04-AprilHome & Garden Vegetable Cooperatives, Photos, Tips And [\/lore Special Section inside The Cross .,43..'''. f ^ , ^ a v l e M a n S e n i l i i^ ^èésaà'e Wéra\i^l £'£,'ï* .v'vX P«9«J|i DAVIE COUNTY E lÎt E R P R I/0 E C O R D U SPS 149-160 Novant Withdraws Appeal On New Hospital In Davie B y B e th C assid y Enterprise R ecord N o van t H ealth and W ake Forest U n iversity B aptist M e d ical C enter continue to battle over w hich w ill get to build a new hospital, Last w eek, N o van t w ith d rew an ap p e a l p ro te s tin g W F U B M C ’s application to build a hospital in A dvance. N o va n t’s plan is to build a h o s p ita l in C le m m o n s . T h e hospitals w ould be less than flve m iles apart. H a n k V an H o y , the a tto rn e y hired by D av ie C ounty to deal w ith the litig atio n , said, "T h is basically m eans the second c e rtific a te o f need app lication by W F U B M C is good, and N o va n t cannot contest it.” T erry B ralley, president o f the D a v ie E c o n o m ic D e v e lo p m e n t C om m issio n and a m em ber o f the D a v ie hospital board, said, ‘T h is is nothing but good new s fo r D av ie C ounty, and it ce rtain ly m akes the w ay a lo t m ore clear w hen it com es to dealing w ith the state and court system in term s o f being able to m ake fu rther decisions in regards to the future o f our hospital." L ast A u g u st, W F U B M C w on a p p ro v a l fro m th e s ta te , w ith c o n d itio n s , to b u ild a 4 8 -b e d hospital, and on D ec. 23, approval, w ith co n d itio n s, w as granted to N o v a n t fo r th e ir p ro p o s e d C lem m o ns M e d ic a l C enter, a 50 - bed hospital. B oth app ealed the other’s applications and the state’s d e c is io n s , b u t on M a rc h 2 4 , N o v a n t v o lu n ta rily w ith d re w its appeal. In theory, the hurdles fo r both being able to build are sm all. T h e la n d fo r th e A d v a n c e hospital is zoned fo r that Use, but the land fo r the C lem m o ns one is not. M e g a n L e d b e tte r, v illa g e p lan n e r fo r C lem m o n s, said^the m a jo rity o f th e la n d /is z o n e d re s id e n tia l. A s k e tc h p la n ' su b m itted b y N o v a n i last w e e k ! asks fo r re zo n in g o f ab o u t 1 2 3 ' acres, but not all o f that w o u ld be used fo r the h o sp ital. L e d b e tte r said, hospitals o f that size ty p ically require about 3 0 acres. T h e plan Plen.sc See H o s p itu i - Puge 4 Scaled-Down Walkable Bermuda Run Plan OKd B y J a c k ie S ea b o lt Enterprise R ecord B E R M U D A R U N - T h e W alkab le B erm uda R un Plan has been approved by unanim ous vote by the to w n council. D u rin g a public hearing M arch 10 there w ere no com m ents fo r or ag ain st th e p lan to in co rp o ra te sidew alks, bike lanes, and shared used paths into the to w n lim its and the one m ile radius surrounding it. C onsultont C arol R hea, w ho has w o rked w ith B R P lanning B oard in developing the p lan gave a b rie f presentation o f the revisions m ade after concerns fro m residents w ere brought to the table. S everal residents w h o liv e out­ side the gates o f B R in the E TJ (ex­ tra territo rial Jurisdiction) show ed opposition to the o rig in al plan. Som e w ere concerned w ith the large size o f the sidew alks and the pre-requirem ent o f the sidew alks, b u ffer areas, and bike zones p rio r to any site plans fo r future d evel­ opm ent o f the E T J area; decreased Please See B R - Page 4 N u m b e r 14 T h u rs d a y . A p ril 2 , 2 0 0 9 4 0 P A G E S Johna Koons, McKenna Oakes and James Rdbbins get help from teacher Diane Ireland on the new Smart Table. 1 > - Photos by Robin Snow That’s A Sinait 1iat}le William R. Davie Students Test Newest Tool B y B e th C assid y E n teip rise R ecord W h e n students at W illia m R . D av ie E lem entary paint all over the table in th e ir classroom , teacher D ian e Irelan d doesn’t m in d at all. In fact, she encourages it. T h e stu d en ts in h e r second grade classroom have been using one o f th e la te s t te c h n o lo g ic a l learning tools, a S M A R T Table. T h e table stands ju st over tw o feet high, perfect fo r students w ho crow d luround it to paint, do m ath problem s, solve puzzles and m ore. It is the first m ultitouch, m ultiuser in te r-a c tiv e le a rn in g ce n ter fo r p rim a ry students, and Ire la n d 's students are the first in the county to get to use it. W illia m R . D a v ie is one o f 12 schools in te rn a tio n a lly to h ave b ee n ch o sen to try o u t th e technology. K e lly S tew art, public relations s p e c ia lis t w ith S M A R T Technologies, said, “T h e table beta locations w ere selected based on an ap p licatio n process w ith a cross section o f considerations including geography, different learning needs and a va riety o f .socio-econom ic backgrounds. S M A R T ’S aim is to have a diverse range o f schools te s tin g th e S M A R T T a b le , to m axim ize feedback.’’ S in c e th e ta b le e n te re d th e school earlier this year, all students P lease See 'Table - P ag e 10 Students enjoy drawing on the Smart Table. Davie’s Civil War Participants Chronicled In Book B y Jackie Seabolt D avie Enterprise Five years ago tw o D avie sisters came up w ith an idea - they would w rite a book detailing the names of those from the county w ho served in the C ivil War. Now , that book has been com - . pleted and authors M ary A lice Hasty, 77, and H azel W infree, 85, couldn’t be any prouder. The C ivil War Roster o f Davie County, North Carolina contains biographies o f 1147 men before, during and after the conflict. M ary said that the idea for Ihe book came after she was visiting the history room at D avie Library. That day she was trying to find names o f relatives from Davidson County who served in the C ivil War. M ary's friend, Doris. Frye, was working in the history room that day and gave M ary a book she thought m ight be helpful in her search. It was an alphabetical listing for C ivil W ar soldiers from Davidson, and M ary said it only took minutes to find her relatives names. “1 asked Doris if there was such a book for D avie County and she said there was not," M ary recalls, "I told her ‘w e’re going to have one'.’’ M ary im m ediately contacted Hazel and the tw o began their endeavor. The next few years were filled with constant research and proved to be a real challenge. "W e knew there would be an end result," M ary says. The sisters used various re­ sources to Complete the book. N C lYoops, a publication by the state that has com plete m ilitary records com piled up to the current date, proved to be an invaluable resource. They also made numerous phone calls to Raleigh to access their archives. “W e were on a first name basis w ith them ," H azel says. “People here have been doing research long before w e thought about it and we used a lot o f that," M ary says. H azel says the book is a founda­ tion and she hopes it w ill pave the - w ay for future books about D avie’s history. Copies are available.directly from the sisters, at the Davie Library, or through the Cooleem ee Historical Association. "The descendants need to know there's data on their ancestors now," M ary says. A book signing w ill be held A pril 19 from 2-4 at the Zachary House in Cooleem ee. You can reach H azel at 336-284- 2529 or M a o ' at 336-753-0436 to leam m ore inform ation about their book.Hazel Winfree and Mary Alice Hasty with their book on Davie’s Civil War participants. - Photo by Robin Snow V ......' 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 2,2009 E x iito r ie J If President Calls, Don’t Answer The Phone If President Obama calls this week, I’m not answering the phone. With the caller-ID feature on my phone, I will be able to avoid the President if he triés to fire me. He does that sort of thing these days. Too bad about the president of General Motors, Rick Wagoner. He took the call over the weekend and got fired. Washington even controlled the GM chief’s severance pay. Some might wonder how the President of the United States and the Washington crowd can fire the head of a private business. That used to be the job of the company board of directors. No more, not since businesses have been going cap-in-hand to Washington for bail out money. Turns out there were hidden strings to that money - enough to wenve a hanging noose. Congress and the President huve been spending money wildly, practically forcing it on American banks. Now they want to run the businesses, even setting salaries. The House Financial Services Committee, led by chair Barney Frank, has approved the "Pay for Performance Act of 2009” to control the pay of all employees - not just top executives - of companies that hnve received a capital inyestment from the U.S. government. Treasury Secretary. Timothy Oeithner v/ould have the power to determine the pay of thousands of employees of American companies. Like pigs hungry for slop, General Motors, Chrysler and the banks bellied up nt the government trough for billions of bail out dollars. Now the government is going to run the companies, telling them what kind of cars to build, who to hire and fire and how much to pay them. What does President Obama and Congress know about nuining a car company? The President even promised to guarantee GM car warranlies. General Motors nnd Chrysler would have been better off filing for bankruptcy last year and having the court's protection while they took the necessary steps to right their ships. By embracing the bail out, the car companies hav|^ sacrificed their independence and become a crippled wjiigV of the fédéral government. How quickly things have wobbled out of control. Americans are on a scary roller-coaster ride with annkteuts running the circus. / Now Fans Can Smell ‘Carolina’ True Carolina fans no longer have to be content with merely wearing the pale blue colors on game day. Now they can smell like Carolina. Before the NCAA Final Four games this weekend, True- Blue fans can buy a new University of North Carolina ‘‘signature scent’’ in perfume or cologne. The scents were created by Masik Collegiate Fragrances and licensed by UNC, which means a percentage of each bottle sold will go to the university’s .student scholarship fund. For the college fan who has everything ... “Masik’s hope is that the University of North Carolina fragrances become a new classic and that future generations adopt and embrace the,se exclusive scents as their own; a reminder of their alma mater or the university they love,” a news release proclaimed Tuesday. The perfume is supposed to evoke memories of the Old Well. As you might guess, other universities are getting in on the smell. Penn Slale has a scent, Masik is also working on fragrances for the University of Alabama, University of Tennessee, Auburn University, Louisiana State University, University of Florida, Ohio State University and University of Georgia. And you thought we were in a recession. - Dwight Sparks ............ 3/26 In The Mail... Autism Awareness Increasing DAVIB COUNTY USPS 149-160 171 S. Main St., P,0, Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 Published weekly by the Davie Publishing Co, Dwlghl Sparks..................................„„Editor/Publisher Robin Snow,,,,.................................„„G eneral Manager Mike Barnhardt....................................Managing Editor Ray Tutterow....;..................................Advertising Director Brian Pills.......,................................„.Sports Editor Mocksville Enterprise Davie Record Cooleem ee Journal Periodicals Postage Paid in M ocksville, N C 27028 Subscription Rales Single Copy, 50 Cents $20 Per Yenr In N .C ,, $25 Outside N.C. P O S TM A S TE R Send Address Ciianges to; . D avie County Enlcrprise Record To the editor; A pril bus spcclal significance to muny people. A pril is spcciul to me and m y fam ily because A pril is National AiUisin Awareness M onth. Autism was first diagnosed separately by Dr. Leo Kanncr and Dr. Hans Asperger in 1949 yet by 1972 little was heard or iUi)(|erstood about Autism . National Autism Awareness M ontli was started to raise awareness o f this condition. Today we see many m ore stories about autism in Iho news yet there is sitll so much that iwc StiU do not know or undetslimd. ( ' A pril is special to me bccauso m y child wus diagnosed as'be- r ing bn the Autism Spcctnim 9 years ago. Tho official diagnosis, fo r m y child is Pervasive Developm ental Disorder - N o l Olher- - w iw Spcoifled (P D D -N O S ). I w ill adm it that ut the lim e>of my- son’s diagnosis I was unaware o f Aulism . I had heard o f il but I knew very little about it. The diagnosis was made by observa­ tions o f my son’s behavior by specialists in Aulism . I remember, after receiving ihe diagnosis, Ihe feeling o f bolng losi, nol know­ ing what lo do. 1 had lo educate m yself to be able lo help iny son Iho best 1 could. Fam ilies that have a child w ilh a developmental disability w ill understand the shock that comes along w ith a diagnosis o f this level. The diagnosis o f Aulism affects the entire fam ily signin- cantly. Tho dreams that a parent has for their beauliful baby change drastically w ith that one word. One duy I um drcuming o f playing g o lf and baseball w ith m y son and the next day I am just hoping that he w ill be able to communicille w ilh me. I changed from plan­ ning golf lessons to planning speech and occupational therapies. Audsm w ill also aflect Ihe fam ily dynamic in different wiiys. Fam i­ lies w ith a child on Ihe spectrum are more likely lo slop having more children after Ihe diagnosis and Ihe stress, on Ihc fam ily, of having a child on tho Autism spoctrum leads to a rate o f divorce that is higher than the national average. Autism is a complex neurobiological disorder lhal affecls an individual's ability to socialize and communicate. In more gen­ eral terms, Autism w ill take a person and wrap them in their own world where they do nol feel the need or desire for interaction w ith other individuals. If there is communication from an indi­ vidual on the spectrum il w ill generally be on their terms. An individual with Autism may not show any sign of affection, even lo Iheir parents. Autism is a spectrum disorder. A person on one end o f the spectrum w ill not be able to communicate with others at all. They may exhibit intelligence disabilities at Ihis end. A l the other end o f the spectrum the individual may exhibit few o f the common traits associated w ith Autism . They w ill be able to have lim ited communication with others and they may come across more "sliy" than anything else, The rale o f Aulism is not alTccled by a person’s race, religion or social status. Individuals on Ihe spectrum can be found in all facets o f society. There have been pro golfers, engi­ neers, inventors, businesspersons, musicians and artists who have been diagnosed with some fonn o f Autism , M y fam ily is blessed in that my son falls in the higher func­ tioning end o f the spectrum. Early in his life he did not talk lo us. His communication was lim ited lo pointing and grunting to get what he wanted. Due to his hard w ork he has been able to adapt him self into regular education classrooms and he can communi­ cate his feelings and ideas to his teuchers und peers. M y son is fortunate in that he has made numerous friends in his both on and o ff the spectrum. Com m on trails for individuals on the spectrum include; lack o f eye contact, rocking, hand flapping, spinning, etc... Some people w ill exhibit heightened senses. For instance, a liny flying bug like a gnat m ay sound like a freight train to an individual on the spectrum. The lieightened sense of smell und ta.sle w ill greatly dictate a child's diet. The heightened sense o f touch influences what they w ill, or more importantly w ill not, wear on their skin. Autism has different sub-groups such as Asperser syndrome; classic (or Kanners) Autism ; Rett syndrome; Childhood Disinte­ grative Disorder, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified (P D D -N O S ). Each of these sub-groups w ill I have individuals with sim ilar trulls. For instance, Rett syndrome is prim arily found in females and instead o f hand flapping they m y constuiuly wring their hands. The numbers arc staggering. Today, uccording lo tiie C D C , I in 150 child births w ill result in u child being diagnosed with Aulism . This makes Aulism one of the most prcvaleiu childhood disorders, M ore children w ill be diagnosed this year with Autism than Aids, Cancer and diabetes combined, 1 f you review tho num­ bers from 15 years ago, 1 in 10,000 child birihs, you can see that thè numbers have greatly increased. The increase can be atlrlb- uted al first, to a redefinition o f Aulism that broadened tho scope, There are additionarfactors in this increase; an Increased aware­ ness o f Autism w iihin pediatric medical practilionots; a deslro'o'f'/ parents lo seek a diagnosis due to a reduction in sOcietal stigma uttuched to "diffotenl''’individuals) und un uctual increase in the number o f cases. W hile Ihere are a number o f things known about Aiuism, the most important is not known, the cause. Tho most prevalent theory is Ihut there is u genetic cuuse. One story in Ihe news recently was Ihut the rijscurcher Ihut hud discovered a link bclween Mercury, found in childhood vaccines, lo Autism , appears to have “doc­ tored" his research. Anotiier rccent item conceraed a study that is potcntiully showing a delay in processing sound by individuals on the Autism .spectrum. There is nol a test for Autism while a child is in the wom b us Ihere is w ilh situations like Fragile X or D ow n Syndrome. Since there is no known cuuse for Autism , there is no known curo. There urc a number o f things fumilles ure trying such as therapies, diets, chelation, and medicines. None of these treat­ ments has provided a cure, although each has provided a number o f fam ilies a grenl benoni for Iheir situation. Behavioral Iherupies have proven to be benendal, e.specially if started when tho person is young, Towards Ihis end there are research groups trying to define a strategy to diagnose a child us young as 12-18 monlhs. The Am erican Academy o f Pediatrics has come out with a statement that individuahs on the Autism Spec­ trum should receive 20 hours o f therapy per week. The issue w ith this is Ihut therapies are expensive, easily in excess of $25,000 per year. Therapies for Autism are nol required to be covered by H M O s operating in North Carolina (there are 8 slates that have made H M O s cover therapies for Autism). There are fabulous thera­ peutic organizations here in W inston-Salem and throughout North Carolina. There are groups in our immediate area that hold fund raising golf tournaments to provide scholarships to these institu­ tions. Dietary regimes thut include the removal of glulen and casein have been helpful for some individuals. The iheory is that rem ov­ ing the glutens and caseins from the dietii that the Autistic trails w ill be reduced or eliminated. Those diets are difficult to follow because o f Ihe amount of these proteins found in ull our foods, Chelntion therapy is where heavy metals are removed from your body. One o f the original theories wus that the individual was suffering from heavy metal poisoning, from M ercury, and if you reduced the metals then the child w ill recover. Please See A utism - Page 3 Letters W elcom ed The Enterprise Rccord welcomes letters from its read­ ers, The letters may be on topics of local, state, national or internationnlissues. ' An effort will be made to print all letters, provided they are not'ilbelous, vulgar or in poor taste. The editor fesen'es the right to edit letters for grammar and for space, All letters should include the, name and address of the .writer, including a signature. A telephone number, not to be published, is also requested. Please have letters in the newspaper office: no later than 4 p.m; IVloriday of the week to be published. Davie County Enteirprise. Record P.O. Box, 99, Mocksville, 6rnews@davie-enterprisb.com. Autism ... Continued From Page 2 There arc orgunizutions helping the Autism community. A u ­ tism Spcuks performs Ihe vital function o f providing seed money for research into the various uspects o f Aulism , There ure u num ­ ber of universities in N C thnt have been on the forefront o f A u ­ lism study and they hnve received numerous grants from this or­ ganization. This organization receives no federal money. They raise their funds through walks held around the world nnd Ihrough nntionul sponsors. Locally, there is a group o f volunteers that stage a w nlk ut Lowes M otor Speedway in CharioUe every October. 1 have participaled in Ihis wonderful event the last three years. I would encourage fam ilies from Ihe Triad aroa to participate. The Autism Society o f North Carolinu performs support ser­ vices for fam ilies w ith individuals on the spectrum. They have been u huge support for me und m y fnm ily during the meetings with our school districts to set up m y son's lE P th ere are uclivo fam ily support groups in D avic (o f which I am u volunteer m em ­ ber o f the leudership), Forsyth und G uilford counties. This group provides awareness o f Aulism wiihin the community and resources through their bookstore and unnuul conference, They hnve camps for individuals on tiie spectrum which provides a great social set­ ting for the kids and u respite for their fumilles. Please join with m e in recognizing National Autism Awareness M onth. Ray Nelson, Advance Civics Instructors Must Be Proud To the editor; Thank you for publishing Robert Sparks’ letter regarding Ihe mandatory assembly al Davie High School on Feb; 6 .1 was quite impressed with M r, Sparks’ letter, especially considering that he is a senior in thnt high school. His form er civics instructors must be .beum ing.’ O f course, M r. Sparks is absolutely correct thut the high school principal broke Ihe law and violutcd the Constitution by bringing in a Christian evangelist whose prim ary purpose was to prosely­ tize stonlthily a captive audience. Other local high school principals should bo forewarned. The U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Santa Fo v. Doe (2000) is quite clour. Should there be additional questions, we would bo happy to serve us a resource for Ihc .school administration and school board. Steve Weston, President W inston-Salem Americuns United for Church & Stulc Marriage Amendment Uniting To Ihe editor; . Once in u while an issue comes along that should (w ill it?) unite people across the various religious lines and the “Marriage Am endm ent’.’ is one. W hut is murriugc? It amazes me that this is even a disci^ssion topic and maybe liinl is indicative of just how quiet Christians have been when it comcs to standing up and huving their voices henrd. W ell foIjfS, on M ondny night, A pril 6, righl hero in Duvie County, you cun let your voices bo heurd. O ur clccled Davie County Commissioners havo tho “Marriage Am endm ent" topic on tlieir agenda for lhal evening. I applaud tho Inform ation given, und N C Stale statistics presenled, b y G a il StcN^arl in last week's Enterprise “In The M ail" section. I thank her for going to'lho'raily in'R altigh'and'bringing back thaV'first hand update. Yes, 71 percent o f North Curoliniuns beliove'in the trudltional marriage statement o f u marriuge being u legal binding contract between ono man and one woman. I know thul there are ministries out there, even in Duvie County, that urc really working hard to get Christians lo come together, ncross denominations, and 1 see now more than ever why they are needed. I thank God for their efforts. Again, what is inurringe? D o we really need to have that dis­ cussion? The answer is yes. W e’d better stand strong now friends or things m ay got even worse in the monlhs and years ahead. W ill m y fellow believers in Jesus Christ take a stand for marriuge? ' Please, attend the M onday night, A pril 6 Davie County Com m is­ sioners’ meeting at the county office building with me and others concerned about our culture nnd society. I, loo, want to thank our own Rep. Julla How ard and Sen. A n­ drew Brock for their stand on marriuge in Iheir respeclive chum- bers. ' 1 hope to see many b f you M onday night, A pril 6 at the 7 p.m. meeting. Oh yeah, let’s be polite and get Ihere early. We want lo stand firm in our beliefs but need not disrupt the meeting by com ­ ing lute. Harold Lanning, M ocksville In The Mail... ‘.■i't.-;' -s'»* ‘ Controversial Health Plan OKd By Senate DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 2,2009 - 3 R a l e i g h R e p o r t By Jullu C . H ow ard N C House o f Representatives T h e Senate approved the controversial State Heulth Plan (Senate B ill 287). On Tuesday, Senate Mem bers voted 28-18 to pass the $678 m illion bailout of the state employee health.insur- unco plan. The bill moves to lawmakers in Ihe House o f Rep­ resentatives for further debate. Legislative leaders claim that the bailout is necessary to keep the struggling insurance pro­ gram solvent through 20 И . Ac­ cording to lawmakers, the Gen­ eral Assem bly hus until A pril I to pass the Slate Health Plan and present it lo Gov. Perdue to en­ sure the plan has tim e to make benefit changes before Ihc new fiscal year. The bill was heard in the House Com m ittee on In­ surance und rescheduled for a second hearing next week lo al­ low for tho consideration of umendments. Undoubtedly, Ihe Stale Health Plan w ill continue to evolve. 1 w ill keep you up­ dated us the plan progresses through House Committees. Another piece o f notorious legislation was active. House ■Bill 2 Ihe N C Sm oking Ban. The bill was approved by the House Com m ittee on Ihe Judiciary I. H B 2 wns brought before the House Cham ber where repre- senlatives rescheduled the bill. B elow are some pieces o f proposed legislation filed this week that may interest you; H B 663 N o rth C n ro lin n Ten In Ten Plnn. la m a primary sponsor o f this bill thnt would provide an income tax credit for home purchases. If passed, the bill would enact a new General Statute providing thut certuin purchnses o f n permanent resi­ dence during a lax year arc eli­ gible for a tax credit against in- ' dividual income tax. H B 6 6 5 A ssjsinnce'Ib V ot­ ers. This would expand assis- itanco.to voters by establishing that all voters are entitled to as^ sislance with preparing ballots "and When entering and exltW g' voting booths. H B 683 A d o p t N C H o t Snuee D ay. A bill Ihni would designate the sccond Saturday in Seplem ber o f each year us N orlh Cnrolinu’s officiul Hot Sauce Day. SB 650 A llo w M u n icip ali­ ties To R egulate G o lf C arls. This w ould um end Inws nnd would authorize a m unicipality to regulate the use o f g o lf curls. A m unicipuliiy would be per­ mitted to esiublish locul ordi- nunces that regulnte use ofiu c h •vehicles on public ronds where the speed lim it is 35 mph or less. SB 652 P ro h ib it Sale O f Novelty Lighters. This nowly proposed iegislution would pro­ hibit the sule o f novelty lighters as recommended by the Child Specials of the W eek PHOTO SPECIAL D o n 't I'd i'n i'l N o iir M u s i'iu liiii^ s ! N o v e lt y E a s t e r K e r n s , B u b b le G u m & N a t u t e V a lle y B a r s Limit 3 each While Supplies Last F R E E C D w/35mm processing One Week Only I'o r Д1Ч':|1 iiiro t'in n lid ii on (In in s \ lic iillli p ro h lc iiis , ЦО lo « u « .lo s li'r(iriij> io .i(> m Regular Hours; M-F 8:30-9 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 F o s t e r D r u g C o . 495 Valley Road • M ocksville*(336) 751-2141 tvw>v.fosterdrugco.coin Fntniity Task Force. N ovelty lighters are defined as lighters designed lo resemble a cartoon character, toy, gun, walch, m u­ sical instruments, vohicies, ani­ m al, food or beverage, or sim i­ lar article or that pluys musicul notes, or hns flushing lights for entertuinment or hns other en­ tertaining features unrelated to its function. SB 657 S B E To D evelop T e a c h e r A s s is ta n t S a la ry Schedule. A bill that would re­ quire, lhal the State Board o f E ducation develop a salary schedule for teachers ussistunls (TA s). The bill would stipulate, that the schedule links salary to u TAs education level und rol- evant experience. H B 686 M o d ern ized D o N ot C ull N otice Procedures. I am u prim ury sponsor of a bill that would modernize notice re- quirem enls. This w ould en­ hance the proloclion o f tele­ phone subscribers aguinst un­ wanted lelcphone solicilalions. The law would expand tho no­ tification methods there by al­ low ing subscribers lo better un­ derstand Iheir rights to object to receiving phone solicilalions, H B 697 Rem ove R estrlc- (io n /L n w E n ro rc em en t O f- fleer E lig ib ility Benefits. This calls for the rem oval o f a re­ quirement which states that in order lo qualify fo r disubility retirem ent benefits, Inw en­ forcem ent officers must huve ono yeur o f credilnble service. The bill would make Ihis change to the Local Govcm inonI Em ­ ployees Retirem ent System re­ garding.injuries incurred in the line of duly, H B 70 6 D M V H a n d ic a p Placard Enforcem ent. This bill directs tho D ivision o f M otor Vehicles to design n hanging w indow placard lhal displays a plucurd expiration dute thut is visible from al least 25 feet. The' purpose o f such legislation is lo i ensure ucccssibility of handi­ capped parking and collection o f placards whicli are expired or have been revoked, H B 7 1 6 R egulation O f A p ­ praisal M anagem ent C om pa­ nies, I have introduced legisla­ tion that seeks to regulnte real estate management companies by prohibiting any person from acting as a real estate appraisal management company, engag­ ing in associated business o f ap­ praising, or udvertising ihom - selvos us in the said business w ithout rogistoring w ith the N ,C . Appraisal Board, H B 733 R eg u late C o m ­ m ercial Breedlng/Dogs. A bill that w ould enact standards of care al commercial breeding op­ erations. The Department o f A g­ riculture (D O A ) would be re­ sponsible for establishing rules regarding dnily exercise, veteri­ nnrian care, and housing. If pussod, the new law w ould ; stipulate that commercial breed­ ers deemed us failing lo com ­ ply with D O A regulations could lose or be denied renewal of breeder certification, SB 698 C ity /C o u n ty Fee In crease O n In te rn e t. The n ew ly introduced legislation would require counties and cit­ ies to provide electronic notice ut least seven days in advance o f tho imposition o f or increase in rales, fees, charges, or penul- lies relaled to county and city services and public enlerprises. H B 738 lO M S tudy M e n ­ tal H ealth Services F o r Vets. A bill that would direct the study of former members of the armed forces by the Institute o f M edi­ cine (lO M ). The purpose would be lo gather inform nlion on Ihc m ental health provisions pro­ vided to veterans. The lO M would be directed to analyze de- volopmenlal disability and sub­ stance abuse services funded by M edicaid and tho possibility for program enhancements. SB 741 Increase Clnss Six F o r O ne Year O nly. Legisla­ tion that w ould direct public .schools lo increase Iheir class sizo for the 2009-10 school year. SB 752 A uthorize Rules for Food Safety T rain in g . .This bill would authorize that new rules requiring food safety train­ ing for owners and operators of establishments thnt prepare food for the public be adopted by the Com m ission for Public Health. I was pleased to huve Dr. Corey M ille r and Diana Parrish o f D avic County stop by the of­ fice in R aleigh on b eh alf of Sm art Start o f D avié County. Also, Joyce and Richard Rae of M ocksville dropped by and we enjoyed a nice visit. M r. and M rs. Rae were nt Ihe legislature on behalf o f the American Can­ cer Society. Dr. Tim and A m y Vogler slopped in for a chat und 1 wus also happy lo welcom e Inlo m y office Curt Hazelbaker, the president and C EO of Dnvie Coiinty Y M C A . I hud a pleasant visit w ith three m em bers o f the D nvie . County Schools; Daughn Baker, . B renda N orm un und Renee Schultc. Lust but not least, I would ulso like lo mention the visitation o f Elizabeth Frunklin und Tony A dam s o f Ire d e ll C ounty. Tony nnd Elizabeth Were at the General Assembly representing the Iredell County M arch o f Dimes. M y office dobrs arc ulwuys open to members of our com ­ munity. If you have uny questions or would like additional inform u­ tion on tiie governor's budget recbmniendutions or any o f the other above-discus.sed bills, feel free to contact m y office, and I' II be happy to gather any avail­ able infonnalion. U glslalive Office; 919-733- 5904; MoL'ksvllle Office; 751- 8567; E -in uil: Jilliah@ncleg.nel. CALL NOW FOR EXTRA ® 3,000 AdcNtlomil Discounf or Lowoti GHI Card On nomnfning Moduls! TH I ■mOHTMOn« CAPE WA« I 'A L L H O M ES A R E T R U E O FF .F R A M E M O D U LAR H O M ES TH8 AVONDAL8 СЛРЯ WAS T H t HAMPTON RANCH« ШШ1 * 9 ì T 9 V ò ! w lummi RM* 1 ..ftoEiN40A >11870 EMI 4.9 mll«t• URonButloM« ParkDrtv*.4mJlM• UftonBwlnN*70• SUMtvUit Homing ДтЛмопЫ! STATESVILLE HOUSING CENTER Factory Built • Factory Sold • We ARE the Builder-Land i Financing Avallat^ 704.924.9393 www.StatesviileHousiitg.com Toll Free 1.877.283.4344 H O P E «rtm« th«ra it Angal Rwd ММвим then b ln |w With today's economic challenges, many families have fallen on hard times and just need a little help. Angel Food Ministries, a nationwide program offering low cost food relief to anyone who would like to save money on their grocery bill, can make a difference! If you or someone you know needs help - check out Angel Food Ministries at Jericho church of Christ. an Local host site: Jericho Church of Christ, 124 Davie Academy Rd For informatioii: call 492-5291, visit www.jerichotoday.com Menus and info also available: Jericho chiuch building. Storehouse For Jesus, & senior center. Last day to ordCT is Sun^t^y, April 12 Food Pickup isApril is Hospital... Continued From Page 1 w ill be posted on the village’s w ebsite Inter this w eek, Ledbetter said the plan w ill go before the T R C , or Technical R eview Com m ittee, A pril 16,. That committee m ay move the plan forw ard to the planning board or decide another T R C m eeting should take place. It could go the village council in June or July. A ls o , the state placed conditions on both applications. Novant lias accepted its 14 conditions, but W F U B M C is appealing its two conditions. Jonnie Rohrcr, public relations m anager for W F U B M C said, "T h e state said w e d id not adequately dem onstrate the 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 2,2009 need fo r 10 new unlicensed observation beds and a third ultrasound unit.” In a statem ent fo llo w in g th e ir acceptance o f the conditions in January, Fred Springs, public relations for Novant said, "Recently, we sent a letter to the state accepting all o f its con ditio ns on our Certificate o f Need approval. W e are com m itted to m oving fo rw ard w ith C lem m ons M edical Center and to provide m ore convenient and tim ely health care for the more than 7 1 pcrcent o f the residents in C lem m o ns, L e w is v ille and Advance who choose Forsyth M edical Ccnter and affiliated facilities for their hospital care.” School Briefs S t a f f R e c o g n iz e d School staff members were recognized nt the Davie Board o f Education meeting M arch 9. Dave Salmon was recognized for being selected as the 2008-09 Child Nutrition M anager of the Year, and Frances Hepler was recognized for being selected as the 2008-09 Child Nutrition Person o f the Year. Both w ork at Com atzer Elementory. Christina M yers, a Com atzer bus driver, wns recognized for "G o in g the E xtra M ile ." M yers is a bus d riv er, m ade improvements to the bus parking lot, is a classroom volunteer, and the receptionist in the office. Principal Dr. Cinde Rinn said no m atter what needed to be done, sho could always count on M yers. G r a n t F u n d s P r o g r a m s Jacque Dunbnr, student services director, announced two activities being funded by a School Health Advisory Council (S H A C ) m ini grant. The grant, for $5,000 w ill address the dangers o f tobacco use and the benefits o f healthy eating. Gruen Von Behrens, who was diagnosed with oral cancer nt the age o f 17, w ill speak to students in all the m iddle schools and to ninth graders M ay 12-13 about the dangers o f spit tobacco. Healthy eating habits were cncouraged through a media contest with tho theme "Grab and G o.” P e r s o n n e l R e c o m m e n d a tio n s Candy Poplin, nssistnnt superintendent, gave Ihe personnel report at the board meeting. Employees replacing others includc Robert Bailey, custodian at D H S ; M ary Corriher, part-tim e custodian at Ellis M iddle and the central office; Donna DiPaola, an E C assistant at Com atzer; Donna Hayes, financial bookkeeper at Pinebrook Elementary; Jessica P erez, In te rim teacher assistant at M o c k s v ille Elementury; M ltzi Phillips, cafe assistant at D H S ; and Ligla Smith, clerical dsslstant/tutor at South Davie. Kim berly Howard was hired as a temporary office assistant al Shady Grove. Those reassigned were Diane Carter, Tracey Fulton, and Janie O ’Conner. Resignations were Patti Boehm from Ellis M iddle; Brandon Beauchamp from DH S; Joseph M artin from Central D avie and Rosemary Yow from M ocksvillc Elementary. Betty Blakely, a tenchcr assistant, and Jacque Dunbar, student services director, w ill be retiring after the school year. W illiam G rainger and M elissa Long were approved as substitutes. In s u r a n c e ? It’» ahnut people, not things. It’s about security. It’i about confldcnce. It's about relationships. It’s about trust. It’s about youl As II lucul ImlopiJiiilcnl ogont, wo cun doign an Insuranco program llial’»Just right Гиг you and your flimlly. flivc tliu people you lovu Salc.Souml.Sccurc.' protection from Auto-Owners Insurance Company. * A u to - O u m e n J b m m m e e Johnson Insurance Services 127 Marketplace Drive К Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-6281 , H i f i l i e r C l ) Y i e l d s ! Special Promotion APY 3 Month CD • FDIC-Insured 3.0% (6 roonth) • Э (12 mmlh) F IR S T FID E LITY F In a n c ln l C rm ip o fth v T H a d , IJ .C Your Sqfe Afotwy Solution'' llivln I \ it Ulinu l.I Ч til II I и (I pi tilllli b 336-224-1077217 S. Talbert Ave., Lexington, NC 27292 Hours: 9am-5pm, M on.-Fri. Six o f the conditions were that N ovant operate no m ore than '46 licensed general acute care beds, fo u r licensed Intensive care unit beds, six unlicensed observation beds and five licensed shared operating rooms, that they not acquire a new C T scanner or develop a g astro in testin al endoscopy room, all at Clemmons, and that, at M edical Park Hospital, that they delicense 10 acute care beds and five shared operating rooms, for a total o f no more than 12 acute care beds and seven operating rooms. Upon co m p letio n o f C lem m ons M edical Center, Novant would delicense 40 acutc care beds at Forsyth M em orial Hospital. W h ile N o va n t has w ithdraw n its appeal o f the state’s decision to allow the Davie hospital, W F U B M C has not withdrawn its appeal o f the state’s decision to allow the Clemmons hospital. In a statem ent issued last w eek, W F U B M C President Donny Lam beth said, "Even though Novant has withdrawn its appeal, we believe the issues relating to the proposed hospital . in Clemmons must be resolved before we can proceed w ith our proposed hospital In D a v ie County. W e consistently have stated that there is no need for tw o new hospitals that, offer sim ilar services to the same population three m iles apart. That would be a duplication of services and unnecessary h ealth care spending. W e appealed the state's decision because we believe the Novant ruling is contrary to the intent o f the slate's Certificate o f Need law and that the decision is a violation o f the state’s rules.” A cc o rd in g to the N C D iv is io n o f H ea lth S crvice Regulation, “The premise of the C O N taw is that increasing health care costs m ay be con tro lled by governm ental restrictions on the unnecessory d u p licatio n o f m edical facilities.” T h e state and a three- member Court o f Appeals have determined the applications are not com petitive and w ill not, Cooleemee Briefs Strategic Plan Tabled Plans for strategic growth in Cooleemee were put on hold at the town’s board meeting M arch 17 after board members rejected a motion to adopt the plan. The plans goals are to improve housing, economy, infrastructure, and govem ment in the small town. Board m em ber Earl Lester, who has spear­ headed the project, told the board, "1 want to m ake a motion we accept the strategic plan ns devised and m ake it part o f our long range planning.” Board members Fran Parker und Tom m y Daywult suggested the board not uccept the plan and discuss it morc later. " I’m not really com fortable w ilh Ihat,” Lester said. " I’ve been working on this for 8 months. W hen und if we do discuss it, please come in w ith specific remarks about things you’re not com fortable w ith.” Parker said she was only suggesting to table the plan because the workshop to discuss it had been cancelled due to snow. The board w ill address the plan at their workshop this month. Sex Offender Ordinance Discuss6d Lester presented the board w ith a proposed sex offender ordinance for the town. “Tho num ber o f sex offenders in our backyards has shocked mo tremendously.” ' Lester said that a number o f communities have developed ordinances that don’t allow registered sex offenders use of public parks. “The discussion tonight is do we want to go fopvard with this.” The board agreed unanimously they wanted to look inlo adopting such an ordinance for Cooleemee and discuss it at a future meeting. Drainage Problems Resolved Dayw alt told the board that drainage problems on H olt and Harris streets had been corrected. O peAifl9 lipfil 7 lh !! J ^ ^ m o u n l o l n C O N S IG N Mi ENT is Now Seeking Your New or Gently Used Items for Consignment Adult & Children's Clothing (Spring/Summer), Baby Equipment, Maternity Wear, Handbags, Accessories, Home Accents, Small Furnishings, Small Appliances & Electronics Located near the corner of Farmington. Road & Hwy 801 next to the Rre Department. Call or Email Wendy for Your Appointment 336-287-2429 or wlldmtnconsignment@vahoo.eom ^P u t a L i t t l e M o r i e v In Y o u r W a l l e t | B D u r in g T h e s e T o u g h T i m e s D o Y o u S u f f e r F r o m S e v e r e R e f l u x o r H e a r t b u r n ? We are looking for volunteers to take part in a clinical trial of a new study drug. Vou wiil be medically supen/ised. If you are interested in receiving furtiier Information, please call Crescent Medical I Researcii. fci^ent Medical Research ' Tomorrow's Mcdkltw Today Salisbury •704-647-09131 Or reach ui therefore, be duplicate medical facilities. W h ile the latest m ove by • Novant appears to bode well for supporters o f the A dvance hospital, county officials are tight-lipped about the next step. County M anager Beth Dirks was unable to attend a meeting last Friday at W F U B M C , so Assistant County M anager Jim S to ckert w ent. A lso at the meeting were Lambeth, M cLain W allace, general counsel for N .C . Baptist Hospital, Bermuda Run M ayor John Ferguson, and attorneys for W f^ B M C , who attended by phone. W hen asked the purpose o f the meeting was, Stockert would only say, "It was a directional m eeting to see where we go from here.”BR Continued From Page 1 land values due to increased regulations that would incur ad­ ditional costs for developers; and the fuel that il is n public walkablc plan which still allows a m ajor portion of the commu­ n ity lo be an exclusionary fenccd-in area not accessible to the public. Th e sig n ific a n t changes Rhea pointed in the revised plan conccrned exem pt properties and the fact that bicycle lanes and greenwuy are allowed but no longer required. A ll new single fam ily resi­ dential subdivisions shall be re­ quired to meet sidewalk require­ ments on any new street. Duplex or m ulti-fam ily de­ velopments w ith less than five acres w ill be exempt. M a jo r redevelop m ent to com m ercial or office sites may subject the property to the re­ quirements. Tw o text am endm ents on zoning ordinances for the town were also adopted. Tow n attorney Brian W ill­ iams said that the text amend- . ments were needed to legally incorporate the wulkable plan into the to w n ’s ordinances. ‘T h is gives the wa|kable plan th e.effectoflaw .’’ , , , Councilman A l Barnett com­ mended Rhea and the planning board for all their linrd work. ‘This new plan docs not put u burden on anyone." M ayor John Fergusson said, ‘This has been a long process. Sometimes it tukes u while to get things done, but we got it. I ’m sure this is not perfect and there w ill be phangcs that need to made down the road.” Allison Ijames 2 Cliarged With Tliree Residential Breai<-ins By Jackie Seabolt Duvie Enterprise Tw o men, one a registered sex offender, have been chargcd with break-ins in Davie. One re­ mains in jail while Ihe olher is still wanted. ■ According to Davie Sheriff’s Detective B.T. Emory, breaking and enterings were reported ut three residences in Ihe B alti­ more Road urea of Advance in the m iddle o f February. Em ory said thut someone saw Ihe suspect leaving one of the homes in a Nissan Altim u nnd nllempted to follow him, but lost the vehicle on 1-40 heuding towards Winslon-Snlcm. During the invcstlgntion of the cnsc, Em ory found pawned items in a Winston-Snlem shop that matched the items taken from the homes. Video from the shop showed two suspects, Kenny Fitzgerald Ijames, 43, of Clemmons nnd Cyrano Allison, 37, of Dalton Road, M ocksville, pawing the stolen items. Em ory said thnt Ijames is a registered sex offender who lives in Clemmons, but he is u form er resident of Davie und m oved w ithout notifying au­ thorities o f his new address. The national sex offenders reg­ istry shows Ijames address as 135 Green Street, Mocksvillc. He was arrested last Monday and chargcd with felony break­ ing/entering and lurceny after breu kin g /en terln g . A sinuii amount o f marijuana was found on Ijames at the tim e of his ar­ rest, according to Emory. Ijam es rem ains in Duvie County Jail in lieu of a $75,000 secured bond. He is scheduled to appear in D a v ie D istrict Court today. A llison remains at large, ac­ cording to Em ory, but has wur- rants for his arrest on Ihe same charges as Ijames. Davie Man Gets l\/lore Suspended Sentences By Jackie Seabolt Enterprise Record A Davie man who received suspended sentences in an ear­ lier court session, was given ad­ ditional ones in Davie Superior Court last month. Shane Brandon Law ler of G olfview D rive, Bermuda Run pleaded guilty to tw o counts misdemeanor lurceny. Judge A ndy C rom er sen­ tenced'R TLuw ter lo 45 days, suspended 18 months on each charge. Five counts o f felony break­ ing/entering o f a motor vehicle, three counts o f m isdem eanor larceny, and tw o counts o f felony larceny were dismissed. Tlie charges stemmed from a rash o f vehicle break-ins and the break-in o f the country club inside the gated community of Bermuda Run in 2007 involv­ ing Law ler and two other men. Budget MINI WAREHOUSES 1919 US Hwy. 601 N. • Mocksville 1/2 mile N. ol 1-40 near Southpolnt Business Paik (336)753-1510 • Brand New Units • Climate Controlled & Resuiar Unite • Slie» from 5’xlO’ to 10'x20’ • 24 HR. Acceu • * u g jitin g• AH Paved Parking ' i ' 1 SPECIALS* 1 Month F R E E on 10x10 units & up.(3.6 Ol 9 tuo. $ 2 0 0 0 0 O F F 10x10 iiiiits & liH'ser with a 12 month le.isc. D IS C O U N T S O N (2) or m ore iinits iilso iivailiible. An siwci.ils ,110 fnoiiitocf (1ю/ .тктп! of Uiììo .li/H'Olí npiìn Public Records DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 2,2009 - 5 Land Transfers - O n M arch 24 an auto The following land trunsfers break-in was reported at a home were filed with the Davie Reg- North, M ocksville. istcr o f Deeds, listed by parties ' Pf0P“rty damage was re­ involved, acreage, township, an “ parking lot on S. deed stamps purchased, with $2 Salisbury Street, M ocksville on representing $1,000. M arch 24. - Anderson and Church Con- ' On March 25 simple assault struction and Christopher James ‘ ‘¡Portetl a hom e on Young lo Wade S. Burns and Turkeyfoot Road, M ocksville. Jon W oodririg, 1 lot, M ocks­ ville. $174. ' - Gletias M . M cClam rock lo Linda M . W hitaker. 39.91 acres, Farmington. - Olenas M . M cClam rock lo Sheila M . Reavis, 69.39 acres, Farmington. - Glenas M . M cClam rock to K ay M . Beam , 55.57 acres, Farmington. - Frederick E. Brookwell und M ary B rookw ell to Berm uda Village Retirem ent Center, 1 villa, Farm iiiglon, $763. - Bermuda Villuge Retire­ ment Center to Jerry H . Knox nnd June 0 . Knox, 1 villn.Funn- ington, $763. - Forrest C. Cranfill to James C lark Hughes Jr. und Erin A pril Hughes, 1 lot, Farm ing ton, $1,220. . - Dinah Beck lo Murshnll T. Beck nnd M ildred P. Beck; 1,47 acrcs, M ocksville. - Bennett Blnck and Elsie Black lo Jack G . Ireland und Donnu B. Ireland, 1 lot. Shady Grove. . - M ichael W eir Shore and K ercth a C heek Shore to Michael W. Long und Alexun- dria Nicole Long, 3.02 acres, Farmington. - Edwurd B. Bnrnhnrdt und Glynn II. Barnhurdt lo Churles Anthony DePalm u and Sheryl D . DePalm a, 1.64 acres, Jenisa- lem ,$17. - Bernard A . Feldm an und Barburu A . Seaver, co-trustees to D . Gray Angell Jr. and Chris­ tina C. Angell, 1 villa, Farm ing­ ton, $170, - R ich ard L . G reen nnd Bonnie J. Green lo K eith C. Saltrick und K im S. Snltrick, 1 lot, Furmington, $1,300. - M attam y Curoilnu Corp. to Elm er Ramon M . Suntos, I lot, Farm ington, $468. - Brunch Banking & Trust to S am uel A . H eaton 111 and Pamela Fox-Ileaton, 5.41 acrcs, Caluhaln, $54. ' - Brock & Scott, substitute trustee to Fed eral N atio n al M ortgage Association, 1 lot, M ocksville. - Brock & Scolt, substitute trustee, to Federal N ation al Mortgage Association, .59 acre. - JPM C Specialty M ortgage to Alan M iller, 1 lot, $80. - Joe S. Hetiirick and D or­ othy S. Hcnu-lck to Dorothy S. Hem rick, .91 acre, M ocksville.. - K elly Nathaniel W ard to Samatha W. W hitaker, 3 tracts, M ocksville. - Fraud wus reported at a home on Dogtrot Road, M ocks­ ville on M arch 26, - On M arch 26 a burglury, property dumnge, nnd lurceny were reported nt n church on US 601 Soulh, M ocksville, Fires D avie County Tire depart­ ments responded to Ihe follow ­ ing culls: M a rc h 2 1 : Cornutzcr-Dulin, 9:39 u,m,, fire nlarm. M illin g ' Road; M ocksville assisted. M a rc h 23: M ocksville, 9:32 a.m. M illin g Road, fire alarm: C o ru a tz e r-D u lin ussisted; M ocksvillc, 2:05 p.m ., Swuln Street, fire ularm; Jerusalem as- •slsted. M a rc h 24: Advance, 5:30 p.m ., M archm ont D rive, air­ plane landing invcstigution; Cornutzer-Dulin ussisted. M a rc h 25: Jerusalem, 4:22 p.m .. Fireside Lane, smoke in­ vestigation. M n rc h 26: M ocksvillc, 6:57 u.m,, US 601 North, vehicle fire; M o c k s v ille , 1:33 p ,m „ Bojangle's Restaurant, vehicle fire. M a rc h 27: M ocksville, 6:07 a.m ., Hownrd Street, fire ulunii; Jeru.sulem ussisted; M ocksville, 5:24 p.m ., Boger Street, uuto- m obilc nccidcnt. M a rc h 28: Sm ith G rove, 6:54 p.m ., 1-40 W est, automo­ bile accident; Farm ington, 7;50 p.m ., hazardous conditions; Farm ington assisted. M a rc h 2 9 : Cctilcr, 8:13 p.m., Sheffield Roud, automobile ac­ cident. ers vehicle« in Ihe westbound lane o f US 158 were stopped for traffic. Beauchamp failed to re­ duce the .speed o f his truck nnd it collided with a 2005 Nissan d riv en by D eb ra L an kfo rd S in g leto n o f M e a d o w v ie w Road, M ocksville. Lankford's vehicle was pushed inlo u 1992 Nissan pick-up driven by E d­ w ard Anthony H ill o f Fulton R oad, A dvance. A n d , H ill's truck was pushed into u 1996 Jeep driven by M elody Poplin M orton o f Eustridge Court, A d ­ vance. T ro o p er M .T . D alto n re­ ported Ihe accident occurrcd at upproxim utely 6:32 p.m . nnd Singleton was taken to Forsyth M edical Center in W inston-Sa­ lem for treatment, • A M o c k s v ille m an was charged w ith reckless driving nnd hit/run ufter an accident on M arch 26 at 2:17 p,m. Jim m y Phloykaew o f M r. Henry Road was driving a 1994 Toyota pick-up east m aking a right turn from Cuna Road onto Pudding Ridge Road. Aaron Am on Logan o f Pudding Ridge Road, M ocksville was driving his 2006 Nissan pick-up in front o f Phloykaew. A fter completing the turn Logan slopped his truck Wiane's Diner 439SH««y64W 336-492-5710 Ííon , Tui*, Wed • eam-2pm Thurs, Fri & Sal • eam-Bpm New Owners Wanda, Tina and Barbara we/comc you to try our new mentil. • Open fo r B reakfast • Handm ade B urgers fresh, never fro /e n ! • Friday Night Fish Fry " Delicious Italian Specials every Saturday nighf • Fresh B uffalo W ings • Catering Superbow l and Holiday P latters i O I № t t f n P l f Broke N Lonesome BlMagraag, Country and fiospel Changing En/crt/jinfììont Every Frldny Cull Ahoad! u I li I ■ ■ I FORK BAPTIST CHURCH (HWY 64 E ’/4 MILES WEST OF 801) IS HAVING A Arrests The Duvie County Sheriffs Department made the following i)rrests: - Roger Dean Reinhnrdt, 41, o f N C BOl South, M ocksville was urrested M urch 22 for fnil- ure to work after beiiig paid. Trinl dnte: A pril 30. - Kenny Fitzgerald Ijames, 43, ofFuith Lime Road, M ocks­ ville wus arrested Murch 24 for breaking/entering und lurceny after breaking/entering. Trial dute: A pril 1. - Joshua M ilton Hardin, 34, o f Bingham Street, M ocksville wus arrested M arch 24 for felony larceny. Trial date: A pril 2. - Gurrett M atthew Blevins, 16, o f W illiam s Road, M ocks­ ville was urrested Mnrch-25 for second degree trespussing. Trial date; not listed. Sheriff ’s Department T h e fo llo w in g incidents w ere reported to the D avie County Sheriff’s Department. - o n ¡Vlarch 16 a burglary w as reported at u hom e on Dutchmnns Trull, Advance. - The larceny o f auto parts was reported at a hom e on Howardtown Road, Advance on M urch 24. Highway Patrol . The follow ing traffic wrecks in Davie County were listed by tho N .C . Highw ay Patrol. • A M o c k s v illc m an was chargcd w ith failure to reduce speed after the vehicle he was driving hit another M arch 23 at 11:10 a.m. Christian Douglas Jordan of Sheffield Road wus driving his 1989 Ford truck v/est on U S 64 behind a 2002 Chevrolet driven by R o n n ie Lee B ro w n o f Ramseur. Brown slopped in the lane o f travel for traffic. Jordan failed to reduce the speed ofhls tru ck and it co llid e d w ith B ro w n 's ye h ic ic , rep o rled Trooper M .T . Dalton, • A Davie man was chargcd w ilh failure to reduce speed uf­ ter the vehicle he was driving hit another M arch 24, Philip Anthony Beauchamp o f Spillm an Road, M ocksville was driving a 2004 Ford pick­ up west on US 158. Three oth- E A S T E R E G G H U N T SATURDAY APRIL 11 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p .m .' FOOD, GAMES "SPECIAL'' EASTER EGG HUNT DUNKING BOOTH AND OTHER SPECIAL AHRACTIO NS LOTS OF CANDY in the roudw uy. P hloyknew gun until he stopped nnd the failed to slow his truck and it driver's exchnnged neces.sary in­ collided w ith Logan's. A fter Im pact, Phloykaew fled the scene, but was followed by Lo- form ution nnd contucted the h ig h w ay p u tro l, reported Trooper C .D . Hull. d l^ ifcJi.N E T W O R K . D I R E C T V . Randy’s Satellite Service 5 15 jane Sov^ers Road, Statesville, N C 28625 • Hugties Net internet • FTA Satellite System ' O ffA Ir Antenna-HDTVS R A N D Y ST U T T S Cell: 704-902-2760 B e n e f it FOR Д1ДВК noBtus Clark grew up in l|ic Shcfilekl Community. niiJ l.t llic son of Robert & Crcolu Kogcrs. Severn! months ngo. Clark was (liagiioscil with a taro type of Hladdcr Canter. Tiie prognosis for Ills Cuneer was noi good, and aflcr praying about It. Clark nnd Ills wife Lisa, have opted (as their last resort) for alternative medicai treatments in Mexico. Titey need oiir “Jinanclar IIE I.P & I’RAYER.Si i DATE: FRIDAY, APRIL 10,2009 “GOODFRIDAYl” TIME: 5-7pm Dim-ln or Takt-Otrt And • YUMMY BANISAU, TOO! WHERE: UAMES BAPTIST CHURCH l..4>vlnflly S|Km.uirv(l hi' Members of IJiuuet napHsl Church Y O U K ( ’.E N K R O U S D O N A T IO N W IL L B E IN C R E D IB L Y A IT R E C IA T E D il I'or tiddllloniil Inrornintlon cotiliicl Wcnill White lit 3.16-492-2970 Additional Information about Clark is available at: • koyword benefit COMPLETE SHOE REPAIR Ezra G ough (Formerly Clem m ons Shoe Shop) 50 Years Experience Men's and Women's Shoes • Soles and H e e li • W ork and W estern Boots • Clean and Polish • W interizing (W atarproof and Polish) • Stretching/Length and W idth • Handbag JRepalrs/Straps, etc. • DEALER for W olverine Footw^ear and Harley Davidson boots Sales@workinboots.com or 336-940-6076 or 336-682-0264 E&Píneyard (open September and October} M ii.si'udine/Scuppernong G rapes Yoti Pick or We Pick - Great as Fresh Fruit or Juice, Jelly or Wine ' Miixcaclines are the healthiest o f a ll grapes. Very Hiÿh in Antioxidants. W AREHOUSE SALE 2 5 % - 8 0 % O F F o u r a lr e a d y lo w p r ic e s discontinued itenns • customer returns • slow nnoving nnerchandise Furniture • Lamps • Accessories • Bedding Г П П r \ \A/ r \ 5491 US Hw/y 158 »Advance, NC • 1.3 miles west of Tanglewood * ^ О ^ ^ ^ ' Saturday, April 4 9:00am - 5:00pm • Phone: 336.998.7277, h o m e fu r n is h i n g s *AII Items As Is, No Returns, $5р1осаГ0|е11уегу w$ji3aiw40i г I I f n J j‘ I б - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 2 ,2Q09 DAVIE COUNTY 1 i ^ ''í Í Í ‘ ' Í . fi ^ \ 1 ■ . . ■ ) {,•• ''' ' ' NEWS 'March 2 ÓÓ9 1$1E COUM^j ber of Commeite'i ß ii'u o n o m k o fu ta v U V , the büslnesí amkUnl^ ß |^ ;тш Ы т, sèrvtes ft;-;)!» Message fro m th e C hairm an !■metropolitan areas, superior schools and the diifetanding people thatfi fj/;; support and invest in Davie C ounty... helpin&io irtiprove our econoihy. Someone recently asked me if I would enjoy being Chairman of the Chamber^ Board of Directors during this tough economic time when ^ , so m uch harfship has come to m any Iview W hile Daviek unemployment rate has risen to bVer 10% due toicductl^^^ , , myself as an optimist and wonder if these are not * e workforce and when marketing becomes more difficuk, Davic the best times to rethink and look closely at ways County continues to thrive. As business owners, wc should continue to » 7 T ÍA Íb ill, Chàiiman ' ‘ ■ í^QmqfMocksvilk Jj'chaiirtan-Elecf ì^ewsòm, TVéasuter « V . , .f|{,;AiWiyrie \V ib b , VP - Development < 4 j^ '¿ o c h le , VP - Education Corporation ClÄ tJuihfcttTPastChaintian eEœtCbasl to enhance sales and/or improve service. Chamber memlDcrs choose to conduct business in a relative, small county which has steadily grown and prospered over the years ... due prim arily' to the quality of life that exists, a great location, accessibility to nearby P h o to C o n te s t W in n e rs fin'd ways to maintain and/or increase our bottom lin e... nnd now may Just; be the right marketing time when your competitors may be cuUing back. Chapiber membership brings value to your business. O ur focus this yeiir is directly related to members supporting members nnd to extend cDbrts to , ,' market your business. W e appreciate your continued support and efforts to keep our local economy strong. yItminmceAgetu3r'i:/, i » , ' ' ^ f y Etommic ' tCbmmlssfcm ' ;i > •. X M ( | g &6>Door I 't'jjcljijd FjiUer [ I , ' f ‘A tC bhtracting Company I Dorothy G raham . ! 'Cràuim Funeral Home • | |‘ biUJohnson ! Insurance Services ‘ j'iim Stewart ' ^ fe w r a I I I, 1 111) M f Is zy ,IM te n w , ,v iS '»'<(* I, ‘iVu ■‘i «'.'rV'? S i’S s «• • ir. . I lìiil-Waira .* The Davie County Arts Council and iGhamber of Commerce recently held a Reception at the Brock . Perlpi^ing Arts^unter to nnnpunce.the wirmers of the Photo Contest - Looking A t Davic County.' Gategory^ L m te tp e and S till L lie -1 s t Place: Calhy Siroud, 2nd Place;)flcoi> RuiJolpii Category: Historical Site - 1st Place: Kevin S. Marion, 2nd Place: Laura Lee Medfoni ' Category : R eoeation and Events r 1st Place: Cindy Orsillo, 2n d Place; Bridget ficbertson Category: Agriculture and Rural Lire - 1st Place; Tony Horton, 2nd Place: John Holder Category: Towns and C om m unities - 1st Place: Suzanne Lakey, 2nd Piace: KevinS.Marìon BEST b'e SHOW: Ross Davidson ' , ' i Congratulations to all our winners. M any of the photos submitted in the contest w ill appear In ■ various promotions of Davie County, Leadership D avie 2 0 0 9 - Looking fo r M en tors! alum ni in hopes of handing the Davie County High School and DCCC Early College' w ith a substantial list of mentors who offer knowledge and experience in wide range of interests. The Ijcadership Davie Class of 2009 has selected a class project designed to assist the,high school students. The Class is creating a database of business professionals w ho have agreed to serve as mentors to high school students working on their N C Graduation Project. This project is a requirement for graduation and working with a mentor is a key Information or to serve as a mentor, please contact, Carolyn component. The Class is contnciing business professionals ancl leadership M cM ani\m yauhcC h am l^r - 7 5 1 ’-3304. , ; : , : C h am b er m ailings • • • n key sourcc of information about new programs, a i upcom ing events and new opportunities, Open them prom ptly and share the info w ith your office; ;; qMartedng & CqmmunkitHons • '' * ■' * 9 ,00 am -5;00p m i 'M o n d ay-F rid ay 135 South Salisbury Street , Mocksvlllc N C 27028 , Phone: 336.751.3304 ^ F ax p 36.75 1.5697 I Em ail: chambeiOdaviecoumy.com _ f ' www.davlecouniycom/commerce ‘ j <\i^lihccl b)f Dmie County ‘ J'' Chamber of Commerce ! 'l i in tro d u cin g a N e w C h a m b e r P ro g ram ! Jhc M 2 M Discount Program has launched. Chamber . inembcrs now have their M ii^bersjilp Catxls aiid a list of participating businesses, Be sure to present yovirj:atxl at area businesses who offer exclusive discounts to fellow chambcr members. You’ll save money and support a local business - yet another example of members helping members! W ant to sign tip your business to participate - the next sign up w ill be m aikd soon fo r ajune 1st release. ’Ч , . ' Designed by jt'fACrMtive DMign Company ri l^ ;c ia Binkley • (336) 712-0473 Ш ' , 1 . ‘ ' U pcom ing C o m m u n ity Events 1^ ^ Member-to-Member Discount Card Valid thru 12/31/09 Ш D A VIE C O U N T Y сК«тЬвГо| Commerce 336.751.3304 www.davlec0unty.com Apr-Oct Mocksville Cruise In(s) Sat, 4/4 Easter Egg Hunt - Cooleemee ■ Sat, 4/11 Easter Egg Hunt - Mocksville Thu/Fri, Cenlcr Spring BBQ 4/17-18 Fri, 4/24 M arket Street Brass Sat, 4/25 ' Kids Fest - Smart Start Sat; 4/25 Spring Fling at Farm ington Center W ed, 4/29 W om ens Limcheon Daniel Boone Festival . David H olt and the Lightning Bolts Sat, 5/2 b ay of Caring Sat, 5/2 Sat, 5/2 5:30pm 2;00-4:00pm 2:OOpm All day 7:00 pm lOiOOam -2:00pm 12;00-4:00pm ll;30am lOiOOam -5;00pm 7;30pm (IB nAVIE COUNTY I I B c h a m b e r o f C o m m e rc e jiMtoenisIimcheon u m 'e , ' - ^... t : r/K-' W e d n e s d a y , A p r il 2 9 - 1 1 : 3 0 a .m . Family Ufe Center - First United Methodist Church, Mocksville I a,idO/>/>orlum(i/'/ Guest Speaker Mary E. Rittling, Ed.D. ^ I President, Davidson County Cöm m unliy College ^ | | | C elebratingtheSuccessoJ ^^^aordinary Wonieti In O ur SDtdiiUBprcii«"“"Davic Business W om ens Association D avidson C ounty C om m unity College CSmail BusimasCcntc^ l^servallons J^cqulred ’ H i ' ' Deailllne: Friday. April24 ■" ■ ■ _— 1st & 3rd Mondays-7 5 1 .3 7 7 0 Zachary House - 284.2141 Rich Park Shelter #2 -7 51 .2 3 2 5 Center A rb o r- 492.6388 VFD Brock Center-7 51.30 00 B rockG ym -751.2113 Farmington Community Center - 998.4300 C ham ber-751,3304 HOURS O v e r 3 0 E x h ib it o r s .Sat, 5/2 • Spring Fling Thu, 5/7 Com m unity Prayer B r^kfast . Sat, 5/9 Blucgrass & Fiddlers.'^y!J[|^C onventlon Sat, 5/16 Davie Domestic Violence W alk Sat, 5/30 Raylen Open House Fri, 6^12 Sounds of Sum m er-D avie Com m unity Foundation Historic Davie- 753,6700 or 751,2898 Brock C e n te r-751,3000 All day Clement Grove - United W ay - 751:0313 , ■ l',00-5:00pm Raylcn Vineyards-9 98 ,3 1 0 0 6:30am Senior Center-D avie YM C A - 751,9622 2;30pm Clement Grove - Cooleemee . C ivitans-284,4167 8:00am-Noon Davie Y M C A -D D V -751.4357 l:00-5;00ptti Rayleii Vineyards-9 98 .3 1 0 0 6;30-10::^0pm Childress W mery - 753,6903 Tabletop Exhibits Tuesday, April 7,2009 4:00pm - 7:pOpm DCCC - Davie Campus New Administration Building, 1205 Salisbury Road • Sample food and drinks from a local vineyard and area restaurants, • Leam about a variety of businesses and services. • Bring plenty of business cards lo participate in vendor door prize drawings. Stop by the Chamber table lo enler the drawing/or a l Uliii 1/2 Pnge AD In Ihe 2009-10 Chamber Profile and Business Guide (A $325 Vnnie) 135 Soulh Salisbury Sited, Mocksvlllc, NC 27028 336.751.33CM(o) . 336.731.3697(0 clumbci^davlccountycom • wvvw.cliivtounijicora @ D A V IE C O IIN T V Chamber of Commerce DAVIE COUNTY DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 2,2009 --Xl NEWS March 2009 = ■■■■........— « Г С T H A N K Y O U , A M A N D A ! Congratulations to Am anda Bralley, (recent M em ber Services Coordinator), who has acccfited a new positioh w ith the W F U School of Medicine - Development and Alum ni Alfaits office in Winston-Salem, Her cheerful voice, enthusiastic smile, creativity and youthful energy w ill be missed. She has been an asset to Chambcr members, visitors and new businesses in Davie County Bom and raised in Davie County, Amanda was known as our “walking encyclopedia." She kepi members inform ed about what was happening In the com m unity and worked w ith new members to get acquainted w ith the benefits of belonging to the Chambcr. Am anda also enjoyed coordinating Cham ber events. Tlie Chamber Board of Directors and Staff wish to publicly thank Amanda for her service and - dedication to Davie County and to the Chamberí G O O D LUCK, A M AND A! W e lco m e N ew M em bers! Bermuda Run Mini’s Self Storage Karen StLorin W ood 336.998.9661 146 Commerce Dr, Advancc Bridges W ealth Management, An Office o f Med-ife Todd Lockhart 336.659.6880 Ext. 312 51 lA Shcphcrcl St, Sic lO lA , W inston-Salcm wwvv,bridgeswcalthmanagement,com Eagle Rentals Dennis Limbcrg 336,753,1445 204 Cooper Creek D r (VHilmort Sliopplng Ceiiier) Mocksvlllc www,eaglerentals,com Slayton Harpe 336,631.2410 3001 Trenwest Dr, Winston-Salem Historic Dow ntow n Mocksville Tam iLangdon 336.909.2263. 135 N . M ain St, Mocteville www.historicdowntownmocksvillc.com Appearing Left to Right... (Back Row) Kendoj Miller, Diane Stmuse.Tami Langdon, Pete Park- man, and (Front Rm) Man/ Lou Musselman,. Jones .and Jones Construction, LLC Garland Jones ' '3 36.725.9400. 897 Peters Creek Parkway, Sle 200 Winston-Salem wwwjonesandjonesconstruction.com Kam perz RV Service Trent Gatewood 336.753.1448 110 Erans Rd (off Madison Road), Mocksville www.kamperzry.com Appearing Left to Right Trent Gatewood, Brady Uechty andWes Faulk of Kamperz RV Service with Member Plaque, Liberty Tax Service JelTTerragllo 336.751.9706 '1112 Yadkinville Rd(nrarEflsi Caul Wings) Mocksville • , www.libertytax.com NatlonalToner W arehouse Patrick Burke 336.940.4151 66 Court Square, Mocksville www.nationaltonerwarchouse.com ' Piedmont Antique Pbwer Association Charity Green 336.492.5992 509 Buck Seaford Rd, Mocksville Sam’s C lu b -8 2 2 8 Denise M arler 336.765.3590 930 Hanes M all Blvd, W inston-Salem www.samsclub.com Swicegood Developm ent Group Jerry Swicegood 336.751.7007 854 Valley Rd, Ste 200, Mocksville Twins Upholstery, Inc, Michelle Brown ' 336.751.5551 31 Court Square, Mocksville www.twinsuphoistfryinc.com ^ lle y Animal Clinic Dr. Charles W illiam s ,336.751.6201 1243 Yadkinville Rd, Mocksville www.vallcyanimalclinic.com M e m b e r N etw o rlcin g Twin C ity Soccer Association andYadtel -Yadkin Valley Telecom partnered up to ■ host a Business After Hours. Members were treated to a tour of the new socccr park and got a first hand look at the new Yadtcllogo. • Appearing Left to Right... Sarah Fox - Twin Gtv Youth Soccer Assn, Kay Dunn - Yadkin valleyTelecom,Teresa Bmndon - Yadkin Valley Telecom and Teni Mower - Yadkin ValleyTelecom. Hayworth-M lller Funeral H om e launched the 2009 Networking Calendar by hosting our first Breakfast Club on January 2 2 ,2 0 0 9 . A large group of members came out to network and to tour the beautiful facility located at Kinderton in Advancc. Appearing Left to Right! Teny Funderburk, Cathy Dias, Melissa Dull, Nikki Adams, Mike Chappie and Joe Cox. Davie Family Y M C A & Healthy,Wbalthy & W ise teamecl up for the February Breakfast Club to put the spodight on the importance and benefits of living a healthy lifestyle. Appearing Left to Right... Bethany Landry - YMCA Mary Beth Stanley - Healthy wealthy & Wise, ami Jennifer RackJeyYMCA Hospice & Pallladve Care C enter hosted our most recent Business After Hours and educated members about all the m any .services they provide people w ith life ending illnesses and their families. lelinda Smith, Tina iteams, Charlene Allred, Tenie Spease, and Kathy. Cobb. U pcom ing N e tw o rk in g Events After Hours & Business Showcase Tuesday, April 7th 4pm-7pm See detailed Information on previous page. Business After Hours Suntrust - 880 Y a d k in v ille R o a d , M o ck sville Jo in us fo r som e networking and leani about SunirusfS Business on t h e ^ i • .5;! Thursday. Aoril 21st 5Dm-7d iii 'ST.'! »1 Jit » « i> « . v-a в Thursday, April 21st 3pm-7pm RSVP lo the Chamber at 751-3304 S U I^ Ü rU S T *' .«"Я B u s in e s s i n t h e N e w s ! I m D o n 't fo rget to em ail yo u r m e m b e r n ew s .to chairiben8 cja>^içcoùri^.cùrTi'& JW Hob^CoffMof.HHlKlai« ' OmtoSuiiimw^^'’ W I'.i'CongiatulationstoM ohyiCofliw oi' I i Hillsdale - they are the new concessions i / The Jobllnk Center forDayle 0;m nty jj^ ,,i . ; « f'-'p rtivid er« the Twin City Soccer Association received funding to suppott'a Sum m er-,'' -, BBfiiT Soccer Park. This is great nev№ for Youlh Em ploym ent Program, for thé , 'the soccer community and we're espedalty - next twoy^ars. Em ployershaye t^ ti.-- ; 1 pleased to see our.chamber members doing .......................... 'bujilncss together. lf':C«^,BolÎMafJohnion’lnsuranc« > te fv lc M , Inc. was tecently nam ed Davie I '' business V№men^ Association - Business : W om an ot the Year. The annual award is /• ( given to a DBW A mem ber who has made li)! ‘outstanding eonttibuiions In business, I a. serving the com m unity and in helping the groupé mission of “helping business |i“ woinen of diverse occupations grow pereonally and professionally”. [' t Join tl)e new inanagement of Bermuda ' Commons for an O pen House on Sunday, 1 A ptil2‘6 ,? 0 d 9 |K )m 2 p m -4 p m a t3 I6 ^ ^I^C M id w a y 801 South in Advance Touts of the repovatedfodhty and light ,rcltesllunentswili be available, RSVP • by Aptfl 22nd to Marla at 998-0240 or dcognetu@libetty-ltc.com. opportunity to Identify positions in'their business t liy w ould like filled by the Sum m er Youth Eniploym ent Program. Tlwse youth w ill be between the ages of 16--24 w ith varied educatlonalAvork;' - backgrounds. Based on current plaruiing they w ill be available for an B week period' ' ' beginning a week or two following the end ; of school, June 5th. This a no cost program i'^. | > for employers as funding is provided . ' -4 through tlu Northeast Piedmont Council ^ of Governments. For more information''^ please contact Roy Adam at 751-55|03 ■]. i . * cjaenslon229 o r940-7649, o ry js ltw v y y t'J ';:- nwpcog.org and find d etaikd W o m iatio n ' ir^ under “Breaking News" - N W P C O G ' ' 1 . j Sum m er Youth E m p lo y p w n tP to g ^ :''^ A p r i l is S e x u a l A s s a u l t A w a r e n e s s M o n t h : Dciv/e Domestic Violence Services and Rape Crisis Center are holding several events to raise awareness. For more Information, call 751 -3450 8 ■ D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R IS E R E C O R D , T h u rs d a y , A p r il 2 ,2 0 0 9 O b itu a rie s Helen Wagner Ratiedge Helen Wagner Rntlcdgc, 85, o f W o o d leaf died Suturday, M arch 28, 2 0 0 9 ut Genesis Healthcare of Salisbury. Bom A pril 21, 1923 in Davie County, she w as the d au ghter o f the late James Suvannali nnd Stellu W offord Wugner. She was cducutcd in the Davic-C ounly schools. M rs. R atiedge was employed for Western Electric, W inston-Salem earlier in her life and was a homemaker. She was a m em ber o f Si. George’s E piscopal C hurch. M rs. Rutledge w iil bo remembered fo r her kin d s p irit and compassion, and was active in her church, community nnd her children’s cducailon, Sho was preceded in deuth by her husband, E lm er W ard Rutledge on Feb. 15,2007, her sisters, Dorothy M cD aniel and R uby Jam es, and brothers, George, Pete, Buddy and Jnmes Wagner. Survivors; her daughters, P atricia R utled ge D u ff and husband W ayne o f High Point, Susan Ratiedge Thom as und husband Jim o f Charlotte; son G eorge W esley R utledge o f Snlisbury; sisters, M ae Bailey of Omaha', Neb., Bnrbura Ijnmes and Geruldlne Hendrix, both of M ocksville; und grnndchiidren, M u tth ew D u ff, S u lly D u ff N ic o l, S tellu Thom us and Susannah Thomas. Funeral services w ore conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday, M arch 31 at S um m ersett M em orial Chapel with the Rev. M a lc o lm M . B u llo c k ofllcinting. Burial followed at Rownn M em o rial Purk. The fnmily received friends Tuesday at Summersett Funernl Homo. A gathering fo r fa m ily and friends follow ed the nervicos Tuesday ut the fuinily home in Woodlenf. M em o rials: St. G eorge’s Epi.scopal Church, PO Box 23, W oodlenf, 27054 O n lin e condolcaccs: www..summcr.4eltfuiwntllmmuxom. Robert Gray Smith Jr. M r. Robert “Bobby” Grny Sm ith Jr., 48, o f Advnwce died Thursdny, Mnrch 25,2009 nt his home. H e was born Oct. 4 ,1 9 6 0 in Forsyth County to Robert Gray Sm ith Sr. and Betty Kimm ons Smith.. H e was preceded in death by his father nnd a brother, Ed Smith. Surviving: his mother; 4 sis­ ters, Teresa S m ith , M arsha Smith, Linda Sm ith Smith and Vanéssa Sm ith Taylor; and n special niece. Am ber Taylor. A memorial service was held at 3 p.m. Sunday, M arch 29, at Rediand Pentecostnl Holiness Church-with the Rev. Jonnthnn H ill nnd Tim Dunn officiating. •The fnm ily received friends one hour prior to the scrvice ut tho church. O n lin e condolences: www.luiyworih-iiilllcr.cdm, Lucille Caudeli Howard M rs . L u c ille C audo ll Hownrd, 92, o f Reston, Va„ for­ m erly o f M o c k s v illo , died Thursday, M arch 26,2009. Sho was bom Sept. 15,1916, in Davio County to tho Into Tho- mus I. und Jesse H en d rix Cuudell. M rs. How ard was a mctnbor o f First Baptist Church. She was retired from Caudoll Lum ber in M ocksville, where She > was-bookkeeper for many years. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Samuel M . H ow ard; nnd 2 brothers, W nlter und Jeff Cuudell. . Survivors: u duughtor, June (Robert Schocplein) Howurd o f R eston, Vu.; a sister, M no Caudoll Howard o f Reston, Va.; and several nieco.4. A funernl scrvicc wns con-^ ducted ut 2 p.m. Mondny, Mnrch 30, nt Enton Funernl Chnpol, with Dr, Vnn Lnnkford pfficiut- ing. B urini follow ed in Fork Baptist Church Cemetery, Tlio fam ily received friends nt the funernl home one hour before the scrvice. M cm orinls: First Buplist, 412 N . M nin St., M ocksvillo. O n lin e cond'olenccs: www.caloi\funer<ilscrvkc.com. KjDavie Place M ^ing Assisted Living Community Aiyaiina Doulie Л m em ber of our slafT since just before Christmas, Alyaiina l.s a CNA in our .special care iinll. Her iulere.sl in helping people uol lier into the liealth care profc.ssion to' begin with und пая been her motivation for the piist 12 years. She continues to be concerned about helping people and is comliiuliig her education In Ihe criminal jtisl ce Held. With two semesters remaining before she achieves her ЛА degree, II Is her intention to continue on until she eventually earns her doctorate In Criminal Justice. W ien not working and attemling classes, Alyanna sncnd.s most of her time with her three dauglilers; Cnelsea, Aaliyiili and LaToya or an assortment of other children to whbm .she Is drawn. A "kid magnet" according to her friends and fiunily. Treating herself to Chinese food is one way that she keeps her life In balance. Sesame chicken tops the list of favorite foods and she says It’s hard for her to order anything else. Davie Place is happy to have her and her 12 years experience here wilh us and we enjoy watching her grow both personally and professionally. For information On Piacement, Contact: Suzanne Simpson-Vogler 336-751-2175 Dorothy D. Moore D orothy D . M oore, 88, of M ocksville, died on Tuesday, M arch 24,2009 ut Autumn Care O f M o ck svillo after several months o f declining health. M rs . M o o ro wus born in Swain County on Jan. 1, 1921. Sho was a daughter o f the, late A n d rew Jackson and N o la Slagle Dehart. She was a m em ­ ber o f Green M eadows Baptist Church and had read her Bible through m ore than 20 times. M rs. M ooro wus nuthor o f a book, Dorothy M oore’s Pattern D ra ftin g nnd D ressm nklng, w hich tuught skills she hud leumed while living in Okiniiwn w ith her husbund, who retired from the Arm y. W hile living 32 yours nt K itty H aw k, sho wus nctivo in church, Bible studios nnd wus u gnrdener. Survivors: her husband of 48 yenrs, Paul A . M oore o f the hom e; 2 daughters, L in d a (Jam es T .) P u llen o f Falls C h urch, V u., Fiiyc (A lle n James) Hutchins o f Mocksville; n stepson, Tim othy P. M ooro of C o o k e v ille , Tenn,; a sister, D oiiu D . D udis o f Vandnlin, Ohio; a bnother,'D.C. Dehart of M id w u y ; 4 g rn n d ch iid ren ,' D enise (B ill) M cC onnell o f Murbury, M d., Pntricia P. Henry o f W inchestori V u., W endy (T im ) K in g nnd Jay (L o ri) Hutchins, both o f M ocksville; 3 great-grnndchildrcn, Dnniel und Emmu King o f M ocksville nnd B illy M cConnell o f Murbury. She wus preceded in denth by 3 sisters, Esther S. Law tor, Shirley D . Lindsay, M arie S. M otsingor, nnd 7 brothers, W il­ liam Gudgor Dehart, Everotto J. D ehart, N orm nn B . D ehart, Arthur Loo Dehurt, Rue Dehart, 'W uyno D ohurt und Floyd Dchnrt. The service to celobratc Mrs. M oore’s life wus held on Friduy, M urch 27, at 2 p.m. nt Green M endows Baptist Church with Ihe Rev, M ichael Waters offici- uting. She lied in siute 30 m in­ utes prior to the funernl ho'iir. Burial wus in, the church cem­ etery, T h e fa m ily received friends Mnrch 26 at Duvie Fu­ neral Scrvicc, Mem orials: Green Mendows Building Fund, 1646 N C 801 N „ M ocksville, O n lin e condolences: www.tlaviefnnerai.iervice.com. T e l l u s w h a t y o u t h i n k with a letter to the editor Details, Page 2 Wilma Marie Miller M rs, W ilm a M nrie M iller, 90, o f Furmington, died on Sut­ urduy, M arcli 28, 2009, Sho w us, born W llm n Krogm an in H unjboldt, Neb, Sho wus un nctivo member of Furmington United M ethodist Church. She enjoyed the Aru- biun horse business and trnvel- ing w ith tlic Friendship Force. Survivors: her husbund o f 63 years, C lifton Jones M iller; 3 children, Roger A . M ille r and w ife Ellen o f Furmington, Dun K . M ille r nnd w ife Lisa of W in ­ sto n -S alem , and K rista M . H elton and husband, Joe o f Franklin, Tenn.; 7 grandchil­ dren, J e ff M ille r, A llis o n Fender, Ben M ille r, W esley M iller, Grayiion M iller, all of F arm in g to n nnd Snm nnthu H elto n und J.J. H e lto n o f Franklin; and 6 great-grandchil­ dren. A funeral servico was con­ ducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday, March •31 at Furmington United M eth­ odist Church by tho Rev. Jack Tookey. B u ria l fo llo w ed in ■Farmington Com m unity Cem ­ etery. T h e fa m ily received friends follow ing the service nt > Ihe church. M e m o ria ls : Farm in g to n M ethodist, 1939. Farm ington Rd. M ocksvillo,. O n lin e coiidoloncos: www.luiywortii-miller.com. Clara Mac Honcycutt M rs. C laru M ac Seainon Honeycutt, 69, o f Lexington,, died Sunday, M arch 29, 2009, at Lexington M em orial Hospi- tnl. M rs. H oneycutt was born A p ril 9, 1939, In D avidson C ounty, to the late Pearl Hancock nnd Jnmes Fred Gnr- iicr. She wus also preceded in denth by her husband, Lew is M ilton Ham Soamon; 2 sisters, Jaequolipe Tysingor und Bnr­ bura Sue W iley; and 2 brothers, Bobby Jnmes Gnm er nnd infant, W illip Gamer. Survivors: 2 duughters, Kuyo (C lu y to n ) Soam on o f Southm ont nnd June A llen of Denton; u grnndson; 6 grent- grnndchildren; n greul-great- grnndchild; 3 sisters, M nry Gur- ner, W ilm u (Fred) Gnmmons, nil o f Denton and Hazel Yates of Southmont. A grnveside service wns coti- ducted 'at II li.m ., Wednesday, A p ril 1, at St. M atth ew s Lutheran Church Cem etery in M ocksville with the Rev. A llen Sm ith officiating. O n lin e condolences: www.eaionfunerai.iervice.com. Ralph Lewis Hernsmith Ralph Lewis Hernsm ith, 84, o f Clem m ons, died on M nrch 25 ,2 009 from cuncer. H e wns born June 20, 1924. A deco- ruted vetcrnn o f W orld W ar 11, he stormed the benches of Normandy and served w ith the 90th Infan­ try throughout the European Theater. Survivors: his w ife o f 60 years, Edna Atwood Hemsmith; his c h ild re n , R cbecca Hernsm ith Lee (R ick), Patricia Hernsm ith Joyce (M ike ), and N ancye H ern sm ith B rig h t (Jeff); his grandchildren, Wendy Joyce Terry (C arlton), Jenny Lynn Joyce, M in d y Loanne Joyce (J arro d ), A dam L . C olem an and Lau ren L . Coleman; and his great-grand- children, Charles Terry, Eden Joyce nnd Erikn Terry. Memoriuls: Hospice of W in- ston-Salem. Lois M. Smith Lois M . Sm ith, 84, o f N or­ folk, Vu., died on M urch 18, 2009 in Sontara N orfolk Gori- ernl Hospitui. She wns the duughtor o f the lute Charles Flnkc and Betty Ligeon M ilholon o f Cooleemee. A Cooleembo nutivo, sho wus u gruduute o f Cooleem ee H igh School nhd nttcnded Drnughn Business C ollege in Greons- boro. She moved to Wnshing- ton, D .C ., uftor.gruduntion, where she worked for tho gov­ ernment, She wus u member of the O rder o f the Eustorn Slur Westmin,stor Chupter 99, Survivors: her husbiind o f 58 yenrs, Lynn R, Smith; 4 dnugh- ters, Lindn Lopez of N ew Bos­ ton, N ,H ,, B etty Sluton o f Loudon. Tenn,, Lois Philipoom o f Gloucester, Vu,, nnd Leslie . Crowder o f Chesnpeako, Va,; 4- grandchildren, Subrinn, Philip, Andren und John IV; u brother, Dnvid E, M llholcn of Alabama; and a sister, Sarah M , Kluttz of Snlisbury, Sho wns preceded in death by a brother, Chnrles E, M ilholen o f Richm ond, Vn, nnd a sister, G ladys M , Low dcr o f C ool- eemeo, A funeral servicc wns con­ ducted Mnrch 21 nt Hollom on- Brown Funernl Homo with the Rev. Ernest L. Trueblood offi- clnting. Thomas Clement Smith Thomus Clem ent Smith, 85, o f Cooleemee, died Suturday, M arch 28,2009, nt his home ns he desired un­ der H ospice cure. H e wus born June 17, 1923-, in Cool­ eem ee whore ho lived most of his life. He wns tlie son of N oal C lem ent und M in n ie Mcssick Smith. He wns a U.S. Arm y vetcrnn serving in World Wur II in northern Franco, the Ardennes, Rhineland and Cen­ tral Europe including the Buttle o f the B ulge. He curned un Am ericnn Theutor Cam paign M e d a l, E A M E T C am paign Modal with four Bronze Stars, Good Conduct Medul nnd the Victory M ednl. Upon returning from the wur, he worked ns a machinist for Erwin M ills and married M ildred Scott. He inter worked for the Post Office in Cooleemee und retired in 1982 from the Salisbury Post Office, Where he Worked as n route cur­ rier nnd u front window clerk. Ho wns uii active member of First Baptist Church in Cool­ eemee, serving us deacon and visiting the sick in tlieir home and in the hospital until his liealth declined. He enjoyed trading antiques and traveled exten.sively buying und selling and maintained antique booths ut several shops in North Caro­ lina. ■ M r. Smith was preceded in denth by his wife, M ildred Scott Smith; nnd u sister, Ruby Jor- diin. Survivors: 2 sons, Nenl F. S m ith und w ife Susun und Rnndnll T. Sm ith nnd w ife, Debrn, nil o f M ocksville; 5 grnndchiidren, Jiiy und w ife Lindsay, Aiyssa Smith, Annu S. Jemigun, Pnul nnd Scott Smith; und his friend, Nuncy Dnniels. A funerul, servicc was con­ ducted ut 2:30 p.m., Monday, M urch 30 .nl Euton Funernl Chnpel, w ith the Revs. Lurry Allen und Rnndnll Smith offici- nting. Burial followed in Rowan M em orinI Park, with m ilitury honors by the Veternns o f For­ eign W ar M e m o rin I H onor Gunrd. Tups were blown by Don Cover. The fn m ily received Monday, March 30 at Eaton Fu­ neral Home. Mem orials: Cooleemee Fire Dept., Cooleemee; or the Cool­ eemee Historical Assoc., PO Box 667, Cooleemee. O n lin e condolences: www.ealonfimeniiscmce.com. K l'I'IÍIC .S líN IA r n К Julia Howard N C House 7‘Jtb D istrii l Pleuse contact me in: MOCKSVILLE: (336) 751-fi567 RALEIGH: (919) 733-5904 Slate Legislative Building 16 V\/. Jones Street, Rm 1106 Raleigh, NC 27601-1096 Email: JullahiSncleg.iwl I'MUfOKliyJwUltOWM ^remium Interest MAXIMUM p^llNINpi nANKÍNO,■ree ATMs Nationwide ' Mf Banking at Southern Community. It's all about you. ^ S o u th e rn ( .ommunity BvVNK A N D TRUST www.sinalUinoiiKhto(;ar{!,r,oni (33(i) 7fi«-U,50l) o r . , Helen H.Cooìèy Í 1949- 2009 ■ ■ KERNKRSVILLE Robert D . WiUinms ,1948-2009 ' W lNSTON-SAlpM S ha rroiiU M od liii ■ , 1949-2009 SALÍSBUKV E lm er D , W ooten 1927;-,2009 ■ MOCKSVILIE . 325 N, Mn|t< Street ' Mocksvillo, N C ■ (336)751-2148 B r e a k fa s t S a tu r d a y A t A d v a n c e A com m unity breukfa,st w ill be held Saturday, A pril 4 from 7- 10 a,m, nt Advnnco United M etliodist Church fellowship hull 7- 10 a,m, sponsored by the youth o f Adynnce, Elbuville und Fulton Methodist churches, ‘ . > The menu o f w ill include ham, sausage, eggs, biscuits, grits, gravy, muffins, Jolly, orange juice and coffee. The church is on N C 801 at tho railroad tracks. Blaise Plans Hdmecoming Blaise Baptist Church o f M ocksville, is celebrating it's 49th year o f scrvice to the Lord on Sunday, April 5,-Church service w ill be at 9:30 a,m. followed by Bible Fellowship (Sunday School) at 11 a.m: Hom ecoming lunch w ill follow at noon. C o r n a tz e r S e llin g B o s to n B u tts Orders for Boston Butt barbecue, sponsored by Cornatzer United M ethodist M on, should be made by Sunday, A pril 5, und w ill be ready for pick-up on H oly Saturday (A pril I I ) between noon and 1 p.m. Price is .$30 with slaw, buns and dip included, Cnll B ill at 936-2032 for orders or more inform ation. C h u r c h P la n s H o ly \/V e e k S e r v ic e s Cornntzcr United Methodist Church w ill hold u Mnundy Thurs­ dny Service A pril 9 nt 7 p,in. The church w ill open for prnyer on Good Friduy from noon-2 p.m. Enster Sunrise Sorvlco w ill bo April 12 at 6:45 a.m. nt llio foot o f Iho cross in the church yard, wilh Enster W orship at 11 a.m. in the sunctuary. The choir w ill present the Easter Cimtutn In Christ Alone as part o f this service. Cornatzer U M C is locnted ut 1244 Cornatzer Road, M ocks- villc. Visit w m c№ ia iieri(m c.co /H o rcn ll998 -0 687., E n v in T e m p le P la n s S u n r is e S e n /Ic e A Sunrise Servicc w ill be held Easier Sundny nt 6 a.m. at Erwin Tem ple C M E in W oodleaf, along w ith M oores Chapel A M E Church. The Rev W illiam Spcas, pastor, is guost speaker. Break­ fast w ill be served. Pastor, Ihe Rev. Ervin Hannah, w ill be the speaker for Ihe regu­ lar service ul 9 u.m. The musS choir w ill bo singing. B is h o p C e le b r a tin g 2 9 t h A n n iv e r s a r y Bishop Jnmes nnd M olher Josephine Ijnmos wiU cclobrule Iheir 29lh church unnivcrsury A pril 6-12 nt M l. Zion Holiness Chprch, 113 M ill St., M ocksvlllc, nightly nt 7:30 and Sunday, A pril 12 at 3 p.m . There w ill be u different spenkor ouch night, T u r r e n tin e P la n s P o o r M a n ’s S u p p e r A poor ninn’.s supper w ill be hold at Turrentine Baptist Church on Tuesday, A pril 7 from 6-7:30 p,ni. Proceeds w ill go to the Annie Bruce Offering, Elbaville Methodist To H old 4 Easter Services Elbaville United M etliodist Church, 2595 N C 801, AdVuiice, is planning four special services for Enster, The drumu, “The Passion o f Christ’’.will be presented at 7 p,m. Sundny, A pril S. Light refreshments w ill be soiVed afterwards. A M aundy Thursday .service w ill be at 7 p.m. A pril 9, A Good Friday service w ill be ut 7 p,m, A pril 10. An Enster Sunrise .service w ill be held ul 7 u.m. on A pril 12, followed by a light breakfast. P a l/7 7 S u n d a y S e n /Ic e A t C U M C A Palm Sunday Service w ill be held al Cooleem ee United Methodist Church Sunday, A pril 5 at 11 a.m. The church choir w ill present a cantata titled Love Grew Where the Biooii Fell, along with a performnnce by Ihe church’s hand bell choir. Perry Bradshaw is pastor. E g g H u n t S a tu r d a y A t A d v a n c e Advnnco First Baptist Church w ill host its annual Easter Egg Hunt on Suturday, A pril 4 from 2-4 p.m. ni the fellowship hall. Special events w ili bo held along with the egg hunt including foods, crafts, coloring nnd a special visit by the Easier Bunny. G o s p e i F a s t A p rii 18 Gospel Fest, /1 Jiibliation o f Song and Praise by the Lo’ Jour des Femmes Club w ill be held Saturdny, A pril 18 ul South Duvie M iddle School. The event begins nt 6 p.m. und tickets ure $10. Proceeds w ill gp towards the Dorotha Latten W ilson scholar­ ship fund sponsored by the club. For m ore inform ation call 682- 6138 or 492-5297. Center Preschooi Accepting Applications Center United M elliodist Preschool Is,enrolling for tho 2009- 2010 preschool year. Classes are avuiluble for 2-yenr-olds on Tues­ day. Classes for 3 -year-olds w ill be held Mondny, Wcdnesdny, nnd Thursday. Tho 4-year-old classes W ill bo on M on/W ed, Tues/ Thurs, und Mondny-Thursduy. . ■ Class times aro 8:30-11:30 a.m. Cluss sizes ure lim ited. For i more inform ation conlnct Sundrn A utry at 492-5853 or,940-3753. Suboxone Clinic Do you have a problem with addiction to pain pills or other opiates Treatm ent using Suboxonë is a\>allable Call the office of Family Behavioral Health at 336-659-9141 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 2,2009 - 9 This message brought to you by these local businesses who encourage you to worship at the church of your choice. C A U D E L L L U IW B E R C O M P A N Y 162 Shook Streol Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2167 AUTO M N T « MOCKSVILLE AUTOMQUVE 084 S, IVIaIn SI, Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2944 GENTLE MACHINE & TOOL INC. 2710 Hwy. 601 N, Mocksviile, NC 27028 336-492-5055 Fax: ЗЗв-492-6048 МШ PROCESSING Wb Cuitom Maal Ргоеоав Beel - Pork - Oe«r 3(> years experience m Ralph Rallodeo Rd • IHockr/illg 336-492-5496 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Hd, Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9144 W.G. WHITE & C 0 . 850 N, Trade St. Wlnslon-Snlem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 I1AYWORTH-MILIÆK I'LINIiHAL IIOM1-: 108 li^i Kii..l»ri<m W.)- Advant-c, NC 27006 336.940.SSSS FULLER} P recision Laser C u ttin g & M etal F abrication 900 Salisbury Rd., Mocksvilie, NC 27028 336-751-3712 F O S T E R D R U G C O M P A N Y 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2141 I'rtxrilH liin Call In: 336-753-DRUG Put This Space To Work ForYou Call 336-751-2129 Шк.TERBUILOERÍ 167 Yadkin Vníiey Пой(1 • Sullo 210 Advance, NO 336-940-2341Huillín t<f{íu4Íhi iltunet fiir i»rr MI Ушу CralgA. (Virr. |>nUi« ■ MininC. Г«п>г Укт IVa. S H E m v m m iv E D > • storage Buildings (W oods Aluminum) • Caiporla S Quriigas Comrnitineiil'ol Biolh« lo Biotliw 6 rallh In Cod 1668 Hwy 64 W • Mocksville , lifflmy Boetlchcr (336) 492-5418 FULLER A rc h ite c tu re p:,33il.7.'il.(MOO PROUDLY • DESIGNING DAVIE CHURCHES 336-751-0400 U P a l l e t O n eA PALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Fool Road Mocksvilie, NC 27028 336-492-5565 M im iM N C A R E MOCKSVILLE 1007 Howard St Mocksville 751-3535 C a ll 7 5 1 - 2 1 2 9 TO Advertise Y o u r Business on the C h u rch Page. EATON FUNERAL HOME SINCE 1951 325 Nonh Main Sireel Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2148 - 'i/i . ir ’ I", /»•; /». '• • •' ■ !. > '■ 'Г- «r. t f ■«' r -1' "V; y i ■: -, v .ly v. • - ^ r - Table... C ontinued F ro m Page 1 have been able to use it, and it w ill be moved to another school. T h e S M A R T technology entered D av ie schools after individuals in the county were challenged to raise $1.5 million in 20 05, and the late A lle n M ebane m atched that w ith .$750,000 through his foundation. Now , every classroom in the county is outfitted with a SM A R T B oard,, and the Table complements that instruction. TTie table comes w ith age- appropriate applications, but teachers can personalize the applications w ith content from their com puters. As m any as eight students at a tim e can use the Table. In the cabinet under the Table are the com puter, projector and audio system, and the outside o f the Table, which 10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 2,2009 is on casters for m oving from classroom to classroom , is scratch p ro o f and w ater resistant. Each table costs around $8,000. Ire la n d said it has been in terestin g to w atch the difference in students using the table versus adults. “Adults w ill go up and just use one finger to move puzzle pieces or paint on tiie screen, but the kids autom atically use both hands. And I have to say, the painting is their favorite thing to do on it." Technology Director Butch Rooney said Ireland has worked tirelessly to develop programs for her Board and Table. Ireland w as nam ed a S M A R T Exem plary Educator and is in Ihe M ebane M aster’s program. . W illiam R. Davie Principal R ex A llen said, “This was a great o p p o rtu n ity fo r the ch ild re n to be a p art o f d evelo p in g a cu ttin g edge technology that w ill be used in classrooms across the w orld. The S M A R T Table is a great partner to the S M A R T Board and having both in a classroom enhances student achievement by p ro vid in g in te rac tive collaboration Opportunities. “And it was great thot Diane Ireland was chosen to use and critique the device. She works hard to d evelop her ow n technology based lesson plans. She also shares her knowledge w ith other teachers. T h is experience highlighted the great teaching that goes on at W illiam R . Davie and how seriously our teachers take it. Diane is a great ambassador for the innovative teaching that goes on at W R D and Davie County Schools.” Johna Koons, M cKenna Oakes and James, Robbins dembhstl'ate the use of the Sm art liable. '-'.v Ш i J a m t m n ’ O n T h e S q u a r e DOWNTOWN MOCKSVILLE 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. L o o kin g fo r M usicians wanting to perform and have your own sound system.Thls event Is O P E N to A L L M U S IC A L A R T IS T S . For More Information callTami at 336-909-2263 The Sm art Table Is another tool to engage students In learning.- Photos by Robin Snow Superintendent Dr. Robert Landry, Principal Lynn Marrs and school board m embers Linda Barnett and Carl Lambert like what they see. W H E N E C O N O M I C T I M E S G E T T O U G H J H E T O U G H K E E P G O IN G . W .K it to n u ik o m o r o o n y o u r c lo p o s ils ’ W '- i ,in h i-lp w ith th .it N o e c l lo.TC i’ W i.’ < .in ttu.-rf,'. to o It s ,t .\b ilit y iV ith .ilT ility W illiam R. Davie Principal R ex A llen (above) and schools technology direc­ tor Butch Rooney (below) tout the benefits of the Sm art Table. T R I A 'A'hy ,V‘ - П: f j if f .M Г) t If) ( ii M(. I t >. If 1 U i f 111 ;. M ‘ ■ AiKN wsNow free Internet Subscriptions i ; S i 'N 3 t5ü ,c o in ^ w ith y O l i r Y ctdt(.'l В г о .к И к к к Г Ü ib o e y C o n n e c t i o n S o c ip n e tic Г Y a d te l Ш P rfta d tm n a D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R IS E R E C O R D , T h u rs d a y , A p r il 2 ,2 0 0 9 ■ B l Wyatt’s Third Homer Provides Softball Win In Pitchers’ Duel Sam antha Tarleton pitches a 1-0 win over undefeated Forbush. B y B rian Pitts ; D avie Enterprise Record W hen all else failed for the. Davie varsity softball team ’s offense, Davie still had M organ W yatt. For ninety per­ cent o f last week’s battle with visiting Forbush, enem y p itch er Jessica Dzeskewitz was too tough for the W ar Eagles. But seemingly nobody can hold down W yatt, and the No. 3 batter was the difference in a I-O win. D avie needed a big hit, any hit, somewhere along the line, and W yatt socked a fourtii-inning home run to help the W ar Eagles snap a three-game los­ ing streak, as w ell as hand Forbush its first loss in six games, A home run is hardly unusual for W yatt. The junior catcher has three in seven games. But what made this one all the m ore im pressive is it came again.st a pitcher who struck out 14. Dzeskewitz gave up two hits, both to W yatt. “Thnt girl pitched a great game,” coach Janice Jackson said. “She had one bad pitch and that was lo Morgan, It went out in a hurry. I don’t know what kind o f pitch she was pitching, but no­ body (else) could hit it.” It was a marvelous pitchers’ duel. The other half o f Ihe duel was D avie’s Snmanlha Tarleton, who hurled a four- hitter and got crucial help from right fielder Suru Hundy und center fielder Huley M cC une. H er second shutout lowered her E R A from 2.44 to 1,96. "Sum unthu pitched like she did uguinst Luke N orm un und W est Rowun,” W yutt said. “H er bulls were breaking good and she was conHdent, and tiiat’s what a pitcher needs. I don’t think she shook me o ff once because she trusted all o f her pitches, and she trusted me to call the right thing. There were tw o or three people that I have played w ith and against on Forbush, so 1 knew their strengtiis und weuknesses. She trusted me, I trusted her and it was a great relationship that night.” W hile 11 other W ar Eagles went a combined 0 for 18 against Dzeskewitz, W yatt was unfazed. She battled for a nine-pitch w alk in the first. A fte r hom ering in the fourth, she drove a single between short and third in the sixth. Interestingly enough, W yatt and Dzeskew itz have been teammates in tournament bull. “I ’d never faced her, but I've played summer ball with her for the pust couple o f yeurs for the Curoiinu Curdinals,” W yalt said. “You could say I hud an advantage because I knew what she would throw, but she hud an advantage because she knew what iny weaknesses were. But it was like any other ut-bat. I just went up there expecting lo hit Ihc ball and just reacted like I norm ally would.” Dzeskewitz allowed live base run­ ners, including two w alks lo Jordan Schultz nnd one to Gruce Loeffler. Duvie could tuke exiru sutisfaction in the fuct Forbush hud defeuted Stur- m ount and West Forsyth. Sturmount crushed Davie 12-0. “ (D z e s k e w itz ’s) a very good pitcher,” W yatt suid, “You cun’t tuke anything uway from her, She’s not umuzingly fust, but her movement was really throwing people off, including me. A pitch would look like il was com4 ing right down the middle, and it would all o f u sudden rise a good 3-4 inches and you would miss h.” ; In the gam e-tu rn in g fo urth; D zeskew itz had W yatt down in thd count 0-2. Instead o f wasting one and trying lo get W yatt to chase somelhiiis out o f Ihe zone, Dzeskew itz left oiS over Ihe heart o f Ihe plate. You knoyir what happened next - home run to left; “I think she made a mistake,” W yatt said. “I think she was trying to lhrow;a screwball or rise ball inside, and il just didn’t break. It stayed right over Ihp middle o f Ihe plate, so 1 turned on it.”, N o doubt about it, cenler stage be^ longed to Wyutt. But without question; Davie could not have survived without two marvelous defensive plays. The first one came in Ihe sixth. W iUl a runner at second and tw o oulsj Forbush blooped one behind first base. Handy came charging in and made a shoestring catch as she tumbled to thè ground. A fter rolling over, she showed Ihc umpire tiie ball. It resembled u snow cone, half o f it hanging oul. “Suru mude a terrific pluy,” Jucksori suid. “Thut probubly suved Ihc gume right there because they would have scored if she hadn't caught lhat ball. II would have been by her and gone.” . There wus more defensive drumu in Ihe seventii. Buck-to-buck singles were fo llo w ed by a grounder lo short. Loeffler got the runner at first, but the Please See W yatt ■ Page B 4 B a rn e s , B o o th S ty m ie P a rk la n d S ta r it’s easy to focus on the goals when m ark on. T h e m ain reasons the you pum m el somebody 9-0, But how Parkland scorer was shut down were about somo props for the D avie .yar- . Booth and Barnes. ;ïlty soccer team ’s defense? It faced a ' ' “Jennifer contained her or closed ,jfa r |^ d star who h a ^ s f piled up six her down and pushçd her oulside, and g6als®in one gu iiîifô !n fé’S ^ '’aiU h’r t fie îtt o r e w ecould*8dublcup‘ bnher,” “ V V e ,w e r e b e t t e r th a n t h e m i V V e w e r e d o in g s e v e r a l o n e - t o u c h !ici'atch against K elley Cundiff, Jenni­ fer Booth, Jessa Ren, M organ Purrish, Cussie Burnes nnd Jessicu Swnde. “Tiiey hud a very dominunt striker who scored six goals ugainsi Ihcir last opponent, and I could see why,” couch Pete Giistufson suid. "She mude me very nervous. Right o ff the get-go, she made three or four hurd runs. W e knew ubout her and wc inurkcd her mun-to- mun, but she rouined all around und kind o f confused us.” G ustafson’s early w orries w ere quickly wiped away. It was an abso­ lute whipping from Ihe seven-minute ' ferenl.” !U p ( Gustafson suid. "Jennifer w ould force her lo the outside so thut wc could get moro people behind her. If she beat us, wc hud unother man behind us. Thut wus exceptional. You can’t let u dom i­ nant p layer com e rig h t dow n the middle, "Cassie played that girl a lot, loo. Cussie is Ihe one thut slopped her first, and she would shovel her lo Jennifer. So they defended like a solid team. That game could have been very dif­ ferent, I think we could have still beat them, but il could have been very dif- p a s s e s ,A V !j|g n j^ ,g i skill level. VVe switched fields. We attacked well. I’m very proMd of the team.” • Oavie High Soccer Coach Pete Gustavson Luuru Shelton and Jansen M cDaniel poured in three goals apiece us the W ar Eugles cruised to 5-0 in nonconference pluy. Clare Moser, Heather W hitehead nnd M egan Dennis scored one each. The onslaught included tw o nssists ench by Cheyenne Lushmit and Kelsey Bryan. Shelton, Hannah Stroupe and K atie Oerdon contributed one assist each. Gerdon, Stroupe, Heather W hite­ head and Shelton ruled tho m ldfield as D avie posted the largest margin o f vic- ’io r y * i® i 10-0 over North Forsyth in lho,14th game o f *08. “W e were beiier thun them, nnd wc expccted Ihnt,” he suid. “W e were do­ ing sevcrul one-touch passes, which is a higher skill level. W e switched fields. W e attacked w ell. I ’m very proud o f the team ,” The gume m irrored the ‘08 m eet­ ings w ilh P arklan d (8 -0 , 6 -0 ), Gustafson m entioned the efforts o f Dennis, Hannah Curtner, Bryan and Swadc. “M egan got a nice goal,” he said. “I was proud o f her for that. Cartner got a couple o f saves. Kelsey hud a good game. Jessica stepped in there.; She played up top and in the back. She’s getting to see more tim e.” 11 N otes: The coach said you can't overestim ate the value o f seniors Stroupe, Barnes and Ren. “T h e y’re jelling not just on the field, but o ff Ihe field,” he said. “They’re together a lot^ W c have team bonding quite a bit. Agnin m y three cnptains und leaderii, ure setting examples for the freshmenr' ... Duvie, which led 6-0 nl the hulf und outshot Parkland 34-4, ha.s outscored the last tw o teams 14-0. ... Parkland came in 2-1,...' M oser hns nine goalsj fo llo w e d by S helton w ith four,' M cD aniel and Stroupe w ilh three, and. Heather W hitehend and Gerdon with' two. Lashm it has four assists. Stroupe and Shelton have three. Gerdon has! two. redtpnd fpibiish 1-о;^8вЩ Й»1|г1ййй r№rew fielder ''^аг9 ^Uaniiy даа'й? 1' ilimbling catch'in'the sixth and ceiiier fieldei;' Haley McCune threw out a ran ner at the plate to end the game. Cassie' Barnes and' Booth applied smothering de/en-, $lve pressure on Parkland's ,bi^ adorer as Davie varsity soccer gteiinuolled 9-0. 'Laura Shelton ,,'aiid’Janseii McPuniel had^hat •Muder ЭФШ|)с Y ^ppA D avle' ' Ш ' „ . 1 eremy Walker of Eiiis buse- •ball sWok out irin ’4'}/3 innings 'arid weiit 2 for 2 wjith four runs in a '14-i' win oyer Thomasvilie, 'AadyJ Lewis wept 3 for 3 with a double, , triple and four RBIs. ‘ > Beesqit went 4 for 5" arid WM involved in three double plays' ail N. Davie baseball dominated S. ‘ Davie '11-4. Matt Vernon threW; four scoreless innings. ' | N o rth ’s B e e s o n , V e rn o n D o m in a te By B rian Pitts Davie Enterprise Record Ben Beeson and M u ll Vernon became u crushing combination as North Davie's base­ ball team roughed up host South Dnvie last week, 11-4, Beeson, Ihc spunky leadoff butter, went 4 for 5 with u double und triple, nnd Vem on, the lights-out reliever, threw four shutout innings ns the W ildculs recovered nicely from a sea­ son-opening 13-3 loss at East Aleitander. Soulh D avie coach Bobby Byerly could only shake his head in am azem ent as he watched Beeson enjoy a field day. "Beeson is one o f the toughest outs I've seen in a long tim e,” Byerly suid. "W e threw him in, oul, wherever nnd thnt sucker went 4 for 5 w ith three runs scored. H e almost had the cycle. He really impressed me.” “From tryouts we knew Beeson was going lo be an important part,” North conch Jnmey H olt said. “W hen u.lot o f people look nt him, Ihey probubly think w e’ve got him butting leadoff just because, his strike zone is small and he’s got speed. But he’s as good a stick us w e’ve got. In his first nt-bat he got two strikes on him quick. H e got an outside fastball and beat it into left field. That's whut he did in Ihe first gume, loo. W hat makes him effective is he waits back on it und is nble lo hit it to all parts o f the field.” For good measure, Beeson, who plays second and shortstop, was apart o f three double plays - a 5-4-3 that Austin M c C la n -. non started, a 4-6-3 that C lay Thompson started and a 6-3 unassisted D P that Beeson handled him self by catching a liner and throwing to first. The game was a roller coaster early - 5- 4 in North's favor after tw o - but North closed w ilh six unanswered runs. Vem on eam ed the w in w hile holding South to one hit over four innings. Vernon's Oldest brother, Jacob, is o ff to a good start as a senior catcher and heart-of-the-order butter for Davie. The middle Vem on sibling, junior Zack, won a wrestting stale champi­ onship in Febmaty. The youngest Vem on is m aking a name for him self in m ultiple sports. M att went 11 -1 for North's wrestling team, and he has made tw o strong tnound appearances in two games. Vem on wasn’t perfect. H e did issue five walks. ‘.‘H e screwed ubout three boys in Ihe ground w ilh the breuking ball,” Byeriy said. "H e was really impressive on the mound. They’re sound. They’re going to w in a lot o f games.” , “Vem on was able lo throw that curveball eariy in Ihe count, use it lo get ahead of Please See N o rth - Page B6 James ВцГГЩдвГ, B2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 2,2009 ■ : ^ i , - i - f i * . it i ' s Ift " The Davie Eagles after receiving gold medals, from left: front - Brittariy Foster; row 2 - Ashley Caudle, Dakota Tuttle, Karll Fuller, Darlene Lage; back - Assistant Coach Laurl McGlnley, Head Coach Savan­ nah McGunigal; Sara Ijames, Lauren Kirk, Meredith Johnson, Arriber Jeffries, Kristina Fortini and Head Coach Tracy Vogler. The team prior to competition, from left: front - Dakota Tuttle, Karll Fuller; row 2 - Dariene Lagle, Ashley Caudle; standing. Coach tra c y Vogler, B rittany Foster,. Coach Savannah McGuriigal, Meredith Johnson, Lauren Kirk, Laurl McGlnley, Kristina Fortini; Sara Ijames, Ambe Jeffries. Davie Eagles Take Gold In State Cheerleading Competition Ivy Cowden receives her gold m edal in the indi­ vidual skills competition. D a v ic C ounty S pecial O ly m p ic s ' D a v ic Eagles com pctcci in the State Cticerleacling C o m p etitio n , Saturday M arch 7 at Rcagnn High School in W insion-Salcm . T h is w as the statew id e toumumcnt, and the second lime that the Eagles have competed, last year bringing home bronze. Davie Eagles' Ivy Cowden started o ff the co m petition following opening ceremonies in Ihe individual division. She showed o ff her skills w ith a chant and cficer motions. Jumps and front kicks. “She was a definite crowd picaser," said Coach Tracy Vogler. Once individuals were over, il was tim e fo r the aw ards ceremony. Ivy was awarded Ihe O old M edal in her division. “The judges loved her ability to w in over the crow d and her overall skills,” Vogler snid. “Ivy has niade qu ite an accomplishment, earning a gold m edal in her firs t year cheering.” Assistant Lauri M cG lnley worked under Vogler with Ivy In Ihc individual skills division. A ssisting w ere Jcssica and Kaitlin M cGlnlcy. Nexi, came time for the team division. T h e Eagles co m p etitio n leam consists o f five second- year members: Lauren K irk, A m b er Jeffries, M ered ith Johnson, D arlene Lagle and Kristina Fortini, and newcomers D akota T u ttle, K a rll P iilier, Brittany Foster, Ashley Caudle, ahd Sara Ijames. WIRELESS SPECIALISTS W ireless Phones and A llte l wirelessAccessories Mon.'Frl. 11:00am-6pm; Sat. 10am*3pm 7531447 127aYadMnvllloRd. Mocksvlllo, NC 27023 DIWw«nc«r Mon.-Frl. 8i30om-6pm; 8<t., 9am-12noon 751-2626 121 Depot 8t. Mockavllle, NC 27028 We Service What We Sell Sallsburu C ycle C einter 1514 Jal^Alexander Blvd. West (Hwy 601 ] Salisbury, NC 28147 704-633-5787 Quick 15 minutes from MooiisvillB New and Pre-Owned: • Motorcycles • Scooters • ATVs • IITVs • PUCs Every Saturday > y . SalQSon ¿4. I Parts,Accessories ||v\ ^ \ and Service Mention this ad and m \\ receive 10% OFF Q f M | l| " Parts, Accessories and Service (LKcUithfn H io n io tio iu il S fw cin la) ■ ' • "The.Eagles competed in the T ra d itio n a l In term ed iate division and were nil business w hen they to ok the flo o r," Vogler said. -"They performed a chant with great transitions and motions. Then il was on to Iheir cheer where they incorporated Jumps, tumbling and stunting. T h e ir sp irit nnd s k ill wns evident to nil spectators, nnd judges.” The Davie Eagles won gold medals in Iheir division, which was presenled to Ihe team by Miss North CnrolinaTeen USA, Kristen Dalton. Head Cortch and Founder, Savannah M cO u n ig n l and Vogler'lcd Dnvie Engles Specinl O lym pic cheer squad, w ilh help from Assistant Lauri M cGlnley, nnd helpers Jessicu M cG lnley, K aitlin M cG inley, aiid Corrie Phelps, “There were lots o f Eagles fans there lo cheer on both Ivy and the competition team. The Eagles would like to thank ull the fniis' lhnt cam e out und .supported them tU this event, as w ell as thqse that have helped them this year, either Ihrough sponsorship, donalions or support," Vogler said. Heiid Coaches M cG unigal and Vogler said the athletes are committed and work hard. "You arc a Joy to work w ilh and wc could not Imagine these last two years w ithout you letting us be a pnrt o f your lives. And parents and caretakers, you are the best. Go Eagles.” For m ore inform ation on D nvie Engles cheerlendlng, contact Vogler at 75 3-116 1. For m ore inform ution on D nvie; Specinl O lym pics in general, ' ca ll D a v ie C ounty Specinl Olym pics Director Kathie Slreil nt 751-2325. 'I The Davie team s had plenty of fans at the state competitions. The Bobcats 3-on-3 state champion basketball team members, posing with Miss North Carolina Teen USA Kristen Dalton, from left: Nathaniel Bartlett, Tom Cowden,. Tyler Foster, Daniel Gonzalez, Hunter Kiser and Taylor Kiser. Basketball Team Earns State Gold Medal The Davie Special Olympics slate competition in M arch. um ii the competition, Foster. "As parents nnd coaches 3-o n -3 basketball team , Ihc • The.se athletes practiced two "T h ey represented D av ie we are so proud o f these nth- flobcnts, won Ihe gold medul at nights n week from Novem ber County well,” said Coach Robin letes.” DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 2,2009 - B3 N. Capra Fires Head-Turning 34 A t Oak Valley M ic k C apra's shoulders don’t seem w ide enough to curry u team on his back. But he did just that last week at Oak Valley, and as a result Davie's golf team is in second placc af­ ter two Central Piedmont Con­ ference meets. Capra fired a jaw-dropping 34 to win medalist honors by one stroke. He opened the sea­ son w ilh 39 ,3 8 and 37 rounds. H e hit n slump and turned in three slraight41s. But he put ah em phatic end lo his drought with the 2-under 34. " A n d it could have been a 3 2 ,” coach C h ris C n llisb n pointed out. "H e missed u 12- foot birdie putt on his eighth hole, and he missed a seven-foOt birdie.putt on his ninth hole. He was hitting the ball really v/ell. He finished on hole six at Oak Valley, which is a pur-3. The pin wus tucked on Ihe fnr right, und it had a lot o f slope to it. It vyas a seven-foot putt, but it wus a tough putt. For him to miss it, I understood. H e did leave him ­ self in position lo muke the re­ turn piitl.” Enrlier in Ihc week, the six C PC squuds played at Salem G len. The scoring went R ey­ nolds 156, D avie 158, M ount Tabor 160, North Davidson 168, W est Forsyth 174 und N orlh Forsylh 205. Duvie's top scores w ere B rian W ood at 38 (one back), Brandon Low e 39 and Jason Gallim ore 40. N ick Capra and Drew Absher Had 41s. , The team scoring at O ak Val­ ley; Reynolds 153, Davie 159, Tnbor 161, North Davidson 164, W est Forsyth 166 and N orlh Forsylh 212. D a v ie ’s second and third scores were 40 (Anthony Capra) and 41 (L o w e ). W ood and Gallim ore had 44s. N ick Capra dazzled all day, but one o f his biggest' highlights was his drive on N o. 3, a par-4. ‘That's the toughest hole out there in m y estimation, and his- drive was unbelievable,” C alli- son said. “1 wntchcd three or four groups come through and most people were 170 or 180 out. He was only about 125 or 130 out. To be as little as he is and to be able lo hit it as far as he does is pretty amazing." The back-to-back 4-1 show­ ings im proved the W ar Eagles' record to 11-6. They're eight strokes behind first-place Rey­ nolds, but they're four ahead o f Ihird-plnce Tnbor. They haven't finished as high as second sin6e 2000, and their last CPC title was 1997. For Dnvie lo make Ihc biggest splash in a long lim e. N ick Capra needs to slay hot. And his teammates need to turn it up n notch. ‘T h e problem we had is we didn’t have anybody go low with N ick,” Callison said. " If w e'd had somebody go low with him , w e could have gained ground (on lieynolds), I don't think (as a team) w e've played a good match yet, because we haven’t hnd nil the golfers score what they’re capable of.” Baseball Offense Goes Silent At Butler P r iv a te P a r ty C a n H e lp Y o u S e ll Y o u r M o r tg a g e o r T i-u s t D e e d . Call 336-936-9376 By Brian Pitts Dayie Enterprise Record A memorable performance uguinst star pitcher K y le Hufiiam and Waccamaw Acad­ emy (S.C.) wus followed by one best forgotten. Duvie’s varsity baseball team inannged one hit in a 4-0 loss at Butler last week. The W ar Eagles produced a thud after w inning three in a row , in clu d in g 12-2 over Waccamaw. They were hitting .380 and averaging 8.1 runs. Tliey had scored 22 runs In two games. But they fell behind 2-0 in the bottom of Ihe first and got their only hit with one out in Ihe fifth, when freshman Ryun Fos­ ter steered u two-strike pitch between short nnd third. Conch M ike Herndon said Davie (5-2 overnll) wns out of sync. The gume wns origiiinlly scheduled fo r 7 p.m . It was m oved up a couple hoiirs be­ cause o f the threat of rain. “W e were just out o f our rou­ tine,” Hem don said. “W e were stipposed to play at 7. W e ended up getting out o f school at 2 in­ stead o f 3. The coach said he didn’t want lo talce infield. He wanted to try lo get it in before the ruins comc. It wus Ihe first tim e I wns really disappointed. It w asn’t our effort. W e just didn’t do things w e're.accus­ tom ed to doing. I expected more.” B utler’s pitching cooled off a slew o f sizzling bats for Dnvle. ly ie r Seuford (.368), A lex New - mnn (.500), Jacob Vemon (.454), Jess Cartner (.437) and Carson Hem don (.461) all cnme in wilh fiushy uveruges, but they went n combined 0 for 12. Newmnn und Veraon watched their six-game hitting streaks die. H erndon went 0 for 2, but he did draw his team -high lO th w alk. Evari Crisco (.352) didn’t have nn of- ficlni plute appearance, walking twice. D avie’s offense sent u p ’the m inim um in Ihe first, third, fourth, sixth and seventh. Fos­ ter, who filed out w ilh Ihe buses full in the second, ended Ihc no- hitter in tho fifth. Davie had two on w ilh one out, and the score was manageable, 3-0. But Ihe next butter grounded into a 4-6- 3 double .play. , “They urc good,” Herndon said. “I don’t wnnt to tuke nny- thing uWuy from Butler. They're every bit us good ns we are. But I was disappointed we didn’t hit the pitcher we faced becuuse he threw one pilch for n strike. We hud two grenl duys o f pructice going inlo Ihc gnme. I just ex­ pected more. It’s one I felt like we should hnve been in. W e should have had a chance to win. W c just didn’t perform the wny we can.” P itch cr S helton H o w ard cnme in 2-0 w ilh un 0.58 ER A . H e couldn’t deliver n third gem, but Davie couldn’t fault his ef­ fort. He guve up seven hits and Ihrce eamed mns, wulking two and striking out six. Howard had a bad start. H e . walked and beaned the first two baiters. H e h it another one, which preceded a single. But he sclllcd down and pitched O K from there, facing six batters over the second and third. “He threw w ell the rest of Ihe game,” Hem don said. N otes: H ow ard has three complete games in three slarls. ... Foster bumped his uvcrugc t6 .421 (8 -1 9 ).... The W ur Eagles pluy JV-varslty doubleheadcrs at W csl Forsylh on A pril 3 and M ount Tabor on A pril 7. Butler 4, Dnvle .0 Dnvle ab r h bi Scarord ir 3 0 0 0 Newmnn cf 2 0 0 0 Vcmon c 3 0 0 0 Conner lb 2 0 0 0 ttcmdon SS 2 0 0 0 Howortl p .3 0 0 0 Wotson rf 1 0 0 0 Long rf 1 0 0 0 Bnrber pli 1 0 0 0 Ctlsco 2b 0 0 0 0 Foster 3b 2 0 1 0 Tulnb 20 0 1 0 Davie 000 000 0-0 nuller 200 no x-4 SB - Wntson (4), Crisco, Foster (4). DiivIc IP II R 1EK BB so Iluwnrd. L 6 7 4 3 2 6 :)Touchless or^I Brush wash I ^ Mocksville ^ A uto P ride , : Car Wash : N. Yadkinville Rd. t.jj Mocksville ) (across Irom Lowes Homo U J, Improvement) Die Wtiite House, Washington, DC More than 50 members of the Davie High Junior class recently toured Washington, D.C., but not without their copies of the , Davie County Enterprise-Record, just to keep them up with the really Important news. Pictured from left, Taylor Stokes, Payne Miller, tyler Shelton, Greg Brill, Omar Shehata, Molly Graham, Will Marrs, Joel StIIIng, Brian Builins and Luke Bartelt. T h i s n e w s p ^ ^ r r e a l l y g e t s a r o u n d . D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I/E ^E C O R D To Subscribe Call 1 -8 7 7 -7 5 1 - 2 1 2 0 ; < I I ( Í I. i; i !: B4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 2,2009 , ■ Wi 4 i ' 4>;- *' V, Morgan W yatt rounds the bases after a home run that propels Davie toward a 1 -0 win over Forbush. W y a tt... Continued From Page B l other runners moved into scor­ ing position. The next batter flew out to Hnley M cCune, nnd the runner tagged up from third. The freshmun threw ii picture- perfect strike to home, W yutt tagged her and D nvie had n memorable win. "Hnlcy’s throw home snved the gnme, too,” Jackson said. "She’s got a terriric arm. Usu­ ally she overthrows it. A lot o f times in practice she throws it too hard, but that one wns per­ fect because M organ was w ait­ ing on the girl.” W yatt is having a phenom­ enal year. Her average is .571, 325 points above the team mark. She also leads in mns (six), hits (12 ), doubles (four), homers (three o f the team ’s four) nnd RBIs (10 o f the team ’s 24). She also hns the team’s only triple. But Wyatt declinedto bask alone in the spotlight. "Tho gnmo wasn’t just good for m e,” sho snid, "It was good overall for the team. Cassandra (M cClannon) hns been flnvylcss nt third. Grace has been doing good at shortstop. Jordan has been like a vacuum cleaner at first, picking balls up left and right. And Haley’s throw from center to win the gnme was one o f tho best throws I’ve ever seen. You couldn’t ask for a better throw.” Notes: Davie (4-3 nonconfer- enco) dcsperntely needed a win after losing by 12, .six and three m ns.... Schultz went 0 for I, but she drew two walks, giving her a teom-high Tive. Davlc 1, Forbush 0 Uuvlo McCuno cf Unndy rf Fumlerbutko ph Wyiilt c Scliullz lb Chesney ilh Short ph Loeffler 8S Biilloy ph Riddle 2b Torlclonp Hnmlllon If McClnnnon 3b Tolnta Haley McGune's throw to M organ W yatt com pletes a gam e-ending double play . ah r h bi 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 2 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 I 0 0 010 0 0 I 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 1 2 1 Forbush Davlc 000 000 0-0 000 100 x-l HR - Wyult (3). SD - Wynll. Forbush IP II K EK BB SO Dzesk.L 6 2 1 1 4 14 Daviv IP H K ER BB .SO Tori, W 7 4 0 0 2 5 m Annelise Chesney Is Davie's designated hitter. - Photos by James Barringer 3 Tied For Lead In Men’s League T h e R em edy, N eodm ore Logging and Team V are all 3- 0 in the men’s open basketball league. Three teams' are tied w ith 2-1 records (B arnette Heating & A ir, Bird Gang and Cuttin’ U p) and six arc bunched together nt 1-2 (Hatzoff, Creek A ll-S ta rs , Few G ood M en , Cozart’s Handym an Services, E va n s’ S ervices and D em Boyz). Tnr Heel Law n and A - Team are both 0-3. There nrc 14 tenms fighting for eight toumnment berths. B arnette H eating & A ir 84 - Greg Bnrnette 8, Brinn W ill- inms 8, Bubbn Colom nn 22, Brent W all 16, Scott Tonidandel 24, Cooper W all 6. 'f t r H eel L aw n 50 - Andy Wnrd 7, Jnson Tutterow 4, Chris M echnm 6, Todd C orvin 4, Scott Cornatzer 8, M att James 5, Randy Peak 13, Brinn Pitts 3. E v a n s ’ S ervices 4 6 - A l Evnns 2, Justin Dotson 6, Mnnn Bethea 6, Jason Hawks 9, Bran­ don Hawks 7, TrnviS Pencock 7, D nrius H a ll 6, Shannon Pulliam 2, Dom inic Graham I. T h e R e m e d y 61 - M n tt Hud.son 11, Brnd D yer 7, Eric Low ery 6, Brnndon M nxw cll 16, Rynn Denney 12, Forrest Breedlove 9. D em B oyz 57 - Tony Tenor '4 , Brandon Finger 5, Ahm ad M urphy 13, Avery Patterson 19, M aurice W ilson 2. B ird G an g 62 - M arcus Lassiter 2, M ario Hawkins 17, M a tt B urchctto 5, P h illip M cFadden 9, M icah Brim 4, Zaknor Banks 20, Duane Phil­ lips 5. Few Good M en 78 - M an Oglesby 2, Tim 22, M ike Smith 10, Marcus W hite 16, Rob Har­ ris, I I, Ike Johnson 5, Shnwn Thom as 12. N eedm ore Logging 121 - Paul C uthbcrtson 8, Steve Hcaggins 50, Brian Avery 13, Jerry Sherrill 21, Dom inique Noble 7, K.J, Sherrill 23. C reek A ll-S lars 69 - Paris Wilson 20, Brandon Chrapek 2, Tyrone M artin 2, Rufus Hunter 3, Jamal Durham 11, Alonzo Roberts 6, Corey Parker 17, Julinn Lony 9. H atzo ff 68 - 'Vincent Cock­ crham 14, Germain M ayfield 1, C liff Bums 15, Dennis Redmon 9, RnShnun D nvis 14, D rew Absher 15. C o za rt’s H an d ym an S er­ vices 79 (O T ) - W illie Coznrt 10, B ike L ew is 7, M n rn ic Lew is 6, Chnrlcs M ille r 10, Bnrry Chunn 10, Brian Lnne 26, Chad W ard 10. Team V 84 - Sean Stevens 29, K yle W inters 9, A ustin Spnugh 17, Eric Alspnugh 16, W ill Bynum 8, Caleb Davis 2, Landon Harris 3/ C u ttin ’ U p 62 - Fnruq Peter­ son 2, Javon Sipeo 15,Deknrris Brooks 2, Linwood Skinner 21, Ray B ristow 12, D ee 3, Ty Davis 2, Trem aine King 4. T h e R e m e d y 7 0 - M a tt Hudson 12, Jerem y M ille r 3, Brad D yer 5, Eric Low ery 11, Brandon M n xw o ll 10; Rynn Denney 29. A -Team 68 - Duvid Pitts 10, Lebrón M ayfield 15, T.J. D il­ lard 2, W esley Tum or 14, Deon C ody 12, C urtis D illa rd 4, Bryson Brown 11. Few G ood M en 77 - Sam H illie 8, M nnn Oglesby 4, Tim Stephens 17, M ike Sm ith 12, Murcus W hito21, Ike Johnson 9, Shnwn Thomns 6. 'fa r H eel L aw n 31 - Andy W nrd 5, C hris M echnm 2, Jumes B inkley 2, Scott Cor- nntzer 5, Andy Everhnrt 17. , Evans’ Services 40 - John Evuns 2, A l Evnns 4, M nnn Bethea 8, Shawn W hile 2, Ja­ son Hawks 7, Travis Peacock 2, Dnrius H all 2, Larry U m - bcrger 4, Ricky W hite 2, H ar­ vey Houston 2, Dom iiiic G ra­ ham 5. B arnette’s H eating & A ir 71 - Greg Barnette 7, A ndy Snow 26, Brent W all 8, Scott Tonidandel 13, Jared Hoots 17. N eed m o re Logg ing 8 0 - Paul C uthbcrtson 2, S nip Keaton 3, Stove Hoggins 11. T. Rankin 20, B. Avery 8, Jerry Slierrlll 3, J.M , Carpenter 10, K.J. Sherrill 10, Phillip W ill- lams 4, Koyshnwn 7. Team V 59 - Scun Stevens 7, A u stin Spnugh 13, E ric Alspnugh 13, W ill Bynum 3, Culcb DnvIs 2, Lundon Murris 8, Cory Tcnncson 13. B ird G a n g 5 8 - M n rio Hawkins 15, Phillip McFadden 3, M icah Brim 1, Zalinor Bunks 8, Rom an Dnvis 4, M att Bur- chettc 6. C reek All-Sliir.s 60 - Purls W ilson 6, Clinton Cockorhum 3, W ilb u r Lew is 3, Brandon Chrupek 1, O m ur Spruill 8, Ja­ mal Durham 29, Isaiah Tucker 10. C o za rt’s H an d ym an S er­ vices 68 - W illie Coznrt 2, Bike Lew is 7, M nrn ic Lew is 13, Chnrlcs M iller 3, Barry Chunn 9, Brinn Lane 23, Tony M allard 9, Chad W ard 2. D em Boyz 77 - Tony Tenor 13, D ow ayne C o llin s 15, A hm ad M u rp h y 11, A very Patterson 27, Josh M orrison 4, M ario S. 6. HatzofT 63 - Vincent Cock- erhum 11, Germain M uy field 6, C liff B urns 12, S haw n Westbrook 4, Dennis Redmon 5, RaShuun Dnvis 24, Tracey Arnold I. I"---'- ' DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 2,2009 - BS; BAR-B-Q Chicken & Pork Fundraiser S a t u r d a y , A p r i l 4 , 2 0 0 9 S H E F F I E L D - C A L A H A L N Volunteer Fire Department 435 Dyson Road (Off Tlirkeyfoot Road) 492-5791 TAKE OUTS Start at 12 Noon; witli i DINE-INS at 5:00 p.m. continuing | untllfood is Sold Out. Bar-B-Q Sandwich $3.50 •Bar-B-Q by the pound $7 (includes slaw, buns & dip) <Bar-B-Q Chicken Halves (only) $4 each;; Bar-B-Q Chicken or Pork Plate $8 ■ i (includes: potato salad, baked beans, slaw dinner roll, and a homemade dessert) 5-4 Tennis Loss To Statesville Stings F o llo w in g n 5 -4 loss to Statesville, Davie tennis conch Barry Kennedy was thinking about whnt m ight have been. D avie defeated Stntesville by the same score in the first meet­ ing, and it had plenty of chances to defeat Statesville n second tim e. But instcnd o f putting tho Greyhounds nwny and grubbing a 4-2 overall rccord, Davie let one get awny. Kennedy know nil presenson he wns coaching a t^nm that was extremely young and bound to make mistakes. The lineup con­ sists o f one ju n io r and five sophomores, and the inexperi­ ence has led to a three-match losing streak. Earlier in the week, Reynolds took Duvic to school, 9-0. "Som e lost (to Statesville) w hen they shouldn’t have,” Kennedy said, "Thnt's what hap­ pens when you have a young team . T h e y ’re sophom ores. T hey’re still learning how to L o o m H y Q r o w n , H y d r o p o n icTo m a to e s № now have Lm rg» S lic in g Tbm ato»», C ucum b»r»j8k Orape Tom atoaa. Come Tasie The DW crence! ^^D ew D rop F a r m 302 Foster Road, Mocksvilie (Foster Rd, Is jusi off Rltlgc Ril. In Wwtcm Davlc County) Open Thurs. & Fri. Noon-^pm and Sat. 8 am-noon Call For Directions C336t 4 9 2 -5 2 6 3 play the game.” No. 2 seed Ryan M oxley, No. 3 B ret W illia m s and N o . 4 Daniel M oxley enabled Duvie (3-3 overnll) to lenve singles in n 3-3 tie. The M oxley brothers roughed up their opponents nt No. 2 doubles. The outcome hinged on No, 1 doubles. A lex Flem ing nnd W illiam s split sets, and they fell behind 6-0 in the third-set tie­ breaker. Tlioy came up with u remarkable rally and stormed to a 7-6 lead - only to ultim ately lose 9-7. "W e should have gotten somo m om entum ,” he said. “W e’ve got to right the ship. I ’m still confident we can piill out ii w in­ ning season. I just bate lenving one on the tuble, ospecinlly when w e’re playing well and had them down.” Davie lost 9-0 to Reynolds to stumble to 0-2 in tho Central Piedmont Conference. Reynolds improved to 8-2 overall nnd 3-0 in the CPC. The closest set in singles wns D . M o xley’s 6-3 loss. The closest doubles score was 8-3 at No. 1 (Flem ing-W il-: Hams). " T h e y ’ ve got fo u r state- ranked players,” he said. “They’re going to beat us nnd we know that. They’re going to compete for n stute chumpion- ship, und they’ll probably win it. They’re that good.” The M oxleys w ere 4 -0 in doubles before losing 8-2, “Wo played hard,” he snid. “I was proud of our guys for not getting discouraged. It was a good learning experience.” Notes; W hat u difference n yeur makes. Last year Duvie and Reynolds split 5-4 decisions. ... W h at’s not good for D a v ie ’s psyche is Tabor routed W esl Forsyth 9-0, and West Forsyth manhandled Davio 7-2. Davie has yet to face Tnbor. Desirae M oses of Davie’s JV team slltdes Into secontd Desirae M oses gets down on a close play at home. - Photos by James Barringer Sadie Lagle has been absolutely sm oking, going 7 for 8 In two games. Third baseman Morgan Carter tags out a Forbush player. Forbush Stops JV Team’sfìocket Ride Going into last w eek’s home gnme w ith Forbush, the Duvic JV softbull team was undc- i'catod, averaging 11.6 runs while holding opponents to 2.2. Forbush threw the trends out tho w indow and shocked the W ar Eagles 8-4. Davie scorcd three runs in tiie third to tuke n 3-1 loud. Molly Thompson singled, while three other tcummutes renched on ei­ ther an error or w alk. M ognn H en n in g s’ tw o -ru n single cupped tho rnily. T he gam e took nn U nex­ pected turn in the Forbusli 5th. The Falcons scorcd six runs off Tori Clontz and reliever Kayla Cornatzer for a 7-3 lead. The W ar Eagles threatened in the bottom half. Thom pson, R ebecca M cC ann nnd Sudic Lagle bunched together singles to load tho buses with no outs: But tliey got nothing out o f it. ^ The first loss in six gam ci spoiled Lagle’s 3-for-3 day. She also had a w alk. She’s 7 for 8 in two games. M cCann was 2 for 2, Com ntzcr 2 for 3 and Thom ii- son 2 for 4. JV Soccer Wins For 2-1 Record Tori Clotvi2: is a freshm an pitcher. Tori Clontz puts the ball In play. The lineup puzzle came to­ gether as Ihc Davie JV soccer team defeated visiting Parkland 3-0 last week. Davie bounced back from 3-1 loss to Star- mount. “W e finally figured out a starting lineup und it clicked ut the .beginning o f the gam e," conch Polly Reynolds snid. “We were working together nnd talk- ing on the field. W e fin ally found a little bit p f a groove. O l d S c h o o l D a v ie S p o ils F r o m 1 9 9 6 • Earl Shoaf, the quarterback on the North Piedmont Confer­ ence champion D avie Rebels, wns chosen to play in tho an­ nual North and South All-Star game at East Carolina. Shoaf was tho third Rebel from the ‘65 D avio teain se­ lected for an all-star game. Ron Foster played in tho Shrine Bow l, and Ronnie Riddle wus picked for the Eust-West Game. • John Parker won his first start for Spartanburg, allowing five hits in n 10-4 win over Rock H ill. Jim Correll o f the Salis­ bury Post wrote; “The pros tried to change his style o f delivery, concentrating m ainly on his left leg, which they thought should be raised higher during the windup. As a result, he lost more games than he won for Huron. This year, however, the Phils told him to go back to his old style, the one he used at Davie, and nppurently it has paid off. He pitched in a gam e that Spartanburg won over a Triple-A team, and ho also saw uction in a (rain-in­ duced) tie with the D ouble-A W inston-Salem Red Sox. Since changing back to his old style, dragging his rig h t foot and keeping his left knee Ibwer than the pros had first wanted, he’s found that his pitching is much more effective.” W e’re getting there.” Three different players pro­ duced the goals - C hristina Clemmons, Shelby Johnson and Izzy Vaughn-Jones. Johnson added two assists as Davie im ­ proved to 2-1 in nonconferencc play. The other assist came from Gabriela Lopez. Tw o key contributors were Colleen H ennelly and Lopez, w ho shared w o m u n -o f-th e - match honors. “Colleen has stepped up on defense," Reynolds said. “Gab- ricla is on the other side playing defense, nnd she pinyed up tpp some. She’s a versatile player.” V-.rr ; -, ■j,*;, 1,; B 6. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, April 2,2009 !1 ♦ i (j ; /Î North runner Carson Bishop dodges shortstop Nathan Howard’s throw. - P hotos by Jam es B arringer N o rth ... I connects for South. Continued From I'ngc B1 people, and then he ciimc buck w itli the fastball as his out ; Travis Holden starts and pitches three Innings for North, leaving with a lead. pitch,” H olt said. “If we cun get those walks strnlghtened out, w c'll be in good shnpe.” North got m ultiple hits from four players, including Hunter A ref (3 for 5), Travis Holden (2- 3) and M cC lannon (2 -4 ). B y contrast, South hnd three hits. NiithAn Howard was 1 fo r2 with two walks. Caleb M artin was 1 for 2 and W ill Cartner I for 3. “W e’ve got to start putting the ball in play with authority," B yerly said. “(South starting pitcher C aleb M n rtin ) didn’t have his best stuff, but North hit it. W e’ve got 10 step it up nnd quit feeling sorry for ourselves," North put South away in the fifth, scoring three times lo ex­ tend the rrinrgin to 9-4, It got an uncxpecled lift from M cC lan­ non, whose two-run double over the right ilelder made 118-4, Lo­ gan Hendricks (shoulder) und Christian Liithiiin (concussion) were sidelined with Injuries. The Hendricks injury opened the door for M cClannon, and ho ac­ quitted him self well. " If Lognh's healthy, he was probnbiy going to pitch and play third,” H olt said, "W ilh Logan . out, Austin goi a chance to start nnd he stepped up. H e got a big double, and his (5-4-3 double play) was ns pretty ns could be." Notes: t I ) c good news for the Tigers ( I -2) Is they’ll gelnl least two more crncks nt North, and you can always expect the un­ expected when these two hook up, Last year, they split four giunes, A fter North won 18-8, South w on 5-2 and 8-7. Then North won 8-5 in eight innings, "1 knov/ Bobby’s guys are go­ ing to get better," H o ll said. “H e's (¡olfiii to get them better. They’re going to get better once (ii\jured) Cody M artin gels in the lineup, Thai’s going to be ii solid bat.” ... Holden started on the hill for North, pitching three iiuiings. _________________________________ Caleb M artin was the loser for Caleb Martin pitches for South. South, Matt Vernon (4) earns the win while working four one-hit innings.A W ildcat l<eeps his eye on the ball during North's 11-4 win. • I i, ! iiI pouth Keeper Preserves 0-0 Tie Against Thomasvilie ; Thanks to outstanding play -by Katie Bonilla and Jennifer /W est, Ihe Soulh Davie iioccer 'team came away wilh a 0-0 lie 'againsi visiling Thom asville. Earlier Iasi week, Ellis pounded Soulh 6-1, T h o m asville was S outh’s lirst conference opponent, and goal keeper Bonilla kept the T i­ gers (0-2-1 overall) from starl­ ing that nice in a hole. "She saved a couple of break­ aways from their faslesl player, who got behind our defense,” coach Louise Diem er said. "I was very thankful for thnt be­ cause 1 did nol want to lose. I was very nervous. Katie came out at the right lime. She slid nnd Inckled the bull, 1 wns very im ­ pressed.” Bonilln gol .substnnlinl help from slopper Jennifer Wesl. "Our defense did a greal job o f keeping Ihe ball on Iheir half,” Diem er said, "Jennifer was very solid al keeping Ihe ball on the offense and not letting it pasl her. I’d say 95 percent of the time .she was the one lo get it back on Ihc allnck." South had several crncks at a goal. D iana M oure and V iri Hernandez fired al Ihe net, bul they “barely missed,’’ she suid. "They wentjustpusi Ihe farposl, I feel like w e should have had n couple goals on Ihem, but it was derm ilely a fair light. W e were on their half almost the whole time and just couldn’t fmish. But m y girls stuck it out until the end," ■ South stayed within 2-1 in the first half againsi visiting Ellis, bul the Jaguars scored four un­ answered goals in the second hall, Chelsea Curtiss scored for South, iis only goal in three games, "W e had some shots on goal (in the first iialt), but the m ajor­ ity o f the game was definitely on our half o f the field,” D iem er said, "(In the second halO I’m sure conditioning got to us and they look over.” Keith Hiller lloaVadlilnvlllfRcl. Willow Och Shopping Ctr: Mockivlllc 751-6131 UllAHKSIoiMjkinjUl /11 InNoilhCirorina, Jim Kelly, Jr. 281 North Main St. Mocksvillc751-2937 Nationwide' On Your Side CnkimhinrtJnrtliVjjiCiHMl MM tiMiUé kl tl uiut AtKo Wow u.lle ft/1/fiii» md C«i n»* Uli «>f tivu*«.rj M>Kf naiki Walker Fans 111n Ellis Opener Tl.n Rllio .------------• '• . . - 'The Ellis baseball lenm out­ classed host Thom asville, 14-1 in five innings, in E llis’ first gume of the senson last week. The game went as expected, al­ though Thom asville is much better lhan last year when the Jaguars outscored it 56 -0 in three games, "They were a whole lot bet­ ter,” Ellis coach M ike Dinkins said, "They had n kid who threw it across Ihe plate, I didn’t think we hit Ihe ball Very well. W e’ve got 10 pick lhal up. O f course, the weather has killed us like everybody else,” This was the closest margin in four meetings, bul it was still a snoozer, Jeremy W alker siruck out I I in 4 1/3 innings, and Karch A rey siruck out the only two batters he faced, , Offensively, W alker went 2 lo r 2, scored fo ur runs and knocked in two, A ndy Lew is was 3 for 3 w ilh a double, triple and four RBIs. "(Lew is) surprised me,” D in­ kins said. “H e’s shown moments o f it, but he hadn't been that con­ sistent, He hit the ball hard all three times." ' ■ Second basem an Landon Adam s and third baseipan l y M arshall made notable defen- sive plays. Adnms rnnged to his left to deny u hit fot Thom as­ ville, and Marshall got Ellis out o f a bases-loadcd situation, “TV played extremely well at th ird,” he said, “H e m ade u couple big plays, bn? that turned out to be a huge out w ilh the bases loaded. They hiid ihe ijases loaded twice and scored one run outof.it,” . I DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE-RECORD, THURSDAY, April 2,2009 - B7 S S S P n T L IG H T Arnold Bakery Thrift Store in Clemmons Is packed with Easter and Final 4 treats. S a vin g s & Selection 4 B o th Ea ste r & T h e N C A A Fin al 4 What a situation, what a strain on one’s family bud­ get, Easter and Ihe final 4 occurring within a week of the other. Wouldn't It be nice if there were a local store with the selection and savings on food items never Imagined to help you enjoy both Easter and Final 4 get-together. The Arnold Bakery Thrift Store In Clemmons is indeed such a place with its tremendous selection of breads, buns, cookies, chips, crackers, snacks and other neat food items at Thrift Store prices which will cause you to become the talk of the town due to the great variety of premium items assembled for your guests. For days you will wear a giant smile thinking about how much everyone enjoyed them­ selves and the savings you accomplished by shopping at the Arnold Bakery Thrift Store in Clemmons. Featured at the Arnold Bakery Thrift Store are Arnold premium breads, buns, and rolls which include all natural whole grain breads without any trans fats. The Arnold Bakery Thrift Store also features Thomas bagels and muffins, Entenmann's donuts and pastries, ready to use Boboll pizza crusts, and the new Arnold Flat Bread which provides a great thinner lower calorie, lower carbohydrate alternative ideal for sandwiches and hamburgers. The Arnold Bakery Thrift Store provides an unbeliev­ able Inventory of Pepperldge Farms crackers, cookies and Goldfish, The store also carries Voortman cookies, Utz pretzels and chips, Little Debbie snacks, and Sunbelt ce­ reals and granola bars. Recently the Arnold Bakery Thrift Store began thrlfting items from Keebler, Murray, Famous Amos, Kellogg’s, and the Herr's Potato Chip Company, The Thrift Store also has Dutch Kettle Amlsh jams, Mrs. Campbell’s home-style chow-chow, as well as the com­ plete line of Golding Farms salad dressings, unique Vidalia onion steak sauce, condiments, sea food sauces, table top vinegars used at K & W Restaurants, gourmet mustards, meat sauces, honeys, and molasses. The Thrift Store’s extensive inventory of famous Stash Tea includes traditional flavors of black, green, and herbal teas as well as teas from India and oriental blends you would drink In Japan and China, The store also carries Exotica Tea, which Includes rare flavors such as Sliver Jasmine and China White. Also featured at the Thrift Store arei Nelgh- earafie Oocr E’epairs /ill Electrical Opener l^epalrs • Emergency Service • Senior Citizens Discount > 25 Years Experience .sii- 8PRIN0S GARAGE DOOR SERVICES “Mr. Ed" 0 3 6 ) 998-2336 • Fabmimqton, NC I bor’s gourmet coffees, cocoas, and cappuccinos packets. Including Hazelnut, Snickerdoodle, French Vanilla Crème, and Crème Brulee flavors. For your favorite meats Ihe Arnold Bakery Thrift Store carries 6 distinct North Carolina produced BBQ sauces including the Bone Suckin' Sauce, the Oink Moo Cock- A-Doodle Doo BBQ sauce, and Golding Farms' Lexing­ ton Style BBQ Dip. The Oink Moo Cock-A-Doodle Doo BBQ sauce was recognized as the "Judges’ Choice” In a comparison of 35 southern BBQ sauces In The Taste of the South. For customers who desire a bit more flavor, the Thrift Store has a number of Jalapefto, garlic, and spicy items. When shopping at the Arnold Bakery Thrift Store you can typically realize savings of up to 60% off select items. To help offset the Impact of recent Increases In gasoline prices an additional discount of 20% off items from Keebler, Murray, Farnous Amos, Kellogg's, and the Herr's Potato Chip Company Is being provided as the store’s Easter - Final 4 Special through Easter Sunday. The Arnold Bakery Thrift Store is conveniently located in Clemmons at 2668 Lewisville-Ciemmons Road, across from Dero's and Pete's Restaurant, Store hours are Mon­ day through Friday 9 am to 7 pm, Saturday 9 am to 6 pm, and Sunday 10 am fo 5 pm. The phone number Is 336- 766-3080, The Thrift Store's web site at www.goldenhar- vestpantry.com offers.customers who live out of town or out of state the option of ordering the store's complete line of Golding Farms and Dutch Kettle products. deli • p a strie s • d e ss e rte ry I I Rf. ii^^iomivvkh at Rsgular I « tr :l4 M S « r I -1/2 Mm from 4pm*8piti/ Mon.‘Prf. § fiMgoàditillh any oltitrolftn.Aiiy»net Iocalion only Bqilrti OÊf-Ol.oé''^^ Si'tmir C iii/i'n Distm ifits Wodriiisday 4 0 % OIF SALE FRL, sur, MPRIl 3-4 ONLY mmrfNINO IN STORE ( Icnuniiiis DIm'dmmI .Sides I ^ M I I jsv illi ( Ic iiin in ils l<(l. arolina Small Engine SalH A Hrvlc* of outdoor powor equlpmonti ; mowort, (rlmmori, chHln uwil' blowtr«, gtniralort, • more ; 10M l ’o r* B U by Hd., Aévtnêm 998-7755 UGIYROOFSTA REMOVED FOR A LIKE NEW LOOKINotion's Largost & Oldost Roof Stain Romovors 100 Royal Oak Dr., Wlnston-Salem, NC 27107 , B A K E R Y T H R IF T S T O R E . :2 0 '0 F F :% :: Cookies, Chips: Snacks Thru : * Easter Sunday • 2660 Lowlsvlll0-Clonf>mbns Rd. 7 Q 6 - 3 0 8 0 experience iVidait m a s s a g e New Town* ihopping ContarJusl down Irom Sloploa aS17 UwUvllto-Clammonf Rd 336-766-0622 Mon-Frl 9-9 • Sol 9-6 • Sun 11-6 S*rMnp>o»icMbyki»rw«lNCMaMO0«l> im a ra iE u M S t o r m W a t e r M a n a g e m e n t R e s i d e n t i a l D r a i n a g e S y s te m s L a n d C l e a r i n g , D e m o li t io n . L a n d s c a p e / H a r d s c a p e > lemmons NC Licensed And Insured I Tom Jones 336-749-0463 EDWARDS WINDOW 30% T A X C R E D I T Up to >1500“ • Replacement Windows • Storm Doors - 9 Colors > Entry Doors ' Roofing ’ Insulation 885 M obile Phone 978-2299 WE'RE NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK SHALLOWFORD HARDWARE 104 LOW ES FOOD DRIVE LEW ISVILLE, NC 27023 (336) 945>5050 Plui.nbiiW} / C.tr / Eloi;trK;iil / Sloiiiyo Tools / L.ivvit & (t.iidiMi Supplies / PitiDl >'t!t soi)<ili/i’ii StMvii.t! / In Hoiisit Exp(«rlisù ('mils / ShDiviiiy / Ktrys Aittl Mncli Moiu i WWW.SHALLOWFORDHARDWARE.COM ..................I... , B8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 2,2009 D a v ie S c h o o ls N o rth D avlc M id d le S ixth grade keybonrding ”T!lasses finished learning how to use the numcric keypad on the ;keyboard. Students’ favorite “part was playing the Tontie game to reinforce skills. They O r e studying proofreading skills ‘"• and w ill move on to formatting , , letters, memorandums, tables, ■ invitations, and reports. ' Seventh graders are finish­ ing a review o f business letters, memorandums, und reports. The next unit w ill be database. This "’ünit requires them to use ana- '"lytical skills to filter and sort the ; database. Sixth and seventh graders in M rs, Goodings career decisions '"'classes are working on sewing ""projects. The class covers sew- ?' ;ing safety before they begin projects They are constructing projects by hand, ■' Eighth graders in life skills '" are learning about childcare, ""Including the physical, mental, '' em otional and financial costs that babies and children require, ' “ Students take a com puterized “"baby hom e for the weekend, ' "Students are responsible for the ■" care of the baby day und night ' ;for the weekend. The students '" ïe tu rn the baby to school on '■'"Monday m orning. The com - puter in the buby links with the ” software on the teacher’s com- "'puter and prints out a report of ""th e care the baby received dur- ■ ’ Ihg the weekend, ‘T h is is an eye '"'opening experience for the stu- ' "dents nnd they em phatically say '''■they are not ready for a real baby,” she said, ' In exploring technology, stu- dents have had'succcss with the m odule base curriculum . There ■"■lire 12 modules available - ro- ■"Uotics, energy and power, vir- tual architecture, health and fit- '■'ftess, forensic sciencc, research ''''iind development, structural en- '"gineering, electricity and elec- tronics, environm ent and ecol­ ogy, video production, alterna­ tive energy, and flight technol­ ogy, A ll modules integrate muth, science, und technology, Shndy G rove E lem entary F ractio n , geo m etry, and measurement activities cun be seen throughout the halls as third graders w ork hard every day. They enjoyed making mod­ els o f cones, spheres, pyramids and prisms. The colorful Cupuc- ity people cun be seen hanging uround. The third grade enjoyed a trip to SciW orks in W inston- Salem, During the visit, the chil­ dren participated in a variety o f hunds-on activities involving science concepts in clu d in g sim p le m achines, m agnets, sound and the human body, A special exhibit from A frica in­ cluded an activity that ullowed the children to race against uni- muls from Africa - the cheetah, a giraffe, and an elephant. This activity was a favorite for many o f the students. The exhibit o f snakes from the region held great appeal for the students us w ell, and they enjoyed the op­ portunity to pet a boa constric­ tor, A special program showing experiments using static elec­ tricity and chemistry concepts as w ell as a wonderful program in the planetarium about the planets rounded out a fu ll agenda during the visit. W illiam K . Dnvic Elem entary The A rt P TO celebration title, 'A rt is for me ut W R D ’ w ill be Tuesday, A pril 28 ut 7 p,m,' in the gym. Artists huve been preparing fo r this e x h ib itio n and are finishing their urt for you to see. T h e re w ill be p o rtfo lio presentutions by selected artists, poetry perform ances, artistic free drawings, Sm art Board art gum es, face p ain tin g , w a ll drawings, light refreshments, anim al balloon art, and more. Each artist who comes to the event w ill receive one free ruffle ticket in hopes o f w inning u basket full o f free art supplies. Several baskets w ill be sold. Some o f the art projects being displayed are bam boo chalk drawings, fancy fish. Van Gogh vuses, ‘T h e G reat W a v e ’ w atercolor paintings, tropical fish, tissue pupcr windsocks und M ali M ud Cloths. Students are going to exhibit art that has been at The Brock Perform ing Arts Center Gallery this month for those who have not viewed them. Everyone is welcome, M rs . P rince and M rs , Anderson’s kindergarten class has been reading stories about spring and learning how to retell them. They have been working on short und long vowel sounds, und using the letter sounds to build words. They have been studying the difference between wants and needs. In muth, they have been learn in g how to reco g n ize, draw and b u ild shapes. T h e y are lo o kin g forward to spring und w ill be learning m orc about weather and tools used to measure it, C ornntzer E lem entary T h ird graders in M rs . Brooks’ cluss ure leuming ubout m ultiplicution. Students huve been m ultiplying and w riting num ber stories to ex p la in m u ltip lic a tio n facts. T h e students have been working in cooperative groups to work on these concepts. Each group hus tuken turns being the te/icher and giving the rest o f the cluss multiplicution word problems to figure out. Students huve been studying fractions, M rs, Brooks class used a Hershey bar to re view in fo rm a tio n fro m a Way, Way, Way More Ways To Save! \^lld Wednesdays Schedule 2009 fraetioh unit. Students had to divide the Hershey bars, write equivalent fractions and then were finally ubIe to eat them, M rs . B ro o ks’ students finished research pupers. The students took tim e to research planets on the internet and through books. Each student chose a planet o f their choice to research. They spent hours in the com puter lab and in the media center researching. They had to complete u plunct outline. They then took that information and com piled it into research papers. The students wrote their rough drafts, final copies and cited tho sources they used for the research. They learned a lot and enjoyed the project. Next, they arc going to beg in a biography unit. Each student w ill choose u person to w rite u biogruphy on. M ucksville E lem entary Spunish classes were busy this quarter. Kindergarten und first graders completed a fam ily vocabulary unit. They learned new fe elin g s and culendur vocabulary w ith this them e. N o w they arc w orking on a clothing unit that w ill include a review o f colors, numbers and sizes, und introduce new wiiuther vocabulary. W ith every unit they enjoy a variety o f songs, books, gam es, and SmartBoard activities. Second graders studied the fru its. T h e y m ade posters showing likes und dislikes, and presented these to 'the class. Several are on display in the hall and Spanish room. They role- played shopping ut a Spanish fruit shop. They used Spanish cu rren cy and con versation vocabulary. Second grade w ill begin a science unit about the lifecycle o f the butterfly. Third grade studenls worked w ith fam ily vocabulary. They made fam ily trees and presented them lo the class. The fourth and fifth grade classes learned how to express tim e in Spanish - a great wuy to put the num ber vocabulary to use. N ow they huve slarled a food unit which w ill includc meals and nutrition. The fifth graders completed an art project in Spanish class. They made masks for Carnival. Bright masks decorated with feathers and sequins can be seen in the Spanish room and the display case near the gym. A ll students w ill bring hom e a newsletter from Spunish class. It has a list o f vocabulary they studied this quarter and many w ill have samples attached. K in d erg arten has been learn in g about spring und weather. Some students went on a nature w alk around the school to spot signs o f spring. They ure plunting m ystery seeds nnd m uking predictions nbout whut kinds o f plants w ill grow. The story was M ux Tukes the Train. Students learned about many typés o f transportation, as well as how to tell the difference in re alis tic and m ake -b e lieve stories. One o f the favorite math lessons in v o lv e d je lly sandwiches. Students lenrned ubout shnring nnd divid in g things into hnlves and fourths. T h e y had to cut the je lly sandwiches into fourths in order to have enough for everyone. A n g e lin a E tter, A ndrea Elm ore, und M ich elle M yers firs t grade class has been con ducting science experiments. The class has done several experiments with kinds o f rocks. They tested rocks to see if they sink or flout. They huve done scrutch tests to determine tlie hurdness of rocks. They measured and w eighed their rocks they brought from home. They have written about their science experiments. The class Is excited ubout a field trip A pril 3 to Dun Nlcholus Purk, The cinss w ill be m ining for gems and enjoying the park rieur Sniisbury, The class has done un nuthor study on Lnuru Num croff. They enjoyed rending circulur stories und creating some o f their own stories. Some favorites were If You G ive a Mouse a Cookie, If you G ive a Cat a Cupcake, If You G ive a Pig a Pancake, and If you G ive u Moose a M uffin. T h e class learned about sc(|uencing and the importance o f having order in stories. In mull), Ihe cla.ss has been studying a unit on adding and subtracting numbers. They huve lenmed the doubles facts. They have played adding games and made doubles facts by painting one duplicating one side of paper with the other side o f the paper. The class w ill continue to w ork on the adding and subtracting unit. T h e class has enjoyed having the student teacher from Appalachian State University. She brought many great ideas to the classroom. She w ill be with the class until early May, M rs. Stewart’s second grade class has been studying em bryology. The students learned about chickens, but still have not answered the age old question of; W ho came first the chicken or the egg? The class started w ith 24 eggs and hatched/raised 18 chicks. Tlie students candled the eggs and got to see the embryos as they were growing inside the egg. They even got lo see u couple o f them m ove. T hey thank Extension Agent Lyndsie Dorr for muking it u great success. • Students w ill w rap up a study of life cycles by observing ludybugs and butterflies. The children w ill write in journals they created ubout ull the chunges they see luking plnce. They w ill use the computers to research more about butterflies nnd ludybugs to learn m ore. Th ey are in the process o f writing two classroom books - one about ludybugs and one about bugs in general. Students o f the week: Jakob Jenkins Foley, G nge R ecktenw ald H endrix, L exi Santos Carson, Ana Hernandez- Lopez Vandiver, C arly W all W yatt, Glenn Ram irez Doub, M a lik P olk E tter, A lic ia Hernandez Flynn, Austin Stroud Garner, Scottie Lyons Norris, K aylee S hoffner Fletcher, Dylinn Carico M artin, Melissa Gom ez Smith, M ichelle Flores S tew art, Lesly A lvarad o G iillih e r, C hristopher C arr Lankford, Mason W illiam s Cra­ ter, Sam Jordan W ull, Patrick Gordon Brooks, Destiny Metts Cockman, and Fernando Paulin Shephard. January 7 5 Shirts January 14 Suits/Dresses January 21 Comfortcrs/Riigs January 28 5 Rmts February 11 Hliizfrs/Sklrts February 18 Suits/Dresses ' February 25 5 Pimts Marché 5 Shirts March 11 Blazers/Sweaters March 18 5 Pimts March 25 Suits/Dresses AprU 1 5 Shirts AprU 8 Blazers/Skirts Ai>rU 15 Slants AprU 22 Suits/Dresscs AprU 29 5 Shirts May 6 5 Pimts May 13 Comforters/Kiigs May 20 Suits/Dresses May 27 , 5 Shirts June3■ 5 Pimts June 10 Dlazers/Sklrts/ Sweaters June 17 Suits/Dresses June 24 5 Shirts Julyl 5 Piints July 8 Comforters/Rugs July 15 Suits/Dresses '2 2 '5 Shirts July 29 5 Piints August 5 Dlazers/Sklrts August 12 Suits/Dresses August 19 5 Shirts August 26 5 Piints September 2 Comfortens/Rugs September 9 Suits/Dresses September 16 5 Shirts September 23 5 Pants September 30 Comforters/Rugs October 7 Suits/Dresses October 14 5 Shirts October 21 Blazers/Sweaters October 28 5 Pants November 4 Suits/Dresses November 11 5 Shirts November 18 Blazers/Skirts November 25 5 Piints December 2 Suits/Dresses December 9 Comforters/Rugs December 16 5 Shirts December 23 5 Pants December 30 Blazers/Sweaters Com atzer Elem entary Cougars of the W eek: Sara Bishop, Olivia T u cke r, Nora Bums, Dillon Rothrock, Noah W illard, Troy Clary, Rebecca Edwards, Zavlon Brown, Abigail Ramirez, Klic Quance, Jason Henrlckson, Kaitlyn Lipscomb, Cindy Sanchez! Litzy Acevedo, Chaney Posey. Yulianna Arroyo, Haley Holbrook, Cassidy Myersi Kirsten Freeman, Emmie Tkach. Suits $6.99 ■ Keg, Dresses $6.99 • Sports Coats/Iilazers $3.49 • Sweiitcrs $.^.49 Skirts$.U9-C:omforlers$17.99 ■ 5 Pants$19.99 - 5Shins$8.99‘- KtifrS$1.89sq./li. 2600 Lewteville-Clemmons Rd,, Clemmons 766-4041 \ 191 Lowes Food Dr., Lewisville 946-2383 110 Commerce Dr. (at Bermuda Quay), Advance 940-2776 W e i n v i t e y o u t o c o m e b e a p a r t o f o u r f a m i l y . CIMARRON Cimarron Steakhouse 3260 S. Stratford Rd. 7 1 2 -4 6 8 9 Hrs: Mon, 11am-9pm Tues-Thurs 11 am-10pm Sat 4-11PM m www.cimarron-nc.com j Please present this coupon for ! 20% O F F j Your Entire Purchase I (Exdudos Alcohol) !I ^ IExpires 04-19-09 Whining Womens Wednesday 1 / 2 O F F j ^ W i n e % t h e G l a s s It■■-fy I »f f. M em bers of the Davie High School Vocal Ensemble earning a superior rating at a regional festival at Wake Forest University. Vocal Ensemble soloists receiving Superior and Excellent ratings at the Regional Solo Festival in Kernersville, from left: Joslynn Thomas, Marcie Garrett, Robert Sparks, Sarah Martin, Erica duPont and Israel Goheen. T h e Farm er Grow s A Rainbow ’ New Program To Teach Students About Nutrition, Food Source A unique edu cational truining event was held fo r elementary teachers from Davie County Schools in Febniury. P re-K indergarten-second grade tcachcr.s m et on Feb. 24, and teachers of students in third through fifth grade met Feb. 25. A t the sessions, sponsored by the 'D ayie Farm Bureau, educators representin g elem entary schools from the county school system took part in an orientation related to tlie use o f a new teaching kit tilled “T h e F arm er G ro w s u R uinbow ." The kit includes classroom lessons and physical a c tiv itie s fo r grades pre- kindergarten-fifth tiuu address nutrition and fitness education w ith core curricula. “T h e F arm er G ro w s u R ainbow " was developed by N .C . Farm Bureau’s edueutionnl progrnm, A g in the Classroom. A cc o rd in g to A g In the C lassroom D ire c to r Louise Lam m , the lessons w ere developed lo create awnreness o f the new est n u tritio n a l g u id elin es set by the U .S . D epartm ent o f A g ricu ltu re , MyPyram iil.gov, imd to help students develo p an understanding and appreciation for the source o f all nutrition - the farm er.--D evelopm ent o f “T h e F arm er G ro\vs a Rainbo\y” wus made possiblo through a grant from U SD A and kits are being made available lo schools Ihrctlighout the United Stales. Participalirig cdiicalors spent DHS Choral Students Get High Rankings The Duvie H igh School Vo­ cal Ensemble earned superior ratings in the Regional Choral Festival at W ake Forest Univer­ sity on Friday, M arch 13. ' One o f 75 groups that par­ ticipated in Ihe three-day festi­ val, Ihe group earned superior ratings in perform ance and sight-reading. The ensemble w ill perform in N ew Y ork C ity at South Street Seaport during spring break, part of an annual trip by the ensemble. In the past few years, they have perform ed at Epcot in Disney, Lincoln Cen­ ter nnd St. Pulrick’s Cathedral in N ew York City, in K ey West, Fla,, aboard the Enchantment of the Sens cruise ship on its way to C ozu m el, and aboard the Sovereign o f the Seas cruise sliip on its w ay to the Bahamas, The ensem ble recently per­ formed the National Anthem for a Wuke Forest basketball game. The group w ill perform in the Choral Fest Friday, M ay 29 at 7 p,m . at the Brock Perform ­ ing Arts Ccnter on North M ain Street in M ocksville. Also per­ form ing w ill be the Ladies Vo­ cal Ensemble and the Chords I group. Tickets are $6 in ad­ vance and $8 at the door,;To purchase tickets, call instructor Elaine Snow at 751-5905 ext. 421.' M em bers o f the vocal en­ semble include: Jennifer Bo^th, Jessie Bumgarner, K aitiin Buss, Erica DuPont, C aitlin Hauser, S u m m er H o lla n d , M ar,|an H unekler, Stacy Jolly, Jenny M ille r, K erri M o ren , Alyssa M o ssm an , A sh to n Y o rk , Sam an tha C ontos, B rittan y D yso n , L isa Foster, M arp le Gurrett, Israel Goheen, Diiina G reeii, Sarah M artin, Chel;ea Parish, C arly Pratapas, Kdtie Roberts, Anna Sm ith, Joslynn Thom as, Raheem A lexander, Sam Law , Travis Sm ith, Rob­ ert Spurk.'i, Jnke Reavis, Jflde W elch , T y le r H a m , L ijk e H o lllfie ld , Pete N ew m p n , Robby Steinour, Tim m y Stiijng and Brandon Tester. ‘ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 2,2009 - B9 M em bers of the Vocal Ensemble Quartet receiving a Superior rating at Small Ensemble Festival In Kernersville, from left: Robby Steinour, Diana Green, Robert Sparks and Stacy Jolly tim e invcstignling the general lesson fo r a ll elem en tary students w hicli helps to nuike them fa m ilia r w ith M yP yram iil.gov and then studied lessons fo r specific grudc levels. They were able to study printed lesson plans, view video qUpa o f lessons ,being 'ta u g h t,'a n d p articip ate in ■ yseleeled a c tiv itie s , as ;thelr students w ili do. Davie County Farm Bureau P resident E ddie Leagans, brought greetings imd pledged Ihe support o f Farm Bureau as Icachers work to provide quality und relevant lessons fo r their students. Leagans informed the, workshop participants that Ihe D a v ie Farm B ureau wus donating “The Farm er brow s a R ain b o w " k its to each elementary school in the county. Refreshm ents were provided both days by the D avie Farm Bureau. Farm Bureau is a private, n o n -p ro fit, grassroots o rg an izatio n that has been -promoting farm and rural issues in N orth Carolina since 1936 through governmental relations, m arkcling, field rcprc.sentallon, agricultural education, member services and other programs. M o re in fo rm a tio n , and com plete content o f “T h e Farm er Grows a Rainbow" can be accessed at www.cigclassroom.org/minbow. Davie Farm Bureau President Eddie Leagans with Davie teachers and the kits. ■ 3 F O R K B A P T I S T C H U R C H F A M IL Y Invites you to our E a s te r C e le b ra tio n S u n d a y / A p r i l 1 2 S o n r t s e S c h e d u l e 7:00 a . m : S o n r i s e S e r v i c e 7:45 a . m . B r e a k f a s t 8:45 a . m . S u n d a y S c h o o l 10:00 a . m . W o r s h i p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FORK BAPTIST CHURCH Hwy 64, 1/4 mile west of Hwy 801 F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n call 3 3 6 .9 9 8 .8 3 0 6 Rev. Robert Garrett, Pastor dmedavie m edical equipm ent Your Home Care Company | You Have the Right to Choose Your Home Medical Equipment Company - Davie Medical Equipment. Especially if you go to a neighboring hospital.; Our long-established, convenient and very competitive business Is here to serve you with the latest and best, home care products. ; Our certified and licensed employees keep your needs and comfort at the top of their priorities when you come', to us for service. ; Important components In our equipment offerings,Is our ability p provide our clients with the? technology In portable oxygen and respiratory equipment. I One of the most most advanced ted Managing sleep apnea and breathing disorders is a Job that requires cooperation between the physician, thei patient and their medical equipment company. You need to be sure that the equipment necessary to treat your, condition Is the right equipment for youl < No matter the type of SDB (sleep-disordered breathing) or breathing difficulties you are dealing with, our stafT, here at Davie Medical Equipment has the experience, expertise and concern to match your needs with the; proper treatment. ; In order to deliver the most effective treatment we carry a complete line of PAP (positive airway pressure)' equlprnent and nebulizers that will be fitted for your com fort and lifestyle. ; With the problem Identified, the road to relief Is Just a visit away from our trained and professional staff at vour medical equlpmtnt companyl Come on In today to discuss your options and begin breathing easy again. • dme davie medical equipment 959 Salisbury Rd. • Mocksville (336)751-4288 • fax (336)751-4688 ;'l u li t' : ?} ■ »10 - D A V IE C O U N TY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, A p ril 2,2009 Middle School Band Concert This Siaturday ; Come see and hear the Davio A ll-C o u n ty M id d le School Sand. The best bund students from North, South, and Ellis w ill combine on Saturday, A pril A foir a concert at the Brock Per­ form ing Arts Center on North M ain Street, M ocksville. The group w ill be under the direction o f the county's band directors. The concert w ill be at 2 p.m. Saturday Yard Sale Benefits Science Club , T h e D a v ie H ig h School Science Club is sponsoring a yurd and bake sale on Saturday, A pril 4 from 7 a.m .-l p.m. in the front purking lot o f the high school. ■ ' C lu b m em bers w ill be jraising funds to send students to state Science O lym p ia d com petition, A pril 24 and 25 and for H flnal field trip for club members. C om m unity m em bers arc il\v ite d to shop and snack. Anyone who would like to sell wares, arts and crufts, or other item s is asked to contact Elizabeth Bustle, club advisor, for more inform ation about the m inim al cost o f renting a table (7 5 1 -5 9 0 5 , ext. 50 8 or bustlee@ davie.kl2.ncMs). In case o f rain, the yard and bake sale w ill still take place under the covcred breezcway entrance at the front o f the school. Donations o f items for the sale or bake sale ure uccepted und these items cun be dropped o ff nt D H S or picked up nt your con venience by con tacting Bustle. Ellis Middle School MathCounts team members, from left: Jeffrey Phillips, Abl Dupree, Wilson Rowe, Eliza­ beth Carbone, Luke Walker, Coach Steve Rareshlde, Ashlyn Whitesell, Matthew Ellis, Bel LaPolnte. Ellis Students Win At MathCounts Pre-Easter Sale 4 (r OFF Everything Friday & Saturday April 3 & 4 ONLY Clemmons Discount Sales 1533 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. 766-4449*766-4938 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9 to 7 • Sat. 9 to 5 All Sales Final • No Exchanges • No Refunds E llis M id d le S ch ool's M athCounts team placcd scc­ ond out o f 26 teams in the w rit­ ten p o rtio n o f the ann ual Northwest chapter com petition in W inston-Salem . The group qualified for the state com petition in Durham . A separate purt o f the com ­ petition is Ihe ciphering round, in w hich teams face o ff against each other in n quiz bow l-typo form at. Despite the disadvan­ tage o f being random ly se­ lected to com pete early in Ihis p ortion, E llis students p ro ­ ceeded to defeat six consecu­ tive schools, including annuul pow erhouse H anes M id d le School in W inston-Salem , to take flrsi placo. T ea m m em bers aro A b i D upree, M atth ew E llis . Bel LuPointe, nnd Jeffrey Phillips. In divid ual com petitors w ere E liza b e th C arbone, W ilso n R o w e , L u k e W a lk e r, nnd A Tihlyn W h ilo s o ll. M a th teacher Stove Raroshide wus the coach. Jeffrey Phillips placed sec­ ond overall and M atthew EIIIei 11 th overall in individual com ­ petition out o f 174 "mnthlelc.s" in Northw est N orth Cnrolina. Phillips look flrst overall in an individual face-off called the cou ntdow n round, the first tim e a D nvie student has done this in at least 15 yenrs o f M athCounts com petition. F o rm e d in 19 83, M athCounts is a nation-w ide m ath com petition fo r m iddle school students. In N o rth Cnrolina it is sponsored by the Professional Engineers o f N C , w hich organizes the event for p u b lic and p riv a te m ijddle schools. T h e goal is to encourage student interest in m athem at­ ics through a series o f exciting challenges. The top loams from tho regional com petitions ad­ vance to Ihe state com petition. From Ihere, the top four indi­ viduals compete in the national finals. M athC ounts problem s cover topics that include alge­ bra, geom etry, hum bor theory, pntterns, nnd probability. The team hns been practicing regu- Inrly since October. "I nm proud o f the team's a c co m p lish m e n ts . T h e y w orked hard in practice, had a good tim e, and w ere a delight­ ful group lo couch," Rnreshide said. Top student Jeffrey Phillips with Coach Steve Rareshlde. Join our clinical research study and help us find serious treatments. You.may be able to be in a clinical research study if you suffer from the pain experienced after having siiin- gies, also called post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN) pain. The purpose of this study Is to see how weii two different doses of an investigational drug work in getting rid of PHl\l pain. You m ay be able to be in th is Study if you: •Are at least 18 years old • Have had a diagnosis of PH!\I and pain for at least 3 months • Are currently tal<ing or have previously tai<en Neurontin (or generic gabapentin) dr pregabaiiii with little relief of pain ^ The investigator wili go over other requirements with you. if you take part in tiie study, you can expect at least 9 clinic visits, Your time in the study will last about 41/2 months. There is no cost to you for all study-related office visits, medical exams, and study medicine, C a ll to d a y a b o u t th is P H N s tu d y : 704-637-3145 C o u r i e r Thursday, April 2, 2009 Page 2 DAVID COUNTY Zach Drpschsler buys straw bcrrleii last year at Ihe Daniel Boone Fam ily Festival In Downtown M ocksvillc from G lorin Anderson. This year’s festival Is Suturduy, M uy 2. 3 D avie farm s to sell shares Benefits to consumers include fresh produce, helping environment B y K nrcn Richardson Spccinl to the Enlcrprise Fred and, K elly Alexander o f M ocksville don’t have the tim e or space for gardening, ■ but appreciate the freshness of locally grown prodiicc. That’s w hy they’ve purchased a share In the 2009 crops produccd'by Calahaln Fariiis in Davie County. Farm owner David Anderson, who recently retired from teaching social studies, is starting a Comm unity Supported . Agriculture (C S A ) program at his 35-acrc farm on Calahaln Road, W ith C S A programs, people purchase shares in a local farm and receive a weekly box o f the season's harvest. In essencc, according to the U.S. Departm ent of Agriculture (U S D A , growers and consumers provide mutual support and share the beneflts and risks o f food production. Anderson’s C S A program, one of three in the county w ill run for 14 weeks beginning at the end o f M ay with strawberries and ending with pumpkins and sweet potatoes Please Sec Farm s ■ Page 7 Anderson says offering produce is a way to save fum ily lund • and teach u new generation where food come.s from ■ F l F v . David Anderson helps M ackenzie and Steve Young pick . strawberries. . . . ' ■ .' D liy jM A p d i m i ^ e s H’R IT A G Earm Reba antJ Todd Mclnnis Educational Farm Tour* lor Childron A Adults 367 Sheffield Road - Modinillc, NC 27028 33M92-7529 336^7-2900 toddrebii367s@yadttl.ntt Painting, Inc. interior ~ Exterior ~ Textured Ceiling Re-palnts ~ Drywall ■» Presit/re Washing Home Repair Residential ~ Commercial Insured and Bonded Mark Douglas, owner/operator 336-995-3410 _____ Hydration ¡k h M L u tU ik s * m J m I 4 ^rrrt0«f(an Installations, Repairs, Spring Openings, Winterizations, Backflow Inspections & Certlllcatlon, Pr'operty Management Member ol BBB, Davie County Chamber ol Comrrterce 336-998-1060 - Cali Todayl J p tiC le v n m u itm Ш ш л ш п е г Thursday, April 2, 2009 РадеЗ e n te r p r i/ì A ec o r df С D A V IE C O U N T Y The toxic home T h e r e a r e a l t e r n a t i v e s t o m o s t c o m m e r c i a l c l e a n i n g p r o d u c t s B y Jam ! Law hon ■ N C Cooperative Extension The average Am erican uses about 25 gallons o f toxic products per year in the home. M a n y ingredients in household cleaners are considered toxic chemicals by the E nvironm ent Protection A gcncy (E P A ). Som e o f the products have been linked to birth defccts, asthma, allergies, rcduced fe rtility , diseases affecting the central nervous, system and even cancer. If you w ant to explore the use o f nontoxic cleaning alternatives for general health and money- saving bencrits, the ingredients and rccipes below w ill help. W hen you make your own cleaning products, you avoid chem icals h arm fu l to you r fam ily and the environm ent. The cleaning products used in most homes cun cause indoor air q u a lity problem s, possible severe chemical bums and other health problems from ingestion or absorption. M any household c lean in g products, such as furniture polish, oven cleaners, d ra in , cleaners, even a ir fresheners are considered hazardous waste potentially harm ful to fish, w ild life and huniuns. Three key ingredients every home should have are baking soda, vinegar and borax. B aking Soda helps to clean und deodorize, w ill act as a scouring agent, polisher, stain remover, fubric softener. Use to clean plastic, vin y l, carpct. silver, stainless steel, drains, and refreshes your fridge. V in e g a r helps rem ove stains, wax buildup und mildew. U se to clean w in d o w s, fireplaces, grout, paintbrushes, glass, and coffee pots. B o ra x helps to clean and deodorize. Use on wallpaper, painted walls and floors. Use it with your detergents to remove stains and boost the cleaning power. Here are a few green recipes for household cleaning: A ir Freshener 1. W ith a cotton ball, dab vanilla on light bulbs. 2. Baking soda w ill remove odors from carpets. 3. Set out a bowl o f vincguf to remove odors overnight. Olshes-Spot Rem over 1. Add a few tablespoons of Vinegar to dishwater, it w ill cut grease and leave dishes sparkling D isinfectant I, M ix 1/2 cup borax in I gallon o f hot water A ll-P urpose C leaner 1. Dissolve 4 tablespoons baking soda in 1 quart warm water for a cleaning solution or use baking soda sprinkled on a damp sponge. Baking soda w ill clean iill kitchen and bathroom surfaces. D ra in C leaner Put 1/2 cup baking soda down drain and then 1/2 cup of white vinegar and cover drain. Let set for a few minutes, then pour a kettle o f boiling water down the drain to flush it. W G. WHITE’S COUNTRY STORE 2119 Hwy. 601 North • Mocluvlllc, NC • (336) 492-2111 S e e u s f o r y o u r f a v o r i t e W y a t t - Q u a r l e s G a r d e n S e e d s ! B y th e b ag in 1 6 o z, & 1 0 lb . bags o r b u y b y th e o z. o r lb . Cantaloupe Turnip Okra Spinach Radish '. iGle Carrot Collards Beet Lettuce Watermelon Beans Pumpkin Corn Squash Peas Cucumber Seed Potatoes ONION SETS & VEGETABLE PIANTS Hanging Basket Ferns P erfect to b e a u tiiy y o u r h o m e! HOURSi Tucsday-Friday8-6i Saturday 8-2) Closed Siui. & Mon. O l Want that energy-efficient tax break? Q u e s t i o n s a n d a n s w e r s a b o u t f e d e r a l g o v e r n m e n t p l a n Q : W hat are the details o f the new consum er tux credit for qualiFied energy-efficient home improvements related to w in­ dows? A : Under the new law, when taxpayers purchase replacement windows that meet specific en­ ergy efficiency requirem ents, they arc eligible for 30% o f the am ount returned in us a tax credit. This credit is Capped at $ 1 ,.i 00 for tho years of 2009 and 2010, Q : W hat are the restrictions o f this tax crcdit? A : This law has specific re­ strictions. Its important to note the following: 1. W indows purchased must be equal lo or below n U Factor o f 0.30 and a Solar Heat Gain C oefficient (S H O C ) o f 0.30. (Note: these are not the same factors as Energy Star® quail- fications, so homeowners w ill need to specifically check on tho U Factor and S IIG C ratings of the windows ordered.) 2. The purchase o f the quali­ fied w indow s must be made during the taxable year fo r w h ich the c red it is being claim ed. 3. The crcdit is only allowed on the price o f the qualined win­ dows themselves, not on instal­ lation costs, onsite preparation. assembly or sales tux. 4. The tux crcdit is allowable only for qualified w indow units placed in servicc in 2009 and 2010. Q : W hat is the tim efram e for this program? A i The credit is provided for all qualined windows purchased and installed in 2009 and 2010.- Q : W hat exactly is a tax credit? A ; U nlike a tax deduction that only rcduccs tho amount of your taxable income, a tax credit reduces the amount o f tax you owe. Q : W hat'kind o f windows must I purchase to be eligible for this tux credit? A : Energy efficient windows that have a glass package equal to or below a U Factor o f 0,30 and a Solar Heat G ain C oeffi­ cient (S H G C ) o f 0,30, Q : W hat is a U Factor? A : This is tlie amount o f heat transferred Ihrough u material. T he lo w er the U -v alu e, the slower the rate o f heat flow and tho better the insulating quality o f the window, Q ; W hat is Solar H eat Gain Coefficient (SHG C)? A : S H G C is the percentage of heat gained from both direct sunlight and absorbed heat. The sm aller the number, the greater the ability to reduce solar heat gain into the home, Q : D o I have to purchase E N E R G Y S T A R ® q u alified windows to g it the tax credit? A : N o, You .should .specifi- Cttlly ask for a U Factor o f 0.30 (or below ) and a SH G C o f 0.30 (or better) when purchasing a window that qualifies for the tax credit. These arc different en­ ergy officient specifications than E N E R G Y STAR qualified windows have, Q : W h o m ust I purchase these windows through? A ; As long as' the windows meet the qualifications set forth by the U,S. government for en­ ergy efficicncy, you m ay pur­ chase the windows from any source. Sim onton recommends you select a w indow product backed by a strong w arranty from a com pany w ith a solid history and truck record for ex­ ceptional service. Q : Once I purchase the w in­ dows, what do I need to save in order to request the tax crcdit? A : You should save your re­ ceipt for tho w indow purchase along w ith all w indow labels that come oii every window. Q : W lion w ill I get m y tax credit? A : I f you purchase your qualified windows in 2009, you can submit to receive your tax creditonyour2009taxes. Ifyo u purchase your qualified w in ­ dows in 2010, you can submit to receive your tax credit on your 2010 tuxes. Q : Is there an advantage to purchasing energy efficien t w indow s for m y hom e over other energy efficient products, s^ch us increased insulation or u heat pump? A i Yos, Along w ith im m edi­ ately helping to reduce heating and cooling bills from the day they are installed, energy effi­ cient windows can add to the beauty and curb appeal of your hom e. W hen sbiecting vinyl W indows, they allow for low maintenance to m ake your life easier. Energy-cfficient window , replacements proyide im m edi- aie added value to your home, yo u r energy b ills and you r lifestyle. To leurn m ore, visit the website www.slmonlon.cuin. [f E R n K . GUN SHOP 11895 C O O L S P R IN G S RD W O O D LE A F, NC 3.4 MIloe From Hwy 801 between Slatesvlllo a> Snllebury 704-278-9159 Tuesday-Frlday lOam-epm Saturday 10am-3pm svww.lallaulsholterounshop.com S P R IN G S A V IN G S O N NOW ! H E O E N T I AWM I K'Ai K '.l' STEVE IJA M E S C AR PET C LEAN IN G DISCOVER THE BEAUTY OF YOUR CARPET! FREEESnMATCS 492-2645 Locally Owned & Operated SERVING DAVIE COUNTY AND SURROUNDING AREAS ' Residential & Qoinmerclal • Carpet & Upholstery Steam Cleaning ■ Deodorizing & Soil Guard • Water Extraction Service Accurate Cur Lawn Service Steve Whitaker, Owner Mowing, Trimming, Edging, Seed in g, etc. FREE ESTIMATES 3 3 & 9 9 8 ^ 1 9 r ^ 336-250-2668^ O pen H o use T rees and Shrubs Large Assortment of Fruit Trees and Berry Bushes. Plus Dogwoods, River Birch and Cherry and Plum Trees, Blooming Azaleas and more. Free _^Registcrto w in a • $ 5 0 L .A . Reynolds^ G ift Card и Local Artists will be displaying and selling their original art all weekend nt L.A. Reynolds 2 0 0 9 R o s e s A r e H e r e ! Great Selection. Enjoy the Magnificent Color and Fragrance. F r e e N a t h a n ’s H o td o g s , L e m o n a d e a n d P o p c o rn a ll d a y lo n g th is S a tu rd a y Bind S u n d a y . B a llo o n s a n d o th e r s p e c ia l . th in g s f o r th e K id s ! P l a n t E x p e r t s Our Plant Experts have been buzzing around plants for years and years, Come on in and get'some good Old Fashioned know-how. R E Y N O L D S Moiul.ïv April 6 Open til ;pni W e e kcl.ivb 8c S a lu rd d y OARDBN SHOWCABB* 4400 Styers Ferry Road, Winston-Salem, N C 27104 336-945-3776 LAReynoids,çom Mon-Sat 9-6 Sun 12-5 WW^ E q u ip m e n t ; 1305 Uvirisville^lenimonsRdMUwisviile, NC336-766-91Ó9 42 lV)iitin &VI1Í 9t Cjih ОЯСГ Ш tvA^Od lo c/c<U «rííííJl ел lû'ai.'WOí wxif VwiJ C»tí « VMiJ Cafd И|Л üw i сдги ¿aweit. fio MkiioìW (i iwtH ipa wрц««Лми1 p«'<0. Fìiu;« chjig« wì 1« «r-tiwd f'ìr i djb ^ wAi« Uw IdN tMCh«* ch W(pke ЛЛ/ li*} Of cftarg«! ju-J л 1ш; vitun iiw (чч u.a coi:íf tu ' Tao», Irciÿit. ifllup anj (kliveri fKl iocWtJ. • C > S i m p l ì a i t i i .-ifv л ш ш л П ж О в г ш ы п о п т Ш ______С а и п е г Thursday, April 2, 2009 Page 4 DAVIB COUNTY E M T E R P R I / ^ E C O R P U nlim tted B uilders Remodeling • Garages Additions * Decks • Carpentry Masonry • Flooring 30 Years Experieme CaU Robert 704-880-0468 704-8804)443 Garden Shop 133б1К1плиН.,ММ|ШУ,№ Р1Ю П «70Ф ^742 8:Э0-в:Э0 U m d m p e Deêign & Consulting HEW SHIPNEHT • Orelild.4 •Mnnücvlllln ”1• VlíilclH I• Cyclnmcii I• Kulunchoü • Bromulind g • Much More f ^P E A R L Y G A R D E N • Seed Holutos • Onion Sels • Sugar Pens • Cool Crops • Splniich • Beets • Riullsh • Carton • Siniwberrles • Herbs ■ Om|ic» • Dliicberries • Fmll 'fyees •Pigs ■ A»pimigii* • Rhubarb S O L I D C E D A R I f ^ Bluebird Box I L W I I D - « V f L A W N F E I ir iL I Z illP L V I C H A M R A S S n i l Y I N n i l 1 5 -0 - 4 Anilyili: 25-0-4 Wllh Trimec* and DImtnsloa* wllh Inice elamonls Proven broadteal weed killer and prg-emergence Crabgrasa control.Feeds the lawn, kills Dandelions, and stops Crabgrass germination In one easy application. Controls over 200 broadleal weeds while stopping germination of Crabgrass, Poa Annua and other listed grassy weeds. Cmingi: 13,333 sq. It, L A N D S C A P E S P E C I A L S • Awilens u _ I • Dogwoods r o u r C h o ic e• Ciimcllhis Ф Л в п • Huunynius ▼ и э э • Hollies tecl • LIguslrum • Numllmi • Ind, Hawtlium • Jasmino • Vlbuniuiti • I'cm • Juni|Mr • Oardenlii • Palms MARSHA’S Ш WATER m№№ 6 V ''-^ U o u rs : A P R I L - S E P T . F r i A S a t U a m - S p M 336-4Й 2‘7423 6 4 W OF MOCKSVILLE TO CALAMALN RD. (NEAR LAKE MYERS CAMPfiROUND) THEN 1.ЙМ1 TO BEAVER BRANCH TRAIL f f ' Mà'i M a ste r G a rden er graduates, fro m le ft: K a re n Daugherty, Brenda Davis, R obert Pancoast, Kathleen Pancoast, G loria G ardner, B la ir G ardner, and Frank Foster. N e w c r o p o f M a s t e r G a r d e n e r s r e a d y f o r v o l u n t e e r s e r v i c e Black Sand Company ^nd, Gravel A Landscape Materials 'Since 1927' Residential & Commercial M a rk A C indy Shoi{f, Owners • Mortar Sand • Umvel & Wlilte Pchhles • RIvor ,Snnd • Dark & Hrick Nuggets • White Sand • DIendcd Pli |]nlnnced • Dc.signer Mulch Compo.'it Topsoll . Kid C.'u.shloii • Uagged Rubber Mulch • Hardwood Mulcii • Cypre.^s Mulch M undiiy-Frldii)’ 7:30 - 5:30 • Sulurduy 8:00 - 3:00 PICK VP OR DELIVERY 745 W, Cluminunsviltc Ruud • Winston-Sulem, NC www.blui'küundcu.cum (3 3 6 ) 7 8 8 -6 4 1 1 The D a v ic C o u n ty. Cooperative Extension Center celebrated the 2009 M aster G ardener G ra d u atio n and Awards Ceremony on Thursday, M arch 5, The 2009 class and current M aster G ardener Volunteers were joined by fam ily, friends, and Cooperative Extension staff for a dinner and graduation and awards ceremony at the Center Com m unity Building, The 20 09 class m em bers were honored for com pleting the m inim um o f 40 hours o f instruction that covers topics including lawn care; ornamental trees and shrubs; insect, disease, and weed m anagem ent; soils and plant nutrition; fruit and vegetable production ; and garden flowers, Karen Daugherty, Brenda Davis, Frank Foster, Blair and Gloria Gardner, and Robert and Kathleen Pancoast made up the 2009 class. The class members are w o rkin g tow ards tho co m p letio n o f 40 hours o f volunteer scrvice, , M aster Gardener Volunteers o f Ihe 2008 cla^s w ere also acknowledged at the graduation ceremony. Brian Bishop, A nn Clodfeller, Alethea Faust, Cleve and Glenda Hollar, and Joann Vincent w ere recognized for com pleting the initial 40 hours o f volunteer service. A fter the initial 40 hours of com m unity service is complete, a m in im u m o f 20 hours is required euch additional year, Ann Spry and Terry Thornett w ere recognized fo r th e ir contribution o f 200 hours of volunteer service. Mem bers of the 2004 class, Debbie Frisby, M ary Ferguson, lind Pat Tilley, were acknow ledged for five ' years o f servicc with the Master Gardener Program. C o lle en S. C hurch, Extension agent and M aster Gardener program coordinator said, " It’s a great pleasure to w ork w ilh such an active and devoted group o f volunteers. Tho M a s te r G ardeners are involved in m any com m unity beautification projects; instruct workshops and lectures fo r various groups in the county; and o ffe r an annual Jun ior M aster Gardener Day Cam p. They ore a huge asset to Davie Counly Cooperative Extension and Ihe county itself.” ! • • J 0 % Financing. 1 0 0 % Fun. Pay no interest for 72 months on 1500 Series compacts. W h a t c o u l d b e m o r e f u n t h a n t h a t ? O u r M a s s e y F e r g u s o n ® 1 5 0 0 S e r i e s o f f e r s t e n m o d e l s , f r o m 2 3 t o 5 9 h p , f i v e t r a n s m i s s i o n c h o i c e s , i n d e p e n d e n t P T O , a h u g e l i f t c a p a c i t y , a n d a n e n g i n e s o q u i e t y o u w o n ’t b e l i e v e y o u r e a r s . B e s u r e t o c h e c k o u t o u r 1 5 2 9 a n d 1 5 3 2 m o d e l s . T h e y o f f e r m o r e l u x u r y , m o r e c o m f o r t a n d m o r e t r a c t o r f o r f a r l e s s t h a n y o u ’d p a y f o r c o m p a r a b l e m a c h i n e s in t h e i r c l a s s . F r o m a d v a n c e d e r g o n o m i c s a n d a l a r g e r i s o - m o u n t e d , o p e r a t o r p l a t f o r m t o m o r e l e g r o o m , s t a n d a r d a r m r e s t s a n d a f a c t o r y - i n s t a l l e d j o y s t i c k , w e ’r e t a l k i n g b u s h e l s o f f e a t u r e s a n d p e c k s o f f u n . S e e y o u r M a s s e y F e r g u s o n ® d e a l e r t o d a y o r v i s i t w w w . m a s s e y f e r g u s o n . c o m . *On i«t«CT moddi with approved credit from ACCO Rn»nc«, LLC. AvallabI« for equal monthly p^enu only. Leatei and balloon payments available at tIightJy hl|her rates. Offered for a limited time only. Conact your participating dealer for details. S t a t e s v i l l e T r a c t o r a n d R e n t a l s 7 0 7 G a i t h e r R d . S t a t e s v i l l e , N C 2 8 6 7 7 7 0 4 -8 7 1 - 2 5 3 3 M A B 8EV FERO UBON HuHyrantuMnlstw in4 pf ACCQO MOÍAUCO Corp<>reUon.420S №yw Gr«*n P*rinwApuluih,CA ÎOOM (077) SU>4)a4 m m d n rn ir«; la ir g c i m e Get ttie BEST PRICE ~ from the start on QUALITY Products from: a SOUTHERN States Davie Farm S ervice Inc . C a r o l i n a B l e n d , G o M S t a n d a r d , R e b e l s & other tu tf type blends available. — p l u s — K e n t u c k y 3 1 T a l l F e s c u e Also, donH forget,.. Organics, Pine Needles, Straw, Lime and Fertilizer W e e d & F e e d a ls o : 2 1 - 3 - 8 F e rtiliz e r w ith B a rrie n d o C ra b g rn s s P re v e n te r in 5 0 L b . B n g s 50 Lbs. S P R IN G S P E C IA L K e n t u c k y 31 G r a s s S e e d ^ $ y | Q 9 5 -b s . H r i J C lean Tag! . ‘> № o i ^ o n l y , j ' I B t e f p i i i l l . l a l ^ P K I C I C A a i D ^ J ^ | k i > a 9 t , N Q t 4 0 t b r > Please stop in today or call for the 1 M O S T C O M P E m iV E P R IC E S IN T H E A R E A ! LOCALLY OWNED AND OPEM TED FOR 57 YEARS 1 1 6 W l l k e s b o r o S t • M o c k s v i ll e (336) 751-5021 H o ^ : M-F8am-5pm, Sat Sam-lpm c m m a r Thursday, April 2, 2009 Page 5 D A V IB C O U N T Y Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden plans Green Week Building on its Ijopular slate o f spring programming, Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden w ill become ii greater com m unity resoui-ce on green living begin­ ning w ilh a Green W eek cel­ ebration A pril 18-26. Green W eek w ill jnclude the Gardeq's annual plant sale on A pril 18 and 19 and a new fam ­ ily event called Green & G row ­ ing Fest A pril 25 and 26. "W hile Ihe garden has al­ ways been com m itted to pro­ m oting green practices, we are striving to enhance our pro­ grams related lo green living," said Kara New port, executive director. "We want lo be li re­ source for Ihe com m unity and help residents o f Ihe region leam how to live greener and healthier lives. Since Earth Day (A pril 22) and Arbor Day (A pril 2 4 ) fa ll in this p erio d , w c thought Green W eek would be a great tim e to recognize bolh o f those green holidays w hile celebrating our planet and hav­ ing a fun learning experience at the same time." Green. W eek is part o f "A Southern Spring," which fea­ tures an enhanced spring garden display w ilh a variety of color­ ful annuals against a backdrop o f t;aditionai southern m ain­ stays. Sweeps o f annuals such as snapdragons, (ibppies and wallflowers w ill add to the spec- tacular perennial color provided by azaleas, viburnums and flow ­ ering trees. The Garden's Spring Plant Sale w ill be 9 a.m .-3 p.m. Sat­ urday,and Sunday (w ith an S' a.m. preview for garden m em ­ bers on Saturday) and w ill fea­ ture vendors offering top qual­ ity, hard-lo-fm d plants and trees, garden tools and accessories. Vendors offerin g everything from vegetables to native plants w ill be on hand. Garden Grown plants w ill also be available and guests can talk to the ’experts for advice on ihelr spring planting needs. Proceeds benefit Ihe Gar­ den. Green & G row ing Fest w ill be held 9 a.m."3 p.m, and w ill include exhibitors and program­ ming focused on green living. Environm ental components of the event w ill focus on rainwa­ ter harvesting, organic veg­ etable gardeniitgi gardening to attract native w ildlife, vegetable gardening fo r ch ild ren and m ore. Growers and producers from Foothills Fresh, a coopera­ tive o f growers from nearby counties including Gaston and Lincoln, w ill bring Iheir wares, for sampling and for purchase. O th er ac tivities incliide Ihe Great Garden Tree Hunt, an ex­ ploration o f tropical food prod­ ucts in The Orchid Conserva­ tory and more. Both events arc free w ith garden admisiiion. Adm ission for members is free; adults, $ 10; seniors 60+, $9; and children 4- 12, $ i For m ore inform ation log on to wwwlDSBG.org or call 704-825-4490. Daniel Stowe Botanical Gar­ den provides guests a chance to reconnect w ith nature. Located w ilhin 380 acres on Ihe banks o f Lake W ylie, gardens, foun­ tains, a conservatory dedicated to Ihe display o f tropical plants imd orchids, a visitor pavilion, gift shop and nature w alk await. H G T V nam ed it one o f the nation's "20 Great Gardens." TMCl(tn(IS(<l|)P Design, LLC Statesville, NC ThebeitnexttoNatiatbertt(f -S IN C E 1 979- 7 0 4 - 7 4 6 - 2 3 3 8 visit our website for a list of services, www.tinciandscap4.mt ' DAVIDSON CUSTOM EDGING ''C u r b A p p e a l f o r Y o u r H o m e o r B u s in e s s " O f f e r i n g a l l / ■ K w i k K e r b P a t t e r n s / i l ■ Ш Ш t " 5 P l u s o v e r 5 0 O n e - o f - a - K i n d P a t t e r n s - F r e e E s t i m a t e s - P o r t f o l i o R e f e r e n c e s Л р д Д Л Q D a n n y S o w e r s S in c e 2 0 0 4 3 3 6 - 2 3 9 - 6 2 1 4 (D a y tim e ) V 3 3 6 - 7 3 1 - 3 5 2 3 (E ve n in g s ) P i e d m o n t L a n d s c a p e D e s i g n , I n c . 1029 Salisbury Road ч Mocksville 336-753-8110 www.piedmontlandscapedeslgn.com Lanidstape Services: ij Landscape Design & jnstallatlon Hardscapes Irrigation Consultation Services Lawn Maintenance l i v i n g : ; - Design and Installation Grill Islands Fireplaces Fire Pits Pergolas and Arbors Decorative Gravel • Pavers • Segmental Block Walls • Natural Stone Mulches • Pine Needles • Straw CALL FOR DELIVERY SPECIALS Reitailers,andtn^>lM # V E R 8 A - L 0 K «ftotalnlnflWell Bytteme Solid Дд/и/юшг K i t c h e n A i d P L A N T S Herbs; U * varieties Peppers; 11+ varieties ToiHaloes; I B * varieties Cukes; 5 +varieties WatemieloH; 7* varieties Cantaloupe; varieties {Redding fiowers; 4 0 * varieties Eggplant; 2 varieties Wueberry and Strawberry Plawi« 10 lbs. Fblatoes' ^ 1 9 9 CpuHtryHaiM lOO's of Flavors of Oid'M)ioi«ed Candy Hanging feiskets Angel Trumpets • Ferns •ZucchN •Seed •Okra •Squash Fresh Local Produce !Nev Hours: Sam Hil 8pm Swuiay Hours: 1pm *til 4pm (beginning April 19) Carter’s Conntry Storo 3311 US Hwy 601 N. • Hocksville 336-^92-2625 4; Cmurmr Thursday, April 2,2009 Page 6 D A V IO C O U N T Y f i ' i V I * I li '■ I' li B y M ik e B arn h ard t Imagine. The small sign at Calahaln Bootanical Gardens (The yard 1 share w ith m y lovely w ife, P olly) says it all. B u t som etim es, it takes someone else’s view to make you appreciate what you have. The photos ori this page are all from the garden, made by our good frie n d , T e rri S m yre. Thankfully, she visits often - and brings her cam era. W e thought she wtts just a camera buff, but when Christmas rolled around, Terri and her husband Jack gave us a digital photo fram e - complete w ith photos from our garden. Im agine our surprise. A t first, I couldn’t believe it. O ur yard is that pretty? As a caretaker, it’s easy to see what needs to be done rather than appreciate what’s there. Like the photo at top left, an old bird house so surrounded by wisteria vines that it cun’t be moved. O r below that, the reflections through a glass w indow in the wedding chapel (W e were mar­ ried there.). Too often, I look at how the window, salvaged from M o c k s v ille ’s F irs t B ap tist Church, is sagging, or needs re­ pair. Go lo the bottom o f the page. That’s a dill plant gone to seed. I look at it, and think the seeds need to be collected. Terri saw it for its beauty. D id I mention she’s an artist? Above thnt, tw o butterflies extracting nectur from cone- flowers. Too often, I notice the weeds ut the coneflower’s feet. A nd how ubout those bees feeding on the sticky center of the sunflow er. N ature taking care o f nature. A t right is one o f m y favor­ ites - un old metal chair with layers o f peeling paint. O f course, it looks like another project to me. In Terri’s im agi­ nation, it’s art. A nd, by the way, the photo­ graph o f the Spanish flag on the fro n t page cam e from Terri’s camera. Im agine that. Tlianks, Terri. Your lulful eye has brought us new appreciation o f whut w e have. Barnhardt Is managing edi­ tor o f the Davie County Enter­ prise Record, and works the shovel at the C alahaln Bootanical Gardens. MOTT5 PCMERSPOKTS '■l||| It’s more fun when you get a little M u d O n T h e T i r e s Purchase Any New AtV, DiHbik Scooter or Go-Cart & Get Up To $500 in FREE GAS! I'i i;■ 1, S c o o M n starting u n d e r $800 • .i !^' Check us out at our new location! www.mottspower8ports.com 1 9 2 5 S , M ^ n S t r e e t ■ S a l is b u r y 7 0 4 - ^ 6 3 6 -9 9 0 0Hours', Tuesi Wed JOSm Thurs S, Frl IO-6pm, Sit: IO-3pm Relera frIeiHl ft n l a FWm CIUifGE onmiir Mott’s piincliasei W e s e r v ic e e v e r y th in g w e s e l l & n m s t t a h e r C M a e s e p o w e r ^ ¡ o r t s J P — » T h e C lB m m o n m mCauner Thursday, April 2,2009 Page? D A V IB C O U N T Y ENTE ECORD Farms... C ontinued From Page 2 in September. Anderson and the other farmers are selling shares now, which w ill allow them to know how much to plant to supply Ihe needs of the shareholders. "This slrulegy removes some o f the unknown ubout m arketing und makes planning much easier,” said Anderson. "A t the same lim e, it assures u good quality product for customers.” C S A is said lo have . originated in Japan m ore than 30 years ago where a group of wom en who were concerned about the rise in food imports began a growing and purchasing program in their community. In the United States today, there are an estimated several Ihousund C S A programs. Hope Cline o f M im cle Fnrm, who has been offering C S A shares since 2007, said she started her program bccausc o f u request from n customer, Annette Sherden, w ho was purchasing eggs from her. Anderson, who lust yeur offered pick-your-own struwberries, got the iden for .stnrting n C SA ufter visiting his duughter in M uine, where the progrnms ure popular. He wns also encouraged lo expand his offerings by strawberry pickers who asked, "W hut else do you have?” He said he dccided lo go directly from full-tim e teaching to full­ tim e farm ing is because he wants to preserve Ihe rural lifestyle and agricultxirul tradition. ■ C S A members are attracted to the program for a variety of reasons - from the appeal of getting fresh produce every week to knowing that buying local helps reduce the amount o f carbon released into the environment. " I’m sold on the idea of buying local,” said Sherden. "W ith the C SA , you get terrific produce that’s straight out o f the garden. W e’ve got to be conscious o f the air we breathe,” she said, noting that shipping produce from outside Ihe United Stales or across Ihe .country releases petroleum fumes into the environment. Another attraction o f C SA programs is becoming reconnected to the land - without the work. "W hen we offered pick- your-own sUawberries lust yeur, people came out w ilh their children and their fnmilies,” snys Anderson’s w ife, Olorin. “They iook pictures nnd oohed and unhed over the experience Ihey were having.” C line said being a CSA m em ber can be an education ubout nnture. “1 explnin lo people that they are buying a share of what m y garden produces. The C S A is tied to Ihe season. W hen tomuloes nrc coming in your bnsket w ill contain lots o f tomatoes. Some people don’t understand how u CSA works and usk me whnt they should do w ilh nil o f those tomatoes. I tell them thnt you do exnclly what you would do if it wns your own garden - you cun cut them or you give whnt you cannot use to friends und neighbors. Getting your vegelnbles Ihis w ay makes you more attuned lo nature.” The programs attract those who want to support local farmers. These vegetables and eggs were among one of the offerings last year from Miracle Farms. ‘ "W e’re interested in this project because it promotes local markets and small farmers,” said K elly Alexander. “W e feel the produce w ill be fresher and are excitcd about getting whatever is in season weekly. W e liked being a part of something thut w ill promote ngricullure in North Carolina, especiully since somo produce even comes from out o f Ihe country.” • Calahaln Farms, 510 Calahaln Rd., M ocksvillc, C S A program beginning in 2009, offers a 14-week program with 20 shares. The cost for a full shure, which is ubout to pounds o f produce a week, is $290 delivered und $240 when picked up nt fnrm. Contact: David Anderson, 909-2240 or caUilialnfarm@gniail.com, Offers 28 fruits and vegetables and fresh eggs. H a lf shares available. Calahaln has just been added as a Certified Roadside Farm M arket by the N .C . Departm ent of Agriculture & Consumer Services. • G alliher Farm, 183 Garwood Rd., M ocksvilie, operating since 2007, offers 30 siiares at $600 cach for a 20- week program. Contact; M ichael G alliher. 940-6784. Offers organic vegetables and fruits. Pasture-raised pork that has been supplemented with locally produced grains when available is offered at additional cost. H a lf shares available. • M iracle Farm , 854 Bear Creek Church Road, M ocksvilie, operating since 2007, offers six shares. Contact: Joey and Hope Cline; 492-5942. M em bers pay $80 a month for 15-20 pounds of produce delivered (in the W illiam R. Duvie School nreu). Pickup points ure offered. Baskets contain five ' or more varieties o f vegetables each week. H a lf shares available. Produce is naturally grown w ith no pesticides or synthetic fertilizer. Eggs also available. : — NOW OPEN IN IVIOCKSVILLE!!------ Furniture Mattress Connectioii 15(M) Nbrtii Mocksvilie, NC , (Beside Carolina Precision Machining). rOpen Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Mondays Only Hours: Thurs., Fri. & Mon. 10:00am-5:30pm; Sat. 10:00am-3:00pnfi Specializing in Market Samples special Buys and Closeouts FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! JUST RECEIWD! H i g h P o i n t M a r k e t U p h o i s t e r y S h o w r o o m ! H u g e S e le c tio n o f R e c lin e rs , L e a th e r & F a b ric A ll T H E R A P E D IC ” B ra n d B e d d in g O N S A L E ! F u ll S iz e M a t tr e s s S e ts .....................................a s lo w a s $ 1 4 8 Q u e e n P illo w T o p S e t » . ...............................................................$ 2 9 9 K in g P illo w T o p S e t............................................................................ $ 3 9 9 R e c lin e r s .............................................................................a s lo w a s $ 1 4 9 M a s s a g e R e c lln e r ........................................................... . . . . . . . . . $ 3 9 9 100% A ll L e a th e r R e c lln e r..................................... . . . . . . , . . $ 4 9 9 S o fa a n d L o v e s e a t.................... ................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5 9 9 1 0 0 % L e a th e r S o fa , « SPECIAL BUY! « SPECIAL BUY! « SPECIAL BUY! « SPECIAL BUY! « SPECIAL BUY! « SPECIAL BUY! « SPECIAL BUY! «SPECIAL BUY! r u m K u r aM O ttrM B c e n n a c tlQ ii CallUsat (336) 817^99 Financing i Avallafile , SERVICi IS OUR ARPE^S Lawn Equipment COMMITMENT& Service, Inc. w v n , # f TORO Count on it.2009 TITAN Z •60” Deck • 25 hp Kohier Engine • 3 Year/240 Hour Warranty TORO. www.toro.com A R P E ’S La\yn Equipment StateSVlllG, NC & Service, Inc. Hours: M-F 8-5 • Sat. 8-12 704-872-1135 www-shanieslawn.com i I' i} i I--I ' л ш ш т Ч Ь в С Ё е т т о п я Ш С а и г ш г Thursday, April 2, 2009 Paged D A V IB C O U N T Y EM TERPRI/É^ECORP P a in t in o AND H o m e IM PROVEM ENTS No Job tsToo Small. - FREE ESTIMATE? — 10% Sanlor Citizen Dlicount TOP CATS DESIQN8 TlmChaie/owner 336-692-2591 Master Gardener plant sale May 3 in downtown Mocksville The Davie Extension M aster G ardener Volunteers’ annual Spring Plant Sale is Friday, M ay 1 ,1 COBBLESTONECONSTRUCTION S pccializ,ing In A ll T yp es o f H o m e Jm p ro vcm cn t an a R ep airs K itc lic n & B a tii R e m o d le ln g , T ile In s ta lla tio n , B as em en t F in iS iin g , D e c k s , C a rp e n try , H o m e R ep a ir, P a in tin g (336)306-2081 8 fro m 10 a .m .-3 p.m . in D ow n to w n M o clts ville, just outside the C o o p erative Extension Center, 180 S. M ain St., beside the courthouse. Plants w ill include shrubs. peren n ials, annuals, fru its, vegetables, and houseplants. Perennials m ake up a m ajority o f the selection, w ilh plants such as phlox, hosta, iris, hellebore, and. m ore. Prices start at 75 F re s h s tra w b e rrie s , p la n ts to be s o ld a t B o o n e fe s tiv a l cents. Atlas garden gloves are available in various sizes and colors for $5 a pair. H an g in g biiskcts, hand painted clay pots, und m ixed containers available. M ost arc divisions or have been produced by the M aster Gardeners. For m ore inform ation, call tho C o o p e rativ e Extension Center at 753-6100. “This is our prim ary fund raising effort for the yeur,” said Duvie Horticultural Extension A gent and M uster. O urdener . Coordinator Colleen S. Church. "The Master Gardeners work on so muny projects throughout the county, and their fund raising efforts allow them lo contribute to liiese projects. W e hope the .sale w ill be very successful.” A s k A n y P r o !" E cho’s oM clusfve ¡■ sta rt™ system ., s o e a sy a n yo n e c a n s ta rt H I M O CK SV ILLE 884 S. Main St. A U TO M O TIV E (336T75®Ä Fresh strawberries from the field - as w ell as plants grown locally - w ill be available at the annual D aniel Boone Fam ily Festival M ay 2 in Dow ntow n M ocksville. If available, Calahaln Farms w ill sell strawberries. Mem bers of.lhe M o cksville. G arden C lub w ill be selling plants from their gardens. The all-day festival includes u street arts and crafts fair and continuous m usic, featuring M el Jones and Carrie Hassler & H ard R a in , w h ich features Fam iiriglon native Jamie Harper on the fiddle. P e s t ic id e c o l l e c t i o n d a y M a y 7 A free unwanted pesticide collection day w ill be held on Thursday, M ay 7, from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m . at the M asonic Picnic Grounds o ff North M ain Street, M ocksville. It is illegal to di.spose o f un­ used or unwanted pesticides in Ihe landfill. Nearly all pesticido products w ill be accepted, in­ cluding banned und out-of-dute products. U n kn o w n m utoriuls and puint w ill not be uccepted. Cull Davie Extension at 753- 6100 to leurn more. ^ M ^ c /llP .E N iiO U S iis ) www.gardeiinc.com f Your Source for Perennials, Herbs, Annuals & Vegetable Planis ____ ®CrQLL»ford М О М Г : I M I ’R O V IIM IIN T .S 336-677-6555 IVe Finance! Ask about lax All Repairs Kltchen/Balh Remodels Siding Windows Roofing INSURANCE RESTORATION Licensed & Insured RefercncBS Finish Hasemenls Piilnling Drywnll w v b w .a s c r a w f o r d in c .c o m 9 9 < / 3 - P k . ’^ 1 0 . 9 9 / F l a t Full Service U n d s c d p i n s ■ ^ i f t j s h p p x K ^ 4070 Woodleaf Rd., Salisbury } 704-636-7208 Л Hours: M on. ■ Sdl. 8tim-ópm/ Sun. Ipm-Sptn JÎ M S Ä A ® Л The Briar Patcli Come Celebrate the Grand Opening of om* Advance Location 3 0 % O f f E a s t e r D é c o r RBcelva a 14” Terra Bowl witli Soil FREE witha$20PiantPurclia88 On«rgoodihtu4/0A}0 Come See llHfovAU ofYour Easier Neetls! ir<! luwe UlicH, A zahm a n il llu d m ifje a s Move liie liiilliii/ С Ш от Siili H d iv Ih, IH i iiIIih * ¡liiiiw D k 'o r Yard & Garden Supplies 7060 Hwy. 601 North • SallBbury (Just Across The RIvor From Davio VVe have your yard and (lanten supplies. I Ck>rTie take alook at J'wtwivyoha\^ to offer. I BrliHjyoiirliwKof, ! 'trailer and we M b é ' i-gladfoload:you. We '' ' ! . will also gladly deliver I 'to you. Family .owned ^ arid operated for 20 years by M.O.Spiy, Mona Spiy Brown, Henry Brown. • Double Ground Hardwood Mulch • Bark* Sand • Stone • Top Soil- FlU D Irt • Brick Chips • Flow er Bed Mix • New Pine Saw dust • Red Mulch Oulh Dollvory Available In Davio County Or Haul Your Om. (704) 636-5949 with coupon (Does not Include ‘ picture keys) Get 1 FREE Limited Quantities • Limited Tim e Offer Caudell Lumber & Building Supplies 162 Sheek Street • Mocksville • 751-2167 Open Daily W eekdays 7:30 - 5:00 • Sat. 7:30 -12 noon Mulch-N-More "S c lliiif; Q u a lity t ’n iilin h Yoiir lloiiw ( Cleaniiig • Chemicals • Pool & Spa instailatloii Opening & Closing • Vinyl Liner Replacement COiVIIVIERCIAL and RESIDEfynTIAL Tommy Hnnis/Owncr-Ovcr 20 Yrs I!xp. 277 PIciLsnni Acre Dr„ MiKksvillc (33 6 1 2 8 4 -4 8 1 7 o r (336) 9 0 9 4 0 2 7 CLEMMONS COUNTRY STORE 2690 Lewisvllle^ilemmons Road • 76&8988 Soster Flowers am. Kere wrofif>ed wîtk bowsi Azaleas • Mums • Lilies • Hydrangeas Artificial Silk Cemetery Arrangements Bedding Plants • Vegetable & Herb Plants Ferns • Geranlmums Blooming Baskets • Flags IVIallbox Covers • Rain Gauges Pimento Cheese • Local Honey Country Ham • Apple Butter Chicken Pies • Pintos Produce • Sugar Free Preserves Pickled Beets Pound Cakes & Homemade Bread Experience Hometown Customer Service" • Brick Chips • Pliiyyrouiul Mulch • Hardwood Mulch • Pine Bark Nuggets > Designer Wood ' River Sand • Moitar Sand • Play Sand • White Pea Gravel • Washed Slone • Top Soil • Fill Din Ь431 H IG HW AY 158 M on h iiH a in ADVANCE. N C 27 00 6 Sut H am -iipm т нш оАСь н л т т л н ^! w w w .m u lc h n m o re -n c .c o m V EAGLE RENTALS, inc. O v e r 2 , 0 0 0 t t e m s ! ! ! б в п м ^ & . S m a | | I ñ g i n e R e p d l r s N o w O l M I I i n M % r « a ,Mocksville^ 204 Cooper Creek Dr. (Actoss from WdMart S hopping Center) (116) 751-1445 Mon-Fil 7:30 nm-6:30 pm & Sal 730 am-12:00 noon GRASS, INC O U I D O O R P O W E R E Q U m M E N T D O N ’ T W A I T ! Check out our Pre-Season Sale On Snapper Pre-Season Service Going On Now! Kawasaki Pick Up and Delivery A v a l l a ? ^ S A L E S & S E R V IC E FOR N e w & U s e d L a w n E q u ip m e n t www.jack8newgra88.com 4798 Kinnamon Rd. at 1-40 Winston-Salem, NC » 336-71 ?-0077 f T h e C le m m o n a Ш C a u r t e r Thursday, April 2, 2009 Page 9 D A V IB C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I / i S l E C O M Going organic Practice growing in popuiarity among tiome gardeners B y Colleen S. C hurch N C Cooperative Extension There is ii growing interest um ung hom e gardeners for in fo rm a tio n on organic gardening. Organic gardening is ra p id ly gain in g pop u larity, w hich can bo seen" w ith the increase in organic gardening products at iocal stores. Organic gardening relics less on synthetic chemical inputs and m ore on n atural system s woricing together. The first step is soil building. Healthy soils contain a healthy, diverse p o p u latio n o f soil organism s and .a reasonable level o f organic matter. W hen soil b io lo g ic al n ctivity and diversity increase, crop health and vigor increase. Soil life and organic m atter rely on one another and woric hand in hand to maintain healthy, productive soils. Soil should be managed as a living .systemi conditions that favor soil life also promotes plant growth. P ractices that b u ild soil organic miitter arc bcncficial to soil organisms. The addition of manures, compost, and organic mulches all contribute to soil organic matter content. A simple way to build organic matter and provide food and habitat for soil organisms is by leaving crop residues behind lo decompose. G ro w ing Iligh residue cover crops and using no or reduccd tilla g e also co n trib u te to increased organic m atter content and habitat for soil organisms. Organic matter plays a vital role in im proving soil structure by increasing the rate o f water infiltration, increasing the soils w ater and nutrient h o ld in g capacity, and decreasing runoff, crusting, and erosion. P lant selection is a key con sid eration fo r organic production. Select plants that a;e adapted to the area and tolerant o f local conditions. Purchase clean seeds and planting m aterial and cli.sease resistant varieties w hen available. Planting dates are im p o rtan t, esp ecially fo r vegetables when trying to avoid a p articu lar pest. Pest populations build up over the season and are a bigger problem ’ later in summer and in the fall garden. Follow proper spacing recom m endations to a llo w optimal light penetration and air m ovem ent w ith in the plant canopy to prevent insect and disease problem s. R otate vegetable crops w ith in the garden cach year to avoid fo llo w in g one plan t w ith a related plant. F o r exam ple, fo llo w tom atoes w ith corn, beans, or squash, but not a m em ber o f the same fam ily, such as peppers, potatoes, or eggplant. Tlike good ciirc o f plants and avoid stressing them. M aintain the proper soil p H ,, keep competing weeds under control, m ulch plants to conserve m oisture and reduce soil splashing, prune as needed, and provide adequate w ater and fertility. Soil test to determine fertility and lim e needs. Avoid w etting the foliage p f plants; consider soaker hoses or drip irrigation that d eliver w ater directly lo the root гопе. W hen m oisture rem ains on plant foliage for too long, it creates the opportunity for infection, b n average, most planis need approxim ately an inch o f water each week. Synthetic chem ical inputs are avoided in organic production. Naturol sources of fe rtilize r, such as com post, manures, and crop residues, are recom m ended as opposed to synthetic fertilizers. Chem ical insect, disease, and w eed control products are used only as a last resort after cultural, m echanical, and b io lo g ic al con tro l options have been exhausted. T h a t’s right, hoe, cultivate, or hand pull weeds. W hen possible, sim ply pick o ff infected leaves and bum , bury, or throw them in the trash to p reven t diseases from spreading. Handpick insects and squash or destroy them. Practice sanitation by rem oving any infected plant material from tlie urea, and again burn, bury, or dispose o f in the trash. Encourage b en eficial insect hab itats by p ro vid in g o ve rw in te rin g habitats and nectar sources. Avoid the use of broad-spectrum insecticides th at also target b en e fic ia l insects. T h e re are som e pesticides allow ed in organic production, such as horticultural oils, insectiéidal soaps, and by products, but rem em ber these are still used as a last resort. O rg anic gard en in g is a Systems based approach where everything relates to and works together. This article highlights some recommended practices. T h e re is a w id e va rie ty o f detailed inform ation out there on orgartic gardening. If you would like more inform ation on the subject, contact the Davic Extension Center at 753-5100. E a s t e r C h i c k s J a p a n e s e S ilk ie C h ic k e n s Chicks.............$4.00 H ens...............$2 0.00 (Rooster FREE with hen) ' Marsha Tutteiw (336) 492-7423 Trash disposal free April 25 in Davie In celebration o f Earth Day, the Davie w ill offer a Free Trash D ay for county residents on Saturday, A pril 25. The collection w ill be from 7:30 a.m.-noon at Davie Couiuy Solid Waste, 360 Dalton Road, o ff US 64 East, M ocksville. This free collection is open to households o nly. N o co m m ercial w aste w ill be accepted. An eiglu-foot long tru ck or tra ile r bod is the m axim um load that w iil be acccptcd. Hems approved for the free collection include tires, yard waste, cardboard, scrap m etal, household trash, and white goods or appliances. D on’t miss this free trash collection opportunity for Davio C ounty residents. For m ore inform ation, contact the Davie Cooperative Extension Center at 753-6100. MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL HOURS. M on.-Fri. 8 am -5 pm Sat. 8am -12 noon other lim es by appointm ent 2038 Hwy. 601 South Mocksville, NC [3361 7 5 1 - 2 3 0 4 D A IL Y , W E E K L Y O R M O N T H L Y R A T E S • flU Tapes of Lowr Mointcimnee gqulfmcflt (CluotM, CotePlujgcf, Dum)> Ttollei, Stiow Bliwefi eti.) • StaffoUtng • Botcoti • TfencJiai • BoetUes •Trottot • BtuslvCktpfe« • CUtnSowt • Busk Wog • Motile Home fln*Ko» MaiKlne • ■Rotoii) U llif • Cement Mims • Coifet SfieteKet • Coifet OlEonci • a-MonTW -HoleDlgge» • Wet/Drg HU Saw • flll Tijfes of small Honi Tools AND MORSl TO O M ANY ITEMS TO LIST! - lfyoudon'tseelt...giveusacalU SEE US TOR ALL YOUR EQUIPMENT RENTAL NEEDS! Don't Forget...We Install & Service Heating & Air Conditioning Tool D a v is L a n d sca p in g an d IV Iaterials 1039 F a r m i n g t o n R o a d • 940-5004 We Offer Only Premium Landscaping Products MDLCH ROCK SOIL Supplies Limited. Call forAvallablilty. C e n tra it/ Located ★ WE DELIVERS Wo Accept Master Cord and Visa Price« starting at *4999 SFZ4B-26BS 48" Deck Width 3 Blades Briggs ELS 26HP 775Walohl Also aválléblq.ln 52 STC48V-2eBS BrlgjpsELSIWIn 148” Deck WidlhlO^ Weight Í3 Blades:26 HP ■ . ■ Also available In 68“ aiid 61“ OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT 3 2 4 2 S . M a in S t. * S a lis b u r y « (7 0 4 ) 6 3 3 -8 4 8 4 M ASTER’S TO U C H A N T IQ U E PLANK MuKtcc’s Touch Anliqiic Plank fldoring ciipuirc« the fuel »ml iippcariincc of (irlginiil cimrnctcr distinction conditioned over time. MHsicr’# Touch Antique Plunk fiooring will conlinuc to cvnku' hlutdric griiiuluur and unique Htylinf; fnr yc»ru to /WardM tUlJavxMltcVft W EAR M A XA D V A N CBD C ER A M IC F IN ISH CrenicU from the same . tccliiiolu|;y thut protecifl Bpacc alnutlcs from Htmusphcri: re-entry livut, W HARMAX*provitlr» hicfctlihlc \V€»r ittid Htnin rcoiHtantic to keep your floor ]ooklh}{ great. N o uihcr flooring (IniHh on the market loUiiy can match Hrs: Mon. -Fri. 8-6 & Sat. 9-1 213 New Highway 64 West, Lexington, NC Phone: (336)249-6672 C A I t l M . r & I I . O O U I N t ; C O V I Í R I N Í C o u r i e r Thursday, April 2, 2009 Page 10 D A V ID C O U N T Y 1 i' • h i- I Í ’ I, 'Í , Ш Ш Vi % Z G Senes I l . Fresh Kubota Savings for 2009 p n a n d r ig a s lo w a s 0 ^ , .1 . .......... .... - i, ............. . ............... There's never been a better time to buy a Kubota. So hurry in to get the best deal of the season on our popular zero-turn mowers. Offer ends June 30,2009. filt m p е т Р 14 ‘ h M' ’R w C ''I ’ji ,h . ’ ;v ' N, ■| I ,.<v. m u ш т а т Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:00-5:00 / Sat. 8:00-12 Noon www.sinkfarmequipment.com t í 4 0 V S H lg h w if 6 4 W e s f U x ia g f e n , H C 2 7 2 9 5 PHONE: (336) 243-5138 u ' * §ee your tocal dealer for detìls or go to EVERYTHfflso YOU VALUE wwfw.kub<rta.com 1 ' ■ Ш . F ^ n le DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 2,2009 ■ Dl; TheCross D avie M an M a!(es Them To B e D istributed F ree A rdund The W orid B y B eth Cassidy Enterprise Record Ask Phil Fuller about him self, and the silence in the room is nearly deafening. But ask him about his faith, and he becom es anim ated .and talkative. Fuller, a self-made man, a fam ily m an, a faith-driven m an, is also a private man. That’s why, for the past nine years, he has kept what he does in his spare tim e a secret. A nd that’s w hy he’s so reluctant to discuss it. But he hopes what he does has changed lives, nnd he hopes oven just talking about it might do the same. ' His hobby, if that’s the right word for it, hns reached around the county, the state, the country nnd even into A fricn and South America. In church vestibules, hospital waiting rooms, clutched in Ihe hands o f bodies whose souls have passed - crdsses, hundreds o f thousands o f little silver crosses. If you’ve seen them, then you now know who is responsible. F u ller has been in the w elding business for 37 ypnrs and owns Fuller W eld in g , a com pany w ith 20 employees, His w ife, Dariene, is by his side at w ork every day. Fuller said back in tho m id-1990s, “I felt like the Lord was asking me to do som ething beyond w hat I was doing. Everybody’s got lim itations, and I ’m not a speaker. But w e were in a store somewhere, and there was this little bow l w ith crosses, m arked 35 cents, and that Just stuck in m y m ind.” A fter rolling the idea around in his m ind and talking it over w ith Darlene, F u lle r decided to order a piece o f eq u ip m en t Ihnt w o u ld stam p the crosses out, and fo r a few years, that’s the w ay ho made Ihem , one at n tim e. A fter doing a disciple B ible study at Hardison United Methodist Church, Puller realized it was lim e for a change. ■ " I was never really satisfled w ilh the outcome o f m y decision, and I felt like I needed to take this thing to the next level. So wc made the decision to buy a turret punch, which is automated equipment, and I knew there was one at nn nuction in Richm ond, so o ff I went. Now, I said before I went, ‘This thing is gonna bring $60,000,’ and I ' was prepared to do that.” B ut divine intervention had a plan for Fuller. His eyes w ell up when he recalls that tho punch brought not $60,000, but $30,000. “I knew that, after we bought that thing, the result o f it bringing half o f what 1 took up there, that’s a light. It had to be.” P uller's burning bush to ok his endeavor from stamping out one at a tim e to mnking 10,000 at n tim e. During the months that followed, he experimented w ith m aterials, but found the cheaper ones created burrs that could actually slice a finger, so he ended up using n lightw eight, heat- treated alloy, ju s t about the m ost expensive m aterial he could buy. But it’s so hard, he said, that it just breaks free o f the mould, without creating nny sharp places. A t this point, Fuller, who kept a bow l full of crosses in the lobby ofhls business and was supplying crosses to anyone who wnnted.them, was trying to figure oiit how to get them in morc places, so he contacted F ra n k lin Graham al iSamnritan’s Purse. “And he said, ‘Yes, absolutely, we want them in.all our shoeboxes,’ which meant he wanted 1.1 m illion o f them in about three months. That was about $40,000 worth o f m aterial. That didn't count' machine tim e and labor. That was in 2000. They used those up, and it’s just kind o f mushroom ed since then.” That’s an understatement. . To realize how fa r spread this m inistry is. Fuller shares letters from people who hnve received the crosses, and he tells the story o f how a jocal minister, on a mission trip to Ohana, gave a cross to a little boy who made a 20-m ile round trip to ask for one, A few weeks ago. Fuller‘was at a gun show in Chariotte and walked by a booth w ith a case o f buffalo nickels. In front o f the case were three o f his crosses. He asked the man al the booth where he got them, nnd he gestured to a m an in ano ther booth. F u lle r approached Ihe second man, asking,' ‘W here did you get those crosses?’ The man answered that he found them in the belongings o f his father after he died. O ne day, at his church, a lady walked up to him after the service, holding two of the crosses in her hand. Fuller asked her where she got Ihem, and she answered, “Iri A frica.” But the best story is one that takes Fu ller a w hile to te ll, because the em o tio n al im p act o f it is pretty overwhelm ing. “This m an [w ho lives in D avio County] had a cousin who was n drug add ict, H e w as hom eless. H e ’ d inherited a lot o f land in Clem mons, and he made a lot o f money o ff that land, but ho’d run through it all, and ho was on the street. H e was walking on Knollwood Street in W inston-Salem one night, and he saw something shiny, and he reached down and picked it up. It was one of the crosses. A nd as he was standing there staring at it, a wom an pulled up, 65-ycarrold lady, and she said, ‘I don't know what I'm doing. I don’t pick up strangers, but som ething is ju st telling m e 1 am supposed to slop and pick you up.’ She carried him hom e, and she and her husband dried him out, and now he’s working, going to church and holding down a job. You hear all kinds o f stuff, but you can’t stop something like that. You’ve gotta go on w ith that.” Sinco 2000, Fuller eslimatos he has made about 2 m illion crosses, at a cost, to him , o f about $250,000. “But you can’t really count all that,” ho is quick to add, after having lo be nearly forced lo give a dollar amount. “You just can’t count Ihat. W e don’t m iss that m oney. W e have never missed that money. “1 guess Ihe cross is one of the most w ell-know n symbols in the universe, and it signifies what Christ did for us as sinners. And 1’ ve never sold a single one o f these, and I don’t ever want one to bo sold. But they are here, for anyone who wants them. I like to know where they’re going, but Ihey don’t hove to tell me. This is just something we can do that m ight be m aking a difference. You w onder som etim es how m uch difference they are making. W hen we get to Heaven, w e’ll know.” f - . - V , / ' * Phil and Dariene Fuller show handfuls of the crosses from a box ready to be shipped. A pallet of 125,000 crosses such as this one can be gone In 60 days. Fuller uses high quality m aterial to mal<e the crosses - for safety and durability. The Fullers iooi< at a wail hanging featuring photos and memen- It’s am azing, he says, how a toes from a local rnlnlster's trip to G hana - and his distribution of cross can change a life, the crosses there. - Photos by Robin Snow' |l i . D2 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 2,2009 M c C r a r y -J a c k s o n i C o u p le M a r r ie d Jennifer Dawn McCrary and ‘ Jason Lamar Jackson were united in marriage Saturday, ' March 21 at the home of Miice and Jacque Hunt in Salisbury, : The Rev. Chris Williams offi­ ciated ihe 2 p.m, ceremony. The bride was escorted by' ■ her cousin, Charles Hunt of Salisbury. She was attended by Kaci Corriher of Salisbury ns matron of honor, Bridesriiaid was Brianna Jackson, daughter of the groom. Standing as the groom’s best 1 man was Dusty Thompson, ' brother-in-law of the groom, ! Kierston Eagle of Rockwell \ served as flower girl and Cody ; Church, son of the bride, was : ring bearer, Peyton Corriher of Salisbury was miniature bride and Blake McCrary, nephew of the bride, was miniature groom. The bride is the daughter of Sonya McCrary of Mocksville and the late Jeff McCrary, She is the granddaughter of Carolyn McCrary and the late Bruce McCrary, and the late Tom and Dorothy Hunt. She is employed by Liberty Commons in Salisbury. The groom is the son of Steve and Starleen Jackson of Gaston County, and the grandson of ' Samual Jackson and the late Helen Jackson, and the late Sona Sicks and the late Dwight Sicks, He is employed by Davie County Schools, Following a honeymoon to’ Mrytle Beach, the couple will make their home in Mocksville,M: andi\4rs. Jason Lamar Jackson A l le n -S t a n a l a n d E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Mr, and Mrs, Dean Allen of Mocksville announce the engage­ ment of tlioir daughter, Jessica Ann to William Whit Stanaiand IV, son of Mr. and Mrs. William W. Stanaiand III of Advancc. The bride-to-be is a graduate of UNC Charlotte and is an art teacher al Davie High School. Stanaiand atiend.s East Carolina University and is employed by the Phoenix Agency in Winston-Salem. The wedding is planned for June 27. S T h e s e fla g s, s h o w flying o v e r N orth IVIaIn S tre e t In M ock sv ille la s t y e a r, w e re a m o n g th e w in n e rs. \Fla g K its R eady Fo rA n n u a iD isp ia y \ The Artworks committee of I the Davie County Arts Council ; will sponsor the third annual I Flags of Davic art exhibit. ; "The works of art are enjoyed by area residents and ¡visitors who drive through 5 Mocksville," said Sidniee J Suggs, executive director of the “ council. “Winston-Salem has its dogs, Lexington has its pigs, Hendersonville has its hears, In Davie County wc have Hags, which arc like flying canvases . of artwork in an open air exhibit ; along Main Strett," Now is the time to stop by the Brock Performing Arts Center io register and start a Hag, This year's theme is titled. Summertime in Davie, There is no age limit. Individuals, clubs, churches and businesses can enter a flag. All participants arc required to purchase one of the Artworks Flag Kits for $15. Each kit includes a flag and painting instructions. The packet gives the participant enough instructions to insure that the flag when completed will withstand rain andsunlight. “It is important to follow these instructions to ensure that the wonderful work of art will remain pliable enough to weather tlie elements," Suggs said. “Some of the flags last year were too rigid to hang in high winds and move freely if trucks hit them.” Completed flags must be submitted to the arts council no later than June 23, Flags will be judged by a panel of local artists and a monetary award will be given for first, second and third place. The Hags will be installed in the city’s Hag holders after the Fourth of July display of the American flags is completed. The date of the installation,' depending on the weather, is scheduled for Tuesday, July 7. The community will then be able to enjoy tho open air exhibit for two, weeks. Participants can have their flag returned to them or donate it to the arts council* for a fundraiser auction on Tluirstlay, July 30. For more information, contact Bruce White, chair al 940-3178 or Suggs at 751-3112, Bear Creek Farm ut us llwro №ir IXUSion for iKirs« wllll you! Specializing In thoughtful, compasslonnte Instruction for rider and horse, ( •Sup«rh)rBqwdilig ; I «BxwUtntUswn Program }. • Summer Cfuiip 6*12) ^' 428 Alien Road, Mocksvillo, NC 336-492-5451 www.bearcr6elilarmoqueatclr.com Remembering Richmond Pearson Read about marker for Davie man in the Revolutionary War Next week in the Enterprise Record License Examiner Added R o s s D a v id so n w ith h is B e s t o f S h o w In th e L o o k in g A t D a v ie P h o to C o n te s t w ith h is p h o to g ra p h titled O ld B a h n s o n B arn . ‘O i d B a i i n s o n B a r n ’ W i n s L o o i < i n g A t D a v i e P i i o t o C o n t e s t Mocksville has one of 13 new driver license examiners at the N.C. Division of Motor Ve­ hicles’ driver license office. The new examiners gradu­ ated Friday following seven weeks of,intensive study in the Basic Examiner Training School administered by DMV’s Driver and Vchicle Services. Driver license examiners test arid evaluate applicants for North Carolina driver licenses, learner permit!? and identifica­ tion cards using high-tech sys­ tems that identify fraudulent documents and recognize facial features. The office is located in the basement of the Brock Building on North Main Street, acces­ sible from the back parking lol off Poplar Street. The Davie Counly Chamber of Commerce and Davic Coimty Arts Council sponsored a pholo contest titled, “ Looking At Davie County.” There were 71 entries; • Best of Show ($500), Ross Davidson’s Old Bahnson Barn; • Landscape and Still Life, first, Cathy Stroud’s Valentine Snow ($250): second, Jacob Rudolph's Davip Farm and Snow ($100); , • Historical Silo First Placc, Kevin Marion's Memorial ($250): second, L. Medford's Church on Cherry Hill ($100): • Recreiition and Events First Place, Cindy Orsiilo's Yadkin River on Sunday ($250): second, Bridget Robertson's Accomplishment ($100): • Agriculture and Rural Life First Placc, Tony Horton’s Summer Grapes ($250): second, John R. Holder's Untiled Work ($100): . • Towns and Communities First Placc, Suzanne Lakey's Courlh()use ($250): second, Kevin Marion’s Comer ($100). , \ B R ID A L A N D F O R M Ä L W E A R '" - • 'ii . ‘ , 2 7 2 9 L e w is v ille -C le m m o n s R d . ( C le m m o n s . (3 3 6 ) 7 6 6 -0 9 9 9 I w w w .e n g lis h b rid a l.c o m > Advance Яге Department Beef & Pork BBQ C hopped - Sliced - Sandw iches - Plates - Pounds Friday, April 3,2009 6am lil Midnight (o r ‘til sold out!) Also, Fries, Desserts, Beverages Eat'ln or Take Ont Also, F Located on Fire Station Rd off Hwy 801 S, 5 miles from Hwy 158 Call 998-8181 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 2,2009 - D3 L e a rn A b o u t P u b iic S c h o o i P ia n s Keith and Lisa Miller of M ocksville announce the birth of their son, Jonah David Miller. Jonah was born on December 29, 2008. He weighed 3 pounds, 3 ounces and was 15.4 Inches long. The maternal grandparents are Carolyn and the late Ronald Chamblee orRalelgh. The pa­ ternal grandparents arp David and Ann M iller of Hays. Learn aboul public school plans in Davic County at a “town hair meeting" on Wednesday, April 8, at 10:30 a.m. in the multipurpose room at Davic Senior Services, Meroney Street, Mocksville. Rick Ellis, chair of the Davie Counly Board of Education, will be the speaker. What will be done aboul the schools? That question has been asked hundreds of times over the past few years. Ellis will bring the latest information from the school board. He will also take questions from the audience. These meetings arc open to adults of all ages - no children. Rebuild Career Skills Leam how lo start another career on Monday, April 27, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m'. with a free class at Davic Senior Services. In these economic times, many retirees are thinking of going back to work, and many older workers are losing their jobs. Senior Services is offering a series of seminars to h6ip find the tools and. skills needed to compctc in today's marketplace. Schedule of seminars is as follows: • 9 a.m., How to Write a Winning Resume by Susan Alberty of the Edtication Opportunity Center; • 10 a.m.. Impressive Interview Skills by Alberty; • 11 a.m.. Matching Your Skills to Find the Pcrfect Job by Karen Hudson, Workforce Development/WIA; • 1 p.m.. You're Never Too Old to Return to School, by Rita Mathews & Traci Crisco, Davidson County Communily College; • 2 p.m.. Using the Computer in Your Job Scarch by Jackie Allen, Senior Services computer instructor. Comc to just the seminars that interest yoii, or stay for the whole day, A free luncli will be served to all registered participants who wish to eat. Let Senior Sertices know when you register that you will be staying for lunch. Thi? event is targeted to those 55 lind older, but any interested adult is welcome. Cali 753-6230 to register. A Slayton and Emily Harpe, along with big sister Kathryn, are pleased to announce the birth of M eredith Kate Harpe. Meredith was bom on M arch 8 at 3:27 p.m . at Forsyth Medical Center. She weighed 6 lbs. 1 oz. and was 18 1/2 inches long. M eredith’s m aternal grandparents are Fred and Priscilla Robinette of A d­ vancc, and her m aternal great-grandmother Is Rutii Swaim of Clemmons. Her pa­ ternal grandparents are Ken­ neth and Linda Harpe of Mocksville, and her paternal great-grandm others arc Louise Blackw elder and Pauline H arpe, both of Mocksville. B e n F r a n k lin Crafts, Discover Life's Little Pleasures ‘Sale Ends^ J)4/08/09, Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1. Hopping mad 6. Sacrincial site > 11. Tax prep expert 14. Sprang up 15. Greene of "Bonanza" 16. Person of the cloth, for short 17. "Can I put you on hold?" feature 19. Ill temper 20. Getty of "The Golden Girls" 21. Gossip’s tidbit 23. Stevie Wonder's "__She Lovely" 25. Feel contrite 26. Pennsylvania's Mountains 30. Ukrainian port 32. Skip the ceremony 33. Makes even 34. T-Wolves' org. 37. Clobber with eggs 38. Wreck beyond repair 39. Pirate's booty 40. Swelled head 41.Yulotlde song 42. Sudden rush 43. End a shutdown 45. Went easy on 46. Tribe In "Dances With Wolves" 48. Think tank nugget 50. Fall hue 51, Do a florist's task . 56. Boat, to Its captali) 57. Khrushchev or’ Kennedy, notably 61, Bathwater tester, perhaps 62, Poland Spring competitor 63, Set foot In 64, Costa del _ 65, Smooths out 20 27 28 32 37 40 ■ .Raging River T-Shirt Sale 1st Qikillty Cullon/Asst. Colors 66, Active sorts DOWN 1. Dolly material 2. Some nest eggs, for short 3. Battery word 4. Setting for ' Gllllgan 5. Outdated Arctic radar defense system 6.Tho"A''lnALF 7. Builder’s acquisition 8. Prefix with color or cycle 9. Cape__, Mass. 10. Slip back 11,1850s conflict 12. "Evita" surname 13. Stave off 18._-ran 22. Co. with brown trucks 24. Italian Ice cream confection 25. Film unit 26. Animated skunk Le Pew 27. Designer Cassini 28. Artist's hue chart 29 . for (settle on) 31. Like a Jekyll-Hyde personality 33. Rushed headlong 35. Make less Intense 36. Got on In years 38. Elght-track, e.g. 39. Hydrotherapy venue 41. Strong-arms 42. Trained In the ring 44. Suffix with ethyl or methyl 45. Red Cross supplies 46. Blog comments 47. "Gesundheltr Inducer 49. Early time's 52. River of Florence 53. Evening, In ad- speak 54. One on the move 55. Makes a boo-boo 58. Female gametes 59. Chinese author Yutang 60. NASCAR _ ' Ben Franklin Crafts Frame Shop Select J In-Stock 'O FF Moulding luk.Lt1uMivr>AUaulo^(tHtfpt»^9* Vi /flggfyriAMrfS Nooro cinQiy* iwj IM'.:« peg fmujiiw trMmj Regular OFF Priced Item' OW Beil SMiffl P/oulchnfii A/» h Ысск, L#1 trttIOM lOfítti kífpHk»» Vi* 'j v* Т Лп Vvf [.’«riliw 'СлсИ 'if'.г«тО SUr. Ш1ги.а»(ЭТ! »IfCUÎW1 ICíií fsriAMrfS Naonjein0iy<I M',;w cfcgfo'iuiliKCfOl«»;»Jlfrimmì fi^vuuJvii*'yi<f<»iA« 1»'А«]ь#лЛсп1и'(1 Огоошгptf Ben Franklin Answers On Page C5 ílVíf.ll Store Hours Mon*Sat S'S, Sunday 1-6 mr> YiidbmvilJi.* R(J. Mocksvillo. NC ¿/02a PhofHi /!)» илт Sudoku 1 2 3 4 3 5 1 6 7 7 3 4 5 8 5 2 1 9 8 6 5 2 3 2 1 8 9 7 3 4 9 5 Celebrating our 2008 A w a rd W in n e rs I n t e r n a t i o n a l P r e s i d e n t ’ s C i r c l e T e a m C in d y J o h n s o n ’s S e ll N 4 U T e a m Top Office Producer-Gross Income, Closed Revenue Units, Buyer Controlled Sales & Closed Listings. I n t e r n a t i o n a l S t e r l i n g S o c i e t y T e a m F le m in g & C r a n fiii S h e rri B u x to n & A s s o c ia te s Have H ig h B lo o d Pressure an d Typ e 2 Diabetes? I if you aniweredyM, you may be allglbia to partlcipata in I a voluntary clinical reaaarcli study. ' I This sludy is being dona to evaluate tlie effects on your I blood giucosa control of an FDA approved study drug I compared lo two other already approved drugs that are I used to treat high biood pressure. I To qualify you must be:' • Balwaan the ages of 22 and 80 years old • History of high biood pressure for at least one year I and Type 2 Diabetes treated with an oral stable regiment I for at least 30 days. I Ouailfled participants: .I May recelvo Study-related medication and doctor visits lil I at no charge. Financial compensation up to $560 for I time and travel.I For more information regwding this Investigational dru I research, please contact Crescent Medical Research, ; C lie n t Medical Research Tomoííoiv'í M«)WntTodjy Salisbury • 704-647-99131 O r reach U l on tho wob at n Vickie Fleming Amanda Granfili Sherri Buxton Top Office Producer- Closed Outgoing Referrals I n t e r n a t i o n a l D i a m o n d S o c i e t y C h a i r m a n ’ s S e r v i c e A w a r d Tina McGee■ John Hersome 11^ ; . Top Office Producer Closed Mortgage ■2009 An equal opportunity company. Each office is independently owned and operated. C O L D lU e U . B A N K e R Q TRIAD, r e a l t o r s : \f ili 'I. U4 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 2,2009 Sheffield-CeJahaln N ew s By Janicc Jordan Shcffield-Calnhuln Correspondent The Lord is Risen is the focus of Christians everywhere ns Easter approaches. As tiie celebration begins, members of New Union United Methodist Church invite children to their Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 4, from 10-ll;30a.m.The youngsters will be supplied baskets at the church for their quest, and there is no charge to attend, It will be held on the church grounds at 1869 Sheffield Road. Rain date will bo April 11. New Union and Liberty Wesleyan Church will hold a combined Easter Sunrise Servicc at New Union beginning at 6:30 a.m. Sunday, April 12. The Men’s Fellowship of Now Union appreciates everyone who supported their hotdog lunch in the church parking lot last Saturday, in spite of the rainy weather. There was a lot of drive-through business, since it wasn’t a day for sitting at the picnic tables. The next hot dog lunch will be Saturday, April 25 from 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. S h e ffie ld -C a la h a ln Volunteer Fire Department continues with preparations for its annual spring barbecue; With the event Saturday, April 4, take-out orders will start at noon and the dine-in portion will begin at 5 p.m. No tickets are needed, as orders are taken and filled that day on a first come basis until the food is sold out. Proceeds are used for neccssary purchases and maintenance and repair projects of tho department. Donations of desserts are needed. If you can make a pound cake or brownies for the tako-out orders, deliver thorn to Ihc station on Friday morning, April 3. Any other kind of desserts will be used for the dine-in portion and should be delivered to tho station by Saturday morning, April 4. If you are avaiiablo to help in any H elp in g w ilh th e N ew U nio n M e n 's F ello w sh ip h o td o g lu n c h , fro m left: R antdy K eller, G a ry A llen, D o ris D y so n , Jim m y B ailey, V a n c e R ic h a rd s o n , Al S u tp h in a n d L arry D y so n . way, including serving and clean-up, see Vicki Groce or any other auxiliary member or Chief David Beck. The community and surrounding neighborhoods huve always been a source of support, and all of the fire department’s members are grateful. Crusher Run provides the music at the Sheffield Music Hall Saturday night, April 4 following their porforitianco the evening before at the Applewood Music Park in Cana, Va. Call 704-546-3099 for further information about the music hall schedule. Contact John Brown at 336-408-6941 or Brenda Bailey at 751-7567 about Crusher Run. Bo sure to eat dinner at the fire department before you go to the music hall on Saturday. Jimmy Alexander was the guest of honor on March 21 at a party held at the Poplar Springs School building on Ijamo.<i Church Road. His wife, Marsha and their daughter, Katy weren’t about to let Jimmy’s 40th birthday go by without a celebration. Tho two special ladies in his life made sure that plenty of black balloons and banners with "Over the Hill” written on them welcomed Jimmy and the guests as they entered the site. Kuty especially enjoyed setting out orange cones that advised “Caution - 40 year old Senior Moment.” But it was Katy’s letter that she read lo her dad about heroes and how he was a hero to her that brought the most smiles and some happy tears to everyone’s faces. Jimmy really appreciates all the friends and family who camc out to help him celebratc this milestone. Upcoming community birthdays beginning on April 2 are Lynn Sherrill, Don Hartle, Irene Ijames, and Kolten Ritchie; Sclotia Swain and Wyatt Allen Johnson on April 3; Ricky Dyson, Jeremy Shoffner, and Zano Carlton Dyson on April 4; Franklin Cagle on April 6, and Helen Bulla on April 8. Anniversaries for the week ure Paul and Hazel Frye on April 3; Joe and Janet McDaniel on April 4; Chris and Rachel Wilson on April 5; and Paul and Betty Beck plus Andy and Brandi Drye on April 8. Since people had a lot of fun at tho reccnt Game Night for the benefit of tho Sheffield-Calahaln Community Center nnd Recreation Area, plans aro to do it again Friday, May 1 from 7-9 with tho doors opening at 6. Who knows which individuals will bo the lucky bingo winners next time? It won’t be you if you don’t go. At $1 to enter the cake walk, tho winner receives quite a bargain in tho dciieious homemade cake prize. If you’d like to plan your next family gathering or other evenl at the community center, call Becky Hill at 704-546-2508 or Judy Wooten at 492-7238. To use tho Sheffield-Calahaln Recreation Area (tho outdoor picnic shelter adjacent lo the center), call Larry or Doris Dyson at 492- 5712.' Many of you have followed the progress of Clark Rogers, whose parents, Robert und Creola are members of Ijames Baptist Church, as he has battled bladder cancer. A minister of music, with a strong faith, Clark was told by doctors here in the United States that they have done all they know lo try to curc him. Now he and his wife, Lisa are in Tiajuna, Mexico at the Oa.sis of Hope, a 45-year old establishment, lhal began a six day treatment on Clark this past Sunday. He will return home for approximately four weeks, and then return for another six-day treatment, that includes using his own stem cells that will bo taken from his tibia bone. Ijames Baptist Church will hold a fundraiser dinner on Good Friday from 5- 7 p.m. A website was set up and you can follow Clark's progress there, plus read more about the funclraisor .supper, ww\v,ya(liL'l,ncl/~foiirb(>pl/. Neariy everyone knows at least one person who has recently been laid off from his or her job. Times have been tough for .several local families and the worst may be still to come. It’s moro important than over to know your neighbors and to check on them, especially if you .s'uspecl something just isn’t quite right L isa a n d C la rk R o g e rs a r e In M ex ico th is w e e k g e ttin g m e d ic a l tre a tm e n t fo r C lark . A b e n e fit d in n e r will b e h e ld a t Ija m e s B a p tist C h u rc h o n F rid ay , A pril 10. Jim m y A le x a n d e r b lo w s o u t th e c a n d le s th a t s a id "O h N o - T h e B ig 4 0". at their house. All first responders for medical or any other type of emorgen-cies are familiar wilh the words of ono of Davie’s emergency response managers, "We’re all we’ve got. You can’t wall on the governnient to .send help. Wc have lo depend on each othor.” There are many people in oiir neighborhoods who already have that philosophy, almost to a fault. I know men who have lost well-paying jobs and arc in need of work, but would not hesitate lo respond when others aro ill, hurt, or have any other difficulties. These unsung heroes arc the ones who holp find a wuy for a neighbor lo gel a.wheelchair, who build a ramp for those who can no longer manage steps, who deliver firewood anonymously when someone hus no fuel for their only source of hoal. Muny of them do this type of thing almost every day as a trained volunteer. They don’t receive rewards, nor do they expect any type of payment. If you arc struggling to figure out what to do to help the nation’s economy, start at homo by joining a volunteer organization of your choice. If you have news or photos to share iu our column, please cull me ut 492-5836 or email JvfjonlanapholnmiLcom. Feurninäton News By Luurn Mnthls Farmington Correspondent / Today, I'll be giving a little update on the progress being made at the Farmington Road and 801 crossing. I thought it would bo good to share some good news wilh you, with all the bad nows going on around us, regarding our local businesses. Bruce and Wendy Whito will open the Wild Mountain Art and Consignment .shop on April 7. Bruce said they have more than 100 items and aro receiving more almost daily. Items will include clothing, furniture, books, houseware, und more. Bruce will continue his busi­ ness, Wild Mountain Design, upstairs. Ho specializes in em­ broidery digitalizing, screen print logos and muking bro­ chures. This will bo a good set­ up for the couple with Bruce working upstairs; ho will be on hand to help his wife, Wendy, when needed. The couple is hoping thut this will help com­ munity residenl.s, by allowing them to make a little extra cash from selling items and saving cash by buying consignment M a k e t im e . M a k e f r ie n d s . M a k e a d if f e r e n c e . P le a s e V o lu n t e e r W i t h U s ! Visit patients* • Bake a cake • Provide Transportation* • Provide office support A little tim e can m ake a big difference. Consider helping you r friends and neighbors receive com passionate care and'S upport at end of life. E n r o l l t o d a y f o r v o l u n t e e r t r a i n i n g : Fridays, May 8 & 15 12:00 - 6:00 pm I Pre-registration required for training classes 1‘Training classes required for som e volunteer activities' T o r e g i s t e r o r f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n Call: 336-753-0212 ^ H o s p ic e & P a llia t iv e V CARECENTER 377 Hospital St., Suite 103 • Mocksvilie items. If you would like more information, you may call them at 940-3178. John and Beth McCashin have made major improvements on the old Furches store. When the renovntion is finished, the couple w ill name the store Farmington Crossing. They are planing to louse tho building us a country store and sandwich shop. Additional retail space on tho property, will be available for lease. The McCashins will bo using a portion of tho build­ ing for a history room, some­ thing like a Farmington Mu­ seum. It will display a mural of old Farmington structures and photos. If you havo old photo copies of Furminglon people or places and would like lo donate them, you muy call Beth McCashin at 998-5280. One Shot Photography is going strong. 1 talked with owner Kuthy Miller and sho said that now that spring flowers have arrived, they will be doing Easter pictures including rab­ bits, chicks, and a whito picket fence. This past Sunday, a box full of photos, papers, and checks blew off the porch of the studio. She has collected a lol of them, but several are still missing. If you come across any of the pictures or papers, please return them to the studio or cull Kathy at 998-3409. Tho Farmington Beauty Shop is doing well. OwnerGina Shepherd snid tho shop will be offering manicures, pedicures, and facials on Tuesdays, through appointment. The shop will spon.sor the Spring Fling again this year at the Farming­ ton Community Center pn April 25 from noon-4 p.m. The event will be open to the public and proceeds will go toward a new community playground for Ihc Farmington Community Center. The event will include music, food, an auction, cuke walk, games and more. Plan now to attend. Gra Mac Irrigation continues to thrive. Manager Ronnie Wall said that all is well and there arc no changes to report. It's great to see these busi­ nesses thriving and new busi- B ru c e a n d W e n d y W h ite h a v e a d d e d a c o n s ig n m e n t s h o p to th q ir F a rm in g to n b u s in e s s . nesses starting up. As the com­ munity continues to support them, they will continue to suc­ ceed. The Farmington Ruritans will be selling pork barbecue on Good Friday, April 10. Orders may be placed through April 5 by calling 998-0800. The Farmington Community Association will meet at Ihe Farmington Community Center on April 7 at7;30 p.m, Tho Preserve Farmington Group will meet at the center April 14 at 7 p.m. Special guest w ill be Beth Dirks, Davie County Manager. Anyone inter­ ested in the preservation of Farmington is welcome. Advance News By Edith Zimmerman Advance Correspondent Advance United Methodist Church members welcomed our pastor, Cheryl Skinner, back to church Sunday after a two weeks absence. She was with her parents Dick and Pat Skin­ ner in Bath, Maine. The community breakfast will be^Soturday, April 4 nt the AUMC fellowship hall from 7- 10 a.m. Menu of bam, sau.snge, eggs, biscuits, grits, gravy, muf­ fins, jelly, orange juice and cof­ fee. The youth from Advance, Elbavillo and Fulton will spon­ sor this meal and proceeds will go \o their projects. A community Easter Egg', hunt will be Saturday at 2 p.m. All children, preschool through grade 5 are invited. There will be plenty of eggs to hunt, re­ freshments to enjoy :and a craft lo create and take home. Plan to enjoy a fun filled afternoon. The Methodist Youth Fel­ lowship will meet Sunday April 5 from 5-6;30 p.m. in the fel­ lowship hall. All youth, 6-12th grade are invited. Linda Wallace and son Kevin of Columbus, Ohio spent from Sunday through Thursday with her parents Bob and Adela Rescigno of Kinderton. While hero they went to the zoo, and many other sightseeing trips of interest. Rick and Leila DoLucia of Hickory Hills have returned from a three weeks visit to their Florida home in Rockledge. They enjoyed visiting family and friends, including son Ri­ chard DoLucia Jr. and son Trey in Rockledge, Rick’s brother Ronald DoLucia and sister Elana Yotka in Jacksonville, their mother Nancy Delucia had spent the winter in Jacksonville. Sho celebrated her 96th birthday March 21 at Ronald's homo with 30 people attending a party in her honor, coming from DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursday, April 2,2009 - D5 Tampa and Rockledge. Mrs. Nancy returned home with Rick and Lelia for the summer months. Edith Zimmerman had many visitors over the weekend, be­ ginning on Thursduy-Sunday; Chris and Adrian Fariey of Ar­ lington, Va., Denise Fariey of Boulder, Còlo., Meredith Hendrix and her fiance Chris Gowen of Cary, Melissa Bamum and daughters Isabelle and Ivory, and Janie Hendrix of this community. Congratulations to Cokie and Pat Jones who celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary March 29. I V o lu n te e rs k e e p th e b u ffe t filled w ith fo o d a s fo lk s fill th e ir p la te s . F o lk s n e a r a n d fa r b ra v e th e rain y w e a th e r to d in e a n d fello w sh ip a t th e C o u n ty L in e V F D s u p p e r S a tu rd a y . G>untv Line News By Shiricy Thorne County Line Correspondent Our County Lino VFD, Ladies Auxiliary, < and community thank everyone who dined at our annual spring barbecue and chicken pie supper this past Saturday. We all appreciate greatly those who promoted, cooked, baked, served, cleaned, directed, nnd parked. Everyone’s support enabled our County Line VFD to clear over $9,200 - funds lo be used for Ihe department’s training, equipment, operation, and mnintohance. Bo sure to mark Saturday, Oct. 31, for our fall supper on your calendar. The County Line firefighters meet regularly at 7 p.m. the first und third Mondays of ouch month at the firo station at 1819 Ridgo Road. If interested in becoming a firefighter, come lo one of Ihc meetings or call Chief Brinn Koontz on 492-5759. Brinn will bo gind to give you n tour of operations and equipment. The minitnum age for a firefighter is 18; junior firefighter, 16. Our VFD serves Iredell and Davie countics und always welcomes and needs new dedicated firefighters. Ready for some more great homo-cooked County Line vittles? Then join the V-Point Rurituns for one of their delicious country ham und sausngc breukfnsis from 6-10 a.m. Saturday, April 4, ut the V- Polnt Building on Old Mocksvilie Road. The buffet breakfast will include fried country ham, fresh seasoned sausage, rcd-oyo gravy, sausage gravy, sawmill gravy, scrambled eggs, grits, corn mcnl mush, bnked apples, biscuits, and drink. Just make a donation and out tts much us your tummy can hold. Take-outs w ill bo nvailnble. Proceeds will benefit Ruritan community projects. Enjoy n grent brenlcfnst und u relnxing lime with fnmily nnd friends. Do you remember how much fun those neighborhood or,church Easier egg hunis used lo be when you wcrc u kid? Re­ live your childhood and enjoy the community egg hunt for adults as well us children sponsored by Calvary Baptist Church Saturday afternoon, April 4. Activities will begin at 1 p.m. and will include egg hunts for all ages plus hotdogs, chips, desserts, and drink. Bo sure lo come nnd enjoy lols of ftui for Ihe family. At the end of the day, enjoy a delicious fresh llsh fry supper with family nnd friends. Join the Socicty Bnptist Church Youth for n fish fry nt the fellowship hull. Serving will begin nt 6 p.m. nnd will include fish, fries, slaw, home-made dessert, rolls, and drink. Muke a donation and eat as much ns you wish. Proceeds will benefit youth'summcrcump expenses. ' After supper, be sure to nttend the gospel singing nt nenrby Plcasnnl View Baptist Church at 7 p.m.with music by Ihe Roan Mountnin Boys. Church members invite everyone. Whnt n grcnl wuy to spend n Saturday - a fried country ham und sausage breakfast with the Ruritans, an nfternoon Easter egg hunt with hotdogs nnd all Iho trimmings, plus nn evening fish fry and gospel singing. Counly Line hus your needs covered from moming ‘til night. Join us for a great family day. The stinctuary choir of Ciarksbury United Methodist Church will present Ihc cnntnin “The Night before Easter” during tho I0;30 a.m. worship servicc Sunday, April 5. Church members invite everyone for this spccial musical progrum o f. the denth nnd resurrection of Jesus thnt nil who believe in Him might have everlasting life. Ciarksbury Will have a Maundy Thursday service nt 7 p.m. April 9, nnd church members Invito everyone. The Clnrksbury ECA will meet nt 2 p.m, Tuesday, April 7, ut Ihe V-Point Building on Old Mocksvilie Rond. The Iredell Counly ECA ugent will present u program on preparing to carc. Doris Kurfees nnd Betty Anderson will host the meeting. Club members invite others for tho program followed by refreshments and fellowship. Please remember tho 10- week Beth Moore Bible study "Esther; It’s a Tough World out There” that meets weekly al 7 p.m. on Thursdnys. The study began March 19 nnd dcnis with Esther's Ihrcul und deliverance nnd applications for life loday. For more information, plense call Janice Mcycr on 336-469- 8249 or Shelia Campbell on 704-880-2538. V o lu n te e rs fix m e a ls for d in e rs w h o c h o s e ta k e -o u ts . Upcoming events include n fish fry fundruiser nt Pinoy Grove AME Zion Church Fridny, April 10; an Easter egg hunt for children at Pleasnnt View Baptist Church Suturduy, April II; Easier sunrise scrviccs at Calvnry Baptist Church, Ciarksbury United Methodist Church, PIcnsant View Baptist Church, und Society Bnptist Church Sunday, April 12; the Cenlcr-Salem IJnited Methodist Charge Easter sunrise .scrvicc at Center Sunday, April 12; Piney Grove AME Zion Church 170th anniversary celebration Sunday, April 19; and revival services nightly April 26-29 at Society Bnptist Church. Our community extends its deepest symputhy to tho family of Rosie Lytton, who died Tuesday last week at tho Gordon Hospice House in Statesville. A native of Iredell County, she graduuted from Central High School and mnrricd Billy Rny Lytton in I960. The couple resided on Garden Valley Road near Battle Rond. She was a homemaker and Girl Scout leader and was iictivc in Rocky Hill Baptist Church, where she O th e rs k e e p d rin k s re a d y fo r th e d in e rs. taught Sunday school. A servicc to celobrato her life was held Friday afternoon at Rocky Hill, and she was laid to rest in tho church cemetery. Gct-wcll wishes to Lee Cartner, who was hospitalized at Rowan Regional Medical Cenler lust Thursday. Lee was to be transferred this week lo Durham for further treatment. Faye Pope is recuperating al home. Paula Cartner remains under the cure of Duke Mediciil Center in Durham. ; Join us as we pray for the Lord's comfort and healing in the lives of Lee, Faye, Paulij, and the family of Rosicf. Continue lo remember othere who have health problems ar who have financial problems.; If you have nows or memories lo share, call Shirley on 492-5115 or email sdtliiik@ hoim ail.com , ; M an y v o lu n te e rs w ork b e h in d th e s c e n e s to k e e p th e fo o d c o m in g to h u n g ry d in e rs a t th e C o u n ty L ine V o lu n te e r F ire D e p a rtm e n t e v e n t. Pino News By Noru Lnthnm Pino Correspondent Lust week my daughter’s computer was down so 1 was not able to get Pino news in. This week includes both weeks. Sunday, March 22, it was a pleasure to have Beth McCashin and her mother, Dawn Rogers,, visit for worship and social tiine immodinlely following the Sudoku Solution worship servicc at Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church. It was music to our ears to have little Annabellc und Brooklyn Lukoy niong with Iheir mother, Suznnne, join us. Annabelle and Brooklyn are grnnddaughlers of Patrick and Kathy Miller. Wo havo a lot going on at Wesley Chapel in April. Easter is nn important time in the year I« Crossword Answers 1 6 8 7 2 9 3 5 4 2 4 7 3 5 6 9 8 1 5 3 9 1 8 4 6 7 2 7 9 3 4 1 2 5 6 8 4 5 2 8 6 3 1 9 7 8 1 6 9 7 5 2 4 3 6 2 1 5 4 8 7 3 9 9 8 5 2 3 7 4 1 6 3 7 4 6 9 1 8 2 5 and the life of a Methodist church. There will be a Maundy Thursday service on April 9 at 7 p.m. at Farmington UMC. On Friday, April 10, there will be Good Friday service at 7 p.m. at Wesley Chapel. The worship service on Easter Sunday at Wesley Chapel will begin at 8 u.m. with brenkfnst following in tho fellowship hall. On Sunday school class will be held in the fellowship hall wilh Betty West leaching. The April breakfast will be Saturday, April 18, from 6:30-10 a.m. There is Bible study each Wednesday moming at 10:30. Lonnie Gene Miller had surgery last week. He is recuperating at the homo of his parents. Gene and Marie Miller. Ploaso include him in your prayers. We were saddened to hear of Ihe death of Mrs. Wilma Miller, Roger Miller’s mother. Wo have enjoyed Roger in our comnumity for several years. Sara Eure, Debra Dull, Christa Bobb and Nellie Dull nil visited Atlanta, Oa. last weekend. They visited Sara’s daughter-in-law, Jennifer Euro, her granddaughter, Gillian Eure nnd boyfriend Mike Redden, her grnndson , Griffin Euro and girifriend. Missy Gault. They hud a good lime visiting and shopping and returned home on Sunday. The Farmington Rod Hats had Iheir March outing last week at Now Jin-Jin Chinese Buffet in Mocksvillc. Those attending wore Ostine West, Mary Brock, Madeline Sparks, Rose Caudle, Norn Latham, Sara Roseboro and Sara’s daughter, Tonya D. McNeill; Warren. ' i Last Monday Bob and Kathy; Ellis and their little grandson,: Reid, visited Bob's aunt Phyllis; Coffey in Vinton, Va. and his; cousin Margaret Fluke in Bluej Ridgo, Va. They enjoyed lunch; at the Roanoke Weiner Stand in; downtown Roanoke, Va. The; Weiner Stand has been there for; 9& years. ■' Clarksville News By Marcia Lambe Clarksville Correspondent Birthdays wishes this week: C.J. Myers on April 4, Jordan Myers on April 5, Wilma Hanes on April 6. Remember lo send get well wishes to Frances Beck, Ronnie Culler, Mary Lee Harris and Tif­ fany Beck. Bear Creek Baptist Church w ill host tho North Davie Ruritan Club Palm Sunday Singing Sunday night at 7. Choirs from the area will sing and refreshments will be served. Anyone who knows me. knows that people who aro in nursing facilities are special to me. Please keep in your thoughts and prayers all the families of the Pinelake Health; and Rehab Center in Carthage.: To have items in this col­ umn, contact me nt 492-2235,: mandypris.'ty ® yadtel. net. D6 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, April 2,2009 P U B LIC R E C O R D S ■ ,U' ; I i'i ! !■' ! -, Í I / !■ , DAVIECOUNTY '■ NOTICE TO CREDITORS ; Having qualltled as Exfloutorol < the Estate ol WILLIAM J. GOOD, ; lale of Davie County, Noiih Caro- , llna, the undersigned do hereby ; notify all persons, llrms, and cor- ; poratlons having claims against ; the estate of said decedent to ex- : hibit them to the undersigned at ; IBSKImel Park Drive, Suite 200. ; Winston-Salem, NC 27103, on or : belore June 26, 2009 or this no- :; tice wlll'bs pleaded In bar ol their r'ecovery. All persons, firms, and corporations Indebted to the said dstate wlll please make Immedl- i: ale payment to the undersigned. This 23rd day ol March, 2009. ; Ann L. Smith '• '■ Executor ol the Estate ol William J.'Good Robert D, HInshaw, Esq. ;"TÍ5 Kimel Park Dr., Suite 200 Winston-Salem, NC 27103 3-26-4tn I-' NORTH CAROLINA '■'DAVIECOUNTY ;; NOTICE TO CREDITORS ;; Having qualllled as Exocutorol the Estate ol OLIN CRO?BY CRANFILL, late ol Advance, Davie County, North Carolina, the ;; undersigned does hereby notify all persons, llrms and corpora- tlons having claims against the estate ol Ihe said decedent to ex- hIbIt them to the undersigned at the olllces ol BELL, DAVIS & ;;; pitt, p.a„ p.o. box-21029, win- ;;; ston-Salem, NC 27120-1029, on ;; or belore june 12,2009, or this no- in tlce will be pleaded In bar ol their rdcovery. All persona, llrms and i:i corporatloiis Indebted to tho said Ül'estate will please make Immedl- H ate payment to the undersigned. TWs the 12th day ol March, ;|2009. . ' I- - Diane A. Cranlill, Executor BELL, DAVIS & PITT, P.A. •— ICON. Cherry SL, Sulto 600 P.O. 00X21029 ,Winston-Salem, NC 27101 ■ £ , . 3-12-4tn, NORTH CAROLINA ¡ DAVIE COUNTY ; NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ; A public hearing lor the clos- ; 'Ing ol the Community Develpp- ; ment Block Grant (CDBQ) to ; p.avle County, used lor the Davie ; .County Individual Developmorit ; Account (IDA) program. Is sched- , : iJled lor April 6, 2009 at 7;00 pm ; Ih the Davie County Admlhlstra- ; ,tlon Building. Davie County Is holding the public hearing lor citl- ; yen participation and comment on ; idxtending the time period to May ; 22,2009 lor closing ol tho CDBG : to provide closeout documents to : the N.C. Department ol Com- ; morco. Division ol Community ! Asslstanco. : 3-19-3tn ; NORTH CAROLINA ; DAVIECOUNTY ; . NOTICE TO CREDITORS ■ ' The. undersigned, having ; qualllled as Executor ol the Es- ; tate ol REBECCA BENNETT i DAVID-SON, deceased, late ol i Davie Cpunty, North Carolina, ' does hereby notlly all persons’ ,_ll.rms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore June 20,2009, or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons, llrms or corporations Indebted lo said estate will please make Immedi­ ate payment to the Undersigned. This the 19th day ot March, 2009. Carlyn Davidson Cox > Executor ol the Estate ol Rebecca Bennett Davidson 12908 Middlebrook Road Chester, VA23B31 TERENCE B. STANALAND Terence B. Stanaland, P.L.L.C. 101 South Ëlm St., Suite 350 Greensboro, NC 27401 Telephone; (336) 272-4810 Fax; (336) 272-2448 ' , 3-19-4Ш NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as Executor ol the Estáte ol SUSAN IRENE LEE YANUS,.late ol Davie County, this Is to notlly all persons, llrms and corporations having dlalms against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore June 12, 2009, (being three (3) months Irom the llrst day ol publication ol this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery! All persons, llrms and corporations Indebted to said estate will please make Immedi­ ate payment to the undersigned. This Ihe 12th day'ol March, 2009. TAMMY SUE TEVEPAUGH P.O. BOX 341 -319 Fletcher Rd. ■ Union Grove, NC 28689 ' 3-12-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY J NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as Adminis­ trator ol the Estate ol BEATRICE S. REAVIS, late ol Davje County, this Is to nollly all persons, llrms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or beloro June 19, 2009, (bolng three (3) months Irom Ihe llrst day ol publication ol this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons, llrms and corporations Indebted to said estate wlir please make Immedi­ ate payment to the undersigned. This the, 19th day ol March, 2009, ' JAMES P, REAVIS, SR. 764 Yadkinville Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 3-19-4tn ' NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF MEETINGS OF THE DAVIE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 105-322, the Davie County Board ol Equal­ ization and Review will meet as required by law. PURPOSE OF MEETINGS To hear, upon request, any and all taxpayers who own or control taxable property assessed lor. taxation In Davie County, with re­ spect to the valuation ol such properly, or the property ol others. and to lulflll other duties and re­ sponsibilities as required by law. TIME OF MEETINGS ' The Board will convene lor Its llrst meeting on Tuesday, April 7, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. The Board will adjourn tor the purpose ol accept­ ing requests lor hearing at Its last rheetlng on Tuesday, May 19, 2009 at 6100 p.m. Meetings will begin promptly al 6:00 p.m. In the Commissioner's Meeting Room of the Davie County Administration Building. Requests lor hearing must be received no later than llnal ad­ journment vyhloh Is scheduled lor Tuesday, May 19, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. In the event 61 an earlier or a later adjournment, notice to that. ellect will be published In thie newspaper. ' The schedule for the hearing of appeals which were timely filed will be posted at the office of the Assessor, serving as Clerk to the Board, and will also be provided ' to Individuals and organizations that have requested notice pursu­ ant to N.C.G.S. 143-318.12. All requests lor hearing should be made to; , Jackie H. Hail, Clerk to the Davie County Board ol Equaliza­ tion and Review, 123 South Main Street, Davio County Administra­ tion ¿ullding, Mocksville, NC 27028. Telephone; (336) 753- 6120 or 338-753-6140. 3-19-3tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as Executor ol Ihe Estate of NATHAN HORTON,. late ol Davio County, this is to no-, Illy all'persons, llrms and corpo­ rations having claims against said estate to present them to the un­ dersigned on or belore June 19, 2009, (being three (3) months Irom the llrst day ol publication ol this notico) or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons, llrms and corpora­ tions Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to Ihe undersigned. , This the 19th day ol March, 2009. GEORGE E. HORTON 608 Marion Sims Dr. Lancaster, SC 29720 3-19-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY , NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled aa Executor ol the Estate ol JUNE L. HERPEL (a/k/a June Harpel, Mrs. Oeorge Herpel, Mrs. George L. Herpel), late ol Advance, Davie County, North Carolina, tho undersigned does hereby notlly all persons, llrms and corporations having claims against the estate ol said decedent to exhibit them to Ihe undersigned al One West Fourth Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101, on or belore the 19th day ol June, 2009, or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recov­ ery. All persons, llrms and corpo­ rations Indebted to the said estate will please make Immediate pay­ ment to tho undersigned. This tho I9th ,day ol March, AUCTION Estate of Lola Holden (Deceased) . Saturday, Aprli 4th. 10 a.m. Rain Date April 18th. 10 a.m. Sale to be held at 3812 Hardman Road • Yadkinville, N.C. 27055 **• No Buyers Prennlum Collectibles: China & Tea sols lo Includo RS chocolale sol, Homor Laughlln, Norllako, Ablnglon, Goidella, Llmogos, Large collecllon ol hand painted Nippon Including biscull jar, Eureka, RS, Zapun, USA, Royal Ciown Germany, Royal yilreous England, Piussla; Cast Iron; Wall pockol; McCoy; GWTW style lamps; Tlllany style lamp; Old pictures & Irames .Including Pinky & Bluo Boy; Framed Civil War tobacco stamps (Ropro); 2-1800 era mllllaiy swords; Imatl (NR); Occupied ■Japan; Hanimado quills; Costume ¡ewelry; Stone crocks; Blue jars; Howe feed scales; Crosscut saw; Kllchep & Produce scales; Old wire llsh basket; Corn shellor; Perlecllon wheal cleaner Lexington NC paid. October 1900; Milk cans and moie. Qlassware: Bohemian; Fenton Including Jack In Pulpll signed by Shelly Fenton; Pressed glass; Cake slands; Hand' .painted milk glass waler sot; IG carnival punch bowl set; Smilh glass; Princesshousa; Fostorla; Glass basket; Pink & green depression; Water sel; Westmoreland; Fire King and more. Furniture: 22- Marble top Victorian tables, dressers, waslistands, commodes, parlor tables & more lurnllure Irom 1840- igW; 1920 era DR suite; 1920 era Bow Iront china cabinet; Magh. serpentine drop front secretary w/claw leol; Pineapple chair; 1840 era pelllcoat dressers; Early era carved burl walnut poster bod; Quoon Anne sola's & chairs; Tall Victorian burl walnut dresser; Early Intricate design walnut side chair; Empire claw loot locker; 2 over 3.walnut hand dovetailed chest ■from Bouden Family Davie County; Victorian washstand (rom Tlso Corppany, Winsjon NC; Carved walnut parlor table; Claw loot lamp table; Early Victorian loveseal;.Oak golhlc style chair; Walnut dressing table; 1880 era Magh, McPhail Boston grand piano; Victorian plallorm rocker; Early mirror back bow iront china cablnel w/ciaw leol; Victorian hall tree circa 1840; ■ Handmade walnut bookcase, Desk & chair by Artiiur Shull Advance NC; 1840 eta folk art walnut & cherry very unusual 7 drawer chesi; 1B6D era carved walnut bed; Lincoln rocker; Tiger oak bullet w/claw (eel & beveled mirror; Oak dresser; Cedar chest; Folk art rocker; Porch rockers; Old green larm table; Metal lawn lurnllure. ■ ,Appliances:'RCA TV; GE S/S rel; Frigldalr^ stove; Kenmore washer & dryer; Kenmore Ireozor; 3-A/C units Auto’s & Misc. Tools: 1991 Dodge Dynasty 4 door 129K; Simplicily 7.0 rear tine tiller; Honda tiller; Horse drawn equip- ,nient;.SInglelroos; Push plow; Concrete benches, picnic set, yard art, planters and more. ' Auctioneer’s Note: This estate has been in Ihis samo family tor over 100 years and the home was b.uillTn 1860 by a' planlalion owner Mt. Joe Gray. So Ihere Is over 149 years ol history lo be aquired at this auction and it Is almost Impossible to list this because ol Ihe amount ol antiques, luriiiture, collectibles, glassware. Termi: Cash 01 good ctieck day ol sale. Evciylhlng sold as Is where Is. Auclloncer Is nol responsible lor any addlllons 01 deletions pilor to sale. Mnouncsmcnls day 0/sale sufirce* all pridM maWal. Dlteclioni to sale: From WS N.C. U.S, 421N lo Speor Btldoe Rd TL 00 lo end at slop sign TL, Go lo Hartman Rd, TL Sale on right al 3812 Hartman Rd. From Wilkesboro NC U.S, 421S lo Spoor Btldue Rd TR go lo ond al slop sign TL Go lo Hartman Rd! TL salo on right, WWW.MYERSAUCTIONSERVICE.COM , Sale conducted by Myers Auction Service Lynn Myers Auctioneer NCAL # 6647 NCAFL # 7909 Member oi AANC 6236 Old US 421 East Bend NC 27016 336 699 4123 or 336 416 2888 For more details and color photos visit www.myersauctlonservice.com click on auction iistings 2009. WACHOVIA BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE ■ OFJUNEL. HERPEL WOMBLE CARLYLE SANDRiDGE & RICE, PLLC One West Fourth Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 3-19-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE |^avlng qualllled as Adminls- Iralors ol ihe Estate of WILLIAM LEE GRAVES, JR., deceased, pi Davie County, North Carolina, this Is to nollly alt persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of June, 2009, being three months Irom the llrst day 61 publication ol this notice, or this notice wilt be pleaded In bar of their recovery, Ail persons indebted to said es­ tate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. •This the 19th day of March,' 2009. MEGAN E. GRAVES 136 Northbend Dr., Apt. M' Charlotte, NC 28262 MARY/\. GRAVES 136 Northbend Dr., Apt. M ‘ Charlotte, NC 28262 PIEDMONT legal ASSOCIATES, PA Lynne Hicks, Attorney 124 West Depot Street Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-3312 Bar#011125 3-19-4tn NORTH CAROLINA ■DAVIECOUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR THE FOLLOWING ZONING AMENDMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the requirements ol' Article 20-B ol Chapter 153-A ol the General Statutes ol North Carolina and Section 155.251 ol the Davie County Code ol Ordinances, that the Davie County Board ol Commissioners will hold a public Hearing In the Commissioners Room ol the Davie County Administration Building located at 123 South Main Street, Mocksville, NC on Monday, April 6,2009 at 7:00 p.m'. to hear the lollowing requests: A) Zoning Map Amendment. Laarousse, incorporated is requesting ' to rezone approximately .é76 acres that consists ol W/o parcels ol property Irom Residential (R-20) to Highway Business (HB). Tho subject property Is located on tho oast side ol tJS Highway 601 North at tho Intoraection ol NC Highway 801 Norlh and being lurther described at Davio County Tax Parcels C3/8.01 and C3/142 (portion). The public Is Invited to attend the hearing at which time there will be an opportunity to be heard In lavor ol, or |n opposition to, the above Items. As a result ol the public liearing, substantial changes, might be made in Ihe advertised proposal,, rellecting objections, debate and discussion at the hearing. Additional inlormatlon is available at the Development Sorvioos Department on weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5;00 p.m. or by telephone at (336) 753- 6050. Andrew Meadweli Planning Department 3-26-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as Executor of the Estate ol WALUCE BRYANT SPARKS, late ol Davie County, this is to notlly all persons, llrms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to tho undersigned on or belore June 26, 2009, (being three (3) months Irom the llrst day of publication of Ihis npHce) or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. Alt persons, llrms and corporations Indebted to said estate will please make immedi­ ate payment lo Ihe underslgried. This the 26th day of March, 2009. ■ REBECCA KAYE COOK 126 Sparks Ct. Winston-Salem, NC 27103 3-26-4tn DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE MOCKSVILLE TOWN BOARD FOR THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE, AND ZONING AMENDMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, PURSUANT TO THE REQUIRE­ MENTS ol Chapter 160A-364 ol Ihe General Statutes of North Carolina and pursuant to Section 8-3.9.7 ol Ihe Mocksville Zoning Ordinance, that the Town Board ol Commissioners wilt hold a PUBLIC HEARING In tho. Town Hall, Mocksville, NC, at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Aprli 7,2009 to hear the lollowing items; A) The Board will review text amendments to Section 8-3.9.1, The Stall ol the Zoning OrdI: nance, the amendment proposes to address the person(s) respon­ sible lor the role ol'Zoning En- lorcemont Olllcer. All parlies and Interested citi­ zens shall have an opportunity to ' be heard In lavor bl or in opposi­ tion to the loregoing changes; Prior to the hearing, all persons Interested may obtalri any addi­ tional Information on tlie proposal by visiting the Development Ser­ vices Department,' 172 Clement Street, Mocksville, N.C. between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or by tele­ phone at (336) 753-6050. 3-26-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIViSiON IREDELL COUNTY 08SP1009/Davle 08SP269 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY THO­ MAS L. NESBIT AND NANCY E. NESßlT DATED JUNE 24, 2005 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 1911 AT PAGE 548 AND MODIFIED BY AGREEMENT RECORDED IN IREDELL COUNTY ON 4/21/ 2008 IN BOOK 1934 AT PAGE 1842 IN THE IREDELL COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to a Court order and under and by virtue ol the power and authority contained In the above-relerenced deed ol trust and because oldelault In the pay­ ment ol the secured indebtedness and lallure to perlorm the stipula­ tion and agreements therein con­ tained and, pursuant to demand of the owner end holder ol the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose lor sate at public auction to the high­ est bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county court­ house ol said county at 3:00 PM on April 16, 2009 the lollowing described real estate and any other Improvements which may be situated the’reon. In Iredell County, North Carolina, and be­ ing more particularly described as’' follows: ' BEGINNING a t an existing Iron pin in tha Western margin ofS .fi. 1158 (S troud M ill Road), the Southwestern corner o f the lands o f Martha B. Edwards, et (Peed Book 109, page587), and nihning S T R O U S E H O U S E A U C T I O N S 1 4 2 4 In d u strial D r., S ta te sv ille , N C 2 8 6 2 5 P ho n e; 7 0 4 -8 7 2 -8 4 4 4 3 3 6 -9 4 0 -6 3 0 6 ‘ AUCTIONEER; MIKE STROUSE, NC LIC. #7465 www.strou3ohous0.zoomshare.c6m Thurs., April 2 •6:30PM • IVuckload Surplus/Salvage Hm CKtm y*u - 2«o 2m. w IM Cmih. limm Sim, HVKiiB. Wi lia, Oi» Si 8W, Eiitn«! WdtowL«^m i. B»viy Cfomo. Cm, FaliiijUl, 80Cm! W<,miim CtV Btmjtaitt«»lOrotto™! ' ''™ *'<“1, Cl«» Tibm, CW tm CKtalil. Lixiijm Clui cw qSmi TUuST^ Tuto Hcdity, i'/, Turto №dsy, 4' Hodty. 5®*'’.?'# “ "«■ “ * EUW Atai ea. CramunAiKd El«, p»iji r;( Oiiu, CM Ua UnA %toit P«*w *nKI C«iM, Pirtal nilj, U|*f CM, Trb Tm, CototU jKlelj, 0» Obwiim. SUltodi KlTOEl-a»ii«IOO(SotiAOt»Ml»'Wil»Tiia<«<iii,OlwnTitilei,l.to!i«i»B.tl. Fri., April 3 • 6:30PM • General Merchandise & ToolsRim 11! (iM pm. SmPtUSjSUVAOE t STORE OOAUTY • Ctamlo. fe. llwi, CaUow, Cotoai., Ai Cioltoim Pro. S ifim K ft Nt« S(<»J t Sanrnr Ulttw A((tacn Bmil Ocfv«, S'»« S«ll, Wis* Wi, RInj (Ji 7iM . Toasil • Jr Compriison, 64« m Ctom, r« S«, Oull ito Wtiio, !l oi CimMoi p«n, Ai...................... . ......_________________ilOT.tShpQMEr^, ^ Sat., April 4 • 6;30PM • Sahage & Stora Quality ^ D<mfeCmWmSWSeli,CiwlaKa).Ua«lMmS(niglSOTrwC№ng,ArniTa(i,T(wtlc, sciosM ItM flff lr»ek»...Jtul a th o tl drtva and w y lo find._________ J thence With the Western margin ofS.R. u se the following live (5/ courses and distances: (1) South 34-00-28 West 442.56 feet to Д point; (2) South 39-16-55 Wesi S03.38 feet to a point; (3) South 42-48-24 West 93.63 feet to a point; (4) South 5S-38-08 West 1iS.48 feet to в point; and (5j South56-57-18 West 197.71 feei to a point In the centerline o f the creek, the Hne. o f M artha E. Edwards; thence with the centetHne o f the nieanderings ot the creek, the following seven courses and distances; (1) North 39-32-08 West 333.96 feet to e point; (2). North г2-55^Э1 •H'esi 38.13 feet to в point; (3) North 40- 37-. 07 West 467.39 feet to a point; (4) North 14-04-38 West, 223.05 feet to a point; (5) North 16-47-06 West 197.19 feet to в point; (6) North 52-40-52 Wes\ ■ 213.78 feet to в point; and (7/ North 01-56-43 West 188.02feei to a point, corner o f Martha f, Edwards; thence with the Hne oi Martha B. Edwards, South 85-S5- 27 East бёе.32 feet to an existing Iron pin; thence continuing with the Edwards Hne, South55-40-46 East 728.82 feet to an existing Iron pin; thence continuing with the Hne o f Edwards, South 59-S2- 19 East283.93feet to an existing Iron pin Iri the Western margin S.R. 1158, the point and place o) BEGINNING, containing 24.74 acres, more or less, with tills de­ scription taken from a sunrey by SamP. HaH,NCRLSL-2930, Iasi revised May 17, 1993. ■ And Being'more commonly , known as; 454 Stroud Mill Road, Harmony, NC 28634 The record owner(s) ol the property, as rellected on the records ol the Register ol Deeds, Is/are Thomas Lynn Nesbit and Nancy Ellen Lanter Nesbit. The property to be ollerod pur­ suant to this notice of sale is be­ ing ottered lor sale, Iransler and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Trustee nor the holder of tho note secured by the deed ol trust, being lorectosod, nor the olllcers, directors, attorneys, em- ptoyees, agents or authorized rep­ resentative ol eltherTrustee or the holder ol the note make any rep­ resentation orwarrarity relating to the title or any physical, environ­ mental, health or salety conditions existing ln,'on, at or relating to the property being offered lor sale. Any and all responsibilities or li­ abilities arising out ol or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are dlsoialmed, This sale Is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and un­ paid taxes and assessments In­ cluding but not limited' to any Iransler tax associated with the lorooiosuro. A deposit ol live per- cent (5%) ol Ihe amount ol the bid or sovon hundred lllty dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, Is required and must be tendered In the lorm ol certilied lunds at Ihe time ol tho salo. This sale will be held open ten days lor upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration ol the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OW­ ING. Failure to remit lunds In a timely manner will result In a Dec­ laration ol Delauit and any deposit will’ be Irozon pending the out­ come ol any re-sale. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS; II you are a tenant residing In the prop­ erty, be advised that an Order lor Possession ol the property, may be Issued in lavor of Ih'o pur­ chaser. Also, II your lease began or was renewed on or alter Octo­ ber 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agree­ ment upon 10 days Written notice to the landlord. Youmay be liable torrent due under the agreement prorated to the ellective dale ol the termination. The date ol this Notice Is March 18, 2009. 07-94544 Richard P. McNeely Substitute Trustee PMB 288 8206-1200 Providence Road Charlotte, NC 28277-9708 (704) 341-2002 4-2-21П GENE TREXLER ROOFING New & Old Roots Small Repair Jobs Free Estimates 336-284-4571 MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL SPRING i§ HERE! Bobcat, aerator, core plugger & more lor rent todayl Hwy. 601 S , Mixkiviik'' (336) 751'2304 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 2,2009 - D7 P U B LIC R E C O R D S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue ol the power ol sale contained In a cer­ tain Deed ol Trust made by Dou­ glas Robinson to Clint Caiaway, Trustee(s), dated the 27th day of March, 2006, and recorded in Book 655, Page 221, Davie County Registry, North Carolina, delauit having been made in the payment ol the note thereby se­ cured by the said Deed ol Trust and the undersigned. Substitute Trustee Services, inc. having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed ol Trust by an instru­ ment duty recorded in the Olllce ol the Register ol Deeds ol Davie County, North Carolina and the holderol the note evidencing said Indebtedness havingdlracted that the Deed ol Trust be lorectosod, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will oiler for sale at the courthouse door In the City ol Mocksville, Davie County, Nortti Carolina al 2:45 pm on April 8, 2009 and wilt soli to the highest bidder lor cash the lollowing real estate situated in the County ol Davie, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as lol- iows; Being Condominium Unit Number 221 as relerred to In that Instrument entitled "Declaration ol Condominlum"(herelnaller called "Declaration “) recorded In the 01- flce ol the Register ol Deeds ol Davie County, North Carolina, on the 7lh day ol May 1973 in Deed Book 89, on Pages 332 through 343, inclusive, as amended by Amendment to Declaration ol Condominium lor Bermuda Run Golldomlnlum Tract 1, recorded in Deed Book 90, Page 532, on July 17, 1973, and a lurther amended by Amendment to Dec­ laration ol Condominium lor Ber­ muda Run Golldomlnlum Tract 1,. recorded in Deed Book 91, Page 788, on November 7, 1973, and as more particularly described In tho Plans ol Bermuda Run Con­ dominium Buildings liiod 1оГ record In Unit Ownership File No. 1 and as recorded In Plat Book 4, Page 116, all ol the above reler- ences In Ihe Olllce ol Ihe Regis­ ter ol Deeds ol Davio County, North Carolina. Including the unit; said unit bolng located at , 160 Goilview Drive, Advance, North ОагоЦпа. Together with an undivided 2.3217% interest in and to the “common areas and facilities" as relerred to in paragraph C.bl said declaration, as amended to which relorenco is hereby made lor a mors particular' description ol said "common Areas and РасИШов" Trustee may. In the Trustee's sole discretion, delay tho sate lor up to one hour as provided In NCGS §45-21.23. Should Ihe property be pur­ chased by a third party, that per­ son must pay the lax ol Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by , NCOS §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be ottered pur­ suant lo this notice ol sale Is be­ ing ottered lor sate, transfer and conveyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Trustee nor the holder ol the note secured by tho deed o l trust/security agreement, or both, being toreciosed, nor the olllcers, directors, attorneys, em­ ployees, agents or authorized rep­ resentative ol either ttie Trustee or the holder oflhe note make any representation or warranty relat­ ing to the title or any physical, en­ vironmental, health or salety con­ ditions existing In, on, at or relat­ ing lo the property being offered lor sale, and qny and all respon­ sibilities or liabilities arising out ol or In any way relating to any such •condition expressly are dis­ claimed. A/so, this property Is be­ ing sold subject to all taxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit or cashier's chock (no personal checks) ol live percent (5%) ol the purchase price, or seven hundred lllty dol­ lars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required al the time ol the sale. An order lor possession ol the property may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 In lavor ol Ihe purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk ol superior court ol the county In which tho property is sold. Any persoh who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered Inlo or re­ newed on or alter October 1, 2007, may alter receiving the no­ tice ol salo, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. Upon ter­ mination ol a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable lor rent due under the rental agreement pro­ rated to the ellective date ol the termination. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COM­ MUNICATION ISTOCOLLECTA DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, except as stated below In .the instance ol bankruptcy protection. IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANK­ RUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RE­ SULT OFA BANKRUPTCY PRO- CEEDiNQ, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PURSUANT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT AND FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT IN­ TENDED AS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY POR­ TION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY This March 18,2009. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY: Attorney at Law The Law Firm ol Hutchens, Senter & Britton, PA. Attorneys lor Substitute Trustee Sen/ices, Inc. P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, NC 28311 http://www.lc-sales.com 3-26-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE­ CLOSURE OF THE DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY LARRY D. HEDRICK, Recorded in Book 270, Pago 321, Davio County Registry IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION t BEFORE THE CLERK, FILE NO. 09-SP-10 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE DEED OF TRUST BEING FORECLOSED; The Deed ol Trust.being loreciosed is that Deed olTrust executed by LARRY D. HEDRICK to Joe Bpicher, Trustee, dated February 16,1998 and rocordod in Book 270, Page 321 in tho Davie County Registry ol North Carolina. RECORD OWNERS OF THE REAL PROPERTY; The record owner ol the subject real property as rellected on the records ol the Davie County Register 61 Deeds not more than 10 days prior to the posting ol this Notice is Larry D. Hedrick. DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF SALE; The sale will be held on Aprli 9,2009 at 10:30 a.m. at the door ol the Davie County Court­ house, Mocksvliie, North Caro­ lina. PROPERTY TO BE SOLD: Tho lollowing real property to be sotd "sight unseen" is located in Davie County, North Carolina: Lying and being In Clarksville Township, Davie County, North Carolina, and beginning at a stone lound, said stone lound be­ ing Ihe Southwest corner ol R.H. Boger (Deed Book 82, Page 94) the Southeast corner ol R. H. Boger, (Deed Book 91, Page 901), and the Northernmost cor­ ner of Gary and Elizabeth Wilson, Deed Book 180, P&ge 69, thence with said Wilson line. South 11 , 37 minutes, 31 seconds. West 196.64 leet to an Iron set lormerly a stone and being the Northwest corner ol Clarence C. Shore (Deed Book 41, Page 487), and the Northeast corner ol Jerry W. Anderson; thence with Anderson line. North 86 , 21 minutes, 32 seconds. East 261.41 leet lo an Iron sel; thence South 86,21 min­ utes, 32 seconds. East 141.40 leet to an Iron set; thence South 27,40 minutes, 49 seconds. East 78.06 leet to the POINT AND PLACE OF BEQINNINQ and con­ taining 1.000 acres as surveyed by Howard Surveying, January 30,1998 F O R S A L E : Cars • Trucks .Utility Buildings Carports: All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lots 336-751-3442 Mocksville, NC METAL ROOFING 3 ’ C o v e ra g e • 30-t- C o lo rs 2 5 Y ear W arran ty Post Frame Buildings call for prices! 1-8 8 8 -2 7 8 -6 0 5 0 MID-STATE METALS of the Carolinas, LLC included is a 1998 Oxford Hor­ net manulactured home bearing serial no. OHC007936NO. TERMS OF SALE: Pursuant to the provisions ol N.C.G.S. §45-21.10(b) and the terms ol the Deed of Trust, any successful bidder may be re­ quired to deposit with Ihe Trustee or Clerk ol Superior Court imme­ diately upon the conclusion ol tho sale a cash deposit to be deter­ mined by the greater ol 5% ol Ihe bid or $750.00. Unless Ihe Sub­ stitute Trustee agrees othenwlse, the successful bidder will be re­ quired to tender the “lull purchase prioe" so bid In cash or certilied check at the time the Trustee ten­ ders to him a Deed to the prop­ erty or attempts lo tender such Deed, and should the successful bidder tail to pay the lull amount, than the successlul bidder shall remain liable as provided lor In N.C.G.S. §45-21.30. By submit­ ting your bid, you agree that the “lull purchase price" shall be de- lined as Ihe amount ol bid plus tho Trustee's commission as delined In the subject Deed ol Trust plus the costs ol Ihe action, unless Ihe Trustee agroos otherwise. For example, II Ihe amount ol bid Is $20,000.00 and the trustee's com­ mission is delined in the subject Deed ol Trust as 5% ol tho gross proceeds ol tho sale, then the “lull purchase price" shall equal $21,000.00 plus the costs ol the action. A tender ol Deed shall be delined as a.letter Irom the Trustee to the successlul bidder ottering to record the Deed upon receipt ol lull purchase price as described herein and listed in said letter. II the trustee Is unable to convey title to this property lor any reason such as a bankruptcy til­ ing, the sole remedy ol the suc­ cesslul bidder Is the return ol the deposit. As to any manulactured home, the lollowing shall apply; Any not considered real property Is being loreciosed pursuant to N.C.Q.S. §25-9-604, If necessary: there Is no warranty that any Is actually located on the subject tract; and there Is no warranty given by the Substitute Trustee as to whether said home Is real prop­ erty or personal property. The sale will be made subject to ail prior Hens, unpaid taxes, assess­ ments, restrictions and ease­ ments ol record, II any. ' ADDITIONAL NOTICE: Take notice that an order lor posses­ sion ol the property may bo issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 In la­ vor ol the purchaser and against the party or parties In possession by the clerk ol superior court ol the county in which tho property is sold. Take lurther notice that any person who occupies tho property pursuant to a rental agreement entered Inlo or re­ newed on or alter October 1, 2007, may, alter receiving the no­ tice ol sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to Ihe landlord. The notice shall also state that upon termi­ nation ol a rental agreement, the tenant is liable lor rent due under the rental agreement prorated to Iho ellective date ol the termina­ tion. This the 20lh day ol February, 2009. Jay B. Green Attorney lor Deidre D. DoFlorentls, Substitute Trustee 908 E. Edenton Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 Telephone: 919-829-0797 3-26-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as Co-Execu­ tors ol the Estate ol HELEN 0. CARTER, late of Davie County, this Is to notlly all persons, llrms and corporations having claims agalnsi said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore June 12, 2009, (being three (3) months Irom the lirst day ol publication ol this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations Indebted to said estate will please make immedi­ ate payment to the undersigned. This the 12th day of March, 2009. ANN CARTER DYSON 153 Frank Short Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 RANDY MILLER &SONS 295 Miller Road •Mocicsville (336) 284-2826 ' NowPufflplflgSepUcTMlu ' Skid Stttr Work TnnchtrWork Hiullng JAMES H. CARTER, JR. 196 Cali Rd. Mocksvliie, NC 27028 3-12-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualllled as Executrix ol the Estate ol WALLING DOU­ GLAS VREELAND, JR.,, late ol Davie County, this Is to notlly all persons, llrms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to Ihe under­ signed on or belore July 2, 2009, (being three (3) months Irom the llrst day ol publication ol this no­ tice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All per­ sons, llrms and corporations In­ debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 25th day ol March, 2009 JOAN BOVENDER VREELAND 721 Pudding Ridge Road Mocksvlllo, NC 27026 MARTIN & VAN HOY LLP Attorneys at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 4-2-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilled as Executor ol the Estate ol ROY T FOSTER, SR., deceased, ol Mocksville, NC, the undersigned does hereby no­ tlly all persons, llrms and corpo­ rations having claims against tho estate ol said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned at P.O. Drawer 25008, Winston-Salem, NO 27114-5008, on or belore Ihe 2nd day ol July, 2009, or this no­ tice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons, llrms and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make Immedi­ ate payment to the undersigned. This the 2nd’day ol Aprli, 2009. Steven Lee Foster, Executor 147 Howardtown Road Mocksville, NC 27028 Steven Lee Foster, Executor lor the Estate ol Roy T. Foster, Sr. • c/o Neal E Tackabery Bianco TackaberyS Matamoros, P.A. P.O. Drawer 25008 Winston-Salom, NC 27114- 5008 4-2-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAViE COUNTYIN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 2009 CVD 233 MELISSA SHANE PHILLIPS WHITE, Plalntill, J&LIUS CHESTER WHITE, JR., Delendant NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION TO: JULIUS CHESTER WHITE, JR., the above-named Delendant TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking rellel against you has been tiled in the above-enlllled action. The nature ol the rellel being sought Is as lollows; Abso­ luts Divorce on grounds ol sepa- rgtlon lor more than one year. You are required to make de- lonse not later than the Iplh day ol May, 2009, said date being lorty (40) days Irom Ihe llrst publica­ tion ol this Notice, and upon your lallure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court lor the rellel sought. Dated; March 26,2009 HARRELL POWELL, JR. Attorney lor the Plalntlfl 514 South Stratlord Road, Suite 214 Winston-Salem, N0 27103 Telephone: (336) 725-5300 Fax; (336) 940-2582 N.C.S.B. No. 3526 4-2-3tn Interior Painting Ceiling, plaster and drywall repairs. Thom Rutter 33fr>284<4211 LONly,lflRly, su sa m w ! Love, Mom, Dad, David & William SOUTHERN PIEDMONT RECYCLING & WASTE, LLC Container Rental and Waste Removal Service (336) 753-0084 N o w O f f e r in g B o t h S m a ll a n d L a r g e W a s te C o n ta in e r s Wake Forest University Bapti.st M I I) I t Л I с г N I I к C o m m u n ity P h y s ic ia n s CLINICAL POSITIONS Sign on Bonus Offered Clinical positions require viilid LPN stulc nursing license: CMA requires AAMAcertirication; current CPR. LPN or C M A-Full rim e Clinical Coordiniitor , Mnrlcttc Family Practlcc, Clemmons Two years a.s n clinical assistant in a medical office ■ setting with nt least one year of supervisory ,:. experience preferred. LPN or C M A-Full Time Wcstgate Pediatries, Winston Salem One to three years medical office experience preferred,, Send resumes to: Staff Recruiter 3540 Clemmons Rd, Ste 1, Clemmons, NC 27012 - Fax; 336-721-3999 jlhunter@wfubmc.edu ;;Exercise Y o u r B ra in . ?ead Studies show that reading keeps the mind sharp. Give your brain a boost. Subscribe to the newspaper ar\d expand your mind with a world of information. DAVID CO UNTY ENTERPRI/E^^ECORD 171 S . M ain S t. M o ck sv ille 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -2 1 2 0 We UiMl«r«tand. If ym frequently axp«rimoa abdominal d(BComfort;<, A Mw'study Is evaluating the safety and affsctitlansss of /f'C '''”'; ) anlnvestlaationaltiiidlcatlonforthBtreatmBritoririit^laiV i'-' ¡{ Bowel Syiidipii». . .1 ' Wla'are looidng fcrmenandwDmefiofrrentfy experiencing 8ylT1pbíms■‘^ aawcia^ed IBS to’particlpata in a dlnii^ researcli study \ . ' j, ’ avalutting ||e^ safety and efficacy ot an Invsstigetianal nne(jic^i;in, i Wiwaaw ia|a|fclin é e únK t»rtaá»IfleK ' ’ •" Are «t least IB yeers of age or older, end j.. ' * !' Haya had ^xionilmil discomfort and othar symptoms 'assocligMld;^; ^ IBS for at least ,12 weeks ovar the last 1^ months, and f.f • Have'not had adequate relief of your IBS symptoma ^d.IBS ' bloating, and • Have loose end watery stools. , . Qualified pattlclpants will receive study medlcstion and study; ' | related piedloal evaluetions at no cost, Reimbursement fqr'i ~ '] tlm aandtrm lm aybepnw lded. . ;» For mom Bbmit >|ii» IBS aiuriy, pltm contact; '■ CrmfntMwDcilf^Mlreh -..iJ : ; ' 'D8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Apr. 2,2009 D AVIE-CLEM M O N S Cali Monday-Frlday 8 AM-5 PM TOLL FREE 1-877^1-2120 FAX: 704-630-0157 EMAIL: CLASSADS@SALISBURYPOST.COM REACH om 29,m moERS emv weeki F R E E A D Srsomethíriü or selling P I C T U R E A Q -SInclude a photo with your auto, house or P« ="• ani run it for 4 weeks (or only $ 1 0 V À R D S A L E Unlimited Words,' $5.00 a Week , = • Ш я К щ И я т • С м Ь к Ш К М •(М М М M l • ш т ш ! •MUI ¡ • й М С п и т м И й ■•ищЁкШтШ П/МНЫ •M im i • Н м И м И И М ч ^|«1М111нК1|111! ¡•М М М N m IIh •(шашса! •IMwMtiro«! Ш и | | : М | | 1 М | | Ш | •MÉllbpItpit :i:.;Oona(ruction & r tj Ih d m i Trades C M M n to f'i H tlp ir flood­ ed. havo valid NC Orívet'e Всопбо & drug tree. С«1133в-402-0в50 Roofer, com m ercU), mlr 3 yrs oxpor, drug froo, valid D L Taking upplicn* lions. Call336-462-6a50 Healthcare General Call Landm ark Today! Tirod ol boing laid oil? Larximork (www.ldmkuso.com) Is atill growing and tiiring working Suporlntondonta and Foro- man wilh diroct oxporlonco In {ho hoflvy cW I Industry • bridges, dams, olovelod slabs, highways, shalts, sta­ diums, columns, Ota (no homobuildors, ploaso.) Mu&l bo ablo lo trnvol out ol stato on Q 10 days ot work/4 days back homo rotation. Alt travel oxponsos, Including llights, hotels and por diom, pakJ by Landinatk. II qualillod, ptoaso contact us (It l-GOO-666- 0010, oxt. 450 or email us el ro8umomgrOyahoo.com. Relocation to Texas not ro­ qulrod. < D e ilg n eri. Cotobroting Homo lormally HQP/Home In- toriom now tilrlng. Car. phono & computer required. Call Cathy ot330-704-9029 FIRBF1QHTER- Paid training to join elite U.S. Navy toam. Good pay, modlcaudonlal, pforrwHona, vacfllion. HS grads ages 17-34. Call Mon- Frl. 000-662-7231 lor local ln> lorvlow. Classifieds Sell Fasti Office & Clerical Evening Recoptlonlsl • P/T DC Sonlor Contof • Manage Ironi dook lo groat participants, di-ocl tfiom lo appropriato acllvlty & an­ swer plwnos. Potform clerical duties oucli os data entry, liling, otc. Train sonlor adults on ox- ordso oqulpmont. (Train- wlllboprovldodtocarv ate). Sliould poasoss strong compuior, commu­nication & Interpersonal shills; t/io a b % to work In­ dependently & a dosire to work with oklor adults. Hours oro Mon-Thurs, 4pm-0pm ^ ovory othor Sol. Oam -lpm . Solory $6.70Au. Submit County r cotion to Kim key, Dlroctor, Davk) Co. Sontor Sotvicos, 27Q Moronoy St., Mocksvllk), N C 27020. AppNcatkjna wiil bo rocoivod until post- lion is fillod. Davio County Ison EOE, Healthcare T riu m p h , L L C , & stQtowido provider of Adult, Child and Pam lly M ontal H ealth and S ubstance Abuse eorvlces, Is socking lnto6Elvo In-K o m o T eam Loador and Intonslvo In-H om o SpoclQlists for our DnvIo program . Toam Leador m ust bo Provisionally Llconsod, Board Ellglbto or fully LIconsed In North C arolina. T o am Spociallsts roquiro a Bacholor's Degroo In H um an Sorvlcos w ith a m inim um of ono year of exporienco working with childron. For m oro Inform ation, pteaso visit our w obslie at; w w w .lrium phcaros.com o ro m a li your roaum o to: coroorsO trium phcaro8.com » -R N » , LP N i and CNAa lull or t? ^ art-tim e. Please call Hoalth w C e n to r at 336-996-6775 (or »••fn o re Information. { Drivers & ■ Jñw iegortation^ D rivert • Milea & Froinht: Po- sltionB available ASAPI CDL- ■A wtth tanker required. Top •pay. premium bonoflts and M UCH M O REI Call or visit us online, ' 677-484-3066. D rivert CDL-A Í “ Truck Lines Business____ w uos to bo Strongl Minimum 1 « «nvoar T/T oxportonco. Cali ot « apply online; eoo-54S-l35to( Ì www.cypros8truck.com • « DRIVERS/TRAINEES NEED- i *^ D . National Carriora Hiring Nowi No experience noedodi .....N o CDL7 No problemi Train- I lr)g avallaUe with Roadmos- ter. CaU Now. 866-404-6459. OTR Driver»- Join PTLt Up to 34cpm. REQ UIRED 12 months oxportonco and CDL- A. Oul 10-14 days. No foton or DUI past 6 years. 677-740- e2e2.wvw.ptt-lnacom Pickup truck & Com m ercial truck <frlv«ra needed. OellV' br RV trallora and oommordal trucks and buses to all 46 states and Canada. Log on to wvw.RVdelivorylobs.com Restaurant & Food Service Dow ntown Salisbury newly renovated commor- clai kitchon & dining aroa tor seating up to 44. Work & business opportunity with endk)ss possibilitios. Please lax aB contact Infor­ mation to 704-638-5557 Sales a Marketing tid f^ n tle n t 8 a l« t Agent». ’ Sell wobsite packages to '_ ^ m a ll business owners. $800 ••.»average commission. Diroct email Duslnoss sales oxporl- Ir^ in c o reqtjirod, Call Jim: 800- ,k:,J22-1605. Email resume: «M Vobs O OreenCount/lelns tl- tute.com Yard Sale Area 6 Advance M ulti-Fam ily Yard Sale, Saturday, April 4, 8am until 1pm. 292 Josso King Road olf Yoditln Valloy Road. Davie County Eariy Coitoge High School Yard Sale at Davidson County Community Col- logo tSampus, Mocksville, Saturday, April 4, 8:00am- 1;00pm. Housohold itoms, lurnHuro, ctothos. too) box. A llttio bll ol ovorythlngt II rain, it will bo tiold on Davio High School Campus. M ocksville Mulli-Famlly Yard Sale. Dulin Methodist Church, Friday & Saturday, April 3 4 4, 7:6oam-2pm. 697 Dulln Road. Broaklast & lunch available. 336-996- 6409 Davie & Clemmons Yard Sales Advance. Hillsdale Unitod Methodist Ch. 6016 Hwy 156. (lim l. west of Hwy 156/Hv^ 601 Intorsoctlon) Chlldren'e Consignm ent Sale. Fri. 4 /3 ,9am-12pm & 5pm-7pm & Sat. 4 /4 ,9am- 18pm. All Horns й prtee Sal. Proceeds Irom eato bonefll HUMC'a CtilkJren’a & Youth Ministries. 336-998-4020 www.hlllsdaleumo.com^ DavIe & Clemmons Yard Sales Farm ington Yard Sale Sat. April 4" 8om 110 Droko Circle. Off of Hwy 601, Codar Forest Lane. W omen & men's dolhlng, girt hCai ilrre clothing sizes NB - 2T. ''ym boree, OkJ Navy, irtor*«. Clfco, Osh Kosh « Baby Qap.) Shoos, house­ hold Itoms, furnituro. TV, toots, computer Items, numer­ ous baby Items including strollora, carrier. Eddk) Bauer bouncer, changing table, ac­ tivity gym, toys and tots more. All In excoliont condllton. RalnDatoiAprll 11,2009. M ookivitle. 260 Lat Wliltaker Rd. (Off Liberty Church Rd. Turn on Lot Whitakor Rd,) Yard Sato. Frkfay Apill 3"*, 8am-5pm. Saturday April 4*'. 0am -12 noon. Row er ar> rangements for graves, sad- dk) wrooths and pots, Easter candy, baked goods, dothea and other items. Rain or Shine Mocksville. 083 Dulin Rood. Yard Sale. FrWay April 3. Qam-4pm & Saturday April 4, 8om-3pm. Bain or Shine. Mockevllle. Sat. lOAt^-1PM Portabto hot tub, .grills, 50 pairs of fishing waders, iug- gago; hunting stuff, 40 EZ up c a n o n s , logging otroller, a); compressors, gas generators, 30 sots of g d l clubs, 40 goli bogs, oxorciso oquipmoni, bounce house, water ski tubos, lumiluro, stot machine, basoball slulf, plus tote ol oth­ or STUFF. Star Storage World. 1033 Salisbury Hwy, RT 601, Mocksvlllo. • M ItiM /C g llfe tIM N • ш ш т ш т . • M M N l v i l f a n V h ffilti • MiniMNltmiM • ClottM-Miilt/tMhkM • Е М т т • iMttlMMpMrt • FamEqiliiÁippllas • Flowm/riMti • FoiMl/Proiluce •riiim o d • Furnllurg/Appllancei • ОммаТоу« • HiMllngtFMiig •jMlliy • iJwalOatlenSalHl ImlM • ИкМнту/TMli • M<lcilEi)ulpiMnt • ИКС. Equi» ЛиррИи • MiKillaMmFotiili • MiitgSilM/lenilH •Spwtlnieoodt • M ill •TV/DVB/Vldto •W iM to h iV /M rc Ii- Antiques & Collectibles Ovor 140 dasok: country al­ bums. Good condition. $100 lor oil, 704-267-917Q Building Equipment & _ S u g g l l e 8 ^ Steel Building Pkg. 18x21 Door & Anchor Bolt incl Ron $8.200. Now $4.845 Codo Adj. Othor Sizes Avail. Dig & Smoii Same Disc. www.scg-grp.com Source« OZr 704-631-3969 Clothes Adult & Children Advance. 697 Fork Bixby Road. 3 Family Yard Sato, Friday, April 3, 8am -12 noon. Chiklron's & adult ctolhlng. housohold Items, toys, exer­ cise equipment, tots of good stuff. Boy clothes, 12-24 Months 60plocos total, $50 cash Very good condllton, ctoan 704-279-6783 Boye okithee 24 month / 2T 63 Hems total Ctoan, vory good condllton $76. 704-270-0783 Boyeotothes 3T 18 itoms total Ctoan, vory good condllton $20. 704-27б-е7вЗ B oysctothes4T 13 Itoms total Ctoan, very good condllton $16.704-278-6783 • Boya Clothes size 5 3ltonfis, brand names Like new, vory ctoan $6.704-270-6783 Prom dress, 2-ploco, light pink, alzo 4, wilh pool on bol- tbm. Worn once. $60. Call 704-637-3370.' Prom gowns for sale. 1 qur* pto, size 3-4, $50. 1 black, size 6-0. $100. Call 336-766-2084 Electronics DlreoTvS ateliltorelevltton, FREE equipment, FREE lour room inalallatton. FREE HD or DVR Rocelver Upgrade. Packages Irom $29,99/mo. Call Direct Sat TV for details. 1.888-420-9488. Furniture & _A£gllance8_ irry compl( $150. Ponaeonto MIcrowov.. $30. Ploaso contact Doniso al 704-431-4398 lor mom Irifo. Bedroom sol, brand now, quoon, 6-ptoco with mattross sot. $750. Can dollver. Call 704-577-8179. Bedroom euite quoon bod a t^ dresser. Solid wood. $200. Call 704. 279-1438 foi more intomiation Bede, Twin bod with drosser undomoalh. $140. Day Ш $125.704-030-921 Breakfast table, tail w/4 chairs. Solid wood. Groat condition. $150, Call 704-279- 1430iormorolnformatton. Com puter desk, small wood. Wood/bluo computer chair. Both very good condllton. $00.704-279-6783 Couch, lealher sectional. W ine color, overstuflod. Pretty. $300. Cell 7О4-0ЭЭ-6057. Curio, 611. $300. White dresser, 4 drawers with matching desk and chair. $ 1 50.704-e& -9259 Entertainm enl center, $15. Largo metal 4 drawer liling cabinet $15. Ptoaso call 7 0 ^ 213-1501 form ero Info. Living room sulto. Uko new. Couch and chair,. $400. Kitchon tabto (oak). $50. Please call 704-630-9259 Pillow-top Mattress Sots, brond now starting at $150. Con deliver. Colt 704-577-8170. Reoiiner,ioalt)or.$150. Computer desk, $125. End tnbtos. sot of 3, nico. $200. Call 704-630-9259 Misc. Equipment Radio, CD and cassette piayor lor vohicle. Good con­ dition. $50. Ask lor Josh. Call 704 2430021 Subw oofer boxes, 2 • 10 inch. Good condition. $50. Ask for Josh. Call 704-245- 0021 lorm orolnfo. MIsc For Sale Car Seat with two bases and airollor, Evonlto Trovol Sot. TanpldkJ. aonily i/ao(). SfOO. 704-402-71)20 Crib S ot-Thom as Troln Dumper and blnnkot Ctoan, vory good condilloM $1 5 .704-270-0703 insulation. Slow type lor homes. $7 per bundle or good deal on a trac­ tor iralfer toad. 336-998-1439 Rim e, Mazda. 4 avollabto. 14 Inch, Good condition. $50. Ask for Josh. Call 704-245- 002f tormofolnh. Tiller.3.5 Master Till chair drive. Ptoaso coll 704-642-4852, Sporting Goods Qolf club set, used. Mizuno- MP14S. $250. Adams Ova­ tion sot. $200. Vartous put­ters, $ 5 0 .330-97t-1671 Tickets NIN ond Jane's Addtotton tickets, 4 for Charlotte on June 12. $400, For moro In- lonnalion, coll 704.433.0116 Want to Buy Merchandise Tim ber wonted • Pino or hardwood. 5 ocros or moro soloct or doar cut. Shavor W ood Products, Inc. Coll 704-278-9291. Tim ber W onted. 1 acre or moro, pino or itardwood, clear or sotoct, H & M Log­ ging, 336-468-0576 >Umtwk • ОНигГА • f r t l U m t M k l in l e N Cats KIttene, vory cute 6 ready to go Froo to good homo 704-431-4195 len t $499 each. Ploaso call 019- 269-0454 formero Info, www.soatpolnt.org Cats Kittens. Free, seven vraekt old. Ono calico, Ono orange blue gray. '9-5159 ,£282- C hofapeako Boy Refrievore л к и Registered. 12 weeks old. oil femato, $200. Call lot lurther dobiiis 704 040-1212 Dachshund puppies, Mini Longhair. Ready lor Eostorl Now Taking Deposits. Home Socialized. Dewclawod, 1st shots & wormed. Black & tan. Chocolate & tan. Silver Dap­ ple & Shaded Red. Plooso call 330-4I3-8768 or 330- 400-0092 logs, Basset Hounds, rogislorod. TrI-color & rod whito. Stiots. wormod. $400. Ptoaso cail Donna or Amanda 01704-270-1223 Lah i, S AKC lómales To good homos only. $100. For more Intormatlon, Call 704-209-0734. wks otd, 2 matos and 4 lornatos. Adomblo & playful. $200.330-403-1638 Yorklpoo. Iroo lo wondorful homo only. 14 wookn old. All shots. If iiitorostod. call 704- 2780157 Livestock Donkey. Mini-siciiian Jock donkey. 2 yoars old, tumo. $225. Ptoaso call 704-201- 6675 for more Info. Pet & Livestock Services Happy Jack mango modlclne promolos hoaling and hoir growth lo any mango, hot spot, or fungus on dogs & horsos wilhout sloroldal Yad- kinviile Hardw are 679-2049 wvw.hnonvlacKlnQ.com • UnlNoHcM • Fi«»W» •iMtiMtiN • UitlFoMd •Monimml/CMNttnf Lob • Notice* • SpiclilOccnlHi • Tratti OppwImltlN Business Opportunities 100% Recession Proofl Do You Earn Up to $80(Vday (po- tonlial)? Your own local routo. 25 ft^achinos and Candy. All lor $9,995. 1-886-753-3458, MultiVond, LLC Free stuff Free puppies. 2 pi homo. Akita to good h o ^ . Akita arid Boxoi mix. Will havo 1" shots and dewormod, 330-793-7730 Free thread spools & cloth scraps. Great for croft »loctsl Lots avallablel taso call 704-857-5445 Instruction AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA ap­proved program. Financial aid If quaHfiod. Housing avallabto. Call Aviatton institute of Main­ tenance (886) 349-5387. Attend coilege online Irom home. Modlcai, Business, Paralegal. Computors, Crimi­ nal Justtoo. Job placement assistance. Computer avail- abto, Rnanciol aicTIf qualified. Call 866-858-2121 or visit Lost & Found D og Found. Long haired on Juifan Rood near Aflordabto Inn & Suitos. Call to dontify. 704-036-5700 & iv message. Lost Dog. Shepherd Mix, about 3 moa old. light colored. Mar 13 on Deadmon Rd A 001. Reward. 336-740-6570 .........ost M ini Dachshund, Cream Longhair. REW ARD. 1.081 In tho Sain Rd. Aroo. Answers to 'Doc.' Plooso call 336-4eO-0092/336*4t3-87e8 Lost Siberian ffîisky. 1 year old pippy. Whito with gray, blacK. ton. 178 Twin Cedars Golf Rd. Wearing о rod collar and a Ыаск collar for etoctrk: fonce. Ploaso caM 330-030- 0 0 9 0 II you find horl Sho’s my son'o dog & ho mfsoos hort Notices DAVIE PREG NA NCY CARE Conlor ollera confkiontial & froo pregnancy tosts, support Borvicoa and rolorrnls. Moko a healthy chotoo for your iitol Cail 330-753 HO PE for oppt. Hugo Stiopplng Event! April 1-5 MotfoHna Tradeshow Ex* po. 7100 Siatosviito Rood. Chartotte. $1000 shopping spree g^eaw ay. Ovor 2000 vondorst Details al www.lCAShow8.com Travel _0|g£ortunlllee_ B ra n u n .M O May 11-17 li> dudes 9 sliows. 3 dinners, 2 iunchos, 5 CD. 1 full broak- fast. O/N О Opryland Htl. MJToura 330-945-039J BuilnesiOpportuiilIlM • Condos/TDwnlioiits • HMntBulld«fi • HooiNfBrSaIg lam lm lP icfert) lakt PtopKty • iMilliirSale • Ub)OfS*li • IbaiilaclwidHene Dnlin • Manutact veil How Sales • ManulactwoilHoiM UblorSali • IlMtlKtundHoM tonici tlto|ialn •MwtiiHienlcat/ Uaat • ItoalEitalitMdcot • RialEatata-CoMMiclal •RiiwtaVKiUM Piepulj ' •WuMiRialEiUrii Apartments & Condos (or Sale M ocktvillo, to w n h o u H th Milling W ay. Convontoni iocalion, 2DR/26A, 2 years old, Unit 1t8, beautiful pool comptox $110,500. Cali 330- 470-2951. 336-655-3447 ot 336-751-5448. Homes tersale ЗВЯ, 1.6BA, houso. Carport, now paint and carnet. 1175 sq.tt. $78,000. Last ap­ praised ot $90.000. Call lor infomiatton, 336-009-0445. lear Creek C hurciiR d , 8 acres, 3BR/1BA, basement, shop building, bams, pond, W m R Davie School. $169,000. II you haveni owned a homo In 3 years, you may qualify for an $8,000 credit tor this propeny. 336-751-5628 BLU E RIDO E MOUNTAINS, NC Log cabin/$d7.900. Own­ or sacrilldng a 1320 sq. ft. unfinished cabin on 2 acros w/stream. Has toft dock and covered porch. 1-828-286’ Homes (or Sale Berm uda Run Country Club 3DR, 3BA townhouso. Carport, poof prMtogoe. $175.000. 336-998-7G60 Hom es, Governm ent fund­ ing available lor all homo buyers wlx) own land or havo lamily land. $0 down, easy linandng. Coll 330-340- 6347. Kinderton. Irrvnacuialo ODR, PM B A .2tovol. master BR on main, 2 car garago. screened in porch, courtyard, and many othor ottractivo features. $227,700, Call Janice Mo- Danld ol Ketlor Williams ol 330-909-0747 Salisbury: A spactous 1.358 squero loot homo, Open Itoor plan, hord- wood lloors, wood laminato and carpot. Custom solid wood cobinotfl, spa liko mas­ ter balh w / garden tub and Boparotodoubto shower. 3 b i and 2 full ba. Gas Firoplaco, gas heat and central air. 2 inch wooden blinda on win­ dows. Deslrabto Forroot Brook neighborhood, minutes from I 85. You will fool like tho king ond quoon ot tl^o castto in this wondeiful gom ol a homo. $100k or best of­ for. Call for showings. 704- 437*1445 Land (or Sale Acreage, 32>w ooded Plus 2 ctoored bulkling sites. 2.4- 3,0 acres mral sotting^road fronlage. 330-492-2t44 CO LO RA DO BA NK FORE­ CLO SURE 35 AC $29,900. Enjoy 300 days ot sunshine. Rocky Mountain views, utili­ ties, Excoltoni finandng, 1st como, 1 St son/ot Call today I • '666 696-5203x5055. STEAL M Y LANOI Owtwr must soli, ono woodod ocro w/flvor accooo. Community pool, wolking tralia and gor- QOOU9 rivort N O time limit to build. First $29,000 takes it. CnII now 677-280-2040. Manutactured Home Sales S2,500dow n 13 payments lolt. Ploaso cali 704-463-3702 $3,000 dow n - only 13 pay- monls toll. Cail quicki VVe owner finance. Please call 330-299-5613 $6.000 lex credit for qualiftod appltoants. Ploaso call today to nroquaiity 330-299-6526 2 Year Job Tim e, 2 Year Rental History, You Can Own Todayl 704-6300149 Extra large m obile hom e. 2002 Champion. 16'xeO'. 3BR. 2DA. Nearly now carpet, Hoat pump, refrigorator & stovo Induded. $20.000. Must be movedi 336-492-2367 Oovornrmnt funds availablo for I** limo homobuyors who ovm land or lutvo family lond. Zero Down. Easy Flnancingl 704-630-6400 Hom e end Land packages as low as $95,000. Call to apply for froo. 330-299-5612 Mocksville area. 3BR .2BA $65Q/monlh. Call 704 inandng. 1-483-3702 M ove in Today! IB R . 1GA cottago with porcfi. $450/Month 704030-9840 Move in Today! 2B R ,2B A w llh Porch. 55 or Older Community 704-630-6400 Take O ver M y Paym entsI $402/Month Ploaso call 704-630-6400 Manutactured Lots (or Sale f in a l C L 0 8 E 0 U T I Goll Lot Bnraalns Irom $19,000 (wns $08,000). Goll « A m in ll/ pacluigo IncludodI Dovolopoi closeout on remaining lots at champtonship tB hole course In Blue Ridge Mountains, noar Ashovldo. N.C, All Inlrao- tructure completod ♦ bulW when ready. 1 lot per cus- • Excellent financing,tomorl Call now X2270. 1 •660-334-3253, Real Estate Services LAND o n DEVELOPMENTS W ANTED. W o buy or market dovolopmunt tots. Profot Mountain or Coastal Commu- nilies. Call Us al 800455- 198l,Ext.1034. Resort & Vacation Property Free Cam ping A $200 In Grocery RowardsI Doautilui campground roeorf In fJonh Carolina. Anujzing Amenlttos nnd Family Funf Call 800- 795-2199 to Discover Morot Wanted: Real Estate Rool Eoloto - W o \«lll buy your house today. All cash. Fast sottlomont. Any condi­ tion. Hom o Real Estate, (330)722-1122 TatiliNMi •DiMNlMliMt •UkiPrapMtylMal • Ш Ш Ш • p u l СомикЫ Hantai • Paaliici lami lai Uni •ИамМ«М1Ии1 Ml • Има(ас1«йНмм fodleiit • Resurtí Vacation Rental! •RwimaleWMteil • Rooms (otRinl • Storage • Wanted lo Rent Houses lor Rent Century 21 Triad 336-761-2222 350 M cCultoughR d., Mocksville. 30R.1DA. $675/mo. 139 Sterling Piace, M ocksville. 2BR. 2BA Town homo with garage. Brand Now. $775Лпо, 120W overiyD r., Ad< vance. 3BR .2BA . Firo­ placo & garogo. Gas hoat & air. $095/mo. 161 Dublin Rd-Advance Primo localton/Shamrock acros. 3BR,2BA. All appli­ ance Included w/ washer & dryor. $995/mo. 264 Ken Dwigglns* Mocksville 3DR ,2BA .AII appi. Induded. $750/mo. 104 M im osa-Advance TH in Bermuda Run, 20R , 2BA. All appi, included. $850/mo. 160 R entxLane IB R , ID A cottago. Privato & dean, $500/mo 8225 Shallow ford Ln. • U w isvitio2B R .2B A Cot­ tage w/oil hoat. $55(Vmo. 132B rickw aik- M ocksville 2 BR ,2D A còndo in Milling W ay. Like now w/sunroom. Commu­ nity Pool access. $075/mo. 2 6S K In g em lliD r.-O ak Valley 3B R ,2\4 BA. Pri­ vacy lonce & awning ovor dock.$1495/mo. Call Century 21 Triad 33S-751-2222 Mon-Frl 6am -6pm OH 33e-761-5555E xt213 nighteand weekends. Houses (or Rent Advance. IB R , 1BA, GuosI cottage. W ator Induded. $450/nK3nth + deposit. No pots. 330-998-1444. Advance. 3B R ,2.5B A Vety ntoo homo, groat localton. Shady Grovo & ElBs school districts. All appls. Induding built In microwave 4 dlsfi* washer, FP, gardon tub, rock­ ing chair front porch, back dock overtooklng pond, torge gorage & workshop. Year round lawn care incl. $l,195/m o.336-8t7-0198 Advance. 3BR, 2V4 BA, garogo. 2,000 ± sf, securlly aystom. Executive homo Rent $t,400o r Rent to Ow n. 704-0300695 Advance. Frost Rd, off Hwry 158. 3BR, m BA. Central hoat A air. $720/mo. * $700 dop. Advance. 2BR. IB A fannhouso. Central hoat A air. $595/mo. * $595 dop. Cell 336-5r^ 2494 ERA Prem ier Realty Jackie Coulston 336-753-6777 or 336-761-20SS M O CKSVILLE-C haitoston Rklge. 3BR, 2BA. Scroenod porch, fenced backyard, 2 car g Smoke Froo. $9T M O C K S V ILLE -R anch on 1 acre. 3DR ,2BA . Range, rofrlgerator, dishwasher, A mtorowave. 2 car attached garago. $87fi/mo. M O CKSVILLE-C hartottton Ridge. Smoko froo. well m ointalnod3BR,2BAwlth vaulted ceilings, garden tub AsoparaTosnowo, oversized 2-car garogo A dock. $950/month. A D V A N C E -3B R ,2B A with lots ol oxtras - gas logs, porch, patio, docks, hpt tub, part backyard lencod, 2 car garago, soparale garago/workshop.$TT000i'mo. ERA Prem ier Reatty Jackie Coulston 336-753-8777 o r M fr 7 5 f. 2055 Farm ington m ini farm , 2003 - 001 North. 3BR tiouso. loncod yord, pas­ture, barn, shop, garago. Nice package lor $1200/mo, 338-998-3160 M ocksville area. 3BR/2W BA. Rent to Own! Oarage, approx 2,000 sf, cent heat/air. very Nice. $15,000 down, $305/mo, 704-630-0695 PENNINOTO N A CO, 336-908-9400 336^>0W )747 W e havo rentals avallabto. ' Landtorda and tenants - Cali us for Information on proper« ties or property manago- mont. W o have an automat­ ed phono system for Infor­ matton. Commercial Properties/ BuBlnossos tor toase or sato. Cali Jantoo McDantoi 336-909-0747 ion A Co. ■ J400 336-90W 74 7 US 64 W est. 6 rooms. IB A . Now paint, now Itoors, new balh, now kitchen. Basement, altto storago. Mockavlllo schools. $576/mo. plus de­posit and roforencos. Call 336-751-5628 o ttic a & Commercial Rental BCM Business Park, For sale or lease, 9,000 sq. ft. building, 1500 to 4500 aq ft units. Commercial tots for sale or win buikj to suit ten­ ant. 336-998-3165 Mapliet Classidetls are liapel ■ M ultiply y o u r c u sto m e rs w ith one calll With one phona call to our new toll free number: 1-877-751-2120 you’ll got totol covorotjo of o complete maikot right next door. Buy 1,2, 3 or 4 publications, one call and one bill • it s your choice, one caii does it ail. Deadline for ads Is Tuesday at 3 P.M. Call 1-877-751-2120 or Fax to 704-630-0157 Ail* ri>qul>e p«»p»ymer|, eu»|>t for eil«bka«(J KCount«. D AViE-O LEM M O N S Ц Call Monday-Friday 8 AM-5 PM TOLL FREE DAVlE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Apr. 2,2009 ■ D9 1-177-7Б1-2121 FAX: 704-630-0157 EMAIL: CLASSAOS@SALISBURYPOST.COM REACH OVER 29,000 RBADEHS EVm WEEK! ____i ^ I PICTURE AD S Y A B E L SA LE : ^ Foiinrt1?in5Pnfit^^^ Include a photo with your auto, house or .liS iS « « -.: P« ^ r“" it to 4 weeks lor only $10: $5;00 8 WBBk Manufactured Home for Rent 167 C alvin Lane. 3BR, 2BA. Recently remodeled. Refrigerator A stovo incl. $400 per month plus de­ posit. Call 336-284-4340 601 8. 'Fum lshod'on privato lot. No pets. 3 poopio limit. References. Deposit A $450 rent. Can 330-284-4758 D ev/e County. Country llv- ing. Privolo lot. 3BR. 2BA singlowldo mobile homo. No pots. Vory doan. Sodlon 8 wolcomo. Deposit roqulrod. C all330-675-210l. Farm ington Area, private. 2B№ 2BA. oH appliances, control hoat A air. dock. A garaM . N o pots. No smok­ ing. $600/m o. plus deposit. Pioaso call 330-655-3272 or 330-655-9620 U c l(Iv lil« 4 B R .2 B ^ private farm k)t, heat pump, fireplace. Convonlont to shop­ ping. $700/m o * doposi! + references. 330-751-5028 M ocksville. 2BR/2BA. 14'x7ff singtowkJo. $500/mo + $500 dop. No HUD. 330- 909-0700 or 330-492-5618 M ocksville. Ready Now 2 DR brick house.'fum lshod, also etoctrto, $550/ mo. 2DR, 1 BA mobile home, private lof. 704-207-558» Pinebrook School District. 3BR, 2BA. $55(У|Т>0. $300 deposit. Absolutoly no pets. 330-940-2616 W illiam R , Oavie School DIst. 3BR, 2BA, large kitchon, large living róom w /fire place. Privato tot. $650/mo- 330- 761-2605 or 336-761*3675 W anted: To Rent W ant to rent hom e. 71 yoat okl whito lomato with 1 dog. $450/month. HU D opprovod. Са11ЭЭв-671'39ЭЭ • Ш •MitlDII •iMti/WitircnIi •CcllMtgrCm •Симмп1|1 №M|wtatlm •MUNcrclN/Itni •RitmliMilViliicíii •Untili I iMllll • U a ia m i le e m M lM • T m if t i t i li M Dnlinliipt •iy M 9 M ta tlo n FiMKliii • Tnicln/silVs/Vani • Wanttotoy^rm Autos ed. 75.000 mHos, $5,600. OBO. Ptoaso call 704-630- 6158 lor moro Informotion. Autos Donate Your V ehide • Ro­ celvo $1000 Grocery Coupon. Unitod Broast Concer Foun- dalton. Froo Mammograms, Broost Cancor info; www.ubcf.lnfo. Froo Towing, Tax Doductibto. Non-Runnors Accoplod. 1-808-466-5904. HO NDA, 2002, ACCORD EX. $0 down, wdl 1ю1р fi- naneo, Credit. No ProbtomI Privato party enlo. Coil 704-071-2223 Motorcycles &ATVS 3D04 0S3XLC Sporlalor. Times oro hard, luxuriös gotta go. 2-tono bluo. Has 13,500 milos. Malntonanco up to date, roady to ride. Chrome luggago rock. A padded pns- songer back/ost. Custom motlel has torgor gas tonk. RotoJI value $4900. Nood to soil ASAP. 704- 680-C657 Auctions Ooeen isle B ead i Real Es­ tate Auction, Waterway Front. Ocoon/Wotonvoy View A Commorcloi Loto. 3 Lots Sell Absolute. April' 18t, Oceon Isle Booch, Shaltotte. NC. Iron Horso Auctton, 800- 997-2248. NCAL3936, www.lronhorsoauctton.com Tax Seizure • Rostauran! Equipment Aucttoh. W ednes­ day, April 8 at 10 a.m., 264 W ilson Park Road, Statosr^iflo. f^C. Soil’ng restaurant equipment dealer, 4 other restauronts for NC Dopartment of Revenue foi Unpaid Toxod. 20> Hobart mixora. quflnWy of now/usod Items. www.ClossteAuctlona.com. 704-79t-0825.N C A F5479 C la s s ifie d s W o rk F a s t! Service & Parts Pow er w indow repair for do- moBlic A foraign cara. Поа- sonnblo rntoa, Ttio Ptwno Pincn/Sound Depot. MocKovlllo. 330-751-2020 Auctiòns Auction • April ?.5th, 10.00 AM. Waterfront Lots, Acreage A Uont Slipo on Mnlnland. Surf City/Hampstood. NC. (a portion Sold ABSOLUTE). Cali 9I0-270-5044. ArkadiAAuctton.com, M B ar- ber,NCAL7734. Financial Services Auctions Row an Auction Co. Profoe- sional Audton Services: Salisbury. NC 704-033-0809 Kip Jonnlngs NCAL 6340 ¿h lldC are & N u r s e r ^ ^ J c h o o ¡ 8 Chlldcoro. Looking lo koop kids In 1юггю. All shifts. For moro Infonna­ lion ptoaso cafl 33Ö-775- 7365 or 330-492-5252 O pening Soonil H flfe/e Futurjî Loadore ChlW Caro Conlor. Salisbury. EnrolDngNowl 0-13 years. 0am -11 Д О рт. OSS vouchers accepted. Licensed ctiikf care, Atlordable rotes. Educa itonal programs. 2 wook spocials. Umllod 8расоГ704-037-3000 Financial Services "We can erase your bad credit — 100% guaranteed” The Federal Trade Commission says any credit repair company Ihat claims to be able lo legally remove accurate and timely Infor­ mation from your credit report Is lying. There's no easy fix for bad credit. It takes lime and a con­ scious effort to pay your debts. Learn about managing credit and debt at ftc;gov/credlt, A message from The Salisbury Post and the FTC. Cleaning Services lipeti for $20 0 room.Ono Brush Painting A Carpel Ctoanlng. 704-267-M 70 Financial Services W O RK INQ CAPITAL ovali, abto Buslnosft Only 704-321-1170 Warron Shinn wshinn Oarfunding.com Home Health Aides Persono! Assistant! 1 will provide tlie following: light housekeeping, tignt meal prep. Hoip w/porson- al Itygiono. grocery shop­ ping, errands, tmnsporta- tion to appts, reltol tkno for cnroghrors. Refs provkkxl. Ploaso can Mary O 330-940-7077. Private duty sitting for elderly Mon lliru Sot. Rofer- onces ovaitobto, Davio Coun­ ty area. 330-996-0345 Home Jm g ro vem en^ Lawson's Hom e Improvo- rnonlB. Wirxiows. doom, vinyl oKting, brick, btock wotk, log siding, hnrdwood ttooilng l-reo ostimntos. Ownor Andy Lowson CnII 330-900 0095 Quality W ork provided ol toesonablo rutus. Small or largo jobs. Inl /Ext. W ork in­ cluding vinyl siding, windows and doors, trim wotk, kitchon and bathroom remodela or updatea, docks, room addi- tiona, garago odditlons, etc. Froo estimates. Call 782-7047 or 336-655-4034 r U n fo r tu n a te ly , s o m e p a t-e n ts s k ip im p o r t a n t s te p i'^ h re e :,. " B o o s te r s e a ts .■ v :,B e o a u 8e \ , . t h e ir . 'C h ild r e n ’ ,hav,e,'- o u t g r o w n t o d d le r s e a ts , th e y m is tia k e h ly a s s u m e a iB-'the 'next' atep. However, satety belia alone oari be danererous for k id s w ho are u n d e r 4'9". B e cau se safety belts ' • d o n ’t fik those o h ild ro n properly, they oarl cause se rio u s in ju rie s to th e ir face, n e ck and abdom en during^ a c ra sh i^ h e f o u r s c t f e t y - h e lt s t e p s a r e f i o t m a g i c a l ,.^ t l i e y ^ r e c r i t i c a l , . ' o r su d d e n stop. In fact, k id s S-5 w ho w ear safety belts ov.; alon^ are ,4 tim e s niore liH ely to su ffe r head in ju rie s th a n ,' 'k id s in ca r ^eats an d b o o ste r seats. In addition, ch ild re n , '4-7 w ho u se b ooste r se ats are a w hopping- 5 9 % le ss lik e ly i , tO 'b f in ju re d in a c ra sh th a n those o n ly re stra in e d by a safe ty belt. B o o ste r se ats ra ise y o u r ch ild u p so that« a , safety belt (desig'ned for ad u lts) w ill fit and,protect them f ■properly, Rem em ber, 4 '9" is the m agio'nu m b e r. U n til'tli^n ' k id s re a lly need to' be in a b ooste r seat.vBoo^tef seate w o rk like...w ell, y o u know . / > . % ' ■ii' о b o o s t e r s e a t lU w IV . b о o s t e r s e i i t . ' f f b v Lawn Maint. & ^ a n d s c B £ ¡ n j L Denny’s Lawn Service: Complete lawn servtoe from one sourt;e. Mowing, plug­ging. ooodlng. lertillzing, lanascaplng, pine needles, mutoh. Stato certinod lor spraying and Insured. Trac* lor wor1( 11 needed. Thirty, yoars experience. Please call 330-990-3675 or 336- 399-7003 forostimate. Pettit's Law n Care For all your town and iand- scoplng noede. Low prfcesl Free esflmoteal insured. 330-469-2194/330-463-6227 Let Your Ad Be.Seen Here! Mlscellaneoua Services Don't throw aw ay lawn- mowers. ATV's, golf carts, outdoor power oouipmonl. Will ptok up for free. Call Richard 336-^173-1638. H su iln g en d C lM rin e •Lto h iaearln g ’• Drfvew^• Debrto Removal• Ctoan Outs (basements, garages, attics, eslatos, etc.) •Tree W ork/Removal •Hauling Free Estimates. Reasonabto Ratos. Can ЗЗв-762-7047 L trry s Auto Oetsllino* Complete hand detailing ser* vice. Can tor appointment. 330-704-0050. References avnHabto upon request. Canopy T rM 8«rvlo*, Pro­ fessional Senrice at reason­ able rates. Fuly Insured. Call for free estimates. Rsfer- ences avaJiable. A^ao, fire­ wood for sale. 336-0964d74 TO M O u tW y T rM C M « U n d Malmenane«. H ai- ardoue removals, pruning A présen/attoin, stom> d tim e t den-up, griding, hauHna, dearlng. slump rwnovd, landscaping. Tbomaa Martin. Insured. C elt ЭЭв4О7-:Г0Э4, home: 336-659-9611 Wl I, M I N(. M IS yätt?, ' FREE DIRECTV 4 ROOM SYSTEM'mu D I R fc с T V Л1 I l)l< ii 1Л1 1 M A N N I T o ll F r c o 8 6 6 - 6 9 5 - 7 9 :5 8 Relax, Revitalize, Renew...Rediscover Yom/ S E A M №í | ™ ™ L S Premier Vacallon Homes 8ифШ B each & Qarden Q ty Beach CaU fm FREE Vacation Quidè 1-866-614-3411 M in u tes awcQi from M yrtle B each, SC A U C T IO N B e a c h L o t s & A c r e a g e A p r il 2 5 t h (It) 1 0 a m 15 W a te rfro n t & W a te r V ie w Lo ts, S ix 20’ B oa t S lips a t T id a w a ta r Landing, 20 a cre s on iM ainiand S urf C ity/H am pstaad and .71 a cre b u iid in g io t a t Pagas C ra a ii.' w w w . A r k a d i A A u c t i o n . c o m 9 1 0 - 2 7 0 - 5 0 4 4Auction M B a r b e » N C A L 7 7 ; J 4 ----V- \ ' % Г?;. li: BIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 2,2009 In W a s h in g to n , D C More than 50 members of the Davie High Junior class toured Washington, D.C., recently in an annual trip led by teachers Jeremy and Ange Byrd. Above, t h e g r o u p Is s h o w n w ith U .S . S e n . R ic h a r d B u rr s ta n d in g In th e c e n te r o f t h e p h o to . __ _ _ _ _ _ _\ Davie Dateline Fundraisers .Thursday, April 2 fort-a-PlI, nl Liberty UMC off US 1501 S. Tickets $7, Cull 284-2869 or 284-2914. fri. & Sat., April 3 & 4 .Childrens CniisltiiimcntSnlc, Fri., 9 n.m. -12 p.m. & S-7 p.m. nnd Snt. 9 n.m. -12 p.m. All ilcm.s hnlf-prlcc _Snl. Proceeds lo UMC ChildrBas jvlini.slry. Sule nt Ilillsdnis UMC, J0I8 US 158, Advnnce. Cnil 998- 4020 for info. Saturday, April 4 Spaghetti Supper, nt Ml. Olive UMC, 3521 Wyo Rd„ Yndkinville from 4;30-6;30 p.m. Sponsored by )lo cl№ wlih proceeds to spcclnl Sjeels. Community Breakfast, Advnnce UMCfc«owshiphall,7-IOu.m,Spon- sored by Advnnce, Elbnville nnd Fulton youth. Menu; linm, snusnge, eggs, bi.scuits, grit.s, gmvy, muffins, jelly, omnge juice nnd coffce. BBQ Chicken & Pork Fundraiser, nl Sheffield-Cnlnhnln VFD, 435 DysonRd. (ofmirkcyroot Rd.), tnkc- outs strut 12 noon, dinc-in nt 5 p.m. Cnil 492-5791 forinfo. Friday, April 10 PorkBBQShoulders, soldbyFumi- • ington Rurilnn Club on prc-snlc bn- sis. Whole slioulders $5/lb. nnd Bos­ ton Butts$6/lb. Ortlersiiiaybeplaced llm i Sal., April S by clilling 998- 0800. Proceeds lo vnrious Ruritun projects. Beneflt for Clitrk Rogers, at Ijnines Bnpt. Church, 5-7 p.m., dine-in or tnkc-out, bnked spnghelti wilh snlnd, gnilic bread, dessert. Also, a bnko snlc. Cinrk wns dingnosed wilh rare type of bindder cancer. Saturday, April 11 Boston Butt BBQ, spoasorcd by Comntzer UMC Men. Proceeds lo men's ministries. Orders taken ill April 5. Price $30 with sInw, buns nnd dip. Cnil 936-2032 for orders nnd info. Community Breukrnst, nt First Pres- byterinn Church of Mocksvillo, 6-10 n.m. Donnlions accepted. Fri. & Sat., April 17 & 18 HugeBookSale, Dnvie Libnuy, Fri. 9 a.m.-8 p.m., Snt. 9 n.m.-3 p.m. Friends o f Duvie Ubrary members prevlfw Tltiiri.i i-8 p.m, (you can Join at the door,) Saturday, April 18 Golf Tournament, sponsored by Engle Heights, 2 p.m., al Pudding Ridge Oolf Course to misc money for missions trips to Guntemain. Emnil jjones396®yndtcl.net Saturday, May 2 1st Annual Pet Fair, at Humane Society of Davic County’s Adoption Center, 291 Eaton Rd., Mocksvillo. 10 n.m.-4 p.m. Vnccinnlion clinic inking plnco nlso. Cnil 751-5214 for info. Religion Sunday, April 5 Homecoming & Anniversary, nl Blnise Bnpt. Church, celebrating its 49lh yenr, 9;30 u.m. Sunday School, 11 u.m. scrvice und homecoming lunch at I p.m. PalmSunday Service,atCooleemcc UMC, 11 n.m., cuntntn Love Grew Where the Blood Fell nnd perfor- mnnce by cluirch linnd bell choir. Friday, April 10 Passion of Christ, presented by St. Fnuicis of Assisi, live outdoor pre­ sentation, 862 Yndkinville Rd, Mocksvlllc, 12 noon. Sunday, April 12 Easter Sunrise Servicc, Comnlzcr UMC, l244CornatzerRond,Mocks- ville, 6:45 n.m. al Ihe fool of the cross inthechurchyiu-d, worship 11 a.m. in smnctunry, choir presents cuntntn In Christ Alone, April 13-18 Youth KcvivoJ, Mainville AMEZIon Ciiurch. 751-9146. Special Ewnts Friday, April 3 Advance Plunning Expo, 2-4:30 p.m. nt Dnvie Sr. Services. Admis­ sion free & open to public. For info: 753-6230. Saturday, April 4 Cooleemee Annual Easter Egg Hunt, at Znchnry House, 2-4 p.m. Hosted by Cooleemee Women’s Civitun Club. Questions: 284-2141. Annuo) Easter Egg Hunt, nt Ad- vnncc First Bnpt. Church, 1938 NC 801 S., Advnnce, 2-4 p.m. nl church's fellowshiphnll, with spcciui visit from Enster Bunny. Davic All-Star Middle School Band,2p.m., Brock Performing Arts Center, N. Muin Street, Mocksviilc. Wednesday, April 29 2009 Annual Women’s Luncheon, 11:30 u.m., nt Fumily Life Center, First UMC, Mocksville, with guest speaker. Rcservntions due by Friduy, April 24. For info: 751-3304. Saturday, May, 2 DedlcalionelJop^Cemetery, for mnrkerfor Israel 6oonc,.sonpfSquirc & Sumh Boone,' 10 aim. ‘ Dates to Remember Thursday, April 16 Free Stroke Screening, hosted by Duvie Home Health Agency, 9 a.m. til noon in conference room of Duvie Home Hcnith. For info und lo muke nppt. 753-6200. Ongoing Basics of Speaking Spanish, Thurs- dnys, 6:30p.m., in Blaise B npt. Fum­ ily Life Center. Cost of textbook = $20. Anyone welcome to uttcnd, For info nnd registration cnil 751-3639 or visit our website www.BlniscBnplist.com Free Monthly Dlabetes/Blood Pres­ sure/Cholesterol Screenings, lust Fri.ofcnclimonthln2009utWnlMiul, 9 am. Iil 12 noon. Sponsorcll by Dnvie Lion's Club. Visit Couleemee's Mill Village Mu­ seum, 14 Church St., Wed.-Sut. 10 n.m. til 4 p.m. Tours nlso available by nppl. Call 284-6040. Storytimes, at Dnvie Cu. Libnuy: Tues, lOa.m. &Fri. 11 n.m.-stories, ■songs, fun for preschoolers. 1st Sul. of every montli - storics/nctivilies for kids of all nges. At Cooleemee Brunch:cveiyothcrThurs. I0:30n.m. (cnil or clicck website for dntcs). Al Hillsdule UMC: every other Fri. 10 n.m. (call libmry or check web.sllcfor dules). Spcclal Olympics of DavIo County, piny activities & fun nite, Wedncs- dnys nt Brock Bldg. Piny nctivities 6- 7 p.m. Fun Nitc 7-8:30 p.m. Open lo nil persons with disnbiiitles & their fumilies. YM CA For more infonnution, cull 751 -9622, visit www.duvic.ymcunwnc.org, or come to the YMCA for n lour. Spring Break Camp No big pinns for Spring Brcuk? Send kids 10 the YMCA, Open to nil cur­ rent kindcrgurtcn-9tii graders. Co.st: $25/dny or $IOO/week K-5 cnmp; $35 for teen cnmp. Friday Preschool Swim YMCA offering new Fridny pre­ school swim lessons 9:30-10 n.m. Preschoolers lenm to swim in fun, comfortnblc environment. Cost: $20 for mcml)crsy$38 polentinl members. Homeschool P.E. Buck by popuinr demand. Piulici- pnnls wiil work on personni ntness, coordinutlon. nnd skill development through orgnnized sports like socccr, buskctbnll, volleybnll nnd more. Pro- gnun ulso includes swimming les­ sons und wnter sufely. Cosl $15 ppr child. Sessions Thurs. 9-11 n.m. Swim Lessons Sjgn up now. Choo.se from Tues/ Thurs. evening lessons $38 nlem- bers/$75 non-meinbors or Snt mom: ing lessq^ $20 memterè/$38 noii-, inembers. Privnte & fumily lessons nlso nvuilnbie.' Members Only Join tho YMCA nnd Inko ndvnnlfige of wnlcrncrobics,yoga,blking, walk­ ing, personal training, nnd mon;. Come visit luid lour our fncility nl 215 Cemetery Street nnd 1cm how wc build strong kids, strong fumilies, imd strong communities.' Seniors All Senior Activities tuke place ut Davic Counly Senior Services lo- cntcdut278MeroneySt., Mocksvillo unless olherwi.se noted. Cnil 753- 6230. Easter Celebration Monday, April6ul IO:3Un.m.Jolnus for small party & Busier egg hunt. Cosl: free. Limited to first 25 lo reg­ ister. Cull 753-6230 to rcgl.ster luid get more info. Ongoing Sr. Lunchhox, M,T,W, 11:30 a.m., Th. & Fri., II a.m., lunch served daily. Silver Health Excrchcs, Hxcrcise Room of Senior Services, M, W. F, 8:30 n.m. Tues. & Thurs. 9 u.m. nl Mock Pince, (open to nny senior). Quilting Club, every Mondny, 10 n.m. Bridge, every Friduy, 2 p.m. SKIPBO, Wednesdnys, 1 p.m. Scrapbooking, every 2nd Tuesday, 2 p.m Dr. Dunn, Podiatrist, utSr. Services every Ihrec weeks, 8:30 a.m., please cull for dules. Free Blood Pressure Checks, oncc a month, al 10:30 n.m. in tlie Nutri­ tion Site. SlngingScnlorsCharus,Thui^duys, 10 n.m. VFW Ladies Auxiliary, every 2nd Thurs,, 1 p.m. Scrabble, I p,m, every Mondny, Kook, I p.m. every Mondny, Texas Hold’Em -Thursdays, 1 p.m. Painting - Wednesdays 8:30-11:30 a.m. Grief Support Group, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays ul 6 p.m. Sr. Book Club, every second Tues. of the month, 12:30 p.m. Computer Classes ■ urc uvailnblo, call for infonnution. Arthritic Exercise - every other Wed. 10;30n.ni. Low Impact Aerobics ■ Wed. & Fri. begins Feb, 7 11 u.m, til 12 p,m, Fitnc.ss Equipment Room - open Mon.-Tiiurs. 8 u.m, til 8 p,m, Friduys 8 n.m. til 5 p.m. Table Tennis - every Tues. 1-4 p.m. Art, Mondnys 9 n.m. til 12 p.m. Tai Ciii, Tuesdays (call for sesssion dnles) Line Dancing, Thurs. 11 a.m. til 12 p.m. & 2-3 p.m. Woodcarving, Wed. 9-11 u.m.' Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon K/londay j Hems for Davie Dateline should be ' reporied by noon Monday of the pub- Iiculion wfsk.Cnll75Wl,20 ordrop 11 by the pfflCe, nl S.'i^niti Si, ncross from the cqurtliousp;'-'; Four Corners News By Marie White Four Comers, Correspondent Mike;B^onner and son b f' West Vitfeihia visited Mr., und' Mrs, JoeiWhile and several oth-.! ers in thjs comtnunity Sunday ' aflemooti. Oreg Beck was honored wilh a supper on his birthday Mon­ day night. Mr, and Mrs, Grady Beck and Tammy Jester enjoyed Ihe occasion with him, , Sarah Carlsoii of Carolina Beach andTrina Rhyne and son. Jack, of Arden visited Mr, and lyirs, Mark White and Jessica during Ihe wce|cend, Olliye Burgess is our shut-in of the'week. Her address is 284 Four Comers Ud„ Mocksville, She would apprccinle a card or call. A D a v ie L e g e n d Marker Commemorates Richmond Pearson’s Role In The American Revolution Page C1 D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I / ^ E C O R D USPS 149-160 Number 15 Thursday. April 9, 2009 32 PAGES Knight R e p u b lic a n s T o P ic k S u c c e s s o r Dy Mike Barnhardt Enterpirise Record Bobby Knight is a man of honor. • And he sat stoically Monday night as fellow county commis­ sioner Richard Poindexter read a letter from Knight, an- noiincing his resignation. Knight has been a county commissioner for 10 years, and has served his community for much longer. “1 wish to tha^k the citizens of Davie County for this wonderful opportunity to serve the people of this fine community,” said the let­ ter from Knight. "May we all con­ tinue to work towards the best in­ terest of Davie County and its fine citizens." It was fitting that Knight’s res­ ignation came on a night when the commissioners’ meeting room was full. He had missed several meet­ ings recently for health reasons. Please See Knight - Page 8 B o o n e F e s t i v a l T a k i n g S h a p e Daniel Boone continues to fas-' cinate people from Davie County to Michigan to California, Last year, Darby Hinton, who played Boone|s son Israel on the 1960s television show, was here, filming a documentary. The Hinton family traveled from California to document the places where Boone lived. Denny Custer of Michigan, fifth great-grandson of Isrtiel Boone, Daniel’s brother, found documents that prove what many had sus­ pected - that Israel was indeed bur­ ied at Mocksville’s Joppa Cem­ etery, alongside their parents and other Boone relatives. On Saturday, May 2, Davie will celebrate all things Boone, with a ceremony at Joppa dedicating a monument to Israel Boone, and a festival in Downtown Mocksville that will include an arts and crafts fair and continuous entertainment. Scheduled to appear on the Junker’s Mill stage ore Carrie Hassler and Hard Rain, an interna­ tionally-acclaimed bluegrass band featuring Davie nativ.e Jamie Harper on fiddle and vocajs. David Holt, television show host and musician, will tell’stories from the North Carolina mountains. Davie’s own MelJones and others will also play music. A^ny crafter, artist or non-profit agency wanting to set up a booth at the festival should call Tami Langdpn at 909-2263 or751-1096, The Passion These photos show menr)bers of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church during the annual reenactment of The Passion of Christ. The event will take place at noon Friday at the church, 862 Vadklnville Road, Mocksville. The United Methodist churches of Davie County are sponsoring a Cross Walk In Downtown Mocksville on Friday begin­ ning at 9 a.m. The Crosswalk is a silent and reflective testimony of faith where followers of Christ remember his Journey to Calvary by joining together and carrying a large vyooden cross down Main Street. The procession will begin at the corner of North Main and Cemetery streets and slowly proceed south to South Main Street and US 64/601, coveririg a distance of approximately one mile, All are welcome to participate, regardless of church affiliation, for. rnore information, call thé Rev. Tim Roberts at 998-3854. ' ' ^ O v e rw e ig h t More Than 40% Of Davie Students At Risk By Beth Cassidy Enterprise Record More than 40 perce.nt of Davie’s elementary and middle school students are at risk for being overweight, according to results from recent screenings., The screenings were done on 2,139 students in first, third, fifth and seventh grades, starting last October and ending last month. Students’ BMI, or Body Mass Index, was determined using a weight and height ratio. .The screenings y^ere part of a program sponsored by the school system and the Sara Lee Center for Women’s Health at Forsyth Medical Center, and scales and a stadiometer (to measure height) were provided by the medical center. Parents of those students who were in either the 8Sth percentile or below the Sth percentile will receive a letter at home with their child’s results. The school with the highest percent of students in the 85th percentile or greater was North Davie, where 84 of the 175 _______________ students tested were found to be at risk for being overweight. South Davie had the lowest number of students at risk, where 60 students, or 33.5 percent of those tested, were in the 85th percentile or higher. The greatest amount of students in the lower percentile, students thought to be at risk for being underweight, was at Shady Grove, where 16 of the 321 students tested were in the Sth percentile or less. A BMI score that is too high may indicate an increased risk for development of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, sleep apnea, orthopedic complications, and certain cancers. A BMI that is too low indicates those whp may be at risk for improper bone development, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, weak immune systems and future reproductive complications. And those ore only the physical possibilities. According to the Centers for Disease Control, obese children and adolescents are targets of early Please See Weight - Page 4 ., - i ■■ 4 2 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 9,2009 ial Р^айе G r a n d d a u g h t e r ’s C u t e r T h a n W a s h i n g t o n ’s C h e r r y B l o s s o m s She cried when I picked her up Friday, the first time I had seen iny 8-month-old granddaughter since New Years — too long between visits, She was unsure about all of us — Elizabeth and R6bert too — strangers who invaded her home in Maryland. She warmed up to us quickly, especially if Mom and Dad were close by, and if we opened her little books and read Goodnight Moon. , She’s pretty cute. We went out to cat at a restaurant during the weekend, and women admired little Kayden sleeping in herciurier. I thanked them, immodestly. On the way home Sunday, we veered off 1-95 to go through downtown Washington for the annual Japanese cherry tree festival. I had never seen so many people. The trees were beautiful, but we didn’t get out to walk among the blossoms. My granddaughter was a lot prettier than some trees donated by the mayor of Tokyo in 1912. (We gave them some dogwoods in return). I couldn’t have found a parking space if I had wanted to stop. Instead, we cruised through very slowly avoiding pedestrians. A lot of people? Not so many, my son told me. The presidential inauguration might have drawn four times more, E m e r g e n c y M o w i n g Before leaving town, I hurriedly mowed the front side of my lawn rather than risk a citation from the homeowners association. 1 kept my vow not to mow before April 1, but then several days of rain kept the lawn too wet. Meanwhile, the grass grew well above my ankles in spots. I’m having an attitude about my lawn this year. Traffic Jam Spoils Friday Gornmute Friday was a good day to go home eariy, especially for Davie County residents who work in Winston-Salem. If they didn’t cross Ihc Yadkin River Ijy 3;30 p.m.; iiowever, they were out of luck. Three tractor trailer rigs tangled on the westbound bridge, blocking one lane. Both lanes had lo be blocked when wreckers were called to clear the debris. The wreckers had trouble getting to the site because of the traffic. Deputies had to escort them from the Davie side. The truck drivers weren’t seriously hurt, but thsir collision plugged that critical traffic artery at the worst of times. It was a mess. The wreck was finally cleared around 5 p.m. By then, traffic had backed up to Winston-Salem, at the U.S. 421 split. Some knew how to take an alternate path from U.S. 421 to Farmington. The rest cooled their heels in endless traffic. Step-daughter Lori Robertson called her mother several times while we were wheeling up 1-95 to Washington at 75 mph. She and son Whit, 2, were stuck in Clemmons for two hours trying to get home on U.S. 158. As Saddam Hussein would have said, it was the Mother of All Traffic Jams. You know we’ve arrived when our traffic jams are worse than Washington, D.C. A reader told me about a woman motorist who jumped out of her car and berated him loudly following a near bump-up in Hillsdale a couple weeks back. Road rage. We are really getting metropolitan. — Dwight Sparks 4/1 I n T h e M a i l .. L o n g - T e r m R e s u l t s O f S e x u a l A s s a u l t A l a r m i n g To the editor; StJXiial assiiull agencics across the iialioii »re making cITort lo draw allenlioa to Ihis .social crimc in hopes orpultiiig an end to the abuse. A miglity task indeed! US statistics state tlial an assault occurs every two minutes in tliis country. In this couiitry, one in six women nnd one in 33 men will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime, per the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN). Of course, the numbers could be higher, since over 60 percent of sexuni ussuults are never reported to the police. Thero is u certain stiginu Ip this horrific.crime thut pcQVcnts victims from disclosing or discussing the personul invasion. Often the victim feels guilty because the offender has led them to believe ■that they were involved in the net or they wanted it to hnppen. Also, while the victim wnnts the negative attention to stop, they don’t want to get the offender in trouble. Around 65 percent of rupe victims know their assailants, because muny are parents or caretukcrS, und otliers ure personal friends or role models. National statistics show that 36 percent of sexual assaults take place in the victim’s home, with another 24 percent occurring at a friend’s or neighbor’s iiome. , Around 44 percent of sexual ussnult victims arc under the uge of 18. Nearly 2,400 children under the age of 18 were served by N.C. rape crisis centers during the 2007-2008 fiscal yenr, Puring 2007, there were 420 charges of 1st degree rape against a child and 1,036 charges of 1st degree sex offenses against a child, filed in NC courts. The long-term effects of sexual assault arc alarming. Individuals who have been sexually assaulted arc three times more likely to suffer from depression; six times more likely to develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; 13 times more likely to turn to alcohol for comfort; 26 times more likely lo turn' lo drugs; und 8.7 times more likely to uttempl suicide thnn non victims. There is hope for ending this mudness. The key seems to be commupicaiion. Be aware of the internet sites that your children visit and what they view on television. Don’t be afraid to talk with your children about tlieir bodies. Let them know thut they have control over their body and it is not OK for anyone to touch their body in n way that makes them feel uncomfortable. Give them permission to be rude if someone gets in their personal spuce DAVIE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I / i ^ E C O R D USPS 149-160 171 s. Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 Published weekly by the Davie Publishing Co, Dwight Sparks.............................Editor/Publisher Robin Snow...............................General Manager Miko Barnhardt...........................Managing Editor Ray Tutterow..............................Advertising Director Brian Pitta...................................Sports.Editor Mockavllle Enterprise Davie Record Cooleemee Journal Periodicals Postage Paid in Mocksville, NC 27028 Subscription Rales Single Copy, 50 Cents $20 Per Yenr In N.C., $25 Outside N.C, POSTMASTER Send Address Chunges lo; Davie County Enterprise Record D a v ie N e e d s A M o v ie T l i e a t e r To the editor; 1 could not tell you how much lime imd the umounl of money I huve spent going lo u very inconvenient movie ihenter to huve u ■good time on the weekend, Whether or not il be with my fnmily or friends we all have the same common goal. Let’s put this inlo realistic-terms. By the time you get to the movie theater ull the way in Winston or in Snlisbury you huve spent ut leust $40 on gns, ticket prices, popcorn and drinks. This is an oulrngeous price for one person and can be lime consuming. Now I ask you where is there a good pluce for teens to hang out on a Friduy night? 1 know how nbout the place lhat every teen goes - Waimart. Thai’s all I hear my peers tnlk about. For the size of Davie County, I think we need a place to gel out of our troubles, that is 10 our own convenience. We ure our own boss and I think we need to huve the right lo say “hey did you see that movie Friday night?” Winston has at least three movie theaters that I urn nwure of, if not more. A Duvie movie theuter would make n kill­ ing in profits . I would be willing to spend my money there be­ cuuse gns und lime would not be a factor. Wilh the way that the economy is going people are Irying to save a buck or two. There arc no problems with building this fine establishment the wuy 1 see il we huve a win-win. Having a place to go and hung out would reully stnrl lo bring business into Dnvie Counly. If we can get a movie theater why slop there I say let’s shoot for a Krispy Kreme or even an Olive Gurden, maybe even a mall. If we want this it’s not going lo be easy. Get with your family and friends und raise as much support for this idea as you can. If you have any ideas for a Davie movie theater please send me un emnil lo me al huncl4@ yalwo.com. LeeZiglar I Advance V and makes tlicm feel uncomfortable. Instruct ihetn to leave the area and tell tui adult as soon as possible. If your child tells you thut he or slie hns been touched inappropriately, be culm. Believe the child and tell them thut you will protect them. Call law enforcement, und seek mcdical und emotionul help for the victim. Davie Domestic Violence Services and Rape Crisis Center is available 24 hours each duy to listen and offer assistance. Wc offer crisis counseling, court and medical advocacy, support groups and referrals. For more informalion on sexual assault, you can visit mm.rainiuorg', www.nccasa.orBotwww.iHopiuww.com 01 QovAofA our office, Duvio Domestic Violence Services '& Rape Crisis Center is a United Way Agency. Cindy Hendricks Director-DDVS/RCC B u id g e t U n f a i r l y T a r g e t s S t u d e n t s A t T h e N G S S M To the editor; Our Governor Beveriy Purdue has recently sent a budget pro­ posal to the N.C. Senate for debate and passage. 1 would have lo assume that the govemor has all of our best interests in mind, bul there is one area of the budget that I take offense lo. She hus cut the funding for tuition grunts for the North Cnrolinn School of Science and Math (NCSSM) students to attend a public university in the state of North Carolina. She has cut the funding to zero. I understand the budget needs to be cut and many people are unemployed. I understand first hand ubout the present slate of our economy. I have been laid off because my job has gone to Mexico. So even more, we were counting on the tuition grant that was prom­ ised to our daughter. This is not something that was given lo these students without a sacrifice, they worked hard lo get where they are, which involved giving of their lime lo the community. Com­ munity service was required for admission to NCSSM, and while she hus been nt Durham, two hours from home starling at age I6i My daughier has worked hard for two years in the North Carolina’ public school system and two years at the North Carolina School of Science and Math. She was number one in her freshman class and number two in her sophomore yenr. Had she stayed in the public system I can only guess how many academic scholarships she would have received. We look Jhal into consideration when we allowed her lo attend NCSSM, but I knew lhat she would al least huve Ijer tuition covered and gel a more intense education. My daughier, Mary MacLean, cannot get the scholarships for academics she would have been given if she stayed in Davic County. She was lied to by the slate of North Carolina when she was told that her tuition would be covered at a public, in-state university. The North Carolina Senate, including Andrew Brock, can stop this injustice by keeping these grants in the budget. These children are among the smartest kids in the slale, and they are a part of North Carolinas’ future. The Senate needs lo show these children that our government cares about them. Roger and Libby MacLean Mocksville Letters l/ye/comepf The Enterprise Record welcomes letters from its lead­ ers. The letters may be on topics of loeali state, natiotial or international issues. . , An effort will be made to'f>rint all letters, provided they are not libeloiis, vulgar or in poortnste. The editor, reserves the right to edit letters for grammar and for space,. All letters should include the naime and addrass of die writer, including a signature. A telephone number, hot to be published, is also requested. ■ Please have letters in the newspaper office no later than 4 p.m. Monday of the week to be published; Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box, 99, Mocksville, emews@davie-enterprise.com. i ’ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 9,2009 - 3 R a le ig h R e p o r t P o l i c y P l a n s M a k i n g S e s s i o n E x c i t i n g By Julia C. Howard NC House of Representatives Several controversial nnd highly-publicized policies were active. The session was cer­ tainly exciting as House Bill 2 (The Smoking Btin), House Bill 88 (Abstinence), and Senate Bill 287 (The State Employee Health Plan) were discussed nnd shifted around the General As­ sembly. Below I have provided a short summary of the events of these three important pieces of legislation; • House Bill 2 (The NC Smoking Ban). Debate lasted for several hours as members proposed amendments. At the end. House Bill 2 passed its sec­ ond reading in the House Cham­ ber with a vole of 75-42. In­ cluded in that approved version was an amendment which per­ mits smoking in businesses that ,do not serve or hire employees under the age of 18. The bill was brought before the House one last time for the third reading. The bill passed out of the House of Representatives with a final vote of 75-42. North Carolina’s Senate will now address the bill in committee and eventually the entire'Senate Chamber. • House Bill 88 (Healthy Youth Act) House Bill 88, the latest bill regarding abstinence until marriage and comprehen­ sive sexual education of chil­ dren in grades 7-9, moved fa­ vorably out of the House Com­ mittee on Health and will be placed on the schedule for a fi­ nal debate and vote on the House Floor. • Senate Bill 287 (Slate Em­ ployee Health Plan) After a lengthy meeting, the insurance committee passed the bill and it will proceed to House Appro- . priadons Committee. Below arc some recently filed pieces of proposed legis­ lation that may interest you; HB 756 Eqiilnc Industry Commission. This would estab­ lish u new commission within the Depurlmcnt of Adminislru- lion. The bill would crcnle und appropriate funds for Ihe Equine . industry Commission lo pro­ mote and expand the equine in­ dustry in our stale. . H B776 No Bullying Any­ one At Public Schools. I am co­ sponsoring this bill that would enact a new set of statutes to prevent bullying at public schools. The bill comprehen­ sively specifics what bullying or harassing behavior constitutes, defines- a hostile environment and directs that local schools set complete and concise rules, pro­ cedures, and standards of con­ duct within public school set­ tings. The legislation stales that this bill is not intended to cre­ ate any protected class or sus­ pect category bul instead make for environments free of bully­ ing or harassing behavior. SB'758 TVansfcr Second­ ary Roads To Counties. This would call for the removal of secondary roads from the stale highway system and direct that construction and maintenance responsibilities become a county’s responsibility. SB 789 No Ball Bondsman License/Misdemeanor Drug Conviction. This newly pro­ posed legislation would prohibit a person who is convicted of a misdemeanor drug violation from being licensed as a bail bondsman. SB 794 SexOfrender/Inca- paclty To Proceed. A bill pro­ viding that persons charged Wilh a, sex offense who ure deemed incnpnble of proceeding wilh trial and determined to have a mental abnormality would be committed to an appropriate fa­ cility for persons with, menial abnormalities. SB 811 Fuel Rationing Au­ thority For Governor. This would authorize the govemor to impose rationing measures, price freezes, or olher unspeci­ fied controls over fuel during I n T h e M a i l ... C r o s s e s M a k e A D i f f e r e n c e ! n L i f e O f M a r i n e s emergency events. A provision allows for such fuel manage­ ment during times of abnormal market disruption. SB 815 Intervention Plan After Unexcused Absences. This would direct schools to give students the opportunity lo make up work missed becausc of an unexcused abscnce. The legislation calls on schools lo develop policies and interven­ tion plans for students with ex­ cessive unexcused absences. SB 852 Alcohol Screening Device Test Results. This pro­ poses lo amend the laws regard­ ing alcohol screening. If passed, the new law would define posi­ tive result as registering .08 or higher and negative result to menn registering of lower than .08. HB 792 Teacher Assistant Salary Schedule. This newly introduced legislation would es­ tablish a schedule for public school employees classified as noncerlified personnel. If passed, salary would be based on years of experience and un individuals educational level. HB 798 Annexation/ Counly Commissioner Ap­ proval. This seeks to amend statues regarding involuntary annexations. Provisions would require county commissioners approve an involunlury unnex- ulion before becoming effective. SB 864 Funds For Athletic IVallers At High Schools. The recently filed bill would stipu- lulc thut nil public high schools employ u licensed ulhlctic trainer. The athletic trainer would be full time and would not hold a teaching position within the high .school. SB 867 Ibx Law Compli­ ance Condition Of ABC Per­ mit. This would make comply­ ing with the stale’s tax laws a condition of holding an ABC pennit. Provisions provide lhat holders of ABC pennils who fail lo file tax returns on lime would be al risk of luiving the pennit revoked. SB 879 Study Offshore Drilling Revenues. This would authorize the Revenue Laws Study Committee and the Envi­ ronmental Review Commission to investigate and analyze off­ shore drilling for oil and natu­ ral gas off North Carolina’s coast. The committees would be dircclcd 10 study whut sources of revenue are possible and what benefits our stale might reap due to such exploration. SB 888 Speed Limit Signs Al Highway On-Ramps. This bill would require lhat speed limit signs be erected on all highway on-ramps by the De­ partment of Transportution. SB 891 Regulation of Lodging Establishments. A provision within the bill would udd n new section lo the gen­ eral statutes regarding innkeep­ ers immunity. The legislation would dismiss innkeepers from civil liability when the inn­ keeper supplies requested infor­ mation on a current or foi-mer guest 10 law enforcement, SB 920 Probation Reform. This new legislation seeks lo reform some aspects of the pro­ bation system. Probation offic­ ers would be allowed lo access juvenile records and search and lo drug .screen individuals on probation without warrants. Current laws only allow exami­ nation of juvenile records after a court order is executed. The bill would add probation offic­ ers to the exception list of offi­ cials authorized to access those records without a court order. If you have any questions or would like additional informa­ tion on the Smoking Ban, The Employee Stnte Heallh Plan, the abstinence legislation or any of the other above-discussed bills, feel free lo contact my office. Legislative O ffice; 9I9-733- 5904; M oclisville O ffice; 751- 8567; E -m a il; jiiliali@ ncleg.nel. To the editor; 1 thoroughly enjoyed the article ubout Phil Fuller’s crosses in last week’s edition. It brought back lo my memory how his crosses were un answer to prayer In February 2003,1 was recalled to active duly to be the Battal­ ion Chapluin for Mobilization Support Battalion, Murine Corps Bnse, Camp Lejeunc. My duly wus lo provide religious support for the thousands of Murine Corps Reservists being recalled to active duly lo fight for our nation’s wur on terrorism. 1 had been given a number of religious ilcms lo give to these Murines, bul by fnr the most populnr item wns n cross or crucifix. My crosses run out. 1 wns home one weekend, and during prayer requests during •worship at Bethlehem United Methodist Church, 1 usked for prnyer for n new supply of crosses to give to these Marines and Sailors who were to serve wilh the Marines. Jim Stockerl, a Sunday School classmate, told me he might be able to help. Thut uflernoon, he brought me a box full of Phil Fuller’s cro.sses. Hundreds, maybe over a thousand Marine Reservists, went to wur with u cross made by Phil Fuller. In the two years I was Chap­ lain of the Mobilizntion Processing Center al Camp Lejeunc, we sent over 2,000 Murine Reservists to war. In dial lime, only one of those Marines was killed to my knowledge. This is the week wc Christians focus on the cross, and I will always remember and be touched by the number of Marines who wanted a cross in ihelr pocket when they went in harm’s way - an act of faith, and the answer to prayer that Phil Fuller was with his crosses. Jimmy L. Myers Advancc T h e r e ’s M o r e T h a n O n e C a r o l i n a In U n i v e r s i t y S y s t e m To the editor; 1 read wilh interest the editorial on "Now Fans Can Smell 'Carolina'. 1 find it amazing nctunily, thut Mnsik Collcgintc Fru- grances would come up wilh so many different fragninces to market under the auspices of so many University of North Caro­ linas. You see,' there are numerous universities in our State of North Carolina system und not just a University of North Carolina. There must be n frugrnnce for UNC-A as there is a school in Asheville. There must also be fragrances for UNC-W, UNC-G, UNC-C and a UNC-P. There are schools in Wilmington, Greensboro, Char­ lotte und Pembroke and they ull bear the same nomenclature of one of the "other" UNCs that happens lo be in Chapel Hill(UNC- CH 1 believe-). Oh yes, and please don't forget about the fine folks in Win­ ston-Salem that have a UNC-SA. The School of Arts folks would certainly be miffed if they did not get their own fragrance. So you see, when you are talking about the Tar Heels, you must use UNC-CH so other folks don't gel confused. John Nelms, Hillsdale Farmington Church Reaching Out Let Church Be A Joyful Lifestyle To the editor; . We, Farmington Baptist Church, would like lo invile you to a free breakfast (on us) Easter Sunday morning al 9. Why? No rea­ son other than lhat we like lo celebrate Easier wilh our neighbors - and lhat includes you. - We look forward to meeting you and getting lo spend a little time together. For years, we've been gelling together on Easier wilh our friends at Farmington United Mclhodisl Church - and we've really enjoyed celebrating the Resurrection with them. We're taking a break in that tradition this year - bul not from our friend­ ship. We have nothing bat respect for our sister church - both her pastor (Rev. Tookey) and people. In talking wilh Rev. Tookey about potentially changing the plan, he immediately agreed with and affinned our desire to follow the Lord's leading inlo Irying some­ thing new this, year. So won't you make plans to spend Easter morning with us? It's going to be a special day. Phillip Brande, Senior Pastor Farmington D a v ie F ir e f ig h t e r s A r e H e r o e s To the editor; , I would like to thank Ihe William R. Davic Fire Department, Center Fire Department and all of the other emergency respond­ ers lhat responded so quickly lo a mobile home fire nt 601 Mo­ bile Home Purk on April I around 1 u.m. Within minutes of Wil- linm R. Davie getting to the scciie, they hud il under control und prevented any other dumugc to surrounding buildings and homes. Thank you so very much lo ull that responded to this fire. We have incredible fire departments in Davie County. Will­ iam R. Davie is probably 8-10 minutes away, however, it only seemed like moments before they were hooking up lo Ihe fire hydrants and working full speed to control this fire. No words could ever explain the gratitude that wc have for William R. Davie Fire Department at 601 Mobile Home Park. Each day these men and woman risk their lives to protect our homes and for that, they arc heroes. Tracy Chunn Mocksville Y o u t h F in d C a r in g C o m m u n it y To the editor; Friday, March 27, the high school youlh from First Presbyte­ rian Church and myself had the opportunity to witness the amaz­ ing generosity of the people of Davie County. Wc were participating in a 30-hour Famine for Worid Hunger and had been 22 hours wilh only water when we decided to go out and collcct al the intersection al our church. We went buck out after 26 hours and collected more. All of us were so moved al how people opened their wallets and hearts and put a lol of faith in young people thut dny. The generosity shown mude a lasting impression on all of us. On be­ half of the youth at First Presbyterian Church, 1 wunt to thank everyone, no matter the amount given, they gave more lhan they oould ever know. Each dollar collected will feed a child for a day. Thank you and God bless cach and every one of you. Terri Ennes, Mocksville und the First Presbyleriun Church Youlh To the editor; This is big. Imagine being there. This is bigger than any cliii- lion, coronation, government bailout, or Huwniinn vacation. The resurrection of Jesus Christ conquered death, hell and the grave. Don’t miss the implicndons. To those who believe in Him, His resurrection means eternal life. Notice His words; To the formerly “doubting” Thomas, He said, “...because thou bust seen me, thou hast believed; blessed arc they lhat have not seen, and yet have believed.” To Peter He said, “ Feed My lambs..Feed My sheep...Follow Me.” To the eleven He said, "Peace be unto you.” Wilh all our resent woes, and there’s quite a list, we need to know more about what Jesus has lo say. Meet your friends at church this Easter Sunday And don’t let it be just a Christmas, Easter, wedding, and funeral - occusionul - visit. Let it be a lifc-changing, joyful lifestyle. Because this is big. George Troyer Mocksville Q u i c k C a s h S ell un unwanted item w ith a Davle/Clemmons C lassified 1-877-751-2120 CO M PLETE I SHOE REPAIR I ..............I- 336-940-6076 336-682-0264 Farmland Veterinary C u m e , Р Л . Dr, Robin Brock Spring Rabies Clinic Saturday, April 11 12 noon - ‘2 p.m. DOGS: Rabies: S7.00 Canine Parvo/Distemper: SI3.00 CATS: Rabies: S7.00 Feline Distemper: SI3.00 No appointment needed Farmland Veterhiary Clinic, P.A. 3793 Hwy. 64 West, Mocksvillc (336)492-7148__________ Pqrty Rentqis Pl(is Caii(ieltibr.)s-Ar(hways-C()ktf Stands Punch fountann-Choiolatt* Fountains ConinierddI Aciounli Welcome Tfade Show Booth Pipe i Dtape Inflatable Moon Walks-Dunk Tanlcs Popcoin Mdchines-Cotton Candy Machines lents-Tables-Chaiis Staging-Dance Floors Dinnetwaie-linens www.partyrentalsplutnc.com "Big Enough to Serve You... Small Enough to Appreciate You." 704-636-0788»704-933-1131 1 8 1 9 S M a in St S alisb u ry ■ 2 1 1 0 D a le E a rn h a rd t B lvd K an n a p o lis M a k e tim e . M a k e frie n d s . M a k e a d iffe re n c e . P lease V o lu n te e r W ith U sI Visit patierits* • Bake a cake • Provide Transportation’* • Provide office support A little time can make a big difference. Consider helping your friends and neigiibors receive compassionate care and support at end of life. E n ro ll to d ay for v o lu n teer train in g : Fridays, M ay 8 & 15 1 2 :0 0 - 6 :0 0 pm I Pre-registration required for training classes |*Training classes required for som e volunteer activities To re g iste r or for m o re in fo rm atio n ' Call: 3 3 6 -7 5 3 -0 2 1 2 9 Hospice & Palliative CARECENTER 377 Hospital St., Suite 103 • Mocksville I 'ii \ I i| 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 9,2009 S m a r t S ta r t T a k e s T u e s d a y s F o r T o ts ’ T o L e g is la tu r e Dnvie County hns no intention of wallcing nwny from its children. In fact, the Director of Smart Start of Davie County, Corey Miller, nnd Ihc organization’s board chair, Dinnn Parrish, walked into the Raleigh office of North Carolina State Rep. Julia Howard on Tuesday, Mnrch 24 to shnre their concerns through the Tuesdays for Tots progrnm. Tuesdays for Tot^ is nn opportunity, on Tuesdnys, for leaders in early childhood educntion to speak on behalf of children nnd the progrnms that support them in the critical carly years. Tuesday’s meeting was nn opportunity for nil parties to share challenges about this budget year nnd to discuss the state of early education in our county. Smart Stnrt is a non­ profit that focuses on improving the quality of enrly educntion for children nges 0-5. Howard said the current budget environment, and that in nil her years in Raleigh reviewing Weight... Continued From Page 1 and systematic socinl discriminntion, which cnn cause low self-esteem that can hinder ncndemic nnd social functioning. These problems may persist into adulthood. A report by the Trust for Americn’s Hcnith states that North Carolina’s adolescents rank fifth in the nation when It comes lo being overweight, and in Ihe past two decades, there has been a 40 percent increase In the number of children age 5 to 11 who arc overweight. In the US, the nmount of overweight children has doubled in that lime, budgets that this year “is by far the worst yenr of them all''. Miller and Parrish shared Iheir appreciation for Hownrd’s devotion nnd efforts in Dnvie, nnd encouraged her continued support of early education, because enrly educntion is of the same level of importance as K- 12 and sets the stage for future success. Miller said. The legislature is considering moving the progrnm More At Four lo have it administered by Smart Sinrt. Pnrrish snid thnt Smnri Start w ill follow the w ill of the legislature, but the real concern will be mnking sure Ihe budgets of both programs aren’t cut deeply in the name of cost savings. “The focus is the children - we just wijnt lo make sure that the services lo the young children and families of Davie County aren’t cut, because these nre services thnl have effects into the future.” Smart Stnrt hns denIt with budget cuts this yenr, ns hnve most slate funded organizations, totaling m6rb than'7 percent. "While we hnve made deep cuts this year, we have been able lo avoid removing services that directly impact children,” Miller said. “However, if the cuts are this deep or deeper for next year, we will have run out of options”. When services are removed, such ns programs that help support preschool teacher snlaries, child care scholarships, and parenting support, the overall development of Davie’s young children is compromised, Miller said. He likens the benefits of quality enrly education to those of financial investing. "Although this economy is not a example, if you personally wnnt to suve money, Ihe best way is lo invest earlier in your life so you can lei the power of compounding interest do your work and you can then invest less money after a time, In the same wny, investing lodny in early education requires less total dollars in the long nm. The interest that is compounded in this case is the strong overall development of a child thnt enters school rendy to succeed, with fewer risk fnctors that will plague them later in life. If a child hns too many risk fnctors, Ihe chnnces of them repeating grades, dropping out of school, and ultimately not being able lo compete in the job market will hurt not only themselyes, but will drive up Ihe costs to Davic Counly as well (greater need for- government assistance nnd resources).” For those interested in supporting enrly educntion, Pnrrish encourages them to contact their locnl representatives. "Let your voice be heard,” says Parrish. "Speak up on behalf of our children. Let your elected officials know that early education programs are important to you, and that you wnnt their support on this important issue.” Smart Start of Davie County, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, scrying all children in Davie County! from birth to age 5, by providing resources and services for Rep. Julia Howard (right) welcomes Diana Parrish (left) and Corey Miller (center) to her Raleigh office March 24. Mr. Miller Is the executive director for Smart Start pf Davie and Parrish is the organization's board chair. fnmilics and child care providers that build a foundnlion for lifelong learning nnd success. For mdre informnlion on Ihe progrnms nnd services offered by Smart Start, call 751-2113 or visit www.daviesinarlslarl.org. because students’ heights and weights have been Irpcked for. years,, but becijuse of the collaboration with Forsyth, this is the first time the data has been compiled and results provided elcclrohically. It may also be Ihe first time many parents have had lo face the fact that Iheir children may be on track for obesity. ■ New percentiles by the C£)C say lhal while children in Ihc 84th to 95th percentiles are overweight, those in Ihe 95th lo 98th percentiles are considered obese. Results from the screenings were nol broken down inlo percentiles, but efforts by school personnel and Forsyth w ill be aimed at lowering the current numbers and keeping obesity from becoming an issue. School cafcterins are full of nutritious food choices, nnd nil elcmentnry nnd middle schools have physical education programs in place. Harmon said teachcrs have been encournged to huve students move more during clnssroom time and to discontinue the use of food as rewards. For. those who receive letters, there ure programs in placc, and in the works, to help students and their fumiiies muke healthier lifestyle choices. "The first step toward making any positive health chnnge is nwnreness,” snid Brooke Norman, adolescent wellness'pl'ogram director al the Sara Lee Center. "Tlial’s what these BMI screening programs for school age children are designed to do - give parents infonnalion that will help Ihem decide next steps in consultation whh their child’s physicinn. To' help turn awareness into action, wc offer information nnd support to pnrents uboul ways to help them improve their children’s health.” T\vo programs Ihc center is offering are a Healthy Family Adolescent Weight Management Program, which is a 12-wcek program , for overweight adolescents and their parents. Tlie group wil| meet weekly, be weighed and receive Information on healthy behaviors and exercise. Another program is Girls on the Run, nlso n 12-wcek progrnm, in which girls will meet and train together for their first 5K run. ^ The'schbol system Is also sending home KidsSmart newsletters, n series of nutrition, physical fitness and wellness newsletters for parents nnd children and pulling on a contest cnilcd Ornb nnd Go, in which middle and high school students design some type of media, a bumper sticker, poster, book, brochure, about eating right. Monetaryprl7.es w ill be awarded, and contest entries must be submitted by March 25, It is expected that screenings will continue over the nejit several years. ' M a n F o u n d N o t G u ilty O f T h re a te n in g ‘V ig ila n te ’tintional average, Jacque Dunbar, student services directol’, said the nmount of students who are overweight is .something she finds alarming. “Of course, 1 was hoping the number would be lower, and while it’s good to know wc arc in line wilh Ihe slate nnd national averages, Ihis is still u staggering, piece of information.” Dunbar and Lead School Nurse Kim Harmon were not surprised by Ihe findings. By Jackie Seabolt Enterprise Record A Kindcrion man was found nol guilty in Duvic District Court lnst week after represent­ ing himself on charges of com­ municating llireats. William Whitaker' of Ad­ vance pleaded nol guiliy to one chnrgc of misdemeanor threat communicntion. The cnsc wns licurd by Judge Jimmy Myers. Compiuinant Dunnic Hicks P r o g r a m W i l l H e l p P a y F o r S u m m e r Y o u t h E m p l o y m e n t A Summer Youth Employment Progrum is open lo young people uge 16-24 in Davie County. Those interested in the program should apply online al www.nwpcog.org Deadline for applications is April 17. Direct questions to Roy Adams, Davie clink coordinator, at 751-5903 ext. 229,r.milani.i@davidwnccc.e(lu. of Townpark Drive testified that , oii March 4 he had an ¿hcbiih-'' ter wilh Whitaker. The Kindcrton development has restrictive covenants tliul rc- ' quire residents to keep their dogs on lenshcs, Hicks suid. "My wife snw a man walking his dogs without a leash and she told him he needed to keep his dogs on a leash.” Hicks said that the man Was Whitaker and that he spoke rudely lo his wife. Hicks said uf­ ter his wife told him the way that Whitaker had spoken to her, he drove to where Whitaker was, gol out of his vchicle, and took a picture of Whitaker with his dogs not on a leash. Hicks said that he told Whitaker, *'I hope you have $100 you don’t need ‘cause you’re getting ready to spend iti" Hicks said that Whitaker threatened him and said he'd kick his butt and when gol through with him he’d kick his wife’s butt. Assistant District Allorncy Jamie Gentry asked Hicks how far Whitaker was from him when he made the threat. “About 15 to 20 feet, l' was con­ cerned he was going lo come around Ihe car,” "Did you think he’d carry out Ihc threat?” Gentry asked. “Yes,” Hicks answered, Whitaker represented him­ self. He told Myers that on Ihc day in question he was walking his dogs to get his mail. “He (Hicks]iame around the comer, jumped out of his car. and hud somcth|ng in his hand.” Whitaker said it was a cam­ era and lhal Hicks told him he was going 1,0 have to pny u .$ 100 fine und thnt he didn’t upprcci- ule the wny he’d spoken to his wife. “I told him he needed to shut his moutli. I did nol tell him I’d whip him and his wife. He nnd his wife have been vigilan­ tes of the area and he has no business enforcing any laws of any sort. The man’s a trouble maker.” • Whitaker suid thut he served 30 yenrs in law'enforcement and had never spoken to anyone the way Hicks described. "You were mad bccuuse you think he’s a vigilante?” Gentry asked Whitaker. "I’d never .seen him before, bul he is a vigilante of the area. He has no authority lo enforce covenants of the area,” Whitaker said. Whitaker told Myers he fell that Ihc prosecution hiid nol pre­ sented proper evidence beyond n rensonabic doubt to prove him guilty. Gentry suid thnt Whituker did not abide by .Ihe covenants of Ihe neighborhood and thnt he threatened Hicks because he ' tried lo enforce those covenants. “This is' one person’s word ngnin'st another,’' Myers said. . He did not believe the pros­ ecution proved Whitaker was guilty beyond a reasonuble doubt and found him not guilty. “You all just need to stay away from each other,” Myers said. Mebane Foundation To Match Scholarships Lone Hickoiy Fire Meeting Monday The annual mccling for Ihe election of the board of direc­ tors for Lone Hickory Volunteer Fire Dcpmlmeni will be held on Monday, April 13 at 7:30 p.m. al the fire station on 3200 Lone Hickory Road, Yadkin Counly. The board is elected by the residents in the Lone Hickory fire district, which includes parts of Diwie and Iredell coun­ ties. “Everyone is invited to at­ tend tlie meeting, to cast a vole and have a voice in the admin-' islration of your fire depart­ ment,” said Maryan Binkley, secretary. H av in g K n ee P ro b le m s? I If your клее pain Is caused by osteoarthritis and you I are at least 40 years of age, you may qualify to I participate In a clinical research study for an Investlgatipnal medication being olfered at Crescent I Medical Research. As a qualified participant, you wiil receive; at no cost... Study-Related Cate from Experienced Doctors g ■ Study Medication or Placebo (inactive Substance) g I Financial Compensation up io $455 ? I Cail now to find out If you qualify , Ci^cent Medical Research Tomoffow** McdlcineTodiiy Salisbury • 704-647-9913p[ O r reach uft on Ihe web al www,p;pg»raü8nTcli.com/c>escQnt “ Phllunthropist Allen Mebane will continue to touch the lives of young people in Davie County - even after his death in November 2008. Thanks lo the generosity of Allen and wife Muriunne, a challenge grant will be made from the G. Allen Meb'une Fund II ut.lhe Davie Community Foundation to inatch scholarship dollars. A committee lo create the Spurgeon Goss Memorial Scholarship at the Duvie Community Foundution, led by Spurgeon’s best friend' Tini Smith, is rnlsing funds lo endow u scholurship in his memory. As soon as the fund raising efforts reach .$15,000, the G. Allen Mebane Fund II will contribute Ihe final $10,000 lo endow the scholarship al $25,000. The scholarship will be administered by the foundation and will make an award in Goss’ memory. The Spurgeon Goss Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a Davie High School student who demonstrates the qualities of Goss. The recipient will be of good character, show sportsmanship, dedication, and' have finnncinl need. "Knowing thnt a young person is going to receive help for college every year in Spurgeon’s memory is awesome. It is spcciul because Spurgeon did not have Ihe opportunity to go lo college but once ugnin he will be helping others. Thanks to Marianne and Allen Mebane this will definitely become a reulity,” said Smith. "It,makes me work reully hard to raise the first $15,000 to honor my friend, I know these ure hnrd time's but hopefully people thnt can, will continue to respond by making a donation.” Spurgeon Goss was co­ captain ofthe 1964 Davie High football team; voted All Conference and Most Outstanding Lineman al5-8 tall 145 pounds.. He was the first Davie County casualty in the C o m p a n y E x p a n s io n In c lu d e s S m a ll D u m p s te r s Southern Piedmont Recy­ cling & Waste, a locally-owned and operated waste manage­ ment service, hus expanded to include smnll waste containers. Previously renting und pro­ viding service only for roll-off type contniners used ul con­ struction sites, the company business plans alwnys included expnnding inlo the smnll dumpsters used primarily by area businesses. “With the decrease in new construction, I feel this is the opportune time to expund into the smnll container business,” said Ron Foster, owner. "I feel it is important for communities to support the small business owners in Iheir area, especially in this economic ciimnte. Thut is what we hnve tried to do' whenever possible. We sin­ cerely hope that Ihe local alter­ native wc are offering, und the competitive pricing wo are able lo offer due lo Our low overhead, will assist us in obtaining cus­ tomers. "We strike to offer the best possible service in our business, but, without support from the local con;imunity, certainly would not be able to compete with the lafge corporations serv­ ing our area,” Foster said. The company is located on Harvest Wuy, .753-0084. Vietnnm Wur nnd served in the U.S. Mnrine Corps with rnnk us lance corporal. Spurgeon volunteered and led the rescue of six soldiers trapped behind enemy lines. He wus mortnlly wounded under hostile mililnry action on the battle field. He received the following commendations for his service and bravery; Bronze Star with a Combat “V”; Purple Heart; National Defense Medal; Republic of Vietnam Medals (2); Vietnnm Service Medal; and Expert Marksmanship Badge. ' “ He truly was a special man,” Smith said. Davie High School couches will select an athlete euch year to receive Ihe Spurgeon Goss Memorial Scholarship based upon Ihe criteria established by the Spurgeon Goss Scholarship Committee. Donations muy be mnde to the Spurgeon Goss Memorini Scholarship by sending a check lo the Davie Community Foundation, PO, Box 546, Moeksville, or with MasterCard or Visa by culling 753-6903. For. uddilionul informnlion; eontnet Jane -Simpson at Ihe Community Foundalion office or Smith. К .... D i s t r i c t C o u r t DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 9,2009 - 5 The following cases were heard in Davie District Court on March 26. Presiding: Judge Rod Penry. Prosecuting; Jamie Gen­ try and Wendy Terry, Assistant DAs. - Khaleb Aboutalcb, harass­ ing phone call, dismissed per request of prosecuting witness. - Victor Manuel Arias, no op­ erators license, dismissed per plea; reckless driving to endan­ ger, sentenced lo 30 days, sus­ pended >8 months, $100, cost. - Chris Shawn Atkins, pos­ session of malt beverage/unfor­ tified wine, by 19/20, dismissed in the interest of justice. -.Michnel Shnne Bcuver, un­ safe movement, dismissed. - Garry Wayne Brewer, sell­ ing/buying wildlife, pi-aycr for judgment continued 90 days, not be convicted of similar of­ fense, cost. - James Brown, simple worthless check, dismissed per civil s6lllcmcnl. - Jordon Christopher Brown, possession of methamphcl- amine, dismissed, evidence or­ dered destroyed. Shelia Rena Bryun, unuu- thorized use of u motor vchicle, dismissed per mediution. - Joseph Lee Camacho, hunt­ ing without a license and.hunt- ing/fishing/trapping with on game license, $100, cost; use of unplugged shotgun, dismissed per plen. - James Arnold Chisom II, communicnting threats, dis­ missed per failure of prosecut­ ing witness to appear. - Richard Simpson Clay, op­ erating vchicle no insurance, following too closely, dismissed per pica; speeding 86 in a 70, reduccd lo improper equipment, $50, cost. - Ryan H. Desnoyers, misde­ meanor aiding/abetting, dis­ missed per compliance with de­ ferred prosecution. - Amber E. Dowell-Orc, mis­ demeanor larceny, dismissed per plen of co-defendant. - Steven K, Fayne, no opera­ tors license, dismissed per plea; exceeding safe speed, reduccd to improper equipment, $50, cost. - Andrew C. Fitzgerald, driv­ ing with license revoked, re­ duccd to failure to notify DMV of address change, $25; cost; clear light on license plate, dis­ missed per plea. - Samantha Daniel Frank, driving wilh liccnse revoked, prayer for judgment continued oncost. - Tristan Dijono Garmon, ns­ snult on a female, communicat­ ing threats, dismissed. - Marion A. Gonzalez, speeding 83 in a 70, dismissed per plea; no operators license, $50, cost: Ronald Clifton Grubb, speeding 57 in a 45, driving left of cenler, operating vehicle no insurance, fictitibus/conccaled/ revoked registration card/tag, dismissed; driving wilh license revoked, rcduccd to failure lo notify DMV of address change, $25, cost. - Benjumin Keith Hnrdin, simple ussault, dismissed per mediation.. - Jonathan W. Hargrave,- simple possession of schedule III controlled substance, posses­ sion of marijuana up lo half ounce, dismissed per plea; pos­ session of drug paraphernalia. sentenced to 15 days, suspended 18 months, $ 100, cost, evidence ordered destroyed. - Margie Hensley, driving with license revoked, driving with licensc revoked, expired registration card/tag, dismissed per plea; driving with license revoked, prnyer for judgment continued on cost. - Timothy Landon Hudson, DWI, sentenced to 60 days, sus­ pended 18 months, $100, cost, 24- hours community service, surrender licensc, not to oper­ ate a motor vehicle until li­ censed by DMV, substance abuse assessment/treatment, $275 attorney fees; driving af- ' ter consuming under 21, speed­ ing 68 in a 55, resisting a pub­ lic officcr, dismissed per plea. - James Daniel Jarvis, driv- • ing with license revoked, sen­ tenced to 120 days, suspended 18 months, $ 100, cost, 24 hours communily service^ - Kevin Gruy Jefferson, car­ rying a concealed weapon und felony possession of sclicdule II controlled subslunce, sentenced to '45 dnys, suspended 18 months, cost, evidence ordered destroyed. • Thomns Jackson Lagle, DWI, sentenced to 60 days, sus­ pended 18 months, $100, cost, surrender liccnse, not to oper­ ate a motor vehicle until li­ censed by DMV, substance abuse assessment/treatment, 24 hours community servicc; pos­ session of open container/con­ suming alcohol in passenger area, explred/no Inspection, possession of murijuana up to half oiincc, dismissed per plea, evidence ordered destroyed. - Damien Lee Langford, driving with license revoked, expired/regislration card/tag, dismissed per plea. - Elmer Arnold Martinez, DWI, sentenced to 24 months, suspended 18 months, $500, cost, surrender liccnse, not to operate a motor vehicle until li­ censed by DMV, substance abuse assessment/treatment; driving with license revoked, possession/display of altered/ fictitious/revoked drivers li­ cense, dismissed per plea. - Pedro Saucedo Mata, DWI, sentenced to 60 days, suspended 18 months, $100, cost, surren­ der license, not to operate a mo­ tor vehicle until licensed by DMV, subslahce ubuse nssess- ment/trentment, 24 hours com­ munily service; driving left of center, dismissed per plea. - Simeon Eugene McMillan, driving with license revoked, re­ duced to failure to notify DMV of uddress change, $200, cost. - Brandi Michacl, unautho­ rized use of a motor vehicle, dis- missed.per request of prosecut­ ing witness; possession of con­ trolled substance on prison/jail premises, dismissed per plea, evidence ordered destroyed; consuming alcohol by person under 19, $50, cost. - Priscilla Eugene Money, simple worthless check, dis­ missed per civil settlement. - Shawn Owens, misde­ meanor Inrccny, sentenced to 120 days. - Michnel Jose Passmore, communicating threats, prayer for judgment continued on cost,, enroll in and complete anger management; harassing phone call, dismissed per plea. -Timothy Pennington, DWI, sentenced to 60 days, suspended 18 months, $100, cost, surren­ der licensc, not to operate a mo­ tor vehicle until licensed by DMV, substance abuse asscss- menl/treatmenl, 24 hours com­ munity .service; unsafe move­ ment, dismissed per plea. - Paula Denise Phillips, mis­ demeanor probation violation, parole revoked, sentenced to 45 days. - William Colin Poe, spot­ light deer/night deer hunt, $250, cost, hunting liccnse revoked 24 months. - Stanley L..Praltl, cruelty lo animals, sentenced to 60 days, suspended 18 months, $100,' cost, $116 restitution. - Michnel Scott Redmond, driving with liccnse revoked, sentenced to 13 dnys, credit for time served; operhting vehicle no insurance, dismissed per plen. - Phyllis L. Rcep, simple as­ sault, dismissed per request of prosecuting witness. - Eric Paul Shelton, no op­ erators licensc, failure to stop for stopsigii/flashlng red light, dismissed. - Luther Frank Shinault, simple possession of schedule VI controlled substance, sen­ tenced to 27 days, credit for time served, evidence ordered destroyed. • James Dean Shores, posses­ sion of malt beverage/unforti­ fied wine by 19/20, dismissed per compliance with deferred prosecution; window tinting, violation, expired/no inspec­ tion, failure to yield to stopsign/ flashing red light, dismissed; speeding 67 in n 55, reduccd to 64 in n 55, cost. 7 C harged In S aturd ay ‘Free F or A ll’ By Jackic Seabolt Enterprise Record - . Seven people were charged . this weekend after multiple fights broke out after 6 p.m. Inst Sulurdny. Tinu Marie Ashburn, 28, of Hobson Drive, Mocksville was charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to inflict serious injury. She re­ ceived a $6,000 secured bond. Eric Paul Duvenport Jr., 20, of NC 801 South, Mocksville was charged with ussault in­ flicting serious injury, and two counts of assault on a female. He received a $2,500 secured bond. Henri Nathaniel Myers, 20, of NC 801 South, Mocksville was also charged with ussuult inflicting serious injury and two counts assault on a female and received a $2,500 securcd bond. Four people from Salisbury have wurrants againsi them for niding/abctting an assa;ilt; Steve Baker, 44, Debra Ashburn, 47, Alvin Beck, 22, and John Locklear, 21. According to Cnpt. J.D. Hartman of the Pavie Sheriff’s Office, culls were received thut day concerning an incident at W ill Boone and Dcndmon roads and a stabbing on- Draughn Lane, “It took officers approxi­ mately three hoiirs and mul­ tiple statements to figure out whut hud huppened,” Hurtmun snid. A man and his girlfriend were visiting Draughn Lane and us they uttemptcd to lenve Ashburn they were slopped by Daven­ port and Myers and questioned about a headlight on an ATV.- Davenport pulled the man from the pick-up and begun beating him. But the man was helped buck in the truck by his girl- Davcnport friend, Hartman said. The girifriend called her sis­ ter, Ashburn, und told her whut had happened. Ashburn, who was in Salisbury when her sis­ ter called her, got angry and came to Davie County with Myers Baker, D. Ashburn, Beck, and Locklear lo confront Duven­ port and Myers. When officers arrived ut Draughn-Lane Hartman said a “free for all” was in progress. Ashburn had taken a wind- - Jonathan Wayne Smith; spolliglit dccr/nlght deer hunti $250, cost, hunting licensc re-; voked 24 months. - Latoya S. Summers, no op-^ cnitors license, reduced to fuilii ure to notify DMV of ad(lrc.^ii change, $25, cost. - Donald Ray Vunce, DWI commercial vehicle, sentence^ to 60 days, suspended 18 months, $100, cost, surrender liccnse, not to operate a mold;; vehicle until licensed by DMV, slibstaricc abuse assessment? treatment, 24 hours community service; open container after consuming alcohol, unseuled wine/liquor in pusscnger nrea', consuming alcohol in commer;- cial vchicle, failure to yield to emergency vehicle, possession of alcohol In commcrcial vc^ hide, unsafe tires, dismissed ptS plea. « - Keith Waters, speeding 83 in u 70, possession/dispiny ot nitered/fictitlous/revokcd driv,^ ers licensc, dismissed per plen', driving with license revoked/ sentenced lo 11 days, credit fo( time served, . | - Joshua F. Wetzler, simple possession of schedule VI cori-i trolled subsance, possession of drug paraphernalia, aid undeiji age purchase of alcohol undw 21, dismissed per plen in Supe* rior Court. - J - - Brnndon Bryan While, m ii demeanor probation violation! sentenced lo 120 days, credit foi time served. " - Barry Grant Whittaker, driving with license revoked; unsafe passing on yellow line, dismissed. - Craig Frederick Wiand; misdemeanor larceny, injury lo personal property, simple pos­ session schedule VI controlled substance, possession of drtig paraphernalia, dismissed per plea in Superior Court, evidence ordered destroyed. - Bryant Marquis Wilson, DWI, sentenced to 12 monthsj suspended 18 months, $400, cost, surrender license, not to operate a motor vchicle until li­ censed by DMV, substance abuse assessment/treatment; $237.50 uttorney fees; brake/ stop light equipment violation, dismi.sscd per pica. Failed To Appear - Darius Lamar Hall, simple possession of schedule VI con­ trolled substance, use of boat access area for other purpose.,, - Mark Anthony Holland; driving with license revoked,- expired registrution card/tag. - Tabathu Angcll Odie, driv­ ing wilh license revoked, fail­ ure to slop for slopsign/flashing red light. - Adrian Gail Ranson, speed-, ing 88 in n'70, driving with li- Judge Denies Change Of Venue shield wiper blade from inside ' cense revoked, her vehicle and cut - Francisco Javier Reyes, Davenport’s face!' driving wilh license reyoked. • Hurtmun suid at different -, Jeremy Michnel Taylor, By Jackic Seabolt Davie Enterprise . A Davie man wds denied a change of venue in this Dnvie Superior Court session. ' Vunder keth Hodgson of Mock,sville is facing chargcs of no operators license and fuilure lo exhibit/surrender his license. Hodgson told Judge Andy Cromer thnt he hnd three ren- sons for wanting his case heard in another court. “I’tti not likely to get a fair trial here,” Hodgson said. “I’m a while man in a white county D e a th R u le d A S u ic id e An Advance man died last week after hanging himself on the deck of his home. According to a report from the Davie Sheriff’s Office, Michuel Douglas Lance, 42, of Forest Drive wus found dead in the back of his residence around noon on April I. ' According to Detective B .T. Emory, Lance did not show up for work as scheduled last Wednesduy. Officers recovered u note from the scene. I >1, who’s been very outspoken on ruclul issues in Ihe Cooleemee Police Department.” Hodgson ulso said that he was arrested at dobleemee Town Hall and that for nine months he was denied tlie right to know how he broke the law by the local cilstrict attorney’s office. Hodgson said that he had a drivers license at the lime of the charges. “I was licensed then and I’m licensed now.” Assistant District Attorney Wendy Terry said, "He has al­ luded lo a small portion of the county and has done nothing to show a jury wouldn’t be fair und Impartial.” Terry told Cromer thnt she had lived, in Davie County her whole life and that she had never heard of Hodgson until his case. Cromer said that Hodgson had not shown he would nol re­ ceive a fair or unbiased trial in Davie County and denied his motion. Hodgson’s next court date Is for the May 18 session of Duvie Superior Court. times during the incident there were 20-35 people involved. All those charged have a court date of April 16. driving wilh license revoked, fictitious info to officer, simple possession of schedule VI con­ trolled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia. l\/lan Turns Himself In A Davie man facing felony chiu-ges turned himself in to au­ thorities last week. On March 31 shortly before noon, Cyrano Allison turned himself in at the Davie County Sheriff’s Department. He was charged wilh two counts felony breaking/enter­ ing, one count felony larceny after breaking/entering, and one count felony larceny from buildings. The charges stem from break-ins and thefts that took place at two homes on Balti­ more Road, Advance in Febru­ ary, according to DelccllVlB BiT. Emory, who said he was unable to locate Allison at his Dalton Road, Mock.sville address, bul learned through contacts that Allison was slaying at a differ­ ent location. Warranty on Allison were is­ sued Murch 12. On Murch 31 an officer with' Ihe sheriff’s department went to Allison’s residence and was told he was not at home. The officer advised them to have Allison contact Ihe sheriff’s department. Allison was released on an unsecured bond of $30,000 and is scheduled lo appear in Davie District Court on April 7. VOICE YOUR VISION / b r F A R M I N G T O N Citizens Dedicated to the Preservation of Farmington Tuesday, April 14,2009 • 7 p.m. Speaker: Beth Dirks FarmingtOD Community Center Fannington Road, Mocksville I: i i ‘ I Il ! I'l \k I 6 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 9,2009 P u b l i c R e c o r d s ;; Building Permits The following building ;;; permits were issued in Davie Counly, listed by npplicimt, type lii'iof building, estimnted cost nnd “'„.location. ■» - Mattamy Carolina ■t^jBuilding, single family ''„ dwelling, $254,740, Parkview “•V Lane, Advance. - Mattamy Carolina M.'" B’uilding, single family ;^’ dwelling, $242,780, Parkview Lane, Advance. - Jonathon Walsh, single '“’ family dwelling, $197,850, ;‘.,Main Church IJd., Mocksville. . Dick Anderson Construction, finish bonus "V room, $10,000, Maple Valley Rd., Mocksville. - Dick Anderson ;;p Construction, detached garage, .„*$11,200, Maple Valley Rd., •Г Mocksville. - Cycle Group, replace '..collapsed roof, $52,000, Industrial Blvd., Mocksville. - Stewart Howell, garage and room , addition, $37,520, J Cornatzer Rd., Mocksville. - Steelman Ace Hardware, " shade structure for display, 3 $1,700, US 158, Advance. n - Vena Harris, renovation of “ existing bathrooms, $20,000, : Salisbury Street, Mocksville. 2 - Cornatzer Baptist Church, S structural repair to sanctuary, « $5,100, Cornatzer Rd., i; Mocksville. n - Mitchell Green, detached J garage personal use, $25,200, S Green Iron Lane, Mocksvillc. ¡3 - Tharp Builders, replace 1 roof of carporl, Riverbend Dr., 2 Advancc. " -Renee White, single family Й dwelling, $319,240, Pinebrook и School Rd., Mocksvillc. - Joel Wallace, deck S additions, $9,960, NC 801 S., 2 Mocksyille. 5 - Carolyn Pope, interior S renovations, $ 16,450, Bermuda J Village Dr., Advaiice. S - Cambridge Isenhour N Homes, sunroom addition, 3 $19,200, Turnberry Dr., S Mocksville. ; - Danny Voyles, addition to Й existing garage, $14,700, ¡i Savannah Court, Mocksville. S - Rocha Family Investments, в single family dwelling, j; $292,480, Arbor Hill Ave., Mocksvillc. S - Tabitha Alder, single II family dwelling, $324,420, n Eatons Church Rd., Mocksville. J - Tara Hill, renovate 5 basement, $7,000, Greenfield a Rd., Mocksville. “ - Randy Foster, addition to S single family dwelling, 3 $32,000, US 601, Mocksville. S - Connie Campbell, repair Й fire damaged house, $95,000, » McDaniel Rd., Mocksville. Й - Carolina Bible Camp, deck <i addition, $5,000, Jericho “ Church Rd., Mocksville. "j Land Transfers ;; The following land transfers Й were filed with the Davie Reg- « ister of Deeds, listed by parties " involved, acreage, township, an S deed stamps purchased, with $2 i representing $1,000. Й - Anderson and Church Con- i struction and Christopher James J Young to Wade S. Burns and 3 Jon Woodring, 1 lot, Mocks- ~ ville, $174. - Glenas M. McCiamrock to Linda M. Whitaker, 39.91 acres, Furmington. - Glenas M. McClumrock to Sheila M. Reavis, 69.39 acres, Farmington. - Glenas M. McCiamrock to Kay M. Beam, 55.57 acres, Farmington. - Frederick E. Brookwell and Mary Brookwell to Bermuda Village Retirement Cenier, ! villa, Furmington, $763. - Bermuda Village Retire­ ment Cenier to Jerry H. Knox and Jane G, Knox, 1 villa, Farm­ ington, $763. - Forrest C. Cranfdl to James Clark Hughes Jr, and Erin April Hughes, 1 lot, Farmington, $1,220. - Dinah Beck to Marshall T. Beck and Mildred R Beck, 1.47 Bcrcs, Mocksville. - Bennett Black and Elsie Black to Jack G. Ireland and Donna B. Ireland, 1 lot. Shady Grove. - Michael Weir Shore and Keretha Cheek Shore to Michael W, Long and Alexan­ dria Nicole Long, 3.02 acres,. Farmington. - Edward B. Barnhardt and Glynn H. Barnhardt to Charles Anthony DePulma and Sheryl D. DePalma, 1.64 acres, Jerusa­ lem, $17. - Bernard A. Feldman and Barbara A. Scaver, co-trustees to D. Gray Angell Jr. and Chris­ tina C. Angell, 1 villa, Farming­ ton, 1170. - Richard L. Green and Bonnie J. Green to Keilh C. Saltrick and Kim S. Saitrick, I lot, Farmington, $1,300. - Mattamy Carolina Corp. to Elmer Ramon M. Santos, 1 lol, Furinlnglon, $468. - Branch Banking & Trust to Samuel A. Heaton III and Pijmela Fox-Heaton, 5.41 acres, Calahaln, $54. . - Brock & Scott, substitute trustee to Federal National Mortgage Association, I lot, Mocksville. - Brock & Scott, substitute trustee, to Federal National Mortgage Association, .59 acre. - JPMC Specialty Mortgage lo Alan Miller, I lot,'$80. - Joe S. Hemrick and Dor­ othy S. Hemrick to Dorothy S. Hemrick, .91 acre, Mocksville. - Kelly Nathaniel Ward to Samatha W. Whitaker, 3 tracts, Mocksville. Mocksville Police The following incidents were reported to the Mocksville Police Department. - Someone damaged prop­ erty at Rich Park, it was re­ ported March 24. - The larceny of industrial equipment from a site off Sanford Avenue was reported March 24. - The larceny of items from Walmart was reported March 25. - The larceny of items from Food Lion was reported March 2'5. -Aman was bitten by a small dog on Edison Street, it was re­ ported March 24. - Tires on a vehicle on Bailey Sireel were cut, it was reported March 26. - The larceny of a bicycle from a residence on Meroney B u d g e t MINI WAREHOUSES 1919 U S Hwy. 601 N. • M ocksville 1/2 mile N. o( 1-40 near Southpolnl Business Park (336) 753-1510 • Brand New Units • Climate Controlled & Regular Units • Sizes from S’xlO’ to 10'x20’ • 24 HR. Access • Security Keypads & Lighting• All Paved i>arldng SPECIALS! 1 Month on 1 0 x 1 0 u nits & up. ( 3 , 6 o r 9 m o . K io e m e h t h m iM I 1 0 x 1 0 units & larger witli a 12 m onth lease. D IS C O U N T S O N (2 ) or m ore iiiiits also .-iviiiliiblu. All spocu'ils mo p/oiiilod i>vtfi otitgiood Street was reported March 27.' - The larceny of perfume and a DVD from Walmart was re­ ported March 28. - A man reported March 28 he was threatened at a residence on Gamer Streel. - The larceny of flatbed trailer from u site off Enterprise Way was reported March 31. - A disturbance at a residence on Cloister Drive was reported March 30. - A woman reported March 31 someone attempted to de­ fraud her wilh a money order at a residence on Morse Streel. - The larceny of Valium and hydrocodone from a residence on Forest Lane was reported April 2. - A teen was threatened at a residence on Duke Street, it was -reported April 4. - A fire damaged a Norfolk Southern building on Railroad Street, it was reported April 4. - The breaking, entering and damage to town property at Rich Park was reported April 5. Arrests -Samantha Gray Griffin, 18, of Main Street, Cooleemee, was chargcd March 25 with shoplift­ ing. Trial date; April 16. - Meryl Katrina Byrd, 19, of Mebane, was charged March 25 with shoplifting. Trial date; April 16. - Crystal Clarice Steele, 31, of US 601 South, was charged March 28 with shoplifting. Trial date; May 21. - Kenneth Lloyd Nelson, 69, of Garner Street, was charged March 28 wilh communicating threats. Trial dale: April 9. - Herbert Brent Abendroth, 21, of Farmland Road, was chargcd March 28 with trespass­ ing on a utility easement and damage to property. Trial date; May 14. - Adam James Mcllwain, 20, of Rabbit Fann Trail, Advance, was charged March'28 with trespassing on a utility easement and damage lo property. Trial dale; May 14. - David Thomas Cobb II, 19, of Raleigh, was chargcd March 28 wilh trespassing and damage lo real property. Trial dale; May 14. - Brian Keith Barbee, 22, of Cleveland, NC, was charged March 28 with a probation vio­ lation. - Brandy Ailcen Christy Collier, 33, of Bear Creek Church Road, was charged March 31 with DWI, careless and reckless driving and resist­ ing, obstructing and delaying an officer. Trial date; May 15. - James Lowell Couch, 53, of HospitarStrcel, was charged April 4 with indecent exposure. Trial date; April 23, - Betty Jean Torres, 41, of Patricia Way, was charged April 3 with obtaining property by false pretense. Trial dale; April 9. IVafflc Accidcnts - No, charges were filed af­ ter a wreck on Sanford Road at 6:20 p.m. March 23. Malinda WrighI York, 45, of Advance, failed lo stop the 2003 County of Davie Ford she was driving before it hit tho rear of a 2006 Nissan driven by Kciner Martin Solis, 44, of Tara Court, reported Sgt. R.A. Donathan. - Both drivers were cited af­ ter a wreck on South Main Streel al 5:45 p.m. March 27. Neal Ray Beane, 80, of US 64 East, failed to stop the 1981 Ford he was driving before it struck the rear of a 1998 Honda driven by Ademir Jaffiet Gomez, 19, of Woodleaf, re­ ported Officer C,M. Preston. Beane was cited for failing to reduce speed, Gomez for driv­ ing while license revoked. The owner of the vehicle Gomez was driving, Justine Victoria Solomon of Woodleaf, was cited for allowing an unlicensed driver to operate a vehicle. . - No charges were filed af­ ter a wreck on Sanford Avenue ut 6:15 p.m. April 2. Patnela Palmer Pearce, 44, of Harmony, failed to stop the 2004 Chevrolet she was driving before it struck the rear of a 2004 Kill driven by Jenny Plummer Felder, 43, of Thomasville, reported Sgt. John Coley. - Two vehicles collided on Wilkesboro Sireel at 12:05 p.m. March 29, John Franklin Forrest, 79, of Milling Road, was driving a 1997 Saturn, atlempling to lurn inlo a private area, when it col­ lided with a 2007 Toyota being driven out of that area by Jes­ sica Rae Ward, 22, of Deer Run Drive, reported First Sgt, L. Keith Gunter. - No charges were filed af­ ter a wreck on West Lexington Roud at 12:47 p.m. April 5, Margaret Michelle Brewer, 25, of Charlotte, said she thought she had time to make it through the intersection with a yellow light. The 2008 Toyota she was driving struck a 2004 Toyota driven by Andirenne Alyce Brown, 38, of Foster Street, reported Sgt. R.M. Robbins, - A bug is blamed for a wreck on Depot Street at 2:16 p,m, April 5. Bryan Scott Markiand, 16, of US 64 East, told Officer Joey Reynolds he was distracted by a bug that had fiown into the vehicle before the 199^ Jeep he wus driving stnick a utility pole. - No charges were filed af­ ter a wrcck on Milling Roud ut 1:31 p.m. April 3. Louise Franklin Mise, 79, of Linda Lane, attempted a pass to the left inn a 2002 Honda when it collided with a 1988 Ford driven by Eva Tutterow Deadmon, 85, of Stonegate Lane, reported Officer E.M. Parker. Cooleemee Police The following are from Cooleemee Police Department reports. - It was reported April 5 that someone was drinking beer at RiverPark on the South Yadkin River. - A counterfeit $20 bill was found March 31 at a conve­ nience store on NC 801. - The breaking, entering and larceny of money from a drink machine off NC 801 South was reported M‘>rch 29. - A vehicle was left on Main Street, it was reported March 25. - A hit-and-run driver hit a pedestrian on NC 801 at Mar­ ginal Street, causing minor in­ juries, it was reported March 20. - The larceny of a bicycle from a residence on Duke Street was reported March 18, - The brake cable to u bicycle on Erwin Street was cut, it was reported March 11, - Cody Clifton Smith, 20, of Salisbury, was cited March 28 with aiding and abetting a DWI and giving beer to an underage person. Trial date; April 5, - Jacob Andrew Smith, 19, of Salisbury, was charged March 28 with DWI, provi- .sional DWI and carrying a con­ cealed weapon. Trial date; April 5, Fires Davie County fire depart­ ments responded to the follow­ ing calls: March 30: Mocksville, L o c m lly a r o w n , H y * lr o p o n lciTom atoes We now have Lm rg» Sllclnglbnm tom », CuGumbmrm tk O ra ifn m m to » » .Came Taste The Difference! ~ 3W Drop Farm 302 Foster Road, Mocksville (Pixsier Ftii. IsJuM oiTKldgc K d in Weslcni Davio County) O p e n T h u r s. & F r i. N o o n -S p m a n d Sa t. 8 a m -n o o n Call For D irections (336) 492-5263 11:43 a,m,, Davie Library, in­ vestigation; Smith Grove as­ sisted, April 3: Cornatzer-Dulin, 8 a.m,, Wildwood Lane, structure fire; Advance assisted; Fork as­ sisted; Smith Grove, 8 a.m, on stand-by: Advance, 2:33 p.m., Bailey's Chapel Road, hazard­ ous conditions: Fork assisted; Cornatzer-Dulin, 6:41 p.m., Wildwood Lane, rekindle of structure fire. April 4: Smith Grove, 2:10 p.m., US 158, automobile acci­ dent; Mocksville, 3:11' p.m., Angell Road, grass fire; Mocks­ ville, 7:57 p.m.. Railroad Street, structure fire; Fork assisted; Jerusalem, 8;59 p.m., NC 801 South, automobile accident. April 6: Smith Grove, 8:04 a.m., hazardous conditions; County Line assisted: Center assisted; Center, 9:20 a.m., 1-40 East, automobile accident. SheriiT’s Department The following incidents were reported to the Davie County Sheriff’s Department. - On March 27 a break-in was reported at a location on Avgol Drive, Mocksvillc. - Larceny was reported at a location on Robin Drive, Ad­ vance on March 27. - On March 27 vandalism was reported at a location on Grant Trail, Mocksville. - Vandalism wus reported at a home on Junction Road, Mocksville on March 27. - On March 28 a burglary and larceny were reported at a home on Town Park Drive, Ad­ vance. - Vandalism and larceny were reported at a groccry on NC 801 South, Cooleemee on March 29. - On March 30 trespassing, threats, and harassing phone calls were reported at a home on Daniel Road, Mocksville. - Larceny and credit card fraud were reported at a home on Bermuda Run Drive, Ad­ vance on April 1. - On April 1 fraud was re­ ported at a home on Jamies Smile Lane, Advance, - Vandalism was reported at a liome on Richie Road, Mocks­ ville on April 1. - On April 1 threats were reported at a home on Milling Road, Mocksville. - An assault on u female was reported at a home on Deer Run Drive, Mocksville on April I. - On April I unauthorized use of a credit card wus reported at a home on Baileys Chapel Road, Advancc. - Trespassing was reported at a home on Bear Creek Church Roud, Mocksville on April 2. - On April 3 trespassing was reported at a home on Jamestowne Drive, Mocksville. - Harassing phone calls were reported at a home on Oak Val­ ley Boulevard, Advance on April 3. - On April 3 an assault on a female was reported at a home on Mattie Lane, Mocksville. - Damage to property was reported at a home on Rediand. Road, Advance on April 3. '- On April 4 obtaining prop­ erty by false pretense and an assault were reported at a gro­ cery on.US 64 East, Mocksville. - Liirceny was reported at a ‘ home on English Lane, Mocks­ ville on April 4. - On April 4 damage to prop­ erty was reported at a home on Calvin Lane, Mocksville. - Harassing phone calls were reported at a home on US 158, Advance on April 5. - On April 5 burglary and lar­ ceny were reported at a home on Addles Lane, Mocksville. - Damage to property and speeding were reported at a lo­ cation on Baltimore Road, Mocksville on April 5.. Arrests The Davie County Sheriffs Department made the following arrests; - Crystal Deanna Tilley, 33, of NC 801 South, Mocksville was arrested March 27 forsimple assault. Trial date; April 30, - Peter Raymond Laroque, 44, of Hickory Drive, Mocks­ ville was arrested March 27 for threatening phone call. Trial date; April 9, - James Neil Scott Jr., 42, of NC 801 South, Cooleemee was arrested March 27 for pretrial release violation. Trial date: April 30, - Michael Edward Mondy, 49, of Pineville Road, Mocks­ ville was.arrested March 28 for coinmiinicating threats and ha­ rassing phone call. Trial date; April 16. - Jason Lee Hampton, 26, of Mr. Henry Road, Mocksville was arrested March 28 for com­ municating tlireats. Trial date; April 9. - Tracy Evans, 28, of Merrells Lake Road, Mocksville was ar­ rested March 28 for second de­ gree trespassing. Trial date; April 16. - Tony Rivas Martinez, 59, of Swicegood Street, Cooleemee was arrested March 28 for pro­ bation violation. Trial date; April 2. - Bobby Edward Anderson, 28, of Ben Anderson Road, Mocksvillc was arrested March 29 for injury to personal prop­ erty. Trial date; April 16. - Tina Annie Leonard, 43, of Wyo Road, Mocksville was ar­ rested March 29 for obtaining property by false pretense. Trial dale: April 2. - Amanda Lily Simmons, 27, of Dutchmans Trail, Mocksville was arrested April 1 for unau­ thorized presentment of a card. Trial date; April 16. - Amanda Kay Caudle, 30, of Town Park Drive, Advancc was arrested April 2 for simple as­ sault. Trial'datc; April 23. - Benjamin Martin Ander­ son, 32, of Parkway Court, Mocksville was arrested April 3 for felony possession of mari­ juana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Trial date; April 9. - Toni Marie Pizzoferrato, 27, of Gordon Drive, Advancc was arrested April 3 for obtain­ ing controlled substance by fraud. Trial date; April 9, - George Quinton Wingo, 32, of Pleasant Lane, Mocksvillc was arrested April 3 for larceny by trick. Trial date: May 7. - Matthew Lee Canter, 28, of Dutchman Trail, Mocksville wus arrested April 3 for assault on a female. Trial date: May 7, - Larry Paige Reuvis, 59, of Denton was arrested April 4 for assault on a female. Trial date: May 7, - Dannie William Angel, 31, of Daniels Road, Mocksville was arrested April 5 for domes­ tic criminal trespassing and in­ terfering with emergency com­ munication. Trial date: May 7. Highway Patrol The following traffic wrecks in Davie County were listed by the N.C. Highway Patrol. • A Mocksville woman was charged wilh failure to reduce speed after the vehicle she was driving hit another March 30 at 1:55 p.m. Kuti Elizabeth Seaford of Please See Records - Page 7 Bear Greek Farm _______SQVUSTKUNCEmEK Lcl us «lnm our passion for horses wilh youl Specializing In thoughtful, compassionate Instruction for rider and horae. m k 428 Allen Road, Mocksville, NC 336-492-6451 W'»y.bqarcr8ali(armequ«stetr.com M C O B SIi W e s te r n S to r e555 Pntlts Rd - Woodleiif, NC 704-278-4973 M ondoy-Fridw 10-6 • Saiurday 8-4 • Ciotcd Easter Monday I M ens le a n s I I Ч Г I \ W om ens Lo w H ise Í Ì ' *25“'' I Records... DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 9,2009 - 7 Continued From Page 6 Davie Academy Road, was driv­ ing her 2008 Honda vehiclc north on US 601. Brandon Michael Casper of Salisbury was driving a 1995 Dodge pick­ up north on US 601 slowing for stopped traffic. Seaford fsiiled to . reduce the speed of her vehicle and it collided with Casper's, re­ ported Trooper C.D. Hall. • A Greensboro man was charged with unsafe tires after he wrecked the vehicle he was driving April 2 at 9 a.m. James Beard Cochran Jr. was driving a 2008 Pontiac west on 1-40 when it hydroplaned. Cochran's vehicle ran off the left side of the road and collided with a median cubic, reported Trooper M.T. Dalton. • A Hamptonville man was charged with failure to yield at a stop sign after the veliicle he was driving hit another April 2 at 8:40 a.m. Matthew Jacob Barker was driving his 1999 Volkswagen onto US 64 at the stop sign at the 1-40 eastbound exit ratnp. Marilyn Elaine Colvin of Davie Farms Trail, Mocksville was driving her 1993 Toyota east on US 64. Barker failed to yield to Colvin's vehicle and the two collided, reported TrOoper M.T. Dalton. • An Advance woman was chargcd with failure to yield at a stop sign after the vehicle she waTi driving hit another April 2 at 10:15 a.m. Brittany Renee Cope of Bailey Road was driving a 2001 Ford onto NC 801 from Peachtree Lane, Jada Mariene Oneil of NC 801 South, Ad­ vance was driving her 2000 ChryslernorthonNC80LCope failed to yield and her vehicle collided with Oneil's, reported Trooper M,T, Dalton, • No charges were filed after an accident on April 3 at 9:15 a.m. Sharon Leigh SutteHin of Lakewood Village Road, Mocksvillc was driving a 2002 Chrysler east on Lakewood Vil­ lage Roiid,' Kevin thrlstophei" Hancock of Davie Farms trail, MpcksVille w af driyirig his 2005 Forti, pick-up west dn Lakewood Village Road. The two collided, reported Trooper M.T. Dalton. • An Advancc woman was charged with reckless driving after the vehicle she was driv­ ing hit aiiother April 4 at 2:10 a.m. Deirdre Robinson Bland of N. Hiddenbrookc Drive was driving a 1998 Lexus west on US 158. Maria Lsabel Hatfield of Jamestown was driving a 2008 BMW east oti US 158. Bland's vehicle crossed the centerline and collided with Hatfield's vehicle, reported Trooper M.T. Dalton. All in­ volved were taken to Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Su- lem for treatment. • No charges were filed after an accident on April 5 at 5:15 p.m. Rachel Mary Bishop of Georgia was driving u 2008 Honda vehiclii east on 1-40. Vincent,James Pilliben III of Raleigh Was driving a 2002 Mercedfis Benz east on 1-40. Bishop attempted to change lane, failed to see Filliben's car, and sideswiped it, reported Trooper C.D, Hall, • A Mocksville woman was charged with failure to reduce speed after the vehicle she was driving hit another April 5 at 9:40 a,m;. Carrie Hernandez Stroud of Ridge Road was driving a 2001 Volkswagen ca.st on US 64 be- ■ hind a 1995 Ford driven by Doris Ramsey Morgan of Drum Lane, Mocksville. Ramsey slowed her vehicle to make a right turn. Stroud failed to slow Her vehiclc in time and it col­ lided with Ramsey's, reported Trooper M.T, Dalton. • Jerry Dean Willard of Char­ lotte Place, Advance was driv­ ing a 2008 Ford pick-up south on NC 801 when itcollided wilh a deer in the road at 6:34 a.m., reported Trooper C.D. Hull. ¡ D i a n e ' s D i n e r 4395 Hwy 64 W 336-492-5710 Mon, Tues, Wod • 6am-2pm Thurs, Fri & Sal • 6am-8pm New Owners W anda, Tina and Barbara , welcom e you to try o u r new m enuL [I ^ \ d Favo»«?? • Open for Breakfast ’ Handhiade Burger^; fresh, never frozen! • Friday Night Fk H Fry • Delicious Italian Specials every Saturday night • Fresh Buffalo Wings ' Catering Superbowl and Holiday Platters !■Crusher Run Bluegrass, Country and Gospei i,i| Chang/ng Eníería/nm ení Bvery Friday Cali Ahead! ‘.J Vi-. 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 9,2009 I ’ 'I 11 V County Manager Beth Dirks, Commissioners Mark Jones, Chris Anderson, Ken White, Bobby Knight, Richard Poindexter and Assistant County Manager Jim Stockert listen to a speaker Monday night. - Photos by Robin Snow Many of the people who attended Monday night’s commissioner meeting were there to support the marriage resolution and to honor Bobby Knight. Knight... Continued From Page 1 He received ii standing ovation as he acecpted a plaque nnd watch from tho county. Poindexter used the words "honesty and dignity” to de­ scribe Knight, “a man who will always be our friend.” Commissioner Mnrii Jones said Knight and his wife Bernice huve always supported the Christian community of Davie County. He saw early on the love Davie residents have for Knight, n retired insurance agent. Jones, also nn insurnnce agent, said no ono would switch from Knight. It didn’t matter the cost or the company, people had their insurance with Bobby Knight, not n company. Commissioner Ken White said that knight and his wife look al life a.<! ii way lo give to others. "Sometimes in li/o, we focus too much on the getting,” he said. “Through the yeurs Davie County has faced u variety of difflcult and complex issues," Knight’s letter siiid. "Zoning und growth, solid wuste, water und sewer, revaluation, hospi­ lal, school needs and flnuncinl issues to name u few. It has al­ ways been my attempt to make the best decisions possible with Ihc utmost of dedication, fair­ ness and integrity.” Knight’s resignation began immediately. According to state law, the — NOW OPEN IN MOCKSVILLE!! — FiirnltiiriB Mdttres^ Coimection 1500 North Maiii St IHyvy. 158) • Mocksvilie, NC (Beside Carolina Precision Machining) Y O pen T h u rs d a y s , F rid a y s , S a tu rd a y s a n d M o n d a ys O n ly fHours: Thurs., Fri. & Mon. 10;00am-5:30pm; Sat. 10:00am-3:00pm Specializing in Market Samples Special Buys and Closeouts F A C T O R Y D IR E C T P R IC E S ! executive committee of the Dnvie County Republican Party has 30 days to nominute a replacement, which "shall be approved” by the commission­ ers, said County Manager Beth Dirks. Linda Poindexter, wife of Richurd Poindexter and chair of the Davie Republican Parly, suid Ihe committee - which ulso includes Slayton Harpe, Terry Brown, Robert Ellis and Wayne Webb, had tulkcd with Knight about who he wanted for his replacement, as well as take other names into consid­ eration. County commissioners an­ nounced on Tuesday morning they will huve a special meet­ ing at noon on Thursday ap­ point Knight’s rcplncement.Commissioner Mark Jones presents Knight with a plaque and watch. JUST RECilVED! Hiah Point Market L E A T H E R Showroom! Solas, Love Seats, Chairs, Recliners, Sectionals, Reclining Solas, Home Theater Seating Huge Selection of Recliners, Leather <5 Fabric All THER4PED/C Brand Bedding ON SALE! » SPEtHtBimFull She MattressSeb.............i....as low as$148 • SPEtIM iliqueen Pillow Top Set......................................$299 • SKCMlgyfiMassate Recltaer............................................$399 » SPECIAL BUVi Sofa and Loteteal. $599 CallUsat (336) 817-3390 Financing Available- Board chair Chris Ander­ son. County Manager Beth,Dirks thanks Knight for his ser­ vice. One Man And One Woman C o u n t y A s k s S t a t e T o L e t T h e V o t e r s D e c id e O n C o n s t it u t io n IV Ia r r ia g e A m e n d m e n t By Mike Barnhardt Enterprise Record Marriage is the union be­ tween one mnn and one woman at one time. That’s the, way Davie County commissioners think, and on Monday night they adopted a resolution asking the state to allow North Carolina voters to decide on on amend­ ment to Ihe constitution stat­ ing: "Marriage between a man and a woman is the only do­ mestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this state.” Commissioner Mark Jones thunked Ihe crowd that Tilled the meeting room for asking for Ihe resolution. "I want to tell you how much yoiir phone calls, emails and most of nil, your prayers,, that put this on our agenda,” Jones suid. The two-page resolution was adopted unanimously. It acknowledges state and federal laws that slate marriage is a union between one man and one woman, but cautions that courts could rule North Carolina’s laws as unconstitu­ tional if n same-sex couplc married in one of Ihe few states that allow il files a lawsuit. "North Carolina is the only state in the southern United Slates that has not protected marriage in its slate constitu­ tion by denning it as the union of one mnn nnd one woman, thus muking it a Inrget... "A constitutional amend­ ment stating thnt marriage be­ tween a man and a woman is the only .domestic legal union that shall be valid or recog- nilied ill this state is the stron­ gest means of protecting North Carolina’s statutory definition of marriage and of insuring that the definition of marriage w ill be determined by the people of the state.” ABCN.w,No>v f r e e I n t e r n e t S u b s c r i p t i o n s tSPiNj :U>o .0(11 uitlisLU i; "iJiltol 1^1 o ; u lb j , iK i D isn e y C o n n e c tio ii S o a p n e tic J.U' -it'l so.'.' . ' av\w y>idtel com. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 9,2009 - Bl J V S o ftb a ll G e ts H u g e W in O v e r K n ig h ts By Brian PItfs . Davie Enterprise Rccord If the Davie JV softball leam plays any belter than il did in last week’s Cenlrai Piedmont Conference opener at powerhouse North Davidson, then pity the CPC for the resi of Ihe season. Af­ ter handing visiting Ledford an 8-2 beating, Dnvie pulled off a thrilling 4- I Win over Ihe Black Knights, who haven’t lost lo Davie’s varsity since 2001. “Last week was great,” firsl-year coach Alyse Bowden said after Davie improved to 7-1 overall. “The whole team played amazing. We played up lo our potential, and I think it proved we can hang wilh any team out there.” Davie 8, Ledford 2 Wilh Davie coming off its only loss (8-4 to Forbush), Sadie Lagle quickly assumed u slurring role, launching a three-run home run in the bottom of the first. Holly Thompson and Kayla Cornatzer had singled and walked, re­ spectively, lo set the table for Lagle, who deposited just the sccond JV homer over the fence in varsity coach Janice Jackson’s nine years wilh the program. The other one came last year, when Snmnntha Tarleton hit n walk-off homer to bout North Dnvidson 6-4. Lagle’s blast helped Davie grab u 4- I lead. Megan Hennings followed wilh U' single as the first four War Eagles reached base. “ Lagle came through for us,” Bowden said. "Her home run really changed tho gume. She’s always showed power in practice, but had never hit one out before." Davie’s lead expanded from 4-2 to 8-2 in Ihe fifth. Morgan Carier, Rebecca McCann, Lauren Osborne and Thomp­ son delivered singles. Lagle got it started with u walk und stolen buse. Thompson und Carter led the way with 2-for-3 performances. Cornatzer pitched all seven innings. She gave up 10 hits, but made up for that by walk­ ing none and striking out six. "Cornatzer pitched well and our de­ fense backed her up,’’ Bowden said. "1 can really count on both of my pitch­ ers.” Please See JVs - Page B7 Wbr^Ncitlrig:J Shelton (3-1) pitched six innings and Jacob Vemon, Camn Herndon and Ryan Fos­ ter got key‘hits’as Davie varsity toseball'iKat N. Davidson 7-5 de­ spite getting just three hits. ' ’ Jordan Scholia's two-out single in' the third ^pd, Samantha lbii(|ton’;s, straight four-hit' shuioutgaveDavicVusi'ty softball a 1-0 win over Ledford. , ' /'sâ^è'Iffigle,of Davie jy soft­ ball blasted a three^nih homer (o spark an 8-2 win over Ledford. In a big 4-1 win N. Davidson, Tori Çlont« broke up North’s no’hitter in tho foi\rth an^K^yia Cornittzer followed with»« tiebreaking, two-' iün'doi^le. ' ' ' ' ,w»th; pven-pw scorçs. .Gammorç sliôf 3ë at.W Me»dovvlands,'and alf lowed an earned run -i'n thrpe rallied Dâvidson. Cpnnor Bodenheimer^ l'aced a tiebreaking triplé, \and Javan PhlIUps ^nd Matt Dyson went 2 fol'3 JillUer9f,N. Davie soc-; Jerèmy Walker of EUis threw 49 ‘sUikes in 67 pitchcs às Ellis baseball routed N- Dayie 17-4. TVlstaii' Comer and Karch Arey got two hits each as Ellis sçored 16 runs l|i the last tvyo mnmgs. Jacob Vernon tags the runner to complete a double play after taking a throw from center fielder Alex Newman. D avie P re va ils O n 3 H its, W ins 7-5 By Brian Pitts Davie Enterprise Rccord The Duvie varsity baseball leam may believe anything is possible after last week’s improbable 7-S home win over North Davidson. It was no offent; sive masterpiece for the War Eagles, who finished wilh a modest three hits lo North’s Davidson’s seven. But a week from now nobody will remember that Davie went 3 for 18 al the plate. All lhal matters is Dilvie is 2-0 in the Central Piedmont Confer­ ence. "I was real proud of our kids for battling, for gutting it oul,” coach Mike Hemdon said after Davie improved lo 6-2 overall. "We didn’t play our best game offensively by no stretch of Ihe imagination. This is a game we got away with. We were very fortunate. But we kept battling and found ways lo scratch'runs out.” Davie pitcher Shelton Howard got Ihe win instead of North’s Jordan Ramsey, who was coming off a stellar ouling against East Rowan. Davie’s nvcrugc dropped from .346 to .331, but this sure beat Ihc feeling of losing 14- 10 at Orange when Davie rang up 12 hits. Counting a 4-0 nonconference loss at Butler, the War Eagles are 4 for 38 (.IDS) in two games. But they were in­ credibly efficient while drawing seven walks, getting two hit batsmen and stealing four bases. Not only did Davie flnish with three hits, all three were infield safeties. In the bottom of the first, when Davie clawed to a I-I tie, '1^1^'' Seaford was beaned and stole second. He scored when Jacob Vemon singled to short. The shortstop dove and got the ball, but he hud no chance at first. The third epitomized Davie’s op­ portunistic ways. Four straight walks cut North's lead lo 3-2. Duvie tied it on Vernon’s fielder’s choice, und Davie took Ihe loud on Jess Carter’s ground out. Davie extended the lead in the fourth. Joe Watson walked and moved up on a wild pitch. With two ouu, Ryim Foster hit a grounder to first. Th; pitcher was tardy covering Ihe bag, and it went down as un RBI single. ^ The Wur Eagles earned some breathing room in Ihe fifth. Seaford was plunked again and Vernon walked.’ With runners at sccond and third, Please Sec Wins • Page B<t JVs Still Undefeated C a r t e r C r u i s e s O n M o u n d , P h i l l i p s S t a y s H o t W i t h B a t i The Davie JV baseball team is still waiting for a challenge it can’t handle. Not even u solid IJorth Dnvidson teum could derail Ihe undefeated War Eagles. “1 keep stressing to Ihe guys Ihe fur­ ther we go into the season, the better Ihc competition is going to be,” coach Danny Allard said after u S-3 home win in the Central Piedmont Conference opener. “And North Davidson’s a good teum. In my opinion, they’re the best team we've faced.” What makes Davie's 7-0 overnll record all the more impressive is four of them huve come by one, two or three runs. They defeated Mount Tobor 6-5, North Rowan 5-2 and Tabor 10-8. And ■ Ihis one was tight all the way. The win was a testament to Shane Curler’s relief pitching. He was superb once aguin, limiting North lo two hits in four shutout innings. The most bat­ ters he faced in an inning was four. Corey Randall started and went three innings. Control problems en­ abled North to score three runs with­ out getting u hit off Randall. "We’re still trying to'get Corey into (pitching) shope,” Allard said. "He’s nowhere near where he wants to be.” Check oul at the lust three appear­ ances for Carier, who is now 2-0 to go along with a save; Eight innings, three hits, no earned runs and no walks. "What a job Shane has done in re­ lief,” he said. “He has been o pleasan} surprise. He’s only walked four in alt the innings he’s pitched, and he's pitched in Just about every game. He’s a good asset lo have. Allard could go on and on about Carter. ; "W ilh (Brad) Gaither, (Josh) Berryhill and (Joe) Watson moving up' to varsity, I knew I was going to hav& Please See JV Baseball - Page B§ K e e p e rs S ta n d T a ll In S o c c e r ’s F ir s t L o s s By Brian Pitts Davie Enterprise Record OK, Davie’s effort against visiting West Forsyth in last week’s Central Piedmont Conference opener wasn't enough to prevent a 3-1 defeat. But af­ ter seeing how gritty the Wor Eugles played, coach Pete Gustafson had no reason to love his team one iota less than if it had beaten or tied West for Ihe fourth time In history. “I thought It was a good game,” Gustafson said after Davie (5-1 over­ all) lost for the first time. "They doml- nnled us, but we had some of Ihe best attacks against West that we've ever had. We tied (0-0) them last year, but we played a better match this year than we did in the tie.” The War Eagles came In on a roll, outscoring Slarmount and Parkland by a combined 14-0. They were averag­ ing 5,4 goals and giving up 1.2.,West jumped ahead 2-0 and didn't let Davie score until the 6Sth minute, but Gustafson believes Di^vic will grow because of the experience. “It wus a great effort by the whole team,” he said. “We had several oppor­ tunities, and to be honest with you they had several opportunities. They missed the post twice and they didn't finish a PK. In all honesty. It could have been worse. Luck was with us and we made it a good match.” Davie, which trailed 2-0 at the half and got outshot 24-10, was burned by the Kara Murawskl-to-Anabella . Barreto combination. They hooked up on the first two goals. “Barreto was really strong and re­ ally fast,” he said. "She did a nice job.” Clare Moser did her best to rally Davie, scoring off an assist from Hannah Stroupe with 15 minutes to play. "Clare ^ot a great pass from Stroupe,” he said. "Clare had to fight, fight, fight and fight side to side. We went over that at practice and she beat Ihe glri, remained calm and put It away. Please See Keepers • Page B6 Jennifer Booth defends for Davie. - Photos by James Barringer >v ' << I»’ ‘-V f ГГ' \i B2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 9,2009 North Davie Soccer Debuts With Blowout Win North Davie opened its soc­ cer season in a big way, beating Lexington 4-0. Caitiin Miller had two goals, while Jessica White and Meredith Ratledge had one apiece. Ellis worked over South Davie 6-0. “I was very impressed with our play,” North Davic coach John Marshall said. “I’ve got a team of athletes. Only a few of them have played soccer before, but they’re working very hard at practice. We’re trying to put things inlo place and see how we do.” White, a seventh grader, opened the scoring as North Davic did all the offensive dam­ age in the first half. “It wus a nice run through midfield and she beat the keeper,” he said. "And their keeper was excellent. She was very good.” Marshall said his “back played very well,” pointing to Kaitlyn McGinley, Jordan Fle- harty, Jennifer Rothberg, Jill Duffner and Chloe Mabe. The roster includes eighth graders Makayla Carden, Brooke Wallace, Ashley IWV-; ittei Karen Diaz, Fleharty, McGinley, Rothberg, Elise Rosier, Duffner and Miller, and seventh graders White, Ra- tledge, Laura Kinder, Michaela Boger, Paige Myer^ and Mabe. Ellis dropped six goals on South Davie for the second time this season.'The Tigers (0-3-1), who have one goal in four games, allowed six goals for the third time. ‘This year is definitely go­ ing to be about improving and growing,” South coach Louise Dicmer said. “Coach (Gloria) Chalmers and 1 are still proud of the girls. They played until the last whistle.” On the plus side for South, ' keeper Katie Bonilla and cen­ ter forward Viri Hernandez played up to the coach’s stan­ dards. ' “Katie had a good game,” Dicmer said. “ She’s a new keeper. She had some awesome punts that almost made it to midficld. She’s really improved on those. “ Viri really helped wilh movement up front, and she made some good runs. She had three or four very close shots. We were definitely creating some offense, and our defense held them off as much as they could.” Ellis Baseball Romps 17-4 As North Collapses Ellis pitcher Jeremy Walker put on a precision show, throw­ ing 49 of 67 pilches for strikes as Ihc Jaguars exploded late for a shockingly lopsided 17-4, five- inning win at North Dnvie, The Jaguars, who pounded Thomasville 14-1, improved to 2-0 in Iheir second five-inning wipeout. The Wildcats, coming off an encouraging 11 -4 win over SoulH Davie, stumbled lo i- i Walker gave up Ihree hits and three runs in the bottom of the first. The rest of the game, though, was a much different story. He held North to one hit and one run in the last four in­ nings. “We got outstanding pitch­ ing,” Ellis couch Mike Dinkins said. "He's always around Ihc plate, so you’ve got to be ready to swing tlic bat. And thal makes your defense stuy on its toes in­ stead of relaxing." Believe it or not, Ihe Wildcats led'3-1 after Ihree innings.'But their pitching and defense col­ lapsed in Ihe fourth, and Ellis feasted on them for seven runs. The fifth was another North nightmare. Ellis scorcd nine more runs to end the game early via the mercy rule. While Norlh was beaning butters - three straight Jaguars were hit by pitches at one point - and kicking plays in the field, Ellis was playing near flawlessly (one error). “They should have gotten out of one inning," Dinkins said. “They misplayed a fly ball be­ hind third base, and we ended up scoring three runs off of It. ll was just one of those games. Their pitching and defensive woes really hurl them in two straight innings. “1 wonted to sub, but all of a sudden they couldn’t catch it. Before I could make any changes, wc were up by 15 runs.” R e m e d y , N e e d m o r e 4 - 0 I n O p e n B a s k e t b a l l The Remedy and Needmore Loggins arc 4-0 in the men’s open buskelbull league. Barnette Heating & Air and Cullin’ Up have 4-1 records. Team V und Bird Gung are tied al 3-1. The Creek All-Stars handed Team V its first loss in four games, 71-69. Cooper Wall of Bametle Heating & Air scored seven poinis for the sccond time Ihis seuson. He ulso popped his sccond 3-pointer. The fun fuvbrite Is 9 years old. If Cooper keeps this up, he might own Ihe league around 2019. Barnette Heating & Air 65 - Greg Bametle 6, Brian Will- iams 3, Andy Snow 18, Bubba , Coleman 19, Brent Wall 10, J. Hoots 6, Brent 'Vaassen 3. Evans’ Services 57 - Al Evans 5, Justin Dotson 17, Mann Bclheu 9, Shawn White 3, Jason Hawks 17, Brundon Hawks 2, Travis Peacock 2, Darius Hall 2. Tbr Heel Lawn 64 - Andy Ward 9, Jason Tutterow 15, Chris Mechum 10, Scott Cor­ nulzcr 6, Andy Everhart 7, Mult Jumes 9, Randy Peak 8. Few Good Men 83 - Sum Hlllie 22, Tim 18, Marcus While 24, Steve V. 6, Ike Johnson 6, Shawn Thomas 7. Cuttln’ Up 65 - Javcn Sipco 9, Linwood Skinner 9, Ray Bristow 25, TV Davis 5, Kirk Lovell 17. Dcni Boyz 63 - Tony Tenor 4, Cedric Tenor 3, Brandon Fin­ ger 15, Dewayile Collins 6, Mike Johnson 6, Ahmad Mur­ phy 5, Avery Patterson 22, Josh Morrison 2. A-Tcam 59-David Pitts 13, LeBron Mayfield 2, Scott Turdon 6, T.J. Dillard 2, Deon Cody 19, Brysoh Brown 8, Sleven Wilson 9. Bird Gang 100 - Marcus Lassiter 8, Mario Hawkins 22, Micah Brim 9, Zulinor Banks 19, Duane Phillips 6, Roman P h ilC ar A u to n io live Your Fun Service ¥еЫ|Яе Maintenance Center О ] FHOHeeHNIWLSIMwlCH ^ ! • TIM IJIUS, KRVICI AM «mtlL ммиякмг ' ÍG 28 Flwy. 601 S. • M óck .sville • 75 1 -1 8 0 0 ‘Т Ы к т ^ ^I'.IX ЛИгп, Owner C A L L N O W F O R E X T R A « 3 , 0 0 0 A d d ilt o n .'il D is c o u r U o r L o w «> s G ift C a r d O ti A ll n o itia 'iin iiK i M o c to is ’ ALL HOMES ARE TRUE OFF-FRAME MODULAR HOMES T H IA V O N D A L IO A P B ТИ В H A M P TO N ПАИ О Н WASllOyOTL J S = 3 T A T E S V ILLEHOUSING CENTER ¡77toEllt40A >US70EMt4.SmltM • un on BuilnMi •UftonBu»li)Mi70 ■ J'Sjii'» is*'"’ Factory Bum • Factory Sold ‘ We ARE the Builder • Land i F)nanclng Available 704.924.9393 www.StatesvilleHousing.com Toll Free 1.877.283.4344 Davis 17, Matt Burchette 19. Creek All-Stars 71 - Paris Wilson 13, C. Cockerham 2, Chad Alexander 4, Brandon Chrapek 2, Alonzo Roberts 6, Cory Parker 22, Darrell Wonge 2, Jamal Durham 20. Team V 69 - Scun Stevens 15, Eric Alspuugh 12, W. Boxley 25, W ill Bynum 7, Lundon Harris 7, C. Tenneson 3. The Remedy 66 (OT) - Mult Hudson 14, Brud Dyer 6, Alex Williums 10, Eric Lowery 7, B. Maxwell 15,AdumConstuntinc 14. Cozart’s Handyman Ser­ vices 62 - Bike Lewis 4, Mar- nic Lewis 10, Charles Miller 13, Brian Lane 19, Tony Mallard 16. Needmore Logging 117 - Puul Cuthberlson 23, Steve Heggins 24, T. Runkin 43, Jerry Sherrill 24, T.J. Gaither 8. Hatzorr 94 - Vincent Cock- erham 6, Cliff Bums 12, Shawn Westbrook 12, Speedy Red-- mond 6, R. Davis 23, Drew Absher 19, Donald Rutherford 19. Cuttln’ Up74-J. Sipco 16, D. Brooks 3, Linwood Skinner 13, Ray Bristow 10, D. Blakeney 2, Ty Davis 18, T. Leazer 4, Tremaine King 4, Patrick King 4. Few Good Men 58 - Sam Hiliie28,Timl0,M.Whilcl2, Ike Johnson 3, Shawn Thomas 3. A-IVam 54 - David Pitts 25, LeBron Mayfield 5, C. Thorpe 5, Deon Cody 7, C. Dillard 8, Brian Hargrove 4r Barnette Heating & Air 78 - Greg Barnette 11, Brian Will­ iams 6, Andy Snow 20, Bubba Coleman 8, Brent Wall 6, Scott Tonidandel 8, Cooper Wall 7. S p r i n g i n f o r o u r n e w s a le ! F R E E After fSO M ail In Rabat« fi ■ , } > .MPSPlayer, , r •Ceiito^nMdy • T H E P H O N E P L A C E ■ TV o Locations lb Better Serve Yam .336-751-2626 ^ 336-753-1447 ., Fort*nn«endOQfxjWon«,Mevww.a«^.conHefrn4.html.MTNioi)efihfouehTlwPíK>n«pléeo.lnaQníy. Karch Arey of Ellis got on base all four limes, singling twice, walking and getting hit by a pitch. In the fourth alone, he went 2 for 2 with three RBIs. That’s when Ellis tumed u 3-1 deficit into an 8-3 lead. Also for Ellis, Tristan Comer went 2 for 4 with four RBIs. Ty Marshall went 1 for 3 with two RBIs. Wulker went 1 for 3 us Ellis colleclcd nine hits. "We’ve got a rule if you’ve got two strikes, you’ve gol to chokc up and just try lo slup the bull," Dinkins suid. "I’m ex­ tremely pleased with that. Five of our nine hits were witii two slrikcs." Meanwhile, there were few positives for the Wildcats. Catcher Garrett Nestor per­ formed -well, going 2 for 3 and throwing out two mnncrs ut scc­ ond. "The first three innings went well, but we fell apart, played too tight and didn’t make plays," North coach Jamey Holt said. "Our pitchers struggled with walks nnd hit batsmen." Holt lipped his hut to Walker. "Walker did a good job on the mound," he said. "He made us put it in play. They’re u solid team Ihat wiil require a solid game to beat them. But I’m looking forward to seeing them again." , Holt is eyeing Ihe next Ellis game becausc no outcome be­ tween Ihc three county teams comes as a shock, "nike last year, when Ellis beat North 16-1 be­ fore North came back and beat Ellis 8-4, Ellis did win three of the four meetings. "Between us, North and South, anybody can win on uny duy," Dinkins said. O ld S chool S p o r t s F r o m A p r il, 1 9 7 8 • Davie’s baseball Icum scored in the bottom of the sev­ enth to beat Salisbury 6-5. Tom Amidon led off with u single and raced home on a long blow by Jerry Cline, who had two of Davie’s five hits. Duvic trailed 3-0 going into Ihe bottom of the first, when Brucc Burton got Davie (4-2 record) back in Ihe game wilh a two-run homer. • Tracy Cot'kerham won two' events (120 high hurdles, 180 low hurdles) as Duvie’s boys truck leam scorcd 97 points to defeat West Rowan (59) und Trinity (12). • Ronald Webb eamed med­ alist with a 70 as Davie’s golf team dispatched Statesville 301-349 at Twin Cedars. Barry Whillaker shot 76, Stanley Ran­ dall 77 and Johnny Miller 78. • Jackic Nicholson got a hole- in-one on No. 4 ul Hickory Hill. She used an 8-iron on the 70- yard, par-3 hole. She was play­ ing wilh husband John, Carl Humphrey and Beth Humphrey. A few months earlier, Jackie accdNo. 18. The low-gross winners in the toumument were Johnny Miller, Ruth Ozimck, Norma Hensley and Bob Vandiver. The teum of Kenny nnd Linda Jordan and Jerry und Vicki Hendricks placed sccond. The low-net honors went to Amic HaiT)c, Alex Thompson, Helen Foster and Cindy Glascock. Fred und Sallic Crabbc und Charles Crenshaw placed second. B r i e f s , D a t e s Think Pink Tournament The fii-sl unnuul Kuy W. Pitts Think Pink golf toumument will beheldApril 17 at Oak Valley. Tlie toumament will ho.st the breast clinic/excel imaging Mobile Mammography Unit from 12-4 p.m. Give yourself the gift of a munimogrnm. For appointments call 336-397-6805 by April 7. Bring your insurance curd on the dale of service.. College Bascbskll • Whit Mcrrifield, u sophomore outfielder at South Carolina, went 6 for 16 (.375) in a series with Kentucky, hitting four doubles and scoring four runs as the Gamecocks won Iwo of three. In a 4- 2 win, Ihe Gamecocks took the lead for good at 2-1 on a Mcrrifield double. For the season he’s hitting .303 wilh a team-high eight doubles and five homers. • Corey Martin of We.stern Carolina is 4-3 with a 4.76 ERA. He has 33 .strikeouts in 34 innings. • Brandon Johnson of Wake Forest has a 3.07 ERA in 14 2/3 innings. He has nine strikeouts and one save. • John McDaniel of Pfeiffer is 3-5 with a 3.88 ERA. He has 48 Ks in 55 innings. • Jake Koontz of Brevard has a 6.55 ERA in 11 innings. ' • Heath Boyd has played in 21 games for Harding (Ar.). He’s hitting .256. • Lance Emcrt of Wilkes Community College is hitting .333 with two homers, five doubles and 23 RBIs. Teummute Josh Edcr is hilling .286. Relief pitcher Justin Kidd husn’t allowed an earned run. • Seth Miller is only hitting .161,for Surry Community Col­ lege, but he does have two homers, three doubles and 12 RBIs. Teammate Corey Nomian is 2-2 with a 4.34 ERA. He has 28 Ks in 30 innings. • Zeb Cope of Hampden Sydney is hitting .200 in nine games. • Chad Jarvis of Mars Hill is 2-1 with a 4.85 ERA. Legion Baseball Signups ' Registration for the Mocksville American Legion baseball pro­ gram will be April 25 al 10 a.m.', ut Rich Park. This is open to players bom on or after Jan. 1, 1990. Bring a parent, a ccrdfied birth certificate and a photo copy of the birth certificate. Golf Tournament Eagle Heights Church will host a golf tournament on April 18 at Pudding Ridge, with a shotgun start ul 2 p!m. Contact iiones396@yadlel.net, or call 336-407-8271. There will be hot dogs following the toumament. Proceeds to benefit a mission trip lo Guatemala in June. The cost is $50 per person or $200 per team. S S P O T U G H T DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE-RECORD, THURSDAY, April 9,2009 - B3 I------------------------------------1I I ш ^ ш ш Ё Ш Ш Ё Ё Ё ш т I I Sand Trap Custom Golf Shop Sand Trap Custom Golf Is In Its 23rd year In operation. That’s quite a remarkable teat consid­ ering Ihat the owner, Ed Scharff, has seen over 14 different golf stores open their doors during that period and ultimately close their operations. However the Sand Tt;ap found a special niche In the golf business by offering custom fitted generic copies of the best selling major brand clubs. Ed says that Ihe key to staying In busi­ ness Is offering excellent customer service. “Never make Ihe customer wait or have him come back when you can do the Job the cus­ tomer wants right then while he sits and enjoys a cup of coffee or coke. If he needs a graphite shaft changed out, or replaced, or needs new grips put on, I offer to do the job Immediately so that he doesn't have to make another trip to come back and pick his elub(s) up at a later time." The Sand Trap offers only the highest quality compo­ nents In Its line of Irons with current copies of the best sell­ ing brand name clilbs which Include Callaway, Ping, Taylor- made, and Nike. His metalwood offerings Include titanium copies of the same brand name drivers and steel copies of the fairway woods and hybrid clubs. His driver offerings In­ clude the normal head shapes along with the newer square head models. His 3-PW or 4-SW iron sets start at $299, and perform just the same as an $899 set of brand name Irons, and even better If they are custom fitted. Ed discov­ ered the Harrison graphite shaft company In 1994 a^nd has carried this shaft as his “house” shaft since first playing the shaft. “Harrison Is the only graphite shaft company that I’ve found that really attempts to provide a shaft to “fit” every golfer. They provide shafts that provide choices In weight, kick point, torque, flex, length, and price." When asked by a customer why he carries only Harrison shafts In stock, Ed simply replys, “Harrison Is Ihe only shaft company that has won 0 world titles at the Long Driving Championships, and I don’t know of another company Ihat has won more than one. That’s enough reason for me to stick with Harrison". Besides that, the Harrison shafts hit the ball longer and atralghter. Another service Ed provides Is offering custom fitted put­ ters at far below the selling price of the top brand name putters. His company slogan “You can spend more money but you can’t buy tratter quality" really comes Into play with his putter prices — starting at only $35 and ranging to $85 with each being custom fitted. Over the years, many of the Sand Trap customers have come to understand that Ed has a unique ability to teach the game. He has been employed by a local community college to teach “Beginner’s Golf In their Physical Education department since 1999. He’s not a swing guru and doesn’t try to make drastic changes In your swing, but he explains what you're doing Incorrectly and' shows yotj how to fix It. One of his customers recently stated that ‘‘Ed Is a great teacher, especially when It comes to the short game; you know getting It up and down from around the green, and making yoii a better putter." Ed states: "The easiest way to cut strokes from your score Is to be­ come more proficient with your short game. Leam to pitch, chip, and putt better and you will see your scores really go down, and quickly." The Sand Trap Custom Golf shop Is open from 12:30 PM to 6:00 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and on Saturday from 10:00 AM to 1 ;00 PM. Ed’s shop Is closed ‘¡R.uc} ( t it d 'p a ii’iie ( ^ a t c :536-788 -08 62 3 3 6 -7 6 6 -8 1 9 5 //I WAS! I ( )k I XlkAf I All RIK ,S A /)/)IN( - K'l I < N D II) It >K R i i c j s O n T o | j O t C n r | j u t R i K j s O n H i i r c l w o o d F l o o r s R i i y s O n T i l o F l o o r s S t a i n s & O c J o r R e n i o v u c l R o p i i i i s Ht P r o l o c l o r P ic k u p f in d D e liv e r y sv v iN (;s i ;\ i.in i)\N to 40 M'fiiot Otst'ounls Wpdiiosdiiy •Folding Walkers •LeBleu Water > Small Л[цЯ1а11се8 < IcmniDns DIm (iiiitl ShIcs I > M 1 I v> |4\ ill« ( ll tiniMills Kll l-l-l'» • ( h • ’i.i> I'i <S a ro lm a Small Engine Sain ft nrvtc* of outdoor powor oqulpinonti mowora, Mmmori, chain tawi, blowon, gMoraton, • moro 1034 fo rk ШЬЛу М ., ЛЛ/ШКФ 9 9 8 - 7 7 5 5 U tilY M lO F S rA INREMOVED FOR A UKE NEW LOOKI N ation's L argest & O ld est R oof S tain R en xivo rs 785-2030 JOORoglOakD^Wjrato^^ Sand Trap Custom Golf 7 6 6 -2 2 3 3 OR 7 6 0 -2 8 8 0 (DESIDE D O C K S ID E IN C LE M M O N S ) Clubs While neyLaatli on Wednesdays for golfing With friends and customers, This Is when Ihey get to demo clubs and get free advice on bet­ tering their golf swings. Coming out of the winter months, the Sand Trap has an over abundance of used Iron sets and traded In Titanium drivers. Ed says to come look to get some really fantastic buys In his used club selection. He also has over 30 brand name "take out" graphite shafts that he will Install for $30. So If you’ve broken your shaft, have the wrong Ilex, or just want to try a really nice, expensive shaft for very little mon­ ey, stop In and see what's available. If you have junior golfers In your family (under age 16),. there are over 25 drivers, many fairway woods, and numer- otis Irons that will be given away at no charge. Bring the Juniors with you and get them properly fitted - again at no charge. There Is a limited supply of these clubs so move quickly. Ed also offers Juniors the same quality equipment as he markets to adults, but gives them a 35% discount and custom (Its them. 'So If you’ve got a few minutes, stop by the Sand Trap Custom Golf shop and visit with Ed. The shop Is located just to the right of the Dockslde Seafood Restaurant, and across the street from Arby’s on Lewlsvllle-Clemmons Rd. In Clemmons, N.C. If you’re a true golfer at heart, you'll enjoy ihe experience and gain your own personal perspective of a unlqtie little golf business. Until then, keep your eyes on the ball, hit It straight and long, and for goodness sakes, HAVE FUNI BAKERY THRIFT STORE Cookies, Chips Snacks Thru Easter Sunday ' ■ ■ • •••••• e x p e r ie n c e //^ » a V i d a ^ ;massage Now Tewno ih ep ylm Contor h it dow n Irom S tap/ei 3S17 U w livW o-Clonim M M336-766-0622 Mon-Frl9-9 *5019-6 »Sun 11-6 'b V ld o 6 0 m lm itt ‘' rwQXcnon matioQV LoVida cuttom facid» & омЬ •odJwâriïïoSÎiML___ ___ _ _iiw n cor^itu Ы 50 oOuoI nar<h on <me. n U lIU I.A N I) l O R M A I.W IÎA K WE’VE MOVED! 2729 Lcwlsvlllc-Clcinmans Rd. О с п ш ю ю (/ust balare Starbucks) (336) 766-0999 www.englishbridal.com М о п -W odi 1 0 -e « T h u ra ; 10-8 Fil: 1 0 -5 -S o t: 1 0 -3 "S u n : C losed a a s f f a ' i E O B S Storm Water Management Residential Drainage Systems Land Clearing, Demolition ^ Landscape/Hardscape y UcensedAnd Insured ^lemmpns NC Tom Jones 336-749-0465 EDWARDS SID IN G & W IN D O W S A d v a n c e H a i r D e s i g n Easter Special - ^5 off for women with free protein wllh cut/blowdry IVIen's Special -^3off with cul/blowdry Family Special Children FREE wllh Full Price Adult Cut • Authorized Avon Agent • : Hours: Tues.-Sat. 9:30ат-6рт 3431 US Hwy 64E, Advance • 336-998-3387 764-0885 30% n x C R E D IT Upto‘1500“ > Replacement Windows ' Storm Doors - 9 Colors • Entry Doors • Roofing • Insulation M o b ile P h o n e 9 7 8 -2 2 9 9 e a ra o e l^cor l^ e p airs ^ 1 E le c tric a l C p e n e r l^ e p alr§ • Emergency Service • Senior Citizens Discount 25 Years ExperienceЛ1'.- W M N Q S oAiieT^ GARAQE DOOR SERVICES "Mr. Ed" (336) 998-2336 • FARMiNarcN, NC Trust Your Lawn To The Professionals^ ciAMPtm LAWN CARE ■InBusing For28 Vta-FtlServiceCommedcal& ResidenllallMiC:are’Insured 345-8695 Joel Clampitt, Owner W E'RE NO W OPEN I D A Y S A W E E K SHALLOWFORD HARDWARE 104 LOW ES FOO D DRIVE LEW ISVILLE, NG 27023 (336) 945-5050 I Mill nl III i() / С ill ( • iiM* ' [2 !<■( tl и . ll ’ II .i()<> liMihi / Liiwn К G.iiili'ii Siippli(-s . P.lint I Nn Si Kl.lll/l‘<l Vll <■ > In H«>IIS<' Lx{x*(lis>' (jiiris / Sh<4vitU| ' Keys Anil Mti( h Moit- I WWW.SHALLOWFORDHARDWARE.COM i! Ii ) M I. B4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 9,2009 B ra d G a ith e r p itc h e s in relief.f í i n í T 7 í 7 f > . ■‘ tu * 'Wftíí4>|:^^, ' I— « *V»K I. „ ■> J o s h B erryhili e a r n s th e s a v e . SOUIHERN PIEDMONT RECYCLING & WASTE, LLC Container Rental and Waste Removal Service Now Offering Both Small and Large W aste Containei-s Ncwmun froze Joyce with ii 2-2 curvcball. Oume over. Notes; Tlie War Eagles got a iiieastirc of revenge for last year’s 1-2 record against North, including a 12-0 loss in the CPC Tournaincnt scmifinuls. ... Nortii fell to 4-5, 1-3. ... Long had two steals.... Newmun and Foster are hitting .428, Vernon .407 and Herndon .388.... Ciirt- ner and Venion are lied for first wilh eight RBIs.... Davie is run­ ning like crazy. Six players have four-plus steals, including Newman (f(ve), Scaford (rive), Cartnor (four), Foster (four), Herndon (four) and Watson (four). It’s averaging 3.8 steals per game. Davic 7, North Dnvidson 5 Davio Scnfurd If Newranncf Vernon c Cnrtnor 11) Uarncycnsllo lb Ilerndon ss' Bnrbcr dll Watson rf Crisco 2b Foster 3b Totuh Vernon Herndon S h e lto n H o w ard g e ts h is th ird w in a s D av ie im p ro v e s to 2 -0 In th e C P C . - Photos by James Barringer m 7 S . . . Continued From Page Bl Carson Herndon singled to a diving third baseman. His throw across thè horn was off, nnd courtesy runner Zach Long scored all the way from second. •Meanwhile, Howard, unher­ alded nt the stnrl of the season, was scattering six hits in six in­ nings. He improved to 3-1, good lor hnlf of Davie’s wins, and his ERA remained an impressive 2.04. What’s more, he kept his composure nmid a heavily-dis­ puted strike zone for both teams. "We pitched il really well and played good defense,’’ Herndon said. “ We walked seven but we pitched n lot bet­ ter than the walks indicate. I thought Shelton handled him­ self very well, becausc if It would have been me I probably would have blown up. Bul ho showed a lol of character and wasn’t complaining. He kept competing." Alex Newman has beeh a huge plus at the plate (.428), bul his defense provided a crucial turning point in Ihis one. In the fifth, with Davie’s lead at 4-3, North had Ihc bases full wilh one out. The threat was squashed by a F-8-? double play. Newman made the cntch and gunned the tagging runner with a throw to Vernon. Another central figure in the outcome was reliever Josh Ber- ryhill, who earned a save lo go nlong with his 2-0 record. He inherited two runners in the sev­ enth. A walk loaded the bases. Berryhili got n strikeout for the sccond out, bul n single kept the Blnck Knights nllve nnd re­ loaded the bases. The next batter was leadoff man Zacli Joyce. When the lefty •blistered one down the righl- field linQ, War Eagles’ hearts skipped a beat. It was foul - barely. “Foul by six inches,” Hem- 'don said. “It Was going to score two, maybe three.” Berryhili regrouped and ab r h bl 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 1 2 ’ 1 1, 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 0 11 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 1 1 1 18 7 3 6 N.Uavldson 111 001 1-3 Davie 103 120 x-7 SB - Scnford 2 (5), Long 2 (3). Davie II' H R EK BB SO Howard,W 6 6 4 3 4 4 Onilhcr .1 0 1 1 2 1 Derry,S ,2100 12 T y ler S e a fò rd , w h o re a c h e d b a s e e v e ry tim e , b u n ts . 'liie nriordum at 'faiijjicwooif, 1450 '/alrcfilM ‘W'inston-Soiem, HP 2710S Beautiful Plants at Fantastic Prices! Heirloom Tomatoes and Vegetables * Annuals ’ Perennials * Native Wildflowers Shrubs * Ground Cover Wednesday Friday Saturday April 15 April 17 Aprii 18 April 22 April 24 Aprii 25 J 9 a.m. to Noon each day ? (Sales continues every future Wednesday subject to plant availability) .FREE Garden related workshops in the Arboretum at 11 a.m. each day of the salel 6 ‘ April 1 5 -T o m ato es, David B are J * April 17 - B ackyard Birds, Wild Bird Unlim ited * April 18 - W ildllow er G ard en Tour, A nne H ester, p e g Sim m , M GVs * April 22 - P lannlng A nnual Flow er B ods, C at M cSw ain * April 24 - U nconventional C ontainer G ardening, Sprig P ark er * April 25 - P eren nials, O ld and New, Frank Sink Present this ad at the Park Gate and receive Complimentary Pass For more Information call 336-703-2850 or visit our website at: www.Tanglewoodgardens.org »!* ¡n » '^r ri ~i IT" Il~—nFlriMÍliTini*"' n---------n~l -I'l'nr" ir‘‘TTtlÉ'1lMiil S h a n e C a rte r ta g s o u t a ru n n e r a t th ird d u rin g a 5 -3 w in o v e r N o rth D a v id so n . KIrklln B o w le s c o n c e n tr a te s o n th e ball a s D av ie Im p ro v e s to 7 -0 . S h a n e C a rte r lifts h is re c o rd to 2 -0 b y W orking fo u r s h u to u t in n in g s. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Aprii 9,2009 - B5 F re s h m a n C o re y R a n d a ll fire s o n e to th e p la te . P a tric k W h a le y m a k e s c o n ta c t. - Photos by James Barringer Phliiips JV Baseball ... C(inllnucd From Page Ul to find arms somewhere,” he said. “I asked him his first day out from wrestling if he wns willing to pitch and he said; ‘Oh, ycnh.’ The thing I love nbout him is he pounds the strike zone and makes them put il in play.” The Wor Eagles jumped in front 2-0 in the first. Carter singled nnd scored on n Rundnll single. The second run crossed on n W ill Bee,son fielder’s choice. They fell behind 3-2 but lied it in the fourth on n bnses- londed walk by Taylor Frank. Davie took control in the fifth. Jnvan Phillips walked and scored on a tiebreaklng triple by Connor Bodenheimer. Davie got insurance al 5-3 on u Mall Dyson single. . Phillips arid Dyson both went 2 for 3. Phillips is 6 for 7 over two games. IN THE MIDDLE of a major life change WITHOUT HEALTH INSURANCE? If you’re between jobs, in school, or starling your own business, don’t sweat it. I have plans from Assurant Heallh designed with your needs in mind. To find out more about short term, student or individual medical coverage, call me today. Brad Romlna, Agent3770 Clommons Rd Clammons, NC 27012 Bus: 336-766-3245 brad.romin0.c0l4®stoto(arm.com S« a IcKJl Suit »'arm agtiil foi monI dciaiU on covcfjge, coiti, rrtiriitloiHi ' andrcnfwjbility.AuiiranillMlihimKlticii ar« unJftwiiUin anJ I«“« by'nmclimifjnieO)niwny,I Milwjukf(,Wl.whi(hU(injncU1ly ioj)oniil.lefoHhcKproduci». No ASSURANT HealthI iüttiifiepftKlu<U.AMuranl.Ai»ur4nt I Hfalih ami Time hsufàiKcCumpany ' jTf noi anillJtn of Siiti raini. UKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR INIUIAHC^ STATE FARM IS THERE.» J a k e W y a tt (6) a n d J a c o b V e rn o n c h e s t b u m p a fte r a n in n in g -e n d in g d o u b le p lay . Slate firm Mut U>06i00l niurincs Company*Oloomlnglon, IL* italtlirm.com* Tm m w ^W YOUTH SOCCER ASSOCIATION Is Yklur GhUd In le p a stB d In G n m p a tlllve S o c c a r? TCYSA Academy, Challenge and Classic divisions will be forming boys and girls teams soon. Find out more about our youth soccer program at MEET TCYSA, an Open House for interested parents and their children ages 8 to 17 from 6:30 to 7:30 pm on Tuesday, . April 14, 2009, at BB&T Soccer Park, For more information call: (336)998-4277 ot visit us at wwv.iSvlnchysocccr.com C o re y R a n d a ll th ro w s n o -h it b all fo r th re e in n in g s. a t t e n t i o n ^ Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep Owners Snider Automotive Driva Lova D O O C 3 I «Jeep Specializing in Chrysler, Dodge f and Jeep Automotive R epairs.; 19 years experience ASE and Chrysler Master Certifl^; Performing Repairs on Gas : and Diese|Vehicles. From Minor Repairs to Complete ■; Overhauls on Engine,Transmission,,, Transfer Case, Electrical, Air Conditioning. Suspension, : r Front and Rear Axles. ' ■ So BringYourVehlcle to the one , who knows it in and out . Ako Making Refxiiri on other • Domesdc and ForeignWikks. CHRIS SNIDER Vj36-753-l 147 682 VALLEY RD MOCKSVILLE, NC 11 11 Вб ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, April 9,2009 ¡f i Ì I DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 9,2009 ■ B7 J e s s ic a S w a d e (m id d le ) h e lp s o u t o n a K elley C un d iff s a v e . C la re M o s e r p itìy s a h e a d e r a s H e a th e r W h ite h e a d lo o k s o n T e a m m a te s c e le b ra te a g o a l b y C la re M o s e r ( s e c o n d fro m left).K elley C u n d iff (left) m a k e s o n e o f h e r 1 8 s a v e s . ;i ¡I m i Cartner Cimdlff Keepers... J e s s a R e n g e ts d o w n a n d dirty o n d e f e n s e d u rin g a 3-1 lo ss to W e s t F o rsy th . - P h o t o s b y J a m e s B a r r in g e r H ig h e r C D Y ie ld s! Keith Hiiier Matt Hiiler |-\llMIIKSIoiMiUagUs yillnN orlhC aioiina. II09 Yadkinville Roiicl Willow Oiiks Shopping Center Mocksvillc 751-6131 hlllerk1@natlonwltle.com Nationwide' dh Your side AulO lloint Ш 0i<t>rvtt Special Promotion lA P Y• 5 .1 0 3 Month CD • FD1C-Insiirt4l .1.0% (Лтап1|>)*Э.5% (IZmuntli) F IR S T F ID E L iT Yniuiiu'inUirrotipоГ(1ш'IViacI, M.C Yow S({/b Money SolulUm* \sk iilidiil our lii(jhi'r vli ldiii); l;i\ di'IVi jvd iinidiK Is. 3 3 6 - 2 2 4 - 1 0 7 7217 S. Talbert Ave., Le.xington, NC 27292 Hmirii; 9tim-5|)in, Mun.-Fri. Continued From Page Bl it WHS a super goni. it’s u 2-1 gume ul Ihe 65-Uiinule mark. That’s awesome.” Murawski, however, sapped Davio shortly later, scoring for the 3-1 murgin. One encouraging pari in de­ feat was the play of keepers Kelley Cundiff and Hannah Cartner. They hud 18 and six saves, respectively. “Both keepers did nn excel- leiil job, and Ihey were pound­ ing us ut the end,” he said. "Kelley slopped several one-on- ones. Hannah stopped a PK and had another great save.” Gustafson found few faults wilh the defense (Jessa Ren, Morgan Parrish, Jennifer Booth and Cassie Bumes) and niidfield (Laura ShoUon, Katie Gerdon, Heather Whileliead and Stroupe). “Cussie is used to playing stopper, but we had to move her out to marking back for (injured defender Caitlyn Brake) and Morgan played stopper,” he suid. “They all did a very,' very nice job. They stopped .several shols, just by getting a leg out. There was n lot of hustle und heart. “(The midfielders) were the dislribulons up to the top, and wc had several nicc attacks,” The attacks involved for­ wards Moser, Cheyenne Lash­ mit, Jansen McDaniel and Han­ nah Whitehead. ‘Tliey worked hard," he said. “Hannnh Whitehead hustled to pressure a few out-of-bounds plays.” Notes: The Titans, who im­ proved to S-2 overall, ran their series record to 34-1-2.... Hope is not lost against West. Last year Davie tied West 0-0 after losing the first game 5-1, Moser’s 10 goals lead the team. Stroupe got her fourth assist, matching LUshmll for the team lead. № E V irS P E T S I T T I N » S E R V IC E Serving Wnston-Salem, Clemmons & the Greater Triad Area •'«£5?»- (336) 57$-d972Winston-Salem,NC W ar E agle S o ftb a ll V ic tim O f P e rfe ct G am e North Davidson’s softball team wins the Central Piedmont Conference virtually every yeur. Another championship looks to be a sure thing after last week’s lO-O, six-inning beatdown of visiting Davie. Earlier in the week, Davie held on for a 1 -0 nonconference win over visiting i^edfotd. Beating Ledford was one thing, however. North Davidson was nn entirely different matter. Star catcher and slugger Morgan Wyatt suffered a mild concus­ sion on u foul tip lute in the Ledford game, and she had to sit out ilgainst North David.son. To make mutters worse, Davlc pitcher Samantha Tarleton was playing with the flu. It all lidded up lo a dreadful night against North’s overpow­ ering pitcher,Tess Swing. In the CPC opener for both teams. Swing threw n perfect game thut included 12 strikeouts. Davie’s average dropped from .250 lo .230, while Tarletoh’s ERA jumped from 1.64 to 2.56. . While Davie was going 0 for 18, Norlh was stroking two doubles, a home nin and 11 hits. With Wyatt on the shelf, Davie was missing its leader in nver- nge (.583), hits (14). nms (six), JVs... Continued From Page B l Davie 4, N. Dnvidson 1 Wilh pilchcrTori Cloniz, hit­ ler Cornatzer and outfielder Osborne playing big parts, tlic War Eagles aced the Norlh Ijavidson exam - on the road, no less. Bowden never got to taste a win over Norlh during her Davie career from 2(X) 1-04. “There were nerves going into this game, especially since it was our first conference gume and it being uway,” Bowden suid. “I don’t think the girls knew how much It meant to beat North Davidson. They have a really good program and that is by fur the best game we’ve played, it really meant some­ thing to me.” Davie didn’t liave u hit until one out in the fourth. Clontz broke up the no-hitter, as well as helping herself as the pitcher Lagle followed with a single. Then Comalzer rose to the oc­ casion with a two-run double that produced a 2-0 lead. Davie broke North’s back in the fifth. McCann single, Os­ borne doubled and Desirae Moses reached on an error as Davie bumped the lead lo 4-0. "Both teaijis pinyed tough defense,” Bowden said. “Wc made contact with the ball, but North would always make good plays. It took us going through the lineup once to gel started. (Cornatzcr’s double) proved to the girls that wc could win. Kayla was actually sick that day, but it didn’t stop her from playing well offensively and defensively.” Comauer (2 for 3) was the only War'Eagle with multiple hits. Clontz scattered seven hits in a complete game. She dodged Hamilton doubles (four), homers (three) nnd RBIs (10). / "Sam wasn't feeling good,” conch Janicc Jackson suid. "Wiien she got home (after Led­ ford) her temperature wns 102. I’m surprised she made it at all lo the North Davidson game. "Amandu (Riddle) did a good job (at catcher in placc of Wyalt), but that's the first game she’s caught.” It wns n rcspcctnble 2-0 gnnie until the fourth, when Davlc unrnveicd and watched North pour across five runs. Davie made three errors’for the game. By contrast, North played per- T e n n is T e a m E n d s T h re e < l\A a tc h S k id The Oavie tennis leam found a solution for its struggles; West Rowan, which lost 8-1 in the closest match in four years. Host Davie snapped a three- match losing streak by sweep­ ing singles behind Alex Flem­ ing, Ryan Moxley, Bret Will­ iams, Daniel Moxley, Brandon Roycroft and Matt Hurscy. Fleming-Williams and the Moxley brothers rolled in doubles. “Wo slarteil off a little slow, a little nervous, but wc played extremely well,” coach Barry Kennedy snid. "Fleming gol off to a quick slnrt and beat the tail off his guy.” The War IHagles (4-3 over­ all) whipped West by 9-0 scores five times between 2006 and 2008. They’ve outscored Wesl 53-1 in that span. “The season hasn’t gone as well as' we’d hoped,” Kennedy said. "This is a big win. We needed it.” К i;i-Ki s i:m m i \ !•: Julia Howard ,Vi l/o iis f 7‘J lli / lis liiil Pletise contact me jn: MOCKSVILLE: (336) 751-^567 RALEIGH: (919) 733-5904 State Legislative Building 16 W. Jones Street, Rm 1t06 Raleigh, NC 27601-1096 Email: Jullah@ncleg.net PAID eoRmJvuA Howard Schultz feci defense. Davie made a two-out error. Instead of keeping the score 2- 0, the miscue wns magnified by a single. The ball wus errored in the outfield nnd three runs .scored. "We did fine until lhat fifth inning,” Jackson said. “And once they start, it^s hard lo stop them. But you’re nol going to win if you don’t hit. They’re a good team. It’s hard to beat theni in the best situations. When you go in knowing you’re not in the best situation, it's even harder.” The Black Knights improved to 8-1 overall nnd defeuted Davie for the i 8th straight time. Last year they defeuted Davie 6- 1,4-0 and 9-0. Duvie is 1 for 39 (.025) uguinst North in the last two games, the lone hit by Sara Handy. Dnvie 1, Ledford 0 For the sccond straight gume, the Wur Eugles pinyed the scrnlch-something-out-and- hold-on game to perfection. Davie edged Forbush by the same score on a Wyalt homer. This time il scorcd In the third on a Jordan Schultz hit und róde Tarleton’s pitching the rest of the way. Davie struck out 12 times, giving it 26 Ks in two games, but Tiirlclon offset thut by throw­ ing u four-hitter wilh one walk - her second struight four-hitler. At thut point she hnd not ullowed unenmed run in 17 innings. "Ledford is ranked in the (2- A) stute,” Jackson said. “We played a great defensive gume.” Davie got on the board in the third. Micheilc Hamilton walked. After back-to-back strikeouts, Wyatt lined a single to left. The next batter wns Schultz, who was due for u shin­ ing moment. She came in hitting an uncharacteristic .250 (5 for 20). Tlien she showed why she hit .404 as a freshmun, .397 as a sophomore and .434 as a junior, roping an opposite-fieid single between short and third. “Jordan has about knocked me down at third base before, so 1 know she can hit that way,” Jackson said. “Typically, Jordan nnd Morgun both hit better against good pitchers. She’s u solid hitter, that’s for sure. I was hoping slie would come through, and she did. "But n lot happened before that to get Jordan to the plate. Michelle had a grent hit (later in the gnhie).” Dnvie tried to break it operi in the fifth. Hamilton, Haley McCune and Handy singled in succession. McCune's was a picture-perfect bunt. Handy’s was a two-strike beauty the other way past third. The bases were full with no outs for Wyatt, but she bounced the first pitch to short. Ledford escaped with con­ secutive strikeouts. But Davie still recorded the first back-lo-buck shutotits since 2007 (12-0 over Reynolds nnd 5-0 over Reynolds). Wyntt went 2 for3 to notch her fifth multihit game. Ledford’s four hits came in four separate innings. "Sum wasn’t feeling good that game, but she pitched great,” she said. Davie 1, Ledford 0 Davie McCuiic cf Hnmly rf Wynll с Schullz lb Chesney dh ' Bailey ph Pundetburke 2b Locfficr ss/ McClannon 3b Hamilton If Totals Ledford Davie ab 3 3 3z 2 1 3 3 3 2 23 1 It 6l 1 ‘J> 1 :o 2 3 I n 0 IP0 ¿D 0 >0 1 1 'Л 7 a 000 ООО o-,о 001 ООО Davie IP li R ER OB:.SO Tnrl.W 7 4 0 0 1 ".ft North Davidson 10, Dovlr.b Davie nb r h :ы McCunc cf 2 0 0 Handy rf 2 0 0 •pChesney dh ■ 2, 0 0 9Schulli 1b 2 0 0 0Pundetburke 2b 2 0 0 9Locfflcr ss 2 0 0 9Tnrleton p •1 0 0 9Marshall p 1 0 0 0 Riddle с 2 0 0 Ъ Hnmlllon If 2 0 0 Ò TaUb 18 0 0 6 Davlc ООО1 000-0 N, Davld.stm ■ 0|1, ’303-10 Davie IP 11 R ER BB :$0 Tntl, L 3.2 9 7 7 1 Mnrjholl 2.1 2 3 0 3 “ 1ND IP II R ER BB;;fO Swing, W 6 0 0 0 .0 -12 G ir is T ra c i( T e a m S u ffe rs N a rro w L o s ^ Caitlin Tutterow and Fulon Hooper won two events each, but they couldn't prevent n 1.5- poini loss in n threc-lcam track meet last week. North Davidson scored 85.5, Davie 84 and For­ bush 15.5. Tutterow won the mile (5;43) and 3200 (13; 14). Her mile was good for a regional berth. Hooper was first in the discus (104-10) and shot put (32-8.5). She is undefeated in the discus through three meets. "Hiylor Stokes (400 nt 1:06) won the 400, Alex Folk und Rebecca Hendrix tied for first in the high jump (4-10) and Cherinn Overton claimed the 300 hurdles. "Taylor has some impressive 400 times, and we’re hoping we cun gel her under 1 ;03,” couch Duric Beiier suid. ‘Thnt would be really good.” Davie swept the top four spots in the 300 hurdles, with Sarah Battles second. Emerald Tuthill third and Taylor Ander­ son fourth. The top scorer on the season is Hooper. Baltics, a freshman, is second. Nortli Davidson ran away wilh the boys meet, scoring 92.5 points lo Davie’s 49.5 and Forbush's 44. P.J. Neely (high jump at 5-11) and Ricky Bell (discus al 125-9.5) were the only individual winners. "We need to see P.J. go over six feet, but that's an event in our confercnce that he can score n lot of points in,” Belter said, "Ricky's looking strong in the di.scus.” “ Davie did control two relays (3200,4(X)); 3200 memberiiflre Andrew Allen, Brian Bullijis, Josh Money and Lake Slabach. The 1600 relay (Allen, Money, Josh Parks and Brad Deni) did not win, but they cdn- linucd to make strides. ,; “They work real, hard,” Be­ lter said. ‘They’re bringing tlrcir times down. Right now wi^re running where we wcrc at^e end of last year, and wc still hi(ve a good month to go.” ; Clontz two bullets while recording one 1-2-3 inning. North hud the bases loaded with tlie game .scoreless in the sccond. But Cloniz fanned the leadoff batter for the third out. 'With Davie leading 2-0, North loaded the buses again in the fourth. But Clontz induced a roller to second for the third out. ‘Tori did amazing,” she said. “I'm sure she was nervous pitch­ ing our first conference game, but the defense really played behind her.” North threatened in the sev­ enth, but a sp,ectacular catch by Osborne scaled the deal. Run­ ners were moving when Os- bonie left her feet. “Osborne made some great plays,” she said. "She made an amazing play to end the gume. My heart stopped beating until 1 knew she had the out. If lhat ball' would have gotten through, it could have changed the game,” Note: Davie can’t ie( the 7-1 record and the win over North go to its head. Last year North avenged the 6-4 loss to Davie with a 13-4 pummeling. Gallimore, N. Capra Shoot Even Par .The Davie golf team won a pair of nonconference. head-to- head mulches last week to raise its overall record lo 13-6. Davie W e s t R o u ts J V S o c c e r In the Davie JV soccer team's Central Piedmont Con­ ference opener, visiting West For.syth iiandcd the War Engles a 7-0 shellacking. . The War Eagles were 2-1 and coming off a 3-0 win over Parkland. Last year they were 5-0 before meeting West, aiid the Titans tliumped Davie 5-i, then 3-0 later in the yeur. Beccu Cook had Davie’s only shot on goal. "They’re just such skilled players,” coach Polly Reynolds said. "It’s liard for us to com­ pete with them.” The War Eagles (2-2, 0-1 CPC) were blanked forthe first time this season. Davie did gef nine saves from Rachel Hoff­ man and solid play from mid­ fielder Anna IDerian and de­ fender Dina Shchata. "Anna hustled and played really wcllj” Reynolds said. "Dina had a really good first half at fullback.” KolJf CAR W M n w shot an 8-ovcr 152 to beat Led­ ford (155) at The Meadowlands, and Ihe War I2uglcs shot a 7-ovcr 147 lo heal Statesville (152) at Lake Louise. Jason Oallimore was the medalist at The Meadowlands, shooting un evcn-pui: 36, one stroke nheud of the next com- petitor. The Duvie scoring in­ cluded 38s from Brandon Lowe anti Brian Wood and a 40 from Anlliony Capra. At Lake Louise, Nick Capra fired an even-pur 35 for medal­ ist honors. Anthony Capra shot 36, while Lowe and Wood had 38s. Davie has a good record ije- cause anyone can get hot. Five different players have led tlie team, led by Nick Capra, who has paced the club four times. Anthony Capra, Lowe and Giil- limore have led the teum scpr- ing twice each. Wood has done it oncc. ' W ASHESd p T o u c h le s s o r d { B r u s h w a s h | ^ M O C K S V IL L E <3 A u t o P r i d e C a r W a s h N. Yadkinville Rd. Mocksvlile(across Irom Lowes Home Improvement) 'tM; : '-i If' i'l" . If ikV i? ' i i ; ' 1 • .i' ! V ' i t i ISi : 1 I f1:^ I fi l-'.U' ■•I i iN ■ B8 - DAViE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 9,2009 Allstate Insurance Mark Jones & Steve Ridenhour 852 US Hwy. 64 W„ Suite 101 Mocksville 336.751-0669 Caudell Lumber 162 Sheek Street, Mocksville 336-751-2167 DavieCounty Enterprise Record 171 South Main Street, Mocksville . 336-751-2129 Davie Medical H ^ n u p m e n t 959 Salisbury Rd„ Mocksville ' 336-7514288 Eaton Funeral Service, Inc. 325 N. Main Street, Mocksville 336-751-2148 Formac Automotive, Inc. : 1484 u s Hw. 64 W„ Mocksville ; V ; 336-751-3372 ^ :■ Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road, Mocksville 336-751-2141 Fuller Architecture 68 Court Square, Mocksville , , 336-75 lr0400 Mike’s Wrecker Service 24 HpUR SERVICE 684 Junction Rd., Mocksville (336) 492-7303 or 909-2018 This Message Brought These Lociil Businesses. Mocksville Automotive 884 South Main Street, Mocksville 336-751-2944 Osborne’s Tire &: Automotive Laiige'I1ruck&FarmTii« Sales&Hepair1083 Salisbury Road, Mocksville 336-753-8090 PhilCar Automotive 1628 Hwy. 601S., Mocksville 336-751-1800 VPiilmart S u p (e rc e n te r' V I 261 Cooper Qeek, Mocksville 336-751-1266 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 9,2009 - Cl ÌL - « r « - f,. . vr i .4 " -I ^ M e m b e rs o f th e S o n s o f th e A m e ric a n R e v o lu tio n c o n d u c t th e c e re m o n y , p la c in g a m a rk e r a t th e g ra v e o f R ic h m o n d P e a r s o n . • Photos by Mike Barnhardt » . f f I I - I A W illiam D a v is s h o w s h is r e s p e c t a t th e g ra v e s ite . A t left a r e m e m b e rs o f th e P e a r s o n fam ily w h o a tte n d e d th e c e re m o n y . An American Hero M a rk e r P la c e d A t G ra v e O f R ic h m o n d P e a rs o n By Mike Barnhardt Enterprise Record When Richmond Penrson moved to what Is now Cooleemee around 1772 - he Was coming to an area that was al- Vready li honiet'8 nest. ^earson was a supporter of the American Revolution. “A majority of Southerners didn't support Iho Revolution, and ones who did lived dangerously," suid Jim Rumlcy, Cooleemee historian. Rumley was one of about 100 people who made the walk through the woods to the restored Pearson Grave­ yard. The Sons of the American Revo­ lution placed a marker at Pearson’s grave. ' , Rumley said although not as fa­ mous, more battles in the Revolution were fought in the South than other areas. "What the people fought for was not big government - but against big government.” Pearson headed a militia that met at Veach's Muster Ground, near the prc.sent Liberty United Methodist Church. They fought at Ihe Battle of Cowans Ford, where Gen. William Lee Davidson fell. They harassed Cornwallis and his men os they marched through what is now Davie County. A plantation owner who lived at the shoals in Qooleemee, Pearson saw the possibilities of the area, even working to make the Yadkin River navigable to Charleston. "He was a man of the frontier, but he saw the possibility of the frontier,” Rumley said, “He wanted to see the goods of the back country taken down the river to the oceans. He wanted the back country to be commercially vi­ able." Pearson died in 1818. Several members of the Sons of the American Revolution spoke, and com­ mended Cooleemee and area residents for preserving the graveyard. In shambles, Terry Dedmon and Del McCullough look on the project of re­ storing Ihc cemclery. They replaced the rock fcncc, and restored and placed Ihe grave markers. The marker was obtained by Cool­ eemee native William C. Davis, who remembered the Pearson Graveyard from his childhood. He is a member of the SAR und the Cooleemee Histori­ cal Association. “It’s great to see Ihis back in good shape,” said Dr. Sum Powell. “Rich­ mond Peurson was u hero of the Ameri­ can Revolutioh and u veteran of the United Slates of America.” r » H isto ria n Jim R u m le y g iv e s a C o o le e m e e H isto rical A ss o c ia tio n P re s id e n t T o n y S te e le (rig h t) The Sons o f th e American R ev o lu tio n m a rk e r is p la c e d a t th e h e a d - b rie f d e s c rip tio n o f P e a r s o n ’s p r e s e n ts a re w a rd to D el M cC u llo u g h a n d T erry D e d m o n , w h o s to n e o f R ic h m o n d P e a r s o n ’s g ra v e . life. re s to re d th e a r e a to Its p re s e n t look. B e fo re th e re n o v a tio n , .th e c e re m o n y w a s b a re ly re c o g n iz a b le , c o v e re d In v in e s a n d tr e e s a n d th e ro c k w all s c a tte re d , n !! : ! J '■ Ì Ш C2 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 9,2009 M iH e r-L o w e ry C o u p le U n ite d In M a r r ia g e Mrs. Timothy James Lowery Hollie Michelle Miller iind ■■ Timothy Jnmes Lowery were united in muniage at 11 u.m. on ' Suturduy, April 4 ut Bethlehem United Methodist Church, Ad­ vance, officiuted by the Rev. Ken Furches of Bluise Buptist and the Rev. Duve Willinms of Statesville’s First Buptist Church. The bride is the daughter of Cnthy Randolph M iller and Freddie Miller of Mocksville. She is a graduate of Davic High School and earned a cosmetol­ ogy license from Mitchell Com-, munlty College and is employed by Utopia Salon and Day Spa in Clemmons. The groom is the son of JB and Jane Lowery of Mocksvillc. He is a graduate of Sheets Me­ morial Christian School in Lex­ ington, where he wns a member of the Nntionul Honor Society. He enmcd u degree with honors in architectural technology from Forsyth Technical Comnumity College nnd is a contrnclor for EnergyUnited and youth pastor at Failh Baptist Church in Statesville. Given in marriage by her fa­ ther, the bride wore a white satin A-line dress with beaded lace and a split, front tulle overlay. The empire bodice wns covered with beaded lace, nnd sheer cap sleeves had scattered beads and lace. The chapel-length train also had intricate beading and lace on n tulle overlny. The bride carried n bouquet of purple hy­ drangeas with satin ribbon tied to the handle. She chose her sister, Hentlier Dyson, us mntron of honor. At­ tendants were Casey Hartness, sister of the groom, Jessica Gwyn, cousin of the bride; nnd Jessica Deal, friend and "hon­ orary sister." Makayla Hartness, niece of the groom, was junior bridesmaid. The groom’s father was best man. Groomsmen were; his friends, Jason Stewart and Mat­ thew Keeton; and brothdr-in- law, Michuel Hartne.ss. Tannei Hartness, nephew of the groom, was Ihe ring benrer. Wedding music wns pro­ vided by Bethlehem’s orgnnist, Lynda Smith, and pianist, Lnurn Vines. The ussociate pastor of Faith Baptist, Daniel Crawley and his wife Amanda, sang a duet of "When Ood Mude You.” During the lighting of the unity cnndle, Justin Dyson, brother- in-lnw of the bride, sang and played on guitar "I Do Cherish You” and was accompanied by Vines on the piano. The register and program attendant was A.shley Stewnrt. Director was Tummy Johnston. A reception was held follow­ ing the ceremony in the church family life ccnter using the spring season ns the theme. Af­ ter a wedding.trip to the moun­ tains, the couple will muke their home in Statesville. Social Events • On Sunday, Feb. 15, Heather Dyson hosted a linge­ rie and miscellaneous shower at her home in the Sheffield- Calnhnln community. Co-host wns Jessicu Deni. • On Sunday, Feb. 22, Casey Hartness, June Lowery and the women of Faith Bnptist Church of Stntesville held n rccipe and miscellaneous shower for the couple. • Co-workers of the brid hosted a shower on Tuesday, Mnrch 3, orgunized by Lauren Angell and Dee Grimes. • On'Snturday, March 14, Jessica Gwyn and Mclisa Hutchins gave a pantry party, nnd miscellaneous shower nt- tendcd by family, friends and w6men of Bethlehem United Methodist Church in Advance in the church fnmily life center. • On Sunday, March 22, Ashley Stewnrt nnd Owen Angell hosted a shower for the couple nt Blnise Baptist Church in Mocksvillc. • A rehearsal dinner was hosted by JB and Jane Lowery on Fridny, April 3 nt the Bethlehem United Methodist Family Life Center. S p a g h e tti S u p p e r F r id a y T o B e n e f it C la r k R o g e r s F a m ily Las Vegas Night A Winner The DavlQ County Arts Council sponsored its first Las Vegas Night on March 14 with professionai casino tables, food, music by the 01’ Dixie Dawgs and raffle tlci<ets to use in the Jacl<pot area. Pictured, above ieft, guests enjoying tiie evening; above right, Melody and Zacii Wright, ahd at right, the Dawgs. A benefit spughetti supper for Clark Rogers will be held from 5-7 p.m. Fridny, April 10 nt Ijnmes Bnptist Church, Sheffield ahd Ijames Church roads, Mocksville. Dine-in and take-out plates of spaghetti, salad, garlic breud nnd homemude desserts will be uvuilnble. More buked goods will also be sold. Rogers, who grew up in the Sheffield community, is the son of Robert and Creola Rogers. Several months ago, he wus di­ agnosed with n rare type of blad­ der cancer, nnd hus incurred numerous hospital bills. Rogers, n minister, wns told curlier by doctors in the United Stntes thnt their options for treatment had run out. He and wife Lisa arc in Mexico for al- teniative treatments. To learn more, call Wendi White ut 492-2970 or visit www.poplarsprlngsschool.com, keyword “benefit”. L isa a n d Clarl< R o g e rs rely o n th e ir faith to k e e p a p o s i­ tiv e o u tlo o k . I ! .i' : i dm e d a vie m e d ic a l e q u ip m e n t Y o u r H o m e C a r e C o m p a n y You Have the Right to Choose Your Home Medical Equipment Company - Davie Medical Equipment. Especially if you go to a neighboring hospital. Our long-established, convenient and very competitive business Is here to serve you with the latest and best home care products. Our certified and licensed employees keep your needs and com fort at the top o f their priorities when you come to us for service. One o f the most livportant components In our equlpirient offerings Is our a b ility to provide our clients with the niost advanced technology In portable oxygen and respiratory equipment. Our Hom eflll^ system allows you to keep your tanks filled at home avoiding the w ait for deliveries and thereby having fresh oxygen available a t a ll times. Our completely portable systems can be plugged Into your car, your home outlet or operated by battery and carried onto your airplane with complete FM approval. You'll be free to travel again. Come on In to speak vv/t/i one o f our certified representatives to discuss how we can help you get Into life with the best system for youl dme davie medical equipment . 959 Salisbury Rd. • IVlocksviiie <336)751-4288 • fax (336)751-4688 i\/1 o c k s v ilie F ir s t l\/1 e th o d is t C h o ir To P r e s e n t C a n ta ta F r id a y N ig h t First United Methodist Church of Mocksvllle’s Chan­ cel Choir will present Theodore Dubois’ sacred musicul work, “The Seven Lnst Words of Christ” on Good Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the sanctuary on North Class Of ‘58 Plans Monthly Get-Together The Duvie High School Class of 1958 will hold its monthly luncheon get-together ut 11 a.m. on Tuesday, April 14 at Sagebrush of Mocksville. Main Slrecl. Lou Wilson, chancel choir member, will be featured so­ prano soloist. The baritone so­ loist is Neal Sharpe, a UNCG •student. The tenor soloist will be Philip van Lidth de Jeiide, a doctoral student at UNCG. Abdullah Rahman of Winston- Salem will be the guest timpa­ nist. The choir, directed by Bar­ bara Basham, will be accompa­ nied by organist, Tommy Dunn. Learn April Gardening Tips At April 14 Ruritan Meeting As a community service, Jcricho-Hnrdison Ruritan Club will have a program on April 14 at 7 p.m. titled "Planting Sea­ son." This is the second program in the club’s spring series on gardening nnd will focus on plantings and methods for April. A Master Gardener will be on had to answer questions. Everyone is welcome. The club building is on Greenhill Road, Mocksville. F O R K B A P T I S T C H U R C H F A M i l . V I n v i t e s y o u t o o u r Easter Celebration Sunday. Apr» 12 Sonrise Schedule ,7:00 a.m. Sonrise Service 7:45 a.m. Breakfast 8:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Worship FORK BAPTIST CHURCH Hwy 64,1/4 mile west of Hwy 80] F p r m o re in fo rm a tio n c a ll 3 3 6 .9 9 8 .^ 3 0 6 Rev.Robert Garrett, Pastor DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 9,2009 - C3 P e t F a ir S c h e d u le d A t A d o p tio n C e n te r The Humane Society of Davie County’s First Annual Pet Fuir nt the adoption center at 291 Eaton Rond, Mocksville, will be Saturday, May 2 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Rain date is Sunday, May 3 from 1-6 at the center. ‘The Pet Fair will be a duy that is both fun-filled and educational with something for everyone and is being held in conjunction with Be Kind to Animals Week, which normally takes place the first week of May,” snid Dolly Urdanick, society president. There will be pet-reluted, products and services, along with educational programs nnd demonstrutions such us nnimal rehnbilitntion so thut folks cnn leurn more nbout pets. Other uctivities include demonstrations on how animals help people - things like animal tracking, obedience displays nnd ngility demonstrutions. For all of you creative artists, the Pet Fair will include a pet theme tee shirt decorating Contest. Just stop by the adoption ccnter, Cooleemee Town Hall or the Dnvie County Public Librnry during April to purchuse a white t-shirt for $2. "Then hnve lots of fun using your imagination by creating your one-of-a-kind pet theme shirt by painting, scanning, stitching or dyeing,” Urdanick said. 'Then, simply bring your shirt to the Pet Fair and submit it for judging. Prizes will be awarded.” There will be a vaccination clinic for rabies and distemper for dogs and cats. Rabies is an on-going problem in North Carolina and early estimates suggest thnt the number of rabies cases in 2009 may double ' the cases in 2008. Parvo in dogs and Panleukopcnia in cats kill hundreds of animals ncross the state cach year. Several local veterinnrinns have volunteered their time nt the Pet Fair and will be administering rubies vnccines nt $7 per shot nnd distemper/purvo shots to dogs and distempcr/panleukopeniu shots to cats at $ 13 per shot per animal. Food and beverages will be available. "This is a great opportunity for pet owners lo learn more about improving Ihe quality of life for Iheir pet, create their own onc-of-a-kind t-shirt and get their pets vaccinated. If you have any questions, about this event, just give us a call at 751- 5214 or slop by for a visit ut 291 Eaton Road, Mocksvillc. We’ll see you at the May 2 HSDC Pet Fair - und remember - suve n life, udopt n pet, and don’t forget lo have all of your pets spayed or neutered,” C iv il W a r B o o k S ig n in g A p r ii 1 9 D e c o r a t e A T - S h i r t F o r M a y 2 P e t F a ir In conjunction with Ihc upcoming Pet Fair on Saturday, May 2, Ihe Humane Society of Dnvie County is sponsoring a pet-lheme t-shirt decorating contest. During April, and at tho Pet Fair on May 2, people can purchase n blank while t-shirt for $2 and dccorate il in any manner they care to, and submit it forjudging May 2 al 3:30 p.m. Judging will be by age categories. All entries will be on display nt the Brock Center during May. T-shirts may be purchnsed from Jane McAllister at the Davie County Public Librnry, the Cooleemee Town Hull, or at the society’s adoption cenler nt 291 Eaton Road in Mocksville. So get your creative juices flowing and cclebrute spring’s arrivni by decorating a t-shirt with your own limited edition pet theme. Then come to the Pet Fair und enjoy n duy of educution and demonstrations about pels. S u d o k u 1 2 3 4 5 1 6 7 8 9 1 4 1 8 6 5 2 3 7 4 9 5 2 9 1 6 8 4 Solution On Page C5 COOLEEMEE - A book- signing and reception will be held on Sunday, April 19 from 2-4 p.m. at the historic Zachury House. The guests of honor will be Mury Alice Hasty and Hazel Miller Winfree, nuthors of the recently rclcuscd book "The Civil War Roster of Davie County.” Once upon a time Ihc "Miller Sisters” were living on Mnin Street next door lo Purk Hill in Cooleemee. Their dud, George Miller, hud moved nt u young age from Rowan to Davie County to work in tho cotton mill along wilh his twin brother Bill, nftcr their parents died. Both of the Miller giris grew up loving history but nol know­ ing all that much about their own. Their personal search into their Miller ancestors unexpect­ edly turned into a book. They knew that their grund- futher, John Wesley, cnme from Duvidson County. "One afternoon 1 was in the History Room al the library in Mocksvillc. I was having no luck finding anything about his father, Michael Miller. Doris Frye handed me n green colored book und snid, ‘muybe this will help’,” snys Mary Alice. "W iihin three minutes I found out that Nicholas Miller hud nine sons, including Michael, and that seven had died in the Civil War.” The book was a rosier of Confederate troops from Davidson County. Tlien, the Miller sisters discovered an amazing set of family war-ern lellers in Lexington, Soon after, Mary Alice called Hazel and said, "Get up lierc, we’re going to write a book.” Five years of loving la­ bors later, "The Civil War Ros­ ter of Davic County” has been released by McFarland & Co., a world-renowned publisher wilh a base in JclTcrson. Copes, Gobbles, Taylors, Day walls, Wagners, Andersons, Fosters, Smiths. Ijames arc just of Ihe few Davie County fam­ ily names among tlie 1,147 Civil War .soldiers listed. They de­ cided to go beyond simply list­ ing the military records of eacli soldier idenlificd. They com­ posed a short biography that in­ cludes parents names, the out­ comes of Ihc soldier’s military scrvice, whnt happened to them if they returned including mar­ riages and occupations; it even includes where they arc buried. Mary Alicc is n retired school tencher nnd administra­ tor and lived much of her life in Erwin. She lives in Mocksville. Hazel worked in the mill’s lab and then becamc an nd composi­ tor and proofrendcr for the Sulisbury Post. Both hnve the patience required for hours, days and months of research. And, bolh loved the dctcclivc work necessary to uncovering tens of thousunds of fuels. Davie County was not a hot­ bed of secession sentiment nnd voted more thun 2-1 ngainst the slate holding a convention on the muller. But, after Lincoln culled for 73,000 troops lo quell South Carolina and ihe olhcr Confederate Slates, Davic sen­ timents chungcd. Out of u popu­ lation of 6,000, Davie sent over 1,200 ofils men to fight - more than two-thirds volunteered. The book has a list of those who died in the war, some of which arc not listed on the county monument. This book leaves a written record of Iheir lives nnd their servicc for future gencrntions. "Every county should be so fortunate to have a book like this one,” says Jim Rumley, who wrote ''Cooleemee; The Life & ■ Times of a Mill Town." He glndly wrote n foreword for the i)cw book, Mary Alicc Hasty nnd Hazel Miller Winfree will have plenty of books on hand for sulc and will be delighted to inscribe them for purchusers. Refresh­ ments will be served. M e e t V ix e n , a s w e e t a n d e le g a n t lo o k in g lo n g ­ h a ire d so lid R u s s ia n b lu e f e m a le c a t w ith g o ld e n e y e s w h o Is e x c ite d a b o u t fin d in g h e r fo re v e r h o m e . S h e 's ju s t o v e r 1 y e a r o ld (D O B 1 2 /1 6 /0 8 ) a n d w a s r e s c u e d b y th e H u m a n e S o c ie ty of D a v ie C o u n ty from th e D av ie C o u n ty A ni­ m a l S h e lte r. S h e e n jo y s lo ts o f p e ttin g a n d p u rrs w ith h a p p in e s s w ith a tte n ­ tio n . S h e Is w ell s o c ia liz e d a n d d o e s w ell w ith o th e r c a ts . V ixen is u p to d a te o n s h o ts a n d will b e a v a ila b le for a d o p tio n follow ing s p a y s u rg e ry . C a ll th e H S D C A d o p tio n C e n te r a t 7 5 1 - 5 2 1 4 to m e e t th e e le g a n t V ix en. V ie w o t h e r a n im a ls a w a itin g a fo re v e r h o m e a t www.davlenchumanB.org. C r o s s w o r d P u z z l e C R O SS 1. Heaven-sent sustenance 6. Any of twelve popes 10. Piece of aerobics gear 14. Arnold__ Schwarzenegger 15. Hideous sort 16. Word with see- or drlve- 17. Not this or that 19. Equestrian's control 20. Splashy headline 21. Sounds from the sack 23. Not pre- or post- 24. It may be about nothing 25. Daffy Duck or Sylvester of cartoons 29. Hitches up 34. Not hitched 35. Tennis star Sharapova 36. Word with mess or press37. Archaeologist's find 38. Lisa of "The Cosby Show" 39. Battlefield booby trap 40. Body shop fig. 41. Gives a hoot 42. Loyal subject 43. Shipboard mop- wlelder, e.g. 45,1-Ike some salads 46, RoyG. Blv gradation 47, Feathery adornment 48, Sundae topper 51. Repentant 56. Circle dance 57. White-plumed wader 59, MP's quany 60. Icicle's site Amt/iCM PfolUo Hometomt Content 61. Spiral-horned antelope 62. Novel's essence 63. Dell breads 64. IPod selections DOWN 1. Dead-Afloat 2. One of the Baldvtfin brothers 3. PInot__wine 4. Nick's time 5. Red-faced 6 . over (studied) 7. Fictional lab assistant 8. Starbucks vessel 9. Gets a gander of 10. Walked briskly 11. Mount Elbert's range 12. Niagara River source 13. Wordplay from Bennett Cerf IB. Eastern bigwig 22. Dog In "Peter Pan" 25. Roped In 26. Sign on a locked lavatory 27. Sudden reversal 28. Part of a desk set 29. Punished with a stick 30. Assayers' substances 31. Annual b-ball tourney 32. Trace of color 33. niter's mount 35, Daybreak, In verse . 38. Ovine call 39. Bad start? 41. Sonny's ex- partner 42. Can't stomach 44. "On the Road" newsman Charles 45. Cereat-pltching tiger 47. Old radio's Major 48. ^dden and crack 49. Laugh out loud 50. River of Belgium 51. Shoreline shelter 52. Move, to a Realtor 53. An "Axis of Evil" land 54. Chinatown gang 55. Pulls the plug on 58. Thumbs-down , vote Lotsofgom lles... ^ GHifS - ACCHSSOKIKS - W IN Iî' Goiinnet Hems w hpiV ' sboiUlîtlP*Spedaltv Coffees ' . ... М Ш ррЫ Ш is Delicious!  : Ш Ж a ô - a c & e s y WINES from NC Viiievnrds r ‘ ' i. a n ip s Ans'wers On Page C5 So m , • У\|)1ч1 ‘¿ 'I, .'1-7 ji.m. .Siuillcm Viii«y<\ifls ■ i'ricJc\y, Mrty B. 4-7 p.m. Wt-sllxJiicI Vinoyrti'cis ■ I'rlclrty. iJuill' 1Ü Vijie)'<ii4Ìsol Swiiii (jieoic Easy tofind, hard to forget... ' »In the heart ofKinderton Commercial on US 158 • Next to Davie Dennatology and Chiropractic Kasearch 1 block from Meg Brown Home Fumisliings 107A Gleneagles Way, Advance, N C 27006 336.998.2778 j j ^ Hours; Monday-Saturday, 9 Л.Ш. - 5 p.m. a / i d ii a û ie r s ' C4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, April 9,2009 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 9,2009 - C5 : I N Ì h l i 1Ш111 111 w. m. Children flocked to New Union United Methodist Church for an Easier Egg Hunt on Saturday. Above left, children put personal touches on Easter pails, then head out for some egg hunting. S h e ffield -C a la h a ln N e w s By Janice Jordan Shcfficld-Culahaln Correspondent Children in Sheffield enjoyed im Euster Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 4 on tho grounds of New Union United Methodist Church. The Rev. David Cunha captured their attention with a reading of the Easter story. Sandru Dyson has headed this' children’s project for tho church for several years, and everyone agrees that it gets better every year. Each child was able to decorate and personalize his or her own pail before the actual hunt began. Oncc Ihc go-ahead was given, children scattered through Iho woods and grassy areas to Find hidden treasures, In uddition to Dr. Cunha and the .parents who brought children, Sandra was helped wilh this evenl by Mildred Keller, Ruby Buiiey, Brenda Bailey, Wanda Sutphin, Lyn Anderson, Michelle Dyson, Renee Vandall, and Jimmy Bailey. . Spccial observances for Easter Sunday, April 12 Include the combined Sunrise Sciviccs for New Union United Methodist .and Liberty Wesleyan churches beginning at 6:30 a.m. on New U n io n 's grounds at 1869 ShcfField Road. Ijames Baptist Church will hold its Sunrise Service at 7 a.m., followed by a community breakfast in the fellowship hall at 7:30 a.m. Sunday School will follow at 8; 15, but there will nol be an 11 a.m. service. All arc invited to the events at Ijames. On Saturday, April II, a liotdog fundrai.ser will be held on behalf of the William R. Diivie Raiders football tcain and cheerleaders at Triad Dodge, US 601 North in Mocksville from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. In addition to food, there will be inflatables for children to enjoy, along wilh an egg hunt, and a visit by the Easter Bunny. . The Men’s Fellowship of New Union wili hold their next hotdog lunch fundraiser on Saturday, April 25 from II a.m.- 2 p.m. in the church parking lot. Weather permitting, you can eat at the picnic tables under the trees, or may choose take-outs. The Women’s Fellowship will sell doughnut.s. The Humane Socicty of Davie County has a Pet Fair scheduled for Saturday, May 2 ' at their building located at 291 Eaton Road in Mocksville. Many thanks to everyone \yho gave their support to the Sheffield-Calahaln Volunteer Fire Department’s annual Spring Barbeque fundraiser. Traditionally it has been a great way for membBrs of the community lo enjoy a time of socializing while joining together lo help a community cause. It takes a lot of time, planning, and effort to make the venture successful and requires Ihe help of many people. New great-grandparents Paul and Betty Beck and new grandfather, David Bock happily showed everyone ut Ihc fire department supper photos of their newest family member, Madison Leigh Drye. Her arrival was not expected until the ond of April, but she was born on Monday, March 30. She weighed a few ounces less than four pounds and was 16 inches long. Congratulations lo all the grandparents and other fumily members und especiully lo tho new futher and mother, Andy and Brandi Drye. Shcftield-Calahaln’s annual Memorial Service is planned for Siinday afternoon. May 17 at Ihc fire station. Everyone who is interested is invited. The depurlmcnl muintains a memorial garden of stones bearing the names of all deceased firefighters and auxiliary members that are overlooked by a statue of an angel donated by a community family. The service is intended to honor all of those people who gave generously of Iheir lime by volunteering with the department. Refreshments will follow Ihe program, which will be held outdoors, weather permitting and inside, if The William R. Davie Raiders football team and cheerleaders will hold a hotdog fundraiser on Saturday, April 11. C E N TE R B B (i Friday & Saturday, April 17 & 18 P o r k B B Q s o ld a ll d a y , b o th d a y s ‘t i l s o ld o u t Saturday, April 18 Crafts & Vendors (call (336) 407-2744 to reserve craft space) Located on Hwy. 64 West at 140 (Exit 168) • Mocksville — B e h in d T he H is to ric C e n te r A rb o r — Sponsored by; Center Volunteer Fire Dept, and Center Community Development Assoc. neccssary. Further details will be announced. The members hope thut many community residents and any othens who arc interested will join them for the scrvico..-:, V 1-, Featured at the Sheffield Music Hall Saturday night, April 11 will be the Yadkin Valley Boys. Call 704-546-3099 for further information aboul limes and admission. It’s a greut place for family entertainment. Crusher Run w ill play at Diane’s Diner in the County Line community on Friday, April 10 beginning at 6 p.m. They aro scheduled to pliiy al Christopher’s Pizza* in Meadows of Dan, Va. on April Il from 7-10 p,m. For further information . about their schedule or how to obtoin their new CD, call John al 765-6589 or Brenda at 751-7567, The schedule is subject lo changc. Belated best wishes and apologies are offered to young Madison Gobble, whose 6th birthday wus March 26, Thank,s lo her grandmother. Sue Gobble, for sharing the news about Madison’s special day. Additional community birthdays are Susan Beck and Taylor Grace Dyson April 9; April Oltone April 10; Leroy Dyson, Ray Clcury, and Jack Bulley April 11; Hazel Smool, Amy C, Gobble, und Chris Wilson April 13; Payton Tomcl April 14; and Calvlii Prevelte and Theresa Beeson April 15, Annlvcrsurics include Carl and Nell Dyson, Ricky and Linda Vaughn, and Jerry and Eddie Lou Keller, all on April 12, Game Night al Ihe ShefUcId- Calahaln Community Cenier has been scheduled for Friday, May I from 7-9 wilh Ihe doors opening ut 6, Bingo cards thut arc good for 20 games are $5, and u dollar enters you into one cuke wulk. It’s u great family atmosphere and is a lot of fun for all ages. The Community Center and the adjoining Recreation Center are becoming popular locations for all kinds of gatherings, so if you’d like to plan your next family or olher group event al the Comniunity Center, cail Becky Hill at 704- 546-2508 or Judy Wooten at 492-7238. To reserve the Recreation Area, call Lurry or Doris Dyson at 492-5712, Rental rates are reasonubje and the facilities book quickly, Clark Rogers, son of Robert and Creola Gobble Rogers, needs everyone’s prayers as he continues his battle with bladder A dvauice N e w s cunccr, A former minister of music in Virginiu who is, now youth minister at The Cove Church, Clark and his wife, Lisa were told by doctors here In ihc United Sitttes that they have done all they know to try lo cure him. The Iwo have been in Mexico at the Oasis of Hope for additional irealments. Thus fur, the ircatmcnls he has received there have given them hope, but not without many ups and downs,_ Clark has a strong will and everyone around him shares and gets strength from his deep faith. When he is able; he will return home for about four weeks and then go buck to Mexico for another treatment of at least six days, Ijames Baptist Church will hold a fundraiser . spaghetti dinner for Clark and Lisa on Good Friday, April 10 from 5-7 p,m, A website has been set up and you can follow C/ark’,s progress there, plus read more about the supper, www.yadiel,iiel/~fourboys{/ Add Clark Rogers and family and infant Madison Drye and family to your prayer lists, plus any others' in our community who are ill or in need. If you have news or photos to share in our column, please cal! me at 492-5836 or email Jvfjorilan@ holm ail,com. lly Edith Zimmerman Advance Corre.spondent Holy Week services will be held at Advance United Meth­ odist Church tills week begin­ ning with Maundy Service Thursday, April 9 at 7 p,m. Good Friday' service will be at 7 p,m, April 10, Easter Sunrise Service will be Sunday at 6:45 a.m. Worship service will be at Ac c u r a ti C u t Law n S ervice Steve Whitaker, Owner Mowing, Trimming, Edging, Seeding, etc. FREEESTIMATE^ 336-99M419.» 336-250-2668 nxAiilo 11, Palm Sunday was observed Sunday morning with the chil­ dren coming in waving palm branches and marching around the sanctuary several limes, while the congregation sung " Hosanna to the King of Kings" and everyone waving a palm branch. Project 5000 was a success. We filled 78 bugs of groceries for the needy, and was taken to the Storehouse For Jesus for delivery on Palm Sunday, I STRETCH WRINKLED CARPETS Wrinkled Carpet Man 336-998-8402 We welcomed Mrs, Nancy DoLucia home from Florida where she had celebrated her 96th birthday in March, She and her great grandson, Addison DcLucia, were al church Sun­ day, Congratulations to Frankie and Dian Hacketl who cel­ ebrated their 40th wedding an­ niversary Friday, April 3. TVler O’Mara, son of Mark and Apiil O’Mnra, is in basic training al U.S. Air Force Base in Texas. ^dith Zimmerman, Bess Bennett and Cynthiu Summers enjoyed having dinner with their nephew, and cousin, Bob and Pam Collette last Thursday night at the Colielte’s new home on Lake Point Drive, Winston Salem. Virginia Lawrence of Win­ ston Salem was a Saiurday guest of Anna Lee Myers. ^ •Iv|l. A sell-out crowd enjoys the presentation of the play "Saved" by the Piney Grove AfVIE Zion Church Youth f\/llnlstry and the Church Boyz Community Choir at South Davie Middle School. At the end of the play Vickie Turner, director of the play and the youth ministry, was presented a bouquet of flowers. Pastor David Hoover and church members appreciate everyone's support of this event and trust the play has stressed the Importance of adults providing godly role models for youth as they combat gang relations and peer pressure. C o u n ty L in e N e w s By Shirley Thorne Counly Line Corrc.spondcnt Our community is busy this week preparing for the Easter weekend, The Christian observance of Jesus Christ’s death and rcsurrccllon for our sins that all who believe might have everlasting life is the most important event as our churches and community cclebrale His resurrection with sunrise services this Sunday morning; • Calvary Baptist Church will have a sunrise service at 6;30 a.m, with breakfast by the Buptist Men following in Ihc fellowship hull. Sunday school und worship service will be at 10 and 11; there will be no evening scrvico, • Clarksbury Unitod Methodist Church will have a sunrise service at 6;30 a,m, followed by breakfast at 7 a,m, in the fellowship hull, Sunday school will be ut 8; morning . woriihip. 8;55. , • Pleasant View Baptist Church w ill have a sunrise scrvico at 7:15 u,m, with breakfast following in the fellowship hall, Sunday school ' will bo at' 10; morning worship, 11; no evening worship service, • Salem United Methodist Church will join Center United Mclhodlst for a sunrise service al 6;45 a,m, <it Center, Sunday school and morning worship at Salem will be at 9;30 and 10;30, • Society Baptist Church will have a sunrise service at 6;45 a,m, with breakfast following in the fellowship hall. Morning worship will be at 8:30 and 10:30; Sunday school, 9;45; no evening worship service. Our churches invite you to join them for special sunrise services this Sunday morning. Other Easter-related programs this week include two Maundy Thursday services and an Easter egg hutit; • Clarksbury United Methodist Church will have a Maundy Thursday service al 7 p.m, and invite others, • The Ccnier-Salem United Methodist Charge will have a Maundy Thursday service nt 7 p,m. at Cenier United Methodist Church and invite others, • A ll children in the community are inviled to bring u busket nnd come lo un Enster egg hunt at 2 p.m. Sulurduy, April 11, nt Plensunt View Baptist Church, followed by refreshments for everyone. In preparation for sunrise services at church cemeteries, many follow local tradition of plocing flowers on the graves of loved ones. If you placed your flowers enrly, be sure to check on them us there have been strong winds. It’s nice to have our cemeteries beautiful; please Crossword Answers remember to remove Christmus und other old flowers if you huve not done so ulrcudy, Piney Gr6ve AME Zion Church will have u special buptismul service at 10 a,m, Friday, April 10, Have Good Friday off and don’t want lo cook? Then join others in the area at the fish fry fundraiser at Piney Grove, Serving will begin at II u,m. The cost is $7 for a plate of fish, baked beans, slaw, dessert, roll, and drink. Small fish sandwiches are $3 each; lurge fish sandwiches, ,$4 euch, Eut in or tnke out. Proceeds will benefit community projects. The Bnptist Men of Socicty will meet ut 7 n,m, Snturdny, April 11, in the fellowship hall. The men plun to enjoy n delicious breakfast and then do some landscaping on the church grounds. They invite others. The United Methodist Women of Clarksbury will meet nt 6:30 p,m, Monday, April 13, ut the homo of Alice Absher on NC 901. Anita Ingram nnd Alice w ill present the program “Treasure Hunt,” The women w ill enjoy u period of refreshments and fellowship nnd invite others. The Women, on Mission of Culvnry Bnptist Church will meet ut 7 p,m, Tuesday, April 14, in the fellowship hull. The program wili emphnsize North American missions und the Annie Armstrong Eujiter offering. The women invite others to join them for the program followed by refreshments and fellowship, • Upcoming community events include the Piney Grove AME Zion Church 170th nnniversnry celebrution Sunday, April 19, nnd rcvivnl services nightly April 26-29 nl Soc|cly Bnptist Church, Tuesdny of lust week County Line nnlive Joe Towell wns named executive vice president and chief ■ ttdminislrntivc officer/chief credit officer for the Yndkin Valley Bank & Trust Co, and its parent Yndkin Valley Financial Corp, Joe is u son of the lute Reid and Veairice Jones Towell of Davie Academy Road, A graduate of Davie High School, Joe graduated from Appalachian Slate University and began his banking/finunciul career us u finnncinl unulyst for the U,S, Department of Commerce, He joined First Union Corp, in 1983 and remained there •through 2001, He then joined Putnam Investments in Boston and served us portfolio manager and team leader, Joe and his wife reside on Duvie Acudemy Road, Congratulations, Joe; our community is proud of you and your accomplishments. Sudoku Solution п в п в п р а ííí¥nÚ а п в 1 п п в 5 6 1 9 7 4 2 8 3 4 8 2 5 3 1 7 6 9 3 7 9 6 8 2 1 5 4 9 3 5 1 2 7 6 4 8 1 4 7 8 9 6 3 2 S 8 2 6 4 S 3 9 1 7 2 1 3 7 4 8 5 9 6 7 S 4 2 6 9 8 3 1 6 9 8 3 1 5 4 7 2 Several area vocalists and musicians joined the youth ministry In.conveying the massage of the play, in­ cluding Keith Holland, Tameia Tatum of New Jerusalem Holiness Church accompanied by Piney Grove Youth, Perreli Brown of Smith Chapel Holiness Church, and the Anointed Vessels of the Carolinas. Our community sends get- well wishes to Clara Evuns, Ruth Greene, and W.C, “DocHer” Harris. Clara was hospitalized last week and is recuperating at home. Ruth hnd surgery at Wake Forest, University Baptist Medical Center last week. Docker has pneumonia and is in Iredell Memorial. Lee Cartner hus improved and is in rehub. Paula Cartner continues to improve but remains under the care of Duke University Medical Cenier, Please join us as we pray for the Lord’s divine healing and blessings in the lives of Clara, Ruth, Docker, Lee, Puulu, nnd others who nre. huving heulth problems. Also, pleuse continue to prny for those who ure fucing finunclul, muritnl, und other problems, Pniy lhat we will trust the Lord for guidnnce nnd Ihnnk Him for our mnny blessings, I Thcssnlonians 5;IB snys, "In everything give thnnks; for this i^ the wili of God in Christ Jesus concerning you,” Hnve n snfe, hnppy Easier weekend, t FORK BAPTIST CHURCH (HWY 64 E 'A MILES WEST OF 801) IS HAVING A U N EASTER EGG HUNT SATURDAY APRIL 11 4:00 p,m, - 7:00 p,m. FOOD, GAMES "SPECIAL'' EASTER EGG HUNT DUNKING BOOTH AND OTHER SPECIAL AnRACTIONS LOTS OF CANDY PRIZES TOO! IT’S ALL FREE!!!!! COME JOIN THE FUN Robert F. Garrett Pastor C6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 9,2009 15' ]' r !Ilf" y f ■ I u I p ' 1'^ -I h ' ■ 0;l i; FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH H o l y W e e k S e r v i c e s April 9-12mw.Mqundy Thur»day (7:30 p.m.) Dramalic RoonactmonI of the Loot Supper, Communion, Tenobroe Readings ' Good Friday (12 Noon) Combined Worship wilh Second Presbyterian Church Eq»»er Sunrise Service (7:00 a.m.) Joppa Cemetery (Yodkinviiie Road) - Worship wilh Communion Rain Location; First Presbyterian Church, 261 S. Main SIreel Easter Worfhip ( 11 ;00 a.m.) Sunday School; Tho True Easter Story (9;45)Mariner's Coffee (10;30-11 a.m.)Worship with Choir Easier Cantata (11 a.m.) 261 South Main Street, Mocksville • 751-2507 H O W AR D REAtrY 330 s. Salisbury St, Mocksville Call 751-3538 or visit www.howanlreany.com For more Information on rentals, please call 336-751-<3539, Ext. 100 6 Bedrooms, 2 Baths. Fencod Inground pool.2 Bodrooms, 1 Bath, 1.74+/- acres.4 Bedrooms, 3 Baths, with 2 half baths. 292 Magnolia Ave. 2 Bodrooms, 1 Bath, lull basomonl.4 Bedrooms. 2.5 Baths, OWNER ANXIOUSI 4 Bodrooms. 3.S Baths, ABOVE AVERAGE CONDITIONI Call for Available Land Listings. 342 s. Salisbuiy St;............ 116 Harper St. WS:.......... A v a i l a b l e R e n t a l s ....2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths...............2 Bedrooms, 1 Balh....................$750 p/m ...............$750 p/m N O W O P E N ! Donald Eugene Myers Donald Eugene Myers, 67, of NC 801 S., Advanco, died Friday, April 3, 2009, at Frye Regional Medical Center, in Hickory. Bom in Forsyth County Feb. 18, 1942, he was the son of the late Marvin nnd Helen Sally Orrell Myers. He was a dairy former und member pf Mocks United Methodist Church. Survivors; a brother, Jimmy (Polly) Myers of Advunce; and 3 sisters, Jeun Dzeskewicz of Winston-Sulem, Betty (Rich- urd) Horn of Bust Bend and Put (Terry) Idol of Kernersville. He wus preceded in death by his wife, Ethel Little Myers, and a brother, Kermit Myers. A gruveside servicc to cel­ ebrate the life of Mr. Myers wus held Sunduy, April 5 nt 3 p.m. in the Mocks United Methodist Church Ceinctcry with the Rev. Jonnthun Bruke ofriciuting. Online condolcnces: ivvv.tl'. da viefime.ntlservice. com. '// / ///< ////'< , ///< / " i'i.i ' ' ' 'Helen W, Ratledge ' ' 1923 - 2009 .. ' .WOODLEAf Robert G. Smith Jr. 1960 - 2009 Advance (ta Lucille C. Howard 1916 . 2009 HESTON, VA Dorothy D, Moore 1921 .,2009 MocKsviLui; WiImM, Miller Died Much 28,2069; FARMINGTON ' " ' Clara M. Honeycutt ..I939 - 2009 ”»T ,;!j Ralph LHernsmith 1924 - 2009 COOLEEMEE ‘ ';0 - Lois M. Smith, Died March 18, 2009 NORFOLK,VA «I Thomas Ç. Smith 1923 - 2(K)9 COOLEEMEE Wayne Emanuel Heath Wnyne EmunucI Hcuth, 43, died unexpectedly Murch 21, 2009 in Rounoke, Vu. ' He was born in Bronx, N.V. March 1, 1966, und spent his eurly years , in Winston- Sulem. He gruduuted from Norlh F o rs y th High School in 1984. While in Winston-Sriiem he wns em­ ployed ut Oldtown Veterinury Hospital und the local police de­ partment. In Roanoke he was employed ut Fred Whituker Co. He wus preceded in death by his sister, Adriune A. Heath; his father, Joe L. Henth; his grund- inother, Jessie L. Stuton; his grandfather, Charlie G. lines (who wus a tnember of Clem­ ent Grove Church in Mocks­ ville). Survivors: his daughter, Chrishunn Ashlee Robertson; his mother, Annie I. Hcuth; his sister, Deonu L. Hcuth; 2 nieces, Diunne O. Heath nnd Murqueu A. Hcuth; u nephew, Montise L. Henth; u grcut-nicce, Adriune E. Henth; u grcut-nephew, Alexunder E. Henlh; 2 devoted friends, Cupt. Thompson of Winston-Snlem und Billy Fcrnundez Ruy of Ronnoke; other rolntivcs and friends. A memorinl service wns held Stindny, April 5 ut 2:30 p.m. nt Ephesus Seventh Duy Adventist Church, Rounoke, with Pustor Godwin Mitchell officiuting. The fumily received friends nt the church 30 minutes before the service. Inuniment will be April 12 ut 11 a.m. ut Clement Grove Church of God of Mocksviilc. Online condolcnces: GraimmFimeratHome.net. « Conveniently located on Hwy 601 near Lowe's Home Improveméni The Wake Forest Baptist Healthcare Center - Davie provitJes primary care, occupational medlclrte, and a walk-in clinic treating non-emergency Injury and illnesses. Also included are a laboratory and a radiology department. Walk-in Clinic Monday through Saturday, 9a.m, to 9p.m. Sunday, 1p.m. to 9p.m. Primary Care , / by appointment, Monday through Friday 8a.m. to Noon and 1p.m. - 5p.m. Occupational Medicine Monday through Friday, 8a.m. to 4;30p,m. Traditional hospital services, Including surgeries, Inpatient beds for both ocifte care and swing bed status, the gastrointestinal lab, physician clinics, radiology, laboratory and the 24-hour Emergency Department, w ill remain at Davie County Hospital. W ake F orest U n iv e rs ity B a p tist Healthcare Center-Davie G e t I t W e e k l y K eep up w ith w h a t’s h a p pe n in g in D a vie C o u n ty w ith a s u b s c rip tio n to the E n te rpri.se R ecord. O n ly $ 2 0 p e r y e a r in N o rth C a ro lin a 1-877-751-2120 Kenneth Earl Smith The Rev. Kenneth Eurl Smith, 85, of the Four Comers Community of Duvie County, died Thurs­ day, April 2, 2009. He was born July 21, 1923, in H ettinger C o u n ty , N.D. to the lute Charles Augustus nnd Ivu Belle Bnker Smith. Mr. Smith was u member of Courtney Buptist Church in Yndkinville where he sung in the choir and hnd been a Sunday school teacher. He wus u veteran of the U.S. Army having served during World Wnr II. Mr. Smith wns retired from Mclenn Truck­ ing Co. and hnd worked ut 801 Shell where he wus known ns Colonel. Mr. Smith enjoyed gur- dening in his spure time. He wus nlso preceded in denth by his first wife, Charlotte Scuts Smith; a sister, Lucille Smith; 2 brothers, Cusey nnd Doc Smith; und u grnndson, Joshua Smith. Survivors: his .second wife, Bettie Shelton Smith of the home; 6 sons, Charles "Muggs" (Robin) Smith of Mocksville, Ronnie Smith of Toccon, Gu., Thomus “Zlcro" (Putty) Smilh of Mocksviilc, Dunny Smith of Advnnce, Richard (Beth) Smith of Winston-Salem und Elliott (Lindu) Smith of Dobson; 12 grundchildren; 3 greut-grnnd- children; u stepduughtcr, , Pntricin Polls (Terry) Hnmm of Cnroiinu Bench; u stepson, Jerry (Toni) Potts of Mocksviilc; 4 stcpgrundchildrcn; 2 stepgrcnt- grnndchildren; u sister, June (John) Franks of Rochester, Minn.; n sister-in-luw, Alice Smilh of H ill City, S.D.; u dnughler-in-lnw, Lindu (Keith) Lnlhnm of Mocksviilc; and sev- crnl nieces und nephews. A funeral service was con­ ductcd ut 1 p.m., Saturday, April 4, at Courtney Baptist Church with the Rev. Ricky Atkins of- ficinting. BurinI followed in the cliurcli cemetery, wilh Militnry Honors conducted by the Vet­ erans of Foreign Wur Memorinl Honor Gunrd. The fumily re­ ceived friends Sulurduy, April 4, ut the church. Memorials: Hospicc/Pnlliu- tive CureCenter, 377 Hospitnl St., Ste 103, Mocksville; or Courtney Buptist Educntional Building Fund, 3341 Courtney Church Road, Yadkinville, 27055. Online condolcnces: it'ii'iv. ealonfiineralservlce. com. Ceuinth Edsier lA/UClM On Easter Sunday, April 12, First Baptist Church, Mocksville is offering three unique ivorship celebrations. You are invited to come and celebrate the resurrection with us. 8:30 Contemporary Worship: T his service w ill, include o u r usual contem porary w orship fo rm a t w ith contem porary praise m usic led by our praise team. 9:46 Blended Worship: This service w ill blend elements o f both contem porary and tra d itio n a l worship. In ad d itio n, children (K-Bth grade) w ill begin the service in the sanctuary and then move to the Fellow ship H a ll fo r a C hildren’s W orship Service led by Associate Pastor M iles C atlett. 11:00 Traditional Worship: T his tra d itio n a l worship service w ill include tra d itio n a l hym ns o f Easter and m usic by o u r Sanctuary Choir, F i r s t B a p t i s t C h u r c h 390 North Main Street • Mocksville • (336) 751-5312 (across from llie Davie Counly Public Library} Ijames Plans Easter Services Ijames Buptist Church will have Easter Sunrise Service at 7 u.m. on Sunduy morning. Brcukfust will be served ut 7:30, und Sunday School will begin nt 8:15. Everyone is invitcd.There will be no 11 u.m. worship servicc on Euster Duy. The church is ut Sheffield nnd ljumes Church rouds, Mocks- villc. Easter Celebrations At Blaise Children may visit Blaise Baptist Church (US 601 North ut 'l- 40, Mocksville ) on Saturday, April 11 from 9:30-11 u.m. The colebrution will include n puppet show, jumping ensile, crufts, snucks and nn egg hunt. Ail urc welcomc. Euster Sunday begins wilh u Sunrise Servicc ut 7 u.m. ibl- lowed by brenkfust ut 7:20. The regulnr worship service will be ut 9:30 u.m. Bible fellowship will be held ut 8:15. There will be no evening service. G reat E aster Vigil Saturday A t Good S h eph erd Church Good Shepherd Episcopnl Church will hold u Grcut Enster Vigil on Snturdny April 11 nt 8 p.m. The church is ut Ihe corner of Church Street and ¿ross streets, Cooleemee. Ail ure welcome. P r e s b y t e r i a n B r e a ! < f a s t S a t u r d a y A community brcnkfnsi will be held from 6-10 a.m. Suturday, April 11 ut Mock.svilic First Presbytcrinii Cliurch, Soulh Main Street. Donations will be ncccpted. F e i i o w s t i i p B a p t i s t P la n s S e n / ic e s Fellowship Baptist Church, Rninbow Road, Advancc, will host an Easier Sunrise Service nt 6:30 n.m. on April 12. Members invite others to join them us tiiey celebrate the.resurrection of Jisus Christ. For more informntion, contact Pastor Wayne Swisher nt 909-1808. ■ M a i n v i l l e A M E Z i o n l - l o l d i n g Y o u th R e v i v a l Muinville AME Zion Church, 210 Mnin Church Roud, Mocksville will host u spring youth revivul Monday, April 13- Snturduy, April 18, with services ut 7 nightly Mondny-Friday and Suturduy moming ut 10. Speukcrs will be: Mondny, the Rev. J.J. Rice, Refuge Community Cluirch; TucsUny, the Rev. Tumclu Tutum, New Jerusulcm Apostolic Church: Wednesday, the Rev. Gloria L. Thomas, Mainville; Thursday, the Rev. Rodney Barker, Refuge; Friduy, the Rev. Matthew Vnughters, New Resurrection Life Christiun Center; nnd Sulurduy, the Rev. Nettye Burber of New Jerusulcm. Tushu Rice will loud u workshop for the youlh on Suturday, and Robin Pulliam and Hazel Dillard will lend u workshop for children. To Icnrn more, cull 751-9146. Easter Sen/ices A t Farmington. UI\/IC Furmington United Methodist Church will hold several Enster services during ihis Holy Week. There will bo u Muundy Thursdny Scrvice on April 9 nl 7 p.m. On Sunday, April 12, n Furmington Community Euster Sunrise Service will be held ut 6:30 am at Ihe church and ending at the Farmington Communily Cemetery. Easier Morning Worship Ser­ vice will begin at 11 with special music by Ihc Handbell Choir. Members invito everyone to these special services. C o u r t n e y H o s t i n g S u n r is e S e n / ic e Courtney Baptist Church, Courtney Church Road, Yadkinville, will hold un Euster Sunrise Service ut 6:30 n.m. on April 12. The public is invited. Jerusalem C antata Sunday Jerusulcm Buptist Church, 3203 US 601 S., Mocksville, wiil present the Euster Cuntutn “ In The Presence of Jehovnh" on Sun­ day, April 12, ut 10:30 n.m. All nre invited. The Rev. Donnie E. Chnpmun.is pastor. To learn more, call 284-2328 or visit www.jbcmock.ivilie.org. Breakfast Saturday At Mocks Mocks United Methodist Church, Beauchnmp nnd Mocks Church roads. Advance, will host a country ham nnd tenderloin brenkfast on Saturday, April 11 from 6:30-10 n.m. The menu, ent in or take out, also includes eggs, grits, sausage gravy, biscuits nnd beverages. The breakfast is sponsored by the Mocks United Methodist Men. Proceeds will benefit Ihe minis­ tries and projects of Ihe UMM. E aton s B a p tist Churciy P lan s H oiy W eek S en /ic es Eatons Baptist Church will hold Holy Week nnd Enster ser­ vices this week. A Muundy Thursdny service is scheduled for April 9 uy 7 p.m. The Lord’s Supper will be celebrated. The church will host un Enster Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 11 from 2-4 p.m. Children should bring their Easter baskets. Refresh­ ments will be provided. . There will be nn Easter Sunrise Service in Ihe cemetery on Sunday at 6:48 a.m. A time of food und fellowship will follow. At the 11 u.m. service, the udult choir will present Ihe cantata. Arise, My Child. All arc.invitcd and there is no charge for any of the activities. For directions or more information, visit www.ealonsbapiisi.com or contact the pastor, David Gilbrcnth at 998-6)49. Spaces Open For Spring Fiing At Bailey’s Chapei i\/1ethodist Bailey’sChnpel United Methodist Churcli is planning its Spring Fling for May 2 starting nt 8 a.m. Spaces are available for $10. Call Sue nt 336-972-3550 or Bonnie at 998-5553 to reserve a space to sell crafts, business, or yard sale items. . ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 9,2009 - C7 J e s u s s a id u n to h e r, I a m th e r e s u ir e c tio n , a n d th e li f e : h e th a t b e lie v e th in m e , th o u g h 1 6 w e r e d e a d , y e t s h a ll le liv e : a n d w n o s o e v e r liv e t h a n d b e lie v e th in m e s h a ll n e v e r d ie . B e lie v e s t th o u th is ? Uoim 11:25-26} T h is m e s s a g e b r o u g h t to y o u b y th e s e lo c a l b u sin e sse ;s w h o e n c o u r a g e y o u to w o r s h ip a t th e c h u r c h o f y o u r c h o ic e . CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Shook Slroot Mocksvillo, NC 27028 336-751-2167 ( X p is T AUTO PARTS DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 072 Main Church Rd. MockBvlllo. NC 2702H 336-751-9144 MOCKSVILLE AUTOiVIGTIVE B04 S. Main St. Mocksvillo. NC 27028 336-751-2944 W.G. WHITE &C0. 850 N. Trade St. Winston-Snlom, NC 27102 336-723-1669 GENTLE MACHINE &TOOLINC. 2716Hwy. 601 N Moct<sville. NC 27028 336-492-5055 Fax: 336-492-S04a JERRY'S MEAT PROCESSING Wo CuBtom Meat Proce«» Boot • Pork - Deer 30 years experience 802 Ralph RmloOoo Rd • Mocliovlllo 336-492-5496 ¡lA Y W O R m -M liX l'R i^LINliiUi, I lOMli lOS liiisi KimlrrtniiW.iy Advancc, NC 27006 336.940.SSS5 F U L L E R № 8 iir Precision Laser Cutting A Metal Fabrication B80 Salisbury Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-3712 FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Vallay Road Mocksville. NC 27028 336-751-2141 1‘tt .u rlpiion Ciill In: 336-753-DRUG Put This Space 1b Work For You Call 336-751-2129 <á\RTER tS7 YAdkin Vflltoy RonU • Siiito 210 Advai'co, NC 336-940-2341».•j/ifrr C'wfi w//.*m-»/ru-0. rr <0 » Cniiy A. f. IW Vk » MJrtiii C. «wi.t, VIt hvsi. s H E D s w m m m p ^ • sto ra g e ButldinQs (Wood â Aluminum) • C arports & Q arûges Cuiiirnitinent u( Dtolhci to Brutliei 6 r^ith In Go(i 1668 Hwy 64 W • Mocksville llmmy Qocllchci (336) 492-5418 I S FULLER Archlteciure«9 Covit Sqgoro 200 NVK.ku.llü,>^ 2/030 p; 33A.751.0400 PROUDLY DESIGNING DAVIE CHURCHES 336-751-0400 nllPalletOneA PALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot'Road Mocksvillo, NC 27028 336-492-5565 MITUMNCARE OF MOCKSVILLE 1007 Howard St. Mocksville 751-3535 Ca l l 751-2129 TO A dvertise Y our B usiness on t e Church Page . EATON FUNERAL HOME SiNCl- I9,H ' 325 North Main Street Mocksville. NC 27028 336-751-2148 C8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 9,2009 / ! |ÍS!; ' ) U ' '■ \ i Í :• i' |>.j ( I::- t Pino News By Nora Latham Pino Correspondent Wesley Ciiapel Ünited Metliodist Cliurcli was pleased to have Brittany Gobble visit lor worship and social time following the worship service. She came with her grandfather, Vernon Dull. There will be a Maundy Thursday scrvice on April 9 at 7 p.nj .at Farmitigton UMC. On . April 10, there will be Good Friday .service at 7 p.m. at Wesley Chapel. The worship service on Easter Sundny at Wesley Chapel will begin at 8 n.m. with breakfast following in the fellowship hall. One Sunday school class will be held in the fellowship hall wilh Betty West teaching. The April breakfast will be Saturday, April 18, from 6:30-10 a.m. There is continuing Bible study each Wednesday morning nt 10:30. Lonnie Gene Miller is improving dnily at the home of his parents, Gene and Marie Miller. Please continue to prny for him. Luther West is continuing to improve from his latest health problems although he still does not^ feel strong enough to start his garden. He is a great gardener. Every year he grows n big garden .so he will have enough to give away to the community. Bob and Kathy Ellis enjoyed a quick visit from his daughter, Amy nnd her 3 boys, Dnniel, Dniton und Nathan Kato last weekend. Amy and her boys are from Jacksonville, Fla. On Friday they all visited Stone Mountain State Park in North Carolina. Tho boys had never been in the mountains so it was a great adventure for them. 4 Corners News Sanford Completes Army Basic Training Army National Guard Pvt. Jonnthnn R. Sanford hns gradu­ ated from bnsic combnt trnining at Fort Jnckson, Columbia, S.C. During the nine weeks of training, Ihc soldier studied the Army mission, history, tradition and core values, physical fit­ ness, and received instruction and practice in bnsic combnt skills, military weapons, chemi- cnl wnrfnre nnd bayonet train­ ing, drill and ceremony, march­ ing, rifle mnrksninnship, nrmed nnd unnrmcd combnt, map read­ ing, field tactics, military cour­ tesy, military justice system, ' basic flrst aid, foot marches, and field training exercises. Sanford is the son of Ken­ neth nnd Theresn Snnford of Nancy Enster Loop, Mocksville. Carolina Furniture Sales Antique and Unique Furniture and Accessories Great Tilings’ Great Prices'Great Idea! S<il(' { D a y s O n ly I ri, S .il iSi M o n A p ril 10, I I i l 15 S .ilc I ri, III-7 , S .\l. I l l - l , M m Come by and see our new selection of furniture. 3808 CleiDions Hoad, Clemmons * 712-8244 (behindBailin Dance Sludlo on 158) By Marie While Four Comers Correspondent The Easter Sunrise Servicc will be held Sundny, April 12 nt Courtney Baptist Church at 6:30 a.m. followed by breakfast in tlie multi-purpose room. Sun­ day School will begin nt 8:30 n.m. und the moniing worship service will be at 9 n.m. There will be no evening service. We extend our sincere .sym­ pathy to the fnmily of the Rev. Kenneth Smith. He was a resi­ dent in our community. His ser- vice was held Saturdny nt Courtney Bnptist Church. Easier Season As we celebrate the Easter season, Let IIS not forget the reason. He died on the cross we a ll know, Wors-hip and love fo r Him show. Helping others as our Lord commands us to do, And always be fa ith fu l and true. Thank you. Lord, fo r shoiw- ing us the way. And we’ll meet fa m ily and friends in Heaven some .sweet day. Have a .\i\fe and Happy Eas­ ter! W a y , W a y , W a y M o r e W a y s T o S a v e ! W n d W e id ite s d a y s S c h e d u le 2 0 0 9 January 7 AprU 22 5 Shirts Suits/Dresses Jam iaryl4 April 29 5 ShirtsSuits/Dresses January 21 May 6 Comforters/Rugs 5 Pants January 28 May 13 5 Psmts Comforters/Rugs February 11 Blazers/Sklrts May 20 Suits/Dresses February 18 May 27 Suits/Dresses 5 Sfiirts February 25 June 3 5 Pants 5 Pants March 4 June 10 5 Shirts Blazers/Sklrts/ Sweaters March 11 Blazers/Sweaters June 17 Suits/Dresses March 18 5 Pants June 24 5 Shirts March 25 Suits/Dresses iZ i A p rili 5 Shirts Comforters/Rugs April 8 Blazers/Skirts AjprU 15 5 Pants Suits/Dresses lifts July 29 5 Pants August 5 Bla'/.crs/Skirts August 12 Suits/Dresses August 19 5 Shirts August 26 5 1’ants September 2 (Jomforters/Riigs September 9 Suits/Dresses September 16 5 Shirts September 23 5 Pants September 30 Comforters/Uugs October 7 Suits/Dresses October 14 5 Shirts October 21 Blazers/Sweaters October 28' 5 Pants ■ Novem ber 4 Suits/Dresses Novem ber 11 5 Shirts Novem ber 18 Blazers/Skirts Novem ber 25 5 Pants Decem ber 2 Suits/Dresses Decem ber 9 Comforters/Rugs Decem ber l6 5 Shirts Decem ber 23 5 ftints Decem ber 30 Blazers/Sweaters Suits $6.99 • Reg. Dresses $6.99 - Sports Coals/Blazcrs $,í. i9 ■ Sweaters $3. i9 Skirts$3.19-Comforters$17.99 - 51’ants$19.99 - 5Sliirts$8.99 • Ktijjs$1.89sq./ft. 2600 L e w is v iU e -C le m m o iis R d ., C le m m o n s 7 6 6 -4 0 4 1 1 9 1 L o w e s F o o d D r., L e w is v ille 9 4 6 -2 3 8 3 1 1 0 C o m o tn erce D r. (a t B e rm u d a Q iia y ), A v a n c é 9 4 0 -2 7 7 6 T im o th y S m ith h a n g s a b ird f e e d e r In a tr e e a t th e F a rm in g to n C o m m u n ity C e n te r. Fa^rninéton News By Laura Mathis. Farmington Correspondent On Monday, April 6, the Clover Club, a homeschool 4- H club, met at the Fnnnington Community Center. The group hnd n specini guest, John Wood of Furming­ ton, who gnve a presentation on bluebirds. He said there are about 10,000 species of birds in the world and about 950 are in the U.S. Like other species, bluebirds have lost some of their habitat due to construction. Bluebirds are unique, in that, they have a beautiful blue color and are easy to attract. They are a bit picky about where they nest, though. For instance, the entrance, whether it be in tho knot of a tree or in n bird house, the size of the hole mnkes nil the difference. They will not nest there if it is Iho hole is either' too big or loo small. They also prefer to nest in an open area, making it harder for them to flnd good nesting sights. Bluebirds eat lots of insects, es­ pecially mosquitoes, making them bendficial to have around. After the presentation, Mr. Wood directed club members on how to build bluebird houses, Mr. Wood had prepared kits for tho club to put together. Club members worked in pairs to complete 10 bird houses. Mr Wood told the club lhat by set­ ting out these 10 bluebird houses there could be more lhan 100 baby birds born within 10 yenrs. Tho houses will be plnced on the proposed pnrk property, lo- cnted behind the community center, in Mny. Mr Wood snid lhat Iho correct placomont of these bird houses will help in­ sure that tho houses will be used by bluebirds, rather than their competitivo neighbors, the Eu­ ropean Spnrrow. Tho houses nre part of n pinn to incrense wild­ life on tho property, by increas­ ing habitat nrens. The Junior Clover Buds did their part, too. They worked on preparing pine cono bird feed­ ers to hung in trees around the community center. The club would like to thank John Wood for his presenlation and time in preparing tho bird houses. They would also like lo thank the Farmington Ruritans for supplying funds for the houses. A reminder of events at our local churches for Easter Sun­ day. Fnnnington Baptist Chtirch will have an Easter Breakfast, free lo the public, slartitiig at 9 a.in. Farmington United,Meth­ odist Church will have an Eas­ ter Sunrise Service nt 6:30 a.m. After Ihc scrvicc, they will con­ tinue wilh their regular sched­ uled Sundny School at 10 a.m. and worship service at 11. Cornerstone Christian and Green Meadows Baptist churches will have their regu­ lar scheduled services. J o h n W o o d te a c h e s h o m e -s c h o o l 4 -H c lu b R iley K irk p atrick a n d IVlatt S te v e n s m e m b e rs h o w to build a b lu e b ird h o u s e . w o rk o n a b lu e b ird h o u s e . Clarltsvillè News By Marcia Lambe Clarksville Correspondent Everyone enjoyed the Palm Sunday Sing at 13enr Creek Bap­ tist Church. New Union, Eatons, Union Chapel and Chestnut Grove Church choirs partici­ pated in Ihe singing and then enjoyed refreshments in the fel­ lowship hall served by the North Davie Ruritan Club. Bear Creek will havo a Eas­ ter Egg hunt Saturday at 1:30. Get well wishes lo Lewis Freeman and Ronnie Culler. Birthday wishes to Chris Driver on the I Ilh, and Amy Wnlson on tho 15th. Our thoughts nnd prnyers nre with the fnmily of Frnnkie Fowler. I hope everyone hns n snfe nnd wonderful Easter weekend. To include items in this col­ umn, conlnct Marcia Lambe at mandypris.iy@ yadtel.net, 492- 2235. № valu* oup "good" nolghbors. ** Present this coupon and get ¡J 2 0 9 ^ O F F your entire purchase. ■ Excludes Alcohol. Tiiiioi(«iE«pirii(4.)m. ■ C IM A R R O N S T E A K H O U S E 3 2 4 0 SO U TH STR A TFO R D R O A D 3 3 6 .7 1 2 ,4 6 8 9■ a ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■.■■■ ■ ■ [U CIM ARRON STEAKHOUSE 3260 SOUTH STRATFORD ROAD 336.712.4689 H our« Mon 11am - 9pm/Tue» . Thur« 11am • lOpm/S^'t 4 ’- 11pm S t u d e n t s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 9,2009 • D1 D avie H igh S tu d e n ts In A n n u a l E n viro th o n Environmental educator Gail Lomiec brings the tools of her trado to the Area 8 Envirothon at Ihe Center for tho Environment at Cntnwbn College - coyote furs and bobcat skulls, owl wings nnd hawk talons. The lessons abound: An owl’s fringed wings make no . noise; plant-eating animals, like beavers, have different teeth from meat-eating animals like bobcats. The Envirothon brought more than 220 students and a host of advisors and volunteers lo Ihe center for the competition sponsored by the Area 8 Soil and Water Conservation Districts. The top seven teams will go to Ihe state competition' April 24-25 at Cedarock Park in Alamance County. The Envirothon is an event for high school and middle school loams lo compete in natural resources knowledge and ecology. Five-member teams allonded informative presentations in the morning and were tested on thoir knowledge in the afternoon. Topics ranged from aquatics and current environmental issues to forestry, soils and wildlife. Area 8 includes Anson, Cabarrus, Cleveland, Davidson, Davie, Gaston, Iredell, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Stanly and Union counties. The competition is open to ecology clubs. Girl and Boy Scout troops, FFA chapters, 4H clubs and home-sludy, environmental and vocational agriculture groups. The purpose is to help young people become more aware of their impact on Ihe environment. “If they are more knowledgeable, they will mako better decisions about complex environmental issues,” says Andy Miller, chair of the Southern Piedmont Envirothon Committee. Kurt Cribb, the center’s special projects coordinator, notes lhat the center staff is pleased to host Ihe annual competition. “We are glad to be involved with an event that helps to connect young people wilh the natural worid,” he says. "If they know about it and core about it, they will be more likely to preserve our natural resources and recognize the value of a healthy environment.” G all L e m le c , e n v iro n m e n ta l e d u c a to r w ith th e M e c k le n b u rg C o u n ty P a r k s a n d R e c re a tio n D e p a rtm e n t, s h o w s a n im a l fu rs to h ig h s c h o o l s tu d e n ts J o h n S an fillp p o a n d K ali D a v is o f D av ie C o u n ty . T h e s e s tu d e n ts a r e g o o d frie n d s to e v e ry o n e - G ra c e G a rn e r, B ro o k e S m ith a n d H olly R o g e rs M atty M cK nIg h t a n d M a d d ie G ra c e B ell a r e all s m ile s h a v in g lu n c h w ith s tu d e n t te a c h e r , A b b y H a rtm a n . C h risty K en n e y , 2 n d g ra d e te a c h e r , h e lp s T a la H ic k s w ith a w ritin g a s s ig n m e n t. Autism A w a re n e s s Shady Grove Students Celebrate Unique Skills Shady Grove Elementary School participated in World Autism Awareness Day Thurs­ day, April 2. The United Nations declared this day a worldwide event with this disorder on Ihe rise. One in every 150 children are diag­ nosed wilh autism. Students, staff and parents wore green to celebrate Ihe unique skills and talents people with autism have and communicate how impor­ tant it is to be patient and help those with Ihe autism disorder. Autism is a developmental disorder lhat causes people to have difficulty in social situa­ tions, Although much research is being done on Ihe subject, no­ body knows for sure what causes autism or what triggers Ihis disorder. Maureen Gildein, Shady Grove principal, sees the frus­ tration of the parents of students who have autism. "This is a very puzzling dis­ order because we do not know Ihe exact cause and no one treat­ ment or therapy works for ev­ eryone - there is trial and error here but wo are seeing many successes. This is not like a headache or a broken arm-lreat- mont is complicated and each individual requires different therapies," she said. M ichelle Turner, autism therapist, is considered an ex­ port in behavior modification techniques. Turner, who was hired by Pam Jewell, excep­ tional children director, and works with every school in Davie County. "Michelle is outstanding and has experience in knowing what techniques work wi^i each be­ havior,” Gildein said. 'Teachers and parents want to know what will work lo help a child with sensory issues or how to help a child havo more appropriate so­ cial behaviors. 1 have seen Michollo mako siiggestions and Iho child is ablo lo stop a behav­ ior that kept him/her from leam- ing-it is fascinating." Parents of young children will usually notice their child has some sensory type delays or they may make repotitive mo­ tions. Children with autism dis- order may be particulariy sen­ sitive to touch or noise and may stare at objects for a length of time. "Many children wilh autism cannot speak or arc limited in their speech so they cannot tell you what they want - it is very frustrating for young children lo bo unable lo communicate Iheir needs. Our staff is exceptional. They are olways talking to doc­ tors and rending books in order to flnd ways to assist the par­ ents nnd children. We have a lot of holp in place to aid children who cnnnot speak-our staff uses sign language, pictures and la­ bels. We will try anything if we think il can be helpful," Gildein said. “We (Ihe worid) are making great strides in autism research but we still have far to go,” Tumer said. "Eariy diagnosis is critical, I have seen children make incredible progress with behavior and communication therapies. The more you know about what works for children, the better-what works for one person may not help another." M a d iso n H in e s w e a r s a t- sh irt s h e m a d e b e a rin g th e A u tism S p e a k s lo g o . E m ily B ra c k e n a n d M ira n d a B a r n e s s h o w th e ir s u f c p o rt b y w e a rin g g re e n . T. T e a c h e rs S u s a n C a in , B e th K evilie, S h a ro n G o d b e y a n d S h a ro n G rim e s ta k e aj m in u te to s h o w h o w h a p p y th e y a r e to e d u c a te c h ild re n . T h rT O S o u th D a v ie S tu d e n ts E a rn A ll- D is tr ic t B a n d H o n o rs Three South Davie Middle School baiid students were se­ lected for the Northwest All- District Band nnd were part of a performance Feb. 6 at Brondle Concert Hall at Wake Forest University. Aaron Dodd, eighth grader, placed third out of 30 tuba play- ers, earning him a spot on the i Symphonic Band. I Rachel Williams, eighth I grader, placed 17th out of 94 on I the clarinet, earned her a spot on the Concert Band, Krista Miller, eighth grader, placed 12th out of 90 on tho flute, earning her a spot on Ihe Concert Band. “I am proud of all three stu­ dents and appreciate their hard work in preparing for the audi­ tion,” said Kathy Ferebeo, band teacher. Approximately 60 middle schools sent more than 1,000 students to audilioii in January. The highest scores we^o put on the'Symphonic Band, the next highest went on the Concert Band. The audition consisted of students playing scales by memory, performing a solo and playing a new piece of music with little time to look at it be­ fore playing, The students spent the morn­ ing of Friday, Feb. 6 rehearsing before the aflernoon perfor­ mance. Guest conductors were hired by Ihe Northwest District Bandmasters Association. S o u th D a v ie 's a ll-d istric t b a n d m e m b e rs R a c h e l W illiam s, A a ro n D o d d a n d K rista M iller.■I \i .■V*' м.* •r » - -A * D2 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 9,2009 D a v i e S c h o o l s i. Mocksville Elementary '• In kindcrgnrten, students sire ;; reading ii story about the Coast î Ouurd titled Mayday! Mayday I ■ They ire lenrning words of ; interest such as rescue, Î shimmering, mechanic, pilot, i yacht, nnd sailor. In math they ■ r worked with geobonrds, leurned \ how to build shnpes and line ; segments ns well us coping ! shupes nnd line segments. The I theme is chicks, bunnies, ducks, ; and Buster. I Students in Ms. Norris’s nnd ! Mrs. Myers’ clnss are excited ; about the nrrivnl of spring. They i hnve been enguged in learning nbout eggs and the animnis thut « come from eggs. They discussed how the eggs ure I different shupes, sizes and I colors. Jhey creutcd a bulletin ; board of the unininls thut come from eggs nnd whnt their eggs ' look like. ! Students also leurned nbout ; how to keep their bodies und ; teeth hculthy. They leurned I ubout the food pyrumid und ; whut kinds of food they need to 1 cut. They huve lenmed wnys to keep Iheir teeth- heulthy. Students leurned how to brush nnd floss their teeth und how often they shoul(l do this. Mrs. Murtin nnd Mrs. Forbes second grade class hus been working on u school Science Fnir project. The clnss hns been studying the three stntes of mutter. The children enjoyed poring wnter inlo different size contniners nnd blowing uir inlo bulloons. Their fuvoriic wns chnnging a liquid inlo a solid und muking ice cream. They . read biographies nnd wrote book reports. In Trnilblnzcr Miith, Ihe clnss sorted plastic lids by shape, size and color. ; They learned to muke u verticul bar grnph und nre looking , forwurd to spring nnd studying butterfly und Indybug lifecycles. Ms. Gullihcr und Mrs. : Hursey’s third graders enjoyed . working on a science fair . project. Students dissected owl pellets und found the bones of moles, ruts, mice, voles, nnd . shrews. They clussified the bones nnd studied Ihc enling hubits of owls. Those will be on displny in the mediu cenler. In muth they are wrnpping up u unit on fructions nnd nre looking , forwurd to nn upcoming field Irip to Old Salem. They hnve , been reuding about colonial life . and comparing it to life today. , The children still cannot believe . they survived without a TV. They are excited about visiting the doctor’s house nt Old Salem. In Mrs. Cockman’s class, students had spring assessments. They arc getting rendy for Ihe EOGs. The reuding cluss hns finished the novel. Freedom Trnin nnd nre working on projects thut represent whnt they rcud. Students are muking mups of the Underground Ruilrond routes to Cunndn und nre making n polilicui poster supporting the Emuncipntion Proclumution. They nre working in Ihc SucccssMnkcr lab. Shady Grove Elementary Fourth grade students en-' joyed doing research on their fnvorile nnimnl, The students used books and the internet to locate facts. Along with the re- senrch puper, students ure work­ ing on n poster thut describes their nnimnl. All .students will present Iheir pnpers und posters to their homeroom clnsses. All clnsses recently finished their lust rotutionof science. The stu­ dents ure beginning lo study government. They nre lenrning sbout nil uspccts of locnl, sinte nnd federni government in prepnrution for u Irip to Ruleigh inter in the yenr. The students who eumcd their required num­ ber of Aceclernted Rending points for the third qunrter were rewnrded with nn extrn 30 min­ utes of outdoor brenk. Mrs. Dnlton's nnd Ms. Culluhnns’ rending students nre working on drnmn nnd prepuring to present short pluys lo their clussmntcs, William K, Davie Elementary In Ms, Hutchens und Mrs, Hunt’s first grude cluss, the students hnve been Icurning ubout rninbows. They did u PowerPoint on their Smnrtbourd lo lenm how rninbows ure mude, Then they pninled rainbows to decorate Iheir clnssroom. They hnve been working on long vowel sounds and compound words. In mnlh Ihty ure lenrning ubout units of meusurement nnd problem solving skills. They nre looking forwurd to Ensler und spring breuk. Ms. Holmes’ fourth graders urc looking forwurd’to Iheir Ruleigh field trip on April 7. They will get to see the stute government in uction, nnd visit both the .science nnd history museums. They are going to study poetry. They w ill be rending all sorts of poetry, from classics to silly jack Prelutsky poems. They w ill nlso be mnking Iheir own poetry books. I Mrs. Tucker and Mrs. Sells’ clnss hus been studying the occiin, while rending Ihe books The Cay nnd Tuffy of Torpedo Junction. Euch student pickcd nn oceun nnimnl to reseurch nnd muke, und the clnss mude a coral reef on the classroom :wall outside of Iheir room. In relntion to both books, they briefly studied World Wur II. The cluss is in the midst of plunning Ihe end-of-lhe-yeur field trip to Dun Nicholns Purk in June. Pinebrook Elementary Kindcrgnrten has been learning churucteristics of spring. Students mnde lots of spring crafts, und ure working on the unnuul Busier Purude, prncticing songs,' creuting bonnets und ties. First grnders in Mrs. Hendrix’s clnss hnve been thinking nbout spring, Thoy mude bunnies, butleiflies und flowers to decorate the room. They wrote nbout Ihe wonderful things thnt spring brings. The children completed Ihe writing process lo do Ihis, They begun with brainstorming ideus und creutcd u flow mnp. They wrote rough drufts, edited with u toucher, und completed u finnt copy. The children leurned ubout nutrition using Ihc food pyramid. They Icnrned the importunce of outing from nil of Ihe colors on the pyramid nnd ubout getlihg plenty of cxercisc. The children mnde n food group knbob thnt included u food from ench group, Sccond grude students of Mrs, Chnpple, Mrs, Moore, Mrs, Potts, und Mrs, Hurpe hnve stnrled a study of sound in science. Students will leurn about what mukes sound und identifying Ihe body parts people use to make und hour sound. Sccond grade will lenm lo recognize thut sound travels through the three forms of matter: gases, liquids, solids. Students will learn what causes the loudness of a sound lo change. In mnlh students nre slurting u unit on geometry. Sludcnis will explore geometry using puttern blocks, mnking druwings, nnd visualizing shapes. Students wiil be studying line symmetry and will continue to work on subtraction fncts 1-18, Students in Mrs, Curolhers’ cluss nre prepuring experiments with plunts. They ure studying the effect thut light has on the growth of plants. Students have plants in u kitchon window, outside in Ihc shudc, outside in Ihe sun, inside with no sun, and inside wilh little light. They nre mensuring the growth ortho plants euch week. They hope lo be able lo predict which type of light the plants need in order to grow lo the greatest height. Fourth grnde classcs of Mrs. Duvis, Mrs. Hartman, Ms. Hicks nnd Ms. Howurd have been learning ubout reflections, rolutions nnd trunsiuiions, and chunce und probability. Students enjoyed doing experiments with rolling u number cube and spinning spinners. Fifth graders arc busy in math continuing investigations of polygons. Diagonals are being explored to see if they are perpendicular, congruent, symmetrical, or if they are bisectors. Teachers Tim Devoricks, Sharon Diaz, and Linda Harris continue to review skills. ClassScapes are done weekly, and studenls will be taking county predictive assessments. In reading, Angie Waters’ clnsses are researching Cessna airplanes or heart disease in conjunction with the Hatchet noveL Raymonda Shelton’s classes are working on nonfiction investigations of animals. Science classes are beginning a unit on weather. With the recent rain, studenls caught raindrops in pans of flour, baked' Ihem, and then measurot) the particles to see if by- size they would be considered drizzle or rnin. Students are observing and recording weather data daily. Ms. Bailey’s class participated in n bowling tournument for Specinl Olympics Wednesduy, Mnrch 25 at AMF Lanes in Winston- Salem. The elementary and middle schools from Davie sent athletes to compete in singles and bumper bowling. Brendan Hicks, Sorin Hill, nnd Nikky Jones won blue ribbons for first place. Kyle Lush won u yellow ribbon for third plnce. Muknylu Hester received u white ribbon for fourth plnce. Cody Ashley mnde uh nmnzing strike to come in sixth plnce with u green ribbon for his division. A specinl thanks to all Ihe parents and volunteers who helped make this event a succcss. The bus riders of Ihc week are Christina SouUiward, Jillian Griffey, Seth Ring and Kiloy Childress. They received ribbons during morning announcements this week. PBS winners are Matt Breeden, Nora Rhyne, James Wilkins, Mckayra Daniels, Makira Daniels, Owen Brown, Jake Staley, Anthony Deters, Miranda Bniley, Joseph Stunley, Sydney Nelson, Curson Whisenhunt, Kutie Wells, Kniiu DcBusk, Briunnu McGowun, Heuther Hepler, Annie Kinder, Angel Perez, Devin Bright, Olivin Sheets, Snrnh Jnmcs, Adriun Rodriquez, Hnicy Hnrmon, nnd Kyle Lush, The students wore rewnrded wilh "lunch with n friend Or udult of their choice” ■ Cooleemee Elementary Kindergurten clussos hud a fun und educntionul trip -to Horizons Unlimited in Salisbury, Students leurned nbout Nutive Americuns und their wuy of life. They compnred how children lived long ogo to how thoy live now. The sludcnis purticipntod in u hunds-on discovery lour und Irip to the RuinforesI, Finnlly, ull cinsscs visited the pinnolnrium nnd drew constellations in Ihc slurs. The trip wus complete with u simulnlcd rocket ride through the solur system. Kindergurten cinsscs hnve been studying Ihc wcnihor nnd whnt to do if severe weuther occurs. They hnve boon lenming to crente pnttcrns using linking cubes, words, und motions in muth. The tenchers would like to remind everyone thut screening for nil students who will Sturt kindergurten in the fnll is Thursdny, April 23. If you hnve u child or know u child thut will be slurting kindergurten in , tho fnll piense muke sure they urc registered nnd signed up for u screening time. If you hnve not registered your child, cnil or stop by the school to pick up n registration pucket. First grnde is looking forward lo Pnrent Night on Thursduy, April 9. First grnde will hnve n bnsebnll theme, so wenr huts nnd lenrn aboul tho end of the year assessments for first grade. Parents,will receive fun strategies to help thoir child to succeed in reading, writing, and math. There w ill be a presentation nnd hnndouts. Piense como to tho dinner before Ihe presentution thnt will begin nt 5:30, There will not bo n chnrge. In reuding nnd writing, students urc discussing liow n story ends. They urc studying Spring Ihis week und are fociising on comprehension questions in guided rending groups. In math, they ure focusing on uddition und subtraction facts, Sccond grnde is finishing u unit on sound. They mnde instruments und discussed Ihe pnrts of Ihc cur. In mulh they nre subtracting with regrouping, Sludcnis are looking forwurd to swimming ufter spring breuk. Third gruders wulked to Ihe Znchury House to lour the Ibxlile Museum, Students wore excited to see the nrtifucts from tlie cotton mill and lown square of Old Cooleemee, Students leanied whut life wns like before olcclricity cnme lo Ihc lown, und leurned how cotton wns turned into cloth ut the old mill. On Tuesduy, Lynn Rumley visited Ihird graders und prescnied four maps to students. The first map wns from the 1700s, and students were able to locatc tho South Yadkin River. The next map was from 1887, und studenls were ubIe lo still locnic Ihe river and some creeks. Next the students were given a map of 1903, which hnd locnl fnrms Inid out. This wus right ufter the town of Cooleemee wns born. T(№ Insl mup wns from 1934, which hus Ihe streets of the town luid out wilh ull the mill houses, churches, town squure, cotton mill, busebull field, nnd schools. Students used this mup when they look Ihe giunl wulking lour of Old Cooleemee with Iheir tenchers und Mrs. Rumley. A highlight of the tour wns n visit to the M ill House Family Museum, filled wilh nrtifucts used in houses in Ihe 1930s. Students nre nble to compure their lives to tho lives of children 75 yenrs ugo. The tour included n visit to Ihe old cotton mill where they saw the mural of the town square. Studenls stood on the silo of the square, Ihe Riverside Hotel, and Park Hill. Students now havoa better understanding ofthe importance of history, and why it needs lo be preserved for future generations. Tho third graders und their leuchers'nre grateful to Lynn nnd Jim Rumley, nnd Ihc rest of the Cooleoihce Historicni Associution for providing this unique opportunity for hnnds-on Icurning. Fourth grnders huve been working on writing u biography. They were given the nume of u fnmous North Curolininn to rcsenrch. Euch student rcsenrched nbout Iheir person, finding informution nbout their childhood, ndulthood und uccomplishmcnts. They completed n poster nbout thoit person und wrote n puper. They Icnrncd now fuels ubout fumous North Cnroliniuns. Fifth gruders continue to work with fructions, nnd some of the groups nro beginning to study customnry nnd metric meusurement, Studenls huve been pluced into groups of 6-10 to review math concepts thnl wiil be covcrcd on the EGG lest in Muy, They hnve been lenrning nbout wnter vnpor, humidity, und clouds, Pnrents nre uskcd to encourage Iheir child to nttcnd the upcoming Science Cump, If your child husn’t signed up, do so soon, Congrntulutions to Ihe fifth grnde Buttle of Ihc Books purticipunts: Jada, Allison, Elexicia, Hope, Kascy, und Sharicce, These sludenis rend 12 selected books this yeur und studied for the countywide competition which wus held April 2. Cornatzer Elementary During April, the guidunco counselor is going inlo the sccond nnd third grnde cinsscs to do lessons thut focus on the theme of Mnking Good Choiccs. These lessons will give students the opportunity to pnrticipntc in uclivilies designed to develop communicntion, decision muking nnd problem­ solving skills. The goni is to Please See Schools ■ Page D3 Cooleemee Elementary Star Students the week of March 30. from left: back - Corrina Wilson, Logan West, Tania Benitez-Abonza, Gregory Jennings, Tykedrick Gadson, Gabby Piott; middle - Myra Meichor, Maria Rodriguez, Danny Torres, Samantha Joyner, Halle Kupner; front- Coiieen Eider, Chase Durham, Faith Mayfield. Cornatzer Elementary Cougars of the Week: John Parker, Isaac Webb, Carlie Honeycutt, Lindsey Bartlett, Sara Reagan, Jose Ochoa, Madison Palmer! Chloe Langley, Hayes Sales, Angelica Reyna, Richard Baitazar, Alexandra Salas, William Hernandez, Hunter Strickland, Daniel Stegall, Colton Correll, Kris Shouse, Connor Barringer, Alexis Hutchens, Mikayla Thomas, Evelyn Fiores. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 9,2009 ■ D3 N ew D avie H ig h C lu b i\/la king A D iffe re n ce FCCLA (Family Curcor und Community Lenders of Amoricn) is u club thnt Dnvie High offers thnt is dedicnied to promoting personui growth nnd leudcrship development. The 2008-2009 school yenr is Dnvie High’s first your being un officiul nffiliutcd FCCLA club. To kick off Ihis year. FCCLA took part in a spirit contest hosted by 93.1 Tho Wolf radio . stnlion. Proceeds raised during this contest were donnted lo’the NC Pedintric Bruin Tumor Foundnlion. Tho winning school wns to rcceivo u free Kellie Pickier concert. “FCCLA members reully dodicuted themselves to try und win thut concert bul piore importnntly, to help u good cnuse,” snid Brendn Roilctt, udvisor. To raise money, they hosted n prettiest legs contest, in which senior boys volunteered their legs to be pictured und judged (with money collected) by Ihe student body. The group entered the homecoming banner contest und won sccond pluco ($50) to npply to the contest. In nddition, FCCLA sold Dnvie Innyurds nnd tultoos, hnd u bnke nnd ynrd snie, mude nnd sold gifts in u jur, und solicited donnlions from locnl businesses nnd friends Schools... Continued From Pngc D2 help students build on the .skills needed to muke good choiccs on u duily busis. Throughout this monlh, tho counselor is offering smull groups in self-esteem, socinl skills, divorce und sepurntion, test nnxiety nnd nnger munagomont. Thunk you to everyone who has supported Book Bugs for Hope this quurtor. Hurdison United Methodist Women pilt on u Festival of Tables that donated food and money. Thunk you lo Duricen Fuller und Crisly - Stricklund for helping organize the event, ll wus n wonderful night out with un incredible .dinner provided by Dnvc Sulmon. We were served by Ihc lulenlod Hurdison United Methodist Men, who Ihunkfully stuycd uround lo clean everything up. Nice job. The entertuinmcnt wns provided by Reneh Henderson from Asheboro, a funny Christian comedian. If you have not previously heard of her, check out her website nt w w w .yoiiluiiglm lot.org. With Ihis donntion wc will bo nbic to provide food throughout the Ensler holidnys. A specinl thunk you ulso goes out lo the Cook fnmily, Stephnnic Shoffner, Sidnee Everhnrt, Deucon Kcnnil Bniley of Ihe Episcopul Church of Ihe Ascension nl Fork, Fork Bnptist Church nnd businesses for nil of the generosity and support with Ihis progrum. Every cnn of food und every dollur mutters. If you would like to donnto lo ihis progrnm, cull tho guidunco depurtment. Fourth graders nre moving into top gear ns tliey gel rendy for upcoming EoG tests. In mnlh, students nro lenrning hew within the community. Although they did not win the school spirit contest, in the ond, $1,500 wns raised for this worthy cause. Tho yeur didn’t stop there. FCCLA members traveled lo King for u sluto und rogionnl leadership mooting, where thoy partlcipnied in mimy Hctivilics and workshops in which-Ihoy learned about the many faccts involved with FCCLA, such as leadership und fumily nnd communily involvement. Lnlor six members, niong with tho udvisor, traveled lo Jucksonville, Flu. lo tnke purl in n nution-wido FCCLA duster meeting. This meeting is designed to nllow FCCLA clubs lo come together, und shure one nnothor’s ideus und uccomplish- menls, us well ns mnke new friends. During the weekend of Nov. 13-16, FCCLA groups ntlended several meetings with motivutionni speakers, ns well ns Inlked to college rcpresentu- lives. “Aitliough the trips away from home were very fim und exciting, Dnvie High’s FCCLA Were nctive within the school to involve Ihe student body nnd inform Ihcm of the benefits of being un FCCLA member,” Roilctt suid. They hosted small contests such us: tho Halloween Candy Corn Giveaway - students guessed the amount of candy corn in a jar to win it; the Valentine Teddy Bear give nwny in which n drawing look pluco to win u lnrge stuffed bonr, the Lucky Duck - students picked n flouting duck out of a contuiner of wnter lo receive n prize. For the community FCCLA raised money for the homeless by hosting n bnkc snic und cunnod goods drive in the Food Lion pnrking lot while “living” in cnrdbourd boxes lo donnto to to A Storehouse for'Jesus in Mocksvillo. "Community purlicipulion wns nwcsomo und grently npprecinlcd,” Ihc ndvisor snid. To close out the yeur, FCCLA plnns to ullend u slute competition in Greensboro on April 21. They ure muking u' scrapbook of nil the uccom- plishments of Ihc yenr. "None of these things could huve been possible with out Ihc help from mnny businesses and people here in Davie Counly,” Rollelt said. “FCCLA would like to especially thank the businc.s.ses and individuals for thoii; monelnry support, nnd the fucully, stuff, nnd students of Duvic High School.” F r o m C o t t o n T o C l o t l i Cooleemee Elementary third graders got their first tour of the Mill Village Museum on March 10. They also got lessons about what life was like before electricity here and went upstairs at the Zachary House to learn about cloth production at the mill, Cooleemee Historical Association President Tony Steele shows students the process of making cloth from cotton. The same students took a "Giant Walking Tour" of Cooleemee on April 2 to complete their heritage geography lesson. skills us woll ns re-visiting ones they mnslcrcd earlier, in the school year. In recent lessons they learned uboul classifying triangles and quadrilaterals, how shapes tessellato, calculating change nfter adding tux to prices, multiplying by ten, n hundred and a thousand, multiplying by two-digit numbers, estimating multiplication and division answers, und how to solve two step word problems. In Mrs. Doss’s mnlh clnss, the Grcnt Muth Chnllenge is under way. Studenls nre Davie High FCCLA Officers: Desirae Moses, historian; Marlen Roman, treasurer: Ashley Alicorn, parliamentarian; Stefan Mock, vice president, Allie Hendrix, secretary; and Miranda Edwards, president. language, rending and using newspapers,- making predictions, reading recipes, looking for contcxt clues, and reading e-mails. Mrs, Walls'communicutions students enjoyed rending the novel Stone Fox by John Gurdincr Reynolds. Mrs. Slillcr's students nre reulizing how difficult funn life was in the last century us they rcud Furmer Boy by Luurn Ingulls Wilder. As u fun uclivity und un exercisc in sequencing events, students tnadc their own butter in u jur und agreed it wus hurd work, but the results were edible. Mrs, Doss’s communications students completed reading Summer of tho Monkeys by Wilson Rawls and made literary collages of the book. Fourth graders enjoyed thoir rocent scioncounitonunimuls. They sludied nnimnl hubiluts und environments, nduptntions nnd leurned ubout food chnins und webs. Students mude nn excellent job of Iheir project which wns to design u hnbitnt for an animal of their choice inside n shoe box. In socinl studies, students begun n sludy of how government works nl Ihe federal nnd slute level. This is in prepurulion for the grnde level field trip to Ruleigh in Muy. Fourth gradé tenchers are proud of the following students who have passed the 1(X) point mark in the Accelerated Reuding Program; Charlie Chapman, Myles Evans, Sidnee Everhnrt, Mutt Hoke, Cnmeron Thomus, Sura Duncnn nnd Jncob'Morse. working in smnll tcnms lo solve duily word problems thnt lest thoir knowledge. The lenm wilh most points ut the end of the yeur will win u treni of Iheir choosing. In communicnlions, students nre w orking on m nking inferences, rending udverlisements, pronouns und contructions, figurutive re a l ('.o v i'i’u i^c S la ils w ith H h ir Johnson Insurance Services JOHN WOOD (336)753-1033 Jwood@>127marketplace.com • Individual Flans • No Referral I lMO and PPO Group Plmis ■ • Sinaii Croup Coverage We have the best solution« • Medicare Siippleinent at the best prices. Insurance ifs/or mi liisuranci' plait tbdl fHs youF //m A ’ ftmlyoui' ' Dental Coverage for Individuals and Oroii|)s > llealtii Savings Accounts W ill yo u w a ke iip w ith sn o w o n ^ , y o u r TV? DISH N e tw o rk Is your OHIclal Digital TVanaUlon Expert. > Programming Packig*« ila rtin g a l tS .S S /m o , » Digital Converter Boxei ensy to in fiali a sm all In alza Randy’s Satellite Service 515 Jane Sowers Road, Statesville, NC 28625 RANDY STUTTS 7 0 4 -9 0 2 -2 7 6 0 CALL TODAY!N E T W O R K. MIHOitlHD inMLH S a lis b u r y C ljc Ib ' C s n te r 1514 JakeAlexander Blvd. West (Hwy 601] Salisbury, NC 28147 704-633-5787 Quick 15 m iriutes from Mocksville lioMi and Pre-Owned: • Motorcycles • Scooters • ATVs • UTVs • PUCs We Service What We Sell il^1t| -t.o-A ?.. • D4 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 9,2009 L E G A L N O TIC E S NORTH CAROLINA' DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualiflod as Executrix of the Estate of WALLING DOU­ GLAS VREELAND, JR.,, late b( DavIe County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate lo present them to the under­ signed on or before July 2 ,2009, (being three (3) months from the first day of publication of this no­ llce) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All per­ sons, firms and corporations In­ debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the Undersigned. This the 25th day of H/larch, 2009 JOAN BOVENDER VREELAND 721 Pudding Ridge Road Mocksvlile, NC 27020 MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attorneys at Law Ten Court Square Mocksvlile, NC 27028 '4-2-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY . NOTICE TO CREDITORS having qualllled as Executor of tho Estate of ROY T. FOSTER, SR., deceased, of Mocksvlile, NC, Ihe undersigned doos hereby no­ tify all persons, firms and corpo­ rations having claims against the estate of sold decedent to exhibit Ihem to the undersigned al P.O. Drawer 25008, Winston-Salem, NC 27114-5008, on or before the 2nd day ot July, 2009, or this no­ llce will be pleaded In bar of Ihelr recovery. All persons, firms and corporations Indebted to Ihe said estate wlll 'please. make Immedi­ ate payment to the undersigned. This tho 2nd day of April, 2009. Steven Lee Foster, Executor 147 Howardtown Road Mocksvlile, NC 27028 Steven Loo Foster, Executor tor Iho Estate of Roy T. Foster, Sr. c/o Neal E Tackabery Blanco Tackabery & MatamoroB, P.A. P.O. Drawer 25008 Wlnston-Salom, NC 27114- 5008 4-2-4tn NORTH CAROLINA ‘ DAVIE COUNTY . IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 2009 CVD 233 MELISSA SHANE PHILLIPS WHITE, Plaintiff, va. ..........— JULIUS CHESTER WHITE, JR., С b K A R Y A U T O S A bK S F O R S A L E : Cars • TrucksUtility Buiidings Carports: All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lots 336-751-3442 Mocksvlile, NC Defendant NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION TO; JULIUS CHESTER WHITE, JR., the above-named Defendant TAKE NOTICE that a pleading' seeking rellel against you has been filed In the above-entitled action. The nature ol the rollel being sought Is as follows: Abso­ lute Divorce on grounds of sopa- rátlon lor more than one year. You are required to make de­ fense not later than the 12lh day ol May, 2009, said date being forty (40) days from the first publica­ tion of this Notice, and upon your failure to do so the party seeking sen/lce against you will apply to tho Court forthe relief sought. Dated; March 26,2009 HARRELL POWELL, JR. Attorney for the Plaintiff 514 South Stratford Road, Suite 214 Winston-Salem, NC 27103 , Telephone; (336) 725-5300 Fax: (336) 940-2582 N.C.S.B. No. 3526 4-2-3tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate ol WILLIAM J. GOOD, late of Dayie County, North Caro­ lina, the undersigned do hereby notify aii persons, firms, and cor­ porations having claims against the estate of said decedent to ex- 'hiblt them to the undersigned al 185 KImel Park Drive, Suite 200, Wlnston-Salom, NC 27103, on or before June 26, 2009 or this no­ tice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons, llrms, and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make Immedi­ ate payment to the undersigned. This 23rd day ol March, 2009. ■ Ann L. Smith Executor of the Estate ol William J. Good Robert D. HInshaw, Esq. 185 Kimel Park Dr., Suite 200 Winston-Salem, NC 27103 3-26-4tn, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Es­ tate of REBECCA BENNETT DAVID-SON, deceased, late; 61 Davie County, North Caroliha,' does horoby notify ail persons, firms and corporations having' claims agalrist said estate to present them to tho undersigned on or before June 20,2009; or this notice will be pleaded in bar of MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL SPRING IS HERE! Bobcat, aerator, core plugger & more for rent loday! " " /''O is .' Mdikv/iiic 13361 751-2304 Currently a hair salon. Can be purchased vi/lth/wlthout equipment (Including tanning bedi). Work stations In place and walling for YOUII All for Just $ 5 7 ,9 0 0 H O W A R D i7i5\í;rv Contact K e n S a le s 336-751-8564 their recovery: Ail persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate wiil please make immedi­ ate payment to the undersigned. This the 19th day of March, 2009. Cariyn Davidson Cox Executor of the Estate ol Rebecca Bennett Davidson 12908 Middiebrook Road Chester, VA 23831 TERENCE B. STANALAND Terence B. Stanaland, P.L.L.C. 101 Soulh Elm St., Suite 350 Greensboro, NC 27401 Telephone: (336) 272-4810 Fax; (336) 272-2448 3-19-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as Adminis­ trator of the Estate ol BEATRICE S. REAVIS, late ol Davie County, this Is to notify aii persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on oi; before June 19, 2009, (being three (3) months from the first day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pioaded in bar of Iheir recovery. Ail persons, firms and corporations indebted lo said estate will please make immedi­ ate payment to the undersigned. This the 19lh day of March, 2009. JAMES P. REAVIS, SR. 764 Yadkinville Rd. Mocksvlile, NC 27028 3-19-4tn, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS . Having qualified as Executor ol the Estate of NATHAN HORTON, late of Davie County, this Is to no­ tify ali persons, firms and corpo­ rations having claims against said estate to present them to tho un­ dersigned on or before June 19, 2009, (being three (3) months from the first day of publication ol this notice) or this nollce will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, All persons, firms and corpora­ tions Indebted to said estate will pleaso rhake Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 19th day ol March, 2009. , . GEORGE E. HORTON 608 Marlon Sims Dr. Lancaster, SC 29720 3-19-41П NORTH CAROLINA - , . DAVIE COUNTY - NOTICE TO CREDITORS ■ ■ Having qualified as Executor of Ihe Estate of JUNE L. HERPEL (a/k/a June Herpei, Mrs. George Horpol, Mrs, George L. Herpoi), late of Advance, Davie County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify ail persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned at One West Fourth Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101, on or before the 19lh day of June, 2009, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recov­ ery. All persons, firms and corpo­ rations indebted to the sqld estate will please make immediate pay-' ment to the undersigned. This the 10th day of March; 2009. WACHOVIA BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF JUNE L. HERPEL WOMBLE CARLYLE SANDRIDGE & RICE, PLLC One West Fourth Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 3-19-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis­ trators of the Estate of WILLIAM LEE GRAVES, JR., deceased, of Davie County, Nortli Carolina, this Is to notify ail persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 18lh day of June, 2009, being three months from the first day ot publication of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. Ali persons indebted to said es­ tate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 19th day of March, 2009. MEGAN E. GRAVES 136 Northbend Dr., Apt. M Charlotte, NC 28262 MARY A. GRAVES 136 Northbend Dr., Apt. M Charlotte, NC 28262 PIEDMONT LEGAL ASSOCIATES, PA Lynne Hicks, Attorney 124 West Depot Street Mocksvlile, NC 27028 (336)751-3312 Bar#011125 3-19-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor ol tho Estate of WALLACE BRYANT SPARKS, late of Davie County, this is to notify ali persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before June 26, 2009, (being three (3) months from the first day of publication ol this notice) or this notlfio will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations Indebted to said estate will please make Immedi­ ate payment to the undersigned. This the 26th day of March, 2009. REBECCA KAYE COOK 126 Sparks Ct. Winston-Salem, NC 27103 , 3-26-4tn NORTH CAROLINA -DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION IREDELL COUNTY 08spi009/0avle 08SP269 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY THO­ MAS L. NESBIT AND NANCY E. NESBIT DATED JUNE 24. 2005 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 1911 AT PAGE 548 AND MODIFIED BY AGREEMENT RECORDED IN IREDELL COUNTY ON 4/21/ 2008 IN BOOK 1934 AT PAGE 1842 INTHE IREDELL COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to a Court order and under and by virtue of tfie power and authorliy contained In the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default In the pay­ ment ol the secured Indebtedness and failure to perform tho stipula­ tion and agreements therein con­ tained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the high­ est bidder tor cash at the usual place of sale at the counly court­ house of said county at 3:00 PM on April 16, 2009 the following described real estate and any other Improvements which may be situated thereon. In Iredell County, North Carolina, and be­ ing more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an existing Iron pin In the Western margin o f S. R. 11 SB (Stroud M ill Road), tha Southwestern carrier o f the lands o f Martha E Edwards, et (Deed Book 109, page587), and running thence with the Western margin ofS,R. 1158 the following five (S) courses and distances: (1) South 34-00-28 West 448.56 feet to a point: (2) South 39-16-55 West SOS. 38 feet to a point; (3) South 42-48-24 West 93.63 feet to a point; (4) South 52-38-08 West 112.48 feet to a point; and (5) South 56-57-18 West 197.71 feet to a point In the centertlne o f the creek, the Une o f Martha E. Edwards; thence with the centerline o f the meanderings of the creek, the following seven courses and distances: (1) North 39-32-08 West 333.96 feet to a point; (¿) North 22-55-31 West 38.13feettoapolnt;(3) North 40- 37-. 07 West 467.39 feet to a point; (4) North 14-04-38 West, 223.05 feet to a poMt; (5) North 16-47-06 West 197.19 feet to a point; (6) North 52-40-52 West 213.78 feet to a point; and (7) North 01-56-43 Wesf 188.02teet to a point, corner o f Martha E. Edwards; thence with the Une o f Martha E. Edwards, South 85-55- 27 East668.32feet to an existing Iron pin; thence continuing with the Edwards Une, South55-40-48 East 728.82 feet to an existing Iron pin; thence continuing with the Une o f Edwards, South59-52- 19 East283.93feet to an existing Iron pin In the Western margin S.R. 11S8, the point and place of BEGINNING, containing 24.74 acres, more or less, with this de­ scription taken from a survey by Sam R Hall, NCRLSL-2930, last revised May 17, 1993. ■ And Being more commonly known as: 454 Stroud Mill Road, Harmony, NC 28634 The record owner(s) of tho properly, as rofleotod on tho rocords ol the Rogistor ol Deeds, is/are Thomas Lynn Nesbit and Nancy Ellen Lanter Nesbll. Tho property to be offered pur­ suant to this notice of salo is be­ ing olfered for sals, transfer and conveyance '‘AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Trusteo nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, dlroctors, attorneys, em­ ployees, agents or authorized rep­ resentative of eitherTrustee or the holder of the note make any rep­ resentation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environ­ mental, health or'safety conditions RANDY MIUER &SONS 2№ Miller Kond* Mocksvlile (336) 284-2826 • Now Pumping Septic Tanki' Sklä steer Work Trencher Work Hauling AUCTION W ednesday, A p ril 2 2 ,2 0 0 9 • 10 AM Personal Property olArtihony (deceased) and Donna (living) VersacI 132 Snow Hill Drive, Mocksvlile, NC Rare Quns — Glassware ~ Furniture Tools ~ Collectibles —'Antiques Detailed listing In next week's paper or view list and photos online at www.auctlonzip.com Auctioneer ID U 3750 W R IG H T A U C TIO N SERVICE Roy Wright ~ Auctioneer NCAL #2120 NCFL#B122 336-998-8637 existing In, on, at or relating to tha property being offered for sale. Any and ail responsiblillies or li­ abilities arising out of or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and un­ paid taxes and assessments in­ cluding but not limited to any transler tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit ol five per­ cent (5%) of the amount ol the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, is required and must be tendered In the lorm of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will bo held open ten days (or upset bids as required by law. Following Ihe expiration ol the statutory upset period, ail remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OW­ ING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result In a Dec­ laration of Default and any deposit wiil be frozen pending the out­ come ot any re-sale. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS; If you are a tenant residing in the prop­ erty, be advised that an Order for Possession of tho property may be issued In favor of tho pur­ chaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after Octo­ ber 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agree­ ment upon 10 days written notice to Ihe landlord. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of tho termination. Tho date ol this Notice Is March 16,2009. 07-94544 Richard P. McNeeiy Substitute Trusteo PMB 288 8206-1200 Providence Road Charlotte, NC 28277-9708 (704) 34i-2002 4-2-2tn NORTH CAROLINA . DAVIE COUNTY ENERGYUNITED STATEMENT OF NON-DISCRIMINATION EnergyUnlled Is the recipient of Federal financial assistance from the U.S.. Department of Ag­ riculture (USDA). Tho USDA pro­ hibits discrimination in all its pro­ grams and activities on the basis ol race, color, national origin, ago, disability, and whore applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic Information, political beliefs, reprisal, or be­ cause ail or part of an individual's income Is derived from any pub­ lic assistance program (Not' aii prohibitod basos apply to all pro­ grams.) Persons with disabilities who require altornallve moans lor communication ol program Infor­ mation (Braille, large print, audio­ tape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720- 2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint or discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Olfioe of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Av­ enue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, orcalt toil free (866) 632-9992 (voice) or (800) 877- 8339 (TDD) or (866) 377-8643 (relay voice users). USDA Is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 4-9-1tn Offered by; Chris Wynne, Broker, ABR, CSP 336-688-2321 Chrls.wynne©allentate.com Tliis beuulirul custon) built l)9me |$.i located in' th« deslrablev Noiih: Davidson neighborhood of AshmOoi',; Downs. .6 Acre cul-der«ac lot up to. pretty wooded area; ^There are ■ hardwoods in the Foyer, i Living' Room und Dining ,Room, Kitchen o|iens to fireside deh and'wonderfii!; screened porch. Offlce is located on' Main Level, Uppor^ loveMias . 4 j spacious bedrooms and 2 fiill baths,'i There Js a full ^intlnished d«yligh(!v walk-out hiisemcnt with 2nd briclc ’ heiulh fireplace for potential expansion imd lots of storage. With ■ 2S^4 square feet tills home also 1 feature? u full house water filtration system; security system and all brick ,| exterior. Tho seller is offering to pay up to 3% of sales price towaids 1 closing costs with acceptable offer. 1 Í; yiciWi this homo oii’-line i.'at ?chris^ynno.com. , , . I i Dlreclloiis; Hwy, ISO S’ lowdrd'l ■. lirvfidia,,^ Enterprise,' R Crwer/ R 1 Zlmmermn, • R Av/wiwor in , R ! AshinoorCi.......’ I, , ^ S TR O U S E H O U S E A U C T IO N S 1424 Industrial Dr., Statesville, NC 2 8 6 2 5 , Phone; 704-872-8444 336-940-6306AUCTIONEER; l^ilKE STHOUSE, NC LIC, #7465www.8lrouaehousa.zoomaharQ.oom Thun., April 9 • 6:30PM • Thwldoad Suiplui/Salvage Sa№ moi2Wiyn¡ÍM,nífrifúlc«0í_____________ IK. ZetKO iW, Sc«^, lifiten otrt 8гфвг DM. Kcti Edg« TfCi ^ Т1СЛ14 Uittr. Oan Cirt. e GUI Catnti l^'O u e m K n g BedFrain«. Suietovds, Mm. Phoenti Doc Flre(^i. Qu Гпйм loot. Ita StlNtioAolA« BoAOim. 11Ш . Sch»1m WaMooö. МЛ l*fci Вв4сй 0i». М01^МИ - UonliM,Scoot«».8l«p2T3 n. Hu% Adronkii, Own a Pm!^ BJ»i, Пск Frl., April 10 • 6:30PM • TWO Ring*!! RAl UEflCHANOISI I 8AIVA0E • S«wiiu kUtfm. KotU EtnSfin ОМП. 15' LCDTV, Tojf!; КШ. Ud«t. U«v Sprtng A & лп« Gran P« ...KodadiAlhOtwPrW«, »P*d(NPüy.PhoniS,tletre: .tlieiM pffl’ QEKERAlU Bnoojljn St«el SW, CorrtofWi.»! ............. Ekxiranc«, KUtfien Siufl, fiw n , ChMt FiMtv. Mrw I3i TM M . TOOlStt < Tfud ruck. Uo WMer, IfcCukKh 14‘Chahuw Qit, Al C(Air IfaM. Til« S4i( Uniwwit«! Ctmori, Poitfw. Oud Ud WtUer, PguUn Chtin Stw, B««y Chvn ttpOMPtB»;i«WBhy,Juffipboi.CqJw>OfiS«tt,WeUnahMTOt*^^^ Sat., ApriMI • 6:30PM • F O O D S A L E » I HITCHIiLI. COMMUNITY COLLtOI 1X018* Ub«MM MU» I NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY Notice to Crnriltors Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Ada Elizabeth Boger, late of Davie County, North Caro­ lina, the undersigned does hereby notify ali persons, firms and cor­ porations having claims against the estate of said decedent to ex­ hibit Ihem to the undersigned al the ofllce ol their attorney at 110 Oakwood Drive, Suite 300, Win­ ston-Salem, NC 27103-1950, on or before the 9lh day of July, 2009 or this nollce wiil be pleaded In bar of thoir recovery. All persons, firms, and corporations Indebted to the said estate will please make Immediate payment to the under­ signed. This 9lh day of April, 2009. John Charles Boger Estate of Ada Elizabeth Boger Cralge Brawiey Lilpfert & Walker, 4-9-2tn METAL ROOFING 3' Coverage ■ 30+ Colors 25 Year Warranty Post Frame Buildings call for prices! 1-8 8 8 -2 7 8 -6 0 5 0 MID-STAIEMETAIS ___of tha Carollnas, LLC DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECOip, Thursday, April 9,2009 - 05 L E G A L N O TIC E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Ha'iilng qualified as Executrix of the Estate of PAULINE C. KAIMAN, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before July 9, 2009,,(being three (3) months from the first day of publication of this notice) or this notice wiil be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail persons, firms and corporations Indebted to said estate will please make Immedi­ ate payment to the undersigned. This the 9th day ol April, 2009 SANDRA L. KAIMAN 148 North Forko Dr. Advance, NC 27008 4-9-4tn NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE In the matter of Foreclosure of a Deed of Trust executed by Rebecca A. Keeton and Glen L. Keeton dated August 8, 2008 recorded In Book 674, Page 485 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Pursuant to Order of the Clerk of Superior Court of Davie Counly, North Carolina, dated the 25th day of March, 2009 authorizing foreclosure, and under and by virtue ol the power of salo contained in that certain Deed of Trust Indicated and recorded In Book 674, Page 485, Davie County Registry; and under and by virtue of the authority vested In the undersigned by an instrument and default having been made and the said property being subject to foreclosure and the holder of the indebtedness thereby secured ' having demanded a foreclosure thereof, the undersigned will olfer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual and customary place for such salos at the Davie County Courthouse in Mocksvilie, North Carolina, at 11:00 A.M., on the 21st day of April, 2009 the property conveyed In said Deed of Trust, tho same consisting of properly lying and being in Davie County, and more particularly described at lollows: BEdlNNINGATAN IRON PIN IN MRS, WILLIE DANIEL'S LINE, SOUTHWEST CORNER OF C.A. TUTTEROW, DEED BOOK 98, PAGE 89. AND RUNNING THENCE WITH THE LINE OF MRS. WILLIE DANIEL SOUTH 47 DEG. 57 MIN. 15 SEC. WEST 120.62 FEET TO AN IRON PIN, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF TIMOTHY GORDAN DILLARD, THENCE WITH TIMOTHY GORDON DILLARD NORTH 36 DEG. 20 MIN. 24 SEC. WEST 229.86 FEET TO AN IRON PIN THE SOUTHERN RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF A 30 FOOT EASEMENT, NORTHEAST CORNER OF TIMOTHY WAYNE DILURD, THENCE WITH THE SOUTHERN RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF SAID EASEMENT NORTH 51 DEG.'51 MIN. 58 SEC. EAST 120.08 FEET TO AN IRON PIN IN THE LINE OF C.A. TUTTEROW; THENCE WITH SAID TUTTEROW LINE SOUTH 36 DEG. 20 MIN. 24 SEC. EAST 221.63 FEET TO THE POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 0.622 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, AND BEING A PORTION OF THOSE LANDS DESCRIBED BY DEED RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 83, PAGE 451. Property Address: 130 Coventry Lane, Mocksvilie, NC 27028 An order lor possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to NCOS 45-21.29 In favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the Clerk ol Superior Court ol the County in which the property is soid. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice to the landlord, That upon GENE TREXLER ROOFING New & Old Roofs Small Repair .lobs Free Estimates 336- 2 B 4 - 4 5 7 1 termination of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent duo under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale Is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations to warranty relating to the title or any physical, environment, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. • This property will be sold subject to outstanding ad valorem taxes and/or assessments lor the current year and subsequent years, prior Deeds of Trust, If any, and prior liens, If any, and encumbrances of record. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, and tho court costs ot Fotty-Five Cents(45i) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursuant to NCGS 7A-308(a)(1). ■ Pursuant to NCOS 45-21.10, the highest bidder at sale will bo required to make a cash deposit of five (5) percent ol the bid up to and including SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($750.00), or a greater amount if tho instrument so provides. Following the expiration of the upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. Larry W. Pearman, Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 8178 Greensboro, NC 27419 Phone: (336)294-9401 4-9-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY 09SP24 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under ond by vlrtuo of a Powor of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by RICH­ ARD D PRUITT AND GLORIA R PRUITT, JOINT TENANTS to MCGILL LAW OFFICE, Tru8tee(s), which was dated Sep­ tember 19,2005 and recorded on September 20,2005 In Book 626 at Page 693, Davie County Reg­ istry, North Carolina. Default having been made In the payment ol the note thereby secured by tho said Deed of Trust and the undersigned. Brock & Scott, PLLC, having been substi­ tuted as Trustee in said Dead of Trust by an instrument duly re­ corded in tho Office of the Regis­ ter of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, and tho holder of tho nolo evidencing said indebt­ edness having directed that tho Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for salo at the courthouse door of Iho counly courthouse where tho property is located, or the usual and customary localion at the county courthouse for con­ ducting ths sale on April 20,2009 at 12:30 PM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow­ ing described property situated In Davio County, North Carolina, to wit; BEGINNING ot a point in tho center ol Junction Road (SR 1116), a corner of Ozener Clark; thonco with the Clark line South 87° 20' 46" West 32.33 feet to an iron pipe: continuing thence South 87° 20' 46" West 2485.14 feet to an Iron pipe, continuing thence 25.00 foot tb a point; thence North 09» 38' 11" West 63.64 feet to the center ol a branch In the line ol Wachovia Bank and Trust Com­ pany (as seen In Plat Book 3, Pago 25); thence with the branch and the Wachovia line North 86“ 53' 13" East 36.47 feet; North 61« 49' 32" East 232.49 feet; North' 50° 31' 39" East 85.04 feet to the corner of the John Milton Pruitt lands; thence with the Pruitt line North 67» 27' 32" East 1836.79 teet; continuing thence with the Pruitt line Soulh 24° 11' 34" East 27.65 feet; thence North 87° 10' 00" East 115.40 feet; thence South 24° 12' 23" East 174.92 feet; thence North 87° 11' 46" East 142.78 feet to a stake and con­ tinuing North 87° 11' 46" East 32.22 feet to the center of Junc­ tion Road (SR 1116); thence with the center of Junction Road South 24° 11'36" East 25,09 feet to the POINT AND PUCE OF BEGIN­ NING, containing 10.77 acres, more or less, as surveyed by Tutterow Sun/eying, Novembers, 1999. Subject to all covenants, re­ strictions, easements of record, zoning ordinances, and aii other easements applicable to said property. If any. Including rights or easements lor utilities eycept to the extent that the same are re­ leased, terminated, or merged. Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior convey­ ances ol record. Said property Is commonly known as 1244 Junction Rood, Mooksvliio, NC 27028. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, and the court costs ol Forty-Five' Cents (45e) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursuant to NCGS 7A- 308(a)(1). Acash deposil (no per­ sonal chocks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase prico, or Seven Hundred Fllty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will bo re­ quired at the time of tho sale. Following the oxpiratlon ol the statutory upset bid period, ail the remaining amounts are Immedi­ ately due and owing. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Salo Is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS." There are no represontatlons of warranty relating to tho title or any physical, environmental, health or .safety conditions existing In, on', at, or relating to the property be­ ing offered lor sale. This sale Is mado subject to all prtor lions, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transler taxes, special assess­ ments, easements, rights ol way, deeds ol release, and any other encumbrances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowl­ edge and belief of the under­ signed, the current ownor(s) of the property Is/are Richard D. Pruitt nnd wile, Gloria R. Pruitt. An Order lor possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties In possession by the clerk of superior court of tho county In which tho property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered Into or re­ newed, on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the no­ tice ol sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days’ written notice to tho landlord. The notice shall also state that upon termi­ nation of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termina­ tion. if the trustee is unable to con­ voy title to this propbrty for any reason, the solo remedy of the purchaser Is ths return of the de­ posit. Reasons of such' Inability to convey include, but are not ilm- Pa in t in q a n d Ho m e Im pr o v em e n t sNo Job isTob Small. — FREE ESTIMATES — 10% Senior Cltlun Dlicount TOP CATS OBatQNS Tim Chase/owner 336-692-2591 ited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to tho confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of tho loan without the knowledge of the trustee, if the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion. If they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to bo void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no lurther remedy. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COM­ MUNICATION IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, EXCEPT IN THE INSTANCE OF BANK­ RUPTCY PROTECTION. iPr'OU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT OH HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANK­ RUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PUR­ SUANT TO STATUTORY RE­ QUIREMENT AND FOR INFOR­ MATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN AT­ TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY Substitute Trusteo Brock & Scott, PLLC Jeremy B. Wlikins; NCSB No. 32346 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX; (910) 392-8587 File No.: 09-02227 4-9-2lri With today's economic challenges, many families have fallen on hard times and just need a little help. Angel Food Ministries, a nationwide program offering low cost food relief to anyone who wotdd like to save money on their grocery bill, can make a difference! If you or someone you know needs help - check out Angel Food Ministries at Jericho church of Christ. a n Local host site: Jericho Church of Christ, 124 Davie Academy Rd For in fo rm a tio n : call 492-5291, v is it w w w .jericho to day.co m M enus and in fo also available: Jericho church b u ild in g , Storehouse For Jesus, & senior center. . Last dnv to order is Sundnv. April 12 Food Pickup is April 18 S p e c ia ls o f t h e W e e k P H O T O S P E C IA L D dii't l iii uct Nom Musi ;i(liiu sl Limit 4 While Supplle.4 Last Saster Cards l/2 T = rt№ O n e H o u r P r o c e s s in g a t H e x t D a y P r ic e s One Week Only I'o r f^rcill ilirM i n iu lilM I o il (Irii^ is i4. lu 'iillh p r o b ln iis , ЦО lo w w w .r o s tiT d r iin i'o .i'o m Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun V.30-5 Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksvilie • (336) 751-2141 w w w .fosterdrugco.com DAVIS REGIONAL MtDICAL CENTER • www.davl s r e p I (» n a I . с о in HarrisPool & S u irp lie s 0|mi«IClNlw«Vli)l|iwll4iÍMiMl Tommy Harris/Owiicr-Over 20 Yrs. Exp. 277 Pleasant Acw Dt, Mocksvilie Horn (336) 284^817 DAViS REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 2009 COIVllVlUNITY EDUCATION SERIES CARPALTUNNELSYNDROM E Thursday, April 16 • 6:30 pm • Davis Regional Medical Center Join us for a very informative program as we discuss CarpalTunnel Syndrome (GTS). Affecting both men and women, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome sufferers experience numbness, pain, occasional weakness, as well as disrupted sleep habits and a loss in daily living activities. Our program addresses the latest advancements and treatments for.Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and offers hope forCTS sufferers. i Certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgety, Dr. Raderisamettiberofthe American Orthopaedic Spciety for Sports Medicine and a member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, He has extensive experience in Carpal Tunnel Syndname, S program is frae and open to the public, but space is limited and J reservations are requested. Please call 704-838-725S for more information or to reseiveyour space. 2 I К O i l ) M C) ( К S V I I I I U I» A I)4 0 . ! X M IS J. SlAllSVIlll ■ '’I D6 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Apr. 9,2009 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Apr. 9,2009 - D7 DAVIE-CLEMMONS Call Monday-Friday 8 AM-5 PM TOLL FREE 1-t77-7S1-2120 FAX: 704-630-0157 EMAIL: CLASSADSOSALISBURYPOST.COM REACH OVER 29,000 READERS EVERY WEEK! FR EE A P S Giving away something or Sëllinp something;PICTURE APS ' iihrinr whn? Fn>inriVin<irnVf7 'nclude a photo with your auto, house or; RUN IT FOR fPet ad and run it for 4 weeks for only $10 “ J ^lí/íeclnltal 1 — *í Um|1Lmuar J IM M MH u« iifw l • . “ jJÉMÉ Ï M ip i ill пиШОм ÿ.t Accounting & Finance ^ 'R ayklnt Stool socks an Accounts Rocoivnblo Clork to join OUf Accountltxj Dopt. lr\toro8tod caniJldnto ^ s h o u ld auljmit Ihoir r{i- sumos to raykinssloolQ OmQll.com lor Immudaito omploymont.Jif Drivers & Jïanagortallon_ D river ■ CURHENTLY HIH- INQ Exporioncod loam s and Soloa wilh HozMot. Dry Von & Ton p Control ovalloblo. 0 /0 3 wolccmu. Call Covonani OC6-Oa4-2519EOE Drivers • M llot A Freight! Poeltlons availablo ASAPI CDL'A with lankor roquirod. Top pay, promlurn bonofits and M UCH M O REI CaH ot visit us ontino, ОГ7-484-ЗОСО. www.ookloytransport.com Nood CDL Orlvors A or D with 2 years rocont commor* clal oxporlonco lo transloi molor homos, slraight trucks, (raclore and busos. 1*000> 501-3703. Now Hiring Von DrIvorsI Woslorn Expross. Roguloi Homo Timo. 3,000 miloo por wook avorago. ExcullonI Equipmonl. Ono-doy Ofkinta- tlon. Stablo. Growing Compo- ny. Must bo 22 yoars old, Class A-CDL Roquirod. I- eCO-003-4112. Education & __T rain lng _ Fayettovllle Technical Com ­ m unity Collego EmpbymonI Oppoflunity* Diroctor of Stu­ dent Financial Aid Sorvfcos, Job N00-50 ■ Roqulromont: MOA or related tlokl; or oqulv* ulont. Four years oxporlonco In Volorane Acinin ond finan­ cial aid (Tiik) IV) assistance programs. Prolorrod: Foui yoars oxporlonco using Data- fol and/or olher llnancial aid proflrams. EHoctlvo orol and wfitlon communlcatk>n skills. Supon/lsory oxpcrlonco. Salary rango ol $52.070- $70,U?Q.Opon Until Rltod. . tnstmctor* Job Л06- loqtilromoni; Mostor’e hi Dfology or МавЮг*« with IB grad nours in DIology. Orai, written and advanced conv puter skills oro nocossary. Proforrod: Tooching oxp at a community collogo or four« ^oor collogo. Ooadlino: AprtI Humanities Instructor* Job «08-52 •Roqulromont: Mae* tor's In Humanities or Mas- tor's with lO grad hours InHu* manltlos. Oral, written nnd ad- vancQd computor skills are nocossory. Prolorrod: Teach*iry. Ing oxporlonco al a communi* ty coltogo or lour*- -----------‘ logo. Deadline; April Art Instructor* Job N08-53 • Roqulromonts: Mooter’s In Arl or Master's with 10 grad hours In Art. Including 2-dl- monslonal studio art. Oral, writton and odvancod com­ putor skills aro nocossary, Prolorrod: Mastor'a (n Fino Arls wilh 2-dlmonslonal studk3 ait couraoe and oirong rocord ol exhibitions ol ono's original artwoiko. Toacfilng oxporl­ onco nt a community collogo or lour-yoar collogo. Ooad­ lino: April 20. Psyctiology Instructor* Job N08-54 • Roqulromonts: Mas­ ter's In Psychology or Mas­ ter's with 18 grad hours In Psychology, Strong oral and written communication nnd computor skills nocossary. Prolorrod: Toaching oxporl­ onco at tho community col­ logo or lour-yoar collego. Doadlino: April 20. A completed FTCC appltea- lion, covor letter, resume and copies of collogo transcrlpls, must bo rocolvcd In tho Hu­ man Resources Offico by 4 p.m. on Ihls date. For furtfior Information and appllcalion. ^aso visit our wobsllo. RE* RN CO M PLETED APPLI­ CATION TO: H um on.R o- sources Olfico, Foyoltovilk) Tochnlcal Community Col­ logo, PO Box 35236, Fayot- tovlllo, NC 28303. Phono: (010) 670-0370 Fax: (010) 6700020. wv/w.faytocticc.e- du. An Equal Opportunity Em- pkjyor Healthcare Healthcare T riu m p h , L L C , a 8tatow ldo provldor oJ A dull, Child and Fam liy M ontol H oalth and S ubstanco A buso sorvlcos, is seoking Intensivo In-l-iom o Toam Loador and intonslvo tn*H om o Specialists (or our D avio program . T o am Loador m ust bo Pfovisionaily Liconsod. B oard Eilglbio or fully LIconsod in North C arolina. T e a m Spoclnilsts roqulro a Bnchotor's Dogroo in H um an Sorvicos with a m inim um of ono yoar ol oxporlonco working with children. For m oro inform ation, pleaso visit our vyebslto at: w w w ,trium phcaros.com o r em ail your rosum o lo: caroors® trlum phcarG s.com Education & __Tralnlnc|_ Toachors Full Tim o. St. John’s Ctiild Dovolopmonl Conlor now hitlng. Must have early child care croditlals, no oxcopttons. Ploaso apply In person at 300 W ost (nnos Siroot, Salisbury. NC. General Designers. Colobrnting Homo lormally HGP/Homo In- turtors nowliirlng. Car. pl)ono A computer roquirod. Call Cathy аГзЗО-704-0020 Easlorn NC Coordlnotor. ExporkincQ roquirod In madia communications, rocrultmont & strong writing skills lor non­ profit' coalltton for doatft penalty rolorm. Om i yoar, full- llmo posltk^n. Salary DOE. For appllcalton Inlormatlon, http'7/nc moratorlum.org/onc* cm.aspx NKilOHAlGIIAilDSa R tdstine yours«lfl Call your Amiy Rocruiterl 8FC Dyron Wllllard ' 330-416-3008 byron,wllliordOus.ormy.mil W flldtr • Relocation required, Bocomo an export with U.S. Navy. Pold training, mookiol/donlol. vocatkjn, pro* mottons, (or school. HS grads, ages 17*34. Call Mon- day-Frlday, 600-6627410 lot local Inlor^ow. Do you have a seni» to provide? TO ADVERTISE CALL 1-877-751-2Ш Restaurant & Food Service Dow ntown Salisburynowly ronovotod commer­ cial kltchon A dining aroa for ftoating up to 44. Work & buslnoss opportunity with endless possibilitlos. Pleaso (ax all contact Infor­mation to 704-638-S557 Sales & Marketing Final Expenso. Insuronco Solos, TV Loado, Nowopnpor In&orts, DIroct Mall, Load Fi­ nancing. Exclusivo Torrlto- rlos, 75% CoMimiaslon Ad- vancos. Calt today. Old Am er­ ican Insurance Coitipany, 1- ÛD8-224-0337, W anted: LHoAgontsI Polon* tini io Earn $500 a Day- Qroot Agent Donofits-Commiookins l^ak) Dolly- Liberal Undorwrlt- Ing* Loads, Loado, Loads, Lllo insurance Ltoonao Ro­ quirod. C all1-000-7l3 0020. Ye rd S alfi Advanc«. 3188 US Hwy 64 EasL Yard Saki. Saturday April 11^ 8am*1pm. Rain Dalo; Saturday April 18*'. Clotfiing. fumlturo, kids' otuff, books, olocironlcs, and morol Mocksviiio HugoSFom ilyVord Salo Qat. AprtI, ir o a m - until 120 Summit Di1vo(Nortli RIdgo), Lots of cloltiüs, dir hockey tflblo. rollor liockoy oquipmont, basketball goal, lots o( othor items and bar­ gains. Mocksviiio, Saturday, 8 am > 1 pm, 142 Shuler Rood bo- [\\fvi BP »lotion o!l Hwy. M. Trampoline, computor dosk, go-cart, toys, men ond wom­ en's clothing, cookware. Rain orsliino. Mocksviiio. 3310 US Hwy 168, Multl-lomHy Yord Salo. 10^ & Saturday April 1 Г . 7am*12 noon both dbysl RAIN OR SHINEI Items Include: NEW goll clubs, goll balls & accossorlos, F^rd wronchos & mific, hardware. Children's, toon, women's & plus (ijo cloihiflu (nil ИЛ6ОЛ0), Chtislmoeddcori FTMichmorol Mocksviiio. 468 RIdgo Rd. (Down Junctton Rd, to Davio Academy lo RIdgo R d ) Largo 4 Family Yord Soto. Fridoy April 10 & Saturday April 11. 7am*1pm both days. Mocksviiio. Oread ol Lllo Baptist Churcti. Yard & Bake Solo. April 17" & 18*. Hwy e o iN .to flO to n right. •AiiUilMi/CollicllbiM •A rti/C n tt« № b H M •iDllMqEqiliNmiit/- bpilIlN • iMlMnEvilpiMiil/ , « а д ч и • CdlPhoMtl Sendee • Clotlm-Mu№Clil№eii • Coiqiiileral ЗоНяеге • ConiliMenl • ElectrMlci • EiittlMEquIpiMirt *FannEi|ilp./Siipplles • FIOMn/Plairti • Food/PndMi • Fuel/Wood • Futnlliite/llppllMci« • enMitTgyi • HuetliiitFliliIng • Jewelty • IntadOaideiiStleia lenice • ИасМпегуДмЬ • Medical Equipment • Mite, Equip ./Supplie« • MIscellaneoinFofSale • Muslo Salet/Servlce • Sporting Doods • Tlckols *TV/nVO/Vldeo • Wantio Buy/Mercli. Building Equipment & _ _ S U £ £ l l e 8 _ ^ stool Dullding Pkg. I0«2I Door & Ancfior Boll Incl flog $8,200. Now $4.645 + Codo Adj. Othor S1208 Avail, Big & Small Samo Disc. www,scg-grp,com SourcoN o r r 704-631-3000 8 tM l Buiidina Pkg. 18x21 Door & Ancitor Bolt Incl Reg $8,200. Now $4.845 > Codo Adj. Olt>or Slzos Avail, Big & Small Samo Disc. www.icg-arp.com Source» OFl 330-703-1183 Exercise Equipment Gnzoito No Impact Glklor. H okb up to 3üüiba. Novor usod. Alrondy assomWod. $t25. Call 70-t-200-M 30 W eight sysleni, Gold's Gym GS2S00. Full body workout syatom. liko now. Incl. manu­als. $250. 704 03G-3000. Farm Equipment & Supplies 1052 Ford Rod boiiy Trac* tor. $2,000 lirm. Ptooso call 330-040-3567 lor moro Infor­ mation. Furniture & Appliances Y A R P S A L E Unlimited Words.00 a Weeic Furniture & Appli $5 anees Lovo sont. dark groon, wilh big cushions. A littin worn but In good condition. $60. Call 704-762 0481 aftor 0 pm Lovosoat. bumt bamboo stylo (ramo, quality. 4 pillow, per­ fect lor sunroom, Choryl 704- 2780720 $75,00 Now P*(op M attross Sots $150, Now Bod Room Sots $275. Now Sola/Lovo sots $425.00 can'dol, 704-210- 2000 Pionio tobio (or kllchon. $25. no loss. For moro Information, call 330-3130602 Sloopor sofa, quoon, bumt bamboo Iramo. 0 pillows, por* foct for sunroom. $i00. Choryl 704-278-0728 Stovo, glass-top w / conven* tlonal/convoctk)n ovon. By Whirlpool. Usod 0 mos. Socrv fico nt $35 0 .704-209-5438 W ashor and dryer set. Kon* moro. Whlto 3*1/2 years oU . Excellent condition. $400. No* gollablo. 704-603-4Я10 Games & __T o^s__ Pool (ablo. 7 foot. Sportcraft. Very nk:o. Wood. Excoilont cond. Balls ItKludod. $250. Plonao cnll (330)700-1105 Hunting & Fishing Tonis, lour, now. Conopy, 12'xt2'. Alllor$40. For moro Informntion, call 704 0370330. Machine & Tools Elocltlo Stick W oldor - 220 volt wilh cables. Portable cut­ ting torch w / hose. Grlndor. Drill Press. Hnnd-hokJ saw, Cali (or prices. 7{M.200-5438 Misc. Equipment _ _ & S u g g l l e ^ _ Saw m ills from only $2,000,00. Convert your Logs To Valuablo Lumber with yout owt* Norwood portobio band sawmill. Log skkidors also availablo. nonvoodsavtrmills.- corn/300n. Froo inlormatlon: 1-800-578-1303 OXI300 N. MIsc For Sale Antique LS.SISO . Wing bock chairs. $150. Counter height lablftM chairs. $200. Coll 704- 030-0341 aftor 6pm Dullding Sale! Unprocodont- od tow pricos. Reduced de­posits. Limited invontory. 25x40 $0,844. 30x50 $7,844. 35x60 $12.005. 40x60 $15.005. 60x100 $37,400. Othoral 1-000-668-S422. Manufacturer direct elnco 1060. Dining Table, podostat, wilh glass top, 42 x 72, wilh 6 paddod clialrs. $350. Call 704-033-7l67oltor0pm , Entortaim m nl conlor, cher­ ry color. Too largo for my aparlmont. Ashloy lurn. $400 OBO. 704-708-2077 Iv msg Kitchen table, glass. Ono chair broken but lixabld. $40, For moro Informatton. cnll 704-003-4573, Car Scat w ilh 2 bases ond stroltor. Evenflo Travel Sol Ton PlakI, gently usod. $100 704-402-7020 Corpot stoom rr and ctoanor, Groon Machino, wilh all ao- cossortos, noods now hose. Cheryl 704-278-0726 $25.00 MIsc For Sale DirecTV Saloliito Toiovislon. Froo oquipmont. Froo lout room instollotlon. Froo H D or DVR Rocoivor Upgrade Packages Irom $20, Call DIroct Sat TV lor details. 1*888-420-0460. Dog crate, Polmoto, Extra-largo wire. Availablo April 25. $60 limi. 704*762-0401 ullorOp.m . Dog Konnol. 10X10. ■ ’houso ond dog leedor. $75 (or aU. 704*230-5512 Envendo GxorSnucor 2 In I gnntly usod, Fish Thomod $40.00 704*402*7020 Orneo Hom o Pro Mochino quilting frame with Elna 7200machino. $1,700. 030-940-3186 Piaym al with 3 set up opttono by Fisher Prico Ffeh Thom e 704-402-7029 $20,00 Rofrigorotor, W hirlpool 18 cu II with too maker, vory с1оап-$125. (704}407*280t boloro 10:00 p.m. Riding law n m ower. Yard Machine 13l»p 38* cut. Runs groat, $250. 70-1-636-8250 Slooi Arch Buildings SAVE THO USA NDS - 3 cancelled ordors. 25'x30‘. 35'x50' Immo- dinto shipment ‘ or ptok up availablo! Invontory won1 loatl CALL TO DAY 000-352 0710 Sporting Goods M ountain Bike. Unlvegn mon'o. rod, 20-lnd> tlron w/ buby ooat nttacliod. Groat cond. $125.704-200-0500 Want to Buy Merchandise Tim ber w an ted-P ino or hardwood. 5 acres or moro soloct or clear cut. Shavor W ood Products. Ino. Cnll 704-278-0201. Tim ber W anted, 1 ocro or moro, pine or hardwood, clear or soloct. H & M Log­ ging, 336-400 0570 • Blidi • Call • Dogs •Horses • livestock • Other Feta • Pet a Livestock Services Birds Lovebird for sale. Good pot for adult or child. Cago Includ­ od. $125. Ploaso cull 336- 940-3507 Cats Cookw aro -* W o stopped do­ ing dinner partlest Havo somo beautiful 22-ploco sots loltl Surgical Stainless Stooll 7-ply and now in boxi LIfotlmo W ar- rantyl W ore $1,809, llrst fivo callers buy (or $2001 1-800-434-4628 vapo8oal.com Cat, 3 yoar old (omole, Hol- dl. Rulsod around a child. FREE to a good homo onlyl 704-267-4443 Froo kittens ready lo go. Bom V*Day. 2 Solid Grey & 4 Groy Calico. Coll 704*754- 0353 or 707-2090030. Slam ss« Kittens lor sol $490 oach. Ploaso call 919- 269-0454 for moro Info, www.soalpolnt.org D o g iIS Chihuahua, fomnto. Spayed. Lonpcoat. Housotrolnod. 1 yoar old. $225. Loxington oroa. 330-7g0-1105 Dachshund puppies. Mini Longltalr. Ready lor Easlori Now Taking Deposits. Homo Soclall20d. Dowclawod, 1st stiots & wormod. Block & tan, Chocolato A tan, Silver Dap­ ple A Shadod Rod. Pleaso call 330-413-8768 or 330- 480-6092 Free Black Lab Mix puppies 0w o oksold2g lrts1b oy worniodondlirbt shots 704003-4703 Puppies, Iroo, 8 weeks old tatymix Call 704-030 01 t l Ext. 209 or 70‘t-239-t027 Pet & Livestock Services Happy Jack mango modlcino prornotos healing and halt growth to any mongo, hot spot, or fungus on dogs A horsos without storotdst Yad* kinvills Hardw sro 670-2049 • UgillbtlcM • FtMlUi • InstiuctlN • Lost 1 Found • Monumoot/Cemotoiy Lols • Notices • Special Occasions •Travel Opportunities Business Opportunities 100% RECESSION PROOFI Do You Earn Up to $80G'day (potential)? Your own local routo. 25 Machines and Can­dy. Alt for $0,995. 1-800-753- 345JJ, MultiVond. LLC 4 \ Free Stuff Cai. Froo Slamoso cat and litter box. insido cat. Call 704-637* 3175 lor moro Informatton. Dog. Fomolo puppy. Outsldo dog. Roally swoot. Froo lo a good Гюгпо. Ploaso call 704-431-4054 Free Stuff Free dog, Rothveiter. Fo* malo, 2 yoors. FUod, shots up-to-date. Frtondiy. Lovos kids. Call 704-209*1699 Free dogs. Mosllfl/Boston Terrier male. Siborlon Huskey mix, lem, Goaglo/Jack Rus­ sell mix molo. 704*270-0509 Froo kittens to good homo playful and loving. 4 malo 2 lomalo. 704-707-0373 (Oam-Oprn) Froo puppies to a good homo. Very cuto and lovlng. Ploaso coll 704-279-0018 ot 704-279-4825 for moro Inlo. Froo Pupplos lo good homo. Small mixed brood. 12 weeks. 2 motos. 1** 2 rounds of shots. 704-857-0222 Froo w ood available. Most ptok up. Pioaso call 704-037-3260 (or moro Informatton. - Kittens. 4 kittens. 8 weeks okt. Ultor trained. 2 matos and 2 lomalos. Ptoaso call 330-492-5472 Pupplos. 8 wks okf. Mixed Australian Shep^ierds. 3 (o- matos, 3 moles. Somo w / blue eyes. 704-213-2685 or 213- 0706 Instruction Airlines are hiring* Train lor high p ^ln g Avlotton Mainte­ nance Career. F/VA opprovi am. Rtianciai aiu 11 qual- 'od Housing ovnltobto. Cali Aviation instituto ol Mainte­ nance (008) 340-5307. Atlond coitogo online from homo. Modlcol, Buslnos.^, Paralegal, Computors, Crlml- noi Justtoo. Job plocomeni assistance. Computor avail­ ablo. Financial aki II qualiftod, Call 866-858-2121, www.* ConturaOnlino.com Drlvers/lrair>M s needed. Nattonal Carrtors Hiring Nowl No oxporlonco noododi No CDL? No probtomi Training ovailablo with Roodmasler. Call Now. 066-404-8459. Lost & Found Found Alaskan Spitx about I Ferry Rd. around 3/0. Call to klonlify. 704-239-4600/704е37-2707 4/5 yrs. Sowors Found dog. lerrior m ix. Sol­ id whlto, IriotKjiy malo, in Wust Rowan area. Call 704- 2700011 lokJontily, Found key on koychain at Salisbury Post OKico on Sat. 4/4 In tho parking lol. Call 7О4-057-0Э91 lo idontily Found. Blacli A w hite m edi­ um dog In CrosconI noigh* burtiood. Has collar, no logs. Call lo Idonlily. 704-603-4741 Found. Fomato cot. Whlto with black spots, vory loving. For moro Information, call 704-655-3270. F o und Treeing W alker Coon Hound lotjnd around Old Camp Rd. on 3-25. Call to Idontily 704-856-2408 Lost M ini Dachshund, Croom Longholr. REW ARD. Lost In tho Sain Rd. Area. Answers to 'Doc.' Ptoaso call 336-.400-8002/336-413-078a F in d T h e R ig h t B a l a n c e D » G O V Call Monday-Friday 8 AM-5 PM TOLL FREE 1-I77-7S1-21ZI FAX: 704-630-0157 EMAIL; CLASSADS@SALISBURYPOST.COM REACH OVER 29,000 READERS EVERY WEEK! F R E E A D S P IC T U R E A D S Giving away sornethin^^^^^ Include a'photo with your auto, house or T FOR pet ad and run it for 4 weeks for only $10:RUN ITI Unlimited Words $5.00aWeek Lostj&Found Lost Dog. Shepherd Mix, about 3 mos old. light colored, Mar 13 on Doadmon Rd A 601. Reward. 330*749-6570 . yonr old puppy. Whlto with gray, block, tan, 170 Twin Cedars Qolf Rd. W earing a rod collar ond 0 block collar lor otoctrto (onco. Ploaso caR 330-030- 9090 If you find hori She’s my son's dog A ho mlssos ttorl Notices DAVIE PREO NA NCY CARE Conlor oflors conlklontlal A Iroo pregnancy losls, support sorviCQS ond roforrals. Make a iKialthy chotoo for your lifol Call 330-753 HO PE (or appt. I, Apacha (Pat) Overby, will not bo rosponsibto for any debts other than my own otfoctlvo Immodialoiy. Travel Opportunities B rnnion. M O Mny 11-17 Irv cludos 0 straws. 3 dinnors. 2 tunchos, 5 CD, t lull broak- last, 0 /N <1 Oprylond Mil. JAJTouis 33 0 0 4 5 0391 • Щ и к Н И и • И м и р М М « . » ки т ами ftijiartii •UkiPrefMly •Imi In Ml • I M i l i r M « •IM iitnilH aM •MBMfMtmdHeaM ' SalM ^ ■■__________Л• M iitT ic iu ra e H O M Loti for Sale • Manutactured Hone Service! Repairs • Mortgage Services/ loaat • Real Estate Servlca* •IlNlbUle-Colmwelil • ResMtlVacaUon Frojart» • Waated: Real Estât* Apartments & Condos for Sala Mockavlllo, low nhouui In Milling W ay. Convontont location. 2BR/2BA, 2 yoars old, Unit 110, beautiful pool comptox $110,500. Coll 330* 470-2051, 336-055-3447 or 330-751-5440. Homes for Sale ir Creek Church acres. 3B R /IB A , basonlqnl. shop building, bams, pond. W m R Dovto School. $169,000. if you havoni ownod a homo In 3 yoars, you nuiy qualify for an $8,000 credit for this property. 330-7S1-5028 Berm uda R un Cognlry Club 3BR, 3BA tovmfiouso. Carport, pool privltogos. $175,000. 330-008*7660 Hom es, Governm ent fund­ ing available for all homo buyers who own land or havo family land. $0 down, easy financing. Call 336-348* 6347. Kinderton. inunacuialo 30R, 2У^ BA. 2 iovol, mastor B R on main, 2 car garago, screened In porch, courtyard, and many othor attractive foaturos. $227,700. Coll Janlco Mo- Danlol of КоУог Williams ot 336-909-0747 _Lajid for Sale Final closeoutl Goll Lot Bar- • gains (rom $19,900 (was $69,000). Goll A Amenity package Indudedl Dovolopor closeout on remaining lots at chbmplonship 18 holo course In Blue RkJgo Mountains- un- dor onu hour to Asheville, N.C. All infraslaicturo com* plotod* build whon roady. 1 lot per customori Excoltont II* nonclng. Call now 1-860-334* 3253. X2279. Land for Sale Acreage, 324wooded Plus2 ctoarc'd buikJing sitos, 2.4* 3.0 acres rural setting/rood Irontngo. 330*492-2144 Colorado bank foreclosure 35 AC $29,900. En)oy 300 days ol sunshine. Rocky Mountain views, ullKttos. Ex' collont financing. 1st como, tst serve! Coll today 1-800* 006-5203x5055. Stesi m y tondi Ownor must soil, ono woodod ocro w/r1vof accoss. Community pool, walking trolls and gorgeous rlvorl NO timo limit to bulkJ, First $29,000 tokos It. Coll now877-289-20-18. Manufactured Home Sales $a,900 down 13 payments iolt. Ploaso coti 704-483-3702 $3,000 down - only 13 poy- monts loft. Call qutoki Wo ownor financo. Ploaso coll 330-299-5613 $0,000 lax credit for quaiillod oppttoants. Pioaso coll today to pro<|ualtfy330-299-8520 2Y oor Job Tim e,2 Yoar Rental History. You Can Own Today! 704-030-0149 Extra large m obilo homo. 2002 , Cnomplon. 10x80’. 3BR, 2BA. Nooriy now carpot. Hoat pump, rulrtgorator A stovo Indudod, $20.000, Must bo movodi 330-492-2307 Uovornm ent funds availablo lor 1" time homobuyors'wlK) own land or havo lamily lond. Zoro Down. Easy Financingt 704-030-0400 Hom e Mnd Land packages os low ns $95,000. Coll to af>plyfor froo. 330-299-5612 M ocksville area. 3DR .2BA $050/morith. Owner finoncing. Call704-483-3702 Move In Todayl IB R , IBAcottago with porch. $450/Monlh 704-030-0840 Move in Todayl 2DR. 2BA with Porch. 55 or Okior Community 704-030-0400 Take Over M y Paym enlsl $402/Monlh Ploaso can 704 030-6400 Rosort & Vocation Property Blue RIdgo Mountains, NC Log cabin. $07,000. Owner sncnllcing a 1320 sq. (t; unfin­ ished cabin on 2 acros w/slroom. Lolt deck A cov- oro<i porch. 1*828-280-1066. Froo Cam ping A $200 In Grocory RowordsI Booutifui campground rosort In fJorth Corolina, Amazing Amonlttos and Family F u n f Call 800 705-2190 to Discover Morot Wanted: Real Estate Land or developm ents wanted. W o buy or market dovok>pmont to\s. Prolor Mountoin or Coastal Commu­ nities. Coll Us at 000-155- 1081.Ex1,1034, Real Estate - W o wili buy your house today. All coah. Fast sottlomont. Any condi­ tion. Homo Real Estote, (336)722*1122 • Ш М M m U m m • H o M M fo illn rt •UkiPrapwtiiRHtal •iwd 1er Rant • OHIcal Cennwclal Rental • Faatwa lead tor Real • Ma^afactundHom Ida • MaaalNtihdltaM. lavRMit • RMartlVKriloi •RoaMMliWMM • RNMlarllHt • S le f4 ( •WaitMlilM Houses for Rent 601 SOUin. ИОПСП nOfllU III country. 3BR. 2BA + oflico. 2 car garoge, lonced yard. No pels. $800/mo. + deposit A roloroncos. Can (or appoint* mont. 336-204^758 Advance, 125' Little John Dr. Brtok ranch. 2 Lg. BR, 1.5 BA. dish* washor, stovo, rofrg., dis* posai. Lg DR A LR, ioun* dry room, Oil hoat. Con­ trol air. 2 car garago ot* tachod w/oponors, now iiooring throughout, Boau­ liful ctoan iKjmo. No pots, $750/mo. 336*766-0526 Houses for Rent A ttv in c « .3 8 R .2 .5 B A V 0 7 ntoo l>omo. groat location. Shady Qrovo A ElKa school districts. All oppls. Including built In mlcn)wovo A dish* woshor, FP, garden tub. rock­ ing chair (ronl' porch, back deck ovork}oklng pond, largo gorogo A woikshop. Year round lawn care ' Incl. $1.105/m o. 336.017-0100 Advance. 3BR. 2M BA, garago. 2,000 t s(. security system. Exocuth/o homo Ront $1,400 or Rent to Own. 704-030-0095 Century 2 t Triad ЭЗе*78Ь2222 350M cCuik)Ugh Rd., M ocksvtiie. Шugh I .3BR,1BA $075/mo. fao Slorling Place, Mocksviiio. 2BR, 2BA Town homo with gorogo. Brond Now. $77^5Ano. 120 W averiy Dr.. Ad* vonco. 3BR,2BA. Firo* placo A gorogo. Qoa hoat A air. $995/mo. 161 D ublin Rd*Advanco Primo iocalton/Sftamrock ncroa, 30R .2D A All nppH- anco Ittcluded w/ waster A dryor. $995/mo, 264 Kon Dwigglns* M ocksville 3 B R .2 D A .M uppl. Includod. $750/mo. 104 M im o sa-Advanco TH in Bermuda Run. 2BR, 2BA. AH òppi. lnclu(iod. $850/mo. lO O R en tiL an e IB R . IBAcottago. Private A dean.$500Ano 8 2 2 5 Shallow ford Ln.* Lew isville 2BR.2BA Cot­ tage w/oil hoot. $550/mo. 132B rlckw alk> M ocksville 2 DR. 2BA condo In Milling W ay. Like new w/sunroom. Commu­ nity Pool accoss.$075/mo. 2S5K lnQ sm m D r.<O ak ValtayЗBR.2^4BA. Prl- vooy lonco A owning over dock. $ 1495/mo. -C all C entury 3 t Triad 336-761 *2222 Mon-Frl 0anv>6pm OR 336-781-5555 E x t 213 nights and weekends. ERA Prem ier Realty Jockie Coulslon 336-753-0777 or 33A-751-2055 M O C K S V IL U -C h arlesto n Ridge. 3B R .2B A Scroonod porch, foncod backyard. 2 cor garago. Smoko Froo. $9W m o. M O C K S V ILL E -R anch o n ! ocro. 3BR ,2BA .Rongo. rofrigorotor, diahwoshor, A mtorowave. 2 coroltochod garago. $875/mo. M OCKSVILLE-*-Chartoston Ridge. Smoko Iroo. woll maintained 3B R ,2B A with vaulted ceilings, gardon tub A separato snovra, ovorslzod 2-car garago A dock. $050/month. A D V A N C E -3B R , 2BAwith lols of extras > gas logs, porch, patio, docks, 1ю1 tub, P9rt backyard foncod, 2 cor gorago, separato garogo/workshop. $i,000/m o. ERA Prem ier Realty Jackie Coulston 336-763*8777 огЗЗв-751- 2065 Farm ington m ini (arm , 2093 • 801 North. 3BR house, loncod yord, pas­ ture. bom, shop, gorogo. Ntoo package for $1200/mo. 336*998-3160 M ocksville area. 3BR/214 BA. Rent to Ownl Gorogo, apoiox 2,000 sf. coni hoat/alf. Vory NIco. $15,000 dovrti, $395/m o. 704-630-0095 E S s IM ocksville. Im m aculate 3B R / 1.6BA brick ranch. Now corpot and point. Range, dishwashor and Bide-by-sldo rofrigorotor. Energy oiflcionl hoot pump. $80Q/month * $800 socurlty deposit. No pots. Coil Maty Hondrtoks at 336-940-7077. PENNINGTO N A CO. 336-098-9400 336*009^)747 W o havo rentals ovollablo. Londtords and tenants ” Call us for inlormatlon on proper­ ties or proporty monago* mont. W o liavo an automal* od phono system (or ln(or* Commercial Proportlos/ Businesses for ioaso or solo. Call Jantoo McDantol 336-009-0747 Pennington A Co. 336*998-0400 336*90»«747 < 64 W est. 6 rooms, 1 New paint, now (kwrs, now bath, now-kltchon. Basomont, attto storago. Mocksvlle schools. $576/mo. plus do* posit and roterences. Call 336*751-5628 . Houses for Rent Salisbury, near Tomoroc. 2 story 2BA. 2BA. Appllancos, tolo of trving spoco ond bonus rooms. $79fl/mo. + deposit. 704-932-9483 loavo msg. Cooleem ee. 3BR /1BA nowly romodolod houso. $700 poi monlhpKis deposit. 336-909-0004 Office & Commercial Rental UCM B u iln e ii Park, For ooto or iooso, 0,000 qq. ft, building. 1500 lo 4500 sq fl units. Commorcial lots lor sale or will bulk) to suit ton- ont. 306-998-3105 Manufactured Home for Rent 167 C a lv b Lano. 3DR, 2BA. Rocontly romodolud. RoMgorotor A stovo Incl. $400 par month plus do- posit. Coll 330-284-4348 601 S. ’ Furplshod'onprlvoto lot. ■ No pole. 3 poopto limit. Roloroncos. Dopoflil A $450 ront. Coll 330-284-4750 Davio County. Country ilv* Ing. Private lol. 3BR. 20A slngiowldo mobile homo. No pots. Vory doan. Soctlon 0 woloomo. Deposit roquirod. Coll 330-575-2101. Farm ington Area, privato. 20FV2BA. OH oppliancos. centrai hoal A oir, dock. A gara(io. No pois. No smok­ ing. $000/mo. plus dcposll. Ploaso coll 330-655-3272 or 330055-0020 T Mocksville 4BR. 2BA, privale fam i tot, heol pump, flropiaco. Convonioni to shop­ ping. $700/m o ♦ deposit * roloroncos. 330-751-5620 M ocksville. 2BR/2BA. 14’x70’ singtowldo. $500/mo * $500 dop. No HUD. 330- 009-0700 or 330-492-5018 M ocksville. Rofldy Now 2 BR bdck houso. fumlshod, also otoctfto, $550/ mo. 2BR, 1 BA mobile homo, private lol. 704-267-5501 Pinebrook School District. ЗВП. 2BA. $550/mo, $300 doposll. Absoiuloiy no pots. 330-940 2515 Resort & Vacation Rentals Todd, NC get-aw ay In boau- tilui rustto mountain gel-a- way, $450/month, deposit ro­ quirod. Coll 330-960-4220 Wanted: To Rent W ant to rent hom o. 71 yooj okJ whito femoto with I dog, $450/month. HU D opprovod. Coll 330-071-3933 • Mm • Metió* • iMta/Watareraft • CallectaiCara • СааиакШ DatsfoiMlan .•lhterc|clH/*TVe •RecitatleaalVelilclN • RMtabllaaalq • Senlee/tots/ kcceiutlet • Traasfortatlon ' Ofalersklps • Transportation Flaaaclag • Tnicki/SUVs/VaM • Waattohq/rraM Autos ed. 75.000 miloa, SS.eOO. 0 8 0 . Ptoaso coll 704-630- 0150 lor moro Inlormalkxi. Chevroiet, 1089 White, 4 door sodan. W as running whon parkod. $200. Coll 704-236-5512 D O NATE YO UR VEHICLE- Rocelvo $1000 Grocory Coupon. Uniled Broast Can­ cor Foundatton. Froo Mam­ mograms, Broast Cancer Info: www.ubc(,inlo. Fruo Towing. Tax D e d u c ts . Non-Runners Accepted. 1-888-46&-5964. IO N D A ,2002, AC CO RD EX.' ^ down, will holp II* nance. Credit, No. probtomi Privato paitysato- Caii 704*871*2223 Autos Pontlso G rand AM 1997. 4 cylinder, outomatto. $1.000330-940-3180 Pontiac, 1909, Bonneville SSE. Loaded. Excoltont con* ditlon. Eloctrlo sunroof, $3,000 firm. 336-940-3507 Boats & Watercraft Pontoon 2< 2008. 240 Fish, 50 HP Mercury Motor, dual oxto Irailor, playpen covor. bfmi- nl, Only boon on Iho water onco. Í1 5 .0 0 0 /O B O 704-1330220 or 70‘t-036-0041 Financial Services Auctions Row on Auction Co. Profes­ sional Autíton Son/toos: Salisbury. NC 704-633-0009 Kip Jennings NCAL 6340 SPR ING COMTRACTORS AUCTIO N- Thursdoy, April 10. 2009, 0am , Lumberton, NC. lOOf ABSOLUTE Items. 3% BP. Lloyd Mooklns A Sons Auction Co. inlornol bidding avniioblo. www.mookinsouc* llon.com 800-499-0560. NCLN058 Child Care & Nuwer^_Schoojs Childcare. Looking to koop kids in homo. All shifts. For moro Inlonna* tlon ptoaso call 330*775 7365 or 330-402-5252 Financial Services W ORKINO CAPITAL avЛ^ abto Buslnoss Onfy 704-321-1170W orron Shinn wshlnnOurfunding.com “We can orase your bad credit — 100% guaranteed” The Federal Trade Commission says any credit repair company that claims to be able to legally remove accurate and timely infor­ mation from your credit report is lying. There's no easy fix for bad credit, it takes time and a con­ scious effort to pay your debts. Learn about managing credit and debtatftc.gov/credTt. : A message from The Salisbury Post and the FT(D. Motorcycles &ATVB 2004 883XLC Sportster. Times aro hard, iuxurios gotta go. 2-tono bhio. Has 13.500 miles. Mainlenanco up to dale, ready lo rido, Ctiromo luggago rack, A pad^tod pas- Konnor backrofll. Custom mocTul has largor gas tank. Rotali valuó $<1900 Noud to soli ASAP. 704- ООО 6057 Trucks, SUVs & Vans Fofd F-2&0, 200t OKtonded cab XL, 4x4.7.3 turbo diosol, 100 gal fuel tank A pump, tool box. $7,000. Chovy pick up 1072, 4x4. 327 four speed. $4.000. 336-940-3100 Auctions 1093 AC RES (15 mountaln- viow tracts). Noar Loxington, VA. Adjoins Washington Na­tional Foresl. Long rh/er Ironlago, $ 1 2 M tlmbor value. Auction; April 18, 10 aim, wvw.countsaix:tlon.com 800* 780-2001 (VAAF03) 2 Sm ith Mountain Lake (VA) Condos. 3BR/2BA, ISOOof, Garago: Monoia. 2BR/3BA, 2400sl: Huddleston. Deeded boat siipa, pool accoss. Auc­ tion: Friday, April 24. vavw.* countsauction.com 800-700- 209K V A A F93) A B SO LU TE AUCTION« W odnosday, Apr< 15 al 9 a.m. Construction. Shop Equlprnont, Tnicks, Trailers, Tools. Rolaled ttoms. Triad Sito Dovotopmcnt, 2800 Hall Lane, WInslon-Satom. N.C. 1* 800-763-2728. www.m* manuction.com. 10% Buyer's Premium Appltos. Martin A Martin Auctionoors. Ino, NCAL Finn N7784. AU CTIO N- April 25th, 10:00 AM. Waterfront U ts . Acroago A Bool Slips on Mainland. Surt CIty/Hampslead. NC. (a ponibn Sold ABSOLUTE). Call 010-270*5044. Ari<adl* AAucllon.com. M.Barbor. NCAL7734. AU CTIO N- Conslructton Equlpnwnl A Tmcks. April 17. 8 a.m ., Richmond, VA. 600+ Lols, Excavators, Dozers, Dumps A Moro. Accoptlng lloms Dally. M otlo/a Auction A . Realty Qroup. 804-232* 3300, v^ww.Moltoys.com.- VAALttie. HO M E IMPROVEM ENT AU CTIO N- Saturday, /^ ril 18 at 10 o.m., 201 S. Central Avo., Locust. NC. Qranlto Tops, Cabinet Sets, Doors, Carpol. Tito, Hardwood, Balh Vanities, Composite Docking, Lighting. Nam e Brand Tools. N O S aks Tax appHes. www.* Cia68lcAuctions.com. 704* 507*1449, NCAF5479 LAN O AUCTIO N-Throe Pon* der County Fam is • 292 Toiai Acres • Divided or Whole, Fri­day. April 24th. 10:00 Al^, M W Farms, 10-Acro U k e * front Homesllos. Huntlna A Ag Land. wwwiHousoAucttoiv Company.com. 252-720* 1162,N C A Li|7eW .v ; - O C EA N ISLE BEACH Real Estate Auction,. W atenvay Front, Ocean/W atenvay View & Commercial Lots. 3 Lols Sen Absolute. , April 18th, O cean iQlo'Beach, Shaltoiio, NO . iron Horse Auctton, 800* .907*2248. . NCAL3938, wvw.lipnhorsoauclton,com H om e H aaltli Akiet Personal AssistantI I will provide the (olow ing:Ught housokooplng. ilghi ntoal prop. Holp w/porson- oi hygiono. grocory shop­ ping. onronds, Imnsporta* tlon to oppts. roBof time for caroglvors. Hofs provWod, Ploaso coll Mai 330-040-7077. Mary tt Private duty sitllng for elderly Mon ihm Sal. Holor* oncos ovoilabto, Davio Сбигь ly oroo. 330-090-0345 Home Jm£rovement_ Law son's Hom e Improvo- monls. Windows, doors, vinyl siding, brick, block'work, log siding, hardwood Iiooring. Froo oslimotos. Ownor Andy LowsonCali 336-909-0695 Q uality W ork provided al reasonablo raios. Sm ai or largo jobs. IntiExt. W ork In­ cluding vinyi siding, wlndov/s and doors, trim wori(, kltchon and bathroom romodois or updates, docks, room oddi* lions, garago additions, otc'. Froo esllmnles. Coll 330- 782-7047 or 336-655-4034 Lawn Maint. & __Landsca£lr¡jL Denn Compii Law n Service: ) lawn son/teo (rom ono source. Mowing, plug* D , seeding, lortilizlng, scaping, pino noodlos; mutoh. Stalo cohiflod lor spraying and insurod. Trac­ tor wor1( II noedod. Thirty years oxporlonco. call 336-996-3675 or 336- 399*7063 lor ostlmoto. P ettifs Law n Care For all your lawn and lond- scoplng noods. Low pricosl Froo ostlmalosi insurod. 336-409-2194 /336-463-5227 Miscellaneous Services Don't throw aw ay lown- mowers. ATV’s, goll carls, outdoor powor oquipmont. Will ptok up for Iroo. Coll Rtehord336-473-1838. Hauling ond Clearing • LIghi Clearing• Drivew^• Dftbris Removal • Ctoan Outs (basements, garogos. attics, ostotes. etc.) •TrooW oik/Rom ovol •Houiing Froo Estimates. Roosonobto Rotes. CaU 338-782*7047 Larry’s Auto DetaiiinO' Complolo hand detailing ser* vIco. Cafl for appolntmont. 336-764-8650, References avaSabto upon request. Tree Service C anopy Tree Service, Pro­ fessional Son/Ice at ruason- obio rates. FuDy insurod. Cali for froo oatimatos. Rolor* onces availablo. Also, fire­ wood for sale. 330-998-4374 TCM Quality Tree C are A Land Maintenance. Haz- ordous removals, pruning A prgservattoln.-Btomi damage cion-up. grsding, hauling, ciooring.! i^Ump removal, landscaping. Tbomas Martin. In s u ltC e il: 330-407*7534, home; 336*859-9611 • OurinelaenM ...... : ive*ydiy,«Ka«hMiMnrfii4l • < Im i m M |M iM i l i '.'««иоБпди'М мш ^ :• •MH'U iXVPMri XH АммЫу ; ÌMVl'lMNIVmMIPÌMlSÙÌ4i)lia Д*АссааМ1и.81|1иГай 900-290‘М а STOP LEG CRAMPS BEFORE THEY STOP YOU. Calcet's triple calcium formula Is designed to help stop low calcium leg cramps. Just ask your pharmacist. Ijegaani»- Calcet 0«ryàcpi(ntrl FR E E DIRECTV 4 ROOM SYSTEM! 265* ALL DIGITAL CHANNELS! 130 HD CHANNELSI |Channol Pkgs. Start I $29.991 rno D I R E C T V Toll Froe 866-695-7938 н ц т м м п .ÿÍN % D is c o u n te d Fees a t m o re th an 4 0 0 G o lf C o u rses in 9 S o u th e s it S tates! www.lungnc.org 800,892.5650 $40 eecli or Buy Э Get 1 Fleet J . AHKRICAN ■ * CUNOASSOCIATION»tftMiCmkiú A U C T IO N O c e a n F ro n t H o u s e o n F ig u re 8 Is la n d A p r il 1 8 th ({ij 1 p m Wilmington, NC This Is a very prlvaite Island wilh 441 homas Just minutes away from all tho amonltioa of Wilmington. All Attendees must register prior to the Auction w w w .A r k a d iA A u c tio n .c o m 910-270-5044 M B i i r b o r N C A L 7 7 3 4 City of Charlotte.....Municipality Auctions ROLLING STOCK Sat.. April 18th..10:00 am POLICE UrJCLAlMED Siit...April 25th 10.00am For diractlons and catiloaue listing sto our wsbilte: www.r6gersreaity.com Must pay by cartlfled funds, cash or personal check with bank letter gusranjaslng fundsi Np sKceptlonsI ^Блгсос х Susan Holder. Sales ManncjOr ' (¿36)789-2926 («00)442-7906 n. ai irt .*1 ’’ I ■ D8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 9,2009 D a v i e D a t e l i n e Fundraisers Friday, April 10 Pork BBQ Shoulders, sold by , Purminglon Rurilun Club on pre­ sale basis. Whole shoulders $5/lb. nnd Boston Bulls $6/lb. Orders may be placed lìm i Silt., April 5 by cM ns 998-08ÓO. Proceeds lo various Rurilan projecls. Benefit for Clark Rogers, at IJimies Bapt. Church, 5-7 p.m., dIne-in or Inkc-out, baked spaghetti with salad, giulic bread, dessert. Also, n bake sale. Clark was diagnosed wilh rare type of bladder cancer. Saturday, April 11 Boston Butt BBQ, spoiuorcd by Comatzer UMC Men. Proceeds lo men's ministries. Orders taken III April 5. Pricc $30 wilh sinw, buns nnd dip. Cnll 936:2032 for orders and info. Community Breakfast, nt First Prcdbyterian Church of Mo ksville, 6-10 n.m. Donations accepted. , Fri. & Sat., Aprili? & 18 Huge Book Sale, Davie Libnuy, Fri. 9 n.ni.-8 p.m., Sul. 9 n.m.-3 p.m. Friends o f Davie Library members preview Thurs., 5-8 p.m. (you can join al the door.) Center BBQ, pork BBQ sold nil day, bolh days ‘til sold out, US 64 West al 1-40 (exit 168), Mocksville (behindhisloricCenler arbor), spon­ sored by Center Vol. Fire Dept, nnd CentcrComm. Development Assoc. Building Fundraiser, al Brcnd of Ufe Bnpt. Church, 8 a.m. until; yard sale, bake sale Sniurdfiy, Friday, April 17 Spaghetti Supper, sponsored by Chestnut Grove UMC, 2812 US'601 North, Mocksville, serving baked spaghetti nnd regular spaghetti, 5-7 p.m. nnt-in or tnke-oul. All proceeds going to funds for local missions. Saturday, April 18 Golf Toiirnamcnt, sponsored by Hngle Heights, 2 p.m., nl Pudding , Ridge Golf Course lo rnlse money for missions trips lo Guntemnln. Emuli jjonc3396@yndlel.net Saturday; May 2 1st Annual Pet Fair, nt Humnne Society of Davic County’s Adop­ tion Center, 291 Enton Rd., Mocks­ ville, 10 n.m.-4 p.m. Vnccinntion clinic Inking placc also. Call 751- 5214 for Info. Friday, May 15 Gold Tournament, sponsored by Farmington Rurltnn. Cnplnins Choice, shotgun start, $200per team. Tee lime 1 p.m. Dinner provided following loumamcnt. Register cnll Wee Brock nt 998-3621. Saturday, May 16 3rd Annual Domestic Violence Awareness Walk, at Davic Family YM CA outdoor truck (mln locntlon; Brock Gym), 8-11 n.m. Registration fee of $10. Call 751-3450 for more Info. Religion Thursday, April 9 Maundy Thursday Service, nl Enlons Bapt. Church, 7 p.m. lo cel­ ebrate the Lord’s Supper. Maundy Thursday Service, al Fanninglon UMC, 7 p.m. Maundy Thursday Service, al Fulton UMC, NC 801 SouUi, Ad- viuicc, 7 p.m. Friday, April 10 Passion of Christ, presented by St. Fruncis of Assisi, live outdoor pre­ sentation, 862 Yndkinville Rd, Mocksvillc, 12 noon. Good Friday Service, nt Wesley Chapel уме, 7 p.m. Good Friday Service, 7 p.m., Elbaville UMC, 2595 NC801 Soulh, Advunce. The Seven Last Words of Christ, ciuilntanl First UMC, 7:30 p.m. , Saturday, April 11 Great Easter Vigil, ul Good Shep­ herd Episcopal Cliurch, 8 a.m., cor­ ner of Church and Cross suiicis, Cool­ eemee. Easter Celebrallon, at Blai.se Bapt., 9:30-11 a.m. EaslcrSunriso service7 a.m. followed by worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday, April 12 Easter Sunrise Scrvice, Comntzer UMC, 1244 Comntzer Road, Mocks­ ville, 6:45 n.m. nl the foot of tho cross In the church yurd, worship 11 a.m. in sanctuary, choir presents cantula In Christ Alone. Easier Sunrise Service, nt Eatons Bapt. Church, in Ihe cemetery begin­ ning 6:48 n.m. A time of food & fellowship will follow. At 11 n.m. service сап1п1аЛг/№ My Child pet- fonned by ndull choir. Easter Sunrise Servtre, al Farming­ ton UMC. 6:30 a.m. nnd moming worship 11 n.m. Easter Sunrise Service, Elbfivlllc UMC, 2595 NNC 801 S., Advance, 7 a.m. Light breakfast nilcr scrvice. In the Presence of Jehovah, Enstcr cantata, nl Jcrusnlem Bnpl. Church, 3203 US 601 Soulh, Mocksville, 10:30 n.m. Easier Sunrise Service, 6:30 n.m., al Courtney Bnpl. Church, 3341 Courtney Church Rd., Mocksvillc. Easter Sunrise Service, Fellowship Bnpl. Church, 6:30 n.m., locntlon Rainbow Rd., Advnncc. Easter Sunrise Service, nt Ijnmes Bnpl. Church, 7 a.m. with brenkfnst 7:30 p.m. Sunday School 8:15 a.m. Mon.-Sat., April 13-18 Spring Youth Revival, Mninvillc AMEZionChurch,2IOMninChurch Rd., Mocksville, cnll 751-9146 for info. Special Events Saturday, April 11 Easter Egg Hunt, al Enlons Bapt. Church, M p.m. Clilldrcn should bring baskets. Refreshments pro­ vided. Monday, April 13 Free Classic Movie, al Davie Li­ brary, 10 n.m. Friday, April 25 Musical Flight, presented by Sky Mendow Strings, 5:30-7:30 p.m. ul Rnylen Vlncyiu'ds. . Saturday, April 25 Farmington Spring Fling, 12-4 p.m., music, food, cnkcwnlk, gumcs, silent nuctlon nt Fnrmlngton Comm. Center, for info: 998-4300. Wednesday, April 29 2009 Annual Women's Luncheon, 11:30 n.m., ut Fnmily Life Center, First UMC, Mocksville, wilh guest spcuker. Reservations due by Friday, April 24. For info: 751-3304. Saturday, May 2 Dedication atjoppa Cemetery, for markerforIsniclBoone,sonofSqiiire & Sarah Boone, 10 u.m. Dates to Ffemember Thursday, April 16 Free stroke ;Scre«ning, hosted by Davie Homo Health Agency, 9 n.m. til noon in conference room of Dnvic Home Health, For Info and to make appt. 753-6200. Saturday, April 25 Blood Drive, presented by Ameri­ can Red Cross, al Hillsdale Bnpl. Church, 9 n.m. til 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 28 Blood Drive, presented by Amcri- cnn Red Cross, nl Dnvie Library, 2- 6:30 p.m. M eetings Wednesday, April 1 Davie High Class 1961 Quarterly Get-Together, 1:15 p.m. nt Sage­ brush, Mocksville. Ongoing DavleBeekeepers Association, scc­ ond Mondny of every itionlh, 7 p.m., 114 Doctor Slnte Drive, Mocksville (EMS building), visitors welcome. www.dnvlcbcekeepers.org VFW Post 4024,7 p.m., 2nd Tues. cach month, VFW Hul, Sanford Avenue, Mocksvlllo. Eligible mem­ bers welcome. Come enrly for re­ freshments. For InfocnII 492-7521, Trium ph Piirenling Classes, Wedncsdnys, 10:30 n.m., cnll for Info: 751-5636. Humane Society of Davie Co,, bi­ monthly meetings 2ndTucs. of every even-numbered month, nl Humnne Society Adoption Cenler, 290 Enton Rd. Cnll 751-5214 for info. Davie Amateur Radio Ciub, Isl Tucsdny of ench month, 7 p.m., Dnvie Co. Hospilnl Training Room. Public wclcome. Davie Historical & Genealogical Society, 4th Tues., 7 p.m., Davie Library. Mocksville Lloas Cliib, 1st Tliurs- day, 7 p.m., fellowship hall of St. Francis of Assisi, Yndkinville Rond, Mocksville (bonrd meeting contin­ ues 1st & 3rd Thurs., 6 p.m.). Al-Anon Family Group, nt Mncedonia Moravinn Church, N.C. 801 N„ Advnnce, Sundnys 8 p.m., Rm. 225 (above fellowship hull). Al- Anon Is n group thnt helps fimillles & friends of nicohollcs. Cooleemee Womens CIvllan Club, meets 4lh Tlmrs. of ench monlh, 7 p.m. Cooleemee First Bnpl. fellow­ ship hall, 204 Marginal St., Cool­ eemee. All area ludies invited. For further info: 336-284-4795. . Stitch-In, n guthering of cmflers nl Mocksville Libmry, sccond Wed. of cach monlh, 7-8l 15 p.m. Bring your portable project nn all your best lips nnd tricks to shiuu. Info: 751-2023. Community Foundation of Davie County Board of Directors, 2nd Mon,, 5 p.m. Rotnllng meeting. For info/monthly locution cnll 753-6903. MocksvUleGa.rdenClub, IstThurs. of ench monlh. 7 p.m., in fonner fellowship hull behind First UMC, Mnin Street, Mocksville. North Davie Ruritan Club, monthly dinncrmcctings.secondMon.ofeach month, 7:30 p.m. Cnll 782-4276 for info und locution of next meeting. Smart Start of Davie County bonrd meeting, 3rd Tues, of every other month (begins Jan.) nt SunTrast on Yadkinville Rd„ 9-10:30 n.m. Ques­ tions: 751-2113. ■ Alzheimer’s Support Group, 2nd Tucsdny of ench month, 6:30 p.m., al Autumn Cim:, Mocksville. Info: 751 - 3535. Davie Civitan Club meets 4lti 'Iluirs. of ench monlh, Fcb.-Oct., 7 p.m., al Hillsdale Bnpl. Church, Hwy. 158. Ail visitors welcome. hfAACP Community Awareness Meeting, every 4th Mon. of cuch month, 7 p.m., ulShiloh Bnpt. Church. Center ECA Club meets 3rd Tues­ day of cuch monlh, nl Center Comm. BIdg:, 7:30 p.m. Please join us. Disabled American Veterans Post 75 meets on third Monday of each month, 7 p.m., al 1958 Hwy. 601 S. Contact Ralph ut 751-5118 for more Info. Town Of Cooleemee Planning Board, meets 3rd Tliurs. of euch month ut Cooleemee Town Hull, 7 p.m. Cooleemee AA, behind Good Shep­ herd Bpiscopnl, Tues. & Fri., 8 p.m. North Cooleemee and Clark Rond Council, 2nd Wednesday, 7 p.m. Fricnd.ship Buptist Fellowship Hull. Mocksville AA, closed non-smok­ ing meeting, nl St. Fruncís of Assisi Church fellowship hall, 862 Yndkinville Rd., Mocksvlllo. Thursdny, 7 p.m. Info: Jnn 753- 6863. Davic Domestic Violence Services and Rape Crisis Center. Offers weekly support group for domestic ' violence & scxunl ussnull victims. niegroupmeelsoveryTucs.evcnlng from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Plense call of­ fice for locution, 751-3450. Y M C A O ffe r in g S p r in g B re a ic C a m p Spring break Is next week. Nol sure whnt to do wilh the kids while they’re out of school? Why not have them join Captain Kidd and hi.s pirate crew at the Davie Family YMCA7 “ Spring break cump is a a v ie P la c e Щ Assied Living Community Elizabeth Plemmons lillzabellt wa.s bom and raised in Rural Hall and recail.s liie years of lielping mollter on llie farm. Site worked in llie fields like so many of her peers back then picking tobacco and doing everything that needed to be done to keep the farm running. Memories of working in die kitchen remain widi her to this day. She was raised wilh 2 sisters and 1 brother at the home place. Until her recent illness, she lived wilh her husband of 54 years, Raymond, In PfaOitown. Raymond comes to see his wife everyday, Elizabeth is thankful for the staff here at Davie Place and says diat she Is treated so kindly and her meals are so good that she feels al home. When she's feeling a lilUe better, she plans on attending services and panlcipallng in some of the many activities that are available lo her, We are pleased to welcome her lo Davie Place and lake pleasure In making II feel like home. For information On Placement, Contact: Suzanne Simpson-Vogler 3 36 -7 5 1-21 7 5 great opportunity for kids new to camp to get tliclr feet wet before they dive In this summer,” says David Shutt, Davie Y youth director. "And ihis year, it’s even more exciting becausc it will, showcase several of the changes we’re making to summer cump, just on a smaller scale. We really wnnt to give our day campers that old- fashioned resident camp experience, like you’d see in The Parent Trap.” To achieve that, the YMCA hns planned clinic activities throughout the day. Over the summer, the one-hour clinics will run for a week, allowing kids to learn new skills or strengthen old ones. Over spring break, there w ill be fewer clinics to choose from that w ill change daily, but they’re guaranteed to be fun. Some examples Include jewelry making, waiieybail and soccer. “Spring break camp is being held at the YMCA, so young pirates will have an opportunity to walk the plank into the pool and search for hidden treasure throughout the week,” says Shutt, “Pirate camp is open to kids In kindergarten-fifth grades, but we’ll ulso have a teen camp running for 6th-9th graders.” Both camps will have daily swim time, nature walks, team activities und more, all designed for age-appropriate “huddles,” “Those huddles become your friends nnd teammates for the week, the summer and hopefully, a lifetime,” Shutt said, Rcgistnition is open for spring break and summer cump ut the Davie Family YMCA. Spring break camp will be held April 13- 17 from 6:30 a.m.-6 p.m. The cost for children in grades K-5 is $ 1(X) for the week or $25 per day. Spring Break teen camp is $35 for the week, and Is partially funded by a grant from the Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. For more information about the Day Camp, contact Shutt at il.slnill@ ym caiiwiw.org or call 751-9622, To register, sign up at the Davie Family YMCA, 215 Cemetery St., Mocksville. Sons of Confederate Veterans, Is) Mondny, Cooleemee Hisloricni Building, 7 p.m. Advancc Memorial Post 8719 Vct- enms of Foreign Wiu-s und Ludies Auxiliary, 4lh Tues., 7:30 p.m., post home. Feed Mill Rond. Davie County Right To Life, 7 p.m., 3rdThursday,grandjury room,court­ house. 751-5235 or 492-5723. Cooleemee Memorial VFW Post 1119,2nd, 4th Thurs., 7 p.m., VFW Hall, N.C. 801. Corinthian Lodge No. l7FcScAM, 2nd, 4th Fridays, 7:30 p.m. ut Ihc lodge. MocksvilleLodgeNo. 134,1st Tues­ day, 7:30 p.m. at Ihe lodge. Cooleemee CIvllan's Club Meet­ ing, 1st und 3rd Mon. each monlh, 7 p.m., Red Pig, Hwy. 801, Cooleemee. Davie Co. M S Support Group, 2nd Mon. of ench monlh, 6 p.m., Diivle Co. Hospitul. YMCA For more infonnulion, cull 751-9622, visit www.duvie.ymcunwnc.org, or come lo Ihe YM CA for a tour. Spring Breai< Camp No big plans for Spring Break? Send kids lo Ihe YMCA. Open lo all cur­ rent kindcrgnrlcn-9lh graders. Cost: $25/dny or $100/week K-5 cump; $35 for teen cump. PAD Screening Free informulionul meeting nbout Pcripherul Artery Disense, 10 n.m. on Thurs., April 23, nt YMCA. Cnll 751-9622 to register. Friday Preschool Swim YM C A offering new Friday pre­ school swim lessons 9:30-10 n.m. Preschoolers lenm to swim in fun, comforlnble environment. Cost: $20 for members/$38 potcnlinl members. Homeschool P.E. Back by popular demnnd. Pnrlici- punts will work on personnl fitness, coordinntion. und skill development through orgunized sports like soccer, busketbull, volleybull und more. Pro­ gram ulso includes swimming les­ sons nnd wuler sufcty. Cost $15 per child. Sessions Thurs. 9-11 n.m. Swim Lessons • Sign up now. Choose from Tues/ Thurs. evening lessons $38 mem- bers/$75 non-members or Sat. mom­ ing lessons $20 mcmbers/$38 non­ members. Privnie & fnmily lessons nliio nvniluble. Members Only Join Ihe YM CA und tuke advantnge of waleraerobics, yoga, biking, wnlk- Ing, personnl Irnlning, und more. Comc visilund lourour fncility ul 215 Cemetery Street und Icuni how we build strong kids, strong fnmilies, und strong communities. Seniors All Senior Activities tuke place ul Duvie County Senior Services lo- culcdnl 278 Meroney St., Mocksville unless otherwise noted. Cull 753- 6230. Easter Celebration Monday, April 6at 10:30a.m. Join us for small party & Eusler egg hunt. Co.sl: free. Limited lo first 25 to reg­ ister. Call 753-6230 to register and gel more info. Ongoing Sr. Lunchbox, M, T,W , 11:30 a.m.. Til. & Fri., 11 a.m., lunch served dully. Silver Health Exercises, Excrclse Room of Senior Services, M, W, F, 8:30 u.m. Tues. & Thurs. 9 n.m. at Mock Place, (open to any senior). Quilting Club, every Monduy, 10 n.m. Bridge, every Friday, 2 p.m, SKIPBO, Wednesdays, I p,m. Scrapbooking, every 2nd Tuesduy, 2 p.m. Dr. Dunn, Podiatrist, nl Sr. Services every three weeks, 8:30 a.m., plense cull for dnles. Frce Blood Pressure Checks, oncc u monlh, nt 10:30 u.m. In Iho Nutri­ tion Site. SlnglngSenlorsChorus,Tliursdnys, 10 n.m. VFW Ladles Auxiliary, every 2nd Thurs., 1 p.m. Scrabble, 1 p.m. every Monday. Rook, 1 p.m. every Mondny. Texas HoId’Em-TIuirsduys, 1 p.m. Painting - Wcdne'sdnys 8:30-11:30 u.m. Grief Support Group, 1st & 3rd Tue.sdays at 6 p.m. Sr. Book Club, every sccond Tues. oflhe monlh, 12:30 p.m. Computer Classes - luv availnble, call for infonnalion. Arthritic Exercise - every olhcr Wed. 10:30 n.m. Low Impact Aerobics • Wed. & Fri. begins Feb. 7 11 u.m. til 12 p.m. Fitness Equipment Room - open Mon.-lliurs. 8 u.m. til 8 p.m. Friduys 8 u.m. til 5 p.m. Table Tennis-every Tue.s. 1-4 p.m. Art, Mondays 9 u.m. til 12 p.m. Tnl Chi, Tuesdays (call for se.sssion dales) Line Dancing, Thurs. 11 a.m. til 12 p.m. & 2-3 p.m. Woodcarving, Wed. 9-11 a.m. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Items for Davic Dateline should be reported by noon Monday of Ihe pub­ lication week. Cull 751 -2120 or drop it by Ihe office, al S. Main St. across from Ihc courthouse. V EAGLE RENTALS, inc. Over 2 , N O W O p e n I n M o c k s i i l l l e 204 Cooper Creek Dr. (Acmss from Wea-Mait Shof^ng Center) (116 ) 7 S 1-14 4 5 Mon-Fil 7:30 am-S:30 pm & Sal 7:30 am-1J;00 noon w / ■ farmmgton b a p tis t c h u rch ^ Invites you to a F r e e B r e a k f a s t Sunday April 12 • 9am-10:15am Easter Worship service at 10:30am Farmington Baptist Church 1835 Farmington Road iVlocicsviile, NC 27028 www.farmingtonbc.org 336-998-3826 Roclters United Way Provides Comfoil For Assisted Living Residents Page 14 G o o d K id s Students Honored For Outstanding Character Pafle B7 D A V I E C O U N T Y E C O R D U S P S 1 4 9 - 1 6 0 Nurnber 16 T h u r s d a y , A p ril 1 6 , 2 0 0 9 2 8 P A G E S Hoth Hoth Bermuda Run Man To Replace Knight Dy Mike Burnhiirdt Enterprise Rccord A large crowd gathered in Ihe county commissioner’,s room for a .spcciul noon meeting Insl Thursday as Ihe board added Ron Holh to its ranks. He re­ places Bobby Knight, who re­ signed last week. Hoth had re­ signed his posi­ tion on the Ber­ muda Rtin Town Board earlier that morning. Ho wus pickcd by the Davie County Republican Party’s executive committee, which acted on a recommendation from Knight, said Linda Poindexter, chair. “I wish I was coming lo this position by different circum­ stances,” Hoth said. “It is my hope I will be able to carry on wilh the high standards he (Knight), sel.” Holh, retired from Baptist Hos­ pital, cited a replacement for Davie County Hospital, along with school needs and recruiting industry as top priorities. “This opportunity presents the challenges of the entire commu­ nity. We have a wonderful county. "I appreciate how important il is for Davie County lo have its own liospilal. The need to support our industries, to protect jobs and bring in the right kind of industry is im­ portant," He praised County Manager Beth Dirks, who worked with Holh while she was Bermuda Run's nianager. Fellow commissioner Ken White said he appreciates Holh’s talent and intellect. “He will be a tremendous asset to our board.” H ot Work Mike Freeman gnd Jerry Blankenship work on a wagon wheel at Freeman’s blacksmith shop in Farmington. They, along with David Betts (he made the photograph) are restoring a wagon that will be on display at a store at Farmington Road and NC 801. For more Information on the project, read the Farmington News on page 10. Schools Expecting Big Budget Cuts By Beth Cassidy Enterprise Record It could be fall before school officials realize the implications of state budget proposals, but they are gearing up for what could be bleak news for employees and students. Gov. Bev Perdue has proposed cuts in administration and non- essential personnel, among others, which would eliminate $318 million from next year’s K-I2 budget, but il is the cuts proposed by the Senate, totaling $615 million, that may draw the inost blood. Senators gave their final' approval last weeK, by a vole of 30- 16, lo a two-year plan that would increase class sizes by two students, thereby decreasing the amount of teachers needed by an estimated 6,000 statewide. Perdue opposes that change. The increase would save the ■state $322 niillion, according lo the Public School Forum’s Friday Report. The NC Report Card for schools shows the average class size for K- 5 in 2007-08 was 19.5. Every elementary school in Davie County exceeded that amount, except for Cooleemee, which was 19,5. The state average in grades six- eight was 20,6, North, South and Ellis middle schools all exceeded that amount, with sizes of 23.3, 23.6 and 22, respectively. At the high school, the average size from 10 classes that included Algebra I and II, English II, biology, chemistry and others was 22.1. The state average for the same 10 classes was 17.6. Superintendent Dr. Robert Landry, who has been a classroom teacher and principal and is aware that classes in the county are already bursting at the seams, is opposed to the Senate’s proposal. “I professionally have taught in large class sizes (35 students in a single wide mobile) to a larger class of 40 plus at the university level, and in smaller classes of five to 10 students, and there is a significant difference in the entire dynamics of teaching a larger classés versus a smaller class. Differences are especially notable in the teaching methodology, the assessments and in the amount of time the teacher is able to give to each student. Davie schools each have an improvement plan, and within the plan, schools ask for a waiver on class size. This has been in place since we began formulating the plans. “Conclusive research has shown the benefits of class sizes with a teacher to student ratio of 1 to 15, especially in. the primary grades. Since the early 1980s, several studies, including a large- scale project in Indiana, have found that youngsters in small classes with that 1 to 15 ratio obtain higher test scores, participate more in school, derhonstrate improved behavior and retain many benefits of early class-size reductions in their later years of schooling. These results shoiil.dn’t surprise anyone familiar with: young children and the schooling process.” Charter schools, exclusive private schools and even home schools are enticing, Landry said, because they all offer smaller class sizes. The Senate has proposed a 50 percent reduction in staff Please See Budget • Page 14 One Lower, One Higher After First Tax Hearing By Mike Barnhardt Enterprise Record One taxpayer’s bill Was raised, another lowered and the rest stayed the same after the first round of hearings before the Davie Board of Equalization and Review last week. The board hears complaints from property owners who think the assessed values are wrong. Al Cobb, who owns property at Canter Circle and Oakland Avenue, said thè county needs to show some mercy on residents who are hurt­ ing because of the economy. His tax bill for two lots and a residence went from $ 116,180 after revalua­ tion to $122,480 after the hearing, Judy Lowtharpe, the county’s real estate revaluation coordinator, said a further study into Cobb’s property revealed the fact that a home barely crossing the lot line didil’t cause a drop in values in that neighborhood, as the county ht^d previously figured. She cited sev­ eral sales to.back up her claim. ■ 'V •' . ' • A Cobb said he had his property appraised in 2004 at $110,000. He asked for that value, “I paid $2,500 for that lot, and would sell it for $6,000, That’s enough profit for one American to make off another American.” He said that economists predict' home values to continue to drop, and doesnU think that Davie County should increase value's by 6-8 percetu. “This county’s in per- iloustimes and I don’t feel like we shouli have to pay more taxes. I can only plead and throw myself at ya'lls mercy. Let’s hold off for four years and see where this economy is going to go.” The value of Margaret Allison’s 2.5 acres off Powell Road went from $6,440 to $9,760. She asked fpr a value of $300. “That’s what I paid for it,” she said, The property is off a private road and landlocked, and slopes so steeply that building codes won’t fallow anything' to be,constructed' there, she said, “It’s worth somethiiig,” said board chair, Jim Eaton, “It holds the world together and keeps the siin out of purgatory.” Lowtharpe acknowledged the problems with the property, but said she had lowered the value as iTiuch as the law allows. Board member Dr. Jerry Hauser made a motion to lower the value to $8,000, which passed with one opposition, Steve McMahan, who said the property is being used. Her son has a driveway to his residence. 2 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 16,2009 Young Slugger Now Batting For U.S. Marines Every spring, lest you foigct, I remind renders of my pedigree ns nn Ail-Star Little League bnsebnll coach, I still live in the fading glory of 14 years ago when my teams romped through the summer league, running up the score. Truth is, I knew almost nothing about coiiehirig, but I sure , could draft. I spotted the best slugger, Pete Tunis, and instantly made hjs father an assistant coach, ' Petc.Wns new kid in Mocksville, olie of the few 12-year- olds capable of hitting a home run. He was only in , Mocksville a few years, but that,time coincided with my ■ string of victories. He fciist'ed on Bagel Bites at my house with Patil, nnd tho two of them kept me hopping. Pete leít when his dad took a job near Seattle, Pete didn’t get to rtlake, his mark nt Davie High. , I got an emnil on Tuesday fróm Marine Corps Capt. Peter C. Tunis. My old slugger is now a criminal prosecutor for the' Marines. While in the Marines, he has run into a couple of old Davie County friends, Michael Mitchell and Eric ijames. He thanked me for the Bagel Bites, I didn’t realize I was preparing him lo defend our country at the timo. Easter Birthday j^Th eM aÜ 4/8 The Moravian liymnai lists tho dates for Easter through the year 2100, Since I wns a little boy, that chart has fascinatcd me, especially' when I grow distracted in the pew, I have charted tho few times Easter falls on my birthday, as it did Sunday, Easter can fall on any of 35 dates between March 22 nnd April 25, determined by the date of the Paschal full moon. Easter is a great time to have a birthday. I got to seo lots of relatives und friends while putting flowers on the graves of the relatives in cemetery. As 1 do every Enster, 1 took my boy's on a walk through the generatioos in the cethetery, I.havo novor boon ablo,to shake thc'graveyiu'd images evpkod by Thornton Wilder’s O iir ToWn as I wander through the Macedonia comotory. , • '. I turned to the Enster chart again Sunday morning and discovered April 12 will line Up as, Easter again in 2020, in 2093 and in 2099, I was feeling prclly good about that until realizing that I will be 146 for the last date. Newspaper Cap Provokes Envy Officiallyi Ron Lovelace is from Clemmons, but he’s a loyal Mocksvillo-Davio Legion Baseball supporter since his son Miko hurled from the Mando Field mound 15 years ago and oven now as the team coach, Lovelaco is a weekly participant in (ho fpotball and basketball contests in the EiuerpHse-Reconl and The Clemmons Courier, winning so many times that he hns a collection of newspaper caps. On Monday, ho won our Bost Dressed Award, appearing at a public hearing before the Clemmons village council sporting one of our caps. Unlike me, Lovelace actually knows baseball in nnd out. Ho coachod a Southwest Clemmons Littlo League team to a state championship. That’s AKC pedigree. But he brought more than his celebrity to the hearing to impress Ihe council. He wore his coveted newspaper contest cap. Ono man talked of mugging Lovelace in the parking lot to gel that cap, — Dwight Sparks G o v e r n m e n t N o t W o r r i e d A b o u t ‘ P e a s a n t s ’ To the editor: No jobs anywhere to be found. People out of work every­ where, Leading economists plainly staling on lucul radio and newspaper,Ч that the economy will worsen for tho next five to 10 years. That’s OK, though our locul govormncnl said we will in­ flate the value of Ihe peasants homes so we can lax them more. When Charlotte and othor counties devalued home properties 8-19.4%, Davie Counly is going up 6-8%, Davie Counly needs more responsible leaders who would c(ii tho local pork out nnd leave property taxes at what they,arc now until wo get past Ihis depression,wo arein. г ;i. ■Several of my neighbors have lost good-puying jobs. When the unemployment checks give out, where will they be able lo find work? County government al its best just inflates Iheir liomes’ value and lax them more. Who cares about these peasants? Fat ¿ovem- menl needsiino^e money. No oversight, jusi the same old tax and spend as usual, , We no longer have a government for, by nnd of Ihe people. We only have a Fiat government. Why not? We have Fiat money. AlCobb Mocksville C o m m u n i t y G o m e s T o g e t h e r F o r W o r t h y C a u s e To Ihe editor; As n child, Clark Rogers always had an impish grin and playful spirit. He was kirul to all and everyone recognized his friendship was sincere. He grew into a fine man, married a beautiful wife, Lisa, and together they maintain a zest for life and Ihe Lord they love with all Ihcir hearts. Clark was called lo the ministry and like everything else he does in life he serves with a passion and a rev­ erence to be admired. One of tlie great mysteries of life is why good and faithful people are sometimes challenged wilh a dread disease, Bul so. it is for Clark, Flo is battling with bladder cancer and is in an altemalive Irealmeni center in Mexico with Lisa by his side. Through il iill, Clark and Lisa have placed their trust in God and huve faecd each setback with courage and dignity, , We all know how financially devastating a situalion like this can bo. This past Friday evening, friends, relatives and congrega- tion members of Ijames Baptist Church, some ,who have never even met Clark, conducted a baked spaghetti supper, strictly for donations, lo aid Clark and Lisa, ' In spite of a poor economy and a terrible thunder and lightning storm with heavy rain, Ihc wonderful people of this community and others throughout the county, came together und donated more for this cause lhan uny other fundraiser iii our history. We al Ijames want to sincerely thank cach and every person who served und specially everyone who graciously gave of their monies and contributed product for the supper. Clark, Lisa and Iheir fumiiios are humbled by your generosity and usk for your continued prayers. Thank you, Davie Counly, Additional contributions may be made to Ijames Baptist Church, Clark Rogers Fund, 728 Shefrield Rd., Mocksville, NC 27028, Wendi White, Vauda Ellis, Miko Branhum and members of Ijames Baptist Church, Mocksville S c h o o l W e ig h t S t u d y A F a r c e DAVIE COUNTY E N T E R P R I / i l l ^ E C O R D USPS 149-160 171 S. Main Sl„ P,0, Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)731-2120 Published weekly by Ihe 13avie'Publlshlng Co, Dwight Sparks......,'....................Editor/Publisher Robin Snow.,,,,...........................General Manager Mike Barnhardt.....;...................Managing Editor Ray Tutterow...........................„Advertising Director Brian Pills.................................Sports Editor Mooksyllle Enterprise Davie Record Cooleemee Journal Periodicals Postage Paid in Mocksville, NC 27028' ■ ' Subscription Rates ^ ^ ' Single Copy, 50 Cents' ^ , • $20 Per Yenr In N;C„ $25 Outside N,C. POSTMASTER , ■ Send Address Changes to: \ ; • ^ Davie County Enterprise Record ; , i ) To the editor: Just in case you want to know the olher side of this weight study of Davie school children ... No permission was given for the schools to perform a BMI on tho children. I asked my children to not participate. When 1 con­ tacted Ihe county representative on this study, I got the usual spill about why they did il and so forth. I lake my children to a pedia­ trician and they arc in the normal weight and height runge and if they were not, I would not expect tho school systcin lo handle that problem, I respect and think a lol of the nurses in our school system, and D a v i e C a m p u s A G o o d R e s o u r c e F o r C o u n t y To the editor: I would like to thank the basic skills instructors and staff at the Davie campus of Davidson County Community College for all of, Iheir help, caring and understanding. Many of us folks havo lost jobs due to manufacturing plants and industries shutting down or relocating to olher areas, I feel very blessed to have DCCC in Davie Counly, DCCC is there to help in many ways, Studeiits can get their GED, Iheir Adult High School diploma, prepare for the-SAT and Accuplacer lest, and lake advantage of Ihe miiny other classes of­ fered, This will enable us to not only further our education bul to have a career, not just a job , DCCC is our lifeboat in these hard economic times. Ploase lot me inform all the people of Davie Courity and the surrounding counties that DCCC is here to ho|p us and support us. Let us all stand behind DCCC and give not only the college, bul the Basic Skills Program in particular, Ihe recognition they deserve. Glenda Whitt , Mocksville wish they were used for more important things; but this project is nothing bul a big waste of money. I wus told Sara Lee funded ihis project, Great, liavc them put a salad bar in the cafeteria with Ihe money they spent. Nutritious food with exciting’ choices for healthier eating and physical education funding is a better solu­ tion. Awareness means nothing without finding or using tho mea­ sures to prevent Ihe overweight issue. There is no reason a teacher should have to incorporate physi­ cal exercise into their curricula as they are considering now. Come on now, do our leuchers not have enough to deal with? Hello, that is whut PE is for. We have un excpllent physical education staff who can certainly lake care of this function. Everyone has potential to be overweight. Teach them what to oat and back it up in Ihe school cafeterias. Show them exercise and do it in all age ranges in the physical education department. Truth be told, several of the BMI readings were wrong. Sev­ eral parents are upset if you want to write about that, Dina Bowman Mocksville Letters V\^lœrhed: u < . A , • V , ’ The Enterprise Record welcomes letters from its read*- ers.’The letters may be on topics of local, state, national or intemationai issues. ; . An effort will be mndo to print all letters, provided thèy are not libelous, vulgar or in poor taste;.The editor reserves ttie right to edit lètters for grainmnr ¿hd for space. All leiters should include the name and address of the writer, including a.signaturei A telephone number^ not to be published, is also requested. Please havè letters in the newspaper office no later than 4 piin, Monday of thé week to be published, Diivie Counly Enterprise Rccord P.O. Box; 99, Mocksville, erriews@davie-enterprise.com, . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, April 16,2009 ■ 3 We Service What We Sell Salisbury Cu c Ib Csnter 1514 Jal^Alexander Blvd. West (Hwy 601) Salisbui^, NC 28147 704-633-5787 Quick 15 m inutes from Mocksvillg__________ New and Pre-Owned: • Motorcycles • Scooters • ATVs • IITVs • PUCs Every Saturday Sales on Parts, Accessories and Service Mention this ad and receive 10% OFF Parts, Accessories and Service Pennington Chevrolet, 1952 This photo of the annual meeting of parts and service providers at Pennington Chevrolet of i\/Iocl<sville, includes, clockwise from front ieft: Chevrolet district manager, a Chevrolet representa­ tive, Jacl< Pennington, OK Pope, unidentified, unidentified, unidentified, Jacl< Boger, Shorty York, John iVlcDaniel, Raiph Feimster, Clyde Jordan and Giimer Brewer. This photograph was provided by Ronnie Smith from the Gray Smith Collection. The Enterprise Record welcomes old photo­ graphs of Davie people and places. Bring them by the newspaper office across from the court­ house In Downtown Mocksvilie, or send Jpeg images via email, with information to ernews@davie- enterprise.com. I n T h e M a i l ... I D o g F o u n d A t 1 -4 0 , 6 0 1 To the editor: I was driving through Mocksville Friday during Ihe stormy weather. I stopped lo get some gas al the BP station in Mocksvillo at Mile Marker 174 on 1-40. There wus a medium-sized dog run­ ning from person to person und was cleariy scared, wet and dirty. I picked her up-und dried hor,ofl;'and s«t.,thcre ,al the staiion forj. some time. She had no lags to find her owner, but did have a' collar. She appears to be in good shape, I will go lo the vet to find if she has a chip for idcmification. I have po.sled to Craig's List and lot the BP gas .station know how to contact me, I am sure the owner is distraught, she is sweet und playful. I do not know how lo contact the owner nor do I know Mocks­ ville. The strange thing, I should not havo even been thero during the storm, I had taken 40 West at 1-85,1 should have gone east. Long story short, I was on one conference call to Ihe next when I noticed I needed gas. I guess I was supposed to pick to the dog up. I just hope I can find her owner, please help if you can, I am in Cary and would love to find her owner, ■ Tim Doyle , • 903 Pamlico Drive, Cary. NC 27511 T a x p a y e r s R e v o l t i n g To Ihe editor: Beginning in April a'nd continuing on this summer in North Carolina and most of Iho olher slates, you may join wilh thoii- sands of Americans citizens who are fed up and concerned over . the way our Congress is foolishly spending money. Taxpayers formed some of these events across Ihe US A on April 4, On April 15, and continuing through the summer. Tea Party Protests like our forefathers did whon England was pulling such outrageous taxes on colonists before we won the war lo bo a free country are taking place in many areas throughout the USA. These are peace­ ful events held to let our Congress know that enough is enough. Our Congress is out of control spending money lhat wili burden our grandchildren and their children in years lo come. You may go to www.american4orprosperity.org for more in­ formation. Dallas Woodhouse is the NC director. Towns from Asheville down to Ihe'coast, Raleigh, Chariotle and many more are taking purt in our slate. Go to the website to see all the towns listed. More than 1,000 citizens have signed up to take part across the USA, ' On Oct, 25, 1774,51 Indies from Edenton took purt in one of Ihe first Tea Parties in N,C. as Penelope Barker invited ladies to join her at the home of Elizabeth King’s home. On April 15, The Tea Party in this town will have men dressed like our colonists did in the Revolutionary War. Linda Murdock Harmon Statesville ChlldreH's С Ш и д and Toy Sale L o o mUy a ro w n , H ytIro p on Ê onrom atoes We now have Lmrg» Blkslitg Tommtitmm, С иеитЬлгт Л Ormpo Itomatomm,Come Hisle Пе Difference! 302 Foster Road, Mocksville V (||<»1ег Rii u Ju« иЯ KU|e Rii, In Weitem Dsvio Cminly) Open Tiiurs. & Fri. Noois-5pm and Sat. 8 am-noon ^ ^ ^ ^anFojJDIröction^Jj33i|H№ 2j5^ Let us Install one of our beautiful and permanent roofs on your home this year and we will match the $1500.00 tax credit, that is a combined savings of $3000.00 ofif the cost of putting an end to your roofing worries,.,, for goodi Ask about the'Se additional savings and If you qualifyl ’ 1We also offer affordability with access to our special bank financing that Includes: no money down, low Interest and very reasonable monthly payments. An Erie Metal Roofing System will prbvide your home j with unsurpassed "Beauty and Lasting Protection"!^ 1t8 0 0 -9 5 2 -3 7 4 3 email: rooflngwww.Erle |eriemetalrooft,eoin otalRoofs.c America's Sub Shop A ny FOUR 6 " D eli Subs w ith FOUR 23oX drinlcs & FOUR liags o f chips lo r $19.991 V la il Y our N e ig h b o rh o o d ■ lim p io * lo c a tio n A lt w «vw .blliiipla MOCKSVIIIE 1395 SallfbUry Rd Hwy 601 MofktvllU, NC 27028 336-751-2707 Ъ M iha йог* mprM you vIiK ww*».bilny>ioxoni. For franihlt* kJ«« InkfmoKon, coD \ 600 ШМПС. 14.0959.03009 Kohokt • 5оойкЫо, AZ. ttinpto* U a regltiervd troWHlt Ы Kohdo ottd/or Ui |иЫккн FREE CHIPS A N D D R IN K Buytaó" or 12" Blimpie Best® and get Chipi and a 22oz Drink FREE I 1130 Jonestown Road’ Winston-Salem, NC 27103 Infants - Preteen B L I M P I E Ä e w lw rti Svli Sli#|i |Mu»( ргммпГ coupon \nSon onkfing. Until om . (otnnpefponofbMrvitA. CiAtomoriwilpay , toWt or duplkoted.loHyho^nocoAvpluo. hMvoiid wiihonyoiUr only ot poiHclportoQ IpcoHofti. 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Nd volid M wU, tron^a^ or duplicated, |__ - -.........-,hon*Wf*dord., .....................................___IOH*rhoinocoihvolu*.Nolvolidwilhpnyo#>«r .0((erho«nocothvDlu«.Noi>alklwithanyotfwoHer. |t9(Wndj>«onlyolpartidpoKnolocaHonf. 1о№г.Ы««таЫ*оп1уо>рог^1ра>1гю1осо1)оги. ■............................ ......Oik«др1ги Jun«30.2009. U0959.02009 О й в гJut»Э0.2009. U.095?«02009 ||Kohala*Scoi4dc4«.AtBllmltt*Uar*aiiierod ■ Kohalo • Scetbdak AL I« a roolu^ • Kohoia • ScoKtdok, AZ. h о i*ÿl^|tro(lamerl(ofKQh(^and/orlNu¿iicfianos. | lrodQmwV(>( Imbola ond/or№ wbwfiarwt. . | (rodarwvkofKoholQond/orb tubsUfiori*». • 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 16,2009 ii I; lit 11' I T h e L e a d e rs h ip D av ie C la s s of 2 0 0 9 , from left: b a c k - K a re n K a h rs, T on y S h a w , C h u c k T aylor, Q e o rg e W e b b , D e n is e H en d rix , M ike C re sw e ll, C a ro ly n M cM an a m y ; fro n t - M e lis sa S p ry , S ta c y M oy er, L e a n n e B e a u c h a m p , T ra d e L ak ey. N ot p ic tu re d ; J e ff S te e lm a n , M Ic h a e lJ a y c o c k s . Class Helping With Graduation Projects The Leadership Duvie CIh-ss of 2009 is lending a hand lo Davie High School .students who will graduate in 2010. Leadership Davie is a community leadership progrnm provided through the Davie County Chamber of Commerce. This group of Davie professionals Is chargcd. with developing and completing a project to benefit the community. The 2009 project is to develop a database of mentors to assist Oavic High ■ . . . ^ m iInternet Can Be Dangerous Place A graduation projcct mentor accepts the following responsibilities: • Allocates time and makes arrangements to work with the student on the project via email, telephone, written communication, other forms of technology, face-to-face, or any combination of these. An on­ site experience is Ideal. • Provides suggestions and advicc to the student on applicable aspects of the four components; research paper, product, portfolio, and oral presentation. • Provides accurate and honest veriflcutlon of the student’s work. • Serves iis a support and resource to the student In all stages of the graduation project process. ■ Signs and returns all rcc|ulred forms, Graduation Project (NCOP). The NCGP is a new long­ term research projcct that students are required to complete in order to graduate from high school. The core components include a research paper, u product and a prc.sentatlon, A student must work with a mentof \yho offers knowledge arid experience In the student’s selected topic. Topics nuiy or may not be related to a career or profession. The Leadership Davie group is seeking individuals interested in becoming a graduation projcct mentor to a student. Ideal candidates are adults who excel in their area of expertise and an active, supportive member of the, Dayie community, “The mentoring portion of the NCOP benefits .students by introducing them to , new professional cultures and environments," said Dohise Hendrix, leadership class member, “ It can bo a very rewarding experience for the mentor as well." The Internet is becoming iui Increasingly dangerous place for children und teenagers whose online profiles often attract aggressive sexual predators. Seemingly friendly websites like MySpace or Facebook often are used by sexual predators as victim directories, said Brandi Reagan, administrative support specialist with the Davie Domestic Violence Services and Rape Crisis Center, u United Way agency. Many of the media stories and much of the Internet crime prevention information available suggest that it Is naive and Inexperienced young children who arc vulnerable to online child molesters. However, a recent study called ‘The Natioilnl Juvenile Online Victimization Study" reports that 99 percent of victim.s of Internet-initiated sex crimes were 13-17 years old, and none werc'youngerthnn 12, Experts warn, that the stereotype of a child predator (for example, a suspicious- looking stranger wearing a trench coat) Is inaccurate, “You can’t tell predators by the way they look, the jobs they hold, or their social status," Reagan said, “Parents should be aware that any adult could be someoiic’'who would exploit ■ their child. Predators know vyhat to say and do to gain a child's trust, and they exploit their potential vlctim’,s inexperience. Studies have found that most children who agree to meet faee-to-face with an adult do so willingly. They are not tricked or coerced," There are ways to protect yourself or your children online; • avoid online profiles; • control access to chat rooms; • control instant messaging; • take care of photographs; • keep screen names anonymous; • access your cljlld’s email; • place computer in common area; • remind children that computer use is not confidential; and • being aware is the key to your safety. Visit www.ncsbl.gdW lciw/ iciic_parcnts_predator.i.jsp for more informution about Internet safety und child predutors. State Farm Recognizes Bandy DAVIDSON COUNTY HORSEMEN’S ASSOCIATION/REINS O P E N H O R S E S H O W S a t u r d a y , A P R I L 2 5 , 2 0 0 9 THORO UG HBRED TRAIN IN G C EN TER FARMINGTON, NC -9:00 A M Monies added for High Point Award. The Davidson Coiinty Horsemen’s Association Is having their annual Open Horse Show on April 25th for youth & adults of ALL ages to participate In, and experience the Joys of owning and showing their breedi There will be English, Western, and Trail classes, as well as a Special Folks’ Class, We will be providing trophies and ribbons for all'youth classes. GROUNDS OPEN AT 8:00 A M ENTRY FEES - $7.00 per class Or $35,00 - Show All Day (6 classes) CONCESSIONS AVAILAIILE ONSITE 1! TTC TACK SHOP OPEN ONSITE NEG ATIVE COGGINS REQ UIRED NO A LCO H O LIC BEVERAG ES ALLO W ED , C A R O LIN A FA RM C R E D IT - CO RPO RATE SPONSOR For morc information contact: James or Karen Jones - 336 731-2051 Stute Farm recognized Ad­ vance agent Darryl Bandy for’ receiving the Chalnnan’s Circle award. This award recognizes _____________ agents who align their, agencies with the long-term quality growth of nil Stute Furm product lines. These ugents arc engaged in servicing policyhold­ ers, providing loss control guidance, and de­ veloping a quality staff lo serve Unndy their custoiners. This is the second time Bandy achievec^ this honor. The first tinie was in 2004, Bandy’s State Farm Agency opened in 2001, He is a regis­ tered representative for State Farm rmancii\l products. All his team members are licensed in auto, Tire, health and life insur­ ance, “It takes a lot of work and dedication to achieve this awurd," Bundy snid, “It wus a great team effort. We appreci­ ate the opportunity to help our customers protect what’s impor­ tant to them with what we con­ sider the best products available in the industry,” B u d g e t MINI WAREHOUSES 1919 u s Hwy, 601 N, • Mocksville 1/2 mile N. ol 1-40 near Soulhpoint Business Park (336) 753-1510 • Brand New UnKs • Climate Controlled & Regular Units• Sizes from S'xlO’ to 10’x20’ • 24 HR. Access • Security Keypads & Lighting• All Paved Parking ' SPECIALS! 1 M o n th F R E E on 1 0 x10 units & up.(3,6 or 9 mo. .'i^rco in u iif re(|'(l) — OR ^ $ 2 0 0 0 0 O F F 10x10 units & larger with <1 12 month lease. D ISC O U N TS ON (2) or moro units also availnhle. All sf)iH'utls .1/«' fifor.ited ovot ¿tiiioiinl ot finio jfjio o if tifum Meeting Saturday To Discuss Farmington l\/larl(et A meeting will be held Sat­ urday, April 18, al 9 u.m. for ev­ eryone pinnning to sell at this year’s Fnrmington Fnrmer's Market, The meeting will be held in the meeting room at the Farm­ ington Community Center, Last year, the market wus held on Saturday mornings and was suc­ cessful, The meeting will be held to discuss a starting date. space, und to get an idea of how many to expect, “We are looking for items that are either home-grown or hand-made,” said Lnuru'Mathis, community center director. If you are not able to attend the meeting, but ure interested In selling, send nn email to farm ingtoncc@ gm ail.com or cull the community center at 998-2912, Brown Completes Basic Training Army Pvt. Anthony J. Brown hns gruduated from ba­ sic combat training at Fort Jack­ son, Columbia, S,C, During tho nine weeks of training, the soldier studied the Army mission, history, tradition and core values, physicnl fit­ ness, und received instruction nnd pructlce in busic combut skills, mllituty wcupons, chemi- cnl warfare and bayonet train­ ing, drill and ceremony, march­ ing, rifle marksmanship, armed nnd unarmed combat, map rend­ ing, field tuctics, military cour­ tesy, milltnry justice system, busic first nid, foot mnrches, nnd field training exercises. He is the grandson of Charles Dalton Sr, of Williams Drive, Winston Salem, and great-grandson of Josephine Dalton of Vircassdell Lane, Mocksville. The private Is a 2007 gradu­ ate of North Davidson High School, Welcome, “Please consider offering your skills and time to mentor an^ support a young person who will be one of our next community leaders," Hendrix said, “You will find your time is enjoyable and worthwhile,” If interested in volunteering or for more Information, Contact Carolyn McMunumy nt the Davlc Chamber of Commerce, 751-3304 or vin email at cliambcr&davlecounty.com. S c h o o l B o a r d B r i e f s Setyice Contract A service contract for the civil engineering portion of the South Davie track was given to Duvis-Murtin-Powell, ut n cost of $4,800. School officinls had hoped the work would be done by the National Guard, at n mlnlmnl cost, but the Guurd wns reussigncd for the summer, snid Dub Potts, facilities manager, Potts said the track should be finished by the'time students return to school In the fall. Gym Floor Renovations Bids will soon be taken for renovation of the gym floors at South and North Duvie middle schools. Three flooring compunies hnve done pre-bid work. Some of the work will be done by the school system, including moving the bleachers awny from; nnd then back to, the walls, moving bnsketbnll gonls higher by 2,5 inches, and doing work on 12 doors. Student Insurance The board voted to use American Advantage Insurunce to provide voluntnry nnd mundntory student insurunce, ns well us cutnstrophic nthlctic Insurnnce. Dub Potts suid the company does not require teuchers to handle any money or write receipts und has been “very competitive with other vendors’ quotes." The cost of coverage varies by plan. Course Is A Success^ The online driver’s education course hns been successful since its Inception, suid Donnn McNeil, carecr and technical education director. The class was first offered online in April 2008, and from then to Januaiy 2009, six sections of the class have been offered. The percentage of students taking nnd completing thé class has bcen'comparable to the average when the class was offered In the traditional environment. The progrnm has saved the system about $48,000, allowing the purchase of a new driver education cur nnd covering the inprenscs in sulnries und fuel. ' Grant Approved Bourd members upproved the terms of a grunt by the Nntlonnl,Science Foundation that will send six students und six teuchers from tlie middle schools'to a two-week, all expense pnid cump at Appalachian Stnte University this summer. The group will leurn how to build 3-D models und collaborate in n virtuul environment with students nt Clemson University, nt no cost to the county, Mebane Grant Given The Mebune Foundation has approved a three-year grant proposal on behalf of Cooleemee Elementary, fof $180,185. The proposal, submitted by Principal Carol Cozart, will be used primarily for school-wide access to two software programs and the additional hardware needed, in an effort to improve student uchievement, said Linda Bost, assistant superintendent. The system will pay a portion of the cost, using federal stimulus funds, with the foundation paying the bulk of it. V EAGLE RENTALS, inc. Over 2 ,0 0 0 Hems!!! A Ìtò llò liw — e a m r a i R n w N n e i i t & S m a l l i h g l n e R e p a l n N O W O p e n i n i M o e h s v l l l e 2 0 4 C o o p e r C re e k Dr.(Across 1mm Wal-Matl Shopping Cenler) (1S6) 7 5 1-14 4 5 Mon-Frl 7:30 aih-5;30 pm & Sal 7:30 em-12.00 noon D i s t r i c t Q ) u r t DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 16,2009 - 5 The following cuscs were henrd In Davie District Court on April 2. Presiding: Judge Jimmy L. Myers. Prosecuting: Jamie Gentry, Assistant DA. - Andy Douglas Allen, as­ sault on a female, dismissed per fuilure of prosecuting witness to uppear. - Jason Dwayne Angell, com­ municating threats, dismissed per request of prosecuting wit­ ness. - Jerry Wayne Bnles Jr., hit/ run fuilure to stop for property damage, sentenced to 45 days, suspended six months, $350 at­ torney fees, cost; driving with license revoked, fictltious/con- ceuled/revoked reglstrntion curd/tug, dismissed per pleu. - Gregory E. Bnrrentlne, pos­ session of open container/con­ suming alcohol in passenger area, failure to report uccident, dismissed per pleu; reckless driving with wunton disregnrd, sentenced to 45 duys, suspended 12 months, $50, cost. - Patrick Eugene Burke, speeding 73 In a 55, dismissed per plea; DWI, sentenced to 60 days, suspended IS months, $ 100, cost, 24 hours community service + fee, substancc abuse ussessment/trentment, surrender license, not lo opernte n motor vehicle until licensed by DMV. - Heuther N. Cnrdwell, simple possession of schedule VI controlled substnnce, dis­ missed per compliance with de­ ferred prosecution. - Eugenio Murtin Castro, driving wilh license revoked, sentenced to 45 days, suspended 12 inonths, $237,50 attorney fees, cost. •• Byron Joseph Flannery, driving after consuming under 21, prayer for judgment contin­ ued on cost; speeding 83 in a 70, license not in possession, dis­ missed per plea. - Kanducc S. Grunford, ns- sault with a deadly weapon, dis­ missed per plen; communicating threats, sentenced to 45 dnys, suspended 18 months, have no contact with victim, write letter of apology, $50, cost. - Glen Kelly Harfl'sbh Jr., ’ misdemeanor probation viola­ tion, probation revoked, sen­ tenced lo 45 days. - Rufus Dewayne Hunter, driving with liccnse revoked, sentenced to 120 days, sus­ pended 18 months, $50, Cost; fictitious Info to un officer, dis­ missed per plea. - Vickie Fowler Johnson, communicating threats, pruyer for judgment continued on cost, stuy nwny from complninani, $225 attorney fees; communi­ cating threats, not guilty. - Michael Ray Jones, posses­ sion of drug paraphernalia and possession of murijuana up to half ounce, sentenced to 45 days, suspended 18 months, substance abuse assessment/ treatment, gel high school di- pIomn/GED; rundom drug test­ ing, cost, 24 hours community service, $200 nllorney fees, evi- . dence ordered destroyed, - Dnvid Lee Klutz, driving with license revoked, reduccd lo failure to notify DMV of address change, $25, cost; possession/ display of altered/nclilious/rc- voked drivers license, dismissed per plea. - Lawrence D. Musters, as­ sault on a female, dismissed per request of prosecuting witness. - Marie E. Masters, simple assault, dismissed per request of prosecuting witness. - Felton Lee Mayfield, driv­ ing wilh license revoked, sen­ tenced to 120 days, suspended 18 months, not to operate a mo­ tor vehicle until licensed by DMV, cost. - Darren Lee Nicholson, communicating threats, dis­ missed per fuilure of prosecut­ ing witness to uppear. - Jullu Diane Rutledge, DWI, sentenced Iq 12 months, sus­ pended six month.s-, substunce abuse assessment/treatment, $400, cost, seven days in jail; speeding 65 in u 55, dismissed perplen. - Duvid H. Rodriguez, DWI, sentenced to 60 dnys, suspended 12 months, $100, cost, sub- sl6nce ubuse assessmenl/lreut- ment, $275 attorney fees, 24 hours community service; no operators license, reckless driv­ ing with wanton disregard, dis­ missed per plea. - Jason Bradley Royal, driv- in|f with license revoked, pos­ session/display of allered/ficti­ tious/revoked drivers license, dismissed; unsafe lane change, dismissed per civil settlement. - Tammy Micheire Russ, felony larceny, reduced to mis­ demeanor larceny, sentenced to 45 days, suspended 18 months, cost, $500 restitution, not to go about Dollur Generul; nid/abet larceny, dismissed per plea. - Desmon Duone Sellers, misdemeanor probation viola­ tion, probation revoked, active sentence placed in effect. , - Eric Marshal Sherrill, win­ dow tinting violation, dismissed. - Angela Gay Towery, speed­ ing 70 in a 55, dismissed per plea; driving with liccnse re­ voked, prayer for judgment don- llnued on cost. ' - Zacarías M. Valentin, DWI, sentenced to 12 months, sus­ pended 18 months, $400, cost, substancc abuse assessment/ trculment, surrender liccnse, not to opernte a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV; failure to no­ tify DMV of address change, driving left of cenler, failure to secure passenger under 16, fail­ ure to stop for steady red light, dismissed per plea. - Charles Edwurd Wenver, brcnklng/enter n motor vehicle, dismissed per pleu; misde- meunor larceny, sentenced to 120 days, suspended 18 months, cost, $200 attorney fees, $250 restitution, credit for time served; misdemeanor lurceny, sentenced to 120 days, sus­ pended 18 moths at expiration of previous sentence. - Angeln Combs Wilcox, speeding 58 In a 35, prayer for judgment continued on Cost. Failed lo Appear , - Jonathan James Allen, speeding 84 in a 70, driving with license revoked. - Joaquin Ramirez Gomez, following to'oclbséiy. " April 9 The following cases were heard in Davie District Court on Apnl 9. Presiding: Judge Rod Penry. Prosecuting: Wendy J. Terry and Jamie Gentry, Assis­ tant DAs. - Garland Gray Aaron, DWI, sentenced to 60 days, suspended 18 months, $100, cost, surren­ der license, not to operate n motor vehicle until'licensed by DMV, substancc abuse ussess- menl/lreatment, 24 hours com­ munity service; possession of open container/consuming alco­ hol in passenger area, unsafe lane change, dismissed per plen. - Jnson Wright Aldeminn, ns- sault on a female, dismissed per request of prosecuting witness. - Sabrina Lee Baker, driving after consuming under 21, pruyer for judgment continued on cost; reckless driving to en­ danger, dismissed per plea. - Jaime Bello, no operators 11- cense and resisting a pubUc of­ ficer, $ 100, cost; driving/allow­ ing motor vehicle no reglslrn- tlon, fictitious/nltered title/reg- istrnlion cnrd/tng, no linbillty insurnnce, dismissed per pleu. - Delfmo T. Cnprasco, oper­ ating vehicle no insurance, no operators license, dismissed per plea; driving after consuming, $100, cost. - Stephen L. Cartner, simple possession of schedule VI con­ trolled substance nnd possession of drug paraphernalia, sentenced to 20 days. - Jaime Romero Chlma, aid­ ing/abetting impaired driving, aid/abetting operators license violation, dismissed per plea. - Gerald Linn Cruise, DWI, sentenced to 12 months, sus-, pcnded 18 months, $400, cost, surrender liccnse, not to operate a motor vchicic until licensed by DMV, substance abuse assess­ ment/treatment, $350 attorney fees; open container after con­ suming alcohol, dismissed per plea. Cesar Lopez Cruz, driving wilh license revoked, $150, cost; possession/display of,altered/ fictitious/revoked drivers li­ cense, window tinting violation, driving with license revoked, dismissed per plea. - Silvia Rosari b ’Larre, mis­ demeanor stalking, dismissed per request of prosecuting wit­ ness, - Latasha Sue Donaldson, driving with license revoked, sentenced to 120 days, sus­ pended 18 months, $100, cost, 24 hours community service, $350 attorney fees; failure lo wear drivers seat belt, fictitiou.s/ concealed/revoked reglstrntion card/tag, expired registration card/tug, operating vehicle no Insurance, dismissed per plea, - Kevin Conrad Fruck, speed­ ing 70 In a 50, prayer for judg­ ment continued on cost. ' - Tony Lushny Gadson, as­ sault on school employee/volun­ teer, prayer for judgment contin­ ued. ' - Murtin Gomez, DWI, sen­ tenced lo 60 duys, suspended 18 ! moHths, $100, cost, surrender li­ censes, not lo opernte a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, substancc abuse assessment/ treatment, 24 hours community service; no operators license, driving after consuming under 21, speeding 68 in a 55, unsafe passing on yellow line, dis­ missed per plea, - Daniel Caldwell Gough, driving with license revoked, dismissed; speeding 66 In a 55, reduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost, - Randy E, Harshberger, speeding 70 in a 55, fnilure to wenr driver seat bell, dismissed per plea; failure lo notify DMV of address change, $25, cost, - Ronnie Dean Hellurd, hu- russing phone cull, dismissed per request of prosecuting wit­ ness, - Crystal Dawn Horne, mis­ demeanor probation violation, parole terminated; driving wilh license revoked, speeding 60 in a 45, failure lo secure passenger under 16, dismissed per plea, - .Stephanie D. House, driv­ ing with license revoked, re­ duced to fuilure lo notify DMV- pf nddrcss change, $25, cost; expired registration card/tag, dismissed per plea. - Vickie Fowler Johnson, state’s motion to pray judgment, keep prayer for judgment. - Amy Long Jones, DWI, not guilty; possession of open eon- tniner/consuming alcohol In pas­ senger area, reckless driving lo endanger, sentenced to 30 days, suspchded. 18 months, $200, cost, not to use/possess any con­ trolled substance, submit to war­ rantless scarche.s/rnndom drug screens, $575 ullornpy fees. - Toniu' Keeton, simple ns- saull, dismissed per mediation. - Peter Raymond Laroque, threntening phone cull, dis­ missed per mediation. - Thomas Francis Manning, rcckless driving lo endanger, re­ duced lo imsafe movement; hit/ run leave scene of property dam­ age, dismissed per plea. Arturo Hernandez Mendoza, driving with license revoked, sentenced to 120 days, suspended 18 months, 24 hours community service; possession/ display of allered/ficlitious/re- voked drivers license, dismissed per plea, - Matthew S. Morgan, driv­ ing with license revoked, prayer for judgment continued on cost. - Mellssn Jean Musgrnve, driving with license revoked, pruyer for judgment continued on cost, $255 attorney fees; pos- sesslon/displuy of nllered/ficti- tlous/revoked drivers liccnse, .speeding 65 In a 45, dismissed. - Anthony D. Napier, driving with license revoked, sentenced to 120 dnys, suspended 18 months, $100, cost, 24 hours community service,- - Aaron Rhett Plowman, simple .assniilt, dismissed per mediation. - Phillip John Porto, speed­ ing 92 in a 70, reduccd to cx- ccedlng'safe speed, $100, cost. - Robert Lance Ramey, speeding 66 in a 55 nnd speed­ ing 57 in n 45, $50, cost; fnilure to wenr drivers seat bell, dls- missiid, - Linda Sue Rhoades, failure to notify DMV of nddrcss chnnge, $25, cost, $275 attorney fees, - Jerone Devay Robinson, DWI, sentenced to 12 inonths, suspended 18 months, $400, cost, surrender liccnse, not to opernte n motor vehicle until li­ censed by DMV, substuncc abuse assessment/treatment; no operators license, dljmissed per plça. - Brooks Edward Rondinaro, assault on a female, dismissed per request of prosecuting wit­ ness. - Lizu D. Snlopek, misdc­ mennor child ubuse, dismissed per compliunce. - Curios Cruz Snslrc, fnilure lo notify DMV of nddrcss change, cost. - Paula Myers Stanley, fail­ ure to wenr drivers seat belt, dis­ missed per plea; driving with li­ cense revoked, sentenced to 45 days, suspended 18 months, $50, cost, - Lauren H. Stepheiis, simple assault, dismissed per request of prosecuting witness. -TabithaA. Strohl, weapons on educational property, dis­ missed per compliunce. - Junn Carlos Tabares, DWI, sentenced to 24 months, sus­ pended 18 months, $500, cost, surrender license, not to operule a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, substancc abuse assess­ ment/treatment; driving with li­ cense revoked, dismissed per plea, - ChristopherTblllson, felony possession of coculne, dismissed per plen; possession of con­ trolled substance on prison/jail premises, reduced to possession of drug paruphemalia, sentenced lo 45 days, suspended 18 months, $100, cost, evidence ordered destroyed. Thomas Dwayne Underwood, driving wilh li­ cense revoked, prayer for judg­ ment continued on cost; fnilure to wear drivers seat belt, oper­ ating vehicle no insurance, fic- litious/concealed/revoked regis­ tration card/tag, dismissed, - Jeffrey Scott Whitley, DWI, sentenced to 120 days, sus­ pended 18 months, surrender Ut cense, not to opernte a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, substance abuse assessment/ treatment, $275 attorney fees, $200, cost, 48 hours community service, - Courtney S. Williams, mis­ demeanor lurceny, sentenced to eight dnys, credit for time served; misdemeanor larceny, disihissed per plea. - Crystal Home, driving with license revoked, dismissed per plea; possession of drug para­ phernalia, prayer for judgment continued on cost, evidence or­ dered destroyed. Failed to appear: . - Carlos Eugene Harper, speeding 92 in a 70. - Antonio L. Johnson, driv­ ing with license revoked, pos­ session/display of allcrcd/ficti- tious/revoked drivers license. Z e k o s V iU , Accepting Apphcations • W a itr e s s e s • H o s ts A p p ly in p e r s o n M o n d a y - F r id a y 2 - 5 p m O N L Y 949 Salisbury Road Mocksville Farmington Community Center Saturday, April 2 5 • 1 2 Noon - 4 pm MusUi, • Food • Cafee UJalk Games • Qiient Cluction For more information call: 3 3 6 -9 9 8 - 4 3 0 0 DAVIS REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER • www.davisreKion.iI.com DAVIS REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 2009 COMMUNITY EDUCATION SERIES C A R P A L T U N N E L S Y N D R O M E Thursday, April 16 • 6:30 pm • Davis Regional Medical Center Join us for a veiy informative program as we discuss Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). Affecting both men and women, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome sufferers experience numbness, pain, occasional weakness, as well as disrupted sleep habits and a loss in daily living activities. Our program addresses the latest . advancements arid treatments for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and offers hope for CTS sufferers. Certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, Dr. Rader is a member of the American Orthopaedic Society for Spoits Medicine and a member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Sui^geons. He has extensive experience in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, ^ D A V I S The program is free and open to the public, but space is limited and R E G I O N A I j reservations are requested. Please call 704-838-72SS for more infbmation ■.<■■1— ■■■MWifiMmi or to reserve your space. 2 I К Oil) Nt О ( К S V I I I I U I) A I) • I 4 0. I X I 1 1 S 4 . S I Л Ì i S V I I I I 7 (» 4 .) Я 7 i 0 2 К 1 ■i*. 6 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 16,2009 F h a b l i c R e c o r d s Mocksville Police The following arc from Mocksville Police Depurlment reports. - Dogs were barking and dig­ ging a hole on property off Owyn Street, it was reported April 9. - A vehicle parked off North Main Street was scratched, it was reported April 10. - A man pushed a woman into a wall at Davie Place on Hospi­ tal Street, it was reported April 13. - Someone wrote on the men’s bathroom wall at the Davie County Public Library on ■ North Main Street, it was re­ ported April 7. - A handgun was found next to a dumpster on Sunset Drive on April 6. - The breaking, entering and larccny of money from a drink , machine on Cooper Creek Drive W H S reported April 6 . - Someone damaged property at Rich Park, it was reported April 6. Arrest - Douglas Todd Talley, 37, of East Brickwalk Court, was charged April 6 with assault on a female. Trial date; April 30, Arrests The Davie County Sherifrs Department made the following arrests: - Carl J. Doby Jr., 19, of Beauchamp Rond, Advance wii.s arrested April 9 for breaking/ entering and felony larceny. Triul date: April 16. - Alvin Scott Beck, 22, of Salisbury was arrested April 10 for misdemeanor aiding/abet- llng. Trial date; April 16, - Oarland Shane Holleman, 31, of Hobson Drive, Mocks­ ville was arrested April 11 for assault on a female and Injury to property. Trial date: May 21. , - Roy Asa Holleman, 25, of Hobson Drive, Mocksville was arrested April 11 for misde­ meanor probation violation. Trial date: April 23 in Rowan County. - Kristen Nicole Coble, 20, of Cabana Lane, Mocksville was arrested April 11 for simple as­ sault. Trial date; April 30. Fires Davie County fire depart­ ments responded to the follow­ ing calls: April 7: Fork, 3:23 p.m., US 64 East, automobile accident; Mocksville assisted. April 8: Mocksviilc, 1:21 p.m., Wllkesboro Street, haz­ ardous conditions; Jerusalem, 3:18 p.m., FM Steele Lane, fire alarm; Mock.sville assisted; Smilh Grove, 7:26 p.m., Juney Beauchamp Road, grass fire. April 9: Center, 9:44 a.m., I- 40 West, vehicle fire; County Line assisted; Mocksville, 11:26 a.m., Yadkinville Road, com­ mercial fire alarm; William R. Davie assisted. April 10: Center, 8:02 p.m., 1-40 East, automobile accident; Farmington assisted; Farming­ ton, 9:27 p.m., 1-40 West, auto­ mobile accident; Smith Grove assisted, April 11: Center, 11:39p.m., US 64 West, automobile acci­ dent. Highway Patrol The following trafile wrecks In Davic County were listed by the N.C. Highway Patrol. • No charges were filed after an accident on April 6. Grady Eugene Thacker of East Bend was driving his 2006 Chevrolet north on Farmington Road. An unidentified indi­ vidual intentionally placed a row of large boulders across the road and Thacker's vehicic col- lided with one in the northbound lane. Trooper C.D. Hall reported the accidcnt occurred at ap­ proximately 3:22 a.m. and there were no injuries. • A Davie woman was charged with failure to reduce speed after the vchicle she was driving hit another April 9. Shalonda Brown Gentry of Parker Road, Mocksville was driving her 2004 Honda vehicle east on the 1-40 exit ramp. Shirley Newman Briinyon of Pepperstone Place, Mocksville stopped the 2008 Ford she was driving in the road at the inter­ section of NC 801 and the 1-40 exit ramp. Gentry failed to re­ duce the speed of her vehicic and it collided with Branyon's. Trooper C.D. Holl reported the accident occurred at ap­ proximately 8:03 a.m. and there was no injuries. • A Oklahoma man was charged wilh unsafe movement aftcl' the vehicle he was driving hit another April 9. Kevin Eugene GIffIn of Oklahoma was backing a 2005 Freightliner tractor-trailer on the 1-40 westbound exit rump. Carol Cox Anders of Joy Trull, Mocksville was stopped facing west on the exit ramp in her 1995 Honda vehicle. Giffin fulled to see Anders before bucking and his tructor-truiler collided with her vchicle. Giffin was bucking because there was a vehicle Ihat was out of gas blocking the roudwuy. Trooper C.D. Hall reported the accident occurred ut up- proximately 11:13 u.m. and tlnjrc were no injuries. Sheriff’s Department The .following incidents were reported to the Davie County Sheriff’s Department. - On April 6 an assault was leported ut Mocksville Elcmen- Yadkin Vaitey Telephone МвтЬвгвШр Carparatlan 5 4 t h A n n u a l M e m b e r s h i p M e e t i n g S a t u r d a y , A p r i l 2 5 ,2 0 0 9 Registration at 9:00 a.m. IVIeeting at 10:00 a.m, Yadiiinvilie Eiementary Schooi Multi-Purpose Room Don’t miss Yadkin Valley’s Annual Membership Meeting and your chance to win one of these great prizes. Memfjers must be present to win. GRAND PRIZE - 22 inch Brute Self-Propelled Lawn Mower with, Briggs & Stratton engine and bagger attachment 4 cubic ft R ed W heel Barrel • W eed E ater E-Llte Electric Blow er S un M ate Soft 50 ft Coil H ose with M ulti-Pattern N ozzle .. F ish er P rice W acky W lldflower Sprinkler . ' F isher Price D ora T he E xplorer Trike F isher Price Action S o u n d s Trike W eed E ater Electric G ra ss T rim m er ^ 26 G allon T rash can w/lth 30 T rash B ag s • H ay es Flow er Trellis Flqg Factory A ppliqued Yellow R o se Flag ‘ . ■ • ■ , N elson P attern W and S p ray er ' " B lack & D ecker Electric J a r O p en er Tru T em per G ard en R ake R u sco H um m ingbird F e e d er with 6 4 oz N ectar O n e G allon O rtho W eed B G on e wilh S p ray er ■ • ' • Q uickie B ulldozer 18 Inch P ushbroom ' G ard en P als 24 Inch G ard en L opper . A utum n L eaf Bird F eed er ■ ! ' ■ ‘ ' 50 Ft 5/8 Inch Yellow G ard en H ose 2 4 Inch Poly L eaf R ake ., . •, ■ ■ 5 p iece S tain less S teel BBQ Tool S e t \ ; Tw o Tiki T orches . V,, , 1 G ib s P ennington Wild Bird S ee d Tw o Folding C hairs E dinburgh 9 oz Flute G la sses T h ree 16 Inch Urn P lan ter with P eren n ials F our D ecorative C up P lan ters with P eren nials Yadkin Valley Telephone Membership Corporation is an equal opportunity ernployer. Telephone service is provided on a non-dlscriminatory basis. tory Schooi, Mocksviile. - Fraud wns reported at a home on Hank Lesser Road, Mocksville on April 6. - On April 6 trespassing was reported at a home on Pineville Road, Mocksville. - Fraud vyas reported at u home on Deadmon Roud, Mocksville on April 6. - On April 7 larceny from a motor vehicle was reported at a rest area in the county. - Larccny was reported at a home on, Bermuda Village Drive, Advance on April 7. - On April 7 un.ussault was reported at a locution on 1-40 in the county. - Trespassing and threats were reported at a home on Tay­ lor Road, Advance on April 7. - On April 8 burglary into a motor vehicle wus reported ut a home on Hiddenbrook Drive, Advancc. - Damage to properly was rcporled al u bunk on Yadkin Valley Roud, Advunce on April 8. - On April 8 threuts were re­ ported at a home on Druughn Lane, Mocksviilc. - The larccny of gas wus re­ ported ut u convenience store on US 64 West, Mocksville on April 9. ■ On April 9 lurceny was re­ ported at a home on Wcstview Avenue, Mocksviilc. - Damage to property wus reported al a Duvie Board of Education on Cherry Street, Mocksville on April 10. • On April 10 burglary and larccny were reported nt a home on Fuirfield Roud, Mocksviile. ' - A burglary and lurccny were reported ut u home on US 601 Norih, Mock.svillc on April 10. ■ On April 11 n burglary was reporied at a home on Oludstone Road, Mocksville. - An assault was reported at an unknown location in the county on April 12. Civil Lawsuits The following civil lawsuits were filed with the Duvie Clerk of Court. ■ Town of Mocksville vs. Duniei Leon Smith, confc.ssion of judgment, ,$56,625. - North Star Capital Acquisition vs. Colleen M. Shaffer, collection on account, $1,012.15. - FIA Card Services vs. Carrie M. Jackson, collection on account, $18,196.78. - North Slur Cupitui Acquisition vs. Greta E. Nixon, collection on account, $3,645.24. - Jose Antonio Sanchez vs. Nora Lila Morales, divorce. . - Jones Doors & Windows, Inc. vs. Ronald Wilson, doing business as RHW Builders, collection on account, ,$6,102.70. - Bullhead Investmei^ts vs. Stanley Bricdelis, collection on uccount, $10,223.51. - Arrow Financial Services vs. Lewis Wyutl, collection on ttccoilnt, $3,897.21. - Elizabeth Soto vs. Jason P. Deters, child support. - Bullhead Investments vs. John W. Seats, collection on account, $7,146.75. - Kristah Comulzer Shuffler vs. James Eric Shuffler, divorce, equitable distribution. - Sherry Cummings Fowler , vs. Terry W. Fowler Sr., custody. - Mocksville Builders Supply vs. Cornerstone Construction of the Triad, money owed, $17,498.90. ■ - Davie Social Services vs. Richard L. Riddle, child support. - Davie Social Services vs. Michael K. Dunlap, child support. - Charles T. Ivey vs. Julie R. Ivey, divorce, incorporate separation agreement. - Dnvie Socinl Services vs. Bryun O. Streeter, child support. - Dnvie Social Services vs. Gary W. Kirk, child support. Worldwide Asset Purchasing II vs. Ricardo A. Jimenez, collection on account, $3,304.26. - Wachoviu Bank Nutionul vs. Vunessu 1. Burker, collection on uccount, $2,354.17. - Cupltal'One Bunk NA vs. John Holdren, collection on account, $3,83135. - Amundn Bobbitt Pillsbury vs. Briun A. Pillsbury, divorce. - LVNV Funding vs. Burry Jones nnd Mary F. Tran.<!ou, collection on account, $2,153.35. ' - Associated Hardwoods vs, Internet Lumber, collection on account, money owed, contract, $38,874.56. - Ernest Huyes Wailuce vs. Chrissy Renee Wallace, custody. - Aimctte Brown Keller vs. Danny Wuyne Keller, divorce. - Stcfunic Lynn Brown vs. Christopher Cumcron Brown, divorce. - Tummy Allen vs. Andy Alien, custody.' - Duvie Soclul Services vs. Stacy Williums, child support. - Stuurt Worth Shore vs. Natalie Ann Horne Shore, divorce,' withdraw from representution. - Charles W. Watson vs. Sherry E. Wutson, divorce, custody, child support. - Arrow Financial Services vs. Isaac Beasley, collection on account, $1,265.72. - LVNV Funding vs. Derek Norman, olso known as Derek L. Neuman and Norman Derek Lee, collection on account, $1,021.39. - McDowell Investment Partners vs. Lena L. Gibson, collection on account, $1,450.62. - Jeffrey Keith Ferguson vs. Maria Curoiinn Ferguson, child support, custody, divorce from bed nnd bonrd, enforcement of nntenuptini agreement, mediation. - Lauren Hayley Stephens vs. Brooks Edward Rondinaro, custody. - DFS Services vs. Kevin Adams, collection on account, $5,322.95. - N.C. Baptist Hospital vs. Jerry Wuyne Boles and Sheila Ann Bales, collection on account, $17,819.30. - Homctrust Bank vs. Mary H. Cooper, contract, $111,280.57. - Michelle Lee Spark vs. Glenn Spark, divorce. - Juan Jose Lugos vs. VF Jennswear Limited Purtnership, title. - Dnvie Socinl Services vs. Jennifer H. Burden, child support. - Dnvie Gruding vs. APAC- Atluntic, contract, money owed. - Nancey Parscll vs. Jerald Vincent Parscll, equitable distribution, motion for chunge of venue. - RJM Acquisitions vs. Jnmes McArdell nnd Jill McArdell, collection on uccount, $1,120.72, - Ashlee Jeanlne Kruczko vs. Serge Mark Kruczko, custody. Marriages The following were issued marriage licenses by tho Davie Register of Deeds. - Jordun Lee Stone, 24, of Lexington, nnd Brundi Michelle Mnrtin, 27, of Mocksville. -Bradley Davis Blackwelder, 24, and Deanna Elaine Shumel, 23, both of Mocksville, - Christopher Briun Mason, 25, and Mcgun Elizabeth Grainger, 23, of Advance. - Robert Donald Hewitt Jr., 53, and June Murie Gostic, 51, of Mocksville. - Nicholus Robert Furey, 25, of Greensboro, and Stephanie Leigh Ziglar, 25, of Yadkinville. - Ricardo Benitez-Arroyo, 32, and Maria Erenla Diaz, 30, of Mock.sville. - Edgur Moisés Canales, 28, and Stephanie Cheryl Schneider, 27, of Mocksviilc. Friday & Saturday, April 17 & 18 P o r k B B Q s o ld a l l d a y , b o t h d a y s ‘t i l s o ld o u t Saturday, AprU 18 Crafts & Vendors (call (336) 407-2744 to reseive craft space) Located on Hwy. 64 West at I-40 (Exit 168) • Mocksville — Behind The Historic Center Arbor — Sponsored by: Center Volunteer Fire Dept, and Center Commtmity Development Assoo. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 16,2009 - 7 Two Bodies Founds; Deatiis Believed Not Suspicious . By Jackie Seabolt Love hadmovcdtoDavietwo Duvie Enterprise years ago from Michigan and hud purchased the home. Two denths have been ruled , “His neiglibors hadn’t seen not suspicioiis by the Davie . him in nboiK 4 lo 5 weeks,” Sheriff's Department: Hartman said.'‘‘The last time On April 7 authorities re- anyone remembers seeing him sponded to the home of Andre Love, 58, of Abbey Lane, Mocksviilc. Cupt. J.D. Huriman said that wns nround the first part of Mfirch." A next door neighbor went to Love’s house, shortly after 7 p.m. lust Tuesday and as they approached they noticed a strong odor and cnllcd 911. Hartman said Love was found dead inside the residence and it appeared he hud died sev- erul weeks eariier. “His next of kin have been contacted, they live out of state," Hnrtmun said. “The inedicul exnminer has not deter­ mined the cause of death but there were no signs of foul pluy.” * On Easter Sunday aulhori- ties rcceivcd u cull to do a secu­ rity check at the home of Julian Daye^ 88, of Spyglass Drive, BermuduRun. Duye wns supposed to meet fumily members for lunch nt Bermuda Run Country Club April 12 but never showed, ac­ cording to Hartman. An officer accompanied' Daye’s nephew lo the residence, “Nothing appeared to be wrong with the home,” Hartman suid. After attempting to look through v.'indov/s and see inside the residence, Daye’s nephew and u neighbor forced u door open and entered, accOmpnnicd by the officer. Duye was discovered dead on the kitchen floor. "We have no idea how long he had been there, but it had not been long,” Hartman said. The home appeared secured and nothing was out of place, Hartman repotted. "It uppenrs to be natural causes.” D a v ie G e ts $ 1 6 ,0 0 0 F o r E m e rg e n c y F o o d , S h e lte r P ro g ra m s Duvic County has been chosen to receive $16,018 to supplement emergency food and shelter programs in the county. On behalf of Dnvie County, Davie Coiinty United Way (DCUW) applied for u portion of tho $405,373 stnte set-nside funds nvnilable from the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) in 2009, securing nn additional $6,135.00 over the prior yeur. ' The Dnvie EFSP Bourd, structured similarly to the D e m o c ra tic C o n v e n t io n S a tu r d a y The Davie County Demo- crntic Convention will be Sut- urduy, April 18 ut 11 n.m. at the Davic County Public Library, 371 N. Muin St., Mocksviilc. All registered Democrnts in­ cluding delegates nnd precinct . chuirs are urged to attend, said Clyde Scott, president, A barbecued chicken lunch will be available for purchase. "Comc for good fellowship, ' Information and business," Scott snid. B e w a re O f A u to S c a m s If you have to send money to claim a prize, chances ure its u scum. Two Mocksville residents received letters lust week - uc- companicd by fake vehicic reg­ istrations - stating they hud won a vehicle and heeded (o send just over $1,000 to claim the prize, It was alia scam, said Major Ken Hunter of the Mocksville Police Department. These residents did the right . thing. They turned over the documents to the police. nutionul und state levels, will determine how the funds awarded to Davic Counly arc to bo distributed. Under the terms of the grant from the National Board, local agencies chosen to receive funds must: • be private, voluntary, non­ profits or units of government; • have an accounting system; • practice nondiscrimination; • have demonstrated the capability to deliver emergency food and/or shelter programs; and • if they nre private, voluntary organizations, they must have a volunteer board. Qualifying agencies arc encouraged to apply. Public or privote voluntary .agencies interested in applying for EFSP funds will need to request un upplicution from locul bourd chuir, Mury Beth Forst, at the Davic United Wuy, 751-0313, mbforsl@ davieimitedway. The deadline for applications to be received is Muy 15. In 2008, the Davie County EFSP board awarded emergency to A Storehouse for Jesus and The Salvation Army. These agencies were responsible for assisting with 14 nights of shelter, four mortgage/ rent bills, 29 utility bills, and nearly $5,000 in free food to those in need. Adm inistrative Court The following cases were disposed of during Davic Administrative Court. Presiding; Magistrate David T. Miller. Prosecuting: Sherry Woodyard, assistant DA. - Silvana L, Arinistcad, exceeding safe speed, dismissed, - Ricardo Barron Bravo, driving Icftofccntcr, dismissed; possession of open (iontaincr/ consuming alcohol in passenger urea, $25, cost. - Mitchell Ellis Brown, speeding 83 in a 70, reduccd lo improper equipment, $25, cost. ' - Jennifer H. Bryant, speeding 83 in u 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Lori Jcun Buff, .speeding 88 In a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Jeanette Gibson Burke, speeding 69 in a 55, reduccd to improper equipment, $2 i cost. - Tabctha Lee Cayer, speeding 55 in a 35, rcduced to 44ina35, $15, cost. James Edward Clevenger, no license, dismissed. ' Ronnie Lee Coble, driving , while licensc revoked, dismissed. - Jeffrey C. Cook, speeding 82 in a 70, reduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Robert, Alan Derr, possession of open container/ consuming alcohol in passenger areo, $25, cost. - Vfldu Holly Deskins, ' canceled/rcvokcd/suspcnded ccrtification/tag, dismissed. - Aiejo-.Roynoso-DIoz, . speeding 83 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Jessicu Nicole Ferry, handicapped parking violntion. dismissed. < - Ruben Castro Grande, no liccnse, $50, cost; failure to stop for stop sign/flashing red light, dismissed. - Jerry Wiiync Huger, speeding 70 |n n 55, reduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Terri Beck Hnmm, speeding 67 in a 55, rcdiiced to improper cquipihcnt, $25, cost. - Douglas Paul Hanes, speeding 60 in a 45, reduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Carolyn Mny Harris, no licensc, $50, cost. - Amaris Joy Haynes, speeding 82 in a 70, reduced to .improper equipment, $25, cost; driving while license revoked, possession/display of altered/ fictitious/revoked driver's liccnsc, dismissed. ■ Samanhi'a A. Holmes, speeding 87 in u 70, reduced to 79 inu70, $15, cost, - Douglas Mayo Jennings, speeding 60 in a 45, reduced to 54 |n a 45, $15, cost; failure to wear scat belt, dismissed. - Ann Marie Johnson, expired registmtion, expired/no inspection dismissed. ' ■ ' ' - Jonathan J. Johnson, speeding 69 in a 45, reduccd to exceeding safe speed, $25, cost; license not in possession, dismissed. - Cicero Henry Jones Jr., no liccnse, dismissed. - Richard Page Jones II, unsafe movement, dismissed. - Stacy Kay King, speeding 86 iri a.70, reduccd to improper equipment, $50, cost. - Kaitlyn Elizabeth Kiser, speeding 85 in a 70, reduced to ’ improper equipment, $25, cost. - Curt Alan Labotz, expired registration, dismissed. - Latoya Kay Lard, window tinting violation, dismi.ssed. - Jeffrey Jerome Locke, driving left of center, dismissed. - Annette W. Lohman, driving while liccnse revoked, dismissed. - Joseph Pat MacMcnumin, expired registration, failure lo reduce speed, dismissed. - Audrey Ann Mahoney, speeding 87 in a 70, reduced lo improper equipment, $75, cost. - Gloria C. Martinez, no licensc, $50, cost; failure to burn headlamps, dismissed. - Derek Thomas McCoy, driving while license rrfvoked, dismissed. - Selene Shaw McNairy, speeding 89 in a 70, rcduccd to 79ina70, $15, cost. - Amber Teresa Miller, failure to reduce speed, dismissed. - Sulldany Moreno, speeding 53 in a 35, reduccd to improper equipment, $100, cost. - Mark Carlisle Myers, expired/np inspection, dismissed. ■ Kathy White Neely, speeding 68 in a 55, rcduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Matthew Kyle New, operating ATV on public roud, $25, cosl. - Richnrd Michnel Paige, operating vehicic wilh no insurnnce, fictitious/altered title/registration, dismissed. - John Francis Palmer Jr., unsafe movement, dismissed. - Robert Bradley Penlcy, expired registration, operating vehicle with no insurance, dismissed. - Christopher J. Poplin, speeding 72 in a 55, rcduccd to improper equipment, $75, cost. - David Lee Potts, expired/ no inspection, dismissed. - Sondru Jones Ray, reckless, driving to endanger, dismissed. - Chad William Reuvis, failure to yield, dismissed.. - Jose Luis Reprcza, failure to stop for stop sign/flashing red light, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cosl. - Jeranie Wuyne Seamon, expired/no inspection, dismissed. - Charles Justin Sheets, failure lo reduce speed, dismissed. - Thomas Wuyne Simpson, exceeding snfe ' speed, dismissed. - Janice Shelton Smith, failure to reduce speed, dismissed. ’ . - Ciorru S. Spruill, expired/ no inspection, dismissed. - ■ Joe Lynn Stafford, speeding 70 in a 55, rcduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Justin C. Thompson, rear lumps violation, dismissed. - Jessie Cloyton Wines, speeding 53 in a 40, reduccd lo improper equipment, $25, cosl. - Joshua F. Witzler, failure to wear scat belt, $25, cost. D ix ie l a n d Fa r m F O R S A L E : Cars • TrucksUtility Buildings Carports: All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lots 336-751-3442 Mocksviile, NC • ВогмНпд • 1МШЯОПШ Cmmp 12x12 ШМоиПШкиАтиТтЬ. а<шС|Ы (««Ка, HotíCcUmh Лхк MentbnAdendgetSSOoff Board first ttiree monthsi wvvw.düd«Uf>df»muom Contnct; M u riuo Phon«: 330-49г-в40Э 1784 Godbey Roa(1 - Modunille, N C 27028 u i:i'k i :s |',:m \ n \ i: Julia Howatxl \Y lh > u \f 74(¡i ! ! Please coniaci me in; MOCKSVILLE: (338) 761-6567 RALEraH: (919)733-6904 16 W. Jones Street, Rm 1106 Raleigh, NC 27601-1096 Email; lullah@ncleg.net Pmd foh arJuuA Ho\mo Shayne David Loiy Still Flirty at 10! Love You, Your Family T h e P re m ie r STAINM ASTER* C a rp e t C o lle ctio n - o n ly a t A b b e y C a rp e t. The number'one*sclling carpet brand in America. STAINMASTER* carpet combines luxurious style with unbeatable performance.STAINMASTER* carpets are designed with tho latest technolagles to keep them looking great year after year. And now. exclusively at Abbey stores, you'il find an Incredible selection of America’s best-loved carpet In Tho Premier STAINMASTER* Carpet Collection.Featuring today’s gorgeous colors and styles In an aasy>t0'sh0p environment, this collection has the STAINMASTER* ca/pot that's just right for your interior and your lifestyie. Visit us today and see what all the excitement’s about. coowe. I___ 12 Months No Payments N o Interest Hours: Mon. -Fri. 8*6 & Sat. 9-1 213 N<i\v Highway 64 West, Lexington, NO Phone; 249-6672 CAKIM'.r Л I'l.O O lilN C COVI'IKINC MAXIMUM EAfiNINGS QANK»Nr, -ree Checking witli Preinium liifeiestvJ 'ree ATMs Nationwide ME Banking at Southern Community. It's all about you. ^Southern I .ommumtv HANK AND TRUST m vvv.sniallenoughtocare.com (33(5) 76B-n500 or l-aa«-768-266f) I 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 16,2009 People H o s p ic e T e le c o n f e r e n c e S e t DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 16,2009 - 9 M iH e r -B e n k e n E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Duvicl und Elaine Miller of Advunce nnnouncc the engagement of their daughter, Nicole Davis to Daniel Richard Benken, son of Christine and Peter Denken of Pennington, N.J, Maternal grandparents of the bridc-elect ure Elizabeth M, Shore and the late H, LaVernc Shore of Yadkinville. Paternal grandparents arc the late Charles and Melba Miller, also of Yadkinville. She graduated from Davic High School and attended Appalachian State University where she was a chancellor's list student and a member of the National Scholars Honor Socicty, She graduated with a bachelor's tiegrce in business marketing aiid is employed as centcr manitger and assistant director of the Huntington Learning Centers in Huntersville and South Charlotte. Maternal grandparents of tho groom-to-be arc Lois Mahulik of Baysidc, N.Y, and Edwin Muhalik of Yonkers, N,Y, Paternal grandparents are Fredrick and Joan Denken of Madison, Conn, He graduated from Hopewell Valley Central High School in Pennington, N,J, and attends the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, He will graduate in the spring with a bachelor's degree in exercise science and is employed by Ruth's Chris in Charlotte, A May wedding is planned at the Grandover Resort Hotel in Greensboro, Todd and Amy Kiger, along wilh big brother John Harrison, are pleased lo un- noiince the hirth of Davis Anderson Kiger. Davis wus born on January 7, 2U09 ut 8:54 a.m. at Forsyth Medical Ccnter, and was delivered by Dr. Maseieilo. He weighed 8 pounds 3.9 ounces nnd was 21 inches long. Maternal grund- parents arc Uob and Doris Ledbetter of Advance. Pater­ nal grandparents are Bob and Patsy Byerly of Lexington. COMPLETE SHOE REPAIR I /Ul 3 3 6 -9 4 0 -6 0 7 6 3 3 6 -6 8 2 -0 2 6 4 B r ic k e y -B r e n n a n E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Jean and David Brickey of Four Comers Roud, Mocksvillc, announce the engugcment of their daughter, Hillary Lee Brickcy of Washington, D,C. to Timothy James Brennan of Washington, D,C„ the son of Anthony and Aimee Brennun of Vlrginiu Bench, Vu. The bride-elect is u 1997 graduate of Davie High School, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, und earned the juris doctor degree from the University of Virginia School of Luw in Churlottcsville, Vu. She is un attorney with Hunton nnd Williams in Washington, D.C. The groom-to-be is a gruduute of Vlrginiu Militury Institute In Lexington, Vu. He is a consultant to the U.S. Depurtment of De­ fense wilh Excella Consulting in Wa.shington, / Tho wedding is planned for Sept, 19 at DAR Memorial Conti­ nental Hall in Washington, D,C, K id s F e s t F o r Young Fam ines Ta!<ing S hape Nick and Bryn Taylor of M ocksvillc announce the birth of tiieir son, Gage Wyatt Taylor. Gage wus horn on Mnrch 13, 2009 at 9:55 p.m. at Forsyth Medical Center. He weighed 9 lbs. 5 oz. und was 21 nnd 1/4 inches long. Guge’s maternal grand­ parents are Stan und Wendy 'nirner of Advuncc. His pater­ nal grandparents are Jimmy und Lydia Taylor of Mocks­ ville, Kidsfcst; Fun for the Whole Family will be held on Saturduy, April 25 from IOu,m,-2 p.m, ut the Brock Gym and Masonic Picnic Grounds. This free community event is co-sponsored by Smart Start of Duvic County and the Mocksville-Davie Parks and Recreation Department. . Kidsfcst will occur rain or shine. This event w ill offer interactive uctivities geared towards children nnd fnmilics. Some of the feutured events include; two bouncers, inflatable slide, fire house, potting zoo, magic shows, Zumba, ID Kids, various performances from local children, car scat safety check, great door prizes and more. Parent/child sessions include presentations from Mad Science, Davic Preschools and Smart Start of Davie. There will also be severul represenlntives from community non-profits and service agencies hosting crafts, games and providing information to parents on family resources. Smart Start of Dnvie is a non-profit organization severing all children in Davie from birth to 5, by providing resources and services fof families und child cure providers that build u foundution for lifelong learning and success. Call Smart Start at 751- 2113, or visit the website www.daviesm artstart.org for more informution. C e d a r Ç r o v e ( B a p t is t C H u r c H Ü i'u r s e s ’/ O í e a C tf i M i n i s t r y p r e s e n t S p rin g 2 0 0 9 l l i l l l t h & W e lln e s s f ü l l Saturday, ЛрпС25,2009 9am-lpm itiirerf q’giticipiiit.t.' Susan Ç, 'Kpnm <Rÿcefor tfm Oini CorSlii Cfiiropraclic Ç ^Î36S Mtiiy %iy oi OifierS^ii Cure Coiisiiflaiils С игто/Ш аф иШ Onfwptítíc Si>eci(ili.il.u¡f tíw^Triiiíf Фг. (DmiiífJlffHiii, üíutritionist <Dr, iBmy, giistwiiittstiuafSpecialist Vorsylít 'MeificaC CM er Carj’iom cufarSfw im <Davie ei't'onytfi Co. ‘Dept. ofiPiiSlic.lfianñ FREE SCREENINGS blaoíl prcvsim, blooil i^liiam ((Ihihnh’s), BMI, <S chok'slí'wl Come and speak with health Professionals, free o f charge There w ill be something fo r everyone... seniors, youth i& young aihiits tool "I ¡m y aSove a ir tilings tiia t you prosper in fteaftii, eveu as your sourprospers" 3 .Joint 2 <Fonnore in fo n tta tio n , pCease v is it: mmv.ce(Cargmvmocl<^viCfe.org orca(T336.692,7304 287 CecCar grove C/iurcft <Rpacf, Moc^uifTe, 'J/C 27028 learn how to TAKE CHARGE o f yotw heallh! S t e w a r t -N a y lo r E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d The lute Mr, and Mrs. Henry Stewart nnd Rnmona Griffey Dalton aimounce the engagement of their children, Ashley Nicholc Stewart and Adain Wesley Naylor of Advuncc, The bride-to-be is u 2002 graduate of Bust Forsyth High School und eurned un unimul cure technlciun liccnse in 2005 from Duvidson County Community College, She uttends the Cosme­ tology Institute'of Benuty Arts and Scicncc and plans to gruduate in May with a diploma for hair, skin and nails. The groom-to-be attended Davie High School nnd is owner und co-operutor of Nnylor Repair in Advance. The couple plans to be married on Saturday, April 25 at 2 p.m, ut Duvis Memorini Chupel in Winston-Sulcm. GriefShare Starts Monday OricfShnrc, u grief recovery progrnm, will be offered at Hillsdale United Methodist Church on Monday evenings at 6:30 starting April 19, Griefshare i;> a weekly seminar/support group for people grieving the death of someone close, recently or in tlic past, Griefshare is a nondenominational group and features biblical tcnching-on grief and recovery topics. Each Griefshare session includes a video seminar nnd group discussion. The videos feature top experts on grief recovery, dramsitic recnuctments about living with grief, and roul-life stories of people who hnve experienced losses like yours, Tho video interviews highlight more than 45 exports, including leading authors, counselors, speakers, and pastors with years of experience in grief recovery, Oo to the Hillsdale UMC website at w w w .hillsdaleuinc.com for more information. Click on Calendar and find GriefShure posted on the April 20 date; or call the church office at 998- 4020. Soulhfork A DePoul Senior Uving Cominunlly If you’re tired of unliiiniling Jolii then use your life eiperlencei lo make > dlfTerence for people lhal need youl Southfurk is a DcPaul Senior Living Communily with a repulnllon for providing quality residential services to seniors. We nre looiiing for team plnyers wilh maturity nnd grent altitudes who eiyoy helping others. • Full-time position available fot 3"“ shift mcd. techs., wilh the potentiai to become n relief supervisor, • Competitive wages • Previous experience wilh residents with dementia is preferred. • Friendly, supportive nlrno.iphere working wilh seniors • Caring attitude required Reply in person to; ■ Soulhfork Attn; Cyndi Hobby 1345 Joneslqwn Hoad Winston-Snlem, NC 27012 No phone calls please Lysa TcrKcurst Pregnancy Center Banquet April 23 Lysa TcrKcurst will be the guest speuker ut the Davic Pregnancy Care Center itnnuul bunquet at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 23 nt Blaise Baptist Church in Mocksville. There is no cost, but seats must be reserved. To reserve a seat or host a table, call 753- 4673, or send an email to daviepreg@ yadtel.net. TerKeurst is a nationally- known speaker und author of 11 books. She is co-host of Prov­ erbs 31 Ministry’s national ra­ dio program, which airs daily, and is n writer for the ministry’s email devotions called “En­ couragement for Today," which reaches more than 250,000 sub­ scribers. Her greatest passion is in­ spiring women to say yes to God and take part in the adven­ ture he has designed for every .soul. She chuckles when people call her the “ Proverbs 31” woman. While she is president of the Proverbs 31 Ministries, to those who know her best, she is a ear-pooling mom who loves Jesus, and struggles like most with laundry, junk drawers und, cellulite. Her speeches urc designed to inspire laughter and change. Her greatest desire is that long after you forget her name - long after you forget her stories and messages - that you’ll never forget how God personally touches your heart. And while you’re there, learn more about the Davie Pregnancy Care Center, Davie Senior Services will host the Hospice Foundation of America’s national teleconfer­ ence on Wednesday, April 22 from noon-1 p,m. The program, “Living With Grief; Children and Adoles­ cents’’ is a recorded, condensed version of the 2008 live telecon­ ference, “ While wc oftert discuss how we grieve as adults, rarely affect responses lo loss,” It will present practical ad­ vice and techniques to use to empower children with coping skills, “ Whether you work in a health care sotting, serve as a volunteer, or love someone that is sick, you will be ubie to gnin new perspectives about your situation und leam new ways to help provide support lo people do wc consider the losses thut during their time of grieving,” children and adolescents must Sloan said, face,” said Kelly Sloan, Duvie There is no churge, but reg- Senior Services social worker, ‘This teleconference considers Ihc range of child and adoles­ cent loss, as well as ways in which developmental level may islration is requested by Friday, April 17, Lunch will be pro­ vided. To register or learn more, cull 753-6230, T h e N ew B e th e l S p iritu al C h o ir will b e a m o n g p e rfo rm e rs a t S a tu riJa y n ig h t’s G o s p e l F e s t a t S o u th D av ie. Gospel Fest Saturday At South Davie S tu d e n t S e rv ic e s D is c u s s e d Davie County Retired School to the well-being and cduca- Le’ Jour des Femmes Club School in Mocksville. will present Gospel Fest-A Ju- Guest performers will In- bllution Experience of Song and elude: New Bethel Spiritual Praise - on Saturday, April 18 at Choir, G-Three Jazz Ensemble, 6 p.m, at South Davie Middle Friends-N-Christ, Glory-PHI- Steppers, Fuirficid Men's Choir, Puulu Lewis, and the Rev, Johnny Brown. Master of cer­ emony will be the Rev. Samuel Thomas of Cedar Grove Baptist Church. For more informution, call (336) 682-6138. Proceeds will benefit the club’s scholarship fund. Personnel met April 2 al Ber­ muda Run at noon. President Elnora Gore pre­ sided. Inspiration nnd grace were given by Millie Modlin. Mike Hendrix provided piano music during lunch. Jeanne Foster, secretary, in­ troduced Jacque Dunbur, direc­ tor of student services for Duvie County Schools. Dunbar sliured a handout with each member and then explained the programs thnl fall under student services. The progrnms include nurses, counselors, sociul workers, stu­ dent ronssignment und Ihe at- risk fund. She wont into dctnil as lo how cach ureu contributes tional growth of our students. During the business session, Gore gave a report on Ihe stute convention. Cnrolyn Beaver dis­ cussed the progress on the re­ tiree booklet. The committee is still trying to gather information on all Davie County school re­ tirees. If anyone is a_retiree and would like to be included in this booklet, contact Beaver at 998- 4470 or Cbeaver530®aol.cotn. The meeting was concluded with humor shared by Mike Hendrix und a drawing for door prizes. The next meeting will be May 7, Hispanic Community Presents Joumey Of Jesus Sudoku 1 2 3 4 2 5 3 4 6 7 6 5 8 9 5 2 7 3 6 1 3 7 7 6 8 4 5 9 1 2 6 3 Solution On Page II The Hispanic community of St, Francis Catholic Church of Mocksvillc presented the sol­ emn journey of Jesus, from the last supper lo the crucinxion. On Thursday, April 9 in the Parish Hall, a recnaclment of the Last Supper including Ihc wash­ ing of the feel of the npostles and the institution of Holy Com­ munion was presented, Tho pag­ eant processed out to Ihc "Gar­ den of Octhscmane” where Jesus is betrayed by Judns, nr­ rested and taken away by the Roman Soldiers into the torch lit darkness of night, Al noon on Friduy, April 10, wilh ruin fulling, the journey continued us Jesus is brought before Pilutc. Pilule could find no guilt nnd offered to free Jesus. The crowd demanded that Barnbbus be freed and that Jesus be crucincd. Jesus was scourged and handed over to the romnn soldiers for Ihe long walk to cru­ cinxion. After a long walk through Ihe grounds depicting the Via Dolorosa (wny of sorrow), Jesus was crucified along with two thieves, one on the right und ono on Ihe left. After Jesus died, he ' wus tukcn down from the cross und placed in Ihe tomb. “Wo are left in the darkness of sorrow and doubt,” said Sis­ ter Martha Hoyle. The participants, in cos­ tumes and wilh soul-felt ucting, mude Ihe event seem very reul, she suid, “It gave the Journey to the cross a meaningful and emo­ tional feel in prepurulion for Ihe miracle of tho wondrous resur- Crossword Puzzle "I'm T ired !" A C R O SS 1, Total failure 5. Light bulb, In comics 9, Garb source, sl^nglly 13, Easternmost Aleutian 14, Utter disdain 15 , ^^mutuel betting 16, Tired limericks? 18, Jason's ship 19, Sheet music abbr, 20, Compass doodles 21, Place for a patrol 23,__Stone (hieroglyphic key) 25,-"Encorel" 26, Tired dairy product? 31,__up (select teams) 34, Slangy greeting 35, Keydets' sch. 36, Macho man 37, "A guy walks Into a _ ,„" 38, Crusty piece of bread 39, The big 4-0, for example ■40, Tees off 42. Crown's makeup, In the bible 44. Tired freebie? 47. Full of promise • 48. Desert delusions 52, Stick like glue 55. Sampras of tennis 56. Detergent brand 57. Grazing grounds 58. Tired cash? 61. "The War of the Worlds" planet 62. Late, on report cards 63. Tampa Bay team, In headlines 64. Word before ant or brat 65. Cross to bear 1 2 3 • 13 16 10 ■ 23 24 31 32 33 3Ö 30 44 Ameilcan Praftto Hometown Conlinl 66. Ratio words DOWN 1,Kld-llt elephant 2, In__(not yet born) 3, Tops the marquee 4, King found In 1922 5, Polar feature 6, Things to connect 7, Blow It 8, ’’_home?" 9, Less meaty 10, Cowpoke's pal 11, Twist the arm of 12, Christian of fashion 14. Combat pilot's flight 17. Ways through woods 22. Black and white predator 24. Cuddly "Star Wars" creature 25, Prime minister after Eshkol 27, Terrible twos, for one 28, "As__" (letter closing) 29, Call from the flock 30, Wire diameter measures 31, Punch card bit 32, Brobdlngnaglan 33, Top draft level 37, Flock of quail 38, Georgetown athlete 40, Stereotypical lab ^ assistant 41, Meets, as a challenge 42, Country's Conway 43, Spouses of a sultan 45, Like formal attire 46, Makes right 49, The "Homo" In Homo sapiens 50, One way to stand 51, Final decision 52 , mater 53, Not cheap 54, Rough up 55, Silver-exporting land 59, Give two thumbs down to 60, -Wan KenobI M e m b e rs O f S t, F ra n c is C a th o lic C h u rc h In M o ck sv ille p o rtra y C h ris t’s jo u rn ey . reclion of Je.sus. This allowed Ihe crowd of aboul 200 people to witness in moving fasliiun the sncrlfice of Jesus und his suffer­ ing for the love of us.” The journey included 14 stops, or Stations of The Cross. RANDY NIILLER &SONS 295 Miller Road •Mocksville (336) 284-2826 > Now Pumping ^ilcTanki ' Skid Sim Work Ttenctiir Work Hiuling Septic Snimi /.ontor'^ It’s N ot A bout the C a r ... It’s nbout the prccious cargo itcarrics. As u locnl liidgpcnclcnt nycnt. wc c«n itcHlB« uu Insurance pnignim tlin l's juM right Гог you iiml your Aitnily. Give llic' people^ yuu luvc Sulc. Soiind.Scciiiv.* protection Irom Aulo-Qwncrs Insurancu Coinpiiny. x y f u t o - O w n e r s I n s u r a n c e Johnson Insurance Services • 127 Marketplace Drive Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-6281 IhistadChoka' Answers On Page 11 ____I...... d m e d a v ie m e d ic a l e q u ip m e n t Y o u r H o m e C a r e C o m p a n y You Have the Right to Choose Your Home Medical Equipment Company - Davie Medical Equipment. Especialiy if you go to a neighboring hospital. Our long-established, convenient and very competitive business Is here to serve you with the latest and best home care products. Our certified and licensed employees keep your needs and comfort at the top of their priorities when you come to us for service. One of the most Important components In our equipment offerings Is our ability to provide our clients with the most advanced technology In portable oxygen and respiratory equipment. Managing sleep apnea and breathing disorders Is a job that requires cooperation between the physician, the patient and their medical equipment company. You need to be sure that the equipment necessary to treat your condition Is the right equipment foryoul No matter the type ofSDB (sleep-disordered breathing) or breathing difficulties you are dealing with, our staff here at Davie Medical Equipment has the experience, expertise and concem to match your needs with the proper treatment In order to deliver the most effective treatment we carry a complete line of PAP (positive airway pressure) equipment and nebulizers that will be fitted for your comfort and lifestyle. With the problem Identified, the road to relief Is Just a visit away from our trained and professional staff at vour m tdlcaltquipm tnt tompanyl Come on In today to discuss your options and begin breathing easy again. dme davie medical equipment 959 Salisbury Rd, • Mooksvllle (336)751-4288 • fax (336)751 >4688 10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 16,2009 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursday, April 16,2009 ■ 11 More than 50 children and adults enjoyed the community egg hunt sponsored by Calvary Baptist Church. After dyeing eggs and hunting , snaci<s were served. Janet Dyson and daughter Katie have fun at Liberty W e sle y a n 's Easter festivities. I County Line News These children participate in the Easter Egg Hunt at Bear Creek Baptist Church, Clarksville News ______ By MarclaLambc Clarksville Correspondent I hope everyone had a won­ derful Easter. What a beautiful day. Tlic cKitdrcn in the neigh­ borhood enjoyed the Easter Saturday to go by Bread Of Life Church on NC 801. They are having a yard sale Friday and bake sale Saturday. Proceeds will go to the building fund. Chestnut Grove Methodist on US 601 will htwo a spaghetti supper and bake sale Friday , Egg Hunt Saturday at Bear, evening 5-7. Plates are $6 for M Creek Baptist Church. Eggs adults $3 for children, spaghetti ,,, full of candy, cupcakcs, chips , salad, bread and dessert, and juice was enjoyed by all. The Relay for Life team of Don't forget Friday and Bear Creek Church will be hav- I Farmington News '3 By Laurn Mathis Farmington Correspondent ing a hotdog supper Sunday at 6. Get well wishes to Linda Trivette und Jaxon Sechrest. Happy Birthday wishes to Jerry Crews on the 16th, Marie Royall on the 18th, Charles Brown the 19th, Marlene Boger the 14th, Mary Chathrcn Driver on the 17th. To have items included in this column, call 492-2235, iiiaiulyprissy® yatllel.net. . .„».Vìi«»- * On a beautiful spring day in ' April, three old friends got to- »' gether at Miko Freeman's black- smith shop and did some old fashionedwheelwrightjng. Mike is restoring an old farm . wagon that will be on display al the corner store, now owned " by John and Beth McCashin. As '! in the old days, the process of ■ building and repairing a top : quality body for u carriage or wagon is an art in,itself. This trade is entirely differeiu from cabinet making pr carpentry. A ;; good carpenter would be lost 7: trying to build the framework ' and body for a carriage or ,t wagon. ; Bodies were made of fine poplar on oak frames. After the woodwork would come the iron work. Next and was an art that required an expert wheelwright and blacksmith to build a bal- anccd, durable wheel and to cre­ ate the iron work, a good wood­ worker to construct the wood parts for the gears and bodies, and a painter to finish and deco­ rate the final product. The art of making and repairing wagon wheels is a special trade and is the most delicate part of the wagon trade. A careless black­ smith could ruin the finest wheels by setting the tires on wood improperly or by giving the tires excessive draft, mak­ ing them too tight. Miko Freeman, a black­ smith, decided to give this art a try. "This is something I've never done before, only read about, and it was very satisfy­ ing to see things go together so well," he said. The wheels oflhe old wagon were in bad shape and tho only thing salvageable was the hubs and the tires. So spokes and felloes were made, attached to the hubs, tires were sized and the day came to Higher CD Yields! S p e c ia l P ro m o tio n !%* APY 3 Month CDM'DlC-lnsurtHi 3.0% (ft ni(Milli) • XS'A (12 ni(imli) F I R S T F I D E L I T Y Fitmiu'iiil ( inm p ol' the 'IVinti, 1.1.( ! Уош- Xif/i Afofwy Solulion' \ s k ìiIm m iI o u r h ig h e r \ iiH c iiii)* l a \ ((с Г с п ч ч ! р п и Ь и Гч. 336-224-1077217 S. 'Rdlicrt Ave., Lexinglon, NC 27292 Hours: 9uni-5pni, Muii.-Frl. Friends of the Clemmons Library BOOK SALE! Friday, April 24 • 10am-6pm Saturday, April 25 • 9am-5pm Clemmons Library Auditorium • Hardbacks $2 • Large paperbacks $1 • M agazines IOC • Regular paperbacks 50C • DVDs,VHS, and CDs $1 • Cassettes 50C • Prices cut in ha lf at 2 pm on Saturday! • All you can carry fo r $8 at 4 pm on Saturday! Friends m em bers g e t firs t p id at th e FRIENDS'PREVIEW,Thursday, April 23,7-9 pm (You can jo in a t th e d o o r a n d be e lig ib le !) Clem m ons Library 336-703-2920 3554 Clem m ons Rd, C lem m ons NC "shrink" on the tire to the wheel just like it hus been done in the pust. Mike, along with his long­ time friends, Jerry Blankenship and David Betts, built a large fire in the yard behind the shop with scraps from the old wheels. They fired it up more with about 200 pounds of coal. After a while, when the fire quit smok­ ing, it was righl to bury the tires and let them soak in the heat. After checking the tires with a piece of oak (if it burns it's too hot, if it browns it's ju.st right) und getting the proper tempera­ ture, the tires were brought to the table where the wheel sets and brought over the edge of the wheel with a little leverage and a few hammer blows. Then once in the right place they are cooled with lots of water and the metal tire (which hnd expanded in the fire) now shrinks up light oyer the wheel.-*“ ' , "Watching the joints clo.se up, the wheel start to dish, and the tire .shrinking and the unique sounds and sights, with steam billowing und hissing was just a whole lot of fun," says Mike. Dave und Jerry really en­ joyed themselves and they were great help. "I'lu grateful to them" Mike suid. If you want to see the wagon, it will be ut the corner store when it opens, or come by Mike's shop on Farm­ ington Road between the old school and the fire station. His sign will point the way. He is available forhlacksmithing, or­ namental iron, welding, farriery, and now, with a little help, wheelwrighting. 'Mike is also considering forming basic blacksmithing classes. Anyone interested can call him at 782- 9683. There will be a farmer's mar­ ket meeting at the Farmington Commimity Center this Sutur- day ut 9 a.m. It is for those who are planning to sell produce or handmade items this year. We will be discussing a start-up date, space, and pricing, and items planned to be available for buyers. This is the perfect time to be thinking about the market as we look for ways to earn ex­ tra income and at the same time, be able to provide fresh and lo­ cal produce for the people in our community. If you have any questions, cull Laura Muthis ut 998-2912. Karen Wall and daughters, Rachel, Beth and baby Jay-Lynn wilh Linda Goforth and grandson, Riley in the background at Liberty Church's Egg Hunt. Sheffield-Calahaln News Uy .lunlcc Jordnn Sheffield-Caluhaln Correspondent Liberty Wesleyun Church and its children’s pastor, Jennifer Manser, held an Easter Egg HuiU on Saturday, April 11 at the church on Sheffield Road. All the kids gathered for the Bible story that explained the reason that Easter Is celebrated, nnd then they began to color their own eggs. Afterwards they decorated individual Easter bunny cakes just before they started hunting for the more than 600 treut-filled hidden eggs. Everyone was pleased wilh the wonderful weather God had provided. Preparations arc sel to begin soon for their Vacation Bible School. Mrs. Manser is the wife oflhe pastor, Greg Manser, and she will be orduined at the end of June. Ijames Baptist Church members and the family of Clark Rogers arc eluted about the response lo their spaghetti supper fundraiser for the cancer patient. Clark’s church. The Cove in Mooresville, plans to hold u benefit for him on Muy 1, It includes u concert and a siletil auction. The lust fevV days for Clark and his family have been full of trials and tribula­ tions, as einergency surgery has been necessary und decisions have had lo be made every few hours about how to proceed with his treatment und care. That said, Clark’s will to fight is still strong and everyone remains hopeful. The community's prayers are still important, and are appreciated by his wife, Lisa and ills parents, Robert and Creolu Rogers. Clark grew up in Sheffield and has numerous family members living here. Area students who participate in William R. Davie football and cheerleading would like to thank everyone who came out April 11 to support their hojdog fundraiser. Without the public’s help, these worthy children’s uctivities would not be possible. The next fundraiser for them involves u golf tournament, which men and women will enjoy. Some of the details includo that it will be four-person teams, with Captain’s Choice, u shotgun Sturt will he at 2 p.in., und the cost Is $65 per pluyer. Rcgisirution and lunch will be from 11 a.m. -2 p.m. All of this takes place Saturday, May 16 ut Pudding Ridge Golf Course. For further infonnulion, call Angela Wulluce nt 940-5574 or email awaUace® aUcgacyfcu.org. The Men’s Fellowship of New Union plans their next hotdog lunch fundruiscr for Suturduy, April 25 from 110 a.m.-2 p.m, in the church parking lot. Tuke-outs will be available. Also for sale by the Women’s Fellowship will be doughnuts. Sheffield-Calahaln Fire Department’s annual memorial service w ill be Sunday afternoon. May 17 at the station. Everyone is invited. The servicc is intended to honor all deceused members of the firefighting unit und the auxiliary. Refreshments will follow the program, which will be held outdoors adjacent to Ihe memorial garden, weather permitting and inside, if necessary. The members hope that community residents and any others who are interested will join tliem for the service. Mountain Park Old Time Bund is on the schedule for April 18 at Ihe Sheffield Music Hall. Call 704-546-3099 lo verify or for more information. On Friday evening, April 16, Crusher Run w ill play at Redding’s Country Kitchen in Rondu and at Sim’s Burbeque in Grunile Fulls on Saturday, April 18. Cull John Brown a 336-408- 6941 for more information. You cun cnll Brenda at 751-7567 if you want to know more about getting their first CD. Supporters of the Humane Society of Duvie County wnnt everyone lo know Ihut there will be a Pel Fair Saturday, May 2 at the building locntcd nt 291 Euton Road in Mocksville from 10 n.m.-4 p.m. Activities include demunslrulions nbout how nnimnls help people, including unimul trucking, ohedience displuys, nnd ugility demonstrutions. It will Include u rubies clinic. Rubies is nn on­ going problem in. North Cnrolina, with estimates thut the lotul cases in 2009 may double those of 2008. If you dine ul Sagebrush in Mocksville on Thursdny, April 16, 10 percent of the dinner proceeds will be used for the benefit pf the 1 lumiuie Society. The following items ure needed immediately at Ihe center: paper towels, canned Pedigree und Purina puppy food, large rawhide chews, 7-10 gallon and 13-gallon trnsh bags, and detergent. Your help is always upprecinled. Happy birthday to; Duyie Reuvis on April 16; Matthew Gurret Rumsey on April 18; Jo Ann Renegar, Emily Holland, und Stephanie Barker on April 19; Cheryl Prevette on April 12; und Inge Shuw on April 22. Gnme Night nl Ihe Sheffield- Caluhaln Community Cenler has been scheduled for Friday, Muy 1 from 7-9 wilh the doors opening at 6. Get there early for your choice of seats and lo purchase supper of hotdogs, snucks, and drinks. Bingo cards good for 20 games are $5, and u dollur enters you inlo one cuke wulk. If you’d like lo plun your next fnmily or other group event atifhe community center, call Becky Hill nt 704-546-2508 or Judy Woolen ut 492-7238. To reserve the recreation uren, cnll Lnrry or Doris Dyson nt 492- 5712. Rental rates are reasonable. If you have news or photos to share in our column, please call me at 492-5836 or emnil jvjjonlan@ holinail.com . Four Comers News By Mnrlc White Four Corners Correspondent Mr. and Mrs, Billy Shelton were hosts of a bpuntiful Eas­ ter dinner Sunday ut Ihe fellow­ ship building of Benr Creek Bnptist Church. Those enjoying the occnsion with them were Helenn Cruft, Doug und Lindu Hill, Abby Hill, Alinn Shnrpe, Bluke and Ashley Hill, Тепу and Shuron Craft, Robbie, Kinsley and Courtney Craft, Joe und Marie White, Mark, Jeunna und Jcssica White, Bettie Smilh, Jerry and Tohi Potts, Amanda und Cole Haneline, L.S. and Irma Jean Shelton, Ed and Debbie Vogler, Bluke and Erica Bosl und twins Addie und Juck, Emily Pender, Grady and Edna Ann Beck, Greg Beck nnd Tulnmy Jester, the Rev. nnd Mrs. Ricky Atkins, Len and Jan Murray, Corneliu Smith and Abby Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Shelton huve relumed home uf- ter spending severul days at Cherry Grove. Bettie Smith would like lo thank everyone for tho gifts. cards, fiowers and all the things they did for her during tho loss of her husband, the Rev, Kennv Smilh. The shut-in of the week is Mrs. Kathleen Fleming, Autumn Cure of Slutesville, 2001 Vnn Buren Dr., Statesville 28677, She would uppreciate a curd, telephone cull or visit. By Shirley Thorne County Line Correspondent Our Easter weekend in County Line climuxcd with n benutiful Resurreclion Sundny. Our sunrise services were well attended and our children enjoyed the traditional egg hunting. The past few weeks we have hud many fundraisers and other activities. Wc are now in a period of transition and relaxation-but do have a few events planned. Members of Piney Grove AME Zion Church w ill celebrate the 170th anniversary of the church Sunday, April 19. After the morniiig worship service, there will be a covered- dish dinner in Ihe fellowship Pino News hall. A special anniversary servicc will begin at 3 p.m. The Rev. Lenton Rhodes, pastor of Rhoney’s Chapel AME Zion Church of Cutuwba County, will bring the anniversary messnge. His congregnlion will join him nnd his choir will present a program of gospel music. Piney Grove members invite all. Clarksbury United Methodist Church will have revival services nightly Sunday, April 19-Tuesday, April 21. Services will begin at 7 and will feature the Rev. Terry Duck­ worth, a fulltime evangelist. (Take my word - the Rev. Duckworth is un interesting,' effective evangelist.) Each night visiting choirs including Friendship United Methodist, Mount Vemon Baptist, and New Union United Methodist will present a progrnm of music. CInrksbury members invite others. The Women on Mission of Society Baptist Church will meet at 6 p.m. Mondny, April 20, in the fellowship hnll. Mildred Benfie|d will present n progrnm on shnring God’s pure love and spreading pure water around the world. Mury Elizabeth Nunlz will host the meeting. The women invite others lo join them for snucks und fellowship followed by the progrum. The Clarksbury Seniors will meet at 11 a.m. Tuesday, April 21, in the fellowship hnll. After u covcrcd-diiih dinner, Ihe group By Nora Latham Pino Correspondent The breakfast at Wesley Chupel United Methodist Church will be Saturday, April 18, from 6:30-10 a.m. We hope everyone will attend. Wesley Chupel und Fnrmlngton UMC enjoyed n Mnundy Thursduy servicc ut Furmington nnd u Good Fridny service nt Wesley Chupcl. Both were conducted by Pustor Jnck Tookey. Thursday night the Furmington Choir sang und everyone attending shared communion, on Friday everyone wns blessed with a duet by Pastor Jack Tookey and his wife, Jncquelinc. They sang “Were You There” >a cappella. : The Easier service at Wesley Chapel was ut 8 with breakfast following in the fellowship hall. Betty West tiuight one Sunduy school lesson lo everyone. Wee and Jane Brock from Farmington were visitors. It was good lo have Louise Dill und Murie Ball join us. Sara Eure hosted Sunday lunch nl her home on Edwurd Beck Rond. Those present were Nellie Dull, Debru and Gary Dull, Matt und Terry Mnurer, Kristn und Greg Bobb and son Logan. On Sunday night Sara served dinner to R.D. und Dclcn McDnniel, Jimmy and Helen Kinley, Gary and Debra Dull and Krista Bobb and her son, Logan. DeWilla Smith enjoyed Easier lunch with her dnughter nnd son-in-law, Teresa and Danny Correll. Jim und Chinern Lntham and Kendra, M.J. nnd Stephen Jncobs spent the Enster week­ end in Charieslon, S.C. with Audra, Glenn nnd Caroline Raus. M.J. and Caroline enjoyed a neighborhood egg hunt on Suturduy. Siiclolcu Solution Nora Luthum hosted Enster lunch at her home. Attouding were Sandy and Ann Cline, Bob and Kathy Ellis, Dale Lnthnm, Joyce Sutton, nnd Ethan, Allison and Reid Boger. After lunch everyone enjoyed helping Reid find eggs nnd went to visit Dnie’s new bnby donkey, Easter Lily. Betty E. West recently returned from a trip to Wushinglon, D,C, with her sister and brother-in-law. Marly and Bill Babcock, made during the Cherry Blossom Festival, The beauty of the Jupunese Cherry trees was breathtaking on a bright sunny afternoon. Throngs of people were there for the festival and the traffic was horrendous, i i us acknowledged by veteran Washington drivers, Betty and Marty visited the Frunklin Deluno Roosevelt Mcmoriul, the World Wur II Memorinl with its glenming while marble und fountnins which puy proper homage to the veternns of thnt wnr, nnd the somber Vietnum Memorial, awe-inspiring when one renlizcs that cach name engraved in thut marble wall represents a life lost in Ihe service of our country. Bill spent all the time that Betty and Marty visited the memorials circling the Tidal Basin to see if a parking space might become available-none did. While in Wushington, the group visited Ihe Lincoln Cotluge nt the Old Soldiers’ Home in Northwest Wushington, This cotlnge served ns Lincoln’s summer White House. Lincoln moved his family to the collage in Ihe summer and then he rode his horse out there each evening to get away from the heat, humidity, and the stench from the sewage that emptied inlo a stream near the White House. The cottage was on a hill where Ihe cool bree/es blew and the air was clean. He mude the three and one-hnlf mile ride bnck to the White House cach morning. Lincoln's son. Tad, loved the collage because 100 soldiers were stationed on the grounds and they bought Tad n uniform and let him drill with them. The cottage hns been restored lo its 1860 appearance. The guide did such a good job lhal one could almost feel Lincoln's presence. The last slop wus the home of ' Woodrow Wilsono in Northwest Wushington. This . lovely 12,000-square-foot house, was Ihe home of Woodrow and Edith Wilson after they loft the While House. Wilson only lived three years ufler he finished his term us president, but Edith continued to live in tho house for 37 more yenrs. This house is most interesting becausc all of Ihe Wilson furnishings are jusl as the Wilsons left them. Other Interesting events of the trip was dinner ut Ihe Gudsby’s Tuvern in Old Alexundriu, which was a pluce frequented by George Wushington and Thomus Jefferson, nnd lunch nt the Churter House Restnurunt on the bunk of the benutiful Potomac River. At the end of Ihis trip, Betty has visited 63 sites connected lo 40 presidents of the United Slates. Her goul is to visit ut lenst one site connected to the 44 men who hnve served US president. She hus not visited a site connected to Nixon, Clinton, George W. Bush und Obuma, 9 6 1 7 2 5 8 3 4 3 4 7 8 9 6 2 5 1 2 8 5 3 4 1 6 9 7 4 7 3 6 5 2 1 8 9 5 9 2 4 1 8 7 6 3 6 1 8 9 3 7 5 4 2 7 3 6 1 8 4 9 2 5 В S 9 2 7 3 4 1 8 1 2 4 5 6 9 3 7 8 Crossword Answers 9 ! KОШПш DEIE] □□ЕШа в п ^ р п в а ^ п г а в а п а Program Highlights for First Presbyterian Preschool 2 0 0 9 -2 0 1 0 f* Seives sliiilents 3,4,5 years of age # 4/5 year old program Moiuiay-Thiirsday 9am-Noon ^ i year old progr.un l\iesiiiiy-Thiirs(!ay 9am-Noon Starls August 31 lo May 27 Units of study to Includc preschool theme.'; as well as faith ba.se programs , # Snack, chapel, an and music f> Lunch buncii twice a month Registration fonns may be picked up al the church office 0\tesday-Thtirsday 9am-11:30am) Questions: Barbara Owens, Director 751-2507 FPC of MocksviUe #24 w ill watch the movie “ Fly Wheel.” All senior adults in the community are invited. Upcoming community events include Ihc Piney Grove AME Zion Church Spiritual Choir 40th anniversary celcbrulion Sunduy, April 26; revivul services nightly April 26-29 nt Society Bnptist Church; nnd n V-Point Rurilun breakfast Saturday, Muy 2, ul Ihc V-Point Building on Old Mocksvillc Roud. Lee Cariner continues to improve but remains in rehab. Paula Cartner remains under cure of Duke Medical Center for additional treatment. Ruth Greene and Docker Harris ure recupcrnting ul home. Join us us we pruy for Ihe Lord's continued hcnling und blessings Docker, and others who arc having health problems. If you have news or memories to shure, plcusc cull Shirley on 492-5115 or emnil in the lives of Lee, Puulu, Ruth, ndtlmk® holmail.com. S p e c ia ls o £ t h e W e e k P H O T O S P E C IA L S e c o n d S e t o f P r in ts FREE 3 5 m m O N L Y One Week Only PEPSI 24 oz. bottles 6 p k * 2 “ ’ Case *9»* Limit 2 Cases W hile Supplies lu tst I'OI' K t'cul in fiirm u lio ii oil (1п 1цч i4: h i'iilth p ro b le m s , цо lo \\.f()sli T(li u ^ i().i'o m Regular Hours: Mrif 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 www.fosferdrugcd.com i 1 i i1 J. . 12 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 16,2009 I 'V « »>1 to r »•I > P e e b le s <V B U Y O NE G E T O NE FOR BUY ONE ^ GET ONE FOR.1 Young Men's Screen Tee« By Ink; Hybrid; moro. S-XXL Reg. 20,00- 24.00. ««m muMi Im D( BUYONE^ GET ONE FOR.1 Men's Sun River* Shorts Entire slocki Shooting, donim, canvas. Rog. 20.00-34.00. Mlmmu.1be d tqiMi or Immt «аЫ BUYONE^ GET ONE FOR.1 Hannah' Tanks Assorted colors. - Misses S-XL Reg. 18.00 each. BOYONE^ GET ONE FOR.1 Men's Sun Rhrei* Solid Color Polos Great colors. Sizes M-XXL Reg. 20.00 oach. BOYONE^ GET ONE FOR.1 Boys 8-20 Knit Tops By Point Zero; LevIV and more. Rog. 16.00- 24.00. led ..«.mo..tor4wiualciW>twry^. BUYONE^ GET ONE FOR.1 Juniors Soffe' Shorts Solid colors. Juniors XS-XL Rog. 7.99 each. BUYONE 5 GET ONE FORI Baxter & Wells* Tops Layerod-look styles. Misses S-XL. Reg. 22.00 each. BUYONE 5 GET ONE FOR.1 Juniors Basic Tees By Energlo' and Derok Hoart; Juniors S-XL. Rog. 10.00 each. PLUS...SAVE 50% ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF YELLOW-nCKET CLEARANCE MERCHANDISE Pricot elfeolivo Aptil 18-20, 2009. Seloctton vwlos by aloro. IntoHm maikdown® may havo boon tokon. Enliro alocka only whoro Indicalod. SQUIRE BOONE PLAZA • YADKINVILLE RD. MOCKSVILLE HOURS: MON-W ED 10-7; THURS-SAT 10-8; SUN 1-6 V a c c i n a t i o n C l i n i c Dogs and Cats only 3 months of age or older $5 per pet for Rabies shot (cash o n ly) Dogs must be on leashes & cats must be in carriers * Ify o u d o n ’t have a c a rrie r lo a n e rs w ill be a va ila b le S a tu rd a y , A p ril 2 5 ,2 0 0 9 12 n o o n to 3 p .m . D ix ie C la ssic F a irg ro u n d s C a ttle B a rn (G a te 9 o n 2 ? ^ S tre e t) Sponiofed by; Forsylh County Departmenl ol Public Health Forsylh Counly Animal Control Forsylh County Cooperallve Extension Sflrvice Forsytli Humana Society Forsytii Veterinary Medical Association Forsylh Kennel Club Forsyth Counly Sherill'sOllice Legacy Kennels Brownie Troop 218 703-3110 John Wesley Wooten Mr. John Wesley Wooten, 80, of Deadmon Roud, Mocksville, died Wedtiesduy, April 8,2009, at Forsyth Medical Center in Winston-Salem. Ho was born April 12,1928, in Iredell County to the late Samuel nnd Viidie Deniiy Wooten.' Mr. Wooten attended Trinity Baptist Church. He wa,s also preceded in death by 4 brothers, Preston Wooten, James' Wooten, Harding -Wooten and Bill Wqoten. Survivors; a brother, Dwight (Frankie) Wooten of Mocks­ ville; a sister, Martha Ward of Woodleaf; several nieces and, nephews; caregiver, Carolyn Wagner of Mocksville; andspe- cittl friends, Henry Grant and Frances Straley, both of Mocks­ ville, A graveside service was con­ ducted at II a.m., Friday, April 10, at Dutchman Creek Baptist Church Cemetery with Dr. Darrell Cox officiating. Memorials: charity of the donor’s choice. Online condolences: www.eatonfuncralsemce.com. GEMETREXLER ROOFING New & Old Roots Small Repair Jobs Froo Eslimatos 336-284-4571 IW ASH ES^ ; p T o u c h le s s orc;^ I B r u s h w a s h | ^ Mo ck sv ille < A uto Prid e Car Wash N. Yadklnviile Rd. (. M ocksville P hillip Blackwell Phillip Blackwell, 73. died on Friday, April 10, 2009 ul Forsyth Medical Center in Win- ston-Sa- lem from complica­ tions of conges­ tive heiirt failure. Ho was born on Feb. 1, 1936 to the late Lynn and Mary Bet Blackwell. He grev/ up in Davie County, was a mechanic at Cooleemee Mills and an en­ gine builder at Gravely of Clemmons. A few of his hobbies included building low boy truil- ers, welding, pluying pool, trad­ ing, spending time with his grandchildren, and recycling things others considered as trash into artwork. He loved to make people laugh and was an enter­ tainer when he sang or told jokes. Survivors; hi.s wife of S3 years, Betty Blackwell of tiie home; daughters, Betty (Terry) Steele of Advuncc, Mury Bluckwell of Clemmons, Brcndu Neshell Sims of Chi­ cago, III.; sons, Phillip Jr. (Nadine) Blackwell of Mocks­ villc and Donald Blackwell of Lewisville; a brother, Jake (Margaret) Blackwcll; sisters. Ruby Frost, Della Clement and Norma Blackwell; brothers, O.scar (Linda) Blackwcll, Clay Bluckwell; und Duvid (Libby) Blackwell; grandchildren, Sherri (Wesley) Moore, Tonica Johnson, Terry (T.A.) Steele, Jessica Blackwell, Donald (DJ) Blackwell, Tony Steele, Brian Blackwell, Bennie (BJ)’ Sims, Cameron Sims, Angel Sims and Luylu Blackwell; 4 greut-grund- children; und u host of other nieccs, nephews, other relutives and friends. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Brenda Louise Blackwcll; and u sister, Mugdalene Frost Funeral services will be held Friday, April 17 ut 3 p.m. ut Ce­ dar Creek Buptist Church. Pus- tor C.A. Stewart will officiale and burial will follow in the church cemetery. The family will receive friends one hour before the scrvice, Online condolences; GrahamFuncratHome.net. С ■<’( ■///( nil\ ■/ ///, ) Donald E, Myers 1942 - 2009 , ADVANCE Wayne E, Heath 1966 - 2009 ' ' ROANOKE, VA KennethÈ. Smith ■ .1923 - 2009 FOUR CORNERS Earliest Alfred Smith Earnest Alfred Smith Sr. 80, of Advunce, died Wednesduy, April 1, 2009 at Forsyth Medi­ cal Cenler. He was born July 20, 1928 in Guilford Counly. He was re­ tired from the furniture business and of Ihe Baptist faith. Survivors; his wife, Sundru Troutt Smith 6f the home; 2 duughters, Patsy and Becky (Keith); 2 sons, Earnest Jr. (Sheila) und Todd (Jaimie); 9 grandchildren; I great-grand­ child; und his dog. Rusty. A priyute fumily scrvice will be held later. Algylee MfcBride Mrs, Algylee McBride, 101, died Wednesday, April 2, 2009 in Yeadon, Pu. Sh(! wus horn March 15, 1908 in Hurmony to the late Thomas F. Holman und Eliza­ beth Li/.zle Hodge Holman, She wus edueuted in the Duvie County Schools und lived the majority of her adult life in Long Island, N.Y., where she was employed as a domestic worker. She wus a dedicated member of her community Pen­ tecostal church. She wus preceded in death by her husband, Willie McBride, and a nephew sho raised, Tho­ mns Oglesby. ' Survivors; 2 nieces, Algylee W. Rogers und Margaret Ann (Randall) Person; a great-niece und curetaker, Junine D. (Merrille R.)Parkinson, their children, Justin and Jaremy Parkinson; nephews Cornell (Dana S.) Holman, George Holman, Raymond (Margie) Holman; local relutives in the Davie and Rowan area include Edmoniu Hollis, LuciHe ljumes, Evu Turner, Nellie Ramseur, Omega Ijames, and Mury Holinun. Graveside scrvicc wus hold Friduy, April 10 al noon ut Pul- metlo Cemelery in Mocksville, The Rev. Norman Dudley offi­ ciated. On-line ' condolences; GrahamFuncralHome.net. Andre Love Andre Love, 58, of Abbey Lane, Mocksville, died on April 7, 2009 at his home. Graham Funeral Home,is serving the family. Online condolences: www.grahamfuneralhome.net. ....................Ih Paul G iles Barney, Sr. (A p ril 1 4 ,1 9 2 9 - N o v e m b e r 3 0 ,2 0 0 8 ) Happy Birthday Paul. I love & miss you! Y o u r w ife , B e tty I would like to apologize to Paul's brotliers, sisters .md their spouses for the omission of their names in his obituary. Please forgive this regretful oversight and Jcnow th.nt wthout your love, help and support, our lives would hnve been much more difficult cluring Paul's illness. Roy Barney, Lucy Bnrney, Bnrbara & Henry (spouse) Boger, Rommie & Cathy (spou.se) Barnei thank you for always being there for us. B cttij B a n ia j A L L H O M E S A R E T R U E O FF-FR A M E M O D U LA R H O M ES THB AVO NDALS OAPB ' W A t • » ТН е HA M PTO N П А Н С Н « WAt 1108,3012, ■ '"1 V»•utuHu e ' L'i *»* 1 " S f ДрЬН49А USTO Eilt 4.SmUM ’ LeflonBuilnMt PtrfcDrlv*.4ml{oi UnonBuilnmro StatMvUli Housing .B tnMi on Utl STATESVILLE H O U S IN G C E N T E R FBCIotyBulH'FactoiySold'WeAREtheBulldefLand&FlnanclngAvallablB 704.924.9393 mwv.StatesvilleHousing.coni Toll Free 1.877.283.4344 M arty W a tk in s, N e lso n G ra h a m a n d J o h n ija m e s a re n e w d e a c o n s a t C le m e n t G ro v e C h u rc h of G o d , B o d y o f C h rist. D e a c o n s O rd a in e d A t C le m e n t G ro v e C h u rch Three deacons were orduined ut Clement Grove Church of God, Body of Christ, Mocksville in a ceremony on March 28. John Ijames, Nelson Graham and Marty Watkins were recog­ nized in u ceremony thut included Elder Raymond Robinson Jr., Deacons Phillip Blackwell and Herbert Dooley, Stephunie Ijames and Elder William Harwell. Ijiuiies is the son of Ihe late Johnny and Columbia ljumes. He was married to Katie Rhynohardt for 43 years, who preceded him in death in 2002. They had four children, 11 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. He has been married to Peggy Tatum Ijames for almost six years und they live in Stokesdule. He has been a truck driver, nurse assistant, und is employed at Lowes Distribution Center in Stokesdule. Gruhum is the son of Ihe late Wilbur and Georgeanna Graham. He has been married to Dorothy Rucker Graham for 45 years and they live in Mocksvillc. They huve two duughters und Ihree grand­ children. He is retired after 26 years at Ingersoll-Rand, and works in the family business, Graham Funeral Home. Watkins is the son of Blair and Ollie Belle Watkins. He has been married to Deurdria Johnson Watkins for 26 years and they live in Wilkesboro. They have one daughter, Brittany. He worked ' for 26 years al T^son Foods in Wilkesboro and is employed at Appalachian State University in Booiie. M e n ’s D a y S u n d a y A t G r e a tè r M o u n t M oriah On Sunday, April 19 at 3 p.m., Ihe men of Greater Moimt Moriah Missionary Biiplist Church will host their first "Men's Duy" program. The guest speaker will be Rev. Kelly Brown, associate . pastor of Cedar Grove Baptist Church. All men and women ure invited. B la ise B a p tist C h a n g es M orning W orsh ip T im es Beginning on Sunduy, April 19, Ihe worship scrvicc ut Blaise Baptist Church of Mocksvillc will begin at 9:30 a.m. every Sun­ day. Bible Fellowship (Sunduy School) will be held ut 8; 15 a.m. and 11 u.m. fur adults. Children's classes will be held at 11 a.m. only. If you have que.slions about Ihe time of the class you attend, cull the church office at 751 -3639 R e v iv a l S e t F or A p ril 19 A t C om m u n ity B a p tist Community Baptist Church on Gladstone Road will hold a revival at 7 p.m. April 19 with guest preacher, the Rev. Trooper Ferguson. The Rev. Clyde Settle is pastor., Everyone is invited. There will be special singing. Bread Of Life Plans Fundraiser Bread of Life Baptist Church, NC 801 just off US 601 North, Mocksville, will hold a yard sale und bake sale building fundraiser on Friday, April 17 und Saturday, April 18 beginning at 8 a.m. each day. M a in v iiie C e le b r a tin g 1 2 7 th A n n iv e r s a r y The Rev. Gloria L. Thomas and the Muinville AME Zion Church family invites visitors to the I27lh church anniversary on Sunday, April 19 al 3 p.m. Guest speaker will be the Rev. James L. Hunt, pastor of New Birth Worship Center of East Bend, along with his choir and congregation. Dinner will be served following the morning worship service. “We would like to extend a thank you to the businesses, pa­ trons, fumily and friends who purchased ads or gave donations,'’ Thomas said. “If you cannot be with us, please keep us in your pruyers ns wc continue lo uplift God’s Kingdom, for we would not have come this far without His love and mercy. To God be the glory." Hinsons To Be At Rocl< Spring Dr. Jimmy and Margaret Hinson will be guests at Rock Spring Baptist Church on Sunday, April 19 for the 11 a.m. worship ser­ vice. Dr. Hinson will share the sermon, and Mrs. Hinson will share the message for the children. The Hinsons huve been serving churches as a husband and wife team in Reach Oilï Evangelism Ministries for more than 50 yeurs. They live in Mocksville. The pustor of Rock Spring is the Rev. Steve Hedgecock. P o o r A l a n ' s S u p p e r A t F u l t o n A poor inun’s supper will be held ut Fulton United Methodist Church, NC 801, Advance, on Tuesday, April 21 from 4-7 p.m., ' Donations will be accepted to help pay for a sound system. DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 16,2009 ■ 13 T h is m e s s a g e b r o u g h t to y o u b y th e s e lo c a l b u s in e s s e s w h o e n c o u r a g e y o u to w o r s h ip a t th e c h u r c h o f y o u r c h o ic e . CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Shaak Street Mocksvlllo, NC Z7028 336-751-2167 A U T O w u r r * MOGKSVHlEAIIimNrnVE 884 S. Main St. , Mocksville, NC 27028 - 336-751-2944 GENTLE AAACHINE &TOOLINC. 2716 Hwy. eoi’N Mocksvlllo, NC 27028 336-492-5055 . Fax: ЭЭ6-492-в1Мв JERRY'S МШ PROCESSING We Cuitom Maat Procai i Beet - Pork - [>eer 30 yeara exparlenca 602 Rntph Ratlodgo Rd • Mocksvilo 336-492-5496 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGIHG 872 Main Church Rd. Mocksville. NC 27028 336-751-9144 W .G. W HITE & C 0 . 050 N. Trade St. WInston-Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 HAYW ORTH-MILLER in.lNl;KAI. 1 lOMi; 108 l-:.iil K in<l(Tl(m W ay ,\ilv4Jicc, NC 27006 336.940.S S 55 1 и и Е П Ш 5 |1 » $ 1 г Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Fabrication BOO Salisbury Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-3712 FO STER DRUG COM PANY 495 Valley Road • Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2141 l^rpM i ilnhii Cat! hi: 336-753-DRUG Put This Space IbWorii For You CaU ЗЗв-751-2129 C m I Cs a R T E Rк BUILDifti 157 Yadkin vuiloy Rood • Bulte 2t0 Advanco. NC 336-940-2341 OuihUr ofOiialiiy <<» ff Л* )oii(Ъ1уЛ. (Wig. I WvA-Hl« MiibttC,. ( W. \\x • storaae Buildings (Wood i Aluminum) • Caipotls & Qarageo Coinmlimcnl ol Brolh« to Brollict a rollh In God 1668 Hwy 64 W • Mocksville Jimmy Bocttchcr (336) 492-5418 FULLERArchitecture68 Covri Sotwrt 5ЫЦ 200 Mockwilk NC 27029 р:аЗА./61.П400 • PROUDLY DESIGNII^G • DAVIE CHURCHES 336-751-0400 HPalletOneA PALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksvlllo, NC 27028 336-492-5565 IMITUMNCARE MOCKSVILLE 1007 Howard St. Mocksvlllo 751-3535 Call 7 5 1 -2 1 2 9 TO Advertise IIII EATON FUNERAL HOME - SINCF 1951 . ass N^rth Main Street Mocksvlllo. NC 37028 336-751-2148 f" 14 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 16,2009 — NOW OPEN IN M OCKSVILLE!! — F u rn itiire M a ttre s s C o n n e c tio n 1500 North Main St (HW-158) • Mocksville, NC . s , /. ■ . (B eside C arolina P recisio n l\i!ach№ ^^ Open Thursdays, Fridays, ^ Saturdays and Mondays Only Hours: Thurs., Fri, & Mon. 10;00am-5:30pm; Sat. 10:00am-3:00pm SpecM lizing in M arket Sam ples Speeiol Buys o M C loseouts FAC TO R Y D IR E C T P R IC E S ! JUST R K E im i High Point Market L E A T H E R Showroom! Sofas, Love Seats, Chairs, Recl'ms, Sectionals, Reclining Sofas, Home Theater Seating- Huge Selection of Reclinets, Leather & Fabric All THERAPEDIC^ Brand Bedding ON SALE! • SPECIfll BUY! Queen Pillow Top Set.....................................$299 • SPECIAL BjJYi Therapedic" King Size Plush Set.....................S499 « SPECIfll. BUY! 100% Leather Rocker Recliner.......................}4 9 9 • SPECIAL BUY! 100% Leather Sofas........................................$688 • SPECIAL BUY! 100% Leather Sofa, Loveseat & Chair........$1,999 Call Us at (336) 817-3390 OB T ry in g o u t th e n e w rocl^ers a t D a v ie P la c e , J a m e s C o u c h , U n ite d W a y 's M ary B e th F o rs t, A n n ie B a k e r w ith doll "A nn ,” a n d D av ie P la c e e m p lo y e e s B eci<y B a k e r a n d T e r e s a M an ley . U n i t e d W a y P r o v i d e s N e w R o c k e r s Residents of Davie Place, an assisted living facility on Hos­ pital Street in Mocksville, have new rocking chairs. The cliuirs were purchased by the Davie County United Way from a special fund set up after an explosion and fire de­ stroyed parts of the building two years ago. Some of the residents of the facility returned after the fire, some did not. The ones who did needed clothes. One man lost his prized Star Wars models. A woman lost her baby doll. Now, she sits and rocks her new doll. After residents’ needs were met, there were still funds left, said Mary Beth Forst, United Way executive director. The United Way board of directors decided to spend the money on the rocking chairs for the two porches. The names on the chairs are of the residents wlio were at the facility at the time of the fire. “This is to bring joy to the residents, not memories of the disaster,” Forst snid, Becky Baker, Davie Place administrative assistant, said about 45 residents live there, with a capacity of 69, A new se­ cured Alzheimers unit holds 19 residents. “Sometimes, it's about meet­ ing emotional needs,” Forst said, “When they cume to de­ liver the presents, it wa.s. the most moving thing they had done." O n B o a r d Davie Clerk of Court Ken Boger (right) issues the oath of office to new county commissioner Ron Hoth (ieft), as Hoth's wife of 52 years, Katie, holds the Bible., - Photo by Robin Snow Budget... Continued From Page 1 development funds, a complete removal of student accountability program funds (those used for remediation), a reduction in funding for testing, textbooks, and NC Wise, a five percent reduction in central office salaries and benents, the phasing out of the More At Four preschool program, and the elimination of 100 positions at the Department of Public Instruction over this year and 2010 and another 200 in 2010- 11. Stuff development funds are used for registration fees, travel, hotel, and mileage and meal reimbursements, but the biggest cost is for a substitute when a teacher has to go to staff development, said Finance Officer Deborah Smink. A 50 percent reduction would drastically decrease opportunities for teachers and staff to take advantage of classes needed for educational enhancement. Smink said if remediation funds are cut, there is another area that can be drawn from for funds needed to continue those programs, Perdue's proposal has no teacher positions being cut, a freeze on longevity payments for two years, and a 2,5% decrease in .non-instructional support personnel (including NC Wise, clerical, and custodial). Smink said some of those cuts could come from folks who retire or resign. whose positions simply won't be flUed, Smink said both proposals address salary step increases. There would only be one step up increase, for tcachers, assistant principals and principals, with no salary increases for other state employees. Longevity payments arc based on years of servicc, are . paid annually, and take effect after 10 years of service. The Senate’s budget version does not address those payments. The House has not yet submitted its budget proposal, Smink said it might be after Easter when that will occur. Once all three budget proposals have been voted on, a final proposal will be submitted. Smink said it could be September before she gets the final budget. “It could be anywhere from about a half a- million to $1.5 million of state funding we could lose next year, but that’s a broad estimate until we see exactly what, the actual final budget looks like. I’m not very optimistic we’ll have it before September. “ We w ill plan for the worst,” Smink said, “ If we have some vacant positions, we won’t fill them until we know what the budget looks like. It’s not an easy thing to start with fewer people than we might need, but it’s better than starting with too many and then having to tell them after a couple of weeks that they have to go home,” DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 16,2009 - BI Moses Gets Winning Hit For 8-1 JV Softball The Davie JV softball team appears to be on a mission. It moved to 8-1 with a tough 4-3 win over visiting Glenn last week. Thanks to clutch hitting by Sadie Laglc, Kayla Comatzer, Holly Thomp­ son, Megan Hennings, Morgan Carter and Desirae Moses, coach Alyse Bowden’s War Eagles extended their winning streak to three. Davie erased Glenn’s 2-0 lead in the third, and it started with two outs and nobody on, Lauren Osborne, the No. 2 butter, reached on an error before Lagle singled. After Comatzer delivered a run-scoring single, Lagle scored on a passed ball, Glenn regained a 3-2 lead in the top of the fifth, but Davic answered in the bottom half, Thompson singled, stole sccond and moved to third on a wild Please See JVs • Page B4 > J 1 ( ’ » t *, i s r I*.'', . , ','<1 f Г 5 \ J" .....................V i' • t ' ' t 1 ' u f.. ^ Vf. A). '• ' ,0^ к >/ ’ ^1 ^ ■’•»V . i '■Mi l ' ' ' " ' ; ^ ” • , ; 1. ■ .^ " .1 . vJ) M e g a n H e n n in g s of D a v ie ’s JV s lid e s in to h o m e d u rin g a 4 -3 c o m e b a c k w in o v e r G le n n ,- Photos by James Barringer Nemesis Tabor Gets Anothier 1-Run Win Over Davie By Brian Pitts Davic Enterprise Rccord It's one thing to lose becausc the other team was better. But it's another thing to be beaten because of self-in- nicted wounds. Host Mount Tabor gave Davie's var­ sity baseball team more oile-run heart­ ache last week, winning 5-4 after beat­ ing.Davie 7-6 and 4-3 in 2008. In the 7-6 game, Davie lost on a three-run homer in the seventh inning. In the 4-3 game, Davie watched Tabor hit a two- ^n, walk-off homer. This time the loss was marred by dtfeiisive mistakes, ■“thfey scored on four misplaycd balls in the outfield,",said a disap­ pointed coach Mike Herndon of Davie (6-3 overall), “We misplaycd two balls in the infield. Again wc pitciied well enough to win. They had some lazy fiy balls up in the wind that we just 'couldn't catch, or didn’t make an ef­ fort to go get. It was balls we feel like we should catch," The outcome forced a three-way tie for first in the loss column, Tabor is 4- 1 in the Central Piedmont Conference, while West Forsyth and Davie are 2-1. Tabor pitcher Mat Batts has tor­ mented Davie" a lot over four years, and he did it again while pitching seven in­ nings and improving his Record to 4-2. Batts did it all, his ground-rule double in the first giving Tiibor a I -0 lead, and his opposite-field, solo homer off the football stadium in right in the third boosting Tabor’s lead to 3-1. In the Davie third, Alex Newman (walk) and Jacob Vernon (single) got aboard as Davie pulled to 2-1 on Jess Cartner’s RBI ground out. Davie was down4-l before scratching something out in the fifth, Cartner followed a Newman double with an RBI single, Carson Hemdon singled but the inning ended with a runner getting hosed at third. The seventh turned out to be a tease. Davic scored twice but fell a run short. Ryan Foster iitld Newman reachcd on errors, and Foster scored on a Cartner bouncer, Cartner had two of Davie’s six hits and three of its four RBIs, Shelton Howurd (3-2) did a fine job on the hill, but he took Ihc loss while throwing his fourth complete game in five starts. Davie has not defeated Tabor since an 11-1 decision in the first round of the 2007 CPC Toumoment, “It was a gtune that could have gone either way,” Hemdon said, “We were on the unfortunate end of it. We scrapped facing Batt.s and Balts was throwing well,” Davie plays a home JV-varsity doubleheader against'North Meek on April 16 at 4;30 p,m. It has a DH at . North Forsyth on April 20 at 4:30. North Forsyth comes to Rich Park for. a DH on April 21 ul 4:30. Ml. Tabor 5, Dnvle 4 Davie ab r h Ы Seaford If ■4 0 0 0 Ncwmnn cf 3 3 1 1 Vernon с 4 0 1 0 Cnrtner lb 4 0 2 3 Hemdon ss 3 0 1 0 Barber dli 3 0 1 0 Wotson rf 3 0 0 0 Crisco 2b 2 0 0 0 Foster 3b 3 1 0 0 TolaU 29 4 6 4 Davie 001 010 2-4 ■ Ml. Tabor III. tot x-5 2B - Newmun (3), SB - Mende, Oavle IP H R ER BB SO Hownrd, L 6 8 5 S 2 6 Seaford Robbed to End Game in 3-2 Loss Jess Cartner of Davie varsity baseball went, 2 for 4 with three RBIs ih a 5-4 loss at Ml. Tabor. Sophomore Connor Bindcnhe‘ imer got c^led up to Davie’s vw sity baseball team and validated the move, going 4 for 6 with a double and homer in two games.' Jqrdan Schultz and Samantha Ttfrleton of Davie varsity softball blasted homcis in a 10-0 win over Mt. Tabor. Freshman Tori Cloiitz tossed a no-hitler. Izzy Vaughn-Jones of Davie. JV soccer made a “picture-perfecr pass to scorer Shelby Johnson in a 4-li Idss to keynoids. Rachel Hpfflman made 21 saves. Caltlin liitterow of Davie girls track vyas a three-tim«; winner in a meet with Reynolds: and West Forsyth - 3200 relay, nUle and 800. Davie freshinan golfer Joe Sink made his first start at Winstoq Lake and responded with a2-over 38 that matched Nick Capra for the team lead, In the sixth iiinitig, Desirae Moses of Davie JV softball came through ;With the decisive hit in a 4-3 win over; Glenn. Meg^n Henqings singled and Morgan' Carter double to set up Moses’ RBI infield hh. Kayln Cornatzer went 3for3. Senior Drew Absher was named to the Alll-Northwest basketball team for the second time, He hit a school-record 267 3-pointers for his career and scored 1,452 career points, ranking No. 3 in that cat- egory By Brian Pills Duvic Enterprise Rccord The Duvio varsity buscbail Icam hit the ball hard against South Rowan in the semifinals of the Cliff Peeler Tour­ nament Saturday at Salisbury High, es- pcciully late. South just kept making the plays. The Raiders used three gems in the last two innings to hold off Davie 3-2. “Wc hit it hard, but right at them all day," coach Mike Herndon told the Salisbury Post after Davic slipped to 7-4. “That’s baseball.” The baseball gods wanted none of Davie’s quest for a comeback win. In the sixth, with the scorc 3-2, Carson Hemdon laced one to center. But Hous­ ton squeezed it for an out. Later in the inning, Jess Cartner ripped a pitch the second baseman went up and snagged, Davie created more drama In the seventh, only to see the game end pain­ fully. It hud two on with one out: After u fly out, lefty lyier Seaford stroked one toward the hole between short and third, but the shortstop backhanded it and rpbbed Seaford. While South evened its record at 7- 7, Davie lost for the second time in ,Vi,.v;i,Hi)three games by a .single run, Davie pitchcr Josh Berryhili went all ,seven, as did counterpart J.D. Bare. Berryhili scattered 7 hits, chopping his ERA from 3,00 to 2,57. But he wound up with his finst loss in 3 decisions. Bare (2-1) only stnick out two, but on the other hand, he only walked one. Davic'.liedHt ut 1 in the fourth. Hemdon and Jacob Vcmon delivered singles. Herndon and courtesy-hinner Jake Wyatt moved up on a double steal, and Hemdon scored on a passed ball. The War Eagles committed one costly error. With the bases loaded in the South fifth, Berryhili coaxed a comebackcr. He fired home for one out.' Vcmon tried to complete a 1-2-3 double play, but his throw was errant and u runner scored from sccond us South lumed a l-l gume into a 3-i lead. It’s hard to fault Vemoh, For Davie would be in rough shape without him. He has a four-game hitting streak and leads the way in average (,394), at-bats (38), hits (15) and doubles (four),' The loss overshadowed a sterling out-of-the-blue burst by sophomore Connor Bodenheimer, who was pulled up from junior vursity one gaiihc ear­ lier. He went 2 for 3 with a double and home run, the latter shaving Davie’s deficit to 3-2 in the fifth. Bodenheimer went 2 for 3 in his varsity debut a gume earlier in the first round. Notes: Vernon and Bodenheimer hud 4 of Davie’s 6 hits, ... South, the defending Peeler champ, faced East Rowan in Monday's championship game. Dttvie played Carson in the third- place game. .„ Davie had won 6 straight over South before last year's 5-3, nine- inning decision in the Peeler final.... Earlier on Saturday in a first-round gume, Duvie cranked up in the fifth and eased past Lexington 7-1. The Yellow Jackets stumbled to 1-13. Zach Long got the nod in right and doubled twice, while Brad Gaither (1-0) got his first varsity win,,., Cartner is souring. He’s 4 for 9 in three gumcs, hitting ,379 with a team-high 12 RBIs. Herndon re­ mained steady at ,333.... Duvie plays a home JV-vursity doubleheader ugainst North Meek on April I6at4:30p,m, It lias a DH at North Forsyth on April 20 at 4:30, North Forsyth comes to Rich Park for a DH on April 21 ut 4:30. Davie 7, Lexington 1 Devie ab r h Ы Newman cf 2 2 0 0 Hcrntlon ss 3 1 0 0 Vernon с 4 1 1 0 Cartner lb Foster 2b Kowiir(13b Uodenhelmer 1Г Long rf Bycrly rf Seaford dh Totals Davic Lexlnglon • 2 I I I 4 0 4 2 4 0 1 0 3 1 2 1 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 28 7 8 5 too 031 2-7 ООО 001 0-1 2B - Vernon (4), Cnrtner (2), Long 2 (2). SB - Newman (6), Herndon (5), Cnrtner (5), Davie IP II К ER BB SO Onllher,W5.l 3 I 0 3 6 Watson 1.2 0 0 0 1 2 South Rowan 3, Davic 2 Davie Ncwmnn cf Herndon ss Vemon c Cartner lb Foster 2b Bodenheimer If Howard 3b Long rf Watson ph Senfotd dh TotaU S, Rowan Davie ab r h Ы 3 0 0 0 I 1 0 0 2 0 O' 1 0 0 0 0 I 2 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 О О О 26 2 6 1 too 020 0 -3 ООО ,110 0-2 2B - Bodenheimer, HR - Bodenheimer. SB ' Hemdon (6), Wyolt (2), i DavIe IP H R ER BB SO Berry, L 7 7 3 2 4 5 Girls Tracic A Point From Beating Reynolds Surah Battles, Caitiin Tutterow und Fulon Hboper won three individual events each last week as Davie’s girls track team came a point from beating Reynolds, The Demons had 71 points to Davie’s 70,5 and West Forsyth’s 44,5, Tutterow had three wins when counting the 3200 relay. Battles’ victories came in the 100 hurdles (18.9) and 300 hurdles (53.2). Tutterow took the mile (5:53) and 800 (2:30,5). And Hooper claimed the shot put (33-6) and discus (113-1), remain­ ing unbeaten in both against CPC com­ petition, . Emerald Tuthill, Kaitlyn Smith, Kaitlyn Hutchins and Tutterow grabbed the 3200 relay in 11:05, and Rebecca Hendrix went a personal-best five feet lo win the highjump. That was good for a regional berth. “We’re looking at consistent points from Hooper, Tutterow and Battles,” coach Daric Beiter said, ‘Those are our top-three point scorers. They’re putting together big points for us. “Tuthill and Taylor Anderson are scoring points for us. Overall we’re happy with the girls and how they’re progressing.” , The Duvie boys, by contrast, are struggling. Reynolds finished at tl2. West Forsyth ut 39 and Davie at 35. Davie's goal is to claw past West Forsyth and avoid last place. “Devore Holman and 1 were talking about; ‘What can we do to have more points than West Forsyth?” ’ Beiter said. "The throwers ure scoring points for us,” Davie got its two first-place finishes from throwers Michael Wood and Ricky Bell, Wood went 41 feet in the shot put, and Bell went 126-8 in the discus. Absher Named All-Northwest Second Time Drew Absher's historic basketball career for Davie was capped by a sec­ ond appearance on the All-Northwest team. Mount Tabor senior C.J. Harris, a •guard who signed with Wake Forest, was the only three-time selection. But Absher was among four to make the team for the second time, including seniors Will Carpenter of Reynolds, Mike Grace of Tabor and Allan Jones of West Forsyth. The boys team was composed of 15 players. The 5-10 Absher averaged 15.2 points, 5.4 assists, 3,2 rebounds and 2,9 steals as a senior for a last-placc team that struggled to 6-19, Ho'made tlie all- conference team forthe third time. He scored 1,460 career points, ranking third all time behind Dwayne Grant (Class of 1977) and Duane Phillips (2000), He drained a school-record 267 3-pointers, He is being recruited by all three NCAA divisions, and is consid­ ering prep schools, /;H1s mid-riingo game was improved tremendously,” father and coach Mike Absher told the Winston-Salem Jour­ nal, “A lot of people doubled him im­ mediately and made him give the bull up. But he leumed to bundle pressure that way. He was the focal point of everyone’s prep, and it was really tough on him at limes. On the positive side for Drew, his floor game devel­ oped tremendously," • В2. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 16,2009 1 I A n n a D e rian h e a d s th e b all. W o rk in g w ith h e r a r e M ere d ith D in k in s (5 ) a n d W h itn e y C o rrell (1 6 ) A n n a D erian p la y s c e n te r m id fo r th e JV , Vaughn-Jones Provides Best Pass Of Season The Davlc JV socccr team lost 4-1 a( home to Rcyiiold.s last week, fulling to 0-2 in the Ccnirul Piedmont Conference. But coach Polly Reynolds is nm wallowing in negatives. Site's enjoying the bright spots, iilce Izzy Vaughn-Jones’ assist to Shelby Johnson, a play that capped the scoring and pre­ vented n shutout. ' "We’ve been working on croiises in practice in front of the goal, and Izzy played a picture- perfect bail riglit in front of the goal,” Reynolds said. “All Shelby had to do was tap it.” The play gave Vaughn-Jones co-woinan-of-the-match honors along with center tnid Anna Derian. Keeper Rachel Hoff­ man was pretty good herself, racking up 21 saves. • “Rachel played imincrcdible game,” slie said. Tlie Dcitions simply hud too many weapons, and Davie was missing one of its defensive weapons, stopper Whitney Cor­ rell. “We’VO gol a strong de­ fense,” sho said. “What hurt us is we didn’t have Whitney. Slio does a great job there. So wc had to move things around on the defense.” The War Eagles fell to 2-3 overall. Before Johnson’s goal, they had been outscored 11-0 in tvyo CPC games. Despite the struggles, Reynolds was satis­ fied with Davie’s figlit. “1 was really proud of how wc played,” she said. “ We moved the ball well and our de­ fense played them well. Even though the score doesn’t show it, we played really hard,” B e c c a C o o k (4) c le a r s th e b all. T e a m m a te s a re W h itn e y C o rrell (left), M ere d ith D in k in s (5 ), R a c h e l H o ffm an . If you havo gout, you may be eligibla to panioipite In the PRE-SURGE 1 study, evaluating an inyeatigaiiqnal medicine fur pravanting acute gout flares In select patients. l^esWcliers are interested ih determining the effectiveness and sufety of the ' lnves,tig'ational ineilicine when usetJ in (¡ombinaiibri with an FpA-ap^roved medlclnB comrnonly used for gout treatment. , To be considered for participation In ttie PRE-SURGE 1 studVi you must; iPre-• Have experienced at least 2 gout flares In ' the past year,' ’ • Be able to receive treatment with a grate-lowering ' ' ‘ , medicine known as allopurinol, AND < Not cunenlly be experiencing a gout flare. ' Tfie Investigator will work with you to determine whether you ^ } qualify for the study, using a more comprelienslve list of criteria. i Qualified participants will receive study medicine as well as stufly-related medical evaluations at no cost. Reimbursement fur time an^ travel may also be available. To laarn mors, pleaie contact; Crescent M edical Riesei 704-647-9913 K ay ieig h C le m m o n s g o e s o n e -o n -o n e fo r th e JV . w h ic h is 2 -3 o v e rall.' Photos by James Barringer Keith Hiller Matt Hiller \IIMNKS for Making 111 in In Nctih Carolina. 1109 Yadkinville Road Willow Oaks Shopping Ccnler Mocksvlile 751-6131 hlllerkl@natlonwlde.com □Nationwide* On Your Side Alita Н«чг lift guúmi SPRING OPENER Demolition Derby Truck and Tractor Pull Presented by:^ Southern Truck and Tractor Pullers Association Truck Clasios: J Wheel Drlvo Dtown; Modilicd DIoscI >1« Super street Dlcsd Trnclor Clossoi; Mot fntrn; Henvy-Super Slock: Sup« Form Hiilli-EnQine Moditi«) Thursday, April 23rd, 2009 • 7i00 pm Friday, April 24th, 2009 • 7s30 pm Saturday, April 25th, 2009 •,7:00 pm Rowan County Fairgrounds 1560 Julian Road • Salisbury, NC aai-tS www.sllpa.com • 808 / 880-70/2 ■ ApoiijaiDflHoptixefdsfrwn iiusovcm >^.ii uo twuted in U-ea« Caw r Rwwah DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 16,2009 - B3 Ren Barnes Stroupe Moser Coach Upbeat Despite 0-2 CPC Start J e n n ife r B o o th is o n e o f D a v ie 's b e s t d e fe n d e rs . L a u ra S h e lto n is’q u ite a fre s h m a n . Although the Davie varsity soccer team is 0-2 in the confer­ ence after beating five straight nonconference opponents, noth­ ing has dimmed coach Pete Gustafson’s outlook. He feels like Davie has done all it can against West Forsyth and Reynolds, which defeated Davie 4-1 last week. “We aro playing very good,” Gustafson said. “ We’re chal­ lenging quicker. We’re playing well for 40 minutes. The West Forsyth game (3-1 loss) was 2- l with 12 minutes to go. We’ro just getting outlegged right now. They’re getting more chances than we are, and that stands lo reason. But we’re hanging right in there and giving them a good match.” Later in the week, the War Eagles whipped up on host North Forsyth 11-1. Against Reynolds, Davie forged a 1-1 tic at 10 minutes, one minute after Reynolds had struck. Clare Moser scored off an assist from Laura Shelton. It was Moser’s team-best 11 di goal and Shelton’s fourth assist, ty­ ing for the leam lead. The Demon!! had blanked ‘‘W e are playing very good. W e’re challenging quicker. W e’re playing well for 40 minutes. W e’re just getting outlegged right now." - Coach Pete Gustafson Davie three straight times- by a total of 11 -0. It was tiie first goul against them since Rebecca Gerdon scored in a 7-1 loss in 2007. “That’s two games in a row, against a tough opponent, lhal Clare’s scored,” he said. “I’m real proud of that. 1 don’t know of another year when the same person has scored in back-to- back games against a Reynolds and a West Forsyth. 1 don’t think that’s happened. That’s big-time goals.” Tlie Demons shrugged off the tie, taking a 3-1 halftimc lead and tacking on one more at 65 minutes. Reynolds controlled the .shots 10-3 and improved to 4-3-1 and 1-0-1 in the CPC. Although the outcome was all-too-famiiiar to Davie, which has beaten Reynolds once all time, Gustafson saw plenty of things to praise. “Jessa Ren did well on her opponents,” he said. "Jessa is die motivator. Jessa would be a good coach. All three of the se­ niors (including Cassie Banics and Hannah Stroupe) would make good coaches. "Morgan Parrish did a nicc job stepping in at stopper. We have put Morgan at stopper and moved Cassie to marking back, and that bos worked out us well as you could expect. They’ve really adapted well. Jennifer Booth is really striking the ball well. ' “Shelton and Stroupe are working well together (at mid­ field). Heather Whitehead is scrambling, working hard out­ side, and getting goals nnd as­ sists. Katie Gerdon is coming in wilh her power foot. ' "Cheyenne Lashmit is a big- time hustler, r ve learned she can play as good a defense as we have.” Davie got solid efforts off the bench from Hannah Cartner, Megan Dennis, Jansen McDanicl, Jessicu Swade and Kelsey Bryan. “Hannah is always solid at keeper,” he said. "Megan, Jon- scn and Jessica arc getting in and working hard. They’re seeing what wc expcct and learning a lot. Kelsey has come in die last two games and given us three or four assists. That’s real nice.” The War Eagles (6-'2, 1-2 CPC) finally goto breather i1i the next game, imd Ihey promptly wiped their feet on North Forsyth. They got 11 goals from 11 players - Stroupe, Lashmit, Shelton, Gerdon, Moser, Swade, Barnes, Ren, Izzy Vaughn- Jones, Booth and Kelley Cundiff. Bames, Stroupe and Shelton distributed Iwo assists apiece, while Cundiff and Heather Whitehead had one. Dating to last year, Davie has outscored North Forsyth 25-2 in three games. E llis , N o rth D a v ie S o c c e r T ie d F o r F irs t The Ellis girls soccer team started the season with a bang, racing to 4-0-1 before losing a nonconference game by one goal. The team consists of eighth graders Nicole Gniewek, Kelsey Orr, Rachel Whitaker, Amy Steller, Lauren Taylor, Cassidy Webb und Bel LuPointe. Couch Scott Purrish’s seventii graders are Ashlyn Whitesell, Britani Peterson, Grace Bartelt, Celeste Kirkmun, Rachel Ruble, Katelyn Sizemore, Maggie Webb', Elizabeth Smith and Sabrina Dulaney. “I was pleased wilh the out­ come of our first five contests,” said Parrish. “We lost a lot of very strong players last year, but we’ve had several eighth grad­ ers step up big, und our seventh- grude cluss shows great prom­ ise.” The week before spring break, the Jaguars and Nortli Davie tied at I and Ellis lost a nonconference game, 3-2, to Summit. That resulted in Ellis and North Davie sharing the lead in Ihe conference. In both games, Ellis outshot the oppo­ sition and had the upper hand in possession. But in both guthes, poor shot selection and a few mental lap.ses cost Ihc Jag­ uars. "North and Summit both made us pay for our mistakes,” Parrish said. “We’ve just got to learn from them and get better each giime.” Parrish cited the play of for­ wards Steller, Bartelt and Gniewek. “Amy is our lurget player up front," he said. "She plays wilh a great deal of confidence and has a nose for the ball. Nicole and Grace have both shown a knack for movement off tlie ball und have been on the end of sev­ eral great plays.” Orr, Whitaker, Ruble and Smith have seen most of the action on defense, and Ellis has only allowed eight goals in five games. “Our defense is a work in progress,” he said. "We arc try­ ing lo find the right positions for five or six very talented athletes and are working on playing more organized and communi­ cating. Orr has been the anchor of our defense at sweeper, with Ruble and Whitaker providing consistent play on the outside. ‘ ‘Taylor has done a great job in Ihe goal.” Ellis has rotated several play­ ers through Ihe midfield, look­ ing for the right cdmbination of ability, field vision and aggres- siveness. "(The Webb sisters) have both played a lot pf minutes at center mid, the most physically demanding position on the field,” he said. "LaPointe and Peterson huve been significant contributors at outside mid. Usually the team lhat can con­ trol the ball through the middle of the field will come out on lop. Thanks to the hard work of sev­ eral players learning new posi­ tions, we’ve been team in Most of our ?arly games." War Eagles 0-4 In Stacked Tennis Conference These arc frustrating limes for couch Barry Kennedy und his Davie tennis Icam. The War Eagles arc better thun their record (4-5 overall, 0-4 Central Piedmont Conference). It’s just that the CPC is incredibly lough. Last week Davie lost 9-0 to both Reynolds and Mount Ta­ bor, both ut home. “We’re a good team, but we’re in a really, really good conference this year,” Kennedy said. ‘These teams are tough, the Tabor coach and I were talking about the conference and he said; ‘You guys are pretty good. You’ve gol a lot of good pluyers. Heck, everybody’s just stacked this year.’ It’s just one of those Icarning-experience deals.” , In the first match of the week, notonlydidthe War Eagles have to face a team that had already mashed Ihem 9-0, they had to go without three starters - No. 1 seed Alex Fleming (rotator cuff), Brandon Roycroft (sick) and Mutt Hursey, who had to miss the match to take a test at school. "We were shorthanded,” he said. “Fleming has rolator-cuff problems. He can hit but he can’t serve.” Three War Eagles made their starting debuts - freshmen Luke Taylor and Thomas O’Brien and sophomore Joel Shuler. They did their best against the array of forces from Reynolds (11-2, 6- 0 CPC). “ My boys played hard,” Kennedy said. "It was u good experience for them.” In the next match, Duvie run into a Tubor lineup full of amaz­ ing skills. “Reynolds and Tabor could win Ihe state championship, and West Forsyth is deep,” he said. "We have a lot of good players. We’re just young.” Bret Williams, Daniel Mox­ ley and Roycroft won at least three games in one of their sets. Kennedy was especially encour­ aged by Williams’ play. Will­ iams went after Tabor’s No. 2 player for two hours. "Bret has played his butt off,” he said. “He played great these last two matches. It was unbe­ lievable. Bret has had people shaking Iheir heads and slam­ ming their rackets. He’s brought some serious game. His oppo­ nents are just unreal. Brel and Tabor’s (Patrick Cunningham) were on the court for two hours. He had Cunningham frustrated because Brel was bringing the heat. He was in every game. He just couldn’t pull Ihem oul. I felt bad for him. But dang, he played great.” In a huge upset. North David­ son, which has been down for years, knocked off Wesl Forsyth 5-4. West apparently overiooked North and left its top four play­ ers at home. DRnrsrersrmMe SERVICE Serving Winston-Salem, Clemmons & the Greater Triad Area « S 'S (336) m - w i iWINSTON-SAIEM, NC V ^ m j nT r W O R K. . 'D IR E C T V . Randy’s Satellite Service 515 Jane Sowers Road, Statesville, NC 2862S • Hughes Net Internet • FTA Satellite System• OffAIr Antenna-HDTVS R A N D Y S T U T T S Cell; 704-902-2760 '■Ч' В4 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, April 16,2009 I i \ ; li ! I 1 ! : i i ' l ! H olly T h o m p s o n trie s to e lu d e th e ta g a s s h e r e a c h e s s e c o n d .M o rg a n C a r te r d o u b le d tw ic e . I i Continued From Page B1 Hennings scored the clinching innings, She navigated around the final four innings, pitch. Then Osborne plated her run on an infield hit by Moses. 10 hits. The key was her control Carter came through with with a ground out. As usual, Cornatzer and (onewalk),Anotherkeywasher twodoubles. The game was decided in Ihc Lagle (2 for 3) were crucial to re.solve. After giving up seven . This one was much more in­ last of the .sixth. Hennings Dayie’s fate, Cornatzer went 3 hits in the first three innings, .she tere,sting than the first meeting, o j| i j ,, --------- singled and Carter doubled, for 3, along with pitching seven checked Glenn on three hits irii a 12-5 Dnvie cruise, S a d ie L a g le a n d M e g a n H e n n in g s h lg h -flv e. t ^ ......... ' ■ ----------------------- V ...................................... ______ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 16,2009 - B5 D av ie v a rs ity s h o rts to p G ra c e L o effler lo o k s fo r th e u m p ire ’s call a fte r m a k in g a ta g a t s e c o n d . A t righ t, S a m a n th a T arle to n w in d s u p , Schultz, Tarleton Homer In Romp Over Tabor Not only did the Davie var­ sity .softball team lose 10-0 at home to Glenn, Davic went down without a fight, getting one hit, giving up 11 hits nnd watching the Bobcats score seven runs in the third inning. After back-to-back 10-0 losses, the War Engles wanted to reestablish their offense and re­ gain somo pitching confidence. Lowly Mount Tabor was very accommodating as Davie cruised 10-0. But the Glenn gamp was mis­ erable for the War Eagles, Jor­ dan Schultz got the only hit in the fourth on n grounder up tho middle thnt the sccond buscmnn smothered but wns unnble to fin­ ish. Glenn broke up a scoreless game with a seven-run eruption in the tliird. Just to twist the knife M o rg a n W y a tt b a ts . ■ P h o to s b y J a m e s B a r r in g e r a bit more, it added three runs in Ihe fourth. The Bobcats are 6-3, but they’re only 4-3 against every­ body else. They dominated Davie 8-2 in tho first meeling. Davie’s ERA soared lo 4.50 nnd its average dipped from .230 to for the first time in nine games, going 0 for 1 with a walk. The War Eagles got relief with a visit from Tnbor, nnd ihey improved lo 6-5 overall and 1-1 in the Ccntrnl Piedmont Confer­ ence by tearing Ihrough Tabor for the ninth consccutive time. .219. Moi:gnn Wyatt went hitless Tlie combined score in the last seven meetings is 75-11. FreshmnnTori Clonlz’s third nppcarance, and second start, resulted in n five-inning no-hit­ ter and her first high-school vic­ tory. Wyatt went 1 for 1, rcnchcd base three times, stole three bases and raised her eye-pop­ ping average to ,576, Samantha Tarleton's second hit of the yenr was a home run, nnd Schultz launched her second homer. But Ihe feel-good moment was Losn Goubel’s first at-bat of her life. The foreign-exchange student entered as a pinch hitter and swung through the first two pitches, On Ihe third pilch, she singled up the middle, eliciting raucous cheers from Ihc dugoul. Notes; The War Eagles play n vnrsity-only gnme nt North Forsyth on April 21 nl 5 p,in. They host Central Davidson in a jy-varsity doublehcader on April 22 at 4:30, They host a DH with North Davidson on April 24 at 5, Unless something crazy happens, second place will boil down to Davie or West Forsyth, North Davidson left no doubt about its superiority by bashing West 6-0, North had II hits. West one. West is 2-1 in Ihe CPC, Glenn 10, Dnvie 0 Davie nb r h Ы McCunc cf 3 0 0 0 Hnndy rf 3 0 0 0 Wynu с 1 0 0 0 Schultz lb 2 0 I 0 Funderburk^ 2b 2 0 0 0 Locfflcr ЗЯ t 0 0 0 Bniley dll 1 0 0 0 McClnnnan 3b 2 0 0 0 Ilainllton It 2 0 0 0Totals17 0 1 0 Glenn 007 30-to Devte ООО 00-0 Davic II* H R ER вв so Tnrle, L 3,2 9 7 7 1 2 Miirshall 2 2 3 0 1 0 Davie 10, Mt, Tabor 0 Davie ab г b ы Clonlz 3 0 0 1McCuno1 1 0 0 Mnrshnll 1 0 0 0 Schultz 2 1 1 2 Bnllcy 1 0 0 0 • Wyntt 1 2 1 0I'umteibuike 2 1 0 0 Tnrleton 1 1 1 2Riddle321 0 McClnnnon 1 0 0 0 Cliesney 1 0 1 0 Hnndy 1 1 1 2 Ooubet 1 0 1 0 Hnmllton 2 1 0 0 Short 1 0 0 0 , TotaU 22 8 7 7 Tabor ООО ОС1-0 Oavio 007 03 - to HR - Schultz (2), Tnrltton. SB - Mc­ Cunc. Wyntl 3 (4), Punderburke, Hnndy, Hamlllon (2), Dnvie IF 11 R 1KR ВВ so Clonlz, W 5 0 0 0 1 5 N. Capra, Sink Vault Golf Team Back To Second Because of Reynolds’ ex­ traordinary talent level, the Dnvie golf team has virtually no chance at finishing first for the first time since 1997, Bul Dnvie does hnve u good shot nl taking sccond for the first lime since 2000. Through four Central Pied­ mont Conference meets, Ihe War Eagles were in second, four strokes ahead of Ml,' Tabor. Reynolds’ lead grows every match, lending Davie by 38. Reynolds stands nt 602, Davie at 640, Tabor at 644, West For­ syth at 658, Norlh Davidson nl 666 nnd North Forsyth nt 842. The Wnr Eagles placed sec­ ond in the first two matchcs, but they slumped nl Sniem Glen and fell to third in the standings. Reynolds shot a 3-over 147, fol­ lowed by Tabor at 159, West Forsyth al 162, Davie at 165, North Davidson al 166 and Norlh Forsyth nt 215. Dnvie’s scoring cnme from Jason Gnllimore (3-ovcr 39), Nick Cnpra (41) and Anthony Caprn (42). Drew Absher nnd Brnndon Lowe shot 43.4. “It was a bad day,” coach Chris CnIIison said. “II was very windy nnd cold, but Reynolds showed just how good Ihey ure," The Wnr Engles rcgnined sec­ ond place, at Winston Lake by beating Tabor by six strokes, Reynolds shot 2-over 146 lo West Forsyth's 156, Davie’s 158, Tabor,'s 164, Norlh Davidson’s 168 and North Forsyth’s 210, Nick Capra nnd Joe Sink shnrcd the team lead with 2-over 38s, Chase Arey had 42 nnd Tommy Dillon 46. “Reynolds went from n 3- over ns a lenm lo 2-over,” Calli- sqn said in astonishment. “They arc machines.” The War Eagles stepped away from the CI’C race and defeated Mount Tabor 307-319 ut Lake Louise. Duvic wus 23 over pur in its first 18-hole mntch of the yenr. , Six War Eagles broke 80, in­ cluding Anthony Capra (5-over 76), Nick Capra (77), Gnllimore (77), Lowe (77), Dillon (78) and Absher (79), Davie is 2-0 al Luke Louise, beating Sintesville earlier in the sea.son, “Lake Louise was wonderful to work with us,” Callison said, "They let us go out in twosomes. If we’d done foursomes, il would have taken forever, Il was a good day for us, Wc played really well," Davie’s ovcfall record is 19- II, • Brock Team Picks Up Wake Forest Player B riefs, D a te s Legion Ba,seball Signups Registmtion for Ihe Mocksville Americnn Legion baseball pro­ gram will be April 25 at 10 a,m,, at Rich Park. This is open lo players bom on or after Jan, I, 1990, Bring a parent, a certified birth certificnte and a photo copy of the birth certificate, ' Golf Tournament Eagle Heights Church wilt host a golf tournament on April 18 at Pudding Ridge, wilh a shotgun start at 2 p,m. Contact jyones396®yndtel,net, or call 336-407-8271. There will be hotdogs following the tournament. Proceeds to benefit a mission trip lo Guatemala in June. The cost is $50 per person or $200 per leam, Prlncipiils Golf Tourney The seventh-annual Davie County Principals and Assistant Prin­ cipals Association Golf Tournament - April 25 nt 1:30 p,m. at Lake Louise - is in need of golfers, Lunch begins at noon. Administra­ tors sponsor Ihis tournament every year to raise funds for scholar­ ships to be given to graduating Davie High seniors who are at­ tending college to pursue a career in education. This is n good investment in the future of Davie County schools as we hope these students who receive this scholnrship will return to Dnvie County lo leach. The tournament includes mulligans for ench plnyer, n tee-buster for each player and door prizes. Teams consist of four players and Ihe entry fee is $50 per plnyer. The group is nlso in heed of hole sponsors, nnd corpornte sponsorships nre nvuilnbie as well. Signup forms ure nvailable at any school or at Ihe Davie Counly schools office on Cherry Street, For more information call or email any school principal or assistant principal or call the cen­ tral office at 751-5921, Merrifleld 5 for 6 Whit Mcrrifield of South Carolina’s baseball team hud n gnme to remember in n 12-10 SEC win over Ole Miss on April 10, He went 5 for 6 wilh u double und iriiJle, The Creek All-Stnr.s hnve loaded up in the men’s open bnsketbull Icngue. After getting off lo n horrid sinrt, ihey went oul und grubbed Winston-Su- lem Stute’s JnmnI Durhum and Wake Forest’s Harvey Hale, who once scored 22 poinis in an ACC Tournament gnme. Retooled, Ihe Creek All- Slars (3-2 record) outlasted Needmore Logging 101-90 in overtime, handing Needmore its firsl loss in five games. Durham hud 16 poinis, while un unselfish Hale scored four, Steve Heggins drained seven 3- poinlers in defcni. Another Needmore plnyer, Phillip Will- inms, pinyed in the NCAA Tour­ nament when he was nt, Winlhrop. The Remedy made its record 5-0 with a last-second, 70-68 win over Halzoff, Eric Lowery’s fioaler in the lane with two sec­ onds lefi was Ihe difference, Monty Sanders of the winners hit six 3s in the second half, Halzoff is snakebitien at 1-4, Needmore Logging 90 - Paul Cuthberlson 4, Steve Heggins 32, T, Rankin lO, B. Avery 13, Jerry Sherrill 8, T.J, Gaither?, Phillip Williams 15, Crccli All-Stars 101 - P, Wilson 12, Juninl Durham 16, 1, Tucker 2, A. Roberts 13, C, Parker 22, T, Marlin 28. Hurvey Hale 4. The Remedy 70 - Mall Hud­ son 5, Jeremy Miller 2, Brad Dyer 10, Eric Lowery 7, B, Maxwell 12, Forre.sl Breedlove 2, A, Consluntine 10, Monty Sanders 20. HatzofT 68 - Vincent Cock­ erham 9, Germain Muyfield 2, Cliff Bums 8, Shawn Westbrook 5, Speedy Redmond 3, R. Davis 22, Drew Ab.shcr 9, M. Silvu 8, D. Rutherfordton 2, Tar Heel Lawn Care 41 - Andy Wurd 7, Jnson Tutterow 5, Chris Mechum 1, Todd Corvin 4, Malt James 5, Andy Everhart 8, Randy Peak 11. Bird Gang 83 - Marcus Lassiter 4, Mario Hawkins 24, M. Brim 7, Z. Banks 9, Duane Phillips 10, R. Davis 16, Matt Burchette 13. Evans’ Services 37 - John Evans 5, Al Evans 6, Justin Dotson 4, M, Bethea 8, Ja.son Hawks 6, Travis fencock 2, Lurry Umbcrger 2, Durius Hull 2, Shannon Pulliam 2, Team V 61 - A, Spaugh 6, Eric Alspaugh 8, W. Boxley 12, Will Bynum 10, C, Davis 9, Landon Harris 5, Cory 11, O l d S c h o o l : S p o r t s F r o m 1 9 9 4 • Davie varsity pitcher. Brock Keene stmck out 14, lifting his totui lo 62 in 35 innings, us Ihe Wnr Engles blanked South Rowan 6-0, The lefthander (3-1 record) gave up two hits, both infield singles. Only Iwo balls , were hit out of the infield, and both were easy flies. Shortstop Eric Shook robbed a Raider of a hit. As if his pitching weren’t enough, Keene gol four hits lo raise his average lo ,475, Thad Cassidy also banged oul four hits, including a two-run triple, to bump his average lo ,349, Neil Cornatzer added un RBI single as coach Dave Hunt’s team ■ squured its overull record ut 6- 6. . . ' •South Dnvie’s baseball leam thumped Nonh Davie 11-4. The Wildcats led 2-0 early, bul com­ mitted five errors in one inning, Jonathan Creason and Zach Manning had two hits each as coach Grimes Parker’s Tigers improved lo 2-0. Scott Carter got his second win in as many starts, Mike Porter led Norlh, coached by Mike Dinkins, with Ihree hils. Scott Cornatzer had two, , • Maria Newsome, the Davie A c c u r a ie C u t Law n S ervice Steve Whitaker, Owner Mowing, Trimming, Edging, Seeding, etc. FREE ESTIMATES 3 3 6 - 9 9 a 4 4 1 9 ^ 336-250-2668«>. girls basketball, team’s 6-3 jun­ ior center, was namedto Ihe All- Northwesl leam. She was Ihe only player selected from the CPC. Newsome averaged 14,2 points and 11.1 rebounds, • Coach Pete Gustafson’s Davie varsity soccer team rolled past West Iredell 7-0 to even its record at 4-4, Carrie Brown had two goals, while Melanie Stephens, Lindsay Kofke, Mel­ issa Agrillo and Shannon Um- bergcr had one each, • The Davie boys tennis team routed South Stokes 7-2. The winners in singles were Steve Desch, Chad Lanier, Tee Bahnson and Brad Lagle, Davie swept doubles with Matt Van Hoy-Kevin Hinshaw, Desch- Lanier and Bahnson-Lagle, T h e S a lv a tio n A r m y 's Tha Salvallan Army Family Thrift Store, 278 N. Main St„ Macksvllle: Bpm-Spm /'ui's'i/./i, /,/ 1 p n i •( 'Iiu /ìiiil ; )'/ r h i i i . '- i i . i \ . Ì /411 /Ч П l u i n i i i t w D o n a tio n s H o tlin e: 7 2 3 -9 5 5 2 В6 - DAVIK COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 16,2009 if' !ii i!.. ' \ I. i, I ■I I I i ■! ! ! Ì Mocksville Elementary Mrs. Vandiver and Miss Walkers’ kindergarten studenls welcomed almost 90 parents, grandparents, and upcoming kinders for lunch. Following the lunch, jkindergarten teachers conducted tours throughout tho building. They will welcome upcoming students back to Mocksville on May 14 during kindergarten screening. Students all over the building have been bringing in science projects, which are on display in the media centcr and gym for parents, students, and teachers to see. Judging was ' conducted by central office staff and Mrs. Vandiver’s ■ kindergarten clnss won at the kindergarten level for the project on things that soak up water nnd those that do not. The little scientists lenmed two new words in the process - porous and nonporous. Mrs. Marrs was so excited thut she camc around and took pictures of all school winners and their projects. Tho class brought in eggs to dye for an egg hunt. They wrapped up adventures with a kindergarten "Hat Parade" followed by egg hunts nnd fronts in the afternoon. .Mrs. Fletchor’s second graders have been studying life cycles. They enjoyed learning about the red harvester anis. Tho class has beeti amazed at the way Ihe ants constantly work nnd built their tunnels in Ihc ant home. They watched Magic School Bus video - Oets AnIs in your Pants. The class finished up the nnt unit by eating nn ico crcnm nnt snack. Mrs. Marrs, principal, cnme an enjoyed Ihe snack. She was the honorary Queen ant for the day. Tho class hus been studying and lenrning about Indybugs. Students hnve been writing in ludy bug journals aboul observations of the Indy bug as it chungcs from Ihe Inrvne stage to the pupne stage. After spring break, the class will continuo life cycles with a unit on the Monarch butterfly.' Fractions, fractions, fructions ... Mrs. Siurnes and Mrs. Nagel’s Ihird graders luive drawn, compnred, added, subtracted, und reduced fractions until they are dreaming nbout them. Students enjoyed displnying.u scicncc project cnilcd'By Golly, By Gum. Students found the mass of four typos of gum. Studenls broke into four groups nnd after chewing Iheir type of gum for 10 minutes, the mass was reweighcd. The conclusion was that the mass of the gum is mainly made up of sugar. Students lenmed about colonial times. A trip to Old Salem was a grent wny to end the week. Mrs. Crnter’s fourth grade students have been reviewing mutch concepts such as fractions, decimals, graphs, urea, perimeter, geometry, and multiplication and division. The students feel confldent they will perform woll on the test. For rending, they have continued reading in the textbook und using EOG prep books . They completed their first science fair. The winners for Ihe class; Xiia Tillman (first. Cun Plunts Live Without Soil); Maria Müssen (second. Mold Loves Food; und Kaily Vernon (Ihird, Fizzy Cokes). Mr. Shepherd’s class completed spring assessments. Students were tested in reading and math. In ninth, students finished up a one month long unit on geometry. The next thing they w ill be studying is measurement. In social studies Ihe students started a Coloniul America unit. They did some rcsenrch on Nutive American tribes. Then, thoy learned why colonists chose lo leave Iheir countries and come to America. Next, they became a colonist by choosing a name'and deciding Iheir reason to come to America. They then formed groups und began building their colony. In scicncc, the students just finished up the scicncc fair. First place went to Taylor Gantt, sccond place went lo Joslyn McGee, und third pluco went to Mitchell Wuxman. Cornutzer Eiementary In addition to classropm activities, studenls are using ClussScapc nnd Succcii.4 Maker computer • programs in preparation for end of grude testing. Students in Mrs. Johnson's mnlh class arc exploring the conccpts of probability, decimals, and fractions. They applied some of the new skills .as they followed statistics of their favorite collegiate basketball teams through the ACC and NCAA tournaments. The Recycling Team is making an impact on environmental awareness and the school budget by visiting classrooms each week and collecting discarded paper. They salvage paper that can be reused or recycled and consequently reduce the amount of trash generated by the school. Fifth grade students arc participating in the DARE program. Students recently learned how to read labels on medicine and prescriptions so that they can be safe when using legal, doctor-prescribed drugs. Students practiced a variety of ways to soy "no" in unsafe or dangerous situations. Fifth graders will soon start writing DARE essays, explnining why it is so importnnt they stay drug and violence free. Early in March, Fifth graders had the opportunity to visit the Heritage Theatre, where they participated in a render’s theatre production - complete with singing and costumes. The students did an excellent job us they educated their audience about some ofthe major events in United Sintes history. In communications nnd math, Ihey are getting ready lo review for the upcoming EOGs. Students are working in class and in the SucccssMnkcr Inbs in order to prepuro themselves for Ihc test in May. Tiiey have been reading und writing nbout current events. Some nre creuting a detailed, written timeline about their lives. Students ure finishing the scicnce curriculum with a lilllc ' biology. Studenls are studying ecosystems, food chains, and the interdependence thut all living things have on euch other. As a part of a larger research project. Fifth graders studied a state or country and created u travel brochure for that locution.' Students were required lo read a book on their state or country and lo visit an internet site for additional information. Each child wus required to cite their sources of information in a formal bibliography. After tho brochure was completed, all C o rn a tz e r E le m e n ta ry C o u g a rs o f th e W e e k : B a y le e S im m o n s , A la in a C u rtiss, B re a n n a R u tje d g e , Z a c h a ry W ilk es, C h h a y a S c o tt, O liv ia J o n e s , W ill K elley, A d rian C an flll, L a u re n G ro o m s , A llison L o b o , O d a lls M a rlc h e S a n c h e z , R lv ^ r S im p s o n , A lex E d w a rd s , A rla n e P ick e tt, O livia M a d e ja , A sh le lg h C le m e n ts , U riel B e rn a rd in o , C a le b B o y ter, E m m y P e re z , E nilly S tiller, A lex is W illiam s. C o o le e m e e E le m e n ta ry S ta r S tu d e n ts o f th e W e e k , fro m left: fro n t - E m m a P a tte rs o n , K im b erly A rte a g a , T ra v o n C a rte r, Billy J a c k R e n e g a r; m id d le - A a ro n G o b b le , K arrle L e e , D ylan F o s te r, C o lto n L ag le; b a c k - K arin a C is n e ro s , B y a n t R o d rig u e z , J a k e R a tle d g e , D y lan P e e l. students shared their findings with their class. Pinebrook Elementary Kindergarten studenls paraded through the school on April 10 wearing their Easter bonnets und ties. Parents lined the halls with video cameras. In . the classroom, kindcrgartners arc learning aboul animnis und their hubitats. A field trip is planned to Lazy 5 Ranch later this month. In math the students are estimating and dividing numbers equally. The First grade class of Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Nail, in math, have been learning more about addition and subtraction. Students played gnmes with a deck of cards, learning how lo double and half a number wilh a railroad game. They began the Splash into Reading program. The goal for cuch week is for students lo rend or be rcud lo, ul least Five books. At tiic end, tliey will race rubber ducks against other classes. In writing, students continuo to work on capitalization und punctuation us well us udding more dctuil to wriling to muke it more interesting. Students have done well writing neatly and taking Ihe lime to l}c proud of Ihe work they do. They completed u sludy of rocks. Students learned how rocks arc used und the properties of rocks. Mrs. Orsiilo’s third graders visited Davidson Counly Community College to share with the students and faculty ubout the Legogote Water Projeci. Students have been raising donations by collecting coins. Mrs. Orsiilo’s students sang und ncled out the importunce of clenn water to the DCCC audience. Money is being raised lo drill u bore hole (kind of like a well) at a school in South Africa. So far Pinebrook hns raised over $7,500. DCCC is helping lo collect change. Mrs. Orsiilo’s class has been studying cultures. They researched what makes up a culture, such as language, food, clothing styles, housing, and customs and traditions. Each student has written about their ov/n family’s background. When presenling their research to the class, sludenis found many similarities in.iheir family’s heritages. Many had ancestors from the same counlries. Fourth graders have completed N.C. animal research projects. They worked hard gathering information and leaning the research process. Their wrillen reports contain information about their animal’s habitats, physical characteristics, basic needs, where they lie on the food chain, whether they nre predators or prey and interesting facts. Students have compiled their information into Powerpoints. Ill scicncc the Fifth grade at is studying weather. They captured, baked and measured raindrops and are learning the types of clouds and weather systems. In reading Mrs. Shelton’s class is doing non­ fiction investigations of animals. Each student is recording facts about an animal of Iheir choice including: a diagram of the animal; a map of where they arc found in the world; and unique words associated with that animal. The finished product is n colorful inforinulional poster. Mrs. Waters’ reading class is Finishing a un(t on biographies. Mr. Devcricks and Mrs. Harris nre studying geometry in math. All of the fifth grade classcs participated in predictive assessments this week in preparation for the end of grnde tests Bus riders of the week were Isoma Mua, Haley McCulloh, Sheibi Barnes, Angel Perez, Murphy Riggs, and Zoe Staley. They received a ribbon during the morning announcements. PBS winners were Caleb Correll, Elle Huggins, Amber Wallace, Lydia Pilcher, Payton Crotts, Cassic Ricse, Austin Yokely, Allyson Hillard, Emme Zickmund, Naa Smith, Larry Roberson, Davis Bishop, Alyssu Purnell, Luke Bolmer, Daniel Wang, Tori Nelson, Cassie Beckcr, Ryan Harrell, Cum Fenrrington, Durren Reavis, and Nikky Jones. They will receive a special snnck as their reward. Shady Grove Elementary Wc ihunk everyone who supported the PTO’s "Cclebrnte with n Book” cumpaign. Through donations, 91 books were added to the media cenler collection. Mrs. Hardy’s class collected $170 while Mrs. Moore’s nnd Mrs. Dnlton’s classes collected $165, Tiic reading contest, "All Aboard for Rending” ended March 20. The following were declared the winner for their grade level; K - Mrs. Allicri’s Class; I St grade - Mrs. Wulker’s clnss; 2nd grude - Mrs. Kuuff's cluss; 3rd grnde - Mrs. Baskin’s class; 4th grade - Mrs. Dnlton’s clnss; und 5th grade - Mrs. Ohr’s class. Each will get to attend a bingo party nfter spring break. The top reader for the school was fifth grader Grace Cain. The following students were their class’ top render nnd will get to attend a spccial fun day al the new ballpark for the Winston-Salem Dush in July: kindergurten - Adam Samoska, Zachary Rodgers, Landon Jones, Emma Schreiner, Annie Bunks, Luke Stillson; llrst grade - Zachary Korczyk, Jackson Wuyne, Annnbcl Burchan, Jack Robach; sccond grade - Beau Atkinson, Will Cheek, Dulles Tranquill, Alex Eaton, Joseph I Please See Schools ■ Page B8 M ocksville E lem entary stu d e n ts of th e m onlh, from left: front - H unter E lledge, Olivia Tatum , V ernon P rater, Ja c o b B radley, D aniela F igu ero a, B ella T ho m pso n, Z ach ary P ay n e; row 2 - N oah Etter, S co ttie Lyons, JO D alton, Dyllan C arlco, M adison Taylor, Ju stin B oardw lne, T alayia C arey: row 3 - Will S ou th ern , C h ristop h er C arr, P resto n R ob ertso n, Jo sh u a Hall, Liam Jen n in g s, G arrett S hu lte, A utum n W hitley; row 4 - C arly T hom pson, Jo h n so n M arklin, M organ Taylor, H an n ah S p e a rs, J e s s ic a R andolph. M o ck sv ille E le m e n ta ry T errific K id s fo r th e m o n th , fro m left: fro n t - A aliy ah M cM illan, R y a n M y e rs, G a v in K e a to n , L a u ry n Y o u n tz , R ic h a rd G a r c ia R a m o s , D y llan E v e rh a rd t, A y d e n H o rn e , J o s h u a H olt; row 2 - B la k e M cB rid e, C arly W all, Z o le F re y e r, G le n n R a m ire z , M u rray W illiam s, G ise lle R u a n o , K e n a n B o sw ell, L u c a s L a n e , M a d lsy n C o c k e rh a m ; ro w 3 - A ria n a C a ld e ro n , F a ith M itch ell, S id n e e E v e rh a rd t, L o g a n S c h u lte , C h e y a n n e D an iel, J e s s ic a P erry , J o s e G a rc ia , T e s s J o h n s o n ; row 4 - J a c o b J u a r e z , A sh le y P lo tt, J e n n ife r B la n c o , C o lto n N ich o ls, LexI C ro tts , M o n ic a S a la s - r te r n a n d e z , C h e ls e a H o lla n d , T im o th y P e e le r, V ic to ria S in o p o li, T ab b y N ic h o lso n ; row 5 - F e rn a n d o P au lln , K e lse y J o s e y , C h a s e J o h n s to n , B ry so n S h o ffn er, M a so n W illiam s, K ay tlen G re e n le y , D u n c a n C urll, D a k o ta h M oney! G a rre tt M cC IU ney; row 6 - A la n a J o h n s o n , B la in e T u tte ro w , C o d y W a ts o n , H a n n a h M elto n , J o s th in S e rv e llio n , C o u rtn e y P re v e tte , J a n a Y ount; ro w 7 - Z a c h a ry P lo tt E m ily M iller. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, April 16,2009 - B7 H a d le y H ilton a n d P a tte rs o n J o n e s d r e s s In a H a w a iia n th e m e , a n d J o rd a n B u tc h e r Is a co w g irl for th e S h a d y G ro v e fifth g ra d e P T C p ro g ra m . Singing And Dancing S h a d y G r o v e F ifth G r a d e r s S h o w c a s e U n it e d S t a t e s Shady Grove Elementary Fifth gruders put on n show nt tho F'fO meeting on April 7. ' The title wns Across the USA in Song und Dunce, and that's cxnctly whut they did. ' Tho students started their performance with Fifty Nifty United States which listed the states in alphabetical order. Then they sang and dnnccd their way through the following states: Virginia, Massachusclts, New York, Louisiana, Okla­ homa, Montana, und Hawaii. Along with Ihe singing nnd duncing, musical inslrumenis wore incorporated; recorders, drums, and xylophones. The students, along wilh the uudi- cnce, ended with God Bless America - a patriotic program. A special thanks goes to Karen Umberger and Sandra Smith for teaching the students Ihe two dances and to Lou Wil­ son for leaching/directing the songs und instruments.S tu d e n ts s h o w t.helr p a trio tism . S tu d e n ts p la y th e ir r e c o rd e rs d u rin g m e p ro g ra m . S t u d e n t s R e c o g n i z e d F o r G o o d C h a r a c t e r M e m b e rs of th e S h a d y G ro v e C h o ru s e n te rta in th e a u d ie n c e . By Beth Cassidy Enterprise Record Students recognized for showing good character were presenlcd lo the board of education members al their meeting April 6. ' , Those recognized from Shady Orove were Hayden Moore and Anthony Perdue; kindcrgartners Erin Engstrom and Gavin Turfler; First graders Sanianlha Perdue und Nathan Coley; second .graders Mason Horne and Meredith Everell; third graders Clnire Funderburk nnd Shawn Farley; fourth graders Kuyla Nevarez and Heath Slabnch; und fifth graders Morgan Sessoms and Sebastian Mikuiski. Thomas Connors, assistunt principul, snid, “I'm very proud of those studenls. They compliment Iheir excellence with good character.” Students were said to exhibit Panther Pride, which stresses being respcctful, responsible and ready. Comments were also made about Individual students. Hayden Moore wns said to be a "student who shows Panther Pride consislently.” Anthony Perdue has "excelled in his academic and sociul skills, mude many friends and is responsible and independent." Erin Engstrom "is always the First one I need lo look lo as an example of who is following directions. She is responsible, helpful and very kind." Gavin Turfler has "an Incredibly kind heart, an incredible scnseof liumiilly, and doesn't do things for recognition or gain. He helps other students and has great manners." Snmanlha Perdue "Is a kind and prccious person. She is conslderatoi respectful and a friend to all.” She shows Panther Prldo and encourages others to do so too. Nathan Coley "always uses his manners wilhoul prompting,, He Is extremely curing of his classmutcs, is organized and Is always ready. He shows Panther Pride In every way." Mason Horne “Is kind, cooperative and hus such a positive allitudc. He Is such a positive forcc in the classroom, is well mannered and u perfect cxnmpie for others to follow." Meredith Everell "shows Panther Pride throughout every day. She Is always eager lo leam new things and treats nil students and adults with the ulmost respect,” Claire Funderburk "shows a commitment lo learning. She always does what is expected of her and Is respectful to her classmutcs and teachers.” Sliawn Farley "hus the best altilude. You can help but smile when you see his smiling face. He works hard and Is a true friend to his classmates." Kayla Nevarez "is a great example for the rest of the class. She Is always on task, always ready to go. She Is a greal role model, uses her time wisely and makes great decisions every day." Heath Slabach welcomed a long-term substitute teacher Into the classroom. "He is always smiling, always eager to show me where things arc. He gets along great with other children and Is a great role model for other fourth graders." Morgan Sessoms "shows outstanding character In every respect. She is always ready, has ■ an outstanding attitude and always gives 100 percent. She Is very humble about all her attributes, Is well respected and well liked and loved.” Sebustinn Mlkulskl "is a wonderful student. He is self- dlscipllned and has a good altitude aboul everything. He Is always helpful, considerate, kind to other students ,'and Is' a wonderful role model In our class." Character Education students from six teams at North Davic Middle School were also recognized; sixth grade, Knights Team, Luke Waters and Chris Andrews: Mariners Team, Etta Brooke Beauchamp and Johnathan Dunn; seventh grade, Dream Team, Morgan Bryanl and Matthew Keenan; Extreme Team, MueLena Apperson and Keith McKay; and from eighth grade. Aces Team, Kendal Tift and Samuel Newman; Stars Team, Alex Espinoza and Ashley Starrc. Luke Waters was said to be “a shining example for all sixth graders. He Is an A/B student who can always be counted on to help others. He exemplifies all our best North Duvie trails of . honesty, respect and responsibility.” Chris Andrews "has a winning smile and a sunny personality with a charming New York accent. He hns been on the A/B honor roll all year." Etta Brooke Beauchamp has a dad who Is stationed in Iraq, "but despite lhal, she has remained positive. She Is compnssionale, dependable and responsible and has defined grace under pressure ” Johnathan Dunn "is polite and eager to help out. When he made a mistake recently, he took responsibility for it and made amends. He is responsible and compassionate." Morgan Bryant “is a beam of sunshine. Site is enthusinslic, friendly und hus a go-wlth-lhe- flow altitude. She Is a treasured student who greets everyone with direct eye contact nnd a. smile.” Matthew Keenan “Is shy and retiring, quietly respectful, courteous and helpful. He maintains continued high standards for himself." MaeLena Apperson "is calm, composed iind an independent thiniicr. She is an outstanding student who always shows impeccable manners." Keith McKay "Is an excellent student who shows strong character trails of dependability, honesty and compassion.” Kendall Tift lias "a plea.sant attitude, is self-dlsclplined, compassionate nnd loyal, and always has a smile and a helping hand.” Samuel Newman is "a dedicated individual and a constant campaigner for justice. He Is olways there to encourage others und shows level-headed thinking." Alex Espinoza "does not try to be In the limelight. He Is an excellent student who always has a friendly smile and a good nature. He is cooperative, kind to everyone and is a peacemaker," Ashley Starre Is "quiet und conscientious, always prepared for class, and portlclpates positively and energetically In class. She sees the best In everyone, and her smile Is contugious," Harris Pool & Supplies 1М|<С1мМ>М1$г|1МЫ1м ОраЫИМк'УМимМтм! Tbmray Hams/OwiKT-Ovcr 20 Yre. Ejp. 277 Pleasant Acre Dr„ MocksvUIc Но1м|ЗЗв)284-М17 ^Вш1пм|(ЗЭв|90М027. ]■ L o a a n S h o rtt o la v s th e d ru m s a t S h a d v G ro v e E le m e n ta rv . METAL ROOFING 3 ' C o v e ra g e ‘ 3 0 + C o lo rs 2 5 Y ear W arran ty P o s t F ra m * B u ild in g s call for prices f 1 -8 8 8 -2 7 8 -6 0 5 0 MID-STATE METALS of the Carolinas, 1.1.0 MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL SPRING IS HERE! Bobcat, aerator, core piugger & more for rent today! (3361 751 *2304 .1. ..л ПГ, ! i 'íI , ь i' И6 i В8 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 16,2009 Wa we gri kiij lu bu'j ÏÎ killr bui sci dii gyi tei an kit! kill prj mi wo ani so| an wij ^ly, w^, kil fol. Jm; sn cyi nb( cle wa ani ho Sc in up СП pri sn. ha ut> be jw th* sta clil wi bii I'rt M: dr SU fra lib В Ci Al Ci С P Q R T a tia n a A rm stro n g a n d Jac l< so n H a rtm a n r e s e a rc h a b o u t th e ir a n im a ls . Schools... Continued From Pugc U6 Dnvis; third griidc - Andrew Cliiybrook , Crayton Wise, Siinih Robertson, Stephen Coley, Luuru Cain, Jared Whitley; fourth grade - Savannah Everett, Rostin Turley, Amelia Halverson, James Boyle, Andy Renegar; fifth grade - Julianna McCuiston, Jack Ratledge, Emma Smart, Kathryn Brake, Dominick Carbone. In fifth grade science, Dr. Kabooni, a mad scientist, came and discusscd landforms with the students. They saw ex­ amples of wind and water ero­ sion. They made their own ero­ sion tube. On Tuesday, Dr. Kabuom came back, and stu­ dents looked at ecosystems. The students were able to dissect an owl pellet, which contains un­ digested parts of their prey. The sludents got to wear face musks and gloves and felt like real sci­ entists as they found interesting objects in thoir owl pellets. IVlr. Koeval came and showed some cool chemistry ' e,\perimcnts on oxygen, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen. Mr. Koeval Is available to come buck uny time. Cooleemee Elementnry First graders welcomed many parents at Parent Night. They di.scussed a strategy for C heer A viator A listará R egistra tion Saturday, Apr118,2008 • 8am-Nooii Temporary Location: 163 W ebb Way, hlwy 158, Advance Ages 3-18 • Boys and Girls T U M B L I N G C o m i n g In M a y In Flight Gymnasium coming soon to Advance? @ Hillsdale West Business Park http://www.inflightgymnasium.c6m mailto:cheeraviators@hotmail.com 336-840-3148 Lock-In for the J u lia S o u th a n d K arly B ecl< ,w ork o n th e ir p o s te rs . S h o w in g off th e ir a n im a l p o s te rs , fro m left: fro n t - J u lia S o u th , R y a n C h u rc h , T ristó n B ra n d o n ; baci< - M e g a n C oiiin s, K arly Beci<, C a m e rp n F uller, L e ra M itchell.S tu d e n ts ty p e r e s e a rc h p a p e rs in th e c o m p u te r lab. reading, one for writing, and one for math. In reading, they suggested that students skip the word they don’t know and return to it after completing the sentence or reviewing the pictures. Parents can help their students with writing by practicing capital iettors in Ihe beginning of sentences, ■punciuatibil at the dhd of sentences and putting a space in between words. The suggestion for math is for students lo draw pictures to help them solve word problems. Second graders worked on activities using jellybeans like graphing, estimating, and sorting. In math, they have been practicing subtraction wilh regrouping. In reading, students have been reading a story about fp.ssils; they tried finding their own fossils uround school and at home,, then Hnding out that fossils are old and hard lo find. They have been studying water safety, with tho upcoming swim lessons al Iho YMCA. They will bo going Ihe week they got back from Spring Break, Second grade w ill be going to the butterny furm on the Friday the week they get back, then raising Iheir own butterflies in the classroom, while studying them. Fourth grade worked on Spring Assessments. Students took thom like a practice BOO lo prepare for the reul EOOs in May. Mrs. Whitaker’s math class has boon enriching their skills with fractions. They have been learning about finding equivalent fractions, simplifying and comparing fractions. Mrs. Dyson’s math class has been focused on decimals. They have been working with addition nnd subtraction. Mrs. Kistner’s math class hus been looking ut geometry. They looked at polygon and angles in shapes. The school hosted a hotdog supper und grudes 3-5 performed for friends und purents. Parents returned to the clussrooms to discuss the end of year testing. On Friday, students who remained on level 4 for March were treated to a trip to tho Cooleemee Park. William R. Davie Elementary Melissa Brown is excited about changes in the computer labs during tho past few weeks. Students in Пг.>!1-ПП11 grades are working on Ihe SucccssMuker progrum in computer labs^ Students attend sessions daily lo strengthen a$ well us learn now skills in reading and math. Most students have made it through the first 300 problems, which is a placement tost. Upon completion of that segment, the computer prescribes a number of lessons needed for each student to roach their benchmark level. Each student’s progrum of stiidy is different. Most have celebruted finishing tills initial placement segment and celebruted with Tootsie Pops, because they “licked” the pluceineni lest. In tho labs are charts for each home room posted on Ihe walls. Every time u student scores ut leust 80 percent on the session, ho or she gets a sticker to place beside thoir name. Students lire trying to see how many stickers they can earn by the end of tho year, , P i n e b r o o k S t u d e n t s C o m p l e t e P r o j e c t s Pinebrook Elementar! fourth grade students of Leigl Anne Davis, Sarah Hartman Angela Hicks and Christii Howard completed .science re­ search projects. Each student hus been re sourcliing about a North Carolini animal, crcatcd a five purugrapi research paper, a poster and/or i PowerPoint lo present lo thi class. Students learned how to lool up information from encyclopc ' (lias, und otherToferenco books us well as the Inteniet. PreK students started attending the K2 lab cach day to work on the Waterford Reading Progrum, which rdlnforcos reading skills for emergent reuders through grade three. Angola Spillman iind Marlene Hampton’s class made ^ inan^i books centered on spring and Easter. They read Eggbert The Slightly Cracked Egg by Tom Ross, Brave Little Bunny by Linda Jennings, and It’s Not Easy Being a Bunny by Marilyn Sadler. After each story they did a retell of the story. Students told about the setting, characters, story sequence and why they thought Ihe author wrote the story. They completed story starters like If I popped out of an egg ...; My bunny ... got out of his cage and he saw ... ' The students enjoyed Easier related math activities. They made rabbit patterns using purple, pink, and gruy paper bunnies.. Next they measured the length of paintbrushes using a .strip of paper eggs. At Iho end of llie week the boys and girls used plastic eggs to add number sentences. All three kindergarten classes joined in an egg hunt and Easter Hat Purude through the school. We invite you to come be a part of our family. I Please present this coupon for ! 20®/oOFF j Your Entire Purchase I (£xdudos Alcohol) Cimarron Steakhouse ----------------------------------1 C I M A R R O N 3260 S. Stratford Rd. 712-4689 Hrs: Moh, 11am-9pm Tues-Thurs 11am-10pm Sat 4-11PM www.cimarron-nc.com W hmg Womens Wedne^a^ 1/2 OFF Wine by the Glass DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 16,2009 ■ В?! Fundraisers Fri. & Sat., Aprill? & 18 Huge Book Sale, Davic Library, Fri. 9 a.in.-8 p.m., Sat. 9 ii.m.-3 p.m. Friends of Davk Library members preview Tlmrs., 5-8 p.m. (yon cim join ul Ihe door.) , Center BBQ, pork BBQ sold ull dny, bolh duy.s 'til sold out, US 64 West ut 1-40 (exit 168), Mocksvillc (behind historicCcnIcrurbor), spon­ sored by Ccnlcr Vol. Fins Dept, nnd CcntcrComm. Development Assoc. Building Fundraiser, nt Bread of Ufe Bnpt. Churcli, 8 n.m. imill, yard .‘¡nlc, bnke .sale Snturdny. UBQ Dinners & Cuw Bingo, sold by students of Dnvic High Bnnd, in front of Mocksvillc WnlMnrt, II a.m. lo 6 p.m. Friday, April 17 Spaghetti Supper, sponsored by Chcstnuiarovc UMC, 2812 US 601 North, Mocksvillc, serving biikcd .spngliettl nnd regular spnghctii, 5-7 p.m. Ent-in or Inkc-out. All proceeds going to funds for local missions. Saturday, April 18 Golf Tournament, siwnsored by Engle Heights. 2 p.m., nt Pudding Ridge Golf Course lo raise money for missions trips to Guntemnln. Emnil jjoncs396@yndlcl.nct Ham & Sausage Breakfast, nt Wesley UMC, wilh nil the trinunlngs, 6;30-t0 u.m. Yard Sale, a ll proceeds to Davie Relay fo r Ufe, 7 a.m. til 2 p.m. nt Thomns Cornell Used Cnis, US 601 Soudi, food will be nvailablc. Tuesday, April 21 Poor Man’.s Supper, al Fulton UMC, 4-7 p.m. Donations only. Pro­ ceed to help purchase sound .system. Saturday, April 25 Hot Dog Lunch, sponsored Men's Fellowship of New Union UMC, 11 n.m. til 2 p.m. in church parking lot, 1869 Sheffield Rd. Donations nc- ccptcd.Womcn’sfellowshipwill.sell Krispy Krcme doughnuts .$5 per dozen. UBQ Chickcn Kundratser, by ihs Hillsdale UMC youth group, 10:30 n.m. to 8 p.m. In pnrking lot of Quest Coffee, 5286 US 158, Advance. I’lnle: qunrter chicken, bnkcd benns, slaw, potato sniud, bread for $9. For info: 998-4020. Friday, May 1 Game Night, sponsored by Shcfneld-Calnhnla Comm. Center, 174 Turkeyfoot Rd., doors open 6 p.m. for food, gnmes begin 7 p.m. Saturday, May 2 1st Annuul I’d Fair, nt Humnne Society of Dnvic County’s Adop­ tion Center, 291 Union Rd., Mockii- ville, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Vaccination clinic Inking pluce nlso. Cull 751- 5214 for info. Friday, May 8 Port-A-PIt Chicken Dinner, nl S. Davie Middle School, 11 n.m. til 6:30 p.m. Tlckcts$8 andnvnilable at school or by calling 751 -5941 or 940-7594. Eat-in at picnic shelter or take-out. Delivery uvuilnble on orders of 10 or more. .Sponsored by Booster Club & Athletics Dept, with proceeds to pur­ chase ot equipment. Friday, May 15 Gold Tournament, sponsored by Farmington Ruritun. Cnplnins Choice, shotgun start, $200 per team. Tee time I p.m. Dinner provided following tounimnenl. Register cull Wee Brock nl 998-3621. Saturday, May 16 3rd Annual Domestic Violence Awarcne.ss Walk, ut Dnvic Fumily YMCA outdoor track (rain locution: Brock Gym), 8-11 a.m. Registration fee of $10. Cull 751-3450 for more info. Ongoing Smith Grove UMC Country Break­ fast, 3rd Saturday each month, 6:30- 9:30 a.m. Cooleemee Clvitans BBQ Chickcn, 3rd Fri. of ench month, nl Cooleemee Civiinn BIdg., Cooleemee. Serving 1/2 chicken, BBQslnw, bnked benns, roll & pound cuke. $7 per plnte. Re­ serve your plnte, sign up nt Cool­ eemee Hurdwure or call 284-2196 or 284-2030. Will deliver order of five (5) or more. Proceeds to help pay for Cooleemee Civitiui Comm. BIdg. Wesley United McthodLst Church Ham & Sausage Breakfast, wilh all Ihc trimmings, 3rd Sat. ofeach month, 6-10 a.m. Religion Thru Sat., April 18 Spring Youth Revival, Mainvillc AME Zion Church, 210 Mnin Church Ud., Mocksville, call 751-9146 for info. Sunday, April 19 Men’» Day, .sponsored by men of GrenlcrMt. Moduli Missionary Bnpt., 3 p.m. wilh guest speaker. Thursday, April 23 A Town Hall for Hope, nt Hill.sdnlo Bnpt. Church, 4815 US 158, Ad- vimce, 8 p.m. Frce live wcbcnsl. Ongoing After School Program, nt Comatzer UMC, serving Cornatzcr Elementary School, ngcs 5-12 ycnrs. Cnll 998-0687 for info. H20 (HU to Own), new ministry nt Jerusulcm Bapl, Church, 3203 US601 S.,Mock.sville.On Wcdne.s- duys at 7 p.m. for 18-29 year olds who urc college, single, or married. Wc covcr topics pertinent & inlcr- estlng to this uge group. GriefShare, Snl. mornings 9:30 a.m.. Cornerstone Christian Church beginning Jan. 13, fee will be charged lo covcr materials for 13 week seminar. Call 998-0600 for more info. Awana, every Wed. evening 6:30- 8 p.m. at Engle Heights Church. The Life & Teaching of Jesus, presented by Mocksvillc Sevcnlh- Dny Adventist Church, Mon. & Thurs, ut 7 p.m., nt 407 Milling Rd„ Mocksvillc. Frce admission. For info: 704-876-3665. Financial Pcacc University, 13 week series starts Sept. 9, ut Hillsdule Bnpt. Church, 7p.m. Open lo public. Cull 940-6618 for info nnd preview sessions info. AWANA & Youlh Program, nl Ijnmes Bnpt. Church, ench Sun. evening 5:45-7:30 p.m., ages four through sixlh grude. Info: 492-6434. A Woman’s Discussion Class, Approaching Ihe Temple of God. Psalms 26 cach Tues. 10:30-11:30 n.m. ul Jericho Church of Christ. All women Invited. Cull 704-798- 2038 for info. Bible Study, birth, life, dcnth, res­ urrection of Jesus, ench Wed. 6:30 p.m.. New Life Ministry, 229 Mill­ ing Rd. No charge, everyone wcl­ come. Info: 704-642-0512. Women’s Bible Study, is con­ ducted every Wed. night nt Jericho Church of Christ, 7:30 p.m. current topic: uulhcntic relnlionships. All mntcrinls provided ut no cost. All women inviled. Call 492-5711 or 492-5291. Women’s Bible Study, every Wed. 5-6 p.m., In u home ncnr Milling Rond urea. All women wclcome. Info: 751-5229. Women’.*) Bible Study, focusing on BIblicul women from femnle perspective nnd Africnn Americnn, Lnlino, nnd Americnn women, 2nd Sul. of euch monlh nt Fuirficld Bnpt. Church, 164 Excalibur Lnne (off U.S. 601 S.). Info: 940-5149. Cornatzcr Coffeehouse, 3rd Sun. ofeach month, 7 p.m. ul Comntzer UMC. Women’s Study Group, Phuse 2, on BIblicul women, presented by Hnnnnh's Ministries. Free & held every second Sul. of euch monlh, 10-11 n.m. All wclcome. Info: 940- 5149. CareNet Counseling Centers, at First Baptist Church, 390 N. Mnln St., Mocksville. Offers inlcr-dc- nomlnutionul counseling. Acndcmi- cully trained, certincd counselors & mentnl health profcssionuls. Info. &nppl. 751-2041. Preschool/Parents MornlngOut, Bethlehem United Melh. Time: 9 a.m.-noon. Ages I & 2 - M.WorT, Th. Age 3 - M,T, Th. Age 4 & Pre- K - three or four duys per week. Cnll 998-6820. Preschool, nt Center United Melh. Church, 2 duys per week or 4 duys per week (4 yr. old clnss): 2 duys E a s te r S ta r O f f ic e r s The Order of the Eastern Star Mocksville Chapter 173 officers for 2009- 2010, from left: Worthy Matron, Betty Blakley; Worthy Patron, D.C. Blakley; Associate Matcon, Melza Craven; Associate Patron, Albert Hutcherson: Sec­ retary, Jane Foster; Treasurer, Fred Roth; Conductress, Marilyn Cook; and Associate Conductress, Patsy Staley per week (3 yr. old clnss); 2 duys per week (2 yr. old class) 8:30- ll;30n.m. Phone 940-3753. Awana & Bible Study, Wednes­ days nl 7 p.m., Hope BnplislTuber- nnclc. Spedal Events Friday, April 24 Musical Flight, presented by Sky Meadow Strings, 5:30-7:30 p.m. ut Rnylcn Vineyurds. Saturday, April 25 Farmington Spring Fling, 12-4 p.m., music, food, cnkcwnlk, games, silent nuclion nl Farmington Comm. Center, for info: 998-4300. Sunday, April 26 Davie Combined Elementary Cho­ rus, at Iho Brock, 3 p.m. "Songs nbout our World." Wednesday, April 29 2009 Annual Women’s Luncheon, 11:30 a.m., nt Fnmily Life Center, First UMC, Mocksvillc, wilh guest spcuker. Rcservntions due by Fridny, April 24. For info; 751-3304. Saturday, May 2 Dedlcationat Joppa Cemetery, for miukcr for Israel Boone, sonof Sc|uirc 6 Surah Boone, 10 u.m. Ongoing Live Music & Dancing, every Snl. night bluegruss, ul Sheffield Music Hnll, cull 704-546-3099 for info. Coffee Ноше, 4lh Sun. each monlh, 7 p.m., ul Comntzer UMC. Goo<l coffee, good fellowship, & good music. Dates to Remember Thursday, April 16 Free Stroke Screening, hosted by Duvie Home Hcnllh Agcncy, 9 u.m. Ill noon in confcrence room of Dnvic ■ Home Health. For Info und lo mnkc nppl. 753-6200. Saturday, April 25 Blood Drive, presented by Amcri- cun Red Cross, nt Hillsdnlc Bnpt. Church, 9 u.m. Ill 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 28 Blood Drive, presented by Amcri- cun Red Cross, nt Dnvic Libnuy, 2- 6:30 p.m. Ongoing naslC!iofSpeakingSpanLsh,'niurs- dnys, 6:30 p.m., in Blnisc В npt. Fum- lly Life Ccnter. Cost of textbook = $20. Anyone wclcomc lo ullend. For info and registration call 751-3639 or visit our website www.BlaiscBaplisl.com Free Monthly Diabetes/BlmHi I*res- surc/Cholesterol Screenings, last Fri.()fcuchnionlhin2009ntWulMart, 9 n.m. til 12 noon. Sponsored l>y Diwic Lion's Club. Visit Coolecmce's Mill Village Mu­ seum. 14 Church St., Wcd.-Snt. 10 n.m. til 4 p.m. Tours ul.so nvniluble by nppt. Cnll 284-6040. Storytlmes, at Davic Co. Librnry: Tues, 10n,m, &Fri, 11 n.m.-storics. songs, fun for preschoolers. 1st Snt. of every monlh - storic.s/nctivities for kids of ull ngcs. At Cooleemee Bnuich:cvcryotherThurs. 10:30u.m. (cull or check website for dales). At Hillsdnie UMC: every other Fri. 10 n.m. (cull libraiy orcheck website for dulcs). Special Olympics of Davie County, piny uctivities & fun nite, Wednes­ days al Brock BIdg. Pluy ucliviiies 6- 7 p.m. Fun Nile 7-8:30 p.m. Open to nil persons wilh disubililies & their fnmilies. M eetings Saturday, April 18 2009 Democrat County Conven­ tion for Davie, 11 n.m., nl Dnvic Libmry, 371 Main St, Mocksville. All registered Dcmocrnls urged lo nttend. Port-n-pil chicken style lunch W)ll be nvuilnbic for purchnsc. Farmer’s Market Meeting, 9 a.m., ul Furmington Community Center, for everyone plunning to sell ul Ihis ycnrs Fnrminglon Fiunier's Miukct. Info: 998-2912. Tuesday, April 21 Democratic Women of Davic, 6 p.m., nt Pier 601 Seafood. Ongoing Davie Beekeepers As.soclatlon, scc­ ond Monday of every month, 7 p.m., 114 Doctor Slnte Drive, Mocksvillc (EMS building). Visitors welcome. www.dnvlcbcekccpcrs.org VFW Post4024,7p.m.,2ndTucs. euch monlh, VFW Hul, Sunford Avenue. Mocksvillc. liiigibic mem­ bers wclcome. Come enriy for re­ freshments. For info cull 492-7521. . YMCA For more Infomiulion, cull 751,9622, visit www.dnvie.ymcnnwnc.org, or come to the YMCA for n tour. Family Kickball Muy 1 from 6-7:30 p.m., join us for hot dog dinner, followed by gnme of kickbnll. Frce lu members with fnm- iiy or udult/dcpendiuit memberships; $2/pcrson or $ 10/fumily for individunl members of potentinl illcmbers. Reg­ ister by April 28. PAD Screening Free informnlionul meeting nboul Peripheral Artery Disense, 10 a.m. on Tlmrs., April 23, nt YMCA. Cnll 751-962210 register. Friday Preschool Swim YMCA offering new I'ridny pre- .school swim lessons 9:30-10 n.m. Preschoolers leam lo swim in fun, comfortable environment. Cost: $20 for mcmbers/$38 potential members. Topic Tuesday It's About How Yon Live, 6 p.m., provided by Hospice nnd Pnllntivc Ciue, this monlh talk nbout muny support services provided by Hos­ pice, ull nl no cost. Open lo commu­ nity nt no cost. Register nt 751-9622. Swim Lessons Sign up now. Choose from 'I\ic.</ Thurs. evening lessons $38 mcm- bcrs/$75 non-members or Sul. mom­ ing lcs.sons $20 membcrs/$38 non­ members. Private & fumily lessons nlso nvniluble. Members Only Join the YMCA und tuke ndvnntnge of wuler ncroblcs, yogu, biking, wulk­ ing, personnl training, nnd more. Comc visit and lourour facility nt 215 Cemetery Street und leurn how wc build simng kids, strong fnmilies, und strong communities. ' HelloMudah,Hel!oFaddah Cnmp’s Coming, und YMCA hus ull the fun of resident cump without spending Ihe night. We offer every- thing from volleybull to knitting, to .self-defense to scrapbooking - nlso hnlf-dny spcclnlty cumps. Financial aid to those who qualify. Women’s Self Defense Lcian busies-of how to protect your­ self on Friday, April 24 from 6:30-8 p.m. Free clnss open to women 15 Dancers Win Gold At Star Regionals All Senior Aclivities lake place al Duvie County Senior Services 16. culedut 278 MeroneySl., Mocksville unless olherwisc noted. Call 753; 6230. ; Easter Celebration Monday, April 6nt 10:30 n.m. Joinllá for smnll pnrty & Enstcr egg hunt; Cost; free. Limited lo first 25 to reg­ ister. Cnll 753-6230 to register und get more info. Ongoing J Sr. Lunchbox, M,T,W, 11:30 a.m.¡ Th. & Fri., 11 a.m., lunch served daily. : Silver Health Exercises, Exercls¿ . Room of Senior Services, M, W, F| 8:30 n.m. Tues. & Thurs. 9 a.m. at Mock Pluce, (open lo uny senior).; Quilling Club, every Mondny, IQ n.m. : Bridge, every Fridny, 2 p.m. í SKIPBO, Wcdnesdnys, I pm. ; Scrapbooking, every 2nd Tue-sdnyj 2 p.m. ¡ Dr. Dunn, Podiatrist, utSr. Servicc) every Ihrce weeks, 8:30 u.m., pleasi cnll for dnles. : Frce Blood Pressure Checks, oncá n monlh. ul 10:30 u.m. in the NutriJ tion Site. ¡ SInglngSeniorsChorus, Thursdays) 10 a.m. : VFW Ladles Auxiliary, every 2nd Thurs., 1 p.m. ! Scrabble, 1 p.m. every Monduy. | Rook, I p.m. every Mondny. ; Texiis lIold’Em -Thursduys, 1 p.m. Painting - Wednesdays 8:3t}-i 1:30 a.m. Í1 Grief Support Group, 1st & 3n] Tuc.sdnys nt 6 p.m. ii Sr. Book Club, every sccond Tues^ ' of Ihc month, 12:30 p.m. : ; Computer Cla.s.ses - are availably; call for informnlion. ¡ ArtliriUcExcrclsc-cveryothcrWed. 10:30 u.m. ‘i Low Impact Aerobics • Wed. & Fri. begins Feb. 7 11 u.m. Ill 12 p.m. •; Fltnc.ss Equipment Koom • open Моп.-’Пмга. 8 a.m. til 8 p.m. Frlda^ 8 a.m. til 5 p.m. ‘: Table Tcnnb-every Tues. Mp.nij Art, Mondays 9 u.m. til 12 p.m. ' Tal Chi, Tuesdays (call for sesssion dutc.s) Line Dancing, Thurs. 11 a.m. til 12 p.m. & 2-3 p.m. Woodcarving, Wed. 9-11 a.m. ' , I Report Davie Dateliné Items By Noon Monday Items for Davie Dateline should be reported by noon Mondny of the pub- llculion week. Cull 751-2120 or drop it by Ihe office, nt S. Mnln St. ncross from Ihe couilhouse. ¡Driver ■ Mocksville Terminal I nnd older. Seniors TOP PAY tor Exp d Drivers! HOME EVERY WEEKEND GUARANTEED! 65% preloaded/pretarped: CDL-A req'd. 877-428-5627 www.clclrivors com Dancers include, from left: kneeling - Carolina Bandy, Madison Hines, Alex Sprouse, Lauren Sprouse, Skyler Shore; standing-Jessica Boner, Kaitlin Fletcher, M Ic h ae ia T riv ette, Camryn Lesser, Abble Duke and Zella. Ebert. Tho Potito Compotition Team from Buyiin Dunco Stu­ dio in Clemmons parliciupted in the Slur Systems Rogionui Competition on March 28. Thoir tap routine, performed lo “Witch Doctor,” received u Gold Achievement, first place in 9-10 Tap Division, and Sec­ ond Place Overall in the Jr. Large Group Division. The group also competed wilh u jazz routine performed to “Jump Jive ‘n Wail.” This perforniance also received a Gold Achievo- tncnl. The team is taught by Terri Butcher und Samantha Murchison. Members of the team are; Caroline Bandy, Jes­ sica Boner, Abbie Duke, Zellu Ebert, Kaitlin Fletcher, Madison Hines, Camryn Lesser, Skyler Shore, Alex Sprouse, Luuren Sprouse und Michaela Trivette. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Personal Property of Susan Clapp Saturday, April 18*10:00AM 3522 KiTTERY COURT, W-S 27104 DIREaiONSi S/iAS CRICK PKWY TO ROBINHOOD ROAD. LCFT ON PCACC HAVCN ROAD, THCN RIGHT ON SCARSSOROUGH DRIVC. RIGHT ON KITTCRY COURT LOOK FOR OURSIGNSIFURNITURE: 3PC.MATCHINGCARVED0AKBRSUITEW/HIGHBACKBED- CEDAR CHEST - 12) PUT TOP TRUNKS - HALF & HALF DRESSER - HIGH BACK BED W/ CARVINGS - OAK WASHSTAND • OAK CENTER TABLES - UPRIGHT PIANO - UPH. LOVESEAT - OAK CHURCH PEW - DEACON'S BENCH • OAK PEDESTAL DINING ROOM TABLE W/ 4 CHAIRS - VIQORIAN CORNER CHAIR - ROLLTOP DESK - ROCKER - OAK CARVED KITCHEN CLOCK - MISC. SMALL TABLES - ETC. CLASS & CHINA! CAMEL MARTINI SET - STAFFORDSHIRE 'CROWN' CHINA - METLOX POPPY TRAIL - ROYAL STAFFORD 'BROOM' CHINA • GERMAN COLONIAL FIGURINES - CHOCOLATE SET • CUT, ETCHED & PAHERN GLASS - ART GLASS - ASST. PITCHERS-PERFUME BOm.ES TOBACCIANA! SMOKING TABLE - DONKEY & CABIN CIGAREHE DISPENSERS - RJR WORLD CLOCK - RIR SERVICE PINS - SMOKIN'JOE'S PIT CREW OIREQOR'S CHAIR - CAMEL TAPESTRY - VINTAGE CAMEL DISPtJ^Y RACKS - WALL MOUNT PACK DISPENSER-CAST IRON SPHTOON MISC - ROCKOLA JUKE BOX - RECORD CABINET - CHARLIE BARTENDER MINT INTHE BOX! - VINTAGETRAFFIC UGHT - BALLY PINBALL MACHINE (SPACETIME) - FODDER CUrfER - WOODEN CHURN - CROCK CHURN - NICE VINTAGE QUILTS & LINENS - DRESSER SET ■ OIL LAMPS - VINTAGE HOBBY HORSE - ELVIS, BEATIES & RAY CHARLES ALBUMS - DEPT. 56 CHRISTMAS VILLAGES - LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FOLK ART BIRDHOUSES - SEVERAL BOXLOTS OF BOOKS - ORIGINAL NUDE DRAWING SIGNED & DATED 1946 PWM NORRIS - ASST. HOUSEHOLD LAMPS - CARVED ORIENTAL FISHERMAN - JOHN FURCHES TEDDY BEARS PRINT - COSTUME JEWELRY - LONGABERGER COFFEE MUG & BASKET - GONE WITH THE WIND COLLEaOR PLATES - LARGE BEAR COLLEQION INCLUDING MADAME ALEXANDER, BOYDS, VANDERBEAR, MINIATURES, ETC. - KINGSFORD GRILL - ICE CREAM PARLOR SET -WHITE MTN. ICECREAMFREEZER-PLUSADDITIONS TERMS! CASH PREFERRED, GOOD CHECK, VISA/MASTERCARD OR DEBIT CARD ACCEPTED. EVERYTHING SOLD AS IS WHERE IS REGARDLESS OFTHE PRICE WrTH NO WARRANTIES OR GUARANTIES OF ANY KIND. AUaiON COMPANY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ACCIDENTS. PREVIEW 9:OOAMDAYOFSAt.E. ALL ANNOUNCEMENTS DAY OF SALE SUPERSEDE ALL PRINTED MATERIAL SALECONDUaEDBY: LEINBACH AUCTION & REALTY, LLC OWNER / AUaiONEER/ BROKER'/ APPRAISER -TODD A. LEINBACH ■THE ESTATE SETTLEMENT PROFESSIONALS" ANTIQUES-COLLECTIBLES-FARM MACHINERY- REAL ESTATE-BUSINESS LIQUIDATIONS (336)764-5146 NCAL #5871 NCAFL #6856 NCREBL #199922 www.Leinbachauctions.com ' VI , - ,V A B10. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 16,2009 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 16,2009 - Bll Wa wc gris C O bij U| n: ki bi SI d g tt с Г I I i L E G A L N O TIC E S L E G A L N O TIC E S For Sale Townhouse in M illing Way Convenient Mocksville location. Sunroom, 2BR, 2BA, 2 years old, Unit 118 Beautiful pool complex. $108,000. Call (336) 470-2951, (336) 655-3447 or (336) 75^1-5448 H IG H R O C K L A K E R E A L E S T A T E A U C T IO N 9 WutcriVont Esfntc'IViicKNcw Kxociiilvc Wnlcrfhiiit Home in The Pnsen e ai High Kock iMke — a Gated Commtmtty andAcres Divided «n Iligh Rock Lnkc Thursday, M ay 7,2009 — 6 p.m. ~ High Rock Lake ~Lexington, NC — Davidson County 9 Wnterfhmt Estate 'IVncta — with 2 SelliitRAbsohtte at Owner's Choice All hrtving over 2(X) n. Waterfront on High Rock Lake ♦ New Gxeciiltve Wnlerfrtml I I<Hiie oti 3.92+/* Acre Estate 'IVnclAlmost Completed ^ Pick Your Own Colors, Carpel & Landscnping ♦ 142,42+/- Acres Divided <ui IllKtt Rock Ijike >Sci* >NVI>silc f«r M»rc DelJiiU - ¡Uvhr hirlicliHilkm lit\ile<l Iron Horse Auction Coitipiiny, Inc« 800-997-2248 - NCAL 3936 w^vw.lronliorscuuction.coni AUCTION Wednesday, April 22,2009 • 10:00 am 132 Snow Hill Drive, Mocksville, NCFrom hhcksville: Так« AMy 1S8 feii, Turn right onto Dulir) ПоаЛ Turn Mt it detd wd onto Turn M onto Snow Ш Ortv* • Sal« at Ш Лоо*# on hgtti. From Wimton-Saiem; 1-40 We*\ to fuf leOAiH^yeOt S) Turrt right tf end ot r»wf>; Гит r^gM at $to^<ght onto 158 IV«i, Ooerprot dmileaA turn kit onto IMin (load; Turn kH at d«ad and oitio По^ Гит (eft onto Snow Ш Dm« • Su>» atteOAlHwyeOi (>ou$eenri^t Pflfional Pfopertv of Anlhfjnv fdoMHSBdl ond PQ|in^ fllvinai Vnraacl Mailin MaJel 989 22 caliber CoM Ifigger AuIoituIìc flillo w/Mailm « Scopo: V/inchesler Model 12 (S<I2W452) .. .ifVfnpSfWigiinliDOdiliedcAQkfl). nemlnQliwMo(lC(t9(n(S<3100ft32|Bolt-lklioafcm^ Ritte; {MrtyRMftviJ?« liwi Aclion BQ Model « Air filile. Hoauk 12-Gun Sjle{Lock«); {Junjllck Si>o<gun Cleaning Kit, Rillo Clcjiiing Kit “ -----------------------------' .......................-419«)Boxed prool uls-isinstt íwv%97isñ/uiw'№ .........DIE-CAST СЖ (ftinliufy Mtnl-Òitgiftìl Bowd */Cefliiicalesl) '& Fcfiaii, il Meiccdes, V Шкк 1Ык. ‘Зб OwcnBefg^CtxwoW Gel Ai(. И Fo(d Model А, '№ Feti Ш%Щ. '66 HwftdeiWd. 34 »tepanö-Siiiii J12 AHO MANYMOfiE FMjQ: OlOAmi( Misc. Flshlog Rod} 19/a 19П. 19/2;EiKnixww Silver öolüfngKit, Ril ib. tili:i9/lÄI9«);Mintsel$. MANYMOfiEFISHINQ: 010 Amico 3-Way Fishing Outfit №3330 (Includi); 5II. Bail Cisling Rod, 8 tl Fly nod7 H. Spinning Rod). Misc. Fishing RodsJan tiagara Figurine, llonco Masterpieco Done Chinj Bird and Animal Flouiinn: lerrai Figulino, fionu----- “ - -----lPeft;llifdo;W'№klieland,CoHcciiblePlaloj; PinkDcpfejjionGlass, n.wc........} Hobnail, Oeady" Class; Cia«.i Brides ol If«Jennllof (1980a D(We): Bms Dell Irom remains ' Colico Grinder (1688); FiriKing______jtmw; Gtisvwld /6 Casi Iron Skiliei. m ftuH Tobacco Tin; Red & Whila Con« lin; louU fran Lagaña Bfookj; Lee. _________ ....den Shoe Lasls;VlnlaooOLD 78 (1900s) Record); doiiocllon ot Vintage Cameras;lEycouuosilOtS Orawrs;• Erd red 2/15/1890. Pewter; Oil Lamps; Aniiquo (rm JuQs; Vintaoe Sunbeam Iron (origlrul box); m 3 m Scat«; №lon lead» lobacco Tin. W lin Set; Beck Creamay. BultalofNY Milk Can; TheFoiichnef Model ЙМО..............................Marx & Co. im Toy rmn Set; Beck Croamay. Buttalo; NY Milk Can;Middleton Doll; Celluloid Vanity Hems: Lionel Trains: Celhjold Vwity Scljenion; Limogfls; VAjoden SI Automobile Memorabilia Scrapboolis; horrrun Ralwiil Cups; OLD 78 (1900s) Records; ¿oiiocllon ot Chromonira Itarmonlca (Germany); Junior № Autoliaip; Billy Record Folding Camera (Gernuny), Vintage E) le *205 CedafChesljVlntw Trunk; CO Cabinet; SInpei TieadloS(Wli>oMactiines 974 Tool Calak>g; Ì966 (fun Books; OkJ Books & №ga/ines: InchKling old av books & memorabitia: Ohi f-----; M BooVs; Old Fishing & Hunting Magazines, TIME • 100K< UFE Maga^r«irocheied ileifis; Emixoldeted tlems; Linens; WaltCttks. Stone Xgs; Crocks; Flat lions; Casllron Stove. FlaM; Kitchen Utensils; Chrislnrn.Woortarvlng Toots; Liattw Working Tools Nice Woodbuining tlQjier.Foi Collar; MANYGOOO BOXLOTSHIIQQLS: Hand & i’oiwt tools; Black & Docker 5 In. Bcnch Grind»; Electrk^l Testers; Leather Working Tools: Jig Saw. CraiismanToolttel; Floor Jack; Kennedy Tool Bo>; liwn No. 22 Eipansly« Bit (in origli boi). Russell Jcnnlnos #10' Auger Bit set in Woodea Box w/4 dt^Mri; Brace & Bits; CraRyiun Wrenches, ¿ockels: Screwdrivers: VoltaoeW Soldering Iron: Pliers; Ailed Wrenches;- Floor Model Drill Press (12 speed 3/4 hp moior). D«ll Anok} Tesifr.' TtniiniM..C.I Teslefs; Propane Torch, Rotunda Imnxt Wrtuti A Sakcts; LOTS MORE TOOLS NOT LISTED l!l!l . ............ Ttífr.'Timingleal Diovwr; Honda Tiller; Garden Tools, WRIGHT AUCTION SERVICE^,-. ¡■k Auctioneer: Roy F. Wrigiit P iF " NCAL#2U0 NCI''I,«8122 ^ W | f 150 Giitcway Lane, Advancc, NC 27006 • 336.998.8637 gatcman@yudtcl.netTVrnui CmIi or oppcovea tlieck (lay ot iult. No oul-ot-stale All limi loW/« IS. AnwuKtmenis on ta lf Jay Mkr p ttc tJ m t m tr uny printtJ m ttrU il or luU trlitm tnH . Not rfspontlble fi>r u a U tn ii or Ipis. No Bu)er'i f'rm lum NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of ttie Estate of WALLING DOU- GUS VREELAND, JR.,, late ol Davie County, ttils Is to notify all persons, firms and corporallons having claims against said estate to present them to tho under­ signed on or belore July Z, 2009, (being three (3) months from the first day of publication of tills no­ tice) or this notice wiil be pieaded in bar of their recovery. All per­ sons, firms and corporallons In­ debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the' undersigned. This the 25th day ol March, 2009 JOAN BOVENDER VREEUND 721 Pudding Ridge Road Mocksviile, NG 27028 MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attorneys at Law Ten Court Square Mocksvilio, NC 27028 4-2-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having quaiifiod os Executor ol tho Estate of ROY T FOSTER, SR., deooased, ol Mocksville, NC, Ihe undersigned does hereby no­ tify all persons, firms and corpo­ rations having claims against the estate ol said decedent to exhibit them to tho undersigned at P.O. Drawer 25008, Winston-Saiem, NC 27114-5008, on or belore the 2nd day ol July, 2009, or this no­ tice will be pieaded In bar ol Ihelr recovery. Ail persons, firms and' corporations indebted to the said estate will please make immedi­ ate payment to the undersigned. This the 2nd day ol April, 2009. Steven Lee Foster, Executor 147 Howardtown Road Mocksviile, NC 27028 Steven Lee Foster, Executor lor the Estaie ol Roy T. Foster, Sr. o/o Neal E Tackabery Bianco Tackabery & Matamoros, P.A. P.O. Drawer 25008 Winston-Salem, NC 27114- 5008 4-2-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THp GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 2009 CVD 233 MELISSA SHANE PHILLIPS WHITE, Plalntlll, vs. JULIUS CHESTER WHITE, JR., Defendant NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION TO; JULIUS CHESTER WHITE, JR., Ihe above-named Defendant TAKE NOTICE thal a pleading seeking relief against you has been liied In the above-entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows; Abso­ lute Divorce on grounds ol sepa­ ration for more than one year. You are required to make de­ fense not iater than Ihe 12lh day of May, 2009, said date being (orty (40) days Irom the llrst publica­ tion of this Notlco, and upon your lallure to do so the party seeking sen/ice against you will apply to tho Court lor the relief sought. Dated; March 26, 2009 HARRELL POWELL, JR. Attorney for Iho Plalntlll 514 Soulh Stratford Road, Suite 214 Winston-Salem, NC 27103 Telephone; (336) 725-5300 S T R O U S E H O U S E A U C T I O N S 1424 Induslrial Dr., S tatesville, N C 28625 Phone; 704-872-8444 336-940-6306 liS AUCTIONEER; MIKE STROUSE, NC I.IC. #7405 № w v iA V .9 lro u 8 o h o u 8 o .z o o m 8 h Q ro .n o m 1 Я | Thun., Aprine • 6i30PM • IhKlilMd Outdoor A Recraallon Suiplui/Silvaa« Sil«lHUKnW/niHIMfl. n»Wi*g Rmìi • Oìn*ì IM M3fA. Umi Tcrc« Mui. Un*« 3M0, fvot tOOlSH, 8oy4i 0*r«lflOiMmt. )Q0 F'IWO. Oklyт^J Siritui XTS?0. r’<r<ucl( Pwirum tPlOO, PfluMMPftwMnl » TrtA ScOMt • Trutìn ntd OM. OutTr«! SiW Ou« 1 Own, Poni»« 4-1?!«, J iitóCP tMAitc rM Scow. tl*c«of»f 8nl»mi, Owii CtAtril • 0«n« Sp»D40I. FtomMion Crn«l|. <kn CMSng lU. rUnò^i. fìiU 6rilém.Ck»«№()M ritft Tr«p. IVMtJVhMl rw «I Vtitt w«h#i. IfM«« J*A Widri si««m Cot , PliU i rw» Cimi. FkW«», »luri« CWfwig i Duoli. IMUrd _ UotoroU WUtUt TiML reo tKlItboi. l£M li 1^ (Vin%i, DtMa 7S00 8№ck rMi. pfl*uQM Ctìlmvn Durati Rod A fM. RH*i,lWrl», B«»niA#n«w»Sum,A»WOuni. Oreo^*!-JftÌOZ(Xm,(WioH1ih30i(WTtt.?>1COi70/oom*.8mw 1?«». StcCf« &0M Cvttfi Anmt, tH topi, Ovrm OPS, Si«nin) S>*rrM )M. AX-O Utg a PnucK Um Ko(i E4 Olmi, DitóU IVfjit 80« FouijUn Drt 0*tiMI MO XXX 8a««T«t. W Ti/xtM. &«. WlkMowt Tvt», OdM T^. \lHt Poti, \m OOir. A^iMXCtiA*,X\/l4eOlbiniCU^«.Orlnw Bri CIAll4rc«>.aM.VMM«r,kor«,Dugn 11*11«.Cedri c<ue«QWLU> ho 8«nf 0«, 3 Dum«r 8t»« Boi. Piy 8< Sirgit Fiy Dmwt, Buf ff Twrt. Fr^/Sti«rw, DM Efftw Suir^u, BumwSUinlHlO«lQ>«.rUd4DuwOiianl ' ^^ rw*l »Ito«, FuH Tiimf« Pwifr Wooii CNMl ÌH pc, rw^ W1«. VrtdngIMtM. jPoftMnwtmif.rQWKDoiiìt DMXW*, VM 4 Uàrtl, Or» rs*« Ci«li 6ol»f lIjNl AC IW, HP „ Frl..Aprii 17 «eiaOPMrlVvomngsnWi*fl Hi WO M I. Stoni OUAUTY AND lAlVAQE. DIO SwWCwk Ortn. Pc»taM Mw« 1 .Мл* S» SfVtffl. h Oum Syil«n MPIVUm 4 Qqi. ToU Pro Su«m Qivwf. Шшм U«l. TtiMCwe. 24>M Пиа JvW«r«r H«m, Bnct Погйи E*™, CfM, P*(^ I« ЗГЛ Ш S^li Snh. louftty Potteiliv a»f. 4'.Mw*Syit#m.DV0Hc*nal\<tie ■Ouiuiöa^TtowrCcm'wiiTirDügfl J4(k»l. SoU 4 Пв(1г«» Cowl, Ami Chüti 4 OHom*i|. louixty avM Itod. k: umi {U(• S«i» »iw (5(»1пи 1 &«лт« CWMig, flíflr Wfif ííiTiOOpm.ÍOOl9lt*BílHiyCf*'9«, 10,000fc W««»ítoc, IViik« IUn<n«, ruinu Cuier. Р1*лг. |l*t'naj*ck, Wikku tifili«!. Co>n(>Jun<J Шт 6j«. e S h|) Qii l.«n(ni. Cc^r^ti 0<e K4i e S Г« Ü» Prfture flK h Cotrnti»»ACMVy« IVjitw, Surry] Г\д<), 3CC0 ID Ol. Cf-W S«« &Шреп*г Sat., April 18 • 6í30PM • ÌWo RIngsIIМм It I liJO pm. STOriE OUAirTT ANO SALVAGE. OVO PJy«. 1ЛЛ Lr^íl Pr«IM li54>. 3 « I Sfctw C*l ПС OiWiI Ш Cu. Heopnaino Sw. Cwmit«, Cwti«. fiwdom Back M«uge>, Comtrtifi. Covn««: S«ii, 6Л S«ll, 1ЛИ T*»i Тл», Zone Vi»ttoH l»Mi, Wiiín-л Shorn, fJew Srenj CWtuvi. HoM Rm». Krt B*»iRIn« f2i 7i06 pm. UnCHILl COUMf fXCIII MIffCNAMOrif. Thtittf Equlpmwl. Him I^ Stjhx üglAra Vnctk>na:H0tohTTSaulhtoBxn4'iA, Q. PsonélAve. (евшОшрртж. Л*$rrtll»ила! eiatlorì - Шж( un wf tnaualrM Dr. StJbu«» HoJbo A иеМл la on tha Lmft It’s a s m a r t t i m e t o b u y . High Invento.ry - Lower Prices - Good Mortgage Rates S ta rt y o u r h o m e se a rc h a t c b tria d .c o m 1.MC Sturining II... ________________close 10 dovmiOMn [logmt giartd ciWy \ш w/Ш sl^Viase. Over an ac/e lot.beantilul B W Ä M I ÄLinieiQhi00a'ttS2|36>.90Ò -......4ßfl35DA Fenced back i aiboicddeck ovdk Oak Valleys H leo. Custom bll plan wtomi piyim. FP-gas logs, «1 bar, vioikiltoj), sioim sheiiet. Slúewatkj, ■í!Wouild;,P<»'J2iail.í¿l! (51Ш) Vicki HUl CmClE DAK VALUY • .....JE ADVANCE 4Blt 2 5BA- jfTfo(ia£)l0 opefl lioor plan ft/WL WDR w/ doutie l/ay ceii. lots ol Mw3 Hows ^in Dll is taige bonus Private wood lenced bkyO jus} ofl 5ih leo la/ge cdor sijinaJ concreio Miio. l505Hr)JanelWaltMfl-na2 $239,OOb ILUWSSat^rlck cc^iage, oveis'/cd page. Wordeiluiiy ooen kjicwirinci, llifAiJ. nupie cabinetry, & bklil bar lot il UL Bonus ^as buill-ln eniisuiivreal emu (5?0%4) Vicki Flensing993-1167 ItK 38A tOVE Ttt£ COMfCnr & COWEWFHCE OF THIS LOCATtOM 2 minutes la l-4(VSuper Wal-Majl. ^^cdlc.u facilities Co/y 2-5liv, w/ sun^Ofch (b?1530) ViCki flOTing 390-1161 la/mtiouse cii a:co(nntodil8 residential, oltico or ravl nteds. Poienüat loi 'tbR. Caiiey style 154 KMIltOA RUN RIOOE BERMUDA RUN ADVANCE 2BII 2.5BA Urge piivate towiihome In ihe gated ionnsl’-ip ol Oermuda Run. B(e.iitiiakin3 view ol ine aolt cotjise .vxi HdMls In Kit i OR Ceramic Ше In sunrm & ...................oFPw"-J ffcell, Íniche i built'lns, Lg маЙЛА. PrivL. i i i l B H Q in D""u.............Й X X c b t r i a d j . c o m Davic/Clcinnians Offlcc Intersection of Hwy 158 & 801 Coldwell Banker Mortgage Plinne: 336-998-8816 Same Day Loan Decision... Reloculion; 1-800-317-4398 Guarnnleed...l-888-309-8201 C O U D U L ie U L B A N K j B R Q 200a Cotiiwoll Oankof Roat Eilalo Cofpontion. CoUwelt Piinkof ti a ', roQiiteiod (radomAth ol Col(Motl Oanlier CofporatKm. An oqual opportunity company. Eacli orrtco Is indsponJontty ownod and oparaiod.TRIAD, REALTORS Fax: (336) 940-2582 N;C.S.B. No. 3526 4-2-3ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as Executor ol the Estate ol WILLIAM J. GOOD, late of DavIo County, North Caro­ lina, the undersigned do hereby notify ail persons, firms, and cor­ porations having claims against the estate ol said decedent to ex­ hibit them to the undersigned at 185 Klmel Park Drive, Suite 200, Winston-Saiem, NC 27103, on or before June 26, 2009 or this no­ tice will be pleaded In bar ol thoir recovery. All persons, lirms, and corporallons Indebted to the said estate will please make immedi­ ate payment to the undersigned. This 23rd day ot March, 2009. Ann L. Smith Executor ol the Estate of William J. Qood Roberf D. Hinshaw, Esq. 185 Klmel Park Dr., Sulle 200 Winston-Salem, NC 27103 3-26-41 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having quaiilied as Executrix of the Estate of PAULINE C. KAIMAN, late ol Davie County, this Is to notify ail persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estáte to present them to the undersigned on or before July 9,2009, (being three (3) months Irom Ihe lirst day of pubiicalion of this notice) or this notice wiil be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail persons, lirms and corporations Indebted to said óslale will ploase make Immedi­ ate payment to the undersigned. This Ihe 9th day of April, 2009 SANDRA L. KAIMAN 148 North Forke Dr. Advance, NC 27006 4-9-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY Having qualllled as Executor ol the Estato of Ada Elizabeth Boger, late ol Davie County, North Caro­ lina, the undersigned does hereby nollly ail persons, firms and cor­ porations having claims against the estate ol said decedent to ex­ hibit Ihem lo the undersigned at the ollice ol Iheir attorney at 110 Oakwood Drive, Suite 300, Win­ ston-Salem, NC 27103-1958, on or before Ihe 9th day ol July, 2009 or this notice will be pieaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, llrms, and corporations Indebted to the said estaie will please make immediate payment to the under­ signed. This 9lh day ol April, 2009. John Charles Boger Estate ol Ada Elizabeth Boger Craige Brawley Lliplert & Walker, LLP 4-9-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualllled as Executor ol tho Esiato ol JOSEPH D. CLARK, late of Davie Counly, this is to no­ tify all persons, firtns and corpora­ tions having claims against said estate to present Ihem to the un­ dersigned on or before July 16, 2009, (being three (3) months from the lirst day of pubiicalion ol this notice) or this notice will, be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations In­ debted to said estate will please make infimedlate payment to the undersigned. This the 16lh day of April, 2009 HILDA CURK-BELL 134 Fairfleld Rd. Mocksviile, NC 27028 4-16-4IP "«¡#DAViS C a r e e r O pp o r t u n it ie s Hum an R esources 704-838-7110 WWW.DAVISREGIONAL.COM МШШШ I^itt-Tlnw -,7;(X) p.m. lo 7:tt) n.m. iNFECnON CONTROl. HN I'utt'Tliiw - 8;30 a.m. lo 5:00 p.m.Rcspon<ibtc fur Ihc surveittatKc, unulysli, aixl reporting uf katiticare ocouirctl Inrcclloat 0.1 well M infcciion conlrol cducaiion ofhospilal »laff, Witt lievelop facltliy prJiclei and ' procedures lo спшго rigi4oui Infcctlod oonirol thal me<(Joint CommlMlon.CMS. OSI1Л. 1*иЫ1с twatih Department and CDC rc<iuircmcnU. NIuji have ewclteni verbal uj»d wriitcn cotnmunicoiirtn »kllli. Mu« have at lea.it 3 ycwi RN expcriencc in iiciiic me selling iilu4 (wo nddiiiiHial vean in Infcciion Conlnil.MuM havo knowledije of tiDipiiiil epiilcmiiilotiy piiiwlplet. CniCceiliHcalion pu'fcrrtd. No.n NiiH,siN(;i lltI.SINKSS OmCK iVlANA(!KKFull-Time - П^ешгЧ Bacticlor'i ticgre« in HiuincM, Accounting, or Finance required. One year [hospital billing, со11ес11о|И or nutiiiess Ofllcc experienco miuirvd. Must bve exwhcnt vcibal and wiiucn Reiponilblo for managing the dailyoperation of ilic hospital business oitice. Sunervis« tho regisiralion of pailenli, the submission of insurance claims on a timely basis, the review and collections of puileni accounts and monitors tlie daily collection «ml posting of cash. Imaging SKRViCES ManagkrPutt-'Птс -Uxempl As«»ciaic* Degree reriuircd, Oachelor'i Deuree wefcaed. Tliree" ' ' ..... *’----'■---- ' referred. Oruduuic of anic. Excellent human,.......................—s, wganiici, diiccis andcoordinates all phiues of Imaging Services in accordance wilh Davis Regional Medical Center’s policies and procedures, und in adhcftncc lo applicable stute and federal rcgulatioas- Respimsibic for the deliverance of high quulity patient care and the performance of all empIo) ee.i. REAL ESTATE & PERSONAL PROPERTY AUCTION Estates of Betty J, Doub (Living) & Angel Adams (Living) 4721 Sew ard R oad, P faffto w n, N C 27040 FRIDAY APRIL 17,2009 10:00AM DIKECTIONS; Tuke RcynoMa RmuUNC |57 Wai. 'Dim Lefi On SemmI Circle: Co 2IWihs Mile. Tiirn Left On Scwml Hoad; Co .VIOihs Mile. Sale Loaned On KIglil. REAL ESTATE-GREAT INVESTMENT PROPEHTlES-2 PARCE1.S PARCEL l-AUCTION ЛТ 12 NOON. Spacious !) Room Hou.so On 7.27 Acrc.s. Private Gue,st/ln-law Siiili:. Large Walk In CHo.id.s, I^uli Bascmcnl 2 . Car Oarage. SprliiB Fed Lake. Grape Arbor And Water Wiieel. PARCEL 2 - AUCTION AT II’M. ScwiitU Road (Next To Doubs Chanel Unilcil Melhodi,st Churcli) Large Tract Of Land. l.| +/- Acre,i Offers Many Pos,sibilitle,s, Stream On Properly. AUCTION LOCATION WILL HE AT 4721 .SEWARD ROAD. VLSrr OUR WEBSITE FOR TERMS OF REAL ESTATE EUBMUIiKEi 2 Doard Phie Farm Table,6 Maple Chairs, Cliild’s Chair 2 U«iches,Mili; Stool. Fern Stand, Tree Stump Tlibie, 1У50 s RCA Victor ГУ, t950’s Kenmore Stove, R.S.IIoward Uprifilil Piano, Lowry Organ, Glider Rocker, Coffee 'I\ible, Uplmlsleied Sofa & Love Seal. Hanyini! Wnlmit Sholf. Mnlinaimv Т imo r««,l-.r ГЧ.-.* wn.u гч___Seal, Hanging Walnut Shelf, Mohogiiny Lane Cedar Chesl Wilh Drawer, Mahogany Highboy Chest, Rocker. Oak China Cabinet, Oak Pedestal Tabic With Leaf, 4 Cane Bottom Chairs, Armoire TV Cabinet, Miirblc Ton Wriiini!'*ппсл,1л Т\/ ei/l« п.. ci.i.v n t, • . P...... WM,.», w m .ia , o u iiu iiu I V V^uunici, iVlilTDlC iOD WnllnU Desk, RCA Co or Consote TV, Side By Side Cnbincl. 2 Upholstered Club Chairs, Maple Warilrobe, Conicr Fianging Shelf /ySHOUES & CQLLECTII)l,ESi Franciscan Ware (45 Pieces). Metlox Vemon Della Robbie (32 Pieces), Haviland Apple Blossom (44 Pieces) Ciystal Candieslicks, Glassware (Stemware, Pressed. Cambiidcc Depression. Hobnail, Fenton, Iris Herring Bone), Blue Ridge Potterv’ Occupied Japan, Roseville Boolsends, R.S. Pnissia. Bavarian Bowl. Homer Laiiglilin, Miscellaneous China Pieces, Green And Pink Blown Glass Porcelain Figunnes, Miscellaneous Silver Plate Pieces. Cast Iron (Wagoner) Ice Pick, Fisher Wood Stove, Old Safe (Mosler Safe & Locli Co. Cinclnnali Ohio, March 33, 1881-Augusl 28, 1888), Cookie Cutters, nvenOo 4 Oz! Bottles, Silver Bracelets, Hnndtiiade Bedspread, August 1945 Ncwsnnner Oil On Canvas Prints, Carte-Stock Prints n'i & US, bUs W ate re d i№ Vanous Lamps, Enterprise Meat Chopper #10, Keystone Grinder, Hand Held ri^Hea'drdA°io'lL“5iic'£ ‘'"’“ '“ MISCELLANEOUS! 2002 Buick LeSabre (55,567 Miles) Minnre Craftniatic Bed Frames (Full, TWin), Horse Drawn Plow, 'simplicity Broodmoor 14 Hydro Lownmower, Wheelbarrow, Handcart, Yard Tools Old Lumber, Handmade Rabbit Gum, Galvanized Wasii Tubs, Wooden Boxes Ping Pong Tiible, Zinc Lids, Miscellaneous Picturc Frames, Throw Pillows’ Full Sizp Comforter Sot, Books ' FOR CURRENT LISTING AND PICTURES PLEASE VISIT OllII WEBSITE AT WWW.FIRSTCIIOICEAUCTION.COM OR www.AucTioN2ip.coM (ID m m ANNOUNCEMENTS MADE grAUC-^^^^^^^ FIRST CHOICE AUCTION & REALTY FIRI« LICENSE #7229 P. O. BOX 335, LEWISVILLE, NC 27023 • (336) 94S-4118 WWW.F1RSTCHOICEAUCTION.COM NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY 929.0000196 09-SP-36 Freddie Mao 832361062 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S FORECLOSURE SALE OF BEAL PROPERTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power and authority contained In that certain Deed ot Trust ex­ ecuted and delivered by Brian C. ' Bowles, divorced, dated March 26, 2002 and recorded in tho Olllce ol the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, recorded on April 1, 2002, In Book 414 at Page 984; and because of default In the payment ol the Indebtedness secured thereby and failure to carry out and perform the stlpuia- lions and agreements contained therein and, pursuant to demand ol the owner and holder ol the Indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will place lor sale, at public auction, to Ihe high­ est bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at Davie County Courthouse, in Mooksvllle, North Carolina at 1:30 PM on Thursday, April 30,2009, that parcel of land, including improvements thereon, situated, lying and being in tho City of Advance, County ol Davie, Stale of North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an Iron Iho northwest corner ot a 1.884 acre tract belonging to John Frank Bowies In Ihe line ol A. E. Lee as described In deed recorded In Deed Book 62, Page 356, Davio County Registry, being the south­ west corner of the within tract, said point of beginning being situated North 11 ° 20’ 14" West 258.59 feet to a point an iron wilhin the right- of-way of SR 1448; thence with the said Lee line North l l ” 20’14” West 206.21 feet to a point and iron; and South 86° 05’ 08" West 66.16 feet to a point, an Iron at a stone, and North 21° 51' 58" West 248.23 to a point an Iron, tho soulhwost corner ol an 1.884 acre tract belonging to Donald C. Bowles et ux; thence with said tract Soulh 83° 20' 25" East 292.90 leet to a point, an iron at the western terminus of Brentwood Drive as appears from a plat of Creekwood Estates, Section 2, recorded In Plat Book 5, Page 7, Davie County Registry; thence wllh the said line Soulh 03'’ 26' 00’’ Wost 192.06 feet to a point, a conrete monument; and South 38“ 59’ 55’’ East 213.62 feet to a point, a new Iron in said Creekwood Estates line, the north­ east corner ol said tract belonging toJohnFrank Bowles et ux; thence wllh said Bowles tract Soulh 80° 23' 53" West 217.9 feet TO THE BEGINNING, containing 1.884 acres, more or loss, as taken from a plat and survey enlitlled '"Man/In Bowles Estate" by Sam P. Hall, Registered Surveyor, dated Octo­ ber 20,1988, to which said sun/ey reference Is hereby made for a more particular description ol said tract.. Address ol property: 263 Brentwood Drive, Advance, NC 27006 ' Present Record Owners; Brian C. Bowles a/k/a Brian Curtis Bowles The terms ol tho sale are that the real property hereinbefore de­ scribed will be sold lor cash to the highest bidder. The Substitute Trustee reserves the right lo re­ quire a cash deposit or a certllled check nol to exceed the greater ol live percent (5%) ol the amount ol the bid or Seven Hundred Fllty Dollars ($750.00). In the event that the Owner and Holder or Its in­ tended assignee is exempt from paying the same, the successful bidder shall be roquired to pay rev­ enue stamps on the Trustee's Deed, any LandTransferTax, and the tax required by N.C.G.S. §7A- 308(a)(1). The real properly hereinabove described is being oflered lor sale “AS IS, WHERE IS" and will bo sold subject to all superior 'liens, unpaid taxes, and special assess­ ments. Other condlllons will be an­ nounced at the sale. The sale will be held open for ten (10) days lor upset bids as by law required. If the Trustee is unable lo con­ vey title to this property lor any rea- , son, the sole remedy of the pur­ chaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons ol such Inability to con­ vey Include, but are not limited to, tha llllng of a bankruptcy petition prior to the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge oftheTrustee(s). If the validity of the sale Is challenged by any parly, the Trustee(s), In their sole discre­ tion, II Ihey believe the challenge to have merit, may declare Ihe sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no lurther remedy. Additional Notlco Whefo tha R*al Properly li HetldentlBl Wltti Lets Than 16 Rental Unite: An order for possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the pur­ chaser and against the party or parties In possession by the cletk of superior court ol the counly In which the property Is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or re­ newed on or alter October 1,2007, may, after receiving the notice of salo, terminate Ihe rental agree­ ment upon 10 days' written notice to the landlord. Upon termination ol a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable lor rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the elfective date of the termination. Dated: April 10,2009 , Kellam & Pettit, P.A. Substitute Trusteee (704) 442-9500 Posted: Witness: Assistant/Deputy Clerk of Superior Court 4-16-2tn NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE In the matter of Foreclosure ol a Deed ol Trust executed by Rebecca A. Keeton and Glen L. Keeton dated August 8, 2008 recorded in Book 674, Pago 485 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Pursuant lo Order ol tho Clerk ol Superior Court ol Davie County, North Carolina, dated the 25th day ol March, 2009 authorizing loreclosure, and under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust Indicated and recorded In Book 674, Page 485, Davie County Registry; and under and by virtue ol the authority vested In the undersigned by an Instrument and default having boen made and Ihe said property being subject to foreclosure and the holder ol the Indebtedness thereby secured having demanded a loreclosure thereol, the undersigned will oiler for salo at public auction lo the highest bidder for cash at.the usual and customary place for such sales at the Davie County Courthouse in Mooksvllle, North Carolina, at 11:00 A.M., on the 21st day ol April, 2009 the proporty convoyed in said Deed ol Trust, Iho same consisting ol property lying and beli\g In Davie County, and more particularly described al follows; BEGINNINGATANIRON PIN IN MRS. WILLIE DANIEL'S LINE, SOUTHWEST CORNER OF C.A. TUTTEROW, DEED BOOK 96, PAGE 89, AND RUNNING THENCE WITH THE LINE OF MRS. WILLIE DANIEL SOUTH 47 DEG. 57 MIN. 15 SEC. WEST 120.62 FEET TO AN IRON PIN, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF TIMOTHY GORDAN DILLARD, THENCE WITH TIMOTHY GORDON DILLARD NORTH 36 DEG. 20 MIN. 24 SEC. WEST 229.86 FEET TO AN IRON PIN THE SOUTHERN RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF A 30 FOOT EASEMENT, NORTHEAST CORNER OF TIMOTHY WAYNE DILLARD, THENCE WITH THE SOUTHERN RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF SAID EASEMENT NORTH 51 DEG. 51 MIN. 58 SEC. EAST 120.08 FEET TO AN IRON PIN IN THE UNE OF C.A. TUTTEROW: THENCE WITH SAID TUTTEROW LINE SOUTH 36 DEQ. 20 MIN. 24 SEC. EAST 221.63 FEET TO THE POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 0.622 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, AND BEING A PORTION OF THOSE LANDS DESCRIBED BY DEED RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 83, PAGE 451. Property Address: 130 Coventry Lane, Mocksville, NC 27028 An order for possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to NCGS 45-21.29 In lavor of the purchaser and against the party or parties In possession by the Clerk ol Superior Court of the County In which Ihe property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or alter October 1, 2007, may, alter receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice to the landlord. That upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. Said property to be olfered pursuant to this Notice of Sale Is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS." There are no representations to warranty relating to the title or any physical, environment, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This property will be sold subject to outstanding ad valorem taxes and/or assessments for the current year and subsequent years, prior Deeds of Trust, If any, and prior Hens, If any, and encumbrances of record, Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, and the court costs ol Forty-Five Cents(454) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursuant to NCGS 7A-308(a)(1). Pursuant to NCGS 45-21.10, the highest bidder at sale will be required to make a cash deposit ol live (5) percent ol the bid up to and including SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($750.00), or a greater amount 11 Ihe Instrument so provides. Following the expiration of the upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are Immediately due and owing. Larry W. Pearman, Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 8178 Greensboro,'NC 27419 Phone: (336)294-9401 4-9-21П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY 09 SP 24 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue ol a Power of Sale contained In that certain Deed of Trust executed by RICH­ ARD D PRUITT AND GLORIA fl PRUITT, JOINT TENANTS to MCGILL LAW OFFICE, Trustoo(s), which was dated Sop- lombor 19,2005 and reoordod on September 20,2005 in Book 626 at Page 693, Davie County Reg­ istry, North Carolina. Delault having boen made in the payment ol the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned. Brock & Scott, PLLC, having been substi­ tuted as Ti^ustee in said Deed ot Trust by an Instrument duly re­ corded In Ihe Office of the Regis­ ter ol Deeds ol Davie County, North Carolina, and the holder of the note evidencing said indebt­ edness having directed that the Deed ol Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door ol the county courthouse where the property Is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for con­ ducting tho sale on April 20,2009 at 12:30 PM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow Ing described property situated in Davie County, North Carolina, to wit; BEGINNING at a point In the center of Junction Road (SR 1116), a corner of Ozener Clark; thence with the Clark line South 87" 20' 46" West 32.33 feet to an iron pipe; continuing thence South 87» 20' 46" West 2485.14 leet to an iron pipe, continuing thence 25.00 feet to a point; thence North 09« 36’ 11" West 63.64 feet to the center ol a branch in Ihe line of " Wachovia Bank and Trust Com­ pany (as seen In Plat Book 3, Pago 25); thence wllh the branch and Iho Wqchovla line North 86“ 53' 13" East 36.47 leet; North 61» 49' 32" Eqst 232.49 feet; North 50» 31' 39" East 85.04 leet to the corner of the John Milton Pruitt lands;’thence with the Pruitt line North 87» 27' 32" East 1836.79 feet; continuing thence with the Pruilt line South 24» 11'34" East 27.05 feet; thence North 87» 10' 00" East 115.40 feet; thence South 24» 12' 23" East 174.92 feet; thence North 87» 11' 46" East 142.78 feet to a stake and con­ tinuing North 87» IV 46" East 32,22 feel to the center of Junc­ tion Road (SR 1116); thence with the center of Junction Road South 24» 11' 38" East 25.09 leet to the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGIN­ NING, containing 10.77 acres, more or less, as surveyed by Tutterow Surveying, November 3, 1999. Subject to all coveriants, re­ strictions, easements ol record, zoning ordinances, and all other easements applicable to said property. If any, including rights or easements lor utilities except to the extent that the same are re­ leased, terminated, or merged. Saye and except any releases, deeds of release or prior convey­ ances of record. Said property Is commonly known as 1244 Junction Road, Mocksville; NC 27028. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, and the court costs ol Forty-Five Cents (45(i) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursuant to NCGS 7A- 308(a)(1). A cash deposit (no per­ sonal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be re­ quired at the time of the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are Immedi­ ately due and owing. Said property to be olfered pursuant to this Notice of Sale Is being offered lor sale, transler and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations ol warranty relating to the title or any physical, envlroimental, health'or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property be­ ing ottered for sale. This sale Is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transler taxes, special assess­ ments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or exceptions ol record. To the best of Ihe knowl­ edge and belief ol the under­ signed, the current owner(s) ol Ihe property Is/are Richard D. Pruitt and wife, Gloria R. PruiU. An Order for possession ol the property may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the purchaser and against Ihe party or parlies In possession by the clerk of superior court ol the county In which the property Is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered Into or re­ newed on or alter October 1, 2007, may, alter receiving the no­ tice ol sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to Ihe landlord. The nollce shall also state that upon termi­ nation ot a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable lor rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the elfectlve date of the termina­ tion. II the trustee is unable to con- , vey title to this property lor any reason, the sole remedy ol tho purchaser Is the return ol the de­ posit. Reasons ol such Inability to convey Include, but are not lim­ ited to, Ihe tiling of a bankruptcy petition prior to the conlirmatlon ol the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. II the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee. In their sole discretion, 11 they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no lurther remedy. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COM­ MUNICATION IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, EXCEPT IN THE INSTANCE OF BANK­ RUPTCY PROTECTION. IPi-OU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED' AS A RESULT OF A BANK­ RUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PUR­ SUANT TO STATUTORY RE­ QUIREMENT AND FOR INFOR­ MATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN AT­ TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALLOR ANY PORTION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY, Substitute Trustee' Brook & Scott, PLLC Jeremy B. Wilkins, NCSB No. 32346 5431 Oleander Drivo Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910)392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 09-02227 4-9-21 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JLiSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 09 SP 33 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSUREOFADEEDOF TRUST EXECUTED BY PHILIP ANTHONY BEAUCHAMP AND PHILLIP ANDERSON BEAUCHAMP DATED JULY 26, 2000 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 342 AT PAGE 722 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SA1.E Pursuant to a Court order and under and by virtue ol the power and authority contained In the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default In the pay­ ment of the secured Indebtedness and failure to perform the stipula­ tion and agreements therein con­ tained and, pursuant to demand ol Ihe owner and holder of the se­ cured debt, the undersigned sub­ stitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bid­ der for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 10:00 AM on April 24, 2009 the following described real estate and any other Improve­ ments which may be situated thereon. In Davie County, North Carolina, and being more particu­ larly described as follows: Beginning at a point an Iron stake In John Sparks line, the Northwest corner of Tract #3 of the Seats land, being the Southwest comer ol the within described tract, runs thence, crossing Spillman Road, with line of said Tract #3 South 86 degrees East 10.40 chs. to a stake In C.C. Myers line, cor­ ner pf said Tract #3; thence North 5 degrees East 3.66 chs. with said C.C. Myers line to a stone In line of Tra'ct #5, C.C. Myers corner, thence North 86 degrees West 1Q.75 chs. with line of said Tract #5 to a Stake on East side of said Spillman road, corner or said Tract; Í' thence with said road South 3.66 chs. to tho beginning containing three & nine tenths (3.9) acres, more or less, and being Tract #4, as shown on a plat and survey designated 'The Seals Land" by 5.L. Talbert, County Surveyor, dated October 16,1953. LESS AND EXCEPT those tracts ol land conveyed in Book 116 al Page 677, Book 126 at Page 459, Book 154 at Page 364, and Book 162 at Page 432. And Being more commonly known as: 358 Spillman Rd, Mocksvllie, NC 27028 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on Ihe records of the Register of Deeds, Is/are Philip Anthony Beauchamp and Phillip Anderson Beauchamp. The property to bo ollered pur­ suant to this nollce of sale Is be­ ing ollered for sale, transler and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder ol the nolo secured by the deed ol trust, being foreclosed, nor the ol- llcers, directors, attorneys, em­ ployees, agents or authorized rep­ resentative ol eltherTruslee or the holder ol the note make any rep­ resentation or warranty relating to tho title or any physical, environ­ mental, health or salely condlllons existing In, on, at or relating to the property being ollered for sale. Any and all responslbliilles or li­ abilities arising out ol or in any way relating to any such condition ex­ pressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior Hens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transler tax associated with the loreclosure. A deposit ol live percent {5%) ol the amount ol the bid or seven hun­ dred lllty dollars ($750.00), which­ ever Is grealei; Is required and must bo tendered In Ihe form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will bo held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration ol the statutory upset period, all re­ maining amounts are IMMEDI­ ATELY DUE AND OWING). Failure to remit lunds In a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Do- lauit and any deposit will be fro­ zen pending the outcome ol any re-sale. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS; II you are a tenant residing in the prop­ erty, be advised that an Order lor Possession ol the property may be Issued in lavor of tho purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may ter­ minate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice to the land­ lord. You may tje liable lor rent due undor the agrebmont prorated to the elfectlve date ol the termi­ nation. The date ol this Notice Is April 3,2009. 06-78153 Grady Ingle Subsiltute Trustee 8520 Cllll Cameron Drive, Sulle ■ ' 300. ChaHotte, NC 28269 (704)333-8107 htlpy/shaplroaltomeys, com/nc/ 4-16-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY 07SP15 AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue ol a Power ol Sale contained In that certain Deed ol Trust executed by Justine Sweat, a single person to Warren E. Kasper, Trustee(s), which was dated April 25,2003 and recorded on April 29, 2003 in Book 480 at Page 376, Davie County Registry, North Carolina. Delault having been made In the payment ol the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Lisa S. Campbell, having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In. the Olflce ol the Register ol Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, and the holder of the note evidenc­ ing said Indebtedness having di­ rected that the Deed ol Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Sub­ stitute Trustee will olfer lor'sale at the courttnouse door ol the county courthouse where the property Is located, or Ihe usual and custom­ ary location at the counly court­ house for conducting the sale on April 27,2009 at 12:30PM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated In Davie County, North Carolina, to wit: BEING ail ol Lot 33, as shown on the map or plat of Map of Myers Park at Ridgemont, Section Two, which is duly recorded In Plat Bogk 6, Page 103, Register of Deeds for Davie County, North Carolina, to which plan reference Is here made for a more complete and accurate description thereof. Together with improvements located thereon. Save and except any releases, deeds ol release or prior convey­ ances olrecord. Said properly is commonly known as 272 Windward Circle, Mocksville, NC 27028. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, and the court costs ol Forty-Flv'e Cents (45«) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursuant to NCGS 7A-308(a)(1). A cash deposit (no personal checks) ol five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fllty Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the timoofthesaie. Following the ex­ piration pi the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. Said property to be ollered pur­ suant to this Notice ol Sale Is be­ ing ollered lor sale, transler and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS." There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing In, oil, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale Is made subject to all prior Hens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transler taxes, special assessments, ease­ ments, rights ol way, deeds ol re­ lease, and any other encum­ brances or exceptions ol record. To the best ol the knowledge and bellel of tlie undersigned, the cur­ rent owner(s) ol Iho property Is/are Justine Sweat. An Order for possession ot the property'may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 In lavor of tho pur­ chaser and against the party or partied In possession by the clerk ol superior court of the county In which the property is sold.. Any person who occupies tha property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or al­ ter October 1,2007, may, alter re* celvlng the notice ol sale, termi­ nate the rental agreement upon 10 days’ written holloa to tha landlord. The notice shall also state that upon termination of a rental agree­ ment, the tenant Is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the elfectlve date ol the termination. II the trustee Is unablo to con-, vey title lo this property lor any rea­ son, the sole remedy ol the pur­ chaser Is the return of the deposit. Reasons ol such inability to con­ vey include, but are not limited to, ttie llllt)g ol a bankruptcy petition prior to Ihe conllmnat|on ol the sale and reinstatement of the loan with­ out the knowledge of the trustee. If ths validity of the sale is chal­ lenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion. If they be­ lieve the challenge to have merit, may i;equest tho court to declare ths sale to be void and return the deposit. Tho purchaser will have no lurther remedy. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COM­ MUNICATION IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, EXCEPT IN THE INSTANCE OF BANK­ RUPTCY PROTECTION. IPi'OU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT, OF A BANK­ RUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PUR­ SUANT TO STATUTOiRY RE­ QUIREMENT AND FOR INFOR­ MATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN AT- TEMPTTOCOLLECTADEBTOR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, AS­ SESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY. Lisa S. Campbell Substitute Trustee PO Box 4006 Wilmington, NC 28406 PHONE: 910-392-4971 FAX: 910-392-8051 File No.: 07-00739 4-16-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor ol the Estate ol WALLACE BRYANT SPARKS, late ol Davie County, this is to notify ail persons, llrms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the underslgned on or before June 26, 2009, (being three (3) months Irom the first day of publication Ql this notice) or this notice will bQ pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons, llrms and corporallons indebted to said estate will please make Immedl- ate'payment to tha undersigned. This the 26th day of March, 2009. . REBECCA KAYE COOK 126 Sparks Ct. Winston-Salem, NC 27103 ,3-26-4ln Interior Painting Celling, plaster and dryw ail repairs, Thom Rutter 336-2844211 *1 i V U6 I ' B12 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Apr. 16,2009 DAVIE-CLEMMONS Call Monday-Friday 8 AM-5 PM TOLL FREE 1-I777S1-21Z0 FAX! 704-630-0157 EMAIL; CLASSADS® SAUSBURYPOST.COM ШСН OVER 29,000 ЯШШ BVBRY WEEK! P ttfe M -'A b S ’l ’: ■■xi P I C T U R E A D S - I - y A r iS '» ¿ A L e Include a photo with your auto, house o r l.U n N m lte d Words' - pet ad and^iun it for /w e e ks for only $ 1 0 ! $ 5 . 0 0 8 W e e k ^ f liV lf M N i M i l •M M l/lN ltl •m k • П М е и 1 0 д м 1 « С 8 ir/M M •h im l « E É o U M l M t i i i < 1 • М м М ч ! ГгМ м • i c i l I M t i l •IMMTMtiFood ' t m k i •tllNI «Mitili 11ЯЯ1Я1 я1|И 0|Я 111 Accounting & Finance i R ty k ln t 8 t« tl sooks an Accounts RocolvobtoCktrk lo. Join our Accounting D opi tntoroitod candidalo •bouJd sutjmlt ttiolf fo- sum osio rayklnsaloolO omall.com foe Invnodalto employmont. • Education & J T r a l n l n j L TM Ch«™ Full Tlnw. 81. John’a ' ChikJ Dovotopmoni Centornow hlt№g. Must havo oarly child caro crodítinis. no oxcoptkyie. Рйаво apply In porson ol 300 Wo6t Innos Street. Salisbury, NC. General AIRLINES ARE HiniN O - Train for high paying Aviation Malnlenanco Caioor. FAA ap* proved program. Financial akJ II quanfiod.Koufling available. Call Aviatton Instituto ot Main- tenaiKO (808) 34g-5387. Doilgner«. Cok)bratlng Homo formerly HQP/Homo Inlertor» n o w hiring. Car, phono & computar required. Call Cathy al330-7<M -M 29 штошбшипбг Redefln« yourtelfl Call your Army Hocrullorl SFC DyronWllliard 33M 16-3098 by ron,wtlllardOu9.army.mil Yard Sale Area 2 S allibury E iM Io / Yard Salo, dureront itome. largo and » m a l 1020 Timlxir- lane CIfclo Summerllokt Subdlvlelon. Friday 4-OPM and Saturday 7AM.12PM Yard Sale Area 6 Advance Vafd Sale, FtUay, 7am-5pm. 1762 Hwy. 001 S. 4-drawer chest, gun rack, on< tlquo riro extinguisher, bross blade ran, coat rack, llghi llx- tutos, loot«, houBot^olo Uomfl and much morol Advanc« Yard Sal«, Frklay. April 17* & Saturday, April Iff" fr.OOam - unUl, O lf 168 oh Baltimore Road, Z'* ftouso on right, hfousohokl Items, adults and kids dothlng, fumlturo. olo. lilir lf f ilC K W in iM Multiply your customers with ono culli Your Dovie Counly Entoipriso fiocord la OiUtnorlno with It» slater publicaltont, the Gotisbury Poal, KonnopoJis Oli;on and tho Poll EXtnA. to bong you Market Cloisiliwlil With one phooe coll to our ntw toil fr«» number; t-877-751-2120you 19M \оШ covw igM Ы t сот^М« mathM rig^l nul tor Buy 1,3.3 Of 4 pubkcetioni. on* con and orte Ы1 • li'l your choice, 0Л0 cel (ic«i It ol. D<adlln«tor>di)iTuM(l>yil3PM. C«ll1*877*7ei.2120or Fax to 704 630 0167 Yard Sale Area 6 Advarrce Yard Sale, Satur* day, April 10. 7;00am-until. 127 Ac» U n o , Advanco (oil Rodland Rd). Children's clothes, adult dothoa. chil­ dren's toys ond much morol Rain Of shlnol Advance Yd Sale, Sat. 4-ie, 7am-2pm. MOIdlowlW Rd. oil Rodland Rd onto Gordon Or. Left Into Idlewood Dov. M ockivllla 2 Fam ily Yard Sale, Thursday. Friday & Saturday. 8am -■ until. 385« 410 Buck Soalord Rood. W asliing machlno. sowing machine, aluminum running boards, clothos, shooa. stal woll, vocuumctoanora, paint. Mocksvlile Huge Carporl Sale, (SovoraT families) Fnday « Saturday, April i r & Iff". 7am - until. 179 Foslall Drive (Hwy 601 N, 0.7 milos from Inlerstato 40, 9 miles (rom Yadklnvlllo). Somothlng for ovoryonel Mockavllle, YordSok),Frkiay and Saturday. 301 IJamoa Church Road. Ck)thlng, In* fanl. chiklron and adult; toys; baby Uoms: and furniture. Davie & Clemmons Yard Sales Advance. 3 Family Yard Salo Sal. April IO** 7-lpm 120 Emily Drive oli ol Hwry ISO. U tie Tykoa dosk. kid and adult ctotning and houso* hoklllomn. Oraad of Life Dapllsl Church Dulldlng Fundraiser. Hwy 601 N. to 001 on right. Apr.17 A 18. Oam*until. Dake Sak) Sal. Dikus, toys, books, clothos. Mooksvllte Donollt Yard Sak) lor Autism 0 Familtoa ol Sagebrush Stenkhou&o Patking lot on Yodklnvillo Rd. Apr« 26'" 7am- Noon. Proceeds will go to­ wards ihorapy and schooling. Eloclrontes. sports oquip­ mont, cloUwfi, toys, tiouse- hokl goods and moro.Raffio Tickets Availabki Mocksvlile Reservo Your Tablo lo Sell YourTroasurosl, CO M M UNITY YARD SALE Whoro; Mocksvillo National QuordAnnory ' Date; Awil 25.2009 Coll Ih 'a A a n c o lo rosorvi^) your labto for Iho Davto High Sentor Gift Fundraiser $15.00 per table (procoods go toward eontor gilt lo Davio HS) RSVP by April 20, 2000 by calling 33(1-701-5005 - Mocksvllla, Saturday, April 1 8 ,8 a m - 1 pm. 142 Shuk>r Road behind DP station oil Hwy. 64. Cutting prices In halli Gotto movo iti Trampo­ lino, toys, mon and women's clolhlng, cookwaro, Rain or shlnol ^ Mockavllle. 335 Duard Roav­ is Rd. (601 Nonh, Ioli on Ut>- orty Churdi Rd., loft on Bear Creok Rdr, right on Duord Ro- vls) 4-Family Yard Sak) & ^ а у | в Т с Г в т т о п в Yard Sales Mockavllle. 4Fom llyY«rdSalo F rl.8-4p m & S al. 0-1pm 1113 W agner Rd. Furniture, toys, household, clothes, booka Tako 001 N to Liberty Church, loft on W agn- or, Sole Indoors lo shop. M ocksvlile. 442 Foster Dairy Rd. Yard Sale, Rain or Shine. Saturday April 18*. 7am-2pm. Golf carl, lawn nxiwor, tots ol kids' stulf A comping stuff. Mocksvllto. Big Yard Sole, Thursday 2- 0pm . Ftktoy 2-epm , Saturday 7-11am. 601 South, loll on Bocklown Rd. to 404 Beck* town Rd. Foltow signs. 4-whoolor, tools, lurkoy fry- ora. lots o( NBA stuK, (oya, clothes, dkjcost cars, bicy­cles, DVD's, cassotio tapes, cd's. Star W ars (iguros, tots moro. Everything must gol Mocksvlile. Farmington Heights Commu­ nity Yard Salo Saturday 7am -u n til Mocksvlile. Multi-Family Yord Sate Sat. April 16 e-noon Nomo brand chlkJron and leonago ctolhing (Gym txroo. Aborcromblo, etc.) and othor dllforent Items. Mocksvlile. Relay For Lifo Yard Sato Sat. April 1 8,2000 7-2pm Thom as Comoll Usod Cars Hwy 601 S. There will bo food avaHablo. AR procoods go to Davio Counly Relay lor Life, Mocksvlile. Two- Day Yord Salo Friday. AprU 17 12-6pm Saturday. April 10 8-12pm 397 W iillnoy Road Household Items, books, clothing, toys, purses, sl.oos, mlscollanQOus Itottui and much mofol ' Mocksvlile. Yard ond Bake Sato to bonolil omptoyoa wtth cancor. S a l. April 10**. 7am-uniil. Rain date April 29". Vent U b Corp. 165 Boyce Dr. Mookavllle. Yard Solo Saturday, 0-2pm 121 Spoor Road Avon towotry. scrubs, dishes ond lots morol W est Forsyth High School Bond's Yard Salo and Bake Salol This mulli-famlly yard ; » » » « « baby Horns, roltor blades and olher recreational equipment, books, camping gear, small oppllancos, jewelry, olllcn oquipmont, w m m y homo- mado bakod goods, and morol At W esl Forsyth High School Ihls Saturday, April 10 Irom 7;30-12;30pm In Iho Simpson Gymnasium. Come early for Iho bost aotoctiont Clothes Adult & Children • IM K m / M Im IÌMm • « т / с п п м к М й • а м й ч ц ы р я м ! / • М1Пим1|'1и1|1м •СМкм-МиН/СММгн • СтЧии« •UmItnIci • b m lM E v IiH M ír t • F m iE 4 ilf./S a |i|)llM ■ • n e w i/ F M i • • ГрвИ/ГпЛм • F n V N M '• Г т Н т / И п И и с м • « M N « r i)« • H M t l íl | in t M 4 •UnlBitlMlilMt I m l M • ШмМиму/ГиЬ •IMIcilb|«lrM(ri • IIHw:iqui|i./tivH)M • MhnllianiiiForSalt • MwloSilMjSmlu •tpwling Snodi • Tlckalt • TV/DVD/Vli|go • WanttoliK/Mmli. Antiques & Collectibles Colloctiblos. Indian Stono Aftilacts. Fossile, Homers, Powor Tods, Toya. Viewing In Salisbury: 3 10-400 0600 Building Equipment & ^ ^ u g g j l e e ^ S IM I B u M n s Pkg. Door & Anchor Bolt Incl Rog $0.200. Now $4,846 * Codu Adj. Olhor Sizes Avail. Big & Small Sam e Disc. wvw.6cg-nrp.com Sourco« 0FI33O .7i(3-y83„ Clothes Adult & Children Clothing. Women ohoos (sUo 8-8.5); clQthott(alZQ ta-24w ). $ 2 o a d i.7 0 4 030 0e79 M aternity Clolhlng Okl Navy uhorts & capris, $10. Joons & dross pants, $15. Ok) Navy dresses. $15. Shirts. S5. A|l size large. 704’-2Q1-0759 Noed 0 tuxedo for prom? Sadie's Kreatlons LocQlod noar Caudol) Lumbor Co. Call33O-917-O0O4 10% Oft Tuxedo Rentals with this ad Mon.. Tuo., Tnur. Oam-3pm Wed. 0-5pm Clothes Adult & Children Prom Dress. Now with Tog. Champagne. Süo 14 can bo ottorod. $00.00 704-2780553 Exercise ^ E g u i g m e n ^ E xerclM Bike, with arm workout & fan. LIko now. $50. Tolal Gym GoW. now, w/dip bars, exorcise vfdoo. $125. All for $200 obo, 704-033- ООООаНогбрт. Fuel & Wood Sofa Bed, $75. Brown Ro- cllnor, $75, MIcrowavo. $25. Call Leroy at 704-431-4398 for moro Informalion, Furniture & j A £ g l l a n c e a ^ Antlqu« O ro iM r w/DMoU mirrors from the 1020’s, Noods rolinlahlnn. $50.00 704-278-0553 Bedroom . W ood bod framo w / railings, whito; $50. 4 brass doll beds. $00. 704 039-9070 Dresser. SoUd wood Vaugh- an-Bassett 0-drawor vanity triplo dresser. Now $700. Must soHI $350 OSO. Call 704-633-0000 aflore pm. entortolnm oni Center. Ook wood. $350. Two ond la­ bios, call for prices. Coll 704' 200-0533 Offloo Desk, Largo Oak L* Shapo. Plonly ol built-in stor< aoo, $150, Call Leroy at 704- 431-4300 (or moro Info. Television. 20‘, cotor. flal screen. 1 year oki. $300, Ploaso cnll 704-245-3976 for more intormatlon. Hunting & Fishing Tent. Now Dome Tont 130* x 110*x70*. $40, Please call 704-637-0330 (oi moro infomiollon. Lawn & Garden Sales & Service Sxetrallor/iallgato/toolbox, simplicity coinot hydro roar ongino mowor. $400 ( 704-232-2000 each. Lawn mowor, push mowor. 4 tip. Runs good, Aekino $50 Ploaso coU 704-245-3976 for moro Information. -Mise For Sale Am erock traditional drawer puHs,__33 pvallablo.^ B o ^ h l MIsc For Sale Dog Lot,10'x10'x0’;$150. Singlo bod, while; $40. Plastic dog house; $40. 704-798-1920 H ayforaale.t>i quality (escuo hay. Square bolls and rdls, <;all336-751-4132 Huffy IS speed Bicycle RoalV good shapo $50 704-207-2140 Lenox 3.6 Cenlrai Air Sys­ tem wUh condenser, cools groat, $500. Ploaso call 704- 279-5329 for more Info. Riding Lawn M ower Craltsman 40* wklo dock, 3 blade. Runs and cuts good. $350,704-030-0715 Shoelrock, 1 /2 x 1 2 'X 4' 0 shoote, now, 00 704 033-1989 $40.00 Steel Arch Buildings • 2000 Ovorstocka On Saloli Hugo Savings Nowl Slzoa In­ clude 20x30.30x40, others Mado In USA. Call For AvaU- abilityll 1-806-352-07ie Steel Arch Buildings SAVE THO USANDS - 3 cancelled orders, 26'x3ff. 35‘x60‘ Imme­ diate shipment or pick up avoHabtol Inventory swoni lasll CALL TO DAY 800-352-0716 Totebaos &eols. $5 each. Lorgo fish tank w / stand, $1(Ю. 8,5 (I pool table w /oc* cosoortos. $300.030-9079 TV. 27’ RCA black, color TV. Asklng.$40. Ptoaso call 70 4 7 8 ÍM 5 0 5 W edding dross Slzo 24W .0 yoar« old. noods loundering, $250. 704-вэ0'0070 W edding Ring S o t Ladlos Yellow gold. SizoO. Beautiful. $200 704-603-4310 Music Sales & Service Plano, Kohler A Cam pbell, Chorry finish. Witli humkllslat, Conseco etyto. BoaulltuI con­ dition. $400. 704-645-0507 Sporting Goods Motocross Chest Protoo- tor/Y ouU tslze $20 704-27Q 0553 M otocross P an ts/A T V Great Condition slzo 28* ond alzo 32*. $20 704-2700553 • Teni EddtoBuuorO porson tom. , Used 1 timo. 4 sleeping baga 704-267-2146$150.00 Want to Buy Merchändise .Tim ber wanted • Pino or hardwood. 6 acres or more soloct or clear cut. Shavor Wood Products, Inc. Call 704-'278-9291. Want to Buy iVlerchandise Tim ber W anted. 1 aero or moro, pine or hardwood,, door or BOtocl. H & Log­ ging. 33O-46O-O570 W ANTED lo buy W W 2 lloms. Unlfomis, hats, hoi- mote, patches, books, bools, medals, knlvos, photo al­ bums, scrap books, sou­ venirs. estates, collocttons, oppralsals. CASHI 330-070- 8010. Email: ww2monoy- manOaol.com •U m to c k • MHrWs • PitailimtMk im lc M Birds Lovebird for salo. Good pot for odult or chiki. Cage includ­ ed. $125. Ploaso cnll 330- 940-3507 Cats KIttona Iroo lo good Iwmol Very cuto and lovabto. Long hair, shots. For mora Inlomia- lion, call 704-207-7074 $400 each. Pleaso caH 010- 2Ö0-O454 (or moro Info, www.eoalpolnl.org Dogs logs, Baaset rogistorod. Tricolor & rod whito. Sholo. wormed. $400. Ploaao call Donna or Arnonda 01704-279-1223 Freo dog. Lab mix. OV^ month oU Must lind iNomo. PkMifiO co i 704-239- 1627 for moro Informalton Free Dog, 8 m onth old Catahoula Leopard dogto good homo. Call 704704-850-6412 Free pupplos. Australian Shepherd m U lo good home Oweoka old, Wonned.704 855-2333 Dogs Free puppy. Lab-Rotrolvor m ix, 4 months old. shots & llxod. Froo to good homo. 704-403-7950________________ Free sm all Dog housobrokon, friendly with ctiiWfon. Cnll 704-270-0000 Livestock Chickens, first yoar layers, Rhodo Island Rods. $5 each. For moro InlormaUon, coll 330-090-3555. •iM lllM lO p fW tM fflM • l i m i M i c M iFratiUi • h n tlN llM • i N t a F « i « i < » rilc M • t f M l ll O C M l M I • T m ilO n M r t M lllii Business Opportunltlea 100% recession prooll Do you oarn up to $000/day (po­ tentini)? Your own local roulo. 25 maclitnes ond candy. All lor $9,095. 1-Ö00-753-3-150, MultlVend, LLC v v Free Stun Dog. 7 week okl (emato Baa* sot Hound mix. Black wilh some whito. First shots. Froo to loving homel 330-703-7730 Dogs. 6 dogs; 3 months to 2 yoars okl. Outside dogs. Pup­ ptos have hod first shots. Must soot 704-754-0454 Free dog. U b A Blue Tick hound mix, 4 mos o ti. (o- mato, to toving homo. Cofl 704-754-0416 , Free kittens. Friendly. 4sol- Idblock, 1 white Alblack, 4 solid white. Ptoaso coll 704- 655-2964 Içrm oro Inlo. KItton. Pomato playlul kilton. 4 months old; (Irai shots. Ut­ ter box trained, Froo. Toys in­ cluded. 704-213-0003 pupplea - U t) mix puppies. 0 fematos, 4 nwlos. Freo to a good homo. Pleaso call 7P 4-2790535, instruction Attend college online from homo. Medical, Business, Paralegal. Compulors. Crimi­ nal Justice. Job placomonl assistance. Computer avaii­ ablo. Rnanclal o ki If qudlifiod. Coll 866-B56-2121, WWW,- ConluroOnline.com DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Apr. 16,2009 - B13 Call Monday-Friday 8 AM-5 PM TOLL FREE 1-I77-751-21ZI FAX: 704-630-0157 EMAIL: CLASSADS@SALISBURYPOSr.COM REACH OVER 29,000 READERS EVERY WEEK! EBEE APS PICTURE ADS ŸARP SALE include a photo With your auto, house or i W ords Rim IT pet ad and^run it for 4 W k s for only $10 i $ 5 . 0 0 8 ' W e e k i _Jnstructjoti Com e Moot Your Droam Horse ond Qot a Tax Doduc- tlonl Froo Educational Semi­ nar, Call lor free DVD. (540) 254-1017 or visit www.amothyslacros.com D R IVER S^R A IN E ES NEED­ ED. National Carriers Hiring Nowt No oxporionco noododi No CDL? No problemi Train­ ing available with Roadmos- tor. Coll Now. 660-494-6459. DRiVERSH’RAINEES NEED­ ED. Notional Cantora Hlrinq Nowl No oxporionco rioododl No CDL? No probtomI Train­ ing avaiiablo wilh Roadmas- lor.Can Now. 006-494-8459. Lost&Found Found Border Collie female Sunday, April 12,1-40 al exit 174 In Mocksvllto. Can to idonlKy. 910-050-1170 Found cat, block A white. Intorsoclion oil Boovor Ave. In Kannapolia, Ptoaso coll 704-273-3000 to identify. Found dog. Young rod mole dog with black noso noar Ml Tobor UM C. Ptoaso coll 704- 433-317710 Montify. Found sm all black dog. In- tersoctton ol Patterson A Deal In Kannapolis. Ptoaso call 704-273-3060 lo Identify. Frae ierrtor m ix pupploa One moto and ono (ornalo. Vory cute. For moro Informa­ tion, catt 704-030-9674 Lost black ScoHIsh Terrier FHdny pm. Aprii 10 al 540 A 001 In Mocksvllto, 607Rod collar w/Ш A tei ». Win an­ swer lo Jack. Floward. Ploaso con 330-631-6505. Lost S Ib erlin HusR yTI year okl puppy. W hite with gray, block, tan. 178 Twin Codnra Golf Rd. W earing a rod collat and Q block colkir for ol^tric fenco. Ptooflo con 330-030- OOOOII you find horl Sho^ my son's dog A ho misses horl ^ _ N o t l c e 8 _ _ _ DA VIE PREG NA NCY CARE Center olfora contidonaal A freo pregnancy tests, support sorvlces and rolorrals. Make 0 healthy choice lor your llfol Coll 330-753 HO PE for appi. Donato Your Vehicle* Ro- colvo $1 ООО Grocery Coupon. Unitod Breast Cancor Foun- doiton. Froo Mammograms, Dronst Cancor Inlo; www.ubcl,info. Froo Towing, Tox Doductibto, Non-Runners Accepted. 1-606-466-5964. I, Apacha (Pat) Overby, will not bo rosponslbto lor any debts othor than my own otiocttvo Immodlatoly. Travel Opportunities B ia m o n .M O M a y ll-ir in - cludos 9 shows, 3 dinners, 2 lurKhoa, 5 CQ, 1 full broak- last. 0 /N O Opryiand Hit. J&J Tours 336-045-9391 • Сойи/Гптюям • НииММп tHMNlwSalt • tavMtoMlPrepnty • UkeProiMity •iMlIorM« •IMitorMi • NaaalMtiKiilHom D m Im i . •MMilutundHow M n |||« м 1 м 1 0 |1 И и и M i f o i M t • HMMfMlindHoiM ImlcflilDpiln • i i N t m i s i n i u t / ''U r n illNliMatilmlcM • RMlEititHiMMMCIal • RüMtlVWitiN ' г п щ л» • IKut«l:IÌMlEitatii, Apartments & Condos for Sale H ock«vllle,lovm houM (n M illing W m . Convonlonl locollon, EBFWBA, 2 yoara old, Unl\ 110, t»auW ul pool oomplox $108.000. M 336- 470-2051, ,33в в55-3447 Ol 338-751-бпад. ______ Homes I for Sale Berm uda Run Country C lub 3BR, 30A lownhou&o. Carport, pool prh/ltoges. $175,000. 336-998-7060 Hom os, Governm ent fund­ ing available for all homo buyers who own land or havo family land. $0 down, dosy linancing. Call 330-340- Land for Sale Acreage, 32^woodod Plus 2ctoored bulkfing silos, 2,4- 3.0 fcros airal ootling/road frontage. 330-492-2144 C O LORADO BANK FO RE­ CLO SURE 35 AC $29,900. Enjoy 300 daye ol sunshine. Rocky Mountain views, utHI- tloa. Excoltont finandng. 1st come, 1st cervol Call today 1- 860-090-5203X5055. CR YSTAL CO AST SACRI­ FICE on tlio NC Intro-Coastal W aterway. Nearly 2AC interi­ or $59,900, Now $29,000; neariy 3AC Wotervlow $69.900. Now $49,900; 2.5AC Wolerfront $149,900, Now $89,900. Our toss Is your gain. Beautifully com- ptoted largo ocroaoo subdivi­ sion. Granddaddy treos, meadows, milo ol Inira- coastal walonwaya • boat to Beaufort. Financing from 4.25 APR. No timo framo lo bulkJ, 666-249-7916. Manufactured Home Sales $ J iO O d o w i 13 payments lolt. Ploaso cail 704-403-3702 $3,000 down - only 13 pay- monls loll. Call quicki Wo ownor IlnntKo. Ploaso coll 330-209-5013 $8,000 tax crodli (or nuall(k)d applicants. Plooso coll loday to prequalify 330-299-0526 2 Year Job Tim e, 2 Yoar Rental Hlslory, You Con Own Todayl 704-030-0140 Governm ent funds avoilobto lor 1“ limo hcfnobuyois .who own land or hove family land. Zero Down, Easy Pinanclngt, 704-630-6400 Hom e and Land packagea esiow as $05,000. Call to apply for froo. 336-299-5012 Mocksvlile area. 3B R ,2B A $050/month, Ownor financing, 1-3/02Cnll 704-403-3 Move In Today! I OR, Ш А cottage with potch. $45(VMonth 704-630-9640 M ove In Todayl 2BR, 2B A w lthPortii. 55 or OkJor Community 704-03ав400 Take O ver M y Paym ontsI $402ЛИоот Ploaso can 704-630-6400 I Manufactured Lots for Sale TIM BER CO M PANY LIQUI­ DATION. 53 Acres $99,000. Own primo W V ocroogo al Iractton ol vaiuol Lovol rkJgotop, 40-mito vtows, tots ol Irolisl So m any doer A lurkoy, notlvos call them postal Good state road Irontago. Idool W esl Virginio localion. Own for toss than $2,000/ncrel Excollont ownor llnandng. Coll no\y, 1-877- 526-3764. Resort & Vacation Property Your vacation romol dossl- llod ad could bo reaching ovor 1.7 million homoa aaoes North Carolina! Place your classified for pub!k:a!lon on tho N C. Statowldo Classified Ad Network ond run in 114 N.C. rowspapors lor $330 for a 25-word ad. Additional words $10 each. Call this nowspapor'9 dassiliod do- partmonl (or moro inlormatlon or vlalt www.ncptose.CQm. TO ADVERTISE CALL1-877- 751-2120 Wanted: Real Estate LAN D OR DEVELOPM ENTS W ANTED. W o buy or market dovotopmoni tots. Prolor Mountain or Coastal Commu- nilioa. CaH Ua d1 800-155- 1961,Exl.1034. Real Estste - W o will buy your houso today. All cosh. Fast flotuorrwnl. Any condi­ tion, Homo Real Estate, (330)722-1122 W ANTED 20 HO M ES to od- vodiao onoigy saving win­ dows, akling, roola. Save up to 40% on otodric Ulla, plus $1500 credit. All crodil ao- coplod. Payments $59/mo, 1- eOG-GOe-GOet •A|M)tiNirii • CoMW T o M h w M i • HeamlMllMt • litiriiiHttTMirtil • iMlforllml •Ofllti* fnmifrlnl RMitil • PashtilMdtoiRml • Им11м1|1П|1Нот lob • IlMiitiictiiridHonei lot Kent • ReMrt a Vacation RantBli • Rooinnati Wanted • nooiMlorRoat •Stonge • MiitidloRonI "TÍSueea"' .for Rent . . . ibuth. Ranch homo In country,.3BR, 2BA * ollico. 2 car garage, fenced yard. No pota. $600/mo, * deposit A relorencos. CoU for oppolnt- mont. 330-204-4758 Advance, 125 LIttIo John Dr. Brtok ranch, 2 Lg. OR. 1.5 QA, dlsh- washer,. stovo, rofrg., dis­ posai. Lg OR A LR, Inun- dry roorn. Oil ficai. Con­ trai alr. 2 cor garage ot- lachod w/oponora. now llooring Ihroughout. Beau- lilui ckiun homo. No pota. $750/mo, 336-760 0525 Advanco. 3DR, 2Vt BA. garage. 2,000 ± s(. security systom. Exocùtivo homo R eni $1,400 or RonI to Own. 704-0300695 Advance. 420 Gun Club. 4BR, IBA, hoal pun^A C , new romodol, 1,450 SF. op­ pia, ao, no Inside pots, $675/m o -f dep 330-096-7003 Advanco. Frost Rd, olf Hwy 158. 3BR, m BA. Contral hoal A air. $720/mo. + $700 dep. Wlnalon Satom. 2BR, 1 BA $500/mo. 330-577-2404 Century 21 Triad 336-751-2222 350M cCulk>ughRd., M ockavllle. 3BR,1BA. $675/mo. 158 Falrliold Rd, Mocksvllto. 4BR/2BA doublowldo, oil oppia Ind. $605/mo 120W averlyD r., Ad­ vanco. 3BR .2BA . Fire­ place A garago. Gas heal A oTr. $995/mo. 161 Dublin Rd-Advance Pflmo locatton/Shamrock ocroa. 3BR .2UA All appll- anco Includod w / washer A dryer. $905/mo. 264 Ken Dw iggins- Mocksvillo 3QR ,2B A.A II nppl. Indudod. $750/mo, 8225 Shallow ford L n .- U w l8Villo2B R .2B A C ol- tagow/oillioal, $550/mo. 2eSK Ingsm ill D r.-O a k Valley 3BR. 21^ BA, Pri­ vacy foncé A owning ovor dock, $1495/mo. Call Century 21 Triad 336-761-2222 Mon-Fri 6am -6pm OR 336-751-5555 Ext. 213 nights and weekends. ERA Prem tor Realty Jackie Coulston 336-753-8777 or 336-751-2055 M O CKSVILLE-C harloslon Rkigo. 3BR, 2BA. Scroenod porch, toncod backyard, 2 car garage. Smoko Froo. 5950/mo.Froo. i M O CKSVILLE - Ranch on 1 aero. 3B R ,2B A . Rango, rofrlgeralor, dlshwashor, A mtorowavo. 2 cor oltachod garago. $87&m o. M O CKSVILLE - Chortoston Ridgo. Smoko froo, woll maintained 3BR, 2BAwlih vaulted ceilings, garden tub A aoparalo anowo. oversized 2-car garago A deck. $950/monlh. ADVANCE <-3BR. 2aAw ith lols of oxlraa - gas logs, porch, pallo, decks, hot lub. part t>ockyard loncod, 2 car garage, aoparalo $1,000/mo. E R A Prem ier Realty Jackie Coulston 336.753-6777 o r 336-751 - 2065 i ’i Houses tor Rent Farm ington mint farm , 2093 - 801 North. 3BR houso, foncod yard, pas- tiiro, bam . shop, garago. Nfce pnckogo lor $1200/mo. 330-000-3160 M ocksvlile area. 3BR/214 BA. Rent to Ow nI Garage, approx 2,000 sf, cent heat/alr. very Nico. $15,000 down, $39S/mo. 704-630-0695 M ocksvlile. 3BR, 2B A U rg e houso. Foncod yard, qutol neighborhood, cenlrai air. No pots. 330-492-2722 -r-.vr M ocksvlile. Imm oculate 3B R / 1.5BA brick ronch. Now софо1 ond point. Range, ' Qslior and sldo-t^-sldo irotor. Energy efiidonl dishwaslior and sldo-l rofrl.____ heat pump. $600/monlh $600 socurity dopoalt. No pels. Call Mary Hendricks at 330-940-7077. PENNINGTO N A CO. 336-006-9400 336-001M 747 W o havo rontais avaiiablo. Londtords and lenants r Coll us for Inlormotlon on propor- tloa or property manogo- monl. W o havo an oulomat- od phono ayslem for lnfo^ matton. Commorclal Proportloa/ Buslnoaaos for tooao or sato. Call Janice McDantol 330-909-0747 Pennington A Co. 336-096-0400 336-00W )747 Salisbury, near Tamarac. 2 story 2BA, 2BA. Appllancoa, lots ol living space and bonus rooms, $70(Vmo. * deposit, 704-032-0463 leave msg. С о Ы ^ гт м . 3BR/1 BA n e^ y remodeled house. $700 per month pkjs deposit. 330-0090804 Office 8i Commercial Rental 'B C M B u lln o u Park, For sale or loose, 9,000 sq. ft. building, 1500 to 4500 sq fl units. Commercial lots lor salo or will buikl to suit ton- nnl,330 000-3105 Gronlto Quorry 900-1000 aq It Shop/Ollico or Slor- nno Sp.ices. Free Month. Call 704-232-3333 Shell Station for Lease Recently romodolod Shell convenionco store located at Farm Ington Road and MO In Davis County. Sta­ tion has great tralllc flow, a constant cus­ tomer base and a lan- tastlo Interstate loca­ tion. This business Is Ideal lor husband and wile operation and has area» potential lor additional growth. A woll qualllled candi­ date should be llnan- clally tesponalblo, have good business management skills and be available as an owner I operalor. Contact; Danny Brown or Carolyn Simmons ® (336) 722-3441 Manufactured Home for Rent 601-S. ‘ Fumlsliod* on privóte lot. Nq pots. 3 poopio limit. Roloronces. Deposit A $450 ron1.Calt33G-2B4-4756 Davie County. Privato lot. 2BR, Ш В А . Very Ctoon. All appliances. Deposit roqulrod. СьИЗЗв-57б-2101 armlngto 2BR/2BA, all appliances, conlral heal & air. deck. A garage. No pels. No smok­ ing, $600/mo. plus dopoalt. Ploaso call 336-655-3272 orPloaso call 336-998-3636 M oekivllle. Roady N w 2 BR brick houso, furnished, also otodrto, $550/ mo. 2BR, 1 BA mobile homo, private lot. 704-267-5561 Pinebrook School District. 3BR. 2BA. $550/mo. $300 deposit. Absolutely no pets. 336-040-2515 S hady Acres Moblto Homo Park. Slnglowtdo A dou- blowWo. John Crolts Road.. US Hwy 64 East, Mocksvillo. N opO ta.33$-909-2092 ' . Resort & Vacation Rentals Free Cam ping A $200 In G rocery Rewards! Beautiful campground rosort iln North Carolina, Amazing Amonlttoa and Family Funi Call 600- 795-2190 to Discover Morel Wanted: To Rent W ant to rent hom e. 71 yoar old whito tomato with 1 ' $450/month. HUD ap| Call 336-671-3933 • U m • МаМои • аоаК/ИМвппП • CollMtwCm • СаммеМ • IM iK |t lN /A 1 V i • а м п м м к м м м « а м м а и м ц . ' ' FlH*eli|. • M i / I U V i / V m ì •Wntlokq/riMi Autos HO NDA, 2002, AC CO RD e x . $0 down, will Holp II- nanco. Credit No ProbtomI Privato party solo. Call 704^71-2223 Pontiac, 1000, Bonneville SSE. Loodod. Excoltont con­ dition. Electric sunroof. $3,000 firm. 336-040-3507 Boats & Watercraft Q losslroam , 1968, Fish ’n’ SKI. 17 ft. red motalflako. 115 hp Mercu7, IrolHng motor, dopth Under, traitor and more. Great conditton, $ 5 ,0 0 0 0 0 0 330-033-4110 Financial Services Auctions A u d kin - 3 Wntorlront Homo« i Vl/alerltont 1л1 on U k o TVIery, Starfy County, ГЮ. A p rll2eihat6p .m . Iron Horse Auction, 800-097< 224e.NCAL3936. www.lronhorseaucfton.com Auetforh April 16, 2000 at 9 a.m ., 6614 Faltciotti Bridge Road, Stedman. N 0 . TWO houoes, vacant lot, shop with offtoe. personal A vacattoh property, farm oquipmenl 8oo pics O www.perkauo tlonreelty.com. Grai N C A L1201.(336)21 Paik. AuetJorb, April 25th, 10:00 AM . Watorfront Lota, Acreage A Boat SBps on Mainland. Surf CltW Hart»s(aad, NO . (e portion Sold ABSOLLTÌE). Call 910-270-5044. Arkadh AAüCtíon.com. NCAL7704. M.Barbor, H O fM Auo> tion* Saturday, April 25 at 10 a.m ., 264 Wilson Paik Road, Statesville. NO. Granite Tops, Cobinot Seta, Doors. CarpoV T ie; Haidwood. Bath Vanl- ties. Composite Decking, Lighting. Name Brand Toots. N C S alM T axap p io s. v^.ClasatoAucUons.com 704-507-1449. NCAF5479 Land Auction • Three Pen­ der County Farma • 202 Total Acroa-Divided or Whole, Fri­day. Apr« 24th, 10;00 AM. Mmj Farms. lO-Acro U ko- fronl Homesitos. Hunting A Ag U n d . www.HousoAuciTon- CotT?»ny.com. 252-729- 1162. N(iALN76d9. M ajor Bank Ow ned Real Es­ tate Auction. Tho Old MiB Inn and Convontton Conlor Oanv ascua, VA. April 25. 2009.10 a.m. Vlsn www.counlaouo- llon.com for dotaHa. VA«0320. Real Estate AuoUon- W alor- front Eatalo Trocts. W ater­ front Homes A 142i/> Acros Divided on High Rock U ko . Lexington. NC. 2 Lots Soling Absolute. M ay 7th at e p.m. Iron Horse Auction. 600-097* 2246. NCAL3036. www.lronhoraeauctbn.com R ow an Auction C a Profea- slonal Audton 8en/lces> Salisbury, NO 704-633-0600 Kip Jenmnga NCAL 6340 W aterfront Property Auo> tion- 6 Waterfront Parcels. Thursday- AprH 30th- 6:00 PM - Hwy 33. Beaufort Coun­ ty, Aurora. NC - U rg e Deep W ator Parcels, SepUc Permita Issued. Portion Selling Abso­ luto. vww.HpueeAuctionCom: pany.com; 252-729-1162, NCAL»7869. Financial Services W O RK INQ CAPITAL avalk Obto Business Only 704-321-1170 W arren Shinn wahlnnOorfunding com “We can erase your bad credit— 100% guaranteed" The Federal Trade Commission says any credit repair company that Claims to be able to legally remove accurate and timely infor­ mation from your credit report is lying. There's no easy fix for bad credit, it tai<es time and a con­ scious effort to pay your debts. Learn about managing credit and debt at ftc.gov/credlt. A message from The Salisbury Post and the FTC. Boats & Watercraft 2006. 240 Pish, 60 HP Mercury Motor, dual axto trailer, playpen cover, biml- ni. Only boon on the wator onco. $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 /OBO 704-433-0226 or 704-636-6041 Motorcycles & A T V S luzukl, IJZ 250,2006. Awesome sport four-whoolor. High poiformanco pipo. Ex­ cellent condition. A wholo tot olfunl $2,899. Call for moro inlomiotton 704-450-6772 Trucks, SUV* avans Chev/otet, Trallblazer, 2002. 4 whool ditvo. 1 owner, S6k miles, new liras. Cotor la motaUto. Ptoaso call I-650-2292 . pewter I 336-650 Й 0 1 М Itnprowment U w s o n 'e Hom e Improve­ ments; Windows, doors, vinyl siding, brick, btock work, log siding, hardwood ftooring. Freo oslimotoa. Ownor Andy Lawson Coll 336-909-0695 Lawn Maint, a _ _ L a n d e ç a g l n g _ nny'e Lawn Complolo lawn sorvtoe (rom ono 60UIC0. Mowing, plug- ng, fertilizing, . pine neodlos, mutoh. Stale cortlRed (or spraying and Insured. Trac­ tor worlc II needed. Thirty years experience. Please call 336-096-3676 or 336- 399-7063 lor estimate. . MlaetllanMua S w vlcw ■ Don't throw aw ay lawn- mowers, ATVs, gcUl carts, outdoor power oquipmenl. Will pick up (or Iroe. Call Rtohard 336-473-1630. L a riy a A uto OeltiUns* Complete hand dalaillng ser­ vice. C a l for. appolniM nt. 336-764-6650. m rerences a v a la M upon request. TreeSawlce Canopy Tree Service, Pro­ fessional Service al reason- a t ^ ratos. Fuly Insured. Call lor free estimates. Refer- oncos avallobto. Also, fire­ wood (or sale. 336-996-4374 T C tt (KMMty Tree Care A Land ‘Maintenance. Haz­ardous removals, paining A presen/altoln. storm damage clen-iip. grading, hauiirñ, .claerlng, stump temoval, landscaping. Thomaa Martin. tnaured.-Celt 336-407-7534, home: 336-659-9011 ■Г------------------------ $ (P ù u W i i.M I N (; r o N (ç y 1 I T M Annua i. Inter^lVibal POWWOW Al'Klb 25 & 26. 2(И)9 llaltcms bliuid, Lcgcm tiiy Outer B aiih o f N C SixHiwrcd by the T tlíto Nntlvc Atncricnn Mu>ciim Sl Nnluml lllM ory Center MMümm Л Dimca s Welcvmc! F(rMo(tIiitoiiîialiiii,Cal 252-9954440 PUBLIC WELCOME! KnInorShInel BSJ2J33!ÏÏSIS9ÏS!ffilS!fflIi^^ /яиму Ыте in ilk'ìr 1нмпз. I Ч«11ц1пц • Ih m t-iii^ • S iu i \ Ы И н д • I- \lilh i(s • I (h kI • I im ( u iM s Join чфгп xiKciai güihirinfi an oivcMwI (¡nnukb. ик пчм cry i)f ihesfa gulls Haul uvA ávm tvki Imualjultmniinif .vmjçj kunvte a G o Painlessly TomW. Ounce for Ounce - Compare and Save! The top-quality & top-value pain creme A U C T IO N B e a c h L o t s & A c r e a g e A p r il 2 5 t h (I 1 0 a m IS W a te rfro n t A W ater .View, Lots, S ix 20’ B oat S lips a t T id e w a te r Landing, 20 a cre s on IM alnland S urf C Ity/H am pstead and .71 acre b u ild in g lo t a t Pages CreeK. W W W . Arkadi AAuction.com 9 1 0 -2 7 0 -5 0 4 4 M B n r b o r N C A L 7 7 .1 4 ATTEN-TIO N OSMOPREP® USERS! Severe medical problems have been assouiitled with 1111.4 drug wliich Is given prior to a colonoscopy. If you, or someone you know, have taken OsmoPrep and experienced; * Kidney Failure * Kidney I’robicm.s/Damage * Stroi<c * Death I’lciise coiitaci Kim Wilson wilh Ixwis & Rolwns, .1700 Olcnw(H)d Луспис, RnlciKh. NC iit (НЯЯ) 9MI-U939 for ii free consulliitlnn or visit Yuu may bu entitled Ki cumpensulion. ___________ .________________________________ C43M0 Gigantic Auction Columbia, S.C. • Thurs. April 23. 2009 Single, Tandem & TrI-Axle Dumps • TruckTractors • Lowooys • Crawler Loaders 8iTractors* Excavators > Motor Graders & Servers • Backhoes .Rubber Tired Loaders > Articulating Dumps • Compactors ■ Grinders • Forklifts • Paving • Skidders • Feller Bunchers • Log Loaders • Farm Tractors J. M. Wood Auction Co, Inc. (334)264-3265 Bryant Wood SC LIC((3516F FREE DIRECTV 4 ROOM SYSTEM! u A l I O IG I1Л1 CM ANNM S' \ iO И П C H A N N l I S ' [) I ÍÍ i С T V Toll Free 866-695-7938 • 4' ; 'y [rW'v''f ■’■ '■' .....•■fvr.'v •V V f) ;4ч г 'л I iii'I S [( ; Ì B 14- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE-RECORD, THURSDAY, April 16,2009 г ш т s s S P O T U G H T Name Change: Mobys Becomes Quest Coffee (btestcoffee 11«? |oumüi). |||||||||||||Ц|ООИ10^^{||У1100ЕВВпВ1 SAMN(.S i:\i:u M )\\ lo 4 0 ' It's All About the Journey.. ; For a little over a year, -Mobys Coffee has been sen/Ing patrons n Hillsdale (eastern Davie Coun- y). Mobys has grown to be not Just a coffee shop, but also a dell, a venue tor live music, a caterer, and most Importantly - a place for people to gather and share their journey. . A change Is taking place at the shop many of us have come to know and love as Mobys. The most visible change Is that of the name-to QUEST COFFEE. As Ihe logo and tag line Imply, QUEST COFFEE Is a place where our In­ dividual journeys may Intersect by sharing a meal or a cup of coffee, enjoying live famlly-frlendly music, having a Bible study, or participating In community outreach events. , The management of QUEST COFFEE remains the same, but Improved. Improved due to the year of experience we how have to draw upon, and Improved by Innovating the menu and other offerings at QUEST to better serve our community. .(’tiioi (jfi/rn OiscoiintS W»*{|HOS(l<iy 4 0 % OFF S A IE m iv m iN a IN STORE ( icmmims Disidim l Siilcs I ^ И I jsx illi .( IrlllM lo tls U ll ’i.i. i-11') • ( |41......IIS • 7Ы. 1‘i.VS a ro lin a Small Engine Sala» a larvlc* of ouldoor рои mowara, Irlmmara, chain aawa, blowara, ganaralora, a moro fOM fo rk BIxby Hi., Advane» 998-7755 UGIY ROOF STAINREMOVED FOR A LIKE NEW LOOK! Nation's Lorgost & Oldost Roof Stain Romovors R o o f -B r U ^ l^ -lJ m 100 Royal Oak Dr., WInslon-Salam, NC 27107 'W . 0 V. Party platters; A fruit tray, above, and wraps, below. One new and ex­ citing change Is the addition of Hershey’s Ice Cream this year. As the weather warms up, come out and enjoy a cone on our outdoor pa­ tio. We also have expanded our cater­ ing service. We can accommodate most catering needs, from a small coffee ser­ vice to big events. Other new products Including flavored coffees, teas, and rtierchandise will be coming sooni Over the past year we have been able to host many commu­ nity outreach events, including crulse-lns, an after-prom party, benefit fundraisers, and outdoor concerts. We plan to do even more in the future, including an after-prom party on May 16th for Davie and West Forsyth students, semi-month­ ly “Cars & Coffee" on Saturday mornings, outdoor concerts, and much more. We are making Wednesday nights “Youth Jam", with an open Invitation to youth groups and individual youth to come out for music (provided by them), a mes­ sage, and a little friendly competition. We also hope to host a “Battle of the Bands" over the summer. Every Thursday from 7 pm to 10 pm we have a "Bluegrass and Country Jam iSesslon"-open to all musicians and enthusiasts. Visit our website often at www.questdavle.com to stay updated on the latest events. At QUEST, we want to be involved In our community and Its Journey. So we Invite suggestions from our patrons as to how we can better serve them. We welcome opportunities to host benefits and fundraisers for Individuals and organi­ zations in need. And we can provide a place for birthday parties or other celebrations, as well. We know there will be concerns with the name change about honoring gift cards and travel mugs. So to answer those-YES we wili continue to honor our previously issued gift cards through June 30, 2009 and YES we will continue to provide 50 cent refills In the 2009 travel mugs through the end of this year. Our hours of operation are: Store Sand Trap Custom Golf 766-2233 OR 760*2880 (BESIDE D O C K S ID E IN C LE M M O N S ) Ifiiw i'- V iW p ' C liin milt TtwyLuti . BAKERY THRIFT STORE A Unique Alterative 11 Mon-Thu Friday Saturday Sunday 6:30 am - 9 pm 6:30 am -11 pm 7:00 am-11 pm 8:00 am -• 6 pm Deli 11 am -8 pm 11 am-8 pm 11 am-7 pm 11 am -5 pm LoVlda 60 minuta relaxation mauog«0^,J$3995 experience V id a # ;massage Naw Tewna Shopptnfl Canlar Juif down from Sfoploi 2517 Uwlivlllc-Clammoni Rd336-766-0622 SaKvicM pfDvkM by kViWKi tK Mmtng* & Mon-Frl 9-9 • Sal 9-6 • Sun 11 -6 LoVkla cutfom fockilt & p ««li Lastly, we would like to THANK YOU for the past year of growing together. We look forward to Ihe rest of the Jour­ ney..,. nmtMI.ANDFORMAI.WKAU WE’VE MOVEDI 2729 Lowlnvllle-CIcninians Rd. Clemmons (lusi boloro Starbucks) (336)766-0999 www.englishbriclal.com Mon-Wod; 10-e*Thut8:10-0 FrMO-5. Sal; 10-3 .Sum Closed Storm W ater M anagem ent Residential Drainage System s Lan d Clearing, Demolition Landscape/Hardscape ^ Pcenxetl Am i lim ired :iemmons N C Tom Jones 336-749-0465 E D W A R D S S ID IN G & W IN D O W S Advance Ha № Design IMother's Day, Proms, Weddings Spedai-«5 off fot women wllh frse ptoleln wllh tuUblowilty IVIen's Speciai - *3 off with cut/blowdryFamily Special • Children FR£E wilh Full Price Aduli Cut • Authorized Avon Agent • Hours; Tuas.-Sat. 9:30am-6pm 3431 U S Hwy 64E, Advance • 336-998-3387 30% TAX CREDIT Up to *1500“ • Replacement Windows ■ Storm Doors - 9 Colors • Entry Doors ' Roofing' • Insulation а н с { "р а б ч с с ( ^ а ч с 336-788-0862 336-766-8195 W I WA.SII(,ik 1 XIRA( 1 ЛИ kUGS O n T o p O l C n r | ) o t H u g s O n n . 'i r c l w o o c l F l o o i s R u g s O n T i l e F l o o r s P e t S t a i n s & O c l o i R o n i o u u c I R e p a i r s & P r o t o c l o r P ic k u p a n d D e liv e r y C a r a e ie C c c r R e p a ir s A l l E l e c t r i c a l C p e n e r l^ e p a lr s • Emergency Service, • Senior Citizens Discount • 25 Years Experience CAIIE«^SnUNCM W E'RE MOW OPEN lOAYSAWEEK GARAGE DOOR SERVICES "Mr. Ed" (ЭЭ6) 998-2336 « Farminqtow, NC •In Business For 28 Yaare-RI Service CommedcalS Residenlial Lawn Care-Insured 3 4 5 -d 6 9 $ Joel ClampKt, Owner ЗНАШШНО HARDWARE 104 LOWES FOOD DRIVE LEWISVILLE, NC 27023 (336) 945-5050 (’llm.bllm / C.„ c .,,4 , / / SI.Mn.,.-TiHil!. f L.iwil (i, G.iiiliin Sll|i|ili,n / .4,„vu:n I l„ li,|„„|,s„Gulls / SlM.lvimj I Koys Л,и| Mliui, . WWW.SHALLOWFORDHARDWARP K id s F e s t Interactive Activities For Families With Young Children On Tap Saturday Section D Project Linus Quilters Helping Traumatized Kids P a g é C I D A V I E C O U N T Y USPS 149-160 N um ber 17 Eiobby Staley Was A Man Of Passion Police Officer, Guard Member Dies In Motorcycle-Truck Collision By Mil(c Barnliardt Enterprise Record Bobby Staley was up early Sat­ urday morning, while wife April was catching a couple of extra hours ofsleep at their home near Mocksville. He took the fam­ ily vehicle to get it fixed, and brought home some materials for a yard project. Then he told his wife he was going to ride his motorcycle, and when he re­ turned, they would go out to cat at one of their favorite res­ taurants, Wild Wings Cafe in Win­ ston-Salem. “He kissed me goodbye and said ‘I love you’,” April said. Those were the last words April Staley ever heard from her hus­ band. He died in a wreck on US 601 South soon after noon. April and daughters Allison, 10, and Jill, 8, had books of photos of their husband and dad on the kitchen table on Monday. Next door at the home of Bobby’s'parents, Larry and Patsy Staley, the scene was a bit busier, ■ Л - v'. \ 'Y Staley as friends, family and neighbors visited to offer condolences. There were nothing but kind words about Bobby Staley, the husband and fa­ ther, son and brother. "He was an outstand­ ing husband, father and provider," April said. "We had fun together. We enjoyed taking the kids outdoors. We were always on the go. We were friends.” The two met in a chemistry class at Davie High School. But it was a couple of years later before they started dat­ ing, after meeting again at Blaise Baptist Church. In college on different ends of the state, they married just before she graduated. One of thé things that attracted her to Bobby. St^ey was his pas­ sion. Every thing he did, hé did it to the best ofhis ability. He was a musician in the march­ ing band, and carricd that through college and beyond. He became an Eagle Scout, the highest level a Boy Scout can attain. He was a Mason, and police officer for the city of Winston-Salem. Please See Staley - Page 10 April Staley and daugliters Allison and Jill take a reflective walk with Buddy through the woods near their home - woods they loved to roam vyith their husband and father. - Photo by Robin Snow Board Says No To Countihd Woods As A Farrh Use By Mike Barnhardt Enterprise Record Can woods be counted as crop land to get the benefit of farm prop­ erty tax credits? No, members of the Davie Board of Equalization and Review said last week as they heard argu­ ments from two property owners they said did not meet the require­ ment of 10 actual acres in produc­ tion. Both properties were receiving those credits, but an audit revealed they were receiving them improp­ erly, said Kyla Sipprell, an attor­ ney for the county. Attorney Hank Van Hoy made the argument for landowners Joe and Nancy Murphy. He said the state law plainly states that wood­ lands of less than 20 acres should be counted as a agricultural land. Sites over 20 acres are considered a forest and must include a man­ agement plan to receive the cred­ its. “A statute (law) cannot be in­ terpreted to ignore part of the lan­ guage of the statute,” Van Hoy said. “Agriculture land includes wood­ land. That is the language of the statute. Laws are to be interpreted in favor of the taxpayer, not the goveriiment.” , Sipprell said the county’s iriter- pretation of the law is the same as the N.C. Department of Revenue. "It’s a straightforward issue,” she said. "The statute is very clear as to size. The parcel must include 10 acres in actual production/ "He’s (Van Hoy) trying to get you ail to include woods. It woulci have rather massive implications Please See Farm - Page 4 Board Chair Offers To Buy Property By Mike Barnliardt Enterprise.Record,v " A real estate agent representing an AdvMce landowner thought it a good idea to request the county buy the land ^ter the bpard of equal­ ization and review refused her request to lower the $858,000 tax value on the property last week. "If you will sell it for what he says it’s worth, leave your card and I’ll be in your dffice iii the morning,’’ said Jim^ton, b<jard chair. Marcia Bairneyi Ae red fssW^iip«^ property un­ der contracijto^ll^;!i;?.|ijiiiUiWv^ ■irigfpfk ■' V'.‘'' ■' Please See.Prlce - Page 4 /.■ History Is Here Tours Of Davie Sites Öffored At Festival <1 I ''’ I'i* ■ ..’ I After a day of visiting the festival and touring historic sites, settid down at Junker's Mill for a 5 p.m. concert by Carrie Hassler & Hard Rain. And yes, that’s Davie’s own Jamie Harper (second from left), who plays fiddle for the band. See some of Davie’s most fa­ mous historical sites - and learn about them - at tours offered Sat­ urday, May 2 during the Daniel Boone Family, Festival in Down­ town Mocksville. Of course, two of the tours will be to sites relating to the Boone family. ' ■ : , Lenoir-Rhyne professor Mark Hager, also president of ^e'Davie Historical Society, will lead tours at 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to Joppa Cemetery, where Daniel Boone’s parents, Squire and Sarah, and brother, Israel, are buried. Hager’s students at Lenoi^№yne have completed a study of Ae cem­ etery, A^ihich includes families whose ancestors also became fa­ mous and influential. Those tours will also visit the original Boone land grant area, and the area in Farmington where Daniel Bpone and, his wife Rebecca once lived. Hiow tours will last approximately 1.5 hours. There will be a one hour tour at 11:4S a.m. to the restored Clement House Plantation on Maple Avenue in Mocksville. It will also stop at Joppa Cemetery. At 1 p.m., a two-hour tour will go to the restored graveyard where Revolutionary War Patriot Rich-: mond Pearson is buried, and also to the Zachary House Textile Mu­ seum in Cooleemee. Cost for the tours is $5 per per­ son. Tickets will be sold at the society’s booth at the festival, which will include an arts apd' crafts fair and continuous free mu­ sic and entertainment at Junker’s Mill outdoor ampitheater. --------- •l ^ i- ; i! !■: i'i :f ; ! Cold Nights Camping in Smol<ies 2 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 23,2009 E x i i t o r i a l Р а й е SMOKEMONT CAMPGROUND— 1 wore my coat to bed and shivered through the night in our tent, desperate for sunrise! Michael slept soundly beside me, foasty warm in my winter sleeping bag. I had the thin summer bag. Temperatures fell lower and lower through the night, adding to my discomfort. Michael awoke at 6 a.m., and wc fled to Peter’s House of Pancakes in Cherokee. It wns 37 degrees. . . I clutched a coffee cup to warm my hands and steel myself for our hike on the Appalachian Trail. It was time for my youngest to come of age by making the trek t6 Charlie’s Bunion deep in the Smokies, but his father was feeling his age and lack of sleep. Separately, I’ve taken my three boys on that ridgeline trail - nearly 11 miles roundtrlp - above 5,000 feet elevation, somelime.s above the clouds and once in a foot of snow, the views are stunning, but it requires some exertion to get there. , The first two miles are a slow uphill grade, level for a mile before turning downhill. Michael, and Robert eight ycurs earlier, suffered from video game withdrawal. Based on my study, video games have a 2.5- mile gravitational tug on a boy's mind. Boys want to' turn back, to give up, to quit the trail, to shun nature's beauty in favor of a beeping box left back in the car. ' I coaxed, cajoled, coerced and finally threatened both boys to get them through their withdrawal pangs and onto ti peculiar rocky bald overlooking the Tennessee valley. After reaching half way, Michael didn’t complain again. The views ■ overwhelmed him. Traces of snow surprised us on the northern slopes. The rocks und trees were big. The trail was challenging. And there were peculjai trail names, like "Sweet Heifer.” ' We met a half dozen of the 2,100-mile Georgia-to-Maine hikers. Some of them carried packs piled seven feet high and looked like giants. Wc met a biology class from Diekinsen College in Pennsylvania withUheir professor looking at wlldflowers. We met hikers from Illinois, Maine, Ohio, Texas and-Alaska. . i The Alaskan hiker was the only one currying a guitar - a peculiar sight - and he looked as unprepared for cold weather as 1 had been the night before. His parents had recently divorced, His girlfriend left him. He was wandering America - having hitch-hiked from Oregon to North Carolina - trying to sort things out. There arc at least three billion other girls in the world, 1 counseled, giving him the wisdom of my years. My first time on this trail wns in 1975, led by u biology professor who pointed out the amazing wildflpwcrs hidden in plain sight along the trail. Trilliym and'many other flowers were in bloom at the lower elevations last week. Michael drank cold water from a spring at the primitive ' Icewater Springs shelter, where the serious hikers spend the night on the trail. He examined the shelter's privy and looked fdr mice. We hfid lunch finally at Charlie’s Bunion, cupped off by his grandmother's oatmeal cookies. Then we started the slow hike bAck. Returning is ulwuys eusier for boys. No complaining. No whining. They are walking toward their mind’s goal, not away from it, ; We hadn’t used the tent in 10 months. When we erected It, Michnel spotted his long-lost video gume computer chip among the folds. That proved to be a major distraction when it came time to hike. Trout fishermen could be seen all along, the riverbanks around Cherokee. The fellows who camped beside us had u .supper of trout. I slept better,the second night, putting on wool socks and better arming myself against the cold, It only got down to 39 thut night. Michael and I jumped in the cur for unother breukfust at the restuurunt and escape from the cold. We may not be the best campers, but we can hike with the big boys. — Dwight Sparks In The M ail... Thank You Will Never Be Enough To tho editor; Thank you will never be enough. Aug. 13; 2008. This is the day thut our lives, and the lives of so many around us, changed forever. This is the day Ihat our son, Jaxon, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma, Cancer, Neuroblnstomu is a solid tumor cancer, Tho tumor was found in his abdomen. It originated above his right kidney. By the time he was diagnosed the tiimor had grown “tentacles,", according to the doctors. It had spread in every direction throughout his abdomen. Also, by this timd, the canccr had spread Into his bones and bone marrow. This spread is the reason for the Stage 4 diagnosis. As parents, this was beyond our worst nightmare. There was no question what had to bo done. Whatever it look to save our sons life. Wc didn't leave the hospital again until after his first round of chemotherapy was complete. Nine days later. After five rounds of chemotherapy, Jaxon had surgery to remove the tumor on Dee. 19,2008. He completed his sixth and final round of chemotherapy at Brenner Children's Hospital on Jan. 4. We checked into Duke University Hospital on Feb, 4. There, Jaxon had one more round of chemotherapy. On Feb. 12, Jaxon had his stem ceil/bone marrow transplant. We were in Duke Taxpayer Tea Parties No Surprise To the editor; Make no mistake about it. The Tea Parties on April 15 and the conservative activist movement sweeping across the country is not “astro tu rf Nancy Pelosi nnd, the movement is not fraternity “teabagging", CNN. The fact is, there are millions of Americans thnt were not iri attendance, but support this grass root movement against large govemment intruding on constitutional liberties, irresponsible govemment spending and high govemment taxation. Hurd working, taxpaying Americans are uniting around the principles of the constitution. Planning tea parties has been brewing for somo lime, and the movement is bigger than Democrat Party or Republican Party politics, The current administration's economic policies, the misguided bailout strategies, and the anger over Wall Street were perfect catalyst to ignite the movement. The conservative grass roots movement will swell, and the affect will bo bad for Democrat and some Republican politicians seeking reelection in upcoming elections. The interesting dynainic that will continue to fuel conservatism is President Obama’s foreign and domestic policies. Apologizing to Venezuela, Nortli Korea, and all of Europe for America's arrogance and blaming America does not sit well with most American citizens. Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary, Napolitano targeting citizens including U.S, war veterans as right- wing extreme radicals' does not sit well with most American citizens. The good news for the American political system is that President Obama and his administration are clearly and uniquely defining the Democratic Party. Bob Anderson Advance D A V IE C O U N T Y ENTE ECORD USPS 149-160 171 S, H/lain St., P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 Published weekly by the Davie Publishing Co. Dvylght Sparks...........................Editor/Publisher Robin Snow...............................General Manager Mike Barnhardt,.........................Managing Editor Ray Tutterow.............................Advertising Director Brian Pitts..;..,...........................J,Sports Editor MocKsvllle Enterprise Davie Record Cooleemee Journal I Periodicals Postage Paid in Mocksville, NC 27028 Subscription Rates ; ' ■ Single Copy, 50 Cents ■ $20 Per Year In N.C., $25 Outside N.C. ' i POSTMASTER Send Address Cliangos to; . • Dayie County Enterprise Record Young Co-Workers Inspirational To the editor; I wanted to write a letter for the editorial page that was posi­ tive. There have been so many negative stories and opinions go­ ing back and forth in the editorials and the world. I only have two things to say about all that. First, God is still on the throne, and second, I am too blessed to bo stressed. 1 wanted to tell everyone about my cb-workers. There are three in their early to mid 20s, and three, including me, in their early 50s, Each one of them has brought something special into my life. My oldest daughter is in her early 20s and I know my relationship with her is better because of knowing my young co-wotkers,' Sometimes you hear about “those young people these days." 1 have found them to be very smart, kind and funny. I go to them for advice and help as much or more than those my own age. I have had some health issues since I started working there; 2008-09 has been a hard year.. All of them have been supportive. They have seen me at my worst physically, emotionally. Some days my mood swings are so bad, I can’t stand myself. They just seem to somehow overlook all that. , My boss has been the best I’ve had, except for my father-in- law, He always works with me on days off and sick time. Ho has gone above and beyond what most bosses would do. ' I am so thankful for my job, not only becfiuse of the economy, but because how much my co-workers have brought to my life. 1 hope one day I can do the same for them. So, thunks so much Clark, Kirby Lyna, Jordan and Cecilia. You guys ard the best. I’m so glad that I’ve had the honor of working with you and for you. ' . I Donna Carter Advance Lettérs Wèlcàméd TJhe Enterprise Record welcomes letters from its read­ ers, The letters may be on topics of local, state, national' or international issues. ■ . , • yVn effort will be made to print all letters, p'rovided they are not libelous, vulgar or in pdoî taste. The editor reserves the right to edit letters for gramninr and'for space. ■ .AlUettefs should include thé name and address of the" Writer, including a signature, A telephone number, not'tp be published, is also requested. , Please have letters in the newspaper office'no Iritèr thon 4 p.m. Monday of the week to be published, Davie Goimty Enterprise Record P.O. Box, 99, Mocksville,' ,erhews@davie-enterprise,c6ini • ..:........................................................................... .. .i'. .' University Hospital until Mnrch 23, for 48 consccutive duys.. From the beginning of ihis journey wc have hnd overwhelming support from our fainllles, our friends, und our c6mmunity. So mnny people have given time, money, thoughts, nnd prayers. We will never be able to ihank you enough for all you havo done. We ju.st want you ail to know that you arc also in our thoughts and pruyers. We iire so blessed to live in this community. Wc huve bolh lived here ull our lives. So many people have done so much for us und for Juxon! People who know our families, people who don’t know us ul all. I am sorry that we cannot thank each and every one of you personally. Everything you Jiuve done, prayers you have prayed, money you have given, time spent for our son, time from your lives that you will not get back. All of these things have given us time with our son that we may never havo had without your kindness. Thank you will never be enough. There is no way that we can ever show you how grateful wc ure; Wc cun never repay the generosity thut we havo been shown, thut we continue lo be shown. Please continue to keep Jaxon in your thoughts and prayers as he still has a very long journey ahead. From the bottom of our hearts ... thank you. Jonathnn and Shanda Sechrcst Mocksvillc In The M ail... Davie High Vocal Ensemble Impressive On New York Visit To the editor; Whnt do you get when you have 36 high school sludenis, 5 chaperones, 1 tour guide and 1 bus driver? No, this is not a'muth question, it’s an opportunity to publicly thank Elaine Snow nnd the DHS vocnl ensemble for a fabulous spring break experience in New York City. The musical talents of the vocal ensemble students shined from Rockefeller Center to Chelsea Market to Grand Central Station lo the Empire Stale build­ ing to Central Park and finally lo Soulh Street Seaport. These students from small Davie County found themselves in the hustle bustle of the big city and I was impressed with how they faced Thank You To A Storehouse For Jesus To the editor; We all are falling on hard times these days. I want lo lake lime lo tell people who volunteer al A Storehouse for Jesus thank you for greeting me wilh a smile and making me feel graleful for this food. Yes, I said volunteer. No one gels pnid. They do this for the Lord and for you. So re- member'lo ihunk Ihem und lo pruy for Ihem, God bless you nil. Lindn Edwurds, Mocksville A Prayer For Our Military Troops To Ihe editor; With the renewed emphasis on Afghunislan, our continuing presence in Iraq, Ihe Somalian sea piracies, and whatever else may emerge before this goes lo print, the following is u suggested pruyer for our military troops. Our Heavenly Father, we ask you lo bless, anoint, protect and guide our military personnel. Guide them to avoid civilian injuries where pos­ sible, and lo conduct themselves in a moral, must and elhical manner. Protect them from harm by confusing Ihe enemy, derailing Ihe enemy's plans and devices, disabling the enemy's transporta­ tion capabililies, destroying Ihe enemy's .safe havens, convincing Ihe enemy inlo compliance by our show of force, trained, and with proper technology, equipment and supplies. Please help our troops lo slop aggressors: capture, disarm, reform, or if necessary, kill tho enemy before he kills anymore of the innocent. Help our troops lo find ways to build bridges, buildings, trust, com­ passion, and Christ-like character and witness. Heal Ihe physical and emotional wounds of our military, and bless their families and provide for their needs. Francis Scott Key said it well in these prayer­ ful words, adopted by the United Slate Congress in '1931, as part of our National Anthem; “O thus be il ever when free men shall stand between Iheir loved homes and the war's desolation. Blest wilh vic'try and peace, may the heav'n-re.scued land praise the pow'r Ihat hath nuide and preserved us a nation. Then conquer wc must, when our cause il is just; and this be our motto; ‘In God is our trust'." And, lo all Americans in uniform, thank you. George Troyer Mocksville С..A Heartfelt Tribute To the editor; In this world, sadly there is a shortage of he­ roes. These are the reui men nnd women who will stand up for the important things as if all the world or their family depended on il. This week the world is one moro hero shorl. Our Daddy, Kenneth Earl Smith left ihe chains of mortality and was welcomed in lo tho joy of the Kingdom by Jesus Himself. He fought many battles in his life here. Ho fought hardship during childhood, growing up in Ihc Great Depression. He fought Ihe separa­ tion of family- not knowing where many of his family even were until dccados lutor in life. He fought foreign enemies who wanted to take away the American wny of life. At tho beginning of World Wur 2, ho wns wounded ul Schofield Barracks (Pearl Harbor) Hawaii after joining the Army under age. He rejoined when ho was le­ gally able lo do so. He fought again only lo be wounded by artillery shells and sent homo. De­ spite a long and painful recovery for which most men would have given up or given over to just bo a ward of a disability income; he would not quit. He loved our mother and the six sons they brought into Ihe world. He somelimes worked three jobs just lo keep food on the lable and a roof over our heads. When we were younger, and olher kids had all the advantages- new clothes, now cars, new toys, and new houses - il was hard lo sec what u hero really was. But he pressed on. By all standards the gov­ ernment uses, wo were poor. As I like to say we were so poor wo could only afford one “O" lo spell it. But never the less, he pressed on. Later in life after we passed the phase of bo­ ing teenagers Und slarled having families of our own, he suddenly seemed lo grow so much wiser and knew things we could only imagine. We grew accustomed lo our new enlightened dad and quite frankly took him for granted. Years went by, he grew older but never really seemed to uge thnt much. Ho hit uge milestones of 65, 70, 75, 80, nnd finally 85. Ho fought the pain of sadness when our mother was taken suddenly before him. Most of his friends and family were gone, but those who remained were even more a treasure lo him we watched him as he showed us Ihe value of what really matters in this world is how much you are loved. This past November, when he was unable to stand up and after he went to the hos­ pital, and a barrage of endless testings and con­ curring, we and he were given Ihe bad news. We had all had our private reconciliations with dad lolling him what we wished wo had done boiler and how we wished had boon belter sons - letting him express his own regrets nnd each of finding our own sepamle peace. We had no idea what lo expect except just to wait and let the dis- ■ ease run roughshod. Aflcr the shock hit us all, wo prepared for the inevilabie. Surprisingly the inevitable, ihis ba.s- lard called cancer was going to have a fight on his hands. During the next fivd months, we got to know our dad in such a special way and Ihut can only be called joyful. We got to know each olher nnd see the wonderful cord thnt love is when u fumily loves each olher and joins together in a united way. Il was al limes frustrating and angry and olher limes hilariously funny. Old wounds from years past suddenly did not seem lo matter as the time with our dad covered and healed every hurt. Wo constantly told stories from bur growing up thnt nre still so funny even after thousands of tellings and retelling, 1 find il funny still ever one of us hus a different version of the same story - one brother correcting the one whom it happened lo. Dad was, whether he liked il or not, the star of many of our stories and the victim of many of our escapades. My baby brother, for example, sold dad his own hubcap taken from one side of the car aflor he lost one on the other sido of the car. He didn't know until years later. He did not have the touch of molher but the power of a father to bring us all together and teach us what was important. For five short months (We say short because we knew he would be gone soon enough) ho fought this bastard. He fought him on his own turf. What would have reduced many men to a sobbing pile of pity only briefly during his struggle did so. We saw him constantly brave when we were in attendance. We were for­ tunate to be at his beck and call, this was moro a pleasure than an obligation. Three days before his death, the bastard sucker punched him and did the best to knock out all lines of communication- but could not stop the love we know he hnd for us and the love we had for him. We saw many responses lo know he was with us even to the end - even waiting to say 'good bye' until his sister arrived from a 1,400 mile trip from Minnesota. Dud taught us many things, supreme above all, that God loves everyone of us and life with out God is empty and leads lo eternal death. But that the love of God, when we are unable to save ourselves leads to Ihe everlasting presence of God and gives meaning to the temporary world, we live in now. The last five months have taught us more about what character is, what love is, what self­ less acts of kindness are than simply living an ordinary span of breathing could ever do. We know who our dad is and was. He, wilh the Grace of God, was and is a hero. Danny Smith Mocksville DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 23,2009 - 3 the crowds with their smiling faces, friendly alti­ tudes and uplifting spirits. To the parents and friends of these vocal en­ semble studenls, you should be very proud of your sludent. But we need you to do more than be proud - please continue to spread the word that the arts in our schools (Ihat indudos chorus, band drama nnd nrt) muke a positive impact in our students’ education. Thanks, Davio High School vocal ensemble for a job well done, and as the children at Chelsea Market said, ‘Bravo! Bravo!" 1 can’t wail to see and hear your spring concert. Elizabeth Bumgarner, Mocksville F a rm in g to n -1 9 5 2 -5 3 The Farmington High School Ladies Basketball Team, 1952-53 county champions, included: Nancy Seats Hanes, No. 8, Mary Pilcher Renager, Emma Sue Allen, No. 10, Edith Howard Beck, No. 11, Betty Montgomery Gibson, Louise Seats Calloway D ix ie l a n d Fa r m BoanUng LaitanB Ш шптаг . Сапч> 12x12 SlobJndoof/OutíoorAniATrvít, Ве<юф1Ьс»0а.Но(/СМШН Rock Mention Ad and get $50 off Board first three monlhsi ConUici: M nriun I'lwino: ЗЛ(М92Ш 0Я П 84 (lodlxiy lioad -Alocksvillv, N C 21Ш THE PHONE PLACE iWIREUSS SPECIALISTSWireless Phones and ^ I Itpl Accessories. ^ Mon.'Fri.lltOOttTvepm;8ai,10MTb3pm 753-1447 1278YMMnvllleRd.MocktvHlt,NC2702B wireless Mon.'Frt. 8:30tm-8pm; 8И.,9мп-12лооп 751-2626 121D»pot8tMocfctvllte,NCa702e N O W O P E N ! vJ Î Conveniently located on Hwy 601 near Lowe's Home Improvement The Wake Forest Baptist Healthcare Center - Dayie provides primai’y care, occupational medicine, and a walk-in clinic treating non-emergency injury and illnesses. Also included are a laboratory and a radiology ' ,, department. Walk-in Clinic Monday tiirpugli Saturday, 9a.ni. to 9p.m, ' ; ■ , Sunday,Ip.m. to 9p.m. •., < Primary Care by appointment, Monday through Friday 8a.m. to Noon and Ip.m, - 5p,m, Occupational Medicine Monday through Friday, 8a.m. to 4;30p.m.' . < ■ > . Traditional ttospital services, Including surgeries, inpatierit beds for both acute cor? ,, and swing bed status, the gastrointestinal lab, physlcian 'cllnlcs, radiohgy, laboratory arid the 24-hour Emergency D efirtm ent, w ill remain at Davie County Hospital: mi Wake Forest University Baptist 1 Д 1 И 1 И — Ш — м я д м г д д Healthcare Center-Davie • г . lì\ i I >;)■ h IV; I í; ■ i F a rm ... ’ Continued From Page 1 for the coimty. ll would open u ‘ lot of parcels to the farm use.” Sipprell snid she is aware of no other counties which inter­ pret the law as Van Hoy stated. She said the.tax office pretty much takes the word of land­ owners who claim farm use, although they audit a minimum of an eighth of the requests cach yenr. Tax Administrator Jnckie Holl ^aid Ihe eight acres listed, ,as well as zero income caught her eye., 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdoy, April 23,2009 The board was more sympa­ thetic with Michoel Jvesler, who had been granted farm use on about eight acres. He had been receiving the benefit siivce 1989, when then tax administrator Dorroll Parker apparently granted the benefit when it didn’t qualify. "I don't understond. One day it qualifles and'the next day it don't," Ivester sold, adding that he is already clearing more acre­ age to get the benefit. The prob­ lem: he must wait four years to re-apply. "I hope you will continue farming this land," sold board member, Steve McMahan. "Anyone who does farm, 1 think highly of theni. We need all the farnihmd In the county wc can keep.” • Joe Murphy said It hurts when the county makes it look like you’ve done something wrong. "Like we’vo gotten by with something,” his wife added. Board member Dr. Jerry Hauser cast the only dissenting vote to requiring the londown- ers to pay back taxes on the land, saying it was partially the county’s fault for approving Iho applications earlier, and that Van Hoy brought up problems with the statute that need to be clarified. Historical Society To IHost Autliors P ric e ... Continued From Page 1 The property Is paU of an old subdivision that was never developed, ond contains deed restrictions limiting It lo rcsl- . dontlal. "Mr. Honner would like for It to rcmoln residential un­ til it is sold,” she said. "I’m having o hard time understanding how you can substuntittte $129,000 when you’re asking $2.2 million,” snid board member, Wendy Gallimore. “858,000 is o gift.” "I don’t thinkr that’s enough," Eaton .sold. N E IG H B O R H O O D Y A R D S A L E S a t., A p r il 2 5 7 a .m . -1 2 n o o n Covington Creek Subtlivision I Iwy 00), Adviuico■irMi / //)•. MuhtU' ■•'i liiH'll Q ront D oats T hroughout th o N o ig h b o rh o o d I The Davie Counly Histori­ cal and Oenealoglcol Society will host a reception for authors Могу Alice Hasty and Hazel Winfrcc al 7 p,m, April 28 al Ihe Davie County Public Library on North Main Street, Mocksvillc, Copies of Iheir book, "The ClvH War Roster of Davie Counly, North Cnrollno" will be available. The society w ill have a booth al Ihe Daniel Boone Fam­ ily Festival on May 2 In Down- ■ lown Mocksville nnd will offer tours al 11:30 o,m. and 1:30 p.m. lo Joppa Cemetery (tho site of Ihe grave of Daniel Boone's parents und brother), nnd Farm- F r i d a y L u n c h T o B e n e f i t inglon, where Boone’s wife, Rebccca Bryan's family lived. The couple also lived in that arcafora while. At 1 p.m., n lour of Revolutionary War hero Ri­ chard Pearson's grave sito will be held, along wilh a visit to Ihc Texlllc Heritage Museum In Cooleemee. Tours at 11:45 will depart lo Ihc Clement House on Maple Street. There will be a dedication of a marker for Israel Boone, son Gospel Show Saturday At South An evening of music spon­ sored by Soulh Davie cofcteria staff fcalurlng The Rhylhmalres (gospel) Will be held Soturdoy, April 25 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Tlil.s Is a fund raiser for Ihe Child Nutrition Association. Tickets nro..$5 In advanco from the cafeteria staff; $7 at Ihe door. D A R E C a m p B u llfr ò g s , C y c le r s T o P e r f o r m A houlog and hamburger lunch will be held Friday, April 24 at the Mocksvillc Pollcc Do- partincnt from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Donations will be accepled for Ihe DARE Leadership Camp., The Shady Grove Elemen­ tary School, Bouncing Bullfrogs & Sizzling Cyders will perforin a free show al Williom Ellis Middle School on April 28 al 7 p.m. "Please come and watch Ihcse lalenled children perform amazing unlcycllng and rope jumping skills for your enter- lainment,” said Kiircn Umberger, Shady Orove PE Icnchcr, ( ¡ iv : it ( 'o v c r a i’c' S ta rts w it h B l i i f C r a n f i i i C o m p l e t e s C o u r s e Johnson Insurance Services JOHN WOOD (336)753-1033jwood®127marketplace.com Contad ил for an iiisnraiiii’ ¡lian /bul fils your luxíi^ iintlyiuif but/fii'f. • individual I’inns • Nil liefurral IIMO am! I>i:q Grain) Plans' • Sniiili Oroup Cdvoriiije ¡n • Medlciirc Siipplcnieiil Insuranco • Deni.'il Coverage for Indlvuliials and Groups • lleiillli Savings Accwinls Crunfiii Dò you suffer from G O U T A m C K S ? Local doctors are now conducting a medical irch study In gout to luate the effectiveness and safety of an Investigational medicine. ' Amanda Cranfiii, o soles ossociote with the Doyle/ Clemmons Branch of Coldwell Banker Triad, Realtors, hus completed n new homo snles course lo earn national ccrlificotion os 0 Ccrllfied New Home Specialist. “ T h I s coursc is recognized as one of Ihe very best over offered In real estolo,” said Cranfiii. "Tho training covered architectural design and planning, blueprint reading, topography, building silo design,, evaluating quality construction, ;motcrlols, methods, iconstruclion icrminology ond scheduling. Wc sludied successful buyer/builder rclolions, oil aspectii of customer service and the use of various orgonizalional tools and systems. I'll be able to do a much beiler job of assisting anyone Inlerested In a brond new or existing homo." "I'm excited lo have more of our ossoclalcs earning this ccrliFication," sold Sieve Culler, CBTR CFO and Davic/ Clemmons bronch monoger. "Knowledge is power, ond 1 believe this training reolly sets our people opart when ll comes lo helping builders market new homes ond home buyers make iholr best decisions." Complcllon of Iho CerllFied New Home Specialist Iralrilng Involves more than 20 hours of interactive computer-based course work and a 90 percent or belter score on the certlFication lest. CranFiil has been active In /col estolo sales for 10 years with business partner, Vicki Fleming, in Davio and Forsyth counties. She holds Senior Reol Eslatc Specialist (SRES), Carlus Affinity Network Specialist (CNAS), and USAA Advontoge Agent designations. CronFill can be reached in her office ol 998-1186 or al aimm(l(Ucmtiflll®cohlwellbmiker.com. G e t o u t s t a n d in g lo w p ric e s o n q u a lit y p r o d u c ts . of Squire and Sarah Boone, al Joppa Ccmeieiy ot 10 a,m. May 2, It hos been located In Ihc Boone Family Row, The society members wish lo thank Belly West for her pro­ gram in March about her trav­ els to homes of U.S. presidenis, John Fuller will give Ihe pro­ gram ol the Moy 26 meeting oboul the restored Hodges Busi­ ness College, Visitors ore wel­ come. The Slole Employees Crcdil Union hos moved lo o new of­ fice jusl off US 601 North al Country Lane in Mocksville, The 6,400 square-fool build­ ing has room for expansion, and Is more accessible for custom­ ers, sold - M, Brondon McCormick, vicc president ond city executive. An open house ond ribbon culling ceremony will be held ill 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 28. McCormick, who hos been in Mocksvillc for Ihc posi six years, said Ihe biggest reason for. the move wos porklng. The Gaither Street building in Mocksville was on a small lol. with 0 tricky cnironce. , “The new locotion was found by Ihe advlsoiy board and myself. It's 0 really good spot,” he soid. The credit union hos eight full-time ond one parl-llmo em- afii. If yiiu have gout, you may be eligible to participate In the '№SURGE 1 study, evaluating an investlgatipnal medlqine for , preventing acute gout flares In select patients. Researchers are Interested In determining the effectiveness and safety of the rlnvtstlgational medicine when used in combination with an FDA'approved medicine commonly used for gout treatments ' Iti be considered for participation In the PRE-SURGE 1 study, youmust: • ;НаУвexperienced at iP re -'ree‘1 • Be able to receive treatment with aurate-lowerlng medicine known as allopurlnol,/\ND • Not cunently be experiencing a gout flare. The Investigator will work with you to determine whether you quajlfy for the study, using a more comprehensive list of criteria. 'Qualified participants will receive study metjiclne as well as ^ : study-rela^ medica! evaluations at no cost. Reimbursement fur ' ttm^ and travel may also be available. ., , To itarnmorWplease contact: Crescent Medical Research 704-647-9913 T ellers C firistln a S h errill a n d S ta c e y P o w ell a re re a d y to h e lp c u s to m e rs . FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH of COOLEEMEE 204 MARGINAL ST • COOLEEMEE Revival with Dr. J.L.Cook April 26-30,2009 - 7:00pm S u n d a y N ig h t S e r v ic e S t a r t s a t 6 p .m . Without a doubt, you will enjoy Dr. Cook's Bible sermons, hilarious stories and side-splitting laughter and words of encouragement for everyonel Special Guest Sunday Night Special Guest Monday Nloht _____^HTHDAY DENNIS BENTON IL S ta te E m p lo y e e s C re d it U n io n B ra n d o n M cC o rm ick w a lk s fro m th e n e w b u ild in g off Y adklnvllle R o a d a t C o u n try L a n e In fi/locksvllle. A n o p e n h o u s e will b e h eld T u e s d a y . Credit Union Opens New Davie Office ployec, with five tellers and Ihree Financial servicc officers. The new ol'Fico has room lo ex­ pand. . The number of customers belonging lo Iho credit union hos tripled over the lost six yeors, McCormick said, The now office has three drive-up lanes ond a through- llio-wall ATM. It sits on three acres. Several large trees were left on site and extensive land­ scaping will make Ihe properly stand out, ho soid. Operotion is aided by o lo­ cal, volunlccr advisory board, choired by Brent Shoof and in­ cluding Michael Dollon, Jack Keller, Leuno Angell, Kevin Hendrix, Bill Campbell, Wendy Terry, Jason Stewart, Trade Welch, Candace Poplin, Martha Boger. To learn more, call 751- 3201. D is tr ic t C o u r t DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 23,2009 - S' Ruled Accidental By Jnckie Seabolt Davie Enterprise A Davie man accldenlaliy shot himself oyer Ihe weekend al his home while working on his gun. ■ According to Capt. J.D. Horlmon witii the Dovie Sheriff’s Office, on April 19 Williom Oenlry, 85, of 123 Lei­ sure Lone, IWocksville wos cleaning his .22-callbcr hand­ gun'and thought ll was'un­ loaded. "The trigger went off ond he was shot in Ihe upper left thigh and ,it exited through his back side,” Hartman said. Qoniry was transported to iSaplisi Medical Center in Win­ ston-Salem by Daviet Emer­ gency Medical Services shortly after 4 p.m. Baptist had no informollon on Gentry's condlllon. Teen Chooses Jail Over Probation By .iackle Senbolt Davie Enterprise A Dovlc Iccn osked a judge to impose an aclivc senlence af­ ter violating ills probation. Christopher Ratliff, 18, of Oakridge Lone, Mocksville foced one count misdoineonor probotlon violation In Ihe April , 16 session of Oavie District Court. Assistant District Allorncy Wendy Terry asked allorncy Lynn Hicks,-who was represent­ ing Rolllff, if her client did od- mit or deny his violation. "He admits,” Hicks an­ swered. Terry told Judge Rod Penty Ihcrc wos 0 45 day sentence in the mailer. Prpbotion officer John Blevins told Ihe judge Ihol Roliiff was plaped on probation Jan. 15 for larccny and received a 12 monlh suspended sentence. Blevins said that Ratliff vio­ lated the probotlon by not com­ pleting his community .service ond by commllting other crimi­ nal offenses. Penry placed Ratliff's 45 doy sentence Into effect. ’ Terry then told Penry thol Rotllff hod two other eases of probation he wanted to take ac­ tive lime on, but that no vibla- lion report had been filed os of yel by the probation ofFiccr. Penry said if Ihe cases were on Ihe calendar Ratliff had the right to refuse probation while In Ihe courtroom., Blevins said that he undcr- stoodif Ralllff’s probation was revoked In Ihe current case, he wanted lo take active time in the other cases as well. Hicks said Ihol Rolllff's vio­ lation of the current probation would consliUite violation of Ihe other cases. Blevins said Ihere were no violations of the other oases al this lime, "It's just him saying ho wants active lime." Penry said, “1 think he's en­ titled to refuse his probation, that's a willful decision on his part,” In Ihe end, Rotllff received 0 total of 135 days,i with credit ibr 29 days served. After hugging another gentleman in tlie courtroom, Ralliff was escorted out by a bailiff. Tlupperware' O P E N H O U S EAdvance United Methodist Church Saturday, IVlav 2 » 7-10 a.m, The following cases were heard in Davie District Court on April lfi. Presiding; Judge Rod Penry. Prosecuting: Wendy terry, A.ssistani DA. - Rual Luis Aguilar, speed­ ing 89 In a 70, reduced to 79 In a 70, $15, cost. - Jonathan Marshal Beck, in­ jury to personal property, dis­ missed. - Justin Eugene Bell, resist­ ing a public ofFicer, prayer for Judgnicni continued on cost, $150 otiomey fees; consuming beer/wlne underoge,' simple possession of schedule VI con­ trolled substance, dismissed per plea, evidence ordered'de­ stroyed. - Megan Leigh Blackbilrn, simple possession of schedule VI controlled .subslunce, posses­ sion of drug paraphernalia, dis­ missed per plea of co-defendant, evidence ordered destroyed. - Jenny Ellen Byers, speed­ ing 73 in a 55, dismissed per plea; DWL sentenced lo 60 days, suspended 18 months, $100, cost, subslancc abuse as- sessmenl/trcolment, surrender license, 24 hours community service. - Michael A. Coin, speeding 86 In 0 70, dismissed per plea; driving with licensc revoked, reduced to failure lo notify DMV of address c change, $25, cost. - Matthew Brent Collins, speeding 52 in o 35, rcduccd to improper equipment, $75, cost. - Hollie Steiner Cooper, speeding 89 in a 70, reduced lo improper equipment, $100, cost. - Louie Carl Doby, failure to obey IrnfFic ofFicer, prayer for judgment continued on cost. - Ccicrino S. Dominguez, no operators license, $50, cost, $200 altomey fees. - Candocc Brook Ferrell, driving with license revoked, prayer for judgment conlinucd on co.st, $112.50 allomey fees. - Yajaira Edith Fucntes, no operators license, exceeding safe speed, dismissed per pica; no operators license, reduced to failure lo notify DMV of od- dress chonge, $25, cost. - Lauren Ashley Gilley, simple possession of schedule VI controlled substance, posses­ sion of drug paraphemollo, dis­ missed per plea of co-defendant, evidence ordered destroyed. - Randy Eugene Godbey, driving with license revoked, reduced to foilure lo notify DMV of address change, $50, cost: expired rcgislralion card/ lag, driving wilh liccnse re­ voked, possession/display of al- leredyrevoked drivers liccnse, expired registration card/lag, speeding 68 in a 55, dismissed per plea. - Dennis Dole Gray II, ob­ taining property by false pre­ tense, rcduced lo misdemeanor, larccny, sentenced lo 60 days, suspended 18 months, $100, cost; Financial cord froud, dis­ missed per plea. - Melissa Yvetle Gray, oper­ ating vchicle no insurnncc, nol guilty; Fictitious/conccalcd/re- voked registration card/log, fail­ ure lo bum headlamps, and re­ sisting a public officer, sen­ tenced lo 30 doys, suspended 18 months, $100, cost. - Vernon Lee Horl, driving with license revoked, prayer for judgment continued on cost. - Tammy Rose Hudson, pos­ session of drug paraphemalia, dismissed per pico In Superior Court. - Amondo Carol Johnson, simple possession of schedule VI controlled substance, dis­ missed per pleo; possession of dmg paraphernalia, prayer for judgment conlinucd 90 days, cost, nol lo violate any laws, possess no dmgs. , - Joseph Anthony King, felony breaking/entering, re­ duced to misdemeanor bieak- ing/enlerlng, sentenced lo 45 days, suspended 18 months, 24 hours community service, $275 attorney fees, cost, $1687 resti­ tution; assault inflicting serious injury, dismissed per plea. - Mallhew Jason Klullz, driv­ ing wilh licence revoked, driv­ ing/allowing motor vehicle no rcgislralion, no liability insur­ ance, possession of drug para­ phernalia, possession of mari­ juana Up to one-half ounces, dis­ missed per pica, evidence or­ dered destroyed. - Alton Randoll Lone, driv­ ing wilh liccnsc revoked, sen­ tenced to 120 doys, suspended 18 months, $200, cost, 24 hours community service + fee, $275 altomey fees; expired registra­ tion cord/log, ficliiious/con- cealed/revokcd registration card/tag, failure to wear drivers scut bell, dismissed per plea. - Michael Paul Martin, speeding 85 In o 60, dismissed per plea; reckless driving lo en­ danger, $150, cost. - Santiago A. Martinez, in­ decent exposure, dismissed per compliance with deferred pros­ ecution. - Kimberly D. McClelland, injury to personal properly, dis­ missed per mediation. - Richard Michael Moses, exiradillon/fuglllvc other stole, dlsmls.scd per defendant being picked up by other state. - John Alexander Neely, car- rylng a concealed gun, dis­ missed per agreement lo destroy weapon, . , - Eric Paul Shelton, domes­ tic violence protective order vlolollon, dismissed per plea in Superior Court, - Dorian Russell Shrout, driving wilh license revoked, simple possession of schedule VI controlled substance, dis­ missed per plea; possession of drug paraphemalia, sentenced lo 45 days, suspended 18 months, $100, cost, not to vio­ late any laws, - Rogelio M, Valdes, at­ tempted larceny, dismissed per lime served. - Bethea Brilony Voldcz, in­ jury lo personal property, $100, cost. - Jose Antonio Villatoro, no operators liccnsc, $25. cost; fail­ ure to slop for slopsign/flashing red light, dismissed per pleo. - Herbert M. Wolker, driving with license revoked, dismissed per plea lo failure to notify^ DMV of address change. T - Eric Wesley Word, simple possesslo of schedule VI con­ trolled substance, $50, cost, evi­ dence ordered destroyed. - Jeremy C. Westmoreland; drinking beer/wine while driv­ ing, prayer for judgment contirF ued on cost; expired regisU-ation card/tag, open container after consuming alcohol, dismissed per plea. - Darron Ellis Williams, mis­ demeanor larceny, sentenced lo 120 days, credil for lime served.' - John Albert Williams, im,- proper loodlng/coverlng ve­ hicle, dismissed. - Matthew David Wishofii driving with license revokc'dj dismissed. " - Chance William WitiJ simple possession of schedute VI conUxillcd substance, posses­ sion of dmg paraphemalia, dis­ missed per pleo, evidence or­ dered destroyed. Failed To Appear: ^ - Aubrey Duslln Clapp, crui city to animals. J - Heather Ellzobcth Cross? possession of moll beveragc/un« fortlFied wine nol 19/20, con* suming alcohol by person 19£ 20, resisting a public officer. ^ - Francisco Javier Reyesf speeding 66 in a 55, driving wilh license revoked, explredi no Inspection. i' - Larry Donnell Thfl, driving wilh license revoked, rear lamp?; violation. Z A d m in is tr a tiv e C o u r t Thé following coses were disposed of in Davie Administrallve Court. Pre­ siding: Magistrate Kevin D. Hendrix. Prosecuting: Jim Hedrick, ussistunt DA. - Mark Joseph Arcorio, speeding 86 In a 70, reduced to' Improper equipmenl, $50, cost. - Lawanda T. Bohannon, possession of open container/ consuming olcohol In passenger iireu, $25, cost. - Amondo Reece Boyles, follurc to reduce speed, dismissed. - Kyle Anthony Bruce, expired/no . inspection, di.smissed. - Rex Alexander Carswell, foilure lo wear seat belt, $25, cost; canceled/revoked/ suspended cerliflcotlon/tag, dismissed. - Debru Nicole Carter, no licensc, dismi.ssed. - Joshua Mark Carter, speeding 65 in o 45, reduced to 54 in u 45, $25, cost. - Paula McDowell Church, window tlntliig violation, dismissed. - Jacob TVler Darnell, unsafe movenicnl, dismissed. - Keilh S. Davidson, failure lo wear seal bell, $25, cost; opcroting vchicle wilh no Insurance, dismissed. - Tony Lee Dovls, failure to wear seat bell, dismissed. - Louise S, Desnoyers, unsafe movement, dismissed. - Brandy Nolossio Diggs,. window tinting violation, dismissed. - Marcella Dulln, leaving vehicle unottended/unsecured, $25, cost. . - Pamela S. Fox-Heoton, failure to stop for slop sign/ flashing red light, reduced to unsafe movement, $25, cost. - Fredrick O. Oaither, permitting operation of a vehicle with no insurance, dismissed. Alexander D. Garner, fictitious/altered title/ registration, dismissed. - Blizabelh L. Hammond, speeding 51 in o 35, reduced to improper equipmenl, $50, cost. - Anna Marie Heller, improper passing on right, reduccd to unsafe passing, $25, cost. - Samantha Lynn Hoover, speeding 87 in a 70, reduced lo 79 in a 70, $50. cost. - Joren Lorone Johnson, failure to reduce speed, dismissed. - Teddy William Johnson, driving wliile license revoked, dismissed.' - Tommy Matshall Jones, failure to yield left turn, dismissed. - Florla Elizabeth Lewis, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Stacie, Bcrdctte Lomax, window tinting violation, dismissed. - Asael H. Martinez, no license, rcduccd to failure lo notify DMV of address change, $25. cost; operating vehicle with no insuronce, dismissed. - Ismael Rubio Martinez, improper loading/covering vehicle, $10, cost; expired registration, dismissed. - Ellen Hall McGllp, speeding 60 In a 45, rcduccd to 54 in a 45, $25, cosl. - Jennifer Morie Miller, foilure to reduce speed, dismissed. - Christine C. Morchead, speeding 88 In a 70, rcduced lo improper equipmenl, $100, cost; following too closely, dismissed. - Cynthlo M. Parker, failure to reduce speed, dismissed. - April Faye Shenk, expired registration, dismissed. - Mark W. Shirk, speeding 67 in a 55, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Crystal C. Sleclc, speeding 67 in a 45, rcduced to 54 in o 45, $25, cosl. - Manuel E. Trammell, driving while license revoked, dismlsiicd. - Jose Oriando Trejo, failure to wear seat bell, $25, cosl; window tinting violation, dismissed. - Francisco J. Vargas, speeding 68 in a 55, rcduced lo Improper equipment, $25, cost; - Jennifer Diano Voglerj speeding 60 in a 45, reduced iq; improper equipmenl, $25, cosi: - Trevor William W hilcj speeding 70 in a 55, reduced Id 64 in a 55. $10, COSI. ; - Rachel A. Whittingloni allowing unlicensed'person Id! drive, dismissed. • - Timothy E, Whilllngton* failure to wear seal bellj dismissed, ; - Dona Lynne Wiltllnger;! speeding 56 in a 35, reduced t(J 44ina35, $10, CO.SI. ; Spring Revival Cornatzer Baptist Church 1372 Cornatzer Road, Mocksville 336-998-4399 April 26-29 Sunday, April 26-11 a.in. & 6:30 p.m. Monday, April 27-Wednesday, April 29 - 7 p.m. Sp^er: Pastor Harold Fletcher Ali are welcome! DAVIS REGIONAL M Г D I С A 1 С t N 1 E R • w vv w . d a v i s r i' ц i .> n ,i I DAVIS REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 2009 COMMUNITY EDUCATION SERIES F R E E V A S C U L A R S C R E E N IN G Friday, My 1 • 6pm-9pm • Davis Regonal Outpatient Area • Reservations Required by caiiing7Q4-838-7123 Vascular disease Is a serious condicion that affects people as they age and drastically increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Symptoms of vascular disease include cramping in hips/legs, fetigue while walking, or pain in the hip or leg muscles that goes away when you stop or rest. Those ac risk are anyone over 50, anyone with a history of coronary artery disease/diabetes, high blood pressure/high cholesterol, or tobacco users. Contact us at 704-838-7123 fora prescreening evaluation and to leam ifyou are ac risk Ibrvasculardisease and a candidate for this free screening. Resemitiom are required. fSES ï ï à f f.R E G I O N A L Remarkable Peo/iÍ!. Remarkable МсМпе. 2 18 Oll) M О ( К S V I I I I ROA 1)4 0. 1X11 1 S 4 , S 1 Л 1 I S V I Í I : I I I Í ' !'i I . !/ I ' '1 ¡■'I! , ! ' i/.J\'i г • i si. Г j/ív il ul J I V'‘ á I'; f I I t ' \ ! , •. I 'j >' i i IV 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 23,2009 P u b lic R e c o rd s 'Marriages The following were issued marriage licenses by the Davie Register of Deeds. - Juson Lamar Jackson, 30, .,, and Jennifer Dawn McCrary, ■ ; 28, of Mocksville, . ] ' - Richard Todd Lashmit, 32, and Selina Isolde Jung, 24, of Mocksville.: - Danny Aiidrcw Costner, 33, of Valdese, and Krystal Danielle Bustos, 26, of.Walnut Cove. - Carlos Antonio Codoy- Hernandez, 46, and Zonie Elizabeth Ouzmah-Argiieta, 37, of Harmony. Civil Lawsuits The following civil lawsuits were filed with the Davie Clerk of Court. ■ chad Wayne Johnson vs. Amanda Nicole Simmons, custody. - Charles Richard Noto vs. Kevin’George Burrell Jr., no contact order, - American Express vs. Candace Howell, collection, $42,200,36, - Thalia Meza Vs, Zachary Stephen Ellis, domestic violence protective order. - Davie Social Services vs, Lee Moss, child support, - - North Star Capital Acquisition vs, Linda S. Blackburn, collection on account, $1,914.90, - Clearview Federal Credit Union vs. Dewey J, Hunt Jr,, money owed, $11,061,05, - Kevin D, Hendrix and Paige Lynette Hendrix vs, Patricia Lynn Devine and Sean Devine, custody, ' - Morgan Jeneii Plemmons vs. Curtis Andrew Ellis, divorce, - Gary C, Martin vs, Lorena Adelulda Santiago, Ti'moteo Santiago and Eric Maya, motor vehiclc negligence, - DT.Acceptancc vs, Donald Ogene Smith Jr. and Ginger Renee Smith, contract, money owed, possession of personal properly, - Shelia Renee Brown vs, Clifton Eugene Bales, divorce, - Suntrust Bank vs, R. David Long, doing business as Longs Garage Door, collection on account, $1,766. - Melissa Shane Phillips White vs. Julius Chester Jr., divorce. . • -LVNV Funding V.S. Waller Willis, collection on account, .$1,840.96.,' ' ■ - Branch Banking & Trust vs, Linda Gibb and Larry Gibb, collection on account, money owed, $89,337.98, - Marion S, Baiiey vs, Carol S, Powers, alienation of affection, ■ , - Gloria Ravit Lewis vs, Wilbur Ray Lewis, divorce, - Hayley P, Warren vs, Scotty W, Warren, divorce,' - Davie Social Services vs. Jeffrey D, Hayes, child support. - Capital One Bank vs, Lisa M, Newcomb, collection on account, $2,038,32, - First Financial Investment Fund I vs, Shavon L, Bohannon, collection on account, $1,040,90, - Barnette Heating and Air Conditioning vs, Stephanie Dyson, money owed, $800. ' - Amanda Kay Moon- Hampton ys, Jason Lee Hampton, domestic violence protective order, Meghan Siobhan Weatherman vs, Mark Edward Weatherman, divorce, - Himmy Arleiid Willis Mills vs. Evati Brandoii Mills, divorce, incorporation of separation agreement and property settlement, - Atlantic Credit & Finance vS, Gregory A. Mas.hore, collection on , account, $2,279,26. . ■ ' - Davie Social Services vs. Arthur Crossley, child support, - Merrick Bank vs, Robert Hendricks, collectioti on 'account, $1,293.29. - Dwight D. Cleary vs, Nathan Clive Beck, motor vehicle negligence, personal injury and property damago. - Suntrust Bank vs. Gregory R, McCraw, collection on account, money owed, $11,077,74, - Global Acceptance Credit vs, Tamara S, Clement, collection on account, $1,406.54. - Arrow Financial Services vs, Julia Daniels, collection on account, $2,903.86. - Gary L, Lackey vs, Tanya D, Lackey, qualined domestic relations order, - Branch Banking & Trust vs. Robert Arnold Morgan, collection on account, $7,527.98. ■’ - Branch Banking & Trust vs, Eliztfbeth Faye Vickers, collection on account, $5,832,22, - HSBC Bank Nevada vs, John G, Robinson, collection on account, $1,160,05. - HSBC Bank Nevada vs, Camille Davidson, collection on account, $2,338,17. - Arrow Financial Services vs, Jeffrey Potts and Zanac Potts, collection on account, ,$2,360,33. - Arrow Financial Services vs, Brandi Martin, collection on account, $1,828,85. - Davie Social Services vs. Curtis L, Gray, child support, - Davie Social Services vs, Bessie M, Shrewsbury, child support. -Jennifer Giles Walser vs, Jonathan Walser, divorce, - Hilco Receivables, vs. Somphith . Phioykaew, collection on ; account, $7,678,44. - Hilco Reccivables vs. Linda Sheehy, collection on account, $3,779,19, - Household Rea'lty vs, Melissa K, McDaniel, collection on account, $15,855,73, - Precision Decorating vs, Barbara Dedrick, money owed, $4,176.55-, IT’S HERE, B o w m a n G ra y S ta d iu m R a c in g (i B e g in s its 6 1 s t S e a s o n V mivasGAfí The following land transfers were filed with the Davie Reg­ ister of Deeds, listed by parlies involved, acreage, township, an deed stamps purchased, wilh $2 representing $1,000, - Verious Barnes Angell and Betty Whittaker Angell lo Will­ iam F. junker, 1.1 acres, $134, - William F, Junker and Kathy B. Junker to Verious Barnes Angell and Betty' Whittaker Angell, .41 acre, $134. - Debra Lynn Lakey to Sharon Kubisch, 1 lot, Fulton, *410. - Jerry E, Call and Gerzua Call to W. Holiyn Stokes and Charlotti B, Stokes, 1 tract, Jerusalem, $192, - Substitute Trustee Services to Fannie Mae, 5 acres,’ Clarksville, ' • Bessemer Trust Co. and Marianne Cheek Mebane to Mebane Charitable Foundation, 1 tract, Mocksville, - Bank of the Carolinas to Riley B, Lowery, Tara L, Lowery, Patrick T, Lowery and Klmbocly D, Singleton, 4 lots, $200, - Elizabeth B, Ells, substitute trustee to Bank of America, 10,5 acres, $274, - CitiFinanciai Services to Steven W, Kalren, 17,32 acre's, Calahaln, $130, - Nationwide Trustee Ser­ vices to Countrywide Home Loans, 1 lol, $288, - Amil Whitehead to The Peter Group, 1 lot, Mocksville, - Frances P. Shuler to Jo Ann Shuler and Judith S. Brown, 7 tracts, Fulton, - Wells Fargo Bank to Sec­ retary of Housing .and Urban Development, ,26 acre, Mocks­ vilie, - Kathie S, Brown and Jimmy R, Brown, Brandon Lee Spencer and Shirley W. Shep­ herd lo Joshua J. Nail and Jen­ nifer G, Nail, 1 lot, Jerusalem, $60, - J,K, Canter Builder to Janet H,G. Canter and Maurice Benfield Phillip.4, co-trustees of Monroe Carr Gibson Trust for Graiuichildren, 4 lots, Farming­ ton, - Karen M. Baker to Karen M, Baker and Clarence D. Baker, ,58 acre, Farmington, - Bayne E. Miller and Inez F. Miller to Anthony Brent Miller (25% interest), 47,24 acres, ■ - L, Wayne Frye and Daphne A. Frye to Lany C, Roberson and Emily R, Roberson, 1 lot, Funninglon, $630. - Patricia Ann Glover and Jackson H. Glover to Kristi M. Miller and Rudy H, Howell, ,91 acre, Jerusalem, $30, - Glen Stanley and Debra Stanley, Ross Spry and Stephanie Spry to Austin Leonard lines and Meika Top­ pings Imes, .7 acre, ,$22, - Artisian Builders and Sable Enterprises to Hannah Elizabeth Whitaker and Jason Scott Keller, ,39 acre, Mocksville, $250, , - Donald J, Boyd and Vickie D, Boyd to Rita Smith, 1 lot, Calahaln, $60, - Christopher Mark Cable to Paul Worth Furr and Betty Keaton Furr, 1.75 acres, Jerusa­ lem, - Floyd E, Greene to Floyd Green Family Partnership, 3 tracts, Calahaln, - James L, Frank and Kathryn L, Frank to Tamera E, Olson, 1 lot, - James Earl Hoke Sr, and Ernestine Foster Hoke to James ’ Earl Hoke Jr„ 2 parcels, Shady Grove, - Douglas Paul Hanes and Jennifer Riith Hanes to Dick Anderson Construction, 1 lot, $500, , - Dick Anderson Construc­ tion to Douglas Paul Hanes and Jennifer Ruth Hanes, 1 lot, Shady Grovo, $854, - Katherine C, Gross, execu­ tor of estate of Louise D, Collier to ktttherineC. Gross, 1 condo­ minium, Farmington, ■, - Glenas M, McClamrock to Kay M,. Beam, Linda M, Whitaker and Sheila M, Reavis, 2 tracts, Farmington, - Douglas R, Ivester and Barbara C, Ivc.ster lo Ronald H, Whitlock and Cparia B, Whitlock, 1 lot, Mocksville, $60, Mocksville Police The following incidents were reported to the Mocksville Police Department, - The larceny of items from Wal-Mart was reported April 16, - The larceny of gas price signs and a Blimpie sign from u store on Salisbury Road was reported April 16. -A woman reported April 19 someone threw honey mustard and ranch dressing on her ve­ hicle on Raymond Street. - The breaking, entering and larceny of personal items from a residence on Sanford Avenue was reported April 19. - A bottle was thrown through door glass to a resi­ dence on Summit Drive, It was reported April 19,^' - Bathrooms were vandal­ ized al Rich Park, it was re­ ported April I9i Arrests - Thomas Neal Jones, 39, of Liberty Church Road, was charged April 14 wilh unautho­ rized use of a vehicle. Trial date; Мау2Ь - Elizabeth Booe Foole, 33, of Winston-Salem, was charged April 14 with nilng a false po­ lice report. Trial dale;,May 18, ■ - Michael Lee Luffman, 37, of Meadowview Lane, was charged April 16 with DWI, driving while license revoked and reckless driving. Trial dale: May 15, - Deborah L, Gulledge, 47, was charged April 16 with forg­ ery, Triol date: April 30, - Glovanna Karina Hurtado, 19, of Jonesvllle, was charged April 16 with larceny, TMal date: May 24. - Nancy Hernandez, 20, of Boonville, was charged April 16 with larceny. Trial date: May 24. - Judy Mary Ann Hernandez, 27, of Statesville, was charged April 16 with larceny. Trial date: May 24. - Jorge Rafael Gama, 19, of Campbell Road, was charged April 16 with possession of marijuana, drug paraphernalia and a fraudulent ID, Trial date; May 28. - Barbara Sparks Pinnlx, 70, of Hamptonvllle, was charged April 18 wilh DWI aiid driving left of center. Trial date; June 5, IVafflc Accidents - No charges wefe filed af­ ter a wreck on Valley Road at 7:45 p.m, April 12, Rita Kay Baker, 61, of Troutman, was making a left turn In a 2005 Kla when It stmck n 2001 Chevrolet driven by Tina Marie draig, 22, of Drum Lane, reported Officer C,M, Preston. - No charges wore filed af­ ter a three-voHlclc wreck on South Main Street at 8 a,m, April 15, Lori Mueller Allen, 32, of Crcekslde Drive, failed to stop the 2003 Buick she was driving before it struck the rear of a 2004 Honda driven by Harry Joel Flores, 26, of Winston-Sa­ lem, knocking It Into the rear of a 1997 Dodge driven by Kristina Lee Branch, 37, of Riverbend Drive, Advance, re­ ported Officer Chris Hefner, Arrests The Davie County Sheriffs Department made the following arrests: - Donald Edward Johnson, 45, of Cameron was arrested April 3 for simple possession of schedtile IV and possession of drug paraphernalia,. Trial date; June 19, - James Allen Swing, 32, of Walkorlown was arrested April 13 for driving while license re­ voked, Trial date; May 15, - Stephanie Christina Trapani, 31, of Old Town Drive, - On April 15 identity theft was reported at a home bn March Ferry Road, Advance, - Fraud was' reported at a home on Falling Creek Drive, Advance on April 15, - On April 15 threats were reported at a home,on Gun Club Road, Advance, - Larceny from a motor ve­ hicle was reported at a home on Pine Ridge Road, Cooleemee on April 16, - On April 17 property dam­ age was reported^at a home on Excalibur Lane, Mocksville. - Fraud was reported at a home on Underpass Road, Ad­ vance on April 17i - On April 17 threats were I'eported at a home on Hobson Drive, Mocksville, Highway Patrol The following traffic wrecks in Davie County were listed by Ihe N,C, Highway Patrol, • A Davie woman was charged with failure to reduce speed after the vehicle she was driving hit another April 15, Leonard George Brown of Summerville was driving a 1999 Freightllner east on 1-40 ’ from the eastbound rest area. Advance was arrested April 14 . Tonya Mullis Yount of US 158, forldentitylheft,TriBldalo:May Mocksville was driving her 200 Up//WW/£r;f Modified Race Pius Sportsman, Street Stock, and Stadium Stock Races ,W íiW lí@ íi W il Oateg open lor praetica at 6 Fans’ Prize: SBOD In Cold Hard Caali from. DMC Auto Exdiange Home Of tho H otM oiilfleils W W W -Bowm anG rayRaclng.com 3 3 6 .- 7 2 3 -i8 i9 12andOldar-$10 Agof.eiliroughll - SI Clilldrenund«re>FREei PLENTViOFjrREE'PARKING lACOBS Western Store 555 Parks Rd - Woodleaf, NC 704-278-4973 1)0 you need liouls, I'loliiiiiij ur ¡i Dicce of jewelry 10 iliilsli oiil dial Wesierii look? Tlien we Have yon covered. Wc carry work Dools und work wear, A cuniplele line ol lack und nurse care iiruducis. We arc a lillle way ull me liealen irail, Dni il’s well worm me sliorl drive. Store Hours: Monday-l»lday. 10-6 « Saturday 8-4 14, - Charies Richard Noto, 26, of Polls Road, Advance was ar­ rested April 15 for assault on a female. Trial date; May 21. - John Martin Ijames, 39, of Pine Ridge Road, Mocksville was arrested April 15 for assault on a female. Trial dale: May 21, Fires Davie County fire depart­ ments responded to the follow­ ing calls; AprH 13: Smith Grove, 6:33 p,m,, US 158, grass/woods/ brush fire, April 16; Mocksvilie, 8:55 a,m„ Wilkesboro Street; Center assisted, April 17: County Line, 7; 11 a.m,, Ridge Road, automobile accident: Fork, 11:47 a.m,, Aubrey Merreil Road, automo­ bile accident; Cornatzer-Dulin ' assisted; Jerusalem, 4:25 p,m,, US 601 Soulh, grass fire; Mocks­ ville assisted; Jerusalem, 6:52 p,m„ Fletcher Street, structure fire; Cooleemee assisted, April 18: Advance, 11:25 a,m,, Markland Road; William R, Davie, 12:32 p,m„ Elmore Road, grass fire; Jerusalem, 12:34 p.m,, US 601 South, auto­ mobile accident. Sheriff’s Department The following Incidents were'reported to the Davio County Sheriff’s Department, - On April 12 trespassing, vandalism, and threats were re­ ported at a location on US 601 South, Mocksville, . - Pocket picking was re­ ported al a convenience store on US 601 South, Mocksville on April 13, - On April 13 threats, were reported at a homo on Ijames Church Road, Mocksvillo, - Fraud was reported at a home on Winchester Road, Ad­ vance on April 13, - On April 13 Ihe larceny of a lag was reported at a location on US 601 South, Mocksvillo, - Fraud was reported at a home on Town Park Drive, Ad­ vance on April 13, - On April 14 larceny was reported at a home on Legion Hut Road, Mocksville, - Threats wore reported al a home on County Line Road, Mocksville on April 14, - On April 14 larceny from n motor vehicle was reported al a home on Casa Bella Drive, Mocksville, - Property damago was re­ ported at a homo on Michaels Road, Mocksville on April 14, 2004 Chevrolet east on 1-40 and I'alled to negotiate the. speed of Brown's tractor-traller, Yount failed to slow her vehicle in lime and it collided with Brown's truck. Trooper M,T, Dalton re­ ported the accident occurrcd nt approximately 6:10 a,m. and there were no Injuries, • A Duvie woman was charged with fullure to reducc speed and window tint violation after the vehiclc she was driv­ ing hit another April 15, , Jeffery Phillip Pope of Gran­ ite Falls was stopped a 1999 In- temntionul trnctor-trailer travel­ ing east on Iho 1-40 exit ramp. Pope was forced to abruptly stop the truck when a vehicle cam through Ihe intersection at a high rate of speed. Tara Smith Atkins of Victory Lane, Mocks­ villo was driving her 2006 Lexus on tiio exit rump behind Pope and failed to reduce the speed of her vehicle in time be­ fore it collided with Pope's truck. Trooper C.D, Hall reported the accident occurred at ap­ proximately 8:22 a,m, and there was no Injuries, • No charges were filed after an accident on April 17, Consuelo Martinez of US 64 We.st, Mocksville was driving her 1998 Toyota east on Foster Road when she ran off the right side of the road, Martinez over- corrected, crossed the cenleriine, ran off the road to tho right again and collided wllh an embankment, Martinez' vehicle overturned and came to rest up­ side down in the roadway. Trooper M,T, Dalton re­ ported tho accident occurred at approximately 7:10 a,m, and there were no injuries, • A Hamptonvillo man was charged wilh reckless driving, littering, and expired registra­ tion after he wrecked the vehicle he was driving April 18 at 11:26 p,m„ Mark Ryan Pinnix was driv­ ing his 1997 Mazda south on NC 801 when he crossed left of center and ran off the road, Pinnix' vehicle collided with a ditch and overturned multiple times before coming to rest par­ tially in the roadway, reported Trooper C,D, HaU. • A Yadklnvllle man was charged wllh reckless driving after ho wrecked Ihe vehicle he was driving April 18 at 1:18 a,m, Joe Taylor Kirby was driv­ ing a 2004 Kla west on NC 801 and failed to stop for a stopsign.uu, mu(;K2iviiic un ADril 14 f t. .Пп Anrii Id went off theOn April 14 harassing road straicht ahead and hit nnphone culls were reported at a home on Rediand Road, Ad­ vance, - Threats were reported at a home on Norma Lane, Advance on April 15, straight ahead and hit an embankment. The vehicle con­ tinued traveling through a field before coming to a slop, Kirby stated he had blacked out prior to the collision, reported Trooper C,D, Hall, DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 23,2009 ■ 7 Sexually Abused Teens Usually Show Symptoms ByKlmTntc DDVS/RCC It isn’t always easy to tell v^hen a teenager has been victimized sexually. There are physical signs, such as STDs, painful or burning urination, swelling or bruising in the genital urea, and sometimes pregnancy. Most • often, tho signs of a sexually abused teen are behavioral. This month. National Sexual Assault Awareness Month, please take some timo lo educate yourself C o n c e a l e d C a r r y C l a s s T o B e T a u g h t A N,C, Concealed Carry Handgun Class will be taught on Saturday, May 2 from 8 u,m,-6 p,m, nt the Davie Law Enforce­ ment Training Center on Dalton Road In Mocksvlllc. Payment rccolved by April 27 is ,$55 per person, all olhers $65. To learn more or register, contact Daniel Matthews at 284-4660, 671-4603 or DTM206® YAHOO. COM. R o a d N a m e C h a n g e H e a r i n g S e t A portion of Red Fern Lane In Mocksville could becomc Moore Trail, A public meeting on tho pro­ posed change will be held at 6 p,m, Tuesday, Aprii 28 by the Duvie County Planning Board . in the commissioner’s room, sccond floor, county udmlnlstra- tlon. building. Downtown Mocksville, To leurn more, visit the GIS Department or call 753-6050, J o n e s G o i n g F o r L u n g S u r g e r y If he could, Warren "Zip” Jones would shake the hand of everyone who has given him the chunce ut life. In need of a double-lung transplant, but unable to pay for the rent to stay neur Duke Hos­ pital for the required six months after Ihe surgery, Davie resi­ dents donated nearly $30,000 to holp pay those costs. They ■ bought hotdogs and hamburg­ ers, chances at baskets and hams. Some just send In money, Jones is in Durham and ad­ mittedly a bit scared as he pre­ pares for the surgery. “A lot of people are behind me, some I don’t even know," ho snid, “I can’t thank people enough. When I needed my guardian angels, they came to me,” Jones has lost 60 pounds. He’s also |iad to rid his body of nicotine, which not only In­ cluded quitting smoking, which he did last year, but also no more hanging out at tiie pool hull, “1 hud no ideu 1 was getting second-hand smoke,” he suid. ^WASHES^ ^Touchless or<t j Brush wash | 5 M o ck sv ille A uto Pride Car Wash N. Yadklnvllle Rd, , Mocksville , , (across fmm Lowes 3a HomeIrvprovement) ( on some of the possible signs of a sexually abused teenager, • Abused youth may act in sexually seductive ways or talk ubout sexual things in a more mature manner lhan their age. They may become dependent or clinging toward a parent and havo poor relationships with poors. Some teens will get into fights at school and get lower grudos. Others may focus all their energy Into schoolwork and make the honor roll. • Teens may run away, huve sex with many individuals (promiscuity), and becomc depressed and/or suicidal. • A victim may become ashamed of their body imd the violation and develop eating disorders such as anorexia (starving oneself) or bulimia (binging on food and then' throwing it up on purpose or using lots of laxatives). • Sexually abused teenagers have beeh known to self mutilate by repeatedly scratching or culling on their bodies, (Inform alion from "Teen'.H Guide lo Personal Safety anti Preventing Sexual Abuse" by Calallne Herrerías) Those changes are most often subtle. For example,.ii teen may begin acting more withdrawn, not spending us much time with friends, or uppear unhappy. While it’s important not to think that every "different” behavior is a sign of abuse, it’s Important to be aware of signs that may point to someone being abused. Please know there is help out there. Locally, Ihere is Davie Domestic Violence Services und Rupe Crisis Center 751-HELP (4357), 123 S, Main St, on the third floor of the County Administrution Building, There ure also muny national helplines for. teenagers and parents: National Child Abuse Hotline 1- 800-792-5200; National Youth Crisis Hotline 1-800-442-4673; Spanish Domestic Abuse Hotline 1-800-827-7571. I I I I free «100S » EGift.GÉrcíl S P E C I A L V A L U E ! now WITH $400 PURCHASE OF IN-STOCK 30-YEAR OWENS CORNING" OAKRIDGE ARCHITECTURAL SHINGLES / OWFNS fCOlìNING Limit 1 per household. OKer volld 4/23/09 - 4/27/09, Sea store lor details. . each 7/W" X 4' X B’ O S B Sheathing #12212 Pricing (or commodity Items may vary duo lo market conditions - we reserve Ihe right lo limit quantltlos. S P E C I A L V A L U E ! now $007 Ш Ш each 2" X 4" X 96" Kiln-Dried W hltewood Select Stud «6005 Pricing for commodity Hems may vary due to market conditions • we reserve the right to limit quantities. w’llh purchase ol any energy tax credit qualifying TtiermaSlar tw Pella* vinyl window with SunOeFense” Glass. Offer valid 4/23/09 - 5/17/09. Umil 25 per household. SoQ store for details. 2o:^ ALL IN-STOCK AND SPECIAL ORDER GARAGE DOORS Discount taken at time ol order. Oiler valid 4/23/09 - 6/3/09. Excludes Installalion latior charges. See store lor details. SPECIALVALU E! now $ 2 4 9 w a s ^ 3 9 9 4-Plece ie-Volt NICad Com pact Com bo Kit •Includes 1/2" compact drlll/drlver, reolprooating saw, 5-3/8" trim saw,, pivoting head tlnshllght, 1-hour chorger, 2 balterleo and case 1*135252 .While supplies last. No rainchecks. Llmll 2 per customer. ALLKOBALT TOOL STORAGE @ K O B A L T Discount taken Qt register. Offer valid 4/23/09- 4/27/09. Seo store for details. NEW ! * 1 6 9 HITACHI 2-Piece 12-Volt l.ithlum ion Cordless Com bo Kit •Includes drill driver and Impact driver »Ttoo 1.5 Ah Ijntlerlos included «305199 $ 3 “ each Double 4" Traditional Lap White Vinyl Siding #6932:56039 SPECIALVALUE! n o w« iic a was4 each *6^® Double 5" IVadltlonal Lap White Vinyl Siding «6022:44963 Hems vary by market. SPECIALVALUE! now¿ 4 24 was 6/8" X 6" X 6' TVeated D og-Ear Fence Picket «202922 15:^ Ш И Ш : н щ и Ш н р т о ш \ ‘n o w i ;$ з в 7 2 4 ^ a c k tìottled Water «46256:45072:57282,3,4,6 Brands may vary by market. Excludes accessories. Discount taken nt register. Offer valid '4/23/09 - 4/27/09. See store lor details. SPECIALVALUE! now ^ 3 5 .^ 9 ^ - 50' 12/3 Contractor Cord •Heavy-duty Powerlite"' plug lights up when power is on •t-llellme warranty «242027:67439 SPECIALVALUE! now ^ 7 9 .T o l W erner 13' Telescoping M ulti-Ladder •300-lb.'load capacity •Can be used as stepladder or extension ladder #78390 fEIitel 2 7 ^ per linear foot 2-1/4"W Casing Contractor Pack 3 6 ^ per linear foot 3-1/4"W Base Moulding Contractor Pack Moulding sold by bundle. Piorilos may vary. Avalabie in conven'wil pre-cut Isngllis. SPECIALVALUE!now *3 « Q U IK R E TE « Concrete Mix •Meets and exceeds ASTM C387 #10385 Selection may vaiy by market. CholeeDek IMEW LOWER PRICE! Gray 5/4" X 6" CholeeDek* Composito Docking 12’16* now $ 2 1 ,9 7 $ 2 8 .9 7 was $23.07 $30.57 each each «Ì16145 »116166 For the Lowe’s nearest you, call 1 -8 0 0 -9 9 3 -U16 or visit us online at Lowes.com Prices mai See store correct any 00I/0904SI/IÍ3 i fi«”«.. ..I I li » 8. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Aprii 23,2009 Davie High PTSA To Elect Officers; See Academic Woric A s tu d e n t w o rk s o n h e r S c ie n c e F air p ro je ct d ete rm in in g a m o u n t of v itam in C In v a rie ty o f fruit b e v e ra g e s . Davie High School’s PTSA will meet on Monday, April 27lh at 7 p.tti. hi the main gym. New officers will be elected by members und one bylaw Update focusing on the cost of members dues will be voted upon prior to featuring an evening of academic accomplishments by students and tcachcrs. PhilCar Auloiiiolivc Your Full Service Vehicle Maintenance Center 1628 Hwy. 601 S. • Mocksville • 751-1800 cvHtmr FUU.CCKVIU OILCHANtt$2go6 THB smoHTMOM oapb WAS A L L H O M E S A R E T R U E O FF-FR A M E M O D U LA R H O M E S , TH S A V 0N D A LC C A P 8 ) WAS 1м.114*д».^анГ'Ч1 ¡ M _ THB HA M PTO N RANCH WAt>tM,aot^^TH B F A in V IC W .R A N C H r «91T900! w ittrilfUl к тл Я ЯШ M*N STATESVILLE HOUSING CENTER W to l •US70E«it4.SmJlM • LtrionOuilnHa ParkDrtvt.4mllM > LeftonOuiinNiTO ’ л'Жт'ы!''"" factory в т • Factoiy Sold ■ We ARB the Builder • Lend & Financing Available 704.924.9393 www.StatesvllleHoiislng.coin Toll Free 1.877.283.4344 • P erked H om eslte • E x c e lle n t H u n tin g & O u td o o r R e cre a tio n % C. • C le a r D ay V ie w * o f th e M o u ntains й 7 T ; i • D u tch m a ii C re ek H e a d w a te rs V : / - ^ • 2S M in u te s fro m W inston -S alem // W • D a vie C o u n ty T a x M ap #0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 | ^ P in « 5 8 2 2 6 7 4 0 0 • For Pre-registration, Auction Terms, Additional Info or Fiyers visit www.8wicegoodauctions.com UxMtod In th« Turkey n9ot Communltbr, wHdi to riM t^ bi t4ia Nortinwaat Corner of ETavla County, wtth alMMlons rMChlng M high M 900«boM SM l«v«l THe (HiUla OMM10 pravUM « buyir the p rtm c^o fa (m *o n d e e t« U w ith kK ivd tie h u n t^m i< ir» ciw tlo n ilo p p o rtw M o 9 .& 0 m o f d«w and «1« aiwniterTt on thi» hunlw'e pwwlie«. vUwB and IwautHU acanary cannot tw daecribod In wonJe, 80 maka eura and vte)e tHe proporty bsibn* auction day. T H E SW IC E G O O D NC, sc Broker/il»S»Z»,#S440« GROUP, INC. ' Auvliont - R«m1 ËMaie 99M3U Kyle|||vk«gao(l,CCJDy^ALC ww.w.KyMwkx««oii.c<^ Brought to you by... (^ntur^;. After the brief meeting, the fine arts department will feature some excerpts from upcoming dance, choi'us, and drama shows to be performed in May. Parents, friends, and guests will then have the opportunity to visit classrooms and see academic work from the departments and academic clubs. Students will display projects, research, accomplishments, and upcoming work during the showcase. Presenters includc foreign language projcct presenters, work by art students, .science fair projcct winners, and US History projcct presenters - just to name a few. Members of the History Club, Youth and Oovcrnmcnt organization, and Scicncc Club will be on hand to tulk about their accomplishments, travels, and scrvicc goals throughout the S tu d e n ts p re p a re to la u n c h a s e lf-d e s ig n e d rocket'. school year. The OCHS PTSA urgt!s members, parents, faculty, students, cominunity members, and the families of rising ninth graders to join us for this important evening celebrating the work of students and teachers and the progression into a new PTSA leadership. D H S s tu d e n ts w o rk w ith s e v e ra l c lu b s to c o m p le te a c a m p u s c le a n -u p a n d to u c h - u p s to th e M em o rial G a rd e n . , ' Farm Producers i\/iay Be Eligible For 2008 Disaster Assistance The recently approved American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 allows producers lo become eligible for 2008 disaster assistance even if they have not previously obtained required crop insurance or NAP coverage for 2008 by now paying a “buy- in" fee through May 18. Producers who have not taken the steps to become eligible for the Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program (SURE), Emergency Assistance For Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish (ELAP),' and the Tree Assistance Program (TAP) may become eligible for such programs by paying a $ 100 For Sale Townhouse in M illing Way Convenient Mocksville location. Sunroom, 2BR, 2BA, 2 years oid, Unit 118 Beautiful pool complex. $108,000. Call (336) 470-2951, (336) 655-3447 or (336) 751-5448 HOWARD REALTY F E A f u R E D L i s t i n g 3 B(Klioom/l.6 BaUi tome wilh BaserranI in QieatlxcalionI Veiy nico 3 Bedioom/г ВаШ 1ютв onl^aigolJJll Щ Ё К 210 R'hynehardt Road.........................................................$1200 p/m 116 Harper St., Winston-Salem..........................................$750 p/m 330 s . S a lis b u ry St., N lo c k s v ille C a l l 7 5 1 — 3 5 3 8 o r v i s i t www.howanlrealty.com For more Into on rentals, call 336-761-<3539, Ext. 100 Й ШШ buy-in fee per crop and agreeing to obtain, for insurable crops, u policy of insurance for the next insurance year at a coverage level of 70% or more of the yield at 100% of the price. In the ease of non-insurable crops, producers must agree to pay the upplieuble NAP coverage fee for the next available crop year. ■ The extended buy-in waiver does not apply to benefits under the Livestock Forage Disaster Program. Producers who meet the definition of socially disadvantnged, limited resource, or beginning farmer or rancher are not required to pay the buy-in fee. Producers interested in becoming eligible for 2008 disaster assistance should file the required paperwork at the Duvidson- Davic FSA office at 301 E. Center St, in Lexington by the May 18 deadline. Yadkin Valley Meeting Saturday Yadkin Valley Telephone Membership Corp, will hold its 53rd Annual Membership Meeting on Saturday, April 25, at 10 a.m. at the Yadkinville Elementary School Multi- Purpose Room. Registration begins at 9 a.m. An estimated 500 persons are expected to attend with around 200 vothig members. An annual report and financial report for the year will be presented, as well as reports from the treasurer and general manager. Two board of director members will be elected. Members attending will receive door favors and a ticket for a chunce at a long list of door prizes, including a lawn mower. Members registering to attend will also receive $5 cash. D a te lin e DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursday, April 23,2009 - 9 Fundraisers Friday, April 24 D.A.R.E. Leadership Camp Fundraiser, nt Mocksville Police Dept,, 11 a.m, til 2 p,m,, hotdogs, hmnburgcrs, desserts & drinks. Do­ nations only. Saturday, April 25 Hot Dog Lunch, sponsored Men’s Fellowshipof New Union UMC, 11 a.m. til 2 p.m. in church parking lot, 1869 ShcfTicId Rd. Donations iic- ceptcd.Womcn'sfcllowshlpwillscIl Krispy Krcme doughnuts $5 per dozen. BBQ Chlckcn Fundraiser, by the Hillsdale UMC youth group, 10:30 a. m. to 8 p.m. in parking lot of Quest Coffee, 5286 US 158, Advance. Plate; quarter chicken, baked beans, slaw, potato salad,' bread for $9. For info; 998-4020. . Evening of Music, sponsored by S. Davie Cafeteria staff, featuring The Rhytlimalres (gospel gn>up), 6;30- 8:30 p,m„ $5 In advance, .$7 nt door, proceeds to clilld nutrition associa­ tion. Call 751-5941 for more Info. Friday, May 1 Game NIghI, sponsored by Shefrield-Calnhaln Comm, Cenler, 174 Tuikeyfoot Rd„ doors open 6 p,m, for food, games begin 7 p,m. Saturday, May 2 1st Annual Pel Fair, nt Humane Socicty of Davie County's Adop­ tion Center, 291 Eaton Rd., Moclu- ville, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Vaccination clinic taking plnce also. Call 751- 5214 for info. Spring niiig, nl Bniley.s Chapel UMC, starts 8 a.m. Call 998-5553 or 972-3550 to reserve a space to sell crafts, business, or yard snlc items, McUiodist Men will prepare break­ fast & lune for sale. Music starts 11 a,m, (bring your own chair). Harmony VFD BBQ, 10:30 a.m. till sold out, 3551 Hamiony Hwy. Pork or chicken plates.$7, lb. of pork $7, BBQ sandwiches $3, chicken sandwiches $5. Dine-in or take-out. For info; 704-546-2300. Friday, May 8 Port-A-PII Chicken Dinner, nt S. Davio Middle School, 11 a.m. til 6:30 p.m. Tickets $8 and available at school or by calling 751-5941 or 940-7594. Eat-in at picnic shelter or take-out. Delivcty available on or­ ders of 10 or more. Sponsored by Booster Club & Athletics Dept, wilh proceeds to purchase of equipment. Friday, May 15 Gold Toumament, sponsored by Farmington Rurllan. Captains Cholcc.sholgunslart,$200per team. Tec time 1 p,m. Dinner provided following loumnmcnt. Register call Wee Brock at 998-3621. Saturday, May 16 3rd Annual Domesllc Violence Awareness Walk, at Davie Family YM CA outdoor track (rain location: Brock Gym). 8-11 a.m. Registration fee of $10. Call 751-3450 for more info. Yard Sale, by Cooleemee Elemen- taiy PTA, 7 a.m. til 2'p,m, Rent a space for $ 10 (deadline to rent May 7), call 284-2581 for info. Ongoing Smith Grove U M C Country Breakrast,3idSnturdayeach month, 6:30-9:30 a,m, CooleemeeClvitans BBQ Chicken, 3rd Fri. of cach month, at Cool­ eemee Civitan BIdg,, Cooleemee, Serving 1/2 chlckcn, BBQ slaw, baked beans, roll & pound cake, $7 perplnte. Reserve your plate, signup at Cooleemee Hardware or call 284- 2196 or 284-2030. Will deliver or­ der of five (5) or more. Proceeds lo help pay for Cooleemee Civitan Comm. BIdg, Wesley United Methodist Church Ham & Sausage Brcukfast, wilh all the trimmings, 3rd Sat, of each month, 6-10 a,m. Reunions Saturday, April 25 Alvis Tobias & Margaret Martin DavisReunion, 12-5p.m,atWesley Chapel UMC, Advance, please bring covered dish, everything else pro-, vidcd. Info or direclions: 336-995- 4799. Relidon Thursday, April 23 A Town Hall for Hope, al Hillsdale Bapt, Church, 4815 US 158, Ad­ vance, 8 p.m. Free live webcasl, A Town Hall for Hope, nt Redlnnd Penlacoslal Holiness Church, 8 p,m. Free live webcnsi, Friday, April 24 Ohio Valley University’s Express, Cluisti an vocal group, 8 p,m. at Quest Coffee (formerly Moby's), Fri.-Sun, April 24-26 Anniversary Scrvicc, New Resur­ rection Life Clirislian Ciiurch, 104 E, Depot St, Mocksvillc. Saturday, April 25 Ohio Valley University’s Expre.ss, Christian vocal group, 6:30 p.m. al The Journey - a Church of Christ, 124 Wilkesboro St. Mocksvillc. Sun.-Thurs., April 26-30 Advance Community Revival, hosted by Mocks UMC (comer of Bcauchamp & Mocks Church rdsj, services nighdy 7 p.m., prayer room open 6:30 p,m. Sun.-Tues., May 3-5 107 Annual Homccoming & Re­ vival, at Comatzer UMC, 7 p,m, nightly, wilh giicst speakers. Ongoing After School Program, at Cornntzer ум е, serving Cornntzer Elcmenlnry School, ngcs 5-12 years. Call 998-0687 for info. H 20 (His to Own), new ministry at }cnisalem Bapt. Church, 3203 US601 S., Mocksville. On Wednes­ days nt 7 p.m. for 18-2’9 year olds who are college, single, or married. Wc covcr topics pertinent & inter­ esting to Ihis age group, Grierslmre, Snt, mornings 9:30 a,m„ Coracrstonc Christian Church beginning Jnn. 13, fee will be charged to covcr mnlcrials for 13 week seminar. Call 998-0600 for more info. Awana, every Wed. evening 6:30- 8 p.m. at Eagle Heights Church. The Life & Teaching of .Icsus, presented by Mocksvillc Sevcnlh- Day Adventist Ciiurch, Mon. & Thurs. at 7 p.m., al 407 Milling Rd,, Mocksvillc. Free admission. For info: 704-876-3665. Financial Peace University, 13 week series starts Sept. 9, al Hillsdnic Dapt. Church, 7 p.m. Open to public. Cull 940-6618 for info and preview sessions info. AW AN A & Youth Program, at Ijames Bnpl. Church, cach Sun. evening 5:45-7:30 p.m., ages four through sixth grade. Info; 492-6434. A Woman’s Discussion Class, Approiichtng Ihe Temple of God. Psalms 26 cach Tues. 10:30-11:30 a.m, at Jericho Church of Christ, All women invited. Call 704-798- 2038 for info. Bible Sludy, birth, life, death, res­ urrection of Jesus, each Wed. 6:30 p.m., Now Life Ministry, 229 Mill­ ing Rd. No charge, everyone wel­ come. Info; 704-642-0512. Women’s Bible Sludy, is con­ ducted every Wed. night at Jericho Church of Christ, 7:30 p.m. current topic: authentic relationships. All mnlcrials provided at no cost. All women invited. Call 492-5711 or 492-5291. Women’sBlbleSludy,every Wed. 5-6 p,m„ in a home near Milling Road area. All women welcome. Info: 751-5229. Women’s Bible Sludy, focusing on Biblical wonfcn'frorn female perspective and African American, Latino, and American women, 2nd Sat. of cach month at Fairfield Bapt. Church, 164 Excalibur Lane (off U.S. 601 S.), Info: 940-5149, Comatzer Coffeehouse, 3rd Sun. of cach month, 7 p.m. at Comatzer UMC. Women’s Study Group, Phase 2, on Biblical women, presented by Hannah's Ministries. Free & held every second Sal. of each month, 10-11 a.m. All welcome. Info; 940- 5149, CarcNel Counseling Centers, al First Baptist Church, 390 N. Main ,St., Mocksville. Offers jnter-dc- nominalional counseling. Academi­ cally trained, certified counselors & mental health professionals. Info. & appt. 751-2041. Preschool/Parents Morning Out, Betiilehem United Melh. Time: 9 a,m,-noon. Ages 1 & 2 - M.W orT, Th, Age 3 - M,T, Th, Age 4 & Prc- K - three or four days per week. Call 998-6820, Preschool, at Center United Mcth, Church, 2 doys per week or 4 days per week (4 yr, old cluss); 2 days per week (3 yr, old class); 2 days per week (2 yr, old class) 8:30- 11:30 a.m. Phone 940-3753. , Awana & Bible Study, Wednes­ days at 7 p.m., Hope Baptist Taber­ nacle. Special Events Friday, April 24 Musical Flight, presented by Sky Meadow Strings, 5:30-7:30 p,m, at Raylen Vineyards, Market Street Bass, at Brock Per­ forming Arts Center, 7 p.m, Saturday, April 25 Farmington Spring Fling, 12-4 p,m„ music, food, cakewalk, games, silent auction at Farmington Comm, Cenler, for info; 998-4300. Sunday, April 26 Davlc Combined Elementary Cho­ rus, al Ihe Brock, 3 p,m, "Songs about our Worid," Open House, Bcmiuda Commons Nursing & Kell lib, 316 NC 801 Soulh, Advance, 2-4 p,m, Tuesday, April 28 Bouncing Bullfrogs & SIzzIng Cy­ ders, presenlcd by Shady Grove Elcmcnlaiy, al William Eliis Middle School, 7 p,m,, free, Wednesday, April 29 2009 Annual Women’s Luncheon, 11:30 a,m,. al Family Life Ccnlcr, Fiist UMC, Mocksvillc, with guest .speaker. Reservations due by Friday, April 24, For Info; 751-3304, Saturday, May 2. Dedication ut .loppa Cemetery, fur markerforlsmcl Boone, sonofSquirc 6 Sarnli Boone, 10 a.m. Spring iling,. 1-5 p,m., al Raylcn Vineyards, admis3Ìon$10pcrperson at gale, music & food available for purchase Ongoing Live Music & Dancing, eveiy Sal. night bluegra.ss, at Sheffield Music Hall, call 704-546-3099 for info. Coffee House,4lh Sun, cach monlh, 7 p,m,, at Cornul/,cr UMC, Gootl coffcc. gooil fellowship. iSt good music.. Dates to Remember Saturday, April 25 Blood Drive, prcscnicd by Ameri­ can Red Cro.ss, ul I4iUsdule Bapt. Church, 9 a.m. til 1:30 p.m. Monday, April 27 NAACP Mother of the Year, an­ nual coronation, 4 p.m., hoslcd by St. John AM E Zion, call 336-682-6138 for info. Tuesday, April 28 Blood Drive, presenlcd by Ameri­ can Red Cross, ut Davie Library, 2- 6:30 p.m. Ongoing Biulcs of Speaking Spimlsh, Thurs­ days, 6:30 p,m„ in Blaise B apt. Fam­ ily Life Center. Cost of textbook = $20. Anyone welcomc to attend. For info and registrallon call 751 -3639 or visit ' our wcbsilc www.DlftiseBuplist.com Free Monllily Dlabetcs/BlmMl Prcs- .surc/Choiesterol Screenings, lust Fri. ofcuch monlh in2009ulWnlMnrt, 9 a.m. til 12 noon, S|wnsOrcd by Davie Lion's Club, VIsllCoalccmcc'sMIII Village M u­ seum, 14 Church St„ Wcd,-Sal, 10 a,m. til 4 p,m. Tours also avuilable by appt. Call 284-6040. Slorytlnies, al Davie Co. Library: Tues. lOu.m. &Fri, 11 a.m,-sloric.s, songs, fun for preschoolers. 1st Sal. of every monlh - sloric.s/aclivilies for kids of ull uges. Al Cooleemee Bninch:cvciyolherTluirs. 10:30a.m, (call or check websile for dales). At Hillsdale UMC: every olher Fri. 10 a.m. (call librnry orchcck wcbsilc for dates). Special Olympics of Duvie County,, play activities & fvm nite, Wednes­ days nt Brock BIdg. Pluy uctivillcs 6- 7 p.m. Fun Nile 7-8:30 p.m. Open to all persons wilh disabilities & their families. I M eetings Monday, April 27 Davie High School PTSA Meeting, 7 p.m., DHS main gym. Saturday, May 2 Grandchildrcn/Grandparcnt Visi­ tation of NG, 11 a.m., Davlc Li- bnuy, N. Muin Street, Mocksville, culli 704-463-1763 for info. Ongoing Davlc Beekeepers Association, scc­ ond Monday of every monlh, 7 p.m., 114 Doctor Slate Drive, Mocksville (EMS building). Visitors welcome. To find out more info: www.davicbcekecpcrs.org VFW Post4024,7p.m.,2ndTucs. each month, VFW Hut, Sanford Avenue, Mocksvillc. Eligible mem­ bers welcomc.. Come early for rc- frcshmcnls. For info cull 492-7521'. 'TrUiinph Parenting Classes, Wednesdays, 10:30 u.m., call for info: 751-5636. Humane Socicty of DaVle Co., bi­ monthly meetings 2nd Tues. of every even-numbered month, ut Humnne Socicty Adoption Ccnlcr, 290 Enlon Rd. Cull 751-5214 for info. Davie Amateur Radio Club, 1st Tuesday ofcuch month,7 p.m., Duvie Co. Hospitul Training Room, Public welcomc. Davlc Historical & Genealogical Society, 4lh Tuc.s,, 7 p.m., Davie Libnuy, Mocksvillc Lions Chih, 1st 'Hiurs- day, 7 p,m., fellowship hull of St, Fmncis of Assisi, Yadkinville Road, Mocksville (board mccling contin­ ues 1st & 3rd Thurs„,6 p,m,). Al-Anon Family Group, at Macedonia Monivian Church, N.C. 801 N., Advancc, Sundays 8 p.m., Rm. 225 (above fellowship hall). Al- Anon is a group Ihal helps fumilics & friends of alcoholics. Coplecince Womens Civitan Club, meets 4lh Thurs. of each rnonlh, 7 p.m. Cooleemee First Bapt. fcllow- ship hall, 204 Miu-ginal St., Cool­ eemee. All area Indies invited. For furtlierinfo; 336-284-4795. Stilch-In, u guthcring of cridlcrs at Mocksville Library, sccond Wed. of cach month, 7-8; 15 p.m. Bring your portable projcct an all your best tips and tricks to share. Info: 751-2023. Community Foundation of Davlc Counly Board of Dlreclon, 2nd. Mon., 5 p.m. Rotating meeting. For info/monthly location call 753-6903. MncksvlHe Garden Club, IstTluits. of cuch nriontli, 7 p.m., in former fellowsliip hull behind First UMC, Muin Street, Mocksville., North DavlcRuritan Club,monthly dinncrnicctings, sccond Mon. of cach monlh, 7:30 p.m. Cull 782-4276 for info und location of next meeting. Smart Start of Davie Counly bourd meeting, 3rtl Tues. of eycry other month (begins Jun.) al SunTnist on Yadkinville Rd., 9-10:30 a.m. Ques­ tions: 751-2113. Alzheimer’s Support Group, 2nd • Tuesday of each month, 6;30 p.m., at AutumnCnre, Mocksvillc. Info; 751- 3535. Davlc Civitan Ciiib mccls4lhTliurs. of cach monlh, Fcb.-Oct., 7 p.m., at Hillsdnic Bapt. Church, Hwy. 158. All visitors wclcome. NAACP Community Awarcne.ss Meeting, every 4th Mon. of cach monlh,7p.rn.,atShlloh Bapt. Church. Ccnter ECA Club meets 3rd Tues­ day of cach month, at Center Comm. BIdg., 7:30 p.rh. Please Join us. Disabled American Veterans Post 75 meets on third Monday of cach month, 7 p.m., at 1958 Hwy. 601 S. Conlncl Rulpli at 751 -5118 for morc info. Town o r Cooleemee i’lannlng Bourd, meets 3rd Tliurs. ,of cuch monlh ul Cooleemee Town Hall, 7 p.m. Autism Support Group 3rd Mon­ day of each mondi, 6:30 p.m., nl Hillsdale Bapt. Church, Advance. Davlc County Diabetes Support Group, first 'Пшг8. of every monlh, 7-8:30 p.m., at Davlc Co. Public Li­ bnuy Smull Conference Room. Info; 751-8700. Davlc lluslne.'is Women’s As.socla- llon, 1st Wed. of cuch monlh, 12 noon, nt SunTrust Bank. Speaker of inlcrest and calcrcd lunch, cost $8. Yearly membership $35. Contact Cathy Boles 753-1006 for more info. Celebrate Recovery, weekly sup­ port group for those strtiggling wilh or in recovery for bnd habits - such us stress, depression, addiction, abu.sc, etc. Meets lluirs. 7 p.m. al Fanning- lon Comm. Ccnlcr, Farmington Rd. Cull 408-8750 or 813-9921 for more info. Davlc CounlyHorse Emergency Rcs­ cue Team, 7:30 p.m., downsliura nt llic AgricullunJ Building, Mocksvillc. Ev- ciy3rdT\ie.sdaycach monlh. For info; 940-2111.. Coolccmco Rccrcatlon Association, Zachiuy House, 1st Tuesday, 7 p.m. The Artist Group, Duvie Counly Library, 7 p.m. last Tues. Call Bonnie at 998-5274. Center Community Development, 3rd Mon., 7 p.m. Coniniunily BIdg. Cooleemee 'Town Board, 3rd Tues­ day, Town Hall, 7 p.m. unless other: wise nolcd. Cooleemee AA, behind Good Shep­ herd Episcopal, Tues. (Sc Fri., 8 p.m. North Coolcemep nnd Clark Road Council, 2nd Wednesday, 7 p.m. Friendship Baptist Fellowship Hall. Mocksvillc AA, closed non-smok- ing meeting, ut St. Fruncis of Assisi Church fellowship hall, 862 Yadkinville Rd., Mocksvillc. Thursday. 7 p.m. Info; Jan 753- 6863, Davlc Domestic Violence Services und Rape Crisis Center, Offers weekly support group for domestic violence & scxuul assnull victims, Tlie groupmcclsevery Tues, evening from 6:30-8:30 p,m. Please сцП of­ fice for location, 751-3450. Sons of Confederate Veterans, 1st Monday, Cooleemee Historical Building, 7 p.m. Mocksvillc Rotary Club, l\icsdays, 12:10 p.m.. Roliuy Hut, Farmington Masonic Lodge No. 265, 2nd Monday, 7:30 p.m. at the lodge. Duvie Co. United Way Board of Directors, 4lh Monday, 5:30 p.m., Brock Ccnlcr Annex, Conf, Room 208, Davlc High Athletic Boosters, 3rd Monday, 7 p.m., school cafcleria, Farmington Rurltun Club. 2nd Thursday, 7:30 p,ni„ Farmington Mclliodlst church, HELPS Ministries. Clirislian recov­ ery program for women sexually abused ns children. Mondnys, 7:30 p.m., 41 court SquMC, Room 210. Parents Resource Organization (PRO) support group for families of cliildrcn wilh disabililics, 2nd Tues­ day, 7 p.m. Call Rosemary Krapfeldcr at 998-3311 for location. Jcrlcho-llardlson Rurltan Club, 2nd'l\iesduy, 7 p.m., club building. Health Dept., clinic hours: Mon.- Fri., 8:30-11:30 a.m., 1-4:30 p.m. Davlc Counly Board of Sociul Ser­ vices, 4lh Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. at DSS. ' Narcotics Anonymous Against All Odds Group, First Bapt. Church. 390 N. Main Street (upsluirs), Thurs. 7 p.m., Sun. 6 p.m. Drug Problem? Helpline, 336-785-7280. Mocksville American Legion Post 174, VFW Hut, Sanford Ave., 2nd Tliursday, 7 p.m. Mocksville Civitan Club. 7 p.m., 2nd & 4lh Mondays, al First Presby­ terian Church. Advuncc Mcmoriid Post 8719 Vet­ erans of Foreign Wius nnd Ludics Auxiliary, 4lh Tues., 7:30 p.m., post home. Feed Mill Roud, DnvicCounlyRighlToLirc,7p.m., 3rd 'lliursday, grand jury room, court­ house. 751-5235 or 492-5723. Cooleemee Memorial VFW Post 1119.2nd, 4lli 'niurs., 7 p.m., VFW Hull, N,C, 801. Corinthian Lodge No. 17F&AM, 2nd, 4lh Friduys, 7:30 p.m. nt the lodge. Mocksvillc lyOdgcNo. 134,1st Tues­ day, 7:30 p.m. al the lodge. Cooleemee Civitan's Club Meet­ ing. 1st and 3rd Mon. each rnonUi, 7 p.m., Red Pig, Hwy. 801, Cooleemee. Duvie Co. M S Support Group, 2nd Mon. of cach rnonlh, 6 p.m., Davie Co. Hospital. YMCA For more inromialion.call 751 -9622, visit www.davic.ymcanwnc.org, or conic to the YM CA for a tour. Family KIckball May I from 6-7:30 p.m., join us for iiol dog dinner, followed by game of kickball. Free lo members wilh fam­ ily or adidt/dcpcndatu memberships; $2/pcrsonor$10/fnmilyfor>ndividual members of potential members. Reg- isler by Aprit 28. Topic Tuesday It's About flow You Uve, 6 p.m., provided by Hospice und Puliutlvc Care, Ihls nionth talk about many ' support scrviccs provided by Hos­ pice, all ut no cost. Open to commu­ nity ul no cost. Register nl 751-9622. Swim Lessons Sign up how. Choose from Tues/ Tliurs. evening lessons $38 mcm- bcrs/$75 non-mcrnbersorSat. mom‘ Ing lessons $20 mcmbcrs/$38 non- members. Private & family lessons also available. Members Only Join the YM CA and take advantage of water aerobics, yoga, biking, walk­ ing, personal training, and morc. Conicvisilandlourourfadlityat215 Cemelery Sfrcct and leam how wc build strong kids, strong families, and strong communities. Hello Mudah, Hello Faddaii Camp's Coming, nnd YMCA has all Ihc fun of resident camp wilhout spending the night. Wc offer every­ thing from volleyball to knitting, to self-defcnsc to scrapbooking - also half-day spcciidty camps. Finnnciai aid lo tiiosc who qualify. Women’s Self Defense Leam basics of how to protcct your­ self on Friday, April 24 from 6:30-8 p.m. Free class open to women 15 and older. Seniors All Senior Activities lake place al Dnvic County Senior Services lo­ cated al 278 Meroney St., Mocksville unless otherwise noted. Call 753- 6230. . Easter Celebration Monday, April6at 10:30a.m. Joinus for small purty & Eusier egg hunt. Cost: free. Limited lo first 25 to reg­ ister. Cull 753-6230 to register and get more info. Ongoing Sr. Lunchbox, M,T,W, 11 ;30 a.m., Th. & Fri., 11 a.m., lunch served dully. Silver Hcidtli Exercises, Excreisc Room of Senior Scrviccs, M, W, F, 8:30 n.ni, Tues, & lliurs. 9 u,m. ut Mock Place, (open lo any .senior). Quilting Club, every Monday, 10 a.m. ' Bridge, every Friday, 2 p.m. SKIPBO, Wednesdays, 1p.m. Scrapbooking, every 2nd Tuesduy, 2 p.m. Dr. Diinn, Podialrisl, nt Sr. Services every tlirce weeks, 8:30 u.m., please cull for dales. Free Blood Pressure Checks, oncc a monUi, at 10:30 n.m. in Uie Nutri­ tion Site. SinglngScnlorsChonis,Thursdays, 10 a.m. VFW Ladles Auxiliary, every 2nd Thurs., 1 p.m. Scrabble, 1 p.m. every Monday. Rook, 1 p.m. every Monday. Texas Hold’Ein -Thursdays, 1 p.m. Painting - .Wcdnc.sduys 8:30-11;30 ' u.rn. Grief Support Group, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 6 p.m. Sr. Book Club, every second Tues. of the monlh, 12:30 p.m. Computer Classes • are livallable, call for information. Arthritic Excrclse - every olher Wed. 10:30 a.m. ; Low Impact Aerobics • Wed. & Fri.. begins Feb. 7 11 a.m. til 12 p.m.; Fitness E(|ulpmenl Room • open Mon.-Thurs. 8 a.m. til 8 p.m. Friddys 8 a.m. til 5 p.m., | Tabic Tennis-evciy Tues. 1-4 p.m. Art, Mondays 9 n.m. til 12 p.m. i Till Chi, Tuesduys (cull for .sesssion dulcs) ; Line Dancing, Thurs. 11 a.m. Iii:i2 p.m. & 2-3 p.m. ' Woodcarving, Wed. 9-11 a.m. | Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Items for Duvie Dateline should be reported by noon Monduy of the pub­ lication week. Call 751 -2120 or drop il by Ihc office, at S. Main Si. acrpss from Ihc courthouse. local doctors ara now conducting a medical ih study In qout to j iluate the eftectivanMS! and safety of an Investigational medlclna. If you have gout, you may be eligible to participate In the • PRE-jSURGE 1 study, evaluating an Investigational nletllclne for preventing acute gout flares In select patlehts.,Fiesearc|]ier8 are InterestetJ In djBtermliilng the effectiveness aiid safe^ of the investigational medicine when used in combination with an FDA-approved medicine comnionly.used far gout treatinent. To be t»nsld«rMl for partlclpatkHi in the Pffi-SURSE 1 study, youmust iPre- • Have experienced at , ^ S U r 0 6 * T thepastyear, • Be able to receive treatment with a urate-loweiing medicine known as allopurinol, AND '• Not ctirrently be expetlenclng a goutflare. The Investigator will work vi(lth you to determine whether you quaHfy for thà study, using a iTOfe compretwnslve list of criteria. . Oualified ^ c l | ^ will receive sttùly medicine as vveil as study-related médical evaluations at no cost. Reimbursement for Tojaarn more, pisati contact: Crescent Medical Research 704-647-9913 ■i i I ■ ' i') [. 10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, A pril 23,2009 ii" : i ' l I I IIf ; I Ì 'L'l ' f. ■ S a iu n te V i M ay 2nd a t 7:30 pm . a t th e B ro c k P e rfo rm in g A rts C o n lo r R o s o rv o y o u r s e a t n o w l A d u lts : $ 2 6 & S tu < le n t/S e n lo r $ 2 3 C a ll th e b o x o ffic e a t 7 5 1 -3 0 0 0 Jill, L arry, A lliso n ai)i s o n . Staley.,. Continued From Page 1 His passion led tp some good-natured competition be­ tween the two, April said, She had recently beat him at putt- putt, and the new Wii had led to more competitions. The two loved to go out to Starbucks for coffee, ride kayaks or do just about anything outdoors. Bobby Staley had grown up playing in those same outdoors ttitey tiirrt to th e B lb lo ifo r cbrinliort vyhlle d e a lin g w ith tlie d e a th o f th e ir f a th e r a n d - Photo by Robin Sriow ^ NOW OPEN IN M O CKSVIUE:!! — Fliriiitiir^ Mclttress Connection 1500 North Main St (Hwy. 158) • Mocksville, NC (Beside Carolina Precision Machining) Y Open Thurs(days, Fridays, Saturdays and Mondays Only H o u rs : T h u rs ., Fri. & M o n . 1 0 :0 0 a m -5 :3 0 p m ; S a t. 1 0 :0 0 a m -3 :0 0 p m S pecializing in M srke t Sam ples Special Buys and C loseouts FAC TO R Y D IR E C T P R IC E S ! that he roamed with his wife and girls, and his mother said she knoWs that some day, she'll be sitting in their sun room and .see him ride by on a four-wheeler. Patsy and Larry Staley said they are proud of all of their three boys - Jimmy and Richie were there doing what needed to be done this week. All three worked dangerous jobs', Richie as a flrcfighter, Jimmy as a high­ way patrolman and Bobby as a police officer, and as of last year, a volunteer with the N.C. National Guard. Tliey had nothing but praise for the Winston-Saiem Police 'Depailment - which constantly kept an officer with the body • and the family. !!' 1 I, ! JU5T REtEIWP! Hiffh Point Market L E A T H E R Showroom! Sofas, Love Seats, Chairs, Recliners, Sectionals, Reclining Sofas, Home Theater Seating Huge Selection of Recliners, Leather & Fabric All THERAPEDIC^ Brand Bedding ON SALE! • SPECIAL BUY! Queen Pillow Top Set.....................................$299 • SPECIAL BUY! Therapedic" King Size Firm Set......................S499 • SPECIAL B M Broyhiir Clierry Seiver...................................S299 • SPECIAL BUY! 100% Leatlier Rocker Reciiner.......................a499 • SPECIAL BUY! Hammary" Painted Wardrobe/Ent. Center.......S599 • SPECIAL BUYi 100% Leather Reclining Sofa..........................$999 C a l l U s a t (336) 817-3390 B o b b y S ta le y p la y s "T ap s” a t th e fu n e ra l o f sla in p o ­ lice o fficer H o w ard Piouff. The family has faith in the Lord - as did Bobby. “He had beliefs, and he lived them," Patsy said. "Out of all of Bobby’s accomplishments, his relotionship with Ihe Lord came first, and his family.” She prayed for her boys ev­ ery day she was pregnant, and just about every moment she thinks of them since their birth. "We couldn’t have raised these boys without the help of the Lord,” Larry said. "Some­ thing good will come out of this. We’ve been fortunate to raise three boys and six grandchil­ dren with very litlle tragedy.” "It’s nol if, it’s when some­ thing is going lo happen to your family,” Patsy said. "God has been preparing us.” "The glue that held us to­ gether was our faith in Opil,” April said. All three said Bobby’s deci­ sion to join the National Guard was a sense of duty - not ju.st to his country - but lo his family, to his children. He wanted the best for Ihem. He wus scheduled to deploy lo Iraq this week. "He has been like lhat all of liis life," said Larvy. "He felt like it was his (liiiy to serve his coun­ lry.” Patsy said he told her he wished he had joined at age 18. "He said, ‘Mama, it’s because of llio.se two,children’/ ’ “ He was passionate about everything he did,” April said. “Il was hard (learning of his decision to join the Guard), but I knew he had a passion, a genu­ ine calling 10 do that. And he was a great officer.” “Bobby did everything he did 110%, Ihere was no slack,” Larry said. "He loved April and those giris, and his family.” Bobby’s brothers eyes gel misty when Ihey look back. “ B-O-B-B-Y, how do you describe that,” Richic asked, shaking his head. “I don’t think there’s enough words in the En­ glish language.” “ He was tho best-of the bunch,” Jimmy said. Bobby was full of surprises, as well. April said they were watch­ ing television back In the fall, and there was a slory aboul a girl who had gone .skydiving. “1 said that’s nol something I would pay lo do, but I would do il if I had Ihe chance. At Christmas, he gave me a certifi­ cate to go skydiving. That’s jusI how he was.” “There’s going lo be a hole here we can never patch,” said Larry. And when April Staley takes that skydiving Irip, you can bet she’ll be thinking of her hus­ band. “He laughi me lo sland up for myself,” she said. The N.C. Highway Palrol reported lhat Sluley was driving his molorcycle sonlh on US 601 South near Ihc Rowun Counly line when a pickup truck was turned into ils path by Willie Gadson, 70, of Mocksville. Staley wus weuring helmet and speed was not involved, said Highway Palrol Sgt. D.B. Wright. A reconstruction leam was al Ihe scene this week. Wright wasn’t sure if charges would be filed. PurnlturaM a ttn »eonnectlan Financing Available Jlli a n d A lliso n S ta le y looi< a t p h o to s o f th e ir d a d - a n d a p o rtra it o f b a d g e s g iv e n to th e ir g ra n d fa th e r b y th e ir d a d a n d h is b ro th e rs . Take yo u r pick Wljreless from 2 nationwide networks Yadtel Yadtel ШMxirh UMW M n m .Р Ц Г I us vwww.ya<ltel.<!0\ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 23,2009 - Bl " % \\c ^ P itc h e r S h e lto n H o w a rd w o rk s o n h is fo u rth w in. A t righ t, te a m m a te s g e s tu re fo r J a k e W y a tt to s c o r e s ta n d in g u p in a w in o v e r C a rs o n . > Photos by James Barringer Bodenhamer Continues Blistering Numbers! Connor Bodenhamer, a sophomore who started Ihe year on JV, went 2 for 3 In each of his first two varsity games. What did he do as an encore against Carson? Bodenhamer continued to amaze. He went 3 for 4 wilh a double and two RBIs as Davie defeated Carson 8-3 to salvage third place in Ihe Cliff Peeler Easier Tournament at Salisbury. Duvie brushed aside Lexington 7-1 in the first round before losing 3-2 to South Rowan in the semifinals. The War Eagles (8-4 overall) improved to 4-0 immediately after a loss. Bodenhamer’s monstrous numbers; 7 for 10 und four RBIs. He has driven in at least one run in all three games. Bodenhamer and Jess Cartner led an 11-hit assault against Carson. Cartner went 2 for 3 with a double and two RBIs us Davie tamed an opponent lhat was 10-2. It was another big game for Cartner, who is 6 for 12 over four games while hitting .406 with 14 RBIs, both team highs. The Wnr Eugles missed a chance to tie or take the lead in the third. Wilh the buses loaded, one out and Carson holding a 3-2 lead, Davie grounded inlo a 4-3 double play. They didn’t let the same scenario get away in the fourth. With the bases full, Tyler Seaford tied the game on a wild pilch. A wulked re- louded Ihe bases. Wilh the count 0-2 on Cartner, he fouled off Ihree straight pilches before earning a nine^ilch RBI walk that gave Davie the lead for keeps. Bodenhamer followed with a backbreaking, two-run double. Winning pitcher Shelton Howard went 6 innings, scattering eight hits and giving up one earned run. He has half Please See Blistering - Page B4 Relentless Work Ethic Pays Off For Wensley D H S S e n io r S ig n s T o P la y V o lle y b a ll A t L e n o ir - R liy n e By Brian Pitts Duvie Enterprise Record Coaches spend a lifetime dreaming ,.of someoi^e like Katelin Wensley walk­ ing’Ihrough the door. Wensley walked through the Davie volleyball door for the first lime in 2005, and coach Becky Miller immedialely .sensed something spccial. Wensley lived up lo her advanced billing, leading the 2008 War Eugles to Ihe second-mosi wins in their 32- year history and earning a volleyball scholarship to Lenoir-Rhyne. "After she had made vursity (os u freshman), 1 told her: 'If you work hurd, you can play college volleyball,'” Miller said. “And she has gone beyond our expectations because she has worked incredibly hard. She did all the things right, and so did her parents (Bobby and Andi Wensley).” Wensley became a varsity fixture as a sophomore, and her teams got in­ creasingly better. In 2006 the Wur Eugles went 14-11, finished third in Ihe Cenlrul Piedmont Conference und won a slate playoff match. In 2007 they went 14-10 and finished second in the CPC. And in 2008 they went 19-7, won eight of 10 CPC matches for runner- up and reached the final 16 in the 4-A playoffs, shutting out Northern Durham and East Forsyth before los­ ing to a 23-4 North Meek. Only two Davie teams have won as many us 19 matches - ihe 21-6 team from 1981 and the 19-4 team from 2002. Wensley was Davie’s outstanding all-around player in 2007 und 2008. As an all-conference senior, she was first on the tenm in serve-receive percenl- age and ace serves (80) and second in digs and kills. Oh, by the wuy, Wensley is the first Wur Eugle to land a volleyball schol­ arship in 13 years, dating to 1996's Lauru Moyer, who played at Emory University (Ga.). Wensley deserves all the congratulations she gets becnuse she defined the words “intensity'' und “determination” with the obsessive way she prepared for this moment. Wensley played volleyball year- round, and when she wasn't playing the game, she was involved in an exten-' sive workout program. “She is the epitome of that athlete who really deserves lo go on and play in college,” Miller said. "She figured out her weaknesses. (Bobby and Andl) got her with a personal trainer. With her JO (Junior Olympic) team she was putting in three to four nights and go­ ing that fifth night to the personal trainer and working on her agility, speed, strengths and stabilities. That wns n really key thing for Katelin be­ cause she needed lo get stronger, und she becnme Ihnt power hitter that we needed her senior year. That's what was so impressive. Bui defensively it was night and day between her junior and senior year.” Wensley was going to do everything in her power to make herself known, and she caught the eye of Lenoir- Rhyne's record-breaking couch, Dave Markiand, a Davie alum who happened to conch al Davie from 2000-02. "During my junior year and before my senior year, wc had (JO) practice three limes per week and two-a-duys on Saturdays,” Wensley said. "And then the days ( wasn't doing that I was with a personal trainer doing jump training and strengthening. I had one trainer two times a week and a differ­ ent one once a week. I was always do­ ing something to try to make myself better, really pushing myself to the goal that 1 had set for me. All I wanted was to get a scholarship, and I wanted lo get into a good school.” Markiand said he’s “ tickled to death” lo sign Wensley. One of the main reasons: She's a WD-40 player. She cun do a little bit of everylliing. "I think we've got un excellent re­ cruiting clnss coming in, and she's cer­ tainly one of them,” Markiand said. “Katelin's an ull-uround player. She’s not a one-dimensionul pluyer. Anyone is going to have an off night here and there, but she’s got many things that she can bring to the court. If one area of her game is a little off, she cun still contribute in another way. She’s a very good hitter. She’s an average blocker, but her defense, passing and serving skills are ail able to huve an impact. You don’t look ut her nnd say: ‘She’s an unbelievable hitter.’ But she cnn be on given nights. But she's just solid at all the skills, and that's so important.” To Markiand, Wensley is a model of tenacity, preparation and teamwork. “I think she's my kind of player,”, he said. “She's an extremely hard worker. She’s self-motivated, she’s goal-oriented and at the same tinie she’s a team player. Everybody have at this level is usually hard work; ing during praclice, but she’s the kind that's going to go out and work on h ^ own. She has a goal. This wns u goui r pluying at the' college level - and she took it upon herself in the offseason to train, work out and seek oul help. And not all players do that. Sometimes that makes the difference. Bobby Knight said; 'Everybody wants to win when the gume gels here. Not everybody’s willing to prepare lo win.’ I just think she’s one of those that’s going to find a wuy to get better outside of the struc­ tured pruclice. “She loves the sport und she is one of the hnrdest workers (high school) that I ’ve seen in a long timej^ min n Please See Wensley - Page B3 Worth Noting... Sophomore Connor Boden- humer went 3 for 4, making him 7 for 10 in three games, as Davie var­ sity baseball defeated Carson 8-3. Jess Cariner went '2 for 3 to boost his average to .406, and pitcher Shelto^'Howard notched his fourih vvm. Cot^ey Randall \vent 4 for 5 with four. RBIs and Shane C arter pitched 3 2/3 innings of scoreless relier'as Davic JV baseball beat Kannapolis 12-6. Randall struck out 14 along with socking a three- rumhomer as Davie beat E. Rowan lli7 . Carter went 3 for 3, Javan lUlps is 10 for 1S, in four gatnes. ire t williams itndJoél Shuler rallied from a 3-0 deñcit to an 8-4 win to give Davie tennis a 54 de­ cision/over N. Davidson. ■ Carlton Booe of S. Davie boys track' threw the shot put a school- record 43 feel, 10 inches. The old record was set in 2000. Brooke Hess and Vlrl Hernan- d¿J! of S. Davie soccer had two goals apiece in a 4-4 tie with Lex­ ington. Caitiin M iller’s goal was the difference in N. Davie’s 1-0 soccer win oyer Thomasville, North’s Jes* sica White and Ellis’ Amy Steller did the scoring in a 1-1 tie between first-place teams. White’s goal gave Nortl\ a 1-0 win pver S. Davie. JV Baseball Continues Stellar Play By Brian Pitts Davie Enterprise Rccord Shane Carter, another scoreless re­ lief stint. Corey Randall, four hits and four RBIs. Randall tlie pitcher, strikeout after strikeout. Carter the hitter, 6 for 8 in two games. Javan Phillips, a. 666 average over four games. Davie, 23 runs in two games. Davie, no losses all year. Is this baseball heaven? The Davie JV baseball team is approaching jug­ gernaut status. It remained unbeaten while running through the Cliff Peeler Easter Tournament at East Rowan, and it did so without Connor Bodenhamer, a center fielder and heart-of-the-order slick who was moved up lo varsity. After receiving n first-round bye, the Wur Eagles jumped all over Kannapolis (12-6 win) and East Rowan (11-7 win) and raised their record to 9-0. “ The only time (the perfect record) is really mentioned is right after we fin­ ish a game,” coach Danny Allard said. “And then thut’s the end of it. In pre- game meetings, ull we focus on is hav­ ing fun and doing our job. As long as we’re'having fun and working hard, that's all I can ask for.” Knnnupolis pulled within 8-6 in the fourth, and East cut Davie’s lead to 5-4 in the third. But both proved to be juS u speed bump on the road to victory.»; Last year the War Eagles got off tft un identicnl 9-0 start, but it turned oSS to be fool’s gold as they sputter^ through losing streaks of two nnd foift gnmes. Allurd doesn’t see the ‘09 cli® tuming back anytime soon. " “The guys work hurd,” he said. “NS Please See Stellar - Page Davie Tennis Beats North With 5 Player^ It wasn't just that Davie’s tennis team defeated visiting North Davidson 5-4. After ^11, a win over North is ah old hat. It was how Davie did it. Before the match, the War Eagles looked like a disaster wuiling lo hap­ pen. They were missing Mull Hursey (out of town), Brundon Roycroft (out of town), Luke 'niylor (out of town) and Alex Fleming (injured). On top of that, they were coming off consecutive 9-0 losses to Reynolds and Mount Tabor. So what does Davie do with five players? It hands North two forfeits, splits singles 3-3 and >vins two of three doubles to drop North to 3-4 in the. Central Piedmont Conference. Davie improved to 14-0 against North this'century, But keeping the streak alive widi just five players - Ryan" Moxley, Bret Williams, Daniel Mox­ ley, Joel Shuler and Thomas O’Brien - made the moment all the more reward­ ing. Coach Валу Kennedy said it was unlike anydiing he's seen in his four years as coach. “I wns really hnppy,” he said. “I guess never say never. Tliese kids never cease to teach me lessons. I just fell like it was going to be a tough day for us, and sure enough they pulled it off. We started the match two matches down. I don’t thmk I’ve ever seen anydiing like that before.!’ At 0-4 in di^ CPC, die War Eagles were searching for something positive, and they got it thanks to singles wins from die top three - R. Moxley (6-1,2- 6,10-6), Brel Williams (6-2, 6-2) and D. Moxley (6-4,6-0). “Daniel and Ryan played fantastic tennis, and Brel played great,” Kennedy said. “I was shocked.” The Moxjey brothers won with ease at No. 1 doubles, 8-4, but Shuler wiis struggling while playing doubles with Williams for die first time. They dug a 3-0 hole. “Joel wns plnying nervous ull day,” Kennedy said. “(With a 3-0 deficit). I'm thinking: ‘Oh, gosh.’ I pulled them' aside and said: ‘Look guys, you’re playing nervous. You need to settle down and quit trying lo win on every shot. Just keep the ball in play and play smart.’” Shuler sprung to life and the match turned 180 degrees. Shuler and Will­ iams grabbed eight of nine games to steal an 8-4 decision. “Joel calmed down and they pullijll il out,” he said. “I couldn’t believe it.^ was unbelievable. Bret hnd to hold Jofil' in dierc and Joel played great from the®' on. It was fantastic.” “ Despite being depleted agnin, £ match at North Forsyth was a 9-0 piei» of cuke. With Roycroft, Hursey aatl Ben Tadilla out of lown and Fleming: injured, the Wnr Eagles took six plajj, ers and moved over .500 at 6-5 overifll und 2-4 in the CPC. "• The singles victories came from Moxley, Wiilinms, D. Moxley, TaylcKj Shuler and O’Brien. Moxley-Moxlejg Willinms-Shuler nnd O’Brien-Tayliir; got it done in doubles. It was the first singles wins for fresUf, men Tuylof and O'Brien and sophoi. more Shuler. ¥ íi i\- ' Si ; i ; ||J ;; :i l.iÍ S ; 'i , 'i Г n í ¡: i! B2 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 23,2009 South Hunter Education Team Qualifies For States ; ' The South Dnvic Tiger ; hunter education team nnishcd ; with nn outstanding “ performance at the District !, Shooting Competition on ; Saturday, March 28, earning n bid to eompcte in the NC State ; Hunter Ed Championship, j; Led by Head Coach Daniel • Matthews, Archery Coach I. Russell Hancock, Robin McDaniel , Randy Seamon r and Chariie Turner tho team ' finished with an overall score !' of 2773, in cornpass, wchory, ” skect/trnp, hnd rifle i competition. “ The Tigers outscored the » majority of Junior teams, as I well as the majority of the 5 Senior teams. Plexirig the i; strengths of the team in cach category was tho lead archery I; scorer. Lewis Swicegood set » the pace with a 188 in archcry, « followed by W ill Seamon, * who wns high overall at South Davie with strong finishes in archery, trap/skcct, rifle and hunter skills. Brandon Koontz, W ill Seamon, Travis McDaniel, nnd Garrett Matthews continued to crush skcct in the shotgun competition that accelerated the Tigers to the top. Gnrrett Mnttlicws led the rifle tcnm with a solid high overnll rifle score followed by nn outstitndiiig performnnce from master shnrpshooter Justin Eckart. , > "fiach performer came together i|s a Strong team to seal tlie state bid for the Tigers as they finished very strong in compass and hunter skills wilh Travis McDaniel being high overnll for South Davic,” Coach Matthews saifl. Conches attribute the success to “ hard work, the most supportive parents you could ask for, and most importantly, Gods Grace” . South Davie Will compete , in the N.C. State Hunter Ed (M em b ers o f th e S o u lh D av ie T ig e rs H u n te r E d u c a tio n te a m th a t q u a lifie d for th e s ta te to u rn a m e n t p o s e fo r a Tournament. April 25 in pictufe, Ellcrbee. ■ B ra n d o n K o o n tz, G a rre tt M a tth e w s, J u s tin E c k e rt a n d W ill S e a m o n , th e rifle te a m . L ew is S w ic e g o o d s h o w s h is c h a m p io n s h ip a rc h e ry form . 0 % F i n a n c i n g , 1 0 0 % F u n . Pay no interest for 72 months on 1500 Series compacts. W hat could be m ore fun than that? O u r Massey Ferguson® 1500 Series offers ten m odels, from 23 to 59 hp, five transm ission choices, independent PTO, a huge lift capacity, and an engine so quiet you w on’t believe your ears. Be sure to check o u t our 1529 and 1532 m odels.They offer m ore luxury, m ore com fort and m ore tracto r for far less than you’d pay for com parable machines in their class. From advanced ergonom ics and a larger iso-m ounted, o perator platform to m ore leg room , standard arm rests and a factory- installed joystick, v/e’re talking bushels of features and pecks of fun. See your Massey Ferguson® dealer today o r visit www.m asseyferguson.com . *O n soloa models w ith approved credit from A G C O Finance, L L C . Available for equal montiily paymenu only. Leases and balloon payments available at slightly higher rates. Offered for a linfited time only. Contact your participating dealer for deuils. Statesville Tractor and Rentals 707 G aither Rd.. Statesville, N C 28677 70 4 -8 71-2 533 MASSEY FER0Ü80N H«»«r rofnutoa fl a vwldwld« brvid ol AGCQC 2009 AGCO Corpontlm. 420S Riycr Gr««n Р«гкму, Duluth, OA 2009& (Q77) 51S-4384 B ra n d o n K o o n tz, W ill S e a m o n , G a rre tt M a tth e w s a n d T ra v is M cD an iel, th e s k e e t te a m . \ JO IN US IN CELEBRATING NATIONAL PET V\/EEK & OUR 20»’ ANNIVERSARY Saturday, May 2-Saturday, May 9 Saturday, May 2: May ^ 'M a y 9: Tuesday, May 6: í¡! W ednesday, May 6: Rabies and M icrochipping clinic l-3pm K a b ic it V n c c in c s $ 1 0 c o c h (o th c i d is c o u n te d v d c c in c s a v c n lo b k a ls o ) Receive 20% o ff services vsiith a donation to the Forsyth Humane Society wish tlst, (st-e W ish lis t b ito w r) Complimentary Nail Trim for yoUr pet Open House Enjoy free food from East Coast W ings and Ketchie Creek Bakery. Giveaways und Raffles Kids enter our coloring contest ages 10 it under Pet Photography by K ristie Pope I0am-5pm (w a lk (ns w c lc o m c , a p p o in tm u n ts p r B l-c r r c d ) Animal Hospital of Clemmons woMld like to thonK ttie businesses who sponsored our open house raffle: Animal Hospital of Clemmons 2 6 3 5 f ^ e u d o r f R o a d • C le m m o n s • 7 6 6 - 8 9 5 0 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thur.sday, April 23,2009 - B3 K atelin W e n sle y lo a d s u p fo r a kill. A t right, c o a c h B e c k y M iller (left), m o th e r A ndl a n d fa th e r B o b b y (rig h t) w a tc h a s K atelin s ig n s a s c h o la rs h ip to L e n o lr-R h y n e .Wensley... Continued From Page Bl What's more, Wensley is as good off the court as she is on it, and Hint’s saying plenty in bolh scenarios. “ She’s got her heiid on straight,” Miller said. “She is focussed. She knows whnt she wants to do with her life. She’s not out there doing some of Ihe typical things thnt seniors in high school are doing. She’s just focussing on what she wants to accomplish in life, and she’s mnicing great decisions beyond volleybalL She’s malting the grades. That, of course, comcs from Bobby and Andi. Her par> enis hnve been there every step of Ihe way. They hnve been fan­ tastic ns far ns supporting Katelin and supporting Ihis pro­ gram." Mnrlcland, who guided Davic to CPC championships'in 2001 and 2002, is the winningest coach in Lenolr-Rhyne history (123-87 record in six years). He ^ a iwq-time South Atlantic Conference coach of Ihc year. His 2004 lenm that went 27-8 did two things thnt had never been done, winning the SAC regular sea.son and gaining nn NCAA pinyoff berth. The Bears also won the SAC in 2006. Friends Josh McMnhnn, Pnige Allman and Carly Prnln- pns, who teamed up with Wen­ sley on the court for four years, paid their respects by attending Wensley’s signing day. But Wensley was quick lo share the crcdit for her big dny. “I’d like lo thank Ood for ev­ erything in my life,” she said. " I would like to thank Mark Medich and Joel Sprinkle from the I.e. Stars. I’d like lo Ihnnk Blaine Tindler from Piedmont Nntionnl; Lee Howard from' Carolina Physical Therapyj coach Miller: my mom and dud for being there und supporting me and giving me all the chances in the world to get this far; my friends and teammates becausc without tl^em I would never be'herd. And once again, Ood is most important. “It was a really big struggle. I wns going back and forth: ‘Whnt am I going lo do for vol­ leyball? I don’t really have any big bites. I don’t know what I’m going to do.’ I was going to dif­ ferent colleges to try and figure out where I want to piny. Some places 1 didn’t really like. Other places weren’t really that inter­ ested. But I’ve known conCh Mnrklnnd for a long lime. I got to go meet Ihe (L-R) girls, and the girls are great on the team. 1 Just really thought this is right : for me. I was thrilled when 1 got the offer. It’s a big weight lifted off my shoulders. I finally know where I’m going to school.” Thanks to an unparalleled work ethic, she’s riding off in the sunset with a load of fond memories and significant uchievements in her wnke. Swimmers Compete In Sunbelt Championships Severul Davic swimmers competed in the Greater 'V'MCA Sunbelt Swimming Association Championship March 6-8 at the Hillsborough Sportsplex and the Upper Southenst Regional YMCA Championship Mnrch 13-15 at the Triangle Aquatic Center in Cary. The Greater YMCA Sunbelt Swimming Association Cham­ pionship hnd swimmers from 6 and under to 15 and over. Zac Coffey competing in 11 - 12 Boys swam 100 Individunl Medley, 100 Breast, 100 Free, 50 Free, 50 Breast and the 100 Back. Coffey earned medals in iho 50 Breast and 100 flack. Danielle Wood competing in 11-12 Girls swum the 200 Indi­ vidual Medley and 500 Free. Connor Hill competing in Ihe 13-14 Boys swam the 1650 Frce, 200 Individual Medley, 100 Back, 200 Breast, 200 Buck nnd 100 Fly. Hill enmed mcdnls in the 1650 Free and 200 Back. Tnylor Hill competing with the Senior Boys swum the 400 Individunl Medley, 200 Indi­ vidunl Medley, 100 Buck, 200 Fly, 100 Breast, 200 Buck nnd 100 Fly. T^iyior eamed medals in the 400 Individual Medley, 200 Individual Medley and 200 Fly. The Winston-Snlem YMCA Swim Teum was able to Tmish a strong 3rd wilh the grenl swim­ ming of these swimmers nnd muny others. , The Upper Southenst Re­ gional YMCA Chumpionship nlso had muny swimmers from 10 and under to 13 and over. Quinn Hollnnd competing with Ihe 11-12 Boys swnm the 50 Breust, 100 Free, 10() Bnck, 50 Back, 100 Fly, 2(H) Frce, 100 Individual Medley, 50 Frce and 50 Fly. Holland earned medals in the 100 Frce, 100 Buck, 50 Back, 100 Individual Medley, 50 Free nnd 50 Fly. Ho also set u new Winston-Salem YMCA Swim Teum record in the 11 -12 Boys 50 Buck. Dnnielle Wood competing with 11-12 Girls swnm the 50 Breast, 100 Free, 100 Buck, 50 Bnck, 200 Individunl Medley, 100 Breast. 200 Free, 100 Indi­ vidual Medley nnd 50 Free. Connor Hill competing with 13-14 Boys swnm the 1000 Free, 200 Free, 200 Individual Med­ ley, 50 Free, 500 Frce, 1650 Free, 200 Back and 100 Free. Palmer Benson competing with 13-14 Giris swnm the 100 Breast, 100 Fly, 200 Individual Medley, 400 Individunl Medley, 200 Breast, 500 Free, 100 Free and 200 Fly. Swimming finnls Benson enmcd n mednl for the 100 Breust nnd achieved h?r first Long Course YMCA Nutional Time Standard. Taylor Hill competing with Senior Boys swatn the 200 Free, 100 Fly, 200 Individual Medley. 400 Individual Medley, 50 Free, 500 Free, 100 Free and 200 Fly. Hill earned swimming flnnls in the 200 Fly Erika Coffey competing with Senior Girls swam the 50 Free, 20(JBreast, 500 Free, 2 ^ Back, 100 Free nnd the 200 Fly. Tuylor Moore competing with Senior Girls swnm the 1000 Free, 200 Free, 200 Individual Medley, 400 Individual Medley, 50 Free, 500 Free, 200 Back and lOOFrce. Autumn Jones competing with,Senior Giris swam Iho 200 Bnck und 100 Free. Muny of these nnd other Win- ston-Salem YMCA swimmers posted personal best times and several uchieved big swims helping the team earn 6th placc overall. Former College Players At The Brock First Wuke Forest senior Hurvey Hale joined the Creek All-Stars. Now Carlos Dixon, a starter /or Virginia Tech a few years back, hns joined Cozart’s Handyman Services. Without a doubt, the eighth-yeur men’s basketball lengue is bigger thun ever. Dixon, who starred nl South Rowun High before reuching the ACC, joined Cozurt’s when they were 1-3, and he scored 14 points in an 82-58 rout over the A-Tcnm. But Dixon pinyed a support­ ing role to Brian Lane, who scored 23. CuMln’ Up 57 - J. Sipeo 2, Linwood Skinner II, Ray Bristow 22. TV Davis 7, Tony Leazer 2, Tremaine King 13. Bird Gang 48 - Marcus Lassiter 8, M’ Brim 5, Duane Phillips 11, R. Dnvis 10, Matt Burchette 14. Tiir Heel Lawn 57 - Andy Ward 11. Jason Tutterow 10, Chris Mecham 2, Todd Corvin 4, Scoll Comntzer 6, Mutt Jnmes 3, Andy Everhart 5, Randy Peak 16. The Remedy 66 - Matt Hud­ son 12, Jeremy Miller 10, Brad Dyer 14, Alex Williams 4, Eric Lowery 6, B. Maxwell 12, R. Denney 4, Forest Breedlove 4. Barnette Heating & Air 68 - Andy Snow 18, Brent Wall 3, Bubba Coleman 14, Scott Tonidandcl 6, Lance Everctte 6, Chad Wilkerson 16, Brent Yaassen5. Dem Boy* 72 • Tony Tenor 12, Cedric Tenor 8, Brandon Finger 13, Dcwayne Collins 2, Avery Patterson 25, Rod Tenor 3, Josh Morris 9. , A-Team 58 - David Pitts 6. LeBron Mayfield 5, Chad Thorpe 4, Deon Cody 4, Curtis Dillurd 9, Bryson Brown 5, Sh­ annon Dillard 25. Cozart’s Handyman Ser­ vices 82 - Willie Cozart 7, Mur- nic Lewis 11, Cimries Miller 13, Barry Chunn 6, Brian Lane 23, Cnrlos Dixon 14, Chud Wnrd8. Old School: Sports From April, 1986 Carolina Fear T h e C a r o lin a F e a r w e r e firs t r u h n e r s - u p in th e N a tio n s B a s e b a ll 1 2 S e le c t, T ria d S p o r ts Iriv ita- tio n a l th e w e e k e n d of,A p ril 1 8 -1 9 . T ean fi m e m b e r s , fro m left: f r o n t - J o h n S n o w , R o s s H o ffn e r, R ile y H e in ; ro w 2 - C o lb y H o lc o m b , A u s tin O w e n s , J a c o b B a rn h a rd t, J a r e d W o lfe; ro w 3 - W e s le y C o o k , R y a n H e a th , B e n C o m b s , S e th D u n n , B la k e C h e e k ; b a c k C o a c h e s R a n d y C h e e k , A n d r e w D o s s . D J C o o k , J o h n S n o w , D e a n H o ffn e r. . «The Duvie boys tennis teum drilled North Davidson 7-2, get­ ting wins froln No. 2 Grant Henson (6-1, 6-0), No. 3 Keith Day (6-1, 6-0), No. 4 Tony Leftwich (6-0,6-0), No. 5 Craig Smith (6-2, 6-3) and No. 6 Chuck Ebert (6-1, 6-4)- In doubles, Leftwich-Piitt won 8,- 2 and Day-Ebcrt won 8-6. The tnbles turned in n 7-2 loss to Mount Tabor. The Davie winners were Leftwich (6-0,2- 6,6-2) and Day-Ebert (8-7). • Greg Barnette was n double ■ winnej- for the Davie boys track leam in a meet with North Davidson und Reynolds. Bar­ nette claimed the 300 (44.3) and high jump (6-2). The other win­ ners were Doug Jacobs in the shot put (47-10,5), Scott Kollins in Ihe discus (24-11) and Gary Greene in the pole ynult (10 feel), • Tummy Pullinm (shot put, 28.5) nnd Carole McDaniel (too hurdles, 19;1) achieved first places as the Davie giris track lenm took on Elkin and Starmount. In a meet with North Davidson and Reynolds, Davie got wins from McDnniel (100 hurdles, 18,98), Kim Freshwa­ ter (800, 2:46,4) nnd Marsha Builey (200.29,H5). • The Davie slowpitch soft- ball team split u pnir of nailbit- ers with Parkland, In the first game, Davie oulhil the Mus­ tangs 13-7 but lost 7-6, The rea­ son: 11 runners left on base, Jeri Simpson’s three-run homer gave Duvie u shot, Duvie won the second game, 8-7, in dramatic fushion. Amy Keaton’s three-nm homer in the bottom of the eighth tied tiie game at 7, und Davie prevuiled on Dawn Dyson’s hit. Coach Aileen Steelman snid; “We hnve got to cut out one- hand catches nnd eliminnte some errors if we hope to gel in the state 4-A tournament.” • Shane Fleming shot á 77 ns Dnvie’s golf teum dcfented 'West Iredell 318-332 at Twin Cedars, The Duvie scores included Aus­ tin McGuire und Todd Gulicdge’s 80s, Alex McGuire^s 81, Bob Bohe's 91 und Travis Smith's 96, The Wnr Eagles pluccd sec­ ond out of seven teams in u Cen­ trul Piedmont Conference meet at Reynolds. Reynolds finished at 308 and Dnvie nl 31*1. Davie wus led by Gulledge (71), Flem­ ing (73) nnd Austin McGuire (77). Alex McGuire shot 90, while Bohe and Jimmy Sum­ mers shot 93s. • South Davie’s baseball team allowed six unearned runs and watched China Grove score 14 runs on just six hits in a 14-9 loss. Matt Marion and Mike Koontz went 2 for 4; James Mar.shull, Win Welch and Bobby Bowers 1 for 3; and Anslo Fowler 1 for 5. Marion and Marshall did the pitching. The Tigers lost 6-5 to Corri- her-Lipe despite the fine com- plete-game pitching of Marshall, who gave up four hils, Mutt Webb was I for 1; Jeff Spry I for 2; Marion and Welch 1 for 3; and Koontz, Marshall nnd Bowers I for 4, SeU it fast with a Davie/Clemmons Classified Ad 1 -8 7 7 -7 5 1 -izi 2 0 SPR IN G OPENER Demolition Derby Truck and Tractor Pull Presented by: Southern Truck and Tractor Pullers Association Truck aisscs; 2 Wheel Orivo Bkwn; Modified Dicsct <1 v Super street Diesel Tractor Oinsei: Hot farm ; HM vySiiper Stod; Supef Harm Mtilti-k'rGine Modified Thursday, April 23rd, 2009 • 7:00 pm Friday, April 24th, 2009 • 7i30 pm Saturday, April 25th, 2009 • 7:00 pm Rowan County Fairgrounds 1560 Julian Road • Salisbury, NC 28145 www.sltp^.com • 808 / 880-/8/2 A(X)(l)on oruW|U(xe>.4j4 from iNtcvi-nl v-iH lo B'oaU CvKif (iirUsiith i'll B4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 23,2009 i . {] ) ; S o p h o m o re s h o rts to p C a rs o n H e rn d o n ta g s a C a rs o n ru n n e r d u rin g a n 8 -3 D a v ie w in. i :■: DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 23,2009 - BS Stellar... Conlinucd From Page B1 swings. He’s not swinging and matter if we’re practicing inside, missing. He’s squaring up evetji iiitting off tiie mnciilnes or iiav- tiling lie swings at.” Allard D a v ie H ig h S c h o o l J R O T C C a d e ts e re c t a te n t fo r th e D av ie S p e c ia l O ly m p ic s S p rin g Q a m e s . DHS Hosts Special Olympics Spring Games J e s s C a rtn e r s lid e s Into th ird d u rin g th e th ird -p la c e g a m e In th e Cliff P e e le r E a s te r T o u rn a m e n t a t S a lisb u ry . A lex N e w m a n ta k e s a b ig c u t. Blistering... Continued From Page B1 tile team’s wins witii a 4-2 rccord and 2.52 ERA. Joe Watson pitciicd a perfcct scventii. Notes: Jacob Vernon and Alex Newman, wiiq iiave been vital all year, are iiitting .390 and ,358, respectively. ... fThe War Eagles play li JV-v«rsity double- header at North Davidson on April 24 at 4:30 and 7 p.m. The varsity will host a doubieheader against West Forsyth on April 28 at 4;30, They will play a JV-var- sity DH at Mount "nibor on May 1 at 4:30/7. ' Davie 8, Carson 3 C a rs o n H e rn d o n la y s d o w n a b u n t hit. H e left th e g a m e h ittin g .3 3 3 . Davl« Nowiniui cf Hernilon S» Vemon c Cnrlncr tb Ilodenlmnicr If Postor 3b Howiud p Long rf .Seaford dll Crisco 2b Tolab Carson Davie ab r 3 2 h bi 1 0 1 0 1 I 2 2 3 2 1 I 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 29 8 11 6 030 000 0 -3 110 .510 x -8 Bodenhamer Cartner 2B - Vernon (5). Conner (3), Bodcn- bonier (2). SB - Foster (5). Davie IP li K ER BB SO How.W 6 8 3 1 3 3 Watson 1 0 0 0 0 1 R e c e iv in g a m e d a l o r rib b o n Is a lw a y s a h ig h lig h t fo r th e a th le te s By Cadet Capt, Kayla Brewer Davie High JROTC Davic High School’s JROTC cadets hosted Ihc 2009 Spccial Olympics on Ihc school's football field on Thursday, April 9. Cadet Major Danielle Brown, Battalion S-3 worked with Ihc County Special Olympics coordinator, Kalhic Sireil lo help make Ihe event run as smoothly as possible. The tasks to be accomplished included identification of the events to be hosted, designation of the specific areas for cach event, and selection of cadets to manage each competition area. The planning began approximately three months prior to the competition. The morning of the event the cadets arrived and began putting up tents, marking off event areas, ‘ and selling-iip anything needed. Around 9 a.m. tiic excited and eager athletes from schools and organizations began lo arrive. The opening ceremony began with a color guard followed by a parade lhal included all of Ihe athletes, and then Ihe games began. The events included softball skills, volleyball skills, and power, lifting. Also included were Ihe playtime aclivities for Ihe younger children and pelting zoo. Mrs. Sireil observed the cadcis, and later said they did an "exccllent''job. • Helping wilh Ihe Special Olympics gives cadets a chance to get out and do something good for their communily. The JROTC program participants have worked wilh Ihe Special Olympics in Ihe past as a part of Iheir service learning project and hope lo continue working wilh them for years to come. The Davie High JRQTC cadets would like lo congratulate the athletes who competed on Thursday, April 9 and hope to see them again next year. ing just a cage day, all the guys are working hard and wanting lo improve. None of Ihem are satisfied wilh where they’re al. They’re asking questions. They want to hit around round. It's a group tiiat wants to leam, and it's paying off come game time,” Davic . 12, Kannapolis 6 Behind Randall (4 for 5, double, triple, four RBIs), Carter (3-5), Matt Dyson (2-3), Will Beeson (2-4, double), Phillips (2-5, two RBIs) and Kirkiin Bowles (2-5), the War Eagles kept piling on Ihc hits and runs, ■ They staggered Kannapolis wilh fpur runs in the top of the nrst. Carter, Phillips, Beeson, Randall and Dyson opened with five consecutive hits, wilh Bee­ son smacking a double as Davie romped toward 17 hits. As always. Carter provided lights-out relief. He went 3 2/3 innings without allowing a run, pushing his record lo 3-0, Davie 11, E. Rowan 7 Again the War Eagles shred-, ded opposing pitchers. Again they took control in the lop of Ihe first. After Carter singled and Phil­ lips walked to start Ihe game, Randall swatted a lliree-run home run as Davie look home Ihc Peeler championship with its Ihird double-figure offensive performance in four games. "it was a carryover from liie KannapoUa game,” Allatd said. "It was anotiicr game 'where wc jumped on them from Ihe get- go,” With Carter going 3 for 3, Phillips 2 for 3, Bowles 2 for 3 and Randall drawing intentional walks in his last two at-bats, Davie kept its foot on the pedal, scoring two in the second, four in Ihe sixth and recording tuns in five.of seven at-bats, "Corey’s in one of those zones eveiybody talks about,” he said, "He’s not taking any bad Randall went the distance and improved to 2-0 on the mound, atoning for eight waiki with a whopping ^4 strikeouts. "Corey finally got to the point where he was comfortiible on llie mound,” he said, "i kept checking with him during Ihe gamei You could tell by tht; expression on liis focB that I wasn’t going to get him off that mound, » "Basically it was fastball and changeup. It was raining pret^ much the whole game, so he didn’t have a good feel for his curveball. But his changeup was excellent. East is a gobd-hiUing team - you could tell by tiieir approaches at the plate - and the fact that he could mix in that changeup when they were silting on a fastball helped him out a lot,” : Randall is only half Ihc story; Carter, the leadoff batter, went 6 for 8 in the tournament. Phil-J Ups, the No, 2 batter, wont 4 fof 8 and he's an incredible 10 for 15 over four games. "Having Phillips and Carter at Ihe top of the order is nice,’- he said. “Most of Uie time we’ve got one, if not bolh of them, ort base. We very seldom go down 1-2-3 in Ihe first inning,” .: An added bonus has been Bowies at the bottom of the oi^ der. He was 4 for 8 in Ihe tour­ nament. He could bat one or twg for a lot of teams. : "Bowles has really come along in the lust couple of weeks,” he said, "it took him a little while lo get used to the pitching. Now he’s settled in artd he’s got a good approach at tlw plate. It seems like every ball tic hits is right back up the middle'. He’s really zoned in right now.'; "A lot of people think the ninth-place hitter is the worsi hitter on the team, but I like put: ting somebody at nine who caU handle the bat, especially will} Carter and Phillips coming up behind him,” , H a ve H ig h B lo o d P re s s u re a n d T y p e 2 D ia b e te s ? I If you iiuwtrad yu, you may b* •llglbk to partlclpato In I a voluntary clinical raiaaich itudy, I Thit aludy ll bting dona lo avaluata the afhcti on your I blood glucoM control of an FOAapprovad atudy drug I comparad to two ottiar alraady appnwad drugi that ara I uud lo taat high blood praiiura, iToquall^youmuitb«:• Batwean tha agaa of 22 and 80lyaaraold praaaura for at laail ona year•Batwean tha agaa of 2• Hletory of high blood p _ ______and Type 2 DIabataa traated with an oral liable regiment foratleaitSOdayi, II Qualified paitlcipanta: »I IMay receive Study-related medication and doctor vlilla u I at no charge. Financial compenutlon up to $560 for I time and travel,I For more Information regarding thli Invaitlgallonal drug I reiearch, plaaia contact Creicant MedlcarRaaaarch, (c^lcent ^ Tom ofrov/i M< [ Ci^Scent Medical Research Tom orrov/t M*<ilcln«Todiiy Salisbury •704-847-99131 O r r» c h ua on II J a c o b V e rn o n p u s h e s h |s h ittin g s tre a k to five g a m e s . S e n io r s e c o n d b a s e m a n E v a n C ris c o trie s to g e t a n o u t. 1 L o o m lly O ro w n , H y€ lro p o n loÍTom atoes We now have Lmrgm Slicing Tomrnto»», Cuctmtbmrm A Ormp» Tbmato»a. fe. Coim Tbsle Tlie Differeiicel 302 Foster Road, Mocksville (Foaler Rd i4 Jiut ofT Rlilgo RiL In Wcttem Davio Counly) Open Thuhs. & Fri. Noon-Spm and Sat. 8 am-noon Call For Directions (336) 492-5263 UI'.I’K I'IS I 'M A H \ k Julia Howard \ ( //tm s f / Please contaci me in: MOCKSVILLE! (336) 751-6667 RALEIGH: (919) 733-6904 16 W, Jones Street, Rm 1Í06 Raleigh, NC 27601-1096 Email: Jullah@ncleg.net Paid foh mJum Howard A D av ie ru n n e r s c a m p e r s b ac k ,■ Photos by James Barringer Sallstiury Cycle Center 1514 JakiAlexander Blvd. West (Hwy 801) Salisbui^, NC 28147 704-633-5787 Ouici( 15 minutes from MoolfsvillB________, N euiraiM l P re-O w n ed : IMolDreycles Scooters ATVs UTVs PUCs We Service What We Sell P a rtic ip a n ts g a th e r a ro u n d th e m e d a l s ta n d In fro n t o f th e s ta n d s a t th e h ig h s c h o o l tra c k . I I ! ii В6 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPMSE RECORD, Thursday, April 23,2009 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 23,2009 - B7 ; J ii Ч, >1 ii Í n- . ^ ' V «I I! 'y 'i: ). h Ì M1 :1' ii B r ie f s , N o t e s l^egion Baseball Signups Registration for the Moclts- viile Americnn Legion baseball progrnm will be April 25 at 10 a.m., nt Rich Park, This is open to players bom on or after Jnn. 1,1990. Bring n parent, a certi- Tied birth certificate and a photo copy of the birth certificate. Principals G olf Tourney The seventh-annunl Davie Principals and Assistant Princi­ pals Association Golf Tourna­ ment - April 25 nt 1 ;30 p.m. at Lake Louise - is in need of golf­ ers. Lunch begins at noon. Ad­ ministrators sponsor this tour­ nament to raise funds for schol­ arships for graduating Davic High seniors attending cpllcgc to pursue a career in education. Tho tournament includes mulligans for ench player, a tee- buster for each player and door prizes. Teams consist of four players and the entry fee is $50 per player. The group is in need of hole sponsors, and corporate sponsorships are avnllable. Signup forms are available at any school or ut the Davie, schools office on Cherry Street, Mocksville For more informa­ tion call or email any school principal or assistant principal or call 751-5921. Open, Church Softball Anyone wanting to play open or church league softball should attend a conphes meet­ ing on April 30 at 8 p.m., at the Brock Gym. Also, for nnyone wnnting to umpire softball, there will be clinics on April 26 nnd Mny 3 ut 7 p.m. nt the Brock. For more informution, contnct the Mocksville-Davie Recreation Department nt 751- 2325. Ellis Girls Soccer Off To Winning The Ellis giris soccer team started the season with a bang, racing to 4-0-1 before losing a nonconference gnme by one goal. The leam consists of eighth graders Nicole Gniewek, Kelsey Orr, Rachel Whitaker, Amy Steller, Lauren Tuylor, Cassidy Webb and Bel LaPointe. Coach Scott Parrish’s seventh graders are Ashlyn Whitesell, Britani Peterson, Grace Bnrtelt, Celeste Kirkmun, Rnchcl Ruble, Katelyn Sizemore, Maggie,Webb, Eliza­ beth Smith and Sabrina Du­ laney. “I was pleased with the out­ come of our first five contests,” said Parrish. “We lost a lot of very strong players last year, but we’ve had several eighth graders step up big, and our sev- enth-grade class shows great promise,” , , The week before spring break, the Juguurs nnd North Davie tied at .l and Ellis lost a nonconference game, 3-2, to Summit, That resulted in Ellis, jmd North Davie shnring the lend in the conference. In both gnmes, Ellis outshot the oppo­ sition and had the upper hand in possession. But in bolh gnmes, poor shot selection nnd- n few mentnl lapses cost the Jng- unrs. “North and Summit both' mnde iis puy for our mistukes,” Parrish said. “We’ve just got to leurn from them nnd get better each game.” Parrish cited the pluy of for­ wards Steller, BurtcU and Gniewek. ;' “Amy is our target player u{) front,” he said. “She plays with n great deul of confidence and has a nose for the balL Nicole and Grnce hnve bodi shown a knack for movement off the bull • and hnve been on the end of sev- erulgrent plays.” Orr, Whitaker, Ruble atid Smith have seen most of the action on defense, and Ellis has only allowed eight goals in five games.: “Our defense is n work in progress,’* he snid, ‘‘We nre try-' ing to find the right positions for five or six very tnlented athletes ond are working on playing , more organized and communi­ cating, Orr has been the anchor of our defense'ot .iweeper, with Ruble and Whjtaker providing consistent play on'the outside. . “Taylor hits done n great jbi) in the goal.” ’ ■ Ellis has rotated ssvtrAl pluy- ets through the midfield, look­ ing for the right coitihinutlon of ubility, field vision nnd riggres- siveness. “ (The Webb sisters) have both played u lot of, minutes ut center mid, tho most physicully demanding position On the field,” he 5uidl “LaPointe and Peterson have been significant contributors at: outside m.id. Usually the team thnt cnn con­ trol the ball through Iho middle , of the field will come out on top. Thnnks to the hnrd work of sev­ erni pliiycrs lenming tiew posi­ tions, we'vo been teum in most of our enrly games.” North Soccer Stays Unbeaten Booe Breaks Track Record Carlton Booo sot a new school rccord us the South Dnvic boys truck teum defeuted Asheboro, 67-56, on Iho roud. Booe won two events (shot pul, discus), but his 43-10 in the shot put broke a record by Mitchell Roberts thul had been around since 2000. Booe was umong four Tigers who cap­ tured two events. The others were Jamal Lackey (triple jump, high jump), Pntrick Jenkins (110 hurdles, ,1600) and W ill Priestley (165 hurdles, 20()). The Tigers are coached by Mike McDougall. S o u t h B a s e b a ll S p lit s 2 • South Davie’s baseball team is still looking for Its first win­ ning streak. Soulh hold off vis­ iting For.sylh Country Day 6-3, but it was overwhelmed 11-0 in five innings al Mount Pleasant. The 2-3 Tigers were looking for their first buck-to-bnck wins. Couch Bobby Byerly used four pitchers in Ihe win over FCD, with starier Caleb Martin getting the win after receiving four-run support in the bottom of the first. 'INvin brother Cody Martin, Nathan Howard and Kyle Builins worked in relief, South mado the most of five hils. Caleb wus I for 2 hnd Cody lfor3, “Wc cnpltullzed on n grout hit-and-run nnd u couple bunts,” Byerly suid, “ Will Cartner laid down a great squeeze (bunt) to score u run.” Tho Tigers have given up 11 runs in each of their losses, in­ cluding Ihe game ul Ml, Plens- nnt. They hnd more errors (seven) thnn hits (five). The sume four pitchers worked, wilh Howurd stnrting. Howard nntl Cody Mnrtin were bolh 2 for 3, The last three North Dnvie soccer games couldn’t have been any tighter or triore oxcit- ing. North edged ThomusVille 1-0, tied Ellis 1-1 nnd held off South Dnvie 1-0, North is ’3-0- 1, tied with Ellis for first, Aguin.st Thomu.4Ville, Cuil- lin Miller’s third goal in two gnmes guve North its sccond shtiloul will in us mnny gumes. It cumo in the second hnlf. “Miller mude u great iun down the right side nnd was ' able to cut behind the defend-^ ers and fiip the bal| past the goal' •kecpcri” coacii John Marshall said. “She created a lot of chanccs and was able to get other people involved,” M iller had support, of course. “We pretty much dominated play,” he said. “Jessica White had. u (scoring) chance. Meredith Ratledge played really well nt midfield. Jill Duffner and Kaitlyn McGinjey played really strong in the buck. Brooke Wulinco mnde n couplo nice suves." Two unbeaten teams collided when North (2-0-1) and Ellis (4- 0-1) hooked up. Fittingly, it ended in a 1-1 lie. North sinick. first, with While talcing a sec­ ond-half through ball from, Rutledge and bnngiiig it off the keeper’s himds. With seven minutes left nnd stomnehs churning, Amy Steller rescued Ellis. It was tho first goal ngainst North in three games. Mnrshnll snid he got strong defensive games from Jennifer Rothberg, Duffner, McGlnley, Chloe Mubc and Jordan Fle- harty^ “They were actually able lo shut down Steller (for 53 min­ utes),” he said. Jessica White's third goal of the senson was the difference in Ihe 1-0 win over pesky, South Dnvic. It çnme in' the second hnlf on n brenknwny. , “It wns unothor nice thrpugh bnll by Rnlledgc,” he said. Murshnll, did not mind Iho close encounters. “Soulh missed n good opportunity,” he said. “I’d rather huve them close like that thun u blowout.” Miller and White nre lied with Ihrce goals. Lankford, Hursey Anchoring South Davie Tennis Team 5 4 t h A n n u a l M e m b e r s h i p M e e t i n g S a t u r d a y , A p r i l 2 5 ,2 0 0 9 Registration at 9:00 a.m. ■Meeting at 10:00 a.m. Yadl(inville Elementary School Multi-Purpose Room Don’t miss Yadkin Valley’s Annual Membership Meeting and your chance to win one of these great prizes. Members must be present to win. GRAND PRIZE - 22 inch Brute Self-Propelled Lawn Mower with Briggs & Stratton engine and bagger attachment 4 cubic ft Red Wheel Barrel ' , Weed Ealer E-Llle Electric Blower ■ Sun Mate Soft 50 ft Coil Hose with Multi-Pattern Nozzle Fisher Price Wacky Wlldflower Sprinkler Fisher Price Dora The Explorer Trike Fisher Price Action Sounds trike . Weed Eater Electric Grass Trimmer ' ' 26 Gallon Trashcan with 30 Trash Bags , Hayes Flower Trellis Flag Factory Appllqued Yellow Rose Flag Nelson Pattern Wand Sprayer, Black & Decker Electric Jar Opener Tru Temper Garden Rake . , ; ' Rusco Hummingbird Feeder with 64 oz Nectar One Gallon Ortho Weed B Gone.wlth Sprayer Quickie Bulldozer 18 Inch Pushbroom Garden Pals 24 Inch Garden Lopper Autumn Leaf Bird Feeder 50 Ft 5/8 Inch Yellow Garden Hose ! 24 Inch Poly Leaf Rake r ■ , ;' 'i 6 piece Stainless Steel BBQ Tool Set ; Two Tiki Torches r V; 10lbs Pennington Wild Bird Seed Two Folding Chairs ' ■ ; Edinburgh 9 oz Flute Glasses Three 16 Inch Urn Planter with Perennials ', , Four Decorative Cup Planters with Perennials , , Í ■ ;-‘.v i:v }\ V. ■ ; ■f ,4- ; ■: ' ') Yadkin Valley Telephone Membership Corporation is an equal opportunity employer. Telephone service Is provided on a non-dlscrlminatory basis. The South Duvie boys ten­ nis loam crushed Thomnsville 9-0 in the senson opener, giv­ ing up only seven gnmes, Firsl- yeur couch Hull Collins wns plensed with her team’s first , outing, “I tliought the mulch'went very well,” she .said. No, 1 Evnn Lnnkford (1-0), No', 2 Dnvid Hursey (7-0), No, 3, Robert Duniel (7-0), No. 4 Jacob Horton (7-()), No, 5 Stephen Duniel (7-0) and No, 6 James Ncnl (7-0) nil posted shutout wins, Juson Soiiers- Austin Cnudio (7-0), No. 2 Adam Curler-Androw Whaley (8-2) nnd No. 3 Joel Curtner- Brandon Ruth (8-5) rolled in doubles. Collins hud purticulnr prnlse for the doubles tennis, espe­ cially Ihe No. 3 team of Curt- ncr-Rutji. “I wus pleasantly surprised with how well all the doubles worked together,” she said. “With such iiiile expcrienco un­ der their belts, I would like to point out Cartner and Ruth, who were behitid at first biit pulled • olit un 8-5 victoiy.'’ ' -South was riding high after the 9-0 trouncing of Thomas­ ville. However, Ihc Tigers cumc back to I'cniity In n close dcci- iilon to Mooresville, 5-4. South lost some very close mijtches. According lo Collins, lier boys simply lost focus as Iho mnlches wore on. “I think Mooresville was n good mulch for our boys,” she T h e S a lv a tío n A r m y ’s ^ D A Y v f t Tho Solvollon Army f omlly Ilirift Store. 27B N. Main St., Mocbvllte: 0pm-5pm ///¡',s(/,n , !(> ^ pm (.:кч1ипц ( V/ riuirsi/j\ , ,>’/>m ID T i>m Гитии/с ( V/ D o n a tio n s H o tlin e: 7 2 3 -9 5 5 2 suid. “A lot of our mnlches slarted out well, and about half­ way Ihrough we seemed to have lost confidence and wc lost a number, of ' mutches in liebrenkers.” •: Tho winners for the dny were No. 1 Hursey (8-4); No. 2 Lunkfoul (8-2), No. 1 doubles Hurspy-Lnnkford (8-1) nnd No. 3 doiibles Whnlfcy-Cnrtcr (8-7). Despite Iho loss, Collins fell the match was valuable to the team, especially carly in the seu­ son. “1 think Ihis wus u icuniing expcrionce for our team,” she suid. “I think n lot of boys were renlly figuring out whnt they did wrong und whut they could do better in Iho next mntch. I wus huppy to .'■.ee thnt they nro try­ ing to become better players by knowing why they lost.” ■ Tho Tigers, who went 10-2 lnst year under Kathy Ferobee, hnve 10 eighth grnders, includ­ ing Joel Cartner, Austin Caudle, Robert Daniel, Stephen Dnniol, Jacob Horton, Dnvid Hursey, Evnn Lnnkford, Jnmes NeuI, Brnndon Ruth nnd Jason Sell­ er!*. There nre tWQ seventh grnd­ ers - Adam Cnrtpr nnd Andrew Whnley. S p e c ia ls o £ t h e W e e k P H O T O S P E C IA L Don’t I'orsi'i \oiir IVhiscadinos! Lance C ra cke rs 4/*l 00 Lim it 8 , W hile Supplies Last С > ‘/ W 1 » D ig ita l P r in ts O n e Week Only Kor inl'ornuilioii on (Ini^.s & lifalth pnihleni.s, цо to W H\V.rO.Sll‘| (lril}iC ().C ()n i Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 www.fosterdrugco.com ----...аКЙк ,гЛ ч 1 Í.Í - ■■ All Around New York City Copies of the Davie County Enterprise-Record have been cropping up all over New York City recently, no doubt causing some concern among the publishers of the New Yqrk Times. Above, the Davie High Vocal Ensemble took their newspa­ pers with them to Central Park while touring the city during spring break with teacher Elaine Snow. Below, Cheryl Lambert, left, and Carolyn Huggins, center, both of Bermuda Run, let Emmy-wlnning costume designer Molly Rogers read their copy of the newspaper during a trip to New York. Molly, a Whitevllle, N.C., native, has been nominated 6 times and won ono Emmy for her costume design work. She started with "Sex And the City" and ‘The Devil Wears Prada." She is the presently the designer for "Ugly Betty.” The photo was taken on Broadway by Itay Malkin who Is a jewelry designer who designed Jewelry for the stars of these shows. Г Т Г n e w s p ^ j e r r e a l l y g e t s a r o i m d . D A V I E C O U N T Y To subscribe, call IS 7 7 -7 S 1 -2 1 2 0 T^. r. I- U r» ! Í. ; . B8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE-RECQRD, THURSDAY, A pril 23,2009 S S P O T U G H T ; The garage door on your home Is one of those things you rarely think too much about until It stops worklngl ' The staff at Garago Door Services of Farmington knows that your garage door can be more than Just a garage door—It’s öfter» the main entrance tor you and your family to get In and put of your home. It also provides your home with an extra level of security, with this In mind, Garage Door Sen/lces strives to ensure that you will never be without Its service. : Garage Door Services excels In service of all makes and models of garage doors and electric door openers. They also provide sales and Installation of LIftmaster 1/2 Horsepower Professional residential electric door openers. In the garage door business, the staff at Garage Door Services knows the Inner workings of garage doors and their components. You can always rely on a quick diagnosis and timely repair for any problems. To help prevent experiencing any problems, Garage Door Services are currently offering a garage door tune up special. This Includes diagnosis, adjustment and lubrication of the door and opener for Just $59.95. Also be sure to ask about their senior citizen discount. ' The staff of Garage Door Serlves prides themselves on being prompt and reliable on ail service calls. They will arrange appointments according to your schedule and treat customer service as their primary goal. ; Garage Door Services Is available throughtout Davie pounty and In the Lewisville and Clemmons areas. Call 998*2336 today tor an appointment. They also otter emergency service at anytime ot day or night. American Roof-Brite can remove them ; American Roof-Brlte has the answer for those unsightly, if not damaging stains that appear on shingle roofs. Professional roof cleaner and American Ropf-Brite owner bon Sunday Is the expert behind the business. With over ¡30 years of root-cleaning experience, American Roof-Brlte has the knowledge and technical skill to kill roof fungus spores, the usual cause ot the black or discoloring stains on asphalt and fiberglass shingles. ; Don bought his American Roof-Brlte dealership over tour ■years ago, after researching the company and Its product, yvhat he likes to impress upon his customers Is the method he uses to clean roofs. ; The first step is to apply an environmentally safe, biodegradable cleaning compound to the roof area. This application sits on the root for several minutes. The formula jeats away at the cause of the root stains, fungus. This is one ot the steps that separates American Roof-Brite from other roof cleaners, who Just spray the roof with a high- pressure wash. i The next step tor Don is a low-pressure/high volume jwash. Don Is passionate to let his clients know that this low- pressure wash is an Important difference in roof cleaning technique. Most people assume that what,a roof needs is* a high-pressure wash. This, Don says, could not be farther from the truth, in fact, a high-pressure wash usually causes fiamage to a roof, tearing up shingles from the roof, which can result in interior water damage. Not good. The low- (jressure/high volume method used by American Roof-Brlte has been trusted by homeowners for over 30 years. : The third, and final step that Don incorporâtes, Is the application of a stalnblocker, or sealer. This layer of protection is guaranteed to prevent fungus growth for three P t t g l t B l j ’si imiDAl. AND FORMAI.WiiAR WE'VE MOVEDI 1729 LcyvbviHc-Clcinmons Rd. Clemmons (jUBl b0loro Slmbuck^) (336) 766-0999 ■ www.englishbriclal.comMon-Wed; 1O-0 •ThuiB; 10-6 Fri: 10-S • Sal: 10-3 • Sun: Closod A dvance Hair Design Mother's Day, Proms, Weddings . Special - *5 off for women with free protein with cul/blowdry IMen's Special - *3 off wltlicut/blowdty, Family Special iN.Chlldren FREE with Full Price Adult Cut •Authorized Avon Agent’ Houra: 'TUet.-Sat. 9:30ain-6pm 3431 US Hwy 64E. Advancc * 336-998<3387 11 a n (r{ 'P a í'K c ?7t :ì :ì6 7H8-ÜH62 3:ui /íUi HH)h A't WAS! 1 o k I 1 All kl K i{u(|s Oil In]) Ol C.M |)(‘t Tiiiqs On Uniilwootl { Ituxs Ruys On T ili? Floor s f’ol SUiins Ä Odoi FU*mov<.*(J FiopiHi s & Pi olocloi P ic k u p a n d D e liv e r y G a ra o e O c o r l^epalrs AM E le c tric a l O p e n e r R e p a irs e Emergency Sen/Ice • Senior Citizens Discount • 25 Years Experience inUNOS CAIllÈs^ QARAQE DOOR SERVICES “Mr. Md" (336) 998-2336 « Fahmimotom, NC \ r - IjSy O iämlwich at ■ S\MN(¡S i;\ I i)\s lo 4 0lor OisccHiMls WPdiu’Sdiiv40%0fF SALE Dees Net laclMleUBieu Mfaier, Bfhiln arSeeeien ( Icniiium s Dist’oiiiil S;ik‘s I > U I , is\ illr ( Il'IIMIIOIIs K(|. '(U> h inmntis* ^f.i. a ro lin a Small Engine Satei ft eervlte ol outdoor power «(ulpinenti mowere, Mnrniere, ehiln lawe, bloweri, generdore,.* more t034 rortt » M y M „ AOnnem 9 9 8 - 7 7 5 5 UGIYROOF STAINREMOVED FOR A LIKE NEW LOOKINatlon'Q Largost & Oldest Roo( Stain Romovora 100 Royal Oak Dr., Wlnston-Salem, NC 27107 Sand Trap Custom Golf 76& -2233 OR 7 6 0 -2 8 8 0 NSW hbn Sets’ 3-pw*149 j irifead Clubs 1/2Prlce^ i *saiM MGaptlons. ; s i r i i , BAKERY THRIFT STORE :Super Savings j Several Ways : Everyday! loVIda ôOWnûA rwoxoHon mouooij • ' • ^ 7 , o A i< 3 ç ^ experience ^ I d a t ;massage New Town* Uiopptng CenferJuit down Itom Staplet 3S17 UwlivllU-Clemmone Rd336-766-0622 Mon-Frl 9-9 . Sol 9-6 • Sun 11 -6 S iS T r i'S r S r S S f e t e I '. 'i body loVldo cinloin Fodoh & peeb q¥49^№ Root stains are not Just ugly, but the fungus that causes them can damage your home. Merely washing your root Is not enough. The three-step process used by Don Sunday and American Roof-Brlte Is an environmentally safe, professionally proven method for killing roof fungus; and preventing It. American Roof-Brite is owned by Don Sunday. You can reach Don at (336)-785-2030. Storm Water Management Residential Drainage Systems Land Clearing, Demolition Landscape/Hardscape y Licensed Am i Insured ::ie m n i o n s N C T o m J o n e s 3 3 6 - 7 4 9 - 0 4 6 5 EDWARDS S I D I N G & W I N D O W S 30% TAXCREDIT Up to »1500» ' Repiaceipent Windows • Storm Doors - 9 Colors •Entry Doors ' Roofing • insulaticjn Mobile Phone 9 7 8 -2 2 9 9 \ Trust Your Lawn To The Prvfessbnals c u p mifmam •HBusinessFûf28YaarB.FullSeivtoComniertcal& RektentlalUvvnCaro-tared 345-8695 JoeiClampitl, Owner D4V1E COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, A pril 23,2009 > C l Project Linus Helps Children In Tinif | of By Jackie Seabolt Enterprise Recórd Inside one of the rooms at the Davie County Senior Cen­ ter a group of women áre as­ sembling blankets. They are members of the Davie Quilters Guild and as some tie fleece fringe along the edge of one of the blan­ kets, another few are using machines to stitch together pieces of material. Their efforts will benefit Project Linus, a non-profit or­ ganization that supplies blan­ kets to children in need. According to Iheir website, Project Linus has a two fold mission: to provide love, a sense of security and warmth to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or in need; and to provide u rewarding service opportunity for inter­ ested individuals and groups for the benefit of children. Keith Willden, who is the projects’ Davie/Iredell coor­ dinator said that the blankets the quilters were sewing would go to Davie Social Ser­ vices. “We also give them to first responders, police, fire­ men, highway patrol... any­ one that comes into contact with children that can be in a stressful situations.” This is the Davie quilters second year participating in tho project. Last yeir they gave blan­ kets to the Mocksville Police Department. “They've done a phenomenal job,” Willden . said. The Davie Quilters Guild began in 1999 and member Connie Barnette said, “The people are very friendly and help you with anything. It’s a wonderful guild.” Project Linus was started on Christmas Eve 1995 after a Denver women read a story about a child who had under­ gone chemotherapy and stated that her security blan­ ket helped her make it through the treatments. As the whir of the sewing M e m b e rs o f D a v ie 's Q u ilte rs G u ild w o rk o n b la n k e ts th e y will g iv e to P ro je c t L in u s. - Photo« by Robin Snow machlne.s is heard, many of the quilters talk amongst themselves as they work. Twelve fleece blankets, along with several quilts will be made for needy children in Davie. Willden encourages any­ one who sews and wants to contribute to Linus Project to do so. Anyone wishing to do­ nate can drop off blankets at Phipps Sowing Center, 119 N. Salisbury Street, Mocksville. The Davie Quilters Guild also encourages anyone that would like to participate in projects like this one as well as others to come and join them the third Monday of each month at Davie Senior Services, 278 Meroney Street, Mocksville for their 7 p.m. meetings. , 1 1 Î !' * Î • ’ *■ G ra c e A n d e rs o n a n d E rin D av is u s e s e w in g m a c h in e s to stitc h to g e th e r b la n k e ts . G uild s e c r e ta r y A n n C lin e c u ts th e frin g e a e n o s o r o n e o f th e b la n k e ts . K eith W illd en Is th e P ro je c t L in iis C h a p te r C o o rd in a to r fo r D av ie a n d Ired ell c o u n tie s . a fte r it's d o n a te d to P ro je c t L in u s. i. W 1 C2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 23,2009 'I Í /■; ■ V l\ « ■Í I , t:; I : ‘î ■ i; M: and Mrs. Erik Matthew Crutchfield Berrier-Crutchfield Couple Married Jnmic Dawn Bcrricr of Lex­ ington and Erik Mattlicw Crutchficid of Winston-Salem were married at 3 p.m. March 6 ih an outdoor ceremony in tiie Riviera Maya, Mexico. Tiic bride is the daugliter of Kent and Dawn Bcrricr of Lex­ ington. Her maternal grandpar­ ents arc C.P. nnd Betty Owens of Winston-Salem, formerly of North Wilkesboro, and Kenneth and Peggy Berrier of Winston- Salem. Stic is a hnir designer at Ego Hour Hair Designers. The groom is the son of Perry and Debbie Cnitchrield of Advancc. His maternal grand­ parents are the late Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Foote' and his paternal grandparents are the late Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crutchficid. He is a service manager for Triad Roof­ ing Company. Tho bride was cscortcd by her fatlier. The maid of honor was Katie Bcrricr, the bride’s sister. The groom’s father was the best man. Following their honeymoon in the Riviera Maya, a reception was held March 28 at the Hawthorne Inn. The coupic live in Winston-Salem. " , Stewart-Naylor Engagem ent Announced The late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stewart and Ramonii Griffey Dalton and Roy Naylor announce the engagement of their chil­ dren, Ashley Nichole Stewart and Adam Wesley Naylor of Ad­ vance. The bride-to-be is a 2002 graduate of East Forsyth High School and earned an animal care technician license in 200S from Davidson County Community College. She attends tlic Cosme­ tology Institute of Beauty Arts and Science nnd plans to grnduatc in May with a diploma for hair, skin and nails. The groom-to-bc attended Davie High School and is owner and co-operater of Naylor Repair in Advancc. The couple plans to be married on Saturday, April 35 at 2 p.m. at Davis Memorial Chapel in Winston-Salem. N A A C P A c c e p t in g N o m in a t io n s F o r l\ / lo t h e r O f T h e Y e a r A w a r d The Davie County NAACP will host its annual Mother of tho Yenr coronation on Sunday, May 3 nt 4 p.m. at St. John AME Zion Church, Campbell Road, Mocksvillc. , The winner is chosen by the most money raised. Participants arc awarded a certificate, a gift D av ie s e n t a la rg e d e le g a tio n to tiie N .C . A sso c ia tio n of E d u c a tio n a l O ffice P ro fe s s io n a ls s ta te m e e tin g . E d u c a t i o n O f f i c e P r o f e s s i o n a i s A t t e n d i \ / l e e t i n g The 58th Annual N.C. Association of Educational Office Professionals meeting wns held in Greensboro March 18-20. NCAEOP is an associntion of educational office professionals who are interested in learning moro about their profession arid who want lo grow and develop professionally. It is open to educational office personnel and administrators within the cducntionni'system (public and private) in North Carolina. Davie County Association of Educational ■ Office Professionals had 15 members in iillcndaiicc with eight first timers to the NCAEOP. Six administrators joined tlie group for the PSP luncheon whore Shelia Stanley, Stephanie Koefoed and Cherie Monsces were presented their professional stnndnrd progrnm certificates. Stanley was honored as top recruiter for NCAEOP and wns honored at the awards lunchoon with a plnque, certificate and a free membership for 2009-2010. Those in nttendance were Janie Hendrix (Cooleenieo Elementary), Susan Vernon and Melinda Norman (North Davie), Donna Thompson and Todd Naylor (Bus Garago), Brad Hoots and Michael Spillman (Maintenance), Darlene Utt (Ellis Middle), Cnrmop Wnlkor (Retired), Chorio Monsces (Cornatzer), Pam Smith, Jean Brickcy, Dr. Robert Landry, Deborah Smink, B ill Campbell, Dub Potts, Crystal Shoffner, Jami Waszczoniuk, Stephanie Koefoed and Shelia Stanley (Central Office), Dena Grubbs (Mocksville Elementary). . Cedar Çrove baptist Cfiurcfi Ü^urses/TíeaCtü Ministry present S p a n i m i Susan Ç .l^m tnK ÿC ifçrtfu Cure Coiriin OMroprauic gvM 365 :• Mary 'Kfly oi OtiierS^nCane CoiisuHants Curves of'Mocliimit« ; Ortiïopediç Specialists oftHe 'Tiiati <Dr. <Davi<Cjlgwu, ifiiitritionist ' <Dr, /Bray, ÇastmiiitestiiiatSpecialist. ' ' for^tR MedicnC Center Cariiot'oscufar Services iDavie 0Î 'I'or^tK Co. <Dept. o f <Pu6licífeariñ ■ Satunfay, ApnC2S, 2009 9am-lpm F R E E SC R EE N IN G S blood pressure, blood glticttse (diabolos), BUI, & clioleslerol Come and speak with health profe.islonals, free o f charge f t /.earn how to TAKE CHARGE o f your heàllhl There w ill he som eilihigfor everyone......... seniors, youth <& young adttll.i too! • “I pray aSove a ir tfiiiig s ifia t you proper in fieaftft, even as your souC prospers“ ija ftu 2 Vonnore information, pfease visit: lifwtv.ceifararovemoc^ilfe.ora or caff 336.692.7304 287 Cedar grove Ciittrcft ‘Uparf, MocH^viffc, ’MC2702S ■ 'I ■ ' i ‘ ' , davie COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 23,2009 - C3 bag and treated to a meal. Churches may submit par­ ticipants, and names should be turned in by Monday, April 27, duriiig the 7 p.m. meeting of tiie NAACP at Shiloh Baptist Church, Depot Street, Mocks­ villc. Call 682-6138 to leam more. Mart/n-Oueslnber/y Engagem ent Announced U.E. and Sylvia Martin of Yadkinville announce the engage­ ment of their daughter, Dana Marie Martin to Ronald Dale Quesinbcrry of Dobson, the son of Roger and Lou Qucsinberry of Mt. Airy. The bride-elect is a graduate of Forbush High School and earned a bachelor’s degree in Spanish éducation from Appala­ chian State University. She is a Spanish teacher with Davie County Schools. The groom-lo-bb is a graduate of Boonvillo Christian Acad-' eniy, and is sèlf employed. The wedding will be June 13 nt South Oak Ridge Baptist Churcii. M r A nd Mrs. Cletus Miller Celebrate 50th Anniversary The children of Mr. aijd Mrs. Cletus R. Miller honored them with a celebration of their 50ih wedding anniversary at their home on Saturday, Marcli 28. Friends and neighbors honored the couple with food, gifts, laughs and live music. They were married on Marcli 27, 1959. M a in S tre e t B ra s s A t T h e B ro c k F r id a y N ig h t Main Street Brass has been in Davie County this week. “Davie County Arts Council has a strong and vital partnership with tho Davio County Schools,” said Sidniee Suggs’, executive director of the arts council. ‘This partnership includes contracting artists and performers to go into the schools to give demonstrations, skits or plays and concerts. “This year Market Street Brass gave what could be termed informative concerts for Ihe three middle schools and carly high school.” The group did mini­ workshops for music classes at tho high school. To punctuate what the students have heard in schools and involve parents in their children’s interests a night lime concert will be held on Friday, April 24 at 7 p.m. at the Brock Performing Arts Center. The Market Street Brass was founded in 1974 ns tho resident faculty brass quintet at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. The quintet performs music in all stylos from Renaissance lo jazz in a variety of settings, Somo 50 or moro engagements per year include concerts, services, and music for special events. Particularly noteworthy are the many Christmas Concerts and performoncos in church services during the months of November and December. Members of tho Market Street Brass include: Edward Bach, tmmpet; Virginia Keast, trumpet; Jack Masarie, horn; Randy Kohlenberg, trombone; and Dennis AsKow, tuba. The Brass has performed throughout the Uniled States for professional music educiition conferences, public and private schools, college and universities, and concert scries. In August 2005, the Brass traveled to China to perform concerts in Beijing and Changsha. In Beijing, concerts were played in the Forbidden City Concert Hall and the Peking University Concert Hall. In Changsha, the concert was broadcast live on Chinese television. Market Street Brass has been featured at the General Conference of the United Methodist Church in Pittsburgh, Pa. The group has presented concerls in'a tour of South Texas (Brownsville, Harlingen, and Weslaco), the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex, Kansas City (Missouri and Kansas) aroa, as well as programs throughout North and South Carolina. The Brass travels annually to Pawleys Island, S.C., to complete a performing and toaching residency in the Waccamaw elementary, middle, and high schools. In Fall 2004, the MSB as a collaborative effort widi the Randolph County Schools focused upon performing in some 19 elementary, middle, and high schools. General admission tickets are $8 and can be ordered visiting or calling the box office Monday-Friday noon-5 p.m. or 751-3000. S u d o k u P u z z le 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 5 2 4 8 1 9 7 8 5 1 9 3 6 2 l\^ e m b e rs o f tiie M ain S tre e t B ra s s iia v e b e e n p e rfo rm in g a n d te a c liin g D av ie s tu ­ d e n ts th is w eei<. D e c o ra te A C h a ir F o r 2 0 0 9 R e la y F o r L ife Solution On Page C7 Andy nnd Brandi Drye of Mocksvillc nre proud to anr nouncc the b irth of their dnughtcr, M adison Leigh Drye. Born at Forsyth Mcdl- cal Center on March 30 at 7:19 a.m., she weighed 3 lbs. 13.6 oz.'and was 16 Inches long. Her maternal grandparents are Cindy and Steve Beaver, and David and l^m m y Beck of Mocksville. 'Her paternal grandparents are Lanny and Linda Drye of Mocksville, Her aunts and uncles are Noah and Ellle Drye, Christy and Brent Boger, Josh Beaver, Bradley Beck, ' K e rri Drye and K ristopher Penland, all of Mock.svllle. Madison hns sev­ eral other fam ily memhcrs that love her dearly. C r o s s w o r d P u z z l e "Yabba Dabba Dol" ACROSS 1. Assigned a PQ to, say 6. Assume as a fact 11. Hydropower source 14. Sachet's quality 15. Sillily Imitative 16. Soccer cheer word 17. Noted Worid War ll-era pinup 19. Dyer's vessel 20. Suffix With elephant 21. YastrzemskI In Ihe Hall 22. Way out 24. Tell the tale of . 26. One way to travel 27. Actor and 2008 presidential candidate 33. Vampire hunter’s need 36. Ford a shallow stream, say 37. Substance with an -Ite suffix, perhaps • 38. Trucking unit 39. Exert, as Influence 41. Bar topic 42. Web address ending 43. Walk like an expectant father 44. Took part In a bee 46.1960 Olympics track star 50. IHr. Potato Head piece51. iulr._ (classic candy) 55. Pigskin's spin 58. Golden'Fleece transporter 59. Victorian _ 60. Surfacing stuff 61. Massachusetts ' congressman since 1981 64. Swelled head 33 34 n3fl ■ 42 48 so 55 56 60 64 67 Daniel Furniture, Relay for Life and the Davic Arts Council arc tonming up again lo sponsor a chair painting contcst callcd Chair for Lifo which benefits the Amcricnn Canccr Society. There is no ago limit and groups can decorate a chair together. Individuals, civic organizations, church groups, and businesses can register and pick-up thoir chair to be decorated at Daniel Furniture, South Main Streot (US 601 South), Mocksville, from May. 29-Junc 30. All entrants must design and decornlo a Troutman wooden chair. Cost to enter is $25. The entry fee pays for the chair which is made of solid onk i u k I nsh in Troutman. "With their sturdy conslmclion and artists’ creative design, these chairs will bo works of arl to cherish for generations to come, thus the contest title. Chair for Life,” said Sidniee Suggs, arts council executive director. Completed chnirs are lo be delivered lo the arts council on Thursday, July 2 or Friday, July 3. Chairs will be on exhibit in Ihe Brock Gallery from July 6- .30. A reception will bo hold lo •honor the artists on Fridny, July 10. People’s Choice Award will be announced at the reception. Each chair will be judged by anyone who wishes to vote for Iheir favorite chair. There will be a $100 US Savings Bond awarded lo first placc, and prizes wiil be given to other winners. D e c o ra te d c h a irs s u c h a s th is o n e wlii b e so id a t a n a u c tio n a t th e R e ia y fo r Life in Ju iy . With the permission of the from the auction will bo donated entrant, the chairs will be sold to Relay for Life to benefit the at auction from 6-8 p.m. at the American Cancer Society. Last 2009 Relay for Life on July 31 year the artists raised more than at the YMCA track. Proceeds $900. Amortean Pronto (tomeiown Conioni 65. Sleazebags 66. Like howls In the night 67. Sword vanquisher of proverb 68._Pari<,Colo. ■ 69. Gave medicine to DOWN 1. Yitzhak of Israel 2. Wrestler's workplace 3. Caddie or bellhop 4. CPR pro 5. Service for children of two- IncoiTie families 6. Scored a 4 on, maybe 7. Gem from Australia 8. Bro or sis 9. Land In the ocean 10.1997 thriller with Michael Douglas and Sean Penn 11, Flatfish on menus 04/1D/2009 12. Word said with a 44. Lampooned sigh 45. Deg. for many . 13. Team with a new profs stadium In 2009 47. Scratch up 18. Scandal suffix 48. Hideous woman 23. Headstone letters 49, Lethargic 25. Monogram of a 52. Market pessimists ’60s attorney 53, Golfer Palmer, to general his fans 28. Tammany Hall's 54. Dl{l an October "Boss"__chore 29. Talking computer 55. Bit of of scl-fl choreography 30. Without a match 56. Congressional 31. Passed on by .goferstorytellers57. Vientiane's land 32. Politico Gingrich 58. Start the pot 33. Pack In the 62. DIrt-road track overhead 63. Rock’s__ 34. Spelling or Amos Speedwagon 35. L-shaped brace 39. Subject of many campus protests 40. Post-op hosp. area 43. Story with a moral Answers On Page C7 We invite you to come he a part of our family. I P l e a s e p r e s e n t t h i s c o u p o n f o r I I20% OFFI I _______________________________> d&w /o > ¡Your Entire Purcliase{ I (Exdudcs Alcohol) | Cim arrón Steakhouse 3260 S. Stratford Rd. 712-4689 H rs : tV lon, 1 1 a m -9 p n n T u e s - T h u rs l l a m - I O p m S a t 4 - 1 1 P M B w w w .c im a r r o n - n c .c o m I L . Expires 05-08 09 I W im n g Womeiió W â n e J d a y 1/2 OFF ^^Wine by the Glass U ';!; ; C4 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, AprH 23,2009 ij i, i'i i A rt w o rk b y D av ie m id d le a n d lilgli s c h o o i s tu d e n ts |s o n d isp ia y in th e Brocl< P e rfo rm in g A rts C e n te r G a lle ry o n N o rth M ain S tre e t In M ock sv ille. .... ? ' M [j i S p e n c e r L a n n in g p o s e s w ith h e r lirst p la c e p a in tin g . FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH of COOLEEMEE 204 MARGINAL ST • COOLEEMEE Revival with Dr. J.L Coolc April 2 6 - 3 0 , 2 0 0 9 - 7 :0 0 p m S u n d a y N ig h t S e r v ic e S ta r ts a t 6 p .m . Without a doubt, you will enjoy Dr. Cook's Bible sermons, hilarious stories and side-spilttlng laughter and words of encouragement for everyoriel T h is p a in tin g of a. p o t of flo w e rs is a m o n g th e d isp la y . ( !Ì I Special Guest Sunday Night Special Guest Monday Night EIGHTH DAY DENNIS BENTON Exemplary artwork from niUkllc anil high school sludonis is on display through April 30 al the Brock Gallery on North Main Street, Mocksville. Moro lhan 200 works of art were ontorcd into this year’s juried exhibit. A variety of mediums were chosen from North Duvie and South' Duvie middle und Duvic high schools including paintings, charcoal, I gruphito, ink; a variety of ceramic and sculpture pieces and mixed media. There is a collcction of teapots made by North students, uiong with Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head ceramic fronv South Davie. Duvie High students submit|od jewelry, hand-thrown pottery and piiintings, many of which aro oversized. A reception was hold on Thursday, April 9 with more than 125 students and their parents enjoying the art und I f Owv j)m . 'y.n’d« ‘ K. '\'7 iVi,». Vijioy.utl.s ol Sw.m ... where shopping is D e lic io u s ! Easy tofind, hard to forget... • In ihe heart o f Kln<lcrton Com m ercial on U S 158 N w t lo n.iW c D m ii.ito lo jjy and C hlropr.ulic lU-sc.irch 1 block from M e g 13ro>vii H o m e I'lmiLshlngs 0 0 / 1 Ï 107A Glcnuagles Way, Ailvaiice, NC 27006 *336.998.2778 H o u rs ’. Moiul>\y-S.\tuvvlAy, 9 a.uv ‘ S E x e r c is e Your Brain. /?ead Studies show that reading keeps the mind sharp. Give your brain a boost. Subscribe to the newspaper and expand your mind with a world of information. DAVIB COUNTY ENTERPRI/^^ECORD 171 S . M ain S t. . M ock sv ille 1 -8 7 7 -7 5 1 -2 1 2 0 S t u d e n t A r t O n D i s p l a y 11 refrcshmenls served by the arts council’s Artworks Committee. Also in altendancc wore tiie art teachers. Gin Lucas from Soulh Davie and Joan Means from North Davio, The high .school art department teachers ure Lauren Rielh, Jessicu Allen and Mindy Seamen. The middle school winners were awarded ribbons und tho top winners from the high school were presented checks during the reception. The following uro those sludonts who won; Middle School First, Erie Powell, Soulh Diivie; second, Georgl Romano, South Davie; third,; Katie ,Cassidy, North Davie; honorable mentions, Cynthia Arroolu, Kristen Cumpbell, Soleia Gulluzi, Josh Holbrook, David Hursey, South D(ivie; Carson Bishop, Brent D’Nok, und Hailec Frank, Novth'Davie. High School First, Spencer Lanning, $75; second, Ricky Villatoro, $50; third, Kasey Newark, $25; honorable mentions, Lindsay Cartner, Jocelyn Duwal, Kelly Harold, Falon Hooper, Megan Hutchens, Mary Jarvis, Will Marrs, Sam Moser, Zachary Taylor. R ick V illatoro w ith h is s e c ­ o n d p la c e p o ttery . 7 DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 23,2009 - C5 A T r a d itio n S t u d e n t s T a k e P a r t I n 2 6 0 ‘- y e a r - 0 l d M o r a v ia n E a s t e r R e s u r r e c t i o n S e r v i c e For tho last 260-plus years, musicians have awakened the sleeping worshipers reminding all of the Resurrection and Ihe worship servico so they can get to the Easter Resurrection Ser­ vice in Old Salem. At 2 n.m. on Easter morning, bands play "Sleepers Awake” in front of the several Moravian churches in the Salem Congre­ gation. This year, two Davie County middle school, students were among them; Sam Motley, North Dayle sixth grader, played the buss elurinet, nnd Jordan Marciul, and Ellis Middle sixth grader,- were among the first timers. Holli Nelson of Advancc, who assists with the middle school band program, has played more than 30 Easter mornings. After their 2 a.m. start, the bands ride or walk «round tho city of Winston-Salem placing Moravian Chorales (hymns) on street comers, rousing worship­ ers. At 4 a.m., the wandering musicians gather at Home Moravian Church for breukfast. At 6;30 a.m., the presiding minister begins the first part of tho Easter Liturgy in front of Home Moravian Church. The Salem Congregation Band di­ vides into six smaller bands which aro placed on Salem Squure and on "God’s Acre,” Ihe graveyard, and play for the liturgy’s hymns. At tho conclu­ sion of the first part of the Lit­ urgy, the bands play untiphonally as tho worshippers proceed to God’s Acre. After all ■ have entered, the band members come together forming a massed band of about 350 play­ ers. They play Beethoven’s "Creation Hymn” lo begin the fjocond part of the Easter Lit­ urgy, which concludes as the sun rises over the graves color­ fully decorated with flowers. Tho Davie threesome has just finished playing for their third Resurrection service. Af­ ter Ojd Salem, they joined other players at New Edon Moravian Church for a second breakfast and a second worship service. Then they traveled to New Philadelphia Moravian Church where, after a short power nap in the van, they played for their third and final service of the day - 10 hours after first playing "Sleepers Awake” in front of Trinity Moravian. "The band students not only put in a lot of playing time this Easter morning, they partici­ pated in a significant piece of our local history and, hopefully, gained a new perspoclive on their faith,” Nelson said. ( V , ' S » ! ,'i * . i i i W f i i j f . ' Ä S a m M otley, H olli N e ls o n a n d J o rd a n M arcial p la y th e ir h o rn s in th e M o rav lari g ra v e y a rd . Celebrating 47th Year T h e M o c k s v ille W o m a n 's C lu b c e l e b r a t e d 4 7 y e a r s a s a m e m b e r o f t h e G e n e r a l F e d e r a tio n o f W o m e n 's C lu b o n W e d n e s d a y , A p ril 8 a t B e r m u d a R u n C o u n tr y C lu b . T o m a r k th is s p e c ia l o c c a s io n , p a s t p r e s id e n t s w e r e in v ite d . S h o w n a r e , fro m left: V ic k ie S m ith e r m a n , c u r r e n t p r e s id e n t; P a tr ic ia L a tta , p a s t p r e s id e n t; A m y K e e te r , D is tric t 4 p r e s id e n t; P e g g y P a g e , p a s t p r e s id e n t; B e v e rly L a s s ite r , G F W C -N C p r e s id e n t; M a r le n e S h a m e l, G a ll K elly , E le tte O w e n , L in d a S e c h r is t, a ll p a s t p r e s id e n ts ; a n d s e a t e d , B e tty H all, c h a r t e r p r e s id e n t. D e c o r a t e A T - S h i r t F o r P e t F a i r Loam more ubout improving the quality of life for your pet, create your own one-of-a-kind t-shirt and get your pel vaccinated at the 1st Pet Fair ^ sponsored by the Humane Society of Davie County, Saturday, May 2, 10a,m.-4p.m. (rain date Sunday, May 3,1-6 p.m.) ut tho adoption center on 291 Eaton Road, Mocksvillp. Enjoy the educational displays and demonstrations, pot related vendors, and food and beverages. Enter tho t-shirt decorating contest by designing u one-of- a-kind pet theme t-shirt. During April, purchase a white t-shirt, ahead of time for $2 at the adoption center or Cooleemee Town Hall, or the Davie County Public Library to begin decorating it before May 2. Or, buy a shirt at the Pet Fair and decorate it there. Either way - simply submit it for judging at the fair. Prizes will be awurded for the best deeoruted pet theme t-shirts. Due to recent changes in N.C. Veterinary Medical Board policies, distemper vaccines cannot be administered at the Pet Fair. Only rabies shots will be'available, for dogs and cats at $7 per shot - puyublo by cush or check. If you have any questions nbout this event, cull 751-5214. C a m p e rs e n jo y a n a fte rn o o n in th e sw im m in g p o o l. S i g n U p N o w F o r 4 - H S u m m e r C a m p Dave County 4-H is accepting $50 deposit payments to reserve spots for summer camp 2009. This year, Davie 4-H is going to Swunnanoa 4-H Center just outside of Asheville for their summer camp adventures. All youth ages 8-15 are welcome to attend camp for tho week of June 21-26. Ciimpers will have tho opportunity to do rock climbing, complete u climbing tower nnd zipline, complete u high or low ropes course, take swimming lessons, shoot archery and participate in crafts und. nature classes. “ Camper spaces fill up quickly, so reserve your spot soon,” said 4-H Extension agent Lyndsie Dore. Cull Dore or Tracy Vogler at 753-6100 to register, or visit the website davie.ces.ncsu.edti, then lin k to "Youth and 4-H ". C a m p e rs le a rn in g th e b a s ic s of c a n o e in g .' ------ Nominees Sought ^ For Senior Citizen Of The YearAwar& Davie Senior Services and Davie Home Health invite the public to nominate candidates for the annual Senior Volunteer of Iho Year award. Each year, older adults who give of thoir time, energy, and talents are recognized for their contributions to Davie County. Agencies which utilize volunteers as well as tho general public may submit candidates for consideration. In order to be considered for this award, a candidate must be 60 years of age or older and bo a resident of Davie County. Nominees will bo judged based on Ihe variety of their past and currcnt volunteer activities, time commitment to volunteer activities, and dedication, contributions, and overall role in striving to make Davie a great place to live. One senior will bi chosen for his or hoi- outstanding efforts towarii^ serving others througb voluntcerism. The award winner will W recognized, along with all nominees, on May 27 at thj Senior Health & Fitness Day tdt Davie Senior Services. j« A ll entries must be submitted by Friday, May 15. The sponsoring agencies ask that those who wish to submit nominees for the award aajc nominees’ permission. Thoa? interested in submitting ä candidate for this award should contact Janine Atkinson aj Davie Home Health at 753J. 6200 to obtain a valid nomination form. . i a v íe P la c e jn g A s s is te d L iv in g C o m m u n ity Rosa Meyers As i new resident lo Davie Place, Rosa was still learning about what there is lo do while she’s a resident. There are many . activities In which she can participate and in due time she’ll be enjoying her rouline. She certainly has determined lhat she enjoys the meals and looks forward lo each of her three meals a day. She was born in Forsyth County and spent her early years helping her mother raise 5 siblings through the Depression. When old enough lo seek employment, she went lo work for Hanes Knitting and became a seamstress working in various departments of their sewing operations. Rosa leA Hanes when she decided to raise a family and went on to have eight children; most of whom are close-hy. When her family was grown, she went back to work in the fümlture hidustry spending quite a number of years in that field. John Edwards, Rosa’s son, is in to see her as often as he can and confirms his mother's love of food and her Interest in singing. She Is Intereslcd In the services Davie Place provides for Iheir residents and will he raising her voice lo celebrate when able. For information On Placement, Contact: Suzanne Simpson-Vogler 336-751-2175 V ‘ "I I Сб ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISÌE RECORD, Thursday, April 23,2009 Advance News ,,T h e H iöLlfe y o u th g ro u p a t H illsd ale U n ite d M e th o d ist C h u rc h h a s n e a rly d o u b le d s in c e th is p h o to w a s m a d e - jia s ty e a r . ' By Edith Zimmerman Advance Correspondent The Community Revival will be Sunduy, April 26-Thurs- dny, April 30 lit 7 niglitly and hasted by Mocks United Meth­ odist Church. Prayer room opens at 6:30. The sponsoring churches are; Advance First Baptist, Advance United Meth­ odist, Bailey’s Chapel United Methodist, Bixby Presbyterian, Elbaville United Methodist, Fulton United Methodist, Mocks United Methodist, Mt. Sinia AME Zion, PIney Grove United Methodist. There will be special music, local speakers, fcllow,<ihip, food and fun. Ad­ vance Methodist Pastor Cheryl Skinner w ill be preaching Thursday night. The offerings will benefit A Storehouse For Jesus and Advocacy Center of Davie County. We welcomed Pamela Faircloth as a new member to the Methodist church Sunday during worship service. A lovely cut flower arrangement was on the altar in honor of Pamela, given by R.C. and Jodi Athey. Bob and Betty Potts were Sunday afternoon visitors of Edith Zimmerman, also Bess Bennett and Cynthia Summers. Those in the community cel­ ebrating birthdays on Sunday, April 19 were George Barn­ hardt, Mary Nell Jones and Dor- , othy Carter. Hillsdale Youth Fundraiser Saturday EkmiDétonlfe On Saturday, April 25, the .ilHillsdale United Methodist • 'Church youth group (called ,.,HisLife) will hold a barbecue t’chicken fundraiser ih the ¡-parking lot of Quest Coffee, ¡„formerly culled Moby’s Coffee, "Just up the road from t|ic church J,at5286US 158. f„ Avuilable from 10:30 a.m. lo 8 p.m., each plate comes with u quarter chicken, baked beans, sluw or potato salad, and bread. The cost is $9 per plnte, and all proceeds w ill support the HisLife youth missionaries as they travel to Costa Rica this summer to help those in need and to share the Gospel of Christ wilh those less fortunate. Quest Coffee will have ils weekly live concert at 8 p.m. for those who want to buy chicken plates and slay and enjoy the music. To preorder tickets for $8 apiece, contact Nick Ashbuni, nickashburnH88@hotmaH.com or Pam Reiser at pkeiser® hillsdaleumc.com. The youth at Hillsdale United Methodist meet regularjy for Bible studies, morning und evening devotions, and regular youth meetings. The church is adding a new youth addition. For more informution on HisLifc, contact the youth director, Pam Reiser. B u d get MINI WAREHOUSES 1919 u s Hwy. 601 N. • Mocksville 1/2 mile N. ol 1-40 near Southpolnt Business Park (336) 753-1510 • Brand New Units • Climate Controlled & Regular Units• Sizes from S’xlO’ to 10’x20’ • 24 HR. Access • Securi^ Keypads & Lighting• All Paved Parking SPECIALS! 1 Month FREE on 1 0 x10 units & up.(3,0 or 9 mo. iiKrouinont roq’d) — OR — $ 2 0 0 ° ° OFF 10x10 iinits & larger with n 12 niontli lease. DISCOUNTS ON (2) or more units also nvailalile. All spccinis are fjronUed ovo/ nmoutU of Unto ngroeci upon. BibìeDriìiers Members of the Mocksville First Baptist Church Bible Drill team have partlclpatecJ In lo­ cal competitions, with several qualifying forthe state level. Team members include, above, from left: Johnson Marklin, Anna Jones, Ben Marklin, Maggie Junker, Genny Wooten, Rebekah Santis, Mealy Junker and Daphne Bowman, At left is David Hursey with Drill Leader Cindy Hursey. Party Rentals Plus Candelabrds-Archways'Cakc Stands Punch Founldlns'Chocoldte Fountains Commercial Accounts Welcome Trade Show Booth Pipe & Drape Inflatable Moon Walks'Dunk Tanks Popcorn Machines-Cotton Candy Machines TenlS'Tables’Chairs Staging-Dance Floors OiiinerwarcLinens www.partyrsntalsplu8nc.com "Big Enough to Serve You... Small Enough to Appreciate You." Ш 704-636 0788 » 704-933-1131 «ф 1819 S Main St Salisbury * 2110 Dale Earnhardt Blvd Kannapolis K«ith Hiller Matt Hiller \ÌHAIJKSÌOfMaWnaU$ rth Carolina. 1109 Yadkinville Road Willow Oaks Shopping Center Mocksville 751-6131 hilierkl gpnaiionwlde.com }è\ If) North с Nationwide' On Your Side AiiIq fronV lift &л<гч’(| A МЧ) IVi tau Uvv« tty r«giktrrd HtkVr I Higher CD Yields! Special Promotion % * APY 3 Month CD • FD1C-Insur«d 3.0% (fi monili) > ,\S% (12 iiiniitli) FIRST FIDELITY I'iiiiiiu lai <;roiip or Hid IVIiid, I.I.C Your S({/e Money Sohiilon* V'tls iib o iil o m - ||)ц ||4 ‘|' \ ii ‘l(liii|* l i i \ (li'IV i'i'c d in o d iic t s 336-224-1077217 S. 'ü ílbcrt Ave., Lexington, NC 27292 Hours; 9am-Spm, Mun.-Fri. By Laura Mathts Fariniiigton Correspondent Come to the Spring Fling this Saturday at tlie Farmington Community Ccnter from noon- 4 p.m., rain or shine, hosted by Farmington Beauty Shop us a customer nppreciution and a fundraiser for the community center. Proceeds will go toward a new community playground. Fooel will be provided by Eagle Heights Church, there will be Frisbee golf, cake walks, pan­ ning for gold, a silent uuction, and morc. There will be yoga classes al I p.m. with a donu- tion. Music will be provided by the Fanninglon Bluegrass group at noon und Brian Shepherd with his Acoustics Show at 2. On Sulurduy, April 18, there was a Farmer's Market Meeting ul the community center. out wus good wilh around 10 growers who huve signed up to be u part of the market this year. The group is looking to start the market sometime in May. We are looking for anyone who might also hnve some Items such us; plunls, garden signs, crafts and other items that ure cither handmude or home grown, to sell along with the produce. Wc arc expecting canned goods, eggs, honey, and fresh (homegrown) beef to be available. There will be a chef available with some morning coffcc und rolls, who will be doing some cooking demonstra­ tions to give you idcus on how to prepare some of tho produce available to purchase. If you are interested in joining the market, call the Farmington Community Cenler ut 998-2912. The Furmington United Methodist Church will be hav­ ing u Festival of Tables on May 2 at 6:30 p.m. There will be a special speaker and a hum din­ ner. Tickets nre available for $ 10 by cnlling Connie Spillmnn nt 998-5385. PIcnsc cull by Sun­ day, April 27. B r a d le y A r m s w o r t h y C o m p le t e s B a s ic T r a in in g A t F t J a c k s o n Army Nalionui Guurd Pvt. Brudley E. Armsworthy has gruduated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Colum­ bia, S.C. During the nine weeks of truining, Ihe soldier studied tlie Army mission, history, tradition and core values, physical fit­ ness, nnd received instruction and practice in basic combat skills, military weapons, chemi- cal wurfure nnd buyonet train­ ing, drill and ceremony, march­ ing, rifle mnrksmnnship, armed and unarmed combut, mup read­ ing, Held tuctics, military cour­ tesy, military justice system, busic first aid, foot marches, and field training exercises. He is the son of Mark Armsworthy of Pnrsonnge Drive, Advnnce, nnd a 2007 graduate of Davie High School. flo w O p e n j^ ^ f T l o u n la inCONSIGNMENT TXies - Fri 10:00am - 7:00 pm Sat 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Adult & Children's Clothing (Spring/Summer), Baby Equipment, Maternity Wear, Handbags, Accessories, Home Accents, Small Furnishings, Small Appliances & Electronics L o c a te d n e a r tlie c o r n e r o f F a rm in g to n R o a d & H w y 8 0 1 n e x t t o t h e F ire D e p a rtm e n t. 336-940-3178 or wildmtnconslgnment@yatioo.com V E A G LE R E N T A L S , in c . Over 2,000 ttemsl I! Now Open In M o c k s v i l l e 204 Cooper ('/Icross /torn Ш Ш Shopping Center) (336) 7S3-1445 Mon-Fri 7:30 am -5:30 pm & Sal 7:30 am -12;00 гюсп Pino News DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 23,2009 ■ C7 By Norn Latham Pino Correspondent Thanks to everyone who came to breakfast ut Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church Inst Sulurduy. It was rieighbor appreciation day. We hnd several neighbors come and enjoy the meal. The next breakfast will my Saturday, May 16, from 6:30-10 a.m. We hope everyone will attend. It was so nice to have Mr. und Mrs. Thom Shone visit Wesley Chnpel on Sunday. Bertha Lee Barnowski of Las Vegas passed away last Thursday after an extended' illness. SÜc is the sister of Marie Miller. Our sympathy goes oul lo the family. The Davis-Miller reunion will be held Saturday, April 25, in the fellowship hall at Wesley. Chapel. It will start at noon. Please bring food and join the family for a delightful day. For more information call 998- 3260. James and Lelin Essie spent Palm Sunday at her old home in Caswell County; 62 relatives from Texas, South Curolinu, _ Georgia, and many points in' North Curolinu were present. For mnny years the majority of teenagers are older but this yenr there were many smull children. Leila’s older sister, Elizabeth Johnson, a spry 90 year old, was the oldest there. Leila’s four great grandchildren were among the youngest. There were two Enster egg hunts, one for the older children nnd one for the younger children. Niece Mary Neal Cagle directed the egg hunts and they all had a great time. This is nn annual family gathering and enjoyed by mahy. Dale Latham and Mackie McDaniel traveled to Chariie, Texas last week to attend the funeral of long-time friend, Willie Fleming. Willie passed away suddenly on Wednesday, April 15. He was 72 years old. Willie and his wife. Nova, have visited North Carolina every summer for several years. They were best friends of the late Bob Dill and his wife, Louise, but through the years bccume close to everyohe in the fumily. Willie will be missed by all. Ethan and Reid Boger of Reidsviile spent the day with their grandmother, Nora Latham, on Saturday. Bob and Kathy Ellls and Matt McCrackin also spent the day wilh her. Their goal was to gel a lot of little projects completed for her that she cannot do on Her on. They nceomplished n lot in one day. County Line News By Shirley Thorne County, Line Correspondent The recent rains have been needetl even though soine of us urc nbout lo float awny. The Rev. Terry Duckworth spoke to full houses ench night nt Clarksbury and he delivered great revival messages. Our community is still recuperating from a busy past few months, but we are planning activities for the remainder of spring and upcoming summer. Tiie Youth of Salem United Methodist Church will sponsor a fundraiser cookout nt noon nfter morning worship nnd Sunduy school Sunday, April 26. The cookout will include hotdogs und hnmburgcrs wilh nil the trimmings. Just muke n donnlion -:nd cut us much ns you wish. Proceeds will benefit the expenses of the youth summer work mission trip. Enjoy n great spring lunch nearby and also have a great time with family, friends, and neighbors. The Spiritual Choir of Piney Grove AME Zion Church will celebrate the choir's 40th anniversary wilh a special scrvice at 3 p.m. Sunday, April 26. Several uren church choirs will present programs of music. The Spiritual Choir and church members invite everyone to celcbratc wilh them nnd enjoy nn iiflernoon of grent gospel music. Society Buptist Church will have revival services nightly Sunday-Wednesduy, April 26- 29. The Rev. Glenh Sellers of Mooresville, former pastor of Blaise Baptist Church of Mocksvillc, w ill bring the message each night. Services will begin at 7 and will feature special singing. Society members invite everyone to join them for these speciul services. The of the Worid - Lodge 323 will meet al 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 28, at the Davie Academy Building on Mr. Henry Roud. The group will huve n family night cookout lo honor the club’s scholarship recipienls and their families. The Kappa ECA will meet ut 7p.m.Thursdny,April 30, with Betty Priveltc ul Somerset Court Assisted Living Center. The club invites others nnd always welcomes new members. Upcoming community eVtnts include a V-Point Ruritan country ham and sausage breakfast from 6-10 a.m.’ Saturday, \fay 2, at the V-Point Building and school alumni meetings at Harmony and Cool Spring iri May. Our community sends happy birthday wishes lo Mae Smith Walker, who celebrated her 91 st birthday on Monday. Mrs. Mac was ft dedicated community and church worker as' long ns her health permitted. Today she enjoys relaxing, reading, und fun uctivities. Mrs. Mne, we congrntulate you on. your longevity nnd wish you a new year of better health and much happiness. As I was transferring the birthdays of our seniors who nre 90 nnd older lo my new cnlcndnr the first week of January, I was saddened as I had to delete four names of those who hnd pussed away the past year from my list: Lester and Gladys Mayes Walker, Ruth' Elarn Williams, and Beulah Cartner Prather. Shortly before his death Lester had been helping me with an upcoming story on Cherry Grove School. These long-term County Liners had been instrumental in providing memories and photos for many of our flashbacks in history. They und their fnmilies were nlways willing to answer my questions whenever 1 called or visited. Our sentoi- adults are valuable sources for information about pur community and we owe them a debt of gratitude for their contributions. We send get-well wishes to Becky T. Cartner and Ruth W. Greene. Becky was hospitalized last week with bronchial problems. Ruth had to return to Wuke Forest University Bnptist Medical Center for additional treatinent., Paula Cartner continues to improve but remains under the cure of Duke University Medical Center. Lee Cartner is recuperating at home. . Pleasejoin usas we pray for the Lord's healing and blessings in the lives of Becky, Ruth, Mary, Paula, Lee, und others who have problems. Also, please remember in prayer Laverne Hendrix Snider and family in the tragic accidental motorcycle death of Bobby Staley.' Bobby was the grnndson-in-lnw of Luvcme and the laleTom Snider, formcriypf Ridge Road. For news and memories to share, call Shiriey on 492-5115, sdtlink®hotnm il.com . Slieffield-Cedahaln News Ity Junlcc Jordan Sheffield-Calahain Correspondent A book signing was held ' Sunday aflernoon, April 19 in honor of Mary Alice Miller, Hasty nnd Hnzel M iller Winfrcc. Held nt tho Zuchnry House in Cooleemee, the event highlighted the Miller sisters’ book, "The Civil War Rosier of Davie County, North Carolina”. Their work led them lo accumulate biographies of 1,147 men before, during, nnd after the conflict. Anyone, who would like to hnve more inforniulion, including how lo obtaiji an autographed copy of the book, call 751-7567 or contact one of the authors. There arc several community events on our spring calendar, including the holdog lunch that the Men’s Fellowship of New Union United Methodist Church will hold Saturday, April 25.,If the weather is as goqd then as it was liist Saturday, everyone will.want to enjoy their lunch on the’picnic tables under the trees on the church grounds. The fellows will be preparing hotdogs from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. in the church parking lot. Take-outs will be avallnble. The Women's Fellowship plans to sell doughnuts thnt will compiele your ineiil for $5 per box. The men w ill have hnndmhde wooden toys for .sale that make wonderful gifts for youngsters. They make great decorating accent pieccs for your home. Four Corners News By Mnric Wliitc Four Comers Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Mabe visited Mr, and Mrs, L.S. Shelton during the weekend. Glenda Sapp visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe While Sunday night. Mrs. Grady Beck is slowly Clarksville News improving but needs our contin­ ued prayers. Mr. and Mrs. Mark White were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. nnd Mrs. Joe While. Jessica While spent the weekend at the beach with friends. By Marcin Lambe Clarksville Correspondent Lots of birthday wishes this week: Ethnn Livcngood, 20th; Katiiy Bluckwelder, 23rd; Pat Sherman, 24th; Tony Call, 25th; Ronnie Culler, 25th; Dylan Cranfill, 26th; Loyd Bluckwelder, 29th; and Sheila Brown, 30lh. Chariie hnd Sudie Whaley met Amice; Dwayne, Claire and Isacc at Banjo Campground In Asheboro lo celebrate Amiee's birthday. The Relay for Life team at Bear Creek will be having a Mothers Day Supper Muy 9, wilh chicken or stenk, bnke po­ tato, salad, tolls and dessert for Sitdoku Solution a $10 donation. Surprise your mother and bring her for n good meal and great cause. Call An­ gela Spillman at 492-5848 to purchase tickets. William R. Davie Fire De­ partment will be having Portra- pit May 22. Plates will be $8 iind to purchase tickets see any , firefighter or auxiliary member or leave a message at 492-7772. The auxiliary is also having a Avon fund raiser. They are sell­ ing Skin So Soft 3 for $ 15, Bug Guard 2 for $15, Moister Therapy 3 for $10, Footwork's 4 for $10 and bath and body works. See any auxiliary mem­ ber or call me at 492-2235. Our deepest sympathy to the family of Bobby Staley. 7 9 4 2 5 8 6 3 1 2 6 8 7 1 3 4 5 9 3 1 5 4 9 6 7 8 2 1 3 9 6 4 5 8 2 7 4 7 2 3 8 9 1 6 5 5 8 6 1 2 7 3 9 4 9 2 7 8 3 1 5 4 6 8 5 1 9 6 4 2 7 3 6 4 3 5 7 2 9 1 8 Crossword Answers •Vilib* DibtM Ool* о И р|о|а аЩХ^ 1 II ИИПИ П n n n a № '■li The Sweet Hollow Bund will pluy at the Sheffield Music Hall Saiurdny evening, April 25. Bluegrass, country, nnd gospel music will all be f^eatured. Call ■ 704-546-3099 for additional information. Crusher Run will play at Prissy Polly’s Barbetjue in Kernersville on Thursday, April 30 from 6-8:30 p.m. Check with John at 336-408- 6941 for more'information. Brenda lit 751-7567 has Crusher Run’s first CD, a collection of their favorite tunes. Game Night is scheduled for Friday, May 1 at the Sheffield- Calnhaln Community Center. The doors will open al 6 und the games will start ul 7, giving everyone time to have a hotdog supper before play begins. Bingo games and prizes will be Ihe main event, with cuke wnlks nnd drawings. Proceeds will be used to help finance restrooms for the Recreation Area. A benefit for Clark Rogers will be held at The Cove Church in Mooresville on May 1. It will include a concert and a silent auction, ljumes Buptist Church continues Ip accept donations made lo il, designated for the Clark Rogers Fund, 728 Sheffield Road, Mocksville. The Humane Society of Davie will hold a pet fair at its facility on Eaton Road Saturday, Muy 2 from 10 n.m.-4 p.'m. In ndditlon to demonstrations about animal roles in society, a rabies clinic will be held. A golf tournament at Pudding Ridge Golf Course on May 16 will raise money to support the William R. Davie football team and cheerleaders. Registration starts al 12:30. Lunch will be served from 12:30-1:45. Rules include 4- person teams with Captain’s Choice and a shotgun start at 2. The field wili be limited to the first 30 teams nt u cost of $60 per person or $240 per team. Corpornte and individual sponsors for each hole are needed, as well as donations. Details about the tournament, plus any other information regarding the booster club and the youth football program are available from any of the following officers: Angela Wallace, president, 940-5574; Cheryl Guinn, vice president, 251-5378; Rae Vandiver, secretary, 492-2021; or Mark ■ Jones, treasurer, 940-2591. Sunday aflernoon. May 17 is the annual memorial servicp at tho Sheffield-Calahain Volunteer Fire Depnrtment at 2 p.m, outside adjacent to the .memorial garden. All area residents are invited. Spccial gue.sts will be the ramilies of the deceased firefighters and auxiliary members. Tell these neighbors happy birthday: Ray Clark, Bessie Jane Wall, and Shane Brown on' April 23; Jerry Wayne Snyder on April 24; Dacia Ijames on April 25; John W. Reeves, Jenny Snyder, and Kellie McGrew on April 26; Ricky Vaughn und Adam Anderson on April 27; Wanda Sutphin, Richmond Reavis, and Carl Ludd Jr. on, April 28; nnd Ashlen Kelli Diye on April 29. Congratulations to the following'on Ihcir wedding anniversary: John and Debbie Reavis, April 25; Jim and Joann Ratledge nnd Mac and Wanda White, April 27; and Terry and Sandra Dyson and Timmy and Kimberly Gobble, April 28. Congratulations to Sheffield-Caluhnln nrefighter,' Adum Trent und his wife, Amy on the birth of their dnughter, Kendra Lynne, on April 14 at Iredell Memorial Hospitul. Kendru weighed 8 lbs. 2 oz. and was 21 inches long. She is welcomed by her big sister, Candace. Blessings are asked fop Kendra Trent, little Madison Drye, Jonnnn Trent and all our other children. Please also continue to pray for Clark Rogers and his family and any others in our community who are ill or in need. Chris and I have lived somewhat like gypsies for the last fe\V months, showing up at home lor short periods before taking off ugnin. Without help from friends, neighbors, fumily, nnd especiully our daughter, it would have been next to impossible to get away from daily responsibilities in order to run away from home. We are graleful lo all of them. Taking m'y laptop computer with me was one way to stay in touch, and I think I am more dependent on it than any other electronic device, including my cell phone. Our children have webcams on their computers, and with-free software and Internet access, we are able to liave live conversations with them and see the grandchildren at the same time. True, it’s not nearly as wonderful as holding one of the kids on your lap, but it’s the next best thing. While I often remind myself of my many blessings, days like this past Saturday are the ones that test me. My laptop computer was uploading a file when my puger went off dispatching our fire department to a woods fire. I assumed the computer would finish ils projcct wilhout incident and never guvc it another thought until I got back from the call. That's when I discovered the laptop Had an unusual blue screen witti a strange looking message in white letters. Just .as I have no interest in repuiring my car. I, have no desire or ability to look under tho hood 'of a computer. I read the dreaded words announcing something about a pi'oblem being detected and Windows shutting itself down, ulong with more gibberish Ihnt seemed lo be English, yel made little sense. 1 started to feel a little woozy. As I skipped past the STOP codes full of X’s nnd , O’s (which I am sure did not mean kisses and hugs), 1 Saw an announcement that the physical memory dump wus complete nnd that I should contact my system ndmlnlstrntor or my technical support staff. Great, who are they, what’s their phone numbers, and how soon can they còme over to the house? The only ray of hope offered was that it said if I had never seen this message before, I should simply restart Windows. Oncc I figured out how to make the thing turn off, I restarted and was delighted lo see my desklop icons appear, as ihough it had healed itself. The evil computer was only toying with me, for as soon as I felt that small ray of hope, the blue screen jumped up at me again. This time it gave me a new group of STOP codes, enough,to convince me that it was too late to call in Microsoft hospice. My mind raced back lo when 1 had last'done a complete back up on the external hard drive, and realize.d that it was about three weeks ago before vie left on our trip. The decision I must make now is whether I should pay a guru big buclcs only to hear that I should give my computer n proper burinl or muybe I’ll be convinced to mnke whntever repnirs are ncccssaiy to bring it back to life. The latter will cause me to spend the rest of the spring and probably part of the summer reinstalling my software and restoring the data. Even that would give, me no reason to think that something else won’t go wrong with it in n short tinie. 1 guess 1 can always go computer shopping, but that will be as much f^un ns Inst Friday wns, when my dentist filed down several of my teeth for crowns. Since 1 alrcudy madd a gift to our state and our federal governments on April 15, this latest spending opportunity to help boost our nation's economy has me somewhat less than excited. By now you might be wondering how I a!m accomplishing the column tliis week. So far, my trusty desktop computer, which is much older thun my luptop, is still trudging along. The laptop’s original hard drive failed just n coup)e of weeks nfter I bought it. Evtn though it wris under wnrrantjf, I still had the responsibility (o reinstall the software and to restore the data. The replacement hard drive gave ine a couple of years of service before this weekend's event occurred, but the warranty period is long over. Now dependent on the convenience of the portable computer, I just don’t think hauling the desktpp lower around with me will be the answer. Your news is needed for this column. Photos can still be emailed to me. Please conta,ct me with any questions nt 492- 5836, jvJjordan@ hotm ail.c6in and I will reply so you wjll know that I received it. i South Davie Boosters & Athletics 2nd Annual Porta Pit BBQ Chicken Plates include 1/2 chicken, slaw, beans & roll Friday, May 8 II a.m. til 6 p.m. at South Davie Middle School (Pickup at arbor near Ihe gym) $8 Per Plate , Delivery Available for 10 Plates or More ■ For Tickets call 751-5941 ■■ ) . •г I ; i' f;Ï-; :■ v‘ U v' '' ''i i''V i:V l4 li C8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 23,2009 O b itu a irie s Joseph T \irn e r G reene Jr. Joseph Turner Orccne Jr., 80, died on April 17, 2009. He was born June 20, 1928, nnd wns preceded in death by his parents, Joseph Turner Greene Sr., and IViervin Blevins Greene; and his twin brother. ' Survivors; his wife, Naomi Lewis Greene; sisters, Ruth Lee Austin and husband David; Clara Disher; a niece; a great- niece; and his pet companion, Susnn. He grnduated from Hanes High School; wns in tho Navy in World War II; a member of the Farmington Masonic Lodge; a member of the Winston-Snlem Jaycees nnd their man of the year in 1963; and graduated from the'Winston-Snlem 3arber College, which wns his life-time profession. He donnted his time to orgnnizations including ,'Goodwill Industries, Amos Cottage, Jaycees Boys Home of ;NC,Thc United Fund, NCEye Bunk, Piedmont Bowl, Boy Scouts, Bnplist Home, Forsyth 'TB, Cnneer Crusade, Yoder ■Home, Mnster Barber :Association, nnd the.Red Cross Bloodmobile. He was pnst president of the Winston-Snlem Jr Chnmbcr of Commerce; His memorial servicc wns )ield Sundny, April 19nl3 p.m. Fnrmingion Bnplist Church, Mocksville with Pnstor Phillip Brnndc officiating. The fumily rcceivcd friends following the scrvice in the fellowship hiill. A :gravesido scrvice will be held at n Inter date. Memorials; JT Greene Charitable Trust Fund, Winston- Sulem Foundntion, 860 West 5 !S(rcet, Winslon-Salem, 27101- :2506; the Furmington Bnplist Building Fund, c/o Robin !Quinn, 1836 Fnrmingion Road, ;Mocksville; or a charity of the ■donor’s choice. Online condolcnces; made to www.nicm.com. E d n a C op e H e n d rix Mrs. Edna Cope Hendrix, 88, of US 64 East, Mocksville, died Wednesday, April 15, 2009, at Forsyth Medical Center in Win­ ston-Sulem. She wus bom April 6, 1921, in Dnvie County to the late Wiley B. Cope Sr. and Effic Hendrix Cope. Mrs. Hendrix was a faithful mcnlber of Fork Baptist Church where she taught Sunday school for sev­ eral years in the Junior Depart­ ment. She wns a member of the Dnvie County Hospital Auxil­ iary for several years. She wus also preceded in death by her husband of 67 years, Charlie David Hendrix on Dec. 9, 2006; un infunt daughter, Nnncy Carol Hendrix; 3 .sisters, Vasta Cope, Sadie Bur­ ton and Mozellc Gillcan; and 2 brothers, Donnie Cope and Wiley B. Cope Jr. Survivors: 2 daughters, Connie (Dallas) Jones und Shircy (Bud) Hnuser, nil of Mocksville; 4 grandchildren, Debbie Crunfill of Advnnce, Knren Wngoncr, Michael (Heidi) Jones, and Barry (Stacy) Hauser, all of Mocksviilc; 7 great-grandchildren, Brooke Wagoner, David Wagoner,' Dylun Crunfill, Colby Crunfill, Chnndler Jones, Truvis Jones and Cade Jones; und n sister, Jessie (Bill) Gobble of Mocks­ viilc. A funernl service wns con­ ducted at 3 p.m. Friday, April 17, ut Fork Baptist Church, wilh the Rev., Robert Garrett offici­ ating. The body was placcd in the church 30 minutes before the .service. BurinI followed in the church cemetery. The fum­ ily received friends April 16 at Euton Funeral Home. Mcmorials;'Don Foster Me­ morial Fund, c/o Fork Bupjist, 3140 US 64 E, Mocksville. Online condolences; w\vw,e(iloi{fiineralxervice.com. K e n n e th Б . W h ita k e r Mr.' Kenneth “Ken” Eugene Whituker, 65, of Yadkinville, died Thursday, April 16, 2009, at Hoots Me­ morial Hos­ pital in Yndkinville. He born D Cc July 31, 1943, to tho late Lattic Lai'ayette and Naomi Reavis Whitaker, and was a supervisor wilh Century Reproduction in East Bend. Mr. Whitaker had been employed with North Davidson in Davidson County. He enjoyed his work as a hobby. Ho enjoyed building and fiying model airplanes and traveling. He wus ulso preceded in deuth by 2 brothers, Deimus und Hubert Whituker and an infant sister, Louettu Whituker. Survivors; 4 daughters, Cindy Wyntt (Keith) of Yadkinville, Lisa Muccmoro of Wilmington, Kay Hardison and Angela Brown (Kevin) ull of Yndkinville; 2 sons, Michael Eugene Creed nnd Stephen Creed (Robin); a stepson, Dnlton Creed und their mother, Christine Whitaker, ull of Eust Bend; 7 grandchildren; 5 great-, grandchildren; 2 sisters, Debbie Walser (Ralph), Ida Mac Cranfill (Fred); a brother, Harvey Whitaker, all of Mocks­ viilc; und several nieces und nephews. A grnveslde service wns con­ ductcd nt 3 p.m. Sunduy, April 19, ut Liberty Buptist Church Cemetery. The fumily rcceivcd friends Sunduy, ut Euton Fu­ neral Homo in Mocksville. Online condolcnces; w\vw.e<uoi\funeralxervlce,com. C ecelia M a rie B o iv in Cecelia Marie (Cormier) Boivin, 96, of.Clemmons Vil­ lage II, died April-20, 2009 ut Kuto B. Reynolds Hospice Home. She was born Dec. 31, 1912 in Lansboro, Mass., to the late Willinm B. und Chnrlotte Keeler Shermnn. She wns mnrried to the late Henry X. Cormier of Somers, Conn. for 22 years and the late Charles Boivin.for 15 yeurs. She was preceded in death by 4 brothers and 3 sisters, unci duughters Judith Ann in 1968 und Jacqueline Marie in 2008. Survivors; 3 .sons, Bruce E. Cormier of Winston-Sulem, Briun T. Cormier of Mocksviilc, nnd Onry Cormier of Ft. Meyers, Fla.; daughters-in-law, Murcin Cormier, Jeunotte and Frankie Bycriy und Glonnn Cormier; und u son-in-law, John Lurubee; 6 grandchildren, Kim­ berly (Darren) Crotts of Ad­ vance, Nicole (Brian) Crotts of Mocksville, Jennifer (Dave) Couture of Brondbrook, Conn., Jonnthun (Annette) Lurubee of S. Glastonbury, Conn., Jumes (Joleen) Lnrabee of Storrs, Conn., nnd Melissa Cormier of Ft. Meyers; and 12 grcut-grnnd- children. A memorinl service will be held ut 5 p.m. Suturduy, April 25 nt Bethlehem United Methodist Church, 321 Rcdland Rd„ Ad­ vunce. Memoriuls; Kuto B.. Reynolds Hospice Home, 101 Hospice Ln., Winston-Sulem, 27103. H a v in g K n ee P ro b le m s? I If your knee pain is causod by ogtoonrthrllls and you j oro at loasi 40 yonre of ogo, you mny qunllfy to I portlolpiite In a clinical rosoorch study for an I Investigational medication being offered ot Crescent I Medical Researcli. As a qualified participant, you will receive: at no cosl.... Study-Related Core from Experienced Doctors g Study Medication or Placebo (Inactive Substance) E Financial Compensation up to $455 | I Call now lo find out If you qualify ■ ■ I Rii *I Crescent Medical Research ^ Toiriorrav/i Meditine loilûy Salisbunr‘ 704-e4I-9913i| O r reach U9 on tl ;■ '¡I ■ ; . II : n ■' '( ■ Î ' 4=^ B B Q C h ic k e n Fork Fire Department S a t u r d a y • M a y 2 , 2 0 0 9 1 2 N o o n t i l S o l d O u t MENU: 1/2 BBQ Chicken, Baked Potato, Slaw, Roll, Dessert Eat In or Take Out * 8 .0 0 per Plate ■ K a n d i L . Jones Kundi L. Jones, 24, of Statesville, died on Monday, April 14, 2009, ut her homo. Born in Rowan County on Sept. 20, 1984, she was the daughter of Terry Lynn Kimmer of Mocksviilc und the Into Kim­ berly Cohen Patterson, who pre­ ceded her in death on April 13, 2009. She was of the Buptist fnitli und hud been employed ut Kimberly-Clurk. Also surviving! n sister, Kendra Nicole Kimmer of Mocksville; her grandmother, Kay Carter of Mocksviile; her stepfather. Wait Patterson of Slatesvllle; an aunt, Kathy Cohen Smith of Salisbury; and several nieces and nephews. Tho service to celebrate her life was held Saturday, April 18 ut 2 p.m. in the Duvie Funeral Service Chapel with the Rev. Jimmy Lancaster officiuting. The fumily received friends on Suturduy. Online condolcnces; www.dmicfimeral.ieiyice.com . . V t ( / / / ( ////> ( / / / / ( / John W. Wooten 1928 - 2(Я)9 MOCKSVILLE & Phiilip Blackwell 1928 - 2009 MOCKSVILLE * Earnest À. Smith 1928-2009 , ADVANCE Algylee McBride ' 1908 - 2009 YEÀDON, PA Andre Love ' Died April 7,20Ò9 MOCKSVILLE : I'^iitoii l imcriii Si'i v iit' 325 N.Main Street Mocksville, MC (336)751-2148 A lm a C o m b s S h o a f Alma Mac Combs Shoaf, 89, of Duke Street, Mocksville, died ort Saturday, April 18,2(X)9 at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice. Born in Wilkes County on June 16, 1919, she was the daughter of tho late Marshall Columbus and Laura Rinda McCrary Combs, She retired from Cone Mills in 1981, where she wns u re-inspector. Mrs. Shouf wus u member of First Baptist Cluirch of Coolectnce. She was a Sunday school teacher and a member of the choir. She also wus u member of tlie Senior Citizens. . She was prcccded in death by , licr husband, Thomas Robert Shoaf, who she married on April 23, 1937. Survivors: 3 daughters, Geraldine (Paul) Leatherman of Woodleaf, Glenda (Robert) Barnhardt und Kuthy Corriher, both of Mocksviile; 8 grnndchil- dren; ISgrcnt-grundehildrcn; 13 grcat-grcat-grandchildrcn; nu­ merous nieces nnd nephews. Mrs. Shoaf was also pre­ ceded in deuth by five sisters, Currie Mayes, Pauline Pinkston, Viola Yates, Jottio Reiley, and Ruth Troutman; a brother, Sidney Evcrette Combs; atid a grandson, Robert Lynn Lcathcnnun. The service to cclebrute Mrs, Shonf’s life wus held Tuesday, April 21 at 2 p,m, at Firsl Bap­ tist Church of Cooleemee, wilh tile Rev, Tommy Register offi­ ciating. The family received friends prior lo the funeral hour ul the church. Entombment fol­ lowed at Rowan Memorial Park. Memorials: First Baptist of Cooleemee, 284 Marginal St.; or Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home, 101 HospiceLane, Win­ ston-Salem, 27103 Online , condolences: www.dciviefuneralservice.com. W a ite r R a y B e n n e tt Sr. Walter Ray Bennett Sr., 73, of Rainbow Roud, Advancc, dicd on Tuesday, April 14, al the Kale B. Reynolds Hospice Home. Born in Forsyth County on April 9,1936, ho was the son of the lute Grover Ray and Mattie Ellen Thackcr Bennett. Ho was retired from Reynolds Tobacco Co. and wns retired us pustor of Chnpol of Oods Word, which wus locntcd behind his house. Survivors: his wife of 55 yeurs, Betty Yurbrough Bennett; u son, Wulter Ruy (Guil) Bennett Jr. of Elm City; 2 duughters, Dcboruh Ann (Duvid) Bennett Sleele of Cooleemee und Bobbie Jeun Bonnell Hendrix of Mocksvillo; n brother, James Franklin (Penny) Bennett; 8 grandchildren, Michelle (Tucker) Gibson, Jenny Bennett, Josli (Karen) Hendrix, Candice (Ryun) Burton, Magan (Richard) Carter, Melissa ( BJ) Kiser, Jumes Wilkins and Will (Heather) Butts; 17 grent-grand- children, Cassie, Raheem, Dunielle, Cody, Caleb, Anna, Dnllus, Willium, Cody, Rylun, Dukotn, Mukcnna, Tristan, Tori, Eniinu, Ty and baby Curler (on the wuy). He wns nlsp preceded in dentil by u brother, Donuld Gruy Bennett. A scrvice to cclobrate the life of Mr. Bennett was held on Wednesday, April 22, at 1 p.m. at the Salisbury National Cem­ etery with his son. Pastor Walter Ruy Bennett Jr. und Donuld Funderbiirko officiuting. Tho fumily received friends on Fri­ duy, April 17 at Davie Funeral Service. Memorials: Hospicc of Davic, 377 Hospital St., Mocks­ viilc. Online condolcnccs: www.ila\’iefiiiw r(il.icm ce.com . R o b e rt M a rtin S ta ley Mr. Robert Martin “ Bobby" Staley, 38, of Mocksville, died Suturduy, April 18,2009. He was born Feb. 1, 1971, in Davic County to Larry James and Patsy Riddle Stulcy. Mr. Staley was a member of Hillsdule Baptist Church wlicrc he wus u trumpet plnyer in the praise bund. He wus a member of the Mocksviilc Masonic Lodge AF& AM 134. Mr. Staley was employed by tho Winston Salem Police Department and wus in the C-Compuny I- 252CAB, NC Nutionul Gunrd in Southern Pines where he was u 2nd Lt. Platoon Leader. He was activo with the Western Caro­ lina Marching Band. Mr. Staley had attained Boy Scouts high­ est rank of Engle Scout, Survivors; his wife, April Green Stulcy of the home; 2 daughters, Allison and Jill of the home; his parents of Mocks­ ville; 2 brothers, Jimmy (Shuynn) Stulcy nnd Richard (Elizabeth) Staley; and severnl nieces nnd nephews., A funeral service was con­ ducted at 11 a.m., Wednesday, April 22, at Culvnry Baptist Church in Winston-Snlem with the ReV, Dale Harlan officiating. Burial followed in Blaise Bap­ tist Church Cemetery in Mockit- villc, with Military Honors, The family received friends Tues­ day, April 21, at Calvary Bap­ tist Church, Memorials; Robert Martin "Bobby” Staley Memorial Fund, c/o any Wachovia Bunk branch. Online condolences: www.eatonfimeral.iervice.com. N O T I C E Jockey Textiles will conduct their annual F ire F lo w T e st o n T h u rs d a y , M a y 7 ,2 0 0 9 at 9:00 a.m. Areas south of Mocksville may experience dingy water as a result of this test. Please call Davie County Water at 753-6090 should you experience any problems. Thanking you in advance for your cooperation. W illia m M a e P ope P ierce ■ Mrs. W illie Mac Pope Piorcc, 89, of the Franklin community in Rowan County, died on Thursday, April 16, 2009 at Autumn Care of Mocksvillo, Mrs, Pierce was born July 25, 1919 in Rowan County to the lute Garland Henry Pope and Mary Edith Harrison Pòpe, She attended Woodleaf School. Mrs. Piorcc retired from Laguna Swimwear after 19 years of work. She wns a member of Franklin Presbyterian Church where she wns n member of the Women’s Circle nnd Friendly Bible Class. She was u member of the Home Dcmonstrntion Club. ■ Mrs. Picrce wus preceded in denth by her husbund, Ernest Cuudeil Pierce on Sept. 20, 2001; a brother, Gariund Henry Pope Jr.; 2 sisters, Elvii Pope Crawford nnd Glcndon Pope Peiilcy; and a stcp-grenl- granddaughter, Isabelle Nicole Barccnus. Survivors; 2 daughters, Ann P. McCulloh (Bill) of Salisbury, and Mary Jo P. Peacock (Gary) of Mocksville; and 3 sisters, Betty Correli of Chinn Grove, Gene Suundcrs and Wilma Penley, both of Salisbury; 3 grandchildren, Roxanne Shrewsbury (Roger), Tommy Waller (Lori), nnd Terry Waller (Peggy); a step-grandchild; 6 great-grandchildrcn; 3 stop- grcut-grandchildren; 2 grent- grcat-grandchildrcn; nnd 3 step- great-great grandchildren. Tho family received friends Snturdny, April 18 ut Summersett Funeral Home. A funeral scrvice was held at 3 p.m. in Summersett Memorial Chapel with the Rev. Lurry Summey conducting. Burial followed at Rowan Memorial Park, Memorials; Franklin Presbyterian, 280 Franklin Churcli Dr, Salisbury, 28147; or Autumn Cure of Mocksviilc, 1007 Howard St. ,Online condolenccs: www.summenel$meralhome.com. L a rry W a yn e H a m ilto n Larry Wayne Hamilton, 66, of Dogtrot Roud, Mocksviilc, died Tuesduy, April 14,2009, nt Forsyth Medical Center in Win­ ston-Salem. He wns born Oct. 18, 1942, in Rowun County to the late Marion Buddy and Cay Surratt Hamilton. He was a retired truck driver. He wus ulso preceded in denth by 2 sisters and a brother Survivors: his wife of 46 yejirs, Linda Angell Hamilton, of the home; a daughter und son- in-lnw, Dottle und Ruy Gruhum of Clevelnnd; 2 sons und daugh- ters-in-Iaw, Dean Humilton und Myru Tannehill of Salisbury and David und Diane Hamilton of Granite Qunrry; motlier-in-law, Edna Angell of Mocksville; brothers and sisters-in-law. Gray and Barbara Angell, Nut und Vicki Angell, Nun Angell nnd Jimmy Blume, nnd Puttie Angell; 7 grandchildren, Chris­ topher Gruhum, Kenny Graham, Kandi und Michuel Lcgault, Kelli Gruhum, Duniei Hamilton, Heather Hamilton nnd Mikuyla Hamilton; and a multitude of nieces and nephews. A funeral servicc was con­ ducted at 2 p.m., Saturday, April 18, nt Euton Funernl Chnpol with his Pastor Will Pryor offi­ ciating. Burial followed at Free­ dom Baptist Churcli Cemetery. The fumily rcceivcd friends on Friduy, April 17, nt Euton Fu­ neral Home. Memorials: Harvest Fellow­ ship. c/o Suntrust, i48 Water St., Mocksville, ATTN; Marciu Perreil. Online condolcnces: www.eaumfuneral.iervice.com. f/ и '!■ ''.V I • .V- ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, April 23,2009 ■ C9 T o w n H a ll F o r H o p e A t R e d la n d Town Hall for Hope with Dave Ramsey will be at Redland Pentecostal Holiness Church in Advance on April 23 at 7:45 p.m. To lenrn more about the free progrum, call 998-2014 or visit www.townhallforliope.com or www.rplw.net. Ohio Valley University's ‘Express’Coming To Davie Ohio Valley .University’s Christian Tocal group “Express” (which includes Davie High 2008 graduate Nicole White) will be performing Friday, April 24 at 8 p.m. at Quest Coffee (formerly Moby’s) and Saturday, April 25 at 6:30 p.m. at The Journey - u Church of Christ nt;l24 Wilko.sboro St. in Mocksville. Also performing with be OVU’s ‘Ambassadors’ - a Christian drumu troupe. Admission is free. C o r n a t z e r P la n s C o ffe e h o u s e , 1 0 7 th H o m e c o m in g , R e v iv a l Coffee @ Comntzer, n Christiun coffeehouse, will be held at Cornatzer United Methodist Church on Sunday, April 26 begin­ ning at 6 p.m. with a poor man’s supper provided by the United Methodist Women. All donutions will benefit Reluy for Life. En­ tertainment to follow the meal. The 107th annual Homecoming Sunduy. and revivul is plunned for Sunday, May 3 beginning with tho 11 a.m. service. A covered dish meal will be served after the servicc. Revival will begin lliat evening at 7 and continue on Muy 4 und 5. This year's guest speaker will bo the Rev. Darren Alexander, Cornatzer UMC is located at 1244 Cornatzer Road, Mocks­ ville. Visit www.cornatzerumc.com or call 998-0687 to Icum more. H o t d o g s S a t u r d a y A t N e w U n io n The Men's Fellowship of New Union United Methodist Church will be serving hotdogs with nil the trimmings, chips und drinks from tl a.m.-2 p.m. in the church parking lot at 1869 Sheffield Roud. Donutions will be ncceptcd. The Women's Fellowship will be selling Krispy Krcme dough­ nuts for $5 per box, nnd wooden toys will be available for pur­ chase. S p a c e s O p e n F o r S p r in g F iin g Baileys Chapel United Methodist Church is planning a Spring Fling on May 2 starting ut 8 a.m. Rain date May 16. Spaces are uvailable for $10. Call Sue al 972-3550 or Bonnie at 998-5553 to reserve a space to sell crafts, business, or, yard snlc items. Methodist Men will prepare brenkfast and lunch for sale. There will bo special music starting around 11 (bring a chair). A d va n ce C o m m u n ity R e v iv a l A p r il 2 6 -3 0 An Advance Community Revival, “Finding Hope For Our time,” will be hosted by Mocks United Methodist Church, Beaucham and Mocks Church roads, on Sunday, April 26-Thurs- day, April 30 at 7 nightly, with a prayer room open at 6:30. Seminar Offered For People Now in Financial Distress Many people in the community urc experiencing financial dif­ ficulties and crisis situations. Saturday, April 25, u seminur en­ titled "Fucing Finnncial DISTRESS” will be offered free of chnrge ut Blaise Baptist Church of Mocksviilc from 10:30 a.m.-noon. Infonnation will be provided on a wide variety of finimcial issues, including foreclosure, loss of job, debt management, and budgeting. Breakout sessions und booths will be uvailable. Freo budget coaching will be offered. Pre-registration is not required. For more information or directions, cull 751-3639 or visit www.BlaiseBaptist.com. Cedar Creeic Speciai D ay Aprii 26 Cedar Creek Missionary Buptist Church will host Deacon and Deaconess and Trustee Aide Day on Sunday, April 26, Lunch will ' be served at 1:20 p,m„ followed by the aftemoon service at 3:30 with guest speaker. Pastor Duryl Scott. New Resurrection Christian Center Celebrating Pastoral Anniversary New Resurrection Life Christiun Center, 104 E. Depot St., Mocksville, is celebrating the anniversary of Sr. Pastor H, Mat­ thew Vaughters Jr. and Associate Pastor Pamela D. Vaughters, with the theme “Yes, There Is A Prophet In This Place,” April 24- 26. On Friday, April 25, Associate Pastor Patrick Jones of New Zion Baptist Church of Sulisbury will lend the 7:30 p.m. servicc; on Saturday, Pnstor Gene Speus of Canuun Missionary Baptist Church will lead the night servicc, call 336-409-7641; on Sun­ day, April 26; Elder Toni Oscni of Nevy Resurrection will lead the 11 a.m. service, with the 3 p.m. servicc led by Pastor Gervonne Bennet-Carter of Victory Tabernacle Ministries of Chariotte. Thank you to all the people of Davie County whose calls, cards and prayers made a difference' in my recovery. Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated. Fondly, Betty Beauchamp Benge Marietta, Ga. I f à Î' , . i . J 'iilJ S jiijiiïk ii * T h is m e s s a g e b r o u g h t to y o u b y th e s e lo c a l b u s in e s s e s w h o e n c o u r a g e y o u to w o r s h ip a t th e c h u r c h o f y o u r c h o ic e . CAUDELL LUIVIBER COMPANY 162 Shook Slroot Mocksville. NC 27028 336-751-2167 W ' AUTO Р*ИТ» MOGKSVIUEAirrOMOTlVE aa-t s. Main St. Ivlocksvllle, NC a7028 336-751-2944 GENTLE MACHINE &TOOLINC. 2716 Hwy.'eoi N Mockavllla, NC 27020 336-492-5055 Fax; 336-492-6048 JERRY'S MEATPROCESSING Wq CuBlom Moat Proceas Beef - Pork - Deer 30 years experience 002 Ralph Hnllodoo Rd • Mockovl«« 336-492-5496 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Churcli Rd. Mooksvllle, NC 27028 336-751-9144 W . G . W H I T E & C 0 . 850 N, Trade St. Wlnoton-Salom, NC 27102 336-723-1669 HAYWORni-Mll,LKR I^LINIiRAI.IIOMi; tOH 1:411 K in d e rlo ii Wa)‘ A tlvan iT , N C 3*7006 336,940.SSSS F U L L E I I I % № t e , j i r Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Fabrication 980 Salisbury Rd. Mocksvillo, NC 27028 336-751-3712 FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2141 I’n'urlpihm Coll ht: 336-753-DRUG Put This Space 1b Work ForYou Call 336-751-2129 B a r t e r BUILDERS 167 YodKIn Vflllcy ПолО • Suitu Sf 0 Advance, NC 336-940-2341niMtr ol < и'Л« Il'Wifijt i»rr 3(1 Ггт rial|(A. TaiUf. hmkm »^üniн(:■rl>fuт.^’¡a' 1Нч S H E D S m iiim r E D ^ • S torage Buildings (Woods Aluminum) * C arports & Q arûges (um rriilm efit o( Drottier to üiuOiei ft Fâllh m God 1668 Hwy 64 W • Mocksville jimmy Ooettchcr (336) 492-5418 FULLER Architecture69 Court S4<Mf« Su>M 200 MocktvJI«. NC 27036 р:ЗПА,7Л1,0400 P R O U D L Y D E S IG N IN G D A V IE C H U R C H E S 336-751-0400 A PA LEX C O M P A N Y 105 Turkey Foot Road Mocksvilio, NC 27028 336-492-5565 MJTIMNCARE MOCKSVILLE 1007 Howard St. Mocksville 751-3535 Call 751-2129 TO Advertise Your Business on the Church Page. EATON FUNERAL HOME SINCK /95/ 3 2 5 N orth M ain S treet M ocksville, N G 2702B 336-751-2148 CIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 23,2009 cftwoeiê -n> -rw& • B ra n d i R e a g a n a n d J e s s ic a A llen w ith w in n in g a rtls ts . J e s s a R e h a n d ’K iiyleIgh jC ie m m o n s. K ay leig h C le m m o n s e n try will a p p e a r o n th e baci< o f tiie t-sh irts. T a k e A W a lk Student Designs To Be O n Doniiestic Violence Prevention Walk Shirts ; Davie Domestic Violence ‘¡Services and Rape Crisis Cen­ ter held a contest for art slu- (lents at Davie High School to design the logo for the 3rd An­ nual Domestic Violence Awareness Waiic. ; “This year our agcncy was pleasantly surprised and over- Iwhelmed at Ihe entries. We had 58 lolal entries for this contest (lasi ypar there were 11)," said Brandi Reagan of Davie Domestic Violence Ser­ vices and Rape Crisis Cenler. "Our selection process was dif­ ficult; there are some lalenled artists at Ihe school. We were supposed lo choose only pne, bul in Ihe end we scllled on Iwo - Ihe overall winner wilh Ihe design for Ihc front of our shirts and a second winner who's de­ sign will be on the back of our shirts.” Jessa Ren and Kayleigh Clemmons were Iho winners. youlh involved in such an im- porlanl topic like domestic vio­ lence and dating violence is a very imporlani pari of oUr awareness campaign," Reagan said. "We are proud that so many students are taking an inlerest in Ihe greater good of Ihe com­ munily and also taking pride in Iheir own selves and abilities. Jesso ond Kayleigh are repre­ sentatives of Ihe youth of Ihis "Having our communily /School thinking outside of Ihe Family Hair Gut SpecialsL^' New Clients Only Women’s Cut and Style.................................................$22.00 Men’s Cut.....................................................................$15.00 Children’s.....................................................................$13.00 6580 Shallowford Road Suite 100 • Lewisville, NC 27023 • 945-4044 dm e davie medical equipment Y o u r H o m e C c w e C o m p a n y You Have the Right to Choose Your Home Medical Equipment Company - Davie Medical Equipment. Especially ifyou go to a neighboring hospital. Our long-established, convenient and very competitive business Is here to serve you v/lth the latest and ■ best home care products. Our certified and licensed employees keep your needs arid comfort at the top of their priorities when you come to us for service. ■MoMfftv„.thtawflfftv8fmoWnoftnlyr When your phplclan or therapist refers you to a medical equipment specialist, you want to be sure that your specialist Is able to take of your Individual needs. At Davie Medical Equipment, we have the trained stafftoseethatyouhafetyandtheequlpment'seffectlvenessmatchesyourctincems. Our powered mobility equipment Is available In a variety of offerings allowing for difkrent methods of operation, size and three or four wheel models. We service all o f our equipment on site and provide training for all of the products we carry. We can satisfy your short term needs with our rental programs or longer term with either rentals or purchases. Come In to speak with one of our specialists today and allow us to help you with greater Independence, well being and enjoyment of llfel dme davie medical equlpmer>t 959 Salisbury Rd. • Mocksvillc (336)751-4288 • fax <336)751-4688 box and using Iheir creativity lo make a difference," said Jes­ sica Allen,” Davie High arl teacher. This year's walk w ill be held May 16 al Ihe Davie Fam­ ily YMCA OutdoorTrack from 8 a.m.-l 1 a.m. Contact DDVS/ RCC at 751 -3450 for informa­ tion on registering, donating, or forming a team. There is a $ lOregislration fee lo walk and Ihe fee includes a l-shirt (while supplies last).J e s s a R e n 's e n try will b e o n th e fro n t of th e ishlrtsl P a s to r W rite s B oo!< O ri R uby M . C la rk The book "Ood and Depres­ sion; Living with Depression” by Pastor Ruby McCormick Clark has been published by Zulon Press. She is the wife ofthe Rev. Joe B. Clark of Shiloh Baptist Church, 321 Depot St., Mocks­ villc. Clurk suid she hopes the book will offer Christian readers first­ hand knowledge of living with depression in order to help them leurn how best to manage Ihe depression to live a productive, meaningful life. The book in­ cludes sermons by Clark and her husband. “My hope for Ihe readers of my book is to motivate lhem''to never give up^'nevcr give inja^d never stop seeking God for help in their struggle with depres­ sion,” .she said. "Giving up and giving in, und turning from Ood will only cause their depression to control their lives and keep them from enjoying the abun­ dant life God has in store for all who seek Him for guidance.” To leam more, coiltact Clark al clark8126® bellsoulluiel. Doctor Heads Charlotte Center Dr. Michaux Kilpatrick has been named director of move­ ment disorders (DBS) at the Neuroscience & Spine Centcr of the Carolinas in Choriotle. ‘Think of DBS as n pace­ maker for the brain,” Kilpatrick said. “Electrodes are pluced deep inside the brain and con­ nected to small generators that are positioned in the chest, un­ der the clavicle. The generators send signals to the electrodes, reselling the brain’s circuitry.” She said DBS may reduce a patient's need for medication and Ihe associated side effects, and for conditions like essen­ tial tremor that often do not re- spond to medicutions. “DBS is the best, most viuble treatment option.” Kilpatrick, a Greensboro nu­ tive, is a gruduate of Hampton University' and UNC-Chapel Hill with a medical degree in brain surgery und u doctorate in brain diseases. She completed fellowship training in Deep Bruin Stimulation surgery at the University of Pennsylvunin, one of the sites performing the most of these surgeries in the country. Contact her office at www.neuro-carolinus.com. She is the greut-niecc of Lillian Britton iCIuin of Autumn Care of Mocksville.D r. M ich au x K ilp a tric k A rc h ite c t H a d D a v ie C o n n e c tio n New York’s most influential black architect and one of the few wilh national prominence, J. Max Bond Jr., 73, of Man­ hattan, N.Y. died from cancer on Feb. 18, 2009. He had a Davie County con­ nection. Mr. Bond was a descendant and Ihe great-grandson of Albert Turner Clement, a slave from Ihe Clement Plantation on Maple Avenue in Mocksville. His grandfather, George Clem­ ent, was the first African- American Episcopal Zion Bishop from Davie County. His grandmother, the lale Emma Clarissa Williams, was the only Afro-American to become the National Mothej of Ihe Yeur. Dr. Bond’s locul relatives J. M a x B ond Jr. include the Dillard, Guither und Steele fumiiies. At the time of his deuth, he wus the partner in charge of the museum portion of the National Sept. 11 Memorial and Museum at the Worid Trade Center. Dr, Bond was a teacher, und I often spoke within his profes­ sion on issues of racial and eco­ nomic justice. “Architecture in­ evitably involves all the larger issues of society," he said. His list of accomplishments wus long, from boyhood curi­ osity about a staircase to a build­ ing trip in Ghana in the 1960s to his storied career in New York. Among his projects; the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change in Atlanta, which includes Dr. King’s tomb; the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in Harlem; the Binning- ham Civil Rights Institule in Alabama; and the Audubon Bio­ medical Science and Technol­ ogy Park for Columbia Univer­ sity in Upper Munhuttan. Saturday, April 25,2009 10 a.m.-2 p.m. B r o c k G y m , M a s o n i c P i c n i c G r o u n d s , N o r t h M a i n S t r e e t , M o c k s v i l l e D A V IE C O U N T Y E W TE R P R I/i^^E C O R D Thursday, April 23,2009 P age D 2 \F u n F o r T h e F a m ily I ^ K id sF est In clu des P len ty O f I In tera ctive A ctivities, G a m es S Kicisfest; Fun for the Whole ; Fumily will be held on Saturday, » April 25 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at J the Brock Gym und Masonic i Picnic Grounds off North Main “• Street in Mocksville. This free community event ' is co-sponsored by Smart Start' > of Davie County and the ! Mocksville-Davie Parks and ! Recreation Department. ; Kidsfest will occiirrain or shine, i Attendance was more than > 1,500 last year. i This event w ill offer i interactive activities geared ; towards children und families. ; Some of the featured events I include; two bouncers, ; inflatable slide, fire house, ! petting zoo, magic shows,. < Zumba, io Kids, performances ; froin local children's groups, car J seat safety chetk, door prizes ; and more. Parent/Child sessions includc presentations from Mad Science, Dnvie County Preschools and Smslrt Start of Davie. There w ill be representatives from community non-profits and service agencies hosting crafts, games and providing infomiation to parents on fainlly resources. “At this year’s Kidsfest, wo arc really encouraging fumiHes to be interactive,” said Corey Miller, executive director for Smart Start of Davie. “Many of the activities and games provided will be fun for the whole family. We want to encourage parents to be involved with their kids and this event shows fainilies just how much fun that can be. We also want to encourage families to visit with the'local agencies to learn more about the programs and services that are avuilable to them ill Diivie County,” , All events at Kidsfest are free, but registration is required to receive tickets and pusses for some of the activiiies and to be eligible for u drawing for u' fumily prize basket. Food will be sold on site by the Spcciul Olympics. This your there will bo a car scut sufcty check at the Church of Christ at North Main Street und Purk Avenue. Those purticipating will receive a special prize, nnd bo entered jnto a drawing for a gift certiflcute. The pnrent/child sessions arc limited and are on a first come first serve basis. “I’d like to thank nil the orgnnizutions that work together with us and the Mock^ville- Duvie Parks and Recreation Department to muke this event , possible,” said Miller. "We are fortunate to have the support of the Davie County community,” Smart Start of Davic is a non-prbnt organization serving •all children in Duvie, from birth to 5, by providing quality resources and services for fnmilies and child care providers that build a foundation for lifelong leaming and success. Call Smart Start at 336-751 - 2113, wM v.i/aviesm arl.itarl.orfi for more information. Schedule of Events Time' Presentation Lotcrtlon Pretenter Unicycle Performance “îlxillna Cuelen” Main Stage Area Shady Grove Elementary toioo^ioao MoglcShow МЫг. Stage Ryan Short ЮЮО-1О1ЗО ECRC-Toy Library Seiilon Hand Puppeti Brocti Claisroom Smart Start of Dqvie Co„ Inc. 10:30-11:00 KlndeKiarten TramHlon Broclt Claitroom 'Cammle Wallier, DC Pieichdoh 10:30-10:45 10:43-11:00 lump Rope Proientotlon "Bounclno Bullfrog)" & Dance Performance Main Stage Area Shady Grove Elementary & The Dance Company 11:00-11:30 Parent» A»T«oct»n Infanti 4 Toddler»Brbch Ciaiiroom SmortStbrt of Dcìul» County, fnt 11:00-1130 School Choir l^aln Stage , Davie Elementary School» Itdo-ttOO Magic Show Main Stag*.Ryan Short, 11:30-12:00 Bugtl Broch Claiiroom Mod Science №00-12:30 Zumba PrBtentatlori 12:00-12:30 ECRC-Toy Library Seiiion Hand Puppeti Brocti Claitroom 2009 SONC Gold Medalllt . 12i30-H:45 Cheerleader» A I2:45-1:00 Tae Kwon Do Performance Maln'Stage’ Smart Start of Davie Co., Inc, Special Olympic» ' Davie Metro' ToeKwohDo 12:30-1:00 Bugil Brocb Claiiroom 'Mad Science tioo-iao Parent» A» Teacher» Preichoolen Oim.-Syii)'BrecbCtouròom Smart Start of Ociwl« Co, Int 1:00-130 01 Barry Rent! Main Stage Barry Rent2 1:30*2:00 Magic Show Main Stage ftyan Short . ***Botloon Sculpting at varloui location» by Ryan Short** N eed C h ild C are? S u p p o r t A n d I n f o r m a t i o n A P h o n e C a l l A w a y For families in the Davie County urea needing child cure, support und infonnution is only a phone cull away. Thanks to funding through the Work Family Resource Center (WFRC) Smart Start Davio offers a servico where parents cun cull u designated hotline and receive parent education, information on choosing quality cliild care, and referrals lu fuuilities pr6viding child care services, WFRC maintains a dutubuse of child care programs in several counties runging from traditional child care programs to mother’s morning out programs to summer cumps. The number of families with purents that work and/or go to school is growing, it can be a challenging tusk for parents to sort through the options to determirte which programs might best meet the needs of. their fnmily. A progrum specialist helps parents by providing information about the guidelines governing child care programs, items thut parents should look for when selecting child care facilities and information on child care options located near their home or along their route to work, Tho goal is to help parents become well-informed child care consumers, A good source for information on children ages birth to 5, www.gwwachUd.org. In addition lo working with fnmilies in the community, Smurt Sturt also offers services lo improve the quality and avuilability of child care in the community. The early childhood specialist offers stnrt up workshops for individuals interested in opening child care programs in their homes nnd training and technical assistance to child care providers in the Davie Comity urea. The database contains information on Child Care Centers Child Cure Homes, Preschool Progrums, After School Programs and Summer Cumps, Cull 751-2113, If you know of a parent who needs help finding child cure, .someone who is interested in opening a family child cure home, or would benefit from additional information about these services, cohtuct Smart Start at 751-2113 or visit ivtviw (lavicsmartstart. org. Pre-K Enrollm ent Fa ir M ay 1 9 At Central Davie There is a new collaboration among nil local, state, and federal early intervention services in Davie County to provide u Pre-K Enrollment Fair for all children ages 3-4, The evejit will tuke place at Centrul Duvie litiucation Center on Campbell Roud in Mocksville on May li) from 2-6 p,m, Parents may bring their child in for u l^ree developmentnl screening and may apply for frce childcare services provided in Davie County, Translations will be nvnilable, for non- English speuking fnmilies. Parents cnn leurn about many opportunities for early intervention which will lend to n successful entry into kindergarten. If you have, nny questions, please contact Davie Preschool Services at 751-0016, This event is possible Ihrough the collaboration of. Smart Sturt of Dnvie County, the More ® 4 Early Intervention Program, Davie County Social Services, Head Start, and Davio County Schools, B ig B ro th e rs B ig S is te rs Seei<s A d u it !\4eritors Big Brothers Big Sisters Services opened its Davie County office in November 1999. ., The mission of B ig Brothers ‘Big Sisters Services is to be a community louder in helping children develop nnd reach their full potentinl through the establishment of long-lusting mentoring relationships. No other formal organization exists in Davie County thnt provides mentoring relntionships I'or children ut no cost. During the Inst nine ycnrs, BBBS hns grown to serve more thun 100 children through traditional Big Brother Big Sister community matches, the Big Buddy after-school program in all six elomentn^ schools, und through activiiies, that are fun and educational for children on the waiting list for a Big Brother or Big Sister. 'I'he agency serves children from all races in single-parent families und those who live with a grandparent or otherguurdiun. Children eligible for enrollment are girls liges 6-15 and'boys ages 6-13 who reside in Davie County, BBBS is seeking responsible adult mentors for our children. For more information contact the office at 751-9906 or visit www.bbbsilavlecpunty.org. i Do you Itnow whqt Ль''. Smart Start of Davie County hds Г n :. of Davie County t0^offer'‘y o u 7 i;iÌiÌ|iÌI For Families: • Childcare Referral Service • Scholarships for child care through Davie County DSS • On Site Resource Center-“TheToy Library" • Parents asTeochers-ln-home visiting program • Dolly Porton’s Imagination Library • Kindergarten Readiness For the Early Childhood Profession: , • Education and Salary Incentives • Childcare Health Consultant • lechnicol Assistance and OnsiteAs$istance S m a ii S ta rt setv es all c h ild re n In D a u ie C o u n ty , fro m b irth to a g e five, b y p ro v id in g q u a lity reso iirc e t a n d services fo r fam ilies a n d ch ild c a re p ro v id e rs to b u ild a fo u n d a tio n fo r lifelo ng le a m in g a n d success. Call us at 751-2113 or contact us at www.davle$martstart.org for more Infonnation. Will your child be ready for Kindereartenî A Child's W o rld Leaming Center1 26 C o m m e rce D rive A d va n ce , NC 27006 3 3 6 - 9 4 0 - 3 9 7 5 w w w .a c h ild s w o rld n c .c o m l ^ w ' 1 Do>oi( pnly need ','Does your 2>'3 or 4 yr. old part-time care? need social stimulation? Inquire aboцt our new Call about our new P d r e n t s M o t h e r ’s D a y O u t M o m in g O i i f P r o g r a m P r o g r a m We take pride in offorincj ,i superior, developm ont.illy appropriate curriculum to infants, toddlers & preschool age children that provides the utmost in social 8, educational preparation for Kinderyai len. •V. i D A V IE C O U N T Y ECORD Thursday, A pril 23,2009 P age D 3 Positive L ife s tyle s It A ll S ta rts A t H o m e W ith The F a m ily As childhood obesity rates continue to rise, healthy lifestyle choices learned in the home cun hnve a stronger influence over children thun places outside the home and help reverse the trend. According to national 'YMCA experts the habits and activities that make up a family’s routine at home have the power to stay with your children for a lifetime. By taking the lend, parents cnn set an example of healthy living 'iHnt cnn influence children to lend healthier lives as well. “Purents arc the primary role model, und childron look to tiicm as nn cxnmple of how to live hcttlthlcr. Parents cun determine how families eat, how much time they spend together and even how they play together,” says Valerie Lawson, director of YMCA Henlthy Fnmily Home, un initiative that supports families as they try to establish healthier habits at home. "The home opens up possibilities for positive change that other places cannot provide - it’s whore hnbits nre formed.” Making positive lifestyle changes can'be difficult at first. Often, parents need tips and reinforcements tp make lifestyle changes managoabloi The Davic Family YMCA is liore to help give families tho support they need to get started. Here are five tips families can make today to dramntically improve their liomc’s health: • Make water tho primary beverage at home, • Eat more meals together as a family.' • Stnrt walking. • Limit screen time to less than two hours per day (television, video games, and computer) meals should hot be consumed in front of a screen. ■ • Provide each child with one-on-one time every day. To support families in making healthful changes in spirit, mind and body, Ihe Duvie Family YMCA in offering wellness classes for the family. In light of the rccent study on childhood obesity in Davic I m m u n iz a tio n s I m p o r ta n t As a child we have to depend on the parent to make the best choice for our lieuith und well­ being. One of the most importnnt decisions a parent cnn mnke is when and if to immunize their child. Immunizations or baby shots can protect your child frot)i many diseases. Some of these diseases can bo deadly or cause lifetime effects. Tho goal of the Davic County Henlth Depurtment is thut every child w ill bo safe from vaccine prevontuble diseases. The immunizations that are stute required are free nl the heitlth department and many doctor offices w ill give the immunizations at a minimni fee. Other immunizntions such as Mennqtra and Gardasii are covered by most insurance companies and should be given at your private medical provider. The health department offers Mcnuctrii nnd Gardasii to qualified persons only. The immunization schedule is as follows; • Birth - Hepatitis B # I, • Two months old - Hepatitis B A 2, Dtap/l'l,Hibflfl,Polio # 1, Pronvar/í I,Rotavirus/'I • Four months old - Dtap tt 2, Hih # 2, Polio tt 2, Prevnur tt 2, Rotavirus tt 2, , • Six months old - Dtup A3, Hib A3, Hopndtis B A3, Prevnnr A 3, Rotavirus A 3, •-12 months old - MMR, Varicella, Polio A 3. Hib, A 4, Hepatitis A A 1, • 18 months old - Dtap A4, Prevnar tt 4, Hepatitis A A 2, • 4-6 years old - MMR A 2, VuricelluA2, PolloA4, Dtup A 5, •10-12 years old - Tdap, • 11-26 yenrs old - Gardasii (rccommcnded II -12 years old) . • 11 -18 years old - Monnctra For questions or appoint­ ments call tho health department nt 751-8700, County, the YMCA luunchcd u new swimming and health program specificully geured townrds childron. Called, ^quanauts, the program is open to children who nre potty truined through age 12, Staff take children to the pool for open swim or swim lessons, depending upon what parents choose. After children swim for 30 minutes, they .-;hari^,e and receive a healthy snack as well as age-appropriate nutrition information. . “This program is a great, low-key way for children to learn to swim and team about healthy eating choices," says Lindsay Pegg, wellness and aquatics director for the YMCA. To find more tips on how to make your home healthier, visit w w w .lienlthyfam llyhom e.org. For more information about wellness programs for families nnd children, contact Pegg at 751-9622, or via email at l.pegg®ymcanwnc.org. P a i # i i t : ^oin In The fun! P roviding Recr eatio n al O p p o r tu n ities F or A ll A c es . Proud to be a sponsor of KIdsFest. call 751-2325 fo r in fo rm n tid n 644 N. M ain St., M ocksville, NC27028 M e N o t Davie Domestic Violence Seivice & Rape Crisis Center 123 s. Main St (3rd floor), Mocksville. NC 27028 CRISIS LINE: 336-751-HELP BUSINESS LINE: 336-751-3450 P a r e n t s S h o u l d G e t T h e i r C h i l d r e n E x c i t e d A b o u t S t a r t i n g K i n d e r g a r t e n The transition into kindergarten is a time for excitement and anticipation. Families can contribute to a child's success by preparing for this event. Visitation to tile school can , alleviate the stress of entering a new, uncertain environment. Attending the school orientation and participating in kindergarten screening provides information that will allow the kindergarten teachor to meet each child’s individual needs, Reading books about going lo kindergarten can introduce the child to school jargon sucli us bookbug, cubby, lunchroom, or principal, Possibly the most important contribution that a parent can make is sharing the excitement of going to kindergarten with your child. Your attitude will greatly affect your child’s Autism Society Has Local Chapter The Autism Society of North Carolina Davie County Chapter is a support group for parents, teachors, friends and other fam­ ily members, or anyone in tho community interested in Au­ tism, All are welcome. The chapter meets on the third Tuesday night of each month ut Hillsdule Bnptist Church, 1458 US 158 in. Advance at 6:30, Meetings provide support, resources und oducutiqn to the families of Davie on the autism spectrum. For more information, please contact Stephanie Ashby at ilavleaiiiism ® yail/el.iiet. feelings about going to school. Drive by tlie school, and talk ubout tho many fun things that your child cnn expect in kindcrgnrtcn. If you hnve a child entering ' kindergarten nnd you have not registered him, call or visit Ihe nearest elementary school or, cnll Davie County Preschools Services at 751-0016 for more information. Davie County Preschools provide services to children ages 3-5 who have been identified by North Carolina stute guidelines with special needs. Please contact our office if you have any concerns about your child’s development. CORNBtoNE . . V y heathcare ¿Advance Pediatrics ,Announces that Advance Pediatrics has joined our multidisciplinary practice. Established in 2001 by Dr. Susan Y. Hunsinger, Advance Pediatrics cares for patients from birth to age 21. Our slnfl' is dcdicntcd to providing cxccllcnt mcdical care in a compassionate, rc.'spcclful way. Out .staff includes nurses, medical assistants and providers who excel in their medical knowledge nnd have decades of experience caring for children and Iheir familie.s. We strive to incorporate our, , mcdical expertise with complementary alternative medicine to provide a holistic approach to the , patients wc serve. Cormilwii lltalili Care b d group ( / imvi ikaii ¿60 piovUm Milugjor ptUieniifruiii ojptti ill Atlmce, Mhelvto, 111^11 fSiitti, Wiuuon &iUw, hfwsiiwn, Artkthit, llionuisvillf, Lf.xin){ii>n m l KtrnrnYille. Commton»|»rfletlc«»panicii>al«ln most major health plani. C O M tg rO N E»r«« ш:хл1 чам V. - / hWCíra www.comeretoneheallh.com :itnn№(l,Ailv.mNC 27006 336998-9742 HOURS) MundayT-ltidny i 8;№ain-12iioon.niid 1 pm*5pn!i '*•' OUK.SBRVIGRS INCLUDE) H Welland Sick Child Care , i ■'"IVcai'hiontpfAttcntiun -I. McityflypctactiviiyDisorder. “ '' \ ■ piauiiosis and ’ftiiaimcnt of Acuta' andChronic Fedlatric Conditions, . , |l Developmental Pediatries/ ,• ■'■ 86^^^11^11.1^« ' ’ ‘'f't! rHCumplemcntur)'Alternative Medicine ' ' VK»MLmn)K№>ir• tlifluiec.llj|l,cm krlsicnM.Mufphy.J'A-C W hitneyM.Ewing.CPNP . K jlh rL (iru «s.M I) Does Your Baby Need Medicine? We love kids Read the Enterprise Record, and you’ll see the accomplishments of Davie County’s chil­ dren. From births to birthdays, from school accomplishments to . sports, the Enterprise Record covers kids S u b scrib e to d a y Only $20 per year 1-877-751-2120 D A V lIi C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/fcii ECORD We Have All Your Prescription Needs Plus... D i a p e r s • B a b y P o w d e r s R a s h O i n t m e n t s • B a b y O i l s T h e r m o m e t e r s • H u m i d i f i e r s B a b y D r o p p e r s • T e e t h i n g P r o d u c t s B a b y C o l d & F e v e r M e d i c i n e D4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 23,2009 L E G A L N O T I C E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualllled as Executrix ol the Estate of WALLINQ DOU­ GLAS VREELAND, JR.,, late of DavIe County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against aald estate to present them to the under­ signed on or before July S, 2009, (being Ihree (3) months (rom the first day of publication of Ihls no­ tice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All per­ sons, firms and corporations In­ debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 25th day ol Meroh, 2009 JOAN BOVENDER VREELAND 721 Pudding Ridge Road Mocksville, NC 27028 MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attorneys at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 4-2-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor ol the Estate of ROY T. FOSTER, SR., deceased, of Mocksville, NC, the undersigned does hereby no­ tify all persons, firms and corpo­ rations having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned at P.O. Drawer 25008, Winston-Salem, NC 27114-5008, on or before the 2nd day ot July, 2009, or Ihls no­ tice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations Indebted to the said estate will please make Immedi­ ate payment to the undersigned. This the 2nd day of April, 2009. Steven Lee Foster, Executor 147 Howardtown Road Mocksville, NC 27028 Steven Lee Foster, Executor lor the Estate of Roy T. Foster, Sr. c/o Neal E Tackabery Blanco Tackabery & Malamoros, P.A. P.O. Drawer 26008 Winston-Salem, NC 27114- 5008 4-2-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the Estate of PAULINE C. KAIMAN, late of Davie County,, this Is to notify all persons, firms’ and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before July 9,2009, (being three (3) months from tlie llrst day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations Indebted lo said estate will please make Immedi­ ate payment to the undersigned. This the 9th day of April, 2009 SANDRA L. KAIMAN 148 North Forke Dr. Advance, NC 27006 4-9-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Ada Elizabeth Boger, late of Davie Counly, North Caro­ lina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms and cor­ porations having claims against the estate of said decedent to ex­ hibit them to the undersigned at the office of their attorney at 110 Oakwood Drive, Suite 300, Win­ ston-Salem, NC 27103-1958, on or before the 9th day of July, 2009 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, and corporations Indebted to the said estate will please make Immediate payment to the under­ signed. This 9th day of April, 2009. John Charles Boger Estate of Ada Elizabeth Boger Cralge Brawley Lllpfert & Walker, LLP 4-9-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualllled as Execulor of the Estate ol JOSEPH D. CLARK, late of Davie County, this Is to no­ tify all persons, firms and corpora­ tions having claims against said estate to present them to the un­ dersigned on or before July 16, 2009, (being three (3) mohlhs from the first day of publication of this notice) or this notice will bo pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations In­ debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 16th day of April, 2009 D e c e a s e d E s t a t e (The la le Richard "R ed" Liiaker) Sat. May 2 • 10:00 am 1282 Village Dr. • Walnut Cove, NC 27042 This is (III auction you w ill NOT wnnt lo miss! Good qitalily vehicles, equipmcm, tools!, loads o f gold und extensive collection o f coins. Rare and unusual collectibles! Something fo r everyone! Hems includc; 08 CMC Sierra SLT 4x4 (15K), 20 HP Simplicity Giirden Tractor, trailer, Holiday Rambler Camiier, 12 X 27 outbuilding/workshop (CHOCKED-FULLof GOOD tools!) antique oak ice-box, like-ncw JAZZY power wheel chair, knife colleciion, black-powdcr handgun, malted/framed collection os Super Bowls #1-25 authentic pins, MUCH MOREI See PHOTOS & inventory list at www.peggaucUon.com. Jo h n C. Pegg Auction & Appraisal Service #5098 www.peggauction.com 336-996-4414 E S T A T E A U C T I O N J. Scott Graham ESTATE (deceased) 1 0 :A M S A T U R D A Y M A Y 1 0 th 4 2 7 0 B ria r C r e e k R d • O ld M e a d o w b r o o k C le m m o n s N C Owner of J.S. Graham Construction. 1998 Ford expedlllon., 12’lealherlil8 trailer. Winchester Model 120,12 GA. 'OIKubola Diesel Front loader, back hoe. Beautiful entertainment cenier w/ Panasonic 36" HDTV, Hitachi 52" TV & stand, Samsung 48’ HDTV & cabinet. Sony 30' HDTV. Sharpe 26' TV Hat screen. Leather sola & chair. Leather reciiner. Futon w/wood heads fool board. Queen water Iwd, Amioire, triple dresser. Front load liiaytag washer & dryer set, 21CF Whirlpool relrigerator, 18 OF Whirlpool refrigerator. Beautiful like now office desk, credenza & lateral file, cost $3,700 recently. Southern HD Commercial uptight freezer. Breakfast set.. Beautiful writing desk. Ltd Edition prints. New Table saw, Cutoff saw, Nall guns. Air compressor. More tools. Go« bags, clubs & bails. Yard tools. Fishing gear. S/S gas grills. 13 Beer steins collectkm. R.J, ReynoWs ‘OW Joo’ collectibles. B« lur* lo go to our web lit* and se« tons ol photo’«. TERMS: Cash, good check wilh thumb print. Master Card Visa. 10% Buyer premium, AUCTIONEER K E I T H J . P I E R C E (3 3 6 ) 7 3 1 - 2 0 0 3 - 8 1 3 - 3 3 3 3 www.pierceauction.com www.carolinaauctlons.com NCAL #154 T HILDA CLARK-BELL 134 Fairfield Rd, Mocksville, NC 27028 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY 929.0000196 09-SP-38 Freddie Mac 832361062 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S FORECLOSURE SALE OF HEAL PROPERTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power and authority contained In that certain Deed of Trust ex­ ecuted and delivered by Brian 0. Bowles, divorced, dated March 26, 2002 and recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, recorded on April 1, 2002, In Book 414 al Page 984; and because of default In the payment ol the Indebtedness secured thereby and failure to carry out and perform the stipula­ tions and agreements contained therein and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the Indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will place for sale, at public auction, to the high­ est bidder for cash at the usual place ol sale at Davie County Courthouse, In Mocksviiio, North Carolina at 1 ;30 PM on Thursday, April 30,2009, that parcel ol land. Including Improvements thereon, situated, lying and being In the City ot Advance, County of Davie, State of North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an Iron the northwest corner of a 1.884 acre tract belonging to John Frank Bowles In the line of A. E. Lee as described In deed recorded In Deed Book 62, Page 356, Davie County Registry, being the south­ west corner of the within tract, said point ol beginning bolng situated North 1Г 20' 14" West 258.59 foot to a point an Iron wllhin the right- of-way of GR1448; thence wilh the said Lee line North 11» 20'14" West 206,21 feet to a point and Iron; and South 86° 05' 08" West 66,16 feet to a point, an Iron at a stone, and North 21» 51' 68" Wost 248.23 to a point an Iron, the southwest corner of an 1.884 aero tract belonging to Donald C. Bowles et ux; thence with said tract South 83° 20' 25" East 292.90 feet to a point, an Iron at the western terminus of Brentwood DrIvo as appears from a plat of Croskwood Estates, Section 2, recorded In Plat Book 5, Page 7, Davie County Registry; thence with the said line South 03° 26' 00" West 192.06 feet to a point, a conrete monument; and South 38° 59' 65" East 213.62 feet to a point, a new Iron In said Creekwood Estates line, the north­ east comer of said tract belonging to John Frank Bowles et ux; thence with said Bowles tract South 80° 23' 53" West 217.9 feet TO THE BEGINNING, containing 1.884 acres, more or less, as taken from a plat and survey entltlled "Marvin Bowles Estate” by Sam P. Hall, Registered Surveyor, dated Octo­ ber 20,1988, to which said survey reference la hereby made for a more particular description of said tract. Address of property: 263 Brentwood Drive, Advance, NC 27006 Present Record Owners; Brian C. Bowles a/k/a Brian Curtis Bowles The terms of the sale are that the real property hereinbefore de­ scribed will be sold for cash to the highest bidder. The Substitute Trustee reserves the right to re­ quire a cash deposit or a certified check not to exceed the greater of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or Sevan Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00). In Ihe event lhat the Ownor and Holder or Ils In­ tended assignee Is exempt Irom paying tho same, the successful bidder shall be required to pay rev­ enue stamps on tho Trustee’s Doed, any Land Transfer Tax, and the tax required by N.C.G.S. §7A- 308 (a) (1). The real property hereinabove described Is being offered for sale “AS IS, WHERE IS” and will be sold subject to all superior Hens, unpaid taxes, and special assess­ ments. Other conditions will bo an­ nounced at the sale. The sale will be held open lor ten (10) days for upset bids as by law required. If the Trustee Is unable to con­ vey title to this proporty for any rea­ son, the sole remody of the pur­ chaser Is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such Inability to con­ vey Include, but are not limited to, tho filing ol a bankruptcy petition prior to the salo end relnstatemont of tho loan without tho knowledge of tho TruBloo(s). If tho validity ol the sale Is challenged by any party, tho Tru9tee(s), In thoir sole discre­ tion, II they believe Ihe challenge to have merit, may declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no furthor remedy. Additional Notice Whara tha Real Proparty la Raaldantlal With Laaa Than 19 Rantal Unlta; An order for possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the pur- STROUSEHOUSEAUCTIONS ^ 1424 Industrial Dr., Statesville, NC 28625 Phone:704-872-8444 336-940-6306 K v l AUCTIONEER: MIKE STROUSE, NC UC. #7465 B p www.strou80houso.zoomsharo.com Thun., April 23 * &30PM • Thickload Outdoor a Recreation Suiplus/Salvage Salel HMnwanSMNQ . mMAg M l • to m V **k stu ta w . £ x,ki tCOH. tu KST^ 'M a, (M t, StAktspeM CdOi« liiW. nt, ASU Gaiot - M Uukiw. ShtiUu. Utoalorc«,t00TS><.(Xv«jnCcdt,ASU4i00C4.2tta)R(M,FuWnlUdo,O)BmAwQ«rMOl^^ eul S* A DmI Cowt, Aihwxt S i ^ Tftitr WtMl Mt. TrtM eioil Acmsorin W iM Tr«. 1 ^ Ti«m Otoy, nmifigM CtfMi Qamt CwMTU. P«U 1 » ! (C«in Rod U « b » o( Arrowi Eukirt i VvniPtfut 1 Warm Bom. C«rtnoirt Sccpt, Snrou SocM. Binocul«}. Um Biyoj (kn R«il i Sikl U. kutiiTiip, 6xt)*, VfttSm Untel Kwl* u t if»* fiurd Hw*h SrtUm, W-1JS«ii?orcwlW». 6 1 1 ^ Kittq BMt 1 Qcf^g. M-1 US UMifV M ATVCUtmi«Twnicito I Coctefi Swpir^ Bagi, ¿OTpSbyw, SpcrtcHllM». Cyy Ur<win. Uddw Toa. TifamAjt №BfMMi, № UfM Km PMk T«t IIUI- 8c^>rfnnd9tAlXlii<lCofVudo,SilurU^KliJnllllAUn4UliмBucfl&kм,M(lU)OM■D^^ pKtfcea«vM«TrM,MtnBli»RKkvarolWmri,S{MrA3WhMl&k4. flft LU > BiM ^ Ou (VI. №nkmn Oil (Ml, (kumM Smokir, 3 » r w Sbvt OnM № Fry CM, 30 a AtA Fry SK MTIO* IOpc.PittSd.UrtrtfUlPi(o,VVcodwiS«ilr9Si<s,Uri«r»U5UndiSdirtoMli^tio>M,CoMYPirkD«r^ Himmodd.lanMrt OOlP • Ortwi I PuBtri. Pfioic« NK AsfM X (U)t, DwIc9 DOH CU) 8e< iJKtr Ji (>01}, Kn» Big, S »« Sfruk Pi« Cirti, UWCUa. n TN W • frkiTvA TfMM, Ani PiT7, liUrn, Edgt SM, XBJ4,1 ^ BI50, TOCOM ON IMX AT n m lAMUU^Blut FUfM Pilctiind UkAiM. wc.. Ar*|4 7 ^ SMts, l&W pni. SkiUtovA. CkMlt, Wtfd Packi,»Ibf) Att PfitMTttbc rk»^ Alno^ Aftv №№ A « Ar Son RM, Pi/ttja, UtU DilKto, Urtferi ^ Mm 111 i>M РЯ • STOM (MAUn П М SURPLUWLVAC3 • ВШ( i DnIw Hidot H n VVMd Widin Dol Cn Cffiitt, Scrtu Мги I Ï TiM ИЯ • T()OUII « з т WtB (Ul 0(Г«Г1Ц Ml] Wáler, Air Niaw, Fbor Jtck, DM SMiir, Ftox №l«r. Bi£i9CM(W, toi» Ul. Iiñpid Wrtnc^ 4 KP » Oá 220 Air Carymur, C^/S№«jder, 11 (Ы. AV Tv A. Mylar Uur, AJiin. R«w i Poit o S i 8av.________________________________ М., AprH 2S • eiSOPM • Rick Hannon FOOD SALEIII Om OOOM • Ptptr Piixtai), Srui^ JiiM, O urin S(vip. Bu (кмА Iпют ft D inetionêi Ш to Ш South to ежП4М , a BêgrutAv*. (eá¿t}épp(ox.V4 mUe OMf 8 ô 0 U 8 tê th n -m x tM on hdUêtrlêlDrHStrouêéHovê» Auction Is on tti»L»n ,^ Л е п п tho RR tnek$>..Ju$t a ohort iM v* and »мшу to fin d À A u c t i o n Estate of Kenneth C.(Kasey) Haynes (Deceased) Real Estate & Personal Property Saturday April 25,10am • Real Estate at 12 Noon Sale to be at 487 IVvlnbrook Drive Clemmons NC 27012 3BR, 2 Bath, LR, DR, Kitchen, Den,Workshop, Screen Porch, Carport, Basement, Paved Drive ' sitting in nice quiet neighborhood. For info 336 406 7243 / 336 406 4205 Smitherman Realty ask for Tom or Carolyn Personal Property consists of Furniture, Glassware, Collectibles, Tools, Appliances, Silver Coins, 1992 Buick Lesabre 4 dr, S&W Revolver For listing and color photos: www.myersauctionservice.com click auction listings Directions from WS NC 40 E Bypass to Peters Creek Parkway, TR Go 8.0 miles TR on Twinbrook Drive sale at end on left. Sale conducted by Myers Auction Service In conlunction with Smitherman Realty NCREL113458-113459 Lynn IVIyers Auctioneer NCAL 6647 336 699 4123 "chaser and against the party or parties Irl possession by tho clerk ol superior court of the county In which tho property Is sold. Any person who occupies Iho property pursuant to a rental agreement entered Into or re­ newed opr or after October 1,2007, may, alter receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agree­ ment upon 10 days’ writton notice to the landlord. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. Dated: April 10,2009 Kellam & Pettit, P.A. Substitute Trusteee (704) 44i-9500 NORTH CAROLINA , DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 09 SP 33 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY PHILIP ANTHONY BEAUCHAMP AND PHILLIP ANDERSON BEAUCHAMP DATED JULY 26, 2000 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 342 AT PAGE 722 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to a Court order and under and by viriue of the power and authority contalnod In the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default In the pay­ ment of the secured Indebtedness and failure to perform the stipula­ tion and agreements therein con­ tained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of tho se­ cured debt, Ihe undersigned t^b- stltuto trustee will expose for salo at public auction to Iho highest bid­ der for cash at tho usual placo of sale at tho counly courthouso ol said counly at 10:00 AM on April 24, 2009 tho following described real estate and any othor Improve­ ments which may bo situated thereon. In Davie County, North Carolina, and bolng more partlcu- lariy described as follows: Beginning at a point an iron stake In John Sparks line, the Northwasi uotner of Tract #3 of tho Seats land, being the Southwest . comer of the wllhin described tract, runs thonco, crossing Spillman Road, with line ol said Tract #3 South 86 degrees East 10.40 chs. to a stake In C.C. Myers line, cor­ ner of said Tract #3; thence North 5 degrees East 3.66 chs. with said C.C. Myers lino to a stono in line ot Tract #5, C.C. Myors corner, thonce North 86 degrees West 10.75 chs, with line of said Tract #5 to a stake on Easi side of said Spillman road, corner or said Tract; thence with said road South 3.66 chs. to the beginning containing three & nine tenths (3.9) acres, moro or less, and being Tract #4, as shown on a plat and survey designated The Seats Land” by S.L. Talbert, County Surveyor, dated October 16,1953. LESS AND EXCEPT those tracts of land conveyed In Book 116 at Page 677, Book 126 at Page 459, Book 154 at Page 364, and Book 162 at Page 432. And Being more commonly known as: 358 Spillman Rd, Mocksville, NC 27028 The record owner(s) of the property, aa reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, Is/are Philip Anthony Beauchamp and Phillip Anderson Beauchamp. The property to bo offered pur­ suant to this notlco of sale Is be- Ing offered for sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by tha deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the of­ ficers, directors, attorneys, em- ployoes, agents or authorized rep­ resentative of eltherTrustee ortho holder of the note make any rep­ resentation orwarranty relating to tho title or any physical, environ­ mental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or li­ abilities arising out of or In any way relating to any such condition ex­ pressly are disclaimed. This sale Is made subject to a|l prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments Including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hun­ dred fifty dollars ($750.00), which­ ever Is greater. Is required and must be tendered In the fornn of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will bo held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all re­ maining amounts are IMMEDI­ ATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure lo romll funds In a timely manner will result In a Declaration of De­ fault and any deposit will be fro­ zen pending the outcome of any re-sale. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing In thé prop­ erty, be advlsod that an Ordor for Possession of the property may be Issued In favor of the purchaser. Also, If your lease began or was renewed on or alter October 1, 2007, be advised lhat you may ter­ minate the rental agreement upon 10 days written nollco to tho land­ lord. You may bo liable for rent due. under the agreement prorated to the effective dato of tho termi­ nation. Tho date of this Notice Is April 3,2009. 06-78183 Grady Ingle Substitute Trustee 8520 Cliff Cameron Drive, Suite 300 Charlotte, NC 28269 (704) 333-8107 hllp://shaplroaltomays.com/nc/ 4-16-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having quaiillod as co-Admln- istrators bf tho Estate of JOSEPH R. CULLER, doceased, of Davio County, North Carolina, this Is to notify ail persons having claims against said estate to present thorn lo the undersigned on or beforo the 23rd day of July, 2009, being three months from the first day of publication of this notice, or this notlco will bo pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons In­ debted lo said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 23rd day of April,. 2009. ELIZABETH BAILEY P.O. Box 641 Walkertown, NC 27051 DARYL BRYCE CULLER 4064 Glenn HI Road Winston-Salem, NC 27107 PIEDMONT LEGAL ASSOCIATES, PA Lynne Hicks, Attorney 124 West Depot Street Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)761-3312 4-23-4tn HIGH ROCK LAKE REAL ESTATE AUCTION 9 W ulerlVont E s(alo'lhtc(s,N ew Kx ix uUvk W iiU ifrm it Hom e in The Vmen« at iHgh Hock iMke — a Gaitd Cummunily and 142.14f/. Acres IM vided on iU gh Kock luike Thursday, May 7,2009 - 6 p.m. ~ High Rock Lake ~ Lcxinsloii, NC - DavkUon Counly ♦ 9 Waterfront Estate TVacIs-»//A 2 M/fli/tWn/ifl/Oifiiif’jCAo/M Ranging in Size from 2.825+/-Ac lo 4,27I+/-Ac All having over 200 ft. Waterfront on High Rock Lake All have Perk Slips & are Qualified for Individual Piers Frontage on Old Mountain Rd. ♦ New Executive Waterfront Horae on 3,82+/-Acre Estate IVacIAlmost Corapleled - Pick Your Own Colors, Carpet & Landscaping Custom Buill Homo wilh 4 Bedrooms, 3,5 Baths, 3,500+/-sq. ft,, 3,5+?Ac Old Growth Wooded Tract with over 200 fl. Waterfront on High Rock Lake, ♦ 142,14+/-Acres Divided on High Rock LakeFrontage on Shiplonlown Rd,Qualifies for up lo 16 Individual Piers or 32 Shared Piers Over 3400 fl, of Waler Frontage on High Rock Lake at Flat Swamp Creek Excellent Waterfront Development Tract with Easy Access to NC Highway 8 & 1-85 Auction lo he held al Childress Vineyards, 1000 Childress Vineyards Road, Lexington, NC S« Witulle for More DtUlb - Brvitr eanlclpailm tmiud Iron Horse Auction Company, Inc., 800-997-2248-NCAL3936 , WM/w.lroahorseaucUon.com ,, DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 23,2009 - DS L E G A L N O T I C E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTHCAROUNA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 09SP34 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY RICH­ ARD S. FARRIS, JR. AND PATRICIA N. FARRIS DATED JANUARY 5, 1999 AND RE­ CORDED IN BOOK 293 AT PAGE 179 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to a Court order and under and by virtue ol the power and authority contained In the above-relerenced deed ol trust and because of default In the pay­ ment of the secured Indebtedness and failure to perform the stipula­ tion and agreements therein con­ tained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the se­ cured debt, the undersigned sub­ stitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bid­ der for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 2:00 PM on May 4, 2009 the following described real estate and any othor Improve­ ments which may bo situated thereon. In Davie County, North Carolina, and being more partlcu- lariy described as follows: Lot No. 3, Section 4, Fairway Villas, Bermuda Run Golf and Countiy Club Subdivision, accord­ ing to a plat thereol prepared by Joel A. Dennid, Jr., RLS 6-20-771 which plat Is duly recorded In Map Book 5, page 34, Davie County Registry, to which roference Is made for a moro particular descrip­ tion. Together with a perpetual right of way for Ingress and ogress, all that ceriain 17 foot roadway shown on a private road on those plats of Fairway Villas, Sections 1,2,3 and 4, recorded In Plat Book 5, pages ' 24, 28, 32 and 34, Davio County Registry. Said oasomorrt Is appur­ tenant and to run In tho hands of all persons whomsoever. This property Is subject to those declarations and covenants re­ corded In Deed Book 103, page 47; Deed Book 104, page 282; and Deed Book 113, page 229, all In the Davla County Registry. This property is also subject to (ill other easenients and restrictions of rooord. And Being more-commonly known as: 132 Fairway Dr, Ad­ vance, NC 27006 Tho record owner(s) of the proporty, as roflocted on the records of tho Register of Deods, Is/are Richard S. Farris, Sr. The proporty to bo olfered pur­ suant to this notice of sale Is be­ ing offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS." ‘Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being loreclosed, nor tho ol- fleers, direotbrs, attorneys, em­ ployees, agents or authorized rep­ resentative of eltherTrustee or the holder of the note make any rep­ resentation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environ­ mental, health or safety condillons existing In, on, at or relating to tho property, being olfered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or li­ abilities arising out of or In any way relating to any such condition ex­ pressly are disclaimed. This sale Is made subject to all prior Hens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessmentá Including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hun­ dred fifty dollars ($760.00), which­ ever Is greater. Is required and must be tendered In the form of certified funds at the time of the salp. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all re­ maining amounts are IMMEDI­ ATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds In a timely manner will result In a Declaration of De­ fault and any deposit will be fro­ zen pending the outcome of any re-sale. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing In the prop­ erty, be advised that an Order for Possession ofthepropertymaybe Issued In favor of the purchaser. Also, If your lease began or was renewed 6n or aftor October 1, 2007, be advised that you may ter­ minate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice to the land­ lord. You may be liable tor rent due under the agreement prorated to GENE TREXLER ROOFING New & Old Roofs Small Repair Jobs Free Estimates a3B^284-4571 the effective date of the tennlna- tlon. The date of this Notice Is April 3,2009. 09-111225 Grady Ingle Substitute Trustee 8520 Cliff Cameron Drive, Suite 300 Charlotte, NC 28269 (704) 333-8107 httpMaplroattom eys, com/nc/ 4-23-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY 09 SP 32 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained In that certain Deed of Trust executed by ANGELO PALOPOLI, UNMAR­ RIED to THOMAS G. JACOBS, Trustee(s), which was dated No­ vember 4, 2005 and recorded on November 4,2005 In Book 633 at Pago 704, Davie County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made In the payment ol the note thereby secured by the said Doed of Trust and the undersigned, Lisa S. Campbell, having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an Instrurnent duly recorded In Iho Office of tho Register of Deods of Davio County, North Carolina, and tho holder of the note evidenc­ ing said Indebtedness having di­ rected that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, tho undersigned Sub­ stitute Trustee will offer for salo at tho courthouse door of tho county courthouse where the proporty is located, or tho usual and custom­ ary location at the county court­ house for conducting the sale on May 4,2009 at 12:30 PM, and will sell to tho highest bidder for cash tho following described proporty situated In Davie County, North Carolina, to wit: BEING ALL OF LOT 110 as shown on tho map of Norih RIdgo Subdivision Phase 3, as tho samo Is recorded In Plat Book 8, page 35 Davio County Registry to which releronce Is hereby made for a moro particular description of said lot. Subject lo restrictions and easements of record. Save and except any releasos, deeds of release or prior convey­ ances of record. Said property Is commonly known as 241 Summit Drive, Mocksville, NC 27028. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, and the court costs of Forty-Five Cents (45;) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursuant to NCGS 7A-308(a)(1). A cash deposit (no personal chocks) of live percent (5%) of Iho purchase prico, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at Ihe time of the sale. Following tho ex­ piration of the statutory upset bid period, all tho remaining amounts are Immediately due and owing. Said property to be olfered pur­ suant to this Notice of Sale Is be­ ing offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations ol warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at, or relating to tha property being offered for sale. This sale Is made subject to all prior Hens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transler taxes, special assessments, ease­ ments, rights of way, deeds of re­ lease, and any other encum­ brances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the cur­ rent owner(s) of the property Is/are Angelo Palopoll. An Order for possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 In lavor of the pur­ chaser and against the party or pariles In possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which tho property Is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered Into or renewed on or af­ ter October 1,2007, may, after re­ ceiving the notice of sale, termi­ nate the rental agreement upon 10 days’ written notice to the landlord. The notice shall also state that upon tennlnatlon of a rental agree­ ment, the tenant Is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. If the trustee Is unable to con­ vey title to this property for any rea­ son, the sole remedy of the pur­ chaser Is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such Inability to con­ vey Include, but are not limited to, Ihe filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan with- COMPLETE SH O E REPAIR I ,'m I пии|1, 336-940-6076 336-682-0264 out the knowledge of the trustee. If tho validity ot the sale Is chal­ lenged by any party, the trustee. In their sole discretion. If they be­ lieve the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to bo void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no lurther remody. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COM­ MUNICATION IS TO COLLECTA DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, EXCEPT IN THE INSTANCE OF BANK­ RUPTCY PROTECTION. IPTOU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANK­ RUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PUR­ SUANT TO STATUTORY RE­ QUIREMENT AND FOR INFOR­ MATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN AT­ TEMPT TO COLLECTA DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, AS­ SESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY • Lisa S. Campbell Substitute Trustee PO Box 4006 Wilmington, NC 28406 PHONE: 910-392-4971 FAX: 910-392-8051 File No.: 08-10235 4-23-21П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualllled as Executor of ' the Estate ol JULIA M. BRABSON, deceased, lato ol Davio County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said esiato to present them, duly certified to the undersigned In care ol Moore & Van Allen, 100 N. Tryon Street, Suite 4700, Charlotte, NC 28202- 24003 on or belore the 23rd day ol July 2009, or this notice will bo pleaded In bar ol thoir recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will pleaso make Immediate sottlo­ mont with the undersigned. This 23rd day ol April, 2009. William W. Brabson, Executor Estate ol Julia M. Brabson 4-23-41П NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE-COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as Execulor ot the Estate of NORMAN ANDER­ SON SNIDER, lato of Davio County, this Is lo notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to Ihe undersigned on or before July 23,2009, (being three (3) months Irom tho llrst day of publication of this notice) or this notlco will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and, corporations Indebted to said es­ tate will pleaso make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 23rd day of April, 2009 UMONT JAMES SNIDER 1070 Cornatzer Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 4-23-4Ш NORTH CAROLINA ‘ DAVIE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra­ tor ol the Estate of BYRON CUYTON COX, SR., Deceased, late of Davie County, North Caro­ lina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or belore July 23, 2009, or this Notice will bo pleaded In bar ol their right to re­ cover against tho estate of the said deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Im­ mediate payment. This the 23rd day ol April, 2009. ' Verna Faye Cox Administrator of tho Estate of Byron Clayton Cox, Sr. c/o E. Edward Vogler, Jr. Attorney for Verna Faye Cox, Administrator 181 .South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 4-23-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY 09 SP 30 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained In that certain Deed of Trust executed by JOHN D. TROY JR. AND FIONA A. HARPER, HUSBAND AND WIFE to THOMAS G. JACOBS, Trustoe(s), which was dated Janu­ ary 19, 2005 and recorded on January 19, 2005 In Book 590 at Pago 240, Davie County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made In , tho payment of tho note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned. Brock & Scott, PLLC, having been substi­ tuted as Trustee In said Doed ol Trust by an Instrument duly re- . corded In tho Olfico of tho Regis­ ter of Deeds of Davio County, North Carolina, end the holder of tho nolo evidencing said Indebted­ ness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, tho under­ signed Substitute Trustee will ol­ fer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property Is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conducting tho sale on May 4, 2009 at 12:30 ,PM, and wiil sell to the highest bid­ der tor cash the lollowlng de­ scribed proporty situated In Davio County, North Carolina, to wit; BEING ALL OF LOT 125 OF KINDERTON VILUGE PHASE IB AS SHOWN ON MAP AND PLAT OF SAME WHICH IS RE­ CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGES 165-156 (REVISED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGES 169-170) IN THE OFFICE OF THE REGIS­ TER OF DEEDS OF DAVIE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, REFERENCE TO WHICH IS HEREBY MADE FOR A MORE PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION. Save and except any releases, deeds ol release or prior convey­ ances of rooord. Said property Is commonly known as 105 Avalon Street, Ad­ vanco, NC 27006. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, and tho court costs ol Forty-Flvo Cents (45e) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursuant to NCGS 7A-308(a)(1). A cash deposit (no personal chocks) of five percent (5%) ol tho purchaso price, or Seven Hundred Fllty Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the time ol the sale. Following the ex­ piration ol the statutory upset bid period, all tho remaining amounts aro Immediately due and owing. Said properly to bo ollered pur­ suant to this Notice ol Sale is be­ ing olfered for sale, transler and conveyance "AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety condillons existing In, on, at, or relating to tho proporty being offered for salo. This sale Is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transler taxes, special assessments, ease­ ments, rights of way, deeds of re­ lease, and any othor encum­ brances or exceptions ol record. To the best of tho knowledge and belief of the undersigned, tho cur­ rent owner(s) of the proporty Is/are Fiona Harper and John Troy. An Order for possession of the properly may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 In favor ofthe pur­ chaser and against the parly or parties In possession by the clerk of superior court of the county In which the property Is sold.' Any person who occupies Ihe property pursuant to a rental agreement entered Inlo or renewed on or al­ ter October 1,2007, may, after re­ ceiving the notice ol sale, termi­ nate the rental agreement upon 10 days’ written notice to the landlord. The notice shall also state that upon termination of a rental agree­ ment, tha tenant Is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. If the trustee Is unable to con­ vey title to this property for any rea­ son, the sole remedy of tho pur­ chaser Is Iho return ol the deposit. Reasons ol such Inability to con­ vey Include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the conllrmatlon of tho sale and reinstatement of the loan with­ out the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale Is chal­ lenged by any party, the trustee, In their sole discretion, II they be­ lieve Ihe challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION METAL ROOFING 3 ' C o v e ra g e • 3 0 + C o lo rs 2 5 Y ear W arran ty Post Fram » Bulldlnfls call for prices! 1:^811-278-6050 MIO-SrAlE METALS of the Carolinas, LLC FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COM­ MUNICATION IS TO COLLECTA DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, EXCEPT IN THE INSTANCE OF BANK­ RUPTCY PROTECTION. IPt'OU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANK­ RUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS QIVENTO YOU PUR­ SUANT TO STATUTORY RE­ QUIREMENT'AND FOR INFOR­ MATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN AT- TEMPTTO COLLECTA DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, AS­ SESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY. Substitute Trustee Brook & Scott, PLLC Jeremy B. Wilkins, NCSB No. 32346 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE; (910)392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 09-02110 4-23-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as Executor of the Estate olTHOMAS CLEMENT SMITH, 106 Church Streel, P.O. Box 355, Cooleemee, NC 27014, late ol Davie Counly, this Is to no- tlly all persons, llmis and corpora­ tions having claims against said estate to present them to the un­ dersigned on or belore July 23, 2009, (being three (3) months from the first day of publication of this notlco) or this notlco will be pleaded In bar ol their rocovory. All persons, linns and corporations In­ debted to said estate will ploase make Immediate payment to tho undersigned. This the 23rd day of April, 2009 NEAL FREDERICK SMITH, 743 North Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 4-23-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDrrORS Having qualllled as Executor ol the Eotate ol RUTH L. MACDONALD, late ol Davie County, this Is to nollly alt persons, lirrps and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned , on or before July 23,2009, (being three (3) months from the first day of publication of this notlco) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of thoir rocovory. All persons, firms and corporations Indebted to said es­ tate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 23rd day of April, 2009 KATHLEEN S. CACI 149 Holly Lano Mooksvlllo, NC 27028 4-23-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREOrrORS Having qualllled as Executor of the Estate of ROXIE CARLENE SAIN, late of DavIe County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and cor­ porations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before July 23, 2009, (being three (3) months from the first day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of ihAlr recovery. All persons, firms and corporations In­ debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. this the 23rd day ol April, 2009. ROGER DALE SAIN 274 Cell Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 4-23-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra­ trix of the Estate of ANDRE J. LOVE, deceased, of Davla County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the un­ dersigned on or before the 23rd of July, 2009, being throe months from the first day ol publication of this notice, or this notice will be. pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. FOR SALE: Cars «TrucksUtility-BuildingsCarports; All Sizes, All Galvanized All S ize D og Lots 336-751-3442 Mocksville, NC MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL S P R JN G IS H E R i' Bobcat, aerator, core plugger & more lor rent todayl t ilO 1 M,uk,v,ii, 13361 751-2304 This 23rd day ol April, 2009.' ■ JERALYN LOVE KEETER 2761 New Port Royal Road Thompsons Station, TN 37179 PIEDMONT LEGAL ASSOCIATES, PA Lynne Hicks, Attorney 124 West Depot Street Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-3312 '4-23-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE, DAVIE COUNTY 2009 CVD 157 KENDRA LEIGH ARMSTRONOi RAFIE VS. HATEM MOHAM-MAD KAMALRAFIE To: Hatem Mohammad Kamal Ralle 2010 Northclllfe Drive Wlnslon-Salem,NC 27106 TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed In the above entitled action. The nature of Ihe relief boi Ing sought Is as follows: Absolute Divorco based upoh one year’s separation You are required to make de­ fense to such pleading no latec than 40 days from this date aivl upon your failure to do so the parly' seeking service against you Will apply to the court for the relief sought. This the 23rd day of April, 200C Grady L. McCiamrock, Jr.' Attorney for Kendra Lelgfi Armstrong Ralle 161 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone: (336) 751-7502 North Carolina State Bar No.^ 7866 4-23-31П Harris Pool & Supplies MkSfi Tbnuny lianis/Owncr-Ovcf 20 Yra. ExpT 277 Pleasant Acre Dr., Mocksvillc И01М (ЗЭв|2>Н 817 ||З Э 6 |М М 0 2 7 . ! Ü P P A Y f o i h x p d P iiv rr s ' HOME EVERY WEEKEND GUARANTEED! 65% preloaded/pretarpect CDL-A req’d. 877-428-5627 WWW culrivers com ^Bermuda ¿ ^ V i l l a g c p Now Hiring Motivated, Dependable CNA Med Techs 3rd Shift Call or apply in person 336-998-6702 336-998-6712 RANDY MILLER &SONS 295 MlUtr Road'MockivIUe (336) 284-2826 > Now riMiriiig Strile Т ик! ‘ sud Sltir Work ThnchtrWoik Kiullns SiptIcSyÉtmiFootlimLoidtrlVotli Zekos Villas................ ""C) Accepting Applications • Waitresses • Hosts 1 Apply in person 1 Monday-Friday 2-5pm ONLY 1 949 Salisbury Road j 1 Mocksville J I Driver - Mocksville Terminal | \’ J D6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Apr. 23,2009 l- íis.i' I■ I*; b DAVIE-CLEMMONS Щ g l i p ■ d a s s i f i e d sЯЕАСН OVBR 29,Q00 READÊRS EVERY WEEK! EBEÊ AP¿ PICTURE ADS YAáP SALE Caí j Monday-Friday 8 АМ-5 PM TOLL FREE 1-I77-7S1-21» FAX: 704-630-0157 EMAIL: CLASSADS@SALISBURYPOST.COM pet ad and run it for 4 weeks for only $10 ; ^ ii‘ * t ii U n lim ited W o rd s $5.00 a Week • е и м м м м м н м I M « ' * М | | Г ' ' ^ •CMMCmiONMtics •С м и 1 « /1 1 1 1 м н 1 ч / 1Т/ТМм1са1 : П и н |« М 1 ( м irMwillMinilnlig •и л ш ш ш • И м М Г и М ц ! •WIlMiClnfcll • llN lN n M l/Г д й i« ilc « М м т ь Ш д 1мил11Еяр|дрвп1 Sates & J J a i 1 < e l j n g _ CarfM r S alo* Opportunity* Colonial Ufo Inauronoo tuia q caroor opporlunily lor a Dono- fll8 Salos Roprosontatlvo In tho northonslorn North Caron* na aroa markotir>g lo Stato Qovornmont omployoos at thoir wofksllo. Sond rosumo coni or "call Kon 227*4705. M d A oenlt. FREE Modlcaro SupplomonI LEADS. 300 lo atari. 100 M O RE EACH W EEK In NC/SC. 100% Commlsslori. PtJonoWAvork hlfltory lo nlb_fl* nnnclfllOynhoo.com. Cnll 1« 000-25t«1273. SALES LEA O Efl-M oot& ox* cood budgolod occupancy al Indopondont Living rollromoni community. 5> yoars ol 8Alo8/marko(lng oxporionco. Hospllallty or modical sales oxportorKO a plua. Salary, bonolits. Floxible schoduk), occaslorvil wookonds. .Char­ lotte oponing».. Yard Sale Area 4 Accounting & Finance R aykint 8 tM ) booVb nn Account« Rocolvnblo Clork to join our Accounting Dopi, Inlorofltod candidalo Bhould eubmil thoir ro* ftumoB to гпуМп9б1оо10 'Umnil.com for immodallo omptoyn>ont. Driver« & •“ _Tranj£ortatlon ~ Q r K m ■ M il« « FralghI: McMsW ons avnilobto* ASAPI «»€D L*A with lankor roqulrod, f^TO p (»y, promlum bonollta ; nnd M UCH MOREI Col) or • - visit ua onlino, 077-404-3060. \ www.oakioytrBn«port,coni • D rlvtra • Milos A PrelghI: Po< ;:::$ik)n8 avollablo A S A ^ COL- ufA with tanker roqulrod. Top » *i» y . premium bonofita and : 3 U C H M O REI Call or visit ua *^«rllno, Q77*404'3060. •^ www.oakloytmnaport.com, ^ rlv o ri/ira ln o e s needed, ^TNatksnal Coritors Hiring Nowl ^ 0 oxportonco noododi No MuCOL? No probloml Training "••avaHaWo wlU) Roadmastor, ' Call Now. 8de-404*B459. Aeh-Lynrt'i Antlquoe Counly WIdo Anilquo A Yard Sate Rowan Counly Folrgrotjnds May ie e ,1 7 ,2000 ' в д т '4 р т Ovor 350 Dootlis Spocos for Roiil Cali 7(M 030 0050or 704-033-923Q for Inlo Davio & Ciemmons YardSatee Mockavllle. Sat. 10AM-1PM. Portable hot lub, ariils. SO pairs ot listiing wndors, lug* gago. hunUng stuff, 40 EZ up cnnopios, jogging stortlor, air comprosaors, gaegoneralora, 30 sots of golf clubs, 40 goll bags, oxordM o q u ^ o n l bounco houao, water ski tubes, fumlturo, fltot machine, baseball stuff, plus tots of ottv or STUFF. Slor Slorago World, 1033 Saltebury H w /. RT601,MocksvlHe. Mookivllfe. Sal. April 25** enm-2pm Mockftvlllo CtvHan Club Yard and Sake Salo In front of Ben Franklin Mocksvilie. V ardSalo/D akoSalo Sfllufday,ApfU25*' 0-2pm Wosloyon Church 307 Hospital Strool Procoods go lo Tom Troyor'a mission trip lo Ntea ragua Clothes Adult & crilldren W om en's Sonjbs; lops and boUoma, M and L slzo. WoH carod fori $5 each 704.267.4443 Electronics DlreoTv Satellite Televisión, FREE oquipmont. FREE four loom InstallaVon, FREE HD or DVR Rocelvor Upgrodo. Packages from $20.B9/mo. Coll Dirpct Sat TV for dotolla. t-000-42004Q0. Farm Equipment & Supplies Mocksvlile. Yard Sala 230 Pino Valtoy Rood Friday. e;30nm und Saturday, 0;30am. TV stand, TV cablnol, 9 draw* or pine drosser, ctolhos nnd sand ends. ty M oravian Church. ...O Concord Ctiurch Rd„ Lewlsvilk). Indoor Yard Sale, Friday April 24»’ & Saturday April 25’'. 0am -12 noon. Ctoth»>g. tx)usohold «oms. ol* fico furnlluro. (oys, booka, ole. Prcceoda bonofli tho Youlh Mission Project. Yard Sale Area 6 Advanco. Big 2 fam ily Yard Salo, April 24 & 23, Oam-until. 1130 noauchamo Road. Evorythlngmustgot Yadklnvlllo Yd Sale, Sol, 4* 25, Onm*1pm, 3920 W yo Rd, bkfg bohlrKi W yo Olblo Moth. Ch. Rain or Shlno., Davie & Clemmons Yard Saloa Advance, (off Yacfhln Vfllloy Rd, V/atch for s' ‘ ‘ Sak). Friday April Rd, Y/alch lor signs.) Yard jy April 24-" & Sat­ urday Apr« гб", ват-2ргл. N ow hlrir^ Van D riven! W estern ^ r e s s . Regular Honw Timo. 3,000 rnHos per wook .avorage. ExcoDonl Equipment. One-day Ortonia* lion. Slabk), Qrowlng Compa­ ny. Musi bo 22 years old, Class A-CDL R o^lrod. 1- 868-863-4112. O TR Drivers* Join PTLI Up lo 34cpm. REQ UIRED 12 months exporionco and CDL- A. O ul 10-14 days. No foton or DUI pasi 6 years. 877*740- 6262. wWw.ptMnc.com OTR Drivers- Join PTLI Up lo M cpm . REQ UIRED 12 months oxportonco and C D L A. Oul 10*14 days. No feton or OUI post 5 yoars. 877>740- , 6262. www.pll'lno.com , Pickup truck & Commercial • Iruck drivors'noeded. Deliver ' n v irailors and commorclal , trucks and buses lo all 46 I stalos and Canada. Log on to ; www.RVdolivoryJobs.com I. Education & I Pre-School Director. Hills* , dale Baptlsl Church Is sook- ' Ir^o a C^^ria^tan Pro*School Di- ' roclor. Bachotor's Dogroe In ; oarly chlldliood or olomonlary . oducaiton with 3 yrs oxport- ' onco (a prolorrod. Hrs M- ' Thura. 8am *tpm . Umltod , bonollts. Coll 336-040-6618 • (Church Ofc) or 006-6526. ; Deadline for flpplkjatlonB April ; 2 7 ,4:30pm Ladlot' ctolhing, liousowaroe, ladders, powor lools, oak bar stoola and much moro. Huno 3 Family Yard Sale 1076Cornal2orRoad Friday and Saturday Moeksvtllo 2 Family Yard Sak) 8 a t./^ m .2 5 *7 *1 p m 881 Gladstone Road Washor, dryor, A,C.. oil monl- tor. Moeksvllle 3 Family Yard Bale & Bako Sato. Saturday, April 25" B'lpm . 100 Elchlson Strool off Campbell Rd. Clothing, shoos, purees, furni­ ture, shoots, comforters. housohoU Itoms, baby Items and moro. Como join us. W atch for noon groon signs. Rolreohmonts avaiiablo. Mocksvilie Benefit Yard Salo for Autism 6 Familtoa at Sagobrush Sloakhouso Parking lol on Yadklnvlllo Rd. April 25"' 7am- Noon. Proceeds will go lo- Eloctrontes,^ sports'^^qufp' ment, ctoihos, toys, houso* hoU goods end moro. RallloTlckots Avallabto Mocksvlile. 222 Sprtnghlll Drive. Yand Sale. Saturday April 25", 7am - 3pm. Baby items, household items, and much morol General . Designers. Cetobraling ; Homo formerly HQP/Home , Interiors now hiring. Car, I phono i computer required. • Cali Cathy at 336-764-9O20 ' Machinery R ep air* Rolo- I cation roquirod. Croat Pay, , rnedk:at/donlal, 30 days vacn- . tion/yoar, $$ for school. No ’ Exporionco noodod. HS S' rads agos 17-34. Call Mon* ay-Frlday, 800-662-7231 for ' local Inlon/low. NimiMAlGIUIliO» Redonne yourselfl Call your Army Rocruitort SFC Byron Williard 336-416-3008 byron.wllliardOus.ormy.mll W anted: Perm. PT Ind. for 2 ; small news routes In I Mocksvlilo. Musi bo available • 2*9am dally. Moro Inlo. 336* ; 751*0434. Leave message ; W eM er • Relocalton required. ; Bocomo an export wilh U.S. ' Navy. Paid training, ' medlcal/donloi, vacalton, pro* ; motions, $$ lor school. HS Srada, agos 17*34. Call Morv ay*Frlday. 800-662-7419 lot ‘ local InlonHow. ------------------------:---------------------- Mocksvlile. 3980 US Hwy 601 South. Yard 8a(o. Satur­ day April 25", 7am-unlil, Furnlluro, oloctnsnlcs, clothos. household Items, scooter, ond LOTS morol Mocksvlilo. 001 N oith to El­ m ore Rd. Follow signs. Pre- Moving Salo. Friday April 24"., 6am-2pm & Saturday April 2 5",. 8am*urnil. RAIN OR SHINE. Nascar Colloctiblos, Antiquos, Okt QIasswaro, Carnival Glass, Household lloms. Too many things lo llslt M ocksvlile. 920 Gladstone Rd, Largo Yard Salo., Friday April 24Г & Saturday April 25". 8am*3pm, Plants, col- loctibtoe. and much moroi Mocksvilie. Go 04 W est to­ ward Slalosviito, across from Conter Fire Dopi, on Parkor Ч FO R SlQNSl •AnIlqws/CollecllblN • Ari«/Cralts/Hobl)les •lulIdlniiEqiilpñienV SllpilllN. , S g » H M . , •ClIIPlMNf Mnici • CIo№m-MiK/CMM(N «GMpitMltenwm kCtMtiMmt • líÑ t r M ÍC Í •hMiilMEqvlHWrt •Fralqilp./SawllM • Food/Pledgee • Fuel/Wooil • Furnltwe/AppllMCN • flameiÄToy» • HunllngtFliMug • M iy • Uwn & Saliteli SBlet& S m lM ' KUohliieni^ools ' MdleilEiiulpineiit '.MIu.EqiiMiqi|illet • MluillMeoM For Sale • MiülcSalMAmlce •SpwilmQoMli • Tlckait, • m m u n Wairtloltoy/Mtrcli, Antiques & Collectibles Tractor, 1Ö39, Famiall H In- tomallonal. It runs. Ploaso call Cecil Cartner ol 336-492* 7 112 for moro Inlormatton. Furniture & _ A £ £ j l a n c e s _ China Cabinet. Wood, tight* od, glass doore,^ 3 'bottom àlorage, Pocan llnlah. $150.704*637*6613afior5p. Distiwasher. GE. while. In groat worthing ordor. $75. Fot moro Information, ptoaso call 704 932*8722. Dresser. Solid wood Vnugh- nn-Bflssott 0-drawor vanity Irlpto drossor. New $700. Muat aolll $350 OBO. Call 704*^3-0060 alter 0 pm. MayTag. Chorry T.V. .all Leroy at 70-l-431*4398form oro Info. EtecUlo Stove, KoMfiator FrkJgo, С Armoire. $500. Call Lore Enlortethm c(\t Centof. Oak wood. $350. Throo ond Inbtoe. $40 each. Call 704*209-0533 Fum lturo. Lq oritertalnme(\( ctr. $75, wood dosk. $60. kt tabto a chairs. $60. hutch, $60 & moro. 704*267-4443 H anging wardrobe $ 9 0 .0{>k Socrolary dosk $35. Doth in good oondilion. Ptoaeo cali 336-13-936-9001 S ola & chair, black leather.Vory good condition. $350 tor both. Ploaao call 704-638* 2471 for more Inlcrmatlon. ANTIQ UE SHO PPERSI Mako Selma your dosllnatlon. Anttquo shops and malls open dally. Sblma Is just 25 milos East of Ratoigh or exit OBolf.195. Tartxtets (oottMlt - signed by Iho 1990 Tarheels football loam. $100. Ploaso call 704* 209*3141. ask for Amy. Typew riter, Vlntago Bomlng- ton Streamliner. Light bluo color. Does need now ribbon. $1S.704*209*3141 Typew riter. Vlntago Smith Corona Classic 12 Noeda now ribbon. $15 Call 704-209-3141 _____________ Sofa. Nowly Covorud Duncan Phyfo sol.1 w/ 2 pillows & arm covors, Woll protoctod Irom eunRghl. Excoilonl condilion, 8 0 ' 1оп(г, 32* lall, 30’ doop. $350 nog, 704-706627Ö Games & - Tsr^ M P3 playor for todrtor. pink, Fishor Price. $20. For moro Informatton. ptoaso call 704* 932-8722,_____________________ PSP with 7 gamos. caao, chargor. All in groat concflUon. $260. For moro information, call 704-932-0722. Hunting & _ _ ^ F I s h l n j L _ _ Fishing equipm ent 6 Fresh­ water flshlno rods and.roois. $40 for all. Call 704-278-9527 after 6pm or leave mossago. 'agon. Old Stool Whool Farm Waoot\. AsWng $t,600 Са1Г330-492-6633 Clotries Adult & Children Prom Dross. Gorgeous, long, mint blue dross w / 18' silt, Ctoar soqulns & pearls on top.Sl2o4. $175. 210*4061 Rd, W ATCH Yard Sato,»rii 24".&Friday April Saturday April 25", 7am-unlil, Colfoo tablo & ond tables. VCR, wolklo talkies, lamps, dlst^08, dolb, tabloctolhos, comlortor sol, bath mat sols, looslor oven, window blinds, oil lamps, ladlos' clothos (XL* XXL) & nton's ctotlios XXLJ ond muct\ motel (XL. Clothes Adult & Children Prom Dross. Pastel groon w/ sequins on top. 18lnch sliron both sides. Small size 4/5. $120 obo 704-210-4061 Prom Dress. Short, black, Josalce.McClintock. Shear <л bottom with 'silk undomeath. Slzo 4. $140.704*210^061 W edding dress. Ivory with Atoon laco and pearls. Train. SI20 10. $200. Ploaso call 704-057*9085 lor moro Inlo. W edding dress. V\№lto with Alcbn iaco and pearls.' Train. S ize. 18. Qtoovetoss. $250. PlQOaecall 704-857-9085 Need a tuxedo for prom? Sadle'8 KreatlonsLocalod near Caudell luniber Co.Call 336*917-0804 W% Qit Tuxodo Rentals wilh Ihls ad Mon., Tu0., Thur. 0am-3pm Wed. 0-5pm Lawn & Garden ^ S a t e s & ^ e r v l c e Law n Mower, commorclal, John Dooro 36' walk bohind wilh Sulky, Koiar onnlne. Good running condilion. $950 obo. 704*278-1265 Mower, Craftsman.* 12,5 HP. Runs good, cuts good, Loaks Oil. $275. Ploaso call 704* 036-6367 for moro info. _JWl8cForSale OoH and 4" slzo disc sandor lor wood working, Mountod on 32' hloh base. 336-284-4335 $70 B te u ll Carpet Cleaner, ProHoat2x, $75. Boston Rocker, black w/nokJ trim. $35. Call 704-637-7834 Building sal«{....unprece dented lo w prices,. roduco( deposits, floxibto delivery 25X30 $5,990. 30X4t $8.990, 35X50 $10.600. 40X60 $13.990. 50x100 $27,900. OTHERSI 1*600- 668-5422. Pioneer Steel Man- ulaclurers.slncolOSO, Cabinet & draw er pulls. Amerock traditional: 33 avall­ abto. Bought now $5 ea. Will soli all for $76 obo. 704-633*' 0060 after 6 pm Car Seat (0-22lbs) with 2 car basos and matching- stroUer. Evenito, Tan Plaid. &100. 704-402*7929 DH Chipper 3 point hitch model. Botlorn discharge, n o drivo. New, never used, Still on Iho p allet, $1,600 0 ^ 0 . 336-940-5905 Freezer, GE, 13.0 cu.fl. $50. Self-vacuuming hodgo trmmr. $75. Pancake comprossor/w brad gun, $25.704-232-2900.- + - MIsc For Sale Hay for sole. #1 quality foscuohay. Square bolls and rolls. Call 336-751-4132 Kitchen Appliance, Largo prosaure Connor In excoltoni condition. Quart or pint capa­ bility. $50. 704-033-9I88 Law nm ow çr. 14 HP yard m achine, rkling mowor. i^una groal.$325. 704030-8250 Law nm ow ers. Two, $05 ench. Ono soli propollod. Oolh run good. Coll for furtt^r Info. 704-245-3976 Lonox 3.5 Central A ir Sye- tem Witti condenser, cools great, $500. Ptoaso call 704> 279-5329 form ero Info. Pro*Englnoered Steel Build­ ing Sole • Low 08 $3.0d/sf. Commorclal 30-yonr Warrarv ty. Church Buildings, Oaroges, Wnrohousos, Mini* StOfOQO, Foclory Eiodlon. FtokJ Sorvko from our Ropro* sonlallvo. (800)720-6857. MIsc For Sale W ooden doll houso, child’s. Rod rool. (somo crayon marks). $10. Plooso cali 704- G03'8590 Loavo mossago. Music Sales & Service Plano. UprighI Chao M Stioll r io. Qroat tono. RobulK at>d in good condllton. $350 704-633-9t66 Sporting Goods Golds Gym W eigh! Bench tog oxionslon/proaclior curl, 50 pound bar, lull sot ol plal09.$300. 704-290*4210 Golf. Championship goU clubs with bag ar>d roller in* cludod. tn good condllton. i.704*033 0 ie e$75.; Cats Free kittens to G O OD tiomo. Inside or outsUe cats. Pioaso call 704-209-3735 for moro Informalion. Kittens 4 free kitlons lo n good homo. only. P IA up ASAP. 704*?09*3735 Kittens. 4 kittens. 1 femnto adult. Must go. Save before Animal Control 704*633-6354 ptaks up. liens I. $490 each. Please caR 010- 269 0454 for more Info, www.sonlpoint.org Saw m ills Irom only $2,990.00. Convert your Logs To Valuable Lumber with youi own Norwood portable band sawmill. Log skkfdors also avallabto. norwoodsawmHls.- com/300n. Free Inlotmatton: 1 •600-678-1363 ext300-N. Saw m ills from only $2,990. Convert your Logs To Vnlu- ablo Lumbor with your own Norwood portable band sawmill. Log skkidors also avaHnbto. norwoodsawmiHs.« com/300n. Froo Informalton: l'000*578-1363oxt300-N. Steel Arch Buildlnas - 2008 Ovorstocks On Saloli Hugo Savingo Nowl Sizos In­ cludo 20x30,30x40. oU^ots Made In USA, Cali For Avail* abllllyiM -860-352-07t0 Tanning Bed for Saio. S unQ uostproteS E Like Now Condition. $495. Cali 704-279-6873 ■ Toddler Bed. Brand now, novor boon uM d, ct\eiry wood. $50. Plooso call 704- 003-8500, toavo message. Vinyl Storage Buildings 12'X 10' Witt» loft, $3,4(16, 12' 20' wlUi workboncl) $3,815. Prteos include dolivoiy and set-up. Olhor sizes avallabto. 11704- Want to Buy Mei-chandlse Tim ber w an ted ‘ Pino or hardwood. 5 acres or moro soloct or door cut. Shavor W ood Products, Inc. Call 70-t*276-929t. Tim ber W nntod. 1 acre or mofo, pino or t^ardwood, cloar or solocl. H ft M Loo- ging. 336-460 6576 Cats Call 704-657-8611 Froo adult m ale cat. Bluo oyes. Needs good homo. Good raicatclior. 704-278-6d80 Fro« puppies, 3 I ab mix . Vory swool & toving. To good homo only. 2 fornatos. 1 male. Ploaso coll 704-279-6072 Maltese/chihuahua mix. 8 months housobrokon and vo jf^ p ta ÿ l^ C a ll Drillflny at DogIS Dog. Froo Lob and Boagto mix pupplos. Black wilh small whito stdpo on ct^oat Cnll 704-030-3770 rf)gi3lorcd. Tri color Ä rod wtiilo. Shols. wormod, $‘100, PIOOGO call Doiiria or Arnnnda nl 704-270*1223 FREE Mnrley Is n lab mix who Is 0 months old. SI>o neodn tots of room lo run. 704637*7853/70«l.232-9441 • P n ilW II l^ p o n iilliin • ligalHoUcN •F r w A ib • iKlnclln « I n t l F o u M •MmmMiiVCeiMtwr U h •Hollen • Special Occnioas. •№ntlO|ipo(mlilt3 ш ш вЁ^ Free Stuff Free dog, m ix. Fomalo. Res­ cue dog noods a lot of atten­ tion. Porloct tor elderty. Lovos to be hokJ, 704-620-4650 Free I herd & js, Aualrafian Shop- jitwoilor mix. Fo­ rnaio & malo. Playlul Ä good wilh kids. Coll 704*209-1382 Froo Indoor m ale cat, fixed, rabies shot. Froo small dog. lonlor mix. Frtondly & usod to ctiildron. 7O4-270-5OIO FREE kittens A o a t 2 btock matos. 1 grey famnto. 6 wks old. Also, adult mato cat. Lit­ter trained. 704-239-5369 Freo kittens. 3 available. 8 wooks old. Need good homos. Pleaso call 7 0 4 ^ 3 - 4770 for moro Informatton. Free Stuff Free Beagles, male. 2 avail- nbto, Up-io-d<’>tu on shola. Vory IriunUly & playful. Ploaao cali 704-03Э-И66. Free black walnuts. Como pick up. Ploaao cali 701-276-2001 Cali Classifieds at 1 -^ 8 7 7 -7 5 1 -2 1 2 0 Free puppies. B eagle/pug' mix, 0 weoks okl lo good homo. 4 males & 4 fondos. 704-232-0008 Instruction Airlines Are Hiring - Train for high paying Avialion Main- lonartco Coroor. FAA ap- Srovod program. Financial akl qualified. Housing avallabto. Call Avialton InsliUtto of Main- torianco (066) 340-5367. Lost & Found Found Black labrador, mato. Blind. On April 16Л Please call 704-638-0304 lo Idenlify. Found doo on Hwv QQt & Cope Rd.Goldon Rolriover mix 7 Bruwnish/gokl coat Ap- p n . 50Lbs 336-996 8670 In the evening. Found Dog. Dachshundn'er- rtor mix. SmaU. fomato, brown. Shuping Mill Rd area. CO1I704-279-2460 Pound Dm . Found In China Grove: Black and Brown'Puppy. coN 704- 245-9071 lodescrlbo. FO UND dog. Looks like lab mix, yeltow. Approx. 1 yoar okL Jorilcho HartSson-Park area. Call 336-749-4666 to ID BRIGHT KIDS DESERVE BRIGHT FUTURES ; ’ ' i ' f r Z a ENCOURAGE YOUR STUDENTS TO GET t40RE PUT OF LIFE ■ Up to 100% tu itio n assistance • Lu.idcrship and carcei* skills * Tra in in g available in m ore than 200 career fields • 1 i . i l ä t l 1 - S O O - Ü O - Ü U A R D • w w w / l - 8 0 0 “ G 0 - G U A R p .c o jn TRAINING О EDUCATION О ADVENTURE О MONEY О SERVICE DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Apr. 23,2009 - D7 KDAVIE-CLEMMONS B c n s s l i i G d s REACH OVER29,000READERS EVERY WEEK! E 'J ip S I ■PICTURE A D S i ■''■VAl^P^iSAisE^-^'- Include a photo with your auto, house or 1 JSJKiii«*.,,.. pet ad and run it for 4 weeks lor only $10 ;;$5;0P; Cali Monday-Friday 8 AM-5 PM TOLL FREE 1-877-7S1-212l Р Д У - 7 n d .R 'in .(1 1 > i7 EMAIL: CLASSADS@SALISBURYPOST.COM _ _ J j 0 S t J J F 0 u n d _ Found, small fomato chi­ huahua, whito with Ian spots. For more (niomwtlon, plooso call 704*636-1167. LO ST 2 dogs. Lob mix, bktnde. 1 long hair, l shorl hair. Both fomato. WHi Boono Rd area. 4/16. 336-837*9844 LO ST DOQ: Fomalo 1 yoar OkJ btock & brown. In Peace Havon aroa of Ctommons. April lOth. Extromely swoot A docito. Not wearing hör collar. has no Identüicatton. W o miss her terriblyl Cali II you 800 hör. 336-793-7834 1 yoar oto puppy. W hile with gray, biocK. tan. 178 Twit) Cedars Golf Rd. Wearing a rod collar and a black collar for ok>ctrto (onco. Pleaso ca« 330-936- 0090 If you find horl She's n ^ son'8 dog A he mlssos herl Notices D A Vie PREG NA NCY CARE Contor offers confktontial A Ireo pfognancy tests, support services ond referrals. Mako a healthy chotoe for your lilel Cali 336-753 HO PE for appt DIRECTV SateUlte Televl- Sion, FREE oquipmont FREE four room Installation, FREE H D or DVR Rocelvor Upgrade. Packagea Irom $29,99/m Q.Cali Direct Sot TV fordetaito. 1-888-420-9486. •r ia ilN M O ||M r tN № N • CoiAi/rowilMiMt • KoMBeildera •Honti lor Sale • lavMtnwitPrapetly • like Property •1M< 1er Sale • Ub (or Sale •ItaahttaredHoaw • HUNriMlareOleM SaiN • HaiilMtiraiNew. UtafarSaii • ■ N IT K W N П И И t««lM<lleHn и ш •RMlEttHilenleM • IMEatatfCaMerelal •ReMftlVaciUN •WMMlMlEataH Apartments & Condos lor Sale M ocksvllla. to w n h au M In Milling W ay. Convontonl location. 2BR ^BA, 2 years old. Unit 118, boautilul pool comptox $108.000, Call 336* 470-2051, 336-655-3447 or 336-7S1-S446. Homes _ ^ f o r J a j e _ _ _ B erm uda Hun C o u n try' C lub 3B R .3B A townhouse. Carporl. pool privltoges. $175.000. 33^5-998-7666 luty. scooter lift, otoctrfe for back ol vohido. Valued at $700. Needs re­pairs. $500.704-278-9355 Hom es. Governm ent fund­ ing avsiiabid for all homo buyors who own land or have family land. $0 down, OM^flnanclng. Call 336-340- Pow er wheelchair, 7 yoars old. May need baltortos. $500. Cell 704-278-9355 lot more Inlormatlon. ^_LandJ|orSale_ Acreage, 32iw ooded Plus 2 ctoarod buikling silos, 2.4- 3.0 acros mral soUin^road frontage. 336-492-2144 Manufactured _HonieSale8__ $2,500 down 13 payments loft. Please call704-483-3702 _____ $3,000 dow n - only 13 pay­ ments loll. Cali quicki W e owner finance. Ploaso call 336-299-5613 _________ Manufactured Home Sales »e,000 la« credit (or C Itod appltoanls. so call today to proquolify 330-299-8528 1510 M iller Chapel Rd. 14'X 70*. 2BR, 2BA. $5000. All appttancos. $200/mo. tot tent. Privalo lot 704-202-7739 1093 Skyline moblto home. $4,000. Musi move lmmo№ aloly. Ptoaso coll ENzaboth ol 336-761-2961 for moro Info. 2 Y e e rJo b T im e , 2 Year Rental History. You Con Own Today! 704-630-0I49 Clem m ons area. 2001 Rodman moblto homo. 1 4 'x80'.3B n ,2B A . Istond kltchon. Central air, heat pump. Alreariy set up. Roady to move In. Upscale moblto homo park. For more Informalton, coll 330-760-0507 Cooleem ee. Older oxocullve home on tot noar rocroatton aroa. 4-5DR, 20A. FIroplacos. onctoaod porch. ‘ 336-909-5075 Forecioeed Hom es Avaüabtotn Davio CMinty Act Nowl 868-273-8791 Governm ent funds available for I" lime homobuyors wl)o own land or have family land. Zero Down, Eaay FInancingl 704-630-6400 Hom e end Land packages as low as $95,000. Cnll lo apply for Iroe. 330-299-S612 M ocksvlile erea. 3B R .2B A $65<ymonth. Ownor financing. Call 704-483-3702 Move In Todayl IB R . IBAcottogo wlUt porch. $45aM ontt) 704-630-9840 M ove in Todayl 2BR, 2BAwllh Porch. 55 or Older Community 704-630-6400 N e w 3 8 R R a rK h $89,995. OnpiW atolot. 0011336767-9767 Take O ver M y Paym entsI $402/Monlh Plooso caB 704-630*0400 Tw o • 3B R , 2BA homes Ready (or rontors/Homo own­ ers. $500 dopoalt roqulrod. C o ll336*76fo758 Resort & Vacation Property Big & CheapI 5 0 9 5 AC- $79.900. W ooded knoll with views ^ hikmo trolls throuoh- outi Loaded with wlUlilo. County road Irontago & pow­ or. Groat W est Virglnto (oca- llon. Excoltont ownor firunc- Ing. Must soo & walk. Coll now. 1*877-626-3764. a Crystal Coast Sacrifice on tho NC Inlra-Coaslal W alor- Nearty 2AC inloriof i.900, Now $29,900; 3AC W alon/low ■■ Now $49,800; 2.5AC W ater­ front $149,900, Now $89,900. Our loss Is your gain. Beauti­ fully complotod largo acreago subdivision. Granddaddy trees, meadows, milo of Intra* coastal wàlonAfays ♦ boat lo Boaulort. Financing from 4.25 APR. No time framo lo bulkl. 688-249*7916. Wanted: Real Estate Land or developm ents wanted. W o buy or markol dovotopmoni tots. Prolor Mountain or Coastal Commu­ nities. Call Us at 800-455- 1981.Ext.1034. Real Estate - W o will buy your Iiouso today. All cash. Fast soltiomont Any condi­ tion. Hom e Real Estate, 1336)722-1122 •ilpattaieirii •P O M lM / TOMIMWM • Hoiim for Rent •UteProperty M il • UailatlM •Wie» . С е м и п И Н е Ш • Paetan IMI (entert • HaiMlaetimlHiaM 'Uta , ■ • Ием1ае1ап<Неме leillMt •lleierttMtitlei - •КемамИКмМ • НмшГагИеМ •Stoni« • Waato4l(IM Houses for Rent Advanca, 12S Llttla John Dr. Brick ranch. 2 Lg. BR, 1.S BA, dBh' washer, stove, rofiij,, dis­ posal. Lg DR & LR, li dry room. Oil heat Cen­ tral air. 2 car garage at­tached w/oponore, new flooring throughout. Beau* tllui ctoan liomo. No peu. $750/mo. 336-766-0525. Houses for Rent Advance. 30R , 2h BA, garago. 2,000 ± el, socurity eyetom.' Exocutlvo homo Rent $1,400 or Rent to Own. 704-630-0095 Advance. 420 G un Club. 4BR, IBA, heal pump/AC, new remodel, 1,450 sF. ap- M oc, no inside pels, /mo-*, dep 336-998-7003 Advance. Frost Rd. olf Hwy 158. 3BR, m BA. Contral hoal A air. $72Q/mo. $700 dop. Winston Satom. 2BR, 1 BA $50№mo. 336-577-2404 C nntury21 Triad 33e-751-2222 350M cCulk}ugh Rd., M ocksvilie, 3QR.1BA. $075/mo. 156 Fairfield Rd, Mocksvllls.4BR/2BA doublowido. an oppia Ind. $605^rTK) 264 K enD w ioglns- M ocksvilie 3BR,2BA.AH appi, indudod. $750/mo. 8228 Shallow ford Ln. • U w lsviiie20R ,2B A Col­ lage w/oH hoat. $550/mo. 3 2 tB u n o n R d .- Advance, 2BR, 2BA with fuH basement on largo acroaM tract Vory privalo. $850/mo. Hw y 601 Bypass. > M ocksvilie. (Just olf 1-40) Commerciai ofltoo spaco for leaso. 2 olfkioo, break room, recoplton ama 8k bathroom. $700/m o. ' Possibioaddri space available. Cali Century 21 Triad 336-761-2222 Mon-Fri Sanv-epm OR 336-781-5555 E x t 213 nlghtsan d weekends. Cooleem ee. 6 fOon\s. \ OA. No pots, $500MK>nih plus $500doposlt roquirod. Ploaao can 336-284-4373 Oavie Courtty. 40R . 20A, Ront-lo-own. Workshop In back. Off main hwy. Parllally loncodyard. Э36-492-2160 ERA Prem ier Realty Jackie Coulston 336-753-6777 or ЭЭв-761-205в M O CKSVILLE-C hartoaton Rkigo. 3DR .2DA . Scroonnd porch, foncod backyard, 2 car garage. Smoke Free. $95Wmo. M O C K S V ia e -R a tK h o n t aero. 30R . 2BA. Range, mfrlgorator, dlshwashor, & mtorowavo. 2 car altnchod garago. $67&^то. MO CKSVILLE - Chartoalon Ridgo. Smoko Iroo. woll maintained 30R, 2BAwlth vaulted celHngs. garden tub & soparale snowe. ovorslzod 2-car garage & dtfck. $9S<yn)onih. AD VANC E - 3BR, 2BA with lots of oxtras-g as logs, porch, patio, docks, hot tub. pari backyard fenced, 2 car garage, separalo o a r j^ ^ M h o p .- ERA Prem ier Realty Jackie Coulelon336-753-6777 ОГ336-751- 2065 Hillsdale area 3BR, 2BA, acroago, private $75(Vmo. Call RTd< 330-397-1251 M ocksvlile area. ZBW2V» BA. Rent to Ow nI Garago, prex 2,000 si, cent heal/air. iry Nlco. $15,000 da'/m, $305/mo. 704-030-0695 M ockavllle. Jericho Ch Rd, ЗВН/1ВА/СафОГ|. No smoking or pots. $675/mo. + $675 dop. 336-492-6400 Mocksvilie. 2BR, Ш В А . Conimi hoal & air. Now appH- ancos. $575/mo. Dop. & ap­ plication roq. 704-278*1717 Mocksvilie. 3BR, 2B A U rg e housfl. Foncod yard, qutol neighborhood, contrat air. No pois. 336-492-2722 ■зГ. Mocksvlile. im m aculate 3BR / 1.5BA brick ranch. Now carpol end point Rango, dlshwashor and sldo-by-sldo rolrlgorator. Enorgy ollldonl hoat pump. $80CVmonth -t $800 security doposH. No pots. Call Mary Hondrtok's at 336-940-7077. PENNINGTO N A CO. 336-998-9400 336-009-0747 Wo havo rontais available. Landlords and tenants - Call us for Inlonnatlon on propor- ties or property manage­ m ent W e have an automat­ ed phono system lor infor­ mation. Commorclal Proportlos/ Businesses for toaso or sale. Call Jantoo McDantol 336-909-0747 Pennington A Co. 336-906-9400 -.............- - 3BR/1 BA newly remodeled house. $700 per monlh plus deposit' 336*909-0864 Lake Property Rental High Rock U k a Summer С 4 m onths-, (704)633-6622 Ofllce & Commercial Rental BCM B u iln M i Park, For salo or loose. 9.000 sq. ft. building, 1500 to 4500 sq fl units. Commorclal lota (or salo or will bulkl lo suit (on- anl. 336*998*3165 Granite Quarry 900*1800 eq It Shop/Offtoo or Stor* ago Spacos. Froo Month. Can 704-232-3333 Shell Station for Lease Reconlly romodoled Shell convonlonce store located al Farm Ington Road and |.40 In Oavlo County. Sta­tion has groat traftlo Ilow, a constant cus­tomer base and a fan- tastlo Interstate loca­tion. This business Is ideal lor l^usband and wile operation and lias great potential tor additional growtti. A wall qualltled candi- date stiould bo llnan- dally responslblo, tiave good business management skills and bo available as an owner / operator. Contact: Danny Brown or Carolvn Simmons 0 (330) 722-3441 Manufactured Home for Rent 601 S. ■Fumiohed* oo private lot No pole. 3 people limit. References. Dopooll 6 $450 rent. Cali 336-264-4758 Advance. 4795 Hwy 601 S. 2BR. 2BA. $500 deposit, $550/month. Roforences re­ quired. 7(M-924-7000 Advance. Moblie (ю те for rent on private tot. 2BR, SOA. N o pets. $500/month. Call 336-473-9649 for details. Davie County. Privato lot 2BR, т В А . Vory ctoan. А» appuances. Deposit rooulred. Call 336-575-2101 Davie County. Private lot Nower model sinntowklo. 3BR. 2BA, All appllancoa. No pels. Sect. 8 OK. $ti0&/mo. plus deposit 330-575-2101 Ingti 2BR/2BA, a l appUancos, ceqirai heat & air, dod(. & garage. No pets. No smok­ ing. $600/m o. pkis deposit. Please call 336-655-3272 or 336-998-3636 Mockevlile. Roady Now 2 BR brick houso. furnished, also etoctrto. $550/ mo. 2BR, 1 BA mobile homo, privalo tot. 704-207-5581 Pinebrook School District. 3BR, 2BA. $550/mo. $300 deposit Abeoiutoiy no pots. 336-940-2516 Shady Acree Mobito Homo Pari(. SInglewlde & dou* btowkle. John Crotls Rond., U S Hwy 04 East, MockftvlBe. N o pets. 336-009-2092 Shady Acres Mobito Home Park. 2BR, IB A . John Crolts Rd., US ' Hwy 64 East, Mocksvlile. No pots. Call 336* 909*2092 W est Row an Area. 30R , 2BA. Now carpet. No pels. No smoking. $550/month. $550 deposit. 704-278-2907. Wanted: To Rent W ant lo rent hom o. 71 yoni okJ wtiilo (amalo wHh 1 dog. $450/month. HU D opprovod. Call 336-671-3033 • Mot •ÁKlatioa • 1оа1«/Ша(акг*(1 • ColleeteiCan • СемаипМ • IMeii!|tli«/ATVi • RKnUlMalViMolee •ReitiAIUnlei •tenlu/|№ Ateieeeilei - • ItaMfortUlM FlMMlai . • TtaUka/IUVa/Aii Waattelay/nm Autos H O N D A 2002 EX. $0 down, will help fi­ nance. Credit, No ProbtomI Privato party sato.' Cali 704^871-2223 Autos Ford, 1992, S-10. 5-spood. Fair conditton. $500. Plooso coll Travis at 330-313-0802 fore moro Informalton Boats & Watercraft ___________ Glasstream , 1986, Flsh'n' Ski. 17(trodm olol(lako, 115 hp Morcury. trolling motor, dopih tindor. Iraiior and пюге. Groat corKlitton, $5.000 OBO 330-033^119 Pontoon 24' Bentley, 2006. 240 Fish, SO HP Morcury Motor, dual axto trailer, playpon cover, birnl- nl. Only boon on tho wator onco. $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 /0 0 0 704-433-0220 or 704-030-6041 Motorcycles &ATVS iiuki, LTZ гзо.гооо. Awosomo sport (our-whoolor. High porlonmnco pipo. Ex* соПоШ condition. A wholo tot o( luni $2,890. Call for moru Inlormalton 704-1506772 Financial Services Auctions ABSOLUTE LOQOINQ EO UIPM ENT Aucllod, Selling for Iho bonk. Lata Modol Loo- glng/Constmclion Equipment. 8 0 f pieces. May 14, 10 a.m. Rocklnghom. NC. Iron i-iorse Auction, NCAL39.16, 600* 997*2248, www.lrorv horsoauctton.com Auction - O teanFronI Hom e A Vacant L o t Flgur« 8 Is* land (W ilm ington, NC). May 9. House WILL S E a to hlgh­ ost bid ovor $500k. №ke Harper. NCAL8280. v/ww.harporauctlonundnialty com. 843-“--------------3-720-4990. CO M M ERCIAL AUCTTON- Salurday. M a y 2 0 1 0 (tm . 201 S. Control Avenue, Locust, NC. SeUIno Vehlctos A Equip­ ment for NO Depart/nont of Revenue A Secured Creditors for UnpakI Bills A Taxes. 2000 Mercedes GL550, CAT Backhoo, (9)Ditch Witch TrorSdiors, (efSultolr Dtosei Air Compressors, Tractors. H o aw Trucks. Forklifts. Tral- ors. f^ieot of Pdssongor Vitns. www.Clas8toAuctlons.com. 704*791-6825. NCAF5479 Row an Auction Co. Profes* slonal Audton Senitees: Salisbury, NC 704-633-0809 Kip Jonninge NCAL 0340 Electrical Services Licensed Electrician Homo A txislnoao oloctil- cm noods. Of yo.tffl ояр. Froo oatiiivtto. Fkixiblo Itours. No |ob too small. Doug Pavia. Rodland Electric, inc. 330-414- 00-15 ro(llntidoloctricifv:0 yahoo.com Financial Services W O RK ING CA PITA L avall­ abto Bualoosft Only 704-321-1170 Wnrron Shinn wshinnOar1unding.com “We can erase your bad credit — 1 0 0 % guaranteed” The Federal Trade Commission says any credit repair company that claims to be able to legally remove accurate and timely infor­ mation from your credit report Is Ing. There's no easy (Ix for bad credit. It takes time and a con­ scious effort to pav your debts. Learn about managing credit and debt at ftc.gov/credlt. A message from The Salisbury Post and the FTC. Lawn Maint. & Landscaping D snnys Law n Service'. Complete lawn sorvtoo from one souroo. Mowing, plug­ ging. seeding, fortillzing, lendscaping, pine neodos, mulch. Stato cortldod (or spraying and Insured. Trac­ tor work if needed. Thirty yoars oxportonco. Please call 336-996*3675 or 330- 399*7063 for estimate. Miscellaneous Services Don't throw ew ay lawn- mowofs, ATV's, goll carts, outdoor powor equipment. Will ptok up for froo. Call Rtehard 330*473-1838. Larry*a A uto Detailing* avoüabto upon request. T o S e ll. . B u y . . C a ll C l a s s lf le c ls 1 - 8 Г Г - Г 5 1 - 2 1 2 0 Tree Servio* Canopy Tre« 8«rvlc«, Pro- les^onal Son/lce at reason* abto rates. Fully insured. Cali lor free estimates. Refer­ ences avallabto. Also, fire* wood (or salo. 336<998^374 тем QMltty Тгм C M A Land Maintenance. Hèz* ardoue removals, pruning A prosenrattoln, storm damage cton-up, grodng, haultog, clearir>g, stump reftwval, landscaping. Thom as Martin, insured. Coll: 336-407*76?4, homo; 336-669-9611 '> , < Ц 1 ф 1 с { е З { т к у ... '■ W c t iu v e ii|) c r lf c t t p lim ' f o r y o u r ïiiiiiily ’s v itc iiiio n i CuUß>r)vmtWJtA'<muim(iiii(li;tiHlayt ■ S w M ii Beoih - Cmiliii City Booih - Soollmii M/iiIî Diodi ’ ü j S V b c M Ìiè ly d .' ' S u rh ld a Baach, s c i;s 7 5 Toll F r««i (846)973-3435 gURTS w w w .iu r f< ld « r « a l{y .c c чдит с о м м т M n u ta Qwoy from M yttk Q^toch. SCI ìncii* «} F R E E D I R E C T V 4 R O O M S Y S T E M ! * iífír)+ALL OlGilAl CHANNM S ' H a H M H i ] 1.)0 tin t'.llANNI i |BÌ1|№IÌU Trucks, SUVs & Vans 1992, Extended Dodge van. V*6. rebuilt ongino. 10-10 mpg. A low donts. Runs groat $1200.330-284-6310 Classifieds1-877-751-2120 Home J m g r o r e m e n ^ Law son'a Hom o improve- monts. Windows, doors, vinyl siding, bfkik. b k x * work, log siding, hardwood ftooring. Froo ostlmalos. Ownor Andy Lawson Call 33G-009-0095 Vinyl sldlnfl nnd vinyl win­ dow Inslallalton. No job loo small. Froo ostimatos. Call Mark Troyor ot 704-057-8011 R J D I R E C T V N o y i.ir i 1 .1. .Is ' W n r « L o c .il In s l.illc r n' T o ll F r e e 8 6 6 - 6 9 5 - 7 9 3 8 ATTENTION OSMOPREP® USERS! Severe mclliciil problems huve been iissoeiutcd with Ihis drug ' which is given prior to a colonoscopy. If you, or .someone you know, have tiiken O.sinol’rep and e.vpcrienced; * kidney Faliurc * Kidney Problems/Damage * Stroke * Death Plciiae conloct Kim Wilson with I.ewLs & KobcrM, 3700 G|(^poi) Avenue, linlcigti, NC at (888) 98l-0939.lor a free coiiaullhtlonorvlslt 'vww.icwls-niberls.coni. You may bo entitled lo compensation. : ________________^ :___________ owia The onset, of eye disease may not be os visible as th'e appearance' of new wj-lnkles.' An' eye doctoi^ can'spot the early warning signs o f vision problems like glaucom a and m aculqr degeneration, as well as other serious health conditions sijch as diabetes and hypertension. Early detectlori is key. For n^en and w om en over 40, it might' be wise to look Into your eyes. For more information, visit checkyearly.corn. A public service message from Vision Cbuhcll of America . dnclAARP. Check Yearly . _ . ' Sm dearly-■ 171« pcinrU mak. II b4tUrí www.il,«!.,~rtr.'*» ' i D A V IB C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/^ECORD Thursday, A pril 23, 2009 P age D 8 Peggy Carlton shows some lender loving care to an in­ fant.Savannah Stegall takes her Ume in picking out jusi the right book. F iv e S ta r s L i t t l e F r i e n d s E a r n s S t a t e ’s H i g h e s t R a t i n g F o r C h i l d C a r e : Smart Start of Davic Cqunty has announced that Peggy Carlton, owner of Littlo Friends Daycare, has acquired a five- star rated liccnse for her child carc home in Mocksvlllc, A five-star rating is the )iighcsl possible, based on scores in. staff education and program standards, ; Carlton has been operating her facility for more than 14 years and has hard to increase Ratings by going to school while working more than 50 hours a week to serve Ihe children in her care, ; “Peggy gets ns excited about learning as the children do,” said Paula Burton of Smart Start, “I am always excited to see what she’s doing with the children,” Carlton caros for five children in her home. While there is never a dull moment, the children are on a consistent •schedule to keep things orderly. “My favorite part about my job is when someone comes up to me and comments that they are impressed by the results of my work with a child and how the child has learned so much from the things I’ve done with them at daycare," says Carlton, “That’s rewnrdingi” In Davie County, there are two five-star licensed family child care homes. In addition to Little Friends, Bear Paws Family Day Care, owned by Trncic Speight, also holds the top rating. There are four licensed center based programs that hold 5 stars; Kountry Kids, Central Davie Preschool, Cooleemee Head Start and Mocksville Head Start. Smort Start of Davie County is a non-profit organization severing all the children in Davie from birth to 5, by providing resources and services for families and child care providers that build a foundation for lifelong learning and success. Smart Start offers a service called Child Care Resource & Refeml that can be used to help locate quality child care programs in Davio County. Call Smart Start at 751 -2113 for more informatton on this service or other eoriy childhood programs, Peggy Carlton ei^joy.s learning right nlong with the children in licr ciirc. M a k e ‘B e i n g G r e e n ’ F u n F o r P r e s c h o o l e r s Center United Methodist Church P R E - S C H O O L NOW ENROLLING FOR 2009-2010 Ages 2,3 & 4 For Info call Sandra Autry (336) 940-3753 CEMTBR UHITEO METHODIST CHURCH Hwy. 64 West (Jusi off 1-40), Mocksville Davie County Health Department 210 Hospital Street, Mocksville NC 27028 • (336) 751-8700 Services Include: C L IN IC A L ; Child Health Child Care Health Consultant Child Service Coordination “Buckle Up Davie” Car Seat Program Communicable Disease Program Family Planning Immunizations Maternity Care Coordination Parenting a Citlldblrth Classes Prenatal Car* Health Check/Carolina Access II Postpartum/Newborn Assessment Home Visits SIDS Grief Counseling Spanish Interpreter Welcome Home Baby Program E N V IR O N M E N T A L H E A L T H services W IC : Nutrition Program & Breast-feeding Counseling "WIC Is an Equal Opportunity Provider" H O M E H E A L T H : Quality home care services Ucensed Ы Division of Facility Services & Accredited by Accreditation Commission for Health Care, Inc. Medicare, Medicaid, Insurance & private pay clients S§rvlcn Includt: Infusion, Speech Therapy, Skilled Nursing,. Pediatrics - Newiioms,’Occupational Therapy, Medical Social Wbrkers,Certffied Nursing Aiilitantt, Physical Therapy • 24-hour service 17 dm per week Telephone: (336) 7S3-6200 A UnitedW^y Agency It can be easy to help preschoolers love the Earth and leam to "be green.” Since young children are naturally drawn to living things, try some of the following ideas to support their curiosity and wonderment about nature and the environment. Explain to your child that “being green” can mean doing things that are friendly to living things in nature such as plants and animals. Keep A Nature Journal Provide a journal so your child can spend time playing outside and drawing pictures of all the interesting and bcuutifui things in nature. Take A Closer Look Go on II nature investigation und look closely at kinds of insects, plants or rocks at u local park or rigiit in your own neighborhood. Arc there things your child notices that weren’t noticed before? Tnlk about what it looks like, feels like and moves like and why they think it’s there. Learn From Friends Check out a DVD such as "Being Green” from Genius Products nnd Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educational organizntion behind “Sesame Street.” It features actor Paul Rudd as he plays Mr. Earth nnd tenchcs Elmo nnd Abby Cndnbby how to feel connected to the Earth by conserving water und energy and enjoying thq wonderment of ni,itul-c. Young viewers get a specini thrill when, in her desire to help Elmo to be more "green,” Abby accidentally turns Elmo the color green— and can’t remember how to change him back. Lots of fun ensues as Abby is eventually able to poof Elmo red again and Cookie Monster, Rosila, and i SUMMER YOUTH w m m CAMP to bowland enjoy a lifetim e sportH \ Ages 7-9 • June 15-19 • 10 a.ni.-2 p.m. ] Aqes \0-]i ■ July 15-17 • 10 a.w.-Zp.*M. (Ages 15-15 • August 3-7 • 10 a.w.-Zp.w, ; Cost;’119 per camper OK '^159 with new bowling ball!!! Lwch is provided each day also! Call to register or register in person: (704) 635-534Z Telly Monster pitch in, pledging to be eco friendly with wnys that help the planet. Choose To Reuse Encournge your child to think of fun nnd creative wnys to reuse materials such ns paper bags, plastic containers, magazines or cereal boxes. Thnnk You, Ttcc Find n tree in your neighborhood and examine the parts, including the leaves, branches and roots. Talk together ubout how trees help us and how we can help trees. How Do Foods Grow? With your child, plant fruit and vegctnble seeds in your backyard or in a few flower pots inside your own kitchen. Encourage your child to tnke cnre of the plnnt nnd wntch it grow until it’s ripe enough-to ent. Keep Neighborhood Clean Have a conversation about why it’s important to not litter and to put trash where it belongs. For example, a park or sidewalk can be home to many insects, plants and animals. We can all show that we care for them by doing our part to keep our neighborlioods clean and beautiful. For more information, visit www.sommeworkshop.org. On the cover... Showing off her smile on the cover of this secr tion is Dallie Lakey, who attends Little Friends Daycare. Making An Impact S o u t h S t u d e n t s U s e C a m e r a s , In n a g in a tlo n T o D o c u m e n t H u m a n Im p a c t Page D1 Ties A Record S o f t b a ll P la y e r s H it s 3 H o m e r s In 1 G a r n e 'Page'BV:' D AVIE C O U N TY E N T E R P R im á E C O R D U S P S 1 4 9 - 1 6 0 N u m b e r 1 8 T h u r s d a y , A p r il 3 0 , 2 0 0 9 3 2 P A G E S Hillsdale Bank Robbed By Jackie Seabolt Enterprise Record Robbers wearing masks and flashing guns stormed into a Hillsdale bank last week, assaulting n manager and forcing employees to lie on the floor. Investigators have no leads and few details about the suspects. On Thursday, April 23 at 9:25 n.m. Bank of America at 128 Yadkin Valley Road was held up by three individuals wearing dark clothing and ma.sks. According to Capt. J.D. Hartman of the Davie Sheriff’s Office, two of the suspects curried Davie sheriff’s deputies talk with Detective Clay Dyson, Capt. J.D. (Hartman and\Sheriff Andy Stokes outside the Bank of Please See Bank ■ Page 7 America In Hillsdale after a robbery last Thursday.• Pholo by Mike Barnhardt Company Shows Confidence In DaviieuliitLiyiark^^ With Davie County’s ■ vmemploymeni rate at 11.7 percent; any news about a new industrial building is good news. Tlie Hollingsworth Companies have broken ground on a new industrial building in Mocksviltc. The building will have a clear height of 32 feet, with wide column spacing and green features such as : energy efficient fluorescent lighting. When finished, Ihe structure will be “virtually coihpleie,” a level of readiness for nearly immediate occupancy by «ny manufacturing or logistics company seeking to grow or to expand into Nortii Carolina. The new 108,480 square foot industrial building will be located at the SouthPoint Business Park just off of 1-40 in Mocksville, “Davie County is a phenomenal business partner,” said Chip Sisk, industrial real estate director for Hollingsworth. "Its labor^rich environment, pro-l)iJsincss attitude and proximity to thiiee interslates have attracted companies fiom larger cities nnd from other regions of the nation. “We originally spent over a year researching sites in the Carolinas and Georgia, before declaring the Mocksville location the clear winner. In short, Davie County is a place where busittesses can prosper.” Other companies that have located at, SouthPoint incluide{ Comfqrt'-Bilt Windows and Doors, Oesipa'Fasteners, Metal Sales Corp., lAmorr Garage Doors, Evatone Inc. and u soon to be announced logistics operation. The Hollingsworth Companies project that the new industrial building will be slated to open by the end of summer 2009. The Hollingsworth Companies, based in Clinton, Tenn., have developed more than 15 million W ho’S Your Mama? ' COOLEEMEE - Bobby West has been called quite a, :^ew nwes in his years as law enforcement officer. I But the pplice. chief here wasn’t prepared;for, lyhat he: heard last week. "Mama,” the voice said as he answered a call. It was a voice from above; and it re­ peated itself, "Mama.”, That voice was coming from an Aincan psrtot that had | escaped from its owners.'Un; ‘ able to fly welli but enough to < go iiom tree to tree,: ttte bird, vyas on the loose forabouji four days befpre it captiirpd ^ 4 returned to its owner. ’ ' Andy Reavis was waUdng ■{to a neighbor's house when he heard a voice, "Whacha doin’?” it asked. He looked around, saw no one, and kept ^ walking. The bird repeated it", self, and Reavis finally spotted it high in a tree. ' , ' ■ , He has a story to tell. And 50 do several residents of Cpol^ 'epmee who heard voices from 'ftboive last week, I- f ‘ A Nationally Known Entertainers On Tap For Saturday Festival , square feet of industrial space in the Southeast and more than two million square feet in North Carolina, In 2006, Hollingsworth was named by Southern Business and Development as one of the largest southeastern-based industrial developers, A sister real estate company, Hollingsworth Capital Partners, was listed as the 12th fastest growing American company in Inc. Magazine’s September 2008 issue. Buy some fresh strawberries, maybe a jar of homemade chow chow or local honey. Tour a pre-Civil War era house,’ and a cemetery that dates back to the mid-18th Century. Buy plants grown by local gar­ deners, or some handmade pottery or metal crafts. Attend the Daniel Boone fam­ ily Festival Saturday iii Downtown Mocksville, and you’ll get that and much more. Starting at 10 a.m. and lasting until 6 p!m., the streets will be alive with an arts and crafts festival un­ der the oak trees on the Court. Square. Just down Depot Street dt Junker’s Mill outdoor ampitheater, entertainment will be on the stage from 11 a.m, until 5 p.m., when ■ Carrie Hassler and Hard Rain, which features Davie native Jamie Harper on fiddle, will perform a . concert. At 4 p.m., Davie entertainer Mel Jones, along with his Bag ’O Bones will take the stage. And before that, Grammy award winner David Holt will present a storytelling demon­ stration. And it’s all free. Food and beverages will be for sale': at Junker’s Mill and down­ town. Some seating will be pro­ vided at Junker’s Mill, but yard chairs are welcome. David Holt will present free storytelling at 2 p.m. Saturday at Junker’s Mill, and perform a concert with his band that night at the Brock Performing Arts Center. As the rtiptorcade for Bobby Staley’s funeral passed through Davie County last week, American flags were hung from every.overpaiss ialong 1-40, and volunteers stood at attention for the Winston-Salem Police Officer and National Guard memberiyvho had died lri à (T]0t0rcyc|e/trucK wreck. He was buried at Blaise Baptist In Mocksville. - Photo by Robin Snow —............................................................................... ^ ................................................... .. . . I' "'' 2 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April , 2009 ExIitoriaJ Райе B o b b y K n ig h t, B o b b y S t a l e y ’s L a s t in g M a r k s Two recent nitmcs in the news — Davie commissioner Bobby Knigiit and ihe late Winston-Salem policeman Bobby Staley ... Both have made their communities better by their own forms of quiet leadership, Knight stepped down from the county commissioners this month for health reasons, ending 11 years on the board. His type is what we look for in local political candidates; Someone with good character and without an ax to grind. He could always be counted on tp apply common sense to practical issues. He didn’t favor one or punish another. Political labels count for little in the local riices. Democrat or Republican, county commissioners must make the cogs of government work. Unlike in Raleigh and Washington, local politicians must under a common banner to pave the streets, equip the deputies and heat the schools. County commissioners can’t just vote “no.” Neither can they buy everything. They must live within the confines of a balanced budget— something Washington forgot.long ago. If they bicker and tight among themselves, nothing gets accomplished. They can embarrass themselves and their communities, or work to improve the county. . Davie County went 36 years without having a Democrat on the Board of Commissioner, but a visitor would be hard-pressed to guess which of the current members is a Democrat. Indeed, board chair Chris Anderson — the Deniocrat — might be the most conservative member of the board. For his GOP colleagues to elect him chair says something about his character — and theirs. As for Bobby Staley.., He was a policeman — the one who played taps at funerals, a National Guardsman just days away from deploying to Iraq, a father and husband, church member, an Eagle Scout, an outdoorsrnan. Larry and Palsy Staley’s three sons all picked public service careers — one a highway patrolman, one a police officer, one a firefighler. . , , ............. Bobby Staley, 38, died April 18 in a motorcycle crash, cutting short a Ufo that had been devoted to servicc. He was among the best of us, and we’ve lost a special man. B lu e b ir d N e s te r s F a il T o H a tc h T h e ir E g g s Three broken blue eggs under the bird’s nest caught my eye Monday. Just the day before the Daddy bluebird had been protecting, the nest — chasing away a wren. He similarly dive-bombed squirrels and chipmunks that ventured too close. He was fearless. But not Monday. He was gone. Egg shells were all that remained of the birds’ tireless efforts. Did something get to the eggs? Did they merely fail to hatch? Following a bird authority’s advicci I cleaned out the box to give the bluebirds a chance to start again. I’ve spotted them in the front yard searching again for a nesting spot. They checked mailboxes in the neighborhood, but I hope they find something better. My official bluebird box is designer made for them. . — Dwight Sparks I n T h e M a i l ... A d m i n i s t r a t i v e C o u r t S h o w s F l a w s In J u s t i c e S y s t e m D A V IB C O U N T Y USPS 149-160 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99, MooksvillB, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 Published weekly by the Davie Publishing Co. Dwight Sparks.............. Robin Snow................. Mike Barnhardt............ Bay Tutterow.............. Brian puts..................... ...........Editor/Publisher ...........General Manager .............Managing Editor ............Advertising Director ............Sports Editor Mockavllle Enterprise Davie Record Cooleemee Journal Periodicals Postage Paid in Mocksvillc, NC 27028 Subscription Rates Single Copy, 50 Cents $20 Per Year In N.C., $25 Outside N.C. • POSTMASTER Send Addre.ss Chiinges to; . Duvie County Enlerpri.se Record To the editor: I would like to Ihiink Ihc Davie Counly Admiiil.strativc Court for idcntilying (he inadei|uacies of pollcc tniiiiing and equipment, and poor motor vchicle design. 1 did ii brief analy.sis of tlie Ad- niinislrativc Court proceeding lhal was published on pages 5 and 8 ill the Diivie County Enterprise Rccord on Thursday, Jan. 15. Thjs analy.sis is quite telling of local police and court traditions and procedures, and Ihe altitude they have toward safety on our roads. Presiding was Magistrate E.S. Brockwell and prosecuting was Jim Hedrick, a.ssistani district attorney. There were 112 indi­ viduals being prosecuted on that date. Some individuals have mul­ tiple chargcs. Below 1 discuss 116 of those charges and refer to them as individual cases. According lo ihe Charlotte Observer, eight people a week die on North Carolina highways due to speeding, much more than jthosp killed by alcohol related driving accidents. Forty-seven casés '(40.5% of all cases) were for "speeding" where actual speeds and speed limits were provided. The average speeding violation was lor 15.2 niph over Ihe posted speeil limit. The maximum excur­ sion over the limit was 25 niph, and the minimum was 11 mph. Thirty-eight speeding cases (80,9%) were "reduccd to improper equipment” (speedometer), implying lhal speedometers were nol properly functioning. Apparently, the speedometers in present day motor vehicles arc not ofthe greatest quality, and having such a poor'perfomiance puls normal law abiding citizens at risk of un­ intentionally breaking .speed laws. Thank you Administrative Court for recognizing that the vehicles, not the drivers, arc at fault in 81% of the speed infractions. Six speeding cases (12.7%) were rcduccd lo other infractions, rcduccd to a lower speed (2'ciises), and "reduced to exceeding safe speed” (4 cases), Two speeding cases (4.3%) were dismissed. The implication here was that pó­ lice techniques and equipment designed to identify a vehicle’s speed.aró faulty. Police need accurate, state-of-the-art tools that can justify the time and material expenses necessary lo stop a sus­ pected speeder, write a ticket, and testify in court. One speeding clise (2,1 %) was found "guilty” as charged. Given the statistics above, I fail to see how the court could have ruled that one individual was guilty as charged, unless the ■police officer was from another county and using accurate speed sensing devices. The published records do not provide details on that highly unusual case. According to the Raleigh News and Ob­ server, 17% of those charged with speeding in North Carolina were found guilty as charged. That implies that the rest of North Caro­ lina, on average, has more, accurate speed sensing devices lhal Davie County, If I was a Davie policeman, 1 would be embar­ rassed to write a ticket based on output from such poor quality police equipment. In three cases (2.6% of all cases) were for “failure to reduce speed.” All ( 100%) of those cases were dismissed. Six cases (5,2% of all case.s) were for “exceeding safe speed." Four cases (66.7%) wefe dismissed and two cases (33.3%) were “reduced to improper equipment.” By the court’s actions, the implication here was that the police are incapable of determining safety issues around speed, and in two cases,'the speedometer was discovered as faulty. Iden­ tifying a faulty speedometer must be a snap. I need lo visit a court session and see how it is done. When it comes to safe driving issues not related to speed, here are some interesting nun)bers. Four cases (3.4% of all cases) were for “reckless driving.” All (100%) of those cases were dismissed. Eight cases (6.9% of all cases) were for infractions I classified as unsafe movements: for example, infractions like “failure to yield" and “improper passing.” Five cases (62.5%) were dismissed, and ■ 3 cases (37.5%) were reduced to "improper equipment.” Two points the court made here; 1) Ihe police officers were not capable of detennining what constitutes reckless driving, and 2) faulty speed­ ometers could ajiparenliy cause you to pass improperly, and run red lights and stop signs. It may be possible that those individuals knew they had faulty speedometers and were constantly viewing them so not to speed. Since the courts have proven that speedom­ eters are inaccurate, a potential solution is to have auto manufac­ turers locate the speedometers out of direct sight of the driver. If this was California, it would be the law. • Nine cases .(7.8%) of all cases' were for “failure lo wear scat belts.” Five cases (56%) were dismissed, and four cases (44%) were found guilty as charged. The implication here was to make sure you wear your seat belt in Davie County, because the court. ^ . . . has nearly a 50% confidenco in police’s ability lo spot unbuckled seal bcils, 1 lumped a number of other infractions inlo one category called “paperwork.” This included no licensc, no insurance, no rcgislra­ lion, expired insurance, expired registration and fictitious or re­ voked tegistralion, etc. Jhere were 22 cases (19.0% of all cases) of "papei-work.” |I\venly cases (90.9%) were dismissed, bul two cases (9.1%) were found guilty as charged. The recordkeeping at the Department of Motor Vehicles must really be a mess for the officers to be wrong nearly 91% of the lime. There were two cuses (1.7%) of all eases of “lamp violations.” One case was for driving without twot2) head lumps, and the olhcr was a rear lamp violation. Both (100%) were disinisse^l. The records do nol indicated the defense tactics, bul I can visualize the defen­ dants arguing that it was nighttime and too dark for the officers lo sec the infractions. There were five cases (4.3% of iill case!!) of “window tinting violations.” As I recall when this law was passed, its primary pur­ pose was to, prolccl police officers during traffic stops. Heavily tinted windows could hide Illegal activity, includlng'the produc­ tion of a weapon by occupants, all wilhout warning lo the officer. All (100%) of the cases were dismissed. This is a good reason for police to avoid vehicles wilh tinted windows. Safely first, guys. Lastly, there is a category with three cases (2.6% of all cases) that 1 named "other.” One case was foe the "use of red or blue •light,” one was for “allowing an unlicensed person lo drive,” and the last case was “lending or borrowing a licensc plate.” All (100%) were dismissed. The police’officers renlly wusted time and lax dollars on those slops. In summary, Ihis Davie Court is sending a message that offic­ ers arc not adequately trained and do not have the proper equip­ ment lo perform their duties. Also, it is quite apparent that speed­ ometers on present day vehicles are inaccuralc. ll is also apparent that given the present police situation, ifyou are charged wilh a violation in Davie County, you have a 94% chance of not being found guilty of that charge. The percentage increases toward 100% by simply buckling your seat belt. Remember, Click-it or Ticket. In conclusion, all of these deficiencies create a very unsafe public traveling environment for me, our children, and our ciders. Some­ thing must be done. ' . ' 1 have the following rccommcndations lo improve this situa­ tion; 1) for the courts, require those individuals lhal arc found guilty of “improper equipment” have their speedometer calibrated and certified, and file it wilh the clerk of court; 2) for the police department, do not waste your lime on traffic issues until you obtain up-do-datecrime fighting training and tools, and stay away from vcliiclcs wilh heavily tinted windows; 3) for the public, contact your legislator and work for more , laws. Since liresenl laws do nol seem lo keep our highways safe, make more laws. More laws arc always better; •4) for all Davie County inhabitants, support your local courts, magistrates, prpsecutors and judges. Thank them for a job well done;and 5) finally, for those reading this letter, re-read it. remove the sarcasm, and pul blame where blame is due. i ' Now, let’s see what is happening in District Court, Kim Craven,. Mt. Moume ketters Welcomed •• 'The Ehteiprise Record welcomes letters from its read- ers.;The letters may be on topics of local, state, national or international issues. . An effort will be mnde to print all letters, provided they are not litelous, vulgar or in poor taste. The editor , iBsen;es the’right to edit letters for grainmnr and for space; All letters should include the name and address of the >vri|er, including fi sigit^ture. A telephone nun^ber, not to be published, is also requested, Please have letters in the newspaper office no later than 4 p.m. Monduy of the week to bo published, Dayie County Enterprise Record RO. Box, 99, Mocksville; ^ news@davie-enterprisc.com. . More Than 1500 Bills Introduced By Julia C. Howard NC House of Rcprcscntalivcs R aleigh Report The General Assembly is coming to the end of bill filing and introduction for this ses­ sion. So fur, more lhan 1,500 pieces of legislation have been introduced by the House of Rep­ resentatives. I will continue to inform you of the actions of bolh Senate and House Bills as they are discussed and voted on here at the legislature. House Bill 593 (Change School Starting Date) This week began wilh dis­ cussion on legislation which could have an impact on the stu­ dents in our community. House Bill 593 was brought forth for discussion in House Committee on Education. The measure is an effort lo change the starting dale for schools. Currently, the law provides thut schools cannot open before Aug. 25. Provisions within the proposal that came before the education commiltec would modify the opening date and permit the starting date in schools to be no earlier tlian the sccond Monday in August, c.s- sentialiy, moving forward how carjy sludcnis may be required to begin schooi. Five years ago lawmakers approved the later start in summer. Many interesting arguments for and againsi the proposed policy were brought lo the table ^ for discussion. Those in support of the measure cluimed thnl leg­ islation would nol mandate lhal schools musi start on the sccond Monday in August bul it pro­ vides locuf schools with the ncxibilily to schedule an earlier start lime. Additionally, advo­ cates stated thut students would do better on tests becuuse they would j)ausc for Christinas Break before hlicmpting End of Course exams (EOCs). Flexibil­ ity between the sccond Monday and Aug. 25 would give some leeway and allow for make-up days in Ihe event of cancelled classcs. Organizations and indi­ viduals opposing changing tho school calendar claimed that ' moving the date forward does nol rencci the needs nnd wishes of many families. The summer months have traditionally been a period of time for families lo spend lime together. In addition, opponents argue lhal less fam­ ily lime means less vacation which wiil effect tourism which w ill ultimately hurl the economy. The Travel Associa­ tion detailed Ihe fact lhal ap­ proving the proposed law would hinder the succcss of aquariums and destinations like Grandfa­ ther Mountain and stale parks. The current calendar keeps stu­ dents out of school during the month when it muy be the most expensive to ensure students health by cooling classrooms and school busses. The panel motioned lo give the legislation a favorable report after two meetings, over an hour of debate and speakers ranging from sophomores in high school to the infiucntiul educational leaders. The bill will be re-re­ ferred to the Hoiise Committee on Commerce, Small Business and Entrepreneurship and inches ever closer to final pro­ ceedings on the House Floor. Senate Bin 287 (State Health Plan $/Good Health Initiatives) Tile legislative branch rati­ fied Senate Bill 287 after its long journey from tiic Senate to the House and then inlo a con­ férence between tho two bodies. For several months lawmakers have worked on a plan lo assist the state employee health insur­ ance plan. Slate officials recog­ nize that the measure is nol u long term fix but wiil keep the plan afloat for the next two years. Adopted on Wednesday is a compromise between the Senate and House that reduces benefits for slate employees due to higher co-paymcnts and deductibles, as-wcll-as pre­ mium increases for employees dependents. Other provision.'! would require that Blue Cross and Blue Shield which is charged with administering health care claims would be subject lo audits from indepcn-t dent sources. The company would be required to provide more detailed information on administrative and billing costs. These steps are an effort lo scru­ tinize reasons for the health plan’s instability. The governor will review the proposals. If you have any questions or would like addillonal infóriria- lion on education legislation, Ihe state heallh insurance plan, or any other policy initiatives, feel free to contact my olTice. U ’iilslaUvc O ffice; 919-733- 5904: M ocksville O ffice: 751- 8567: E-m ail:Jiili(ih@ nclei!.nel. In The M ail... T h a n k s T o G e o r g e T r o y e r To the editor: I jusl want to lake the opportunity to .say thanks lo Mr. George Troyer for his thoughtful pruyer for us in the military in his letter to the editor in last week’s edition. Wilh pray support like his, we will be successful in our efforts to protect the people of this great country. Commander Jimmy L. Myers, Advance Chaplain Corps, US Navy; Chaplain, 14th Marines Regiment C ooleem ee Egg Hunt W inners Listed To the editor; On April 4, the Town of Cooleemee and the Cooleemee Women’s Civilan Club hosted an Easier Egg Hunt on the Zachary House grounds. Approximately 80 children between the ages of 1 and 10 attended. Age 0-3 winners: flrst, Alexis Bouldin, second, Lindsey McCrary, third, tic between Coleman Lawhorn and Brianna Richardson; age 4-7: first, Channing Glenn, second, Jacob Davis, third, Madison Wright; age 8-10: first, Jada Burroughs, second, Chrismu Hull, und third, Austin Mugalcnnes,' A special thanks to the unidentified woman who assisted. Also' thanks to fellow Civilan members Bessie Wilson, Daphne Beck, Judy Phillips, Helen Queen and Linda Williams, Jeanie Taylor, Secretary Cooleemee Women’s Civilan Ciub C enter BBQ A S uccess • To the editor: The Centcr Spring Barbecue was again a great succcss, Wc would like to thank everyone who came out to support our en­ deavor wilh their hard-camed dollars, particularly in these fiscally- daunting times. To those that gave of their time at the pits, made donations, and baked cakes for the cause, we appreciate your con­ tributions more than you can imagine. The CenterCommunily Development Association will use its share of the proceeds lo maintain and improve the Cenlcr Com­ munity Building. The Ccnter Volunteer Fire Department contin­ ues lo strive to improve fire suppression, accident response, and emergency medical assistance within out community and those surrounding. We will be back in September on Ihe 11th and 12th for the Center Fair and Barbecue and look forward to serving you again, Amanda Barney President - Center Communily Development Association Brian Chaffin Chief - Cenler Volunteer Fire Department DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 30,2009 - 3 W h itn e e 's N e w & u s e tf v a r ie ty S fo re 998Yadkinville Rd., Mocksville (4croii from Form Bureau Imumnee) OPEN THIS SATURDAY 9:30 AM-3:30 PM Blowout Sale on Memory Foam Mattresses! S e l e c t I t e m s up to 85% OFF! 'You won't believe your eyes when you see how much Is under one roof I" MRTY tilfV U I^ NIW « liiiB IruM Hliwili, M A m iti fir« tTAM IIM AT f 100 oo AND MUCH/MUf lfi|^ HOURS: Mon. Noon-5:00pm:Tuej! 10;OOani-5:OOpm:Wcd. Closed; Thun.Noon*7;00pm; FrllO.OOiam-5'.OOpm; EveryOlhorSat9'.30am*l‘30pm (S36) 7S3<1388 NOWOPENIN DOWNTOWN MOCKSVILLE!! 155 Gaither Street O p e n 6 A M -8 P M M o n .- S a t. (Breatcfnsl Sorvod ‘til 3PM) PLATE LUNCHES VEGETAB LES SANDW ICHES SALAD S D a v id A n d e rs o n ’s S tra w b e rry P a tc h N O W O P E N at C A LA H A LN FA ltM S 510 Gilahaln Road, Mocl«ville, NC (D.ivie County) HOURS; Mon.-Sat.............All Day............„8ain-7pm PRICES; Pick Your Own......$7.50/gal. (5 lbs.) tiLa ipp. 15 mini. We Pick For You....$10.00/gd. (5 lbs.) You can call in your order ahead and wc try to have them ready when you arrive. On tlM w«b at! www.ncigr^ov/ncprodudt or google (¡«tolHiln Faniu .Eimll: ciitah«lnfinn@gnull.cam David & Gloria Anderson 336-909-2240 OR 336492-7340OIREOnONS; From MO En* (68 late ttay. M Woslol ModcsviOd ~ post Lato % ors CanvgixxirKl. C a l ^ the right ( ^ x . 1 milo}. for Stravvix^ sign on iho right. Wt HAVE 1/2 ACiiL 0Г IliAUTiFUl STIlAWUEItmCS n EASL CUIMi; UY ANU CHECH US OUT.YUU WON ! UL OlSAl’POINTEn Wt М01Ч IÜ SEE YOU FttAl SOON V E A G L E R E N T A L S , i n c . Over 2 ,0 0 0 Hems!!! — Ateo'l" " eeneroi & s m a l l E i i B i M R W A s NOW Open in M oeksville 2 0 4 C o o p e r C re e k Dr. (C4cf0ss from Wal-Mart Shopping Cenler) (136 ) 7 5 3 -14 4 5 Mon-Ffl 7:30 am-530 pm & Sat 750 anv12;00 noon T e l l E v e r y o n e W h o ' s H a v i n g a B i r t h d a y ! 1x3-»15 2x3 - »30 2x4 ->40 2x5 - »50 D A V IE C O U N T Y . ENTERPni/i^riECORD 171 S. Main St. • !\/locksville RldeKeep Its Cool I With An Air Conditioner Checkup By Our A/C Experts] W E A L S O O F F E R A LIG N M E N T TIR E S , O IL C H ANG ES AND COIVIPLETE A U TO REPAIR P hilC ar Autom otive 1628 Hwy. 601 S. • Mocksville 336-751-1800 “Philcar.for your car. ” Give Mom the choice, control and flexibility to connect tofriends andfamily. Buy One Get One F R E E A im l id Mall In Rabala 2 MP Camora wilh video MP3 player with Music capabllllles Text, Plcturo, and Video Messaging Semsuno rSOO Huo II $ 9 9 .9 9 Altar 1100 Mall In Rabala Full QWERTY keyboard GPS-capable 2 MP camera with video caplurV Media player Blueloolh® BlackBetry® Curvo™ 8330 T H E P H O N E P L A C E 121 Depot 8t, Mockavlll«, NC 27028 Mon.-Frl. e;00«m-6pm 336-751-2626 F R E E Allar 1100 Mall In R a b a » High speed Wireless connection • speeds up to 3.1 Mbps' ' USB Plug and Play USB mcKJem with swivel-type connector UTsmrcomUMiTS For Jwrni end condiltofii. i m v«V(W.*iBel.conVlefni*.html. 'T N » oflef ttifouoh TM F>hone Place, Inc. «Uy. e ilte t 'w ir e le s s «iit>orí/od dgent • • и- .iiy -.t ..í, . 4 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, April 30,2009 Marker At Israel Boone’s Grave To Be Dedicated Daniel’s Less Famous Brotiier Died Here On June 26,1756 Daniel Boone was famous - even in his day. Numerous ar­ ticles were written about his travels, and a biography was published about his life - even before his death. His brother Israel wus not as famous. But through the persever­ ance of Denny Custer of Okemas, Mich,, Israel Boone’s gravesite has been located at Joppa Cemetery, just off Yadkinville Road in Mocks­ viUe. A public ccreraony marking that gravesite will be held nt 10 n.m. Sniurday, May 2. Israel’s grave pre-dates that of his father. Squire Boone, one of the earliest recorded there in 1765. Israel died of consump­ tion (what is now believed to be TB),.at Bethabara, where de­ tailed records were kept, on June 26,1756. Custer is a fifth great-grand- Open Thursdays, Fridays, Satu^ays and Mowdayl Only H o u rs : T h u rs ., Fri. & M o n . 1 0 :0 0 a m -5 :3 0 p m ; S a t. 1 0 ;0 0 a m -3 :0 0 p m Specializing in m x i M Samples Special Buys and Closeouts FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! JUST MCEHED! H/oh Poiirt Market LE A TH E R Showroom'. Sofas, Love Seats, Chairs, Recliners, Sectionals, Reclining Sofas, Home Theater Seating Huge Selection of Recliners, Leather & Fabric All THERAPEDir Brand Bedding OM SALE! • SPECIAL iUYi Queen Pillow Top Set......................................$299 • SPECIfllBUYiTherapedlc" King Size Firm Set......................S499 • SPECIAL m Broyliill" Cheriy Server...................................S299 • SPECIAL BUY! 100% Leather Rocker Recliner.......................S499 • SPECIAL BUY! Hammanf- Painted Wardrobe/Ent. Center.......S599 • SPECIAL ü m 100% Leather Reclining Sofa..........................$999 C a l l U s a t (336) 817-3390 Financing Available son of Israel Boone - and a stu­ dent of his family’s history. Js- rael Boone was the second child of Squire nnd Sarah, who are also buried at Joppn, and the only one of their 12 children to be buried in North Carolina. He provided the following account of Isrnel Boone. He was bom May 20, 1726 in Bucks Counly, Pa., near present dny Chalfont. The fam­ ily moved to its homestead nenr the present Birdsboro, Pa. in 1730. Quakers, the family fell out of sorts with the church when Israel’s older sister, Sarah, mar­ ried someone not from the church, John Willcockson. Is­ rael also married, out of the church. The family soon made' its way to whnt is now known ns Dnvie County. Quaker records show that Israel wns read out of the cluirch on Dcc. 31, 1747. His wife’s name was not mentioned. It is believed Ihnt Sc|uire and Sarah Boone, along with theif. children, miUTicd ¡md single, left Peimsylvania for North Caro­ lina on May 1,1750. They may have stayed for a shorl period in Virginia, but made il lo this area late that year. Israel and his unknown wife had four children, Custer said. The first, Jesse, was born in 1748, either in Pennsylvania, Virginin or North Carolina. The sccond, Jonathnn, was born Nov. 21, 1750 in what is now Davie County. Then came two daughters, Sarah and Elizabeth, in 1752 und 1753. Jesse lived most of his life in North Carolina before mov­ ing lo Tennessee. He is buried on the old family farm cast of Athens, Tenn. Jonathan lived the rest ofhls life in North Caro­ lina and is buried in the Kincaid Cemetery just north of Chester­ field. Snrnh nnd Hlizabcth both went to Bryan Station, Ky. and arc buried in Fayette Counly, Ky Custer said there was an un- substuntinted rumor Ihnt Israel married nn Indian, or Native American girl. He knows his fourih great-grandmother was Elizabeth Boone Power, Isracl.’s last child. He located a direct female descendant. “Her mtDNA would be the same as Ihe unknown wife of Israel Boone. It lead to no matches which might help identifying a name, but it did show Ihal she was not Nntive Americnn,” he said. Ciistcr said Israel died, and his wife before him, of con­ sumption. "It is assumed she is buried al Joppa, but there is no certainly in this. It is a curious point that none of Ihe children of Israel and unknown wife, nor nny other of the Squire and Sa­ rah Boone family contracted consumption from Israel or his wife.” The brass and granite memo­ rial being dedicated Saiurdny is provided by the descendants of Israel Boone, and his wife and Ihe Boone Society. ' F e s tiv a l P la n t S a le T h e M o c k sv ille G a r d e n C lu b w ill h a v e a p la n t s a l e d u rin g th e D a n ie l B o o n e F a m ily F e s tiv a l o n S a tu r d a y . J u s t a f e w o f th e o ffe rin g s w iil in c lu d e t h o s e p ic tu re d a b o v e , fro m left, p u r p le Iris, a r a n c u iu s , b lu e f e s c u e , w h ite lila c a n d c r e e p in g je n n y . -----NOW OPEN IN IVlOQKSVILLEn F u rn itu № M d ttii'iS S C o n n e c tio n 1500 North Main St (Hwy. 158) • Mocksville, NC (Beside Carolina Precision IMaciiining) Junlcer’s Mill Schedule Saturday, May 2 11a.m. B o y S c o u ts o f A m e ric a O rd e r o f th e A rro w N a tiv e A m e ric a n d e m o n s tra tio n 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. D C E x p r e s s w ith E lle N e w m a n 12:45-1:45 p.m. M y s te ry H ilibiiiies 2-3 p.m. S to ry te llin g w ith D av id H olt 3:15-4:45 p.m. M el J o n e s a n d H is B a g ‘O B o n e s 5 p.m. C a rrie H a s s le r & H a rd R a in A free event, with limited seating. Lam chairs welcome.C a rrie H a s s le r & H a rd R a in f e a tu rin g D a v ie ’s J a m ie H arpei* ( s e c o n d Ironn righ t) will p erfo rm a fre e c o n c e rt a t 5 p .m . Diavie Hjstprl^al Sii^iet^lestiy^ Tours . (Tours by van depart and return to society tent at iesilval) 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. T o u rs led b y Mari< H a g e r to J o p p a C e m e te ry , w iie re D an iel B o o n e ’s p a re n ts , S q u ire a n d S a ra h , a n d b ro th e r, Isra e l, a re b u rie d ; a lo n g w ith o th e r fam ilie s ' d a tin g bacl< to th e p re -R e v o iu tio n a ry W a r p erio d ; a n d fo F a rm in g to n , w h e re D an iel a n d R e b e c c a B o o n e lived a fte r th e y w e re m a rrie d h e re in 1 7 5 6 T im e : A p p ro x im a te ly 1 .5 h o u rs ■ 11:45 a.m. T o u r lo J o p p a C e m e te ry a n d re s to re d C le m e n t P la n ta tio n H o u s e T im e: A p p ro x im a te ly 1 h o u r 1 p.m. T ou r to R e v o lu tio n a ry W a r P a trio t R ic h m o n d P e a r s o n 's fam ily g ra v e y a rd In a re m o te a r e a n e a r C o o le e m e e . T o u r of T ex tile H e rita g e M u s e u m in C o o le e m e e . T im e: A p p ro x im a te ly 1 .7 5 h o u rs . AH tours $5 per person per tour, children free Interest In Boone Continues Darby'Hinton, Israel Boone from Fess Parker's Daniel Boone TV series, announced last monlh Ihc addition of a true legend, Ed Ames ns a guest on Ihe program. Producer Gail Calloway says Ames, Mingo on tho TV .series, will be discussing Ihe Native Amcrican,s in Boone's lime and how they are portrayed on television and in movies. The segments will be filmed at Fort Boonesborough, Ky. in late Spring for broadcast in the Fall. The Footsteps of Daniel Boone hosted by Hinton is n Ihree part documentary which traces Ihe paths of Dimiel Boone and what they look like today, an historically accurate, fun look to celebrate the 275th birthday of Daniel Boone, Hinton was in Mocksville and Salisbury last year. To learn more, visit wwMUmletbdoncpaih.com. D a rb y H in to n , w h o p la y e d D a n ie l B o o n e ’s s o n Isra e l o n th e 19 6 0 s te le v isio n sh o w , n a r r a te s fo r a d o c u m e n - ta ry o n B o o n e 's tra v e ls In N o rth C a ro lin a . H e is s h o w n a t th e B o o n e m arl< er e re c te d In th e 1 9 2 0 s a t th e D av ie C o u n ty C o u rth o u s e in D o w n to w n M o ck sv ille la s t y e a r. T h e m a rk e r h a s p ro v e n to b e o n e o f th e fa v o rite s a m o n g a u th o rs , p ro d u c e rs a n d o th e rs w h o tr a c e B o o n e 's tra v ­ e ls, Mal<e M o m ’s D a y ? _____________^_____________________■..............................................:..... _ У n i Röceivü ailiviilicii) .i S36 v.iliii; w iili .my lu'w wicoU.".! service with .rlw o yenr lervitö iigreement or a actt'S.4ciry on r«cotimüifH(ííif. or uijyuidüs, t.iiniifd lima öfter. Restrictions may apply, Yadtel Call us at 336-463-5022 or visit us at www.yadtel.com DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 30,2009 - 5 David Holt To Perform Two Shows Here Saturday . David Holt performed last weekend at Merlefest and he will make two appearances in Mocksville on Saturday, May 2. He will be part of the Daniel Boone Family Festivnl, telling stories from the North Cnrolina mountains, nt 2 p.m. nt Junker’s Mill. He will perform with his bnnd. The Lightning Bolts at the Brock Performing Arts Cenler al 7:30 p.m. Holt is no stranger lo this .area and is looking forward lo reluming to Mocksville lo share his talents - an accumulation of his life’s journeys in North Carolina. In 1968, Holt found his journey in the Appalachian mountains. Wilh a passion lo become an old-time banjo player, he traveled lo remote communities like Kingdom Comc, Ky. and Sodom Laurel, N.C. searching for the best traditional musicians, Holt found hundreds of old-time mountaineers wilh a wealth of folk music, stories and wisdom. There was banjoist Wade Mainer, ballad singer Dellle Norton, singing coal miner Nimrod Workman, and 122 year-old washboard player Susie Brunson. Holt learned lo play not only banjos, bul'mnny unusunl instruments like Ihe mouth bow, the bottleneck slide guitar and even the paper bag. For over three decades, his passioii for traditional music and culture has - fueled a succe.ssful performing and recording career. He has canted four Grammy Awards and performed und recorded wilh many of his mentors including Doc Wnlson, Grandpa Jones, Bill Monroe, Earl Scruggs, Roy Acuff and Chet Atkins. Today he lours the country performing solo, with Doc Watson and with his band The Lightning Bolls. Holt plays 10 acoustic instruments nnd has released numerous recordings of traditional mountain music and southern folktales. Holt, is known for his television and radio series. He is host of public television’s Folkways, a North Carolina program that takes the viewer through the Southern Mountains visiting traditional craftsmen and musicians, He served as host of The Nashville Network’s Fire on Ihe Mountain, Celebration Express and American Music Shop. He has been a frequent guest on Нее Haw, Nashville Now nnd The Grnnd Ole Opry. He can be seen as a musician in Ihe film, "O Brolher Where Art Thou,” His newest release, the Grammy Nominated CD Live and Kickin’ at the Nationul Storytelling Festivnl, is n look nt his musical and slorylelling journey of Ihe last 40 years. He lakes the audience from his beginnings as a Texas bones player to a rock and roll drummer in the 60s to a nationally acclaimed Southern Appalachian musician. Accompanied by his son, Zeb. he entertains wilh humor, music and true-life stories. In 2002, Doc Watson and Holt won Ihe Grammy Award for Best Traditional Folk Recording for Legacy, a three CD collecllon of songs and stories reflecting Doc Watson’s inspiring life story. Doc and Dnvid nre louring together across Ihe United States. "I Got A Bullfrog: Folk.songs For The Fun Of II” features grenl Americnn folk songs Holt hns collected over Ihe lust 20 years. "Grandfather’s Greatest Hits” received a 1992 Grammy nomination for “Best Trnditionnl Folk Recording.” It is u collection of the folk songs of early country music, Featured are Chet Atkins, Doc Watson and Duane Eddy playing together for the first lime. Homespun Tapis has released four instructional videos by Holt, Folk Rhythms nnd Old Time Banjo 1, II, 111, Holt is recognized as one of Ihe nation’s foremost storytellers. His newest recording. Spiders in Ihe Hairdo; Modern Urban Legends, was nominated for a Grammy Award for 1999 in the Adult Spoken Word Category. In 1996, Stellaluna, a collection of bat stories, garnered two Grammy Awards for Holt (artist and producer). Why Ihe Dog Chases Ihe Cal: Great Animal Stories wilh co-teller Bill Mooney, was nominated for a 1995 Graittmy Award. Mostly Ghostly Stories is a collection of ghost tales. His earlier storytelling recordings. The Hairyman and Tailybone received the American Library Association’s highest honor, Ihe "Notable Recording.” A native of Garland, Texas, Holt’s fumily moved lo Pacific Palisades, Calif., while he was in junior high school. "I grew up in u fumily of informal storytellers, und there was plenty to tell about our wild and wooly Texas forefathers. Storytelling was just a natural purt of family life. I never thought about telling stories in public until I began lo collcct mountain music and came across Interesting and unusual anccdotcs from mountain folks. I began to use these stories in concerts and realized the power storytelling holds.” ■ f V / - David Holt & The Lightning Bolts will peHorm at 7:30 p.m. at the Brock Performing Arts Center.i II As for music. Holt says, 'The. only homemade music in our house was played by my father on bones nnd spoons that had been passed down in our family for five generations. In 1968,1 sought oul Curl Sprague, the first of Ihe recorded singing cowboys. Mr. Sprngiie Inughl me to play the harmonica and regaled me wilh old-time cowboy stories. This experience introduced me lo the excitement of learning from Ihe source.... Ihe old timers themselves.” After graduating from Ihc University of Ciilifomiu at Santa Burbnrn with honors in biology nnd nrt. Holt turned toward the southenslern mountnins lo pursue his interest in traditional music nnd storytelling. Ho moved to western North Ciuolina and immersed himself in the folk cullurc. While collecting the music of the mountains, Holt discovered folktules >iiid truc-llfe stories, which he begnn integrnling into his concerts. He hns been exploring and pcrfonning this form of entertainment ever since, using traditional music and stories in all performances. In 1975, Holt founded and directed the Appalachian Music Program at Warren Wilson College in Swunnunou - the only progrnm of its kind in which students study, collect and leam traditional music and dance. Since I98I, Holt has pursued a full-time career in entertainment. The songs nnd Inles Holt has collected for Ihe past 20 years have become a part of the permanent collection of the Library of Congress. He was awarded n grunt from the Nntlonnl Endowment for Ihe Arts lo leurn the unique music from the South’s Inst trnditionnl hammered dulcimer player, Virgil Cruven. "Mnny of the people I learned from saw wngon trains; now they urc wulching spnce shuttles. They’re Ihe lust of Ihc pioneer generntion. Their music nnd stories still hold a great deal of meuning and plensure for us.’ ' Holt is u Ihree-time winner of Ihe Frets magazine readers’ poll for "best old-time bunjoisl.” In ndditlon, Esquire Magazine selected Holt for ils first “Annual Register of Men arid Women Who Are Changing Arnericn” in 1984. Culled “the best of the new generntion,” selected for personul visioit; originnlity nnd service to others. There is no chnrge lo hear Ihc stories Ihnt Holt will lell ut the Duniel Boone festivnl. Tickets ate still available to hear Holt perform with The Lightning Bolls at the Brock. Call 751-3000 Monday-Friday lo reserve a seal for the concert which w ill begin Saturday evening at'7:30. .-•.Л'.,':* , 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, April 30,2009 Fhjblic Records Cooleemee Police The following are from Cooleemee Police Department reports. - A husband and wife had an argument thut got out of hand ■ 'at a residence on Center Street, it was reported April 18. - Officers responded to a false alarm at Cooleemee Hard- ■ ware on April 17. Ijlicolas Contreras Sandoval, 35, of Reidsyille, was charged April 6 with kidnap­ ping, Trial date: April 23. Bond; $250,000. - A dog was allowed to run , loose on Watt Street, it was re- '.'.portcd April 11. / . r Officers responded to a caU .'.of a couple arguing at a resi­ dence on Main Street on April - Windows to a garago on Duvie Street were broken, it Wus reported April 23. - Solnr lights at a residence on Davie Street were broken, it .was reported April 24. ■ - Someone wus drinking ut 'RivcrPark, it was reported April .26, , : - A hit-and-run driver struck another vehiclc in the Cool­ eemee Shopping Center parking lot at 2;50 p.m. April 20. Lori Smith Wyrick, 34, of ^Mocksville, had parked her ',2002 Nissan which u witness ■ told her un unknown driver .'Struck the vehicle and drove : away, reported Officer Mutt p. ' Scott. - A Mooresville womun was charged wilh failure to rcduce speed after u wreck on NC 801 ■ South ut 4:16 p.m. April 26. Amber Lockey Browning, 21, fuiled lo stop the 2001 Jeep. ;sho was driving before it struck ■the rear of a 2004 Dodge driven ■ by Brendu Whitiock Vogler, 62, of Center Street, reported Of- : fleer Brent C. Cranford. Цrown-' ' .'.Ing told the officer that sho had ;.glanced into the Dollar General .'parking lot lo look ul ihotoi'-'' ; cycles purked there, ufid when she looked back up, it wus too lute lo avoid vehicle stopped . before turning inlo the parking Jot. Mocksville Police The following incidents were reported to the Mocksville Police Department. - A leen reported April 20 he was hit in the head with a skate­ board und fist by un ucquain- lance off Bast Depot Sireel. . - The larceny of two gus signs from Rushco, Salisbury Road, was reported April 20. - A woman reported Ihe, lur- eeny of money from an account on April 22. - Vandals wrote on a bath­ room wall al Rich Park, il was reported April 22. ■ - The larceny of a tag from a vehicle on North Main. Street wus reported April 23. - Tile breaking, entering and larceny of rubber balls and Hula Hoops from Mocksville El­ ementary School wus reported April 22. - The larceny of an antique bed and gardening and farming tools from a residence on Whitney Street was reported April 25. • - The larceny of a child’s bi­ cycle, a big-!icreen television, dryer and clothing from a resi­ dence on Whitney Street was reported April 25. - A man reported April 25 lhat a neighbor hud removed boards from their fence to look onto his properly. - Someone sprayed puint onto II church on Milling Road, il wns reported April 24. A rre s ts . - Noris Eugene Hudson, 43, of Foster St., wus churged April 24 wilh obtuining property by false pretense. Trial date; April 29. - Adam Lee Biesccker, 27, of Morse Street, was charged April 25 with assault on a fe­ male. Trial dale; April 30. - Anthony Paul Tstolka.s, 19, of Winston-Salem was charged April 24 with possession of marijuana uiid possession of drug paraphernalia. Trial date: May 28. - Anthony Dwayne Gordon, 40, of Winston-Salem, was charged April 24 with shoplift­ ing. Trial dute: May 21. -■ That Van Nguyen, 44, of Lake Elsinpre, Calif., was' charged April 21 with shoplift- . Ing, giving fnlso information lo an officer and resisting a public ofllcer. Trial dale; Jiirie 4. - Shanie Lyvelte Clinton, 31, of US 64 West, was churged April 21 wilh possession of marijuuna. Trial dute; Muy 28. 'IVufflc Accldcnifi - A California man was ehargcd with DWI and driving wllhout a license after a wreck on Campbell Road at 9:40 p.m. April 20. Adam Edwurd Fox, 29, wus driving a 1999 Ford thal went off the road to Ihe left, struck an embankment, traveled un ad­ ditional 75 feet and struck an­ other embankment, before trav­ eling another 75 feel and slop­ ping in Ihe parking area for the Central Davie Education Cen­ ter, reported Officer J.D. Walker. - No charges were filed af­ ter a wreck on South Salisbury Street at 12:44 p.m. April 24. Joshua Keith Brown, 23, of ■ HamplonWlle, failed lo slop the 2004 Saab he wus driving be­ fore it struck Ihe reur of a 1997 Buick driven by .Aaron Dale Ball, 22, of Jonesville, reported Officer B.M. Purker. - A Statesville man was cited for leaving the scene of a wreck, failure to reduce speed and care­ less afid rcckless driving ufler a wreck on South Main Sireel ul 8:30 p.m. April 23. Kenneth Allen Johnson, 33, wns driving u 1990 Ford thut went off the road to the left and struck u utility pole, reported Sgt. R.A. Donulhan. He told a witness lhat he wus going lo , park Ihe truck in a neurby drive- wuy, then left the scene. , - A Mocksville woninn was charged wilh driving while li­ censc revoked after u wreck on Yadkinvilie Road al 6:55 p.m, April 25. Christopher May Riddle, 31, of Cable Lane, drove a 2008 Kla into the path of u 1997 Dodge driven by Jnmes Hilrey Grunt, 47, of Deudmon Road, reported Officer C.M. Preston. p.m., Hillcrest Drive) Comatzer Dulin assisted. Do you suffer from СОИТШАСШ Local doctors ar* now conducting a medical irch study In gout to lluate the effsctlvenésÉ ; and safely of an investigational mediciné. Fires Davie Counly fire depart­ ments responded to the follow­ ing calls; April 20: William R. Duvie, 4:33 p.m., NC 801 North, fire ulurm; Farmington assisted; Mocksville, Wilkesboro Street, hazardous conditions; Cool­ eemee, 2:41 p.m.. Junction ^ Road, fire alarm; Jerusalem as- sisttd; Mocksville, 10:46 a.m., . Kaydon Drive, fire alarm; Jertisnlem assisted. April 22: Mocksvillp, 2:15 p.m., Forest Lane, grass fire; Jerusalem assisted; Mocksville, 2:48 p.m., Kuydon Drive, uuto- mobile accident. April 23: Smith Grove, 9:51 a.m,, Snooks UBQ, pit fire; Mocksville, 10:05 u,m„ Muin Church Road, automobile acci­ dent: Smith Grove ussisled. April 24: Jerusulem, 10:48 p.m., Michnels Roud, structure fire; Cooleemee ussisled; Cool­ eemee, 11:27 p.m., outbuilding struck by lighiening; Jerusulem ussisled. April 26: Farmington, 7:15 a.m., Farminglon Road, fire alarm: Smith Grove assisted; Furmington, 10:41 u.m., NC 801 and Farmington Road, traffic accident; County Line, 7:12 p.m., Oukridge Lane, fire ulurm; Center asslstcil; Advance, 7:29 Arrests The Duvie County Sheriffs Depurtment made Ihe following urrests: - Gerald Eugene Speight, 37, of Glenwood Road, Mocksville wns nrrested April 17fornssuull on a female and communicating threats. Trial date: May 21. - Cirilo Lopez Jarquin, 35, of Churiolte wus arrested April 17 for simple assault. Trial date: May 21. - Todd Alexander Edwards, 36, of turrentine Church Roud, Mocksville wns nrrested April 18 for assault. Trial dale; Mny 21. - Robert Michel Doby, 47, of Hobson Drive, Mocksville wus nrrested April 19 for communi- culing threats. Trial dute: Muy 28. - Cicero Henry Jones Jr., 43, of Fnirfield Rond, Mocksville wus arrested April 20 for DWI, no operators license, and pos­ session of drug paraphernalia. Trial dale: May 15., - Rodney Lee Leonard, 42, of Dulin Road, Mocksville was arrested April 20 for currying u conceulcd weapon. Trial dale: May 28. - Harvey Guy McGlothlin, 31, with no listed address, was arrested April 24 for intoxica­ tion und disruption. Trinl dute: Muy 28. - Donald Ray Goforth, 34, of Hobson Drive, Mocksville wtts arrested April 25 for hurnssing phone cull. Trial date: May 28. - John David Hodges, 37, of Gladstone Road, Mocksville was arrested April 26 for com- inunicullng threats, Trial dale: May 21. Highway Patrol The following truffle wrecks in Duvie Counly were listed by Ihe N.C. Highwiiy Pulrol. • No charge.s were filed after an accident onApril 26. Darrell Anthony Foster of Stutesville was driving n 1997 Isuzu west on 1-40. \Yillium Scott Hatley of Greensboro was driving his 1998 Nissan west on 1-40. Foster's vehicle veered lo Ihc left i)bruplly and he overcor­ rected crossing buck inlo Ihe right lane. Hatley tried to de­ crease Ihe speed of his vehicle to avoid u collision bul was un­ successful. After impact, Foster's vehicle run off the rond to the right und collided wilh u guurdrnil. Huiley sinted the jeft rear tire of his vehicle blew be­ fore the accident. Trooper M.T. Dalton re­ ported the accident occurred at approximately 12:45 p.m. and there were no injuries. • A Davie woman wus churged with fullure to yield uf­ ler the vehicle she wns driving hit another April 26. Candida Trevino Nunez of Sunset Drive, Mocksville was driving her 1999 Chevrolet onto NC 801 from a stop sign inter­ section of Farmington Road traveling south. Shirley Willard Branson of Yadkinvilie was driving her 1990 Mazda west on NC 801. Nunez failed to yield lo Branson's vehiclc and Ihe two collided. Trooper M.T. Dalton re­ ported the accident occuned al approximately 10:45 a.m. and Nunez wa.s taken lo Davic Counly Hospital for treatment. • A Michigan man was charged with reckless driving and no motorcycle, endorse­ ments after he wrecked Ihc bike he was driving April 26. Leonard Alenzo Washington of Flint Hill, MI was driving a 2006 Kuwusaki motorcycle no.rth on NC 8ÒI al a high rale of speed. Washington's bike ran off Ihe right side of the road and overturned numerous times ejecting him. Trooper M.T. ballon 're­ ported the accident occurred al approximately 2:20 p.m. and Washington wus taken to Bap­ tist Medical Center in Winston- Salem for treatment. • A Forsyth man was charged wilh reckless driving nnd ex­ pired inspection nfter he wrecked the vehiclc he wus driving April 26. Yurkoy Yurmon Willlnms of Winston-Sulcm wus driving his 1999 Honda motorcycle east on NC 801. Williams abruptly braked the bike lo make a right turn onto Farminglon Roud causing Ihe cycle lo raise up on Ihe front wheel. The bike over­ turned and ejected Williams. Trooper M.T, Dalton re­ ported the uccident occurred at approxiiiintely 4:09 p,m, • One deer was reported hit by automobile in the county last week. Amber Leanne Beck of Houston Road, Mocksville was driviijg a 1997 Honda vehicle east on Junction Road when il collided with a deer crossing the road. Trooper M.T. Dalton re­ ported the uccident occurrcd at approximately 12 a.m. on March 26, 19, Get outstanding low prices on quality products. I> you have gout, you may be ellqible to paillclpate In the PRE-SURGE 1 siutiy, evaluating an Investigational medicine for ;, preventlijg acutei gout (larM^^ patlente.'Resea,rc^^^ are , investigational medicine when ijseil In combination with an 'FDA-approved medicine commonly used for gout treatment. , To be cooilytorad fbr paiHclpatlon in the PflE-SURQE 1 itiidy, youmu^, . I ' ♦ BelB^SOyeareofage, ,Pre-- .»'Havae^tperiencWat / C M n lea8t2goutfla(e8ln • 1 'medicine йкш'йз altopurinol, AND, •Not punv'ntly t)B experiencing a gout flare.' Sheriff’s Department The following incidents were reported lo Ihe Duvic Counly Sheriff’s Depurtment. - On April 18 a breuk-in nnd lurceny were reported ul u home on Legion Hut Roud, Mocks­ ville. - A breuk-in wns reported at a community center on US 158, Advance onApril 18. - On April 18 threats were reported at u home on Sum Cope Road, Advance. - Properly damage was re­ ported at n home on Nuncy Eas­ ier Loop, Mocksville on April D ix ie l a n d F a r m Boanling Leaions Swnmer Camp I2«I2 SabJitdmllMoorAmaTmi, Веоф1Ыа,Но1/СМт1,Ш ' Mention Ad and gat $50 off Board first three monthsi Contaci: MailMa Plmno: 336-4026403 1784 Oodbey Hood - Mockivill», NO 27028 - On April 19 property dam­ age was reported at a home on Gladstone Road, Mocksville. - The unauthorized use of a motor vehicle was reported al n home on Cricket Lune, Mocks­ viile on April 19. - On April 19 property dnm- age was reported al a home on Diuiiel Roud, Mocksville. - Vandalism was reported at a home on Davie Street, Cool­ eemee on April 20. - On April 20 obtaining prop­ erty by false pretenses was re­ ported al a home on Moore Trail, Mocksville. ,- Vandalism was reported at a building on US 64 East, Mocksville on April 20, - On April 20 vandalism was reported al u post office on NC 801 South, Advancc. - Property damage was re­ ported al a location on NC 801 South, Advance on April 20. - On April 20 larceny was' reported nt u home on Pleusnnt Acre Drive,.Mocksville. .- A motor vehicle theft was reported at a home on Bailey’s Chapel Road, Advance on April 21. - On April 21 larceny was reported al a home on Boxwood Church Roud, Mocksville. ■ Lurceny wns reported at a home on Baltimore Road, Ad­ vancc on April'21. - On April 21 fraud wns re­ ported at a convenience store on NC 801 North, Advance. - An assault wus reported nt a home on US 601 North, Mocksville on April 21.' - On April 21 threats were reported at a home on Rediand Road, Mocksville. - A burglary was reported at n home on US 601 North, Mocksville on April 23. - On April 23 nn nllempted burglary was reported nt a home on Swicegood Street, Mocks­ ville. - A larceny wus reported at a home on Comutzer Rond, Ad­ vance on April 23. - On April 24 larceny was reported at a home on Boxwood Church Road, Mocksville. - Obtaining property by false pretense wa.s reported at a home on Bermuda Village Drive, Ad­ vance on April 24. - OnApril 24 vandalism was reported at n home on Hickory Tree Roud, Mocksville. - Trespassing was reported at a home on Madison Road, Mocksviile on April 24. - On April 24 larceny and properly damage was reported al a home on Williams Roud, Mocksvlllc. - Vundalism was reported al a location on US 64 West, Mocksville on April 24. - On April 25 larceny was reported at a home on Brookhuven Lane, Advance, - Animal cruelty was re­ ported ut a home on Pleasant Lane, Mocksviile on April 25, - On April 25 trespassing wns reported at a home on Main Church Road, Mocksville, - Threats were reported al a home on Montclair Drive, Ad­ vance on April 25, - On April 26 threats were reported al a home on NC 801 South, Mocksville. - An assault and threats were reported at a home on US 601 North, Mocksville oii April 26. - On April 27 threats were reported at á location on NC 801 North, Advance. ' qualify for ttie Study, using a itiore'cornprehensive list of criteria. ,Qualified p^lpoilts will receive study medicine as well as ' ' stiJdy-rela^ medical evaluations at no cost. Reimbursement fnr ;Ÿ 4Тоitírn mort,plw e ci>.^«¿t! ' Crescent Medical Research 704 647-9913 I т т р п AND BUILOINQ SUPPLIES 162 8HEEK STREET 7S1-aie7 MOCKSVILU’* СОМПЛТК lU IL D IIir SUPPLY Open Dally Wèekdtys 7t30 • 5:00 • Sat. 7:30 -12 noon . Y A R D S A L E 4 0 4 Fe edm ill R oad, A d va n ce (VeiyendofFeedmlllRd.) 801 S., across from Advance Country Store. Friday, M ay 1 • 9am-6|tm Saturday. May 2 • 8 am -2 pm■ Rain or Shine ■ After 40+ years pi keeping things, thinking wa may somedav use It have decided you may need It worse than we do. Vvrhav7som J i, r lor eyojyone: what-not Items, colloctlbles, era« te m rb o X T nS Chris mas village collection, olher Christmas Item c^Lg fan 'oiZr tub (never Installed), TVs, pecketbooks, old bo la S S household Items, kitchen & bath Itema, wagon ViheBlllghuixtu“^ Com# on», eomm mil, look tor,lgn, mndbmlloon,. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 30,2009 - 7 Parole Check Nets Nearly Bank, 3/4 Pounds Of Marijuana By Jackie Senbolt Enterprise Rccord A Davic man on probation was arrested last week und re­ mains in jail under a secured bond. Dennis Jerome "DJ” Sules, 23, of Pineville Road, Mocks­ ville was arrested April 24 al his home. According to Davic Sheriff’s Cnpl. J.D, Hartman, probution offlccrs were at Sales home for u pnrole check nnd culled for , buck-up. “The probution offic­ ers hnd ulrcady found items in a car that were drug relnted,” Hartmnn said. When officers arrived to as­ sist they loculcd npproximnteiy three-quarters of a pound of DJ Sales dcviccs that could be used to mcusure, weigh, puckuge, und distribute drugs," Hurtman suid. Sales. was arrested and charged witli felony possession with intent to sell/deliver mari­ juana, felony maintaining n pince for a controlled substuhce, trufflcking in opium, possession of n scliedule II conlrollcd sub­ stance, possession of marijunnn, und possession of drug parn- phernalla. ■ “All this occurred while he was out on probation for olher criminal activity,” Hurtman suid. Sales was placcd in Davic Detentlpn Center i'll lieu of a $7000 secured bond. He is Continued From Page 1 handguns and the third carried u shotgun. There were no customers in the bank when the suspects entered and forced the employees lo lip on the floor. The munnger of Ihe bank was marijuana, half an ounce of opium, and assorted buggies nnd scheduled to uppcur in court to- scnles. "There were measuring day. T h re e C h a rg e d W ith S e v e re ly B e a tin g A d v a n c e IVIan A t R iv e r By Jackie Seabolt Enterprise Record ■ A weekend benting at the Yudkin River lundcd one mun in the hospitui and tiirce olhers in juil. According lo Cnpl, J,D, Hartman of the Davie Sheriff’s Depurtment, on Suturday night, Aprjjl 25, at approximately 9:30 p,ni, offlccrs were called lo the Yadkin River near Furmington, “A fcmulc called mid wns hys- lericnl,” Hartman said, "She was saying someone was trying to kill her aiid hud gun;," Hartmnn suid that wlien of­ ficers arrived at Ihc scene they found Chad Vinrs, 35, of Au­ tumn Lune, Advuncc severely benten, “He had hend injuries and a fractured .skull," Hartman suid. Hartman said that Viars and three others, two females und nnolher.malc, had been at the river fishing most of the day. “At one point they had been in their boat, goofing off and playing around," Hartman said. When the four reachcd the shore three men approached from the Forsyth County iide of Ihe river and accused them of laughing and saying things to them, Hartman reported. '!Tho three men started beat­ ing Viars with their hands and feet and il was reported they mude,a stalenient about gelling Iheir guns," Hartmnn said. Viars’ friends nttcmpled to breuk up the figlit, bul were un- nble nnd went to a nearby house where they callcd 911, Hartman snid Viars’ was taken lo Baptist Medical Cen- ter in Winston-Salem by EMS wiiere he wus Ircntcd and the three men were arrested. Billy Gray Hutchins. 63, of Yndkinville wus chargcd wilh felony assault inflicting serious injury and misdemeanor assault on a female. Daniel Neal Dehurt, 33, of Pfufftown was charged with felony a.ssaull inflicting .serious injury. Steven Hutchins, 33, of Yadkinvillc was charged with felony assault inflicting serious injury. Ail three received a $5000 unsecured bond and ure sched­ uled to appear in Da'vic District Court today. Hartmnn snid thut during the benting Viars' boat went miss­ ing. “At Ihis point it is still miss­ ing nnd hasn’t been recovered." The following cases were licurd In Davie District Court on April 23. Presiding: Judge Rod Penry, Prosecuting: Jumie Gen­ try and Wendy Terry, Assistant DAs. - Mary Edith Aldridge, driv­ ing with licensc revoked, cost, $ 125 attorney fees; speeding 83 in a 70, dismissed per plea. - Morgan Leigii Allen, un-. derage drinking, dismissed. ' - Mark Leslie Brewer, DWI, sentenced to 60 days, suspended 18 months, surrender licensc, not lo operate a motor vehicle unlil licensed by DMV, sub­ stance abuse assessmenl/lreiit- ment, $ 100, cost, 24 hours com­ munity service; driving left of' ccnier, o[ien container after con­ suming alcohol, unsealed wine/ liquor in pussengcr ureu, dis­ missed per plen. - Annette D. Burkhnrt, con­ tributing lo Ihe delinquency of a juvenile, dismissed. - Daniel Stephen Carter, simple possession of schedule V1 controlled substance, posses­ sion of drug paraphcrnaiin, dis­ missed, evidence ordered de­ stroyed. - Shirley Renee Carter, simple assault, dismissed per request of prosecuting witness. - Amanda Caudle, simple as­ sault, prayer for judgment con­ tinued three months, have no contact with prosecuting wit­ ness. - Anthony Chuvez, ussnult on a femnle, sentenced to 75 days, suspended 18 months, cost, not , lo nssuull/lhrculen/huruss pros­ ecuting witness, innrriage coun­ seling, $275 ntlorney fees. - Michael Vernon Chunn, driving ^Yilh license revoked, sentenced to 120 days, sus­ pended 18 months, $100, cost. - Dewayno Elliot Collins, as­ sault on a feniale,' dismissed per plen; di,sorderly conduct, cost, $200 attomey fees, - Stephen Thomas Conlin, failure to stop for stopsign/ flashing red light, prayer for judgment continued on cost, . -Jumes Lowell Couch, inde­ cent exposure, dismissed. - Andrew James Denniston, simple ussnult, dismissed per mediation. - Robert William Dingey, possession of drug parapherna­ lia, speeding 52 In a 35, dis­ missed per plea, cvi(lcnce or­ dered destroyed; boat access area for bther use, $25. cost, - Genann S. Elchison. simple assault, dismissed per media­ tion. - Tracy Evans, domestic crimirial trespassing, dismissed per request of prosecuting wit­ ness. - Francisco R. Fuentes, DWI. sentenced to 60 days, suspended 18 months, surrender license, not to opprnie a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV. sub­ stance abuse assessment/tireat- menl. $100, cost, 24 hours com­ munity service; possession of open containcr/cpnsuming alco­ hol in passenger ure, driving uf- ter consuming under 21, dis- jnissed per plen. ■ - Dougins' Raymond Fulk, consuming alcoliol by 19/20 year old, dismissed per plea; resisting a publicofflcer, prayer •for.judgment continiled on cost, $225 attorney fees. - Michael B. Gullbault, fish­ ing without a license, prayer for judgment continued on cost, - Dustie Amelia Owyn, con­ tributing to the delinquency of a juvenile, prayer for judgment continued 12 months, have no contact wilh victim, cost, , - Brandon Lee Hedrick, speeding 86 in a 55, speeding 63 in a 55, dismissed per plea; aggressive driving, reduced to careless/reckless, prayer for judgment continued on cost, ' - Christopher Henderson, simple worthless cheeky sen­ tenced lo 60 days, suspended 18 months. $50, co.st. $212.61 res­ titution. - John David Hodges, com­ municating threats, dismissed. • Jamie Lee Jenkins, hit/run leave scene property damage, sentenced to 120 days. ■ - Jerry Ruy Jones, DWI, sen­ tenced to 120 duys. suspended 18 months, surrender licen.se, noi lo operate a motor veiiicle unlil licensed by DMV, sub­ stance abuse ussessment/treat- mcnt, $200, cost, 48 hours com­ munity service, $331.50 attor­ ney fees; failure 'to heed light/ siren, resisting a public officer, dismissed; fleeing/eluding ar­ rest wilh motor vehicle, sen­ tenced to 120 days, suspended 18 months, $50, cost.' - Tina Anne Leonard, misde­ meanor probation violation, pn­ role revoked, sentenced to 20 days; common law forgery, sen­ tenced to 45 duys, credit for lime,served. - Stanley Allen Lowery, communicating threats, dis- hiisscd per mediation.; - Priscilla W. Magana, dis­ missed per mediation. , , ' - Darren Timothy McBrnyer. driving with licensc rév.oked, prnyer for judgment continued on cost: expired regislratioil 'curd/lug. dismissed per plen. . - Debornh S. McDuniels, speeding 76 in n 55, reduced to 64 in a 55, $25. cost; following too closely, dismissed per plea, - Ian F,. Murphy, no operators license, dismissed; failure to stop for stopsign/flashing red light, reduced to improper equipment. .$25. cost. - Meliton Navarro, assault on a female, dismissed per compli-- ance. - Randall Lee' Smith, misde­ meanor probation violation, pa­ role revoked, sentenced to 90,; days, credit for time served. ■ - William Franklin'nitum, re­ sisting a public officer, sen­ tenced to five days, credit for time served. I t W asn’t H er The Tammy R. Hudson listed last week is not 'Himmy Denise Hudson of Mocksville. Joseph Wayne Martin M a n A c tin g ‘C ra z y ’ S h o t W ith T a s e r In s id e P a tro l C a r By Jackie Senbolt Enterprise Record A man unable to be re­ strained by officers was stunned witli a Taser inside a patrol cur over the weekend. Joseph Wayne Martin, 20, of Statesville was arrested April 25 for intoxication/disruption, pos- sessbn of a controlled sub­ stance on jail premises, posses­ sion of fortified winc/iiquor/ mixed beverage under 21. and resisting arrest. According to Davic Sheriff’s Capt, J,D, Hurtman, on Satur­ day around 2 a.m, offlcens were dispatched to 1-40 near the Furmington Road exit. “ A woman had called in and said a subject wus acting crazy und hnd jumped out of a cnr." Hartmnn said when offlccrs arrived they tried to restrain Marlin on Ihe side of tlic inter­ state. “He was very coinbulive und would not coopcrnte." Martin was arrested and put in the patrol car. "He was very violent, he was kicking und hit­ ting his hend on Ihe cnge," Hurtman said.-,“He was dry- stunned with a Taser," Hartman snid Ihis meant Martin wus only touched with the Tuser, which delivers u lower current of electricity. Despite officers utlempts to culm Murtin he continued flght- ' ing inside the patrol car. “He was taken to the deten­ tion center where he wns put in u restraint chair," Hartman said, “where he continued lo fight." Hartman said officers were able to transfer Martin lo the hospital where he was treated for Ihe self-inflicted injuries he received while hitting his hend inside the pntrol cur nnd he wus brought buck lo the juil, “He wus given a $1000 se­ cured bond and officers found approximately four grams of marijuana on him while he was at Ihc jail," Marlin is scheduled lo. ap­ pear in Duvie District Court on May 14, D ix ie l a n d F a r m • BoanUna • Summer J Cernii /2x12 5|Л,/лЛт/0|ЛЛот Arem ТпЛ, ' 6c«ai(ül ШЧа,На!СМШк Rodi Mention Ad and get.$50 off Board first three monthsi www.dixlelandfarm.com CouUicl: MoriBKa Phono: 33(}<492-(]-l03 176-1 Codboy M - Mockavillo, NC 27028 Tell us what you think with a letter to the editor Details, page 2 hit wilh Ihcir guns and then, wilh the nssislant manager, was forced lo open Ihe v'aulì. The suspects then ordered all employees in the vault and exited the bank. All three left the scene in an. older burgundy or reddish mini vnn, possibly u Dodge or Chrysler, Hnrtmnn suid Ihnt Ihe munnger received minor Injurie.s nnd received mcdicnl treatment lit the scene. “The suspects were described as all African American, dressed in dark clothing and armed with guns.” according lo Sheriff Andy Stokes, “One of the suspects may have been female. No direction of travel is known nfter the suspects Idft the bunk.” “Other officers in llie counly responded and began searching for the suspects vehicle," Hartman said. "Several viihiclcs were stopped that day that fit the description, but none were Ihe suspects." Hartman would not disclose Ihe amount of money the suspects took from the bank but did sny, “Tliey brought their own bags lo carry the money out of the bank.” Volunteers Needed Have High Blood Pressure and Type 2 Diabetes? II you onswerod yoi, you mny bo eilglbio to particípalo In o voluntary clinical rosonrch study. ThUsludy 9 to ovolut^to the offocls ot> your blootl gluco&ocontrol of an FDA approved study drug compared to two other already approved drugs Ihni aro used to treat high blood pressure. To qualify you must be;• Between Ihe ages ot 22 and 80 years old• History of high blood pressuro for al least one year and Type 2 Diabetes treated wllh an oral stable regiment for at least 30 days. Qualified participants:May rocolvo Study-related madlcallon and doctor visits at no charge. Financial compensation up to $560 for timo and IrUvel, For moro Information regarding this Investlgntlonal drug research, please contact Crescent Medical Research, ■ Having Knee Problems? If your knee pain is caused by osteoarthritis and you are at least 40 years of age, you may qualify to participate in a clinical research study for an Investlga lonal medication being offered at Crescent Medical Research, As a qualified participant, you will receive; at no cost..... Study-Related Care from Experienced Doctors Study Medication or Placebo (Inactive Substance) < Financial Compensation up to $455 { ________Call now to find out if you qualify______ Are You On Medication for Urinary Synujitdms DueToifn Enlarged Prostate? If you havo boon diagnosed with symptoms of an enlarged proslato and aro currently taking a medication callod an alpha-blocker to treat those symptoms, you may qualify to partlclpalo In a research study to evaluate tho safety and effects of an Investigational drug with mBdlcatlons known a alpha-biockers. Examples of alpha-blockers are: • Alfuzcsin (also called Uroxatral®) • Tamsulosln (also called Flomax®) • Terazosin (also called Hytrin®) • Doxazosin (also called Cardura®) Study related medical exams Labtosts Study medication Compensation for time and travel. If you aro Interested or for more information, please call. Do You Suffer From Severe Reflux or Heartburn? We are looking for volunteers to take part In a clinical trial of a new study drug. You will be medically supervised. If you are interested in receiving further nformation, please call. To learn more about these research studies please call: 704-641-9913 f CiSscent Medical Research ' Tomorrow's Medicine Today Visit us on the web al www.pmg-rosenrch.com/crescent Salisbury - locatad One Block (ram Haspital I If11.-; Iii'). 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 30,2009 Band Day S aturday E vent To B enefit D avie S chool B ands .By Beth Cassidy Enterprise Rccofd Band Day, an annual event, will begin Mny 2 al 10;30 a.m. at Davie High School. This is tho main fundraising activity for the band and will help,.in purchasing und maintaining Instruments, paying for the use of the Brock Performing Arts Center for concerts, purchasing riiuslc and choreography, and providing care and maintenance of band uniforms. It also helps support bands at the middle schools, through funds based on the tickets students sell for the event, according lo Jim Brewer, band booster co-presidont. Featured w ill be performances by the Ellis Middle School band at 10:30, Davie High's freshman/concert band at 1 p.m., North Davie Middle’s band at 2, the jazz band from Davie High at 3, and Ihe last performance will be by the Davie High symphonic band at 4 p.m. ' in addldon to music, plates of eilher barbecued chicken or pork, with baked beans, slaw, roll or bun, drink and dessert will be sold for $9, and there will be a bake , sale and silent auction. There Is also a cow bingo contest, but tickets for that, which arc $5, must be purchased in advance, by Friday, May 1, from either the Band Boosters or a student. "If It was nol for Band Boosters and the proceeds from this event, the county’s only Interior Painting Ceiling, plaster and drywail repairs. Ihom Rutter 33&2844211 PAID ADVERTISEMENT Horse Liniment Erases Pain IIIALEAII,Fb ~-Anitig;n:tlk‘nt of­ten uMtl 10 ticnt inflomnifliion in rnccliorsc’s leys, is now bock on Ihc iiinrkct III it* orlgiiiiil iloctur recom­mended clinical Mrvngih t'onnuln.Accoriilnu Ю n nationni tlnig ulnre survey, (he lunmilii nt ono lime hccflinc *0 |wp«iov that U TMC to Jlic lopof phnr- mucy snlc» ibr topicnl pain rellevcni.Uul (he compuny muikcdnu Uie nrud* iicl ut (he (ime cimiiucü the lorinuía umi polcüpliinimcttfd, Oneoftlicinventorsof (he original formuln has hrouyhi il buck (0 (he market under tlie (mdo rnimc AHTH AHRnSTunil snys i( cnn relieve puiii for millions.ARTH ARREST wotks by a aual Diechnnixni vvherchy one inD№dieii( re­lieves pain immediately, Wliilc a sec­ond ingrcdlent seeks out nnd destroy!« the pnin mcsscncer signal before itcnn be sen( (0 the br;iin. Considea‘(l a medi­cal miracic bv some, (lie ARTII AR- RKST fonnuia Is useful in (he (renl* ment uf puinHil <lisor(lets ranging from tninor iwlws »nd pulns U> n\orc »criovi» condition!! .such ns nrtliritls, bursitis, rheumuti.sm, tendonitis. hncKUclte and more.ARTIIARR i:ST is nvollrtble in ii con­venient loll'on iipplicutor Hi phnrinn- vies without n prescription or call 1« 800-3y)-3301. Now nvnllnblc nt F O S X R R O R U O 495 V iillc yR tl* 751-2141 M ild u r e a Z tiz ^ it£ < 0 ^ IC d L PAIOADVBBTiaCMBNT A p ril 3 0 ,1 9 5 3 - D ecem b er 1 1 ,2 0 0 8 “Now There Are Ten” . Eleven hearts, like birds flyin g in the sw irling winds, one w inged his vra)> home, now there are "ten". W e'd run and play, lau g h an d sing a ll the day long. N ever fe a rin g the dangers that lie arotm d the hend. One ran ahead to a land unknown, once there were eleven, now there are "ten". H is love, his laughter, w e ’ll niiss each day. Oh how we wish we could hear him once again. F o r Ihe hearts that once beat as eleven, "N ow Beat As Ten". In loving memory of our brother . Robert Lewis Frye, on his birthday high school would not be able to have a marching band, so it’s easy to understand how important Band Day is. We want to Invite everyone, whether you have a child In the program, at the high school or if you just want to enjoy some great music and food, to come oul and spend the day wilh us. This is a great ' time to show your support for the students, the high school, and your counly,” said Brewer. Food will be served In Ihc cafeteria, but plates will be available for takeout. Meals will be delivered lo any business In Ihe counly that orders 10 or more. Performances will also lake place in either Ihe cafeteria or bree'zeway near the cafeteria. P e t F a ir S atu rday . A Pet Fair will be held Saturday, May 2, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m, (rain date Sunday, May. 3, 1-6 ^.ni.) at the Humane Society of Davie County's i^et Adojption Center at 291 Eaton Road. Mocksville. Some activities planned Me; • educational booths with displays, demonstrations/ presentiitions; ' • vendors With pet related products; • dog bathing and nail trimming; • t-shirt decorating contest - (purchase $2 white tee shirt at adoption center,Cooleemee Town Hall, or the Mocksville Public;Librâry. becorate in advance imd bring to fmr...,or btiy and decorate it at'thei fair using aVàÜable siipplies. Prizes awarded for best "pet thème”.); and • rabies vaccination clinic $7 fee per shot for dogs ^nd cats. ■ . ^ •' ■ Foods will be availabie. Call 751-5Î14 to leant more. , The adoption also needs the following items, whicl be brought to the fair: paper towels, canned puppy f< either Pedigree or Purina, largo rawhide, cheWs, 7-10 gi Uash bags, 13 gallon trash bags, detergent.. temas To Perform Cataract Surgery At Davie Hospital •f О Presents the 46th Annual Southwest School A u d ito riu m 1:00 pm • 6:00 pm I:N R ()I.L N O W ! 2 to 4 Yr. Olds 5 to 9Yr. Olds Monday-Frlday, 6;00-7;00 pm Monday-Frlday, 10 am-1 pm ■ For more iitfo, eqih Miss Denise, 766-2988 B E R 2 0 0 9 R E C N O W B E I N G T A K E N Dr. Gregory Temas, founder and mcdical director at the Temas Eye Ccnier in Wmslon- Salcm, has joined Ihe staff of Davie County Hospital to pro­ vide cataract surgery. Temas provides services al Davic Counly Hospital on Thursday mornings. "Our mission in Davie County is to provide cataract surgery with advanced implant techniques," Temas said. ''Best of all, local residents don't have to leave Iheir hometown lo take advantage of state-of-lhe-art surgery techniques. Although wc wlll i.nltlally only offer cata­ ract surgeries at Davic County Hospital, our goal Is to make the hospital a one-stop shop for eye care with Ihe same level of com­ prehensive eye care services that we now provide at the Temas Eye Center in Winslon- Salem." Temas, who came to Win­ ston-Salem In 1991, pioneered local use of many modern eye" surgeries, including no-ncedle- no-slllch cataract surgery, I'adlal kcralotomy, implantable con­ tacts, laser refractive surgery (LASIK). and multifocal lens Implants. He joined Davic , County Hospital at the request of fieveral physicians In the Mocksville area lo provide Ihe latest In cataract surgery tech­ nology in Davic Counly. "For some lime, we've seen a growing need to perform cata­ ract surgery In Davie Counly," Dr. Steve Laymon, a Mocks- ville-based optometrist who led Ihe effort to recruit Dr, Temas, said. "I'm excilcd lo have Dr. Temas at Davie County Hospi­ tal. Having him here Is a boiler way to locally serve Ihe needs of our patients from Davie Counly." "I'm thrilled with'the oppor­ tunity lo work at Davie Counly Hospital. The staff, administra­ tion and equipment at the hos­ pital arc outstanding," Temas said. "There are many bcncnis for patients to go to their local rural hospitiil lhal arc sometimes overlooked - you don't have lo travel as far, the access Is easier nnd chances arc thal you know many of the people on staff. "As a'physlclan. It's reward­ ing for me that Davie County Hospital isn't a stagnant place," he said. "Quite Ihc opposite is true. Hospital officials arc ac­ tively recruiting now doctors and nurses and acciulring the latest equipment and services. I think Ihe services we arc pro­ viding at Davic County Hospi­ tal arc another step in what will be a continuing Increase in the high quality mcdical services offered lliere," ,, If demand Js sufficient, 'i'omas said that he ntiiiy acid' ' more days to his Thursday morning surgery schedule al Davic. Dr. Dan Gardner, who has 30 years experience working in sal- clllte medical ophthalmology offices, will join the staff at Davie Counly Hospital in April. Gardner will handle pre- and . posl-op visits and wi|l offer scc­ ond opinions In conjunction wilh Temas. Tomas earned his medial training al Case Western Uni- ver.slty School of Mcdiclne and completed residency in ophthal­ mology at Mount Sinai Mcdi­ cal enter In Cleveland, Ohio. He Is a member of several profes­ sional mcdical societies, includ­ ing Ihe American Acadcmy of Ophthalmology and Ihe Ameri­ can Society of Cataract and Re­ fractive Surgeons. Cataracts are the leading cause of poor vision in adults and can occur at any age. They may be present at birth or may develop as a result of Injury, dis­ ease or the normal aging of the eye, A cataract is a clouding of the normally clear lens of Ihc eye, blocking Ihe passage of light through the eye to the rcllna. As a result, the retina rc- cclvcs a blurred image. Symptoms include halos or glare around lights, double vi­ sion, frequent changes in glasses prescriptions, difficulty driving at night, dccrca.scd color pcrccpllon and dlfflculty read­ ing small print. Patients should contact their local eye care specialist if they want lo be referred lo Temas for cataract surgery. For a list of the services offered al the Temas Center in Winston-Salem and ,fopnorc!|infprmation op Temas, visit mmje/ne/seye.com, An Affiliate of N,C. Baptist Hospital, Davie Counly Hospi­ tal has served the needs of people from Davic and nearby counlics for more than a half century. The emergency depart­ ment is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and offers Immediate comprehensive cate for injury or sudden illness - closc lo home and with short wait times. In addition, the hos­ pital offers Ihc services of a va­ riety of medical specialists pro­ viding care in general surgery, pain management, gastroenter­ ology, orthopedics, podiatry, ear, nose and throat and cardi­ ology. For more information, visit ilavielw .ipilal.or8, ,751 -8100, « i ult Ballroom • Social Dancing • Fall 2009 CotilUji st Dance • Summer Cl Denise Bassen^ Owner & Director For More Information «& O O Q Q Recital Tickets, Call / 0 0 - . Z y i $ » Specials o£ the Week PHOTO SPECIAL OFF Cheerwine 1/2 Ltr. Bottles Assorted Flavors Case*9“* Limit 2 Cases per customer ' W hile Supplies Last '! { ( > ///(, I V > t/// Ci/tt/i , ‘> I/],■/ - . / //c (' Regular Hours: iVI-F 8 :3 0 - 8 • S a t 8 :3 0 - 4 « S iin 1 :3 0 -5 Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 www.fosterdrugco.com Second Sèt of 35 mm Prints One Ifeek Only I'or m'l iit inl'onnalidii Itti (1гмцч Л. lu iillh pidliU iMs, ц(1 lu и w w.losUTdruijco.iom DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 30,2009 - Bl 1 G a m e , 3 H o m e r s M o rg a n W ya tt T ie s State R e co rd By Brian Plits Davic Enterprise Record Morgan Wyatt had an offensive per­ formance last week at North Forsyth unlike anything in the 13-ycar history of Davic fastpitch softball, and she also ccmcnted a place in slate rccord books, Wyatt was having a stirring season before the game at North, but all the tilings she’s done pale in comparison to this - three homers In one game. The junior became just the ninth fastpitch player in state history to leave the yard Ihree times. Wyatt, who drove In half the runs In a 10-0 romp, managed to lake it all in stride. "Il was pretty exciting, bul It felt like a nonnal game,” she said. "1 think af­ ter the fact is when It really set in that 1 had actually done something like lhal. I didn’t actually think It was possible to hit that many in one game." Wyatt’s firsl homer, a solo .shot in the first, was a no-doublcr. She was Just getting warmed up. The next two, both two-run shots, were clothesline bullets Ihat might havo gone through Ihe fcnce If they’d been a few feel lower. "The first one felt prelty good,” she said. "The second one was an outside pitch. I tried to pull it and I didn't think it had enough to get over. I thought it would hit the fence.” After going deep for Ihe sccond time in the fifth, Wyatt stepped up for the final time in the sixth. Give the North, coach-some credit. He let his pitcher challenge the slugger. What happened nixl was the culmination of a breath­ taking night that' might stand forever. It’s news to hit one homer In a game. Two in a game is legendary stuff. Three? That’s astounding. “ I never really thought about (three)," she said. “I thought it was pretty cool to hit two. On the third one, 1 think It tipped the ccnier fielder’s glove becausc the whole outfield was standing against the fcnce. She was reaching over and il lipped her glove. I didn’l think the last one had a chance lo got oul. I thought I flew oul.” 'The first time everybody was go-. Ing, ‘Oh, man,’ because she just killed Ihe first one,” coach Janico Jackson said. “Before Ihc third one I’m think­ ing: ‘They won’t pilch to her.’ I think Please See Record - Page H6 In a d o u b le p lay , M o rg an W y a tt ta g s o u t th e ru n n e r a n d th e n th ro w s to th ird . Cusack Third In Sophomore Wrestling Nationals Uy Brian Pltls Davio Enterprise Record How good is Davie wrestler Matt Cusack? Ask Ihe guy from Soulh Caro- - lina who flnished third in his slate tour­ nament. Ask the 'other giiy’ from' Soiith Carolina who finished fburih in the stale. Ask Ihe guy from New York who placed in the state as a 2008 freshman. Cusack beat them all on the way to All-American honors in the Folkslylc Nationals ul Virginia Beach, Va., on April 1-3. Forty-eight states were represcnied in Ihe lop folkslylc tournament in the country, and Cusack pulled off an amazing feat by going 6-1, placing third and making Ihe National High Schooi Coaches Association National All-American team. The brackets were divided by grade levels, and the top eight in each weight class mado the All- American leam. Cusack went 38-11 and placcd fifth in th'e'state as a Davie freshman in 2008. This past season, the sophomore Wont 49-4 and placed second In the slate. Placing Ihird in nationals is really somclliing lo cherish. To pul the com­ petition into perspective, Davic junior Zack Vemon went 0-2 and he's a reign- ing state champion. Sophomore Michael Waters had an Impressive 4-2 showing. "I thought that's the best I’ve wrestled in my whole career.” Cusack said. "Last year 1 didn’t'do so well.fl*- 2). This year 1 had to redeem myself, and 1 think I did prelty well.” Cusack hud 32 wresllcrs In his weight class. He opened with a 15-0 rout over a guy from Kentucky. Then he took down the bronze medallsl from South Carolina. "There's no easy matches there,” father Jim Cusack said. “Everybody’s somebody, or they think they’re some­ body." Cusack’s only loss came in the ^qitarterfinals against a four-time slate finalist from South Dakota. "He was real good,” he said, "He placed In tho freshman nationals Iasi year, so he came in ranked,” Cusack bounced back with author­ ity, ripping off four consecutive wins. His optimism for his junior season was soaring before Sophomore Nationals, Now it’s higher than a kite, "(Two days after Davie's season endeid) i was back in the room, wdrlcr ing out and l^ing lo get better, and 1 think il definitely paid off for me,” he said, "It’ll give me more confidence in myself, because I saw what I could do there, I Ihlnk it’ll help me handle my matches belter and manage matches betler as far as on my feel and sluff, I think it’s helped me mature.” Ellis Plays With Heavy Heart, Beats North Worth Nopng... Morgan Wyatt of Davie varsity softball hit a state-record-tying three homers in a 10-0 win ovçr N, Forsyth. That giivohe^' six homers ln l2games, , Davie wrestler ^fatt Cusack miade the All-American team iii thé ; Sophomore Nationals, winning six, of seiven matches for thircl| place. Nick Capra shot a 1-over 37 at; Pine Brool^ and even-par 35 af Long Creek ^ Davie igolf protected second place in the CPC. v . ^ Falon Hooper (discus, shot put) and Cattlin lïitterow (800, mile) won two events çach as Davie girls trnck'captured a four-team meet, (Kayla Cornatzer went 3 for 4 with three Rpis as Davie JV soft-' ball mashed W . Forsyth 9-2. iSadU Lagle bad a big two-ruq hit. . Adam Carter, and Andrew Whaley of S. Davie, tennis,over- oame a 4-0 deficit in a 6r4 doubles win against ThomasvlUe. Against N, Davie, Carter did the same thing in a win at No. 4 singles, erasing a ■4-0,deficit, ' Caitlln Miller piled up four goals and one assjst to lead N. Davie soccer to a 7r3 win over Lex­ ington. Jeremy Walker threw 44 strilces;otit of .72 pitches and; IVistan Comer hit a bases-loaded triple as Ellis baseball raced past N. Pavie 15-8. âen Beeson went 3 for 3 as N.l Davie baseball held off S. Davie 9-' 6. Beeson is 7 for 8 in two games against South. Although North Davic jumped on Ellis 4-0 In the top of the first inning, the Jaguars’ baseball team wasn’t about lo lose this game, nol wilh the game dedicated in the honor of Landon Adams, who was in the hospital when hi's teammates were hosting North Davie last week, Adams was seriously Injured Ihe day before by a thrown ball al practice. Ho had lo undergo broin surgery lo relieve a blood clot, Adams’ condilion was first on everyone’s mind, but the Jaguars iiad a game lo play, and they’ll play the re­ mainder of the season in his honor. Inspired Ellis caught North in the third and spent Ihree straight Innings pounding the Wildcats before settling for a 15-8 vicloiy. "It was just a freak play when we “ The team dedicated this garhe to him. We played with an extremely heavy heart. It was the toughest game I've ever had to coach..! was at the hospital til about 2. Of course, the players were worried. We hung his jersey In the dugouf. It’s going to be there for the rest of the season.** - Ellis Baseball Coach Mike Dinkins were doing an infield drill,” Ellis coach Mike Dinkins said. "Fortunately tho bleeding wasn’t inside the brain; it was outside. They operated and right now ho's.doing fine. "So Ihe team dedicated this game to him. We played with an extremely heavy heart. It was the toughest game r ve ever had lo coach. I was al the hos­ pital til about 2 o’clock (in Ihe morn­ ing). Of course, Ihe players wore ex­ tremely worried, We hung his jersey in the dugoul, and il’s going lo be there for the rest of the season.” The Jaguars blistered the ball, scor­ ing two in the firsl, five in the diird, four in Ihe fourth and four in the fifth. Austin Boger went 2 for 3 wilh three RBIs, and TVistan Comer went 2 for 4. Boger delivered a two-strike, two-out hit during a five-run Ihird that tumed a 5-2 deficit inlo a 7-5 lead. Comer rapped a bases-loaded triple in Ihe same Inning. Jeremy Walker di.splayed typically brilliant control, throwing 44 strikes oiit of 72 pilches and walking none. The undefeated Jaguars followed a familiar script. They blasted North 17- 4 earlier in the season, and they scored at least 10 runs for the fourth time in as many games. They’ve won by 13,13, 10 and seven mns. North fell lo 2-3.! Afterward, the Jags paid their re-’ specis by taking Adams the game bali. "Il wa^ probably the biggest win in Please See Heart - Page B2 JV Winning Streak Ends In Dogfight K ay la C o rn a tz e r p itc h e s in a 9 -2 JV w in o v e r W e s t F o rsy th ,■ Photos by James Barringer Davie and Norlh Davidson have played two hard-fought games in jv softball. Davie won the first .one 4;1.; The teams waged an eight-inning thriller last week at Rich Park. Unfom' lunalely, this one went to North, 3-1. ; The Black Knights stopped Davie's winning slreak al four games, and they also held Davie below Uiree runs for the fifst time, “It was a good game,” coach Alyse Bowden said, "I was proud thal the girls didn’l give up. They fought til Ihe end. Ijust wish it would have gone our way.” Earlier in Ihe week, Ihe War Eagles crushed visiting West Forsyth 9-2. Tlie stars were Sadie Lagle (2 for 5) and Kayla Cornatzer, who went 3 for 4 with three RBIs along wilh pitching seven innings. The turning point was the second, when Davie pushed a l-O lead to 6-0.; Please See JVs - Page B7 I (I ïil ) 1 В2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 30,2009 T y ler C o rrell s w in g s fo r th e J a g u a r s .■ Photos by James Barringer T y M arsh all b a ts fo r u n d e fe a te d E llis. H e a th N all of S o u th p u ts th e b all In play. T h e T ig e rs le a d th e s u s p e n d e d g a m e 2 -0 . Hearts... E llis’ J e re m y W a lk e r th re w 7 2 p itc h e s to b e a t N orth . Continued From Page Ul my couching carccr, of iiiiythlng I’ve ever couched,’’ Dinkins said. "Noilh's got iin excelient team. For some renson, tho bicHl<s wont oiir wuy. Wc had two baiis hit the bag that would have been oiils. Wc had two in- fiold liits that were spinning tind they jusl coiildn’t pick them up.” Both teams collected 12 hits, but North failed to bunch Financing. enough of them together. North’s Matt Vernon went 3 for 4. Trnvi.s Holdon and Carson Bishop went each 2 for 3. ‘‘Both teams made some er­ rors, blit ours seemed to be at huge times.” Nortii coach Jamey Holl stiid,‘"And they got some key hils where they fotmd holes. Wc had guys picked off nnd they ended up scoring two runs oh those. We just didn’t execute nnd they did,” • ' As sweet ns the win was, Iho season won't be the same with­ out Adams, who started for two years at second base. He will be at homo for two weeks bbforc returning to .school. "He gives you everything he's got,” Dinkins suid. “He started two years and only hnd one error, He’s very much missed by his teammates,” Earlier in the week, Ellis didn’t break a swcnt in thrash­ ing Summit 10-0 in four and a hnlf Innings, Walkefwent three innings before giving way to'IV Marshall and Comer, cuch of whom hurled n hitless, two- strikeout inning, Andy Lewis and Marshall both went 2 for 3 with three RBI.S, Miller Scores 4 Goals Fun. Pay no interest for 72 months on 1500 Series compacts. W hat could be m ore fun than that? O u r Massey Ferguson® 1500 Series offers ten m odels, from 23 to 59 hp, five transm ission choices, independent PTO, a huge lift capacity, and an engine so quiet you w on’t believe your ears. Be sure to check out our 1529 and 1532 m odels. They offer m ore luxury, m ore com fort and m ore tracto r for far less than you’d pay for com parable machines in their class. 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Tho win kept tho Wildcats undefeated Ht4-0rl. Caitlin Miller wns a beast with four goals and one assist. Jessica While wnsn’t too bud' herself with two goals and two nssists. Jill Dufrner hnd n goni and Meredith Ratledge an as­ sist. "Cnitlin pluycd very, very well,” conch John Marshall said, “ She diil a lot of great things. She got other people in­ volved.” • North’s halftlme lend wns 6- 1. It hns outscotcd Lexington 11-3 in two games, “ Ashley Trlvitto and Makayla Cnrden worked to build up (the Inst two gonls),” Mnrshnll snid, “Brooke Wallace played very well in goal. She made a couple big saves. Jordan Fleharty nnd Knitlyn McGinley nlwnys pluy wi:ll in the bnck.” South Tennis On Roll South Dnvic’s tennis team ' played four mutches in four days. When all was said and done. South found itself with a satisfying 5-2 rccord. The Tigers suffered u 5-4 loss to Ellis, but rebounded to beat Thomasville, North Davie nnd Mooresville, In the proccss, they avenged nn earlier loss to a talented Mooresville, In a repent of the first meet­ ing, South drilled Thomasville 9-0, The winners were David Hursey, Evan Lankford, Jacob Horton, Jason .Sellers, Adam Carter, Andrew- Whaley, Stephen Dnnlel-Robert Daniel, Carter-Whuley and Brandon Ruth-Joel Cartner, “ I was very proud of our team,” coach Hnll Collins said, "Our lineup switched, with new doubles teams and a few sev­ enth graders playing singles for the first time, but they all pulled out victories,” The most exciting win cumo from tlie doubles teum of Carter and Whaley, They trailed 4-0 before roaring back for n 6-4 win. "I wus very proud of thoir dcterminntion to win even though South hud ulfendy won the mutch nt thnt point',” Col­ lins suid. South knocked around North Dnvie 8-1, The South winners were Hursey, Lunk- ford,. Jnmes Neul, Cnrtcr, Aus­ tin Cuudlc, Whnley, S, Duniel- R. Daniel und Horton-Sellors. North’s win cnme.ut No. 3 doubles (Colin Floyd-Justin- Phipps). “I think the mutch to wutch wns Cnrtcr i\t No, 4 singles,” Collins suid. "Ho wns behind 4- 0 and wus nble to get focussed und pull through n victory,” Then South pickcd up im important 6-3 w in ' over Mdo’res'villc, which prevuiled 5-4 in the first meeting, "Mooresville hnd n lot of boys on edge bccnuse they knew wo nlmost hnd them cur­ lier in the season,” Collins suid. • Hursey and Lankford sweated out iiitense mntches in ¡jingles, going to deuce count- loss times before pulling out victories. Horton, matched agninst the same opponent from before, won 8-5. “1 was a'ninzed wutching Ju- cob play,” Collins snid, “His forehand stfoko has Improved so much-since thnt last match agninst Mooresville, and he wfls able to win,” S. Daniel nnd Sellers also won in singles. Lankford nnd Horton tenmcd up for u doubles win. J O I N U S I N C E L E B R A T I N G N A T I O N A L P E T W E E K 8t O U R 2 0 " ’ A N N I V E R S A R Y Saturday, May 2-Saturday, May 9 i«! Saturday, May 2; is May 4-M ay 9; i i Tuesday, May 4: Vi/edncsday, May 6 Rabies and Microctiipping clinic l-3pin litibici Viiccine.s |.10 coch (ulhtr Ulscoutvlvcj '.ticctiies avuilubic olbu) Receive 20% o ff services w ith o donation to th i Forsyth Humane Society wish list, wish li',l hcluw) Complimcniary Nail Irin i for your pet Open House Enjoy free tood from ta s t Coast W ings and • Kctchie Creek Bakery. Giveaways and Raffles Kids enter our coloring contest uges 10 & under Pet Photography by K ristie Pope 10am-5pm (wdik ins wclcomc, uppointrncnts prtifcrrcil) Animal Hospilol of Clemmons would to thank the businesses who sponsorid our open house raffle: Animal Hospital of Clemmons 2 6 3 5 N e u d o r f R o a d • C le m m o n s • 7 6 6 - 8 9 5 0 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 30,2009 - B3 South Soccer Makes Big Strides E llis' T y ler C o rrell s tre tc h e s a s S o u th ’s C o lto n O rrell h u s tle s d o w n th e line. - Photos by James Barringer Thorn In The Side North’s Beeson Burns South - Again South Dnvle socccr coach Louise Diemer hns seen her team make mujor strides. Lnst week's gnmes were u reflection of that. The Tigers defeated Thomasville 2-0 after tying 0-0 in the first meeting, and they lost 4-1 to Mooresville after los­ ing 6-0 in the season opener. TheThomasville game gave . South an elusive Tirsi victory, Brooke Hess, with an assist fiom Chelsea Curtiss! and Di­ ana Moure did all thé scoring in th(i first half. But .forward/ midfielder Karyna Lopez nnd stopper Brittany Money deliv­ ered mnjor contributions. “Kurynn stnrted out at for­ wurd nnd helped a lot with pos­ sessions,” Diemer suid. “ I dropped her bnck to mid iind she hustled uhd did real well there to help get the bull to ihe for-. wnrds; She’s n versatile pluyer. "Bulls don't got by Brittuny very often. She hns n big foot, she’s aggressive and she can help get the bnll to midfield nnd up to the forwnrds,” The first Mooresville gnme wns n totul wipeout. Not this time. Curtiss’ goni off nn nssist from Moure cut Mooresville’s second-hulf leud to 3-1. “Diana sent a benutiful bnll ubove Mooresville's defense, ,nnd Chelseu hud a perfect ungle and beat three defenders and got u brenkuwuy,” she suid, "This game was n big improvement, The'girls were moving the bull nround better, nnd we had u fe w shots on goal. You love to soo improvement, Mooresville is n tough teum. They told me it’s even hnrd for them to get gnmes becnuse no one. wants lo piny them.” Diemer ’r,uved aboftt Saruh Sponuugle’s defense.; "She controlled this right side nnd beut the forward to the bull I’d say 95 percent of the tlnie,'' she suid. "She has very good in­ stincts of when to step in front nnd take il uwuy and when to just delhy. She’s u strong force on the defense.” South entered the week wilh - a 1-5-2 record. Going into Inst week's South Davie-North Davic game at North; it would hnve been hurd to find u hotter hitter thnn South's Cody Martin, who Is 7 for 15 (.467) nftcr missing the first several games with un in­ jury, Unfortunately for couch Bobby Byerly nnd his South team, they needed only to look across the field to find one. North’s Ben Beeson did it ngnin. He burned South with four hits in the first meeting, nnd he erupted ii\ the romutch, go­ ing 3 for3 with n wnlk nnd four runs und spurklng u 9-6 Norlh win. Beeson is 7 for 8 in two North-South gumes. “ 1 think wo could throw pinto benns up there nt him nnd he’d still line It somewhere.” . Byerly suid. "Beeson is one of tho toughest outs I’ve seen nt the ' middle-school level. Wo throw him up und in carly und he got n hit right up the middle. We threw nn offspccd low nnd in. Sumo thing, hit u seed up tho middle. Wc threw one nwuy'on him und ho hit n seed in the five- six hole. It wns the sume thing the first gume. We thi'cw him nwuy und ho hit two down the left-field line. So I thought! ‘Heck, lot’s go inside.’” For ull the ncclnim with which leudoff-mun Beeson hu!i been showered in the 11-4 und 9-6 wins over South, he's fnr from u one-mun teum. The No. 2 butter, Gnrrett Nestor, wont 2 for 4, and third butter Mutt Ver­ non went 2 for .3 as North squnred its rccord nt 2-2. "Nestor’s hitting nround .500 for the yenr,” North conch Jamoy Holt suid. "He’s good for ut leust ono to two hits a game. Vernon’s bat was cold to start the year, but he’s gotten five hits the last two games.” . ■ Soulh chopped an 8-1 deficit to 8-6 in the fifth. Tho rally stnrted with n Tommy Boyetle hit. Will Curtner und Corbin Scott followed with run-scoring singles, but Soulh left tho buses loaded. Thnt becume a theme. South stranded ruiwiors at first and sec­ ond with the score 9-6 in the sixth, nnd it left runners nt sec^ ond nnd third in the seventh, Tho Tigers sirnndcd 10 in the Inst four innings, “Il could have been a whole different game,” Holt said, “The first two innings wo kipked it nround,” Byerly said, “After that wo settled down and got back into it,” Travis Holden, the winning , pitchcr, nnd Carson Blshtip were , solid on the mound, Holden gave up two hils in 4 1/3 innings, and Bishop got the save by go­ ing 2 2/3. C a le b M artin fire s a p itch for S o u lh D av ie.' South (4-4) breezed past lowly Lexington in u double- header, winning 19-0 in three innings and 10-0 in two. Pitcher Nathan Howurd wus perfect in Ihe first gnme, nnd Nick Mnn- zini held Lexington to one hit in the liightcap. ‘‘And ho’s never pitched be­ fore,” Byerly said of Manzini. “He may end up being some­ thing pretty promising. He’s a lefty. He's tho strongest kid on the team," Byerly citcd Kyle Builins’ catching, “He took on a leadership role behind tho plate, blocked up ev­ erything und threw two kids out at second," he said, Builins is sccond on South with a .333 avernge. Curtner, the brother of Davic standout Jess Curtner, is hitting .316, BriefSy Dates Open,. Church Softball Anyone wnnting to play open or church league softball should nttend a coaches meeting on April 30 at 8 p,m„ at the Brock Gym, Also, for anyone wntuing to umpire softbnll, there will be u clinic on Muy 3 nl 7 p,m, ut the Brock, For more infonnulion, contnct Ihc Mocksvillc-Duvic Recrention Depurtment at 751-2325, Golf Benefit The Marine Corps League Detachment #1096 1st Toys ForTots golf benefit Is scheduled for June 6 at Twin Cedars at 8 a.m. The cost for tho four-person captain’s choice is $50 per person and $200 per team. Sign up before Juno 1 to save $20. There will be a free breakfast for players. For more Information contact Ron Sechrist (998-3007) or Tom Kopotzky (336-749-7547). Davie VoHeybaH^a^^ ...y.,. The DuWe voileybali program wlirholil a Vofley-T&s Clinic* ■ for boys nnd girls ngcs 5-8 on Mny 9 from 9 u,m,-nbon at Onvie. This is a clinic to lenm the gnme in n fun environment. The cost is $20, which includes instruction, gumes nnd snuck/drink. Prereg- Istcr by Mny I to receive n volleybull, Rcgisirution fonns ure nvuil- nblo online at www,wurcnglcpride,com.or ut your child’s elemon- tnry school, Contnct Duvie couch Becky Miller ut tiiillerb@dnvie.k 12.nc,us, North Golf Tournament The North Dnvie Middle School Booster Club will have a first- annuul golf toumumcnt on Muy 30 nt Pudding Ridge. Prizes will be uwurded for longest drive, closest lo the pin nnd winning leums. The cost is $60, which includes door prizes, goody bag, mulligans, tec-busier and lunch. Lunch will sturt ul 12:30 p,m, A shotgun stnrt will be ut 2, Sponsorships nre nvniluble. If you would like to pluy or be n sponsor, contnct Greg Brooks nt 336-782-9656. C o u n t y S c h o o l B A N D B O O S T E R S Saturday, May 2 llam-6pm Davie High Sciiooi f t I'M. Cow Bingo - $500 Prize! Silent JUictton Bake Sale F w r m u r » in lw r n ia ü w n . v i/n it w w w .d u v ie h ig h b a n d a i.c M m M A S T E R 'S T O U C H A N T IQ U E P IA N K Miimct’s T<mcl> Antique Plank floorhig ciipturc‘8 the feel and nppciirimcc of »rlglnnl chnrucler dluthiclloii c<iiidliioned ovcf time. MuHter’« Touch Antique Plunk flonriog will continue Id wnke historic grandeur and unique Htyllng for yenrs to “'"•/Ward W EAR M A X A D V AN C ED C ER A M IC F IN ISH CrunictI fruiii the Ktinic icchniilocy iliiit praicciH spucc sluiulcs froni ntmoaphcrc rc-cntry hcai, WEAHMAX* provide» Incredible wear anil Httiin teslsiunce lo keep yout floor looking {^rctu. No. other flootliiB finish on the miiikct loduy cnn match Hrs: Mon. -Fri. 8-6 & Sat. 9-1 213 New Highway 64 West, Lexington, NC Phone: (336)249-6672 CARPirr & IT.OORING COVIiRING f В4 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tlmrsday, Apri) 30,2009 V ii) DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 30,2009 - В5 S S P O T U G H T 1III ¡ur'iMKt|toi%baiM of $5.00 or morti ЧAitmcehiiilloilBhly j Garaue Ocor l^epalrs All Electrical Cpener Repairs • Emergency Service Citizens Discountm QARAOE DOOR SERVICES "M r. Bd" (336) 998*2336 • Fakminqton, NC • 25 Years Experience одю.м^ ^(uft “iRur^ aitc{ 'pai'KC (^atv 336-788-0862 336-766-8195 Wf: WASH OR FXIRAC I ALL KLJGS /’Ai)/)/N(, IS RICi )M M I Nl^il) l( )R R u g s O n T o p O f C a r p o t R u g s O n H fir c lw o o c I F lo o r s R u g s O n T ile F lo o r s P e l S I n in s & O d o r R o in o v o d R e p n ir s f i P r o lo c l o i' P ic k u p a n d D e liv e r y . Call ‘Dirty Digs’ of Clemmons It’s time to start planning for a beautiful lawn this spring. Homeowners wanting to spruce up their lawns across Clemmons, Lewisville and Davie County havte a great re­ source when they need some heavy duly help. Dirty Digs and owner Tom Jones are the ones to call. If your lawn, trees or land needs heavy duty attention, look no further. Now Is the Ideal time for making those Im­ provements. From erosion control to stump removal Dirty Digs, a licensed and bonded company, originally represented the finest In erosion control. They also han­ dled drainage systems for yards and downspouts, grading and excavations, demolition of old or unwanted structures,, brush clean-up of hard to control areas, footings and stump ’ removal. ■ , But Dirty Digs didn’t stop there. Now offering additional services Dirty Digs has evolved and is now offering many addi­ tional services to better serve their clients who often had to turn to several contractors to complete projects they had In mind. To make It much simpler. Dirty Digs became a ‘gen­ eral purpose’service. . Theydldthlsbyformlngtwoalllances-one'wlthaproles-, slonal landscape designer/installer and one with a certified arborlst. , ' Dirty- Digs’ landscape and hardscape services Include soii preparation and seedlng aldng with design and Installa­ tion of mulch beds, trees and shrubs, Installation of retain­ ing walls and back fllllng/flnal grading. Hydro seeding and hydro mulching will also be available soon. Their tree services, which are performed by a certllied arborlst. Include treatments, repair, revitalization, trimming, removalbf trees, land'clearing and slump removal. Free estimates available . So as you can see, Dirty Digs provides many things to many people. Whether your project requires only one or two of their services or Is a more complex Job and would be better served by an Integrated approach to an array of ser­ vices, give Dirty Digs a call now for a free estimate. Get your spring projocta scheduled now With the season change ,rapidly approaching, ,schedule your projects with the Dirty Digs professionals now so you pan be.among the firat tojget finished this spring. They use smiill equipment for Jobs In tight spaces and larger equipment appropriate for projedts requiring heavier lifting. Remember, this Is an excellent time of the year to tackle those outdoor projects that you have been tiilnking about all winter. Give Tom al Dirty Digs a call today at (336) 749-0465. UGIYROOFSTMREMOVED FOR A LIKE NEW LOOKI NnttoTi'B torgom & OtdoQt Root Stnln Romovora R o o f -B r ii^ 785-2030too Royal Oak Dr.. Winslon-Salom, NC 27107 A dvance H air Design Mother's Day, Proms, Weddings Special - *5 off for women ivllh free protein wllli cut/blowdry iVlen's Special - ’3off with tul/blowilry Family Special Children FREE with Full Price Adult Cut Hours: Tues.-Sat. 9:30am-6pm 3431 US Hwy 64E, Advance • 336-998-3387 EDWARDS S ID IN G & W IN D O W S 'r -П -• kr '' S a n d T r a p C u s t o m G o l f 766-2233 OR 760-2880 New Iron Sets 3-pw*149 llUsedCiulisi 1Æ Price*^aome excqrtlora м Fils M l i ] BAKERY THRIFT STORE A m is tiJ a m s S la s ti T e a m s C h o n le s C a lë Ccx>l< ВоЫ< ’ Salad Dressing aro lina Small Engine Sales & sorvlcD of outdoor powor oqulpmontJ mowore, trimmers, chnln saws, blowors, gonorators, & more 1034 F o rk B ix b y n d ., A d v n n c a 998-7755 30%TAXCREDIT Up to *1500“ Replacement Windows Storm Doors - QColors Entry Doors Roofing Insulation Mobile Phone 9 7 8 -2 2 9 9 ,SAV1N(;S и рУ 1Г |°''“ i;m :kvi)aY io4 ' USenior Clllzon DIscounle’Wcdnosday 4 0 % O F F S A I E DOBt Not Include leBlBU water, Drtnkt or Scooters ( Irmmiins Discount .Siik's I I js\ U -ininm is U (l. * ( IniimoMs • 7Ы>-4'МК imiDAl.ANDIOKMAIAVIIAU WE’VE MOVED! 2729 Lcw lsvllk'-C lcnm ion» R il. C lt'iiiim iiistfusi belore SImbucIo) (336) 766-0999 www.englishbridal.com Mon-Wed; 10*6 «Thurs; 10-8 Fri: 10-0 • Sol; 10-3 • Sun: Closod TmstYourLawn ToThePfofessionals^ CLAMPITT’S UW NCARI • In Business For 28 Yeara • M Sen*» Commoifcal& Residential tjwn Care • insured 345-8695 Joel Clampttt, Owner -U C Pool Openings '«hd Closings , ».Weekly Service ' • Chemicals • Free Water Testing . >,fiftable ?pas l^lrier (^h^nges Renovatjons « Pumps and Filters Sold and Serviced ' • ^odI Deck Renovations ('♦JiliWorlc • Satt'Vyater Chlorine Generators...never buy chlorine again!U. (' visit our sHowrookvt okv üepot street, MoolesviLLe ' ‘ \ yie\y owr JSpfls flkvd swiiu Sftas at wvwv.i/t^vityhottu.bs.oon<. _ 336-751-7665 Standings Congested In Men’s Basketball League Nccdmoro Logging leads the ' men’s open baskclball league with a 7-1 record, but there’s a , thtec-way tie for scconti at 6-2 between The Remedy, Cullin’ Up nnd Team V. The lo£iam in­ cludes four 5-3 teams - Bird pang, Barnette Heating & Air, Creek All-Stars and Cozurt’s Handyman Services. Hatzoff (4-4) is trying to squeeze into the eight-team tournament. The other five teams: Dem Boyz (3-5), Few Good Men (2- 6)i Evohs' Services (1-7), Tar Heel Lawn (1-7) and A-Team (0-8). In one of the most cxciting games of the season, Avery Patterson of Dem Boyz scored 50 points and drained 10 3- polntors... and his team lost 99- 94 to Cozart’s Handyman Ser­ vices. Cdzart’s rode Brian Lane (31 points) and Curios Dixon (28), Dem Boy* 94 - Tony Tenor 18, Cedric Tenor 3, Brandon Finger 12, Dewayne Collins 2, Avery Patterson 50, Josh Morrison 8. Coznrt’s Handyman Ser­ vices 99 - Marnic Lewis 2, Brian Lane 31, Barry Chunn 5, Chad Ward 18, Charles Miller 2, Tony Mallard 11, Carlos Dixon 28. Few Good Men 93 - Sam Hillie 21, Mann Oglesby 16, Marcus White 21, Ike Johnson 23, Creek 12. Hntzoff 120 - Vinccnt Cock­ erham 27, Germain Mayfield 14, Speedy Redmond 6, Clilf Bums 14, Shawn Westbrook 20, Tracey Arnold 6, Donuld Rutherfordton 33. ' Evans’ Services 66 - John Evans 8, Al Evans II, Justin Dotson 21, Brandon Hawks 12, Travis Peacock 11, S. White 3. Creek All-Stars 76-P. Wil­ son 10, Brandon Chrupek 5, Jamal Durham 11, IsaiahTucker 9, Alonzo Robertson 11, Darrell Wongc 9, Harvey Hale 5, W. Lewis 2, Cory Tennesson 14. Nccdmorc Logging 114 - Paul.Cuthbertson 2, Steve Hoggins 31, Briun Avery 27.T.J. Gaither 4, K.J. Sherrill 15, Keyshawn Sherrill 33. Team V 90 - Sean Stevens 19, Eric Alspaugh 18, Will Bynum 13, Landon Hams 15, Austin Spaugh 25. The Remedy 60 - Matt Hud­ son 10, Jeremy Miller 12, Brad Dyer 12, Alex Williams 2, Eric Lowery 4, Brnndon Maxwell 14, Caleb Dyer 8. Nccdmorc Logging 121 - Pnul Cuthbcrtson 6, Tristan Rankin 20, Brian Avery 14.T.J. Oaither 17, Keyshawn Sherrill 19, K.J. Sherrill 39, Snip Keaton 5. Uiirnettc tlcating & Air 68 - Greg Barnette 6, Brian Will­ iams 11, Andy Snow 24, Brent Wall 6, J. Hoots 8, Lanco Ever- ettc 2, Matt Van Hoy 11. Bird Gang 81 - Marcus Lassiter 3, Mario Hawkins 7, Ziillnor Banks 32, Duane Phil­ lips 10, Roman Davis 27. "Rir Heei Lawn 69 - Andy Ward 17, Jason Tutterow 15, Todd Corvin 7, Scott Cornatzer 25, Andy Everhart 5. HatzolT 73 - Vincent Cock­ erham 18, Speedy Redmond 20, Cliff Burns 12, Drew Absher 22, Frank Dotson 1. Cuttln’ Up 67 - Javon Sipeo 12, Linwood Skinner 19, Ray Bristow 20, Tony Leazer 4, Tremaine King 8, Dee Blakely 4. Creek Aii-Stors 52 - Paris Wilson 15, Brandon Chrapek 4, Jamal Durham 16, Alonzo Rob­ ertson 14, Chad Alexander 3. Cullin’ Up 62-J. Sipeo 13, Linwood Skinner 14, Ray Bristow 10, Ty Davis 12, Dee Blakely 2, Tremaine King 9, Tony Leazer 2. Burnette Heating & Air 67 - Greg Barnette 4, Andy Snow, 25, Brent Wall 6, Scott Tonidandcl 18, B. Vaassen 6, Lance Everettc 8. Few Good Men 79 - Sam Hillie 27,. Mann Oglesby 2, Marcns wiiite 24, Creed 11, Drc Thompson 6, Kavari Hillie 9. ' Cozart’s Handyman Ser­ vices 103 - Mamie Lewis 17, Brian Lane 27, Burry Chunn 11, Tony Mallard 13, Chad Ward 8, Carlos Dixon 27. Evans’ Services 56 - John Evans 11, Al Evans 3, Jason Hawks 8, Brandon Hawks 11, Travis Peacock 6, Larry Um­ bergcr 7, Dominic Graham 10. Dem Boyz 57 - Tony Leazer 6, Cedric Tenor 2, Brandon Fin­ ger 8, Dewayne Collins 2, Josh Morris 2, A. Murphy 11, Avery Patterson 26, A»Tcam 44 - David Pitts 15, LeBron Mayfield 8, Cody Thorpe 6, Cody Sulier 7, Ernest Mayfleld 4, Dylan Fulk 4, llir Heel Lawn 69 - Andy Ward 12, Jason Tutterow 24, Todd Corvin 4, Scott Cornatzer 6, Mutt James 3, Andy Everhart 20. Tiie Remedy 56 - Jeremy Miller 6, Brad Dyer 17, Alex Williams 3, Eric Lowery 11, Brandon Maxwdll 11, Forrest Breedlove 8, Itam V 96 - Senn Stevens 7, Austin Spaugh 5, Eric Alspiiugh 22, Walt Boxley 24, Will Bynum 7, Landon Harris 18, Caleb Davis 7, Landon Har- . ris 4. Necdmore Loggins 84 - Paul Cuthbcrtson 9, Briun Avery 17, Tristnn Rankin 27, Steve Heggins 9, Jerry Sherrill 2, T.J. Gaither 9, Snip Keaton 11. ’ Dem Boyz 67 - Tony Tenor' 5, Brandon Finger 6, A. Murphy 7, Avery Patterson 30, M. Johnson 2, Mario 14. Few Good Men 43 - Sam Hillie 8, Mann Oglesby 2, Tim 9, Marcus White 13, Ike Johnson 2, Shawn Thomas 6, Creed 3.' Creek All-Slars 59 - Paris Wilson'9, Brandon Chrapek 2, Jamal Durham 13, Isaiah Thicker 10, Tyrone Martin 4, Cory 13. Evans’ Services 68 - John Evans 7, Al Evans 7, Justin Dotson 19, Shawn White 2, Jo- son Hawks 10, Brandon Hawks 1, Travis Peacock 15, Dominic Graham 7. HatzofT 84 - Vincent Cock­ erham 17, Cliff Bums 6, Shawn Westbrook 11, RaShawn Davis 11,-Drew Absher 14, Tracey Arnold 2, Mike Silva 9. Cozart’s Handyman Ser­ vices 73 - Marnic Lewis 11, Brian Lane 10, Barry Chunn 8, Tony Mallard 7, Chad Ward 11, Carlos Dixon 26. Bird Gang 58 - Marcus Lassiter 5, Mario Hawkins 18, Phil McFadden 5, Zalinor Brooks 13, Duane Phillips 2, Roman Davis 15. Mayfield Named To East-West Football James Mayfield became the fifth War Eagle in seven years to be selected to play in thc' East-West All- Star Football Game. The July 22 game at Orimsley High in Greensboro will fea­ ture some of Ihe top graduated seniors in the state. Mayfield is a 5-10, 215-pound running back, who had his senior season curtailed by a shoulder injury. After msh- ing for 1,476 yards, a 6.0 aver­ age and scoring 18 touchdowns in 2007, Mayfield rushed for 796 yards’, a 5.4 average and scored 11 touchdowns in 2008. He missed three games wilh Ihe injury. T\yb rivals from Ihe Central Piedmont Conference were named, defensive linemen Rod­ ney McCloud of North Forsyth and Jonathan Torres of West Forsyth. Mayfield Is thc 14lh Davie player in 53 years to maitc Ihe West sijuad. The fraternity in­ cludes John Grimes (1961), Ed' Bowles (1962), Ronnie Spry (1966), Edgar Osborne (1967), Randall Ward (1967), Fred Bailey (1968), Allan Barger (I97O), Chris Jacobs (1984), Andre Frost (1989), Sum Stovall .(2003), Ryan Boehm (•2005),.ReShaun Parks (2006) and Garrett Benge (2008). TJie West lost 20-3 to the East last year in thc rain, but the West leads Ihe all-time scries 35-24-1. B U S I N E S S S P O T U G I i r Healing Power of Massage Therapy By Bill Holden, ill , ! ' Massage: Not Just a Luxury Any­ more! Massage therapy has historically,been viewed as a luxury that has primarily been offered at expensive day spas and resorts. Most of us knew that either a fat wallet or a coveted gift certificate from someone was the only way that a massage was fo be hadi Now, however, a new understand­ ing of the benefits of massage, and its ef­ fect on your overall health and wellness Is creating quite a stirl LaVida Massage of Clemmons opened In February and Is pro­ viding quality massage therapy at very af­ fordable rates. The atmosphere Is elegant and tranquil, the music Is soothing, and the overall experience leaves you feeling relaxed and refreshed. LaVlda Massage believes that a massage therapy center should no longer be a "destination loca­ tion", but rather part of your local neighborhood shopping center providing convenience for everyone. Medical Benefits of Massage Who knew that massage could offer some form of medi­ cal benefit? Many healthcare providers are now referring their patients to professional massage therapists knowing that the benefits will assist In the healing process. Almost one in five adult Americans (19%) report discussing mas­ sage therapy with their physician or healthcare provider. Of those 19%, more than half (58%) said their doctor strongly recommended massage therapy. Recent research has shown the effoctlveness of massage for many conditions. Including but not limited to, cancer-related fatigue, back pain, arthritis, and'post-operative pain. Massage has also been recognized for decreasing the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, reducing headache frequency, boosting the body's Immune system functioning, and even reduc­ ing anxiety and lowering blood pressure In stroke patients. Diabetes, infertility, smoking cessation and depression are also conditions that benefit from massage therapy. Thera­ pists today aj-e also working in specialty areas such as on­ cology, orthopedics, and hospice and palliative care cen­ ters. While the physical benefits of therapeutic massage are great, there are also emotional benefits as well. The Increase In endorphin levels is one of the greatest benefits of massage therapy. The experience of safe, caring touch through massage allows relaxation, and brings about heal­ ing on a deeper emotional level. The “ Massage Explosion” According to Ihe .American Massage Therapy Associa­ tion, the number of massage therapists in the US has near­ ly doubled In the past 10 years. This "massage explosion" Is being partially attributed to the growing population of baby boomers who are "tired, aging and not quite as limber as they once were." In addition, there Is now the increased awareness of the harmful effects of stress, and the posi­ tive physiological benefits of massage. Some studies have estimated that up tb 90% of disease and illness is related In some way to stress. Massage is a great way to help SPECIAL W°EnrolimBnt Par Month OR I Year S220 (Paid In Full] THE BEST VALUABLE FITNESS Membership and Amenities Includes: Lots ol Cardio • Free Weights • Circuit Training Aii Womens Contor • Froe Child Watch Qroup Fitness ■ Basicalbail Piiates/Yoga • Qroup Fitness Wet Sauna/Dry Sauna • Flat Screen T.V.’s 6221 Ramada Drive • Clamniom • 712-2021 www.pBBkfltnBaaGluba.Goin manage stress and reduce its effect on the body.. While the use of massage is growing, tho reasons people are turning to massage therapy are also expanding. More and more people are recognizing it as an important element in their overall health and wellness. According to the 2007 AMTA Consumer Survey, 25% of adult Americans had a massage at least once In the last 12 months and 34% of adult Ameri­ cans received a massage In the last five years. Almost one-third of adult Americans say they have used massage therapy one time for pain relief. Those who receive mas­ sages on a regular basis have discovered that massage has become a necessity to help support them In dealing with the stresses and strains of today's world. Still think that a massage Is Just an infrequent, hard-to- come-by luxury? It’s becoming quite clear that massage therapy Is much more than a passing fancy or something you only dream about expisriencing. Its therapeutic ben­ efits indicate that it Is here to stayl Pon’t Let the Low Price Fool You LaVida Massage of Ciemmons offers professional mas­ sage and facial services at very affordable rates, while the quality and expertise of our therapists and estheti- cians rival top day spds. “We have experienced massage therapists and aestheticians on staff with as much as 18 , years of experience that are licensed to provide an array of therapeutic massages, including Relaxation, Deep Tissue, Reflexology, Cranial Sacral, Pre-Natal and custom facial therapies", notes LaVida Massage co-owner Bill Holden III. His partner Larry Shifflett adds, “We want the local com­ munity to feel comfortable with the experience of ail our therapists and understand that quality massage and facial' therapies are very affordable." With 13 massage therapists arid 2 estheticians on staff at LaVida Massage, you are sure to find the therapist that is right for youl If you are Interested In a business that is a true plea- SMra to owni ploase contact Bill Holden, III at 336-766- 0622 for Information on Franchise Opportunities. give the rest & relaxation she deserves... L a V ic Ia ®massage _<^Vt (w a èaxi iff « ж в ж М M ofhe r-s D a y P a cka g e . Minute iviassage & 60 Minute Cusiom Faciol оп/у$у/^95 TO: ^ ^ y ^ C V n New Towne Shopping Center Just down from Staples 2517 Lewisville Clemmons Rd. 3 3 6 . 7 6 6 . 0 6 2 2 ;C|emmons.HC.LayidaMassage.com. tovl,cbniio*ldi# »y ilMi^ W Miitii* ^ Bwlywwk Ttwrafltl or C«tmit«lg(|lftt.; B6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 30,2009 I !Ì f i Freshman Tori Clontz relief pitches for Davie's varsity. Starter Samantha Tarleton releases a pitch. Record... Continued From Page B1 > their coach was so frustrated with his team that he just pitched to her to sec if she could do it again." Wyatt’s scoson numbers at that point were blistering: six homers in 12 games, .600 aver­ age (18 for 30). 11 runs, four doubles. 15 RBls and four steals. At this rate she’s going to launch every one of Davie’s offensive rccords into Ihc stratosphere by the time her career ends in 2010. Jordan Schultz; Annelise Chesney and Samantha Tarleton produced two hits each as Davie drubbed the 2-9 Vikings. The War Eagles didn’t fare as well the rest of the week, losing 5-1 to West Forsyth and 7-0 lo North Davidson. Both games were at Rich Park. Notes: Davie has lost five straight to West (10-6.4-1 Cen­ tral Piedtnont Conference). Schultz missed the key .West game with u migraine headache. ... Wyatt went 1 for 4 against West. ‘'We,st didn’t give mo any­ thing lo hit. except inside changeups,” Wyatt said. ... North Davidson (17-1. 6-0) handed Davie (7-7. 2-3) its fourth shutout loss. ... Chelsea Neal, who had only played one game becausc of mono.'returned against North Davidson. But shortstop Grace Locfflcr re- Wyatt placed heron the shelf. She’s out for the season with mono. ... Davie is hitting only .228 with an average of 3.2 mns per game'. Dnvic 10, Norih Forsylh 0 Davie nb r h McCuno cf 3 1 1 Short If 1 0 0 Hnmiyrf 3 1 1 Bnlfey lb ' 1 I I Wynllc ’4 3 3 Sclnilli: lb 4 3 2 Clicanisydh .3 1 2 Ooubcttf t o o Funderburk 2b 3 0 I Tarlclon p 3 0 2 Loefncrsi t o o Riddle 2 0 0 Hnmlllony 2 0 ,0 ' 2 0 0ClonU! If Totals Davlc N. Forsyth 33 tO'.13 101 033- 10 000 000 - 0- 2B - Ballcy, Ch'csncy 2 (J). MR • Wyalt 3 (6). SB ■ Himdy (2), Funderburk (2), Tnrlclon. Davlc IP II K EK un SO Tnrle.W 5 2 0 0- 3 . 6 West Forsylh S, Davlc 1 Morgan Wyatt concentrates on the pitch. Diivlc McCunc cf llnndy rr Wymi c .Chesney dll Funderburk 2b l^ooffler Bnlley lb Clonti p Hnmlllon If ToInU W. For»ylh Davlc ab r h bl 4 o' 1 0 0 .1 03 4 4 2 1 2 2 1 1 0 0 23 1 3 1 0 I 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 103 010 0 -5 .000 000 1-1 Davlc IP II K EK BD SO Tiirle, L 2.2 4 •! 0 2 1- Clonli 4.1 2 1 . 1 1 0 North Davidson 7, Davlc 0 Lindsay Bailey makes sure to touch the bag. - Photos by James Barringer Annelise Chesney finds one she likes. Diivic ab r h bl McCuiw cf 2 0 0 0 llllllilyri 2 0 0 0 Wyall f 2 Ü u 0 Sdiullz Ib 2 0 0 0 Clit'sncy ss 2 0 0 0 l'unclcrburk 2h 2 0 0 0 Tnrlclon p 2 0 1 0' llumllton If 2 0 0 0 NcnI dh 1 0 0 0 TuluiD 17 0 1 0 N. Uavldüon .«01 11-7 Davlc 000Í 00-0 Dnvic IP H K EK ni>so Tarlo, L 5 7 7 :)5 5 CORNEtoNE^ /heathcareAnnounces that ■ A d v a n c e P e d i a t r i c s has joined our multidisciplinary practice. Established in 2001 by Dr. Susan Y. Hunsinger, Advance Pediatrics cares for patients from birth to age 21. Our .sliiff i.s dcdicalcd Ki providing excellent medical caro in a conlpassionalc, respcctful way. Ourstaff includc.s nurses, medical as.iistants and providers who excel in their medicai knowledge and iiiive decades of experience caring for children and Iheir families. Wc strive to incorporale our medical expetlise wilh complementary alternative medicine to provide a holistic approach to the patients we serve. • ’ Cormuone ihiltli Curp h a '¿roup vf ware, than ¿60 ffovhiea m im br fHiiifiiiifwiiipJJhifs ¡11 M im , Afhelm\ Ui^H hnni, Wiumn Sitletti, ¡dtmmvn, Arrluliik llmimitvitk Iw /h x/w i uml Karumvi^lt- Cornvntonc praciicfs purtlclpAic in m o il m ojorhcoith p h n i. C O R N E mvw.cofnor3lonoheallh.com i ‘ i , AdvancfePeaiatric^ I 1 n'Kindcrlon Blvd.: A in w NC > 336998-^74? HOUR^Moiidny-i’irlday 8:30 am-12 noon and 1 pm-5 pm OyR SERVICES INCLUDE! ' ; ■ Well oiid Sick éhiici Cure ■ ’ftcatincntofAtlcnlion'.............. Dcficil/liypcraclivily Disorder ■ piagnosisandTtcalmcntofAculc . and.Chronic i’cdiairic Conditions ■ Uevclopinciital I’eidiiilrics/■ - ; Behavioral Pedidttics ; ■ ■ ; ■ ComplcnienlaryAltcrnative ' . Medicine. ■ №OMm'rioii|iHr ClirUsleC.lldll.Ci'Nl’ , '. KtlsicnM . Murphy, rA-C S u u n Y .IW n iic t.M lI W IillncyM .Ew lns.Cl’NP,. M liy L .lir o i.M tt , ' ' ! Soccer Falls In Double OT For tile third straight time, the Duvie varsity soccer team came lip just short against North Davidson. Last year North shaved Davie 1-0 and 2-1. Last week the War Eagles experi­ enced flashbacks, losing 1-0 in double overtime at home. The loss was devastating. The shots and comer kicks be­ tween the teams were dead even, 11 was .0-0 for 80 regula­ tion minutes, It stayed 0-0 through the first 10-minute overtime. North ripped out Davie’s heart by scoring at the 96th minute, "Both keepers had 15 saves,” coach Pete Gustafson said, "I just look at it as being unlucky. They poked one in and the girls were upset. They were visibly upset.” North has defeated Duvie seven straight times, and the Black Knights are 10-0-2 in the • last 12 meetings. Davie’s last win was 3-0 in 2003. Davie had not been shut out all season. While North improved to 8- 4-1 and 2-2 in tiie Central Pied­ mont Cpnference, Davie slipped to (5-3, 1-3. “ But we’re climbing on them,” Gustafson said. "I mean they’ve beat us consistently for the last three or four years, and we’re climbing. We’re making headway.” Gustafson focussed on the positives that came out of the game. "Jessa, Ren had a lough ath­ lete to mark, and she did a good job on her,” he said. "Cassie (Banics). KK (Brake). Morgan (Parrish) and Jennifer (Booth) all were solid in the defense. “Clare (Moser),' Cheyenne (Lashmit) and Jansen (McDaniel) made some great passes and great attacks. We put together some beautiful attacks, and they did too. It was like a basketball game - up and down, up and down. You couldn’t a.sk for a better game to watch. “ Hannah (Stroupe). Laura (Shelton). Katie (Gordon) and Heather (Whitehead) worked like horses in the midfield - wilh not many breaks. Kelsey (Bryan) came in and worked hard.” The War Eagles (6-4. 1-4) lost for the fourth lime in five games later in the week at West Forsyth. Tiie margin was 3-0. but it was just 1-0 until six min­ utes to go. West took 22 of the game’s 27 shots, West is having a banner sea­ son. It’s 13-2 and 6-0 and has only allowed 10 goals in 15 games. JV Soccer Loses 3 Starmount extended the Davie JV soccer team’s losing streak to five with a 4-2 decision in Boonville on Friday. Earlier in the week the War ¿agles lost 4-1 to visijing North Davidson and 4-0 at West Fonsyth, "But they’re playing' well." coach Polly Reynolds said, "The girls are stepping up and play­ ing much better than they were at the beginning.” Ana Martinez earned woman of the match against North Davidson, Whitney Correll and Anna Derian received the post- game honor at West Forsylh, "Ana played another great game.” Reynolds said, "Wher­ ever I put her she gives 110 per­ cent.” Davie is 2-6 overull and 0-4 in the Ceritrai Piedmont Confer­ ence. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursdiiy, April 30,2009 - B7 Second baseman Heather Riddle covers first during a 9-2 win over West Forsyth. At right, first baseman Rebecca McCann fields a grounder. Jl/S ... Coiilliiued From Pngc HI West made llie mistake of bean- ing Erin Deadmon and nuiking an error on a two-out strikeout in the dirt. Duvie made the Ti­ tans pay, the error bringing up leadoff batter Holly Thompson, who stroked a run-scoring single. After Rebecca McCann walked, Lagle plated two run­ ners wilh a single. Comatzer did the same thing. The War Eagles (9-2. 2-1 Central Piedmont Conference) have built winning streaks of five and four. They’ll have to start another one after the 3-i. extra-inning loss to North Davidson. North took a 1-0, second-in­ ning lead on a two-out throwing error. Davie finally tied it in the last of the sixih, the rally starl­ ing wilh two outs and nobody on. Tori Clontz sliced a double lo left. Then'Lagle came through with a game-tying single to right. Pitcher Comatzer a»d the Davie defense stretched,the drama by escaping a bases- loaded jam in the seventh. But Davie finally blinked in the eighth. Two errors on the same play put a North runner at third wilh no outs. When the dust settled. North had two runs and the 3-1 cushion. Davie could not answer, losing for just the The War Eagles had plenty to smile about. - Photos by James Barringer Rebecca McCann connects. second time. "The game just didn’t go our way,” Bowden said, ‘They are a very good team, and every­ thing just seemed to fall in place for them, Comatzer pitched ex­ ceptional, We just had too many errors. Errors cost us the game," Davie had four hits, one each from Clontz, Lagle, Comalzer and Lauren Osborne, Comatzer wus a strike machine in the games, walking one in 14 1/3 innings.Coach Alyse Bowden high-fives star hitter Sadie Lagle, Y O U T H S O C C E R A S S O C IA T IO N Get in the Gamei TRYOUTS SESSIONS for ilie Twin City Youth Soccer Associations Academy, Challenge and Classic divisions are scheduled for' MAY 14-MAY 27 at die BB&T Soccer I’ark off Hwy. 158 in Advancc .icross from Bermudu Run, TCVSA provide.s training with |)rol«siònal or trained parent coaches and focuses on individual player development, REGISTER ONLINE April 15 through May 13, 2009,,, anvww^twincitysocccr.com. ' ^ Por mòre itifo;niatìon visit our,website.,- •|l ,i«-l7'iryotJts ;hx; open lo all nliiyci-s agci fi­as 1, 2(109, ntcrcÍNaS45 nòn:rcliUKli»ble rcHÌstr.nlon fee. If krìskkiI hy May 13, fee is Í25. Salisbury CydB CBnter 1514 Jal^Alexander Blvd. West (Hwy 601) Salisbury. NCS8147 704-633-5787 Quick 15 minutes from MacksmHe Dunlop Shlnko ' MiGlielln Contbieiital MeWer Rill Bore (JiMtAnlvMQ We Service What We Sell Free Tire Installation ^ on Bike with Tire . . Purchase ■ ) 10% Off Tire Installation on Wheels with Tire Purchase m éR Guaranteed Lowest Tire Prices I,' k. CAMPING WORLD All Fenuk Fans Admitted (or $1, CowtMy of Cunping WmW Modified, Sportsman, Stfvet Stock, and Stadium Stock Rac«« andalODU Pull lt D I M O L M M 0 ÌR B Y G a los opon for pracllcil at 6 ; M m ii « n l M AclmissìòìT 12 and Oidor • $10 Ages a through 11 • S1 ChTldren under 6 • FREEI nHunycí]?FREFPARKINGwww.BowmanGrayRacing.com 336-723-Ì 9 i'. (' •i i' ( ! V :■ I Ì ;■ H' s i ■i ( ;; I B8 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 30,2009 Tennis Team Barely Misses A The Davie tennis team’s splr- iied threat against heavily-fa- vbrid Mount Tnbor seemed too good to be true. In the end, it : was. After losing to Tabor 9-0 in the first meeting, the War Eagles ■ defied predictions in last week’s ioad rematch. They displayed grit, resolve and determination and had all kinds of chanccs to pull the upset. But they wound up with an agonizing 5-4 loss. Coach Barry Kennedy al­ ways takes losses hard. The harder the loss, the harder is it for Kennedy to take. Few in his four-year career have been harder than this one. "Man, wo had it," Kennedy said. “We were so close to win­ ning that match. So close to winning that match. We lost it in singles. We should hnve been up 4-2 (instead of down 4-2). Wc jusl didn’t bring it home." Earlier in the week, Ihe War ’ Eagles rolled past hbst North Davidson 7-2. Davie got wins from No. 1 Alox Fleming, No. 2 Ryan Moxley, No. 3 Bret Wil­ liams, No. 4 Daniel Moxley and all three doubles teams (Flem­ ing-Williams, Moxley-Moxlcy and Brandon Roycroft-Matt Hursey). While the Black Knights foil to 4-10 and 3-6 in Ihe Cenlral Piedmont Conference, Davie improved to 7-5, 3-4. Next Davie visited Tabor. Despite Tabor’s 6-2 CPC record, there y/ete promising signs everywhere for the War Eagles. One player blew a 5-1 lead and lost in the tiebreaker. One player was leading 4-3 be­ fore stumbling 6-4. Another player was ahead 6-5 before fall­ ing short. Wins by Daniel Moxley and Roycroft kept Davie alive going into doubles. The Moxley twins and Roycroft-Hursey prevailed in doubles. It was 4-4 with the last doubles teams on the court, but it wasn't meant to be. Kennedy loved the way his boys battled, but he bemoaned the near-misses against a team that improved to 10-5 overall. “It was like going to the party but not getting to dance," he said. “1 mean we wore so close. They hammered us 9-0 (earlier in the seuson), but our guys put up a heckuva great fight. I mean I was so proud of them in one way. I’m so proud of the effort they put in. We had a shot ot the state playoffs if wc Ijeat Tabor. They gave everything they had. They left it all out on the court. I can’t complain about the ef­ fort." A dispirited Davie team had nothing left in the third match of the week at West Forsyth, los­ ing 6-3. It was frustrating be­ cause Davie had a legitimate , shot until Williams twisted nn ankle. His absence in doubles' forccd Kennedy to reshuffle the dock on tho fly. Varsity Basebaii Williams Williams showed a ton of heart while closing out a 7-6,7- 5 singles win on a bod wheel. The other wins came from Daniel Moxley and Floming- Roycroft, “Bret was the hero of that match," he said. “He was up 5- I in the sccond set and twisted his ankle badly. He popped it, really bad. Wc thought we were going to have to forfeit, but he gutted it out nnd won the match” It would have been a big up­ set. West handled Davie 7-2 the first time. “Without Bret (in doubles), we had to change the doubles teams,” he said. “For a little while it looked like wc might pull it out.. But when Bret got injured, that pretty much hurt Us. But I was proud of my boys. They fought hard the whole time." Notes: West improved lo 7- 5, 6-3, Davie finished the regu­ lar season 8-7 and 4-6, fourth in the CPC behind Reynolds, Ta­ bor and West Forsylh, West has a six-mnlch winning streak over Davic, nnd "nvbor hns do- fcnled Dnvie four consecutive times. ' • The Davio varsity baseball team would like a restart to Friday’s key Central Piedmont Conference game at North Davidson; The bottom of the first inning was Davie’s worst nightmare. Davie issued five walks, gave up three hils and found it­ self in a 6-0 hole. The strike zone was not big. “I thought it should have been (0-0),’’ Davio conch Mike Hemdon said after a 10-3 loss. “It was just one of those nights when things didn’t go our way. Hopefully We learn from it.” An 11-walk loss created a do-or-die scenario this week. Davie plays West Forsyth twice , and hosts Mount Tabor Friday night. Entering the week the race for first was wide open, with Tnbor at 5-1, West Forsyth at 4-1, Davie at 4-2, North Davidson at 4-3, Reynolds at 2- 5 itnd North Forsÿthat 0-7. One good thing is Davie hàsn’t lost two'straight all season. Davie (10-6 overall) beat North Davidson 7-5 at Rich Park, but this time it couldn’t get a clutch hit. Ale* Newman, Jacob Vemon, Jess Cartner and Connor Bodenhaitier had the only four hits. Vernon’s was a homer, “TOey had basés loaded on two occasions with two outs and got a hit," Herndon said. “We left seven runners on in the first, three, innings. We had bases loaded in thè second and third, and we don’t gel the 'big two- out hit. That was the difference in the game.” Watson, who had a 0.55 ERA in five appearances, only re­ corded one out. ‘ Davie's offensive leaders; Bodenhamer is hitting .458 (11 for 24). Cartner his hilling .391 (18-46) with 19 RBIs in 16 games. Newman Is hitting .346 (18-52) with 12 steals. And Ver­ non is hitting .346 (18-52) with two dingers. North Meek 3, Davie 1 Dillon Gets Hot For Golf Team Freshman Tommy Dillon of ' Davie’s golf team wasn’t heard from in the first nine matches of the season. Things are much dif­ ferent now. Dillon has gone on a meteoric rise, breaking through with a 78 at Lake Louise' and elevating his profile more in two matches last week. Davie used excellent balance to take second at Pine Brook, Nick Capra (1-over 37), Jason Oallimorc (38); Anthony Cnprn (39), Dillon (39) nnd Brnndon Lowe (39) allowed Davio to put five scores in the 30s for the first time in n Central Piedmont Con­ fcrence meet, Reynolds shot a 7- over 151, followed by Davie at 153,WestFor!iythnt 159, Mount Tabor at 161,North Davidson at 173 ond North Forsyth at 195, Duvie lost some of its lead over third-place l^bor at Long Creek, but thanks to a second day with five scores breaking 40, the secondrplace ,War Eagles maintained a solid nincrStroke leadoverTabor. ' ■ ■ Reynolds shot an ungodly 3- under 137. The order behind Ihe Demons wns Tabor (147), Davie (150), West Forsyth (157), North. Duvidson (170) and North Forsylh (189), . Duvie got an even-pnr 35 from Nick Capra, 38s from Gal-, limore and Anthony Capra, and 39s from Lowe and Dillon. “Dillon has confidence in his game right now," coach Chris Callison snid. “He is really tak­ ing advantage of his oppo'rtOm- ties. But everybody is hitting the ball'well. My top four - Nick Capra, Oallimorc, Anthony Ca­ pra ahd Lowe - have been con­ sistent all year.” ....With tho CPC race, winding . downi Reynolds is far And away i'Jo8h Berryhiil pitched' slik,f6dr-hlt lriniriaSi‘'' the leader with a total score of 880. Duvie stands, at 943, fol­ lowed by Tnbor at 952, West Forsyth at 974, North Davidson at 1,009 and North Forsylh at 1,226. “If you’d told mo we’d huve IQ.scores out of 12 in the 30s over two mulches, I would hnve taken it,” Callison said. “Bui we lost 15 strokes lo Reynolds. The numbers Reynolds is putting up' are unbelievable,” G i r l s T r a c l ( T e a m H a s P o t e n t i a l F o r 2 n d i n C P C Coach Daric Belter is confi­ dent his Duvie giris track team cnn contend for sccond in the Central Piedmont Conference. His confidence wos bolstered by lust week’s win in o four-tenm meet nt North Davidson. Duvie scored 99 points to North Davidson’s 79, Reynolds’ 56.5 and North Forsyth’s 35.5. A runner-up spot would be a big deal sincc Davie finished fifth in 2006, sixth in 2007 and third in 2008. Not that it will be ' easy. “We had a strong perfor­ mance and it was grout to come out on top," Belter said. “1 be­ lieve Mount Tabor is the class of the conference, They’re loaded in oil sorts of events, but . 1 think there’s a huge bottle be­ tween us, Reynolds, North Davidson and maybe West For­ syth for second. Second place would be great.” Falon Hooper and Caitlin Tutterow were the biggest win­ ners, with Hooper cupturing tho discus and shot put. She is un­ defeated in both against CPC competition, “And she didn’t have her best throws,” Beitersaid. “Hopefully she can lake-championships ih those events.” Caitlin Tutterow won Ihe 800 with a personal-best 2:28, and she won it by 17 .seconds. She also won the mile. “Caitlin looked really strong,” Beiler said. “She had no competition in the 800. She’s been fighting lo get under 2;30, and this was a great accomplish­ ment for her,” Davie also got wins from Taylor Stokes (400) and Rebecca Hendrix (high jump), Stokes finished in 1:04,7 and Hendrix high jumped five feet, . “Taylor’s strength is unbe­ lievable,” Boiler said. “We’ve moved her up lo the 400, and she’s looking strong, “Rebecca is getting very con­ sistent in the high jump. If she cnn hit 5-2, she might be nble to get to the state meet.” Davie received key points from Kaitlyn Hutchins (fourth in the 100, fourth in the 300 hurdles) and Taylor Anderson (fifth in the 300 hurdles, fifth in Ihc triple jump, fourth in the high jump). “When you pick up those extra points, those kids are just as valuable as getting a first or second place,V Boiler said. “We had a lot of individuals helping out." Reynolds sailed to first place in the boys meet, its 126 points dominating Norlh Davidson . (87), Davio (29) and North For­ sylh (20). Davie’s No. 1 scorer on the season, sophomore Ricky Bell, provided the only first for Dnvie. Boll wont 130-10,5 in tho dis­ cus nnd won by u 14-foot mur- gin. He hns one CPC loss, nnd that came by n foot in the rain nil the wuy back on March 19, "Ricky’s been throwing u whole lot better," Boiler snid. “He's definitely a candidate for first pInce in the discus.” Luke SInbnch, Brian Builins, Andrew Allen and Josh Money grabbed second in ih'e 3200 re­ lay, tuming in a time of 9:15. “Our goal is to tiy to get un­ der nine minutes, and they have the potential to do it if all four of them have a good race at the some time," Belter sold. With a season-best 1:38, Josh Parks, Money, Brad Deal and Travis Roberson were third in the 800 relay. Money was busy. He joined Allen, Parks and Will Marrs on a 1600 relay that turned in a season-best 3:42,1, Deal went a season-best 52.9 in the 400. Oavie ' al h Ы Newmnn cf 3 1 0 0 Hemdon ss 3 q 0 0 Vcmon с 3 0 1 0 Cnrtncr lb 3 0 0 0 Bodonlmmer rf 3 0 0 0 Foster 2b 3 0 I 0 , Howard 3b 2 0 0 0 Wntson p 2 0 0 0 Seaford If 2 0 1 0 Total)241 1 3 0 Pavle too ООО 0-1 ■ N.Mcck 001 200 * - 3 SB ■ Newmnn 2 (8), Davie № H R ER BB so Wolson. L S 3 3 0 3 4 Berryhiil 1 t 0 0 1 0 Davic 11, North Forsyih 4 Davio ab1 r h Ы Newmnn cf 4 2 3 Ó Hemdon ss 4 1 1 1 Vcmon с 3 1 0 0 Cartner lb 4 2 3 3 Bodcntmmer If 4 2 2 0 Foster 2b 4 2 0 0 Howard 3b 3 0 0 1 Byerly ph 0 0 0 0 Wntson rf ' 3 0 1 0 Bnrnoycastlo ph 1 0 0 0 Seaford dh 3 i 2 1 Totals 33 1112 6 N. Fonyth ООО 020 2 - 4 Davie 110 162 x -ll 2B - Hemdon, Cnrtner (4), Bodenhamei (3). Senford (2). SB • Newman 2 (10) Wymt (3), Foster (6), Davie IP II R 1ER BB sa Bcrryh. w e. 4 2.1 2 5 li№tft‘lon,.,l,,.„l 2 2 Davie 3, North Forsylh 0 Davie ab t h Ы Newmnn cf 2 1 0 0 Herndon SS 3 0 1 0 Vernon с 2 0 0 0 Cnrtner lb 3 0 1 2 Bodcnhnmerif , 3 I 1 0 Seaford dh 3 0 1 0 Howard 3b '3 0 0 0 Long rf ' 2 0 0 1 Foster 2b 3 1 1 0 Tolala 24 3 5 3 Davie 002 100 0 - 3 N. Fomylh ООО ООО 0 - 0 SB - Newman (ll).Hcmdon (7),Boden­ hamer, ScaAird (6). Davie IP II R ER BB so Gaither, W 6 1 0 0 2 8 Watson, S ,l. 1 ■0 0 0 I North Davidson 10, Davie 3 Davie ab r h bi Newman cf 4 0 1 0 Hemdon SS 3 1 0 0 Vemon с 3 2 t 1 Cnrtner Ib-p 4 0 .1 0 Bodenhnmcrrf ,4 0 1 0 Foster 2b-p 1 0 0 0 Bameycnstle lb 2 0 0 0 Barber dh 2 0 0 0 Crisco 2b 2 0 0 0 Senford If 2 0 0 0 Totals 27 3 4 1 Oavie N. DBvld/ion 002 too 0-3 603 001 x -tO Ryan Foster picks up his sixth stolen base. HR - Vcmon (2), SB - Newmon (12), Herndon (8), Davie IP II R ER BB SO Wmson,L ,1 3 6 6 5 . 1 Foster 2.1 3 3 3 5 2 Cartner 3,2 1 1 1 1 3 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 30,2009 - Cl fjADY (jROV|. C H O R U S Kidsfest: Fun for the Whole Family provided families with fun in the sun on a hot day at the Brock Oym and Masonic Picnic Grounds last Saturday. , 'More than i 1500 children and adults attended this free' cOnirhüiiity event, co-sponsored by Smart Start of Duvie County and the Mocksville-Davie Parks and Recreation Department. This event offered inleructive activities geared towards children and fomilies, live enlorluinment, car seat safety chocks, pnrenl/child workshops as well as crofts and games provided by community non-profits and scrvice agencies. “We are pleased lo have so many families benefit from this outreach,” said Corey Miller, executive director for Smart Start of Davie. “With the strain of job loss and other stresses in our economic situation, we wanted Ihis community event to. offer families a chance to spend time together and be free from their worries fora while. Our other goal was to make sure that families know about the organizations that offer programs in our community that benefit families. “With a consistently strong lumout, it’s clear that KidsFest has become a strong tradition for Duvie families. We are happy that ^o many families attended Saturday, and hope that they also learned something, too.” Miller and Smart Sturt stuff and board members would like to thank the following for support of Kidsfest: A Child’s World Leaming Center; Advunce Fire Depurtment; The Autism Society of NC; Comer Sanitation Davie County Chapter; Barry Rentz; Big Brothers Big Sisters; Buckle Up Dayie (Davie Henlth Dept. & EMS); Davie Social Services (DSS); Oavie Domestic Violence arid Rape Crisis Center; Dayie Health Department; Davie Public Library; Davie Schools (preschool, school choir. Shady Grove cup stacking club. Bouncing Bullfrogs and Sizzling Cyclers); Davic Sheriff’s Office; Davie Family YMCA; Davidson County Community College (Davie Campus); Cheer Aviators (Summer Camp/After School Caro); Eco Life-A Better Today; Humane Society; Jericho Church of Christ; Jerusalem Fire Department; Kids Play USA; Kountry Kids Leaming Center and Preschool; Mud Science; Mocksville-Duvie Purks nnd Recreation (Davio MetroTao Kwon Do & Ihc Dance Compnny); Mocksville Pediatrics; Rynn Short Enlcrtninment; Specinl Olympics Dnvic (SO Davie Cheer); State Farm Insurance agents Darryl Bundy Jr. and Greg Morris; Vndkin Vnlley Head Sturt; Duvie Rescue; Adventure Landing; und Kaplan Early Leaming. “Special thanks, too, lo ull of Ihe volunteers and committee members who worked so hard to make Kidsfest a success, including the Davic High School Future Teachers of Americu, Ms. Allen’s class at Davie High School, the Junior Civilans from Ellis, North and South Duvie middle schools, the staff at the Mocksville-Davie Parks & Recreation Department, Special Olympics, nnd tho board of directors and staff of Smart Start of Davie County,” Miller said. Cull Smnrt Stnrt ut 751-2113 or visit www.daviesmamtari.org for more information. This young KidsFest participant is ready to give the bunny a big hug. Members of the Shady Grove Elementary chorus offer a friendly wave at KIdsFest 2009. K id s F e s tA g a in A S u c c e s s W ith 1 ,5 0 0 V is ito r s The inflatables and slides are a popular activity for the young children. PE Teacher Karen Umberger instructs the Sizzling Cyclers from Shady Grove. Jess Cartner fully extends for the out.■ Photos by James Barrinner Making a flower craft Is a colorful and fun project.Sitting on the back of a horse Is a lot of fun for this young girl. C2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April>0,2009 H u t c h i n s -S m i t h E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Brcndu and Tony Hutchins of Adviincc announce the engngc- mcnt of their daughter, CrysUil Ehiinc Hutchins to Snmuel Cody Smith, the son of Georgina Abce of Connelly Springs and Clifford Smith of Morganton, The bridc-elect is a graduate of Davic High School, the groom of East Burke High School, .The wedding is planned for June 6 iit I p,in, lU Advancc United Methodist Church, L o o m lly O m w n , H y tlro p o n lo^Tomstoes IVl' now have Larav Slicing T o m a to a a , CucUmbmrB A Orapo Tomatoea. Come Him The DijfemKe! D r o p F a l r m 302 Foster Road, Mock.sville (I'iutcr K d it JiiM orrHliiiic Kii, In W cilciti Diivle Couiily) Oi’EN Tiiurs. & Fri. Noon-Si'm and Sat. 8 am -noon Call For Directions (336) 492-5263 F r a z i e r -G H b e r t E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Larry G, Frazier of Advancc and Sally J. Frazier of Bermuda Run announce the cngugoment of their son, Scott Allen Frazier to Kerstin Blair Gilbert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Gil­ bert of Cherryville. The wedding will be Oct. 3 at St. Paid’.s Epis­ copal Church in Winston-SiUcm. . The groom-to-be is Ihc grandson of Ihc late H. William Rogers and Margaret Rogers Clark of San Angelo, Texas and the late Harold Frazier and Elizabeih J. Frazier of Cornelius. He is a gradu­ ate of Davio High School and earned a bachelor’s of business administration degree in morketing from Western Carolina Uni­ versity in 2004. He is co-owner of u real estate development com­ pany in the Lake Norman area. The bridc-elect is the granddaughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Robert C. Gurley of Cheri^ville and Mr, and Mrs, Wray H, Gil­ bert of Sherrills Ford. iShe is a graduate of Ciierry ville High School and earned a bac^lor's degree in interior design from Appala­ chian State Universily in 2003. She is a residential interior de­ signer and project mntiagcr in tiie Lake Norman area.- L e D o n n e -S k in n e r E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Douglas and Joanne Shaffer of Mocksville und Richard LeDonne of Gastonia announce the engagement of their daugh­ ter, Marcia, to Joseph “Joey” Paul Skinner of Royal Oak, Mich,, the son of W.E. ‘‘Bill’’ and Alice Howell and the late William Skin­ ner, all of Marión, S.C, The bride-elcci is the granddaughter of the late Mark and Josephine Wendaur of Meadville, Pa„ and the late Bennie and Josephine LeDonne of Pittsburgh, Pa, She is a graduate of the University of Pitt.sburgh with bachelor’s degrees in industrial en­ gineering und statistics. She is also a graduate of Kettering Uni­ versity with a master’s degree in manufacturing operations man­ agement, and she is a graduate student in Ihe Kelley School of Business nt Indiana University, She is employed as a senior in­ dustrial engineer with General Motors In Warren, Mich, The groom-elect is the grandson of the late Leroy Lane Jr, and Jiinnitu Lune of Lutlu nnd the lute Jumes und Ruth Skinner of Lydia, I le is a graduate of Clemson University with u bachelor’s degree in industrial mmiagement and' Wayne Stute University Vvith u master’s of business administration degree. Ho is employed ns un account manager with Norfolk Southern Railway in Dearborn, Mich. The wedding is plinmcd for July 3 ut St, Mary Catholic Church in Wilmington, ' ■ CIMARRON Y f e in v ite y o u to c o m e b e a p a r t o f o u r f a m ily , I P l e a s e p r e s e n t t h i s c o u p o n fo r" l I 2 0 % O F F I ! Your Entire Purchase! I ' r>. I I I expires ua-ua-uy i C i m a r r o n S t e a k h o u s e '-------------------------------------------------------------------' (Bxctudes Alcohol) Expires 05-08-09 3260 S. Stratford Rd. 7 1 2 - 4 6 8 9 H rs : M o n , 1 1 a rn -9 p rn . T u e s -T h u rs 1 1 a m - 1 0 p m S a t 4 - 1 1 P M w w w .c irл a rro n re s ta u ra n t.c o m W in in g W o m e n é W é d n e J d a y 1/2 OFF Wine by the Glass M a s te r G a rd é n e r P la n t S a le M a y 8 The Davic Extension Master Gardener Volunteers’ unnuul Spring Plant Sale will be Friday, Muy 8 from 10 u,m,-3 p.m, in Downtown Mocksviilc, just outside the Cooperative Extension Center, 180 S, Main St,, beside the courthouse, Plitnts available will inclndc shrubs, perennials, annuals, i'ruits, vegetables, und house- piunts. Perennials make up a majority, with .plants such us phlox, hostn, iris, hellebore, and more. Prices start at 75 cents, so get'there early. Alias garden gloves arc available'in various sizes and colors, for $5 a pair. Hanging buskels, hand painted clay pols, and mixed containers will be nvailable. Most of the plants are divisions or have been produced by llie Master Gardeners, For more infonnution, cull the Cooperative Extension Center at 753-6iOO, Duvie , Horticultural Extension Agent and Muster Gardener Coordinutor, Colleen S, Church, saidi“ This is our {irimary fund raising effort for the yeur. The Master Gardeners work on so many projects throughout the county, nnd their fund ruising efforts ullow them to contribute lo these projects. We hope the sale will be very successful and received with great support." P r â y e r B r e a k f a s t Y M C A A n n u a ! E v e n t M a y 7 A t S e n io r S e r v ic e s — i i / Mark Your Calendar For A n im a l A r k ’s 10*^ Anniversary Open House Celebration! Saturday, May 9,2009 • 10am - 2pm Take a Tour, Play Games and See Live Animals! The Duvie Fumily YMCA invites the communily to attend its Community Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, May 7 at 7:30 a.m. at Davie County Senior Services, 278 Meroney St., Mocksville. “This informal service promises to bring our community together in the spirit of prayer and fuith," snid Jennifer Ruckley, executive director at the YMCA. Local ministers of different denominations will participate. Keynote speaker, Bill Campbell, public relations/ community school director and an ordained Methodist minister, will discuss the importance and power of prayer. "The Prayer Brcukfust is u YMCA triidltion,” Rackley said. “All uges are welcomc and will bcneru from attending,” The National Day of Prayer dates back-to Feb. 19, 1795, when President George Washington issued a proclamation setting aside u duy of public thanksgiving. An annual duy of prayer wus estublishcd by a joint resolution of Congress in 1952 and signed into law by President Truman, President Reagan signed un umendment to this law in 1988, designuting the first Thursdny in May as the National Day of Prayer, ■ ‘The YMCA looks forwurd to your purticipation ' in surrounding our communily with the presence of God Ihrough tile power of prayer,” Rackley said. To reserve u seat or group of .seats, call the YMCA at .751- 9622. k . 1 / ' COME ABOARD THE ARKAND JOIN THE FUN!! Mitch Spindel, DVM Owner 3515 Lawrence St. Clemtnons, NC 27012 (336)778-2738 , www.arllmalarkvet.com G O S P E L M E E T I N G speaker - D avid Pharr M a y 3-6 Sunday------10:00 AM • 1 1 ;0 0 A M :• 6:00 PM Monday-— 7:00PM Tuesday— ~ 7:00 PM ^ ' W E V E R Y O N E W E L C O M E North Main Street Church of Christ . 605 North Main Street Mocicsville, North Carolina 751-2866nmcofc.org DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, April 30,2009 - C3 Locáis Attend Woodmen Convention The N.C, Jurisdiction of Woodmen of the World held its biennial conventipn April 24-26 at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel in Raleigh. More Ihnn 1,150 delegates, offices und guest were in attendance. The convention included reports on the community scrvice and charitable activities during the past two years; Speakers included Danny Cummins, CEO and president, Dr. James Shaver and Danny Rice, national board members. Jack Koontz of Mocksville, a past jurisdiction president, served as master of ceremonies at the Friday Night Pi'csidcnts Dinner. Representing Lodge 323 Mocksville were; Donna and Brian Koontz, Kay and Jack Koontz, Margaret Shew, and Elizabeth and . George Woodward, along with Robert Rogers, area manager and Jeff Pardue, field forcci Jack Koontz, served us Credentiuls Committee Chair and was re-elected as u nutionul •delegate. Nine sels of American and North Carolina State Flags ' were presented us a host gift to the ofHccs of state in Raleigh. Woodmen of the World wns founded in 1890 ns a fraternal benefit organization. It offers insurun’cc, annuities, mutual funds nnd college savings plans to nearly 750,000 members . • The Mocksville Lodge provides six .$500 higher education scholarships to Davic High graduates euch year along with Americnn flags to the local schools, counly and town facilities. J a s o n G . C ib e lli E n lis t s I n A i r F o r c e R e s e r v e s P r o g r a m Sudoku 1 2 3 •4 ■5 6 5 7 8 4 2 6 1 5 7 8 9 2 4 6 5 9 6 2 9 1 4 8 6 7 5 3 Jason O, Cibelli has enlisted in the Air Force Obligated Re­ serve Stction through' Ihc Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program, and received a three and a half year scholarship to attend the Uni­ versity of North Carolina at Charlotte, This scholarship is offered lo cadets in all majors, but the highest concentration of offers are in science and engineering S olution On Page C5 Happy 1st BIrthdny Jndyn Mn|>nllnnest Jndyn i.s the daughter of Jason ond Kim Magallnncs. She wilt cclebrutc her fir.<it (birthday on April 30th with her fumily nnd friends. Her Yo Gnbhu Gnhba pnrty will be on Saturday. Wc Love You, Momma, Daddy, Family & Friends. Crossword Puzzle Treblemakers ACROSS 1. Drags one's feet 7. Study all night 11.'Profs' aides 14. Biblical plague Insect 16. Gives a new look lo IT'. Sketcher's eraser 10. Average Joe ie. Railroad , crossbeam 20, Fuse unit , , , 22,. Flows slowly 23, "Peanuts" epithet 26, _ out Oust manage) 28, Pundit Coulter 29, Gives a thumbs- up to 30i About 1/28 ounce 34, Brake features 36, Some English collegians 37, "Do a Good Turn Dally" group 40, Remove via wagon, maybe 43. The Beaties' "Any T lm e_" 47. Chewy Italian candy 48. Architect I.M ._ 50. Long or Peeples 51. California's Big _ 52. Dines at noon 55. Zesty dip 59, Fond du__,Wise, 60, Jeans brand 61, Aesthetic pursuits 63, Take back, as one's story 66, Unlikely protagonist / 67, EndofabtJlly's threat . 68, Classic British two-seaters 69, Remained 70; Go downhill, so to speak Ат«(1с«л Prom* Homiowf) Conl«nr DOWN 1, Hearst kidnap org, 2, Trattoria dessert 3, They speak louder than words 4, Raced at Ihe Winter Olympics 5, Baton Rouge sch, 6, A gospel writer 7, Fancy flapjack 8, Jeremiah Wright's title: Abbr, 9, Iowa State's home 10. Greedy one's cry 11. Egg-based paint 12. "First Dude" Todd Palin, e,g, 13.W-2ID 16. Salon supply 21. Prefix with deed, lead, or read 23 , about (rove) 24, Spilt off from Ihe band 25, Snapshot, slanglly 27, Ambulance letters 31. _ TURN (road sign) 32. Involve by necessity 33. Main point 35. Radioer on the road 36. Outer: Prefix 38. Hither's partner 39. Dragged to court 40. Oz. and kg. 41; Part of HUD 42. Adventurous rovers 44. Toughens, as metal 45. Driver's need 46,"W ell,_-dl-dahl" 48, Prankster's spheroid 49, Money set aside 53. Former 'The Price Is Right" announcer Johnny 54. Gastric Woe 56. Hawaiian keepsake 57. Satirical Mort 58. Land measure 61, Relatives; Abbr. 62. Prefix with angle or pod 64. Suffix with ranch 65. Letterman list count Answ ers On Page C5 é-Sunpiper S k in & B o d y C e n te r Take Core ol tke Woman Wlio Takes Care ol You Motket ■ Daiy Packa^^'^’VAllaUe 336-945-4044 C a ll Sunpiper Skin & B odq C enter and flivo di apodal wtunaa in ijo u r Ilio ^ to to llijre lo xln á experience locm odcom plotelij on her. ' , Select from pockafle» tka t w ill m ake to r feel lik e a N E W W om an. » y O u r Motke»'» D oij Packofjes include a com bination ol moMa¿e iherap»)^ iaciala and body treatment», and services (rom our H a ir Salon. Eacb package Includes a com plim entarij g ilt certificate for lunch a t Ciccione'» Italian Restauront and a g o n ^im e n ta ry alass oí w ine Irom Flint H illV ineyard». ^ ^ W e offer the u ltim a te in C ustom er serviceli C onveniently located In dotwntown Lew isville at 6 5 8 0 S ballow iord Road, Suite 100 majors. The scholarship offers .pay­ ment of full college tuition and most lab fees, an annual book allowance, and a monthly non- tftxablc stipend. Air Force ROTC scholar­ ships arc not activated until the student enlists in the Obligated Reserve Section of the Air Force Reserve, signs a contract, and passes Ihe medical, tnoral, fit­ ness, and physical qualincutions fur enlistment and cpntructingi Upon completing the ROTC progrum und college ucudemic requirements, the cadet is com­ missioned us a sccond lieuten­ ant in the Air Forcc, Cibelli is the son of John T. und Tcresu R. Cibelli of Coun­ try Circic, Advunce. He is a 2008 graduate of ■ Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School, Kernersville. Citizen Of The Year The Mocksville Woman's Club Citizen of the Year is Libby Pendergrass. She was honored for her service to Mocksville Woman's Club projects. F o r k V F D S e llin g B B Q C h ic i< e h Barbecued cliickcii wiil be Plates will includes 1/2 bar- sold at Fork Fire Department, becued chicken, baked potato, US i54 East, beginning ul noon slaw, roll and dessert, cut-in or on Saturday, Muy 2, ’ lake-out, for $8 per plate. G G V N C M e e t s H e r e S a t u r d a y The state meeting of Grund- childrcn/Grundparents Visitation of NC will be held at 11 a,ni, - Saturday, May 2 at the Davie County Public Library, 371 N. Main St., Mocksviile. The group is for grundparerits who aren't allowed lo visit their grandchildren, and lobbies fora Inw Ihat would enable u grand­ parent to file a motion In court for visitation with Iheir grand­ children. The groups motto: “As long ns there ure grandparents, there will be love in the world.'!' To lenrn more, conlacv Miriam Preiser, president, at 704-463-1763, or via email al holfiranny72@aol.com. Michuel and Kcrstin Stclnour of Woodleaf nre proud to announce the birth of their .son, Tanner Reed Stclnour. Horn at Forsyth Medlcul Center on April 4 nt 6:03 p.m.; he weighed 8 lbs. 15 oz. and wns 22 Inches long. His maternal grandparents are David und Ceri Piugemann of Mocksvlllc. His pntcrnni grandparents ure Cynthia. Noell of Advance und Thomas and Melissa Stelnour of Penii* .sylvuniu. Tanner Ihis a big sis­ ter named Hannu that loves him dearly. Game Night Friday The Shefficld-Calahuln Community Center will sponsor u Gumc Night, Friday, May I at 7 at Ihe community center at 174 Turkeyfoot Road, Mocksville. The cvenl wiil consist of bingo, cake walks, 50/50 draw­ ing, and a chuncc at a grand prize. The charge for bingo will be $5 per curd which is good for approximately 20 games. Tho cake walks, 50/50 drawing and the chance on the grand prize ure $ 1 per tickct. The doors open, ut 6 p.m. Hotdogs, chips, drinks und desserts will be available for purchase. Proceeds from this event go to the upkeep of the communily center and the building of restroom facilities for Ihc recreation area. “Please come out for a great' night of. fun and support.the community center,” said Brenda' Bailey. Forsyth)REHABILITATION CENTER MARTINAT OUTPATIENT REHABILITATION CENTER I # Щ R e g a in F u n c t io n & F r e e d o m F o r L if e For those living with jinnitQd function of the hands or feel, everyday tasks can seem Impossible, Ple^e join Martinat Oijtpaticnt Rehabilitation Center for a FREE screening, demonstration and educational seminar on two state-of-the-art devices designed to provide functional and therapeutic benefits, for those dealing wilh impaired use of hands or feèL A représentative from Bioness,'lhÍ5 company which developed the NiESS H2Í30 Hand Rehabililation System and thé NESS L300 foot,Drop 5>^erTi.'; ■ and a patient currently using the device Will demonstrate how these systems can help ■ restore independence and quality of life. T h e B io n e s s R e h a b ilita tio n S y s te m s are designed for those suffering from Impaired hand functions and for patients who have foot drop due to: • Stroi^e ‘ •• Trdumatic brain injury ’ •' Spinal cord injury (C5 and ?6). , • Incònpplete spinal qord injui7 •.Mùltiple sclerosis ’ . . ’ • Cereiaral palsy . • • Other neurological disoi;ders of the central nervous sj^em Tuesday, May 12 • I - 3 p.m. 1903 S,'Hawthorne Road.Winston-SalerTt , Located in the, Salem Room behind the Martinat Outpatient Rehabilitation Center. ■ Seating is limited • Call 7 Í 8-7000 to register www.ForsythMedicalCenter.org ■ F R E E S C R E E N I N G , D E M O N S T R A T I O N A N D E D U C A T I O N A L - S E M I N A R C4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 30,2009 I 1 F a r t n i n ü t o n N e w s By Laura Mathis .Farmington Correspondent On April 23, seniors of the Davie Senior Ccnter in Furm- ingtot) enjoyed a fun morning with Danielle Gann', Ivlary Kay consultant. Mfs. Gann gave them a brief history about Mary Kay and her company, before giving them a facial and a chance to try out some new cos­ metics. Mrs. Gann talked about how her husband had signed her up to be a consultant, saying that she would be good at it. He was right. She did a great job. She explained that while the economy was down, sales in -cosmctics wore up. Though women might nol spend money for a new dress, they will pur­ chase a new lipsticic. Seniors had a great time with the facial, joking and kidding 6ne another. One said to the olher, "Am I pietty yet?" and the other responded, "Almost, keep working at it". The group also had a chance to win prizes by correctly an­ swering questions on subjects talked about. They appreciated Mrs. Gann spending her time with them. On April 14, Beth Dirks, Davie County manager, was guest at the I’reserve Farming­ ton meeting. She talked mainly about current issues like the fu­ ture of the Baptist Hospital and how money is being spent to­ ward schools and county of­ fices. The main concern from the group was urban growth and what Duvie officials were dohig to keep up with all the changes, and how to maintain a rural Farmington. Mrs. Dirks said that those decisions were to come from the Davie Planning Board and the board of commis­ sioners. This is what the group' had learned from Andrew Meadwell, county planner, who had visited during a past meet- ing. Mrs. Dirks also said that the county has not received any of the Stimulus money from the state. Washington is making it hard to get by requiring a ridicu­ lously long application, pre­ pared in a short amount of time. Even then, it's unsure if the county will reccive any funds. Mrs. Dirks said they are search­ ing for any money that might be on the table for the county. When the question cume up about how to get funds to go toward the new planned park for Farmington, Mrs.'Dirks said .that if any grunts came available in which wc would need county support to apply for Ihe grant, she would support it, but that tho county itself would not fund it. The Preserve Farmington group continues to seek out ways lo maintain a rural Farm- Danielle Gann, above and at left, helps Farmington seniors with some beauty tips. ington white enhancing the area for those who live here. The Fannington Community Association will be having its next board meeting on Tuesduy, May 5 at 7:30 p.m. Siblings James C. Gaither and Esther G. Campbell celebrated their 80th and 85th birthdays with a surprise birthday reception at the fellowship hall of Clarksbury United l\/lethodlst Church Sunday, Ivlarch 22, hosted by their children; James's son Tim Gaither and wife Lisa and Esther's children Jerry Campbell and wife Frances, Larry Campbell and wife Pat, and Joyce Dobson and husband Junior. More than 85 relatives and friends greeted James and Esther with happy birthday wishes and enjoyed finger foods plus two birthday cakes and punch served by Louann Jones and Lisa Gaither. Jamias and Esther, all of us in County Line congratulate you and wish both of you a healthy and happy new year of life. Q )u n ty L in e N e w s -I By Shirley Thorne County Line Correspondent With near 90 degree weuther. Mother Nature seems to think it is June ruthcr than April. The warmer than usual days have been great for those of us who love to work outside. If you've worked hard the past '.week and want to relax with some good food, then our County Line community has your wants covered. Piney Grove AME Zion Church will be serving plate dinners beginning at 11 u.m. tomorrow (Friday) in the church fellowship hall. Plates are $7 each and include barbecued chicken cooked by Jerry, baked beans, slaw, roll, and dessert. But in or take out. Proceeds will benefit church projects. For a large number of orders, delivery will be availuble. Call 704-546- 2799. After some delicious chicken on Friday, wake up Saturday morning to a country hum and sausage breakfast from 6-10 u.m. with the V-Point Rurituns ut the V-Point Building on Old Mocksville Road. The breakfast buffet will includc fried country ham, fresh seusoncd suusuge, red-eye gruvy, suusuge gravy, sawmill gravy, scrambled eggs, grits, commeui mush, buked apples. BBQ Chicken Fork Fire Department Saturday • May 2, 2009 12 Noon til Sotd Out MENU: 1/2 BBQ Chicken, Baked Potato, Slaw, Roll, D6ssert Eat In or Take Out *8.00 per Plate biscuits, and drink, cot in or take out. Just make a donation and cut ‘til yuur heart’s desire. Proceeds will benefit the club’s community projects. ■ The Kuppu ECA will meet at 7 tonight (Thursday) at the Somerset Assisted Living Ccnter. The club will honor Betty Privette for her 50-year service to the organization und its endeavors. Members will enjoy a period of refreshments and fellowship and invito others. The Primary Class of Clarksbury United Methodist Church will have a bake sale Saturday, May 2, at the Galaxy Food Cenier on US 21 South in Harmony. The sale will begin at 8 a.m. All proceeds from Ihe bake sale will benefit the Heifer Projecl of Ihe Uniled Methodist Church. The project funds the purchase of heifers for needy families overseas. The S4th annual meeting of the Cool Spring High School Alumni Association will be held Saturday, May 2, in the gym. The doors will be open at 5 p.m. for fellowship wilh schoolmates and friends. Tho dinner will begin at 6 p.m. All graduates, former students and stuff, present staff, nnd their spousc.i are invited. The classes of 1939, 1949, and 1959 will be recognized for their 70th, 60th, and 50th anniversaries. Special recognition will be given to the oldest alumnus, alumnus traveling the greutest distunce, and the class haying the most present. Some door prizes will be given. The Uniled Methodist Men of Salem will meet for breukfust und pruyer ul '7:30 u.m. Sunduy, May 3, in tho fellowship hall. The men invile others. The Clurksbury ECA will meet at noon Tuesday, May 5, at Ihc V-PoinI Building on Old Mocksville Road. Club members will huve a covered- dish salad and then have a program on global warming and its effects. Everyone is asked to bring a plant lo be auctioned ufter the. program. Club members invile others to join Ihem for un informulive Budget MINI WAREHOUSES 1919 US Hwy. 601 N. • Mocksville 1/2 mile N. ol 1-40 near Southpolnl Buslnoss Patk (336) 753-1510 • Brand New Units • Climate Controiied & Regular Units • Sizes from S'xlO’ to 10’x20’ • 24 HR. Access • Security Keypads & Ugiiting • Aii Paved Parking S P E C I A L S ! 1 Month FREE on 10x10 units & up. (3.6 ur 9 mo. iiKrcumciit ro(i'd) OFF 1 0 x 1 0 units & larger w ilh a 12 m onth lease. DISCOUNTS ON (2) or m o re units also available. A U S fU 'C iii/s j u ‘ f> lO U tllH Í O V t'l :т н уш )1 о / Ч т о ¿ n iio o d u p o it. progrum und enjoyuble time of fellowship. Upcoming events Includc Ihe Hurmony High School Alumni Associulion mceling Saiurday, May 9, plus • bucculuurcaies and graduations. ‘ Our community extends ils deepest sympathy to Ihe fumily of Mary Woolen Poole, who died early Tuesday morning of last week at Iredell Memorial Hospital after being diagnosed a few duys curlier with leukemiu. Mary was born in 1924 in Davic Counly lo the lale Pearl and Annie Wooten of County Line Road. She attended Cherry Grove and Cool Spring schools and in 1945 married Ray Poole, The coupic mude their home in Harmony und roared sons Joe and Donuld. She worked for muny yeurs ut Piedmont Garment of Hurmony and substituted at the school cufcleriu of Harmony. Since youth she had been u dedicuted member of Clarksbury United Methodist Church, where she wus the kindergarten leucher for over 30 years. She wus a charter member of Ihe Clarksbury Home Demonstration Club and was a member of the Woodmen of the World. She loved gardening and helping Ruy on Iheir farm and, after 60 years of South Davie Boosters & Athletics 2nd AnnualPorta Pit BBQ Chicken Plates include 1/2 chicken, slaw, be^ns & roll Friday, May 8 11 a.m. til 6 p.m. at South Davie Middle School (Pickup nt arbor near Ihe gym) $8 P e r P la te Delivery Available for 10 Plates or More For Ticlcets call 7.‘. i-5941 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tiiursday, April 30,2009 - C5 marriage, still remembered nnd shared wilh our readers Iho first lime ho introduced her as his wife. After a funeral last Sulurduy morning at Clarksbury, she was laid to rest in the church cemclcry beside her beloved Ray, who preceded her in death in 2008. Wc send gel-well wishes lo Norman Richardson, Glenn Sellers, and Bud Wallace. Norman will begin chemotherapy treatment this week. Glenn required emergency treatment for an accidental injury to his eyes. Bud has been hospitalized at , Forsyth Medical Cenier. Becky Carlncr nnd Ruth Greene ure recuperating at their homes. Puulu Curtner Is rccuperuting ut home but rcmuins under the care of Duke University Medical Center for further treatment. . Please join us in prayer for Ihe Lord’s divine healing and blessings in the lives of Norman, Glenn, Bud, Becky, Ruth, Paula and others who ure huving health problems. Prny for the Lor(l’s comfort nnd strength in Ihe lives of Mary’s fumily us Ihey huve had the deaths of Ray, Donald, and Mary during Ihe past 10 months. For news or memories to share, please call Shirley, 492- 5115, xdtlmk@hotimU,com. By Mnrcia Lambe Clarksville Correspondent The greatest happy times ure with family. Saturday, 1 had Ihe pleasure of hosting a cookout for the Howard/Mcknight side , of my family. What a wonder­ ful time. Attending were Edith Howard Bcck and family, Ruth Howard Beck and family, The Family of Chester Howard, and family of George Howard all descenuents of Ellis and Lila Mcknight Howard. The tables were decoratcd with pictures of the family when they were children and photos A d v a n c e N e w s By Edith Zimmcrmnn Advance Correspondent The Community breakfast will be Saturday, May 2 at Ihc Advancc United Methodist Church fellowship hall from 7- 10 a.m. The menu will includc ham, sausage, eggs, biscuits, gravy, grits, jelly, muffins, or­ ange juice and coffee. Bob and Adea Resclgno have returned from a trip to New York. They had Ihe pleastire of attending the baptism of Sophia Resclgno, the daughter of Micheál and Kerri, their grand niece. The service was per­ formed ut their church irt Poughkeepsie followed by a re­ ception for family and friends at the Sons of Italy Lodge in Hopewell, N.Y. Over 100 people were in attendance. We welcomed young Meredith Elliott lo worship ser­ vice Sunday at the Methodist church. She is the granddaugh­ ter of Hank and Gaye Wade. Meredith underwent bone mar­ row transplant in Durham hos­ pital two years ago and is healthy and doing well. Amanda Hendrix of Salisbury was a recent visitor of grandmothers Pauline Hendrix and Edith Zimmerman. Jack and Dorothy Carter spent the weekend in Ihe NC mountains at Linville. F o u r C o rn e rs N e w s By Marie White Four Comers Correspondent Irma Jean Shelton was hon­ ored on her birthday Saturday by her sisters for lunch at Applebee’s in Clemmons. Irma Jean Shelton was hon­ ored Saturday afternoon at a cookout hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vogler at their home. Also enjoying the occasion with them were Shirley and Harold Rollins and Ericka and her twins. Jack and Addle, Helena Craft of Winston-Sa- lem, Marie White and Bettie Smith had lunch Monday at Miller’s Restaurant in Mocks­ ville in celebration of their birth­ days. Mr, and Mrs. Mark While and Jessica had lunch Sunday wilh Mr. and Mrs. Joe White. Since Mother’s Day is com­ ing soon, I wanted to include a poem in honor of all Mothers. "A Dibute to AU Mothers" God sent a special gift to us all. One lhat always stands straight and tall. , Let us give thanks on her spe­ cial day, And praise her In every pos­ sible way. She guided our footsteps from morning until night, Dying always to teach us lo do right. Thank you Godfor every one, We'll praise them until Ihe selling sun. Thank you Lord for all the wonderful things you gave, But on this and every day, lo our Mothers we give praise. . Love in Christ, Marie White Bear Creek Farm EQVESnUANCEimi Lcl lu ilun OUI paulon for bona wilh youl Spaclalliing In thouohtfui, compwMlonat* InMniotton IbrrldmrandtiorM. 4гаМ1М1 RoKl. MocknM*, NC 33в^»г-6451 www.b*arcf*«l((irm«qutitctr,com S h e f f ie ld -G alah aln N e w s Enjoying a family get* together, from left: seated - Lila Mcknight Howard: and Dallas McKnight, .George Howard, Ruth Howard Beck, Edith Howard Beck and Chester Howard. C la rk s v ille N e w s were around of everyone from their childhood which brought lots of laughs and memories. Elaine and Melver Culler enjoyed a weekend celebrating with Ronnie for his birthday. Get well wishes this week to Bobby Cranfill, Stacy Beck, Bud Wallace, Pauline Harpe. Birthday wishes to Taylor Spillman, Phil Sherman and Nathaniel Elmore, all May 1. Have a wontierful.week and enjoy this beautiful weather. To include an item in this column, contact Marcia Lambe at mandyprissy@yadiel.net, 492- 2235. Andrea Hendrix of Myrtle Bench, S.C. spent tho weekend wilh her mother Junie Hendrix und grandmothers Pauline Hendrix and Edith Zimmennan. Joining Andrea Sunday after­ noon at grandmother Zimmerman’s was her sister Meredith Hendrix and fiance Chris Gowen of Cary who spent Sunday night through Monday. On Monday afternoon Meredith and Chris were joined by Melissa H. Barnum and daughters Isabelle and Ivory and Janie Hendrix for a party in celcbralion of Andrea’s birthday on Tuesday, April 28. Andrea re­ mained in lown ihrough Tues­ day. Mrs. Edna Harris of Winston' Salem is spending some time with her daughter and son-in- law Faye and Quincy Comatzer. Mrs, Harris is recuperating from recent major surgery. Our community Iws been no­ tified ofthe death of Curtis Alcximder of Jacksonville, i^a. Ihe husband of Connie Hendrix Alexander formerly of this com­ munity. They recently celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary. Many remember Connie as Lena Councel Hendrix when she was growing up here. We express our sympathy. Get well wishes to Quincy Comatzer who is suffering from an attack of kidney stones. By Janice Jordan Sheffleld-Calahaln Correspondent April showers have been working their best to bring May flowers, but they have done little to reduce the abundance of pollen. Much is settling on any surface, including turning vehicles the same yellow. Even people who are not allergic are bothered because of getting their eyes and respiratory system full of nature’s powdery substance. In spite of the air quality, area gardeners are busy getting spots ready by setting out plants and putting in seeds. One story sent to me by a neighborhood friend of Betty Beck was about a mystery that occurred last week in Betty’s garden. Preparing to set her tomato plants, Betty used a system to make sure they werp' in a straight row. She tied a cord to a rock at one end of the row and to another rock at the olher end. Her task was temporarily interrupted when she left to drive grandson Bradley to school. When she got back home, she waS. puzzled to see her cord lying across the road. As she got out of her car to investigate, she saw a bird working diligently trying to pick up the cord and fly away with it. Seems the bird had been able to get the cord loose from one rock and was trying to pull it across the road, but it wns still attached lo the other heavy rock. Betty and the ones who heard her story assume tho bird needed some new building material for its nest. At least she wus able to witness the bird’s actions, or she might have thought someone was playing a trick on her. Most have seen an abundance of winged insects the last few days, in the air and resting on. every available surface of our houses and cars. Apparently it is one of the many species of the Mayfly. The recently hatched adults have a short lifespan and hundreds of them are flying, mating, nnd laying eggs in their attempt to beat the clock. Thankfully these are just a bit of a nuisance and do nol bite so should not be confused with mosquitoes which would have many of us in welts. Since bluebirds are nesting, insects are providing them with a steady buffet that will help to grow their youngsters. We’ve also hud an abundance of earthworms showing up much like our Advance neighbors witnessed several weeks ago following some heavy rains. It was wonderful weather for the parking lot lunch at New Union United Methodist Church Saturday. All the picnic tables were in use as everyone ate their hotdogs, chips, and C rossw ord Answers □ n n n n a Q D n n n n g П П ВШ О П пп 1 3 Е 1 вд ва □ □ □ □ □ п п а п № □ nnn dian впааппа □nntiQ ппвппппа ПВПП1ЭС1ППП l i 4 a g l S□пппп пав пав пппппппв впвдпп even some fresh doughnuts that the Women's Fellowship were selling. People lingered over their meals to have conversations with neighbors. The Men’s Fellowship members are practically professionals at coordinating this event. Also available were handmade wooden toys, which are sure to be a hit wilh the children who receive them. They would be wonderful Christmas gifts, if you can find a place to stash them and then reinember where they arc next December. The next hotdog lunch at the church will be on Saturday, May 23. On Sunday afternoon, April 26, joyous sounds of youthful voices were heard at the Brock Center in Downtown Mocksville when the Davie County Combined Elementary Chorus performed “Music in Our Worid”. Directed by April Naylor, Sean Nelson, and Lou Wilson, the program of 10 selections gave parents of the performers a glimpse into what has been accomplished in the hours their children have spent after school nt chorus practice. The three teacher!) conduct a weekly class for approximately 123 students at Cooleemee, Cornatzer, Mocksville, Pinebrook, Shady Groce, and William R. Davie elementary schools. A basic talent for singing probably already existed in each child, but the students have been encouraged and taught in ways lhat brought out the best in them. Several accompanied some songs on instruments such us xylophones and recorders, demonstrating additional talents. The Brock had standing room only for the proud families and friends of the students. With the chorus standing on the stage in the various colors of special tee- shirts printed with their school names, it made picking out your special child much easier. Students from our community who represeiited William R. Davie School and are taught by Lou Wilson were Katy Alexander, Forrest Barber, Hannah Brown, Sarah Buie, Payton Carlncr, Lindsey Custer, Bryan Espinoza, Krystal Fo,slcr, Tcssu Ivcsler, Caleb Jones, Madison Kitchene, Jordan McDaniel, Brittani Mohat, Jessica Rumple, Johnna Sale, Melanie Santos, Megan Scarlett, Casey Snyder, and Sydney While. Sweet Hollow Bluegrass Band entertained more than 70 people in attendance last Saiurday at the Sheffield Music Hall. In addition to enjoying the music, everyone helped Pauline Steelman celebrate her 85th birthday by having a surprise party in her honor. Performing at Sheffield on Suturduy, May 2 will be Crusher Run. Call 704- Sudoku S olution e 4 7 1 S 8 2 3 9 3 8 1 9 4 2 S 7 8 2 S 9 3 7 8 8 4 1 9 2 4 8 3 7 1 8 5 S 7 3 8 1 9 e 2 4 8 1 6 4 2 5 7 9 3 7 6 2 5 9 4 i 1 8 4 3 8 2 6 1 9 S 7 1 9 S 7 В 3 4 6 2 Hif-her Cl) Yields! Special Promotion % * APY Э Month CD • FDIC-Insured 3.0% (« mnnth) • 3.S% (12 muaUi) FIRST FIDELITY Financial Gnmp'of iho 'IVIud, iJ.C Yow Money SohUlon* 336-224-1077217 S. Talbert Ave., Lexington, NC 27292 Huun: 9am-5pm, Mun.-Ñ. 546-3099 for additional information about the music hall. Crtisher Run will play at Prissy Polly’s Barbeque in Kemersville on Thursday, April 30 from 6-8:30p.m, Check with John at 336-408-6941 for details about Crusher Run’s sc.hedule. This week is Game Night ut the Sheffield-Calaha{n Community Center. The doors will open at 6 on Friday, May 1. You do not have to worry about preparing supper before you go, as there will be hot dogs, beverages, and desserts available before play begins at 7. Bingo games and prizes will be the main event, with cake walks and drawings throughout the evening. Proceeds will be used for upkeep of the facility and tb help finance rest rooms for the Recreation Area. A benefit for Clark Rogers will be held at The Cove Church in Mooresville on Friday, May I at 7 .p.m. It will include u “Jesus Bigger thun Cancer" concert and a silent auction. You can access the church and information online at www.covechurch.org. Ijames Baptist continues to accept donations, with checks made payable to the church that will be designated for the Clark Rogers Fund. Mail can be sent to the church at 728 ShciTield Road, Mocksville. Clark was scheduled to have a treatment update on Monday this week at Ihe Oasis of Hope in Mexico where he is being treated for cancer. Center United Methodist Church will hold u benefit brcakfust Saturday, May 9 for Clark from 6-10 a.m.'A nominal fee Is charged with additional donations accepted. Tho Humane Society of Davie wili hold a pet fair at its facility on Eaton Road Saturday, May 2 from iOa.m.-4 p.m. This will be an. opportunity for everyone to have their dogs and cats vaccinated for rabies for only $7 per pet. There will be demonstrations about animal roles in society. A golf tournament at Pudding Ridge on May 16 will raise money to support the Willlum R. Davie football Icam and cheerleaders. Rules includc 4-person teams wilh Captain’s Ciioice und a shotgun start at 2, $60 per person or $240 per leam. Corporuie und individual sponsors for euch hole are needed, as well as donations. Contact any of the following officers: Angela Wallace, president, 940-5574; Cheryl Guinn, vice president, 251- 5378; Rae Vandiver, secretary, 492-2021; or Mark Jones, treasurer, 940-2591. Your support for this children’s program will be' greatly appreciated. Sunday afternoon. May 17 is the annual memorial service at the . Sheffield-Calahaln Volunteer Fire Department. Beginning at 2 p.m. the program Will be held outside adjacent to the memorial garden’, but will move inside the station if inclement weather occurs. All ateu residents and others who arc interested are inylted. Family members of Sheffield- Culahaln’s deceased firefighters and auxiliary members arc invited us special guests. The lust April community birthdays this year are those of Wanda T. Anderson and Brian Tutterow on the 30th. Perry and Yvonne Richardson will celebrate their wedding anniversary On lhat same day. May birthday and anniversary evenis will begin on the first with birthday wishes to . Courtney Reavis and Ethan Holland and anniversary congratulations to Jason and Allison Swisher and to Alan and Sum Barker. Additional upcoming birthdays include: Elaine Beauchamp, Jimmy Bailey, Alexis Jordan, and Candice Foster on May 2; Frieda Dyson and Travis Dyson each on May 3; Estelle Reeves on May 4; the Reverend Carroll Jordan on May 5; and Vicki Reeves on May 6. May brings Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 10 und Memorial Day oti Monday, May 25, so it will be an event-filled month for many people, including our family who has al least seven birthdays and one wedding anniversary this month, at last count, A 4-year old litlle boy was Injured severely lust week when his grundfulhcr, who wus on a riding luwnmower, did not see him and backed over him; Preston l-oyd is in the hospital in Charlotte and has had numerous surgeries over the last few days, but at present, he.is holding his own. Friends of his grandparents notified mo of this tragic event, as they are hopeful that many of you will add this child and his fainily to your prayers. Everyone who reading this could find themselves in a similar situation at any time. Accidents are not dellberulc events und happen in barely seconds, yet can influence the rest of our live.s. Please visit the websitp www.caringbridge.org/visit/ prestonloyd for the journal about this child and his family. Please also consider adding children Juxon Sechrest ond Joanna Trent, and young adult Clark Rogers to your prayer list. .This is truly one way that neighbors can help neighbors. Your news is needed for this column. Photos can be emailed to me or other arrangements win be made. Please cull me with any questions ut 492-5836 or email jvfjordan ®holmail. com. dl^ KJN f iw o R K . D IR E C T V . Randy’S Satellite Service 515 Jane Sowers Road, Statesville, NC 28625 • H u g h e s N e t I n t e r n e t b a m b v• FTA Satellite System h ANPY S TU TTS • Off Air Antenna-HDTVS Cell: 704-902-2760 It’s not about your life, it’s about theirs. LIfv liwiirancc isnl aboul your life, llV flboui ilie people who rely on II. Лв a locnl independent agent, we can design an insurance program ju.st tight for )'0U and Tamily. Give the pei)plc you ¡ovc SArc5outid.Scc\ire>* protection from Auto-Owners Life Insurance Company. %ЛШо-Оттпш Лшичтсе Johnson Insurance Services .127 Marketplace Drive iK Mocksville, NC 27028 Austwi (336)751-6281 XP**;* С б. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, April 30,2009 P h i l C a r A u t o m o t iv e Full Service ¥ёЫс1е Malntenaiice Center M M 1 6 2 8 H w y . 6Ó1 S. • M o c k s v ille • 7 5 1 -1 8 0 0 P.O. Aiirn. owntr "P h ilca rfo r your car. " lL- wmwT mi nimet OIL CHAME • 2 f » dme davie medical equipment Y o u r H o m e C a re C o m p cm y You Have the Right to Choose Your Home Medical Equipment Company - Davie Medical Equipment. Espedaily if you go to a neighboring hospital. Our long-established, convenient and very competitive business is here to serve you with the latest and best home care products. Our certified and licensed employees l<eep your needs and comfort a t the top o f their priorities when you come to us for service. Highlighted below Is ju st a part o f our complete line o f m obility equipment. Please come in to discuss your needs with our staffane! see why we offer you the best products and sen/ices. dme davie medical equipment , 959 Salisbury Rd, . Mocksville (336)751-4288 fax (336)751-4688 Vin 1*Í i ' ' Ш " f I’i' ' 1 ' ' ‘ ' F W a k e F o r e s t U n iv e r s ity B a p tis t M e d ic a l C e n t e r N e u r o s c i e n c e s p r o u d ly s p o n s o r s N EU RO SCIEN CES M O N TH at BestHealth® this M ay MIGRAINES, GO AWAY! Thursday, May 7 • 3 pm Presented by neurologist Dr. Patrick Reynolds PARKINSON'S DISEASE Monday, May 11 • 2 pm Presented by neurologist Dr. Mustafa Siddiqui THE CUTTING EDGE OF EPILEPSY Tuesday, May 12 *11 am Presented by neurosurgeon Dr. Dan Couture GAMMA KNIFE Saturday, May 16 • 1 pm Presented by neurosurgeon Dr. Thomas Ellis ALL ABOUT BRAIN ANEURYSMS Wednesday, May 20 • 6 pm Presented by neurosurgeon Dr. John Wilson BOTOX® INJECTIONS - NOT JUST FOR WRINKLES Thursday, May 28 • 6 pm Presented by neurologist Dr. Allison Bra'shear LOCATION Events are held at BestHealth* in Hanes Mall (upper, level across from the U.S. Post Office) unless otherwise noted. Seating is limited and registration is required by calling (336) 716-2255. Wake Forest University Baptist M i; о 1 c Л 1 с i; n i i: u Neurosciences K N O W lil-)(.f M A K fs A II m i [)|fllR l.rj /f IIbin( (mI ii/licII Russell Newton Hodges Walter Ray Bennett Si. Eric Sam Manning Russell Newton Hodges, 80, Walter Ray Bennett Sr., 73, Eric Sam Manning, 53, of ofNorfolk,Vft„ died onApril 20,' of'Rainbow Road, Advance, Cornatzer Road, Mocksville,' 2009 in Sentara Leigh Hospital, died on T\iesday, April 14, at the died on Tuesday, April 14,2009, A native qf Vilas, he was the Kate B. at his home,son of the late Bun and Effie ■H||||||||H|||h m Bom in Nosh County on May Hodges. He retired from the U.S. Hospice 31,19SS, he was the son of Sam Navy as a master chief petty of- '' "•H Home, ficcr after 35 years, and also re< Bom in tired from Navy Family Ser- Forsyth vices. He was a member of St.. County on John’s United Methodist Church April 9, and was president of the United 1936, he Methodist Men. He was on the was the board of the ABNB Federal son of the Credit Union. He continued to late volunteer for the Navy Family' Grover Ray and Mattie Ellen Services after his retirement. Thacker Bennett. He was retired Survivors; his wife, Nancy from Reynolds Tobacco Co. and was retired as pastor of Chapel of Gods Word, which was lo­ cated behind his house. Survivors; his wife of 55 H. Hodges: 2 sons, James R. Hodges and wife Patty and Rob­ ert N. Hodges and wife Lynn, all of Mocksville; a sister, Reba H. Hodges and a brother, Maston M. Hodges, both of Boone; 4 grandchildren; and 1 great­ grandchild. A celebration of Mr. Hodge’s life Was celebrated at St. John’s United Methodist Church in Norfolk on Friday at 11 a.m, with tlje Revs: Jim Maddox and David Wade officiating. The family greeted friends Thursday at Hollomon-Brown Funeral Home Tidewater Drive Chapel. A graveside service wns liold Saturday at 2 p.m. at Center United Methodist Church Cem­ etery in Mocksville. , Memorials; GFWC Vii-ginia Allen Manning Jr. of Chesa­ peake, Va. and Anganetha Christine Popp. He last worked at Bamcs Tin Shop. Survivors; his wife, Robin Michelle Morris Manning, whom he married on June 20, 20p3; a daughter, Lisa Kay Manning of Mocksville; a step­ daughter, Christy Lewis of Mocksvilie; a stepson, Shaw Reynolds of Sharpsburg; 2 , brothers, Bruce Allen (Cindy) Manning of Roanoke Rapids, and David Rudolph (Lorrie) Manning of Oak Creek, Wise.; years, Betty Yarbrough Bennett; a sister, Amy Marie (Neal a son.'Walter Ray (Gail) Bennett Hymel) Bass of Wake Forest; 4 Jr. of Elm City; 2 daughters, Deborah Ann (David) Bennett Steele of Cooleemee and Bobbie Jean Beimett Hendrix of Mocksville; a brother, James Franklin (Penny) Bennett; 8 grandchildren, Michelle (Tucker) Gibson, Jenny Bennett, Josh (Karen) Hendrix, Candice (Ryan) Burton, Magan (Richard) Carter, Melissa ( BJ) Kiser, James Wilkins and Will (Heather) Balls; 17 great-grand- children, Cassie, Raheetn, Danielle, Cody, Caleb, Anna, Dallas, William, Cody, Rylan, Headquarters, PO Box 8750,. Dakota,Makenna,Tristan,Tori, Richmond, VA 23226 (checks lo Emma, Ty and baby Carter (on Virginia Tech project lo pur­ chase advanced life rcscue ve­ hicle for student run rescue squad; or American Diabetes Assoe., 870 Grecnbrinr Circle, Suite 404, Chesapeake, VA 23320. Online condolences;- mvw.lioliomoihbmwn.com. Bear Creek Farm BfiVliXnUANCEmR M us ilian our poMion Гог lioncs wilh yoiil SpM lallilna In thouglitful, com paulonate Initruotlon (or rtdcr m d Иогм. 428 Allen Road, Mocksville, NC 336-492-6451 www.bearcreek(arm»que8tctr.com '■ "'ft f' ' С ^]///,///A ////, Joseph T Greene Jr,, 19;?8 - 200i) •. FAKMINOTON ; ........i" 4 '"v Edita C .H e rid rixl . 1921-2009 mocksville' Kenneth E, W hitaker \ ■1943 - 2009 УADKI^|V1LLБ , ' Cecelia M , Boivin i 1', 19U-2009 CLEMMONS J ' ' Щ Ьег R, В е т Ф , Sr. 1936'2009 ADVANCE •', ' УФ , < ЩЩе Mae p. Pierce, 1919 - 2009 ' RO>VAN COUNTY ; , Kat!di ^Jpne^ , -V , ,l9?4vi099’ ' STATE8Vn4.E' ' . ' Ш 9 - 2009' MO^Kevni.^ ' . . Robert M, Staley \ 19Г1-2009 1 MOCKeVlLLE ' •' , LarrpWrHamiltah 19422009' MOCitsViLLi:;|;:;.| the way). He was also preceded in death by a brother, Donald Gray Bennett. A servico to celebrate the'life of Mr. Bennett was held on Wednesday, April 22, at I p.m. at Ihe Salisbury National Cem­ etery with his son. Pastor Walter Ray Bennett Jr. nnd Donald Fuiiderburke officiating. The family received friends on Fri­ day, April 17 at Davie Funeral Service. Memorials; Hosplcc qf Davie, 377 Hbspitai St., Mocks­ ville: ■ Online condolences; www.daviefmwralxervice.com, Joe Allen Medford Mr, Joe Allen Medford, 73, ,, , ,of Salisbury, fomierly of Old. Hawthorne,Chicago.111.;great- step grandchildren, Damian, Devon and Dacoda Lewis and Gabriella Reynolds. Tiic service to celebrate the life of Mr. Manning,was held on April 20 in the Edgecombe Me­ morial Park in Tarboro,, Online condolenccs; www.tlaviefmieralservice.com. Donald Lewis Johnson Donald Lewis Johnson, 53, originally from Salisbury, died Sunday, April 19,2009, in Jack­ sonville, Fla. He was born Dec. 5, 1955, in Salisbury to the late Mamie Lee Perry Johnson and Louis Johnson. Hp attended the Rowan County public schools. He was a self-employed plumber and was a veteran of the U.S. Army. He was preceded in death by his grandparents, Jennie and Jimmie Hawthorne, and aunts Vina Hawthorne and Lillie Mae Rhodes. Survivors; his wife, Margo Johnson of Jacksonville, Fla.; son, Donald L. Johnson Jr. of Jacksonville; brothers Dennis (Lorettii) Johnson, Salisbury, and Benjamin (Jeanette) Johnson, Mocksville; sisters Emily’ Perry and Charlotte (Henry) Giles, both of Salisbury; uncle James Boxwood. Church' Road, Mocksville, died Saturday, April 25, 2009, at The Brian Center of Salisbury. Mr. Medford was bom Nov! 15, 1935, in Forsyth County to the late Zola Mae Frances and Jesse Byron Medford, He was a ’ long-time employee of Chrysler and Sara Lee, and a dog lover who raised Miniature Dachs- hunds and Chihuahuas, Mr. Medford enjoyed spending dme watching birds and cooking with his smoker on the back porch built by his son, Gary; in the eariicr days, he and his wife, Daisy owned and enjoyed riding horses in Mock.sville and fish­ ing on Lake Erie in Michigan, He was also preceded in death by an infant brother. Jack Medford; and a sister, Mary Sue Medford. In addition to his wife, Daisy, who resides at Brian Center of Salisbury; survivors include; 2 sons, Gary Allen (Laura) Medford and Darryl Lee (April) Medford, all of Mocksville; a sister. Ruby (Luther) Cain of Clemmons; 2 brothers, Jesse (Carlytta) Medford Jr. and Ralph (Shirley) Medford of Winston Salem. Memorials; American Can­ cer Society, 4-A Oak Branch Dr,, Greensboro, 27407; or Rowan Regional Hospice, 720 Grove St„ Salisbury, 28144, . Online condolences; www.eaioiifimeralservice.com. U l r u i S I M A I 1\ I Julia Howard \ ï ttim s 'f 7*)ili ! ! please contaci me in: MOCKSVILLE; (336) 751-6567 RALEIGH: (919) 733-5904 16 W. Joires s1twt,^Rm'ifoe Ralelghi N027601-1096 Email: luliah@ncleg.net P/uD FOR ш Ш л Howard ’ aunt, Bstella Rimes, Savannah, Ga.; and a host of other relatives and friends. A memorial scrvice was held Friday from noon-1 p.m. at Hairston Funeral Home wilh the Rev. Dr, Nilous Avery offleiat- ing assisted by the Rev, Rodney Barker. A military graveside scr­ vicc was held Tuesday, April 28 at 11 A.m. Online condolences; wmv.Hairstonjh.com. Edward Michael Tkach Mr, Edward Michael Tkach, 77, of Clemmons, died Wednes­ day, April 22,2009 at his home. He was bom Sept, 27, 1931 in Monmoth County, N!J, to Michael Victoria Kocutnbas Tkach, Mr, Tkach was a mem­ ber of Holy Family Catholic Church and was retired from the U,S, Navy as a chief petty of­ ficer after 21 years of service. He was preceded in death by his wife, Frances Aitne Chaffin Tkach.and a daughter, Valerie Harris. Survivors; 6 children, Debbie Lowdermilk and hus­ band Gray of Mocksville, Ed- . ward M. Tkach Jr. of Buffalo, N.Y., Albert G. Tkach and wife Donna of Advance, Frankie A, Stames and husband James of High Rock, David A, Tkach and wife Paula and Cliff B, Tkach and wife Renae. all of Mocks­ ville; 11 grandchildren. Will, Ben and Kelly Lowdermilk! Heather Vestal, Steriing Tkach, Brandy Shore, Kayiee and Ashlee Trivette, Jesse and Emmie Tkach and Adam Ridenhour; 2 great-grandchil- dren, Aiyden and Kariynn Ves­ tal, and a special friend, David Damico. The family will have a pri­ vate graveside service. Online condolenccs; www.hayworih-iniller.com. ■ S p r in g F U n g S a tu r d a y A t B a ile y s C h a p e i Baileys Chapel United Methodist Church is planning its Spring Fling for Mny 2 starting nt 8 u.m, Rain date. May 16, Spaces are available for $10. Call Sue ul 336-972-3550 or Bonnie at 998-, 5553 to reserve a space to sell your crafts, business, or yard sale items. The Methodist Men will prepare breakfast nnd Innch for sale. There will be music starting around 11 by Cords Of Faith (bring a luwn chair), S a n d y S p rin g s B a p tis t P ia n s l^ e v iv a i M a y 3 -6 Revival services will be, held May 3-6 at Sandy Springs Bap­ tist Church near Lone Hickory. The Rhythm Aires will present a concert of gospel music on Sunday night. May 3 at 7. Dn.Steve Corts, pastor of First Baptist Church, Clemmons, will be the guest speaker Monday-Wednesday nights. May 4-6, at 7;30, Y For more information or directions, call704-546-7484,' Breakfast Saturday At Union Ctiape! A country hum and sausage breakfast will be held at Union Chapel Methodist Church, US 601 just north of 1-40, Mocksville, from 6;30-l0 u,m, on Saturday, May 2, Proceeds will go to the Relay for Life. i^omecoming M^ay 10 At Cedar Creek Cedar Creek Missionary Baptist Church will celebrate home­ coming on Sunday, May 10 with lunch at l;30 and an afternoon service at 3 p.m, with guest speaker the Rev, Melvin Kelser und his congregation from New Shepherd Baptist Church, Breakfast Saturday At Advance UA/IC A community breakfast will be held at Advance United Meth­ odist Church, NC 801, from 7-10 a.m. on Saturday, May 2. The menu will include ham, sausage, eggs, grits, gruvy. jelly, orunge juice and coffce. C o u r tn e y R e v iv a l Sta/ts S u n d a y Courtney Baptist Church will hold revival services Sunday evening. May 3 ut 6 p.m. and at 7 p.m. Moriday-Friilay, Friday night will be a youth night witli a Christian concert after the scr­ vice. Bvungclist Rundy Roberts will be the speaker. Keith Hiller llO V iV ^dhliivlllund W tllo w O oki Shopping Or. M ockiville 751-6131 \lllAfilCSf(>r№tjU} j t l InHoilhCiTotlna. Nationwide' On Your Side Alilo llonif lilt Й1'Ы1гч láMn'tiffkhfuty ^ D ia b e t e s A re Y o u r U n a b le to M a n a g e Y o u r Type 2 Diabetes W ith D ie t a n d E x e rc is e A lo n e ? ^ o n m <iv l>i' c‘li^ ii) le to p a r ( i c i |) : i k ‘ ill il д 1о 1)л 1 c liiiic iil ro .s c iirc li s liid y (>r a il n i e d i c a l io n . If you... • Have not been treated with, or have had only limited exposure to, oral antidiabetic medication • Are between 18 and 77 years of age You may be eligible to participate In a global clinical résearch study. Participants may receive study-related medical care, study medication, laboratory wori(, and evaluations, at no cost. ! Gi^cent Medical Research, Tomorrow's MKllcIro Today S a llsh n n T 0 t-6 « ;-9 9 1 3 Or reach ui on the web a! www.pnui-rBiBgrch.comJcreiCBnl locatetj - Salisbury One Block Irom Hospital DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 30,2009 - C7 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. (John 14:18) b. T h i s m e s s a g e b r o u g h t t o y o u b y t h e s e l o c a l b u s i n e s s e s w h o e n c o u r a g e y o u t o w o r s h i p a t t h e c h u r c h o f y o u r c h o i c e . CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Shook Slroel Mocksvillo, Me 27028 336-751-2167 < ip s r «UTO МПТ« MOCKSVILIE AUrawm VE 084 s, Main St. Mocksvllla. NC 2702B 336-751-2944 GENTLE MACHINE &TOOLINC 2716 Hwy, 601 N Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5055 Fax; 336-492-604S JERRY'S MEATPR0CE8SINB Wo CuBtom Meal Proceag Beef • Pork - Deer 30 years experience 0Q3 Ralph Raltadll« R<] < MockuvlUo 336-492-5496 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Rtl. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9144 W.G. WHITE & C 0 . 850 N. Trade SI. Winsion-Salom, NC 27102 336-723-1669 IIAYWORIII-MILLUR aiNi'RAi 1 lOMi; IOS Kijnl(Tl(m Wiiy A(lv.itiff, NC 27006 336.940.SS55 Ш ¥ U lU n í¡m s s ir Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Fabrication 980 Salisbury Rd. Mockavllle, NC 27028 336-751-3712 FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road , Mocksville, NC 27028 . 336-751-2141 t'n'.\< rl¡ulon C o ll h ; 336-753-DRUG Put This Space To Work ForYou Call 336-751.2129 C m m ^ R T E RЧ в u 110 e R 8 157 Yodiiin Vfllioy now i • Sullo a m Advanco. NC 336-940-2341 Hailihr mt< .Ul №arv Л lYt-J-kiii » Mutili ( ‘. ( 'wiiT. S’in' IVq , mEO$WNiimTED> • Storage Buildings (Wood A Alurvlnum)• Carports & Oaragds Coinriiitnii>nt u( erolher to Urotliei a Tdith In God 1668 Hwy 64 W Mocksville jimmy Docttchcr (336)492-5418 FULLER Architecture Kk 270« p :3 3 6 ,/.5l.0400 PROUDLY DESIGNING. DAVIE CHURCHES 336-751-0400 ■ APAUXÇOMPANY 165 Turkey Fool Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5565 MimiMNCARE ■MOCKSVILLE 1007 Howard St. Mocksville 751-3535 . C a l l 751-2129 TO A d v e r tis e Y o iir B usiness o n t h e C h u r c h P a g e . Il«.v.«filll EATON FUNERAl.HOME .SINCI-: 1951 325 Nonh Main Slreei Mocksvillo. NC 2702U 336-751-2148 C8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPMSE RECORD, Thursday, April 30,2009 Davie Civitans Support Ronald McDonald House At their monthly meeting in April, the Davie Civitans sported t-shirls as part of a Ronald McDonald House Fundraiser, "Sport a Shin, Share a Night”, donating $260 to support the families of critically ill children being treated at local hospitals. This was the fifth annual' event for the Ronald McDonald House of Winston-Salem, which opened in 1984 and offers 1,7 family bedrooms, 2 living rooms, 2 playrooms, a playground and kitchen. It Members of the Davie Civitan Club sport their Ronald McDonald House.t-shlrts to help families of ill children, provides a home away from rfov/c. home for families of children receiving tnedical care at Brenner Chiltlren’s Hospital and Forsyth Medical Center in Winston-Salerti. Last year, 676 families checked in to the House and stayed for. an average of six days. These families were from 53 counties in NC, 11 other states, and one other country. Davie Civitans provide home- cooked meals for the House on a regular basis. To leam more about Davie Civitans, visit www.cMtaii.net/ CooMm f o r D J U > . Saturday, May 2nd в;ООа.П1. -1;ООр.1П. Clemmons Moravian Church Cook!«» soW by Ihe dozen pe (far M* 4 # c w f/ trm in hff Ofm О Ш м Ь о A h r t 9фЫ с» P e g ^лНкШЫФплд»гшШг ТурФ ШлЫШ Г iI ' ) ! The Pecklnpavy Family will perform at Blaise Baptist Church on May 15. S to rie s A n d S o n g s T h e P e c k in p a w s C o m in g B a c k T o B la is e B a p t is t ' ‘rhe'Pcckinpaw Family, as day and Saturday, May 15 and p.m. and the Peckinpaw show for children (up to 10 years), i^ffij^ed by the Good |Li‘f‘e"‘l6, at the Blaise Baptist Ciiurch'' will follow.' '■'"’"tu'll’Wi-'i'eSD for mofe infor- Singers. is coming buck with a Family Life Ccnlcr in Mocks- Tiekcts may be purchased at mation. All tickets must be new program of old gospel ville. the church ofFice or after Sun- picked up by May 8. No tickets songs and humorous stories Fri- Dinner wili be served al 6;30 day services $ 10 for adults. $5 will be sold at the door. P u b lic H e a lt h M o r e T h a n M o s t T h in k ' "TÌìv W ï àauath Iheßni phice that иг* looked at ■dф ìM yrecm \lnel{d:thcM llaJieC olф m ìç¿ Center far your wedding. We loved ill" ~ Mr. & Mrs. Uvl,munhit March 2HHu2m ’ 6205 Rannida Drive Clemmons, NC 27012 Lima SchlollcUlt 336.714.0172 336.766.9121 T h e V illa g c In n .c o in Л SoHihfustem IhspitoHty Оищншу • SouihmM('rnfio.\i>ifiiflty,vom Village Inn Goif &c Confcrcncc Center Public health is present everywhere, everyday and in everybody’s life. “Many residents of Davie County are not even aware of this silent force in their lives." said Suzanne Wright. Davie health director. “Public liealth affects us all. ensuring that food served in our restaurants is safe to eat, removing our children from the harm of vaccine preventable diseases, encouraging safe and healthy environments and generally contributing to the quality of life in our county." To celebrate these ilnd other public health beneflts. the Davie County Health Department is celebrating Public Health Month in April. This year’s theme is Healthy Living. The Davie department has been working with and serving the public health needs of Davie County residents since 1911 providing: clinic scrviccs; services to protect soil, water, food and air; health education programs; home health services since 1972; and advocating for resources for health that are crucial to the community’s ability to choose healthy lifestyles. "Public health silently ensures that our most basic and critical life needs are protected, met and managed,” Wright said. “But because public health generally works to prevent- problems, it often goes unnoticed. If people could imagine how chaotic and unsafe things would be without public health, they would appreciate the important role it- plays in their daily lives.” The health department supported KidsFcst. County residents participating in KidsFest ut the Masonic Picnic Grounds learned from Ihe health department information on iiiimunizations. public health services and inspecting car safety seat installations. To .schedule a formal presentation about the history of the Davie Health Department and its development over the past 98 years for your civic or social group, call Shirii} Scotten at75l-87()0, For more infonnaiibn about public health in Davie, visit WWW. c o. (I av i e, nc. it.i/ Depart ments/Health/ Heatth.hlm. Y a r d S a f e S p a c e s A v a ila b le Pinebrook Cheerleaders are hosting a fundraising event. Rent a yard sale space for $20 and keep ail the profits. The sale wiil be Saturday, May 30 in Ihe field beside Smith Grove Fire Department. Call 336-499-4593 to re­ serve a space. Narcotics Problem? NA Can Help If you or a family member is struggling with substance number is 800-365-1035. Visit www.tcana.org for abuse, help, 1$ a,phone call meeting schedules .and away. ; is The Twin City Area ■ a 12 step recbyery program. Narcotics Anonymous Helpline ALL HOMES ARE TRUE OFF-FRAME MODULAR HOMES TH B H AM PTO N RAH CH, WAIHOf.; M M C T lO H it •V77toExH49A •U 870IU it4.em llM >UnonBu»lnm PwkDrtv*.4mUM '• иПопВш1пм470 ' ftrtw y S u /# « S o w • WeAREtìieBulldef UndiFInstKlitgAvallèble 704.924.9393 www.StatesvilleHousiiig.coin Toll Free L877.283.4344 ) Students DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 30,2009 - D l Teacher Sayrd Price (center) and students Caleb Mar­ tin and Diana Moure enjoy the “Picture This" project. nrtW»Picture This South Students Learn About Human Impact - Positive And Negative By Mike Barnhardt Enterprise Record Caleb Martin noticed the re­ cycling bins at the supennarket. The South Duvie Middle School seventh grader had been by them dozens of times before, but hadn’t noticed. He made a photograph. Diana Moure started looking around her home. Ono morning at sunup, she took a photograph of the sky colored by pollution. . and of the trees that reached up­ ward. Tho sludcnils of 'science . teacher Sayrd Price, Ihe studenls were taking part in a projcct called “Picture This: Taking Hujpait Impact Seriously.” It was the bràihç^hil^. of, )Pa)riciu Patrick, a professor at'Bennett ■ College in Greensboro. • Price heard about the project and wanted his students to par­ ticipate. He got Kelchie Creek lo donate some 90 disposable cameras. Foster Drug provided most of the processing costs. Students incorporated writ- ing, sciencc and other skills and had a main task - take a photo­ graph of a way that humans im­ pact Ihe linvironment. There was a photo of a preg­ nant woman - signifying over­ population. There were photos of trees, a deck made from re­ cycled materials, trees, a fence and more. "Overall, I think this was a wonderful project,” Price said. “They met our expectations and then some.” "We looked for Uttering - and positive things about the en­ vironment," Martin said. "We learned that we should lake care of Ihe environment. I didn’t know there wäre so many people destroying it." “1 liked thill wee could use our imaginations taking pic­ tures,” Moure said. Each student was instructed to go into llicir community and observo^how humans impact the environment, writing those ob­ servations in a journal. Then, they were to take 24 photo­ graphs of what they saw as a representation of that impact. They took pictures of old tires piled higher than a car and acrcs of land stripped of vegeta­ tion. They also made photos of hybrid cars and trees being planted. Patrick had visited the class, sharing photographs of Ansel Adams, “The students’ thoughts con­ cerning our local community and how we affect it are out­ standing,” Patrick said. “I think the community would be ex­ cited to Fmd oul that students arc not only aware of their commu­ nity, but they are able to design their own digital movies includ­ ing Iheir ideas.” She also praised Pricc, the first year teacher who headed the project. The photos were judged at a PTA meeting in April, with the following winners: Linscy Fowler, Diana Moure, Alyssa Waymire, Michele Diehl, Alyssa Thomasson, Amanda Burgan, Caitlin Rigolini and Dylan Tollie. Planting a tree can make a positive impact on the environment, as this studerit photographer wrote. - Photos by Robin Snow Elementary Chorus Performs Sophie Potts concentrates on playing the xylophone. The Davie Combined Elementary Chorus performed at the Brock last Sunday, after rehearsing for months after school - but only orice together. It was directed by teachers April Naylor, Sean Nelson and Lou Wilson. Chorus members include; William R. Davie.- Katy Alexander, Forrest Barber, l-(annah Brown, Sarah Buie, Payton Cartner, Lindsey Custer. Bryan Espinoza, Krystal Foster, Tessa Ivester, Caleb Jones, Madison Kitchens. Jordan McDaniel. Brittani Mohat, Jessica Rumple, Johnna Sale, Melanie Santos, Megan Scarlett, Casey Snyder, Sydney White; Shady Grove - Rebekah Barrett, Elisabeth Beauchamp, Kathryn Brake, Isaac Campbell, Aiiie Carter, Ashlyn Cates, Courtney Comatzer, Ruby Dennard, Molly Engstrom, Jessica Fioyd, Paige Folmar, Hadley Hilton, Madison Hines, Patterson Jones, Marissa Kittle, Callie Koeval, Kaitiin Lanier, Camryn Lesser, Julianna McCuiston, Kasey McKnight, Summer Orr, Aubrianna Peebles, Caitiyn Peebles, Faith Peterson, Emily Ruble, Morgan Sessomsi Rachel Sutton, Emma Smart; Pinebrook - Ariel Barker, Eva DeValgaz, Meghan Donley, Jarrell Farmer, Kaylen Fields, Julie Gough, Caitlln Hill, Noah Hutchins, Sarah James, Abby Kerr, Yahssain Khan, Jessica Lancaster, Carrie Logan, Aspen Marsh, Hannah Sprinkle, Allison Staley, Brianna Thomas. Maklnzie Thomas, Madison Townsend; Mocksville - Parker Cassady, Krista Cidoni, Jonathan Cook, Connor Cornelison, Emma Etter, Matthew Forrest, Ashley Fowler, Patrick Gordon, Liam Jennings, Josh Low, Brianna Lyons, Cayce Magaiianes, Joslyn McGee, Breanna McKnight, Jacob Miller, Jordan Mullen, Autumn Murphy, Rgfael Palaclas, Zachary Piott, Jessica Randolph, Doricei Reyes, Jacob Scarlett, Victoria Shoaf, Autumn Stowers; Comatzer - JaNai Campbell, Jay Clary, Claire Devereaux, Myles Evans, SIdnee Everhart, Savannah Fergtjson, Morgan Gaiiiher, Hayiea Hobbs, Brandon Lankford, Sophie Potts, Chase Sheets, Korblri Smith, Madison Stakely, Rachel Vance; Alexis Williams; Cooleemee - Jada Burroughs, Eiexicia Carter, Makayla Cody, Gabriel Coleman, Kelly Davis, Haley Foster, Laura Fusaro, Rachel Garretson, Brittany Hager, Rebecca Harris, Shariece Mance, Justice Mayfield, Madison Meade, Kasey Potts, Jacob Souther, Shawna Wiley. : • '• • ’•v ' D2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 30,2009 Davie Schools DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, I’hursday, April 30,2009 - D3 Pinebrook Elementary Kindergarten students of Mrs. Cope, Mrs, Hockiuiiiy, Mrs. Holt und Mrs. Howard visited Lazy 5 Ranch to leam about the animals and liow they ;movc. The kindergarlncrs took a wagon ride and were able to feed the animals. Mrs. Welch is back from imatemity leave to her first grade Jciass. Ms. Minor did a ¡wonderful job. In spelling, ;studehts continue to study iwords with Magic E. Students .are fp.viewing blends nt the 'beginning of words. During , writing, they urc learning how ;to organize thoughts using a .,'circlc map and flow chart. ¡Students arc using these orgunizationul tools to write stories about their lives. Math has them busy thinking about addition and subtrncUon. They continue to leam new strategics on how to solve nddition and . subtraction problems. Students had a wonderful time on a Reid trip to Mrs. Hanes' Cookie Factory. They learned nbout economics and did a, great job as cookie ia.sters. Continue to read for the Splash into Reading program. ' . ' The second grade classcs of Mrs. Chappie, Mrs. Harpe, Mrs.' Moore, and Mrs. Potts are all of t\ flutter and preparing to be moms and dads with the nnnual cxpcritnent of hntching chicken eggs to reinforce nnd enhnnce a •science curriculum of life cycles. Ench cluss hns ubout 22 eggs and will turn them, wntch the temperature and water levels in the incubator for the next 21 days. They are grateful to Lyndsie Dore; Duvie 4-H , Extension agent, for helping u wilh this yearly project. Third gl-ade students in Ms. Van pffefen’s class finished u ! gebmefry unit. They made Solid figures and have been collecting solid figures from home. They nre going'to make ^ sculpture out of the figures. They are ahso ■studying maps. • Fifth graders have been working on writing opinion , papers. Stiidetits discussed the pros and cons to hftvihg a four Cooleemee Elementary Star Students for the week of April 20, from left: front - Kiara Link, Lilian Thompson,, Erlcka Arcos, Lily White, Matthew Harris; midtdie - Tania Benitez, Tykedrick Gadson, Nicholas i\/1arlow: back - Tommi Hiil, Caleb Link, Jordan Freeman, Abby Whitaker. Cornatzer Eiementary Cougars of the Week: Eii Snilth, Isabel Bishop, Brae Scanion, Carly Jaycocks,Aiiyson RuizTurcios, Jacob Huffman, Katlin Howeii., Roberto Fiores, Kimmy O'Rorke, Ashley Hendren, Caroline Trotter, Shianna Reed, Valerie Short, Uriei Romero, Sydney Hendren, Jose Reyes, Jazmin Sanchez, Sharony Kopei, Luke Davis, Korbin Smith, Rolando Estrada, Brittney Coone. day school week instead of five. Studenls were divided on the jssutí and came up with creative reasons in their writing to back iip their opinions. Stiidents will begin writing expository papers next week. Fifth graders in Mrs. Waters’ homeroom researched holidnys in April, and found that April 21 was Kindergarten Day. They mnde posters to honor the kindergnrteners. Bus riders,of the week were Jade Waller, Brock Marshnll, Hunter Spencer, Trevor Duy and Knylee Godfrey. These students received ribbons during morning announcements. The PBS witiners this week, were Charlie, Stnrnes, Neil ' Doucet, Kascy Williford, Peyton Engle, Riley White, Colling Wicdel, Joseph Johnson, Clayton Brown, Jacob Cnmpbcll, Elijnh Wood, Cody Mellor, Gabrielle Meyer, Alex Hodges, Emma Dixon, Chris Vnsqucz, Joey Sprinkle, Hunter Andrews, Knitlyn Adkins, John Myers, Huniion Dobbins, Franco Lopez, and Mukuyla Hester. They were rewarded with extra outside lime on' Friday. Lisn Van Offercn, a third grade teacher, was named the Tcnchcr of the Year. She works to help teachcrs became Nationally Certified. She is ulso the leader of the Odyssey of the Mind. , Cooleemee Elcmentnry Kindergarten cluSscs have been learning about Earth Day. They hnve been reading and wriling about ways they cnn help keep the Earth clenn and why il,is important to recycle. Thc kindergarteners are continuing lo identify, copy, and extend patterns. Mrs. Collins and Mrs, Stein would jike welcome high school intern^, Kristy Davis and Karen Spry, They will be helping nnd doing activities with thc students the next few weeks, Tho teachers would also like to Ihiink parents .who brought Iheir childrqn to, kindergarten screening on April 23. Mr.s. Marroquin and Ms. Ward’s second gruders went to the Davie Family YMCA for swimming lessons Monduy- Thursduy. Students learned about water nnd boat safety. They gol to jump off of the diving blocks, get in a reni bonl, It’s a smart time to buy. High Inventory - Lower Prices - Cocci Mortgage Rates S t a r t y o u r h o m e s e a r c h a t c b t r i a d . c o m built »/supefloi upQiai)«. LigM i open inir.g arel M l mat!«, im 6(1 & cnicc/den Sunim overlook} bficli cou't/2;J flSiiS) sSfitSfl Ä tM ¿iiTÆSpr</fl Cil eiesanf,« A cotIoiI, Sitikmg J unii}ije ciiiingi. ptdfcl (ilay & s'tfp ш lot 0i!-iU (kJMfv nffch A palio in ntifKj (если i noil 5105/21 Ь ш Allen !W'7№| Í529,0H ... ................ МАЯСНМОКТmmi ЗВА 2GAC Ш АН Рд1к Сотя1иПр|у'ГоА?.'1Лд !iti;s p(0*Klí SliíilO Аiot,V tiüiieoïei lo и« iniídOf pittínij idi'íifift'e 1>li9 ntHI hWIie IiW {iQiCfl, nf,n.!e г*л И afpis, W*Jv A mote (SMOrú) V,ckt f loniing «ХЙ-ПЬ/ МДОМ ttlíTOY Ь Ш Iry SüTCíTíí Baitiltfiii’ r„,(Ic'iV.KV 0Л líCtt) ft00rt-.4l iOl ft/lIU!Uíe lit Atlí W.iiii’óul bml «ns Ä 3ídüataae Ы'/, Wl lLn.i.iy ms«1>|| wAirinilo тРШ) Síym Bulbi WÖ-ИЙО W M,« • iipp<o\çmcrilj, leaJy lo пуло in Ä enloy Сол oulilcor lue p<t/pjtio, Wiixjarit-iron teocing i ipiirkiìi CvfAm tifjfiWion Mm. М Ш rm, äel 3id a i (ш, (5247?/) Tiru Morirvi 906-'l?gt$3M,MO 1шт1оиГШ Пот» Cciñiwiityl АИ btitk Ьо(лез. 2 С2Г ovaoe, amounts ol sioraoe Very lo rooiits, шгу upgrades, iiie, iumos, coüntäv SS apiane«!, nuh ntoce Cwn tare inct. (523íei) John Iteíomo Э03- W DIENHAV» UXIIKITIM 2BR ШIw uiU í blri Homo CofítnuniW W1 bdcli 11/31249,1 impfovOTcols. tu ii lo in. co;y oulüoor lire pil/p^Uio WrougM i'on lencinc & »ilrWer s/5. Cuilom planiiTion shtíierj, wMiujül la fld 3/Ö ui QV. {b2iim lira Mofginy>fl-4291|3W.9«__________ AOVWE 36Я .............. ■Д5,«]0 under Idi valuó, lg (orrml_______iifcM rmW/саШ а! ceil irò, etpcsed baams, ач log fP Iß'CRi Fia (in & piytm nu .ouniM in Sf Needs ipiiling Wiifanli {«■1065) Siepften Daily 62i6462|ir‘ " wiin upsùii] loft A 2 Щ 1Л. rieutral colors. cbtriad.comn Unvie/Clcmmons Offlce Intersection of llwy 158 & 80t CoUhvvll Uanker Mortgage I'hone: 336-998-8816 Same Day Loan Peeision.;. Relocation: 1-800-317-4398 Gunruiitccd.,,1-888-309-8201 ' C O L D l U e U . B A N K e R D »X» CoJ(tw«il Dankor Rsal Eitat« Corporation. Cokiwoil Oankar ii <) reoiilorfid irsdamAtk ol Col<}weil Danker Corporaiton. An o<iui}l . opportowiy company. Bach oflic« li Indopandonily owrtud and oporatoO.TRIAD, REALTORS and wear4ife jackets. On Friduy the second grade went to thc AIl-a-Flutlcr Butterfiy Farm in . High Point. Students were able to go in tho observation tovver nnd observe butterflies in natural habitats. They got to feed the bullerfiics sugar water from a cotton pad. .Media classcs started back with Mrs. Pike. Students were excited about her return to school. Mrs. Carter’s class made fossils to go along vyith Ihe story in reading basnlsV They used sen shells, Plu.ster of Purls, and cluy. Ms. Brown, Mrs. Carter, nnd Mrs, Cornatzer’s classes arc looking forward to Ihe swimming lessons at the YMCA, Third graders hnve been reviewing for Ihc EOG tests, Mrs. Henderson's c|ass has welcomed Elyssá Tucker, nnd Mrs. Hendrix’s class has welcomed Steffi Shaver as high school interns. They were students ut Cooleemee, Fourth graders took a writing test. Ms. Tatum and Mrs. Kistner’s reading groups started a new novel for literature circles. Mrs, Whitaker imd Mrs. Dyson have been working on enriching reading skills. Fifth graders continue to work in literature circles nnd on rending skills thnt will be tested on the EOG test in May. Students are leiuiiing test-taking strategies such as underlining answers in the text. Encourage your child to regulnrly use Ihe strategies learned in cluss. Fifth grade mnlh groups continue lo work- on skills rcluled to geometry nnd measurement. These ureus cun often be difficult. Make sure your child is completing his/lier homework each night and asking questions when needed. For extra muth materiuls lo use ut home, send in n nole lo your child’s lencher. Tho fifth grade Scicnce Camp was n succcss, organized by Mrs. McDougall und Mrs, Vogler, Thank you lo the other tcnchers who donated supplies ai]|d/ór lime to the camp, > ■ Students of the week of April 20; Hannah Morgan, Guvin Kenton, Monicu Segovin- Hernandez, Tyler McKnight- Leonurd, Ashley Butcro, Noiih Wuymire, Mullhew Diinicl, Haley Jones, Adriannu Johnson, Gabriel Mills, Carlos Alvarado, Kaitlyn Evans, Brianna Fells, Madclyn Kurfecs, Emily Arismendy, Katie Webb, Jose Villatoro, Adrian Hernandez, Christian Hinz, Anna Jónos, Glamar Galeas, Doricel Reyes, Mocksville Eiementary Kindergnrteners leurned Ihe importance of recycling and taking cnre of the environmeni as they celebrated Earth Day,' . Students were surprised to find out the many little things they can do to help preserve Ihe Earth, Thc story of tlie week,. The Lillie Engine lhal Could, reminded ull of Ihe importance of believing in yourself and always trying your best, even if something looks difficult. Sludenis prnciiced sounding out words nnd recognizing sight words. , Math concepts practiced included identifying, creating, and extending ABC and ABBC pntlems. Graphing was enjoyed by all as they created a class pictogrnph of their fnvorile summer activities, Mrs, Flynn and Mrs. Cook’s first gruders have been studying vyild animals and birds. Students enjoyed flapping their arms like birds und pretending they were flying (jnd writing, about where they wo.uld go and thc adventures they wonid have. Studenls played u gnme culled "Build-A-Bird!” which helped identify the characteristics of birds. They learned the smnllest bird is Ihe bee hummingbird, Which is only nbout two inches long. In .science, sludenis learned about mugnels and found out whnt they, can stick to. They learned aboul tho poles and that opposites attract. In math sludcnis are finishing volume und cubes. They enjoyed building tnll buildings and prelcnding they were nrcliilccls.’ Students built castles nnd skyscrnpers and many unique structure.s. Congratulations to Volunteer of the Yeur from Mocksvillc Elementary, Carla Prevette. She has helped Ihe school for 19 years. Third graders are gearing up for the end of grade tests in rending und mnlh. Sludents nre reviewing, example problems and strategics to use while taking the tests. During reading, ' the class is learning uboul poetry und forms of poetry. Mrs. McKnighl’s clnss wns glad to see the sun come out. It was nice lo be able to go outside and soak up the sun. Students have been enjoying reading a play, Grace and thc Time Machine. The .students love taking on roles nnd acling out'lheir parts. This week they were treated to a special Living History Day by the Senior Citizen Center. Thc students gol lo participate in several demonstrations, such as spoon playing, wood carving, chair muking, nnd butler mnking. The students really enjoyed these deirionstrations and owe a specinl thank you to these preseniers. Willinm R. Dnvie Elementary Tille 1 sccond graders enjoyed volunlccr tutors cach T\iesday and Thursday to read with tliem. Thanks to the 2008- '2009 tutors: Pun Bcck (12 years tutoring nl WRD), Alice Sherrill (II ycurs)Bonnie Myers (10 yeurs), Clnrcnce Elmore, Kelly Jones, Vic Patti, Jenny Turner, Glenn Brenzell, Steve Mn.son, Candy Atwood, Nancy Turner, Stephanie Foster, substitute tutor. The tutors treated the reading studenls lo an Easier snack before Spring break. ; ... Second graders aro studying Laura Ingalls Wilder 'as an author and learning about pioneer life in early America. Title I students in third,, fourth, nnd fiflh grades hnve been exploring inforinniionul sources. They hnve brain­ stormed wnys to understand difficult reading usinj; Ihe table of contents, headings, sub­ headings, pholpgraphs, captions, bold print, indexes and glossaries as ways to comprehend thc subjc'ci. They analyzed travel guides, bro­ chures, maps, telephone books, menus and other forms of Information to discover whnt is included in those types of information. Some fourth graders chose u locniion und designed a brochure including relevant information. Tl>e students have used a sticky note strategy (making notes, recording unknown words and new. information they’ve learned) lo sec if it helped them understund the text better. The sludents brainstormed sources of wrillen information and caine up wilh more than 100, Some unusual 'sources were birth certificates, death certificates, wanted posters, dental charts, fnmous speeches, contracts, uppointment curds iind hieroglyphic writings, Mrs'. Parker and Mrs. Moore’s second grade class is geitihg ready to ^et eggs for a Life Cycles unit. The studenls are excited about making sure they go through all ofthe cycles. They will be getting butterflies and lenrning ubout their life cycle. In math they spent a lot of lime lenming nboiil multipli­ cation and fructions. They ure getting into geometry and symmetry. In writing they have been wriling pnpers getting ready for Author’s Night in May. The sludenis have spent n lot of time wriling and typing getting prepared for this special night. The studenls ure learning about economics und why iheir Please See Schools - Page D3 H o m e S c h o o le rs C a n Le a rn C o lle g e O p tio n s Families of home-schooled middle and high school sludentii. are invited to a home school in- , formation session on Thursday, April 30 from 4-6 p.m. nl the Davie Campus of Davidson County Communily College. The free session will explain thc DCCC home school dual enroll­ ment option for sludenis age 16 and older in thc new adniinis- trution building, Rooms 109 und 110.. ■ DCCC representatives will explain to home-schooled stu­ dents and their parents how they cnn cum free college credits be­ fore they gruduute from their home school high school. The session will tell them how to get started at DCCC lo leain their S c h o o ls . . . Continued From Pngc D2 income. They learned the difference between wants and needs and goods and services. . Mrs. Bullins’ fourth grnde students finished a unit on measurement. One of the highlights wns mensuring each sludenl’s height and arm span. They compared Ihe measure­ ments to determine if Iho student was a tall rectangle, short rectangle, or squure. The fifth grnders have been «forking on a unit dealing with ratios arid proportions, when they lenmed how lo use the formula to find distance, speed, and lime, Cornatzer Elcmenlnry April is an aclivc monlh for music. On April 7th, thc week before Spring Break, the kindergarten, first and sccond grade students performed "Seussical the Musical” as thc annual spring musical, It incorporates several books of Dr, Seuss, blended into one story and presented in a hiuslcal format. In nddition to per­ forming thc musicnl, thc students have been learning libout Broadway, the aspects .of musicals in general,' studying thc Broadway version of “Seussical," and in many classcs reading the books lhal are in tho musical to round out a lafge, mulli-grade, cross­ curriculum projeci. Kindergarteners studenls enjoyed parading around the school Thursday, April 9 in spring alliro. Girls displayed decorntive bonnets, while boys wore dccornlcd top huts. Boys escorted the Indies as they were introduced lo parents, Sludenis then entertained our guests with a few spring songs. S ou th Davie Students C om pete ih Cataw ba Environm ental C ontest On March 31. South Davic Middle School competed in nn environmental conicsl al Catawba College called the Southern Piedmont Envirolhon, The contest tested student knowledge in wildlife, forestry, soil, aquatics, and currcnt cnvlronmentnl issues. It included 19 teams from 12 countics in the southern Piedmont, . South Duvic hnd two teums parlicipnte. One pluced second, imd will piirticipatcd in the slate competition April 24 and 25 at Cedar Rock Park in Burlington, A second team plnce 10th, "We are proud of the students for pnrtlcipnting in the event and reprcsehting Davie so well," said Frankie Singleton, district conservntionist. Some ihemntic units huve been centered on Spring Things, Enrth Day, Bnby Animals, and Zoo Animals, Students will leam about insects, plunts, und summer fun for Ihe remnindcr of thc school year, - In Lelterland, students urc finishing with thc Inst character, Quarrelsome (jueen. They have enjoyed meeting nil thc Letterlnnd characters und learning about the sounds they make. Since they concluded the Lelterland Phonics programi sludcnis will be Introduced-to blends nnd digruphs. They will see how the characters work together to form new sounds - un extension ot thc phdnics progrum and will help strengthen students’ reading nnd wriling skills. In math studenls are, zooming through Math Trailblazcrs. Over thc past couple of weeks they hilve focuscd ultention on sorting, creuting und extending pultems, and graphing. Kindergarteners are wailing for a field trip lo Lazy 5 Ranch Muy 6, They will be discussing animals they will encounter while nl Lnzy 5, Cougars of tho Week; Griffiths Engclmnnn, Peyton Correll, Noah Wiilnrd, Lindsey Bnrlletl, Zachury Wilkes, Curly Juycoks, Isnbcl Bishop, Zeb Chnpmnn, Alnina Curtiss, Haley Lanier, Olivin Tucker, Isaac Webb, Carter Allen, Jenna Wnlser, Nora Burns, Carlie Honeycutt, Breunna Rutledge, Brae Scanlon. W hen is the tim e to buy? N O W is the tim e to bu y! Interest rates are at a 40 year low. Don't let this opportunity pass you by! 277 CbtiHtloa n\éM • 1179,100 IM WlAtfiHCf CiMk • I1S9.900AgOTt: Katlil Will OI(k fmithQiulily 2 Futi liTuiucUaicinsl(3Q& out,<ulras IrtclixtoBAs, flcois, Ciramic 111«!, ass loo l><<p:»:«. círamií: iii«. hiMd (mvimi Tull. (UrnCeil, liiVKii krjtr. oil 141(1 1. iitkrJ A ilryeil tNwmriifliCfNk-tiez.too A|Mb III! PrHWlfl 1l4A 0plt«etO *S I31tO O AgenUMackleMcOaiil«! r. 5*1(W Hire M:liwl IJI’V« IIUK^I */■ fr.Wi.'il iiu'ii|.vriui I101111 Ki lulUi-vir. S'i(VMriia'|.i:iiK!l(;i'U(jii\ui(^i*/№jik' Ivi (ktk wr/uvrli( cl in tlcscl. a,irii<'i tub tn AIxUtJ b) Iiv;m() a №iitr>a, (ill l>^iTil ' lil'rl'tii U;k)r' Adoratili oonue wllll »pacioinliitcnni.IXiltMgimglmosl!>crB3ln 4.S aem, millculiiusl» dninibit Clainiiom localliiii. caitd loi tioma, vaiy pil»alg. Biaat4/2.g||ooiiilaii, flniiliidliaieiiKiit. All blick, cintantiulltiaoGli. 4 aciat, honn allowad. loq Hluvtium Hill • СШО CI»s»locontimfoiw*, anleitalntn dallgbtl S O LD WWW C»;nliH V 1 1 r 751-2222 laliwayl ' Dpsntlooiplaiiogiiuilata wlUilawaoarar options, plan Iheir courses and register. To leurn more, cull Yvette Cunty ul 336-249-8186 ext, 6389 or visit the DCCC website, if (f tv, (lav i ds onccce d u/ homeschoolsession.htm. Sliady Grove Eiementary Every penny counts, ' During April, students joined more thnn 20,000 schools nutionwide in an effort to raise money for children diagnosed with leukemia. The school teumed with The Leukemia and Lymphoma Socicty through thc Pennies Program, Students collected spare change and placcdh in cluss containers. All of the spare chnnge adds up quickly. Last year Ihe studenls raised .$1,595.96. Thc funds raised go to LLS programs which include lifesuving blood cnncer reseurch, putieni education and paticni financial nid programs. Sloan Earns Salem Honor Amanda Marie Sloan, daughter of Cecilia and Timothy Sloan of Mocksville, was named to the dean’s list at Salem College for fall quarter. N e w s o m e A S c h o la r Kayin Newsom of Mocks­ ville was named to thc distin­ guished Schoinrs list al Monlrcnt College with u grade point aver­ age of 3.9 or higher. avíe Place ing Assisted Living Community Ellen Gregory A native of Davic Counly, Klien Gregory, with her contagious smile, Is a recent resident to D-ivIe Place. Raising four sons here in Davie she is blessed to have three of her sons nearby In Mocksville and looks fonvard lo their visits. Her son’s rainllles have blessed her gnuidchlldrvn she holds dear. Like so many of Iier peers, she spent lime in her youth and married ears helpiiiR in liie fiimlly tobacco fleiu. “Wish I couid stli doors,’ be out there working hard and enjoying llie out of A sentiment often iicarti as time slows us down. She Is looking forward lo playing some bingo, "iVe all need to have some fun, don’t we?" The short stories In Reader’s Digest occupx .some of her time aloiig with some additional reading. Fresh coral If there Is any one thing lliai excites iier about her meals, It’s fresh coral The easy smile groivs wider with menllon of it. And, mentioning iier smile, she says her molher told her as a child lhal a smile will bring you more happiness and friends lhan a frown nnd ¡¡he has practiced that her whole life. Her smile brlglitens our day here at CaWe Place and It Is . contagious. For information On Placement, Contact: Suzanne Sinipson-Vogler 336-751-2175 //r* D A V IE COUNTY i l " THURSDAY, MAYiÎTTH - .6:00.Ж É l • Parked Hometlto • Exc«ll«nt Hunting & Outdoor RecrMtlon , • CiMr Day Vl»w* of thtt Mounttilns C ?"Ti' 7 • Dutchman CrMk Haadwaters ^ ^ • 25 Mlnutas from Wlnston-Salaih • Davla County Tax Map »D10000020 Pin «582267400• For Pra-reglstration, Auction Terms, Additional Info or Fiyers visit www.swlcegoodauctlons.com in'th« Turiccy to o t Commuih^, MMdi ia noatlad bi tha Nofthvwae chimar o f Davb Cbuntÿ, wH4) «Mvat4oiM niadilna M hlflh M 9 0 0 abov» M lavvL T>te puHo ofhrlna pt«v4dM a privMiy a paraonal M tw ta inawdMi hunting and nKTMtlonal opportunitlMi Sian* of (iaar and tu fa v «bun<i«nt on thla huntM^e panklaa. vlmw and twM itlfy aconaiy cannot Iw (iaÍKribad ki M»nde, ao ittaka 0««« artd vielt tMe proparty iwfisr« auction day. TH E SWICEGOOD GROUP, INC i^l^ w k « g a 9 d ,C Ç I^ ^ > U X ! NC; ЯС Пгоксг П »П 9, W4«l« NCAucÙaneo-ratMS• fírnlivm и l i Brought to you by... C^rttuijc ..'» ' .rf: .v '-V - D4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 30,2009 LEGAL NOTICES ‘ К ( V,! NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having quallllod as Exaoulrlx of Ihe Estate of PAULINE C. KAIMAN, late of Davio County, this Is to notlly all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or ■ before July 9,2009, (being three (3) months from the llrst day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will please make immedi­ ate payment to the undersigned. This the 9th day ot Aprli, 2009 ■ SANDRA L, KAIMAN 148 North Fori<e Dr, ■ Advance, NC 27006 ■ 4-9-4tn NORTH CAROLINA 'DAVIECOUNTY Having qualllled as Executor of the Estate olAda Elizabeth Boger, late of Davie County, North Caro­ lina, the undersigned does hereby notify ail persons, firms and cor­ porations having claims against the estate of 'sald decedent to ex­ hibit them to the undersigned at the olllce of Iheir atlornfly at 110 Oakwood Drive, Suite 300, Win­ ston-Salem, NC 27103-1958, on pr before the 9th day of July, 2009 or this notlcts will be pleaded in bar’ . of their recovery, All persons, firms, and corporations Indebted to the said estate will please make imniedlate payment lo the under­ signed, . This 9th day of Aprli. 2009, John Charles Boger Estate of Ada Elizabeth Boger Cralge Brawley Lllpfert & Walker 4-9-4ln NORTH CAROLINA' DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executor ol the Estate of JOSEPH D, CURK, late of Davie County, this Is to no­ tlly all persons, llrms and corpora-. , tlons having claims against sold éstate to present them to tho un­ dersigned on or belore July 16, 2009, (being three (3) monlhs Irom , the first day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded in bar of Iheir recovery. All persons, flnns and corporations In­ debted to said estate will please make inimedlate payment lo Iho undersigned, Thl8th6.16thdayofAprll,2009 HILDA CURK-BELL 134 Fairfield Rd, Mocksville, NC 27020 4-16-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualllled as co-Admln- istrators of the Eslale ol JOSEPH R. CULLER, deceased, ol Davie County, North Carolina, this Is lo notlly all persons having claims against said estate to present them to tho undersigned oh or before the 23rd day ol July,'2009, being three monlhs Irom the llrst day ol publi­ cation of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re­ covery, All persons Indebted to <iald eslale will please make Im­ mediate payment to the under­ signed, • . This the 23rd day of April, 2009. ELIZABETH BAILEY P.O. B0X641 Walkertown, NC 27051 DARYL BRYCE CULLER . 4064 Glenn HI Road WInslon-Saiem, NC 27107 ■' PIEDMONT LEGAL ' \ ASSOCIATES, PA Lynne Hicks, Attorney : 124 West Depot Street • . ' . Mocksville, NC 27028 ' (336)751-3312 4-23-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY 09 SP 40 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained In that certain Deed of Trust executed by JEN­ NIFER T. TIBBS, SINGLE WOMAN to BRYAN C. THOMP­ SON, Truslee(s), which was dated May 16, 2006 and recorded on May 16,20Q6 lnBook662atPage 558, Davie County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made In Ihe payment of Ihe note Ihereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned. Brock & Scott, PLLC, having been substi­ tuted as Trustee in said Deed ol Trust by an Instrument duly re­ corded In Ihe Office of Ihe Regis­ ter of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, and the holder of the note byldenclng said Indebted­ ness having directed that the'Deed ol Trust be foreclosed, the under­ signed Substitute Trustee will of­ fer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property Is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conducting the salo on May 11, 2009 al 12;30PM, and will sell to the high­ est bidder for cash Ihe following described property situated In Davie County, North Carolina,, to wit; UNIT25 (Including carport and drive) as shown on that revised plat entitled Spyglass Hill Condo­ miniums, Section 6 and 7 as sur­ veyed by Grady L. Tutterow and recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 153, Davie County Registry. TOGETHER wilh all non-exclu-, sive rights and easements to the common Use and enjoyment of the common areas ot Spyglass Hill Condominiums as the same may be or hereafter platted and all rights of Ingress, egress and re^ gress over Spyglass Drive, , Save and except any releases, deeds ot release or prior convey­ ances of record. Said properly Is commonly known as 108 Mimosa Place,'Ad- vance, NC 27006, Third parly purchasers must pay the excise tax, and the court coals ol Forty-Five Cents (45c) per ‘ One Hundred Dollars ($100,00) pursuant to NCOS 7A-30B(a)(1), A cash deposit (no personal chocks) ol live percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Filly Dollars ($750,00), whichever Is greater, will be required al the time ol Ihe sale,''' Following the ex­ piration of the statutory upset bid period, all Ihe remaining amounts are Immediately due and owing. Said property to bo offered pur­ suant to this Notice ol Salo Is bo­ lng offered for salo, transfer and convoyanco "AS IS WHERE IS." There are no representations of warranty relating lo Ihe title or any ' physical, environmental, health or safety conditions exisling In, on, at,' or relating to Ihe property being offered for sale. Tiils sale Is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, ease­ ments, rights of way, deeds ot re­ lease, and any other encum­ brances or excepllqns of record. To the beat of the knowledge and belief of Ihe undersigned, Ihe cur­ rent owner(s) of the property is/are Ail Lawful Heirs of Jennifer T, Tibbs. , , . . An Order for possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to G,S, 45-21,29 In favor of Ihe pur­ chaser and against the party or parties In possession by the clerk of superior court of Ihe county in which the property Is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered Inlo or renewed on or af­ ter October 1,2007, may, after re­ ceiving Ihe notice of sale, termi­ nate Ihe rental agreement upon 10 STROUSE HOUSE Auctions ^ 1424 Industrial Dr.. Statesville, N0 28625 nRg Phone; 704-872-8444 336-940-6306 AUCTIONEER: tVllKE STROUSE, NC LIC. #746S ■S B www.8lrousehouse.zoomshare.com MeFi Thun., Aptii 30 •6:30PM' MIoad Outiloor & Recitation Sutplus/Saivage Sale!^ fore*, SAiiciM 1»K ^ta-eoe, Sojth Bifrf-riicn. Itoo Ul.,01^ Ri FJI p^, &xi( Deccy; Stci UIh, Stumsниктмагожн!) . rUNng ГЫ11 • MegiShiUy««! Xlma. A««i $400. Srvrvrto fXKU Fkäs. .. . ríÿ9w5lк*>.^0US«ДBввtC(^m.au^бûtL.MTwdHubKtt,24IЗlrP«(ШM«Urìd^WlYR^ SMM №i«vKn I UxAW ¿V4n^ Kifü Plùtei №r«ng Annu) Tw, BSAX lOT Red to CAWM • Ttnlt fobn i dime], ^ Cvv Cca. (:ooiia Unp Coobiri. Ci(T(] T00U.WTcftH«h¿teÄii.S^ö^nwí^á^^lnшnnмгçM.Vj|ИmC^.ЭŸtorHtílHlr«»\ÄW»eíl.7flJdwW^ ......... 6M WhMit, fUt« 1огил $Ш. PvKf Оо/г4Щ^1«От WxIM,3Dri«tr CUrkTod Bùi. VHFrtiGuМ16Д0Ь.61HMlar,»OOVWlQ«tO«rwrabri SmtiMiPinoaFITNUI« TimiUS'T:kfi¥h4tST.HW(Afai,PiCfaTnλCn»$iiiw>BriUk(k>ttOymBerd;iibih««rito • OcuUkttev fcgrttn M Gust 6o<i( OÙ PtcomCa^ CaroPcàM ^KM. Ml. Etst» Manvwjiti^ Fm ^ i 0«UarH 6ats,Pro IM QMv, AïSlM M CU« SiMbil EiTi(^UKtmes, Scti. Bautd Qeah, Qw. ta b. AfV U/tHn. Bid-lIp CvmK Fr*t Cam 2 Wrdm Senrt/, Skaietovds, Pùid Stull IMÉ Oetocto. Uddef Ibu Gim»s, Tr&nu Nets. L» fert SutN, Pifttf.TANNWQ UOS • IQ4fVi\ I №bC» U>is. KEWEfl fiUlBS,OMB rnUCK YBT TO AHniVKU________________________________ Fri., May 1 • 6;30PM • Ston QualHy Plus Some SalvageMnt tl> pm • AH Conltorws, Fiet;«'. Ow. Jddi U(in« Juct/, eiack 1 Owler yvd Eim’mwX Brand Nn. Hul WtW Ttfim, Stiv2Qvd«n№fMr. Weed Wsdwi. Fens, ledniWns. I KihSprir^iS^Oo№al^Fo&lipPa^ Titles, Qu№«tfedKlds C»,CWwttnipcilMC}iih.B^ilooU.ViV)e^ > , •Mn| (ft 7« pm • TOOlSU • (Ul Si«. ChuoM S^tn№l(. ktçïl Al CoMKsort BiSen Oww. DO. Bel 8«3ef. 30001 Wfitfi. Are tfeWei, Pwale Coq«jw. 6ei5i Sheper. Cul 0« Flow NUer, T*We Sw itfTs Aflv. Bo«# M ConknOrlKttAMDUOftEll ■. Sat., May 2 ‘ eiSOPM* Store Quality and SalvageShiM Sets, Cornforlea rird ConJtowt, lidM lite», i Kids. &Rir»e( Ocmeifics, I kw Too^Fim N»«; AW LOTS MOREDI DkwcHona HO to f-rr South to exH49A A Bêgnâ/A^^ (EâiU »pprpM. m/i« p»$t _ 8h9U8têtlon'‘N«»tl*ltonlnduMtrtâiDr^StTOU90Hov$»AuewntêonthùL0tt . m days’ written notice to Ihe landlord. The notice shall also state that upon tennlnallon of a rental agree­ ment, Ihe tenant Is liable lor rent due under Ihe rental agreement prorated to the elleotlve dale ol the termination. II the trustee is unable to con­ vey tllle lo this property for any rea­ son, Ihe sole remedy of Ihe pur­ chaser Is the return of Ihe deposit. Reasons of such Inability to con­ vey Include, but are not ilmlled to, , the llling of a bankruptcy petillon prior to the conllmiatlon ot the sale and reinstatement of the loan with­ out the knowledge of Ihe trustee, if Ihe validity ol the sale is chal­ lenged by any party, the trustee. In Iheir sole discretion. If they be­ lieve Ihe challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return Ihe deposit. The purchaser will have no lurther remedy. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COM­ MUNICATION IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, EXCEPT IN THE INSTANCE OF BANK­ RUPTCY PROTECTION. iPt'OU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OFTHE BANKRUPTCY COURT OR l-IAVE.BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANK­ RUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PUR­ SUANT TO STATUTORY RE­ QUIREMENT AND FOR INFOR. . MATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN AT- TEMPTTO CQLLECTADEBTOR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, AS­ SESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY, Substitute Trustee Brock & Scotl, PLLC Jeremy B, Wilkins, NCSB No, 32346 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No,: 09-04458 4-30-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY 09SP37 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue ol a Power of Sale contained in that certain ' ■ Deed olTruat executed by William C, Scoggins, IV, and Stephanie McDaniel Scoggins to Bunch & Braun, . PLLC, Trusloo(s), .which was'dated June 10,2003 and ro'‘ ‘ corded.on June 12,2003 In Book 489 al Page 576, Davio County Registry, North Carolina. Delauit having been made In the payment of Iho nolo thereby secured by Ihe said Deed of Trust and the undersigned. Brock & Scott, PLLC, having been substi­ tuted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an'Instrument duly re­ corded In the Office of the Regis­ ter ol Deeds of Davio County, North Carolina, and the holder ol the note evidencing said Indebted­ ness having directed that Ihe Deed ol Trust be foreciosod, tho under­ signed Substitute Trustee will of­ fer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conducting the sale on M ay.lit, 2009 at 12:30PM, and will sell to tho high­ est bidder for cash the following described property situated in Davio County, North Carolina, to wit: Being known and designated as Lot No. 22 as shown on the map of Heritage Oaks, Phase 1, as re­ corded In Plat Book 7 at Page 5 In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina to which is hereby made for a more particular description. Save and except any releases, deeds ol release or prior convey­ ances ol record. Said property Is commonly known as 112 North Hazelwood Drive, Mocksville, NC 27028. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, and the court costs ol Forty-Five Cents (45e) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursuant to NCGS 7A-30B(a)(1). A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) bf the pu(chase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whicfiever Is greater, will be required at the time of Ihe sale. Following the ex­ piration of the statutory upset bid period, all tho remaining amounts are Immediately due and Owing. Said property to be offered pur­ suant to this Notice of Sale Is be­ ing offered lor sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS." There are no representations of warranty relating to Iho tllle or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions exisling In, on, at. Subscribe Today 1-877-751-2120 or relating to the projjerty being offered for sale. This sale Is made subject lo ail prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, ease­ ments, rights of way, deeds of re­ lease, and any'other encum­ brances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, Ihe cur­ rent owner(s) of the property Is/are William C. Scoggins IV and wife, Stephanie McDaniel Scoggins. An Order for possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of the pur­ chaser and against the party or parties in possession by Ihe clerk of superior court of the county In which Ihe property Is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a reiital agreement entered Into or renewed on or af­ ter October 1,2007, may, after re­ ceiving the notice of sale, termi­ nate the rental agreement upon 10 ' days’ written notice to Ihe landlord. The notice shall also state that upon termination of a rental agree- metll, the tenant is liable lor rent due under the rental agreement prorated to Ihe effective date of the termination. ' if Ihe trustee is unable to con­ vey tllle to this property for any rea­ son, the sole remedy ol the pur­ chaser Is Ihe return of Ihe deposit. Reasons of such inability to con­ vey Include, but are not ilmlled to, the llling ol a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation ol the sale and reinstatement of the loan with­ out the knowledge ol tho trustee. II the validity ol the sals Is chal­ lenged by any parly, the trustee, in their sole discretion, II they be­ lieve the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no lurther remedy. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COM­ MUNICATION IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, EXCEPT IN THE. INSTANCE OF BANK­ RUPTCY PROTECTION, iPt'OU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANK­ RUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PUR- SUAN’r TO STATUTORY RE­ QUIREMENT AND FOR INFOR­ MATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN AT- TEMPTTO CQLLECTADEBTOR ■'AS AN ACT TO COLLECT; AS­ SESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY. Subslitulo Trustee Brock & Scoll, PLLC Jeromy B. Wilkins, NCSB No. 32346 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 ' FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 08-19552 4-30-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilled as Administra­ tor of the Estate of KENNETH M. KOCH, lale of Davie County, this is to nollly all persons, firms and corporations having clairns against, said eslale lo present iHem lo Ihe undersigned on or before July 30, 2009, (being three (3) months from the first day of publication ol this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar of Iheir recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 30th day of April, 2009. STEVEN L, KOCH 147Tlfton Street Bermuda Run, i^C 27006 T DAN WOMBLE Attorney at Law 3802 Clemmons Road, Suite A P,0, Box 1698 ■ Clemmons, NC 27012 4-30-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as Co-Execu­ tors of the Estate of EDNA A. HENDRIX, late of Davla County, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before July 30, 2009, (being three (3) months from the first day ol publi­ cation of this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar of Iheir re­ covery. All persona, llrms and cor­ porations Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay­ ment to Ihe undersigned. . This Ihe 22nd day of April, 2009. SHIRLEY H. .HAUSER 2410 US Highway 64 East Mocksville, NC 27028 CONNIE H. JONES 238 US Highway 64. East Mocksville, NC 27028 MARTIN & VAN HOV, LLP Attorneys at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 4-30-4tn NORTH CARbLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administra­ tor of the Eslale of JOHN WESLEY WOOTEN, late ol Davie County, this is to notlly all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before July 30, 2009, (being three (3) monlhs from Ihe first day of publi­ cation of this notice), or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their re­ covery. Ail persons, llrms and cor­ porations Indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. This the 21st day of April, 2009. BEVERLY W. RUSS 385 Williams Road Mocksville, NC 27028 MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attorneys at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 4-30-41n NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY Special Proceedings No. 09 SP 38 Substitute Trustee: Philip A. Glass NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Date ol Sale: May 13,2009 Time ol Sale; 11:00 a.rn, Place of Sale; Davl'e County, Courthouse Description of Property: See Attached Descriplión Exhlbll “A" BEGINNING at n polnl lying In the cenler line of SR 1605 (iocaily- known tìs Cornalzer Road), said point lying Soulh 87 dog, 02 mln, 60 sec. West 33,63 feet from on Iro lying in Eastern right ol way margin of SR 1605, said point being the Southwest corner of the wlhtin described tract and Northwest cofnor of Cindy R, Bean (Deed Book 156, Page 25); thence Irom said point and place ot BEGINNING with tho centerline ot said road the following courses and'dlstancos: North 23 deg, 54 mln. 52 sec. East 83.54 feet lo a point; thence North 28 deg. 58 min. 31 sec. East 100.00 feet to a point; thence North 30 deg. 39 mln. 13 sec. East 25.34 feet to a point. Northwest corner of the within described tract, said point lying Souih 75 sec. 25 min. 20 Sec/. West' ‘ 43.05 feet Irom an Iron lying In'the Eastern right ol way margin of SR 1605; thence North 75 deg. 25 mln. 20 sec. East passing Ihrough an Iron at 43.05 foot and thon continuing along Ihe same course an additional 151.50 feet for a total distance of 194.55 feet to an iron lying In the Eastern right of way margin of Lakevlew Road (See Plat Book 5, Page 26, Davie County Registry), Northeast comer ol the within described tract: thence South 13 deg. 57 mln. 20 sec. East with the Eastern right ol vyay marking of Lakevlew Road 223.82 feet to an Iron lying In the Eastern right ol way margin of said road. Southwest corner ol the within described tract; thence South 87 deg 02. mln. 50 seo, yVest passing through an iron at 304,32 feet and then conllnulng.an additional 33,63 leet lor a total distbnce ol 337,95 feet to the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 1,210 acres, more or less, as suweyed June 15, 1989 by C, Ray Cates, RLS, said tract being carved from a larger tract owned by T, Holt Haywood, el ux (Deed Book 75, Page 607). THIS tract Is conveyed to those Restrictive Covenants recorded In Deed Book 103, Page 171, Davie County Registry, as well as modlflclatlons thereof recorded In Deed Book 107, Page 391, Davie County Registry, which said Restrictive Covenants are Incorporated Into thi? Instrument by reference as If fully set lorth herein, the intention of the Grantors being that said Restrictive Covenants shall attach to the tract described herein. Record Owners: Walter R. Powers Address of Property: 116 Lakevlew Road, Mocksville, NC 27028 Deed of Trust: Book :'430 Page: 103 Dated: July 22,2002 Grantors: Walter R. Powers and Amelia G. Powers Original Beneficiary: Peopls's Choice Home Loan, Inc. CONDITIONS OF Sa Le : Should the property be purchased by a third party, lhal persbn must pay the tax of Forty-five Cents (450) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1). This sale Is made subject to all unpaid taxes and superior liens or encumbrances of record and assessments, if any, against tho said property, and any recorded leases. This sale is also subject to any applicable county land transfer tax, and the successful third party bidder Shall be required lo make payment tor any such county land transfer tax. A cash deposit of 5% of the purchase price will be required at the time of Ihe sale. Any successful bidder shall be required to lender the lull balance ol the purchase price so bid In cash or certified check at the time the Substitute TrOslee lenders lo him a deed for the property or attempts to tender such deed, and should said successful bidder fall to pay the full balance purchase price so bid at that time, he shall remain liable on his bid as provided for In North Carolina General Statutes Section 45-21.30 (d) and (e). This sale will be held open ten (10) days lor upset bids as required by law. Residential real property wilh less than 15 rental units: an order lor possession ot the'property may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45- 21.29 In favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of Ihe county In which Iho property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant lo a rental agreement entered Into or renewed on or alter October 1, 2007, may, alter receiving notice of sale, terminate tha rental agreement upon 10 days’ written notice to the landlord. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant Is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the ellective dale ol tho termination. Dated: 3/16/09, Philip A, Glass, Substitute Trustee Nodell, Glass & Haskell, L,L,P, Posted on 4/22/09 4-30-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix ol the Estate of OLICE GUY, late ol Davie County, this is lo notlly all persons, llrms and corporations having claims agalnsi said eslale to present them to tha undersigned on or before July 30,2009, (being three (3) months Irom Ihe first day of publication ol this nollco), or Ihis. notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said es­ tate will please make Immedlato payment to tho undersigned. .....This Ihd'22nd day of April, 2009. MARCIA PERRELL P.O. Box 246 Woodleaf, NC 27054 MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attorneys at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27026 4-30-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor ol Ihe Estate ol MATTIE WILLIARD JAEHNING, late of Davie County, this Is to nollly all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before July 30, 2009, (being three (3) months from the first day of publi­ cation of this notice), or this nollco will be pleaded In bar ol their re­ covery. All persons, firms &nd cor­ porations Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay­ ment lo the undersigned. This the 22nd day of April, 2009. MÄRK JAEHNING 13893 E. Bellewood Dr. Aurora, CO 80015 • 4-30-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE The undersigned, having quall­ lled as Administrator of Ihe Eslale of JULIAN F. DAYE (aka Julian Francis Dayo; Julian Daye), de­ ceased, lata of Dave County, North Carolina, this Is lo notily all per­ sons, firms and coiporallons hav­ ing claims agalnsi said Estate to present them to the undersigned on or before Ihe 3Qlh of July, 2009, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to this Es­ tate will please make payment Im­ mediately lo the undersigned at the below-designated address. This Is the 30th day of April, 2009. Richard J. Keshlan, Adminis­ trator of the Estate of Julian F. • Daye 1001 West Fourth Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Robert L. Edwards, Esquire EDWARDS CRAVER VEACH PLLC 1001 West Fourth Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Telephone No. (336) 607-7314 4-30-4tn DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 30,2009 - DS LEGAL NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 09 SP 34 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY RICH­ ARD S. FARRIS, JR. AND PATRICIA N. FARRIS DATED JANUARY 5, Í999 AND RE­ CORDED IN BOOK 293 AT PAGE 179 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant lo a Court order and under and by virtue ol tho power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because ol delauit In Ihe pay­ ment of the secured Indebtedness and lallure lo perform Ihe stipula­ tion and agreements therein con­ tained and, pursuant to demand of Ihe owner and holder of Ihe se­ cured debt, Iho undersigned sub- stllute trustee will expose lor sale at public auction to Ihe highesi bid­ der for cash at Ihe usual place ol salo at tho county courthouse of said county at 2:00 PM on May 4, 2009 the lollowing described real estate and any other Improve­ ments which may be situated thereon, in Davie County, Norlh Carolina, and being more particu­ larly described as follows: Lot No. 3, Section 4, Falnvay Villas, Bermuda Run Golf and' Country Club Subdivision, accord­ ing to a plat Ihereol prepared by Joel A. Dermid, Jr., RLS 6-20-77, which plat Is duly recorded In Map Book 6, page 34, Davie County Registry, lo which relerence Is made for a more particular descrip­ tion. Together with a perpetual right of way for Ingress and egress, all that certain 17 foot roadway shown on a private road on those plats of Fairway Villas, Sections 1,2,3 and 4, recorded In Plat Book 5, pages Ihe effective dale of the lermlna- tion. The dale ol this Notice Is April 3, 2009. 09-111225 Grady Ingle Substitute Trustee . 8520 Cliff Cameron Drive, Suite 300 Charlotte, NC 28269 (704)333-8107 hllpMaplmattomeys.com/nc/ 4-23-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY 09 SP 32 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained In that certain Deed ol Trust executed by ANGELO PALOPOLl, UNMAR­ RIED to THOMAS G. JACOBS. Trustee(s), which was dated No­ vember 4| 2005 and recorded on November 4.2005 in Book 633 at Page 704. Davie County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made In the payment of Ihe note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and Ihe undersigned, Lisa S. Campbell, having been subsllluted as Trustee In said Deed ol Trust by an Instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, and Ihe holder of the note evidenc­ ing said indebtedness having di­ rected lhal the Deed of Trust be loreciosed, the undersigned Sub­ stitute Trustee will offer for sale at tho courthouse door of the county courthouse where the properly Is located, or the usual and custom­ ary location at the county court­ house for conducting Ihe sale on May 4,2009 at 12:30 PM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash tho following described property situated in Davie County, Nortli Carolina, to wit: BEING ALL OF LOT 110 as shown on the map of North Ridge Subdivision Phase 3, as the same Is recorded In Plat Book 8, page 24, 28, 32 and 34, Davie County , 35 Davio County Registry to which Registry. Said easement Is appur- reference is hereby made for a tenant and to run In the hands of all persons whomsoever. This property Is subject to those declarations and covenants re­ corded In Deed Book 103, page 47; Deed Book 104, page 282; and Deed Book 113, page 229, all In the Davie County Registry. This property Is also subject to all other easements and restrictions of r^qord, more particular description ot said lot. Subject to restrictions and easements ol record. Save end except any releases, deeds ol release or prior convey­ ances ol record. Said property Is commonly known as 241 Summit Drive, Mocksvlllo, NC 27028. Third party purchasers must iAnd Being nqq p .(^t)pjimqnly.r,^pay,|h,?ke)^p|spjax, and the.court known as; 132 Fa rway Dr. Ad- . costs of Forty-Five Cents (450) per vance. NC 27006 Tho record owner(s) ol tho property, as rollocled on tho rocords of Iho Register ol Deeds, l3/aro Richard S. Farris, Sr. Tho property to be offered pur­ suant to this notice of sale Is be­ ing offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Trustee nor the holder . ol the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the of­ ficers, directors, attorneys, em­ ployees, agents or authorized rep­ resentative of either Tnistee or the holder ol the note make any rep­ resentation or warranty relating to the tllle or any physical, environ­ mental, health or salety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursuant to NCGS 7A-308(a)(1). A cash doposli (no porsonal chocks) ol live percent (5%) of Ihe purcliase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at Ihe time of the sale. Following Ihe eX' piratlon of the statutory upset bid period, ail the remaining amounts are Immediately due and owing. Said property to be offered pur­ suant to this Notice of Sale Is be­ ing offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS." There are no representations of warranty relating to Ihe tllle or any physical, environmental, health or safely conditions existing In, on, al, or. relating to Ihe property being property being ollerod lor sale.' dllered for sale. This sale is made Any and all responsibilities or II- subject to all prior liens, unpaid abilities arising out of or In any way taxes, any unpaid land transfer ' relallng>to any such condition ex- taxes, special assessments, ease- pressly are disclaimed, This sale 'ments, rights of way, deeds of re- Is made subject to all prior liens lease, and any other encum- and encumbrances, and unpaid brances or exceptions of record, taxes and'assessments Including To the best of the knowledge and but not Ilmlled to any transfer tax belief of the undersigned, Ihe cur- associated with the loreclosure, A rent owner(s) of the property Is/are deposit of five percent (5%) of the Angelo Palopoll. amount of the bid or seven hun­ dred (llty dollars ($750.00), which­ ever Is greater, is required and must be tendered In the lorm of certified funds at Ihe time of the sale. This sale will be held open len days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all re­ maining amounts are IMMEDI­ ATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result In a Declaration of De­ fault and any deposit will be fro­ zen pending the outcome ot any re-sale. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you ' are a tenant residing In tho prop­ erty, be advised that an Order lor Possession of tfie property may be Issued in lavor ol the purchaser. Aiso, If your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may ter­ minate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice to the land­ lord. You may be liable 1er rent due under the agreement prorated to New & Old Roofs Small Repair Jobs Free Esllmates 33S-2B4-4571 An Order 1er possession of the property may be Issued pursuant lo G.S. 45-21.29 In favor of ihe pur­ chaser and against Ihe party or parties in possession by Ihe clerk of. superior court ol the county In which Ihe property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered Into or renewed on or af­ ter October 1,2007, may, after re­ ceiving the notice ol sale, termi­ nate Ihe rental agreement upon 10 days’ written notice lo the landlord. The notice shall also stale thal upon termination ol a rental agree­ ment, the tenant la liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated lo Ihe effective dale of the termination. if Ihe trustee is unable to con­ vey title to this property lor any rea­ son, the soie remedy of Ihe pur­ chaser Is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such Inability lo con­ vey Include, but are not limited to, Ihe llling of a bankruptcy petillon prior to the confirmation of Ihe sale and reinstatement of the loan with- COMPLETE SHOE REPAIR 1 /m t 3 3 6 - 9 4 0 - 6 0 7 6 3 3 6 - 6 8 2 - 0 2 6 4 out the knowledge of the trustee, II Ihe validity of the sale Is chal­ lenged by any party, the trustee. In their sole discretion. If they be­ lieve Ihe challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no lurther remedy. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COM­ MUNICATION IS TO COLLEOT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, EXCEPT IN THE INSTANCE OF BANK­ RUPTCY PROTECTION. IPt'OU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANK­ RUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PUR­ SUANT TO STATUTORY RE­ QUIREMENT AND FOR INFOR­ MATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN AT- TEMPTTO COLLECT A DEBT OH AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, AS­ SESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY Lisa S. Campbell Subslllute Trustee PO Box 4006 Wilmington, NC 28406 PHONE: 910-392-4971 FAX: 910-392-8051 File No.: 08-10235 ' 4-23-2Ш NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY ' NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualllled as Executor of the Eslale of JULIA M. BRABSON, deceased, late of Davie County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporallons having claims against said estate lo present them, duly certified to the undersigned in care of Moore & Van Allen, 100 N. Tryon Street, Suite 4700, (phariotte, NC 28202- . 24003 on or’before the 23rd day of July 2009, or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons indebted to said eslale will please make Immediate sotlle- ment with the undersigned. This 23rd day ol April, 2009. William W. Brabson, Executor Estate of Julia M. Brabson 4-23-4Ш NORTH CAROLWA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as Executor of ^the Estate ol NORMAN ANQER^., SON SNIDER, late of Davio County, this Is 10 notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or before July 23,2009, (being three (3) months Irom the first day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded In barot their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said es­ tate will please make Immediate payment lo Ihe undersigned. This the 23rd day ol April, 2009 LAMONT JAMES SNIDER 1070 Comatzer Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 4-23-41П NÖRTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualllled as Administra­ tor ol the Estate of BYRON CLAYTON COX, SR., Deceased, late ot Davie County, North Caro­ lina, this Is. to notify all persons having claims against the estate' of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before July 23, 2009, or this Notice will be pleaded In bar ol their right to re­ cover against the estate of the said deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Im­ mediate payment. This the 23rd day ol April, 2009. Verna Faye Cox Administrator of Ihe Estate of Byron Clayton Cox, Sr. c/o E. Edward Vogler, Jr. Attorney for Verna Faye Cox, Administrator 181 Soulh Main Street Mocksvliie, NC 27026 4-23-4Ш NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY 09SP30 , NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained In that certain Deed of Trust executed by JOHN D. TROY JR. AND FIONA A. HARPER, HUSBAND AND WIFE' to THOMAS G. JACOBS, Trustee(s), which was dated Janu­ ary 19, 2005 and recorded on January 19, 2005 In Book 590 at Page 240, Davie County Registry, North Carolina. Delauit having been made In the payment of Ihe note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned. Brock & Scott, PLLC, having been substi­ tuted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly re­ corded In the Olllce of the Regis­ ter ol Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, and the holder of Ihe note evidencing said Indebted­ ness having directed that the Deed of Trust be loreciosed, the under­ signed Substitute Trustee will of­ fer for sale at the courthouse door ot the county courthouse where the property Is located, or Ihe usual and cuslomary location at the county courthouse for conducting the sale on May 4, 2009 at 12:30 PM, and will sell to the highest bid­ der for cash the following de­ scribed property situated In Davie County, North Carolina, to wit: BEING ALL OF LOT 125 OF KINDERTON VILLAGE PHASE IB AS SHOWN ON MAP AND PLAT OF SAME WHICH IS RE­ CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGES 155-156 (REVISED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGES 169-170) IN THE OFFICE OF THE REGIS­ TER OF DEEDS OF DAVIE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, REFERENCE TO WHICH IS HEREBY MADE FOR A MORE PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION.. Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior convey­ ances of record. Said property is commonly known as 105 Avalon Street, Ad­ vance, NC 27006. Third party purchasers must pay the excise lax, and the court costs of Forty-Five Cents (45i) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursuant to NCGS 7A-308(a)(1). A cash deppsit (no porsonal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase prioe, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at tho lime of Ihe sale. Following the ex­ piration ol the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are Immediately duo and owing. Said property to be otfered pur­ suant to this Notice ol Salo Is be­ ing otfered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS," (Xtiere are no rqpr^seplallons of wai’ranly rolallng to tho title or any physical, envlronrrienlal, health or salety conditions existing In, on, at, or relating lo Iho property being ollored for sale. This sale Is made subject to all prior Hens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, ease­ ments, rights of way, deeds of re­ lease, and any other encum­ brances or exceptions of record. To the best ot the knowledge and belief of Ihe undersigned, the cur­ rent owrier(s) ol the property is/are Fiona Harper and John Troy. An Order for possession of Ihe property may be Issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the pur­ chaser and against the party or parties In possession by the clerk of superior court of Ihe county In which the property Is sold, Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered Into or renewed on or af­ ter October 1,2007, may, after re­ ceiving the notice of sale, termi­ nate the rental agreement upon 10 days' written notice to the landlprd. The notice shall also state that upon termination of a rental agree­ ment, the tenant Is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the ellective date ol Ihe termination, if the trustee Is unable to con­ vey tllle to this property lor any rea­ son, the sole remedy of Ihe pur­ chaser Is the return ol the deposit. Reasons ot such Inability to con­ vey Include, but are not Ilmlled to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the conllmratlon of the sale and reinstatement ol the loan with­ out the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the' sale Is chal­ lenged by any party, the trustee. In their sole discretion. If they be­ lieve the challenge to have merit, may request tho court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. THiS is A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COM­ MUNICATION ISTOCOLLECTA DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, EXCEPT IN THE INSTANCE OF BANK­ RUPTCY PROTECTION. IPt'OU ARE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT OF A BANK­ RUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU PUR­ SUANT TO STATUTORY RE­ QUIREMENT AND FOR INFOR­ MATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN AT- TEMPTTO COLLECTA DEBT OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, AS­ SESS, OR RECOVER'ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY. Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC . Jeremy B. Wilkins, NCSB No. 32346 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE; (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 09-02110 4-23-21n NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of tho Estate of THOMAS CLEMENT SMITH, 106 Church Street, P.O. Box 355, Cooieemee, NC 27014, late of Davie County, this is to no­ tify ail persons, firms and corpora­ tions having claims against said. estate to present them to the un­ dersigned on or before July 23, 2009, (being three (3) monlhs (rom Ihe first day of publication of this notice) or this notice will be pleaded in bar of Iheir recovery. Ail persons, firms and corporations In­ debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 23rd day of April, 2009 NEAL FREDERICK SMITH 743 North Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 4-23-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as Exocutorol the Estate ol RUTH L. MACDONALD, late ol Davie County, this is to notify all persons, firms and cqrporatlohs having claims against said estate to present them to Ihe undersigned on or. before July 23,2009, (being three (3) months from Ihe llrst day of publication of this notice) or this notice will bo pleaded In bar of their recovery, All persons, firms and corporallons Indebted to said es­ tate will please make Immediate payment to Ihe undersigned. This the 23rd day ol April, 2009 KATHLEEN S. CACi 149 Holly Lane Mocksville, NC 27028 ■ 4-23-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUN'rY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as Executor ol .the Estate of ROXIE CARLENE SAIN, late of Davie County, this Is to nollly ail persons, firms and cor­ porations having claims against said estate lo present them to Ihe undersigned on or before July 23, 2009, (being three (3) months Irom the first day of publication ol this' notice) or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recoveiy. All persons, firms end corporations In­ debted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This Ihe 23rd day of April, 2009. ROGER DALE SAIN ' 274 Call Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 4-23-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra­ trix of the Estate of ANDRE J. LOVE, deceased, of Davie County,' North Carolina, this is to notify ail persons having claims against said estate to present them to the un­ dersigned on or belore the 23rd ol July, 2009, being three monlhs Irom the llrst day ol publication of Ihis notice, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted lo said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. METAL ROOFING 3' Coverage • 30+ Colors 25 Year Warranty Post Frame Buildings call for prices! 1-888-278-6050 MID-STATE METALS of the Carolinas, LLC FOR SALE: Cars • Trucks Utility Buildings Carports: All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lots 336-751-3442 Mocksville, NC MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL SPRING IS HERE! Bobcat, aerator, core plugger & more for rent today! fU y 601 s . MoLksviiic (336) 751-2304 This 23rd day of April, 2009. JERAtYN LOVE KEETER 2761 New Port Royal Road . Thompsons Station, TN 37179 PIEDMONT LEGAL ASSOCIATES, PA Lynne Hicks, Attorney 124 West Depot Street Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-3312 4-23-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE, DAVIE COUNTY 2009 CVD 157 KENDRA LEIGH ARMSTRONG RAFIE VS. HATEM MOHAM-MAD KAMALRAFIE To: Hatem Mohammad Kamal Ralle 2010 Northclllfe Drive. i WInslon-Salem, NC 27106 TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been Hied In the above entitled action. The nature ol the rellel be­ ing sought Is as follows: Absolute Divorce based upon one year’s separation You are required to make de­ fense to such pleading no later than 40 days from Ihis date and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service agalrist you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This Ihe 23rd day of April, 2009. Grady L. McClamrock, Jr. Attorney for Kendra Leigh Amistrong Rafle 161 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone: (336) 751-7502 North Carolina Slate Bar No.: 7866 4-23-ЗШ interior Painting Celling, plaster and drywall repairs. Thom Rutter 33&-2844211 Harris Pool & Supplies Tbnuiiy Harrii/0wicr-0ver20 Vrs. Exp. 277 P!ci«»nt Acro Dr.. Mocksvillc Homo (336) 28Ф4817 .Business 1336)9094027 i ^Berm uda Now Hiring Motivated, Dependable CNA Med Techs 3rd Shift Call or apply in person 336-998-6702 336-998-6712 RANDY MILLER &SONS 195 Mllltr Koad «МпскзуШс (336) 284-2826 ' Noiw Pumping leptlcTanki ' Skid Slter Work Trencher Work Hauling ï» W q ä B W l V S l i P r WASHESd :>Tduchléss orq I Brush wash | MOCKSVtLLE Auto P ride Сан Wash li«.) N. VadklnvliieRd. u «ï Mocl<svllle (across trom Lowes ) Home Improvoment) -■-J. - г * . . i.-.-. i i ’ , 11 . i'i D6 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, ThMrsday, Apr. 30,2009 Call Monday-Frlday 8 AM-5 PM TOLLFREE m m m FAX: 704-630-0157 EMAIL: CLASSADS@SALISBUHYPOST.COM REACH OVER 29,000 READERS EVERY WEEK! , FREE ADS I f IGivIng aWay something or Selling sornethlng Include a photo with your auto ad & run Iti i.vrunaer‘$500? Fobrtd a losfpet?,' . for 4 weeks for $20. Run a photo w/your. -JA*----------. house ad for ^ 0 for ,4 weeks. jIT FOR ^ Urtljmltöcl^rds $5:00dWéëk • ДсемМ|1|/Г|1мм • (|МС|М . ¿CoMtmtlM/llilíM ftm riM irtM i • NlIr/IWIljltlfflif •'Mill " •сммстапвпмим • См|и1|гф||М1Ч/ ir/hdnilctl ; •№1«М11 Traiiiliortatlon ' • EduNitoiilTniliiltg •eiiiml • HnHIicm ilMMlHMfKiIlty •MiWMtrt •iMiiiItcluiliitl PttAKllM •OtIltilClirIfil •Rntrnirt/FatHl ' iwlc* •lilMtlli<l¡itl|ig • StmnalEmpiopeirt General Machlnory’ Ropfllf ■ notoca- lion loqulrod, Ofool Pay. modicol/dontal. 30 dnys vacn- llorvVoar, $$ for school. No ExporlorKO noodod. HSSrnda agoo 17 34. CbH Mon- ay-Fflday. flOO-Q02-7231 loi local Intorvlows NXnONAlGUAIIDtSRedeflra yourself!Call your Army Rocrultorl SFC DyronWilllard 036416-3090 byron.w)iliarüOu8.army.mll Healthcare PT-AiiltUnt Notd«d al Ouip*li«rH Orthop*dlo Cllrv la In Sollftbmv NC. PT/FT PRN pofllttons availablo. Qroai Work Envlronmonl. Floxiblo H6urs. CaU 704-C30- 0650 for dolalls. Sales & Marketing &a1os Loador • Mool & ox* cood budflolod occupancy al Indopgndont Living rolkomonl communlry. 5^- yeara ol aaloa/ markolino oxporionco. Hospi- ta^ty or modical satoa oxpori* once a plus. Salary, bonolita. Floxibio ichodulo, occostonal wookonds. Chark3lto opoo Inas.phll.bonJamsonO holtdayto uch.com Yard Sale Area 6 Lowlovilto Nolghborhood Yard 9fllo. Saddlobrook. From Sfwllowford, turn onto Shadybrook, May t, 0am- l2pm&May2.7am-1pm. Mocksvillo Foresl Qlon Community Yard Salo,Salurday, May 2. 7am-1pm. Sain Road oil 150. Many «oms Includlno horrw décor, chlldron'a itoma, books and morol Mocksvillo Multl-Fimlly Yr.Td Solo. Garden Vaitoy Subdivision. Salurday. ' May 0Л Oam-1pm, Sanford Av­enue past IngoreollRflnd Mocksvillo Yard Salo. Satur­day. May 2. 7am-2pm. 201 Fox Run Drivo. Fumlluro. drum sol. toys, ciothos. baby Hems, sports equipment A much moral Mocksvillo. Huge Yard Salo. Salurday. May 2, 7am-3pm. ?47Cana Road. Exil 170 oil 1-40, North60t to Cana. Saki at roar ol houso. Appllancea. labk}S, dothoo. storm doors, windows, odds and onda. Mocksvillo. Intorsodlon ol 581 E. Depot St. Л 04 East. Yard Sale. Friday Mny t*'. Oam-untll. Hoiise- hold items. Chrlslmae ttoms, box lois, antk^uos. colloctibtoe. гиоэ, and more stuff. 330-763 0357 DqvIo & Clommone Yard Sales Advance. 404 Peodmlll Rd. (vory end ol Foodmin Rd.) 001 S aerosa from Advanco Country Storo, Yard Salo. Fri­day May 1", 0am-6pm and Saturday May 8am 2pm. Rain or shine. Advanco.Yard Salo Frkiay and Satur- day Qam-2pm.100 Qun Club Rd. oli Hwy 150. John Doon) Qfoon . amali lablo nnd 4 chairs. loys, smali tabkis. entoitainmoni conter. ladies, mon's and glirs dothlng. books & (T^ovlQS. Too much to IlAtI Clommoni.Multi-Famlly Yard Salo Salurday 0am-t2pm ЗЙ32 Tonalo OakOftvo Furniture, homemade bakod goods, children's toys, and о vartotyol slull. Соокмтм Yard Salo SAt. 8-2pm 172 Main St. Houso- hokJ, dishos, desk, bookcase, armoire, books, collocliblos, cralt liomsimucl) morel Yard Salo Advanco HuQQ Yard Salo at Bailey's Chapel UMC, Saluf day, May 2. Oam-unlil. Follow signs. Adult & chlldron'B clothing, household Itoma, loys & miooollanoous. Como oartylOrlngolnickI Clemmons Holy Family Church Rummage Salo, 4920 Konnamon Road.Satur* day. May 0. O^m-Noon. Houoohold Items, bMks. yard ItQfns, toys and much morel Greasy Corner Hugo Q Fanv lly Yard Salo, Friday 8i Salur­day. Bam-unVt. (5 mllos aoulh of'Mocksvllh) on 001 at tho cross Foads with 801 - Queasy Comer, turn righi. Bcroes (rom Jerusalem flro Oepartmoni). Men's dolhos uD to 2X. women's ciothos size pelile lo plus, loenago girra ciothos, household Items, houso plants, books, toys, chlldren'e ciothos, Christmas (roes, L^lsvlllo, Street Yard Solo, Sunny Acros Drivo (oil Shal- lowford Road ’ beside ABO Sidro). Saturday. May 2, ßam-2pm. Qttta items and novoltlos, fumlluro; househokJ Itofns, llnons, clothes. Follow signs and balloons. Mockavllle Coi Yard &)l«. Saturday, Mai 8àm-noon. Poplar School houso, 660 . Church Road. Namo brand ciothos In muftiplo sizes, lots ol kid stuff, housohoki itoms, dishes, glasswaro. pocket- books, and so much moral You win Ihlnk you'ro at tho Main Rain cancels. Harmony.Yard Salo Fri. & Sat,, May .1 & 2.0-2am210 Hwy 001. U mile from, Hv^ 04. AnIKtuos. col- loctiblos. card tables. $2. Bathroom vanities & sinks, small rolotiitor, 2 push mow­ers, 10 Groat Vintage Doors, Serendipity antkiuea. Ven- dora Needad. 336-402-2234 Mocksvillo Downslili. . „140 Midland St. 1 bk)ck oasi ol Main SI. by Brock Conlor. Friday, May I" 7-4pm Saturday, May 2^ 7-3pm Ckjthing sizes baby > adults, coins, household Hems, fum)- lure, oloctronlcD and much morel Davie a Clemmons Yard Sales Mocktvlll». 1410 Norlh Main SI. Multl-Fimlly Yonl Solo. Fri. Moy 1“ » Sal. May r«, Oam-until. Rain carKOls. Mocksville.3 Famify Yard SaleFriduy and Saturday May 1 &2ana7-2pm.’203 Mr. Honry Rd. oil Davio Academy Fumlluro. houso- hokl Items, toys and pocknt- books. RalnorShmo Mocksvillo. 691 Duke Whit- lakor Rd. Yard Salo. Saturday May 2^^, Oam-until. Namo brand boys* clolhos, olhei namo bran ck}thos. Disney DVDs & VH9. DVDs. Sony stereo, loys, baby Items. Vtoch gome system. Playsta­tion 2 games. - Qamocubo games, tools, mud tires. Yamaha PW 60 dlrtblko, now Husqvarna chalnsaw. Cralts- man chalnsaw. Case XX and other knh/os. houaohoM Items, 2 Qo-Karts. mlnlbiko. Hoover vacuurfj. otoclrto slovo/rango, computer desk. 2 wheel gravoly tractor, '71 Chovy eT Camino & lots moro. Mocksvilli. 700 Yadklnvlllo Rd. Estaton^ard Sak>. Satur­day May 2^. 7am'2pm. Soli* Ing all housohokJ Hems, bed­room furniture, ctolhlng. loys, games, glassware. desKS... Too much to montloni Mocksvillo. 020 Hardison 61. (turn on Salisbury SI. oil 001 > 10 houses past 9. Oovio Jr, Hiph) АП1С SALE. SATURDAY MAY X*, enm-llam, Fumlluro. onllques, Iwusewaros, col- loctiblos. nnd moro. NO EARLY BIRDS PLKASE. 330 6756746 Mocksville.Hugo Yard Sale Saturday, May 2 Oam-1 pm US )-fwy OOt ond 104 Exca). Ibur Lano. Lots ol bargalnsi Proceeds will go lo Falrfiekl Dflptlst Church Mockivtllo. MountvlQw Dri Windward CIr, (Myers Park) Neighborhood Garago Sales. Salurday, May 2 - 6am-4pm. Rain or Shlno. HousohoW goods, clothing, motoreyclo. Mookavllle.Yord8ulo Fri., May land Sai. May 2 Oam uniil. 3S0 Glodstono Rd. Dlsl)oe, pane, dolio, tablo. slx chairs. gas grUl. John Deere Toy Gabr, toy four-whoolor, knrvos, loois, okl watchos, and tota moro Homo. Rain or shinol • Mocksvillo.Yard SaleSaturday, Rain or Shine 104 Edgewood Circle. 7am Assorted Itoms Mocksvillo.Yard Salo Saturday, 8-12pm tOOLongmoaoowRood Mocksvilli Garage Sale May land May 2 040 Duke WhiltakarRd Lots ol namo brand ctothlng and ahoos. Boya clothing up lo sizo 6, girla up lo toon, some mon's and women's. Bo/a and gkfs twin bod, small pool labio. Slop 2 chil­dren's dosk and chair and olhor household Itoms. Mocksvillo. 152 Koonlz Rd. (bohind BB&T & McOonakfs olf 001). 5 Family Yard Sale. Friday May 1" a Salurday May dam-unlU. Old Na­tional Goographk: magazines. anlk)ues. colloctlblos. house­hold, kitchon ilems, Texaco colloctiblos )lrucks. alrplanoa. boats, bears), clothes (brand namo), coats; princess houso, remote conlrol hell- copters, gas heater. k)is ol material, fumlluro. Plymouth Voyager van, coltoclor bird- houses, chest Iroozor, 2005 Honda VTX 1800 seal. Rk:hard Potty colloctlblos. Ev­erything must Qol Bargains gotorel' . Mockavllle. 234 Codnr Grove Church Rd, (From Salisbury Hwy 601 lo H' —Iwy OOl.iell on .. - Rd, right on Cedar Grovo Church Ro. From MockavBlo, lako Hwy 64) Yard Sale. Sal­urday May 2,7am-1pm. Also selling hotfiah sandwiches: Л right------tmer) 4 Family Friday May 1*', Toys, kntak- MocksvHlo. 2364 Hwy 601 Soulh. (W mile 00 rights Greasy Comer)Yard Salo, Fi 8am*4pm. U,». knacka, car aoal. rruich, гшсЬ ПХ)ГО. Plus many books In liko new condition by authors - Luci Swindoll. Martha Bollon, Elizabeth Goorpo. James Patterson, Marina Grimos, Jonattion Kollemian, Могу Higgins Clark, and moro. Slatosvlllo. 204Take 64 W. lo Barry.........go 2 mHos lo Longvtow N204. HUGE 4 Family \ord Sale. Saturday May Sr*. 7am-1pm, Lots of Jr. A.E., Aero.. ASF, adult & big men's doihlna, boys* school (12-10), p. House, toys, PS 2 Gamosi DVDs, okl records, gun cabl- nol. shoes. Greal Buysl CHEAPIIRainor Shlno WoodloafMultl-FomllyVard Sale 3020 8. RIvor Church Road Sal. May 2.0am-until Cali Classifieds to place your yard sale ad... 1-877751-2120 •A D U ilim /C llllW tlU N • Xiti/CnIti/IMUii • tü lM lii|E i|a l|M m t/ №|*11И ; • iHlíiNtEviliiMiri/ Stippllts • ClilPllMNlSltriN •ClirtliN-MiilVCIilliliM • Ciwpiitmlloltwin •CoitliiMnnl • ElKlronlci • Eieicli«Ei|ul|imiit • Fanil Eqiilp./Áippllei • FlowMi/PlMlt • Food/PrailiiM • FueVWood • Funiltiiie/ilppilMgM • в«аи&Тоу| •HmtlngtFliMag •Jiwilni • ümtlGaiMiijialNl SmlM • MMl|li)«y/ro«lt ' •, • IMIcalEiiiilpmiri • №н.Еч«1г./(Ч1^1и • И1к|1|мии Foi Sili • Mailt МйД«п1м •1р««ч8м<| • Иск!» •TV/DVIVVMO, . •WMttoln/Mmk. Antiques & Collectibles Clothes Adult & Children Men's Ciothos. Khaki panta. 40WX32L. $5 each. Sulla. 40 long. $10. Shirts. 17 and 17 ti $4. Ex. Cond. 704-932-0769 Prom droitis, size 7. Rod dress with accosfiorlee $75. Now champagne dross. $05. 330-090-479Э / 330-469-3078 Furntture & Appliances Appllenc««. Xilc.hon Aid washer and dryer, $300, Hoi Point Stove. $135.Call 704-700-1020 Dresser. Solid wood Vaugh- an-Bassett 9-drnwor vanity Iflpk) dresser. New $700. Musi selli $350 OBO. Call 704-033'0d60aflor6pm. Furnltur« BMutHul 4 pleco antique tMdroom sullo for salo, mirror, sofa, end tables, llngirk) chost. aniiquo drop loaf table with 2 captain's chairs a 4 adin chairs. Coll to •diodutS sppoin(m«nl. 704 270- 410? Ploato leflvs moMago. QIais-top (able, 28x24. 20' high. Maple llnlsh. Excellent. Condition. $30,00.704 055-8353 KImbell Swinger 800 Some notes do nol play, but most do. Vory heavy, you pick up. 7046Э7-5001 $50.00 Rifrlgerator, good sized lor dorm. Clean, good conditton. has small freezer, call 704- 037-3370 $05,00 Sola with full size bod ond rocllner. Very good condllton. $150.704-003-4310 8òTa. NewlyCovorod Duncan Phyh) sofa w/ 2 pillows & arm covers. Well proloclod from sunlight. Excoilont condition. 60* long, 32* tall. 30' deop. $350 nog. 704-7808275 Games & P8P movloi-Spidor man and SpkJormana.$tsCall 704-200-1302 PSP speolal Darth Vederodillon w/caso. gamo proteo- lors, wall ond car charger $150, Call 704-200-1302 Transforriìer» • Ию gamo lor PSP.$12Call 704-200-1302 Misc For Sale 1904 Truck engine, S O wllh automallo transmission. Runs bul smokes. Good shapo. $300 obo. 704-270-8364 . IQOn.Old Stool WhoolFam> • Wagon. Asking $1,500 ' Со1Г336-402.евЗЗ Э Pallets landscaping rock. $450 for all. Hardio plank shakos, 15X40. 1 pock. 336 787-5803 Benches, wood backless. Assorted lengths lo 7 It,, 14 In. high. $5-16 each. Call 704- 210-6011 Fisher Pack N Play.Good condition. $30. Ploaso coll 330-767-5802 Ladder,Uillily laddor,$100Call 330-761-4000 (lossHleils TO ADVERTISE CALL Í- 8 7 7 - 751-2120 Misc For Sale Ridine тоулг, t2hp. uÿy. bul runs groat. Cuts good. $200.Mu8l8OOt0bolk)VO. 704-036-8250 Sand RItnr and Pump for swimming pool, hoi lub, otc. $100, Coll 704 633-1989 for moro Inlomatton yl Storage Bulldlnga 12'X 10' with,to«. $9,406. ta* * 20* with workbench S3.615. Prkios Includo doNvory and sol-up. Olhor sizos availablo, Call 704.057-8611 Music Sales & Service Dog Lot nice, 10x10x0. 704003-4310 $150.00 Wllh gato Tickets NASCAR Tickets al Lowo's Motor Spoodw&y • May 16- 24. Groal soats for NASCAR Sprint All Star and Coca-Cola 600 stili availablol Coll 600- 455-FANS or www.kowosMo- (orSpoodwoy.com Want to Buy Merchandise Timber wanted - Pino or hardwood. 5 acros or moro select or cloar cut. Shaver Wood Products, Inc, Call 704-278-0201. Timber Wanted, 1 nero or moro, pino or hardwood, cloar or solocl. H & M Log­ging. 330-4000570 • Umtotk •ОМиРМ • P itl^ tN k IlnlCM Cats Free kitterta to good homes 2 Gray 0 wk OkJ (1 male/ t fo­rnaio) 2 Dirman/Slamoso (2 lomaba). 704-267-0064 Freo two eats (bothers)to good homo, noutorod. do- ClUWOd 704 057-000(У704 or 704-049 0502 Dogs roo^tofod,, Tfl-coior & rod White. Shols, wormed. $4(Ю. Ploaso coll Donna or Amanda a1704-270-1223 40 Cabinet & dravrar pulls. Amorock traditional. 33 avail­abk). Bought new $5 ea. Will soil all for $75 obo. 704-033- 0060 afior 0 pm Garden Tiller, front lino. 5 HP. Vory good condition.$120 obo. Ptoaso call 704- 721-4004 for moro Info. • Lenox 3.5 CentfBl Air Sys*lom wilh condonsor. cools groal, $500. Pkiaso call 704- 270-5329 for moro Info. Free puppies. 12 wooks old. 2 black and while fomakis. Choesapoako/Mátamuto mix. Call 70^202-1663 •iKlllW lM i •fm u» •IMÌIKIIM •imiFMMi • ÜMIMiVCMNItinf •limlalOcMlim • Trilli OppiftMHiM Business _^g£0rtunltl08_ 100% RECESSION PROOFI Do You Earn Up to $000/day (pdlontlal)? Your own local routo. 26 Machlnoa and Can­dy. All for $9,995.1-808-753- 3458. MultlVond. LLC Free Stutf Free Above ground pool. 10 X 14. You must lako dovm and roiDovo. Qood condilion. 704-630-8250 Free dog. Corglo. mala. Has boon noutorod. 1 yoar okl. Froo lo a good homo onlyl Call 704-857-5155 Free dog. Fémalo Siberian Husky. Spayod und has shots. Houso broken. Groal with kids. 704-032-0022 Free dog», to good homo on­ly, Bassolt Hound & Beagle, bolh male. Shols up-to-daio . 336-204-2401 allorBpm. Free Idttena assorted colors lo good kivlng homos only. Six wook old. Playful & litlorbox trained.-336-793-7730 Free* pupplee BoxirA^mix, eight weeks oM. cute and cuddly, playftil. To good home only. 356-928-1312 Free Stuff Free puppy Lab mix, vory swool. fomak). 0 wooks okJ. t** Shota. Must go to loving homo only. 330-703-7730 Kfttene Freel 2 mato striped 2 female Ыаск 1 (omakigroystrlpo 704-314-0091 Tortoise Shell cat.Spayod fomak). Vory awoot. Froo lo a good Indoor homo. 704-223-1508 Instruction AlilliMi o™ hliino- Train )oi high piwlng Avlalk>n Malnlo- naneo Cnroor. FAA opprovodProm. nrmnciol cid If qual- . Houslng avollobk). Cali Avlnllon Instituto ol Malnlo- nance (088) 349-5387. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINEIrom home. Modksal. Busl- nosa, Paralogal, Cornpulors. Criminal Jusiico. Job place­ment assistance. Computer avayobki. Financial aid if qualiriod. Call 000-856-2121, www.ConturnOnllno.com Drlvers/lrolneot needed. Nattonal Cantors Hiring Nowl No oxportonco noododi No CDL? No probtoml Trainlrig availablo w<th Roadmastor. Call Now. 806-494-0450. Lost & Found Blue lick hound/lab puppy, lomato. Vory lovablo. f^roe to n good homo. For hlormo- iion. call 704-030-7045, Found Black Lab mix, Sun­day. April 25 on Mi. Hopo Church Ftd. Coll to kionlily. 704B50-2307 Found Chihuahua mix, lo­mato, Sun, 4-20. on Julian Rd ol Tractor Supply. Call lo ldontlly.704-03Ô-125ü Found dog. On Thursday. April 23. Chocolate Ub al r^cka UMC. Call 330-908- 4229loldontlfy. Found German ShepherdSunday 4-20. Shue Road, China Grovo, Call toldonUfy.Call 704.039.0647' LOST Black ScotUsh Terrierwith a rod collar. Wo are try­ing to koop hope allvo. Hop ua ploaso. Jack was In a car accidcnt on tho rainy night ol 4/10/2000 at 601-140 and In Iho confusion ran away. Jack was a gifl from owners Dad Notices DAVIE PREGNANCY CARE Contor olfore confkk>ntlal & freo pregnancy tests, support sorvlcos ond .rolonals. Mako a healthy cliok;e for your lllol Colt 330-753 HOPE for appt. • CnM iíiUnmi ’ • Н«мй||*п • HMNtirWl ' • liiviitiNit fivpifty • lakfPnipMty •UmI lottili • UltftiMt • IlMitKlinilHMi DmIm •HMitKliiiidlliM . Mm •MMilwtyiMHMi Miloftal« •ItanlactMlHoM ImlMtRiftIn • MoH|i|itmlCN/ lom . •RMlEitatiSmlcM • RMlEitali-Commlil • RNWtlVKltlM Ргари!) •WwM ìRm IEMiIi Apartments & Condos lor Sale Homes for Sale Homes, Government fund­ing available for all homo buyers'who own land or havo family land. $0 down, easy linanclng. Call 338-346- 6347., • Land for Sale Acreage, 324wooded Plua2 ctoarod bulkling silos. 2.4- 3,0 acres njrol soltlng'road fronlago. 336-402-2144 Crystal Coast Secrlflce onIho NC Intra-Coastal Water­way. Noariy 2 AC wator ac-. cess $59.000. Uw $29.900; 2.5 AC watorfront $140.000. Now $89,900. Boaulltully d«i^. OnlyO boallng^mitos lo Beaufort. Fkiondng from 4,25 APR. Our k>68 Is your 1. No tlmo Iramo to kiulld. 1-609-0240. , Mocksvllie. Unique Proporty for Snk). Located In lite heart of MockSN’llto's Downtown near humorous buslnossoa. Oilers lots of potonttol. 1.51 ocres-currently zoned Nolgh- borhood Residential. Potential lor additional adjoining prop­orty to bo purchased In tho lu- lure. For moro details, ptoaso contaci Marketing Agent. KathI C. Wall/Century 21 Triad, 33M0»-172e. Lots tor Sale Advance, LarKf for Salol Last lol m boautilul Spring- dato divlston. Asking price $35.000, Call 001-310-2^ Deal Fell Thru! Goll Lot Bar­gain NOW $69,000. Sokl (01 $03,200, Own lor balance owod- savn $23,200. Beauti­ful golf vtow homosile In Bluo Rklgu Mountains, Includes FREE Goll Momborehlp. Must soel Groal llnandng. Call now. 1-060-334-3253. X2290. Manufactured . Home Sales to Dowrtwlth your land. No ctoslng cosl.Ploaao call 330-209-5012 $3,500 down13 payments loll. Ploaao can 704-463-3702 $3,000 down - only 13 pay­ments loll. Call quicki We ownor llnance. Ploaao call Manufactured Home Sales 1093 Skyline moblto home. $4,000. Musi movo Immodl- aloly. Ploaso call Elizabeih al 336-751-2001 lormoro Inlo. 2 Year Job Time,2 Yoar Rental History. You Can Own Todayl 704-630-0149. Commons are«.2001 Rodman mobito homo, 14' X 80^. 3BR, 20A. Inland kitcfion. Central air, heal pump. Already aot Roady lo movo In. Upfl< mobito homo park. For moro Inlormatton. call 336-760-0507 Foreclosed HomesAvallabto in Davio County Act Nowl080-273-6791 Government funds availobto for 1* timo homobuyera who own land or have family land. Zero Down. Easy FInanclngl 704 030-6400 Mocksville area. 3BR,2BA $650/monlh.Ownor financing.Call 704-483-Э702 Move In Todayl1 BR, 1BA cottage with porch.$450Monlh704-030-9840 Move In Today!2BR, 2BAwllhPord). 55 or Okfer Community 704-030^00 New 3BR Ranch$60,005,On private lot. Са1Гз30-7б7-9757 New Homes$2,500 Down 2 credit roloronces 336-209-0526 Take Over My PaymentsI$402/Month Ploaso call 704 030 0400 Two • 3PR, 2BA homos Roady for ronters/Homo own­ers,$[.. _ .Call 330-70^-0758 Retort & Vacatlon^Progjrtj^ FREE CAMPING & $20U InQrocory Rewardsl Boautilul campground resort In f^rth Carolina. Amazing Amonlltos and Family Funt Call 800- 795-210910 DIscovor Morol Resort & Vacatlon_Pro£ert^ NO MOUNTAINS - Ownor mual soil now 120O8f roady lo finish tog cabin on 1,52 acros. Roducod lo $88,900. Private, easy accoss and linanclng avauabto. 028-206-1006. Wanted: Real Estate Land or Developments Wanted. Wo tH/y or market dovotopmont tots. Prolor Mountain or Coastal Commu- nitlos. Can Us al 000-455- 1001, Ext, 1034. • NMMMtorllNl •Ш^РгцмтЯпЫ • М М М •OtIInt СммгсШИмНИ • PMtmliMllMllMt • IlMifacttndlbM UU • MMntKtKiilHmiM (or Rent • RiwiltVicitlon Rmtili • RooimatiWantid • Room for Rnt .•$toiag« • WlitHloRMt Houses for Rent Advann, 139 Lllt№ John Dr. Brick ranch. 2 Lg. BR. 1.5 BA. dislv washer, slovo, refra.. dis­posai. Lg DR & LF^ laun­dry room. Oil heal. Cen­tral air. 2 car garago at­tached w/oponers. now flooring throughout. Boau- lllul ctoan home. No pets. $76(Vmo, 330-766-0525 Mocksvilli, townhousi in Milling Ww. ConventonI location. 2BR/2BA, 2 yoars old. Unit 116, beautiful pool complex $108.000. Call 336- 470-2951. 330-655-3447 Ot 336-761-5448. Cooleemée. Older exocutlvo homo on tot hoar rocroatton area. 4-5BR. 2BA,•Fireplaces, oncto&od porch, low 160s. 336-OOÖ-S675 or. 336-264- 2287 Nearly 13 million chiliiren in America are trapped behind it. Poi/eriy crf,iies limits lhal no lainily desuiuos. Yon can make a iliiierencii and liei|i Ihem see lieller lulnri's Imjiiliier, we can slail (o liirn Ihings aroiiiul. Go lo WWW |)0verlyiisa.0r(j anil get involveil. I'.Mllolii, (.,||11|)||Ц)П 4W .........- DAVIE-CLEMIMONS Call Monday-Frlday 8 AM-5 PM TOLL FREE DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, riiursday, Apr. 30,2009 - D7 1 -1 7 7 -7 5 1 - 2 1 2 1 FAX: 704-630-0157 EMAIL: CLASSADS®SAHSBURYPOST.COM REACH OVER29,000 READERS EVERY WEEH! £ B £ E j ^PICTURE APSGlVlilg ог^Жа aomettilngi Include ГрьЙо*vvith"òuráut'a^& run It ', RUM IT Son ' ] ^0'’ 4 w eeks for $20;Run a^hot^o w/your | ^ О в кiMiimii ««е11Л1огв.»1у oìi(W4tìii houso 3d fot ^ 0 for 4 weeks. Houses for Rent 3 miles from MocVsville. 9 room Iwuso. Wilh contrai hoat & olr. $650/mo. 330-75^3075 or 330-761-2005 Advance. 3BR, 2^ BA. garago. .2,000 t af, security system. Exocutlvo homo Rent $1,400 or Reni to Own. 704-630-0e05 Advance. A2<J Gun Club. 4BR. 1BA, heal pumjVAC. now romodel. 1.450 Sf^, op­pia. Vt ac, no ifuMo pots, $075/mo + dop 336-000-7003 Century 21 Triad 336-751-2222 SSOMcCultough Rd., Mocksville. 3BR.1BA. $076/mo. 156 Fairfleld Rd. Mocksvllto.4BR^BA doublowido. all appls Ind, $095/mo 264 Ken Dwiggins* Mocksvllie 3BR,2BA.AI> oppi, indudod. $760/mo. 8225 SHailov^ord Ln. • Uwlsvlile2DR,2BA Col- lago w/oll hoot. $550/mo. . 321 Burton Rd.- Advanco. 2BR.2BA with fun basomenl on largo acreaoo tract. Vory private. $850/mo. Hwy 601 Bypass.* Mocksville. (Just oil 1-40) Commordal ollfco space lorloaoo, 2olf«co3,hronk room, recoptton aroa & balhroom, $700/hio. Posslblo addt'l space avnilflbto. Call Century 21 Triad 336-751-2222 Mon-Frl 8am-5pmOFj 336-751-5555 ExL 213 nights and weekends. Cooleemee. 5 rooms. 1 BA. No pels. $500Ar>onlii plus SbOO deposit toqtiliod, Ploase call 336-284-4373 Davie Counly. 30R, 1BA. 10 ml, N. of 1-40, oil 001. Extra clean. No pets. $60(Vmo. plus doposil. 330-403-5457. . Houses for Rent Davie County. 4BR, 2BA. Ronl-lo-own. Wori<8hop In back. Off main hwy. Partially loncod yard. 336-402-2100 ERA Premtsr Realty Jackie Coulston 336-753-0777 or 336-?51-2055 MOCKSVILLE-Chariealon Ridge. 3BR.2BA. .Scroonod porch, fenced backyard, 2 car garage. Smoko Froo. $OWmo. MOCKSVILLE-Randi 00 1 acre. 3DR.2BA. Range, rofrigoralor. dtohwashor, & microwavo, 2 car BttoclwJ garage. $87&mo. MOCKSVILLE-<Chartoslon Ridge. Smoke free, well maintoined30R.2BAwlth vaultod ceilings, garden tub & soparalo showe. . ovorslzod 2-car garago & dock. $95a'monlh. ADVANCE-38H.2BAwtth lots of extras.- gas logs, porch, patio, decks, hot tub, part backyard foncod, 2 car garage, separate garago/Vvorkslxjn.$1.00CVmo. ERA Premier Realty Jackie Coulston338-763^1777 or 336-781.2055 Houses for Rent Modavllto. 2DR, IÏ4DA. Central heat & air. Now appD- ancos. $576/mo. Oep. A ap- pUcalton req. 704-278-1717 PENNINGTON «CO. 336-990-9400 330^0»0747 Wo havo rentals available. Landtords and tenants - CaO us for IrifonnaUon on proper- llos Of proporty manago- mont. Wo hove an automat­ed ptwno aystom for infor­matton. Commercial Properties/ Ouslnessos for toase or sato. CallJantooMcOantol 330-909-0747. Pennlr>gton A Co. 336-OO»-04OO 336W^)747 Hlllsdato areo 3BR, 2BA, acroago. privato $75(Vmo. Can RlCk33Ö-397-125t Mocksville area. 3BR/2VÌ BA. Rent lo OwnI Garage, 'pprox 2.000 si. coni hoat/nlr. 'or^ Nice. $15,000 down. $395/mo. 704-630-0095 ■ "iS Mocksville. Immaculate 3BR I 1.5BA bflek ranch. New софо1 and paint. Range, dishwasher and side by-sldo refrigerator. Energy eltldoni iieat pump. $80Vnv)nih •* $800 security deposit. No pets. Call Mary Hondrkiks at 336-940-7077. СоЫеетм. 9BR/IBA newly remodeled house. $700 per monlh plus deposit. 330-909-0664 Manufactured Home for Rent 601 S. 'Furnished'on private lot. No pets. 3 people limit. References. Deposit ^ $450 ront. СаИ 336-264-4756 Advarte« 14' x ao* oak wood mobile homo. 2BR/2BA. Ilvln- groom & don. stovo/refrigera- for/dlshwasher. Private tot No pels. Doposil. 336473- 9049 or 336-998-2561 Advanc«.-4795 Hwy 801 S. 2BR. 2BA. $500 deposit. $550/month. References re­qulrod. 704-924-7006 ' Davii County. Mrlvato loi. 2BR, 1ИВА, Very ctoan. AN appUancoe. Doposil required. Cali 336-576-2101 Davie County. Private lot. Newer model singtowkto. 3BR. 2BA. All oppliances. No pots. Socl. 6 OK. $695/mo. phjs deposit. 330-575-2101 Farmlr>gton Ares, private.2BfV2BA. al appliances, central heal A air. doch. A garogo. No pets. № smok­ing. $60(Vmo. plus doposil. Ploase call 336-655-3272 or 336-098-3636 Lake Property Rental High Rock UkoSummer СогтуУпд Sitos 4 months- $400 (704) 633 0622 Office & Commercial Rental BCM Bulino» Park, For sato or loaso, 9,000 eq. fl. building. 1500 to 4500 soft units. Commordal lots w sato or will buiki lo sull ten­ant. 336-998-3105 Graniti Quarry 900-1600 sq It ShoiVOfOce or Slor- ago Bpacos. Free Monii. CaÜ754-232-3333 Mocksvilli. 3BR. 2 full baths on Cublo Lano. $500 deposit. $050 per month. Cafl altor 5pm. 704-213- 3595 Mocksville. Roady Now 2 BR brick houso. Tumishod, also otoctrto, $55(Угпо. 2BR, 1 BA mobile homo, privale loi. 704-207-5581 Pinebrook Schooi District.3BR, 2BA. $55(Vmo, $300 doposil. Absolutely no pots. 336-0402515. Shady Acres Mobito Homo Paik. Singlowldo A dou- btowklo. John Crotts Road,, US Hwy 64 East, Mocksvlïe. No pete. 336-009-2092 Shady Acrti Mobito Home Park. 2BR, ША. John Crotts Rd,, US Hwy 64 East. Mocksvine.NoPOls. Call 336- 909-2092 Wanted: To Rent Wart lo rant homa, 71 yoni old whilo lomalo with 1 (' S^wmonih. HUD opprov Call 336-671-3933 • MWKMroralt •М М иС ш •tM M nU тииршт т •IWm|tlM/«m жяивм •llNil|l«tMlto| •и п кЧ Ш • У т Ш Ш т ••М Ш цЛ Ум Autos DONATE YOUR VEHICLE- Roceivo $1000 Grocery Coupon. United Broasl Can- cor FoufKíatton Froo Mam­mograms. Broasl Cnncor Info; www.utxf.inlo. Froo Towing. Tax Doducli)to. Non-Runnors Accepted. 1-ввО-400-5964. ________HONDA, 2002, ACCORDEX. $0 down. WÜI help il- natvco. Credit, No Probteml Privalo party sato.Call 70^871-2223 Boats & Watercraft Ski. 17 ft. rod melalllako. 115 hp Mercury, irolllng motor, depth finder, traitor and mora. Groat condition. $5.000 OBO 330-8334119 Pontoon 24‘ Benti 2008. 240 Fish; 50 HP Morcury Motor, dual axto trailer, playpen cover, biml- nl. Only boen on the water once. $15,000/OBO 704-433-0226 or 704-636-0041 Motorcycles & ATVs Honda СВП 600F4I, 2(X)5. • Excoltonl condition. Lo lack. 4,500 mitos. $0.250. Ptoaee coll 336-009-1205 2000.our-whooior. High porfonirianco pipo. Ex- collont GondlQon. A wt^olo tot of funi $2.090. CallforiTxjro Inforniolion 704-450-6772 Auctions Rowan Auction Co. Proloa- slonat Audton Sorvlcos: SaHsbury. NC 704-633-0609 Kip Jonhings NCAL 0340 Financial Services Doyouhovea seniw to provide? TO ADVERTISE CALL 1477-7SI-2I20 Auctions WATERFRONT PROPERTYAUCTION- 6 Watoilioni Parcols. Thursdny- Apr1l,30lh- 0:00 PM- Hwy 35, Boaufori County, Aurora, NC- Largo Doop Wator Parcoio, Septic Permits ISDuod, Portion Soil­ing Absoluto. www.Houso- AucBonCofnpany.com, 252* 729-1162, NCALW70Ü0. Electrical Services Home JmgrovemenT Lawson'0 Home Improvo- monts. Windows, doors, vinyl siding, brick, btock work, log siding, harcfwood ftooring. Froo ostlmatos. Owner Ancfy Lawson Can 330-909-0695 VInyt siding and vtnyl wlrv dow instanatton. No job too small. Froo ostlmatos. Can Mark Troyor ol 704-657-0611 Licensed Eloclrlclan.Moi»o & bublnoon oloclil- cni nooda. Of уолгп охр. Froo ostifTtato. Floxiblo hours. No |ob too omoll. Doug Dnvis. Rodland Elcctric, Inc. 330-4t4- 90-15 rodliiíHloloclíIcinctí yahoo.com Financial Services WORKINQ CAPITAL avail- abto UuslnflssOnly 704-32t-1l70Warron Shinn wshinnOarfunding-com “We can erase your bad credit 100% guaranteed" The Federal Trade Commission says any credit repair company that claims to be able to legally remove accurate and timely infor­ mation from your credit report Is lying. There's no easy fix for bad credit. It lakes time and a con­ scious effort to pay your debts. Learn about managing credit and debt at ftc.gov/credit. A message from The Salisbury Post and the FTC. Lawn Maint. A _Landsca£lng_ Denny'S Lawn SirvtcojCornptole lawn sorvtoe from ono source. Mowing, plug­ging, soodlng. fertilizing, fandscaplng. pine needles, mutoh. Stalo cortined for spraying and Insurad, Trac­tor worl< If needed. Thirty yoars oxportonco. Ploaso call 330-900-3675 or 336- 300-7003 for esumalo.. Miscellaneous Service* Don't throw away lawn- mowers, ATV's. goll carts, outdoor power equipment. Will ptek up for Iroe. Call Rtehard336-473-t838. Larry’s Auto Detailing-Complote hand detailing ser­vice. СаЯ lor. appdntment. 33в-?в4-в050. Re(0f0Tx:0a avan.nbto upon request. Tree Service Canopy Tree Service, Pro- fossional Sofvico al reason- ablo mto9. Fully insured. Call for Iroo. ootirnatos. Rolor- oncos availabto. Also, fire­wood for solo. 330-008-4374- TCM Quality Тгм Cara &Latxi Maintenance. Haz*. ardoue removals, priming A < piosorvattoln, storm damage' cton-up, grading, hauling,' doaring, stump removal,. landscaping. Titomaa Martin.- Insurod. Coll: 336407-7534.' honw: 336-859-0611 D 8. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, April 30,2009 Fundraisers Friday, May 1 Game Night, sponsored by Shcfflctd-Colohnln Comm; Center, ■ 174 Turkoyfoot Rd„ doors open 6 p.m. for food, giunes begin 7 p.m. Proceeds lo upkeep of community ccnlcr* building of re.itroom facili­ ties. Saturday, IVlay 2 1st Annual Pci Fair, at Humiuie Socicty of Davie County’s Adop­ tion Ccnter, 291 Eaton Rd., Mock<¡- viiic, 10 u.m.-4 p.m. Vaccination clinic taking place also. Call 751- 5214 for info. Spring . Fling, at Baileys Cliapci ÜMC, starts 8 a.m. Call 998-5553 or 972-3550 to reserve a space lo sell craDs, business, or yard sale ifcms. MeUiodist Men will prepare break­ fast & lune for sale. Music starts 11 tt.m. (bring your own chair). Harmony VFD BBQ, 10:30 a.m. till sold out, 3551 Harmony Hwy. ' Pork or chicken plates $7, ib. of pork $7, BBQ sandwiclics $3, chicken sandwiches $5. Dine-in or take-out. For info: 704-546-2300. Country Ham & Sausage Break­ fast, nt Union Chapel Mctiiodlst Church, US 601 North of1-40,6:30- 10 a.m. Proceeds lo Relay for Life. OliS Band Boosleni Band Day Fundraiser, 11 n.m.-6 p.m., DHS Cafcterian & breczcway, all plates $9, cal-in or carry out, band perfor­ mances, cow bingo, auction, bake sale. Ail proceeds to Davie High Bond program. Friday, May 8 Port-A-Pit Chlckcn Dinner, at S. Davlc Middle School, 11 a.m. til 6:30 p.m. Tickets $8 and available at school or fay calling 751-5941 or 940-7594. Eat-in nt picnic shelter or tokc-oul. Delivery available on or­ ders of 10 or more. Sponsored by Booster Club & Athletic.i Dept, with proceeds to pútcliiisc of equipment. Maslcr Gardener Plant Sale, 10 a,m.-3 p.m., downtown Mocksvillc (Cooperative Ext. Cenlcr, 180 S. Main Street), viulous plants uvail- ablc. Saturday, May 9 Country Ham & Sausage Break­ fast, Center UMC Fumily UfoCcn- ler, 6-10 a.m., proceeds to Chirk Rogers to assist with medical treut- menls, menu: country ham, sausage, eggs, & all the trimmings. Friday, May 15 Gold Tournament, sponsored by Farmington Ruritan. Captains Choice, shotgun start, $200pcrteam. Tec time 1 p.m. Dinner provided following tournament. Register call Wee Brock at 998-3621. Saturday, МаУ; 16 3rd Annual Domestic Violence Awareness Walk, at Davie Family YMCA outdoor track (rain location: Brock Gym), 8-11 a.m. Registration fee of $10. Coll 751-3450 for morc info. Yard Sale, by Cooleemee Elemen- taiy PTA, 7 a.m. Ill 2 p.m. Rent a space for $10 (deadline lo rent May 7), call 284-2581 for info. Ongoing SmiUiGroveUMCCountry Break­ fast, 3rd Saturday each month, 6:30- 9:30 a.m. Cooleemee Civilans BBQ Chicken, 3rd Fri, of cach month, al Cooleemee Civitan BIdg., Cooleemcc. Serving l/2chickcn, BBQslaw, biikedbeans, roll & pound ciikc. $7 per plate. Re­ serve your plate, sign up at Cool­ eemee Himiwiirc or call 284-2196or 284-2030. Will deliver order of five (5) or more. Proceeds to help pay for Cooleemee Civitan Comm, BIdg, Wnicy United Methodist Church Ham & Sausage Breakfast, with ait the Uimmings,3tdSat. of each month, 6-10 a.m. Religion Thru Thurs,, Aprii 30 Advance Community Revival, hosted by Mocks UMC (comer of Beauchamp & Mocks Church rds,), services nightly 7 p,m„ prayer room open 6:30 p,m. Sun.-Tues., May 3-5 107 Annual Homecoming & Re­ vival, at Coniatrcr UMC, 7 p.m. nightly, wilh guest speakers. Fri. & Sat., May 15 & 16 ThoPGcklnpnwsRclum,6:30p.iTi., ut Blaise Bapt. Church Fiunily Life Ccnter, gospel songs & humorous stories. Ticket info: 751-3639, Ongoing A fter School Program, at Comatzer UMC, serving Comatzer Elementary School, ages 5-12 years. Call 998-0687 for info, ATTENTION Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep Owners Snider Autom otive с * 1 Г« V « U П Г» Sljeclallzlng In Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep Products CHRIS SNIDER 336-753-1147 682 VALLEY RD MOCKSVILLE, N C C a r e e r O p p o r t u n it ie s - A p r il 22,2009 Nursing: _ D A V I S Ш Ш I infectionsRtsponsiblt for the iwvciilance, inalysis, afid xcponinft of healihcare as well os inreciion control education of hospllal stafT. wtll develop facility policies and .......................................................--------------------------. IIUI IHtlw tww» V lUJ Utin Inlixtlon Control. Musi have knowledge ofiwo odditional years in Infection Contro ' principles. CBIC cciilficailon preferred. DIRECTOR QE QliAUDf AND RISK MANAGEMENT Fult’Vmi-ExemptRNB.SN«’higher rcauired.Depamncni management and Qualitv/Ri ^ . experience preferred, novide education, guidance, and acts as a facilitator for the h^., wide Performance Improvement Progruii Serves as ihe Rislc Manager and ovetKcs the hospita)*wide Risk Management Program. 11)6 position requires troubleshooling, planning and organizational abilities. Must be creative, flexible, flinction effeclively under itr(;;u, . a:^ possess good communication skills. NONNUMiNrii Business Office ManarehFuU'DitU'-ExtntplDachelor'i de^ in Business, Accounting, or Fmance tvquired. One year hospital billing, collections or Business Offlce experience required. Must have excellent veii»] and written commui^CBtion skills. Responsible for managing the daily operation of (he hospltd businessofilce.SuMTvisethen!2l$tralionofpatienU,thesubmisslonorimuranceclaims . on a timely basis, ilie review and collections of patient accounts and moni|on the daily colkcUon uui posting of cash. Join a dedicated team as the Director of an established Ridlology Department. Have the flexibility to make decisions and to be truly valued as on upetl ui your fleld. We have a hi^ly skilled staff waitin[{ for a dedicated leader (u it\ds » ¿Retcnce. Our ideid cAi^idate . will be a graduate of an accredited school 0/ Radiologic 'nxhnology, ^sess a currcnt license, have a minimum of three yean experience and on Associates MgrM mandatory,' Bachelors preferred. H20 (His lo Own), new ministry at Jerusalem Bopt. Church, 3203 US 601 S„ Mocksvillc. On Wednes­ days at 7 p.m. for 18-29 year olds who are college, single, or married. We covcr topics pertinent & inter­ esting to this age group. Griefshare, Sat. mornings 9:30 a.m.. Cornerstone Christian Church beginning Jan. 13, fee will he churged to covcr materials for 13 week seminar. Call 998-0600 for more info. Awana, every Wed. evening 6:30- 8 p.m. at Eagle Heights Church. The Life & Teaching of Jesus, presented by Mocksvillc Seventh- Day Adventist Church, Mon. & Thurs. at 7 p.m.. nt 407 Milling Rd,. Mocksvlllo, Free admission; For Info: 704-876-3665. Financial Peace University, 13 week scries starts Sept. 9, at Hillsdale Bapt. Church, 7 p.m. Open to public. Call 940-6618 for Info and preview sessions Info. AWANA & Youth Program, at Ijames Bapt. Church, each Sun. evening 5:45-7:30 p.m., ngcs four through sixth grade. Info: 492-6434. A Woman's Discussion Class, Approaching the Temple of God. Psalms 26 each Tues. 10:30-11:30 a.m. at Jericho Church of Christ. All women invited. Call 704-798- 2038 for Info. Women’s Bihle Study, Is con­ ducted every Wed, night at Jcrlcho Church of Christ, 7:30 p.m. currcnt topic: authentic relationships. All materials provided at no cost. All women invited. Call 492-5711 or 492-5291, Women’sBlbleSludy,every Wed. 5-6 p.m., In a home near Milling Road area. All women wclcome. Info: 751-5229. Women’s Bible Sludy, focusing on Biblical women from female perspective and African American. Latino, and American women. 2nd Sut. of ench monlh nt Hnirflold Bapt, Church. 164 Excalibur Lane (off U.S. 601 S.), Info! 940-5149. Comatzer Caffcehousc, 3rd Sun, of cach month, 7 p,m, at Cornntzer UMC. Women’s Study Group, Phase 2. on Biblical women, presented by Hannah’s Ministries, Free & held every second Sat, of each month, 10-11 n,m. All wclcome. Info: 940- ,5149, CareNet Counseiing Centers, at First Baptist Church, 390 N, Main Sl„- Mocksville, Offers intcr-de- nominutlonal counseling, Acudcmi-, cally trained, certified counselors & mental health professionals. Info. & appt. 751-2041. Prcschool/Pnrcnls Morning Out, Bethlehem United Meth, Time: 9 a,m.-noon. Ages 1 & 2 - M,W or T, Th.Age3-M,T,Tli. Age4&Prc- K - three or four days per week. Cull 998-6820. Prcschool, at Center United Meth. Church, 2 duys per week or 4 days per week (4 yr. old class); 2 days per week (3 yr, old class); 2 days per week (2 yr, old class) 8:30- ll:30a,m. Phone 940-3753, Awana & Bible Study, Wednes­ days at 7 p.m., Hope Bnptist Taber­ nacle. Saturday, May 2 . Dedication at Joppa Cemetery, for т1и-ксгГог18гае1Воопе,5опоГ8ди1ге 6 Surali Boone, 10 u.m. Spring Fling, 1-5 p.m., at Raylcn Vineyards, admisslon$10per person at gate, music & food available for purchase. Thursday, May 7 Community Prayer Brcakfasl, at Davie Sr. Center, 7:30 a.m. spon­ sored by YMCA of Davie. Ongoing Live Music & Dancing, every Sat, night blucgra.ss, at Sheffield Music Hall, ciUi 704-546-3099 for info. Coffee House,4th Sun. each month, 7 p.m., nt Comatzer UMC. Good coffee, good fellowship, & good music. Dates to Rememljer Thursday, May 7 Free Pesticide Collccllonn Day, 10 a.m. lo 2 p.m. at Masonic Picnic Grounds (behind Brock Performing Arts Ccnlcr). For Info call 753-6100. Ongoing Basics of Speaking Spbnish, Tluirs- days, 6:30p.m., in'Blaise В apt. Fam­ ily Life Center. Cost of textbook = $20. Anyone welcome to attend. For • info nnd icglslration call 751 -3639 or visit our website www.BlalseBapllst.com FrecMonthiy l>iubclC!i/BIood Pres- sure/Choleslcroi Screenings, last Fri. of cach monlh ii\2009at WalMart, 9 u.m. Ill 12 noon. Sponsored by Davlc LUm's Club. Visit Coulecmee'sMllI VillagcMu. scum, 14 Church St., Wqd.-SiU. 10 a.m. Ill 4 p.m. Tours also available by appt. Call 284-6040. SlorylUncs, at Davie Co. Library: Tues. lOu.m. &Fri. 11 a.m.-stories, spngs, fun for pre,schoolers. 1st Sul. ofevciy month-,storie,s/acllvltles for kids of all ages. At Cooleemee draneh:cveryotherTliurs. 10:30a.m. (call or check website for dates). At Hillsdale UMC: every other Fri. 10 a.m. (call library orchcck website for • dates). ‘ Spccial Olympics ot Davie County, play activities & fun nite, Wednes­ days nl Broclc BIdg. Play activities 6- 7 p.m. Fun Nile 7-8:30 p.m. Open to all persons with disabilities & th'elr fnmilies. Meetings Saturday, May 2 GrundcMldrcn/GrnndparcnlVbi- tullon of NC, 11 a.m., Davie Li- NOTICE Jocjcey Textiles will conduct ttieir annual Fire Flow Test on Thursday, May 7,2009 at 9:00 a.ni. Areas south of Mocksville may experience dingy water as a result of this (est. Please call Davie County Water at 753-6090 should you experience any problems. Thanking you in advancc for your cooperation. brary, N. Main Street, Mocksville. call! 704-463-1763 for Info, Ongoing Davie Beekeepers Assodation, sec­ ond Monday of every month, 7 p.m.. 114 Doctor Slate Drive, Mocksvillc (EMS building). Visitors wclcome. To find' out morc Info: www.daviebcekcepers.org VFW Post 4024,7 p.m., 2nd Tues. each monlh, VFW Hut, Sanford Avenue, Mocksville. Eligible mem­ bers welcome. Come early for re­ freshments. For info call 492-7521. Trium ph Parenting Classes, Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m., call for info: 751-5636. Humane Society of Davie Co., bi­ monthly meetings 2nd Tues. of every even-numbered month, at Humane Society Adoption Center, 290 Eaton Rd.Cidl 751-5214 for info. Davie Amateur Radio Ciub, 1st Tuesday of each month, 7 p.m., Davie Co. Hospital Training Room. Public welcome, Davie Historical & Genealogical Socicty, 4th Tues., 7 p.m., Davie Llbriuy. Mocksville Lions piub, 1st Tliurs- diiy, 7 p.m., fellowship hall of St. Francis of Assisi, Yadkinville Roud, Mocksville (board meeting contin­ ues 1st & 3rd Thurs., 6 p.m.). Ai-Anon Family Group, nt Macedonia Moravian Church, N.C. 801 N., Advuncc, Sundays 8 p.m., Rm. 225 (above fellowship tiall). Al- Anon is n group thnt helps fumiiics & friends of nIcohollc.s. NAACP Community Awareness Mccling, every 4th Mon. of cach month,7p.m.,nt Shiloh Bapt.Chinch. Ccnter ECA Club meets 3rd Tues­ day of each month, at Center Comm. BIdg., 7:30 p.m. Please join us. Disabled American Veterans Post 75 meets on third Monday of cach. monlh, 7 p.m., nt 1958 Hwy. 601 S, Contact Ralph at 751 -5118 for more Info. Town o r Cuulecmec 1‘lunnlng Board, meets 3rd Thurs. of cach month ut Cooleemcc Town Hall, 7 p.m. YMCA For more Infonnalion, cull 751-9622, visit www.davle,ymcnnwnc,org, or comc to tho YMCA for a lour, YMCA Lock-In Elcmenlaty students invited on Fri,, May 8 7 p.m. til 7 a.m. Includes dinner, swimming, movie, gym time, tons of games, arts & craDs. Register by noon, May $. Cost: $30 members/ $50 potential members. Summer T-Baii Children 3-8 can pructlce skills, de­ velopment & gixKl sportsmanship. Praciiccs Tues. & 'lliurs. first half of season, games hold second half. Reg. ends Juno 19; season June 23-July 28. Cost; $40 mombers/$65 non- niembers. Swim Lessons Sign up now. Choose from Tues/ Thurs. evening lessons $38 mcm- bers/$75 non-members or Sal. morn­ ing lessons $20 members/$38 non- members. Private & family lessons also available. Members Only Join the YMCA and take advantage of water aerobics, yoga, biking, walk­ ing, personal training, and morc. Come visit and lour our facillly al 215 Cemetery Street and leam how wc build strong kids, sUDng families, and strong coijununilles. HelloMudah,HelloFaddah Camp’s Coming, and YMCA has all the fun of residcnl camp wilhout spending the ni^ht. We offer every­ thing from volleyball lo knitting, to self-defense to scrapbooking - also half-day specialty camps. Financial aid to those who qualify. Seniors Ail Senior Activities take place at Davie County Senior Services lo­ cated at 278 Meroney St., Mocksville unless otherwise noted. Coll 753- 6230. Ongoing Sr. Lunchbox, M,T,W, 11:30 a.m., Th. & Fri.i II a.m., lunch served daily. Silver Health Exercises, Exercise Room of Senior Services, M, W, F, 8:30 n.m. Tues. & Thurs. 9 u.m. at Mock Place, (open to any senior). Quilting Club, every Monday, 10 u.m. Bridge, every Fridliy, 2 p.m. SKIPBO, Wednesdays, I p.m. Scrapbooking, every 2nd Tuesday, 2 p.m. Dr.Dunn,Podiatrist,alSr.Serviccs every three weeks, 8:30 a.m., please call for dates. Free Biood Pressure Checks, once a month, at 10:30 a.m. in the Nutri­ tion Site. Singing SeniorsChorus,Tliursdays, 10 a.m. VFW Ladies Auxiliary, cveiy 2nd Tiiurs., I p.m. Scrabble, 1 p.m. every Monday, Rook, I p.m. every Monday. Texas Hold’Km-Tliunidays, I p.m. Painting - Wednesdays 8:30-11:30 u.m. Grief Support Group, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 6 p.m. Sr, Book Club, every second Tues. of the monlh, 12:30 p.m. Computer CiasM* • are available, call for Informadon, ArthritlcEx«rdie<cveiyolherWcd, 10:30 a,m. Low Impact Aerobic« • Wed. & Fri. begins Feb, 7 11 a.m. Ill 12 p.m. Fitness Equipment Room ■ open Mon.-Thurs. 8 a.m. til 8 p.m. Fridays 8 a.m. til 5 p.m. Table Tennis-every l\ies. 1-4 p.m. Art, Mondays 9 a.m. til 12 p.m. Tal Chi, Tuesdays (cull for sesssion ifates) Line Dancing, Tliurs. 11 n.m. til 12 p.m. & 2-3 p.m. Woodcarving, Wed. 9-11 a.m. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Items for Davie Dateline should bo reported by noon Monday of the pub­ lication week. Coll 751-2120or drop 11 by the office, at S. Main St, across from the courthouse. The Salvation Army’s Human Resouhces 704-838-7110 WWW,DAVISItEaiONAI.,COM TtiB SalvDllon Army fonilly Thrift Stare. 279 N. Main St., Macksvllle: Bpm-Spm ESTATE AUCTIONJ. Scott Graham ESTATE (deceased) 10:AM SATURDAY MAY Юти 4270 Briar Creek Rd • Old Meadowbrook - Clemmons NC Owner of J.S. Graham Construction. 1998 Ford expedition., 12'(eathetllte trailer. Winchester Model 120,12 GA. '01 Kutxita Diesel Front loader, back hoe. Beaulilul entertainment center w/' Panasonic 36” HDTV, Hitachi 62'’ TV & stand. Samsung 48* HDTV & cabinet. Sony 30' HDTV, Sharpe 26' TV fiat screen. Lealher sofa & chair. Lealher recliner. Futon w/wood head& foot board. Queen water bed, Amiolte, triple dresser. Front load Maytag washer & diyer set. 21CF Whirlpool refrigerator. 1'8 CF Whirlpool refrigerator. Beautiful lli<e new office desi<, credenza & lateral file, cost $3,700 recently. Southern HD Commercial upright freezer. Breakfast set.. №autiful writing desk. Ltd Edition prints, New Table saw,'Cutoff saw. Nail' guns, Air compressor. More tools, QoH bags, clubs & bails. Yard tools. Fishing gear, S/S gas’grills, 13 Beer steins collecllon. R,J. Reynolds “Old Joe’ ' colleqtlbles. Be (ur* to go to our mb »K* and see tona ol photo'«, www,carolln««uctlona,com ■TERMS:Cash,go(^check with lhumbpi1nl,MasterCardVisa,10'!<.Buyer pramlum, ' AUCTIONEER KEITH J. PIERCE (336) 731-2003 - 813-33.33. www.pierceauction.com www.carolinaauctions.com • N C A L #15i , Donattons Hotline; 723-9552 mGHROCKLAKE REAL ESTATE AUCTION 9 Waterfront Esilile TVncts, Ntw ExeniUw Waterfront Home ta ТЫ Pmtm al High Rock lalu - a Oaud Соттиф aiid14],l<W-AmaOividcd on High Rock Uke Thursday, May 7,2009 - 6 p,m. ~ High Rock Lake ~ Lcjlnglon,NC-DavldMn County ' ♦ 9 Walerfhinl Estate IVacIs - wUh 2 StIUngAbiolult al Owntr’s С Ш Ranging In Size from 2,825+/-АС lo 4,271+/-Ac All having over 200 fl. Waterfront on High Rock Lake All have Ferie Slips & ore Qualified for Individual Piers Frontage on Old Mountain Rd. ♦ NewEmuUveWat«rftoiitHeme(m3,81+/-AereEetal*'ftactAlmost Completed - Pick Your Own Colon, Carpet Si Landscaping Custom Biiilt Horae wilh 4 Bedrooms, 3,5 Baths, 3,5(X)+/-sq. ft., 3.5+/-Ac ■ Old Growth Woixled TYact widi over 200 fl. Waterfront on High Rock Lake, ' ♦ 142,14f/-Acreii Divided on High Rock LakeFronlage on Shiptontown Rd,Qualifies for up lo 16 Individual Piers и 32 Shared Piets Over 3400 fl. of Water Fronlage on High Rock Lake at Flat Swamp Creek Excellent Waterfront Development Thict wilh Easy Access to NC Highway 8 & 1-85 Auction to be held ot Childress Vineyards, 1000 Childress Vineyards Road, Lexington, NC Stt WiUle for DcttUi - Bwkr Pailclpailm Imiitd Iron Horse Auction Company, Inc. 800-997r22iW-NCAt3936 , wwwJronhorseaucUo|i.coni