordan of the home; a brother, Walter Glenn Anders Jr. o f Texas; and special friend, Corey Foote o f M ocksville. Burial was in Salisbury Historic National Cemetery. A memorial service w ill be held later. Memorials: First Methodist Pastor Discretionary Fund, 310 N. Main St., Mocksville. O nline condolences: wivm eatonfimeralservice. com. W tlm a E ssie W ittm a n Mrs. Wilma Essie Wittman, 88, of Orange, Calif., died April 30, 2009. Mrs. Wittman was bom Dec. 29,1920, in Dnvie County to the late John Frank and M ary McMath Essie. She attended Courtney High School, Mars H ill College und graduated from Appalachian Stutc>Tcachers College (Appaluchiun State University) with a degree in educution. Mrs. Wittman taught and administered in schools in North Carolina, Iowa, und Cali fornia for 67 years, retiring in October o f 2007, due to ill health. She was active in the National Education Association, Orunge County Education As sociation, and served on numer ous statewide committees on education in Califomia. . She was also preceded in death by her husband, Robert Wittman. Survivors: u son, David Wittmun, of Lake Tahoe, Nev.; 2 daughters, Jeanne Stewart and V icki W ittm an o f Orang; 3 grandsons; 2 great-grandsons: 2 brothers, James E. Essie of Mocksville and Francis Essie of Gastonia. A graveside service was to be conducted at 4 p.m., Thursduy, May 7, at Furmington Commu nity Cemetery w ith Dr. Ray Ammons ofriciating. O nline condolenccs; www.eatonfimeralservice.com. C o rn e lia C a rs o n H o w ell M rs. C ornelia Carson ‘Toots” Howell, 8 1, died Satur day, May 2, 2009 at W illow - brook Healthcare Center. She was bom Muy 11,1927 in Iredell County to the late Tanis and Sailie Mae Carson. She attended Pleasant H ill Bup tist Church in Hamptonville during her childhood. She at tended Cedar Creek Buptist Church. Her husband, Harding Boyce Howell, preceded her in death on Dec. 11,1992. She was also preceded in death by a son, H arding Boyce H ow ell J r.;. daughters, Sarah Williams and M ozella H. Dobson; sister, Jettie Carson Smyre; brothers, W illiam Bus Carson and Frank' Carson. Surviving; her daughters, Addie (Norm an) G illespie, Ruby Howell; 16 grandchildren; several great-grandchildren; sis ter, Gladys Carson; son-in-law, Paul R. Dobson; sister-in-law, Rachel D. Carson; special niece, Mary Redmond; several other nieces, nephews und friends. Her funeral service w ill be held ut 3 p.m. Saturday, May 9 at Cedor Creek Baptist Church by the Rev. C .A . Stewart. Burial w ill follow in the church cemetery. The fam ily w ill re ceive friends prior to the service on Saturday from 2-3 at the church. O nline condolences; www.gentryfuneralseivice.ciim. Evangelist Sheliah Webber with her daughters, Candice, Patrice and Tamara. S t . J o h n 's T o H o s t E v a n g e lis t Evangelist Sheliah Webber of Shelby and her daughters w ill be the Mother’s Duy guest speakers ut the 11 n.m. scrvice at St. John AM E Zion Church in Mocksville. The public is invited to worship with the pastor and members. Oa!< Grove Youth Plan Brea!<fast Ouk Grove United Methodist Church youlh w ill hdid a breakfast from 6-10 u.m. on Saturday, Muy 9. Donations w ill be accepted for the breakfast of eggs, biscuits and gravy, sausage, country ham, grits and fruit. The church is at 1944 US 158 just cast of Mocksvillc. Community Breakfast In Mocksville First Presbyterian Church of Mocksville w ill host n commu nity breakfast on Saturday, May 9 from 6-10 a.m. with donulions going to the disaster relief fund. The all-you-can cat breakfast w ill includc eggs, bacon, hum, sausage, biscuits and gravy, grits, spiced apples and a beverage. C e n t e r B r e a k f a s t T h is S a t u r d a y Center United Methodist Church, US 64 West at 1-40, Mocks villc, w ill host u country ham und sausage breakfast from 6-10 u.m. on Saturday, May 9. The menu w ill also include eggs, bis cuits and gravy, apples, grits, jellies and bcverugcs, served buffet style. Proceeds w ill go to the family of Clark Rogers, C h u r c h H o n o r s i P a s t o r G r a n t On Sunday, May 3, members of New Patterson .Grove Faith Church, Eust Bend, honored Iheir pastor, the Rev, Dr, James Grant, Ho hns been senior pastor there for the past 13 years. His choir sang songs of praises to God for Grant and his fumily, A number of friends and family members attended. Grunt credits his faith in the Lord und Savior Jesus Christ, and support of wife Shiriey and their three children, Chris, LaToyiu and Andrea, that helped him get through the pust 13 ycurs. He also thanked his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grunt, and his sister, ■Stephanie Redmon, author of 'The Depths o f Her Soul." “ God has truly blessed me lo be the under shepherd o f a con gregation that readies above and beyond their calling and, one that continues to strive daily to be that church thal Christ is look ing for." E a g le H e ig h t s P la n s S a le s Eagle Heights Church w ill be huve u yard sale and bake sale on Saturday May 16 from 8 a.m.- I p.m. There w ill hot dogs, lemonade and chips along with bnked items. The church is at 852 US 64 West in Ihe Food Lion Shopping Center, Mocksville, M o c k s B r e a k f a s t S a t u r d a y A country ham and tenderioin breakfast - cat in or take out w ill be held ut Mocks United Methodist Church, Beauchamp and Mocks Church roads, Advunce, from 6:30-10 u.m, on Saturday, May 9. The menu w ill also include eggs, grits, sausage gravy, biscuits, and a beverage. The breakfast is sponsored by tlic Mocks United Methodist Men. Proceeds w ill benefit the ministries and projects oftheU M M . Y o u th C a r W a s h T h is S a t u r d a y The youth of Sandy Springs Baptist Church w ill have a cur wash at Lowes Foods and u bake sale at CVS in Yadkinville on Saturday, May 9, from 9 a.m.-1 p,m. Proceeds w ill be used to help pay for the youth summer camp trip to Fort Caswell, N a t io n a l D a y o f P r a y e r E v e n t T h u r s d a y A t B ia is e B a p t is t The National Day of Prayer w ill be recognized Thursday, Muy 7 at Bluise Baptist Church in Mocksville, The event w ill be a self- guided prayer walk that highlights five specific prayer needs. The Family Life Center w ill be open from 6:30 a,m.-7:30 p.m for any one who would like to visit. The prayer walk w ill take approxi mately 10-20 minutes to complete. The National Duy of Prayer is an annuul observance held on the first Thursduy of May, inviting people to pray for the nation. It was created in 1952 by a joint resolution of the United States Congress, and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman. For more information about this und other events at Blaise, call the church office at 751-3639 or visit www.BlaiseBaptist.com. The Salvation Army’s The Salvation Army family Thrill Stare, 27B N. Main St., MpcIisvIIIb: Bpm-Spm у/411 h i /411 П .ч /п п :.; -мУг i >11 I htusil.i\. J pm 1 /чи I uiiìiiiiir I )// Donations Hotline: 723-9552 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 7,2009 ■ C7 For thou wilt light my candle: the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness. ( P . s a l f ) } /Ш Ш f ‘'n i This m essage brought to you by these local businesses w ho encourage you to w orship at the church o f your choice. CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2167 AUTO MKT* MOGKSVHJLEAUTOMOnVE 084 S. Main st, Mockavllle, NC 27028 336-751-2944 GENTLE AAACHINE &TOOLINC. 2716 Hwy. eot N Mockavllle, NC 27028 336-492-5055 Fax: 336-492-в04в JERRY'S MEliïPROGESSINB Wa Cu«tom Maat ProcMi Beef - Pork - Oeer 30 yaara experience OI» Ralph Rallidgo Rd • MocKcvlllt 336-492-5496 t DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Mnln Church Rd. Mocksville, NC 27026 336-751-9144 W.G. WHITE & CO. 850 N. Trade SI. WInslon-Solom, NC 27102 336-723-1669 HAYWORTH-iVllLLER PLINKKAI. I lOMi; КШ liMl Klniliirliir. W,i)- Ailvnnie, NC 27ЮЙ 336.940.S S S S r U L L E R K H ^ ir Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Fabrication 980 Salisbury Rd, Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-3712 FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valloy Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2141 Ctill In: 336-753-DRUG Put This Space To Work ForYou Call 336-751-2129 R T E R N .. В U I L 0 « Ä 8 157 Yadkin Valley Rood • Suite 210 Advance, NC 336-940-2341 (’miti Л. (^цуг. 1НЫ.кК > Mirti» <11 W. Vkt * storage Buildings (^^od S Aluminum)• Carports & Oarages Cumrnitmeni ui Druthei to ürotlier Б UWh In God 1668 Hwy 64 W • Mocksvliie jimmy Bocttcher (336) 492-5418 F U L L E R A rchitecture MKliivtNe.l^ 3^03« p: 336.751.0403 PROUDLY DESIGNING DAVIE CHURCHES 336-751-0400 U P a lle tO n eA PALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksvlllo, NC 27028 336-492-5565 MmiMNCARI MOCKSVIULE 1007 Howard St. Mocksville 751-3535 C a l l 751-2129 t o A d v e r tis e Y o u r B usiness o n t h e C h u r c h P a g e . EATON FU N E R A L H O M E SINCE I9.V 325 Nonh Main Streel Mocksville. NC 27020 336-751-2148 Í— C8 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdoy, May 7,2009 LEGAL NOTICES DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 7,2009 - C9 LEGAL NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA ■DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualllled as Exacutor of ' Ihe Estate of JOSEPH D. CLARK, ■ late of Davie County, this Is to no tify all persons, flnns and corpora- 'tions having claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before July 16, ■ ■ 2009, (being three (3) months from ’ the first day of publication of Ihls ' notice) or Ihls notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All ' persons, firms and corporations In debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 16th day of April, 2009 HILDA CLARK-BELL - 134 Fairfield Rd. filocksvllle, NC 27028 4-16-4tn NORTH CAROLINA , DAVIE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICf Having qualified as co-Admln- ' Istrators of the Estate ol JOSEPH '■ R. CULLER, deceased, ol Davie ■County, North Carolina, Ihls Is to 'notify all persons having claims ' against said estate lo present them to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day ol July, 2009, being three months from Ihe first day of publi cation of this notice, or Ihls notice will be pleaded In bar of their re covery. All persons Iridebted to ' said estate will please make Im mediate payment lo the under- ' signed. ' This Ihe 23rd day of April, 2009. ELIZABETH BAILEY P.O. Box 641 Walkertown, NO 27051 DARYL BRYCE CULLER 4064 Glenn HI Road WInston-Salem, NC 27107 PIEDfvlONT LEGAL ASSOCIATES, PA Lynne Hicks, Attorney '■ 124 West Depot Street Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-3312 :• 4-23-4tn 'NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY 'i;. 09 SP 40 > ■ NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE ' Under and by virtue of a Powor of Sale contalnod In that certain Doed of Trust executed by JEN NIFER T. TIBBS, SINGLE ■ WOMAN lo BRYAN C, THOMP- ' SON, Truslee(s), Which was dated •May 16, 2006 and recorded on ' May 16,2006 In Book 662 at Page 558, Davio County Registry, North 'Carolina. Default having been made In tho payment of the note thereby secured by tho said Dood of Trust and tho undersigned. Brock & Scolt, PLLC, having been substi tuted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly re corded In the Offlco of Ihe Regis ter of Deeds of Davie Counly, North Carolina, and Ihe holder of Ihe note evidencing said Indebted ness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, tho under signed Substitute Trustee will of fer for sale al the cpurthouse door of Ihe counly courthouse where the property Is located, or the usual and customary location al Iho county courthouse for conducting Iho sale on May 11, 2009 at ■12;30PM, and will selllo'the high est bidder for cash the following described property situated In Davie County, North Carolina, lo wll; UNIT 25 (Including carporl and drive) as shown on that revised plat entlllfid Spyglass Hill Condo miniums, Section 6 and 7 as sur veyed by Grady L, Tutterow and, recorded In Plat Book 5, Page 153, Davie County Registry. TOGETHER with all non-exclu- slvo rights and easements lo the common use and enjoyment of Ihe common areas of Spyglass Hill Condominiums as Ihe same may be or hereafter plaited and all rights of Ingress, egress and re gress over Spyglass Drive. .' Save and except any releases, ‘¿deeds of release or prior convey- ■¡ances of record. Said proporty Is commonly ¡known as 108 Mimosa Place, Ad- ‘jvanco, NC 27006. Third parly purctiasers must ',pay the excise tax, and the court ; costs of Forty-Five Cents (45c) per ■One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) ';pursuanl to NCGS 7A-308(a)(1). RANDY MILLER &SONS 295 Miller Koad> Mocksvillc (336) 284-2826 Now Piunplng Septic Tinlu ' Skid Sim Work Trencher Work Hauling A cash deposit (ho personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required al Ihe time of the sale. Following the ex- pirallon of the statutory upset bid period, all Ihe remaining arhounts aro Immediately due and owing: Said property to be offered pur suant lo Ihls Notice of Sale Is be ing offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS." There are no representations of warranty relating lo the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, al, or relating to the property being offered tor sale. This sale Is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, ease ments, rights ol way, deeds of re lease, and any other encum brances or exceptions of record. To Ihe best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, tho cur rent owner(s) of the property Is/are All Lawful Heirs of Jennifer T. Tibbs. An Order for possession of the properly may bo Issued pursuant to Q.S. 45-21.29 In favor of tho pur chaser and against Ihe party or parlies In possession by the clerk of. superior courl of the county In which the proporty Is sold. Any person who occupies tho properly pursuant to a rental agreement en tered Into or renewed on or after October 1,2007, may, after receiv ing Ihe nollco ol sale, terminate Ihe rental agreement upon 10 days’ written notice lo the landlord. Tho notice shall also state that upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent due under Iho rental agreement pro rated to Ihe effective date of the termlnallon. II the trustee Is unable lo con vey title to Ihls properly lor any rea son, the sole remedy of the pur^ chaser Is the return of Ihe deposit. Reasons of such Inability lo con vey Include, but are not limited to, tho filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to tho conflrmalibn of tho sale and relnstatemont of the loan with out the knowledge of Iho trustee. II the validity of tho sale Is chal lenged by any parly, Ihe trustee. In their cole discretion, If they be lieve the challenge lo have merll, may request the court to declare Ihe sale lo bo void and return the deposit. Tho purchaser will have no further remedy. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE 1=URP0SE OF THIS COM MUNICATION IS TO COLLECTA DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, EXCEPT IN THE INSTANCE OF BANK RUPTCY PROTECTION. IPt'OU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANK RUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PUR SUANT TO STATUTORY RE QUIREMENT AND FOR INFOR MATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN AT- TEMPTTO COLLECTA DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, AS SESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY .PORTION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY. Substitute Trustee Brock & Scolt, PLLC Jeremy B. Wilkins, NCSB No. 32346 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE; (910) 392-4988 FAX; (910) 392-8587 File No.: 09-04456 4-30-2tri NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY 09 SP 37 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained In that certain Deed ofTrust executed by William C. Scoggins, IV. and Stephanie f^icDanlel Scoggins lo Bunch & Braun, PLLC, Trustee(s), which was dated June 10,2003 and re- - corded on June 12,2003 In Book 489 at Pago 576, Davie County Registry, North Carolina. Delault having been made In Ihe payment of Ihe note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned. Brock & Scolt, PLLC, having been substi tuted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly re corded In the Office ol Ihe Regis ter of Deeds ol Davie Counly, North Carolina, and the holder of the note evidencing said Indebted ness having directed that Ihe Deed of Trust be loreclosed, the under signed Substitute Trustee will of fer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property is located, or the usual and customary location al the. county courthouse for conducting Ihe sale on May 11, 2009 at 12:30PM, and will sell to the high est bidder lor cash the lollowlng described properly situated In Davio County, Nortfi Carolina, lo wit; Being known and designated as Lol No. 22 as shown on Ihe map ol Heritage Oaks, Phase 1, as re corded In Plal Book 7 al Page 5 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina lo which Is hereby made for a moro particular description. Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior convey ances ol record. Said properly Is commonly known as 112 North Hazelwood Drive, Mocksville, NC 27028. Third parly purchasers must pay the excise tax, and the court costs of Forty-Five Cents (45«) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursuant to NCGS 7A-308(a)(1). A cash deposil (no personal checks) of live percent (5%) ol the purchase prico, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required al the time of tha sale. Following the ex- plrallon'ol the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are Immedialely due and owing. Said properly lo be ofiered pur suant to this Notlco of Salo Is be ing offered for salo, transfer and conveyance "AS IS WHERE IS." There are no representations ol warranty relating lo tho title or any physical, environmental, health or salety conditions existing In, on, at, or relating lo the property being offered for sale. This sale Is linade subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, ease ments, rights ol way, deeds of re lease, and any other encum brances or exceptions of record. To the best of Ihe knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the cur rent owner(s) ol the property Is/are William C. Scoggins IV and wife, Stephanie McDaniel Scoggins. An Order for possession of tho property may be Issued pursuant' to G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of Iho pur chaser and against the party or parlies In possession by the clerk ol superior court ol the counly In which the proporty Is sold. Any person who occupies the properly pursuant to a rental agreement entered inlo or renewed on or al ter October 1,2007, may, after re ceiving the notice ol sale, termi nate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. The notice shall also stale lhat upon termination of a rental agree ment, the tenant is llablo for rent due under Ihe rental agreement prorated to Ihe ellectlve dale of Iho termination. II the trustee Is unable to con vey title lo this property lor any rea son, the solo remedy ol the pur chaser Is tho return ol the deposit. Reasons of such Inability lo con vey Include, but are not limited lo, Ihe llling of a bankruptcy petition prior to Ihe conllrmatlon ol Ihe sale and reinstalemeni ol the loan with out Ihe knowledge of the trustee. II Iho validity ol the sale Is chal lenged by any party, the trustee. In Iheir sole discretion. If they be lieve the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare Ihe sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no lurther remedy. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COM MUNICATION IS TO COLLECTA DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, EXCEPT IN THE INSTANCE OF BANK RUPTCY PROTECTION. IPi-OU ARE UNDERTHE PROTECTION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANK RUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PUR SUANT TO STATUTORY RE- QUIREMENT AND FOR INFOR MATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN AT- TEMPTTO COLLECTA DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, AS SESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY. Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC Jeremy B. Wilkins, NCSB No. 32346 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 2B403 PHONE; (910) 392-4988 FAX; (910) 392-8587 File No.: 08-19552 4-30-2tn ■ NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administra tor of Iho Estate of KENNETH M. KOCH, late of Davie Counly, this Is to notify all persons, llrms and corporations having claims against said estate to present Ihem to Ihe undersigned on or before July 30, 2009, (being Ihree (3) months Irom Ihe llrsi day of publication ol this notice), or Ihls notice will be pleaded In bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons, firms ond corporations Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the . i. undersigned. This the 30lh day olAf)rll, 2009. STEVEN L. KOCH 147 Tlllon Street Bermuda Run, NC 27006 T DAN WOMBLE Altorney at Law 3802 Clemmons Road, Suite A . P.O. Box 1698 Clemmons, NC 27012 4-30-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as Co- Execu tors ol. the Estate of EDNA A. HENDRIX, late ol Davie County, Ihls Is lo nollly all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to Ihe undersigned on or before July 30, 2009, (being Ihree (3) months Irom the llrst day ol publi cation ol this notice), orlhis notice will be pleaded In bar of their re covery. All persons, llrms and cor porations Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay ment lo the undersigned. This Ihe 22nd day ol April, 2009. SHIRLEY H, HAUSER 2410 US Highway 64 East Mocksville, NC 27026 CONNIE H. JONES 238 US Highway 64 East Mocksville, NC 27028 MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Allornoys al Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 4-30-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as Administra tor ol the Estate bl JOHN WESLEY WOOTEN, lato of Davio County, this Is to nollly all persons, llrms and corporations having claims against said ostate to present them 'to Ihe undorslgned on or belore July 30, 2009, (being three (3) months Irom tho llrst day of publi cation ol this notice), or this nollco will bo pleaded In bar of Iheir re covery. All persons, firms and cor porations Indebted lo said estate will please make Immediate pay ment lo the undersigned. This the 21 St day of April, 2009. BEVERLY W. RUSS 385 Williams Road Mocksville, NC 27028 MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attorneys at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 4-30-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY Special Proceedings No. 09 SP 38 Substitute Trustee; Philip A. Glass NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE, Dale'of Sale: May 13,2009 Time of Sale: 11:00 a.m. Place of Sale; Davie Counly Courthouse Desorlption ol Property: Soe Attached Description Exhibit “A" BEGINNING at a point lying In the center line of SR 1605 (locally known as Cornatzer Road), said point lying South 87 deg. 02 min. 50 sec. West 33.63 loot Irom an Iro lying In Eastern right ol way margin, of SR 1605, said point being the Southwest corner ol the wlhlln described tract and Northwest corner of Cindy R. Boan (Deed Book 158, Page 25); thence Irom said point and place ol BEGINNING with the centerline ol said road the lollowlng courses and distances: North 23 deg. 54 min. 52 sec. East 83.54 leal to a point; thence North 2d deg, 58 mln. 31 sec. East 100.00 feel to a point; thence North 30 deg. 39 mln. 13 sec. East 25.34 feet to a point, Northwest corner ol Ihe wllhin described tract, said point lying South 75 sec. 25 mln, 20 sec. West 43,05 feel Irom an Iron lying In the Eastern right ot way margin ol SR 1605; thence North 75 deg, 25 mln, 20 sec. East passing through an iron al 43,05 teet and then continuing along the same course an additional 151.50 feet for a total distance ot 194.55 teet to an iron lying In the Eastern tight ol way margin of Lakevlew Road (Sea Plat Book 5, Page 26, Davie County Registry), Northeast corner of the within described tract; thence South 13 deg. 57 mln. 20 sec. East with Ihe Eastern right of way marking of Lakevlew Road 223.82 feet to an Iron lying In the Eastern right of way margin ot said road. Southwest corner ol the within described tract; thence' South 87 deg 02. mln. 50 sec. West parsing through an Iron at 304.32 feel and then continuing an additional 33.'63 feet tor a total distance ol 337.95 feet to Ihe POINT AND PLACE ,0F BEGINNING, containing 1.210 acres, more or less, as surveyed June 15,, 1989 by C. Ray Cates, RLS, said tract being carved from a large'/ tract owned by T. Holt Haywood, el ux (Deed Book /5, Page 607). THIS tract Is convoyed to those Restrictive Covenants recorded In Deed Book 103, Page 171, Davie County Registry, as well as modlllclallons thereol recorded In Deed Book 107, P&ge 391, Davie Counly Registry, which said Restrictive Covenants aro Incorporated Into this Instrument by relerence as If fully sol lorih herein, the Intention ol Ihe Grantors being that said Restrictive Covenants shall attach to the tract described herein. Record Owners; Walter R. Powers Address ol Property; 116 Lakevlew Road, Mocksville, NC 27028 Deed ot Trust; Book: 430 Page; 103 Dated: July 22; 2002 Grantors: Walter R. Powers andAmolla G. Powers Original Boneficiary: People’s Choice Home Loan, inc. CONDITIONS OF SALE; Should tho property be purchased by 6 third party, that person must pay Iho tax ol Forty-live Cents (45c) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1). . This sale Is made subject tb all- unpaid taxes and superior liens or oncumbranoos ol record and assessments. If any, against the said property, and any recorded leases. This sale Is also subject to any applicable county land transler lax, and the successtui third parly bidder shall be required lo make payment for any such county land transler lax. A cash deposil ol 5% ol Ihe purchase price will be required at Ihe llmo ol Iho salo. Any succosslul bidder shall be required to tender Ihe lull balance ol tho purchase prioo so bid In cash 6r cortilied chock al the timo tho Substllute Trustee tenders to him a deed lor tho property or attempts lo tender such deed, and should said successful bidder fall to pay Ihe full balanco purchase price so bid at that time, he shall remain liable on his bid as provided tor In North Carolina General Statutes Soctlon 45-21.30(d) and (e). This sale will be held open ten (10) days tor upset bids as required by law. ■ Residential real properly with less than 15 rental units: an ordor for possession ot the proporty may be Issued pursuant lo Q.S. 45- 21.29 In lavor ol the purchaser and against the parly or parties in possession by the clerk ol superior court of the county In which Iho property is sold. Any person who occupies tho proporty pursuant to a rental agreement entered Into or renewed on or aflor Octobor 1, 2007, may, after receiving notice ol salo, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice lo Ihe landlord. Upon termination of a rental agreement, Ihe tenant Is liable tor rent due under the rental agreement prorated lo Ihe effective dale ol Ihe termination. Dated: 3/16/09, Philip A, Glass, Substitute Trustee Nodell, Glass & Haskell, L,L,P, Posted on 4/22/09 4-30-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualltled as Executrix of the Estate ol OLICE GUY, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before July 30,2009, (bolng three (3) months from the first day 'ot publlcalion ot this notice), or Ihls notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery, All persons, firms and corporations Indebted to said es tate will please make Imrtledlalo payment lo Iho undorslgned. This Ihe 22nd day of April, 2009, MARCIA PERRELL P,0. Box 246 Woodleaf, NC 27054 MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attorneys al Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028' 4-30-4ln MARKJAEHNING 13893 E, Bellewood Dr, Aurora, CO 80015 4-30-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE The undersigned, having quall lled as Administrator ot tho Estate of JULIAN F. DAYE (aka Julián Francis Daye; Julian Daye), de ceased, late ot Dave County, North Carolina, this is lo notify all per sons, firms and corporations hav ing claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned on or before Ihe 30lh of July, 2009, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar ot recovery. All persons, firms and corporations Indebted to this Es tate will please make payment Im mediately to the undersigned at the below-deslgnatod address. This Is Iho 30lh day ot April, 2009. Richard J. Keshlan, Adminis trator ol Ihe Estate of Julian F. Daye 1001 WeslFourlli Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Robert L. Edwards, Esquire EDWARDS CRAVER VEACH PLLC 1001 West Fourth Sireel Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Telephone No. (336) 607-7314 4-30-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor ot the Estate ot MATTIE WILLIARD JAEHNING,'late ol DavIe Counly, this Is to nollly all persons, llrms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore July 30, 2009, (being three (3) months Irom the llrst day ot publi cation ol this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their re covery. All persons, llrms and cor porations indebted to said estate wili please make immedlote pay ment to the undersigned. This Ihe 22nd day ot April, 2009. i NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having quaiillod as Execulor ot the Estate ot JULIA M. BRABSON, doceased, late ot DavIe County, North Carolina, this is to notify ail persons, firms and corporations having claims against said esialo lo present Ihem^ duly certified lo tho undorslgned In care ot Moore & Van Alien, 100 N. Tryon Street, Suito 4700, Charlotte, NC 28202- 24003 on or before the 23rd day ot July 2009, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make imrnedlato settle- moni with the undersigned. This 23rd day of April, 2009. William W. Brabson, Executor Estate of Julia M. Brabson 4-23-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualifiod as Executor ol tho Estate ot NORMAN ANDER SON SNIDER, late ot Davie Counly, this Is to nollly all persons, llrms and corporations having claims against said estate lo present Ihem lo Ihe undersigned on or belore Juiy 23,2009, (bolng Ihree (3) months from Iho llrst day of publication of this nollco) or this notice will bo pleaded in bar ol their recovery. Ail persons, llrms and corporations Indebted to said es-, late will please mako immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 23rd day of April, 2009 LAMONT JAMES SNIDER 1070 Cornatzer Rd, Mocksville, NC 27028 ' 4-23-4Ш NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor ol the Estate ol BYRON CLAYTON COX, SR„ Deceased, late of Davie County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of Ihe deceased to exhibit them lo the undersigned on or before Juiy 23, 2009, or Ihls Notice will be pleaded In bar ot Iheir right lo re cover against the estate of the said deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Im mediate payment. This the 23rd day ol April, 2009. Verna Faye Cox Administrator ot tho Estate ol Byron Clayton Cox, Sr. o/o E. Edward Vogler, Jr. Attorney for Verna Faye Cox, Administrator 181 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 4-23-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as Executor ol the Estate ofTHOMAS CLEMENT SMITH, 106 Church Street, P.O. Box 355, Cooleemee, NC 27014, late of Davie County, this Is to no tity all persons, llrms and corpora tions having claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before July 23, 2009, (being three (3) months from the llrst day ot publication ot this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. Ail persons, firms and софогаНопз In debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 23rd day ot April, 2009 NEAL FREDERICK SMITH 743 North Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 4-23-41П -J iqORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of Ihe Estate of RUTH L. MACDONALD, late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate lo present them.to the undersigned on or before Juiy 23,2009, (being three (3) months Irom the first day of publication ot this notice) or this notice wiil be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, llrms and corporations indebted to said es tate will ploase make Immediate payment to tho undersigned. This tho 23rd day ot April, 2009 KATHLEEN S. CACI 149 Holly Lane Mocksville, NC 27028 4-23-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualltled as Executor ol Ihe Estate ot ROXIE CARLENE SAIN, lato ot Davie County, this is to notity ail persons, fjrms and cor porations having claims against said estate to present Ihem to the undorslgned on or before July 23, 2009, (being throe (3) months from the first day ot publication ol this notice) or this nollco will be pleaded In bar ot their recovery. Ail persons, firms and corporations In debted to said ostate wiil please mako Immediate payment to the undersigned. This tho 23rd day ot April, 2009. ROGER DALE SAIN 274 Cali Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 4-23-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as Admlnislra- trix of tho Estate of ANDRE J. LOVE, deceased, of Davio County, North Carolina, this Is to notify aii persons having claims against said esialo to present them to the un dersigned on or beforo the 23rd of July, 2009, being three months Irom the llrst day of publication ot Ihls notice, or this notlco will be pleaded In bar of thoir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will pleaso make Imitiodlate payment to the undersigned. This 23rd day ol April, 2009. JERALYN LOVE KEETER 2761 New Port Royal Road Thompsons Station, TN 37179 PIEDMONT LEGAL ASSOCIATES, PA Lynne Hicks, Altorney 124 West Depot Street Mocksviiio, NC 27028 (336) 751-3312 4-23-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE, DAVIE COUNTY 2009 CVD 157 KENDRA LEIGH ARMSTRONG RAFIE VS. HATEM MOHAM-MAD KAMAL RAFIE To; Hatem Mohammad Kamal Ratio 2010 Northciiffo Drive WInston-Salom, NC 27106 TAKE NOTICE lhat a pleading seeking relief against you has been tiled in Ihe above entitled action. The nature ot the relief be ing sought Is as follows: Absolute Divorce based upon one year's separation You are required to make de fense to such pleading no later than 40 days from this date and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you wili apply to the court lor the relief sought. This the 23rd day of April, 2009. Grady L. McCiamrock, Jr. Attorney tor Kendra Leigfi Armstrong Ratio 161 South Main Streel Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone; (336) 751,-7502 North Carolina Slate Bar No.; 7866 4-23-3ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 04SP94 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY SHAN NON H. FAIR AND ROMERO D, FAIR DATED AUGUST 18, 2003 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 506 AT PAGE 713 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to a Court order and I under and by virtue of the power j and authority contained In the I above-referenced deed of trust I and because of default in the pay- [ rnent of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipula tion and agreements therein con tained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder ot the se cured debt, Ihe undersigned sub stitute trustee wiil expose tor sale at public auction lo the highest bid der for cash at the usual place ot sale at the counly courthouse ot said county at 10:30 AM on May 20, 2009 thé toiiowing described real estate and any other improve ments which may be situated thereon, In Davie County. North Carolina, ond being more particu larly described as follows: BEGINNING at a railroad spike in the center of SR 1458 right ot way (locally known as the Spillman road. Southwest corner ol Char lotte S, Smith and Kenneth E, Smith (DB 72, Page 501) and run ning thence with the Smilh line. South 88 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds East 230,0 teet to an Iron pin; thence South 14 degrees 50 minutes 07 seconds East 100,00 feet lo an Iron pin; thence North 88 degrees, 06 minutes 16 sec onds West 230,0 feet to a nail in the center ot SR 1458 right of way; thence wilh tho center of said right ol way North 14 degrees 50 min utes 07 secbnds West, 100,0 to THE POINT AND PLACE OF BE GINNING containing 0,505 acres, more or less as surveyed by Francis B, Greene April 13,1985 and being a portion ol those lands described by Deed recorded in Deed Book 66, Pago 352, Davie County Registry, Reserving unto Grantors, their heirs and assigns, and subject to said easement In favor ot others, a permanent 15 tool easement ot ingress, egross and regress hav ing as ‘its Northern boundary Ihe Northern boundary ot the above described lands, said easement to bo appurtenant to adjacent lands ownod by the grantors herein and lo run wilh the same in tho lands ot all persons whomsoever. And Being more commonly knoyvn as: 3S6 Spillman Road, Mockevilie, NC 27028 Tho rooord ownor(s) ol Iho proporty, as refleclod on Iho records of Iho Register ot Deeds, is/are Shannon H, Fair and Romero D. Fair. Tho property lo be ottered pur suant to this notice ol sale Is be ing offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither tho Trusteo nor Ihe holder of tho note secured by the deed of trust, being loreclosed, nor the ol- tlcers, directors, attorneys, em ployees, agents or authorized rep resentativo ot elthor Trustee ortho holder ot Iho note make any rep resentation or warranty rolaling lo tho litio or any physical, environ mental, health or safety condillons existing In, on, al or relating to the properly being offered tor sale. Any and all responsibillliea or II- abiiilies arising oul ot or In any way relating to any such condition ex pressly áre disclaimed. This sale Is made subject lo ail prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but nol Iimiled lo any transler tax associated with the loreciosure. A deposit ot live percent (5%) ot the amount of the bid or seven hun dred fifty dollars ($750.00), which ever is greater, is required and must be tendered In tho lorm of certlliod funds al the time of Ihe sale. This sals will be held open ten days tor upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration ol the statutory upset period, aii re maining amounts are IMMEDI ATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner wiil result In a Declaration of De fault and any deposit wiil bo fro zen pending tho outcome ot any re-sale; SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: It you are a tenant residing in the prop erty, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, It your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may ter minate Ihe rental agreement upon 10 days writton notice lo the land lord. You may be liable for ront duo under the agreement prorated to the effective date ol the termina tion. . The date of this Notice is April 18,2009. 04-60062 David W. Neill or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 8520 Clitt Cameron Drive, Suite 300 Charlotte, NC 28269 (704) 333-8107 http://shaplmatlomeys. com/nc/ 5-7-2tn GENE TREXLER ROOFING New & Old Roofs Small Repair Jobs Free Estimates 336-284-4571 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executor ol the Estate ol KATIE W. SHEP HERD, lale of Davie County, this is to notity ail persons, firms, and corporations having claims against Ihe estate of said deceased to present them to Eldon W. Wishon, 3205 Chinquapin Road, Yadkinville, NC 27055 on or before the 14th day of August, 2009 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted lo said estate please make Immedi ate payment. This 29th day ot April, 2009. ' Eldon W, Wishort, Executor James L, Graham Attorney Al Law P. 0. Box 625 Yadkinville, NC 27055 5-7-4tn NORTH CAROLINA • DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT , OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 09 SP 42 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY JOHN S. MERONEY AND AUDREY Q. MERONEY DATED APRIL 11, 2001 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 365 AT PAGE 853 IN THE DAVIE COUliJTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to a Court order and under and by virtue of tho power and authority contained In the above-relerenced deed ot trust and because ol delault in Iho ftay- ment of the secured Indebtedness and tailure to perform Iho stipula tion and agreements therein con tained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder ot the se cured debt, the undorslgned sub stitute trustee will expose tor sale at public auction to tho highest bid der for cash al tlie usual placo of sale at Iho county courthouse ot said county al 12:00 PM on May 19, 2009 Ihe lollowlng described real estate and any other Improve ments which may be situated thereon. In Davie Counly, North Carolina, and being more particu larly described as follows; Being all of Lot(s) No. 20, Ber* muda Run Golf and Country Club, Section -4, as shown on plat re corded In Plat Book 4, Page 82 (Slide 111), Davie County Regis try. And Being more commonly known as; 337 Ivy CIr, Bermuda Run, NC 27006 The record owner(s) of Iho proporty, as rotloclod on the records ot the Register of Deeds, Is/are John S. Meroney and Audrey G, Meroney. The properly to bo ottered pur suant to this notice ot sale Is be ing ottered tor sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS, WHERE IS," Neither the Trustee nor the holder of Ihe nolo secured by Ihe deed ot trust, being foreclosed, nor the of ficers, directors, attorneys, em ployees, agents or authorized rep resentative ot either Trustee or the holder ot the note make any rep resentation or warranty relating to the tUte or any physical, environ mental, health or salety conditions existing In, on, at or reiating lo Ihe property being offered tor sale. Any and all responsibilities or li abilities arising oul of or In any way relating to any such condition ex pressly are disclaimed. This sale Is made subject to ail prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure, A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hun dred titly dollars ($750.00), which ever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of cerlified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration ol the statutory upset period, ail re maining amounts are IMMEDI ATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure lo remit lunds In a timely manner will result In a Declaration of De fault and any deposil wiil be fro zen pending Ihe outcome of any re-sale. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS; It you are a tenant residing in the prop erty, be advised that an Order lor Possession of the properly may be Issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, it your lease began or was renewed on or alter October 1, 2007, be advised that you may ter- I STRETCH WRINKLED CARPETS Wrinkled Carpet Man 336-998-8402 mlnate Iho rental agreement upon 10 days written notice to Ihe land lord, You may be liable tor rent due under the agreement prorated lo the effective date of the termina tion. The dale ot this Notice is April 29, 2009. ' 07-97288 Grady Ingle Substllute Trustee 6520 Cliff Cameron Drive, Suite 300 Charlotte, NC 28269 (704) 333-8107 http'y/shaplroattomeys, com/nc/ 5-7-21П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 08SP222 Under and by virtue ol Iho power of sale contained in a cer tain Deed of Trust made by ThereseA, Dubois toTRSTE, Inc,, Trusteo(s), dated the 7th day of October, 2002, and recorded In Book 442, Page Z2fi, Davie Counly Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in tho payment of the note thereby se cured by the said Deed ot Trust and the undersigned. Substitute Trustee Services, inc. having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in tho OHice ot the Register of Deeds of Davio County, North Carolina and the holder of the nolo evidencing said indebtedness having directed lhat Ihe Deed ol Trust be loreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will oiler for sale at the courthouse door in Ihe Clly ol Mocksville, Davie Counly, North Carolina at 2:45 PM on May 20, 2009 and wili sell to the highest bidder tor cash the following real estate situated in the County ot Davie, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as fol lows: Being known and designated as Unit 120, revised Plat of Ster ling Place as set torih In Plat Book 7, Pago 245, Davio Counly Reg istry to which reference is hereby made for a more particular descrip tion. Including tho Unit located thereon; said unit being located at 120 Sterling Drive, Mocksville, North Carolina. Subject to restrictions of rooord. Trustee may. In the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay Ihe sale tor up lo one hour as provided in NCGS §45-21.23. Should the properly be pur chased by a third parly, that per son must pay the tax of Forty-Flvo Cents ($0,45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100,00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1), Tho property to bo offered pur suant lo this notice ot sale Is be ing offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS," Neither the Trustee nor the holder ot Ihe note secured by Ihe deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being loreclosed, nor the otflcers; directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representa tive ot either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any rep resentation orwarranty reiating to the title or any physical, environ mental, health or salety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the property being olfered for sale, and any and ail responsibilities or li abilities arising oul of or in any way reiating to any such condition ex pressly are disclaimed. Also, this property is being soid subject to aii taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances ot record and any recorded releases, A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks)'of five percent (5%) ot the purchase price, or seven hundred lllty dol lars ($750,00), whichever is greater, wiil be required at the time ot the sale,. An order for possession of the property may bo issued pursuant lo G,S, 45-21,29 In lavor of Ihe purchaser and agalhsl the party or parlies In possession by the clerk ol superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the properly pursuant to a rental agreement entered Into or re newed on or after October 1,2007, may after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agree ment upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. Upon termination ot a rental agreement, the tenant is liable tor rent due under the rental agreement prorated lo the effective date of tho termination. This IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COM MUNICATION IS TO'COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, except as slated below In the Instance of bankruptcy protection, IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANK RUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RE SULT OF A BANKRUPTCY PRO- CEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PURSUANT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT AND FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT IN TENDED AS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY POR TION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY. This April 29, 2009, SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC, SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY: Allornoy al Law The Law Firm ot Hutchons, Senter & Britton, P,A. Attorneys tor Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayotteviiie, North Carolina 26311 httpy/sa/es.hsbfimi.com Case No: 370.134979 5-7-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE JUVENILE COURT DIVISION 2009-JT-19 In Ro: CHEYENNE CHENOA SEAMAN, (formerly known os EMBER NICOLE MILLER), a mi nor child. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO; STEVEN R. SEAMAN, JR., AND MELISSA SEAMAN, Iho above named respondents: Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed In the above ontilled Dis trict Court action. Tho nature of the relief being sought is as toilowa; Torminatlon of Parental Rights of Melissa Seaman. You aro required lo make de fense lo such pleading not later than the 16th day ot June, 2009, sold date being 40 days from the first publlcalion of this notice and upon your failure to do so the parly seeking against you will apply to Iho court for Iho relief sought. This tho 7th day of May, 2009. E. Edward Vogler, Jr., Attorney tor Petitioners NC State Bar #8069 181 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone; 336-751-6235 5-1-4tn NORTH CAROLINA . DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to the Board of Education policy, notice Is hereby given that the Davie Counly School System intends to destroy selected Inactive Exceptional Children records which are presently on file. Materials to be destroyed include oniy the special education records of Individuals whoso record was inaclive as of January 1, 2004, and do not include any Individual's permanent school record. These materials will be destroyed on or after June 1, 2009. Cali (336), 753-1424 for additional Information or to request copies ot materials prior to their destruotion. 5-7-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE JUVENILE COURT DIVISION 2009-JT-16 In Re: PATRICIA S. SEAMAN NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: STEVEN R. SEAMAN, JR., AND MELISSA SEAMAN, the above named respondents: Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed In the above entitled Dis trict Court action. The nature ot Ihe reliet being sought Is as lollows: Termination ot Parental Rights ot Melissa Seaman. You are required to make de tense to such pleading nol later than the 16th day of June, 2009, said dale being 40 days from tbe first publication of this nolle« and upon your tailure to do so the party seeking against you will apply, to Ihe court tor Ihe reliet sought. This the 7th day ot May, 2009, E. Edward Vogler, Jr,, Attorney for PetltionerB NC Slate Bar <№069 181 South MainSlfeet Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone; 336-751-6235 5-1-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE Tho Individuals with DIsabjHllte Education Act (IDEA-Part B, Put) lie Law 108.446) Project Is prM-' ontly being amended. The P n ^ t describes the special education programs that Davie Counly Schools proposes for Federal funding for the 2009-2010 School Year. Interested persona ara an- couraged to review amendmafils lo the Projecl and mako comments concerning the Implementation ol special education under Ihls Fed eral Program. Ail comments will be considered prior to submlMlon ol the amended Projecl lo thsv North Carolina Departmenl of Pub- • lie instruction In Raleigh, North ' Carolina. Tho IDEA-Part B Projact Is open lo the public for review and’ comments during the week of May 18-22,2009 In Ihe oftica ot Pamala Jewell, Director of Exoepllprial Children, located at Central Oavle Education Center, 220 Campball Road, Mocksville, NC 27028. 5-7-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix ot the Estate ot ROBERT MARTIN STALEY, late ot Davie County, this Is to notity all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to Ihe undersigned on or belore August 7, 2009, (bolng Ihree (3) months Irom the first day ot publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail persons, firms and corporations Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to Ihe undersigned. ' This Ihe 29th day ot April, 2009. APRIL GREEN STALEY 188 Chat Smith Road Mocksville, NC 27028 MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attorneys at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 5-7-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE JUVENILE COURT DIVISION 2009-JT-17 In Re: ZOEY MACKENSIE PAIGE SEAMAN, (a minor child). NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: STEVEN R. SEAMAN, JR., AND MELISSA SEAMAN, Ihe above named respondents; Take notice that a pleading seeking reliet against you has been tiled in Ihe above entitled Dis trict Court action. Tho nature of Ihe relief being sought Is as follows: Termination of Parental Rights ol Melissa Seaman! You are required to make de tense to such pleading not later than the 16th day of June, 2009, said date being 40 days from the first publication ot this notice and upon your failure to do so the parly seeking against you wiil apply to the court lor Ihe relief sought. This the 7th day of May, 2009, E, Edward Vogler, Jr„ Attorney for Petitioners NC State B arf8069 161 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 ' Telephone: 336-751-6235 5-1-4tn HariisPool & Supplies ClMi««Claafali*Mti|iMili Opa*«ICM(>lllqlUwh|hi«il. Tommy Hams/Owncr-Ovet 20 Ya ^ 277 Pleasant Acre Dr., Mock»yl^ Н 0 1 т (З Э 1 |Ж 4 М Ш ';/i : I .(’ ■■'I ' ' 'k l I, I .BMkMM 13361« METAL ROOFIHQ3' Coverage • 30+Cokite 25VearVViaiTihty Post Fiwn* Buildings call for prices! 1-888-278-6090 MID-STA1E NffirALS of Ihs Carolinas, U.C MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL SPRING |S HERE! Bobcat, aerator, core plugger & more for rent today! H w y 6 0 1 S ,Hu(ksville (336) 751-2304 FOR S M l Cars • Truckis Utility Buildings' ' Carports: Ail Sizes, Aii Galvanized All Size Dog Lots 336-751-344JMocksville, NC № (i; Ofi c io - DAVIE COUNTY ENTËRPRISE RECORD, May 7,2009 UDAVIE-CLEMMONS щ d á s s r f i ^ s REACH OVER29,000 READERS EVERY WEEK! Call Monday-Friday 8 AM-5 PM TOLL FREE 1-177-751-2121 FAX: 704-630-0157 EMAIL: CLASSADS@SALISBURYPOST.COM е В Е Е A D S Ing o r,;§elllna.-...,. f o u n d a lo st ¡ElVlIm llmll, ¿clusfúñs wi>iy.:Oili J P lC T U R i A P S Y A R D S A L E Include a photo with your auto ad & run It ' liniimUftri Wftr^ for 4 weeks for $20 Run a photo w/your * ifi n O a W a o It house ad for $30 for 4 weeks. !>P «U O a W O O K •MiH' .* •CtWenlBMMUes IT/hcMeii • M m l •M htlO iriM l •IMMnitiriM tailw ' •MNlMarinllm •iM NM llifliniinl Drivers & Transportation ’ Orlvert • Mllos & Frolght; Po- sitloni avoltablo ASAPI CDL< A with lankof roqulrod. Top pay, prorrtlum bonofils nnd MUCH MOREI Coll or VISIIU9 Onlino, 077'4(M-3OGO. www.oakloy1raruport.com OTR Driv«r^ Join PTLI Up (0 34€pm. REQUIRED 12 month« oxporlonco and COL« A. Out 10*14 days. No (olon or DUI past B yoar». 077*74O- 6262. www.ptl4nc.com __Jj« « !th ca re __ Physical Tharapy Aaalatant NMd«d at Outpatlant Or<thop«dlo Cllnlo In SalifitHjry NO. PT/FT PRN poaltfon« avallable. Oroat Work Envl- ronmonl. Roxlbki Houra. Cell 704-e30-ge5etordo(alla. General AIRLINES ARE HIRINQ- Train for high paying Aviallon fHatntonanco Caroor. FAA ap< provod program. Financial aid if qualiflod. Housing ayallablo. Call Aviallon Instlluto of Main- tonanco (680) 340-5367. Experlancttd Sorvtc« Advisor - Expofloncod Car Oolnll- or - Olllngual Satna Assodalo Al) American Ford Morcury Is now hiring lor Iho abovo posi' Ilon8.330-761'2161 HELP WANTED. Join Wil- Trans Loaso or Company Orlvof Program. Enjoy Slror^ Frolght NolworK. 8&8-24M323. ктшбшиш^ RedeflnayourtelflCall your Army Pocrullorl SFC Byron Wiltlard 330*416-3090 byron.willfardOu8.army.mil Healthcare Triumph. LLC. oslolowlclo provider ol Aduli, Child ond Fnmily Montai Honllh nnd Sub- slnnco Abuso sorvicos, Is sooklng oxporloncod prolosslonnia lor Iho lollowing locnllona: Community Support LIconsod Profosslorvil Community Support LIconaod PtoloMlqnalii must bo llccnsod In North Cnrolina. Formqrolnlor* imitlonBOOour wobflllo; WWW,ttlumphcaras.com Email rosumoa to: carooraO trlumphcaraa.com Triunyjh, LLC, a oinlowldo provider ol Adult. Child ant| Forhlly Montai Hoalih ond Substanco Abuso 8?rvlco8, Is aooking oKporloncod prolosslonols lor tho following locations; DaylB(2) Intensivo In-Home Specialists SfSommunlty Support Ouollllod Prelosslonol or ' Community Supporl LIconsod Piolosslonal lommunlty Support Qualllled Prolosalonal or Ccmmunlty Support LIcensod Prolesslonal Community Support Licensed Professionals must be llcansod In North Carolina. For moro Inlontiallon, please visit our website al: www.lrlumphcoros.com or email your rosumo lo: coioor8attlumphcato8.com Sales & Marketing WANTED: UFB AQENTSI' PotontlaltoEarn$500aDay- Great Agont Bonafils-Corrv missions Paid Dalty- Liberal Underwriting' Loads, Loads. Leads. Life InsurancoRequired. 6020.Call Uconso1-688-713- Restaurant & Food Service Cookt. C'a OBQ now hiring at all 3 locations. MocksviUo and Clovolflnd. Top pay lo thoso qualifk)d, Exporionco nocossary. UilWim iíA.bv^t%iMV(lntn. Л,г %u.ruH) h<4 IU- kw* ./ГМ tfJuiMfW. Iktv 1Я Ui>l< Си»«) .This newspaper really gets around. DAVIB COUNTY BNTERPRI/g^ECORD CeUMt’TShUiO 10 tut$crtht. T - Area 4 AatvLynn's Antiques County Wide ArtUqua & Yard SateRowan County . Fairgrounds May 16« 17,2009 eam*4pm Ovor 350Doo»)S Spaces for Ront Call 704C3Q-00r>0 or 704-633-0236 lor Info Qrarille Quarry YARD SALE Saturday S/9 Oam noon lOOCANTIPERRY DRIVE Brown Aerea Subdivlslori Yard Sale Area 6 Clemmons Hoty Family Church Rummage Sale,4020 Konnanion Road, Satur-. day, May 0, 6am-Noon. Household Itoms, books, yard Hems, toys and much morol Harmony Mult^Famlly YardSale, Saturday, May 0, 7am< unlil. 352 Tomlin Road (by BP In Hannony). Clothing, furni-turo, housohokl itoma & Iota morol Mocksville Huge Yard Sale,Friday and Sniurdoy, 6am-un- Ul. too Wtttboono Road. Tod- dior girls. lOf boys, womon'a. plua size womon a ond men's clollilng. toys, furniture, bead- li>g supplloB. shoes, household «oms; PofMjr Whools. Rain or Shlnol Mocksviile Multl-Pamlly Yard 8nk». Ftkiay. ‘ “Saturday. Oam-unlll, 220 Chal Smith Road (oil Hwy 166 In Smith Grove). Toys, house* hokt, fumlluro ond more. Mockavlll« Yard Sals, Saturdny. May.O. Oam-untll. 516 EasUako Drive. Lots ol men'a clolhlng, tiousohokl Items & morel Davie & Clemmona YirdBil«« 72JS Hwy SOI South. (Pan Jarusalom FIro Dopi. Oo lo Oroasy ComorA lako a righi. 4” houso on Ioli) Yard Solo. Fri.. May cr a Sot.. May fT. Woodoators. colk^liblos. kids* ctothos, klds' (oys, baby clolhoa, baby Itoma, organ, A luis morol AdvanceDig YardSak) 8at..MayOa-12pm 1120 Boauchamp Rd.Clothos, furnlluro. fishing, oqufpmonl. baby Itoma. toys ond tools. Advance PamlV YardSak) F(L,MayO&Sal..May6 0am-3pm1330 Qallimoro Rd. Lola ol Itoms; baby clolhos. (umituro AdvanceMulti-Family Yard Salo Cornorof BalllmoroRd. and Hwy 166 Fri and Sat May 6'" & òK eam-until. Loti o( Advance. 160 Qun Club Rd. (off Hwy 166). Yard Salo. Ralnod out losl Saturdayl Lots of ck)il>os. movloa. toya, housohold lloms, sholvea, too much lo listi Raln cancolal Mocktvllle 2 Family Yard Sale EastLakoFriday&Saturday6am-1pm . Cioihfng, baby and toddkir Itoma. tumlturo, oxorclse oqulpmont and morel. Mocksvillo Qarogo Salo Friday, May 6"* 6am-2pm 129 and 136 N. Wontoworth Dr. Turn al Boxwood VUIago (Botwoon Ford Placo & Bank Table saw, dothos and many moro Itoms. Also, now lloms on Saturday, May 0^ 6-12pm Mocksville. .QIgantfo Multi-Family Yard SaTo 622 Srrin Rd. Hwy 156. Go about 2 miloa out ol town to Sain Rd. Look lor signs.Fri & Sot. 6-5pm Womon's clolhing (10-14 and 2x & 9x) toys, girl's clothos 2T •sl20 10. Kids movlos. Barblo Joop, play hut, Bari>le Play Houso. woodon rocking chair, Princoss Barbie, biko, dohu- midiltor. MocksvilleMulti-Family Yard Salo Gordon volloy Subdivlston Sanford Avo past Ingorsoll 8al.Maytí’'Ó-1pm , MocksvilleYard SaleCornor ol N. Main St. & Oak Si. Lota of stuff. Friday. 5/6 and Sat. 6/9. In case of rain, yard Bale will bo movod lo 41 Oak Stroot In tho garage. 8am-until . MocksvilloYard Salo Sal, May 0" 0am- ''.pm oc\ Nowfound Lano. .‘ako Hwy 601 S to Doadmon Rd„ turn on Walt Wilson Rd. and follow signs. Clothos, oloctronics, computer, vidoo gamoa, portablo play pin, plua many moro Horn. Cancel II raining. Mocksville, 109 Buc^rtgham Lane. Yard Salo. Friday, May 8 & Saturday, May 9, 7am- until- Rain cancots. Baby boy ), Infantclothos (18ПЮ-ЗТ),clolhes, toys, adult clolhing, fishing oqulpiT>onl, aiKl mucTi morol Also serving ham & sausage bisculla and drinks. Davie & Clemmons Yard Sales Mocksvllkr. 142 HoV Cross Church Rd. (601 South, th mllos past Davio High School) BIG Garogo Saio. Friday. Mny 0" & Saturday. May iT. Doni mlaalt Lota of bargains! Juntor clolhes (size 0-10), chlMron'a ctothos. Kirby vacuum. Ratn or Mocksville. 200 Wllkosboro St. VHS.SI &S2 oa. Books. 50e off, Handbags & shoos, $1 oH. Sotoctod clothing 50- 75% off. Lota of plua sizo A matomlly clothing just arrived. Consignmont Unllmltod. Mocksville. 235 Wilkosborp St. YARD SALE. Friday. May O'" Ä Saturday. May 0^, 6am* 4pm both days! Mocksville. 365 & 410 Buck Soalord Rd. 2 Fomlly Yard Salo. Friday. May 0" & Saturday. May 0^. 6am-unti' Ck)ttio8 & shoos, $1/pair. washing machine, aluminum running boards, slat wall,- paint, vacuum doanor, sham- pooor, av^ng. Mocksville. cot North to Liberty Church Rd., 4/10 mllo on rigfil. HUGE Yard Sato. Fri- Jav, May 0", 6am-4pm ^ Sat- jrclay, Moy 9*’. flam-1pm.Lots of girls' & boys' ctothos. adult clothos, toys, housi wares, lumlture & (ola morol Mocksville. Conlor Community Church, (htwy. 64. lust oil 1-40) Combmod Family Yard Sale. Saturday May tr. 7arn- 2pm. Vory (ow prksosi Oatlsbury, Hugo 2 lamlty garage solo. 1525 Boaglo Club Rd. Brand name clothes, school uniforms, lur- nllurt», toys, and much rroro. FflB/8aBal8«)7am-2pm. Twin Brook 3 Family Yord Sale Mon & women ctottitng. boy ond girls clothing. - and lots moro. Sot,, May 0.7-12pm •Ш/НЁМШШт • Ш Ш Ш т , • MMllilllHMV • 1м1мяЕф|р1Ип1/ KippIlN • Cell PImiimA Meg • CliitliN-MulVCMIilieii • Computen ISollffart • Coiuigminl •ilntnilci • EHtcliaEiiiilprotnt • FaniEqil|i7S«ppllN • FImn/Pluti •.Fowl/NiiM.. .•mn/wbiNi • Fwiiltwi/llHllMcw •SM m lhyt •NmtliiitFliMiq Im lu • ИкМ|^До«1« • MMulivilfiiwit .•Ш |и1|тшЕмМ( • MiriolifM/simlM •Í|í«Ui4B«Mli . fTVIlVIWMil • NuHohiy/Mmk. Building Equipment & Supplies Discounted Steel BldgsШд&БтаПGot tho Doatol DoalalPlacement to Silo Ш !'Йопо?Ж790-2542^^ HUGE SAVINGS - Stool Arch Buildings. 3 REPOD. 20’x24', 25'x30‘. Soiling for bfllnncod owedll Display dla- counts availablo. Call Todayl 1*866-352-0716 Clothes Adult & Children Prom dresses, sUo 7. Rod dross with nccessorlos $75. Now champagne drosa. $65. 336-096-4703/330-460-3a78 Electronics DIRECTV Satelllle Totovl- slon, FREE oqulpmont. FREE lour room insbliation. FREE HD or DVR Rocolvor Upgrado, Packngoe Irom $29.90/пю.Са11 DirocI SntTV (otdQiQila. 1-0Oe-42O-g4OQ. Exercise _E2ulgment__ . Furniture & Appliances Compact vacuum ctonnor by Orock XL. Uko new. $55. _ J e w e lr^ Diamond ring, throo aldnos. « carat. $350.For moro Information, cnll 704-637-5416. Ring, dlnmond and snpphlro, 14 carnt gokJ. $500. OBO. Must soli. For rhoro inlorma- tion. call 704-245-5230. MedicalEquipment Jazzy Electrlo Chair $450 Call704.245-5238 Lift chairIn good conditk>n. $100. For moro Information Cal)704-270-404í Mise For Sale Ab-Cosslor Pro. As seen on TV, $499,00 valuó, WIU soll for $350 firm. 330-102-3203 Of 330-251-5259 Golf clubs, 2 sets. OnoIndios' A ono morVs. Doth complolo. $200 onch, 70-1- 930-0773 or 704-702-6Г71 Furniture & Appliances Coffee Table. Ouoon Anno Mahogany Glnss-Top Colloe Toblo. $276. Groat conditton. Call 704-930-3452 Purnliuro Beautiful.4 piece anlkjue bedroom sullo foi aala. minor, aota. ond tablos. lingirk) chest, antkiuo drop leaf lablo with 2 captAln'a ClUlIra A 4 A(MI cliAirt, Cnll to octtodiiki flppoinlmont. 704-270- 4102, PIWM loAvo rnsuago. Moving Sale»Lots ot furnllurul Too much to listi Roasonabfy prtoodi Call tOBOOl336-D09-200Q Stove. I-I/P apt. size alovo, liko now. 24" wide. $275. H/P dryor. good condition. $ 115. . 704-708-1026 Antiques & Collectibles Old Stool WhoolFarm Wagon. Asking $1,500 Са1Г330-492-6633 Table. Round Olnlng Table 1 loaf. 4 Choirs. Qroal condition. $326. PIoaso call 70<1- 030-3452 lor rnoro Info. 1904 Truck engine. 5,0 wilh aulomalk: transmission. Runs but smokos. Good shape. $300 obo. 704-270-6304 Albums.Old collection of 33 albume and 45 alngloa. Bost olfor ac- coplod. 704-636-2066 Baby Swing.Flshor-Prlce Baby Swing Great conditton. $26. 704-038-3452 Benches, wood, beckkiss. $10. 3-7 ft.. 14 In. high. $5-16 each. Call 704-2Ш-8011 lonve moasago. Cabinet A drawer pulla. Amorock traditional. 33 avaU- abk). Bought now $5 oa. Will aell all for $76 obo. 704-033- OOCOoltarepm Concrete dock btocks, 26bl0Cke, 8l20 12x8x12 $100. For Informatton. coll 704 633-1089. DfOf>-ln4lner «lor 2002 and othor yoara 810 extended cab pkikup. $50. СаВ 704- вЗО'9163 Electrlo chest cooler $40. upright freezer $100. 20 gallon parts washer $100. 704- 633-7822. No calls Qtlor 9pm Exercise Dike $40, window A/C $60. tablo boltk) gas grill $30. 60" TV cable roody, no MD$100. 704 033-7822 Lenox 3.8 Central Air Sys* lom with condonsor, coda groat, $500. Ptoaso call 704 279-5329 for moro info. Pressure Washerby Troybllt. Like now. 2600 pal 5.0 Honda. 704-630-8360 $260 Refrigerator.Groat for garago. Worka n ^. $50, 704-633-2232 SAWMILLS FROM ONLY $2,090.00. Convert your Logo To Valuable Lumber with youi own Norwood portablo band sawmill. Log akkldors also available, norwoodsawmlils.- com/300n, Froo informatton: 1-800-578-1363 OX1300N. Thermo Pride oil furnace. 100.000 BTU$25. Call 704-278-2340 boforo 0 p.m. Trsllor, 4x8 Carry on.Con haul onysmailjob Avorago shape. $175. Call 704-267-2140 Ventilated kerosene heater arid tank. Good condition. $500. Call 701-633-7622. No calla altor 9pm Vinyl Storage Buildings 12'X 16' with lott. $3,466. 12' X 20' wllh workbonch $3,615. Pitoos Includo dollvory and set-up. Olfior sizes availablo. Call 704-057-6011 Sporting Goods Air Hockey Tobto In oxceltoni condition. $100. For moro In- fomiation, ploase call 704- 3400110. FREE DIRECTV 4 ROOM SYSTEM! ?iib+ALl IJinilAL CMANNl I S! t.!0 HU CHANNhLS! 15 I « К С T V ж Toil Free 8 6 6 -6 9 5 -7 9 3 8 PROGRESSIVE NON-PROFiT, STUDENT EXCHANGE COMPANY SEEKINO SELF-STARTER FOR EXCHANGE CAREER WANTED: LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Must be community minded, wilting to supen/lse, place and/or . Ho&t International students and work with families. Supplemental Income, bonuses and GREAT travel lncentive$. GONTACIi STUDENT MANAGEMENT GROUP Brian Hause, Project Manager, bliauae®Bludent-managomenl,conii 1-800-766-4656 FAMILIES WELCOME TO APPLY FOR HOSTING ALSO! Tickets NASCAR TICKETS atLowo’a Motor Speedway • May 16-24. Groat soats. for NASCAR Sprint All Star ond Coca-Cola 600 still avallnbtol Call 800-456-FANS or www.LowosMoforSpoedway.* com Want to Buy IMerchandise Timber wanted-Pino or hardwood. 5 acres or moro soloct or clear cut. Shavor Wood Producís, (rw.CaU 70-1-278-9291. Timber Wanted. 1 aero or moro, pino or hardwood, cloar or soloct. HAM Loo- ging. 330-408-6570 Want to buy hydraullo wood splitter In good conditton. Please caU 336-492-2695 • Gtlf • Utfwfaick • Other Ptts • Pal&UmtocIi Senltn Dogs,roglslorod. TrI-color A rod white. Slwts. wonnod. $300. PIoaso coll Donna or Amanda 81704-270-1223 Dogs. CKC Miniature Schnauzers. 1 male A fe- mato, 1“ slwts A tails docked $400-450. (980}234-0500. Poodle. Fomalo Standard, Frool Black and Wliito. 6 yeara okf. housobrokon. tovos klda! Froot 704-633-2055 Horses Posture Boards, ton acros, $125/mo: with stall $17&/mo (you supply food A liayj. Call 33G-57/-2494 Pet & Livestock Services Cats Cat. 3 years old. Grey fomato. Has boon spayod nnd declawod, LIttor trained, Proo to good homo. 330-998-0027 Free Kitten, Utlor box Iralnod, Approx. 8 wks okf. mole, Qfoy ettipo. Vory Loving. 704-036-6Э52 Free kittens. 3 available. Rescued, momma diod. 2 Girts. 1 boy. Ashley 704-040- 6909 or Bryan 704-040-8910 Free kittens. ,Roady for a good homo. Please call 704 279-5574 for moro information FREE kittens. To toving for- Qvor homos. 7 wooVa oki. PIoaso call 704-270-4160 for moro Information. KlKuns, 6 wooka old, froo to good homos. Adorable.3 orango/whilo, 2 Ыаск/whiio. Call 704-213 6343. Dogs stain A Odor^Smovor: citrus onzymea pormanolty removo pot alalns A odorol SMfTHEflMAN'S HARDWARE 33Q-760-OtOO » VIP Dog Grooming. 25«- yoara expottonco. Mon.-Sat. by appolntmenl. Same day tippolnlmonla avallabto ftvjsl days. 330-204-4350. 800 Pino Rldgo rtd., Mocksvillo. $5ol1wUhthia od • BuslnmOpportaDlIlN • UgalNollcM • FrteAdi •iMllWtiM • iMtlFcuMl • IlMMMit/tiMtin l»H • Mtlcw •iHtMOctMlNi . •ThmlOppwtMlIlM , Business Opportunities Free Stuff FREE Bassett Hound. Fomato. about 6 yeara okl. Spayod. OutskJo dog. Up-lo- dato on shots. 330-940-2019 FREE Boxer/PH Bull mix. 12 wooka. 0 lo choose from. All shots,’ wormed. Qroat torn- poramont. 704-036-7922. FREE puppies, Beagle mix.6 wooko old. Adorabto. To good homo only. PIoaso call 336-793-7730 for moro Info. Instruction ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINEfrom homo. Medtoal, Business. Paralegal. Computer*. Criminal Justice. Job place- (fiotit ussistnnce. Computot ovailoblo. Financial aid U qualiflod. Call 666-656-2121. www.CenluraOnlino.com DRIVERS/TRAiNEES NEEDED. Notional Carrtors Hiring Nowl No oxporlonco noedoot No CDL7 No problomi Training avallabto wilh F^oadmas- iQf. Call Now. 80fl-49*t-8459. FOUND Australian Cottle Dog, Malo, In tho Enochvllki Aron. Ploaoo call 704 033 50^10 to Idontily. 100% RECESSION PROOFI Do You Earn Up to $600/day (potontlal)? Your own local roulo, 25 Machinos and Candy. All lor $0,095. l-OOn-753- 3450. MuHlVond. LLC Business Fair - Aro you tooking for on opponunlty In sales and (iwrkoling? Como lo our Business Opportunily Foir on Thursday. May H'” al 7;30 p.m. Call an Indopondont assoclaio loday'to rosorvo your spot for this special brtofing about togal son/icos a - 1629. Ask for Robert. pro-pakl il son/icos at 704-754- FOUND cow.In Fam^lngtonaroa. PIoaso call 336-576-4706 Found dog. DIacK Lab. FIshor Road area In Rock- won. Ptoase caH lo IdonUfy. 704-270-0143 Pound young brown dog,April 30, Woodoaf Rd and 601. Has collar, no tags, loltionllfy. 704-276-36SOCall «LOST Block Scottish Terrier.with a tod соЯаг. Wo aro irying lo keep hope allvo. Hop us ploaso. Jack was In a слг accldoni on Ilio rainy night ol - 4/10/2009 ot C01-I40 and in tho contusion rap away. Jack was a gill Irom owners Dad who hns sinco passed away. HEWAROIl 330-617-2700 Monument & Cemetery Lots Burial plots, 2 availablo. In Wosllawn Memorial Gardens. Fountain soclton. $1,763 onch. Call 336-775-2283 ATTENTION OSMOPREP® USERS! Suvon: incilicu! problems hnve- Ijccii iissocimcd wilh iIiI.h drug wliich is given prior lo n colono.scopy. If you, or someone you know, huve token Osmol'rep and experienced; * K id n ey F n llu rc ■" K idney Frohlcm .s'/D iim age ’" S tro k e ^ D eath 1‘lciUic conlaet Kim Wilson with l.ewis & Riilx;rl.s, .170(1 Cilcnw<xKl . Avenue, Rolelijli, NC ill (88H) 981.09.1!> lorn freo cnnsultnlinn nr visit www.lewls-rdliLTi'i.ciirii. Ynii may 1» untltleil ui coiiipensallon. In hsnor of nunas awnniilian, lhanKwiutoralliliaDNNidri We want lo acknowledge the Innumerable contributions nurses make to our health ' ai^d well-being. Join us In an expression of gratitude for tneir commitment and compassion. Щ ЖT R I N I T Y O A K S I A b u n d a n t L iv in g ^ Lulhtran HtHnmcnt Communio’ A clu lt D a y ScrVÍCCS "Wc strive to express God's love in Christ tQ those we serve." J o i n u s i l l c e l e 'l b i a t i n g t h e d e d i c a t i o n , w i s d o i H ) . a n d c o i i i p a s s i o n a t e c a r e o f o u r n t i r s i n g s t a f f . A t T a n g i e w o o d BDAVIE-CLEMMONS I I ■ d a s s m e d s naeHomi!9,mittABB№BmrweBii D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P B I.S E R E C O R D , T h u rsd ay . M ay 7 ,2 0 0 9 - C l l Call Monday-Friday 8 AM-5 PM TOLL FREE 1-I77-7S1-212I FAX! 704-630-0157 EMAIL: CUSSADS@SALISBURYPOST.COM hiiiif OfMtihd'sdfnsthlrig Include a photo with your auto ad & run It i'' , ? Found a lostpst? , i for 4 weeKs for $20. Run a photo w/your' m ' .................................. house ad for $30 for 4 weeks.Е14|Ц'||1Й,с||!Ы1<11в<й|1у Cill/iWtMalMÍ Notices DAVIE PREGNANCY CARE Center offers confMentlal A a healthy cholco for your llfol Call 336-753 HOPE for appt. donate YOUR VEHICLE* Receive $1000 Grocery Coupon. United Breast Cancer Foundatton. Free f4am- tnograms, Breast Cancer Inlo: www.ubcf.lnfo. Froe Towing. Tax Deductlbto. Non-Runnors Accepted. 1-666-466-5964. •СмМЛм • M tM IM l' «йиййгм * •iMMiÉNltaHrti •lA itayiity •U K h rM •M U h Mi •MmhctmlllMM Mn • Ит1к1ш«4Нмм UlilwM« • Им|1и1|П<Иию tmlMkMDitn • MtlHHlmlcN/ U m •IMbMiSinltM ■ HMltrtili Ciiw w m • Ш и М М Ы М Apartments & Condos for Sal« Mockavlll«, townhouM fn Milling Way. ConvonlonI location. гвНДВА. г yoois Old, Unit 116. beautiful pod comptox $108,000. Call 330- 470-2051. 336-055-3447 or 330-751-5440. Homes for Sale Lots for iSale Advarrf«, Land for Salel Last lot In beauUlut Sorlng- dato dlviston. Asking price $35,000. Call 601-310-2633 Manufactured Home Sales $0 Down witti your isnd.No closing cosi.Ploase caH 336-299-5612 12,500 down13paymenl8 loll. Please call 704-403-3702 $3,000 dovm - only 13 payments left. Call quicki We owner finance. Ptoase call 330-299-5013 2 Year Job Time,2 Yoor Rental History. You Can Own Todayl 704 0304)149 Forecloeed HomesAvallabto In Davio County Acl Nowt 866-273-6791 Government funds avallalo for 1" time homebuyors who own land or havo lamHy land. Zero Down. Easy Flnanck)gl 704-630-6400 Mocksvilie area. 3BR.2BA $05û/month. Call 704-463-3Í)Q.1702 Move in Todayl1BR. 1BA cottago with porch.$45(VMonlh704-630-9640 Move In Todsyt2BR. 2BAv4th Porch. 55 or Okler Community 704-630-6400 Resort & VacaUon^Progeit^ Ocesn Front. Myhlo Beach. Regency Towers. 2BR, 2BA steeps 6. Near Spring Makl Pier and Broadway at Mach. Pool, hot tub. elo. $100 gni credil 704-223-0010 Renta •Nm ntM lM •1й1Гпам1у1Ма1 • UmHmIM •M Im IеммсеИИМИ • PidnlnrttirIM •Ш иМшйИим IM In M •RtNrtiViUltM •НияиЬМмМ • Ним tK UHI •ttmi« Houses (or Rent Advance. 3BR. 2M BA. garage. 2,000 * sf, socuiity system. Executive homo Rent$1.400orRsnttoOwn. 704-63<M)695 Advance. 420 Qun Club. 4BR. ША, hoat punWAC. now romodel, 1.45Ö SF, ap* pis, Vi ao. no Inskto pots, $075/nio-n‘ ......... Advance. Frost Rd, oil Hwy 166. 3BR. m BA. Contrai hoat A air. $695/mo. *■ dop. 336-877-2494 Cooleemee. 6 rooms,' 1 BA. No pots. $500/tnonth plus $500 doposlt raqulrod. Ploase call 330-264-4373 Corbin Hills, Hole »2. 2BR. 2WBA condo. $600/mo.$500 deposit. Pets OK A pool usage. Call 704-239-5115 Dsvle Counly. 3BR. IBA. 10 ml. N. of 1-40, oil 601. Extra clean. No pets. $600^no. plus deposit. 336-403-5457. Apartments New 38R Ranch$80,905.On privalo lot.Cali 336-767-0767 New Homee$2.900 Down 2 credit referoncos 336'200-6626 Take Over My Peymentst$402^4onth Ptoase can 704-630-6400 Two • ЭВП. 2BA homes forReady foi ers.$^Call 330-767-0758ctopostt roqulrod. Г67^75Г Real Estate Services Cooieeme^ldor oxocut homo noar recroalton aroo. 4- 5BR, 2BA. Fireplaces, on- clooed porch. Low 140s. 336- 900-5676 or 336-264-2267 Homee, Government funding available tor all homo buyers who own land or havo family land. $0 down, easy linoncing. Call 336-346- 6347. Open HouseSunday, May 10,2009 1pm-4pm195 Pembroke RkJge Court. Bemiuda Run Country Club3BR, 2 » BA, 2 car ago. On Ihe wator. lutlful and Immaculate throughout. Largo kltchon w/ granite. Many upgrades. 336-096-6832 J¿ndfor_Sale_ Acreage, 32iWooded Plus2ctoarod building silos, 2.4- 3.0 acres wral eotting/road fronlago. 336-492-2144 LAND OR DEVELOPMENTSWAWEO. Wo buy ormarkai dovotopmont tob. ' Profot Mountain or Coastal Commu- n«ies. Can Us ol 000-455- 1981.Ex1.1034. Resort & Vacation Property COASTAL GA OEM'. OneDay Salo • May 16th. Qatod Qo^atorfront Community between Savannah A SL Simons Island. Loaded with amenitios. True Ocean Ao- cess: $20.900, Call 677-266- 7376. CRYSTAL COAST SACRIFICE on tho NC inlra-Coastal Waterway. Nearly 2 AC water Qccou $50.900. Now $29,900; 2.5 AC waterfront $149,900, Now $69,000. Beautifully comptoted large acreage subdiviston. Only 6 boating mllos lo Boautort. Financing Irom 4.25 APR. Our toss to your gain. No «me frame to bulkl. 666-609-8240. FREE CAMPING A $200 In Gfocory Rewardsl Boautllul campground resort in North Carolina. Amazing Amonlttos and Family Funi Call 600- 795-2199 to Discover Morol NC MOUNTAINS- Land Ctosoout Satol 3 ocros, privato, long range vlewa A largo pubic lako nearby. Only $29,500. Bank financing. 666- 276-0442. __________ Mocksvillo, downtown.Largo IBR apt. Application A doposll fequlred. AvaiaWo June 1.704-276-1717 Condos & Townhomes Wlnaton.Sal«m 2BIV3BA, Ralntree Condoe (off Country Club Rd). $65(Vmo * dop. No pots. 336-072-0072 Houses for Rant Advanc«. 121 Llltl« John Dr. Brtok ranch. 2 Lg. BR. 1,6 BA. -dieh- washer, stove, refrg., disposal. Lg DR A LM. laundry room, at hoat. Central air. 2 car garago altachod w/oponers, now flooring throughout. Beautiful ctoan homo. No pots. $75Wmo, 336-760 0525 Century 21 Triad 336<7St-2222 SSOMcCultough Rd., Mocksville. 3BR, IBA.$676/mo. 264 Ken Dwlggins* Mocksviile 3BR,2BA. All appl. Indudod, $75Q^mo. 8226 Shallowford Ln. • Lewisville 2BR.2BA Collage w/oii heat.. $55№nK). 321 Burton Rd.. Advance. 2BR, 2BA with lull baaomont on a020 Whitmore Cove Ln.CIsmmons. Stunning 4BR, 3HBA. 2-Slory brick. Full baiomenl. community pooi.Alawnmalntenanco provided. $1.960/mo. 213 Carolina SL- Mocksviile. 3BR. mBA. In-town localton. Full basemonl $650/mo. * Hwy 601 Bypass. • Mocksvilto. (Just olf 1-40) Commercial olflco spaco torloase.2othco8. break room, receptton area A balhroom, $700/mo. Possible addt'l space avallabto. Call Century 21 Triad 336-78t-2222 Mon-Frl 6an>*6pmOR a36-761*5699 Ext 213 nights snd weekends. ERA Premier Reelty Jsckle Coulston 336-763-67r7or 33«-7St-2QS8 MOCKSVILLE-Chartoston Rkfgo. 3BR.2BA. Screoned ponih. fenced backyard, 2 car garage. Smoko Froo, $9Wmo. MOCKSVILLE-Ranch on 1 aero. 30H.2BA. Range, relrlgorator, diehwashor, A mtorowave,«2 car attached garago. $876/mo, MOCKSVILLE-Chartoslon Rldgo. Smoke Iroo.weli maintained 30R. 2BA with vaulted celling, garden lub A separale snowor. . oversized 2-car garago A dock, $950^rnonm. ERA PremlsrRsaltv JKkle Coulston 33«-763-6777or336-761- 2066 Manufactured Home for Rent 601 S. ‘Furnished* on private lol. No pole. 3 poopto llmtt. Roloroncoa. Deposit A $450 ront. Call 338-264-4756 601 S. 3BR double wide on private tol In country. No_pole. No HUO. Rent, deposit A rel- eroncea. 330-264-4766 Davie County. Private lot. 2BR, mBA. Very Ctoan. All appllancos. Doposlt roqulrod. Coll 336-576-2101 Dsvle County. Privalo loi. Newor model singtowkto. 3BR. 2BA. All opplkinces. No pels. Soci. 8 OK. Deposit. 336-575-2101 Farmington Area, private. 2B№2BA, ol оррйапсов. central heal A dir. deck. A garage. No pota. No smoking. VnXVmo. plua deposit. Please call 330-655-3272 or 330-998-3636 Farmington. 20R. 2BA. 14x60 Oakwood Moblto homo. $500 per monlh. $500 dopoeit. On private tol No pots. 336-473-9049 HHledsle area 3BR. 2BA^ acreage, privato $76G/mo. Ca«nlch336-397-1251 Hurley Park area 4BR / 2BA, 604 North Craigo Streol. Full basomont. $1200 per month. Section 8 ok. 7(M-433-8toe Mocksville area. 3BR/2Vt BA Ront 10 OwnI Garogo. opprox 2,000 sf, coni hont/alr. Vory Nice. $15,000 down. $3BS/mo, 704-030 0095 Mocksville. 20R. ШВА, Control heat A air. Now appB- onces. $57S/mo. Dop. A ap- pllcauon req. 704-278-1717 PENNINQTOHACO.336-998-9400336-009^47 Wo have rentals available. Londtorda ond tenants - CaU ua for Infonnailon on proper- ties or property manago- mont. Wo havo an autonuit- od phono system for inlor- malton. Commorelal Prtvortlos/ Businesses lor toaso or aato. (¿all Janice McOantol 336-900-0747 Pennington A Co. 336-096-9400 336-90»0747 Office & Commercial Rental BCM Business Psrk, Foraalo or loase. 9,000 sq. ft. building, 1500 to 4500 aq II units. Commercial lots tor salo or will buikl to sull tenant. 336-996-3165 Granite Ouany 900-1800 sq ft Shop/Offlco or Storage Spaces. Freo Month. Cali 704-232-3333 Moeksvlile. 3BR.- 2 lull baths on Cable Une. $500 deposit. $050 per monlh. Call alter 6pm. 704-213- 3595 Mocksvilie. Ready Now 2 BR brick house, lumished, also otoctric. $55(Vmo, 2BR. 1 BA moMo home, private tot. 704-207-5581 Boats & Watercraft Ski. 17 ft. red motaifiake. 115 hp Mercury, trolling motor, depth Under, traitor and more. Great conditton. $4.000 330-633-4119 Motorcycles &ATVS "I Disced a claesifted adwith Krislin on Monday afternoon . they had 11 In the popor and sold tho foltow- ing day. Wow. graal |ob guysir - Ray. a satlsflod ctaselfied custon>er iuiuii.LTZ 250.2006. Awesomo sport four-whooler. High porformanco pipe. Ex- colienl condmon. A whoto tol of funi $2,699. Cali for more informatk}n 704-450-6772 Pinebrook School District. 3BR, 2BA. $550/mo. $300 deposit. Absolutoiy no pets. 336-040-2516. Shady Acres Mobito Homo Park. 2BR, IBA. John Crolla Rd., US hlwy 64 East, Mocksvilie. No pets. СаУ 336- 909-2092 Yadklnvllle. 1 FIxor-up WHi rent for a tol cheaper rent and Iho porson llx. Located on X Mooro Rd. Can 336-Ray T. Mo 463-4095 •iMtl/llllllKnn •ClIlNtNCin • Cmweltl ThiMIMxIitlon • MolwcychH/ATVi •RlCTMtlMliVMclM • IlNtablliMlaf •UnktlhiUI 'ACCMHtfl •TnmyortallM FiaNdii ч ж ы т п ш Autos Bulch, IMS Limitad.Leather intertor. 76.000 mitos. VO, auto. $5,500.Call 704-451-0927 HONDA. 2002, ACCORDEX. $0 down, will holp finance. Credit. No ProbtomI Privalo party aato,Cali 704^71-2223 Toyota, 1961 TercelRune and Is in good condition. $500 Ijrm.336-782-7329 Alterations & Will do mending and simpto alterations in my home.Please can 336-940-6968 Auctions ABSOLUTE REAL ESTATEAuction, 7 Houses, 2 Duplex' 08. t Condontlnkim. HIQh Point, NC..May 11, 2009. 6 p.m. iron Horse Auctton, NCAL3936. eOO'997-2248, www.ironhonMauctton.oom ■ANK АРИЮУЮ AUG. TION: 45 Eslat*4(zed tote Refuoe at . Ravenol iuld ÎîS î Авд2х.итЁ^М|!у 30- 10:00 AM. MU Ha(p«f, 80AL3729. www.han>«r*K>. ttonandrea^.com • в43-729< 4906. HOME IMPnOVEUINfAUCTION •Saturday, May 16 at 10 a.m., .201 & Central Ave., Locust, N.C. Qrantte Tops, Cabinet Sets, Doors, Carpot. THo. Hardwood, Bath Vanitiaa, Compoalto Decking, LlolUlng. Name Brand Tools. NC sows tax applios. wth.- ClasslcAucttons.oom. 704- 607-1449. NCAF5479 LAND AUCTION, 450»/- Acres Primo Timber & Farm Land Divided, 186 Acres Sell Absoluto. At>ema(fo, NO. May 26. 2009, 6 pjn. Iron Hofso Auctton. NCAU936, 600-997-2246, WWW.lron< horsoauctton.com REAL ESTATE AUCTION,Commordat Prmriy, Riverfront Offtoe Condo; Waterfront Residential Lots, 1 Lol Selling Absolute, WUmlogton Area: May 19, 2009. 6 p.m. Iron Horse Auctton, NCAL3936, 600-997-2246, www.ironhoraeauctton.com IT'SALL C i a n H h d t Market Classifieds are herel Multiply your customers with one call! Your Davie County Enterprise-Record is partnering with its sister publications, the Salisbury Post, Kannapolis Citizen & Researcher and the Post EXTRA, to bring you Marl<et Classifieds! W ith o n e p h o n e call to o u r now toll free num ber: 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 2 0 ‘ y o u ’ll g o t to ta l c o v e ra g e o f a c o m p le te m a ri< et rig iit n e x t d o o r. B u y 1, 2 . 3 o r A p u b lic a tio n s , o n e c a ll a n d o n e bill - it's y o u r c in o ic e , o n e c a ll d o e s it all. Deadline for ads is Tuesday at 3 P.M. C a ll 1 -8 7 7 -7 5 1 -2 1 2 0 o r Fax to 7 0 4 -6 3 0 -0 1 5 7 , Ads require prepayment, except for established accounts. ^ . . • v^ :____________________ ' ..___________ A uctlona WATeRfRONT PnOfCRTY AUCTION* 6 Waterironi Homesites. Friday- May 15ltt • 1:00 PM • STILLWATER <Jn Jacks Creek, Hwy 99, Beaufort Cointy. Beihaven, NC - Dockable i ProtecM Waters, Eaiy -aocesa to ICW, Portion .Seling Abeolute, v ^ . House AucttonCompa- BcAU7889 Electrical Services Licensed Electrtclen. Нолю A business electrical needs. 9> years exp. Froe 08tlniato. Ftoxlblo hours. No iob too small. Doug Davla, Rediand Eledrio, Ino. 336-414 9645 rodlandolectricinoO yahoo.com 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 2 0 Financial ServIcM Financial Service* “We can erase your bad credit — 100% guaranteed” The Federal Trade Com m ission says any credit repair com pany that claim s to be able to legally rem ove accurate and tim ely Infor mation from your credit report is lying. There's no easy llx for bad credit. It takes tim e and a con- Learn about m anaging credit and scious effort to pay your debts, igir debt at ffc.gov/credTt. A m essage from The Salisbury Post and the FTC. A u c tlo n t Home Jm £rovem «nt_ Rowan Auot)of> Co. Professional Auciton Servtoes:Salsbury, NC m-m-w» KipJefv^ngs NCAL 6340 Lawson's Home Improve- monta. Windows, doots, vinyl siding, brick, btoJt work, log siding, hardwood ftoorlng. Froe estimates. Ownor Anm Lawson Can 336-900-0695 Horn* Jnjgrov#n ient_ Vinyl aldino end vinyl wirr dow InstaUatton. No job tod small. Freo estimator Call Mark Troyer at 704-657-6611 Law n M a in t 4 DennVe Lawn Servtee:Complete iavm aervtoe from ping, soeomg, renaizing, randscaplng. pine needles, mulch. Slale cetimed loi spraying and Insured. Trac* tor worK if needed. Thirty yeara expertonce. Please call 336-996-3675 or 336- 390-7063 tor estimate. - М1м«11апмиа S w vlcè« Don't tttrow eway lawn- mowers, ATV'a, golf carta, ouldoor power equipment, wm ptok up for free. Call Richard 336-473-1836. Larrya AiM DetalMno*Complete hand detailing service. Cal for appointment. 336-764-6650. %feronbes avalabto upon request. Tree Service Csnopy Tree Service, Pro- lesslonoi Sewtoo at reaaon- abto rates. Fuly Insured. Coll for Ireo estimates. Reler- encea avallabto. Also, firewood lor aole. 330-906-1374 тем Quality Tree Care A Land Mainlenance. Hai- ordous removals, pruning & preson/attoln. storm diunage clen-up. flfadlne, trtullw, cleartog, stump removal, landscaping. Thomaa Martin. Insur^Cell: 336-407*7634, home; 336-659-9611 . BANK APPROVED INVENTORY REDUCTION AUCTION 45 Luis (3 tu be !>old ADSOIUTE) plu.4 Undcvi’lupcd Phusu II MANY I.OTS MUST Slil.l/l’O "RlfiHT TME SHIP" - VliKY LOW (yiSKRVlifi! • Gated commtmity with ail mrrastructure - ready io build • Urge e)ilutc-»lu‘tl lots wilt) 'gritnd* irt'cv unlnuchcd • lluilil III tills privnti cnnimunliy or buy as an Invejitmeni • Spec builders welcomed • Combine lots or buy the whole thinRl H AKPtR Лис. I ION a R tA LlY I'KYLOWRUSKRVliSI * STOP LEG CRAMPS BEFORE THEY STOP YOU. Calcet's triple calcium formula is designed to lielp stop low calcium leg cramps. Just asl< your pharmacist. % lis s io ii ImUêMilOMam R ta q r M a y I M h O M m i'O uS¡Sat12aO D a Many New & Different Items fo r Inside Auction have arrived! mJOi-MUCH Hon-Hou$»hoU, Toots. Yani A Ginkn Im i» Not IM td There will be plenty of Great. Buys & much Fun for All so don't tnlssi Outside a t 12:30 New & Used Tracton, Utwn Mowera, Drallm, Ihid» & Farm Equipment ISth 10:00зпИ:00^—.Noiunl<,pl«M«l Tim» will no< ¿low for mon ||цМ« coiwlgnnwit. « |:М 8 А |1 Ш # 0 Т Ю Н ВЛ»: 33H8»40t01 j lIL-i.ÎIÜIFJfil'ël.l Fax: 336-284-6455 Ггм1аП|,1г.ИСМ.мГ ' " ' Ï Ï 3 S ■ 1^0.M»,Jr.HCALieM Alito Auction evtry Wedmtday at 5:30 pm • op«n to d«altr« & public. CortMt u* (or my of yeur Miction iM«d«. tare« or iniili : ут/УмЛ/т - C/mmn Я ы е п о а тж bnm винмвмаамвк• MXHtveasMilbfAecKkMi К ï 'i h li \v 1 . M ! Г : f'! K' 1'.: Î' , C12 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 7,2009 Cnndpi.ihr,i^*ftrchw^y^'C.il<pSt.ind^ Punch foiiiM(iins*Cho(ot.>l(> Fniinlriin*. f nninirrd.it A( (ounli Wok ntiK' Uado 'vho'v Rnn(l\ Pipo A Otapr tnfbtTriitr'ft'VnnnWnfk^'Oimlr f.tnk': p0|)(0fti M.KhiniH-roltod C.Huly M.k liiii'“. T(>ntvr.ihlt'v( li.uts Sl,i{|im|*D,in(cFlnors DiiHU‘rw.iri"LnuMis I www.pattyrantaltptu8no.com ''Big Enough to ServeYou... Small Enough to AppraciatcYou." ' Ш 704-6364)788 • 70Ф933-1131 Ш ,1819 S Main St Salisbury • 2110 Dale Earnhardt Blvd Kannapolis 'S ~ STROUSE HOUSE AUCTIONS 1424 Industrial Dr., Statesville, NC 28625 Phone: 704-872-0444 336-940-6306 AUCTIONEER: MIKE STROUSE, NC LIO. #7465 www.strousehouse.zoomsnaro.com S T i s a s MF«dKMift№IWMACM^PM9l8ir<*IDo>£^ ‘ ------ ---------------------------^ I to w № M k n il, (k w WMp« R*ii Ш м 1м 1 01» Ф п ц 1 м п тTW Jidi I WkN^ ш т M Oovn вм 8NII. uidtf Ш Стм, Sof« lMphgei9ieioOIC«i,Ciil i O m . BM . UigTilM, Ш М Hi M l. M«i - --------------(йУа|1!|Л.р31л !#1------------ -------------------------............ . Fri.,ltay8*e!30i)M«2IIORINaSII Um ВШн, FM SIMM Utm ^ M ..M V № T irt> .U in .m tU m ta )iQ (m « S lio llM < n CM ntt !« , VM In M Ш Olttnihr, A> С о Ш Sat., May 9«ооилб!Э0га • Rkk Hannon F O O D S A L E I »n'OURMlT AHD ППТЛиКДНТ QUALITV rOODllC K m n i« lim M Q *tn !lu U g ),S lu U ,U » y < .F M S t< P .M V ïF M lM M I М М вГОМ СОО иМ Л ' " ? m w ' ■ " ■ v v ^ '^ ■ ' Ride with Ihe best motorcycle coverage on the planet. 1 ii'i !h.t( \ ihjlil loi >,// Keith Hiller 1109 Yadklnvlllo Rd.Willow Oaki Shopping Ctr.,Mocksvlile 751-6131 / J ij^ lHAfMrofM«UnaUs Ugni1lnM«rthC«rollni. □ N ationw ide* On Your Side Auto HlWM Iffr , CNO «HI l;;n >4МКгмИ»; It« flvnntMrh «<J On tVh» M».«. ’D iabetes] A re Y o u U n a b le to M a n a g e Y o u r T y p e 2 D ia b e t e s W ith D ie t a n d E x e rc is e A lo n e ? Null he I'li^ ib lc lo |)iii'li('i|):ilc in ;i ^l()i);tl cliiiiciil iH Siiii'cIi s liu l\ 1)1 :m iiiM 'slii'a lio iu ii nu'(ii(':iiioM . * Have not been treated with, or have had only limited exposure to, oral antidiabetic medication • Are between 18 and 77 years of age Y ou m ay be e lig ib le to p a rticip a te In a g lo b a l c lin ic a l reaaarcn study. P articipants m ay receive study-relatad m edical care, stu d y m edication, laboratory w ori(, and evaluations, at no cost. it Medical Research, Salisbury 7 0 4 - 6 4 1 - 9 9 1 3 Or teach Ul on the web at w w w .n m g .te ia n tc h .c n m /c ra M a n t located ■ SalUburv One Btock tromHoiplloL C a r d w e ll C o m p le t e s T r a in in g Tyler Cardwell, son of Harold and Paula Mariole of Mocksvilie, graduated from US Army Basic Training at Ft. Bennlng, Oa. on April 24. A 2008 graduate of Davie High School, he is waiting for duty station.l> le r C ard w ell D a v id A n d e tm n V S tir a w b e r r y P a t c h NOWOPEN at GALAHALNFABMS 510 Calahaln Road, Mocksvilie, N C (Divie County) HOURS! Mon.-Sat..........................AllDi^............................8 a m -7 p m PRICES! PidcYourOwn......$7.30/QL(5Ibs.)t.b.pp.i5inln.. We Pidc ForYou .....$10.00/gd. (3 llx.) You can ca ll In уашг O lder ahead and we tty to have them ready ТЙ1СП you a ttive. OaHwMb«iiimw.iMa v/iicimAids "Г тГ *Г |||> 1 > |Г м и David вс Gloria Andenon 336-909-2240 OR 336492-7340 DIRECI1ONS:FiDniM0Exllie8I^Hwy.64VMol ' AMavte-paetLatoh^CanTgrDwdOMut^ M ilghi (iipp;!. 1 шк). v b )» №wtM(iy aign on «М itghl Evory Sntiird.iy ЭАМ-ЗРМ ill Downtown MocksvlileUrnfiM Ihc 0.)k Гмч' no.jf Mocksvillr F iirtiitiiir! 2 Day Estate Auction Friday May 8th 2009 • 3pm Saturday May 9th 2009 • 9am Estate of Jennifer Turner (Deceased) Sale to be held at 627 Jack Booe Road Mocksvlile NC 27028 EadialLiallslncluda;2004 Chevy 2600 Suburban 4x4, 2006 Honda Civic EX 4 dr, 2003 Honda Element, 2007 Chrysler T&C Touming Mlnlvan, 2006 John Deere 3320 4WD tractor w/front end loader 200 hours, 2002 Kingston Aluminum Horse trailer, 3 Utility trailers. Tools, Horse tacK & supplies of all kinds, Livestock equipment, tractor equipment, f'urnlture, Glassware, Collectibles, Appliances, Mleo and more.Terms: Cash or Qood Check Day Of Sale From IVS NC: i-40 IVesf to the Advance-Familngton Road Hwy 801 exit,'Turn right go to end at Hwy 601 turn left go 1 mile turn right on Jack Boob Road sale on left. From Yadkinville NC: Hwy 601 South to Jack Booe Road turn right sale on left ***WATCH FOR AUCTION SIQNS*** Sale conducted by Myers Auction Service 6236 Old US Hwy 421 East Bend N0 Lynn Myers Auctioneer NCAL 6647 336 699 4123 pQr full detailed list and 180 plus color photos visit www.niiyersauctlonservlce.com vmw.myersauctlonservlce.com, click on auction listings ESTA TE A U C T IO N SATURDAY May 9 at 10:00 a.m. TIHE ESTATE of Dbnaid & Dorisanne Ransom (Living) 1130 Cardinal Lane Walnut Cove, NC 27052 DIRCCTIONS:FHOMWmTON-SALmTAKeHWr51 NORTH. eXITAT CeitmNTON8D/NC-8N(£Xiril4i-TUItNLeFriGOAPPROX:7.7mUS.rUmLefTS,SrAY ONHWVa C09MILCS»TUHNIIICHTONTOTHC3nclCNTRANCiOrWALLLOOPROAD. TURN RIGHT ONTO CARDINAL LANS-LOOK FOR OUR SI6NSI COUECnSLES at 10«0 a.m.- GUt«S at 11 .-00 - FURNmjRE at 1130 VINTAGE 1930 FORD A-MODEL (SOLD AT 12:00 NOON) FURNITURE; EXIBEMELY RARE SYMPHONION MUSIC DOX 11 7/8’ DISC - 2 EARLY WALNUT CHESTS - EARLY WALNUT BUFFET - WALNUT DRCPLEAF DINING TABLE W/ CARVED UGS - RARE CHILDi VICTORIAN SETTEE - MABBLE TOP WALNUT TABLE - EDISON CYLINDER ROLL VOROLA - OAK ROCKER - CURVED FRONT CHINA «BINET -TEA CART - CARO TABLE • OAK BUFFET ■■ WROUGHT IRON PATIO SET - WICKER PATK) SET - WALNUT MARBLE TOP NIGHT STAND - DOME TOP TRUNKS - PUMP ORGAN & MODERN ORGAN - OAK CLOCK - VERY NKE DUTCH WALL CLOCK-PURPLE PORCELAIN MANEE CLOCK • MAHOGANY PCS. ( SIANT FRONTSECRCTAflY,DININGTABLE,HARPCHAIRS,BEDROOMSUITI.ETC) SUtlS & Q!l№; 19 GUNS (SEE LIST BELOW) - MORGAN SILVER DOLLARS - SILVER EAGLES - SILVERCERTIFICATES-WHEATPENNIES-ETC. ,GLASSWARE» CHINA; PORTRAIT VASES - LARGE AMOUNT OF ELEGANT GLASS - 98 PCS. OF aMBRIDGE‘CAPRICE‘-33 PCS. OF FOSTORIA'COLONY’- 130 PCS. OF RUBY RED - 29 PCS. OF UMOGES CHINA - 100 PG. OF GREEN DEPRESSION - 38 PCS. Of CAMBRIDGE BLUE •DECAGON’- 67 PCS.OF FOREST GREEN - 75 PCS, ETCHED BUTTERFLY - BO PCS.OF ENGUSH GARDEN-BLUEWIUOW-FENTDN- LUSTERWARE- PLUS HUNDREDS OF OTHER PIECES COLLECTIBLES; OOC WATERFALL SIGNED E T SNOW W/GILT FRAME • 6 PCS. ROSEVIUE POTTERY - HULL WALL PaKET -3 PCS. OF WATT POTTERY - W. GERMAN HUMMELS - STRUNG SILVER - 3 OCC JAPAN GEESE WALL POCKETS - FIRE KING JADITE MIXING BOWLS S' &UP-DAZEYCHURN-MiU<BOrTlES-CANNINGJAaS- VINTAGEUGHTING UlSCi 3PT HITCH PLOW - 3PT 1 ROW CULTIVATOR - DISC HARROW - MOPED - LAWN EQUIPMENT&TOOLS-TABU SAW-WOOD STOVE »GUNSATAUCnON-SaWISUnFOHMOMDITMlS 1)TaurusMflJ92BSCPI92AF9MM 2)Smlth&Wesson1911 .45 cal sankuta handgun Doug Koenig Special 3)WlncheslerM/N 94 30-30 leweractlon4) Remington IZH950/URIIte/Sliotgun ' . 5)TaurusC45Thundeiboltpuinpactlonilfle45LC .6) Heniy23M lever action rifle7) Mossberg M/N 500 Stock » 542B2.20 ga pump shotgun combo 8) Browning B8012ga Seml-Auto shotgun9)SavageM/N11FXP3 10)MossbefglmefnatlonalSllverResen«20gaOAJshotgun 'i : r'0 ‘ i,:' ' IDMossberglnlematlonalSllverReseive/IIOO/yshotgun ■■ . : ' ' ■ I, 12) Browning Cltorl 12 ga OAJ shotgun13)RemlngtonSPR21012gaslde^sldeshotgun . 14)WlnchesterWN6l22WRF . , 15) Browning BAR LONGTRAC 7MM Rem,Mag.Seml-auto rllle 16)RemlngtonSPR220F12ga.SI()eb/sldeshotgun(Coach) ’ 17)SptlnglIcWAп^loгyX^40sem^autbplstolwlthHlghCapacllyMagaIlhe • 18) Remington SPR310StocW89702 20ga,0/U shotgun .19) RugerVaquero 44 mag.Slngleactlon pistol SALE CONDUCTED BY!LEINBACH AUCTION & REALTY, LLC OWNER / AUaiONEEIV BROKER / APPRAISER -TODD A. LEINBACH “THE ESTATE SETTLEMENT PROFESSIONALS" . ANTIQUES-COLLECn'lBLES-FARM MACHINERY. REAL ESTATE-BUSINESS LIQUIDATIONS (336)764-5146 NCAL#5871 NCAFL#6856 NCREBL#199922 www.Lelnbachauctions.com•I ', ' H a r m o n y A lu m n i M e e t in g S a t u r d a y The annual Harmony alumni dinner it 6 p.m. To learn more, meeting will be Saturday, May call MaUrlce Aitdeirson at 704- 9 at the Harmony School with 873-4026. D a v ie C M ta n s S e llin g P o ii-A -P It C h ic k e n P la te s Order plates of Port-A-Pit barbecued chickcn frotn mem bers of Ihe Davie Civitaii Club by May 11. The meals will be available on Thursday, May 14 at the old Food Lion at Bermuda Quay Shopping Center in Hillsdale. Free delivery is available for orders of five or more. Call 671- 2677. Proceeds will go to the Vic- tory Junction Gang cathp and other programs for special needs children and adults. H iiih e r ( I ) Y ie ld s ! Special Promotion 3 Montli CD* FDlC-lnsiired 3.1)% (6 nxinth) • 3.5% (12 month) FIRST FIDELITY nm inctal Group o f IIm IM arf. I.1.C Your Хф Маму Solultatf \( I сишК ( .Mill .ml( ( (I .111(1 I ими 1 11 ЛррЫпИмМЯгео 336-224-1077217 S. Ib ilw rt Av«., L exington, N C 27292 Hours: 9am-5pt>i, Mon.-Frt. Wetmore Farms t WOODLEAF FRESH S T R A W B E R R I E S READY NOW ALSO AVAILABLE: Greenhouse Tomatoes, Cantaloupe and other produce other produce aa It becomes available Open Monday-Friday 8:00am-6:00pm Saturday 8:00anii-3:00pm Fnm M oeknllh taketO I SoaUiloBOl M tneclkm , turn right t t light 4 ma$t to emrihn light /a WoodM. foUm $lgM toturm . 704-278-2028 • PeMo pain Of dlicomftrt lor th« pasl^ monlha or• FretiuanI utlnallon «Urgant urinallon .• Pain ot bumlni) during urination> Pain or discomfort altar saxual climax• Pain In your tisllclos, lip ol penis or Ihe area between your rectum and Itsllcles II you have answirad yes lo any of the lollowing, you may havo proilalllls. II you have boon’s:.,... urination, lor №e pasta.ienclng pelvic pain or discomfort, or fiiqusnt and urgent - or longer, or have beoti dlaonose I with prosUllirs oran InllamBdprosfalo, pleaso contact our office. Qualified partid; anis may rscolvo a study related physical exam, blood tesis and Invosllgatlonal mod cation while taking partlnthlsuptolBweokcllnlcaliludy. \ | For ;nt Medical Research ¡ Tomorrow's Medicine Today • S alisbury • 70 4-64 7-9 913 Or reach uo on II ____________________ Located ■ Solltbuiv One Block Horn HoipHol H O W A R D R E A L I Y A c r e a g e S«U«mo!W. acm <«i mk and po«I.Pi)nl»IWO.OOO 38in m biM nndw. UAi twin, lancedbKkyam. (М,в00 2BR/IW,rKml|)M«rpM-vta)Hi«. 1.47*Аааи. t1ia,aoo ia lis b u n r S t., J C a li 7 5 1 - 3 5 3 8 o r V is it w tww.lwww dwH yiCoiii ‘ ■ / ' к,.!«....t • ' “ .U4 «»WAV . i . D A V l B . C O U N T Y ------------ I » > J. 4 -Щ Ч K». t 1 f « t.-. y 1 ' i" *I iil''* <.*- <«-v*'*« „411 *' *■ ft“ M m -i : i ' i \ u i f r (ARA) - After a routine blood test In 2001, Helen Anblnder, now 67, of Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., heard the dreaded words; You have cancer. The diagnosis was chronic lynnphocytic leukennia (CLL), a serious blood can cer that affects triore than 90,000 people In the United States. O ne of her first calls was to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to learn m ore about w hat lay, a h e a d for her. "The literature arrived quickly, along with the location of m y local chaptei a list of support groups and an offer to put m e' In touch with sdrheone who had CLL and could speak to m e from personal experience," Anblnder recalls.. Anblnder was put on a "watch and wait" protocol, holding off ori treatm ent unless the white blood count rose to dangerous levels or she developed symptoms. In the m eantim e, Anblnder Im m ersed herself m ore fully In the activities of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, volunteering w/lth her local chapter. In 2004 she form ed her first "Anblnder Friends & Family Team" for LLS's Light The Night Walk, an evening walk held in twilight In com munities across the United States and C a n a d a , ■ to p ay tribute to lives touched by cancer. Participants carry Illum inated balloons, white for survivors, red for supporters and gold to honor those who have lost their battle with cancer. Funds raised through Light. The Night Walk support the work of hundreds of the world's best and brightest researchers In their search for better therapies and cures for ‘ leukemia, lym phom a and m yelom a. In Its first year, Anblnder's team walked at the Brooklyn Bridge In M anhattan, and raised $6,000 to support blood cancer research and patient services. The following year they raised m ore than $19,000; In'2006 they raised $21,000; In 2007, they raised more than $23,000; and at the walk In October 2008 they broke their record with m ore than $27,000 raised. Last year'S' walk took on even m ore m eaning for Anblnder, because after seven years of watching and waiting, her white blood cell count-clim b ed high enough to warrant treatment, just months prior to the event. The treatm ent she received h ad beeri proven effective by researchers funded by LLS. In 2005, Dr. John C. Byrd of the Ohio State fviedlcal Center, an d oilnlcal colleagues, w ere am ong the first, to discover that Rltuxan co m b in ed with fludarablne was effective for previously untreated patients with CLL. Rltuxan, -a m onoclonal antibody, wqs already being used to successfully treat non-HodgkIn lym phom a patients. Anblnder began her treatm ent with this com bination In M ay 2008 and after only three cycles was In remission by July. "I can never forget that the very effective treatm ent I received was developed by Dr. Byrd, a researcher funded by LLS and that It didn't even exist w hen I was diagnosed In 2001,"Anblnder says. "I am so grateful to be able to help support the llfesaving work of LLS funded researchers." Anblnder's team will once again walk the Brooklyn Bridge In O ctober 2009. Friends and family team s, as well as corporate teams all across the country are beginning to form right now Iri preparqtlon for the fall walk season. Participants can also walk Individually. To leorn more about Light The Night Walk or to form your own te a m , visit www.llghtthenlght.org or call: (877) LTN- WALK. Saturday, October 10,2009 C o u n t r y P a r k • 3 9 0 6 N a t h a n a e l G r e ^ n D r i v e , G r e e n s b o r o Walk Distance: 2 miles Checl< In: 5:00 PM - Opening Ceremony: 6:00 PM ' Wall< Start Time: 6:30 PM v ^ Carolina Center for Eye Care 158 Professional Centre »5380 u s Highway 158 Advance, NC 27006 • 336-940-2015 • CarolinaCenterforEyeCare.com DR. CHRIS OWENS Dr. Ctirls Owens purciiasecl Carolina Center for Eye Care in 2004 wlien it was located at ttie Kinderton Piace Stio^ Advance. Dr. Owens Is a native of Memptiis and graduated from ttie University of Memptils. He received Ills L___Optpmetni degree from the Southem College of Ootomelry In Memptils and saw patients at tiie Yadkin Vision Center in Yadkinville and East Bend before joining Carolina Center for Eye Care fuli-tlme. O P T O M E T R IS T Carolina Center for Eye Care158 Professional Centre • 5380 US Higliway 158 Advance, NC 27006 • 336-940-2015 • CarolinaCenterforEyeCare.com DR. ELLYN JOHNSON Dr. Ellyn Jptinson purchased Carolina Center for Eye Care in 2004 when it was located at the Kinderton Place Shopping Center in Advance. Dr. Jotinson Is a native of Davie County and graduated from Davie County High School and the Un verslty of North Carolina at.Chapel Hill. She received her Doctor of Optometry degree from the Southem College of ' Optometry In Memphis and was residency trained at Vision America In Jackson, Tennessee. Dr. Paul Mlghion & Associates, PA198 Hospital Street • Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2364 DR.PAULMIGHION Dr. Paul Mlghion eamed a B.A. from Kalamazoo College. He graduated from the University of Detroit Schooi ot Dentistry in 1984 and Immediately moved to North Carolina. Dr. Mlghion moved to Mocksville in 1987. DR.B^LMIGHiON Dr Mlghion has taken courses In the following: two year course in orthodontics In 1986, the first four continuums of the Pankey Institute. He Is a Fellow In the Academy of General Dentistry and member of the ADA and the Forsyth County Dental Society as well as one of fhe original members of the Greater Forsyth Study Club. ' ■ E N D O D O N T IS T K^eenBoyd,DDS,MS640 Statesville Blvd., Salisbury NC 704.637.3636 • fax 704.637.3184 ksboyd@bel|south.net • kathleensboyddds.com KATHLEEN BOYD. DDS, MS Kathleen Boyd, DDS, MS, PA Is an endodontlst. Dr. Boyd completed dental school with an additional three years of advanced training in Endodontlcs. She performs routine as well as difficult and very complex endodontic procedures, Including endodontic surgery. Endodontlsts are also experienced at finding the cause of oral and facial pain. F A M IL Y P R A C T IC E í"?T-;*.yw L i ' ^ Family Medical Associates of Lewisville1225 Lewisville-Clemmons Road, Lewisville, N.C. 27023 336712-0700 •viww.fmalewlsvllle.com ALICIA BEAL, M.D. • TERRY HESS, M.D. • DAVIO LEE, M.D. • KIMBERLY LIS, M.D. • CAM WILLIAMS, M.O. Family Medical Associates of Lewisville Is committed to building a healthier community for our neighbors. From the special needs of a newborn, to adolescent care, to people enjoying their senior years, we help patients be well and stay well with care that encompasses every phase of life. Our services Include women’s health, acute Illness treatment, minor surgery, on-slle laboratory and X-ray capabilities and a full range of preventive medicine services fo help l<eep every member of your family healthy. Welcoming new patlentsl Family) MEDICAL associates OF LEWISVILLE Medical Associates of Davie485 Valley Road, Mocksville, N.C. 27028 '336-751-8000 •www.madavie.com “ • PHUONG NGUYEN, M.D. • WILLIAM RENFROE, JR., M.D.TINA BRUNELLI. ANP-C • KATHERINE CORNATZER, FNP-C • CAROL GUNDEN. FNP-C • APRIL SHORE, FNP-C °P felationshlps built on trust and helping people of all ages have a positive outlool< on their health. With services that Include womens health, geriatrics, pediatrics, sports medicine and chronic disease management, we are a family practice committed to caring for the whole patient. Welcoming new patlentsl Medical) ASSOCIATES of davie F A M IL Y -.P R A C T IC E .'’i S s Clemmons FamUy Practice6301 stadium Drive, Clemmons, N.C. 27012 336-766-6473 • www.clemmonsfamilypracllce.com NICHOLAS PASSERO, M.D. • DEBORAH POLLOCK, M.S. • WALTER WRAY, M.D.TERRY DEAKLE, P.A. »JENNIFER HOWELL, PA-C At Clemmons Family Practice, you'll find a partner in v/ellness through all of life's stages. Our practice believes family medicine means getting to ; 'C; know each of our patients as neighbors. With services that include general check-ups, gynecological care, ;i. :Immunizations, dermatology, hilnor skin surgical procedures and on-site laboratory and X-ray capabilities, • ^we are a family practice that treats each patient like family. \■ Clemmons/FAMILY PRACTICE Welcoming new patlentsl - F A M IL Y P R A C T IC E JOSEPH ZASTROW, M.D. ■h*'Cooleemee Family Practice143 Marginal Street, Cooleemee, N.C. 27014 336-284-2331 • www.presbyterlan.org newborn care, as well as orthopedics and minor surgery, can make a difference in your health at every stage of life. Welcoming new patlentsl Cooleemee) family practice f a m i l y P R A C T IC E ' / Medical Associates of Davie at HiUsdale . ■ 121 Medical Drive, Advance, N.C. 27006 336-998-9060 • WWW,madavie.com TAKASHIHIRATA, M.D. • SHANNON ANZIVINO, FNP-C Ass°pl3tes of Davie at Hillsdale, we believe that a higher standard of care depends on forming long-term relationships with our frflifmont care, adolescent care, gynecological exams, general dermatologlcal care, sports Injurytreatment, ml^norsuraery and on-slte X-ray and laDoratory capabilities, we are a full-service practice that brings neighborhood medicine home to your family. r ■ — Medical) ASSCK IA TES O F DAVIE . a t h i l l s d a l e I medicine home to your family. Welcoming new patients! U R O L O G Y ■■■ Wy Urology Partners180 KImel Park Dr., Suite 110, Winston-Salem, N.C. 27103 J.^SuSe HUMARD^^M.b* www.urologypartnersofwinstonsaiem.org experienced at listening and responding to each patie'nt¥unique rme'dr^^^^T8St6r< ' Welcoming new patlentsl Urology /P A R T N E R S F A M IL Y P R A C T IC E ■ m West Forsyth Family Medicine. 105 stadium Oaks Drive, CIpmons, N.C. 27012 336-766-0547 • WWW,westforsythfamilymedlcine.org CHRISTOPHER WARNIMONT, M.D. • PAUL DAVIS, PA-C • MARILYN MULLANE, PA-C When you come to West Forsyth Family Medicine, you're more than a name on a chart. With a specialty in Internal medicine and pediatrics Dr, Warnimont and staff are committed to caring for you and your family on a personal level. Our full range of health services for children and adults uses a patient-centered approach to preventive care and treatment through general check-ups, gynecological services, immunizations, an on-site laboratory and a full range of other services to help you feelyour best. ■ Welcoming new patlentsl West FOTsyth) FAMILY MEDICINE C III R O P R A C r i C DR. scon FOSTER ► J X Foster Chiropractic Clinic2755 Lewisville-Clemmons Road • Clemmons, NC 27012 336-778-2242 •ww/w.FosterChlropracticCllnic.com Dr. Scott Foster, B.S.; D.C. earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science from Appalachian State University and his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Life yniversity. He^has a postgraduate certification as an Extremity Practffloner. He is licensed by the North Carolina Board of Chiropractic Examiners and is a member of the North Carolina Chiropractic Association. Known as a compassionate and fun-loving fcarS'giver, Dr. Foster is a member of the Clemmons Rotary, the West Forsylh YMCA Medical Advisory Board, and active in River Oaks Community Church. When not caring for patients. Dr. Foster enjoys golf and boating on Lake Norman, with his family. F o s te r C h iro p ra c tic C linic ^ ^ 7 7 8 - 2 2 4 2 ' to Fnlini ertati P, fl r « A I : f Í. t > I Í i i 4 ' i - ' >■ i i; J V , . i I „ ii y B , t 1; , . 1 i ^ ; J Í i ^ ^ y ; J J' J. . , I , à Í . ' ; r ■ .. Î ; 1 i ; Í H : ;. : ' i. ' Î ‘ ‘ i ; ; ' ■ ' ‘ ' ' ; ' ‘ ' ' ' ” ' ‘■i'.. ; , , '■ I ltIfItv I’’It' l i ’ It rIt' Davie Dermatology S e a lo d : S lu a tl M s c D o n o ll, P A a n d S u ia n n e H ogs, M O . S la n d in g : K o lly B a rh a m , M D a n d T ta c io B ryoon, M D , Davie Dormatology is located at 108 Dornach Way at KInderton in Advance. Our practice consists of Suzanne Hess, MD; Trade Bryson, MD; Kelly Barham, MD and Stuart MacDonell, RA. We speiciallze In diseases of the skin, hair, and nails, as well as skin cancers, phcrtotherapy, laser hair removal and skin rejuvenation. I, 108 Dornach W a y KInderton » Advance, NC » 336.940.2407 , j Davie Allergy & Respiratory Medicine Disnscs Imicd indudc, bul vc no< Untttd to, the foUowiog; A llcrjcic rh ln ifb (h a ; fn rc r) • A s lh m ii • D ru g a tln y k s In a ll a fia D e w m iU /a tIn n ♦ f ^ p n c a (th o rtfw a o l h rta th ) • R m p h )i*A W (C O P D ) Food ftD crg ks • R c c u rm it tn /c c ik in s • S a rc o k lo ib • U rtfc « H « (K im ) Aneysa C. Sane, MD Bo«rd C ertilkd : Allergy & Imi_Board Certified; P olm oiiaiy M edidne . MO u im UHIS/ClBWiwmW. IC rm : 9W.0WIÌ IM DoiMdi W ij • Saito 2M • Adnwe. NC 27IM Take control of your body by learning the berry ABCv. Acai Berries: • What; Proanthocyanidins, ontioxidants, oitiega-6 and-9 fatty acids • Why; Reduces the risk of heart disease end cancer, helps stimulate metabolism and may lower cholesterol levels • How: Take a few 500-mg acoi berry supplements per week Bittelierries: • What: Proanthocyanidins, vitamin C, mognesium and antioxidants • Why: Helps with infections, may prevent decreased cognitive and motor function • How: Eat a cup of blueberries per day or take a daily dose of a 500-mg blueberry extract Croiberries: • What: Proonthocyanidins, vitomin C • Why: dinicolly proven fo help block the attachment of bocteria to the urinory lining and stimulote your immune systemI . ' ■•. How: For maximum protection against bacteria/take 0 daily dose AZO Cranberry, which contoins 900 mg of notural cronberry concentrate, vitamin C and a probiotic for overall immune heolth 0 L e a r n i n g T h e , (IW S)—For thousands of years, berries have been used to help benefit our bodies in many dlffeter>t ways. Betties ate now grouped In a newer qotegory coiled "supertoods," os ttiey ore naturally rich'sources of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber. To date, It Is believed that certain berrlds can prevent cancer, heart disease and possibly even help you live longer. Studies are t>eing published daily about the health benefits of berries and how they may protect the body from ailments, Infections and diseases. Becoming aware of your berry Intake Js the first step in maintaining maximum health' benefits, but it is also Important to know which berries are best for you. While dietitians and nutritionists rec ommend five to eight fruits and vegetables dally, taking supplements v/ith . berry extracts con help obtain the nutrittonoi value needed from tt^ese (ood sources. Grown on a speck3l polcn trTO In ttie Amazon, acai berries have been consktered to posse» weight k)ss and antl-dging properties over the years. Collective research has shown that its antioxi dant activity may help prevent diseases such as cancer and heart disease. The powerful an tioxidants, known os onthocyonlns, help the body defend itself against stressful life situatbns. Acai berries ore also rich In omega-6 and -9 fatty acids, which help increase the metabolic rate and can tielp lower cholesterol levels. Health advantages from acai berries can be obtained by taking a few 500-mg suppiennents per week. In oddltksn to incorporating the berry Into your diet, research suggests that acdl oil mOy be u s ^ In pkice of tropical oils In various beauty products. The USDA Human Nutrltksn Research Center on Aging (HNRCA) has strown blueberries to have extrennely high levels of antioxidants, which can play a role In antl-aglng. A recent HNRCA study show^ that people vyho ate a cup of blueber ries per day performed up to 6 percent better on motor skills tests compared to the control group. This Is particularly significant os, by the year 2050, It Is estimated that 30 percent of Ametlcans wlli have decreased cognitive and motor functkxTS by age 65. Another advantage, according to researchers at Rutgers UnlversHy, Is ttxrt blueberries contain the compound ptoonthocyanldlns. This con help promote urinary tract health and reduce O f B e r r y H e a lt t T the major risk of infection, If a cup of blueberries is not easily accessible, try o dolly dose of blue- tetry extract for obtaining the same benefits. Along with blueberries, cranberries contain the some beneficial proanthocyanidins that help keep bacteria out of the urinary tract and pre vent urinary tract Infections (UTIs), a bodily infec tion that affects 10 million women In the United States each year. It Is also the second-most common type of bodily Infection. Cranberry Juice has long been the conventional method for UTI prevention; however, many worry about Its high content of sugar and calories, A •dolly supplement containing pure cranberry concentrate con k>e a great otterrKitlve for help ing block the attachment of bacteria to the uri nary lining. The efficacy of the cranberry powder found in AZO Cranberry (manufactured by Amerlfit Brands) has been supported by recent clinical trials. With on Immune-boosting probtotic and vi tamin C, Just two tablets per day con help to maintain a healthy urinary tract. Cranberries hove additionally been known to provide oral health benefits, by decreasing cav ity- and plaque-producing bacteria. For more Information, visit www.azoproducts.com. PG CGRNEMQNE A d v a n c e P e d ia tric s has joined our multidisciplinary practice. Established in 2001 by Dr. Susan Y. Hunsinger, Advance Pediatrics cares for patients from birth to age 21. Our staff is dcdicutcd lo providing excellent mcdical carc in a compassionate, re.spectful way. Our staff indudes nurseS, medical assistants and providers who excel in their medical knowledge and have decades of cxpcrience caring for children and their families. Wc strive to incorporate our medical expertise with complementary alternative medicine to provide a holistic approach to the patients we serve. H talth C an U n^roup o f ntfire ihun 260pw vi(U rs caring fo r (HHwnisfm n ( fic ft in Atlvamtf,Ash<lH>to, High fti/wr, W'mstoiiSaJfm, lu im (o w n ,A rtM a lf,M iitx ,T h m a iv illf,L c x m g lo n w tJ K e rtim Y iilc . Corneniooe pncttm pwtkip«!« la noil ma^ ItfalUi pkas. ■ W « H » S ick(M IC a «r , M<«aciii{’ : f i HOMUnnuiiin' auisii«CIt*ll,CPNP ' , Siinny.Huoiin(cr.Ml) lVhlIncrM,Ewln(.CPNP KoÜiyLCnu,MD ' ’ VCHW MUnCAL homi' vmw.conwrstonolwalth.coni i / S P IN H & H A N D S U R G E R Y ■. , 1 JJ & i>4 Carolina Spine & Hand Center, PA 1809 Brenner Ave., Suite 102, Salisbury 704-636-4646 JEFFREY A. BAKER, MD • ORTHOPAEDIC SURGEON Since 200b Dr. Jeffrey Baker has been practicing in Salisbury, opening Carolina Spine & Hand Center, PA in 2002. He hoids feiiowships In hand, upper extremi^.and microvascuiar surgety from the University oi Florida at Gainesville; and spine surgery from the North Carolina Spine Center at Chapei Hiii. Carolina Spine & Hand Center specializes in the conservative and operative management of spine, hand and upper extremity conditions, with special Interests in Spine & Neck. F A M IL Y P R A C T IG E DR. JAMES H. EVANS, M.D. I Family Care Center of MocksvilleThe Harris Building • 101 Wilt^esboro Street Mocksviile, l\IC 27028 • 336-753-0800 Or. Evans Is a graduate ot UNO Chapel Hill, Justice Academy at Salemburg, East Carolina University and the University of South Carojina., He Is resident trained ^tid Board Certified In Family Practice. Dr. Evans Fiimlly Слге Center Of Mocksville A»«(vlc«ol■ tlieir dog Ginger.M fM Ò B IÀ l HOSPitAi C H IR O P R A C T O R ЛйЩЙыЧ..:. i! Corvin Chiropractic375 Hospital Street, Suite 101 • Mocksvllie, i\IC 27028 336-753-0056 DR. TODD CORVIN Dr. Corvin is a native of Davie County were,|)e has been active In the community and athletics ■since elementary school. Dr. Corvin graduated with honors from Davie High in 1994. He , P O P V T KI , received his Bachelor of Science in Biology from Winston Salem State University and was also v i i na collegiate athlete In football. Dr. Corvin earned his Doctorate In Chiropractic from Sherman chiropractic- College of Straight Chiropractic. Since receiving his Doctorate Or. Corvin has practiced along side some of the best Doctors Iri North Carolina.I N E U R O S U R G E R Y RANJANS. ROY, PHD, MD Ш Ш -. i i î i t •' Piedmont Neurosurgery & Spine, PA. 330 Ja!(e Alexander Blvd. W, Salisbury, NC 704.645,0901 Dr. Roy opened Piedmont Neurosurgery and Spine, PA in June 2001. He received his medical degree from Tulane University, completed his neurosurgical residency at New York University, and did a spine fellowship at the Lfniversity of Southern California. He is a certified Diplomate of the American Board of Neurological Surgeons, inc. Dr. Roy was also among a select few that recently received prestigious recognition as one of "America's Top Surgeons". He currently treats patients with neck and back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, spine trauma or leg weakness, and brain tumors. He also specializes In the treatment of peripheral nerve disorders and cerebrovascular disorders. Most major medical insurances are welcome, including Medicare and Medicaid, as well as Workers Compensation and Vocational Rehabilitation reimbursement. ' ' ” * ' ' ' ■ ‘ ^ ^ ^ ■ - ' ' ' ‘ A 4 И : e с :i ^ f < f # Ï è * s f h g Л 9 s s i i 4 Ш y l ,...L tm 1 ■rliK' P A IN M E D IC IN E S u i Piedmont Interventional Pain Care320 W. Jake Alexander Blvd., Suite 103, Salisbury, NC704-797-0065 ROBERT B. WILSON, II, MD - BOARD CERTIFIED IN ANESTHESIOLOGY AND PAIN MEDICINE Fellowship - Pain Medicine Residency - Anesthesiology • Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem, NC Our Medical Director, Dr. Robert Wilson, II, is the founder of Piedmont interventional Pain Care. Dr. Wilson is board certified in both anesthesiology and pain medicine by the American Board of Anesthesiology. He Is trained In the latest pain management techniques and therapies and was the first In the Southeastern United States to implant a spinal cord stimulation system with a three lead array. A U D IO L O G Y Ш ’-'"Salisbury Audiology Щ1Й Hearing Aid Services, RA.644 Statesville Blvd., Unit #3 • Salisbury, NC 28144704.633.6775 APRIL R. PinMAN, AU.D. DOCTOR OF AUDIOLOGY “I feel It Is my mission to protect, prevent, diagnose and treat hearing loss.' Dr. April Pittman opened Salisbury's first Audiology Clinic in 2007 after graduating from Pennsylvania College of Optometry's School bf Audiology with a Doctorate In Audiology. She has previous experience as an educa tional audlologlst and as a clinical audlologlst employed by an otolaryngology ofllce and the Veteran's Affairs Hospital. Dr. Pittman Is licensed by the North Carolina Board of Examiners of Speech Unguage Pathologists and Audlologlsts and a certilied member of the American Speech Language and Hearing Association. She Is. also licensed by the North Carolina Hearing Aid Dealers and Fitters Board. Salisbury Audiology and Hearing Aid Services, P.A.Located approximately IS miriutes from Mocksville apittmanaud@belisouth.not www.salisburyaudiology.com A H e a l t h y H o m e I n 1 5 M i n u t e s o r L e s s (ARA) - With Americans spending more than $2 triillon annually on health care, there has h e n a big push to«/ard preventive solutions. Staying healthy and preventing illness starts In the home. Here's what you need to know: 1. Heoithy an d Happy Baby Sudden infant death syndrome, more commonly known as SIDS, Is a sudden unexplained death of a seemingly healthy baby that kills 2,500 infants annually. A recent study published in the Archives of Padlatrics & Adolescent Medicine found that using a fan while a baby Is sleeping can cut the risk of SIDS by 72 percent. 2. Breathe Easy, Ctiiidren Respiratory problems are most troublesome up until age 7. Use your fans lo Increase Indoor air quality tor everyone. A Heaithy Fan (www.healthWan.com) is a dev ce you add to an existing ceiling fan that uses UV-C light energy to decrease the amount of airborne bacteria, viruses and mold spores. The result is a 99 percent reduction In airborne bacteria, viruses and mold spores. A Healthy Fan sanitizes a houseful of air every 15 minutes. 3. Clean Teens a n d Adufts Buy a good quality cleaner and wipe down surfaces regularly. Wllh many different types of Qerm-killing sprays and disposable wipes available, this Is one of the easiest and fas est ways to a sanitized home. _____________________ G e t A d j u s t e d t o F e e lin g G re a t.' “We offer .spinal decompression and laser ■ light therapy in uddition to traditional., chiropractic care to help our patients ' , achieve their pain-free goals.” ’WA Dr. Scott Foster Chiropractic Physician - Sports Injuries Back and neck pain Shoulder pain Headachoa Sclallca TMJ Herniated 4 bulging discs ‘ Carpal Tunnel ' ^ X-ray on site Prelorred provider for, ^ ¡iV most Insurance plans ' ■ , \ ^ V F O S T E R CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC 336-778-2242 2755 Lewlsvllle-Clemmons Road Clemmons, N C 27012 , wvyyv.FosterChlropractlcCllnic.com {p ive -S ta rj j ^ 4 .4 m r d /// f PG -r -.-V -:.v — — 10, as-: - Hillsdale Family Practice147 Pèachtree Lahe, Advance, NC 336-940-2290 FRANKLIN TOLBERT, M.D. Dr. Tolbert has provided healthcare in the town of Advance since 199.1. Dr. Tolbert received his medical degree from the Medical College of Virginia and completed his family medicine internship and residency at North Carolina'Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem. He is board certified in family ^ medicine. He enjoys teaching and sharina his medical sl<llls; therefore you may see a medical student, «■■iiiMiiiiHii«* physician assistant student, or resident sTiadowIng him w/hlle he Is seeing patients. communinj rhysicms MICHAEL HARRIS. PA G Mariette Family Practice5175 Old Clemmons School Road, Clemmons, NC ; 3 Michael received his Bachelor of Science degree In MIcroblolody from North Carolina State. University in Raleigh NC. He completed his Master ot Science in Physician Assistant Studies from East Carolina University in Greenville NC. Michael is board certified by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants. He believes understanding patients by listening to and addressing their concerns along with sound medical decision-mal<lng Improves healthcare and outcomes.Community Physicians F A M IL Y P R A C T IC E LAURA BAUER. PA-C I t ; .Hillsdale Family Practice. 147 Peachtree Lane, Advance, NC 336-940-2290 Laura Is board certified by the National Commission on Certification of Physician. Assistants ;(NCCPA). She earned her Bachelor of Science degree In Biochemistry from Lipscomb University In Nashville Tennessee and continued her studies at Duke University in Durham, NC where she received her Master of Healtli Sclendes and completed her education and training In their Physician Assistant nnnmttMa» program. Laura believes that It Is Important to tal<e time to listen to her patients and help them make . "ronZunituP^^ informed decisions about their health care choices. .y ./ ■ Wiku r«roHt Unhvraily DaptUt Hillsdale Family Practice147 Peachtree Lane, Advance, NC 336-940-2290 RYAN VANN, PA-C Ryan eamed a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology, and a Bachelor of Science degree In Clinical Laboratory Science from the Unlversl^ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. After working as a Medical Technologist for two years, he continued his studies obtaining a Masters of Health Sciences from the rogram at Duke University. Ryan Is board certified by the National Commission clan Assistants. It Is his goal to listen ahd support his patients In their righton Certification of Phys ( to have control overtneir own healthcare.Community IViysicinus F A M iL Y P R A C T IC E KATHY PICKETT, PA-C M.D. '" " ‘i .i?, Marlette Family Practice5175 Old Clemmons School Road, Clemmons, NC336-778-0200 Mrs. Pickett received her bachelor’s degree from Vanderbilt University in Nashville TN and graduated from the Bowman Gray School of Medicine Physician's Assistant Proaram. She especially enjoys takliig care of children and adolescents. Her philosophy Is to provide nigh quality medical care in a patient-friendly environment, facilitated by two-way communication, mutual trust and respect. Kathy Is board certified by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants.Community Physicimis F A M IL Y P R A C T IC E JAMES IRION, M.D. few 5175 Old Clemmons School Road, Clemmons, NC336-778-0200 Dr. Irion’s background and understanding of health care Is extremely well-rounded. Prior to: completing medical school at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, he eamed a Master’s Degree In public health, completed pharmacy school and physician assistant studies. Before joining Communify Physicians, he worked as a pharmacist, physician assistant, and as a nursing home medical director. He Is board-certified In family medicine. His professional Interests Include - Community Physicians •preventative medicine, diabetes and geriatrics. vVatofoiwtünlvi’isIl' l!F A M IL Y P R A C T IC E MARNIEMARLEHE, M.D. Mariette Family IPractice5175 Old Clemmons School Road, Clemmons, NC 336-778-0200 Dr. Mariette is a board certified family practitioner, She earned her bachelor's degree, with a major In Chemistry and Minor in Spanish from Meredith College In Raleigh NC. She received her medical 'doctorate from Bowman Gray School of Medicine and completed her family practice residency at _North Carolina Baptist Hospital In Winston Salem. Dr, Marlette believes that I stening Is an integral part Wi.kc uhK««ityB.iptistof healthcare, and medical decisions are a joint effort between patient and provider. She Incorporates •«■■wm»«™»»*sound medical knowledge with patient education to promote good health and exceptional healthcare. Community Physicians P E D IA T R IC S Mocksville Pediatrics113 Mari<etpiace Drive, Mocksville, NC 336-753-8244 CLIO AUSTIN, M.D. Dr. Austin is a board certified pediatrician. After earning hei- bacheloi'’s degree in Psychology from New York University, she attended Temple University School of Medicine. Dr. Austin completed her pediatric ‘ , '■Internship and residency at St. Christopher’s Hospilal fpr Children !n Pennsylvania. She strives to treat , ;;.every child the way she would like her own childto.be treated. Although Dr. Austin enjoys ali.aspects of. pediatric care, her special.areas of interest include tlie management of asthma and childhood obesity, : commniiy-physMans and providing support for t)reastfeeding mothers; . , Parents Can Take an Active Role in Helping Their Children with Asthma (ARA) • As any parent of a young child will tell you, falkino to your kids and getting ttiem to listen is not an easy task. This challenge can be even more pronounced when you are a parent of a child with asthma, a condition that affects nearly one In 10 children In • America, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. When asthma Is not properly managed, It can have real conse quences for both parents and children. In fact, asthma accounts for almost 13 million missed school days eacli year and Is the third-ranking cause of hospitalization among those younger than 15 years of age, according to the Centers for Disease Control and the American Lung Association. To help parents talk with thelr chlldren about asthma and support children coping with the-dlsease, tho Allergy & Asthma Network Mothers ol Asthmatics, through a partnership with Schering- Plough Corporation, has developed an entertaining and educa tional new storybook, ‘Breathless Belhany Buttercup.' The storybook uses a little girl's experience to provide Information about asthma management. With playful rhymes and colorful il lustrations, the storybook appeals to early elementary school- aged students. Parents can order a free copy of the book through Schering- Plough and the Allergy & Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics by visiting www.asthmastorybook.com or www.breathervllle.org. I t 's N o S e c r e t . . . C h i r o p r a c t i c W o r k s Wt* N I V I:R fo r ,\ c o iis iilt«)(io n Our Goal is To En gage Your Heart W hile Caring for Your Eyes I (K.illy o w iiid .tnd Opt'i.ilc'd Fyo H c.illli (,irf for .ill C.iring, Friendly Tuiim L n tfit Tochnology SAL AM A C H I R O P R A C T I C CENTER r . H .in c s l! l\ ( l. \\ illsloil-S.llcMll ! !(>) r ! 4 T r ia d L o c a t io n s 1692 NC Hwy. 68, Suite E 3410-A W. Wendover Ave. Greensboro 4L Hwy. 6H, Oak Ridge (336) 644-6446 www.SalamaChiropractic.com 2608’A Lawndale Dr. Greensl)oro (336)540-1040(336)274-3500 We file all Insurance. Habjamos Espafiol. Il You H a ve n 't Ciol Tim e for Ih c P a in ...( all us lo d a v! I> .i< l\ < i t \ (• ( Iv (.'.I I I I \ iH ( I , S jM H I \ j ) I > I • Slim.liri.; I - . H I I , S , i.ili, .1 . Muv, I,. • III I . \ i i i i , I,-,' |i ,i , P r e - K F a ir M a y 1 9 E v e n t G e a r e d T o F a m ilie s O f P re s c h o o le rs Page Dl Brain Power D a v ie S c h o o ls A c a d e m ic H o n o r S tu d e n ts ListecI Pages B8-B9 DAVIE COUNTY ECORD USPS 149-160 County Budget ‘Revenue Neutral’ T a x R a te L o w e r T o M a k e U p F o r H ig h e r V a lu e s By Mike B arnhurdt Enterprise Record ■ It’s cniied “revenue neutral.” Wiiat it means is that, on aver age, Davie County property tax payers will not see an increase on bills that will be sent this summer. County'com m issioners will hold a public hearing on the pro posed $61.6 million budget at 6 p.m. June 1. Detailed copies are available for inspection at the county administration building. The budget includes a reduction in the property tax rate to 57 cents per $100 valuation. An additional 5 cents will go to fire departments. That reduction could reduce some of the sting taxpayers felt when property revaluation notices werc sent earlier this year. On av erage, values increased 6r7 per cent. Revenue neutral, said County Manager Beth Dirks, is the tax rate that would bring in thc same dol lars as last year. The proposed budget includes: • no increases in county fees or ■ utility rates; • no cost-of-living raises for county employees; ' • moving the fourth emergency medical crew from part-time to full-time; • adding a mechanic to the util ity department; • reclassification of the senior planner to planning director and the building code inspector IV to building code administrator; . »an increase of $665,034 in operational funds for Davie County Schools, nearly a 7% increase; • a new heating and air system for the Brock Center, and a new roof, windows, and heating and air controls for the county building. Bill Foust, county resident, praised the county for forming an Please See Budget - Page 8 Number 19 Thursday, May 14, 2009 36 PAGES Descendants of Israel Boone, Daniel’s less famous brotiier, lay flowers on the newly-found grave of their ancestor at Joppa Cemetery In Mocksville. - Photo by Mike Barnhardt There’s A New Oldest Grave At Joppa Israel Boone Buried Here In 1756 By Mike B arnhardt Enterprise Record Sarah and Squire Boone were quite the parents. They had 11 children - the first in 1724 - the last in. 1748. All survived to be adults. All married and had families. And that’s what brought thc Boone family to Davie County in the early 1750s. In 1742, the Boone’s daughter married out of ' the Quaicer faith, and Squire had to plead to keep thc family in the good graces of the strict commu nity. And when son Israel married out of the faith ih 1747, thp family was expelled from the church. It was all Squire needed to move his family south. They set forth on May 1, 1750. The date they arrived at tlie homestead just west of Mocksville isn’t certain. The burial ground of Squire and Sarah Boone at Joppa Cemetery in Mocksville is a must for Boone descendants following their family’s history, said Denny Custer of Michigan, who led a group of relatives from as far away as Seattle, Wash, and Florida for a memorial service on May 2. The memorial was to dedicate a marker for the grave of Israel Boone, son of Squire and Sarah, found beside his more famous parents. Custer leaned toward the grave of Israel and spoke several times in the brief ceremony. He thanked the historians who had studied the Boone family. He thanked Squire and Sarah, and the Joppa caretakers who have Please Sec Boones - Page 8 Hampton Inn To Build In Bermuda Run BERMUDARUN - Anew hotel - Hampton Ina Bermuda Run should be open here next May.' Groundbreaking has begun on the three-story, 86 guest room hotel, according to Hilton Hotels. This will be Hilton’s first Hamptpn Inn with enhanced w ater recreational facilities, which include an indoor swimming pool, hot tub, and two water slides. Bill Burnette is the managing member of Kinderton Inn, sellers of the property. “B urnette deserves special accolades for his standard of developm ent and vision for bringing quality com m ercial development to Davie County," said Terry Bralley, president of the Davie County Econom ic Development Commission. Richard Born, president of LHP Management of Pennsylvania will oversee the building construction and management of the hotel. The company owns arid operates hotels in Pennsylvania, M aryland, Virginia, and Florida. CEO of .LHP, Daniel A. Klingerman, said: “I am looking forward to a long and prosperous relationship with the people of Bermuda Run and surrounding communities. We are proud to be in North Carolina.” The new hotel is expected to create 40 new jobs. Located on Ring Road ijear Saratoga Steakhouse and the Kinderton Shopping Center, the new Hampton Inn will offer room amenities such as complimentary breakfast, 32-inch flat screen TVs, refrigerators, microwaves, high speed internet access and other services required by today’s Please See Hotel - Page 4 Graduation Project Delay Disappoints Coordinator By Beth Cassidy Enterprise Record The State Board of Education (SBE) voted last month to delay the graduation project by a year. The action m eans that the graduation project will become a high school graduation requirement for the first time with students who entered ninth grade in 2007-08 and who will graduate in 2011. Juniors at Davie High were thrilled by the news, but Julie Cartner, graduation project coordinator and English teacher, was not, “When I heard the news, I was shocked and disappointed. I think the graduation project was a wonderful idea. My guess is that the SBE is buying time to tweak it, but I hope it’s not going to go away,” she said. The graduation project requirement was.announced about; two years ago, and the SBE said it w ould be a requirem ent for graduation for the class of 2010. It ....................... was com posed of four parts: research paper, portfolio, project and an oral presentation. Cartner said most of those components are already required at various times throughout school. "In high school, a term paper has been in the standard course of study for years. The skills needed. for that are the same skills needed for the graduation project paper, and those are skills a student must master. The only difference was the level of pressure, because before, it was for a grade, and then, with the project, it was, ‘You can’t graduate’ without it. And students have always had to make oral presentations, and they’ve always had to do projects, so this was just not as big as people made it out to be. They weren’t being asked to do anything that they don’t already do in the course of a class or various classes.” Superintendent Dr, Robert Landry said he believed one of the reasons that led to the state board’s decision was the idea that more students were dropping out I- i r • i i . m > >1 I f because of the project requirement. Cartner said she had heard the same thing, but added, “I don’t know how big an issue that was, because any student who would ' drop out because of one p a p e r' would have probably dropped out ■ anyway.” Most of the juniors at the high ■> school have either already written, ■ or are in the process of writing the , paper, w hich is g e n e ra lly . completed during English 3. Please Sec Projcct - Page 8 ■f' V. ‘•■A , DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Mny 14,2009 ■ 3 2 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April May 14,2009 Exjitprial Райе '■ ii"Raleigh Report Washington Tax Protest: Buy A Ford? American tax protesters might make a bigger impact if they buy Fords rather thun wave tea bags, I’ve been without my Ford the past few weeks since a wreck in Clemmons sent it to the body shop. I drove a tiny Mazda rental for the first week until my squeezed legs demanded better blood circulation. I’ve driven the newspaper delivery van since then, and'the inconvcniencc has made me think and read a lot ubout cars, especially the ones to be made by the emerging Washington Motor Co. Ford buyers figure to be thc last of the American capitalists now that tho government has taken over General Motors and Chrysler. Ford has munaged to compete against foreign imports, but cun it survive against thc American government? When the government is pouring billions into the survival of its major competitors, how is the lone hold-out supposed to avoid joining the other hogs at the easy trough of tuxpayer money? Congress might even enact tax incentives for the public to buy federal cars. Ford management has good incentive to go it alone. They have seen President Obama dismiss the General Motors chairman and raid the bpardroom. They have seen the United Auto Workers being offered a controlling 55 percent share of Chrysler. At thc next contract negotiations, the labor unions will be confused about whether to side with the workers or management. What does the federal government know about building cars? Chrysler and Generul Motors ure sure to full with this hcavy-hnnded management from Washington. Ford stands to be the lone survivor if it can avoid the welfare line. The American taxpayer stands to learn u puinful lesson about the waste of state-supported businesses. The micro-management of Detroit is only beginning. ' President Obama wants the American car corfipnnies to build Ihc equivalent of the Toyota Prius, a car much like Ihc Mazda I drove two weeks ugo. Most Americans want thore leg room. I often long for Ihc gas-loving Ford Expedition 1 traded in last year when gasoline hit $4 a gallon. Hud I been driving the big vchicle in Clemmons,, thc teen driver might huve seen me on U.S, 158, Instead, he gunned his car right into my door. He und I were both very surprised. No injuries, ju.st dented metal. Perhaps I should have thanked thc West Forsyth High student for being an American patriot. He was driving his dad’s Ford Taurus. The federally-directed General Motors and Chrysler will probably not be allowed to build full-sized vehicles. GM’s Hummer line will be uxed. Even the "GM” brund is on the chopping block, but that will be the President’s ultimate decision. The compunies will build what Congress und the President want them to build, not what thc American public wants to drive. This week, the Treasury Depiulment chopped Chrysler’s advertising budget in half. Competing against that kind of bloated bureaucracy, a nimble Ford Motor Co, should prosper. The new fsdcrul budget requires Washington to borrow half of what it will spend. Long forgotten aie the days of financial prudence. The government spent too much when times were good. Now it will attempt to defy the laws of gravity with' Ihe economy in a tailspin. Both politicul purties, during their respective times at the tiller, have engaged in spending frenzies. Now the federal government has expanding its reach to include curs and banks. My car is supposed to be fixed by week’s end.'ril get behind the wheel and thunk the Ford management for avoiding government wclfure. — Dwight Spurks Durivi^ a 2 o o 2 b r OHI bbänc^d Interrogation Whjibesfençy?elosî \\9V6 9 over her S' íc¿}n<lety ever' s«e;n3 , l4 íscus? water J boarding. In The Mail... E O G E m p h a s i s M a k i n g S t u d e n t s S i c k To Ihe editor; . I jusl hud (in opportunity to rcud your cdituriul uiul did wunt to send you a note of support for your Views. You have identified wliat 1 believe to be n growing problem in the upcoming genera tion, the politics of I'enr. O f course, 1 am not liilking about poli tics, though I suppose I could be, 1 mean lens by which life is viewed. , 1 have a seventh grader who is positively sick (nnd I do mean thut Hternlly as Ihc pressure grows she seems to be getting more ill) with Ihc pressure of having to do well on tho EOGs (end of grade tests). She docs not seem to he concerned iibout making sure she has masteteil llie material, bul tathcr what tlie end score migiu be. She believes ihut Ihis is going to impact her potential college choiccs (I have not spoken with her about college al all bul ll seems lhal topic consumes all of the kids). 1 have told her lime and time again Ihnl her .scores arc not a reflection of her as a person as long as she puts in the time and the effort - but my words are falling on deaf ears. Her fear overrides her rationale at Ihis point, she has had all A’s the entire year, performed above average consistently on past EOQs, is in Ihc acadcmlcally chal lenged program, bul none of that seems to matter. M y message to her and all of Ihe kids taking Ihe EOGs is that the sky is not falling, you should prepare bul not worry, your worth can never be measured by a lest score and you w ill not even re member thc acronym EOG in a few years. Suki K. Tran(|llle, Ailvancc S c h o o l s S t r u g g lin g T o P r o v id è B a s i c N e e d s To the editor; ' Did you know that our schools are struggling lo provide basic daily necessities for our teachers and our students here at thc end o f our school year? Did you know that our high school doesn't have copier paper/pencils, etc. needed lo provide students for end of year tests? Some kids bring their own supplies, bul many do not, and tho school hus to foot the bill for these. With all of the cuts in budgets Ihis year from the stale, our schools are struggling even more Ihnn usual. I challenge all of us to think aboul our schools when purchasing our own copier paper/ pencils and oilier supplies for iiome or office. Pick up an extra item here and there and take it to your school of choice. II doesn't cost a whole lol if wc all pilch in to help. Special thanks to Tim Stewart and Gary Bowden for helping wilh this challenge already. Linda Mace ’ Mocksville E liz a b e t h E d w a r d s ’ W o r d s IV Ia k e S e n s e To Ihc editor; I saw Oprah when she interviewed Elizabeth Edwards. 1 have never bei!n a fan of John Edwards nnd have paid liule attention to what Elizabeth Edwards has had to say in the past. During arid after yesterday's interview, I have a new-found respect for Elizabeth Edwards. She is an intelligent, strong woman with a terrific sense of family values. She has buried a ciiild; she is enduring the humiliation o f being cheated upon by her hus band; she is trying lo make some, sense of Edwards’ infidelity wilh the entire world watching and asking questions, and she has temiinal cancer. With all that Elizabeth Edwards said in the interview, 1 believe that one of thc most important points she made was that women DAVIB COUNTY % USPS 149-160 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mooksvllle, NC 2702B . (336) 751-2120 Published weekly by the (3avle Publlahing Co. Dwight Sparks................................Editor/Publisher Robin Snow...................................General Manager Mike Barnhardt.............................Managing Editor Ray Tutterow...............................Advertising Director Brian Pitts.......................................Sports Editor MockBvllle Enterprise Davie Record Cooleerfiee Journal Periodicals Postage Paid in Mocksville, NC 27028 Subscription Rates Single Copy, 50 Cents $20 Per Year In N.C., $25 Outside N.C. ■ POSTMASTER Send Address Changes to; , Davie County Enterprise Record C o o le e m e e , J e ru sa le m F ire D e p a rtm e n ts H e lp F a m ily A fte r S to rm To the editor; We would like to thank the men and women in our volunteer fire departments, especially to Cooleemee nnd Jerusalem for their quick response to our building fire on Ihe night of April 24 during lightning slonn. I believe Ihe storm was unexpected. We were silting in our living rdom watching the storm, not. knowing the lightning had struck a tree and set our neighbor's side of the garage on fire and Was spreading lo ours. We decided to make a final check before going to bed and saw smoke coming from Ihe roof. We looked again arid flames were visible around the door. We called 911 and Ihe fire department responded quickly, even though they had just relumed from unother call. We are thankful for tiieir quick response and great work, be cause in a short while, some gas cans might,have exploded and burned both sides and our vehicle. Thank you again from the bot tom of our hearts to Cooleemee and Jerusalem fire departments for a job well done. May God bless each and every one o f you and keep you safe in your work thnt you do. Hellen and Tommy Daywall Cooleemee miist be respectful of other women. Women must slop invading and stealing other women’s lives and husbands. Any woman who has been cheated on knows Ihe importance of Elizabeth Edwards’ words. As far as the rest of Ihe story of the stupidity of Mr. Edwards, who cares? Nancy Cherry Manteo Family Thankful For Arrangements To the editor: Recently, our family experienced the death of our loved one who resided in Philadelphia, Pa. We chose to bring her back to Davie County for a service and burial. The staff at Graham Fu neral Home professionally giiided us through the arrangements. They provided some of their regular services, such as limousine transportation, but tliey also provide extra assistance, such us ar ranging a catered meal to be served lo our family und friends in the dining hull al the funeral home after the service. And they arranged hotel accommodations for us in Mocksville. Mrs. Gra ham nnd her staff showed us genuine care and support during a difficult time. We appreciate their help and think our community, is fortunate to have Ihe services available by ihis business.' Janice Parkinson, Philadelphia, Pa., and Ihe family of Algylee McBride of Philadelphia and Dover, Del. L e tte r s W e /c o m e d The Enterprise Record welcomes letters from it's read ers. The letters may be on topic.s of local, state,’national or international issues. / ■ . ' ' An effort will be made to print all letters, provided they are not libelous, vulgar or in poor taste. The editor reserves the'right to edit letters for grammar and for space. All letters should Include the name and address ofthe writer, including a signature. A telephone number, not to be published, is also requested. Please have letters in the new.spaper office no later thau4 p.m. Monday of the week to be published. Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box, 99, Mocksville, ernews@davie-enterprise.com. Forecasters Say Budget Deficit Continuing To Grow Uy Julln C. Hownrd NC House of Represenlntives The first weeks of May are always iin active time at the leg islature. The General As.sembly is rapidly approacliing the cross over deadline. This means that bills which have been intro duced must be heard and pass from the House lo Ihe Senate and visa-versu. The pieces of legislation which do not make Ihe deadline out o f their as signed committees and off the Chamber Floor w ill not con- linue on the path to becoming a iaw. Essentially, those bills are n u llifie d . The deadline for crossover is May 14. Budget Update A joint meeting of the House and Senate Appropriations Committee was held Tuesday. I n T h e M a l i ... If A P e t Is M is s in g , C a ll T h e A n im a l S h e lt e r To the editor; I lost a part of my heart last week In Ihe hands of our local animal control. It all started three years ago when 1 was work ing in my yard and heard a noise coming from thc bushes beside of Ihe street. Inside of Ihc bush was a while kitten, smaller than my hand. When 1 picked the kitten up, 1 realized the Lord had blessed me with Ihe love nnd comfort that was needed to cnre Ibr sucli a small animal. The kit ten was loo young lo feed itself, nnd | hnd lo feed the kitten wilh a syringe. 1 took the kitten to the vet where il was checked out. The vet was sur prised thnt Iho kitten lived bcenuse il wns so' young. This cnI wus neutered nnd up lo dute on ' all vaccines. Snowball liked lo roam and sometimes he would be gone for a few dnys. A week ago Sun day, Snowball was gone on whut I thought was one o f his roaming expeditions. By Insl Wednes duy, I became alarmed because Snowball hud not returned. 1 asked ull of my neighbors if they hud seen him. 1 searched my neighborhood for Snow ball, bul he did nol turn up. Friday, I decided to cull my local animal shelter to see if perhaps Snowball had been picked up. Il was too lute. Snowball had been destroyed eariier lhal morn ing. 1 um writing this letter to forewarn those, who like me love their animals, lo make sure if your pet is missing more than one day, contact the animal control office. Please make sure that there is some type of identification on your pet whether it be a collar or a micro chip. I had failed lo pul a collar on Snowball becau.se he liked to climb to the lop of my house and I was afraid that he would get a collar hung on something. This was my only mistake. You never know when some heartless person might come upon your beloved pet and immediately drop il o ff at the animal control of fice. If you come across a stray animal, please Iry to find out if il belongs to someone before you take such drastic measures, because Davie Counly Animal Control w ill only hold an animal for three days before Ihey are destroyed. Nanette Naylor Mocksvillc T h i e f L e f t U p T h e S tr'e e t W it h o u t A P e d a l To the editor; Recently my 10-yeur-old son broke iKe pedal on his brand new bicycle that he received this pasl Christmas. So he saved up his money nnd bought new pedals to pul on thc bike. He brought his bike out lo our buck porch Id fix it. He unfor tunately loft il out thinking tho bike is broke, Why would someone want to take it? On May 7, wo found out in S minutes that the hike was stolen and found before my son oven realized it was gone, thanks to. a logul teen here in Cooleemee, Tho teen said ho had soon the bike up Ihe road while he and some friends were walk ing, Ho siiid he thought the bike belonged to my son. He was kincl enough to pick it up and bring ;, it, back. We called my son out to let him know thnt the bike hnd been stolen and returned with not only Ihe pedal missing, bul now Ihe hand brakes that someone ripped olT Ihe handle bars needed fixing. You would figure that my son would be upset or concerned, bul no, his first statement was "Oooh the pain that person ie lt..." This is be cause my son jusl rccenlly went I9 ride his bike, forgetting the pedal was missing. I'm sure you can imagine what happened next. The thief who stole the bike thought he was going to take a free ride up Ihe road. So the thief left the bike on the side of the road and chose to damage it further by breaking something. ' To conclude this hilarious incident, my son wanted to make sure and remind everyone Ihere arc thieves everywhere and nol lo leave their belongings loose outside, and heal makes people do crazy things. He wants to forgive Ihem bo- caUso he said "Ood is trying lo tell that thief some thing." He tlien made an intelligent statement that I feel Ihis thief should take heed to, and if he is not able lo obtain a newspaper lo read this ar ticle, I'll leave one In the same spot he stole my, son’s bike from. This time it won’t be stealing, it's his for the Inking. So in closing, my son leaves this stalemenl. "Insteud o f being up a creek wilhout u paddle, Iho thief was up the street without a podul." If it's not yours, don't lake it. If you value something, don't leave il out, put it away and keep honest people honest. Jennifer. Kopetzky Cooleemee According to the General Assembly’s Fiscal Rcscarch D i vision, the anticipated budget • deficit for next year has grown. The new figure which lawmak ers must tailor Ihe budget for is an estimated $4.6 billion gap. In January, lawmakers had re ceived data lhal indicated that next fiscal year’s deficit was roughly $3 billion but these fig ures have changed bccauso of new projections after April 15. Analysts explained to the appro priations panel that tax pay ments paid to Ihe slate Ihis year were 40% lower then last year, ' meaning that a chief source of income for the statè was far less as compared to lust year. Those historically low figures are due to the ongoing economic crisis and high unemployment rales. Personal income and Ihe tux withholdings o f these earnings are a primary source of North ' Carolinas revenue. Given these new delaiis. House members must proceed and look for more options to reduce slate spending or alter natives for obtaining more rev enue. According to our Consli- liition. Governor Bevoriy Per due must sign a balanced bud get and Ihe task of the General Assembly w ill be to work with her on creating a successful document for spending and rev enue cblleclion. I understand the implications of this unforlunuto update and w ill seek out any options lo al leviate the strain on our area. We aro working night and day lo create thc best possible sce nario given extraordinarily chal lenged resources and difficult economic forecasts. Senate B ill 256 (School Violence Prevention Act) Tho House o f Representa' lives w ill bo given Ihc chiinco' to fully debate and vole on this legislation seeking to define bullying'. Additionally, the bill w ould 'require that public schools develop and implement 'methods unci strategies for cre ating settings that are free of bullying or harassing behavior. On Wednesday, Ihc picce of leg islation pus.sed the Senate with a vote o f 26 in the affirmative and 22 in the negative. The leg islation has beoti controversial due to the fact that provisions in the vension list homo.soxUals as potential targets for bullying or harassing, behavior. Beyond listing homosexuals, several other vulnerable targets o f bul lying behavior arc identified in Ihis violence prevention pro posal including: color, religion, ancestry, national prigm, gen der, socioeconomic status, aca demic status, gender identity, physical appoarance, or mental, physical, developmental, or sen sory disability, or by association ’ w itli a person who has or is per ceived to have one or more of those characteristics. . • Opposition to Ihe School Violence Prevention Act assert lhal there is no need to classify special groups needing protec tion because it could lead lo un equal treatment and granting special rights to those protected groups. Instead Ihey claim that everyone should be considered a potentially vulnerable target and thus school systems should develop methods and sirateglcs to ensure that all students are free from environments o f bul lies and harassment. I w ill keep you informed on the proceed ings o f this legislation us it progresses through Ihe House. House BUI 901 (H onors Courses in Healthful Living Classes) School officials w ill be Inler ested lo leurn that legislation passed Ihe House on Wednesday which would direct the State Board of Education lo identify acadcmlcally rigorous courses in living healthy. Thc measure was passed out o f the House wilh a vote of 85-28 and w ill bo sent to Senate for further debate. House B ill 901 is a stop in of fering honors courses in healthy-living at thc high school, level. More academically rigor ous, these courses would seek to attract students who want to exceed nonnal academic expec tations and take courses which would apply scientific conccpts to physical hoiilth.' Lawmakers wh(j( jntroduced the legislatibn stress the fact that these classes arc nol advanced physical edu cation in Ihe .sense o f requiring studenls lo pluy sports or work out but academic and textbook based classes based on scientific theory. The measure has thc en dorsement of Ihe Deparlment of Public Instruction and is consid ered a beneficial addition to ex isting honors level courses. Mouse B ill 223 (N o H igh School G raduation Project Required) Thc House legislation pro posing to remove the state man dated high schooi graduation project from the requirements for graduating seniors was passed out of the House Com mittee of Education. A version o f Ihe bill aimed at studying the cost effectiveness o f Ihe high school graduation project was given a favorable report by thc panel and has been re-referred to Ihe Committee on Rules, Cal endar, and Operations. The project required for graduation was mandated on Local Educa tion Agencies (LE A ) by the slate and is arguably a burden some requirement. The b ill, which passed Education, docs not completely abandon the op tion of the project for LEAs but no longer would allow the State Board of Education from requir ing the project. An LEA would still have thc option to require Ihe project if they so choose. Those in favor of this proposal claim the project is in general loo costly and certainly may not be a necessity during the eco nomic downturn. Supporters as sert that Ihc project is not as ef fective as expccted and may lead to higher drop out rates. On Ihe other hand, lawmakers op posed to the idea o f ceasing the state mandated project believe Ihe proposal represents a slop in tho wrong direction. During thtf committee meetings those indi viduals claimed tliut the projeci has been proven lo cultivate in dividuul focus. Additionally, Ihe project may promote solf-disci- piine and increases skills be cause of the projects hands-on qualhies, Forces o f opposition also stated that leaders in the business industry have w it nessed the benefit of graduating seniors undergoing, tho experi ence arid belifcVo the project has significant Vqlye,, Feel free 16 contact my of fice if you have any questions or would like additional infor mation on budget process, SB 256, HB 901. HB 22.1, or any other policy initiatives oif Ihis session. LegisUitiv'e Office: 919-733- 5904: Mocksville Office: 751- 8567; E-mail: Juliali@iicleg.nei. Harmony Medical Care, PA 3210 Harmony Hwy, Harmony, NC 28634 704-546-7587 C o m p l e t e F a m i l y C a r e P e d i a t r i c C a r e i n c l u d i n g I m m u n i z a t i o n s X-rays • Labs • Minor Surgery including lacerations, removal of lesions, toenails and warts Worker’s Compensation • DOT Physicals Joint Injections • EKG’s and Echocardiograms EXTENDED HOURS ^ Monday,Wednesday,Thursday 7:30am -6:00pm Tuesday, Friday 7:00am -5:00pm Come visit Cocoa, our clinic dog! Elizabeth Gentile, PA-C Michael Cevasco, PA-C, MA-PAS Lisa Welcomes Walk-Ins from 1 *.30-4:001! (Appointments preferred) "In Harmony With Your Healthcare" d m e davie m edical equipment Y o u r H o m e C a r e C o m p a n y You Have the Right to Choose Vour Home Medical Equipment Company - Davie Medical Equipment. Especially ifyou go to a neighboring hospital. Our long-established, convenient and very competitive business Is here to serve you with the latest and best home care products. Our certified and licensed employees l<eep your needs and comfort at the top of their priorities when you come to us for service. Highlighted below Is just a part of our complete line ofniobliity equipment. Please come in to discuss your needs with our staff and see why we offer you the best products and services. d m e davie medical equipment 959 Salisbury Rd. Mocksville (336)751-4288 fax (336)751-4688 i - I Ä' p. 1 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,2009 38 Sex Offenders Registered In Davie Gov. Beverly Perdue with Davie Senior Tar Heel Legislature delegate Vernon Dull, and alternate delegate Jack Koontz. Davie Represented On Sr. Tar Heel Legislature The Senior Tur Heel Legis lature celebrated its 15-year an niversary wilh a reception at the Oovernor’s Mansion with Gov, Beverly Perdue and her hus band. A former state senator, Per due was the primary sponsor of the bill Ihat created Ihc legisla ture to identify the needs o f eld erly residents from across North C arolina. Davie delegate, Vernon Dull, und alternate, Jack Koontz, attended, Tho seniors who attended paid for Ihc reception. "As the mother of this orga nization, I feel so proud to have you all here in the people's house, celebrating your 15-year anniversary,” Perdue said. “We’re facing lough times and I am always thinking of the wel-. fare and needs of the elderly." She said her budget includes additional funding for core hu man and health services. Tho two-day m eeting, Ihe . first of Ihe year for the .senior legislature, included several guest speakers. “ What you do makes a difference in the lives o f our elderly and I ’m glad you’re hero as un organization,” said Lt. Gov. Walter Dalton. “There is additional money in the Home and Community Care Block Grant program that is a direct result of your hard work and I look forward to working wilh you in the future." Marla Spaulding, assistant deputy secretary for the Long Term Care und Family Services, und Dennis Streets, direction, Division o f Aging and Adult Services, talked about aging ser vices and initiatives for the coming year. Dull said Ihc senior legisla ture helps lobby the General Assembly for the needs o f Ihe elderly, as well us bring to Ra-' leigh needs from across the stale, The priorities for the next Iwo years; • provide funding to sustain "Caregiver Allemalives lo Run ning on Empty,,” u program that provides information, referral, consultation and links to caregivers o f those w ith Alzheiiner's: • increase funding for home and community bused services for older adults by increasing the Home and Community Care Block Grunt by $5 million; • increase funding for senior centers by an additional $2 m il lion in recurring funds; • implement practical and cosl-effectivc steps to address concerns related to the mixing o f populations, including younger adults wilh mental ill ness and frail older persons in long-term care fncililics; • establish a cup on the in- creuse in the ussessed value of property determined during re valuations for persons over Ihe age of 65 eligible for Ihc Home stead Exemption, and revise the limits o f the act to incomc of $35,000, ; The next meeting is sched uled for June, Thirty-eight registered sex offenders live in Davic County. And those arc just the ones who follow the law and register. "We want to believe thal it is unnecessary to talk about sexual assault,” said Cindy Hendricks, director of the Duvie Domestic Violence Services and Rape Crisis Center. “ We want to believe it doesn’t happen in Duvie Counly. Unfortunutcly, our county is not immune to these heinous crimes. You mny not be awure that there arc 38 •registered sex offenders residing umong us. It is our responsibility, as citizens. Ip make sure that our fam ily, friends and neighbors arc protected,” "Knowing when offenders move into your neighborhood and where they live can be an im'portunt tool in keeping fumilies and communities safe," said NC Attorney General Roy Cooper. The N.C. General H o t e l . . . Continued From Page 1 travelers. The hotel w ill huvc u fitness center, meeting room, board room, executive center, game room, and a new prototype, Hampton Inn’s "perfect m ix lobby” , not a traditional lobby of a transition B u d g e t ... Continued From Page 1 "cxccllenl budget,” bul ques tioned whether the schools should gel the increase. If some o f the county money is used to fund raises for school employ- eei|, it isn’t fair to county em ployees, he said, A funding agreement be tween the counly and schools that expires this year is more than fair to the schools, “ No county has given their schools Assem bly created the Sex Offender and Public Protection Registry in 1996, This outlines registration requirements for persons livin g in North Carolina, non-resident students and non-resident workers. North Curolinu law requires sex offenders who have been convicted of certain offenses lo register w ith their county sheriff. The sheriff collccis information from the offender and court documents. The SBI takes ccrtain information submitted by Ihe sheriffs in all 100 counties in the state and makes it available to the public via Ihe Sex Offender Registry website. “ You can sign up lo receive an email notification when u sex offender reports moving to a North Carolina address within one, three or five miles of your home,” Hendricks said, “In fact, you cun register multiple North • C arolina addresses which cnubles residents to receive email notification, not only when an' offender moves near their home but ulso their children’s daycare centers, grandparents homes, etc,” Information on the website is considered public record, mude available to protect the public, increase awareness, and for allowing residents to lake proactive measures lo ensure safety in Iheir communities. Use and/or misuse o f this inform ation by individuals, groups or entities to commit criminal acts (to includo, but nol limited lo, throats, intimidation, stalking, harassment) ugainst other persons is subject to criminal prosecution. The registry can be accessed al ncfmdojfendcr.com. For more information, contact Ihc Davic Counly Sheriff’s Department at 751-5547 or Davic Domestic Violence Services & Rape Crisis Center at 751-3450. to the guestrooms; but a place to socialize, work, and relax. Tho developers like the hotel’s proximity to attractions, including golf courses, country clubs, and wineries. The new hotel lies w ithin walking distance of restuurunts and an increase bul Davie Counly,” he said, adding tliat while at tending board o f oducution workshops, inembers seem to think they’re getting a bad deal. ‘They seem to be vory arro gant to say its not a good busi ness decision and they’re not going to sign it,” he said ot the funding agreement. Dirks said county employees and department heads have done a good job of keeping ex- rotail locations. “ Hampton Inn is not only a vital asset for the community, in the form o f investments and jobs, but also enhances the local restaurants and retail locations already established in Duvie County." said Bralley. pcnses at u minimum.' "Tlie counly continues lo ex plore innovative ways to creute revenue while looking lowurd outside funding sources such as grants nnd foundations,” Dirks snid. "I would like to thank the volunteer boards nnd commit tees that help make the citizens’ government in Dnvie work ef- fectively nnd efficiently. May we continue to move the counly forward in u positive way.” S t e e le C o m m u n ic a t io n s D ir e c t o r F o r N C C J The National Conrerencc for Coininiinily and Justico of llic Piedmont Triad (NCCJ) niiiiied Jim Steele us director o f communiailions u n d com m unity Outreach, S te e le brings more than 20 yeurs o f public r e la tio n s experience in higher e d u c a tio n and hospitals to the organization. Most recently, he served as u public relutions manager at Wake Forest Univer.sity Baptist Medical Center, Previously, he was assistant public nffuirs director Steele at The Moses II, Cone M em orial Hospital, His PR career began in 1989 as media relations manager al Wake Forest University. For 18-years Steele wus host of 88,5 JuzzPluce, a Friday night jazz music show ut WFDD-FM, He also served as a purl-time instructor in the muss communicutions department at Winslon-Salem Stale University where he taught rudio production. He hns served on numerous boards o f area non profit organizations, Steele earned his bachelor’s degree in spoech communi,cation from Wake Fore.st University in 1979. He lives in M ocksville with his partner Gregory Fells, They are members o f the Episcopal Church o f the Ascension at Fork, The National Conference for Community and Justice of ihc Piedmont Triad (NCCJ) wns founded in 1937 as Ihc Greensboro Chnpler of what wns then known ns the Nntionai Conference of Christians and Jews, a human rolntions organization dodicnied to fighting bias, bigotry nnd racism in Americn. • NCCJ does notndvocnie for nny particular group or philosophy, but works lo build muUinl respect umong all people - regardless o f rice, culture, , sexual orientation, gender, socioeconomic background or fuith - through advocucy, co n flict resolution und educntion. NCCJ of the Piedmont Triad is n non-profit orgnnizntion nt C I M A R R O N Cimarron Steakhouse 3260 S. Stratford Rd. 712-4689 Hrs: Mon, 11am-9pm Tues-Thurs llam-IOpm Sat 4-11PM www.cimarronrestaurant.conn We invite you to come be a p a rt o f o u r fam ily. j P l e a s e p r e s e n t th is c o u p o n f o M j 20% OFF I ¡Your Entire Purchase j I _ (Exdudes Alcohol) | ■ ' . IExpires 05-24-09 ! W in in g W o m e n s W e d n e s d a y 1/2 OFF Wine by the Glass 713 N. Greene St., Greensboro, For information, contact Steele, jsteele@nccjtrUul.org, or 272- 0359, Ext, 15, Bare Earns Professional Accreditation Mnlthew D. Bure, El, n nn- live of Advnnce nnd nn engineer intern nt Ihe engineering und surveying firm o f M cKim & Creed in Chnrlotte, hns enrned his LEED (Lendership in En ergy and Environmental De sign) Professional Accreditation from the Green Building Ccrli- fication Institute. Established by Ihe U.S. Green Building Council, LEED is' n ruling system thnt encour ages Ihe use of sustainable green building and development prac tices. LEED Accredited Profes sionals are engineers, architects nnd other design professionals who, by passing u nntionni ex amination, hnve proven thnt they understund green building practices and principles and are fnm ilinr with LEED require ments, resources and processes. M cKim & Creed has nine LEED-accredited professionals on stuff. Bnre is a graduate of Dnvie High School and the University of North Carolina Chariotte, und is the son of Donnld nnd Lou Jeun Bnre o f Advnnce. He joined McKim & Creed’s Chnr lotte office in April 2007 and has been involved iri numerous projects, including Clear Creek Busine.ss Purk in M int H ill, site plunning fo r severnl locnl brunches of the Slate Employ ees’ Credit Union, und site de sign for two LEED-certified ei- ementnry schools in Henderson County. Mocksville Briefs A p p lic a t io n f o r P a w n L ic e n s e The vote on an upplicution for a pawn shop license was tabled until Ihe bonrd’s next meeting. Jumes und Norma George of Harmony had planned to open Mocksville Pawn & Loun in the WalMarl shopping center and were asking for Ihe bonrd’s npprovnl. Jnmes lold the bonrd that a new locution for the pawti shop, nenr Wilksboro Sireel, had been selected. Town Man ager Christine Bralley said that new paperwork would need to be submitted wilh the new business address before the board could decide on the matter. M o c k m lle P o lic e A p p lie s F o r G r a n t Mocksville Police Chief Robert Cook told the board about a recent 'application for funding from Ihc Recovery Act Ed ward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG). The JAG program is the primary provider of federal criminal jus tice funding to slate and local jurisdictions. Cook said Mocks viile PD is eligible for$10,I52 in gram money “ We have ap plied for it 10 get equipment for our fust response system,” Cook snid thal deadline for applications is May 18 and thnt he hopes to receive the grant money by June. T w o P r o c la m a tio n s M a d e Mocksville Mayor Francis Slate made two proclamations at this month’s board meeting. May 15th was proclaimed Peace Officers Memorial Day "We want to recognize our pence of ficers for the work they do. This is in recognition of u good job. May 7th was proclaimed Nntionni Day of Prayer, A u d ito r s C o n tr a c t A p p r o v e d The. town board approved Allred nnd Currick, CPAs out of Lexington lo conlrnct us uuditors for the town. ‘This is the same audhing firm we have been using,” Bralley told the bourd. "I recommend thnt you muke a motion to accept this contract.” The board approved the annual comract unanimously. C o m m u n ic a tio n s F a c ilit y L e a s e A five yenr lense between Energy United and the town was approved by the board. The lease allows Energy United to in- stnll a smull transmitter onto the water tower al Sanford Av- en^uc. Energy United w ill pay the town $420 a yenr in rent. This >ransm,tter w ill work with their computer systems,” Bralley lold the board, Bourd member Richnrd Brondway said that the trunsmilter would act like u wireless modem and even tually allow Energy United to read meters via computer a DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,2009 - 5 Ramseur Huggins 2 Charged With Selling Cocaine In Kinderton By Jnckle Seabolt Duvic County Enterprise Two people were arrested last week in connection with un undercover drug investigation that began approximately a year ago in Ihe Kinderlon develop ment. On May 8 shortly after mid night Jimmy Jermaine Ramseur, 24, ofPinewood Lane, Advancc was chargcd with conspiring to traffick cocaine, maintaining a vchicle for a controlled sub stance, sell/deliver o f muri- juann, possession with intent to .sell/deliver marijuana, felony possession of murijuunn, trnf- ficking in cocaine by posses sion, delivery, nnd transport. Mark Anthony Huggins, 21, of Creekwood Drive, Advance wns charged wilh maintaining a dwelling for a controlled sub stance, maintaining a vchicle for u controlled substance, nnd con spiring to traffick in cocaine. According lo Davie Sheriff’s Capt. C.P. Shuskey, “ It hnd been ' at least a year Ihat wo’d been getting complaints of activity at the [P inow oodji apitrlm ent.. There was a lol of traffic com ing nnd going,” Shuskey said undercover purchases begun March 3 ufler murijuunu was purchased from Huggins in Ihe Brier Creek de velopm ent o ff Fork B ixby Road. Shuskey said that un under cover officer was later intro- ■ duced'to Ramseur at his Pin- ewood Lane apartment. "There were additional buys made from both nnd on Thurs day, May 7 wc scnrched 164 Pinewood Lane and rccovcrcd about half-pound of murijunna, scales, cutting ngents, and baggies,” Shuskey said. Eariier that sumc day an un dercover agent had purchased approximately 50 grams of co caine from Ramseur in n deal arranged by Huggins, according lo Sliuskcy. Ramseur nnd Huggins were stopped M ay 8 in n Chevy Tuhoo w hile entering the Kindcrton development und placcd under arrest. According lo Shuskey, offic ers seized an addhionul quurter- pound o f murijunna and up- proximately 15 grams of co caine during that stop. Rnmseur was placcd in Dnvie Detention Center in lieu' o f a $70,000 bond; Huggins re ceived u $20,000 bond. Both nre scheduled to nppenr in Davic District Court today. Town Plans Spring Cleaning The town o f Cooleemee spring cleun-up dnys w ill be May 25-27, This service applies only to houses and residents in the corporate boundary on Mondny, May 25; Tuesday, May 26; and Wednesday, May 27. Here is cach street’s assigned pickup day; •Monday. May 25; A llen, Gladstone, H alifax lune, H ickory, M arginal, Neely, Rocky H ill Trull, Ruffin nnd Wcstview; Tuesduy. Muy 26; Center, Grove, NC 801, Holt, Joyner, Midwuy, Rnmnr's Court and Walt; and Wednesday, M ay 27; Church, Cross, Duvic, Duke, Erwin, Junction Roud, Main, Riverside Drive and Yadkin. Place ilems curbside in front o f your house. Items can be placcd at the curbside several days prio r to the street’s assigned pickup day, Tho town w ill not bo responsible for picking up any items after the street’s assigned day If you are handicapped or n senior citizen needing help witli getting itoms to tho curb or needing help wilh items Ihat you wnnt picked up on your street’s nssigned duy, or if you want to know if you quulify for this service, cull town hull nt 284- 2141, prio r to the street’s assigned pickup day. Tho following w ill not be pickcd up; gnrbugo, brush or limbs, yard waste including grass clippings and leaves, pnint or paint cans, toxins or hazardous chomicals. The town has conlructcd w ith B illy M yers for this servicc. A ll items (including mclnl) pinccd at curbside for pickup, eilher before or on the nbove dales, w ill be picked up only by Myers. Anyone else seen picking up these items (including inclal) will be subjcci lo law enforcement. K a y d o n E a r n s G E E n e r g y H o n o r GE Energy has honored Knydon Corp. Benrings D ivi sion of Mocksville wilh one of its supplier excellence nwnrds, which recognize excellence in complinnce, quulity, leun, direct mnlerial productivity, growth . and customer centricity Kuydon received GE’s excellence in growth award, which is given to the supplier with Ihe largest yenr-over-ycnr growth. "Knydon has consislenlly demonstrated a commitment lo excellence,” said Jody Markopoulos, vice president of global sourcing, GE Energy. "G E's excellonce in growth award recognizes Kaydon’s dedication lo integrity, strong values and quality perfor mance.” “This recognition by GE En ergy, u vnlued piirlncr nnd glo- bnl lender, is nn importnni honor for Knydon und its employees,” said James O’Leary, chair and chief executive o fficcr o f Kaydon. "Il provides further vuljdntion of our success in pro viding vulue-addcd solutions for world-class customers.” CORN ^ ^ ..e a th c a r eAnnounces that A d van ce P e d ia trics has joined our multidisciplinary practice. Established in 2001 by Dr. Susan Y. Hunsinger, Advance Pediatrics cares for patients from birth to age 21. Our .staff is (Icdicalcd lo providing excellent mcdical carc in a compassionate, re.spectful way. Our staff includes nurses, mcdical assistants nnd providers who cxccl in their medical knowledge • and have decades of experience caring for children and their families, Wc strive to incorporate our medical experti.se with complementary alternative medicine to provide a holistic approach to the patients we serve. C M iiin im i lla ilih Oi k li a ¡m u f o f m m iliw i 3 m [m lik n m liig ftii . p iillriilifn im n jp iti in A ilm iit, M litlH irn llin h M m , W im lmhStilm ,■ kintUmiMliUOymlyJhmm'iilkI.cxiitilmmdllmmflltt. Cotnmionc pnicllc« p«r(lcipalc In moil major hrallli plan». Advance Pediatrics 'U4Kìnacrtunm.A(lvancc,NC 27006 336998-9742 HOURS: Mon Jay-Friday noon and I pm-5 pm < OUR SRRVICBS INCLUDE; J Well and Sick Child Care ■ Treatment of Ailcmlon Dcfldt/l lyperaclivity Disorder ■ №giipsisa^Trei)tment of Acute and Chronic l’ci(liairic Conditions ■ Dcvclopmchtal h:dlatrics/ Behavioral Pediatries .■ Camplcnu'iilaryAlternative . Mediciite moMuiTTuiicuT airtiiliC-llalUTNI’ • ■ Kristen ÀI. Murphy, PA>C SuMnY.liuiulngcr.MI) •' \VhHncyM.Ew|ng.C.raP Kailiy LGruu.Ml) District Court The follow ing eases were heard in Dnvie District Court on Muy 7. Presiding; Judge B, Cnrilon Terry Jr, Prosecuting; Jumie Gentry, Assistunt DA. - Jnmes Lester Beumer Jr., domestic violence protective or der violntion, dismissed per re- quf St of prosecuting witness. - Dustin Shnno Boger, reck less driving lo endanger, dis missed. - Seth Burieson, assault on a female, dismissed per media tion. - Krystal Daniel Bustos, driving with liccnsc revoked, reckless driving to endanger, dismissed. - Joel Scott Chalkley, speed ing 93 ill u 70, rcduccd to im proper equipment, $100, cosl. - Diuno Nichols Chunn, fail ure to wear front seat belt, pled responsible, cost waived. - Leah Clement Chunn, driv ing w ilh liccnse revoked, rc duced to failure to notify D M V of address change, $75, cost; improper use o f dealer permit/ tag, dismissed per plea. - Delia B. Clement, fulluro lo wear drivers sent bolt, failure to ■secure passenger under 16, dis missed per plea; speeding 68 in a 55, cost. - Richard Lee Collins, driv ing wilh liccnsc revoked, dis missed; failure lo stop for slopsign/flashing rod light, prayer for judgment continued on cost. - Bradley Chase Cook, pas senger fleeing accessory to property damage, dismissed. - Dunny Andrew Costner, uiding/nbetting driving wilh li censc revoked, dismissed. - M nlthew Lee Crnnford, DW I, sentenced to 60 dnys, sus pended 12 months, cost, $100, 24 hours community service +■ fee, substnnce abu.se assess ment/treatment, surrender li cense, not lo operate n motor vehicic until licensed by DMV, driving after consuming under 21, no operators license, reck less driving wilh wanton disre- gurd, fieeing/eluding urrest with motor vehicle, dismissed per plea; flccing/ehuling arrest with motor vehicle, sentenced to 30 duys, suspended 12 months nl expiration of previous sentence, remuin o f good behavior, stay in school, cost, - Nicole Lee Dnvis, driving with licen.se revoked, reduced lo fnilure to notify D M V o f ud- dross change, $50, cosl. - Scotty Tyrone D iilurd, speeding 75 in n 55, pruyer for judgment continued on cosl, - Amanda Dyson, driving wilh license revoked, prayer for judgment continued on cost; cx- pired/no inspection sticker, dis missed per plea, - Murtha Alvarez Garcia, driving with license revoked, rcduced to failure to notify D M V of address change, $50, cost, $200 attompy fees; posses sion/display o f altercd/ficti- tious/revokcd drivers license, operating vehicle no insurnnce, driving/allowing register plate not displayed, failure lo secure passenger under 16, fictitious/ altered tille/rcgistrution curd/ tag, dismissed per plea, - Stedman Marque Gibson, driving with liccnse revoked, rcduced lo failure to notify D M V of address chunge, $50, cost, $200 uttomey fees. - Shuwn Terrell Grunt, driv ing with license revoked, rc duccd to fnilure lo notify DM V of nddress chnnge, $75, cosl; possession/displuy o f altered/ ficlitious/tcvokecl drivers li cense, dismissed per plen. - Megan Elisabeth Heller, simple assault, dismissed per failure of prosecuting witness to appear. - M ichuel Shnno Helms, speeding 86 in a 70, dismissed per plen; open container after consuming nicohol first, pruyer for judgment continued on cost; operuting vehicle no insurnnco, cancolled/revoked/suspcnded cerlificate/tng, dismissed per plen. - Kendra Puige H ow ell, simple nffrny, dismissed per re quest o f prosecuting witness. - Michnel Deun Knight, driv ing with license revoked, prayer for judgment continued on cost. • Junn M anuel M urtinez, driving with liccnse revoked, rc duced to failure to notify DM V of address change, $75, cost. - Roger Lee M itzell, simple possession o f schedule V I con trolled substance, dismissed per plea; possession of drug para phernalia, sentenced to 120 days, enroll in DART program. evidence ordered destroyed. - Jeffery W illiam Monson, injury to real property, assault on a female, dismissed. - M arianne B. M ueller, simple assault, dismissed. - Kenneth Lloyd Nelson, communicating threats, dis missed per mediation. - Stephany Marie Powell'^ driving with license revoked, reduced to failure to notify D M V of address change, $75; cost, $125 attorney fees; posses sion/display o f ultcred/fieti- lious/revoked drivers license, speeding 68 in u 55, dismissed per plen. - Rundall K evin Provo; speeding 69 in a 55, dismissed per plen; driving with license revoked, $75, cosl. - Justin C, Shrewsbury, com municating threats, dismissed per request of prosecuting wit ness, - Jonathan Wayne Smith; window tinting violation, dis-^ missed per plea; speeding 82 in a 55, reduced to exceeding safe speed, $30, cost; speeding 69 in u 55, reduced to improper equips ment, $25, cost, - Natushu M. Stnchowiczi passenger fleeing acccssory to property damage, di.smissed. '- Christopher J. Tardell, lit-; tering not over 15 pounds, $75, cost. - Tekiu Sude Torrence, simple affray, dismissed per re quest of prosecuting witness. - Stcphnnie C. Trnpnni, in jury to personal property, di? ' missed per failure of prosecutr; ing witness to appear. . j - Marty Wayne Williams, do mestic violence protective order violation, dismissed per media tion. - D avid Eugene Woods, speeding 73 in a 55, reduced to im proper equipment, $100,' cost. Failed To Appear: - Durryl Blue Jr., driving with liccnse revoked, failure \p wear drivers scut belt. Town of Bermuda Run 120 Kindcrton Blvd., Suite 100 Bermuda Run, N.C. 27006 (336) 998-0906 T O W N O F B E R M U D A R U N The Town of Bermuda Run would like to hear fToni individuals who are Interested in being considered for positions on the Town’s Iwo appointed boards as they may arise. The Town Council makes the appolntmenis when there are vacancies - bolh from terms expiring and resignations. Both the Planning Board and the Board of Ad[Justmenl have members from botli inside and outside of the Town - the outside memliers do have to live within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the Town. If you are interested In having your name on file for consideration when a seat on a board is open, please contact Town Hall at 336-998-0906 for more inronnation. 15 Year Anniversary Blowout A & J Community Grocery 2076 Hwy 601 S - IMocksvllle - 336-751-3858 (Approxim ately 1 m ile south o f High School) 5 Days Only II May 21st - 25th Special Memorial Day Drawing (Free Entry To ALL Arm ed S e rvlce i P erio n e l) S DAILY DRAWINGS (Entry with each $5.00 or more pucha««) One Memorial Day Grand Prize Drawing ÎIQ ê B M n S J P E Ç lâ L S . ' Pl(s. Dorai $15.00 piutux F5-Pt(s. Pali Mall $15.00 piu»ux 5 - Pks. Tucson $15.00 piusux 5 - Two Lt. Pepsi $5.00 piuitax 5-TanningVisits $5.00 PET Milk $2.99 Gallon MANYMQBEJNSJQRE..SPEC.IALS Hours: M-F 6am-8pm, Sat dam-8pm, Sun 9am-4pm We would like to thank all our customers and vendors for their support over the past 5 years. M a y G o d B le s s O l •Ч 6 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Mny 14,2009 Public Records DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,2009 ■ 7 Fires Duvie County fire depiirt- " 'monts responded to tho follow ing culls; M ay S: Fork, 9:42 p.m.; Ce dar Grove Church Road, hnz- - urdotis conditions. . M ay 6i Mpcksviile, 12:11 u.m.,Enterprise Way, fire uliirm; Ccnter, 6:16 p.rn,, И 0 West, '"uutombbile uccident; Mocks- 1! ville nssistcd; Fnrmlngton ns- sisted; Cooleemee, 6:18 p.m., ' Allen Street, utility problem. - ■ M ay 7: Center, 4:42 p.m., 1- ‘ 40 Enst, automobile uccident: " County Line assisted; Center, - 5:02 p.in., 1-40 Eust, uutomb- public officiul, driving w iiilc li cense revoked and on an order for arrest. Triul date: May 28. - Troy Nicholas White, 18, of Gunter Lane, wiis charged May 4 with assault. Trial date; Muy 28. Arrests The Davie County Sheriffs Department made the following arrests; - Andrew Adam Lusk, 26, of County Lind Road, Mocksville was arrested May 4 for viola tion of u court order. Triul dute; Muy 7. - Putricia Lyons Hellard, 47, bile accident; Fannington ns- • ofSallsbury was arrested Muy 4 "'sisted. M ay 9! Smith Grove, 1;56 u.m., Howardtown Circle, fire ■ /alarm; Comntzer assisted. ' Mocksville Police The follow in g incidents were reported to the Mocksvillc ' police Department. - A couple reported Mny 10 they were robbed of change ut ''gunpoint in a parking lot off US '601 North, - Tlie larceny of a steak from Walmart was reported May 8. - A trespasser was reported Miiy 9 nt a rcsideiicc on M ill Wright Court. ' Arrests - Blanc Allan Weaver, 47, of Winston-Salem, was churgcd May 5 wilh DW I und operating u u vehicle wilh un open cdntuiner of nicohol. Triul dute; June II. - Duncun Errie Clement, 47, of Clark Rond, Cooleemee, wus ■chnrged Muy 8 with Inrceny. Triul dute; June 18. - Ronald Jiison Shcrill, 30, o f South Angell Roud, was charged Mny 4 with resisting a for failure to appear. Trial date: June 4. - Reyes Francisco Juvier Castro, 31, of Manchester Lane, Mocksville wns nrrested May S on orders for urrest. Triul dute; May 14. - Tony Dale Thompson, 40, of Deadmon Road, Mocksville wus urrestcd May 6 for nssnult oh a femnle. Triul date: June 18. - Lonnie Allen, Thomus, 43, of NC 801 South, Mocksville wus nrrested May 6 for nssnult und battery. Trial date: May 28. - Crystal Deanna Tilley, 33, of NC 801 Soutii, Mocksville was arrested May 6 for simple nssnult. Trial date; May 28., - Russell Lane Whitlock, 41, of Stoney Brook Lane, Mocks ville wns arrested May 6 for nsiiault on 11 female, nssnult with serious bodily injury, und brenk- ing/cntering. Trial date; May 21. - Amy Corrine Doby, 26, of Hobson Drive, Mocksvillc was arrested May 8 for domestic criminal trespassing. Trial dute: July';. - Jacob Scott Williams, 30, of Danville, VA was anested May 8 for carrying a concealed weapon. Triul date: July 2. - Bradley Scott Harrington, 40, o f Winston-Snlem wus ur- restcd May ¿ for failure to ap- penr. Trial date; June 4. - Alyssa Leigh Windhnm, 16, of Sanfoird was arrested M iiy 9 for currying u concealed weapon, simple possession of schedule 11 controlled substance, and simple possession o f sched ule IV controlled substance. Trial date: June 18. - Renee Quinn Gibson, 42, of Sanford was arrested May 9 for currying u concealed, weapon and disorderly conduct. Trial date: June 18. - Cody Scott Thnrpe," 21, of Boger Street, Mocksville wus arrested May 10 for currying a concealed weapon, DW I und speeding. Triul date: July 2. Highway Patrol The following trafllc wrccks in Duvie County were listed by the N.C, Highwuy Putrol. • Churges ure pending fol lowing u wreck on Muy 2. Amundu L illy Simmons of Dutchman's Trail, Mocksvlllo was driving u Ford vehicle cast on US 64. Sii^imons' traveled o ff the right side of the roud, col lided with a fence und u utilUy pole. Simmons then loft the scene o f the collision prior to the arrival o f tho investigation of ficer. Trooper B.B. Fleetwood re ported the accident occurred ut upproximntely 3:08 u.m. • A Davie woman wus chnrged with hit/run und unsafe movement after she wreckcd the vehicle she wns driving May 6. Linda Kimble McDuniel of Hunk Lesser Roud, Mocksville theft was reported at li home on wus bucking her 2001.Chevrolet .NC.801 North, Mocksville. west in the parking lot of Quick Stop. McDaniel's vehicle col lided with a 2002 Hondu vehicle parked in the lot. A fter the col lision McDnniel left the scene nnd was later identified by se curity cameras und locnted, Trooper M .C. H owell re ported the accident occurred at approximately 4:52 p.m. und there were no injuries. • No churges were filed nftcr an uccident on May 8. Rhonda England Bluckmon of Pepperstone Drive, Mocks ville wns bucking u 2005 Chrysler on Pepperstone Drive. Blackmon backed inlo a parked 2008 Toyota pick-up. • Trooper C.D. Hnll reported tho nccident occurred nt np- proximutely 6:37 n.m. and there were no injuries. , • A North Carolina man wus churgcd with unsafe movement after the vehicle he wus driving hit unotlier Mny 10. Wyatt Elliott Bruton of Ru- 'le ig h 'w u s drivin g u 1993 Mercedcs-Bcnz north uttompt- ing to merge into the loft lane of.N C 801. Tammy Suzann Southern o f H ow ell Road, M ocksville wus driving her 1994 Ford north on NC 8|01. Bruton fulled to see Southern's vehicle before merging and col lided with her vehicle. Trooper C.D, Hall reported tho nccident occurred at ap proximately 1:01 p.m. und there were no injuries. Sheriff’s Department The follow in g incidents were reported to the Duvie County Sheriff’s Departinent. - On Mny 4 u motor vehicle An nssauli was reported at a home on Swicegood Street, Mocksville on May 4. - On M ay'4 threats were re ported at a home on Boxwood Circle, Advancc. - Trespassing was reported at a home on Sain Road, Mocks ville on May 5. : - On May 5 an assault on a female was reported at a con- - The larceny of u fireunn wus reported at a home on Corrios Lane, Mocksville on May9. - On May 9 larccny was re ported at n storage building on Riverview Road, Advance. - An assuuit on u femnle wns reported at a home on Granadn Drive, Advancc on May 10. - On May 10 the unautho rized use of a motor vehicle was reported nt a home on Casa venience store on Comntzer ' Bellu Drive, Advunce. Rond, Advance. - Larceny wns reported ut u retail establishment on US 0 1 North, Mocksville on Mny 6. - On May 6 a burglary wus reported at a home on Boxwood Church Rond, Mocksville. - Vandalism was reported at a home on Essex Fnrm Rond, Advunco on May 6. - On May 6 u lurceny wns reported nt u open iireu on Calahaln Road, Mocksville. - Larccny was reported ut n homo on Rose Arbor Lane, Mocksville on Mny 6. - On May 6 an assault was reported nt a home on Caravan Lane, Mocksville. - An assault was reported at u home on Swicegood Street, Mocksville on May 7. - On May 8 u dog bite wus reported ut a home on Hinkle Drive, Mocksvillc. • - Lurceny was reported at a home on Croason D rive, . Mocksvlllo on May 8. - On May 8 a breakrin was reported at a location on US 601 South, Mocksvlllo. - Larceny was reported at n home on,Kosy Trull, Mocksville on Mny 8. - On ^luy 8 forgery wus re ported nt 11 locution on Mndlson Rond, Mocksville. - Vandalism was reported at a location on US 601 South, Mocksvillc on May 10. Specials o£ the Week PHOTO SPECIAL FR EE C D w/ 3 5 mm processing One Week Only G e t o u t s t a n d i n g l o w p r ic e s o n q u a l i t y p r o d u c t s . PEPSI 24 oz. bottles 6 p k * 2 ' ’ C a se río L im it 2 Cases While Supplies Last D o n ’ t Form el V o iir M tis c iu liiic s ! I'o r Ki t'iil In íV in n iilío ii on (inifí.s 1.Ч: lu 'iiltli prohk-in.s, }>o lo ^ w w n.lo.sti-rdruK C O .com Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 www.fosterdrugco.com r«0.e,99 2f-Oil. OM Cm DAVIS REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER • www.d I" с g i о n a 1 . с о rn Gaty Robinson, MD T h e W e ig h t is O v e r - Surgical W e ig h t Loss O p tio n s Mot}day, May18 • 5:30 pm • Davis.Reg'onal Outpatient Conference Roam Obesity is a serious disease for more than 9 million Americans, afFeccing their quality o f life as well as physical health. Ids linked to hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes. But help is avaiiab'le. If you’re considering a surgical option to control obesit/t please join us for this veiy infomiative program. We will'discuss the latest technology in Adjustable Gastric Banding (lap Band). Insurance coverage and other finandalissues will aiso be reviewed. Affiliated with Piedmont HealthCare and certified by the American Boad ofSuigety, Dr. Gary Robinson received his medical degree (rom Albert Einstein College ofMedicine. in surgical weight loss procedures. Taiin ihe first step in tmnsfbrmingyour life and come talk with Dr, Robinson and Davis Regional professionals. Call704-8i8-7W6 for additional information. REGIONA] 2 1 8 I) 1 I) M О С К S V I I 1 r li О A П I X I I I Í 4 , S I Л I I S V I I 1 1 Building Permits The follow ing building permits were issued in Davic County, listed by nppllcunt, type of builtling, estimated cost und locution. - Sexton Construction, shell building commercial shops, $500,000, NC 801 N., Advuncc. - Sexton Construction, new commerclul building, $450,000, NC 801 N., Advunco, , - John Lloyd, single fnmily dw elling, $267,655, , Howurdtown Circle, Mocksvillc. - Crest Construction Services, commcrcini tenunt iipfit, $100,580, Yndkinville Rd., Suite 101, Mocksvillc. - Kent Wnrd, restorntion of fire damnged house, $So,000, Hinkle Dr., Mocksvillc. - Cricket Communications, building for cominunicntions, $32,000, Gruy Shceks Rd., Advancc. - Homes by Jonuthun Lee, roof nddition to existing pntio, $11,841, Orchurd Purk Dr., Advnncc, - Piedmont Antique Power Assn., replnce existing shelter, $7,500, Poplnr St., Mocksvillc. - Andy und Jenifer Young, enclose cnrport to gurnge nnd ndd bnthroom, $7,375, Gladstone Rd,, Mocksvillc, - Mark BIbbins, scrccn porch nddition, $4,320, Church Steeple Dr.i Advancc. - Lonnie Griggs, single fam ily dwelling, $311,880, Sheffield Rd„ Hnrmony. - W ill Mnrklin, addition to single fnm ily dw elling, .Ш,ЖЮ, North Cnrolinn Circle, Mocksvillc. - Dale Baker, deck addition to single fnm ily dw elling, $11,200, Andrews Rd., Advunce, - Jeremy Beauchamp, finish existing bnsement, $5,000, Dulin Rd,, Mocksvillc. - Murk Dnmon, fire restorntion o f single fnm ily dwelling, $146,000, Wildwood Lane, Advunce, - Jeff Hnyes, ndd bnthroom to exi.sting building, $500, NC 801 S.,Advnncc, ■- Tommy Cope, single fnm ily dwelling, $192,600, Feed M ill Rd., Advunce. - EImn Phifer, replacement of girder in crnwlspnce, $3,400, Hickory Street, Cooleemee, - Jewel Boone, prc-buiit stornge building, Hilton Rd,, Advnnce, - W illiam Lanning, replnce existing pool, Underpass,Rd„ Advnnce, - Rnlph Meyer, single fumily dw elling, $570,080, Davie Academy Rd„ Mocksville. - LuiTy McDaniel Builders, expand exterior openings,' $23,700, Sunford Ave., Mocksville. M att W ilson, garage addition/unfinished bonus room, $37,180, Timber Trails Lane, Mocksville. - Jockey International, roof carport over wiistewater, $13 808, Nolley Rd„ Mocksville, ’ - Albert W hipkey, replacement for deck, $7 ООО Westview Ave,, Cooleemee, - Roger Dillinger, finish existing basement, $20,000 Eden Course Dr„ Advance. - Charles Dunn, replace windows $15,114, Park Ave,,Mocksville, - Randy E)urso, inground swimming pool, $27,000, E Maple Street, Mocksville 'VI Cases Scheduled For May 18 Superior Court Session The follow in g cases are scheduled to be heard in Dnvie Superior Court on May 18, Pre siding; Judge Tanya T. Wallace, Prosecuting; Robert S, Taylor, Steve Boone, and Wendy J. Terry, Assistant DAs. - James Lester Bcamer, com municating threats. - Tim othy Scott Bobbitt, statutory rape/scx offense against defendant over six years old, first degree sexual offense. - Jason Scott Brown, misde meanor larceny, felony larceny. - John Wayne Brown, break ing/entering,. Inrceny after brenking/entering. - Suntos Delucruz Cnivnrio, habitual impaired driving. - John A llen Campbell, felony probation violation out of county. - Sylvia Castillo, embezzle ment. - Vemon Anthony Clement, breaking/entering, Inrceny nftcr brcuking/entoring, habitual felon. - Eric Donoll Clovelnnd, DW I, speeding 80 in u 70, driv ing wilh liccnse revoked, reck less driving lo cndunger,posscs- sion/dlsplay o f altcred/ficli- lious/revokcd drivers licensc. - Kolia Dawn Coffey, DWI. - Joseph Edwnrd Cregar, child abuse - serious bodily in- jury. - Luis Fernando A. Dinz, ha bitual Impaired driving, - Ricky Lynn Dillard, felony conspiracy. - Jill Carter Dixon, larceny by employee, obtaining prop erty by false pretense. - Michael Lambertin Dyson, felony probation violation out of county. - Johnny Allen Evans, pos session of more than one and one-half ounces of marijuana. - Richard Eugene Evans, misdemeanor probation viola tion out of county. - Randolph George Fields, breaking/entering, larceny after breaking/entering, m isde meanor larceny; - Brandi Michelle Fleming, possession of firearm by felon. - Dominic Rnshad Graham, flccing/eluding arrest with mo tor vehicic, assault on a govern ment official, possession with intent to sell/deliver cocaine. - Chuntz Lee Grunnumnn, ns- suult with serious bodily Injury. - Keith Dule Greene, felony lurceny. - Joshuu Lnne Griffin, stutu- tory rupe/sex offense against defendant between 4-6 years old. - Kevin Brent Grubb, break ing/entering of motor vehicic. misdemeanor larceny, felony larceny. - Andrew Davis Harris, mis demeanor probation violation. ■ Austin Drew H ill, felony probation violation. - Vnnder Kcth Hodgson, fail ure to exhibit/surrender license, no operators license. .- Justin Dnrncll Hylton, lur ceny by employee, felony con- spirncy. - Jumes Mudison Jackson, worthless check. - Tiffany Nicole James, pos session with intent to sell/de liver cocninc, selling scjicdulc II controlled substnnce. - Cluyton Mutthew Jurvis, identity theft, obtnining prop erty by fnlse pretense. - Jonathan J. Johnson, pos session with intent to sell/de liver cocaine, selling schedule II controjlcd substance. - Brnndon Andrew Keller, fleeing/eluding arrest with mo tor vehicle, failure to exhibit/ surrender license, driving/al lowing registration plate not dis played, assault on a government official/omployec, resisting a public officer. - Damn Doshnwn Lyons, felony possession of schedule II controlled substnnce. - Michncl Dnvid Medvcs, possession with intent to sell/ deliver murijuann, felony pos session of murijuunn, - Bobby Grunt Minor, assuuit with a deadly weapon with in tent to kill or inflict serious in jury. . - Richard Michael Mo.ses, larceny of motor vchicle; - David Lee Mullins, break ing/entering, larceny after breaking/entering. - Charles Richard N oto, felony probation violation. - Kevin Stoffon Pogues, ha bitual felon, felony larceny. - Paula Denise Phillips, mis demeanor probation violation, ■ - Bryan Jeffrey Raymes, in dccent liberties with a child. - Kevin Louis Robertson, first degree murder. - C heryl K atrina Roda, felony possession o f schedule I controlled substance, simple possession of schedule 11 con trolled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia, - Dennis Jerome Sales, felony probation violation out of county. - James Neal Scott Jr., mis demeanor probation violation, assault on a female. - Dosmon Duone Sellers, misdemeanor probation viola tion, - Timothy Lamont Smith, ha bitual felon,'possession with intent to sell/deliver cocninc, possession with intent to sell/ deliver marijuunn, possession of drug paraphernalia. - Terry Flint Smoot, posses sion with intent to sell/deliver cocaine, selling schedule II con trolled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia, habitual felon. - Randy Wayne Stanley, flee ing/eluding arrest with motor vehicle, speeding 121 in a 55. - Heather Renee Stout, in timidating a witness, : Kendall Clay Tatum, first degree rape o f a child, incest with child less than 13 years old, indecent liberties with a child, - Tara Dyson Tumer, break ing/entering, larceny nfler breaking/enleritig, felony lar ccny, - Brandon Bryan White, mis demeanor probation violntion, - Adriun A, W hillinglon, stututory rupc/scx offense ngninsl defendnnt over six years old. , - Jim Edwurds Willinms 11, DWI. - Larissa D. W oodward, simple assault. • Kenneth Eugene Wooten, cruelty to unimnls, possession of a fireann by felon’. - David Brnndon Bolin, pos session with intent to munufnc- turc/sell/deliver murijuunn, pos session o f marijuana up to one and one-hnlf ounces. - Randy Lee Church, assuuit wilh u deadly weapon wilh so- , rious injury. - Shannon Tijuan Dalton, ha bitual felon, habitual Impaired driving. - Lnrry Stephen Davis Jr., possession with intent to sell/ deliver schedule III conttbllcd substance, selling schedule i l l controlled substance. - John Watkins Elliott, car rying a concealed weapon, lar ceny of u firearm, breaking/en tering motor vehicle, possession o f firearm by felon, misde- meunor larceny, - Dustin Carl Jordan, com mon law forgery, rinancinl ciird theft, identity theft. - Richard Mark Low, inde cent liberties wilh a child, first degree sex offense against a child. - Gilbert Richard Turner, breaking/entering, larceny after breaking/entering, felony lar ceny. - Lloyd Wesley Webb, as sault by strangulation, assault on it female, assault/battery. - W illiam Brian Whaley, first degree rape of a child, first de gree sex offense against a child, indccent liberties with a child. Administrative Court The following cases were disposed o f during Davie A dm inislrutivc Court, Presiding; Miigistrnle David T, M iller, 111, Prosecuting: Jim Hedrick, nssistunt DA. - Jose L. Alcantar, Improper equipment - speedometer, speeding 68 in a 55, dismissed; no license, $50, cost. - Jim m y Wayne A llen, 'expired registration, expired/no inspection, dismissed. ■ Jumes Tim othy Angell, drivin g lo ft o f center, no m otorcycle endorsement, dismissed. - Tina M arie Ashburn, failure to wear seat belt, $25, cost. - Alon Asido, speeding 89 in a 70, rcduced to 79 in a 70, $ 15, cost. - Sharon Elaine Bailey, exceeding safe speed, rcduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost. - W illiam Edward Bee II, exceeding safe speed, dismissed. - Terri Tester Benson, rccklcs.s driving lo endanger, dismissed. - Mandy Lucinda Bledsoe, expired registrntion, dismissed. - T im othy R. B rittain , expired registration, expired/no inspection, failure to wear si:at belt, dismissed; speeding 70 in ft 55, reduced to 64 in a 55, $15, cost. - Joann Combs Burton, speeding 51 in a 35, rcduced lo 44 in a 35, $15, cost. - Elidia Bautis Camncho, cxpircd/no inspection, driving/ allowing motor vchicle lo be driven with registration plate not displayed, di.smissed. - Herbert Lee Chavis, speeding 69 in a 55, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - S hanle' L, C linton, operating vehicle w ilh no insurance, rear lumps violntion, dismLssed. - Jonuthun Scott Cobb, fuiluro to reduce speed,, dismissed. • Joseph Paul DelcJIo, speeding 50 in a 35, reduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost. - A ntonio R. D iaz, no license, $50, cost; $10 interpreter fee. - K ris ti Leigh Durham, failure to reduce speed, dismissed. - Brian E. Faulkner, expired registration, dismissed. - Jessica N icole Ferry, w indow tiritin g yiolation, dismissed. r E m iliano R. Garcia, speeding 62 in a 45, dismissed; no operator’s liccnse, reduced to failure to n o tify D M V o f address change,$50, cost. - Lena Lynette Gibson, speeding 56 in a 45, rcduced to improper equipment, $25, cost.. - C hristina J. Grahum, expired registration, dismissed. - Brian Stnnley Gribben, no license, reduced to failure to notify D M V o f address changc, $50, cost. - Gary D avid H am ilton, operating vchicle w ith no. insurance, dismissed. - M ichacI Alan H ill Jr., canccled/rcvokcd/suspcndcd ccrtiricutc/tag,driving/iillowing motor vehicle lo be driven with no registrntlon, dismissed; failure lo wear seat belt, $25, cost, - Michael Anthony Hubbard, speeding 85 in a 70, reduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Jiircd Christopher Hunter, failure to stop for slop sign/ fiushing red light, reduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost, - Danielle Ann Johnson, child nol in rear seal, dismissed; failure to stop for stop sign/ fiashing red light, rcduccd to unsafe movement, $25, cost, - Teddy W illiam Johnson, driving while licen.se revoked, .rcduccd to failure to notify DM V of address change, $50, cost, - K ari Dishmun Joscy,’ speeding 89 in a 70, reduccd lo 79ina70, $15, cost. Lauren Elizabeth Kauffman, speeding 86 in a 70, rcduced lo improper equipment, $50, cost. - W illie Laughinghouse, speeding 70'in a 55, reduced lo improper equipment, $25, co.si; expired/no inspection, disinissed. - Diana Pruett Messer, expired registration, dismissed. - Jessicu Lynn M orris, speeding 86 in a 70, reduccd to improper equipment, $50, cost, - Joseph Lee Nixon, failure lo slop for steady red light, rcduced lo improper equipment, $25, cost. - Gregory M ichael Orr, speeding 67 in a 55, rcduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - John W illiam Parker Sr., speeding 59 In a 45, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, - M ichael J. Passmore, speeding 60 in a 45, reduced lo 54 in n 45, $15, cost. - C hristopher Pressley, .speeding 68 in a 55, rcduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Jenna N icole Pum m ill, failure to stop for stop sign/ fiashing red light, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, - Keith Stanley Richmond, .speeding 70 in u 55, reduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Charles J. Rothberg, failure lo stop for stop sign/flushing red lig h t, reduced to im proper equipment, $25, cost. - W illiu m J. Sunderson, speeding 87 in a 70, reduced lo 79 in a70 , $15, cost. - Mario E. Santnmaria, no liccnse, $50, cost; $10 interpreter fee. - Abby Stewart Shores, unsafe movement, dismissed. - Joshua Lee Sm ith, speeding 87 in u 70, rcduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost. - W illia m K ile y Sm ilh, speeding 60 in a 45, rcduced lo improper equipment, $25, cost, - Crystal C. Steele, speeding 60 in a 45, reduced to exceeding safe speed, $25, .cost. - Amenda Rene Tate, speeding 52 in a 35, dismissed: driving while license revoked, rcduccd lo failure to notify D M V 'of address change, $50, cost. - Stcfanie Fugo Tuylor, speeding 69 in a 55, reduced lo 64ina55, $15, cost. - Suren Vclusquez, no liccnse, reduccd to fuilurc to notify D M V o f uddress change, $50, cost; failure lo stop for stop sign/flushing red light, dismissed. - M anuel V lllaverdo, speeding 49 in u 35, reduccd to Improper equipment, $25, cost. -Herbert M. Wulker, driving while license revoked, reduccd to failure lo notify D M V of' address change, $50, cost. - Jeremy K irk W hile, speeding 68 in u 55, reduced lo 64 in a 55, $15, cost; failure to wear scat belt, dismissed. - George Franklin Wishon, failure to slop for slop sign/ flashing red light, reduccd to unsafe movemcnl, $25, cosl. - H arold A lle n W olfe, expired registration, dismissed. - David Dennis V. Zande, failure 10 stop for steady red lig h t, reduced to im proper equipment, $25, cosl, -A lvin Scotl Beck, speeding 80 in a 55, reduced to 64 in a 55, $50, cost. - Ronald F. B illin gs, possession of open container/ consuming alcohol in passenger urea, $50, cost. r Randall Johnnlhon Blum, no- liccnse, dismissed. - M ichaer Sloven Boger, failure, lo wear seat belt, ' dismissed - medical excuse.. - Jason David dooie, operutlng vehicle w ith no Insurance, ficlitious/allored tille/rcgislration, dismissell; failure to wear sent belt, $25, cosl. , , - B rittany R. Bradshaw, speeding 75 in a 55, reduced io 64 in n 55, $25, cost; fnllure lo notify DM V of uddress chnnge, dismissed. M ichelle Broome, speeding 69 in n 55, reduced to 64 in a 55, $25, cost. ; - Debru Luverne Browh, expired registrntion, cancele’d/ revoked/suspended certificate/ tag, operutlng vehicle with no insiiruncc, dismissed. - Jose A. Cnstro, speeding 84 in a 70, dismissed; no licensc, $50, cost. A TT E N TIO N Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep Owners Snider A u to m o tiv e . C M n v s u e r i D rIvo Lov« specializing in Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep Pmducts CH R IS SN ID ER 682 V A LLE Y RD 336-753-1147 M O CK SV ILLE, N C Ptui Sporttnun, Street Stock, and Stadium Stock Kacet P resen ted b y 12 anil Oldwn tío Agaa e throuflH 11 • $1 СЫ Wran under a • F M E I _____ www.BowmattSräyRMclng.cam Oatesopen for praçtHs» et e Home of the Hot Moilifledt PLENTViOFjFREE'PARKING336-.723-Ш9 T h e B e st Tn B a rb e q u e T ' i * 1 * , 8S5SSSf lirirqiN' "SsSas" " ì M ì i T i l S » “ ! * 5 « lAlarlQiw МвкмПаК Coupon НШ Be Рп$ваЫПЯвевЫв$р»еШ A v a ila b le a t B o th L o c a tio n s ! 8 8 5 S a l i s b u r y S t . • M o c k s v iU e 2 2 0 3 H w y - 6Ö1 N . • M o c k s v illc 1 ii- , ■ - I I?Y! l i H i I: 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,2009 Genealogy books and flowers are placed on the marker for Israel Boone's grave. - Photos by Mike Barnhardt Boones... Continued From Page 1 maintained (he cemctery. He thanked Mark Hiigcr and his Lcnoir-Rhyne stu dents, who headed detailed studies of those buried at Joppa, Israel’s grave pre-dates that of his father, which hnd been thought lo have been thc oldest in the cenietcry. Hager’s students could find un even older grave, Custer said. Not much is known about Israel Boone’s wife. She may also be buried at Joppa. Both died in tiie m id-1750s of consumption, orTB. A ll four of their children lived - and all four had families of their own in North Carolina. Custer thinks that Israel Boone constructed a cabin on his father’s property west of Project... Continued From Pngc 1 Cartner said there is a class created solely for students who took English 3 last semester but were unSuco'cssful in cpmpleting their paper thot is currently in session.. The paper was to have been six to 10 pages, based on a topic of interest for a student. Curtner ' said for some students who chose their topic bused on what their career goals were, it was an invaluable assignment. She had some students, she said, such as one, who chosc photography. Instead of simply wrlling about luking pictures, his paper was about making it a profession, and he was able to town. He knows Ihat in 1753- 54, Israel applied for a license lo operate a public house, sort of a hotel of the day where travelers could spend the night. There was no rccord of whether that license was granted. It was'coinnion for young children lo die in the mid- 1750s, and Custer finds il . amazing ihat all 11 of Squire and Sarah’s children lived to be adults, including Israel, who died nt age 30. “Squire and Sara were very gifted parents,” Custer said. “ A ll 11 of the children survived lo adulthood. A ll 11 married ... und had families of their own. They accomplished Ihis through a lot of blessings and two good parents.” learn about creating a business plan, managing finances and dealing with tho public. Another student, sho said, learned that what he had chosen w ill not ultimately be his career. “This sludent did his paper on being an emergency medical technician, which was what he planned lo do as his career, and after writing the paper, he suid, ‘Now I renlize I dpH’t want lo do this with iiiy life .’ Much belter to find that out now than when he was 22,” Curlner suid. Landry snid while there were ipuny positives associated wilh tiic project, one of the negullves wus in finding menlors. Eiich student wus supposed to have a mentor for their Denny Custer speaks to Israel Boone’s grave during the May 2 ceremony at Joppa Cemetery. Custer gives a little Boone family history. Israel's marker Is beside that of his parents, Squire and Sarah. project, and thc list of criteria fo r that included finding someone who was an expert in tho field, 21 or over, w illing to undergo a crim inal check, willing lo spend time wilh the student, off^cring suggestions, and advicc, and was ideally a com m unity member. They could not be a member of Ihc student’s family. The community would have been called upon for the oral prcitenlati6n, bccause thc panel who would hear the presenlulion was lo be made up o f not only faculty, but also conimiinity members. Curlner said she saw ihal as the most difficult aspect of the projcct lo implcmcni, because it would have involved “ finding literally hundreds of people who could comc and hear the prc,scntutions.” SBE Chuir B ill Hurrison snid in an email lo superintendents last week, “ I have heard from some of you and others in your communities about some o f the details o f Ihe project rec|uircmcnls. This delay w ill give us time lo more clearly identify project arcus whoro there could be more flexibility in implemenlation.” • Ann Graham, director o f testing and accounlabilily, said, “ I know we got some inform ation ion implemenlalionj, und wc got il at different times, und I think we finully got enough of a guide to do the project, but were iherc so muny steps involved und so many people outside' o f the school that would have lo have been involved, that il was just u huge project lo undertake. II was a really good conccpi, but the , implemenlulion is very ledious. I'm glud for Ihc deluy, but I wish it had come before sludenis spent so much lime doing the work toward isulisfying Ihcir project requirement.” Curtner agreed. “ It disuppoinls me for those studenls who huve ulreudy done thc work, und now, they won't get credit for it. As fur us the puper, most students ure between thc rough drnfi and final copy, so yes, they w ill finish il, for n grade.” Cartner said ihe graduation projcct committee w ill soon meet lo discuss how the project might continue, in some form. “ If we choose to continue and lie it in wilh senior English or another class, we can. I think the project would have been a wonderful experience. Yes, it was scary, and yes, it was for graduation, but for a child lo take a subject he is really interested in and be able to reseurch thnt subject and leurn nbout it us it perluins to his life, thnt is cducullon ut its finest, und 1 hope the stute doesn't luke il out enlirciy.” Davie County Arts Council W IL L P R E S E N T Missoula Children's Theatre Weeic OF Ja c k a n d th e B e a n sta lk July 20-July 25,2009 T h is w ill b e a n o rig in al ad ap tatio n o f th e classic c h ild re n ’s story. W h at h ap p en s w h en a y o u n g b o y p lan ts m ag ic b e an s in h is o w n b ack y ard ? F o r Jack , it is th e b e g in n in g o f a g re at ad v en tu re. W ith a little h e lp fro m M ag ic an d a v eg etarian G ian t, J a c k learns, a v alu ab le lesso n ab o u t tru e h ap p in ess. T h is m u sical p ro d u ctio n also featu res a h o st o f o th er ch aracters, in clu d in g th e M ag ic H arp , Jill, M o th er, M ilk y W h ite, th e F arm ers, th e M erch an ts, th é C ircu s P erfo rm ers an d th e M ag ic B ean s, ^ ^ Registration is required. T o reccivo tho Inform ation packet w hich includes Ihe registration form call tho D avie C ounty A rts C ouncil (336) 751-3112 or slop by the B rock Perform ing A rts C enter's B ox O ffice. Studenls m utt register w ith Iho D avie C ounty A rts Council to be included. O nly 60 students can participaie. AudiUons vAn b« held on July 20, 2009. R equired m inim um grade com pleted is First G rade. T he highest grade level being accepted is those students w ho have com pleted tho ninth grode... T he cost for the ono w eek Is S13S.00 DAVIE COUNTY ARTS COUNCIL rH K g r.N tH A S K C a iin W KK K o r Missoula Children's Theatre OF C in d e re lla Auxust 10th - August 15th C IN D E R ELL A , an original adaptation o f the classic fairy tale will be the second w eek of M issoula C hildren's T heatre W eek at the Brock. A pum pkin coach, Prince C harm ing, a glass .slipper and a dream com e true are woven together by the m agic . o f a Fairy G odm other in this enchanting m usical. W hen Cinderella's stepsisters try to keep C inderella flrom attending Ihe lu ll, the Fairy O odm olhor enlists tho help o f the M ice and the Pum pkins and is able to transform C inderella ju st in tim e for the big event. A lso featured in the production is C leo Ihe Cut, Fido Ihe D og, the Lords and Ladies, the T ow n C riers, Ihe K ing and tho B eggars. Experience this unique tw ist the M issoula C hildren's T heatre puls on this classic story. Registration is required. T o receivo the inform ation packet w hich Includes Iho registration form call the D avie C o u n ^ A rts Council (336) 7 S I-3 1 12 or slop by the B rock Perform ing A rts C enter's Box O ffice. Students m ust register w jth Ihe Davie C ounty A lls C ouncil to be included, O nly 60 students can participate. Audlllonx w ill M held on A ugust 10, 2009. Required m inim um gr^ae com pleted Is First G rade. T he highest grade level being accepted Is those students w ho have com pleted the ninth grade... T he cost for the one w eek is S 135.00 I \ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,2009 ■ B l ! • Girls Track Pulls Shocker By B rian Pitts Duvie Enlerprise Rccord Couch Doric Belter didn’t try lo hide Ihe pride he fell in his Duvie girls truck leam aflcr lust week's Central Pied mont Conference chumpionships ut Mount Tubor. Nor should he huve.' Led by Falon Hooper and Cuillin Tutterow, Dnvic finished sccond out of six icnms. It wns u brenklhrough nio- ment for the War Eagles, who had not finished betlcr ihun Ihird in ihe first nine years of Beilcr's career us girls conch. Everyone knew Mount Tubor wns going lo be loq much for the field in bolh meets, undTlibor's girls run away and hid with 200 points. But Davlc squeaked out second ul 96 und upset North Dnvidson, which was third at 94. Wcsl Forsyth (84), Reynolds (59) and North Forsyth (23) rounded oul the standings. “ Whul a tremendous meet," Beiter suid. “ Mount Tabor was supposed' to dominate the meet. North Dnvidson wns supposed lo finish second, and wc were supposed to be about 21 points behind North Dnvidson. And wc told the girls Ihnt on the wuy lo ihe meet. Wc made up 2 1 points, plus a couple extra.” “ I've never .seen Ihc desire nnd ihe fire in people warning lo do Ihcir very best,” Davie boys couch Devore Holman snid o f thc girls. “ There's strength in numbers. Our girls looked like u bunch of nrmy unis oul there." Tutlcrow, u junior, eurned the CPC Distiince Athlete of Ihe Year award by helpiijg Ihc 320() relny Ip first und pluc- ing second in bolh the mile (5:46.67) und 800 (2:31.59). Thc lop two in ench event mude the nll-CPC teum, und Tutlcrow made ihe team for Ihe sec ond lime, ni'icr luking .second in the 3200 in 2008. Tutlcrow scored u leum-high 19.5 points, she wus ihc top scorer umong all CPC distance alhleles, and she's the first distance athlete o f the year in Beilcr’s 10 years ut the helm. “ She gave everything she could," he said. “ 1 don't know Ihc last time some body other than Mount Tabor rcceivcd Please See TVack ■ Page B3 Teammates revel In Matt Dyson’s walk-off home run in the bottom of the ninth to beat Mt, Tabor 7-6. - Photos by James Barringer Dyson Hits Dramatic Wail(-Off Home Run By Brian P ills Duvie Enterprise Record when is u 4-for-5, threc-RBI per- formunce (Corey Randall) only half thc slory? When a teammate (Malt Dy.son) hits a walk‘Off home run in thc boltom of thc ninth. Davie’s J V baseball team overcame un early 2-0 dcficit and then charged from behind in the ninth in a game that typified ils astonishing 15-2 record. The Wur Bugles, 8-1 in the Central Piedmont Conference, have won Ihe pnst three by one, two und one run and they improved to 3-0 in one-run games. Thc lulesl excilemcni in n storybook season was u 7-6 home win over Mount Tabor in extra innings. Dnvic had blown a 5-2 lead in the sixlh, bul it re bounded to defeat Tabor for the fourth lim e this season. The olher ihrec scores; 6-5, 10-8 und 11-3. “ We were cruising ulong up 5-2,” couch Danny Allard suid. “ Corey left a ball up and a guy hit a three-run home run to |ic it up. But you have to give the guys a lot o f credit. They didn’t quit. They kept battling and Ihey had a good approach all Ihc way through extra innings.” Shane Carter's pitching, Randall's m uchinc-likc hitting nnd Dyson's timely offense hns been closc lo un unbculnble combinalion for Dnvic, und all three did heroic things in Ihis one. Curler relieved Randall in thc sixth and responded with One run allowed in 3 i/3 innings, good for his fifih win in as many decisions. He nuviguted uround six hils, thunks in part to the defense o f third baseman Randall, .shortstop Javun Phillips and second baseman W il Cope. “Javan has been so solid at short,” Allard said. "When Shane goes to the mound, W il takes over ut sccond, and W il is just a vacuum cleuner. He's mude every play Ihal you could ask him lo this year.” Randall's torrid offense continued. The cleanup man doubled, homercd for the fifih lime and pushed his hilling slrcuk lo nine. “ It's gotten lo Ihc point where you’re expeciing him lo gel u hit ev ery time,” Allard said. “ W ilh the run he’s o n .jf he makes an out everybody in Ihe slunds and everybody on the team is surprised. He's been on t\ roll Please Sec Homer' - Page B6 ® W o r t h N o t i n g . . . C n ltlln T u tterow and Falon H ooper of Davie girls track made the all-CPC team in Ihree and twp events, respectively. R icky Bell o f the boys did it in two events. A Icx Newm an doubled twice and made a terrific catch in center ns Davie varsity baseball held o ff R eynolds 2-1. Pitcher S helton H ow ard earned his fifth win. , Junior C lare M oser led Davie varsity soccer, scoring 18 goals in 16 games. Pete Gustafson said o f se niors Cosslc Barnes, Jcssa Ren and H nnnnli Stroupe: “ They showed bur younger players what focus is about and what game lime means. T heir leadership w ill be sorely missed.” Junior Anthony Capra shot a 6- over 78 in the Midwest Regional to pace Davie’s golf team. M organ W yatt o f Davie varsity softball clubbed her eighth homer in a 13-8 wiq over N. Forsyth, four fro m the state record. T isha F u nde rburk went deep as well. Lind sey B ailey hit her second homer in an 8-0 win over Reynolds. M a tt Dyson o f Dnvie JV base ball hit a w alk-off home run in the bottom o f the ninth to seal a 7-6 win overTnbor. Corey Randall went 4 fp r 5 w ilh his fifth homer, and pitcher Shane C arter relieved and improved to 5-0. C aitlln M ille r o f N. Davie soc cer enjoyed a hat trick in n 3-0 win over S. Dnvie. Newman Doubles Key 2-1 CPC Win By B rian PHts Duvie Enlerprise Record The Duvie varsity baseball team broke a four-game losing streak and cemented thc fourth and final playoff berth by slaving off host Reynolds 2-1 in Saturday's regular-scuson finale. Most of thc crcdit goes to the Alex Newmun-Shelton Howard combina tion. Newman doubled twice, scored a run, knocked in a run and reaphed three limes from the leadoff spot. If that's not enough, Ihe sophomore made a critical catch in cenler on the dead run. Howard scattered seven hits and walked Iwo in his fifth compiele game in eighl starts on the mound. Thc senior righlhnnder hus five of Davie’s six complete games and five, of Davie's II wins. Howard im proved lb 5-3 and trimmed his ERA to 2.31, outducling Brandon Wise, who went ail the way but fell to 2-3. Davie was due a break or Iwo. In two of Ihe four straight losses, il could have easily been on the other side. “ 1 hope wc cun build off Ihul (in next • , week’s first-round roud gume),” couch Mike Herndon said. “We needed some good luck. (Josh) Berryhill was victim of lough luck against West Forsyth, and Howard pitched u couple gems und look some lough losses.” Reynolds fell lo 9-15 overall, while Davie improved lo 11-9. It wasn’t nearly as easy as thc 10-0 decision.al Rich Park, bul Davie’s quick 2-0 lead was good enough to sirelch the series winning streak to II. Newman’s leadoff double in the first set thc table for a l-Q lead. He moved to third on Connor Bodenhamer’s ground out, and he scored on Jacob Vernon’s grounder to second. ’ Newman struck again in die second. Evan Criscd jed off with a double, Two outs later, Newman ripped a run-scor ing double. Howard walked a tightrope in Ihe Ihird, fourth imd fifth, bul he’came away with the lead intact. He worked around two hits in the third. Reynolds cut the margin in holf in the fourthi but Howard managed lo sirund two in scoring posi tion. Thc key was Ihe running calch by Newman, Ihe only well-slruck ball by Reynolds all jgamc. “They had eight hils (to Davie’s six), bul diey hit one ball hard," Hemdon said. “ Ih any other bail park in our con ference, that ball would have been gone. But Newman chased it down. Everydiing else was fisted or hit o ff the end of the bat that we just couldn't gel to.” Please See Doubles - Page B6 Soccer Seniors Provide Leadership By B rian Pitts Duvie Enterprise Record Davie's varsity soccer leam wanted to finally turn the tables on North Davidson, wanted lo put a damper on North’s Senior Night. But North sus tained its long winning streak over Davie in lust week's rcgulur-seuson fi nale. Amber M ills made sure of that. North's 3-2 win stuck Davie (8-7-1, 2-7-1 Central Piedmont Conference) in fifth place for the fourih straight year. M ills scored the game's first goal as North never trailed, and she scored the backbreaking goal to give North a 3-1 lead wilh 22 minutes left. North's win- ,ning slreuk in ihe series grew lo eighl, not losing lo Duvie in six years. Eariier in the week, the War Eagles rolled past visiting North Forsyth II- l, making il an enjoyable Senior Night for Cassie Barnes, Jessa Ren and Hannah Stroupe. It mirrored the first meeting us Duvie took 36 of die game's 40 shots and led 5-0 at il^e break. Stroupe scored two goals, while Kelley Cundiff, Jansen McDaniel, Hannah Whitehead, Cl,are Moser, Cheyenne Lashmit, Jennifer Booth, Izzy Vaughn-Joncs, Ren and Cnitlyn Bruke scored one each. Moser dished out four assists, while Katie Gerdon and Stroupe distributed two apiece. Ren, Headier Whitehead and Bumes had one assist. “In the second half we moved ev erybody uround and played every body," couch Peic Guslnfson snid. “Ev erybody wns trying to get the bull to somebody in particular" ' North Forsyth was checkers. North Davidson, on die odier hand, was chess. The Black Knights have earned con siderable respect by beating Reynolds for die first lime ever (2-0) and scaring West Forsylh in a 2-1 double-overtime loss. North squeaked by Davie 1-0 in double OT ut Duvie, but M ills gave North u I -0 lead ul 26:58. But two min utes later, Moser scored off un assist from Lashmit to tie the game. It was a long-range beauty ihul evoked a loiid roar from the Davie fuidifui. “Cheyenne worked hnrd lo get die bull,” Guslnfson suid. “Ciure took it on the chcsl, brought it down, got by her defender real quick nnd shot. It was al least 25 to 30 yards oul. And it was over the keeper's head. And the keeper was at least 5-10. It was a real pretty goal.” • But reminiscent to recent history against North (11-7-1, 5-5), Davie never could lake control. North scored less than a minute inlo the second half; and M ilts supplied the 3-1 dagger at 58:10. “ I thought we played very well,” Guslafson said. “ But we had a couple defensive errors where we were mark-: ing a space instead of a man. In soccer you can't murk a space." Davie made die final minute inter-! esting when Cundiff scored at 79:20.- Heather Whitehead assisted. Bul the War Eagles needed a Hail Mary, and Ihey couldn't get the ball anywhere near the goal. Please See Leaders - Page B3 » , V <! E ! : 1 ; ' ■ •• ......... ' - В2 : DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,2009 Lindsey Bailey takes a strong swing ■ у ( .'•f, f ^ Г‘ ; ^ ffif" Annellse Chesney slides into second base at Collett Field In Mocksville. Varsity Softball Dominates Reynolds , Morgan Wyatt fouls off a pitch. Not so long »go, the Davic vursity soflball team was mired in u foiir-gnmc losing strciil^. Now llie streak is flip-flopped, w ith Davic entering last Tucsiluy’s confcrcncc tourna ment on a four-game winning streak. Lttsl week the Wnr Eagles outlasted North Forsyth 13-8 and produced a pair of shutouts (4-0 nnd 8-0) in n doublchcadcr with (teynolds. The run ended the regular season for Davic, which finished' 11-9 overall and 6-4 in the Central Piedmont Confcrcncc, It placed third out of six learns, the seventh time in ciglit years it has Imishcd third or'fourth. The 13-8 w in over North Tor.syth marked the highest- .scoring contcst in 81 games, dating to n 22-9 win over. Mount Tabor in 2006, . Morgan Wyatt homered in her first at-bat, giving her four homers in a span of five at-bats against North, including a third straight. The coach ordered the pitcher to intentionally walk Wyatt ill her .«iccond at-bat, but apparently she didn’t gel the message, throwing a strike and allowing a single on tho fourth pitch. She did intciitionaily walk Wyatt the next time, bouncing it across the plate four limes. Yeah, she really bounccd the pitches, Wyatt fmished 3 for 4 with three RBIs and her eighth bonier, four from the stale rccord. Tisha Funderburk hom ered for the first time, became ihe fifth different War Eagle lo go'deep and went 3 for 5, Chelsea Neal improved to 6 for 13 since moving to leadoff bat ter four games ago, Davie hosted ¡Reynolds in a doublehcader Saturday at Collette Field, Freshman Tori Clontz and sophomore Kayhi Cornatzer threw the shutouts as they combined for no walks and 17 strikeouts. Get this; Davie has defeated Reynolds 30 straight times, Notc.s Diivtc Ncnl dll McCime cf Ouiibcl • Sara Handy has found her Wyutic stroke, going 5 for 7 against Sdtuiii tb Reynolds to lift her average ” from .217 to ,283. • Wyatt is hitting .642 (9 for Tmtctonp 14) during a four-game hitting Cloniip streak, and she’s back over ,500 for the year (28 for 5^, .509). She’s on track lo smash the sea- ,son record for average. The record belongs to Hannah Tier ney, who hil ,483 in 2006, • Jordim Schultz has a foiir- gainc hitting streak, pusliing her mark to ,339, That’s more like the Schultz Davic fans have been accuslonicd to seeing since- 20015, • Funderburk is riding a four- game hitting streak of her own, going 6 for 11 during the span, • Lindsey Bailey socked her second homer in her fir.st at-bat in the 8-0 win over Reynolds. She just missed another, bang ing the top of the fence in,the air in her second at-bat. She’s '8 for 20 (,400) on the year. • Two JV players made their varsity debuts in tho 8-0 game. Freshman Heather Riddle made a pinch-hit appearance, and Cornatzer went 1 for 3 to go along w itli three-hit pitcliing, Dnvie 13, North Forsyth 8 Tarlolon I.? 6 Clontz. W 5.1 5 Davic 4, Reynolds 0 Uovlc nb r №at cf 3 0 Ctonli p . 3 0 Wynltc 2 2 Sclmllz tb 3 1 Funderburk »s' 3 1 Л. Riddle 2b 3 0 Chesney 3b 3 0 MiCunc If 2 0 Hondy rf 3 0 Tuliilii 25 4 Kcynotds Dnvio ООО ООО 0 - 0 tIO 020 x -4 2D - Sclinlli (3). Funderburk (3). 3U - Wyatt (3). SB - Wymi (6), Л. Riddle. Ilovtc H' II R HR ВП SO Clontz, W 7 4 0 0 O ' to Handy rf Short Hnmllton ir Chesney Totnts N, Forsylli Davtc ull 4 r 2 h 2 hi 1 U avie 8, R eynolds 0 3 1 1 1 0 Duvlo nb r h bl 0 0 0 ' Ncul cf 3 1 1 1 4 3 3 3 Cloni/, |)h 1 0 0 0 5 2 г t Handy гГ 4 2 3 2 5 '‘ 3 3 3 Wyatt с 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 0 Schulte dh 3 0 1 1 2 . 0 0 0 Fundothurk ss 2 0 I' 2 1 .0 0 0 A.RUdle2b 3 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 Dallcy lb 3 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 Chesney 3b ,2 1 1 .0 1 0 0 0 П, RIddlgph I ,9a .0..0 . 0 0 0 0 Comntzer p ■ . 1 1 1 0 ' 1 0 0 0 TolnLi 28 8 12 8 36 13 14 10,I Oavle 012 500- 8 160' ООО 1-8 Rcynnld.4 000 000- 0 523 120 X '- 13 2U - Schultz (2). I'underburk (2). I landy. HR - Wyiilt(8). I'mulciburk. SI) - Neal. Wyatt (5), Scluiltz. Dnvie II> II К ПК UH .40 2D-.Schultz(4).IIR.nnlloy(2),SIl- Schul!/. (2). Duvie ll> II К Kit im SO Cutu.W 6 3 0 ü 0 7 TIsha Funderburk takes aim at a pitch.teammates congratulate Lindsey Bailey after a homerun. ' Senior Jordan Schultz lays out at first during a doubleheader sweep over Reynolds at Collette Field. Davie has 30 consecutive wins over Reynolds. i , I I ' ^ '■ J . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,2009 - B3 ^ South, Ellis Tie For Tennis Title South Davie’s boys tennis team continued its winning ways last week, convincingly defeating North Davie 8-1 and closing out the regular season with an 8-2 rccord. South tied Ellis for the conference title. South coach H ali Collins mixed up her lineup to see how soiiie o f the younger players would respond. When th e y proved they were up to the task. she had nothing but praise for them. “ 1 was proud of the team,” she said. "They all did very w ell. Brandon Ruth played singles for the first time and was able to win 8-0.” South's singles winners in cluded Stephen Daniel (8-1), Jason Sellers (8-3), James Neal (8-2), Adam Carter (8-6) and Andrew Whaley (8-6). David Hursey and Evan Lankford won 6-1 at No. 1 doubles, nnd Jacob Horton-Robert Daniel won 6-0 at No. 2. North’s No. 3 doubles team - Joey VaNeiman and Joey Davis - won 6-2. “It was nice to finish the sea son with a tie for the conference title,” Collins said. "I’m hoping the boys w ill do just as well in the tournament." N o r t h ’s M ille r M a k e s H a t T r ic k Golf Champions Tlie Ellis goif team won the conference title. The team rnedaiist was Seth i\4orris and Tyler Gaddy won the coach’s award. The members, from left: front - Chase Moore, Morris, coach Vann Harrell and Scott Dennard; stand- . Ing ■ Jacob Gorzelski, Gaddy, Jon TIse, Jeff Phillips and Ryan Bailey. The first time North Davie’s soccer team faced South Davie, ithad to work hard for a 1-0 win. Last week’s rematch was much easier as the Wildcats were vic torious 3-0 behind a hat trick from Caitiin Miller, M iller gave North n 1-0 lead at haiftime, “ She drove the ball from outside the 18, and it was absolutely beautiful,” coach John Marshall said, "It was the nicest goal I’ve ,seen all year.” M iller struck twice in the second hnlf, getting assists from Jessica W hite and Meredith Ratiedge. The barrage gave M iller 12 team-high goals on the year. The Wildcats bounccd back from their only loss (2-0 to Ellis), improved to 6-1 - 1 and recorded their fifth shutout in eight games, "We shut down their speed players,” Marshall said, "Chloe Mabe played good in the back. O f course, Jill Duffner played well as usual. She’s probably my most consistent player,” The conference tournament was scheduled for Monday and Tuesday o f this week. South Davie was the host. No. 1 Ellis nnd No. 4 Thomasville met in the first game o f a double- header, followed by No. 2 North Davie-No, 3 South Davie. The winners collided Tuesday for the chiimpionship, Leaders... Continued From Page B l "Kelley’s got a lot o f drive on Ihe field,'' he said o f the keeper, who made a phenom enal left-handed save before coming out of goal, "(The save) wns nlniost professional. She did all she could do, I thought she had a great game. She’s had ‘ a good year in there. She’s up there approaching 200 saves. She’s saved n lot of goals.” A ll season the three seniors did whatever they needed to do lo help the team. They played with fire, something all coaches love to see. They provided fan tastic leadership. But more im portantly, they earned everyone’s respect with deeds as well as words, V Ren, Bames and Stroupe w ill be lasting memories for • Qiistafson, the 19lh-year coach wiio enjoyed this group as milch as any he’s had. Track... the distance-athlete-of-the- year award. That's impressive. We’ve had some field athletes • of tho year, but I've never had a distance athlete of the year,” While Tutterow was all-CPC in Ihree events. Hooper turned the trick twice, winning the shot put (33-7.5) and claiming sec ond in the discus (102-5). Hooper, il senior who spent her first two years o f high school at Forbush, scored 18 points, and .she didn’t lose all year in the shot put against CPC competi tion. "When we score 96 points as a team and one girl is able to' score 18, that’s not too shabby,” he said, "A fter (her first CPC loss in the) discus, she was ti littli disappointed in herself. But she shook off the di.scus, got her mind straight and won thcj shot pul by nine and a half inches. It was a great way for her to finish the season. " If she finished first' in the discus, she possibly could have been field athlete of the year. Mount Tabor ended up getting that, It’s going to be roally dif ficult to replace her next year. She’s a very dedicated athlete. Sheis Ihe type of, athlete you wish you had a hundred o f them.” On the gold medal-winning 3200 relay, Tutterow was joined by freshman Kaitlyn Hutchins, sophomore Rachel Howeli and junior Emerald Tuthill. They finished in 10:23,6, pulling a major upset over "Dibor, which wns six seconds back. Incredibly, the foursome bet tered D nvie’s previous-best mnrk by 25 seconds, Howell ran the first leg and delivered a sea son-best 2:48, Tuthill took over and closed substantial ground on Uboc, Next was Hutchins, who gave Davie tlie lead by beating her previous-best time by a whopping 15 seconds, "Her race was unbelievable,” Beiter said. "A ll three of them nre grent role models,” he snid, "You just can’t suy enough about those seniors. Their lendership has been.phenomenal. They’re just highly respected by tlie other teammates. They took over war mups, they disciplined and they showed our younger players what focus is about and what game time means, th e ir leader ship w ill be sorely missed as well as their field play and their company.” O f Ren, the couch snid; “Jessa wus a beast (at North Davidson). She had offensive attacks and she had offensive overlaps. She Is our team spokesman, When Jessa talks, people listen. Jessu’s pluy hns improved tremendously,” O f Bnmes, he said: "Cassic plays better when she’s angry, and she learned thiit this year. because people were pushing her, Tho level of play increased. so .she had to increase. When she got angry, she got physical and had her best games. She had groat games against dll the good teams, and that’s when it really counts. She can pump herself up. She’s kind o f the quarterback of the defense. She communicates with the defense more than imy- , body else, with Jcnn (Booth) being in there, too. Jenn controls the people who get by. Cassic is kind of the organizer of the de fense. She’s a groat defender,” O f Stroupe, he said: " I’ve played her everywhere on the field, and she’s good anywhere. W ith her vision, she secs through defenses. That’s her strength. She has tho vision and the control to push those balls through, with accuracy that’s great, AS'far as on the field and o ff the field, she’s an incredible example. Her and Laura (Shel ton) pluy .the most difficult po sition on tlie field (midficld), und S troupe she’s like a horse. I rnnybe subbed for her once or twice the whole year. That shows what kind of shape and what kind of person she is. She’s the Cal Ripken o f soccer. She just goes and goes and goes.” Notes: Moser led with 18 goals, followed by Stroupe with seven and Shelton with five. Stroupe was first with nine as sists. Shelton wos No. 2 with seven.... Davie’s JV lost 3-1 at North Davidson. The goal was a Vaughn-Jonc8-to-Shelby Johnson connection, Davie fin ished 2-10'und 0-8, losing the last nine games. Tutterow wus the final leg, and she supplied the icing. "We worked the handoffs all week. That was our primary fo- cus,” Beiter said. "W hen Hutchins handed o ff lo Tut terow, wc knew we had it. I think Tabor’s coaches planned on winning that race and we caught them offguard. We dropped 25 seconds as a team. We shocked them pretty good. That wus an exciting race. That was the beginning o f a great meet for the girls.” The group o f top-two finish ers was not the whole story. Freshman Sarah Battles (100 hurdles in 18.45), junior Taylor Stokes (200 in 27.9), Hutchins (300 hurdles in 50.68) and se nior Rebecca Hendrix (high jump at 4-10) played significant roles by placing third. Twelve different War Eagles contrib uted points. "Wc don’t finish in second without people like Stokes (who placcd in the 100,200 and 400), Hutchins (three relays), Taylor Anderson (who scorcd In the high jump) and Hendrix pick ing up points,” he said, "Those points add up. There’s so many different Individuals adding points. It’s not just the four or five that scorcd the big points,” Bell Scorcs Big On the Davie boys side, • sophomore Ricky Bell was just as big o f a feel-good story, tak ing home CPC Field Athlete of the Veur after winning the dis cus and taking second In the shot put. Bell became the first ull-CPC perform er for Duvie's boys since Kenny Rivers, who won the high jum p in 2006, Duvie placed fifth out of six, but lhat was uctuully un Im provement from 2008 (sixth out of six) and 2(X)7 (seyenth out of seven). High-powered Tnbor' had 196 to Reynolds' 142, North Davidson’s 80, West Forsyth’s 65, D uvie’s 40 und N orth Forsyth’s 29. "We did the best we could,” Holman said, “ Early on I had to dismiss some sprinters. It hurt us polnts-wlse, but I thought it mude us n bettor team overnll,” Bell captured the discus (134 feet) by more than seven feet, and he finished second in the shot put nt 43-2, He beat his best shot put by two feet, “ When he hns a bad day, I huve to keep reminding myself that he’s just a sophomore,” Holmon said, “ His best is yet to come. He’s going to get better und better. His work ethic Is sec ond to none. That’s nol just track. That’s in everything he does (including football and wrestling). He’s n good kid.” B ell’s 18 points tied a North Forsyth guy for the most points among field athletes. W hat’s more, he’s Davie’s first field athlete of the year since Cooler A rnold in 2005 and Patrick Lowery in 2002. " If he threw his normal 41 In the shot put, he would have ended up In fourth place,” Be lter said, "But he jumped up two . feeti As u sophomore, that’s out standing, He’s a conference chumpion und hns two years to defend that,” Needmore Logging Extends Basketball Lead Noodmore Logging has ex tended its lead in the men’s open bnskctbull lengue to two games over Team V, Cullin' Up and Barnette Heating & Air, Needmore is 10-1, while the trio behind it is each 8-3. Bird Gang is 7-3, followed by three' teams at 6-4 (The Remedy, Cozart’s Handyman Services and Creek Ali-Stars). Hatzoff and Dem Boyz arc both 5-5. Needm ore Logging 94 - Paul Cuthbertson 2, Stove Heggins 27, B, Avery 13, T,J, Gaither 4, D.J. Duncan 11, K,J, Sherrill 17, Keyshawn Sherrill 19, Snip Kenton 2. C ozart’s Handym an Scr- vlccs 77 - M arnic Lewis 3, Brian Lane 27, Barry Chunn 5, Child Ward 8, Tony Mallard 7, Carlos Dixon 27. Few Good M en 70 - Sam H lllic 31, Mann Oglesby 4, Marcus W hite 15, Ike Johnson 13,E rlcJordan2,H lllie6. Team V 100 - Sean Stevens 17, Austin Spnugh 16, Eric Alspaugh 24, W ill Bynum 8, Luhdon H arris 11, Cory Tenneyson 24. The R em edy 75 - M att Hudson 19, Jeremy M iller 2, Brad Dyer 12, Erie Lowery 7, Brandon M a xw e ll 19, R. Denney 15. D em B oyz 81 - Cedric Tenor 4, Brandon Finger 5, Dewayne C ollins 4, Avery Patterson 24, Josh M orris 3, Bryan M cC ullough 19, DeVaun Winslow 2, Dee Bost n - Evans Services S3 - John Evans 6,_ A l Evans 6, Justin Dotson 5, Truvis Pencock 4, Dominic,Graham 4, Brondon Hawks 11, Kenny Orsillo 17. yatta 25. B ird G ang 58 - Marcus Lassiter 9, Mario Hawkins 11, M, Brim 6, Duane Phillips 3, Matt Burchcttc 3, P. McFadden 2, Z. Banks 24, C uttin’ Up 62 - J. Sipco 6, Ray Bristow 7, TV Davis 14, IVemaine King 4, D. Blukeney 4, J. Rumlcy 14, P. McCnndles 13. Team V 55 - Senn Stevens 6, A ustin Spuugh 7, E ric Alspuugh 25, Caleb Davis 3, Landon H arris 4, C ory Tennyson 10, Barnette Heating & A ir 83 - Greg Barnette 8, Brian W ill iams 8, Andy Snow 23, Bubbn Colemun 16, Brent W all 11,' Scott Tonldandel 15, D, Conrad 4. H atzoff 74 - Vincent Cock erham 10, Germain Mayfield 7, C liff Burns 23, Shawn Westbrook 15, Speedy Red mond 10, Tracey Arnold 9, A-Xcam 81 - David Pitts 15, LeBron Mayfield 16, J. Ijames 4, Josh H olcom b 28, Cody Sulier 16, Michael Sulier 2. Needmore Logging 108 - Paul C uthbertson 9, Steve H#»aoln«97 T R«nl'tn'^7 . BREAKFASTFUNDRAISER CORNATZER-DULIN VOL. FIRE DEPT. LADIES AUXILIARY SATURDAY, MAY 16 6:30-10 a.m. C00S, Bacon, Sausage, Country Ham, Grlta, Gravy, Hot Biscuits, Fresh Coffee, Milk, Ice Tea i Juice D in e In o r T a k e O u t • D o n a tio n s A c c e p t e d Come Support Your Volunteer Firefighters 1522 Cornateer Road • 336-998-2395 fi I 'i 1 I ^ ! Й ; I - ! Ì ;| : : i ì l i I I 1 ! В4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE-RECORD, THURSDAY, May. 14,2009 S S P O T U G H T ÍT M a Í/Ím Í Ы Îê êê ê^ ' ' ' PraÌMmt riiif ctHipon IFòr I your mxf purchdM of $5.00 or rtMM ,NBleoodmhmo«\er,atcowlitirspetìiiÌ3,A<lmHtehotminlif. ;, ^ \ л - ' '- iaf-- ' ‘ earaiie Dcor l^epalrs Л11 Electrical Cpener l^epalrs Emergency Service- Senior Citizens Discount • 25 Years Experience №RINOS caw.m '''' GARAGE DOOR SERVICES "M r. E d '' ) (336) 998-2336 » Fahmiwqton, KC I ........„ J ^ O c tn (x c f a n d "p a ^ tc c ^ c t ic 3 3 6 -7 8 8 - 0 8 6 2 3 3 6 -7 6 6 -8 1 9 5 W E W ASH OR EXTRACr ALL RUGS PADDING IS RECOMMiNDtn lOK R u g s O n T o p O f C a rp o t R u g s O n H n rd w o o d F lo o r s R u g s O n T lio F lo o r s P e t S tn ln s & O d o r R o m o v e d flo p n lr s & P r o lo c lo r P i c k u p a n d D e l i v e r y Call ‘Dirty Digs’ To Repair Your Landscaping Problems it's time to start planning for a beautiful lawn this spring, Homeowners wanting to spruce up their lawns across Clemmons, Lewisville and Davie County have a great re- , source when they need some heavy duty help. Diny bigs and owner tom Jones are the ones to call. If your lawn, trees or land needs heavy duty attention, look no further. Now is the Ideal time for making those Im provements. From erosion control to stump removal Dirty Digs, a licensed and bonded company, originally represented the finest In erosion control. They also han dled drainage systems for yards and dowiispouts, grading and excavations, demolition of old or unwanted structures, brush clean-up of hard to control areas, footings and stump removal. But Dirty Digs didn't stop there. Now offering additional services Dirty Digs has evolved and Is now offering many addi tional services to better serve their clients who often had to turn to several coritractors to complete projects they had In mind. To make It much simpler, Dirty Digs became a 'gen eral purpose' service. They did this by forming two alliances - one with a profes sional landscape designer/installer and one with a certified arborlst. ' . , , ■ Dirty Digs' landscape and hardscape services. Include soil preparation and seeding along with design and Installa tion of mulch beds, trees arid shrubs, Installation of retain ing walis and back filling/final grading. Hydro seeding and hydro mulching will also be available soon. Their, tree services, which are performed by a certified arborlst. Include treatments, repair, revitalization, trimming, removal of trees, land clearing and stump removal. Free estimates available So as you can see, Dirty Digs provides many things to many people. Whether your project requires only one or two of their services or Is a more complex Job and would be better served by an integrated approach to an array of ser vices, give Dirty Digs a call now for a free estimate. Get your spring projects scheduled how With the season change rapidly approaching, schedule your projects with the Dirty Digs professionals now so you can be among the first to get finished this spring. They use small equipment for jobs In tight spaces and larger equipment appropriate for projects requiring heavier lifting. Remember, this is an excellent time of the year to tackle those outdoor projects that you have been thinking about all winter. Give Tom at Dirty Digs a call today at (336) 749- 0465. • .. .. A d v a n c e H a i r D e s i g n Weddings B rid e F re e /W e d d in g P a rty S p e cia l D is c o u n ts Proms / 11 2 o r iV lore G irls S p e cia l D is c o u n ts • Aiilhonzi'd Avon Agent • Hours: nies.-Sat. 9:30am-6pm 3431 US Hwy 64E, Advance • 336-998-3387 S t o r m W a t e r M a n a g e m e n t R e s i d e n t i a l D r a i n a g e S y s te m s L a n d C l e a r i n g , D e m o litio n ^ L a n d s c a p e / H a r d s c a p e y IJct'iiSi'd And Insured :icmmoiis NC Toni Jones 336-749-0465 EDWARDS WIND^A^ e x p e rle h c G i ___'t ' LaVida 60 mbuto relaxation ma»sag« m a s s a g e ' New Town« Shopping Center iusi down from Slaples 2517 Uwlfville*Clemmon» Rd 336-766-0622 Mon-Fri 9-9 • Sot 9-6 • Sun 11-6 LoVido custom fadoli & peels <Хй\ Servkot Ь/ k»nted NC №liog« & П'в'ор'»*« o< Coirrwtolog tit. 60 mlr^ute leiton coniii'i ol SO octuol hondi on hm«. l o i b o d y • m i n d • life 30% TAX CREDIT Up to *1500“ • Replacement Windows . • Storm Doors - 9 Colors • Entry Doors • Roofing > Insulation 764-0885 Mobile Phone 9 7 8 -2 2 9 9 Sand Trap Custom Golf 766-2233 OR 760-2880 New Iron Sets : 3-pw*149 ill Used Clubs! lyz Price* UGLY ROOF STAIM REMOVED FOR A LIKE NEW LOOK! Nation's Largest & Oldest Roof Stain Romovers 785-2030 100 Royal Oak Dr., WInston-Salem, NC 27107 ■ mUM AND FOUNtAl.WKAH WE’VE MOVED! ^2729 Lcwlsville'Clcmmons Rd. Clemn)uii.s (Just beforo Starbucks) (336) 766-0999 www.englishbridnlcom Mon-Wed: 10-6 •Thura; 10-0 Fri: 10-5 • Sol: 10-3 • Sum Closod ThistYourLawn To TheProtessionals'' CLAM Ptm LAWN CARE •Iri Business For 28 Years •FiilSeivlc8Corririierlcal& Reskienlial Uwn Cara'Insured 345-6695 Joel Clampitt, Owner Mocf^ylLLe pools ^ >-KSl)F- flw-« ».Servicing Corrimerclal and Residential Pool Openings and. Closings , Weekly Service ’ Chemicals Free Water Testing Portable Spas Liner Changes Renovations Pumps and Filters Sold and Serviced Pool'Deck Renovations Tile Work Salt Water Chlorine Generators...never buy chlorine again! U L C I ; v isit our showrooM. oia. Depot street, MoaksvUle vitw our Sf>as. flKud sw im , spfls at wvvw.u.iA,ityliottnbs.ooHi, 336-751-7665 Store Hours: T-F, 9*5; Sat., 9*1; ...Cjosod Sun. & Mon. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thur.sdny, May 14,2009 - B5 Deer Gets High Score On Boone & Crockett Scale n e j s , liy Heather Tom lin Special to the Enterprise For Ihepnst four yenrs 1 linve been seeing this deer in nnd out of the woods, sometimes just standing in the field In front of my house wptchiiig me ns I worked outside in the ynrd, I swore up nnd down to many fnmily members mid friends that this wns the biggest deer that I had ever seen. Most of them - nctunlly nil of them - simply snid “ You’re crnzy." I replied, "Wnit one dny. I'll show you nil oncc 1 kill it.” Tim ing is everything, nnd nny hunter knows you hnve to put in the sent time. Around the first week o f December, the neighbors on tiie back side o f the property through the woods hnd killed a big deer. Once my brother-in- law told me thi.>) I felt so sick to my stomnch, praying that they hndn’t klllpd my big deer. I begged him to call the guy be cause I wnnted to see pictures. It wasn’t my deer. I felt a huge sigh of relief. On Dec. to , my fiance, Roger Whitaker, was watching our 14-month-oid son and rnn- domly looking out the window, watching the wood line where most o f the deer cnme out in Ihe evening. Most of the time we • would just wntch them through the binocuinrs nnd talk hours later thnt night. But nil of n sudden his luck changed. Roger looked out once nnd snw nothing, but then he hnd Ihis weird feeling, so he got back out of tho recliner nnd re- nllzed thnt the biggest dee.r thnt he had ever seen was In. the field waiting. R oger W hitaker and C hristo phe r K reh w ith the de er W hitaker killed that scored 142 3/8 on the B oone & C rockett scale. It just wasn’t the biggest deer - but my deer, As 1 walked back in the liv ing room, Roger had just went outside and within a minute 1 heard a shot. When Roger ran bnck in the liouse he hnd so much adrenaline pumping thnt he could hnve turned over n cnr. Once I could cnlm him down where he could tnik, he said, "I killed the big one.” After load ing tho deer nnd bring it for me lo see, I agreed. I was so excited that Roger hnd killed the deer. O f course, I didn't got to shoot the deer, but the man I love did so nnd thnt makes it more special. I try to tell everyone thnt its "our deer” because I’ve wntched It all tliese years nnd told many people about it. Most didn’t believe me, but Roger did. Worth Wiles, taxidermist, . wns amazed nnd cxcUed. bn Mny 8, Christopher Kreh from the Boone, nnd Crockett Club camc to our home to look' nt our trophy deer. After nil the mensurements were taken, Ihe true gross scoro wns 142 3/8. Christ said It was tho biggest typical deer ho had ovor scored In Yadkin Counly. Believe me, It makes nil the other doer hends on the wnll look smnll. D a t e s G o lfB c n c n t Tiie Mnrlne Corps Lengue' Detachment#1096 IstToysFor Tots golf benefit Is scheduled for June 6 nt Twin Cedars nt 8 n.m. The cost for the four-per- son captain’s choice is $50 per person and $200 per team. Sign up before June 1 to snvo $20. There w ill be n free brenkfnst for plnyers. For more informn- tion coVitnct Ron Sechrist (998- 3007) or Tom Kopetzky (336- 749-7547). G o lf T o u rn a m e n ts • The North Dnvie Middle School Booster Club w lll havo a first-nnnunl golf toumnment on Mny 30 nt Pudding Ridge. Prizes will be awarded for long-' est drive, closest to tho pin and wintjlng teams. The cost is $60, which includes door prizes, goody bag, m ulligans, lee- buster rind lunch. Lunch w ill start nt 12;30-p.m. A shotgun slnrt \yill be nt 2. Sponsorships nrc nvnllnblc. If you would like to piny or be n sponsor, contact Greg Brooks nt 336-782-9656. ■ O n c -P itc h T o u rn a m e n t The Cooleemee Redskins Booster Club w ill hold a one- pitch softball tournament on May 16 at Cooleemee. Call Larry Thles at 492-5057 (home) or 336-692-7299 (cell). C o e d S o ftb a ll L e a g u e There w ill be a coed softball league on Sunday afternoons nt Cooleemee stnrting May 17. The entry fee Is $225, This w ill bo a one-pitch lengue. Contact Larry thles nt 492-5057 (home) or 336-692-7299 (cell). H o le In O n e Jimmy Mnrrs of Mocksvillc gol n hole in ono on Mny 9 at Pudding Ridgo. It hnppencd on No. 17 from 152ynrds. He used nn 8-iron. His playing pnrtners were B ill Mari'S, Nick Summers nnd Angle Micnle. . O l d S c h o o l Davie Sports News Froml\^ay, 1982 • After going undefeated in the regular season, Ihe Davie golf team dominated tlie confer ence tournament,nt Hickory H ill. The War Eagles shot 294, beating second-place Asheboro (320) by 26 strokes; Snlisbury had 333, Thomnsvllle 337, Trin ity 347, North Dnvidson 354 and Lexington 355. Senior Jeffrey Lankford was the tournament medalist with a 2-under-par 70. The other Davie scores: Bubba Brown 73, Con Shelton 75, U ly Orisotte 76, B ritt Stroupe 8() and Brian DriggarsSO. , A ll six War Engles made Ihe all-conference team. Lankford finished firs t and Was the league’s player o f the,year. Sophomores Q risctto nnd Brown finished second nnii third, respectively, in the league. Juniors Driggnrs and Stroupe finished fourth nnd sixth. Shelton, a senior, finished eighth. Bob Henry wns named conch o f the year. • Davie’s baseball team lost 4-2 lo Lexington. It cut a 4-0 deficit to 4-2 as Lefty Slewnrt reached on an error and John Johnson singled. Paul Gardner walked to lond tho bnses, and then Bnrry W hitlock cracked a two-run double. Unfortunately, Gardner was thrown oul nt third for the first out o f the inning, and Dnvie never threntoned again. Dnn Riddlp pitchcd seven in nings nnd scattered soven hits, but Davio only managed five hits in n 2-0 loss to North Dnvidson. Conch Dnvid H u n t. got fine defensive piny from infielders Scott Vogler nnd W hitlock and outfielders Gardner and Doug James. Dnvie strnnded 10 runners. W hitlock had three hits, two doubles and three RBIs as Dnvie held o ff T rin ity 4-1. Ghrdnerndded two hits, includ- . ing a nin-scoring double. Davie took a 1-0 load when Gardner walked and W hitlock doubled. W ith the score 1-1,-.Trinity loaded the bases with one out. Riddle escaped by recording back-to-back strikeouts oh eight pitches. Davie grabbed a 2-1 lend when W hitlock singled. That followed a James walk and Gardner single. In the next half inning, Trinity again loaded the bases, this time with no outs. Rlddlo escaped again. Trinity popped up a suicide squeeze; Riddle caught it nhd threw to third for a double piny. Then he, got n strikeout. Dnvie added in surance by scoring twice in the seventh. There were consecu tive doubles by Stewart, Gard ner nnd W hitlock. The w in evened Davie’s record al 9-9. • Ton athletes from Davie’s boys and girls track teams quali fied for the sectionnl meet. Davie was represented by Sa rah Gardner, Lisa Eden, Donnn W hitlock, Jeff Clnrk, Bobby Ronch, Jnmos H ollis, Barry Pullinm, Rnndy Mnyfield, Tim Barker nnd Joey Boulwnre. In tho conforencc meet, Davie gol first-placo perfor mances from Clark (45-8 3/4 in triple jum p), Ronch (11-6 in pole vault), Gnrdner (39-4.5 in shot put) nnd Eden (12;30.16 in 3200). B U S IN E S S S P O T U G H T Garage Door Services Of Farmington The garage door on your home is one of those things you rarely think too much about until It stops workingl The staff at Garage Door Services ot Farmington knoviis that your garage door can be- more than Just a' garage door—it's often the main entrance for you and ybur'famlly to get In and out of your home. It also provides your home wilth an extra level of security,' With this In mind, Garage Door Services strives io ensure that you Willl never be w/lthout Its service. Garage Door Services excels In service of all makes and models of garage doors and electric door openers. They also provide sales and Installation of LIftmaster 1/2, Horsepower Professional residential electric door openers. In the garage door business, the staff at Garage Door Services knows the' Inner workings of garage doors and their components. You can always rely on a quick diagnosis and timely repair for any problems. To help prevent experiencing any problems. Garage Door Services are currently offering a garage door tune up special. This Includes diagnosis, adjustment and lubrication of the door and opener for Just $59.95. Also be sure to ask about their senior citizen discount. The staff of Garage Door Serives prides themselves on being prompt and reliable on all service calls. They will arrange appointments according to your schedule and treat customer service as their prlrhary goal. Garage Door Services Is available throughtout DavIe County and in the Lewisville and Clenimons areas. Call 998-2336 today for an appointment. They also offer emergency service at anytime of day or night. S A V IN (;.4 K V K K Y D .W 1 0 ^ U SütKur Cili/Of) Discounts Wcdnosdiiy40% orr SAIEFRI. a. s m : ONLYDM« N«l iHBlmlo lallau WiMr. DrlHkaorScaoMiti ( 'k iiimoiis IHsfoiint .Siilfs 15ЛЛ I ìcnniiniis U(i. 7(,6-444‘J • ( Uiiimims • 1Ы*-4Ш arolina Small Engine Snlee & service af outdoor power equlpmenti mowers, trimmors, chain saws, blowers» genoralors, & moro i034 Fork BiMby na., Advance 998-7755 J e n n if e r H u tc h in s • O w n e r • 3 3 6 - 7 6 6 - 3 1 0 1 3505 L aw ren ce S treet C lem m ons, N C 27012 tvww.irvinrobcrlssalon.com • •••>■ • • • • BAKERY THRIFT STORE : S u p e r S a i A l | | S : ; Several Ways, ; : Every D ay! ; Taylor Repair 7 5 1 - 7 8 7 9 We’ll Beat Anyone’s Price On Outdoor Power Equipment Parts & Service Pfck-uj) & DeliveryAvailabte I 19 C ustom Dr., M ocksvillc SPECIAL W Per Month THE BEST VALUE IN FITNESS Membership and Amenities Includes: Lots of Cardio • Free Weights '- Circuit Training All Womens Cenler • Free Child Watch Group Fitness • Basketball PllatesA'oga • Group Fitness Wet Sauna/Dry Sauna • Flat Screen T.V.'s 6221 Ramada D rive • Clem m ons • 712-2021 w w w .pB akritnB88G íub8:G om i B iVÍA * ÍÍ1 I ' ■ I B 6. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,2009 ti' 4 ‘ i 'î i i ■ i:| î ■ il Matt Dyson connects for the'game-wlnner. Homer... Continued From Pngc Bl not muny people gel on in high- school baseball." Tho other half of tho two- headed monster wns No. 5 bat ter Dyson, who doubled, drove in two runs and homcrcd for the first time while going 2 for 4. ' Of courso, thc home run wns nbout ns (Irnmntic us it gets, capping n two-run rnily in tho ninth. ‘That's something he’ll rc- Teammates come put to congratulate Corey Randall after his fifth homer. - Photos by James Barringer member forever,” Allard said. “The ball kept going und going, Then it was over the fence nnd wo’re shaking hands. He’s defi nitely progressed very well throughout the year. In the Inst three or four weeks he’.s been squaring balls up, turning on thc ball more and getting his hands through.” Diwio caught Tiibor at 2 in tlie bottom of Iho first. Cnrter reached on un error, und with two outs, Randnil went deep to left. ■ Duvie surjged to a 5-2 lead in tho third. After Will Beeson walked, hits flowed from Ran dall, Dyson and Steven Lewis. The Spartans stunned Davio with tho game-tying, throe-run homer in the sixth. After u scoreloss seventh und eighth, thoy grubbed u 6-5 lead in the ninth. It could have been worse, but center fielder Patrick Whu- ley gunned down a runner at tho plate for tho final out. Moxleys Fall In Regionals The doubles team of Daniel Moxley and Ryan Moxley ex ited in Ihc first, round of doubles in the Midwest Re gional in Huntersville, but it was more of a beginning than nn end. The Davic twins nre just sophomores. .“They’re going to be great,” Dnvie tennis couch Bnrry Kennedy snid. "I tliink next year they’re going to bo nwesome.” At Iciist tho Moxleys went down swinging. Their match ngainst North Meek was close (4-6, 7-6,4-6). They snved 15 match points to win thc sccond set in a tiebreaker. They trailed 4-1 in the third set before tak ing three of four games to pull within 5-4. Unfortunately, thoy got no closer. "Thoy snved two more match points and then dropped one,” Kennedy said. “I felt like they could have won. That’s what happens when you’re young.” Their rccord wns 11-7. P h ilC a r A u to m o tiv e J№ur Full Sei-vicc Vehicle Maintenance Center > i'« . " . 7 ; ” p 1 6 2 8 H w y . 6 0 1 S . • M o c k s v ill e • 7 5 1 - 1 8 0 0 l\U.A\ktu Omxer__________“PhUcavfor yOUV 6‘flr. " m um v fULL suviceOILmNQB The catcher, Beeson, squeezed Whaloy’s laser throw. "Patrick was able to fly it all the way to the plate, and it was bang-bung,” ho said. "1 knew it was going tp tnke a perfect throw to get him, and Beeson was nble to hold on to the ball. Needing to score ono to keep playing is u lot different than needing to score two. So thut piny wus huge. When wo do in field, Putrick’.s nlwnys hitting his cutoff mnn and always Jr Legion Schedule May 16 vs. Kemersvilie, 7 17 vs, Asheboro at 7 20 vs. Concord at 7 22 at Stanly County ut 7 23 at Rowan County at 7 24 at Asheboro at 7 26 at Mooresville at 7 28 vs. E. Randolph al 7 29 nt Kunnupqiis at 7 30 ut South Rowun ut 7 31 ut Winston-Sulem nt 4 June 2 vs. Stntesville ut 7 3 vs.Thomnsville-Dnvidson at 7 4 ut Wilkes County ut 7 , 6 vs. Lexington ut 7 7 vs. Stunly County nt 7 8 ut Enstem Rnndolph at 7 9 at Concord at 7 11 at Kemersvilie at 7 13 vs. Rowan County at 7 14 vs. Winston-Salem at 4 15 ut T’villo-Duvidson at 7 20 vs. South Rowan at 7 21 vs. Mooresville at 7 23 at Stntcsviiic ut 7 25 vs. Knnnapolis at 7 26 vs. Wilkes County at 7 27 at Lexington nt 7 28 ys. South Rowan at 2 28 vs, W. For.syth at 4:30 28 vs, Westem Forsyth nt 7 July 1 All-Star Showcase at Asheboro 3 first round playoffs 8 second round playoffs 14 third round playoffs 20 fourth round playoffs 24 state tournument throwing it to the right buses. He’s very accurate, so for him to put that throw on the money was not a surprise to me,” Davie didn’t waste much time in its half of the ninth, Randall led off with u double. Moments'later, tho catcher bobbled a pitch and Randall took off. The throw lo tliird wns off line, und Rnndnll cruised homo with tlie tying run. One pitch Inter, it wns over. Dyson, n lefty hitter, drove it D o u b l e s ... Continued From Page Bl Howurd’s bullcl-doilging act didn’t ond there. Thc Demons louded tho buses with one out in the fifth, 180 feel from Inking the lead. A double play saved thc Wur Engles. Hownrd got a strikeout, cutcher Vernon snapped a throw to first and Jess Cartner tagged n sleepy runner for Ihe third out. Howurd hud to faco thc top of the order in Ihe seventh, but he retired them in order. Notes: FourofDavie’s 6hits were doubles, including one by Cartner.... Bodenhumergot a hit and remained the top hitter by average (.405,. 15 for 37), ,„ Nowman is playing well, Iiitting .363 und leading tho club in ut- bnls (66), runs (21), hits (24), doubles (six) and steals (13), Cartner, who is hitting a steady ,355, also has six doubles, Tlie War Eagles barely missed a fifth straight shutout of Reynolds, They hnd won the previous four meetings by n combined 43-0, ,., Mount "nibor nnd West For syth tied for first with 8-2 Cen tral Piedmont Conference marks. North Davidson went 6- 4, Davie 5-5, Reynolds 3-7 and North Forsyth 0 -1 0 .The CPC Toumnment was mined out. Davic 2, Reynolds 1 over tho wall in right-ccnter. "After we got down a run in the ninth, you could tell they weren't nervous dr worried about it,” he snid. ‘They just fig ured out a way to score.” Notes: Lewis went 2 for 3. ... Amazingly, Davie knocked off u (|ualily foe four limes. 'To ^ beat a team four limes in a year f is hard to do in any sport,” he | said. / A. Caprn The Premier STAINMASTER* Carpet Collection - only at Abbey Carpet. Th» riumber-ono-iolllng carpet brond In Amcrlca, STAINMASTER* carp«! combines luxurious style with unbeatable performance. STAINMASTER* carpels «re deslgnaii with tho latest tochnologle» to keep them lookino areat year after year. And now, exclusively at Abbey stores, you'll find an Incredible selection of America's best-loved carpet In Tho premier STAINMASTER* Carpet Collection. Featuring today’s gorgeous colors and styles In an easy-to-shop environment, this collection has the STAINMASTER* carpet that's Just right for your Interior and your lifestyle. 1 2 M o n t h s visit U l today and see what all the excitement's about. J s J q P a y m e n t s N o I n t e r e s t H o u r s : M o n . - F r i, 8 -6 & S a t. 9-1 2 1 3 N e w H ig h w a y 6 4 W e s t, L e x in g to n , N C Phone:249-6672 CAKPKT & I'I.O OKIN ii COVKKINO <>INV)$TA me. 20M. All right» r«Mrved. WASHES^ pTouchless orq Brush wash I ^ M o c k s v il l e cj A u t o P r id e C a r Wa s h N. Yadkinville Rd, I. Hi Mocksville [actvss Irom Lowes ’Home Improvement) ( a Dnvic Newmnn cf Boilcnhnrocr rf Vernon c Ciirlner I b Bnrbcr ^lh Herndon SS . Crisco 2b Foster 3b Senforil If Totiils Duvie Hcyiiolds nb 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 : 27 110 000 0 -2 000 100 0-1 2B - Nowmnn 2 (6). Cnrlncr (6). Crisco (2). 3B - Herndon.' Davie n> H R ER Ull SO Hownrd.WT 7 1 1 2 5 KKl'KK.SKM'Arn 10Julia Howard AY ' 7‘Jtli D islricI Please coiilaci me in: MOCKSVILUE: (336) 751-8567 RALEIGH: (919) 733-5904 Slate Legisl-'-lve Biilldinn 16 W. Jones Street, Rni 1106 Raleigh, NC 27601-1096 Bmall: ]ullah@ncleg.net Pmd for iirJUM Howm Golf Season Ends At Regionals Davie’s golf lenm fini.shed eighth out of nine teams in thc Midwest Regional al the Mead- owlunils, ending the season for the War Eagles. Davie shot a 31 - over 319, 22 .strokes bcliind re gional champion Reynolds (297). Grimsley (299) and North Meek (299) finished sec ond and tliird, respectively. Davie finished third in the Central Piedmont Conference, and it was third among CPC teams in the rogionnl. Tabor (310) was second to Reynolds. Tlie I -8 record for the duy gave Davie n 30-24 mark for the .sea son. “1 hate to finish 1-8 in tlie last ' match of the season, but at the same time it was u good experi ence,” coach Chris Callison said. ' Junior Anthony Cnpru paced six War Engles’with a 6-over 78, nine off the pace. Sophomore Brian Wood shot 79, junior Nick Capra 80, sophomore Jason ] Gallimore 82, senior Brandon ’ Lowe 83 and freshman Tommy ^ Dillon 86. , ! The three players wlio quali-■ fled for the state, meet us indi- ‘ viduals .shot 69, 71 and 71. There were three 69s in Ihe tour: naincn!. Two all-CPC players will re- ; turn next yeur for Dnvie. Nick Capra finished tied for sccond ' in the CPC, four shots behind ' tlie league medalist. Gallimore ' cracked the all-league team by ' placing ninth. ! DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, riiursdoy. May 14,2009 ■ B7 This r e c l a m a t i o n Hoover Dam U-.S, Department of the'Interior Bureau of Reclamalion Hoover Dam On Spring Break Kevin Jordan and Matthow/ Hursey catch up on the news wilh the Enterprise-Record while at Hoover Dam recently. Other spots they visited while on spring break were Las Vegas, he Grand Canyon, Flagstaff and Sedona, Arizona. . ' ' i r , ' J * ’.; 35th Anniversary in Hawaii Richard and Carol Worthington ot Mocksville have reached their goal of visiting all' 50 states in the Union with their children. They celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary re cently by adding Hawaii to their travels, and they did It In style, taking along the Enterprise- Record to make it a really special trip. “We have camped across the United States,” said Carol. They started when the children were young and made a.trip every.summer. 'The biggest memoly Is that we all did It together." The children are all adults now. They are all going their own ways now, anci it wias good to get all together to go to Ihe last state.” They drove Ihelr camper to Alaska in 1988, getting a lot of states In the process. 'u l Disney World No Place Like... Home Christian and R^ece Latham recently spent sp^^^^ S t î L Ï Ï Ï parents David and Jenny Terry of Advance are bring up their daughter right. Thaïparents, Heath and Stacey. The kids took a moment at Disney World to read their favorite j;, „J;;,, newspaper In all the world. i|.i> I II j ■j are making sure she knows the Joys of reading the Davie County Enterprise-Record, even' at an early age. Riley Grace Terry turned 3 in March, |ust the right time to acquaint her wltji' what's going on In the place she calls home. ' В8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,2009 К ÌV 7 Î . ! * i 1 Davie Schools Academic Honor Students Listed C o r n a t z e r E le m e n ta r y T hird Grade A ll i4’i - Madison Carter, Lipscom b, R iver ¡'^'•'Simpson, Ariana Pickett, Alex Ctotls, Anna Devetenux, Elijah ^ Sexton. Л-В Honor Roll - Jasmine : Anguiano, Jesse Becker, Logan I Bell, Bailee Carter, E(,luardo Hernandez, Jcssica Recce, I Aubrey Valentine, Cassidy ; Walsh, Zach Wood, Duone ; Campbell, Destiny Cook, Cody Hendrix, N ick Page, Caylin ; , Perdue, Trinity Scarlett, Hunter Strickland, Nolan Tucker, ■’^^C hristopher Burns, Sierra LU Ferguson, M atthew Glass, Kaitlyn Wrisley, Aleyah Beaty, : '*B rycc Clary, Jesse Oraughn, !.l: Sydney Hendren, O livia ■ Madcja, Daniel Stegall, Katelyn iH w ebb. ; Fourth Grade A ll A's - Charlie Chapman, Myles Evans, Sidnce Everhart, ; ' Camoron Thomas, Sara ' Duncan, David Moore. I.' ' A-B Honor Roll - Yuliana A rroyo, Alyssa Bledsoe, Morgan Galliher, Matt Hoke, DeJuan Peebles, Riley Ball, " Haley Holbrook, Jacob Morse, '•'^ Connor Barringer, Lizzeth '•i-Benitcz, Stephon Dalton, Luke Davis, Sierra Latham, J.C. •“ M allctte, Josslyn Ruiz, Ivan „„Torres. Firth Grade A ll A ’s - Claire Devereoux, Chandler Jones, Emmie Tkach, Kirsten Freeman, M adison Stakoly, Jesse Tkach. , A-B Honor Roll ■ Jay Chry, Brandon Lankford, Cade ,, Spcncor, Emily Stiller, Mikayla ■ '-Thom as, Jake Barnhardt, • Savannah Ferguson, Sky Myers, Г,„E v e ly n Ramirez, A lexis , W illiam s, A ngell D illard, : .„Austin Lowery, Chase Sheets, ....Rachel Vance. Valliere. Ftnh Grade A ll A's - Seth Easter, Hope Grubb, Kasey Potts, Avery Whitaker, A-B Honor R o li - Jada Burroughs, Nolan Osborne, Sharicce Mance,'ninia Benitez, C arlos Hernandez, D ustin B ulatko, M adison Meade, Rebecca Harris, Joseph Spry, Logan West, A llison Carter, E lexicia Carter, C orbin Kopetzky, Chace , Lagle, Miranda. Owens, James Reinsvold, Mia White, Amelia A llen, Cole A llen, Brianna Brewer, M aurieio C arrillo , Laura Fusaro, Brittany Hager. ;; C o o le e m e e E ie m e n ta r y T hird Grade A ll A’s - Destiny .Anders, '' Destiny Buysinger, Ben Carter, : . Briannah Freyer, M ichiille Werbeck. A-B Honor Roll - Samantha Joyner, Kassidie M cDaniel, "K m alc McRae, Alissa Meadows, C am ille Ridge, ' ' Am ber Rogers, Johnathon ' Hilliard, Cassie Newell, Chya ■ Torrence, Hunter Cole, Katie Hager, Mateusz Lipnicki, Halie Mayton, K im berly Phillips, 'Christina Riddle, Tito Sanchez, Taylor Smith, Lane Durner, . 'Katlin Hall, Martha Martinez, ' Whitnee Wyrick. Fourth Grade A ll A ’i - Brandon Koontz, "Micah Kluttz A-B Honor Roll - Geneva ' Daye, Emily Gosnell, Hunter Poteat, Delana Spillm an, ' Brooke Summers, Carolina Vergarson, Koylan Vogler, Brandon Waller, Jake Ratledge, 'Amonda Barbee, Ashlie Campbell, M ilto n B onilla, Meghan Hadley, Elvia Lakano, Loren Phillips, Tristan Poos, Nicholas S hell, M cKenzie Blackwelder, Elain» Bun, Jamie Decess, Kayla Fortner, Austin Harmon, Sara M ille r, Kyle Morrison, Breeze Smith, Nicole W illia m : R . D a v ie E le m e n ta r y Fifth Grade . Forrest Barber, Cady Bodenhamer, Payton Cartner, K rystal Foster, Ryan Gray, Jordan M cD aniel, B ritta n i Mohat, Natalie'Moore, Adam Naylor, Christian Rcavis, Casey Snyder, Bobby Vandiver, Holly Link, Kamen Hawotte, Mary Cloyce Collins, Sydney White, M ichael W alker; Lindsey Custer, KasadyT\imcr, Madison Kitchene, Dylan Waller, Alison Mahaffey, Shannon Martinez, Katy Alexander, Jake Baity, Summer B iviiis, Hannah B row n, A ustin Childress, Cameron DeCanio, Carley Eddleman, MaKnylft Hartness, Zachary Hinkle, TVssa Wester, H unter M cD aniel, Rachel Mohat, Isaioh Olmedo, Gourtnie .Richards; Johhna Sale. Fourth Grade Jake Btttncycastlo, Znch Bowley, Kristen Cass, Aide Enriquez, Isabella Mabe, Reilly Meagher, E m ily Newcomb, A lyxundru Rossman, Jamie S m ith, K aylii W icker, Dee W oodard,' M cK enzio Barneycastle, Jessica Beck, Brionno C ranfill, Jay Davis, A ustin D illin g e r, Kam ryn Harris, Cyrena Lyons, M att Nesbit, Jacob Seamon, Mason Lashmit, Jesse Carter, Jordan W hite, D aniel Gonzales, Kaitlyn Booe, Dakota Deskins, Amber Adkins. Cory Hawkins, D ylan Shoffner, Frankie Lehotta, Danny Moreno. T h ird Grade Brandon Lew is, Carson Prim, Savannah Bcck, Zachary Seamon, Liam Meagher, Caden Ballou-Tomcl, Thad Vandiver, Shelby G ordy, K tistan Reynolds, ’ E lizabeth Beauchamp, K arla Gamez, Samuel Heufner, B etito Mendoza, Dennis Mosso, Josh Shore, Samantha Smith, Ben Summers* Aubree Privat, Jessica Navarro, Birittney McClannon, True Jones, Paige Anderson, Jeb Masencup. P in e b r o o k E le m e n ta r y T h ird Grade Lindsay Bowles, L ily Cline, Kaitlyn Coller, Sahara Cuellar, Nora Day, Brooke Ireland, Megan M acdonald, Evan Marshall, Idalis Perez, Larry Robertson, Jacob Roberts, Becca Shoffer, Natalie Walton, Jacob Watson, Katie W ells, Kyah Eastwood, Anna Allen, Jordyn Bishop, Lane Bolmer, L illi B utte rfield, Brandon D w yer, Jennifer Johnson, Preston Prater, Reizo Roscios, Kaley Ridenhour, Blake Sheets, Bridgett Tierney, Lcxie Vaughn, Alex Walsh, Amelia Correll, Ben Foster, A ustin Friedt, C ourtland Hardy, Brianna M cGowan, Troy M oore, M atthew M artin, K ristian Kauserud, Alyssa Parnall, Madison Riggs, J ill Staley, Shelby W illifo rd , Arldrew W alls, Emma A llen, Cloud Beauchamp, Samantha Boger, Emma Dixon, Kimberly Clemo, Jilliari Griffey, Lydia Kennedy, P atricia Leszczuk, L illy M urillo, Jacob Rhyne, Chayse Sullivan, Miranda Franklin. Fourth Grade Oliver Boger, Luke Carter, Jacob Day, Zella Elbert, Peyton Frye, H ailey Fulk, H unter Hendrix, Colloiv Home, Caleb Johnson, Annie Kinder, Claire Myers, Grade O ’Brien, Hunt Shelton, Katie Shoaf, Daniel Wang, Brandon Wright, Lanio Abemethy, Sydney Beauchamp, Sam Bowles, George Hairc, Kelly Howard, Kalyx Lyons, Alana Marshall, Kyle McCune, Angel Perez, Sarah Perkins, Chris Roberts, David Sigmon, Kate Sink, Hunter Spencer, Joey Sprinkle, Hunter Thurlo, Avery Vining, Kelbi Whitaker, Payton Lipscomb, W ill Hoskins, Abby Hines, Jacob Doyle, Bethany Davis, Lyndsay Crotts, Grade C lark, K atie Boone, Jala Bogard, Corey Wiles, Reese W clch, A b j W aters, D ylan Sanders, Kristen Seats, Tatiana Armstrong, Levi Gibson, Julift South, David Justen, Jackson Hartman, K arly Beck, Beuu P lott, Sydney’ Cobb, Lera M itch e ll, M akenzie S m ith, Ryan Church, Megan Collins, Cameron Fuller, Cassie Becker Finh Grade A ll A’s - Sam Allen, Makalya Harden, Ryun HarrdI, Caillin H ill, Nathan Hines, Noah Hutchins, Eryn Koty. A-B Honor R oll - Tristan Hanes, Carrie Logan, R dd Marshall, John Myers, Wyatt Roby, Penelope D onnelly, M oicinzie ¡Thomas, Andrew M arshall, Daniel York, R J Armstrong, Trey Clontz, Hanon Dobbins, Cam Fenrritigton, Kalea Godfrey, Sarah James, Gillian Lultrcll, Madison Marrs, Louis P atrick Mua, A uslin Naylor, Tyler Nichols, N ick Sitnm ons, M ickcy Sm ith, Hannah S prinkle, A lliso n Staley, Madison' Townsend, Shown T ritt, A rie l Baker, Meghan Donley, Julie Gough, Kaylen Fields, Seth Ring, Jacob Rosier, Nathan Harrell, Austin King, Kayley Khan, Carlos M altez, Jessica Lancaster, Zachary bzendine, Caroline Davis, Christopher Evans, Eva Flores De Valgaz, Sam Harvey, Haley Karns, Abby Kerr, Yahssain Kahn, Wesley Lynde, M itch e ll McGee, Logan Prysiazniuk, Michael Rauen, Jack Robinson, Skyler Shore, Avery W iiliford, Llyanis Afiza. Seamon, Brendan Taylor. A-B Honor Roll - Morgan Hickox, Broc Barnette, Carlos Hernandez, Mudelyn Kurfees, Monica Salas-Hemondez, W ill Southern, Ross Stames, Koitlin Tow, E m ily Arism endy, C hristopher Carr, Chase Johnson, D avid McGreevy, Timothy Peeler, Nathan Krull, Mason Stanley, Zelan Anderson, Mekenna Boswell, Tyre Holmes, Ryan Jones, Ryan Manson, CJ Myers, Tabitha N icholson, Ben Southern, Genny Wooten, Thomas Beaty, Angello Casiu-ez, Alex Evans,, Chase Johnston, Kelsey Josey, Emma Osbomc, Amy Seelman, Jose Villatoro, Hailnah Whitley. Fourth Grade A ll /4’i - Jaidyn Bentley, Dawson Daniels, M atthew Forrest, Nathan Henson, Anna Jones, Sha'veh Martinez, Loren Myers, Rcbekah Santis, Liam Shaw. A ‘B Honor R oll - K a ily Vemon, Pryson Shoffner, Maria Mussen, Ben Keeble, Liam Jennings, Zachary Hudspeth, Adrian Hernandez, Aurpm Fommeu, Zachary Denniston, Meugan Basham, Caleb Davis, Bo Rollins, Tori Atkins, Brianna Lyons, Madison Riddle, Justin Dillard, Julia Vaughan-Jones, Cameron Cregar, N icholas W hitley, Jonathon Ressa, Kaytlen Greenlee, Garrett Schulte, Riya Barad, Richard C line, K ailey Jones, Cody Josey, Heuly Junker, Somantha Rivera, Corbin Stiller, Autumn W hitley, Joseph Cartner, Melody Dimmig, Sam Jordan, Mattie Keegan, Jack Little, Troy Mabe,' D onle McPhersoi'i, Jennifer Ngo, Marisol Ruano- Vargas, Carly Thompson. Fifth Grade /i;/A ;s -P a tric k G o rd o n , Johnson Marklin, Hailey Pirk, John David Vernon, Melissa Domanski, Einma Etter, Ben Juarez, Courtney Prevette, Matthew Rcierstad, Hannah Shuskey, Nick Stames, Autumn Stowers, Morgan Taylor, Caleb Wallace, Jana Yount, Jayde Bruff, Ashley Fowler, Rebeca Porcira, Kcyla Torres, Parker Cassady, Leslie James, Keziah Martin, Brianna Ortiz. A-B Honor Roll - Olamnr Galoas, M ario M artinez, Hannah MoUon, Pttige O ’Byrne, Drue Parker, Jackie Teasley, Aaron Bernal, KuitUn Fletcher, M organ Gray, Jonathan Hagerman, David Neal, Miguel Rodriguez, Jalen Scott, Rafael Palacios, Joslyn McGee, Anthony Hunckler, Marlu G riffith, Taylor Gantt, Tristan Fowler, Austin Elledge, Tori Cidoni, Jessica Randolph, Mitchell Wttxman, Qua’Darius Bailey, Dylan Bumgarner, Toni Burke, M ackenzie C lub, Jonathan Cook, Connor Cotnellson, Taylor Godbey, Audrey Holland, Joel Johnson, Kussady M oGreevy, E m ily M iller, Zachary Plott, Hannah M o c k s v ille E le m e n ta r y Do you have Prostatitis or an inflamed Prostate? Oo you luilPTromSiTofiniriJmpraSi?• Pelvic pain or Slscomlort loi thi past 3 monlhs or longer• fiequont urination• Urgent urination• Pain or burning during urination ,• Pain or Olscomlort atier sexual climax• Pain In your lesllcles, tip ol penis or Uie area between your rectum and testicles II you have answered yes lo any ol the lollowing, you may liave prostaWls. ilcal research study cpmi dlllereni doses ol an ihronlcprostatllls.Thg ' " ' 'less ol the Third Grade /1///1-M organ Bumgarner, Honnah Etter, Parker Froelich, Katelyn Grubbs, Cooper Wall, Claire, W allace, Tyler Zickm und, E llie Byers, Charleigh Phillips, Victoria Sinopoli, Cindy Calix, Ashton C haffin, Joshua H all, Ben M arklin, Juan Pineda, Zach Spears. S h a d y G r o v e E le m e n ta r y T h ird Grade M ichael Agejew, Dean Allen, Landon Bandy, Andrew Bean, Laura Becker, E llie Bland, Faith Bokeno, Guy B runelli, Zachary Buddie, Makcnzi Burchette, Jacob Bycd, Laura Cain, Andrew Claybrook, M atthew C offey, 'E lla Colamarino, Stephen Coley, Bailey Crcson, Sam DeAngelis, Me Kenzie Flanagan j Ben Fouts, Claire Funderburk,. Victoria Gaither-Fortner, O livia Gray, ' Chance Hendrix, Cole Hiatt, Jacob Humphrey, Landon Ireland, Sam Jones, A lly Journey, Andrew Kabealo, Madison Kassd, Caleb Keaton, H olly Koeval, Abby Luwlor, Carson Lesser, Joke Mabe, Riley Martens, Kerigon Martin, M atthew M cK night, Jack M esslck, Sydney M itch ell, Hailey Molloy, David Morton, A lex O rtiz, E m ily Pender, Danielle Petree, Reilly Poole, M olly Powell, Brianna Rcod, _ Sarah Robertson, Hannah ’ Ruble, Noor Shchata, Nathan Simmons, Auslin Smith, Hunter Snow, Anna Spencer, Jason Starnes, Kam ryn Szeliga, Brittany Tatci Amber Taylor, Layne Tim idaiski, Dawson Tozier, Katie Trader, Taylor Tremblay, Brady Vest, .Rees W alters, Ktttherlnc Wotts, Kinston W hitencr, Matthew Wininger, Crayton Wise, Elias Zondory. Fourth Grade Dana Adams, Hope Allen, Matthew Allen, W ill Allen, Jake Allison, Spencct Atcy, Sierra Armstrong, Caroline Bandy, Hunter Barnes, James Boyle, Kelsey Brown, ' M ichael Brunelli, Zoch Cartner, McKay Chamberlain, Bren C ollins, Zach Ebcriy, Savannah Everett, Jesse Fanule, Reid Fcath?rngill, Dave Fletcher, Kptie Freeman, Adam G ollim ore, K ayli Garwood, Erin Gniewek, Elijah G obi, E lijah Gregory, John M ichael Gulledge, A ll Gullenberg, Amelia Halverson, D avid Harvey, J.J. Hayes, Laurel Hechl, Covey Hough, Courtney Howard, Jake Howell, Foster Johnson, Megan Journey, Stephen Larrabec, Kennedy Larrimore, Daylanera Lawson, Jacob Love, W ill Muce, Lauryii Mallard, Ashton Munn, Luke M arsdcn, Matteo M ursella, Christopher Malhcs, Nicholas Malhes, Kaleb McCarson, M adison M cCartney, Joey Myers, Shelby Nelson, Kayla Nevarez, Bryan Ogle, A llie Orgnon, W illiam Orrell, Tyier Osbome, Cole Overstreet, John Pussero, Trevor Poppe, D cM orquelle Porter, Luke Pratapas, Andy Renegar, Sarah Reynolds, Valentina Roa, Taylor Robertson, George Shara, Logan Sheets, Ryan Shelton, M olly Shuffler, Wesley Sink, Heath Slabach, Logan Smith, Rachel Smith, Foss Smlthdeal, M ichael Sparks, Chelsea Strange, Julinnne Strauch, Nicole Surratt, Charles Terry, Tommy Trader, Rostin Turiey, Abby Wall, Christopher Wall, Bailey Walsh, Krysta Walters, Taylor Walton, Wray Ward, M itchdl Work, Elijah Wayda, Zac W eakland, C ollin Weatherman, M adalyn Wheeler, Brent Whisenhuiu, Matthew W hitaker, Spencer Wilson, Emily Wolvcrton. Fifth Grade Hunter Bailey, Rcbekah Barrett, Elisabeth Beauchamp, Ashley Beeding, Jordan Boger, Kathryn Brake, Logon Bullins, Josh Byrd, Grace Cain, Isaac Campbell, Dominick Carbone, Cade Camey, Allie Carter, Craig Colbourne, Adam Conrad, Courtney Cornatzer, A llie Cunningham, Ben DeAngelis, Ruby Dennard, Toni DePaoli, Hannah Dove, M olly Engslrom, Lexi Flores, Jcssica Floyd, Lidia Fogg, McKenzie Folk, Gabe Gonnella, Hurley Gorzelski, A ustin Humm, M atthew Harding, Josh Harper, Cassidy Hein, Jordan Hein, Katelyn Hornandoz, H o lly H erring, Chose Hicks, Hadley Hilton, Madison Hines, Cody Hodges, Joshua Howell, Joseph Ibrahim, Caroline Jester, Patterson Jones, Peyton Jones, Amando Kabealo, Drew Kell, Tripp Kelly, Callic Koeval, Max Kuhlenkamp, Jack Larrabec, Brandt Leonard, Camryn Lesser, Emma Link, Julianna M cC ulston, A lex Meader, Max Meader, Kelsey M ille r, Todd M ille r, Taylor Morgan, E m ily M uchukot, Emily O’Connor, Zach Orgnon, Nikolas Pamdl, Jack Ratledge, Steve Robertson, Ryan Rothrock, Emily Ruble, Honnah Runge, M organ Sessoms, Dakota Slate, Emma Smart, Mario Stillson, Rochel Sulton, Abby Vogler, Grocie West, Andrew W hitesell, Isaiah Whitley. C e n t r a l D a v ie A c a d e m y Lauren Robbins, 8th grade, ull As. S o u th D a v ie M id d le Sixth Grade AHA's - Joshuu Cole, Toylor Crotts, Tara Duchomin, Caleb Dyer, Totum Edwords, Zac Finney, Morgan Fuller, Nakota Hensley, Seth Jones, Shyanne Kiekenopp, Travis McDanlcI, Taylor O’Neal, Alex Peoples, Jordain Taylor. A-B Honor R oll - Joseph Allen, Martha Amaro, Cynthia Arreola, Ferniindo Arteaga- Tavira, Jordan Beam, David Bcun, Blaise Bennijtt, Em ily Boger, Caleb Boswell, Gavin Break, M ia Byers, Cameron Coleman, C ythia C orriher, M undy Feaster, Tiffany Flem m ing, D aniel Forrest, Cassandra Fow ler, B ryant Freyer, Zuc F ry e ,, D avid Gosnell, M cKenzie H all, Denorasch Hernandez, Jorge Hernandez, Mntlct\ Hetitandez, Joshuu H olbrook, Eavun Jennings, K atelyn Koontz, Meredith Kurfees, Courtney Magallanes, M iriam M arin, Andrew M cB ride, Ethan McCoy, Sarah M cLaughlin, Collin McManamy, Maranda M erritt, Breeana Nicholson, Amanda Peacock, Steven Peglow, Alexa Pcterkin, Aspen Phillips, Kayla Raisbeck, Laryl Rispoli, Joel Robinson, Datyus Scott, Taylor Sheets, Anthony S inopoli, Autum n Stewart, N y’ A sio Stockton, Brandi Swisher, Dakota Thompson, Daniel Valdivia. Seventh Grade Alexis C a llis o n , Abigail Daniels, Michele Dich, Elizabeth H olland, Sam L in v ille , Ra’Saun M artin, Lauren M orrison, Tanner Nelson, Taylor Nelson, Joshua Peters, Dustin Potts, C aitliit R igolini, Casey Shoemaker, Summer Smart, M a llo ry Williams. A-B Honor Roll - Aubrey Bearden, CourtneyBode, Olivio Bowman, Chelsea Bulatko, Amonda Burgon, Alan Calderon, Caleb Carter, Cameron Cassady, M organ Dragon, Toni Easter, Linsey Fowler, Amanda Fuller, Lindsey Gale, Briseyda Garcia, Daniel Gonzalez, M icah Guyton, Owen Hollatld, Courtney Jones, Erin Mong, Cody Martin, Please See Honor - Page B9 I We are participating In a cllnL___________I Invesllgallonal medication lor ihe trealment ol a condition cal■lurposeollliacllnlcaUese ........................nvesllgatlonal medication. II yo uilna .t" (jg viu Mdiii Ul ui9uuiiiroii, Of. ireouBnj ana uroen'uflnat on. {pr thspasf3 inonlhs or longer, or have been diagnosed with prostatitis oi an InfiaiTifld prostate, please contact our olflce. Qualified participants may receive s study relateo physical exam, blood tests and Investigational memcatlon while takfnc partlnthisuptoieweekcllnlcalstudy. lun wimo For more Information and/or to find out If you may qualify, contact Ivey at Crescent Medical Research. Phone 704-647-9M3 • Email Icllne^pmo^res^arch.com • • •RIICrescent Medical Research Tornorrow*s Medicine Today ESTATE YARD SALE 70 Year Collection of Items First yard sale of possibly Iwo Saturday, May 16,2009 • 8am-untll Many.antlques, both (utnllure and tiousewaies. Collectibles: dolls, pink and some green glassware, Beatrix Potler, milk glass, etc. Household: lamps', corner tiutch, cttlna tiutcti, bullet, desk, distiss, paperbaiik and hardback books, CD's, Bible on tape (3 sels), bowls, dishes and many, many other Items. Directions: 2448 Milling Rd;lust belora railroad track licomhg from Mocksville. Looi< for signs. No Early Birds and all sales are “As Is” and Final. Clemmons United Methodist Prescliool 3700 C lem m o n s R oad, C iem m ona Are. you looking lor a Bummer cam'p for your three monlh old through rialnn llrat aradar? Join ua at Clammons Unltod Mathodtet Preschool lor our Summer Fun Program, DESTINATION: SPACEI We oHsr two sessions of Summor Fun - Tuesday, July 21 through Friday July 24 and Tuesday, July 28 through Friday, July 31. The rale Is $95!oo ior Tuesday through Friday, 9:30 Ati/t to 1 ;00 PM. 2009-2010 Preschool ReglBtrallon: We have openings available In Infants through Four Years Old. Visit our website at wwd.olemmonsuivio.otgipreschool for more Information and to download registration lorms or contact Ihe preschool at 766-9593. Continued From Page B8 ‘ Zulema M ortinez, Tyler Millsaps, Michelle Newsome, Colton Orrell, Zuc Osborne, Megan Reynolds, Eric Rodriguez-Gomez; Summer Scurdino, Nicole Scott, Jared Smith, Joshuoh Smith, Megan Szabocson, Victoiu Talley; Dylan Tollie, Alyssa Woymire, Corbin West, Emma West, Andrew W haley, Ellen Whitaker. Eighth Grade /IW /l'i'- Kyle Bullins, Jock Dodd, Alexandra Dyer, Brooke Hess, Lorcna M illo , M elia Sheets, Shelby Stephens, Brandon Stokes. A-B Honor Roll - Andrew Austin, Chesnce Barber, Ashlyn Blass, Katie Bonilla, Mekayla Bo.s'well, Melanie Brannock, Erik« Calix, Tin Clement, Josh Cockman, Robert Daniel, Stephen D onici, Dcsiroc Downs, Haley Ginthcr, Verenice Granadero, Duniei Hurris, Courtney Honeycutt, Desiree Huffmun, David Hursey, Jacob Lambert, Anna M cBride, Sydney McBride, Carrie Miller, James Neal, Kelyn Nichols, H ilda Rodriguez, Brandon Ruth, Katherine San Filippo, M ichaela Shaver, Jonathan Shoaf, L ily Sm ith, Sarah Sponutigle, Stephanie Velotta, Am ber Villasenor, Jordan Wolters, Jennifer West, Kelsey Woolen. E ll is M id d le sixth Grade A ll A's - Laura Barney, Anna Berricr, Bon M iller, Christina Rowe, Brooke Summers, Austin Angel, Rochel Baker, Andrew Chase, M elanie Fichialos, Connor H ebe rt,, Lindsey Stroupe, D anielle Wood, Katherine A llison, Troy . Wolverton, Puty De Lu Rosa, James Lanier. A-B Honor R oll - Jocline Anguiano, Alyssa Brockman, Jonathon Davis, Brant Dupree, Ryan Heath, Emily Holdsclaw, Karl Kassel, Victoria Long, Sarah M cCoy, Mason Orr, Afton Tillman, Nicholas Tozier, Honors... DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, May 14,2009 - B9 Ryan Nelson, K atelyn Sizemdre, Megan Callahan, David Ervin, Jacob Gorzelski, A bigail Hubbard, Tanner Junker, Sclinu M arshall, Harrison Sales, Logan Sessoms, L illia n Smithdeal, Kathryn Steelmun, Austin W hituker, Brandon Armstrong, Matthew Carr, Nathan Colamarino, Kori Goforth, Cameron Gordon, Luke Monning, Michocl Mcbcl, Seth Morris, Em ily Nichols, K athryn N orth, Shelby Weatherman, David Folmar 111, Parker ' G rant, C ristin Hernandez, Angel M a y fie ld , Stone Stroud, Nathaniel Tutterow, Sydncc Autry, Ryun Ball, Ivey Camey, Travis Davis, E m ilio Fetherbuy, Sharon Fruits, Jessica James, Katherine Reed, Katie Roberts, Chase Howard, Kevin Sides, Cosmo Hutchins, Mikeuda Smilh. Eighth Grade AIIA's-AbigaW Dupree, Bel LaPointe, Jeffrey P hillips, W ilson Rowe, Elizabeth Curbone, Ashley Dowell, Adam Elshanawuny, Celeste Long, Kelsey Orr, Woody Parrish, A llie Slabach, Jeremy Walker, Cassidy Wcbbi Sydney Wooten. A-B Honor Roll . Oniver Candido, Kiran Dhillon, Jacob Karriker, Shannon Rogers, Kassandra W alter, Sarah Bcauchamp, Siilcm Cavncy, Am y Steller, Morgan Strickland, Rachel W hitaker, W illia m Baskin Jr.. N icole Gniewek, K atlynn H o w d l, Chase Moore, Karina Ramirez, Sarah Cranfill, Stephen Fanate, Scott G allim ore, Aaron Guttcnbcrg, Elizabeth Howard, Stephen M cCoy, Katherine McCulston, Corolinc M iller, Adrienne Olson, Sydney Rowell, Claire Whitaker, Alicc Hoskins, Brittany Johnson, Eric D lM aggio, Jennifer Jamie, Stephanie Jamie. D a v ie H ig h N inth Grade A ll A ’i - Crystal Agüero, Kathleen Bajbcr, Sarah Battles, Ryan Crews, Kayla Glenn, Meredith Hughes, Payton Kelly, Cheyenne Lashm it, Paige O’Brien, Chelsea O swdl, John Parker, Erika Pamdl, Morgan Parrish, Rachel Peterson, Cameron Phillips, James Piper Jr., Madison Pratapas, Elizabeth Prier, Kayla Rampersad, Jacob jReavis, Mari Reyna, Heuther R iddle, Andrew Rudolph, Hunter Sulcs, Jorge Salmerón Cunas, Jose Sanchez, Kyle Serio, Nicholas Shecrun, Laura Shelton, Jaryd Shore, Mitchell Siikowski, Margaret Simmons, Joseph Sink, K aitlyn Smart, Paige Smart, K aitlyn Smith, Krista Smith, Matthew Smith, Laura S pillm an, Kutic Sutherland, Miranda Tilley, Anne-M urie Tow, Juqueline Vaughan-Jones, Jessica Vaughn, D anielle Vclottu, Duvid W agoner, Megan W alker, Weston W alker, Stephanie Watts, Krista Webb, Doniel Wellman, Rebecca West, Jumie W hitaker, Jeremy W hitaker, Hannah Whitehead, Modison W hitlock, Logon W ilkinson, Mocy Williams, Robert WiI.son, L illio n W olfe, Alysso York, Kocy Yount, Stacey Ziglur. 10th Grade A ll A 'i - Taylor Anderson, Chandler Archer, Paul Beuiichamp, Christopher Carter, Jocelyn Dowal, Erin Deadmon, Bradley Deal, Ashley Fanale, M arshall Flem ing, C a illin Hauser, Megan Hennings, Kenneth Hockaday, W illis Jones, Zebulon Jones, Kadesha Maddox, Danielle McClearen, Daniel Needs, Peter Newman, Chelsey Reinhardt, Diana Rodrigucz-Solgadp, Brundon Rowell, Lake Slabach, Kelsey Tifft, Jcssica Tucker, Jonnely' Vides, Elaina Womble, Brian Wood. A-B Honor Roll - Nicholas Anders, Taylor Anderson, Drew Andrade, Chandler Archer, Jocob Borber, Paul Beuuchuinp, Richard B ell 11, Solvodor Bcnitez-Romero, Christopher Breeden, Jaclynn Burns, Christopher Carter, Sally Carter, K ayleigh Clemm ons, Dane Cook, Rebecca'Cook, Kayla Cornatzer, Matthew Cusack, Jocelyn Duwoi, Erin Deadmon, Bradley Deal, Annu Deriun, Early College Honor Students Davie County High School Early College academic honor students, from left: front - IVlary-Kate Becl<, Grace Forrest, Hannah Buie, Kendra Custer, Ashley Rowland, Matt Boriilc row 2 - Priyanl<a Barad, Andrea Mejia, Kelly Presley, Devin Beauchamp, Ashley Cool<: row 3 - Ashton Wise, Kristen Scarlett, Ashieigh Davis, Brittany Metcalf, Allison Lambert'; row 4 - Nikki Hollar; row 5 - Conner Jewell, Austin Carter, Cong Hinkle, Blake Rosier, Victoria Stanley, Matt Meeker, Zane Duffner. . • Ashbum, Lauren Bailey, Kelsey Bryun, Brian Bullins, Kuitiin Buss, Shane Butcher, Jessicu Butner, Brittany Clark, Kaycce D ixon, Robert Furlcigh, Phelps, Jessica Poulsen, Adam Pryor, Jenna Pum rnill, Katherine Quijudu, Sean Reynolds, Katelyn Roberts, Hayley Robertson, Jennifer Kathryn Gerdon, A v im ile x . Rominger, Tyler Seaford, Gomez, Lauren Gfydcr, Tyler Brianna Sheets, Amira Shchata, Ham, Carla H arris, Morgan Harrison, Ryan Harrison, Christopher Hoke, Chandler Holland, Joanna Lucero, Natalie M cB ride, Brandon Meudc, Costner M crrifield, Gregory M iller,. Tuylor Moore, Clore A.shely Wark; W illiam Beck, IHaconochiò, Jansen McDaniel, Andrew Donianski, Anthony Nicholas C ariello, M ichnel Fouts, Jonathan Hcuslcy, Cariy Howard, Jessica Ritter, Shan Dhillon, Curtis Dillon, Michael Holcomb, Brett Hughes, Tanner M artin, Katherine McGurn, V ictoria M cN eil, . E rin W eatherman, Rcbekah W hitaker, Andrew Ashby, Parker Correll', Colby Cranfill, Katelyn Sammons, Brittney Shultz, Kelsie Stanberry, Brandon Stanley, Bethany Brake, Jordan Earle, E m ily Freeman, Katharine Irw in , M atthew K im , Jaclene Kinyoun, Blako Koeval, Kuri M errill, Zenith Moore, Kara Osborne, Kara Rice, Joel Rogers, Churies Sekeisky, M ttdelyne Voreh, C aroline Waters, Payton Beaty, Sarah B urford, W illiam s Candido, Kathryn Smiley, Emily Woods, Grayson Bennett, Amanda Hester, N icholas Juhasz, W illia m Meeker, Hunter Morgan, Mary Orrell, Nicholas Peedin, Alexandra Yarbrough, Kyle Eidson, Dillon Latour. Seventh Grade A ll A's - Grace B artelt, Nicholas E n d i c o l l , Anne-Marie Harvey, R iley Hein, Rachel Ruble, Alyssa Sutton, Braxton Bailey, Rachel Bundy, Evan Dowell, M olly Fields, Hannah Hodges, Eric Kassd, Britani Peterson, C hristian Stoltz, E m ily Tester, Maggie Webb, Bibiana Arroyo, Whitney llllng, Charles Muchukot, Bethiiny Foster, Nudiu Gregory, Ashlyn W h ite s e ll.. Helen Koeval. A drienne Fonts. G ilson Kingman, Peyton Sell, Teddi Utt, Jared Wolfe. A-B Honor Roll - Kristian Barney, Tristan Comer, Caleb Foote, Brogan Kresscvich, Corvonn Pebbles, E m ily W illiam s, Evelyn A lston, Cameron A ltie ri, Ashley B a m h a r d t , C h l o e Berube, Dean DePaoli, Jackson Denhard, Reid Hecht, DT' H inkle, Jacob Holcom b, Avee M cG uire, Angeio M lcozzi, Joseph Robertson. Elizabeih Smith, Carlos Moreno-Luna, Davis Mossman, M elina Obando, Thomas O’Brieti, Erika Parnell, Morgan Parrish, Rachel Peterson, Cameron Phillii)s, Jacob Reavis, Jorge Salmerón Canas, Kyle S.erio, Weston W alker, D aniel W ellm an, Rebecca West, Hannah Whitehead, Logan Wilkinson, Kacy Yount. A-B Honor R oll - Blaine Adderlon, .Crystal Agüero, Dennis Argueta, Jordan Boker, Kathleen Barber, Johnathan Barney, Bryce Bartelt, Sarah Battles, W illia m Beeson, Amanda Bell, Kathryn Bennett, Palmer Benson, Karen Boger, Johnathon Boles, Cameron Brockm an, A shley Byrd, Desiree Casey, Erika Coffey, W hittney C orrell, Caroline Cozarl, Ryan Crews, Cole Crisco, Shelby Cusack, Felisha D allon, Lionel D iaz, Tara Dixon, Thomas Doub, Logan Dlnu Shehuta, Omar Sllchutu, Bradford Shelton, W hitney Short, Courtney Sims, Ashley Smool, Matthew Speer, Karen Spry, Gerald Slukely Jr. Kuleiin Sturrc, Jessiia Stephens, Midcia Stevenson, Tttylo’r Stokes, Moser, Samuel Moser, Gregory. Lauren Strickland,' Kelcey N uckols, Chi!ls'cri '’ P'ai'lsh, Sykes, ^Samantha Tarleton, Donuli, Jordan Drennen, Ryan Jessica Poulsen, Adam Pryor. Dyson. Zachary Fair. Ashley Jennifer Rominger. Omur Funule, Perry Ferrell, Marshall Fleming, Hullcy Folk, Juson Gallimore, Brundon Giunmons, Rochcl Goheen, Carmen Grubb, Andrew Guardado, Jo Hartman, C a itiin Hauser, N icholas Helcnek, Cara Hendricks, Megan Hennings, Carson Herndon, Blake Hess, Devon Heubel, Kenneth Hockaday, Rebecca Hoffm an, Shelby Holland, LaBeverly Hooks, Brittany Home, Megan Howell, Rachel H ow ell, M atthew Hursey, W illis Jones, Zebulon Jones, Ashley Joyner, Hannah Keeney, Alexandra Keiser, Shehuta, Courtney.Sinis, Jcssica Stephens, Audriunu Tuylor, Caillin Tutterow. A-B Honor R oll - Roger A dkins 11, Kaylec A lliso n, Jacob Alston, Caroline Altieri, Am ber A rnold, N icklaus Ashburn, Lauren Bailey, Lindsey Bailey, Thomas Bailey, Brittannie Ball, Ayana Banks, Sarah Barber, Luke Bartelt, Krystal Beam, Jessica Blackburn, Rebecca Bobo, Ashlyn Brunstelter, Kelsey Bryan, Briun Bullins, Jarred Burcham, Benjam in'Burton, Kuitiin Buss, Shunc Butcher, A licc Kim, Mury Ann Kiser, ^'Jessica Butner, Nicholas Capra, Jacqueline Kohnen, Kelsey Joshuu Carter, Hannah Curtner, Lane, Alex Lau, ly ic r Laymon, Christian Lee, Deann Lomax, Kyle Macey, Kadesha Maddox, Hailey Marsh, Lauren Marshall, Cody Mason, D anielle M cClearen, James M ille r, Dunn, Alyson Eaton, Sergio Nathan M ilieson, Zachary Fernandez, Ryan Foster, George Montgomery, Ryan Moxley, Fruits, Ana Garcia, Kayla Glenn, Dixon Gomez, Mark Graham, Courtney Grannaman, Jessica Green, Christina Griffin, Paul Guntncr, O livia Harvel, Jacic H ilbourn-B eai, Asia Hilliard, Rachel Holtel, Jamie Houston, M eredith Hughes, Ashley Ibarra, Megan Jarvis, Sara Johnson, Payton Kelly, Somunthu Kiekenapp, Sadie Lagle, Cheyenne Lashm it, Mason Lesser, Ashley Levan, Jose Lopez-Leon, ly ler Luckey, Clara M acdonell, W illia m Macey, Paige M aconochie, Griselda M arcelino Rueda, Kathy M arin, M cKenzie Marshall, Rcbekah Mccann, Huley Mccune, Junsen M cD aniel, Bryan McGee, Caleb McGee, Ashieigh- McIntyre, Connor McManamy, Hannah M cN eil, W illia m M ikhail, Christopher M iller, Karla M iner, Amber M inor, Brehesner M ontoya, Kasey Moren,.Carios Moreno-Luna, Davis Mossman, Joseph Neeley, M elina Obaiido, Thomas Daniel Needs, Alex Newman, Peter Newmun, Scan Newman, Andrew Olson, W illium Puge, Destiny Peurcy, Lindsay Peterson, Katelyne Reed, Chelsey Reinhardt, Brice Renegar, Jennifer Robertson, Diana Rodriguez-Salgadp, Marten Roman-Munoz, Ashley Rowe, Morgan Rowe, Brandon Rowell, Lyndsey Ruble, John San ' F ilipp o, Cody Schneggenburger, Nathan Sheets, Conway Shelton,, N icholas Sizemore, Lake Slabach, Christa Smith, Robert Stoinour, Cody Styers, ghanice Taylor, Kimberly Thompson, Kelsey T ifft, Sterling Tkach, Jessica Tucker, Wesley Vanhoy, Samantha Vannoy, Jonnely Vides, Patrick Whaley, Kali Whitaker, Walter Wilson III, Darius Wilson, Elaina Womble, Brian Wood, Jacob Wood, Chelsea Young, Casey Zakamarek. 11th Grade A ll A ’s - Kaylee A llison, C aroline A ltie ri, N icklaus Brittany .Clark, Claire Coleman, Erin Desnoycrs, Kaycce Dixon, V ictoria Doub, Zachary Drechslcr, Miranda Edwards, Patricia Evims, Robert Farieigh, Rosa Flo'rcs-Sanchoz, Lisa Foster, Kuresia Frozier, Lucy Freiberger, B rittani Freyer, James Guither, Kuthryn Gerdon, Jennifer G ogin, A vim ilex Gomez, Emma Gordon, Gabriclle Grant, Ashley Green, Zachary Green, Lauren Gryder, John Haldenian, IV Ier Ham, Sara Handy, Carla Harris, Morgan H orrison, Ryan Harrison, Kara Harvey, Christopher Hoke, Chandler H olland, Bridgette Hooks, Surah Hunt, Megan Hutchens, Chelsea Jonson, Churies Jewell Katherine Johnson, Julia Juhasz, Elizabeth Kennedy, Rundall Lee, M dlunia Lofton, Zachary Long, Joanna Lucero, W illia m M arrs, Natalie M cB ride, Savannah M oG unigal, Madeline M cIntyre, Brandon Meade, Costner M crrifie ld , M o lly Miles, Gregory M iller, Lindsay Miller, Payne Miller, Matthew M ills, W illiam M ills, Rachael Moore, Taylor Moore, Clare Moser, Jacob Moser, Samuel Moser, Alyssa Mossman, M elissa N ichols, Gregory Nuckols, Chdseu Purish, Corrie Sykes. Audriana Taylor, Katie Taylor, Lauren Tesh, H olly Tissue*, Elyssu Tucker, Eineruld Tuthill, C uitlin Tutterow, Kathryn Vunnim ani Kevin W hitley, Kasey W ilburn, Christopher Wood. 12th Grade A ll rtiv - Meghan Allman, A lexis A lvarado Beltran, Chasen Arey, E m ily Bates, A zarely Benitez, M ichael Brewer, Jessie Bumgarner, Jcssica Burtts, A lliso n C am pbell, Brandi Capps; Elizabeth Coiner, M atthew Coiner, Ashley C olpctzer, Samantha Contos, Caroline Cornatzer, Kelsey Crisco, Luis Diaz, Amelia Etchi.son, Marde Garrett, Diana Green, Christine Gulledge, Rebecca Heffemfln, •Kayleigh Hcubel, B rittany H icks, Shelton Howard, Hannah Hursey, C rystal Jackson, Samantha James. Julie Jones. Pamela Lane, Charies Link, Morgan Long, Brittany Amelia Etchison, Jack Evans, Sarah Evans, Chris Fishel, • Alexandra Folk, Jessica Foster,, Garrett Fulton, Miircic Garrett, Rebecca Gerdon, Brendcn Goodwin, Andrea Gront, Diana , Green, C hristine Gulledge, Courtney Haldcman, Nathaniel Hamm, Brcnden Hanes, Landon Harris, Victoria Harris, Rebecca Hcffcrnan, Alexandra Hendrix, Jayc Hepler, JaSmin Hernandez, K ayleigh Hcubel, B rittany H icks, Ethan H o illfic ld , M ichaeT Hoover, Shelton Howard,' C hristian H ow ell, M arian H unckler, Hannah Hursey, M elinda Jublonski, Crystui Jackson, Jordun Jumes, Sumunthu Jumes, Mary Jorvis, Stacy Jolly, Julie Jones, Shelby K arriker, Kenneth Keaton, Moggie Ke.eble, Patrick Keeney, Kurils Keiser, Jordan Kinder, Jordan Lane, Pamela Lone, W illlom Lord, Erin Latimer, Charles Lee III, Charles Link, Bethany Little, Morgan Long, Brnndon Low e, Kathryn Lowery, Kayla Luckey, Brittany Mabe, Rachel M ackintosh, Megan Marshall, Sarah Martin, ' Jordan M athis, Meghan Motthews, Daniel M cBride, Adam M cC ollister, Ashley M cC oilistcr, Cossondra McClannon, Amanda McCoy, Candace M cD aniels, Roy Melton, Vasilika M illo, Lauren Mock, Elias M ojica Zamora, Ashley Mooneyham, Kaitlyn M ote, Kasey Newark, Sean Norona, James North, Lonnie ' Oakley III, Rachel O’Brien, Mabe, Cassandra McClannon, ' Julinnne Olson, Joshua Pah, Kaitlyn Mole, 'Kasey Newiirk, Joshua Parks, K e lli Parks,' James North, Rachel O’Brien, K elli Porks, Koriyn Phipps, Jordan Schultz, Kelsey Shipman, Anna Smith, James Stone, Brandon Walls, Derek Waxman, Brandy W illiam s, Michael Wood. A-B Honor Roll - Andrew Absher, Jennifer Allen, Meghan A ltm an, A lexis A lvarado Beltran, Chasen Arey, Joshua Atkins, Emily Bates, Nathaniel Battles, A zarely Benitez, Rebecca Bentley, Heather Boger, Nickolus Boger, Carrie Amber Panish, Aaron Peoples, . K urlyn Phipps, C aroline Pratapas, Shay no Reece, Trevor': Recce, Jessamin Ren, Amanda Riddle, Amber Rogers, E llie . Rogers, Jeffrey Rominger, M ichael Rowe Jr., Brittany R oycroft, Robert Rusher, Jordan Schultz, Kelsey Shipman, M adelyn Shore, Benjamin Sink, Anna Smith, James Sm ith, Tatum Snow, K e lly S olovtzoff. Robert Sparks. Christopher Sponuugle. Timothy Stilingi James Stone. Brewer. Michael Brewer, "iaylor Hannah Stroupe. Joseph Thylor, Brewer, Jenniffer Bruce, Jessie Joseph Taylor, Zachary Taylor, Bumgarner, Joshua Burcham, James Burford, Jessica Bums, Katelynn Callahan, A lliso n Campbell, Brandi Capps, Debra Clendcnin, Elizabeth Coiner, M atthew Coiner, Ashley Colpetzer, Samantha Contos, Rachel Cooper, C aroline Cornatzer, Evan Crisco, Kelsey Crisco, Luis D iaz, Sarah D inkins, 'K ayla Drennen, Brittany Dykes, Brittany Dyson, Joslynn Thomas; M argaret Tiipay, C ourtney Turner, Tonesha Turner, B rittany Tutterow , Leah V ulpitta, Brjindon Walls, Ethan Wantuch, Derek Waxman, Jade Welch, Sarah W hitaker, Samuel W hitley, Brandy W illiam s, Tabitha W ill, D anielle W ittlinger, M ichael Wood, Stacy Wood, Ashley Woodie, Michelle Yenny; 5 , , I ■ii u ч..л i f a.,'.;.. Il- ' I ' . I - V-! ^;Vi !Й <:■,' 1 V'l World Qualifier Davie Native To Compete :ln Duathlon Championship BIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,2009 • Davie County nntive Cody •M gcll, now living in Belmont, bompetcd in the 2009 USA National , Duathlon Championships in Richmond, Va., on April 26 and earned ninth place among all 25-29 year oltl hien, earning a spot to compete In the Worid Championships in ¡September. The Duathlon consiste{l of a ,6.2 mile run, a 24 mile bike leg, imd a 3.1 mile run all rolled into one event. Angell flnislicd in 1 hour, 59 minutes. \ He was 35th in a field of 886 .competitors, and Ihe first North Carolina fmisher. i Ttmperature was 96 degrees .and scvcml competitors needed h\cdicnl attention. ; Angell ran from 18th place to 9th placc during thc last 3 miles of the race nnd posted thc sccond fastest 3 .1 in ilc run o f all participants. The 2009 World Championships w ill be in September nt Lowes M otor Speedway in Charlotte. Angell is a former Belmont Abbey runner and winner of thc Sarasota H alf Marathon. The event was Cody's first multi-sport event on a national stage and only his fifth ever Duathlon. Upon completion of the event, his wife Janna Angell, a triathlctc herself, gave him permission lo buy a new racing bicycle. He dedicated thc race in honor of his mother Burbara Angell, a brcust cnncer and Leukemia survivor. Cody Works forTrySports in Chariotte, where he sells running shoes. He runs post-collcgiality, for Mizuno and also coaches endurance athletes. .Cody Angell (center) with NC qualifiers Aubrey Aldy (left) and Ctirls iampersl<i after finisiiing ttie 2009 USA National Duathlon Championships. Davie Y Hosting Summer British Soccer Camp A girl learns foot work. As the number o f soccer players in the USA nears 20 million, Challenger Sporis hns w ill hold one of its nationwide British Soccer trnining cnmps in Davie County. The Dnvie Family YM CA hns teamed up to host the week long British Soccer camp during the week of June 22-26 at thc YM CA Community Field. The camp w ill run Monday- Friday nnd cach child w ill be coached by a member o f Challenger’s British coaching staff flown lo the USA to work on these progrnms. Chnllcngcr w ill hold more Ihnn/2,000 camps this summer and w ill conch moro than 100,000 players between the ages o f 4 imd 18 nnd over 20,000*parcnts nnd conches. T\ie cnmp is morc than a week o f drills and skills. In addition to taking part in a daily regimen o f foot s k ill development, technical and tncticnl prnctices und daily tournament style plays, each child w ill be treated to a cultural experience and lessons on respect, responsibility, integrity, leadership and sportsmanship. The most popular part of cach cnmp is thc Camp World Cup. The coaches use tliis daily tournnment to teach the players nbout life , customs and traditions o f other countries. The campers are nskcd to make up cheers, bring fings, dress up nnd learn ns much ns they cnn nbout thc . country they represent. The Dnvie Family YM CA nre offering British Soccer cnmp sessions for the following ages: 3-4,9-l0a.m.,$74/$89(YMCA Member/Non-Member); nges4- 6, 10-noon, $99/,$I I 4; nges 6- 15, 9-noon or 1-4 p.m., $116/ $131; ages 8-15, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., $I55/$I70; ages 9-16, 5:30- 8:30 p.m., $116/$ 131 (advanced player session).' Teams arc welcom c to receive a week o f focused instruction to prepare them for the fall season. Each camper w ill receivc a cnmp T-shirt, soccer ball, giant soccer poster and nn individual skills performance cvnlunlion. Any child who signs up online at least 45 dnys prior to cnmp w ill receive a British Soccer replica jersey. To sign up for the camp, visit WWW, challengcrsports. com or contact Ihe YMCA nt 751 -9622. Contnct Brynn Rogers, youth sports coordinnlor, al Ihe Y M C A at 751-9622, b,wgers®ymcunwiic.org . Games are a popular part of the camp experience. -----NOW OPEN IN M OCKSVILLE!! Furniture M attress Cdnnection 1500 North Main St (Hwy. 158) • Mocksville, NC (Beside earolina f’recision Machinirtg) Open Thursdays, Fridays, ^ Saturdays and Mondays Only Hours: Thurs., Fri. & t\/lon. 10:00am-5;30pm: Sat. 10;00am-3:00pm S n e c ia ilz in g in M w iie t S a m p le s S p e c ia l B u y s a n d C lo s e o u ts FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! Sofas, Loveseats, Chairs, Recliners, Sectionals, Reclining Sofas, Home Theater Seating W M m m m m m m m m s s m m H u g e S e l e c t i o n o f R e c l i n e r s , L e a t h e r & F a b r ic * SPECIAL BUY! F u ll Size F irm M a ttre s s S ets..............................................$ 1 9 9 * SPECIAl BUY! Queen P illo w Top S e t...............................................................$ 2 9 9 * IP E CJ A l BjJYI T h e ra p e d ic" K in g S ize F irm S e t.........................................S 4 9 9 * S P IiiA L BU Yi 5 P c. P ub Table S e t................................................................. S 2 9 9 * SPECIAL BUY! L e athe r M a tch R oci(er R ecline r.........................................$ 2 9 9 * SPECIAL BU Yi 7 P c. W ood D in e tte Set. * SPECIAL BUYI lO O '/i L e a th e r C h a ir an d O tto m an * SPECIAL |U V ! S ofa and Loveseat * SPECIAL BUY! 8 P c. B edroom S uite iiaaaiaiiiiaiaaiiaiaiiiiiiaiiiyi '■ ■ ■ iiia a a a ia iia a ia a a ia ia iia a a a ia a iiiia iiii' 3 4 9 3 9 9 .As lo w as $ 5 9 9 8 9 9 Щ Ш Ш Ш R e clin in g S ofa w ith Loveseat........................................ . . . $ 9 9 9 CallUsat (3 3 6 ) 8 1 7 -3 3 9 0 Financing Available Even the youngest players have a chance to iearn soccer at the camp. Visit our website to learn more т www.tigerWorld.us DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,2009 - Cl Playground Dedication Takes Place By Jackie Seabolt Davie Enterprise On Friday, A pril 24, n small playground was dedicated at Shady Grovo Elementary. Inside thc small area sur rounded by a fence stood a see-sow, a crawl through tun nel shaded like a caterpillar, and a clim b in g area w ith ' slides. T h is playground, con- slrucled especially for the preschoolers at Shady Grove, was able to be built after the school wus given u land dona tion by Davie resident Carlyle Grey "Script” Robertson. R obertson, along w ith mnny fa m ily members andclose friends attended Ihc 11 Preschool teacher Meredith Koeval helps students say what they lové about their'new playground at Shady Grove Elementary. (Left to n.m. ceremony where Ihe play- right) Tiffany PIfer, "I iike to siide down the slide." Kyie Mabe, "I iji<e to piay on the playground when there’s a rainbow." Morgan Boone, "I iii<e ground was dedicated in honor^ to piay on the caterpillar." o f his grandchildren, Charlie and Haley Robertson. Maureen G ildein, Shady Grove principal, opened thc playground dedication and welcomed all those in atten dance. Superintendent Dr. Robert Landry spoke and told how, in I 2003, plans werc made lo add ad d itio n a l classroom s at Shady Grove, but there was no room fo r expansion. Later, plans to build a prcschool building and playground were delayed for the same reason. "In June 2003 property was donated by S cript, M r. Robertson sim ply wanted to do something to help the chil dron o f A dvance," Landry , ..“ ^«,;^}.wai|lVlo express my • s in c ^ appreciation." As thc p re se h ^i iiiasii'sai- in tiny chairs and listened dur ing the ceremony, prcschool director Peggy Nuckols ended the dedication by te llin g Robertson, “ We tliank you from the bottom o f our hearts." Preschoolers at Shady Grove Elementary School piay on the new preschool playground.- Photos t>y Robin Snow Script Robertson, who wiil be 89-years-6ld this year, with his grandchildren Chariie and Haley at the preschool dedication ceremony. The new preschool playground at Shady Grove was dedicated In their honor by their grandfather. P r o p e r t y D m a t e d B y The plaque (above) was presented to Robertson by superintendent Dr. Robert Landry, Shady Grove principal Maureen Gildeln, and facilities manager Dub Potts. Il'' Il i I1’ i ; ;r C 2. PAVIE COUNTY ENTERPmSE RECORD, Thursdny, May 14,2009 S h a m e l - B l a c k w e l d e r C o u p l e M a r r i e d y- Dennna Elaine Shamcl anti Bradley Davis B liickw cldcr were united in mairinge on Sat urday, March 14 nt 4 p.m. at Omwake-Dearborn Chapel on the campus of Catawba College in Salisbury. The Rev. Joe Woodward of ficiated the ceremony, which wns followed by a reception hosted by the bride’s pnronts nt jthe F& M tro lle y Barn. The bridal party was transported to the reception in one of the an tique F&M trolleys. The bride was escorted by her father, Joe Shnmel. Serving as maids of honor were her sis te rs,' A p ril Shamcl o f Swannanoa and Carrie Shamcl ,of Clemmons. Bridesmnids 'were Carly Balslcy of Mocks ville and Kimberly Styers of Hamptonville. Junior bridcs- ,maid was ' M cKenzie iBInckwelder, niece o f the groom. Lloyd BUickwcldcr served ns his son’.s best mnn. Grooms men included Chad Blackwclder, brother,of the groom and Brnndon Shore, both of Mocksvillc nnd McKenzic Willoughby o f Lexington, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Owen , served as registrnr and program attendants. Wedding director was Sheila Tutterow. Music was provided by “ Sine Nomine” string quartet with' vocal music - performed by the Toccatatones of High Point University. The bride is the dnughter of Joe nnd Marlene Shamcl. Her M r. a n d M rs. B ra d le y D a v is B la o k w e ld e r mntcmal grandparents are Belle D. Bogcr of Mocksville nnd the late Jaities D. Boger. Her pater nal grandparents are the Inte Mr. and Mrs. George E. Shnmel. She grnduated form Davic High School and earned a bachelor’s degree in business management from UNC-Ashevillc. She is employed by the Davie County School System. The groom is the son of Lloyd and Cathy Blackwelder. His innteriuil grandparents nre Lonnie and Betty B row ii o f M ooresville. H is pHternal grandparents are the late Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Blackwelder. He graduated from Davie High School nnd enrned n bachelor’s degree in business mnnngement from UNC-Asheville. He is em ployed by Anderson Lanci and Timber. Following n honeyinoon in St. Lucia, the couple resides in Mocksville. Soclnl Events ; • The bride wns honored at a bridal shower on Dec. 14 at Ihc home o f Cathy Blackwelder, also hosted by Darnell Beam, K erry Blackw elder, N icole Farnsworth, Pallio and Katlyn Law ing, Rhonda Meadows, April Owen nnd Lonnie Smilh. • M olly Connell and Pam Speer hosted and nround the clock shower on Jan. 10 at Ihc Speer residence. • A recipe shower hosted by Carly and Vickie Balslcy and Donna and Sarnh Willinms was held Fob. 7 at Iho W illiam s home. • Elolte Owen, Chrhsty Schafer and Vickie Smithennnn hosted a couples only shower at the Owen residence on Feb. 2 1. • A bridal shower on Feb. 22 was hosted by Sarnh Buchnnan, Sue and M indy Senmon nnd Stacy Taylor nt tho Senmon home. •A bridesmnid luncheon wns ’ held at Cnrolina Lily nl the Farm in Snlisbury. Hostesses were Dnwn, Pal, Peggy and Sheila Tutterow. , • The rehearsul dinner was hosted by tho groom's parents at tho Fnmily Life Cenler of the First United Methodist Church in Mocksville on'Mnrch 13. M r. a n d M rs. W illia m P a trlo k K lln g e l H e n d r i c k s - K l i n g e l C o u p l e M a r r i e d A t A s h e v i l l e C h u r c h N o w A v a ila b le Stiawberries Already Picked * 8 “ /g a l. Extrnori) НоГшк FOR Strawberry Season: M-F 12-Sand SAT. 8-12 We also now have T b m a to e a , C u c u m b e rs a n d L e ttu c e L o c a lly Grown, H yd ro p o n ic _ Tomatoes C'o/Hi‘ 7kvfr The Difffmicv! Dew Drop Faurin 302 Foster Road, Mocksville (rosier Kll. i* juil off KWgo R»l, In WcMem Ddvio Ctniniy) EXTENDED HOURS: Mon. - I''ri. Noon-5i'm and Sat. 8 am-noon Call For Directions (336)492-5263 A re Y o u U n a b le to M a n a g e Y o u r тур е 2 D ia b etes W ith D ie t a n d E x e rc is e A lo n e ? Y o u m a y b e e liy ib le lo p a r li c i p i i tc ill a ц 1оЬ а1 c lin ic a l r c .s e a r c li .s liid y o l 'a i i i n v e s li ^ a ti o i ia l m e d i c a t io n . If you... • Have not been treated with, or have had only limited exposure to, oral antidiabetic medication •A re b e tw e e n 18 a n d 7 7 y e a rs o f a g e ' You may be eligible to participate In a global clinical research study. Holly Ann Hendricks nnd William Patrick Kllngel, both of Asheville, were married April 11 in a small, private outdoor ceremony nt Antioch Chrislian Church in Asheville. The Rev. Mike Polly ofnciated. The bride is Ihe daughter of Jerry and Vicki Hendricks of Mocksville. Her grandparents arc Roberl L. and Helen Hendricks of Mocksville and tlie late Jnck R. and Ann Jackson o f Canton. The bride is a grndunto o f N orlh Cnrolina Slale University and of Western Carolina University. She is a fifth grade teacher al Glen Arden Elemenlary School in Buncombe County. The groom is the son of Dave and Dennnn Kllngel of Snpphire. His grandparents are Willard and Arlene Kipker and the Into Hnrry and Laura Klingel, all o f Three Rivers, Mich. The groom nltended The University of Georgia and is a graduate of Western Carolina University. He is manager and brewma.ster at tho Lobster Trap in downtown Asheville. Lackey-Ressa Engagement Announced Gary Lnckcy and Wendy and Joe Worrell announce llie en gagement of their daughter, Sally Ann Lackey to Adam Christo pher Rcssa, son of Paul und Sharon Ressa. The prospective bride and groom nre 2006 graduates of Davie High School nnd both attend Pfeiffer University. Tile wedding w ill be Aug. 9 at Pfeiffer University, with n re ception following at the Farmer’s Market in Albemarle, N a tio n w id e ' In s u ra n c e h a s "P in s u re d NASCAR fa n s for o v e r 6 0 y e a rs.y* , C u 't tiu - I'X iX I I y(»U } .It llu* riylU p iiif (' (ill till a (imiir tinliiv Participants may receive study-related medical care, study medication, laboratory work, and evaluations, at no cost. , Crescent Medical Research, Tomorrow'i Medicine Todfly Salisbury 704-641-9913Or (aach us on Ihe web at looQtad ■ Salisbuiy Ono Block tiom Hojpllol Keith Hiller Matt Hiller \ THANKS for Muking Ui /*1ln Notih Carolina. N atlnnw ldeM ulu«! Iniuranc« Com pany 1109 Yadkinville Road Willow Oaks Shopping Center Mocksville 751-61.31hlllerklüpnatlonwlde.cam Nationwide* Insurance Ui «П W i Uw КF«ulKti i, Uubtl N»>«4« «hi UUUi Cur{uc<«i üm (^*. OH 4)]li SutM иuriliiMing mJ ««xct.W. ds(7.ni M niiiiit u <1 pmam л ti uwn. Пн HUCM НшмиЦ Stittia}3 ñ i,4d tnvt ki<nt« hr IM Mmii i» kxl <i>m к. («ьмм. «UKUT ud i>* UVM tf* ti 04 »Mi«ul Диимиш <M M <4 Ш K. HiuemUi. Кхктчк knuMt iaJ \ыи w>V( *wti »uiMMdt U>Md Hutn« iMViry « KiWmVk Ил|1 Inww* iU Garner-Calllson Engagement Announced Dick and Belinda Garner of Mocksville announce tho ongagc- nicnt of their daughter, Kristin Meredith Gamer lo Scoll Andrew Callison, son of Jerry and Sue Callison of Mocksvlllo. The bride-elect is a graduate of Davie High School and eamed a bachelor’s degree in elementnry education from the University of Norlh Carolina nl Wilmington in 2002. She earned a master’s degree in elementnry educntion from Winston-Salem State Uni versity in 2008 and is n Nnlional Board Certified Teacher. She is employed by Davie County Schools ns a first grade teacher. The groom-elect is a graduate of Davie High School and earned n bnchclor’s degree in chemistry form Appninchinn State Univer sity in 1995. He earned a master’s degree and Ph.D in medical microbiology from the University of Georgia in 1998 and 2003. He is the owner of GTC Allison where is a research and develop ment scienti,st in Ihe field of animal henlth. An outdoor wedding w ill be held in June at the, Southport Com munity Center in Southport. Higher CD Yields! Special Promotion I apv 3 Month CD. FDIC-lnsumi .1.0% (6 month) • 3.5% (12 iiiunlh) FIRST FIDELITY ■‘'iiiniiclal CixMipnriho'IViiul, I.I.C _________Kiiir Stfe Money Snliilloh' M l A fC d iin ts tliu ii iu ilv fil aiui In s u n d ApiminUntnlKecommeiuled 336-224-1077217 S. l\ilbcrt Ave., Lexington, NC 27292 Huurs; 9am-5pm. Mon.-Frl. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, May 14,2009 - C3 E n d u r i n g L o v e i m p r e s s e s S o d a i W o r i < e r Jaci<AndSue Seaford Celebrate 50th Anniversary Jack and Sue Seaford of Mocksville celebrated their 50th wed ding anniversary with a pnrty nl their home on Mny 2. Hosts were their,sons and families; Jeff and Donhn Seaford, and Scotty arid Kris Seaford, and four grandchildren. Kali, Jake, Megan and Sara. Bake Sale To Benefit Scout Project A bnke snlo Saturday at Ihe Walmart Supcrcenter in Mocks v illc w ill support an Eagle Scout's effort lo build a nature arbor al a local community cen ter. Joel Shuler, a member of Boy Seoul Troop 575 and Venluro Crow 505 in Mocksville say.s plenly of sweets w ill be avnil- nble from 8 n.m.-noon. He hopes to raise ,t500 to buy materials lo build a nature arbor al Iho Cenler Communily Building and Conici' United Methodist Chutch. Remaining funds w ill go to Davie Scout troops. Donations can bo made Sat urday, or to Shuler at 197 Ivy Lnne, Mocksvillc, Ho is the son o f Gene and Jnn Shuler o f Mocksville. Casey Wylie, director of so cial services al Autumn Caro of Mocksville, knows plenly aboul modern lechnology. She hns seen it bring people together via cell phones and the internet, text messaging nnd Facebook. Working daily with Ihe eld erly population al Aulumn Care she has seen more, enduring love. Reccnlly, she talked lo W illia m and M argnrel McCuiston nbout their 65 yenrs of marriage. “ On mnny ocensions some thing comes along thal warms Ihc heiul nnd makes you stop and reflect on accomplishmenls lhal some of us who use Blackberry to innintnin our busy lives w ill never nccomplish, simply bo- cnusc we arc too busy,” *Wylie said. The McCuistons, she said, remain committed lo their wed ding vows, although many of their memories havo been lost. Sudoku 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 4 8 5 8 6 7 9 2 1 8 9 2 4 3 5 7 6 9 2 Solution On Page C5 Urinulon & Cliurlly Green nre proud to unnouncc the birth of their son, Levi Brnn don Green. He was born at Rowun Rcglonul Medicul Cen ter on Febi 28 at 11:17 u.m. He weighed 6 lbs. 12 oz. nnd wns 19.5 Inches long. His mnternni grnndpurents urc Rlehurd nnd Vulerie Bostic of Mocksville und Wuyne nnd Lois Green of Mocksville. His greut-grnnd- purenls nre Arthur und Evu Bostick of Mocksvillc. His nunt nnd uncle ure Cindy Grimtli und Dustlp Bostick of Mocksvillc. Levi would like to thunk everyone for ull their love nnd support. Crossword Puzzle Post-It ACROSS 1. Errand-list heading 5. Squalid area ■ 9. Jack of nursery rhyme 14. Tehran's l^nd 15. Prefix with port or pad 16. Positive thinker Norman Vincent 17. Nol generic 19. "As You Like It" forest 20. Shakers founder In America 21. Battery size 23. Urges to attack 24. Contacts database 27. Some takeout 30. Nikkei currency 31. Word before car or card 32. Piano student's exercise 35. The whole ball of wax 3 8 . had 11!” 39. Manhattan I tourist's buy ' 41. Stocking's end 42. Ocean's bottom 43. Very, In music 44. Was decked out In' 45. Where Fey played Palln, for short ■ 46. Kind of bass 49. Non-private . institution 53. "After th a l..." 54. Up lo. Informally 55. "Ripe" life stage 59. "Amazing" magician 61. Leftovers holder 63. Map wiihin a map 64. Grandmother In the comic strip "Stone Soup" 65. Choir voice 66. Jury members, supposedly ■ 67. Tear apart 68. Concert souvenirs DOWN 1. Turner or Sinatra 2. North African port 3. Send to blazes 4. Narrow, as a bridge 5. Turns to confetti 6. Rustic setting . ■ 7. Radii neighbors 8. Greedy monarch of fiction 9, Hydrotherapy site 10. Politically con-ect suffix 11. Marconi's field 12. Smart__(wise guy) 13. Till slack 18. George Eliot's "Adam 22. Safe havens 25. Marks on scores 26. Roadrunner's crj' 27. Corn bln 28. Be afflicted with 29. Clinched 33. "Bye for now," In chat rooms 34. Buggy drivers 35. At the summit of 36. Oral Iradllloh 37. Glance from Groucho 39. Pessimist's word 40. Any of the Keys . 44. Vllianova athlete 45. Post-snowfall vehicle 47, Decorated, as leather 48. Caramel candy brand 49.1953 Alan Ladd cater 50. All keyed up 51. Sorting device 52. Owen of "Children of Men" 53. Go sprawling 56. Up lo the task 57. Scandal suffix 58. Swelled heads 60.’’_ a llv e l'’ 62. Links or alley target Answers On Page C5 ’ He told Wylie that “ran into” his future wife one day at work, nnd they lived in M aryland and Washington before settling in Duvie County nfler he became “ lired of working for Iho gov- ernmenl.” She was a homemaker. They had Ihrce children; sons Terry and James, bolli dccenscd, and daughter Janet. They have seven grnridchildrcn nnd seven grent- grnndchiidrcn. “ Mrs. McCuiston loved to drnw and her designs of bail gowns are compnrnbio to any famous designer. “ While it is unfortunate that memories arc lost for this couple, what matters is that the memories happened, And on days thnt a woman can’t remem ber ono holiday in 65 ycnrs, she slill nsks for her husband every day. And maybe she cnn’l re member his nnme, but she does remember Ihis; ‘I love him so'.’’M a rg a re t a n d B ill M cC u isto n Cooks, Donations Needed For FD Chill Cookoff Blnke und .ic.sslcn Nichols of Mocksvillc are proud to unnouncc the birth of (heir son, Tyler Bluke Nichols. Born nt Forsyth Medicul Ccnlcr on April 12 nt 2:16 p.m., he weighed 5 lbs. 9.4 oz. rind wns 20 inches long. His ninternul grundpnr- ents nre Jimmy nnd Cnrolyn Koontz of Mocksville. His pnternal grandparents urc Derrick nnd Teresn Nichols ofMocltsvlllc. His aunts and uncles arc Jamie , Koontz, Logan Koontz, Chnd Niciiois nnd Bobby und TliTuny Rycroft, nil of Mocksville. Tyier Ls uLso loved my severul other friends und fumily nicinhers. The third nnnuai frce-slylc chiii cookoff sponsored by the Harmony Fire Department w ill bo hold on Saturday, May 30 from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Sign up to cook for a .$20 entry fee. Sponsors and donu lions for Ihe silent auction are necdeii. The day w ill aiso include a silent nuclion, live music, ham burgers and hotdogs, a frce pie baking contest, an inflatable play uren for children, and face painting. Proceeds w ill go liie auxiliary and scholarship fund. To learn more, call Yvonne Messick al 704-546-3502. Interior Painting C e ilin g , p la s te r a n d d ry w a ll re p a irs . Thom Rutter 336-2844211 Wetmore Farm s t WOODLEAF FRESH S T R A W B E R R IE S READY NOW ALSO AVAILABLE: Greenhouse Tomatoes, Cantaloupe and other produce other produce as It becomes available Open Monday-Friday 8:0Dam-6:00pm Saturday 8:00am-3:00pm From MocksviUe M e 601 SouW to 801 Intersecthm, turn right at light 4 miles to auitkm light In Woodiest. Follow signs to farm. 704-278-2028 Call IVIore People. Use Zero M inutes. Become a part ol America’s Largest Mobile to Mobile Calling Family. Get unlimited calling lo every'Alltfel customer, and now, every Verizon Wireless customer - more than 80 million strong. Plus get unlimited calling to any 5,10 or 20 numbers on ariy network with My Circle.- THE PHONE PLACE 121 Depot St., Mocksvliie, NC 27028 Mon.-Frl. e:00am-5pm 336 -751-2626 A lltel MM • рм1 Ы Vm iton Wiraitu )iii titii ((«ilXlivla iOiUMimiliti: IDniifirc .............. 'bnlMrt......................................................... - - ......................................UJIlSdj Шт* i i ' '.Ü ! i I: M o t i v a t i o n a l A u t h o r I H e r e O n M a y W :• Author, L. Diane Wolfe, w ill > discuss her new book, “ Over- coming Obstacles with Spunkf” > pn Tuesday, May 19, at 7 p.m. > at the Davie County Public Li- i brary. V This book describes keys to S; leadership and goal-setting and i ; is an inspirational self-help i rbook. The author has tied all of > her goal-setdng and leadership ^ , seminar’s information together • into a complete, enthusiastic > package. The book w ill be for - .sale and can be autographed. ^ ' She outlines the keys to overcoming obstacles with the right attitude. Trained for 10 1 j years within a top motivation ; educational system, she guides listeners through the steps o f de veloping a positive attitude, overcoming fear, and setting ' meaningful goals. : 'T h is would be a helpful evening for those who are seek ing employment, makitig career or education decisions, or desir- C4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,2009 W olfe ing more self-motivation,” said Marie Roth. The week before her appear ance in M ocksville, she w ill share a speaking appearance in W ashington, D.C . w ith Michelle Obama. The public is invited to this free presentation which is spon sored by Friends o f Davie county Public Library. Jim Murphy prepares to deliver Homebound meal driver Jere Dailey is greeted by a smile from Polly homebound meals to Davie seniors. Foster as he delivers a hot lunch. A M e a l A n d A S m ile M o r e D r i v e r s N e e d e d T o V i s i t E l d e r l y Stewart Seelman t¿lks to North Davie Rurilan mem bers about his Eagle Scout project. E a g i e C a n d i d a t e B u i l d i n g F i r e P i t A t N o r t h D a v i e A t the Jan. 14 North Davie Rurltan Club meeting, Stewart Seelman answered questions asked by club members. Seelman Is building a fire pit at North Davie Middle School as part of his Eagle Scout require ments and was making a presen tation to the club to raise funds for the projecl, His presentation netted him ' about 20 percent o f the funding needed for his project. The North Davie Rurltan Club provides scholarships to graduating seniors from the North Davie community and also donates to or actively par ticipates in worthwhile projects in the community. For additional Information and location o f monthly meel ings. contact Joe Childers, presi dent, at 336-782-4276. Farmington Road Shell Station for Lease R e c e n tly re m o d e le d ! ! Shell convenience store located at Farmington Road and 1-40 in Davie County. Station has great traffic flow, a constant customer base and a fantastic interstate location. This business is ideal for husband and wife operation and has great potential for additional growth. A well qualified candidate should be financially responsible, have good business management skills, and be available as an owner / operator. Contact: Danny Brown or Carolyn Simmons @ (336) 722-3441. Food Is one o f Ihe m ost basic of human needs. Imagit\e for a moment that you ure a homebound senior - nol able lo cook for yourself, or gel oul o f the house to buy the food you need. Where would your next mCal come from? Fortunately, homebound seniors In Davie County can count on Davie Counly Senior Services’ Homebound Meals Program 10 provide them with a lunch meal. Meals are delivered M onday-Friday. Those who need help on the weekends can get frozen meals for use o n ‘ Saturday a n d ' Sunday. "However, in these tough economic times, Ihe need for the program Is up, funding is nol, and volunteers to deliver Ihe meals arc hard to come by,” said Beth Halre, administrative . assistant at D avic Senior Services. How can you help? " If you are a giving person, wilh a big heart, please consider becoming a homebound meal driver. Most volunteers agree that the reward is well worth it,” Haire said. .“ It's the feeling you get when you see Ihe look on their faces when you deliver the meal to them,” said volunteer driver Jim Murphy. "It’s more than just food, it shows someone cares, that they are not forgotten.” “ Being a homebound meal driver is exU'cmely rewarding. Not only do you provide the homebound person with a meal, you are bringing joy and a smile to someone’s otherwise lonely day,” Halre said. Drive’rs can choose which day they want to deliver and how often. .They can deliver regularly or be a substitute driver. Senior Services w ill work with volunteers to find the right fit for each schedule. Training Is provided to those Interested. D elivery takes approximately Iwo hours and begins al 10:30 a.m. Monday- Friday. Volunteers must provide their ow.n transportation. M ileage reim bursem ent is available. R egular volunteers are needed for the existing eight routes, substitute drivers are needed, and becausc o f ' increased demand. Senior Services Is in need of volunteers so lhat a ninth route can be opened. If interested, contacl Nancy Luckey al 753-6230 or slop by Senior Services lo lalk to someone In person. “ If driving is not right for you, but you would like to help, we have the pcrfccl solution: give to the Endowment Fund." Halre said. During Ihe "Give 55 in ‘05” campaign to furnish and equip the new building. Senior Services set up an endowment fund Ihrough Ihe Davie Com m unity Foundation. It provides permanent financial support fo r programs and services offered by Senior Services - programs such as homebound meals; When you give to the endowment. Senior Services gels a pcrccniage of lhat money each year, every year, forever. For the 2008/2009 yenr, Senior Services received enough money to buy 709 additional meals for Ihe seniors that needed Ihem. "Davic is one o f Ihe few counties in the stale lhat does not have a wailing list for homebound meals. That Is because of Ihc generosity of people who give to Ihc program, and who have given lo the endowment fund,” To lenrn more about the endowment, call June Simpson at 753-6903. She can discuss ways to remember the homebound mculs program Ihrough a will. “ Whether you can give of your lime, your money, or both, please call today,” Halre said. S e n i o r W o o d c a n / e r s W i n A w a r d s Members o f the Davic Senior Services woodcarving class led by Tim Trudgeon, master carver and teacher, turned individual carving skills inlo winning entries at the NC Piedmont Woodcarvers Club Spring Show in Sialesvilte. Tim Trudgeon expressed great satisfaction in the accomplishments o f his students • explaining that although only' four students entered the competition, they were awarded 15 ribbons in the novice class. B lair Gardner’s "Stylized Fish” took first as the Carver’s C hoice, and was awarded second best o f all novice entries. He also won a first place for a Santa figure entry. Paul Klsslebach took a first place ribbon for his wood spirit cane entry. Jo Robinson was awarded first place ribbons for a relief carving, a pyrographic entry and second place ribbons fo r a carved cypress knee, a carved rendition of seven dolphins and a third place for a sea horse. Blair Gardner, left, and Jo Robinson with all the winning woodcarving entries, In cluding those of Paul Kisselbach and Dottie Sabo, who were not available for the photo. Dottle Sabo collected five first place ribbons for her entries o f an old shoe, a stylized duCk, pum pkin head, snowman ornament and a wood spirit, and a second place ribbon for a carved mailbox. The woodcarvers class is open to all seniors from 9-11 a.m. each Wednesday at the Senior Center, Mocksville, A ll ^levels from beginner to accomplished carvers are Invited. F o u r Corners N e w s By Marie White Four Comers Correspondent We hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day. Courtney Baptist Church honored the oldest mother, Dor othy Bally, and the mother with the youngest child, Mrs. James W illiam s, and M rs. Rickey Atkins, wife o f the Rev. Atkins, with a gift at the worship service GENE TREXLER ROOFING New & Old Roots Small Repair Jobs Free Estimates 336-284-4571 Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Beck, Greg Beck and Tammy Jester had lunch for M other’s Day Sunday at Senko In Mocksville, Mr, and Mrs, L,S, Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Bost and Emily and the twins were sup per guests Sunday at the home o f M r. and Mrs, Ed Vogler, Mother's Day was celebrated. Mr. and Mrs. Joe White had supper Sunday nighl with Mr. and Mrs, Mark While ,and Jes sica for Mother’s Day. BeUle Smilh has relumed home after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hamm In Wilmington, Club Woman Of The Year President Vickie Smitherman (left) of the Mocks ville Woman's Club congratulates Jean Saunders for being Club Woman of the Year. S h e f f i e l d - C a l a h a l n N e w s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,2009 ■ C5 By Janice Jordan Sheffleld-Calahaln Correspondent Besides all Ihc flowers and graduations that May brings, another spring ritual goes into high gear callcd Prom Night, On Saiurday, May 2 the attendees at the Sheffield Music Hall were surprised arid pleased that JoAnnah Pierce and Justin Stevenson stopped by on their way to the North Iredell High , School Prom, Since many In the group have known JoAnnah since before she was old enough to attend school. It was a delight to see the beautiful young woman-she is today while she was dressed up in formal wear. She also has quite a reputation as a dancer, with some saying that she’s Ihe best who has ever tapped her .toes at the music hall. Making the occasion doubly spccial for JoAnnah was that she celebrated her 17th birthday on May 7, Yadkin County’s Sweet H ollow Band, which plays bluegrass, counlry, and gospel, w ill perform at the music hall on Saturday, night. May 16, Crusher Run goes to Redding's Country Kitchen on Friday, May 15 from 6:30-9 p,m. and up to Ihe Wythevlllc Virginia Community College Jamboree the next night from 7- 8 p.m. Sisters and co-authors, Mary Alice Hasty and Hazel Wlnfree, were the guest spt:akcis at the Davic County Historical and Genealogical Socicty meeting on April 28 at the Davie County L ib ra i^. T heir recently published book, “The Civil War Roster o f Davie County, North Carolina,” was the topic o f discussion. The ladies answered questions and signed copies of Mary Alice M. Hasty and Hazel Mi Winfree are the guest speakers at the Davie County Historical and Genea logical Society meeting on April 28. Iheir book before enjoying t;cfrcshmcnts provided by the society. Our Mollle Road neighbors In Sheffield are ready for thclr next group project. The sccond annual Neighborhood Yard Sale w ill be Saturday, May 16 from 7 a,m,-noon. Coming frotn US 64 West In Mocksville, Moitié Road is the first right turn off Sheffield Road after you pass Turkey Foot Road, Also on Mtiy 16 Is the golf tournaincnt lhat benefits children who participate In W illia m R, Davie Raiders football and chccrleading programs. Held at Pudding Rldgc golf course. It starts at 2 p,m, S h e ffie ld - C a la h a ln Volunteer Fire Department Invites you lo the Memorial Service at the station on Sunday, M ay 17 from 2-4 p,m. The program w ill be held outside the building near the Memorial Garden or inside the building if it rains. Remembered ^111 be the deceased members o f Ihe fire fighting and the auxiliary units. This w ill be an opportunity for the com m unliy to visit the facilliy and meet the volunteers who serve Ihls area. The address Is 435 Dyson Road, Mocksvillc. On Saturday, May 23 the M en’s Fellow ship o f New Union U nited M ethodist Church w ill serve hotdogs from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. In Ihe parking lot Ut 1869 S heffield Road, Donations w ill be accepted. Doughnuts w ill be sold by the Women’s Fellowship for $5 a box. Al.so on the 23rd w ill be a fundraiser io benefit the all-glrls soflball leam that grew out of ■the Davie County Little League, A ll 14 o f the young ladles on Ihe team live and attend school In Mocksville, Their team, the JoAnnah Pierce and Justin Stevenson head for the North Iredell High School Prom. Jack Bailey, bass player for CrusherRun, steals a kiss from JoAnnah Pierce as she stops by the Sheffield Music Hall on the way to her prom. Hawks, travels and compotes with softball teams from other countries. A ll funds for the team are raised by donations and fundraiser events. Coming up in June Is a tournament in Oak Island, so that's why this particular fundraiser is being held.From 10 a,m,-4 p,m, there w ill be a car wash, yard sale, $2 snow cpnes, and a game set up for children In the parking lot of Jiffy Lube in M ocksville, near Ihc post office. They would appreciate your attendance or donation showing your support. Mother's Day In May ¡ilso coincides with ripe and ready strawberries In our region imd the crop is al ils best this year. If you arc a fan of this frull, support Ihe local grower of your choice. For extra fun, lake a child or two along with you and let them learn where straw berries grow and how lo pick Ihem, Local birthdays fo r Ihe com ing week begin w ith Beavey Gaither, Amber Thutt, Tom Wright, and Brian Swain on May 14; Marie Roth, Alan Barker, and Elizabeth Barker on May 16; Betty Bumgarner, Carol Snyder, Isaac Marshall Swisher, and Travis Laws on May 18; Christina Sherrlcll on Miiy 19; and Cari Jolly on April 20, Congratulations to Gary and Alisa Allen, whose wedding anniversary Is May 14; Dennis and Yvonne Ijames on May 15; Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Keller on M ay 17; Robby and Jackie Stegall and Rick and Connie Day w ait on M ay 19; and Anthony and A pril Oltone on May 20. I Condolences to Ihc fam ll^ and friends of former Sheffield resident, Robert Chester Richardson Jr. of Cleary Road In Y adkinville, who dlc^ Saturday, M ay 9 at Forsyth M edical C cntci. He was a member of New Union United M ethodist Church and was retired from Statesville Venccf Kerri Drye has been released from a brief stay for Illness a\ Forsyth Medical Center and ^ recuperating at home. Lizzie Reeves continues to improve from her recent kn66 surgery. Please send any news you have for this column by cniiill \AjvJ]onkm ®lwimall. com or by telephone to 492-5836. G o u n t v L i n e N e w s By Shirley Thorne Counly Line Correspondeni Our community continues to be blessed w ith rain. The blackberries should be large and juicy when they ripen in another month. We trust all o f our mothers had a great day Ihls pa,st Sunday, This time of the year In County Line, graduation and end-of-year school activities lake precedent; so, we have few . events planned. There w ill be a Red Cross Blood Mobile Drive from 3:30- 7:15 p,m. Thursday, May 14 at Clarksbury United Methodist Church in the fellowship hall. Vacation tiine is approaching and lhat means a higher demand for blood. If able, please stop to glve Ihe gift of life. The V-Point Ruritans w ill have their regular tiionthly meeting May ,14 al the V-Poitit Building on Old M ocksville Roiid. The club w ill honor the members o f the North Iredell Amcricnn Legion Post 113 with supper beginning nt 7 p.m. A fte r the supper M id-East combat veteran Don Wilson w ill speak. The U nited M ethodist Women w ill lead the worship service nt 9:30 a,m, this Sunday, M ay 17, at Salem U nited Methodist Church, Everyone Is Invited, The Women on Mission of Society Baptist Church w ill meet at 6 p.m, Thursday, May 21, In the fellowship hall. After refreshments and fellowship the group w ill present a drama Illustrating the many excuses people use to avoid becoming involved in missions. Clara West w ill host the program. The group invites others. The Kappa ECA w ill mecl at 7 p,m. Tuesday, May 19, at the Davie Academy Building on ■ Mr, Henry Road, Sara Koontz w ill host the meeting. The group w ill enjoy an inform ative program about fo m ily and home, A ll residents ure invited. Upcom ing com m unity events w ill include a vacation Bible school registration frotn noon - 2 p,m, Saturday, May 23, with Bible school from 6:30- 8:30 p.m, June 14-18 at Pleasant V ie w B aptist Church; a com munity prayer breakfast hosted by the United Methodist Women o f Clnrksbury at 8:15 a.m, Sunduy, May 31; a V-Polnt R urltan countiy ham and sausage breakfast from 6-10 A,m. Saturday, June 6; a V-Point Rurilan Flag Day observance Saiurday, Juno 13; and baccalaurentcs and graduations for high schools in June. The Harmony High School Class of '55 enjoyed its annual post graduate senior trip last week. This year Ihe group took a trip'to the Amish sccllon of Pennsylvania. They took advantage o f many points of Interest such as seeing the play “ Behold Ihe Lamb” and louring Ihe Hershcy candy factory and school. Those making Ihe trip from Counly Line included Parks and Louann Church Jones, ■ Our community extends its deepest sympathy to the family of Latasha Diane ^Imcs, who died in New York April 27 after a brief llltiess. She was bom In 1978 In New York to George and Alfredia Imes Redmond, She attended Davie High School, worked as a cerlified nursing assistant for several years, and had moved to New York, She had attended Piney Grove AM E Zion Church since her youth, A celebration of her life was held at the chtirch Wednesday of last week and she was laid to rest In Ihe church ccmelcry. We .send get-well wishes to Vanessa W ilson Cuthrell and Mae Smith Walker, Vanessa required emergency treatment and is recuperating at home, Mae has been hospitalized with pneumonia at Forsyth Medical Ccnter, Her condition has been upgraded from critica l to serious. Bud W allace has im proved but remains al Forsyth M edical Center, Howard Safriet continues to improve and is In rehab. Becky Cartner, Paul Cartner, and Jean Webster are recuperating at thclr respective homes. P i n o N e w s Please join us In prayer foi' the Lord’s divine healing and comfort in the lives ot Vanessáf, Mae, Bud, Howard, Beckji, Paul, Jean, and the fam ily ,9/ Latasha, Also, remember Iii prayer others who continue lo take outpatient treatments and those who have recently lost loved ones. • ' If you have news or memories to share, please call Shlriey on 492-5115 or emaji sdtlink@liotmaU.com. If yoii know someone from o iir community who is graduating from college, high school, ог;№ receiving a special certlficatE; please call or email and let Ш know. ^ C l a r k s v i l l e N e w s A d v a n c e N e w s By Edith Zimmerman Advance Correspondent Mother’s Day was observed at Advance United Methodist Church with Ihe mothers receiv ing glass candle holders in pas tel shades of lavender and pink, plus candles. The holders were tied with a ribbon held in placc by a cameo. Mother’s Day was observed at Advance First Btiplisl Church with every mother receiving a special book. B ill and Connie Fisher of St, . Augustine, Fla, were weekend Sudoku Solution guests o f R ick and Leila D cLucia and M rs, Nancy DcLucia, Rick and B ill were high school friends in Florida and had many interesting stories to share with friends here. The Fishers were among Ihe visitors at church for worship service, Pete Comatzer is a patient at Forsyth Medical Center after suffering a heart attack, and has developed pneumonia and kid ney problems. Frankie Hackett was able to attend church Sunday,-and is much belter after a week’s hos pitalization at Forsyth. Crossword Answers 7 1 8 S 4 2 9 3 6 6 3 2 7 9 8 4 5 1 4 9 5 1 3 6 2 7 8 3 7 4 2 8 9 6 1 5 1 8 6 3 5 4 7 9 2 2 5 9 6 1 7 8 4 3 9 2 1 4 6 5 3 8 7 S 4 7 8 2 3 1 6 9 в в 3 9 7 1 5 2 4 By Marcia Lambe Clarksville Correspondent I hope everyone had a won derful Mothers Day. D ot C ra n fill and W ilm a Hanes enjoyed Sunday at church when their children, Rhonda and Gary Snow, at tended Bear Creek Baptist with them, Pauline Harpe was hon ored as the oldest mother and Falon Snow was honored as the youngest, A special Mothers Day to Lauren Coley Hardin, who wilh husband Bryan are the proud ■parents o f a little boy, Chad Michael, born .May 8, at 1:40 a.m. He weighed 71bs, 3 oz. And don't forget the proud grandpar ents, John and Mary Lou Coley and Marsha and Terry Ander son, Congratulations to all. Birthday wishes this week to Penny Childress and Wanda Cranfill on the 14th, Coleman Trlvette on the 15th, Jesse Carter, Shelby Mast and David M yers on the I 6th, Judy Wlnebarger on Ihe 19th nnd Roger Beck on the 20th. Remember the follow ing people in your thoughts and prayers; Ruth Beck, Brenda Beck and Jimmy Atwood (bro ken foot). Each year Nascar driver Kyle Petty and his wife Patty does a charity ride across coun try to raise money for the Vic tory Junction Gang Camp, If anyone has not heard of this, il is a camp form chronlcally-lll children that Kyle and Patty started after their son Adam was killed while driving a race car. Helping sick children was a pas sion of Adam and to honor his memory ihey have spent lots of their time raising funds to help build and send these sick chil dren to camp every year all around the country. They are making a slop this year at Homs Ambest Truck Stop on US 601 and 1-40 around 6: p.m. this Sat urday. There w ill be around 200 riders on tnolorcycles who w ill stop here, I have placed Jars at C's BBQ, Millers, Pizza Hut, Jersey Mikes, Please help support the Victory Junction Gang Camp by placing a donation In the jars or by ailing me, 1 w ill be glad to pick them up. Checks can be made to Petty Charity Ride, M arcia Lambe 492-2235 mandyprissy ® yadtel. net. By Nora Latham Pino Correspondent Saturday, May 16, w ill be the breakfast at Wesley Chapel U M C from 6:30-10 a.m, Suzanne Lindsay and her family w ill be at the breakfast to meet, greet and answer any questions. They are missionaries from Taiwan, We hope everyone w ill attend. There were several visitors at'Wesley Chapel on Mother’s Day Sunday, Russell Smith attended w ith his mother, D eW illa, Dale Latham and Joyce Sutton attended w ith Dale’s mother, Nora, Christie Gardner attended w ith her mother, Madelyn Gentry. It was good to see Lonnie Gene M ille r back at church Sunday, He has had some severe health problems lately but Is doing much belter. He and his friend, Janice James, had lunch with his parents Gene and Marie M iller for Mother’s Day, Andrea and Andrew Brock gave a special M other’s Day program after the worship service. Each m other was presented w ith a potted marigold, B etty and Roland West enjoyed the company of all of their family for Mother’s Day lunch on Sunday at their home In Cana, Frostlands, The children o f Dorothy West surprised her w ilh .'a birthday party and M other's Day dinner com bination on Sunday at her newly renovated house on Pino Road, Her children attending were Lonnie West and w ife, Lisa, Sandy King and husband, Kevin, and C indy Potts. X ll her grandchildren and great grandchildren were Ihere. Also attending was Peggy King. Everyone had a great time. , Sara Eure and her daughter and son-in-law, Debra and Gajy Dull celebrated Mother’s Day at a Japanese restaurant ifi Mocksville. D eW llla Smith and soiijl Russell, enjoyed lunch al tlie; home of her daughter and sotó in-law , Teresa and Danny' Correll. r.,7; I hope everyone had a happ};' ■Mother’s Day. M ine wijs exceptional. M y granddaughter, and her husband, Kendra a^^; Jim Jacobs, invited all ouri family to their house for lunch"' Others attending were her, mother and father, Chlnera and Jim Latham, her Aunt Kathy and husband. Bob E llis, hc£ Uncle Dale Latham and hi.s friend, Joyce Sutton, Jim '.i mother and father, Betty and' M a rti Jacobs and the ir 2‘ beautiful little boys, M. J. and! Stephen. '• ;? •'i '>h.1ц? !'■ ■ I J. C6 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,2009 ÍÍ 1 ! I ^ It’s Not About I the House... It’s aboiit the family that lives in the house. Дя a tucnl iiuicpoiidcnt tigcnl, wc can design un insuriinca program lliiifs just riglit for you and your ftiniiiy. Qivc tlic people yoii love Sufc.Soimd.Sccurc.* protection from Auto-Owni-rs Insuriiiicc Company. 4j4 uto-Own0rs Insurnnce Johnson Insurance Services • 127 Marketplace Drive Mocksvilie, NC 27028 A ujted {336)751-6281 4 ^ 5 ' Obituaries D ia n e 's D in e r 4395 Hwy 64 W 336-492-5710 Mon, Tuos, Wod • 6nm-2pm ' Thurs, Fri & Sat • 6am-8pm New Owners Wanda, Tina and Barbara welcome you to try our new menuL ^ \ d • Dpen for Breakfast • WaHdMade Burgers ■ fresli, never frozen! • Friday Night Fish Fry • Delicious Italian Specials every Saturday night • Fresh Buffalo Wings • Catering - Superbowl and Holiday Platters featuring Miss Cheryl Lynn Performing Lor«tta Lynn, Patsy Clin«, Tanimy VVyn«tta, Dolly PartoN and all your Country Famal* Favorlt«« also featuring Robert Jones singing Country & Pop Changing Entertainment Evory Friday Call Ahead! Щ W illa rd T . H a y e s S r. Mr. Willard T. “ Pop" Hayes Sr,, 86, of Liberly Road, Mocks vilie, died Monday, May 11, 2009, at his home. He was born Nov. 25, 1922, in W ilkes Counly to the lale Reallie and Marie Loer Hayes. Mr. Hayes was a veicrarvof liie U.S. Navy hav ing served during World War II. He was a member of Liberty Uniled Melhodist Church and reiired as owner of Mocksvillc Aulomolive. Survivors; his wife, Wilma Woodic Hayes o f the home', 3 children, Ted (Runella) Hayes, Debbie (Jim) Robins and Larry Hayes, all o f M ocksvilie; 4 brolliers; 2 sislers; and 3 grand daughters, Jennifer (Wayne) Mabe, Bethany Laird and Dana Lee Hayes. A funeral service was con ducted at 11 a.m. Wednesday, May 13, at Libe rty United M ethodist Church, w ilh the Revs. Karen Roberts and Jimmy Lancaster officiating; The body was placed in the church 30 minutes before the service. Burial followed in the chtjrch cemetery, with military honors conducted by the Veterans of Foreign War Memorial Honor Guard. The fam ily received friends Tuesday, May 12, al Eaton Fiineral Home. Memorials: Hospice/Pallia tive CareCenler, 377 Hospital St., Suite 103, Mocksvillc; or Libei-ty Methodist, 141 Liberty Circle, Mocksvillc; or charily of donor's choice. O nline condolences: mm.eal6nfimeralservice.com. II Massey Ferguson® 1700 Hesston Series round c balers. The only high-performance baler that’s -i perfectly suited - and perfectly priced - for small to mid-sized farms. Built as tough as commercial balers, yet able to work with tractors producing as little as 30 horsepower, these four proven models create uniform bales in a full range of sizes. Some even offer electronic Auto-Tie™ - an industry exclusive. Top it off with unmatched 0 % financing for 60 months*, through June 30, 2009 , and you simply won’t find a better baler. Or a better deal. See your dealer today or visit masseyferguson.com. •Will» jpproved C/Tidit from AGCO Finance, LL.C. AviilabI« for equal monthly paymcnti only, Lease» and balloon paymenu available at illghily hlrtier rate», Offer applicable lo purchaie» made April I . June 30.2009, Ratci *ub|eci lo change, C onui t your partJclp»Ui»i deafer for deuil». Statesville Tractor and Rentals ' 4 ' 707 Gaither Rd. Statesville, NC 28677 704-871-2533 MASBEY FERGUSON »SEV FERGUSON It a woildwlde brand of AGCO, 02009 AGCO Corporation,4205 River QteenPjikway, Duluth,GA 30096 (877)525-4364, MF09co22 J a c k A lle n P lo tt Jack A lle n Plott, 38, o f Statesville, died on Tuesday, May 5,2009, from injuries in a motor vchicle accident. He was born in Davie County on Oct. 14,1970, to A rt ist Lee Pedro Plott of Mocks villc and Libbie Parker Plott of Statesville. He wns a self-em ployed builder and was of the Baptist faith. Also surviving: his second mom. Sherry Plott; 2 sons, A rt ist Wilson “ W ill" Plott and Beau Allen Plott o f M ocksvilie; a daughter,' D anielle Rcnea Gibson of Richland; 2 brothers. Matt A llan (Tracy) Seats o f M ocksvilie and Thomas Ed ward (Debbie) P lott o f Statesville; the mother of his .children, Kandic’c Allen Plott and a special friend, Lee Anne Owens. He Was preceded in death by a brother, Francis Patrick Seats. The service lo celcbrate his life was held on Saturday, May 9, ut 11 a.m., in the Davlc Fu neral Servicc Chapel wilh Ihc Rev. Larry Holleman officiat ing. B urial was in the Oak Grove U nited M ethodist Church Cemetery. The fnmily received friends May 8 nt Davie Funeral Service in Mocksvilie. O nline condolcnccs: mvw.tlnvleftmeralservice.com. B e tty G r a y R id d le Mrs. Betly Gray Riddle, 64, o f Harmony, died Thursday, May 7.2009. Slie was born Dcc. 10, 1944 in Iredell County to Hubert and Esther Campbell Reavis. Mrs. Riddle was a retired nurse nnd loved helping people in the community. Mrs, Riddle was preceded in death by her mother, and by an infant daughter. Surviving: her children, Jef frey Ice of Florida; Lisa Riddle, Taylorsville; Mark (Priscilla) R iddle, Harm ony; Pamela (Donnie) Riddle, Winslon-Sa lem; her father, Hubert Roavis o f Harmony: 15 grandchildien; 4 great-grandchiidrcn; and a sis ter, Donna Wallace, Slalesville. The family received friends Monday, May II, al Gentry Fam ily Funeral Service in Yadkinville. Her funeral service was at 4 p.m. Monday in the Gentry Family Chapel by the Rev. Ken Secklcr. Burial fol lowed in the Westlawn Gardens of Memory in Clemmons. O nline . condolences: mvw.gentryfiineral.4ervlce.cont. с <.', ///< У//А ///А/ Wiiytie E, Ъехкг 1943 - 2009 ROWAN COUNTY William H. Turner 1931 - 2009 CALIFORNIA , 1922-2009 (iä D e n n is C la r k R o g e rs Mr, Dennis Clark Rogers, 36, of Huntersville, died on May 4, 2009t at Oasis of Hope Hospi tal in Playas de Tijuana, Mexico after a battle wilh cancer. His w ife, Lisa was by his side, as were his parents, Robert and Creola, Ho was born July 22,1972, in Florence County, S,C, to Robert D, and Creola Gobble Rogers, Mr, Rogers was a member o f The Cove Church, M ooresville where he was involved with the youth and music ministries. He grew up in Mocksvilie witli his brolliers. He later moved to Ihc Charlotte area where he began his iiie's calling of impacting . students wilh Ihe love of God, A fter serving as a volunteer worship and youth leader, ho was hired by The Cove Church as youlh director. He later moved to Virginia Beach, Va. to lieip start a church as the wor ship leader. While in Virginia, ho was ordained in 2005, and where he met the woman of his dreams. Clark and Lisa wcrc inarried on May 26, 2006. The couplc relumed lo North Caro lina where he became the wor ship leader at Connection Church in Davidson, Before his illness, he had returned to The Cove’s student tninisiry staff. On a website biography, he once said his goals were: "To love God more, to. love my w ife more, mid lo love people more,” His life was celebrated with a benefit worship concert lhal drew hundreds o f friends earlier this monlh. Also surviving: his wife, Lisa Hagen Rogers of Ihc home; 3 brothers, Shane, Philip, und Andrew (Diana); grandparents, Carl and Mary Kathryn Rogers; Uncle Rundy; u niece, Torri Rogers; 3 nephews, Zach, Aldan, and Alex Rogers; many aunts and uncles; numerous cousins; and many friends in ' Davie County. A funeral scrvicc was con ducted ut 11 n.m. Saturday, May 9, at The Cove Church, wilh Ihe Revs, Mike Madding, George Franpo and Jerel Law officiat ing. The body was placcd in the church one hour before the ser vice, Burial followed in Ijames Crossroads Baptist Church Cemetery, Memorials: Ijames Baptist Youth M inistry, 1038 Ijames Church Road, M o cksvillc, ATTN; Marsha Alexander; or The Cove Church Student M in istries, PO Box 3605, Mooresville, 28117. O nline condolences; www.eatoi\ftii\eral.service.com. Tell us what you think with a letter to the editor Details, Page 2 DAVID COUNTY ENTERPRI/in^ECORD M a e D e e n H a irs to n Mae Dcen Hairston died on Thursday, May 7, 2009. She was bom Nov, 20, 1946, m Ozark, Ala., daughter o f Lessie Mae Gisscndaner Hairston, and the late Harvey Lee H a irs to n . Early in life she moved with her family to North Carolina, where she attended Davidson County , Schools. A t an early age, she joined Buncombe Baptist Church, where she served faith fully in several capacities. Survivors: her mother o f Lexington; Jiusband, W illie Hairston o f Lexington; a son, Terry Smith o f Lexington; 2 daughters, Paula Smitli (Keilli) . W ilkie und Tabathu Smith of Lexington; stcp-children, A n thony and Kim; a brother, James Lee Hairston of Lexington; 2 graiidchildrcn, Keith Felicia W ilkie and Kendall Jamaal Johnson; 2 nephews, Terran Jamarl Leonard, and Heath Ber nard Leonard: spccial friends, Ihc Damcron, Adams, Dodd, Smith, and 'Linder families; a host o f olher relatives and friends. Her funeral scrvicc was held Wednesday, May 13 at 3 p.m. al Buncombe Baptist Church. Dr. Claude Forehand ofnclated and burial follow ed in the church cemetery. O nline condolences: CrahamFuneralllome.net. B e tty B a rn e s P lo tt Mrs, Betty Barnes Plott, 81, of Advance, died on Sunday, May 10, 2000 al Forsylh Medi cal Cenler. . She was born Oct. 27, 1927 in Davlc Counly lo James David und Mattie Minor Barnes. Preceding her in death are 5 brothers, Calvin, Homer, Green, Jay and Howard Barnes and 4 sisters, Annie McCarter, Alma Hardiman and Sallie (infant) and Mary Louise (infant). Survivors; her husband of 63 years, J. H. Plott Jr; 2 daughlers, Gail Walker, and Nancy Harpe and husband Amic; a son, David Plott: 5 grandchildrcn, Jonathan Walker imd wife Kathy, Janet McIntyre and husband Ricky, Joe Harpe and w ife Jessica, Emily Cornatzer and husband Scott and Read Plott; 5 great grandchildren, Gabriel, Levi, Jack and Tco Walker and Wyatt Harpe; 2 brothers, Thomas Bames and wife Edna and Coy Barnes and wife Nan; carc-giv- ers, D oris Sloan, Carolyn Bright, Brendu Patterson, Penny Robbins and Carol Lewis; and 11 special friend, Evelyn Hunter who delivered tapes of weekly church services at Macedonia Moravian. A celebration of life service wus lo be held at 2 p.m. Wednes day, May 13 at Macedonia Moravian Church, where she was a member, with the Rev Jeff Carier officiating. Burial was to follow in the church graveyard. The family was to receive friends following the servicc and at other times at the home of Mr. Plott. M em orials: M acedonia Moravian, 700 NC 801 N., Ad vance. O nline condolences: wiini'. hayworth-mlller. com. In Loving Memory o f Chasdadi **Sissy** Stroud It ha.i been one year (May 18), since you were taken away from your fam ily and friends. There are no words to express how much you are missed and the loss our fam ily w iil forever feel. Your children, Cody atui Tyier, are a constant reminder o f your love. They w iil be reminded daily o f the love they shared with you. Love, RoRo, Mama mi 77m Women’s Program May 17 At Clément Grove Church The Ladies Auxiliary Club of Clement Grove Church w ill sponsor its annual Women’s Day Program on Sunday, May 17, at 3 p.m. The guest speaker w ill be Evangelist LaJunc Y. Gray, associate minister of Freedom United Church, Woodleaf. The theme of the day w ill be “ Women of High Nobel Goals” . A native of Woodleaf, Gray is the daughter of Bishop Junior and Mrs, Henrietta H. Gray. She is a graduate of Salisbury Business College, She also graduated with honors frotn Livingstone College. One of her favorite phrases is, “ Without Him [God] 1 am nothing; but with Him I am more than a Conqueror.” Clement Grove Church is located at 159 Parker Rd. in Mocksvillc. The public is invited.Gray Eagle Heights Plans Events Eagle Heights Church w ill host a yard sale Saturday, May 16 from 8 a.m.-l p.m. There w ill be hotdogs, lemonade und baked goods for sale. On Saturday May 23, Eagle Heights w ill host a barbecue and car wash from 10 u.m.-3 p.m. Barbecue plates are $7 each and also include slaw, beans, roll and dessert, eat in or take out. HartisPool & Supplies СЫ« • Meé • M A Spt Шим Tommy narri.</Owncr-Ovcf 20 Yrs. Пхр. 277 Plciksanl Лсгс Dr., Mocksvillc Home 1336) 28Ф4817 Buiinett (3361909^027 Dixieland Farm • Boarding • LmtBonn • Summer Cmmp 12x12 Stalt, hvkxilOMhorMrnTmb, k<MiliilFixma.H(:tlCMVMillxk Mention Ad and gel $50 off Board first throe months! ndf«rm.com O m ta rt:M i,ri» ii llm nc, 33(M 02.ftTO 17(11 Oodboy Ilond - Mockiivlllo, N 0 27028 David Anderson’s Straw b e rry Pateh NOWOPEN at CAJLA H ALN FAIIM S 510 Cal.tlwln Road, Mocksvillc, NC (D.ivic County) HOUR.S: M on.-Sat.................'j\ll D ay..................8^»-7pm PRICES; Pick Your O w n.........$7.50/pd. (5 Ibi.) ula «f jn. 15 mini. W cPidtPorY ou.....$10.00/gal.(5lbs.) You can call in your order idiead and we tty to have them ready when you arrive. On tht tnb tb www.iicacr^w/iKimdiKlt or leeile СаМнЬ tmaEmail с«1«1мМм1пвршй1.сот David & Gloria Anderson 336-909-2240 OR 336492-7340DinEOnONS: From 1^0 Exit 168 tako Hi*y. 64 Wtet o( Mcxksvto - past tJiko Cwraound. Calatuiki Rd. Is on Dioilglil(oppx. I mao). WildilD(SliaAbony tignon Dwilgtit. Every Saturday ЭАМ-ЗРМ in Downtown Mocksvilie Unilor tile Олк Tree nonr Mocksvillo Fumlturo! avie Place ing Assisted Living Community David Potts David is a part of our maintenance department here at Davie Place and just a pleasure to have around. He was a part of our CNA staff for a period of time but felt lie would enjoy the mainteniuice area of the business more, His kind and caring nature makes him a special part of the team David was born and raised here in Davie Counly and continues lo be a resident. His personal lime is split between his interest in his flower garden and raising and showing Corgis, The interest in the Corgis came through a friend and he has grown to enjoy the shows and is proud of the Champions, When not spending time with his flowers or dogs, he. does enjoy occasional trips to the beach and mountains. We enjoy having David here with us no matter how he is involved in our service to our residents and we hope to have him with us a for a long time lo come. For information On Placement, Contact: Suzanne Simpson-Vogler 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -2 1 7 5 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, May 14,2009 - C7 This message brought to you by these local businesses who encourage you to worship at the church of your choice. CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street Mocksviilo, NC 27028 336-751-2167 AUTO пята MocKsvHiEAurauMmvE 884 s. Main SI. Mocksvilie. NC 27028 336-751-2944 GENTLEMACHINE &TOOLINC. 2710 Hwy. BOI N Mocksvliie. NC 27028 336-492-5055Fax: 336-492-604$ JERRY'S MEAT PROCESSING Wfi Cuiism Mfiat Есаши Bool • Pork - Door 30 years experlenc« 092 niilph n a lK d o i П<1 ■ lA xIcivill« 336-492-5496 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Rd. Mocltsvilte, NC 27028 336-751-9144 W.G. WHITE &C0. 050 N. Trade SI. Winslon-Snlom, NC 27102 336-723-1669 HAYWORTH-MILLER IHIN’liKAl, 1-lOMi: КШ1Х KiiKlcrliinWjy Alluna-, NC П Ш 3 3 6 .9 4 0 ..SS55 FULLER%t№ir Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Fabrication 980 Salisbury Rd. Mocksvillo, NC 27028 336-751-3712 FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksvilie, NC 27028 336-751-2141 Prcurlinlon Cull in: 336-753-DRUG Put This Space To Work ForYou Call 336-751-2129 С т ш ARTERBUILDCNS 1S7Y«djilt\ Valley Roitd • Guite 210 Advanco, NC 336-940-2341 HuiUrr iHJiutluy ('«•(. n f.>f o irr/ 0 Пип Crain A-tWW. . Гяпсг.УКт hrv S H ED SW N U M T E D ^ • Slurugu Buildings (W o o d s A lum inum ) • Cnrpofts Ä Qaragoa Commitment of Oiotticr to Orotticr h idllh )n CiUd 1668 Hwy 64 W • Mocksvilie jimmy Bocttcher (336)492-5418 Ш FULLER Architecluree»Co«rtW.Swl.200 М « 1 ,Л . NC J?02« р :Ш .7 5 1 .0 Ю 0 PROUDLY DESIGNING DAViE CHURCHES 336-751-0400 A PALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Fool Road Mocksvilie, NC 27028 336-492-5565 M U n M N C A R I >F MOCKSVILLE 1007 Howard St. Mocksvlile 761-3535 Put This Space To Work ForYou Call 336-751-2129 Custom Roofing by: Fully Insured Free Estimates 336-399-3703 Ü И Д М ^ Ш Д Д Я И ж с E A T O N FUNERALHOME SINŒ 1951 325 Nodti Main Street Mocksvilie. NC 27020 336-751-2148 C all 751-2129 то Advertise Y our B usiness on the C hurch Page . III C8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,2Ó09 I h .’I Domestic Violence Prevention Waii< hiere Saturday Mrs. Burns' third graders hold the Mexican fiag, from left: Trinity Scarlett, Uriel Romero-Catalan, Joshud Tibbs, De'Maura Isaac, Destiny Cook. Fifth graders Jake Barnhardt and James Charles hold piñatas and sport sombreros. C o r n a t z e r S t u d e n t s L e a r n M e x ic a n C u lt u r e In Spanish, Comntzer El- ementnry Iclndergartcn nnd first classes learned clothing vocnbu- lary last month. This study incorporated a lot o f previously taught nuiteriai - sizes, colors, numbers, family, nnd weather. The students en joyed a variety of activities in cluding songs, stories, gnmes, und interactive experiences on the SmartBoard. Now they are learning to name thc parts of thc body in Spanish. The second graders con cluded thc unit on fruit, and be gan a unit bnsed'on Eric Cnrle's Thc Hungry Caterpillar (La oruga muy humbrientn in Span ish). They learned about thc stnges'of the butterfly lifecycle and incorporated thc colors, dnys of the week, sizes, num bers, and feelings. A highlight o f the unit was a version of the story set in El Salvador written by their Spanish teacher. These classes w ill begin learning about shapes and geometry this week. Learning about and experi encing the'cuiture o f other coun tries is a part o f thc second lan guage cuniculum. Third, fourth and fifth grnders spent A pril learning about some features of Hispanic culture as they pre pared for a Cinco de mayo pro gram. They played authentic musical instruments, learned to snisa dance, and played" Vibora de la mar" - a playground en joyed in Latin America. They talked about thc rntio- naie for studying other lan guages. Students wrote para graphs about the importance nnd usefulness o f being bilin- guni. They learned a song that celebrates bilingualism. The students shared all of this at a Cinco de mayo program the evening of May 5. Thc Dnvic YM CA track w ill be full of people, food and fun on Saturday morning as the staff, volunteers and board members o f Davic Domestic Violence Services & Rape Crisis Center hold their 3rd Annual Dom estic Violence Awareness Walk from 8-11 a.m. Chuck and Leanne from 93.1 The W olf w ill be on hand and so w ill Bubba’s Boogie Down Productions (DJ Mike W illiams) with his music and karaoke. There w ill be biscuits from O aither Street Cafe, Krispy Kreme donuts and Primo water for thc walkers to enjoy. Along wilh walking, there w ill be some activities for children. Locul businesses and non profits w ill be available to provide information on their services to local residents. The Davie County Humane Society w ill bring some abused pets to help everyone understand the xclationship between domestic violence and animal abuse, W hile the atmosphere is fresh and inviting, Saturday morning’s awareness event w ill honor all the victim s o f domestic violence that have died at thc hands o f their abuser and all the survivors that hove lived to overcome the nbuse. The effort is to inform the com m unity that domestic violence occurs across the boundaries of race, religion, age and gender. This event serves as a fundraiser for the domestic violence and sexual assault crisis center. W hile this is a county agency, most o f the funding comes from governm ent grants and fundraising efforts. A ll donntions nre tnx deductible. It’s not too late to register or^ attend; $10 includes a t-shirt, ' Call 751-3450, Kappa EGA members honor Betty Prevette for her 50 years In the club. Betty Prevette In Kappa Club For 50 Years Odyssey Of The Mind Odyssey ofthe i\/lind participants from Pinebrool< Elementary and North Davie Middle schools, from left: front - AJ Sigmund, Anna Allen, Jill Staley, Jacob Rhyne, Grade Clarl<: row 2 - Sarah Perl<ins, Kaiyx Lyons, Abi Waters, Amelis Correll, Isaiah Frye; back - Hampton Smith, Allison Staley, Ranni Roscios, Noah IVlacDonneli and Coaches David Smith, Lisa Van Offeren, Jeff Clark, Ashlyn Montgomery. The Pinebrook teams won first and second in district competition. North Davie’s team finished second. Students Honored For Character The Kappa ECA met at the Somerset Court of Mocksville Thursday evening, April 30 to honor Betty Prevette for 50 years of member.ship. Presenting the 50-year certificate was Margaret Shew, president, along with Sharrie Cam pbell, Sara Koontz, Darlene Fuller, Frances White (form er member) and Peggy Winfrey. Following the presentation approximately 30 o f Betty’s friends enjoyed pound cake made by Betty, angel food cake, chips and pickles and fellowship. Retired Sciiooi Personnei iHears About Budget И/oes By Beth Cassidy Enterprise Record Davie students were recognized at the board of education meeting May 4 for displaying outstanding character traits. From Central Davie Academy, P rincipal Beth Weatherman recognized M icliael Hayes, an eighth grader. Weatherman said, “ Michael began the school year as a seventh grader, but progressed quickly and became an eighth grader after the first quarter. He w ill be in the high school in the fall. Michnel loves to make others laugh. He consistently shows respect for adults. He is a charismatic young man who shows honesty, empathy and academic excellence,” Hayes’ teachcrs suid he consistently "demonstrates a desire to prove himself’ and do , well and is "a most enthusiastic student,” From Ellis Middle School, Larry Bridgewater, principal, said, “ We are proud of these students in a lot of ways. To the parents, 1 say ‘Thank you. You have done a fine job raising these kids.” ' Teacher Belinda Garner introduced the sixth graders and provided comments about them, saying, as a group, they are humble and “don’t realize the im pact they have ih the classrooms every day.” The sixth graders recognized were MaryAnne Orrell, Anna Berrier, Grayson Bennett and Nick Tozier. O rrell was said to be “ helpful, kind, friendly, honest, and always has her work done when it is due or before,” Berrier “ has natural born leadership and a natural sense for learning. She is very positive and does without asking. She sees what needs to be done and takes care of it,” Bennett “ is very helpful to his peers and teachers. He recognizes students who need extra help and always goes above and beyond what is asked of him,” Tozier is “ the strong, silent type. He is a wonderful person, loves to learn, is inquisitive, asks questions, and is a very strong role model.” Teacher Heather Ratledge introduced the seventh graders, jokingly saying that none of them are the ‘strong, silent type,’ and provided comments. The seventh graders recognized were Bibiana A rroyo, Nadia Gregory, Harrison Sells and Jared Wolfe. A rroyo is “ always dependable, always positive and hns a pleasant attitude. She always has a smile on her face and is a hard w orker and persistent, in reaching her goals." Gregory “ is de lightful, conscientious and always willing to lend a helping hand to everyone. She has a beautiful smile and an upbeat spirit,” Sells is “ always helping, always sm iling, and always extremely polite and respectful. He gives n o percent in all of his endeavors, both in academics and in sports,” W olfe is “ honest, dependable and genuinely cares about his education and his peers. He has a good natured, laid back attitude and always has a smile on his face,” Steve Rareshide, eighth grade teacher, introduced Adam Elshannwany, Elizabeth Howard, Woody Parrish and Morgan Strickland, Elshanawany is “ so down to earth. He is an outstanding student and is very mature about his successes and abilities," Hownrd is a "w onderful student, very friendly, everyone likes her. It’s so rare to see a student so excited about being in school, but she is. She is always cheerful,” Parrish is a "leader in our grade. He is helpful to other students. An example of that is that recently, in track, he got tangled up with another runner, and instead o f going on, he stopped to help the runner, which cost him some time, but that’s the kind of person he is,” Strickland “ takes nothing for granted. She is extrem ely conscientious, and other students admire and respect her. We love having her in our classes,” Davie County Retired School Personnel met Thursduy, May 7 ut noon at Bermuda Run County Club, President Elnora Gore pre sided; Helen Everhardt gave the inspiration and grace, and com mittee chairs presented reports, Mike Hendrix provided back ground music during lunch. The program wus given by Dr, Robert Lundry, superinten dent of Davie County schools, H e re ’s Th e B e e f: T a s tin g M a y 2 0 A t E x te n s io n who spoke briefly ubout the state's budget problems und how thut w ill affect the school sys- tem. The main purt of his re marks centered on the good things happening in schools; the success of the Davie County Early College High School; the Mebane Master's program through which 16 teachers are getting their master's degrees; the partnership between the school system and WSSU through which teachcrs ure working on their master's and their National Bourd Certifica tion at the same time; nnd other positive programs. Lou Sutphin reported on the trip that several members of the group took A p ril 30 to the QTCC culinary school for lunch, thetl back to the Timberluke Gallery in Lexing ton and to thc TVro Plantation, ending at thc new River Trails restaurant in Fork, Officers elccted for next year; president, Barbara Owens; vice president, Jennifer Godbey; treasurers. Carmen Walker and Lois Rose, and sec retary, Jeanne Foster, The final meeting before summer break w ill be on June 4. Hgwarp Reunion Sunday The Howard Fam ily Re union w ill be held at 1 p.m. May 17 at the Bethlehem United Methodist Church Fumily Life Ccnter on 321 Redlund Roud, Advance. Friends and family of Tom Kelly and Julia Smitli Howard are invited. To leam more, call 998-8934 or 998-4799. . To kick o ff the Memorial Day grilling seuson, Duvie Co operative Extension, the NC Cattlemen's Associations along with the NC Beef Council w ill host a "Savor the Flavor" beef tasting on Wednesday, May 20, noon-1 p.m. or until the samples are gone, at the Cooperative Ex tension Center, 180 S, Main St., Mocksville, “This w ill be u grent oppor tunity to sample some nutritious and delicious beef products,' pick-up fact sheets on the ben efits o f beef und di.scuss with cuttle producers ubout this won derful product they produce,” suid Phil Rucker, livestock agent. For more information call 753-6100. i\ / ly e rs C o m p le te s B a s ic T r a in in g A ir Force Airman Joshua G. Myers graduated from basic militaiy training ut Lackland A ir Force Base, Sart Antonio, Texas. The uirniun completed nn intensive, eight-week progrnm that included training in militury discipline and studies. A ir Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles und skills. Airmen who complete busic training earn four credits toward un ussociute in applied science degree through the Community College ofthe A ir Force. He is the son of Tommy and Lori Myers o f Odell Myers, Advance. Myers is a 2005 gruduute of Davie High School. L o c a ls O n W S S U D e a n ’s L is t The following students were named to'Winston-Salem State University Fall 2008 dean's list; from Advunce - Shunnon Freeman, K aitlin Hull, Kelly Frnnzese, Megun H endrix, Ashley Sizemore; nnd from M ocksville - Tori H olding, M ichael Moran, Stephanie Duiin, Audrie Cid, K elli Sifford, Kristy Groce , Heuther Gulledge, Junet Campbell. S tu d e n ts DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,2009 ■ D l ) \ ' I 'j 'i , \ I : ? I Teacher Josey Redlnger works with Sarah West Marklin, Monica Long, Kaley Mayhew and Students gather in front of the Smart Board In Nikla Greene's class at the I Aldan Meagher. Mocksville preschool Pre-K Enrollment Fair P a r e n t s C a n G e t I n f o r m a t io n O n C h ild C a r e A n d M o r e By Beth Cassidy Enterprise Record Several local agencies dcdicnted to improving the educational futures of children w ill come together Muy 19 ut u Pre-K Enrollment Fair from 2-6 p.m. at Central Davie Education Center on Campbell Road in Mocksvillc. The fair w ill help placc children in preschools throughout the county, and enable parents io apply for subsidized child cure and get information about programs thut tnrget children who huve not been exposed to educutionnl .settings, Cummic W nlker, kindcrgnrten transition educutor, suid the event Is “ u collnborution umong nil locul, stntc nnd federni curly intervention services to provide n joint procedure to determine eligibility nnd sccure plncement in stute and federally funded Davie County prcschool settings.” C hildren w ill undergo free developmental screenings and parents mny npply for free childcnrc services. Belinda B rcw ef'of Dnvie Socinl Services snid subsidized childcare is uvuilablc at a greatly reduced cost to parents who qualify. ‘T lic parent fee is no more lhan 10 percent of thc family’s gross income, it’s based on thc. number of people in the household and the gross income. For example, a family of fotir can gross $3,639 a month and still qualify. Even if there are more children in the household needing care, we base the rule on one child. We can take children from birth to age 12, und the parents can do full time, part time, before or after school, nnd wc have no wniting list, This is a great opportunity because it nllowii parents to muintnin or seek employment or an education, while making sure their children nre well taken care of.” There are 18 licensed childcare services in tho county, six of which are YM CA programs at schools. Other opportunities for children include Smart Sturt, More at 4, Head Start and the schools’ preschool services. Smart Start is u program designed to ensure young children enter school reudy to succeed. Funds are used to improve tlie quality of childcnrc, make childcare more affordable, provide acccss to health services and offer family support. More al 4 is a preschool program for children who are at-risk that prepares them for succcss in school. There are classrooms located at prcschool sites throughout thc county, and children attend school for a full day, uround six to six and a half hours. They must be 4 on or before Aug. 31 of the current school. Priority is given to children who are In military families, arc not in childcare, are in low-income families, havo special developmental/ educational needs, arc limited or non- English speaking, have chronic health conditions or have identified disabilities. Head Sturt serves 3- to 4-ycar-olds to prepare them for kindergarten, while working with the family to promote self-sufricicncy. It provides medical and dcntol services, transportation to classrooms, and provides a fam ily advocate to work with the family. A ll services urc free, but fnmilics must meet federal guidelines to quulify, 'IVpicnl prcschool progrums arc for children aged 2 to 5 and serve children w ith special needs und typicu lly developing children. Leud teuchers have u minimum of a four-yeur degree in Eurly Childhood Educntion, birth to kindergurten, and teucher ussistunts have acquired carly childhood credentials nnd are working towards ussociute degrees in curly childhood education. A t Central Dnvie, there nre five preschool classrooms with a maximum of 17 children in cach class, and u teacher and two assistants work in cach clnss. Two classrooms focus on developmental early learning for ages two to three, one focuses on developmental readiness for ages three to four, and thc other two are preschool classcs for ages 4 to S, Rates for those programs are $115 per week. Operating hours are 7 a,m, to 5 p.m, ' There nre prcschool programs at Cornatzer, W illia m ,R. Davie, no more than 18 children w ilh one be a new universal application that w ill M ocksvillc, Cooleemee, Pinebrook teacher and one assistant, and accommodate each program, and and Shady Orove elementary schools, operating hours are 8;30 a.m. lo 2;30 translation services for non-English and thc cost for those is $430 per p.m. speaking families w ill be available, monlh. Each of the classcs there has ■ At the Enrollment Fair, there w ill 1У .1 Talayeh Berry waits for instructions before working on the SmartBoard Rose Marion practices a problem on the SmartBoard at Mocksville's pre-school Teacher Rochelle Law has tho attention of children in the Duiin Head Start program.- Photos by Robin Snow ! ; i Ir Г >’■ D2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,2009 Davie Schools \':ù .Shndy Grove Etcm cntnry ' First grudc elusses studied r,: plants ntid rocks. Student!) 'c .. 'lenrned nbout phmts and their l)nrts,-the wayS'they may be grown, and how seeds aie ■"" transported; The children were ;ir: ubie to plant their own seeds and, iî. view root systems through the ïp, class'tdom rootvue system. They X . vyeie introduced to the types of' X rocks. IJvoryone brought his/her ' !£■ own collections und jabeled Hv. them using descriptive words, li“« Students enjoyed the annual' iT" trip to Hoi;i2ons in April. They were treated to two lessons; one in the planciarium and one which invbived lypCs of soil. Everyone was allowed to plant seeds in their own specific soil makeup. Cnolccmvc Elementury First grade had a wonderful time at the M ill House. Thank you to everyone who worked so .,, hard and dedicated their lime so .. I students would know whut ,, ,, chores were like in the old days. Students fed chickens, collected ; ‘ eggs, led u cow, hoed the . garden, ieurncd about cunning I. and drying food, "warshcd” the ; ; clothes on a scrubboard, nnd ... mude homeinade butter they tasted. Afterward tehy enjoyed some “pickin’ and grinnin’” on .,1 the front porch. M rs. W hitaker's cluss plunted fiowers for Mother’s Day presents. They discussed the parts oPthe plants and whut each part does. They are starting a geography unit, and w ill bo making edible land forms. Mrs, Henderson’s class finished rending the bpbk Attack of the C hlckcn Nujgget Man. The students enjoyed this book, which is aligned with the N.C. Standard Course o f Study for third; grndo. Mrs. H endrix’s class has been w orking on plants. Mrs. 'Shoffner’s class concluded a. unit on soil, and w ill begin plants next. F ifth grade student's are com pleting literature circle novels and nre working to cotn- plete EOO preparation. They haye boon disciissing types of questions they may see qn the test, and are lenriiing test-taking strategies. Fifth graders are continuing to w ork w ith geometry and measurement concepts. Eticourage yoiir children to discuss these concepts. Touching others is one of tile best ways to master new material In science, the fifth grade students are learning about Newton’s Inws o f molion. During Ihc recent sciencc cnmp, they conducted experiments Ihat demonstrnled many o f the concepts they ure sludying in this unit. Ask your child about iiie rtia ,,frictio n , force, and gravity. Cornntzer Elementury Second gruders learned songs and poems lo present for the M other’s, Ten. In each classroom they reviewed proper manners and serving techniques, which would help them nt Ihe Tea. On May 5, Iho big day arrived. After a short progrnm in the gym, which included their three songs and three poems, the students escorted their inothers to their clttssrooms whore each mother •was seated properly. Each child sei'vod their mother h plate of goodies- w ith punch. A t eiich place setting wns a handmade placemat; along with a vase of ' flowers tmd a little bag wilh a surprise for ench of the mothers. Then the mothers looked nt the portraits in thc hallway and had to' find themselves without any help. Many thanks to Mrs. Giles for helping wilh the music. , On A p ril 30, the second grade made u Irip to the N.C., Zoo. Students scrambled to sec each habitut and the animals thnt lived there, They hud n quick lunch and continued the journey. Parents were a great help. On May 7, second graders visited Eaton’s Farm for Farm Day. There were many stations set up to visit and hnve a hands- on learning experience. There wore cows, a piglet, sheep, a grundm other horse, gouts, Inying herts, n lolid rooster, nnd a beef cow. Students leurned nbout nutrition and hud a snack including m ilk. A local vet showed how to give a cow a pill and students planted Comatzer Elementary Cougars of the Week: Almee Ley, Ethan Stiller, Jonathan Reagan, Anna McCullough, Hunter Rose, Eden Harris, Laci Sink, MacKenzie Dalton, Kevin Benitez, Bailee Carter, Michael Dalton, Duone Campbell, Stephanie Rodriguez, Hayiea Hobbs, Jacob Morse, Bailey Stowe, Issac Olea, Jacob Madeja, Alex Quinteros. \ ^ • \ sunflowers. Everydne used plenty o f hand sanltizer nfter petlirig the farm friends. M ay 9-11 students are' expeciing babies in the classroom. It Is time for baby chicks to hutch. For 21 days, students turned and rolled tho eggs carefully whi|e patiently waiting for this event. If all goes uccording to plan,noisy, cute and furry babies should hutch soon. Pinebrook Elementnry Kindergarten classcs hold the ilnnual Parents’ Ten on Friday, M ay 8. Students honored their moms nnd dads at this program. They learned poems and songs. Students have wrote about their parents. Thank you, parents for ull thut you do. First graders in Mrs. H end rix’s class have been wol-king on u M other’s Dny book. They wrote loiters lo their moms, the funniest thing ubout their moms, favorllc tiinqs with their moms, how Ihey can help their moms und. mnny other things. Tho children are learning about anim als. They arc learning why cumoufiugc is important and nbout thc habitats whorp unimnis live. They urc also lenrning nbout anim al needs. Ench child is completing an anim al project al homO' complete w ith a report and visual aid. The'childron w ill present those in class, Tho sccond grade classes of Mrs, Chupple, Mrs, Potts, Mrs. M oore, und M rs. Hnrpe ntlonded Enlon’s Farm. This program fs sponsored by Dnvie 4-H and w.as a hands-on experience w ilh a variety of furm unimnis. The students wore informed about caring for tho animals and tho animal habitat. Tho students experienced hands-on activities with horses, sheep, cows, chickcns, gouts, und pigs. Students werc allowed to plant sunflower seeds and were given a presentation about thc importance o f plants. The students were given ani op porlu nity to visit w ith a beekeeper and were informed about the life cycle o f Ihe beo. They were Informed ubout Ihc modical care of animals by a veterinarian. Tliird graders performed at the final PTO meeting. Patriotism was expressed by each studont. Flags were held high and each class sang a Patriotic song. A ll students sung “ Proud to be nn American” to close the performance. Bus riders o f the.week are David Justen, Асу Bost, Gabby Day, Kyle Budd, and Matthew Hill. They received a ribbon. ■ PB? winners are Kennedy ■Burton, M organ M ille r, Anthony Deters, Kaitlyn Hunt, L ily Cline, kaley Ridenhour, Hannah Hurley, Josiah Gibson, Annie Kinder, Kolbi Whitaker,' Jala Bogard, Kristen Souls, C a itlin H ill, Surah James, LIyanis Ariza, and'Sorin H ill. Those childron participuted in' board games und puzzles with ndminislrntors. W llllnm R . Dnvie ■ Elementary • The kindprgartciiors In Mrs. Evans' and Mrs. Anderson’s class are learning about types of , Irnnsporlation und how they ure used lo help people move from plnce to plnce. They learned nbout differences in hovy people travel based on where they live. They used a venn diagram to help understand Ihis. A Held Irip to Lazy 5 Ranch was re-' scheduled for June'. To prepare fdr the Irip, students havo been lenrning nbout types of nnitnals thiit live on a fann. They learned nbout the names o f animal bnbios. In math they have been using a bulance lo meusure and compare weight. Tho children enjoyed testing objects to see which is heavier and wliich is lighter. The cluss prepared for a speciul M o ther’s Day and Fnthor’s Day celebration cotiiing May 15, They hud some special things planned to entertain the w onderful kindergarten parents. Physical Education is finishing Ihe spring physicnl fitness test, K-2 classcs nre getting ready to w ork on striking skilLs and on field duy activities. Grades 3-5 are getting rendy lo work on field hockey skills and lead up games and w ill also be iworlcing on field - day activities. F ifth grade students attended the annual field day nt the Dnvie Fumily YM CA on April 24. Thanks to all Iho teachers, assistants, and parent volunteers who helped. Fourth grnders in M rs. Dyson, Holmos, and Trivetle’s classes are reviewing for the EOO. Each class is participating ' in a m oiivnlional incentives program to keep them focused. W ith cach nightly reading and malh homework assignment, students receive a sticker for every 80% or better that they make. On Monday, May 17, the students w ith five or more stickers w ill earn a piziia parly and the students wilh 12 or more stickers w ill eurn a cupcake to go with their pizza. So fur, most of the students huve guaranteed thenisolves a slice of pizza. Mocksville Elementnry In Spanisli, kindergarten and first classes learned clothing vocabulary. This sludy incor porated previously taught material - sizes, colors, num bers, fnmily, nnd weuther. The students enjoyed activitios including songs, stories, games, and interactive ojperiences on Ihe SmartBoard. Now Ihey are learning to name Ihe parts of the body in Spunish. Sccond graders concluded Iheir unit on fruit, nnd begnn n unit bused on E ric C urie’s Tho Hungry C aterpillar (La oruga muy hambriontu in Spanish). They learned abonj Ihe singes of Ihe bu tterfly life cycio and incorporated tho colors, days of the week, sizes, numbers, and feelings. A highlight was a version of the story set in El Salvador w ritten by Ihcir Spanish teacher. Thesoclussos w ill begin learning about shapes and geometry, It’s muth nnd science in Spanish class. . Third, fourth and fifth grade Spani.sh classos are learning about foods. Third graders are studying the fruits and vegetables. They are using Please See Schools - Pngc 03 It’s a sm art time to buy. High Inventory - Lower Prices - Good M ortgage Rates S t a r t y o u r h o m e s e a r c h a t c b t r i a d . c o m Cooleemee Elementary Star Students for tne week of May 4, from left: front - Madison Wright, Ericka Arcos, Austin Taylor; middle - Juan Salmerón, Destiny Leaper, Destiny Young, Michelle Werbeck; back - Wendy Lopez, Emilia Martinez, Makayla Cody, Dalton Hicks. cb tria d .co m , Davle/Clcmmans Oftlcc Intersection of llw y 158 & 801 IMionc; 336-998-8816 Kclocatlan: 1-800-317-4398 ColdwcII linnkcr Mortgage Same Day Loan Dcvislon... Gunran(ccd...l-888-309-8201 COLDlUeLL B A N K E R ЕЭ 2000 Coidwell Oankor Fioál Eilole Corpürotlon. CoWweU Oankor II a rogislorod Iradoourk ol Colciwell Dank»^ Corporation. An equal oppoiturviy company. Eacli oftico Is indoponAnlly o-vnod áml operated TRIAD, REALTORS H O W A R D R E A L T Y 3BfV20AwithFPIndeaQroal/»me ATTENTIONINVESTOñSll • onlargfllotl 590,900 IBfVlBAonnlcelot $4 5 ^ 0 0 0 330 s . S a l l s b u ^ S t., N lo c k s v iU c Call '751-3538 o r visit w w w .how ardfaalty.com DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,2009 ■ D3 ■■Pill'S - ' ■ « r н ’ШШ Ё Ш Г h *'X Heidi Judd, Davie County’s teacher Assistant of the year, enjoys making a positive difference in the lives of children arid adults at Pinebrook Elementary School. An Important Job T e a c h e r A s s is t a n t O f T h e Y e a r S e r io u s A b o u t H e lp in g C h ild r e n Hcidl Judd is a teacher ns- sislnnt. Put the word only in front of her litic, and Ihe Davio County Teacher Assistant of the Year muy politely set you strnight. “To sny Ihat someone is only room and with the PTA. She is • a winner of tho schools Parent Involvement Awurdnnd Volun teer of the Year award. As her children left Pinebrook for middle school, _ Judd remained, starting as a sub- a teacher assistant is a real sInn- ■ slituto lenchor. Sho snid it is un dor of the title,” she said. "As a honor to receive awrtrd. First graders huddle around Judd as she reads a book. teacher assistant, I am not only Iho assistant - 1 am the teacher, the tutor, the hail monitor, the lunch monitor, Ihe volunteer, tho friend, Ihe parent; nnd Ihe nurse. M y job us teacher assistant is important.” Judd is in iier lllh yenr as a first grade loachcr assistant and bus driver at Pinebrook Elemen tary. For six years before that, sho was a volunteer in the class- ‘Thoro are so many deserv ing teacher assistants at Pinebrook. It renlly mnkes you stop and think about the job you nre doing at school when you realize Ihat others hnve boon watching. "This job lias changed dra matically over the yenrs thut I hnve worked for Duvie Counly Schools. Although the money hns not increased dramuticnily. thc responsibility nnd require ments have. The jo b o f thc teacher nssistnnt is as important as thnt o f teacher,” she said. Judd has been a member of Macedonia Moravian Church for 20 years. She has been a Girl Scout for 24 years, including 13 as a leader und three years as service unit manager. She has also worked as a vol unteer at North Davie Middle and Davie High schools. Judd has been married to her husband Sloven for 23 years. They have Iwo children; ■ Samantha, a freshman at East ■ C nrolina U niversity; and Hurrison, a senior at Appala chian State University. Prizer In Phi Beta Kappa Teresa Lynn Prizer o f Advance, a,liberal studies major at tho University of North Carolina at Greensboro, was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, the Epsilon chaptcr.on A pril 21. Phi Beta Kappa recognizes outstanding scholarship in thc lib eral aits and sciences, Morehead Earns UNCC Degree Tony Morehead, son o f James nnd Donna Morehead o f Mocks ville, is grndunting wilh the 2009 class at Ihe University o f North Carolina nt Charlotte with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical en gineering. He is a 2002 graduate of Davie High School, und is a dean’s list student at UNC-C. Morehead w ill go lo work as an assistant engineer with BAE Systems in Troy, Mich, Ellls Middle Battle of the Books team members, from left: seated - Angelo MIcozzI, Brant Dupree, Ashlyn Whitesell, Rachael Bundy, Emily Hoidsclaw; standing - Jacob Holcomb, Coaches Debbie Archer and Belinda Garner, Hannah Harter. E ll i s S t u d e n t s In R e g io n a l B a t t le O f B o o k s Schools... • Davie County's Baltic o f the Books for middle grades took placc on March 20 ul thc Davie County Public Libriu-y. Thc Middle Grades Battle of the Books is a compolition that requires tiiiddle school students to reud books from a predeterm ined reading lis t consi.sting o f 27 titles. Through Ihc fun and excitement o f the competition, studenls improve reading skills and broiiden their choi'cc.s of reading materials. A ll teums faced oach other in competitive rounds. M edia coordinators w orked w ith studeiits throughout thc school year encouraging them lo read und holding practice events in Ihcir schbol. Team members v from W illiam E llis M iddle School represented Davie County at the Battle o f thc Books Regional Event in Boone on A pril 3. Elementary Battle Qf the Books participants Include Parker Cassady, Jaldyn Bentley, Jala Bogard, Elexioia Carter, Dorninick Carbone, and Rachel Vance. E le in e n ta r y S t u d e n t s S h o w B o o k K n o w le d g e Davie County’s Elemo^itnry Battle o f the Books took place on A pril 2 at the Davie High School. The Elementary Battle of the Books is a com petition thnt requires teams o f interested fourth and fifth graders to rend .' books from n predetermined reading list consisting o f 12 titles. T hirty-nine students representing the six elementnry schools participated. Students representing each o f the six schools were random ly placed on u com petitive team. A ll teams faced each other in competitive rounds. Seven rounds o f questions were held. Med'm coordinators worked w ith students throughout the school year encouraging thoiii to read and holding practice events in their school. Stuilents from Dnvie High School assisted with the event as timers, scQrekeepers, and judges. Moderators were Lisa Neal, Davie County Public Library; Sara Rhyne artd Betsy Ramsbotham,I middle school coordinators. The Lions teum members were; Purkor Cassady, Jaidyn Benliy, Mocksville Elementary; Jala Bogard, Pinebrook Elem entary; D om inick Carbone, Shady Grove Elem entary; Racliei Vance, C om atzer Elem entury;' and E iexicia Carter, Cooleemee Elementary. Continued From Page D2 colors, numbers, and sizes. They lenrned how to express their likes and dislikes. Fourth and fifth graders are working on a wider variety o f foods and meals. They are incorporating telling time Into ihis study. Soon they w ill tulk nbout nutrition and food groups. Angelina Eller and Michel|c Myer’s first grade students have been learning about simple mnchincs. They enjoyed experim enting w ith sim ple mnchincs und discovering thnt simple machines aré all nround us. Sludenis lenrned about pu.shing and pulling motions as well. In maih, students learned how to determine the volume of n container using cubes. They compared shapes to see which hus the grenter volume. They enjoyed being architects by creating their own towers and skyscrapers and determining cubic volume, The childron have been anticipating Ocean day. This is a fun-fdlod wator day for first graders fo enjoy the outdoors and learn about oceans,' The children rotate through 20 stations. There are wator games, relay races, jump ropes, hoola hoops, sprinklers. A special thanks to the . volunteers who make this day possible. Kindorgarlon wont to the Children's Museum to learn about habitats, pretending to make doughnuts, shopping in a pretend Food Lion and morc. They learned about Mother's Day, plants, and insects. In math they are learning about follow ing recipes. Students have been measuring with cups and quarts. They learned the difference between full, half full and empty. Ms. G allihcr and M rs. Hursey's third graders are learning about plants with Mrs. Lankford. They are watching the seeds grow with sunlight and without sunlight. They are getting ready for the EOG. Students are reviewing skills Ihat w ill help them take the test in a couple o f weeks. In reading they are reading a folk tale. Fly Eagle Fly about an eagle that was raised with chickens. Fourth graders are practicing test-taking strategies. They focused on measurement and fractions. Students enjoyed measurement scavenger hunts in the classroom. They are reading “The Whipping Boy” by Sid Fleischman, the slory of a bratty prince and his lioy servant. Students love the similes the author uses and have ' tried a few out in class. F ifth grade students are preparing for End o f Grade tests. Several students in Mrs. Cockman's class are reading and studying the novel, "Islond of the Blue Dolpliins.” Students enjoyed trying to build the tallest free-standing structure by only using marshmallows and toothpicks. They realized their structured needed a strong and sturdy base to withstand the weight o f the structure. The acceleration group is practicing fo r two play performances. They w ill presenls the plays to -V,— D4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,2009 I I' Cub Scouts from Pack 574 and their cliaperones pause at Algonquian Park before heading for a tour of Washington, D.C, Davie Cub Scouts Tour Sites In Nation’s Capital You can take the boys out of Davie County... if they can carry a piece with them, Above, Luke Snider, iVlatthew Snider, Biake Williams and Zachary Wood check out the Enterprise Record at Arlington National Cemetery, And in the photographs be low, the Scouts look at the Enterprise Record while on the stops of the Capitol and at The Pentagori. i l s , I» *« - '• '* ■' » Jacob Chor stands at the Capitol - the center of Wash ington, D.C. where all four Zip Codes meet. Cub Seoul Puck 574, ulong w ith chapcroncs, rcccntly yisitcil the nutlon's cupitnl, Wushington, D.C. A total o f 101 Scouts and their chapcroncs represeiited Davie County. The group went by caravan lo A lgonquian Regioiial Park Virginia where they had 12 cabins reserved. Meals were prepared daily by B rian Bradley and Sammy Helton. Each day sturted o ff with breakfast at 7, and bag lunches were packed. The first stop was Arlington N uiional Cemetery and the Pentagon, Sandra Latta o f Davie County, who now resides in Wushington, met oach group at tlie Pcntugon, where slic works. After tours, they were on their own to explore, Tlicy met back ut Ihc cump for dinner ut 7:30, Saturday morning tlie Scouts loured the Sm ilhsoniun museums and then met on the steps of Ihc Capital for a group picturc followed by a tour of Ihe Capital, Several o f Ihe group enjoyed the W hite House Garden Tour w hile olhers finished visiting the Smilhsoniun museums. Again, they met back al camp for dinner at 7:30. Siuuluy morning’s brcakfust wus I'ollowed by u short devotional und then we heudcd buck toward Davie County. Cub Scouts attending were; Jonathan Biunton, Justin Boardwine, Scot Bradley, Jo seph Chor, Noah Etter, Warren Foster, Peyion Freemun, Parker Froelich, Patrick Gordon, George Haire, Blake Helton, Robert Hendricks, Mason H ollar, N ick Koon, Ben M a rklin, Johnson M a rklin, Chonito Martinez; Cody James, Jacob Müssen, Jacob Rhyne, Bo Rollins, Luke Snider, Matthew Siiider, Franklin Swink, Sam Swink, Blake Williams, Gavin Wingard and Zachary Wood. "The trip was one to be remembered by all. Our county is blessed to huve such u wonderful group of young men representing Ihem ,” said Meli.ssa Rollins. DCCÇ Summer Leadership Academy Open To Students THBaRtOHTMOREGAPU WAS------------------ALL HOMES ARE TRUE OFF-FRAME MODULAR HOMES TH8 HAMPTON ЙАКСН WAS SI THSPAIRViEWnAN'"! .. ®91”900*! ST A T E S V IL L EHOUSING CENTER 7toE ilt49A •US70Ea»t4.Smllei , • Lt(tonBuilneu ’ Facloiy Bullt‘Factoiy Sold'W$ ARE the Builder‘Land i Financing Available 704.924.9393 www.SlalesviileHousing.com Toll Free 1.877.283.4344 The 3rd Annual Davie Stu dent Leadership Academy is scheduled for June 22-j26 on the Davie Campus o f Davidson Counly Community College. The ucudemy w ill be held from 8:30 u.m.-1 p.m. und w ill be coordinated by Scoit Gunlt, progrum director of Workforce Development ond Continuing Education at DCCC. For the third time, the acudemy is spon sored by EMBARQ, u commu- nicuiions compuny specializing in the integration of voice, data, Internet, wireless and entertain ment services, nnd its represen tative Pat Elmore. Rising Seventh, eighth and ' ninth graders in Davie County . middle schools and middle grade students who ure home schooled are eligible to apply for Ihe academy that 'explores the concepts of leadership, com munication and self-awareness. “This academy is an impor tant asset for the middle grade students in Davie County,” Gantl jiaid. "Each year, studçnt interest has grown, and with continued support from our community, I believe it w ill con tinue to develop und become even more valuable in molding our future leaders, our young people. They ure among our greatest assets.” Academy activities w ill in clude discussions, classroom exercises, group work and u field trip. Students w ill communicate via live videoconference with their peers attending the Bernhard Thomas School of Leadership on thè Davidson Canipus of DCCC. Each cluss w ill identify nnd discuss whut leudership meuns to them. The ucudemy w ill be limited to 50 students. Nominutiops by teachers or counselors are not necessary, but students must have a teacher oj- counselor fill out a recommendation form in cluded with the application. Ap plications may be found online alwww.(kividsonccc,edii/about/ leadership-academy.htm or at school guidance offices at North, South and Ellis middle schools., Completed applications are due to Gunlt by May 22. For questions about the academy, call him at 998-3220, ext. 4852 or em ail him at rsgantt@davixonccc.edu,' , •••.VV,; DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,2009 - D5 William R. Davie Elementary students show their Valentines with a heart. WRD ‘Valentines’ Project Nets 2 4 Books Students and staff at William R. Davie Elementary School participated in the second an nual Valentine's Froin the Heurt project sponsored by Student Council. Valentines were sold lo hopor or memoriulize speciul people in the students' lives. The money ruised was used to pur chase 24 books to be placed in the school's library in memory of Allen Mebune. The titles are; Hurold und the Purple Cruyon, The Bruvest Dog Ever, Funcy Nancy: Poison Ivy Export, Fnncy Nuncy Sees Slurs, Are You Rendy to Piny Outside, 1 Love M y New Toyl, There is a .Bird on Your Head, M y Friend is Sad, I Am Invited to a Purty!, If You Truyeled West in n Cov ered Wngon, If You Were u Pio neer, On Ihe Pruirie, If You Trnvelcd on the Underground Ruilroad, Who Ordered this Baby? Definitely Not MEI, Tale of T\vo Titils, Curtain Went Up, My Pants Fell Down, Eve of the Emperor Penguin, The Last Straw, Inkdeath, Hate that Cat, Clementine's Leller, Cowboys and Cowgirls: Yipee Yay I, Eye witness World War I, B is for Buckaroo: A Cowboy Alphabet, Bats ut the Library. The books huve been on dis- pluy and w ill be available for check out .soon, "W illiam R, Davie appreci ates all the help given |o the school from the Mebune Chari table Foundation and is thank ful for the vision Mr, Mebane In helping with technology, pre- school und- literacy.” said teacher, Luwonna Oakes, “ Mr. Mebane, wc w ill ulwuys re member your generosity.” Safe Driving Courses Offered At DCCC Davidson County Commu nity College is oflcring three new safe driving courses for drivers with citations who are referred by the assistant district attorney, private attorney or judge. Those who qualify for the courses und complete them could possible get their insur ance points and driver’s license poinls reduced. There is no behind-the- wheel component of the clusses that are offered from 8:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. on the Davic Cam pus in Mocksville one Sulurduy a month. Registration is $55, Safe Driving: Alive at 25 is a four-hour classroom training program for drivers ages 16 to 24. Participunts study on-the- spot defensive driving tech niques and state and local driv ing laws and regulations. Life- saving information w ill be cov ered such as why young drivers often underestimate risk; how lo handle pyer pressure nnd stay cool w ilh friends; and tech niques to maintain control in dif ferent driving situations, The sccond class is a four- hour Defensive Driving Course for adults who have been chargcd with cjiceeding a safe speed, making an unsafe move ment, or a stop sign violation. Defensive driving techniques w ill be taught that can reduce aggressive driving and collision- related costs, injuries and fatali ties, A third driving course that DCCC w ill offer beginning Siit- urday, May 16 Is an eight-hour courses titled Attit'udlnul Dy- numics of Driving, It is designed for repent traffic offenders, or those with more ¡¡erious viola tions like careless and reckless driving, driving ih excess of 80 m.p.h., and aggressive driving. The driving behavior of each participant w ill be assessed, and an action plan w ill be developed lo improve driving behavior and personal responsibility. Instructors for the classes are truined by the Sufety nnd Heulth Council of North Carolina. Stu dents w ill participate in class room discussion, watch instruc tional videos, and Icam that driv ing is a privilege, not a right. Those who hnve paid their trufnc citutions and are referred by the assistant district altorney, judge or private attorney may make appointments to register by calling Barbara Ide, coordi- nator of community services, at 336-249-818.6, ext, 6346, D a v ie H ig h H o n o r S t u d e n t s G e t C a s li The Davie H igh School PTSA has announced the win ners o f the third qunrter nca- demic honor roll drawings', Euch student won $100 on Monduy, April 27 nt np assem bly and academic showcase when the drawing took place, “The PTSA board was so excited to see Lahren's reaction as she \vas present when her name wus cnlled. We look for ward to the fourth quarter draw ing and to the grand prize draw ing o f $250 lo n student making the honor roll during the 08 school year,” said Julie Whittaker, PTSA president. T.he winners are: freshman, Courtney Grannaman; sopho more, Walter W ilson;-junior, Lauren Bailey; senior, Anna Smith, Pinebrook Elementary fourth graders Julia South and Kayla Moore display their animal backbone models. 4th Graders Construct Backbones The fourth grndc clusses of Leigh Anne D uvis, Surah , Hartman, Angola Hicks und Christin Howard at Pinebrook Elementary have been busy. ' Sludents have been learning about poetry and presented po etry projects to their class mates. Students in Ms. Howard’s class have been studying ani mals and constructed a model o f an animal backbone with a pipe cicaner and round food. A ll classes have been re viewing math terms and strat egies, and have enjoyed read ing to support the school’s students In Ms. Howards fourth grade class construct animal backbones .with pipe Splash into Reading project, cleaners, Froot Loops, pasta, and life savers. Taking part In the Temper, Temper play, from left: Lau rel Hecht, Foster Johnson, Savannah Everett, Dave Fletcher and Michael Sparks. Shady Grove Students Produce Play In Class On A pril 24, a fourth grade classroom at Shudy Grove El ementary School was trans formed into u set for a play. Students in Roxanne Dalton’s reading clnss begun working on n play Ihree weeks ngo, “ Temper, Temper” by Bruce Lansky, The play, sei in Itally, is about fam ily helping family, hard work, treatlvlty and most importantly - not losing your temper. The children were in charge of every aspect of the play - di recting, seis, sounds, props, print designs, and acting. They did not disappoint the packed house o f fellow students, par-. ^ cuts, siblings and grandparents. The cast and crew included: co-director, James Boyle; Nar- rator’l, Michael Brunelli; Nar rator 2, Caroline Bandy; Papa G iovani, M ichael Sparks; Marco, Dave Fletcher; Nico, Foster Johnson; Francesca, Lau rel Hecht; Jack, Matt Alien; Farmer, Heath Slabach; Print Designers, Julianne Strauch and Savannah Everett; Prop Master, Jake Hovyell; Sound Ttchnician, Jacob Rogers; Stage Hands, Logun Sheets, Collin Weather man, and Andy Renegar; Set Designers, D avid Harvey, Am elia Halverson; and M alt Alien. Heath Slabach, Laurel Hecht and Matt Allen perform in the play. Heath Slabach plays the mean farmer. STROUSE HOUSE AUCTIONS 1424 Industrial Dr., Statesville, NC 28625 _ Phone:704-872-8444 336-940-6306 P AUCTIONEER: MIKE STROUSE, NC LIC. #7465 K www.strousehouse.zoomshare.com ” Tlm,y8y14*6i30N*1hickloadOutdo(}r&Recreation^ HUNTUK№tHlM • RmU • Pem ОТО 230. Ptnn CV 6.00Ú Cìonì. (км» CtHic, ABU Oirù ( Ш , FriM Panftih Heeis. M if Um Qr^te, Bu*a №d Hoüer, З Ш becaiin. FM TKtcàlLiun..BSA SwaKn Tictcìl ГЫ Do< Sccm, Ы Í-ÍÜ6 Ticfic^ Sope. Ttseo iMOA fled DdI ScD(«. e» U 2Snn Red Dot i ReAei Sirr^e CroubM Soca, Bucfc Tiroett Ttfiièv Decoy, Giei^ U ПД T«ge(. ем С4М. CaMS. гЦ е гш Wadn AW ÌVa ^ Ш 1 (UtiK. H m C o ìi^ Stocks, Qam CA. h m \l ш Ш . Vtíse, Twl^ Ш DucJt. So m , SM Вад Pistí Usir S i^ В ( П ^Moin Binili Ii2 2 0>^ociiart ii1>gitàiC«n^ Sfcrt i Щя» - ttaMAMcrtanj.DflT.DrtJgf,P»o<«40nMAN0U0flE! -v ^ ' МЛО • Ншм1ц. Pato Sats. lorgert, Ptfio ТаЫе, Bevi Bag Qwm. Set, Р1Л И1 r u m - WJd ТЬч Tube^ OBiW tfaiaf TfWViÉw. LaTi». Caraveie Свмп WiW Ski SncrW 4 Fn. Uàsk Giif. ir 8iiwivigPoo!in^-0№ocVi'«^Bin,6l^ln4i^ Banc^ E i ^ hm xn PrcfcmммсШотг шисхмогдкшшш TiMdn^ U m Ш . fuKTi (S» Bi«. VUt Ftfûtn ЕмМ. Нмуу Bag SUiA Ounp a ift^ AB L o f^. нас. г81и1е(х«А&и1еЬсаг4Н1Я0,СиРа!Коп1с«С((миа)1«,1ьип^ tajtW . ОгеЛ Ai Piíí^a Petírie SScaf, Bacà-l^ Camara ^tвí^ D o » Fry Сал <W4. U4 НсИе1. Иоо bewert. M Face Mottc/à Ito « . Йгя Scm drri^GPS. V e s tin g Sab, Sola; Lighb, Chartfci Su’niau 6ii (M. 1Ш Fri., May 15* 6:30141*2 BIG RINGSIIMi№»M.Q№UlUERCHW)l$£.Hr«etacli&I)ecietEqüpi«nt.FJl(>mKraCerrÍ3^W rÄ« Gima. Ш в Ц Uni^ Couîte ICO TV/S»eo. w » U i« . M w 1 JOdi W îw Oôte^tosiwtia. New ** COT(reuo(.Jgui«i/Presiufa СоЛег, Ai (Sndtttw, Weed Eater», Fam, Tenr« Sfe» AjNey Cfan, LCD ÎV 15*. Ш IIUn9l2i7^pm.TOOt5ll.fW$ftefftlA*.Ta^S>«;ûmJo(,(^f«ï^.neSa*.^ _________ Pi*. ^ «»««• W^her». Fraring tìJef, Baseiy CM-pef, BWv. Cfàw*.9rSa4FkxM.WneelDamM Sat., May 16 • 6i30PM • General Merehandise . OonMfio. Unens. Garden SÜI. Nm laies. 1 ^ t Kdt Surmw Cbcing. Т1 4 1 Sorna ^d T > ù & $ o m a o lM vid lOÌSUORtiì êeroêtth0fiR trw ckt.M uêteihof1df1v»eni/9aêyto»n<t D6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPMSE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,2009 LEGAL NOTICES ^ i'< i \ <:; i.. NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having quallllod as co-Admln- Islrators ol Ihe Eslale ol JOSEPH R. CULLER,' deceased, ol Davie ’ County, North Carolina, this Is to . notify all persons having claims against said estate to present Ihem lo the undersigned on or belore Ihe 23rd day of July, 2009, being three months Irom the first day of publi cation of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please nnake Im mediate payment to the under signed. This the 23rd day ol April, 2009, ELIZABETH BAILEY P,0. Box 641 Walkertown, NC 27051 DARYL BRYCE CULLER 4064 Glenn HI Road Wlhston-Salem, NC 27107 PIEDH/10NT LEGAL ASSOCIATES, PA Lynne Hicks, Altomey 124 West Depot Street Mooksvllle, NC 27028 (336)751-3312 4-23-4ln 2009. i V NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilled as Adnilnlstra- tor of the Estate ol KENNETH M. KOCH, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons, llrms and corporations having claims against said estate to present Ihem lo the undersigned on or before July 30, 2009, (being three (3) months Irom the flrst day ol publication of this notloe), or this notice will be pleaded In bar of Ihelr recovery. All persons, llrms and corporations Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This Ihe 30lh day ol April, 2009. STEVEN L. KOCH 147Tlflon Street Bermuda Run, NC 27006 T DAN WOMBLE Attorney al Law 3802 Clemmons Road, Suite A P,0, Bpx1698 Clemmons, NC 27012 4^30-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilled as Co- Execu tors ol the Estate ol EDNA A. HENDRIX, lato ol Davio County, this Is to notify all persons, llrms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore July 30. 2009, (being Ihree (3) months from Ihe llrst day of publi cation of this notice), or Ihis notice will be pleaded In bar of their ro oovery. All porsona, llrms and cor porations Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay ment to Ihe undersigned. This Ihe 22nd day ol April, 2009. SHIRLEY H. HAUSER 2410 US Highway 64 East Mocksville, NC 27028 CONNIE H, JONES 238 US Highway 64 East Mocksville, NC 27028 MARTINS. VAN HOY, LLP Attorneys at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 4-30-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having quallllod as Administra tor of Ihe Estate of JOHN WESLEY WOOTEN, late ol Davie County, this Is to notify all persons, llrms and corporations having claims against said estate lo present them to the undersigned on or belore July 30, 2009, (being Ihree (3) months Irom the first day of publi cation of this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their re covery. All persons, firms end cor^- poratlons Indebted to said estate will ploase make Immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This Ihe 21 st day ol April, 2009. BEVERLY W. RUSS 385 Williams Road Mocksville, NC 2702B MARTIN & VAN HOY LLP Attorneys at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 4-30-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix of the Esiate.of OLICE QUY late ol Davie County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before July 30,2009, (being three (3) months from tho first day of pubilcallon of this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations Indebted to said es lale will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 22nd day of April, MARCIA PERRELL P.O. Box 246 . Woodleaf, NC 27054 MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attorneys at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 4-30-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilled as Executor ol the Estate of MATTIE WILLIARD JAEHNING, late of DavIe County, this Is to notlly all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to Ihe undersigned on or before July 30, 2009, (being Ihree (3) mdhths from Ihe first day ol publi cation ol this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their re covery. All persons, firms and cor porations Indebted lo said estate will please make Immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This the 22nd day of April, 2009. MARK JAEHNING 13893 E. Bellewood Or, Aurora, CO 80015 4-30-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE The undersigned, having quali fied as Administrator of the Estate c! JULIAN F. DAYE (aka Julian Francis Daye; Julian Dayo), de ceased, late of Dave County, North Carolina, this is lo notify all per sons, llrms and corporations hav ing claims against said Eslale lo present them to the undersigned on or belore Ihe 30th of July, 2009, or this Nollco will bepleaded In bar of recovery. All persons, llrms and corporations Indebted to this Es tate will please make paymont Im mediately lo Ihe undersigned at Ihe below-designated address. This Is tho 30lh day of April, 2009. • Richard J. Keshlan, Admlnls- ■ trator of the Estate of Julian F. Daye 1001 West Fourth Stroot Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Robert L, Edwards, Esquire EDWARDS CRAVER VEACH PLLC 1001 West Fourth Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Telephone No, (336) 607-7314 4-30-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executor ol the Estate ol JULIA M. BRABSON, deceased, lale of Davio Counly, NorUi Carolina, this is lo notify all persons, llrms and corporations having claims against said ostate to present them, duly certified to the undersigned In care of Moore & Van Alien, 100 N. Tryon Street, Suite 4700, Charlotte, NC 28202- 24003 on or belore the 23rd day ol July 2009, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of Ihelr recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate settle ment with the undersigned. This 23rd day ol April, 2009, William W. Brabson, Executor Estate ol Julia M. Brabson 4-23-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE GOLJNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of NORMAN ANDER SON SNIDER, late of Davie County, this Is to notlly all persons, llrms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before July 23,2009, (being three (3) months Irom the first day ol publication of Ihis notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, lirms and corporations indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment to Ihe undersigned. This the 23rd day ol April, 2009 LAMONT JAMES SNIDER 1070 Cornatzer Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 4-23-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the Estate ol BYRON CUYTON COX, SR., Deceased, late ol Davie County, North Caro lina, this Is to notlly ail persons having clalrhs against the estate of the deceased to exhibit them to tho undersigned on or before July 23, 2009, or this Notice will be pleaded In bar of their right to re cover against the estate of Ihe said deceased. All persons Indebted lo said estate will please make Im mediate payment. ■ This the 23rd day ol April, 2009. Verna Faye Cox Administrator of the Estate of Byron Clayton Cox, Sr, o/o E, Edward Vogler, Jr, Attorney for Verna Faye Cox, Administrator 181 South Main Street Mocksville. NC 27028 4-23-41П NORTH CAROLINA' DAVIECOUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of THOMAS CLEMENT SMITH, 106 Church Street, P.O. Box 355, Cooleemee, NC 27014, late of Davie County, this Is to no tify all persons, firms and corpora tions liaving claims against said estate to'preseni them to the un dersigned On or before July 23, 2009, (being three (3) months Irom the lirst day of publication of this notice) or this notloe will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. Ali persons, llrms and coфoratlons In debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 23rd day of April, 2009 NEAL FREDERICK SMITH 743 North Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 4-23-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilled as Executor ol the Estate ol RUTH L. MACDONALD, late ol Davie County, this is lo notlly all persons, firms and corporations having olalms against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore July 23,2009, (being three (3) months from the first day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol Ihelr recovery. Ali persons, llrnns and софогаИопа Indebted to sáld es tate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 23rd day ol April, 2009 KATHLEEN S. CACi 149 Holly Lane Mocksvillo, NC 27028 4-23-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Exocutor of the Estate of ROXIE CARLENE SAIN, late ol Davie Countyi this Is to notlly all persons, llrms and cor porations liaving claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before July 23, 2009, (being three (3) months from the llrst day of publication of this notloe) or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons, llrms and софогаНопа In debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment lb the undersigned. This the 23rd day of Apr«, 2009. ROGER DALE SAIN 274 Call Rd.. Mocksvillo, NC 27028 4-23-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra trix ot the Estate of ANDRE J. LOVE, deceased, pf Davie County, North Carolina, this Is to hotily all ’ persons having claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 23rd of July, 2009, being three months Itom the llrst day ol publication ol this notice, or this notice wlli be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate wlli please make Immediate payment to tho undersigned, This 23rd day of April, 2009. JERALYN LOVE KEETER 2761 New Port Royal Road Thompsons Station, TN 37179 PIEDMONT LEGAL ASSOCIATES, PA Lynne Hicks, Attorney 124 West Depot Street Moeksville, NC 27028 (336)751-3312 4-23-4Ш NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 04SP94 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY SHAN NON H. FAIR AND ROMERO D. FAIR DATED AUGUST 18, 2003 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 506 AT PAGE 713 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to a Court order and under and by virtue ol tha power and authority contained In the above-referenced deed ol trust and because of default In the pay ment of the secured Indebtedness and failure to perform the stipula tion and agreements therein con tained and, pursuant to daniand of the owner and holder ol the se cured 'debt, the undersigned sub- slllute trustee wiil expose for sale ,at public auction to the highest bid der lor cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse ol said county at 10:30 AM on May 20, 2009 the loliowing described real estate and any other improve-' ments which may be situated thereon, in Davie County, North Carolina, and being more parllfcu- larly described as follows: BEGINNING at a railroad spike in the center of SR 1458 right of way (locally known as the Spillman road. Southwest corner ol Char lotte S. Smith and Kenneth E. Smith (DB 72, Page 501) and run ning thence with the Smith line. South 88 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds East 230.0 feet to an iron pin; thence South 14 degrees 50 minutes 07 seconds East 100.00 feet to an Iron pin; thence North 88 degrees, 06 minutes 16 sec onds West 230.0 feet to a nall in tho center of SR 1458 right of way; thence with the cenler of said right ol way North 14 degrees 50 min utes 07 seconds West, 100.0 to '■ THE POINTAND PUCE OF BE GINNING containing 0.505 acres, more or less as surveyed by Francis B. Greene April 13, 1985 and being a portion of those lands described by Deed recorded in Deed Book 66, Pago 352, Davie County Registry. Reserving unto Grantors, their heirs and assigns, and subject to said easement in favor of others, a permanent 15 toot easement of Ingress, egress and regress hav ing as Its Northern boundary the Northern boundary ol the above described lands, said easement to be appurtenant to adjacent lands owned by the grantors herein and to run with the same In the lands of all persons whomsoever. And Being more oommonly known as: 356 Spillman Road, Mooksvllle, NC 27028 The record owner(s) of tho property, as reflected on the records ol the Register ol Deeds, Is/are Shannon! H. Fair and Romero D, Fair. The property to be offered pur suant to this notlco of sale is be ing olfered for sale, trahsler and conveyance "AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the hdidor of tho note secured by tho deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the of- licers, directors, attorneys, em ployees, agents or authorized rep resentative ol ellherTrustee orthe holder of the note make any rep resentation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environ mental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating lo the propertj^ being offered lor sale. Any and all responslblillles or II- abliltles arising out of or in any way relating to any such condlllon ex pressly are disclaimed. This salo Is made subject to ali prior liens and oncumbrancos, and unpaid taxes and assossmenls Including but not limited to any transler tax associated with the loreclosure, A deposit of live percent (5%) of the amount ol the bid or seven hun dred lilty dollars ($750.00), Which ever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certllied lunds at the time of the ’ sale. This sale will be held open (en days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the slatulory upset period, all re maining amounts are IMMEDI ATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit lunds In a timely manner will result In a Declaration ol De- lault and any doposlt will be Iro- zen pending the outcome ol any re-sale. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing In the prop erly, be advised that an Order lor Possession of the property may be Issued In lavor of the purchaser. Also, II your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may ter minate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice,to the land lord. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termina tion, The date of this Notice Is April 18,2009. 04-60062 David W. Neill or Elizabeth B, Elis Substitute Trustee 8520 Clllf Cameron Drive, Suite 300 Charlotte, NC 28269 (704) 333-8107 http://shaplroattomeys, com/nc/ 5-7-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE ' Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of KATIE W. SHEP HERD, late of Davio County, this Is to notlly all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to Eldon W. Wishon, 3205 Chinquapin Road, Yadklnyllle, NC 27055 on or before tho 14th day of August, 2009 or this notice vylll be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate please make immedi ate payment. This 29lh day ol April, 2009. Eldon W, Wishon, Executor James L. Graham Attorney At Law P, O. Box 625 Yadklnvllle, NC 27055 5-7-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 09 SP 42 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY JOHN S. MERONEY AND AUDREY G. MERONEY DATED APRIL 11, 2001 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 365 AT PAGE 853 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to a Court order and under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In the above-releronced deed ol trust and because of default in Ihe pay ment of Ihe secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipula tion and agreements therein con tained and, pursuant lo demand ol the owner and holder of the se cured debt, the undersigned sub stitute trustee will expose lor sale at public auction to the Highest bid der lor cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 12:00 PM on Moy 19, 2009 the following described real estate and any other Irnprovo- ments which, may bo situated thereon. In' Davie County, North Carolina, and being more particu larly described as loliows: . Being ali of Loti[s) I'io. 20, Ber muda Run Golf and Country Club,, Section 4, as shown on plat re corded In Plat Book 4, Page 82 (Slide 111),'Davie Counly Regls- try. And Being more oommonly known as: 337 Ivy CIr, Bermuda Run, NC 27006 The record owtior(s) of tho property, as rollebtod on tho records ol the Register ol Deeds, Is/aro John S, Moroney and Audrey G. Meroney. The proporty to bo olfered pur suant to this notloe of salo Is be ing offered tor salo, transfer and conveyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Trustee nor tho holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor tho ol- flcers, directors, attorneys, em ployees, agents or authorized rep resentative of either Trustee or the holder of the nolo mako any rep resentation or warranty relating to Ihe titio or any physical, envlron- montai, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to Iho properly being ollored for salo. Any and all responsibilities pr li abilities arising out ol or In any way relating to any such condition ex pressly are disclaimed. This salo Is made subject to ali prior lions and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments Including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with Ihe loreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount ol the bid or seven hun dred lilty dollars ($750.00), which ever is greater. Is required and must be tendered In the form ol certified funds at the time of tha sale. This sale will be held open ten days lor upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, ail re maining amounts are IMMEDI ATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit lunds in a timely manner will result In a Declaration of De fault and any deposit will be fro zen pending the outcome ot any rS’SSlO SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS; If you are a tenant residing in the prop erty, be advised that an Order lor Possession of tho property may be issued in favor of tha purchaser. Also, il your lease began or was renewed on or alter October 1, 2007, be advised that you may ter minate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notloe to tho land lord. You may be liable lor rent due under tho agreement prorated to the elfective date of the termina tion. The date ol tills Notice Is April 29, 2009, 07-97288 Grady Ingle Substitute Trustee 8520 Clltl Cameron Drive, Suite 300 Charlotte, NC 28269 (704) 333-8107 http://sfiap/roatlomeys.com/ncy • 5-7-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 08 SP 222 Under and by virtue ol the power of sale contained In a cer tain Deed ol Trust made by Therese A, Dubois to TRSTE, inc.. Trustee(s), dated the 7lh day of October, 2002, and recorded In Book 442. Page Z2fl, Davie County Registry, North Carolina, default having' been made In the payment ol the note thereby se cured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned. Substitute Trustee Servloes, Ino. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Office of Ihe Register of Deeds ol Davie Counly, North Carolina and the holder of the nole evidencing said indebtedness having difected that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee wlli ofler lor sale at the courthouse door In the City ol Mookevllloi Davla County, North Carolina at 2:45 PM on May 20, 2009 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in the County ol . Davie, North Carolina, and being moré particularly described as fol lows; Being known and designated as Unit 120, revised Plat of Ster ling Place as set forth In Plat Book 7, Page 245, Davie County Reg istry to which reference Is hereby mado for a more particular descrip tion. Including tho Unit located thereon; said unit being located at 120 Sterllrig brive, Mocksvillo, North Carolina. Subject to restrictions of record, Trustge may, In the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay Ihe sale lor up to one hour as provided in NCGS §45-21.23, Should the property be pur chased by a Ihird party, that per- sgn must pay the tax ol Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per Ono Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS§7A-308(a)(1). Tho proporty to be olfered pur suant to this nollco ol sale Is be ing olfered for salo, transler and conveyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither Iho Trustee nor Iho holder ol tho noto socured by tho doed ol trust/security agreomenl, or both, being loreciosod, nor Iho offlcors, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representa tivo of olthpr tho Trustee or tho holder of the noté make any rop- resontatlon or warranty relating to Ihe title or any physical, environ mental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, al or relating to the property being offered lor salo, and any and all rospon'sibliltloe or li abilities arising out ot or in any way relating to any such condition ex pressly are dlsclalmod. Also, this property is boing sold subject to ali taxes, special assessments, and prior ilehá 'oru,encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. A cash doposlt or cashier's check (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of tho purohaso price, or seven hundred fifty dol lars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the timo oftiiosale. An order for possession of tho property may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21,29 In favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by tho clerk ot superior court of the county In which the property Is sold. Any person who occupies the ■property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or re newed on or after October 1,2007, may alter receiving the notice ol sale, terminate the rental agreo mont upon 10 days' written nptlce lo the landlord. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for,rent due unde* the rental agreement prorated tb the effective date ol the termination. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR, THE PURPOSE OF THIS COM MUNICATION IS TO COLLECTA DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR I THAT PURPOSE, except as Í stated below In the Instance of bankruptcy protection. IF YOU ARE UNDER THE ! PROTECTION OF THE BANK- ^ RUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RE SULT OF A BANKRUPTCY PRO CEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PURSUANT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT AND FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT IN TENDED AS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALU OR ANY POR TION op THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY This April 29, 2009. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC, SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY: Attorney at Law The Law Firm of Hutchens, Senter & Britton, P.A. Attorneys for Substitute Trustee Services, Inc, P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Streot Fayetteville, North Carolina ! 28311 http://sales.hsbfirm.com ’ Case No; 370.134979 ' 5-7-21П DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, Mny 14,2009 ■ D7 LEGAL NOTICES ! ? NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ■ IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE JUVENILE COURT DIVISION 2009-JT-19 In Re; CHEYENNE CHENOA SEAMAN, (lormerly known as EMBER NICOLE MILLER), a mi nor child. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: STEVEN R. SEAMAN, JR., AND MELISSA SEAMAN, the above named respondents: Take notice that a pleading seeking reilel against you has been filed in the above entitled Dis trict Court action. Tho nalure of the relief being sought is as loliows: , Termination of Parental Rights ol Melissa Seaman. You are required to make de fense to such pleading nol later than the 16th day ol June, 2009, . said date being 40 days from the llrst publication of this notice and upon your failure to do so the party seeking against you will'apply to tho court for the reilol sought. This Ihe 7th day of May, 2009, E. Edward Vogler, Jr., Attorney for Petitioners NC Stale Bar #8069 181 Sbuth Main Street Mocksvillo, NC 27028 Telephone: 336-751-6235 5-1-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to the Board ol Education policy, notice Is hereby given that the Davie County School System intends to destroy selected Inaotivo Exceptional Children records which are presently on llle. Materials, to be destroyed include only tho special' education records of Individuals whoso record was Inactive as of January 1, 2004, and do not Include any individual's permanent school record. These materials'will be destroyed on or after June 1, 2009. Cali (338) 753-1424 for additional Information or to request copies ol materials prior to their destruction. 5-7-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY. IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE JUVENILE COURT DIVISION 2009-JT-18 In Ro; PATRICIA S. SEAMAN NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: STEVEN R. SEAMAN, JR.i AND MELISSA SEAMAN, the.' above named respondents; Take notice that a pleading seeking roilof against you has boon filed In tho above entlliod Dis trict Court action. Tho nature ol tho roilof being sought Is as follows; Termination of Parental Rights of Melissa Seaman. You are required to make de fense to such pleading not later than the 16th day ol June, 2009, said date being 40 days Irom the llrst publication ol this notice and upon your failure to do so tho party seeking against you will apply to the court for the roilof sought. , This the 7th day of May, 2009. E. Edward Vogler, Jr., Attorney for Potitioners NC State Bar(f<8069 181 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone: 336-751-6235 5-1-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA-Part B, Pub lic Law.108.446) Project Is pres ently being amended. The Project describes the special education programs that Dayie County Schools proposes for Federal lunding for the 2009-2010 School Year. Interested persons are en couraged to review amendments to the Project and mako comments concerning the implomonlallon of special education under this Fed eral Program. All comments will be considered prior to submission of the'amended Project to the North Carolina Department ol Pqb- iic instruction in Raleigh, North Carolina. ThelDEA-PartBProleot is open to the public lor review and comments during the week ol May 18-22,2009 In t.he office of Pamela Jewell, Dlfootor of Exceptional Children, located at Central Davie Education Center, 220 Campbell Road, Mooksvllle, NC 27028. 5-7-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix ol Ihe Estate of ROBERT MARTIN . STALEY late ol Davie County, this Is to notlly all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore August 7, 2009, (being three {3} months Irom the first day of publication of this notice) or this notlco will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. Ail persons, firms, and corporations Indebted to said estate will please mako Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 29th day of April, 2009. APRIL GREEN STALEY 186 Chal Smith Road Mocksville, NC 27028 MARTIN & VAN HOY LLP Attorneys at Law Ten Court Square . Mocksville, NC 27028 5-7-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE JUVENILE COURT DIVISION 2009-JT-17 In Re: ZOEY MACKENSIE PAIGE SEAMAN, (a minor child). NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: STEVEN'R, SEAMAN, JR„ AND MELISSA SEAMAN, the above named respondents: Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has boon filed In the above onlllied Dis trict Court action. The nature of the reilel being sought Is as loliows: Termination of Parental Rights of Melissa Seaman. You are required to make de fense to such pleading not later than the 16th day ol Junei 2009, said date being 40 days from Ihe first publication of this notice and upon your failure to do so the party seeking against you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This Ihe 7lh dayol May, 2009. E, Edward Vogler, Jr., Attorney tor Petitioners . . . NC State Bar #8069 181 South Main Street Mbcksvllle.NC 27028 Teiephono: 336-751-6235 5-1-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY . IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE , SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION , , .BEFORE THE CLERK ,,, v 09 SP 67 In the Matter ol the Foreclosure of the Deed of Trust executed by Alien Wayne Builders RHS, LLC, Trustor In Deed of Trust recorded In Book 748, Pago 395, Davio County Registry NOTICE OF SALE UNDERAND BY VIRTUE OF a Power ol Salo contained ih that certain Doed of Trust executed by Allan Wayne Builders RHS, LLC, dated February 28,2009, and re corded in Book 748, Page 395, Davie County Registry, North Carolina, and under and by virtue ol that certain Order entered by tha Clerk of Superior Court of Davie County on April 30, 2009, default having been made In the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed ofTrust, and the holder ol the note evidencing said indebt edness having directed that the Deed bl Trust be loreclosed; the undersigned Trustee will oiler lor sale on the steps of the Court house In Mocksville, Davie County, North Carolina, at 11:00 A.M. on ' May 28,2009, and will sell to the highest bidder tor cash the lollow: ing described property, to wit: BEING KNOWN AND DESIG NATED as Lot No, 14 as shown on the plat entitled ESSEX FARM, PHASE I, as recorded in Plat Book 9, pages 289 and 290, In the Of fice of Ihe Register of Deeds of DavIe Counly, North Carolina, ref erence to which is hereby made lor a more particular description. The address for the Property Is 209 Essex Farm Road, Advance, NC, 27006. Third party purchasers must pay tha excise tax, pursuant to N.C.G.S. 105-228.30, in the amount of One Dollar ($1.00) per each Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or Iracllonal part thereof, and the Clerk of Court's fee, pur suant to N.C.G.S. 7A-308, In the amount ol Forty-live Cents ($0.45) per each One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or fractional part thereof or Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), whichever is greater. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the bid, or Seven Hundred Fifty Doliara ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale and must be tendered in the torm of certified funds. Following the expiration of tho statutory up set bid period, all the remaining amounts will be immediately due and owing. Said property to be offered pur suant tb this Notice ol Sale Is be ing olfered for sale, transfer and conveyance AS IS WHERE IS. There are no representations ol warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, heallh or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered tor sale. This salé Is made subject to ail prior liens, unpaid taxes, special assessments, land transler taxes. If any, and encum brances of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the un dersigned, the current owner of the property Is Alien Wayne Builders RHS, LLC, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: An or der for possession of the proporty may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties In possession by the Clerk of Superior Court ol tho county In which the property is soid. This the 4th day of May, 2009. Is part of that property described in Deed Book 425, Page 866, Davla County Registry, ■ Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior convey ances of rocord. Said property is commonly known as 298 Townpark Drive Unit 301, Advance, NC 27006. Third, party purchasers must pay the excise lax, and the court costs of Forty-Five Cents (45«) per One Hundrèd Dollars ($100.00) pursuant to NCOS 7A-308(a)(1), A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) ol the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, wlli be required at the time ol tho sale. Following the ex piration of Ihe statutory upset bid period, ail the remaining amounts are Immediately due and owing. Said property to bo offered pur suant to this Notice ol Sale Is bo ing offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS.” Thore are no ropresentatlons ot . warranty relating to thé titio or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to Iho property being offered lor sale. This salo Is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, ease ments, rights ol way, deeds of re lease, and any other encum brances or exceptions of record. To the best ot the knowledge and Brant H, Godfrey, Trustee belief of Ihe undersigned, the cur- 2631 Reynolda Road rent owner(s) ol tho property is/are Amanda K. Caudle. . . An Order lor possession ol the property may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 In favor ol the pur chaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court ,ol the county in which the property Is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered Into or renewed on or af ter October 1,2007, may, after re ceiving the notice of sale, termi nate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written noticq iQ tha landlord. The notice shall also state that upon termination ol a rental agree ment, the tenant Is liable for rent due under the rental agreemeht prorated to tho ettectlve date ot the termination. if the trustee Is unable to con voy title to this property for any rea son, the sole remedy of the pur chaser Is Ihe rotum ot the deposit. Reasons of such Inability to con vey include, but are not limited to, the liling of a bankruptcy petition prior to tho conflmiatlon ol the sale • . ■Winston-Salem, NC 27106 (336)777-0078, 5-14-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY 09 SP 43 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE ' Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by AMANDA K, CAUDLE, A SINGLE PERSON to JOHN H, KORNEGAY Trustoe(s), which was dated August 11, 2003 dnd recorded on August 11, 2003 In Book 504 at Page 361, Davie County Registry, North Carolina, Dalault having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Brock & Scott, PLLC, having been substi- luted as Trustee In said Deed ol Trust by an instrument duly re corded In the Olflce of the Regis ter ol Deeds ol Davie County, North Carolina, and the holder ol the,note evidencing said Indebtod^in and relnstatemenl Qt the loan wlth- ness having directed that the Deed out the knowledge of the trustee. MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL SPBINC IS HEBE Bobcat, aerator, core plugget & more for rent today! -,336, 751-2304 F O R S A L E : Cars • Trucks Utility Buiitdings Carports: All Sizes, Ali Galvanized All Size Dog Lots' 336-751-3442 Mooksvllle, NC of Trust bo loreclosed, the under signed Substitute Trustee will of fer lor sale at the courthouse door of tho counly courthouse where the property Is located, or the usual and customary location at ttio county courthouse lor conducting tho sale on May 26,2009 at 12:30 PMi and Will sell to the highest bid der (or cash the following de scribed property situated In Davie County, North Carolina, to wit; Re: Amandle Caudle ■Unit298-301, Building 11, The Condominiums at KInderton Vil lage (Davie) Address; 298 Townpark Drive .#301, Advance, NC Property Description: \ , ' BEING kno w n AND DESIG NATED as Unit 298-301 In Build ing 11 of The Condominiums a( KInderton Village as shown on a map and plat of same which Is re corded In Condominium File 2, Pages 1 and 2 in the Olflce to the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, reference to which Is hereby made lor a more particular description, TOGETHER with that undi vided Interest In the common area set forth in the Declaration of Con’- domlnlum (and any amendments thereto) for TheCondomlnlums at KInderton Village recorded In Book 458, Pago 168, Davla County Reg istry. . ■ TOGETHER with and subject lo ali conditions, rights and ease ments set forth in the Master'Dec- laratlon ol Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions ) and amend ments thereto) recorded In Book 354, Page 354 and Book 430, Page 415, Davie County Registry arid the Declaration ol Condo minium (or The Condominiums at KInderton Village (and any amend ments thereto) recorded In Book 458, Page 168, Davie County Reg istry, The above-described proporty METAL ROOFING 3' Coverage • 40+ Colors 40 .Year Warranty *1,500*^ TAX CREDIT AVAILABLE Call fo r prices! 1-888-278-6050 MID-STA1E METALS of the Carolinas, LLC www.nildslatometals.com if tho validity ol the salo Is chal lenged by any party, Iho trustee, in thoir solo discretion, II they bo- ilovo Iho chailongo lo have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR, THE PURPOSE OF THIS COM MUNICATION IS TO COLLECTA DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, EXCEPT IN THE INSTANCE OF BANK RUPTCY PROTECTION, iP/OU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT OF ^ BANK RUPTCY PROCEEDING, .THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PUR SUANT TO STATUTORY RE QUIREMENT AND FOR INFOR MATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN AT TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT AS SESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY substitute Trustee Broc|< & Scott, PLLC Jeremy B, Wilkins, NCSB No. 32346 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910)392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 09-04187 5-14-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COiJNTY PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE’S NOTICE Having quallllod as Personal Representative ol the Estate of SIRENA GALE HICKS, deceased, late of davie county. North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or betore the 14th day of Au gust, 2009, said date ^elng at least three months Irom the date ol first publication of this notice, or this notlco wlli be pleaded in bdr of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment to the under signed, ■ This 14th day of May, 2009, the same being the llrst publication date, Elaine W. Tittle, Personal Representative of the Estate ol Slrena Gale Hicks 292 Tittle Trail Mocksville, NC 27028 Grady L. McClamrock, Jr., NCSB #7866 Attorney lor the Estate ol Slrena Gale Hicks 161 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 ' Telephone; (338) 751-7502. 5-14-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 09 SP47 Under and by virtue ol a Power ot Sale contained In that certain Deed of Trust executed by Char lotte D. Evans and Ronnie Evans to Southland Associates, inc., Trustee(s), dated September 22, 2003, and recorded in Book 515, Page 275, and re-recorded in Deed Book 530 and Pago 762, Davie County Registry, North Carolina. Delault having been made In the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed ot Trust and the undersigned, having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Office of tho Register ol Deeds of Davie Counly, North Carolina, and the holder ot the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed ol Trust be foreclosed, tha undorslgnod Substitute Trust ees will olfer for sale at the Court house Door In Davie County, North Carolina, at 1:15PM on May 26, 2009, and will sell to the highest bidder lor cash tho loliowing de scribed property, to wit: BEGINNING al an Iron In Ihe northwest corner of Lot 22 of the E. L. Gaither Heirs Subdivision No. 2 (Plat Book 3, Page 9) and north east corner of Lot 21 owned by Ben Owens and C. L. Whitaker (DB211, PG 329); thence with the eastern boui\dary lino ot Lot 21 Soulh 19 dog, 53 mln. 16 seo. West 248,42 loot to an Iron in the southwest corrier of Lot 22 and the southeast corner ol Lol 21; thence with the southern line ot Lot 22 and the northern line of Lot 49 South 65 dog, 17 mln. 49 seo. East 100,21 leal lo an Iron in the south east comer ol Lot 22 and being the southwest comer of Lot 23; thence with the eastern line of Lol 22 North 19 dog. 36 mln. 57 seo. East 252,92 feet to an Iron In the north east comer of the herein described tract; thence with Ihe right of way of West Church Streot North 69 deg. 00 mln, 00 seo. West 98.67 leet to the point and place ol be ginning, containing 24,777 squate fest, more or less, and being Lot 22 and the E, L, Gaither Heirs Sub division No, 2 as set forth Iri Plat Book 3, Page 9 (slide 54) as sur veyed by John Richard Howard, Registered Land Surveyor, on June 18, 1996 (Job No, 96048), Subject to restrictive covenants In DB 59, PG 560, Davie County Registry, and any other easements and restriction of record. For back title, see DB 381, PG 852; DB 71, PG 245; and DB 59; PG 560, Davla County Registry, See also Tap Map 1-4-5, A, Pei, 203, located In Mocksville Township, Davie County, North Carolina, Said property is oommonly known as 316 W, Church Streot, Mocksvillo, NC 27028. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, pursuant to N.C,G.S, 105-228,30, in the amount ol One Dollar ($1.00) per each Five Hundred Dollars П RANDY MILLER &SONS 295 Miller Roail* Mocksville (336) 284-2826 • Novv Pumping Ssptic Tanks < Skid steer Work Tttmcher Work Hauling Sepilo Systems Footings Loader Work lords, lor^^ ($500.00) or fractional part thereof, and the Clerk of Courts (ee, pur suant to N.C.G.S, 7A-308, In the amount of Forty-live Cents (45) per each One Hundred Dollars ($100,00) or Iracllonal part tharebl or Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), whichever is greater. A deposit ol live percent (5%) o( the bid. Or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greatar, will be required at the time of thé sale and must be tendered In thé form ol certified funds. Following the expiration o( the statutory up set bid period, ali the remaining amounts wlli be Immediately due and owing. Said property to be offered pur suant to this Notice o( Sale is be ing olfered 1er sale, transfer and conveyance AS IS WHERE IS, There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, healtti or saloty conditions existing In, on, at, or relating to the property being offered lor sale. This sale is made, subject to aii prior liens, unpaid ' taxes, special assessments, land transfer taxes, II any, and encum brances o( record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of thd undersigned, tho current owner(s) ol the property Is/are Charlotte Evans and Ronnie Evans. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: An order for possession of the prbpr erty may bo Issued pursuant -tà Gis, 45-21,29 In favor of the püfi- chaser and against the party or parties In possession by the clerk ol superior court of the county^ln which Ihe property Is sold, .■ J Any person who occupies trte property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or re} newed on or alter October 1,2007> may, alter receiving the notice p( sale, terminate the rental agree* ment upon 10 days’ written notice to the landlord. The notice shall also state that upon termination o( a rental agreement, that tenant is liable 1er rent due Under the rental agreement prorated to the oKoc- live date ol the termination. Nationwide Trustee Services, inc.. Substitute Tnjsteo' 1587 Northeast Expresswâÿ Atlanta, GA 30329 (770)234-9181 Our File No,:221,0703219NC/ • LMS 5-14-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING FY 2009-2010 PROPOSED ■ DAVIE COUNTY BUDGET , The FY 2009-2010 proposed' budget for Davie Counly was pre sented to tho Davio County Board of Commissioners on Monday, May 4,2009, Tho proposed bud get totals $61,651,897: General Fund- $48,156,083.00 Revaluation- 217,903.00'. E911 - 438,850,00 Water Construction : - 3,550,000,00 Capital Projects. 3,011,241,00 Wator/Sewer Enterprise Fund 5,797,820,00 ' Solid Waste Enterprise Fund - 480,000,00 Tho proposed budget calls (or a proporty tax rate ol sixty-two cents ($.62) per $100 of property valuation which Is equivalent to the revenue neutral tax rate. A copy ot the budget prbposal Is available for pubiic Inspection In the Davie County 'Manager's Of fice during normal business hours of 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Mon day through Friday, Roorri 250, Davie County Administration Build ing, 123 South Main Street, Mocksville, North Carolina. A public hearing on the pro posed budget wlli be held at 6:00 p.m., Monday, June 1,2009 in the Commissioners' Meeting Room, Davie County Administration Buiid- ing,123 South Main Streot, Mocks ville, North Carolina to receive pub,-; lie comments, either oral or writ; ten. Brenda B. Hunter Clerk to the Board Davie County Board ol Commissioners 5-14-2ln ^Bermuda Love, ? Excellent working , environment and conditions. H elp W anted PC A 3 rd S hift 8am -8pm Call 336-998-6712 or apply in person, Hwy, 801 S„ Advance ‘ J D8 - DAVIE,COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,2009 DAVIE-CLEMMONS Щ Cali Monday-Friday 8 AM-5 PM TOLL FREE 1 -I7 7 7 S1 -Z1 2 I FAX: 704-630-0157 EMAIL! CLASSADS@SAt.lSBÜRYPOST.COM REACH OVER29,000 READERS EVERY WEEK! F î “ » Fi fÉíáino‘kW ay!tó I ' гI ì Healthcare S i i Lphoto wilh your auto ad & run it uniif^ft !kS'for$20. Run a photo w/your ’ ise ad for $30 for weeks. . ; ■ m CT-U R E A D S Include a for 4 wee house ad •itimiUiffiMM« •lim aM rtM i f’U /М М т ц ' • efÉCMIDMMtiw •e«ipl*№ ilwwN/ Ц1ШШ •Mml MMfMttUM •НмМмИММч •м 1 « м м ... •Мм(иМЦ|* •MflMlClMkH •RMhmt/rMl tMiilMariiitliii •iMMMlbifloiiiRMrt A ccounting & Finance Healthcare Triun^h, LLC, Q Statewide provider ol Adult, Child and Family Mental Health and Substance Abuse sorvicos, is seeking experienced professionals for tho following locations; Intonslvo ln-Hoitio Spoclallals ifëommunlly Supfwrl Qunllllod Protoislonol or :ommunlly Support LIconsod Prolosslonal fi) Community Support Quolllled ProlosslonnI or Communlly Support Uoonsed Protosslonol ComnHinlty Support Uconsed Professionals must bo llconsod in North Carolino. For moro Inlormallon, ploaso visll our wobslto al:www.lrlumpti(iare9.com - or omall your rosumo to: caroorsffitrlumphoa ros.com Drivers & _Tran8£ortatlon_ Drlv«rt • Mllos & Frolghl; Po* eltlons avallatilo ASAPI CDL* A wilh lankor roquliixi. Top pay. premium bonofits and MUCH MOREI Gail or visit us onlino, в77*4в4-3060. www.oaktoylraneporl.com A ccounting & Finance Accounts Payoble ClerkLe DIuu Corporalton has an Immodlato u..i. r.opening for Л Full TInxi Accounte ‘ ' РауаЫо ClorH • Provloue accountspayat)lo oxporlonco roqulrod. Strong accounting knowledge and background. Dopondabto, ассигаЮ. strong attontion lo detail. Toam playor, willing to do othor accounlino and olfico tasks whon neoood. Poacntroo Accounting soltwaro exporl> ence prolorrod. Hours; M-F B-S, PakJ Holidays, Vacation, Group Health, Dental, Llie, STD, Insurance, Product Dla* counts. Send resume to: Lo Dktu Corp. Attn; Human Re* sources. PO Box 2093. Advoncn, NO 27006. Fax: 330-99в- 4167, email; humanro9ourcos0lobtou.com Healthcare Triumph, LLC, a slatowldo provider ol Adult, Cliild and Family Montai Hoalih and Sub- stanco Abuso sorvicos. Is seeking oxporloncod professionals lor Iho following locations: Communljy Support Llcenasd t^rofeulorul . Community Support Licensed Profemlonola must be licensed In North Carolina, For moro Infor* matlonseeourwebaito: www,trlumphcaro8.com Email foaumes to: careers 0 trlumphcarOs.com Drivers & J[ran8£ortatlon_ Cargo Transporters. FInan- ' cially strong, lamily ownod company. Now hiring OTR drtvors. Musi havo 2 years oxportenca and.dean driving record. www.cargolrans* poitors.com l-a20-45a-32OO General ExptrlenoMl Sffvlc« Advl* sor - Exporiencod Car Dolali* or - Oliingual Sales Assodalo Ail American Ford Morcury Is now hiring for tho above poel* lions. 330*761*2101 Job Fair, Satuiday, Juno 6, 8am*12pm at Fairfield Mis* sionary Ooptist Church. Coniaci Moika al 704-433-0222 lo paiticipale. NffnONM Giulio^RedennoyoursolllCall your Army Recruitorl SPC QyronWiHlard 33O-410-3OÖO byron.wliilard Ous.army.mll Sub Driver needed for pa*por roulo for Juno 20-Juiy 4. Must bo dopondablo & havo own iransporlalton. 330* 492-0343/336-702-5683 Yard Sale Area 2 ML Ulla. 9900 caldwon Rd. (Wmi. W. of Pattorson Farms)' MONSTER Yard Bale. Fil. ft Sat. 7;30am. Sun. 12pm*3pm. Yard Sale A re a s All New/Dtmo Item SaleSat May 10 from Sam until Can^ng.Hunting,Sports Equip,househokl llems.clothos.Hoeiys.cioals. Tents,doer stands,scopoo,CD radios,slooptng bags,scoot*■ ors,vacuum8,ftmoio Off KImbaD Rd In China Qrovo noar Food Uon ond YMCA Yard Sale Area 4 ABh'Lynn't Antlquos County Wide Antique & Yard SaleRowon County • Fairgrounds May 10* 17.2000 Sanv4pm Over 350 Booths Spacos for Ront Caii7o4-e36-0a5eor 704.633-9238 for Info 'Varcl'èair Area 6 Advance Yard Salt, Saturday. May 83.7;30am-2pm at Rediand Penlocostal Hoik noss Church, comer of 108 and BaitliTK>ro Road. Personal spacos also SvaHablo for $20 each. Caii 336*817*2072 Harmony. T* Annual Nelgh- borhoc^Yard Sale. Shoifloid Acres Subdivision (Moiik) Hood iocalod ofl Shofliold Rood). Saturday Onlyl 7nm> 12pm. 0*10 households par* tlcipallnQ, Lots ol ttoms lot sale. Chiklron's lomonado ond snack stand at tho end ol tho cukfe-sao (May Ю"). Mocksvillo Qarago Sale, Friday May 10 & Saturday Miiy 10. eam-unlli, 139 Crowo Stroot (oil 158 noar Shores Plumbing). Rain or Shlnol Furnituro and lots ol stulll Qaraao Sale,tnol Frl^y, MayMocksvllkiRain or Shlnol ...... ....16. 7am*12pm ft Soturday. May 10. 7am-2pm- Lots ot baby Items, now swing, siroltors, toys gaioro, ctothes *- girls 0*10 months. Men’s, women, matemlty. Most clolhes $1 or toss. Fumlluro, housohokl Itoma. olo. Lots ol now lloms, lAookavillo Yprd Sale, crafts arid bake goods. Saturday, May 10. 7am-2pm, 1207 Highway 04 East Money goes to Cornotzor иш. Roin or shlnol Advance Yard SM, FrkJay, May 15, 8am-12pm ft Salur* day. May 16.7am*12pm. 729 RedtandRoad^Qreatbuysl , 'A T T E N T IO N F IN R A R IQ I8 T IR ID R E P S B c e o m * lnd«ij|M i^,dm t. i ‘ , 80% brolterco^m leelonintention tor',, all products including RIA account .fees; Intercarolina Financial Services. Inc. IН с ш 3300 Battleground Avonuo, Suite 400, Qroenaboro, N.C. 27410 65 Registered Reps Operating Throughoiit 23 States Registered with SEC & FINRA since 1986 Contact Marcus Kindley or Joe Navolanic 1-800-326-3705 or 1-336-288-6890_______ Got wheels? Need wheels? Check out the Davie-Cleinmons classifieds and find that ride you’ve been looking .for! Yarci Sale A re a s Mockavllle Yard Sate, FriMay 15,0:00am-untii, and Sal May 16. 0:OOam*1;OOpm. 440 Dulin Road (off 158, Smith Qrovo soctlon). Housohokl Itorns, some clothing, Game Boy with gamb. dJgltai cam* ora, Chrlslian fiction books. Something for overyonol Rain orahlnol . Mockavlll« Yard Sate, Frklay ond Saturday, May 15 ft 16. 0am-un1ll, 233 Wilkesboro Stroot. Loads ol good things. Rain dale May 22 ft 23. Mocksvillo Yard Salo. Satur* dny. May 10, 7am, 2137 MÉng Road. Somothing loi ovoryonol Wuriitzor organ, housohokl Itoms. Mocksviile Yard Sale, Saturday, May 10, 8am-unlii, 2953 Hwy 601 Soulh. Everything from dolhos, dothos andanlk]uos. Davie & Clemmons Yard Sales Advance3 Family Yord Sale 120 Savannah Court Saturday. Q-noon Advance Yard Sale Friday, 7amunlil Saturday. 7am* until 257 Oronlwood Drivo off Hwy 801 in Crookwood Dovolop* meni, Pool cues, clothos, what-nots, coslumo |owoiry, CtiflsiiTkaa I'ems, colloctlbtoo, lumlture and lots moro. ClemmonaViiiago Civitan Annual Yard Soki Sol. 8-12pm Lowlsvlik) Clemmons Road next lo Advance Auto Parts In Iront of Slaplos.Coltoctibkjs, olllco desk & ouppllos, dollioa, housohokl, material, kltchon Itoms, antiques, '94 Chrystor Concorde and oloctronics. Coniaci Corbin Dirks with any doon* lions for yard sato. 330-665* 8013. Canceled if ralnli^. Cooleemei Elementary PTA will havo a Yord Sato/Car wash May 16 7om-2pm in Iho school parking tot. Wili niso havo hamburoorB t Irom 1l:30*l:30pm, Cooieemf«. 7039 Hwy 801 South. (Groasy (^rnor, tum lowarda N. Cooteemoo & 1 mile on loll. Toni's Starlight Doslm) inside Yard Sato Mon*Frt.ieaav8pm. Rain or shine. All sizoa of clothing, shoos (big lo liltto), dishes (ail kinds), scrapbooking stuff, bubtos' clothes (girl's ft boys’), cups ft Qiausos, dolls, lamps, poBtors, pictureIramoB, pockotbooks, snow- hmn Blonowaro sot. bifotios, mako-^p, wtiat-nots, food do- tiydralor, books, hoi roHoia, Iroozor bags, kid's pinball machine, to bolts, iowoiry. oun- loss tanning foam, koyboards, baltoon tanks, wadding things, coramio stuff, movtos. fumlturo, and moro Mocksvillo3 Family Yard Sato 687 Cona Road May I6 8am-unlil •Name brand ■ children's clothos. slzos 4-10, houso* hoki Itoms. glasawaro, DVD’s ft vktoos, adult dolhing, lurni* lure, toya and otoclrto wood eater. oSatoMooksvllle 4 Family Qar<Fri. May 16,8*jpm Sat. May16,8*ilom Rain or Shine. 160 Horso* shoe trail. 7/10 milo pasi Food Uon off Hwy 04 W. Hqusohold goods, chiklron and adult clothing and tots ol misc. . MockavllleLakewood ViRago Yard Soto Sat. May167am-until Concoi II raining. MockavllleMuill-Famliy Yard Solo US 601 North, on right past Dutchman’s Crook Frtday, May 16 Tam* until Mooksvllle Yard/Esidie Saio 712 North Main St.Rain or Shino Friday. May 16 9am-6pm Saturday. May 16 8am-2pm Found moro ol Bott/s (Troa* Buros) Vintage Coko Itoms, canning jars, prossuro cooH* or, bar stools, lamps, molol toy injcks, somo Tonka, an* liquos, glasBWoro, albums ond much moro. This is ono you don't want to miss. Mocksviile Yard Salo Saturday 8-3pm 1421 Main Churcl Mocksville. 166 Popporstono Drive. Nolghborhood Yard Sato. Saturday, May ^Q*', 7am-3pm. Too many lloms to list! Mockavllle. 161 Junction Road. Family Yard Sale. Sal* urdayONLY- May 16", 8am- until. Colioctlblea, housohold itoms. yard equipment, aolas, fonrnai dining so), and morel Davie & Clemmons Yard Sales Mockavllle. 2475 US Hwy 601 South. Yard Sato. Satur* day. May 16". 8am-2pm. Exorcise biko, Iroodmlil. iadtos clothos, shoos, homo docor, kllchon lloms, cookbooks, kid's outdoor slide, craft supplies ond much moro. • А|ИЦ|т/М1м11Ми •Д|||/спт/1МЫм • lilMi|EqilÌM№it/ tuiVllN • 1п1ий(«^ИМ</ • MIPUm n ISmiIi:« • Cltllm-XMl/CMMrM •CMpirtmlloflwM •DlCltMlM • ExnelwEviIfMiri •Fralvriv^WrilM • FlttMn^Mti • Fnl/Wotd • Fiinltixi/tiiriliMM • SiMiSToii • HmtIngaFliMig • UmtOiKilMSilNa Imlce •MMlllitMy^OOl« • IMlMlEquIpmnt • Mlw,(qulp^tiF|illM • MliciriiMNittForMi • Им1е1|1иЛ«п1н • t|Mitlii|l«<A • neUi • • п я т ш A ntiques & C olisctiblos Ceramlo boera in oxcolloni condition. Stand about 0*11 Inchoa tali. Flvo toial. $25 00 forali. СОП04037-005В Plano, antique. FREEI Noods some TLC. Cali any* 'limo aller 4pm.7(M-267-l400 B uilding E quipm ent & Supplies Discounted Stool BldgsBig & SmallGol tho Dooi of DoaiolPlacement lo Site 5HLRtonS^700-2¿T” HUGE SAVINGS Stool Arch Buildings. 3 REPO'D,20’x24‘, 25')â0’. Soiling foi balanced owodll Olsptoy dis* counts ovallablo. Call Todayl 1-866*352-0716 C lothes A dult & C hildren Wedding gown. Boautlful, whito, sloovoloss.Size 16. $150 704-033-7604 E lectronics DlrooTV Satelllle Television, FREE oquipnunl, FREE four room Installalton, FREE HD or DVR Rocolvor Upgrodo. Packages Irom $29.^mo. Coll DirocI Sol TV lor dotolls, 1-080-42O-O406. Tolovlslon, Phillips 27’ Works ond looks groatl Replaced w/ fial screen. Coil ^4*213-0251 Asking $76.00 E xercise ^Jg u lg m e n ^ Bow Flex Extreme, paid $1600 will soli for $450. Voiy good conditton. Usod voiy lit- ilo. 336*762*7329 Vitamastor Total Body Action oxordBO biko wllh Blomaslor Etoctronlcs. Call 704*239-0047 $35.00 Wolght Mt 130 Iba. .1 wolghl bar ft 2 dumbbell bars. $25.00.704*239-0947 Farm Equipment _^__& O ug£ jle s_ 1W7 WHEELHORSE,Needs somo TLC. It’s an An* tlquol Coll Mo in Faith. (704) 431*4360 $200.00 2007 New Holland ТСЭОFront End loader/Flnlsh Mower 98 hours $14,500. Price llrm. 704*209*1437 Furniture & A ppliances Black Gtaaa Umpa w«had«a(2) $25.00/pr. Call to soo and lake homo. In Follh, (704)431*4300 $25.00 Bunk bod w/ built-in doBk, sholvoe, drawers. All wood. Ctiorry finish. 704-433-2499. $499.00 Leather Sofa and LovoSeat, Rociinora on onde. Dark Burgundy. (704)431* 4300. $200.00 Pier 1 8t«M table w/ 4 chairs. $450. Tali toptory $45, 2emali$10.19'colorTV$35. PIIStd$20. 704-267*3230 Refrtgerator, Slda-by-alde,Asking what I pakt. About 32* wkJo. Ploaso con 704-037* OOSOonytimo. $100.00 ______________Soio. Newly Covorad Duncan Phylo sofo w/ 2 pillows ft ami covors. Woii protectod Irom ouniighl. ExceUonl conditton. 00* long. 32* loll, 30* deep. $350 nog. 704-780-8275 Concord Aroa Games & Foldup doll houee with furni* lure. Coll 704*276*2346 bo* loro 0 p.m.$35.00 Jew elry Tin of }ewolry. Some broken but moBt In good condition. $25.00 lor nil. Call any lime 7O4-O37-OO50. I^wn & Garden Sales & Service Outdoor canopy witt mosquito noitino - vory protty $100 ODO Cnll 704-215 0251. Medicai ^Eguigm ent^ 2004 Victory Pride Mobility Scooter. Rod, 3 whool, full Boat w/arm rosi. Uso 704.267.4443 $500.00 Misc. Equipment __4_S U £g¡jee__ Water Softner ft PH balance system. Cost now $2000.00 now $500.00 704-239*0947 M isc For Sale 350 engine and 350 turbo transmisston. Noods torque converter. 704*239-4890 Air Hockey ТаЫе. 7 loot, It In Doo al Toys R Us ). Asking $160 firm. «-4Ш580 bought for $591 492-5203 or 336-41 Black RCA color TV Asking $40.Calikoily.704*780*3505 $40,00 Cabinet ft drawer pulls. Amorock irodittonal. 33 avail* abto. Bought now $5 oa. Wiil soil oil for $75 obo. 704-633* OOOOaflorOpm ChevroleL 1008, Camero.V-6 ongino. Noods dutch.- $500. Please call 704-630-8250 Large mirror 40*x48*conditton I2*1613$20.00 Lanox 3.5 Central Air Sya- tern with condonsor, cods groat, $500. Ptoaso call 704* 270-5329 for moro Info. Two handmade atuffedbeara 18". tail, ono la black and brown and ono la blue. $40oach. 336-040-5134 Victorian doHhouae fum^ ture. Rvo plooe. Call 278* 2346 before 9 p.m.$26.00 FREE DIRECTV 4 ROOiVI SYSTEM! AI L DIGITAL CttANNl.Lb I K) HD CHANNELS' D I ri E С T V T o ll F r e e 8 6 6 - 6 9 5 - 7 9 3 8 VInyt Storage Bulkflnge 12’X 10' wllh loft. $3,486. 12* X 20* With workbench $3,815. Prices Include dotlvory and 801‘up. Other sizoa avallabto. Call 704-657*8611 Water Slide, large Bonz), $150. Pool 1аЫо. $50. Now 10 aoood biko, $50. Ptoase cali 704*209*3208 White wedding dreaa size 9/10 $50.Call Kelly 704*788-3593 W ant to Buy M erchandise Timber wanted • Pino or hardwood. 5 acres or moro soloct or clear cut. Shavor Wood Products. ino.Cdli 704-270-9291. Timber Wanted. 1 aero or. rhoro, pino or hardwood, door or sotocl. H ft M Logging. 330-408-6570 Wanted TimberTop prtoo poyod for Timber, Smojl and large tracks. CoU336*473-2653 • UmtMk •MltKPtll • FitlUmtKk linlMI Cats Ceta. Froo to good homo; 2 adult cols invtt. 2 ktttons im/lf. All aro titter box trained. 704*433*1767 PreeKlttenaBlack and white and gray and whito. 0 wooka old. (704)764-1348 KIttena.Froo lo good homoA. 4 beau* lllul kitiona. Ptoase coll 704* .855-2904 All new Happy Jack Pel Stain ft Odor Remover, citrus onzymos pormanoily remove pot stains ft odorsi SMfTHERMAN'S HARD* WARE 330-706-9109 Free to good home - 2 mole Chow mix/PltbuH puppies. Need Shota and wormor. 704- 212*7248. Jason or Stacy Pupplee.4 Miniature Dachshunds, 3 fomato. 1 mato. $150 each. Horses Paature Boerda, ton ocros, $125/mo; with stall $175/mo (you food ft hay). Call - Livestock Donkeya.Groy miniature donkey 34 Inches tail. Jack $350. Cali 330-040-3311 Grain-fed ateem. Fuli food for 6 months. Appiox. 1,000* 1,200 lbs. WoukJ soR on live weight or hanglira wolghl. Call Jerry Foster. 33G-098-7176. other Pets Fancy blue, raL female and cage. 0 months ok). Qontio ond swoot. Froe. 704-003-4005 Pet & Llvestoci< Services VIP Dog Qroomings 25f yoora oxpor. Mon.*Sal. by ap- polnlmonl. 8апю day oppolnl- monts avali most doys. 330* 204*4350. ООО Pine Rkige Rd.. Mockavlle (Cooioemeo). $5ollwlthlhisad Sell Fast! Cali Today! 1-B77-751-2120 •IÍHÍMIÍM ' •FM Mi •и т Г м м M l ОвШ1М1 •niNlOiptMHlM Business _^g g o rtu n ltle s_ Bualneaa Fair - Are youtooking for an opportunity In solos and nuirkotlpg? Como lo our Business Opportunity Fair on Thursday. May 14-^ ol 7;30 p.m. Call an indepOndonl associate today to roson/o your spot lor Inis special brtofing about pro-pokiX son/icos ot 704*764* .Ask lor Robert. Free S tuff Free Beagle mix, female.Older dog. Outdoors mainly. Noods foncod yord. To good toving homo. 330*793*7730 FREE dog, Gonnon. fomato. Block w/goid. 1 room to run. Robies shot, Vory soclabio. 704-212*2213 Free Dog. Vory loving Aust* Shepherd Fomoie 2 yrs, gn)al w/poopto. Moving can't take care of. 704 764 3816 Froe firewood, already cut, and froe wood box to keep firewood in. No calla alter 0pm. 704*239-0047 Free khtene assorted ootora to good toving liomoa oniy. Six wooka okJ. Playful ft inioi box trained. 336*793*7730 Froe pupplee. ' 3 black L&b/Dtoodhound ptpptoa. 10 weeks okl with shots. Great lomporamont. 704*433-5214 ATTENTIO N HYDROXYCUT® USERS! ir you, ur someone you know, hnve taken ii I ly(lix)xycut weiglit lo.ss product aiul cxpcrlcnccd: * L iv e r FuiUirv/Duim iKU "■ Khubdum yolyül.s (M ásele D isorder) .Jaundice ■" C ar(llova.seular l)l.sorder.s * Death l‘knsc conlnct Kim Wilson wWi U wis & Roberts, 3700 Glenwood Avcmio, Riilcl({h, NC nt (888) 981*0939 font free consulifltion nr vlKlt You imiy be ciilidud to compensatioii. biiyiieiHi. sell here. DaviiHileiiiiiiMis dassillMb ere’s not a bette dea around DAVIE-CLEMMONS Call Monday-Friday 8 AM-5 PM TOLL FREE DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,2009 ■ D9 1 -1 7 7 -7 Б1 - 2 1 2 1 FAX: 704-630-0157 . EMAIL: CLASSADSOSALISBURYPOST.COM REACH OVER 29,000 READERS EVERY WEEK! E B E E A D S e C T U R E A P S Giving away зо(ле1Ь1пв or sellirtg something; Include a photo with your auto ad & run it ■ RUN ITFOR ImPmi ® ’ '1 ^ .^^O. Run a photo w/your Free s tu ff Kittens. 3 fomato kittons, lunny and swoot. Froe. Ploaso call 704-279-1287 leave message. Kittens. Femolos; Igroy. Igroy ond white, ft mother 2 oars'old. All housobrokon. ■roe. 704-038-2207 WoodFroo wood. Already cut down, Muol pk:k up. Ploaso call 330*751*3730 instruction Attend College Online from homo. Modlcal, Businoss, Parnlogai, Computers, Criminal Juslk;o. Job placomont assistance. Computer ovaH- abio. Financioi aid II nuoNftod. Call 666-050-2121, www.ConturaOnilno.com Lost & Found Found Basset Hound 6-5. Mw/cotlar on Agnor Road. Ho is V07 sod hunting for his fami* iyi Cali lolD. 704-637-9591 Found cat.in OOl/Locko Fire Dopi. aróa. Ploaso can 704-645*7224 lo idontify. Found Dog on Callahan Rdksvl}ogto.0244 lo claim. In Mocksvillo. Smo» tomato Ooogto. Ptoaso call 336-040* Found dog on Chapel Streol In Landis on 5/4. Fomato Shophord mix wilh no collar. Coil 704-210-4540 to claim. Found Monday, May II In n.m. Canadian Drtvor's Lt* cense. Coll to idontify. 704* 2708094 or 685*472-2714 LOST Black Scottish Terrierwith a rod coBar, Wo aro trying lo keep hope olive. Holp us ptoase. Jock was In 0 cor accldoni on tho rainy night ol 4/10/2009 at 601*140 and in Iho confusion ran away. Jack was a gill Irom ownoi’s who has slrKO passed owr REWARDIt 330-817*2790 ) Dad LOST ault jacket, btock! Gordon’s* Suits. Zoko's 601 S. Call Mark (Eaton Funeral) 336-477-4444 REWARD iVlonument & Cem etery Lots Burial plots, 2 avallabto. In Wostlawn Momortal Qnrdons. .Fountain ooction. St,750 oach. Coii 330*775-2283 Notices DAVIE PREGNANCY CARE Conlor offers conlklontlAl ft free pregnancy loBts. oupporl sorvicos and referrals. Make a healthy chotoo lor your lifol Cali 336*753 HOPE for appl. FREE CAMPING ft $200 In Qrocory RowardsI Boautllul Campground Resort In l4onh Carolina. Amazing Amonlttos and Family Fünf Coii 600* 705-2190 to Discovor Moroi •NowluIMm •N M itlitM i •litNMllMMlPrOIWtll • likiProiMty • 1м11иМг • UUforM* • MwiilictinilHoiH • ItanulKttMilHo^a StiN • ManuliGlOTilHoiae Ull lor Salt • MMlfNltntlHOiM ImlMtMpaln •üortHHtNtiltM/ IMN • RMlEttatiiiniieM • RNlEtti№Cwpmli •RmrtlViuUM • WuMiMilEttati Homes for Sale B^aar Creek Church Rd, 9-<- acrot, 3BR/18A. basomont. shop building, bams, pond, Wm R Davto School DlBlricl. First timo buyor $8,000 crodit posslbto, $169,000. 330-751-5628 CoSeemee; Oldo'r exocutlvo homo noar rocreatton aroa. 4- 5BH, 2BA. Fireplaces, enclosed porch. Low 140s. 330* 009-5676 or 336-204-2287, ^iiri»iWit,wiiiMom«ppi)r.'c»iito house ad for $30 for 4 weeks. Unlimited Words$5.00 a Week Homes for Sale Homes, Government fund* Ing avaltoble lor oii homo buyors who own land or havo fomlly land. $0 down, oasy financing. Cali 330*348* 6347. Land for Sale Acreage, 324V№oded Plus2 ctoarod buikJing sitos, 2.4* 3.0 acres njrol sottlng^rond Irontago. 330-492-2144 M anufactured Home Sales $0 Down wllh your land. Noctosing cost.Ploaso call 330-209-5012 $2,500 down13 payments toft. Ptoaso call 704-463-3702 $3.000 down - only 13 pay* monts toft. Call quicki Wo owner linance. Ploase cali 330-299*5013 2 Year Job Time,2 Yoar Rental History, You Can Own Todayl 704-630-0149 Government funds avallabto for 1" time homebuyors who own land or have family land. Zero Down. Easy Financlngl 704-630^100 Mocksville area. 30R.2BA $65Q/month.Ownor financing.Cali 704*403-3702 Movo tn TodeylIBR, IBA cottage with porch.$450/Month704-030-0840 fMove In Todayl 2BR.2BAwllh Porch. 65 or ОИег Community 704-030-6400 New Hornea $2,500 Down 2 credit references 336-209 0520 Take Over My PaymentsI$402/Monlh PIoaso call 704-030-0400 n t ’ - R e i o r t * I I Vacat|on_Pro£ert^ Ocean Front. Myrllo Boach. Rogoncy Towors. 2DR, 2BA sloops 0. Nonr Spring Makl Plor ПГЧ1 Orofldwiiy ot Doach.' Pool, hot tub. otc. $100 gas crodll. 704-223 0010 • AfMtMtltl • HMMifMlM • UiiFniiMrtyllHtil • LwllorllMl -OtflHt CoiMiiicldllMtil • FutmlulloiRMl • IlMiifMliniltotM lib • IlMitKtindlkfMt (mIM • RmrtlVMUkM RntÁ • RotMiitiWuti^ • RNmlwRNt •Пм|1 • W iaMliltott.. Apartm ents Mocksviile, downtown.. Largo IBR opt. Appllcaiton ft doposit roqulrod. Avallabto Juno 1.704-270-1717 Condos & Townhom es Winston-Salem 2BR/2BA,Raintroo Condos (off Country Club Rd). $650/mo + dop. No pots. 336-972-0072 Houses for Rent Advance, 125 Llttl* John Dr. Brtok ranch. 2 tg. BR, 1.5 BA, dish' waslior, stove, rolrg., disposal. Lg DR ft LR, laundry room. Oil lioat. Con' tral air. 2 car garago attached w/opon(jfs, now flooring throughout. Boau- tiful ctoan home. No pots. $760/mo. 336*7660526 Houses for Rent Advance. IBR, tBA, Guool cottago. Water Indudod. $450/month + deposit. No pots. 336-098*1444. Advance. 3BR. 2Hi BA, garage. 2,000 ± sf, security system. Executive homo Rent $1,400 or Rent to Own. 704-630 0695 Advance. Frost Rd, olf Hwy 158. 3BR, m BA. Central hoat ft nir. $695/mo. + dop. 336-577-2404 itury 336-751-2222 350McCultoughRd.', Mocksviile, 3BR,1BA.$075/mo. 264 Ken Dwlggins- Mocksviile 3BR, 20A. All appl. indudod. $75Q^mo. 8225 Shallowford Ln. • Lowlsvlile20R,26ACul- lago w/oil l>oal.$550/mo. 321 Burton Rd.> Advance. 20R, 2BA vfHli luQ basomuni on torgo acreage tract. V07 privalo. Joso'mo. 8020 Whitmore Cove Ln.Clemmons. Stunning 4BR, 3hBA. 2-slory brick. Full basomonl, community pod, ft town maintonanco provided. $1.900/mo. 402t WMrlowayCt. • Tangiewood Forms, Clemmons. IDR. IBA condo. All oppilancos. $650/month. 134 Millwright Ct.< Milling Woy, Mocksvilie.2BR,2BA condo with gamgo, community pool.$850/month. • 123 Park Place Ct., Mocksvilie. Gorgeous brand now4DR,3^^BAon qutol cui-do-sac. $1,65(Vmonlh Hwy 601 Bypass.* Mocksviile. (JuBt dl 1-40) Commerdal offtoo spaco for loose. 2 officos, break room, receptton area ft bathroom. $700/mo. PosBltXo addt'l opaco . avaNabto. Call Century 21 Triad 330-751-2222 Mon-Frl, 6anv-0pm OR 33«-751-58S5ext213 nights and weekends. Clemmons. 1620 Southwest Schooi Rd. 20R. IBA. Uving room, kltchon, toundry room. Larne IronI porch. Largo yard. PorTocllor4i $60(Vmo. VVith $300 doposlt. 330-766-0827 Cooioemee. 5 rooms, 1 BA. No pots. $500/month plus $500 doposit required. Ploaso call 336-264-4373 Corbin Hills, Hde #2. 2BR, 2V^BA condo. $800/mo.$500 deposit. Pels OK ft pod usage. Cali 704-239-6115 Davie County. 3BR. IBA. 10 ml. N. of \-40, off 601. Extra clean. No pots. $600Ano. plus deposit. 330-4S3-5457. ' ERA Premtor Realty Jackie Coulston 330-753-0777or ' 330-761-2OSS MOCKSVILLE-Chartoslon Rtoge. 3BR.2BA. Screened porch, lencod backyard, 2 car garago. Smoko Freo. Reduced S/D ol $450. $896Ano. MOCKSVILLE-Ctmrtoston Rldgo. Smoko froo. weii m&intainodODR, 2BAwllh vauliod ceilings, garden tub ft separate showor. oversized 2-car garago ft dock. $9S(Vmonth. ERA Premtor Realty Jackie Coulston330-753-6777 or 336-751- 2066 Houses for Rent PENNINGTON ft CO. 330-900-9400 330-9094)747 Wo havo rentals available. Landtords and lonanls - Coll us tor Inlormallon on proper* lies or property manage* menl. Wo have an automat* od phono system for infor* rruitton. Commorelal Proportios/ Buslnossos for tooBO or sale. CaltJantooMcDantol 356-909-0747 Pennington ft Co. 330-990(^00 330-9094)747 Office & Commercial Rental BCM Business Park, For sale or lease. 9,000 sq. It. building. 1500 to 4500 sq II units. Commerctol lots for solo or will bulkl lo suit lert- anl. 330-090-3105 Gronite Quarry 900-1600 sq It Sl>op/Ofiico or Slor- ago Spacos. Froo Month. Con 704-232*3333 M anufactured Home fo r Rent 001 S. 'Furnished’on privato loi. No pots. 3 people limit. Roforoncea. Doposil ft $450 rent. Call 330-284-4750 601 S. 3DR (toubio wide on privalo tot to country. No pota. No HUO. Ront. doposil ft ref* oronces. 330-204-47Б8 Davie County. Private lot. 2BR, mBA. Vory ctoan. All appllancos. Deposit (oqulrod. Cali 330-576-2101 Davie County, Private lot. Nowor modol slngtowkJo. 3BR. 2BA. Ail appllancos. No pots. Sect. 0 OK. DepoBlt. 530-575-21O1 Farmington 2BR.2BA 14x80 mobile homo. $550 pot month. $500 doposil. On pn* vote lot. No pots. 330-473* 0049 Farmington Aroa, private.2BR/2BA, all appitoncos, contrai heal ft air. dock, ft garogo. No pota. No smok* Гпд.'$000/то. ptos doposil. Please call 336-655*3272 or 330-908-3030 Hillsdato area. 2BR, IBA mobito homo tocatod on Ivate property. $350. 1-098*4071privi330 Mocksviile (1 ml from). Ш12 lonanls. S/W mobile homo. 2BFV2BA, $550/rrx) + $550 dop. No pots. 330-7534)693 private farm tot. hoat pump, liroptoco. ConvonlonI to shopping. $700/mo * deposit relorences. 330-751-5020 Mocksville located 'off Gladstone Rd, D/W, private lot, 3BR, 2BA, all eieo. cent air, indudos water ft garbage $095/mo -f.$500 dep. f7o inside pels. 336*284*4679 Mockavllle. 2BR/2BA on prI* vaio 3 acre tol. Located neai Waimart. Kitchen appltoncos included. $550/mo * dep ro* quirod. 336*576*7615 Hurley Park area 4BR /20A, 804 North Cralgo Stroot. Full basomont. $1200 per monlh. Soctton 80k. 704-433-8108 Mocksviile area. ЗВН/2У4 BA. Rent to OwnI Qarago, approx 2,000 sf. cent hoat/alr. Very Nice. $15.000 down, $395/mo. 704-630-0695 Mocksvilie. 2BR, IViBA. Conimi hoat ft air. Now appll- ancos. $575/mo. Dop. & ep- plicotton req. 704-278-1717 I F ^ Mocksvilto. Immaculate 3BR>/ 1.5BA brick ranch.Now carpot ond paint. Rango, dlBhwaBhor and side-by-sldo roliigorator. Energy otfldont heat pump. $80(Vmonlh * $800 security doposil. No pots. Call Maiy Hendricks al 336-940-7077. Mockavllle. Ready Now 2 BR brick house, lumished, also otoclrto. $550/mo. 2BR. 1 BA mobile home, private lol. 704-267*6581 Pinebrook School District. 3BR. 2BA. $550/mo. $300 doposit. Absduloly no pots. 330-940-2515. Shady Acros Mobito Home Park 14x70 2BR Mobito Homo. John Crolls Rd., US Hwy 64 East. Mocksvilto. No pots. Call 336-909-2092 Resort & Vacation Rentals Myttio Boocti (S«a Wnlch Resort) IBR. stoops 4. Avallado July 4-11. $1,000. Cali 330-492-2504 Room m ate W anted Roommate wanted. Now homo, spactoua. No pota. 10 minutes from Salisbury out 601 north. $S00/mo., indudos utilities. 704-239-0857. Room s fo r Rent Mockavllle. Freo room end board for worthing part time paper roulo. Must havo car and Itoonse. Will pay for gas. No dmga or pots. 336-284-4877 Apparently those,, . flash cards you used ' ; in -schppl wbre’Tiglit! ,, Get niore results when ,. you use the 2x2 Network.- Your'id in 75+ newspapers^' ^ 4 ^C,^lihi,nw^pijfor details •ИИм •MiVtM * ипцяМгбгал •düMtMCw . •МмигсМ HÍMp<itillM •Ч М тпШ П г •ilicnitiMitVililclis •iiMtilillmiiii •SmIuJMt/ Хес1ш1й •TlM^MtlIiM •ЬприЬМи FImnIi4 •ИМ1о1ц/11шм Autos HONDA, 2003, ACCOnDEX. $0 down, will holp finance. Crudil, No ProbtomI Privato party saio. Call704-Q71*2223 C hild Care & N ursery S chools Autos Lexus, 1993,300ES.Noods ongino work, somo ol- roacV done. $1700 ODO. Call 70-M02-0533 M otorcycles &ATV8 ”1 placed 0 ciassiftod adwllh Kristin on Monday al- tornoon , Ihoy had it In Iho popor ond sdd Iho fdtow- Ing day. Wow, great )ob guysli’ - Ray, 0 sailsliod ctoosillod customor е т .Honda Shadov« 1999, Amori- can Ciossto Tour, IIOOcc with windshtoid & hard saddio bags. ExcoHont condition. Always garago kopt. Oniy 6,600 mllos. Btko is burgundy ft black ft comoB w/2 holmols. Asking $5,900. 330-402-7924 Auctions Rowan Auction Ca Profos- Bionai Auctton Soivlcos: SallBbury, NC 704-G33-0009 Kip Jonnlngs NCAL 0340 Child Care & Nuraer^,Sohool8 Atouette Licensed Child Day Care looatod In Oak Valley Is now accopting applications tor onraltment lot 1". 2"" and rfe I 3'“ stillt. For more Inlormallon iB jb са1133в-940-3201.IWM Voucttors acceptod, Financial Services Financial Services “We can erase your bad credit— 100% guaranteed” The Federal TratJe Commission says any creijlt repair company that claims to be able to legally remove accurate and timely infor mation from your credit report Is lying. There's no easy fix for bad credit. It takes time and a con scious effort to pay your debts. Learn about managing credit and debt at ftc.gov/credlt. A message from The Salisbury Post and the FTC. Electrical Services Licensed Electrician.Homo ft businoss oloctrl- cat nfiods, 9* years oxp. Froo osllmalo. Ftoxlblo hours. No job loo email. Doug Davis, Redtond ElocUlc, Inc. ЗЗе-414- 0645 rodlandoloctncincO yahoo.com Home Improvement Lawson's Home Improvo- monlo. Windows, doors, vinyl siding, brtck, btock v/ork, log siding, hartJwood Itooring. Froo osilmntos. Ownor Andy Lawson Call 330-009 0095 Vinyl siding and vinyl window installation. No job too small. Froo osllmatoo. Call Mark Troyorat 704 057-e011 Latwn Maint. & Landscaping Denny'S Levm Service:Complete lawn sorvtoe fnsm ono source. Mowing, plugging, seeding, fertliizlng, londscaping, pino needles, mutoh. Stato certined for spraying end insured. Tractor wofT( if noodod. Thirty years expertonce. Pieaso call 330'990*3676 or 330- 399-7063 for estimato, Miscellaneous Services Don’t throw away lawn* mowors, ATV’s., goll carts, outdoor powor oqulpmont. Will ptok up lor Iroo. Cali Rtohard 330-173-1838, Larry's Auto Detailing-Completo hand detailing sor- vico; Con for appolniment. 336*704-0050. Ffelorencos nvailabto upon rocniesl. Tree Service Canopy Tree Sorvlco, Profossionai Servico at roason- abto (olos. Fully Insured. Colt lor froo osllmatos. Rofor- oncos available. Also, firo- wood forsalo. 336-998-4374 тем Quality Tree Cara ftLand Maintonanco. Hazardous removals, paining ft prosoivattoln, storm damago clen-up. grading, hauling, cloaring, stump removal, lamlscaplng. Thomas Marlin, insured. Cdi; 33&-407-7534. homo: 330-859-9611 li)1 j ; M;iryAim\V. Go Painlessly G o P ain lessly Dach Muucu TotnW . THERA- Compare anti Save! Buy THERA*GESIC* M u lt ip ly y o u r c u s t o m e r s w ith one call! Your Davie County Enterprise-Record is partner ing with its sister publications, the Sallsbijry Post, Kannapolis Citizen and the Post EXTRA, to bring you Mat^ket Classifieds! , W it h o n e p h o n e ca ll to o u r new toll free number. 1 -8 7 7 -7 5 1 - 2 1 2 0 you'll get total coverage of a complete nnarket right next door. Buy 1, 2, 3 or 4 publications, one call and one it's your choice, one call does it ail. • I . 'Deadline for ads is Tuesday at 3 P.M. Ц I ■ Ads require prepayment, except for established accounts. li I il; blO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,2009 Davie Dateline Fundraisers Friday, May 15 Gold Tournam ent, sponsored by Farm ington Rurltiin. Captains Choice,shotgun start,$200pcrlcam. Tee time 1 p.m. Dinner provided following toummnent. Register call Wee BrxKkat 998-3621. Saturday, May 16 '3rd A nnual UomcsUc Violence Awareness W alk, nl Davie Family • YMCA outdoor track (nun location: BtrekOym ), 8-11 a.m. Registralion feeof$IO . Call 751-3450 formore Info. y a rd Sale, by Cooleemee Elenien- Jary FfA , 7 n.m. til 2 p.m. Rent a' space for $ 10 (deadline to rent May .7), call 284-2581 for info. Y ard Sale, Dake Sale, hosted by Eagle Heights Church, 8 a.m. til I p.m. at 852 US 64 West (In Food Lion .shopping ccntcr). Hot dogsj. lefflonnde, chips and baked items. H am & Sausage Itreakfast, nl W esley United Mctho<lisl Church, 6:30-10 a.m., wlthallthe trimmings, Saturday, May 23 llut Uog Lunch, sponsored by Klen's Fellowship of New Union UMC, 11 a.m. til 2 p.m. in church parking lol. 1869 Shcfneld Rd. Do nations acccpled. Women's fellow ship selling Krispy Krcme donuts $5/dozen. BBQ & C ar W ash, hosted by Eagle Heights Church, 10 a.m. til 3 p.m. BBQ plates $7; BBQ, slaw, beans, roll & des^iert. To go plates, or eat on premises.. . Saturday, May 30 Yard Sale, hosted by Pinebrook Cheerleaders, lent a yiu’d sale space for $20 nnd keep all your profits, in the field beside Smillt Orovc VFD. Call 336-499-4593 lo reserve your space today. ВгсакГш! Гиг Kntclyn Anderson, 7-10 a.m., William R. Davic El ementary Cufetcrla, US 601 N„ Mocksvllie. Friday, June 19 Game Nlghl, niShcrncld-Ca|uhaln Comm. Center, l74'l'urkcyfi)ot Rd,. dooraopen6p.m. for food* conces sions, games 7 p.m. / . Ongoing / Smith Grove UMC Pancake Sc Sausage Urcakfasl. 3rd Saturday euch monlh (May. July & Aug.), 7- 9:30 a.m. Proceeds tiV youth mis sions and activities. (Country Brcuk- fnst resumes In autun n). CaolccmccClvilan.v|llBQChicki'n. 3rd Fri. of each n|bmh, at Cool eemee Civitnn Bldg., Cooleemee. Serving 1/2 chlclten, BBQ slaw, baked beans, roll & pound cuke. $7 [lerplale. Reserveyourplate, sign up al Cooleemee Hardware or call 284-, 2196 or 284-2030. Will deliver or der of five (5) 9Г more. Proceeds to help pny foryCoolcemee Civitnn Comm. Bldg./ Wesley United MetliodLsl Church Ham tk Sausage Ilrcakfast, with nil the trimmings, 3rd Snt. of euch month, 6-10 a.m. Reur\lons Sunday, May 17 Kelly/Howard Keunlon, relatives & friend.s of Tom Kelly and Julie Smith Howard, I p.m. in Bethlehem Family Life Cenlcr, 321 Redland Road, Advance. Bring picnic lunch. For furUier info; 998-8934 or 998- 4799. Annual Reunion of the late Elder ' VV.T. Broadway, 1 p.m. in Cool eemee nl Ridenhour Family Arbor, CenterSt.Ext.,brlngcovereddishcs, ' a friend and your lawn chairs. Info; M.O, Spry 70-i-636-5329. Saturday, June 6 R eeves Fam ily R eunion, at Sliefficld-Culalmln Comm. Ccnier, 174 Turkeyfoot Rd., begins 4 p.m. with covered dish. Eveiyone Invited. 6th Annual Smilh Family Reunion, descendants of Samuel Smith & Hannah Jane Kilely, Center Comm. Bldg., 5 p.m., covered dish meul, ‘door prizes &cntertainmcnl, forinfo call75 l-3626.998-62l3or751-5160. Saturday, Aug. 29 Davic HIgli 20 Year Class Reunion, for Info www.davichigh89.com or call 751-3236. Religion Fri. & Sat., May 15 & 16 'rhi>PeckinpawsRctum.6;30p.m., al Blaise Bapt. Church Family Life Center, gospel songs & humorous stories. Tickct info; 751-3639. Sunday, May 17 Annual VVonien’s Day, sponsored by Ladle's Auxiliary of Clement Grove Cliurch, 3 p.m., wilh guest .speaker, l59ParkcrRd., Mocksvllie. Public invited. Ongoing A fter S chool P ra);ram , al Cornatzer UMC, serving Cornatzer Elemcntiu-ySchool,ages5-l2yeiu's. Call 998-0687 for Info. H 20.(H ls lo Own), new ministry at Jerusalem Bapt. Church, 3203 US 601 S., Mocksville. On Wednes dnys al 7 p.m. for 18-29 yeur olds who nre collcgc, single, or mnrried. We cover topics pertinent & inler- estlng to this age group. -Awana, every Wed.,evening 6;30- 8 p.m. at Eagle Heights Church. The Life & .Teaching of Jesus, presented by Mocksvlllc Seventh- Day Adventist Church, Mon. & Thurs. nt 7 p.m., al407Milling Rd., Mocksville. Free admission. For Info: 704-876-3665. Financial Peace University, 13 w eek series starts Sept, 9, at Hillsdale Bapt. Church, 7 p.m. Open lo public. Call 940-6618 for info and preview sessions Info. AWANA & Youlh I’rograni. at' Ijames Bnpt. Church, each Sun. evening 5:45-7:30 p.m., ages four through sixth grade. Info: 492-6434. A W om an’s Discu.sslon Class, Approaching the Tcmiilo of God. Psnims 26 ench Tues. 10:30-11 ;30 a.m. al Jericho Church of Christ. All women Invited. Cnil 704-798- 2038 for Info. W om en’s Bible Study! Is con ducted every Wed, night al Jericho Church of Christ, 7:30 p,m. current topic: authentic relationships. All materials provided al no cosl. All women invited. Call 492-5711 or 492-5291, 'W om en’s Bible Study, every Wed. 5-6 p,m„ In n liome near Milling Road area. All women welcome. Info: 751-5229, W om en’s Bible Study, focusing on Biblical women from femnle perspective and African American, Latino, and American women, 2nd Sal. of each mpnih at Fairfield Bupt. Church, 164 Excalibur Lnne (off U.S. 601 S.), Info: 940-5149. C ornatzer CofTeehouse, 3rd Sun, bf cach monlh, 7 p,m, at Cornatzer UMC, W om en’s Study G roup, Phase 2, on Biblical women, presented by Hannah's Ministries, Free & held every second Snt, of encli month, lO-J 1 a,m. All welcome. Info: 940- 5149. C areN et Counseling C enters, at First Baptist Church. 390 N. Main St., Mocksville. Offers inler-de- nominulionnl counseling. Acudcml- cnlly Irnincd, certified counselors & menial hcallh professionals. Info. 6 appt. 751-2041. Preschool/Parents M orning O ul, Bethlehem United Meth. Time: 9 a.m.-noon. Ages I & 2 - M,W or T, Th. Age 3 - M,T, Th, Age 4 & Pre- K - three or four days per week. Call 998-6820. Preschool, al Center United Meth. Church, 2 dnys per week or 4 days per week (4 yr. old class); 2 dnys per week (3 yr. old class); 2 days per week (2 yr. old class) 8:30- 11:30 a.m. Phone 940-3753.. A w ana & Bible Study, Wednes days al 7 p.m., Hope Baptist Taber nacle. S pedal Events Tuesday, May 19 Book Signing, ut Davie Library, author L. Diane Wolfe wilh newbook Overcoming Obstacles wllh Spunk, 7 p.m. Ongoing Live Music & Dancing, every Sat. night blucgrass, nl Sheflleld Music Hall, cull 704-546-3099 for info. ColTec House,4th Sun. cnch month, 7 p.m., nl Cornatzer UMC. Good coffee, good fellowship, & good music. Dates to Remember Wednesday, May 20 Free Skin Cancer Screenings, 8- 11:45 n.m, nl Duvie Health Dept. For info or 10 schedule appt, cull 751- 8700, Ongoing Basics of Speaking Spanish, Tluirs- days, 6:30p,m„ In Blaise B apt. Fam ily Life Ccnier. Cost of textbook = $20. Anyone welcome lo attend. For Info and regl.strallon call 751 -3639 or visit our wcb.site www.BlaiseBuptisl.com Free Monthly Diabctcs/Blood Pres sure/Cholesterol Screenings, last Frl.o/'cachmonlhin2009ulWalMan, 9 n.m. til 12 noon. Sponsored by Davie Lion's Club. VIsltCoalccmec'sMIIIVIIIagcMu- seum, 14 Church St., Wed.-Sal. 10 a.m. Ill 4 p.m. Tours aisp avuilnble by nppl. Call 284-6040. Storyllmes, at Davie Co. Libnuy: Tues. lOa.m. & Fri. 11 a.m. - stories, songs, fun for prc.schoolcrs. 1st Sul. of every monlh - storie.s/actlvltles for kids of all nges. At Cooleemee Bnuich:evctyolhcrThurs. I0;30a.m. (cull ot check webslle for dates). At Hillsdale UMC: eveiy other Fri. 10 a.m. (call library or chcck webslle for dates). Special Olympics of Davic County, play acllvitlcs & fun nile, Wednes days M Brock Bldg. Piny nctivities 6- 7 p.m. Fun Nile 7-8:30 p.m. Open to all |)crsons wllh disabilities & their families. Meetings Tuesday, May 19 Democratic W omen of Davic, ' 6 p.m. ut Pier 601 Senfood RcsluumnI, Mocksville. Plcn.sc remember donn lions for Storehousc/for Jesus. Ongoing Davie Beekeepers Association, sec ond Mondny of eveiy month, 7 p.m., 114 Doctor Slate Drive, Mocksville (EMS building). Visitors welcome. To find out m ore info: www.daviebcckcepers.org VFW Post 4024,7p.m ., 2nd Tues, cnch monlh, VFW Hut, Sanford Avenue, Mocksville. Eligible mem bers welcome. Come early for re freshments. For info call 492-7521. T riu m p h P aren tin g C lasses, Wednesdnys, 10:30 n.m.. cull for info: 751-5636. H um ane Society of Davie Co,, bi monthly meetings 2nd Tues. of every even-numbered month, at Humane A T T E N T IO N ! Former Freightliner, Ingersoll Rand, & Performance Fibers Employees. Do you have questions and need help with your 401K options? - CONTACT u s TODAYI - (B ra c k e n T im n c ia C In c . IRA’S • 401K • ROUOVERS • MUTUAL FUNDS • FEE BASED ACCOUNTS W . C h a rle s B ra c k e n - Investment ComuUantlCertified Mutual Funds Specialist 201 N. Church St., Mooresville, NC. 28115704-663-2224 E-Mail: wbr¿cken@isimail.com ¡nvetilmenf Advisor ¡U'prvaentalive wllh andSm irillea n/jW Im vnlnm l Advisory Scrvlcea offend Ihrouah ¡nU'rSecurtlk's, Inc. ■ 1031004 05/00 Atm her FINIt/\, SIPCahd Keghlervd IniVMlment Advlmr. Society Adoption Cbntdr, 290 Eaton Rd, Call 751-5214 for Info. Davie A m ateur Radio Club, 1st Tuesday of each month, 7 p.m., Davie Co. Hospital Training Room. Public welcome. Davie Historical & Genealogical Society, 4th Tues., 7 p.m., Davie Library. Mocksviilc Lions Club, 1st Thurs day, 7 p.m., fellowship hull of St. Francis of Assisi. Yadkinville Road. Mocksville (board meeting contin ues 1st & 3rd Thurs., 6 p.m.). A l-A non F am ily G ro u p , al Macedonia Moravinn Church, N.C. 801 N.. Advance, Sundays 8 p.m., Rm. 225 (nbove fellowship hall). Al- Anon Is u group lhal helps fnmilles & friends of alcoholics., Cooleemee W omens Civltan Club, meets 4th Thurs. of each month. 7 p.m. Cooleemee First Bnpt, fellow ship hall. 204 Marginal St,. Cool eemee. All luiu ladies invited. For further info: 336-284-4795. SUIch-In, a gathering of cnit^ers at Mocksville Libnuy. second Wed. of each monlh, 7-8:15 p.m. Bring your portable projcci nn oil your best tips und tricks lo share. Info: 751 -2023. Community Foundntion of Dnvie County Board of Directors. 2nd Mon.. 5 p.m. Rolnling meeling. For info/monthly locution cull 753-6903. Mocksville G arden Club, IslThura. of each monlh, 7 p.m.. In fomicr fellowship hull behind First UMC, Mnin Sireel, Mocksville. North Davic Ruritan Club, montlily dinner meellngs,.sccondMon. of ench month, 7:30 p.m. Call 782-4276 for info and location of next meeting. Sm art S tart of Davic County board meeting, 3rd Tues. of every other monlh (begins Jan.) al SunTrust on Yadkinville Rd., 9-10:30 a.m. Ques tions: 751-2113. Alzheimer’s Support Group, 2nd Tuesday ofench monlh, 6:30 p.m., at Autumn Ciu-ei Mocksville. Info: 751 - 3535. Davie CivltanClubmccts4lhTluirs. of cach monlh, Fcb.-Oct., 7 p.m., at Hillsdale Bapt. Church, Hwy. 158. All visitors welcome. NAACP Community Awarcneiis Meeting, every 4lh Mon. of cach monlh,7p.m.,atShiloh Bapt. Church. Center ECA Club meets 3rd Tues day of each monlh, at Ccnier Comm. Bldg., 7:30 p.m. Please join us. Disabled American Vetcraas Post 75 meels on third Monday of ench monlh, 7 p.m., at 1958 Hwy. ¿01 S. Contact Ralph ut 751 -5118 for more Info. Town O f Cooleemee Planning Board, meets 3rd Tlmrs. of ench monlli al Cooleemee Town Hull, 7 p.m. Autism Support G roup 3rd Mon dny of cach monlh, 6:30 p.m., al Hillsdule Bapt. Church, Advancc. Davie County Diabetes Support G roup, first Thurs. of every monlh, 7-8:30 p.m., al Davie Co. Public Li brary Small Conference Soom. Info; 751-8700. Davie Co. Hospital Auxllary, every second Tues., in board room, 6 p.m. Davic Business W om en’s Associa tion, 1st Wed. of cnc|i monlh, 12 noon, nl SunTrust Bank. Spenker of Inlercsl and cnlered lunch, cost $8. Yenrly membersliip $35. Contact (Talhy Boles 753-1006 formore info. Celebrate Recovery, weekly sup port group for those struggling wilh orin recovery for bad hubils - such ns stress, depression, uddiction, abuse, etc. Meets Tliurs. 7 p.m. al Farming ton Comm. Ccnier, Fiuinlngton Rd. Cull408-8750o r813-9921 formore info. Davie County HorscEmergcncy Res- cuc Team, 7:30 p.m., dowwitairs at the AgricuUutal Building, Mocksviilc. Ev- eiy 3rd T\icsday cach monlli. For info; .940-2111. bavle Co. Band Boosters, meets 2nd Tuesday of month, 7:30 p.m., Davic High Band Room. Christian Buslnes.smcn's Commit tee of Mocksville, TTiursdays, 7 a.m. Mocksville Roliu-y Hut. Gold Wing Touring Association, Red Pig Biu’bcciie, Greasy Comer, N.C. 801 at U.S. 601, 6 p.m. 284- 4799. CooleemeeRecreationAssoelation, Zachiuy House, 1st Tuesduy. 7 p.m. The Artist G roup, Dnvie County Library. 7 p.m. last Tues. Call Bonnie at 998-5274. Center Community Development, 3rd Mon., 7 p.m. Communily Bldg. Cooleemee Town Board, 3rd Tues day, Town Hull, 7 p.m. unless other wise noled. Cooleemee AA, behind Oood Shep herd Episcopnl, Tiies. & Fri., 8 p.m. N orth Cooleemee and Clark Road Council, 2nd Wednesday. 7 p.m. Friendship Buplist Fellowship Hall. M ocksville AA, closed non-smok- Ing meeting, al St. Francis of Assisi C hurch fellow ship hall, 862 Y adkinville Rd., M o.cksvlllo, Thursday, 7 p,m. Info; Jan 753- 6863, Davic Domestic Violence Services and Каре Crisis Center. Offers weekly support group for domestic violence & sexual as.4ault viclims. Tlic group meets every Tues. evening from 6;30-8:30 p.m. Please call of fice for location, 751-3450. Sons of Confederate Veterans, 1st M onday, Cooleemee Historical Building, 7 p.m. Mocksvlllc Rotary Club, Tuesdays, 12:10 p.m., Roliuy Hut. Farm ington MiLsonlc Lodge No. 265,'2nd Monday, 7:30 p.m. at tho lodge. Davic Co. United W ay Board of Directors, 4th Mondny, 5:30 p.m.. Brock Center Annex, Conf. Room 208. Davic High Athletic Boosters, 3rd Monday, 7 p.m., school cnfctcria. Farm ington R uritan Club, 2nd Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Farmlnglon Methodist cluireh. HELPSMInistrlcs,Clirislianrecov- cry program for women sexunlly abused ns children. Mondays, 7:30 p.m., 41 court Squiu'c, Room 210. Davie County Board of Social Ser vices, 4th Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. ut ■DSS. Narcotics Anonymous Against All Odds Group, First Bapl. Church, 390 N. Main Street (upstairs), Tliurs. 7 p.m.. Sun. 6 p.m. Drug Problem? Helpline, 336-785-7280. Mocksville American lA'glon Posl 174, v in v Hut, Sanford Ave., 2nd Thursduy, 7 p.m. Mocksville Civltan Club, 7 p.m., 2nd & 4lh Mondnys. al Firsl Presby terian Church. Advance M emorial Post 8719 Vet erans of Foreign Wars and Ladies Auxiliary. 4lh Tues., 7:30 p.m., posl home. Feed Mill Road. Davie County Right To Life, 7 p.m., 3rdTluirsday, grandjury room, court- hou,sc. 751-5235 or 492-5723. Cooleemee M emorial VFW Posl 1119.2nd, 4lh Thurs., 7 p.m., VFW Hall, N.C. 801. Corinthian Lodge No. 17F&AM, 2nd, 4th Fridays, 7:30 p.m. al the lodge. Cooleemee Civitan's Club M eet ing, 1st and 3rd Mon. each month, 7 ' p.m., Red Pig, Hwy. 801, Cooleemee. Davie Co. M S S upport G roup, 2nd Mon. of cach monlh, 6 p.m., Davie Co, Hospital, Recreation For more infonnation on any of the following rcc, events call 751 -2325, ■ S alisb u ry C ijcle C e n te r 1514 Jal^Alexander Blvd. West (Hvuy 601} SallBbury, NC 28147 704-B33-5787 Qulcl< 15 minutes from Mocl<svitle Dunlop Shinto ' Mldielln Continentai Metzler FUII Bore (JM tA rrlw d ) We Service What We Sell Sheiter Rentals Avaiinbio al Rich Piuk. Rivcrpiu-k ul Cooleemee Falls, und I'urmlnglon, Cull 751-232510 reserve. Silver Striders Brock Gym available for walking 6:30-9 a,m, Quarteriy incentives for miles walked. Senior Trips Join us for duy trips & occasional ovemighlers to Inlercsling locations & let us do the driving. Cull Kathie for info, YMCA Formotclnfonnalion,cttll75l-9622. visit www.davie.ymcunwnc.org, or come lo Ihe YMCA for n tour. Summer Y Baseball Children 3-8 can practice skills de velopment & good sportsmanship while learning T-ball and baseball. Practices Tues. & Thurs. firsl half of scasonjgames held second half. Chil dren 3-*1 T-ball, 5-6 modlficti T-ball, 7-8 coach pilcli bnsebnll. Regislra- lion ends June 19; season June 23- .luly28.Cosl:$40membcrs/$65 non- members. Swim Lessons Sign up now. Choose from T4ics/ Thurs, evening lessons $38 mem- bers/$75 non-members or Sat, mom ing lessons $20 mcmbcrs/$38 non- members, Private & family lessons also available. Members Oniy Join the YMCA and lake advanlnge of waterucrobics, yoga, biking, walk ing, personal training, und more. Come visit and lour our facility ut 215 Cemclciy Strcet nnd leam how we build strong kids, strong families, and strong communities. HelloMudah,HeiloFaddah Camp’s Coming, and YMCA has all the fun of resident camp wilhoiil spending Ihe night. We offer every- Ihlng from volleyball to knilling, to self-defense lo scrapbooking - also hnlf-dny .specialty camps. Finnncial aid lo tho.sc who qualify. Seniors All Senior Aclivilles take placo at Duvic Counly Senior Services lo cated ul 278 Meroney St., Mocksville unless otherwise noted. Cnil 753- 6230. Ongoing Sr. Lunchbox, M .T.W . 11:30 n.m,. '111. & Fri,. 11 u.m., lunch .served dally. Sliver Health Exercises. Exercise Room of Senior Services; M, W. F. 8:30 n,m. Tues. & Thurs. 9 n.m. at Mock Placc, (open lo any senior). Quilling Club, every Monday, 10 a.m. Bridge, every Friday, 2 p.m. SKIPBO, Wednesduys, 1 p.m. Scrapbooking, every 2nd Tuesday, 2 p.m. Dr. Dunn, I’odlatrlst, at Sr, Services every three weeks, 8:30 a,m,, please cull for dales. Free Blood PrcM ure Checks, oncc a month, nt 10:30 a,m. In Ihe Nulri- lion Site. SinglngSenlorsChorus.Thursdays. 10 a.m. VFW Ladles Auxiliary, every 2nd Thurs.. I p.m. Scrabble. I p.m. every Monday. Rook, 1 p.m. every Monday, Tcxiw Hold’Em-Thursdays. 1 p,m. Painting - Wednesduys 8:30-11:30 a,m. G rief Support Group, 1st & 3rd Tuc.sdays at 6 p,m. Sr. Book Club( every .second Tues. of Ihe monlh. 12:30 p.m. Com puter Classes^- are availuble. cull for information, ArthrltleExercbe-evcryolhcrW cd. 10:30 a.iii. Low Im pact Aerobics • Wed. & Fri. begins Feb. 7 11a.m. til 12 p.m. Fitness Equipment Room - open Mon.-Thurs. 8 a.m. til 8 p.m. Fridays 8 a.m. Ill 5 p.m. Table TcnnU - every Tues. 1-4 p.m. A rt, Mondays 9 a.m. Ill 12 p.m. TttI Chi, Tuesdays (call for sesssion dalc.s) Line Dancing, Thurs. II a.m. Ill 12 p.m. & 2-3 p.m. W oodcarving, Wed. 9-11 a.m. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Items for Davie Dateline should be rcporlcdby noon Monday of Ihc pub lication week. Cull 751 -2120 or drop it by the office, at S. Mnin St. ncross from Ihc courlhouse. Bear Creek Farm Equestrian Cerna Lei us share our passion for horses w ilh you! Spaclallzing In thoughtful, compassionate Instruction (or rider and tiorse. 428 Allen Road, Mockevllle, NC 336-492-5451 www.béarcreekiarmequestctfxom k -.y.•V- ►», » IT. ,r.i- b|. . B o x O u t T e e n s T o S p e n d N ig h t In B o x e s , H e a r M u s ie A n d R a is e M o n e y F o r C h a rity Paged DAVIE COUNTY f , i i I E N T E R P R I/^E C O R D USPS 149-160 Num ber 20 Thursday, May 21 2009 32 PAGES S c h o o ls P r o p o s e $ 1 1 .3 M illio n B u d g e t By Beih Cassidy Enterprise Record Metiibers of tlie Davie Board of Education ure doing tlie best they can devising a budget for the Hscal year which begins July 1. It’s not easy. They know projections for the number of students are down, which will mean less money from the slate. They know the state is cutting budgets - including those of local schools - although the extent of those cuts mny not be known until later this summer. But the budget has to be approved before then, On May 4, board members voted unanimously to send county commissioners their local budget draft of $11,399,444. Included is the proposed allocation by the county of $664,058', or 7,51 percent over last year. The budgeting process begins months before the uctual budgeys passed,' when the school sy|teiri receives planning allotments. In Feijruary, the state provides the allotments and planning ADM (average daily membership), followed by the federal allotments in March. These allotments me used as a planning tool in creating the local budget. Normally, said Deborah Smink, finance officer, the actual allotments received once state budget is approved don’t differ that much from the planning allotments; but'this year, “the stale planning allotments are not useful. ’The economic conditions and revenue shortfalls our state has been experiencing are contributing to expected decreases in actual allotments for next year,” said Smink. "Since the money we receive from the state is almost three-quarters of our budget, and we know we are going to receivc u reduction next year but we do not know how much the reduction will be, it is difficult to create a local budget for next year.” This year, Ihe planning ADM is 6,586. As of the seventh month of this school year, the ADM was 6,583, Sminlc said. The number is stibject to change at the beginning of the school year, but is provided for planning purposes. Last year’s planning .\DM was 6,740, Smink said as long as the actual ADM as of day 20 of 'school doesn’t increase or decrease more than 100, the planning allotment they were given for positions stands, The current local expense budget proposal represents a 2.2 percent increase over the current 08-09 budget of,$l 1,152.366, Smink said overall expenses have increased by 2.2 percent, but they have had decreases in other expenses, such as fuel. A year ago. they budgeted $90.000 for fuel, to cover what the state wasn’t covering when fuel prices were high. Since fuel prices seem to have leveled off. that budget item isn’t included this year. The budget draft includes a two percent salary increase for certified staff, no salary increase for classified staff, a five percent increase in retirement for all staff, and a 31 percent increase in hospitolization for all staff. ‘Those amounts,” said Smink, "are based on what wo have seen in the Oovernor’s and Senate’s budget proposals along with additional guidance from the , Department of Instiiiction. It is the ' state, not Davie County Schools, that sets salaries and benefits for our employees. Wo have no contiol over salary or benefit increases.” Please See Budget - Page 8 iV le m c r ia l D a y O b s e r v a n c e s P la n n e d Two services for Memorial Day are planned in Davie County this weekend. The public is invited to the 2009 Memorial Day Observance on Monday. May 25, at the Brock Performing Arts Center in Mocksville, The program will begin at II a.m, and last approximately one hour. The speaker will be LTC Michael E. Foster, US Army, originally from Mocksville. The Davie High School JROTC will present the colors. The Boy and Girl Scouts of Davie County will perform escort and assistance services. The Scouts will lead the audience in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Special music will be provided by the Davie County Singing Seniors. The veterans of Davie County will be recognized. The placement of the wreath in memory of the community’s heroes will be placed by Jeff Walton, USA (Ret.), an Iraq War veteran. The playing of Taps and a closing prayer will conclude the service. For more information, contact Don Cover. Davie County Veterans Service Office, at 753-6225. S u n d a y I n C o o le e m e e Veterans of Foreign Wars Cool eemee Memorial Post 1119 will hold its annual Memorial Day Ser vice on May 24 at Victory Baptist Church. 160 Midway St., at 3 p.m. The post will honor the memory, of Edgar L. McDaniel, US Navy veterans, and Jerry L. “Mole” Spry, a US Army veteran. The public is welcome. "! ÏJ Murder Trial Jury selection began Tuesday for the trial of a Davie man accused of murder.' Kevin Louis Robertson II (above, head ing to court on Tuesday moming) of Milling Road, Mocl<sville faces a first-degree murder charge in the death of Tracy Eugene Fortune, 27, who Was shot several times last May while riding a bicycle orj Mi|iing Road with his girlfriend. The trial is taking place this week in Davie Superior Court. I > Photo by Robin Snow W e C a re 7 4 P r o j e c t s C o m p l e t e d In U n i t e d W a y D a y O f C a r i n g Ingersoll Rand employees add some paint to the Davie Family YMCA during the Day of Caring. What a record. A total of 74 projects were submitted for this year’s Davie County United Way’s 7h Annual Day of Caring. Fifty-four projects were completed by 280 volunteers. These volunteèrs participated in projects ranging from visitations and cleaning to gardening, painting and building wheelchair ramps. United Way will continue to recruit volunteers to complete the outstanding 20 projects. The day began with a breakfast buffet supplied and ' prepared by the team from Wal- Mart. Previous Day of Caring recipients, Sandra Holman and Shirley and Theda York, spoke to the volunteers about how much the work and volunteerism means to those who need help. The moming ceremony ended with an award presentation to each team, “Each year the number of projects and the number of volunteers grows tremendously.” stated Day of Caring chair, Gaither Markland. "It’s good to see that an increase of need pr assistance is met with an increase in willingness to serve and support others.” United Way Executive Director Mary Beth Forst added: “We have had a record number of projects submitted, thus illustrating the ever increasing h T ------- need in our community. This year’s event was such a success due to those 280 volunteers who gave their time and effort to show what it means to live united.” Work teams gathered from the following churches, civic clubs and companies: Bank of the Carolinas, Blaise Baptist Men, Blaise Baptist Women. Center United Methodist Church, Cooleemee Civitan Club, Corinthian Lodge No. 17, Davie 4-H, Davie Civitan Club, Davie Master Gardeners, Davie High School Jr. Civitan Club. Hayworih-Miller Funeral Home*, IngOKril-Raiid, Mocksville Please See Caring ■ Page 7 » Vh.V~-*-»r 2S77frZ?‘tf^4 e iZ S iifÿ^* li '1 2 -DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,2009 L i k e A C h i c k e n W i t h I t s H e a d C h o p p e d O f f ? She has always meant it as a joke, but there’s a hint of truth to Elizabeth’s oft-repeated line this year to our high school senior: “I’ll to have to go to college with you.” Robert is nearing a successful close to his high school years; successful, in no smnll pnrt, becausc Elizabeth has been his memory every moming. “Got your homework? Got your books? Got your flute? Got your lunch?” Check, check, check - oops. ^ . When 1 was a boy with similar forgetfulness problems, my mother’s comment was more graphic; “You act like a chicken with its head cut off.” Nfobody says that anymore. Nowadays, few have actually seen a freshly beheaded chicken jump up from the chopping block and run across the yard. Preparing Sunday’s dinner, my grandmother administered the ax to a hen regularly on Saturday, and I ' always wanted to be by her side to see how far a headless chicken could run. The record, by my estimate, was 50 feet. Thankfully, the animal rights crowd hadn’t formed five decades ago. 1 loved being a farm boy. We slaughtered the hogs in January. I watched agape as cows strained during birth. We stacked hay in the summer and fed it to the cows in winter. 1 watched spiders spin their webs and feast on flics in the barn. And I slogged in my. boots through cow manure in winter sometimes ankle deep. But this is about my son’s memory, not my childhood. Robert almost flunked out of m iddle school. His homework rarely found its way to the teacher’s desk the next day. He repeatedly accumulated strings of zeros that nullified all his usually excellent test grades. For years I published a "Do your homework" column at the beginning of the school year. That was secretly aimed at my son, not yours. M arrying Elizabeth has been more effective than editorials, but she’s worried that Robert will fall bnck to his old forgetful habits next year when he’s ut college and away from her watchful eye. Her fears have some foundation. b n Sunday, Robert performed his senior recital in flute and piano. He has studied flute under Carrie Schaub and ¡piano under Erin Harper. Both teachers helped him warm ■up 30 minutes before the recital. The music for the opening number... was missing. Oops. StiU enroute, Elizabeth wheeled around and headed back home for the music. Then came the frantic wait as the 4 o’clock start time ticked closer and closer. The performance started only a few minutes late as Elizabeth slid into the parking lot with Robert’s copy of Francis Poulenc’s Sonata for Flute and Piano. She saved him again. Surely it’s not too late to submit her college application. Y e s W e C a n ? The Associated Press on Monday reported a bizarre •encounter during President Obama’s speech at the Notre Dame graduation, The AP report went like this: “Obama entered the arena to thunderous applause and a standing ovation from many in the crowd of 12,000. But as the president began his commencement speech, at least three protesters interrupted it. One yelled, ‘Stop killing our children.’ “The graduates responded by changing ‘Yes we can,’ the slogan that became synonymous with Obama’s presidential campaign.” — Dwight Sparks LOOKS Ц К Е SOHAe.xms> Ш ш т Ш UUUTWGr. In T he Mail 5/18 B a r А P o s itiv e In flu e n c e In M o c k s v ille To the editor; Hooruy Гог Moxic’s Bnr on North Mnin Street in Mocksvillc. l l'elt compelled to write becnuse 1 hear so mnny people sny something negnlive nbout hnving n bnr on Mnhi Street in down town. I wnnt lo let everyone know thnt Moxio's hns worked hnrder to help people in trouble then any other business 1 know. Lust December, when Storehouse lor Jesus needed toys for Chrisl- mns, Moxie's orgnnized n toy drive nnd collected two cnr londs of DAVIS COUNTY % USPS 149-160 , 171 S, Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 Published weekly by the Davie Publishing Co. » . Dwight Sparks................................Editor/Publisher Robin Snow....................................General Manager Mike Barnhardt.........................Managing Editor Ray Tutterow..................................Advertising Director Brian Pitts.......................................Sports Editor Mocksville Enterprise Davie Record Cooleemse Journal Periodicnls Postage Paid in Mocksville, NC 27028 Subscription Rates Single Copy, 50 Cents $20 Per Year In N.C., $25 Outside N.C. , , POSTMASTER ' Send Address Changes to: Dnvie County Enterprise Record It’s Hard To Get A Loan Here To tho editor; ■ ' , ' . Wc understand President Obama gave loans to banks to help the needy. We needed a small lonn to covcr nn emergency bill. We went lo our bnnk in'Mocksville. They denied the lonn be cause we owe n lot o f money bccnuse of medicnl bills. We nre seniors and in bnd henllh, but wc pny our bills every month. They could hnve drafted the money from our Social Security checks enchVionlh, They could hold the deed lo our house, whicli is 15 times ll'ie worth o f the loan. We found out Ihnt unless you nre rich or on wclfnre, you can’t get anything in this county. 1 hope nnd prny there nre no more people who are needy, or you cnn do like nn old snying, root hog or die. Everybody w ill kick you when you nre down, but let you win some money nnd they come out of the woodwork. Buck and Claudette Smitherman Cooleemee W rite r S h o u ld B e M o re S p e c ific To the editor: This is in response lo Orncin M. Liltnucr's Idler printed in lhc Mny 7 pnpen Please be more specific to whut you feel Congresswomnn Foxx hns done to make you so angry. Could it be the emails you have received nre the culprit and not Congresswomnn Foxx? For thnt is the purpose of the emails you speak of, Please be more specific aboul your charges. Il usually is hard lo defend someone when you don't hnve the information you are confront jng. . But that is not the case with Congresswomnn Foxx. I know she hns worked townrds whnt is in the best interest of the 5th District and the country. She has cosponspred B ill HR2294 just recently, to give gov ernors and slate legislatures the right to refuse the transfer of dan gerous terrorists from Gunnlunnmo Bay when they are released. She serves on several committees nnd in conslnnlly working to lieip" the constituents of her district. She slands for individunl freedoms and a limited government. She is agninst tax incfenscs. She wns/is against the $3 trillion plus bailout that w ill effect us and gencrntions to come. But the. most important one is the fight for the unborn. She is a voice for the ones, who can't speak for themselves. Please do nol rely on emails from people who misrepresent good lenders nnd try lo tear down reputations. They only make you angry and serve no good purpose, Congresswomnn Foxx is nccessible. You can go. to her site (not hard to do). Just Google Virginia Foxx und you can find it. You can get signed up for her email that w ill let you know what she is working on und why. If you don'l understand the issues there is a phone number to her office. Although .she can't return everyone's calls she handles as many as she can, personally. Even if you may disngree wilh her, she can nl nil times lell what she is doing nnd why. Congresswoman Foxx is a good represenlaiive for this dis trict, And ns long us she remains standing for Ihe principles she slnnds on now I w ill conlinue lo supporl her. And a note to Congresswoman Foxx, If 1 have misrcpresenled you in any way please feel free lo respond and clear up any mis leading informalion I have shared. We Ihnnk you for your service lo this dislricl arid your unfailing love for country nnd slale,; Marcia Goshorn Advance loys. When a young girl died tragically, Moxie's ran a fund miser to help Ihe fnmily pay for her funeral. They've done several oth ers and helped a lot of people, ■ Now ihoy'rc doing a fund raising poker run for Lonnie Bames this Saturday, Lonnie ,wns a slar pitchcr al and grndunlcd from Davie High 10 years ago, and recently he has hnd to have two surgeries for a lumor in the brain. Now he has un infeclion nnd is need of our prayers and whatever help we can give, hi August, Moxie's is bringing the Mnrshnll Tucker Bnnd to Mocksvillc, I've been living in Dnvie for nbout 20 yenrs, nnd we've never had n big name act come to town that I cim recull. On lop of lhal, Ihcy'rc'giving a percentage o f tho profits lo Davio County United Way.' I feel safe going there, unlike other bars where there’s always irouble. I've been told by cops in town and other people that they never hnve irouble there. Next lime you hear someone talking aboul how lerrible il is lo have a bar in town, jusl remind them aboul how much tills bar docs for people in the area. If all busi nesses followed their leud, we'd hnve n lot less strife in our com munity. Snndy Tnylor Mocksville S a m a rita n s H e lp L o c a l M o to rist To the editor. I jusl stnrted oui on n foiir-hour nnnuai fishing trip. W ilh n 20- fool, 4,000-pound boat in low, 1 headed down 1-40. Only mo ments later al 60 mph, I hil a bad place in ihe highway, causing my hilch lo fail. Traffic was jam packed. Everyone saw what was happening nnd bncked off to give me ihe entire highwuy. I mnn- nged lo coiilrol ihe boni for a while on the breakaway chains, until Ihey were ground away. At lhal point the boat wns detached, . and all I could ihink of was lhal I had lo keep il oui o f ihe other innes. I pinned the boat against the back 9f ihe truck and direcled il into Ihe side rails. 1 mnnnged lo keep il belween ihe truck and die rails until il camé to an abrupt hall. Before I could get out of the truck, two gentlemen from Davie were by my side. Dale Barneycastle and another fellow who called me by name (Please call me and lell me your name,). They made sure 1 was all righl, slaycd with me and helped me gel ihe boat bnck onto ihe iruck. Aflerwnrds he snid, “M y son is gelling out of surgery, I need to leave.” But he stopped to help me first. I proceeded on lo Tractor Supply in Clemmons to find il closed. However, Marsha and Flop were in ihe parking lot gelling ready 10 leave. They nsked if 1 needed help, nnd I replied yes. The re opened the store nnd helped me get new chains and n iiilch in- slnlled (This look nenriy nn hour,), . The boat only had a six-inch scratch and m y triiek a small dent in the rear halch (unbelievable). There was less lhan $lOO damage. ' ■ ■ Thank you God for saving my life. v Thank you friends for saving my trip. ToddCassidy . Mocksville Letters WebomW The Enterprise Record welcomes letters'from its read er,s. The letters may be on topics of local, state,'naliopal ' or international issues. An effort will be made to print all letters,« provicled they are not libelous, vulgar or in poor taste. The iiditor reserves the right to edit letters for grammar and for space; AlMetters should include the name and address of the: writer, including a signatijre. A telephone piimbeT, npt tO' b^ published, is aiso requested, > " , ' > ‘j ' , ' Please have letters in'the newspaper offic'9 ijo later, than 4 p,m, Monday o f the week to be published.'Davie,' County Enterprise Record P,0, Box, 99, Mocksvillei ernews@davie-enteiprise.com', ' ’ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,2009 - 3 B o o n e D e s c e n d a n t s E n j o y P i i g r i n r i a g e T o D a v i e B y B ru ce W . P ow er Jr. 5lh great grandson of Israel Boone Israel Boone was born May 20, 1726 in Gwyneth, Bucks County, PA. In 1730 al age 4 he and his family moved to his father’s 250 acre homestead. His grandfather Boone and uncles were prominent in business, local government and Quaker, Friends Meetings. Isrnel was the older brother of Daniel Boone. In 1747 he married at age 23 years to a non- Quaker in Berk Co„ Pa. The name of his wife has been lost over lime. Squire Boone, his father, was called to tusk before Ihc Friends for his son’s marriage. More than likely Isrnel worked as a weaver nnd farmer as his falher did to support his wife and soon to be family. In 1750 Israel and his wife moved wilh his falher’s fnm ily lo ihe Yudkin Vnlley in Norlh Cnrolina, By this lime ihere were Iwo sons, Jesse and Jonathan. Our great-grandmother Elizabeth was born in 1752, her falher was 26 years old at the lime. Two years later sister Sarah (Snllie) wns bom. In August o f 1755 Sarah Morgan Boone (Israel’s mother) appeared w ilh Israel nl the Mornvinn colony, 25 miles norlheasl o f the Yadkin al Salem, appealing for irealment for Israel’s consumption from the resident doctor. There Israel remained, hospitalized for several weeks, and when he lefl, the rccord noted thal Ihere was “ small hope of his recovery” . Israel died June 26, 1756 of luberculosis nl age 30 ycnrs old two monlhs before his brother Dnniel Boone nnd Rebeccn Brynn were mnrricd in North Carolina. Israel’s wife had died o f tiie same illness some time before Israel. Four yenr old, grcnt-grnndmolher Eliznbelh Boone niong with her two brothers and sister grew up in family member’s homes more as iheir children than as nieces and nephews. Some of ; Israel’s children lived with Duniel and Rebecca in N orlh Carolina until the' fum ily le fl for Kentucky in 1773. Great-grandmother Elizabeth was married to John Power Jr. in 1770 nt Ihe nge of 17 or 18 yenrs old. When Daniel and Rebecca Boone moved lo Kentucky, Elizabeth Boone Power kept the Boone Family Bible - thnt is why so much o f the early Power family is found in Ihe Bible. , Brucc W. Power, Jr. 361 Millwood Drive Havana, FL 32333-6435 Boone descendants Patti Power Balanky and Bruce W. Power at the gravesite of Squire and Sarah Boone In Joppa Cemetery In Mocksville, T h e y p a id th e u ltim a te s a c r ific e Civil War 1861-Jackson Lewis Cranfield Hosca L. Holder W. F. Newmnn W illiam M. TVsinger Thomas Ray Dnvis 1865 James L, Crahfield Jacob B. Holman W illiam H. Owen James M. Van W illinm T. Dnywalt Gideon Granfili W illiam Hoose A, L, Owens Peter Vesler (Verher)Otto J, Fletcher W. Adams F, M. Cuningliam . John J. Horn W illiam Parks Thomas V. Vinagum , James Ralph Gaither A.C. Allen George Cuningham Louis 0 . Horn George W, Peacock John I. Von Eaton Waller T, Greon Isaac Allen ■Thomas Cuningham Harrison H, Howard Aaron G, Peebles Samuel P. Von Eaton Harding Greene Charies S. Anderson Franklin Dnvis Nathan Howard Boone T. Penry John H. Waggoner P. G. (Sammy) Hay , Baxler R. HoflmanW illiam D. Anderson Solomon M. Dnyvauit Henry H, Ijames W illiam H. Penry Jncob Wngner Asbury Alhan John W. Clark Brook John W, Ijames W illiam Perry ,W. R. Wngner 1. V. Hudson James Austin James A. Debnnm John Jacobs ■ Britlon Phelps Henry G. Walker George Otis Jacobs Jolm Austin D. M. Dedmon J. F. James John W. Philips Daniel C. Wnllnoe W iley H. Keaton W illiam Austin Richard L. Dismukes J. W, Jnmes Benjnmin F. Pool C, J. Wnrner Tnlmndgo J. Kimmer Lemuel J. Bniley-Henry Dixon Thomns A. Jnmes...... ; 1 Peter W. M, Polls W illinm C. Warren Clarence King, Jr. Thomns B. Bnity James Dowdy ■ ■ ,Malihew Bowden .W illinm Polls . Elijah A. Welch , Paul S. King John J. Barlow W illiam D. Drake 'Daniel H. Jackson Alfred A, Pralhcr John A. Welch Jnmes W. Knight John W. Beauchamp J. C, Eaton , Jonathan Jarvis ' E li Prather AlfVed Whitaker Adren G. Koontz W illiam Beck John C. Ecoles S.W. Johnson Samuel W. Raben .Thomas F. W hitlock Herman L. Koontz Richard S. Bceman E.F.EIlis .Henry T. Jones Anderson J. Ridenhour Mark Wilkerson . Joseph E. Leagans N .R .B ell James M. Eliis ' James Mndlson Jones John W, Ridenhour Bcauford B. Williams Clyde McDanlcl ■ A. Bcnlly Nathaniel B. Ellis Snmuei A. Jones Losspn Ridenhour , Jacob Theo F. McDaniel' James M. Berryman W illiam R, Ellis Gurney Jordan Snmuei W. Rose W. Williams Melvin 0 . Mnrkland Daniel D. Bessant W illy Jones Ellis Jonnlhnn Jordan Jncob Suin 'John Willinms Albert C.M arklin Daniel L. Black Donnlson Ellison JohnKoos Joseph Snin 1 W illianiSain ■. W illiam Willinms . : J. H; Montgomery, |r. , i.. ^ John Blackburn James W, Etehcrson Henry P. Kesler Hoiiry J, Wood'Ralph J. Mooney ' ^ ' ' ' Duniel e ; Bta,s!j,YC9lds,i;,11.ShadrachEtchison Anderson King ■ Losson Seamon Ira Wood :. W illiam J. Mooney Moses Boger. .....................r-Joseph 0,Ferebeo .......■ L rB ; King ■J.-'-Slihckleford :■■■ ■ Thomas Zimmerman James;G;’Monroe John 0 , Bowden S. Ferebee • Caleb W, Kurfees ,David Sliadrick’ ’ ' 'Frank ¡Myers James S. Boyd Azanah L. Foster Franklin J. Kurfees SionShndrick W W i Henry B. Osborne Hubbard Brewer Robert James A. Foster James H. W. Foster George W, Lnird W illiam A, Lane Jamos Shives Josepli P Shives Benjamin Cnleb Ellis fintYitlGl P ForrCflt Buford H. Peoples Ernest 0. Plowman R. Brindle John E. Fosler Jerimiah M, Lalham Henry Simmons iJilllHlv’l J « i Ul 1 v3k Demis Foster Frank W. Poplin M. Brinegnr Robert Fosler Jamos Franklin Leach S. A. Smith • U9ivl Maxie Godbey M iltnn P Hnrtmnn Garinnd L. Pnck John Brinigcr Samuel L. Foster John Leach W illiam A. Smilh Robert L. Rqeves Levin E. Brock Thomas Fosler John W. Leach W illiam R Smilh W illinm H. Snyder Thomas M. Brook W illiam A. Frosl Emanuel Leonard , ZImmereok N. Smith IVla V/i liUUSWl r'Iniiile W Hnwnffl . Kenneih P. Spnrks W illiam F. Brock Albert W. Fry Josse Leonard Daniel J, Smoot V^lUUUv ff« llVIVvUlU W illiam H Howell , C. G. Sloneslreel Anderson H. Cain Thomas W. Furches , W illiam H, Gaither , p . M. Lillie Pinkney Smoot VVIIIIIIlIl lit lIUWvll Chnrlio Jordan ' Tnhfi T cmiiel T^pllnr James E, Stroud Dnniel H. Cain Robert A. Little Wilson D. Smoot John Angier Teague, Jr. Daniel J. Cain Robert Garwood Christinn Livengood W. H, Spens W illiam C, Lowery Ernest McCullough DnviH Reid Poole Dwight Wnyne Tiffin ' W illiam F. Cain Henry Q. Call Franklin Gallon James Gatton Isnac Logan John T. Lunn W illiam B. Sport Nathan W. Stanly Robert L. White, Sr. John E. Wil.son W illiam C. Carter Pleasant Gallon W illiam A. Lynch George Steelman ' Leo S. PowcU Snmuei G. York Jnmes F. Cnrtner ■James M, Granger John A. McBride Daniel Slèwnrt mW * wTTWll Albert RichardsonAiexnnder W. Chaffin John Ellis Graves Thomas McCarter Hezekin Slewnrt 4 % i WV A V. « VilMl \4k7Wlft John A (son) Smith George Stewart Herbert S.rturtontino KOREANathan M. D. Chaffin George E, Greer Matthew A. McCicnnn Spencer Stewnrt Rufus Leonnrd Brinegnr Jnck L. SpillmanSolomon Chandler Noah B. Grimes W illiam A. McCrackin Iva F. Swaringen . Jesse Chaplin Ferdinand L. Hnll Mace McDaniel JohnG. Tacket ' W illiam F. Charies Jonathan Wesley Cheshire Henry H. Hnll George A. Hnnes James McDonald W illiam H. Madra 0 , M. Taylor Giles Taylor WWII VIETNAM W illiam Church Jnck A. Hanes JohnL.M ariin E. S. Thomas Grady W. Allen Elvle Bell, Jr. James Clary Jacob H. Hanes ;George W, Marshall John B. Thomas,Robert T. Bamey Edgar Lee Bowers Daniel W. Click John A. Harper Benjamin J. Martin Rufus A. Thompson Benjamin F. Berrier Carl Lee Doby Alonzo Cioniger S.F.Helfcr David W, Martin Meekins C. Tariilion James 0 . Bailey James Spurgeon Goss P, J, Conrad Stephen Hendrix G rief G. Mason Esquire Turner Biiriey Booe John Charles Harding, Jr. James Cook Benjamin F, Hcpler Henry Minor George Washington Tumer Jasper H. Carter Roger Dale Howard Andrew Cope David E H ill . Madison Minor J. A. Turner W illinm M. Champ Harvey Richard McCuiston W illiam G, Cope George H, H ill Henry A. Mock W illinm F. Turrentine George Clawson, Jr. Samuel Edwin Waters, Jr. Nathan B, Cornnlzcr J. Hillard Jesse Myers Thomas J. Tutterow John P Cook Waiter Alexander Williams Dnvid H, Correli JuliusHobbs Philip A, Nail Tiiomas P Thomas James D. Crisp Hnnes Cranfield ■Joseph Hodges H. A. Newmnn Henry H. lysinger Louis A. Davis BEIRUT Charies Dennis Cook Memorial Day is more than barbecues and vacations. Take time to remember the brave Davie residents listed above - who died in service of their country. Stop by the monument in Downtown Mocksville where their names are engraved on granite. Or better yet, attend one of the ceremonies here this weekend, remember those who gavé all, and tell the veterans still here a siinple message. Thank you DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRI/EbilECORD V ■ -И ‘ |i *:i ' V hl ! Г’ I 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,2009 B e O u r G u e s t I" Mocksville-Davie Legion Game ] ! Monday, Mav.29th 7;.00pm I I FREE TO ALL VETERAHS!I Rich Park | I O a rriA s ta rts af 7 '0 0 n m | Veterans admitted free to the Mocksvilie American Legion Baseball Game Monday night with this coiipon DAVIE C dU N T Y E N T E R P R I / ^ E C O R D Saturday Poker Run To Benefit Barnes A former standout athlete frotn Duvic is getting a helping hand this week. Lonnie Bames, a former War Eagle pitcher and highly re garded pool shooter, is suffer ing from an infection related to a brain tumor. Barnes, who graduated from Davie in 2002, was recently in Las Vegas com peting in the APA National Pool Tournament Championships when he fell ill. He has been in intensive care at Forsyth for two weeks. “ Barnes has no ties to the m otorcycle com m unity in Davie, but when they heard of his plight, they were quick to comc to his aid,” said M ike Gunning, owner of Moxie’s Bar in Downtown Mocksvilie. A fund raiser poker run has been scheduled for this Satur day, and all bikes arc welcome, "A poker rim is a popular ac- tiv ity among bikers in which they ride throughout the community as a group to pre determined stops to collect pòker cards,” Gunning said. “ They return, to the starting point and compare cards to see who got the best poker hand for prizes. Similar to golf tourna ments, poker runs are a good soiffce of fund raising with little capital outlay.” Registration begins at 10 a.m. at Moxie's on North Main Street with free egg biscuits for the first 20 entrants. The cost is $25 for first hand, which in cludes lunch at Tucker's Place in Advance, w ith a $10 fee added for a second hand. Stops include Tuckjer's Place, Time Out Hut in Lexington, Clemmons Custom Cycle, and Sagebrush in Mocksvilie. The band Midnight Steel w ilf pro vide the entertainment when the bikes arrive back at Moxie's later that afternoon. Door prizes have been given by several area businesses, in cluding Osbornes Tire and Au tom otive, W icked Hair Salon, Applebees in Clemmoni and more. Cooleemee Clean-Up Days Next Week Wetmore Farms ® W O O D L E A F % FRESH S T R A W B E R R IE S PEADYNO W ALSO AVAILABLE: Greenhouse Tomatoes, Cantaloupe and other produce other produce as It becomes available Open Monday-Friday 8:00am-6:00pm Saturday 8:00am-3:d0pm Aram Mocksvlile lake 601 South to 801 Intersection, turn right at light 4 miles lo caution light In Woodleal. Follow signs to larm. 704-278-2028 The town o f Cooleemee spring clean-up days w ill be May 25-27. This servicc applies only tb houses and residents in the corporate botmdary on Monday, May 25: Tuesday, May 26: and Wednesday, May 27. Here is each street’s assigned pickup day; Monday. May 25: A llen, Gladstone, H alifax lane. H ickory, M arginal, Neely, Rocky H ill Trail, Ruffin and Westviewi , Tuesday. May 26: Center, Grove, NC 801, Holt* Joyner, Midway, Ramar’s Court and Watt: and Wednesday, M ay , 27: Church, Cross, Davie, Duke, Erwin, Junction Road, Main, Riverside Drive and Yadkin. Place items curb.'iide in front of your house. Items can be placed at the eurbstde several days prio r to the street’s assigned pickup day. The town ;th« briohtm ALL HOMES ARE TRUE OFF-FRAME MODULAR HOMES THS AVONOALKCAM WAf «>0.114*аьЛ| в я к в в ] •tHi MOATUü'flANOH< 'S 9 ÌT 9 0 0 * ! w iMtiinU k »WM4N ШМ % S T A T E S V IL L E HOUSING CENTER (•77to£j|40A •U970Eut4.BmllH 'UtlonOuilrMU ParkDrtvf.4m»M ' L*ftonBuilnMa70 Facloiy Bulll • Factoiy Sold • We ARE the Builder • Land & Financing Available 704.924.9393 www.StatesvilleHousing.com Toll Free 1.877.283.4344 D A W I E M edlcol €quipm erit Y o u r H o m e C a r e C o m p a n y You Have the Right to Choose Your Home Medical Equipment Company - Davie Medical Equipment. Especially if you go to a neighboring hospital. Traveling or Planning a Vacation? Take Davie Medical along! Now Offering; Dally, Weekly and Monthly Rentals j B a tte ry O p erated -R ech 'arg ?ab !ie I '.P e rfec t (¿ r yoi»r tra v e l M obility! ' "if' ' ( W e ¿ccept: Cash, Check, Visa, I M astercard or Discover ; Come In to see these brand new f Scooters and to speak w ith one o f, I our Knowledgeable Staff, ___________I J E M edical €quI|Dmenl: 959 Salisbury Rd. • Mocksvlile (336)751-4288 fax (336)751-4688 w ill not be responsible for picking up any items after the street’s assigned day. If you are handicapped or a senior citi/.en needing help with getting items to the curb or needing help with items that you want picked up on your street’s assigned day, or if you want to know if you qualify for this service, call town hall at 284- 2141, prio r to the street’s assigned pickup day. The following w ill not be picked up: garbage, brush or limbs, yard waste including grass clippings and leaves, paint or paint cans, toxins or hazardous chcmicals. The town has contracted w ith B illy M yers fo r this service. A ll items (including metal) placed at curbside for pickup, either before or on the above dates, w ill be picked up only by Myers. Anyone else seen picking up these items (including tnetal) w ill be subject to law enforceipent. Bermuda Run Officials Say County Charging Too Much By Jackie Scnbolt Davie County Enterprise , B E R M U D A RUN - A p proval o f an interlocal agree ment between Bermuda Run and Davie County was put on hold by board members here. The last agreement was signed in 2006 and listed the fol lowing services be shared be tween tlie two: tax collections, building inspection/flood plain management, and fire protec tion. B u ilding inspection and flood plain management is pro vided to BR by the county at no cost. Fire protection services to BR through the county are pro vided through contracts with Clemmons Volunteer Fire De partment, Advance VFD, and Smith Grove VFD. In the current agreement. B e r m u d a R u n B r ie f s Former Councilman Recognized Mayor John Ferguson presented former councilman Ron Hoth with a certilicate of appreciation at this month’s meeting, “ I think everyone knows why Mr. Hoth resigned from the town council. He resigned to dp bigger and better things out in Davie Counly as a new county commissioner. Congratulations, and wc do appreciate everything you did for us.” Hoth, said that it was a pleasure to .serve pn the, BR; Council for, tiie,past;,seven years, ■ Appointment of New Councilman The town council unanimously approved appointing Robert Hewitt lo serve the remainder of Ron Hoth’s term, which ex pires in November, Hewitt was sworn in by Ferguson before taking his place at the council table. Census Workers Inside The Town Census workers are currently polling homes and Bell told the council all should be wearing appropriate identification,. Planning Board Vacancy Bell told the council there Is a vacancy on the town’s plan ning board, “ I ask anyone that is interested to contact a council member or town hall and let us know of their interest,” The town hall’s number is 998-0906, Riverbend Stormwater Project “ We’re still trying to get that completed,” Bell .said of Uie Riverbend storm-water project. There is no firm start date be cause of rainy conditions. There w ill necessary grading and additional soil brought In before the project w ill begin. S p e c i a l s o f t h e W e e k PEPSI 24 OZ. bottles 6 pk »2« Limit 3 Cases While Supplies Lust L a n c e C o o k i e s 2 l* r Limit 6 While Supplies Last D on’t I'dfKi't M tiscadiiii'I P H O T O S P E C I A L $1oooFFl N e x t D a y P r i c e s One IVeefc Only I'or i^ri'at iiiloi'm alldii on i4: licaltli pi'obii'in.s, ^>o to « N' «.rosler(iruf>i'o.c'(»m Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • IVIocksviile • (336) 751-2141 _______;_____ w w w .fo ste rclru g co .c o n i Gibson Windham Partially-Clothed Woman, Teen Arrested After Police Altercation w hich expires in July, the county provided BR with tax collections and tax billing ser vices for non-motor vehicle bills and charged $5.75 for each bill. The proposed agreement re quires BR pay the county $8,50 per bill until 2012, “ 1 think wc need to have a look at that. I ’ m concerncd about that much of an increase,” M ayor John Ferguson said, “That’s a Ъig increase. That is im absohUc piggy-back' opera tion and it can't cost Ihe county hardly anything to do this. Why they want to charge us that much, 1 don’t know. I think lhat needs to be negotiated, and I’ll be glad to negotiate with them,” The agreement was tabled. Former Sheriff Critical Former Daylp Sheriff B ill Wooten was Involved in a seri- oUs car wreck on Tuesday morn ing, ■ Wooten was driving his car on Avon Street when another drove from a private drive Into its path, said Mocksvillc Police Pffice E,M, Parker, The driver o f that car, Erick Vasquez.-Bcrnal, 21, o f Avon Street, was cited for falling to ! yield right of way, ' Wooten was taken to Baptist i Medical Center where ho was j listed in critical condition on Tuesday afternoon. By Jackie Seabolt Enterprise Record Two women who claimed to be on a hunt for relies near Hunting Creek were arrested by deputies on May 9, According to Capt. J.D. Hartman of the Davlc Sheriff’s O ffice, deputies were dis patched to US 64 West in refer ence to suspicious activity. When they arrived around 7 p,m. they found a w hite Chevrolet Blazer stopped in the travel lane occupied by one fe male and one male. Officers then npticed two females walking ncrpss the rpad tpwards the vehiclo. “ One woman was wearing a t-shirt and panties. They tpU an officer they had been searching for ar rowheads.” Hartman said both women were intoxicated nnd as the of ficer approached one of.the women began yelling and tell ing the officer she needed no as sistance. The other woman then began screaming und yelling at the officer. The officer requested the women get out of tho road and both were detained.................. According to I-Iartman, the' female occupant in the vchicle told the officer sho needed her inhaler and asked him to get It out o f the vehicle for her. “ While they were getting the in haler they located a handgun in the center console o f the ve hicle, That led to a more thor ough search o f the vehicle," Hartman .said. Prescription pills were found inside the vehicle that did not belong to any o f the Sheriff’s Dept. Missing Funds Lost funds at a local church have prompted an investigation by the sheriff’s department. Tho minister and inembers o f the finance committee at Bethlehem United Methodist Church in Advance filed a re port that money Is missing, said occupants. The male occupant was transported to Ihe local Iruck stop and allowed to leave, he was not chargcd w ith any crimes, according to Hartman, Renee Gibson, 42, o f Sanford was charged with car rying a concealed weapon and disorderly conduct. She was placed in Davie Detention Cen ter In lieu of a $2,500 secured bond, Allyson Windham, 16, of Sanford was charged with car rying a concealed weapon, pos session of schedule II conUolled substance .and possession of schedule IV controlled sub stance. She was placcd in Davie Detention Center in lieu of a $3,000 securcd bond. The other occupant of llie vehicle, a 14-year-old female, wns the daughter of Gibson, She was nol chargcd with any crime and was traiisporlcd back to Sanford by a family member. 'Thé 14-year-old told us she had not been to school in about two months, She's supposed to be in Ihe ninth grade. She said that sho wanted to go back to school, but her mother never tnade arrangements for her to go backV’ Hartman said. “Thé'16- ycar-old (Windham) had appar ently just moved in with them rund said she had nol been lo school in tho past five months,” Hartman said a copy of the investigation report was for warded to the Department of Social Services in Sanford, Gibson and Windham are scheduled to appear in Davie District Court on June 18. Investigating From Church Davie S h e riff’s C apt.'J.D , Hartman, He would not say how much money has been reported miss ing, There Is one su,spect ho called a "person of interest,” “At Ihls point It Is still an ac tive Investigation,” he said. 2 Davie High Students Detained After Fight By Jackic ScnboU , Davie Counly Enterprise A Friday afternoon fight at Davie High School resulted In Ihe arrest of Iwo students, Tevln Lamar Gaither, 17, of Fred Lanier Road, Mocksvlile was charged with assault on a school teacher and disorderly conduct. The olher student, whoso name is being withheld since he is 15, was charged with the same offenses. A ccording lo Capt. J.D, Hartman wilh Davie Sheriff’s Department, on Friday, May 15 around 3:20 p.m. a fight broke oul in front of tho high school. "Teachers wero aitompting to control Ihe situation, there was yelling and screaming.” Hartman said lhat teachers were not able lo hold Ihe two male students apart. The re.source officer at the high school requested urgent ' back up from other officers and the two students were taken Into custody when the other officers arrived, Hartman said that no weap ons were Involved and there were no physical injuries lo any teachers. Neither of the students re quired medical attention, ac cording to Hartman. "Tevln had somo scratches on his back, but that was because they had ap parently ripped each others shirts o ff during the fight.” Hartman said that the reason for Iho fight Is unknown, but lhat It may have resulted from so many students being together during a yearbook signing. “ Apparently, two different groups of kids were lalkingjunk during tho yearbook signing and those two decided to take it a step further. There were so many people out and about. There were several reports of fights and it took officers a few nilriules to figure out the real shuation,” Hartman said. Teen Faces 5 Counts Of Gang Graffiti A Mocksvilie teen faces five felony charges after admitting to gang-related g ra ffiti across town, Efraln Barona Romero, 16, o f N orthridgc Court, was charged by Mocksvillc police with five counts cach of pattern gang activity and damage to real property. He was taken Into cus tody In lieu of a $10,000 bond, pending a May 21 appearance in Davie District Couri, Mocksvilie Police Deteclivc Jerry Medlln said that Romero is charged with gang graffiti at the 7th Day Adventist Church , on M illing Road, at the Davlc Counly Public Library on North Main Street and at Ihc Davie Family YM C A on Cemetery Street, Medlin expects more sus pects lo be chargcd, and Romero may also face more charges for other graffiti around town in re cent months. A s s i s t e d L i v i n g R e s id e n t P u n c h e d A former employee at Davie Place was arrested after striking u resident at the assisted living center, John Frank Lyerly, 67, of Salisbury, wns charged May 15 with aggravated assault of a dis abled elderly person inflicting serious li\|ury. Trial date: May 2s: '■ Mocksvilie Police Deleclivis Sluart Shore said the suspect punched a 73-year-old man in the face. He was fired from his job, and fellow employees re ported the Incident to police. Shore said the Incident is isolated, und that It appears no other residents were harmed. Tho home does not have a his tory o f such problems, he said. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,2009 ■ 5 District Court The follow ing cases were heard In Davie District Court on May 14. Presiding: Judge Jimmy L. Myers, Prosecuting: Jamie Gentry and Wendy Terry, Assistant DAs. - Joseph Oscar Adams, driv ing with license* revoked, sen tenced to 120 days, suspended 18 months, $50, cost, - Ronald Craig Alston, shop- lifting/concealmont of goods, sentenced to two days, credit for lime served, - Philip Craig Branch, DWI, dismissed per Insufficient evi dence, - Steven M itchell Brock, speeding 83 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $10, cost: failure to comply with license restrictions, dismissed. - James Sean Burge, DWI, sentenced to 120 days, sus pended 18 months, $200, cost, surrender license, not to operate , a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, substance abuse a.Hsess- mont/treatmenl, 48 hours com m unity service; unsafe lane change, dismissed per plea, - Carlos Antonio Cano, driv ing with, license revoked, dis missed per plea: unsafe move ment, cost, $275 attorney fees, - David Pound Crocker, DW I, sentenced to 60 days, sus pended 18 months, $100, co,st, surrender license, not lo operate a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, substance abuse assoss- ment/treutment, 24 hours com munity scrvlce, - Atwood Laverne Edwards, failure to yield from private drive nnd driving wrong way on one way, dismissed per civil settlement, - B illy Jack Fleming, posses sion of drug paraphernalia, cost, evidence ordered destroyed, $125 attorney fees; possession of marijuana up to one and one- half ounces, dismissed per plea, evidence ordered destroyctl, - Cecil Shelton Foushee, reckless driving to endanger, reduced to unsafe movement, $25, cost; failure lo stop for stopsign/fittshing red lights, dis missed per picu, - Lurry Camell Gaither, driv ing wilh license revoked, failure to dim headlamps, improper use of dealer permit/tag, dismissed per plea; driving with license re voked, sentenced to 45 days, suspended 18 months, cost, - Michael Peter Laroque, as sault on a female, dismissed per failure of prosecuting witness to appear, - Tonya Tilley Lyons, driving with license revoked, reduced to failure lo notify DM V of address change, cost, $125 attomey fees; operating vehicle no insurance, dismissed per plea, - Z o u lkifio u M iziyaw a, speeding 103 in a 70, reduced to careless/reckless driving, $800, cost, - Kevin R. Morrison, speed ing 70 In a 55, dismissed per plea; driving with license re voked, sentenced to 120 days, suspended 18 months, $100, cost, not to operate a motor ve hicle until licensed by DMV. - Kyle Chase Sanders, driv ing left of center, dismissed per civil settlement; reckless driving to endanger, prayer for judgment continued on cost, - Dwayne Leo Stallings, speeding 98 in a 70, reduced to careless/reckless, $200, cost.. - Teresa Ann Tackett, unau thorized use of a motor vehicle, prayer for judgment continued; ,- Timothy H. Westbrooks, following too.closely, dismissed per civil settlement. - Justin W. Whitaker, driving after consuming under 21, prayer for judgment continued on cost; reckless driving lo en danger, dismissed per plea, - Courtney S. Williams, mis demeanor larceny, sentenced tp 16 days, credit for time served. Failed to appear: - Anthony Travis Douglas, speeding 65 in a 55, driving with license revoked. - Carlos A. Redmond, simple possession of schedule VI con trolled substance, driving with license revoked. - Gregory Lee Yancey, speed ing 92 in a 70, expired registra tion card/tag, operating vehicle no insurance, fictitious/altered tltle/rcglstrullon card/tag, driv ing/allowing motor vehicle no registralio;i. Davie County DAV Post 75'^ o f M o c k s v ilie w a n ts to e x te n d a n in v ita tio n to a ll M e m b e rs , F a m ilie s , a n d E H sab led V e te ra n s to a C o o k o u t. A s p e c ia l in v ite to Ira q , A fg h a n is ta n , a n d G u lf W a r V ets. - Date; 3 0 M ay 2 009 I ? » « ; 1 2 .0 0 -4 :0 0 Place: D A V B u ild in g , 1958 H W Y 601 S o u th F le m c iM ite c li. W illiam P o e 7 5 1 -2 8 6 4 B ill Z in u n e rm an 4 9 2 -6 3 4 7 w ith h o w nnany p e o p le w ill atten d in g & fo r e v en t in fo rm atio n . COME JOIN US&ENJOYIК N O W OPEN! D ix ie la n d far m Bomnttna Laaaona Summer Camp I2mI2 StaSs,tndooflOuUhorAnno,Tmis, Beoutifijì hxMes, HotíColdV^sh Rock Mention Ad and get $S0 off Board llrst three monthsi www.dixUtandfinn.com Contact: M nnssa Pliono: 33(M02-&103 1784 Godbey Itond - Mockuvillo. NC 27028 Bear Creek Farm EOVESTKUNCEmEK Let us share our passion Гог hones w ith you! SpMlallzIng In thoughtful, companionate Instruction lor rider and hone. 428 Alien Road, Mocksvilie, NO 336-492-5451 www,t»arcreekfafmequ68tctf,com b W A S H E S d ip To uchless orq 2 B ru s h w a s h | ^ MOCKSVILLE C A u to Pride Car Wash i».) N, Yadkinville Rd. I Mocksvilie (across from Lowes ) Home Improvement) r £ k J : m D i. £ t Conveniently located on Hwy 607 near Lowe's Home Improvement ■ The Wake Forest Baptist Healthcare Center - Davie provld.es primary care, occupational medicine, and a walk-in clinic treating non-emergency injury and illnesses. Also Included are a laboratory and a radiology department. - . Walk-in Clinic ! Monday through Saturday, 9a,m, to 9p,m. Sunday,1p.m. to 9p.m. . Primary Care ' by appointment, IVlonday through Friday 8a,m, to Noon and 1p,m. - 5p.in. . . . Occupational Medicine Monday through Friday, 8a,m; to 4:30p,m. Traditional hospital services, Includlrig surgeries, inpatient beds for both acute care and swing bed status, the gastrointestinal lab, physician cllpics, radiology, Igbpratory and the 24-hour Emergency Deportment, w ill remain at Davie County ¡hospital, ; tl Wake Forest University Baptist ■ Д М И И М Ж — I H iiW IM H M ® Healthcare Center-Davie \ I . - I I'-f H- 'f i’ 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,2009 i\iblic Records DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,2009 - 7 Marriages The following were issued marriage licenses by the Davie ‘ Register of Deeds. - Edward Roy Washburn, 64, , und Barbara Ann Moorhouse, 70, both of Advance. ; - Stephen Michael Newell, ;25, nnd T iffany Heather ' Williams, 22, of Mocksvillc. - Joshua Mnx Locnstro, 22, and Heather Lynn Hnmilton, 20, of Mocksville. - Theodore Welch, 44, and : Anisin Dawn Hnyes, 37, of ’ Mocksville. - Michnel Anthony Boblitz, , 54, and Maria Regina Fleck, 54, ; of Woodleaf. - Trampus EnrI Keen, 25, , and Laurn-Ann Marie Owens, V16, of Mocksville. - Dnniel Oren Conley, 27, nnd Kntherinc Lynn Ooldner, 21, of Mocksville. - Michnel Edward Frogge, 22, nnd Jenna Nicole Smith, 21, both of Mocksvillc. - Eric Nnthaniel Dnlton, 44, ■of M o cksvillc, and Lara Dcmetress Peebles, 45, of Wndesboro. - Tim othy Jnmcs Lowery, 23, and Hollie Michelle Miller, 24, both of Mocksville. - Adam Wesley Naylor, 31, and Ashley Nichole Stewart, 24, of Advance. Cooleemee Police The following incidents were reported to the Cooleemee Po lice Department. - An undisciplined juvenile was reported Mny 1 ut n resi dence on Rocky Knoll Lane. - The larceny o f a bicycle from n residence on Dnvie Street was reported May 4. - A teen reporled May 7 she was assaulted by her boyfriend al a residence on Watt Street. - Charles David “ Doodle” Jacobs, 39, of Davidson, was charged May 10 at RiyerPurk with being drunk and disruptive nnd resisting arrest. Trial date; June 18. - A woman reported Mny 11 she was threatened via tele phone. - Gnrden hoses nt n residence on Dnvie Street were cut, it wns, reported May 15, - The larceny o f a depth finder from n bout on Ruffin Street wns reported Mny 16.' - Officers responded lo an alarm at Cooleemee Elementnry School on May 17., - A mnn wns cited for failure lo decrease speed lo avoid an accidcnt after u wreck on NC 801 South nt 12:35 p.m. May 17. Barry Wnyne Riley, 62, of Hobson Drive, attempted to drive a 1993 C hrysler left around a 1999 Pontiac, which had been slopped by David Eu gene Shook, 40, o f NC 801 South, waiting to make a turn. The vehicle driven by Riley went off an embankmenl to thc left,' reported Chief Bobby R. West. S a lisb u ry C y c ls C e n te r 1514 JakeAlsxander Blvd. West (Hwy 801) Salisbui^.NC 28147 704-B33-5787 Quick 15 minutes from Mooksville Dunlop i S N M k 0 4 ^ Mldiellii Continental Meizler Full Boro (Just Arrived) Free nre Installation on Bike with Tire Purcliase 10% Off Tire Installation on Wheels with Tire Purchase Guaranteed Lowest Tire Prices We Service W hat W e Sell Clwwiiiiurg ir FooHongHotOo«B a rlQ w *1" I ^1" I h ” HllMlNlllHlf S lM kn a ti *5*® Om o Fm * SIM M M M o iin a li $ ^ 5 T ' PÓrfÑwíi la r m w fW »ä iä S ä ’ *6*® li * 5 “ i * 5 “ ' O H ip o a M ttitB ô P n te n M Ïb i^ h liis ^ ^ f^uaílable at Both Locations! 8 8 5 S a l i s b u r y S t. • M o c k s v ille 2 2 0 3 H w y . 6 0 1 N . • M o c k s v ille Civil Lawsuits The following civil lawsuits were filed with the Dnvie Clerk of Court. - W ilma Jean Lowery vs. Amanda Nicole Simmons and Theodore Harold Simmons 111, custody. - Diana Lynn Burch vs. Kevin James Ritchie and Lindn Crockett, order stnying further proceedings. - Deanna Campbell vs. Jerry W. Campbell Jr., domestic violence prptective order. - Tommy Eugene Player Jr. vs. Mandie Michelle O'Neal, domestic violence protective order. - Darlene Cortes Koon vs. Richard Lee Vnntuyl, domestic violence protective order. - Wachovia Bank National Association vs. Linda Wood Seats, John Wayne Seats, Michelle Seats, also known as Jamie S. Smith, confession of judgment. - £)nvie Socinl Services vs. D avid W. Johnson, child support, - Andrin Michelle Burick vs. Everett Ferrell Drnke, domestic violence protective order. C hristopher Scott Mendwell vs. Angeln Nicole Mendwell, domestic violence protective order. - Richnrd Hahne vs. Dennis Sales and Jennifer Hahne, custody. - Diane Buck vs. Robert Stancle Buck, domestic violence protective order. - Jennette H. Ijames vs. John M. Ijames, domestic violence protective order. - Elizabeth M artinez vs. Tenikn Brock and A ltu ro Mende/., custody. - Candace J. ,N oto vs. Charles R. N oto, domestic violence protective order. - Davie Social Services vs. David L. Koger, child support. - Davie Social Services vs. Noel A. Cecil, child si^port. - Laura Elena Rodriguez Enriquez vs. Alberto Antunez, divorce. - Davie County Hospital vs. the following for collection on account: Kelly Renee Albert, .1i5,672.56; Christopher Bryce Alexander, ,$6,595; Donald Gaston J. A llen, $6,638.51; 'raurus R. A llen, $2,276.65; Am ie H enrietta A lliso n, $3,407.83; Oundalupe L. Alvarez, $2,379.62; Brandy Jean, Anderson, $2,594.99; Debra Lash Anderson, $5,736.05; Fyke Russell Akers, $3,061.45; Patricia Delore.s Andrade, $15,676.45; Robin M. Ayers, $4,684.76; Russell M orris Bniley, $5,826.10; D nrrell D w ight Baker, $7,743.87; M elissa Leeann Barber, $2,965,90; Robin Thomas Bnres Sr,, $4,343,18; Tony M njor Barney III, $6,087,30; M iranda Bameycastle, $3,984,60; Madia Reyes Barrera, $787; Amnnda Paige C, Bartolo, $3,152,85; Dennne A lice Baughcum, $7,967,70; Shenwell Ardeni Beane, $2,985,44; Kendiill A nn. Benuchnmp, $6,103.26, - On M ay 13 dnmage to property were reported nt n lo cution on Henrthside Lnne, Ad vance, - An assnult on n femule wus Arrests The Davie Coiinty Sheriffs , , Depnrtment mude the following f 801 South, Mocksville on May 13. - On May 14 larceny wns re ported ut n home on US 158, Mocksville, nrrests: - Dustin Rynn Moon, 20, of Clemmons wus urrested Muy 12 for misdcmennor possession of schedule V I controlled sub stnnce nnd possession o f drug purnphernnliu, Trinl date; June 25, - Michael Heath Jnrvis, 33, o f McDaniel Rond, Advunce wus nrrested May 12 for assault on a female, Triul dnte: July 29 in Wilkes County. - Donnie James, 32, o f Casabelln Drive, Advnnce was arrested May 12fordrivingwith license revoked, no liability in surance, and fictitious tag. Trinl dnte; Aug. 21. Fires Dnvie Counly fire dopnti- ments responded to the follow ing calls: M uy 12: Center, 7;28 a.m., 1-40, hnzutdous conditions. M ay 13: County Line, 5:33 p.m.. Village Road, structure fire; Center assisted; Farming ton, 7 ;41 p.m., 1-40 Ensl; Smith Drove nssisted. M ny 14: Mocksvillc, I;07 n.m., N. Mnin Street, structure fire; Fork assisted; Smith Grove, 8:17 n.m.. Commerce Drive, Tire alarm; Fnrmington, 3:21 p.m., Farmington Road, structure fire; ■ Smith Grove assisted; Mocks ville as.sisted; Jerusalem, 4:07 p,m „ US 601 South, automobile uccident; Cooleemee nssisted, Muy ISt Furmington, 8;47 n,in„ Fnrmington Road, reported propane fire; Smith Grove ns sisted; Mocksvillc, 8:50 n.m., US 64 Ensl, automobile ucci dent; Cenler, 10:31 u.m., US 64 West, uutomobile nccident; M ocksvillc ussisted; Mocks ville, t; 10 p.m.. Industrial Bou levard, fire alarm; Fork assisted, M ny 16: Mocksville, 7:33 u,m., Greenhill Roud, structure fire; Center assisted. Sheriff’s Department The follow in g incidents werc reported lo thc Dnvic County Sheriff's Depnrlment. - On Mny 11 illegul dump ing of trnsh wus reported ul u home on Four Corners Roud, Mocksville. - A break-in and larceny were reported nt a home on Granada Drive, Advancc on May II. - On May 12 vehicles werc reported set on fire at a home on Dutchman Trail, Mocksville. - The unauthorized use of a vehicle was reported at a,home on Dutchman Trail, Mocksville on May 12, - On May 12 larceny and forgery were reported at n home on Robbie Lane, Advance, - A break-in and larceny were 'reported at a location on US 601 North, Mocksville on Mny 13. Mocksville Police The follow in g incidents were reported to the Mocksville Police Depnrtment. - The Inrceny o f u motor scooter from u residence nt Northridge Court wus reported Muy 14. - Property ut Rich Pnrk Shel ter 5 wns vnndulized, il wus re ported Muy 14. - Thc lurceny of $21 worth of fuel from Murphy USA, Coo per Creek Drive, wus reported Mny 13. - Thc shoplifting o f mer chandise from Walmart, and subscciuent attempt to return, was reported May 13. - The larccny o f a wallet from n purse ut a business off US 601 North was reported May 15. - Thc larccny o f prescription medicine from a residence on W hitney Rond wns reported May 15, - The window to a residence nnd u muilbox were dnmuged on Sweet Gum Drive, it wns re ported Mny 16, - A inother nssuulted her dnughter ul n residence on Yudkinville Rond, it wus re ported Muy 16. Arrcsls - Chasitity Mclissn Elrntrout, 32, of Yndkinville, wns churged Muy 12 w ith non-nssuultive child ubuse. Triul dute: June 18. - Kutnel Buhjut Elrntrout, 40, o f Yndkinville, wns churged Muy 12 with non-ussnultive child nbuse. Triul dute: June 18. - Jessicu Dnwn Bolen, 30, of Cusn Bellu Drive, Advancc, was chargcd May 13 with obtaining property by fal.sc pretense nnd Inrceny. Trial date: July 23. - John Frank Lyerly, 67, of Salisbury, was chargcd May 15 with aggravated assnult of n dis abled elderly inlllcting serious injury. Trial dnte: May 28. 'Urnfflc Accidents - No charges were filed nf- tcr a wrcek on Yndkinville Rond ul 3;25 p.m. Muy 15. Amy Michele Nichols, 28, of Winstoh-Snlcm, fuiled to stop the 1991 Chevrolet she wns driving before it struck the reur o f n 2005 Toyotn driven by Lindn Vnnbrunt Durhnm, 58, of Lewisville, reported First Sgt, L,K, Gunter, Highway Patrol The following traffic wrecks in Duvie Counly were listed by the N,C, Highway Putrol, • A Duvie womnn wus churged wilh failure lo stop for stopsign und no operulors li cense after thc vehicle she wns driving wns involved in un nc- cid e n lM a yll. Ambnr Margarita Pereirn of Junction Rond, Mocksville wns driving n 1999 Nissun east on Nolley Rond, Drucilla Denise Sanders of Clark Road, Cool eemee was drivin g a 1997 Toyota north on Gladstone Road, Pereira stated she failed to stop for a stopsign at the in tersection o f N olley and Gladstone roads. Pereirn made a left turn onto Gladstone, fail ing lo see Sanders' vehicle. Sanders swerved to avoid hit ting Pereira's vehicle nnd ran off the road to thc right and collided with a ditch. Trooper C.D. Hall reported the accident occurred at ap proximately 1:20 p.m. and there were no injuries. • A North Cnrolinn mnn wns chnrged with Innc'conlrol vio- Intion ufter he wrecked thc ve hicle he wns driving Mny 12. Duvid Terrell Avery o f Tryon wns driving u 2001 Frcightlincr trucior-lruiler ensl on 1-40. Avery's vehicle run off the left side o f thc roud nnd collided with n medinn cnble. Trooper M .T. Dnlton re ported the nccident occurred ut npproximulely 4:34 n.m. und there were no injuries. • A North Cnrolinn mnn wns churged wilh unsnfe movement ufter the vehicle he wns driving hit unother Muy 13. P h illip Ruy Huste o f Roscboro wus bucking u 2005 GMC truck north on US 601. Hnste failed to see u 2005 Toyotn driven by Lindn Pruitt Bluckwell of CInrk Roud, Cool eemee behind him und his truck collided with her vehicle. Hnste wus backing his truck lo allow a lurgcr truck lo make n turn onto US 601. Trooper C.D. Hall reported thc accidcnt occurred at ap proximately 1:57 p.m. nnd there were no injuries. • A M nrylund mnn wus churged with rcckless driving nfter he wrecked the vehicle he wus driving Mny 13. Rickey Culvin Malkins of Salisbury, M D wns driving hi.s 2005 Toyotn cnst on 1-40. Malkins' vehicle ran o ff the left side o f the road and collided wilh a medinn cable, Malkins' vehicle traveled under the me dian cable and continued trnv- eling ensl in the medinn. Trooper C,D, Hull reported the nccident occurred ut np- prpximutcly 8:38 p.m, und there were no injuries. • A North Cnrolinn mnn wns chnrged with failure to reduce speed after the vehicle ho wns driving hit unother Muy 15. M nrk V ictor Scnles o f Reidsviile wns driving u 1998 Volvo tractor-trailer west on US 64. Larry Dean Coble of Southport was stopped on US 64 West in a motor home tow ing a 2002 Chrysler, Scales failed to reduce the speed o f his vehicle in lime and it collided with Coble's vehicle. Trooper M .T, Dalton re ported the accident occurred al approximately 8:50 a,m, and there werc no injuries. # G a r d e n P a r t y ' t F r e e Tree Sale 2 0 % O ff Great Assortment of Fruit Trees, River Birch, Maples, Arborvitae, Blossotning Cherry and Plum Trees, Crape Myrtles, Spruce, „ Magnolias, Japanese Maples, ^ gsu( Ginkgos, Willows and more. 7n ^ ^ Register to win a , ' $50 L.A; Reynolds ■ GiftCnvd! S u n d a y P r e t t y F l o w e r s Sun or Shade, we can help you choose the flowers, that will make your yard Z l l l z J M O J L D S ■ the prettiest around, .' OARDBN SHOWCASE® Free Nathan’s Hotdogs, Lemonade and Popcorn all day long this Saturday and Sunday. Balloons for thc Kids! C o n t a in e r G a r d e n s Container Gardens make it easy to add color and beauty to your Deck, Porch or Patio.^^j^' Our Plant Experts havo been Buzzing around for years. Ask us for advice. Sale ends 5/24/09 J 4 £ S ty e № F e n y ^ ^ 336-945-3776 LAReynolds.com Mon-Sat9-7Sun 12-5 The team from The Journey church heads out <o complete Day of Caring projects. Caring... Continued From Page 1 Civitan Club, Piedmont Natural Gas, Rotary Club of Mocksville, Smith Grove United Methodist Church, Southern Homes O f Davie, Soulh Davie Middle School Jr. Civitans, Sun Trust, The Journey Church, Vulcan Materials, and Wal-Mart. Individuals chippcd in too, such ns Harold Lanning, Gaither Mnrkland, Richard Markland, and Lena and Roger Rcinsvold, Duke Energy continued to support the efforts of the event as u presenting sponsor, covering the cost of approximately seven'projeels. Bank of the Carolinas nnd Rotnry Club o f Mocksville shnred Ihe title of cnregiver sponsors, provided funding for npproximntely five projects, Scverul orgnnizulions helped to support the 2009 United Wny Duy of Curing by providing thc funds for npproximulely three projects through n Helping Hand sponsorship; Graham Funeral Home, Webb Heating & A ir Conditioning, and Hayworth- M iller Funeral Homes and Crematory, Still others provided in-kInd donations of food, supplies or funds to cover the cost of one project: BB&T, Hnnesbrands, and Vulcan Materials, The mission of thc Dnvie Counly United W ayis lo ■ advancc the common good of Davie Counly by uniting Ihe resources of Ihc community lo identify nnd nddrcss the mo.st pressing humnn needs, Forst suid. This is uchieved through progrnms fncilitnted by DCUW such as Call 211 Services, Home Loss Prevention Program nnd Day of Caring. DCUW provides grants to purtner agencies for progrnms thnt focus on one or more of three impnci ureus: Children nnd Youth, Henlth nnd Wellness nnd Crisis Intervention. For more informution contnct the DCUW office ut 751-0313 or visit www.ddvieunitcdway.org. Party Rentals Plus Candelabras'Archways'Cake Stands Punch Founlains'Chocolale Fountains Commercial AtcountsWelcome Trade Show Booth Pipe & Dtape Inflatable Moon Walks-Ounk Tanks Popcorn Machines’Collon Candy Machines Tenls-Tablcs'Chairs Slaging-Dance Floors Oinnerware'Linens www.partyr8ntalsplU8nc.com "Blg^Enough to Serve You... Small Enough to Appreciate You." I 704-636-0788 « 704-933-1131 1819 S Main St Salisbury • 2)10 Dale EarnharcJt Blvd Kannapolis m ( i r i ' u l ( C o v e r a g i“ S t a l l s w i l h l ) l i u ' Johnson Insurance Services JOHN WOOD (336)753-1033 Jwoocl@l 27marktítplace,com f/.v fo r lilt iiiM irn iu i- ¡ iliiii Ih u l fits y o u r tiiiily v u r h iu ificl, • Indlviiltial I’laiis ■ • No Referral IIMO and Pl’O Group Plans • Small Group Coverage • Medicare Supplement Imuntnco ' • Dental Coverage for ■liuilvkluals and Groups • llealtli Savings Accounis Piedmont Natural Gas team members take a break to receive a thank you from Archer and Anne LIvengood. Cooleemee Civitans constructed a wheelchair ramp for Phyllis McClamrock. She Is, now able to go out her front door Into her yard for the first’time In 6 years. k . The Center United Methodist Church team Is ready to A Sun Trust ernployee works at the Farmington Com- work. munity Center. W h elë N ^ 1Ò0 Uÿ' limMWli MoMM IlMf I* ' JJ * jj'is* 12 and 0 ldsr-$10 Ages 6 through 11 • $1 Chlliiron lin d a r« * FREE! RLENTYiOFJFREE^PARKING www.BowmanGrayRaclng.com Oat«a op«n for p ra clie * a t 6 , ■ F«ni*priifl« from Criekitr .• OmSimiungMtfMgirPhont; ¡wMiSmoRthiWcrtckttHfvteé and Two USB Broadband Modtmi whii Ì month! fre« CricM • Brttidbind Intimât MrvlM s336-723Í8Í9 15 Year Anniversary Blowout A & J Community Grocery 2076 Hwy 601 S - Mocksville - 336-751-3858 (Approximately 1 milo south of High School) 5 Days Only II May 21st- 25th Special M emorial Day Drawing (Free Entry To ALL Armed Services Personal) S DAILY DRAWINGS (Entry with each $5.00 or more puchase) One Memorial Day Grand Prize Drawing Ben Franklin Family Owned Business Since 1981 AllM ndc-Up V s h o p Us First for Wedding iF lo r a l A r r a n g e m e n ts Rowcre ami Accessories r s a i e E tK ls " ^ 5 / 2 7 / 0 9 , Sigarette SPECIALS \ - Pl<8. Doral $15.00 ptuitax ^5 - Pits. Pall Mall $15.00 piusux 5 - Pks. Tucson $15.00 piùitix OTHER SPECIALS 5 - Two Lt. Pepsi $5.00 plus tax 5 - Tanning Visits $5.00 PET Milk $2.99 Gallon MANY MORE IN STORE SPECIALS Hours; M-F 6am-8pm, Sat 9am-8pm, Sun 9am-4pm We would like to thank all our customers and vendors for their support over the past 5 years. /Q Pots. Picks. I A ÍÍ Wffífíths:' U ll Moinorlals Q ll Supplies R a g in g R iv e r T -S iiirt S a le l8l Quality Cotton/Asst. Colors Si/os: Sin., Mod, Lü: XL. 2X Pre Cut Mats Por Your fVaining Needs 4m m apaxiíiíi 2 5 ^ 1 PrIiUttri.tgSuii>d ' nieO rlttjiM l ' Sitiur *n CiiMin YamI«»«- ß r«« ^ $ | I W Yankee Candles E iilirc Stock K>r Dccordlillg i $ » 7 9 9 r Bon Frnnklln Oralis Coupon Coupoii Good MEMORIAL DAY (0S«6A)fl) ONLY Aliy One Regular Priced OFF Ben Fianklln CraHs Coupon Coupon Good 05«l«)9 Through 05/24«8 -}J' One , Regular rOFF Priced item_ EiCWWAtIv-v..,---------Svwa Wiewt cu«cri irarwj cu^ a<i5e«tijñwdtow............. May God Bless Ol O sture Hours Mon-Sat 9-8, Sunday 1-6 B e n F r a n k l i n M io MOdl cri CMVW CUKIW n i:> Y (i(lk « iiv ilii> H i\ M o c k s v illt? N (. .V O .’ H P liU tlL * /6 1 b -id U 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPWSE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,2009 ! ' ill' ! *“ • |1ч4 i' ‘ Cody Qriggs ...... —^ I Д , ■>) 4*^ ' I '4>> 4ft' ■ ■ V. i; iggs shows that with ducti<tìpèi even cardboard .b o a ^fillsiii^j^e battles. Ж * , ^ ^ р ш е S p rin g B ré a k C a m p e rs la k e lIv e liy ^ M G A Over spring break, close to 100 pirates took over tho Davic Family YMCA, seorctiing for burled treosure, having wnter fights, building boats and playing games, “ Spring break cnmp wiis more than a pluce to drop your kids o ff while you went to w ork," said Youth D irector David Shutt. "This wus a chance for kids to get a taste of all the w ild and crazy stuff we have pitinned for summer camp.” As most parents huve experienced, kids are almost as thrilled with an empty box us they ure with the stuff thut cume in it. So YMCA staff gave the kids rofrigorator boxes to turn into pirate ships. The catch? At the end o f the week, they were going to sail In them in the pool. What went on for the rest of the week was cruzy plunning und boat building, with kids trying to figure out the best way to keep their ships afloat. “ Wo plan activities fo.r every part of the day at camp, but that doesn’t mean the ki^s^ don’t have freedom to explore and try new things,” soid Shutt. “ Part of thut plunning process is saying, ’here’s a box. See what you can do with it.’ We want the kids to have the opportunity to have fun learning and working I6gcthcr, so we build that Into camp.” Each day, counselors chose u camper of the duy, who got to pick out some booty frorri the J pirate treasure chcst. Campers also spent an hour a day trying out some of the new summer camp clinics, like jew elry muking, soccer and wullcybull. "For spring break we offered a clinic a day, but for summer cainp we’ll huve five clinics each 'week. Campers w ill sign up for th clr choice and participate in it all week. It’s a great chance for them to lenrn a now skill or improve on nn old one." Registration is open for summer camp at the YMCA. For moro information, call .751- 9622 or visit the Ciimp website; (lavle.ymtwmic.org/clillilcare/ camp.php. The Davic Family Y M C A ■ sum mdr' camp i?; licensed by the s ^ n d accepts Department o f Social Services ' . .. childcare voucher# , , .searchlfjg f^ Makayia Cody and Mary Ellen Lewis stop decorating their pirate flags long enough to pose .with first mate Carrie Jones. Teen campers Nick Koon, Patrick Jenkins and Cody Griggs worked all week to make their pirate ship seaworthy. HOW OPEN IN iViOCI^iSVILLEU CoiinectiQn 15Q0 North Main St (Нщг. 1S8 ) * MocHsviHe, NC ” (Beside Carolina Precisioni Machining) O p e n T h u r s d a y s , F r id a y s , ^ S a t u r d a y s a in d M o n d a y s O n ly Reg. Hours: Thurs., Fri. & Mo^. 10:00am-5:30pm; Sat. 10:00am-3:00pm OPEN MEMORIAL DAY MONDAY 10:00am-4:00pm M m n m p i u l D m y B m l m l Sofas, Loveseats, Chairs, Reciiners, Sectionals, Reclining Sofas, Home Theater Seating » m F m m s m m M i Huge Selectior) of Recliriers, Leather & Fabric SPECIAL BUY! Twin Sets............................................As low as SPECIAL iim Full Sets............................................As low as SPECIAL BUil Queen Pillow Top Set. SPECIAL BUY! Therapedlc” King Size Firm Set. SPECIAL BUYI Therapedlc" Queen Ultra Plush Pillow Top Set...........$499 SPECIAL BUY! Therapedlc” King Ultra Plush Pillow Top Set.............$699 SPECIAL BUY! Leather Match Rocker Reciiner.............................$299 SPECIAL BUY! Fabric Rocker Reciiner.......................................$299 SPECIAL iUVl 7 Pc. Wood Dinette Set.......................................$349 SPECIAL BUYi Sofa and Loveseat (choice of colors).....................$599 SPECIAL BUY! Complete Bedroom Suite.....................................$899 SPECIAL BUY! Reclining Sofa with Loveseat................................$999 i f » , / uued From Page 1 -''lAnoiher plaiining tool used by th'c BOE for the last three yeurs is the Intcriocul agreement entered into w ith county '■commissioners in 2006. The agreement insured certain funding levels would be maintained for the life of the ugreoment, and thut funding would be based on one of three scenarios: 40.3 perccnt o f the projected revenue from ad valorem property tax, the consumer price index, or $ 1,235 per student based on the planning ADM. The first year, the school system received $738,424 more than they hud rcceivcd from the county the previous yeur, an increase o f 10 percent. The sccond year was based on property tux revenue, und the system rcceivcd $410,236 more than the previous year, or 5.07 percent, and the third year’s funding was based on the consumer price index, yielding an increase of $377,301, or 4,43 percent. The current proposed allocation included in the budget does not full under the agreement, because the agreement ends June 30, 2009, and the budget proposal is for tho year ending June 30, 2010, As o f right now, there is no interlocal agreement beginning July 1. W hile the agreement hus been an effective plunning tool, uccordlng to Terry Renegar, CallUsat (336) 817’3390 Financing Available 'tiy a iil m e ttibW '^iH d an accountant, the BOE is toying with not entering Into another ugfcemcnt. 'There nre very compelling rcnsons involved in whether wc should take tho agreement or not. The most com pelling reason to ucccpt it is the county hus offered a fairly substantial Increase (7.5 percent), which is very reasonubie based on prior ycurs, but the negutive is thut we don’t know w hat’s com ing down from the state. I think we’ve got to get in a room and decide something in the nc.ur future becnuse we have to let the county know something by June 1. But we really need input from the state - that’s why we ure delaying as long as we can. Another option is that we could renew it for a period shorter thnn three years to reduce our risk. The whole thing has been a good budgeting tool for us,” he said. According to the agreement, the BOE could go back to the county and usk for more money, something they did last yeur becnuse o f rising fuel nnd hcnlthcnre costs. But, Renegar suid, because the county wus tightening its own belt, they' advised the BOE to do the same and did not provide additional funds. Renegar said it seems ns though “ the precedent has been set that 'this is the agreement, and you have to live with whut we have given you.’ But 1 don’t Grants Awarded The Fork Fire Department and Dnvie Rcscuc Sqund huve received grants through North Carolina’s Volunteer Rescue/ EMSFimd. Fork received $17,955 to purchase equipment using matching funds. The rescue squad received $7,524 for oquipmetvl. “Fire and rescue organiza tions protect our communities large and small, but sometimes their budgets don’t grow with their responsibilities,” said N.C. Insurance Com m issioner Wayne Goodwin. “ Our emer gency service personnel should be supported w ith the best equipment and supplies needed to do their jobs correctly and safely." have an issue with that. They were trying to b'o judicious with county dollars, and they expected the same of us." Still, he said, Ihc BOE would want to avoid huving to go back and ask for more funding should the agreement continue. The state’s budget is supposed to be in place June 30, but, Smink said, In the seven years she has worked for the stnte, that has never happened. She believes it w ill be August or September before the state hns a fmul budget and Octobcr before the BOE cun vote on their fmul budget. Becuusc the plunning nllotmeht provided by the stnte shows n reduction in A D M , eight teaching positions w ill be eliminuted. Thnt, snid Smink, is u given. Whnt is unknown is if the Sennte's proposul of un incrcnse in clnss size by two students w ill also become u given. If that happens, 27 teaching positions w ill be eliminated, in addition to the eight lost becnuse of the ADM, However, Smink said, as of May 8, 24 teachcrs had announced plnns to cither resign or retire. The system has been grunted $1,831,260 in stimulus money, and almost half of that was released April 30, Part of those funds w ill be used to create six new positions, so those, together with the 24 who arc leaving means that only five positions may be lost. Smink said it would nol be unheard of to have five more teachers resign or retire before the beginning o f the upcoming school year, but they w ill hold o ff replacing the 24 until they get the stute’s budget. The total current budget, excluding child nutrition and cupitul outlay, is $51,125,680, O f this amount, Smink said, $37,115,217, or 72.6 percent is state allotted, $11,190,077, or 21.9 percem is local funding, nnd $2,820,386; or 5.5 percent, is a federal allotment. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,2009 ■ B l ' 'I ■' I Schultz B u rn s W est By B rian Piltj) Davie Enterprise Rccord On a lot of teams, Jordan Schultz would be the star instead of the side kick. Schultz is hitting .349 this year and .397 for her four-year varsity ca reer, but that often hasn’t been enough to keep her out o f the shadow of Mor gan Wyatt, who has received most of the attention while blasting nine hom ers nnd hitting .515. Wyutt had carried Davie most of the year, but West Forsyth pitcher Jordan Fulton wasn’t going to let Wyatt bent her in last week’s Ccntrnl Piedmont , Conference Tournament semifinal at North Davidson, bcaning Wyutt in the first and fifth innings. That meant it wus Schultz’s chance to shine, and the se nior did just lhat, following both hit by pitchcs with game-changing doubles and delivering a stirring 7-5 victory. Afterward, the War Eugles were en gulfed in euphoria. This was a celebra tion seven meetings in the making. They hadn’t defeated West since a 6-5 decision in 2007, It was a big night for another rea son, The long road back to the top two seems a lot shorter now as Davio ad vanced past the semifinals for the first time in Janice Jackson’s eight years as conch. "Jordan cume through big,” Jackson said, “After she hit Morgan (for the sccond time) I told Jordan: ‘Make it hurt. Make it hurt bad.’ And she did. She hit that ono with some authority. It was a rip and Morgan was flying around those buses. It mount a lol to bent them.” Davio didn't have anything loft for No. 1 North Davidson in tho final, los ing 8-0. ' Dflvlc 19, 'Ibbor 3 In a first-round game, the third- seeded War Engles put on a home-run show in a 13-3 rout of Mount Tabor. They outscorcd Tabor 38-5 In three meetings. Sadie Laglc made a strong impres sion In her varsity debut, hitting one of the three dingers. Tisha Funderburk went deep for the sccond time, while Wyatt deposited her ninth over the fence, Wyatt went 3 for 4 with three RBIs, boosting her average to .525 (31 for 59) and lifting her RBI total to 26 in 21 games. Davie 7, W. Forsyth S In the .semiflnuls, the Wnr Engles fl- nnlly found u way to handle Fulton and the No. 2 Titans, who beat Davie 5-1 and 3-1 in the regular season, Fulton threw a three-hitter in the 5-1 game, “Mrs, Jackson said they were ranked four or five in tho state," Wyatt said, “ Against big teams like thut, it’s fun to play because you don’t have anything to lose. You go in there with no fear imd give everything you can," “ I don’t know how long It’s been since wo camo at least second in the tournam ent,” pitcher Samantha Tarieton said. "It really was greut.” Davic staggered West in the first. Flense Sec Burns - Page B3 The Ellis Jaguars beat North Davie 12-3 In the tournament final at South Davie to cap a 13-0 season. N o. 1 J a g s M i d d l e S c h o o l B a s e b a l l A ll A b o u t E llis By Brian Pllts Davio Enterprise Rccord The Mid-South ConfcrcnccIbuma- ment was business as usual for the Ellis baseball team, which capped a perfect season with 10-0 and ¡2-3 victories over Thomasville and North Davie, respectively. The season was one long annihila tion for the Jaguars, who wont 13-0, with 11 double-figure scoring games in 11 tries (there won? two forfeits from Le xiiig ton). A seven-run margin against North Davic was the closest game nil your. Tho total scorc for tho yeur was 152-32, un nvcruge of 13.8 runs per game. “ I’m extremely proud of the kids,’' Ellis couch Mike Dinkins suid. “It’s the first time in 30 ycurs I’ve gone unde feated in any sport I’ve couched." The Jags went 15-1 last year, with the only loss to North Duvie. So how do the 2008 und 2009 teams compare? " It’s two entirely differeni teams,” Dinkins soid. “ Last yoar we had Iwo extremely good pitchers (in Ryan Fos ter and Corey Randall). This year we used Jeremy Walker mostly, but we also pitched N ick Bosw ell, Ty Marshall, Trisian Comer and Karch Arey. Last year we had more dominant pitching, but this year I thought we had more offense.” Last week’s two-day tournament was held al South Davie. Ellis 10, Thomasville 0 In one first-round game, N ick Boswell provided overpowering pitch ing as tho top-seeded Jags inashed No, 4 Thomasville for the third time. Tho other two were 14-1 and 21-5. N. Davie IS, S. Davie 4 I In the other first-round game, Please See E llis - Page B6 Worth Noting... In th e C P C sem ifinals, J o r d a n S c h u ltz o f D avie softball w ent,3 fo r 4; d oubled tw ice an d d rove in five ru n s to sp ark a 7-5 w in o v er W . F orsythi th e first series w in in seyen tries; A n n eU se C h e sn e e w as huge w ith three hits an d a h andful o f nice plays a t third. C U nt H o w ell h o m ered an d Z a c k R iu s e ll-M y e rs pitched fotu- no-hit in n in g s as the M o ck sv ille L eg io n g o t o ff to a 2-0 start. S c o tt G a lllm o re o f E llis tennis w oti th e co n feren ce singles cham p io n ship for the second tim e, w h ile S. D av ie’s D a v id H u rse y an d E v a n L a n k : fo rd cap tu red th e do u b les crow n. N . D av ie 's B ro o k e B a li (discus), J o r ie S in e a th (|triple ju m p ), S a ra R a m p e rs a d (1600) and th e 1600 relay w ith T o ri C a u d le , R w p e rs a d , H a lle e F r a n k and K a sla L e sz c z u k broke co n feren ce reco rd s os N . D avie trium phed fo r th e fifth tim e in six yeitfs. N . D av ie’s J o h n n y Z a rb o c k b roke tw o co n ference records ^ th e 1600 (S; 14,91) and 80 0 (2:21.83). 'T sam m ate C o le B la n k e n s h ip threw th e d is cus a conference-repord 113-10, J e re m y W a lk e r tossed seven sm o o th inn in g s as E llis b aseb all drilled N . D av ie 12-3 in th e to urnam ent fm al, cap p in g a 13-0 season fo rB llis, B e n B eeso n , J o n a th a n C h a ffin an d C h ris tia n L a ^ a m g o t tw o h its each an d C a rs o n B ish o p p itch ed a four-hitt'er as N . D av ie b aseb all b ea t S, D aW e 15-4 in th e sem ifinals. Tristan Comer of Ellis slides safely by the tag of Matt Vernon. - Photos by James Barrlngei* ■I« Mocksville Legion Starts 2-0 By B rian Pitts Davie Enterprise'Record The M ocksville Legion baseball team has never experienced back-to- back losing seasons, but coach Mike Lovelace was worried about Mocks ville being a doormat heading into Saturday’s season opener. A fter Ihe second game, there’s a sense o f possibility that didn’t exist coming into the season. Mocksville thoroughly dismantled Kemersville 19-4 in seven mercy-rule innings. Tho next day it cruised past Randolph County 5-1 in five rain-shortened in nings. Both were played at Rich Park. Randolph is pr^y the defending state champion. Suddenly, Lovelace is feel ing good about his team, which is com ing o ff a 14-15 record, just the fifth los ing mark in 27 ycatij.i'. 'V , “ We pieced it together,” said Lovelace, the llth-year coach who ran his record to 171-136. "Ryan Carter, Zack Russell-Myers, Colby Seaford, Matt Leonard and Clint Howell had not played since last year.” Mocksville produced eye-popping numbers against Kemersville. Carter went 4 for 5. Zeb Cope went 2 for 3, doubled, walked twice and scored five runs. Russell-Myers went 2 for 3 with a pair of walks. D.J. Webb went 2 for 4 with a walk. And Howell doubled and homered in three at-bats. He hil thq homer a mile, Mocksville collected 16 hits and wos helped by eight wolks and four hit batsmen. It was o long day for Lovelace, whose Mount Tnbor High team boot Eost Burke Il-P ooriier in tho day. Mot Batts pitched his second consecutive no-hitter, following a per- fect game agoinst North Forsyth. “ It was an 18-hour day before my night was over,” ho said. “ I started al 6:30 in the morning. I pumped 70 gal lons of water o ff (Tabor’s field), I got done at Tabor at 5 and come straight to Rich Pork," Another highlight: Starling pitcher Russell-Myers covered four innings in 50 pitches, permitting no hits ond al lowing one base runner, “ It was the first time he hud thrown oil yeur, so we wanted to make sure we didn’t overuse him,” ho said. “He was fine with taking him out. The no hitter didn’t cross my mind until 1 was getting ready to do it. (Scorekeeper) W ill (Smith) reminded me that he had, a no-hitter, but 1 am not going to risk il this early." Please See Legion - Page B i 'i n ;!5i : il -л» »4,-ÍJ^^ B2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,2009 !:! Keeper Kelley Cundlff concentrates on the ball. Davie Soccer Exits In First Round _______________* a y f i p ■ V y Caltlyn Brake shields off an East Forsyth player In a first-round playoff game. Tlic Davlc'socccr lean) look the leud elghi minuies into its firsl-roUnd playoff game Iasi week at East Fors'ylh. But Ihe inomentum evaporateti In a hurry as East showed why it has a. 15-2-2 rccord. Davic didn’t scorc again in a 7-1 loss. The game’s first goal came on a Clare Moser penalty kick. II was tlie worst loss of the year for the War Eagles, who exited in the first roimd for the third straight year. Two years ago Ihey went down 6-1 to Northwest G uilford, and last year they closcd wilh a 3-0 loss lo Watauga. ' In the next round. East scored w ilh 54 scconds left to beat H untersville Hopewell 2-1. Meanwhile, Davie finished 8-8- 1, a third straight yenr al .500 or better. Moser had 19 goals on Ihe year, 12 more than the No. 2 scorer (Himnah Stroupe). II was the final game for seniors Cassie Barnes, Jess Ren and Stroupe. i ■ i ■ 1 I Jessa Ren gets physical with an offensive player. Megan Dennis shoots a cross, I Ren (11) and Caltlyn Brake follow the ball In the air during a 7-1 loss on the road.- Photos by James Barringer I S chultz Burns... Continued From Page B l After Chelsea Neal walked and Wyatt took one for the team, Schultz provided a 2-0 lead with an opposite-field double lo left- center. Davic put runners on in Ihc sccond, third and fourth, but came away empty handed each • time. M eanwhile, West had surged inlo a 5-2 lead. That was Ihe deficit Davic , faccd in Iho fifth. But just when il appeared West was going to down Davie for the seventh straight lime, Schultz bailed her leam out. She got help from Neal, who reached on an error, and red-hot Sara Handy, who singled up. the middle, Fulton wanted no part of Wyatt, so she hit her a sccond time, loading the bases with no outs. Tlien came the dramatic turn, a three-run double by Schultz to Ihc same spot in left-center, “ Il was pretty good knowing thal they didn’t- know thal (Schultz) could do that when everybody on our side knew she’d be able to conic through for us,” Wyatt said. "It was cool. Jordan’s a really good hitler, It fired everybody up. I scrciimed after I touchcd home plate be cause my emotions were run ning high. Il was pretty intense.” Not only did Schultz expand her Imputation as a strong hitler, she continued to pest Fulton, who watched her go 3 for 3 in the 3-1 Wcsl win. Schultz didn’t play in the 5-1 game, slaying homo with a migraine. " If jusl feels really good to know that you’ve done that for your team,” Schultz said. “ I wanted to make up for what Morgan didn’t have the chance to do. They hil her, so I wanted to pick it up for her. We were totally excited about that. We came together as a team.” Schultz’s second double lied the game, and Lagle, the unex pected jo lt froDi the JV, gave Davic the lead with a single up Handy L e g io n S c h e d u le W Mock-19, Kemersville 4 W Mock 5, Randolph Co. 1 20 vs. Concord at 7 . 22 at Stanly County at 7 23 at Rowan County al 7 24 at Asheboro at 7 26 at Mooresville at 7 , 28 vs. E. Raitdolph at 7 29 at Kannapolis at 7 30 at Soulh Rowan at 7 31 al Winston-Salem al 4 June 2 vs. Statesville at 7 3 vs. Thomasville-Davidson at 7 4 at Wilkes County al 7 6 vs. Lexington al 7 7 vs. Stanly County at 7 8 at Eastern Randolph at 7 9 at Concord al 7 11 at Kemersville at 7 13 vs. Rowan County at 7 14 vs. Winston-Salem at 4 15 al T ’ville-Davidson at 7 20 vs. Soulh Rowan at 7 21 vs'. Mooresville al 7 23 al Statesville at 7 25 vs. Kannapolis at 7 26 vs. Wilkes County at 7 27 at Lexington al 7 28 vs. Soulh Rowiin at 2 28 vs. W. Forsylh at 4:30 28 vs. Western Forsyth at 7 July 1 All-Star Showcase at Asheboro 3 first round playoffs 8 second round playoffs 14 third round playoffs 20 fourth round playoffs 24 stale toumamenl the gut. Then Annelise Chesnee cappcd the five-run explosion wilh a run-scoring triple over the righl fielder. That was hardly Chesnpe’s only highlight. She malchcd Schultz w ith three hils und played a mean third base. "Everybody played really good, especially our third base man,” said Tarieton, who went all seven innings. "Annelise had an awesome game. She was slopping everything, like a vacuum. It was by far the best game I’ve over scon her play.” " I was impressed w ith (Chesnee),” Schultz added. Nolcs: Davie's sixlh straight win dropped We.st to 15-8. ... Schultz extended her hitting streak lo six.... Wyatt had hil in five straight before going 0 for 2.... Handy is a vastly different hitler from her M arch-April form, going 9 for 16 (.562) over five games.... Chesnec’s 3-for- 4 night raised her average frpm .238 to .282. She had the first triple thal didn’t comc from Wyatt, who has three of them. ...Tarieton was 1 for 3, but could havo easily been 2 for 3. “She got robbed,” Jackson said. "The girl jumped and made a good catch. Il would have probably been a double, Sam was pumped up all day long. You couldn’t keep her still.” N. Davidson 8, Davie 0 There’s a brutal discrepancy between the 24-1 Black Knights and everyone else, and that was evidoht iri an anticlim aclic championship game. Hannah Alexander’!! powerful pitching gave North a third shutout win over Davie. W yatt went 2 I'or 3 and Handy I for 3 for Davie’s only hits, Handy's h illin g streak moved to six, but Davie went 4 for 59 (.067) in three games against North, It was Davie's first champii onship appearance since 2001, when il edged West Forsylh 3- Legion... Continued From Page B l On Sunday, M o cksvillc faccd Ihe 2008 stale champion in Randolph, but il was nol tim id w ilh five 19 year olds (Leonard, Cope, Russell-My- ers, Howell and Seaford), A sixlh 19 year old is Joke Koontz. The star was Нчгпап Bau tista, a catcher from West Rowan High. He rode a 2-1 curveball over the lefl-cenler fence for a two-out, three-run homer in the first inning. Le onard and Russell-Myers both walked to sel the stage for Bau tista, who leads Rowan County with eight homers. He hil .406 for West, "H e m ight be the best catcher in the league,” he said. “ He threw somebody out by five feet.” Mocksvillc ended the game with a double play. Randolph had the bases loaded wilh one oul in the fifth, a long bull from lying the game. Leonard made a catch in center and fired to Seaford al second for the DP. M ocksville prevailed de spite gelling three hils. Eight walks hurt Randolph. Carter got the win by pitching four three-hit innings. He did walk four. Notes: Davie High’s first- round playoff game Friday at East Forsyth was rained out and rescheduled for M ay 18. ... D avie 13, M o u n t T a b o r 3 Davie ab r ti Ы Cloniz p 1 Hnndy rf ' 5 0 0 1 3 2 1 0 Wynll 3b 4 2 3 3 Scliullz lb 3 I 1 0 Funderburk ss 4 2 2.3 Cornnlzcr 2b 1 2 .1 1 McCInnnon 3b 0 1 0 0 Bailey dh 3 1 1 1 Short dh 1 1 1 0 Lnule с . 4 1 1 3 McCune If 2 0 0 0 Nenlcf 2 0 I 1 Totals 32 13 12 13 Tatwr 001 020-3 Davie 030 226-13 R ER BD SC 3 2 4 9 ; F onsylh 5 вЬ r It 111 3 2 0 0 3 1 2 0 2 2 0 0 4 1 3 5 4 0 0 0 4 I 1 1 4 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 2'J 7 10 7 200 050 0 - 7 . 121 100 0 -5 N orlh Davidson 8, Davie 0 Davit NciiUr tlimdy rf Wynll с Scliullz lb Clicsnci: 3b Ln|jlc dh Funderburk ss Tarlclon p Curniilzer p Mumlllon 2b Cloniz Totalii ab r 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 I I h О О О 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Ы 1 0 2 0 0 O' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u 0 0 I 0 24 0 0 0 3 0 Davie N. Davidson ООО ООО 0 - 0 103 013 x - a Davio IP ii К EK IIII SO Tiirlo.L 3 5 , 4 4 3 0 Cornnlzcr 3 7 4 4 I I West Forsyth rolled 10-0 over Cenlral Cabarrus in its first round. Mocksville 19, Kem ersville 4 Mocksvlllo Leonurd с Cope SS Curler сГ R-Myers p-3b-lf Webblf-3b C. Bnulisln rf Hobson 3b Lewis p Howell lb Pullerson lb Senford 2b Cnrler2b Toluts ab r h Ы 4 3 5- 3 4 4 2 I I I 2 1 3 4 I I . 2 I I 2 2 I I 2 0 0 I 1 1 0 0 3 2 2 2 10-00 2 3 1 0 2 111 34 1» 16 12 Kemersville QUO 004 0 -4 Mocksville 226 306 x - 19 2B - Cope, Howell. HR - Howell. SB - Cope, Carter. ' Mock IP ii K ER BB SO R-Myers, W 4 0 0 0 1 3 Lewis 2 3 4 0 1 2 Carter 1 0 0 0 0 0 MoelisvUle S, Randolph 1 Mocksville Leonard cf Cope SS Carter p-lf R-Myers If-lb H. Baullsln с С. Baullsln rf Webb 3b Howell lb Senford 2b Totals ub r h Ы 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 I 3 О О О 3 2 I 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 15 5 3 5 Randolph ООО 10-1 Mocksville 301 U - 5 HR - H. Baullsln. SB - Leonard. Mock IP H R ER BB SO Carter, W 4 3 1 '1 4 4 Koontz 1 1 0 0 2 0 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,2009 - B3 Merrifield Numbers Unreal Chesnee 2. Davie enlercd Tuesday’s first- round playoff game wilh a 13- 10 rccord. These big games by South Carolina leadoff man W hit Merrifield should no longer be a surprise. Most players are lucky to enjoy one five-hit game in their carcer. Merrifield deliv ered two such games in less than a month, going 5 for 6 with three runs, four RBIs, two doubles and his 10th homer on May 9 against Tennessee. It was one of those tell-your- grandkids moments for M erri field and the Gamecocks, who overcame a 9-1 deficit lo beal the Vols 15-12. Merrifield’s RBI double in Ihc 9lh tied the game. The next day, he went 2-5 with three RBIs and his lllh homer, a rare inside-the-park homer. The 15-6 win over Ten nessee gave Soulh Carolina an SEC Tournament berth for the^ 13th straight yeur. The Gamecocks were 32-19 und 14-13 in the SEC Ihrough May 10. M errifield’» numbers ure guudy w hile slutting 51 times in us many games: He’s first on the team in runs (60), triples (3) and steals (12), He’s second in average (.340), al-bats (212), hits (72) and doubles (14)'. He’s third in homers (11), RBIs (44) and hit by pitches (7). He’s fifth in walks (21), with an on-base percentage of .408. There’s more. Ho’s lied for third in Ihe SEC in runs and sixlh in hits. His SEC average is ,328. Soulh Carolina coach Ray Tanner told The Stale; "W hit M errifield is a baseball player - period. He has all the intan gibles and maturity beyond his years. I knew his makeup and character were going to be solid. I’ve been ecstatic with what he’s been able lo do. He’s a joy.” M errifield started the year balling second in the order. He has been at leadoff since an April scries against Mississippi. In his first game at leadoff, he went 5 for 6 wilh a double and triple, earning raves from Ole Miss couch Mike Bianco. "He definitely killed us that weekend,” he told The Slate, "W ilh him ul the lop setting the tuble, they’re a much bellor leam.” The center fielder from A d vance is 6-0 und 165 pounds. He gruduuled from Davie in 2007. Williaips Gets 19 Steals In 20 Attempts With the season in the books, Whitney W illiams started 40 games for the Charlotte softbull leum and hil ,268 us the 49crs went 33-16 ovcrull and 14-4 in the A lla nlic 10 Conference. Thai was u slop up from last year (35-31, 12-8). Williams, a sophomore out fielder from Mocksville, was second in steals (19), tied for fourth in runs (21), sixth in hits (37) and seventh in at-buls (138). She was only thrown oul stealing one time. She is the daughter of Greg and Angie Williams. Last year as a freshman, she made the all- conference rookie team and was selected to the all-tournament leam. 2B ■ Wynll (5), Cornnlzer. HR - Wynll (0), Funderburk (2), Lngle. Davie ClonIz.W 6 7 Dnvic Ncnl cf Hnndy rf Wynll с Scliullz lb Funderburk SS Lagle dh Chesnee 3b H. Riddle 2b Bnlley Tnrlclon p Totals Davie W. Fonyth 2B - Schultz 2 (6). 3B - Chesnee. Davie IP ii R ER ЯВ SO Tnrle.W 7 g 5 4 2 2 Track Champions CPC champions from Davie track were, from left: Caitlin Tutterow, Ricky Beil, Falon Hooper and Kaitlyn Hutchins. Not pictured: Rachel Howell and Emerald Tuthiii. A b e tte r baler. A b e tte r v a lu e N o m a t t e r h o w y o u c u t it Massey Ferguson® 1700 Hesston Sériés round balers. The only high-performance baler that’s perfectly suited - and perfectly priced - for small to mid-sized farms. Built as tough as commercial balers, yet able to work with tractors producing as little as 30 horsepower, these four proven models create uniform bales in a full range of sizes. Some even offer electronic Auto-Tie™ - an industry exclusive. Top it off with unmatched 0% financing for 60 months*, through June 30, 2009, and you simply won’t find a better baler. Or a better deal. See your dealer today or visit masseyferguson.com. *WI(h approved credit from AGCO Ffnanc«, LLC. AvilUUe for equal monthly paymenu only, Leaset and balloon paymenu available a( tllghtly hijher m es. Offer applicable to purthaie* made April I • June 30.2009. F^tet lubject to chanja. C onuct your participating dealer for deulli. S t a t e s v ille T r a c t o r a n d R e n t a ls 707 Gaither Rd. Statesville, NC 28677 7 0 4 -8 7 1 - 2 5 3 3 M A88EY FERQU80N MASSEY FERGUSON is a woildwlde biand of AGCa 02009 AGCO Coqx)Mtlot».4205 River Green Paikway, Duluth, GA 30096 (877) 525-4364. MF09co22 I - i ' r i ’ h '; I В4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE-RECORD, THURSDAY, May 21,2009 S SPOTUGHT Garaae D ccr Repairs ^ 1 Electrical Cpener Repairs • Emergency Service • Senior Citizens Discount ' 25 Years Experience •PRINO« QARAQE DOOR SERVICES "M r. Ed" (336) 998-2336 » Fahminoton, NC (^O U K tlC f ‘rR u i'j nK<r( 'p a (it('c ^ a n c :? :5 G -7 8 8 -0 8 6 2 3 3 6 - 7 6 6 - 8 1 9 5 W l W ASH (,;R 1 XIRA( I A ll RIK.S l'A lil> IM ( . k‘l( I )M M IN I)H ) IO R RiiCjs On Top O f Cnr(3ot R ijq s On H iirclw ood F lo o rs R iiq s On Tlio F lo o rs S ln in s 8i O dor Ronu)Vf>ti R opn irs A P ro lo c lo r P ic k u p n n d D e liv e ry English’s moves to larger store A d v a n c e H a i r D e s i g n Weddings Bride Free/Wedding Party Special Discounts Proms 2 or More Girls Special Discounts •Authorized Avon Agent • Hours: TUes.-Sot. 9:30am-epm 3431 US Hwy 64E, Advance • 336-998-3387 For 26 years the English family has operated a clothing shop. For fhe last eighteen years English's Bridal and For- I malwear has occupied a spot In the Newtowne Center. Now, the shop has been transplanted to a new location In the upper plaza of the Clemmons Center. Just across ; . ; the street from the Lewlsville-Clemmons entrance to CVS, r you oari how find hundreds ot wedding gowns, bridesmaid's : gowns, mother of ttie bride dresses, social occasion gowns, and tuxedos] Thé hew shop Is larger than the old one,’ with" [ twice the floor space and number of dressing rooms. ; Moving the bridal shop In the early spring without sklp- ; ping a beat, was no easy tasl<. it wasn't in the English fam- : lly's long-term plan, but It had to be done. With the help of : friends and family and offers of help from many more, the doors never had to close. This small business really did stimulate the local economy to get the task done. In the end, several charities will also have benefited through the. donation of formal attire. For all that has changed, the business philosophy stays the same. It has always been pretty simple and stralght- fonward, Custorfier service Is Important, no matter If It's a $5 bowtle or the clothing for an entire wadding party. As owner, IVIark English explains It, “We feel that a bride should be treated 'like a bride'. It Is a special time In every woman’s life. It Is not a time to be pressured into a quick decision, worn out lugging heavy gowns around, re-h^nglng dresses, or herded into large common dressing rooms. Every Item that goes out the door reflects on the business. Word of mouth Is still the best advertisement." f\/lark and Cass are always there, and they treat you Just like family Their son Alan, who now lives In Connecticut, even maintains the website, www.engllahbrldal.com. Stop In and see the new space. If you're an old friend. Make hew friends If you're not. Please remember them when you need Ihelr services. Forgive the transition phase; there are always some growing pains. Experience and lon gevity still make a big difference. 2729 Lewlsvllle-Clemmons Road Clemmons, NC 27012 Phone or Fax; 336-766-0999 Hours: Monday-Wednesday 10 to 6, Thursday -10 to 8, Friday 10 to 5, Saturday 10 to 3 ........ Storm Water Management Residential Drainage Systeins Land Clearing, Demolition Landscapc/Hardscape ^ Licenxeil And Insured :ic m m o n s N C T o m J o n e s 3 3 6 - 7 4 9 - 0 4 6 5 experience loVkla 60 mlnul* relaxation mauoge 0 . Í J Í 3 9 ’ » E D W A R D S 30% T A X C R E D IT m a s s a g e ' New Towna Shopping CantarJust down from Staples a s 17 lawUvU(a*Clommont ltd 336-766-0622 Mon-Fri 9*9 • Sal 9-6 • Sun 11-6 loVlda cutiom fodoU & рмЬ SoryicM (vmittad by ktnted NC MauoQt & Bod)>4ork Tb«rop>tit ot Cotri4iolog<0f, 60 miixit« mion tontiin Ы SO rrbovi« ocMillviniJi on tim«, Sand Trap Custom Golf 766-2233 OR 760-2880 N e w ir o n S e t ^ ^ 3 - p iiif* 1 4 9. ....... UeiYROOFSTAINSREK/iOVED FOR A UKE NEW LOOKI Nnllon'o Laigost & Oldaot Rool Slain Removere R o o f - B r it ^ 7 8 5 - 2 0 3 0 \ 100 Royal Oak Dr., Winslon-Salem, NC 27107 loi b o d y • m ind •> hie Up lo'1500“ Replacement Windows Storm Doors - 9 Colors Entry Doors Roofing insulation Mobile Phone 9 7 8 - 2 2 9 9 imiDAL AND rOUMAUVKAK WE’VE MOVEDI 2729 Lcwlsvllle-Clemmoiis Rd. ClenuiioiM (¡uat belore Starbucks) (336) 766-0999 www.englishbridal.com Mon-Wad: 10-6‘ Thura; 10-8 Fri; 10-6 • Sal; 10-3 • Sun; Closad T h is t Y o u r L a w n T o T h e P m f e s s b n a ls '' C lA M P im lAWNCARE •lnBus6iessR)r28Y0ars*FiiSe(vlceCo(mieilcal& Resldsrilal Lawn Cara •Insured 3 4 5 - 8 0 9 5 Joel Clampitt, Owner ,,'^ilport*bleSpa« and Filters Sold and Serviced ,HiP«i^l Deck Renovations ||,l1jeV Vork, ^,|al|i<Vy«tf r Chlorine Generators... Vieyf r buy chlorine againl .....'--------------------------------- i 5 "visit OW,r SllOWrBOtU OIA, street, MoclesviLLe .Spas j^i^3ft-751-7665 .liS';' ' 'U w * HoMW T-F, 9.'s¡ S»t., 9-1;M ^ I CloMdSun.& Mon 100 iq ft front load filter I « Powd>rco»t«d galvanltec /stem ' steal framo construction •7 color LED light • Seating for 6-7 persons •SOOgallons • 66 Hydrotherapy jets ' DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,2009 - BS Former College Pláyers Lighting Up The Brock / A ton of awfully good play ers with cbllcge pedigrees have strutted into the Brock Gym this year for the men’s open basketball league, Two of them are playing for an 8-5 Dem Boyz team - Bryan M c Cullough and Dee Bost. McCullough helped UN.C Asheville make history in 2003, when Ihe Bulldogs became the first ever No. 5 seed to win the Big South Tournament. That gave UNC-A its first NCAA Toumament berth in any sport. McCullough and tho Bulldogs weren’t done. They beat Texas Southem in overtime to win the first NCAA Tournament bas ketball game in Big South his tory. The unforgettable run ended with an 82-61 loss to Texas, an eventual Final Four participant. The Bulldogs played two Final Four leams that year, including Kansas. McCullough was a big part of their success. Bost is coming off his fresh man season at M ississippi State. The 6-2, 170-pound guard from Concord averaged 10.9 points, 4.3 assists and 3.6 rebounds as Miss State went 23-13 and won the SEC Tour nament. Bost knows how to score. He hud 25 against Arkan sas, then 20 in the next game against LSU. He had 17 ill back- to-back games against Alabama and Tennessee. With one regular-season date to go (May 20), Needmore Log ging lias locked up first at 11 -1. Cuttin’ Up is 10-3 and Barnette Heating & A ir 9-3. Team V und Bird Gang ure 8-4. The rest of the standings; Dem Boyz 8-5, Creek All-Stars 7-5, The Rem edy 7-6, Cozart’s Handyman Services 7-6, Hatzoff 6-6, Few Good Men 2-11, Evans Services 3-9, Tar Heel Lawn l-12andA- TcamO-12. Few Good Men 59 - Sam H illie 19, DeAndre H illie 2, KavanHillie 14, Hillie Jr. 2. Ike Johnson 22. Evans Services 68 - John Evans 10, A l Evans 4, Justin Dotson 17, Jason Hawks 10, Brandon Hawks 8, Travis Pea cock 6, Dominic Qrahttm 3, Kenny Or.sillo 10. Creek All-Stnrs 62 - Paris Wilson 6, Brundon Chrapek 3, Jamal Durham 24, Justin Henderson 13, Omar Spruill 17. Dem Boyz, 72 - Tony Tenor 13, Cedric Tenor 3, Brandon Finger 3, Avery Patterson 14, Jo.sh Morrison 3, Brian M c Cullough 21, Dcc Bost 15. C uttln’ Up 67 - Faruq Peter son 5, J. Sipco 12, Ray Bristow 13, Ty Davis 5, Tremaine King 4, D. Blakeney 3, J. Rumlcy 24. HatzofT 60 - Vincent Cock erham 2, Speedy Redmond 9, Germain M ayfield 10, C liff Burns 15, Drew Absher 6, Shawn Westbrook 13, Tracey Arnold 5. The Remedy 50 - Matt Hud son 7, Jeremy M iller 2, Brad Dyer 9, Alex Williams 9, Eric Lowery 6, Brandon Maxwell 3, Ryan Denney 14. B ird Gang 63 - Marcus Lassiter 5, Mario Hawkins 14, P. McFadden 8, M. Brim 2, Z. Banks 15, Mult Burchettc4, R, Davis 13. The Remedy 46 - Malt Hud- ■Hon 6, Jeremy M iller 6, Brud Dyer 11, Alex Williams 11, Eric Lowery 10, Joe 2. Creek All-Stars 67 - Paris Wilson 13, C. Cockerham 3, D. Spruill 6, Brundon Chrapek 2, Justin Henderson 22, Jurmuine Spruill 4, Chad Alexander 17. Barnette Heating & A ir 75 - Greg Barnette 8, Briun W ill iams 3, Andy Snow 18, Bubba Coleman 23,. D. Conrad 2, J. Hoots 20. C ozart’s Handyman Ser vices 74 - M urnic Lewis 5, Burry Chunn 8, Briun Lune 30, Tony Mallard 5, Chad Ward 12, • Charles M iller 14. A-Teiun 39 - LeBron May field 12, Emcst Mayfield 2, Josh Holnomb 15, Deon Cody 10. Evans Services 78 - John Evans 4, A l Evans 12, Justin Dotson 17, Jason Hawks 13, Brandon Hawks 12, Travis Pea cock 8, D. Hull 4, Dominic Gra ham 8. B ird G ang 62 - Marcus Lassiter 3, Mario Hawkins 8, Matt Burchette 4, Z. Bunks 25, P McFuddcn 10, R. Duvis 12. Needmore Logging 78 - Puul Cuthberlson 3, Steve Heggins 27, Tristun Rankin 18, Brian Avery 13, T.J. Gaither 11, Jerry Sherrill 3. HiitzolT 75 - Vincent Cock erham 8, C liff Bunjs 17, Shuwn Westbrook 15, Speedy Red mond 10, Drew Absher 13. R. Davis 12. Team V 64 - Sean Stevens 14, Austin Spaugh 12, Eric Alspaugh 18, Caleb Davis 1, Landon Harris 12, C. Tennyson 6. C uttin’ Up 76 - Ray liristow 31, Ty Davis 7, J. Sipco 7, Tremaine King 4, D. Blakely 8, J. Rum ieyl9. C ozart’s Handyman Ser vices 68 - Charles M ille r 2, Barry Chunn 4, Brian Lane 28, Tony Mallard 2, Chad Ward 17, Carlos Dixon 14, D. Lewis-i. O ld S c h o o l: S p o rts Fro m 19 7 5 • Davie’s golf team tied for third in the Western Nortli Caro lina High School Athletic Asso ciation meet. Davic trailed even tual winner McDowcll by just two strokes after 18 of 36 holes, but McDowell pulled away on day two and finished at 612. Statesville was sccond at 626. Davie and East Gaston tied at 627. . ■ ' 'Erip Lawhon paced the War Eagles with a 151 total (75-76), Greg Benson shot 76-78, Ronald Webb 76-84 and Stanley Randall 83-79. Four Davie golfers made the all-conference team after Dayie won the regular season and tour- hament. They included Lawhon, who was third in the individual race; Webb, \viio was fifth; and Craig McCoy and Benson, who tied for sixth. • Davie's boys track team won tho North-South Bi-Confcr- cn9e meet for the third year in a row, scoring 122 points in un event that was held at North Rowan. Robert Pulliam led the meet with 26.5 points, and he broke the bi-conference record in the 120highhurdles(l4;45), Barry McBride scorcd 20 points, running a rccord two-milc time of 9:54.3 and winning tiie mile at 4:29.9. B illy Etchinson tied for first in the 100, and he joined Kelly Brown, Gilmer Mason and Cornell Jones on the first- place 880 relay team. • Davie’s baseball team split a pair o f games, beating host South Iredell 4-2 and losing 7-4 to visiting South Rowan. Larry' Carter pitched in the win, strik ing out 10 and walking one. Jeff Barker sparked a threc-run Iburtii with a triple. After Carter helped him self w ith a RBI single, two walks loaded the bases. Kim Seaford scorcd on a passed ball. Ron Bivins scored Ihe game!s final mn in the fifth, ' In the 7-4 loss to South Rowan, missed opportunities and six errors cost the War, Eagles, who couldn’t take ad vantage of 11 walks. B riefSy D a te s G o lfB e n e m The Marine Corps League Detachment #1096 1st Toys For Tots golf benefit is scheduled for June 6 at Twin Cedars at 8 a.m. The cost for the four-person captain’s choice is $50 per person and $200 per team. Sign up before June 1 to save $20. There w ill bé a free breakfast for players. For more information contact Ron Sechrist (998-3007) or Tom Kopetzky (336-749-7547). . ; : G o lf T o u rn a m e n ts The North Davie Middle School Booster Club w ill have a first- annual golf tournament on May 30 at Pudding Ridge.,Prizes Will be awarded for longest drive, closest to Ihe pin and winning tearhsi The cost is $60, which includes door prizes, goody bag, miilligons; Ice-bustcr and luncii. Luncli w ill start at 12:30 p.m. A shotgun start w ill be at 2. Sponsorships are available. If you would like to play or be a sponsor, contact Greg Brooks at 336-782-9656. F re s h m a n O rie n ta tio n There w ill be an athletic orientation meeling for incoming fresh men on May 26 from 6:30-8 p.m. in the main gym at Davie High; The booster club w ill provide a hot dog supper. Come out and meet the Davie coaches and learn more about the booster clut); There’s no chargc. S p o rts P h y s ic a ls Sports physicals w ill be held in the main gym at Davie on Maji 28 from 5-6:30 p.m. The cost is $IOi Make checks payable to’^x, Tolbert. B a s k e tb a ll C a m p s ;;r: The Davie boys basketball program w ill have Ihree campsTn June. • For boys and giris, the Parent/Child Camp w ill be held JunS 12-13 from 6-9 p.m. on Friday and 9-11 ; 15 a.m. on Saturday. Thi^ is for rising first ihroiigh I2lh graders. The cost is $55. .: • For boys and girls, the Shooting and Player Development Camp w ill be held June 15-17 from 6-8 p.m. The cost is $60. This camp is for rising sixth Ihrough 12th graders. :: • For boys only, the War Eagle Day Camp w ill be held June l7'; 20 from 9 ii.m.-3 p.m. for rising first through ninth graders. The cost is $95. You can register on wareaglepride.com and you may contact coach Mike Ab.sher al 751-59Û5 ext. 123. Or you may email Absher (abshbrm@davie.kl2.nc.us). BUSINESS SPOTUGHT Taylor Repair, Highway 158 “Quality Is the bottom line, no exceptions., Whatever It takes to do the best quality worl< and make our customers happy Is what we pride ourselves on.” Keeping It simple Is how Ken Taylor, owner and operator of Taylor Repair In . Mocksville, feels about his business. Good Quality Work at the Lowest Prices Around “We give good quality work at the lowest prices around for parts and service," Ken says: “We offer a three to five day turnaround on small engine repairs and have a team of qualified technicians to handle Just about any job." Ken, who Is a certified machine builder, welder and trained technician, along with John Rennix, who manages the shop, always kid around and sa/ that their business is “a hobby that got out of hand." "Between the two of us, we have over 50 years experience In.thls business," mentions Ken.Specializes In Parts and Service and Auto Restorations Taylor, Repair Is actually two businesses. They specialize in the parts and service of outdoor power equipment such as small engines, tillers, mowers, trimmers, small tractors and general auto repair. And they also do auto restorations. "We restore custom cars, trucks, tractors, just about anything. We even restored a golf cart once," laughs Ken: “Ever since I was a kid I loved to fix up old cars." Ken has been In this business for 15 years and has occupied this location for about a year. "I moved down here from Niagara Fails, Canada in 1999," Ken remembers. "I met my wife, LaRhonda, In an airport In Canada and we had been keeping in touch after that. I had been traveling back and forth, fell Iri love with the area, and finally decided to make the move here permanently." ■ “John, a native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and i have been friends for three or four years and had always wanted to do a parts store together," says Ken. “So In Ihe fall of 2007, John built the set-up to work together. John, who has been retired 30 years from the power equipment business, loves the friendly, layed-back atmosphere of this area., "I moved here wllh Gravely Tractors In 1968,’ remembers John. “I was always In the technical end of things." Along with free technical advice, Ken says John always keeps free gilts under the desk lor ail of their customers such as pens, key rings and other surprises. “We are willing to help anybody that comes In the door. If we don't know the answer, we don't pretend to but we wiil do our best to try and find It out for them," Ken mentions. “We are straight up with our customers. What you get wllh us Is old fashioned honesty and quality." Ken, John and the technicians also have several old cars they are In the process of restoring., "Right now most of our cars are from New York. Tennessee, Pennsylvania and Virginia." Ken says. “We seem to get most ■SA\IN<;.S „р А П ”^° i ;m ;u m )a v ю 4 - U S e n io r C ili;c 'ii 0 is c o iiiil8 W cH liiiüidny 4 0 % ОПР SAli FBI. a. SAT. ONLYDM* N01 inoiiule U llau Mfai«r. Driiilia or Icaoiars ( Iriiiiiums Disioiiiil .Siilfs 15.U I Icmiiums Ud. . ( h iiiiimiis • К М Ш of our restorations from the eastern part of the country." Ken notes for a complete restoration, It typically lakes 1,000 to 3,000 hours which usually runs a customer in the $30,000' to $40,000 and up price range. “We build a modern engine while keeping the exterior most original as possible," Ken mentions. Passionate about Community Involvement Ken is also very passionate about giving back to his community. “We sponsor the Piedmont Braves travel baseball team, support the Davie High. School cheerleading squad and we have season tickets to tlie Davie High School football games," Ken says. “Anything community oriented we like to be a part of. I am very much a humanitarian type of person. I have a soft heart for animals and people." Taylor Repair Is located at 3319 US HWY. 158 In Mooksvllle. You can reach Ken and John at 336-998-7879. arolma Small Engine Sataa ft tarvlce ofoutdoor powor aqulpmantt mowora» trimmara, chain aawa, blowora, flanaratora, & moro 1034 Fork Bixby m , Advnnce 998-7755 J e n n if e r H u tc h in s ' • O w n e r* 336-766-3101 3505 Lawrence Street Clemmons, NC 27012 www.irvlnrobcrtssalnn.com BAKERY THRIFT STOHISave On B re a d " Buns S nacks ••••••••• T a y lo r R e p a ir 751-7879 We’ll Beat Anyone’s Price On Outdoor Power Equipment Parts & Service Pick-up & Ddver/Avahbk 1 19 C ustom Dr., M ocksville . f i k . SPEC IA L Ч Г P e r M onth, THE BEST VALUE IN FITNESS Membersliip and Amenities Includes: Lots of Cardlo • Free Weights • Circuit Training All Womens Center • Free Child Watch Group Fitness • Basketball Pllales/Yoga • Group Fitness Wet Sauna/Dry Sauna • Flat Screen T.V.'s 8221 Ramaili Drive • Швттот • 712-2021 www.pBakfltnBa8Glubi.Gom l' B6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,2ÍW9 :Man Vernon of North slides while Ellis’ Andy Lewis tries to turn a double play. :One of North's pitchers was Travis Holden.North’s runner Is Travis Holden. Playing defense Is shortstop Andy Lewis. Hunter Aref of North beats out a throw to first baseman Tyler Correll. - P h o to s b y J a m e s B a rrin g e r Eills’ proud coaches were assistant Joe Brunelli (lett) and Mii<e Dinkins, E H is ... ¡Jeremy Wall<er was the winning pitcher. ■ '• I » ■ I Continued From Page B l offense from Ben Beeson, Joni\ihan Chaffin, Christian Latham and Hunter Aref and pitching from Carson Bishop enabled No. 2 'North Davie to beat No. 3 South Davie for the fourth time. The five-in ning contest ended the season for the Tigers (4-9), who went out with a five- game losing streak. Beeson, who owned South all season, did it again, going 2 for 3 with three runs and a walk. Chaffin singled and doubled in four al-bats, Latham went 2 for 3 und Aref had one hit nnd four RBIs as North racked up 12 hits! “ Hunter hits the ball hard about every time,” North coach Jamey Holt said. “ Before we moved people around, Jonathan wnsn’t getting a lot o f playing time except for DH. But he’s always been able to swing the bat. Now we've put him at first and he’s steudy over there. Christinn WHS struggling with his but al first. Due to some cir cumstances, he'.s catching now and he's done a great job behind the plate. And his bat's'picked up over the last three or four games as well. This was prob ably his best game as fur as blocking pilches nnd things like ihnf.” Bisliop limited South to four hits. Nathan Howard was I for 1. W ill Cartner 1-2, Tommy Boyette 1-2 and Caleb Martin 1-3. Aside from the Lexington games. South didn't manage more than six hits all year. Carl ner led the team with n .350 clip. Ellis 12, N. Davie 3 Wilh the championship game' pitting the top seeds. Walker pounded the strike zone as usual, und E llis dispatched North for the third time. Fifty- eight o f Walker's 82 pitches were strikes, and he made two plnys that belong on n highlights tape. The first one cnme in the first inning with runners at the cor ners nnd iwo outs. “Jeremy made one of the best plays I've .seen a middle-.school player make. U wus u high- school pluy,” Dinkins suid. ‘The ball wus hit over his hend. He cuughl it on the second bounce nnd dove into second buse to get the oul. It wns n rcnl big piny becuuse the first bntler of the next inning got a hit. So they possibly could have scored three runs lhat inning (instead of one).", Wulker'.s second defensive gem came wilh two on in the sixlh. “ It was a line drive nobody even saw and he gloved it," Dinkin.s said. “ It was one of those where he barely gol his glove up.” There was another defensive star - center fielder Arey. “ Karch made two extremely good plays which saved runs,” Dinkins said. "O n e was way over his hend. Ho mude u piny on ope in right-center. He mnde the cnlch nnd threw to first lo end the gnme.” A host of Jngunrs hit the ball well as Ellis stopped u six-game winning streuk for North (8-4), Andy Lewis hud three RBIs. Boswell went 2 for 2 with two wnlks, scoring four runs and smucking n two-run double. Tyler Correll hud two hits and two RBIs. Murshnll hud two hits. And outfielder Austin Bo ger made his second start of the seuson count, making a fine play on a sinking liner und getting u hit thut kepi a productive inning alive. Ellis exceeded all of Dinkins’ expectations. “ We only had one game where we had two errors,” he said. “ That’s huge in middle school, I’ve had a super group of kids the past two years. I just cun’i tell you how pleased I am. Becuuse going into this yenr 1 didn’t think we could match lust yeur.” South participants in the league tournament were, from left; front - Jason Sellers and'Stephen Daniel; standing - David Hursey, Jacob Horton, coach Hail Collins, Robert Daniel and Evan Lankford. Tennis Tourney Belongs to Ellis, South Ellis und South Dnvie lied for fir.st in the regular tennis sea son, .splitting against each other and beating everybody else. Things were no different in the conference tournament at Lex ington. The one and two players from Ellis, Scott Oallimore und Evnn Dowell, met in the singles finul, nnd Onllimorc cnptured the title for the sccond struight yenr. South faced South in the doubles finni ns Dnvid Hursey- Evun Lunkford took on lentn- inntes Robert Dnniel-Jncob Horton. Hurscy nnd Lunkford look home the trophy. Tho Tigers finished with nn 8-2 rccord, including n 1-1 murk nguin.st co-chnmpion Ellis. Il wus quite a ride for first-yenr coach Hali Collins. “The tournament wns very exciting all around,” she said. “ Our singles and doubles gave Champs in doubles: David Hursey and Evan Lankford. it all they had. I’m very proud o f our season. 1 think their hard w ork nnd e ffo rt de finitely showetl during the toumnment. Euch and every one o f those boys hns improved sincc the beginning of the sen.son.” Next yeur, however, won’t be cusy. Soulh hnd 10 eighth grud- crs, “ I ’ll definitely huve my work cut out for mo next yenr,” Collins .suid. ND Boys Continue To Rule Track For the third strnight yeur und fifth time in six years, tho North Duvic boys won the con ference iruck chnmpionship. The Wildculs pluced in 14 of 15 events on the wuy to 110,5 points. The No, 2 team - Ellis - ND Girls Get 3 rd Straight Tracif Title The North Davie girls track team won tho confercnce cham pionship for the third straight year and for the fifth time in six years, scoring 141 points to sec- ond-place Thomasville’s 61.5. Seven confercnco records fell on the day, and four of them were broken by Wildcats. They had two or moro girls finish in the top five in 11 of 12 indi viduul events, and they were first or second in nil three re- lays, The gold medalists for North were Brooke Ball (discus, 70- 4, 3/4), Jorie Sineath (triple jump, 30-7), Brianna Eichorn (100 hurdles), Sara Rampersad (1600, 1:06.56) and the 1600 relay team o f Tori Caudle, Rnmpersnd, Hnilco Frunk and Kusiu Leszczuk. O f tho.se five events, four wero record performnnces. Bull’s discus, Sineuth’s triple jump, Rampcrsad’s 1600 and the 4;51.90 tiitie in the 1600 re lay were records. The Wildcats who scorcd in multiple events were Sineath, Alyssa Turner, Hnley Curler, Frnnk, Eichorn, Cuudle, Rump- ersud, Tnylor Anderson, Bull and Kristi Turner. “ Wc wero vory tough this year, and next year looks good, too, as II girls who placed in this year's meet w ill return next year,” North coach Don Tabat said. J-f. - ■ was 45.5 points o ff the pace. Behind Ellis' 65 were Thonias- viilo (48.5), Soulh Duvie (39.5) und South Asheboro (36.5). Two or more Wildculs pluced in 6 of 12 individuul events. A ll soven conference records were set by Dnvie uthloles, nnd North broke three of the records.,' N orth’s Johnny Zarbock broke two records, running the 1600 in 5:14.91 arid the 800 in 2:21.85. Tho other rccord perfor mance by N orlh was Cole Blankenship’s 113-10 in tho dis cus. Teummalc Toby Lowe wus second in tho discus (105-1). North swept the top three spots in the 400, w ilh Tyler Shpffncr remaining unbeaten with a time of 1;01. Saul Na varro was second ut 1:03.53 nnd Jonuh Womble third nt 1:03.66. North’s 800 relny ulso fin ished first. ’ D i a b e t e s ] A r e Y o u U n a b le t o M a n a g e Y o u r Type 2 Diabetes W i t h D i e t a n d E x e r c i s e A l o n e ? Vou may ho 1>Нц11)к‘ to parlicipalc in a global rlin ira l roseartli sliidy ol'aii iim 'slif^alional mcdicalioii. If you... • Have not been treated with, or have had only limited exposure to, oral antidiabetic medication • Are between 18 and 77 years of age Y ou m ay b e e lig ib le to p a rtic ip a te in a g lo b al clin ical re s e a rc h stu d y . Participants may receive study-related medical care, study medication, laboratory work, and evaluations, at no cost. (cr^lcent Medical Research^ \ Tom orrow '* M edicine Tocby Salisbury 704-647-9913 Ol reach us on tho web ol www.Dmff-minnrch.CQm/creseBnt located • Salisbury One Block Irom Hospital DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,200!» - B7 A T T E N T IO N ! Form er Freightliner, Ingersoll Rand, & Performance Fibers Em ployees. Do you have questions and need help with your 401K options? — CONTACT us TODAY! — ( B r a c k e n < F im n c ia C I n c . IRA’S • 401K • ROLLOVERS • MUTUAL FUNDS • FEE BASED ACCOUNTS W< C h a rle s B ra c k e n -Jnveslment Conaultanl/Ccrllped Mutual Funda Specialist 2 0 1 N . C h u r c h S t., M o o re s v ille , N C 2 8 1 1 5 704-663-2224 E-Mail: wbracken@isimail.com linvslmcitt Ufprvfrntalii'« with atul Sniirilipn atuI Inirnhm'iit Ailvimry Svrvin-n o/ffrctl Ihntiiffh inU'rSt\ tirHU'n,'lnr. 1031001 05/00 M fiiilvr FINH/X, SUHUtnd Ailviitor. (c CIMARRON Cimarron Steal<house 3 2 6 0 S . S t r a t f o r d R d . 712-4689 Hrs: Mon, 11am-9pm Tues-Thurs llam-IOpm' Sat 4-11 PIVI www.cimarronrestaurant.com W e i n v i t e y o u t o c o m e b e a p a r t o f o u r f a m i l y . I P le a s e p r e s e n t th is c o u p o n f o r I I 20% OFF I I Your Entire Purchase | I (Excfudos Alcohol). ■ j Expiros 05-24-09 J W m ng W o n ie n * ^ W edneJday 1/2 OFF Wine by the Glass 'R e in v e n t i f o u r S u t n M B t ! Why play virtually when we have the real thing? Canoeing, zip lines, cooking, hiking, waterparks, sports & more! All live,and all with the Davie Family YIVICA Camp PRYDE for rising grade students. 9 field trips and 2 cookouts over the summer.. t-' ■4V*«'’-»' Camp PRYDE is funded in part through a grand from the Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Daycamp options are available for rising 1 “-5”’ graders In the Davie Family YMCA Camp Sunburst. REGISTER FOR SUMMER CAMP TODAY! $35 per week $40 registration fee Stop by the YMCA for more Information, or visit our website; davle.ymcanwnc.org/chlldcare/camp.php \1 VICA OF NORTHWEST NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE FAMILY BRANCH Davie Family YMCA 215 Cemetery St., IVIoci<sville,NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 Í - 9 6 2 2 davie.ymcanwnc.org . »y --« li:: I 111 'I! i;Ü vl- i 1 ■ ' P '■'G I b i 11.- »• !l '( ! I i',’ î'I i, 'i Irf liî I' '’ ■ î i U - ' ' i '♦ ■; >s I : ■ M, Ì -X ‘ \■ «' • i'-\". . --i I l i / ' '•k • f !V W J ^ Ì > ' ' V '‘é I ^ 4 r B8 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECOIW, Thursday, May 21,2009 Ì ■ ' ' / V v ‘ - f I-, ' :'a ‘ ^•lv¡i■г(v;пCl.rbl!:ViïíU^ïSlf.î¿'/!Í61íf?\'?,í;- , I ' < 1 1 / ■ * , , T tie re ’s a “b u z z ” a r o u n d to w n a n d p e o p le a r e t a lk in g a b o u t th e la te s t is s u e o f th e D a y ie C o u n ty E n te r p r is e Reix>rd. Y o u r fr ie n d s a r e r e a d in g in -d e p th s to r ie s a b o u t th e la te s t b o a r d m e e t in g , s p o r t in g e v e n ts, a n d 3 ro u r n e ig h b o r s in oui* lo c a l c o im n u n itie s. R e a d th e E n te r p r is e R e c o r d fo r 3 ra u rse lf a n d fin d o u t f ir s t h a n d w h a t a ll th è “h u b b u b ” is a b o u t. S u b sc rib e to d a y a n d y o u c a n h a v e e a c h is s u e d e liv e re d to y o u r m a ilb o x e v e r y T h u rsd a y . 'fl ' ''i > v r DAVIE COUNTY enterpri / S ecord 11 want to knoiv what’s I going on in Davie County! I' Please send me a I Subscription to the I Davie County Enterprise RecordI I I sassnQHSi □ l2 M o n t h / A / - $ W E S u b s c rip tio n = $ 2 0 .0 0 □ 1 2 M o n th O U T -O F rS T A T E S u b s c rip tio n = $ 2 5 .0 0 NAIVIE_ A D D R E S S . :-U 1 Y our p h o n e #___________________ 2 Mail this form along with a check In the amount indicated above to: ' ^ Davie County Enterprise Record, PO Box 9!^, ^c|(sviiie,NC 27028 I ■ I , i ; I II II J iSv - ■' DAVIB COUNTY DavÌQ County’s N e m B iÊ P O irta y DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,2009 - Cl liljg -.>ia Safety in Verses members BJ Plummer, Jade Welch, Brandon Tester and Zach Drechsler rehearse for Sunday night's concert at Junker’s I Safety in Veises ' Photos by Robin Snow By Beth Cassidy Enterprise Record Lots of fnmous bands got their starts modestly. A few friends get together to ploy some songs,'then end up practicing in ' someone’s basement Or garnge, nnd before long, their nume becomes a household word. Sofety.in Verses probably isn’t thut kind of bnnd. In fact, if you tnlk to the members, ihey all say they are hnppy Just getting together lo : make music and hong out with friends. And it’s that kind of kinship and brotherhood that makes Iheir music more believable. Safety in Verses is a Christian rock band , made up of high-schoolers BJ Plummer, who pluys drums and guitar, Brniidon ’Dsster, who i plays guitar itnd sings, Jude Welch, who plays bass und provides vocals, nnd Zach Drechsler, who plays guitar. Austin Bell, who laughingly, admits to having no musicnl tnlent, is the munuger. Brnndon does most of tho tulking for thc band, saying tho group formed Inst December, because "wo really wanted to show u Christian morality and reflect on everyday life of teenagers, what we go through, and we wunted to write about how, in tha hnrd times, Ood pulls us through.” After a couple of name changes nnd udding Jade, the group began to write and play their own songs us well ns others. They practice twice a week in BJ’s garage. W ith the exception o f Austin, who fmnlly ndmits he cuii pluy the trumpet, thunks to his dad touching him, thc other members have yours of musicnl experience. BJ said he has been playing drums since middle school and came by his ubility naturally, as his dud wns in a band, Brandon started singing in church in third grade, played . tuba in seventh und eighth grudes und tnught himself how to pluy guitar about four years ago. Jade, part o f a musical family (his mom was in a band) ulso started music in middle school, playing trumpet from sixth to 10th grade. He has been playing guitar for four years and started playing buss in Jnnunry. He suid he is nlso trying to touch himsolf how to play piano, Zach pipes up, “Well, I took u half a semester o f snare bund in sixth grnde. But I ’ve been playing guitar about a year, becuuse 1 used to hang out with Tester and BJ while they were playingi and Ikin d o f took it up then, I was just trying to be like them, I didn’t wnnt to be left out by a guitar," he said, laughing, ' Their combined years of tnusic blend nicely with the fact that they all enjpy twing together. “ You have frieniils yoii say ‘hey’ toj and then there’s us,’’Zach said. "We’re more like u family.” Brandon agrees, "Everything we do, we stick together.” BJ, Brandon und Zuch are nil Dnvic High juniors, but Jude w ill gruduute next month. When usked Whnt they w ill do when thnt happens, Zuch snid, “ We’re just gonna tnke it ns fur as we cnn. Wo don’t hnvo thut whole rock stur mentality, that this is what’s gonnn bo our cnreers. We just hnve fun hnnging out with , ench other and playing music.” ' Brnndon said, “ We’re not focused on being fnmous. We just want to get our messuge out. We think nnybody in high school cun hour our songs and relate to theip.” The band’s first gig wns ut First Presbyteriun Church May 3, but it’s their second gig thnt gets them reully tulking. They’re going to pluy ut the second nnnuni Box Out for teen suicide Sunday, May 24. Tlio event w ill take p|ace in the parking'lol behind First Presbyterian Church o ff Main Street, with tho band performing at Junker’s M ill. , Box Out is kind o f Zach’s bully. The first yenr, tho youth ut the church orgnnized Box Out for teen homelcssness, nfter Zach saw a video about homelessness and thought it would be u good idea to hold nn event to ruise money and awareness. The yoiith got big cardboard boxes, which thoy decorated nnd slept in, and spoasors, and ended up raising about $4,000, , The second year, after Terri Ennes, youth director, joined a suicide prevention committee, the youth decided that would be their fundraising recipient, and they raised about $6(№, ' ' . : This your, they decided to again help target teen suicide prevention, and proceeds fw iil be used to start and provide training for a peer-run suicide preventioii hotline,: < ^ Banes Said she knows ciif M^lcM^ three te^n suicide attempts and one success since last August, "And t|j|V4iM ifelp^^an)||\^ ' I teens havo also told ine that cutting is bail now,” ■ Safety in Versos nnd Ellshuh, ¡mother Chrlstlnn rock bund, w ill perform, starting ut 7 p.m. The youth and anyone who wants to join in ' w ill get cnrdbourd boxes nnd decornte them for sleeping, ulthough Eanos said not a lot of sleeping takes'pluce, ‘They have u grent time, sknteboardi’ng, pinying guitars, and just sitting aroiind and jamming, nnd I ’ve heurd u rumor that this year, there w ill be a cUrdbourd custle,” The box sot up starts at 4 p,m „ and there w ill be donated food for sale. While the concerts w ill be free, donnlions w ill be tnken, Ennes encouragcs anyone, church or individual, who wants to 6o purt of the event to go out and have fun or consider being a sponsor. Safety in Verses w ill perform a song they wrote specifically for Box Out, nnd they w ill have tee shirts for sale for $12, leens Invited To Take Part In Box Out Suicide Event Any church, middle or high school youth' group wanting to take in Box Out Teeii Suicide on Sunday night is welcome. The youth will sleep in the boxes out side the back parking lot nt First Pres byterian Church in Mocksville. A Chris- ’ tian concert featuring Safety in Verses andjEUshah yiiill begin at 7 p.tn, at Jutiker’s Mill. Both events are frte. DonatiohswiU tie. accepted. I “tte ,y o u th get sponsors; decorate their^t^x^s ^ d e n jb / a night o f fun, fellqW,shii> and little sleep," said Terri diK ctot at,the c h tm h .,: ^ w ^ ’s'N ^U V goto'tlieD 4v\e'S ul- ' oide ^ v e n ti o h Team to start a teen- opeiaied suicide prevention hotline. “ It’s not too Inte to be a port of this event,” Ennes snid. She can be contacted at 751-5591. > > .•» Brandon Tester (above) and Jade Welch (below) practice singing. j i t i i M i ii" ‘^>1- .'(W i 'I ■■■' i u-t C2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Moy 21,2009 Gam bino- Trexier Coupie l\/lamed Phyllis Beeson Oambiiio of ' Kernersville and Jack William Trexier of Clemmons werc mar ried at 3 p.m. on May 17 at First Christian Ciiurch of Clemmons. The bride recently retired from Sulcm Chest Specialist of Winslon-Salcm. The groom is employed by Parks & Son of Advancc. The bride was escorted by her son, Jonathnn Edwards of Castleberry, Fla. The bride wore here daughter Gina Pope’s wed ding gown from 11 yenrs ugo. The flowei-s were arranged by her daughter, who also served as thc matron of lionor. Anna W alton o f Belews Creek, the bride’s .stcp-dnugh- ter, served ns bridesmaid. Hon orary bridesinaids were the 27 fellow employees from Salem Chest Specialist. Thc bride re tired two weeks ago nnd was trenled to a party at Bermuda Run Country Club by the firm. The best mnn wus Joe Gardner of Winslon-Snlcm, co worker nnd best friend o f Ihc groom. Ushers were Scott Pope o f Kernersville, son-in-law of thc bride, and Freddie W illnrd of Clemmons. The flower girl was Cnliie Trexier of Gold H ill, cousin of the groom. Thc ring bearer was Christopher‘Pope, 6, grandson of thc bride. Sharon H ylton o f Kernersville directed the wed ding, nnd Eric Hylton was the photographer. Soloists were Cathy and Steve Phelps and C hristy Trexier. Rebecca Yarbrough performed on violin. Beth Kelly served as pianist. Brenda W illnrd kept the guest register. After n honeymoon trip to Florida, the couplc w ill make their home in Clemmons.Mrs. Jack W illiam T rexier avie Place 'ng Assisted Living Community I r e n e M e l t o n Bom and raised In Fancy Gap, VA, Irene met her husband, Louis Rodger Melton, there and relocated to Forsyth County where they began tlielr married life. She went on to Inive two sons, D.'ivid and Randy. While nilsln)! her fainily, she worked for Hanes In the lacking and folding departnieiit for several yeans. Husband •owls worked for Sara I.ee until recent retirement. He gelii In to see Irene on the weekends and son David, gets In to visit as often as he Is able. David will be bringing his Uliie Gras.s/Go.spel hand In to entertain the residents as soon ;ts arrangements ciui be made. Although with us )ust a short while, Irene Is aware of all the activities available to her and anxious to get started. She also says the food Is very good and she doesn’t have to do the dishes. She enjoys her Blue Grass and Gospel music and can't wall to get her new glasses so that she can begin reading her Chrlstliui literature. We are pleased to have Irene as a resident and will continue to do everything we can to make her slay a pleasant one. For information On Placement, Contact: Suzanne Simpson-Vogler 3 3 6 -7 5 1 - 2 1 7 5 Nancy AndJoe Murphy Celebrate 50th Anriiversary Nnncy und Joe Murphy of Greenwood Avenue,. Mocksville, celebrated their 5()th wecUling anniversary on April 4. They were honored with a surprise celebration at the Family Life Center ut Mocksville United Methodist Church given by their children nnd grandchildren. They have two sons - Steve (Dinne) Murphy of Rnleigh and Mike (Maria) Murphy of North Bend, Wash. They have five grandchildren - Eric, Joshua, Dnniel, Eryn nnd Zachary. , H ap p y Sweet 16 PORT-A-PIT Barbeque Chicken Sale Mayas, 2 0 0 9 1 1 :0 0 am - 4 :0 0 pm FORK BAPTIST CHURCH $7 .0 0 a plate tirive Through Service Available Delivery Available cattlyn "K№ Brake Love, Your Family D ISCO UN T BO X SP R IN G M A T T R E S S E S '*r ..!;:!! S A L E Twin S et.........$179.95 Full S et..........$189.95 Queen S et.......$249.95 S p e c ia l B u y W c S to c ii B o d R a ils & F ra m e s Fletcher-Crotts EngagemeritAnnounced Lawrence and Robin Fletcher of Advance ntmounce thc en gagement of their daughter, Lauren Elizabeth to Robert Joel Crotts of Mocksville. Thc bride-elect is n 2005 grnduntc of Dnvie High School und n 2009 gradunte of Queens University of Chnrlotte-Prcsbyterian School of Nursing with a bachelor’sidegree in nursing. Her ma ternal grnndpnrcnts arc thc late Edsel nnd Lorcne Brown of Hnmptonvillc. Her paternal grandparents arc Bonnie Moore Fletcher of Clemmons and the Intc J.R. Fletcher of Boonville. The groom-to-be is the son of Tbrry Crotts-McDnnlel of Mocks villc. His grandparents arc Homer and Jayne Crotts o f Mocks villc. He is a 1998 graduate of Davlc High School nnd is pursuing a fire protection degree nt Forsyth Technical Community College. He is employed by the City of Kannapolis ns a fire cnptnin nnd is n captain in thc Mocksvillc Fire Department. He is also employed by Davidson County Community College as nn instructor of fire and rcscue. Tiie couple is planning an Aug. I wedding at Cleifimons United Methodist Church. Hairston-Chambers Engagement Announced Natasha Amber Sue Hairston and Corderia Johnphcn Cham bers of Mocksvillc w ill be married May 23 at Victory Baptist Church in Cooleemee, The bride-elect is thc daughter of James Marcus Hairston and Tamara Cody Luna. She is a gradunte of Davie High School nnd is studying healhcare mnnngement ut Forsyth Technical Commu nity College. Thc groom-to-bc is the son of Angelicc Michelle Curry and thc lute Ronnie Murtin Hamilton Sr, He is a graduate o f Duvie Higli School and is employed by Doosan Infracore of Statesville. • Pelvic pain or discomfort for the past 3 months or lonoer• Frequent urination •Urgent urination• Pain or burnino durlno urination• Pain or discomfort after sexual climax • Pain In your testicles, tip of ponis or tho area between your roctum and.lesltoles If you have answered yes lo any of Ihe following, you may have prostatitis, ■ We are partlclpatino In a clinical research study compaflna different doses of an E g f S jg g a ir II you have bMn expjrlenclno pelvic pain or ilscomlort, or Iroquent and uraent Tci^scent Medical Research | '■ Tomorrow's Medicine Today « Salisbury • 704-647-9913 Or reaoti us o n ________________ '_______localed ■ Sallabury One eiôcl< Irom Hi DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,2009 - C3 Sudoku 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 5 8 7 6 1 3 9 4 6 2 5 2 4 7 2 9 3 1 5 3 6 8 2 9 Historicai Society To Learn About Hodges Coiiege Solution On Page C 5 The Howard Twins hnve turned 1. IVIichacI and RcId Hownrd turned 1 on April 29,2009. Wc celebrated by^ huving n cookout with fninlly und fricnd.s on Saturday, Mny 2 at our Mnhiniy and Pnppy’s house. Wc had lire fruck cnkcs that wc nbsolutcly loved playing In. Wc arc tlie sons of Adnm & Robin Howard und brothers of Surah & Emma James. Don & Patricia Howard and Butch and Llndu Thomas arc our grandparents, but we arc really lucky bccause wc huve 2 greut-grundmas Letn Ellis and Opal Howard. TImnk you to.cvcryone thnt hus helped our mommy nnd duddy gel through thc first yenr. Wc ulso wunt to thunk everyone for nil thc great gifts. Wc love you. The Davie County Hislori- cnl nnd Genealogical Socicty w ill meet ut the Davie County Public Library on Muy 26 at 7 p.tn. John Fuller, owner nnd re storer of the historic, 100-year- old Hodges Business College, w ill give the program about Ihe school and ils restoration. The society sends its apprc- Crossword Puzzle Plgglea ACROSS 1. Keystone lawmen 5. Fare behind a sneeze guard 10. Rigging support 14. Simple model train layout 15. Put up with 16. Kegger attire ■ 17. ’’Apollo 13” actor 19. "Spamalol" creator Idle 20. Like some swimsuits 21. Wind chime sound 23. PreHx with athlete or cycle 24. Clad like Justice Roberts 25. Either of two First Families 29. Brunch libation 32. Undesirable berth 33. Safe place . 34. Agent, In brief 37. Hang In there 38. Place with a ’’vacancy” sign 39. Novus__ Seclonim (dollar bill phrase) 40. Ice cream tycoon Carvel 41. Neon and xenon, for two 42. Faithful subject 43. Having spunk • 45. Bit of ammo 46, Benny Goodman’s ’’kingdom" 48. Taking after 49 .’’Uncle _"(B e rle ) 51. Personal magnetism 56. Height; Prefix 57. Britain’s second- largest city 59. Grouchoesque look 60. Pumpernickel, e.g. 1 2 3 ■ 17 20 25 26 27 28 32 37 J 40 ■ 61. Move Ilka The Blob 62. Harpllke Instrument of old 63. Burpee bagful 64. Some deer DOWN . 1. "Out of the Ihkwell" clown 2. Pizzeria fixture 3. Apply macadam to 4. Go sprawling 5. Cavalry swords 6. Early calculators 7. Cooties 6. Noisy commotion 9. Result of a fender bender 10. Dictation takers 11. Source of patronage Jobs 12. Fast on one's feet , 13. Old the Idltarod, e.g. 18. Compound In fertilizer 22. Anemio person's need 25. Utter failure 26 . snuff (satisfactory) 27. Catcher of Junk e- mall 28. "You, theral" 29. Bril's buddy 30. Currier's partner 31. Brooks or Blanc 33. Parasite supporter 35. Upper hand 36. Coffeehouse reciter 38. Some humanlUes degs. 39. Garage supply 41. Leslie Caron title . role 42. Take lessons In 44. In one piece 45. Tartan patterns 46. Lower-case 47. Aviator. Post 48. Sportscaster Rashad 50. Flows back 51. Canadian Indian 52. Frankenstein's assistant 53. "Scram, flyl” 54. Puzzle on a place mat 55. Iowa State's home 58. Ill temper Answers On Page C5 ITl» A N K of t\u'. f c A II 0 I. I N A Si [SoundsiofisummeR] • 1 IM U U 'injJjlll.* Illlls il 111 Jim QuickC the Coastline Band . Timothy Foster and Lauren Fllppin of Mocksvillc proudly announce thc birth of their son. Lane Avery Foster. He wus born ul Forsyth Medi cal Center on March S, 2009 at ll!44 p.m. He weighed 8 lbs. 9 oz. and was 22.5 Inches long. His m aternal grandpar ents ure Gury (Phyllis) Fllppin of Mt. Airy und Wandn Fllppin of Mocksville. His pa ternal grundpurents are Eu gene Foster und Wundu (Ron) Eudy of Mocksville. His greut- grnndpurents ure Leon iknd the late Nellie BuIIey und Paul and Ihe late Doris Foster of Mocksvillc. Lane wishes lo thank ev eryone for their love and sup port. Dan and Bonnie (Roesel) Lawrence of Sheboygan, Wis consin, announce wllli pride thc birth of Jeremy Daniel on April 27, 2009. Jeremy was born at Aurora Sheboygun Memorlul Mcdicul Center and was 7 lbs. 14.5 oz. and 20 Indies long. His loving sisters are Isabella, 4 and 1/2, und Jes sicu, 2 nnd 1/2. MHternal grandparents ure Lois und Itill Roesel of Mocksviiie, und Ihc paternal grandparents are the late Donald und Dolores Lawrence of Missouri. Jeremy Is also welcomed by lots of aunts, uncles and cousins. elation to Mary Alice Hasty and Hazel Winfrcc for their program last month about their new book, "Thc C ivil War Rosier of Davie County.” ‘Thanks lo all who came by Ihe historicnl society’s booth nl the Daniel Boone Festival nnd lo those who took tours offered by the society,” snid Lindn Leonard, president. Sm/th Grove Front Porch Singing Sat The nnnunl Front Porch Singing w ill be held nt the Smith Grove Ruritan Building, 4126 US 158, Advance, Saturday, May 23 from 6-8 p.m. . Free entertainment w ill fea ture The Redeemed Voices, Farm ington Bluegrass and Smith Grove Singers. Hotdogs nnd cold drinks w ill be nvuiinbic. Donations w ill be accepted. Bring a lawn chnir for seating und cunncd food for A Storehouse for Jesus. In case of inclcment weuther, Ihe event w iil be moved indoors. u i,i*k i ;s i:n 1 A n \ i Julia Howard ,Vi I h m u ' 7^)iìì D is lr ii t Pleme amlaci me in; MOCKSVILLE: (336) 751-8567 RALEIGH: (919) 733-5904 16 W. Jones Street, Rm1f06 Raleigh, NC 27601-1096 Email: ]ullah®ncleg.net I'MB hOK IIYJUM HOWAKII ) ' , . • , .. ; , m ;, R e c it a l S u n d a y , M a y 3 1 5 : 3 0 p m - 8 : 3 0 p m I Brock Perfbrrnlng Arts Center S u m m e r C l a s s e s J u n e 1 5 - ‘ A u g u s t 1 4 OPEN HOUSE June 3 , 4 , & 5 4 : 0 0 p m - 6 : 0 0 p m Tap, Hip Hop, Ballet, Modern,Tots Yoga For Mom & Daughter Dance Canms ondAUDayCart^ J u n e 1 5 - A u g u s t 1 4 C4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,2009 S h e ffie ld -C a la h a Jn N e w s By Jnnicc Jordan Shcfncld-Calnliain Correspondeni Mollior’s Day brought a lol of new experiences for several in tlic communliy. Fivst-time motlier, Orandi Drye, spent a’ .special day with her infant daughter, Madison. Madison's grandmother, Cindy Beaver shared the limelight as dozens of photos were taken of the baby with family members. With beautiful weather and the rare opportunity to be wilh bolh of our children and all of our grandchildren at the same lime, Chris and I enjoyed lunch nnd nn afternoon of mostly watching the youngsters play while we passed the baby back and forth. Earlier that morning, wc attended Mother’s Day services at church in West Jefferson where our yoimge,st, 9-month old Lily, was dedicated, along with several other babies and their parent's who were enjoying iheir first Mother’s Day. Ijames Baptist Church member, Jane Tutterow, was given a beautiful fl.ower for being Ihe oldest mother present at their Mother’s Day service. She turned 83 on May 12. Born on May 12, 2009 was Brent Owen Davis, who attended his first church scrvicc at Ijames Baptist on Sunday, May 17 in the arms of his fiUhcr, Randy Davis and mother. Missy. Brent’s sisters, Ashleigh ' and Lyndsay are proud of the family’s dark-haired addition, who weighed 8 pounds 13,5 ounces and was a long 22 inches. , Sunduy, May 17 was also the White family reunion in the Ijames fellowship hall. Descendants of Joe and Lucrclia Boyd White gathered to enjoy the covered dish luncheon. Olher nows from Ijame,s Church includes word that Robin Ellis continues lo improve after his recent surgeiy; Robin White wails patiently for the day, possibly within two weeks, when she will receive a lens lhat will enable her to see again; and Marsha Tutterow received a bad cut on her hand while feeding her prize chickens, but husband, Larry took her to the hospital emergency room Sunday where the severed artery and hand were stitched up. A benefit breakfast for Joanna Trent, daughter of Sheffield-Calahaln firefighter Earl Trent and his wife, Barbara who volunteers wilh the fire department's auxiliary, was held on Saturday, May 16 at Clarksbury Methodist Church near Harmony. Many teachers, including Robbie Kay Christopher who has a kindergarten class and substitute toucher, Leah Galliher, along wilh PTO members from Harnipny School sponsored the event. Joanna continues lo do well wilh chemo G ot an opinion? Tell IIS aboul it with a leller to the editor DctaiLs, Page 2 Leah Galliher and Robbie Kay Christopher arrive early to help with a benefit breakfast for Joanna Trent. and Hubert shared an opinion about snakes. Both would rather face fire than any snake, even a dead one, As Gary Alien made an emotional presentation of Hiibert’,s stone, he couldn’t resist telling about the time lhat someone thought showing Hubert a snake would be a great prank. Unfortunately, Hubert was driving a tractor in a field ut the time. He jumped off the tractor while it was still in gear,, nnd il continued into the woods without its rider, Hubert was remembered for always being available to help others as needed, including ,sawmilling wilh Carl Dyson, farming wilh Wayne Swisher nnd Levoy Dyson, making hay with Paul Beck, and doing carpentry work with Blum Beck, These days it’s rare lo hear of someone who spent his entire life in the same community, Hubert is survived by a daughter, Lisa Reeves, 2 grnndchildren, and 2 great grandchildren, David Childress, pastor of Society Baptist Church, was guest speaker al the memorial service, and his words were clear and forthright aboul the human side of emergency response personnel. In areas such us Sheffield-Culuhaln where volunteers ftrc the firsl line of response for fires, vehicle accidcnts, medical and weather emergencies, or Iiazardous conditions, often it’s nol easy for those not involved to realize the lime and energies the volunteers use aii they work, train, and plan to be able to help when the call comes. Several occasions it’s to the exclusion of tinié spent with their families, as those who have been left in restaurants or stores or sleeping in bed can attest. Il takes a mixture of abilities to make a successful fire department and the duties are no longer divided just between husbands as firefighters and wives as auxiliary members. There are seven women on the roster of firefighters, and among them, they drive trucks, rush to medical emergencies, operate fire hoses, and assist with training junior firefighters. There are several decades represcnled by the roster with cach contributing their best skills, all of which arc necessary to keep the place running. Any interested individual in the community who is physically able and willing to actively participate should visit the tire department to And oul if he or she is a good fit for the fire fighting unil, the auxiliary, or the junior firefighting unit. Four people from the community are elected ench y<;ar to the board .of directors nl a public annual community nieeting where residents have the chance lo participate and ask questions. Even David Childress, who answered the call to the mini.stry, also felt a cull to join his iocnl fire department, and is a member of County Line Volunleer Fire Department. He is taking classes to become a medical firsl responder (EMT). C.J. Dwigglns, also a County Line riiefighter und a dispatcher for Davie County’s 911 system, attended the services und used another of his talents, when he bugled Taps at the outdoor portion of the program. When you see the vehicles on the roads with red lights fiashing, when you are inconvenienced when traffic comes to n halt, when you are awakened in the middle of the night by sirens, remember these are you'neighbors and friends who are rushing to help. F a rm in ü to n N e w s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,2009 - C5 Captain Justin Dyson sings "Homesick" accompanied by father, Terry Dyson, Assistant Chief Gary Allen dedicates the memorial garden stone for fallen firefighter, Hubert Reeves, as other Sheffleld-Calahaln members listen. Vicki Groce tells the history of the Ladles' Auxiliary al the SCVFD Memorial Service, SCVFD firefighters t^oah Drye, Andy Drye holding daughter, Madison next to her grandfather, David Beck and her great-grandfather, Paul Beck. treatment and is » little more than half way wilh the scries. They would like to thank everyone who turned out lo support them. ■ Sunday, May 17 was an important event for members of the Sheffield-Calahaln Volunteer Fire Department us llicy held their annual memorial scrvicc, Euch deceased fire fighter has an engraved stone in his honor in a memorial garden at the station nnd they, along with decen,scd Ladies’Auxiliary members, were remembered that afternoon with ibndness and appreciation for their dedication lo the fire department and to the community. Lyn Anderson played the beautiful notes of "Amazing Grace” und Justin Dyson sung “Homesick" as part of the program. Noah Drye gave the history of the department, and Andy Drye told about the emergency medical response program. In sections of. Duvie County, such nfi Sheffield, Calahaln, Center, William R, Duvie and many olhers, fumily lies go as far back as the beginning history of the areas, Eviryone simply knew their neighbors then and was related to many of them. Even though growth has brought houses closer to together now, many people can still give outsiders oral histpries that can't be found in books. Holding this unnual service helps to assurq information will be available to today's residents so that they will understand the pasl for belter appreciation of the present. One new stone was added lo the garden this year,- a,s Hubert Reeves, lifelong resident of Sheffield, passed away last year, A charter member of Sheffleld- Calahaln VFD, he was one of the neighbors who stepped up in 197.6 when the growing necessity of having a fire department was recognized. As long as he was physically able, he purticipated in the station's activities and responsibilities. Most of the members of the firefighting unil were just children when Hubert wus un active member, but they enjoy telling their stories of times spent wilh Hubert. Hubert's wife wus Naomi Beck whose brother, Paul was also one of the original members of the department. It was noted that current fire chief, David Beck Infant Madison Drye experiences her first Mother's Day held by grandmother, Cindy Beaver with mom, Brandi Drye and gncle, Josh Beaver, Caleb and Ashlyn, children of Noah and Ellie Drye, enjoy Mother's Day, and they will be there, loo, if you are the one who needs assistance. On Saturday, MaJ' 23 the Men's Fellowship of New Union United Methodist Church will serve hotdogs from 11 a,m,-2 p.m, in the parking lot at 1869 Sheffield Road. Donations will be accepted. Doughnuts will be sold by the Women's Fellowship for $5 per box. Handmade wooden toys will be available for sale. Also on the 23rd will be a fundraiser lo benefit the 14 girls on the Hawks softball leam lhat grew oul of the Davie Little League, The team travels lo locations and competes wilh softball teams from our counlry and around the world. Funds arc raised by donations and events. From 10 a,m.-4 p.m. there will be a cur wash, yard sale, $2 snow cones, and a game for children in the parking lot' of Jiffy Lube in Mocksville, They would appreciate your attendance or donation, CrusherRun will play music on Friday, May 22 at the Beulah Rurilan Club in Mount Airy, Cimmaron will be the featured performer at the Sheffield Music Hull Sulurday, May 23, Birthdays for the week slarl wilh Autumn Stewart, Debbie Ijames, Judy Daniels, and Michael Spry, all on May 22; Claude Wilkinson, Kylie Anne Dyson, and Jack Barker on May 23; Nell Dyson and Debbie Smith on May 24; Holly McDaniel and Brandi Drye on Memorial Day, May 25; Tess Miller, Dale Sherrill, and Jonathan Jordan on May 26; and Nellie Rcavis, Becky Hill, and Allison Anderson on Mny 27, Wedding anniversaries are Will and Melissa Garner's on the 25th; Jonathan and Tracie Jordan's on the 26th; and Joe and Orene Peoples' on Ihe 27th, Harold Reeves, 81 of Main Church Roud in Mocksville, passed away in his sleep Saturday morning at Davis Hospital in Statesville, Son of .the lale Willie and Cecil Keller Reeves, he is survived by his wife, Helen Reynolds Reeves, 2 daughters, a son, 2 grandchildren, and 2 great grandchildren, Surviving siblings include Lucille Vernon, Anna Mae Wright, Helen Sampson, Harvey Reeves, and John Henry Reeves, He was preceded in death by 5 brothers, Howard, Hubert, Hoarce, Homer Ray, and Hoyle, Funeral services were held Monday, May 18 and interment was at Union Chapel Uniled Methodist Church Cemetery, Condolences are offered lo family members and friends. An annual Reeves Family Reunion will be held Saiurday, June 6 at the Sheffield-Calahaln Community Cenier at 4; p.m. wilh a covered dish meal. Everyone is invited. Please send any news you have for this column by emailing me ' at jvfjordan@hotmaii.com or by telephone to 492-5836, By Laura Mathis Farmington Correspondent On May 13th, Bruce While of the Wild Mountain Art and Consignment Shop, Beth McCashin of the Thoroughbred Training Center, along with myself as executive director of the Farmington Community Center attended the Big Magic Luncheon in Winslon-Salem, II was an utmual luncheon of Ihe Big Brothers and Big Sis ters orgunizntion, a special event lo benefit children in the Forsyth and Davic co.mmunities nnd was held nt the Bridger Field House. Speakers were Chair Brett Hoge, Gray Barbour, and WXII anchorwoman, Wiinda Starke, who has been involved wilh BBBS for many years. There were several who shared Iheir heart-warming stories of how they were in some way, affected by the program. , Bruce, Beth, und I were there (o show our support from Furm- Representing Davie at a May 13 Big Brothers Big Sisters luncheon, from left, Don and Wanda Bowles, Don Cagle, Slayton and Emily Harpe, Amy Boardwine, Beth McCashin, Bruce White and Laura Mathis ington and shared the table with Amy Boardwine, director of the Davie BBBS office and other Davie BBBS supporters. Bruce While has been on the advisory board of the BBBS satellite of fice in Mocksville since 1999 and is acting treasurer. In work ing with the organization, Brucc has provided several painting and craft activities for kids on the wnit-list. These are kids that have not yet been matched up with a big brother or big sister buddy. He has coordinated with the Davie Arts Council with in-. volving some of the kids in the Flags of Davie projects. Beth McCa.shin along with her husband, John, have been supportive of the program for c|uile some time and have been involved with various projects. As executive director of the Farmington Community Ccnter. 1 work lo find projects that will be u benefit to the community and have been interested in the BBBS progrum. The Farming ton Community Cenier will be coordinating wilh local volun teers to provide a monthly " Ac tivity Dny" for kids on the wait list, Amy Boardwine said the kids range from first grade up to aboul eighth grade. They usu- ally are from single parent homes and arc in need of sup port from adults who can give them some one-on-one lime. National studies have shown that by giving these youth a Big Brother or Sister, they bccome more confident in themselves, huve a mòre positive attitude and are less likely lo get inlo il legal drugs or alcohol. Unfortu- nately, we live in a society where there arc more and more single parents having lo bare the burden of supporting and rais ing the kids alone. Kids are faced wilh huving lo spend too much time ulone, looking after other siblings, or slaying wilh adults that arc in some cases, abusive. Many of these kids just need to know lhat someone cures, someone who will take the lime to help out wilh their homework, play bull or other activities, or maybe someone to just to listen. The BBBS is reaching out to teens who arc single purents, girls who have had a baby and are trying to make it ihrough school. If you would like more information on the Big Broth ers and Big Sisters progrum and how you can make a difference in a kids life here in Davie, you contact Boardwine at 751 -9906, If interested in volunteering dur ing BBBS Activity Duys al the Furmington Comniunity Center^ please call me at 998-2912, C o u h t v L in e N e w s By Shirley,Thorne County Line Correspondent Rcgistrulion for vucution Bible school al Plcasanl View Baptist Church will be held from noon-2 p.m. this Saiurday, May 23, Registration activities wjll include games plus a cookout with hamburgers, hotdogs, and all the trimmings. Pleasant View mcmbens invite everyone to join them for a fun Snlurdoy afternoon, Bible school classes will be held from 6:30-8:30 p,m. Sunduy, June 14, ihroughThunsduy, June 18. Olher churches huving scheduled, their vacation Bible schools are Calvary Baptist and Clarksbury Uniled Methodist. Bible school at Calvary will be held Monday, June 15, Ihrough Fridny, June 19. Clarksbury will have Bible school from Sunday, June 28, -Friday, July 3. ■ Saturday, May 23, Calvary A d v a n c e N e w s By Edith Zimniermun Advance Correspondeni Family Day will be Sunday, May 24 ul the Advnnce United Methodist Church recrcnlion center with un II n.m. service. The Rev. Kirk Tutterow, hus band of Poslor Cheryl Skinner, will be the guest speaker. A cov ered dish lunch will follow. Life Line Screening will be ut the AUMC fellowship h(ill on Friday, May 22 to perform screenings for strokes nnd other serious illnesses, Medford and Nancy Shoaf and datighler Melahy have re lumed from a vacation at Cherry Grove Beach, SC, Brcnl Shouf and wife Carolyn treated Brent's parents and his sister to a show tilled "Le Grande Circue" at the Palace Theater, Alan and Susan Nelson have relumed from a week.s vacation ut Hilton Hend Islnnd. Susun's best friend und her husbund from Stuttgart, Ark. spent the week wilh them for n wonder ful reunion. Wc extend sympathy lo April O'Mura in the death of her father George Wilbur Fly nt who passed away on Saturday. Ashley Bledsoe with parents Mandy and Brandon Bledsoe presents Kyle Petty with a check for the Victory Junction Gang camp. C la rk s v ille N e w s By Marcia Lambe Clarksville Correspondent Ms, Harry Atkinson and daughter Joyce from Alden, N.Y. spent the weekend wilh cousins. Pan and Stacy Beck. Congratulations to Justin Pilcher on his graduation from Mitchell Community College. I know his parents Lisa and George are proud. Happy birthday to Jessie and Chase Carter. They had a big birthday party Saiurday wilh lots of friends and family and a giant slide. Gel well wishes lo Ray Evuns, Jerry Hanes and Estie Jones. Saturday, Ash ey Bledsoe had the honor to present Kyle Petty with a check for $ 118 that we had collected over the pasl week lo hflp children attend the Victory Juncdon Camp. Also on the ride was Hershel Walker, Robert Reaford, Kyle's family, Davis Love III and Franklin Graham, The tide started in Bnptist Church members will take a day trip to the Lazy 5 Ranch in Mooresville. Those planning to go should be at the church by 8:15 li.m. The group wiil then leave for the ranch al 8:30 a.m. The cost of admission to the ranch is $7.50 per adull; everyone should bring a bag lunch. Church members invite olhers to join them for a day of family fun and fellowship. Tho regular meeting time for the Womon on Mission of Socicty Baptist Church hus been changed to the third Thursday nighl of euch month. Tonight (Thursday) the women will meet at 6 in the fellowship hnll. The meeting will begin wilh refreshments and fellowship followed by a drama on tho excuses people use lo avoid becoming involved in church missions. Clara West will hosl . the meeting. Upcoming community P in o N e w s events includc a community prayer breakfast hosted by the Uniled Methodist Women of Clarksbury al 8; 15 a.m. Sunday, May 31, in the fellow.ship hull; u gospel singing at 7 p,m. Sunday, May 31, at Society Baptist Church; a V-Point Rurltan country ham and sausage breakfast from 6-10 a,m. Saturday, June 6, at the V- Point Building on Old Mocksville Road; a hotdog, hamburger, and ice cream dinner fundraiser hosted by the Calvary Baptist Church Youth at noon Sunday, June 7, in the church fellowship hail; a V- Point Rurilan Flag Day observance Saiurday morning, June 13, in Harmony; and Davic nnd . Iredell school baccalaureates and graduations in June. Our community sends gel- well wishes lo David Beck, who wns hospitnlized last week wilh congestive heart failure. He hus been recuperating ul home since Sunduy. Mac Walker remains at Forsyth Medical Cenier. Bud Wallace was released from tho hospital last week but became worse and has returned to Forsyth Medical Center. Howard Safriet is recuperating at home. Please join us as we pray for the Lord’s divine healing and blessings upon David, Mae, Bud, Howard, and others v/ho ure hnving heulth problems. As difficult economic times exist! conlinue lo remember those who uro facing' financial problems. For news or memories Id share, cail Shirley, 492-5115| .icltlink@hotmail.com. If you are, or know of anyonej grnduuling from college or high school or receiving n certificute; let us know. If possible, include a piclure plus graduation details and plans for the future. By Norn Lulhnni Pino Correspondent The breukfust al Wesley Chapel Uniled Methodist Church lust Snturdny was a big succcss, Several loyul pntrons nltendcd and we appreciate you. Missionaries David and Suzanne Lindsay and family, Mary, Jacob, Joshua, nnd Emily were there to inlk informully about their experiences as missionaries InTuiwun. We will have a breakfast on June 20 - the last one until Sept. 19. The Lindsays also attended the worship service al Wesley Chapel on Sunday morning. After the service they presented u slide show to the congregation about teaching and Christinnily in Taiwan. Suzunne Lindsay is the niece of Toni Horton. Jim and Chineru Latham spent u few dnys in Daniel Islnnd, S.C. last week. They attended their granddaughter, Caroline’s dance recital on Sudoku Solution Saturday nighl. Caroline is the 3-ycar-old dnughtcr of Glenn nnd Audra Latham Ruus, I nm proud lo unnouncc thut I hnve nnother benutiful greut grundson. He wus bom May 14 nt 11:14 p.m. weighing in at 7.4 lbs and 20 Indies long. Ho was named Luke Ethan. The proud parents are Ethan and Allison Boger. Big brother, Reid, 2 1/2, is proud of his buby brother. : F o u r C o r n e r s N e w s By Marie While Four Comers Correspondent Mr. anil Mrs. Murk White and Jessica were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe White. Cornelia Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bolick Friday. Olive and Linda Burgess are improving und need our contin ued prayers. Mr. und Mrs. Joe While vis ited Sue Hurpe nnd Mnrgurel Allen Monday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Grady Beck and Bettie Smilh visited Mr. and Mrs. Lee Murray Saturday night. Clyde Murray is doing nicely after recent surgery. Irene Lowery is our shut-in of the week. She would appre ciate a card, visit or phone cnll. Her nddress is; Somerset of Mocksvillc, 160 Ken Dwigglns- Dr., Mocksville, Bud Wnlluce and Mae Walker are on our sick list and need our continued prayers. 6 1 8 2 9 3 7 4 5 4 s 2 7 8 6 3 1 9 9 3 7 1 4 5 2 8 6 2 7 6 4 1 8 9 5 3 1 9 4 3 5 7 6 2 8 5 8 3 6 2 9 4 7 1 8 2 S 9 3 4 1 6 7 7 4 9 5 6 1 8 3 2 3 6 1 8 7 2 5 9 4 Crossword Answers Herschei W alker signs an autograph for Mandy Bledsoe. Washington slate and traveled across the counlry muking stops at different locations, collecting money for the camp, ll Ashley and myself would like lo thank the businesses for letting us put jars oul lo collect money. David Anderson’s S tra w b e rry P atch NOW OPEN at G A L A H A L N F A R M S 510 Calalialn Road, Mocksville, N C (Davie County) ..8am-7pmHOURS; Mon.-Sat..............AUDay.... PRICES; PickYourOwn.......$7.50/gal. (51bs.)akeapp.l5minj. We Pick R>rYou ..,„$10,00/gU. (5 lbs.) You can cail in your order ahead and we try to have them ready when you arrive. On tin wtb «t: «ntw.ncagr^ov/ncpraducl* or «oo«lt C»Uh»ln Fatmi . Email: са1«1м1п(1ппв(таН,сот David Be Gloria Anderson 336-909-2240 OR 336492-7340 ИНЕСТШа From MO Ex# 166 lake Илу. 64 Woa Ы Mocksvilto - past Ыо} Myera Canvground. СаШ п Rd. is on Um liflhl (appx. 11t*), V fe kif Slravibeny sign on Iho rigli ^________________________________ Every Saturday 9AIV1-3PIVI in Downtown Mocksville Ululor the Oak Tree noar Mocksville Fiiniitiire! Сб - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,2009 O b itu e ir ie s ‘ George Wilbur Flynt Mr. George Wilbur Flynt, 80, • of Advancc, died Saturday, May ; 16, 2009. He was born April 18, 1929 ; lo Robert Wade Flynt Sr. and ; Beulah Hill Flynt. Mr Flynt was ]a veteran of the Korean War ; serving in the U.S. Army and (he ■ U.S. Air Force. Mr. Flynt retired ■from Dillards Department ’Store. He was preceded in death by his wife, Shirley Woodcock Flynt. Surviving; 2 daughlers, April Flynt O’Mara and husband Mark O’Mara of Advancc and Jane Flynt Hcnsdale and hus band Mark Hcnsdale of Ad vance; a slepson, Frank Wright of Mississippi; 5 grandchildren, Bradley Wright, Zachary Wright, Tyler O’Mara, Cody O’Mnra and Danny Flynt; 2 sis lers, Louise Cooper of Winston- ' Salem and Beulah Mac 'Burcham of Yadkinville; 7 'brothers, Conrad Flynt, .'Woodrow Flynt, Samuel E. ; Flynl, Howard Flynl, all of Win- ;.slon-Salem, Robert W. FlyntJr. of North Wilkesboro, Roy Flynt of Yadkinville and Joe Flynl of Clemmons. A funeral service was held at II a.m. Tuesday, May 19 at Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek •Chupcl with the Rev. Karl Kelly officiating. Burial followed in Parklawn Memorial Park. The family received friends Monday at the funeral home. Memorials; Hospicc/Pallia- tive CareCenler, 101 Hospice Ln., Winston-Salem, 27103. Online condolcnccs: www.haywurth-millerxom. Bertha Spaugh Allen Mrs. Bertha Viola Spaugh Allen, 64, of Spillman Road, Mocksvilie, died Sunday, May 17, 2009, at Forsj/th Medical Center. She was born June 19,1944, in Forsyth County to the laic Harvey L, and Jessie Earn Whisenhunt Spaugh. She was also preceded in death by an infant brother. Survivors; her husband, Billy Wain Allen of the home; a daughter, Penny (Gary) Boner of Advance; a son, Tim Allen of the home; 2 grandchildren, Clint und Jessica Boner; 2 sisters, Margie Collier and Frances Varner, both of Mocksvillc; 3 brothers, Robert Spaugh of Yadkinville, Ralph (Helen) Spaugh of Boonevillc and Marvin (Jo) Spaugh of Mocks vilie; brother and sistcrs-in-law, John (Dori.s) Alien of Welcome, Grady (Pat) Allen and Ronnie (Kathy) Allen, all of Mocks vilie; special cousin, Frances Ellis of Yadkinville; and several nieces and nephews. A funeral scrvicc was to be conducted at 2 p.m., Thursday, May 21, at Eaton Funeral Chapel wilh the Rev. Allen Barker ofricialing. Burial was lo follow in Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church Cemetery. The family was to receive friends from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 20, at Eaton Funeral Home. Meinorials: American Can cer Society, 4-A Oak Brunch Drive,.Grccn.sboro, 27407, Online condolences: www.ciUoiiftmcrut.Kcrvicc.com. Town of Bermuda Run 120 Kinderton Blvd., Suite 100 Bermuda Run, N.C. 27006 (336) 998-0906 l o m Q £ Р Е Ш У Р Л R U N The Town of Bermuda Ruh wnuld like to hear from IndlvlduaUi who-are interested In being considered fur positions on (he Town’s two appointed boards as they may arise. The Town Council makes the appolntmfnt.4 when there arc vacancies - hoth from terms cxplrin); and resignations. Doth the I’lanning Поаг<1 anil the Hoard of Adjustment have niemhers Ггош hoth Inside and outside of the Town • the outside niemhers do have to live within the Kxtra Territorial .Im isdlctlon (KTJ) of the Town. If you are Interested in havlii)’ your name on liie for consideration when a seat on a board Is open, please contact Town Hull at 33fi-998-0906 for more Inrornmtlon. H ig h e r C D Y ie ld s ! S p e c ia l P r o m o tio n 3 Monili CD • FDIC-Iiisiirt4l 3.0% (6 numlti) • 3.5% (12 looiilli) FIR ST FID ELITY FinuncinI CSmiip onitc 'IVInrl, LI Д.! Your Saß Moiwy Solution* Ml ,\i4’oiiiil.s (;iiiiraiiUT(l imd Itisiiml ЛрриЫшши Heammmukd 3 3 6 -2 2 4 -1 0 7 7 217 S. Tiilbert Ave,, Lexhiëtüii, NC 27292 Hours: 9um-5pni, Mon.-hYI. X UNIVERSITY Friday, June 5 - August 28 at 6:30pm (13 weeks) New Hope PCA Church, 2570 Harper Rd. Clemmons, NC 27012 Financial What? Peace? Dave who? What will I learn? How does It work? HERE’S REAL DEBT HELP! In FPU, the average family eliminates $5,300 In debt w/hlle earning $2,700 In savingsl Financial Peace University is a life-changing program that teaches you how to make the right decisions with money. You'll be empowered with the practical skills and confidence needed to achieve financial goals and experience true financial peacel Call (336) 463-2232 OR sign up on-line: https://fpuonllne.daveramsey.com/ Edwin Harold Reeves Mr. Edwin Harold Reeves, 81, of Main Church Road, Mocksvilie, died Snturday, May 16, 2009, at Davis Regional Medical Center In Statesville aflcr a lengthy illness, He was born Jan. 8, 1928, hi Iredell County to the lale Willie and Cecil Keller Reeves. Mr. Reeves owned and operated 601 Shell of Mocksvilie for 21 years and then worked at W.G. Whites Ham House for 18 years. He was a gardener known for his watermelons that he shared with neighbors. He was ulso preceded in death by 5 brothers, Howard, Hubert, Hoarce, Homer Ray and Hoyle. Survivors: his wife, Helen Reynolds Reeves of the home; 2 daughlers, Juanita R. Keaton (Jim) of Harmony and Wanda R. Hunter (Alex) of King; a cho sen son, Ray Whisenhunt of Mocksvilie; 2 grandchildren, Jenay Wilson and Jeremy Keaton; 2 great-grandchildren, Logun Wilson and Slade Keaton; 3 sisters, Lucille. R. Vernon of Greensboro, Anna . Mae Wriglil of Hiddenilo and Helen R. Sampson of Harmony; and 2 brothers, Harvey Reeves of Statesville and John Henry Reeves of Mocksvlile. A funerul scrvicc wns con ducted at 2 p.m. Monday, May 18, at Eaton Funeral Chapel, wilh the Rev. Wade Wright and Dorman Brown officiating. Burial followed in Union Chapel Unitod Methodist Church Cemetery. The family received i'riends Monday al the funeral home. Online ' condolcnccs; www.catoi\funmtlscrvice,com. T h a n k Y o u W e w ish to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers, and acts o f kindness. James Wesley Wooten Mr. Jumes Wesley Wooten, 78, of US 64 West, Mocksvilie, died Thursday, May 14, 2009, at WFU Bap tist Medical Center. He was born in Yadkin County on Jan. 3, 1931, to Ihc late Wesley R aym ond and Mary Jane McCormjck Wooten. Mr. Wooten was a member of First Baptist Church, Mocksvilie and wus retired from Norfolk South ern Railroad. He was a veteran of the US Air Force serving dur ing the Korean Conflict. He was an outdoorsman who enjoyed farming, gardening nnd travel ing to the mountains. He was preceded in death by an infant daughter, Susan Dolores Wooten; 2 sisters, Rulh Maynard and Pauline Woolen arid 4 brothers, George, John, Howard, and Paul Wooten. Survivors; his wife, Jessie Rutli Steelman Wooten of the home; 4 sons,- Eric Wesley Woolen, Bruce Steelman Wooten, both of the home, Gregg Scott Wooten (Martha) of Mocksvilie, and David N eil. Woolen, also of the home; a granddaughter, Genny Wooten; 2 brothers, Richard Wooten (Jean) of Salisbury and Bill Woolen (Lucille) of Mocksvilie; and several nieccs nnd nephews. A funeral service was held at 1 p.m. Saturday, May 16, ul Eaton Funeral Chapel. Burial ,was in Rose Cemetery. The fam ily received friends Muy 15 ut the funeral home. Online condolences; wwweatonfimeral.iervlcc.com. Katherine E. Crotts Mrs. Katherine Eli/.abeth Tutterow Crotts, 81, of NC 801 S., Mocksvillc, died Friday, May 15,2009, at Forsyth Medi cal Center in Winston-Salem. She wus bom Sept. 22,1927, in Rowan Counly to the lale Duke Barry and Esther Viola While Tutterow. Mrs. Crotls was a member of Concord United Methodist Church where she was a Sunday school tcachcr for many years in the willing workers class and in the nurs ery. She retired as u teachcrs assistant'with Cooleemee El- emcntury School. She was also preceded in death by 2 brothers, Joe Nelson Tutterow und Donnie Tutterow. Survivors; her husbund of 61 yeurs, Henry Tiirner Crolts of the home; 2 daughters, Vickic Polls and Tina Felts (Keith); 3 sons, Duvid Crotls (Diune), Ri chard Crotts (Debbie) und Dan Crotls (Angela), all of Mocks villc; 15 grandchildren; 17 greut-grandchildren; a sister, Sandra Vance (Theon). of Mocksvilie; a brother. Jack Tutterow (Josephine) of Ad vanco; and several nieces and nephews. A funeral service was con ducted ul 11:30 a.m. Monday, May 18, ut Concord United Methodist Church, with the Revs. Arnold Gosneil and Ken neth Eller officiating. Burial fifllowed in the church cem etery. The family received friends Monday, at the church. Memorials: Victory Junction Gang, 4500 Adams Wuy, Rundieman, 27317; or to Pul monary Hypertension Assoc., 8201. Roebcr Road, Suite 4(H), Silver Springs, MD 20910. Online condolences: www.eatonfuneralscrvlcc.com. S tra w h e n to s ^Loamllr arown, Nyilroponlo T o m a t o e s We aha now have ^ „ Vf, Cucumban A Lattuo*EXTDMDHOUBHXI '-•‘ ’fN , ^ '^Pew D rd p 'F p rm . 302 Fo.sier Rond, Mocksvilie (r6>icr Kd. Is JuU fllTKIdge E^d. in Wuiem DavIo County) Call For Directions (3 3 6 )4 9 2 -5 2 6 3 к Thefam im ily o f Betty Bailey Glass Johnnie Lamar l^son Mr. Johnnie Lnmar Tyson, 76, of North Charleston, S.C., died nt his home; Sunday e v en in g . May 17, 2009. He was born April 21, 1933 in □ikjaimaugu, Gai, one of eight chil- ____________ drenofJohn Forest Tyson and Hilda Viola Hartman Tyson. He was a veteran of the Korean Wur und served in the US Marine Corps and the US Navy. He was a member of the American Legion. Mr. Tyson WHS u truck driver with Allied Trucking Systems and later C- Truck. Surviving: his children, son Jimmy L. Tyson and wife Leeann of Savannah, Ga.; son, Johnnie Tyson of Charleston; daughter Carmalita Elaine Dalton und husbund Shermun of Advanco; daughter Kristi Joy Harness of Dalton Ga. and son, Jeffrey Lloyd Tyson of Walnut Cove; 12 grandchildrcn; 6 great-grandchildren; a brother, William Ty.son of Summerville, Ga.; and a sister, Virginia Elkins of Alabama. A funeral service will be held at 2 p.m. Friday, May 22 al Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek Chapel wilh the Rev. Lee Pol lock officiutini*. Buriul with militury honors will follow al Gardens of Memory, Walker- town. Tlie family will receive friends on hour prior lo the ser vicc at Ihe funeral home. Memorials: Victory Junction Gang Camp, Aduilis Wuy, Randlcman, 27317. Online condolcnccs: www.liayworth-mlller.com. Bobby Mayhew Mr, Bobby Mayhew, 73, of Lcland, died Friday, May 15, 2009 at New Hahover Hospital in Wilmington. He was born June 22, 1935 in Davie County to Leon und Miirgarct Muyliew. He loved his job and worked as long as his health permitted. He was ulso preceded in deulh by an jnfant daughter, Rosa Lee; and a brother, Roger Mayhew. Survivors: his wife, Ann Mayhew; u daughter, Phyliss Gonzonlas of Lcland; 2 sons, James and Loretta, and Bobby Mayhew, all of Lcland; 6 grand children; 4 greut-grundchildren; 3 brothers, Wayne and Marie Mayhew of Slutcsvillc, Leonard and Burburu Mayhew of Leesburg, Gii., and David and Gloria Mnyhcw of Harmony: 3 sisters, Betty and Bud Bledsoe and Margie und Tom Gobble, nil of Mocksvilie, und Shirley und Mux Long of Advunce. Betty Bailey Glass Mrs. Betty Bailey Glass, 71, of MciTclls Lake Roud, Mocks vilie, died Wednesduy, May 13, 2009, at Kate B. Reynolds Hos pice Home in Winston-Salem, She wus born Sept, 1, 1937, in Dnvie County to the late Eliza Bailey Cope, Mrs. Glass wus an antique dealer und was a mem ber of Jerusalem Baptist Church, She was also preceded in death by her first husband, Alton David Kh Bcaifchamp in 1961, and her second husband, Eu gene Ronald Glass in 1999. Survivors: a daughter, Theresa B. Whitaker of Ad vunce; 3 sons, Alton Eugene Beauchamp of Lexington, Joe Bailey Beauchamp of Missis sippi und Christopher Lee Glass of Mocksvilie; 8 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren; and a brother, Bill Bailey. Memoriuls: Kate B. Hospice Home, 101 Hospice Lane, Win- slon-Sulem, 27103. Online condolences: www.ealqnfuneralservice.com. Annie Ruth McPherson Mrs. Annie Ruth Cull McPherson, 90, ofGwyn Street, Mocksvilie, died Thursday, May 14, 2009, at Davie County Hos pital. She was born in Davie County on Nov. 27, .1918, to the late Samuel Milton and Ruth Rollins Call. Mrs. McPhcrson wus a member of First United Methodist Church in Mocks vilie and was u retired Regis tered Nurse pructicing in Mo bile, Alu. One of her favorite churities was her donations of teddy beurs and other stuffed animals lo the Mocksvillc Po lice Department to give lo Ihfi children they came in contact with. Survivors: her daughter, Julie Secovnie of Willis, Va.; 2 sisters, Marjorie Cardenas of, San Antonio, Texas and Elaine Smith of Wilmington; 7 nieces and nephews; a devoted cousin, Jane Tutterow of Mocksvilie; lifelong family friends, Tilthia Ruye Huncs, Kuthcrinc Hursey, Helen Crcnshuw, Wink Hcndricks, Karen Cope und Doris Miller, ull of Mocksvilie; Joyce Scott, Roy and Phyllis Swanson, Thea Brown, Dr. Joel und Lindu Edwurds, Pastor Don and Bluirc Routh. Memoriuls: Medical Mission Team First United Methodist , 310 N. Main St., Mocksvlile. Online condolences: www.eatot\fut\eralscrvicc.com. Annie Lois Baker Annie Lois Baker, 75, of Duvic Placc Residential Cure in Mocksvilie, died on Sunday uf- Icrnoon, Muy 17,2005. She wus born on Nov. 12, 1933 in Davie Counly to Dorsle Lee Baker. She was u member of Shiloh Baptist and Blaise Baptist, churclics. She loved food, especially fried chickcn and pound cuke. She loved to luugti und joke. Survivors: 2 devoted mints, Inez Baker Mayfield and Sallie Lyons Baker, both of Mocks vilie; und extended family und friends. Her funeral service was Wednesday, May 20 at I p.m. in the chapel of Graham Funeral Home in Mocksvilie. Minister Ruby Clark offlciated and the Rev. Timothy Wolf wus eulo gist. Burial followed in Shiloh Baptist Church cemctery. Online condolences: grahan\funcralhome.net. Margaret A. Boger Margaret Anderson Boger, 84, of Whitney Roud, Mock.s- ville, died on Thursduy, Muy 14, 2009, al Gordon Hospice House in Statesville. Born in Davie County on May 17, 1924, shft was the duughter of the lale Frank and Jessie Walker Anderson. She was reiired from Burlington In dustries in Cooleemee and at tended Norlh Main Church of Christ. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Robert Lee Boger, in 1961; and by an infant son, Rudy Boger, 2 broth ers, Hayden and Wuyne Ander son, and a sister, Wilma Danner. Survivors: a son, Jerry Boger of Statesville; u duughter. Delane Bakerof Marianna, Flu.; 2 brothers, Jim Anderson of Lukelund, Fla. and Bruce Anderson of Mocksvillc; a sis ter, Joyce Goodman of Winston- Salem; 9 grandchildren; and 16 great-grandchildren. The scrvicc to celebrate the life of Mrs. Boger wus held on Sundny, May 17, at 2 p.m. in the Davie Funeral Service Chapel with Dr. Thomus Torpy offici ating. Burial wus in Joppu Cem etery. The family received friends Suturduy, Muy 16, at Davie Funeral Service. Online condolences; www.daviefimeralservice.com. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,2009 - C7 M e th o d is t W o m e n M in i- R e tr e a t T o F e a tu r e S p e a i< e r s O r i A u tis m The Davie County United Methodist Women will hold their annual mini-retreat on Monday, June 1 from 6-8 p.m .at First .United Melhodist Church in Mocksvillc. There will be u covered dish mcul in the Fumily Life Center followed by u progrum on autism awareness with guest speakers, Judy Smithmyer und Stephunie Ashby from the Autism Socicty of North Curolina. Everyone is invited; bring a dish. V ic to r y B a p tis t i- io n o r in g i^ a s to r On Sunday, May 24, Victory Baptist Church of Cooleemee will honor Pastor Shelby and Ruth Harbour for 26 years of scr vicc to the church and community. II will begin at 10:30 a.m. with Pastor Charlie Snider bring ing the message. A covered dish meal will follow the worship service. All aro wclcome. R o c k T h e F lo c k M a y 3 0 A t C o r n e r s to n e C h r is tia n Rock The Flock, a community-wide concert for middle and high school youth featuring four Christian rock bands, wi|l be Suturduy, May 30, 5-10 p.m. nt Cornerstone Christian Church, Mocksvilie. There will be u ,$7 entry fee und concessions uvuil- uble for purchuse. For more informution cull 998-0600. ‘P e w R a iiy ’ S u n d a y A fte r n o o n A t G r e a te r M o u n t M o r ia ii B a p tis t The Deuconess Board of Greater Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church will be holding u "Pew Riilly" on Sunduy, Mny 24, nt 3 p.m. Church nuxilinrics will be sponsoring the pews, selecting u color, und presenting u tnlcnt on the duy of the pro grum. This type of progrum is u first for Greater Mount Moriah. Everyone is invilcd. Refreshments will be served after the ser vice. ¡H o td o g s S a tu r d a y A t N e w U n io n Tlie Men's Fellowship of New Union United Methodist Cliurch will be serving hotdogs with all the trimmings, chips and drinks from 11 u.m.-2 p.m Saturday, May 23 in the church parking lot ut 1869 Shcfneld Road, Mocksvillc. Donations will be acceplcd. The Women's Fellowship will be selling Krispy Kreme dough nuts for .$5 per box. They will al.so be selling wooden toys for the young nnd young ut heart. C a r W a s ii S a tu r d a y A t H iiis d a ie The youth of Hillsdale Baptist Church, US 158, will hold n car wash from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturday, May 23. Hotdogs and lemonade will also be available. Vehicle detailing inside und out will be nvullable for u donation. F e iio w s h /p R e v iv a i M a y 2 5 - 2 9 Brother Terry Puce will lend a revival ut Fellowship Bnptist Church, 1084 Rainbow Rond, Advunce, ut 7 nightly May 25- 29; wilh old-fashiciried prcAching and singing. Everyone is wel come. Rent Space For Spring Fiing June 6 At Fuiton Metiiodist Fulton United Melhodist Church, 3689 NC 801 in Advance, will host a .spring fling on Snturday, June 6 from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. To rent a spucc for $15 ns u vendor or to sell ynrd snie items, conincl Tercsn Young at 998-8385.' Ham and sausage biscuits will be sold beginning ut 8 a.m. and a hotdog combo lunch will be sold beginning at 11:3’0 a.m. There will be yard sale items, baked goods, jewelry, nnd vendors. Yard Safe, Fish Fry Saturday Ml. Zion Holiness Church on Mill Street at US 64 East, Mocks vilie, will host a yard sale and fish fry on Saturday, May 23 be ginning nt 8 u.m. The sule will include lots of children's clotlies nnd other items. Lock In in terest L o o k in g f o r s ta b ility w h ile w e a th e r in g th is e c o n o m ic s t o r m f Y o u c a n r e c a p tu r e t i m fe e lin g o f s e c u r ity w ith th e S e le c T ra c k S in g le P r e m iu m D e fe r r e d A n n u it y fr o m K a n s a s C ity L ife In s u r a n c e C o m p a n y . I Jim Arnold 336-723.3025 > South Atlantic Brokerage Group i i . : 3775V««tMil|Road,SMileA Wliuton-$alem, NC 27103 This message brought to you by these local businesses who encourage you to worship at the church of your choice. CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheak Street Mocksvillo, NC 27028 336-751-2167 AUTO PART» MOCKSViLLEAIITOMOnVE BB4 s. Muin SL Mocksvlile, NC 27028 336-751-2944 GENTLEMACHINE &TOOLINC. 271GHwy. 001 N Mocksvlile, NC 27028 336-492-5055 Fax: 336-492-6048 JEHffirS Ш Ш РМ Ш ЯМ Шв £Ш1ШП Mut ЕГ0£Ш Boef - Pork - Oser 30 year« experience 092 nalph nmitdQ« Rd • Mi>cksvi{l« 336-492-5496 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Rd. Mocksvilie, NC 27028 336-751-9144 W.G. WHITE & C 0 . aso N. Trade St. Winston-Snlom. NC 27102 336-723-1669 HAYW ORTH-MILLER > ^ 4 i4i\'i-KAi 1 lOMi; ЮН |;.i4t Kiriderlnn Way Ailvjiici-, NC гшь 3 3 6 .940.S S 5S F U L L l R K i ^ r Precision U ser cutting & Metal Fabrication 980 Salisbury Rd. Mocksvillo, NC 27028 336-751-3712 FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksvllla, NC 27028 336-751-2141PirH ii/ilidn Cull hi: 336-753-DRUG Put This Spaco ToWoik ForYou Call 336<751*2129 C h r m ^ R T E R 157 Yndkin Velloy nomi • Suite 210 Advanco, NC 336-940-2341HmUtf I'J ( ntftvM Hi-mn/.-c in ir Ml Venn (.'-yltf. t . Сагчт, Vkr Ш ЕРШ т Ш Е Р ^ • Storago Buildings (WoodAA/um/nunO • Слг(юг1з & Oarc|0O8 CommUmcni of Dfoiher to Bfolher ft r<silh 111 God 1668 Hwy 64 W • Mocksvilie jim m y OoottctiQi (336)492-5418 IS FULLER Architecture(aCo.»ISnvw.Sun«200Motki,,!!.. tic m u n:Mi.7SI.0«0 PROUDLY DESIGNING DAVIE CHURCHES 336-751-0400 K M P a lle tO n ePALEX COMPANY 185,Tu(koy Foot Rond Mocksvlile, NC 27028 336-492-5565 Ï4UTUMNCARE "MOCKSVILIE 1007 Howard St. Mocksvilie 751-3535 Put This Space To Work For You Cali 336-751-2129 Custom Roofing by: Fully Insured F ree E stím alas 336-390<3703 EATON FUNERALHOME S IN C E 1951 325 Noflh Main Street Mocksvlile, NC 2702fl 336-751-2148 Call 7 5 1 -2 1 2 9 to Advertise Your Business on the Church Page. C 8. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,2009 D avie residents enjoy the S o u n d s of S um m er al C hildress V ineyards last y ear In the photos above, Including m aking bids on the silent auction (right)/; Sounds of Summer, in its fourth year, lias become the signature event of the Davie Community Foundation. On Friday, June 12 from 6:30-10;30 p.m. the foundation will host Sounds of Summer 2009 at Childress Vineyards in Lexington. A crowd of about 400 guests are expected to celebrate an evening of community. Although hosted in Davidson County, the benefits of the event belong to Davie people. “Sounds of Summer raises awareness of the Davie Community Foundation and its benefits to the county," said Jane Simpson, president. "Profits provide Important operating support for the young foundation and unrestricted dollars for grant making in Dnvie. "At a time when investtnenis are doyiin the foundation's operating budget is also down. Because of the economic situation, we have reduced tlie operating budget by 17 percent and I am now the only staff we cun afford. We are llkfi many other busitiesses right now!, Wc are watching every pfihny In ah effort to provide important services at a challenging time. Funds raised at Sounds of Summer are more important than ever this year.” WXII 12 Austin Caviness will be host, and food, Childress wines, music by Coastline Band, and the opportunity to participate in u sUent auction will be held. This year’s event will continue with the addition of a dance floor in front of the stage and an increased number of tables with umbrellas to provide shade for guests. “New and exciting auction items will be available and a cash raffle has been added for the guest who has everything,” Simpson said. Tbn dollar raffle tickets will be sold before and during the event with two cash drawings held during band breaks. Caviness will keep things moving along in n lighthenrted spirit and recognize the lucky winners. ' "If you haven't attended Sounds of Summer, you have missed un exciting time of good music, great food, community fellowship, and fun," Simpson said. For more infonnation about purchasing a Sounds of Summer , Uckct ($75 each), or ,a, raffle ’dcket ($10 cacli)' iii>niact ''tlie Community Foundation Office at 753-6903. . TmctorShow, It is time to dust off the old tractor ancl get ready to talce another tractor ride for charity touring southwestern Davie County. “Along the way we will be enjoying the fun and fellowship of the other participates, get a bit of lunch and check out everyone's tractor,” said William Davis. “Everyone hnd a great time last year und we expect the some for this year. Also, we will be having a tractor show for the folks who don't want to make the ride but would like to show their tractors. We will be raising money aguin this year for your favorite charity and all, it costs is your tax deductible check for $20 for each entry.” A recommended list of charities that arc tax deductible, will be available to assure that the donation goes to the charity of your choice. An award will be given to the top fund-raiser. There will be sausage biscuits and coffee, hotdogs and drinks, plus doors prizes and Dennis Curpcntcr tractor catalogs. The ride will sturt and finish Saturday, May 23 at the Civitan property Just inside the city limits on NC 801. Registration and staging will start at 8 a.m. The ride will leave Cooleemee at 9 a.in. and head out covering approximately 30 miles through rural Dnvie. "There will bo a couple of breaks along the wuy and a stop to nllow you to enjoy your picnic lunch," Davis suid. "So shine up your tructor, pack a picnic lunch, and make plans to come out for something that should prove to be a great time.” Ride rules, application, route and a list of charities cun be found on the club website: wiyw.cooleemeecivilaiis.com. Jhe ride is hosted by the Cooleemee Civitan Club. Proceeds will go to charity. For more informution and rules, culi 284-2975.or 284- 4167; or send an email to coolcemeeciv® yadtel.net. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,2009 - D1 i s North Davie Rocks Musical Theater Student Production Next Weel< E ighth-grade m usical th eatre stu d e n ts C layton C hllen an d G race R aijen D o The Circulation. И ’ R I Ц С H’U iK A ' îiR ik lC ff OCHS' A nna C olem an an d C ole B lankenship re h e a rse Ju sf/I BlllUom the m usical School H ouse R o ck U veU r. By Jackie Seabolt Davie Enterprise Record ' Anyone who remembers the Saturday morning routine of cahoons and cold cereal will ap preciate the upcoming presen tation of School House Rock Live/ Jr. at North Davie Middle Schoot. The eighth-grade musical theatre students, under the di rection of music teacher Anna Newman and drama teacher Surah Paul-Garcia, will take you on a trip down memory lane. ■ They'll rock out on such numbers as Three Is A Magic Number, Conjunction Junction, anA Just A Bill But the cast and company won’t stop Ihere, they have many other great songs from the animated Saturday shorts that began airing in the mid 1970s and taught us that A Noun Is A Person Place Or Thing. "Working on the musical this year has been such a pleasure for both of us," said Newman and Garcia, "The students have worked so hard to make a show that is something to be proud of." You can catch School House Rock Livel Jr. on May 28 and 29 at North Davie Middle School each night at 7 p.m. The cost is $5 for a ticket. Tom George Dori Shulie 1 ShulieZ Dina Soloist The Cast Anna Coleman Cole Blankenship Kennedy Mathis Jill Duffner Makayla Carden Suzanne Phillips Kirsten Cockerham The Compaiiv Matt Aiidrews Clayton Chllen Karen Diaz Zach Doby Brianna Elchotn Emily Evans Kaleb Falrcloth Jordan Fleharty Ounnar Olnther Kayla Hendrix Logan Hendricks Justin Johnson Taylor Johnson John Kalish Malgle Leszczuk Sherri Parks Grace Rauen Suzanne Rogers Elise Rosier Austin Sloan Ashley Starre Vincent Taylor Kendal Tifft ' Ashlee Trivette Alyssa Tumer Thylor Wenthermnn Jennifer Webster Chelsea Whitaker T he c a st w atch es A nna C olem an an d K ennedy M athis p rep are for the spring m usical at N orth Davie. - Photos by Robin Snow School H ouse R ocks U veU r, will h av e tw o evening perfonrianciBs on M ay 28 a n d 29 in th e auditorium a t North D avie M iddle School. Advance Student lakes A Hike - For A Grade Reading hiigh in the clouds of Peru , Climb the Andes to 8,000-feet elevation surrounded by clouds and In th^ rnl^st of № and w/hat do you do? Jeaii CoN , V nalzer and Ann Cranford did w/hat cam e natural to them. They brought put,Enterprise-Record to catch up on the new s from honfie. At the top of Machu Picchu, the sites w ere nothing com paiijçtt^’aQÔç^ aboiJt their hometovyh. The two recently spent two w eeks touring Peru. Their trip Included a train ride on through the beauiiful ^n d o s’^ q u ^ Picchu, the Lost City of the Incas, and widely considered the most spectacular sight on the South American continent. Other placés oil Interest were the Sacred Valley of the Incas; thè Ballestas Islands, referred to as the "Galapagos of Peru," and the floating Islands of the Uros people of Lake Tltlacacâ (one of the most unique cultures In the world). These 40,Islands are m ade from com pacted beds of tortora reeds with one separate family unit generally living on each Island. Peru w as Interesting and beautiful but "God Bless The USA" and they are “proud .to be an American." ■/' ■ , ( ' ' <1 ' . Ù C orey D oub of A dvance; Tony G autier of B enson; A m anda H uber of W interville; M att Wallin of N ew port; L aura T hom pson of K ipston a n d D ale Miller of G oldsboro. MOUNT OLIVE-Hiking and backpacking are great lelsure-time activities. But. before heading out, you need to know how to ensure a safe, environmentally sound, and enjoyable hiking and ' backpacking experience. That’s why six students signed up for the first-ever Essentials of, Backpiieklng course offered at Mouht Ollve College, , Led by veteran backpacker and worid traveler Julie Beck, director of student activities at MdC, students learned how to prepare themselves physically for the rigors of hiking and camping; how to select and prepare the right equipment, gear, clothing, and footwear; how to manage risks and work to maintain safety while on the trail; and how to use good trail etiquette and proper hiking, backpacking, and camping techniques. The finçj element of the course included a thrce-duy backpacking trip to South Mountolns State Park In Morganton, where the group hiked more than 11 miles, "None of the students had ever done anything like this," Beck said, "They carried backpacks loaded with tents, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, food, cook gear, l>8jckpack stoves and clothing, 'fliey all efuoyed It, and It was''ii great bonding time for us to work together as a team while appreciating nature,” According to Beck, the group experienced no great challenges, and the only animal they saw was a wild turkey,' “I thought I was prepared being a student-athlete," said Amanda Huber of Greenville, a goal keeper on the MOC soccer team, "The experience mnde me realize that 1 was not as prepared physically as 1 thought I would be, I enjoyed my independence and being able to set my own pace. This .Is definitely something I would do again,".’ "The backpacking course was an amazing, one-of-a-kind trip,” said Corey Daub of Advance. "Carrying our 40-56- lb. backpacks up and down mountains each day was harjd work, yet It was worth the tln\e spent outside in all of God’s creations. Julie Beck picked an amazing state park. She planned out everything perfectly, making it even easier for the students to enjoy the trip.” Beck plans to offer the two semester-hour course again next spring. She invites anyone interested in learning more about one of the worid's fastest- growing outdoor activities to sign up. For more information call Beck at 919-658-2502. “Around ench bend in a trail is a perfect moment waiting to happen - new pinces to explore, new sites to see,’; Beck said. ' ■ L D2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Muy 21,2009 Davie Schools Shady Grove Elcmcninry Preschool sUidorils studied the letter X. The students read Fox Makes Friends, a story about a little fox who tries making friends out of different materials. In the end little fox discovers tiiat friendship is about helping and sharing with others. Students read books about pirates. The unit on pirates reiniforced the letter X as they marked their treasure maps with a big X. The preschool class w ill, enjoy Donuts with Dads on May 29, participate in the annual Fun Day on June 1, and graduate to kindergarten June 2. Kindergarten students are excited about the approaching end of .school. They «re spending the fourth quarter learning about animal science. The classes are studying animal habitats. Students are learning what euch habitat is like, whut animals nnd plains they will fmd there, and hbw euch hubitat makes the world the fascinating place it is. Students hud the opportunity lo icum ubout phlnts and experienced .the fun of planting a seed and watching it grow. Ench cluss plunted red und white flowers in the gam ing Ourdqn. The flowers ure planted in the shape of a panther paw, representing Putither Pride. Cooleemee Elemcntnry Kindergarten classes completed a unit on animals ns they visited the Lazy 5 Ranch in Mooresville, Students enjoyed seeing and feeding animals ranging from goats and pigs to giraffes und buffulo. Teachers thnnk pnrents und cluiperones who .went on tho LookW ho’s 40! trip. Students used their creativity to muke cards and gifts for their mothers for Mother’s Diiy. Kindergarten students hnve been reviewing cpntent and preparing for end of the year assessments. First graders completed assessWents for reading, writing, and spelling, StudetUs had n grent time on n field trip to Dan Nicholas Park. Students studied rocks were able to get , at the gem mine where they took a trip to the past on n train. They had a close look at animals including a red fox. bears, eagles, and grouridhogs, They enjoyed n ride on the cnrousel. It was the fii'st time for many of students on one. Sccond grade completed li unit on butterflies. Students were nble to observe their, stages. On Tuesday they relonsed' newly-hutched butterflies, They are working on end of year assessments. On Thursdny the' students were treutecl to the 3rd uiiiiual EOO Idol. The stuff formed grouj)s and performed karaoke and dance.routincs to encouruge the students to perform well on the End of Ornde tests. Thank you to judges, Mr. and Mrs. Morrison, and Mr. Mutioz. They provided fecdbuok for all nets in true Randy. Puulu and Simon style. Mr. Lemous. aka Omar Sencrest, was the host. Congratulations to the teacher assistants who wore tlie BOG Idols for 2009 with their performunce of “Cupid Shume." Cornnlzer Eleinenliiry , In PE, all grades hnve been completiiig the, Piesident.’ii Physical Fitness Test. Students have been tested and incastirod in. upper body' strength, abdominal strength, flexibility,. speed and endurance. They completed sit-ups. pull-ups. sit and reach, shuttle run, and the one mile or liali tnile run. Each student’s scores are conipariid to the standards set by the' President's Physical Fitness Challenge. The walking club has been working liatd to earn tlie end of the year trip. These students have been committed und hnve put in u lot of time for exercise. The third grude is working witli Gummy Worms, pretzels, licorice, and nilers to measure the perimeter around a raisin box. They have been using raisins to figure out the volume of the box. Gallon men hnve boon mnde out of construction paper and playing witli chalk on Ihe sidewnlk to rdview for the EOGs. Renders Tlieutre is in full forcc us the children take a churacter in n pluy and bring them to life. A live wax museum was nn event thnt took place as students researched n fnmous person, dressed as that fnmous individual, stood still like a wax figure and then came to life to teach parents and other students about the person they bccame.. Third graders will meet their Mocksville Elementary pen pals for the first.time soon to share a picnic lunch and learn about cach other. Smnrt Boards arc in full use as a review for the EOGs. Students are in teams competing with each other as tl)oy race lo complete tasks in math and reading trying to beat the other teams time. Bicycle safety is the theme fortheweekof EOGs. Students bring their bikes to school und learn how to ride safely and learn the rules for being on the road with u vehicle. The purt the children enjoy the most is when Ihey compete nguinst cuch other to determine who the safest rider is. They have to ride the slowest Ihey can, going from une end of Ihc parking lol lo the other without putting their foot down. The sludent who can ride tho slowest and safest is the winner, Tliird grade Icachers iiad a fun-filled EOO rqlaxntloii night. Pizza was served for tlio children and p'ai'ents, Ms. Westmoreland, guidance counselor, spoke about ways to relax, Ann Graham, testing coordinator, spoke about Ihc gateways and then a cuke wns shared ior th e.children to ; celebrate blowing awiiy the |30Gs witli ||l)Tees and Í Mocksvlllc Eicmcntnry Several kindergnrten classes went on a field trip lo Ihe Children’s Museum. It went well and students learned about nnlmnis nnd their habitats. They had lunch at the park. In inath, students learned about clocks and how to tell what time it is to the nearest hour. For rending, (hey read a book called Homes Around the World. It showed that homes cun be alike and different'. They read that the weather affects what Itind of homes are built. Students learned that materials used to build houses cun depend on what materials are around the. area. They hud some ihtcrnctive Smartboard nctivities thnt went along with the story. Students prncticed ending sounds in phonics und continue to pracUce blending sounds to make words. The themiitic unit focus is drugs. Students are using n frog puppet to help educnte the children nbout drugs. They are learning whut driigs nre, not to tnke nny medicines without asking an ndult, und they arc learning nbout themselves (I um spcciui, I hnve feelings). The ilriig unit will continue over the next few weeks. Ms. Garner nnd Mrs. Mcllon's first grade class, along with the other first gradets, had ' a wonderful field trip to Horizons in Salisbury. The students learned about the past while sitting inside nn old, one building schoolhousc. They experienced what life would hnve been like without running water nnd electricity. They hud the opportunity to role play various situations of life in the past. The students learned nbout motion, force, and gravity. They had uti opportunity to try oul for the citrus while rotating through stations where their bulnncc, motion, and force skiths, were tested. , Mrs. Stnrnes nnd Mrs. Nagel’s third graders have been reviewing for the EOGii. Students have been concentrating oh key words and strategies. Students enjoyed their last Book Club meeting with Mrs. Choate adding' their final foatn piece to Iheir door knockers that will be a reminder of each month they participated. Mrs. Crater’s class is set for the EOG tests. Sttidenls have been reviewing testing skills as well ns math and. reading curriculum. Students completed math units on fractions, decimals, und measuretncnt. In reading., they continue to read from text and work on mnin idea, author’s purpose, and drawing conclusions. Once EOG testing Is completed, they will wrap up units in science, spelling., and social studies. Cooleemee Elementary Star Students for the week, from left: front - f\/llranda Owens, Karen Roque, Erlcka Arcos; back - Geneva Daye, Kendra Brown, Ben Carter. Mooksvllle Elementary students of the month for May, from l^ft: front - Kaitlyn Jorges, David Bates, Briana Taylor, Mason McClamrocki Ashley Butero, Skylar'Qriibb, ,,(yielanle Benitez, Haley Jone,s,iAbby Krull;,irQvy'2,,TrG,p(p,>^anie^(-.§|iaun Vaughn, MacKenzleTomberlin, Kaflyn McCoy, Tara Renegar, Melissa Ramirez, Abby Yount, Melissa Gamez; row 3 - Morgan Hickox, Blanca Flores-Hernandez, Ben Southern, J Gee Scott, Rebecca Powell, Justin Crotts, Healy Junker; row 4 - Rebekah Santis, Hailey Pirk, Melissa Domanski, Keziah Martin, Marla Griffith. Harmony Medical Care, PA 3210 Harm ony Hwy, Harmony, NC 28634 704-546-7587 Complete Family Care Pediatric Care including Immunisations X -rays • L abs • M in o r S u rg eiy including lacerations, rem oval o f lesions, toenails a n d w arts ' W o rk er’s C om pensation • D O T P hysicals Jo in t Injections • E K G ’s and E ch o caid io g ram s EXTENDED HOURS M onday,W ednesday,Thursday 7:30am -6:00pm C S t J n i i t Tuesday, Friday 7:00am -5:00pm C om e visit Cocoa, our clinic dog! E lizabeth G entile, P A -C M ich a el C evasco, PA-C , M A -P A S Lisa Welcomes Walk-liis from 1:30-4:00!! (Appointments preferred) In Harmony With Your Healthcare"// Mocksville Elementary students of the month for June, from left: front'- Miranda East, Olivia Wooten, Madelyn Kenny, Shemlah Miller, Adam Szewczyk, Shaun Vaughn, Joshua Hampton; row 2 - Brooke Cleary, Katlyn McCoy, Natalia Panameno, Sage Hancock, Taylor Duty, Sofia Ruano; row 3 - Ronald Wilson, Ross Starnes, Courtney Josey, Charleigh Phillips, t^uke Swartz, Julia Vaughan Jones, Ashley Findley, Liam Shaw; row 4 - Emma Etter, Tanner Smith, Audrey Holland, Rafael Palacios. ■ Cornatzer Elementary Coiigars of the Week: Zach Stowe, Anthony Mills, Carter Allen, Randy Martinez, Alex Gather, Jacob Huffman, Jordon Huffman, Haley Robinson, Jake Stone, Courtney Wagner, Hannah Earle, Irene Quinteros, Peyton Freeman, Madison Carter, Alex Crotts, Danlela Rodriguez, Bryce Clary, Matt Hoke, Justin Lagle, JC Mailette, Jacob Keaton, Brandon Lankford, Cassidy Stewart. i DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,2009 - D3 Ellis Middle math students taking part in recent competitions, from left; front - Algebra II student Matthew Ellis, Geometry student Luke Walker, Coach Steve Rareshide, Geonfietry students Jeffrey Phillips and Wilson Rowe; and back - Algebra team members Cassidy Webb, Allie Slabach, Abi Dupree, Elizabeth Carbone, Bel LaPointe, Adam Elshanawany. Ellis Math Students In Competitions Several Ellis Middle School students performed well ut two recent area math competitions. In the Algebra I contest at Appalachian State University, the Ellis team placcd sccond out of 19 area schools. Team mem bers wore Elizabeth Cnrbone, Abi Dupree, Adam Elshanawany, Bel LaPointe, Allie Slabnch, nnd Cassidy Webb. Carbone and LaPointe placed in the top 10%, tiunlify- ing for the stnte competition nt UNC-Grcensboro. LaPointe took first placc overall out of 143 students. Four students competed in the Geometry and Algebra ll contests at NCA&T Stale Uni versity in Greensboro. Jeffrey Phillips. Wilson Rowe, and Luke Walker participated in Gc- brnotry. with Phillips narrowly missing Ihe cutoff for the state competition. Matthew Ellis placed fifth out of more than 100 students in Algebra II and quaUned for state level competition. All students were coachcd by Ellis Middle teacher Steve Rareshide, who licid a few prac tice sessions to prcpnro the stu- denls. The annual Algebra I, Ge ometry, and Algebra 11 compe titions are sponsored by several universities and the N.C. Coun cil of Teachers of Mathematics. Euch of the 11 regions in the slate sends its lop students to tho state level competitions. D onley Takes NCCAT Training Crystal R. Donley of Will ium R. Davie Elementary School attended a support semi nar for teachers pursuing certi fication from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, held al the N.C. Cen ter for the Advancement of Teaching. NCCAT provides residential Whicker On Mars Hill Dean’s List Erika Leann Whicker of Mocksville hns been named to the spring 2009 semester dean's list at Mars Hill College. To qualify, students must earn a grude-point average of 3.5 on a minimum of 12 semester hours, and carry no grade below a C. / Laura Ward In Honor Society Laura C. Ward of Advancc hns ncceptcd membership in Golden Key International Honor Society and was honored during a re cent induction ccrcmony iit East Carolina University. She is the diughter of Robert imd Marsha'Correll, and the granddaughter of Billy and Helen Hood and Frances and Ihe late Sid Smith. Site is obtaining a master’s of nursing adminisirulion degree wilh un ucutc curc hcalthcare focus. Golden Key members must muintnin high ncademic standards nnd be committed to service. REAL ESTATE AUCTION Saturday, May 30,2009 • SAM 6940 Mlllbrldge Rd, Clemmons Personal Property of (deceased) Wayne & Linda Kinney This Is a REMARKABLE collection of outstanding items In fine condition. Household, Collectibles, Knives, Guns, Money, Yard & Tools. Quns and Valuables Kept Off Site Unlll Day of Sale VIEW COMPUTE IISTIW «NO PHOTOS KI WWW.AUCTIONZIP.COM. AUCTIONEER 10*101» S p eer A uctions David Speer, NCAL #2984 336-998-4162 • 336-6S5-9649 Watch for Detailed Listing Next Week STROUSE HOUSE AUCTIONS seminars in the art, .sciences, humanities and technology for prc-kindergnrten through I2lh- grudc public school tcnchers. The seminars nre offered on a year-round basis at no cost lo leacliers. They arc designed to renew teachers' vitality for teaching nnd lo equip them with new knowledge for the classroom. RANDY MILLER &SONS 29S Miller Koail'Mockavllle (3 3 6 ) 2 8 4 -2 8 2 6 • Now Pumping Ssptlo Tanks' Skid SMr Work Itmichtr Work Hiullog 1424 Industrial Dr., Statesville, NC 28625 Phone; 704-872-8444 336-94(>^06 AUCTIONEER; MIKE STROUSE, NC LIC. #7465 vwnv.stroueehouse.zoomsliare.com i »TVlff-WM IttaUrt te «Лл SCM», №1» T r^ ППМ- MriOEIlME ЛШч by 21 • 6i3llli • 11ие1М г я я г д а ж хкГт.(Ш011МГЦ1ШРШСт1ШСтС(оиЬ1мС»^ Sm uiIp« Ш Нмк Р М м (U 41 U m Abj (}1^I SMr КХ, Itonpm ...6iodi'ШЦ.МпЗ«ащявьтбшиг-,-,- -SM Qun С|№|Ь (t 114 ani), Bow МПО- ePiMPitoSM,Pittol«fiQnH«rrnocki.Uondick(>*^ ---- • -500\WScooÉW,Rw(W:«t».8<inrtinÌStoi№- - - ............ • i.10’,IJ',11J'PoA3PwcnBoiH ..............ш$сгм^Ш|иМО]рЬЫ E«tli ,Км« в» № Щ Stl* Cydt. Мжу. Titolll 4IST Т.м*Л Riltol' ХЦК), Ми, liVWIO, uircy МО 977, RtcmM Biki, Uvcy«с. - № вил B«ii( Ì4I « SlKW Ш Мал« Р1Ш Oiiv » Ou U* Mere N«, S»(m Bnl « IW 5«, W Тги1 caw, U» Dog Cii>, aria Ctet,IW«Ml«aMii.___________________ Fri,llay22*ei30PM*2BIORINQSII м., May 23 *e:30PM>Rlck Hannon FOOD SALEIII 2 DAY AUCTION ■ Danny Stewart (Living) Fri. May 29 - 5:00PM Sat. May 30 - 10:00AM 6544 Doral Drive, Tobaccovllle, NG DIRECTIONS: HWY52 TO K m EXIT, SOUTH 0/V DORAL DR (BETHANIA rOBACCOVILLERD.) TOWARDS BETHANIA Day 1-Maw 29th Over 70 Guns: Browning, Wlncltesler, Smilh & Wesson, Colt Etc. See Webslle For List- Ammo - Browning safe - Case Knives - $1000 & $500 bills -1912 $10 Indian gold coin - Winchester items - Donnaha Whisi<ey Jug - Pilot Knob colfee cans - Eivis poster - Zippo lighters - Nascar Items - ETCIIIIIllllDAY2 - May30th , CLASSIC CARS - TRUCKS - TRACTORS - 3 PT HITCH IIVIPLEiWENTS - CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT - TRAILERS - TOOLS-CHAINSAWS-ETC. THE FOLLOWINQ 3 VEHICLES WILL BE SOLD WITH A LOW RESERVE: 1958 FOHD FAIRIAHE CLUB SEDAN 2 DR - IN MINT CONDITIONI 2004 MRP IHUWDf RBIRD CflNVf BTIBLE -■ IN MINT CONDITIONI 2000 FORD F-260 LAHIAT. SUPER DUTY. POtWEH STHOKE DIESEL. 4X4. SUPER CABIN MINT CONDITION. SEE WEBSITE FOB PICTURES AND FULL USTIMG THE REMAININQ ITEMS AT THIS SALE WILL BE SOLD ABSOLUTE TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER REGARDLESS OF THEPRICEIIIIIIIII! VEH!i?LE.S; 1980 GMC ROLLBACK TRUCK 24' JERR-DAN BED- EXCELLENT CONDITION, 1976 FORD F-250 SUPER CAB PICK UP GREAT CONDITION, 1981 FORD F-700 5 SPEED DUMP BED - EXCELLENT ' CONDITION, 1956 CHEVY FIRFTRUCK - KING, NC, lyUSC: FORD 3108 COMMEnCIAL TRACTOR FRONT END LOADER, FORD 4000 TRACTOR MINT CONDITION, FORD 4000 TRACTOR, MINT CONDITION, INTERNATIONAL FARMALL CUB TRACTOR WITH WOODS BELLY MOWER - EXCELLENT CONDITION, WOODS PRO 8400 7' FINISHING MOWER - NEW CONDITION, GILL ROLLOVER TOOL, BUSH HOG BRAND 6' ROTARY MOWER, GILL B' SCRAPE BLADE, FORD 1012 BOTTOM PLOW, 1 ROW CULTIVATOR, FORD SICKLE MOWER, SUB SOILER, SITREX 4 WHEEL HAY RAKE YARD TOOL, FERTILIZER DISTRIBUTOR, 2002 GOOSE NECK 24’, DOVETAIL TRAILER, 48' CARGO TRAILER. US ARMY TRAILER. HONDA ELITE SCOOTER EXCELLENT CONDITION, PIAGGIO P125X SCOOTER, VINTAGE JOHN DEERE 112 LAWN MOWER 1968 EXCELLENT CONDITION, (2) SCISSOR LIRS: WILD CAT 26' AND GENIE 26', MOBILE HOME - 2 BR 2 BATH - YOU MOVE ITI CONSTRUCTION OFFICE TRAILER, NAMCO STAND UP FORKLIFT, SNAP ON 1" DRIVE SOCKET SET IN BOX, GRACO COMMERCIAL PAINT SPRAYER, CONCRETE SAW HONDA 11 HP 2500 PSI PRESSURE WASHER, COMMERCIAL UPRIGHT BELTSANOER, MASON MATE II MASONRY SAW, METAL CUT OFF BAND SAW COMMERCIAL BUFFER, BILLY GOAT YARD VAC, WARREN 12,000 LB. WINCH - SMITH TORCH - POLE CHAIN SAW - STIHL CHAIN SAWS (044,036 PRO, 026) - STIHL TS510 AV SAWS ALL -1 TON CHAIN HOIST - BENCH VISE - FUEL TANK W/ PUMP - BLACKSMITH FORGE - FIBERGLASS LADDERS - 7 STICK WELDERS - 2 MILLER GAS WELDERS - AIR COMPRESSOR - PROPANE HEATERS - FANS - WORK LIGHTS - TRASH/WATER PUMPS - CONCRETE CORE SAW W/ LARGE BITS - COOLERS - ICE MAKER - UPRIGHT FREEZER - WALL MOUNT WATER FOUNTAIN - FLOOR JACK - ETC, LEINBACH A U a iO N & REALTY, LLC OWNER / AUaiONEER/ BROKER / APPRAISER - TODD A. LEINBACH “THE ESTATE SEniEMENT PROFESSIONALS” ANTIQUES-COLLEaiBLES-FARM MACHINERY REAL ESTATE-BUSINESS LIQUIDATIONS (336)764-5146 NCAL #5871 NCAFL #6856 NCREBL #199922 www.leinbachauctions.com L E G A L N O T IC E STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTIJE ol the power of sale contained In thal certain Deed olTrusI executed by Larry L. Willard, Sr., dated July 13, 2006, and recorded In Book 670 at page 996 In Ihe Olllce of the Regis ter of Deeds of Davie County; and under and by virtue of the authority vested In the undersigned as Subsllluto Trustee by Ihat certain Instru ment recorded In Book 777 at Page 1020 the Office of Ihe Register of Deeds of DavIe Counly; and under and by virtue of that certain Autho rization. Findings and Order entered by the Clerk of Superior Court ol Davie Counly on May 12,2009, and of record In File 09 SP 60, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust and the said Deed of Trust being by Its terms subject to foreclosure, and the holder of the Indebtedness thereby secured hav ing demanded the foreclosure thereof for Ihe purpose of satisfying said Indebtedness, and due nollce having been given lo those entitled lo same, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will olfer for salo al public auction, to Ihe highest bidder, for cash, at the Courthouse door In Mocksville, Davie County, North Carolina, at 12:00 Noon, on June 5,2009, the land conveyed In said Deed of Trust, the same being owned of record by Larry Lee Willard, Jr., and Chad Adam Willard, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an existing Iron pin, the northwest corner ol the wilhin described tract, northeast corner of Abel Villasenor (DB 512, Pg. 486); thenco Irom the BEGINNING North 62 degrees 31 minutes 02 sec onds East 188.32 feet to a new Iron pin; the northeastern corner of the wilhin described tract; thence Soulh 27 degrees 11 minutes 53 sec onds East passing through a new Iron pin at 191.54 feet for a total distance ol 231.54 feet to an unmarked polnl near the south edge of tho pavement of US Highway 64, the southeastern corner ol tho wilhin descrlbed'lract; Ihenco Soulh 62 degrees 33 minulos 06 seconds West 188.32 feet to a point near tho southern edge ol the pavement ot US Highway 64, Ihe southwestern corner of the within described tract; thence North 27 degrees 11 minutes 53 seconds WesI passing through a new Iron pin al 40.00 feet for a total distance of 231.43 feel TO THE POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 1.001 acres, as shown on a survey prepared by Tutterow Sun/eyIng Co. daled April 26.2006, Drawing No. 11706-3, lo which reference Is mnde. Subject to ease- menls and restricllons of record. For back reference, see DB 113, Pg. 68 and DB 104, Pg. 782, Davio County Registry. Together with all the buildings, llxtures and Improvements thereon, and all rights, easements, heredllamenls and appurtenances Ihore- unto belonging. Including all healing, plumbing, venlllaling, lighting goods, equipment end other tangible and Intangible property, attached to or reasonably necessary lo the use of such premises. The aforesaid sale will be made subject lo all encumbrances exist ing prior lo tho recording of the above-referenced Deed of Trust, In cluding all valid and enforceable liens and also will be subject to all taxes and special assessments outstanding against the property. Tho property to be offered pursuant to this notice ot sale Is being oKerod for salo, transfer and conveyance "AS IS. WHERE IS.” Neither Iho Trustoo nor the holder ol the note secured by Ihe deed of injsl/ security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor Ihe officers, direc tors, alfornoys, employees, agonis or authorized represonlallves ol ollher Ihe Trustee or the holder of the note make any representallon or warranty relating lo Iho title or any physical, environmental, heallh or safely condlllons existing In, on, al or relating to the property being offered for salo, and nny and all responslbliilles or llabllllles arising oul of or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Should the properly be purchased by a parly other than tho holder ol tho Dead ol Trust being loreclosed, that purchaser musl pay. In ad dition to the amount bid, the following Ilems; (1) the lax required by N.C. Gen. Slat. Section 7A-308(a)(1) ol Forty-live Cents (45e) per One Hun dred Dollars ($100) of tho bid amount up to a maximum lax of Five Hundred Dollars ($500), and (II) the excise lax on conveyance required by N.C. Gen. Slat. Section 105-228,28 et seq, of One Dollar ($1) par Five Hundred Dollars ($500) or fractional pari thereof of tho bid amount. ThQ successful bidder at sale may bo required to make an Immediate cash doposil ol tho greater ol five percent (5%) ol the amount bid or Seven Hundred Fllty and no/100 Dollars ($750.00). The upset bids procedure ol North Carolina General Statute Sec tion 45-21.27 Is applicable to this sale. The following applies If Iho property being sold Is residential real proporty wllh loss Ihan 15 rental units; (1) Pursuant lo NCGS Secllon 45-21.29, Iho clerk of superior court ol Iho county In which Ihe properly Is sold may Issuo an order of possession of the property In favor of the purchaser and against Iho party or parlies In possession. (2) Any per son who occupies resldenllal roal property pursuant lo a renlal agree ment entered Into on or alter October 1,2007, may, alter receiving this nollce ol sale, terminate the renlal agreement upon 10 days written notice to the landlord. The tenant Is liable lor.rent due under the rental agreement prorated lo the elfectlve date of Iho termination. Data ol Nollce; May 12.2009 Elizabeth M. Repelll Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 21029 Winslon-Salem, NC 27120-1029 (336) 722-3700 5-21-2tn Auction Bahnson FarmsAVin-Mock Farms 2078 Hwy 801 Fannington, NC S a tu r d a y , M a y 3 0 a t 10 A M Preview Friday Muy 29,12 noon until 4:00 Sec Complete Ad May 28 Sule Conducted By: Swaim’s Auction & Real Esiate ncai# 4984 »(336) 784-5560* ANTIQUE AUCTION R E S C H E D U L E D from Sunday, May 17 - W ill T a k e P l a c e - T h i s S u n d a y , M a y 2 4 , 1 p .m . 1 4 4 0 L a k e C o tta g e R d ., C le m m o n s , N C From Clemmons lake Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. and turn right on Marty Lane. Turn left on Lake Cottage Rd. Last house on left. Early chest w/fine dovetail, early arrowback rocker, Victorian chair, tnission stand, lyreback chair, small corner cupboard, glassware, chinaware, Elgin pendant watch, Wnltham pocket watch, Elgin double case pocket watch. Lots of early quilts, early fishing (ly rods, wood clamps, silver dollars, other coins, blueback speller, sterling, tools, band saw, sander, cup & saucer collection, Hummels, coronation china. Much more 11 Sale conducted by: A L B R A Y E A U C T I O N S N C A L 3 4 5 6 (3 3 6 )7 2 3 -7 6 6 4 D4 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPMSE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,2009 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,2009 - D5 LEGAL NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualKled as Administra tor ol tlie Estate of KENNETH M. KOCH, late of Davie County, this Is to notlly all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate lo present them to the undersigned on or before July 30,' • 2009, (being three (3) months (rom the first day of publication of this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, llrms and corporallons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 30th dayol April, 2009. STEVEN L. KOCH 147 Tlfton Street Bermuda Run, NC 27006 T, DAN WOMBLE Attorney at Law 3802 Clemmons Road, Suite A P.O. Box .1698 Clemmons, NC 27012 4-30-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CHEDITOHS Having qualified as Co-Execu tors ol tho Estate ot EDNA A, HENDRIX, lale of Davie Counly, this Is to notlly all persons, llrms and corporallons having claims against said estate lo present them lo Ihe undersigned on or before July 30, 2009, (being three (3) months from Ihe first day of publi cation of this notlco), or this notice will bo pleaded In bar of Ihelr ro oovery, All persons, firms and cor porations Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This the 22nd day of April, 2009, SHIRLEY H, HAUSER 2410 US Highway 64 East Mockevllle, NC 27028 CONNIE H, JONES 238 US Highway 64 East Mocksville, NC 2702B MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attorneys al Law Ten Court Square Mooksvllle, NC 27028 4-30-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate o( JOHN WESLEY WOOTEN, lato of Davie Counly, this Is to notlly all persons, firms and corporallons having olalms agaM said estate \6 present Ihem lo Iho undersigned on or before July 30, 20091 (being throe (3) months from Ihe first day of publi cation ol this notice), or this notice will bo pleaded In bar of Ihelr ro- covory. All persons, llrms and cor porallons Indebted to said estate will please make Immedlato pay ment to the undersigned. .This Ihe 21 st day of April, 2009. BEVERLY W. RUSS 385 Williams Road Mocksville, NC 27028 MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attonneys at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 4-30-4Ш NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix of Ihe Estate of OLICE QUY, lale of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporallons having claims against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or beforo July 30,2009, (being three (3) months from the first day of publication of this notice), or this notice wll' be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporallons Indebted to said es tate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 22nd day of April, 2009. MARCIA PERRELL P.O. Box 246 Woodleaf, NC 27054 ■ MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attorneys at Law Ten Court Square Mooksvllle, NC 27028 4-30-4Ш NORTH CAROLINA • \ DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having quallllod as Executor ol the Estate of MATTIE WILLIARD JAEHNINQ, late of DavIe County, this Is lo notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before July 30, 2009, (being three (3) months from the first day of publi cation of this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their re covery. All persons, llrms and cor porations Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay ment lo the undersigned. This the 22nd day ol April, 2009. MARK JAEHNING 13893 E, Bellewood Dr, Aurora, CO 80015 ,, • 4-|p-4tn NORTH CAROLINA . DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE The undersigned, having quali fied as Administrator of tho Eslale of JULIAN F. DAYE (aka Julian Francis Daye; Julian Daye), de ceased, late ol Dave Counly, North Carolina, this is to notify ail per-’ sons, firms and oorporatloda itav- ing claims againsi said Eslale to present them to the undersigned on or before the 30th of July, 2009, or this Notice will be pleaded In bar of recovery. All persons, firms and corporations Indebted to this Es lale will please make payment im mediately lo the undersigned at the below-designated address. This Is the 30th day of April, 2009. Richard J. Keshlan, Adminis trator of the Estate pf Julian F. Daye 1001 West Fourth Street WInslon-Salom, NC 27101 Robert L. Edwards, Esquire EDWARDS CRAVER VEACH PLLC 1001 Wesl Fourth Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Telephone No, (336) 607-7314 4-30-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of tho Estate of KATIE W, SHEP HERD, late of Davie Counly, this Is lo notify all persons, llrms, and corporations having claims against Iho estate of said deceased to present them to Eldon W. Wishon, 3205 Chinquapin Road, Yadklnvllle, NC 27055 on or belore, the 14lh day of August, 2009 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of thoir recovery. Ail persona Indebted lo said estate please make Immedi ate payment. This 29lh day of April, 2009. Eldon W, Wishon, Executor James I., Graham Atlornoy At l.aw P. O. Box 625 Yadklnvllle, NC 27055 5-7-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY 09 SP 48 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of a Power ol Sale contained In that certain Deed olTrust executed by CANDY QROSE AKA CANDY H GROSE, A MARRIED PERSON AND JOHN QROSE, SIGNING PRO FORMA TO PERFECT'LIEN ONLY Id' WADE H. LEONARD, JR., Trustee(s), which wad dated Oc tober 14, 2003 and recorded on October 27, 2003 In Book 520 at Pago 018, Davie County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made In the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed ol Trust and the undersigned, Brock & Scott, PLLC. having been substi tuted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly re corded In the Ollico ol the Regis ter of Deeds of DavIe County, North Carolina, and Ihe holder of the nole evidencing said Indebted ness having directed that Ihe Deed ol Trust be foreclosed; Ihe under signed Substitute Trustee will of fer for salo al Ihe courthouse door of Ihe counly courthouse where Ihe property is located, or Ihe usual and cuslomary location at the counly courthouse for conducting the sale on June 1, 2009 at 12;30PM, and will sell to Ihe high est bidder for cash the loliowing descrtbed property situated In Davie Counly, North Carolina, to wit: Traci 1; BEING LOTS TWENTY-SIX (26) and TWENTY- SEVEN (27) of Ihe E.L. Gaither Heirs Subdivision #2 as recorded In Plat Book 3, page 9, Davie County Registry. For relerence see Deed Book 63, pago 474. Tax Map 1-4-12C 33 Tract 2: BEGINNING at a point on Church Street in the City of Mocksville, which point Is 181 feet North and West of a branch, and running thence Soulh 12 degs. West 338 leet to an Iron stake; thence North 40 degs, 30 minutes West 185 feet to a stake; thence North 74 degs. West 31 feel lo an Iron slake; thence North 12 degs. East 250 feet to an Iron slake on Ihe Soulh side of Church Street; thence wilh the said Church Street South 66 degs. East 200 feel' lo the POINT OF BEGINNING, and being Lots Nos. 24 (twenty-four) and 25 (twenty-five) of the E. L. Gaither Heirs Subdvlsion No. 2, as per survey and plat made by N. R. Kinney and Son, Engineers, Sep tember 1952. And said plat Is re corded in map Book No. 3, page No. 3, page No. 9 In the Register of Deeds' office of Davie County, North Carolina, lo which relerence is hereby made lor a more particu lar descrlpllon. Bul these lots are soid subject to certain restrictions as to Ihe use Ihere-ol, running with said lands by whomever owned, said restric tions, which are expressly as sented lo by the party of the sec ond part In accepting this deed, being as follows; Said lol shall be used for residential purposes only and no residence of a cost of less than 6000.00 shall be erected thereon, and said dwelling must bo erected not less than 50 feel from the front ol the property line of said lol, nol closer lhan 10 feet lo side line of said property. Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior convey ances olrecord. Said properly Is commonly known as 296 West Church Street, a 1,393 Acres Adjacent lo 296 West Church Street, Mocksville, NC 27028. Third party purchasers must pay the excise lax, and the court costs ol Porty-Flve Cents (450) per One Hundred Dollars ($100,00) pursuant to NCGS 7A-308(a)(1). A cash deposit (no personal checks) ot live percent (5%) ol the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Filly Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of Ihe sale. Following Ihe ex piration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. Said property to be olfered pur suant to this Notlco of Sale is be ing offered for sale, transler and oonveyanco “AS IS WHERE IS.” There aro no ropresentatlons of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or saloty conditions existing In, on, at, or relating tb Ihe property being ollered lor salo. This sale Is made subject to aii prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transler taxes, special assessments, ease- merils, rights ol way, deeds of re lease, and any other encum brances or exceptions of record. To Ihe best ol the knowledge and belief of the undersigned^ Ihe cur rent owner(s) of the property is/are Candy Grose. An Order lor possession ol tho property may be Issued pursuant to Q.S. 45-21.29 In favor ot tha pur chaser and against the party or parties In possession by Ihe clerk of superior court of Ihe counly In which.the property Is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant lo a rental agreement entered Inlo or renewed on or af ter October 1,2007, may, after re ceiving Ihe ndtice of sale, termi nate the rental agreomont upon 10 days' written notice to Ihe landlord. The notice shall also state that upon termination ol a rental agree- mdrtt, Ihe^ tdhant Is llable'fór rent', due undep Ihe rental agróbment prorated to Ihe offeclive dale ol Iho lorminatlon. ' If Iho trustee Is unable lo con vey title to this proporty for any rea son, the solo remedy of tho pur chaser Is the return ot the deposit. Reasons ol such Inability to con vey Include, but áre nol limited to, tho filing of a bankruptcy petlllon, prior to the confirmation ol the sale and relnstatomoni of Ihe loan with out the knowledge of tho trustee. If the validity ol the sale Is chal lenged by any party, the trustee, In Iheir sole discretion, If they bo- lievo Ihe challenge to have merit, may request Ihe court lo declare Ihe sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no lurthor remedy THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COM MUNICATION IS TO COLLECTA DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, EXCEPT IN THE INSTANCE OF BANK RUPTCY PROTECTION. IRt'OU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANK RUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICEISGIVENTOYOUPUR- SUANT TO STATUTORY RE QUIREMENT AND FOR INFOR MATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN AT TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, AS SESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC Jeremy B. Wilkins, NCSB No. 32346 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE; (910) 392-4988 FAX; (910) 392-8587 File No.; 09-04546 5-21-2tn NORTH CAROLINA , DAVIE COUNTY Town of Cooleemee Notice of Public Hearing Town Board of Commissioners Cooleemee Town Hall 7766 Highway 801 Soulh Monday, June 1,2009 at 6;00 p.m. The Cooleemee Town Board ol Commissioners ^111 hold a publio hearing lo consider Ihe following case; CUP 2009-01 Community Bil liards Applicant Eric O'Neal requests a Conditional Use Permit lo oper ate a game room In tho Cool eemee Shopping Center al 139 Marginal Street. Parcel ID; M5160C0024; Zoning: C-S Commerlcal Service district All Inlerested individuals are Invited to attend the public hear ing and present their comments Ihe Cooleemee Town Council. Please call Erin Burrts at 1-800-, 650-3925 If you have questions about specllic cases. Please call Dolly Urdanick, Town Clerk, at Cooleemee Town Hall at (336) 284-2141 if you need special ac commodations for tha meeting. 5-21-Itn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 09 SP 53 Under and by virtue of the power ol salo contained in a cer tain Deed ofTrust made by Lonnie R. O'Neal lo Joan H. Anderson, Truslee(s), dated Ihe 10th day of July, 2007, and recorded In Book 721. Pago 1091. In Davio County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made In the payment of Ihe hole thereby secured by the said Deed ol Trust and the under signed, Substitute Trustee Ser vices, Inc. having been substituted as trustee In said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Olflce of the Register ot Deeds ol Davie County, North Carolina and the holder of Ihe nolo evidenc ing said Indebtodrjess having di rected that Ihe Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Sub- stilulo Trustee will olfer for sale al Ihe courthouse door in the City of Mocksville, Davio Counly, North Carolina at 2;45 PM on June 3, 2009 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash Ihe following real estate situated In the County of Davie, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as fol lows; BEING known and designated as Lot No. 297 of Erwin Mills, Ino,, as sot forth In Plal Book 3, Pages 11, 12, 13 and 14, Davie County Registry, lo which referenco is hereby made for a more particular description. Together wilh Im provements located thereon; said property being located at 165 Main Street, Cooleemee, North Caro- '4lha. Subjoot to Restrictive. Cov- onanls In DB 55, PG 271, Davie County Registry^ and any other easements and reslrlotlons ol record. For Back Title, see DB 192, PG 910, Davie County Registry, See also Tax Map N-5-1, BIk A, Pci 1, located In Jerusalem Township, Davie Counly, North Carolina. • Trustee may. In the Trustee's sole disorellon, delay the sale for up to one hour'as provlded in NCGS §45-21.23, Should thé property be pur chased by a third party, that per son must pay Ihe tax of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCOS §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be olfered pur suant to this notice of sale Is be ing offered for sale, transler and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS," Neither Ihe Trustee nor the holder of the nole secured by the deed ol trust/security agreement, or bolh, being loreclosed, nor Ihe officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representa tive of either the Trustee or the holder ol Ihe note mako any rep resentation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environ mental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at or relating lo the property being offered lor sale, and any and ail responsibilities or li abilities arising out of or In any way relating to any such condition ex pressly are disclaimed. Also, Ihis property Is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances of record an