07-Julyf. |)',г Learning The Right Moves Young People Flock To Davie High School For Annual Cheerieading Camp ____ Page D1 D A V I E C O U N T V ENTERPRI/^ECORD USPS. 149-60 Number 25 Thursday, July 1j 2004 DOPAGES Davie To Celebrate Independence Day All Weekend F i r e w o r k s S u n d a y A t R i c h P a r k The sky around Rich Park in Mocksvillc will be lit with fire­ works Sundny night as the Mocks­ villc Davie Park.s and Recreation Department presents its annual hi- dcpendence Day Celebration. The fireworks are scheduled to start nt 9:30. Listen for the sound of Fred Reidenbach’s Howitzer canon. The fireworks will begin after the second canon shot. The day starts at 5 p.m. with a craft show sponsored by the Mock.s­ ville Civitan Club. It will continue throughout the evening. American Flags will be given out by local Woodmen of the World members. At 6:30, the Davic Youth Coun­ cil will lead some old-fashioned games. Concessions will be sold to benefit Senior Games. From 7:30-9:30 p.m., music by 3rd Generation will be heard froin the ball field. Bring a blanket or a yard chair. After the fireworks, the band is .scheduled to play for about another hour. Farmington Plans First Celebration Farmington residents will con­ tinue Ihcir efforts to save the old school property, now a community centcr, with a celebration at the site on Farmington Road, From 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. Saturday, July 3, there will be a silent auction, pony rides, a hotdog lunch, cake walk, live mu­ sic, a junior firefighter’s obstacle coursc and i\ horseshoe tournament. L a w n m o w e r , B i c y c l e P a r a d e H i g h l i g h t C o p l e e m e e E v e n t s Emily Holtend, 3, practices for the Kiddie Tractor Pull Saturday morning at the Masonlo Picnic grounds. - Photo by Robin Fergusson F i f t h Y e a r S h o u l d B e B i g g e s t T r a c t o r P a r a d e Y e t You can hear the rumble long before you see the machines. Tractors - antique tractors - will line the streets of Mocksville Sat­ urday morning ns the annual Fourth of July parade sponsored by the Piedmont Antique Power A.s.socia- tion takes place. The parade begins at 10 a.m., and will travel from the Masonic Picnic grounds on Railroad Street to De­ pot Street, up Depot Street to the town square,and down North Main Street to the picnic grounds. It’s nt the picnic grounds where activities will take plnce Friday and Saturday. Gates open at 10 a.m. Friday, and entertainment by the Flatland Blue­ grass band and Hard Drive begins at 5. The antique tractors will be on display. Admission is free, and con­ cessions will be .sold by local chari­ ties. Anyone wishing to ride thoir tractor in the parade needs to be Please See Mocksvlllc - Pugc 8 COOLEEMEE- Red, white and blue banners will be flowing from the lawnmowers and bicycles Sat­ urday morning as the town sponsors it’s annual Independence Day pa­ rade beginning at 10 n.m. Tlie day will continue at the town park with ice crcam at old-fashioned prices, hamburgers and hotdogs .sold by Cooleemee Civitans, a blue­ grass band, antique car show and a dunking booth. Tlie town swimming pool will be open. Games for children will include a Hula-Hoop contest, bean bag toss. Planners Reach Compromise With Wal-Mart Developers By Mike Gunning Special to the Enterprise The Mocksville Planning Board met with developers of the proposed Wal-Mart shopping center and ironed out the final language loading to zoning amendments, In a special meeting that lasted less than 20 minutes, the board heard, discussed and voted to accept new language us prepared by town planner John Gallimore. The issues addressed concerned the requirements of developers to design a building with an attractive exterior facade that would minimize the appearance of a large building. Developers will have to contend with architectural enhancements, color and material mixes and changing roof lines to give buildings of size a small town appearance, Gallimore said. The other amendments addressed the need to increase the height limits for fencing to allow for Wal-Mart to conceal the back loading areas from view of neighboring businesses. The fcnce will be fronted by trees that will grow to a mature height of at least 75 percent of the height of the fence to offset the appearance of a giant wall. Board member Will Marklin saw Please Sec Plans - Page 4 Planning Board Chair Brian Williams: “It’s important to look at an ordinance as a work in progress You look for a balance that works for developers, and works for the town of Mocksville, too.” - Photo by Robin Fergusson B e r m u d a R u n F a c e s L a r g e A n n e x a t i o n R e q u e s t By .lackic Scabolt Davie Coimty Enterprise Record Acres of undeveloped land and nearby businesses are part of an an­ nexation request Bermuda Run council members will address July 8. According to Town Manager Beth Dirks, property owner Jeff Harri.son sent a letter of intent sev­ eral months ago asking the town to look at .his property and let him know what he needed to do to be in compliance with development stan­ dards. Harrison is requesting that 30 acres of undeveloped land across from the Kinderton shopping cen­ ter on N.C. 801 at the 1-40 we.st- bound ramp,Tanglewood Crossing - which includes Food Lion and McDonalds, Jeffco, Dairy Queen, Bojangles, new office buildings be­ hind Bojanglcs, and some various vacant lots be annexed inlo Ber­ muda Run. Bi-Lo convenience store was ini­ tially included in the petition, but according to Dirks any annexation the town entertains has to be con­ tiguous, or touch the town's bound­ aries. In order to meet that require­ ment Bi-Lo al.so needed Wachovia, which is located across the street, to be included in the annexation pe­ tition, but nccessary signatures from Wachovia were not obtained. “We understand there is another possible annexation coming within the next two months," Dirks com­ mented. She said the plan would be to tie Bi-Lo in wilh that request, J.B. Harrison Properties, Harrison Family Properties, Jefferson Inc., and Hillsdale Inves­ tors LLC Please See Bermuda Run - Page 4 pinalas, sack races, ihrcc-lcgged races, spoon raccs nnd musical chairs. Children can have patriotic de­ signs painted on their faces, and a magician will perform and make balloon animals for kids. If entering a lawnmower in the parade, the only requirement is that it is able to cut grass. All lawnmowers and bicycles .should be decorated using the July 4th theme. No prior registration is required, and ull entries are welcome. Prizes will be awarded for the best decorated lawnmowers and bicycles. T o b a c c o A l l o t m e n t H o l d e r s C o u l d G e t B i g M o n e y By Dwight Sparks Davic Counly Enterprise Rccord Some liavic residents could reap nearly $5.7 million if Congress ap­ proves a tobacco buyout bill. Based on farm subsidy data base figures, Davie County would have none of the “instant millionaires” that have causcd controversy for tlie proposal. Nineteen Davie residents would receive more than $100,000 in the settlement, the biggest check, $517,000. Once the primary agriculture crop here, only 250 acres of tobacco are being grown now, said Greg Hoover, county agriculture exten­ sion director. The largest growers are not county residents, Billy White of Harmony and Junior Loflin of Courtney. PIcnsc See Locals - Page 4 о 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004 EditoráJfóge The Declaration In The Mail Of Independence P a r e n t s O f A u t i s t i c C h i l d r e n P l e a s e d W i t h S h a d y G r o v e July 4. 1776 When in the Course of Human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station, the Laws of Nature requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation. Wc hold these Truths lo be self-evident that all men arc crcated equal, that they are endowed by the Cre­ ator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness — that to securc these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that wiienever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to these shall seem most likely to effect their safety and Mappiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accord­ ingly all Experience has shewn, that Mankind are more disposed lo suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they arc accustomed. But when a long train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Objcci, evinces a Design to reducc them under abso­ lute Despotism, it is Iheir right, il is their Duty to throw off such Government and to provide new guards for Ihcir future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The History of the present King of Great-Britaln is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over lhe.se States. To prove this, Ict facts be submitted to a candid World .... In every state of these Oppressions wc have Peti­ tioned for Redress in the most humble Terms: our repeated Petitions have been answered only by re­ peated Injury. A Prince, who.se Character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the Ruler of a free People ... Wc, therefore, the Representatives of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in General Congress, As­ sembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the Rectitude of our Intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of tiie good People of these Colonies, Solemnly Publish and Declare, That these Colonies are, and of Right ought to be, Free and Independent States; that they are absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political Connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Frce and Independent States, they have fulled Power lo levy War, conclude Peacc, contract Alli­ ances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Ihings which Independent States may of right do. And for the supporl of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection, we mutually pledge to each olher our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor. D A V IE C O U N T Y enterpri/e^ I ecord USPS 149-160) 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-2120 Published weekly by Ihe Davle Publishing Co. DwlQht Sparks...............................Editor/Publisher Robin Fergusson...........................General Manager Mike Barnhardl..............................Managing Editor Ray Tutterow..................................Advertising Director Brian Pitls.......................................Sports Editor Mary Lynno Bayslnger..................Circulallon/Classllled Mocksvlllo Enterprise Davle Record Cooleemee Journal 1916-1958 1899-1958 1901-1971 I’crioclicals Posiiijje Paid in Mock.sville, NC 27028 Sub.scription Rales Single Copy, 50 Ceni.s S20 Per Year hi N.C., S25 Om.side N,C, POSTMASTER Send Addres.s Clianges lo: Dnvie Counly Enterprise Record P.O. Box W , Mocksville, NC 27028 To the editor; Thi.s letter is to share the wonderful year our children have had at Sliady Grove Elementary. Last year concerned parents, due to the move o f the autistic class from Mocksvillc Elementary to Shady Grove, wrote many letters. Although initially apprehensive due to this change, wc as parents sought u collaborntive approach with Shady Grove .staff. This yenr hns been a productive effort by both staff and our children. Mr, Larry Lanier, the principal at Shndy Grove; has been an avid supporter o f each child at his school. This has been particularly true for the autistic class students. He and his .staff nttended workshops, meetings, and activities specific for our children’s needs, educa­ tional goals, and overall acclamation to their new surroundings. This support through attendance and daily uttention has been a reinforce­ ment thut our children and their education arc a priority. Al.so, the children in the classrooms, the gym, the playground, and the cafeteria nurture thi.s altitude. As peers, they model accep­ tance anti positive character traits that enhance our children in the .school environment. So many times problems are encountered and only the negative impression gains attention but we, as parents, wanted to express our thanks to the entire staff o f Shady Grove Elementary for mak­ ing this transition yettr a positive one. We anticipated changes, were cautiously optimistic, und were welcomed with open arms. For this, we as parents, appreciate ull the effort. Our entirt: focus has been the educational and nurturing o f our children. Many positive effects have been established: a construc­ tive dialogue has been demonstrated between parents and educa­ tors through meetings and daily involvement, peer relationships have been fostered, and a monthly meeting o f families, friends, and edu­ cators with autistic children has been established. As another school year approaches, wc hope this dynamic trend continues. Parental involvement, along with positive team approach with educators, benefits everyone, especinlly our children. Scott and Angie Jamie Shannon and Randall Grimes Missy and Chuck Ginther Douglas and Jennifer Carter A L e t t e r T o D i s a p p o i n t i n g D r i v e r ... G o o d S a m a r i t a n To the editor: This letter is to the person responsible for hitting our dog "Hot Rod". He wus hit on Thursday, June 17, around 4:30 p.m. on County Home Road. This also going to the good Samuritun that stopped to get my husband. To the individual that hil Hot Rod: We are extremely disappointed that you did not stop to take re- ■sponsibility. Wc would never have been angry or would a.sk you to take financial responsibility. A ll we would o f liked and still would is an apology. Wc believe that a simple "I am sorry" would be enough. Also, we could have gotten him to the vet that much sooner. To the good Samaritan: Words are not enough to suy how thankful that wc are that you did Slop and comc up the drive lo get my husband. They were able to get him to the vet in time to save his life. Again, thank you for Slopping and wc are truly thankful for people like you. At this lime Hoi Rod has a 50/50 chance of losing his back leg and his front leg should heel nicely, but not 100 percent. I have enclosed pictures so lhal the individual that has hil Hot Rod cun seo what a hit and run can do to a animal. Please remem­ ber to slow down and let's also be thankful that it wos not a child gelling his/her ball from thc'road. Krislen & Mac McGarriglc Mocksville Political Signs Showing Up Everywhere To the editor: It is that time again. With cuch pa.ssing day we cun see them increase in numbers. They seem to be everywhere. They were not there this morning, but there they are now. How did they get there? Annoying is whal it is. No it isn't the Cicada. They are natural and tend to go away in a reasonable period of time. For a long time, loo. It isn't the mosquitoes. I spread enough pesticide on the yard lo Report From Raleigh Budget Rifts Being Ironed Out Uy .fulla C, Howurd N.C. House of Repre.sentativcs The Senate passed its version of the budget und sent il buck lo the House for approval. Significant changes were made between the budget the House approved and the budget that the Senate just sent buck lo the House. Becuuse of these lurge differences, the House voted not to concur with the Senate’s recommendations. Conference committees huve been appointed with members of ench chamber und the process of resolving these differences is underway. I have been appointed as one of the House Conferees to the Budget Conference Committee und am hopeful that the process will flow smoothly. But, us you might imagine, there are muny long hours spent in Raleigh these days, with the goal for adjournment remaining within the first weeks of July. 1 will certainly keep you posted as budget developments occur. I sponsored two pages this pust week ut the Generul Assembly and I’d like to recognizc them - Tucker Ren of Duvie County und Emilie Mademann of Iredell County. Tucker, who is my nephew, is tt student at Duvie High School. Emilie is from the new portion of my district in Iredell Counly und it was a pleu.sure to sponsor her. It is always such a delight to have the young people of the district serving a.s pages in the House. If you huve u child that is interested in paging, contacl the office for further details. I also had a number of visitors this post week. On Monday, Elder and Mrs. Ray Robinson, who are the son-in-law and daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Nel.son (Dorothy) Graham, visited the Legislature. Elder Robinson, Pastor of the Clement Orove Church of God in M ocksville, offered the opening prayer for the House o f Representatives’ Monday night session. Rendering the opening pruyer is an important tradition in the Hou.se und receiving Elder Robinson's message wns tnily inspirnlional. I have heard so muny good compliments on the message he gave and I am truly grateful. On Monday, Vernon D ull, speaker of the Senior Turheel Legislature, was in Raleigh and dropped by the office. On Tuesday, 1 enjoyetl u visit with Curolyn and Vernon Moore us well as Kathy Coble who were ut the General A.s.sembly us Multiple Sclerosis Ambassadors, On Wcdnesduy, Pamela Hobson Tolar from the Advancc community visited. take care of them. I'm talking about the ever increasing number of political cam­ paign signs. They are posted to telephone polls. On sticks in the ground at street comcrs and along the roudside. What do these signs and bugs have in common? Well, I doubt that most folks want them on their property; nnd no matter how many times you remove them, they keep coming back. I'm thinking o f using the Hot-Shot or Raid the next timo 1 seo one. Tho bUB lh«i D o Ihoy m u k o и aoad apray to set rici o f the. signs? I'd buy a can. Any chance thut Wal-Mart would carry a line o f such a product? It might in dear them lo the communily enough that wc would all go along wilh their desire to rewrite the local ordinunccs just to suit them. But that is another mutter, Barry J. Cartner Mocksville L e t T h e m B u i l d W a l - M a r t To the editor: I have been in Davie Counly oil my life. In the past couple of months I have never heurd such complain­ ing, If you w ill stop thinking short-term and think long-term you would .see ull the good things it could bring. Think of the gas you could save not having to drive to Winston- Salem or StiUosville. Or all the money il w ill bring to the town. Mo.st of ull, the jobs it w ill bring. So, .stop complaining nnd Ict WalMurt be built, Theresa Duvis Mocksville Letters Welcomed, •¡The Enterprise Rc(,'ord welcomes letters from its read-.,' ers. The lettere.may be on topics of local, state, nationql or, intcrnutiqnql^ •ssi'e.s • ,: ’ ‘ An effort Ayin ije made to print all letters, provided they ii are not Vtbelbus, vulgar or In poor taste. The editor reserves the right to edit leHers for grammar and for space. All letters should include the name and address of the i writer, including a signature. A telephone number, not to | be published, is also requested. ( flease have letters in the newspaper office no later than ■ 4 p.m. Monday ofthe week to be published. Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box, 99, Mocksville, or bmaiHo;.*' emews@davie-enterprise.com. <' Got An Opinion? Add your vote to our weekly online poll that a sks questions affecting you and Davie County. Log on at www.enterprise-record.com and click on reader’s poll to cast your vote. Results will be listed here weekly. Should Mocksville change its zoning ordinance to meet the wishes of Wal-Mart Su­ per Center developers? Log on now to cast your vote on the newest question: H ave yo u decided who to vote (or in the school board race? www.enterprlse-record.com . Yes, 59% No, 41% DAVIE COUN I Y EN I'ERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, ,Iuly 1,2004 - 3 Friends and family members join Dan Barrett at the Governor's Mansion in Raleigh. The "walking" candidate for governor will head Down East this week. On The Campaign Trail Barrett Makes His Way Through Raleigh Tlie following is un account of Week 8 of Dan Barrett's wulk ucro.ss Nortli Curolinu in his bid lor the Republican nominalion for governor, .luiic 23 S larlcd back 6,5 m iles oulside o f Raleigh, ll was hot and muggy. Did nol begin walking again until loday due to other com m itim ints on Moiulay and Tuesday. Wulkcd pust Crabtree Valley M all on Glenwood Avenue. Tried lo cut through the mail to avoid irciiciieroiis walking, and ended up on u parking deck. Hud lo'wulk un extra lOlh of a mile winding uround the deck lo gel buck on course. Oh well. V isited w ilh folks ul Wachovia Bank near Crabtree. They were nicc and intrigued by the walk. W alked in to see an old friend. Jay Silver, al his office. Ran into Amos who said, “ Oh yeah, you’re the walking man." Run into a mcmoriul murker for W illis Smith, a former U.S, , Senator and Speaker of the N.C. House. His home was 100 .■. " ’yiirds'rtway.’, * Approuching llie ccnler of town, Glenwood is tree-lined with nice sidewalks and pretty homes. Passed a marker to J, M elville Broughton, a former governor and U,S, Senator. Slopped hy the Ruleigh Police Department to make sure thut we were squared away for w alking through the slate capital. They were nicc and gave me a bottle o f cold ice wulcr. Reached the Legislative Building and wus interviewed by Steve Hurlsoe, an AP reporter whom 1 first met when 1 announced my wulk across Пе­ кине two months ago, l iis story about my wulk inlo Riilcigh wus carried in papers uround the slate on Thursday. Olher press reprc.senlatives then arriveil and 1 fielded questions aboul the walk and my campaign. Had a wonderful gathering with family und friends in fronl o f the Executive M unsion, where 1 gave a short speech stressing tlie need lo make state government work for our local com niunilies, Polks from Davie, Forsyth, G u ilfo rd , Johnston, M ecklenburg, Scolland, und Wayne counlies came up to visit and to walk with me I'or a while. They all wore "1 walked with 13un" 1- shirts. My wife, Kathleen, and our children, Daniel und Rcbekah, were able to come for the day. Friends from Davie Counly who came lo wulk in Raleigh included Medford and Nancy Shoaf (our Duvie C ounly coordinators), Daphne Frye, her nephew Brandon, and Johnny Frye. Friends from Forsylh included Chris Jones (Clem­ mons Town C ouncilm an), Richard Clemmons (wilh his 3 children), ami Mattliew Dolge, executive director ol the Northwest Piedmont Council of Governments, Wendy from my officc did a great jo b in organizing Ihis guthering. Thank you to everyone who came to Raleigh ami mude this such a special day. Talked lo folks downtown, including .some slate employees who were fruslralcd lhal they had not had a real pay raise in 3 years. Conversed with a fellow who works in the stale’s historic preservation office who knows Lynn Riimley from Cooleemee, Walked out o f downtown Raleigh on Dawson Street, Slopped by a microwave shop and visited wilh Jackie Ward. I Icr requesl was quite specific; she wants government lo slay out of our pockets and for us to return to the values o f the founding faihers. She sees us heading on a slide towards socinlism, at best. Slopped in al Flow-Serv, a company that makes valves for power plants. Business is booming. They knew about my walk across Ihe state. Talked lo Rodney at another small business und asked him what he wanted to see oul of state governm ent. He succinctly answered, “ Less." A iiiy Gardner, u reporter for the Raleigh News and Observer, ' Olimo out and wnlked'wllh mo for a while. Her story uppeured aboul my walk appeared in Thursduy’s puper. W hile Amy svas there, we slopped in u small faniily owned business and talked to two sisters. They were concerned about high luxes and the high cost o f liealth insurance. W alked on to Garner. Slopped at I-Hop lo gel out of Ihc heat for a while. Met the Davis’, who were nice and said they heard my advertiseiiient on Ihe rudio us they were driving in from Greensboro. They lold me lo slop und see Iheir grandson, Bryun, who hus a business in Mordicad Cily, Walked inlo the evening, Iieard cliurch bell in the distance playing “ Come, Ye Fuilhful People Come," Slopped uround 7 p,m., ufter aboul .14 miles for the day. It was a busy one and I'll sleep well tonight. June 24 Slarlcd u lillle before 8 a,m„ near Garner, W eather is overcast and fairly cool for a summer morning. Spitting rain. Il's amazing whal a lift il gives me lo have folks smile and wave as ihey drive by. Talked lo Lawson at “ H iim m er'Tim c." He wants less bureaucracy in state govcrn-m ent, Lawson had heard aboul my walk from the paper and was inleresled in where I'd entl up. Slopped by “ Don’s A ulo Body Repair.” Fellow there was amazed 1 had walked 450 miles. He suid, “ 1 guess you’ll get in good shape, if it doesn’t kill you." Talked lo Mrs, E llis al Anderson’s Grocery and G rill, Mrs. Ellis has recently suffered the loss of her husband, and she has to use a w alker to get uround. On top of that, her store was damaged extensively in a recent hurricane. Nonetheless, she is reopening, 1 admire her indom-ilable spirit. As 1 left, she said, “ I'll pm a vote in for you," The terrain has changcd. It is pretty much fiat, with sandier soil, 1 reached Johnslon Counly at 10:20 a.m. Delourcd o ff a busy Highway 70 into Clayton. Birds were chirping in the pine trees, which was a pleasant change from the constant sound of highway traffic. Like Mebane, Clayton is experiencing explosive growth due to its p ro xim ity lo a metropolitun area. I visited with folks in downtown Clayton, including a lady who runs a furniture store. She suid she wns a Democrat but only voted for Republicans, She wus not a fan o f B ill C linloh, and was upset that folks in Washington were blaming President Bush for everything. I told her she reully ought to consider chunging her purty uffiliution to Republicun, und her response wus, "W ell, 1 vote Republican." Stopped al a fishing store und talked to Roy about fishing. Visited w ith Anna G riffin from the Charlotte Observer. She i.s covering the governor’s raco. Anno wos the first reporter to walk w ilh me, way back when I was in the western mountains, some 350 miles ago. Taped an interview w ith UNC-TV in Chapel H ill, which is scheduled lo air on NC Now the evening o f Sunday, July II. Shannon V ickery did the interview, and she has u nice way o f puuing folks nt ease. W hile at U N C -TV , 1 got a chance lo eat a little ice cream and talk to slution employees during “ Employee Appreciutlon Day." Tiic managers sirved the ice creum. Returned to the wa.k around 6 p.m. und quickly rcuched riirul Johnslon Counly. Pussed a beautiful stand of corn, which reminded me o f my first job, growing up in Scolland Couniy, I was 12 and workeil for Pioneer Seed Company “ dethi:.eling" corn. 1 remember working from the crack o f dawn lo nightfall. A ll 1 could see when I went to bed after work was cornstalks. Real farm couniry. Saw tobacco, soybeans and corn. Turned off on 70 Business so 1 could walk through Smithfield. II was real nice walking imo the lale evening, oul in ihe country. Passed an old abandoned house. If only il could speak. Babies must have been born there: people must have died' there: lives were lived there. Finished afier 15.2 miles for the day, around 8:15 p.m. June 25 Started about 5 m iles outside of Sm ithneld, about 8:45 a.m. It’s going to be a scorcher. Visiled a convenience slore. Lady there said, “ Oh my goodness!" when I told her I was walking the state. Accidentally scared some chickens out o f a ditch. They came out squawking. I'm not sure whal they were doing down there. Tnlked to a farmer, Jimmy McKenzie, while he worked on his tractor. His kinfolk hnd moved Here from the Scollund County area in the 1920s. 1 told him I knew some McKenzic's down in Laurinburg, und he suid he was ulso kin lo the M cN eill's, which is another prominent fum ily in Scotland County. Jim m y farms sweet potatoes, tobacco, corn, and soybeans. He is really concerned about the intense developm ent in Johnston C ounty and the im pact on property tuxpnycrs, especinlly the cost o f b u ild in g now schools. Joseph Avery, chair o f the Johnston County Republican Party, cnme out and visited with me while I wnlked. He arranged visits In Smithfield^. Tltlkcd to a fellow working in his yard. He wonted to make sure I was drinking plenty o f wnter and Gatorudc. As I left, he gnve me a friendly slap on the back and sent me on my way. Slopped by a tire repair business. Talked to a customer who said he'd vote for me. He said, "Roofers are Republican loo. At least .some o f us are." I suid I was glud to heur that. He said, “ I’ll be there July 20 for you." I passed over the Neuse R iver und entered histo ric downtown Smithfield, founded in 1777. B cuutiful stately courthouse, built in the late 1800s, stands in the cenlcr of tow n. A historical m arker outside the courthouse reports that in 1865, Sherman received news of Lee’s surrender on this site. After two radio Interviews, I visiled around at the fire department and at Smithfield Town Hall. I talked to folks ut Ihc Johnston County C ourt­ house, including Sheriff Steve Bizzell. Afier u short visit with S coll, the editor o f the Smithfield Hcruld, 1 slopped my wulk for Ihe week so I could meet other campaign cominit- mcnts in.Pilt luid Nash counties. I only wulked about 6 miles for the duy, but 1 met u lol o f nice people. I’ve walked .some 452 miles across North Carolina. I ’ll return to Smithfield next week, w alking down H ighw ay 70 low ards G oldsboro and Kinston. V O T E F O R CHARLES O. WILLIAMS Republican Candidate for County Commissioner ■ of Davic County Would Appreciate Your Vole ’^ I D F O R B Y C H A R L E S O. W IL LIA M S L o u ise S tro u d Parents Didn’t Lil<e Field Trips On Foot In thinking of scliool days, school children now are taken on nice trips, I remember writing tlial when I was a high .school senior we took a trip - to the ice phint, behind the school building. To go back further tliiin Ihiit, when I was in the 8lh grade, our homeroom leiicher and one of the 9th grade teachers decided lo lake us on a hike one Saturday. They didn’t say where but 1 guess iTiost of us assumed it might be a couple miles. 1 was 12 or 13 years old and had never walked very far, about a quarter of a mile lo school and maybe fatnily walks in the woods on Sundays. Anyway, wc wound up walking to Cooleemee to the dam, where we ate lunch. We stopped on the side of the road at Grea.sy Corner and rested for 5 or 10 tninules on the way. If anyone had lold tne 1 would walk seven miles, I would have said they were crazy. Meantime, somehow my parents found out where we had gone and Lticile Horn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marsh Horn, also found out. They were our neighbors and Mrs. Horn told mama that her husband was going after Lucile and mama asked if he would please bring me home, also. It had begun to rain and I was very happy to ride home. I thought 1 would be sore the next day but I wasn’t. I suffered no ill effects but I think our parents were not happy about the situation. Exercise was not stressed back at lhal time as it is today. People walked to places when that was Ihe only way to get there. The next year, the same 9th grade leacher decided to take bur science class on a field Irip to Boone’s Cave, below Fork. At one time, Daniel Boone’s Cave had been a “must see” attraction in nearby Davidson County, but at this point it had been neglected for a time and sotne felt it was nol safe to explore. Anyway, my parents and Lucile Horn’s parents wrote the leacher a note, asking that we be excused from mtiking the trip. 1 don’t remember caring much one way or the olher. They left the room and in a matter of minutes they were back. The principal had sotnehow learned about the trip and also that the parents of two students had thought it unsafe, so he said none of them could go. Would you have liked to have been in our shoes at that point? The teacher said, “Get otir your pencils and paper and write a theme on this subject ‘It is better to expect nothing and gel nothing than to expect some­ thing and get nothing.’ ” Lucile and I wrote ours and we said it wasn’t our fault. We couldn’t help it. As you can imagine, we would not have won a popularity contest at that point. One little incident that I will always remember hitppened when I was very small. Tltere were no concrete sidewalk,s then. I walked to .school passing by Mrs. Julia Heilman’s home which was where the Methodist Church offices are now located on North Main Street. When it rained this sidewalk became very muddy. Coming home frotn school one day after a hard rain, the sidewalk was unusually muddy. Of course, the sensible thing to have done would have been lo go out lo Ihe edge of the road and I could have made it okay. I don't know why I chose to go through the mud. About . halfway through, my feet sank down, way down. I tried to pull up a leg for the next step, but nothing happened. There I stood, for how long 1 don’t remember. Then along came two teachers at our high school, Mr. Nitns and Mr. Willson. Mr. Nims was very mil and Mr. Watson was very short, like Mutt and Jeff. 1 hetird Mr. Walson say, ‘Pull her oul, Nims.” Well, Mr. Nims waded in a little way and leaning over, pulled tne up out of the mud. His hands trembled under my arms. It know it was a strain, leaning over like that. 1 was thoroughly ashamed. 1 never did tliat again in bad weather. We can be thankful for concrete sidewalks. ' Something else we can be thankful for is refrigera­ tion. In the old days, everybody had an icebox. The ice wagon would come by and you would have put the card in the window or in a conspicuous place, showing how many pounds of ice you wanted. The card said 25, 50,75 and 100.1 did not envy the ice mttn who liitd to carry the block of ice up aboul 20 steps when we lived upstairs uptown. In fact, people still had ice boxes long after we moved to Maple Avenue, and the ice man still had lo come up the back steps. I think everyone was happy when refrigerators came into being. Well, maybe the children were not. They used to stand around the ice wagon, later a truck, and Ihe ice tnan would give them little piece of ice, which tliey .seemed to like. D o y o u b e l i e v e i n l o w e r t a x e s ? I f s o ,v o te N a th a n T a b o r o n J u ly 2 0 * w w w . N a t h a n T a b o r . c o n n [I’alcl for by Tnlior for C«ngrcs!i Inc.j Mocksville planning board and staff members discussing the Wal-Mart issue, clockwise from front left: Will Marklin, Vena Harris, Brian Williams, John Gallimore, Gail Stewart, Mark Culler and Janie Neely. - Photos by Robin Fergusson 4 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004 Locals Set To Receive Money In Settlement Continued I'roni Pane I Allotment cuts have Ibrcccl miiny small farmers to quit. Hoover Sitici, and they rent their remaining aiiotnicnts, typically for 70 cents a pound. Tlic list of local allotment holders, available on the internet, includes many with little or no connection to to­ bacco outside their allotment holding. Hoover said the allotments traditionally stayed with the land as it was sold or inlier- ited over the years. Eveti non- farmers kept their allotments. “It was a steady source of income. Why get rid of some­ thing that was producing in­ come every year?" Hoover said. "That’s part of the rea­ son the buyout is needed. Wc have people who are no longer involved in tobacco. They arc far removed from it. Eliminate Ihe quota and you have lowered the cost of pro­ duction essentially by 70 cents a pound, if wc don’t get competitive in the world mar­ ket, we arc going to have probletns. Whether you agree with tobacco or not, it is an incomc generator.” Davie'.stobacco production has been cut in half over the last five years. Hoover said, with many of the small farm­ ers forced out. “We’ve lost close to half our producers. Ura/.il’s pro­ duction keeps increasing. They arc our biggest conipeti-, tor. Actually, the biggest pro­ ducer of tobacco is China, but ). they arc not tile biggest ex­ porter. For every pound wc’ve lost, Brazil has gained two pounds. And a lot of that is due to cosl. The olher issue has tiecn quality. Brazil has not passed us on i|iiality, but they rival us. That advantage is essentially gone, as well." The list of people who would rcceive allotment buyouts includc 20 Advancc residents, getting a combined .$790,000. and 80 from Mocksville mailing routes, re­ ceiving .$5,072,000. Plans Falling Into Place For New Wal-Mart Center Planner Will Marklin: "We need lo make sure devel­ opers ... build something that fils Mocksville." Developer Tim Scoggin is working to bring a Wal- Mart SuperCenter to Mocksville. Continued From Page 1 a potential problem with Ihc final issue, and addrc.ssed Ihe board with recommendations to limit Ihe area of outdoor display of merchandise. IVIarklin suggested the board add language to have the developer pre-designate an outdoor area lhat the business would be able lo utilize for retail displays. “That would control the sprawl of merchandise lhat could cover the parking lot," Marklin said. “It would also give our zoning officer something to work with if he needed to enforce policy. If they’re out of their lines, he could tell them they’re out of compliance." Gallimore agreed that such a change could deter fulure problems, and along with Chair Brian Williams, quickly drew up language to address the issue. Williams said lie was pleased with Ihe changes. “It’s important to look al an ordinance as a work in progress," Williams said. “You look for a balance lhat works for developers, and works for the town of Mocksville, too." Marklin said it was imporiant to show some flexibility when addressing amendment requests. "The county is growing, and they’re (large developers) going to come," Marklin said. "We need to work lo maintain the quaint way of life here in Mocksville, and still make sure Ihe developers can build here, bul build .something that fits Mocksville." Bermuda Run Facing Large Request For Annexation Continued From Page 1 are the names on the annex­ ation petition. Dirks will present the town council the certincatc of suf- Ticicncy al the July meeting. Council members can then set a date for a public hearing or may wait until the August meeting to do so. Dirks said she and Bor­ muda Run Mayor John Ferguson met with Harrison last week, and she expects .September to be the latest date for a public hearing. "1 think there will be ques­ tions," Dirks said, referring to resident's reaction to the an­ nexation. But Ihis is not the tow n’s first experience w ith Ihe an­ nexation proccss. The Kinderton develop­ ment, which includes Lowe’s shopping center and the resi­ dential development behind, was annexed in 2000 after months of debate among de­ velopers and Bermuda Run residents. “There was a lot of uncer­ tainty," Dirks said in refer­ ence to the Kinderton annex­ ation. “But the education pro­ ccss has run ils course and residents understand more about what annexation is." Dirks said Kinderton has been a quality development and a success for Ihc town. “Residents really wanted de­ velopment standards in placc to make sure when and if we wcnt through another annex-, ation it would work out and be a success just like Ihis (Kinderton) was.” The development stan­ dards for the proposed prop­ erty will be modeled afler Kinderton and address four important areas: land use, out­ door lighting, landscaping, and architecture. She said she doesn’t see any compliance problems with the proposed annexation property. Some lighting is angled and will have to be changed to parallel ground lighting to cut down on light pollution. The maximum pole height is 30 feet and Dirks says noth­ ing there now exceeds that limit. There will be some addi­ tional landscaping needed in certain areas. “I really don’t think any- _ thing is unreasonable. I don’t perceive a huge problem or a lot of opposition," .she con­ cluded. Cooleemee Police Officer Cited After Wreck A Cooleemee policc of­ ficer was chargcd with unsafe movement after wrecking one of tlie department’s patrol cars while chasing a speeding driver. According lo a report by N.C. Higiiway Patrol Trooper A.A. Justice, officer Rodney D. Samon was driving a 1997 Ford marked patrol car cast on Pine Ridge Road on June 22 attempting to apprehend a violator. Hazel Cascadden Frye of 1052 Pine Ridge Road, Mocksville was driving her 1983 Oldsmobile vchicle east. Samon did have his blue lights activated, according to Cooleemee Police Chief Joey Reynolds. He attempted to pass Frye’s vehicle in a no passing zone and the vehicles collided as Frye attempted to make a left turn into her pri­ vate driveway. Samon’s patrol car trav­ eled off the left shoulder and struck Frye’s mailbox. Fiye’s car came to a rest on Ihc left shoulder.The patrol car incurred an estimated $2500 in damages. Reynolds said the car would be repaired and put' back on the road. No disci­ plinary action has been taken against Samon, Reynolds said. X tbçft. Wookond («1 МлЛО! totowtcu tnnAfoji Vn) TciUI F(e«(kYn covwago дюа Plans start at $39.95/ma and Include; 1000 N igh l & W e eke n d M in u tes 1000 M o b ile -to-M ob ile M inu tes F R E E A C T IV A T IO N m TotA) rrooiJofn Coveran« Afu [7] Nil Sntvti:» Л(М U* Cc«l necD.wy ГмSm rtfypMrQive or MM «М com <or (Joun Î T H E P H O N E P L A C E \2 \ Depot St MocKkville, N0 27028 Mon.-Fri. flî30am*6pm SflL 9em’12noon NiiKiu my\ •\\)icc Uilaitig for 25 iiuiiic tags \N itli U|) Ut VKi timliitls •C’alcmlar anil CItKk wiih Aliirm •Jtl Kittg loncs iV ViWi«ing Alcn • t Ci;iincs iiicliiileti •Clianiicablc rai’oplalcs on k'w liiKvof vcrvicc on un) AI.I.TIil. rate plan S.VJ 95 w fiiglicr* ^ U I E L AUTHORIZED AGENT u «V»»). i « U ew, шлщ « Vi к.д*ю-л I. fM| .i-, Umú an «.Mbtfy 1 CCOMAilKL lU<r4 0#«llf«/4CafOjccv«r»jt ГМ aJM* ei fUзщл twig «r 1 ccrtxcr« if i.iJ К rv АЦТЦ nm X'ftaiy »»«»гоглЩ UOOM'V>«''nniicnlMVf*MT*.rfiiCarxMaMtoCor.í4rtc*i««S*f«i» UlMpitn ••trti9«rtUcAÍ»*m UcCri» i»Ua>i« Uftrf*« »«*, to C4h 6*t«m Family Night EveryoMe Is Invited to come enjoy great food, fun, games and the infiatabies in the gym and pool, F r id a y , J u ly 9 , Z 0 0 4 gyening Schedule 6;30 p.w.-7;00 p.m. Wnner will be served and games begin!! 7:00 p.m.-8;^0 p.m. Fun In the gym and pool! Family Night Щ : ^2 per child ^ ^ p e r a d ü lt MO family max) C a ll 3 0 6 - 7 5 t - 9 6 i: z f o r d e ta ils . \MCA or NonTiiweiT НОВТЧ сшочни DAVIE FAMILY BRANCH 215 Cemetery Street Mocksville, NC 27028 "Helping people reach their God-given potential in spirit, mind and body." -A United Way Agency- District (buit DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, I’hursdii.v, .luly 1, 2004 - 5 The follow ing cases were heard in Davic District Court on June 24. Pre.siding; Judge liobcrt W. Johnson. Prosecuting! Kevin Benic and Wciuly Terry, Assistant DAs. - Johnnie D, Albca, show cause, pay fine within 30 duys, - Chnrlie. Allen, simple assault, prayer Ibr judgment continued live years, cost, have not contuct wilh coniplnliiiints, comply with DSS rules and regulations; simple ussault, dismissed per failure of prosecuting witness to appear. - Ronald F. Angus, speeding 77 in a 55, reduced to 64 in a 55, S25, cost - Jesus B. Ascensio, possession of an open contiiiner/consuming alcohol in passenger urea und aid­ ing/abetting impaired driving, dis­ missed per plea, - Lisa IVt, Baker, pos.se.ssion of a malt beverage/unrortificd wine nol 19/20, dismissed. - Arthur J. Qeutty, driving witli license revoked, sentenced to 45 days' in jail, credit Ibr two days served; speeding K6 in a 70, dis­ missed per plea. - Bryan M. Bishop, simple worthless check, dismissed per civil settlement. - Richurd L. Blackmon, misde­ meanor probation violation, sen­ tenced to 60 duys in jail; ini.sde- meanor probation violation, sen­ tenced to 45 days in jail. - Edward Brown, misde­ meanor possession of schedule VI controlled subslance, dismissed. - Richard B. Carlton, niisde- nieanor possession of schedule VI controlled substancc and littering . not more thun 15 pounds, 12 months suspended, 50 hours com­ munity .service, $250, cost. - Michael W. Castevens, DWt, sentenced to 60 days in jail, sus­ pended 24 montiis, $200, cosl, nol lo operate a molor vehicle until li­ censed by DMV, surrender li­ cense. subslance ubuse assess- mcnt/lreatment, 24 hours commu­ nity service; reckless driving to endanger, dismissed per plea. - Deborah L. Caudill, simple worthless check, dismissed per civil settlement. - Sharon D, ClialTm, speeding 88 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $50, cost. - Kenneth D. Chandler, failure lo register ns n sex offender, dis­ missed per request of prosecuting wilness. - Stephen C. Elmore, contrib­ uting to the delinquency of a ju ­ venile, possession of a malt bev- ernge/unfortified wine not 19/20, injury to real properly, dismissed. - Tina W. Eubanks, simple worthless chcck, cost, $96.80 res­ titution. - Christopher L. Gobble, false report lo police station, prayer for judgment continued on cost, $ 130 attorney fee, $50. - Jeremy E. Griffin, driving wilh license revoked, sentenced to 45 days in ja il, suspended 24 months, $200, cosl, not to oper­ ate a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, not violate nny laws, remain of good behavior. - Monica Croce, simple worth­ less check, dismissed per civil .settlement. - Vernon G. Hendrix, simple worthless chcck, dismissed per civil settlement. - Jason P. Hire, simple worth­ less chec|;, dismissed per civil seltlemcnt. - Olenn S. Howard, driving witli license revoked, sentenced to 45 days in ja il, suspended 24 months, $200, cost, not to oper­ ate a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, not violate, any laws, remain of good behavior; expired/ no inspection sticker; dismis.sed per plea. - Jennifer Howell, driving wilh license revoked, reduced to no op­ erators license, -sentenced to 30 days injall, suspended 24 months, $100, cost, not to operate a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV. - Richurd V/. Hubbard, unlaw­ ful use of a boat access area, pos­ session of drug pnruphernulia, in­ jury to real property, sentenced to 45 days in jail, cost, contraband ordered destroyed; misdemeanor possession of scheduled VI con­ trolled substance, dismissed per plea; assault on a government of­ ficial/employee, assault attempt­ ing serious injury, and resisting a public officer, sentenced lo 75 days in jail, credit for 39 days served; communicating threats, misdemeanor possession of schedule VI controlled substance, and possession of a firearm in closed season, dismissed per plea. - Alisha L. HutC|liens, simple assaull, dismissed per failure of prosecuting witness lo appear. - Donna B. Jaekson, simple worthless check, dismissed per civil settlement. - Ronnie D. James, littering nol more than 15 pounds and unlaw­ ful use of u boat access area, $250, cost. - Steven W. Jones, littering nol more than 15 pounds, $250, cost. - Edgar W. Joyner, simple worthless check, dismissed per civil settlement. - Kate B. Kelly, simple worlh­ lcss check, prayer for judgment ' continued on cost. - Dennis Maready, simple worthless check, dismissed per civil .settlement. - Elpidio 0. Meza, driving wilh license revoked, reduced lo fail­ ure to notify DMV of address chnnge, $25, cost. - MichacI E. Mundy, assault on a female, sentenced lo 60 days in jail, suspended 24 monlhs, $100, cost, not 10 harBs.s/nssnult/threnlen compluinant, not to violate any laws. - James N. Neely, sccond de­ gree trespassing, dismissed. - Denn S. Pike, driving with li­ cense revoked, sentenced to 45 days in juil, suspended five years, $200, cost, not to operate a motor vehicle unlil licensed by DMV, not to violate any laws; no liabil­ ity insurance, dismissed per plea, - Gary S. Pirk Jr.. failure to wear drivers seal belt, driving with license revoked, und fraud dis­ posal of mortgage property, dis­ missed per plea; driving with li­ cense revoked, sentenced to 45 days injall, suspended 36 months, $300, cost, nol to operate a tnolor vehicle until licensed by DMV, re­ main gainfully employed, not to violate any laws. - Alvin T. Prenlis, driving wilh license revoked, senlenccd to 45 days in juil, suspended 36 monlhs, $200, cosl, not to operate a mo­ lor vehicle until licensed by DMV, not to violate any laws, remain of good hehnvior; speeding 60 in a 45, dismissed per pleu. - Pumela A. Riddle, contribut­ ing to the delinquency of a juve­ nile, dismissed per medication. - Tommy L, Riddle, show cause, pay fine within 30 duys. - Wandu B. Riddle, simple worthless check, dismissed per civil settlement. - Riln L. Robertson, misde­ meanor larceny, sentenced to 45 days in jail, suspended 24 months, $200, cost, 24 hours community service, not lo violate any laws, - Carlos J. Saslrc, failure to .se­ cure passenger under 16, prayer for judgtnenl continued on cosl; driving with liccnsc revoked, dis­ missed per correction. - Carlos J. Saslrc, hil/run fail­ ure to stop for property damage, dismissed per civil settlement; driving with license revoked, ex­ pired registration card/tag, dis­ missed per correction. - Bradley A. Schmidt, speed­ ing 70 In a 55, dismissed per plea; open eontalnei' ufler consuming ulcohol, $ 10, cost; fuilure to wenr drivers seal bell, dismissed per plea. - Regin D. Sechter, speeding 89 in a 70, pruycr for judgment continued on cost. - Franecs C. Shields, I'ulse re­ port to policc stution, dismissed per plea, - Dcquilla G, Steele, uninten­ tional littering und unluwl'ul use of a bout access area, $250, cosl. - Rafael Turcios, possession/ consuming beer/wlne on unautho­ rized premises, dismissed per plea; possession of a mall bever­ age/unfortified wine not 19/20, prayer for judgment continued on cost. - Tunjn 11. Tyndull, lensh Inw violution, pruycr for judgment conlinucd on cosl. - Philbert Wnlkcr, speeding 81 in a 70. reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Dvorrest W. Wallace, driving wilh license revoked, sentenced lo 45 days in juil, credit for 65 duys served. - Eric W. Ward, simple worlii- less check, $25, cosl; simple worthless check, dismissed per pleu. - Troy D. Williams, speeding 91 in a 70, reduccd lo 74 in u 70, $9l,co.st. - Wendy J. Daniels, worthless check, dismissed/civil sclllemcni. I'ailed To Appear - Eric A. Burreru, no operulors liccnsc, misdemeanor possession ol' schedule VI controlled sub­ sluncc, - Ccsur R. Cisneros, DWI, driving lefl of cenier. - Jose L. Crews, simple ussault. - Amundu Dodson, misde­ meanor probation violation oul of county. - Robert 0. Ridings, robbery wilh u dangerous weapon. - Sam Stovall, worthless chcck. VO TE DAPHNE FRYE Cantdidale for DAVIE COUNTY COMMISSIONER on July 20th Paid for by Daphne Frye T O M F L E M I N G COMMISSIONER Titid lur I» Inm I U-nilnu. ( iiiuliilaU' Leading the Fight far Meaningftd Tax Rt^rm Always looking out for the taxpayer, Julia fouglit the liberal agenda and worked to pass the Taxpayer Protection Act. From eliminating the intangibles t;ix, the food tax, and tne marriage penalty tax, as well as exp;uiding die child tax credit, Julia helped cut persona! income taxes by $238 million, providing over O NE BULLION DOLLARS in needed tax relief WorHng far M eaning^ Welfare Refarm Julia 1-Ioward served as one of the^ief architects in reforming our welfare s)'stem, hailed as one of tlie boldest and most cost effective Welfare Reform paciciges in the nation. Her plan has cut welfare roles by requiring recipients to work for benefits, ending the devastating cycle of dependency. Creatingjohs and Grounng our Re^onal Economy Julia know North Carolina has one of the most skilled workforces in the nation. As a small businesswoman, she has the skills needed to grow our local economy and attract more high paying jobs. As Chairman of the Hou.se Finance Committee, Julia led the fight to secure funding for North Carolina’s Communit)' Colleges to assist and retrain our misplaced ftirniture and textile workers. Providing a World Class Education Working ftill-time and remrning to college to earn a degree from Salem College, Julia knows tlie value of having hrst-rate education. As a legislator, Julia helped reduce the class size for our public schools so teachere can spend more quality time with .students. And Julia worked to increase standards and accountability by giving more control to parents and loail school boards. T h e C o n s e r v a t iv e L e a d e r s h ip W e N e e d , T h e R e s td ts E x p e c t. V o t e J u l y 2 0 t h , t o R e - e l e c t J u l i a H o w a r d t o N C H o u s e D i s t r i c t 7 9 Early Voting is possibU ,-it die Davie County Board ofElections office startmgJXJLY 1st Paid for hy 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004 Public Records Land Transfers The following land triinsfcrs were nicd with ilic Davic Regis­ ter of Deeds, listed by parties in­ volved, acreage, township and deed stamps purchased, with $2 representing $1,000. - BR 549 to Ironstone Homes, I lot, Fannington, $144. - Cambridge Isenhour Homes to Arthur L. S. Dunpliy and SInly B. Dunphy, I villa, Farmington. $501. - J. LaRoss Ketner nnd Tinu M. Kctncr lo David Melville Prongay, I lot, Fiirmington, $250. - Buck Horn Construction to Nathan Charles Frye nnd Catherine 0 . Elizabeth Frye, I lot, Farmington, $482. - Irene Knox, Willinm Gnither Knox nnd Mildred Knox, William Knox Jrr., Grace Knox, Mattie Knox Johnson, Lnura Knox Пю- mas and Franklin Thomns, Li/.atic Knox Anthony, John Henry Knox and Ann M. Knox, heirs of Henry Knox, und Inez Willinms. Evelyn Johnson and David Johnson, Leroy C.AHutchin,sson nnd Agnes B. Hutchinson. Mne Oln Jenkins, Martha Scruggs, Betty E. Crayton, Rnchel Brown, Pnenix Brown, Eminn L. Brown, Penrl Simmons, Monica Crossland, Sally Crosslnnd, Thomns Gregory Dalton nnd Vein Priscilla Dalton, Clarcncc Lindsay Dalton III and Alice Patricia Dalton, Crystal Lavoris Hall nnd Clyde Normnn Hall.Gernldinc Porter and Albert Porter. Lillinn A. Cain, Dnrryl Blaine Dalton and M elvin Hairston and Debra K. Hairston, heirs of Ben David Hairston to Jeanette O. Comatzer, 3 ocrcs. Shady Grove, $41. - Mary S. Ellis to Luther W. Frye and Daphne A. Frye, 10.2 acres, Farmington, $230. - Adams Egloff Avnnl Proper­ ties and Sniem Development Ven­ ture to Mulvnncy Homes, I lot. Farmington, $138. - Mulvnney Homes to Cress S. Hnll nnd Judy S. Hnll, I lot.Fnrm- ington,$300. - Scott D. Walton and Janet K. Walton to Cendant Mobility Fi­ nancial Corp., 1 lot, Farmington, $520. - Cendant Mobility Financial Corp. to Todd P. Dufur and Misty M.Dufur, 1 lot, Farmington, $520, - Bonnie Choffin Gunter and Charles A. Gunter to Joe Gobble, 7.39 acres, Calahain, $80. - W illinm Joseph Shousc lo Glenda Burton Shouse, 3 acres, Fulton. - Larry McDanicI Builders to Ann M. Pfeiffer, I lot, Mocksville, $230. - Stephen L. Robertson and Jean Robertson, Mark E, Robertson and Catherine Robertson to Dougins E. Bordner nt\d Mnrgnrct Bordner, I lot, Mocksville, $240. - Bobby D. McDaniel to Kathryn 0 . McDaniel. 2 lots. - Donna W. Check lo Rose­ mary J. Lamb. 1 lot, Farmington, $360. - BR 549 to Morgan Builders, 1 lot,Farmington,$137. - MichacI R. Johnson lo CMT Investors Group, 2 tracts, Mocks­ ville. - MRJ Manngement to Michnel R. Johnson, 2 trncts, Mocksville. - Jnmes W. Isley nnd Stephanie L. Isley to Arianna Porter. 2 ncres, Fnrmington,$62. - Mulvnney Homes to Jonnthn R. Craver, 1 lot, Farmington, $314. - Vaudn 0. Ellis nnd Robert L, Ellis to Vnuda G. Ellis nnd Robert L. Ellis, and Michnel D. Collins and Andreia E, Collins, 2.2 acres. - Duane T. Carter and ns co- exccutor o f estnte o f Vcimn Wngner Carter, and Patsy B. Curler, Barbara C. Neill nnd a co- cxccutor fo e.slnlc. and Allen Neill und C. Frank Curler nnd Ruth T. Carler lo Yadkin Valliy Telecom, 3,404 st|uure feel. Jerusalem ,$10. - Lewis Wnlker nnd Ruby B. Wnlker lo MichacI S. Ruck nnd Chryslal Ruck, 1 lol,Furminglon, $90. - Pnlsy p. Livcngood lo Wesley A. Livcngood. 1 lol, Farmington. - Alvin Wnyne Rutherford nnd Sully 0 . Ruliicrford lo Murk L. Culhbcrl and Julie L. Cuthbert, I lol, Farmington, $840. - Willie Zeb Cook Jr. and Mary Lula Cook and as co-excculors of esiale of Elhel Sofley Cook, and Gaynell Cook lo Onynell Cook and Mury LuIn Cook, 5 trncts, Mocksville. - Garry Rny Polts nnd LaDonna Potts to Wayne Webb and Jcmii- fer Webb. 7.8 ncrcs, Farmington, $80. - Davis Building lo Mark P. Jirn and Mury K. Jira. I lot. Farming­ ton, $940. - Raymond S. Grupinski nnd Lydiu A. Grupinski to Cendant Mobility Finnncial Corp., I lot, Furmlnglon, $1,046. - CcndnnI Mobility Finnncial Corp. lo Alnn G. Paine and Judith M. Paine, I lot, Farmington, $1,046. - Oak Vulley Associates to Cnmbridge Iscnhour Homes, 1 villu, Farininglon, $89. - Eliznbeth M. Repetti, substi­ tute trustee to Carolina Farm Credit, 3 tracts, Calahain. - Golfview Homeowners Asso­ ciation lo The Town of Bermudu Run, 1.07 acres, Farmington. - Taylor F. Bailey and Marion S. Bailey to Mnrvin Kent Conley nndJ.MnureenConlcy, 1 lol,$64. . • M arlin Lee Barber and Drcanin Bnrber lo Barbara Torpy. ■2 trncts, Mocksvillc, $114. - Joe E. Doby to Jamie L. Shuler nnd Greg L. Shuler, 5 acres. H ighway Patrol The following trnfnc wrccks in Davic County were listed by the N.C. Highwny Pntrol. Drivers Leaves Scenc On Foot No chnrges were filed after nn accident in Davie on June 23. An unknown driver in a 1988 Honda vehicle was traveling wesl on Ridge Road al a high rate of speed to elude an officer with the Rownn County SherifPs office. Arrests The vehicle entered n curve, be­ gan to skid, and ran off the road to the left. The vehicle collided with a ditch nnd continued out of conlrol into wooded area where it collided with a tree. Tha vchicic overturned and afterwards the driver left Ihc scene on fool. Trooper M.T. Dalton reported the uccident occurred at approxi- mnlely 2:10 n.m. Man Charged In Wreck A Duvie man was charged with failure to yield nt a slop sign nfter the vchicic he was driving hit an­ other June 24. David Richard Mabe of 397 Potts Road, Advancc wns driving u 1997 Ford pick-up from u slopped position on Cornutzer Rood nt the intersection of N.C. 801. Cheryl Eliznbeth Burchum of 163 Windmerc Drive, The Dnvic County ShcrifPs Depurtment mude the following nrrcsts; - Harold Lewis Vannoy,45,of Winston-Sulcm wus arrested June 21 for domestic assault on u fc- mnle.breuking.andcnlering.Trinl dnte: July 15. Florence Uernadelte Pettyjohn,45,of33I Frank Short ^ Road, Mocksville was arrested June 22 for simple ns.suult. Trial dale: July 8. -Clarence Lee Spillninn,67,of ■ 184 Fonzos Way, Mocksvillc was arrested June 22 for larceny after breaking nnd entering und breuk- ing and entering. Trial date: July 22, - Lesley Cox Meadows, 26, of 992 Daniels Rond, Mocksvillc wns urrcslcd June 22 Ibr simple worth- le.ss check. Triul dutc; July 6 in Iredell Couniy. - Joshua Daniel Godwin, 17, of 120 Lisus Lane, Advuncc wus ur- rested June 23 for possession of stolen goods/property. Trini dule: Aug. 5. - Oscur Blackwell, 64, of 128 Clark Rond, Mocksvillc was ar­ rested June 24 for dogs running nt Inrge. Trial dale: July 8. - Larry Eugene While, 45, of Cleveland was arrested June 24 for domestic assault on a female. Triul dale: July 15. - CInude Wesley Segresi, 44, of 259 Deer Run Drive, Mocks­ ville wus urrcslcd June 25 forcom- municulingthrcnls.Trinldale:June 28 in Forsyth County. - Robin Foster Pulium, 40, of 265 Fulton Street, Mocksville was arrested June 25 for worthless check. Trial date; July 22, - Donnie Lee Gobble, 31, of 167 Jamestown Drive,Mocksville wns urresled June 25 for ussuult on a fcmnlCtTrinl date: July 22. - Robfirt Grey Ridings, 32, of 109 Emerald Lnne, Mocksvillc wns arrested June 26 on an order for arresl. Trial dale: July 22. - Domingo Lopez Rodriguez, 30, of 132 Holly H ill Court, Mocksville was arrested June 27 for DW I, no operators license, and transporting open container after consuming. Trial dnte; July 16. V O T E Republican Candidate for Davie County Commissioner m T o m F l e m i n g P/ease Vote July 20th, 2004. Thank You. I\ml ior by loin FIcminfi Camlkbto Advance was driving her 1994 Geo vehicle north on 801 when Mabe failed lo yield right of wuy lo her vchicic und the two collided. Trooper M.T. Dalton reported the uccident occurred nl upproxi- mntely 4 p.m. nnd there were no Injuries. M all Carrier Vchicic Hit No chnrges were filed nfter an nccideni in Duvie on June 24. Cnthy Benuchump Bright of 461 Junic Bcauchnmp Rond, Ad­ vunce wns backing her 1999 Mer­ cury vehicle from n parking placc nt Pennington nnd Compuny. A 1995 Jeep vehicle was parked in Ihc same lol delivering mail. Bright's vehicle struck Ihc mnil currier Jeep, Trooper LJ. Stnley Jr. reported Ihe accident occurred at upproxi- mulely 12:20 p.m. and there were no injuries. Wreck On Interstnto Orr Ramp No churges were filed after nn nceidcnl In Davie on June 25. A Iractor-lrailer was slowing for the stop sign on the 1-40 off ramp to U.S. 601. Jolenc Rea Smilh of Saliiibury was driving her 1999 Chevrolot vehicle behind the Iraclor-trailer nnd ntlemptcd to puss on the right. The trucior- Iruiler side swiped Smith's cnr while making a right turn onto 601. Afterwards, Smith run her ve­ hicle off the right side of the roud und struck u curb. Troo|)cr L.J.Slnlcy Jr. reported the uccideiH occurred ut npproxi­ mulely 9:45 u.m. and there were no injuries. Vchlcle Hits Ducket No chnrges were filed nfter nn accident in Davic on June 25. Kevin Dennis Mabe of 345 Potts Road. Advunce was driving u 1996 Ford pick-up west on 1-40 wlicn u bucket fell from the buck of Ihc truck. Robin Shnw Corn of Lewisville wus driving u 2001 Chrysler vehicle west on 1-40 and collided with Ihe huckcl nnd de­ bris in the left westbound lune. Trooper F.C. Fergusson re­ ported the uccident occuiTcd at ap- proximnlcly 10:35 u.m. and tlicre were no injuries. Driver Chnrgcd In Wreck A Yndkin mnn wus elinrged with cxcecding snfe speed ufler he wrecked the vehicle he wus driv­ ing Juno'26. Andrew Cniib Dobbins of Yndkinville wus driving u 2000 Volkswugon vehicle cnst on N.C. 801 nnd run the vehicle off Ihe right side of the roud. Dobbins' vehicle cnme bnck across the road nnd then ran off the road to the left. Dobbins vehicle collided with n ditchbnnk nnd u I'ciicc. Trooper F.C. Fergusson re­ ported the accident occurred ut np- proximnlely 1:32 p.m. and there were no injuries. Colllsinn On U.S.AOI A Davie man was charged wiih failure to reduce speed after the vchicic he wns driving hit nnothei June 26. Joseph Richurd Cornell of 23"! Beur Creek Church Road, Moeks- ville was driving his 2004 Chevrolet pick-up north on 601 Ronnid Gene Howell o f926 Rain­ bow Roud, Advunce hud stopped the 2001 Ford vchicic he wns ilrlv- ing north on 601 for traffic Cornell's fulled lo slow his vchicic in time and il collided with rcurol Howell's. Trooper L.J. Staley reportec Ihc uccidenl occurred nl upproxi- rnntcly 10:35 p.m. nnd Howell anc n passenger were taken lo Davic Hospitnl for ircutmcnl. Mull Cliurgcd In Wrcck A Dnvio mnn wns charged will failure lo rcpbrt an uccident nflci a wreck on June 27. Lufgi Curc/nll o f 13/' Fores' Lnne, Mocksvillc was driving hi) 2004 Nissan vehicle north on U.S 601 when he drove the vehicle ofl the right side of the rond. Cnrcinti's vehicle collided with n ditchbnnk and overturned on the northbounc shoulder. After impncl Curciati left Ihe sccne in his vehicle. Trooper L.J. Staley rcporlcc the nceidcnl occurred nt npproxi- mniely 2:20 n.m. and Carciati staled another vehicle traveling southbound on 601 ran his vehielc off the roadway. Sheriff s Departm ent The following incidents were reported to the Duvie Couniy Sheriffs Depanmcnt. - On June 21 a wull wus dum- nged ul n home on Cherry Hill Rond, Mocksville. - Thomus Curler reported u bout und equipment wus dnmuged ut a locution on Hinkle Drive, Mocksville on June 21. - On June 21 Richard Hutchcns reported a tool box wus lukcn from n residence on Cotton Lnne, Mocksville. - Anioniu Murlinez reported identity theft al n home near Lydin Lnne, Mocksvillc on June 21, - On June 21 nn ussnult wus reported nl a home on U.S. 158, Mocksville. - Robert Spry reported doors nnd windows were ilainngcd ul u coiisiruelion site on Dnniel Road, Mocksvillc on June 22. - On June 22 Jessicu Tnylor reported u dog ullncked anollicr ut a localion on Drum Lane, Mocks­ villc. - Thomns Duvis reported a cell phone was taken from a cump ground on U.S. 64 Wesl, Mocks­ ville on June 23. - On June 24 James and Putricia Wurd reported money und « liconse plntc were taken from n residence on Hurlley Road, Mocksville. - Debrn Ashburn reported un air conditioner wus luken from u home on English Lane, Mocks­ ville on June 24. - On June 26 Charlie Crisco reporled a car stereo wus taken from n parking-lot on U.S. 158, Advunce. - Vnlerie Scott reporled u bike wns tnken from n home on U.S. 64 West, Mocksville on June 27. M ocksville Police The following incidents were reporled lo the Mocksvillc Policc Depunmenl. - A rcsident of Mountview Drivo reported Juno 20 he was ns- snultcd ut his residence. - The brenking, entering und lurceny of n shotgun from n resi- dcnc.- on Norlh Muin Slrccl wns rcpiirted Juno 23. - A wullet wns lost ut 1380 Sulisbury Roud, il wus reported June 25. Arrests - Derrick Wade McCollum, 23. of Yndkinville, wns chnrgcd June 19 with being drunk and disrup­ tive. Triul dnte: July 29. - Carmen Monique A rid, 73, of 1000 Hnrdison St. Apl. 2, wns chnrgcd June 22 with leaving the scene of an uccident, fnilurc to produce his license und obstruct­ ing nnd deluying un officer. Trini date: July 2. - Jeffrey Dcnn Brooks, 47, of Winston-Snlem, was churged June 26 with DW I, having nn open con- miner of alcohol in u vchicic and with driving lefl of center. Triul dnte; July 16. - Angeln Gayc Heilig. 37, of Salisbury, wus chnrgcd Juno 27 with shoplifling. Trini dutc; Aug. 5. - Norman Bruce McCulloch III, 37, of Lnurinhurg, was chnrgcd June 24 with shoplifting and ob­ structing and (Iclnying un officer. Trial dutc; Aug. 19, Truffle Accidents - A mnn was injured when tlic motorcycle he wus riding was hil by u pickup truck on South Main Street at 5:25 p.m. June 16. Duvid Cluy Trexler Jr.. 29, of 158 Hurtling St., was taken lo N.C. Bnptisl Hospitul for troulmont of injuries. The 2000 Yumnhn he wus driv­ ing wus hil from behind by a 1989 Dodge pickup iruck driven by Ricky Dule Cooke, 48, of Jurncstown, reported Officer R.A. Donnlhan. Cooke wus chnrgcd with fuilure lo redueo speed. - John Culvin Gory, 47, of Kemersville, was turning u truc­ ior Iruiler from Yndkinville Roud onto Country Lnne nt 6:15 p.m. June 25 when il struck n Kentucky Fried Chicken sign, reported Sgt. D.T. Mntlhews. Fires Davie County fire departments responded lo the following calls: .lune 24; Mocksville, 10:21 a.m., U.S. 158, residential fire alarm: Smith Grove nssisied; Mocksvillc, 5:49 p.m.. Autumn Carc, smoke Investigntloni Jenisn- loni assisted; Smith Grove, 6:19 p.m., Redland Rond, residcminl fire ulnrm; Furmihgton nssisied. .Iiinc 26: Cooleemee, 5:47 a.m..Junction Rond,structure fire; Jerusalem assisted; Mocksville, 6:32 p.m., Whitney Road,gas leak. Davie residents listen as candidates for local office speak at a Woodmenof the World forum at the Davie Academy Community Building. - Photos by Robin Fergusson School Board Candidates Speak At Forum By IVlike Gunning Special to the Enterprise They com e from many walks o f life; a teacher of 30 years, a businessman, un entrepreneur and a lifelong Davie resident. They all share a common passion fo r continuing the tra d itio n ,o f cxceiiencc thnt D avie C ounty schools arc known for. They also share a desire to capture one o f the two seats available on the Davic Board of Education July 20. The Woodman of the World hosted a candidate’s forum on June 22, and gnve each bourd o f education candidate an opportunity to present their qualifications to a gathering of Dnvie residents at the Davic Academ y C om m unity Building. Each candidate was given five minutes to introduce Ihcm selves, nnd answer questions regarding the state of education and what improvem ents they hope to bring lo the board. Linda Hartley Barnette is a teacher w ith 30 years experience. Barnette said she would like to see new programs added to expand the current curriculum to address the needs o f a growing -system. Slie stated tiuit as a board mombor, it would be important for her to remain accessible to the public, and to hear and react to the com munity's needs. Barnette said she d id n ’t feel being elccted to the board would be like having a political position, but rather allowed her to meet her personal goal of serving the public. "I feci Davie couniy schools have maintained a tradition of excellence,” Barnetle said. “ W ith 30 years experience in the classroom, I believe I can help thnt tradition continue." Barnette supports “ impact taxes” for developers, a method of offsetting the additional tax lia b ility thnt new neighborhoods create with the need for more classroom space. The education board does not have the authority to levy taxes. Rick Ellis She would also promote the International Baccalaureate program, a curriculum geared towards academ ically/ intellectually gifted students. Rick Ellis o f Advance is the president and co-founder o f NextUp Technologies, apd a 1983 graduate o f Davie High Schooi. He earned a bachelor’s degree in engineering from N.C. Stole University, and an m tister's o f business adm inistration fro m Wake Forest University. He is a parent o f tw o ch ild rcn in the Pinebrook school district, and a volunteer with the Boy Scouis o f America. E tlis and his w ife K im recently coached a team o f Pinebrook students to the Odyssey o f the M ind W orid Finals at the U niversity o f Maryland. “ It was an incredible experience,” Ellis said. “ It's a friendly competition, and the energy you get from those kids is incrcdible.” Ellis said the biggest issue facing the county schools is space. “ We can't continue to ignore the changing demographics o f D avic C ounty,” E llis said. “ W ith added numbers comes added kids lhat fall o ff track, and we need to save the kids that iirc o ff track.” Ellis said it was important to recognize that not all children were on a college track, and that alternate educational planning and opportunities needed to be addressed to ensure that each Curl Lnnibcrt student in Davie schools gol the most from their education. “ I really care about the young people in our area,” Ellis said. “ We need to help them learn how to learn, whether that’s in a college track or a vocational track.” Carl Lambert agreed. “ Davic County should be proud o f its facilities,” Lambert said. “ But we’ll still need to face the challenges iihcad," Lam bert, u m anaging partner o f Eaton Funeral Home in M o cksville , is a past president of the Davie Y M C A Board o f Managers and the Rotary Club o f Mocksvillc. He believes Davio County can improve on ways lo attract and retain quality teachers to the county, without drawing on nn already strained county budget. “ There is an excellent quality o f life here in Dovie,” Lambert said. "A collaboration o f local busincsses purtncring wiih new teachers by offering incentives w ill help to keep the good ones wc liave and bring more quality teachers into our system.” Lambert pointed out that there arc contractors in Ihe area w illin g to o ffe r b u ild ing incentives to new tcachers considering working in Davie County, but added that with a program in place, more businesses could get involved, As 11 board member, he said he would take an active role in developing and implementing such a progrnm that would be * ui;-i;i д .( Г ★ ui;-i:i.ix г ★ kivI.i.ix i ★ ui ;-k i.ix i ★ kk-i.i.ix i ★ -, Re-Elect > A N D R E W С . Г B R O C K NC Senate 34"' Districl ^ ★ I^ilclo iiü , C 'on.servative K e p iih lic a n ★ A e ^ n d a * Recruit and Retain Jobs by Lowering Tax Burden * Help Senior Citizens with Affordable Health Care * Education Reform by Cutting Government Red Tape * Help Law, Fire, and Emergency Personnel * NC Senate * Congressman ■k NC Republican Pai^ US Senator Lauch Faircloth * Welfare Reform , , „ ^ „* NC Supreme Court Justice Bob Orr * Clllzens lor a Sound Economy ■* RCS Communications www.andrewbrock.com ★ Consewatlve Family Values ★ Lifelong Republican ★ Strong Work Elhic■k Co-Sponsored Legislation; -To Protect the Unborn -To Protect Marriage Between Man and Woman ★ Strong 2nd Amendment Supporter; -Llleilme NRA Member and Friends of the NRA-Chalrman -Grassroots NC Member ★ Primary ^ n s o ro t Property Rights (Antl-Annexallon) Bill B i o g r a B h y★ Graduate of Western CaroTlna University - BS In Economics & Political Science ★ Litelong member Farmington UMC ★ Lifelong Resident of Davie County ★ Graduate ol Davie High School Linda Barnette fur reaching, and would have v irtu a lly no im pact on resident’s tax burdens. Debra Brown Groce said she’s running on safety. Groce was the only candidate to use visual aids in her presentation, a slightly worn sign given by a friend that said “ Keep your eyes open to avoid slips, trips, and falls.” “ This is a lesson we’ll carry our whole lives,” Groce said. “ Teach a child in kindergarten to be safe, and she’ll carry that lesson with her when she’s 95.” Groce went on to explain that by teaching safety as part of the curriculum, Davie would bccome one o f the safest communities in North Carolina DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004 - 7 Election Guidelines The 2004 primary and school board elections w ill be held, Tuesday, July 20. The 14 polling locations will be open between 6;30 u.m. and 7:30 p.m. for properly registered voters to cast their ballot. There w ill be prim ary elections for Democrat, Republican nnd U nnffiliated voters, and nil voters w ill be electing two school board members. Persons who are registered to vole Unaffiliated, may request to vote in either o f the party primaries by requesting to do so upon entering their polling locution, or when voting no excuse in the elections office beginning Thursday, July 1 and ending at I p.m., Saturday, July 17. The dendline for new voters to register or for any changes to be made for persons registered was Friday, June 25. The only exception is for a person who becomes eligible for registering nfter Ihis dendline by becoming 18 or by regaining their citizen­ ship rights. The deadline for requesting ballots by mnil w ill be Tuesdny, July 13 for voting July 20, mnde in writing by the voter, or in person or by a member of their immediate fam ily or legal guardian in the elections office. The “ no excuse/one stop” voting opens in the elections office, Thursday, July 1 and w ill be available for voters Monday- Friday, July 16, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Voting in the office w ill also be available, Saturday, July 17, 8 a.m.-1p.m. The elections office w ill be closed, Monday, July 5. A sick or disabled voter may vote by mail or in the elections office until 5 p.m., Monday, July 19. A ll mail ballots must'be In the elections office no later than 5 p.m., Monday, July 19. Debra Brown Groce to live. “ There are 10 rules you learn in kindergarten,” Groce said as she named o ff two of them. “ I can't remember the other eight, but they’re good rules to live by." Groce thinks that D avic High Scliool needs to better prepare the graduating students for tile job market, and said that by issuing each graduate with a personal com puter, the student w ill be able to use the computer to find a job. “ There are about 250 students graduating each year, right?” Groce asked the crowd. “ That’s only 250 computers." M ickey Ferrell and Helen Robertson did not attend. PAID FOR BY Brock, for Senate V I R G I N I A F O X X F O R C O N G R E S S Peiformance is Better Than A Promise! Record of Senator Foxx Record of Her Opponents Electability 1. Elected to S.successii^e terms i. Four have ney.er.attempted of public service. tQ.servfi. Three have lost 9 elections. Tlie RepuhUcan Nominee MUST beat a Democrat in Novemberl Success in Business 2. Built a successfwl business that has prospered for 28 years. She was named "Guardian of Small Business" by NFIB. 2. Broyhill and Helvey led their bu.sines.sfi.<i into bankruptcy. Robinson takes his income, from-a tax-exempt-charity that he totally controls. Conservative Values 3. Voted pro-life. Co-sponsored all 3. No other candidate has ever bills against partial birth abortions. voted on this issue. Endorsed repeatedly by N.C. Right To Life. Endorsed by Susan B. Anthony List. 4. Voted tp deny gay marriage in 1996. Now. co-sponsoring amendment to this marriage as a union between one man and one woman. 5. Voted for the Ten Commandmenis to be displayed in public schools. 6. Voted to I 4. In spite of rhetoric, no other candidate has ever voted on define issue. 5. No other candidate has ever voted on this issue, 6. No other candidate has ever voted on this issue. 7. Voted for concealed weapons law in support of our Second Amendment. Has been endorsed repeatedly by NRA. Other Legislation . Other Legislation 7. No-Qther-caadidat£ has ever voted on this issue. 8. Voted against all state budgets .thai 9. Voted with all Republicans for 8. No other candidate has ever voted against statewide taxes. 9. No other candidate has ever voted on this issue. D o e s E x p m e n c e C o u n t ? Y o u B e t I t D o e s ! PAID FOR BY FOXX FOR CONGRESS, R.B. SLOAN, FINANCE CHAIR 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004 Deadlines Early For Next Week The Enterprise Rccord w ill be closed on Monday, July 5, as w ill govcrnmenl offiees, includ­ ing ihc public libraries. Any news or advertisements Гог the July 8 issue .should be in the newspaper office no later lhan 4 p.m. Frjday. July 2. M a d i s o n A n g e l l A p p o i n t e d T o C o b b ’s S t a t e C o m m i t t e e North Carolinii Comm is­ sioner of Agriculture Britt Cobb iinnounced hi.s stalcwide cam­ paign steering conimiltee. in­ cluding Madison A ngell of Mocksvillc. former president of the National Whciil Growers As­ sociation. “ When Madison Angell gives you his seal of approval, you know you must be doing something right.” Cobb said. "I'm honored lo have his sup­ port. and the supporl of such a diverse group of citizens from all across North Carolina." F i r e M a r s h a l U r g e s C a u t i o n W h e n C e l e b r a t i n g F o u r t h Wade Reeves, Chester Reeves and Emily Holland with some of the tractors to be featured in Friday and Saturday’s showi and parade.- Photo by Robin Fergusson The (-ourlh of July is a time I'or fun, food and friends. Many people enjoy cele­ brating Ihe Fourth by cooking out and wulcliing fireworks di.splays. The.se activities can be enjoyed safely If a few pre­ cautions arc taken, ¡iccording lo Davie Fire Marshal George Frye Jr. When cooking oul. always make sure small children are kept away from the grill. I f using a gas grill, always check hose connections lo be sure Ihcy are light before lighllng the grill. Never store an LP gas cylinder in im enclosed building. Turn the gas o ff ut Ihe valve when finished, 1Г using a charcoal g rill, always u.se lighter (luid before lighting the charcoal and never add flu id after the fire has started. G rills produce carbon monoxide. Never cook indoors with a gas or charcoal grill. In apartment complexes. > g rills should never be used within 10 feet of a combustible structure. This includes bai- ^conies. Fireworks have become a traditional pari of Fourth of July festivities. North Carolina allows certain safe and .sane Hreworks to be sold and used. Fireworks cannot be sold lo anyone under 16 years of age. Any firework which explodes, launches iuself or moves under its own power is illegal in North Carolina. So are firecrackers, bottle rockets. Roman candles and M-80s. “ The .safest way lo enjoy fireworks is to attend any of the licensed public displays being held in your area," Frye said. "These arc nm by professionals who are operating by permit. "W ilh a lillle bit of commons sense, the Fourth of July can be a sufc und fun holiduy," he said For more inform ation, contact the Davie Counly Fire Marshal’s Officc at 751-0453, Mocksville To Be Filled With Antique Machinery Chester Reeves: “This is my hobby. II keeps me out of trouble." Continued Pruin Pngc 1 ready by 9 a.m . to be placcd in line. A ll are w el­ come. No riclcr.s on the trac­ tors other lhan Ihe drivers, un­ less il is pulling a trailer. In its fifth year, the parade has featured more Ihun 100 tractors each lime. “ We expect lo have a lol more lhan that.’’ said Che.sler Reeves, association president. “ W e’ve got a clu b out o f H ickory saying they’re going lo participate.” Like most club members, Reeves got involved becau.se he loves tractors. For many, it’s one they remember using as a child. For others, collect­ ing and restoring tractors is it hobby. C lub members must have il tractor at least 30 years old. “ This is my hobby, I just love tractors,” Reeves said. “ It keeps me out o f trouble,” The club meets the first Monday o f cach month al the Brock Building. Call Reeves at 492-.‘58.47 for more infor­ mation. A Kiddie Tractor Pull w ill be held immediately follow ­ ing the parade. Tickets w ill be sold for a chance to win a 1940 A llis Chambers WC. That drawing w ill be held at 3 p.m. Second place is a B rush Hog lawnm owcr and trailer, and Ihird place is $100. Destructive Fungus Is Killing Elm Trees In Davie County A destructive fungus disease called Dutch Elm Disca.se is kill­ ing elms in Davic Counly. A ll American and European species of elm arc susceptible to the disease. Dutch Elm Disease is caused by a fungus wliich is spread by boring insects, mainly Ihe Euro­ pean bark beetle, but can also be spread by root graft.s to nearby healthy trees. • The first visible .symptom of Ihe disea.se is a rapid wilting of the leaves on one or more branches In the lop o f Ihc Iree. The leaves on affected brunches turn yellow and then brown. These leaves gradually become shrivelled and brittle und muy shed prematurely. 1(1 a cross seclion o f a dis­ eased branch or .stem, there is a continuous brown ring in Ihe outer-most animal ring. Oncc a tree becomes infected, it should be cut immediately lo lessen the danger lo any lieallhy trees. Diseased trees become breeding ureus for Ihc bark beetles which continue the cycle. Once you cut the tree, do not cut uny healthy elm trees (prun­ ing or trimming) wilh the saw until it has been cleaned with a disinfectant to kill the bacteria stuck on the blade. Fenili/e trees to maintain vigorous growth and lessen the chances of conlrncl- ing the bellies and Dutch Elm. disease. Direct questions to the N.C. Forest Servicc in the Counly Office Building. y.-il-S.Tly. www.Allegacyfcu.org 774-3400 or 1-800-782-4670 p w U s t o G i v e Y o u $ 5 0 0 - ° ! lUCUA Open a New Checking Account with Direct Deposit at our Clemmons Financial Cente^ and G e t t h e C a s h ! sim ply open a checking account w ith direct deposit by July 30, 2004 and start rolling in the dough. Allegacy w ill deposit $50® into your checking account once it has been set up. Choose from any o f Allegacy's checking accounts; • Totally Free Checking w ith no m onthly fees or m inim um balances • Eagle Plus Checking w ith enhanced value- added benefits • Golden Eagle Checking w ith special benefits fo r our members age 50+ • Student Checking w ith ho m onthly fees or m inim um balance Join Allegacy Todayl Visit www/.joinAllegacy.org for detaiisl A P P W T O D  ¥ at 6320 Allegacy Way Clemmons MOE«»l CaiDIt UNIONegacy Aciministrative Court DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004 - Í J Tho following eases were dis­ posed of in Davie Adminislrative Court May 7. Presiding; Magistrate Kevin D. Hendrix. Proscculing; Kevin Beale,assistant DA. - Melissa C. Alexander, unsafe movement, dismlssed/eivil settle­ ment; Improper registration, dis­ missed per corrcclion. - Maria 1. Antunez. unsafe movement, license nol in posses­ sion, dismissed per correction. - Gloria O. Arias, failure lo rc­ duce speed, dismissed per civil selllcmenl. - Ricardo B. Arroyo, no license, dismissed per correction. - Melissa D. Bartlett, expired li­ ccnsc, dismissed per corrcclion. - Craig C. Bernstein, speeding 85 in a 70, rcduced to improper equipmonl, $25, cost. - Christopher A. Bishop, speed­ ing 78 in a 70, reduccd lo improper equipment, $25, cost. - Martin K. Bowman, speeding 75 in a 55, rcduced lo 64-55, $25, cost. - Daniel J. Brodc, failure to rc­ duce speed, dismissed. - Augustus C, Brown, speeding 88 In a 70, reduced lo improper 6quipmcnt, $25, cost, - Freddie L. Bryant, speeding 51 in a 35. reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $25, eost. ■ Meghan N. Bryant, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, - Parris C. Bums, speeding 80 in a 70. reduccd to improper equip­ ment, $25. cost; no license, dis­ missed per eorrectlon. - Robert A. Campbell, Improper registration, dismissed/correction. - Jonathan D. Chaplin, failure to yield lo slop sign/flashing red light, dismissed per civil settlement. - Jonathan C. Clark,speeding 84 in a 70, reduced lo Improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - Susan M. Cohen, failure to re­ ducc speed, dismissed per civil settlement. - Tino C. Cro.sby, failure lo stop for sign/flashing red light, reduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Roy 0. Deaton, fishing with­ out a license, dismissed/correction. - Reid H. Dixon, speeding 50 in a 35, rcduced to improper equip­ ment. $25, cost. - Marcella Dulin, failure to wear drivers .seat belt, $25, cost; operat­ ing a vchicle with no insurance, dismissed per correction. - Cornel D. nvcrett, speeding 92 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $50, cost. - Jason K. Flowers,expired reg­ istration card/tag, dismissed per correction. - Rachel Fosler, expired opera­ tors license, dismissed per correc­ tion. -.Andrew R. Glenn, exceeding safe speed, dismissed per civil settlement. - Billy C. Hailey, speeding 58 in a 45. reduced to Improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - Robert L. Hairston, speeding 69 in a 55, reduced lo improper equipment, $25. cost. - Lauren M. Hanes, speeding 68 in a 55, dismissed per plea; speed­ ing 70 In a 55, reduced to improper equipment, $100, cost. ' - Jane H. Harrison, failure to stop for slopsign/flashing red light, reduccd lo improper equipment, $25. cost; exceeding posted speed, dismissed. - Kevin W. Hart, expired regis­ tration card/tag. dismissed per cor­ rection. - Barbara H. Hawley, speeding 85 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Brian M. Hedrick, failure lo wear seat bell. $25, cost; no liccnsc, improper inspection, expired regis­ tration, dismissed per correction. - Peggy R. Johnson, failure lo reduce speed, dismissed per civil settlement. - Joo L. Jones, speeding 80 in a 70, reduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost, - Duane C. Kalle, driving left of ccnter, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - Kristopher R. Karlok, speed­ ing 59 in a 45, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost; no license, dismissed per eorrectlon. - Martin W. KImmer. improper inspection, operating a vehielc with no Insurance, dismissed/correction. - Ginger S. Kimrey, improper inspection, expired registration,dis­ missed per correction. - Jeffrey C. Lewis, fictitious/ eonceulcd/revoked registration card/tug. dismissed per correction. - Vickic V. Lyerly, expired reg­ istration card/tag. dismissed per correction. - Alva G. Martin, reckless driv­ ing to endanger, dismissed per civil settlement. - Hattie S. McCulloh. speeding 72 in a 55, reduced to impropei equipment. $25. cost. - Kirk McIntosh Jr., speeding 70 In a 55, rcduced to improper equip­ ment, $25, cost, - Sandra T. McNeill, failure to yield, dismissed per civil seule­ ment. - Mary D. Mejia, use of foreign license while driving with license revoked, dismissed per correction; driving left of center, dismissed. - Sidmond G. Mendez, speeding 74 in a 55. rcduced lo 64-55. $10, cost. - Fernando V. Mondragon, fail­ ure to rcduce speed, dismissed per civil settlement. - Ignacio Mora, speeding 70 in a 55, reduccd to 60-55, $25. cost. - Perry O. Morris, failure to stop for slopsign/flashing red light, re­ duced to Improper equipment. $25, cost. - Natalie J. Murphy, speeding 80 in a 70. reduced to improper equip­ ment. $25, cost. - John B. Nelson 111, speeding 86 in a 70. reduced to improper equipmenl,$25,cosl. - Carl A. Newton, speeding 92 In a 70. rcduced to 79-70. $50. cost. - Earl B. Niten. failure lo reduce speed, dismissed per civil settle­ ment; license not in possession, dis­ missed per correction. - Randy L. Parks,expired regis­ tration cord/tag, dismissed per cor­ rection. - Mellon G. Paulin, speeding 86 in a 70, reduced to improper equip­ ment. $25, cost. - Shane P. Pelletier, speeding 86 in a 70, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $50, cost; expired/no inspec­ tion sticker, dismissed per correc­ tion. - Margarita B. Perez, speeding 51 in a 35, reduced to Improper equipment. $25. eost; no operators license, dismissed per correction. - Shea V. Prcvctte, speeding 70 in a 55, reduccd to improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. V O T E F O R F R A N K M I T C H E L L N . C . H O U S E I’m voting for FRANK MITCHELL because he has always voted to help Davie and Iredell Counties. If all Republicans had voted for George Holmes, the state representative from Yadkin County, he would have been Speaker of the House, and would have been able to use the power of that office to help Davie and Iredell Counties. For this reason, I am supporting and working for FRANK MITCHELL This Ad courtesy of Gilbert Boger, former State Representative and Senator from Davie County. Paid for by Frank Mitchell for N. C. House Comnriittee ■ Pamela E. Rankin, speeding 80 in a 70, rcduced to Improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - Sharon M. Reeves, no opera­ tors license, dismissed per corrcc­ lion. - Bobbie C. Renegar, speeding 70 in a 55, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Brenda J. Rice, speeding 95 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $50, cost. - Guy D. Roberts, expired/no inspection sticker, dismissed per correction. - Brenda D. Rose, speeding 69 in a 55, reduced to Improper equip­ ment, cost. - Tiffany D. Scott, cxpired/no inspection slicker, license not in possession, dismissed per corree- tion; exceeding safe speed, dis­ missed per civil settlement. - Jefftey T. Shaw, speeding 84 in a 70. reduccd lo Improper equip­ ment. $25. cost. - Steven W. Shoemaker, driving/ allowing vehicic nol registered/ tilled, explrcd/no Inspection sticker, operaling a vchicle with no insur­ ance, dismissed per correction. - Earl G. Simmons, speeding M In a 50, reduccd to improper equip­ ment, $25.cost; expired/no inspec­ tion sticker, dismissed per correc­ tion. - Vladimir Smirnov, failure lo notify DMV of address change, dis­ missed per correction. - Robert L. Spry, no operators license, dismissed per correction. - Robert A. Stone, failure to re­ ducc speed, dismissed per civil seltlemcnt. - Lurry C. Stover Jr., no opera­ tors license, dismissed per correc­ tion. • Scott A. Sullens, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced to Improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - B illy R. Sweat III, unsafe movemcnl, dismissed per civil settlement. - CliristopherTollison, failure to stop for slopsign/flashing red light, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Steve A. Tuch, improper pass­ ing, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $25, eost. - Deborah L. Walton, speeding 83 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Sara L. Werner, speeding 80 in a 70, reduccd to improper equip­ ment, $25, cost; no operators li­ cense, dismissed per corrcclion. - Donna B. White, no operators license, dismissed per correction. - Billy 0. Williams,speeding 60 in a 40, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $100,cost. - Nanette C. Wise, speeding 80 in a 70, rciluccd lo improper equip­ ment, $25, cost; expired registration card/tag, dismissed per correction. - Dena M. Allison, no license, dismissed per correction; failure to slop for steady red light, reduced to improper equipment. $25. cost. - Mohcy M, Basyooni. speeding 76 in a 55, reduced to 64 in a 55, $10, cost. - Emily P. Bradley, speeding 85 in a 70, reduced to improper c(|uip- ment, $50. eost; explrcd/no inspec­ tion sticker, dismissed per correc­ tion, - Mitchell J. Bradley, speeding 85 in a 70. reduccd to improper equipment, $25. cost. - Patricia Brandon, failure to yield lo stopsign/llashing red liglit, dismissed per civil settlement. - Thomas D, Brimagc. speeding 88 In a 70, rcduced to improper equipment. $75. cost. - Anita P. Brown, speeding 80 in a 70. reduccd to improper equip­ ment. $25, cost. - Juslin O. Brown, failure to rc­ duce speed, dismissed per civil settlement. - Benial A. Davis, speeding 8U in u 70, reduccd to improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - Marco A. Diaz, speeding 49 in a 45, reduccd to improper cijuip- meiU,$25,cost. - Lanie A. Emerl, speeding 60 in a 45. reduced to improper ccpiip- ment.$25,cost. - Earl D. Evuns. failure to yield, dismissed per civil settlement. - Mark A. Evans, speeding 80 In a 70, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $25, cost, - Pedro R. Fierro, speeding 55 in a 35, reduced to improper ecpiip- ment, $100, cost. - Lauren M . Freer, failure lo stop for slopsign/flashing red Ughl, re­ duced to Improper etiuipmenl, $25, cost. - Brian C. Fulbriglit. excecdinj posted speed, dismissed per civi settlement. - Jessica L. Guttman. speedinj 63 in u ,45, reduced to 54 in a 45 $10, cost; expired/no Inspccliot sticker, dismis.sed per corrcclion. - Charles C. Hanes, speeding 6i in a 55, reduccd lo improper equip- ineni, $25, co.st. - Ernest W. Harding, failure tc stop for slopsign/flashing red light reduced to improper equipment $25. cost. - Mark D. Hardison, speeding 70 in a 55. reduced to improper equip­ ment. $25. cost. • Sammy Hernandez, speeding 70 in a 55, reduced to impropei equipment, $25, cost; failure lo wear drivers seal belt, dismissed per plea. - Edmonia H. Hollis, failure lo reduce speed, dismissed per civil settlemciit. - Colby L. Kinder, failure lo re­ duce speed, dismissed per civil sclllement. - William A. Miles, spcelling 77 in a 55, reduced lo 64-55, $ 10, cost. - Ronald L. Moore, speeding 70 in a 55, reduced to improper c(|uip- ment,$25,cost. ' - CItrislopltcr L, Newton, speed­ ing 62 In a 45. rcduced lo improper equipment, $.50, cost. - Danny O. Perrell, failure to wear driver scat hell, dismissed per plea; Improper passing, reduccd lo improper equipment. $25, cost. - Lurry F. Priiiaman, speeding 63 in u 45, reduccd to improper equip­ ment, $50, cost. - Josephine W. Reavis, failure to slop for steady red light, dismissed per civil settlement. - Fred R. Snow Jr., speeding 68 in a 55, rcduced to improper equip- meiU,$25,cost. - Lois M. Sowers, speeding 72 in a 55, rcduced to improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - Shari A. Stephens, speeding 70 in a 55, reduced to improper equlp- mcut, $25, cost; linproper inspec­ tion, dismissed per correction. - Andrew M . Williams, speeding 86 in a 70. reduced to improper equipment. $50. eost. - Jimies ]. Yorlo. speeding 80 In a 70, reduced to improper cn«\p- incnt,$25,cost. R E P t m U C A N S “ m o O U T ’ Here Are The FACTS: The House was tied 60 Democrats to 60 Republicans when Five Republicans, including Julia Howard, voted for Richard Morgan as Co-Speaker. Then what happened to the Republican Party in the General Assembly? Richard Morgan and Julia Howard gave in to Democrat Speaker Jim Black. Republicans and Democrats were supposed to share power. What really happened: Democrats got 98 committee leadership posts. Republicans got 54. Democrats got sole chairmanships of powerful Rules and three important Judiciary Committees. Julia Howard’s vote to sell out the Republican Party in Raleigh really did hurt the GOP. It really hurt the conservative cause. Paid I'or by Frank M itchell I'or N.C. House Committee 10 • DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004 T O W N O F M O C K S V I L L E N e w s U p d a te м у ,2 о о 4 S p e c i a l D a t e s a n d E v e n t s o f I n t e r e s t f o r M o c k s v i l l e C i t i z e n s P U B U C 0 Ш Ш 1$ f- l' l a m i f f l ä ' f 'VDr. RW. Stole,’!Йй)щг-: t'w,' ‘ WchardBrpdiwiy W , ..’ Bill Foster’ , ' ‘iL^hSanliird lÈ4'^j~;Yenipn ....i'-.'^BriiiiWlUlains,'Chair ^ . r -vV 'StcWeDulin ........ to a ille r , v i Vena Harris V : dtaljunkcr , , JanlcNccIy. . ¿i; ¡ Zoning Board of AiiiurtiMcril j lynriH.,Bycrly, Chair Palsy Crenshaw , , , ,/ !i call Kelly ' ■; '.’ndmd Schooler * •';' Ss : Christine Saiiders, ' ' ‘ ‘Ibwn'Mai'iager ■ "'•"-751:2259''I , JacicKeller,. ■ ‘:;;i Policb Chief ! ’ 75116231 ' V DaiuiySnilili, , , > Public Works Dlrccior V I * :751-25I9 '/r Mlchailearlier,' 'i ...... : Enieiytncv Number ' (not for billing questions) SflnUattcdSmitss': William Whaley, Building Inspections : : 751-2791 ; Jo!m Gallimore, f Robert C^k, ' AnlnalConlrol. : 751-0227 ^ ■ SERVICE DIRECTORY Duke Power..........336-727-4300 Adelphia Cabie....1 -888-683-1000 Sprint Teiephone..751-5944 Repair servicc 611 GDS Davie Recyde & Garbage Pickup..................751-1585 Pied Nat Gas........1-800-752-7504 24 Hr Emergency Service....751-4954 5v/e P a rk s ,tí^ re a tlo n Compost Site The compost site will be open the 1st and 3rd Saturdays In July, August and September. The compost site hours ate from 8 a,m. to 12 noon. Yard waste may be dropped off during the week by appointment only tjy calling 751 -5500. Please do not throw yard waste over tiie fence when the gate Is locked. Do not leave bags of yard waste at the compost site. Residents of theTown of Mocksville are allowed to waive the dumping fee at the compost site for one truckload of yard waste per month. PurthMK Mulch - SS per scoop Leaf Compost - $5 per scoop Drop off fees; 1st load of yard waste per month free (Town of f/\ocksvWe Residents only) Truckload of yard waste: $5 1/2 truckload or less; $3 Jammin'on the Square •Time V/ell Spent'- Jammin'on the Square In Downtown Mocksville Plenty of Parking, Fun, Food, Spirits, Shopping and Music HI Bring your lawn chair and relax under the shade of tne'Four OaksTBrowse through the quaint downtown antlques,unlque gift,craft,a(\d music stores. Within walking distance you can find Italian,German, Mexican, and American Cuisine. TGIF so relax, dance,dine and shop on the Square In Mocksville. FREE LIVE MUSIC 6-9 PM. Friday, July 9 • Bobby Wood & Friends - Swingln'Blue Grass Friday, July 23 - Danny Casstevens & Co. - Upbeat Classic Tunes Friday, August 6 - Promise Breakers - Rhythm & Blues Friday, August 20 - Joe Phillips & Friends - Soft Rock« Friday, August 27 - Bobby & Mike -ToeTappln'Orlglnal Tunes Friday, September 3 - Mel Jones & Bag 0 Bones -Traditional Jazz&BlueswithaTwist. Friday, September 17 - Coal Dust -The Best Classic Rock croquet, horseshoes, racquetball, shuflleboard, table tennis, badminton, tennis, track, race walk 5k run, field events, swimming, cycling, plus the Silver Striders Fun Walk, basketball shooting. i football throw, spin casting and more.Sliver Arts competition Includes literary, visual, heritage, contemporary, sliver follies, Ilne dancing and cheerleaders. Shatters available to rent at Rich Patk.Cost'.$25 , for 4 hours or less, $40 for more than 4 hours.. | Please call the Rec. Dept for more Information or to register for the following programs or special events. jubt aifa. Bmmtig. & Enttininnwnt ■ Sun., July 4 ® Rich Park No admission. Music by 3rd Generation. Food, Crafts & Novelties for salel Parking $5 at Rich Park, park FREE at the Brock Gym.Call 751-2325 for Information. U6-U12 Soccer - Register In August. $35 rur t nours or less, >4U ror more tnan 4 noui Includes T-shirt. All games played at the Soccer Great for birthday partles,famlly reunions,etc Fields behind Pinebrook Elementary.Llne Shelter @ Cooleemee Falls"Bullhole"- S30 for Dancing @ Farmington - Instmctors; Steve & 4hrsy$50allday.CalltheRec.Dept.toreserve. Linda Hatley. Tuesdays: 7:30 - 9pm. Ongoing $2 Special Olvmalcs Carnes - Fall Games - 9am- per class. 2pm @ Rich Park Mando Field. Competition Summer Hon« Camp - Kids get to adopt a Includes Bocce, Cycling lYMCA TRACK), Golf horse of their own forthe week, and learn all Skills, Soccer Skills plus play activities, about horses. Beginner Dates July 12 - 16; Special Olympics Fun Nights - Fun Nights at Intermediate Dates: July 5 • 9;, Advanced Date; the Rec. Dept 7-8;30pm, Sports skills & fun July 19 -23. Location: Dixieland Farms. Cost: activities. S 185.00.Call Kathle for more Information. Port-a-Pit Chicken Dinner - Sept. 2,11 am-6pm Davle Youth Council ■ We are iookino for leens First Methodist Fellowship Hall. 1/2 chicken, who would like to be Involved In making some beans, slaw, roll &' dessert. $7 a plate. Take out & changes to benefit Davle youth, call Emily 751 - advanced sates only,will deliver 5 or more plates Davie County Arts Council Photography Series: July 10 - Beginner's Photography, July 17 - Photographing Nature,July 24- Photo Critique August 20 - Season Opener - Riders in the Sky 7 p.m„"A Public Hanging" Community Art Show, 6 p.m. Sept.11 &12-0neWayArt& Antique Show.Jazz Under the Stars featuring Evans & Coppola, 7 p.m. Sept. 18 - Ronnie Bowman 7 p.m. All performances, except where noted, take place at the Brock Performing Arts Center, 622 N. Main Street, Mocksville. For more information call the Box Office at 336-751-3000 www.daviearts.org 232StoJoinl Battle st ihs Bartds • Masonic Picnic Grounds Saturday,Sept.4th. Coed Tennis League- Call Sandra & 751-2325 to sIgn-up or for more Information. Jr. Tennis League - For boys & girls, rising 6th - 12th grades. Cost: $10 Includes a t-shlrt. Location: South Davle Middle School. Players will need to furnish their own balls & racquet Cali the Sandra for more Information. ---------------IMWICPIHICJ to any Davie location. Reserve your plates and purchase your tickets at the recreation department. Place orders by August 27. Call 751-2325 Dance Van - July 9 going to Lewisville departing the Rec Dept at 6:30 pm & Hwy 158 at 6:45. Call Kathle at 751-2325 to reserve your space. Volunteers are always needed in Special 01ymplcs.Tra)nlng Is provided. Please call Kathle_________ Iiudiiiiy 13 piUVIU Sport Camns - Fast Pitch Softball June 28-July Streit for more Information. 1 .Wrestling July 5th-11 th Sign up now. Good Timers Dance Group - meets Monday Senior Trips - These trips are open to anyone, nights @ Farmington. Prices are set for seniors, therefore anyone Coed Softball -Stan uo In Auoust. under 60, may be charged a slightly higher fee. Senior Basketball Tournament ■ 3 on 3 Team Call Kathle for Info. Day Trips: July 27-Lake Tournament for Men and Women ages 50 and, Norman Cruise & morel Aug. 16-Waxeau up. Sat Aug. 21st at the Brock Gym $30 Register Antique Shops, SepL23-Women,s ShowTheatre by Aug 5th Call Sandra at 751-2325, Ttlps;Aug4-'Atsenlcand01dLace;Aug.18-'Flrst Davle Gvmnastlcs - Sign up in Augusti Baptist of Ivy Gap' In Ablngton, V^ SepL 16- lnstructonHeldlOgle998-1742 Overnight Double feature 'Gypsy & Sleuth' In Iha Qams Companv-Reqister anytime. Ballet/ Ablngton ,VA. Toe.Tap,Gymnastics, Jazz and Baton. Ages 3& up Senior Walking Program - Monday ■ Friday, Including adults. Call Emily Robertson @ 998- 6:30am-9:00am, No charge. Brock Gym. 5163. Quarterly Incentive breakfasts. We are walking toAsheviiiel Ssnier Games Competition - Davie County Competition Cheerieading - $25 reg. $45 per month for 2 times a week. Tuesday,s and Thursday,s from 5-7pm through July @ the________- - -----------------------/ I.WMI rfwpiii iiiiwuyil JUiy ly* ine Senior Games is a non- profit organization Brock Gym. Contact Wendy Shoemaker -284- dedicated to providing year round health 6300 for more Information, promotion and education for adults 55 years of Basic Cake Decorating ■ Classes start In age and better. Offering .competition In September. Call Sandra for more Information basketball, golf, bowling, billiards, bocce, 751-2325 IVlanagers Corner TheTown of Mocksville will begin a new fiscal year on July 1,2004.This budget maintains a tax rate of .32 cents per $100 valuation. The wisdom and foresight demonstrated by the mayor and town board members continue to provide efficient services to the citizens of Mocksville. I would like to extend a special thanks to the planning board members who have made valuable contributions to Mocksville's planning and zoning. As Mocksville continues to progress, growth and change are inevitable, I would like to express my gratitude to the citizens who volunteer their time and become Involved wllh the many opportunities of promoting local government. Thank you to the many citizens, who continue to add to the betterment of this town. Christine W. Sanders Town Manager IVloci(sville/Davie Parks & Recreation Dept. 644 N. Main St. • Mocksville, NC 27028 • (336) 751 -2325 Sports DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004 - Bl Boyles - Photo by Jam es Barringer First baseman Jess Maloney fakes a throw from left field and doubles up the Mooresville runner. i \ / l c C l a n n o h P i t c l i e s T e a m T o S q u e a k e r W i n By iVIIkc Gunning Spccial to the Enterprise Mocksville escaped a late-inning threat lo prevail .5-4 over Wilkes County in American Legion busebaii action ut Mando Field Saturday night. Mocksville only managed four hils, but took advantage ofsix Wilkes errors to lift itself to a 10-7 (6-4 Soulhern ’^■vivlnn') record. Andrew McCIannon ns iirsi notch in the winner's column Ihis season. M cCIannon was impressive, «Hewing iwo earned runs while striking out nine. Wilkes managed to scalier 10 hils against McCinnnon, and threatened to blow Ihe game open several times, but McCinnnon .showed the same cuts that when he had McClunnon taking snaps for the War Eagles last season. McCIannon took some hits, but lie kept coinu al Ihem. workinc oul of jams in Ihe Ihird, seventh and eighth innings lo preserve the win. “This was a big one for him," Coach Mike Lovelace suid. "He had u lol of lough luck this year. H e’s an outstanding guy ihul’s jusl had u lough run. W ilkes found itself behind after Ihe first inning. N ick Siega-Riz svaiked and advanced on a sacrifice by Wesley Douglas. Siega-Riz stole Ihird und scored .McClaniKiii give Mocksville a 1-0 advantage. Mocksvillc lacked on two more in Ihe second. Cody Crolls and Evan Beam opened the inning w ilh singles, then M all Hutchens hil inlo a fielder’s choice Ihul scored Smith. Beum, always a Ihreal on second on a wild throw to I'IrsI lo lifi Mocksville to a 3-0 lead. Wilkes managed to loud Ihe buses In the third, but one run was all il would squeeze oul o f M ocksville's stingy defense, Cody Crolls rcached on an error in the fourih, and Beam rollowed him on Ihe base pulhs wilh a single Ihul moved Crotis 10 tliird, Hutchens pusiied Crolls across wilh a I'ieliler’s ciioice I'or his sccond RBI of Ihe nighl. W ilkes tagged M cClunnon for anollier run in Ihc fiflh lo slay in reach, but Mocksville added an Insurance run in the sevcnlh lo hold Wilkes at buy. Douglus rcached on an error, and Poindexler drew a wulk, Foo Smitli look udvantuge of Wilkes shaky defense ul Ihe shorlslop position and beut a wild throw to first, Douglas scorcd on ihe pluy. giving Mocksville a S-3 leud und SCI the luble for u wild finish, Lovcluce retired McCIannon in the ninlli, und lefly Spcncer 1 lodges quickly guve Lovelace reason lo doubi his decision. Hodges gave up back-io-back singles lo pul runners at the corners, and w ilh the winning run al the plale, 1 ni'i'iiici' I'l'li compelled lo uive ihe hull to Poindexter. Poindexler allowed an infield single lo load the buses, then lost u bordercull lo Seth Prevette to walk in Ryan Ashley and bring Wilkes to within one nm. Poindexler disagreed with ihe cull, bul maintained self-control, “ He showed u little emotion ufter thut wulk," Loveiuce suid, “ But lhal shows whal kind of leader Dan is for Ihis loam. He gol hack out llierc and did wliul he liud lo do," Poindexter then forced Carter Slurlevanl lo ground oul to second lo end Ihe threat and earn his Tlrst save of Ihe season, Poindexler tlirew the ninth on three duys rest, und wus scheduled lo sturt Iiie nexl gume for M ocksville, but Ihul didn’t deter Loveiuce from going to ills ace, “ He wenl 11 -2 for Wesi Forsylh this year, and he’s been doing it for us for Ihree years now," Lovelace said, " If I huve u gume on Ihe line. I’m going lo go 10 him. Il's his game lo lose.” McClunnon wus pleu.sed wilh his ouling, und .showed signs of ihe relief tliat comes w ilii gelling that elusive first win of the season. "Il's cood lo uiiciuhl." McCIannon said. "I didn’t know how far I'd be able lo go lonighl. I’ve only really worked in relief Ihis season, but I reully feel like I’m getting buck inlo shape." Lovelace was just us thrilled lhal McClunnon was able lo give Mocksville a deep-inning effort. Wilh seven games in seven nighls, I’lcnse See Mocksville - I'uge Ufi R e d - H o t M o c k s v i l l e B u r i e s 1 s t - P l a c e K a n n a p o l i s lly M ike Gunning Special 10 the Enterprise Sccond baseman Duvid Boyles muy not have an "S ” lullooed on his chest, but he sure resembled u man o f steel for the hot-hilling Mocksville Legion baseball teum Sunday night. Boyles led a 9-1 w in over Kannapolis with acrobatic defense nnd a powerful swing that belies his size. Boyles let the crowd nt Mando field know early that they were in for a treat, going prone for n hard grounder In the hole and turning the play In the first inning. "Thai’s the one play lhal stands out in my mind tonight," Coach Mike Lovelace said; “That was a great play." Boyles gave Mocksvlllc punch at the plate us well, going 3 for 4 with a colossal home run nnd three RBIs. Kannapolis scored first off starting pitchcr Dnn Poindexter (4-1). Poindexter left n ball hanging, nnd second baseman Eddie Boger deposited the offering over the left-field wall for ft t-0 KannapoUs lead. It would be the Inst mistake Poindexter would make. Mocksville surged fornlne runs over, the next three Innings to shut down Kannapolis nnd extend Its winning streak to three games. -< “ This is a good run,” Lovelnce snid. “ We're three In a row nnd five o f our last six. ThLs is a good time for this team lo get It together.” Jess Maloney opened Iiie fourth with a long solo homo run that landed deep in the woods behind Ihe left-field fcnce to tie the -score l- l. “ That was a shot, right there,” Lovelace said. “ You knew that wasn’t coming back when it left the bat.” Before the M ocksville faithful could .settle back into their seats, Foo - Smilh and Evan Beam bolh drew walks, and Boyles showed Mnloney he wnsn’t the only stud wcnring blue. Boyles look u 2-2 pilch lo deep left that would have matched Maloney’s in distance, hut it hil a tree so hurd il bounccd back into llic field. In the fifth, Wesley Douglas walked nnd Dun Poindexler singled. Foo Smith doubled nnd udvanccd to third on an error to scorc both Douglas and Poindexler. W illi two outs, Evnn Benm doubled in Smilh. .'ind I'nilnH-.vl with anollier double. Lovelace wisely held Benin ut ihird, bccnuse righl fielder Joshua M cKnight threw a strike to catcher Ryan Query, Kannapolis gol out of the inning without any more damage, but Mocksville picked up where they left of in the sixth. N ick Siegu-RIz singled, and Please See Lvgiuii - Pnge B6 Davie Girls Finish Sixth In State Games ___________________________________________1-----------1________I_________LJi________I-----------1_______I TownoiKkxksvlllo • 17) Clement St., Mo<luvllle • Phone (336) 751-2259 * Fox|336)751>9l87 * E-mail townhall(3mock$ville.(om • WebSite hnp;//www(iaviecounl|b T h Town of Modisvfffe do»t nol dlstrlmlnale on the oasis of rote, sej(, color, og«, nallonai origin, religion or dlspbllllY In Ils employment oBPortunlHes. aroaram. isn/i»«, By Mike (lUnning Spcciul lo the Enterprise The Dnvic Liidy War Eugic.s miiile и slrong showing ul llic Stale Games of North Carolina in Winslon-Sulem lust week, finishing second in llieir pool und sixtii overull in llie 2()-tciiin huskclbiill lourmimeni, A first-game forfeil lifled Davie lo a I -0 rccord lo slurl pool pluy, but Duvlc curned n hard-foughl 28-18 win over llie Burtlell Yiincey Biics, Duvie fell 61-.SO to Terry Sunford of Fayclleville in Ihc third game lo decide llie seeding for eliminalion pluy. Davie pulled lo w illii/i Ihree, bill lime became ilie enemy, and the War Engles were forced into a fouling siluulion. Sanford sank eight foul shots In ihe final nilnule, und Duvie coiilribuied to its own demise wllh Ihree turnovers in the same time. “ Mistakes are going lo happen," .suid Davie coacli Karen Stephens, "That's what these summer events arc for, lo get lhe.se girls working logelher and leurning 10 work wilh cuch olhei," Davie was eventually eliminiiled 69- 3.5 i)y Carver Saturday night. Despite the onesided lo.ss, Stephens fell good aboul the effort. “ I’m real happy w itii a lol of whal I saw today.” Stephens said. So was Charlene Curtis. Curtis knows basketball, and she knows baskelbuli players when slie sees them. She knows wlien a player has poleniini, and wlien u team i.s well couched. She should. Curlis is llie “ M istakes are going to happen. That’s what these sum m er events are for, to get these girls working together and learning to work with each other.” - Davie Coach Karen Stephens I'ormer head women's coucli al Wuke Forest U niversity, and when she watched the Wur Eagles dismunlie the Bucs, .she came uway imprcs.scd. “ Tlial’s a well coached icum, I like llieir mun-lo-mun,” Curlis said. "And lhal young poinl guard is going lo be something to watch if she matures quickly." Tile young poinl giiiird Curlis wus referring lo is rising freshman Meisiia Fowler, who unchorcd Ihe South Davie Middle School leam lasl year. Fowler gol lite noti to slarl from Stephens, and ulliioiigh .she mude .some mislukcs curly, her liall-handling skills and soft touch from 3-poinl range were evitlcnce of a budding slar for Duvie High. C urlis suid for Duvie to be succcssful this year, Fowler has to mulure Inlo u floor lender quickly, nnd she’s going to iuive to learn how lo penclrulc 10 drop the bull into post players Nicole Maready, Cnrly Booth and Erin Whitaker, “ (Fowler) hus been with me for everything since cnmp," Stephens said, “ Siie’s gol a lol of talent, but right now she's slill rough. But she’s gotten a lol of experience playing against some of the top 4-A compciition in the slate, U’s greal lo .see her improve with every game." Maready is one o f the team ’s workhorses, and gives tiie War Eagles a slrong presence in the post. She I’lcase See Girls - Pnge R8 l l Н2 - IMVIE COUNTY КNTIÍKI’KÍSK RECORD, Thursdiiy, July 1.2004 Among the fastest in their division are Grace Bartelt and Lilly Smithdeal, Elizabeth Davis and Kelly Walton use a marker to w/rite on Jennifer Bootli's back - a tradition at the swim meets. Oak Valley Swamps Forsyth Country Club Morgan Wininger gets swimming instructions (rom her mother. Oak Valley .swimmcr.s ■swampctl I'or.sylli Counlry Cliil) last week anil niilsheil fourlll in lliu Win.sion-Salcin ro- gioniil mt'cl for 2‘t area .swim club.s. Oak Valley look 25 .swim­ mers lo llie L'ily meet. Coach Larry Umbergcr said lii.s club jumped lo a surprisini! curly lead because of bis young swinimer.s' perl'orniances. Awuinin Jones led the way for Oak Valley, clHiniing lliree individuul firsl pluce fiiiisljes in Ibe 11-12 age Birls division. Michael Mebel look one firsl placc in the 7-8 boys division. )■ Tlic 7-8 relay team of Mebel, Nolan Day. Quin Holland, and Zachary Coffey look two firsl places. The season gels even more serious this week as Oak Valley liosls ils Tmal two meels — pow­ erful Hrookwood and in-county rival Cooleemee. Here ure llie first placc lln- islics against I'orsyth Country Club; 7-8 Cliris; Medley Uclay, L illy .SinilhdeuL Caru Waluin. Grace Uarlcit, Allison G riffin; Distance Free. Cara Walton: 25 Itcc, Gnice liartell; Hucksirokc, Cara Wallon; Bulterfly, Cara W allon; L'rcc Relay, Grace Bartelt. Lilly .Smithdeal. Allison G rilllii. Morgan Wininger. 7-K Boys: Medley Relay, Zachary Coffey. Nolan Day. MichacI Mebcl. Quin Hollund; Distance Itcc. Quin Holhnid: 2.5 l-'ree — Quin llo lla n d : lUickslroke — Quin llolland: I'ree Relay — Zachiiry Coffey. Quin H ollund, Nolan Day. Michael Mcbcl. y-IO Girls: Medley Relay, lirika Coffey, i’almer Henson, Laura Shellon. Hailey L'olk; Distance i-ree, lirika Coffey; Backstroke --lirik a Coffey; Breaststroke — Luuru Shelton; Butterfly. Luuru Siiclton: Tree Relay, H ailey |-olk, Laura Slicllon, Lrika Cotfey, I’alnier Henson. 'M O Boys; Distance I-rec, I’aul Guniner; 25 1-ree — Zach W aller: Backslrokc, Zack W aller: Ureustslrokc. Bryce Burtelt; Bulterfly. Zuck Wuller; r-rce Reluy, I’aul Guniner, Andrew Ducoote. Bryce Burtelt, Zack Waller. 11-12 Girls: Medley Relay, Hannah Keeney. Amelia Nil/., Auumin Jones, Taylor Moore; Distance Free. Taylor Moore; IM , Autumn Jones; 50 Free, Aulum n Jones; Backstroke, Taylor Moore; Urcustsiroke, M olly Gruhatn; B utlerfly, Auutnin Jones; Free Relay, M olly Gruhum, Taylor Moore, Summer H ollund, Autitm n Jones. 11-12 Boys: Medley Reluy, Kyle Mucey, Andrew Biichunun, Juy Stancliff. Christian Day: Backstroke. Kyle Массу: Free Relay. Kyle Mucey, Andrew Hticlianun, Jay Stancliff. I.imdon Whitaker. l.l-M Girls: Distance Itcc. Jamie SiunclilT; 50 Itcc. Carly l‘ratapus; H m tcrfly, Jamie Stancliff l.'-14 Boys; Medley Relay. Robert Sparks. Patrick Keeney. Landon W hituker, Cassidy Chuinpney: Dislunee Free, Daniel Wendel; IM , Daniel Wendel: 5« Free, DunicI Wendel: Buckstroke, Daniel Wendel: Breustsiroke, Roiicrt Sparks; B ulterfly, Daniel Wendel. 15-IS Girls: Medley Relay, Stephanie Wendel, Brittany Rowe, C,ua Hennings, Miranda F.sposito; Distance FVee. Stephanie Wendel; 50 Free - Cara Hennings; Backstroke. Stephanie Wendel; Free Relay. Caru Hennings. Slephanic W endel. M itundu lisposilo. Brittany Rowe, 15-1« Boys: Medley, Reluy. Justin Lee, David Stein, Bennett Shipman, Drew F.sposilo; Distance Free, Juslin Lee; IM, Drew I'sposilo; .50 I'Vee, Justin Lee; Backstroke, Drew l-sposllo; Hreuststrokc, Heiuietl Shipman; B utterfly. Drew Usposito; Free Relay. Justin Lee, Drew Esposito. Robert Sparks, Bennett Shipman. City Meet Here arc the Oak Valley swimmers wito placed in the cily meci: 7-8 Girls; Curu Wullon, 2nd 25 Free,3rd 25 Butterfly.4th 25 Breaststroke. 7lh .50 Freestyle. 7-8 Boys: Medley Reluy and Free Reluy 1st Place (both events) , Nolan Day, Quin H ollund, Zuchury C offey, Michael Mebel; Nolun Day, 9th 25 Breasisiroke; Zuchury Coffey,6lh 25 Breuslstroke, 6lh 25 Backslrokc, lOlh 25 Buttcrdy; Quin Holland,2nd 50 Freestyle, 3rd 25 Freestyle, 5th 25 Buckstroke, filli 25 Buttcrlly; .Michuel Melici. 1st 25 Bulterlly, 2nd 100 IM . 3rd 50 Free. 3rd 25 Hreuststrokc. y-IOGiiis: Medley Relay 4lh Pluce, Caru W ullon, lirika Coffey, Palmer Benson, Laura Shellon; FYec Relay 7th Plucc, Curu W ullon. Grika Coffey. Palmer Benson, Laura Shellon; lirika ColTcy, llth 25 Backstroke; Palmer Bensiin, Hth 25Bmierny.9th lOOlM.yth 25 Breuslstroke; Laviru Shelton, Kth 25 Breustsiroke, 10th UK) IM , 10th 25 Biuicrlly 11-12 Girls: Medley Relay 3rd Plucc, Hannah Keeney, Amelia Nil/., Kelley Wallon. Summer Holland; Itcc Relays 3rd Place, Hannah Keeney. Summer Hollund. Kelley W ;ilton, Autumn Jones; 5th Plucc. Tuylor Moore, Jennifer H ooih, A m cliu N il/, M olly Graham; Molly Graham, 8lli50 Breustsiroke; Summer Holliuid, yih -M) Backstroke, lOlb 50 Freestyle, lOtb 100 Frccslyle; AitUtmn Jones, 1st 100 F'rcesiyle, 1st 5(1 Freestyle, 1st 50 BulterH y. 2nd UHI IM ; Hannah Keeney, 10th 50 Hackstroke; Taylor Moore, 5th 50 Backslrokc,iith 50 F'rcestylc. 7th 50 Huttcrfly, Sth 100 IM; Kelley Walton, 11 Ih .50 Butlerfly 13-14 Boys: Daniel Wendel, 4tli 50 Frccslyle, 4th 100 Freestyle, 5th 100 IM . 7lh 50 Bulterlly. Open G irls: Stephunie Wedel. Open Men; Medley Relay 4th Pluce, Brenl Gaitiier, Larry Utnberger. Nick Nelson. Daniel Wendel; 9th PInce. Bennetl Shipman. Juslin Lee, Drew Esposito, Duvid Stein: Free Reluy 4tli Place. Drew lisposito. Daniel Wendel, David Stein, Nick Nelson; filh Place, Lariy Umberger, Brent Gaither, Juslin Lee, Bennett Shipmun; Drew Esposito, 12th 50 Breuslstroke; N ick Nelson, 12lb 100 Freestyle: Duvid Stein, 9th .50 Freestyle. Elizabeth Waller, Leah Vulpetta, Kelsey Orr and Celeste Long lake a break from swimming. Oak Valley's 9-10 swimmers, from lefl: Paul Guntner, Jay Stancliff, Bryce Bartelt, Kyle Macey, Landon Whitaker, Andrew Buchanan, Zack Waller. Q uality B uildings W ooden iind M elai Building.s • Carports starting at *595 • W ooden & Metal Storage Buildings starting at *695 • Metal Garages and RV Covers Financing Available 998W oslP ineSl, M ounlAiry, NC (Ш]) 78()-()070 (800) 597-.5,520 Oak Valley’s younger boys include, from left: front - Drew Hinson, Andrew Ducote, Michael Mebel; back - Michael Sparks, Foss Smithdeal, Zachary Coffey, Nolan Day, Jonathan Davis. Small But Dedicated B e r m u d a R u n S w i m T e a m C o m p e t i n g W i t h J u s t 5 0 H a r d - W o r k i n g Y o u n g P e o p l e DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004 - B3 The Berinuda Run swim leam. while small, boasts a dedi- cuted group of swimmers. With only 50 swimmers on the team, it lakes a lol o f work to compete in meets ngainsl much larger swim clubs. Most swim­ mers participate in three to five events at each meet. Swimmers are becoming well rounded, but they must focus Iheir efforts on several strokes instead of special­ izing ill just one event. Coach Christin Howard and Assistant Coach Megan McCorniiek spend countless hours working with the .swimmers, and they arc re­ warded with a leam o f hard­ working, dedicated kids Hint en­ joy coming to practice and par­ ticipating in meets. The Bermudn Run Bnrrncu- das put forth a vnllnnt effort last week in n home meet agnin.st Westwood, Logan Sessoms look sccond place in boys 7-8 freestyle ns did Ivey Carney for the girls 7-8 freestyle. Emily Shawcross tmd Abby Hartman both received sccond place in 13- 14 and 15-18 girls freestyle, Lindy Carson sliowed an impres­ sive first place win in tho girls 11-12 butterfiy, Ashley Dowell nnd Salem Carney ench put in n tremendous effort in the girls 9-10 individual medley, while Lindy Cnrson took nnother first pInce in the 11-12 age group. Bringing forth great strength and determination, Sa­ rnh Welch and Kiinbcrly Davis conipetcdinlMforthe l l -12aiid 15-18 girl.s, Lognn Sessotns continued his winning ways with a first place in boys 7-8 backstrokp. Nick Castellano also competed for the boys, Ivey Carney, Kerry Eagan, Natalie Cnstellnno, C aitlin Hauser, Lalnn Womble, Greer Cojlins and Abby Hartmnn also did their best in the girls back- Evan D ow ell took second place in boys 7-8 breast stroke, with Phillip Kelley and Jonah Womble also competing. Kerri Engim, Sydney Browder, Knyla Revelle, Ashley Dowell, Lindy Cnrson, Snrnh Welch, Laurn W il­ linms and Kimberly Davis .swum breast stroke for the girls. In n most impressive displtiy, Ihe 7-8 relay team o f Kerri Eagan, M adison Heyden, Sydney Browder and Ivey Carney took first place as did the 15 -18 girls tenm of Sarah Welch, Abby Hartman, Kimberly Davis and Laura Williams.Logan Sessom s swims the backstroke. Morgan Sessom s swims for Bermuda Run, Jessica Button and Ashley Dowell are all smiles practicing in the water. C y c l o n e s C o n t i n u e T o I m p r o v e The Cooleemee Cyclones swim leam conlinucd their .sea­ son witii a meet al tiie Old Town Civic Club Insl week. Despite coming in second lo the Otters, Ihe Cycbne swim- mer.s recorded significant drops in times, Emily Smith shaved 32 .sec­ onds from her 100-meter freestyle lime, finishing in 1:36, She dropped .seven seconds in the butterfiy stroke. Brian Bullin.s cut 12 seconds from his 50-nicler freesytle and 9 seconds from his distance freestyle. Teacup Freeman reduced her individual medley time by 13 seconds and her butterfly stroke by 8 scconds, James Ray chopped 6 scc­ onds from his individual incd- ley time. The 9-10 girls medley relny team o f Anna McBride, Hnyley Lambert, Cam Beth Hendricks, and Taylor Lnnkford took first place in Iheir event. The 13-14 girls free relay team of Stephnnie Jnrvis, Rebecca Hendrix, Anna Smilh and Laura Vanhoy continued their winning ways by claiming another blue ribbon, Hendrix also took first pluce in the breaststroke, nnd M arie Robertson won in the individual medley. (3 -ä e l^ ä tlo H ~ 4 --(2 M d s t Y O U ’ R E I N V I T E D ! ! S u n d a y , J u l y 4 t h R ic h Park, M o ck sville , N C H o s te d b y M o c k s v ille F irs t B a p tis t C h u rc h Fun Starts at 9:00 A M - Free Refreshments Praise Celebration Service at 11:00 A M FBC Honelnms Mission Team will he sponsoring a Hamburger & Hotclog Cookout. A ll donations will benefit their upcoming mission trip on October 4, 2004. Bring your ClassicA^ntage Ride and join us for a time of FUN, FELLO W SH IP, W O RSH IP, A N D FOOD!!! C;i.sual Dress - tiring a Chair RAIN ORSH NE Special Parking will be provided For more information please contact: Mike John.son at 751-51'i4 or JefFE;iton at 751-3913 — FBC will not be responsible fo r accidents or damage — В4 • DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004 The Foundations ofa G rea tN a tm u Ace Village Hardware Hwy 158, Hillsdale 336-998-1987 Closed July 4th Open July 5th ^ All-American Ford Mercury 924 Yadklnville Rd., Mocksville. 336-751-2161 Open Regular Hours Allstate Insurance Steve Ridenhour & Mark Jones 300 s. Main St., Mocksville 336-751-0669 Closed July 5lh : BB&T 119 Gaither St., Mocksville ■ 336-751-5951 1109 Yadklnville Rd„ Mocksviile ' , .336-751-5956 Closed Juiy5lh Bank of the Carollnas 135 Boxwood Village Drhre, Mocksviile ■336-751-5755 353 Hwy 801 S., Advance ■ ■ 99ИООЗ MemberFDIC ; Ctosed July Sth Courtslde Sports ■ 157 N. Main Street, Mocksville .336-751-4700 ClosedJuly3td&5th • Davie'Cdu%Enterprlse^RecQrd ’1718 Main St., Mocksville ' . ' ■. V 336-751-2129 7 Closed July Sth Davle.FamllyYMCA 215 Cemetery Street, Mocksville , •336-751-YMCA 0()en July 4th 1-5pm Cooleeihee Pool Open 1-6pm Davie Medical Equipment 959 Salisbury Rd., Mocksviile 336-751-4288 Cto^ July 4th & 5th , Domino's Pizza 2 Locations' 430 Valley Rd, Mocksviile . , 336-751-3232 KInderton Shopping Center, Advance. ;.;.998-2000. . Cali for bur July 4lh Specials ■ • ': Eaton Funeral Servlcie, Inc. 325;N. Main St.; Mocksville 336-751-2148 :;. . i EnergyUnited . 317 Sanford Ave., Mocksviile 336-751-2136 Closed July Sth , Crew on call lor emergencies Formac Autombtlve, Inc. 1484 US Hwy. 64 West, Mocksviile 336-751-3372 . Closed July 5th Foster Drug Co. ,, " 495 Vaiiey Rd., Mocksviile .336-751-2141 Open RegularHours July 4th & Sth ! . Foster's Jewelers 171N.MalnSt.,'Mocksville 336-751-2737 . Closed July 5th , Fuller Architectural 68 Court Square, Mocksville ■336-751-0400 .. y . Closed July 5th . Graham Funeral Home 635Wilkesl}oroSt., Mocksviile ; 336-751-1100 Have a Happy & Sale 4lh of July Horn’s Truck Plaza. Hwy 60U MO, Mocksviile 336-751-3815 Open Regular Hours Howard Realty . 330 s. Salisbury St., Mocksville 336-751-3538 Open July 5th Ketchie Creek Bakery 844 Valley Road, Mocksville 336-751-9147 Closed July 4th & Sth Lake Myers RV Resort us 64 West, Mocksville 336-492-7736 Ail activities open July 1st-4th as usual Lynne Hicks, Attorney 124 West Depot St., Mocksville 336-751-3312 Closed July 5th Miller’s Diner Restaurant, Inc. 710Wiikesboro St., Mocksville 336-751-2621 Open July Sth Mocksville Automotive '3 3 6 ^P ft9 9 Open July 4,7ath-12 Midnight Bits Of Brass 121 N. Main St., Mocksville 336-751-3418 Closed July 2nd & Sth Bucks Pizza 1374 Hwy. 6018., Mocksville 336-751-0409 Ctosed July 4th Open July Sth Caudell Lumber Co. 162 Sheek St., Mocksviile 336-751-2167 Closed July 4th & Sth Central Carolina Bank & Trust Mocksviile Locations 148 Water Street 336-751-5936 880 Yadklnville Road 336-751-6261 Advance Location 5361 U.S. Hwy 158, Advance 336-940-2420 Cooleemee Locallon Cooleemee Shopping Center 336-284-2542 MemberFDIC Closed July Sth -r'"' Open Regular Hours e n c o u ra g e ^ y o u to ta k e a m o m e n t th is In m p e iid e n c e D a y to re m e m b e r th e m m d e r s c f o u r c o u n tr y a n d th e s tr u g ^ e s th e y e n d u re d to c re a te th is ^ e a t n a tio n . Mocksviile Builders Supply 814 8. Main street, Mocksville ■336-751-5915 Closed July Sth Phlicar Automotive 1628 Hwy. 601 s., Mocksville 336-751-1800 Closed Ju|y Sth The Phone Place 121 Depot St., Mocksville 336-751-2626 Closed July 5th Thermal Technology 180 QreengrassRd, Mocksville 336-284-2881 Closed July Sth VAnovlflo 5279 US Hwy 158; Hillsdale 336-940-6787 Open July 4th Wal-Mart Yadklnville Rd„ Mocksville 336-751-1266 Closing at 6 p.m. on July 4th a ll th e la n d u n to a ll the^ H a v e a S a f e a n d H a p p y j u l ^ 4 t h ! Lev. ХХЦ V . X . ■ T e x t E N G R A V E D O N TH E L i b e r t y B e l l ■ В6 - O/WIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004 Nick Siega-Riz sparks a four-run sixth inning. Teammates swarm Dan Poindexter after his 3-run homer provided a 5-1 lead in a 12-2 win over Mooresville. L e g i o n T e a m S u r g e s C l o s e r T o F i r s t CuntinucU From I’ngv Poimlcxtcr liil a Iwo-nin shol lo lefl-ccnicr for Ihc final scorc. M ock.svillc gol sirong production tiiroiigliout ils lineup. O f Ihc nine run.s scorcd, four camc from llic fivc-cighl spots, and every player ihrough the eight .spot got ut least one hit. Lovelace .said he was thrilled to have such b prolific batting order. "This win was a total leam effort, and I appreciate Ihc hard work these guys pul forward lo do Ihcir jobs," Lovclacc .said. "It all sturt.s wilh practice. There are times when I can't get lo Ihe field enrly, but I have com plete confidence !hat this team is here working, doing what they need to do lo get ready while I'm not here," Maloney agreed. "W e’ve been working hard, but now things are just slarting to click," Maloney said. "We're getting ready to bust out any time now," Over Ihc six-gnme slrclch, M ocksvUlc has had good production throughout the lineup, bul none more then from I’oindextcr. lie hiis done \\ bolh at Ihc plalc and on the mound. wilh two wins und a save and five home runs over the last week. He denies that as Poindexter goes, so goes Mock.svillc. "This is a team e ffo rt," Poindexter said. “Witliout these guys backing me up, it just doesn't get done." Boyles disagrees. "I've been playing with Dan my whole life," suid Boyles, who played with Poindexter at West Forsyth. "I love playing wilh that guy. Every lime he's on niy team, I feel like we got the best chance lo win a game." Mocksvillc 9, Knnniipull.s 1 Mock Skga-Ri/cr Douglus c I’oimlcxicr p Maloney lb .Snow th Smllh tr Crolls 3b Beam tf Doyles 2b llulchcnj js Toluti Knnniipalls Mocksville ub r h Ы 4 1 0 0 4 I 2 0 3 2 2 2 . 1 1 2 1 0 (1 Ü 0 4 2 1 1 4 0 1 0 4 1 1 1 4 1 3 3 4 0 0 0 .16 9 12 8 (XII ООО 000-1 ШЮ 4.12 00«-9 2H • Chuigtuii (3), Bnylcs (4). HR - l’olmlcxier(ft), Miiloiicy(.l). НнукчСЗ). Mock IP II К Kl( im ,so l'nunlxlrWi) 9 1 I I 10 Dan Poindexter fanned nine and walked none. Foo Smith races to third on one of his two hits. E l e c t TOM F L E M I N G C O M M IS S IO N E R (■¡iliNiir l>) Ibin l lniiliit;. 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What's more, Nurse On Duty is a free service of Rowan Regional. See? You're feeling better already. Photos by James Barringer Mocksville Downs Wilkes In Sqeaker Continued Kroni I'iiKC 111 ■ Mocksvillc’s bullpen could gel overiaxed - nul a good thing al lliis point o f llie season. “ I tiave a lol of coiifiilencc in Anilrcw. 1 knew hc'il work hard for us." Lovelace said, "For us 10 get only four hits, and be able 10 keep us in the game is very big. Tliat's why he got the ball lonight," Mocksvillc 5, W ilkes Co. 4 Mock lib r h hi .SiciiicKlzcl' 3 1 1 0 OinijjIiK c 4 I 0 (I I'nimli!xlcr3b 3 0 0 II Miilimvy lb 4 0 0 0 .Smilh ir 3 0 0 II Ctous ilh 3 2 1 0 lleajn rl' 4 I 1 (I llciylcs 2b 3 0 I 0 lluldicnsss 4 0 (I 2 'I'liliils 31 .'S 4 2 \Vllkcs Co. Mdcksvlllc (K)l 020 001 -.1 120 100 I Ox-.4 .SII-.Sicsa-Ri/(13), Mock Il> II H HR nil SO McCW 8 HI 3 2 2 9 IIhiIbcs .1110 II I’oimlslr.S ,2 О О О 1 о DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .July 1,2004 - B7 Mocksville Legion Baseball Splits With Mooresville ► By M ike Gunning Special to the Enterprise Dan Poindexter o f M ocksville's Legion baseball team pitched a complete game, went 4 for 5 with a three-run homer and scattered 13 hits in a 12-2 win over Mooresville last week. Mocksville had less luck the fo llo w in g night, fa llin g to M ooresville 5-3 o ff an 11 th­ inning, w olk-off home run lo split the two-game series. M o cksville coach M ike Lovelace knew his team would be facing one o f its biggest challenges o f the year in streaking Mooresville. He knew he needed to get them mentally prepared after a five-day layoff, to get them pumped up for a battle against one o f the hottest hitting teams in the Southern Division. So how did he do it? By keeping his starting pitcher o f game one in the dark about who he would be facing. “ He didn’t tell me anything . ubout them,” said Poindexter, who allowed one earned run and eight hits in game one. "I didn't know they had won five in a row," Poindexter, who w ill attend Lenoir Rhyne College in the Mocksville Legion (11-7,7-4 SD) May W Mock 11, Mooresville 4 • W Mock 9, Asheboro 3 • W Mock 9, Kemersville 7 • June W M ockS .E , Randolph 4 - L Mooresville 6, Mock 3 • L Kemersville 10, Mock 8 • L Asheboro 9, Mock 6 • W Mock 12, South Rowan 2 L Stanly Co, 5, Mocksville 4 L Concord 9, Mocksville 7 W Mock 13, Lexington 3 ,L Rowan Co, 6, Mocksvillc 4 ,W Mocksville 13, Wilkes 2 W Mock 12, Mooresville 2 L Moor 5, Mock 3(11 inn.) W Mock 16, Stanly Co. 12 W Mock 5, Wilkes Co. 4 W Mock 9, Kannapolis I 28 at South Rowan 29 at Lexington July 1 at Kannapolis 2 vs. Concord 3 vs. Rowan County 6 first round o f playoffs • Denotes exhibition games. A ll games start at 7; 15 p.m. spring, provided most o f the defense by retiring the first eighl bailers he faced before giving up a tw o-out solo homer to shortstop Justin Ogle in Ihe third inning. Thai would prove to be the only bright moment for Mooresville, as they found it as hard to cross the plate as it was to prevent M ocksville from doing some scoring o f its own. M o cksville struck first, scoring twice in the bottom of the second. Foo Smith opened with a walk, and Evan Beam moved Smith fo third with a standup double to right, David Boyles hit a sharp grounder that Ogle couldn’t handle to score Smith, and Beam came home on a passed ball to lift Mocksville to a 2-0 lead, M ooresville looked to threaten in the third, Matthew Skidmore singled, and Steven Hancock laced a law, sinking liner into left-ccnter field. Smith made a sliding catch, and then doubled up Skidmore w ilh a monstrous throw to first. The throw was off-line, but first baseman Jess Maloney made a Gold Glove snag on the short htjp and tagged the bag before a sliding Skidm ore could get there. "That was ju st another amazing play by Foo,” Lovelace said, "He's the type o f kid (hat goes out there at batting practice and works on his fielding, and Maloney made a greal play to get the ball on the bag, too," Lovelace said that it may have proven to be the play o f the game, “ W hen you’re h o ld in g a small lead like that early, and a play like thnt gets you oul of the inning - that’s big," Lovelace said, Mocksville added to the lead in the bottom of the fifth, Nick Siega-Riz and catcher Wesley Douglas Were both hit by lefty Matt Marshall, and Poindexter made him pay fo r the indiscretion, Poiiidexter parked a 2-1 offering over the right- center fie ld fence to push Mocksville ahead 5-1, "H e’s one o f the best pure hitters I ’ve ever seen," said Lovelace, " If he started with a 0-2 count. I ’d have as much confidence as if he was hitting with a fresh count,” M ocksville kept up the pressure in the sixth. Smith opened with a single, and Beam hit a slow bouncer back to the mound, Marshall fielded the ball and looked to second for the double, but second baseman Tim m y Sullivan was late in covering, M arshall underestimated the speed of Beam, and rushed his throw lo first, sending Ihe ball in deep right field. Smith scored on the error, and Beam raced oround to third, Boyles sacrificed to left to bring Beam home. Shortstop Matt Hutchens and Siega-Riz each singled, and advanced on a double steal, Douglas hit a fiy ball down the right field that popped out o f the glove o f a sliding Hancock, allow ing Hutchens and Siega-Riz to score. Beam would score again in the seventh, and Mooresville would score on an error in the top of the eighth. In the bottom of the inning, with Mocksville holding a 10-2 lead, re lie f pitchcr M att DaLessandro walked Siega-Riz on four pitches, Philip Childers, who took over plate duties for Douglas in the seventh, hit a stand up double to score Siega- Riz. Poindexter then finished off Mooresville with a shot to right- center that fell 10 feet short of his second round-tripper of the game. Childers scored the 12th run, invoking the 10-run mercy rule. Lovelace continued to praise his pitcher. “ He was a monster out there tonight,” he said, "He really knows this game, and I have all the confidence in the world in that kid," “That’s why he got the ball tonight," M O O R E S V IL L E EXAC TED sotne revenge the follow ing night. The game, a rain makeup played in M ooresville, saw M ocksville have to battle back from a thrce- run deficit, Mooresville took an early 1-0 lead when Geoffrey Ballard tagged a home run off o f starling 'pitcher John McDaniel. McDaniel (3-1,2.81) would give up two more in the third before putting the breaks on Mooresville. “ He pitched strong, and gave us a chance to battle back,” Beam said. “ But when you leave all those'guys on base, it’s hard to win a game.” M o cksville stranded 14 runners in the contest, and three times left the bases loaded. “ We didn’t get the key hits we needed," Lovelace said. "It’s a tough loss when you battle back from three luns down." Poindexter led the comeback charge wilh his second home run o f the series in the fourth inning, Boyles drove in Smith in the sixth, and Beam drove in Poindexter for his second run in the seventh, Andrew McClannon (0-3, 2.25) took the loss in relief for Mocksville, giving up the home ru'n to DaLessandro in the, bottom of tiie llth . “ We didn’t take advantage of M ooresville," Lovelace said, "They took advantage o f us," Mocksville Legion Baseball Statistics Record: 11-7,7-4 SD H IT T IN G Evan Beam David Boyles Cody Crotts Philip Childers Wesley Douglas Lance Emert Matt Hutchcns Jess Maloney Andrew McClannon ■Dan Poindexter Nick Siega-Riz Foo Smith Dusty Snow Clint Stanley Colt Stanley Michoel Wemsing Others TOTALS PITC H IN G Cody Crotts Spencer Hodges Jess Maloney Andrew McClannon John McDaniel Dan Poindexter Nick Siega-Riz Dusty Snow Others TOTALS ' SAVES! Siega-Riz 2, Poindexter STOLEN BASES: Siega-Riz 13, Poindexter 4, Beam 2, Douglas 2, Maloney 2, Co, Stanley 2, Hutchens, SmilhW ALKS/HPB: Siega-Riz 15, Poindexter 14, Smith 10, Beam 9, Douglas 9, Maloney 9, Crotts 8, Hutchens 7, Wemsing 7, Childers 5, Boyles 4, Co, Stanley 4, Emert 3, Snow 3, McClannon, Cl,’ Slaniey, Others 3 ' AVG,AB R H RBI 2B 3B HR .269 52 15 14 7 2 0 1 .276 47 7 13 13 4 0 3 .393 33 6 13 8 2 0 1 0,187 16 3 3 3 1 0 ,259 54 15 14 9 3 1 0 ,227 22 4 5 3 0 0 0 ,122 49 10 6 6 1 0 0 .350 77 15 27 21 5 0 5* ,333 12 3 4 1 Ó 0 0 ,440 59 23 26 24 5 1 6 ,279 68 17 19 8 3 1 0 ,315 57 17 18 8 3 0 0 ,285 7 1 2 1 0 0 0 ,210 19 2 4 3 0 0 0 ,181 11 4 2 0 0 0 0 .346 26 7 9 4 '0 0 0 .250 12 0 3 0 0 0 0 .293 621 149 182 119 29 3 16 W -L IP H R ER BB so ERA 1-0 23 28 21 14 7 15 5,47 0-0 3 1 1 0 I .1 0,00 0-0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0,00 1-3 22 2/3 27 12 7 8 21 2,77 3-1 40 42 27 13 9 14 2,92 4-1 362/3 33 13 9 8 40 2,20 0-0 3 5'2 I 2 4 3,00 2-2 18 1/3 23 17 14 11 17 6.87 0-0 3 1 1 1 4 3 3,00 11-7 150 2/3 161 94 59 50 115 3.52 Mocksville 12, Mooresville 2 Mock Slegii-Rlzcf Douglas с ChlWors с Polndcxler p Maloney lb Smilh ir Beam rf Boyles 2b Wemsing 3b Hutchens ss Totals Mooresville Mocksville 2B - Childers, Poindexter (5), Beam (2), SB - Siega-Riz (8), HR - Polndcxler (4). Mock II' H R EK un SO PoindxlrW8 6 2 1 0 9 Mooresville 5, Mock 3 ab r h bl Mock ab r h Ы 3 3 1 0 Siega-Riz сГ 4 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 Douglas с 6 0 1 0 1 1 1 I Poindexter 3b 5 2 3 1 5 .1 4 4 Maloney lb 4 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 Smith ir 4 1 0 0 3 2 2 0 Beam гГ 5 0 2 1 4 3 2 0 Boyles 2b 5 0 2 1 3 0 0 2 Cl. Stanley dh 4 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 Childers ph 1 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 Hutchens ss 5 0 0 0 34 12 12 7 Totals 43 3 10 3 ООО 100 01-2 Mocksville ООО tot 100 00-3 020 034 12-12 Moore.svllle 012 ООО 000 02 -5 2B - Douglas (2), Maloney (4), Boyles (2). HR - Polndexlcr (5). SB - Siega-Riz (9). Mock IP H R ER BB SO McDanlcI 8 R 3 3 0 2 McCL 2.2 2 2 2 1 2 Big Maloney Carries Mocksville To Wild Win By M ike Gunning Special to the Enterprise Rccord Je ss'M a loney put the M ocksville Legion Baseball team on his 6-5 frame and carried It to a 16-12 win over Stanly Counly al Mando Field Friday, Maloney went 4 for 5 wilh a home run and six RBIs in a game that saw more hits than an American Idle reunion conccrt, Stanly County and Mocksville combined for 33 hits in a game that started under the threat of rain and endured two delays before finally ending 4,5 hours after the opening pitch. Mocksville fell behind 2-0 in the top of the first, ond Maloney wasted no time going on his tear, uncorking a thrce-run homer in his first at-bat to drive in Nick Siega-Riz and Dan Poindexter to lift Mockfiville to a 3-2 lead, M o cksville pounded out another run in the second. Evan Beam drew oi walk lo open the Inning, and D ovid Boyles pushed Beam to third w ith o single. Lance Emert scored Beam with a single. Beam had a light-hitting year for Davie High, but has turned things around for Coach Mike Lovelace, "He does a great Job in that seven spot for us,” Lovelace said. “ He does things to get on base, whether it's taking the count deep and drawing a walk or forcing the pitcher to make a mistake. He contributes big in Southern Division League Overall Kannapolis 9-3 15*5 Rowon Co, 8-3 14-11 Mocksville 7-4 11-7 Concord 6-4 9-8 S, Rowon 6-5 10-9 Mooresville 6-6 12-11 Stanly Co, 4-6 1-9 Lexington 3-9 4-12 Wilkes Co, I-IO 1-16 Note; Standings through June 27, Mocksville Jr. Legion (19-8,11-5 division) Mny W 9 ,T a ylo rsviIle 8 (ll)* W Mock 10, Kloorcsviiie 2 L Rowan 1, Mock 0 L Rowan 6, Mock 5 • L Lexington 3, Mock 2 W Mock 12, Mooresville 2 W Mock 9, Mooresville 4 • W Mock 9, Kemerfiviiie 0 • W Mock 2, Lexington 1 June W Mock 5, Rowan Co. 4 W Mock 7, South Rowan 1 L South Rowan 5, Mock 4 • W Mock 4, Cherryville 2 • L Cherryville 5, Mock 2 • W Mock 7, South Rowan 3 L Mooresville 6, Mock 4 W Mock 12, Cherryville 7 ■ W Mock 8, S, Rowan 6 W Mock 14, S, Rowan 3 • L Lexington 7, Mock 3 L Rowan Co, 2, Mocksville 1 W Mock 5, Mooresville 4 W Mock 18, Mooresville 5 • W Mock 10, Rowan Co, 3 W Mock 9, Lexington 5 . W Moeksville 4, S, Rowan 0 W Mock 5, Taylorsville 0 • • Denotes exhibition game. M aloney Siega-Riz that spot,” Lovelace said even on nights when Beam fails to get a hit, he still makes on impact, "He could go 0 for 3 nnd slill score three nms," Lovelace said, "You don't always see what he does for us in the box scorc." Mocksville continued to give starling pitcher Cody Crotts ron support, picking up two more in the third. Catcher Wesley Douglas reached on an error, and Don Poindexter hit a triple to drive Douglas home, Maloney sacrificed Poindexter for his fourth R B I o f the game. Poindexter’s triple was his fifth extra-base hit in his last 10 at- bats, He went 3 for 4 and has 10 hits overall in (he last three games. "Dan’s just an outstanding player,” Lovelace said, “ He’s got all the tools; he knows what to do up there. He’s the guy 1 wont up there in any clutch situation." Stanly battled back, tagging Crotts for four runs in the fourth to tic the score 6-6, but Mocksville pulled ahead agoin in the bottom o f the inning. Emert and Siega-Riz both singled, A sacrifice by Douglas scorcd Emert, and Poindexter singled home Siega-Riz, ■ Maloney punched a double to drive in Poindexter, "Tlie craziest thing about (Maloney’s) hits tonight is that they were all to tiie opposite field,” Loveloce sold, "I told Jess, if you want to play this game for awhile, you’re going to have lo use the whole field. He’s here working on his swing at 4 in the afternoon. That homer in Ihe first was 338 to the opposite field, and il cleared the fence by 20 feel." Stanly pulled wilhin one In the fifth, and Mocksville pushed the lead bnck to three in the sixlh. Siega-Riz reached on an error, and Poindexter was iiit by u pitch for tlie sccond time in the game, Maloney singled to give Siega-Riz a scorc, and Foo Smith launched a single lo bring Poindexter across the plate and give relief pitcher Dusty Snow a l l -8 cushion to work with, Mocksville matched Stonly run for run in the seventh, but Snow gave up a three-run homer in the lop o f the eighth that tied the score 12-12, Mocksvillc had its back against the wall for the second ¿onsecutlve game. Snow led off the eighth and look one for the team for a free pass to first, and Boyles laced a double to move Snow to third, Hutchens hit a sharp grounder to third that was booted and thrown away, allowing bolh Snow and Boyles to come home, Hutchens scored when Siega-Riz doubled, Siega-Riz then stole third and scored on a shallow pop up to left field that was caught by the shortstop for the final score. “ He ju s l beat it out," Lovelace said, “ Nick is leading this team with 13 stolen bases. That's pretty impressive," Lovelacc said as good a performance as Maloney had at the plate, his defense was equally as impressive. "Jess is as good a defensive player os I ’ve seen," Lovelace said, "For a guy his size, he’s got great hands. He makes plays that 6-5 guys just don’t make,” The win avenges an eariier5- 4 loss to Stanly, and lifts M ocksville back into playoff contention in the Southern Division. Mocksville 16, Stanly Co. 12 Mock gb r tl bl Siega-Riz ct 5 4 4 1 Douglas c 5 1 0 2 Poindexter 3b 4 4 3 2 Maloney lb 5 1 4 6 Smith If 5 0 1 1 Crolls p 2 0 1 0 Snow p 1 0 0 0 Wemsing cr 0 1 0 0 Beom rt 3 1 0 0 Boyles 2b 5 1 2 0 Emen ss 2 1 2 1 Hutchens ss 3 2 1 0 Totals 40 16 18 13 Stanly Counly 200 420 130-12 Mocksvillc 312 302 I4x -16 2B - Sicga-RIz (3), Maloney (5), Boyles (3), Hulchcns, 3B - Poindexter. HR - Maloney (4). SB-Siega-Riz 1(12). Muck IP H К EK nn SO Crolls 5 9 8 7 0 4 Snow W 3 4 4 4 2 4 Siega-Riz SI 2 0 0 0 1 Wetmore Farms W O O D LEA F Available Now H o m e g r o w n T o m a t o e s W a t e r m e l o n s S q u a s h , C u c u m b e r s , H o m e g r o w n C a n t a l o u p e s G r e e n B e a n s , C o r n Open Monday-Friday 8:00 am-6:00 pmpm m-6 on Sundays Saturday 8:00 am-6 pm Closecf с From Mocksville take 801 South to 80} Intorsectlon, tum right at light. 4 miles to caution tight fa Woodleat. Follow signs lo farm, 704-278-2028 »8 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004 DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004 ■ U9 Long Hurls No-Hitter, Flowers Homers To Lead Davie Majors Davic Aincricnn L itllc League (majors division) got off to a roaring start last wcclccnil w ith tw o wins in A ll-S tar totminment play lhanks to a no- hitter pitchcd by Zach Long against East Surry and a walk­ o ff ninth Inning hotncrun by John Flowers agninst Rowan County. On Saturday. Davic traveled lo Pilot Mounlnin for n first round game againsi Easl Surry. Everyone knew it was going to be a pitcher’s duel after strikeouts to five of the first six batters in the first inning. Davie scorcd all Ihe runs for the game in the sccond. Jake Boger led o ff the inning with n w alk and took sccond on » passed bull. After u strikcoul, Josh Carter lined n single lo left ccnler that scorcd Boger for whal lumcd oul to be the gnme winner, A flcr another strikeout, Nicholas Capra hil a double to left field scoring Carter. Capra then cume nround to score on a throwing error by Easl Surry. The 3-0 lead was all Long needed as he cmiscd llirough the Easl Surry lineup giving up three walks, sinking out 13 for his firsl no'hilter in lournament play. East Surry’s pitchers gave up only three hils in Ihc six-inning game, but Davie wns able to capiinllze on Ihem for llte 3-0 win. On Sunday, the bnts came to life at Dnvie Counly Youth Complex for bolh tenms as Dnvie downed Rowan Counly 9- 6 in an acllon packed game. Both teams combined for 33 hits (Davic-16. Rowan-17). Davic started enrly putting four runs on the bonrd in the ‘ first. After n strikeout to lead off the bollom of the firsl, Anthony Capra singled to right und Long followed with his sixth homcrun o f the season. Jnkc Boger rcnched on an error followed with a single by Flowers. Josh Carter reached on an error scoring Boger and Flowers scored on a single by Joe Wnlson. Rowan picked up a run in the second and four runs in the third giving them a 6-4 lead. Davie fought back in the boltom of the third when Long and Flowers reached on errors and scored on hits by Carter and Watson knotting the score at 6. The next five and one-hnlf innings were dominnled by bolh defenses and clutch pitching by Davie’s Adam McCallislcr. The key defensive play for Davte came in the top o f the ninth when Dylan Byerly nailed the potential go nhead run al the plate with a throw from left field for the Ihird out keeping Ihe scored tied al 6. Long led off the bottom of the ninth with a single followed by Boger gelling hil by n pitch. Flowers came lo Ihc plate wilh no outs ond drilled a 2-2 pilch over the left field fence handing Davie the 9-6 win. The players for the Davic American L illie League A ll- Slars are Jnke Boger, Dylan B yerly, Anthony Capra, Nicholas Capra, Josh Cnrter, John Flowers, David Hobson, Zach Long, Adam McCallislcr, M althew M ills , C hristian O ’Conner, Joe Watson, and Bret Williams. The manager of the team is Del Long and the coaches are Todd Carter and Marc Flowers. Davie’s nexl game in Ihe NC District 2 Tournament w ill be Saturday, July 3 at 7 p.m, in John Flowers Clemmons at Ihe Southwest Forsyth Little League complex against an opponent lo be determined. Zach Long For more inform ation on Davic Lillie League and a copy of the toumament brackets, go lo www.davieUttleleague.org. Girls Basketball Team Impresses Coaches G E N E ’S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 7 6 6 ^ 1 4 8 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons Summer Golf Special H ICKO RY H IL L CO U N TRYCLU B “TVic Country Club o f Davie" July & August Only S9 in lc w 8 l6 -": Uon^rlS20 S enlor«$18 WMkendi aiHdldsyt &2 S ÜZ'il llwy. (rl K„ M(K.’k«villü Call for Tee Times 336<998^746 Continued From Page B l averaged 10,6 poinis a game in the weekend series, and was a big reason Davie finished with a 4-2 record, Maready's offense. wns complemented by her defense. Despite giving tip five inchcs, she shut down 6-5 junior Tiffany Blackmon of Oastonia, who was an A ll-M e tro (C harlolle) selection nnd a conference M VP in. 2004. Blackmon is listed by several sourccs us a certain Division I prospect, and is posted-as high as fifth in Ihc nation on the A ll- Siar Girls Report. She averaged I y.5 poinis. 12 rebounds and six blocks per game, yet managed only 11 poinis. three rebounds and one block against Maready. “ Bama's (M aready) improved so much on her inside game." Stephens said. “ She’s become such a leader on this team," Booth, a rising junior, has matured to become a double Bud Rich Gets Hole In One Bud Rich of Cornatzer Road scorcd a hole in one on No, 18 al Foxwood Golf Club in Rowan Couiuy. Rich used a .“i wood on the 140-yard hole. He was playing wilh Mody Hancock and Bob Cope. scoring threat for Davie as well. Booth cnn run the fioor or post down low, and Stephens calls her the best shooter on the squad. Booth showed a knack for finding Ihe back door for a quick Inyuj}, and then frustrated defenses by popping outside for a quick jumper. She averaged nine points in the toumamenl. w ith a high o f Iii against Sanford, Booth also made plays worthy of an ESPN highlight reel, including one where she dove out o f bounds and threw the ball between her legs to Whitaker for an assist, W hitaker w ill also’ be an anchor in Ihe low post for the War Eagles. One of only three .seniors (along wilh Maready and Aiyson Walker), W hitaker’s leadership and experience w ill be called on by Stephens to guide the younger players into a stronger role, Whitaker showed she was up to the challenge, taking part in an offseason conditioning program at the Y MCA that has benefited her on the courl. "Erin has golien so much slronger,” Maready said. “ And the young (plnyers) are really picking il up, Everyone is starting to work as a lenm. If we had to play Gastonia earlier in Ihe summer, we wouldn’t have beaten that team,” Old School D a v ie S p o r ts N e w s F r o m J u ly , 1 9 7 3 • In the Jaycee Junior Ten­ nis tournament, the boys 18- under winnor was Williams Hall, wilh Jeff Bowden run- ner-up. Bill Cozart was the 16-undcr boys winner, with Ken Jordnn runner-up. Darlene Smith wa.s the girls 18-under winner, with Nancy Renvis runner-up. And Teresa McCullough was the girls 16- under winner, wilh Kelly Erickson runner-up. • Through seven gumes, all win.s, the Mocksville Senior Babe Ruth baseball leam’s leading hitters were Randy McDaniel.at ..^00 and Paul Ijames at .417. Among the statistical leaders for Coacii Dale Ijames’ squad were McDaniel and Robert Ander­ son with two home runs each, Ijames with three doubles. Ricky Allred, Charles Blackwood nnd Stan Riddle wilh two iriple.s, and Ander­ son with 10 liBIs. On a pitch­ ing staff that hail allowed three earned runs, Frank Snider had a 3-0 record, Ijames 2-0 and Riddle 1-0. • In Ihe Mock.sville Pee Wee bnsebnll league, the Dodgers beat the Reds 3-2. The winning pitcher was Paul Rauch. The leading hitter was David Beck. The Reds’ leading hitters were Todd Cassidy, Jeffrey Lankford and Barry Whitlock, Sign Up For Adult Flag Football Season That Starts In Late July Aftcra succe.ssful firsl .season in 2003, Ihc Davic Fam ily YMCA and Davie Flag Football League urc icuming up nguin to bring Adult Flag Football lo Ihc communily. Registration for Ihc 2004 season is llirough July 24. Cosl for YMCA-nicmbcr teams is $600 and YMCA non-mcmbcr teams is $650. To qualify ns n member leam, there must be six YMCA members of any branch of YMCA of Northwest North Carolina. Players must be 21 years o f age or older. Teams mny have 18 plnyers per roster, Indi- vidunl, company or church tcnms cnn participate. The regular season w ill run from August 15-Thanksgiving. The game w ill be 7 vs, 7 scrcen blocking (no contact). Games wiil be pinycd on Sunday after­ noons at Ihe Y, The Enforcers w ill be out lo defend their 2003 league title. For more Infonnulion or de­ lai Is, conlacl Lauren Fowler al Ihc Davie Y at 751-9622 or visit Ihc website at www.geociiies.com/ davieflagfootball <http;// WWW.geocities,com/ davienagfoolball>. You can also contact Bob Richardson at brich68@yadlel,nel. HOBBY DILMORE’S WESTSIDE CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - DODGE PROUDLY PRESENTS EAST COAST WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP R O D E O sp«,»»s « h OF JULY WEEK KICK OFF Fuel & Fertilizer HOUtO HU fLINt Donny’s Western Store Horn Oil Company Mason Gratllng • Woodleaf Farm Equipment And Trailer Sales • Hendrix & Corriher Construction • Handl Cupboard -1 &2 704-278-2069 Full 7 Event Rodeo • A Diamond H World Class Rodeo Production Rumor Sports Bar Hwy. 801 United Rentals of Salisbury SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY NIQHT-AL WOODS & THE SMOKEYRIOGE BOYS KIDS CALF SCRAMBLE • SPECIAL TRIBUTE TO AMERICA TOUGH COWBOYS • MEAN BULLS • GREAT FOOD WORLD FAMOUS WILD COW MILKING JU LY 2 & 3 AimONSTARTS GATES OPEN AT 6 PM 8:00 ^ NIGHTLY Cm CLE(I)RANCH ARENA FOSTER ROAD • WOODLEAF, NC BENEFinillGCHUBCHLAMD BOY SGOUT TROOP #232 Resume all activities immediately after cataract surgery at S o u t h e a s t e r n E y e C e n t e r by C . R i c h a r d E p e s , M . D . • Procedure takes only 4 to 7 minutes to perform • Return to all activities immediately • Dr, Epe,s named a.s one of the “Best Doctors in Amcrica” • Dr. Epes has performed surgei^ on individuals from 48 states and 18 forcign countries • Dr, Epes has performed over.7S,000 cataract surgeries C. Richard Epes, M.D. “ For local convenience & unmatched experience, call C«f\tfia Suriiol By» AuocUin, PA. / AMl|nm»nt Acrtpt«! T R U S T Y O U R E Y E S T O E X P E R IE N C E . For your conveiiivnce you may .u-e one of the Soiitlumlern Eye Center doctor.i in nm oJfice.s nt.- VISON CENm D r, Steven G . Laym on.optom cirisi 198-U КшрПи! SI., Mocksvllk • 751-5734 S p o t l i g h t o n B u s i n e s s I Tiling basement floor ill eliminate your worry of rain damage Rain Rain go away, come again—after the basement's been tiled! And who better to do the job than Tile Rite of Clemmons, “With the abundance of rain we have had this past year in North Carolina, we have seen a lot of flooded basements," notes Rick Silver, owner and operator of Tile Rite, "Because of that we have tiled more basement floors than ever before," "Why ceramic llie" you ask? Ceramic tile doesn’t absorb water like carpet or rot wood and cause mold and mildew growth and bad odors In your home, “Other floor coverings such as carpet, hardwood and lino­ leum just don't hold up under excessive amounts of water Ceramic tile, however, does. And that makes II the most logi­ cal choice and most cost effective way to finish a basement floor,” Rick explains. Tile Rite is a family-owned business that has been install­ ing tile for over 16 years and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience lo every job. Special offer - RIdgevlew Tile $4,29 per square foot For a limited time, Tile Rite is running a basement special : that includes DAL 12x12 RIdgevlew Tile (a very sturdy, altrac- S tive tile) In your choice of six different colors and installed for $4.29 per square foot. There is a 100 square foot minimum, standard straight lay Inslallalion on concrete included. Diago­ nal layout, borders and insert installation will be extra. Tear out of some types of flooring and leveling may also be extra. Trouble free flooring "Ceramic and porcelain tile will enhance the appearance and Increase the value of your home more than any other type of flooring product, 11 will give you a trouble free floor that won't have lo be worried about when the weather gels bad," says Arnold Bakery Thrift Store of Clemmons The Arnold Bakery Thrift Store In Clemmons sells delicious, high-quality bread, snacks and other related products, includ­ ing iow-fat, no-fat and no-sugar products at savings up td 60 > percent of suggested retail. Some of the most popular Hems are Entemann's cookies, pastries, cakes and pies: and Boboii line of pizza crusts, plus a wide range of specially food items. For meals, sandwiches and get-togethers, the store fea­ tures the Arnold line of premium America breads, rolls and buns, which include Brownberry, Brick Oven, Francisco and Bran'ola, a hearty line of breads that are baked with all-natu­ ral whole grains. New Arnold breads which do no have any Irans fats Include 7 Grains, Honey Wheat Berry, Hearty Multi Grain, Oatnut (with hazelnuts), Oatbran, Sourdough and 100% wholewheat. The Arnold Bakery Thrift Store also sells Thomas ba­ gels and English muffins. Super-size muffins, and naturally low-fat Sahara pits are also available. The thrift store has an unbelievable inventory of Pepperidge Farm premium snacks, crackers, cookies and Goldfish; Snyder of Hanover pretzels and flavored potato chips; Old London products, including their famous Melba Toast and Waffle Snacks; Voortman cookies; Utz pretzels and chips, Famous Amos cookies and Little Debbie snacks. The Arnold Bakery Thrift Store has Amish jams and rel­ ishes, local honey, Mrs, Campbell's homestyle chow-chow, Vidalia Sweets relishes, as well as Golding Farms honey, molasses, salad dressings, and steak, barbeque, cocktail and larlar sauces, Moravian Lovefeast are delivered fresh on Fridays from Jones Bakery when available. The thrift store's unique inventory of famous Stash Tea in­ cludes traditional flavors of black, green and herbal teas as well as triple ginseng teas from India, and oriental blends you would drink in Japan and China for health benfits, The store also has Exotic Tea, which includes rare flavors such as Sil­ ver Jasmine and China White. Also featured at the Arnold Bakery Thrift Store are gour­ met coffee, cocoa and cuppacino packets, including Hazel­ nut, Snickerdoodle, Moucha-doodle, Irish Creme, Creme Brulee and Coco Cabaret flavors. For customers who desire a bit more flavor, (he thrift store has a number of jalopena, garilc and spicy items. The Arnold Bakery Thrift Store is conveniently located in Advertising 1‘roiiiolioiis UGLY ROOF STAINS REMOVED FOR A LIKE NEW LOOK!! Nation's Uirgest & Oldest Roof Stain liemovers Roof-Brite^ 785-2030 TOO Roynl Oflk Or,. Winston-Siilcm, NC 2710^ PER FEC T PAWS I’el .Salon Ail Natiirtil Producís 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 9 0 7 4 Ccrtilicd OroHiiier Christine Julian Mocksville, N.C. IC TS sci 99'Famlly Store Everything 09e or loss Gamoa, housowaros, tools & now ItomsI We now sell cigarettes CHEAP! 5275 Hw>158 « fcail Ucn Shopplna Ceniti Rick Silver of Tile Rile. Rick. Tile Rite can also install tile for all types of projects Includ­ ing showers, kitchens, counters, fireplaces, patios and any type of fiooring needs. Huge selection "We have a huge selection of tiles from local tile distribu­ tors' showrooms that we can bring to the customer or they may visit the showrooms to see the vast array of decorative add-ons that are also avaiiabie," Rick suggests. So when you think of tile, think Tile Rite. Call 813-TILE (8453) for a free, no hassle estimate. You'll be glad you didl U’niiidwpt M§gi Woodworks Affonlable PnrtMt НиШтр Storage Buildings 5328 St. Paul Church Rd. Hamptonville, NC 27020 (Л»Я htr OinnHnns Alvin jVfast, Jr. 336-468-1194 iS’ii .Simrhiv Oills ’lease Ш О Е Ш Г Ш И Ш ‘Done I>irt Cheap’*_____ Drainaga Drain Systoms Grading Slump nomoval Light Lnnd Cloanng Hauling Ughl Demolition Erosion Conlrol______ M u lc h - D ir t • S a n d • G ra v e l 336 749-0465 6131 stadium Dr Clcmmoas NC TcMll JonCS Much Ado About Knitting E x p e r ie n c e A N e w A d v e n t u r e I n Y a x’n L a r g e v a r ie t y o f a c c e s s o rie s , to o ls , b o o k s , p a tte r n s , O th e r u n u s u a l & f u n k y s tu ff! Exciting Ciassos - Export Projoct - Finishing Sorvicoa SocinI & Glinrity Kjiitting Groups Outstanding Customer Sorvico Wnrm & Woicoming Environment O ivnern; M ichcllo S p illm a n • S te p h a n ie Iitley 1317 L ow iaville-C lem m ons Rd, L etvisville C orner« S h o p p in g Centeii^ (336) 778-1998 H rs. M -F 10-8PM • S a t. 10-5PM i S e lf - S t o r a g e « C D 998-9661 / Climate Control / 24 hr Computerized Gate / Fenced with 24 hr lighting / Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 / Video Camera Security / Next to Bermuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance T IL E R IT E (336) 813-TILE 18453) • Я WeinitaB ceramic and stone tile. fìmiy mixd (яшя fbr !6 We Ы» plat pile inCTruwk>ndcurtn^i>mke.lTccc<inBteitiwd [oormg Hours: Mon.- Fri. 10-6 Sat. 10-2 Specializing In ... Carpet & Vinyl Ceramic Tile Hardwood Floors & Refinishing Counter Tops Laminated Floors (336)766-0733 21 Years Experience NOWOPEN 7D7HE PUOJC BAKERY TH R IFf STORE j ¡Buy 1 Arnold Bread| & Get 1 FREE | I ICqiiiil (»r l-e.H.s Valitv i I 1 Coupon Pit Cii.sloinvr Fiimll,y I J 7/11/04 I ■ C lem m ons T h r ift S to re . I ?CC0ljnvtev1llo-ClemmcniR(J- Ciommom *(\:f«ntrum VBnooCflndtoA Ofbl |I Moa Fri.D-7;Sat.^Sun.12-S*7QM0eO I tnwrnvilln ClnmitKin» 5919-C James St. • £ lâ l r ”\ DHSS IChristian Bool« & School Supplies Your local Homcscliool Clirisil,-«) ijifls, suuly Bildcs, Blbiis. hullciin iKWni scls, llction/iion- /iclion books iSr much, much morc 127 N, Sallsliiiry St. • Mocluvllic 336-73J-6977 (Ilscouiit2002u@yiilioa.coni \VOTV.(lllS.S.COtll Italian Family Restaurant TanalewQod Shoppina Ctr Hillsdale Oine in • Take Oul ■ Free Delluery! 336-940-6787 Fax 336-940-6T66 E VE R Y D AY <« ^ V )Si'oicir I'ilizi'ifH Din^'ouot)! M E N S & L A D IE S S U M M E R W E A R B A IH IN G S U IT S , S H O R T SBUY 1, GET 1 FREE Clemmons Discount Sales 1533 Lowisvllle-Clemmons Rd. 766-4449 • Clemmons • 766-4938! Clemmons at 2668 Lewisville-Clemmons Road, across from the new DOLLARBUYS Store. Store hours are Monday through Friday 9-7, Saturday 9-6 and Sunday 12-5. Phone 766-3080.©Husqvarna VIKING Oumers Ann M ichel, Teresa Lupole A nd W ninita Brown fabric at great pricc.s Coni|)ictc line oi'scwinj; nachirics arul .mergers. •Ailult ami vouth cla.^ •Scrvicc anu icpair- ,\W makes nml mmlcls. •Notions-Quiliing & Kmbroiilcry Supplies Monday-Thursday 10-8 Friday-Satttrday 10-$ 421 & lewisvtUe-Clemmons Road Lewisville^ (336) 766-8271 ivivitKietvhtglyyotm.iom earaae Doer I2epairs All Electrical Opener Repairs • Emergency Service • Senior Citizens Discount > 25 Years Experience SPRINQS GARAGE DOOR SERVICES “M r, E d ” (336) 998-2336 » Fa r m in q t o n , NC 940-3442 . Full service Veterinary Hospital HIBDlwBttBIHlMcdicinc-Surgcry-Duntistry "PmxMy Mcdiciiij: t^or Ym.r I’c f BatllS -B oardhlg r $ 1 5 o f f y o u r 1 st v is it ^1 Services only Exp. 8/1/04 A C C E N T S B lin d s, S h u tte rs & S h ad es Douglas Powell 946-0227 \v\vw,accentsbss.com PO Box 85 Lewisville, NC 27023 < •• w Ч BIO ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004 MERCURY ЮЗ Expedftion XLT 4x4s 5.4L V8 engine, low m ilès, full po w er o m y $ 2 5 , 9 9 5 ! ! ' 03 Taurus SES Sedans V6, auto, p o w er seats, loaded with optionsll Onfy$11fiS0!r *03 Focus SE Sedans Auto, CD, alloys, full power, low m iles (My $9fi50!r ‘03 Crown Vic LX Sedans V8, leather, d u a lp o w er seats, full power, low m iles Only $ 1 6 , 9 9 5 ! ! b '0^ Chevy Silverado #110A LT, Extra Cab, 4x4,6.3LV8, loaltier, (ull power, 44k mllos '02 F-150 S/C Lariat 4*4,5.4CVB, auto, toalher, XT. pkg., loaded, 26k riilles ■99 F-150 SÍC XLT 5.4LV8 auto, bedlinor, (ull power, 78k miles. ‘ö3F-15öXLTFIareside #75A ve, auto, full power, 26k mllos '■i'‘ ' w " “ 'ä REDUCED f ‘01 F-150 S/C XI.T ЙР35А V6, aulo, 4 doors, full power. 23,850* «22,850* *12,750**15,850* *34,850 C h e c k o u t t h e s e d e a l s o n Q U A L I T Y P r e - O w n e d V e h i c l e s f o r l e s s t h a n $ 9 , 0 0 0 ! ! ^ 6 . 8 ^ MERCURY S h o p u s O n lin O a t 3 3 f O r C l. C O m Just off 1*40 Exit 170, Hwy. 601 • Mocksville, NC • (336) 751-2161 ‘Plus lax & (0BS. Dealer keeps rebates. "W.A.C, and Musi finance wllh Ford Credil. See dealer lor delalls. ------^ t Ш. 7UUI)UN ro«o ЛMMCUIT Koim DavenportSakaManliga àtM Dale RatlodgoAssistant 8а!оаМ0Щ(х Lonnie BurgessSatos i V^ N i IEl if \' i; ^N . » 4 D a v ie P e o p le DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004 - Cl D a i//e C a m p u s V is ite d b y W o r id W a r I I V e te r a n s By Nellie Fnink DCCC-Davic Campus Journalism Clnss Davidson Couniy Community Collcge-Davic Campus was honored to have five spccial guests on Wednesday, June 23. Over the past three months there have been several days in which we should remember and honor our scrvicc men and women, past «fid present. During May there was Memorial Day nnd the dedication of tlie Nntional WWII Memorini, on Jutie 6 there wns the 60th anniversary of D-Day, and coming next week is July 4th. In honor nnd remembrance of these important events the DCCC-Davie Campus Adult High School Journalism Class invited World War 11 veterans to and share memories of their experiences during the war. Students and faculty listened as each veteran spoke nbout their experiences ranging from enlistment and basic training to deployment, combat, and the hardships of aPOW. Bill Phelps started out by saying he was just “a plain ole dirt farmer." In truth, Mr. Phelps was part of Patton’s 3rd Army. Mr. Phelps snid his bnsic (raining was much like everyone else’s, with him ending up in Fort Bragg. Mr. Phelps said he was assigned to a tank outfit in St. Louis. They trained in tho California ' desort nnd in St. Louis before being shipped to , ■ ■ Southampton, England where they continued to train while waiting for the Normandy Invasion. Mr. Phelps said that on their first day out they ran into a bunch of tank mines and bazookas. His gunner was killed when a bazooka cut him in two. His assistnnt gunner was siiot up "pretty bad” and did not come back to his outfit. Mr. Phelps lost his hearing that day. The medic who treated him said there was nothing he could do for him (except to send him to the ■ hospital but he would lose Ills outfit. Mr. Phelps said no, he would go back out with his tank, so he was assigned a new gunner and assistant. Mr. Plielps and his outfit went on to fight under General Patton at the Battle of the Bulge. He Is not just “a plain ole dirt farmer”; he is one of our heroes. Harold Frank spoke about his experience as a WWII- prisoner of war. Mr. Frank was one of the mnny service men who wns part of the invasion of France. Mr. Frank was a foot soldier in the 90th Division when he went into Normandy at Utah Beach; he was 19 years old. Mr. Frank spent 31 days in combat, and while on a night patrol behind the German lines near St. Lo France, Germans ambushed Mr. Frank and nine other soldiers. Mr. Frank was shot in his left shoulder about 8 a.m. on July 7, 1944 by a sniper in a church steeple. They fought the Germans until about 5 that evening when they ran out of ammunition. By the end of the day, six of the men had been killed and the remaining four, including Mr. Frank, were captured. He and the other men were forced to wnlk all nighl back into France and away from the front line. They were Interrogated the next day. Over the next several months they \vere lead on foot into Germany. Mr. Frank said he walked so much that he wore oul a new pair of 01 boots from July to September. Mr. Frank spent 11 months as a POW working in a German papermiii before the Germans surrendered on May 7, 1945. Mr. Frank wns liberated from the POW camp on May 8. Mr. Frank snid that by the time he was freed he had lost approximately 90 • pounds nnd that he is lucky to be here. John Barber said he would never forget hearing about the bombing of Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. Mr. Barber and his twin brother thought they "were gonna miss WWII because the Marines would go over to Japan and mop up everything in about two months time. Little did we know lhat il would be 4 yenrs,” said Barber. In 1943, during their senior year nt Reynolds High School, n Navy Commander came in to see if there were any young men interested in going into the Navy Air Corp. Both Mr. Barber and his brother were interested in flying, so they took the written test and passed, but they were not able to pass the eye exnm due to a stigmatism. Bolh were disappointed, but they finished high school and volunteered for the draft. “Back in those days everyone was ‘gung ho’ to go inlo the service.” They were accepled into the Army Air Corp and wenl lo gunnery school, training in combat' flying. Mr. Barber explained the extonsivo training thnl was needed for combal flying. Before the war was over, Mr. ■ Barber had flown in 22 missions in a B-24 as a ball gunner. Vernon Dull was drafted inlo service at the age of 18 after finishing Farmington High School nnd one year at High Point College. Mr. Dull said he was given a choice between the Army and the Navy. Mr. Dull said he wus told he could join the Army and sleep in a lent or join Ihe Navy and hnve n dry bed every night, unless the ship sank. He chose the Nnvy. Mr. Dull said that they were told early “nol all you boys are going to come home, some of you are going to be killed.” Another thing learned early was discipline. “If you were not in proper dress, or didn’t follow rules, you were forced to run around the drill field at night with your rifle above your head until you fell flat on your fnce.” After basic training he was sent to Cniifomin, put on an Army transport, a Seapike, headed to Australin. Mr. Dull said they were told lhal everyone whose name started with A through D was lo slay. The rest were to gel back on the ship. They were sent to New Guinea lo fight. Mr. Dull wns assigned to a receiving warehouse nl a Nnval supply base there in Australia. Everything coming in on the ships was lo be received through them, written up on receiving reports, then distributed to warehouses in cities in Australia. Evenlually, he was assigned the job of taking cnre of the personal effects of those killed in New Guinea. Mr, Dull said he realized that once again, "The Good Lord had' taken core of me bccause I wasn’t one ot those sent to Now Guinea.” He said he took special care, of these effects when sending them to the family members back home. “Bul I learned one thing, people, do your job because the people they were picking to go to New Guinea on these PT boats as replacements were people who were nol doing tlieir job. They were giving officers problems; they were having to be disciplined. As soon us 1 found out where they were going, if tlicre was a box lo be moved, I hud a hold of one end of il.” Mr. Dull spenl Ihree years in the Navy during the war and another four yenrs in the reserves. Mr. Dull stated Ihnl the year he spenl in college is llie reason thnl he was given the job he did. He advised studenls to stay in school because, “ you never know where it will lead you.” J.B. Caldwell said he was the odd bnll in the group, being inducted in Texas. He said he had been lucky all his life and ended up in North Carolina. He went inlo the service in the Army Air Corp. Mr. Caldwell said they had no idea wliere they would be going. The pilot would gel sealed orders every morning with instructions not to open until in the air. This happened nil the way overseas unlil they ended up in China with the 14th Air Force, the Original Flying Tigers. The Flying Tigers were fighter planes, and they were altnched to the bomb group with the Flying Tigers, and would fly 37 missions out of China. About half of China was under Japanese rule nt that time so they bombed the shipyards, Hong Kong, and along the Chinese borders. They also bombed ihe Philippine Islands and ship convoys at sea;. Mr. Caldwell snid the way to bomb a ship convoy without being picked up on radar was to fly just barely over the water, then Just before reaching the .■¡hip you would rise up flying over the ship and drop the bomb, then drop back down beside Ihem. Mr. Caldwell said he was raised on a farm and had to milk a cow every morning before going lo school. He said there were times, when he was about 14,000 feet in the air with flack popping all around und dive bombers coming al him, tliat he wished lie were home milking thnt cow. They were on a ship hended home on combat fatigue nfter tlieir 37th mission when they got word that the war was over. Upon closing, Mr. Dull offered this advice, "Do not be afraid lo watch the news. We are al wnr and don’l let nnyone tell you we aren’t. We should be aware thal anytime we hnve an enemy lhal is willing lo cut off someone’s hend lo mnke a point, we are facing a bad enemy.” Mr. Frank said, "The difference between now and during WWII is that we nre not doing without nnything right now. Unless you know someone in the milltury or wntch the news you don’t even know we are at war. During WWII sugar and meat were rationed, you gol one pair of shoes per year, you couldn’t buy tires,'ond gas wns allotted. He said we should be glad we live in America” Jill Jobert thanked the special guests and invited them to slay for a reception In their honor. A decorated cake and lemonude were served, with 1940s music playing in the background. Students and facuUyimlngled with the veterans, thanking them ond asking questions. This past Memorial Dny, County Commissioner Ken While nsked veterans to tell their story. I hope this is just the beginning of those stories. There is much lo be gained by veterans sharing their stories nnd even more to be gained by those of us who listen. God Bless each and every one of you who have fought . for the freedoms we enjoy. Chuck Walkor 'H S Davie Campus students hold the cake served at a reception honoring World War II veterans, from left, Bill Phelps, Harold Frank, John Barber, Vernon Dull and J.B. Caldwell. ' 1 # ’ i . C2 - DAVIE COUN'l'Y ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, July 1,2004 F o w le r - A le x a n d e r E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Molissii Fowler ¡iml Clinl Alexniulcr will be niarricd ut 6 p.m., July 31, al Ilm Ware River YuclU Club in Gloiiccslcr, Va, The bride-lo-bc i.s (he diuighler of Kalhryn Powler and the lale Palrick Fowler of yorklown, Va. She grudtialed from Chri.slophcr Newport University and teache.s ut Olouce.ster High School. Tlie groom-to-be is the son of Charles and Lynda Alexander of Advuncc. Me is a graduate of Davie High School and Greensboro College. He teaclies theatre und is Ihe lenm's couch at Glouce.ster Higli School. I n P a in ? S tr e s s e d ? B ryan C udd, LM BT biceti.SL' #,i!)7!) T oealécl nt: X a tU l* C S Gifts 3 3 (> - 7 5 1 - 4 2 9 2 Cell; 3 3 ( ^ - 9 0 9 4 ) 6 2 6 Bring This Ad for ’ 10 Off 1 s« Visit B e n n e t t - A l s p a u g h E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Eric Wesley Alspuugh and Lindsey Hannah Bennett will be mar­ ried nt 6 p.m. Aug. 7 in Morganton. The bride-elect is the daughter of Curl Johnson Bennett Jr. and Joan L. Webb Bennett Jr. of Morganton. She is Ihe granddaughter of Carl Glenn Webb and Lola Wiseman Webb of Marion, and Melba Wilson Bennett and the lute Curl John Bennett Sr. of Morganton. She is a graduate of Freedom High School in Morganton, nnd at- lendcd Appalachian State University in Boone, She will complete her student teaching a( Moore Eiemenlary School in Winston-Sa- leni. The groom-to-be is the son of Mark Smith Al.spaugh and Marsha S. Orocc Alspaugli of Slidell, La. He is the the grandson of Peggy Rhoades Grose and the lale M.H, Grose of Mocksville, and Nell Chunce Alspuugh and Robert White Alspaugh Sr. of Winston-Sa­ lem. He is a graduate of Davie High School and High Point Univer­ sity. He is employed as a USSSA basketbull promoter. Walter, Frances Brown Celebrate 50th Anniversary Wnlter L. and Frances M. Brown of Cooleemee celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with fumily und close friends on Satur­ duy, June 19 with a dinnerparty in the banquet room of the historic Vance Hotel in Statesville. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Driver greeted the guests. Dorothy Archer and Mozelle Veach kept the register. Music was by J.P, VanHoy on Ihe guitar and keyboard, with vocalist Lesley Gaither, The three-tier cake was made by Ida Mae СгапПП, The miniature bride and groom topper was from the original wedding cnke. It was served by Sheila Renegar, Shirley Hodge and Sheila Campbell, Mr, and Mrs. Brown were married June 26, 1954 at Needtnore Baptist Church, Woodleuf by the lale Rev, Jesse Hill. The Browns have one daughter, Tina Brown West, and her hus­ band, Lowell West, Mrs. Brown retired from Farm Credit Servicc as a small loan specailist, Mr, Brown retired from Ingersoll Rand. For their anniversary trip, Mr, and Mrs. Brown will be going to the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Park, Alien In Jesus Christ Supersta/ Brandon Allen of Mocksville has been casl in Jesus in the up­ coming production of Jesus Chri.st Superstar at The Stained Glass Playhouse in Winston-Sa- lem. The production of the play, will be held July 23, 24, 30,31 and Aug, 6 nnd 7 al 8 p.m., nnd Aug, 1 and 8 at 2 p.m, in the Playhouse at 4401 Indiana Ave, in Winston-Salem, Tickets arc $10, The show is directed by John Rushton, wilh Joy Rushton as musical director. C A R O L IN A ÌT J A Y S wvjvj r.,iroiMiaiiiusicw,iys oiij Rk i’r k s k n t a iiM';Julia Howard ;Vi ' House 7'Jih Disn ict Plt'aw amuicl me in: MOCKSVILLE; (336) 751-8567 HAUEIGH: (919) 733-5904 State LeglstaWvo Building 16W, Jone3Stre0t,Rm1106 Raleigh, NC 27601-1096 Email: ¡utlah@ncleg.net I'MI) hOH lirJVIM llt>KW> i'i Do you believe in tlie right to keep and bear arms? I f so,vote Nathan Tabor on July 20**" W W W .NathanTabor.com (paid for b^Tubor for Coiigrc.ss ij^ ] Farm ington Com m unity Centér Saturday, July 3 9 a.m.-4 p.m. C a k e W a l k s J u n io r F i r e f i g h t e r s O b s t a c le C o u r s e - put on by the Farmington Fire Dept. B rin g yo u r la w n chairs an d en jo y live Bluegrass m usic, liisculls an d coiiee in the m o rn in g an d a hot dog lunch, h o m em ad e sweets an d m ore! Vendor Spaces Available for^25 [I A ll p r o c e e d s w ill b e n e f i t t h e C o m m u n i t y C e n te r . V C o m e o n o u t f o r g r e a t f a m i l y f u n a n d s u p p o r t II t h e F a r m i n g t o n C o m m u n it y C e n t e r C o n t a c t L a u r a M a t h is f o r m o r e i n h t m a t i o n a t 9 9 8 - 0 8 2 5 ’ -t Take a Pee ^. Look atmewonde^t^^ things we have and your baby! WHE.RE-,'jgVE ' A v's P e\cM'1 L yj ¿SÜjB’'* W E O FFER OUR NEXT TOUR: Thursday, July 8th, 7:00 P.M. ли e.\pcct(wl mothers ¡tilling the tour wlH rcceivc a ЗресМ Delivery Sleep ShlrtI Ri’.sc/ wiliHiis i»v itat rc<|Uirfi(.for tlic lour amljtimily mcmhcrs uiv ivclaiinc. I'ur lulilllloiuil Injiinnallan, plfiw nil/ our Spccial IJciivciy Dqiiirlnifiil Л1 ao-l) а38-М58. Mcdlcalrf 6-«II miijnr Imiiruiicc pUim tire iicccpleil. f â ^ Rcgionai ЛМ 2IB Old MinUvlilc ttiiad, 1-Ч0, t-xli .Siptnvlllr ' I ■'I* f suites oinforr«!}^ privncy, as technology ШЩ'Ж ........r e t ì w m fo rtÄ AU thte, ab(} " yp'* Ц Щ , Д П Х П П Г т т э п г ilIlO ig n tt!) Kayla Raisbeck (front) with, from left, Norman and Carol Forrest,, her parents and brother, Rob, Trey and Teresa Raisbeck, and her uncle and aunt, Ken and Sharon Boger. A n E s s a y A b o u t A S p e c i a l P e r s o n M ocksville Girl W ins C on test Kayla Loui.se Raisbeck wa.s recenlly chosen us one of six grand prize winners in the Grandparent of the Year essay contest sponosrcd by Senior Ser­ vices of Forsylh County. The contest wus open to chil­ dren ages 6-12. The contest drew close to 450 entries and an award ceremony took place May 2 al the Benton Convention Center in W inston-Salem. Contestants were encouraged lo write about a grandparent or some olher spc­ ciul per.son in Iheir life. Kayla chose to write her es­ say aboul her friend, Carol Forrest. Kayla is 6 years old and just coinpleteil the first grade ul Mocksville Elementary School. Carol is a long-linie employee of the Duvie Counly Register of Deeds und utlends church wilh Kayla and her family al Jericho Church of Chrisl in Mocksville. Carol hus been uwaiting a bone marrow transplant which will take place at the University of Norlh Carolina al Cliapel Hill Medical Center in early July, Curol liiis been an inspiration and great friend to Kuyla. For her winning essay, Kayla W!is awarded a certincate, a $ 1 (M) U.S. .savings bond, and a $100 gift card lo Village Tavern Res­ taurant. Attending the ceremony along willl Kayla were lier par­ ents, Rub and Teres» Raisbeck, Kaylii’s younger brother. Trey, her aunt and uncle, Ken and Shuron Boger, and Carol und Nornv.in Forrest. K a y ia ’R a is b e c k ’s E s s a y A b o u t H e r S p e c ia l F r ie n d My name i.s Kuyla Raisbeck, I am 6 years old. I live in M ocksville. The per­ son 1 want to honor is Carol Forrest, She is not my graiulparenl.btit she is j'tist as special to me, Mrs. Carol lives in M ocks­ ville and we go to church together. I al­ ways sit with her at church and she al­ ways brings fruit snacks and toys tor tlie kids at church. My most favorite clays are when 1 get to go hom e with her from clnireh. 1 like it because no m atter how busy she is she always stops to play with me. Mrs. Carol is alw ays helping other people. She helps my mom because my motri is handicapped and needs help with me and my little brother Trey .sometimes. W hat makes her so special is she does Ihis for other people and she is very sick, too. We have been saying special prayers that the doctors will find a marrow do­ nor for her, You can see why she is so special, I love Mrs, Carol very much, Kayla DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .July 1, 2004 - C3 TriStone Hires Flowell TriStone Community Bank (p ro p o se d ) has hired R o s e m a ry Howell as the vicc president of M ortgage Services. Howell, a native of Rock H ill, Howell S.C. has 25 years of experience in the mortgage lending industry. She has w orked with R iver H ills P lantation-S ea Pines Company, T he’Pfefferkorn Company, Cunningham and Company, and most recenlly w ith Professional Hom e Mortgage Lenders, a division of Prudential Carolinas Realty. She lives in Advance. T he bank has filed its applications wilh the North C arolina B anking C om m ission and with the Federal D eposit Insurance C orporation and has commitments for?5 percent of Its $12 million capital goal to open its doors in the fall of 2004. Kayla and Carol at the awards ceremony. Send A D a n e County Vative Td Congress Ed Powell - 3th Dislrict Con^m C o ven tor ]hn H olshouser, C bairinan R everend C oy P rivelte, V ice-Chairm an - Born in D avie C ounty to M argaret antd H arrell P ow ell of C alahaln com m unity - A tten ded D avie C ounty Schools and graduated from D avie C ounty H igh School - U niversity of N orth Carolina graduate - W ake Forest U niversity School of L aw graduate - V ietnam veteran, U . S. A rm y; A w ard ed the Brorvze Star - A ttorney in W inston-Salem ; represented th ou san d s of citizens all across the Fifth D istrict ISSUES - Restore Economy of 5th District - Win War on Terrorism and Strengthen National Security and Defense - Abolish Income Tax and replace with national sales tax - Help our seniors with Medicare and' Prescription Drug Relief - Fight for family values Visit www.powellforcongress.com for more information THIS AD COURTESY OF MAXINE AND GILBERT BOGER Paid for by Powell for Congress S p r i n t D S r ’ is a m o n t h f o r o n e y e a r w i t h a q u a li f y in g lo c a l & l o n g - d is t a n c e c a llin g p a c k a g e (taxes and fe e s exclu d ed ) - G r a b th is g r e a t d e a l! Sign up for Sprint DSL for $24.99 a month for one year with a qualifying Sprint Solutions'“ package and get a great money-saving combination. Sprint DSL gives you a fast Internet connection with EarthLink® E-mail and Personal .Start Page. Plus, it's all on one bill for a low price, (DSl roquiros n ono'Vonr sorvlco Qgroomorii and $49.99 nciivQlion foo.) Call 1-866-514-7394, v i s i t s p r i n t . c o m / l o G a l or hurry to a participating Sprint Store. ^ ^ S p r i n t dt) One Sprint. Many Solutions” Ollít oooJ lor n«\v losiilimMI cuslonaKs ooli 'MonUili F«a: PraniiWMl la» ol Ü493 wll ípiil» (oi n moMh! m « Momei wbKntei lo tolli Si«»l Solmm Sundaid Plan omi Si«ml OSL NofiMl momWy srt > 1 » ' "a'» apP >o ttpl tmú Spilm DSL Aliaot tS3 IX) will t. ctaíoeJ lor o.iíI| colminalioti. Hale applíaí lo ntw Spiím DSL coilowil only Aclual portoímanto ma» Miy dus m tondilions oulsld« ol bpiiíili nilwocli íonliol Ihoss tondilioni im» intWí vanabto Mli ai ailomor localion plmcal ejuiprnin limlationi, nilvTOil cono.iiion, s.rvíí a:Kl lout.i ipecds ol vveli «leí occístíd, inüdo wiring, or líllphonícondilioni No miniroum l«.sl ol ipand il goaianlied Ollai subiaci lodianos oí cantal willioul n.«e, Addinooal lasniclioni ma»opplv H !004 Spiinl All 1#» iBsaind Spnm, ihi diamond loso daim. Spíini DSl iniii Sfnifi! Snijticns aiú líadumails ol Sr'int Cotnfrimicaiions Company l.R tanhllnk is o lOQiíteied uademadi ol Eaithlinli, Inc. blCb-OOco MZ W : •Ш C4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004 Brandi Hendrix, teacher of the year, gets the attention of the preschoolers. Carson, Zach, Caleb, Richard and Ryan build with PlayDoh. Gantt Center Earns H ighest Star Rating Hope, Greyson, Ghhaya and Ethan play at the water table. The Helen C. Guntt Child Dcvclopmenl Center has been awurcled the highest star rating with the Division of Child De­ velopment in North Cnrolina. The center is the only facil­ ity thnt provides services to children birth lo 5 years of age in Dnvie County that holds a 5- stur license. “W ith the requirements such ns mnintnining high quality edu­ cated staff, high com pliance stnndnrds, and enhnnced pro­ gram stnndnrds, the five sti^rs nre ex cep tio n ally hard to achieve,” said executive direc­ tor, Sherry Brindle. Brindle nnd W ilmn Cocker­ ham , adm inistrative director, give the credit lo the staff. “We could not have done it without them ," she snid. The center w ill apply for N A EY C accreditation (N a­ tional A ssocintion for the Eudcation of Young Children), tlie higiiest rating in the coun- try. Brnndi Hendrix was nnmed tencher of the yenr nt the cen­ ter. She is the lend tencher of the preschool clnss. "T he G nntt center is ex­ tremely excited about its par­ ticipation in the M ebane-Hill Early Literacy Project, nn out­ reach progrnm tnrgeting literncy in Dnvie County," Brindle snid. “The centcr ulso pnrticipates in the W INGS program to im ­ prove cognitive development.” The Gantt center uses cur­ rículums and tracks children’s progress from yenr to yenr. Pnr­ ent conferences nre held twice a year. Music and computer les­ sons aro available. The center serves children birtli to 5 years of age. For more informnlion, contnct Brindle or Cockerham nt 751-0171. Richard, Christina and Xiia work on the computer. Cynthia Crotts, Kristen Ellenburg and tvtarsha Sparl<s hold the congratulations sign. S p e c ia l o f th e W e e k Ritz Bitz & other snacks ea. Limit 8 While Supplic.s La.st Our РНагтЫ у Bi! Hours July 4 & 5 iMir ¡•rcat intorniation on druÿ>s & hehith prohItMii.s, ÿ>o io .»'ww.loslerdruuco.com Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 Foster D ru g Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 WWW.fostL'nlrUi'CO.COIIl Toddlers learn nursery rhymes In the toddler room. VOTE Republican Candidate forDavie County Commissioner m T o m F le m in g Please Vote July 20th, 2004. Thank You. Paid for by Tom Fk-minn Candidate A d v a n c e N e w s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1.2004 - C5 it I.; ■ i t By Edith Zimmerman Advuncc Correspondent T hree couples from the M ethodist church hnve com ­ pleted Ihe 36 week Disciple 1 B ible Study: K ent nnd Kny Dunn, Greg nnd Lnynie Snw- yers, Ricky nnd Mimi Perkins. They were nwnrded certificates Sunday proir io the worship ser­ vice by Bible Sludy lenders Ken and Belh Potls. Congratulations to Jerry and Kne Stockton who celebruted their 36lh wedding nnniverifury June 15. We were huppy to see Gaye Wade at church Sunday after nn absence of several weeks due lo major surgery. Our communiiy is saddened by the death of Lib Curler who died Sundny nt Forsylh Medicnl Center afler having n stroke four duys before on Wednesday. She wns a fuithful church and com ­ munity worker prior to her ill­ ness, Lib has many dear friends and is going lo be greatly missed. Deepest sympathy lo children Jack nnd June Carter und grundsons P hillip nnd David. M edford und Brent Slioaf spent tho weekend in Cincinnati w here they saw som e ball games. The trip was Brcnl's be­ lated fathers dny gift to his Dud Medford, Wc express sym pathy to Thurm un C ornutzer, Seabon Cornalzer, Milderd Curler, Ruby P olls, Jenn Livcngood and Connie Cornalzcr in the death of their sister, Bclty Rose Cornalzer Shore, la.st week in Winston-Sn- Hi, iiiy nnme is Noah Cornutzer. I cctehriUed my llrst hirthdny on Mny 14.1 hnd i) Scsumc Strct't party nnd nn Klmo enkc. I would like to thank nil of my fnmily and friends for sharing my special day with me, c.spcclnlly my Iwo cou.sias, Avery Naylor und Lillian Cornutzer. My parents arc David and Christy Cornntzer. My paternal grand­ parents arc Terry and Andrea Cornatzer. My maternal grandparents arc Koy und Fay Naylor and Robert and Ramonn Dalton. lem. O ur .sympnthy goes out to "Skip" Carpenter’s fnmily. His mother Ruby McComas died last Tuesday in New Bern, Gel Well wislies to Stella Mnc Vogler’s brother Jim Frye who is a patient nt Forsyth Medi­ cal Center, Also get well wi.shcs to Gib Holder, Kazie Smiley celebrated her birthdny Thursdny, June 24, Dennis Tulbert Jr, of Mem­ phis, Tenn, nnd Tommy Tulbert, Jr, of W inslon-Snlem were Sat- urdny uflemoon visitors of Edith Zimmermnn, Last call for the D avie County Heritage Books, Six arc left for .sale. Cnll 998-4356. Karen and Audrey Brannon of Welcomc an­ nounce the birth of Deanna Leigh Curll on April 24,2004 at Davis Regional Medical Centcr. She weighed 8 lbs. 11 oz. and was 20.75 Indies long. Pnrenis arc Tim and Angela (Brannon) Curll of Mocksvillc. Brothers arc Duncan and Dylnn. Grandparents are Karen Brannon and Ron and Sue Curll of Greenville. Grcat- grandparents are Doris Curthis orLil)crty and Lowell Curthis of Jamestown, Doris and Arnold Fritts of Delaware, Elonore Curll of Pennsylvania and tlie late Kenneth Curll. It’s the tirsi girl in the Curll fumiiy in 55 years. Todd and Holly Earnhardt of Mocksvillc would like to an­ nounce the birth of a sccdhd son, Catch Paul, born on April 17, 2004 nt Dnvis Regional Medical Center in Statesville. Caleb weighed 6 lbs. 12 oz. and was 19 3/4 Inches long. He has a big brother, Jacob, wiio is 3 years old. Maternal grandparents are Larry and Kathy Hurpe of Mocksville. Great-grundpar- ents are Lee Grant Smith of Mocksvillc and the Inte Orpha Angell Smith and the late Paul and Maggie Dyson Harpe. Pa­ ternal grandparents are Eddie and Dinne Earnhardt of Salisbury. S T R O N G C D R A T E . WlTl-1 AN EVEN STRONGER GUARANTEE. CkM a Ccrlificaic of Deposll from Sliili’ ra m BiinlfV U's a sccurc placc lo «row your money. Por more informallon, call me unlay. Anil lalk w itli someone you know you can count on. WE LIVE WHERE YOU LIVE: B a n k . 11КП Л (UH)I)NI;IGHIK)R,--- . srAil!lv\llMlSTin:IUi.‘Bandy •arm Agcm Highway 15HNC 1W''■ .liimiiil I’m«™.!« I'lrUi <» I'J МШИ. IIII« in ullliviiltKiilfi- .Miiilmimi hili/ruf lo n/n'i mi iuiiiiml iii il niihiln the ihilfil А1'У h Î.W Л (1 wimtirtmtilmlm (»mimnHv-t rillllriili i Mliimllcally irnm ul immirli)' nl llir llmi riirinl inlr fnr Wif Miiiif irnii '»(imf /iiinii'f« ii'nl H-i vIrr* nol iinillarU- Itt all тли. SIMHWM BANK • HOME OWCE; вЮ0М1Ш0Н, laiNOlS • ^ Greg M orris State Farm Agent s. Siilishtir)’ SirccJ Mocksviili*. NC 336-751.5‘JOH Walk A Mile In His Shoes Read About Dan Barrett’s walk froni North Caroliita’s inoiintains to the sea Every week in the Enterprise Record riealth Rowan Regional МЕГМГ.Л1. C hnthr Community Programs Diabetes Screening— $ 15 fee An individual consullnlion with n certified diabetes cdLicalor Participants yet a fingcrstick blood tikicosc test nnd arc assessed on their risks for developing diabelcs. Tliis screening is by appointment only. Screenings nre held at; Education & Wcllnc-ss Om patient Services Uuildiiig, 7 2 1 Grove St., Salisbury. Call (704) 638-1437 for an appointment or for more inforrtiatjon. Saasiw iy M ai HeaWi Fair Join representatives from Rov.'an Regional for health information and screenings. Deparliiients in allcndancc includc; Diabetes Education, Girdiac Rehabilitation, Respiratory Carc, l^adiology, Piiysical ’nierapy, H om e Health Si Hospicc and Rowan Mcdlcal Facililics. Infomiation also will be available about organ and tissue donation. Tlic Health Fair will be iicId Wednesday, July 28 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Salisbury Mall, 1935 Jake Alexander Blvd. In Salisbury. Women’s B asebal Camp Support the Susan C . Komcn Breast Cancer Foundation and Icam the ins and outs of baseball at tlte fourth annual Women's Baseball Cam p sponsored by Rowan Regional Mcdlcal Center. Tlie camp costs $40, or pledges totaling $100 or more. All proceeds benefit the Romen Foundation. Tlic camp will be held Saturday, July to at 9 a.m. at Fieldcrcst-Ginnon Stadium in Kannapolis. For more infamation or a registration fam , visit vw/w.rowan.ag orcall«7D 4|21<M M 2B .________________ Educational Programs Comprehensive Diaiieles Classes Small group classes and individual Inslruclion are offered on a weekly basis to help master the skills and concepts for the control of diabetes, 'lliese classcs have a fee, which is covered by most insurance plans. All classcs are held at the Salisbury City I’ark Recreation Centcr, 316 Like Drive in Salisbury. Diabetes classcs will tic offered on the following dates, and you must attend all tiitcc sessions! July 12, 19 and 26 • 6 • 8 p.m. July 20, 27 and August 3 * 9 - II a.m. July 28, August 4 and 11 • 1 -3 p.m. Cali(704) 6 ^ 1 4 3 7 for more Infgmation, Coronaiy Arteiy Disease Education Class Learn about tiie risk factors for heart disease and wiiat cardiac rehabilitation options are available. T he free class meels the first and third Thui-sday of each month from 9 -1 1 a.m. in the Cardiac Rehabilitation & Wellness Cenier, 2nd floor, Kiser Medical Office Building, Rowan Regional Medical C enier e g . (704) ^ 0 . ^ 1 2 for iTige Iniprmatipn. Gestational Diabetes Classes A certified diabetes educator provides a special program for expectant mothers with gestational diabetes. Tlie prograni includes basic facts, meal planning and hom e blood glucose monlloring. 'Hicse classes have a fee, which is covered by most insurance plans. Gestational dialietes classcs will be offered on tiie following dates; attend tlic date of your choicc. July 8, 15, 22, 29« 9- 11 a.m., Rowan Regional Education & Wellness Outpatient Services Building, 721 Grove St., Salisbury. Call (704) 638-1437 for m a e infprrnatlon, Look Good, Feel Better An American Cancer Society program lhat leaclies cancer patients techniques lo address ihe cosmetic side effects of Ireaiment. Call (704) 8 5 7 -0 6 1 4 fa an appointment or for more information. July Classes & Events Support Groups ADHD Support Group Provides support and education for par­ ents of children with Altenllon Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder July 27 • 6:30 p.m., Salisbuiy f’cdiatric Associates, 129 W oodson St., Salisbury, Call (704) 636-5576 fa m a e infamation. AWAKE (Alert, Well And Keeping Energetic) Provides a social and educational fomm for anyone with à sleeping disorder. Call the Sleep Medicine Center of SalislDUty g (T M ) ( ^ - 1 5 3 3 fa meeting infqnnatior^^^^ Better BrsatlilngCtiib Offeis memlKis and guests the op)Kittunily to learn about breathing disorders. Tlie Better Breathing Club does not meet in July or August. M eetings resume in Septemlier. Cardiac Support Group Provides support and education for cardiac patients, people w ho arc at high risk for heart disease and their families. Tliis group meets the third Tuesday ot the month during February, June and October. 7 p.m.. Cardiac Rehabilitalion s< Wellness Center, 2nd floor, Kiser Medical Office Building, Rowan Regional Medical Center. Call (7(M) 2 1 0 -5412 fa m a e infamation. Colon Cancer Support Group Offers support and education for people with colon cancer aild colon cancer survivors. July 20 • 7 p.m.. Library at St. John's Lutheran Church, 2CX) W. Innes St., Salisbury. Call (704) 6 37-109 3 fg m a e Inlam allon. Coping w № Grief Support Group Provides support for those dealing with tiie loss of a loved one. Sponsored by Rowan Regional hlome Health 8i l-losplce. Day and evening support groups arc available. Call (7Q4) M 7 -7 6 4 5 fa n p re infgmatipri, Diabetes Support Group Offers programs lo provide support and education for people with diabetes and their families. i Tlie Diabetes Support Group will not | meet in July. Support group meellngs resume August 3. Epilepsy Support Group Provides support and education for people with epilepsy and iheir families. Support group meellngs resume in Septemlîer. Call (704) 6 3 8 -8 6 6 4 la more informalion. Prostate Cancer Support Group Offers support and educalion for people with proslate cancer and prostate cancer survivors. July 15 • 5:30 p.m., Cardiac Rehabilitation & Wellness Center, 2nd floor, Kiser Medical Office Dullding, Rowan Regional Medical C enier Call (704) 6 3 » 0 9 4 2 a (704) 210Æ 104 for more informalion, RSDSA Support Group (Kellex Syiii|iallictic Dystrophy Syndrome Assixialion) Offers support and cclticalion for people with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndronie, a chronic neurological disease marked by consianl pain, July 1 2 * 7 p.m.. Administrative Conference Room, Rowan Regional Medical C cnier Call (704) .637-1021 (or m a e jnformalion. WeigM Loss Support & oup Provides support and éducation for people who have had or are contemplating Iiaving gastric bypass surgery as a way to lose weight. July 8 * 7 p.m., Women's I'lealth Center, 3rd floor, Rowan Regional Medical Center. Call (704) 6 3 7 -8 6 1 8 fa more information. Women’s Health All classes meet in the Wt)nien's hleallli Center, 3rd floor, Rowan Regional Medical C enter Call (7 0 4 ) 2 1 0 -5 5 4 4 to register or for more information. 1 ^ Brotiier/BIg Sister Siblings, too, have to adjust to a new itilc when the baby arrives. This class helps prepare them for the anival of a new brother or sister. It includes a lour of the matemlty center and a visil to our new­ born nursery. J.tily. I_2 • ‘I - 5 p.m. Breastfeeding Tills class details ihc advantages and methods of breastfeeding, as well as practical problem solving, llie class is taught by our certified lactation consultants. Dads are welcomc, loo. $10 class fee if not cniolled in Rowan Rcgional's Limaze classes. July 6 • 6 - 8:30 p.m. Tills class prepares new parents for what to expect prior to delivery. Learn the signs of pre-lenii labor; know when to come to the hospital; and review imporiant policy and reglsii^ation infonnation. Classes are offered every Tuesday at 3 p.m. New mothers neeil to sign up for the one-time class between the 22nd and 28tli week of their pregnancy. Tliere is no charge for the class, btu space is limited. Every 3rd W ednesday of the inonth, tlMs class wjll be offc^^^^^ la n a z e Prepared G hN bhtli and B aiv Basics Leam what to expect during labor, birth and postpartum periods, coping skif/s; relaxation and breathing techniques; and ireparing for childbirth. Taught by our imaze-certifled childbirth educalore. Classes meet once a week for five weeks, and a class fee is charged. Limaze classes will be offered on the following dales: July 27 - August 24 • 6 - 8:30 p.m. Mammography Appointments M animograpliy appnlnliiieiiis are available al the Soulh Rowan Medical Mall. The Medical Mnll is locateti at 308 E. (.'entei-view St, ill China Grove. Call (7 0 4 ) 8 5 5 -2 4 0 0 to schedule your appnlntinent. pn Lii Blood Pressure Clinic Every W ednesdny Irom 9 a.m. - noon, a free blood pressure clinic is held in the innin lobby ol Rownn iiegionnl M edicnl C en ter V olunteer nurses conduct the clinic. Free pnrkini.; is provided in the m edical center's parking garage on f-|enclei-soii Street. Nurse - On - Duty For routine, non-em ergency medical problem s o r (or niiswei’s to your medical t|ueslioiis, cnll N urse-O n-D tity 24 houi's a clay, seven days n week. It's free. 1-800-33&4d21 Ul i\\ \ \ ki ( M 1.МЛ1 RoM/an Regional Medical Center offers a variety of health and wiellness education classes. For more informalion or lo register for any classes or support groups, call ( 7 0 4 ) 2-^Q -5Q G 0 612 Mocksville Avenue, Salisbury, North Carolina 28144 www.rowan.org . S u e R id d le E a r n s B B & T P r o m o tio n BB&T has promoted Sue Riddle to assistant vice presi­ dent. Riddle, who joined Ihe bank in 2000, is an em ployee benefits co­ ordinator based at 250 W. Firsl St. in W inslon- Salcm. R iddle C 6 . DAVIE COUNTY KNTERI*RISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,20M F I R S T G R E E N S B O R O H O M E E Q U I T Y OFFER... Loans For All Types of Credit Situation.s 100% Purchases • Conventional • FHA & VA 125% Financing • No Income Vcrilication Mobile Homes (SW & DW) • Self-Employed Bankruptcy OK Fur Excellent Service ami Quick Closings CONTACT TAMARA CHURCH FIRST GREENSBORO HOME EQUITY 1300 Wcsfgatc Center Drive Winslon-Salcm, NC 27103 Phone 1-336-768-7566 or 1-800-296-0551 After Hours 692-9974 • Fax 1-336-768-9864 Rick Ellis f o r S c h o o l B o a r d Elect II Detiicated Leader Who Cares About Our Davie County Scliools I grew up in Davie Counly and received a i|uulity education in our school.s. As a parent, busine.ssnian, and leader in Ihc coininunily, I know tliis only happens when we work logetlier lo serve all our children. I really care about young people and choo.se lo spend a lot of my time where I can have an impact on iheir future. I would like to bccome a member of the .schotii board .so 1 can lend my skills nnd experience to help en.sure that all our studenl-s get the best possible education. • Married, wiUi twa suns Mulllww, 9 und Jolm, 4 • aiildren's 'ftnclicr. Administrative Board Mcmlwr, Confcrencc Uiy I>elegatc, DcUilclicm Unilcd McllKxlisi Chut<cli • Cub Scout L.cader. School Volunteer, Ody.s.Ky of llic Mind Coach • Davie High Graduóte (198.1) • n.s. Engineering, Nortli Coioliiia Stole Univeisily (198«) • MiKlcr's of Duslncs.s Adnilnislnilion, Wake Forest Universily (1992) • President and Ctvfraindcr, NcxlUp Technologies I would appreciate your support on July 20. www.ElIisForSchooIBoard.com Paid for by Kick Hills Riddicis a mem­ ber of Bethlehem United Meth- odi.st Church and i.s active in United Melhodisi Women. She is a volunteer at Slorehou.se for Jesus. She and her husband, Larry, reside in Advance and have two children. Riddic is the daughter of William and Bonnie Becding of Mocksville. S c h a m b a c h R e c e i v e s A r t s C o u n c il S c h o i a r s h i p The Davie Counly Arts Council awarded Thomas Schambach its annual scholar­ ship in May. Schambach plans to attend A ppalachain State Univer­ sity lo sludy graphic/studio art. A life-long artisan, Schambach expresses himself Ihrough music, visual « arts, and performing arts. Schambach Mocksville Lions Club officers, from left: sealed - Jonathan Wishon, (director; Janet Doub, installing officer; Nancy Collette, director; standing - George Kimberly, sec­ retary; Frank Burgio, vice president; Lucille Phifer, vice president; Charles Crenshaw, president; f^arvin Doub, installing officer; HR Hendrix, chaplain; Bill Fender, Lion tamer; Dale Brown, membership chair; Linda Blackburn, tail twister. L io n s C lu b I n s ta lls O f fic e r s Dr. Ron Gantt praised the work of the Mocksvillo Lions Club on June 17. As outgoing president, he lold the club members Ihcy were rc.sponsible for Ihe Lions help­ ing people, such us providing vi­ sion carc for 26 school children in Davie Counly, and giving vi­ sion and hearing help to 35 adults. The new president, Charles Crenshaw, is continuing the family tradilion of helping the community through the Lions club. His father was a charter member of the Mocksville club in 1954, and his uncle was a Lion in Virginia. He didn't join the Mock.sville club until several years ago, and said he hadn’t becausc no one had asked. He encouraged the 32 members of the local club to seek new members bccause the need to help visually and hear­ ing impaired is greal. On June 16, Lions from M ocksville, W inslon-Salem Charles Hiatt, Jonathan Wishon and Lucille Phifer at the picnic. l\vin City I lost, and Kcnrersville had a picnic I'or 35 blind persons at Bolton Park in Winslon-Sa- lem. Mel Jones and Dany Wicker entertained the blind and Lions with harmonica, guitar and vo­ cal music. Anyone interested in helping Ihe visiually and hearing im­ paired may inquire aboul join­ ing the Lions club by talking lo a meniber. Meetings are al 7 p.m. on the first and Ihird Thursdays at St. Francis of Assissi Catho­ lic Church. Guests are weicomc. E m e rg en c y stan d -b y g e n e ra to rs by G e n e ra c PropiiruVNciliiral Gits/Dicsel • Fully auloniiilic swilcfi ovoi. O p e n in g S o o n 'In A d v a n c e ! (336J 775-9222 Automatic Switch Geais Electrical supplies for all gsnerstors Our larger liquid-cooled ¡'I standby... ■ i, Rtpair and Service Dealer for Qenerac Warning: Never operate portable generators inside home. R e p a irs o n P o rta b le G e n e r a to r s a n d P r e s s u r e W a s h e rs : R.V. G e n e ra to rs/A C A u to m a tic S w itc h e s fo r P o r ta b le s S c o u t s A t C a m p Boy Scout Troop 732 of Advance left for Camp Bud Schiele on Sunday, June 13. The photos show the Scouts ariving at Camp Bud Shiele for a group photo and lining up information assembly for retir­ ing the flags Just before dinner. Thirty-nine Scouts and leaders spent a week swimming, canoeing, hik­ ing, exploring, camping, shotgun and rifle school, Indian lore, crafts, high adventure, and cope. Thurs­ day night was parents night where Scouts’ families visited the campground to observe a Scout program and the Order of the Arrow induction ceremony. If your have a potential Scout who would like to Join Troop 732, contact the office at Bethlehem United iVlethodist Church at 998-5083. I I JU L Y 2 0 0 4 2-Pk. Miter 65-Watt noodilghts tifi iv<l r»/,| 20-lb. Charcoal Briquait Tf V lO tXU \/* rrx*» U<i> 0 t f v I f VUbHe OsciUaUng I • (ocUii.T' k# Ilm rouvti» ifM, »1«Ь| b iuU AiMoH Th* C audell L u m b e A B uilding S upplies Jl* 162 Sheel( Street • 751 -2167 r J Open Daily Weekdays 7:30-5:00 Sat, 7:30-12 noonA * J--» * ir A- * Cana News DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004 - Cl By .John “Cain” Godwin Cana Correspondent This is a beautiful week in Cana. Tomato plants are growing and so is the com. Remember lhat lall com the Eaton’s grew a few years back? Peaches are growing, bul most have bugs helping them­ selves. Grapes are coming on strong. Cornatzer News The Queen Anne’s Lace is really looking great this year. Faye Cain Rich and I recently took a trip up to the Old Frost Cemetery and thing still look good. If you have never been up there il is worth Ihe trip. It is by far the highest eleva­ tion in all of Cana. Uncle Walter is looking good on my last visit to see him in Valley View. I asked him if he saw Air Force One as it tipped its wings to President Reagan’s ranch. He smiled and lold me that he was thinking of the checklist he would go through before landing Ihc super large Pan American Aircraft back in the day. My mother, Margaret Rich Godwin, recently visited the new Smithsonian Air Museum and sure enough Ihere was one of Uncle Walter’s Yankee Clippers in there. We should have asked Rich­ ard Burr to place that Smithsonian Museum in Cana. Nick Taylor is off to Korea. Has anybody seen any snakes lately? 1 saw a small one in the yard. Faye Cain Rich and her son- in-law Ed Hines recently visited Aunt Lucille Cain Hartman. She is doing fine for her age. Faye always says she is the toughest of the bunch. I saw an opossum crossing the road. He was as mean as a striped snake. Big wave to Doug Cartner and Steve Stroud at Wesl Davie Power Equipment. They look after Ihe mower in County Line. Until next lime wilh a view from the Old Bam Yard... These County Line high school sweethearts - Bob Lewis and Shirley Prather - were married on June 25, 1955. County Line News By Dolile Polls Cornatzer Correspondent Annie Rulh Frye has been confined lo her home for a few weeks with an ailing hip. Linda Btiilcy was confined to her room last week because of sickness. The annual Potts Reunion has held on June 13 at the activity building al Cornatzer Baplist Church. Addle Mae Bull re­ ceived Ihe plaque for the oldest person attending and Alhalenc Daniels of Colorado was recog­ nized for the longest distance to travel. Family and freinds met al Somerset Court for icc cream and cakeonJune lOto celebrate Mao Laird’s birthday. She was 92 years old on June 11. Lunchcon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Potts on June 12 weri Mr. and Mrs. Paul Potts of Wiiverly, Va., Sally Legg of Sulfie, Va. and Raymond Potts and Mr. and Mrs. Derek Harpe of Baltimore Road. Recent visitors on Sunday af­ ternoon were Ray Potts and sons, Andrew and Steven of Orange Park, Fla. Yvone Liveingood has been shut in a for a few weeks wilh a painful shoulder. Lena Pmitt, Laura Smith, Nan Howard and Dottiei Potts en­ joyed a trip with the senior group last week. They traveled to Wytheville, Va. and visited the Rock House Museum and the Thomas Boy Museum last Wednesday. On Thursday, Ihey sloped al Dixie Pottry and trav­ eled lo Abindon, Va. and htid lunch at Nancy’s Fancies. They attended the afternoon matine«; performance of "Girl of My Dreams.” They were many Red Hat Ladies members present for the performance. Lisa, Greg and Josh Tibbs vacationed at Myrtle Bcach last week. K e e p T h o s e P ic n ic A n d C o o k o u t F o o d s S a f e By Shirley Thorne Counly Line Correspondent Our Counly Line communily is getting ready lo cclebrate the Fourlh of July. For most il means vacations, cookouls, and fireworks. The M ethodist Youth of Clarksbury will be going on a 3- day retreat to Lake Junalaska Thursday lo Sunday afternoon. ' Salem United M ethodist Church will be huving vacation Bible school July 14-17 from 6:45-9 p.m. All area children are invited for crafts and learning activities. Jack Kooniz of the Salem Methodist Men left Monday for Alaska to participate in a church building program of the Western North Carolina Conference. The Women on Mission of >- Calvary Bnptist Church will ' meet at 7 p.m. In the church fel­ lowship hall Tuesday, July 6. Dee Vanhoy is in charge of the program. Approximately 60 former members and area residents at­ tended the reunion dinner at Saint Matthews Luthcrn Church this past Sunday. Our community sends gel- well wi.shes lo Joncll G. Lewis of Clarksbury. Joncll wus ut Iredell Memorial Hospital for surgery but is recuperating al home, Pauline Stroud remains at Davis Regional Mcdical Cen­ ler for physical therapy. Ann Cline and Gary Stroud are both recuperating at their respective homes, Peggy Carlton was recently named "Fam ily Child Carc Teacher of the Year” by Ihe Davie-Rowun Partnership for Childen at Ihe second annual awards dinner at Ihe Duvie County Public Library. Peggy is the owner and operator of Little Friends' Day Care on Ridge Road, This is the second year she has received the honor. June is Ihe favored month for weddings, and there have been many June brides in County Line. This pasl Salurday Crys­ tal Broadway, daughter of Nettie Daywalt Blevins, was married at Saint Matthews Luihem Church. Many years ago there were few formal church weddings in our community. Most people were married at their homes, ihe pastor's home, etc. 1 still remem­ ber the. first formal wedding I attended at.Society. It was Ihe wedding of Lib Godbey, our pia­ nist who lived with her grand­ parents Murt und Mue Godbcy. Recently « friend gave me the picture of a pair of County Line high school sweethearts from the carly 1950s. Do you recognize Ihis young couple? Bob Lewis and Shirley Prather dated in high school and were married at her parents' home on Stroud Mill .Road by the Rev. Caldwell Henderson on June 25, 1955. They subsequently built a house adjacent lo her parents' home, reared a family, and have been a asset to our community. By Alllsun L. Custa, RSI Special to the Еп1сфП8с ■ Summer is fast approaching and many of us are lighting up our grills. In fuel, half of all Americans report cooking out regurdless of the temperature outside. This is usually a fun experience. However, there cun be many types of harmful bacteria in raw meats and their juices. To avoid getting sick il is important to pay attention to how we handle and cook foods. For a healthy and happy grilling experience, follow those tips; • Be sure to prom ptly refrigerate raw meats when bringing them home from the store. Don’t let juiccs from raw meats mingle with other foods. (Placing raw meats in plastic bags is a great way to prevent this.) If you don't plan to use the meat immodi-alcly, freeze poultry and ground meat wilhin one or two days and other types of meal within four or five days. Check your tcm per-atures; refrigerators should keep foods below 45°F and freezers below 0°F. ■ Before cooking, completely defrost incut in the fridge, under conslimlly mnning cold waler, or in the microwave (but only if it will be cookcd directly after defrosting). If you precook food on the stove or in Ihe oven or m icrowave, be sure it goes directly to the grill, • Marinate meals in the re- Four Corners News By Mnrlc White Four Comers Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bcck of Wallburg visited Mr. and Mrs. Grady Beck Sulurduy. Mr. and Mrs. Joe White vis­ ited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Couch recently. Mrs. Kenny Smith hus re­ lumed home after spending lasi W e’ve Moved!! Davie Domestic Violence Services and Rape Crisis Center We are now located al: 123 South IVlain Street,on Ihe 3rd Floor of Ihe Administration Building across from Ihc Davie County Courthouse in downtown Mocksville Nrai Office llmas: Mm. - Fri. 8:30am-5:00))m wilh 24 Hr. Crisis Line ServlCBs Ollered Include; Court Advocacy, Support Group, IKoepltal Advocacy, Volunteer Opportunlliee and Crlele Counseling. CRISIS LINE: 751-HELP (4357)— Ail Services are Coiifideiiliiii imd Free — ffallyouwant fix)mdiurch is hell, fire and brimstone, burn this ad. The Episcopal Church of the Ascension Welcomes You. Summer Schedule; Worshi/i each Sumliiy m I0;00 A.M. 183 Fork-Bixby Rond • Advancc, NC 27006 • 336.998.0857 www.iisccnsion-forji.orfi frigerutor. Don’l reuse marinade lhat hus been in coiuact wilh raw meat unlc.ss it is boiled first. • If you're not cooking the meat ut home, use a cooler and enough icc lo maintain the meat temperature below 45°F until it is cookcd. • Only take meat out of the fridge when you are ready to place it on the grill. If storing it in a cooler, avoid repeatedly opening the cooler until you are ready to grill it. (For this reason, it is a good idea to store drinks in separate cooler.) • Keep your hands ond counters clean. Use plenty of warm, soupy water or take wet toweleltes for hands and food surfaces if you nro not at home, Don’l use the same plate or utensils for raw and cooked meals. • Use a meal themiometer lo be sure meat is compleiely cookcd by taking the temper­ ature in the thickest part of the meat. Cook foods to these tem­ peratures; Chicken (and other poultry)- 165°F, hamburgers- I55°F, pork- 150°F, rare roust bcefand rare beefsteaks- 130°F. When reheating already cooked meats (like hot dogs), cook to 165°F. Never stop the cooking process until the meal is completely done. •.K eep hot foods above 140“F between cooking and serving. This can be done by placing the meals on the side of the grill rack (not directly over the coals), in a warm oven (approximately 200°F), in a chafing dish or slow cookcr, or on a warming tray. • Refrigerate leftovers promptly in shallow containers. If the outside temperature is below 90°F, discard anything that has been left out over two hours. If the temperature is above 90°F, discard anything that has been lefl out over one hour. In summary, remember lo wash your hands, keep raw meats separate, cook your food thoroughly, and avoid the tem perature "danger zone" between 45°F and 140°F, If you would like more information, contact the Davie County Environmental Health Seclion at 751-8760. week with Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hamm of Carolinn Beuch. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joe While vis­ ited Mrs. Johnsie Shelton lusl week. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Murray, Mr. und Mrs. Joe White and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Craver attended the singing Sunday night at Enon Baptist Church featuring the Craft Brothers. GOP SeUout M e a n s H i g h e r T a x e s ! ! After Julia Howard voted with all the Democrats and four Republicans to elect Democrat Jim Black and Richard Morgan as Speakers, payback time came pretty quickly. Julia Howard voted for the $1 billion tax increase being pushed by Liberal Democrats and Richard Morgan! Do Davie County Republicans Really Want a House Member W ho votes for Tax Increases? Also, Do Davie County Republicans Really Want a House Member W ho votes for a Tax Increase — A F T E R P R O M IS IN G T O V O T E A G A IN S T T H E M ? FACT; Before the session started, Julia Howard signed the ‘‘no-tax pledge” from Citizens for a Sound Economy Promising not to vote for more taxes. FACT; During the vote for the budget, Julia Howard voted to increase the tax burden on North Carolina citizens for the third year in a row. (Only state in the nation to do so!) Vote to Re-Elect Frank Mitchell, NC House Fiiink Mitchell Voted Against the Tax Increases On July 20, Elect a Loyal Republican, F r a n k M i t c h e l l Paid for by Frank Mitchell for N.C. Hou.se Committee C8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004Obituaries Roy L. Choate Mr. Roy L. Choiite, 81, of North Wilkesboro. died Tiies- ilay. June 22. 2()04, al Wilkes Rogional Mcdical Center. Mr. Choate was born March 30, 192.1, in Alleghany County. Surviving: his wife, June Handy Choate of the home; 2 sons. Bill Choate of Sterling, Va., and Bob Choate of Sparta; 2 daughlers, Esther Kenney of Advancc and Betty Jo Smitherman of Pfafftown; 2 slcpdiiughtcrs, Ann Parsons and Gayle Brown, both of North Wilkesboro; 8 grandchildren; a siepgrandson; und 4 great­ grandchildren. The funeral service wus held ut 3 p.m. Thursduy, June 24. at Miller Funeral Chapel with El­ ders Larry Blevins and Sam Parrish ofnciiiting. Burial was in Mountlawn Memorial Park. M emorials; Cross Roads Primitive Baptist Church. Beatrice Irene Scruggs Beatrice Irene M iller Scruggs. 77, of Mocksvillc, died June 25. 2004 at Rowan Re­ gional Medical Center. Bom in Boone County, W.Va. on May 17. 1927, she was the daughter of the late Irabell Breedlove and John C. Miller, She was of Ihe Baptist faith, spent her life as a carcgiver and enjoyed her children nnd grand­ children. Survivors; 2 sons, Larry W. (Sandy) Lucas nnd Roberl B. ' (Lisa) Luens, 2 daughters, Sherry K. (Keith) Summers and Knren L, (Cnlvin) Harrison, all of Mocksville; 8 grandchildren; and 6 grcat-grandchildrcn. She wns prcccded in death by her husbnnd, Lcnord 0. Scruggs, 10 brothers ond 2 sisters. Funeral scrviccs were held Monday, June 28, ol 11 a.m. nl Davie Funeral Servicc Chapel with the Rev. Mike Franklin of­ ficiating, Burial follosved in ftose Ccmelery in Mocksville. G e t It Weekly Subscribe to the Enterprise Record Call 751-2120 for details Betty C om atzer Shore Mrs. Betty Comatzer Shore. 70,dicd ut Wake Forest Univer­ sity Baptist Mcdical Center on Thursduy, June 24, 2СЮ4. She wus born in Davic Couniy lo Walt and Jennie Myers Cornal/.er on Aug. 29, 1933. Mrs. Shore was an active member of Trinity Friends Mect- ing. She was preceded in death by her parents; a brother, Joe Comatzer; and a sister, Evelyn While. Surviving; her husbnnd, Wil- liam A. Shore; a dnughter. Melody Cox; and 8 brothers and sisters, Helen Snipes, Thunnand Comatzer, Mildred Carter and husband Bill, Seabon Cornzatcr and wife Lois, Ruby Polls and husband Glen, Jean Livengood and husband Bill, Jane Saunders and Connie Cornutzer and wife Arlene. A funeral service was held at 12:30 p.m. Saturday, June 26. ul Hayworlh-Mlller Silas Creek Chapel, with Dr. Robin Dixon officialing. Burial followed nl Oaklawn Memorial Gardens. Memorials: Trinity Friends, 819 Williams Road, Lewisville, 27023-8272. \i Landscaping & Lawncare I Call Allen Dyson ззвдов-0076'Mocksville 4 Resldentlal/Commeiclal Landscape Design Installation, Mowing Monthly Maintenance Licensed Pesticide Applicator Nancy Rencgar Canter Mrs. Nnncy Nattier Rencgar Cnnlcr, 95, widow of George A. Cnnter Sr., died Mondny, June 21,2004. She was born in Yadkin Couniy Aug. 6,1908, to Charles nnd Nancy Rcnegar. Her parents, 4 brothers, 4 sisters and a son, Roger Rencgar, preceded her in denlh. Mrs. Cnnter wns n home- mnker who enjoyed making quilts she shared with family and friends. Mrs. Canter was a chnr- ler member of Green Mendows Bnptisl Church and a member of the Willing Workers Sunday School Class until her age and health prevented her from ul- tending. She enjoyed .sending curds lo friends nnd loved ones. Survivors; 2 duughlers, Jane Canter of Ihe home nnd Burbara Shipley of Winslon-Salem; a .son, George A. Canter Jr. and wife Linda of Mocksvillc; n , daughtcr-in-law, Helen Rencgar of Kemersville; 3 grandchildren; 5 grcut-grnndchildrcn; u grenl- greut-grundchild; 2 sisters nnd u brother of Yadklnville; and nu­ merous nieces and nephews. The funeral scrvice was con­ ducted al 2 p.m. Thursduy, June 24, ut Hnyworth-Miller Silas Creek Chapel by the Revs. MichacI Waters and M. Ruy Duvis. Buriul followed in Beth­ lehem United Methodist Church Cemetery in Advance. Memorinls: Green Meadows Piano and Organ Fund, 1646 NC 801 N.. Mocksvillc. ir s h v in t h e P ^ ' 1 1 : 0 0 A M ' 4 C o m e j o i n F i r s t B a p t i s t C h u r c h , M o c k s v i l le f o r / w o r s h i p a t R i c h P a r k ( S h e lte r # 5 ) • B ring y o u r litw n chairs • Dìvss castutlly • Com e preparedfor a unique w oiship experietice A “tmdinonal" 4tli of July meal will be served for a small donation. Bethel Navy Burgess Mr. Bethel Navy Burgess, 65, of Will Boone Rond, Mocks­ ville, died on Wednesduy, June 23, 2004, at Forsylh Medical Cenler. He wns bom Mny 15, 1939, in Sinnley County to Ihe Inle Bethel I. nnd Junic Marlin Bur­ gess and was nn inspector with Lexington Furniture Co. He hud been wllh Ihc Thomnsville Fur­ niture Co. for 15 yenrs nnd wns n former member of Ihe Soulh Dnvle Rurllan. He was a veteran of the DS Nnvy. Mr. Burgess enjoyed fishing, furming and hunting nnd wus proud of tak­ ing an eight point buck. His fu- vorite pnslime was surrounding himself with fnmily. He wns prccede'd in denlh by n brother, Pal Burgess. Surviving; his wife Phyllis Reeves Burgess of Ihe home; 2 daughlers, Tammy (Tracy) Frost nnd Kim (Tommy) Speer, nil of Mocksville: 4 sons, Dwayne (Sherrie) Burgess, and Dwight (Phyllis) Burgess, all of Salisbury, Deneil (Kim) Burgess and Clifton (Tammy) Richnrd- ■son, all of Mock.sville; 11 grand­ children; 4 grcat-grandchildrcn; 3 brothers, B.I. Burge.ss ofCnli- fomla, Jc.sse Burge.ss of Granite Qunrry and Mike Burgess of Salisbury. Funeral services were al 4 p.m. Salurday, June 26, ut Eaton Funerul Chapel. Military hon­ ors will be conducted by the 11 th Dislrict Memorini Honor Guurd, Veterans of Foreign Wur. Memorials: Hospicc/Pallia- tive Cure, 512 Klumac Roud, Suite 3, Snlisbury, 28144. Elizabeth M. Carter Mrs. Elizabeth “Lib" Markland Cnrler, 88, of Old Mill Road, Advance, died afler being al Forsylh Medical Center for fourdays after suffering n stroke. She wns born April 19, 1916 in Davie Couniy to Ihc late Ernest and Elizabeth (Lizzie) Polls Markland and was retired from Wilson Pleasants Hard­ ware. She was a member of Ihc Advance United M elhodist Church since 1929 where she sung in Ihe church choir, was M YF counselor, a member of Ihe adminislralivc bonrd and wns a Sunday School Teacher. She was n chnrler member nnd pnst officer with the Advnnce VFD Auxiliury where she hud re­ ceived a 20 yeur service pin, and was a member nnd pnst officer with the Dnvie Home Extension und hud been nwnrded her 50 yenr pin from Ihe club. She wns preceded in dealh by her husband Milton L. Carler, a granddaughter, Rebecca Jane Carter, und 2 brothers Charles M arkland and Thomas Markland. Survivors; her son and daughter-in-law. Jack Milton nnd June White Curler of Ad­ vunce; 2 grundsons; a sister, Sudie (Taylor) Howard of Ad­ vancc; 2 brothers Frank Mark- land of Advancc and John Mnrk- lund of Selnli, Wash.; several sls- lers-in-law, a brothcr-in-lnw nnd severul nieces nnd nephews. Funeral scrviccs were at 2 p.m. Wednesduy. June 30 in the Advnnce United M elhodist Church with the Rev. Harry Sammons, pnslor, and the Rev. Dennis Murshall officiuting. Buriul was in tlie church ceni- elcry. Memorials; Advance Meth­ odist. P. O. Box 2021. A f t e r S c h o o l P r o g r a m at Hardison United Methodist Church 1630 Jericho Church Rd., Mocksvlllo O p e n T e a c h e r W o r k D a y s & O u t o f S c h o o l D a y s Full-Time, Part-Time, Drop-Ins W elcome Bus D rop-O ff at Church (HES Diitrlci) Help w ith H om ew ork (Awhtanto) A rts & Crafts;Activltles; Games & Devotion everyday;Outslde Play; C om puter Enrichm ent Snack Provided Starts First Day of School 3:00 PM ‘til iiOO PM for Rising Kindergartners thru fifth Grade. NO REGISTRATION FEE UNTIL JULY I6THI Special Ratei for Families with 1 or More KIdi.STAfF Certified in CPR & first Aid. For m ore Info call 7 5 1 -5 6 3 0 or 9 9 8 -4 1 2 4 Vote For Our Daddy! PAID FOR BY THE COM M ITTEE TO ELECT G U S A N D R EW S, GARY DAVIS, TREA SU R ER ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ " T W e w o u l d i f w e w e r e o l d e n o u g h ! lio (m! IJIliv Koilins L fC e R o l l i n s D a v i e C o m i t y C o m m i s s i o n e r / ’(//(/ /(</ /n /.(■(' Rdllins, l iiixliildh’ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thur.sday, July 1,2004 - C9 S t o r e h o u s e G e t s $ 2 5 0 , О О О D o n a t i o n F r o m R e y n o l d s T r u s t A Storehouse for Jesus in Mocksville hns been nwnrded n $250,000 granl by the Knie B. I Reynolds Charitable Trust of Winslon-Snlcm, Storehouse Ex­ ecutive Director Marie Collins . snid. The granl will be used lo help erect the medicnl section of Ihe new 29,000 square fool dislribu- lion cenicr nnd free mcdical min­ istries. Medical ministries in­ clude the medicnl chronic cnre nnd dental clinic, as well as a pharmacy for qualified Dnvie residenis. Upon completion of Ihe new facility, nn eye clinic will be nddcd. The new fncility will be lo­ cated ndjncenl to US 64 in soulh- easlem Mocksville on approxi­ mately 10 acres of land owned by A Storehouse for Jesus. “The ministry hns grown grently during Ihe Iasi 11 years, vastly outgrowing the nbnndoned fnrm house on Yndkin Valley in which il first opened its doors to help the needy in January 1993," Collins said. "But our area’s needs have also grown tremen­ dously as mnny factories hnve shut down due lo ihe economic hnrd limes in which wc live.” She said Ihnl among the first people to be laid off in such limes nre relntively unskilled fuciory workers nnd dny laborers. “We are thankful we can be here for our clients to turn lo us for help," she said. “The Storehouse operates out of a fnr-loo-crowded former hnrdware store on Mocksville’s Depot Street. The ministry, which began giving oul clothing and food, has expanded in recent years overseas lo Ghana on the Wesl Coast of Africa, where for the past three yenrs, wo hnvo con- ф - ducted medical and evangelical mission trips and also established nn educnlionnl scholnrship pro­ grnm.” “The Storehouse has also grown lo include Ihe free medi­ cal ministries for Davie County residenis. The patients who come for medical cnre do nol have health insurnnce or Medicaid and live in households with low in­ come levels." Under the chairmanship of Sarah Wood, Ihe Storehouse has been engaged in ils firsi-ever fundraising program lo raise ihe necessary l^unds lo create the new facility in Mocksville. “None of this could hove 1зееп occomplished without the groce and provision of our Almighty God who has blessed ihis minis­ try so obundonlty for the last 11 years. Wc thank God for all He hns done and continues lo do whal we might be able to minis­ ter to Ihe needy amongst us,” Collins snid. "We nre blessed, too, lhal most of the Dnvie County churches work hand-in-hand with us, volunteering, giving fi­ nancially, providing food, par- licipaling in our programs - the' list goes on and on. Not enough can be said aboul their participa­ tion, support and encouragement. "Our volunteers are the best in the world - all of them giving so much of themselves lo feed the hungry, clothe those who des­ perately need clothing, care for the sick, sharing Jesus’ love, the Gospel message and prayer with those who walk through our doors, We are also blessed by the doctors and Ihe medical staff in our clinics who keep everything going so well. “We arc blessed as well as by Ihe support nnd pnrticlpntion of civic clubs, businesses, schools, families and individuals. Without the support of the community nnd from surrounding counties, we would not hnve been able to grow to where we are today." The granl from the Reynolds Trust is truly an answer to mnny prnyers, Collins snid. “We gratefully thank Ihe people of the Chnritable Trust for their faith in Ihis ministry and for Iheir generous gift which will go a long wny in helping us to uchleve our gonIs for the medi­ cnl ministry's new facility. We nlso thnnk Snrnh Wood, Kim Harris, Max Crnnfill, Cheric Monsees, Dr. George Kimberly nnd nil those who worked so hard on Ihis granl application.” Other charitable trusts und foundations al.40 have contrib­ uted lo A Storehouse for Jesus in the past; Winston-Salem Founda­ tion; Mnrgnrct C. Woodson Foundation of Salisbury; Salem Presbytery of Clemmons, spon­ sored by the Second Presbyterian Church of Mocksville; the Third Order Regular of St. Francis Province, the Mosl Sacred Henri of Jesus of Lorello, sponsored by St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church of Mocksvville; Crescent Electric Foundnlion und the Communiiy Foundulion of Davie County. The Communiiy Foundation challenged the churches ofDavie County last fall lo raise $90,(Ю0 before last Mnrch 3 1. As a result of this chnllenge, the Storehouse, under the direction of Mrs. Wood, colleclcd a lotal of $124,473.69 in cash by that dale. Since its establishment in January 1993, A Storehouse for Jesus has served thousands of Davie County and adjaccnt county residents with food, cloth­ ing and household furniture, pro­ vided yenrty Christmas gifts ns woll as Thnnksgiving nnd Christ- mns dinners for its Davic Couniy residents. “Last Christmas,’' Collins said, “wc were able to provide gifts of new dollies and toys lo 95 Davio Couniy childrcn nnd new clothing and gifts for 17 spe­ cial needs adults ond 59 seniors.” Operating with ils own boord of directors, Collins serves as president of the board. Board members includc Emily Johnson, vice president; Cherie Monsees, secretnry/lreasurer; Janice Campbell, Dr. Regina Graham- Hauser, Mary Lnplsh, the Rev. Dennis M nrshall, Gull McCuislon, Jock Nnylor, Pnslor Will Pryor, Roberl Rouch ond Horold Zimmerman. Advisory Board members include Max Cranfill, Dr. George Kimberly, Dr. Gory Prlttoman and Sarah Wood. When the planned structure is completed in the latter part of 2005, it will feature a warehouse, a food pantry nrea, a shopping area stocked with donated food, household items and clothing, a furniture room, a chapel for weekly services, offices, sorting areas and n break room/kitchen for the clinic staff and more Ihnn 150 volunteers who keep Ihings working nl Ihe Storehouse. There will nlso be n reception nren, wniling room, records room, freezers for frozen foods, load­ ing docks and a playground for clients’ children. The medical ministries, for which the Kale B. Reynolds gift was nwnrded, will include n wait­ ing room, a receptionist room, file room, director/coordinator’s office, lab, three exnminulion rooms, nn eye examinnlion room, two dentni rooms, n procedure room, phnrmncy office, phar­ macy work room, phnrmncy, a mcdical store cabinet nnd four medicnl nssislnnce progrnm cu­ bicles. The Storehouse operates with this in mind from Ihe Book of Matthew 25:40; “And Ihe King shall answer nnd sny unto them, ‘Verily, I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of Ihese My brethren, ye have done it unto me.’ ” The Knte B. Reynolds Chnri­ table Trust wus created in 1947 by Ihe will of Mrs. William N. Reynolds of Winslon-Salem. Three-fourths of the Trust’s grant arc designated forhenith-relnted programs and services across North Carolinn and one-fourih for Ihe poor and needy of Win- ston-Salem and For.syth Couniy. P l e a s e A t t e n d T h e C h u r c h O f Y o u r C h o i c e No Creek Primitive Baptist Church, 222 Aubrey Msitell Rd., Mocksville. 2nd & 4th Sundays, 10;3D a.m. Foutth Salurday worship and conlerence, 1:30 p.m. Paslor. Richard Kirby. Eagle. Heights Church,10 n.m. Sundny worship, 7 p.m. Tuesday Powerllme, 6:30‘p.m. Wednesdays, Bible sludy andAwanas. Casual dress, contem-porary muslc/worshlp. 5103 U.S. 158. Hiiisdaie. Mockavllle Wesleyan Church: Hospilal SI., Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11, Wednesday Prayer Meeling. 7 p.m. Rev. George Troyer. 751-5595. Union Chapel United Methodlat Chureh: 2Q3Q U.S. 601 N. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m.: Worship, 11 a.m.. Paslor, Rev. Jim Sanders. Cenler United Methodlsl Church: U.S. 64 VA Sunday School, 9.45 a.m. Worship, 11. Paslor, Stephen Blair. 751-2754. Childcare directors: Carla PrevBtlo, 492-5735 & Sandra Aulry. 940-3753. Elbaville United Melhodist Churoh: N.C. 801, Advance. Fellowship, 9 a.m. Sunday School, 10, Worship, 11. Kids For Christ (ages 4-11), 1st & 3rd Sun,, 3-4:30 p.m. Teens lor Chrisi (ages 12- 18) meel Sun,, 5-6:30 p.m, Paslor: Rev. Neville Slorey. Cooleemee Church of Qod: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship Sen/Ice and Children’s Church, 11 a,m. Tues. Prayer Meeting, 7 p.m. Wed. Family Service. 7 p.m. For more inlo, call paslor Robert Huieile at 284-2180 or visil ivmv.coolcog.org. Cornalzer United Methodlsl Church: 1244 Cornalzer Rd. Sunday Schooi, lOa.m. Worship, 11 a,m„ Rev. Kaye Frye, paslor. Bethel United Melhodist Churoh; Belhel Church Rd. Worship. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:50 a.m. Rev. Ed Carter, pnslor. Advance United Mathodlst Church: Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m, Youlh, 5 p.m. Rov. Harry D. Sammons.Downlown Advance. Farmington United Methodist Church; Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a,m, 1939 Farmlnglon Rd. 998-5569. Rev. Tommy Roborlson. Oak Qrove United Methodlsl Church: 1994 U.S. 158, Mocksviile, Sunday School, 8:45 a,m. Worship, 11. Concord United Methodist Church, Cherry Hill Rd.,'Mocksville. Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Paslor, John Andrews, Hardison United Melhodist Church: Worship, 9:45 a,m, Sunday School, 10:45, Wonderlui Wednes-days Children’s program, 6-7:30. Paslor, Rev, Dennis B. Marshall. Community Bapllst Churoh: Sunday School, 10 n.m. Sunday Worship, 11. Evening sen/lce, 6. Wednesday Bible Study, 7 p.m. QIadslone Road. Hillsdale United Methodist Churoh: 5228 U.S, 158, Advance. Sunday worship, 9 & 10:45 a.m. Adull CInsses, 10-10:45. Sunday Night Uvo lor jr. and sr. high youth. Wonder Filled Wednesdays, lellowship meal and prayer lime, 6:l6-7:30. Small groups Ihroughul Iho week. For more Inlormatlon, chock Ihe webslle www.hlllsdaleumo.com, or call Ihe church ollice al 098-4020. Wesley Chapel United Melhodist Church: Worship Service: 10 o.m. Sundoy School; 10:45 a.m. Rev. Tommy Robertson. Pino Rd. Redland Penlsoostal Holiness Churoh: Sunday School: 10 a.m. Worship: 11 n.m. Evening: 6:30. Wednesday prayer meeling & Bible sludy, 7:30 p.m. Rov. Joel Boyles. Holy Cross Lutheran Churoh, 1913 US 601 S. Woiship: 10:30 n.m. Sunday School: 9:15, Rev. Roberl Kasting. 751-S419, mvw.ijilndsprlng. com/''holycmss/ Mocksville First Presbyterian Church, 261 S. Main St. Worship: 11 a.m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. Sundny evening: Choristers (grades 1-5) & Youlh (grades 6-12), 5:30 p.m. Paslor; Neal Carler. 751-2507. Mocks United Melhodist Church, oil N.C. 801 5. al Mocks Church/ Beau­ champ roads, Advance. Rev. Donnie Durham. 998-5518. Sunday worship: 8:45 & 11 a.m. Sunday School; 10 a.m. Smith Grove Melhodist Chureh: 3492 U.S. 158, Mocksville, Paslor: Chris Clontz, Sunday School: 10 a.m.. worship, 8:50 S 11. Children's ministry, Belore and alter school programs, 940- 5296. Hllisdalo Baptist Churoh: Sunday Small Qroups, 9 o.m., Worship, 10:30 a.m; Wednesday Fellowship Meal, 6 p.m. Children’s youlh aclivilies, prayer meeting, 6:30 p.m, 940-6618, Minister of Music, Brenl Hellon. 4815 U.S, 158, Advance, Faith and Victory Family Worship Cenler, 1687 Hwy. 601 N. Sunday Sen/ices, 10 a.m., 7 p.m, Wednesday, 7 p.m. Now Believers Mlnlslries, 350 Railroad St., MocksvUte. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11. Wednesday nlghl Bible sludy. 7. Paslor Elizabeth Mock. Assoc, paslor, Derrick Mock. 492-5566. Liberty United Methodlsl Churoh. U.S. 601 s. Worshlp:9:45 a.m. Sunday School; 11 a,m. First United Methodlsl Church ol Mockavllle. Early Sunday Worship Service, 8:50 a.m. Praise singing, casual dress, contemporary lormat. Traditional senrice, 10:55 a.m. 305 N. Main SI. 751-2503. Pastors, Crystal Alexander and Donald W. Roulh. ' Believer's Sonship Tabernaole: Sunday worship, 10:30 a.m, i 6:30 p,m. Wed, evening, 7. Paslor: Jerry L. Couch, 998-1324. Cana Rd. - Poller’s Lane. Turrentlne Baptist Churoh: Sunday Schooi, 9:45 a.m., Worship, 11; Nlghl Service, 6. Paslor: Rov. Joe Smith. Bethlehem United Methodlsl Churoh: Sunday early worship, 8.45 a.m.; Sunday School, 10. Worship, 11 a.m. Lighthouse Service, contemporary worship, Thursdays al 7:30 p,m, 321 Redland Rd,, Advance. 998-5083. Fax: 940-5502. E-Mail: olllcbelhumc@yadlel.net Episcopal Church ol the Ascension, Fork-Bixby Rd„ Advance, Sun. School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a,m, 998-0857. Dial A Slory Ministry lor children. Bill and Peggy Long ol Advance. 908-7718. Clement Qrove Churoh ot God, Body ol Christ. 159 Parker Rd., Mocksviiio. 492-5125. Salurday Services: Sabbath School, 10 a.m., VVorehlp, 11:45. Wednesday Bible Study, 7p.m. Paslor: Elder ErnesI Ijames. Radio Broadcasl; The Bible Is Right, Tuesdays. 5-5:30 p,m,. WDSL 1520 AM and Sundays, 8- 8:30 a.m., WSTP 1490 AM. Green Meadows Bapllst Churoh Sunday School, 9:45 a,m. Worship, 11 a.m., 7 p,m. Wednesday Prayer & Bible Sludy, 7 p.m. Pastor Rev. Michael Waters, 998-3022. Liberty Wesleyan Churoh, 2106 Sheilleld Rd., Harmony, Sunday School 10 a.m., Morn. Worship 11 a.m., Wed. Bible Adventure 7 p.m., Sr. Ministry 2nd Tues. each monlh 10 n.m, 492-2983. Paslor: Ronald Lee, Bixby Presbyterian Church. 1806 Fork-Bixby Rd., near Cornatzor Rd., Sun. School 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11. Paslor: Peter Pelerson, 998- 6813. Dulln United Melhodist Churoh, 897 Dulln Rd., Mocksville, 998-5409, Paslor: David Smith. Sun School 10:30 a.m.. Worship 9:30 a.m, Cooloemee United Melhodlal, Main Sl„ Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship, 11. Kids Kamp Sun. 5-6:30. Pastor: Rev. Perry Bradshaw (284- 8135) In Home Bible Studies, by Randy Howell. 284-4667. Bear Creok Baptist Church, Boar Creok Ch. Rd., Sun. School 0:45 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m., Bible Sludy Wed. 7 p.m. Rov. William Loe Cook III, paslor. Cooloemeo First Baptist Church, 284 Marginal St., Sun, Bible Sludy 9:45 a,m„ Worship 11 a,m„ Evo, Worship 7 p.m., Wednesday prayer meeting, 7 p.m. Music minister, Regina Chandler. Dr. Tommy Register, pnslor. Mocksville Second Presbyterian, 400 Pine SI. Sunday School, 8:30 a.m. Worship, 9:30. Only Alrlcan-Amerlcan Presbyterian church in Davie Couniy Rev. Thomas M. Leach.751-1410 St. Francis ol Assisi, RC. Masses: Salurday Vigil, 5 p.m. Sunday, 8 and 10:30 a.m., Spanish Mass, 12:30 p.m.: Wednesday evening Mass, 7. Monday. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday S Saturday, 7:30 a.m, Masses, Rev. Andrew Draper, TOR, 751-2973. Farmington Bapllst Church, Sunday morning Biblo sludy. classes lor nil ages. 10. Worship: II, 1841 Farmlng-lon Rd., 5 miles Irom 1-40. Paslor: Scoll Lyorly Church; 998-3826, Home: 998-5372, Blaise Baptist Church, Blaise Church Road, oil U,S. 601 N. al 1-40, Mocksville, 751-3639. Worship, Sunday, 8:30 & 11 a,m.; Sunday Schooi, 9:45 a.m. Sunday evening, 7. Wodnosday Bible sludy and mission programs lor ail agos, 7 p.m, Paslor: Glenn Seilers, Assoc, paslor, Ken Furches. www.blaisebBptisl.org. Shiloh Baptist Church, 544 E. Depol St., MocksvlllB. Sunday School; 9:45 a.m. Morning worship: 11 a.m. 751- 0597. Fulton United Methodist Church. 3895 N.C. 801 S.. Advance. Worship: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45 a.m, Fullon Youlh In Christ, Sundays, 5-6:30 p,m. Pastor: Rov, Neville Slorey. Heaven Bound Full Qospei Church.U.S, 64 W„ Mocksvlllo. (beside Cenler Fire Depl.). Sunday School, 10 a.m., Worship, 11. Sunday night praise/ worship, 6. Wednesday nighl praise/ worship, 7, Paslor, James Ward, 998- 6394, First Baptist Church, 390 N. Main St., Mocksvlllo. 751-5312. Contemporary early worship senrice, 8:30 o.m. Sunday School lor all ages, 9:45 a.m, Tradlllonal worship sewice, 10:55 o.m. Children's choir, Tuesday, 3 p.m, Wednesday, 6:30 p,m„ aclivilies for children, youlh and adulls. Fork Baptist Churoh. 3140 U.S. 64 E., Mooksvllle. Sunday School, 9:45, Worship sorvico, 11 a.m., 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, 7 p.m, Awanas, Sunday 6 p.m.998-8306. Cornalzer Baptist Church, 1372 Cornalzer Rd., Mocksville. Sunday School, 10 a.m., Worship, 11; ovoning, 6:30: Awana's Worship, 7 p.m. Wednesday evening, 7:30 p.m. Haw Union Mathodlst Church, 1869 Sholllold Rd.. at County Line Rd. Services: 8:30 a.m., conlemporory worship wllh casual dress ond relroshments; 9:45 a.m, Sunday School assembly. 10, Sunday School lor all ages. 11 a.m.. Worship. 492- 5367. Ijamea Baptist Church, Sheilleld Rd., Mocksville. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., worship, 11. Sundoy evening, 6, Wednesday, 7 p.m. Paslor, Tommy Faust. 81. John AME 2lon Church, 145 Compball Rd„ Mocksville. Sunday Schooi, 9:30. Morning worship, 11 a,m, Paslor, George C, Banks, Advance First Baptlsl Church, 1938 N,C. 801 S, Sunday School, 9:45 o,m. Worship, 11. Wednesday Bible Study/ mission groups, 7 p.m, Paslor:Marlin Kostner, 998-6302. Church ot God ol Prophecy, 2323 U.S, 601 S„ Mocksviile. Sunday School, 10 а.m., worship, 11. Sunday evening, 6; Wednesday evening, 7. Pastor: Rev. Bobby Shlnault. 719- 8565 or 284-2935. Victory Baptlsl Church, Midway St., Cooleemoe. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship 11. Sundny evening, 6; Wednesday Awana/Youlh, 6:45 p.m., Prayer & Biblo Study, 7. Rov. Shelby Harbour. 284-2077. Seventh Dny Adventist Church, Milling Road, Mooksvllle. Sabbath School, Salurday, 9:30-11; Worship, 11- noon. Paslor, Ron Dnvls. 751-3886. Macedonia Moravian Church, 700 N.C. 801 N.. Advance. Sunday School, 9:45 n.m. Worship, 11 a.m. 998-4394. Interim Paslor: Roger Kimball. Yadkin Volley Baptist Church, 1324Yadkln Valley Rond, Advance. Paslor: Ronnie Craddock. 998-4331. Sunday School, 10 a.m,, worship, 11 S б. Wednesday Nighl Prayor meeling, 7:30. Live Sundays, WDSL 1520A(^, 11- Noon, Mt. Zion Holiness Church of Qod, U.S. 64 E. at Mill SIreel, Mocksvlllo. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Morning Worship, II. Paslor: Bishop James Ijamos. Ml. SInal AME Zion Churoh, 488 Peoples Croek Road, Advance, Sundny School, 9:45 a,m„ worship, 11 a,m„ Wednesday nighl Biblo sludy. 7. Dr. Oils B. Robinson Sr„ pastor, 938-6231, Bixby Church of Ihe Living God, 2121 Cornalzer Rd,, Advance. Paslor, Louise Hooker, 768-1606, Worship, Sunday 10-11 a,m,, 6 p.m. Salem United Methodlsl Church. Salem Church Rood oil Dnvie Academy Rd,, 8 miles west ol Mocksviile, Worship, Sundays al 9:45 a,m, Sunday School, 10:45,UMW, second Wednesday, UMM llrsl Sunday broaklasl al 7:30, UMYF Sunday evenings. Rev, Stephen Blair. Piney Grove United Melhodist Church, 376 Underpass Rd,, Advance. Sunday School, 10 a,m„ Worship, 11, Paslor: Rev, Kendall C, Glover, 998-7316, New Jerusalem Apoetollc Church, 291 Campboil Rd,. Mocksvlllo. Paslor, Nellye i|nmes-Barber, 751- 0049. Sun. School, 10 a.m,, Worship 11. Wednesday night: Bible class. 7:30, Intercessory prayer, 6 p.m, Truo Light Christian Ministry, meetings nt Dnvle County Public Library, Mocksviiio. Founding pastor; Sloven W. Dallon. Sunday School, 10 a.m* worship, 11. Episcopal Churoh ol Iho Good Shepherd, Church & Cross sts., Cooleemee. Worship, 9:30 a.m., lellowship hour aller church. Bible Sludy 2nd and 4lh Sundays aller church. Priest: Rev. Noah Howard. Jesus Life Mission, Liberty Church Rd., Mocksville. Sunday School, 10a.m., morning worship, 11. Sunday evening at 6 and Tuesdays al 7 p.m, Paalor: Hilda Reavis, Mockavllle Church ol God, 862 U,S, 64 E. (beside Armory). 751-0817. Paslor: Larry Hollifield. Sunday School, 10a.m., worship, 11. Sunday evening, 6, Wednesday evening, 7. Jerusalem Baptist Churcti, 3203 US 601 s., Mocksviile. 284-2328, Sunday services: 8:16 a.m., praise. and worship; 9:45, Sunday School lor ■ all ages; 11, morning worship; 7,! evening worship. Wednesday; services: 6 p,m„ lamlly lellowship! moal: 7 p,m.,'TeamKID, Youlh 4' Chrisi, Adult Bible Sludy. Nursery lor', Inlants and Icddlsrs, Fellowship Baptist Church, 1084 ' Rainbow Rd„ Advance, 998-6544, Sunday Schooi, 10 a.m„ worship, 11, Sundays, 6 p,m, Wednesday sen/ice, 7 p,m. Thursday visilatlon, 7 p.m. Pastor, Wayne Swisher, 492-7210, Smith Grove AME Zion Church, 3707 Hwy 158, Mocksville, Sunday morning worhsip, 11. Sunday School, 10a,m, Rev. Frank Cornelius, pastor. Eatons Baptist Church, 495 Ealons' Church Rd.. Mocksvlllo. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11, Wednosday prayer meeting, 7:30 p,m. Paslor: Dr. David Qllbrealh. 998-. 6149. Abundant Lllo Chrislian Victory Conler, 117 E. Depot St., Mocksville. Paslor, Danloi Brown. 753-4453. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Morning worship, 11. Lllo Community Church, Sundays, 10 a.m., Brock Porlorming Arts Cenler, North Main SIreet, Mocksville. Contemporary style worship with Paslor Kevin Stewart. 753-LIFE. Hope Bapllst Tabernacle, 2408 Hwy. 1SB, Mocksville 9B8-3616, Worship, 11 a.m., Sunday School, 10 a.m., 6 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m, AWANA children and teens, adulls, prayor meeting and Bible sludy. East Davie Bapllst Churoh Bermuda Quay Shopping Cenler, 5397 U.S. 158, Advance. Sundays, 9:30, Bible sludy for all ages; 10:45, morning worship; 6, Sunday evening service. Wednesdays, 7 p.m., Bible Study ond Prayer Ssrvlce. f^aslor. Max T. Furr. Youlh, children and music, Jeremy Amick. 998-5584, Life Community Church, Days Inn. Modlson Road, Mocksville, Services Sunday, 10 a.m. Call Kevin Slewarl, paslor, about Wednesday evening Me groups, 753-5433. Malnvlile AME Zion Church. 210 Main Church Road, Mocksville. Sun­ day School, 10 a,m„ worship, 11, Bible Sludy, Wednesday, 7 p.m. Pas­ lor: Rev, Robert H, Bailey Bailey's Chapel Unilod Methodlsl Church, Bailey's Chapol Road, Ad­ vance, Sunday School, 10 a,m.. Wor­ ship 11 a,m. Pastor, Rev. Ed Cortor. Support These Local Businesses W .G . W H IT E & C 0 . 850 N. Trade St. Winston Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 VCXJLER Л-SONS IHliici'lil H (ihic- 2849 Middle Brook Dr. Clemmons, NC 27012 3 3 6 - 7 6 6 - 4 7 1 4 SEA FO RD LUM BER COM PANY Jericho Road Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 5 1 4 8 SHEFFIELD LUMBER & PALLET GO. A PALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksville, N0 27028 3 3 6 - 4 9 2 - 5 5 6 5 JERRY'S MEAT PROCESSINGWe Custom Meal Process Beet ■ Pork - Deer 30 years experience S92 Ralpn RalMga nd • Mocliivllla 492-5496 LARRY’S WOOD FLOORING SERVICE 24 years Experience Sanding • Reliniahing Instnllntlon • Old & Now Work Lorry McClonnoy • Mocksvlllo 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 1 7 2 1 DA VIE L U M B E R & LO G G IN G 872 Main Church Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 9 1 4 4 CRAIG CARTER BUILDER, INC. 110 Hwy. eoi s. Suite 1 Advnnce, NC 27006 336-940-2341 UuilJi-r ol'Qiuht) foi itwe M> CraijiA ('jflg I’ri'sitk-nl » .Mjtlin C. C'aflg VI« |*rc<. J . P . G R E E N M IL L IN G C O ., IN C . Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksville, NC 336-751-2126 EATON FU N ERA L H O M E S / N C E ¡951 325 Norlh Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2148 F O S T E R D R U G C O M P A N Y 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 4 1 F U L L E R I ^ Ü c » Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Fabrication 855 Salisbury Road. Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 3 7 1 2 CAUDELL LU M B ER CO M PA N Y 162 Sheek SIreet Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 6 7 AUTO МИТ* MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTIVE 884 S. Main SI. • Mocksville 336-7S1-2944 G E N T L E M A C H IN E & T O O L IN C . 3319 u s Hwy 158 Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 9 9 8 - 3 3 5 0 i l C E . ш ш в и т т и в 6431 Hwy. 15B* Advance, NC 336-998-1987 C 1 0 -DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004 flëcéive a bonus rebate when ’ ! you purchase multiple eligible ^ ' G E P rofile^ Kitchen A p p lia n ce s 2 A p p l i a n c e s !e%*50 a j j f e ; ? ' ^ p l i a n c e s , e l * 1 0 0K \' " .f S / * ■ v r w > ^“ ' P u r c h a s e 4 A p p l i a n c e s ; : d e t * 2 0 6 P ц rc h a se 5 A p p lia n c e s lliA G e t ^ 3 0 0 \ 5 •* ^ ^ f ■ V : I • 'i'A". .''<,1 Bonus.iBbiltes are in addition ptKer'GE* 'i^bate offeir , G E P r o f ile ™ A rt ic a 2 5 .5 C u . Ft. S t a in l e s s S t e e l S id e - b y - S id e • Full extension bln with CustomCool™ technology • ClimateKeeper™ System - the best temperature management system you can buy • Tall LightTouch! Dispenser pssaesQRSS ‘100 Rebate* G e t u p to ^ 1 0 0 C a s h B a c k on Select GE Profile™ Refrigerators* G E P r o f i l e ™ A r t i c a 1 9 . 5 C u . F t . D r a w e r R e f r i g e r a t o r • Multi-level, Slide 'N Store™ ------- ^ - T freezer baskets • Convenient ShelfSaver™ rack • Self-closing drawer • ClimateKeeper system POS20MBRBB G E ® 2 5 C u . F t . S I d e - B y S l d e «50 Rebate* • LightTouch I tall dispenser • Adjustable spillproof, 8 ide-out glass shelves • G E SmartWater™ Plus filtration • Adjustable humidity crispers QSH26KQRWV\/ $1990“ 'taciti;!' GE Profile Harmony^ Clothes Care System • Frontload wash performance with topload convenience • The largest capacity laundry pair you can buy • Easy-to-use touchscreen programming that communicates with the dryer • Uses up to 40% less water and gets up to 47% energy savings** WPGT9360C/DPGT75QE/G G o ^ B u yawards ■> on the pair’* ter n oo G E P r o f i l e ™ C u s t o m S t y l e ™ 2 2 . 7 C u . F t . S l d e < b y - S i d e R e f r i g e r a t o r • CustomStyle™ configuration - CustomStyle™ design • ClimateKeepor™ temperature ' management system • Upfront, electronic touch temperature controls • Integrated Ice™ system PSC23MGPWW G E 2 1 . 9 1 C u . F t . C a p a c i t y S I d e - B y - S i d e R e f r i g e r a t o r ^1999“ • Upfront temperature controls • Adjustable, spillproof glass shelves • Tall LightTouch! dispenser • SmartWater™ filtration system GSS22JFPWW I Im ’9 4 9 0 0 ' It' t Hours: Mon.- Fri: 8-7, Sat: 9-4 . \'i u' fel ¡y ‘-I ' f jai-i-I ha •'* '.‘Ï 't r,. 2566 S. Stratford Rd. • Winston-Salem, NC 27103 ^Limited time offer good from 6/28/04 until 9/13/04 “Compared to a typical toploader washer, GE model WWSE520CB. Feature ÜAV1E COUNTV EN riîRPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004 - Dl Davie High School cheerleaders lead young people in their annual summer camp last v^ieek. L e a r n i n g T h e R ig h t M o v e s F u t u r e C h e e r l e a d e r s f G e t T i p s F r o m D a v i e H i g h S c h o o l ’s B e s t - Photos by Robin Fergusson Ky Mike {iiiiinlii(> Special to Ihe Enlerprise Fillure clieerlcailers of Davio County got a lielping hand at the annual Duvie High Chcerleuding Camp last week. Coach A ngie Bickel, a physical science teaclicr in her sccond year leading tlio Davie squad, got a lot of help from varsity and JV cheerleaders. Together they led a score of young people from all over the county in cheer and dancing - instruction. “Its fun to give back lo the li'ttio kids nnd help them lo becom e whnt they wnnl to become,” said Megan Strouse, n rising junior nt Davie who was helping 4-year-old Meredith Quinn with new dance moves. “They really look up lo you." Campcr.s ranged in ages from 4 lo II. and demonstrated a wide variety of skills. "I wenl to this camp last year,”, snid Jenna Hunimer, a student from Pinebrook Elementary School. "And 1 loved it so much I told my mommy I w anted lo come back.” Amber Bnshnm, an 8-year- old from M ocksvillc Elementary School, had similar sentiments. “ Ever since 1 started cheering. I've come to every camp,” Basham said. When asked how long she had been cheering, Basham responded, “This is my firsl year." The week long camp offers instructions on basic cheer techniques, lumbling, dance and flying leaps, with an emphasis on leaniwoik and safely. Members of the Pinebrook squad practice moves. Amber Basham, Mocksville cheerleader, listens closely. Jenna Hummer gets ready for Pinebrook's season. Mocksville Rams cheerleaders look to their high school counterpart.The Comatzer Cougar cheerleaders practice a new cheer. 1)2 - DAVIE COUNTY KNTKRPRISK RKCORI). Thursdii.v, July 1, 2004 Tara Armstrong (right), director of the year, is congratu­ lated by Anna Eichhorn, executive director of the Davie Parlnership for Children. Peggy Carlton, family childcare provider of the years, is congratulated by JoAnnA Smith, QUEST child develop­ ment consultant, and Anna Eichhorn. Jeff Clark, QUEST business consultant, presents the teacher of the year award to Brandi Hendrix. P a r tn e r s h ip F o r C h ild re n R e c o g n iz e s C h iid C a r e P r o v id e r s Oulslaniling early chilclliooci profc.ssional.s in Davie Counly were honored at a recognition reception on Jnne II. The reception was fuiKlecI by Davie Counly I'lirlnership for Children nnd adinini.stercd by Child Care Connections Re.source & Referral, a service of Ihe Rowan I’arlnership I'or Children. Appro.ximalely .“iO early childhood professionals attended the evenl al the Davie County Public I^ibriiry. Judy Zininternian, chair of the Human Services Division at David.son County Community College, was the .speaker. Zinuiiemian shared ways carly childhood professionals are making a difference in the lives of children, their families, and the communily. Special recognition was given lo 32 early childhood professionals who have increased their education level by taking college courses. These individuals completed more than 27.‘i hours of education. The Davie Counly childcare racililies participating in the Partnership for Children's QUIiST program (Quality IZnhancement Support and Training) were also recognized. These are centers who have up to a ,1-star rated license that choose to participate in a program of intensive technical assistance lor one year aimed at increasing the (|uality of child care. The QUBST centers in Davie Counly this year were: Davie Child Devclopmeilt Centcr; Hour by Hour Childcare; Kountry Korner Day Care Cenler; and Mocksville Child Development Cenler. One of Ihe highlights of the evening was honoring the childcare professionals of the year. These are professionals in Davic Counly recognized and nominated by parents and co­ workers as being outstanding in their Held. Tara Armstrong from Hour by I lour was awarded director of Ihe year. Brandi Hendri.x I'rom Helen C. Ganlt Child Develop­ ment Center was awarded teacher of Ihe year, and Peggy Carlton, owner of Little I'ricnds, was awarded family child care provider of the year. As local Smart Start non­ profits, Davie Counly Partner­ ship for Children and Rowan Partnership for Children invest public and private resources lo Child care providers take part in Davie's “Night of Excellence." ensure yiiurig children enter school ready for success. Focused inveslments arc made to provide incenlives for child care professionals to pursue I'urthcr educalion and improve Ihe i|uality of childcare eiwironments. for more on Davie’s Partner­ ship I'or Children, call 7.M-211 or visit the website www.iUivicsmiii'lslori.oin. W i c k Buildings- P I E D M O N T '^ S l f e B a r n & F k n c e Authiiriml Wick Builder I’or Aiutai liuildint’a Small Or UirKe • Commercial • Warclimi.se, Officu • Agriculture - Hams & Slablos • Ue.siilonlial - Shops, SUiraKO Call; 2 4 0 -8 0 9 9 ,):i« 4 9 2 -5 5 8 6 www.wicklmihiin^n,c’(im N O W O P E N A u th e n tic Ja p a n e se C u iein e D inc-in o r I’iilic-out 67« W ilkesboro St., M ocksvillc 336-733-68()7 i-itx; 336-733-6847 In I'ormt'r I’otiiums Loctiliini Hiisinu.ss Mour.s Sunday -Thiit'sday 1 l:()()nin - 9:()0pm 1-i'iday - .Saturday 1 l:()()am - l():0()pm Pickup W indiiw Avitiliihle Scott Gantt (photo at left) and John Coble, right, were honored April 20 for their work on the Davie Partnership for Children board. Partnership H onors Board M em bers On April 20, the Davie Comity Partner,sliip for Children held a reception to honor and thank a large group of retiring board members. The reception was held iinme- dialely alter their regularly scheduled bo:ird meetings at Ihe Davie Branch ol' the Davidson County Comnumily College. Iileven members that recenlly rotated off Ihe board of iliectors were recognized: Mciahel Allen, Barbara Basham, Terry Bralley. Joan Carter, John Coble, Scott Gantt, Debora Jones, Charlene Lewis, Lynn Marrs, Christine Sanders and Sally Smith. Since the reception three other members have completed their terms including Thomas Dalton. Ed Morse and Jim Stockert. These Ihrce men will be recognized for Iheir liartl work at Ihe July 27 board meeting al S:3() a.m. al Ihe library. "We wanted lo thank all ol'lhe retiring hoard members for years of hard work on behalf of the children in Davie County," said Anna Eichhorn, executive direc­ tor. "Many of these dedicated people have served on our board since its incorporation in 1997. They were the founders of Ihc Davie County Partnership I'or Children and without Ihem. it would nol be Ihe strong, vibrant organization it is today. Best wishes and heartfelt thanks." P í e m e К е ф 'Är пш п" '‘’'"/17l’S T " j""'“ Collision4IK-<J«(I2 Íi7l-S7l8' fi5.4-t)ll«4 УВД-S'JtlO 751-'J4lll) Jessica Bow ling In Sch ool O f Arts Sum m er Se ssio n DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004 - D3 Uowliitg Je.ssica Lee Bowling of Mocksvillc has been accepted for enrollment in the 2004 Summer Session at liSi the North C aro I it] a School of the Arts. Bowling will study in the mu­ sic/v o cal p e r f o r ­ mance s u m tn c r program . She is the daughter of Steve und Kathy Foster-Jordan of Mocks­ villc and Art Bowling of Asheville. Jessica is a ri.sing se­ nior at Davlc High School. Estnblished by the N.C. Gen­ eral Assembly in 1963, the North Carolina School of the Arts was the first .state-supported, residen­ tial perfonning arts school in the nation. Today, it is u leading con­ servatory of international re­ nown, offeriiig profisssionni training for careers In the per­ forming, visual and film und tele­ vision arts. NCSA becnme part of the University of North Caro­ lina in 1972. Five professional schools make up the North Carolina School of the Arts; Design and Production (including a Visual Arts Program); Drama; Film- making and Music. With a full complement of general studies courses, the School Is accredit to award the high school diploma, the college arts diplofna, bachelor's and master’s degrees, and the Professional Artist Cer­ tificate. Admitted by audition or interview, more than 1,000 stu­ dents from middle school to graduate school aro enrolled an­ nually. NCSA alumni have per­ formed in or behind the scenes of Broadway sliows, film, tele- ' vision and regional theatre, and are members of the world’s fin­ est symphony orchestras und op­ era and dunce companies. Among the best known are Gilliam Murphy, principal dancer with American Ballet Theatre; Tony Funning, urt direc­ tor for theatre and film (Intoler­ able Cruelty); Mury-Louisc Parker, award-winning actress (“The West Wing’’); Dnvio Gor­ don Green, writer/director of “All The Real Girls”; und Jenni­ fer Welch-Bubidge, soprano with the Metropolitun Oporu. The School of the Arts' annual Summer Session is a five or two- week residential program for in­ tensive stud in the arls. Students study in the discipline of their choice with a distinguished fuc- ulty of professlonul artists from around the globe, including some of the School's regular teaeliers and speciul guest artists. The Sumtner Session runs June 20-July 23. 2 Earn Elon Honor Two Davic students were named to the president's list al Elon University for the spring sem ester with minitnum 3.5 grade point averages; Ashley Lauren Gaskin of Advancc and Ellen Elizabeth Faust of Mocks­ ville. L o c a l l y G r o w n , H y d r o p o n i c T o m a t o e s E nd o f S e a so n S ale! All T o m ato es We now have Bu rpless ' Cucum bers! HOURS: TIIUK.S, & I'RI, N()()N-5l’M AND SA'I'. 8a,M-N()0N Dew Drop Farm 302 Foster R oad, M ock sville (Toslcr Rtl. is just oil’Ridge Rd. in Western Davie Counly) Call For Directions (336) 492*5263 A * A * * A ANDREWS 1 Conservative Republican for NC SENATE D i s t r i c t 3 4 C U 5' iV fissio n : P r o t e c t i n g s e n i o r c i t i z e n s ★ Senior citizens have w orked hard and paid lax es all Ihcir lives and Ihey d e se rv e our ■ protection durii,ig the golden years. ★ All seniors above Ihe age of 6 9 should be exem pt from paying property tax es on the hom e they live in. (Ceiling $ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 ) ★ S eniors above 6 9 should never be th reat en ed with the loss of their hom e b e c a u se of their increased tax burden. H o m estead exem ptions should rem ain in place. ,, „ , , „ Ill ii» .“’ • \lllllf\is . i i l H Ih t il-,. Elect lin d a H. Barnette F o r B o a r d , o f J E t d u c a t i o non duly so ^^Experience Counts” Paid for by Linda H. B arnette TOM FLEMING C O M m S /O M R t’-.ilit li>r l)\ I'lim I'kiiiiiij;. t4Hnliiliili- Your Vote for Johnny Frye Republican Candidate for Davie County Board of Commissioners would be greatly appreciated. T/?an/c You VOTE Í -щ гт ш т ш 'к P le a se VOTE July 2 0 , 2 0 0 4 -k W ÙPaid for by friends for Johiiny Frye, candidate # Ешятшт AUTOMonva .xín sí. я A C a a tco ■ '1 íj JJl i l '1 U V i) [)мА11АА§й1ш!р\| m»A/CnotwMrt*igll Qtm In todiy «irt flitirM cmM domMI ki no «kmll 751-3372 1484 US Hwy, 64 West, Mocksville llave iillappj Д ! Н О У Ш Ш REALTY 330 s. S a lis b u r y S h M o c k s v iU e (336) 751-3è38 Hours: Mondny-Friday 8-6 S.iUirday S>-A2, Sunday By Appi. Ш ЛЕШ ЭВН, 2BA, 31в>Л Qcroa« with 10СНЛ ncroa fami. ЗВп.гВА, out* Hislotica) 6BR. 2DA. home on 4 Вв 70t/> oc. horeo larm. 2300el. home (no alfoam and pond $2,528,000. Wdge., ctook. $549,000. aaoe, with Immacuiato tandscopino value oWon) Cofl Mary $453,000. д § Ж |'|!ММ!||131а|д g|D M20 CuuNiv Lini: Ru 4.01OC., bofdara Dutchman Ciook, 3BR, Now conslniclion. Too many flfMI QorgwxB 30R, 3.6BA log l»mo on Spacloua 4BR, 3.5BA 2FP'a. Comor HamionyJDn, 2BA, 28.20 aeos,(3 2BA, many atnonillosl $329,900. lliln(]3lolliill4BR,3BA $324,000. sociudod 6.30 acros. $299,500 lol In Gordon «illoy. $274,900 (oncod), I oo, pond, ton $212,500 i i IMMACULATE!! Harmony. 3BR. Totally ronovalod 4BR wtlh 2445 sq. ft, ЗВП. 2.5DA. now windows, onclosod Historic 4ВЯ. 2BA on 2.36 aaos In Only 3 monthg oldl On 3+Л QCfoa. 2.5BA on 13+Л acros. $209,900 on t.56 acros. $183,500. porch, oxc, localion $164,900. groal location. $159,900. 2BR. 1.SBA. $149,900. ■* '^28 pAnMiNGTON RoadI /'Ду I 19B‘SpniNQHiLL РшУЁ [ | '2421 Neelie Road | /Щ | 164 Hickohy Drive I /МЧ I Ifl7 Crestview Drive FceshlymmodoMsaR, 2aA,onoppre. 2 stoiy, 2200 oq. II. Iiomondoua Yadkinvillo, modulai »(many updalosl «IBR, 2.BBA, Soulhwood Acros Twlnbtooli, 3BR, 2BA, FP, Qtoal 6acios(2 loncod). $149,900, vnluolFP,gazobo. $144,900. CallConnlol $139,900. Sub., brick llroplace. $127,000. opon lloor planl $125,000. Brick Ranchor. 3BR, 2BA wllh 5BH, 3BA, workshop, 3.5 ncros, ЗВЯ, 2ВЛ, on prlvalo 1,29 acroa. FcconDy i|idalK) ЭВП, !BA on 1 aao, Clommons, 3BR, 2ВЛ, many amonillos, LOTS olrooml $123,900 largo bock dock, $119,900. ecroonod porch, dock, $118,900. Gameili!crm,K№Rcc(nbo$118,900 All appiiancos, $115,000. 4BR, 2ВД, mainlonanco Iroo, many Lola ol charm, updalod, basomonl, 3BR, SBA, 6,5 acres, gronl mini Uniquo Lshapod, 30R, 2BA, sunroom, Spockius 3BR, 2BA, alono FP, updalos,WONTLASTI$114,900, 3 Bedrooms, 1 Balh, $109,900. Inrm, $109,900. don, ollico, 2 gaiagos,, $105,000, much morel $99,900, ^ri я Я Ш Ш Ш Ш Ш ц Extra doan, mony updatosi 3BR. Spacious 2BR, IBA, DH, Sunroom. Oroal Starlor! 3BR, 2BA with largo Almost now 3Bfl. 2BA, FP. all 2BR. 2BA. 10.5+Л acros. All 1.5BA. Movo riflht in! $99,900. (ull basomonll $99,900. dock on 1/2 acro. $99,800. appiiancos on .96 ac. $89,900 appiiancos. $89,900 i]B liil 13 Metadreeze Ln. Г7ИП 107 Powell Road ПжП 392 Michael ready TO move INII ah appliances 3BR, 1.5BA on .40 nc, Ourrontiy 3BR, 2BA. (oncod back yard, scroon 3BR, 2BA. doublowldo on 1 aero. Groal Fixor Upper! Foncod back yard, romaln!l30H,2BA $88,900. boing updalod. $84,900. porch, dock. .7lac. $79,900. Open and Roomy! $ 6 9 , foil basomonl, 3BR, 2BA $69,500 246 Watt Staeet 3DR. 1,5BA, Cooloemoo. now tioal/AC, Cooleomoo. complololy updalod. Spacious 3BR. IBA, Cooloomoo, Easomonl onto bnck of proporly. now plumb-, comp, updatod. $66,900 inground pool, groat buyl $62,900. updatod oloct. $58,000. 2 Bodrooma, 1 Bath. $51,900. A v a i i Л1И i; L ( r i s A N t ) L a n d a n d R i n tAt, P t i o i’i t t m s 2BR. IBA on 3/4 acro lot. Boing sold “as ia" $35,000. 2.3SAC. 110 Ш.900.......Lot 119.000....24Ac.l140.B2S......10 Ac. S45.0501.3S7ecrei 129.000,.,2,29Bcroi $18,000 .,.30 acroa $172,500 ............................e.5 aerei $46.475Lot 19, Northbrook.............................2.29 acres $29,500Mwy,601N.,. Valley Road...,...E. Uiie Drive......Tho I..............Lol $15.900$71.877 , „ ^ REHTAU EBQEfiaUEa275 Sen Anderson................................616 nivert>end, Oermuda Run.....................Avon Sireei..Mobile Home Lot, Daniel noad....................2015Hwy.158,Mobile Home Lol. Oun Club Road................Mobile Homo, Qun Club Road....................4142 Hwy.15S (4 bedroom)....................... C.INSaiNt7SI-tLSb2 I.ISAW lSl909-1Ш äl9 Giving Bacl( Foundation A W ay To Leave A Legacy D 4. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004 Sally Smilh sees Tlic Conimuiilly Foundation of Davic Counly as a vehicle lo niukc the community better. And as chair of the organization, she secs it as a way to give back lo a community that has welcomed her family. "I call Davic Counly home. I ■have lived here now for over 20 years,” Smilh said. "While I am nol a native Davic Counly resident, my children are, and Ihe community has welcomed me, embraced my family and become my home. “Several yenrs ago, I was asked to join Ihe board of directors of the Davie County Foundation (now known as The Communily Foundaiion of Davic County). I knew little nbout communily foundations and how they work. I didn’l understnnd the considerable impact of pooling communily assets under one roof and of helping donors make a difference in areas they care most about. “We have comc a long way with our efforts to create a true community foundation. We hired Jane Siinpson, who has brought a great sense of focus and energy to our mission. We are actively building n permanent community endow­ ment, and The Community Foundation of Dnvie County made its first grants this yenr. “Even with our progress, we realize we have a long way to go lo. connect donors wilh charitable causes and meet tho cvcr-changing needs in Davic County. Community education is needed to raise awareness of the mnny ways that we all can participate in projects that are important to our community," Smith suid. “I love Davie County and its people. I want to help meet the needs of the community. The Community Foundation of Davie County has given me a wonderful wny to do just thut.” Smith hns estnblished a named Acorn Fund at the fouttdation. “I can contribute some money cach year until my Acom Fund grows to $5,000, when charitable distributions can begin to be mnde," she said. “By estnblishing an Acom Fund and helping it grow, I have ensured that in some small measure, the community that has adopted me will be cared for long after I am gone. “You can, too. All you have to do is plant n seed, or nn “acom." The mission of the founda­ tion is to advance philanthropy and pool donor assets for the benefit of our community. The foundation is working to build a permanent endowment invested eternally. Earnings froin the endowment will benefil Davie charities and projects forever. The foundalion accepts gifts in any amount, at any time, toward its Community Scholnrship Fund or its Community Chest Fund. A variety of options for establishment of nnmed funds in honor or memory of donors is nvailable. To learn more nbout "Acom Funds" and the founda­ tion, contact Jane Simpson, president, at 753-6903 or jsmpson@daviefoimdalion.org or visit the foundation website, www.daviefomidation.org. R e g io n a l Y M C A C h a n g e s N a m e The YMCA of Northwest North Carolina Administrative Office hns moved to the Winston Tower in the heart of downtown Winslon-Salem on 301 N. Main St. Leaving their West End home of more than nine years, the YMCA cites n need for more spncc ns the primary reason for the move. .• "Our staff has grown considerably in the many years we've resided on the corner of First and Fourth streets in the West End. We'll miss our old house, but we're excited to be a part of the development in the downtown area," says Tom Looby, president and CEO of the YMCA of Northwest North Cnrolina. "The plans for the Winston Tower 10 house sevcrnl nol-for- profils, such us United Way, wus nppealing to us ns we reviewed options for new offices.” The move to downtown follows another recent change for the association which was previously known as ihe YMCA of Oreuter Winston-Sulem. As a result of expunsion into ndjoining counties, the board voted to change the name to the YMCA of Northwest North Carolina to betler reflect the growing service area. The; YMCAhns expanded ils services in Forsyth, Stokes, Duvie, Yadkin and Wilkes countics und hus 11 branches serving these areas. In 2003, the YMCA of Northwest North Carolina served more than 80,000 youth, teens, adults and seniors. Its progrums include summer cnmps, youlh sports, wellness, purent-child uctivities, literucy/ ESL tutoring, uquutics exercise. Dvhbic Pi'iichcl Owni“r/Brok(!r'. :w(i-no9.i2ai P re m ie r C a r o l i n a P r o p e r t i e s J 336-998-7777 [ w w w . p c p n c . c o m C o m m i t t e d T o C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e Rodney liaik'y Owner/IJroUc'i' Di'liliji' aniiomu'ONCINDY DUKIIAiM,lu a IlnilwiVSiilcKAssm iiilc (<i llic activi* U'aiii (if l*rrmifr('an)limi ' • *., 'Ч Н Щ t havint' worked with lop prodiicci's I'nu-licl, U(i<limy V lïailcy ^ind .Maty 1 It'iidricitN r\c’it(4l lici- hi i-cjoiii tliom in tin* c\paiidiit|' l4*ain оГ l*ii*ini<*r('Hmlina I’i(>p(*i1ics. 4 Dt'lïliii* IVaclicI .st«U*.s tlu* lical K.sIaU‘ mai kct has hi^n so demanding and slronn L fortho Pi4‘ini(4' Cai'olina (cam (hey liavc carri'nll.v added to theic sales H |ü Vili'/ ^^^Hnloiveonly "sp44'Ìali/<‘(l а^('п1х”гошп1{П(‘(1 (о cii.sloinrr sei'vice. ’.I'hcy me expanding ^ , ^^8 wilh only the best pi-(ilcssional «K«'iüs l<> 1и‘1р make the PirmirrCainUiia . ■ • . И l*iiipeilii*4 tcahu'vcn sln»nj{er tiuui they an*. ÍVi*mÍi*r ( ai'olinn Pi4)p»*i1ir.s nfíei s A. ' i. jl ’ й all (he lalivsl in techniilfijí)'and kmiwk'ílKc to the hitycis and sclln s in (he li ai '■ ММ"'. , • ''Jff Q <'''bde market, ('all on aiiy.()foursp(4'iali/:ed a^enl.s (or all your real (‘Siale iu‘eds. _nn'-i'(i Д Cindy live.s in Davie County ami i.s a Mieeessfiil IÌ(‘<‘iis(mI tt-al eslale ih'oker. 11er ' husband, Ken owns and op(‘rales Ken ihirhain Constru< tion. With ( 'indy’s haek^roiind of working wilh liei' hushand in the new home eon.<>lruetion husiiKvss for over H years, slu* lias Ihe knowledu(‘ lo as.sist you tlirmi^h llie pr(K'essorimildint{yiiur‘4(reiun Inime ". h-om llixii- plan's lo hiiiklin}' k»ts, she will make huyin^ your ne\N home hassle free! ( indy is in ihe pnH'ess of ('ompk4inK her Cl(S<lcsi^nalion whieli will nuilu> h(*r a CertiCx^l U(sidential S|ieeialisl in Ihe Г(*а1 (‘state mai'kel. Cindy i.s proud to join (he I’n'mier (anilina I’niperlies team and liHiks lonvani to pnividin^uulslandin^ sen ice lo her n-al estate cuslomers. Cindv can he reache«i a l‘Ш иКЬ7522ог1<<*иМК)К-7777 N e w L i s t i n g s 269 Fannland Drive $349,900 Find it nil here!! Must soo. All brick ranch on <1.5 +/- ncros. 5BRs, 3.5BA, 4 gnrnge spncc.s, Qttnehod nnd dctnchcd garage with paved drivo. Deck, dog run, porch, and storage building. Huge groat room, ofTico, all new GE kitchen appliances, handicap accessible, in­ law quarters, and much moi-e. 3939Wcstridßo Meadow Circle 'Unnglcwood $109,000TowniioiiBo! ONE lovul, vaulted ceiling in виппют, huge master BH and liA. Walk to shopping.A muKl see. 108 Kingsmill Place $279,900 Practically new houso, hanlwixKl floors, «IBR, or bonus room, library, screened bnck porch, 2.5UA, large master l)ath, lote of storage. ProfeHsionally landscaped. 150 Old March Road $219,900Como home to this great Advance noighborhood! Eruoy the walk-in pantry, finished bonuB room, heated| pool, nnd in-ground .sprinkler system. 3BR.2I3A ovor 2000 SF Price is Richtl (ii'neral \|апац('1 C a l l t o d a y f o r y o u r F R E E h o m e m a r k e t a n a l y s i s ! ,\laiV lleijddck.s Ki isleij l^wlford ■;i;iÍMi 111-7(177,. : Mi-'ÍKW-umi . 1‘dt'rllcavci) х'кипв-акк 1дч> ИагЫ>1' lilHHHKKllHll ' llriggett I'i4i4'll iMarJoric I'Vistcr .tllMKHMini ( indy Din lmin :t;ii>-i>í(>-7,‘):¿i DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004 - D5 Larry Pelleg has been nameid general manager of le Bleu Corp. of A(dvance. New Manager Expected Lead Le Bleu Expansion and more. Cliarilnblc ussistunce totaling $1.8 million wus granted in 2003 by Ihe YMCA branches in support of their promise to turn no one nway due lo an inability to pay a program or membership fee. The YMCA of Northwest North Carolina is a non-profit United Wuy agency to help people reach Ood-given poten­ tial in spirit, mind and body. Serving Foreyth, Davie, Stokes, Yadkin and Wilkes counties for tlic last 115 yenrs, the YMCA continues to build strong kids, families and communities. Le Bleu Corporation of Advance has named Lurry Pelleg ns Bxecutive generni mnnngcr. Pelleg will oversee Le Bleu's 5-gnllon service, grocery and food servicc divisions and will implement n licensing strntegy to position Le Bleu bottling fncilities across the U.S. and abroad. Pelleg hus 26 years of experience in the bottled water industry. “I am ready and eager to help grow this business beyond what is imaginable. Le Bleu’s solid foundation of a high quality bottled waler is perfect for brand expansion worldwide,” said Pelleg. “There are articles written everyday ubout drinking water contamlnution nnd public scrutiny regarding the purity of some bottled waler brands, so more and more people ure looking for a premium pure drinking water. And I cnn lell you, Le Bleu is it. “With obesity recently named as the number one health crisis facing the nation today, we ure proud to be able to offer a product thnt is beneficini togood hcnlth. Le Bleu has been touted by the medical profession for years, so I am very proud to be a part of that," said Pelleg. “Wc plan lo create solid careers for local residents for years to come. 1 already sec the need lo odd sales and manage­ ment po.sitions throughout North and South Cnrolinn to help secure the growth in our own bnckyard.” Le Bleu president Jerry Smilh said the company has plenty of opportunities to expand. “With Lnrry on board Lc Bleu is ready for some major advancements," he said. “Although we have genernted some growth over the lust few yeurs with bottling facilities in St. Thomas and Grand Cayman, we have nowhere tapped into the market for Ultra Pure Bottled Water. “Wc are cxcited to have him on board andlook forward to th e ^ growth he will bring Le Bleu ' throughout the U.S.” Robertson Joins Century 21 Murk Robertson has joined Century 21 Swicegood Wall & McDaniel as a sales associate. He will .spccinlizc in residen­ tial und commerciul sales in the Triad. "We are thrilled to have Mark Robertson join our team," said Kyle Swicegood, CCIM. “It’s an exciting time to be with the Cen­ tury 21 system as we increase our presence in Davie Counly." Robertson just completed training Ihrough the Century 21 system course Crcute2l. “We believe training sup­ ports growth and profe-ssional excellence in the real estate in­ dustry," Swicegood said. “Per- formance-based training is nec­ essary to assure that Century 21 associates maintain their com-' petitive edge and offer Ihe best service possible to their clients.” Robertson is the former man­ ager for Whispering Oaks Farms and a former employee of Unifi, He is a graduate of Applachian Stale University. He nnd his wife Katie huve one son, Chase. Swicegood Honored By Century 21 Elizabeth Swicegood, sales associate with Century 21 Swicegood Wall & McDaniel, is one of Century 21 Real Estate Corporation top-producers na­ tionwide. She earned the system’s ruby level Masters Award. Ruby level stntus is nwurdcd R e a l E s t a t e G R E A T B U Y III 2000 SF melal bidafor $92,500.00 on Duard Reavls Rd.2 roll-up doors, propane heat, office w/alr,and bath. Land Available ISaerei — 801 N„Wooded,great home slle.SiaO,ООО. 50 «сге» — Main Church Rd. Will spill $7,200/acre. Industrial Parcels 70 »tfM — $699,000. Eaton Rd. 25 acres — Allen Rd, small Industrial parcels available. Commercial Parcels ISacres — 601 N.oflnterstate 35«crei —601 S. of Interstate Will divide. 1.8acres — 601 S.of Interstate, corner of Koonlz Rd. OTHER PROPERTIES AVAILABLE Call Diane at D e s ig n P r o p e r ti e s 336-909-2677 to an agent who hns met signifi­ cant minimum adjusted gross commissions within a calendar year. A gold-plnlcd lapel pin wilh ruby accent is awarded lo ihe agent during the awnrds cer­ emony, in addilioti to a trophy nnd aninvitation lo a Century 21 Top Agent Retreat. “Elizabeth Swicegood places her real estutc wisdom and pas­ sion for life into her everyday business, helping to make clients more comfortable with the real estate transaction us they make whal may be the most significant purchase of their lives," said Kathi Wall, broker/owner of Century 21 Swicegood Wall & McDaniel. “Elizabeth is u vni- ued nnd trusted real estate re­ source for the Triad community and a major contributor to the overall success of Swicegood Wall & McDaniel and the Cen­ tury 21 system as u whole." "It is truly an honor to receive the Masters Award and be rec­ ognized among such talent and dedicated group of real eslale sales professionals,” said Swicegood ; S tu d e n t P a rticip a te s In N u rsih g E x p lo ra tio n W e e k Elizabeth Arroyo of Mocks­ ville was a pariicipnnt in the 2004 Nursing Exploration Week nt the University of North Cnro­ linn nt Chapel Hill School of Nursing. Arroyo wns among 36 liigh scliool students from ncross the state ncccplcd lo Ihc program, now in ils I5lii year. More than 140 students applied for the competitive program, which re­ quires candidates to have a grade point average of “B" or better and to write a staleinent about what they hope to gain. Those selected had a 3.63 median grade point average. Participants spent June 21 -25 paired with nurses at UNC Hos- . . i « »• pitals, Durham Techiiical Com-Husband, Wife Earn Master’s Degrees A husband and wife earned master's degrees from the Uni­ versity of Arizona, Tuscon, on May 15. Joe Candillo earned n mnster’s degree in Amcrictm In­ dian Studies, and Kate Candillo earned a master’s degree in en­ vironmental engineering. Joe Candillo’s master’s the­ sis was titled, “Early Amcrica and American Indian Educn- tionnl Cultural Resource and Resource Center." He served ns a volunteer at the Arizona Stale Museum. A 1993 graduate of Reynolds High School, he is the son of Mr. nnd Mrs'. John S u m m e r s E a r n s N C S U D e g r e e Nicholas Summers grudualed wilh honors from North Carolina Slate University on Saturday, May 15, with degrees in electri­ cal and coinputer engineering. He was a member of tlte Na­ tional Society of Colleginte Scholurs, Phi Knppa Phi, Golden Key Inlemational Honor Socicty and Eta Knppn Nu. He partici­ pated in the COOP program for 10 months. Those attending tlic com­ mencement from Mock.svillc in­ clude; his molher Cynthia Sum­ mers, Bess Bennelt, Delbert and Martha Bennett, Brad Bennett, William Summers; his father Bill Summers of Clemmons; and Erika Summers and Brenda Summers of Raleigh. Summers will begin a carcer as an electronics engineer with Northrop Gcrniman in Balti­ more, Md. W îs c n y *Tree ServiceSer Iredi , &Ya , Coun 75' Working Height Bucket Truck Resldenllal & Commorlcal^syth » » » » » » » I T lot Clearing • Treo Feeding Tree Removal FerlltUatlon Stump Grinding • Hazardous Selective Trimming Removal & Pruning -SkldSleerWoik Storm Damage 3 3 6 4 9 2 -2 9 4 4 Complete Cloan up ' Fully Insured » « S i P R E P A R E D F O R J U D G M E N T ? ARE YOU SUCCESSFUL AT EVERYTHIHG EXCEPT THAT WHICH MATTERS MOST-PREPARATION FOR ETERNITY? Jesus said, "Seek llrst the kingdom of God and His rightcousni'ss...” Secure your soul’s snivation todny hy ubcyinj; Ihc gospel! Believe in Clirist imi<. 16:15.1«! iiiii. 11.6) Repent of your Sins and Turn to God (l.k. 1.1:.1;/\tU 17:30) Confess the Name of Jesus (Muu. io:.i2iac19»:.i7) Be Buried in Baptism for the Forgiveness of Your Sins (AcU H;.!«, 22;t(i| Koin. 6;.l-5! I Ciir, 12:l.1| (;iil..1:27) Be Faithful to Jesus unto Death n in. i:7; idv. 2:1») VISIT THE JERICHO CHURCH OF CHRIST Niin-Dononilnalinnal Dcilicatcil to Keslorini! NewTcstami'nl thrlsliiiiilly IliWical in Name, OritmliiillDii, Wurihlj), and llocirl:it. tiiculeil al Iht lorntr nf Juntllon und .Itrlchii Koails.Dr. Tom Torpy, Minister 4W-.'i29l В '^der the tc m o M IL E S O F F 1-40 O N 801 N O R T H G s o M a s E m NEW 2000 SQ.FOOT QAS APPLIANCE SHOWROOM CONTRACTOR DISCOUNTS PROPANE •PROPANE HEATINO OIL APPLIANCES FIREPLACE SHOP -NATURAL QAS APPLIANCES Advance 1100 HWY 801 NORTH Advance, NC (336) 998-9748 w w w .gbenergy.coin Specialists In Quality Fuii-Service Remodeling & Home Improvements / B uit_D iN a ^ REMooeuNS, ¿¿C ’ aincc m o Mvance, N.C, Depeiidal)lc, N A H B Professional Crews •Kilchans & Baths .Replacement Window» & Doors •Cabinets & Tile »Vinyl Siding .Sunrooms & Additions .Decks & Screen Porches .Light Commercial .Structural & Termite Repairs M . David M iller, CGR, CAPS Ccrtlßeil Cruituate Ranixleliir Certijieä Aiilng-hi-Ptace Speciiilhl NC l.lc, n m o 4 (336) 998=2140 Candillo of Winston-Salem and llic grandson of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Essie of Farminglon. Kate Candillo wrole a master’s thesis titled, “Gas- Phase Catalytic Dchnlogenaiion of Volatile Organic Com­ pounds." A 1998 grnduulc of Ragsdale High School, she is the daughler of Mr. and Mrs. David McDaniel of Greensboro. ter and Rex Hcullhcure lo ienrn first-hand about a nurse’s work day. Students observed patients receiving medical trentments, nurses providing cnrc to crili- cnlly ill pntienls nnd Ihernpy pro­ vided 10 children. Students spent un evening with Cnrolinn nursing alumni to leam nbout curecr opportunities open to nurses. Program costs, including mculs, lodging and transportation to activities, arc $ 1,2.50 per student. Participants are asked to pay $250; the rest is subsidized by the program’s co-spon.sors, which funded sev­ eral full scholarships. This year, co-sponsors in­ cluded tht: UNC-Chapel Hill School of Nursing, Duke Uni­ versity Health System, High Point Regional Hospital, Rex Healthcare and UNC Hospitals. Kathy Moore, director of the progrnm and the Office of Ad­ missions and Student Services at the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Nursing, tracks the students be- yond the program. Sincc the progrnm's inception in 1990, over 40 pcrcent of the partici­ pants hnve gone on lo curcers in nursing, she said. This is signifi­ cant in light of tlic nursing short­ age, which according to one study is expected to grow to 400,000 unfilled jobs by 2020. “The students consistently rank tlie prognirn as helpful in making their career choices," said Moore. “We have many stu­ dents who enter the. program undecided about a career and, upon completion of tlie progrnm. decide nursing is the most re­ warding profession that lie or she can pursue." § Lâitibert■lll55=i=aaÆ F o r S c l i o o l B o a r d Experienced Leadershipо о • Past President, Rotary Club of Mocksviiio• Past President, Davlo Family YUQA Board of Managers• Member and Lay Leader,Flrat Unltad Methodist Churoh • Past Chair Finance, First United Methodist Churoh• Paat Member, Davlo County United Way• Past Member, Mooksvllle Elementary School Parent Advloory Board• Aotlve Community Leader with Three Chlldron Involved In the Davie County Sohool System I w o u ld a p p r e c ia te y o u r V o te a n d S u p p o r t o n J u ly 2 0 . Dear Voters of Davie, I hope you will consider C l a r e n c e L * S P I L L M A N f o r D a v ie Co u n t y Co m m i s s i o n e r 1 - He will protect your tax (dollars 2 - He will make sure they are spent wisely 3 - Over 25 Years as Treasurer of the Cooleemee Fire Dept. 4 - Air Force Veteran for over 34 years 5 - Has a Business Administration Degree from Catawba College 6 - He will provide sound leadership 7 - Conservative like Jesse Helms 8 - Caring man and father God Bless You and Your Families Paid for by David W. Spillman G n lu ij ^ Swicegood Walt & iVlcDaniei T w o T r i a d L o c a t i o n s ! Ü$878,eoo Ï3BR/8.1BA &tuutodonowfOec8. MrcKvd Aoon, conm>lc Ыо. №1Ыкх1ЬбП1| witfi o№o, don & UHauncty PArtial/ftiistiod room ovor gar. C ol AJtìa 040-7400 (W 3 m i7 ) EZIS224,9flO 03BR/2.1BA Gotgocus 2 Gty homo on woodod lol Cozy (fcm v^/tvlM i llr & crtcrtiAYrart oontof, ftTTìi Ln. UbaTt.Bcmdpo(ch Col KOH ООО-1720 {W312CfiO) ;S$iee,800 ZI4BR/3BA Spodoie dommone Wost Fnxf ^ pMrÉod poidi Sofor w l poy $2,0 0 0 h docaigco^ С о1Алтк1 244^)2C0 (W317753) [^«144,000 I2ZBR/2.1BA Nkxct h Oormiia Гкл by (od Ooon, фоп, gnxi< htiQ фосеа (CkbmcfTbore^iiptoDnCC hcàikxl) Col О оц(м 005-1000 (W321414) ^$120,800 ^8BR/2BA Dfk* fwid) wfeuvoom oolJd bo 4«ì DR Ira wortirficp w ti / " ■'TT~ 'r BhoMioUtìcinxJQtoa . / , ‘ CofTTtotoi/fDniofloéodQAs. SS7 SHin Bd" ' V Col»fctoiM№7«0 0W325774) 8102,400 2BR/2BAMtnaWiyOonlmv*!!. CoM !iionlloW S.lJoM 3. Guvtxrrv 000 log. йгетАх», poc< hcMdlkB.c®ftifTictia Col O O O ^ (W32S023) 08268,000 CZlSBR/SBA Ifnm ociiilo mointiilnod Ixick rmctìsMtt« ovor 2300 SF. Convoniondi tom i iocatlon. CalMiKM0(M0-064g (W324771) |ZI$181,S00 CZI8BH/2BA U g liomo Vitti Contury 21 Vibnor«/Eoi hldion dnif^ aroa, B C ^ bd< prch, bg d:K'& ^ MORCd J n n v OOO-l&tg (W32Q210) Zl$1&8,900 ÌZI8BR/2.1BA Enorg/oA3onl, c a rd hcmo v<«' prMÉ) MS, Cfxrvteirny k tim W . con to FkTÈhocJdciyic^bCfTTl Q tfO utoO i 0002»M (W320G06) [^8188,800 08BR/2BA nnnditìytotiomo\^«i 1511 SF. Yard nvirlonQrco pTDvtiud, pod pfMoooaColKftfi 000-1720 (W32&13l) [2]$128,000 0SBR/2BA Spncoàis rondi h Notth Ftdyo QttxKUon onai<li>«ac. Foncod back yaid, ben< ntf) w o Ifo irtin«5liod rìTB, irg M Bfl CoIJrrmy OOa-l&tQ (VW2905G) 21$88,aoo ZISBR/I.I BA № s dia tovGl txiTO 11VAC n ta ondorooi r>kMii bCQlicn Wator pifferVm iglloU entro Im o & iK w p o flL o td lìousofo(«'o$. CalMo(XViOaK^taS (W322fi07) Ё ШЙ S233 Svivanin P 0$24O,8OO IZISBR/SBA 2000 SFhoiTio plus lond alicaity ctoflfod lof pnstuio. GronI lof horsosi Addinl land flvIblo.CflII Mockk) 040-0040 {W313570) ZI$182,B00 ZI3BB/2BA OOQLJÜU Ql b(tK tu ro on codtcJud I O tA C b(M h*im nlo 1*402М0П, imimiovd. tonColMtxtolMOOlMQ (Ш?7900) Zl$164,800 ZI2BR/2BA TIb oAnof-txjIDikAÄ Siene baujlybnrniislEciol CnIDck 40Ы)ЛЗО (W31477B) !^$128,800 ì^8BR/ZBAОН.20А,Ьстзш241ЛСа bcnbon ni nn ow n ггезго docniA) p rta AíxM) g ra rd pcdAm ctsooi Cai K n ii 900-1726 (W3200M) J3 B B /2 B A I DoUAavUo vs<h bts d o(f uni tootnoo. Croat nini Ioatbon. wltuvcAiolPrcfXjrty I boro odd *Aa-U* oondHon. I Col Akáa 040-7400 (W3277Z7) [^$88,800 ■SQl.Fraa.Brldae.nJi. [ZI2 BB/1 BA FciockMMbSokl *As У , L offì W. oppfcme tonvwi htafiMoocto indorcorpol ColAamÜ244-12G0 (W327524) $104,800 3BB/2BA Uvooccnwrld Wnh-ii docot i\ Ш Я , Md ЮП pcrty. /ypfanooe Ш0 h Ito-nav condbcfV Col &vidy0te-&332 (W325023) IZI$85,aoo I IZ13BB/2BA I t o ivw DWMH c n tt» mosofwy (omlrition. Lq trcri pondi, iiüwcM3reúoddod<.n£w csuput. nXM>inn)Ody. Cnl ElI.iJo^lOC»2ЯM(V^Ш»30) Zl$Bi,ooo Z3BR/2BA PrbxJ bdov tnx vfAio kir qiick Silfo N oabfltóloU C .G iatf pa(oi(kil wyImM basonw t Cal0orts0002a>l (W 3^(62) YOUH VERY OWN HOMETOWN TEAM OF REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS o!oo4c.2iswM.AnwQHTsn6SERVED. M O C K S V I L L E 854 Valley Rd. Suite 100 (336) 751-2222 Hours; Mon - Fri 8 am to 5:30 pm В am to 5:30 pm Sat; 9 am to 1pm 1М11Г' CLEMMONS 2419 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd (336) 778-2221Hours: M-F^9:00 am to 5:00 pm Sat: 9:00а1Л- 5:00pm / Sun; 1-5 pm i D6 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004Davie Dateline T F u n d r a i s e r s Thursday, July 1 Yard Sale, ut l^alrficlil Church, in­ side. Friday, July 2 Yiird Siilc, nl I'lilrriciU Churcli, in­ side. R e u n i o n s Sunday, July 11 tiolnmn & Krost Kttnilllcs46tli Kc- unlon, Pulmclio Cliurch, U .S. 601N., Mocksville. Fellowship begins I0;30 a.m. Picnic dinner al I p.m. Reialives & friends welcome. R e li g i o n Ongoing I’rsschool/Pnrcnts Moriiln)! Out, Betlilehem United Meth. Time; 9 a.ni.-niHin. Ages 1 & 2 - M,W orT, Th. Age 3 ■ M.T, Th. Age 4 & Pre- K ■ three or four days per week. Call 998-6820. Prcscliuol/Piircnts Mornini; Oul, Ccnicr United MethAges 2 ,’niurs.; Ages .1 Mnn., Wed.; Ages •( Mon., Wed., Thurs. Call 9-I0-.1753 or 492- 57.15.«:30-ll;.10«,m. llcfnrcSchiHil Pro)>rnni forSliudy Cirovv Students, uvnllnble Mon.- hri. beginning 6 u.m. al Advancc (JMCCumniunity llldg. School bus arrives K u.m. lo lake children lo Shady Grove filcnienlary. Call 998- 0199 for fees anil info. Awunii & Illlilc Sludy, Wednes­ days al 7 p.m., Hope Uaptisl Taber­ nacle. MOI*S(Mollicr.sofl’re.‘ichooler.s), I.si & .^rd l-'riday.« thru school year, at Macedonia Moravian Church, N.C. 801 N, 9;I5-I1;45 a.m. Childcare provided for small fee, info: 998-4.194. Ileforc School l'ro)¡rnm. Advance UMC liUlg, N.C. 801 S. for Shady Grove students, drop off 6 a.m., school bus pick-up 8 a.in. Registra­ tion requircil.Call 998-0199 for info. l.l|>hlhnu.H‘ Servicc, Thursdays, 7:.W p.m.. Uelhlehcm UMC, .121 Hedlanil Rd., Advance, 998-.‘i()8.1. sic CARS Club. Monday, Aug. 30 Davie Kcscuc Squad Free Health Cla.'is,atnewfacilltyonCounly Home Rd. Signs & Symptoms of Heart At­ tack* Stroke, 7-9 p.m. Monday, Sept. 6 Crul.sc In, Main Si. in downtown Mocksville, 6-9 p.m.. ¡iO/.'iO drawing held each lime, and DJ plays favorite music. Sponsored by Piedmont Clas­ sic CARS Club. Monday, Sept. 20 Cruise In, Main St. in downtown Mocksville. 6-9 p.m.. 50/50 drawing held each time, and DJ plays favorite music. Sponsored by Piedmont Clas­ sic CARS Club. Ongoing visit Coolecntee's Mill VIIIurc Mu­ seum. 14 Church Sl..Tues. & ’niurs.. 9 u.m.-noon. Sats.. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Tours also available by appl. Cull 294-6(M0. Storyllnic-s. al Davie Co. Libniiy, Mondays? p.m. I'amily Slorytime &/ or s))cci«l prognim. Tues. II a.m. Toddler Time (stories, songs & fun for ages 1-3). Thurs. 10 a.m. Story liou for.1-5's. Fridays 11 a.m. f^riday frcc-for-all. everyone welcome. Pro­ grams free & open lo everyone, Richard Burr Hnlils Office Jlotirs In Davie, 2nd Thurs. of every month, 9 n.m. til 4 p.m.. Mock.svillc Town Hall liuilding. SiK'clal Olympics of Davie County, play acti vies & fun nilc. Wednesdays lit Brock Uldg. Play activities 6-7 p.m. I'un Nile 7-8:30 p.m. Open to all persons with disabilitic.s & Iheir fami- S p e d a l E v e n t s Every Friday Night JumSesslna'i.atShetrietdMusicHiill, call 492-7417 for info. Now Thru Aug. 31 Exhlbll, nt 'Hie Communily Founda­ tion of Davie Counly Office. 194 Wilkesboro St.. walercolors by local artist Sue Boggs. Contact Comm. I'oiindalion for hours: 753-6903, Friday, July 9 Jammln' On 'I'he Square,6-9 p.m. downtown Mocksville. Bobby Wo<nl & I-riends, bluegniss/coiuilry. Saturday, July 17 Summer I’IcnIc, Ihc Aulism .Society of N.C. Davic Chiipler, al Uelhleliem UMC, a great way lo get lo know one anolher and have children interact, livery family needs lo bring covercd dish & drink. 1 lope lo sec you Ihere. Info: 998-3764 or 492-7001. Friday, July 23 Jiinimln' On The .S<|unre, 6-9 p.m. downtown Mocksville. Danny Casslcvens & Co. Friday, Aug. 6 Juminin' On The Squure,6-9 p.m. downtown Mocksvillc. Promise Breakers, rhythm & blues. Friday, Aug. 20 .lummln' On The Square, 6-9 p.m. ilownlown Mocksville. Joe Phillips. Hobby iS: Mike (from 'Open Mic') Friday, Sept. 3 .lummln' On The Squure, 6-9 p.m. dow nlown Mocksville. Mel Jones & Mug of Bones. Friday, Sept. 17 Jamniln' On The ,Si|uarc, 6-9 p.m. downlown Mocksville. TBA. D a t e s to R e m e m b e r Monday, July 5 ('nilse In. Main St. in downlown Mocksville, 6-9 p.m.,.‘!0/.‘>(hlriiwing held each lime, and DJ plays favorite music. S|X)nsored hy Piedmont Clas­ sic CARS Cluh. Monday, July 19 Cruise In, Main Si. in downlown MiK-ksvillc, fi-9 p.m., .‘iO/.Sn drawing held each time, and DJ plays favoriie nuisic. .Spon.sored by Piedmont Clas­ sic CARS Club. Davie Re.scue Squad Free llealth Clas.s,al new facility on Counly 1 Ionic Kd.Swimming P(X)lamlWalerSafcly, 7-9 p.m. Monday, Aug. 2 Cruise In, Main Si. in downlown .MiK'ksville. ft-9 p.m., .“iO/.SO drawing held each lime, and DJ plays favoriie nuisic. Sponsored by Piedmont Clas­ sic CARS Club. Monday, Aug. 16 Cruise In, Main St. in downlown Mocksville, 6-9 p.m., 50/50 drawing held each time.and DJ plays fiivorite music. S|)onsorcd by Piedmont Clas- lies. M e e t i n g s Tuesday, July 13 Davie Kcptihllcnn I’lirty Monthly Meeting, 7:30 p.m., at courthouse in Mocksville. NOTE DATE CHAN(;K. Last chance lo meel can­ didates before primary election on July 20ih. Ongoing Humane Society of Dnvie Co., monthly meelings 2nd Tues. of cach monlh, at office Yadkinville Rd. be­ hind car wiush, 751-5214,' Disabled Amerlcun Vclvrans Post 75 mecLs on third Monday of each monlh.6:30p.m., nt 1958Hwy.601 S.Conlnel J. Renfro nt 284-4664 for more info. Aulism Support Group .Ird Mon­ day of each monlh, 6:30 p.m., al Cen­ tral Davio làl. Center. Mocksville. Davie Uus.\Vumcii'.sA.s.s(K.'latonl.sl Wed. of every month. 12 mxin, at Mix;ksvillcRolaiVonSalisbuty Street. Speakerof interest and catered lunch, cost S6. Year membership $25. Con­ iaci 998-1153 for more info. Diivie County Dlnhetes Support (iroup,last Thurs.ofevery monlh,7- 8:30p.m..alDavieCo. Public Library Small Conference Rixini. Info: 751- 87(X). Davie Youlh Council, meets 2nd & 4lh Tuesdays each month, 6:30 p.m., al Mocksville/Davie Parks & Ree. meeling пют. Info: Wendy While 287-1292. Davie C(i. Ilospllnl Aiixllary,every second Tues., at hospital cafeteria, 7 p.m. Davie UiLslness Women’s A.s,socln- lion, llrsl Wed. of each monlh, 12 mxin.al Mocksville Roiary Club I lul, luncheon meeling,catered meal avail­ able, Forinro:998-1153or940-3fi(X). Davie Repulillcnn MensChib.meels 4lh Saturday of cach month, 7:30 a.m.. Red Pig BBQ, Celebrate Recovery,weekly sup(X)rt gnnip for Ihose slaiggling with bad habits, addictions, and viclims of abuse. Meets Fridays, 7 p.m.. at Hillsdale Bapt. Church, Hwy. 158. Advance. Cull 910-6618 fiirniore info. Davie Cminty I lorse Emergency Res­ cue Team,7:30p.m.,dowiistaÌR al llie AgriculUmil Building, Mix-ksvillc. liv­ ery 3nl Tuesday cach monlh. For info: 9^(0-2111. Davie Co, Bund Bunslers,mecis 2nd Tuesday of monlh, 7:30 p.m., Davie High Band Rix>m. Family Services " Whal livery Par- entShuuld Know" .paivnlinijelasses lo inleresleil parents of teens in local areas, every Mon. 6-7:15 p.m.. ul Mocksville office Sanford Ave. Cost $15. For more info; 751-4510. Christian Buslne.ssmen's Commit­ tee of MocUsville, Thursdays, 7 a.m. Mix'ksville Roiary Hut. (Sold Wing Touring Assoclallun, Red Pig Barbecue, Greasy Comer, N.C. 801 al U.S. 601, 6 p.m. 284- 4799. Davie County Stamp Club, 2nd 'niurs., Davie Senior Cenler, 7 p.m. 751-0611. Cooleemee Recreation A.4.suclallon, Zachary Hou.se. Isl Tuesday, 7 p.m. Ilumeschool 4-11 Club, 2nd & 4ih •niursday. Call 998-8925 for more info. MOPS (Mothers of I're.sehoulers), Macedonia Moravian Church. I'd- lowshlp, fixxl, support, and creative activities. Children reccive excellent care in ihc guided MOPPETS prx)- gram. Regislralion fees are nominal and scliolarships are avaitablc. Meet­ ings are the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each monlh beginning Aug. 16, from 9:15-11:45 a.m. Davic School Sched­ ule is followed. Questions call 998- 4394. The Artist Group, Davic County Library ,7p.m. last Tucs. Call Bonnie at 998-5274. Center Community Development, 3rd Mon., 7 p.m. Community Bidg. Cooleemee Town Hoard, 3rd Tues­ day,Town Hall, 7 p.m unless other­ wise noted. Cooleemee A A, beh 1 nd Good S hcp- herd liplscopal, Tucs. & Fri.. 8 p .m. Norlh Cooleemee and Clark Road Council, 2nd Wednesday, 7 p.m. Friendship Baptist Fellowship lUill. Mocksville A A, closed non-smok­ ing meeling, nl St. Francis of Assisi Church fellowship hall, 862 Yadkinville Rd., Mocksville. Sat- urduys 6 p.m. Info: Susan 751-3188 or Jim 753-6863. Davie Dimiestlc Violence Services and Rnpc Crisis Ccnicr. Offers weekly support group for domestic violence & sexual assault viclims. Tlie group inecis every Tues. evening from6:30-8:30p.m. Please call office for localion, 751-3450. Family Violence Prevention Ser­ vices of Davie Counly. Free counsel­ ing for viclims of violence nnd Ihcir children. Separate groups.Tuesdays, 6-7:30 p.m.First United Methodist Church of Mocksville, Call 1-800- 728-3413. Concerned Hikers Assoclallon, Foolhiils Chapler, 2nd Wedncsduy, Western Steer. U.S. 601 at 1-40. 7 p.m. Public welcome. Advancc (iarden Club, 1st Tues.. 9 n.m.,MiK.-ks UMC,998-211I. MoeksvllleCiarden Club, I SI'nuirs., Jericlio Church of Chrisl fellowship hall. 7 p.m. Visitors welcome. Sons of Confederate Veterans. 1st Monday.Cixilcemce Historical Build­ ing. 7 p.m. 4-H lilts & Bridle Club.evcry Ihird Tues.,6-7:.3()p.m.al DixielandFurnis, Call 492-(>401 for more info. Moeksville Rotary Club.Tucsdays, 12:10 p.m., Roiary Hut. Fnrmin|>ton Masonic Lodge No. 265. 2nd Monday, 7:30 p.m. al the lodge. MiKhsvlHc V-lnns Club. 1st, 3rd Thursdays. 7 p.m.. fellowship hall of Si. Francis of Assisi, Yadkinville Road, Mocksvillc. Davie Co. Unilcd Way Board ot Directors, 4lh Monday, 5:30 p.m., Btock Center Amiex, Conf, Room 208. Mocksville-Davie Ilmiiehullders, 4th'nuirsday,7p.m.,CaplainSteven's. Davie Ill(!h Alhlctlc llunstcrs. 3rd Monday, 7 p.m., scluxil cafclcria. VttrmlHRton Kurltnn Clnli, 2ml Thursday, 7:3(1 p.m., Farmington Methodisl churcli. HEU’S Mliilstrles,Christian recov­ ery progrum for women sexually abused as children. Mondays. 7:30 p ,m., 41 court Siiuare. Room 210. Ilreast-rcedinKSuppurtCiraiip,2nd Tuesday, Davie Health Depl., 6-7:30 p.m. Davie County Hoard of Social Ser- vlccs,4th Tuesday,5:30 p.m. al DSS. Narcotics Anoitymous Against All Odds Gmup.BC Brock Bldg.,622N. Main St.. 'lliiirs. 7 p.m.. Sun. 6 p.m. Drug I’rolilcni? llclplinc.336-785- 7280. Mocksvillc American Legion Post 174, VRV Hut, Sanfor4 Avc., 2nd 'lliursday, 7 p.m. MiKksvlllc Civitan Cluh. 7 p.m., 2nd & 4lh Mondays, al CCB, 880 Yadkinville Rd.. Advancc Memorlnl Post S719 Vet­ erans of Foreign Wars and Ladies Auxiliary. 4lli Tues.. 7:30 p.m., |xist Iiome, Feed Mill Road. Davic Counly Right To Life, 7 p.m., 3rd Thur.sduy.gran<ljury room,court- bousc.751-.S235 or 492-5723. Cooleemee Memorial VFW Post 1119,2nd, 4lh'niurs., 7 p.m.. VIAV Hall. N.C. 801. Cnrinthlan Lodge No. I7F&AM, 2nd. 4lh Fridays. 7:.30 p.m. al ihc lixlge. Mocksvllle LiKlgeNo. 134.1 st Tues­ day. 7:.30 p.m. ul llie lixige, CiHileemee Clvltan's Club Meet­ ing, I SI und 3rd Mon. each monlh. 7 p.m., Red Pig, Hwy. 801,Cooleemee. Cub Seoul Pack 51M. s|x)nsorcd b Fulton United Metli. Church, 1st and 3rd Tues. niglils each monlh, 7-8;3(l p.m. Young boys 1-5 grades who would like lo bccomc a member are welcome lo ullend. Dnvie Co, MS Support Group, 2nd Mon. of euch monlh. 6 p.m., Davic Co, Hospilal. VFW Auxlllnry Post 4024,1 p.m., 4lh Thurs. cuch monlh in lower level of Brock Uldg., N, Main Street, lili- glble members weicomo. Davie Klwanls Club, 1st nnd 3rd Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. al Webb Heat­ ing & Air, 998-2121. R e c r e a t i o n For more Information on llic.se cvcnis. call 751-2325. Line Dancing Fannington Community Center. Ev­ ery Tue.sday. Cost: $2. Instructors: Sieve & Linda Hatley. For more info, call 751-3848. Rec Club Before ($ 15)or аПег ($25).scliool and out of school programs. Regislralion opcu. Good Timers Square Dance Dance Lessons $5 per monlh. Volun­ teers for different .social events. Con­ tact Ethel at í»98-.3837. Silverstriders Ш \к Club Seniors, 50 anti ир. M-F.6:30-9 a.m. No charge. Mothers Morning Out Tuesdays and ’nuirsduys, $7 per day, $40 per month. The Dance Company . Mon„Tues., Wed., & Sat. Call Emily Robertson. 998-5163. Horse Camp $185 |)cr child (8-15 yrs. old) per week.7:30 ii.m.-5:30 p.m., Mon.-Fri. Riding insWKlion .cquinc carc, horse facts, crafis, projects, & field trips. Plus swimming if weather permits. Beginners: 7/12-16; Inlcmicdlules 7/ 5-9. Advanccd/bcginner7/l9-23.Call 751-2325 for info and regislnilion. Y M C A Гог more infonmilton, call 73 i -9622 or visit Davie Family YMCA. Water Exercise Class For beginners and Ihc cx|x;rienced. All ages. Call for class types & times. Swim Lessons Choose from 4 wk.. Sat. moniing or privale lessons. Reg, begins 2 wks. prior to class. Call for cluss timc.s. Karate-Carucado Style Tuesdays. 7-8:45 p.m. Ages 7 & up. Tae Kwon Do Ages 6 & up. Meet Tues. & Tliurs,, 6.00,6:45 p.m. Sunshine Club For ull older nctlve udulls. Fun, fel­ lowship. good news, Wc do mothly pot luck luncheons with » speaker. Cost $ 10 mcmbcrs/$20 non-membere. Family Night , Jiilv 9tb. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Treat yout faiñlly toovcning al Y having dinner. playing games, swimming, nnd more. Cost $2 per person (5 and under free). Summer Day Camp We offer full day childcare for cliil- dren 5-12. Call front desk for details. P U B L IC N O T IC E S NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualKlad as Ihe Co-Ex- eculors of the Estate ol IVA S. YOUNG, late ol Davie Counly, this . Is to notlly all parsons having claims against said estale lo preseni Ihem to Ihe undersigned on or belore the 10lh day ol September, 2004, be­ ing three (3) months Irom the lirst day ol publlcallon or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol Ihelr recovery. All persons Indebted lo said esiale will please make immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. This Ihe 10lh day olJune, 2004. Janell Y. Pack 3464 NC Highway 801 Soulh Advance, NC 27006 Jerry Nelson Young 3547 NC Highway 801 South Advance, NC 27006 S e n i o r s All Senior Activities lake placc at DavieCounty Senior Scrviceslocalcd in tlie Brock Building on North Main Street, Mocksville unless otherwise noted.Call 751-0611. Ongoing .Sr. LiincIiI)ox,M.T,W.ll;.30n.m.. Til. & Fri., 11 a.m.. lunch .served daily. Silver llvnlth Exmlsis. East Room ofScniorScrvices,M,W,F,8:30u.m. Quilllni:, every Monday, 10 a.m., East Room. Scrabble,evciy Monday, 1 p.m.,Crafl Rixim, Ilrldge,Tuesdays Ip.m. & Fridays 2 p.m., East Room. SKIPHO, Wednc.sdays. 1:30 p.m.. East Room. Scrapboaklng, 2nd Tuesday. 2 p.m. Pnlnt Class, Weilncsilnys. 8:31) a.m., Cnifl Room. Dr. Dunn, P<Kllatrlst,at Sr. Services every three weeks on Monday. 8:30 a.m., Craft Rimm. Free Blood Prc.«>surc Checks,ojice a monlh. al 10:45 a.m. in the Nutrition Site. Sr.Cliorus,'I'liuniduys. 10 u.m.. East Rixim. Tal Chi Cla.sses, Tuesdays, 10-11 a.m., Nature's Ciil'ts,Class size lim­ ited,call Sr. Services al 751-061110 pre-register. Every Thursday Crafty Ladles, activity at Sr. Ser­ vices, 10 a.m.-l2 noon, in Ihc Cral'l Rixim.Call 751-0611 for more info. Silver llealth Exercises, 10 a.m., al Mix;k Pluce,401 N.MuinSlrccl.O|x;n lo uny senior. Report Davie Dateline Items I3y Noon Monday Items for Davie Dateline should Ix; reported by noon Monday of ihe pub­ lication week. Cull 1 -2120 or drop it by tiic office, at S. Main Si, across from tile courthouse. Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksvllle, NC 27028 6-10-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Ihe Admin­ istrator oi Ihe Estate ol BARBARA FOLK WILLIAMS, late ol Davie County, this Is lo notily all persons having claims against said estale lo present Ihem lo Ihe undersigned on or belore the 17th day ol Sep­ tember, 2004, being three (3) monlhs Irom Ihe llrsl day ol publi­ cation or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol Ihelr recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This Ihe 17ih day ol June, 2004. Vernon Smiley, EXEC 157 Brier Creek Road Advance, NC 27006 NORTH CAROLINA 6-17-4ln DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualilied es Execulor ol Ihe Esiale ol Alice Ader Hartman, Deceased, lale of Davie County, North Carolina, this Isdo notlly all parsons having claims against Ihe esiale ol Ihe deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be­ fore September 24, 2004, or this Notice will be pleaded In barol Ihelr righl to recover against Ihe estale of Ihe said deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This the 23rd day ol June, 2004. Richard S, Hartman Executor ol the Estale ol Alice Ader Hartman c/o E. Edward Vogler, Jr, Allorney lor Richard S. Hartman, Executor 161 South Main SIreet , Mocksville, NC 27028 _ _ 6-24-4ln \v a i,l i:r i*l u m b in g ami REPAIRS -4U.-2K4-4.WJ l.ii./i I'CiiJ i<i.;,ii)i N ПЛ1 I'l 1 M iiiN ii NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Ihe Execu­ tor ol the Esiale ol LOIS SENTER STEPHENS, late ol Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estale to present Ihem to Ihe undersigned on or belore the lot day ol October, 2004, being three (3) monlhs from Ihe first day of publlcallon or this notice will be pleaded In bar of Ihelr recovery. Ali persons indebted lo said estate will please make imme­ diate payment to the undersigned. This Ihe 22nd day of June, 2004, Rebecca S. Foster, Executrix 478 Baltimore Road Advance, NC 27006 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksvllle, NC 27028 7-1-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as the Admln- islralor of Ihe Esiale ol WANDA S. NEW/TON, lale ol Davie Counly, this Is to notily all persons having claims against said estate to present Ihem lo Ihe undersigned on or before Ihe 10th day of Septem­ ber, 2004, being three (3) months Irom the first day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of Ihelr recovery. All persons Indebted lo said esiale will please make Im­ mediate payment lo the under­ signed. This Ihe I Olh day ol June, 2004. Dewey L. Newton, Admlnlslrator 2719 US Highway 601 S Mocksvillo, NC 27028 Wade H. Leonard, Jr. Allorney at Law 34 Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 6-10-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as the Execu­ trix of tho Estate ol RICHARD THO­ MAS TISE, lale ol Davie Counly, , this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to Ihe undersigned on or before Ihe 1st day of October, 2004, being Ihree (3) monlhs from Ihe llrst day of publlcallon or this notice will be pleaded In bar ot Ihelr recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Imme­ diate payment to ihe undersigned. This Ihe 1st day ol July, 2004. Doris W. Tise, EXEC P.O. Box 337 Cooleemee, NC 27014 7-1-4lp GENE TREXLER ROOFING New & Old Roofs Small Repair Jobs Freo Estimates 3 36-2 8 4 -4 5 7 1 C A R TN E R A N G U S FA R M S IN C. I VVi? Wi/I Treat You Rifihi! S a n d & GRAVEL H a u l in g d o z in g j]J,P. Cartnor Oonnoy Stroud (336)492-5764 (704)883-2182 ^(704)880-0168 (336)492-2015 I H a r r i s Р о о П & S u p p l i e s Cleaning'Ctaiiciils'liistallalioii I Opening & Closing • Vinyl Uner Replacment ' Tommy Miirris/OvvnLT-Ovcr 20 Yh, l-xp. 277 I'lcasiinl Aere Dr., MiK’ksville Home (336)284^17 ^ u s i r i e s s ^ SELL IT FAST INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! The first 10 words are S6,50 - each additional word Is 100, Yard Sale ads must be paid In advance. Deadline for classified ads is 10:30 a.m. Tuesday. Davie County Enterprise Record 171 StíuIhMainSI. ■ Mocksville • 336<751-2129 Ain^t It Nifty, WHO Is Fifty? Share the news with everyone... right here in the classifieds 1x3 - *15 • 2x3 ®30 stop by the office or mail your information & check to: 171 S, Main St, • PO Box 99 Mocksvllle, NC 27028 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004 ■ D7 PUBLIC NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF TOWN COMMISSIONERS FOR THE FOLLOWING ZONING AMENDMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, PUSUANT TO THE REQUIRE­ MENTS ol Chapter 160A-364 ol Ihe General Statutes ol North Carolina and pursuant to Section 8-3.9.7 ot the Mocksvllle Zoning Otdlnanca, that Ihe Town Board of Commis­ sioners will hold a PUBLIC HEAR­ ING in the Town Hall, Mocksvllle, NC, at 7:00 p.rn. on Tuesday, July 6,2004 to hear the following Items; 1. Commonwealth Group - Mocksvllle Partners, LP has sub­ mitted a request lo amend the Town ol Mocksville Zoning Ordinance Sections 8-3.4.2(E)(3) and (6), 8- 3.4.2(HKD, (2) and . (4), 8.3.4,4(A)(1), 8-3.4.4(D)(1), 8- 3.5.2(C)(3^ B-3.6, and 8-3.8.5D(B). The amendments modify the re­ quirements tor building design, landscaping, signage, outdoor dis­ play of .merchandise, and screen­ ing fences and walls. 2. The Planntog Board has rec­ ommended a text amendment to permit planned commercial devel­ opments In the commercial and in­ dustrial distrlols 11 certain conditions are met. The amandmai\t would allow zero lot line development (no minimum setbacks) upon submit­ tal ol a comprehensive develop­ ment site plan. A lull copy of each request is on file at the Mocksvllle Town Hall, All parties and interested citi­ zens shall have ah opportunity to be heard in favor of or In opposi­ tion to the foregoing changes. Prior to the hearing, all parsons Inter­ ested may obtain any additional Inlormallon on the proposal by vis­ iting the Development Services Deparlmeni In the Davie County Administration Building, Mooksvllle, N.C. between 8:30 a.m, and 5:00 p,m. or by telephone al (336) 751- 3340, John S. Gallimore Planning Director 6-24-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Co-Execu­ tors of the Estate ol ESTHER BODMER HALVERSON (also known as Esther B. Halverson, Esther Halverson, Betty Halverson), lale of Advance, Davie County, North Carolina, the under­ signed does hereby notify all per­ sons, llrms, and corporations hav­ ing claims against the estate o( oald decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned at One Wesi Fourth Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101, on or before the 24th day of Sep­ tember, 2004, or this notice will be pleaded In bar ot Ihelr recovery. All persons, llrms and corporations Indebted to the said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 24th day of June, 2004. Sandra H. Taylor, Sandra H. Karnatz and Elizabeth L. Quick, Co-Executors of the Estate of Esther Bodmer Halverson Ellzabelh L, Quick Womble Carlyle Sandrldga & Rice, PLLC One West Fourth Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 6-24-41n STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF STANLY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 04-CVD-677 NOTICE OF SERVICE PROCESS BY PUBLICATION SARAH NICOLE CARPENTER AND LARRY ALLEN CARPEN­ TER, Plaintiffs vs. LARRY MORRIS, Delendant TO; Larry Morris, the above named defendant TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed on the 4th day of May, 2004, In the above entitled Summons and Complaint. The nature of the rellel being sought is as follows; Custody , You are required to make de­ fense to such pleading not later than the 18lh day August, 2004, said date being 40 days Irom the first publication ol Ihis notice, or from the date complaint is required to be died, whichever Is later; and upon your (allure lo do so Ihe party seeking service against you will apply to the court tor the rellel sought. This (he 23rd day of June, 2004. By; Lisa W. Currie Attorney for Plaintiff 214 East North Street Albemarle, NC 28001 704-983-6116 Stale Bar «21285 7-1-3ln NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the power ol sale contained In a certain Deed of Trust made by Angela R. Stevenson (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S); Angela Stevenson) to John L. Hazlehurst, Trustee(s), dated tho 30th day ol November, 2000, and recorded In Book 253, Page saz, Davie County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made In the payment of the note thereby secured by Ihe said Deed of TnJst and the undersigned, H. Terry Hutchens, PA having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly re­ corded In the Olllce ot Ihe Register ol Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina and lha holder ol the note evidencing said Indebtedness hav­ ing directed lhat Ihe Deed of Trust be foreclosed, Ihe undersigned Subslltule Trustee will offer (or sale at the Courthouse Door In the City o( Mocksvllle, Davie County, North Carolina at 3:00 pm on July 7,2004 and will sell lo Ihe hlghesl bidder tor cash Ihe following real estate siluated In the County ol Davie, North Carolina, and being more par­ ticularly described as lollows; Lying and being situate In Davie County, North Carolina, and being more pattlculariy described as fol­ lows: Being ail of Lot 1, Meadowood Subdivision, according to the plat thereof, recorded In Plat Book 7, Page 136, in the Olllce of the Reg­ ister o( Deeds ot Davie County, North Carolina. Together with Im­ provements localed thereon; said property being located at 115 Tara Court, Mocksvllle, Notih Carolina. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, that per­ son must pay the tax ol Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be ollered pur­ suant to this notice of sale is being ottered lor sale, transfer and con­ veyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Nei­ ther the Trustee nor the holder of Ihe note secured by the deed ol trusl/securlty agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the oHioers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized represenlatlve of either the Trustee or Ihe holder ol the note make any representa­ tion or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safely conditions existing in, on, al or relating to the property being offered tor sale, and any and all responsibllllles or liabilities aris­ ing out ol or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold sub|ect to all taxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) of five percent (S%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred filly dollars ($750.00), whichever la greater, will • be required at the time ol the sale. This 16th day of June, 2004, H, TERRY HUTCHENS, PA SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY; H.Teny Hutchens, Esquire Pres. H. Terry Hutchens, PA Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, NG 28311 Case No; 717.76583 6-24-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as the Admin­ istrator of the Estate of LUCILLE WALUCE BOWLES, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estale to present them to the undersigned on or before Ihe 24lh day of Septem­ ber, 2004, being three (3) months from- Ihe first day ot publication or Ihis no­ tice viill be pleaded In bar ol their re- coveiy. All paisons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the underetgned. This the 24lh day ol June, 2004, Tllthia M. Hanes, EXEC P.O, Box 84 Mooksvllle, NC 27028 e-24-4tnNORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as the Execu­ tor ol the Estate of ALMA K. BECK, late of Davie County, this Is to no­ tily all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of September, 2004, be­ ing three (3) months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of Iheir recovery. Ail persons Indebted to said estate ' will please make Immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. This Ihe lOlh day of June, 2004, Ricky L. Draughn, EXEC 410 Calahaln Road ■ Mocksville, NC 27028 6-10-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain Deed of Trtjst made by Sherry D. Mixon and Ernest W. Mixon and Shelia Mixon (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S); Sherry D, Mixon and Ernest Mixon) to Lawrence N. Smith and Charles D. Robinson, III, Trustee(s), dated Ihe 3rd day of November, 2000, and recorded In Book 3SS. Page ^ S i Davie County Registry, North Carolina, delault having been made In Ihe payment of Ihe note thereby secured by the said Deed ol Trust and the under­ signed, H. Terty Hutchens, PA hav­ ing been substituted as Trustee In saidDeedofTnistbyanlnslnjment duly recorded In Ihe OHIce of Ihe Register ol Deeds ol Davie County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said Indebtedness having directed that the Deed ol Trust be foreclosed, the under­ signed Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the Courthouse Door In Ihe City of Mooksvllle, Davie Counly, North Carolina at 3:00 pm on July 14, a004 and will sell to the highest bidder (or cash the toilow- ing real estate situated In the County ol Davie, North Carolina, and being more particularly de­ scribed as lollows: BEGINNING at an Iron In the Northeast corner of (he wllhin de­ scribed tract, said Iron lying Soulh 26 deg. 40 mln. 55 seo. East 87,50 leet Irom an Iron In the Southeast corner of Robert C. Gin, Deed Book 132, Page 183, said beginning point being the Southeastern most corner ol the above described .219 acre tract; thence Irom the POINT AND PUCE OF BEGINNING, with the edge ol the right ol way ol Mumlord Road, South 26 deg. 02 mln. 36 sec. East 75,92 leet to an Iron; thence South 78 deg, 38 min. 09 seo. West 113,39 feet to an Iron, Southwest corner of the within de­ scribed tract; thence North 33 deg. 30 mln. 62 aeo. West 59,28 leet to an-Iron, Northwest corner of the within described tract; thence North 69 deg. 35 mln. 37 seo, East 117,96 leel to an Iron, THE POINT AND PLACE OF BEI31NNING contain­ ing 0.174 acres more or less, as surveyed May 5,2000 by Grady I. Tutterow, Professional Land Suveyor (Drawing No: 13100-3; File Name; TC-MUM), Together with Improvements located thereon; said property being lo­ cated at 219 Mumlord Drive, .Mociisvlile, North Carolina. Subject to easements and re­ strictions ot record. For back title, see Deed Book 337, Page 818; Deed Book 322, Page 250; Deed Book 71, Page 206; and Deed Book 64, Page214; Davie County Registry. See Plat Book 7, Page 125, Davie County Registry. See also Tax Map f-4-6, BIk B, Pol 16.02, located In Mocksville Township, Davie County, North Carolina, Note; This was part of Tax Map 1-4-6, BIk B, Pci 16, In 2000. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, lhat per­ son must pay the tax ol Forty-Flvo Cenls ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100,00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pur­ suant to this notice of sale Is being offered for sale, transfer and con­ veyance “AS IS, WHERE IS,” Nei­ ther the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed ol trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, altorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either ihe Trustee or the holder of (he note make any representa­ tion or warranty relating lo the title or any physical, environmental, health or salety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or iiabliilles aris­ ing out ol or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property Is being sold sut^jecl to all taxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances ot record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred lilty dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required al Ihe time ot the sale. This 23rd day of June, 2004. H. TERRY HUTCHENS, PA SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY; H. Terry Hutchens, Esquire President H. Terry Hutchens, PA Substitute Trustee P.O, Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayellevilie, NC 28311 Case No; 370,76717 7-1-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as the Execu­ trix of the Estate of JERRY WAYNE HENDRIX, late ol Davie County, this Is to nollly all persons having claims against said estate to present Ihem to the undersigned on or belore the 1st day of October, 2004, being three (3) months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Imme­ diate payment to the undersigned. This the 1st day of July, 2004. Jodi Monique Dyson 236 Mullins Road Mocksvllle, NC 27028 7-1-4IP NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREOrronS Having qualified as Ancillary Administrator lor the Estate ol JOHN V. WALKER, SR„ deceased, a resident ol Montgomery County, In Wharton, Texas, and formeriy of Davie County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notlly all persons, llrms and corporations having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned at P.O. Drawer 25008, Winston-Salem, NC 27114-5008, on or before the 1st day ot Octo­ ber, 2004, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All person, firms and corporations In­ debted to the said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 1 St day ol July, 2004. Doris M, Walker, Ancillary Administrator c/o James E, Creamer, Jr. Blanco Tackabery Combs and Matamoros, P.A. P.O, Drawer 25008 Winston-Salem, NC 27114- 5008 7-1-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAViE COUNTY RE-ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS DAVIE COUNTY SCHOOLS WILLIAM R. DAVIE ELEMEN­ TARY SCHOOL SANlTAnV SEWER EXTENSION Davie County Schools will re­ ceive sealed proposals until 3:00 p.m, on Wednesday, July 7, 2004 lor the construction of William R. Davie Elementary School Sanitary Sewer Extension, The scope of work shall consist of construction complete oi a du­ plex submersible grinder pump sta­ tion, approximately 23,500 LF of 4" sanitary sewer forecemain, and other associated appurtenances. The Bids will be received in the Board Room at Central Davie Edu­ cation Center, 220 Campbell Road, Mocksville, NC 27028, at which place and at the time stated above, they will be publicly opened and read. Contract Documents may be obtained from Davis-Martln-Powell and Associates, 6415 Old Plank Road, High Point, NC 27265 (336- 886-4621) with a deposit of one hundred dollars ($100,00), Docu­ ments returned to the Engineer's ofllce In good condition within 10 days of bid opening, will receive a $75.00 refund, Contract Docu­ ments are also on liie at Davie County Schools Administrative Building, AGO (High Point, Char­ lotte; Dodge (Charlotte), Proposals must be sealed and marked "William R, Davie Elemen- taiy School Sanltaiy Sewer Exten­ sion.'' Aii proposals must be sub­ mitted upon the blank forms pro­ vided in the Contract Documents. Each bid must be accompanied by bid security In an amount ol not less lhan five percent (6%) of the amount of the bid, Security may be In Ihe form of cash, a certified ctieck or Bid Bond, Consideration will be given only to bids of Contractors who are able to submit evidence showing that they are properiy licensed under "An Act to Regulate the Practice ol General Contracting," ratified by the General Assembly of North Caro­ lina on March 10, 1925, and so subsequently amended. The suc­ cessful Bidder shall provide Perlor- mance and Payment Bonds in an amount equal to one hundred per­ cent (100%) ot the Contract, The Owner reaeives the rights to waive any Informalities or to re­ ject any or all bids. The Owner re­ serves the right to increase or di­ minish the quantities of items given In the Proposal and to award Con­ tracts which appear to be In the best Interest of the Owner, DAVIE COUNTY SCHOOLS W,Q, Potts, Superlntendenl June 22,2004 ■ 7-1-1tn NORTH CAROLINA Davie COUNTY 03SP237 SALE Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained In that certain DeedofTnjstexecutedby JASON M. BBCK, AND CARRIE L. LIVERMAN to SHAPIRO & KREISMAN, Trustee(s), which was dated APRIL 29, 2003 and re­ corded April 30, 2003 In Book 481 at Page 125, DaWs County Regis­ try, North Carolina. Delault having been made In the payment of the note thereby se­ cured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Carolina Foreclo­ sure & Title Services, Inc., having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of TnJst by an Instnimenl duly recorded in Ihe Office of the Reg­ ister of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, and the holder of the note evidencing said indebted­ ness having directed that the Deed ol Tnjst be foreclosed, the under­ signed Substitute Tmstee will offer (or sale at the courthouse door ol property Is located, or the usual end customary location at the county courthouse for conducting the sale nn July 2,2004 at 10:00AM, and will sell to the highest tiidder for cash the following described prop­ erty situated in Davie County, North Carolina, to wit; BEINO known and designated as Lots» IS ol aiedstone Woods Subdivision as shov^n on PiBt Book 7, page 73, DavIe Counly Regis­ try, to which relerence Is hereby made fora more particular descrip­ tion. SUBJECT to the Restrictive Covenants recorded In Record Book 305, page BOB; and ByLawa ol the Qladstone Woods Property Owners Association recorded In Record Book 306, page 386, DavIe County Registry, and such amend­ ments thereto which shall occur Irom time lo lime as provided In Ihose documents. Save and except any releases or deeds of release of record. Said property Is commonly known as 120 Slonewood Road, Mocksvllle^ NC 27028. Third party purchasers mustpay the excise tax, and the court costs of Forty-Five Cents (45e) per One Hundred Dollars ($100,00) pursu­ ant to NCGS 7A-308(a)(1), Acash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750,00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. Following Ihe expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all Ihe remaining amounts are immedi­ ately due and owing. Said property to be offered pur­ suant to this Notice of Sale is be­ ing offered for sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or salety conditions existing In, on, al, or relating to the property being of­ fered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, special assessments, ease­ ments, rights ol way, deeds of re­ lease, and any other encum­ brances or exceptions of record, To the best of the knowledge and be­ lief of the undersigned, Ihe current owneir(s) of the property Is/are JA­ SON M. BECK AND CARRIE L LIVERMAN Carolina Foreclosure & Title Services, Inc., Substitute Trustee By;---------------------------------------. Member/Manager 5919 Oleander Drive Suite 115 Wilmlnglon, NC 28403 Phone (910) 392-4988 Fax (910) 392-8051 File No.; 04-04-28-M-1969 6-24-21П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Ihe Execu­ trix of the Estate of ALONZO ARNOLD, late of Davie County, this is to notify ail persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 24lh day ot September, 2004, be­ ing three (3) months from the llrst day of publlcallon or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. This Ihe 21 St day of June, 2004, Sharon D, Redmond, Execu­ trix P,0, Box 701 Mooksvllle, NO 27006 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney al Law Ten Court Square Mockevllle, NC 27028 • 6-24-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GEf^ERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION OAVIE COUNTY 04SP110 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY JOSEPH ETCHISON AND TOULOUP P. ETCHISON DATED AUGUST 3, 2001 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 381 AT PAGE 954 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to an’order of the Clari< of Superior Court and under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of de­ fault in Ihe payment ot the Indebt­ edness thereby secured and (all- ure to carry oul end perform Ihe stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant lo demand of the owner and holder of the in­ debtedness secured by said deed of trtJst, fhe undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at pub­ lic auction to Ihe highest bidder loi cash at the usual place of sale al the county courthouse of said counly al 3:30 PM on July 12,2004 the following described real estate and any other Improvements which may be situated thereon, situatec In Davie County, North Carolina and being more particulariy de­ scribed as follows: BEING ALL OF LOT NO. 214 AS SHOWN ON A RECORDEC PLAT ENTITLED “RIDGEMONT SECTION 1, AS DEVELOPED B\ FORTIS ENTERPRISES, INC. SAID MAP BEING DRAWN BV OTIS A. JONES SURVEYING COMPANY, INC., OCTOBER 29 1973, SAID PLAT BEING RE CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 135, IN THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF DEEDS OF DAViE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA TC WHICH REFERENCE IS HEREBN MADE FOR A MORE PARTICU LAR DESCRIPTION, SUBJECTTO RESTRICTIONS AS SET FORTH IN DEED BOOH 93, PAGE 518, DAVIE COUNPi REGISTRY. And Being more commonl) known as; 255 Mountview Drive MOCKSVILLE, NC 27028 The record owner(s) of the prop erty, as reflected on Ihe records o Ihe Register of Deeds, is/are Jo seph D. Etchlson aka Josept Etohlson andTouioup P, Etchlson The property lo be offered pur suant lo Ihis notice of safe is beinf offered lor sale, transler and con veyance “AS IS, WHERE IS" Nel ther the Trustee nor the holder o the note secured by the deed o trust/security agreement, or both being foreclosed, nor the officers directors, attorneys, employees agents or authorized representative ol either Trustee or the holder o the note make any representatior or warranty relating to the titfe oi any physical, environmental, healtl- or safely conditions existing in, on at or relating to the property beinf offered lor sale, and any and all re- sponslbllllles or liabilities arising ou' of or in any way relating to any sucf- condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale Is made subject lo alt prioi liens and encumbrances, and un­ paid taxes and assessments In­ cluding but not limited to any trans­ fer tax associated wilh the foreclo­ sure, tor paying. If any. A deposit of live percent (5%) ol the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dol- lars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at Ihe lime of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Fol­ lowing Ihe expiration of Ihe statutely upset period, all remaining amounts are Immediately due and owing. The dale of this Nottee is June 21,2004, Elizabeth B. Ells or David W, Nelli Substitute Trustee 8520 Cliff Cameron Drive, Suite 300 Charlotte, NC 28269 „(704) 333-8107 03-53787 7-1-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAViE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Ihe Admin­ istrator of Ihe Estate of LAURA LEE JAMES DURHAM, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present Ihem to the undersigned on or belore the 17lh day ol Sep­ tember, 2004, being three (3) monlhs from the first day ol publlcallon or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted lo said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. TWa the 17th day of June, 2004, Roger Lee Durfiam, ADMN 120 Harper Road, Advance, NC27006 6-17-4tn D8 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 1,2004 IMEXPENSIVE FEtOFTCABLE Abortion Alternative DAVIE PREGNANCY CARE Center oHers confidential & free pregnancy tests, supporl ser­ vices, and referrals. Make a healthy choice for your llfel Cali 753-HOPE for appointment. Antiques CHRISTfiAAS IN JULYI Coming Friday, July 9th and Saturday, July 10lh Dee’s Tooll Anliques 296 Blaise Church Road Mooksvllle, NC and Dee’s Antiques on Ihe Qreenhlll 733 Careenhlll Road Mocksville, NC Great Discounts Ihroughoul bolh shops. Check next week's paper for details biit Mark your calendars NOWII Have a Sale & Bles'sed July 4lhl And May Qod Bless American Apartments 1BR, IBA-UTILITIES In­ cluded- Mocksville $425/monlh Janice McDaniel Pennington & Company Realty 751-9400 CLEAN UPSTAIRS APT. for rent wilh s/rAv/d, 1-2 adults. $200dep/ $395 monlh. Hwy 601N of Mocksville .998-3656._________ Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILD care has opelngs for ail ages, 0-12 yrs. Full-time, Part-time, Drop-In, Be­ fore & Aller School and Out of School Days. 1st & 2nd shift, Open 5;30 am. Flexible hours. Spilt shifts also. Cail Debra, 751 - PLAY (7529) 571 S Main St.. Mocksville, across from Welch's Funeral Home. w illprW d ë e iTpT riencë^ child care in my hom e. Have rel- erences. 284-2725. m H TO K lip¥iniam rit^ home starting In mid Augusf. Good relerences, years ol expe­ rience. Hillsdale area. 2 miles from 1-40. First shill only. 998- 2804._______________________ Condos For Rent TOWNHOUSE, 3BR, 2.5BA, at The Lakes" Bermuda Run Coun­ try Ciub, $800/month. Call Gena al Howard Really 751-8562. Employment ALLIANCE HOME CARE: Cer- tllied Nursing Assistant to work on contract basis in Davle County. Experience In home care pre­ ferred. hours will vary. Cail 1 -883- 691-4968 exL 2. DRIVERS NEEDED, 2 yrs expe­ rience with clean record CDL, percentage pay, bulk freight, hop­ per bottoms & live lloor trailers. 336-788-3210. EXPERIENCED CARPENTER FOR framing crew. 40-pius hours weekly w/overtime. fvlust be de- Cendable. No drugs, no hol- eads. 336-467-7061 or 336- 998-7428. FARM HELP NEEDED, break­ ing, feeding, & cleaning stalls. Full lime & part-time. 940-5391 or 940-539C). RANDY MILLER &SONS 2<J5 .Miller l(ml'Mock<ivlllt (336) 284-2826 • Now Pumping Septic Tanks H a p p y 1 6 " ' B i r t h d a y “J o h n n y M a c ' Л : \\V \(Mi f)(i<l, Moma, Uval her Employment HURRY WE ONLY have a few positions leftll Raffles Salons Is actively recruiting (ull-tlme, part- time stylist and an assistant man­ ager position at our Mocksville location. Clientele Provided. All a^ilcants must have a current hlC cosmi available lo I STRETCH WRINKLED CARPETS Wrinkled Carpet Man 336-998-8402 D R IV E R S N E E D E D Competitive Hourly Wagel Flexible Hours) $1.05 per dellvory plus tips paid nightly Apply in person for delalls. . Both Advance (Kinderton Shopping Center near Lowes) and Mocksville (430 Valley Rd.) locations accepting applications. Furniture license and be at least 2 eve- nlngs per week and weekends. No Sundaysl Please contact Pam Burrow at 800-476-7233 for a confidential Interview, We offer; major medical Insurance, paid vacation, sick pay and olher ben­ efits. EOE LICENSED MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT agents needed Immediately for local seminar sales. If you're not making at least $2000 per week call Cindy at 1- 866-224-8450 ext. 1109. Lo o k in g F O R T o p lio ich frame carpenters. Top money to experienced workers. Cali 336- 998-6381 after 6pm. POSITIONS NOW AVAILABLE for qualified security officers. Ap­ ply online at http;// sll.appone.com. EOE. RECEPTIONIST POSITION AVAILABLE In Mocksville. Pro­ fessional office. Must have good people skills and compuler sltills. Send Resume to 438 Orchard Park Drive, Advance, NC 27006. REPULIC WASTE SERVICES seeks lull-tlme driver for Davie division. Qualified candidates should possess; Class-A or B CDL Safe driving record Qood work history Experience preferred Republic Services offers competi­ tive pay and excellent benefits including health and 401K. Apply In person between 8:00am and 5:00pm at: Republic Waste Services 131 industrial Blvd Mocksville, NC 27028 An Equal Opportunity Employer SALON MANAQER-RAFFLES salons Is seeking a manager for our Mocksville location. Must have current NC cosmetology li­ cense and 3-5 yrs. management experience. Salon has an expe­ rienced stall with established cll- entele. Position offers guaranteed salary plus commis­ sion with health benefits. Must be available to work at least 2 eve­ nings per week and Saturdays. No Sundaysl Call Cathy at 336- 751-2941 or Pam Burrow at 800- 476-7233 for a confidential inter­ view. EOE SHORTORDER COOK experi- enced or will train Tuesday-Sat- urday. Call 998-7290 f eac¥eW s 81stant.^ DENTIALS and four semester hours in early childhood educa­ tion preferred. Excellent pay. Contact Gantt Child Develop­ ment Center. (338)751-0171. TELEMARKER NEEDED LO- CAL Mocksville company needs part time work from home doing Questionnaires. Earn up to 10.00 per hour. Please call NC Air Control. 336-749-3178 VETERiNARY TECHNICIAN NEEDED. 25-30 hours par week. Experience required. Some evening^and weekend duties re­ quired. Please cail Familand Vet- erinary Clinic at 336-492-7148. Farm Machinery FOR SALE: NEW Holland ma­ nure spreader $800, ShaverMfg. post driver $950, work 751 -7300, nights 940-5390 USED COUCH & recilner, both $150.00 492-7502.___________ Homes For Rent 253 MAIN ST, Cooleemee, for renl or sale, 3 large BR, 1.5BA, kItchen/dining room, garage, new heat/alr, completely remodeled. Some financing. 704-278-2623 or 751-1702 2BR, IBA HOUSE FOR rent. 100 Graham St., Mocksville ■ $475.00 Call 336-692-8326 3BR, 1BA, BRICK home, 1 acre iot, country setting, double car­ port, central air, gas heat. 336- 940-5119 CALL CENTURY 21 SWICEGOOD WALL & MCDANIEL 336-751-2222 Mon-Frl 8am-5pm 336-751-5555 Ext. 213 Nights & WeekenHs WHATA DEALI Beautiful 4BR, 2.5BA home on Eaton’s Church Rd. Over 2000 sq.ft., LR, DR, basement, attached carport, washer, dryer, stove, dish­ washer, double ovens and disposal IncludedI Available the end of June. $1000/month Tons ot spacel 3BR, 3BA home on Roberson Dr. Dishwasher, refrigerator and range oven Included. 2 gas log fireplaces, central heat & air, garage, laundry room and more, very unique property. Cail todayl $800/month 2BR possibly 3BR, 1 BA home on Howardlown Rd. Refrigera­ tor, range oven and attacned camort Included. OH heat and window units. $550/month 2BR, IBA home on Vadklnville Rd. Great location! Oil heat & window» units. No appliances. $500/month 1BR, IBA home on E. Lexington Rd. No appliances but utilities included in rent price. $425/monlh 2BR, IBA home on E. Lexington Rd. No appliances $350/month OHIce space available with great Hwy 601 frontage. Just minutes from Wal-Mart. Call for more details. Homes For Rent COUNTRY SETTING, 3BR, 2BA, $800/month. Call Debbie at Pre­ mier Carolina Properties 909- 1284. HOWAROMÀLTY 751-3538 Qena Cline 2BR, 2BA mobile home Advance $350/month 2BR,1BA Avon St. (no appliances) W25/monlh 3BR, 2BA mobile home $500/month 2BR,2BA mobile home-Advance $550/monlh Large 4BR, IBA $750/month Large 3BR, 2BA full basement-Mocksvllle $1000/month CLEMMONS-ЗВП, 3.5BA beautitui laimhouso style finished bcml & fenced backyard $1460/mo ADVANCE-3BH,2BA tri-levol wllh wired outbuilding ' $900/mo WINSTON SALEM-3BR2.BBA Deck, 2 car garage $976/mo IH0CKSVILLE-3BR,1.5BA olngiewide $SOO/mo Pennington & Company Realty 751-9400 HUGE HOME, LARGE wooded lot, 3BR, 2.5BA, full basement, hardwood floors, large deck, would consider rent to own. $1295/mon. 751-4371 MOCKSVILLE, WILL LEASE 5 BR, 4.5BA home with 3 large bams plus 60 acres for pasture (or horses. Call tor Information 910-278-4887. MYERS PARK- 3BR, 2BA, spilt foyer, w/2 car garage, fenced yard, real nice. Ready to rent. $800/month plus deposit. (336) 577-7613, (336) 940-3643 leave message. NICE 2BR, IBA, central H/A, fenced backyard with storage shed. In town, 704-278-1717. RECENTLY RENOVATED 3BRT IBA, wooded lot. $600. 935 Peoples Ct. ТЕ Johnson & Sons. 722-6133. RENT TO OWN 3BR, IBA, In country, large lot, carport, wooded. $630/month 751-4371 Homes For Sale 2/3BR, IBA, IN town, completely remodeled, large lot, kitchen, din­ ing room, laundry, office, hard­ wood doors 704-278-2623 or 751-1702 2000 SKYLINE 3BR/2BA, double-wide. Private wooded - 1,27 acres. Large covered porch, shed, appliances, drywali. Over 2,000 sq. ft. Many extra’s. Relo­ cating. $112,000. (336) 492- 2777. 253 MAIN ST, Cooleemee, for rent or sale, 3 large BR, 1.5BA, kitchen/dining room, garage, new heat/air completely remodeled. Some financing. 704-278-2623 or 751-1702 bonanzam obllehom es.com mobiles & modulars. We will not be undersold. Shop us. Call us. 1-888-462-7806. FOR SALE BY owner 2000 Sky- line doublewlde, 3BR, 2BA, like new, 1.3 acre corner lot, $10,000 below appraisal. $115,000. 776- 4989 Autumn Care of IVIocksvllle Is now hiring an Accounts Payable/Payroll Clerk Position. Computer and payroll experience required. Also hiring a F.T. LPN, 3-11. Please apply in person at; M IT U M N C A R E O F M O C K S V IL L E 1007 Howard St. Mocksville EOE 751-3535 _____________ '''V'V’V T/fWd Ot Feeling Like You Have No Direction? Feel Like You Could Be Making More Money It You Had The Proper Training? Then aive Us A Calll We’re cun^ntiy looking for 3-4 Sales Consultants with the Drive and Personality It takes to bo a part of our Team. We offer extensive training and provide the tools you need to win. Coinnii.s.sions up to 30% 5 Day Work Week Monthly Bonus Progninis New Hire/Training I’ay Pliin Small Town/Conintunity Oriented People No Experience?Call Usi We'll fi-aln The Bight People! Call 33fr7S1-2iei, Ask for KeKh Davenport or Cail Naykv Homes For Saie GOV’T LOANS AVAILABLE for land/home packages easy to qualify credit challenges accepted easy to qualify ■ alienges accepted $250 down. Tow monthly payments-OAC limited time, apply nowl 336-751-1 HOUSE FOR SALE by owneri 3BR, gas furnace, central air, basement, garage. 121 EtwlnSt., Cooleemee 336-284-2359. HOUSE FOR SALE by ownen 141 Oak St., brick house over 2000sq.ft. 336-671-9143. LIMITED TIME-$250 down land/home packages 3BR, $425 per monlh good, bad, or no credit All applications will be submit- tedl 336-751-0444_______ NEW CUSTOM BUILT home, 3BR, 2BA w/huge bonus room “on your lot" Normal cost $120,000.00 on sale lor $79,900.00 unlil August 1st. Cail 1-800-672-9223. NEW DOUBLEWIDE HOME, big lot, 3BR, 2BA, front porch, rear deck, heat pump, $76,000. re­ duced to $69,900. 998-5816 or 284-2653. ONE CALL DOES it Ali No Credil, Bad Credil government financing available on land/home packages For quick pre-approval call 336-751-0495 -ABC 123 EASY- New AGP OAC home loans Qet approved In 5 mln. HOTLINE tf (704) 883-9997 Land For Sale SIX ACRES FOR sale In Davle County. Beautifully wooded and level with frontage on paved road. Just off Hwy 801S and situ­ ated in quiet, well-kept area with no thru tradlc, this property is the perfect ruai retreat with easy ac­ cess to Winston-Salem. $69,900. Please call 336-940-2107. STICK BUILT HOMES or mobile home lots for sale. 998-5816, 284-2653 THREE ACRES LAND-Yadkin County-Courtney Huntsville Rd.- 336-751-2076._______________ Lawn Care ARE YOU UNHAPPY with the way your grass Is being cut? If so, call 751-0217. LAWN MOWING, YARD work & clean up. Mark Parchment. 492- 7671.________________________ Lost & Found FOUND: KEY at Advance car wash. To claim call 492-2635. LOST OR STOLEN-Jack Russell Terrier, Becktown Rd. Long hair, female, "Daisy Mae". 998-0708. Reward If found. lloST: BLACK ROLLER suit- case June 17 between Subway, McDonald's & the Bank. Joy Th­ om pson. N eeds medicine & clothes. 998-7706. C A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES, COLLECTABLES, OLD lUI^TAL TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE 1^11 M iiur Boilidi 33S-4S2-BS92 Lots For Rent SHADY ACRES MOBILE Home Park, John Crotts Road, Hwy 64E, Mocksville. Two Mobile home spaces are avaiiabie, up to 80 leet, new or used. Call 998- 8276 or 998-8222.___________ Lots For Saie RESIDENTIAL BUILDING LOT, restricted. About 1.5 acres. Priced to Sell. Walt Wilson Rd. Cail Wilson 336-751-2000. Miscellaneous CHERRY ENTERTAINMENT CENTER, benchcraft recliner, large octagon mirror, brass baker's rack. 751-4442. FARM FRESH EGGS. Free mnge organic. Please cail 998-0300 FOR SALE-Queen pillow top mattress set. New in plastic, can deliver. Sacrifice for $175. Call (336) 442-3506. FOR SALE-QUEEN plush top mattress set. New In original fac­ tory plastic. Only $150. Call (336) 442-3506. FREE MANURE SHAVINGS loaded on your truck. 940-5391. HAY FOR SALE. Orchard grass and matua In square bales. Also have straw for sale. We can de­ liver or you can pick up. (336) 998-2829. LINDA’S PERENNIALS 898 Junction Rd. A variety of Shade & Sun loving plants 336-492-5855 OAK ANTIQUE PUMP organ $650, brass bed & frame $150 998-0963 SPACE FOR RENT In old hay shed. 70x32. $150.00/month. 492-6540. STEEL BUILDINGS, ALL must gol Factory seconds, freight dam aged & repos. 18x24, 25x30, 35x52-Make Offer_Flnanclng, No reasonable olfer refused-serious Inquires onlyl 1-800-405-7501_________ Mobile Home/Rent 2BR, IBA, W/APPLIANCES private lot. Woodleaf. $400/ monlh plus deposit. 284-4552 ^ . 3BR, 2BA, 1998 doublewlde, ail appliances, sit down shower.$350 1st of month & $350 15th ol month. 998-8257 leave msg. or 751-9400 FOR RENT- 14 X 70 mobile home on a private lot. $450/mo, $250 deposit. (336) 468-9364. Now Toking Applications for Production Workers Must Be Able to Lilt 50+lbs. Apply in person al PSC International, 101 Bailey St., Mocksville See Chris Harris, Personnsi Be a Flex RIM at Rowan I Schedule your work around your life. Roglsterad Nursos, It Is timo for a change. How would you like the opportunity to scliBdule your shifts around your life and earn $25-$30 an hour? Revolutionary? Not at Rowan Regional Medical Center. Ноге, wo understand that everyday realities can pul many demands on your timo, that it can be a challenge to achieve a healthy work/life balance. If you want lo stay active In the nursing field, but you don't have the time to commit to a regular full or part-time schedule, or If you are simply looking for a flexible career opportunlly to fit your llfeatyle — look no further than Rowan Regional. Please visit www.rowan.org lo learn about our cxclting job opportunlllcs. [теюнч! c,mdlda№, apply oniine or in person at; Rowan Regional Medical Center, Attm HR, 612 Mocksville Ave,, Salisbury, N C 28I44| FAX: (704) 210-5034, Phone, (704) 210-5203/ E-mail.' |obs@rowan.org. Llniqiie individuals give us a diverse perspective. EOE. P rofe ssion al O ffice B u ild in g F o r Lease In the heart o f Clemmons 3711 Clemmons Rd. Approx. 2400 sq.n. C a U 1 6 ^ 1 1 3 1 Locatcd in historic Salisbury, NC, Rowan RcRionn) Mcdical Centcr is a 308-bcd ncutc CiirC iacilily offering a unique proic’ssionn) sct(ini{ that is both collaborative nnd individually nurturing. At Rowan Reaional Medicni Center, Slrong growth potential and professional satisfaction comes together. We proudly offer competitive salaries, generous benefits and nuich more. Rcwan RegionalMriijaLCrhmR DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thur.sdiiy,.ruly 1,2004 - D9 6 L A S S ] TOjiiKiaaMSivE f b o f t c a b l b Mobile Home/Rent FURNISHED 2BR MOBILE Pets MALE CAT-NEUTERED, ex- Service Vehicles TOMMY’S TOTAL LAIWN Cam 1972 FORD PICKUP. 3 япяяг) In Yard Sales Yard Sales 751-317S OR РРЯ.ЯЯРП 1 AD<^C VAon CAihome on private iot, no pels, 3 peopie limll, deposit & rent, rel­ erences. Call lor appolnlment & details. 336-284-475B. READY TO MOVE in furnis^hed; all utilities, upstairs, $550/mo. 336-751-1218._______________ Mobile Homes/Sale 1995 OAKWOOD MOBILE home. 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Lo­ cated In nice park. Great condi­ tion. $500.00 down and lake over payments or make an offer. 940- 5448, ^REÁT^’W Ñ D lT ÍbÑ ^ Redman, in the Deer Run loca­ tion. 2BR/2luil bath with new cen­ tral air/heat, new breaker box system, front deck/back steps done In 2001 and much morel Seiler will pay closing costs and as a Bonus at closing: Buyer wlli receive a Free 3 day 2 night va­ cation package. Very low priced al $14,500. A must see, will nol last longl Call Renee McDaniel C21SWM at 751-2222 or mobile at 391 -2391. ‘Please leave name and number if unavailable al the time of call. Will return your call ASAPI ‘^ 'IjM W fiM W ib lo w n land/home packages 3BR, $425 per monlh good, bad or no credit all applications will be submitted 704-883-7706 tremeiy alfecllonale, Indoor cat, • ilvf ■free w/vet references. 998-7535. Service MOBILE HOME IN Farminglon Heights just off 1-40, clean quiet community. This 2BR, 1 BA home is very alfordable al $12,800. Call 998-2151. ONE CALL DOES it all no credil, bad credit government financing available on land home packages for quick pre-approval call 704-878-0147 S250 TO $500 a week Wlli train to work al ftome Helping the US Government fiie HUD/FHA mortgage refunds No experience necessary Cail Toll Free 1-866-537-2907 ARE Y O U l'lA liN ir^ invite a pony, pony rides & bounce houses. www.ponytaleslogo.com 284-4552 T elly fati ~ It's not your fault. Lose It for FREE! Feel Qreall FREEI Prime One relieves stress, controls cortisol and belly fat. AM 300 burns stored, stubborn while lat and elevates mood You feel greall And It's ephedra-lree. Now, for a limited time, you can try 1 full month's supply of bolh Prime One and AM-300 for FREEI (a $91 retail value) You pay only $12,95 to help olf- sel shipping and handling. CLEANING,..would you like the day oil? Call us loday lor house cleaning...References... bonded...call Stephanie 940- 3653. O nK'S SEAMLESS QUTTER-~ ING Richard Link-Owner Free Estimates 998-1798 We offer mowing, trimming, pine needles, mulch, seeding, trim­ ming shrubbery and planting. We also olfer tractor work, bush hog­ ging, plowing, scraping drive­ ways, gutters cleaned and storm cleanup. Insured and free esti­ mates. Olflce 492-2330. Cell 336- 682-7006.___________________ Statewide ADVERTISING MANAGER-THE Lincoln TImes-News accepting applications for Advertising man­ ager. Prior experience and cre­ dentials are necessary. Resume to: Ad Manager, Box 40, Lincolnlon, NC 28093. AiRLlNE MECTTANIC-R~Aiib training (or a high paying career- Avlallon Maintenance. FAA pre­ dicts severe shortage. Financial Aid-Job Placement Assistance. 888-349-5387, AIM-6 locations. a sIhevmX eT n c '^reX 'B ig water, big views, breathtaking mountain hom esitesi Paved roads, clubhouse, fishing. Appa­ lachian Trail. For maps and pric- lng:1-866-411-LAND. AUClTbi^TiESDA'rA^ljGU 3rd. Waterfront estate on Historic James River Williamsburg, VA. Tommy Wagner Auction Com­ pany., Jerry Craig King 2907003147, JP King Auction Co., inc. 2907003147. Call 1- 800-558-5464. OWNER FINANCING Do you have a job? You can own your on homelll $0 Down $499 a month Only 3 left Please call (704) 928-2066 SPACIOUS 2BR, 2BA mobile home. Very well maintained. Sits on large corner lot in Deer Run. Asking payolf 6.5 yrs Ielt owed. 1-2299. MULCH FOR SALE-can deliver gravel, up to 6 tons. 336-492- 2441 leave message. .......0SB6'r¥e ELECTRIC lor all your electrical needs Free Estimates 751-3398 SNIDER’S LANDSCAPING & Lawn Service, LLC We Do ItAlll Mowing, trimming, bush­ hogging, plugging, tree & shrub planting & fertilizing, grass seeding & fertilizer application, soli preparation, micro-lrriga- SPECIAL, SUMMER PROMO­ TION 3BR-2BAbeaulilulhome $0down, $525 a month Call today (704) 883-9997 THIS w oi^rT /^sf mobile home set up in park. Ready to move In. 2001 vinyl sid­ ing, shingle roof, 2BR, 2BA. 998- 0190. lion, licensed pesticide applica­ tor, water garden instailaiion, retaining walls Spring & Fail Yard Clean-Up Gutter Cleaning' Pine Needles Delivered & Spread $6.50/bale Call lor Free Estimates Residential & Commercial Ofllce (336) 492-2174 (336) 4Cell (336) 409-0113 Music WURLITZER SPINET PIANO, cherry finish, great condition. $500 998-8435. Notice FRANCES STRALEY-I/We Love Youlll Mom & Nelson FREE FIREWOOD, FRESHLY cut. To 1st who will move it. In Clemmons, 766-4126._________ Pets GET HOOK, ROUND & tape­ worms. Rotate Happy Jack tape- wonn tablets and Uqui-Vict....Davie Farni Sen/Ice 751-5021 THE PROTECTOR- Body Guard Sen/ice. 336-655-9725. tW b eRLÍÑT lAWN CARÉ& Handyman Services. All types of lawncare and handyman ser­ vices, mowing and weedeating, bushhogging & trimming trees and busnes, plugging, seeding, feriliizing, leaf removal, mulching, pine needles. Call Brent lor free estimate (residential and com­ mercial services) Home phone 492-5424 Mobile 391-2266. Vehicles ^ B e r m u d a Q ^ ^ i l l a g e - Bermuda Village is now hiring M ain ten an ce personnel. CFC CertiIication Required, Apply in person at Hwy 801. S. STEVE UAM ES CARPET CLEANING DISCOVER THE BEAUTY OF YOUR CARPET! • Rosldontlal & Commercial FREE ESTIMATES • Carpot & Upholstery „ , , T v ; , m Stoam Cleaning Parker Rd., MocIksvIIIq • Deodorizing & Soli Guard • Water Extraction Servico (336) Veteran In the Business and ^ Year ResMent of Pavje A U C T IO N 2 5 5 H o llin W a y, W in sto n -S a le m T h u r s . , J u l y 8 • 1 0 > Estato O f Ronald A nd Floríne H oy (Uviiig) D IR E C T IO N S: (Fram Clommons): 42tN lo Jonoslown Rd. Turn Right on Jonoslown Rd, Imvol .1/10 milo. Turn righl onlo Couniry Club Rd, Iravel 9/10 milo. Turn loll onlo Covonlry Park Liino, Iriivol 1/10 mile. Turn righl onlo Hollin Way, solo on loll (Watch lor signs). EURNLTUREi Bonulilul Latgo Wordiolio; Moko Up ТоЫо: Kilchon Table & Chaire; Co(foo Tntito; Drap Loal Hall ТаЫо; Old Wootlon Rockot; Old Woodon Desk Chnlr, Round Oak ТпЫо nnd 4 Chairs; Anilquo Fool Stool; Whilo Kilchon Coblnol; Curio Cabiniil; Old Mnhogany Bod: Old Mahogany Drassor; Sola Tablo; Hopplowhllo Slylo Talilo ANTIQUES Я COLLECTIBLES! Vory NIco Manlio Clock; Old CoKoo Grindor; BluQ RUIqo; Collodion ol Sail and Pappar Shakore; Milk Glass; Wator Sal; Cohalt Bluo; Rooslor on NosI; Jndilo; Lonox; Fonlon; Prlncoss Houso; 34 Plocos Homor Laughlln China (M43N0); Nasco Parisionno Fino Chinn; Carnival Glass; Costumo Jowoljy; Framod Prlnls, signod and numborod: ("Summor Day' tiy Harry Jarman, •Sparkling Walor" by Phil Philbnck, 'Poaco In the Valloy" and 'Vlclorlan View" by Ward Nichols); Washboard; Slomwaro; USA; Rosovlllo; McCoy; John Garrous PoMory; Bono China Cup and Saucer Sols; Slorling Silver; Avon Colloclor Piales; Oil Lamps; Ari Glass Lamps; Norllake Tea Sol; Japanese Doll In Wooden Box; Japanose Toa Cups; Old View Master М15СШ.ЙЫЕ0115» '2 6 LTH Slmpliclly Riding Mower (3B' Cul); Push Mower; Hand Tools; Old Bundy Saxophone; Kenmoro Washer and Dryer (LIko Nowl); Vision Filness Troadmiil T9350 (Super Nico — Folds Up); Wynlone Exorclso Biko; Лгоп Rugs (DilloronI Siies, Exceilenl Condilion); WroughI Iron Ouldoor Furniluro C dI. Kenneth Ci. Kclncr, I’rcs., NCAL 326S F irs t C h o ic e A u c tio n & R e a lty I'Inn Liccnse 1П22Ч • I'O Box Lcwisviiiu • (336) 945-4118Vitil Oar Web Sito II www.fírncftolc'giuct/ufljztfm • v’/ír.Nlvííi»V4'.lltíií')riatl.7r.tT»l the fioor, tack, custom wheels, excellent condilion. 336-751- 1182. 19^91" >0RD“E ^ speed, excellent Interior, $2000/ OBO 909-3697 1996 NISSAN ALTIMA 105,000 miles, excellent condition. $4,800. 998-8435, Whitney Rd., Mocksville, Fri. 9- 11 and Sat. 8-11. Kids clothes, toys, videos, computer desk. bI ^ I wOVInG YARD sale. Fri. July 2 and Sat. July 3, 8 unlil...tools, furniture, baby items, appliances and much more. Call 751-7747 If questions. 699 Main Church Rd. FORD 2000 TRACTOR, good conditlon-$5,500. 1993 Bonneville SS El, $3000 336-492-2148 BUY MOUNTAIN LAND nowl 5 acres, high aililude, speclacular view, paved road, driveway, house site. $35,000. Owner fi­ nancing. Bryson city, NC. Gall owner ■1-800-810-1590. www.mounlalnoveilookpropetties.oom Travel GREENBRIAR BUNKER TOUR July 21 Includes tour of fallout shelter and lunch in bunker under Greenbrlar Resort 336-945-9391 336-924-6461 ‘88 CHEV. CAPRICE classic, 62,500 miles, V8, auto, AC, no collsion damage but body rough due lo being outside. $950. 336- 998-7555____________________ Wanted_____ 20+ ACRES OF larmland In Davie or Rowan County w/year round water for single family home. 704-636-5205. LObiCING FOR A"Deer Hunting Ciub or Land for Lease with a good Deer Population. W /0 dogs. 1 do not hunt w/ dogs. James Clark, 750 W. Deep Creek Rd. Bryson City, NC 28713.828- 4 8 8 - 6 9 6 1 . |ames28713@aol.com Subject: Deer________________________ Yard Sales 2-FAMILY YARD sale, Sat, July 3, all day, 165 West Church St., yellow house down from Deano's, baby stuff, adult clothes, jeweliy, housewares, books, CDs & furniture. FORK BIXBY RD lo Brier Creek to Austin Lane. Sat. July 3. Clothes, baby Hems, maternity clothes, 4-wheeler, toys, house­ hold Items. Rain or Shine. FRIDAY ONL'Y-7:00-6:00. 1086 Williams Rd. (oil Fork Bixby or Comatzer) GaTr a gE SALE: FRI. & Sal, July 2 & 3 8:00 til....Hwy 6018 of Greasy Corner. 2nd house on the righLNIo dlers to 10-12, women sizes '»lice glris clolhing sizes tod- small to plus size, mens large lo boy sizes 3 gl xxxl-xl, including suits and Rain cancels sportcoats, maternity clothes, comforter sets, linoleum remnant, small animal cage, household items, childrens toys and books, clay flower pots, fish basket, truck fishing rod holder, dried apples, apple butter, pear preserves, plum jelly, magazines, plus much more. Come seel changer & other baby fumiture, brand name-baby, children & adult clothes, appliances, com­ puter stand & olher furniture, 1340 N Main St., Thur. 9:00-4:00, Fri. 7:00-4:00, Sat. 7:00-11:00. MOVING SALE/GARAGE SALE-Sat., July 3rd, 7;00am- noon. 315 fi/lagnoila Ave. 20 cu. upright freezer, recliners, dress­ ers, desks, Gateway computer, boombox, Yamaha keyboard, trumpet, 10-sp bike, wood fish­ ing boat, lifejackets, ski tubes, chalnsaw carved eagle, home decor, clothing, baby furniture and clothes, much misc. SAT. SRI), 7:00 until.... Bill & Shlriey Melton's home. 1807 Fork Bixby Rd., Advance. Microwave, TV, 4pc. bedroom suite, sewing machine, fishing equipmenl, cir­ cular saw, books, adult clothes, sizes 3 glris 1 & 6. Lols more. Rain cancel; 3 FAMILY YARD sale-Fri & Sat. 8:00 unlil....586 Ridge Rd. Davle Academy Comm., 3 miles from 64. Lots of good stulf, toys, furni­ ture, variety, 1995 Ford Explorer, cancelled if raining. 71ÌQÀRNERST-Sat.7JuiyTrd, 8 until....In back. Teen clothes- Abercrombie, AE, household, jars, much more. HUGE YARD SALE- 601N lo Danner Rd., baby to adult clothes, movies, children’s toys. Hems to numerous to mention. Sat. 7am-untll..... HUGE YARD SALE-July 2-3~ 536 Junction Rd. C. B. antennas & amateur redio antennas, police scanners, clothes & lots of misc. 5'x10" heavy duty trailer. THURSDAY & FRIDAY, 7am un­ til...3483 N 601 beside William R Davle school. THURSDAY & FRIDAY, Falriüid Church inside 601S, 7am. TRAdTn g POST-601/801/ Greasy Corner. Open Fri. & Sat. 10-5. Buy, sell, trade. Will buy whole or partial estates. Also, buying timber. Call 284-4302. TRASH  iiD TRi SijREÆ âi the Episcopal Church of the As­ cension al Fori<, 183 Fork Bixby Road, Saturday, July 10. 8am to 1 pm. All sales lo benefit the Build­ ing Fund. Several pieces of fumi­ ture, kitchen Items, books, old jew­ elry, glassware, Christmas items. llke-new clothes, toys, lamps, ■■ appli. odds ana ends. Bake sale alsol small appliances and LOT'S of Harrah’s Cherokee Casino Trip Fri-Nlte July 9th Wed-Day July 14th Tri-Stale Dog Track & Casino Sat-Day June 17th EZ Way Travel . Local 998-4732 John & Evelyn Wyatt HiiIsvii;Ll,"w Sept. 3 BILL GAITHER HOMECOMING TOUR Greensboro, Oot. 16 336-945-9391 336-924-6461 20 YEAR WARRANTY Longest Lasting 3’ Coverage / Many Colors Pole Buildings Metal Roofs & Siding 1-888-278-6050 M ID -S T A T E M iT A L S 1972 CHEVROLET C-10 truck, new chev. 350 engine, new tires, shocks, exhaust, seat, chrome and more. $5800.00 firm. F O R S A L E : Cars • Trucks Utility Buildings Carports; Ail Sizes, Ail Galvanized All Size Dog Lols 336-751-3442 Mocksville, NC M ILLER EQUIPM ENT RENTAL SUMMER IS HEBE! Bobcat, aeralo( core pluooer a more lor rent todayl M^ck^vil'ie" 13381751-2304 NOW HIRING FIRST SHIFT MAINTENANCE Comfort Biit Windows and Doors In Mocksville, NC has an immediate opening (or Full-time 1st Shill Manulacluring Maintenance Individual. Hours are 6am-2:30pm M-F. Dulles Include eleclromechanical repair of equipment with mulll-funclional use. Preler candidates wilh techni­ cal degrees in pneumatic, hydraulic, and electronic circuits, PLC, and electromechanical trouble shooting or equivalent work experience. Aself-slartar requiring llllle supen/lsion. . THE COMFORT-BILT TEAM PACKAGE INCLUDES: • Competitive Pay HOIK • Medical Insurance • Paid time olf/Unpald lime oil • Dental insurance • Paid Holidays Please slop by our ollice loday (7:30am- 4:30pm) and till out an application at; COMFORT-BILT WINDOWS AND DOORS 125-A Quality Drive Mocksville, NC 27028 E-mail; NO PHONE CALLS PLEASEI тона < i i a ii m i ii i ii i ii i > ♦WINDOW.S ii DOORS. COtvflFOBT-BILT IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EI\/IPLOYER “Plan your future with Comfort Bill Windows and Doors” Like DNA, the journey through menopause is as unique : as the LAadAA/iduodi Make sure your treatment is too. 75% of women experience uncomfoiiable symptoms during and beyond menopause, But each individual may experience episodes differently, I am a 20-year-board-certlfled gynecologist from Davle County, and my solo practice offers personal attention and continuity in care from a staff together nine years, We offer up-to-date non-surglcal care in a quiet setting, and Invite you to contact us for your GYN concerns, Dr. Annette Luther, GYN Office Gynecology • 2828-B Maplewood Avenue, Winston-Salem, NC 27103, (336)768-9877 Dlü - DAVIK COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday. July 1,2004Administrative Court The follmviiiy cases were dis­ posed of in Davie Adiniiiislralive Court May 21. Prcsidiiii:: Magis- irnlc Ellen E. Drechsler. Prosecul- ing; Kevin Beiilc, nssislant DA. - Lisa A. Alspiiugli, cxpired/no inspeclian stickcr, dismissed per correction. • Edward A. Ardill, speeding 80 in a 70, reduccd to improper equipment. $25, cosl. - Robert L. Arnold, speeding (i8 in a 5,‘i, reduced lo improper e(|uipment, S25, cosl. • Amy E. Atkinson, speeding 81) in ai70, reduccd lo improper e(|uipmenl. S25, cosl. - Juan J. Barreinlos, speeding 8S in ll 70. rcduced to improjicr ci|ulpmenl, $25. cosl. - Ricardo B. Barron, no opera­ tors licensc, disntlsscd per pica; exceeding posted speed, reduccd lo improper c(|uipntenl, S25, cosl. - LisiiT. Bcddington, .speeding 70 in a 55. rcduced lo improper equipment. $25. cosl. • Jorge Benitez, unsafe passing on a yellow line, rcduced to in)- proper equipment, $25, cosl, • Heather N. Boger, speeding 87 in a 70, rcduced to improper cquipnteitl, $25, cosl. - Catherine A. Brandi, speed­ ing 85 in a 70, reduccd lo im­ proper equipment. $25. cosl. • David M. Burke, speeding 92 in a 70, reduccd lo 74 in a 70, cost. - Jaime J. Cnrson, speeding 5.1 in il .15, reduccd lo improper equipment, $50, cost: driving with licen.se revoked, di,smissed per corrcction. - Brittany M. Cartner, speed­ ing 82 in a 70, rcduced lo im­ proper equipment, $25, cosl. - Magan H. Cartner, fictitious/ concealed/rcvoked rcgislrntion card/tag, dismissed |iercorrcclion; failure lo reducc speed, dismissed per civil settlement. - Deborah B. Chambers, speeding 87 in a 71), reduced to improper e(|uipincnt, $50, cost. - Thonms E. Clark, speeding 52 in u 35, reduccd lo improper equipment, $25, cost. - Betty C. Clements, .speeding 70 in a 55, reduccd lo improper equipment, $25, cosl. - Elisa D. Conrad, speeding 91 in a 70, reduced to 74 in a 70, cost. - Bnmdi E. Crotts, cxpircd/no in.spcclion sticker, dismissed per corrcction, - Geneva J. Dally, speeding 80 in a 70, rcduced to improper equipment, $25, cosl. - Andrew D. Denson, .speeding 86 itl a 70, rcduced lo improper equipment, $50, cosl. - Coleman R. Dollarhide, speeding 69 in a 55, reduccd to improper equipment, $25, cosl, - Brian N. Eudy, cxpircd/no in­ spection sticker, no operators li­ cense, dismissed per corrcction, - Angclia 0. Evans, expired registration card/lng, distnis.sed per corrcction. - Churles T. Farrow, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced lo improper equipment, $25, cost. - Jennifer N. Foster, no opera­ tors liccnsc, expircd/no inspection sticker, dismissed per correction. - Christopher W. Fulp, speed­ ing 76 in a 55, reduced to 64 in a 55, $25, cost. - Tamika D, Qadson, failure to rcducc speed, dismissed per civil settlement. - Phillip A, Gould, speeding 72 in n 55, reduced to improper c(|uipment, $50, cosl. - Candon C. Grant, speeding 83 in a 70, rcduccd lo improper equipment, $25, cost. • Bclty M. Gregory, speeding 70 in a 55. rcduccd to improper equipment, $25, cosl. - Jason M. Hancock, speeding 85 in a 70, reduccd lo improper equipment, $50, cosl. - Michael W, Hawkins, speed­ ing 86 in a 70, rcduccd to im­ proper equipment, $50, cosl. - Candy S. Hedrick, failure to wear drivers seal belt, $25, cosl; liccnsc not in possession, dis­ missed per corrcction. - James M. Henderson, expired registration card/tag, expircd/no inspection sticker, dismissed per corrcction. - Cesar L. Hernandez, speed­ ing 85 in a 70, reduccd to im­ proper equipment, $50, cost: li­ cense nol in possession, dismissed per plea. - Andrew C. Hess, speeding 90 in a 70, rcduced to 74 in a 70, cosl. - Wynoka C. Hicks, expired registration card/lag, dismissed per correction, - Dianna R. Holliday, .speeding 87 in a 70, reduccd lo improper equipment, $50, cosl; expired reg­ islralion card/lag, dismissed per correction. - Mnllhew L. Hoppes, speed­ ing 90 in a 70, reduced to 74 in a 70, cost. - David L. Horseman, .speed­ ing 86 in a 70, rcduced to im­ proper equipment, cost. - Arlie C. Icenhour, speeding 70 in a 55, rcduccd lo improper cquipmeni, $25, cosl. - James L. Jackson, no opera­ tors licensc, rictitious/concealed/ revoked regislralion card/log, dis­ missed per correction. - Sliumar Jackson, expired/no inspection slicker, driving/allow­ ing vehicle nol regislercd/lillcd, dismissed per correction. - Dougins M. Jennings, expired registration card/lag, dismissed per correclion. - Liury J. Johnson, speeding 83 Em ily Hunter On Dean’s List Emily R. Hunlcr of Mocks­ villc, a sludent in the Waller F. George School of Law al Mer­ cer University, wns named lo the spring semester dean’.s list for academic achieveitieni. Vlbs o ln te R e a l E sta te. ciemrnons/DavIe’Cö'. O f f i c e 4-4400 • 877-371-5822 fimaUofmai 1852 Barnstable Road 5264,900 Laura Vines 1526 Peoples ( $486,000 Laura Vines $164,000 Laura Vines 199 Pembrooke 5124,900 Kalhy Phillips 262 Riverbend Dr. 5298,900 Gloria Matthews Audrey Fuhrmann 7lf1400 Andrea SuQQt Bev Supple 9112127 Bobble Mendenholl 38 Bermuda Run West 5413,900 Sherri Coram, ABR 280 Riverbend Dr. 5260,000 Bev Supple $140,000 Gloria Matthews 3010 Deercroft Lone 5347,500 Kristina Farrell KrUllna foireli ПИ417 Louro Vlnei Maddalena Agnoli I Pat Klnnamon 1\1Ш Sondro Hedrick Э<5-23Л2 Sandra Johnton 714-4Ш Sandy Dyion 2в7-В630 Sherri Corom 909-0019 P r u d e n t ia lw w w .p rud en tialcarolinas.com __¿'¡j¡¡t¡2£2¡¡¿n¡¡j^¡ll22¿¿¡¡¿2g«f2¡2áJíS¡¡¿SL£L!!íLSíiiáS2¡¡Sl^S£llí¡S£Liíí¡!!2¡SiJ!¡íi« ’■'in a 70, reduced lo improper equipment, $25, cost, - Robert N. Kennedy, speeding 51 in a 35, reduccd lo improper equipment, $25, cost. - Dcwnyne A. King, expired operators license, dismissed per correclion. - John O. Lamey, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced to improper cquipmeni, $25, cost. - Stuart M. Larkin, speeding 87 in a 70, reduced lo improper • cquipmeni, $50, cosl; driving lefl of center, dismissed per plea. , - David G. Lewis, speeding 86 in a 70, rcduccd lo improper cquipmeni, $50, cost. - Traneisah Q. Lewis, speed­ ing 87 in a 70, rcduced to 74 in a 70, cost. , - Carl B. Lusk, failure lo slop ' for stopsign/flashlng red light, re­ duced lo improper.equipment, $25, cosl. - Iona D. Martin, speeding 85 in a 70, reduced to improper 'equipment,;i25, cost. : - Matthew.A,<.McCraciken, ^ijwcding 7(i In h'55, reditccd to ' improper cquipnibnl, $25, cosl. - Ryan A. Montgomery, rcck­ less driving lo endanger, reduccd lo improper equipment, $75, cost. - Anya S. Morrison, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cosl; expired in- speclion sticker, dismissed per plea. - Thomas M. Murasso, speed­ ing 68 in a 55, rcduccd lo im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Barry J. O’Neal, failure to slop for steady red light, rcduced lo improper equipment, $25, cost. - Daryl D. Padgell, speeding 60 in a 45, rcduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, - Jordayn E, Phillips, speeding 83 in a 70, reduced to improper cquipmeni, $25, cost; failure to comply with license restrictions, dismissed per correction, - Ravi D. Rampersnd, failure to wear drivers scat belt, $25, cost; operating a vehicle with no insur­ ance, dismissed per plea. - Kristina R. Randolph, failure to wear drivers .seat bell, dis­ missed. • Brenda S. Reavis, speeding 69 in a 55, rcduced to improper cquipmeni, $25, cost; cxpired/no inspeclion sticker, dismissed per corrcction, - Ronald L. Reavls, possession/ display of regislralion tag which, dismissed per plea; no operators licensc, $50, cost; fictilious/con- ccaled/revokcd rcgislrntion card/ tag, dismissed per plea. - William D. Revelle, driving lefl of center, reduced lo Improper equipment, $25, cost; liccnsc not in possession, dismissed per cor­ rcction.-Jerry Ricketl,improperpas.s- ing, rcduccd to improper equip­ ment, $25, cosl. - Jeffrey S. Robbins, speeding 60 in a 45, reduccd lo improper cquipmeni, $25, cosl. - Gwcnelle E. Robertson, speeding 81 in a 70, rcduced lo improper equipment, $50, cost; following loo closely, dismissed per civil settlement. - Stephen L. Robertson, fol­ lowing loo closely, reduccd lo im­ proper cquipmeni, cost. - Rebccca I. Rosenstecl, speed­ ing 68 in n 40, reduced to 49 in n 40, $10, cost. - Jonathan D. Ross, speeding 87 in a 70, rcduccd to improper equipment, $50, cosl; expired reg­ istration card/lag, dismissed per corrcction. , - Patricia Ruiz, speeding 54 in a 35, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $75, cosl. - Gullermo E, Santiago, speed­ ing 70 in tt 55, reduccd lo im­ proper cquipmeni, $25, cosl. - Diane M. Settles, speeding 85 in a 70, reduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost. $7 Million Going To Schools From County Property Taxes An article on ihc county budget lasl week left the wrong imprc-ssion that county com­ missioners hnd agreed lo pro­ vide .$9.2 million to Ihe public school .system for operating expense.s. That figure, money from property luxes, is uctiially close to $7 million, a little more than the schools received Ihe previ­ ous year. The resl of the money in­ cludes sales lax, fines and other revenues for capital expenses, as well as funds for the com­ munity college. New Horizons workshop and other groups. 10 O n W C U D e a n ’s L ist Ten Davie students al West­ ern Carolina University were named to the spring semester dean’s li.sl. from Advance - Jessica Lynn Bowman, Karen Marie McDanicl, Marina Joiene Vendrillo; and from Mocksville - Shaua Dawn Brewer, Shawn Seagcr Brooks, Kyle Anthony Bruce, Kelly Wayne H ill, Duslin Michael Keaton, Mindy Leigh Scnmon, Kathryn Elisc Whitaker. To qualify, they maintained./ minimum 3.5 grade poinl aver­ ages. A Red, White & Blue Weekend D a v ie C e le b r a t e s In d e p e n .d e n c e D a y W it ii P a r a d e s A n d F ir e w o r k s Pages 8, C4, C6_______________________ D A V I E C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/E^ECORD USPS 149-60 Assistant Principals Named At Schools Four assistant principalship changes look cl'fecl July I. Jennifer Custer has 1зееп named assistant principal at Mocksville El­ ementary School. Cusler has been an exceptional children's teacher for more than 10 years and was recently named Davie County's first Excep­ tional Children's Teacher of the Year. She will be leaving Cool­ eemee Elementary. Jinda Haynes has been named the assistant principal at William R. Davic Elementary School. Haynes completed an internship through the North Carolina Principals Executive Prograni at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. During her internship, she .served in an a.ssis- tant principal role at William R. Di)vic during the 2003-04 school year. Carol Cozart has been named im assistant principal at Davie High ■ School. Cozart has been with DCS since ,1988, and has served as a teacher at North Davie and Davie High School. During that time, she also served as head basketball coach. Cozart will be leaving Cool­ eem ee Elem entary, where she .'♦erveci as assisttint principal, Mike Morgan will join Cool­ eemee Elementary as assistant prin­ cipal. Morgan has been with DCS since 2001, Prior to joining the .sys­ tem, Morgan spent several years with Forsyth County Schools where he served as a high school social studies teacher. He will be leaving Davie High School where he served as an assistant principal. Number 26 Thursday, July 8,2004 40 PAGES W o r k in g A t T h e C a r W a s h You see them Just about every week during this time of year. Young people standing on the side of the road at a shopping center, waving homemade signs, begging you to stop to have your car washed. They’re not there to bother you. The young people are raising money for a good cause. Above, Kendeil Lambert, Tiffany Wall^er, Matt lies, Joey IVlerkwa and Zachary Taylor beg for business along Yadkinville Road in Mocksville, raising money for a trip for middle school students in the SOS (Save Our Students) program at the Davie Family YMCA. At left, Sheri-Lyn Hubbard gets her hands wet washing a car. Don’t worry, the SOS kids have another car wash scheduled for July 15. For more photographs, please turn to page C6. ■ Photon by Robin Fei'gusson C o u n ty C o m m issio n C a n d id a te s S p e a k A t Forum By Mike Gunning Special 10 the Enterprise .Eightorthe 10 candidates lor the couniy com m issioner’s office accepted an invitation extended by the Woodmen .of the World Lodge 323 to meet the voting public at a candidate’s forum at the Davic Academy Community Building recently. Incum bents Ken W hite and Richard Poindexter were joined by Clarence Spillman, Lee Rollins, Daphne Frye, Johnny Frye, Raymond Clark and Tom Fleming. Each candidate was allowed five minutes to introduce themselves and address the audicnce, which was followed by a question and answer .session. Charles Odell Williams was nol present, nor wasTatna O ’Mam, the only Democratic candidate who docs not face competition in the July 20 primary. C om m ission chair Richard Poindexter is a lil'e long resideni of Davie. Poindexter has served on the board for eight years, two as chair, and is a former chair of Ihe Davie Board of Health. He is a building contractor and restores antique automobiles. He presents a long resume of service to Davie County, including terms of Servicc ,wilh the hospital and solid waste committees. He has served on the Criminal Justice Advisory and the Land Use and Econom ic Developm ent coniniittees. Poindexter said his long history with the county as a resident and a servant motivated him lo run for Ihc board again. "1 have a love for the people and the rural atm osphere of Davie County,” Poindexter said. "1 would like to help pre.serve this for our I'uture generations.” Poindexter stated that there is not a single issue that staiids above the rest, bul rather that there arc several issues that the board m usl be qualified to address. He mentioned jobs, reducing lax burdens, making the hospilal viable, promoling the community college and water iuul sewer developntent as being a handful of the concerns facing Davie County. Poittdexler said revaluation of property is often looked upon by state governm ent and special interest groups as a financial windfall for funding projecls nol in the best interest of Davie County, and that he would use every method al his disposal to keep county taxes low. “ll has been a great honor for me to serve the people of Davie County for the past eight years,” Poindexter .said. “If re-elected, I will continue to work hard for you. My vote will always be for what is right, fair and good for the people of Davic County.” Commi.ssioner Ken White is a sales executive with Mack Trucks and an 18-year resident of Davie who has served on numerous boards and organiza-tions. He attended Georgia State University and Wake Forest University Babcock School of Management. He is seeking his second tenn, where he served as a I'ormer chair. ' White said he was proud of the ' Please See County - Page 4 Daphne Frye takes the microphone while fellow Republican candidates, Tom Fleming, Ray Clark, Richard Poindexter, Johnny Frye and Ken White wait their turn. - Pholo by Robin Fergusson 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 8,2004 ExhtoriaJ Райе College Years In The Mail Of Brashness, Hope Revisited Davie Needs To Keep Howard, Brock In Office They urc Ihc same inountaiiis, many of the same buikllngs and the same atmosphere I left 29 years ago. Btit it's nut the same me. I spent July 4th delivering my tceniigciSion to camp at Westem Carolina University. By coincidence, he is staying in one of my old dorms and will be going to many of the same placcs that shaped both ttte and his precious mother. It has beeit one of my tttissions to repeatedly stamp his mother's Imprint on Robert u litlle moro firmly. He was 4 when she died. I have often usked her friends and relatives to tell liitn .stories of his mother. On Sunday, I dragged him about the campu.s showing him landmarks und telling him how I shamelessly pursued the girl who would become his mom. Those were happy days. We didn't know so much about the unpleasant .side of life then. We were young and healthy. I was bras.sy enough to think I could .solve most of life’s problems — even though I Imd little Idea what they were. Despite the rigors of study nnd clnss, collcge life now seems idyllic and ea.sy. The only renl problems I fnced were the next tests. And I controlled — largely — my fate. If I studied, the lests were u.sunlly easy. Ifl didn't, it was my own fault. Nol since then hnve I felt ihc snme direct command of my future. Not sincc then has life been .so gentle, so orderly, so ■ predictable. Surrounded by thousands of students my tige and with similar intere.sts, collcge life now seems like it was four years of heaven. The cows stayed back home on the fnnn. 1 didn’t hnve lo get'up nt 4 u.m. for milking time. Didn’t have to handle manure and mud and unpleasant smells. College life wns anything but unplensant. Half the students were beautiful girls. The classroom lectures were Interesting. The dorm antics were entertaining.. On our campus lour. I pointed out the spot where I first kissed . his mother. Robert and 1 walked onto the theater stage where she performed. It seemed much smnller. ^ I don'l go back for reunions. Not for the football games. Nol for any of the alumni functions. 1 didn’t have trouble closing Ihose four years of my life and going back lo the rcal world, Sunday’s i|tiick drop off Insted Ihree hours — enough lime to haul in ciolhes and baggage, listen to camp leaders und depnn. But on Ihc wny out of lown I looked al the mountains around the campus and remembered the days of my youlh when I was invincible and brash and serious. To the editor: Davie Counly faces a crucial vole in the primary election July 20. For decades, wc have had capable, respected, hard-working leg­ islators who lived in Davlc County and worked diligently for Ihe besl inlerest for all of us In Ihe General Assembly. On July 20, Ihis advantageous position, Ihe privilege of having persons representing us who live in Davie County, will be severely tested. In the future, required redistricling for the N.C. General As­ sembly accommodating population growth could easily result In our being subslanlinlly outnumbered in re-drawn district maps. The legislature drnws these redistricling mnps, nnd the legislators then in office will be nble to Influence these maps. It is essential thal Dnvie County have n voicc in thnt process. If every eligible voter docs not support our Incumbents, Rcprescntnlive Julin Howurd nnd Senntor Andrew Brock, the probability of electing representatives from Davie Counly to Ihe General Assembly may be losl forever. Julia Howard, wllh 16 years seniority, hns bccome a powerful representative In Ihe House. The county of Davie and our munici­ palities, Mocksvillc, Cooleemee and Bermuda Run, hnve been able lo rely on her expertise and considerable influence countless ttnies. So have those of us wilh personal matters. She had been und is there for all of us. Excepting the number of yenrs of servicc, the above mny also be snid of Andrew Brock in the Senate. In addition, he has had exten­ sive experience in government matters in related areas. Voter for legislnlors Julia Howard and Andrew Brock to Insure that the citizens of Davlc County continue to have a voice in the N.C. General Assembly. James % Wall Mocksville Advance Man Endorses Julia Howard To the edilor; It is seldom that I step forward lo Issue a full and open endorse­ ment fora political candidate, but this year's upcoming primary elec­ tion is nbsolutely critical for Ihc people of Davie Counly. ' My wife, Hazelanne, and I have had the privilege lo know Repre­ sentative Julia Moward nnd her lale husband, Abe, over a great num­ ber of years, in my capacity as counly manager of Davie County, I oflcn worked wllh Julia as the owner and operator of I toward Re­ ally, whose office has now been in Mocksvillc for over 30 years. Julia is nlwnys willing to slep up lo the plnte on nny nnd all com­ munity endeavors. She served 12 yenrs ¡is chnlrperson on Ihe Davie County Hospital Board and eight years as a council member on the Mocksville Town Board. А.ч a member of Ihe Davlc Counly Library Board, I have witnessed her interest and commitment lo make our libraries the best in Ihc nation. For Ihc pasl 16 years, she hus taken the responsibility to represent Ihc people of Davlc County In the North Carolina House of Representatives, where she currently serves as Chair Ibr both the House Finance and Ethics Committees. And I am pleased to say thal I have never callcd or spoken wilh her about a matter thal she did nol follow ihrough wilh. She hns worked lirc- le.ssly forlhe people of this district nnd for Iheovcrnll goo'd of North Cnrolina. On July 20, Ihe day of Ihc primary election, wc all hnve the op­ portunity lo re-elect Julin Hownrd to return to the Norlh Carolina house so that she cnn continue to represent us, the people of Davie County, with loyalty and dignity. Hazelanne and I ask you lo join us nl the polls on July 20 to ' support our friend nnd dedicated public servant. Representative Julia Howard. John Bnrber, Advance Pastor Impressed With This Special Place To the editor; When I arrived in Davie Cotmiy a little over two years ago, I was constantly lold lhat 1 svould find the people of this area to be hard working, kind, helpful souls. My experience thus far has found this lo be true. Whether it is the tnembcr.s of Cooleemee Church of God, the pastors I’ve been able to fellowship with, or the wonderful social workers nnd foster parents that my wife and I have been able lo work wilh, or Lynn Rumley and others who have taught me about the heritage of the Cooleemec (!|)mmunity, everyone has been so gracious. However, I don't think anything ha.s beller exemplified Ihe grace and love of such wonderful people like whal has taken pincc Ihe last week. It ¡ill began when .some of iny parishioners, C.D. and Mne Turner, dccldcd to shnrc the bounty from Iheir garden with anyone and everyone whom may need or want II. So, Ihey began pulling .some of Ihelr produce on Ihc lawn of our church campus wilh a sign that simply read, "Free.” It's been heartwarming to ihem, ourclturch and me to go oul and see when the box Is in need of refilling, becausc our neighbors hnve been blessed. This I could expect from iny good church folks who wnnlcd to help in Ihelr communily. What I wasn't prcpnred for wns the slory of an anonymous per- ,son who drove up to the produce box and Instead of taking - gave. Thnl’s right. They wnnted lo contribute Ihcir produce to help this ministry of kindness to continue. It was at lhat moment lhat I real­ ized just how spccini the people of Cooleemec renlly nre. Nonnan MncEwnn penned it best when he wrote, ‘‘Happiness is not so much in hnving n.s sharing. Wc tnnke n living by whnt we get, bul we make a life by whal wc give." So, lo this anonymous gar­ dener nnd to all of you who tnakc Davlc Counly such a .special place to live - thank you. Pastor Robbie Hullellc, Cooleemee Church of God R i a m o n i / ^ h c i f H R i irt- J o h f i n y F r y e ’s B a c l < g r o u n d Q u a l i f i e s H i m F o r B o a r t d L 3 l ( d r I 1 C / I l I C / l ICa I vJI E 3 L J r I To the editor: The EMS obtained the highest level bf cenlficatlon available di For Campaign Fuss? Secretly, aren't you a little mud at Congressman Richard Burr'.’ He’s the one that ignited this year-long fu.s.s lo pick his replacement. Ofcourse, wo wish hitn well in his bid to become a United Slates Senator. But the Republican primttry — now two weeks away from voting time — has been an exhausting series of fussing and bickering and back slabbing among tlie uamlidntes. Despite the noise, there ure several liigh-qualily candi­ dates with much lo offer. It’s up lo the voters now to itvoid becoming so weary nnd disgusted wilh Ihc name-calling and finger-pointing lhat they won’t go to the polls. It would also be nicc to pick a congressman who will be a longtime occupant of the job who will let us enjoy the peace and quiet of incutnbency for yciirs lo cotne. — Dwight Sparks D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I/ E ^ l ^ E C O R D USPS 149-160) 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-2120 Published weekly by Ihe Oavie Publishing Co. Dwight Sparks.................................Edilor/Publisher Robin Fergusson............................General Manager Mike Barnhardt...............................Managing Edilor Ray Tutterow..................................Advertising Director Brian Pitts.........................................Sports Editor Mary Lynne Bayslnger......:...........Clrculation/Classllled Mocksville Enterprise Davie Record Cooleemee Journal 1916-1958 1899-1958 190M971 Pcriodicnls I’ostnge Paid In Mocksville, NC 27028 Subscription Rntes Single Copy, 30 Cents $20 Per Yenr In N.C., $2.‘i Outside N.C, POSTMASTER Send Address Chnnges to; Dnvie County Enterprise Rccord P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 To the editor; This is n letter to endorse Johnny Frye for Dnvie County com­ missioner. Having lived in Davie Counly for the last 28 yenrs, I have comc lo know Johnny Frye. He hns served Dnvie County for the mnjorlly of his active working cnreer and is n Dnvie County nntive. Upon completing school, he served three yenns in the mllltnry. Johnny then sinned wilh Ihe ambulance .service in the early 1970s. After this, he bccnme one of the firsl EMTs in Ihe counly lo be cenified ns n medicnl leclinlcinn. Along the wny, he becnme nn in­ structor ccnified lo leach Red Cross and American I lean As.socia- tlon courses and has conducled IZMT cenlficmion clnsses nt Dnvld- .son nnd Mllchell communily colleges. During his yenrs wilh Davie Cotmly, Johnny has attended and completed numerous courses al many North Carolinn colleges. In 1984, he completed Ihe EMS Management progrum at UNCC. Johnny hns served on numerous advisory comntiltees for the county ami state. He was a member of the NC Emergency Medical Asso­ ciation, Ihe NC Association of Emergency Mcdical Services Ad­ ministrators, nnd NC Law Enforcement Officers Association, just 10 meniion a few. In the mid 1970s, Johnny became training ofncer/nssistant di­ rector of the EMS, and in 1981 was appointed ns the emergency medical services dlrector/einergcncy management coordinalor He held this position for 18 years unlil he retired. Johnny holds mnny other firsts; he promoted EMS base slalions in Mocksville and Hillsdale; he was one of the firsl EMT stale cvnliialors; one of ihc first members of the Norlhwcsl Piedmont Council ofGovcrnmenls (n 30-year member, chair in 1994); helped slarl the 911 .system in Davie Counly: nnd helped sian Ihe llrst computer sysiem for ihe EMS. Johnny made the EMS deparlmenl sccond lo none in Ihe stale. The EMS obtained the highest level of cenlficatlon available dur­ ing Johnny’s tenure. A.S director of the EMS, Johnny has dealt with ho.spltid issues, Inw enforcement personnel, first responder issues, nnd hns hnd to work closely wilh city nnd counly government lo help solve pertinent issues. He has prepared budgct,s, und knows how to slay wilhin the limits of the budget. Because of Johnny’s background, I feel that he is qualified for the job of county commissioner, Huving worked wilh state nnd lo­ cnl government In the cnpacity of emergency services dlreclor, he knows how to mnko things hnppen. Johnny will stand up for ihe people of Dnvie Counly, and he believes thul everyone should have a voicc in tho counly government, and be treated fairly and equally in the county government. Gnry Prillaman, DDS, Mock.sville L e t t e r s W e lc o m e d The Enterprise Recbrd welcomes lelters ’from its read­ ers. The letters may be on topics of local, stale, niitional or ititemalional issues. : An effort will be madti to print all letters, provided thtjy. are not libelous; vulgar or in poor taste. The editor reserves the right to edit letteirsior grammar imd for space, ; All letters should include the name und address of the writer, iticludlng a signature, À telephone number, not to be published, is also requested. Please have letters in the newspaper office no later than 4 p.m. Monday of the week lo be published. Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box, 99, Mocksville, or einail to: ernews@davie-enterpri.se.com. Got An Opinion? Add your vote to our weeWy online poll tliat asks questions affecting you and Davie County. Log on at www.enterprise-record.com and click on reader’s poll to cast your vote. Results Will be listed here weekly. Have you decided who to vote for in the school board YCS, 50% race? No, 50% Log on now to cast your vote on tlie newest question: Should school students be required to wear, uniforms? www.enterprlse-record.corti DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, ,Iuly 8, 2004 - 3 O n T h e C a m p a ig n Trail: Barrett H eaded Dow n E ast FoUowma «« (ii'coKiit of Week 9 in Dan Uaircll's Jniinial aboul his walk acrosx Norlh Carolina. xeckinn ihe liepuhliean nomination for governor ,Iunc2K Sturled jusl outside of Sniithfield around 2 p.m. It's overcast and nuiggy. Slopped by the Johnston County Board of Education. Talked lo folks there about the need Ibr ns much locnl control over educntionnl decisions as possible. They were concerned aboul unfunded m andates, including the recent stale budget proposal which would take money awuy from coninuiiiities lo pay for school facilities. A big truck passed by me and blew my cap off my hend nnd inlo a field of pole beans, some 30 feet awuy. Talked to some fellows al Smithfield Farm and E(|uipmem Company. They wiuit lo see the tobacco buy-out go through. They were glad lo sec me out walking and talking lo working folks. 1 talked lo a lady and Ihree children in iheir fronl yard. She was their auiu and was baby­ sitting while Ihe parents worked. The boy was 8 and the two girls were.“!. I kidded Ihenuiboul why weren't Ihey in school. I lold Ihem I had a Hllle giri who was 6 and u son who was 11. Stopped In lo sec brothers Greg and Kal Bennett, who own 70 East Aulo Salvnge. Aboul the lime I gol inside, the clouds let loose and we had a hard rain. It was good liming Ibr a visit, Greg is an Independent and Kai is Republican. They previously farmed, bul gol out nfler tlieir father died. Bolh were interested in having a governor who would work hard and be Indepeiulent of special interests The rain sloppetl and 1 headed back oul. I visited on the front porch with Bud Creech. He was happy because he had gotten his grass cut before the rain scl in. Bud had been a bailiff for 10 years. He had lived in tho same house since 1959. and had been born in a home just down the road. Mis words of wisdom were lhat if you are nice to folks, they'll generally be nicc to you. He said lhat 1 had approached him "real nice.” He said, “I'll put in a vote for you. Lord willing." Pussed my first "black waler swamp" ofthe walk. Talked to Pat Pittman who worked at White Swan BBQ. Her husband had died al age 67, and she fell il wns imfair that she received no social security benefil. Her husband had paid inlo the sysiem for his entire working life, but only received 2 years of bcncfil. She was working Iwo jobs lo make ends meel. Passed my first field ofcolton on my walk. 1 used to walk Ihe cotton fields of Scuiland Counly. counting boll worms and holl weevils lo sec when farmers shoulil spray. Neal Jtnney from Goldsboro cmne otu lo join me on my walk, Neal has been a great supporter in my campaign and hus been rcal interested in my walk across the stale. Me ended up walking with me about LS miles and wus good contpany. Ended up walking aboul 12 miles lor the al'lernoon/evcning. ,Iiiiie 29 Started uboul 2 ntiles from Wuyne Comuy al 8:30 a.m,, with Neul Jurney walking with me. Slopped by to visit with D.W. Tuylor He makes gazebos and hus been in this line of work lor 20 years. He liked the fact I was working hard, walking the stale. I told him 1 was nol working harder than folks I was talking too, just doing it in a different way. Visited wilh folks at Jenkins Energy. The wife of the owner works for the stale in Medicaid administration. She feels a lot of errors and mistakes nre occurring because employees arc ovcrstfessed nnd slrctched too thin. The system is breaking down because of poor manage­ ment. We visited in the home of Jane W illiford, a friend nnd supponer She let me call In lo a Fayetleviile radio station from her home. Before I left, she fed me a delicious slice of blueberry pic, made with fresh blueberries grown in Ihe Sandhills. A burro camc over and looked al me. The thought crossed my mind Ihal I ought to hitch him up und slan riding. Becky Osbomc, a friend from Edgecombe County, came out and joined Ihe walk. 1 had met her al a restaurant in Goldsboro some months ugo und she hns been a great help in my campaign. She and her husband, Marvin, have put up yurd signs ull over Eastern North Curolinu, Stopped and talked lo some moms who were watching their daughters do gymnastics. They had been to the G overnor's Mansion recently for recogni­ tion Ibr their gymnastic accom­ plishments, but the governor had been unable to meet with them. I stopped for the day after about 12 miles. I had dinner thal evening wllh my sister Betsy, and my brother- in-law Ed, who live in Wayne Coimty. .lune 30 Wc started at M ichelle’s Restaurant jusl outside of Goldsboro. 1 was joined by a number of friends, including Ed Wharton who Is chuir of the Wayne Coimty Republican Party, and Willie Ray Stariing, who Is running forlhe Slate House. My niece, Amanda, also came oul lo walk. Shook hands al the restaurant, before slanlng walking. People were concerned aboul the high cosl of healthcare, and Illegal immigration. I wnlkcd Into Goldsboro with a group of supporters currying “Barrett for Governor" .signs nnd wearing “I walked wllh Dan" t- shirts. A photogrnpher from the Raleigh News and Observer look pictures while wc walked nnd Inlkcd to people. I then met with n group nt County Republican Heud- qunriers. Scott Mooneyhnm, n .syndlcnted columnist, joined me while I Inlkcd to supporters. Scott then joined me as I walked through Goldsboro, He ended up wnlklng severni miles. Dun Kane from the News imd Ob.server cume and joined us a» we walked. Ho inlerviewed me while wc walked and got in about four miles of walking. I mot Joe Ycargln nt the Militury Christian Center which is a Buptist Mission Outreach program to m ilitary .service personnel. This center serve,s personnel nt Seymour Johnson Alrbuse in Goldsboro. Ran into burwood Kennedy at Ash Strcel Service Center He was cntlng n homemade pimento cheese sandwich, which his wife had made for him. Il looked good. Mot Glenwood Spcncc nt Spence E(|uipmenl Co. He snid "I cun't hnrdly believe I’m tnlklng 10 n cundldnte for governor. None of them ever come out here." He put up ynrd signs ul his home und business. Pussed Wood Peck Rond. Right next lo it Is Bluebird Lune. Someone hns n sense of humor, or likes birds, or bolh. Tulked to Joyce Brown, who wns working ut n produce stnnd. In The M a il... Groce Most Qualified For Board S t i l l A S k e p t l C O f C l 6 r g y To the editor; Of nil tho cnndidales running lor the board of eilucation. Miss Debra Brown Groce is the most qualified wilh a degree in political science and she is a product of llte Davio Counly School Sysiem. She has excelled in her education, as well us in her professional life. On July 20, if you want a brighter future in Davie Counly for our children, vote lor tho person who can get the job done, Davlc County’s own Dobra Brown Groce, well educated and a people per­ son who will go above and beyond what is expected of her Lane Applegate Bernzoll Advance R i c k E l l i s A T e a m B u i l d e r To Ihc edilor: Rick Ellis is a team-builder who thinks outside the box. I am writing to encourage your readers to go lo llie polls on July 20 and to vote for Rick Ellis for School Board. From October to May I worked beside Rick as ho coached my son ami six other elementary students on an Odyssey ofthe MimI team. As a rookie coach with all rookie members. Kick helped them achieve a berth al the World Finals - a firsl for Davie County. Week alier week Rick encouraged Ihc kids creativity and coop­ eration. He helped them focus on ihe task al hand and was cpilck lo prai.sc their eflbns. He consislenlly reminded ihcm Ihal a leam can be a more powerful creative force lhan Ihe individuals, and he al- wuys urged Ihcm lo think oulside of the box. Though I had known (and liked) Rick for several years, 1 learned much aboul his cliarac- ler working beside him every week Ibr eiglil months. Kick's com- milmenl lo lenm-building, his ability lo ihink oulside Ihc box, jind his skills of focus, allenlion lo detail and follow-lhrough are ex­ actly whal our school board needs lo successfully meet ihe chal­ lenges before Ihem. There arc no obvious and simple answers in cducalion loday. We need Rick Ellis on our leam. Please vole Ibr Rick Ellis for school board on July 20. Mary Beth Stanley, Mocksville Robinson A Proven Conservative To the editor; There arc numerous candidates thal wanl lo represent the people Ihal live wilhin ihe boundaries of the fiflh dislrici ofNonh Carolina. A lol of carrols have been dangled and a lol of promises have been made in an allempi lo win or buy voles. Most of the candidales arc using Ihe Nanny or Sugar Dailily approach. Vole for me and I will work to improve your position in life, by protecting your job, reduc­ ing your heallh insurance, help you buy drugs from Canada al a lower price, prolect your social security or help you solve whalever problem you have. One candidate docs nol use Ihe Nanny or Sugar Daddy approach. He believes in limiled govcrmncnl. limited governmenl regulalions, limited la.4ation ami personal responsibility He does nol believe any tiovernmenl shouUl lax legal responsible individuals to support ille­ gal and sloughful irresponsible individuals. His beliefs are well docu­ mented, he has the courage ami convictions to sland behind his be­ liefs. That person is Vomon Robinson, Iho only proven Conserva­ tive mnning for Congress in tho fifth district of Norlh Carolina. B. Frank Everhart, Lexington To Ihe editor: Chrisllanily has been around Ibr 2000 years or more, you would Ihink Ihal this would be a perfect world in thal time, liul il seems to be gelling worse, morally lhat is, Jusl 60 odd yeurs ago, when Rhett Buller .said lo Scarlett 'Franklly,my dear I ilon'l give a damn' In the movie 'Gone Wilh The Wind,' il shocked the nation and pulled a lot of strings lo pass the censors. Nutlily and profanity is common pluce in TV und movies loday. In a Ibotbiill hnll'time show, thal Jackson gal exposed her breast, her ratings went up.Petlifiolia run rumpunt in the Catholic church. Tho Biblo condemns homosexuality, yet preachers in some de­ nominations perlbmi samo sex marriages. A large part of tho blame for this tnornl decline lies with the clergy. Most claim they had a calling from God, lo bring his mes­ sage to ull, especially the sinners. Evidently they don'l take lhat seriously. The majority have a small congregation of possibly .SO, most of them devout Christians who have hoard the same sermon practically all their lives. Seldom if ever do you see these prenchers oul amoung the sinners Ihal arc in need of salvation. They prefer lo go lo Iheir lilllc church, wann in winter cool in summer The slide in the morality, or so il seems, is due lo the fact thal the clergy doesn't lake Ihe vows Ihey made lo bring the message lo all and until Ihe clergy speaks with one voice, 1 will remain a skeptic. Swede Jtirgonscn Advanco Representative Had Good Reason For Missing The Forum To the editor; I imderslaml Ihal Ihere has been some criciclsm of Representa­ tive Julia Howard regarding her inability lo uttend the nnnunl Woodmen oflhc World forum on Tue.sday, June 22, and I would like 10 speuk on her behalf. On Ihal day, the House and Senate participated in n joint .session, which did nol ndjotun unlil nearly .5 p.m. Inunediately following Ihis, a House Flnnncc Commlllcc meeting wns held, which Rep. Howard chaired. Incluilcd on Ihe calendar for Ihal meeting was a very important and lime sensitive bill (Senate Bill 1127) regarding Ihe incorporation ofthe communily of Wallburg, located within my district In Dnvidson Counly 'I'his bill was fayornbley reporled from Ihe commillee and was able lo be placed on the House fioor for considenillon on Wedncsdny, The bill wns passed, sigriod inlo luw, and chupicrcd on June 30. However, had the bill nol been passed by June 30, the Wallburg communily would havo losl $42,000 in road improvement revenues and somo $237,692 In sules tax revenues from the stute. 1 huve served Davie Countty in tho past and have nlways upprociatd hor advice and help while being a freshman senator 1 hope this explains her absence on June 22. Sian Bingham Denton She had retired from working wilh Ihc county .school .system and did not seem lo miss il. She said Ihey called her the office manager bul paid her like she wns the secrelnry. She said her daddy was a “die-hard Democrni," bul she had changed lo Republican. Another fellow ut the fruit sland .said, “You’re out where Ihe rubber meets Ihe rond," I snw n strunge sight, A while domestic duck nnd a brown wood duck were standing .side by ,slde, within two feet oflruffic on Highway 70, A big Ihunderslonn drove mo in for the day about 6:15. Il was a “gulley washer" Walkedaboul ISmllesforthe dny. July 1 I slurtcd reul eurly this morning, nbout 6:30 a.m. I was ubout 18 miles outside of Kinston. I passed u hl.sloricul monument to Dobbs Counly, fonned In H-SS. It wns divided up In 1779 to form Wnyne, Lenoir, nnd Greene countics. The Dobbs County Courthouse wns three miles south. I never knew until now that there wns n . Dobbs County. Rcuchod Lenoir Counly nbout 7:30 n.m. Pussed “Promise Lnnd Rond." » visited In B.J's Grill nnd Bnrbccue, which opens every dny nl 4 n.m. I Inlkcd to Belly Jenn, who runs the place wilh her husbnnd. Betty Jean is in favor of viileo poker and a stale run lottery, bolh of which I oppose, 1 listened lo her point of view and she listened lo mine. Slopped in at “Shurcutch Bull nnd Tnckle nnd Seutbod," It's run by n husbnnd nnd wife team. They were nice. They hnve boon In business for 11 yeurs, nnd unlil recently, Ihoy were open 7 days u week, 364 duy.s a yeur (they closed only on Christmas Day). Now, they close on Sunday and Monday, and go fishing on tViolr dnys off. Visited In Ken's Grill, It Is run by two brothers, Ken nnd David. Ken fixed men delicious link sniisnge sandwich, with muslnrcl, thnt I ate nl the counter while talking lo customers. I lold Ken Ihnt I'd be bnck again, but Ihe next time I’d be arriving by cnr Willie Rny Sinriing cume oul to visit while I wnlkcd nnd brought me some wiuer He is cumpnigning loduy in Lenoir Counly for his House race. Slopped al Falling Creek Produce. I ule some wonderful home-made peach ice cream, made wilh fresh peaches. 1 Ihcn passed the peach trees from which Ihe peaches for the ice crenm cume. Tulked to u fellow who suid if you're willing to work thul hard. I'll vote for you. Talked to another guy who said, “Wo should lake ull the Raleigh politicians oulside, bout the____ oul of them, and put a whole new bunch in there." His sentiment, albeit colorfully expressed, is fairly typlcul. 1 have walked over 500 miles. There's a bounce In my step. I walked beside rows of tobacco und could smell the rich aroma in the n ir I cropped tobacco in my younger days, and that Is the roughest work I have ever done. By 1 p.m., I had already walked 14.3 miles for Ihe duy. Slopped at "Capital Pools and Spas.” Seemed like an appropriate plnce for such n brutnlly hot dny. TnH:ed to Cindy Cunninghum nnd Ashley While. I lold them I hud wnlkcd 500 miles nnd Cindy's firsl reucllon wus, “You’re kidding." Pussed n hlslorlcnl murker lo Richurd Cnswcll, the first governor of North Cnrolinn. Visited ul Ihe Cnswcll Ccnler Museum, which commemornles the beginning ofthe stute mental heallh cenler in the early 1900s. Talked lo the museum munugcr Lori, nbout the imporlunco of taking care of people with disabilities and preserving hlstoricul sites. Stopped by the Lenoir County Board of Education. Folks ihero wore nice und gave me u nicc break from the stlfiing heal. The superintendent came oul lo speuk, and jokingly turned uround as if lo leave when he hoard I was a Republican. One lady 1 talked to moutbed thal she was II Republican, too, nnd Ibiu she'd vote for me. Wnlkcd through downtown Kinston. Many buslncsaes havo closed up, Stopped In nt the courthouse . und visited a bit. One state employee from the DAs office wn.s pretty direct in hor cxpccttttion of n 5% raise. She said, aboul the governor, “Wo (slate cmployee.s) cun vole Ihem in, nnd we cnn vole Ihem out." I finished not far from Jones Counly uftcr nboul 23 1/2 miles. It wus my longest duy walking so far I’ve gol about 90 more miles lo walk. The plun is lo finish in Swnnsboro Ihe evening of Jtdy 14. Vote For Our Daddy! We would if we were oM enough! Ho and Lillie RoUim Lee Rollins D avie C ounty Com m issioner l ‘iii<lJar hy I.Ci’ RoUins. <'<iii(liil(ilc. 4 - DAVIH COUN I Y KNTERPRISK UKCORÜ, l luirsda.v. .hil.v 8. 2(1(14 C o u n t y C o m m i s s i o n C a n d i d a t e s S p e a l c A t F o r u m Cuiitiiuied l‘’r()tn I’n(>c I board's ncconiplishnitnls in his first Icrin, including re-opcning tlie hospilal which kepi 160 jobs in Davie County. During his tenure, EMS response staff has been increased to three full-time mnbiilancc crews, and increased funding was made available to llie voliinlecr fire departments through a m atching grant program. "Our rapid growth has pm incredible strains on the re­ sources of our volunteers.“ White said. "This supplemental funding allows them to purchase much needed e(|iiipm ent and life saving devices, such as defibrillators.” White said waler and .sewer arc Icey elements of a strong infrastructure which are vital to recruit new industry which creates jobs and increases Ihe county's ta.x base, lie said as a member of the water and sewer conm iittee, he spearheaded ,$5()(),0IK) in plant upgrades to secure water quality, and worked tl) obtain a Coniniunity Development Block Oraiil to repair tlie Cooieemee waste­ water Ireatment plant. "That prevenled tripling rates to many .senior citizens on fixed income," White said. "All of which was accomplished with no increase in taxes, and that's what I'm most proud of." White said that of most of society's ills, poor educational opportiuiities can be found as the root cause. "I am proud that we passed a new school bond for much needed renovations, and for lielpiiig increase teacher supple- tneiUs, White said, "i believe education is an investment in our future, nol ail expense." Daphne Armsworthy i-rye is also a Davie I ligh graduate and a past-president of tlie Davie County Republican Party. Prye has served on the Davie Coiuity planning board for five years; an experience, she said, that makes her well versed on issues that have gone before the board of commissioners. Prye served on two boards at Brenner C hildren's Hospital over a period of 16 years, and she is serving on the Christian Network for Ihe Needy, an organization that raises funds for Storehouse for Jesus. She recently served on The Mebane Foundation for Teciinology. Prye said she believes the county comtuissioiiers need lo address a multitude of issues, and her experiences serving the various organizations make her uniquely qualified to fill one of the available slots. Frye is pro-development, stating that the additional tax bases lhat industry und business bring to an area help to keep homeowners' taxes in check. “Commercial and industrial property helps with the taxes. These taxes can iielp support the county rather thnn the tax burden being on the residents," slie said. "A ttracting more businesses to the area will help keep taxes low and brings jobs to the county. Economic development is used all over the state to help keep taxes low." Frye professed a love for DaviJ County when asked why she was campaigning for the board, and promised if electc^l, she would represent the people. "I'm not a one issue candidate," Frye said. "I’m a candidate that not only listens but iiears the concerns of the residents and will always be accessible." Tom Fleming is the owner of Mocksville Builders Supply, and formerly served on Ihe Mocksville Town Board. He said he is familiar svitli tiie water issues facing the couniy, and believes a joint effort between the county and M ocksville Tom FIl'iiiIiik Riiy C lark Clarencc Spillman Richard Poindexter .illllllliy I'’ryt' would relieve much of Ihe problem. "We need to get the town to rcach out to the areas Ihey can touch," I'ieniiiig said. “I don’t think we're spending enough on water, we need w ater for economic development." P'lerning said lie iielieved the board needs a member who would help manage growth. He said his business experience makes liim a to]i candidate to handle that chore. "A long w ith (m anaging growth) comes Ihe opporiunity to conlinue to recruit economic V IR G IN IA F O X X F O R C O N G R E S S Peiformance is Better Than A Promise! Record of Senator Foxx Record of H er O pponents Electability t. niuctod to 8 .siicccssivo Icrm.s 1. Four hnve never ntlcniptfd of public .service. to .serve. Three hnve lost y elections. Tilt’ ih'/iiibl/ciiii Noiiiiiivi' MUST heat n Deiuocrat in Niivi’iiilH'r! Success ill Business 2. Built a iiU(i(:cja(kilkl£in£SS that h.is prospered for 28 yenrs. She wns named "Gunrdinn of Smnll Business" by NFIB. 2. Broyhill and Helvey led their busincsses into bnnkiuptcy. Robinson tnkcs.his ii.iconic..fi:om.iV' controls. Conservative Values 3. Voted pro-life. Co-sponsored nil 3. No other cnndidate hns ever bills ngninst pnrtinl birth abortions. voted on this issue. [indorsed repeatedly by N.C. Right To Life. Endorsed by Susan B. Anthony List. 4. .Voted to.dcny gftyjimrdnge in 1996. Now co-sponsoring amendment to this marringe ns n union between one man and one womnn. 5. -Voled for Ihe Ten Comtnnndmenis lo be displnyed in public schools, 6. Voted to keep God in the Pled)»e of Allegiance. 4. In spite of rhetoric, no other candidate has ever voted on define issue. 5. N.Q.oiher Cflndidnb; has ever voted on this issite. voted on this issue. 7. Voted for concealed weapons law in support of our Second Amendment. voted on this issue. Has been endorsed repeatedly by NRA. Other Legislation Other Legislation I has ever 8. Voted agiiinsUlLstflte-bviclgetS-thnt taised-laxua. 9, Voted with all Republicans for medicnl mnlprnctice tort reform. 8. No other cnndidate has ever voted ngninst statewide taxes. 9. No-Other condidol.e Ims ever voted on this i.ssue. Does Experience Count? You Bet It Does! PAID FOR BY FOXX FOR CONGRESS, R.B. SLOAN, FINANCU CHAIR Ken White development,” Fleming said. "This will grow our lax base, create jobs, and allow us to continue quality development.” Fleming believes it would be wise to invest resources on the county’s watersystem 1(к1ау. He said infrastructure improve­ ments would pay diviilends for years to come by extending the system, repairing leaks, and creating adequate fire fiow. “O ur w ater system is extremely important for safely, growth, land values, nnd tt better quality of life,” Fleming said. "This infrastructure is tlio basis for Itie road map to tlio future.” Clarcncc L. Spillman is a .14-year Air Force veteran who says he is running because tlie couniy needs a watchdog who will make sure the board is spending taxpayer's dollars wisely. Spillman said he is familiar with budgets, having served as the treasurer of the Cooleemee Volunteer Fire Department for over 25 years. He received his degree in business administration from Catawba College, and his tenure as a 67-year resident of tiie county puts him in tlie position of knowing a large segment of the population. He said that familiarity will help him to bring an understanding of the resident’s needs to the board, He said he would work to make sure the whole county is repre.sented, and that not just certain areas of Davie would receive the most benefits. "I Ihink the taxpayers are not getting equality on zoning,” he said. "A lot of the zoning has hurt the taxpayers. The overlay in Cooleemee was uncalled for." , Spillman cnlls him self n caring fatlier and a conservative Republican "like Jesse Helms," and thal if elected, he will Daphne Frye provide strong, sound leader­ ship. But mostly, he will work lo be Ihe eyes nnd ears of the county laxpnyer. "Like Bill Reilly,” Spillmnn snid. “I’ll be watching.” Lee Rollins is n family mnn first, he suid. Rollins is n former Mocksville Town Bonrd mem­ ber and the former assistant lo Davie Couniy manager Terry Bralley when Bralley was lown mnnnger. Rollins is the sales operations manager with Baker Furniture. Rollins said thnl much like Davie County’s govemmenl, he is faced with liaving to do more with less everyday. He is a Dnvie Higli grnduate, nnd received his business ndm inislrntion and finnnce degree from High Point University. He also studied at the University of Oklahoma, receiving a certificate in economic development, and at UNC-Chapel Hill, where he earned a certificate in municipal and county administration, Rollins took a strong position on the condition of the Cooleemee Water Treatment plant. “ We have this trem endous asset for the couniy,” Rollins said. “And we neglected il and let it go into disrepair. We need to protccl our a.s.sets.” Rollins said lie believes lhat protecting resources is a sound technique when mnnnging growth. “Not enough growth, like counties in the enstem pari of our state, places an especiniiy henvy tnx burden on properly owners to provide services,” he snid. "But growth that comes too rapidly nnd is not planned properly, can adversely affect quality of life nnd plnce n henvierthnn normal tax burden on property owners.” SAVt MONtY Save on Auto Insurance. We offer a variety of auto insurance discounts. Call me.., Stop by,,. Log on - it's your choicel • Auto • Home • Financial Products • Business Jim Kelly, Jr. 281 North Main Street MocKsvllle 336-751-2937ktly)3ei>aiiO(T*hde com Keltli Hlllei 1111 Yadklnville Hwy., Mocksville WHm Oaks Shop. 0(1». 336-751-6131 Nationwide* Insurance & Financial Services Nationwide Is On )bur Side* Ule Imufince unfefwiHtan Ijy NalioowW« Uie lniur»nce Compeny. N«Uonwid* Mutuai tmuranci Company AOilUHd Companiei, Momt Olfk«; Columbui, OH ^3213.2220 Al M/00 Lee Rollins Rollins snid he wns running because he wnnls to give bnck lo Ihe com m uniiy lhal hns blessed him throughout his life. “I nm running as a candidnte for the Dnvie Couniy Bonrd of Commissioners because I want lo serve tlie good people nil over the county that hnve had such a positive influence on my life,” Rollins snid. “1 will use my strengths in business develop­ ment and strategic planning to conlinue mnking Davie County one of, if nol the besi, county in the state lo live in.” Johnny Frye is n ,30-year veteran of Dnvio Couniy EM S.' He said he is n good communicator and knowledgo- nble on stnte nnd federal issues thnt nffecl the residenis of Davie. As director of EMS, he said he developed a relationship with other county leaders that will be beneficial to n position on the board. Frye said thut the couniy hns a multitude of issues thnt need to be addressed, and need lo be approached as long term pro­ jects, not quick fix issues. He believes he is a person who can help move Davie forward inlo a bright future. "We, the citizens of Davie Couniy, are faced with several issues,” Frye said, ‘These issues need to be addressed nol only for today but for our future.” Frye said one of his strengths is the ability to bring common sense bnck to locul government. He nlso believes the county hns a trem endous asset in the hospilal, and feels the residenis need to gel behind nnd support the hospitnl for future growth in the county to continue. “When you have a good m edical facility, th at’s an attraction lhat is favorable to new industry nnd employers tiint nre looking lo relocate or build in this nrea,” Frye said. “We need to work nnd communicate together lo make the liospital continue to work.” Raymond Clark is a retired corrections officer who said he wus running for the bonrd becnuse he believes the bonrd needs n good person lo watch how tnx dollars nre used. "1 wnnt to watch your tnx money nnd my tnx m oney,” Clark snid. "We need to watch how our money is being spenl.” Clark believes the couniy needs lo work closely with state nnd federnl govemmenl to find alternative funding for water improvements, such ns grnnls available through the federal governm ent. Clark snid he would work to pursue any grants lhat Dnvie might be eligible for. District Court DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .Fuly «, 2004 - 5 The folUnving cases were heard in Davie District Court on July I. Prc.siding; Judge Ronald II. Hayes. Prosecuting: Kevin Beale and Carltou Terry. Assis­ tant DAs. - Armando S. Porlaneli, mis­ demeanor probation violation, sentenced to 120 days in jail; mis­ demeanor probation violation, sentenced to 45 dnys In jail; DWI, sentenced to 24 months in jail, credit for 11 days served; driving with license revoked, dismi.ssed. - Michael D. Mahek, niisde- meanbr larceny, sentenced to 120 days in jail; misdemeanor larceny, •sentenced lo 120 days in jail; mis­ demeanor larceny, senlenced lo 120 days in jail; attempted lar­ ceny. sentenced to 60 days in jail. - Tedrick R. Parker, speeding 82 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, cost. - Gregory D. Vannoy, failure lo notify DMV of address change, credit for 16 days served; aiding and abetting impaired driving, dismi.ssed. - Billy O. Allen, failure lo slop for stopped bus, prayer for judg­ ment continued. - Timothy D. Andrews, driv­ ing with license revoked, .sen­ tenced to 120 days in jail, sus­ pended 24 monlhs, not to operate a molor vehicle until licensed by DMV, $200, cost; driving left of ccnter, dismissed per plea; ficti- tious/coiicealed/rcvoked registra­ tion card/tag and no liability in­ surance, dismissed. - Janies L. Beamer Jr., misde­ meanor possession marijuana, dismissed perplea; possession of drug paraphernalia, .sentenced lo 120 days in jail, su.spended 24 months,.$150, cost, evidence or­ dered destroyed. j - Christopher J. Diliy, speed- jUng 85 in a 70, reduced lo im­ proper equipment, cost. - Martin L. Brown, DWI, di.s- missed; open container afler con­ suming alcohol, prayer for judg­ ment continued; failure to reduce speed, expired/no inspection •sticker, dismissed. - Hubert A. Citrter, failure to stop for stopped bus, dismissed. - Trinity L. Crowder, speed­ ing 85 in a 70, reduced to 79- 70, $5, cost; driving with license re­ voked, dismissed per correction. - Paul R. Dunford, shoplifting concealment of good, prayer for judgment continued, -Tony L. Edwards, aiding and abetting, dismis.sed per compli­ ance. - Ainanda N. Engle, careless/ reckless, prayer for judgment con­ tinued on cost; failure to heed light/siren, driving left of center, dismissed per plea. - Jerry O’bozah, DWI, .sen­ tenced to 60 days in jail, sus­ pended 24 months, $100, cost, substance abuse nssessment/lreat- ment; speeding 103 In a 70, no operators license, dismissed per plen. - Patrick S. Horan, second de­ gree trespassing, cost, $310 attor­ ney fee. - Elizabeth L. KIssce, speed­ ing 74 in a 55, praye' for judg­ ment continued. - Shelly B. Leazer, simple worthless check, dismissed per civil settlement. - Felder F. Lockhart, posses­ sion of schedule II controlled sub­ stance, possession of dmg para- phernalia. driving with license revoked, dismissed. - John W. Lynch, assault on a female, not guilty. - Victor H. Malagon, speeding 92 in a 70, reduced to exceeding safe speed, cost. - Amanda M. Manning, mis­ demeanor larceny, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, first de­ gree burglary, larceny, possession of a controlled substance on jail premises, dismissed. - Roger L. Martin, driving witii license revoked, dismis.sed per correction; misdemeanor posses­ sion of schedule VI controlled substance, sentenced to 10 days in jail, suspended 24 months, $25, cosl. evidence ordered destroyeil. - Nathan D. Maynard, speed­ ing 69 in a 55, $5, cost. - Anthony M. Morand, ex­ pired/no inspection sticker, dis­ missed; failure to merge for emer­ gency vehicle, prayer for judg­ ment continued. - Brian L,.Oakes, false report lo police station, nol guilty. - James R. Padon, DWI, sen­ lenced to 12 months in jail, sus­ pended 24 monlhs, $500, cosl, substance abuse assessment, crédit for seven days served. - Bryon T. Parker, failure to wear drivers scat belt, $25, cosl; operating a vehicle with no insur- ance, driving with license re­ voked, possession/display of al- tered/fictitiou^s/revokcd drivers license, dismissed. - Pedro J. Reyes, DWI, sen­ tenced lo 60 days in jail, sus­ pended 24 months, $100, cost, 24 hours community servicc. - David W. Shores, driving willi license revoked, dismissed per correclion. - Dawn B. Taylor, .selling/giv­ ing malt beverageAmforlificd wine to under 21. prayer for judg­ ment continued. - Cindy Thies, simple assault, coniinunicaling threals, injury lo personal property, dismissed per request of prosecuting witness. - Milchell D. Wallers, unau­ thorized u.se of a motor vehicle, misdemeanor larceny, first degree burglary. disinis.sed. - Chadwick Westmoreland, possession of drug paraphernalia, sentenced to 120 days in jail, sus­ pended 24 months, $25, cost, $130 attorney fee, crcdit for 22 days served, evidenced ordered destroyed. - Frank J. Williams, misrep to obtain benefit, sentenced to 120 days in jail, su.spended 24 months, - Christopher J. Wright, ex­ pired registration card/tag, ex­ pired/no inspection sticker, dis­ missed per correction. \ Failed To Appcur: - Ray Garza, driving with li­ cense revoked, expired registra­ tion card/tag. - Matthew P. Holifield, un.su- pervlsed probation violation. - Lori M. Hutchens, failure to wear drivers seat belt, expired registration card/tag, driving.with liccn.se revoked, posse.ssion/dls- play of altered/fictitiou.s/revokcd drivers license. ★ R i:-iiL i:c r ★ R K -K ijx г ★ r k - k l i x г ★ rjv Ic i.ix г ★ Ri.;-i;i ЛХ I ★ ■■ Re-Elect A N D R E W C . BROCK Peaches A V A I L A B L E T H I S W E E K E N D ! HILL TOP ORCHAKD Hours: 8:00 am 4M Dark Monday - Sunday 336-492-7246 Diroctions; From Mockevlllo'. Hwy 601 North, Lott on Ijamos Church Bond Follow Signs. Recruit and Retain Jobs by Lowering Tax Burden Help Senior Citizens with Affordable Health Care Education Reform by Cutting Government Red Tape Help Law, Fire, and Emergency Personnel PhilosQ p h y ■k Conservative Family Values * Lllelong Republican * Strong WorK Ethio * Co-Sponsored Legislation; -To Protect the Unborn -To Protect Marriage Between Man and Woman * Strong 2nd Amendment Supporte - Llfellme NRA Member and Friends ol the NRA-Chalrman - Grassroots NC Member * Primary Sponsor ol Properly Rights (Antl-Annexatlon) Bill rter; Faircloth Welfare Reform N0 Supreme Court Justice Bob Orr Citizens lor a Sound Economy RCS Communications Ш а е с я р - Ь - уe ol Western Car www.andrewbrock.com Рлш ¡'Oli lìY BROCK FOR SENATE ★ Graduate ol Western Carolina University - BS In Economics & Pollllcal Science ★ Lifelong member Farmington UMC •*r Lllelong Residenl of Davie County ★ Graduate ol Davie High School ★ UI' -K I,i X Г ★ U l l > -k H l .-Kl .t .t I ★ K l .-l 1,K( 1 ★ K K -l l .l ( 1 * -Ì3- |! V O T E F O R F R A N K M IT C H E L L N .C . H O U S E I’m voting for FRANK MITCHELL because he has always voted to help Davie and Iredell Counties. If all Republicans had voted for George Holmes, the state representative from Yadkin County, he would have been Speaker of the House, and would have been able to use the power of that office to help Davie and Iredell Counties. For this reason, I am supporting and working for f r a n k M IT C H E L L This Ad courtesy of Gilbert Boger, form er State Representative and Senator from Davie County. Paid ior by Frank Mitchell for N. C. House Committee REPUBUCAJVS “SOLD OUT’ Here Are The FACTS: The House was tied 60 Democrats to 60 Republicans when Five Republicans, including Julia Howard, voted for Richard Morgan as Co-Speaker. Then what happened to the Republican Party in the General Assembly? Richard Morgan and ■Tulia Howard gave In to Democrat Speaker Jim Black. Republicans and Democrats were supposed to share power. What really happened: Democrats got 98 committee leadership posts. Republicans got 54. Democrats got sole chairmanships of powerful Rules and three important Judiciary Committees. Julia Howard’s vote to sell out the Republican Party in Raleigh really did hurt the GOP. It really hurt the conservative cause. Paid for by Fmnk M itchell Гог N.C. I louse Com m ittee 6 • DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 8, 2004I\iblic Records L a n d T r a n s f e r s The following land iransfcrs were filed with the Davie Reg­ ister of Deeds, listed by parties involved, acrcage, township and deed stamps purchased, with $2 representing $1,000. - Nathan E. Smith and Peggy A. Smith to Mark A. Dellinger, 1.21 acres, Farmington, $66. - Cooleemee DO to RAE Properties, 1.56 acres, Jerusa­ lem, $1,310. - Helen Gram Jordan to June E. Freeman, 1 tract, Mocksville, $210. - Deutsche Band Trust Com­ pany Americas to Timothy E. Settle and Sandra B. Settle, 6 acres, Mocksville, $240. - Jerry A. Byrd and Debbie J. Byrd lo John Patrick Wilson and • Carrie Ann Wilson, 1 lot, Fann- Ington, $447. • Hillsdale United Methodist Church Board of Trustees to Michael 0 . Smitherman and Karen P. Smitherman, I lot, Farmington, $290. - Mike Hester Building to Robert W. Duggins and Jodi M, Duggins, I lot, $330. - John M ilton Pruitt and Debea M. Pruitt to Richard Dou­ glas Pruitt and Gloria R. Pruitt, ,82 acre, Mocksville. - Jumey Construction to Jerry A. Byrd and Debbie J. Byrd, I PU B U C N OTICE TNs Is to tnlofm anyone concemod ttiat ttw annual repoit ot tha Murray Foundation Is availabto for public Inspection al: 236 Spyglass Hill, Bonnuda Run, NC 27006. The atxivs annual repoit will be available tor 60 days (tom this dale. Ttie Mutray Foundation can only donate to sot (CI3 charitable organizations. Murray Foundation, 236 Spyglass Hill, Btmuda Run, NC 27006 lot, Farmington, $454. - Mary Islas to Norniii J. Kecsling, 1 condominium. , Farmington, $334. - Ned Boger nnd Shiriey B. Boger lo Johnny M. Boger and Renee Boger, 3.9 acres, Clarksville. - W. Ralph Pits and Mary M. Pills (half interest) to Richnrd R. pills and Patricia M. Pills, 26.95 acres, Clarksville. - Clyde Hendricks and Hcicn Hendricks, Raymond J. Markland and Ruth S. Markland to Rodney L. Bailey and Vicki Bailey, and Debbie S. Prnchel, lot, Mocksvillc, $32. - Brad D. Ellison to Craig S. John.son and Alicia P. Johnson. .53 acre, $50. - Virginia W. Nickels to Arthur E. Frogge nnd Belly Nickels Frogge, 1.37 ncres, Mocksville. - Moore Construction lo Wil­ liam F. Billenslein and Nancy M. Billenstcin, 1 lot, Mocksvillc, $212. - Gnry W. Groce and Linda W. Orocc, nnd Richnrd Earl Groce and Junniln H. Orocc to Tommy J. Koontz, 1 lol, Farm­ ington, $80. - Gary W. Groce nnd Linda W. Orocc, Richard Earl Groce and Juanita H. Orocc lo Jerry W. Kapp nnd Faye B. Kapp, 1 lol, Fanninglon, $70. - Gary W. Groce and Linda W. Groce, Richnrd Earl Groce and Junniln H. Groce to Billy L. Reinhardt and W inifred M. Reinhnrdt, I lol, Fnrmington, $80. - Cnnibridge Isenhour Homes lo Jnmes W. Islcy and Stephnnie L, Isley, 1 villa, Fnrmington, $85. - Sherrie L. Hicks and MichacI Hicks to Justin C. Baker and JncLyn Rene Bnmey, 1 lot, $180. - Jennctle O. Cornntzer lo Crnig Carter Builder, 1 lol, Shndy Grove, $68. - Westphnlin Construction to Dnvid Scheumnnn and Rebecca S, Scheumann, 1 lot, Farming­ ton, $1,031. - Campbell’s Quality Proper­ ties lo Richard L. Bishop, I lol. - Sleven A. Caywood and Frnnnie J. Caywood to David Leroy Nolting and Margaret Jean Nolting, 1 tract, Farming­ ton, $730. - Eagle Developing Co. to George T. Clark and Deborah W. Clark, trustees in trust, I lot, Farmington, $695. - Adams Egloff Avant Prop­ erties and Salem Development Venture to Mulvancy Homes, 1 lot, Famiington, $209. - Camilln B. Thompson and Roy Lee Thompson to Jerry E. Burgdofer and Bette H. Burgdofer, 2 tracts, Mocksville, $140. - First Citizens Bank & Trust to Frank Earnhardt, 1 lot, Jerusa­ lem, $40. - C.J. Ramey, attorney in fact for Onk Vnllcy Associntcs, Ridge Run Properties and Oak Valley Properties to Allen Wayne Build­ ers, 1 lol, Farmington, $159. - The Hillsdnle Group lo Adnms Egloff Avant Properties, 15.09 acres, Farmington, $ 1,268. - The Hillsdale Group to Kinderton Village Residential Homeowners Master Associa­ tion, 10.18 acres, Fanninglon. - Adams Egloff Avant Prop­ erties and Salem Development Venture to The Ryland Group, 23 lots, Farmington, $1,610. - Harold O. Koach nnd ¡^nry O. Koach to Bermudn Villnge Retirement Cenier, 1 condo­ minium, Fnrmington, $300. - Bermudn Villnge Retire­ ment Cenier to Harold 0. Koach and Mnry O. Konch, 1 condo­ minium, Fnrmington, $300, - Jnson I.V. and Greta L. Stansberry to Marion Keith and Nancy Elizabeth Callahan, 1 lol. Shady Grove, $380. - E. Kent and Sandra J. Walser to Andren W. nnd Todd M. Clnrk, 1,48 acres, Shady Orove. - Matthew Hubbnrd Con­ struction to Randy Scott Vanhoy, 1 lot, Mocksville, $210. - Marquis Building lo George Allen Brown and Patricia Ann Brown, 1 lot, Fnrmington, $429. - Robet L. Luffman and Julie H. Luffman to John Pittman Hooks Jr. and Catherine W. Hooks, 5 acres, Fnrmington, $584. - Crnig Carter, Builder to Shelton Construction, 1 lol, $69. - Shellon Construction Ser­ vices to Jnson I. Stansberry and Greta L. Stansberry, 1 lol, $84. - Kelly E. Motyckn, substitute trustee to the Bunk of the Caro- linns, 1 lol, $70. - Kenneth O. Brown and Linda F. Brown, Kelly 0. Brown and Chrisiina Brown, Betty B. Godwin and Charies Godwin, Jc.ssc J. Brown III nnd Oernldinc Brown, Bnrbarn A. Willinms nnd Roberi Willinms Jr., Jettie M. Lindsny and Hnrvey B. Lindsay, John T. Brown nnd Phyllis Brown to Jessie J. Brown III, 1 lot, Fullon. - Kenneth O. Brown nnd Lindn F. Brown. Kelly 0. Brown and Christina Brown, Betty B. Godwin and Charies Godwin, Jesse J. Brown III and Geraldine Brown, Barbara A. Williams and Robert Williams Jr., Jettie M. Lindsay and Haryey B. Lindsay, John T. Brown and Phyllis Brown lo Jellic M. Lindsay, 5.75 acres, Fulton. - Kenneth O. Brown and Linda F. Brown, Kelly 0. Brown and Christina Brown, Betty B ., Godwin nnd Charies Godwin, Jesse J. Brown III and Geraldine Brown, Bnrbnrn A. Willinins and Robert Williams Jr., Jettie M. Lindsay nnd Hnrvey B. Lindsny, John T. Brown and Phyllis Brown to Barbara A. Williams, 1 lot, Fulton. - Kenneth O. Brown aritl Lindn F. Brown, Kelly 0. Brown nnd Christina Brown, Betty B. Godwin and Charies Godwin, Jesse J. Brown III and Geraldine Brown, Bnrbnrn A. Willinms nnd Robert Williams Jr., Jetiic M.' Lindsay nnd Harvey B. Lindsay, John T. Brown and Phyllis Brown lo Kenneth D. Brown and Linda F. Brown, I lot, Fulton. - Kenneth O. Brown and Linda F. Brown, Kelly G. Brown and Christina Brown, Betty B. Godwin and Charles Godwin, Jesse J. Brown III nnd Geraldine Brown, Barbara A. Williams and Robert Williams Jr., Jettie M. Lindsay nnd Harvey B. Lindsay, John T. Brown and Phyllis Brown to Betty B. Godwin, 1 lot, Fulton. - Kenneth O. Brown and Linda F. Brown, Kelly 0 . Brown and Christina Brown, Betty B. Godwin and Charies Godwin, Jesse J. Brown III nnd Geraldine Brown, Barbara A. Williams and Robert Willinms Jr., Jettie M. Lindsay and Harvey B. Lindsay, John T. Brown and Phyllis Brown lo Kelly 0. Brown and Christina Brown, 1 lol, Fullon. - Kenneth O. Brown and Linda F. Brown, Kelly 0, Brown 'and Christina Brown, Betty B. Godwin and Charies Godwin, Jesse J. Brown III and Geraldine Brown, Bnrbnrn A. Willinms and Robert Williams Jr., Jettie M. Lindsay and Harvey B. Lindsay, John T. Brown nnd Phyllis Brown to John T. Brown, 1 lot, Fulton. - Colonial Estates to Fredrick E. Smith nnd Dcwilla D. Smith, 1 lot, Mocksville, $50. F i r e s Davie fire departments re­ sponded 10 Ihe following calls; .lune 28: Couniy Line, 2:27 p.m., Harding Lane, assist Iredell County; Shefficld-Calahaln; Couniy Line, 10 p.m., Bethel Road, fire alarm. June 29: Smilh Orove, 3:28 p.m.. Fair Oaks Drive, assist Clemmons; Mocksville, 8:01 p.m., Howard Street, lire alarm;. Jerusalem assisted; Advance, 8:07 p.m., Fnntnsia Lane, smoke inve.stigntion. June 30: Advnnce, 12:52 p.m.. Country Circle, chimney fire; Smith Grove nssisted; Jerusnlem, 9:39p.m„ Pine Ridge Rond, transfonncr fire. July 1: Fork, 7:48 a.m., N.C. 801 South, automobile accident; Jerusalem assisted; Advance, 1:29 p.m., N.C. 801 South, gas leak. IP= Action — N ot Promises S Re-Elect Ï kf tf Ï Кr 2 7 1 - A r r e s t s 3 “ Í l A / h i t e D a v i e C o u n t y C o m m i s s i o n e r I want to personally thank the citizens of Davie County for honoring me with the opportunity to serve these past four years. W hen I ran for office in 2000.1 wanted to make a difference in our community. I am proud of the accomplishments of the last four years. ■ Worked to save and reopen Davie County Hospital ■ Supported Education, worked to have a successful School Bond, increase Teacher Supplements • Presently working on the M ebane Challenge Grant to secure better Technology for our Schools ■ Helped develop increased Funding to Volunteer Fire Departm ents for much needed equipm ent ■ Worked to fund a third Ambulance Crew to shorten response time • Supported the paid daytime Fire Fighter program to help keep Insurance rates low • Worked to improve w ater and sew er infrastructure: - New W ater Tcink on 801 for improved pressure - Significant improvements to both watt»- plants - Repaired Cooleemee W aste W ater Plant with Grant money, no increase in taxes - Worked to create a new M aster W ater Plan to get better distribution ■ Helped recruit new industry, to create jobs and Increase our tax base to Keep Property Taxes low If I am honored again with your vote, there will be M o r e A C T I O N — N O T j u s t P R O M I S E S ! i * T h a n k y o u fo r y o u r V o te a n d S u p p o rt! ^ Paid for by Ken White iA The Dnvie County Sheriffs Department made the following arrests: - Robert Grey Ridings, 32, of Emerald Lnne, Mocksville wns arrested June 28 for failure to appenr. TrinI date; not listed. - Everett Lohr Anderson, 31. of 201 Ri(ilrond Street, Moek.s- ville wns nrresled June 29 for driving wilh license revoked, Trinl date: July 16. - Charies Russell Fletchcr Jr., 38. of Winston-Salem was ar­ rested J une 30 for obtaining |>rop- erty by false pretense. Trial date: July 8. - Coy Ray Loman, 48, of Lex­ ington was arrested June 30 for failure to appear. Trial dale: July 13. - Melissa S. Jcffcont, 35, of 168 Jerusalem Avenue, Mocks­ villc was arrested June 30 for injury to personal property. Trinl date; July 8. H i g h w a y P a t r o l The following traffic wrecks in Davie Couniy were listed by llie N.C. Highway Patrol. Wreck On U.S. 601 No charges were filed nfter nn accident in Davie on June 29. Roy Vestal Spry of 953 Dcndmon Road, Mocksville was driving his 1999 Dodge pick-up north on 601. An un­ known vehicle was traveling south on 601 nnd as il met Spry's truck a board became unsecured from Ihe unknown vehicle nnd collided wilh Spry's windshield. Trooper M.C. Howell re­ ported the nccideni occurred at npproximnicly 7:16 p.m. nnd there were no injuries. One Deer Hit In County One deer was reported hit by an auloniobile in Davie. In the following accident no injury to the driver wns reported: Ronnic Lane Miller of 298 Saint Matthews Road, Mocks­ villc was driving his 2001 Ford vehicle south on Davie Academy Road when a deer ran into the path of his vehicle nnd the two collided. Trooper M.C. Howell re­ ported the nccideni occurred at approximately 12:43 a.m. on July I. S h e r i f f s D e p a r t m e n t The following incidents were reported 10 llie Davie Couniy Sheriff's Departnienl. - On June 28 Kimberly Strickland reported windows were damaged ut a home on Cherry Hill Road, Mocksville. - Robert Dobbins reported harassing phone calls al a home on Jerusalem Avenue, Mocks­ ville on June 28. - On June 28 Amber Shoup reported seven chickens were allaekcd by dogs at a residence on Rainbow Road, Advance. - Ted Randolph reported weed eaters, hedge iriinniers, chnin saws, saddles, bridles, and leaf blowers were taken from a residence on Rainbow Rond. Advance on June 29. - On June 29 Jerry Bradley reported illcgnl dumping nt Lnke Myers Cnmpground. Mocks­ ville. - Stanley Gobble reported money wns tnken from a home off Cornatzer Road, Mocksvillc on June 30. - On June 30 an as.sault was reported at home on Jerusalem Avenue, Cooleemee, - Jenna Brittain reported a dog was tnken from n home on Fork Bixby Rond. Advnnce on June 30. M o c k s v i l l e P o l i c e The following incidenls were reported to the Mocksville Po­ lice Department. - The theft of n 1997 Ply­ mouth Voynger from Sunset Drive was reported June 28. ll wus found abandoned and burned in Stokes County. T Liner was thrown onto prop­ erly on Whitney Road, il was reported June 28. - The breaking, entering and larceny of snacks from a ma­ chine on Avgol Drive was re­ ported June 28. - The larceny of $20.02 worth of fuel from Fasl Track, Yadkinville Road, wns reported June 29. - A trespasser wns reported nt n residence on Northridge Court June 30. - The Inrceny of n 10-speed Schwinn blue nicer bicycle from a residence oil Grey Street was reported June 30, Traffic Accidcnt - Both drivers were citcd af­ ter a wreck on Valley Road at 9:26 a.m. July I. Kalhy Campbell Johnson, 48, of Harmony, drove a 1994 Toyota from a private drive, causing it to hit a 1997 Ford pickup truck being driven on Valley Road by Michael Lynn Fausl, 36, of Cleveland. NC, re­ ported Officer Danny R. Chnn- dier. Johnson was cited for failure to yield right of wny, Faust for having an expired registration. W r1836 Davie Coimty Connection DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .iuly 8.2004 - 7 Medical Assistance is Closer Than You Think Davie County Hospital Ofiferings Grow There was a time when ui;gent or emergency medical care was difficult to find in Davic County. Although there were fully staffed ambulances, getting lo a hospital meant a trip to another county. Luckily, those days arc gone. “We’ve done a lot in the last two years,” says Lynne Doss, Hospital Administrator. ita the time since North Carolina Bnptist Hospital started managing Davie County Hospital, there have been many changes. The flrst was when tho hospital reopened its emergency department Later the facility gained the critical care hospital designation, providing Davie residents with inpatient services luid a combination emergency room/urgent care center, allowing the facility to be open 24-hours, with a physician there at all times in addition to the nursing staff. "If a person comes in between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. their insurance co­ pay is going to be for an urgent care viSit (typically le.ss expensive) instead of an emergency department visit,” says Doss. “The exceptions to tliat are if they are brought in by ambulance, or arc having a heart attack or some other major illness or trauma. Those are still considered emergency department visits bccause of the amount of care needed.” The hospital has expanded many of the services it oflers for non­ emergency treatments as well. For instance, there is an x-ray department that cnn provide regular x-ray services, as well as fluoroscopies, mammography, CT scans, and MRIs. The MRI service is one that is contracted, and is offered two days a week. All .services must be requested by a doctor. In addition, the hospital has a clinical lab for outpntient testing, as well as for any emergency department or inpatient tests that could be requested. There is a separate Gllab, open four days a week and capable of performing colonoscopies and gastroscopies. T\vo rehabilitation groups. Comp Rehab through Baptist Hospital and Brandon Rehab share rehabilitation space, offering services on alternating days. They are able to help in the rehnbililalion treatment of strains, surgical procedures, orthopedic injuries and back pain. Davie County Hospital also offers the .services people most likely think of when they think of hospital cnre. They have an inpatient unit with a total of 25 beds available, a mix of acute care (traditional hospital patients) and swing beds. Swing bed patients are typically older adults in transition from the acute care that brought them to the hospital in the first place to a nursing home. For those who need additional carc, but are not ready for a nursing home, the Hospital offers a Medicaid waivered (for those who qualify) Community Aitcmative Program tliat provides in- E m e r g e n c y M e d i c i n e S e r v i c e s : S a v i n g L i v e s E v e r y D a y Having an open ho.spital in Davic County is only one part of offering strong emergency mcdicine in the county. Tlie otiicr part is the Emergency Medical Services depiulmcnt that runs the paramedic level ambulances in Davie. “Paramedic level ambulances are tlie Ijighest level of ambulance care offered in North Carolina," says Jeny Myers, EMS public training officer. “We have two stations, one in Mocksville and the other in Hillsdale." Togedier, these two stations provide ambulance service to the entire county. Both are staffed 24-nouts a day, 365 days a year. There are two two-member ambulance teams at the Mocksville station and one in Hillsdale. In addition, there is one additional ambulance at each site, allowing off-duty personnel to be called in if a larger emergency situation necessitates it. "On average it takes about seven minutes to get to the farthest location in the county from one of the stations,” says Myers. "And we like to cut that down as much as possible." For someone dealing with an emergency, seven minutes probably seems like a lot. Enough to make someone decide to drive to the hospital or the ambulance stadon themselves rather tlian waiting. But Myers stresses the best thing people can do is call 911 and stay where they are, “)^ e n you make that call, we’re not die only people you’re calling,” he explains. “When someone calls for assistance, it puts a large chain of events in motion.” As soon as the 911 operator is told it is a medicnl emergency, the call is transferred to an emergency medical dispatcher at die call centcr who can give the person on the phone pre-arrival instructions. That’s not something you’ll get in your car by yourself. They will tell you what to do until trained personnel can get there. “They can walk you through anything from a simple cut to delivering babies. While tliat’s going on, die local volunteer fire department is also being called. We have twelve fire departments and one rcscue unit in die county. They can get to a site faster thim anyone bccause diey’re already in die neighborhood.” Each flrc'depiulment has trained first responders who can begin medical treatment while waiting for the ambulance to arrive, All of that goes on while die ambulance is on die way, “People think diey can beat the ambulance and get someone to die hospital before the ambulance could reach them. But what happens if die victim gets worse along the way? Or they’ll take them to tlie ambulance station, only to find out die ambulance in already out on a call. Now Uiey’rc further w ay from medicnl cnrc diim if they’d just called 911. When diey place die call, diey’ll get medical insuuctions right away diat could mean the dilTerence between life and deadi,” Myers has been thoroughly impressed with die dedication of the EMS staff over die years. “It is immen.se. Most of our staff also serves on either a volunteer fire department or die rescue .squad. Today we had two off- duty people come in to help with a rescue call bccause they were in die area and knew help was needed. It’s like diat every day.” D a v i e C o u n t y P u b l i c O f f i c i a l s County Board o( Commissioners Richatil Polmleslcr, Chniniwn Micliiiel Allen, Vicc Cliiiirmim Dun Durren . Bobby Knlshl Ken White Planning Board Jimmy Summers, Chuinmm Jolm Fuller, Vice Chaintiun Chris Anderson Randall Cave Daphne Frye Qcorse Pcleison Ed Vogler, Jr, Bob Carter (alicrnalc) Brenl Gobble (iillcmate) Board ol Adjustment Dun Smilh, Chnirman Michael Qrnnluim Jim Cin^sory Juek Jerome Bill JosephWuyne Webb (allemale) J.T. Smllh (allemale) Department HeadsТепу Bnilley, Adminislralion 751-5513 home cnre for die elderly and disabled. There is aiY operating room diat is used by an orthopedic group for surgeries, and by Dr. Bruce Bolling for general surgery. General surgery, cars nose and diront, urology and orthopedic clinics are also availab e at Davie County Ho.spital. The occupadonal heailh depiulmcnt has contracts widi over 100 local companies in Davie and the surrounding counties to meet employee hcaldi needs. From drug screenings, to ear and eyc exams, to workers compensation cases, diis depiulmcnt is able to meet most of die medical screening and training needs of local industries. The newest service Davie County Hospital offers is one of respiratory care, which started two months ago. Respiratory evaluations and blood gas monitoring can now be done by a respiratory therapist at die hospital, allowing Davic residents widi pneumonia orcongcstive heart failure to get Uieatments closer to home. All diese improvements have brought Davie County Hospital back to , life. When North Carolina Baptist Hospital first started managing the hospital, 450 urgent care visits were being treated a mondi. “Now die emergency room and urgent care facility are averaging over 950 visits a month,” Doss says. “On die.inpatient side we typically have 8 patients spending die night at any one time,” The increased lisage has been steady and across all die departments. Sdll, diere are some things diat can’t be treated at Davie County Hospital. “We can handle most condidons unless it’s complicated or needs a specialist, Wc don’t have im intensive cnre unit, and we’rc not prepared to handle complicated sui^eries such as tnmsplant or hciut surgeries. While we do have a transport ventilator, wc don’t have a ventilator for around the clock use. But wc can certainly handle routine illnesses like pneumonia, general surgeries, removal of breast masses, hernias, those sort of things." Doss poinLs to u long list of reasons Dnvie rcsidents should come to Davie County Hospital instead of traveling to surrounding counties for medicnl attention. The hospital is close to home widi convenient free )arking. “The staff is wonderful, your fimiily can visit you imd you don’t lavc to fight taiffic to get here. And die waidng dme hero is mucli less. Most of die dme you can just walk right into die emergency area and be seen.” With a typical wait of less dian 30 minutes, Davie County Hospital offers a wail dme much shorter dian die hours you can wait at a larger hospital, while still offering the same excellent carc. And dieir dedication isn’t limited to Davie County, Like most municipalities, Davic County hns mutual aid agreements with die surrounding counties and die state. TJiie^agn^eniciite i^lo.vy EfylS teams from odier areas to come help at a mas.«wacciderit ijf hntuiial disaster when requested. EMS offers public education programs to civic and church groups diroughout the county. Programs can cover a range of topics from disaster preparedness to swimming pool safety. For more information, pleiise contact EMS at 751-0879. B u d g e t O v e r v i e w Submitted for your consideration is the Fiscal Year 2004-2005 budget for Dnvie County. This budget is balanced at ,$57,710,917.1 would like to diank the commissioners for their many long hours of servicc to our stnff and citizens. Most citizens are unaware of the demands required to be a responsible elected public official. I personally thank you for all the time nnd effort you contribute to Davie County, Last foil our citizens approved an .$8.825 million school bortd and a dirce cent tax rale increase to retire that debt. However, this budget only requests a two cent tax rate increase to retire the $8,825 million dollar school twnd issue, due to cach department holding the line or cutting back to make this happen. Again this year tlie budget docs not include any State revenues which I believe are at risk. I continue to believe the hold harmless money should never again be budgeted as opcratingTcvenues. We must begin to build our undcsignated fund balance in our general fund, as noted by our bond rating company. A special thanks again to all our volunteers including the Planning Board, Board of Adjustments, E&R Boiyd, Volunteer Fire Departments, Rescue Squad, hospital, library, schools, senior center, recreation department, humnne society. Habitat for Humanity, Store House for Jesus project and many, many others. I would also sincerely diank the staff for another good year of public service to our citizens. The Highlights of this year’s budget are as follows: • ,02 cent tax increase rather than .03 cent which covers most of the debt service of the school bonds • A 2% wage increase for all full-time employees • Board consideration of n pay plan adjustment for employees • Maintaining water and .sewer rates at the same level for the 2nd year in a row • A 4% increase in .school funding • A 3% increase in inspection fees • Tiie appropriation of $47,000 from a reserve fund and an additional $3,000 to help with a volunteer group and die National Guard to help build a shelter for the Humane Society. • An additional .$25,000 to EMS to move to a larger chiussis size and 4x4 capability • The request for an assistant to the mnnager to handle human resource and other managerial responsibilities Sincerely, Terry Bralley County Manager 'h,'" r " ^ ^ u n t y £Goiinty website has answers to ’■yiosked.questions. Whether )Wi^hcn the'planning board p p t^ h o your state and federal sire;or,fii)d but the assessed, ipcrty In Davie County, is the place for you. for tho annual Library p&^nber 18-26, in the auditorium, find new hardcover books h&Rlcovers for $.50, and J^itnagazinefi for $.S0? The №^:9amM8;30pm Monday- im i-;5j30pm Friday; 9iuti - 3pm n ii 2*-, 5pm Sundoy. ' ' ' ■■ ■ ; 'iCdncerns .You have a'problem with yoiir ie bill ond you look, for a local because of lari^uoge' ; ; ¡tha Federal Communications ; > >; flndone at the bottom of the . ,.^.i7,It|s not the number for ’ b’^jtho nüm tó for die CQunty, ^'"iiflàtôly.^eçounty can’t help ^blè,l;iusinëss. For that, you need^ Itôùr Customer scrvice line on die 11; Ii8ílfi-683rl000. - •’ -,V àiW o/rte TtíW n^Ubé''^ ^ at 6pm at Davie High inJiwy to'íóñtó^ohtí^ JÜF.byenJo'ying 0 vast' * local - -‘--‘■^^W iiraii^and , ^ d laborío all * |ih(:oipe can benefit and áre available at Senior l|^ m ’any one of the many Setiior (¡§^№,Clúldren 'under 6 get ip *)oprae event, food tickets aré,50. jM iiœ d to purchase die ^ \ ^ ly ^ th y Sponsoréhips for dtjs ® II W(iii«blè. Contact Senioiiîv ' “ --'"íídétóilsat7íl-0611. ¿ ' ! .icès hii large box-type fans t , №ç,âdulls 60 years and older whose. sí^jthoiit air conditioning. One faç |dI(|í<Í9 É^Vü^itable now dirough < »Fans;i)íé made ttvoiláble ü.rouglî ai’ Medí bvDúke Power. ! ^ ins IfiMate pl'tbe iuly 20 elwtions, üie newly ilíboard niemters will take office ilàrlÿ scheduled school board .¿cupvass of die July 2OÜ1 ÿ » conducted TXiesday, July 29^ . ^Èlii tlw elections office, The | , ' hbfoti i^‘their respective party 7 ' , ¡|iíí5>;pn't|{e'Npyémber 2^ 2004 ■■ ijcc^Qn Ballot for election. ?i0 ’TOmaiy.will be held on T\iesday, 7lfiifcàlled,'rhe 14 polling locations ; ijm for voters to cast dieir ^ , vio'exçuse' absentee by mail, or one ffth^:dection office would be available. F o r m ore in form ation o n co u n ty se r v ic e s p le a se co n ta c t the ap p ro p riate office from the list a t the bottom of the p a ge . Greg Hoover, Coopcnilive fixlcn.sion Servicc 75l-62^>7 Ronnie RolK'rtson, Conimunicutious 751 •()]!% Ncnl SniillJ, Computer Service.s 751-7‘109 Wlllinin Wlialey, Pevclopineni Services 751-2791 Muftliu McQucen, DonKslic Violciwc hihI Rnpc Crisis Center 751-3450 Murgurcl Shew, elections ^ 751-2027 Dwi^ne^Smith, Emergency Meclieiil Services Jim sunken. Asst. County Mannger/Piniince 751-5256 Georuc Frye,.Fire MursiiHl 751 -to Barry Bass, Heailh Department 751*8700 Ruth Hoyle, Libniry 751-2023John Qalllmore, Plnnning 751-3340 Orent Shoaf, Register of Deeds 751-2513 Kim Shuskey» Senior CciUer 751-0611 Allen Whitaker, Sheriff 751-6238 Karen Smith, Social Services 75|.88tX) Mary Nell Richie, Tiix Adminlstnition 751-3416 Nomi Carltou, Veleruus Services 751-2010 Dnice Pnitt, Water Department 751-5Ш Kim Harris, Gnint Adminlstnition 751-6237 8 ■ DAVir, COI N ! V KNTKKI’UISK UKCOUI). •I'hiirsdny. .luly 8. 2<m4 Administrative Court DAVIE COUNTY EN I'ERPRISK RECORD, riiursclay, July «, 2004 - Í) There were plenty o,f tractors at the Masonic Picnic Grounds Friday and Saturday for the Piedmont Antique Power Association's annual Fourth of July show and parade. Brandon Armsworthy, 7. drives the tractor made by Ken­ neth Greene from an old air compressor molor. Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Smilh enjoy the day. J # REAL ESTATE W EEKLY :5îï>By Debbie Prachel Pfomler CflroUnn ProporUca M(iusiiit> In Still A C ìrcat Iiivi-slm viU A rocenl sludy conducted by Iho lloinoownefship Alli.nnco ptedicis lhal tho U.S re.il eslíilü matkel v/ill remain sirong over Iho noxi len yoais. Thai s good nows loi tiomoowners wlio aio conceined ovei llie rising costs ol socuring a morlgago loan. The roporl stales lhal Iho major Inclor allecling Iho stability ol Iho housing marKot is Iho dynamic lolalionsliip belwoon tho supply ol homes and Iho growlh ol our populalion. Tho children ol baby-boomors are nov; having children, and a steady stream ol immlgranls aro entering Ihe counlry wilh dreams, ol home ownership motwating lliom lo buy piopeity. Based on Ihose laclors. Industry enporls are predicling lhal Ihe rale ol homeownorship will increase lo 72 percent Irom ils current ralo ol 68 percent, and that homo sales will sliiy very doso lo Iho cmieni level ol 2 million unils per year They are also proposing ihal property values and therefore home pricos will increase al a rale ol aboul 5 pereenl por year lor Ihe noxI len years. Even it mortgage interest tales conlinuo to rise, tho demand lor housing Irom a growing populalion should keep prices compelilive and home sales dynamic Debbio Priichol bogan soiling roal asíalo lo Davio Counly Immoownois in 1991 and has boon a top producer sinco 1993 Sim lounüotí Pomnplon .S Company RoaUy and is now Owner,'Pailnor of Piomioi Caiohna Proportios. As a lilelong residoni ol Davio Counly, Debbio brings her intini,-ih> knowlodgo ol Ihc area and hor conmtilrnanl to llw bost quality service lo c uol all hoi clients' roal estate noods.For prolessional advice on all aspocis ol buying and ioliing roal ostato, you can roach Dobblo al Premier Carolina Proparties. 33S-908-7777 or 336-909- IÍ8-I, or visit hor wobsite al mvwpcpnc.com. Smith Grove United Methodist Church meinbers Peggy Armsworthy, Gwyn Smith, Bill Hendrix and Louise Wilson help keep the crowd fed.■ Photos by Robin Fergusson Mark Hancock brought tills 1953 Wd-45 Allis Chalmers bought by his grandfather, the late Roy Nolley, in 1958. Jeffrey Cornatzer and Jimmy Nail sell t-shirts and caps for the group. Homemade engines and antique tractors filled the grounds before Saturday was over. ”"TOM FIEVDNG C O M M IS S IO N E R I'illt! Ii>r l>) ’UmUli'HiliiK, iimiHOitte ___________ \ %Elect Linda H. Barnette For B o a rd o f S ducatioiion (July so <<£xperience Counts’’ Tlte followinj» eases were di.s- posed of in Davie Administrative Court May 21. Pre.siding: Mag­ istrate Ellen E. Dreeli.sler. Pros­ ecuting; Kevin Beale, a.ssistant DA.- Candice J. Slirout, driving/ allowing vehicle not registered/ titled, no liability insurunce, dis­ missed per correction. - Victoria M. Skeens, speed­ ing 86 in a 70, reduced to itn- proper equipment, $50, cost. - Bryson C. Smith, failure to wear drivers seat belt, $25, cost. - Stephanie J. Snider, .speed­ ing 87 in a 70, reduccd to im­ proper equipment, $50. cost. - Mullee A. Southard,, speed­ ing 80 in 11 70, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Ricky L. Spillman, speeding 50 in a 35, reduced to Improper equipment, $25, cost. - Jeffrey M. Spry, expired reg­ istration card/tag, fictitiou.s/con- cealed/revoked registration card/ tag, dismissed per correction. - Carolyn M. Tatum, expired registration card/tag, dismissed per correction. -TonyaO.Tatum, no liability insurance, dismissed per correc­ tion. - Aaron R. Tclkc, failure to wear driver seiu belt, $25, cost; expired registration card/tag, dis­ missed per correction. - Rcbecca G. Thomas, no li­ ability insurance, fictitious/con- ccaled/revoked registration card/ tag, dlsini.sssed per correction. - Matthew M. Vaughn, speed­ ing 74 in a 55, rcduced to Im­ proper equipment, $75, cost. - Latisla R. Velazquez, speed­ ing 70 in a 55, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Chi S. Vong, speeding 84 in a 70, reduced to Improper equip­ ment, $25, co.st. - Deborah L. Warden, no op­ erators license, no liability Insur­ ance, expired registration card/ tag, pojisession/display of regis­ tration plate to, dismissed per correction. - James A. Webster, speeding ■ 86 in a 70, reduced to Improper equipment, $50, cost, - Terri M, Whitaker, failure to wear drivers seot belt, $25, cost; possession/display of altered/fic- tltiou.s/revoked drivers llcen.se, dismissed per correction. - Richard LWhltttington, un­ safe movement, dismis.sed per civil .settlement. - Ashley J. Wiggins, speeding 82 in a 70, reduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Barbara S. Williams, speed­ ing 50 In a 35, reduced to Im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Olenda W. Wlllls, failure to stop for stopsign/flashing red light, reduced lo Improper etjuip- ment, $25, cost. - Philip S. Wymer, speeding 84 in a 70, reduccd to 74 in a 70, cost. - Michael S. York, fictitiou.s/ improper inspection sticker, cost. - Jose A. Zavala, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Joseph S. Zielinski, speed- ' ing 68 in a 55, reduccd to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Herbert B. Abendroth, speeding 79 in a 55, reduced to 64 in a 55, $10, cost: license/per­ mit seating violation under 18, dismissed per pica. - Kenneth Abrams, failure to stop for stopsign/flashing red light, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - Billy J. Berry, speeding 83 in a 70, reduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Jguadalupe Z. Bias, speed­ ing 72 in a 55, reduccd to im­ proper equipment, $50, cost: un­ safe passing on a yellow line, di!>- misscd per plea, - David C. Bobonski, speed­ ing 84 In a 70, reduced to iiiA- proper equipment, $25, cost. - Daniel L. Boone, exceeding safe speed, dismissed. - Rickey H. Brannock, speed­ ing 70 In a 55, reduccd to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Thomas D. Brickley, speed­ ing 68 in a 55, reduccd to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. -Tammy A. Brown, unsafe movement, dismissed per civil settlement. - Robert J. Burcham, speed­ ing 85 in a 70, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Kevin G. Burchettc, speed­ ing 80 in a 55, reduced to ex­ ceeding safe speed, $25, cost. - Bobby L. Carroll Jr. .speed­ ing 85 in a 70, reduced to Im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Christopher M. Caruso, speeding 70 in a 55, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Randy C. Casey, speeding 82 in u 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cos!, - Debbie R. Charies, speeding 70 in a 55, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Joshua L. Collins, .speeding 86 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $50, cost. - Duvid O. Crews, explred/no inspection sticker, dismissed per correction; failure to reduce speed, dismissed per civil settle­ ment. - Lauren F. Curry, speeding 70 in a 55, reduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Carl M. Davis, .speeding 76 in a 55, reduced to improper equipment, $100, cost; e.xpired/ no inspection sticker, dismissed per plea. - Hugh H. Dixon, speeding 67 in a 55, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, - Erika K, Downing, speeding 68 in a 55, reduced to improper equipment, $2.‘i, cost. - Ricky B, Eckles, speeding 80 In a 70, rcduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Mighuel A. Esparza, .speed­ ing 80 in a 70, reduccd to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Avery B. Parley, reckless driving to endanger, dismissed per civil settlement. - Jo.se Garcia, speeding 70 in a 55, rcduced to improper cqtiip- inent, $25, cost. - Christopher Generette, speeding 87 in a 70, reduccd to improper equipment, $50, cost. - Cheryl C. Gilbert, speeding 82 in a 70, rcduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Nicholas D. Godwin, speed­ ing 89 in a 70, rcduced to Itn- proper equipment, $100, cost. - William D. Goudey, speed­ ing 85 in a 70, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Mark G. Hennessey, speed­ ing 70 in a 55, reduccd to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Pedro C. Hernandez, speed­ ing 87 in a 70, reduced lo 74 in a 70, $5, co,st. - Andrew C. Hess, speeding 90 in a 70, reduced to 74 in a 70, cost. - Ortwin Hinz, speeding 59 in a 40, reduced to improper equip­ menl, .$75, cost. - Barbara C. Houston, exceed­ ing safe speed, dismissed per civil settlement. - James R. Hudson, speeding 68 in a 55, reduccd to itnproper equipment, $25, cost, - Gregg E. Ireland, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced to Improper equipmenl, $25, cost. - Paul A. John, speeding 88 in a 70, rcduccd to improper equip­ ment, $100, co.st, -Willie L. Johnson Jr., speed­ ing 87 in a 70, reduced lo im­ proper ci|uipmenl, $50, cost. - Ja.son A. Jordan, failure lo reducc speed, dismissed per civil settlement, - Charles 0. Korbach, speed­ ing 80 in a 70, rcduced to im­ proper ei|uipment, $25, cost. - Alfredo E. Lugos, speeding 51 in a 35, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost; cxpircd^o inspection slicker, dismissed per corrcclion. - Ty wana D. Liunpkln, speed­ ing 85 in a 70, rcduccd to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost, - Bruce E. Lanlchnc, speed­ ing 80 in a 70, reduced lo im-* proper equipment, $25, cost, - Erin j, Lenalliin, speeding 87 lu tt 70, reduced to improper equipmenl, $75, cost, - Crystal N. Lentz, speeding 68 in a 55, rcilticed to improper equipment, $25, cost; no opera­ tors license, dismissed per cor­ rection. - Zachary J. Levine, speeding 51 in a 35, reduced lo improper equipment, $25, cost; no opera­ tors license, dismissed per cor­ rection. - Patricia K. Martin, speeding 61 in a 45, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, - Phillip .M. Mashore, speed­ ing 61 in a 45, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $75, cost; speeding 49 in a 35, dismi.s.sed per plea. - Alexandra M. Milner, .speed­ ing 80 in a 70, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. S p e c ia l o f th e W e e k It’s Here! Bring Your Film and Save Money! I l l S to r e P h o to P r o c e s s in g • Digital Prints • Enlargements For (>roa( iiilorimUioii (tn (lru(*s & lieaKli prolilcMii.s, «o (ti Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 Foster D ru g Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 w w w .f'o.stcidriiK co.com - Melvin D. Mock, speeding 70 in a 65, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost; expired registration card/tag, dismissed per plea. - Kenneth D, Nicft, speeding 60 in a 45, reduccd lo improper equipment, $25, co.st. • Cesar A. Palma, speeding 85 in a 70, rcduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Debbie S. Phillips, speeding 85 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Michael A. Picard, speeding 60 in a 45, rcduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Randy D. Readling, speed­ ing 60 in a 45, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $25, co.st; fail­ ure lo wear drivers .seat belt, dis­ missed per plea. - Suzanne Renfroe-Ait, speed­ ing 84 in u 70, reduccd to im­ proper eqitipmenl, $25, cost. - Benjamin B. Saylor, speed­ ing 91 in a 70, reduced to 74 in a 70, cost. - Shaun 0 . Sherrill, no opera­ tors licen.se, dismissed per cor­ rection. - David A. Simpson, speeding 85 in a 70, reduced lo improper equipment, $25, cost. -Cody R.Slater,.speeding86 in a 70, rcduced to improper equipmenl, $50, cost; failure to notify DMV of address change, distnissed per plea. - Jimmy L. Smith, speeding 82 in a 70, reduccd to improper equipmenl, $25, cost. - Patrick L. Spillman, speed­ ing 70 in a 55, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Mark L. Spriggs, .speeding 70 in a 55, reduccd to improper equipntenl, .$25, co.st. - Riley R. Swanson III, speed­ ing 92 in a 70, reduccd to exceed­ ing safe speed, $25, cost. - Jacob S. Tuttle, speeding 67 in a 45, reduccd lo improper equipment, $25, eosl. - Annette S. Wallers, speed­ ing 70 in a 55, reduced to im­ proper equipment-, $25, cosr, ex­ pired/no inspection sticker, dis­ tnissed per correction. - George C. Walls 11, speed­ ing 86 in a 70, reduccd to im­ proper equipment, $50, cost. - Del E. Welch, speeding 84 in a 70, rcduced to improper equipment, $25, cost; following too clo.scly, dismis.sed per civil settlement. - Heather L. Wright, .speeding 71 in a .55, rcduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. ,Junc 4 The following cases were dis­ posed of in Duvie Administrative Court June 4. Presiding: Magis­ trate Robert W. Cook. Pro.secut- ing; Kevin Beale, assistant DA, - Mark L. Absher, speeding 69 in a 55, reduced to improper e(|uipment, $25, cost. - Allen T Anthony, speeding 68 in a 55, reduced to improper equipment, .$25, cost. - Donald K. Ayers, exceeding safe speed, dismissed per civil settlement. - Helen B. Bailey, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced lo improper equipment, $25. cost. - William A. Bowles, failure to stop for steady stop sign/red light, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - Lonnie P. Bracken, failure to yield to stopsign/flashing red light, dismi.s.sed per civil .settle­ ment. - Newman D. Burton, speed­ ing 50 in a 35, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Sherry J. Campbell, speed­ ing 62 in a 45, reduccd lo im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Karina Carper, license nol in possession, dismissed per correc­ tion. - Althea V. Carson, possession of open container/consuming al­ cohol in passenger area, $10, cost, - Rex A, Carswell, expired/no inspection slicker, dismissed per corrcclion; no niotorcycle en­ dorsement, dismissed per correc­ tion, - Eric P. Davenport, unsafe movement, dismi.s.sed. - Sandra B. Davis, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Valerie M. Dinkins, speed­ ing 87 in a 70, rcdticetl to im­ proper equipment, $75, cost, - Christopher A. Ends, speed­ ing 70 in a 55, reduced to 60 in a 55, $5, cost; fuilurc lo wear driv­ ers seal belt, dismissed per cor­ rection. - Bradley C. Engle, speeding 70 in a 55, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Dennis I.. Fine, fictitiou.s/ concealed/revoked registration curd/tag, operating a vehicic with no insurance, dismissed per cor­ rection. - Cccilia M. Foslcr, ficlilious/ concealed/revoked regisiration card/tag, dismissed per correc­ tion. - Steven W. Fulp, speeding 85 in a 70, reduced to Improper equipment, $25. - Justin B. Gholson, failure to stop for steady red light, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Lisa C. Goins, speeding 69 in a 55, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. .- Jennifer L. Grant, speeding 83 in a 70, rcduced to 74 in a 70, $5, cost. - Alphiieus Green Jr., exceed­ ing safe speed, dismis.sed per civil .settlement. - Kathy C. Hamilton, unsafe movement, dismissed per civil settlement. - Randall S. Harris, speeding 52 in a 35, reduced to improper equipment, $100, cost. - David H. Hickman, speed­ ing 68 in a 55, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Jcssica Houston, failure lo wear drivers .seat belt, $25, cost; license not in possession, dis­ mis.sed pereorreetion: failure to •secure passenger under 16, dis­ missed per plea. - Tyler J. Hudson, exceeding safe speed, dismissed per civil settlement. - Kristine M. Karlek, no op­ erators license, dismissed per pica; failure lo yield lo stopsign/ flashing red light, rcduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Je.ssica B. Kooniz. failure to reducc speed, dismi.s.sed pcrcivil settlement. - Amy E. Krissuk, exceeding safe speed, dismi.s.sed per civil settlement. - Danu N. Lane, speeding 80 in a 70, reduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Scott T. Meade, improper passing, reduccd to Improper equipment, $25, cost. - Rigoberto V. Mendez, speeding 86 in a 70, rcduced Ip improper equipment, .$25, cost, - Michael S. MIethe, speeding 84 in a 70, reduccd to 74 in a 70, $5, cost, - Shanna A. Morehead, speed­ ing 88 in a 70, rcduced lo 74 in a 70, $5, cost. - Sonya N, Mosley, speeding 84 in'll 70, reduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Robert G. Poole Jr., speed­ ing 80 in a 70, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Amanda L. Ramey, ficti- tiou.s/eoncealed/revokcd regis­ tration card/tag, dismissed per correction. - Sean R. Rankin, expired reg­ istration card/tag, dismissed per corteclion; failure lo reducc speed, di.smissed per civil settle­ ment. - Donnie E. Reavis, speeding 69 in a 55, rcduccd to improper eiiuipinent, $25, cost; failure to wear drivers scut belt, dismissed. -Alma M. Reed, failure to .se­ cure passenger under 16, $25, cost; operaling a vehicle wilh no insurance, failure lo apply for new Ulle, dismissed per correc­ tion. - April R. Rhinehardt, unsafe tires, dismissed per correclion. - Christie M. Roberlson, fail­ ure to reducc speed, dismissed pcrcivil sctllemeni; no operators license and expired/no inspection slicker, dismissed per correction. - Rhondu S. Robinson, speed­ ing 80 in a 70, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Carla E. Rothen, speeding 89 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $5, cost; failure lo wear driver,s .scat bell, dismi.ssed. - Brenda L, Rudzinski, ex­ ceeding safe .speed, dismissed per civil .settlement. - Juan D. Sanchez, fishing withoul a license, $25, cost. - Andre L. Sliuler, speeding 80 in a 70, rcduccd lo improper equipment, $25, cost. - Irene T. Simon, failure to wear drivers .seat bell, $25, cost; expired registration card/tag, dis­ missed. China Hutch - Table & 6 Chairs B oth O N L Y by Jafivn '1 ,4 8 9 ” Leg Table with Butterfly Leaf Double Taper Sidechair with 9 dowcl.s 40”H Hutch with 2 doofs 55x17x45 BulTet with 3 dfawers and 2 doors 54x18x34 Mocksville Furniture & Appliance 751-581X D o w n t o w n M o c k s v i l l e , s i . s s „ ' w w w . i n o G k s v i 1 1 e S u r m t u r e . c o i n ^ »til 10-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 8,2004 J t i l i a k n o w s t h e C h r is t u m v a lu e s u p o n w h ic h o u r n a t i o n w a s j o M n d e d m o f o u r s u c c e s s , S e r v in g ^ a s o u r I ^ m l k a n y o k ^ i ^ R a le i^ J o r ^ e p i 0 ^ G y ^ S y J u lm h a s b e e n s te o 4y i ^ ^ h e r d ^ e n s e jo f o u r ^ a r 0 v a lu e s o f a n d ja m ■ ; 1 • E ffis c p iv e L e a d e r J u lia h a s e a r n e ! d : lh e ! r ^ iU ^ ^ ^ a m o n g h e r c o U e a 0 e s e ^ c t w e k a d ^ t i i i i l i i ^ ^ t o g e t t h e jo b d o m . F r o m c u t t in g t a x ^ , a r i d m a k in g d r a m a t ic r e f o r m s in w d ja w y t o i m p r o v in g o u r s c h o o ls , J t d ia H o w a r d is o n t h e jo b a n d g e t t in g t h e 7 'e s u lts w e e x p e c t, rship We Need, Sports DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 8,2004 - Bl Close, But No Cigar Rowan Spoils Shot At Title By Brian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Rccord After winning seven strniglil games, (lie lightning left Ihe Mocksville Legion baseball team’s bottle in the final gnme of the regular season. With a win over visiting Rowan County Monday at Rich Park, Mocks­ ville would tie Kannapolis for first in the Southern Division and take the No. 1 seed into (he playoffs thanks to a two- game sweep over Kannapolis. A lo.se would drop Mocksville into a second- place tie wilh Rowan and give Rowati the two seed - and Mocksville the three - because of Rowan’s two-game sweep ovor Mocksvillc. Mocksville hnd one fool in fir.st place, only to be rudely evicted by un opponent that’s been a roadblock for mnny, mnny yenrs. Rownn romped 14- 4 in seven inning.s, giving Rowan 34 wins in the last 37 meetings with Mocks­ ville. While Mocksville conceded disap- poinlmeni wilh Ihe flameout, plnyers declared the regulnr senson a big suc­ cess. They were one step from the first SD championship since 1993. “We’re a little dejected, bul nobody should have their heads down,’’ catcher Wesley Dougins said. "A new season starts tomorrow." “(Second place is) still something lo be real proud of," first baseman Jess Maloney said. “Just because they beat us today, il’ll be alright. It’ll (tick) us off and get us rendy for tomorrow night." Concli Mike Loveince would hnve loved to give the ball to ace Dan Poindexter (5-1, 2.90), but he couldn’t ■ with the playoffs stnrting the next day. '■Rowan; likewise, had lo keep the big picture in perspective, using fourpileh-,; - ers. ' , ' ' ' ' “This was the most important one in the regular season, but it doesn’t end our season," he suid. “I’d rather lose this one lhan lose tomorrow lo end our streak. We could have gone with Dan and snid: ‘Hey, we’re going to try lo win a divi­ sion chnmpion.ship.' But the division championship’s not the most important thing. “The guys were really focussed on winning the division for the first time in 11 yenrs. Thnl.’s something they’ve been preaching for the last seven, eight days. They put themselves in position to do it, so this is n lough one. Bul we’ll be ready for the plnyoffs.” The autopsy bf Mock.4vilie’s firsl loss since June 24 begins and possibly ends in the firsl two innings. Two errors in the top of the firsl undermined starling pitcher Dusty Snow nnd spoiled Rownn n 4-0 lend. Mock.sville finished wilh four errors as Rowan scored five unenrned runs off Snow in five innings. PIcnsc See Kownh - Piigc B6 V o t e J u l y 2 0 t h t o R e - e le c t J u U a H o w a r d t o N C H o u s e D i s t r i c t 7 9 Eiu ly V o tin g is p o ssib le at th e D a v ie C o u n ty B o a id o f E lectio n s o ffice stiirtin g JU L Y 1st Jess Maloney ended the regular season with eight homers and a .357 average. Poindexter A dd s To Storybook Season By liriiin I'itts Diwic County Enterprise Rccord One of Ihe reasons Dnn Poindexter mighl be Ihe mosl vnluabic player in llie nine-leam Soulhcrn Division wns on vivid displny Fridny nl Rich Pnrk. On July 1 Poindexier ran his pilch- ing record to 5-1 by beating first-place Kanmipolis for the second time in five days. You nliiyays wonder whut Poindexier might do nexl in a storybook '.sdaSpii', iiiid Ihe nexl day his booming ,tal ..6)irricd IhejSlrcnking Mocksvillc Legion bnsebnll-leam to n 14-7 victory over visiting Concord. He homered twice, drove in six runs, lifled his avernge to .402 and powered Mocksville 10 its .seventh straight win, which kepi it n half-gai;ie behind Kan­ napolis with one regulnr-.sea.son game left. It wns also redemption for I’oindexler, who suffered an unciiarac- terislic defensive game (Ihree errors) in n 9-7 loss nl Concord on Jime II, “He’s jusl been unrenl. If he hasn’t done il on Ihe mound, he’s ilone il for ns at the plale,” Coach Mike Loveince said. "He picked us up in Ihe firsl in­ ning after they wenl up 2-0, nnd Ihen he pul the nail in llie colTin in llie seventh. It’s been ihal wuy ull year.” Concord jiunped ahead 2-0 in the lop of the firsl, liut Poindexter answered in the boltom half, slamming a. iwo-run homer over the light pole in left. Wilh Mocksvillc up 10-7 and two runners on in Ihe sevenlh, he rode a iwo-slrikc pilch over the wall in riglit-cenler. Plea.se Sec Offense - Pune B7 ' Photos by James Barringer Wesley Douglas jumps In celebration after Jess Maloney (19) hit a grand slam in a win over S. Rowan.- S u p e r-R a re Poindexter's Numbers Put Him Among Greats By Brhin PItls Dnvie Counly Enterprise Record ' Mike Loveluce has been urouml Ihe Mocksville American Legion basehull program long enough - 13 of 23 yenrs ns a player or coach - to rank ihe most .special pilch- ihg-im('/-hilling lal- ems in Mocksville annals. He remembers Chad Triplette and Michael McDaniel as leammnles when Ihey estnblished Ihe model for pitching/ lulling henvyweighls in 1989 and 1990. He missed oul on Marcus King’s do-il- ull mastery in 1993, hul he hus witnessed Poindexter a fair chuck of the mosl unique sinrs ever. The 2004 team’s ringlender is named Dan Poindexter, nnd he has been nolli- ing shorl of a pilehing/hiiiing savior during a seven-game winning slreuk Ihul put Mocksvillc one win of lying Kan­ napolis for the Southern Division’s regu- lar-senson chnmpionsliip and n No. I •seed in tlie Aren III plnyoffs (virtue ofn two-gnme sweep of Knnnapolis). When breaking down Ihe grentest hillers/pitchers of all lime, we’ll drnw the line nl .3S0 butting uveruge and five viclories. Only three plnyers have pulled off Ihal glillering feal since 1989; and based on l^ilndexler’s current pace, he’s 'earned himself a place among the leg­ ends, Lei’s rewind lo 1989, Thai’s when McDaniel wenl .“i-l in .‘i9 2/3 innings, slruck oul 76 nnd hit .4 l.'i wilh five liome runs and 43 RBIs for n lenm Ihni wenl . 3.7-L‘i for first in Ihe SD, Aren III nnd Western Stnte nnd second in Ihe entire slate. Triplette didn’l meet the .350/fivc- wins crileria thut year, bul he deserves mention becuuse he went 7-2 wilh a 2.69 ERA nnd hnd 12 homers and 45 RBIs while hitting ..329. Triplette matched McDaniel’s 1989 standards in 1990, cranking out l4hom- ers nnd 40 RBIs wilh n .423 average and going 5-2 wilh 53 Ks, 14 walks nnd a 3.50 ERA as Mocksville finished 23-13. King put on a show in 1993, the last year Mocksville captured llie SD crown, going 6-0 wilh n 3.04 ERA nnd hilling .355 in 110 nt-bals to leud n 28-10 sea- Plense See Poindexter’s - Piige B7 C o m in g H o m e : W a r E a g le F a n s M o v in g B a c k While Davic High football plnyers , and coaches build dreams and schemes ^ for the much-unlicipuled 2004 scuson, I new blenchers are al.so being built. By next month the teum’s home side Iwill hnve reiume<l to the “home” side. The home nnd visitor sides fiip- Iflopped, wilh Duvie funs silting on the [far end, when a new press box wenl up . the eurly 1990s. The visitors side, vhich is now liie home side like il wus from 1956 through the 1980s, of the siu- (lium becnme u conslruclion siie in lute durch, demolishing slnnds ihnt held pughly 1,200 people. The new bleuchers will hold about ^100 people, and the goal for comple- I is the first week of August. If liie oject doesn't become reality by tiie ¡ird week of August, Duvie will not be piling. For ils firsl three gnmcs, stnrl- ' Aug. 20, ure nt home. I"An far as I know, it’s right on sched- ’ Coach Doug Illing .suid. "You’re ¡cing ubout 4,000 people having seats , 3,100). Thai’s going lo be a greut iition lo our program because fooi- ‘‘A lot of the oW hats di(dn’t like walking acjross the track to the home si(je, and they still sat on the visitors side. It doesn’t matter to us, but for our fans it’s going to be more convenient. We’ll truly have a Davie County side.” -War Eagle Coach Doug Illing bull is getting exciting nround here and now they can sit down und watch it. They don’t huve to worry about gelling there eurly lo find u seal or stand up. It’s going 10 be exciting lo see ihe stands full. “A lot of the old huts in Davie Counly didn't like walking across the track to the home side, and they still .snt on the visitors side. As u leum it doesn’t mat­ ter 10 us, bul for (,'ur fans it’s going to be more convenient. We’ll truly have a Davie Counly side.” Tlie athletic progrnm's next project is n fieldhoiise. Illing hopes it’s up und ready by the full of 2()05. Several teams, not jusl Ibotbull, would benefit froni the fieldliouse. College Ueerulls Ted Randolph’s list of suitors began in March, uiul he's allrncliug an ever­ growing number of college-foolball of­ fers. As of three weeks ago, the tight end had scholarship offers from C|Cmson, South Carolina, North Carolina, Duke, East Carolina, Stanford and Wake For­ est. The mosl intriguing is Stanford. ‘'That's pretty amazing wilh Stanford on the West Coast and tlie ncademics liiey have," Illing suid. “That shows you the sinlure he’s in nationally. He’s one of the top in Ihe nation. “(A Stunford couch) flew in in Muy spccillcnily to'sce Ted - fiew 3,000 miles lo .see one pnrlicular individual, and just came by to visit me nnd lo see Ted lift weights. It wns n unii|ue experience." Randolph’s foremost choices remain Ohio Suite, which husn’i offered, und Wilke. When he wenl lo Ohio Suue’s cnmp n couple weeks ugo, he wns on n mission. “I’m going to gel their nllention," he snid before leuving. “Even if Ohio Stnte works out, it would be a hard choice between them and Wake. Becuuse.Wake hus a bunch of stuff Ihal 1 like, and Ohio State hns u bunch of things. You know ut Ohio Slate you're going to compete for Ihc national championship every year.” Tuilbhck Cooler Arnolil, who mnde headlines by receiving Ihe firsl offer from Auburn in Murch, hns drnwn plenty of Division I looks, including offers from Bust Curolinu, Clemson und North Cnrolina. His dreum is N.C. Slate, which husn’i offered. DAVIE ISN’T just nbout Randolph and Arnolil. A handful of rising seniors nre being sought oul, n list thnt includes offensive lineman Ryan Boehm, line­ backer D.J, Rice and defensive lineman/ linebacker Zuc O’Brien. “A lot of Division 1-AA und Division II schools are real interested in Boehm uiul Rice,” Illing said. “The Citadel, Furmtin, Richmond, Coastal Carolina and Appalachian Slate are showing in- teresl in them. Boehm and O’Brien hnve gotten a lol of sliiff from Ivy Lengue schools. “Thcre‘s going lo be u lol of collegc coaches in the slands this full, creuling a lot of opporlunilies for players to be ■seen.” Dnvie will go lo Cninwba College for cam|) July 22-25. The first official prnc- lice is July 28. C l o s e , B u t ... Oak Valley Vs. Brookwood Goes Down To The Last Race B2 - DAVIE COUN'IT ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 8,2004 0;ik Viillcy swimmers I'aileil to киоск опс of llio remaining monkeys off ilicir backs lust week, falling lo Brookwood by the narrowest of margins. No one coulil safely guess the score when the meet ended. Il lil- ernlly came down lo the final re­ lay event. Oak Valley liad never beaten the Clemmons pool, which in­ cludes lols of Davie Counly swimmers. Already ihis season. Ouk Valley had defeated Clemmons West Ibr the firsl lime as il conlinucd to ascend the lad­ der of respeciability. The Orcas gathered around Ihc pool anxiously, ready lo cel­ ebrate. until the disappointing score was announced. Brookwood won 47.1-47У. "The Brookwood meel was lough," Coach Larry Uniberger said, "It was a good, closc meet throughout, bul Ihey were just able 10 pull away at the end. The kids swam really hard und llii- Ished strong on their ruces." Ouk Vulley finished the regu­ lar season Thursday iignlnst Cooleemee, formerly the Hickory 11111 pool, Wilh its ranks depleted by the uncertainty of its status in the spring, Cooleemee didn't have enough swimmers lo compete in some of the events. The outcome wns never in doubt, and Oak Valley didn't announce the final score. Umberger wns a champion swimmer at Hickory Hill during his high school days. "The Cooleemee meet was really goo<l. Il was fim for the kids to swim aguinst kids Ihey know and goto school wilh. The sportsmanship was both leams wus uwesome. We hud several ^ swimmers who gol to swim new events lhat they're not used lo, so Ihut wus fun for Ihem," Umberger suid. I lere urc the firsl place finish­ ers for Oak Valley against Brookwood:7-« Girls; Medley Relay, Teddi Ull, Caitlyn Radalovich, Gruce Bartelt, Allison GrilTin; Backstroke, Allison Grirnm Butterlly. Gruce Bartelt. 7-8 Boys; Medley Kelny, Zachary Coffey, Noliin Day, Michael Mebel, Quin Holland; Distance Tree, Quin Holland; Breaststroke — Michael Mebel; Bmierfly — Michael Mebel; Free Kelay —Zachary Coffey, Qiiin Holland, Nolan Day, Michael Mebel. 9-10 Girls; Medley Ueluy — I'.rika Coffey, I’almer Benson, Laura Shellon, Madi I’ratupas; Distance Free —Frika Coffey; IM — Palmer Benson; Backstroke — Frika Coffey; Breaststroke — Palmer Benson; Bullerfiy —Laura Shelton; Free Relay —Madi Pratapas, Laura Shellon, Frikn Coffey, Pulmer Benson. y-ll) Boys; Medley Rcluy— Paul Guntner, Brendan Radutovich, Zack Waller, Bryce Barlell; Distance Free —Zack Waller; IM —Michael Mebel; Backstroke — Zack Waller; Breuslstroke — Bryce Barlell; Bullerfiy —Zack Waller; Free Relay—Paul Guntner, Brendan Radalovich, Bryce Barlell, Zack Waller. 11-12 Girls; Medley Relay- -Hunnuh Keeney, Molly Graham, Taylor Moore, Summer Holland; Distance Free — Autumn Jones; IM —Tuylor Moore; ."iO Free — Autumn Jones; Brcaslslroke— Molly Grahum: Bullerfiy — Autumn Jones; Free Reluy — Molly Gruhuni, Tuylor Moore. Summer Holland, Jennifer Booth. 13-14 Girls; Distance Free - -Jamie Stancliff; IM—Autumn Jones 50 Free —Jamie Stuncliff; Butterlly —Jamie Stancliff. H-14 Boys; Distance Free - -Daniel Wendel; IM —Daniel W endel; .M) Free-----Daniel Wendel; Backstroke — Daniel Wendel; Bullerfiy — Daniel Wendel 15-18 Boys; Medley Reluy- Naum Pitovskl, Stefan Pilovski, Bennetl Sliipmun, Drew Fsposilo; 50 Free - Beniiell Shipman; Free Relay - Naum Pilovski, Drew Hsposilo, Zuc O’Brien, Bennell Shipman. Cmileeniee v.s. Oak Valley 7-S Girls; Medley Reluy — Caillyn Radalovich, Allison Griffin, Morgan Wininger. Brillany Lnndrelh; Distance l-rce - Teddi Ull; Backstroke— -Blakely Ganli; Bullerfiy — Grace Barlell; Free Relay — Caillyn Radalovich, Brittany Landreth, Morgan Wininger, íjW m ’W :' 1 I. ’ ■ DAVIE COCNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdiiy, .luly 8,2004 • B3 It isn't just swimming: Michael Mebel and Nolan Day eat hamburgers during Ihe meel. Grace Barlell. 7-8 Boys; Medley Rclny— Dominick Ciirbonc, Nolun Day, Mlchnel Mebel, JomilliDn Davis; Distance Free —Quin iliillaiid; 25 Free — Michael Mebel; Backstroke —Michael Mebel; Hreuslslrokc—Zachary Coffey; Bullerfiy— Quin Holland; Free Relay — Mason Orr. Travis Griffin, Nolun Duy, Jonalhon Davis. 9-10 Girls; Medley Reluy — Eriku Coffey, Palmer Bettson, Laura Shellon, Miidl Priunpns; Distance Free— Grlku Coffcjl; IM —Lmiru Shelton; Backstroke — Palmer Benson; Breaststroke-----F.rikii Coffey; Free Relay — Madi Pratapas, Laura Shelton, Erika Coffey, Palmer Benson. 9-10 Boys; Medley Relay— Paul Guntner. Brendan Knd;ilovich, Zack Waller, Bryce Bartelt; Distunce Free — Brendun Rudalovlch; IM — Zuck Wuller; 25 Free — Zuck Waller; Brcaslslroke —Brendun Radalovich; Bullerfiy — Bryce Barlell; Free Relay —Andrew Ducole, Bryce Barlell, Zuchary Coffey, Quin Holland, 11-12 Girls; Medley Relay- -Summer Holland, Amelia Nilz, Taylor Moore, Jennifer Booth; Dislance Free — Elizabeth Davis; IM —Ashleigh Wliuling; 50 Free — Molly Gruham; Backslroke —Summer Holland; Breusislroke —Taylor Moore; Bullerfiy —Autumn Jones; Free Relay —Molly Graham, Tuylor M oore, Summer Holland, Autumn Jones, 11-12 Boys; Medley Relay - -N athan M iileson, Patrick Keeney, Andrew Buchanan, Leading the cheers, Oak Valley's Amelia Nitz, Ashleigh Whaling, Katie Davis and Elizabeth Davis at poolside. Nick Whaling; Dislance Free— Patrick Keeney: IM — Jay Stancliff: Freestyle —Andrew Buchanan: Backstroke— Andrew Buchanan: Breaststroke — Pulrick Keeney; Butterlly — Juy Stancliff; Free Relay —Kyle Mucey, Andrew Buchanan, Jay Stuncliff, Nathan Miileson. 13-14 Girls; Medley Relay- -Amber Parrish, Clare Moser, Jamie Stancliff, Carly Pratapas; IM—Jamlc Stancliff; Urenststrokc —Autumn Jones. 13-14 Boys; Dislance Free - -Cassidy Champney; IM — Daniel Wendel; 50 Free----- Roberl Sparks; Backstroke — Stefan Pilovski; Brcaslslroke - -Roberl Sparks; Bullerfiy — Daniel Wendel; Free Relay — Cassidy Champney, Roberl Sparks, Stefan Pilovski, Sean Griffin. 15-18 Girls; Medley Relay- -Stephanie Wendel, Brillnny Rowe, Nutalie Martin, Miranda Esposito; Distance Free — Stephanie Wendel; IM — Summer Holland: 50 Free — Stephanie Wendel; Backslroke- -Molly Gruham: Breuslstroke- — Ameliu Nil/.; Bullerfiy — Tuylor Moore; Free Reluy— Nutnlie Muriin, Slephunie Wendel, Miranda Esposito, Brillany Rowe. 15-18 Boys; Medley Relay- -Daniel Wendel, Naum Pilovski, Bennett Shipman, Drew Esposito; Dislance Free— Drew Esposito; IM — Bennett Shipman; Backstroke — Drew Esposito; Breaststroke —Zac O ’Brien; Free Relay — Zac O'Brien, Drew Esposito, Daniel Wendel, Bennett Shipman. Oai^ Valley's Autumn Jones has dominated her age bracl<et this season. 0al< Valley swimmers, (rom left, Hailey Folk, Claire Whitaker, Morgan Rowe and Celeste Long.Oak Valley’s Erica Coffey Claire Whitaker and Palmer Benson. Paige Berryhill, Hannah Jakob and Rachel Macintosh encourage the Coooieemee swimmers. Kim Choate, center, lines up Cooleemee swimmers, from left, Mia Byers, Paige Berryhill, Tatum Edwards and Hayley Lambert. Laura Vanhoy and Stephanie Jarvis get ready to swim. Madison Junl<er makes a turn in the long distance event while her teammates cheer. Rachel Macintosh, Stephanie Jarvis, Alexis Freeman and Laura Vanhoy get ready for the swim meet at Oak Valley Cooleemee swimmers Anna Smith, Emily Smith, Amanda McCoy, Allison Lambert and Amy Gilbert. Rachei Maclnthosh, MaggieHendrix and Rebecca Hendrix. Cheering on teammates is an important of the swim meets. Q u a lit y B u i l d i n g s W o o d e n a n d M eta l B u ild in g s • Carports starting at *595 ' Wooden & Metal Storage Buildings starting at ^ 6 9 5 • Metai Garages and RV Covers Financing Available • 998 West Pine St. Mount Aiiy, NC (336) 78(H3070 (800) 597-5520 И4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 8,2004 Salem Carney swims the butterfly for Bermuda Run. Kerri Eagan celebrates after a race. Bermuda Run swimmers are all smiles as they wait their turns to race. B erm uda Run Takes On Two Sw im Team s fl The Bermuda Run swim team took on Wiitcrford at an away meet on Monday, July 28, and llien swnm at home against Town & Country on Thursday, July I. Even though bolh meets brought defeat for the Barracu­ das, Coacli.Christin Howard and Assi.stant Coach Megan M cCormick continue to be proud of the hard work and dedi­ cation put forth by Ihc tenm. The coaches said that the swimmers continue to improve their tim es as the season progresses, and the Barracudas turned in their highest point to­ tal yet at the home meet Thurs­ day night. Tegan Smith, Laina Womble, Kayla Revelle, Emily Shawcross, Jessica Button, Katherine Martin and Elizabeth Hartman swim for the Barracudas. ()• J, ' ' '‘i '] I I ’ ' Г' ,<’W ( *' Ivey Carney, Ashley Dowell, Morgan Sessoms, Salem Carney and Kayla Revelle at the after race party. Emily Shawcross gives It her all in a race for the Bermuda Run Barracudas swim team. .............. 'ìKr'ì '• ¡ Some of the Bermuda Run boys have a silly moment. Phillip Kelley swims the breaststroke.Laina Womble, Emily Shawcross and Katherine Martin are swim buddies. UOTE rjp* fl ANDREWS ^ C onservative Republican for ■ I N C S E N A T EH—I District 34 G us' M ission: P ro te c tin g S e n io r C itiz e n s ★ S en io r c ili^ cn s liavo w orked h a rd a n d paid (a x e s all their lives an d they d e s e rv e our p ro te c tio n diiring tlie g o ld en y ears. ★ All se n io rs a b o v e th e a g e o( 6 9 sh o u ld l3e e x e m p t from paying p ro p e rty ta x e s on th e h o m e th ey live in. (C eiling $ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 ) ★ S e n io rs a b o v e 6 9 sh o u ld n ev er 4)e Ihreal- e n e d w ith th e lo ss of Iheir h o m e b e c a u s e of th eir in c re a s e d lax b u rd e n . H o m e s te a d e x e m p tio n s sh o u ld rem ain in p lacc. I I ■ rS r f ir. { I,,.'. \rhi,rv\s, li,Hv fn^tsiiift ft »V A- u < .k A' \K k ^ -k i( 'k if Emergency stand-by generators by Generac I Propone/Natural Gas/Diesel • Fully automatic switch over. I O p e n i n g S o o n I n A d v a n c e ! (336) 775-9222 Ф Automatic Switch Gears Electrical supplies (or all eeneratots Our larger llquld-cooled stanctby... Repair and Service Dealer for Oenerac Warning: Never operate portable generators inside home. R epairs on Portable G enerators and P ressure W ashers: R.V. G enerators/A C A utom atic Svt/itches for Portables STRONG CD RATE. WITH AN EVEN STRONGER GUARANTEE. CiL'i a guaranlcod yield with a Ccrilficalc of Deposit from Sm Ic Farm lldiili* li's a scturc plncc lo grow your money. Por more informalion, cnll me today. And talk with someone you know you can couni on. WE LIVE W HERE YOU LIVE: Darryl Bandy Stale Farm Agent3J-IH USIIiKliw.iy 13H Aclv.tiice, NC Пь-9-10-2302 ы..ь.. •H lllllK íl fVM CIlIlfole noilie. Mind [М ПftUítlt l.IKII AGOODNIIIGIIIIOR, STATKFAUM ISTHERli*Greg Morris Stale Farm Agent 346 S. Salisbury Slrccl Mwksvillc. NC 336-751.sgoH XHrfih oj Ш23/Ш, hUe> iuh¡((i in chitn^c tvl(hu<i( I«Hcf (0 ÜJKI <m ЖШН« m il иЫ«!»» ihc Muiftl Ai‘V 1»S5(W. Л p<nuUy may be inipou'ù jor n (viiim’fiitvdf mior li» «ш/нгliy miitimaUcallv fw<w <u tmiiurliy tii ihc invn <«г»тп1 f«itr/or ihf wmr um. Somt ]тч1»ии and unkn hdI In <ill iirr<ij.STATE FARM BAWK • Ш1 Off ICE: BIOOMIMOTOM. ILLINOIS • eüUlimi.comJ^ National 12-Under A ll-Stars 2-2 In Tournainent Play DAVIE COUNTY ENTKRPRISK IU<XORD, I'liursday, July 8,2004 - B5 The Davie National 12-under Little League All-Star baseball team went 2-2 against districl competition. It beat High Point American League 5-2 in the first game in 7 Innings. Davie got on the scoreboard early witli back-to-back singles by Brad G aither and Greg Nuckols. Then after stealing to second and third,, the boys were driven In when Brandon Walls hit a triple. High Point tied it in the Ihird after a trick play wenl south. Starting pitcher Brad Gaither gave up two hits through six in­ nings and the two teams were lied at 2. In the seventh, Nick Holder led off with a single. Will Marrs hit a long fly to cenler, and Jesse Hilton hit a single. Brad Gaither drove in two runs with a shot to right, and Qreg Nuckols drove him in to finish out the scoring. Nuckols pitched the seventh. Others having hits were Raheem Marlin, B.J. Plummer, and Josh Callaway. In the second game, Davie ran into a strong South Little League team, losing 8-2. Davie scattered eight hits. Josh Berryhili and Brandon Walls wenl 2 for 2 and Gus Meloy, ' Brad Gaither, Greg Nuckols, and Will Mnns each had a hit.Gus Mctoy pitched nn inspiring game, coaches said. In a m ust-win situation, Davic bounced back to beat Archdale-Trinityl2-5. Davic scorcd all Ihc runs it would need in the lop of the sec­ ond inning with six runs. Kaleb Koontz got a hit to drive in two runs and then B.J. Plummer drove him In for the third run of the Inning. ^ The fifth inning saw more of ^ tho same. Josh Callaway led off, reaching base on an error by the second baseman. Brad Gaither, Oreg Nuckols, and Brandon Walls followed with hits to bring the run total to 12. Every player on the team gov at least one hit for a total of 12 hits. The three pitchers used in this game were Brad Gaither, Brandon Walls and Will Marrs. Davie lost 7-4 against East Surry. U was a pitching duel unlil the fourth inning, knotted at 0. The pitchers were Brad Gaither for Davie and Cody Rogers for East. Davie broke through first in the fourth with o lead-off walk by Greg Nuckols, who stole sec­ ond and third before being driven In by a single to right by Josh Berryhili. It wus Davie’s finst hit. East Surry scored 1 in the top of the fifth to tic the scorc, but then Davie got busy. Nick Holder led off with u single, followed by bunt hils from Josh Callaway and Jesse Hilton. With the bases loaded. Brad Gaither and Greg Nuckols each sacrifieced in a run and Callaway took home on a passed ball. Eusi Surry stonncd back to score six runs in Ihe top of the sixth, then held on for the win. The team finished with cighl players batting over .300 for the tournament. The team played well defen­ sively, especially Kaleb Koontz at catcher and Josh Berryhili at short, coaches said. The team made three errors for the tour­ nament. Coaches were Eddie Nuckols, Richurd Berryhili, and Dana Guithcr. Team members were Jesse Hilton, Brud Gaither, Greg Nuckols, Brandon Walls, Kaleb Koontz, Josh Berryhili, Gus Meloy, Nick Holder, Josh Callaway, B.J. Plummer, Will Marrs and Ruheem Mnrtin. Sign Up For Flag Football After n successful first season in 2003, the Davie Family YMCA nnd Davie Flag Football League are teaming up again to bring Adult Flag Football to the community. Registration for the 2004 season is through July 24. Cosl for YMCA-member tenms is $600 and YMCA non-member teams is $6S0. To qualify as a member team, there must be six YMCA members of any brnnch of YMCA.of Northwest North Carolinn. Players must be 21 years of age or older. Teams mny hnve 18 players per roster. Indi­ vidual, compnny or church tenms cnn participnle. A ’S W in 12 O f Final 15 G am es The A’s edged Ihe Angels 3-2 on June 12 nl Collette Field to win the Duvie County Little League Minpr Division tournument cham­ pionship. After starting 0-4, the A's ripped offl 2 of their next 15 games lo finish with a record of 12-7, including 4-0 in the tournament. The A’s team members; Ben Beeson, Slone Stroud, Colin Joldcr­ sma, Payton Kelly, Hayden Wright', Jonah Womble, Clay Whittington, Will Beeson, Andrew Lee, Nick Tale, Rob Blake III, Alex Mitchell and Colby Widener. The coaches: Zach Wright and Doug Joldcrsma. S a t u r d a y N i g h t Qatea op«n lor practice at в p.m. FIRST RACE AT a P.M. 10(HJvi Modlflad tae* plui Sportsman, Straet Stock and Stadium Stock LADIES’ NIGHT! for II (no »асог! required), courtesy of Budwelser. рм/е from Mnílmavillo Spocdwny Four tickols lo Ocl. 23 Kfiujt’i i’OÜ nn(J Ocl 5ul>way bOO. wilh VIP parkiritj, M J O » AdmlMkxi: Adult«, t Band older-s to Авв>1г-17-$в i m m j i Æ U . А««* e-11 - $1 Children under в FREE wllh adull eecort pi-enty o f fre e PARKINQ Information about atadlum racing: (336) 723-1819 Majors Runners-Up The Braves were runners-up in the Davie Little League Tournament for Majors 11-12. Team members are, from left: front - Houston Smith, Nick Holder, Shelton Sales, Josh Callaway, Caleb Osweil, Dylan Vogler and J.D. t\/lise: back - Coach Eddie Nuckols, Kaleb Koontz, Gus Meloy, Greg Nuckols, B.J. Plummer, Aaron Veach and Assistant Coach Scott Vogler. New Union, Osborne’s, C&C Win Regular Seasons The New Union Methodist nnd Osborne's Towing/C & C Paint softball tenms took home the rcgulnr-season trophies in the Mocks- ville-Dnvie Rccrealion Department’s church and men’s open leagues. in the 12-team church league, New Union went 10-1 nnd held off strong challenges from U-2 rivals Liberty Wesleyan nnd Ccntcr/Sn- lem. New Union’s only loss was to Center/Salem. New Union’s roster includes Terry Dyson. Steven Dyson, Justin Dyson, Terry Allen, Ron Lee, Clark Gobble, Chad Blackweldcr, Brian Murphy, Billy Keaton, Jeffrey Spry, Mike Finley, Randy Groce, Allen Groce, David Allen, Dale Sherrill, Donnie Chaffin, Trey Slewarl, Rnndy Kcllcr, Tonyn Allen, Trncy Allen and Tyler Lee. Osborne’s Towing/C & C Paint also had its hands full in the nine- team men’s open rnce. Afler a slow 2-2 stivrt, il clicked off 12 slraighl wins to overtake Federal Security (13-3) nnd R & H Lawn Cure/ Davic Alarm (12-4). ll marked the second sirnight title for Osborne’s Towing/C & C Pnint, which capped the 2003 season wilh a tourna­ ment triumph. The Osborne’s Towing/C & C Painting roster; Jnson McCrny, Chad Dyson, Britl Osbomo, Jamey Holt, Tony Rcnegar, Barry Whit­ lock, Bubba Coleman, Steve Parker, Brian Pills, Shane Dyson, Ger­ main Mayfield, Charlie Crenshaw, Bradley Prevctte, Brent Wall and Danny Allard. | The church-lcagtie tournnmcnt will run July 13-22, while the men’s open toumamcnl will .start July 12 and end July 21. Churcli O ld S c h o o l Davie Sports From July, 1995 • Dale Ijames resigned as the Mocksville American Legion baseball coach after seven years at Ihe helm. The Davie native and Kemersville resident avcr- ugcd 2.*! wins nnd finished with n record of 17.‘i-88. • The Dnvie National 14-15 Senior League All-Star ba.scball tenm won two of its first three games in district play. In a win over Mineral Springs, David Nail had four hits, Shane Allen three hits, Caleb Whitaker a double, Briun Campbell two hils, Pete Tunis two hits and Zach Manning a single. • The Carolina Marincra 13- under AAU baseball team quali- fied for Ihe national tournament for the sccond year in a row. It finished second in Ihc stale wilh three Dnvie County pluyers; Drew Ridenhour, Shawn Brooks nnd Ross Smith. The couches, also from Davic, were Dink Smith and Steve Ridenhour. • The Angels went 15-0 in Ihe Dnvic Americun Miijor Girls sol'tbnll Icngue. The pluyers; Christie Roberlson, Stephanie Wurd, Ember Spillmnn, Abby Pryor, Miranda Chandler, Tarn Young, Jnmic Moore, Ashley Quinn, Amber Spillmnn, Amber Hnmm nnd April Ervin. They were coacheil by Pnu\ Spiilmnn, Terry Hamm und Barry Quinn. Parker, Steelman inducted Grimes Parker and Ailccn Steelman were inducted inlo the Dnvie County Athletic Hnll of Fame last fnll. und tributes about'their The regulnr season will run from August 15-Thunk.sgiving. The game will be 7 vs. 7 screen blocking (no contnct). Gnmes will be pinyed on Sunduy after­ noons at the Y. The Enforcers will be oul lo defend their 2003 league title. For more informntion or de- tnils, contact Lauren Fowler at Ihe Dnvie Y nl 751-9622 or visit the website nt w w w .g e o c i i i e s .c o m / davieflagfooibull <hlip;// w w w .g e o c i t i e s .c o m / dnviennglbotball>. You can also contnct Bob Richnrdson ut brich68@yadtel.ncl. W-L nchicvcmcnts ure coming soon. New Union Meth. 10-1 Pnrker, n 1963 Dnvie High gnidiinte, was the sturting quarter­ Liberty Wesleyan 9-2 back for a conference contender in loothall, the point guard for one Center. Meth,/Sulein Melh.9-2 of Ihc best basketball teams in history and a mcgu-slar in busebnll. 1st Meth 7-4 Pnrker’s trip down memory lune will prcceile the one for Slccl- Eatons Bapt.7-4 man, who achieved about everything possible us Davie’s slow-pitch Fork Bapt.6-5 softball couch. In a softball cnreer that spanned about 20 ycurs, Stcel- Victory Bapt.6-5 man guided Davic to finst or second virtually every season. Cooleemee Church of God 4-7 Here’s a look nt the Dnvie Hall’of Fame; Eagle Heights 3-8 Indiictcc (im d Cluss Hnll Clnss Jericho Church of Chrisi 3-8 Jill Amos Lindblade 1980 Spring 2002 Jerusalem 2-9 Janice Markland Juckson 1970 Spring 2002 Farmington Bapt,/Blaise Bapt.0-11 Dwayne Grunt 1977 Spring 2002 John Parker 1965 Spring 2002 Men’s Open Randall Ward 1967 Spring 2002 W-L Angie Browder Slabuch 1984 Spring 2002 C & C Pninting/Osbornc Scrvice 14-2 Jeffrey Lunkford 1982 Spring 2002 Federal Security 13-3 Bill Peeler Coach Spring 2002 R & H Lawn Care/Davie Alarm 12-4 Burt Burger Coach Fall 2002 Mega Machine 10-6 Jingles Ijnmes 1970 Fall 2002 LcBlcu 8-8 Deunnu Thomas Randolph 1979 Fall 2002 KCA 5-11 Sarah Gardner Shanks 1982 Fnll 2002 Twin Lakes Kennels .5-11 Scotty Spry 1995 Fall 2002 Davic Luw 3-13 Grimes Parker 1963 2003 Clemmons Drywull 2-14 Aileen Steelman Coach 2003 NOW OPEN A u tk e n tio J a p a n e s e C u is in e Dinc-in or Tal<c-out 678 Wilkesboro St., Mock.svillc 3.36-753-6867 Fax; 336-753-6847 III Former Poiiiiaiis Localion Business Hours Sunday - Thursday I l;00ani - 9;00pni Friday - SnUtrclay 11 ;00itni - 10;00piii » Pickup Window Available J W e cloiVt carc whnt you vvenr to church. A n d con.siclerinj,' he walkotl MrcHincI in n sheer, Je,su.s prnhahly w on’t either. N•'1 liV« t " ii|' I'i > tiiitdi .\ib) ill ll'« 111»' it>. Aiit r >i1),ж il', IVK И‘>| V хи.' It.i. r.Xvsl in li^ |.4>. Titc Episcopal Church of the Asccusion Welcomes You. Summer Sclmliik'; Wnrxhip each Suiiilinai 10:00 AM . 183 Fork-Bixby Uoad • Advance, NC 27006 • Ш .Ш .тП www.nsccnsion-fork.org • COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, July 8,2004 Teammates bump fists with David Boyles after he homered in 8-7 win over S. Rowan. Jess Maloney talks to Coach Mike Lovelace between innings.John McDaniel started and pitched into the eighth against South. Nick Siega-Riz slides into second. He leads the leam in walks and stolen bases. - Photos by James Barringer Maloney, Boyles Homer In 4th Win In A Row Itovlivs Now ihiii Dim l’oimlc.xicr’s hut has finally cooled ofl', it’s lime for Daviil Boyles to gel some reeognilioii. i le’s earned plenly in Ihe lasl five games, liie latter an H-7 win at •S o u t ll Kowan on June 28. Bilmlexler was line for a letdown alter posting absurd num­ bers (10 for 14) in a three-gam e run against M ooresville and .Stanly County. His average dropped from .•I.‘i2 to .412 in the next Ihree games, but Boyles has picked up the slack, going ^ for .‘t wllh a home run againsl •South and going 11 for 22 in five games lo jump from .166 to ..107. Jess Maloney hit u llrst-in- ning grand slum to lie Poindexter in the loam's homer race with six, and later in tlic first Boyles hil a solo shot, ll was the piiil-sized second baseman’s fourih long ball of the season, an astonishing de­ velopm ent given he's gone deep once in his high-school career al Wesl Forsyth. Whal Ihe heck is going on? "I didn'l hit nny in high school this year," Boyles said after Mocksville blew a 7-2, eighth-inning lead but still came away victorious. "1 don’t know what it is, but I like it. 1 guess it's the faster pitching. I seem to be hilling Ihem better than the slower ones." .Sl)RPRISIN(i M O CK S­ V ILLE (12-7, 8-4 Soulhern Division) started believing in itself after drubbing Kannapo­ lis 9-1 on June 27, and its eu­ phoria continued 10 build with the bullet-dodging acl at South (10-10,6-6). It's trying tocap- lure the SD regular-season crown for the first time since 1У93, and after Dusty Snow slammed the door in the bot­ tom of the ninth, it stood a game and a half behind Kan­ napolis with four regular-sea- son games to go. At the end of the night, Kannapolis was 1Ü- 3, Rowan Counly and Mocks­ ville were 8-4 and Concord was 7-4. Mocksville, a winner in four straight and six of seven, went on an identical surge last slim­ mer, starting the SD race 2-3 and winning 10 of 13 to finish second. "VVc're playing like we should be playing," Boyles said. "1 Ihink if we play like we are now nobody can beai us. Our pilcliing’s going deep and we’re doing grcul.” "It look us a while to gel lhal bond, bringing in Wesl and Duvie," said leudoff batter Nick Siega-Ri'/., who leads in walks and hus 13 slolen bases on 15 tries. "Bui we’ve gelled and siurted playing ball the way we all should be." At the game's halfway point, il seemed like Mocksvillc was going to pick up an ea.sy win like the firsl meeling (12-2). With Ihc bases loaded in Ihe first, M aloney sent a Chris McDaniel curveball over the left-centcr fcnce and on top of Ihe neldhouse. "The centcr fielder and left fielder didn’t move,” Coach Mike Lovelace snid. Two outs later, Boyles turned on a high inside fastball and pnrked it over the fence in left. Just like that it was .‘i-O Mocksvillc, "It w asn't ns far ns Maloney's. But fora small guy, he's got one of the (juickesl bats on inside faslbnlls," Lovelace said. “He’s been a hero during this stretch. Not only offen- sivcly, but he's mnde some su­ perb plnys in Ihe field." M ocksville starter John M cDaniel pul away eight straight batters liefore giving up two runs in the fourth. Mocks­ ville got the runs baek in Ihe fifth when Maloney's double nnd Foo Smith's single set up a 7-2 lead. McDaniel wns strong for .seven innings. South, though, broke through in the eighth, turning six hits and two errors inlo five runs for a stunning 7- 7 lie. "Wc hud two errors and South, they’re going to hil,” Muloney snid. "Thul’s going lo huppen. But wc got the job done in the lop of ihe ninih, and Dusiy shui Ihem down for us.” The disasirous eighth could have been worse. South hnd iwo on, the count was 3-0 nnd Mocksville was in cliff-hang­ ing danger of swallowing a rooi-cannl loss. But South’s green-light bntter swung away and center fielder Siegn-Riz tracked down the fly in deep center. Thnt preserved the 7-7 tie. "Snow got us out of a huge jnni," Lovelnce snid. "He wns our starter for tomorrow, but wc knew we could go up two games on South nnd gain a sweep to give us n tiebreaker. So we had to pull out nil Ihe stops." “The way we’ve been hit­ ting the ball, and with it tied, I knew we were going to come out on top," Boyles snid. In the lop of the ninth. South reliever Cody Livcngood un­ corked 10 strnighi balls, walk­ ing Smith on four pitches to lond the bases und wulking Beam on four pitches to push across the go-ahead run. While Beuni gol the gaine- winning RBI, il all Slarlcd wilh Wesley Douglus, who drove a single beiween third und short. When Dougins moved to sec­ ond on a ground oul, South in­ tentionally walked Maloney, Ihe firsl of three straight frce passes. "Douglas' big hit was after he looked real bad al the plate," Lovelace said. “But you've got to remember he’s caught every inning of every gun;ie in this (hot) sirclch. I know his legs are getting u lillle lired.” Snow wus shaky in the eighth bui sharp in the ninth, retiring Ihe 4-5-6 bailers on a fly bull, slrikeoui and popup lo shorl. Thai was a confidence booster for Snow, who entered wilh a 6.87 ERA but earned the win by gelling five outs wilh­ oul allowing a run. “They had fans heckling and this is a tremendous lift,” Love­ lace said. Notc.s: Lovelace gave de­ fensive crcdit to Siega-Riz, Beam (who made the firsl out of the ninth on the righl-field foul line) and shortstop Mall Hutchens, who started n double play in the fifth when South hnd two runners aboard. ... Poindexter was sore from a nine-inning pitching perfor­ mance against Kannapolis anil didn't play the field. "But Lance Ernert made every play at Ihird,” Lovelace said. Mocksville 8, South Kowan 7 Mock Sicga-Riz cf DouBias c t’oindcKlcr dll Maioncy It) Sinilii tr Beam rf Roytcs 2b nmen .11) llitlciicns KH Tiiluls Mocksvlllc .Soiilh Kntrun 21) - ,Sieiia-Riz (•)), Maloney (6). IIK • Maioncy (6), Hoyles (4). Muck II’ И К кк mi ко McUanicI 7.i to 7 6 1 2 .SnowW i.2 i 0 0 0 1 David Boyles rounds Ihe bags after homer No. 4. Rowan Ends Winning Streak, Quest For The No. 1 Tourney Seed ub r h hi 4 1 1 0 2 2 0 4 1 0 0 4 2 2 4 4 1 1 0 4 0 0 2 5 1 3 1 4 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 3H 8 10 7 .500 02« 001-8 ООО 2(K) 0.10-7 Continued From Page It I “We’d been playing good de­ fense throughout the streak," Lovelace .said. "We jusl fell apart and they took advantage of our mistakes." "Errors will kill you," Mal­ oney said. "Thi pitchers got us ground balls, and we hil Ihe ball. But you’ve got to make roiiline plays." Wesley Douglas got Mocks­ ville right back in the game, bell­ ing a two-run homer iliiring a three-run first. Bui the bottom of the second crusheil Mocksville's chances. Malt llutchiwis and Nick Siega-Riz singled. After the first oul, Poindexter singled to load the bases for cleanup Mal­ oney, but the big fella rolled over a curveball und bounccd inlo a .‘i-4-3 double play. The hit Maloney was looking for came three innings loo lale, a solo homer just inside the lefl- field foul pole. Thut cut Rowan's lead to 7-4, “We’ve been able to execute Ihe bunt, and that's when it ull started (in Mocksville's Ihree-on, scoreless second)," t.oveluce said. “We had (the 2-3-4) baiters up, and you know how well they swing the bats. We had a chance lo go ahead." Rowan broke It wide open in Ihe .seventh, battering i-eliever John McDaniel wilh seven runs on eight hils and ending the game on Ihe 10-run rule. McDaniel’s ERA soared from 3..19 to 4..‘)2. "We dug a hole and battled back," Lovelace said. “Hat's ofl to Rowan for beating us in seven innings." Notes: Instead of facing No. 8 Lexington, Mocksville opened the playoffs July 6 vs. No. 6 Concord, With the sites allernat- ' ing each night in the bcst-of-.i ■series, Mocksville is away July 7, home July 8, away July 9 (il neces.sary) and home July 10 (il nece.s.sary).... Maloney's homer was his eighth, lying Poindexler. ... Snow (3-3,4.64) took Ihe lo.ss, Rowan Cl), 14, Mocksville 4 Mock ut) r ll III .Sicgii-i?i?,cr ‘113 0 Doiislas c 4 1 2 2 ' i’oinJcxIcr .11) 4 0 2 0 Muloney 11) 4 2 2 1 SmUli It' 3 0 1 0 Crolls (til 4 0 t o ilcaiii rr 3 0 0 1 rioyics 21) 3 0 0 0 lliilclicnsss 3 0 1 0 fotuts 32 4 12 4 KowiinCo. 402 010 7 - 14 ' Mockiivtltc .KHI 010 0 -4 UR - Douglas, Maluncy (8). Mock IP II R KH III) .SO .Snow L .5 7 7 2 .■) 3 McDanicl 1.1:7 7 7 2 0 tUntlSus .2 I () 0 0 1 !■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .luly 8,2004 - B7 Poindexter’s Num bers Rank Him With IVIoclcsville’s Best Continued From Pnge Bl Poindexter might be pencil- Ihln, bui he’s stood mounlaln-Uill during Mocksville’s best surge in 11 years. Through 22 games, he’s hit­ ting .402 with eight homers and 31 RBIs, He ranks first in runs (29), RBIs, doubles (7) and hom­ ers, and he’s second in average and hils. On the inound, he’s 5- 1 wilh two saves, 49 strikeouts, nine walks nnd a 2.90 ERA in 43 1/3 innings. How rare nre those numbing numbers'? No one since King hns managed the feat of hitting at lenst .350 nnd winning at least five games. “He’s got to rank up there as far as pilchers and hitters as long as I’ve known the program,” Lovelace said. “He’s getting it done not only at the plnle, but any time you call on him lo pitch he’s ready to go. That’s a great feeling Inte in the gnme, know­ ing you’ve got him for an inning or two. “The guys joked around with him about the comment I made at the beginning of the year about Dan being Ihe baseball mnn. But he has taken things on his shoulders.” Poindexler has been untouch­ able in seven of nine pitching ap­ pearances. During the team's seven-game rise, he picked up two wins, iwo saves nnd pitched in four of five games, starting twice and relieving twice. Mocksville’s 9-1 and 15-6 wins over Kannapolis, the de­ fending SD champ lhal has held or shared first nil season, says a great deal about Poindexter’s pitching prowess. In 15 innings, he ullowed six runs on 18 hils, walked two nnd funned 17. “Kunnnpotis is probnbly the most potent offense in our divi­ sion, and it goes to show when Ihey get nine hits off Dun (in the 15-6 win),’’ Lovelace said. “But he struck out 17 iii 15 innings, and lhal says what kind of pitcher he is.” Poindexter has also been Ihe show on offense. In n 3-1 stretch in Inte June, he went 13 for 20 nnd elevated his average from .333 to .452. "It’s interesting to watch him take batting practice because he does everything fundamentally correct,” Lovelnce said. “When you ask him to hit and run, ev­ ery ball’s going to be on Ihe ground and behind the runner. And when he takes a round of BP, it’s not all pull. He just works on his game everyday.” While Poindexter's pitching/ hitting is about as good as it gels, there’s more. After a couple mis­ haps early in the season, his de­ fense at third hns been fabulous. Mocksville probably doesn’t beat Lexington 3-2 in 10 innings if nol for Poindexter’s diving stab. “He held that third run from scoring, or wc lose 3-2 in regulation. It wus u shot und he Offense Pow ers Moclcsville To 14-7 W in Over Concord It “'::1 Hutchcns Continued From Page Bl The second homer put Poin­ dexter in elite company, becom­ ing just the 10th Mocksville player to hil eight h o m e rs. Starling at the top wilh Malt M arion’s 15 homers in 1990, the list in- e l u d e s M a rio n , Chad Trip­ lette, Mutt Fife, Wes Menchnm, Drew Ridenhour, Bryan Bishop, R.J. Speaks, Steve LePaivre and Brock Walker. Ф* Jess Mnloney is right behind Poindexter at seven. Nos. 1-2-3 butters Nick Slegn- Rlz, Wesley Dougins and Poln- . dexter went n combined 7 for 13 for n tenm that hns produced 30 hits and 29 runs in Ihe Inst two gnmes. Even on n night when cleanup batter Jess Maloney nnd No. 5 Foo Smith went hitlcss, Mocksville demonstrntcd its ver- .sniilily again as Evnn Beam, David Boyles and Matt Hulch­ cns went 8 for 13 at Ihe bottom ' of the order. Boyles wns 4 for 5, rnising his nvernge from .293 to .333. “I was concerned about (Boyles'’sintus after getting hit by a pitch against Knnnnpolis),” Lovelace said. “Wc didn't know if he wns going to be able to go, but he snid: 'Coach, I’m ready.’4t Douglas’ triple highlighted n four-run fourth. Concord rnllied within 7-6 in the fiflh, but Boyles, Siegu-Riz und Dougins turned the momentum back lo Mocksville in tho sixth. M ocksville didn’t let up, pouring ucross five more in the seventh. “Seven wins in a row... that’s un amazing run, especinlly us tough us the (SD) is,” Loveiuce suid. Hutchens’ two-hit, two-RBI night wus nn encouraging sign for a guy \vho hnd slumped all the wny to. 120. While extra pre­ gnme bntling pmctice might hnve curcd hl's swing, Hutchens hns been so smooth nt shortstop thut Lovelnce hns ignored his offen­ sive numbers. "He got some work early wilh Tim Mnloney (Jess’ falher), and hopefully that’s going to give him some confidence," Lovelnce snid. “But we hnven't even re­ ally looked at his average Jusl be­ cause he plnys so well in the field. If you've got aguy who can field ‘cm at shortstop, I can live with (a low nvernge). We're go­ ing to tnke defense over hitting at shortstop.” Buoyed by Mocksville’s ram­ paging offense, Andrew McCI­ annon ran his personal winning slreak to three despite giving up six runs in five Innings. John McDanicl was fnnlnslic in middle relief (one uneurned run in three), nnd Spcncer Hodges closed with a hitlcss ninth. Hodges' ERA remained 0.00 through five innings. Mocksvillt! 14, Concord 7 Mock nil r h bt Sicga-Riz cf J 4 3 1 Doiigiasc 4 t 2 2 Polmlcxlcr3b 4 2 2 6 Maloiwylb 4 0 0 1 Sinilliir 5 0 0 0 I Croll.idll 3 I ■ I 0 Cl. Slanioy dii 0 0 0 0 ' Bcamrr 4 2 2 1 Boyles 2b 5 3 4 0 Hulclicns ss 4 1 2 2 Tdlliis 38 14 16 13 Concord 201 030 100 -7 Mocksvillc 210 402 .tOx-14 2B ■ Boyles (.“i). 3B - Douglas (2). HR - Poindexter 2 (8). sn - Cl. Stanley. Muck IP U K GR Ull SO McC W 5 8 6 6 1 5 McDaniel 3 3 1 0 1 4 Hodges 1 0 0 0 I I Mocksville Legion Baseball Statistics Record: 15-8,11-5 SD HITTING Evan Benm Dnvid Boyles Cody Crolls Philip Childers Wesley Dougins Lnnce Emert Matt Hutchens Jess Mnloney Andrew McCinnnon Dnn Poindexler Nick Siega-Riz Foo Smilh Dusty Sr.ow Clint Stanley Coll Stanley Michael Wernsing Others TOTALS PITCHING Cody Crotts Spencer Hodges Jess Maloney Andrew McCIannon John McDanicl Dan Poindexter Nick Sicga-Riz Dusty Snow Others TOTALS SAVES: Poindexter 2, Siegn-Riz STOLEN BASES: Siegu-Riz 15, Poindpxler 4, Beum 3, Dougins 2, Muloney 2, Co. Stanley 2, Hutchens, Smith, Cl. Slunley WALKS/HPB: Siegn-Riz 18, Poindexter 15, Beum 13, Mnloney 12, Smilh 12, Douglas 10, Crolls 9, Hutchens 9, Wemsing 7, Boyles 6, Childers 6, Snow 4, Co. Stanley 4, Emerl 3, Cl. Stanley 2, McClunnon, Others 3 AVG. AB R H RBI 2B 3B HR .225 71 17 16 11 2 0 I .318 66 11 21 15 5 0 , 4 .400 45 9 18 13 2 0 2 ,187 16 3 , 3 4 1 0 0 .315 76 22 24 17 4 2 1 .222 27 4 6 3 0 0 0 .153 65 '13 10 8 1 0 0 .357 98 23 35 28 6 0 8 .307 13 3 4 1 0 0 0 .407 81 29 33 31 ■7 1 8 .296 91 26 27 10 4 2 0 .291 79 19 23 10 3 0 0 .222 9 1 2 1 0 0 0 .210 19 2 4 3 0 0 0 .181 11 4 2 0 0 0 0 .370 27 7 10 4 0 0 0 .250 12 0 3 0 0 0 0 .299 806 193 241 159 36 5 24 W-L IP .H R ER BP. SO ERA 1-0 25 32 22 15 7 18 5.40 0-0 5 2/3 2 1 0 2 3 0.00 0-0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.00 3-3 31 36 18 12 .10 29 3.48 3-1 51 2/3 62 42 26 13 20 4.52 5-1 43 1/3 42 18 14 9 49 2.90 0-0 3 5 2 1 2 4 3.00 3-3 31 37 26 16 18 29 4.64 0-0 3 I 1 . ■1 4 3 3.00 1.5-8 194 2/3 219 130 85 65 155 3.92 luid out to his left," Lovelncc snid. “(In July 2's 14-7 win over Concord) he probnbly mnde five plnys that a lot of third basemen don't make. There were some shots hit to him, and he mnde every one of them look routine." No mutter whnt happens Ihe rest of Ihe way, Lovclace and Mocksvillc followers will for­ ever look back at Poindexter In 2004. And there mny be n 2005. Even if Poindexler isn't eligible next yenr, he's got a college ca­ reer in front of him al Lenior Rhyne, which signed him as a pitcher. “I'd pul him up there with Ihc lop 10 or 12 plnyers that have ever played here, and he mny be higher thnn Ihnt. And he mny hnve one more yenr of Legion left,” Lovelnce snid. “I don’t know baseball-wise what (L-R) has given him, but he’s «n ex- ccllcnl student and his SAT is way up there. He won’t have to pay much if any. They got not only a great player, but a great person as well. Looking at his high-school and Legion num­ bers, it would be hard for me nol to at least let him take baiting prnelice.” Best Since 2QOO While there's still un unwrit­ ten chapter (the playoffs started July 6), this team is certainly the best one since 2000, when Lovelace's second teum wenl 24-10 und 15-5 in the uren. While thnt bunch feutured seven slicks Ihul butted between .320 and .386, Loveiuce snid this sqund is un example of Ihc sum being greater than its purls. “We're not the most Inlcntcd tenm we've hnd, but they love to play and love to play to­ gether," he said. “Yeah, Dun's cnrricd us a lot, but Ihey believe in ench other nnd pull for cach other. “I think a lot of teums under- estimnted us from the beglnnitig. But now they’re going to renl- izc we’re one o f Ihe ones to bent over here." , Tcrrlfie Backstop While Poindexter, Muloney und Crotts hnve been showered wilh nllenlion nil .season, often overlooked has been the dirty work of Wesley Douglas: He has caught almost every inning - you get exhausted just thinking about Ihnt - but still mnnnged to hit .300-plus in the regulnr season. “He does a good job handling our pilchers,” Lovelace snid. “We don't cnll but u few pilches from Ihe bench." Slick Glove At seuson’s sturt, Duvid Boyles figured to be a comple- mentury piece, not u driving force. But Boyles has blossomed into one of the best second-base gloves in memory, as well as a .333 hitter (going into July 5) with four homers. “He’s as good n second bnse- men ns we’ve hnd since I’ve been nssocinted with Ihe pro­ gram,” Lovelace said. “He’s gol greal hands, he can gel to a lol of balls and he understands the game. Whntcver he gives us with the but is ju.st cxtru, und he’s been very clutch." Sen! 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We couldn’t think of a better agent to have on your side. And on ours. Nationwide* Insurance & Financial Services ПЕ COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 8,2004 laloney’s 10th-lnning Homer Puts M ocksville In Second Grabbing the Soullicrri Division reguliir-sciison trophy is somclhing the Mocksville Le­ gion buscbnll team has wanted to do for the last decade. The thought of ending an ll-year drought was a stretch when Mocksville started the race 2-3. The thought wasn't so far away after a thrilling 3-2, 10-inning victory at Lexington on June 29. Jess M aloney's colossal gamC'Winning home run, coupled wilh gutsy pitching by the Dusty Snow-Andrew McCI- annon-Dan Polndcxler trio, gave Mocksvillc (13-7 overall) Its fiflh straight win, its seventh in eight games and catapullcd it into sole possession of second placc and just one game back of Kannapolis. With three games left in Ihe racc, Kannapolis was 10-3, Mocksville 9-4, Concord 8-4 and Rowan Counly 8-5. "Our team chemistry is as good as I've seen since I've been coach, as far as gelling along, understanding roles and know­ ing what il takes," sixlh-year coach Mike Lovelacc said. “And wc slill don't have our best lineup in there. (When summer- schoolcr Cody Crolls plays ev­ ery day starting July I), it will Maloney Snow be Crotts protecting (cleanup man) Maloney." When Mocksvillc clawed back to 2-2 in the sixth, the game was bound to end with some kind of heroics. While McClan­ non and Poindexter provided Iheir share with lake-a-rlght re- lierpitching, the story was Mal­ oney, who swatted the biggest hom er of his team -leading seven, joined the ranks of the fin­ est sluggers in Mocksville annals (he became the 20th in 23 years lo reach seven) and finished the night on a 7-for-l4 tear. Though he's hit safely in 17 of 20 games, the Imposing first baseman produced just 4 RBIs in the first seven games. Pilling Ihe bill like prc.ssurc performers are supposed to do, he's driven in 22 runs in the last 13 games. "He didn't have a lot of at- bats al Pfeiffer, and early on he didn't come Ihrough," Lovelace said. “But now he's been our man. He drew Ihe intentional walk last night to set up (an 8-7 win over S. Rowan), and tonight he won the game." There were heroes galore. • First, Snow delivered the big oUling that Mocksvillc sorely needed. With all the regularly- uscd arms taxed by playing the sevenlh game In seven days, things would have been very dif­ ferent if Snow hadn’t come through with eight strikeouts in six innings. He dueled with Lexington southpaw Andrew M orton. Mocksville managed six hits in nine innings against Morton, and though Snow repeatedly fiirted with trouble, he wound up shin­ ing like a neon moon after allow­ ing only two unearned runs. “There were runners on In every inning, but everybody kept making plays and I kept making good pitches," said Snow, who held S. Rowan scoreless for I 2/ 3 Ihe night before. "I feel I’m buck lo like I was in high school (at W. Forsyth), maybe even a little bit better." “Dusty didn’t get the win, but he threw a great game," Mal­ oney said. • Foo Smilh had jusl one hit in five ABs, but it was a much- appreciated hil, pulling a curve- ball down the left-rield line to put Mocksville on the board in the sixlh. Later in the sixth, pinch-hltter Philip Childers coaxed a bases-loaded walk to knot Ihe score. • M eClannon’s luck has changcd, After getting saddled with an 0-3 record despite a 3.06 ERA, he has picked up the win in his last two outings, handcuff­ ing Lexington for3 1/3 .innings and giving up trtree runs (two eamed) over 11 1/3 in those vic­ torious appearances, “It’s about time," McClannon said. “It’s slarting to fall in place at the end of the season." "Our pitching was very thin, and both of Ihose guys stepped up,” Lovelacc said. • Poindexter undercut Lexington's spoiler hopes in more ways than one. With two on in the fiflh and Poindexter at third base, he dove to his lefl and speared a bullet for the third out. When McClannon ran into two-on, one-out trouble in the 10th, after Maloney had put Mocksvillc up 3-2, Lovelace sum m oned Poindexter. He needed just seven pilche.i to end Ihe threat - and the game - fac­ ing Iwo batters and fonning both, Thai was another dramatic moment in an electrifying sea­ son, as Poindexter pitched for Ihe third time in four games and totalled a win and two saves in to 1/3 Innings. “Lovelace told me if 1 don’l feel good, that’s fine. But I was good to go," he said. “I guess I hod my curvcball working. That’s all I needed really.’’ “When il comes time to get it done, he’s going to win it or lose 11, and he was phenom enal again," Lovelace said. Before Poindexter’s rescue relief, Ihere was Maloney, who Sent Morton’s first pitch in the lOih into another area code. Home run to right-center, bro­ ken-glass slyle, “They said the people In the house called Ihe field and said ll hit the top of their house back behind the fence," McClannon, sold. “That's a shol. It clearcd the top of thot tree. At Rich Park il might hove landed on Ihe soft­ ball field." “That’s up there with the one against Mount Tabor my junior year (at W. Forsyth In the play­ offs)," Maloney sold. “I wos thinking he was going lo Ihrow a fostball and try to get ahead, and that’s what I got. 1 was glad 1 was able to come through for the team. We needed that win bad." Notes: Although Lexington’s SD record fell to 3-10, Loveloce sold Morton wos “os tough as anyone we’ve seen." ... David Boyles’ five-game hitting streak wos ended. Mocksville 3, Lexington 2 Mock ab r .h Ы Sicga-Rlzcf 5 0 0 0 Dougins с 5 0 1 0 Ро1п(1е)ЧсгЗЬ-р 4 1 1 0 Maloney lb 5 2 3 1 Smilh ir 5 0 1 1 Beam rf 4 0 0 0 Boyles 2b 3 0 0 0 Snow p 2 0 0 0 McClnnnon p 1 0 0 0 Wemsing 3b 0 0 0 0 llulchensss 2 0 1 0 Childers ph 0 0 0 1 Emert .4s 1 0 0 0 Totals 37 3 7 3 Mocksvillc ООО 002 000 1- 3 bcxlngton ООО 020 000 0 -2 2B - Poindexter (6). HR - Mnloney (7). SB - Beam (3). Mock IP И К ER DD SO Snow 6 6 2 0 2 8 McCW 3.1 1 0 0 1 3 PoimlxlrS .2 0 0 0 0 2 N o t E v e n K a n n a p o lis C o u ld S lo w M o c k s v ille When a 5-3 lo.ss al Moores­ ville dropped Ihe Mocksvillc Legion baseball team to rccords of 8-7 and 4-4 in the Southern Division, no expert mind could have gue.ssed where Mocksville would stand a week laler. A week laler al Kannapolis, lightning struck twice. After stealing Kannapolis' first-pluce thunder with an eye-opening 9-1 S u m m e r G o l f S p e c i a l HICKORY HILL COUNTRY CLUB “TTic Country Club of Davie" July & August Only t ' « f l i l l i l l MS!!iì£iLS!EÌm!Ì^' №tfsn2EM M e irfrtS 2 0 ' -S«i>iow$18;;' WNkandi 22!>l Hwy. 64 E., Mockavillo Call for Tee Tim es 336-998-8746 Crotts Dougins whipping at Rich Park on June 27, Mocksvillc caged a tiger for the sccond time, battering Kan­ napolis 15-6 for its sixth straight win and pulling a half-game be­ hind K-Town wilh two games left in an incrcdlbly-tlght regu- lar-scason race. The decision lefl Kannapolis 11-4, Mocksville 10- 4, Rowan Counly 9-5 ond Con­ cord and South Rowan 8-6. Mocksville took u glorified round of balling practice off An­ drew Mead, Kannapolis’ No. 2 pitchcr, und Jonathan Goodman, who pitchcd relief last spring al ndmont Abbey College, scoring six nins in the third for an 8-2 lead and extending the margin lo 12-3 wilh a four-run sixth. Coach Mike Lovelace was nol prepared for such an amazing exhibition. "We were looking for a close gume, and we’ve outscored them 24-7 in Iwo games," he said. "If Kannapolis wins, they clinch first. Instead we hold on for on- olher day and have an opportu­ nity to do something we haven't done in 11 years. We started just punishing them, and it jusl hap­ pened lo occur at the right lime - our biggest game of Ihe year to this point." Fourteen hits and 15 runs in a span of five innings lefl the visi­ tors feeling tt mixture of shock and delight. It was remarkable considering Kannapolis Is stacked wilh high-profile names and hud won 17 of 22. “I was prelly surprised we hit (Mead, who gave us eight earned runs in 3 1/3 innings) so well because we heard a lot about him before Ihe game," left fielder Foo Smllh .said. “Bul we came oul more ready lo play than them, I guess. It feels great." ‘That's very unusual," said third bosemon/pitcher Cody Crolls, who completed summer school at UNC-Pembroke and played his first game us a full­ time member. ‘This team turns oul belter every lime I comc back home." “(The first day off in eight day.s) put some legs back under us, anti wc camc oul and ripped ‘em 0 little bit," said catcher Wesley Douglas. “Everybody was thinking It would be a one- run game or something like thal. but we came out and exploded, “We’ve been hot for a while and been winning close games. Bul you pul legs back under us like tonight, and we’re going to be able to beat anybody." Mocksvillc continued to show anybody in Ihe order can burn you on a given night, something lhal mokes It all the more com­ pelling. This night belonged to Douglas (3 for 4, four RB Is) and Crolls (3 for 5, five RBIs, thrce- run homer). How about Crotts. MLssing two straight games and 10 of 20 is supposed lo hamper youf rhythm, but he stole the spotlight |Onywuy, capping the crucial six- run third by sending Ihc firsi pilch over Ihe right-center fence. How big is the everyday ad­ dition of Crotts? The numbers speak for themselves: .421 aver­ age, fourth-highest RBIs and sixth-highest hlls. “He hadn't had baiting prac­ tice in five days," Lovelace said. “It's lough to replace his leader­ ship. He found oul what his two grades were, which wus a big lift off him, and having him every­ day is a tremendous lift for our team. “On Ihis streak il’s been a dif­ ferent guy every nlghl, and to­ night it was Crolls and Douglas." Douglas launched the six-run third, doubling in two lying runs on a full-count pilch. Smilh rapped a go-ahead double before Crotts’ three-run blast. Nick Siega-Riz tripled in the fourth. In the four-run sixth, Poindexter doubled nnd Crolls’ single plated Iwo. If that wosn’t enough to de- morollze Kannapolis, Siega-Riz slole sccond and third after walk­ ing In the sevenlh. Three runs there made It 15-5. While Mocksville was abus­ ing Meod and Goodman, who allowed seven runs on seven hits in 2 2/3, ace Dan Poindexter was moving lo 5-1, Though his ERA climbed from 2.,16 to 2.90 as he was hil around for jusl the sec­ ond lime in nine appeorunces, the ace was much better than his numbers (nine hits, five earned runs in six Innings) suggest. “Dan threw о heekuvo gome," Douglas sold. “The runs don’l help his ERA, but you had to see the game to understand. There were a bunch of balls on the out­ side corner thal they pulled be­ tween short and third. So they got lucky on 0 few hits." "A few balls fell thal were hit off their hands and the end of the' bol," Loveloce odded. “They con fiat-out swing the bal, and ihey had just seen him four days ear­ lier (when he struck out 10)." Notes: This Is Mocksville’s longest winning streak since 2000.... Douglas’ average soored from .265 to .294.... Smith has hit in five of six games.... David Boyles left Ihe game after get­ ting hit by a pitch on the shoul­ der. ... Spencer Hodges worked 0 1-2-3 ninth. ... Right fielder Evan Beam mode the defensive play of the game, charging in and m aking 0 diving cotch thot robbed two runs and kept the score 12-5, ...Mocksville hod no errors. Mocksvillc 15, Kannapolis 6 Mock ab r h bl Slega-Rlzcf 5 3 1 1 Dougins c 4 3 3 4 Polndexlcr p-3b 6 2 2 1 Maloney lb ' 4 2 1 0 ' Smith If 5 1 2 1 Crolls 3b-p 5 2 3 5 Benm rf 4 0 0 0 Boyles 2b 3 0 1 1 Wemsing 2b 1 0 1 0 Hulchcns ss 3 2 0 0 Totals 40 15 14 13 Mocksville 006 204 300-15 Kannapolh 110 102 100 -6 IB - Douglas (4), Poindexlcr (7), Smllh (4). 3B - Slegn-RIz (2). HR - CrolU (2). SB-Slcgn-Rlz2(l5). Mock IP H R ER BB SO PolndxtrW 6 9 5 5 1 7 Crolls 2 4 1 I 0 3 Hodges 1 0 0 0 0 0 S p r i n t D S L ' i s $ 2 4 9 i \ a m o n t h f o r o n e y e a r w i t h a q u a l i f y i n g l o c a l & l o n g - d i s t a n c e c a l l i n g p a c k a g e (taxes and fees excluded) G r a b th is g r e a t d e a l! Sign up for Sprint DSL for $24,99 a month for one year with a qualifying Sprint Solutions^“ package and get a great money-saving combination. Sprint DSL gives you a fast Internet connection with Earthlink* E-mail and Personal Start Page, Plus, it's all on one bill for a low price. IDSL rsqulros a one-yoar sorvlco Baraomont and $49,99 activation loa.I Call 1-866-514-7394, visit sprint.com/iocal or liurry to a participating Sprint Store. Sprint.» One Sprint. Many Solutions!“ Charles Kurfees’ Jr. Legion team is hot al the right time. - Photo by James Barringer Jr. L e g io n S t e a m r o lls In to P la y o f f A c t io n Q««( Qood <of r IS to 512 Kbps ipeed. There was a lime - wilh over hulf the rcgulur season in the books - when the Mocksvillc Junior Legion baseball coaches were rather disappointed wilh whut their team had accom­ plished. In the aftermath of a 2-1 loss nl Rowan Counly, the third biller loss in four meetings wilh the archrival, Mocksville found il.scif 13-8 overall and 7-5 in the M ocksville Jr. Legion (20-8 Rccord) W 9, Taylorsville 8 (11) W Mock 10, Moore.sville 2 LRowan l,MockO L Rowan 6, Mock 5 L Lexington 3, Mock 2 W Mock 12, Mooresville 2 ^ W M ock9,Moore.svllle4 W Mock 9, Kemersville 0 W Mock 2, Lexington 1 W Mock 5, Rowan Co. 4 W Mock 7, South Rowan I L South Rowan 5, Mock 4 W Mock 4, Cherryville 2 L Cherryville 5, Mock 2 W Mock 7, South Rowan 3 L Mooresville 6, Mock 4 W Mock 12, Cherryville 7 W Mock 8, S. Rowan-6 W Mock 14, S. Rowun 3 L Lexington 7, Mock 3 L Rowan Co. 2, Mocksville 1 W Mock 5, Mooresville 4 W Mock 18, Mooresville 5 W Mock 10, Rowan Co. 3 W Mock 9, Lexington 5 W Mocksville 4, S. Rowan 0 W Mock 5, Taylorsville 0 Playoffs WMock 12, Kemersville 4 5 vs. Kemersville 6 vs. K'ville (if necessary) Legion Recap ,Fiine 28 - Mock 8, S. Knwun 7 Jess M aloney launches a grand slam, David Boyles goes deep und reliever Dusty Snow preserves wiii after a 7-2 lead got away in the eighth. ,Iune 29 - Mock 3, Lex 2 (10) Muloney homers in Ihe lOlh, pulling his leam one game nul of llrsl. Pilchers Dusty Snow, An­ drew McClannon und Dun Poin­ dexter combine for no earned runs. ,Iiily 1 • Moeksville IS, Kann 6 ll pounds first-place Kan­ napolis for Ihe second time in five dnys, pulling within a half- game of first. Wesley Douglas and Cody Crolls combine for six hits and nine RBIs. .luly 2 - Mock 14, Concord 7 Poindexter goes deep Iwlce, becoming the lOlh player in 23- year history to collect eight hom­ ers. Boyles goes 4 for 5 in sev­ enth straight win. July S • Kowaii Co. 14, Mock 4 An old nemesis leads all Ihe way, ends Mocksville’s seven- game winning sireuk and blocks it from the No. I seed in Ihe pluy- offs. Central Division. Those are ucccpluble numbers for u lot of icums, bul they were nowhere close lo Mocksville's slundurds. ll hnd played 5-5 ball in the lust 10 gumes, it wus 3-5 in one-run games and it wus well off last year’s 2 1-game pace, when Mock.sville wus on top of the world al 18-3 and 11-2. Six games Inter, the swoon in llie middle of June is e.s.senllully forgotten. Since Ihul 2-1 lo.ss ul Rowan, Mocksville hasn’l losl. ll reeled off six slrnighl wins lo clo.se the regular seuson, includ­ ing shutouts at South Rowan (4- 0) and Taylorsville (5-0). It inay nol have taken the easy route, but Mocksvillc was righl where It wanted lo be heading inlo the playoffs, finishing the regular, season 19-8 and 11-5. That was good for second in Ihe Central Division and the No. 3 seed in the 16-team Area III play­ offs, “I’m real happy wilh the regu­ lar season." usslsiant coach An­ drew Jones said. “We finished sirong nnd (five of our eighl) losses were by one run. I'm jusl renl proud of everybody." “If wc could have won a couple of those one-run games, wc could have been Ihc No. I seed," Coach Churics Kurfees said. “But we hud a good regular season, and hopefully we can go a long ways." In Ihe first of the twin viclo- ries lo end Ihe rcgulur sen.son, Mocksville gol an outstanding pitching perl'omtanee from Cam­ eron Clinard. The righthander thrce-hil S. Rowan and delivered jusl the sccond shutout in 26 Mocksville Legion (15-7,11-4 SD) gnmes. A 12-hil offense was fueled by Christopher Rogers (3 for 3), Brandon Stewnrt (2-3), Justin Thompson (2-3) and Josh Eder (2-3). Brad Corriher, Zuch Howard nnd Timmy Allen ndded one hit ns Mock.sville pul the 4- 0 win nwny svith two sixth-in- ning runs. Then Mocksville thoroughly outplayed a good Taylorsville leum, getting shutout pilcliing from Ing-teamers Chnd.Jurvis. Tuylor Cox and Corriher. The game was scoreless go­ ing inlo the top of the fourth, when Mocksville erupted for five runs. Thi; tear began with о buni hit by Corriher. Thompson fol­ lowed with a bum hit ns Mocks­ ville ripped Taylorsville apart' with persistent small ЬцП. “What I like about the Toy- lorsville game is we gol all 17 players In Ihe lineup," Kurfees said. "Everybody looked real good, and Taylorsville is a very good lenni." After enrning a first-round bye, it wns more of the same in Game One of Mocksville's best- of-3 .series ul Kemersville on July the Fourth. It rolled 12-4 to ex­ tend ils winning streak lo seven. Games Two and Three (If nec­ essary) were al Rich Park on July 5-6. Note.s: The third-round quar- lerfinals are July 8-10, and Ihe semifinals nre July 12-14. They will nlso be besl-оГ-З series, while the championship (July 16- 20) will be bcst-of-five. The fi- nnlisls will ndvance to the state toumument at host Rowan County. Southern Division Standings May WMock. 11, Moorc.sville4* W Mock 9, Asheboro 3 • W Mock 9, Kemersville 7 • ,lime W Mock 5, E. Rnmlolph 4 • L Mooresville 6, Mock 3 • L Kemersville 10, Mock 8 • L Asheboro 9, Mock 6 • W Mock 12, South Rowan 2 L Slnnly Co. 5, Mocksville 4 L Concord 9, Mock.svillc 7 W Mock 13, Lexinglon 3 L Rowan Co. 6, Mock.sville 4 W Mocksville 13, Wilkes 2 WMock 12, Mooresville 2 L Moor 5, Mocksville 3(11) • WMock l6,SlanlyCo. 12 W Mock 5, Wilkes Co. 4 W Mock 9, Knnnnpolis 1 W Mocksville «, S, Rowan 7 W M ock3, Lexinglon 2 (10) W Mock 15, Knnnnpolis 6 W Mocksville 14, Concord 7 3 vs. Rownn County 6 first round of playoffs • Denotes exhibillon games. All gnmes siurt nl 7; 15 p.m. League Overall Kannapolis 12-4 18-6 Rowun Co, 11-5 17-13 Mocksville 11-5 15-8 Stunly Co.9-7 12-10 S. Rowan 9-7 13-11 Concord 8-8 13-10 Mooresville 8-8 14-13 Lexinglon 3-13 4-16 Wilkes Co. 1-15 1-21 Note: This is the final standings in Ihe regular season. VVVVH', enterprise-record .com G E N E ’S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 766-9148 3612 Clommons Road Clemmons D aVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .July 8 ,2004 - И9 V O T E ^ r u T o m F le m in g Please Vote July 20th, 2004. Thank You. Republican Candidate for Davie County Commissioner Paid for by Tom l^leming, Cindidate Г Л М И -Г ^ Family Night Everyone Is invited to come enjoy great food, fun, games and the inf (»tables In the gym and pool. Friday, July 9, Z004r Eyeninq Schedule 6;^0 p.m.'-7.‘00 p.m. (dinner will be served and games begin!! 7:00 p.m.'S.'^O p.m. Fun in the gym and pool! Family Night per child per adult Ш family max) Call ^36-751-96ZZ for details. Y M C A 0(* NORTHWEBT НОПТИ СЛПОиНЛ DAVIE FAMILY BRANCH 215 Cemetery Street Mooksvllle, NC 27028 "Helping people reach Iheir God-given potential in spirit, mind and body. ” -A United Wuy Agency- SA D bu, T R U E / / JULIA HOWARD was one of Five Republicans voting with Richard Morgan to give away control of the House. JULIA HOWARD voted for a redistricting plan GOP State Party Chairman Ferrell Blount said was unconstitutional and hurts Republicans. ✓ JULIA HO WARD voted to raise taxes ONE BILLION DOLLARS (House Bill 397,2003 session) Voting Y E I S : Voting ] V O : (K) ,iulia Howiird......................Davie (R) Brock.....................................Davic (D) Holliman.......................Davidson (R) Mitchell...............................Iredell (D) Coates................................Rownn (R) Ray........................................Iredell (R) Sloan Iredell (R) McCombs Rowan (R) Hartsell...........Rowan/Cabnrras (R) Dockham .......................Davidson (R) Bingham........................David.son (R) Holme.s...............................Yadkin O n J u l y 2 0 , E l e c t a L o y a l R e p u b l i c a n , F ra n k M itch ell Paid for by Frank Milcliell for N.C. I louse Cimimillcc \ AVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISK RECORD, Thursday, July 8,2004 S p o t l i g h t o n B u s i n e s s M uch Ado About Knitting ow ners S tephanie Isley and M ichelle Spillm an. M u c h A d o A b o u t K n ittin g: Purveyors of Fine Yarns C om e and experience a new adventure In (Iber. T h a t’s w hat c o -o w n ers S te p h a n ie Isley and M ichelle Spillman ol Much Ado Aboul Knitting w ant you to discover w hen you step through their doors. Their shop is exciting, different and, m ost Important, a custom er's delight. "Mlphelle and I had b een talking about opening this busi- ^ n e ss for years," explains Stephanie, w ho co n fesses to being p assionate about knitting. “W e've alw ays felt like our knowl­ edge could be helpful to others." Both women, who are nurses at Medcost, have been good friends for years. Michelle, another knitting lover, just recently quit her Job there to work in the store full-time. Anxious to serve customers Like ow ners of any new business, S tephanie and M ichelle are anxious to get going and bring their services to the public. Starting their venture also took a great deal of pondering. But S tephanie likes to recall the poetic w ords ot her husband, Jam es, a s they w ere about to jump into opening their slore, “He said it's som etim es better to talk about the fishing trip than lo actually go on it," sh e said with a laugh. "But in April we decided lo get inlo the boat and it’s b een full steam ah ead ever since.” Combined total of 28 years of experience In Fiber Arts M uch Ado About Knitting do esn 't open until July 8th but Ihere has already been a greal deal of interest in Ihe store. “P eople have already b een com ing by to s e e w hat's going on. It's really been unreal," say s S tephanie. "But w e love it. O ur m ain focus will be on excellent custom er service and w e enjoy helping out and answ ering any questions that custom ­ ers m ay have. Together w e have 28 y ears ol com bined expe­ rience in fiber arts." Terrific books, patterns and fun knitting groups The store will ba carrying upscale yarns and tool a c c e ss6- ries along with terrific books, patterns and other lunky stuff. They will also offer exciting and friendly knitting groups, som e of which will be charity-based. “W e w ant the groups to be fun and provide a good social lime for everyone. T here will be varied multi-ieveled classes and the class size will vary betw een 6-12 people,” Stephanie notes. Blocking and finishing services available O ne olher great thing M uch Ado About Knitting will offer is blocking and finishing services, “A lot of people love to knit but don't like the sew ing aspect of It. W e are here to do that for them ," com m ents Stephanie. Advertising 1‘rumutions WmltslMtps M m I W o o d w o rks A ffo nlM e P n iiM t H iM liift Storage Buildings S328 St. Paul Church Rd. Hamptonville, NC 27020 CtiU for D/n‘Cf/nns Alvin Mast, Jr. 3 3 6 ^ 8 - 1 1 9 4 œ iVh Siiiu Iiiv O lili Hleiur ‘D one D irt C h e ap ’ Drainage Drain Sysloms Grading Slump Removal Ughl Land Clearing Hauling Ughl Demolition Eioslon Control M u lc h • D ir t • S a n d • O r a v c l 3 3 6 7 4 9 - 0 4 6 5 6131 Süulium Dr Cicmnioas NC Tom Jones UGLY ROOF STAINS REIvlOVED FOR A LIKE NEW LOOK!! Nation’s Largest & Oldest Roof Stain Removers Roof-Brite^ 785-2030 ioo Royal Oak Dr.. W mston-Salcm. NC 27107 I V I u c h A d o A b o u t PERFECTPAWS Pet Salon All Naiiiral Products 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -9 0 7 4 Clirislinc JlllilUl MiK-ksvlllc, N.C. 99‘Family Store Everything 99e or leas Games, housewares, lools & ______now IlcmsI______ We now sell cigarettes CHEAP! ■ SZ7S Hwy IM«Food ilDn Shopplflfl K n i t t i n g Experience A New Adventure In Yarn Large variety of accessories, tools, books, patterns, Other unusual & funky stufT! E xciting Cin.ssos - E xport P roject - F in ish in g Sorvicoa Socini & C h n rity lin ittin g G roups O u tstan d in g C ustom er Sorvice W nnn & W elcom ing E n v iro n m en t Owners; Michelle SpiUmun • Stephanie Isley 1317 LeiviHviUe-Clemmom R(L, LewiHvllle C o rn ers Shopping Cenler (3 3 6 ) 7 7 8 -1 9 9 8 Ilrs. M-F 10-8PM • Sat. 10-5PM r D C f i i i u u a lyiii II S | S elf-Stòragèi «tD 998-9661 / Climate Control / 24 hr Computerized Gate ✓ Fenced with 24 hr lighting / Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 / Video Cam era Security / Next to Bermuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance T I L E R I T E (3 3 6 ) 813-T IL E.^ ^ ( S 4 B 3 ) We instai ceimic and Stone tile. Ivnlr OHwd busncfl ibr 16 )m We lakesrtatpile inourfttikinJcalctitrimÿfcFttfglinttlrih^ e y G O n n g BAKERYTHRIFT STORE Hours: M on.-Fri. 10-6 Sat. 10-2 Specializing In... Carpet & Vinyl Ceramic Tlie Hardwood Floors & Refinishing Counter Tops Laminated Floors (336)766-0733 21 Years Experience NOWOPEN TDThE PUOJC ! Buy 1 Entenmann’s & GetlFREEI |:<|uhI «ir I.e«« Vnlut I C le m m o n s T h r i f t S t o r e I SCCOLoAtavflc^CtofTimonsnd. OommonB(AcioMhvn VlAOoCAretoA GRs) I I M3fi-ko-7;SotiCSun.1M‘706<XW0 | ( Honiilijid [W h lln « ^ 5919-C James St. IIIIIWI Grand Opening to be held July 10th O n Saturday, July 10th, f\/luch Ado About Knitting wHI be holding an oHIclal grand opening for their new store. T here will be refreshm ents and free gifts with any purchase. And while you’re there, S tephanie say s lo be sure to register'’to win a $50.00 gift card to b e u sed for anything in th e store. Store located In Lewisville, Corners Shopping Center Ivluch Ado A boul Knitting Is localed al 1317 Lewisville- C lem m ons R oad in the Lewisville C orners Shopping C enter (across from K aplans.) The slore hours are M onday-Friday 10 am lo 8 pm and Saturday 10 am to 5 pm. S tephanie and IVilchelle can be reached at 778-1998. DIISS 1 Christian Bool<s & School Supplies Voiir local Homcschool Kc<iil(|iiiirtcrs Chrisllan ciits, slmly miklcs, Diblcs, bulletin Ixwnl scis, nclioii/iion- ficllon biwks & much, much more 127 N.Siill.'il)urySl.»Mocl<svlllc 336-753-6977 (li.scotinl2002ll@)'ulu)O.coin wmv.tlliss.com Italian Family Restauranl Tanalewood Shopping Ctr Hillsdale ine In * TaKe Out ♦ Free Delivery 336-9i0-6787 Fax 336-940-6786 SAVINGS up j/% EVERYDAY •<> 4 U S i'iitn r C iliz t'fiA D ÌH i-o u n lii • A P P U A N C E S • ■ n r s • M A T T R E S S E S & B O X S P R I N G S E T S Clemmons Discount Sales 1533 Lewlsvllle-Cleininons Rd. 766-4449 • Clemmons • 766-4938 ©Husqvarna VIKING Owners A n n M ic h e l, Teresa L u p o le A n ti W a n n ita B ro w n •Quiiliiv fabric at great priccs •C'otnplcic iii\c «rsewing machines and scrjicrs. •AiluU and yo\ii!i classcs. •vScrvicc ami repair- all makes anil moilels. •Noilons-QuiliinK iic I > iMnbroiilcry Supplies M onday^Ttm rsday 10^8 ^ * * Friday^S nturday 10^5 421 & LetPisviile’Ciemmons Road Lewisville ____________(336) 766-8271 wwtu,iewittfilyyQttrs,(am C a r a a c D e e r R e p a i r s A l l E l e c t r i c a l C n e n e r l ^ e p a i r s • Em ergency Service • Senior Citizens' D iscount ' 25 Years Experience si>.qiNas GARAGE DOOR SERVICES ‘‘Mr. Ed" (336) 998-2336 « Fabminotow, NC 940-3442 A N IM A L H O S P IT A L F ull .service V eterinary H o sp ital .... , ■ Medlfinc-SiirBery-Dentlstry• I’umily MclUcmc I'or Yovir l*ct „ Dr. Emily Rober«.,. ^ B atli.s-B oar(Iing 3162 US Hwy K-iS Advancc D o gs, C ats, and P o c k e t Pets r ' I $15 off y o u r 1st visit ACCENTS Blinds, Shutters & Shades Douglas Powell 946-0227 w w w .a ccen tsb ss.co m PO Box 85 Lewisville, NC 27023 Davie People DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 8, 2004 - CI I . ^ „ Bill Campbell was disqualified because he didn’t iiave aJamie O Neal and nephew Tanner Sechrest took first place in the lawnmower division of the Cooleemee Fourth of iawnmower, but children were happy because he had July lawnmower and bicycle parade on Saturday. The day was filled with activities sponsored by the town. plenty of candy to hand out. Children ride Iheir bicycles decorated with plenty of red, white and blue. Charles^rewer, age 20 monlhs, has a good seat forthe ^ u ■ ^ ^ parade - in the arms of paw paw, Charles Brewer of . h'! IVIocksviiie. - Photos by Robin Fergusson '"wnmower through the ’ ^ streets of Cooleemee.You’re never too young to enjoy a lawnmower parade. From left, Tanner Sechrest Dyllan Everhardt and Sidnee Everhardt watch the proceedings. Amanda Barbee is "Miss Liberty." Breanna Brewer rides a Gator.Residents gather at tho Zachary House for the fesivilies. I C2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 8,2004 W ilk in s o n -B a r r C o u p le M a r r ie d Ericn Ashley Wilkinson and Tony Franklin Barr were united in marriage ul 5 p.m., Salurday, May 14 in a double-ring ouldoor ceremony al Ihe home of Ihe bride’.s parenls. The Rev. Timo­ thy Wolf officiated. The bride is the daughter of Eddie and Vicki Wilkinson of Advance, and the granddaughter ofTom and France.s Wilkinson of Advancc and Kenneth and Julia Howell of McK'ksville. She is a graduate of Davie High School nnd Forsylh Technical Commu­ nity College, and is employed by RBC Centura in Clemmons, The groom is the son of Sam nnd Judy Bnrr of Advnncc. and the grandson of Kathleen Barr of Clemmons and the late C.F. Barr of Clemmons, und Charles Carter of Advancc and the late Ruby Carter of Advance. He is a gnidu- ate of Davie High School and i.s employed by Machine Special­ ties, Inc, in Greensboro. Given in marriage by her par­ ents. Ihc bride chose her cousin, Tiffany Howell of Winston-Sa- lem, us maid of honor, and her sister, Logan Wilkinson of Ad­ vance. as honorary muid of honor. Bridesmaids were: Kendra Howell of Winston-Su- lem, Brooke Howell of Mocks­ villc. cousins of the bride: Holly Allen of M ocksville. and Michelle Stewart and Sarah Wil­ liams of W inston-Sulcm. all friends of the bride. Junior bridesmaids were Ashlyn Blass und Bailey Howell of Mocks­ ville, cousins of the bride. The groom chose his futher as best man and his grandfather, Charles Carter of Advance, us honorary best man. Ushers were: Tcke Klipfel of Lewisville, Brian Taylor, Mike Williams and Chris Williams of Winston-Salem, all friends of the groom; and Clint Howell of Mocksville. cousin of the bride. Junior groomsmen were Zachary Howell and Jack­ son Howell of Mocksville. cous­ ins of the bride. Sheila Tutterow wns the wed­ ding director. The register and program attendants were Megan, Stacy and Shelby Hendrix of Advancc, cousins of the bride, MacKenzie Howell, cousin of the bride, was the bell attendant. A tented reception was held immediulely following the ccr- cmony.The couple will re.side in Winston-Salem, Spccinl Events • OiApril 4, a miscellaneous bridal shower at Fork Baptist Church was hosted by Sherrie Ridenhour nnd Deborah Jones, •OnApril IV.nmiscelluncous bridal shower at the home of Su- .san Blass was hosted by auni.s of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Franklin Barr the bride, Susun Blass. Su/.y Howell and Kris Howell. • OnMay2,JudyBarrhostcd a wedding celebration shower ul her home. • On May 8. a bridesmaids brunch ut the home of Juliu Stephanie Lynn Myers and Christopher Andrew Vest were united in marriage at 2 p.m. on Saturday. June 12 at Yadkin Val­ ley Baptist Church. Advance, Kevin Hendrix, magistrate, offi- ciuted. The bride is the duughtcr of Stephen and Janie Myers of Mocksvillc. She is Ihe grand- duughier of Biicford and Huzcl Lambert of M ocksvillc and Hayden and Ethel Myers of Mocksville. She i.s n 1998gradu- , ate of Dnvie High School nnd nttcnilcd Forsylh Tcchnlcul Com- mimity College. She is employed by the Forsylh Couniy Sheriff’s Department in Winston-Salem. The groom is the son of Ri­ chard and Brona Vest of Mocks- ville. He Is the grandson of Rachel Muxey of Kernersville and Doug Muriow of Sulisbury, He is a iy8f) graduate of Duvic High School und a graduutc of Forsylh Technical Communiiy College. He wus employed with the Davie County Sheriff’s De­ partment. Given in murriugc by her fu- Iher, Ihe bride wore u |)carl matte satin straple.ss gown. The filled bodicc wus decorated with seed pearls,bugle beads und amethyst crystal stones.Tiny satin buttons closed the buck of the bodice. The A-Iine skirt wus decoruled in a similar fashion along the fn)nl oflhe skirt, continuing along the hemline lo the chnpel-lcngth train. The bride carried a bouquet of while roses and lilies. The bride chose for her muid of honor, her sislcr, Amundu Beth Myers of Mocksvillc. Brides- muids were Shcliu Simmons of Winston-Salem, cousin of the groom, and Samantha Wallace of Lexington. The groom chose his father, Richard Vest, as best man. Ush­ ers were Grudy Simmons of Winston-Salem and Justin Quinn of Advnncc. The wedding wus directed by Ellie Craddock of Advunce. Wedding music wns provided by Wilma Gregory, pinnisi, Stephanie Craddock, soloist, und Caleb Davis, nil of Advunce, The guest registry wns kept by Brittany Simmons of Win­ ston-Sulcm. Progratns were dis­ tributed by Amy Kupp und Chris­ lopher Knpp of Rural Hall, Following the ceremony, u rcccplion wus held nt Ihe Yudkin Vulley Buplist Church fellowship hull. Servers were Lyndn Myers ofMocksvillc und Sherry Hull of Lexington, uunis of the bride. Afler a wedding trip to the Bahamas, the couple will be at home in Mocksvillc. Kchcnrsul Dinner The reheursul dinner wus hosted by the groom’s parents al the Twin Cily Chop House in Mrs. Christopher Andrew Vest Winslon-Salem. The bride und groom chose this time lo pre.sent gifts lo Ihe wedding purty. .Social ICvenI A miscellaneous shower wus ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ M M i i “ lo p fiDin Li^lt; C.huc.k (lu s. Ik i' K Tiipi> Aiulii.'w s IJdttoin fioin Lc'll: S iip lu c, A iid u 'v K AsliUry M ilcln;!!. Biirlijuii. C iirolm o & M o rg fin A n d re w s ★ M ciincci for 3 6 y tM is. CiiiriM itly B u s in o s s n u in . C n re e r s p a n n in g 3 7 y e a rs T ex tiles. T oH ching, C (j>ichiiif<.-C ollege A trilelic A d m in istra tio n ★ S u p p o rlin g Fantily V alu es s tro n g m o ral a n d fam ily v ;ilu e s a re e s s e n tia l for all of o u r (;iti<;(;ns ★ C k is's M issio n To p ro v id e e v e ry o n e in D avie a n d R o w an C o u n ty th e s a m e q u ality of life o p ()o rtu n itie s to c a ise a fam ily th a t w e h a v e e n jo y e d . № ' T REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR 1Ш NC SENATE THANKS TO THE SOLDIERS Veterans and currently serving Thank You for our Freedom, and a Happy Fourth of July! Our Family wishes are for a safe & speedy return for all our brave Sollders. IPAID FQ R BY T H E C O M M IT T E E TO EL EC T G U S A N D R E W S . G A RY D A V IS, T R E A S U R E R ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ .★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ "iir Howell was hosted by the bride’s grundpurents, Juliu Howell und Frances Wilkinson. • On May 14, the groom’s par­ enls, Sam and Judy Barr, liosled a rehearsal dinner al Ihe Ardmore I Room ul The Adum’s Murk. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Benjamin Gusefski Hum phrey-Gusefski Couple Speak Vows M yers-Vest Couple W ed A t Yadkin Valley Amy Duwn Humphrey and Michuel Benjamin Gu.sefski of Raleigh were united in marriage at 2 p.m. June 12 at Reynolda Presbyterian Church in Winslon- Sulem. Dr. Perry Mobley offici- uted. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Faron Humphrey of Tobuecovillc. She is II gruduaie of North Forsylh High School und enrned u buclielor’s degree in psychology from the Univcrsily of North Curolinu ut Chapel Hill, where she wns n member of ihc Phi Mu sorority. She is employed ns n legal nssislant with Nodell, Glass & Haskell. Tho groom is the son of Mr. und Mrs. Bernard J. Gusefski of Mocksville. He is a grudunte of Dnvlc High School nnd enrned a bachelor’s degree in biochem­ istry with a minor in genetics from Norlh Carolina Stale Uni­ versity. where he was a member of Chi Alpha Omegn frnlcrnity. He is employed wiih ihe N.C. Department of Agriculture. The bride chose her sister. M clinie Beth Humphrey of Tobuccoville, ns maid of honor. Bridesmaids were; Kimberly Humphrey and Lnura Humphrey, sisters of the bride; Victoria Hnu.ser, Emily Hop­ ping. Kulhleen Kinsclla, Courtney Hathaway and Eliza­ beth Corey Stanley, friends of the bride: und Jennifer Trotter and Lindley Wall.cousins oflhe bride. The groom’s father wns best -m an. Ushers were: Steve Gusef.ski and Tom Gusefski, brothers of the groom; und Bryce Slurtovnnl, Ben Stlling, Juslin Pullen, Colin Dwan, Travis Ervin, Sieve Knopp and Jon Alexander, all friends of the groom. A fter a reception at the Adams Mark Winston Plaza Hotel, the couple went on u wed­ ding trip lo Florida. They nre al home in Raleigh. heUI Muy 15 Ul the Yadkin Val­ ley Baptist Church fellowship hull in Advuncc hosted hy Lynda Myers. Amy Kapp and Amanda Myers. S e a m o n - B u c h a n a n E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Mr. and Mrs. Ronuld J. Seamon announce the ongugcmcnl of their daughter. Suru Brooke Seumon. to Michuel Sleven Buchanan, son of Linda Ripley of Covinglon, Ga. nnd Joey Buchanan of Rutherfordton. The bride-elect graduuled from the University of North Curolinu ut Chupel Hill School of Pharmacy with u doctor of phurmucy de­ gree. She will be u pharmacist at CVS Phurmucy in Advunce, The groom-to-be graduuled from Iho University of Norlh Cnro­ linn al Greensboro with u bnchelor’s degree in business ndniinistra- tion. He is pursuing n master’s of business adminislralion degree from Gnrdner-Webb University and is a manager ul The Sports Authority in Winslon-Salem. An Aug. 21 wedding is pinnned ul Concord United Melhodisl Church m Mocksville. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, TIuirsday. .luly 8,2004-C3 € •D o iñ fn U ! feiSrV-'0if“Ä ii-Ä m e ric a ilÄ ‘03 Expedition XLT 4x4s SA L V8 engine, low miles, full pow er o m y $ 2 5 ,9 9 5 ! r *03 Taurus SES Sedans V6, auto, pow er seats, loaded with options!! omy $ 1 I f i S O i r *03 Focus SE Sedans Auto, CD, alloys, full power, low m iles Only $ 9 f 8 5 0 ! t *03 Crown Vic LX Sedans MB, leather, dual pow er seats, full power, low miles- Only iualpow er seats, full power, low m $ 1 6 ,9 9 5 ! Г G r e a t D e a l s o n P i c k - U p s ! ! ! ‘02 Chevy Silverado //1ЮАLT. Extra Cab.‘1X4.5.3LV8. ionthoi. {ull powor, 44k tnilos 23,850 'OlCIieiyStaradoZ/t '99F-150SCXLT Щ F-150 XLTFIateside ‘01F-150S/CXLT tf135AEiira cab. lA’efado LS, V8, aulo, 4x| sirr,fr« ccNti, alloys, tow iTJes. lixal vfs-wm tabe. ÄP53A S.-ILVSaulo, bodlinor. full power, 78k milos. #75Л va. nulo, fuH powor. 26k milos ÄP35AV6. aula, 4 doors, full powor, 48k ГЛ'|108 20,995* *12,750* *19,850* *15,850'! 1*34,850* C h e c k o u t t h e s e '01 Focus Wagon Jt».lCe63jA /Ulto. A.C. {»wor, local d e a l s o n O U A U T Y P r e - O w n e d V e h i c l e s f o r l e s s t h a n $ 9 , 0 0 0 ! !"® 6 ,8 5 0 * A S h m t D r i v e Т о М - А п ю п с т F o i ^ A MERCURY Shop us online at a B f O r d - C O m Just off 1-40 Exit 170, Hwy. 601 • Mocksville, NC • (336) ■Plus lax & leos. Doaler keeps rebalas. "W.A.C. and Musl llnance with Ford Credil. •"Musl quality lor certain incentives. Seo dealer lor delalls. 751-2161 MO J Î M U 1 rOROMtRCUKY ' ^Mochevllie »»«¿»/■■«VV f' 'f t- ' Carl NaylorGciwalUinngof Kolth DovonportSnIosMvwoof Dalo RatlodQoAssistali Satos Sfanngof Lonnio BurgossSatos Chuck WalkorSßtos Grade Clark dressed as Betsy Ross and carried a flag. Caleb Johnson, right, pulls McKay Chamberlain, dressed as Uncle Sam, wllh the help of Joyce Khan, at A Child’s World Learning Center In Hillsdale. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Preschoolers Show Their Patriotism Kids 111 A Child's VVorlil Lc;\riiing Comer in l liilsdalc gol into the 4lh of July spirit rriilay, ilrcssing ii|) in red, white nnd blue and pariKling arotnid the center. There weic 5 year old ver­ sions ol' Hclsy Ross. Uncle Sam , the Lady Liberty and more. B est of all, there w as candy. The 5 year olds in the pa­ rade showereil canily on the appreciative younger chil­ dren.Parents came with cameras to watch the parade. У \ Devin Wyatt and Michael Sparks served as queen and king of the parade. Bethlehem United M ethodist Church Family w o u ld lik e 10 in v iic y o u to jo in u s in w e lc o m in g o u r n e w p a s lo r, R e v e re n d H o w a rd D , S h e rrill, J r., “B u ic h ”, o n J u ly 1 1, 2 0 0 4 at 3 2 ! R e d a n d R o a d , A d v a n c e . E arly S e rv ic e - 8 :4 5 a n d 1 1 :0 0 Voii arc alw ays W clcomc! ^ Specialists in Quality Full-Service Remodeling & Home Improvements / ffl^ BUiUDINGО Wl 47 ...^ CEMOOeDNÖ. liC * 7 Sittn ce , N.C. Dc/wiitlahk'. N A H B I’rofmioiuil Crews •KHchons & Baths • Cablngts & Tilo •Sunrooms & Additions . Light Commercial •Replacement Windows & Doors •Vinyl Siding •Decks & Screen Pocchos ■Structural & TflrmltB Repairs M. David Miller, CGR, СЛГ8 Ci'rllßeJ drailuuW RmiiHleliir C erilflt'il AnliiK-lii-Phue S/n-iiallsi NC l.lc. » Ш 0 4 ( 3 3 6 ) 9 9 8 - 2 1 4 0 Leading the parade, Landon Ireland, Gracie'Clark and J.J. Hayes greet the parents and children on the route. ' F m m fr t e is ' 2 0 0 2 Dodge Ram Quad Cab SLT 1999 № Caravan A‘,OWCi> (44.it544.«ik«.v» M u\fW K\: t.nl »<«'» I'fi»'I.,*, 44X mJ»i .S(C<| W . Ciil.ro-wrmxtoti 3 HW.I* тЧС-АНШ' C«ll й1«1* $ 1 8 , 9 8 8 $ 7 , 9 8 8 n t i e l i m ЬИтиу Uttrg. MATUCtt^CD. •uU UKk, moon (oo>. iMrw. powtr g. Ul OKM. tuu iWl dutiy. AUTLi'Ctu, СПДМ. ft Ipd mtJVAl. «rfiK« wAicp« niwuf, power nrtdoMi VK] toe ki $ 1 6 , 9 8 8 $ 8 , 9 8 8 I i \ , ж «Я I WWW wQslMdocluvslotdcKlye)t‘t'p cum .......... In Downtown Mocksville 157 Depot street - 751-5948 • 1-888-469-3781 P i n o N e w s Hy Nora I^itham Pino Correspondent Mindy Williams delivered n very inspiring messiige on Sun­ day at Wesley Chapel in the ab­ sence of Pastor Tommy Kobertson who was on vacation. Gene and Marie Miller spent Iasi weekend in Ihe North Caro­ lina mountains visiting friends. Paul und Joun Barsdale have returned home ufter an extended camping trip in Michigan. While there, they spent time with fam­ ily and visited several friends. Our thoughts and prayers arc wilh Mack Eure who has been under Ihe weather lately. We hope he will feel betler soon. Our conlinucil prayers are needed for Mrs. Johnsie Slielton while she recuperates from surgery. ' Kathy Bills und Noru Luthum spent last weekend in Juekson- ville, Fla. visiting Katl\y'sdaugh- ter, Amy Kuto, and her family, husband, Danny, and sons, Daniel and Dalton. Brock Andrew M arshall turned one yenr uid on Mny 29, 2004. Bruck is the son of G regg and K im berly Marshall. He is the grandson of (¡ary nnd Beverly Marshall und Bill und Ulunna McClannon, ull of Mocksvillc, und Steve and Edna Porter of Vadkinvillc. Brock eelebrnted his birthday with big sister, Lauren, big brother und lots of o th er fum iiy and friends ut nn Elmo party at his home. Gregg nnd Kimberly would like to thunk everyone for m nklng Ilro ek ’s first birthday so .spcciul. Huppy Birthduy Brock, Wc Love V(|ul F o u r C o r n e r s N e w s By Marie White Four Corners Correspondent "Goil niess Our Counlry" Let us all give thanks to our flag so true, its colors are so beautiful, red, white and blue. When I think of the good ole U.S.A., let IIS .stop and humbly, pray. For God is our .strength ami refuge H'c all know, let us con­ tinue and io\'e to olher.s show. Lei ii.v serve Him wherever we can, for we all know Ihal is ac­ cording to His plan. Wishing everyone a great nnd safe July 4th, Love in Christ, Marie S. White Fourth of July was observed nt the Methodist church Sunday wilh a patriotic service. Flags lined the entrance walkway to the church imd otiier memorabilia wns displayed. A band, mude up of young people, played patriotic songs at the beginning of the scr­ vicc and at the ending. M ethodist Vacation Bible School will be July I2-I6at6:.30- 8:3Ü p.m. All children are inviied. Bobby Joe ShutI and wile Diane Shull of Madisonville, Tenn. spent liie holiday weekend in N.C. On Saturday tliey met willi i^dilh Zimmernum und Vcrneile Greene of Churchluiul, in Forsyth County to go to Hopewell Moravian Church cemetery to see the grave sites of pioneer ancestor Jacob Slum and wife Elizabelh. From there liiey drove lo Advance where they had lunch wilh Edith Ziinmerinan. Afterwards n lour of Ihe coininunily. llic Method­ ist church and new fellowship hall, lo the old John Wesley SliutI homeplace on ShutI Road; Ihe old Joiin Edward Bell Sluitt honicplacc, llie cemeteries of Advancc M ethodist und Elbuville Mctliodist wiiere many relatives are buried. In the af­ ternoon we enjoyed looking througii old piioto albums and family records and researching genealogy. The group went to Tarheel Q in Dnvidson County for supper. Bobby nnd Diane nttended worsliip service nt tlie Mctliodist churcli Siindny, where his ancestors hnd once wor- siiippcd. After church they liad lunch with Edith and more vis­ iting in the afternoon. This was Bobby Joe's first visit to his ancestors' property. He is a minister, following in the footsteps of ancestors. The Shulls left forTcnn. on Mondny. We were liappy to see George Harris at church Sunday after undergoing knee surgery. A speedy recovery is wished for him. We e.\tend deepest sympatliy to Sudie Howard and Frank Markinnd in the death of their sister Lib. Cnrter. Rebeccn Potts left lust week for a three week tour of Europe. A safe trip is wished for her. County Line News By Shirley Thorne County Line Correspondent It's Vacation Bible School time again in County Line. Two local churches will have scliools next week. All chiidrcn in the community are invited. Salem United Mctliodist's scliool will be Wednesday, July 14-Saturday,July 17. The theme will be "Hero Quest." Classes for children of ull nges will be held from 6;45 - 9 p.m. and will feature Bible lenrning nclivilies and crafts. Refreshments will be served each night. Plney Orovc AME Zion's .school will be Monday, July 12- Friday.July 16. Cla.sses for chil­ dren of nil ages plus a class for adults wiil be held from 6:30- 8:30 p.m. und will feature Bible learning activities and crufts. Refreshments will be served each night. Clarksbury United Metiiod- ist Church held a cliurch-wide "Fourth of July" family cookoiil Sunday afternoon. The 13 youlh nnd two ndults who attended the Lake Junalnska youth retreat last week relumed in time to enjoy the cookout. The Methodist Women will meet nt 7 p.m. Mon- day, July 12, in Ihe church fel­ lowship hall. Alice Absher will he in chnrge of the program. The Clarksbury Seniors will meet al 4 p.m. Tuesday, July 13, in tlic church fellowsiiip liull to make wicker baskets. If you are a senior adult in the c^immunity, Clarksbury invites you to come enjoy the fellowsiiip nnd fun. Society Baptist Church wiil have a church-wide bridal shower for Jill Senmon, briiie- elecl of Jeremy Whiluker and daughler of Jerry and Jane C. Seamon of Shndy Knoll Lane, from 2-4 p.m. Sunday, July 11. The V-Point Ruritan Club will liave its regulnr monthly meeting at tlie V-Point Building on Old Mocksville Rond at 7 0 p.m. Thursday, July 8. The club will kick off its summer mem- liership drive, if interested in becoming a member, come to tlie meeting or call Alice Absher nl 704-.‘i46-782() or Johnny Towell nl 492-771)7. Our comniunity sends gel- well wishes to Olelia'Turner, Cherie Ramsey, and Tanya liednian - all of Piney Grove. Olelia was hospilnlized at Iredell Memorial for hip replacement surgery. Cherie broke her ankle and was hospilnlized at Davis Regional. Tnnya had oiilpnlicnt surgery nl Iredell Memorial. All are recuperating at their respec­ tive homes. Paulino Stroud re­ mains ut Davis Regional for piiysical tiierapy. Join as wc pray for the Lord's healing in tlie lives of these residenls. Here's hoping you and your family hnd n grent Fourth of July celebrntion. For my moilierand me, il meant visiling friends nnd relatives and picking lols of blackberries (and also gelling chigger bites and briar scratches). It meant taking time to remember our forefathers for tlieir declaration and subsequent seven-year fight for indepen­ dence as a country from 1776 • 1783. Periiups you were like me und had not read for several years our Declaration of Inde­ pendence as adopted by unani­ mous vole of July 4, 1776, nam­ ing our new nation tlie United States of Amcrica. If so, lake the time to re-read it as I did. Having been on scverni ovcr- scns Christian mission trips, to­ day I am thankful for the free­ dom or right to worship as plense. I am thankful for the right to get an education, to earn a living, to vote, to speak freely ... What freedoms or rights do you value? Have you thought aboul them lately? Do you believe life begins at the moment of conception? If so,vote Nathan Tabor on July 20*** www.NathanTabor.com j Paid for hy Tttbor for Congress Inc.| Send A Davie C o u n ty \ative Tb C o n g r e s s Ed Powell - 5th District G overn or Jim H olshouser, C hairm an R everend C oy P rivette, V ice-C hairm an Born in D avie C ounty to M argaret and H arrell P ow ell o f C aiahain com m unity A tten ded D avie C ounty Schools and graduated from D avie C ounty H igh School Jniversity of N orth Carolina graduate W ake Forest U niversity School of L aw graduate V ietnam veteran, U . S. A rm y; A w ard ed the B ronze Star A ttorney in W inston-Salem ; represented thousands of citizens all across the Fifth D istrict I S S U E S - Restore E conom y of 5th D istrict - W in War on Terrorism and Strengthen N ational Security and D efense - A bolish Incom e Tax and replace w ith national sales tax - H elp our seniors w ith M edicare and Prescription D rug R elief - Fight for fam ily valu es Visit w w w .pow ellforcongress.com for m ore inform ation T H IQ A n m i J R T E S Y O F M A X I N E A N D G I L B E R T B O G E R Paid for by Powell for Congress Kelly Cundiff, 12, washes a truck af the Davie Family YMCA youth car wash. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Katie Sears makes sure the wheels are clean. Brittani Stewart and Kayla Brewer polish a van. Join U s ! Come let's look for heroes In the Bible VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL July 12-16, 2004 6:30*8:30pm 4 years - adult Advance United Methodist Church 801 South, Com er of Fire Station Road at Um raHroad track* Davie County middle school students in the YMCA SOS program lake a break from washing vehicles. S O S Kids Sponsoring Car W ashes 'I'hcy’rc SOS kid.s, und Ihey attend llie Duvic Family YMCA for The next car v/ash is sehctluled for Thursdny, July 15, al Fast exercise, fellowship and to learn. Lube in Ihc Willow Oak Shopping Ccnlcr on U.S. 601 North in They also want to go to Carowinds, and arc having cur washes Mocksville, from <J;30 ii.m.-2 p.m. lo fund the trip. The SOS stands for Support Our Students. The SOS kids gang up on a van to make sure every inch is cleaned. Dear Voters of Davie, I hope you will consider d c i r ' G n c e L * S P I L L M A N f o r D a v i e C o u n t y C o m i v i i s s i o n e r 1 - He will protect your tax doiiars 2 - He will make sure they are spent wisely 3 - Over 25 Years as Treasurer of the Cooleemee Fire Dept. 4 - Air Force Veteran for over 34 years 5 - Has a Business Administration Degree from Catawba College 6 - He will provide sound leadership 7 - Conservative like Jesse Helms ß - Caring man and father God Bless You and Your Families Paid for by David W. Spillman Cavf L a m b e r t F o r S c l i o o / B o a r d E x p e r i e n c e d Q L e a d e r s h i p • Past Prealdent, Rotary ClubofMookBvllle • Past PreBldent, Davie Family YMCA Board of Managers • Member and Lay Leader, First United Methodist Church • Past Chair Flnanoe, First United MethodlBt Churoh • Past Member, Davie County United Way • Past Member, Mooksvliie Elementary Sohool Parent Advisory Board • Active Community Leader with Three Children Involved In the Davie County Sohool Sysiem (3) I would appreciate your Vote and Support on July 20. -Pai&for-bv-Garhhamberh DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, ,Iuly 8,2004 - C7 P h o t o C o u r s e s O f f e r e d The Duvic County Arts Council welcom es John Reynolds, accomplished pho­ tographer, lo host n photography workshop series in July. Reynolds is primarily a self- taught photographer whose work has been featured in many Photographic Socicly of America slide salons in the US and abroad. His main interest and expertise is nature photog­ raphy. He has won many awards for his work, and will be on hand in July to share his knowledge in a workshop series sponsored by the Davie County Arts Coun­ cil at the Brock Performing Arts Center lobby. The first workshop will be Camera Basics on Saturday, July 10 from 9 a.m.-noon. This ses­ sion will focus on the use of 35mm cameras, although some discussion of digital cameras can be Included. Topics will include how your camera works, lenses, focusing, shutter speed, field depth, flash, composing scenes, film choice, storing photos, and more. This class is appropriate for beginners. You must bring your own camera and its manual to the workshop. Cost is $15. On Saturday, July 17, Reynolds will lead a second workshop on photographing na­ ture, You must have a basic un­ derstanding of your camera, or have completed the Camera Ba­ sics workshop to participate in Ihis class. Again, 35mm cam­ eras are preferred, but some dis­ cussion of digital cameras can be included. This workshop will be divided into two sessions, the first from 9 a.m.-noon covering how basic techniques of photog­ raphy help capture nature. There will be a one-hour lunch break, meal not provided. The sccond session will consist of n Tield ex­ ercise from 1-3 p.m. offsite where participants will have an opportunity to photograph out­ doors. All participants must sup­ ply their own film. Cost of this workshop is $40. The last workshop will be a photo critique on Saturday, July 24. This is for those that have participated in one or both of the previous workshops. Reynolds will be available for suggestions and helpful hints for those who desire an artistic opinion of iheir photographs. If you hnve un interest in photogrnphy, or jusl don't have a clue how your camera works, call to register at 751-3000. All workshops will be held at the Brock Performing Arts Center, 622 N.Main St., Mocksvillc. Be sure to check the website www.daviearls.org. Curves Opens In Mocksville Waco-based Curves Interna­ tional has opened its newest lo­ cation in Mocksville, ut 375 Hospital St. Curves offers women a sup­ portive environment, 30 minute fitness solutions and a weight loss program. "We are excited to become part of the Mocksville commu­ nity," said Susan H. Hajec and Linda K. Kekic, franchise own­ ers. "Curves offers u comfort­ able, welcoming plnce where women from young to older uges feel challenged und huppy to And a fitness routine that truly seems to fit them." ^ Staff mem bers include Yvonne Messick, manager, and Debra Williamson, lead associ- ate. Other a.ssoeiates incjude Flo­ rence Adams, Patricia Leonard and Donna Carter. Hajec, who was a Curves member for two years before she became owner/operator of two other Curves in North Carolina, says the popularity is due "to the immediate and lasting results women achieve when they are faithful to the 30-minute work­ out, three times a week.” She has lost, and kept off, 60 pounds. Club members also gain many good health benefits, she said, such as lower blood pres­ sure, belter blood counts for dia­ betes, increased stamina, and un infusion of energy. The Curves workout is de­ signed so thal women encourage and support eacii olher while they move uround the circuit, "We look forward to helping women in this community reach amazing results, both physical and emotional," Kekic said. "With the average person gaining three pounds a year, a reasonable workout regime that can fit into today’s busy lifestyle of work and family is critical lo help combat diabetes, osteoporo- sis, hypertension and other health risks that women can fact," she said. The workout program com­ bines strength and cardiovascu­ lar training through hydraulic resistance. Call 753-2348 or visit www.ciirvesinlenialinoal.caiii. rs n “ ■■'x Cedar Rock Assisted Living of Mocl<sville Special Achievement Award Kimmy Cornatzer Since our he^inniiijt in Fdmmry of 2002 »tv have l>een itiessed wilh wonderfitl resiiicni.'i mni su\jf. UV wouUi like lo lake ihis opporlunily lo say "liumk you" lo family meminrs who luive enlrusied iheir loved ones to our care; to our siajf for llw ldf;h quaiity of care, iove, compassion and dedicution tiicy .v/»«»* «»r residents: to the outside agencies, such as Davie County Department of Sociai Ser^'ices, Davie County Home Health, Davie Counly flospitai, EMS, Fosters Drug, Davie Medical Etpdpmem, Medical Associates of Dnvie, ami all those wfuf help us provide liie care our resldenis deserve! On behalf of our residents m d my partners, I woidd like to say a "very special thank you" to Kimmy Cornatzer. Kimmy is our Housekeeping Supervi.sor, Kimmy has had perfect attendance for 2 years, 3 months ami ¡H days! H'ou'/ Due to Kimtt\y‘s lumi work and supervision, u-i hnve consisiemly maintained a high health rating. When Kimmy is nol busy shining, polishing and cleatdng, you can find her helping oul her fellow coworkers, as she is cross‘irained in 4 out of 5 departments! Aru/ simuld she fall l>el\iiui, iwr fellow co-workers pitch in atul help her out! Kimmy has been heard saying many limes, "if for some reason, / should ever have to (piit work, I would have lo come Inick and volunteer, Itecause / would »nlss tite residents and stiiff 100 much ”! // takes a special person In our line of work, and I feel that Kimmy and our st(\ff are truly special people! . t f - C e d a r R o c k 191 C re stv le w D rive M ocksville ( 3 3 6 )7 5 1 - 1 5 1 5' ’ Shelia Sammons to Care^ D o y o u b e lie v e m o re m o n e y in y o u r p a y c h e c k w o u ld h e lp y o u ? If sojvote Nathan Tabor on July 20*^ Q . www.NathanTabpr.com (Paid for by tabor foj’ ConBrcssJnc.| I n P a in ? S tr e s s e d ? Biyan Cudd, LMBT License #3979 Located at: IVatlU’eS Gifts 336-751^292 CeU. 336^90iH)626 Bring This Ad for ’ 10 Off 1 st Visit F o r D a v i e C o u n t y B o a r d o f E d u c a t i o n Your Vote will be Appreciated on July 2(Mh Paid for by Debra Brown Groce VOTE FOR CHARLES O. WILLIAMS R epubliciin C iindidiite fo r County Commissioner o f D av ie C o u n ty W ould A p p re c iate Y our V ote PAID FOR BY CHARLES O. WILLIAMS It’s your turn to change your life in 30 minutes. C We un help at Curve}. Aiti) now ihetc's one in your neiglilwrlKKxl. Curves li ihitty'tninute ilineu. «ommonwnw: weight lojt nnd the lupixjft you tienl to i}» Iwth. Cill lu loiby ami discover w!ur over 3 million women aheatly know: that at Curves, your dreami are our |;uj)s. IIk* fxmri lo jnu/c >Ti<ir i li' www.ciirveilniernailonal.com COMING SOON MOCKSVIIXIi Monday, July 19 753-2348 375 Hospital St. StilteA Mocksvillc, NC 27028 Ovtr 7t000 tocittiom to ttrvt you. 6 6 % O f f Scrvicc I cc Ento Springs E r i k a 'S D r e a m O f B e i n g A N u r s e I s C o m i n g T r u e B e c a u s e O f H e r D e d i c a t i o n A n d S c h o l a r s h i p . For 118 loii^ an llw can reniuinlii!r, Er/lin Springs waiiluJ lo work in lioaltliCiiro. Sliu tool; tlii; riglit clnieiis lit Sniitii Rciwiiii Higli Sl'Iioo! anil ciMiilili'ruJ iuvornl liunltli cnrt'ur options Lufort! ili'ciiiliig lo lieconie fl nurse. Mur excoliuiit gratlus iind engtiglng pursonniity provud liuiiuficial (or pursuing iier Jtciini. Al iige 17, liowever, ljril;.T liecame prcgnaiit iiml «uJJeiily (acL'J Jifiiuuil clioicus. Slio lived with liur griindinoilier, wliicli liulpud, luil Iier fast food restiiurnnt joL provided only n sin.ill income. Tlie dreiini of .itlending college seemed iin hisurniountaLle goiil. Hope came for Ijrllja tlirougli tiiree employees al Rowan Regional Medical Center. Vice PreaiJont Valatie Slewarl learned alioiil Iier tlirongli an essay HriLi wrote wiiile applying for a scliolarslilp from a United Way ngciicy. Valarie tallied witli Wyna Howe, a nurse in Education & Wellness, wlio helped Grilia apply for a seliolarsliip (rom Rowan Regional Medical Center. Soon afterward, Erll<a Iiad a liealtliy lialiy lioy and started scliool wltli lier soliolarsliips ol Winalon-Salom Slate Universily. I3iit willi money slill an issue, slie again faced giving up college and her lifelong dream. I'oriunately, Slierry TrawicL In tlie medical center's Human Resources Department found Erilja a part-time joli in our Laboratory. Tlie ¡oli helped Erita with her finances and allowed her lo continne her education. Recently, Erlha was Inducted into the National Honor Society, another Indication o( how she's building a heller (ulnre (or lierseK and her young son. Before long, she'll achieve her dream of becoming a nurse because of her determination, sacrifice, devotion and strength. Thu same (lualllics we see every day In our employees al Rowan Regionnl Medical Center. Rowan Regional Medical Center 612 M ocksville Avenue • Salisbury, N orth C arolina • 28144 • w w w .row an.org Volnrk' Siman, W¡/na Howe anil Sherri/ Tráwick с« - DAVIK СОИМЛ' KN TKKI'UISK RKCORD. Thursduy, July 8, 2004Obituaries (ÌÙ Rmj I. Chonte 1‘)2Л - Л1)(М NORTH WlLKtSHOKO ta Beati icc I. Scni^^s 1927-200-t MOCKSVILI.C lib Belli/ С. Sltore im - 20(M WINSTON-SALEM б» Ntiiici/ K. Ctmler 190H- 2(l()-t AUVANCli <a> Bethel N. Bur¡^eíf 19.19 - 2(НЧ MOCKSviLi-i; 4i> Elizabeth /VI. C arter 191(1-2014 AlJVANCi: KImcr Smith Wiili Mrs. lilrnor .Smilh Wnll. X3. ill' Uiiii:hiim .Strecl. Mocksvillc, (iicilWcilMcsilay.Jimc.in, 2004, al Davic Cuuiily Hospilal. Mrs. Wall was born March 2(). 1921. ill Davic Coiinlylo llic lalo (iarl'iclil ami Sabrinii Kodilcii .Smilh. Mrs. Wall was rclircil I'riim llic Mocksvillc lil- cnuMilary School where she workc(.l ill llic cal'clcriu. I’riov lo lhal she had worked at Davie Counly Hospilal and Hcndri.x HHQ.’ She was preceded in ilealh by her husband. Robcrl Rob Lanier Wall. Survivors: 2 sons, Doug iDale) Wall and Lanie (Susan) Wall, all ol'Mocksvillc; 2 grand­ daughters; and 11 great-gruiid- child. A I'uiieral servicc was held al 11 a.m. Saturday, July .V al Jeri­ cho Church of Chrisl coiuluclcd by Dr. Tom Torpy and Mr. 1 lardiii!; Lowry. Hurial I'ollowed iu the chuich ccmctcry. Memorials; Jericho Church ol Chi isl Cemetery I'Und, 124 Junction Koad. Mocksville. M argaret C. Riglits Mrs. Margarel Cordelia Smitli Rights ol'Advance died at Meadowbrook Terracc 'I'hurs- day.July 1,2004. She WHS born Aug. 6. 1917. lo Ura Miller and Samuel Smilh of Advancc. Survivors; her husband of.‘i9 years. Gilmer Ray "Burr" Rights ol'Advance; her brother, Virgil Smith ol'Adviuicc. Her sisters, Geneva Smith r-'oster and Georgia Smith Fos­ ler. preceded her in death. Mrs. Rights graduated from Smilh Grove School and went lo work I'or Hanes Hosiery froin which she retired. She was a lil'e- long member ol' Uelhleliem United Methodist Church in Advance. Donations; in remcnibraiicc of her to Ihe N.C. Alzheimer's Assoeialion, I'or the disease which she I'oughI I'or many years. The I'lineral servicc was held «I 11 a.m. Monday, July 5, at Ik'lhlehcm Unilcd Methodist Chuich in Advance conducted by the Revs. Donald Funderburk and Howard D. Sherrill. U 'H 'H ', enterprise-record .com RKlMtESEN'I’AriVK Julia Howard . NC Hoii.\e m il Distiici I ’laiM ’ciinuulim 'iii: MOCKSVILLE; (336) 751-8567 RALEIGH; (919) 733-5904 Stato Legislativo Building 16 W. Jones SIreet, Rm 1106 Raleigh, NC 27601-1096 Email: ¡uliah@ncleg.net I'MI) mu iitJuiM llimmi Kogur Clayton Hancock Mr. Roger Clayton Hancock, 44. ol' Durham, died Tuesday, June 29, 2004, at Hospice at the Meadowlands in Hillsborough. Mr. Hancock was born July 26. I9.‘>9, in Durham Counly lo llie lale Ralph and Mabel Hellard Hancock. Survivors; 3 sisters, RIainc Yost of Dothan, Ala., Brenda Martin of Indian Head, Md. anil Linda Ro.s.scy of Lilhia, Fla.; 2 niece; and 2 nephews. A graveside scrvicc was held at 11 a.m. Saturday, July ,3, at Liberty United M ethodist Church Cemetery conducted by Dr. Tommy Register. Memorials; Hospice at the Meadowlands, 1001 Corporate Drive, Hillsborough. 27278. Glady.s Howell May Gladys Howell May. 91, of Crestview Drive. Mocksvillc, died on Wednesday, June .30, 2004 al Cedar Rock Assisled Living. Born in Davic Counly on Dec. 19, 1912, she was Ihe daughter of the late Charlie Lee and Annie Bell .Thomason Howell. She was of the Baptist faith and was a member of First Bapti.st Church of Cooleemee. Survivors; a sister, Helen H. Lyerly of Concord; and a brother-in-law, Paul Godfrey of Salisbury. She was preceded in death by her husband, Lyndon May, to whom she was married 42 years, and a sisler. M argaret H. Godfrey. A graveside servicc w'as held on Friday. July 2, at 11 a.m. at Legion Memorial I'ark Cem­ etery in Cooleemee with Ihc Rev. Lori 1 lel'ner officiating. M emorials; Hospice of Rowan. K2.‘i-A W. Henderson St.. Salisbury. 28144. Hazel Pickctt Mrs. Ha/.cl Jcuncttc Jenkins Pickett, 76, of Lexington, died Thursday, July I. 2004 al her home. Her funeral service was held al 2 p.m. Saturday, July 3 al Davidson Funeral Home Chapel eonduetcd by' the Revs. Don Leonard and Elizabeth Forrest. Burial was in Fore.st Hill Memo­ rial Park. She was born June 20, 1928 in Atlanta, Ga. lo Lawrence M. Jenkins and Jcanclle LcCroix Jenkins, She was raised in Gaslonia and was a lifelong resi­ dent of Lexington. She relired as assistant financial director for Ihe Cily of Lexington uflcr 28 years of servicc. She was a mem­ ber of Second Refonned United Churcli of Chrisl and VFW Post 3074 Ladies Auxiliary, where she was finance chair. She was a member of Business and Pro­ fessional Women, Lexington Wednesday Lunch Bridge Club, and the Friday Luncheon Bridge Club. Survivors; her husband of 57 years, Robert Pickett of the home, a retired Lexington Fire Deparlmeni captain; 2 sons, Robcrl Wendell Piekelt und wife Londa of Lexington, and Joseph Anthony Pickett and wife Patricia of Advancc: 2 grand­ children; a grcul-grandchild; a brother, Lawrcnee M. Jenkins and wife Bellie'of Orlando, Fla.; a sisler, Emma Dora J. Sechrest of Temecula, Calif.; and a num­ ber of nieces and nephews and grcal-nieces and nephews. M emorials; Hospice of Davidson, PO Box 1941, Lex­ ington, 27293; or Davidson Can­ ccr Services, 503 W. Cenler St., Lexington, 27292. Robert E. M otsinger Jr. Mr. Robert Everett Motsingcr Jr., 84, of Midway, died Sunday, July 4, 2004, at his home. He was born Feb. 20, 1920, in Davidson County lo Robert E. Motsingcr Sr. and Myrtle Shoaf Motsingcr. Mr. Motsingcr was a member of Midway United Methodist Church, where he was a member of the choir for over 45 years. He was a charter and lifetime member of the Midway Lions Club with perfect atten­ dance as long as his health pcr- milled. Mr, Motsingcr was co­ founder of M otsingcr Block Plant Inc. with his brother, Francis Motsingcr. Preceding Mr. Motsingcr in death was a sisler, Lillie Mac Motsinger; 3 brothers, Arthur, Hollis and Raymond Motsingcr; a favorite brotlicr-in-law, George A. Nifong; und a .special friend, Elmer Johnson Leak. Surviving; his wife, Carolyn Nifong Motsingcr of the home; a brother. Francis Motsinger and wife Louise of Midway; 3 sis­ ters, Elizabeth Long of Midway, Dorthine Oakley of Thomasville and Helen Shoaf and husband the Rev. Fred Shoaf of Farming­ ton: 3 sisters-in-law, Dorolhy Motsingcr of Thomasville and Elsie Motsinger and Rachael Nifong, both of Midway: a num­ ber of nieces and nephews and great-nieces. The funeral service was held at II a.m. Tue.sday, July 6, at Midway United M ethodist Church with the Rev. David Calhoun officiating. Burial fol­ lowed in the churcli cemetery. Memorials; Midway Meth- odi.st Choir Fund, 9795 Old Hwy 52 S.. Lexington, 27295. I • N ot Promises ReElect D a v i e C o u n t v ' C o m m i s s i o n e r w an t to personally thank the citizens of Davie C ounty for honoring m e w ith the opportunity to .serve these past four years. W hen I ran for office in 2 0 0 0 .1 w an ted to m ake a difference in o u r com m unily. I am proud of the accom plishm ents of the last four years. ■ W orked to save a n d re -o p e n D a v ie C o u n ty H o s p ita l ■ S upported E ducation, w o rk ed to h av e a successful S c h o o l B o n d , in c r e a s e T e a c h e r S u p p le m e n ts Presently w orking c n th e M eb an e C hallenge G rant to secure b e t te r T e c h n o lo g y fo r o u r S c h o o ls H elped develop increased F u n d in g t o V o lu n te e r F ire D e p a r tm e n ts for m u ch n e e d e d eq u ip m en t W orked to f u n d a th ir d A m b u la n c e C re w t o s h o r te n r e s p o n s e tim e S upported th e paid daytim e Fire Fighter pro g ram to help l< eep in s u r a n c e r a te s lo w W orked to im prove w a te r a n d se w er infrastructure: - N e w W a te r Tani< o n 8 0 1 f o r im p ro v e d p r e s s u re - S ig n ific a n t im p ro v e m e n ts t o b o t h w a t e r p la n ts - R e p a ire d C o o le e m e e W a s te W a te r P la n t w ith G r a n t m o n e y , n o in c r e a s e in ta x e s - W o rlie d t o c r e a te a n e w M a s te r W a te r P la n to g e t b e tte r d is tr ib u tio n H elped recruit n e w industry, to create jo b s a n d in c r e a s e o u r ta x b a s e to K e e p P ro p e rty T cixes lo w If I a m h o n o r e d a g a in w ith y o u r v o te , th e r e w ill b e M o r e A C T I O N — - N O T j u s t P R O M I S E S ! Thank you for your Vote and Support! Paid for by Ken W iite Settle The Last Frontier 1 s t P r e s b y te r ia n , l-io ly C r o s s L u th e r a n P la n V a c a tio n B ib ie S c h o o U u i y 1 8 - 2 2 Sometimes il seems like it is a frontier out there. Come lo Vaca­ tion Bible School wilh First Presbyterian Church anil Holy Cross Lutheran Church as they "settle the last frontier." Children will sludy stories ofpionccrs of faith with stories, crafts and music for the young, and there will be Bible study for nil ages. Vacation Bible School will tnke placc at Firsl Presbyterian Church, 261 S, Main St., Moeksville, July 18-22. It will kickoff with a cookoul und covorcd dish dinner on Sunday, July 18 at 5 p.m., followed by Ihe program from 6-8; 15. Monday-Thursday, din­ ner will be al 5:30 p.m. followed by the program from 6-8; 15. For more informntion, call 751 -2507 or 751 -5419. S u m m e r F U n g S a t u r d a y A t E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h A Summer Fling will be held al the Episcopal Church of the Ascension nt Fork, 183 Fork-Bixby Road off U.S. 64 Enst, from 8 a.m.- 1 p.m. on Saturday, July 10. Proceeds will benefit the build­ ing fund. There will be sausage und ham biscuits for sale, a bake sale, and a trash and treasure sale including garden ilems, furiiitiire, small appliances, a Christmas iit July table with ornaments, decorations and ceramics, and other items. W etm ore F a rm s WOODLEAF Available Now Homegrown Tomatoes Watermelons Squash, Cucumbers, Homegrown Cantaloupes Green Beans, Corn Open Monday-Friday 8:00 am-6:00 pm Saturday 8;00 am-6 pm Closed on Sundays From Mocksvllle take SOI South to 801 latersactlon, turn right at light. 4 miles to caution light In Woodleaf. Follow signs to farm. 704-278-2028 AMERICA'S 141 BRAND' Window a Door] Replacement у I V ' ЧЬ N o p a y m e n t s f o r 1 2 m o n t h s ! ' 5 0 1 5 0 off c.tch installed Pella’'’ off each instiillcd Pc/fa® Rcplaccnicnt Window^ Rcplaccmcnt Patio Doar^ (J^ricc includes standard instaJIadon.) (Price includes sf.inJ.ifi/ instalhtion.) Call, stop by, or let us come to you. Request an ¡»-home visit at httpi/Zappointment.pella.com, THE PELLA WINDOW Ii DOOR STORE- 949 HANES MALL BLVD, WINSTON-SALEM 336-774-0154 DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, .luly 8,2(104 - C9 P l e a s e A t t e n d T h e C h u r c h O f Y o u r C h o i c e No Creek Primitive Baptist Church, 222 Aubrey Meirell Rd., Mocksvllle. 2nd & 4lh Sundays, 10:30 a.m. Fourth Salutday worahip and conteianco, 1 ;30 p.m. Paslor, Richard Kliby. Eagto Heights Church,10 a.m. Sunday worship, 7 p.m. Tuesday Powertlme. 6;30 p.m. Wednesdays, Bible study andAwanas. Casual dress, conlem-porary muslc/worshlp. 5103 U.S. 15B, Hillsdnle. Mocksvllle Wesleyan Church; Hospilal St., Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Wednesday Prayer Meeting, 7 p.m. Rev. George Troyer. 751-5595. Union Chapel Unllod Methodisl Church: 2030 U.S. 601 N. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.; Worship, 11 a.m.. Pastor, Rev. Jim Sanders. Center United Methodist Church: U.S. 64 W. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11. Paslor, Stephen Blair. 751-2754. Childcare directors: Carla Prevelle, 492-5735 & Sandra Autry, 940-3753. Elbavllle United Methodlat Church; N.C. B01. Advance. Fellowship, 9 a.m. Sunday School, 10. Worship, 11. Kids For Christ (ages 4-11), 1st a 3rd Sun., 3-4;30 p.m. Teens lor Christ (ages 12- 18) meet Sun., 5-6:30 p.m. Paslor: Rov. NevlilB Storey. Cooleemee Church ol Qod; Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship Service and Children's Church, 11 a.m. Tues. Prayer Meeling, 7 p.m. Wed. Family Service, 7 p.m. For more Inlo, call paslor Robert Huielle al 284-2180 or visit wmv.coolcog.org. Cornalzor Unllod Methodlat Church: 1244 Cornatzer Rd. Sunday School, 10 a,m. Worship, 11 a.m.. Rev. Kaye Frye, paslor. Bethel United Methodisl Church: Belhel Church Rd. Worship, 9:45 a.m, Sunday School, 10:50 a.m. Rev. Ed Carlor, paslor. Advance United Methodist Church: Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Youth, 5 p.m. Rov. Harry D. Sammons.Dovmlown Advanco. Farmlnglon United Methodisl Churoh: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. 1939 Farmlnglon Rd. 998-5569. Rev. Tommy RobeMson. Oak Grove United Molhodlst Church: 1994 U.S. 158. Mocksvllle. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Concord United Melhodlsl Church, Cherry Hill Rd., Mocksville. Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Paslor, John Andrews. Hardison United Methodist Church: Worship, 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45. Wonderlul Wodnas-days Children's program, 6-7:30. Paslor, Rev. Dennis B. Marshall. Community Baptist Church: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Sunday Worship, 11. Evoning sorvlco, 6. Wodnosday Bible Sludy, 7 p.m. Gladstone Road. Hillsdaio Unllod Methodist Church; 5228 U.S. 158, Advance. Sunday worship, 9 & 10.45 a.m. Adull Classes, 10-10:45. Sunday Night l.ivo (or jr. and S t. high youth. Wonder Filled Wodnosdays, loiiowshlp meal and prayor lime, 6;15-7;30. Small groups throughul Iho wook. For more Inlormallon, check Ihe website www.hillsdaleumc.com, or call Ihe church olllce al 998-4020. Wealoy Chapel Unllod Methodlat -. Church: Worship Sorvice: 10 a.m. Sunday School: 10:45 a.m. Rov. Tommy Roborlson. Pino Rd. Redland Pontocoslal Holiness Church: Sunday School: 10 a.m. Worship: 11 a.m. Evoning; 6:30. Wodnosday prayor mooting S Bible sludy. 7:30 p.m. Rov. Joel Boylos.Holy Cross Lutheran Churoh, 1913 US 601 S. Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:15. Rov. Robert Kasting. 751-5419. mm.nUndspring.com/''holycross/ Mocksvillo First Presbyterlar. Church, 261 S. Main SI. Worship: 11 a.m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday ovoning: Choristers (grados 1-5) & Youlh (grados 6-12), 5:30 p.m. Pastor; Noai Carlor. 751-2507. Mocka Unllod Molhodlst Churoh, oil N.C, 801 S. al Mocks Church/ Beau­ champ roads, Advanco. Rov. Donnie Durham, 998-5518. Sunday worship: 8:45 & 11 a.m. Sunday School; 10 a.m. Smith Grove Methodist Church; 3492 U.S. 158, Mocksvllle. Paslor; Chris Clonlz. Sunday School: 10 a.m.. worship, 8:50 & 11. Children's ministry, Bolore and aller school programs, 940- 5296. Hillsdale Baptist Church: Sunday Small Groups, 9 a.m.. Worship, 10;30 a.m; Wednesday Fellowship Meal, 6 p.m. Children's youlh activities, prayer meeting, 6:30 p.m. 940-6618. Minislor ol Music, Bront Helton. 4815 U.S. 158. Advance. Faith and Victory Family Worship Center, 1687 Hwy. 601 N. Sunday Services, 10 a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m. New Believers Mlnlstrlesi 350 Railroad St., MocksvUle. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11. Wednesday night Bible study. 7. Paslor Ellzabelh Mock. Assoc, paslor. Dorrick Mock. 492-5566. Liberty Unllod Methodisl Church, U.S. 601 S. Worshlp'.9:45 a.m. Sunday School: II a.m. First United Molhodlst Church ol Mocksvllle. Early Sunday Worship Service, 8:50 a.m. Praise singing, casual dross, contemporary lormat. Traditional service, 10:55 a.m. 305 N. Main SI. 751-2503. Pastors, Crystal Alexander and Donald W. Roulh. Bollevor's Sonshlp Tabernacle; Sunday worship, 10:30 a.m. S 6:30 p.m. Wed. evening, 7, Paslor: Jerry L. Couch, 998-1324. Cana Rd. - Potter's Lane. Turrentlne Baptist Church: Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.. Worship, 11; Night Service, 6. Poslor: Rov. Joe Smith. Bethlehem United Molhodlst Church: Sunday early worship, 8:45 a.m.; Sunday School, 10. Worship, II a.m. Lighthouse Servlco, contemporary worship, Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. 321 Redland Rd., Advance. 998-50B3. Fax: 940-5502. E-Mail: olllcbethumc@yadlol.net Episcopal Church ol the Ascension, Fotk-ВЫЬу Rd., Advonce, Sun. School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. 998-0857. Dial A Story Ministry lor children. Bill and Peggy Long ol Advance. 998-7716. Clement Orove Church ol Qod, Body ot Chrlsl, 159 Parker Rd., Mocksvillo. 492-5125. Saturday Senrlces; Sabbalh School, 10 a.m., Worship, 11:45. Wednesday Bible Study, 7 p.m. Pastor; Elder Ernest ijames. Radio Broadcast: The Bible Is Right. Tuesdays, 5-5:30 p.m., WDSL 1520 AM ond Sundays, 8- 8:30 a.m., WSTP 1490 AM. Qreen Meadows Baptist Church Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, It a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayer & Bible Sludy, 7 p.m. Pastor Rev. Michael Waters, 998-3022. Liberty Wesleyan Church, 2106 Shellield Rd., Harmony, Sunday School to a.m.. Morn. Worship 11 a.In., Wod. Bible AdvonluiB 7 p.m.. Sr. Ministry 2nd Tues. each month 10 a.m. 492-2963. Pastor; Ronald Loe. Bixby Presbyterian Church, 1806 Foik-Blxby Rd., near Comalzer Rd., Sun. School 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11. Pastor; Peter Peterson, S9B- 6813. Oulin United Methodist Churoh, 897 Dulln Rd., Mocksvllle, 998-5409, Pastor: David Smith. Sun School 10:30 a.m.. Worship 8:30 a.m. Cooleemee United Molhodlst, Main SI., Sunday School, 10 a.m., Worship, 11. Kids Kamp Sun. 5-6;30. Paslor; Rev. Porry Bradshaw (284- 6135) In Home Bible Studios, by Randy Howell. 284-4667. Bear Creek Baptist Church, Boar Creok Ch. Rd., Sun. School 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m., Biblo Sludy Wed. 7 p.m. Rev. William Loe Cook III, paslor. Cooleemee First Baptist Churoh, 284 Marginal St., Sun. Bible Sludy 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m., Eve. Worship 7 p.m., Wednesday prayer meeting, 7 p.m. Music minislor, Regina Chandler. Dr. Tommy Register, pastor. Mocksville Second Presbyterian, 400 Pine St. Sunday School, 8:30 a.m. Worship, 9:30. Only Altlcan-Amorican Prosbytorlan church In Davio County. Rov. Thomas M. Loach.751-1410 St. Francis of Assisi, flC. Massos: Saturday Vigil, 5 p.m. Sunday, 8 and 10:30 a.m., Spanish Mass, 12:30 p.m.: Wednesday evening Mass, 7. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday S Saturday, 7:30 a.m. Massos. Rov. Andrew Drapor, TOR. 751-2973. Farmlnglon Baptist Church. Sundoy mornirg Bible sludy, classes lor all ages. 10. Worship: 11.1841 Farming-lon Rd., 5 milos Irom 1-40. Paslor: Scoll Lyerly. Church: 998-3826. Home: 998-5372. Blaise Baplisl Church, Blaise Churoh Road, oil U.S. 601 N. at 1-40. Mocksvllle. 751-3639. Worship, Sunday, 8;30 S II a.m.; Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Sunday evening, 7. Wednesday Biblo sludy and mission programs lor oil ages, 7 p.m. Pastor: Gionn Soliers. Assoc, paslor, Ken Furches. mvw.b/m'sebaplisl.org. Shiloh Baptist Church, 544 E. Depot St., Mocksville. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning worship; 11 a.m. 751- 0597. Fulton United Methodist Church. 3895 N.C. 801 S., Advance. Worship: .9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45 a.m. Fullon Youlh In Chilsl. Sundays, 5-6:30 p.m. Paslor: Rov. Neville Storey. Heaven Bound Full Gospel Church.U.S. 64 W., Mocksvillo. (beside Cenler Fire Dept.). Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship, 11. Sunday night praise/ worship, 6. Wednesday night praise/ worship, 7. Paslor, James Ward. 998- 6394. Firsl Baptist Church, 390 N. Main St., Mocksvliie. 751-5312. Conlemporary early worship service, 8:30 a.m. Sunday School lor all ages. 9:45 a.m. Tradlllonal worship service, 10:55 a.m. Chlldron's choir, Tuesday, 3 p.m. Wednesday. 8:30 p.m., aclivilies 1er children, youlh ond adults. Fork Baptist Churoh, 3140 U.S. 64 E., Mocksvllle. Sunday School, 9:45. Worship service, II a.m., 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays. 7 p.m. Awanas, Sunday 6 p.m.99B-B306. Cornatzer Baptist Church, 1372 Cornatzer Rd., Mocksville. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship, 11; evening, 6:30; Awana's Worship, 7 p.m. Wednesday evening, 7:30 p.m. Now Union Methodist Church, 1869 Shellield Rd., al County Line Rd. Services: 8:30 a.m., conlemporary worship with casual dress and relreshmenls; 9:45 a.m. Sunday School assembly. 10, Sunday School lor all ages. 11 a.m.. Worship. 492- 5367. ijames Baptist Church, Shollieid Rd., Mocksvillo. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., worahip, 11. Sunday evening, 6, Wednesday, 7 p.m. Pastor, Tommy Faust. St. John AME Zlon Church, 145 Campbell Rd., Mocksvllle. Sunday School, 0:30. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Paslor, George C. Banks. Advanco First Baptist Church, 1938 N.C. 801 S. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Wodnosday Biblo Study/ mission groups, 7 p.m. Paslor:Marlin Kaslner. 998-6302. Church o( God ol Prophecy, 2323 U.S. 601 S., Mooksvllle. Sunday School, 10 а.m., worship, 11. Sunday evening, 6; Wodnosday ovoning, 7. Pastor: Rev. Bobby Shinauit. 719-6565 or 2B4-2935. Victory Baptist Church, Midway St., Cooleemee. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship 11. Sunday evening, 6; Wednesday Awana/Youlh, 6:45 p.m., Prayor & Bible Sludy, 7, Rev. Shelby Harbour. 284-2077. Seventh Day Adventist Church, Milling Road, Mocksville, Sabbath School, Saturday, 9:30-11; Worship, II- nocn. Paslor, Ron Davis. 751-3886. Macedonia Moravian Church, 700 N.C. 801 N., Advance. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, It a.m. ,998-4394. Inlerim Paslor: Roger Kimball. Yadkin Valley Baptist Churoh, 1324Yadkln Valloy Road, Advance. Pastor: Ronnlo Craddock. 998-4331. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11 & б. Wednesday Night Prayer meeling, 7:30. Live Sundaya, WDSL 1520AM, 11- Noon. Ml. Ziori Hoilnoss Church of God, U.S. 64 E. at Mill SIreet, Mocksvllle. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Morning Worship, 11. Paslor; Bishop James Ijames. Ml, SInal AME Zlon Church, 488 Peoples Creek Road, Advance. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., worship, 11 a.m., Wednesday nIghi Bible sludy, 7. Dr. Oils B. Robinson Sr., paslor. 998-6231. Bixby Church of Iho Living Qod, 2121 Cornalzor Rd.. Advance. Paslor, Louise Hooker, 768-1606. Worship, Sunday 10-11 a.m.. 6 p.m.Salem United Methodisl Church, Salem Church Road oil Davie Academy Rd., 8 miles west ol Mocksvllle. Worship. Sundays al 9:45 a.m, Sunday School, 10.45.UMW, second Wednesday, UMM llrsl Sunday breaklasi at 7:30. UMYF Sunday evenings. Rev. Stephen Blair. PIney Qrove United Methodist Church, 376 Underpass Rd., Advance. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship, 11. Paslor: Rev. Kendall C. Glover. 998-7316.New Jerusalem Apostolic Church, 291 Campbell Rd., Mocksvllle. Paslor. Nellye Ijames-Barber, 751- 0049. Sun. School, 10 a.m.. Worship 11. Wednesday night: Bible class, 7:30. Inlercessory prayer, 6 p.m. True Light Christian Ministry, meetings al Davie County Public Library, Mocksville. Founding pastor: Steven W. Dailon. Sunday School. 10 a.m., worship, 11. Episcopal Church ol the Qood Shepherd, Church S Cross sts., Cooleemee. Worship, 9.30 a.m., loiiowshlp hour allor church. Bible Sludy 2nd and 4th Sundays alter church. Priest; Rev. Noah Howard. Jesus Life Mission, Liberty Church Rd., Mocksvillo. Sundoy School, 10a.m., morning worship, 11. Sunday evening al 6 and Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Pastor; Hilda Reavis. Mocksvllle Church ol Qod, 862 U.S. 64 E. (beside Armory). 751-0817. Paslor: Lorry Hollllleld. Sunday School, 10a.m., worship, II. Sunday evening, 6, Wednesday evening, 7. Jerusalem Baptist Church, 3203 US 601 S., Mooksvllle. 284-2326. Sunday senlcos: 8:15 a.m., praise and worship; 9:45, Sunday School (or ail ages; 11, morning worship; 7, evening worship. Wednesday services: 8 p.m., family leilowship meal; 7 p.m., TeamKID, Youth 4 Chrisl, Adull Bible Study. Nursery lor infants and toddlers. Fellowship Boptlst Church, 1084 Rainbow Rd., Advance. 998-6544. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11, Sundays, 6 p.m. Wednesday senrlce,7 p.m. Thursday vlsitotion, 7 p.m. Paslor, Wayne Swisher, 492-7210. Smitli Qrove AME Zlon Churoh, 3707 Hwy. 158, Mocksville. Sunday morning woihslp, 11. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Rev. Frank Cornelius, paslor. Eatons Baptist Church, 495 Eatons Churoh Rd., Mocksvliie. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11. Wednesday prayor meeting, 7:30 p.m. Paslor: Dr. David Gllbrealh. 998- 6149. Abundant Llfo Christian Victory Center, 117 E. Depot St., Mocksvliie. Paslor, Daniel Brown. 753-4453. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Morning worship, 11. Lite Communily Chiirch, Sundays, 10 a,m.. Brock Perlorming Arts Center, North Main Street, Mocksville, Conlemporary stylo worship with Pastor Kevin Slewarl. 753-LIFE. Hope Baptist Tabernacle, 2408 Hwy. 158, Mocksvllle, 908-3818. Worship, 11 a.m., Sunday School, 10 a.m., 6 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m., AWANA children and teens, adults, prayer meeting and Bible study. East Davie Baptist Churoh Bermuda Quay Shopping Cenler 5397 U.S. 158, Advance. Sundays, 9:30, Bible sludy lor ail ages; 10:45, morning worship; 8, Sundoy evening service. Wednesdays, 7 p.m., Biblo Sludy and Prayor Service. Paslor, Max T. Furr. Youth, children and music, Joremy Amlck. 998-5584. Llie Community Church, Days Inn, Madison Road, Mocksvllle. Servlcos Sunday, 10 a.m. Call Kevin Stewart, pastor, about Wednesday evening life groups, 753-5433. Mainville AME Zlon Church, 210 Main Church Road, Mocksvliie. Sun­ day School, 10 a.m., worship, 11. Bible Study, Wednesday, 7 p.m. Pas­tor: Rev Robert H. Bailey. Bailey's Chapel United Methodist Church, Bailey's Chapol Road, Ad­ vance, Sunday School, 10 a.m., Wor­ ship 11 a.m. Paslor, Rev. Ed Carter. Support These Local Businesses W . G . W H IT E &C0. 850 N, Trade St, Winston Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 VOGLER &SONS Fuiic7írrHi)ñic 2849 Middle Brook Dr. Clem m ons, NC 27012 3 3 6 - 7 6 6 - 4 7 1 4 SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY Jericho Road M ocksvllle, NC 27028 336-751-5148 SHEFFIELD LUMBER & PALLET 00. A PALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road M ocksvllle, NC 27028 336-492-5565 JERRY^S MEAT PROCESSING We Custom Meat Process Beef - Pork - Deer 30 years experience so: Ralph Rotlodgo Fid • Mackivlllo 492-5496 LARRY’S WOOD FLOORING SERVICE 24 Years Experience Sanding • Rollnlshing Installation • Oid & Now Work Larry McClonnoy • Mocksvllle 336-751-1721 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main C hurch Rd. M ocksvllle, NC 27028 336-751-9144 C R A I G C A R T E R B U I L D E R , I N C . 119 Hwy. .jl S, Sultol Advance, N0 27006 336-940-2341 iiiiildaofiJiuliiyCuiiiwliiiiiK^iiKiiicr.kl Cijij: A, Cafla, I’risiili'ni • .Miiiin C. I’jrttr. Vtic I'll'» J. P. GREEN M ILLIN G CO., INC. M akers of DAISY FLOUR We C ustom Blend D epot St., M ocksville, NC 336-751-2126 EATON FUNERAL HOME SINCB /W / .12.5 Norlli Mala .SticcI Mocksvillc, NC 27028 336-751-2148 FOSTER DRUG CO M PAN Y 495 Valley. Road M ocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2141 F U L L E R » » Precision Laser Cutting & M etal Fabrication 855 S.ilisbury Roiid. Mocksville. NC 27028 336-751-3712 CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street M ocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 6 7 AUTO PARTS MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTIVE 884 S. Main SI. • Mooksvllle 336-751-2944 GENTLE MACHINE & TOOL INC. 3319 u s Hwy 158 M ocksville, NC 27028 33 6-998-3350 J C E . т ш Е и ш т ю 5431 Hwy. 158» Advance, NC 336-998-1987 CIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 8, 2004 C h r is tia n Y o u th R a n c h F u n d R a is e r S a tu r d a y Hidden Meadows Chrislian Youlh Ranch i.s ho.sling a fund raiser from Salurday morning unlil 2 p.m. A gianl flea market lypo sale will be held in ihe parl<ing lol of Ihe Mocksvillc Prime Sirloin Steak House off of exit 170,1- 40. All items have been donated for the sale in an effort lo raise funds lo sponsor financially dis­ advantaged youlh enrolled in programs at the ranch. Tons of items will be sold. There's something for every­ one, including: exercise equip- menl; baby items; clothes; toys; fumilurej horse supplies; sitiall appliances; baked goods; and more. The half price sale will begin al noon, and Ihe fill-your- bag sale slarts al 1 (bag will be supplied). Midden Meadows Christian Youth Kanch is a faith based SOIc.l nonprofit organization offering equine assisted life-cn- richmenl programs and services for youth and adults. Applica­ tions arc being acceptcd for the fall HEAL program for girls (ages 10-17). Olher services in­ clude: equine assisted psycho­ therapy sessions (for individu­ als, fam ilies, or groups): parenting from the stable; and the equine assisted women's personal growth group. For tnore informalion con­ tact Vicki Robinson al 492- 230«. Tamara Walsh, Janie Garnett, Jay Bennett and Lisa Loos inside the new Cornerstone Christian Church In Hillsdale. ■ Photos by Robin Fergusson C o r n e r s to n e C h ristia n A Church O f People Gets O ff To Fast S tart A new church has moved inlo the old Food Lion location at Bennuda Quay Shopping Center in Hillsdale. C ornerstone C hristian Cliurch — primarily the mem­ bers who split from Macedonia Moravian Church two months ago — is n nondenominational congregation. “It’s a church of people," said Janie Garnett, director of M aster Gardeners Renovate H ospital Entrance Landscape Recent graduates of liie Davie County Extension Mas­ ter G ardener program have renovated the landscaping al the entrance lo Davic Couniy Hos­ pital. The project began with sup­ port and funding from the hos­ pital auxiliary and board. Mas­ ter gardeners designed the plan. Work began in carly May wilh the help of county em­ ployee Ken Broadway and M ocksvillc em ployee Bill Wiseman. “This project would not have been completed with­ in out their assistance,” said Col­ leen Sparks, Master Gardener course coordinator. “Wc had a very small class, and the initial prep work required some heavy machinery lhat we did nol have access lo." Once old plants were re­ moved, the Master Gardenders spenl the next few weeks till­ ing, spreading compost, plant­ ing, watering und spreading mulch. The 2004 cla.ss mem­ bers were Dónese Campbell, Jim Dean, Mary Ferguson, Debbie Frisby, Holly Lokc, Patricia Tilley and Marcheta Williams. “Il was an honor to work with this group," Sparks said. "They worked so hard on this project and did such a wonder­ ful job. We just hope Ihe com­ munity and the hospital enjoys it." She said area nurseries and businesses also supported the project. A board of photographs of the new church greet those who enter the doors. counseling and family ministry. “Il’s nol about the building. It’s about the people God has put here at this tim e. God has blessed us with what w e’ve needed. We had nothing. Then we had chairs. A place lo meet, and we are working hard to fol­ low him.” The Rev. Greg Little, for­ merly of Macedonia, is the pas­ tor. The entire staff, L ittle, Gamctl, associate pastor Joey Yokely, administrative assistant Angie York and director of youth ministry Brian Hunt, are all former staff members of Macedonia. Gametl said ihe’Old grocery store had sat unused for six years, and cleaning it took a m ajor effort as volunteers pitched in. They have swept, painted, cleaned and helped build classrooms in the old store. The church’s name was se­ lected by vole afler many were submitted and considered. “It has been very humbling,” Garnett said. “We’re building from the foundation up." She said attendance had been 270-340. Tho church met at North Davie M iddle School for a month beiore moving to Ihe Janie Garnett; "We want to be a church about children — equipping and encour­ aging parents as they pass off the baton of faith to their children." shopping center. Garnett said the old store will be u tempo­ rary home, until Septem ber 2005. The church has not yet estab­ lished rules for membership, bul the church is being founded around the scriptures in Acts 2 and Ephesians 4. ‘‘Wo want to be a church . about children — equipping and encouraging parents as they pass off the baton of faith lo their children,” Garnett said. Feature DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 8,2004 - Dl L o c a l Y o u t h s A t t e n d T e n n i s C a m p By Juckic Scabolt Davie County Enterprise RccorI The tennis courts behind South Davie Middle School were buzzing in the last couple weeks with eager stu­ dents attending the Mocksville Davie Parks and R ecreation Tennis Camp which began June 21. Coach Tina Arcy said the camp had an enrollment of more than a dozen students for the two week session - geared with lessons for be­ ginners and intermediates. . As she svrapped up that day’s beginners class she asked her students, "Did you have a good time?” She then reminded each to prepare for the hext day’s lesson which would focus on their backhands. “Don’t forget to practice your low strokes.” As the next cla.ss of inter­ mediates began to file onto the court Arey divided them into two groups. Forehands on the left and backhands on the right side of the court to begin their les­ son. She began sending them serves from the other side of the nol. "Good contact,” she told Tennis Camp coach Tina Arey gives her beginner class a talk about the day’s lesson, camper Jennifer Bell as she returned the ball. Stephen Daniel stood on the right side of tlie court and waited for Arey’s serves to . practice his backhand while the other campers waited in line for their turns. In between practice serves A rey gave each cam per pointers on how to improve their game, Though the tennis camp wrapped up classes last Fri­ day there’s still more activi­ ties for enthusiastic tennis players to participate in. The recreation department began a junior tennis league last Monday for rising 7th-10th graders. A $10 registration ___________________________ fee is required. For more in- C arch A rey sh o w s his formation call 751-2325. strong backhand. É . - Photos by Robin Fergusson Intermediate Jennifer Bell shows good contact with the ball. K & V i ' i i • f' ■.... Arey is all smiles as she readies her campers for the day's lesson. i ^ V t f I " k ilicky Bell practices his forehand while another tennis camp student walls his turn.3 ^ \Stephen Daniel gives it his all in a backhand return. D2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Thursday. Julv 8. 2004 D a v ie S c i i o o i s L is t S u c c e s s e s O f P a s t Y e a r By Wcntly IlHrne Spccial to Ihe Enlerprise The Davie Counly School System experienced a number of successes Ihroughoul Iho 2003-04 school year. In ¡in efforl 10 share Ihese successes with the com m unily. Ihe following summary has been prepared. Voters in Davie Counly approved an S8.825 million school bond referendum, which will provide addilions and renovations lo Cooleemee. Mocksville. Pinebrook. Shady Grove. W illiam R. Davie eleincntaries. as well as Davie High. Pinebrook's Odyssey of the Mind leam, newly created Ihis year, won regional and state competitions in their division and placed 23rd oul of in Ihe world competition. M ocksville Elementary. Pinebrook Elementary. Shady Grove Elemenlary. and North Davie Middle were rccognized as Schools of Excellence for 2002-2003. Tlie designation is North C arolina's top recognition for student performance in the ABC's of Public Education testing program. Preliminary results (subject, to the approval of the Stale Board of Education in August) suggest lhal M ocksville Elemenlary and North Davie Middle will be named Honor Schools of Excellence; and. Pinebrook Elem enlary and Shady Grove will be named Schools of Exccllencc for Ihe 2003-04 school year. Cooleem ee Elem entary. Comatzer Elementary. William R. Davie Elemenlary and South Davie Middle were recognized as Schools of Distinction for 2002-03. In conjunction with Ihc employee wellness program. Ihe firsl "Weight Watchers at Work" began for employees. During the year, more than 60 participants attended meetings after school hours and recorded a combined total weight loss of 800 pounds! The program is expected lo continue nexl year. A Pinebrook Student Council was organized. Rex A llen, assistant principal at Pinebrook. was nam ed D avic C ounty’s assistant principal of the year. Davie Counly School Health conducted intensive training on caring for children wilh diabetes for all employees of the system. Farminglon Buplisi Church. Pinebrook’s business organiza­ tion of the year, was reeognizcd as Davie Schools Business Organization of Ihe Year, M ary Sine. Pinebrook’s principal, has been selected for inclusion in Ihe Metropolitan Executive & Professional Registry. Inclusion is limited lo those who have dem onstrated outstanding leadership or achievement in their occupation, industry or profession. Davie C ounty School Hcallh organized and sponsored Ihe second Employee Heallh Education and Wellness Fair. More Iha 30 groups, businesses, and agencies from Ihe community and surrounding area offered u variety ofliealth screenings and services, educalional exhibits/ materials, and demonstrations for over 2,‘iO attendees, Jennifer Custer, a leacher al Cooleemee Elemenlary, was Davic C ounty’s first Exceptional Children's Teacher of the Year, Lauru Schwieberl, ii Icacher al Cooleemee Elemenlary, was Davic County's Elementary Malh Teacher for 2003. Lori C uller, 4lh grade leachcr al Cooleem ee E lem entary, won the Cooleemee Civitan Award for being an outstanding role model for students and adulls. Melissa Boddy. a teacher at Cooleemee Elemenlary. was one of five finalists for the Marcellus Waddill Excellence in Teaching Award. The Waddill awards are presented annually to Wake Forest alumni who excel in the field of education. The Town of Cooleemee presented Cooleem ee Elemenlary with 52,000 to use for technology. M elissa Boddy began Cooleem ee E lem entary's T echnology Club w hich consisted of 15 fifth graders. William R, Davie's Student Council sponsored an enorm ously successful coat drive. Hundreds of coals were donated to A Storehouse for Jesus. W illiam R. Davie's PTO helped wilh the purchase of student technology equipment. T his included: Iwo laptop computers, two multi-media projectors, two high volume printers, and a Smart Boiird. William R. Davie has been one of the first schools lo w itness the benefits of the November 2003 school bond referendum. Construciion is expected to continue through Ihe upcoming .school year. South Davie was recognized as a Signature HOWARD REAi:r Y 3 3 0 s . S a lis b u r y S t. M o c k s v ille ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 3 5 3 8 Hours: Monday-Friday 8-6 S.ilurdny ‘>-12, Sunday Uy AppJ. Ml и М Ш 246 Ad AMS R 0A D l7E y_ 193 Raven Road Г71П 1085 N. Main St. Г7ЯП 3175 Foster Road llapi»v III mir l’tii|M'i1v Mamiui'i'.(>i4ia Ùìrnù m 30n. 2UA, 3<6*/- acf03. wilh 100W-ocroa tafin. 30n, 2BA, out- Historical 60R 2QA. homo on 4 68 70W-ac hofso hrm. 2300sl. homo (no Mtoiun nnd pond $2,528,000. bicJgs , crook. S549.000. acros. wnh immnciilato tarxJsciiping v.i!jog<von) Caft Mary $455,000. UOSwnCTWooD ПШП 148 Meadow Ridge t \ 129 Brookwood Tn. i i 292 Magnolia Ave. I[H20 County Line Rd A etac, bofdws Du(c^man Creek, 3ßn. 2DA, many afr^niies' $329,000. Nc-w ct)nsfr,;ci<vt Tr/1 man/ Gorç'xxi'; 30П 3 5DA tog homo on Spacfôus 4DR, 3 5ÜA, 2FP's, Co»nof ш-гуг. to i.'-.i' 4un, 3{}A $324,000. w4.:4<Ji.>(3 5 3C лето'-, $299,500 lot m Garden Vaiioy $274,900 175 Fox НимТЕП Ro, l /m I iie9.US Hwy. Ì * 'Ф b l H,vmony-3Bn, 2BA, 29 26 aao5,|3 foncod), t ac porvi, barn $212,500 5 Д Е Ш !Ш Е Р Щ ([| IMMACULATEh H.irtiKHty ¿5НАОП13«/-acrcs $209,900 у iofvjv.tttsl 4W< гдд'’,'0 ЗИП. 2í)BA гк.-л v-intíCAS. огкЮ:.сс1 HMorc 4DM. ?UA on 2.30 acros in «ll Sfi.Krts S1B3.500. [».icli.o.c k»;,ilunS164,900. 5159,900.Only 3 monihs oidi On 3f/- ñeros гоп, 1.5ВЛ. $149,900. 428 Farminoton НоаоГЛП:198 SPniNûHia 0П1УЕ.Г^ШГ[?421 Neelie Road Г7МСТ 572 Danner Road Г2МП 164 Hickory drive■ r n i ! HiWKliikxl 3(Ш 2ßA С'. iiMifi 5 acros (2 fencod» $149,900.г ъ11)гу, ?DOO 11 irofimiidoiis Yaoiiinviliu, rT)0<Jular w/many ujxJales' Cor/ 30П, 2QA on 1 acro AU a;>piiancos v.iiiJüirRcj.i/ütxj $144,900. CailConn:.-' $139,900. A MUST SEE'$129,900.4BR. 2.5DA, Soulhwood Асгоз Sub., brick liroplnco. $127,000. 144 H006E Lane ГЛ71 560 Junction Road :шп, 2ÜA, ГР (lm.ll о(М)п lloor plan' $125,000.'JüFi, i?l3A Wllh 3UA, /.¡írkbfiop, 3 5 iicroíi. 3[3п, 2DA, on privalo 129 acros, l.OTS ol rooiu'S123,900 larçioliackdttck $119,900. r,cat‘nt>a(x)ich d(x,k $118,900. 110 Sin Charles Ct i l B B Ö B B S l i i ц К 141 Dakota Lane Г л ^ 1 9 3 Pineville Road Clernrncns 30П. 2ßA rrviny jmenit'ts ABapiidnce*. $115,000 noccntfy uptíaiod 3DR, 2ßA on 1 acro. Ga/r<im*c rm, КШ combo $118,900 4НП 2UA, ггу|п1ег.Л!Ж.о niany ;ШП, ?ПА, 6 5 iicr«;ü, gfoat mim Un<juo L-shapod 30П, 2ßA, sunroom, WOfj'IiAbT'$114.900. I.irrii $109,900. den, oflc«, 2oar.^gos $105,000.Spacious 3BR, 2ÜA. stono FP. much moro! $99,900. 360 rollino Hills Ln. [ /m I 949 N. Maim Втпеет Г Л П 360EatonRoao Г Л П 110 Stone Wood Rd. ГТМП 133BrookRose Eitra clean mooy uprnios' ЗОЛ \>J\K l.tNo ИЯ-Л! $99,900.Spac<ou!. 2ПП, 1ÜA, DU, Sumoom. Grt.'ai Sianofl ЗИН, 2(1Л wlh liirr^o AInwr.t now 3DR, 2DA, FP, all tij'i i;a!.(;rnoni' $99,900. ск к on ]Г.> acro $99,800. íipplianco'., on % ne $89,900 2BR. гВА, 10.5W- ncfoü. Л» appliances. $89,900 264 WtHDWAnO Cn. Г7ИП 113 МЕТАВПЕЕ2Е L N jjK ^80t-L OLD ROSEBUD ГЛП Ю7 POWELL RÖAD Г71П 392 MlCHAEll'S ROAD^ 1 iJS READY TO MOVE IfJ" АИ apf>iiancoa roma»ii!3Un.2UA $88,900.30П, 1 5HA on 4Q ac. Cufromi/ G'i'.it 2m. 2PA и(-{Х!г cotkVi л 3üR, 2ÜA. (oncod back yard, scieon ixjirwj i/(xJairKl $84,900. С w/ncfii [xx>i $81,500 poich, dock, 71.ic $79,900. 253 Main Зтпеет |/ш\ i 246 Watt ЗтпеЕт зва 1 58А, Cconwnoo, пел fio.U'AC, now , coíTip updatüd $66,900 CiiA^I Roid.......Mwy.MIN ftStJrrtoni ПоМ ... n Salmont no*d..C*dá/ nidM Rd...Urx...Tmi« Trail.. tbry. МШ.. Сшк)опюо, aimpioiüly цк1а1<!с1, Íipacicniíi ЗПП, IBA, CüoIoohíou, Easomom onto back ol property, ipground pool, yioatbiiy' $62,900. ujxlatod oloci $58,000. 2 Bodrooms, 1 Oüth. $51,900. A v a il a h l c Lo t s a n d La n i í A N ri R i-n t a l P k o i’i ut ii:s 292 Watt ЗтпЕЕт ГЗЖ1 142 Emerald Lane 2BR, ША on 3/4 nero lol. Doing sold "as Is’ $35,000. .....t.lQAc. i?a,ww2 20 Ac. HO {89 900 24 Ac.to Ac. f45 0M ,1.257 «cru $29,000..229aerei $18,000...Macre« S172,S00б&асгм M«,4/S UM9. l4odhbiook .VelUw Road.......................................E Lale Ortve.......ВЗЖЖЗзШМ..............Loi Я5,«Ю ......2.« aerea 129,500...Lot St)5,000 Thompion Lane.......629 Madiion Rota..... Óaar Creek Cr>urch Road .. ...Il acni $71.877 ....И25.000 . RENTAL PROP.ERTIES275 Ben Anderioa..........................................$500 P/M618 Rltrerbend, Bermuda Rua.............................$800 P/MAvon Street.............. $400 P/MMr>btle Home Lol, Daniel Road.............................$125 P/M2015 Hwy. 158............ $55DP/WMobile Home Lol. Oun Club Road.........................$225 P/MMobile Home, Oun Club Road..............................$550 P/M4142 Hwy, IM (4 bedroom).................................$750 P/M USAwtstW>.NM IIIVIKLV KUSHЧ>ЖЧ1.Ч| School by Ihe Piedmont C onsortium this past November. Steve Rareshide, a teacher at North Davie, was a Ihird place winner for the National Jaycee Project of the Year in the International Projects category with his foreign issues panel discussion involving local professors. The Davie High Varsity Football team nualified for the third round of the state playoffs and were named co-conference champs. The Davie High Varsity W restling team was the conference champ for 2003-04. The Davie Hunter Safety Team, sponsored by Thomas Johnson (North Davie), has been invited to the nationals in Mansfield, Pa. in July. Larry Lanier, principal at Shady Grove Elementary, was nam ed the Davie County Principal of the Year. Mickey Ferrell. Mocksville Elementary Volunteer of the Year, was recognized as the Davic Couniy Volunteer of the Year, The Davie County Board of Education continued the Character Education Awards Program which prom otes student development in and out of the classroom, for the third year in a row. The board recognized nearly 100 students from within the system wilh awards for succcssful character devclopmcnl. 'Hie Davie Counly Board of Cducalion conlitnied their A+ Awards program for the second year which recognizes employees of Ihe system for professional accomplishments. Forly-one em ployees were recognized for their accom plishments und were presented wilh the DCS A+ Award pin. N early 150 fifth grade sludenis successfully compleled DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education). The program is a cooperative effort of the Davie Counly Sheriff's DeparlmeiU and Davie Counly Schools. M ulvancy Homes was named Davie County Schools Partner in F.ducation for assisting the school systeni with leacher recruitm ent. M ulvaney has provided overnight lodging al no cosl for oul of area recruits. A ccom m odations include phone, cable, snacks, home tours, and extra accommoda­ tions for their parents if needed. O ver .$600,000 in scholarships were awarded lo Davie High seniors planning lo further Iheir education. Many of those were from a local community source. Sandra Sm ith of Shady Orove Elementary was named the Davie Counly School Bus Driver of the Year. The Davie High Apprentice Program was one of four in the slate nom inated as an outstanding high school apprenticeship program. The South Davie Band and C horus bolh received lop recognitions al competitions they participated in during Ihc 2003-04 school year. Davie High science leacher. Elizabeth Bustle, was named the D avie County Schools Teacher of Ihe Year. Davic County Schools reported a decrease in drop­ outs for the third year in a row. A ccording to the State D epartm ent of Public Instruction. Davie High stiidenl scores on end-of-course tests in career/technical education (CTE) classes were sccond highest in the state. Seven Davie County teachers received Iheir National Board Certification this year: Tammy Rcavis (CZE), Jeremy Brooks (MES), Teresa Santis (SD M S), Sherri Crenshaw (DHS), Darla Goldfuss (DHS), Josh Jenkins (DHS), and Jean While (DHS). Davic Counly now has 3‘J teachers who are certified by the National Board. Joan Forbes, a Icacher assistant at M ocksville^ Elementary, was asvardcd the title of Davio County Teacher Joey Kennedy, Davie High teacher, received one of seven stale awards for Outstanding Individual C ontribution to Apprenticeship. The schooi system reaped the benefits of more lhan 4,200 volunteers. Volunleeis spent 47,4S.‘i hours working in schools. FOR SALE NKW I 1/2 story Cape Cixl style hoiLSv, 34!) Spring St., In historic downtown MHtksville. Liirgc living rixim, 3BU, 2.5BA, extra large master Ix'ditxim and master bath, 2 car ganige, unlinishcd bonus nxini, M U S'I' .SKK • (704)546-3118 large deck. Only $135,(MM) M iC C in g y V a y C.VHDKN V l l .L \ ,4 - ^ Come Register for our Monthly $ 5 0 0 Giveaway! Now thill SeplL'inlxT 31). 2(X)-t. 2 1 .Swlcogood Wall & McDanlol (33()) 751-2222 Open House Sat/Sun 2 -4 PM Within walking distance ol Historic Downtown Mocksville, library, school, park, senior center, local churches and more. „ —-----------landscapingpicnic area. Minutes away Irom major cities ol Winston-Salem, Lexington, Clemmons, Near top-notch goll, shopping and medical lacllltles, 100% Financing Available, Directions: MB №bs( to Exit 174, turn Ielt. Hivy 15B turn right, go past city limits signs. WO of mile, left on Milling Rontl, right Into Milling V^ay. ---------i ------------------------------— —............................................... 2 Earn Civitan A w ards Linden Cartner and Robert Todd Franklin were presented a $500 scholarship each by the Mocksvillc Civitan Club al the June 28 meeting. Cartner lives wilh her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Carlner of Grady Lane, Mocksville. She plans lo enter the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the fall lo study for a bachelor's degree, later lo medical .school lo become a neonatal doctor. Franklin is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Randall Franklin of Sum­ mit Drive, Mocksville. He plans to enter Forsyth Technical Com­ munity College for Iwo years, then transfer to UNC Chapel Hill or N,C, State University. He Friinklln Carlner plans lo major in graphic arls, and specializes in photography. He was employed at Food Lion during his high school years. Members ofthe Civilan Club will follow the careers of these students with interest as they continue their cducalion and pre­ pare for Iheir life work, said Civilan Louise Stroud. th e Rev. Ray Robinson, as­ sistant paslor of Clemeni Orove Church of Ood, challenged Ihe scholarship winners to pursue Iheir education wilh vigilance, encouraging Ihem in their fields of endeavor. Many visitors were present, including parents of Ihe schol­ arship winners. S D S p o r t s P h y s i c a l s J u ly 1 9 Sports physicals will be given at South Davie Middle School on July l‘J from 5-7 p.m. Cosl: $10. Reavis Earns A&T Degree Tammy Reavis of Mocksvillc was awarded a degree from North Carolina A&T Stale Uni­ versity in Greensboro following Ihe spring .semester. Clement Gets Culinary Degree Jeremiah Clement of Mocks­ ville received an associate de­ gree in culinary arls in May from the College of Culinary Arts al Ihe Charleston, S.C. campus of Johnson & Wales University, W FU Honors Five Davic students at Wake Forest Universily wtre named lo the spring semester dean's list. Earning minimum 3,0 grade point averages were: Janel Marie Darcy, a sophomore biology ma­ jor, Joseph Chad Franklin, a jun­ ior psychology major, and Stephen Dale James Jr,, a senior biology major, all of Mocksville; and Jared Dane Hill, a sopho­ more physics major, and Mat­ thew Robert James, a freshman, both of Advance. V O T E ^ m T o m F le m in g Phase Vote July 20th, 2004. Thank You. Republican Candidate for Davie County Commissioner l\vd (or by Tom ricmin^ Gvnlidilo B a sic Law Enforcem en t Training DAY COURSE: August 23 - December 16 I Monday; 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m, Tuesday through Thursday: 8:00 a,m, - 6:00 p.m. Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EVENING COURSE: August 16 - March 22 Monday through Thursday: 6:00 p.m, -10:00 p,m. • Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. lUltlon and fees are waived. Application packets should be picked up at the College's Admissions Office by July 26, 2004. ‘ CALL TODAYI 336.249.8186 EXTENSION 360 www,davld»n.cc.rK.us DAVIE COUNTY KN FERPRISK RECORD, Thursday, Julv 8.2004 - D; B R I T A i l A K S Saturday 1-Spm • SaudayZ-Spm • Great location, convenient to W inston-Salem, Mocksvillc, Salisbury, & Lexington • Beautiful 2/3 acre homesitc.s for custom construction • Neighborhood of homes priced from mid $140’.s to $250,000 • Close to golf, shopping & schools COMINO SOON PHASE II 29 Lots • Fram Machvillc. Hwy <y4 East townnh Lexiiiaion__________ C h a r le s J o n e s < ijariie ШЩЦ. R ea lty , In c. Oflk e: , \VM>v.cl!»rli'sjcMU\srcaU> .c(ìin 3 01 4BB, 3BA rainlerance (m Cue w/орел plan, MBB soile on m.™ level, coïsied Iran! porch, 2 a all gauge, $189,900 159 tltóUWliOII • «Я, 2.50А two stoiy tame, open 4 spacious, large kilctien/lamily rooin, Lfl. lormal DU, 2 и j'tpjqe. $169,900 IS9 H H.UElWaOD. Ci^loin Ull 2ВД Cä|», MIW 0Л ¡win ItiCl. bonus roOT ovcf paqe, 4 lilt (liviis, g:,sX36<8 cmcieu I'C.-I porcli, смшсГе tl7e,S(M N HAZEIWOOD - 3BR, 2BA ranch iv/2 cji iMScmenI garaje and 2 unlinishcr) rooms and lull BA In tMscrnenI lor liiture expansion. $142,900 A b so lu te R e a l E state .«гагадял smmC lem m on s/D avie Co. O ffice • 3 3 6 -7 1 4 -4 4 0 0 • 8 7 7 - 3 7 1 - 5 8 2 2 585 Oak Valley Blvd $41fJ,000 Bev Supple 1852 Bornstoble Road $264,900 Sandy Dyson 153 Bermuda Run West $335,500 Kathy Phillips 808 Yakima Ct $134,900 Andrea Suggs 1205 Cana Ridge Lane $187,900 Cheryl Fink Ш. 2469 W US Hwy 64 $159,900 Gloria Matthews '.Imont Forest Drive $298,000 Gloria Matthews 4021 Whirlowoy Ct $79,900 Andrea Suggs 12 S ^ ^ g a le ® viiiage Grove $209,900 Sherri Coram, ABR 123 Fox Run Drive $218,000 Bev Supple 145 Broadmoor $299,000 Gloria Matthews lollybrook $199,950 Kalhy Phillips 11 Oak Grove $289,500 Pat Kinnamon 1526 Peoples Creek Road $486,000 Laura Vines 3010 Deercroft Lane $347,500 Kristina Farrell Audrey Fuhrmann H 1 Brad Hunter714-4400 Щ1 714-4407 Andrea Suggi H 1 Brenna Fallln 7I4-44I6 Щ1 714-4424 Bev Supple H 1 Cheryl Pink 9I8’2S27 Я 1 782-2493 1 Bobble AAendenhollH1 Dorothy Hall 714-44)5 H 1 940-2800 I Gloria Duckworth | 7I4-44}S Gloria MaMliews ' 7lf«05 Jerr/ Supple 9182823 Kathy Phillips 813-5335 Kriillna Farrell ПШ1 Laura Vlnei ;iH«2 I Maddalena Agnoli 0пшг1 Pat Kinnamon 717-8356 Sondra Hedrick 34S.730? Sandra iohn«on 714-4Ш Sand)T Oyion 387 6630 Sherri Corom 909 0019 Prudentialwww.prudentiaicarolinas.com .......... __^nndegendemlj^^owned^nd_ogeralBdjjienibe^fJliie£mdonll^^ c o u > u i e u . BAHKeREI b t r i a c l . c p ^ m For complete listings of homes for sale Úavíe/CÍemmons Office Intersectioni of Hwys 138 & 801 336 998-8816 Relocation 1 <800-327-4398 107 STOiORCf PUCE DAVIE 20ri ? ^ÜA It only the twi ij gooj enough loi you ooll coursa viewi, upscali tuf, tfterry Mftî*oodî A caiiinetj. luiufious rrtislei oain. wnfoom, Mi*in b»jss, hoTO niiiyti Club ineiTiùefifiii. Victi flmnj W8-1167(W3l6«?)|3M,W(i 126 8 RIVER HIU OR МШШ2Ш(ngiisTi codage h^s tnciedible goU coijiu vtm sufuixxTt tifi ML iTislef Sülle, chceilul kiit^n ileming W8-llt7 983 CORNWAUIS OR OAVIE 4SBA t.02AC Colt couise living <ii/pd)C';lui vitvts on more l^зr) an ocre. BejutiM rxlAi] lloors, imin llooi 1.шп(1ц. biilijicij /(Ш «tr/lifepiJce inJ №i bar Ovii 34ÛÜSP, Jofkil Hensley 998-1153 Ш50У) $299,000 SISRUIITFAMmilMSAC rriijtj cl evtiJeoi In itiu home lUitiAood A tile Hoois Ä misiM on шз1я ... SciceiWfJ m porcii. ü/ge bJCk dak 4 Ircnl pofth swcious }il made mifi fre« liocritw Janel Jitiiiley 909- Ciiviy Jol ll53(W322»il)$2e9,90O 6 MONARCH COUHT OAK VUUT DAVIE,H 25*50A ÎW «ûiï loyer, fiegjni/casuil opeii iitis, bejuiilul tieiiih aUnmú in mu s^ious iiume Udw bjckyanJ Come sa' Ciiviy Jolfl'xfl 9î3-t U f «89,000 101 8T CEOROE mCE DAVIE '¿Ш '¿'M Siej) tillo wiicomino courtyîra ft/priï3ie pjiij ol lovely one level, fiee siind;no loMfihome *1 tMufiiul Ijirwav a/Kl lake vie^s Küchen *¡bí¡ ÄimJc«, lg greal ioom Wmarbte tP Ä sumooni 2 car aaraoe Kwy MaisMii 998 1181 (W3n4&ra9,MO lOr 14 REOUNO PIACE OAVIE 3 5(IA localion, Value' find li in Wi 4-5 Oft eiei.utive fiome nesl'edon»kOoiWcuides.icloi.A cera/nic litxirj, huge loom sirti lull bnishei) bsml cuslootliimliniihes CliitsGiiitoÖ'JÜ Mí0 (W3ia527) $269,900 LOT 51 FORUT CIEN OAVIE ЗВП ?.56A Ihis hone »nl ЛМ otle« »It Ihi «wvties w i diwm aboul. Омп pün oileiino nuifi level msir. suiie, üppef tew bonus Siüely tm« ihiif Unteiivfitie Cap»filli mddtngi. MM doofww & wmtJws, OR, Rocking chaii I eiiensívfl hâfi}«ood & cwimic (loots. Wi bv4 ей1И ..I0( ^ I« linisr^ Ctiris Gillie 998-1158 (W320;C0]t2S3,na ,0r 3t REOIANO PUCE OAVIE3aR25BA6 Cjpí.Coú in ücsiîîbte iibM Ul,)R, Rocking chaii Iront porch, leai liocli A (lUiiy ciftiomlKxl eitiis Jofin lieisome 908-U7J ниш ш ш м он»г™Cod lïim »in l»(P МЛоот! Ю«я lit on min cuim uc Гс< CinJí Jonoon í9e-ll)í(m26SÍ9Htll,IM IZI W»«WICI(f PUCl ОДИЕ ® 2SIIÍ Iwe lt?*iiíwiá locairt on is ijiiAjy tn lili Greal piacu loi Ihe goll lovti, ritrai ikcuf, »n'il nuiníairíd, cjfi t« 1еаи oí Icjm puicfus»; Barbafá Alien 9itì-ll54 0V29/2J9) |172,W0 126 SUNNV MEADOW TRAIL OAVIE Ш250А 501АС fiieal »tocne лаг» lots o( «ooml Ortr ?000 SF on 5 icrcs! Hivii liofitage. piioie iilling, Ollice «jllHjtldinq, lirtcla«, Ig ulilily r,»(ti ai4J ше МиЯ see lilen Ufubb 958-lIM |W329519)$1«,900 Davle Office Agents QT 1 REDUKO PUCE OAVll 3№ 2BACreai I level tioöf plan in dcsiiabie n№J VauW 2nd Ifjv cetlirôs. Kilchcn Im tnu fooni. jnd pamry Ulster bih has luriJen tub A serale sfOMr Jand Masieis Wall 998-1162 (W3I72S8) $214,900 129 ШЕЯ DRIVE DAV^E Ш 25BA Wtfiitertui lamriy loc-iinxi and twiie' Across tiom lîemiüda pcßl, li/y nvti Л i№ns in 1еаЧ loi. spacious rooms w/lli, G« *IU\ Wl wl luv and eol-m kitchen tSOOO deco« jiioíiüte DO acrept oHer. Mrcy lAirshall 9'J8 llfil (W31C628I $209,003 123 PENNINGTON DOWEU 0AV1E3№256AWontlcilul CM 1ml livit^ Only tw yis olil on larod lol Spacious nusiei and luiuious masiet twh. luge !e«ed lub. sep Ail tooms m a gieat ji«. A must see. Kathy Snow 998-1162 (W329589'“ -*" 3018 KWT 801 OAVIE 3[)RI(iA638AC Puck tKime jial soulh d Aisance tor undei $I30K, liaiijAOotJ lioois. Double atbched giraoe. Huiry »0 see »MS 1ше. MIS 'oanamy. Msy ^íiefd- 99a-l157(W3l8U4)$12f 998*1186998-1154998-1Ш,998-1164,99M15799«»117d998-1158 ,998*1177 ,99MU899M16S998*11S)998*1182 1136 $TAaECOACH TRAIL OAVIE 3(t|| 250A 7 24AC Well tJied loi A rooniy Veiy open great loom Miiii fP HI lien A buiil-in island y^/lreaklj$l aje3 Ottice, lurniai OR A lfl loo Beauiilui prtvaie selling Wfdefed by Cfccp Cieek ARS WarrantyGi.i ra*'iv 1« mnmm.vnтшглоа 02004 ColilwcK fiJ(ikc( Kc.sl islote (o(()orjtiuii. Coldwcll (linker is >i teijislorcd ti-utciibifk ol Coldwcll U>uikc( Cu((io mUo<i, An Цил10{)poitv>ikily С ит)ш у, MouslnQ Oppoilunlty. M di Ollicc Is lndo|icm)cnl)y Owned ond Opcrtilcd. 232 REDLAND ROAD DAVIE 2Ш Ш ( ШСViniJOQ Cfüim m desirable loaiion. fie.iuitlul country selling Some nood tioois and ced4( dosc'ls A piece ol htiioiy: housed the fteiJiaiKl Posi Ollice in ejily 190Ô, Oaibira Alien 998- 1154 |W322224)$99,900 Amanda Miller BaibaiB Allen Beitiynciii BitaSalern Cllll» Gaide.(Iiiiy lohMori' .Ulen4tubb CqII Pawlik ' J inelHewlty ‘inttMaslmWall . . . . .n«Oow‘Pro(lor 998*118«Hefiome M 998*1171ilhysnow 998*1162Chantller. 998*1168inns Potu 998*1169-.-.[uUSKtlsa 998*1178Mike Zimmerman 998*1187NathVatquu 998*1184NancvMafshall 998*1181HoraXiikmait ' > ,998*1160Patii wallets Aimini 998*1166Sa))yM<Gulre 998*1155Ihettl Buxton 998-imVi(Mrlemln9 998*1167 ................I,,(Illy ( iw iK 'd .m il d iM . iU 'il M i'iiil) .'! o l t O lilw i'll B .in k fi Ito li l.s .M k ' С ч и р о м м о м D4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 8,2004 R e p o rt F ro m R a le ig h : B u d ge t P ro c e ss C o n tin u e s By Julia C. Howard N.C. House of Represenlalivcs The House and Scniiie budget confcrccs mcl numerous time.s this past week over many long hours. Much progre.ss has been m ade, and a final resolution is anticipated within the next week. The conference process is interesting. When the conferees are appointed by the leaders of each chamber, their objective is to resolve the differences between the versions of the budget passed in the House and Senate. Given the enormous size of the budget, conferees arc appointed to focus on expendi­ tures (appropriations) and fund availability (finance). The appropriations conferees are broken down further by divisions, the two largest divi-sions being education and human resources. The finance conferees focus on freeing up additional monies from a multitude of funding mechanisms to cover the ex pen- ‘ C a r o l i n a P r o p e r t i e s 336-998-7777 ^ I)(‘l)bic \ \ >\ W ,p c p ilC .C O IH м.. i-T- Bailey Owncr/llrokrr ^ , 0\vner/lii4)k(*r C o m m i t t e d T o C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e > L I S T I N G A G E N T S A L E S A G E N T O F T H E M O N T H O F T H E M O N T H f " ' C ongrafulations to M A R Y H E N D R IC K S an d P ' ■ Produce r, A fíen ts o f the M onth. Thankji to them for a ll o f their h ard w ork an d ш ш Mary Hcndriclis dedication to Heaven m ake un a success. Péter Heaven dituros recommended by the appropriations confcrccs or to provide savings to the state. In the end, the cpnferees are usually able to resolve mosl of their differences. However, typically a few core differences are above the conferees’ ability to negotiate, and these decisions arc referred to the co-speakers of the House and the president pro tempore of the Senate for final resolution. Am idst the conference process, the House and Senate continue to hold daily sessions and com m iltce m eetings, dealing primarily with non- controversial issues and those of local importance. However, one bill, HB 1464 - School Calendar Changes, has recently received great deal interest in the House. The bill was favorably passed oul of the House Commerce Committee last week and is expected to be debated on the floor this week. The major provisions of the bill would acl to reduce the number of non-instructional teacher workdays by 10 and require lhat the public schools shall open no sooner than Aug, 25 and clo.se no later than June 10 of each calendar school year. As you might imagine, there are clear positions on this issue from a number of groups. The educational community, as a whole, from teachers to school boards, oppose the proposed bill citing a damaging loss of ne- cessary preparation time and an override of decision-making power. There are ii great number of proponents for the bill. Business owners, especially those in tourist popular areas, grieve that the steadily lengthening school calendars across the state are impeding there ability to pros-per. A great num ber of parents have expressed concerns that there children can no longer actively participate in sum m er enrichment activities in many cases because of the tack of adequate time off for summer break. If you hold an interest in this bill, feel free to contact me. I would love to hear from you as the debate m oves forward. I had Ihc pleasure of visiting with several folks from Davie County over the past week. Doris Brown, Ed Cartner, Jerry Anderson, and Sarah Wallace, all of Energy United, dropped by tho olTice on Wednesday, and we enjoyed a pleasant visit. 1 was also pleased to visit with Jim Patton of Advancc as well as Robert Graves of the N.C. High-way Palrol. He is the .son of William and Margaret Graves of Mocksville. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feci free to call on me. Legislative office: 919-733- 5904; Mocksville office: 751- 8567; c-nuiil,ji(/i(i/i@)ic/t's.)it'i. New Listings 176 Winding Creek Uond $174,000 Nico split BR plnn, cathcdral coiling in OR, giU) logs, largo mnstor suilu w/wulk-in closcta. Privato back yard. Doairablo ncighboilio«!. Broker is owner. Home is uimilar lopliola М2 Bunker Way 'ISvin Cedars $227,000 Cu.stnin built 3BR, 2ВЛ homo loaded with oxtras to includo hardwood & coraniio tilo lloors. I Lg family rai & formal dining w/ I statoly columns. Bonutiful finish I work. Located on a cul-do-aac lot for n troniondous view from tho sunroom or acreon porch. H op eR id ge N ow Providin g Mental Health Se rvice s Ф- 176 Pino Valley $167,000 167 Now HampsWroCt 8152,500 243 Duko Street S I M ,300 151 Summit Drive 8134,900 C a l l t o d a y f o r y o u r F R E E h o m e m a r k e t a n a l y s i s !(•t'nrrni MiimiuiT HopeRidge Centers for Behavioriul Health provides mcntnl health, developmental disabilities and substance abuse services to children and adulls in centriil North Carolina, includ- ' ing Davie County. HopeRidge will provide .ser­ vices previously offered by CcnicrPoint Human Services. As part of North Carolina's mental heallh, developmental disabili­ ties and substance abuse .services sysleiii refomi, CenterPoint Hu­ man Services is now a local inanagemcnt entity (LMB) and no longer provides direct ser­ vices. HopeRidge offers compre­ hensive outpatient long- and short-term services; individual, family and group therapy; sub- stonce abuse treatmeni, p.sychi- atric'and p.sychological services, and case management. Most of Ihe CenterPoint servicc provid­ ers will continue to provide ser­ vices at HopeRidge, .so currenl customers should hnve no inter­ ruption of services. H eadquarters are in the former CenterPoint offices in Winston-Salem, with sites in King, Danbury and Mocksville. For more information, con­ tact Hank Marsh, interim CEO, at 725-6800. Sorry for all the noise. But we're so excited about our 2004 NCPA Advertising Awards we just had to let out a little yell. D A V I E C O U N T Y Davie County Enterprise Record — 1st Place — Bo'.t Spot Coioi Appau'l, Jt’wcliy fit AiCL'Ssoiii's Ad Ray ruUeiow — 1st Place — Best liisuuition.il Ad ficiy Tutlurijw — 1st Place — lit'st AdveilisiiHj C,inipciK(n Rciy Tulterow — 2nd Place — Best Rt'sldL'iiiiiit/EiiUM triiiimeiit Hob Coison & Jf'.iiinii' liolU'r — Gold Star — SfX'CKlI SC*( tlDII The Clem m ons Courier — 2nd Place — St.lff — 3rd Place — Bi'Sl Sli.ui'd l’,Kjr , -3 r d Place — lii'sl Use ol I III! Color t liiisly C l.nk iv Jill I’olls — 3 ^ P i a c e — lii'sl inMiiiiiion.il A(1 C.liifsiyC l.iikK; Je.innie lioilci DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thunsday, ,|uly 8,2004 - D5 Policy For Free, Reduced Price School Meals Announced The N.C, Department of Pub­ lic Instruction has announced the 2(X)4-2(X)5 USDA policy for free and reduced menls for children in North Carolinn, Schools rcceive a reimburse­ ment from the federal govern­ ment for every student served a school meal. Because it is impor­ tant for every child lo eat, the federal government and the lo­ cal school system have provided a wny to offer free or rcduced price menls to families with lim­ ited incomes. W hat children are eligible for free meals? Chiidrcn whose families get Food Stamps or TANF (Families First); chiidrcn from families whose tolal house­ hold income is the same or less thun the amount in the free meals columns on the income chart for their household size; and/or (3) foster children whose personal income is not more than $233 weekly. Whnt chiidrcn nrc eligible for reduccd meals? Chiidrcn from families whose total liousc- liokl income is the same or less than the amount in the reduced meuls columns on the income chart for their household size. Who should fill out nn ap­ plication? Any parent who thinks ills child might qualify for free or reduced benefits should fill out the upplicution, return it to school, and wait for notifica­ tion from the school telling whether the application is ap- Two On A&T Dean’s List Two Davic students - Chnmreece Nichole Diggs of Mocksville and Carol I. Durham of Advance - were named to the spring semester dean's list ut North Cnrolinn A&T Stale Uni­ versity in Greensboro. Gray Picked For Student Impact Adrienne Grny of Mocksvillc has been selected ns nn energy group lender for Hnrding University's 2004 Student Im- pnct, an orientation program de­ signed to help freshmen nnd new students make the transition to collegc life. Gray Is a sophomore major­ ing in communication disorders, Student Impact features a va­ riety of activities, including ser­ vice projects and games, dc- signed to make new students comfortable with ench other und the university. Students arc di­ vided into groups of 20, called energy groups, which meet throughout the dny to discuss school, rules, cumpus life and other issues of importance. More than 1,000 studcnls will participate in Ihc pgroum Aug, 19-23 al the Harding campus in Searcy, Ark, Erin Williams Selected Erin Williams, duughter of Janet and Tony Williums of Mocksvillc, hus been selected to attend the L eg islato r’s Sohool for Youth Leader­ ship Develop­ ment at West- I ern Carolina University, She at­ tended Soulh Duvie Middle School nnd is n rising ninth grnder at Davic High, The school offers selected ris- W illium s V O T E DAPHNE FRYE Candidate for DAVIE COUNTY COMMISSIONER on July 20th Paid for by Daphne Frye Do You Suffer From M IG R A IN E S ? You may eligible to participate in an investigational research study of B O T O X For the treatment o f M igraine Headaches •M ust be 18 to 65 years old •M ust have had headaches for at least 6 m onths •M ust be in stable m edical condition Qualified participants rcceive: • Study related Medications, Tests and Examinations •Financial compensation available For more information Please call (336) 794-3273 John A. H. Porter, MD Clinical Research of Winston-Salem, Inc. 3010 Maplewood Avenue Suite 122 Winston-Salem, NC 27103 proved or denied, Mnny school systems use direct certification - this means thnt if your student was receiving TANF uiid/or Food Stumps during June and und/or July, lie will not huve to complete un upplication. How do I get nn upplkn- tlon? Appliculions witli u letter to parents or guardians urc be­ ing sent by scliools to nil homes. If you do nol receivc one, ask for one nt your child's school, Whnt should be on the ap- plication? It is imporlunl to un- swer the questions cnrcfully, bc- cnusc missing inrormnlion niuy i'csull in n delay for your child. If you get Food Slumps orTANF, you must provide the child’s nnme, Food Slump orTANF wise number, and an adult household member’s signature. If you keep a foster child, you must provide the child's name, the child's per- sonul use incoiiic, and un adult signature (personul use income is the money given by the wel­ fare ugency identified for the child's personul use und all oilier money the child gets). If your household does not get Food Stumps orTANF, you must pro­ vide the child's nnme, the names of ull household members, in­ come by source for ull household members, the social security number of the uclult household member who signs the applica­ tion (or the word "none” if the uclult signing docs not hue a So­ cial Security number), und un udull hoii.scliold nicnibcr’s signu- lure. W hen should I upply for benefits for my child? You may upply for benefits ut uny time during the school yeur thut you feel your child is eligible. If you should have u decrease in liousc- . hold incomc, un increase in liousclioUl size, or become un­ employed, or get TANF or Food Stumps, you muy wunt lo fill out an upplicution ut tliut lime. Who sees .the Infonnulion un niy child's appllcution? The inl'ormulion lhat you give will be u.scd to determine or prove your child’s eligibility.« Will I be required (o prove Ihc Inrornialion I provide on my child’s nppllcatlon? Tlie in- fomiation you provide may be checked ut uny time. You may be uskcd to send informntion to prove your child is eligible. W hal If my Incomc changes? If you arc upproved, you must report uny increuse in your income of nioi-c tiian $50 per month or $6(K) per year, uny decrease in your household size, und loss of Food Stamps or TANF benefits for your child. W hat if 1 do not agree wllh the decision on my child’s np- plicntlon ur the process used to prove incoine eligibility? You liuvc the righl to u fnir hearing which may be arranged by con­ tacting the local school system. How will my child be treated if he or she receives free or reduced meal benefils? Chil­ dren who get free or rcduccd price meuls arc treated the same ns children who puy for meals. Whnt If my child has a dis­ ability and cannot eat regular school mculs? USDA deter­ mines whut must be included in u regulnr scliool meal. Substitu­ tions at no extra charge are al­ lowed if a doctor hus determined lliut your child’s disubilily would prevent his/her culing regulnr •school menls. If you believe your child needs substitutions, get in touch wilh his/Iier school. Your Vote for J o h n n y F r y e If' Republican Candidate for Davie County Board of Commissioners would be greatly appreciated. Thank You VOTE ing eighth-1 Ith graders an op­ portunity to develop skills in leadership, critical thinking and coinmuniculion. Tlie two-week residential program utilizes the cullurnl and recrentioiiai rc; sources of the university and the .setting udjucent to Greut Sinokj; Mountains Nnlional Park. Sludenls purticipnte in lend- crship skills nnd spccini sessions consisting of Appulnchiun cul­ ture, fine arts, computers, per­ sonal safety, outdoor recreation/ education activities und olher topics. Communily service work nnd discussions nbout current issues are purl of the program. ★ P l e a s e V O T E J u ly 2 0 , 2 0 0 4 ★ PjI(I for by Friends (or Jolinny hye, canrlldato F I R S T G R E E N S B O R O H O M E E Q U I T Y WE OFFER... Loans For All Types of Crcdit Situations 100% Purchases • Conventional • FHA & VA 125% Financing • No Incomc Vcrilication Mobile Homes (SW & DW ) • Self-Employed Bankruptcy OK For Excellent Service and Quick Closings CO N TA CT TAM ARA C H U R C H FIRST GREENSBORO HOME EQUITY 1300 W cstgate C enter Drive W in.ston-Salciii, NC 27103 Phone l-33f.-768-7S(if.or 1-800-296-0551 A fter H ours 692-9974 • Fax 1-336-768-9864 Q s T k x y , Swicegood Wall & McDaniel T w o T r i a d L o c a t i o n s ! Z]$489,900 ZÍ4BR/3.1 BACiAkxii l\.il taru aa(binv*iJiip.Goiyuciua tAxj nron Л/1 г сЫгцр. 3 cor ûJütiwl [Xvngu G<tiá3kx)cn a ß ACüstikj.ca Wiciw £>jao(M9(W33oooi) 2] $284,600 Z14BR/3.1BAGorgoous 2 бЫу ii pcpuLv nuti-YidWjv UMiyoMhcncM. Rctfu pulud hsciu & out Uq улик] mniu) 4 В ) Dfl CdKn«» 003-t720 <W32-012) !^$191,600 idSOR/ZBAи>(]1ют(}жв)Са)1игу21 hionu Wvrnrity t:.ii in Mdion drwig iifoa. ш т*} U k p tli, iy A lt a Vq Mijnailjiivny 0O!>I&I9 (W3?fi216) lTj$144,e00 0гВ№2.1ВАNoÄt in OünTiudl Пш tïy Own. cp«\ gnjni Клто spiioüo- (Club muJtxiííi ф к) DflCX; indudud) Col СЮ& 100Э (W32t4H) 71$1ZB,000 ZÍ3BB/2BASpíKou9 ra'id) n №0i £Uxiw^ СП ai<ltv6.x.Fwicud tXKk yard, ben« vsiii fM)tyuniiTibi-»3dmAln) МОП- Col in-rrìy aX>-1Ы9 (W329(£6} ZlS102,400 ZÌ2BR/2BA W»nflWayGr«Junv*i5. COfMiniiiiil lo Win?,K<vSalunt. L/y MS, uifm,o.i3bgFP.ptxD<,UiAU Кгъ.слтсЫо. ColNVxigo &U>8W9(W3i>1703) |Tj$83,000 IZISBR/ZBADiDUtiuVVick) b(3 0( UlbYU iookioo. G u it n/of kxntoa Ptml bukJW UK УчЛл)! Prcpwty tx«x] GcU in 'A s-co Y ltioa Gil AÍÓ1 {>Ю-7*Юа ÍW327727) Извв/з, $378,900 LIBA е я л з т т п п т т ш е Sminlüd on over 9 oco. Hni*vd floofs. cofiunic iittf. ftnislwd bsfni with offico, don & ftivViundr/. Partaiy finished room ovof frv. Спя Akia ÎM0-7409 (W323967) 0$227,9OO (ZISBR/Z.IBAI tomo in Ook VWoy. hipnisavu 2 stryfoyu'& Ln,dMnM^k)gFR hem) оЛо) «tit csUd te 4^ Oa GoH prMuQos, pool Atonnis oval. CiJ Kn9i 1720 (W325220) $182,600 3BR/2.1 BADooublii oi trtk Ixxnu cfi fxjdudüd 1 Ol AC bt wrtm ti»a tol-t0.2M0airttfinkMi,l0n 4purluwl.(W32700Ü) 7jS131,9flO 2)3 BR/2 BAS(A kx/ptm vN/crtcu c4 МЩ UÜ in TV.ritucixkAW »t«*/ FliygaitJctiy rcUlng & cl^u-.СЫ Wjgtr OOKHÜG (W32>I60») ^$113,050 ZÍ3BR/2BAR-ïicit wrti цх)Ооиз Mdwn & FP ЛШ Pfüpuftybüfigsddr'Asb* Col Alca {>Ю-7-Ю0 (W322G23) Zl$82,500 ZÌ3BR/2RAПйох19/ npdikxi Icnu many pocsbitusIFiiun/inciud bO£t*i4ìnlCi4Mc*>vi (VNGIIGCO) (ZI$e9,900 [ZÌ2BR/1BAFcftidoajt^Soid ’As b’. Iflrgu lot п р { * т я fuTvui. HJrtMoûite CalA/iv«ll244-í269|(W327524) $268,000 BR/3BAIrrvnacubio nuintoinod bflck funcíiwííiovof 2300SF. Coftvcniunt in \смп location. Cn/IUidutiMO-O&O (W324771) ^$224,800 IBR/2.1BAQ 2 Sty tttra on <Mxdod il toi Guy dun vy ItMd Ir A ] ontortairvnort contar, hrl Ш, ijUbemtficnidpcrch. I™'“ « Zl$169,900 ZI3BR/2.1BAEnufoy oifciont, sard htJmo w* prVnu MS, cqurVoimy coni». Fnshüd ск1Л/< tefirt CùlEte-iiu»! WO-25M (W320C05) 0$129,8ОО 12)3 BR/2 BAOríd( rondi wbrroom ttit caál tx) 4ih OR. L/g voks^cp weh Lotso<i4Xi]tuL CompMeíy fwnodriüd ЕЛа Сд1Аки&Ю-740Э (W325774) [Т|$104,в00 03BR/2BALnrgo comer totWih-in docet in МОЛ. t^l krtdien pontry. Affiancoa oro irk IkiHKM ccndtmCol SandyOie-S332 (W32S023) Zl$8S,eG0 Z3BR/2BADWMH cn rico nnscrvvy kxjndatioa Lg bont pord). now (M)fEt2ed dodf, now ccvpot. tncMM\ recid/. Cal Elznbolh 009-250-1 (W3200j0) ZI$ei,ooo Z3BR/2BAPncod txÉM tn VQtue for qub( &-)lü.Noedsalttle7lC.ûuQt potonftjl nnd wW fcosomont Col Ocrá (W3268Q2) YOUR VERY OW N HOM ETOW N TEAM O F REAL ESTATE PR O FE SSIO N A L S 9WM,AiiraaHTsB6sERVEo, MOCKSVILLE 854 Valley Rd. Suite 100 (336) 751-2222 Hours; Mon • Fri 8 am to 5:30 pm 8 am to Si30 pm Sat; 9 am to 1pm CLEMMONS 2419 Lew/lsvllle-Clemmons Rd . (336) 778-2221Hours: M-F 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Sat: 9:00am- 5:00pm / Sun: 1 -5 pm Dfi - DAVIE COUNTY KNTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday. July 8,2004Davie Dateline DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 8,2004 - D7 Reunions Sunday, July 11 Ihilniun & KrosI Kninllk-s 4fit(i Rr- iinlon,Piiliiicili)Cluin.h, U.S.601 N.. Mocksvillc. r-cllowsliipbcijins IO;.W u.m. Picnicdinncrm I p.m. Rclutivcs & friends wclcotne. Reli^on Mon.-Fri., July 12-16 Viicflthin Hlhtc Sch(K»l« nt Advancc UMC, p.m., 4 years lo iidiills, l(K*alion: 8(11 S. comer of Fin: Siiition Rd. lit milroad inicks. 'nicmc: "Mero Quest". Conic lei us look for henxis in Ihc Bible. Sun.-Thur., July 18-22 Vuciitiflii BIhlf Sch(M)l,nt First Pres. Church & Holy Cross Uiithcrnn Church, 261 S. Main St.. coolt-out mil) covcrcd di.sh Sun. 5 p.m. followed b>' pmgnim 5 p.m.-8:I.S p.m. Mon- Ttiurs. dinner nl 5:30 followed by prounim 6-8;l5 p.m. 'niemc: “Scllle Ihe Uisl l-ranticr". Info: 751-2507 or 751-54 I'J. Special Events Every Friday Niglit .lumScssldiK.utSlKfficldMuslcHnll. cull 492-7417 for info. Now Thru Aug. 31 Exiillill, III 'llie Comimmily I'oundii- lion of Duvic Couniy Office. 194 Wiikesboro Si., wiilercolors by locul nrtisi Sue Hoggs. Conluci Comm. Foundulion for hours: 75.1-690.1. Friday, July 9 Jumniln’ On The Si|unrc,6-9p.m. downlown MiK'ksville. Bobby \Vo(xl & Friends, blucgnuss/coiiiitry. Saturday, July 17 S’limiiicr I’IcnIc, tlic Autism StK'icly of N.C. Duvie Chupter, al Bethlehem UMC. u grcnt wuy lo gel lo know one nnother und hnve cliilda'n intenict. livery fnmily needs (o bring covcrcd dish & drink. Hoik io sec you there. Info: 998-.1764 or 492-7001. Dates to Remember Monday, July 19 CriiLsv In, iMuin St. in downlown McK-ksvilic, fi-9 p.m., 50/50 drawing held euch lime, nnd DJ plnys fuvorilc music. Sponsored by I’icdnioni Clus- slc CARS Club. Duvic Kcscuc Siiuud Free IlcnUh ClaM.ntncw fucllityonCounty Home Rd. Swimming Pool und Water Safety, 7-9 p.m. Monday, Aug. 2 Crul.<ic III, Muin St. in downtown Mock.sville, 5-9 p.m., 50/50 dniwing held each lime, nnd DJ plnys fuvorilc music. Sponson;d by Piedmont Clus- sic CARS Club. Meetings Tuesday, July 13 DhvIc lU'imlillciin I’urty Mnntlily Mi'i'tliiK,7;.1(lp.m..iit courthouse in Mocksvillc. NOTK DATIC CIIANCK. Uist chunce to meet can- diilates before primary eleclion on July 2t)lh. Dnvie Dcmocriillc Parly Monthly Mi'etln(j,6:.10 p.m.,ut Red Pig Res­ imi rant. CiHilccmcc. Ongoing llutiiaiiv Soclcly of Dnvlc Co., monthly meetings 2nd 'I'lies. of each mollili, at office Yadkinvillc Uil.'bc- hiiul car wash. 751-5214. DiMihlcd American Veterans Post 75 meels on tliird Monduy of each month.6:.10 p.m.. al 1958 Hwy.fiOl S. Contnct J. Renfro at 2K4-46f>4 for more iiifo. Aiili.<fiiSii|ip<irt (irniip.ird Monday of each month. 6:.10 p.m.. ut Centrai Davic l:d. Cenier. MiKksvillc. Dll vie Iltis, Women's A.ssiichitun I st Wed. of every month. 12 noon, al Mocksvillc Rotary on.Salisbur>Sliect, Speaker of interest and catered lunch, cost ,S6. Vear membership $25, Con­ tact 99K-115.1 for more info. Davie C'tainly DIulictes Nii|i|Mirt (iroup.last 'nuirs.ofcvety momh.7- X;.10 |i.m„at DavicCo. Public Library Small Conference RiKim. Info; 751- X7(X). DiivIe Ymilli Cninull, meets 2nd 4lh Tucsdiiys each month, 6:31) p.m., al iMivksvillc/Duvic Parks & Rec. mceling riHim. Info: Wendy White 287-1292. Dnvie Co. Hospital Au\lliiry,ever)' second ’I'lics.. nt hospilnl cnfelcria. 7 p.m. Davie llii.slnes.s Women'f, A.vincla- tiun, first Wed. of each month, 12 iKKin.ul MiK'ksville RotnryChib Hut. lunchcon meeting.cnten;dmenluvuil- nblc. l or info: 998-1153 or940-36(XI. DavieKe|iuhllcanMciu>Cluh,meets 4thSaturday of each monlh,7:30a.m.. Red Pig HHQ. Celebrate Keciivery,weekly support group for those siniggling wilh had habils, aiUliclions, nnd victims of abuse. Meels Fridays, 7 p.m.. ul Hillsdale Hapt. Church. Hwy. I.5K, Advance. Call WO-6618 for mom info. Duvic County I lorw! Knicrtjcncy Res-' cue Team, 7:.K) pan., dowiistnirs nt tlie Agticultunil Building. Mocksvillc. Ev- eiy 3rd Tue,sday each month. For info: 940-2111. Davic Co. Daml Uoosters, meets 2nd 'I'liesduy of month. 7:30 p.m.. Davic High Band Room. Family Scrvlcc.s "Whnl Every Par- i'nlShniildKnon'",parcntiiigcla.sscs to interested parents of teens in liK'al arcus, every Mon. 6-7:15 p.m.. at Mocksville office Sanfoal Avc. Cost S15. For morc info: 751-4510. Christian Ilusinc!»mcn's Commit­ tee uf Mocksvillc, Thursdays. 7 a.m. Mocksvillc Rotary Hut. Gold Win)! TourinK A.<socintlon, Red Pig Biirbccue. Greasy Comer. N.C. 801 at U.S. 601, 6 p.m. 284- 4799. Dnvlc Couniy Stamp Club, 2nd lliurs., Duvic Senior Center. 7 p.m. 751-0611. Cooteeniec Recrenllnn A.s.sociut№n, Znchnry Hou.se, 1st Tuesdny. 7 p.m. itume.schuol 4-H Club, 2nd & 4th 'lliursday. Call 998-S925 for more info. The Arllsl Group, Duvic County U- bniry, 7 p.m. lost Tues. Cull Bonnie nt 998-5274. Center Community Development, 3rd Mon., 7 p.m. Community Bidg. CiHilcemee Town llniird, 3rd Tues­ day,Town Hall, 7 p.m. unless other­ wise noted. Cuolccmci'AA,bclilndOoodShep- hcrd Episcopal.Tues. & Fri.. 8 p.m. Nortli Cooleemee nnd Clark Rontl Council, 2nd Wednesday. 7 p.m. Friendship Bnptist Fcilow.sliip Mull. Mocksviile AA, closed non-smok­ ing meeting, at St. Frnncis of A.ssisi Church fellowship hull. 862 Yndkinviilc Rd., Mocksvillc. Sat- urduy.4 6 p.m. Info: Susun 751-3188 or Jan 753-6863. Davie Domestic Violence Services and Rape Crisis Ccnier. Offers weekly support group for domestic violcncc & .scxuul nssuult victims.’Hie groupmects every Tucs.cvening from 6:.10-8:30 p,m, PIcusc cull office for location. 751-34.50. I’amlly Violence I’rcvenllun Ser­ vices otDnvleCoimty. Free counsel­ ing for victims of violcncc nnd tlielr cliildren. Scpamtc groups. Tue,sdnys, 6-7:30 p.ni.First United Methodist Cliurch of Mocksville. Cull 1-800- 728-3413. Concerned Bikers Association, Foothills Chapter, 2nd Wednesdny, WcstcmStccr,U.S.601 ntl-40.7p.m. Public wclcome. Advunce Garden Club, 1st Tues., 9 u.m.Wocks UMC, 998-2111. MucksvlllcGardenClub,l.st’l1uin>„ Jericho Churcli of Chrisl fellowship hull, 7 p.m. Visitors wclcome. Sun.4 оГ Conrederate Veterans, 1st Monday.Cixilecincc Historicul Build­ ing. 7 p.m. 4-II lllLs & Ilrldic Cluli.cvcry third Tiies.,6-7;30p.m.utDi)iielaiulFimiis. Call 492-6-ШЗ for morc info. Mocksville Kotury (.’liil),Tiicsdays, ■ l2;l(lp.m.,Rolary Hui. Kurmington Masonic I.odgc No. 265. 2nd Monday. 7:30 p.m. at the lixlgc. Mocksville I.lons Club. 1st, 3rd 'niursdays.7 p.m., fellowship hall of St. Frnncis of Assisi, Yndkinville Road, MiK'ksville. Davie Co. United Way lliinrd of Directors, 4ih Monday. 5:.10 p.m., BriK'k Center Aiinc.i, Conf. Rixim 208. Recreation I'ormore infonnation on thcsccvcnis, call 751-2325, Tuesday, July 27 Lake Norman Craise.$25 per person. includes admission & trunsponaiion. Lunch on your own afler cniisc. then shopping. Line Dancing Farmington Comnumily Center. Ev­ ery Tuesday. Cosl: $2. Insmictors: Steve & Linda I latlcy. For morc info, call 75I-.1K48. GoodTimersSquareDance Dunce Lessons .$5 |kt month. Volun­ teers for different siK'inl events. Con- tnct Hthel nt 998-3S37. Senior Walking Program .Seniors. 50 and up, M-F. 6:30-9 n.m. No charge. Iiiccmive breakfast held i|uarlcly. Regisler now nt Rec. IX'pt, or Sr. Services. The Dance Company Mon..Tues., Wed.,& Sal. Call Emily Rol)cn.son.998-5l63. Horse Camp $185 per child (8-15 yrs. old) |Wr week. 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Mon.-Fri. Riding instniction,equine carc, horse facts, crafts, projects, & field trips. Plus swimming if weather pcniiits. Beginners: 7/12-lfi; Intennediates 7/ 5-9.Ad vnnced/bcginner7/19-^3. Cnll 751 -2325 for info nnd registration. Competition Cheerleading $25 registration nnd $45 mo. for 2 times per week. Call Wendy Shoe­ maker 28<f.6300. U6-U12 Soccer Registering in Aug. S35 included .1, Tshitl. Davie Gymnastics Academy Call Heidi Ogle 998-1742 for info. Tennis Leagues uvuilable for men. womcn.co-cd,jun­ iors. Cull Sandra for info. Basic Cake Decorating Available Sept. Call for details. Big Sw/eep Help clean local rivers and streams. Cull Mike Gnmcr for info. Comm. Clean-Up Day At the RiverPark ut Cooleemce Falls, 4th St. of ench month, 8 a.m. unlil. Cali Bill Gibson 284-4774 or Rec. Dept, for more info. Shelter Rentals Available at Rich Pnrk und Rivcrl’urk nt Cooleemee Fulls. Culi 751-2325 to make rcscrvations. Davie Youth Council Ages 13 to graduation, meet nt Rec. Dept. 2nd nnd 4th Tues. nights ench momhs.Call Emily751-2325 forinfo. Battle of the Bands I st Sat. in Sept. Bunds und sponsors muy cnll 751-2325 for Info. Spon- sorcd by Davic Youth Council lo ben­ efit youth of Davie Co. Special Olympics Fun Nite Wedncsduys nt Rec. Dept. 7-8:30 p.m. Open lo uthletes. their fumilics, nnd volunteers. Special Friends Dance Van Monthly Fri.nightdimce In Lewisville, open to adults wilh developmental delays, Rcscrvulions ri4|Ulrcd for transportution, call Kiuhic 751-2325 by Thursdays. Van leaves Rec. Dept. 6:30p.m.undinlerscctionofN.C.801 & U.S. 158 al 6:45 p.m. YMCA For morc Information, cnll 751-9622 or visit Davio Fnmily YMCA. Water Exercise Class For licginncrs und the experienced. All nges. Cull for clnss types & times. Swim Lessons Choose from 4 wk.,Snt.momingor privule Ic.s.sons. Reg. begins 2 wks. prior lo cluss. Call for clnss times. Karate-Carucado Style Tuesdays, 7-8:45 p.m. Ages 7 & up. Tae Kwon Do Ages 6 & up. Meet Tues. & Thura.« p.m. Sunshine Club For ull older nctlvc udults. Fun, fel-, lowship, good news. Wc do mothly pot luck luncheons with a speaker. Costi 10 mcmbeni/$20non-mcmbcii. Family Night July Р/Л. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Trent your fumiiy to evening at Y huving dinner, playing gumes, swimming,und morc. Cost $2 per person (5 nnd under free). Summer Day Camp Wc offer full duy childcare for chil­ dren 5-12. Call front desk for delnils. P U B L I C N O T I C E S PUBUC NOTICES Seniors All Senior Activities take placc nt DavieCounty Senior Scrviceslocnted in Ihc BriK'k Building on North Main Street, MiKksvillc unless otherwise notcd.Culi 751-0611. Ongoing Sr. I.unchhiix, M.T.W , 11:30 a.m., Th.&Fri.. 11 a.m.,lunchserveddnily. Silver Henltli Kxerclscs, East Room of Senior Scrv ices, M,W,F,8:30u.ni. QutllhiR,every Monday. 10a.ni.,nnst RixMii. Scral)ble,cveiy Mondny, I p.m.,Crafl Rixini. Hrldge,Tucsduys Ip.m. &Fridnys2 p.m.. Enst RiKim. SKIPIIO, Wednesdays. 1:30 p.m.. Eust Rixim. .Scrupbouking. 2nd Tuesdny, 2 p.m. Pnlnl Class, Wednesdny,s. 8:30 u,m„ Craft Rixim. Dr. Dunn, PudialrisI.ut Sr. Services every thrc'c weeks on Monday, 8:30 a.m., Craft Room. Free Illuml Pressure Chccks,once a month, at 10:45 a.m. in the Nutrition Site. Sr.Ch«rus,'l'hursdays. 10 a.m., Enst Rixmi. Tnl Clil Cliusscs, Tuesdays, 10-11 a.m.. Nature's Glfts,Class si/e lim­ ited, call Sr. Services ut 751-0611 lo prc-rcgislcr. Every Thursday Crnfly Ladies, activity at Sr. Ser­ vices. 10 a.m.-12 iKKin, in the Craft Room. Cull 751-0611 for morc info. Silver Health Excrclscs, 10 a.m., al Mock Plucc,401N. Main Streel.Open to any senior. 'Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Items fur Dnvlc Dateline should be reported by nixin Monday of the pub­ lication week. Cull 751-2120 or drop il by Ihe office, ut S. Muin St. ucross from the courthouse. NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY 04 SP 107 SALf Under and by virtue ol a Power ol Sale contained In lhat certain Deed ol Trust executed by BRENDA S. LONG AKA BRENDA LONG MCGRAW (SINGLE) to TIM, INC., Trustee(s), which was dated the 19 day of MARCH 1998 and recorded March 24, 1998 In Book S72 at Page 793, Davie Couniy Reglslry, North Carolina. Default having been made In tha payment ol Ihe note thereby se­ cured by Iha said Deed ol Trust and Ihe undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been sub­ sllluled as Trustee In said Deed of Trusl by an InslrumenI duly re­ corded In Ihe Ofllce ol the Regisler ol Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina, and Ihe holder ol Iha note evidencing said Indebledness hav­ ing direcled lhal Ihe Deed ol Trust be foreclosed, Ihe undersigned Subslllute Tmslee will ollor lor sale al Ihe erly Is located, or Ihe usual and customary location at Ihe county courthouse for conducting the sale on July 20,2004 al 12:30PM, and will sell lo Ihe highest bidder (or cash Ihe following described prop­ erty situated In DaWe County, North Carolina, to wll: BEING Lots Nos. 89,90and91 of the W, R. Cleivent Property ac­ cording to a plat thereof prepared by James D. Justice recorded In Map Book S3, Page 528, Davie County Registry, to which reference la hereby tnade for a more particu­ lar description. Save and except any releases or deeds ol release ol record, Said properly Is commonly known as 321 Givyn Street, Mocksville, NC 27028. Third parly purchasers must pay Iho excise lax, and Ihe court costs of Forty-Five Cents (45c) per One IHundred Dollars ($100.00) pursu­ ant to NCQS 7A-308(a)(1). Acash deposll (no personal checks) ol live percent (5%) ol Ihe purchase price, or Seven Hundred Filly Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required al Ihe time of the sale. Following the expiration ol the stntulory upsel bid period, all the remaining amounls are Immedi­ ately due and owing. Said property to be offered pur­ suant to this Nolice of Sale Is be­ ing olfered lor sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS WHERE IS." There are no representations ol warranly relaling to the title or any physical, environmental, heailh or salely conditions existing In, on, al, or relaling to tho properly being ol­ lered lor sale. This sale Is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, special assessments, ease­ ments, rights ol way, deeds ol re­ lease, and any olher encum­ brances or exceptions of record. To Ihe best ol Ihe knowledge and be­ lief ol Ihe undersigned, tho current owner(8) ol the property Is/are BRENDA L. MCGRAW (DI­ VORCED). Trustee Services ol Carolina, LLC, Subslllute Truslee By:__________________________ Member/Manager 5919 Oleander Drive Suite 115 , Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone (910) 392-4988 Fax(910)392-8051 File No.; FM040513M2240 7-8-2tn NORTH CAROLINA GUILFORD CqUNTY INTHEGENERALCOURTOF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 04 CVD 7075 SUMMIT CREDIT UNION, Plalnllll, V. TIM J. KEATON, Delendant. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION To: Tim J. Keaton: Last known address: 548 Pineville Road, Mocksville, NC 27028 Take nolice lhat a pleading seeking rellel againsl you has been tiled In the above-enlllled action. The nature ol the rellel being sought Is as lollows: Plalnllll seeks recovery ol the delendant the amount ol $4,776.77 with Inleresl. You are required lo make de- lense lo such pleading nol later lhan August 19, 2004, and upon your lallure lo do so Ihe parly seek­ ing service againsl you will apply lo the court lor Ihe rellel sought. This, the Sth day ol July, 2004. J. Patrick Adams, Altorney lor Ihe Plalnllll ADAMS 8, OSTEEN 201 W. Market Streel, Suile 410 Greensboro, NC 27401 336/274-2947 7-8-3lp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualliied as the Execu­ trix ol Ihe Estate ol NOLAN ALBERT WRIGHT, late ol Davie Couniy, this Is lo notlly all persons having claims against said eslale to present Ihem lo the undersigned on or beiore the 81h day ol Octo­ ber, 2004, being Ihree (3) monlhs Irom the llrst day ol publlcallon or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted lo said estate will please make Im­ mediate payment lo Ihe under­ signed. This Ihe 291h day ol June, 2004. Rita Ann Wright. Executrix 717 Milling Road Mocksville, NC 27028 Martin 8. Van Hoy, LLP Attorney al Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 7-8-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING DAVIE COUNTY HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN The Davie Couniy Multi Juris­ dictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Is required in order lor Davie County and Ihe municipalities ol Bermuda Run, Cooleemee and Mocksville to receive certain types ol state and lederal disaster rellel lunding when nalural disasters occur. The public, along with neighbor­ ing communilies, agencies, busi­ nesses. academia, nonprolils and olher Interested parlies, are Invited lo attend the Davie County Board ol Commissioners’ meeting to be held at 7:00 p.m., Monday, July 19, 2004 In Ihe Commissioners' Room (second Iloor) ol the Davie Couniy Administration Building, 123 South Main Street, Mocksville, North Carcliin In order lo learn more about Iho pip.nning process and how you can actively participate In plan development. II you have questions or cannot attend the meeting, and would like additional inlormalion, please con­ tact Dwayne Smllh, P. O. Box 935, Mocksvillo, t^C, 27028; Telephone No. (336)751-0879. 7-8-Iln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY Davio County Community Development Block Grant Notice of Public Hearing Nolice Is hereby given lhal the Davie Couniy Board ol Commis­ sioners will hold a public hearing on Monday, July 19, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. In the County Administration Building locAled at 123 S. Main Streel. Mocksville. N. C. The purpose ol Ihls hearing Is 10 receive citizen Input regarding the use ol Community Develop­ ment Block Grant (CDBG) lunds Irom the North Carolina Division ol Community Assistance and Ihe U.S. Department ol Housing and Urban Development. CDBG lunds may be used lor housing, commu­ nity and economic development ac­ tivities to serve low and moderate Income residents within the Couniy. All Inleresled persons are Invlled lo allend this hearing. All Interested persons are In­ vlled lo attend this hearing. Per­ sons needing special assistance or non-English speaking persons should conlaci Ihe Clerk's olllce at (336) 751-5513 al least 48 hours prior lo the hearing. TDD» 1-800- 735-8262. 7-8-Iln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' Having qualllled as Ihe Execu­ trix ol Ihe Eslale of DANIEL L. WHITAKER, late of Davie Couniy, Ihls Is to notlly all persons having claims against said estate to present Ihem lo Ihe undersigned on or beiore the 8lh day ol October, 2004, being Ihree (3) months Irom Ihe llrsl day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Imme­ diate paymenl lo Iho undersigned. This the 30lh day of Juno, 2004. Jane J. Whitaker 1163 Beauchamp Road Advance, NC 27006 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Altorney at Law -( Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 7-8-4ln NEED A LOAN? We Can Help. Bad C re d it' No C redit No Problem C a ll Kinox R e fe rra l S ervices 1-800-3X 4-9648 Fast A p p ro v a l Autumn Care of Mocksville is now hiring an Accounts Payable/Payroll Clerk Position. Computer and payroll experience required. Also hiring a F.T. LPN, 3-11. Please apply in person at: VHJTUMNCARE OF MOCKSVILLE 1007 Howard St. Mocksville Eoc 751-3535 A U C T IO N S A L E Saturday, July 17, 2004 Personal Properly of Brenda S. Long Complete Listing In Next Weel(s Enterprise AU CTIO NEER : DO NA LD LUFFM AN NCAL2804 Phone: 998-4059 оГ M ocksvillc Now H irin g 2 P e rs o n s F ull-Time Management AND AN AFI ERNOON/EVENING Part-Time Associate A ny inlcre.steci iiiclivicliiiils piea.se .siiljiiiit le.stimc or Contact Gantt Personnel at 1-336-751-4268 and fax resume to Gantt at 336-751-5)912 and Curves at 828-327-6725. T i.f NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as the Admin­ istrator of Ihe Estate ol LUCILLE WALUCE BOWLES, lale of Davie Couniy, this Is to notlly all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of Septem­ ber, 2004, being three (3) months Irom the first day of publication or this no­ tice will be pleaded In bar ol Iheir re­ coveiy. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. . This Ihe 24lh day of June, 2004. Tlllhia M. Hanes, EXEC P.O. Box 84 Mocksville, NC 27028 6-24-41ПNORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as Ihe Execu­ trix ol the Estate ol RICHARD THO­ MAS TISE, late ol Davie County, this Is to notlly all persons having claims againsl said estate to present them to the undersigned on or beiore the 1st day ol October, 2004, being three (3) months Irom the llrsl day of publication or Ihls notice will be pleaded In bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons Indebted lo said estate will please make Imme­ diate payment to tho undersigned. This Ihe 1st dayol July, 2004. Doris W. Tiso, EXEC P.O. Box 337 Cooleemee, NC 27014 NORTH CAROLINA ’’ DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as the Execu­ trix ol the Estate of JERRY WAYNE HENDRIX, late ol Davio County, this Is to notlly all persons having claims against said estate to present Ihem to the undersigned on or before the 1st day ol October, 2004, being three (3) monlhs Irom Ihe llrst day ol publication or Ihls notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Imme­ diate payment lo Ihe undersigned. This Ihe 1st day ol July, 2004. Jodi Monique Dyson 236 Mullins Road Mocksviile, NC 27028 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled os Co-Execu­ tors ol Iho Estate ol ESTHER BODMER HALVERSON (also known as Esther B. Halverson, Esther Halverson, Betty Halverson), late of Advance, Davie Couniy, North Carolina, the under­ signed does hereby notlly all per­ sons, llrms, and corporallons hav­ ing claims againsl the estate of said decedent to exhibit Ihem to tho uriderslgned at One West Fourth Street, Winston-Salem, N0 27101, on or beiore tho 24th day ol Sep­ tember, 2004, or this notice will bo pleaded In bar ol tholr recovery, All persons, llrms and corporations Indebted lo tho said estate will please make Immedlale paymenl to Ihe undersigned. This the 24th day ol June, 2004. Sandra H. Taylor, Sandra H, Karnalz and Ellzabelh L. Quick, Co-Executors ol the Estate ot Esther Bodmer Halverson Elizabeth L. Quick Womble Carlyle Sandridge 8, Rico, PLLC One West Fourth Street Wlnston-Salern, NC 27101 STATE OF NORTH САнМЙ/^*" COUNTY OF STANLY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE ■ DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 04-CVD-677 NOTICE OF SERVICE PROCESS BY PUBLICATION SARAH NICOLE CARPENTER AND LARRY ALLEN CARPEN­ TER, Plalntllls vs. LARRY MORRIS, Defendant TO; Larry Morris, the above named delendant TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking rellel against you has been tiled on the 4th day of May, 2004, In the above entitled Summons and Complaint, The nature of the rellel being sought Is as follows; Custody You aro required to make dó­ tense to such pleading not later than the 18th day August, 2004, said date being 40 days Irom the first publication ol this notice, or Irom tha date complaint Is r;aqulred to be tiled, whichever Is later; and upon your failure to do so the party seeking sen/lce against you will apply to the court lor the relief sought. This the 23rd day of June, 2004. By; LIsaW. Currie Attorney lor Plalnllll 214 East North Street Albemarle, NC 28001 704-983-6116 State Bar #21285 7-1-ЗШ NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue ol the power of sale contained In a certain Deed ol Trusl made by Sherry D. Mixon and Ernest W. Mixon and Sheila Mixon (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Sherry D. Mixon and Ernest Mixon) lo Lawrence N. Smith and Charlej D. Robinson, III, Trustee(s), dated tha 3rd day of November, 2000, and recorded In Book 3SQ, Page 4Sa, DavIe County Reglslry, North Carolina, delaull having been made In the payment ol Ihe note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trusl and tho under­ signed, H, Terry Hutchens, PA hav­ ing been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an Instalment duly recorded In Iho Olllce ol tho Register ol Deeds ol Davie County, North Carolina and Ihe holder ol the note evidencing said Indebtedness having directed lhat Ihe Deed ol Trust be loreclosed, the under­ signed Substilule Trustee will ollor for sale al Iho Courthouse Door In the City ol Mocksville, Davie Couniy, North Carolina at 3:00 pm on July 14,2004 and will soli to the highest bidder lor cash the lollow­ ing real estate situated In the .County ol Oavie, North Carolina, and being more particularly de­ scribed as follows; BEQINNINQ at an Iron In Ihe Northeast corner ol the within de­ scribed tract, said Iron lying South 26 deg. 40 mln. 55 seo. East 87.50 Ieel Irom an Iron In Iho Southeast comer ol Robert C. Gin, Deed Book 132, Pago 183, said beginning point being the Soulheastern most corner ol the above described .219 aero tract; Ihence from the POINT AND PLACE OF BEQINNINQ, with the edge ol the right ol way of Mumford Road, South 26 deg. 02 mln. 36 sec. East 75.92 feet to an Iron; thence Soulh 78 dog. 38 mln. 09 sec. West 113.39 leet to an Jron, Southwest corner ol the within de­ scribed tract; thence North 33 deg. 30 mln. 52 sec. West 59.28 loot to an Iron, Northwest corner ol the within described tract; thence North 69 deg. 35 mln. 37 sec. East 117.96 Ieel to an Iron, THE POINT AND PLACE OF BEQINNINQ contain­ ing 0.174 acres more or less, os surveyed May 6,2000 by Grady I. Tutterow, Prolesslonal Land Suveyor (Drawing No: 13100-3; File Name: TC-MUM). Together with Improvements locatod thereon; said property being lo- catod at 219 Mumlord Drive, Mocksville, North Carolina. Subject to oapemonts arid re­ strictions olrecord. For back tllle, see Deed Book 337, Page 818; Deed Book 322, Pago 250; Deed Book 71, Page 206; and Deed Book 64, Page 214; Davio County Registry. Seo Plat Book 7, Page 125, Davie County Registry. See also Tax Map 1-4-6, Blk B, Pci 16.02, located In Mooksvllle Township, Davlle County, North Carolina. Note; This was part ol Tax Map 1-4-6, Blk B, Pol 16, In 2000. Should the properly be pur­ chased by a third party, that per­ son musl pay Ihe tax ol Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCQS §7A-308(a)(1). The property to bo ollered pur­ suant to Ihis notice ol salo Is being ollered lor sale, Iransler and con­ veyance "AS IS, WHERE IS.” Nei­ ther tho Trustee nor Ihe holder ol Ihe note secured by the deed ol trust/security agreement, or both, being loreclosed., nor Ihe olllcers, ■ directors, attorneys, employees, agenis or authorized representative ol either tho Trustee or Iho holder ol Ihe nolo make any representa­ tion or warranty relaling to Ihe tllle or any physical, environmental, health or saiely conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the properly being ollered lor sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing out ol or In any way relaling lo any such condillon expressly aro disclaimed. Also, Ihls property is being sold subject to all taxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior Hens or encumbrances ol record and any recorded releases, A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) ol live percent (5%) ol Ihe purchase price, or seven hundred lllty dollars ($750,00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the time ol Iho sale. This 23rd day ol June, 2004. H. TERRY HUTCHENS, PA SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY; H. Terry Hutchens, Esquire President H. Terry Hutchens, PA' Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, NC 28311 Case No; 370.76717 7-1-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualllled as Executor ol the Estate ol Alice Ader Hartman, Deceased, late ol Davie Couniy, North Carolina, this Is to notlly all persons having claims against the estate ol the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be- lore September 24, 2004, or this Notice will be pleaded In bar ol their right to recover against the estate ol the said deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate paymenl. This the 23rd day ol June, 2004. Richard S. Hartman Executor of the Estate of Alice Ader Hartman 0/0 E. Edward Vogler, Jr. Attorney (or Richard S. Hartman, Executor 181 Soulh Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as the Admin­ istrator ol the Estate ol BARBARA FOLK WILLIAMS, late ol Davie Couniy, this Is to nollly all persons having claims against said estato to present Ihem to Ihe undersigned on or beloro the 17lh day of Sep­ tember, 2004, being throe (3) months Irom tho llrst day ol publi­ cation or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol tholr recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please' make Immediate payment lo the undersigned. This the 17lh dayol June, 2004. Vernon Smiley, EXEC 157 Brier Croek Road Advance, NC 27006 6-17-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as the Execu­ tor ol the Estate of LOIS SENTER STEPHENS, late ol Davie County, this Is lo nollly all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or betore the 1st day ol October, 2004, being three (3) months from the llrsl day ol publication or this notice wlll.be pleaded in bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons indebted to said estato will please make Imme­ diate payment to the undersigned. This the 22nd day ol June, 2004. , , Rebecca S. Foster, Executrix 478 Baltimore Road Advance, NC 27006 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 7-1-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as Ancillary Administrator for tho Estate of JOHN V. WALKER, SR., deceased, a resident of Montgomery County, In Wharton, Texas, and formerly ol Davio County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against tho estate ol said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned at P.O. Drawer 26008, Winston-Salem, NC 27114-5008, on or bolore the 1st day ol Octo­ ber, 2004, or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All person, llrms and corporations In­ debted to the said estate will please make Immediate payment to tho undersigned. This tho 1st day ol July, 2004. Dor|s M. Walker, Ancillary Administrator c/o James E. Creamer, Jr, Blanco Tackabery Combs and Matamoros, P.A, P.O. Drawer 25008 Wlnston-Salom, NC 27114- 5008 7-1-4Ш NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as the Execu­ trix of the Estate ol ALONZO ARNOLD, lale ol Davio County, Ihls Is to nollly all persons having claims against said estate to present Ihem lo Ihe undersigned on or beiore the 24th day ol September, 2004, be­ ing three (3) months Irom the llrsl day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted to said ostale wlii please make Immediate pay­ ment lo Iho undersigned. This Iho 21el dayol June, 2004. Sharon D. Redmond, Execu­ trix F,0. Box 701 Mooksvllle, NC 27006 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksviile, NC 27028 6-24-41П > NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 04SP110 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY JOSEPH ETCHISON AND TOULOUP P. ETCHISON DATED AUGUST 3, 2001 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 381 AT PAGE 954 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to an order ol the Clerk ol Superior Court and under and by virtue ol the power and authority contained In the above-relerenced deed ol trust and because ol de­ laull In the payment ol the Indebt­ edness thereby secured and lall­ ure to carry oul and perlorm the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand ol the owner and holder ol the in­ debtedness secured by said deed of trust, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose lor sale at pub­ lic auction to the highest bidder lor cash at the usual place of sale at the couniy courthouse of said county at 3:30 PM on July 12,2004 the folloy/lng described real estate and any other Improvements which may be situated thereon, situated In Davla County, North Carolina, and being more particularly de­ scribed as lollows; BEING ALL OF LOT NO. 214 AS SHOWN ON A RECORDED PLAT ENTITLED “RIDGEMONT, SECTION 1, AS DEVELOPED BY FORTIS ENTERPRISES, INC., SAID MAP BEING DRAWN BY OTIS A. JONES SURVEYING COMPANY, INC., OCTOBER 29, 1973, SAID PLAT BEING RE­ CORDED IN PLATB00K4, PAGE 135, IN THE OFFICE OF THE. REGISTER OF DEEDS OF DAVIE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINATO WHICH REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE FOR A MORE PARTICU­ LAR DESCRIPTION. SUBJECTTO RESTRICTIONS AS SET FORTH IN DEED BOOK 93, PAGE 518, DAVIE COUNTY REGISTRY. And Being more commonly known as; 255 Mountview Drive, MOCKSVILLE, NC 27028 I Tho record bWrie|-(8) of Ihe prop­ erly, as rellected on the records of the Register of Deeds, Is/are Jo­ seph D. Elchison oka Joseph Elchison and Touloup R Elchison. The property to bo ollered pur­ suant to Ihls nolice ol sale Is being ollered lor sale, transler and con­ veyance “AS IS, WHERE IS" Nei­ ther the Trustee nor the holder ol the note secured by the deed ol trust/security agreement, or bolh, being loreclosed, nor tho olllcers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative ol either Trustee or the holder ol tho note make any representation or warranty relaling lo the title or any physical, environmental, health or salely conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the property being oHorod for sale, and any and all re- sponslbllllles or llabllllles arising oul of or In any way relating lo any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale Is made subject to all prior lions and encumbrances, and un­ paid taxes and assessments In­ cluding but not limited to any trans­ fer tax associated with the foreclo­ sure, lor paying, il any. A deposit ol live percent (5%) ol Iho amount ol the bid or seven hundred lllty dol­ lars ($750.00), whichever Is greater. Is required and musl be tendered In the lorm ol certllled lunds at the time ol the sale. This sale will be held open ten days (or upset bids as required by law. Fol­ lowing Ihe expiration ol Ihe slaluloiy upset period, all remaining amounts are Immediately due and owing. The dale of Ihis Nolfce Is June 21,2004. Elizabeth B. Ells or David W. Neill Substitute Truslee 8520 СПИ Cameron Drive, Suile 300 Chariolte, NC 28269 (704) 333-8107 03-53787 7-1-2Ш NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as the Admin­ istrator of the Estate ol LAURA LEE JAMES DURHAM, late of Davie County, this Is to notlly all persons having claims against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or beiore the 17th day ol Sep­ tember, 2004, being three (3) months Irom the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. /Ml poisons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 17th day ol Juno, 2004. Roger Lee Durham, ADMN 120 Нафег Road, Advance, NC 27006 e-17-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY 04SP11S NOTICE OFFORECI.OSURE SALE Under and by virtue ol a Power ol Sale contained In lhal certain Deed ol Trust executed by KEVIN G. CUPPERTON, MARRIED AND CHERYL T. CLIPPERTON, MARRIED \o John C. MacNelll Jr. , Trustee(s), which was dated November 28, 2002 and recorded on December 2,2002 In Book 452 atPage 130, DaWeCountyReglstry, North Carolina. Delaulthavlngbeenmadelnthe payment ol the note thereby secured by the said Deed ol Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services ol Carolina, LLC, having been substituted asTrustoe in said Deed ol Trusl by an Instrument duly recorded In the Olllce ol the Register ol Deeds ol DflWeCounly, North Carolina, and the holder ol the note evldenfclng said Indebtedness having directed lhat the Deed ol Trust be loreclosed, the undersigned Substilule Trustee will oiler lor sale at the courthouse door Ql.ths.cp.unly.CBUilhauaa where the property is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse lor conducting the sale on July 20,2004 at -t2;30PM, and will sell to the highest bidder lor cash the lollowing described property situated in Davio County, Nortfi Carolina, lo wll; BEGINNING al an Iron pin, said point ol BEGINNING being Ihe Soul/iwosI corner ol Michael P. Bernhardt (DeedBook 182alPage 540) and the Northwest corner of Lee M. McCulloh (Deed Book 179 at Page 385), and running Ihence from Ihe poinl and place of BEGINNING with McCulloh Soulh 04 deg. 43 mln. 11 sec. Wesl 883.74 Ieel to an Iron pin, Southeast corner ol the wllhin described tract and lying In the Northern boundary ol A.C. Clement Heirs, thence with Clement Heirs North 84 deg. 18 mln. 03 sec. West 100.00 Ieel to an Iron pin, Southwest corner ol the wllhin described tract, Ihence a new line with James M. Summers. (Deed Book 92 at Page 627) North 04 deg. 43 mln. It sec. East 805.54 feet to an Iron pin; ihence continuing said new line North 47 deg. 55 mln. 43 sea. IVes/ 289.38 feet to an Iron pin. Westernmost corner of the within described tract and the Southernmost corner of Garry K. Spears (Deed Book 203 at Page 399), thence with Spears North 38 deg. 27 mln. 35 sec. East 303.26 feet to an Imn pin located on the Southern right of way margin of SR 1642 (Oak Grove Church Road), thence continuing said bearing 30.00 feet to a point In the centerline of said road, Northernmost corner of the within described tract, thence with the centerline of SR 1642 South 62 deg, 05 mln. 34 sec. East 157.65 feet to an unmarked point In the centerline of said road, Northeast corner of the within described tract, thence with Michael P. Barnhardt South04deg. 43mln. Usee. West 14.49 feet to an Iron pin, thence conlinuing said bearing 299.84 feel to the point and place of BEGINNING, containing 4.125 acres as per plat and'survey of Grady L, Tullerow, RLS, dated May 8,1998. The above described trad Is a portion of Ihe James M. Summers properly described In Deed Book 92 at Page 627 and Is also known as a portion ol Parcel 30, Davie County Tax Map H-5 dated March 28, 1976. Savo and except any releases or deeds ol release ol record. Said property Is commonly known as 212 Oak Grove Church Road, Mocksville, NC 27028. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, and the court costs ol Forty-Five Cents (45®) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursuant to NCGS 7A-308(a)(1). A cash deposit (no personal checks) ol live percent (5%) ol the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Filly Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at Ihe time ol the sale. Following the expiration ol the statutory upsel bid period, ail the remaining amounts are Immediately due and owing. Said property to be ollered pursuant lo this Nolice ol Sale Is being olfered for sale, transfer and conveyance "/\S IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations of warranly relating lo the title or any physical, environmental, health or salely conditions existing III, on, at, or relaling lo the property being ollered lor sale. This sale is made subiect lo all prior liens, unpaid taxes, special assessments, easements, rights ol way, deeds ol release, and any olher encumbrances or exceptions ol record. To the best ol Ihe knowledge and bellel of Ihe undersigned, Ihe current owner(s) ol the property Is/ are KEVIN GENE CLIPPERTON AND WIFE,CHERYL TEAGUE CUPPERTON. Trustee Services ol Carolina, LLC Substitute Tnjsloo By;---------------------------------------, Member/Manager ' 5919 Oleander Drive Suitel 15 Wilmington, NC 28403 . Phone (910) 392-4988 Fax (910) 392-8051 File No.; FM040S17M2279 7-8-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY N O T IC E O F S U B ST IT U T E SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue ol the power and authority contained In lhat cer­ tain Deed ol Trusl executed and delivered by David W. Spaugh and Stacey L. Spaugh, daled January 26, 2000, and recorded In the 01- lice ol the Register ol Deeds ol Davie County, Norih Carolina, In Book 325 at Page 536, and be­ cause of default having been made in the payment ol the Indebtedness secured by said Deed ol Trust and lallure to do and perlorm Ihe stipu­ lations and agreements therein contained, and pursuant to demand ol the Owner and Holder ol Ihe In­ debtedness secured by said Deed ol Trust, the undersigned Substlluto Trustee will expose for salo al pub­ lic auction to the highest bidder lor cash the properly therein de­ scribed, to wit; All that certain lol or parcel situ­ ated In tho City ol Advance, Town­ ship, Davie County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows; Beginning al a poinl in the line of Wayne Smith, the northwest cor­ ner of tho within described tract and the northwest corner ol lhat tract described in Deed Book 108, at Page 32, said point also boing tho southwest corner ol Paul Spaugh's .93 acre tract described in Deed Book 102, al Page 517, thence Irom Iho beginning, soulh 80 deg. 09 mln. East 95 loot lo a point, the Northeast corner ol the wUhln de- ^ scribed tract; Ihence wilh the Wesl- orn edge ol a roadway, South 34 deg. 06 mln. West 169,15 feel to a point; thence with the roadway," South 6 dog. 30 mln. Wesl 200 feet to a point In the western edge of said roadway, tho now Southeast corner of tho within described tract Iho now Northeast corner ol Paul Spaugh's tract; thence a new lino. North 84 dgg. 15 mln. West 27.86 feet to a point, Ihe new Southwest corner ol the wllhin described tract and Paul Spaugh's new Northwest corner; Ihenco North 8 deg, 20 mln. East 356 foot lo Iho point and place ol beginning, containing .320 acres more or less, and being Iho North­ ern part of lhat .84 aero tract de­ scribed In Deed Book 108, at Page 32, and Deed Book 86, at Page 432. Also conveyed Is Iho perpetual right ol Ingress, egress and regress along lhal roadway described In the easements described In Deed Book 107, at Page 346 and Pago 461, Davie Couniy Registry, to which relerence is hereby made lor a more particular description. Address; 148 Aurora Ln., Ad­ vanco, NC 27006. Tax Map or Par­ cel ID No.; 0-7-93.01. Present Record Owners; David W. Spaugh and Stacey L. Spaugh The terms ol the sale are lhat Ihe real property hereinbefore described will bo sold lor cash to Ihe highest bid­ der and lhat Ihe undersigned may re­ quire the successlul bidder at Ihe salo 10 Immediately deposit cash or a certl­ lled check In an amount equal lo Ihe greater ol live percent (5%) of the high bid or $750.00. The real jiroperty hereinabove described will bo sold “as Is," I'where Is," subject lo any and all superior liens, and subjecl to taxes and spe­ cial assessments. The salo will be held open lor ten (10) days (or upset bids as by law required. Date and Hour lor Sale: July 22, 2004 at 11:00 a.m. Place ol Sale: Davio County Courthouse Dale ol this Nolice; May 24,2004 Stephen A. Lamb, Subslllute Trustee 7-8-2ln Professional Office Building For Lease bl Ihc heart of Clemmons 3711 CIcmmoas Rd. Approx. 2400 SI], ft. CaU 766-7137 Г " D8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 8,2004 G L A S S IF IE D S IE p r o f i t a b l e IBïn Apartments IBR, 1 BA-UTILITIES In­ cluded- Mocksville $4Z5/month Janice McDaniel Pennington & Company Really 751-9400 LXrI^e'T ^ I e d r o o ^pl Downtown Mocksville. No chil­ dren, pels or HUD. 704-278- 1717. _______________ Card Of Thanks THE FAMILY OF Nolan Wright would like to express sincere thanks to Bob Sinclair and family and staff of Oavie Funeral Home (or their compassion, profession­ alism and going far above and beyond for Notan. God Bless. The family of Nolan “Canuck" Wright.______________________ Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILD care has opeings tor all ages, 0-12 yrs. Full-time, Part-time, Drop-In, Be­ fore & After School and Out of School Days. 1st & 2nd shift, Open 5;30 am. Flexible hours. Split shifts also. Call Debra, 751- pLaY (7529) 571 S Main St., Mockaville, across from Welch's Funeral Home. E^RLY CHILDHIooO EDUCiv TOR (15 yrs experience) turned stay at home mom will provide low ration preschool experience for children In my home (ages pung 3-young 4). Mon., Wed., Fri. 9am-12pm. Group art & other devel. appropriate leaming activi­ ties will be ottered. Great first step to big school & great way to give parents/grandparents a moming break. Program will start Aug. 16 and end May 27. Will operate according to Davie Counly School schedule. Call for more Inlo. 998-2212. Only 3 slots avail­ able. Comatzer area. WILL ¡PROVIDE EXPERIENCED child care In my home. Have ref­ erences. 284-2725. W ^ l r o l ^ l p 2 lnfanlslri"my home starting in mid August. Good references, years of expe­ rience. Hillsdale area. 2 miles from 1-40. First shllt only. 998- 2804._______________________ Commercial Properly VARIOUS COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES Warehouse & Otilce space Janice McDaniel Pennington & Company Really __________751-9400__________ Condos For Rent ATTENTION: UNC CHAR­ LOTTE students. Walk to class, 2BR, 2BA condo w/ stove, refrig­ erator, dishwasher, washer/dryer, A/C, cable. $625/month. Avail­able Aug,1 or sooner. TOWNHOUSE, 3BR, 2.5BA, at The Lakes" Bermuda Run Coun­ try Club, $BOO/month. Call Gena at Howard Really 751-8582. Employment ALLIANCE HOME CARE: Cer- tilled Nursing Assistant lo wort< on contract basis In Davie County. Experience In home care pre­ ferred. hours will vary. Call 1 -888- 691-4968 ext. 2. BANK OF THE CAROLINAS has Immediate openings for the following positions; 2 Full lime teller positions in Davie County. Prior teller expe­ rience is preferred, bul nol re­ quired. Candidates must possess a high school diploma or equiva­ lent. Part time teller in our Mocksville office. Hours are M-F, t1-2(15hrs/wk). Prior ex­ perience Is preferred, but not re­ quired. Bank of The Carolinas secures consumer credit reports, criminal record checks and pre-hire drug screening. EOE. interested can­ didates may complete an appli­ cation in either office or send re­ sumes to; Patty Periy, HR Dlreclor Bank ol The Carolinas P О Box 2032 Asheboro, NC 27204 GENE TREXLER I ROOFING Now & Old Roofs Smflll Ropair Jobs Froo Estimates 336-284-4571 iployeewill be mslbie for the total i Social Services, re:ocess ye Mi ville, NC 27028 before 5;00 p.m. Monday, July 19, 2004. Teie- Jhone Number; 336-751-8850. Equal Opportunity Employer. LiCENSED MEDiCARE SUPPLEMENT agents needed immediately for local seminar sales. If you're not making at least $2000 per week call Cindy al 1- 866-224-8450 ext. 1109. W A I.I.E U P I.l liM HINi; mHlIti;i>/VIR.S .VUI-2S-1-4.W) I u I'l 'I' ' K1 M ill \ n \l I'l I М1ИМ, H a r r i s P o o l & S u p p l i e s СЫк • СЬет(Ы} • ШЫк» Openii«ACloii(«*Vk7lLbefRep^^ Tommy H;iniV()wiicr-()vcr 2() Vn. lUp. 277 Plciisjint Acrv Dr., Mock.svillc Home (336) 284-W17 , Business 1336) 909-4027 i W I S S C O R V e R MINI-STORAGE For all your storace needs, choose us! Come by to inquire about free rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E in Fork C aU tooU ji (336) 098-8810 F r e e E s t i m a t e s (зэв) 2 8 4 - 6 9 9 2 Office/Fax 036) 4 0 6 - 4 3 8 9 Cell The Wallace Co., LLC Richard Wailace Lawn Care M aintenance and Development No Job Too B i g or Too Stntll PO Box 621 Mocksville, NC 27028 Employment CAREERSlfT REAL EstatS; Great Opportunity, Great Train­ ing, Looking for self motivated people with a desire to not have a lob but a careerl Call Century 21 Swicegood Wall & McDaniel 336-751-2222 ask lor Mackie or Kyle. DRIVERS №EDED, ^ r s expe- rlence wilh clean record CDL, percentage pay, bulk freight, hop­ per bottoms & live floor trailers. 336-780-3210. EXF>lRiifr(^"CARPENTER FOR framing crew. 40-plus hours weekly w/overtlme. tiflust be de­ pendable. No drugs, no hot­ heads. 336-467-7061 or 336- 998-7428. FARM HELP NEEDED, break- Ing, feeding, & cleaning stalls. Full lime & part-time. 940-5391 or 940-5390. HURRY WE ONLY have a few positions leftll Rallies Salons is actively recruiting full-time, part- time stylist and an assistant man­ ager position at our Mocksville location. Clientele Provided. All applicants must have a current NC cosmetology license and be available to worn at least 2 eve­ nings per week and weekends. No Sundaysl Please conlact Pam Burrow at 800-476-7233 for a confidential Inten/lew. Wa offer;, major medical Insurance, paid vacation, sick pay and other ben­efits. EOE mCOME MAINTENANCE CASEWORKER II: Position wilh the Davie County Department of s. Emploi proc of delermlnlng/re-detenmlnlng ell- Employmeni SALON MANAGER- -RAFFLESsalons Is seeking a manager for our Mocksville location. Must have current NC cosmetology li­ cense and 3-5 yrs. management experience. Salon has an expe­ rienced staff with established cli­ entele. Position offers guarenteed salary plus commis­ sion with health benefits. Must be available to work at least 2 eve­ nings per week and Saturdays. No Sundaysl Call Cathy at 336- 751-2941 or Pam Burrow at 800- 476-7233 fora confidential inter­ view. EOE SHORT ORDER COOK ex^rT enced or will train Tuesday-Sat- urday. Call 998-7290 TEACHER ASSISTANT. CRE- DENTIALS and four semester hours In eariy childhood educa­ tion preferred. Excellent pay. Contact Gantt Child Develop­ ment Center. (336) 751-0171. TELEM/TRKERTiEEDEDTa CAL Mocksville company needs part time work from home doing questionnaires. Earn up lo $10.00 per liour. Please call NC Air Coniroi. 336-749-3178 Farm Machinery FOR SALE: NEW Holland ma­ nure spreader $800, Shaver Mfg. post driver $950, work 751 -7300, nights 940-5390______________ Homes For Rent Homes For Sale Lawn Care COUNTRY SETTING, 3BR, 2BA, $a00/month. Cali Debbie at Pre­ mier Carolina Properties 909- 1284. HOWARD S alty 751-3538 Gena Cline 2BR.1BA Avon St. (no appliances) $425/month 3BR.2BA mobile home $500/month 2BR,2BA mobile home-Advance $550/month Large4BR, IBA $750/month Large 3BR, 2BA full basement-Mocksvllle $1000/month HUGE HOME, LARGE wooded lot, 3BR, 2.5BA, lull basement, hardwood floors, large deck, would consider rent to own. $1295/mon. 751-4371 MYERS PARK- 3BR, 2BA, split foyer, w/2 car garage, fenced Furniture yard, real nice. Ready to rent. $800/month plus deposit. (336) 577-7613, (336) 940-3643 leave gibiilty lor the Food Stamp Pro­ gram. Work Includes such tasks as the inletvlewlng ot clients to obtain required information, com­ pleting Initial applications, verify­ ing Information obtained, deter­ mining eligibility and completing Scheduled program reviews. Will assume other duties as required. Applicants must have good matli- ematical reasoning and compu­ tational skills and must have tho ability to read, analyze, and In­ terpret riiies and regulations. Must have the ability to commu­ nicate with the clients, explain and interpret policies and proce­ dures, and be able to complete casewori< functions within struc­ tured time frames. Must have a valid NC Driver’s License and a vehicle available for work. One 'ear experience as an Income /talntenance Caseworker 1; or an equivalent combination of training and experience.Submit a completed state application, (PD- 107), to Pat Helmstetler, Davie County Department of Social Services, P O Box 517, Mocks- 5 PIECE SOLID oak bedroom suite & computer desk. In good condlllon. $900. Cali 751-4592 after 6 p.m.__________________ Homes For Rent 253 MAIN ST, Cooleemee, for rent or sale, 3 large BR, 1.5BA, kitchen/dlning room, garage, new heat/aIr, completely remodeled. Some financing. 704-278-2623 or 751-1702 2BR,“ lBiTH0USE FOR renl 100 Graham St., Mocksville $475.00 Call 336-692-8326 , 3BR, IBA, BRICK home, 1 acre lot, country setting, double car­ port, central air, gas heat. 336- 940-5119 CLEMM0NS-3BR, 3.5B/\ bonuWul tsnnhouse slyle finlshod bsml & lanced backyard $14S0/mo AOVANCE-3BR,2BA Iri-level wllh wired oulbuilding $goo/mo WINSTON SALEM-3BR2.5BA Deck, 2 car garage $975/mo MOCKSVILLE.3BH,1.5BA singlowldo $500/mo Pennington & Company Realty 751-9400 message. bonanzem obllehom os.com mobiles & modulars. We will not be undersold. Shop us. Call us. 1-888-462-7806. A/ow Hiring L o n g T e irm /T e m p t o H ire $ 7 . 5 0 - $ 7 . 9 0 / h o u r A s s e m b ly a n d M a n .u f a c tu r in g 1st ShiU; ():00;\m. Mon Fn, S;U. Ovcrlinie I’rul Shllt: Mon Thins, Tn C)v(-'ttime lly III П'И(1 ,uul Л ‘il.iniliiiii fot H lo 1н)ис Apply with Temporary Resources on-site at Comfort-Bilt Windows and Doors T h u r s d a y ju ly 8 t h a t 3 p m ‘ ■'Biinti i’ lij^ms (if idonlilic atKin" ‘ ‘ South I’oint riLisinoss I’,Ilk, Hwy GO I Mo( l<.svillt! ©Tem porary -Resources. Inc. 3 3 6 - 8 9 6 - 1 0 0 0 C O M F O R I > B I L T ♦ W IN D O W S & D O O R S * Has an immediate opening for a: 1st Shift Team/Development Leader 6am-2:30pm Monday-Friday. Responslblllles will Include Iho direction of 15-30 employees and the successlui altalnmenl ol produclion outputs, waste conlrol, qualily and elliciency standards. Top candidates will possess sIrong leadership ablllly wilh a posllive approach to'Mard motivating employees. Manulacturlng and leadership experience preferred. Strong written and verbal communication sidlls ate required. Comfort Bill oilers an outstanding compensation package, which includes a competitive wage, 100 hours ol paid lime olf in Ihe 1st year, medical, dental, <t01K, and 8 holidays. Qualilied candidates should send resume lo: 12S-A Quality Orlve Mocksville, North Carolina 27028 Atlenllon: Human Resources NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE!---------------------------------------y,-------------------------------------------------------------- NICE 2BR, IBA, central H/A, fenced backyard with storage shed, in town, 704-278-1717. RECENTLY RENOVATED 3BR, IBA, wooded lot. $600. 935 Peoples Ct. TE Johnson & Sons. 722-6133. RENT TO'OWN 3BR, IBA, In counlry, large lot, carport, wooded. $630/month 751-4371 Homes For Sale 2/3BR, 1BA, IN town, completely remodeled, large lot, kitchen, din­ ing room, laundry, office, hard­ wood floors 704-278-2623 or 751-1702 2000 SKYLINE 3BR/2BA, double-wide. Private wooded 1.27 acres.'Large covered porch, shed, appliances, drywali. Over 2,000 sq. It. Many extra's. Relo­cating. $112,000. (336) 492- 2777. 253 MAIN ST, Cooleemee, for rent or sale, 3 large BR, 1.5BA, kitchen/dlning room, garage, new heat/aIr completely remodeled. Some financing. 704-278-2623 or 751-1702 FOR SALE BY owner 2000 Sky­ line doublewlde, 3BB, 2BA, like new, 1.3 acre corner lot, $10,000 belowappralsal.$115,000. 776- 4989 GOV’T LOANS AVAILABLE for land/home packages easy to qualify credit challenges accepted $250 down, low monthly payments-OAC limited time, apply nowl 336-751-0444 HOilSE FOR SALE by owner. 141 Oak St., brick house over 2000 sq.ft. 336-671-9143. HOUSE FOR SALE by owner. 3BR, gas furnace, central air, basement garage, 121 Enwin St., Cooleemee, 336-284-2359 LIMITED TIME-$250down land/home packages 3BR, $425 per month good, bad, or no credit All applications will be submit­ ted! 336-751-0444 NEW CUSTOM BUILT home, 3BR, 2BA w/huge bonus room "on your lot” Normal cost $120,000.00 on sale for $79,900.00 until August 1st. Cali 1-800-672-9223. NEW DOUBLEWIDE HOME, big lot, 3BR, 2BA, front porch, rear deck, heat pump, $76,000. re­ duced to $69,900. 998-5816 or 284-2653. ONE CALL DOES It Ail No Credit, Bad Credit govemment financing available on land/home packages For quick pre-approval call 336-751-0495 -ABC 123 ea sy:; New AGP OAC home loans Get approved In 5 mln. HOTLINE ft (704) 883-9997 Land For Sale SIX ACRES FOR sale in Davie County. Beautifully wooded and level with frontage on paved road. Just off Hwy 801S and slluated In quiet, well-kept area with no thru traffic, this property is the perfect rual retreat with easy ac­ cess to Winston-Salem. $69,900. Please call 336-940-2107. STICK BUILT HOMES or mobile home lots for sale. 998-5816, 284-2653 THREE acre's LAND-Vadkin Counly-Courtney Huntsville Rd.- 336-751-2076. ARE YOU UNHAPPY with the way your grass Is being cut? If so, call 751-0217. LAWN MOWING, YARD worit & clean up. Mark Parchment. 492- 7671.________________________ Lost & Found MISSING BLACK/WHITE Sibe­ rian Huskey, Fork Bixby area. Contact 940-4299____________ Lots For Rent SHADY ACRES MOBILE Home Park, John Crotts Road, Hwy 64E, Mocksville. Two Mobile home spaces are available, up to 80 feet, new or used. Cali 998- 8276 or 998-8222.____________ Lots For Sale RESIDENTIAL BUILDING LOT, restricted. About 1.5 acres. Priced to Sell. Walt Wilson Rd. Call Wilson 336-751-2000. Miscellaneous 2 LEE MIDDLETON Dolls. 751- 0695 FISHER PmCE POWER Wheels - Get Set Gol Kart - up to age 3 - brand-new, $50. ALSO, rJordIc Track Plus Skier - Like New $400. Call 492-2518, leave tT)essage. FOR SALE-Queen pillow top mattress set. New In plastic, can deliver. Sacrifice for $175. Call (336) 442-3506. FOR SALE-QUEEN plush top mattress set. New in original fac- 442 ^506° FREE MANURE SHAVINGS loaded on your truck. 940-5391. LINDA’S PERENNIALS 898 Junction Rd. A variety of Shade & Sun loving plants 336-492-5855 LOWERY ORGAN - 2 key" boards, floor style. Excellent Con­ dlllon - $550. Gas Logs - 60,000 BTU, still In box ■1.751-3466 MAYTAG WASHER, GOOD condtlon & love seat, very good condition, $125. for both. Need to move. SPACE FOR RENT in old hay < shed. 70x32. $150.00/month. 492-6540. RANDY MILLER &SONS 295 Miller Koad • Mock.svillc (336) 284-2826 ’ Now Pumping Septic Tanks • Skid Sloer Work Trenchor Work Heullng EXPERIENCE LIFE UNDER OUR ROOF PISTRIBUTI0N,.QPI?.0RtUNITIE8______ productivity partnerships unparalleled opportunities The good life ust got a whole lot better. That's because Lowe's offers EXCITEMENT, OPPORTUNITY and OWNERSHIP, not to mention a unlaue culture and a refreshing combination of benefits that Is considered one of the best packages In retail. Experience what it's like under our roof with one of the following outstanding fulltime opportunities: D IS T R IB U T IO N TEAM M EM BER SBuilding & Shipping Departments Tliese ppsitlons start at $9.50 per hour plus a $.50 per °''s cunently tiiring for night shift, 6:30pm • 5:00am. Shift is 10 hour nights and 4 nights per wMk. Overtime varies. Requirements include: the ability lo lift up to 70lbs; 18 years of age or older; a stable wori< histoiy; and the ablllly to successfully pass a dnig screening and criminal background check. Fori<lift experience Is prefened. For more Information about Lowe's Companies Inc or lo apply on-line for distribution opportunities, oo " to www.lowe8.com/careers. To apply in person sj^^^by anytime fVlonday - Friday between 9'.00am Lowe’s Distribution Center 711 Tomlin IVIIII Rd Statesville, NC Lowe's Is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to Diverslly and Inclusion. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, I'luirsdiiy, .July 8,2004 - D'J G L A S S E 6 T B D S lNE>ffiiiaMSIVE P B O F T E A B L E Mobile Homes/ Rent 2BR, 1B A, W/APPLIANCES pri­ vate lot. Woodleaf. $400/monlh plus deposil. 284-4552 3BEDR00M, 11/2 bath on a pri­ vate lot. $475/month and $475.00 deposit, fvlo Pets, No HUD. 336- 492-7082 3BR7 2lA ,l998 ^ubi^ider^^^ appliances, sit down shower.$3501 st of monlh & $350 15th of month. 998-8257 leave msg ^ “RtgTsHED~2BR iWOBiLE home on private lot, no pets, 3 people limit, deposit & rent, ref­ erences. Call for appointment & details. 336-284-4758. READY TO MOVE in fumished, all utilities, upstairs, $550/mo. 336-751-1218. Music WURLtTZER SPINET PIANO, cherry finish, great condition. $500 998-8435._____________ _____Notice_____ FREE FIREWOOD, FRESHLY cut. To 1st who will move It. in Clemmons, 766-4126. ilVÔljL^LlKElowï^hmÿ'v^^ dear and wonderful friend a Happy Birthday (Ruby Rucker) on July 11th, 2004.____________ ______Pets______ AKC MALE PEKINGESE, cham­ pion sired, $350. 336-940-2236, 492-5190. GETlTÔÔKrRÔÜNDTlâpè; worms. Rotate Happy Jack tape­ worm tablets and Liqui- Vict.....Davie Farm Sen/ice 751-5021 Service Mobile Homes/Sale m a l e c a t-n e u t e r e d , ex- 1995 OAKWOOD MOBILE home. 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Lo- • cated In nice park, Great condi­ tion. $500.00 down and take over payments or make an olfer. 940- 5448. CUSTOMER ORDERED HOME Came wilh wrong colors Big savingsl Please call 336-767-0240 EASY TO OWNI New 3 8. 4 BR homes located In Troutman area. Beautiful wooded lots and private roads. It interested please call 800-203-5911 Ext. 201 for Sand' or 800-243-2231 Ext. 139 for ndy Jill. LIMITED TIME $250 down land/home packages 3BR, $425 per month good, bad or no credit ail applications will be submitted 704-883-7706 cal quick pre-approva ail 704-878-0147 OWNER FINANCING Do you have a job? You can own your on homelll $0 Down $499 a month Only 3 left Please call (704) 928-2066 R E N ffo own" - 2002 2BR.2BA PLEASE CALL 336-767-0207 ^ ^ IO U S ~ 2 B r72BA mobile home. Very well maintained. Sits on large corner lot In Deer Run. Asking payoff 6.5 yrs left owed. Negotiable. 336-751-2299. “SPECiAIL, SUIvTmER P R ^ ^ TION 3BR-2BA beautiful home SOdown, $525 a month Call today (704) 883-9997 CARTNER ANGUS FARMS INC. I Wc will Trail Von Riiiht! SAND a GRAVEL. HAULING DOZING jlj.P . Carlnor Donnoy Stroud ^(336)492-5764 (704)883-2182 ^(704)880-0168 (336)492-2018 tremely affectionate, Indoor cat, free w/vet references. 998-7535. 1999, 28X80, 4BR, Oakwood repo., set up In park, excellent condition $29,500.00 423-323- 2055 or 423-677-5841 MICE FOR SALE for pots or feeders. Call 492-7947 anytime Recreational (2) 4 WHEELERS: '96 Honda 300 fourtrax, VQC, $2200. OBO '02 Honda TRX 250EX, EC, $2550. OBO Day 336-225-5353 Night 336-940-5591 '97 EZ GO golf carl w/wlndshleld, Breen with tan seats $1250. OBO iay 336-225-5353 Night 336-940-5591___________ _____Service 336-492-7364 , Ai’s Plumbing Repair Rooter Service Water Heaters SNIDER’S LANDSCAPING & Lawn Service, LLC We Do ItAIII Mowing, trimming, bush­ hogging, plugging, tree & shrub planflng & fertilizing, grass seeding & fertilizer application, soil preparation, mloro-irrlga- tlon, licensed pesticide applica­ tor, water garden Installation, retaining walls Spring & Fall Yard Clean-Up Gutter Cleaning Pine Needles Delivered & Spread $6.50/bale Call for Free Estimates Residential & Commercial , Oftice (336) 492-2174 Cell (336) 409-0113 SUMMER POOL SPECIAL 16X32 Inground pool Includes; 8ft walk-ln step Hayward pump & filter Ladder '• Winter cover Cleaning Supplies Completely installed & Back Filled Ready for Deck $11,000 Sea Breeze Pool Service ______ 336-391-3525 THE PROTECTOR- Body Guard Service. 336-655-9725. ТОМВЁЖШ^З LAWN CARE & Handyman Services. Ail types of lawncare and handyman ser­ vices, mowing and weedealing, bushhogging & trimming trees and ЬиеЪее, plugging, seeding, fertilizing, leaf removal, mulching, pine needles. Call Brent for free estimate (residential and com­ mercial services) Home phone 492-5424 Mobile 391-2266. ARE YOU PLANNING a party? Invite a pony, pony rides & bounce houses. www.ponytaleslogo.com 284-4552 MOBILE HOME IN Farmington Heights |ust off 1-40, clean quiet communily. This 2BR, 1 BA home Is very affordable at $12,800. Call g96-2151. NICE 1500-1800 sq. ft. homes , ready lo move in. Landscaped r and furnished. Easy access to In-' terstate 77. 4-5 miles from Mooresville. Call Sandy at 800- 203-5911 ext. 201 or jni aJ800- 243-2231 ext. 1 3 9 N / ^ '^ '.X ONE CALL DOES Itaii no credit, bad credit government financing available on land home BELLY FATt It's not your fault. Lose it for FREEI Feel Qreatl FREEI Prime Ono relieves stress, controls cortisol and belly fat. AM 300 burns stored, stubborn white fat and elevates mood You feel greati And it's ephedra-free. Now, tor a limited time, you can try,i,fullimpnlh's supply of^bolh Prime One and AM-300 for FREEI (a $91 retail value) You pay only $12.95 to help off­ set shipping and handling. CALL TODAY-751-4543 OR VISIT WWWL£^6S1RESSAMSO^UCOOIVI CLEANiNQ...wouid you like the day off? Call us today for house cleaning...References... bonded...call Stephanie 940- 3653. liNiC^ETM LESSQUm Richard LInk-Owner Free Estimates 998-1798 ivtOLCHFÖR^ÄLE^can deliver gravel, up lo 6 Ions. 336-492- 2441 leave message. TOMMY'S TOTAL LAWN Care. We offer mowing, trimming, pine needles, mulch, seeding, trim­ ming shrubbery and planllng. We also off er tractor worK, bush hog­ ging, plowing, scraping drive­ ways, gutters cleaned and storm cleanup. Insured and free esti­ mates. Oflice 492-2330. Cell 336- 682-7006.___________________ Statewide AIRLINE MECHANIC-RAPID training for a high paying career- Avlatlon Maintenance. FFA pre­ dicts severe shortage. Financial Aid-Job Placement Assistance. 888-349-5387, AIM-6 iogfltlpps.... f¥e e d ir e c t v^a t e l u t e system, and 3 free months of HBO, Includes delivery and In- staiialion with one year of service, call for delails. 1-800-352-9992, www.DTVsatelllte.com HIGH SCHOOL EXCHANGE students arriving August need Host Famllites. Local Represen­ tatives alson needed to work wilh students/families. American Inter- cultural Student Exchange-1- 800-SIBLING-www.aise.com Fr ^e s^n a l v en d in g' R O U T E y E Q U IP M E N T / INCOMESnacks/SodaMater. Fi­ nance with as little as $2555 down. Call 877-843-8726, Ven­ dors Purchasing Agent Network WÁREHOÜSIN^IÑVEÑTORY CONTROL-NO experience nec­ essary. Paid lialning/Fuli-llme job with salary and benelits. Age 17- 34 with high sohool diploma. For local Inten/lew, call 800-662-7231 today. STOP PAYING RENT! Own your own home for no more than rent payments. 3 homes to choose irom. These homes are available nowl Complete and power is on. Call loday Sandy at 800-203- 5911 ext. 201 or Jill at 800-243- M usic-------- PIANO TUNING repair, regulate, rebuilding, work guaranteed W. Barlord 336-998-2789 20 YEAR WARRANTY Longest Lasting 13’ Coverage I Many Colors Pole Buildings Metal Roofs & Siding = 1-888-278-6050 I MID-STATE METALS I M M E D I A T E O P E N IN G Local area company is seeking an experienced dispatcher and logistics specialist. Must have experience in truckload and less-than-truckload planning. Transportation brokerage experience is a “plus”. Should be knowledgeable in the use of Microsoft software including Excel and Access. Salary Commensurate to qualifications. If you qualify, send resume to: PO Box 224, Mocksville, NC 27028, attn: Personnel Dept. . Congratulations On Your Graduation Brandon Anderson H'i' (iir (ill very proud of you and love you very much! Mom & Gref>, Selena, Grdiulnui tt Grandpa .lohnson, Darry & Hoys, and All Your Faniiiv I k Travel GREENBRIAR BUNKER TOUR July 21 Includes tour of fallout shelter and lunch In bunker under Greenbriar Resort 336-945-9391 336-924-6461 Harrah’s Cherokee Casino Trip Frl-Nlte July 9th Wed-Day July 14th Tri-State Dog Track & Casino Sat-Day June 17th. EZ Way Travel Local 998-4732 John & Evelyn Wyatt HILLSVILLE, VA Sept. 3 BILL GAITHER HOMECOMING TOUR Greensboro, Oct. 16 336-945-9391 336-924-6461 Vehicles Wanted CHRISTMAS INJULYIII DEE’S ANTIQUES TWO GREAT LOCATiONSin 733 Greenhill Rd, Mocksville, NC 27028' 336-492-6450 and 296 Blaise Church Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-753-6877 Friday, Juiy 9th and Saturday, July 10th lO.'OOatTi till 5;00pm Discounts from 10% to 50% Christmas Bags will be hid throughout Ihe shops. Collect your Hems...find a Bag. Bag will be opened by Dee to reveal your DIscounlll (One bag per Family...Opened bags WILL NOT be accepted) Happy Hunlingli “A little something ior everyone" We buy Estates... One Hem orAIIIII C A S H PAIID FOR ANTIQUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES, COLLECTABLES, OLD METAL TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE Call /IrUiur Bostick 336-492-5992 MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUMMER IS HEBEI Bobcat, aoraloi; core pluoaer a more for rent (oilayl Hwy, 601 S., nnA A Mocksville 133617 a i'Z 9 U 4 D R IV E R S N E E D E D Com petitive Hourly W agel Flexible Hours! $1.05 per delivery plus tips paid nightly Apply in person for details. Botti A dvance (Klnderlon Shopping Center near Lowes) and n/locksvllle (430 Valley Hd.) locations accepting applications. Yard Sales ■ËèTÂfÉMRbSALE' Yard Sales 1996 NISSAN ALTIMA 105,000 miles, excellent condition, $4,800. 998-8435. FORD CROWN VIC, 1996, ex- cellent condition, new tires, $6000. 998-3365 №r D E-150 2000 commercial van, low mileage, excellent con­ dition, white, no logo, $9,700. Call 766-5323 20-t- ACRES OF farmland In Davie or Rowan County w/year round water for single family home, 704-636-5205._________ Yard Sales 4 FAMILY YARD Sale, Fri & Sat. Hardison St. next to Soulh Davie tvllddle School. Avon, TV, appli­ ances, clothes sizes, baby to womans plus, mens up to 54. Rain or Shine. 296 Blaise Churoh Road Mocksville, NC Turn beside Cilgo on 601 (Across from Horn's) AND 733 Greenhill Road Mocksville, NC 27028 Turn beside Ingersoll Rand End of roacTon Right Friday & Saturday July 9th & 10th 10;00am-untll„. Furniture, old tools, glassware, kitchenware, Antiques, toys and much, mucli morel No reasonable offer will be refusedll Baked Goods By Nellie Couch F R T T S M ^7 ;0 0 lin n L lT 5 9 Sandy Springs Church Road. Turkeyfoot Community. Follow signs from 601 N. Baby lo adult clothes, toys, movies, housewares, bamboo. Refresh­ ments. Rain or Shine. GARAGE SALE-FRI. 7 u ly l 7;00-6:00, Sat. July 10, 7;00- 12:00. Mens & ladies clothes, books, household Hems, etc. 1111 Main Church Rd. GIANT PARKING LOT SALE Saturday Only Muly 10), 8am- 2pm at Prime Sirloin, tons of Items! Baby items; toys; horse supplies; small appliances; plants; furniture; ana morol Half Price Sale begins at noon, Fill- Vour-Bag Salel^egins at 1 ;00i All proceeds sponsor youth at Hid­ den Meadows Christian Youth Ranch. Saturday, July 10 at 8 a.m. 327 Feezor Rd. Items will Include out­ door gear, toys, tools and equip­ ment, furniture, ciolhes (infant- adult), strollers, and etc. tm riiA M iY ^ of everything. 248 and 253 Pine Valley Rd. Hickory Hill Develop­ ment. Friday, July 9, 9-2; Salur­ day, July 10, 9-untll. Rain or shine. ONLYXDOiTAR Dollar Dreams & More 854 Valley Rd, Suite 500 Mocksville, N0 27028 336-753-8997 beside Ketchie Creek Bakery A dollar variety and gilt store. Hours; Tues-Fri 10-6, Sat 10-4 SAT. 7/10 8AM-2;00PM, 328 Four Corners Rd. (near 801N/ 601N Intersection) Dorm Hems, clothes, housewares, furniture, sports. f R ^ N ^ P 0 S f ^ / 8 H / Greasy Corner. Open Fri. & Sat. 10-5. Buy, sell, trade. Will buy whole or partial estates. Also, buying limber. Call 284-4302. TRASH AND TREASiJRE~saie at the Episcopal Church of the Ascension at Fork, 183 Fork Bixby Bead, Saturday, July 10. Sam to 1pm. All sales to benefit tha Building Fund. Several pieces of fumltupe, kitchen items, books, old Jewelry, glassware, Christm as Items, llke-new clothes, toys, lamps, small appli­ ances ana LOT'S of odds and ends, dining room table/set wllh 6 chairs, dryer. Jewelry, book­ case, garden items and tools. Bake sale also! F O R S A L E : Cars • Trucks Utility Buildings Carports: All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lols 336-751-3442 Mocksville, NC LAWN CARE Is acccpling applicmion.s for Lawn Carc Specialist Qmillllcatloiis: Detail oricnlcd, customer .service minded, nciU in upiwimmce, reliubto, punctuul, imslwortliy. Experience in вгееп indu.slry or Associate Degree in horticulture or related Held ii plus. NCDL, good driving record. Dmg Test, Criminal record clieclc. Duties: Insiullation and mainlenmKC of rosidenlia! and commercia! Iand.sca|№s. Hours: 7:(X) - ИЗО Monday - Thursday, w/Friday ns makeup day for had weallier. (3.36)2«4-6.‘iOI to apply. A U C T I O N 8 4 6 N . M a in S t., М о с к в у Ш е I S a t . , J u l y 1 0 * 9 : 3 0 / E s t a t e O f: E r n ie F o s t e r ( D e c e a s e d ) DIRECTIONS: NOW to Farmington Fid (Exit 174). Turn Lott onto Farmington Fid, Irnvol-f/IOntilo. Turn Flight onto US-150. Travels 7/10 miio, salo will bo on tho Lott. EUßNIXUREl Colfoo Tnblu; Orosaing Mirror; Onk Rockor; Pio Snfo; Oak Hnll Tfoo; Bow Frönt Chicw Cablnot; Woodon Rockoje; Old Cbuich Pqw; Л PIpco Ooproaalon Era Bodroom Suit: Qoosonock Rockor; Wosholnr^d; <^ак Ctinlor Tnblo; С1п'л1оо1 Mnonzino Rock AfJTIQUES & CQLLECTIBLESi Proasod Glass; Milk Qlnss; Pink and Qroon Doproaaion: Firoklrio; Momor Louohlln; Mocksvillo Twinbrook Fnrms Milk Cnps; Rolrigornlor DIahos; Cobnll Qluo; Potar Paul Mounda Box v//Afthur Oodlfoy (Mint Condition); Hand Modo Linons; Handmndo Quills; Old Radios; Art Glass; Potlorv; Oil Lnn^ps; Old Books; Old Drossor Sot; Churns; Buttor Molds; Frnmod Prlnto; Tinker Toys and Lincoln Logs (In Original Qoxoa);MISCELLANEOUS! Porch Swing: Yard Tools; Echo Woodnator: Hand Sawa; Hnnd Tools: piua much moro.... AUCTIONEER'S NOTE; Mr. Foalor was a cMorishod mombor of this communUy, Join us and tnko hotno о ploco oJ hlalory from hio collodion ol Iroasurod Itoms. Food nnd roslroomo will bo nvollnblo. Not roaponsiblo for nccidonia. C ol. Kenneth G. Kclnci-, Pres., N C A L 3268 F irs t C h o ic e A u c tio n & R e a lty I-irni Lkcm c //722‘> • I’O H»x 335. Lewisville • (336) 945-4118 A U C T IO N 173 Bradford Place, Ьем18УШе Thurs., July 15 • 10/ E s t a t e Off: J im & S u e W e lc h ( D e c e a s e d ) omECTIONS: From WS: 42W to Lowisvlllo-Clommons Exit (Exil ff242). Turn nighl off ramp, follow 1 2/W mllo lo ond. Turn loft onlo Shallowford Rd. Tmvol 6/10 niilo. turn Loft into Bradford Placo. Salo on left. FURNITURE: China Cnblnot; Dining Room Toble nnd 6 Chairs; Buffol; Malchlng Sofn, Lovosoal, and Chair and 1/2; Matching Recllnors; QIaaa Top Tablos; Cornor Cabinoi; WroughI Iron Furniluro; M’ahognny Tables; Old Rocking Chalts ANTIQUES_& COLIECTIBLES; Framod PIcluroa and Prints; Avon; Coslumo Jowoiry; Opaiesconl PIqIo; Royal Swirl China; Jadito; FIrokIng; Black Amethyst; Cranborry Qaakot; Milk Qtaas; Franciscan Croam & Sugar; Franciscar^ Salt & Poppor; Hon on Neal; Poanul Jar; Jack In Pulpit; Cast Iron Items: Bdanie. Babios; Case Knives; Old Coins; Old Wooden Rocking Horse MISCELLANEOUS! 2002 Oldsmoblle Alero (Subiocl (o Confirmation 28,933 mllos •• Sllll under Platinum Plan Warranty); Angol Water Fountain; Yard Ah; Yord Tools; Hnnd Tools; Knighl In Armor Sland Up Figure; Coca-Cola Box Drink Cooler AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Thoro Is a swimming pool on this property. Please do not bring small children unless you plan to hold on )o Ihom during the entirely, of Iho sqIo. Wo nre nol responsible for accidents. Food ond restrooms will bo avallnblo. Coi. Kenneth G. Kctncr, Pres., NCAU 3268 F irs t C h o ic e A u c tio n & R e a lly I'inii Licensc //7229 • PO Hox 335. l.ewi.svillL' • (336) 945-4118 Visit Our Web Site лГ www. firstchofccaactionxoai • тлЦ: 17/г>л7к)/кЧ*.н/с<11пт1.1т.сош DIO - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdiiy, Jul.v 8. 2004 H o sp ita l B o a rd C h a ir H on ore d B y State G ro u p Mocksville Rotary Achieves 100% Rotarían Kyle Swlcegood, Dislrict Foundation Chair Dr, Stuart Fountain, and Foundation Chairman Ralph Greco discuss how the Rotary Club of Mocksville achieved status as a 100% Paul Harris Feilow Club. Each of the clubs 60 members contributed a gift of $1,000 or more to the annual programs fund. Named for the lawyer who founded Rotary International in 1905 the Paul Harris Fellow recognition was estab­ lished in 1957 to express the Foundation's appreciation for substantial contributions to what was theri the Foundation's only program, internátional scholarships. Since then, the Foundation has added a number of educational and humanitarian programs supported by generous contributions from around the world. - Photo by Robin Fergusson Unn Biirrclt. chnir of Ihc Dnvic County I lospitnl bonrd of trustees, received u hospitnl trustee nwnrd rrom the Norlh Cnrolinn Hospitnl Association (NCHA). Barrett, u parltter wilh tho W inston-Snlem Inw firm Edwards, Ballard, Clnrk, Bnnett nnd Carlson, is one of nine hospilal trustees honored nt the NCHA’s annual Lenders Insliluie, April 24 in Hilton Hend, S.C. The nwnrd recognizes trustees who hnve mnde signifi- cnnt nnd uni(|ue contributions to their hospitnls nnd the communi- tics they serve. “Hospital trustees are faced with a spccial set of challenges und dcinnn^ls unique to their locnl com m unities," said W illiuin H. Pully, NCHA president. “The association is proud to honor Dan Bnrrett for his efforts to improve the delivery of henlth cnrc in his communily nnd for his role in ensuring the finnncinl viability of his hospitnl," Barrett has served as a Davie G e t It W eek ly K e e p u p w ith th e n e w s o f D a v ie C o u n ty e v e r y w ee/c, w ith a s u b - s c h p tio n to th e E n te rp rise i^eco rd . C a ll 7 5 1 - 2 1 2 0 f o r d e t a i l s . D A V IE C O U N T Y iy V O TE ED B R O Y H ILL for CONftHRSS TUESDAY. .nJT.Y **Pve never supported anybody that I didn't itave taitli in. Ed Broyhill has the character to do what is right no matter how diflScult it may be. Ill be real proud to see Ed Broyhill into Congress.” —U.S. Senator Jesse Helms “Louise and I are proud of our son, Ed, and his wife Melanie, and their decision to run for Congress. I know he will make a fine Congressman and will represent the Fifth District wen.” —U.S. Senator Jim Broyhill D ear R epublican Friends: Today our C liristian conservative values are under attack. The liberal left w ants to take prayer out o f schools, perm it abortion on dem and, and replace traditional m arriage with gay m arriage. It’s tim e w e fight back! I am ready to lead the fight to protect our C hristian conservative values and to do this 1 need your support and your vote on 'riie.sdav. .lulv 20th. Together, we can preserve our C hristian conservative values. G od Bless, Ed Broyhilll VOTE ED BROYHILL for CONGRESS TUESDAY. JULY 20th! Paid for and authorized by Broyhill for Congress, L. Glenn Orr, Jr., Treasurer. W e V e M o v e d ! ! Davie Domestic Violence Semces and Rape Crisis Center W e a re n o w lo c n tc d a t: 123 S o u th M a in S tre e t, on Ihc 3rd Floor of Ihe Adnilnistmllon Building across from the Davlc Counly Courthouse In downtown Mocksvillc Nm Officc Hoiik: Muii. ~ Fri. g:3(lnm-5:00/mi wilh 24 Hr. Crisis Liiw Sorvlcos Offorod Includo: Court Advocacy, Support Group, Hospital Advocacy, Voluntoor Opportunltlos and Crisis Counseling. C R I S I S L I N E : 7 5 1 - H E L P ( 4 3 5 7 )— All Si’n>/a\s lire Coii/hlciiliiil nml Fnv — Counly Commissioner since 2000. He is n Republican Party candidnto for governor of North Cnrolinn. He enmed bnchclor’s and law degrees from Wake Forest U niversity. Barrett lives in Advancc with his wife, Kathleen Anderson Barrett, nnd their two children, Dnniel nnd Rebeknh. Sinco 1956, Davie County Hospital has served Dnvie County residenls. An affilinic oi N.C. Baptist Hospitnl, it is a critical access hospitnl offering n rnnge of scrviccs Ihnt includc em ergency cnre, long-term “swing beds," dingnostlc procedures such as lab, X-rny nnd MRI, health screenings nnd ■surgical .services. A ccredited by the Joinl Commission on Accreditation of Henlthcnre Orgnnizations, Dnvie' County Hospitnl has emergency services available 24 hours a dny, seven days a week, as well as the .services of a vnrioty ofhospitnl- nffilintod medicnl specinlists providing cnro by nppointmcni in gnstroenterology, orthopedics, podinlry, onr, nose nnd IhronI, obstetrics nnd gynecology, urology nnd cardiology. In addition lo Barrett, the board of trustees of Davie Hospital includes Dougins G. Atkinson, Beth Dirks, Terry Bralley, Ken W hite, Slove Robertson, Mark Hancock, Pam Moser and Lnrry Ponrco, M.D. The NCHA is n sinlewide trade association representing 130 hospitals nnd health sysloms. Il promotes improved community health status and delivery of quality heallh\care through lendorship, informntion, educntion and ndvocncy in members’ interest und for public benent. A fte r w e b u ild it, w e ’ll h e lp y o u fu rn ish it. How would you like a free room of Bassett® furniture for your new home? When you sign a contract by August 15th with us you can choose a beautiful bedroom, living room or dining room suite with a retail value of up to $7500. =5S=5S55SS5S=55 But don’t sit around on-your old I A furniture thlniclng about your new furnl- ture for too long. This offer ends soon, A Division of Centex^Homes Statesville, NC Exit ¡54 off 1-40 704-872-8989 800-714-2324 ext.2 www.WayneHomes.com i s t “PP"“ "> buyers. Hnanclng must be(ouiitojMij through CTX Mortgage. Wayne Homes is a registered trademark of Centex Corp. Beyond The Core North Davie Teachers Find Creative Ways To Use ‘Lost Space’ Page D1 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRI/feHECORD U S P S 149‘60 Number 27 Thursday^ July 15, 2004 48 PAGES V o t e r s G o in g T o T h e P o lls T u e s d a y , J u ly 2 0 GOP Primaries, School Board Top The List In Davie It’s supposed to be a slow tim e o f year. G overnm ents have ju st adopted b u d g e ts, nnd so m etim es can cel m eetings this m onth. School is a few w eeks aw ay from opening day. Fam ilies are on vacation. A nd it’s hot. G enerally, July is a slow m onth for new s. T hings are different this year. R edistricting squabbles have d e­ layed the prim ary and school bourd electio n until T uesday, Ju ly 20. Polls will be open from 6:30 a.m .- 7:30 p.m . T he vote is im portant in D avie C ounty, as voters w iil elect tw o new m e m b e rs to tho D av ic C o u n ty B oard o f E ducation from am ong Linda H artley B arnette o f M ocks­ ville, R iek Ellis o f A dvance, M ickey Perrell ofM ocksviile, D ebra Brown G roce o f M ocksville, C arl G . Lam ­ b e rt o f M o c k s v ille nnd H e len R obertson o f A dvancc. A profile on the board o f educa­ tio n c a n d id a te s , e x c e p t for R obertson, w ho did not return a sur­ vey to the E nterprise, appears on pages D 2-D 6. R epublican voters w ill choosc County Commission Profiles Pages 8-11 Board of Education Profiles Pages D2-D6 th re e n o m in e e s fo r th e D av ic C ounty B oard o f C om m issioners from am ong C harles O dell W illinms o f M ocksville, Ken W hite o f A d­ v an ce, C laren ce L . S p illm an o f M ocksvillc, Lee R ollins o f M ocks­ villc, R ichard P oindexter o f A d­ vance, Johnny Frye o f M ocksville, D aphne A . Frye o f A dvance, Tom Flem ing o f A dvancc nnd R aym ond A. C lark ofM ocksviile. A profile on c ic h o f these candi­ dates appears on pages 8-11. H otley contested rnces for the R ep u b lica n n o m in a tio n fo r N C H ouse D istrict 79, betw een Julia C raven H ow ard o fM o ck sv iile and Frank M itchell o f H arm ony, and NC Senate D istrict 34 betw een A ndrew C . B rock o f Farm ington and G us A ndrew s o f S alisbury, w ill nlso be held Tuesdny. Reptiblican B rent S hoaf is unop- • p o sed in h is rc e le c tio n b id as D nvie’s R egister o f D eeds. A ll norm al voting places w ill be open, ,w ith four precincts having new venue,s: • South M ocksville, First Pre.s- byterian C hurch Fellow ship H nll, 114 C lem ent St.; David Koontz of Hilltop Orctiard shows off this year’s peach crop. Although somewhat small, the peaches are loaded with flavor and the trees are loaded. For a story and more photographs, please turn to page C1.__________________________________ M a n C h a rg e d W ith R a p e O f T e e n -A g e r B y Jac k ie S eubolt D avie C ounty Enterprise R ecord A D avie m an accused ol raping a R ow an Counly teen bad liis ca.se continued in Dnvie D islrict C ourl last w eek. R ussell Sidney K ing II1.21. ol 236 W andering Lane, M ocksville w asnrre.sted June 28 and charged w ith second degree rape and crim e against nature. K iiig is uccused o f raping a 16- y ear-o ld g iri Oct. 2 4,2 0 0 3 . A ccording to D avie C ounty D e­ tective S gt. J.H . S tephens, K ing and another m an picked up the vic­ tim a n d a n o th e r fe m n lc th n t e v e n in g . T h e Tour w e n t rid in g around the counly in K in g ’s v e ­ hicle and ended up parking at an aren n en r U .S . 64 and G o d b ey R oad. S tephens said K ing is alleged to ’ have offered the fem ales vodka, but they d id n ’t like the taste and instead drank root beer. A fter p arking, the one couple left Ihe vehicle and K ing and the, victim w ere nt a picnic table aren. T h e victim returned to K ing’s cnr because slie w as cold and K ing fol­ low ed her, according to S tephens. K ing is accused o f forcing the victim to do a sexual act and forc­ ing h im self on her against her w ill after her telling him no nnd to stop, Stephens said. T he victim and K ing w ere not dating, nccording to S tephens, and only knew each o ther from church functions. S tephens said the victim did nol com e forw ard sooner because she w as scared. “T he young lady is not from the county. It has really affected her m entally and physically. T he d ev­ astation sh e’s gone Ihrough as told by fnm ily and coun selo rs is tre­ m endous.” K ing is repre.sented by G rady M cC lam rock Jr. and the prelim i- nnry hearing w as continued for the Sept. 9 session o f D avie D istrict C ourt. • East Shady G rove, A dvancc F irst B ap tist C hurch F ellow ship H all, 1938 NC 801; • H illsd a le, H illsd ale B aptist C hurch Fellow ship H all, 4815 US 158, A dvance; nnd • N orth M ocksvillc C ounty, Oak G rove U nited M ethodist C hurch Fellow ship H nll, 1994 U S 158. No political signs nre to be placed on church property. C urbside voting is nvnilnble nt all venues, w ith early, no-cxcu.se vot­ ing available in the board o f elec­ tions office, low er level, M ocksville Tow n H all, until 1 p.m . Saturday, July 17. Sick or disabled voters may vote in the elections office until 5 p.m . M onday, July 19. S u p e r W a l- M a r t O n T h e W a y Town O K s Zoning Changes B y M ik e B n rn h n rd t D avic C ounty Entcrpri.se R ccord T his tim e next yenr, area resi­ dents can shop in a S uper W nl-M art in M ocksville. Tow n board m em bers Inst w eek O K d zoning changes that pave the w ay forC om m onw enlth to develop a .shopping com plex off U .S. 601 N orth behind H orn’s T ruck Stop, anchored by the retail giant. T he vote d id n ’t com e w ithout so m e d is c u s s io n , w ith M ay o r Francis S late and bonrd m em ber Lash Sanford opposing som e o f tho concessions the tow n gave the de­ velopers concerning signs and tlie- building facade. “T here are m any people in this tow n w ho d on’t w ant these changes m ade ” Slate said. “T here nre a lol o f people w ho do nol w ant a Super W al-M art hero." T here are m ore w ho do, accord­ ing lo board m em ber Bill Foster, w ho said m aking the changes to the ordinance w ns ihe righl thing lo do. It is the first tim e the ordinance has been tested. “ W iien you get inlo trouble w ilh s ig n s ... is w hen you have all these little or bigger signs and bunches of them ,” Foster said. “T hat’s very dis­ tracting, You w ould rather see one big sign than several sm nller signs." T he board approved changing the ordinance lo allow a 300-lbot sign on a perm anent, ground base. T he sign w on’t be high on n pole. C lin t Ju n k er, p lan n in g board m em ber, w as al the low n board m eeting, and snid tlie past w ork of the planning board adopting the new ordinance w asn’t in vnin. ll gnve a good slarting point for negoiim ions. "W e w ould nol have as nicc a P lease See 'I’ow n - P age 4 I 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July IS, 2004Editorial Райе M u ch A t S ta k e For D a vie In T h e M a i l ... In T u e sd a y Election s Julia Howard Gets Things Done Rarely lias Davic Couniy hnd so much at slake in a political season as next week’s primary. One of our own, Dan Barrel!, is a candidate for governor. Andrew Brock and Julia Howard, our resident members of Ihe Slate Senate and State House are being challenged in the Republi­ can primary. Three Republicans will be selected for county commis.sioner. Two will be elected lo fill school board seats. New congressional candidates will be chosen for the holly contested 5lh dislrict. And Council of Slate candidates and more will be chosen next week. Dan Barrett has made us proud as he has marched across the slate in his campaign. It would be a ruling Iribule to his courage for his home couniy lo give him a huge boost al ihe polls. Tuesday is not a time to stay at home. Wc can make a difference for ourselves by voting. 7\vo of Ihe races have siirred a lot of attention, and we make recommendations on those. Congress: Jay Helvey There are so mnny Republican candidates for Congress in our 5*'’ district, and Ihey all sound so similar. We could be comfortable wilh almost any of Ihem bul one. Vernon Robinson. He has polluted Ihe political atmosphere, stooped to chamclcr assassination, race bailing and homophobia and demonstrated, indeed, he is no Jesse Helms. Sen. Helms is a gentleman. Vernon Robinson is a pit bull without socinl graces. Too bad. Six monlhs ago, he would have been ourchoice. As an articulate black conservative, he presented a chance lo expand Ihc Republican Parly's appeal lo minorities. Bul his campaign has shown us ihe Darth Vader side of Vernon Robinson. We could never beslow Ihe important office of Congress upon this pandering huckster. We could have forgiven Ihe slunI wilh Ihe 10 Commandmenis. Bul his oihcr aniics have been repulsive; slirring up hatred toward Hispanics and homosexuals nnd larring his opponenls — all of Ihem ouislanding people — wilh ihc same venomous language he uses aguinsl Sen. Ted Kennedy and former Presidenl Clinton. His goal is to grab the office’s megaphone, nol serve Ihe people nnd ihc interests of the 5* district. Weary of this long, dirty campaign, wc urc eager to hear less from Vernon Robinson, nol Insiall him into an Important office where his tricks and gimmicks and appeals for money will becomc endless. Which candidate should gel our vole? All ihe candidates have bousled al greal lengih of Ihcir charnclcr and conservative values — qualifying Ihem more for Sunday School teacher thun congressman. For voters, ihe choice ull comes down 10 personal preferences. If you’re looking for Ihc bcsl pure conservative, vole for Nathan Tabor. If you're looking for the smurtesi candidate with Ihe mosl polenliul, vole for Juy Helvey. If you wunt Ihe cundidule who cun uppeal to Ihc broadesl range of people in Ihe dislrict, thal would be Ed Broyhill. The mosl political experience. Sen. Virginia Foxx. Bcsl local connecllons, Ed Powell. We have been impressed with all five. Tabor has skillfully organized a grassroots campaign across the district. His issues are neariy ideniical to Robinson’s, but without spewing the haleful rhetoric. A Davidson County preacher’s son, Helvey has u wealth of inlemalional experience and rose to the lop ranks of a powerful, Inlematlonal banking company before the stock market’s collapse. As a boy, he delivered newspapers on his bicycle in Lexinglon. He dished barbecue as a teenager and became a lop sludenl at Wake Forest, Inter picked as a Fulbright Scholar. The mosl pleasant surprise of the campaign has been Ed Broyhill. Gone is the brash, cocky youlh who created— and Ihen lost — Ihe Edgar B Fumilure sensation. This time, wc have seen a mature candidate wanting lo lake on the mantle of his falher, Jim Broyhill, one of North Carolina’s most beloved politicians. He has run a positive, upbeal campaign. Muny of the candidates come from humble beginnings, but none more humble lhan Sen. Foxx. Some people worked their way through college. Sen. Foxx worked her way through high school, .serving as Janitor of her little mountain school. Her achlevemcnls, especially considering the poverty of her youth, arc remarkable. With an influential teacher’s push, she went to college, evenlually got her doctorate, served as a communiiy college president and has been a school board member and stale senator. Ed Powell also has a wealth of political experience as a former legislator and member of Gov. Holshouser’s cabinet. He grew up in Ihc Cenler communiiy. He ted Tanglewood Park as a trustee during ils glory years. Wc admire ihcm all, and any ot the five could serve Ihc 5"' district well. Bul wc are only given one vote. Thai goes to Juy Helvey. Of ull ihc cundidalcs, he shows the mosl promise of growing Into an ouislanding congressman, capable of making a difference in Washington. Banking is important lo North Carolina, and he knows that language. He also deserves our thanks for facing down Robinson. N.C. House: Julia Howard Who do you Inisl; Juliu Howurd or her Ruleigh cncmic.s? We know Julia Howard, Wc don't know these anonymous politicians who are irying to throw next week’s Republican primary. The Raleigh vultures are irying lo find u roosting spot here. Hiding Ihclr idcniiiies, Ihey Iiave targeted locul Republicans with mailings lhal denounce Ihe woman who has represented us so well for .so long. We can do ourselves a Iremendous favor nexl week and give Mrs. Howard an overwhelming show of support in her bid for rc-eleclion. Does Raleigh pick our leaders, or do we? This vengeful bunch has never spenl u day concerned wilh Duvie Couniy issues. By conlrust, Mrs. Howurd hus spent her uduil life serving Ihis communiiy — us a hospilal trustee, a Mocksvillc lown commissioner, a business leader, a Slale House member and more. She has conduclcd hcr-self as a lady and led an exemplary life. Her enemies don’l reveal their ideniiiics. Bul we know ihcm. They are the same Republican cannibals who squandered a House majority Iasi year wilh ihcir mulish meihods. Mrs. Howard made it clear from ihe beginning she could never support Rep. Leo Daughiry ns Majority Leader, but the leadership figured she would will. She didn’t. They didn'l calculate ihe fierce deierminaiion of a wife who had nursed her dying hu.sband through Lou Gehrig’s disease, the inner strength ofa dcvoied mother and grnntlmoihcr who has held her family together, Ihe lenaciiy it look for n young womnn lo Sinn her own real cslnie business only 10 see il grow nnd prosper, or the resolve imbued in a feisty lillle woman who entered a man's world in Raleigh and vowed nol lo be intimidated. To ihe edilor: Some of you have known Julia Howard all your lives bul we have only had lhat privilege for a dozen or so years. There are a lot of "govemmenl" people and a lot of politicians. Julia Howard fils neilher of ihese categories. Her approach to representing us in Raleigh could besI described as a servant of the people. She listens, she cuts through bureaucracy, she has strong principles - and Julia gels ihings done. On issues of importance lo ordinary, working people Rep. Julia Howard slicks lo her guns. She worked hard lo lake Ihe sales lax off of our gro­ ceries and prescriplion drugs. Julin wns nn archi- lecl of Ihis state's welfare reform, ensuring lhal able-bodied people work and that paper food stamps were abolished so Ihey could no longer be used for buying liquor or drugs. In Ihe mid-90s, Julia Hownrd supported our community's concerns Ihnl HUD Sec. 8 rent sub­ sidies were being given lo crnck cocaine dealers. She has cncouraged Cooleemee's efforts to rebuild pride und n sense of neighboriiood by preserving our lexlile heritage. Julia helped make sure lhal Ihe lax money we send lo Raleigh came back here to buy the land and develop n beautiful park nl the river, Duvie Couniy cannot afford to lose Rep. Julin Hownrd. There's jusl no choice when it comes lo representing Dnvie Couniy inleresis in Ruleigh. So, pleuse don't forget lo vole Tuesday, July 20. Make sure your fnmily and neighbors remem­ ber. If you are going lo be on vacation, vole eariy al Ihe Duvie Couniy Bonrd of Elections on Snlisbury Slrccl. And, if like us you nre "unnffili- ated" remember lo ask for a Republican primary bullol, Jim and Lynn Rumley Cooleemee President Bush’s Integrity Admirable To the editor; When Presidenl Bush was asked liow he would slack up Vice Presidenl Chaney againsi John Edwards who is young, hns chnrismu, nnd even considered sexy; he replied nnd quole; “Dick Chuncy is ready to be president.” John Kerry once lold John Edwards ihul he didn'l huve enough ex­ perience lo be presidenl and Ihe presidency wns nol intended lo be nnd quole; “on-lhe-job Iruin- ing.” This is the one issue where John Kerry nnd I ugree, John Edwards does not have the credientials or Ihc experience, to lead ihis counlry if he were called on to step in as president. Serv­ ing one term as a senalor, who spenl mosl of his lime running for president, docs not qualify a per­ son to be second in command to tlio mosl power­ ful position in the worid. However, when John Kerry's first choice for a running male turned him down, he turned lo ihe polls. Afler slating that he needed n vice presidenl who could step in as president, John Kerry chose the one man he called loo inexperienced lo be president just months ago. John Kerry's selection of John Edwards is a Hip flop on the mosl impor- Innl deci.ston a candidulo for Ihe presidency mnkes in Ihe course of his cnmpnign. A cnndidnie's se­ lection of a vice presidenl Is n sign of how he will lend. In John Kerry's case wo know he'll settle for number iwo; lhal he will lum lo Ihe polls; nnd lhal he will make Ihe most polilically expedient choice. Is Ihis Ihc type of person wc need leading our na­ tion al one of the mosl crucial limes in our his­ tory? Although I don'l agree on every issue wilh President Bush, I do admire his inlegriiy, honesly, nnd chnrncler. I hope ihnl most Americuns will agree that wc need the strength, experience, and slubilily lhat the Bush/Chuney team offers for the security of our county. This is nol Ihe time for "on-lhe-job truining” in the White House. Lorene Mnrklnnd Advance Plethora Of Political Signs Distracting She hasn’t been cowed by them. But now she needs our help. She has been named one of the most influenllal members of the House. She helped broker a deal for Ihe House lo operale this session, ending u poliiicul sialemuie when Ihe General Assembly wus dendlorked between Republicans and Democrats. The old GOP leaders whined when they lost Iheir officcs wilh Ihc windows and Iheir froni row seals in Ihe legislnlure. This is pelly sluff. Mrs. Howard may have upset Ihc lail feaihers of a few Good Old Boys in Raleigh, but she did a favor for the Stale of North Carolina. The General Assembly actually functioned well. Even Republican members of the House have acknowledged lhal. Mrs. Howard's value lo our county can't be undereslimaied. We haven’t always had a resident member of the legislalure — someone who will listen when we call, someone who will look oul for Ihe inleresis of our towns and couniy. Her opponent, an Iredell Couniy residenl, doesn'i live in Ihe dislrict. He wants only to serve political revenge, nol this county’s inleresis. During Ihe campaign, he has made piclures of himself at several Davie landmarks, but he doesn'i know this county. We don’t know him. Wc do know Mrs, Howard, Raleigh is a mean lown wilh poisonous politics. Unable to silence her in ihe General Assembly, Ihey ure Irying lo employ us lo do Ihe job. Mrs, Howard’s enemies are naysayers unable lo look beyond Iheir IhirsI for power to protect the welfare of Ihe Slale. We need lo make sure Ihey gel the message loud and clear nexl week; She’s our giri, and we’re sticking with her. •— Dwighi Sparks To the editor: For some lime now I have wanted lo wrile you about the same subjcci lhat Mr. Barry Carlner wrole about in Iasi week’s paper. I do huve a lillle more 10 sny ihnn he did. I, like Mr. Cnrtner, have never seen so many political signs along ihc highways and in Ihe yards. There are so many they detract from the road signs we need lo see while driving. If you drive past some of ihem before you cnn rend them all don’l worry, there will be some more 10 lo IS feet up the road. I wonder, since so many people are running for an office of some kind, who’s going to left lo vole. I remember my mother years ago. There was Iwo Ihings she did without slopping. She paid her bills on time and she always voted. We lived in an old house across from Ingersol Rand. She had lo walk lo lown, we couldn’t af­ ford a car, lo pay her taxes and olher bills. Rain or shine, Ihis is whal she did. She had her money wrapped in a llllle old lady handkerchief and pinned with a safely pin to her pocket so she wouldn’t lose it. Well, it came lime to vole and, of cour.se, il was raining. 1 asked her why she was going lo walk lo lown in Ihe rain just to vole. She lold me lhal when my Daddy was living he always voled no mailer whul, und she wus go­ ing lo do Ihc same. Thai day several people came to drive her to vole, bul she refused Ihe rides. She didn’t lell ihem Ihnl she had already been 10 vole before Ihe sun came up. But, she did ask one of them where ihey were ihe week before when she needed to go to Ihe grocery slore. All 11 of her children were raised lo vole and support our country. It’s nol like Ihul anymore, bul I wish il was. Endorsement For School Board , When I’m oul driving all these signs drive me crazy. So, I decided lo go home. I Slopped ul Ihc mailbox and it’s full of politi­ cal ads. So, I drop them in the garbage on my way in Ihe house. When I lurn on Ihe TV ihcre are more polilical uds. Oh well. I’ll reud the puper. Wrong. Il’s full of the same thing. Then Ihc phone siarls ringing nnd guess whal Ihey want. Afler I hang up on them I Jusl go oul on my deck and talk lo my cul. He’s nol i-unning for any office I know of. Mnmmu, I don’l mean to let you down, bul, Ihis yenr I’m going lo sit on my rocking chuir und look OUI the window jusl ihe wny you used lo. By the wny, if nny of you wnnl my vole bad enough maybe you could ride through the couniy nnd look al nil Ihe garbage and junk that’s lying around causing millions of mosquitos. ■ How mnny people hnve lo die before you poli­ ticians do something nbout Ihis problem. I’ve tried for 10 years to get somebody lo hear me, bul nlll’ve got is excuses. Jusl bccause n mnn is gelting old is not n good excuse to ici him die from ihese dangerous mos­ quitos. If you want my vole do something aboul all Ihis junk in Davie Couniy and Ihen we’ll talk about voting. Wonder how long il will lake for lhe.se people lo gel Ihe signs picked up? Not anytime soon, Ihey are all too busy making excuses for not keeping Ihe promises ihey made so they could get your vole. Mae Canupp Mocksvillc Candidate To the editor; On July 20, if you want a safer future for Davie Couniy school children, vole for llie lady who cun gel Ihe job done ... Debra Brown Groce. Miss Groce is ihe mosl qualified for Ihc job, who has developed school safely lo Ihe ulmosl, nol only pulling ihoughis, but actions inlo calagories. Vole for Debra Brown Groce and you will be happy lhal you did. Mr. and Mrs. R.T. Gailher Mocksville i L e i t ß / s W e lc o m ä ^ 'The Enterprise Record welconnes letters .irom ils’readers. The lettens may be on top-’ : ics( of Ipciii, stale, national or international’I issues, , An effort Will be made to print all let'^ i lers, provided they are not libelous', Vulgar or in poor tastci Hie editor reserves the right: to edit letters for grammar and for space. > All letters shpuld iitclude the naiiie and address of the writer, including a signature. ^ A telephone number, not to be published^ is also requested. •, Please have ieliers in the newspaper of-j flee no.Inter than 4 p.m. Monday of (he j ,V(eek ,t6 be published Davie County Eh-i terprise Record P.Ö, Box, 99, Moolcs ville, o r,eп ^ a ||¡^ ;'g r^ In The Mail...DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 15, 2004 - 3 Ask The Hard Questions Of County Commission Candidates To ihc editor; Fellow Davie Couniy volcrs, please lake oul Iasi week's edition of Ihe Enlerprise Record and make sure to read the front page nr- licle nbout the couniy commissioner cnndidules nnd please read belween Ihe lines. These aro really Ihe people lhal decide whal you gel in this couniy for your schools nnd in Iho pusl 20 plus yenrs, they have done a piliful job. Make sure lo nsk Ihem the lough ques­ tions between now nnd July 20 and make sure they answer you. As I hnve wrillen before, wc ure woefully overcrowded nt Davic High and have been for years. Tho high school holds 1,350 slu­ dents and had 1,600 Ihis year and Ihe class of 2007 is slaled lo hnvc 2,050. Simple malh, really. This past year's freshman clnss had 450 and bolh Soulh Duvie Middle and North Davie Middle were right al 1,600 lolal. I have given you my 35 Irailer story before for 2007. We budly need nnolhcr middle school. We will need nnolhcr elementary school soon as fasi ns the couniy is growing - so fust Ihut wo cun'l keep up. And there in lies the problem wilh the pusl jobs of the commissioners. Nothing hns renlly been done ns far as our schools and bonds nre concerned since before Iho 1990s. No­ body wanted lo lalk lo our residenis aboul our laxes increasing, thus leaving our poor sludents in Ihc lurch, wiih Ihese overcrowded schools. Talk 10 Ihe 40 plus people who served on Ihe School Bond Task Force Iasi year and how they feel ihey were submarined by a lol of Ihe commissioners. Tiiey can loll you lols of good stories. Wlinl they gave the school board nnd commissioners und whul finully ■ cnme out in the wash was nowhere close to what their long liours Howard’s Campaign Professional To the editor: Hnls off lo Julia Howard for llie professional wuy she has handled her campaign. Whilo il seems like every piece of mnil seni by her opponenl nnd every newspnper nd is nnolhcr vicious ulliick ugninsi her, Juliu hns remained ihe lady she has always been. In Julia’s ads she lolls ofher failh, lier family, and her love for her couniy, nnd sinle. Julin docsn’i even sircss ihc wonderful job she’s done for Duvie Couniy, und how hurd she’s worked for us, but for Ihosc of us who know Julin we don’l need lo be lold. Am I a friend of Julia’s? You bei I nm, nnd proud of ll. Do I have lo loll you who I'm voting for? If you care aboul Davie Couly you ’II vole for Julia loo. i Joanne Osborne Mocksville Lambert For School Board To Ihe editor; I would like lo wrile a icllcr in support of Carl Lnmberl, candl- dnle for the Duvie County School Bourd. I hnve known Cari, his wife Kim and Iheir three childrcn for several years. Carl has been . netive in Ihe community, especiniiy wilh organlznllons thnt promote , Ihe well being of all children. He has spenl countless hours wllh Ihe Dnvle Fnmily YMCA and Ihe Davie County Uniled Way, just lo name ft few of the programs. 1 have also observed Curl nltendlng his chiidcn’s extracurricular nclivilies und cheering'for them and their teammates during sporting evenis. He would be a wonderful school board member because he certainly enres for nnd hns Ihe best inler­ esl of the children of Dnvie Couniy al heart. Kelly Alexander Mocksville We Need Julia Howard In Davie To the edilor: We need Julia Howard in Davie County. She goes out of Iter way to help the people of Dnvie profession­ nlly nnd personally. She subscribes lo nil Ihe newspnpors in her dlslricl (13 lolal) and sends Idlers of commendation lo ihe citizens who hnve nchleved imporlnnl milestones in their lives. Thai’s a job wilhin ilself. She supports Storehouse for Jesus, got free breakfast for kinder- gariners, and supports Ihe scouting program. These nre jusl n few of Ihe Ihings she hns done for Dnvie Couniy. I consider Julin Howurd u friend of mine und usked her lo help my giri scouis enrn ihcir citizenship budges. She had lo be in Ruleigh the next day bul was there at 8:30 al nighl, wilh rain pouring down, lielping my giris. I don’l know of anybody else who would go oul of Iheir way to do lhal. Bollom line - she is a professionnl when needed and n homo lown counlry girl when Ihe occnssion rises. She is one of us, so vote for Julia Hownrd on July 20. The girls und I urc pulling for you. Sylvin Kenlon Giri Seoul Louder, Troop 912 Cub Seoul Lender, Troop 584 Asst. Seoul Master, Troop 555, Advance D A V I E C O U N T Y E N T E R P m /E i^ l^ E C O R D USPS 149-160) 171 S Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mooksvllle, NC 27028 (336) 751-2120 Published weekly by Ihe Davie Publishing Co. DwIght Sparks................................ Robin Fergusson............................General Manager Mike Barnhardt...............................Managing Ed tor Ray Tutterow..................................Adverll^ng Director pi,,g .............................Sports Editor Mary Uynne Baysinger..................circulatlon/Classllled Mocksville Enterprise Davie Record Cooleemee Journal 1916-1958 1899-1958 1901-1971 Pcriodiculs Poslnge Paid in Mocksville, NC 27028 Subscription Rules Single Copy, 50 Cents $20 Per Ycur In N.C,, $25 Oulside N.C. I’OSTMASTER Send Address Chnnges to; Duvie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 spenl toiling nwny on the task force rc.scmbled. Chock the stnlcments of curreni Commissioner Richard Poindexier: now he loves Duvie Couniy und nil Ihnl, bul nowhere in his sialemenl does he nddress our schools. He Inlks uboul reduc­ ing our lux burdens, but thut doesn'i Iielp our overcrowding schools. Ask the school bourd or Ihe School Bond Task Force how lie "helped" oul wilh last March's school bond. Ken White, I know was a major force behind our school situu- tion and hns helped in every Way possible. He Inlks in llie puper uboul "educulion being an inveslinenl for our future, not an ex­ pense." He was proud of Ihe new school bond lhat we passed, help­ ing in renovations and teacher supplements. Looks like n good wny lo vote lo me. It’s hard to figure Clarence Spillmnn as ull he wnnts lo do is wuteii the county's dollars. That usually means no lax increases which means no new schools if you can't gel any new tax dollars. A no vote there. And al.so for Raymond Clark. He said Ihe snme thing as Mr. Spillman. Just wants to watch our couniy tnx doilnrs. The rest of the cundidntes were hnrd lo tell. They nil seemed lo hnve good Ihings lo say but nobody said anylhing aboul our schools nnd whnt Ihey wore going lo do nbout Ihe overcrowding situation. Gel o'll nnd nsk them some queslions. ll is going lo be very impor- Innt for Ihe long run of Duvie Couniy und our .school system. The school board can make all ihe requests Ihey want bul Ihe Davie County commissioners conlrol the dollars. John Nelms, Hillsdale Mocksville Mayor Endorses Ken White To Ihc edilor: We are indeed fortunate to live in a community where so many people aro willing to step forward and run for public office, ll is a great sncrifice nnd unfortunately, as I know only too welt, often a '‘thankless" job. I am impressed by llie quulity und buckground of tho cundidnlos who are running for couniy commissioner. Wilh Ihrcc seats open, wc need our best and brightest. I think Ihnl Ihe past is often one of ihe best predictors of ihe fu­ ture. Wo lcam and profit from pnst experience or we can make Ihc sume mistnkes ngnin. Duvie County nnd Mocksviile should be very grateful for the effort Ihut Ken White pul forth lo reopen Dnvie Couniy Hospilni and our emergency room. After the many years I worked there, I simply could not imagine our communiiy without one. Yet, lhal is exactly where we were four years ago. If you were lo ask the chair of our Economic Development Commission, Terry Bralley, he would be the first lo lell you il is very difficult lo recmil industry without a hospilal. If you needed n doctor quickly in Ihe middle of the night, without an emergency room, you would huve lo drive to Winslon-Salem, Stutesville or Salisbury. Having access lo emergency heallh care is imperative. When he ran for office, Ken said he would work lo reopen the hospitaj. He kept his promise and today our communiiy Is beiler beciiuse of it. He certainly did not do it alone and Ken would be Ihe first lo say so. Bul in my opinion, for thal one accomplishment alone, we should re-eleci him. I do not want lo seo our hospilal or emer­ gency room ever close again. We need lo keep Ken Wliite ns n Dnvio Couniy commissioner. Dn Frnncis W. Slnle, Mnyor, Cily of Mocksville Too Many Developers On County Board To Ihe editor: Tito recent candidate forum sponsored by Woodmen ofthe World was informative and gave a citizen an opportunity to hear first hand from the candidates. I apprecinte Jack Koontz helping organize and modornling. Many spoke of tlieir community .services and volunteer efforts. Time is important. Growth seems lo be one of the biggesl issues lhat our county faces. Il has caused pressure on our schools, our water plnnls, our umbulance service, our sheriff's department and ail of our couniy agencies. Growtli is not necessarily a bad thing, if we nrc prepared for it. Il woukl appear that instead of us managing the growth, the growth has been managing us. Perhaps I nm alone In my thinking, bul mosl of all this pressure will come from residential construclion. We have a Demoeral who is u developer running, Ihen we have a curreni commissioner who is a building conlrnclor, nnolhcr Republicun enndidnte who Is u builder nnd another Republican candldule who owns a building supply. If three seats were held by people in Ihe building Industry, that would constitute a majority. Would lhat be a conflict of interest? Would subdivisions always be'approved? Would umanaged'growlh occur? Would our fnmts and rural sellings be subject lo rezoning Ken White Endorsement To Ihe edilor: In le.ss lhan a week, we will elcct Ihe folks who will be making Ihe decisions lhal will effect our lives and community. This will lake place nl nil levels, locnl nnd stnte. I um writing lodny uboul our local election. I have lived here many years and four years ago, we clecled Iwo men, Dan Barrett and Ken While to our board of commissioners lhal in my opinion mnde as big a difference to our board. Truthfully, I did nol know Mr. Burrell, who is now running for governor. I wish him the bcsl as lie did a great deal for all of us. Ken White’s servicc has been no surprise lo me. I had already experienced his leadership skills first hand when he served as Ihc chnir al our church’s $1.5 million building project. When he said ho wanted lo keep our laxes low by recruiting industry I asked him how lie would do that. He said first wc will have lo make our community atlrnclive, we musi improve our wuter nnd sewer services, re-opon tlie hospilni und work lo iinvo the best schools. He helped our fire dcpnrlments get udditionnl funding un(| he helped us get lights ut the Smilh Grove footbnll field. A few monlhs ugo, 1 was at the ceremony for my nephew lo receive the coveted Eagle Scout Badge, This look place nl n church in unolher couniy, yet when I looked oul in Ihe uudience, Ihcre wus Ken Wliite. I huve nlwnys ijcen imprc.ssed nl his commitment to our youlh, be il our Scouts or Little Longue. If you have never heard Ken speak, you have missed the opporiunity to hear from n Murine veterun who truly loves Ainericn nnd the blessings of liberty thnt our service people hnve sucrificed 10 preserve. As u former bunker nnd n graduate of UNCG’s MBA program, I am glad to see elected loaders with solid business judgment. Wc have experienced some turbulent limes in America over the Inst few years. It is during those limes we really test our leaders and their cnpnbilitics. Ken White has proven his metal. Never knowing whnt the future holds, I prefer experience and proven leadership, I'll take the Marine wilh the Fortune 500 experience. We need to re-elect Ken White, Kevin J, Robinson Mocksville nnd then be cut up into puvcd streets und building lots? Would we need more school space? Would we need more wuter lines? Would wc hnvc more irnrfic? Oh, und would we need lo pny more luxes lo pay for the services all these houses Ihnl would be buill require? Something lo tliink nbout Davie Couniy wlien we choose our lead­ ers. Dwayne S. Cookson Mocksville On The Campaign Trail Barrett At The Coast F o llo w in g is a ll account o f Week 10 o f D an D arren's w alk across N orth C a ro lin a In /ili bid fo r the R epublican nom ination fo r governor. Jtily 6 Slarled off aboul 7 n.m. in easlem Lenoir County. It’s going lo be a scorcher. Reached Jones Couniy about 7:15 n.m. Visited with some fellows nl n Foodmnrt who were sipping coffee und solving Ihe world’s problems. They lold me aboul n bnckwny to gel lo New Bern down Roud 1005 (old 70). They suid il wus going lo be hot. I snid I wns getting u.sed lo it. When 1 expluined Ihul 1 hud worked in the cotton and tobacco fields of Scolinnd Couniy, Ihey seemed more confident I might mnke it. Veered off on 1005. Wnlked into Craven County. Snid hello to a beautiful brown horse and gave him a handful of coreni from Ihe box of cereni 1 wus enting. He seemed npprecintive. Reached the small community of Dover. Folks are real friendly and wave ns they drivo by. In Dover, visited al BW Whilley and Son Grocery, which is run by Lee Whilley. The slore has been in llie Whitley family for 3 generntions, nnd nl the sume locntion since 1947. John Weiheringlon, who is running for tlie NC House, wns there nnd he introduced me to everyone who cnme in ns the “ next governor."The Indy working the cash regisler knew folks from Dnvie County, including Frunk Myers, Lee Curtner, nnd Phil Rucker. The road from Dover lo Cove CUy, som e 8 mllcB сав», .le “etraleht as an arrow.” You can see for a long ways. The railroad ^ track runs on the right side of the rond for miles, nnd on the left is rich fnrmland. Reached Cove City, another sm all farm ing com m unity. Visited in Cove Cily Flower Shop and talked lo Su.snn who owns Ihe shop. Her falher hud farmed in Ihe community and now her cousins farm cotton on lhat land. We lalked about cotton scouting, which I had done in Scotland County growing up. She said llial Ihere was no work for the teenagers anymore because Ihey used lo work on Ihe cotton nnd tobncco fnrms nnd thut work is no longer Ihere. Slopped nt Covo Cily Com­ munity Murt and talked to John Allinen, who runs the slore. His slore had been there since the laic 1920s. John lold about how there used lo be another store across the street und customers from his slore und llie other store would throw beor bottles ucross the street ul euch olher. 1 stopped lo help Joyce Brown hung u bird feeder in a tree in her yard, i had a height advnnlago. Joyce’s dad had been Cove City's mnyor for mnny years. She was not a fan of the current governor nnd put up a “Barrett for Governor" sign in iier yard. Visited Phiiiipin Whaley, nnd her dnughter Cnscy, nt n fnmily grocery further down ihe street. Continued On Page 4 Got An Opinion? Add your vote to our weekly online poll that asks questions affecting you and Davie County. Log on at www.enterprise-record.com and click on reader’s poll to cast your vote. Results will be listed here weekly. Should school students be required to wear uniforms? Yes, 67% No, 33% 1Ш \n Log on now to cast your vote on the newest question; www.enterprlse-record.com 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 15,2004 V O T E ^ T o m F le m in g Please Vote July 20th, 2004. Thank You. Republican Candidate for Davie County Comm issioner Paid (or hy Tom Fleming, Candidate Life Long Davie County Resident VOTE KSiHjDBfflssassOTfflerasB DAPHNE DAVIE COUNTY COMMISSIONER 7 will work for and with the people of Davie County to Continue mal<ing Davie a great place to live and worl<. ” I would appreciate your VOTE on JULY 201 _________ Paid for by Daphne Frye Ф- V O T E F O R F R A N K M IT C H E L L N .C . H O U S E I'm voting for FRANK MITCHELL because he has always voted to help Davie and Iredell Counties. If all Republicans had voted for George Holmes, the state representative from Yadkin County, he would have been Speaker of the House, and would have been able to use the power of that office to help Davie and Iredell Counties. For this reason, I am supporting and working for F R A N K M IT C H E L L This Ad courtesy of Gilbert Boger, former State Representative and Senator from Davie County. Paid ior by Frank Ivlitchell for N. C. House Committee Town O K s Zoning Changes For Super Wal-Mart Center Conliniiud I<'roin I’ligc i fiicilily as we're going lo hnve," Junker snid. "If we hnd nol had an ordinance wilh hmdscnplng every driving lane, I Ihink wc would hnve rcccivcd ii proposal wilh no nisles." The pnrking lot will slill be lanilscnped, jusl every four in- slend of Iwo driving Inn'e.s. The building fncndc require- menl Ihnl Ihere be a door or win­ dow every 50 feel wns waived, nccording lo planner John Gnllimore. because Ihe planning bonrd didn't wnnt lo hann Ihc inlenial working of the business. Thnt would have prevented Ihc nonnal stores inside Ihe stores typically found in Super Wal- Marts. Instead, Ihe board is requir­ ing other nrchitectunil features to try lo elminale the look of n long, drab building front. "You've gol two different towns here nnd we’re trying lo rncsh them together ... down­ lown Mocksvillc niid Ihe inler- stnte," Junker snid. Tim Scoggin with Common­ wenlth wns Ihc only person lo speak al Ihc public henring, ad­ mitting that he wns not expect­ ing the numerous meetings and long discussions wilh staff mem­ bers. “Wc fell like these were Ihc minimum changes wc could live with and slill have a successful projcct," Scoggins said. “Wc think this is a very good com- promi.se.” Construction will begin ns soon ns permits nre acquired, he •said, wilh the Super Wnl-Mnrt opening in curly June of next yenr. There will be nn adjaceni nrea for separnic shops. Don't expect the conslruclion boom on Ihe 1-40 corridor lo stop wilh Wal-Mnrt. “This is not the only request thut is oul Ihere," Gnllimore snid. “There arc other retailers look­ ing nt Mocksville.” Barrett W a lk s D ow n E a st Continued Kroin Page 3 I'hillipin says she wns named for her father, I’hillip, when she was the first born child. Ironically, her parents liud four boys nfler her. Tempcrnlure rcuched Ihe high yOs, wilh n heni index closc to 110. Fellow who had retired afler working for Ihe DOT for well over .30 years stopped lo talk. He ntade it clear he wus looking for a change in the governor's office. Lady drove up and gnve me a thumbs up about my walk. She said, “If you're willing lo walk in Ihis hem, you’ve gol my support." I thoughi to myself Ihnt Ihe hem wnlking would be like the “hent" once you gel elected; you’ve just gol to keep on going. Slopped und talked on a Morehead City Radio Show wilh Ldekwood Phillips. Lockwood snid Ihnt my wulk hnd brought u lot of positive publicity for Ihe cumpaign. Spoke lo Ihe Craven Counly Commissioners. Bill Harper, one of the county commissioners and a strong supporter, invited me lo Ihcir meeiing, and everyone wns renl nicc. Robert und Suzunne Greene, und Ihcir son Austin, invited Duslin, my ussislnni, nnd me lo stay in their home. Suznnnc hns done u grent job ns my cnmpuign coordinntor in Crnvcn County. Cheeked in wilh my Mom before going to bed. My Dnd, svho hus been very ill with cnnccr, hud u rough duy, bul ihcy felt he hnd .stubilized, July 8 Learned that my Dad died. I hud been with Dud the weekend before he died. Wc gol lo Inlk ubout Ihe importunt things. Even in his illness, Dnd hnd been keenly interested in my cumpaign. As u three term city councilman in Laurinburg, he had a strong interest in public scrvicc. During our last con­ versation, Dnd clasped his hands together. I asked him what he mcnnt. He snid, “I feel il (Ihe campaign) coming together, jusl like this." Dnd told me lo keep on with the wulk nnd Ihe cnmpuign. I told him he’d be wnlking wilh me. Donuld Wnllnee Burrell; Febninry 24,1924 - July 7,2004. Loving husbnnd nnd fnther, church nnd community leader; “good nnd fniihful servnnt." REPUBUCANS “SW i) O lT ” Here Are The FACTS: The House was tied 60 Democrats to 60 Republicans when Five Republicans, including .iulia Howard, voted for Richard Morgan as Co-Speaker. Then what happened to the Republican Party in the General Assembly? Richard Morgan and Julia Howard gave in to Democrat Speaker Jim Black. Republicans and Democrats were supposed to share power. What really happened: Democrats got 98 committee leadership posts. Republicans got 54. Democrats got sole chairmanships of powerful Rules and three important Judiciary Committees. Julia Howard’s vote to sell out the Republican Party in Raleigh really did hurt the GOP. It really hurt the conservative cause. Paid for by Frank Mitchell I'or N.C. House Committee D i s t r i c t C o u r t DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July IS, 2004 - 5 Tlie following eases were heard In OavIc Dislrict Courl on July 8. PresicHng: Judge Ted S. Royster. Pro.secullng: Kevin Benle and Curllon Terry. Assistanl DAs. - Terry L. Bailey, aiding and abelling impaired driving, dis- mi.ssed. - Donnie L. Beaver, safecrnck- ing and larceny, dismissed per re- iiue.st of prosecuting witness. - John F. Blake, simple nssault, nol guilty. - Michael A. Boblllz, second degree trespassing, sentenced lo 10 dnys in jail, suspended one year, slay nwny from Cooleemee Elemen- lary School, assessment, cost. - Mntthew R. Booe, carrying n eohcealcd weapon, prayer for judg­ ment continued on cost, relnm knife lo defendnnl; exceeding posted speed, dismissed per plea. - Antonio A. Cnmacho, DWI, sentenced lo 60 dnys In jail, sus­ pended two years, $ 100, cost, credit for assessment, surrender license, not lo operate a motor vehicle until licensed by DMV, 24 hours commu­ nily service and fee; open container afler consuming alcohol, dismissed per plea. - John D. Campbell Jr., DWI, sentenced lo 60 dnys in jnil, sus­ pended two yeurs, $ 100, cost, credit for nssessmenl, surrender license, nol lo operate a molor vehicle until licensed by DMV, 24 hours commu­ nity service; driving wllh llecn.se revoked, dismissed per plen. - Jennifer Conway, speeding 80 in a 70, rcduced lo improper equip­ ment, cost. - Amanda Cowden, simple as­ sault, dismissed per request of pros­ ecuting witness; safecracking, dis­ missed per request of proseeuling witness; felony Inrceny, dismissed per reiiuesi of pro.secullng wilness. - Gary A. Dowell, DWI, sen­ tenced lo 24 months in prison, sus­ pended two yenrs, credit for 38 dnys Irenlmenl, $.‘<00, cost, subslnnce nbuse nssessmcnl/lrealmenl, surren­ der license; unsealed wine/liquor In passenger area and no operalors li­ cense, dismissed per plea. - Timolhy B. Eccles, driving wilh license revoked, rcduccd lo no operalors license, sentenced lo 60 days in jnil, suspended one yonr. cost, nol to operate n molor vehicle unlil licensed by DMV, nol lo vio­ late current probation; driving with license revoked, reduced lo no op- ernlors license, consolidate wilh prior charge. - Murk D. Ellis, driving wilh li­ cense revoked, reduced lo no opera­ lors license, senleneed to 60 dnys In jail, suspended one yenr, $325 attorney fee, $S0, cost. -Anthony Evans Jr.,'speeding 94 In n 70, reduced to 74 In a 70, prayer for judgment continued on cost. - Leslie E. Frnnklin, federal safely Inspeclion violation, rcduced to impropei' equipmenl, $ 100, eosl; motor carrier log book violation, dismissed per plea. - Vnnn P. Frye, simple worthless check, di.smissed per civil settle­ ment. - Raymond B. Onrner, misde­ meanor probation violation oul of county, sentenced lo 30 dnys In jail. - Tommy L. Olbbs, misde­ meanor larceny, dismissed. - Kyle E. Gilley, speeding 93 in a 70, prayer for judgment continued on cost. - Brinn R. Ooughnour, injury to real properly, second degree tres­ passing, dismissed per request of proseeuling wilness. - Melissa R. Gullege, speeding 78 in a 55, reduced to 64 in a 55, cost; possession/display of altered/ fictitious/revoked drivers license, prayer for judgment continued 30 dnys. - Jennifer E. Hnhne, misde­ meanor possession of schedule VI controlled subslnnce, dismissed per request of prosecuting witness. - Robert W. Harmon, misde­ meanor probation violation, sen­ tenced 10 120 days In prison, credit for 49 days served in jail. - Silvero Hernandez, speeding 70 in n 55, reduccd to improper equipment, cost. - Ashley R. Hollmnn, Inrceny by employee, reduced lo mlsdemennor Inrceny. ()raycr for judgment contin­ ued on cost. - Rufus D. Hunter, speeding 74 in n 55, dlsmis.sed per plen; driving wilh license revoked, reduced to no operalors license, sentenced lo 45 days in jail, suspended one year, cost. - Fernando L. Ibnrrn, driving wilh license revoked, reduccd lo no operalors license, sentenced lo 45 days in jnil, suspended one year, $130 attorney fee, $50, cost, not lo operale n molor vehicle unlil li­ censed by DMV; renr lamps viola­ tion, dLsmissed per plea. - Melissa A. Jeffconi, injury lo personal properly, dismissed per request ofproseculing wilness. - Dale J. Johnson, possession of marijuana up lo half ounce and re­ sisting n public officer, sentenced lo 20 days in jail, credit for 21 days served; possession of drug pnru- phernnlia, dismissed per plea. - Dante J. Kimbrough, nssnult with u dendly wenpon, dismissed per vnlid self defense cinim. - Lindsay M. Kost, .speeding 71 in n 55, license/permit no super­ vised driver under 18, open eon- Ininer nfler consuming alcohol, dis­ missed per plea; driving nfler con­ suming, prayer for judgment con­ tinued on cost. - Tracey M. Masscngill, resist­ ing n public ofncer, simple assaull, sentenced to 45 days In Jnil, credit for 52 dnys served. - Dnvid G. Mayhew, driving wilh license revoked, prayer for judgment conlinued on eosl. - Shawn C. McClure, misdc- mcnnor possession of schedule VI controlled substance, dismissed per plea; possession of drug pnrapher- nulin, sentenced to 45 days In jnil, suspended one yenr, cost, evidence ordered destroyed; driving with li­ cense revoked, rear lamps violalion, dismissed per plea. - Jamie D. Miller, exceeding safe speed, dismissed per civil settle­ ment. - Shelly A, Monroe, speeding 90 in n 70, reduced to cnrelcss/reckless, prayer for judgment continued on cost. - Beverly H. Morgnn, reckless driving lo endanger, prnyer for judg­ ment conlinued; failure to report accidenl, dismissed per plen. - Steven T. Parker, DWI, sen­ tenced 10 60 days in jail, suspended Iwo years, $ 100, eosl, credit for ns- scssmenl, surrender license, nol to operate a motor vchicle until li­ censed by DMV, 24 hours commu­ nity service. - Tasha L. Perrell. DWI. sen­ tenced lo 24 months in prison, sus­ pended two years, $500, cost, sub­ stance abuse assessmenl/lrcatmenl. surrender license, $390 nlloniey fee. $50; possession/displuy of ullered/ ficlitous/revoked drivers license, driving wilh license revoked, pos­ session of open conlainer/consum- ing nicohol in passenger nrea, pos­ session of marijuann up lo half ounce, nnd hnbilual Impaired driv­ ing, dismissed per plea; possession of drug puraphemalin, senleneed lo 122 dnys in prison, suspcndeil two yenrs, al expiration of prior sen­ tence. • Vincent L. Pelligrcw, driving Icfl of cenler, reduced lo unsufc movement, prnyer for judgment conlinued on cost; hil/run full lo slop for properly dumage, dismissed per plea. - Reyes 0. Ramirez, DWI, .sen- lenced lo 60 dnys in jail, suspended Iwo years, $100, eosl, subslance abuse assessmcni/lrenlmeni, surren­ der liccnsc; open conlnincr nfler consuming alcohol, driving Icfl of cenler, dismissed per plen. -Tammy L. Sejf, simple assault, dismissed per rc({ucsl of prosecut­ ing witness. - Loretta D. Sloan, driving wilh license revoked, reduced lo I'aihire lo notify DMV of address change, sentenced lo 60 days In jail, sus­ pended one year, cost; ficlilious info to officer, dismissed per plea. - William T. Spillman, false re­ port to police station, reduced lo harassing phone call, prayer for judgment continued on cost. - Darrell M. Slaniey, DWI, sen­ tenced to 60 days In jail, suspended two yenrs, $ 100, cost, credit for as­ sessment, surrender license, not lo opernte a motor vehicle unlil li­ censed by DMV, 24 hours con\n\u- nily service plus fee; driving lefl of cenler. dismissed per plea. - Makia O. Slaves, speeding 102 in n 70, reduced lo cureless/reckless, prayer for judgment conlinued on cost. - Joseph S. Thomas, possession of marijuana up lo half ounce, dis­ missed per plen; possession of drug paraphernalia, prnyer for judgment conlinued, eosl, 10 hours commu­ nity servico. ovidence ordered de­ stroyed; driving with licensc re­ voked, rcckless driving lo endanger, dismissed per plen. ■■ Michnel K. Trill, driving wiih license revoked, reduced lo failure lo notily DMV of address change, cost; speeding 52 in a 35, expired/ no inspeclion sticker, dismissed per plea. - Landon F. Vaughn, DWI and failure lo rcduce speed, dismissed per molion lo conlinuo denial. - Eric W. Wnrd, snfccrncklng. dismissed per re(|uesl of prosecut­ ing witness. - Oeorgin F. Watkins, speeding 70 in n 55, reduced lo improper equipmenl, eosl; open conlniner uf­ ler consuming alcohol, reduced to open container in passenger nrea. sentenced lo 45 dnys in jail, sus­ pended one year, cost. - Larry M. While, driving wilh license revoked, rcduced lo failure to nolify DMV of uddress change, cost. - Crnig S. Williams, driving wllh licensc revoked nnd operaling a ve­ hicle with on insurance, dismissed per plen; driving wiih license re­ voked. reduced lo fnilure lo notify DMV of address chnnge, sentenced lo 60 days in jail, suspended one year, cost. - Randy Woolen, comniunical- ing threats, nol guilty. - Timolhy Young, simple assaull, dismissed per request of prosecut­ ing wilness. Fniled To Appenr: - Oscar Blackwell, allowing dogs lo run nt night. - Michael J. Dalland, driving wilh license revoked, fictitious Info lo officer. • Julie H. Heusle.ss, driving wilh license revoked, expired regislra­ lion cnrd/lag. - Marcos 0. Paulino, driving wilh license revoked, failure lo yield, DWI. - Curtis B. Poole, DWI, open conlnincr ufler consuming nicohol, driving wilh license revoked, unsnfe passing on yellow line. - Sean R. Rankin, expired/no inspeclion slicker, operaling n vc­ hicle wilh no insurance, driving wilh license revoked. I n P a in ? S tr e s s e d ? Bryan Cudd, LMBT License #3979 Localcd al: X atiu’c s G ifts 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 ^ 2 9 2 C e U ;3 3 G -9 0 9 4 )6 2 6 Bring T hb Ad for ’ 10 Off 1 st Visit Do you believe marriage is between one man and one women? If s o ,vote Nathan Tabor on July 20*^ wvvw.NathanTabor._com [Paid for by fnbor rofCongrcsHlnc.] VIRGINIA FOXX FOR CONGRESS P e r f o r m a n c e i s B e t t e r T h a n a P r o m i s e ! Record of Senator* Foxx E l e c t a b i l i t y 1. Elected to 8 svic of public .service. Record of Her Opponents \. Four h a ____________________ .qprve. Three have lost 9 elections. Tlw Repiihlicnti Nomime MUSI Ш a П т ш й . iu Novmkrl "1 thank God every day for the energy he gives me to work hard, the common sense he gives me to sustain my values, and the reivards he blesses me with through helping others. My success in life is based on tliese three blessings. ^ y o t m M u 2Qtliioill help me to serve you. Tliis election is about you, not me and not the other candidates." - Senator Virginia Foxx S u c c e s s i n B u s i n e s s 2. Built n succc,s.s(ii-l bu.sine.ss that has prospered for 28 yoars. She was nam ed "G uardian of Srnall Business" byNFIB. C o n s e r v a t i v e V a lu e s 3. Voted pro-life. Co-sponsored all bills against partial birth abortions. Endorsed repeatedly by N.C. Right To Life. Endorsed by Susan B. Anthony List. 4. Voted iQ deny gay marriage in 1996. Now co-sponsorlng am endm ent to define marriage as a union between one m an and one woman. 5. Voted for the Tr^n Com m andm ents to bo displayed in public scliools. 6. Vntnd to keep God in the Eledsa of 7. Voted for roncoaled weapons law in support of our Second Amendment. H as been endorsed repeatedly by NRA. O t h e r L e g i s l a t i o n ’s. Voted agfunsiaUsiatebiidgeiaihai raised taxe.s. 9. Voted with all Republicans for medical malpractice tort reform. 2. Broyhilll and Heivey led Jthfiir hiisinns.se.s into bankruptcy Robinson takes his ineoms fEom a tax-exempt that he totally controls. 3. No other candidate has ever voted on this issue. 4. In spite of rhetoric, no other candidate has ever voted on this issue. sever voted on this issue. 6. N o other candidate has ever voted on this issue. 7. N o other candidate has ever . voted on this issue. 8. N o other candidate has ever voted against statewide taxes. 9. No otlicr candidate has ever voted on this issue. Does Experience Count? You Bet It Does! PAID FOR BY FOXX FOR CONGRESS, R.B. SLOAN, FINANCE CHAIR 6 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 15,2004Public Records S h e r i f f ’s D e p a r t m e n t The following incidents wctc reporled lo the Davie Counly Sheriff's Departmenl. - On June 26 cruelly lo animals was reporled by Animal Cruelly In- vesligalor Depuly Mark Craler al a residence on Gladstone Rond, Mocksvillc. - Bryant Lyons reported a Ires- passer al a localion on Slonewood Road, Mocksville on July I. - On July 1 High Snodgrass re­ ported a laptop computer wns re­ moved from a vehicle at a rest area on MO. - Gary Polls reporled a 1986 Mazda vehicle was taken from a parking lot on U.S. 64 East, Mocks­ ville on July 1. - On July I Angela Garcia and Sondra Morgan reporled checks were taken and forged at a home on Fonzo’s Way, Mocksville. - Mary Sine reported a break in at Pinebrook School, Mocksville on July 2. - On July 2 three azalea bushes were reporled laken from a resi­ dence on N.C. 801 Soulh, Advance. - Palrick Lloyd reported a 1995 GMC truck was token from a park­ ing lot on U.S. 601 South, Mocks­ ville on July 3. - On July 3 James Schullz re­ ported a pressure washer was laken from a home on Williams Road, Mocksville. - Sabrina Yokley reported a li­ cense plate was laken off a vehicle parked at U.S. 64 West, Mocksville on July 3. - On July 4 Andrea Jones re­ ported threats were communicated at a business on U.S. 601 North, Mocksville. - Michael Passmore, Peter Arrington, and Sandra Parker re­ ported mailboxes were damaged at homes on Calvin Lane, Mocksvllle on July 5. - On July 5 Joy Lockhart re­ ported D carport was damaged at a home on Duke Whitaker Road, Mocksville. - Sterling Wooten reported a mailbox was dainaged at a home on Peoples Creek Road, Advanco on July 5. - On July 6 Ule Bomemorm re­ ported a license plate was tost or taken from a vehicle at a home on Aviara Drive, Advance, - Jeffrey Center reporled a dump trailer was taken from a work site near Bridgewood Lane, Mocksville on Jaly 6. - On July 6 David Straney re­ ported an allempled break in at a home on Junction Road, Mocks­ ville. - Amanda Carter reported a shoplifter at a store on N.C. 801 North, Advance on July 6. - On July 6 Carolyn Markland reported a window was damaged al a home on N.C. 801 South, Ad­ vance. - Charles Lewis reported chick­ ens were killed nt a home on Four Comers Road, Mocksvillc on July 7. - On July 7 Margeret Clawson reported a trespasser at a home on Rocky Knoll Trail, Mocksville. - Evelyn Shaw reported a 1993 Mitsubishi truck and cell phone were laken from a residence on Ken Dwiggens Drive, Mocksville on July 7. - On July 7 Charles Poole re­ ported tires were taken from a ve­ hicle parked in a field near Fairfield Road, Mocksvillc. - Stephen Correll reported prop­ erty was damaged at a home on Spear Road, Mocksvllle on July 8. - On July 8 Tina Ashburn re­ ported vehicle tires Were damaged at a location on N.C. 801 South, Mocksvillc. M o c k s v i l l e P o l i c e The following incidenis were reported to the Mocksville Police Department. - A man reported July I he was threatened by a neighbor at his home on Hardison Street. - The larceny of a bicycle from a residence In Windward Circle was reported July 2. - The larceny of a plant from an officc in Ihe Davie County Court­ house was reported July 6. - Someone lit paper towels on fire in un aisle at Wal-Mart, it was reported Ju8ly 4. - The larceny of a wallet, cell phone and olher items from a ve­ hicle parked on Railroad Street was reported July 3. - The larceny of a dog from a residence on Cherry Street wns re­ ported July 3. - The larceny of a dog from a resjdence on Raymond Street was reported July S. - The larceny of a licenso plate from a vehicle on Yadkinville Road was reported July 2. - A vehicle was damaged In a parking lot on Quality Drive, it was reported July 6. - The larceny of a dog from a residence on Avon Street was re­ ported July 4. - The breaking and entering of a residence on Whilney Road was re­ ported July 6. - The Inreeny of a pair of shoes from Wal-Mart was reported July 2. - The breaking, entering and lar­ ceny of a cell phone, DVD player, jewelry and Game Boy was reported July«. - The breaking, entering of a house on Center Street was reported July 9. - The breaking and entering of a business on Clement Street was re­ ported July 11. - The larceny of a bicycle from a yard on Wilkesboro Street was reported July 8. -ThelarcenynfSIO.OIworthof gasoline from Rushco, Salisbury Road, was reported July 8. Arrests - Osama Saad Hassin Ahamed, 31, of Sunset Drive Apt. 34, was charged July 5 with possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Trial dale: Aug. 26. -Janie Marie Shore, 26, of 239 Pine Ridge Road, was charged July 8 with larceny of animal. Trial date: July 15. - Palrick Stanley JÍoran, 20, of 156 Avon St., was charged July 9 with breaking and entering. Trial date; July 22. - Jason Rodney Clay, 20, of Win­ ston-Salem, was charged July 10 with possession of cocaine, posses- ’ sion of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Trial dale; July 10. - Miguel Zelnya Hemnndex, 34, of High Point, was charged July 8 with larceny. Trial date; July 22. - Carlos Humberto Espinoza, 22, of High Point, was charged July 8 with larceny. Trial dale; July 22. - Elezar Zuniga, 33, of High Point, was charged July 8 with lar­ ceny. Trial date; July 22. TVafflc Accidents - A Mocksville woman was charged wilh making an unsafe traf­ fic movement after a wrcck on Val­ ley Road at 10:29 a.m. July 3, Nelida Lomeli Solis, 20, of 361 Whitney Road, drove a 1998 Isuzu from Sanford Avenue onlo Valley Road, causing il lo strike a 2002 Chevrolet driven by Barbara Steelman Williams, 63, of Yadkinville, reported Officer R.M. Robbins. - A aranite Falls woman wns charged with driving left of center after a wreck on Depot Street at 3;50 p.m. July 11. Keisha Leigh Parker, 18,drovoa 1994 Nissan left of cen­ ter, causing it to strike a 2002 OMC driven by Clyde Wayne Ireland, 55, of 695 Cana Road, reported Officer R.M. Robbins. L a n d T r a n s f e r s The following land transfers were filed wilh Ihe Davic Regisler of Deeds, lisled by patties involved, ncreage, township and deed stamps purchosed, wilh $2 representing $1,000. - Shannon David Huggstrom and Erica Haggslrom lo Edward F. Kuhlenkamp and Christine L. Kuhlenkamp, 1 lot, Shady Grove, $498. - Benjamin Brent Forbis and Kathryn Lewis Forbis lo Benjamin - Brent Forbli, 1 lol, Shady Grove. - Bettjamln Brent Fotbl« to Jeremiah B. Gregory and Erin E. Baldwin, 1 lot, Shndy Grove, $289. i - Tho CIT Group/Consumer Fi­ nance to David Morehouse nnd Cheryl Cook, 1 lot, $140. - Nancy Monda Bowland and Jeffrey M. Bowland lo Lawrence Stephen Monda, I lol, $274. - Phillip Fisher nnd Yvonne Fisher lo Gary M. Mnyes nnd Knren D. Maye.s, 1 lol, Shady Grove. $31, - Randull D. Grubb and Ellen G. Orubb, Wade Dennis Orubb and Judy C. Grubb 10 Earl W. Porter and Carole R. Porter, 1 lot, Farmlnglon, $389. - Michael H, Rudy and Sharon E. Rudy lo Mark Anthony Harper and Churlona Brlstoe Harper, 2 tracts, Fnnnington, $416. - Leigh Alexnnder Walther and Daniel James Walther to Lisa 0. Salinger, I tract, Jerusalem, $135. - Eric Eugene McClannon to Ricky Gene McClannon and Sandra Leigh McClannon, 11.2 acres, • Gerald T. Bailing and Genevieve M. Easling to Gerald T. Easling, 7 lols. -BR 54910 KHS Limited, 1 lol, Fnrmingtun, $144. -BR 54910 KHS Limiled, I loi, Fanninglon, $125. - Donald Gray Angell and as trustee of the Brady Landreth Angell Trust, and Robbie H. Angell, Rich­ ard L. Angell and Carol K. Angell, and I). Dean Angell and Betty M. Angell to Ronald Jay Stroupe and Penny R. Stroupe, 11.78 acres, Mocksville, $166. - John J. Pointer and Judyanne Pointer 10 Jean Joyce Rogers, 1 lol, Fannington, $276. - David Anthony Beck and Su­ san Vance Beck to Jason Conley Daniel, 16,870 square feet, Jerusa­ lem, $103. - H. Terry Hutchens, substitute trustee lo Wells Fargo Home Mort­ gage, I lol, Mocksvllle, $111, - Michael R. Johnson to EMT Investors Group, 3,94 acres, Mocks­ ville. '■ - Karl O. Halgler and Rae K. Nelson to Jimmy Lee Foster, 1 con­ dominium, Farmington, $230. ^ - Floyd A. Nickerson to Gregorjo Roano-Jullan and Martha Alvarez Garcia, .26 acre, Mocksville, $179. - Curtis B. Keel and Diane Keel lo Lowell D. Smith and Lesa Smith, 2 tracts, $85. - Equity Management Partners to Robin Dowtin, 1 Iract, Mocksvllle, $60. F i r e s Dnvie County fire departments responded to Ihe following calls: July 2; Mocksville, 10:04 a.m.. Main Sircel, hazardous conditions; Mocksville, 11:17 a.m., Belhel Church Rond, business fire nlnnni Advnnce, 1:42 p.m., Bing Crosby Boulevard, residential fire alarm; Smilh Grove nssislcd; William R. Davic, 2:53 p.m.; Brantley Farm Road, smoke inveslignlion; Counly Line, 10:37 p.m.. Crescent Drive, explosion; Center assisted; Sheffield-Cninhain assisled; Counly Line, 1:03 p.m.. Battle Rond in Iredell Counly, nulomobilc accidcnl; Center nssislcd. July 3: Advnnce, 4:19 p.m., N.C. 801 South, struciute fire; Comalzer- Dulin assisted. ,luly 4: Center, 5:39 p.m.. Inter- stale 40 Cast, nulomobilc accident; Counly Line assisled; Advnnce, 5:39 A r r e s t s p.m., Beauchamp Road, lines down; Advance, 5:59 p.m., Montclair Drive, fire ninnn; Comntzer-Dulin nssislcd; Cooleemee, 6:22 p.m., Woodlenf Rond, fire alarm. July 5: Fork, 1:46 p.m., U.S. 64 East, vchicle fire. July 6: Advancc, 9:20 a.m.. Or­ chard Park Drive, gas leak; Smith Grove assisled: Jerusalem, 1:53 p.m., U.S. 601 Soulh, grass Are; Cooleemce assisled. July 7; Center, 3:22 p.m., Inter- stnle 40 East, automobile accident; County Line assisled. July 8: County Line, 12:11 p.m., Inlerstnie 40 West, automobile ac- cideni; Ccnlerassisted; Mocksville, 1:04 p.m., Polaris Drive, fire alarm; Fork assisted; County Line, 5:56 p.m.. Ridge Road, removalof smoke from residence; Smilh Grove, 9:55 p.m. July 9: Smilh Orove, 2:27 p.m., U.S. 158, automobile nccidem; Ad­ vance assisted. July 10: Smith Grove, 5; 15 p.m.. Ivy Circle, tranfonneron fire; Smilh Grove, 6:49 p.m., 1-40 East, auto­ mobile accident; Cenler, 6:52 p.m., 1-40 West, automobile accident; Farmington/SmithGrove, 6:57 p.m., 1-40 East, automobile accident; Smilh Grove, 7:07 p.m., 1-40 East, aulombile accident; Mocksville, 8:39 p.m., Davie Hospital, investi- galion; Cenler, 10:03 p.m., tree in roadway. July 11: Jerusalem, 2:08 p.m.. Pine Ridge Rond, automobile acci­ dent. July 12: Smilh Grove, 8:51 a.m., Bing Crosby Boulevard, fire alarm; Advance assisled; County Line, 10:26 o.m,, Interstate 40 East, ve­ hicle fire; Cenler assisted. - BR 549 lo Alan Fletcher Con­ struclion, 1 lot, Farmington, $107. - Alan Fletcher Construclion to George P. Brevard nnd Betty B. Brevard, 1 lot, Farmington, $107. - Charles T. Cunningham to Mary A. Cunningham, 1 golfdominlum, Farmington. - Campbell's Quality Properties to Campbell's Quality Properties, 1 lol, $41. - Oscar Burton Poindexter lo Gene Hartman Poindexter, 2 tracts. Shady Orove,; , . . ; - Mulvaney Homes to Davis, 1 lol, Farmington, $292. - Weslvlew Development co. to Mai^uis Building, 1 lot, Fomilngu ton; $77, ■' - Archie 6. Sanders and Hattie M. Sanders to Andrew Lee Sanders, 4 lols. - Wachovia Bank National As­ sociation to Loren F. Kahle Jr. and Richard A. Kahle, 1 villa, Farming­ ton. - E.J. Hanes Construction to Stanley L. Samoska and Deborah L. Samoska, 1 lol, Farmlnglon, $423. - Craig Carter, Builder to Glenn Cooper Harden and Robin Bowers Harden, 1 lot, Farmington, $390. - Boyce Russell Clodfelter and Richard Clodfelter to Barbara Ann Clodfelter, 1 lol, Jenisnlem. - Richard Clodfelter, Boyce Russell Clodfelter, Barbara Ann Clodfelter and as adminisfralrlx of Ruth Mayes Clodfelter esiale to Boyce Russell Clodfelter and Rich­ ard Clodfelter, I lol, Jerusalem. - LaSalle Bank to Sue Earnhardt, .57 acre, Jerusalem, $90. - Bank of the Caroliftas lo Sue Earnhardt, 1 lot, Jerusalem, $112. - Mulvaney Homes to Christo­ pher Yaroch, I lot, Farmington, $360. - Donald A. Thompson and Joan J. Thompson to Brian Jeffrey Spry and Linda S. Spry, 1 lol, Farming­ ton, $550. - BR 549 to Alan Fletcher Con­ struction 1 lol, Fannington, $144, - Alan Fletcher Construction to F. Claybome Canady,' 1 lot, Farm- •ingtjjn, ^44. ' j, --------- - John D. Relmer Jr. and Shirley J. Relmer, Thomas C. Newcomb and Gail S. Newcomb, George E. Relmer and Catherine Relmer, Dawn Relmer, John M. Relmer, Paul Relmer, nnd Heather Slolmaszyk and Edward T. Slelmaszyk, ,68 acre, Mocksvllle, $73. - Citirmancial Services to Barry Carter and Shiloh Carter, 1 lot, $290. - Jerry C. Seamon and Jane C. Seamon to Ruben Hernandez and Imelda Hernandez, .56 acre, Calahaln, $90. ’ - Jane Brown Whitlock and Barry J. Whitlock lo Daryl K. Groce, .6 acre, Farmington, $56. - Amy L. Herman nnd Kristina N. McColm lo Charlotte P. Bell, 1 lot, Farmington, $282, - Terry Dalton to Timothy Dolton and Carolyn Dnlton, .56 acre. - Robert C. Fisher nnd Kny Frnnces Fisher to James E. Walker, I lot, Farmington, $264. - Jose L. Melgares and Elsy I. Melgnres to Anthony Crandall nnd Katie P. Crandall, 1 lot, $182. - Michael Wayne M'ycrs to Joe Darryl Irwin and Amy Kntherine . Irwin, 1 lot, Shndy Grove, $395. - Jeffrey D. Hayes and Nancy Hayes to Christopher Jolm Slarre ■ and Susan Marie Slarre, 1 lot, $417, - Charles W. Hagerman to Eric Le Wilkins, 1.6 acres, Clnrksville, - Patricia Vest Sawyer llo Chris­ tina V. Dobbins, 4.24 acres, Farm­ ington. - Clyde H. Hendricks nnd Helen Hendricks, Raymond J. Markland and Ruth S. Markland to Robert Jackson Hendricks and Katherine 0. Hendricks, I lot, Mocksville, $24. - Daniel C. Kenney and Esther E. Kenney lo Christy E. Kenney, .91 acre. - Gary R. Blalock Jr. and Kym Blalock to Andy Fowler and Lauren Fowler, .41 acre, Mocksvllle, $199. - Lisa J. Newsome and Scott A, Newsome to Greta E. Nixon, I lot, Clarksville, $256. - Homes by Jonathan Lee lo Jef­ frey A. Eckmann and Doreen E. Eckmann, 1 lot, Farmington, $918. H i g h w a y P a t r o l The Davie Counly Sheriffs De­ partmenl made the following arresls: • MichacI David Mnhek, 37, of Linwood was arrested June 29 for failure lo appear. Trial dutc; July 15. - Dnvid Domingo Salvador, 27, of Greensboro wns anested July 1 fordriving with license revoked and ricliliousn-'gislralion.Trinl dnte: July 18. - Felder Fennea Lockhart,42, of Winslon-Salem was arrested July 1 forviolalionof pre-trial release. Trial dale: not listed. • Nonnan Bruce McCuiloch 111, 37, of 135 Rupert Trail, Mocksville was arrested July 2 forsimple worth­ less check. Trial dale; July 21 in Bladen Counly. McCuiloch was ar­ rested July 2 simple worthless check. Trial date; July 30 in Cumberland Counly, - Ronnie Lee Coble, 36, of 455 Mr. Henry Road, Mocksville was arrested July 2 for disorderly con­ duct by fighting, damage to prop­ erty. Trial date: July 15. - Brynn Edwnrd Thompson, 20, of 126 Sunset Drive, Mocksville was arrested July 2 for disorderly conduct for fighting and damage to property. Trial dale: July 15. - Christopher May Riddle, 26, of 149 Cable Lane, Mocksville wns arrested July 2 for possession of drug paraplieraalia. Triol date: July 15. - Howard Donald Sheckles, 25, of 175 Calvin Lane, Mocksvillc was anested July 3 for possession of marijuana, possession of drug para­ phernalia. Trial dale; Aug. 5. - Casey Michele Cooper, 17, of 175 Calvin Lane, Mocksvllle was anested July 3 for possession of marijuana, possession of drug para­ phernalia. Trial dale: Aug. 5. • Maikel Stanley Markiel, 43, of 185 Lakewood Village Drive, Mocksville was arrested July 5 for assault on a female. Trial date: July 8. - Joshua Eli Rummage, 32, of 1204 Spillman Road, Mocksville was arrested July 7 for child sup­ port. Trial dale: July 13, - Derrick Norman Davis, 42, of 710 Northridge Court, Mocksville was arrested July 8 for failure to appear. Trial dale: Aug. 9. - Briun Anthony Hughes, 21, of 860 Joe Road, Mocksville was ar­ rested July 8 for possession of sto­ len property. Trial dale: Aug. 5. - Gregory Edward Banentlne, 26, of 860 Joe Road, Mocksville wasurresled July 8for possession of stolen property. Trial date; Aug. 5. - Elieser Zuniga, 33, of High Point was anested July 8 for no operators license. Trial dale: July 22. The following traffic wrecks in Davie County were listed by the N.C. Highway Patrol. Charges Pending In Wreck Charges are pending after a wreck on July 3, Billy Gray Taylor of Yadkinville was driving his 1992 BMW vehicle east on U.S. 64 when an unknown vehicle traveling west on 64 merged into Ihe eastbdund lane and caused him to swerve his vehicle lo the righl. Taylor's vehicle ran off the righl shoulder, collided with о tele­ phone box, continued through a yard, and collided with a tree. Trooper A.A. Justice reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 3:30 p.m. and Taylor was taken lo Lexington Hospital for treatment. Vehicle Hydroplanes, Wrecks A Georgia man was charged wilh exceeding safe speed after he wrecked the vehicle he was driving July 4. Cary Eugene Ford of Lawrencevllle was driving his 1993 Lincoln vehicle west on 1-40 when it hydroplaned on the wet road. Ford's vehicle was driven off Ihe righl side of the road nnd collided with a median cable. Trooper M.T, Dailon reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 6:35 p.m. and there were no injuries. Wreck On Inlerslate No charges were filed after a wreck on July 4. Scott Alley Flaminio of Win­ ston-Salem was driving a 1992 Honda vehicle east on 1-40 when it hydroplaned on the wet road. Flaminio vehicle went off the lefl side of the road and collided wilh a tree limb then continued along the grass median inlo a wooded area and collided with trees. Trooper M.T. Dalton reporled the accident occurrcd at approxi­ mately 5:40 p.m. and Flomlnio was taken to Davie County Hospilal for treatment. Drunk Driver Wrecks Vehicle A Davie man was charged with DWI, hit and run, driving with li­ cense revoked, and reckless driving after Ihe vehicle he was driving hil another July 5. James Edward Atkins of 211 Notma Lane, Advancc was driving his 1991 Honda vehicle south on Boger Road. Atkins drove his ve­ hicle left of center and collided willi a parked 2005 Freighlliner iraclor- Irailer. After impact Atkins left the scene. Trooper M.T. Dalton reported Ihe accident occurred al approxi- malely 3 a.m. Collision On Interstate No charges were filed after a New Mexico man was involved in a collision on July 5. Michael A. Gallegos of Albu­ querque was driving a 2004 Freighlliner tractor-trailer west on 1-40 when il collided wilh n lire in the rondway. Trooper M.C. Howell reported the accident occurred al approxi­ mately 11:44 p.m. Wreck At Food Lion A Davie mun wns chnrgcd wilh failure 10 reduce speed after the ve­ hicle he was driving hil anolher July 5. Gary Roedigcr of 264 Spyglass Drive, Advnnce was driving his 1987 Isuzu vehicle west in liie Food Lion parking lol off U.S, 158. David Wanen Whitt of 26 Shallowbrook Drive, Advance was driving his 1989 Cadillac vehicle east in the parking lot. Roediger's vehicle col­ lided wilh Whitt's. Trooper M.C. Howell reported Ihe accident occurrcd at approxi­ mately 5:41 a.m. and ihere were no injuries. Vehicle Hits Tree In Road No charges were filed after a wreck involving a North Carolina man on July 5. Paul Michael Lacy of Mooresville wns driving his 1995 Ford vehicle west on 1-40 when it collided with a tree in the road. Trooper M.C. Howell reported the accident occurrcd at approxi­ mately ll;44 p.m, nnd there were no injuries. Vehicle Collides With Cow No charges were filed after a Continued On Page 7 H i g h w a y P a t r o l Continued From Page 6 wreck involving a Yadkin woman on July 5. Angela Reavis Sheek of Yadkinville was driving a 1989 Toyota pick-up north on U.S. 601. Sheek's truck collided wilh a cow in Ihc roadway. Trooper M.C. Howell reported the accidcnl occuncd al approxi­ mately 9:30 p.m. Vchicle Wrccks, Hits Bridge A Yadkin man was charged with failure to maintain lane control af­ ter he wrecked the vehicle he was driving July 6. Steven Thomas Lowry Jr. of Yadkinville was driving his 1988 Ford pick-up north on U.S. 601. Lowry drove his vehicle off Ihe right side of Ihe road, collided with a wnming sign, then collided wilh a bridge, and went down nn em­ bankment. Trooper M.C. Howell reported the accident occurred at approxi- • maiely 11:44 p.m. and there were, no injuries. Wrcck On Underpass Road A Davic man was charged wilh exceeding safe speed after he wrecked the vchicle he was driving July 7. Christopher WlnfrcyTolllson of 155 Roland Road, Mocksvllle was driving a 1993 Honda vehicic north on Underpass Rond when he lost control of the vehicle and went left of center. Tollison drove his vehicle off the right side of Ihe road and col­ lided with a fence. Trooper M.C, Howell reported the accident occurrcd at approxi­ mately 10:29 p.m. nnd there were no injuries. Vehicle Collide On Marginal No charges wore filed after a wreck on July 7. James Luther Boeltchcr of 366 Davic Academy Roud, Mocksville wns driving his 2004 Dodge pick-up south on Margina Street behind a 1993 Honda vehicic driven by Grace Smilh Forrest of 1443 Counly Home Road, Mocksville. Forrest slowed her vehicle lo make a left tuni and Boettcher's vchicle col­ lided with hers. Trooper M.C. Howell reported the accident oc­ currcd at approximately 5:59 p.m. nnd there were no Injuries. Woman Charged In Wrcck A Davie woman was chttrged with exceciiing safe speed after she wrecked Ihe vehicle she wns driv­ ing July 9. Joy Elnine Lellch of 38II U.S. 158, Mocksvillc wns driving her 1986 Honda vehicle soulheast on Milling Road when she drove off Ihe righl slioulder and collided wilh a bridge rail. Trooper A.A. Justice reported Ihe nccldcnt occurred at approxi- mnlely 7:15 a.m. and Ihere were no injuries. Collision On U.S. 158 A Davie man was charged wilh failure lo reducc speed after Ihc vc­ hicle he was driving collided with another July 9. Jerry Dean Bobbit of 162 Cedar Grove Church Rood, Advancc was driving his 1991 Mercedes vehicle west on 158 behind a 1991 Honda vehicle driven by Angela Dawn Clodfelier of Lexington. Both ve­ hicles had slowed for the traffic light nnd had started lo move for­ ward. Clodfelter stopped her vehicle again for the light and Bobbit's ve­ hicle collided with hers. Trooper A.J. Fanner reported Ihe accidcnl occurrcd at approximately 2:30 p.m. and there were no inju­ ries. Mnn Chnrgcd In Wrcck A Davie man was charged with unsafe movement aflcr the vehicic he was driving hit another July 10. Vinson Lee Davis of 4658 U.S. 601 North, Mocksvillc was driving his 1991 Mazda vehicle north on Fork Bixby Road. Timothy Andrew Miller of Clemmons was driving his 1997 Nissan pick-up soulh on Fork Bixby Rond. Dnvls failed lo see be­ fore mnking n lefl lum nnd his ve­ hicle collided with Miller's truck. Trooper A.A. Justice reported the nccldcnt occurred nt npproxi- mntely 10:30 n.m. Woman Wrecks Vchicle A Dnvie womnn was chargcd wilh exceeding safe speed after she wrecked the vchicle she was driv­ ing July 10. Amber Teresa Miller of 274 Kingsmill Drive, Advance wns driv­ ing her 1997 Honda vehicle nortii on Redland Road. Miller drove her vehicle off the right shoulder, col­ lided with a ditch and roud sign. Miller's vchicle then spun out of control across Redland Roud und cnme lo rest on the left shoulder. Trooper A.A. Justice reporled the nccident occurred ut npproxi- mnlely 5:10 a.m. Doth Drivers Churged In Wrcck Both drivers were charged nfler a wreck on July II. Melinda Jo Osborne of 127 Erwin Street, Cooleemee was driv­ ing a 1990 Isuzu vchicic east on Pine Ridge Rond nnd atlempling lo make a left turn inlo a private drive. Cnrol Crnndon Blnskievlch of Sniisbury wns driving her 2001 Dodge vehicle west on Pine Ridge. Osborne turned left into the path of Blaskeivich's vehicle and the two collided. Osborne was charged with failure to yield right of wuy. Blaskievlch was charged witii ex­ ceeding posted speed limit. Trooper A.J. Fanner reported the nccident occuncd at approximately 2:30 p.m. and Osborne was taken lo Forsylh Medical Ccnicr for trcninicnt. One Deer Hit In County One deer wns reported hit by an automobile in Duvie. In the follow­ ing accident no injury lo llie driver was reported; Seth Matthew Phillips of 181 Spry Lane, Mocksville was driving his 1999 Hyundai vehicle norlh on N.C. 801 when it collided wilh a doer crossing the roadway. Trooper M.T. Dalton reporled Ihe accident occurred at approxi­ mately 9:20 p.m. on July 9. Do you believe in Reaganomics? If so, vote Nathan Tabor on July 20^** www.NathanTabor.com [paid for by T^bor for Congress fiic^ tf r r r Ïr к к щ r ïr r r K r r Action m — N ot Promises Re-Elect D a v i e C o u i m i y C O IV IIV IIS S IO N E R I want to personally thank the citizens of Davie Counly for honoring me with the opportunily to serve these past four years. When I ran for office in 2000.1 wanted to make a difference in our community. I am proud of the accomplishments of the last four years. ■ Worked to save and re-open Davie Counly Hospital ■ Supported Education, worked to have a successful School Bond, increase Teacher Supplements ■ Presently working on the Mebane Challenge Grant to secure tietter Technology for our Schools • Helped develop increased Funding to Volunteer Fire Departm ents for much needed equipment ■ Worked to fund a third Ambulance Crew to shorten response tim e ■ Supported the paid daytime Fire Fighter program to help keep Insurance rates low ■ Worked to improve water and sewer infrastrvaure: - New W ater Timk on 801 for Improved pressure - Significant improvements to both w ater plants - Repaired Cooleemee W aste W ater Plant w ith Grant money, no increase in taxes - W orked to create a new M aster W ater Plan to get better distribution ■ Helped recruit new industry, to create jobs and increase our tax base to Keep Property Taxes low If I am honored again w ith your vote, there wiii be More ACTION — NOT just PROMISES! T h a n k y o u f o r y o u r V o t e a n d S u p p o r t! ^ i’aid for by Ken White ijjj DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .iuly 15,2004 - 7 DAVIE COUNTY JOOJ ANNUAL DRINKING WATER QUALITY REPORT PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM ID # 02-30-015 APRIL 2004 W c'rc pleased lo present lo you Ihis year's Davie County Annual Water Quality Report. This report Is a snapshot of last year's water quality. Included are details aboul where your water comes from, what II contains, and how It compares to slandards sel by regulatory agencies. All of our water originates as surface water In the Yadkln/Pee Dee River Basin, Davie County operates two water treatment plants, one on Sparks Road lo process water from the Yadkin River and another In Cooleemee, to treat water from the South Yadkin River, These water plants provide clean water for an estimated population of 22,400 people with 8,723 water connections In Davie Counly, All sources of drinking water are subject to potential contamination by substances that are naturally occurring or man made, As water travels over land or underground. It can pick up substances such as microbes, Inorganic or organic chemicals, and radioactive substances. All drinking water, Including bottled water, may reasonably be expected lo contain al least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of canram(iian(s does not necessarily Indicate that the water poses a health risk. More Information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained by catling the Environmental Protection Agency's Safe Drinking. Water Hotline q( i-800-426-4791 or Ihe E P A Website at www.ena.eov/safewater/. We have learned Ihrough our monitoring and testing lhal soma constituants have been detected. The purpose of the water treatment process is to remove harn\ful contaminants, such as chemicals or bacteria, which may exist In the raw waler supply. We test the water daily lo ensure It is sqfe when it reaches our customers. For Instance in 2003, measures laken by the Davie County Waler System significantly decreased the elevated levels of disinfection by-products that were discovered In the water distribution system. By the middle of 2003, Ihe running annual averages (RAA) of Total Trlhalomethanes (TTHM s) and Haloacetlc Acids (HAASs) had returned lo the recommended range. The Davie County Water System is a valuable asset lo our county and all citizens can help protect the system and Infrastructure, We need you to Join us in st{feguarding these valuable resources by Informing us of any suspicious activities al our waler storage tanks or fire hydrants by catling either 336-7SI-S888 during normal business hours or 336-7Sl-0896 after hours. We are proud of our excellent water system and continually conduct monitoring tests lo meet all the Federal and Stale requirements. Please contact Bruce Pratt. Director of the Dovle County Water System at ЗЗб-751-5888. if you have any questions aboul this report or your water uliiily. You may want to learn more by attending any of our regularly scheduled County Commissioner meelings at Ihe Davie County Administration Building localed al 123 South Main St, In Mocksvllle. The meetings are at I'.OO p.m, on the first Monday and al 7:00 p,m, on the third Monday of each monlh. We are committed to ensuring Ihe sqfely of your water. Sincerely, Terry Bralley Davie County Manager IMPORTANT HEAL'ni EFFF.CTS WARNlNGlll Some people muy be more vulncrnble to contamlniints In drlnklnii wuler thnn the general populutlun, Immuno.compromlsed persons such ns persons with cuncer undergoing chemothernpy, persons who hove undergone organ trnnsplanls, people wilh tttV/AlDS or other Immune system disorders, some elderly, and Infants can be particularly at risk from Intectlons, These people should seek advice aboul drinking water trom their health carc providers, ЕРЛ/CDC guidelines on oppropriale means to lessen the risk of Infection by Cryptosporidium and other mlcroblologlcul contaminants arc available from the Safe Drinking Water ilolllne (BOO-426-4791), ¡n order lo ensure lhat tap water is .safe lo drink, E P A prescribes regulations, which limit the amount of certain contaminants in waler provided by public waler systems, F D A regulations establish limits for contaminants In bottled waler, which must provide Ihe same protection for public health. To comply with the Federal and State regulations and to make sure lhat your drinking water is sqfe, Ihe Davie Counly Water System routinely monitors for over 120 contaminants in your drinking waler. The table on Ihe next page shows the results of pur monitoring of Regulated Contaminants for Ihe period of January V lo December 31", 2003 and Ihe most recent results of conlanilnanis not due to he tested in 2003, As you can sec on the table iimfcr Volatile Organic Contaminants, Ihe Davie County Waler System had violations for Haloacetlc Acids (HAASs) and Total Trlhalomethanes (TTHMs). Due to elevated levels of these disinfection l>y-producls lit 2002, we exceeded Ihe maximum allowable levels of each contaminant expressed as a Running Annual Average (RAA) in the firsl half O/2003, Л special notlflcatlun was mailed to waler customers explaining that modifications were made to the waler treatment plants to alleviate this problem. As a result, Ihe R A A 's of both H AA Ss and TTH M s returned to an acceptable range by the latter half of 2003. The possible long term health effects of these disinfection, by-producfs aro summarized belowi , , , Some people who drink water containing halodcallc acid In excess of Ihe M C L over ......many years-mayhaVB-anincrvasedTls/cbf getllnB'eancer.~ ' Some people who drink waler containing trlhalomethanes In excess of Ihe M C L over many years may experience problems with Ihelr liver, kidneys, or central nervous'syslertis,'and may have increased risk of getting cancer: DEFINITIONS LmC (Al) • Ttw co(KcnU«tiono( « <onUnNliwt tU ftiM . tieatmenl н oi U яЬкЬ « w4)er lyttem muti кЛм. Н и 1«мн Ltvtl (И(1) - ih« 'Haiifflum Mmcd* MCI li Ihe high«tl b e t ol • (олитЫш iful H 4low«(i,ln drinking шмг. HCU «re $ei i i (low iQ tSe и If a^4)le iMing (he bn\ waiUbte tittvw nt itdndoy/. (« a U a iflu l U w l Se«( (ИС1С) • Ihe *(ям1* HCIG Ii the level o l»conUmri4nl in drinking Mter brim «Nch Ihere h no клооп or eipecled risk lo HClGb «Itow k l a mii9in ol И«<Ьв«а1 Xaildatl DUIifeeURl Uvet (MRPL) • The highest level of i dislnfec14nt «Jtowed in dtinklng water. Ihere I» convincing evidence Ihit JtJditlon o< 4 (Ш к и п1 b пссешгу tor (ontid ct iTNrobU conumirvinls. Hu Im m letldaal W ttafeclMt I m l бм1 (MU>U) • the level of a dflnking waler dislnleclant below whkh there U no known or eipecled riik lo health, HRDLtrt do nol refWl Ibe beneftts of ihe им oi dhWectami lo control mkroUai contarrmtion. Nerkelo««lil( Tarkldlty Uall (N7U) • Nephelomelric lurbldity unit U a meatute ol the cladly o) wate'. Turbidity more than 5 NTU It |uil r>ollceat>le lo the average pe non, Kea«D«it<ta (NO) • Laboratory tnalyiH hkatet IhJi ihe conttmwnt h not pretenl. Net % U u U f (N/A) • Inlormation not 1рр11слЫе/по1 reqiAed lor lhal partlcutar water sytiem or br that particular methodology uted. Part» per bllllM (ppk) • One pari per bilion corresponds lo one minute In ¿,000 yeart, or a smg'e penny m SI0.000.000. f M l* per «иПеа (рра) •(>« part per rnionrorreiponds to ooe minute ki two yearioraslnglepenryln)tO.OOO. Treatmeal Teihaliaa (TT) • A Irralmml t«hnfc(ue h a required proceit intended lo reduce the kv«t o( 4 cQcU№ir4x\t tr^ diloUtg Mter. ZiXN 'qenic C o n te fn ifM tit :.- a o o s • Contcunlruint U val Oatcctcd Unit Propoied М а Sulfotc iO l-C ppm 500 ÍT fitíd 2/10/20031 IM - a D U In T tc tlo n B v -P ñ id ú c t P í t ó l n m e m d T u rfa td tt Contant Irwint Vloíatlort V/N U vei batectcd Urtlt M 0 6 м а Uitaly Source o f ConTomlrtoflon Telai Orgonle Corbon (TOCl Baw Wottr N/A N 3 33 AV-C 144.910Й-С 2.43 AV-S t60<450R>a j.ia A v-c 0-2 90 Й'С 079 AV 'S 0-120 R .e ppm N/A hJ/A N/A TT Naturally prue<\t in Ihe tfiviretwnent.cousei no health effect! prcvidei a medium for the (ofTPiOtlifl ef diiinfecionl byproducti. Inelwitng Triholamithanei (TTMMI) ond Hateocelle Acidi (HAA9i) •A»troa€ X Kemevai of Telai ОпоЫе Corben •6SXat thè Ceeleemee Piont and67Xorihe SP<irks Road Plant ui no the ESkVm StfpliMethed Tufbldiiy* N 027-C 0.29 >5 NTV N/A T T I0 30 NTU Sell runeff: no health e((ecU: con Interfere with diilnfeetion artd previdi a №Cdiu>n for microbial qrowth Turbid.tv iom#!« СМГ th* rei^ulr«! Imuti,which »hewi the plûftti ar* woltr fto r iK in lc C o n ta m in a n ti ; 2 0 0 S . ' ■ ; ■ ^ ■ • v T : C^tomlrtant Violation v m Uval tH tacted Unit M 0 6 м а Llitaly 5ource o f Contan\Inat(on Fluerid« (Tcited 2/10/?003) N 0.99-С IIO 'S ppm 4 4 Ereiien of njlurd depeilli: waiter additive fe rtiliiir and aluminum ioctorlei Niti4te,aiNitrv9<n (1i4ted 1/28/2003) N 0 6 4 -С ).79-S ppm 10 10 Runoff from fe rtilitir uie. leaching from lepttc (w ki, ttwoge; ereiien of lutural depoiiti Ctfftr* ■ 90"'p«rc€nfiie (Tcited between 7/16/2003 A e/l2/2001i N •0 09-0 ppm. I.)A L »U er TT erotlen of natural depetlti; leeching from w»d Dreierwotivei Uod* .W * percentile (Tuied between 7/t6/200S ¿ Й/12/2003) N •3«D ppb 0 AL«I5 er TT Cerroiion of household plumbing fyitim i. ereilen of natural dcpoiiti •1>ie leve) detected li thè 9Cf^pircentile volue tf oli lamplei iakert. None ef thè water in thè hemei lampled w « obeve thè Aeflen Limiti lor Copper end AX ot thè woter in homei fomelfd wai iOmvc th« Acilon Limiti far Lf»i Jurim} thff tallirti} period 5 у п « 1 Л 1 е O re o n le a * i1 re m ln ò n ti '{P ìls tle id c f 'e n d Contomirwnt VIolotion V/N U val Urtlt M C U м а Uitaiy Source Of Contomlrutlon ^tranne N 0 21 AV-C 0-052 R -e 003 AV-S 0 010 И -S ppb 3 3 Runoff from herbicide used on row cropi bolopen N 0.40 AV-C 0-170 R-C ppb 200 200 Runoff from herbicide uied on nghti of woy Hcxachlorocyclopentadlene N 0.10 AV-C 0-019 R*e ppb 50 90 Oiichorge from chemical faooriei V o lo tll* O ra a n le C ontaniiln ilh b '/т г « гЬоэ . Contomirtant VIolatiofl V/N U val Datcctad Unit MCW м а Chiortrkc N 106 AV-t> 027- 201 R-t> ppm MRDI& 1 4 WRW.I4 W atir odd>tive used to control microbes Toial Holeottlic A ttiil (HAAS) (5/13/2002 •11/I9/2Ù03| 6Q.B RAA • b 30-1267 R -b ppb N/A 60 Byproduct of drinMng w«1er chlorination TotolTrihfliemethonel (TTHM) {5/13/2002 -11/19/2003» 1130 RAA-t> 126-199 7 ft.D ppb N/A во By-product of drinVing water chlorination Cooleemee Plant - С A v tro9« - AV S p e rlu Road P lont - S W a te r D istrib u tio n S y ite m - D Йапд« - R Running Annual Averoge - ЙАА N o t A pplicable • N /A 8 - DAVIE COUNTY HNTI5RPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 15,2004 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 15,2004 ■ 9 R e p u b l i c a n C a n d i d a t e s - D a v i e C o u n t y B o a r d o f C o m m i s s i o n e r s R e p u b l i c a n C a n d i d a t e s - D a v i e C o u n t y B o a r d o f C o m m i s s i o n e r s i: Daphne Frye: Willing To Listen To New Ideas Whut should the prhiritivs of Davic Counly Kovcrnnient he? Daithne Frye; The liix burden is II big issue and government hus 10 make a conimilinem to bringing more business and in­ dustry to our county. Business and industry would help with lax relief on individual residents. /. Schools, Water, Sewer, hos­ pital , luw cnforccniciit, EMT ser- -■ vices ure all important, und or- guni>!ed land use could help keep • tuxes low bul keep quiilily oflife we’re used to. Should property tux mnncy be u.scd lo Improve the county ■I wntcr system? Whut crlterlu • .should be used to decide where wuter .■iliould he extended? Diiphiw Frye: The water and sewer system should be self-sup- I porting. Developers should con- : tinue paying for the installation . of wuter, sewer and rouds and tux : money should not be used. I There are dirfercnt needs for I different ureus, some are heulth, . where wells muy be contami- I nated by scptic lines. Water pres­ sure issues are concerns for ' firefighters and all the fire dc- I pnrtments arc concerned because of the need to rei'ill trucks ' quickly. New schools or business ' nnd industry need appropriate Name Daphne Armsworthy Five Age 48 Address 4111 Hwy. 158, Advance Family Husband, Wayne Frye; children: Heather Leach and husband Mark, grianddaughter, Emma Leach: Benjamin Frye and wife Lorie Education ^ Davie High School Employment Small catering business for past 3 years; 21 years home day care; substitute teacher for fvlacedonia preschool In The Community Kiwanis of Davie • Davie Business Women’s Association •Attend Redland Pentecostal Church • Volunteer for - Christian Network for the fNleedy; Brenner's Children Hospital Golf Committee; Brenner’s Children Hospital Tree Festival Committee; The fVlebane Foundation for Technology Why did you decide to seek this office? I want to be a part of making Davle County a great place lo live and work, and contribute my experience and abilities to helping Davie County and it's residents. ON YOUR SIDE We have it All. W hether you need life, home, car or business insurance, we have a plan that's sure to (It your needs. Get the protection you need and the service you deserve — Call me... Stop by... Log on — It's your cholcel Koien Bannott Associato Agon! 1111 Yadkinviile Hwy., Mocksviiio Willow Oiiks Stv)p Cntr 336-751-6131 KVrt 1 iinatonwtto com Nationwide' Insurance & Financial Services Nationwide li On Ybur Side: Ufe insurvnct underwritten by H4tk>nwlde U/e Inaurine« Conip«ny. NtUonwtde Mutual Iniurince Comp«ny tn d A/fUUtedComp«nl«t, Mom« Omc«: CoKimbui, 0IM )2IS>2220 MISCS1IA» Poindexter: A Deep Love For Davie water supply, acccss and pres­ sure. We wouUl need to look at the si/e lines to be connectcd to the pressure, the cost and efficiency of new lines, the service that is needed and if it cun be used for the purpose intended. There are also concerns about overloading the plant and the expense of bringing the facility up to stan­ dards thut would make our wu­ ter system a better service for the rate of growth. Arc Dnvie County services keepin); up with Rrowlh? Daphne Frye: Some Davic County services arc behind in growth and are continually try­ ing to catch up to growth. The need for different ureas come at different times for different rea­ sons. The planning board hns been working on u plan that helps with fiiliire growtli und the need for schools, water, sewer, fire und law enforcement, EMT services before the need is too lurge for services.The five yeurs 1 have worked on the planning bourd, wc have come up wilh new ordinances to properly serve the growing needs of the resi­ dent.'!. Arc you pleuscd with the county’s new recycling pro­ gram? Daphne Frye; From listening lo residents concerns, recycling is an important issue.The former recycling program was not a cost effective use of our tux dollars. I would like lo explore other al­ ternatives of recycling that would not cosl the tuxpuyers us much. Other l.ssues Daphne Frye: As a county commissioner, 1 would not be a one issue candidate or commis­ sioner. 1 will represent every urea of the counly wllh equal impor­ tance. 1 would not only listen to your concerns, bul syould hear whal your concerns are. I will keep the residenls informed on issues and will be sirong in right and wrong. I will stand by my decisions and will consider ev­ erybody in the counly. not cer­ tain groups. Being on Ihe plan­ ning board for live years. I'm aware of Davie Counly’s needs and conecrns. Wilh my experi­ ence on the planning board, I've learned il helps lo hear different opinions and ideas. There’s not a hook or u degree you cun earn Ihul compares lo the experience and knowledge of others. I con­ sider it an honor lo have been asked to serve on the planning bourd uiul enjoyed the experi­ ence. I've learned a lot about Davie and it’s residenls. I’ve seen our farm land preserved, our rivcrcicuned up lo help wilh furm land preservalion und make Ihe water cleaner and more us­ able. I’ve heard from families needing to develop properly be­ cause of family situations and I’ve been honored lo work wilh and for the residents of Davic. I would appreciate tho chancc lo continue working willi Davio County rcsiclenis and lo keep our counly Ihe rural counly we all love and care aboul. I will con­ linue to work liuid for you. Arc DuvIc Counly services keeping up with growth? P<iin(li'.\ler:T\\c ideal growth pattern for any counly would be gradual, constant und prcdict- uble. Unfortunutcly, growth sel­ dom occurs thut way and Davie County has not been un excep­ tion to this. Wc have tradition­ ally seen sharp periods of growth followed by periods where growth leveled off before the next spoke of growth. County services have prelly much al­ ways followed these patterns, as Name Richard B. Poindexter Age 52 Address 652 Hwy. 801 S. Family Wife, Linda Sain Poindexter; daughter, son, 2 granddaughters Education 1970 graduate Davie High School Employment Building contractor, restore antique vehicles In The Community • Chair, Davie Board of Health Crimin.al Justice Partnership Advisory Program • NW Piedmont Council of Governments Surry County Housing Consortium • Davle Historic Properties Board • Land use and eco­ nomic development committee • Solid Waste Committee • Davle County Hospital Foundation • Davie Senior Services • NC Cooperative Extension Service • Advance Christmas Parade • What Christmas is Aii About • IVIasons • Churches and other organizations as sched­ ule permits Why did you decide to seek this office? i have a deep love for Davie County, the people who live here and the rural atmo­ sphere that flourishes here. My family and my wife’s family have lived in Davie County for many generations. Aii the people who lived and served here in the past deserve aii the credit for creating this wonderful place that we now enjoy. I would like to continue helping to preserve this and build an even better quality of life for our present and future generations. well. During times of rapid growth, services sometimes fell behind and couldn’t recover un­ lil the growth slowed. Wc urc currently working on zoning pluns, ordlnunces und lund U.SC phinning that should help “even out” some of the spikes in growth patterns. This will then allow the counly to nol only finish catching up on ser­ vices, bul could allow us to bel­ ter manage grow th, predict where growth and the need for services will occur and have a lot of the services in place before the growth lakes place. Arc you pleuscd wllh Ihe county’s new recycling pro- gruni? Pointlexler.'Thc only correct answer 10 this question is bolh yes nnd no. Tlic old recycling program picked up everything ul Ihe curb and llien took it to the transfer stutlon where il was sorted into either what could or couki not be recycled, This sys­ tem wus costing the tuxpuyers upproximalcly $325,000 per yeur after sule of the rccyclublcs. Only about six percent of whut wus taken to the transfer station was recyclable, the rest had to go lo. Ihe landfill anyway. This sorting is now done ut Ihe ciirbside pickup, whut is recy- elublc is taken, anything that is not is left behind. Ceasing op­ eration of the transfer slution saved an additional $200,000 per year. The new recycling program has saved the luxpayers of Davic Counly over a half million dol­ lars annually, or ihe equivalenl of aboul 3 und 1/2 cents on the lax rate. The new recycling sys­ tem is nol as convenient, even though the net results ure the same, al no cost lo the taxpay­ ers. I would like lo see more re­ cycling done by seulng up sites where people could take cnrd- bourd or other recyclubles thut cannol be handled under the new program of curbslde pickup. WIhiI should Ihc priorities of Diivic Counly government be? Pnimlexier: Local govcrn- menl should provide as muny necessary services us possible lo the citizcns of Davie Counly as economically as il cun. li must also provide the services man­ dated by the slate und federal governments in a fiscally re­ sponsible manner. Duvie Counly government has many priorities. A few of these ure: aiiructing indusiry lo help provide lax base und jobs; reducing the lux burden; manag­ ing growth; funding schools; promoting the community col­ lege; water nnd sewer; emer­ gency services, property re- evaluation; land use planning; senior services; fire protection, law enforcement, ARC (children with disabilities),the library, the arts council, health and social -services, making our hospilal viuble, state and federal man­ dates that wc ure required lo fund through properly taxes, vclcruns services,encouraging the stale to improve the rouds, und long term plamiing for the future of Davie County and its citizens. All these le t’s Have «te Safest Schools w r i f h „ V o t e Debra Brown GROCE For Davie County Board of Education Paid for by Debra Brown Groce things and more must be consid­ ered as priorities in order to maintain a good quality of life for the people of Davic Counly. Should properly tux money be used lo improve the counly wulcr system? W hnt crlterlu should he used lo decide wiiere wulcr sliould be extended? I'oindexier: Only in eases of dire necessity should lax dollars ever be pul inlo the wuter or sewer systoms. Wuter and sewer should be self sufficient. Developers who need the services should con­ tinue to pay for inslallalion of waler and sewer, also. People who do not rcceive the benefil of these services should not be paying for them. There nrc severul ihings that should be considered when de­ ciding where new wuter lines ure to be installed. Population den­ sity of the urea, hcnlth risks from groundwuter sources, the possi­ bility of scptic .systems leaching inlo wells, fire prolcclion, the size and cosl of the expansion, the capacity of the exisling .sys­ tem and ils ability lo serve a new expunsion, how much cun wo expand the system before we have to upgrade our waler planis? All these things und more must be considered before decid­ ing where and how much to ex­ tend the water (or sewer) system. Other Issues Poindexter: The counly com­ missioners are your representa­ tives in government, they arc there to look out for your inter­ ests in Duvie County. A counly com m issioner should listen when tlie people speak, be honest and fair to ev­ eryone, be informed on nil issues as much us possible, have good business and fiscal knowledge and have a strong sense for whul’s righl und wrong. They should not be one issue people who represent spcciul interest groups ut the expense of the rest of the citizcns of Davio County. Experience is one of the most valuable tools of a counly com­ missioner. 1 huve been honored lo itavc served Ihc people of Dnvie County ns u county commis­ sioner for the. pusi eight yeurs, Wc have addressed and ure ad­ dressing many of the difficult issues facing Duvie County and ils residents. When the governor of North Curolinu kept over $3.2 million of money thut wns owed’ to Dnvie County, we rcduccd tlic size of counly government, ap­ plied for und received over a million dollars of grant monies from many agencies and organi­ zations, and increased our efforts lo attract and keep industry and business liore to help relieve the lax burden placed on Davic Counly residents as a result of the governor’s actions. If reelected, I will conlinue to work hnrd !ind serve the citizens of Davie County to the very besl of my nbility. Your conndence and support over the pnst eight yeurs is greatly apprecinied and I will conlinue 10 vote for those Ihings thut ure righl, lair und good for the people of Davie Counly. Thunk you. Summer Golf Special HICKORY HILL COUNTRY CLUB “The Cmmlry Club vf Duvie'' July & August Only ! Afiat2eu ><on-Fri $ 1 S f i t seniore $ 1 6 : wsekends . , ^ m \& Holidays $ 2 0 M V R B fim a e u ■ Mon-Ffl $ 2 0 ,■ i V Senlon.$iqM m^i\W«ekend» » ^.»Holiday.'$ 2 5 ; ' oBfySiSi^t. 2251 liwy 64 K., Mock.svillc Call for Tee Tim es 336-993-8746 Name Clarence L. Spiiiman Age 67 Address 1949 Junction Road, ■Mocksville Family Nadine Spiiiman, wife; David Spillman, Edward Spillman, sons; Kimberly Heafner, daughter; Ronnie Morgan, step­ son; Renay Morgan, stepdaughter. Education 1954 Cooleemee High School graduate; bachelor’s in business administration, Catawba College, 1961 Employment Spillman’s Auto Service financial administrator in The Community • Cooieemee Church of God, Mocksville Church of God • Cooieemee Volunteer Fire Dept., secretary/ treasurer Why did you decide to seek this office? Zoning regulations are affecting the property tax owners' rights. I believe Ihe citizens of Davie County deserve an honest and sincere commissioner that will serve to protect them and their property with integrity. Spillman: Will Watch Tax Dollars W hal should Ihc priorities of Davic Counly governm ent' be? Spillman: I- Public Waler: Saniiniion in our county .should be given a top priority. 2- Education: Davie Counly is in need of adequate class­ rooms and more qualified tcacli- crs. 3- Zoning; I’ropeny ov/ner rights should be proteclcd nnd the regululions should be mnde ,by tho mujorily, nol the few. Sliould property lux money he used lo improve liie counly wulcr system? Wiiat criterin sliould he used lo decide wiiere wulcr should i)e extended? Spiiiman: Properly lux money should be used as n grant (lonn) lo improve the county wuter sys­ tem. Wuter should be extended to the greaiesi need firsl, such ns those not adequately served wilh well water. Are Duvie County .services keeping lip witii growth? Spillmnn: No. Wc urc in need of quniily und economic child cure. Also, our children need to be kept sufc from ubuse und ne­ glect which mny mean an in­ crease in social workers. Are you pleased wilh Ihe counly’s new recycling pro­ gram? Spiiiman: Yes. I am pleased, We need lo continue lo look af­ ler our environment. Other I.ssnes Spillman: • We need lo push education nnd see that no child is "left behind." Grnduulion should e a lop priority including the incentive for continuing edu­ cation lo a iiigher level, • We need to encourage new industry to comc lo Davie Ciuinty lo ensure job opporlunily and growlh. Also, we as citizens need to support our small busi­ nesses thnt nre currently in Davic Counly, • I comniii lo be a counly ciMnmissioner lhat will serve wilh honcsly and imegriiy, 1 will guard ihe taxpayers’ dollar and IVivoious spending will come lo » hull, lum a lifelong rosidem of Davio County und I will serve with the people in mind. Who will be wnlching out for you? 1 will! Clarcnce L, Spillman. Fleming: Wants To Help Build Better Way Of Life Are Duvie County services keeping up wilh growth? Fleming: Yes. A careful und continual review of Duvie county services is nccessury lo insure that wc are prepared for the growth thut wc ure experiencing. Decisions should be made to improve or eliminate any on going service, which has not proven to be effective. Arc you pleased with the co u n ty ’s new recycling progrum? Fleming; No. Davie County is one of only two counties in the stnte of North Carolina recycling, nnd wc are not doing it well. This could be a city program because of population density. The program costs approximately $300,000 per year, which m erits great concern. This value should be looked at seriously wllh a plnn to Improve or elim inate the program. A solution might be to establish several drop stations nnd then transfer items to a fecycl ing center. Tho concept to recycle is groat; it is our execution that must be improved. W hat should the priorities of Davic County government be? Fleming; Managing growth. The reasons are the infrastructure must be in place to not only maintain whal we have but lo improve and handle growth. When I speak of the infrastructure, this refers lo the following: water systems and utilities that wc need to provide, resources and funding needed for our schools, law enforcement and firemen,emergency services und the hospital, land use plnnning and resources needed to attrnct industries that will create tax base, growth and jobs. These things will lead lo many challenges; however, the rewards arc what will enable us to meet the needs of people. Wo must have a solid busic overnll plnn that is comprehensive for all areas of service lhat we are responsible for with regards as to the cost of the plan. Should property tux money be used to improve the county water system? W hat criteria should be used to decide where water should be extended? Fleming; No. I do nol believe this is necessary. Wc have n balance of over $5 million in the water fund. Wc are only restricted for $2.5 million in debt. Wc make a profit of $1.2 million per year. We should use Ihe excess funds al a much fasler pace to repair und extend our system. This will allow us to earn even more profit dollars. Our current plan is outdated but a new one wilh priorities und dollnrs needed is rendy for ncceptance. We should accelerate our plan. This has been left dormant for loo long. O ther issues Fleming: I ask for your support and vole if you agree with me on the issue of managing growlh. If you arc looking for a candidate with a business background, with compnssion and concerns for ull Name Tom Fleming Age 56 Address 195 James Way, Advance Family Wife, Vicki; daughter, Tiffany and husband Todd Guiiedge; grandsons, John Michael (5), Owen (1) Education Western Carolina University, 1965-1969 Employment President/Owner, Mocksville Builders Supply, Iric, and Town & Country Remodeling In The Community Member First United Methodist Church 1969- Present • Member Chamber of Commerce Member Mocksville Town Board 1989-1994 Member, 'Y’MCA Member Mocksville- Davie Home Builders Association • Member of Economic Development Council • Founding Director Bank of The Carolinas Why did you decide to seek this office? I have had the privilege of living in this great county for 32 years. My decision to seek election as your Davie County Commissioner is based strongly on my desire to bring together ail of our resources, to accomplish goals within the framework of what we can best do, to offer value to our people, and to chart a course for the future. Considering the “take-aways” issued by our state government, it is extremely important that we make good financial decisions as we prioritize the needs of our county government, I believe that through my business background and experience I can help to create a vision for building a better way of life for the citizens of Davie County. purts and people of our counly, who is pro education, who is proactive, who is pro economic developm ent, who is for controlled orderly growtli, who will make decisions for the long­ term und who will help crenic policy nnd deni wilh the complete overall responsibilities of providing many services, then I hope you will support me on July 20. Candidate for Dnvie Counly Commissioner. Thank you. W etm ore F a rm s WOODLEAF Available Now Homegrown Tomatoes Watermelons Squash, Cucumbers, Homegrown Cantaloupes Green Beans, Corn Local Peaches & Blueberries Open Monday-Saturday 8:00 am-6:00 pm Closed on Sundays From Hocknllle take 601 South to 801 tntersectlon, lum right at light. 4 mllet to caution light In Wooilleat. Follow signs to farm. 704-278-2028 ________ Name Raymond A. Clark Age 63 Address 1168 Caiahain Road, Mocksville Family Priscilla S. Clark, wife; Tommy Ciark, son Education Mooresville High School; Mitchell Community College, associate in accounting Employment N.C. Department of Corrections correctional captain, retired: in charge of armory up­ keep of 165 weapons. In charge of processing center at Piedmont Correctional Institution, 4 sergeants, 23 officers, and 210 to 230 inmates who come from courts fo be processed into prison system then transferred to other units; Davie Sheriff’s Department reserve deputy In The Community State Employees Association of N.C. Board of Governors 1999-2001, Personnel Benefits Committee, 2002-2004 International Assoc, of Law Enforcement Firearms instructors NC Law Enforcement Officers Association • Davie Law Enforcement Assoc, • Veterans of Foreign Wars • National Rifle Associa­ tion life member Why did you decide to seek this office? live in western end of county. If I am elected, the taxpayers in this part of the county would have a county commis­ sioners representing their Interests. 1 know from years living in this area most commission­ ers have been from eastern part of the county and I felt our area had no voice in county government. C la rk : Representation For Western Davie County Arc Duvie County services keeping up witii growlh? Clark: Davie Counly services are doing an exccllenl job of keeping up wilh growlh with the «mount of lax dollars it has to work with the last couplc of years. All departments hnd to cut buck bccause the governor look lax money that was supposed to huve been given bnck to the county, lo bulunce the stuto bud­ get. Thai hurl a lot of your big­ ger countics becnuse they were depending on thut money lo bnl- nncc Ihelr budget nnd 1 know it hurl u smiill county like Davie. I would like lo make sure thut the governor cun never tukc a county's lux money lo help bnl- unce Ihc slnlc budgel ngain. Are you pleuscd with the county’s new recycling pro­ grnm? Ciark: Yes, It’s a private com­ pany. The county docs not have 10 provide wasle disposal, ll’s up lo Ihe company. Whut should the priorities of Duvie Counly government lie? Clark: Small business. Pro­ vide more employment for jobs. Should property tax money lie used lo improve Ihe county water system? W hat criteria sliould be used to decide where wuter should i>e extended? Clark; Property lax money should be used to improve the county water sysiom. Well it be self sufficient afler il is extended to un ureu. How long will it uiko to pay for It when it is extended to an urea. O ther Issues Clark; School Bonds. I am on a fixed Income and every time a school bond is passed my prop­ erty taxes goes up. This is the only wuy those bonds are puid. I would like to sec a way for people who do not own proporly thnt live in the county help pay for Ihe school bonds. When school bonds nre pluccd on the bnllot lo be votcil for or agninst, people who do not own properly can vote for or againsi the bonds. If I am elected commissioner I will find a wuy non-property owners living in the county will nIso help puy for school bonds. 1 would npprcciatc your vole. W ic k Buildings* P I E D M O N T ^ ^ j j ^ Barn & Fence Authorized Wick Builder For Mctnl Buildings Smnll Or Largo • Commercial - Wnrchouso, Ollico • Agriculture - Barns & Stablc.s • Residentinl • Shoi», Storage Call; 336-240-8099 336492-5586 Name Charles Odell Williams Age 56 Address 280 McAllister Road, Mocksvliie Family Mother, Dorothy Bernice McAllister Williams; Sisters, Dorothy Elaine Williams, Regina Bernice Williams Duchemin; Brothers, John Albert Williams, Mark Ellis Williams Education Rowan/Cabarrus Com­ munity College, Salisbury; Career Academy, Milwaukee, Wise. Employment Skyline, Lexington Furniture, Ingersoll-Rand, Amanco, Mocksville. In The Community Center United Methodist Church, Hwy, 64 W„ Mocksville Why did you decide to seek this office? This county needs help with business. This county needs jobs for people. This county needs its taxes held down. The county commissioners have let taxes raise too high for the people to pay. People need help from the commissioners. The county is losing jobs. The employment rate Is raising too high, Busi­ nesses are closing down because the economy is slowing down. People do not have the money to buy things. Stores are losing money, also. Business needs help and people on fixed Incomes need help. Williams: T ryin g T o B e H elpful Are Davic County services keeping up with growth? Williams; The economy is slowing down and the services arc having to be cut back be­ causc of a shortage of money. So growth is having to slow down, too. Arc you pleased wilh the county’s new recycling pro­ gram? Williams: The recycling pro­ gram needs to be rethought, People are trying to recycle but the things that ure being put out arc not being pul in the recycle Uoick for pickup. So some people are not recycling becnuse of things that they arc putting out is not being picked up. Some people are not recycling and put their trash in the dumpsters. W hnt should the priorities of Dnvie County government be? Williams; Working on trying lo improve the road systems, tho hospitals, and school systems. Should property tux money be used to improve the county water system? W hat criteria should be used to decide where water should be extended? Williams: No. The property taxes should nol bo used lo im­ prove the water systems. The water system is being extended lo many places in the county. O ther Issues Williams; 1 am trying to bo an honest person and trying to be helpful to the people. I am try- ' ing to serve tho jieoplc of Davie County very well. It is my patri­ otic job to serve my county to the best of my ability. I will try to help solve some of the prob­ lems of this county. Elect Linda H. Barnette For B o a r d , o f Xhluoationon July 80 \ ^^Experience Counts” Paid for by U n d a H. B arn ette ijS f Rep. Julia H o w a rd B r o k e H e r P l e d g e T o Y o u A n d R a i s e d Y o u r T a x e s ! - S a l e s T a x - S o f t D r i n k T a x - U p p e r I n c o m e T a x - D e a t h T a x Total $1 Billion Tax Increase (HB 397, 2003 Budget) Paid For By Citizens For A Sound Economy 10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 15,2004 R e p u b l i c a n C a n d i d a t e s - D a v i e C o u n t y B o a r d o f C o m m i s s i o n e r s Johnny Frye: Ready For A Brighter Future Arc DuvIc County scrviccs kccplti); up with growth? Jolmny Fryi". Due to growtli and popUlntion, emergency scr­ viccs hnve not grown as fast as our needs to serve the citizens. Our schools arc not keeping up with our growth. Our schools aro overcrowded, too many children in a classroom. We need to help our educators out. There arc sev­ eral areas in Davie County that are in need of water and sewage. ; We're behind on equipment and ; supplies nt emergency services, ; law enforcement and nre-fight- ; ing. Our tpiality of life depends ; on these services. ; Arc you pleased with Ihc ; county’s new recycling pro- : grnni? Johnny Frye: I'm absolutely : not happy with not being able to ! recycic cardboard and other . ilcms. But, I would have to re- : .scnrch to see what funding is i nvnilnble for our county to pro- ^ teet our environment. Whnt sliould Ihc prlorltlc.s of DuvIc County government be? Jolmny Frye-. Listen to the needs of the people. Spend onr ■ ta.x money wisely. We arc not fnced with one most important issue, we nre fnced with several iiuijor issues, ' such as wnter, education, our work force, the rale of new con­ struction and taxes. These go ' hnnd in hand. These issues need to be addressed, not only for to- : day but for the future. ; All the citizens of Davie County need to support the hos- ; pital. The local government , needs to listen to the people who ; provide the services. When you ; huve a good medical facility, this Is an attraction that is very fa­ vorable to new Industries und employers thul are looking to I relocate or build in this area. Wc all need to work and coinmuni- ; cute together in order to make I the hospitnl work. Should property tux money he used to Improve the counly ! wnter .system'.' Whut crltcrlu should be used to decide where wutcr should he extended'? Johnny Frye: We're going lo huve to spend money on our water .system. A lot of our fire departments don't have enough water pressure to meet their needs. Other Issues Johnny Frye: Davie County is growing by leaps and bounds. Our population has hnd a large increase. I feel thul everyone .should hnve an equal and fair chance to voice their concerns on the i.ssues that effect Ihcir iive.s. I waul to be able to serve Dnvic, County. The mosl important thing for me is my family. I come from a large family. I believe in solving a problem before it gets larger. I bring the knowledge of Ihc importance of open comniunicntion with nil county departments and the citi­ zens of Davie Counly. I bring over 30 years experience work­ ing for Ihe people of Davic Coiuny. I have worked with lo­ cal. state and federal govern­ ments to muke sure that our citi­ zens were provided with the best EMS .service thut we could give Ihem. I bring the ability to com­ municate with all departments nnd with all the people of Davic County. It lakes good communi­ cations and teamwork with lo­ cal government and our citizens to solve major issues. Should I be elected to the Davie County Board of Com­ missioners, 1 will accept the re­ sponsibility with my full and honest commitment to do all I can to resolve the issues tiuit wc face today imd oncc again bring a good common sense approach to locnl government. 1 give you niy word that I will listen to your concerns. 1 will research Ihe facts on issues and will focus on the facts and I will be fair, honest, and consislenl. Your vote will be very much ap­ preciated. Have n safe summer and remember lo vole. Name Johnny Frye Age 57 Address 196 Oak St., Mocksville Family Wife of 35 years, Dee; 3 sons, Joey, Stephen and Jonathan; 6 grandsons, Taylor, Logan, Alex, Zachary, Ethan, Dylan Education Davie County Schools; 3 years In military, 2 overseas: Courses and workshops through Davie EfWS at UNCC, Western Carolina, Forsyih Tech, Davidson Communily Coiiege Employment Davie County Emergency f\/Iedical Service for 30 years, relired as director, duties including provid­ ing emergency medical service, making budget, overseeing operation, working with local, state, federal governments; instructor, Davidson and f\/1llchell community colleges In The Community • Northwest Piedmont Council of Government Baptist Why did you decide to seek this office? feel that everyone should have an equal and fair chance to voice their concerns on the Issues that effect their lives. We need to ad­ dress the imporlanl issues that face the people in the county, not with a quick fix but wilh a long-term outlook that will see it through into the future. I believe I’m a person that can help move Davie County forward into a bright future. Q.uaiity BuUdings W o o d e n cind M eta l B u ild in g s • Carports starting.at *595 • Wooden & Metal Storage Buildings starting at *695 • Metal Garages and RV Covers Financing Available 998 West Pine St. Mount Aii-y,NC (33G) 786^070 (80Ü) 597-5520 R o llin s: Lead Through Service Arc Davlc County scrviccs keeping up with growtli? Rollins: Providing excellent scrviccs to citizens and the growth of the county do not al­ ways go hand in hand. Scrviccs should be based on the needs of citizens nnd also the interest nnd support of citizens. Our county has nn aging population. What are the specini needs nnd issues associated with this importnnt group? How can wc best serve them in areas where the private sector nnd our church commu­ nily cnn not serve effectively? These are some of the questions thut should continually be nsked u.s you sel priorities on your bud­ get. Are you pleased with the county’s new recycling pro­ gram? Rollins: With any program change, there will always be kinks to work oul. I have heard from many residents, however, that the service has been much less than expected. We should always look at ways to save lax dollars, but wc should not uuto- matically accept a reduction in the level of service. Whut should the priorities of Davic Counly government he? Itollins: We aro seeing posi­ tive signs of continued economic growth. That should not lull us into a sense of contentment, however. To prepare us for an ever-changing economy, wc must: 1) Enhance our economic de­ velopment efforts to look for the growlh of our locnl businesses first nnd support them whenever po.ssible. 2) Provide u 5-7 yenr mnster plan for growth management in the county. 3) Provide a master piun for water und sewer maintenance and expansion, based off of the growlh manngement plan. 4) Make sure that our educa­ tion system for children and adults places an emphasis on continuous learning and retrain­ ing. Should property lax money l)c used to improve the county water system? What critcrin should be u.sed lo decide where water should be extended? Rollins: Let me answer the sccond question first. Criteria for the extension of waler sliould be plnced on a new master plan for growlh management. That plan must be key lo making reasoned, impartial judgments. Ideally, the Name Lee Rollins Age 37 Address 567 Salisbury St., f^ocksviiie Family Wife, Melissa: Children, Bo, 5, and Lillie, 4 months Education Davie High School, 1985 alumnae; High Point University, 1983 bachelor's in business administration; UNC- Chapel Hill, 1997 municipal and county administration course; University of Oklahoma, 1994 economic devel­ opmenl institute Employment Manager, contract/ hospitality and sales support for Baker Furniture. Develop annual and iong-term objectives with respect to profit volume, market penetration and cost. Organize, staff and develop the organiza­ tion lo achieve optimum service. In The Community Past president, Mocks­ ville Business (down­ town merchants) • Past board member, Habitat for Humanity Past president, Mocks­ ville Rotary Club Member, 1993 All American City Award committee • Past member, Small Business Administration loan review committee • Member, Jericho Church of Christ Member, Salem Pregnancy Board Why did you decide to seel< this office? have been so blessed by growing up in this county. Now that I am raising a family, I want to lead through service, am uniquely experi­ enced, having spent five years working in the public sector and now working in the private sector. county water system should be run as a separate enterprise. However, we do have issues as­ sociated wilh water flow pres­ sure in existing areas. We must got our present infrastructure up to standard before we can reai- isiically cxpcct the water .system lo support itself through user fees. 1 DAVIIS REG 1 0 N A L MEDIICAL CENTER ' WWW .davii s r e g ii 0 n a 1.com DAVIS REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTTER HEALTH 2004 COMMUNriY EDUCATION SERIES D R IE R D A YS A O veractive Blac E A D erin M e n & W o m e n Thiindity, July 22nd • 7:00pin • Davis RegonalMedical Center Classmoms Join us for a very infomiation program as we discuss causes as well as treatments and advances for Ovemciive Bladder. Help is available for this condition which strikes more than 17 million men and w om en ofall ages. Certified by tlie American Board o f Urolo^, Dr. Schlesinger received his medical degiie from New Yoi-k M edipi Coileee, He completed his internship and residency at Beth Israel Medical Center and is alTiiiated with Piedmont HealthCare’s Urology department. ’ ^ D A V I S l E G I O N A Micliad Schlesinger, MD White: Practice Servant Leadership Arc Dttvle County Scrviccs keeping up with growth? While: I view properly managed growth as a positive. Growlh is a statement that you have a desirable communily where people want to live, raise a family, and start a business. There arc many counties that have been forced to continuously raise property taxes bccause they have a shrinking rather than growing tax base to support critical services. The key here is planning. If we properly plan, and follow good land use principles with solid zoning applications, (no industry in residential for example), we can nvoid negative impacts on our roads, schools and county services. One of the downfalls in governments is thnt schools and roads do not usually get constructed before they are needed. If wc cnn stay in front of dem and, we cun build u platform thul will encourage “smart growth". Our building industry cremes a lot of jobs in our county. The smart play is not to stop growth but develop a way to manage and sustain,il.' As the Davic RcpresentiUive to the Dcpurtmeni of Transportalion Rural Planning Organization, I have worked to get the 64 bypass as well ns the improvements to the 801/158 intersection completed. Our rapid growth will require constant assessm ent of our education needs and our emergency service ugencics will need ndditional support as well. Those closest lo the problem ure closest to the solution. It is best to get citizcns Involved in problem solving. Stunding Committees nnd Task Force groups with good representation from all sections of the county cnn provide valuable input in our identifying problem s and finding solutions. There will never be a substiiule for good solid strategic planning. Our planning should be fluid, not rigid, where il can be changed if necessury and we should constantly monitor strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Several years ago, our Volunteer Fire Departments had plenty of help during the day bccause of farmers. Today most of our volunteers work during the day. By helping to initiate the County Grunt Program, we hnve been able to supply them with funds for much needed fire fighting and .life saving equipm ent. We have made uvuilnble a paid day-time fire- I'lghtcr progrnm. Some of the departments are matching that and we have manned fire stations during the day. Arc you pleased with tiic county’s new recycling program? Wliite: I am pleased that we snvcd the tnxpayers $500,000 annually by redirecting our waste stream. Our recycling progrum I am not pleased with. I love to hunt und fish and protection of our environment is imperative. Eventually our landfills will be full. Recycling is a personal responsibiliiy and I feel most citizens are willing, but don't have an opportunity. Government should do all it can to encourage and assist recycling efforts through good programs. Like our wnter enterprise fund, we also have a solid waste fund and hopefully it will be .self- sufficient. If it needs to be supplemented by general fund revenues, I am not opposed if it will help protect our environment, I would like to .see H sanitation, committee Continued On I'nge H R e p u b l i c a n В o a r d o f С o m m i s s i o n e r s Name Kennon A. "Ken" White Age 53 Family 3 daughters, Shauna (26), Amanda (19), Rachel (14) Education Georgia State University; School of Business, Marketing Major 1974; Wake Forrest University, Babcock School of Management Institute of Executive Education, 1987 Employment Sales (Management, Mack Trucks In The Community • Davie County Hospital Board of Trustees • Board member. Dept, of Social Services, Habitat for Humanity, Davie County Little League • Bethlehem United Methodist Church Administrative Board, Past building chair, past District president, Lexinglon District United Methodist Men; Congregational Developmenl Committee, Western North Carolina Conference; Former Chartered Executive Boy Scouts of America; • East Davie Civitan • Cooleemee VFW Tucker Masonic Lodge Department of Transportation - Rural Planning Organization • Past Area chair, Ducks Unlimited • Davie County Quail Unlimited County Representative Mebane Challenge • US Marine Corp 1969- 1971, Character of Service - Honorable Why did you decide to seek this office? It starts with a personal philosophy. I believe that every life should have meaning and purpose and that we should all practice servant leadership. It is a universal truth, the more we give the more we receive. This is particularly true In our community. If every citizen gave Iheir lime and talent to their schools, churches, civic organizations, and even government, we would , see tremendous things happen. I have always involved myself in my church and community. Be it coaching a little league team, camping wilh Scouts or teaching Sunday School, I wanted lo try to make a difference in my community. What we have in Davie County is unique. It Is that spirit that helped build our YMCA, community college, whal renovated our Brock Auditorium; and I am confident that spirit will build our new Storehouse For Jesus facility, and meet Alan Mebane's challenge grant. I want to keep our rural character and small town feel. Elected leaders set policies, determine direction, allocate resources, and should add value to the people and communities they serve. Ken White... Continued From Page 10 that have successful programs. We need to lead by example, government should demonstrate it cares about the environment. Whot should the priorities of Dnvle Counly guvcrmnent be? While: The role of an elcclcd lender should see pust the day's crisis; they must be long term thinkers and planners. Govern­ ment should provide the essen­ tial services all citizens require. This could be (|uality education, sound fiscal policy manngement, good drinking waler, infrastruc­ ture improvement, roads, water, sewer and emergency services (fire, police and EMS). Change is inevitable and there has been an erosion of the working partnership counly und city governments long enjoyed with the state. More and more unfunded mandates have been forced upon us. The state looks at property tuxes as reserves. This means we must constantly assess where our needs are as well as our future needs. This is best accomplished by effective and efficient planning und smart allocation of resources. Wc cannol afford to just think about today; we must think about how decisions wc make today will impact us in the future. Past boards neglected infrastructure upgrades to water and sewer plants which has been costly. With phenomenal growlh, schools became overcrowded and new space was desperately needed. W ith the aging of Am erica, health carc is extremely imporiunt. Thut is why I felt so strongly to find u wny lo reopen Dnvie County Hospilul nnd our emergency room and got more doctors coming and practicing in our community. Today’s leaders must be fluid and be able to respond to an ever-changing world and economy we live with. Terrorism and war were not even visible when 1 was , elected in 2000. Today we have had to add security to our courtrooms and plans to, protect our water system. Should properly tax money be used to improve the county water system? Whut critcrin should be used to where water should be extended? White: First, presently no lux dollars are used. Although, water is a public utility, it is one of the rare business like entities thal governments cnn operale. As a cilizcn, you are not required to use the product, you can pul in a well if you so desire. Every cost in our water deparlment, snlaries, equipment, repairs even debt service is paid for from water revenues. It would not be fair to take tax dollurs und divert them to wuler expenses. I can think of some exceptions, for exam ple if there was an emergency or if un economic development project needed specini funding I would keep nn open mind. The goal should be to eventually operate a system that is so efficient that all of our citizens have access lo public water and it is more affordable thnn an nltemativc. That is why I have pushed to hnve a new master water plan. Dnvie is one of the few counties our size that hus u county wnter system. Wnter Is ulso needed to creute n •solid fire protection network which brings enormous benefits to citizens in insurunce suvings. This is one plnce we use tux dollars to supplement because we pay for new fire hydrants each year. Other Issues White: The issues facing us today are com plicated and challenging. Wc cannot alTord to have u good county, wc should strive to have the best - the best schools, the best water system, the best neighborhoods, the best senior citizen facility, the best recycling program. Wc should want lo be the model and envy of everyone. In order to hnve Ihc best, it is imperative wc have a sound fiscal policy. We derive the majority of our revenues from property luxes. If we have infrn- structure we cun recruit industry. The Fed-Ex Facility will be a huge economic boom for the Triad. Many businesses thut rely on shipping will locate closc by. The pending Dell Computer project is one example. Others are looking. If we can build our tax base, wc can maintain a low tax rale. Our tux rate is alrcndy le.ss than hulf of what it would be if you lived, in Winston- Salem. We have excellent schools and dedicated tcncliers. 1 have never looked at education ns a cost. I view it as an investment in our future. Edu­ cntion does not stop nnd start at the school door. Teachers nnd administrntors alone cannot im­ prove education. We must pur­ sue every avenue to give our children the best opportunities. One of these would be success­ fully m eeting the M ebane Challenge Grant. We arc not only blessed to have the Mebane Foundation locatcd here in Davie County, but lo have Alan M ebane wanting to see our community working to provide the best technology .so our kids have Ihc lools nnd resources Ihey need to leurn. 1 would like snfc parks and recreation facilities for youth. We need a senior center. We owe a great deni lo these two groups. Henlthcnre will conlinue lo be a growing need. We lost our ho.spital oncc, wc cnnnot ullow that agiiin. I Ihink wc should nol only U.SC our hospilul forhenllh- care, but.I would like to see prnclicnl classroom upplicntions for n nursing progrum ut our community collcgc. There Is a prediction that 6 of 10 jobs created in the next 10 years will be healthcarc related. I would love to see a nursing scholarship program funded that used our liospital and community college. Sound land use policies and smart zoning enforcement will pny us dividends far into the future. I believe that continued succcss will be a result of continuiid iihprovonient. R E A L E S T A T E W E E K L Y By Debbie Prachel Promior Carolina proporllos W in-W in Agreements Wlicn you lire rciuty to ncgoliiilc u lumw purchusc iigrccmcnl. il’s imporliinl lo remember llial a successful neijolialion docs nol necessarily mean everyone gels what Ihey wanl and no one fioes liome clisapponited. “Win-win" is an easily misuniler.slood term. In a real-life “ wln-win" situation, some compromises are Inevitable in ihe process of all parties coming lo a fundanientiil agrecinent. Tlie secret lo negotiating a satisl'aclory purcha.se coniraci is lo exncci lo muke some concessions nl tlic burgoining luble. ........................... Approach the meeiing wilh a positive, open-minded attitude. Iry lo listen and slay sensilive to the other's point of view. Be clear about your priorities, but don't expect lo prevail on every poinl. The more you remain llexlble, Ihe.belter your chance for ii fair compromise. Slay focused on whiil you feel is truly impominl. Too ol'len iiegotiatious lireak down because people become lixaied on issues of Ic.sser consequence. When you liecome stuck on u point of contention us minor us tlie eosl of painting Ihc picket fence, be willing lo spill the difference. Above all, mist your real eslnte ngem, who hns the expertise to bring the proceedings to a hnppy resolution. Dehhie Is an tminl-wliwlns fiill-iline ¡irojesslamil real estate broker in Davte Coumy. For nrofe.'islonal aihice on all aspects of hiiying amt .Kiting real e.ilaie, you con reach Dehhie ai I’remier Carolina I’raiiertie.i, 3.16-V9H- 7777 or m -9 0 9 -1284, or vl.iit her weh.ilte al «•ww.pcpnc.com. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 15,2004 -11 V i c t o r y J u n c t i o n C a r S h o w S u n d a y O ’Reilly Auto Parts, Wilkesboro Street, Mocksville, will have a car show from 1-5 p.m. Sunday, July 18 to benefit The Victory Junction Gang. Trophies will be awarded based on donations by visitors for their favorite vehicles, with all money going to the camp. There will be a charity auction, and half of the proceeds from a refreshment vendor will be do­ nated. Among those expected to be displayed; Detroit Choppers, Tige' boats, AC Cobra replica cars and Arctic Cat ATVs. Tliere will be drawings for ATV and motorcycle testing on the Dyno Tester. Kyle Petty's Nextel Cup car will be displayed, the same one featured on the Victory Junction Gang commercial. It has been signed by mnny Nextel drivers such as Dale Bumhardt Jr. and Tony Siewart. "O’Reilly has found thut the key to business success is in­ volvement in the community," said Jason D. Fitzhugh, store mnnnger. “It is u long stunding part of the O’Reilly culture thut ns we enter into new markets such us North Cnrolinn, we uc- tively seek out and develop part­ nerships with worthwhile chari­ table organizations." It is obvious that Ihe Petty family, which built the cnmp for sick youth, shares the same vi­ sion, Fitzhugh said. 4.3 Percent Jobless in Davie Davie County's unemployment rate went from 4.6 pcrcent in April to 4.3 perccnt in May, according to figures released last week by the Employment Security Commission of North Carolina. The statewide May rate was 3.2 percent. May jobless nues for surrounding counties: Yadkin, 5.3 percent; Rowan, 8.7 percent; Iredell, 5 pcrcent; Forsyth, 4.8 pcrcent; and David.son, 6 pcrccnt. ★ uiM.Mx Г ★ ui;-i;i,K( г ★ ui;-i:i,i:( i ★ u k-i ;i ,i :( г ★ ui i i.ix г ★ - R e - E le c t A N D R E W C . BROCK tl Recruit and Retain Jobs by Lowering Tax Burden Help Senior Citizens with Affordable Health Care Education Reform by Culling Government Red Tape Help Law, Fire, and Emergency Personnel ]Phj|l<).Sftph3 alive Family Values E x p.'g r .j^ff< ;g ★ NC Senate - Deputy Whip ★ Congressman Walter Jones ★ NC Republican Party ★ US Senator Lauch Falroloth ★ Welfare Relorm ★ NC Supreme Court Justice Bob Orr ★ Citizens for a Sound Economy ★ RCS Communications Conservative Family Lifelong Republican Sirong Worl< Elhlc -To ftolect the Unborn -To Protect fvlarrlage Between Man and Woman Strong 2nd Amendment Supporter; -Lifetime NRA Member and Friends of the NRA-Chalrman -Qrassrools NC Member • Primary Sponsor of Property Rights (Anll-Annexatlon) Bill www.andrewbrock.com Paid for by Brock for Senate ■k Graduate of Western Carolina University - BS In Econoinlcs & Political Science * Lilelong member Farmlnglon UMC * Lifelong Resident ol Davie County ■k Graduate ol Davie High School ★ Ul -I 1,1,( Г ★ Kl -I 1.1 :< г * Ul l .1.1 ( 1 ★ Ul l ,1,1,( 1 ★ Ul .111 ( 1 * J td ia H o w a rd O n T he Job To the Editor: I understand that there has been some recent criticism of Representative Julia Howard regarding her inability to attend the annual Woodman of the ’WbrlclForum held there in Davie County on Tuesday, June 22, 2004 and I would like to speak on her behalf On that day, the House and Senate participated in a joint session, which did not adjourn until nearly 5:00 pm. Immediately •following this, a House Finance Committee meenng was held, which Representative Howard chaired. Included on the calendar for that meeting was a very important and time sensitive bill (Senate Bill 1127) regarding the incorporation of the community of Wallburg, Ideated within my district in Davidson County. This bill was favorably reported from the Committee and was able to be jlaced on the House floor for consideration on Wednesday. The )ill was passed, signed into law, and chaptered on June 30, 2004. However, had the bill not been passed by June 30, the Wallburg ComiTiunity would have lost $42,000 in road improvement revenues and some $237,692 in sales tax revenues from the State. I have served Davie County in the past and have always appreciated her advice and help while being a freshman senator. I hope this explains her absence on June 22, 2004. Sincerely, Stan Bingham Davidson County R e - E le c t J u l i a , H o w a r d N C Н о ш е D i s t r i c t 7 9 Pitidfor by Phillip E. Fuller, Jr. 12 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 15,2004 К j e DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July IS, 2004 - Bl J u U a . \ ^ Ь г 1 г Ь г ^ р € п г D a v i e C o u n t y n H e l p i n g 4 4 F o r m e r E m p l o y e e s o f B & F M a o n u í a c t u r í n ^ i n M o c k s v i l l e ¡II2003Julin Howattl twrlteil wiih NC Commissioner of Uibor Cherie K, Deny (left) aiul local officiab including Couniy Commissioner Michael Me» (center) to heli> 44foivier emoloyees ofB&FManufacturingget their finalpaychecks after the company closed it’s doors. 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 4 C o m m i t t e e S t a t u s i n N C H o u s e • Ethics Committee - Chairman • Finance Committee - Chairman • Le^lative Redistricting-Member • Public Utilities -Member • Rules, Calendar, and Operations ofthe House-Member S p o n s o r o f N m n e r o u s B i l l s I n c l u d i n g : • Increase Fire & Rescue Squad Pensions (Bill»HIS) • Expand the School Brea^ast Program (b¡u«h63i) • Provide Funds to Davie Campus of Davidson County Community College for $217,500 for Allied Health, Early Childhood and College Trari^er programs (BnntH im I b u r V o ic e I n R a l e i ^ T h e C o n s e r v a t i v e L e a d e r s h i p i R a n k e d 1 1 t h i n E f f iic t iv e n e s s a m o n g A L L 1 2 0 M E M B E R S o f N C H o u s e i n 2 0 0 3 • R a n k e d 2 n d i n E f f e c t iv e n e s s a m o n g A L L R E P U B L I C A N W O M E N o f N C H o u s e i n 2 0 0 3 • R a n k e d 4 d j i n E f f e c t iv e n e s s a m o n g A L L R E P U B H C A N S i n N C H o u s e i n 2 0 0 3 | | Teammates slap Cody Crotts (13) following his three-run homer in a recent Legion baseball game, - Photo by James Barringer 0 F o r 9 Mocksville Has Never Won A Series With Rowan (Sonne o/ñiiikhiff: N.C Center fir ñitíiciblicy Kesniirh) •'M Ily Ilriun Duvie Couniy nnlcrprise Recorcl ll slarled in 1982, when Rowan Couniy beni Mocksvillc four giimcs lo one in the Soulhern Division finals. All Ihese years laler, Mocksville’s Legion busebnll learn slill hasn’l bealen Rownn in a playoff series. Mocksville Is irying to scratch a 23- yenr itch this week, wIlK second-seeded Rowan nnd third-seeded Mocksvlllo butting hends In the best-of-S SD semi­ finals. Game Three Is July 14 nt Rowan at 7:15. Game Four (if necessary) is July 15 al Mocksville, and Qilme Fivo',would; be July 16 at Rowan, ' . Conch Mike Lovelace has Mocks­ ville riding ils holiest stretch since 20()0, winning 10 of 11 nnd 12 of 14, and he picked up career win No, 100 during M ocksville’s crushing three-game sweep of No, 6 Concord, But Ihis is Ihe most important series of his six-year career. Why is this series so important? Be­ cause Mocksville’s players, coaches, bonrd members and fans can’l stomach Ihe prospect of another meltdown to Rowan. The rivals met in nine other playoff series, and Rowan ended Mocksville’s senson nil nine limes; 1982, 1984, 1991, 1992, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999 nnd 2001. And the series hnven’l even been clo.se (34 wins Ibr Rowan, four for Mocksvillc). Rowan hns .sent Mocksville home in five ofthe Inst nine yenrs, nnd overnll since 1994, it hns won 33 of 37 meetings. Guess Ihc only tenm lo bent Mocks­ ville In the last 11 gnmes, Rowan,' of course. Befitting the last II years, Rowan won the first meeting 6-4 and ripped Mocksville 14-4 on July 5 nt Rich Park, The Inller outcom e spoiled Mocksville’s hopes of sharing the regu­ lar-season title for the first time since 1993 nnd Inking the No. 1 seed into llie '!> plSydffs. “ ■ i Mocksville is on a mngnlflcent roll, but its momentum has never carried over against Rownn. Mocksviiio hasn’t llckcd its wounds alone. Rowan hns n truly amazing tradition. From 1990-2002 It wns the envy of every team on the west­ ern side of the .stale. But Rowan wus down last year (16-12) and it isn’t laden with stars this year, although it entered the .series 20-14 after splitting Ihe first 16 games without vital players from West'Rowan High’s 3-A slate finalist. While Rowan wns ensily the belter team in most of the playoff clashes, this year’s matchup appears up for grabs. And Lovelace doesn’t care whnt hnp- pened when Dan Poindexter nnd Jess Maloney were Lillle Leaguers. He's preaching 2004. "They’ve won 33 of the last 37, but whal matters is who’s going lo win Iho next {besl-of-5),’’ he said. "I feel on pa­ per wc can play right wilh Ihem. In the Rowan-Mocksville thing, this could be one of the best series. It’s got potenlinl lo be a five-game series, slugging il oul nnd really getllng nfter it. We’re peak­ ing al tho right time." M ocksvlllo pessimists say their team’s biggesl obstacle Is more mental than physical, lhal Rowan will probably win again on mystique alone. The play­ ers, on Ihe olher hand, insist lhal Mocks- '• ville is for real, and that they're finally ready to end the curse, "I feel real good after scoring all these, runs (against Concord),” utility mnn Michael Wornslng said. "I ihink we've got a grent shot.” “We've got a real good team, and I Ihink we can beat them,” center fielder Nick Siega-Riz said. “People around us don't seem to think so, but hopefully we'll take it to them and show ihem how good we can play.” . Many signs point lo a landmnrk mo­ ment. While Mocksville hit n stagger­ ing .462 against Concord and strutted into the .semifinals brimming with con­ fidence, Rowan lost Oame Three to No. 7 Mooresville and did everything it could to lose Gnme Four. It trailed 6-0 ii\ llie seventh inning before staging nn improbable 8-6 rally nnd clinching the series three games to one. Rowan ace Patrick Adams, who has been clocked In Iho low 90s, has been one extreme or.the other. He has a 1.50 ERA and 48 strikeouts In 27 innings, but he's, walked a ton of people. A lot of ■ times, he either walks you or Ks you. , Gralge' Lyerly has been smoolh (5;2,■■ J ' ‘Mocksville is likely the belter team .on g^er,jbecnuse Rpwnn's offense,Is ■'ifaiher ordlnai^^ Bubba Morris, Michnel Gegórek and Bryan Graham are hitting between .338 and .352, but that's il. Cleanup man Brett Mulkey went 0-fer ngninst Mooresville, und Rowun man- nged jusl one exirn-buse hit in Ihe lust three gumes. Rownn hus limited power (23 hom­ ers in 34 gnmes) and it doesn'i stoni muny bnses. Those arc the reasons Mocksville feels good about itself despite the two regular-season losses. “I know they beat us 14-4, bul I don't Ihink they’re as strong as they have been - hitting-wise and defensively,” Please See Mocksvillc • Page B5 .V 1' Magnificent 1st Round Mocksville Embarrasses Concorc^ By Brian Pltls Dnvie County EnlerpriSe Record ■ There's no way it could have been bettor than this for third-seeded Moeksi ville in the first round of the Southern Division playoffs. The local Legioii baseball tenm didn't jusl sweep Concord 3-0 - it embarrassed the No. 6 seed. .J From David Boyles' gnme-tumlng; ihree-run homer in Oame One through Nick Slegn-Riz's 4-for-4 exclamalioii mark In an 11-1 wipeout in Oame Three nt Rich Park, Ihe hils came one after nnolhor. For the series, there wus Siegu- Riz going 7 for 10, Wesley Dougins 7- 13, Evnn Beum 5-8 und Michnel Wems- ing 4-7 while filling in for the nine- homer, .372-hilling Jess Muloney (in­ jured shoulder in Gnme One). There wns Cody Crotts throwing u complele-gume gem ufler Dnn Poindexter und John McDuniel did the honors in the first two gnmes. By the lime Ihe Mocksville mush was over, it outhit Concord 43-15, outscored Concord 30-5 und bulled .462 in 93 nt- bnts. Wow. "I would never have imngined outscoring them 30-5," Conch Mike Lovelace said. “And wo scored 24 runs in the lasl two games without our big bat (Maloney).” Lovelace somehow found something to complain aboul after Mocksville (18- 8) won for the Wlh lime in 11 games.. “To get three complele games was unbelievable, bul %ve didn't got a chance, to gel Andrew McClannon or Dusty! Snow, who are two all-cpnfercnco pltcli^ era (In high school), any .work lii №U'. , '• i series,” he said. “Bill tn the long run'iif' could help us." I While It wus a satisfying sweep all the way around, all the way dowii to Beam,'Wernsing and Malt Hutchens'6;;; for-II dam e Three hitting from thebot-' tom three spots, the series wns especiniiy' memorable for Siegu-Riz. The leadoif bnller smacked his first' homer over the right-field scoreboard with two on in the second und added a single nnd two doubles. A triple shy of the cycle, he rnced for third on a hit to' left-center but wus thrown oul by 1() feel. Missing Ihe cycle didn't slow his tor­ rid puce; 13 for his lust 19 lo hike his nvernge from .256 to .336. “Thut wus the only shot 1 wns going Please See Slegu-Riz - Page B5 S u m m e r O f ‘8 9 Baseball At Rich Park Was An Event During Drive To State Title Series S u p p o r t i n g D a v i e C o u n t s O w n D a n B a r r ^ A s H e R u n s F o r G o v o n o r Julia and Dan Barrett mde together in the2003July 4th Lawnmotuer Pamde tlmugh doim om Cooleemee. Dan was just begfuning his campai^ as a Republican runningfi>r Governor of North Camlina. \b te July 20th to Re-Elect Julia Howard to NC House District 79 By Briun Pilts Davie Couniy Enterprise Rccord Fifteen years ago, Rich Park was a field of dreams. The Legion baseball team was loaded with siar pov^er, a throng of high-school kids brought de­ lirium to the old grun(istund and funs crummed Ihe hill with luwn chairs. The human sea down the first-base line nnd nil llie wny inlo Ihe right-field corner wns called the Mocksville Moun­ tain. Coach Dule Ijnmes' high-oclune machine marched lo the slnte-chnmpi- onship series. The 37-win tenm consis­ tently attracted 2,000 fans, peaked nt 2,500 and cheers for the greatest team of all time nearly .shook the ground. There were so mnny people night in nnd niglit out thnl u group of 16-year- olds improvised n way lo distinguish tliemselves among Ihe sweaty mob. One morning on the day of a game, Chariie Crenshaw, Scoll Cullison, Kevin Howell, Tony Renegnr, Dule Parrish and myself spray painted Ks on poster board, Ihen headed out to Rich Park. We never asked for permission, but we asked for forgiveness when Bill Wiseman caught us hammering nwny in a tree in lefl field. Wiseman, who was in charge of Rich Park maintenance and still is, wasn't happy bul he was aboul I two hours loo lale. The tree house was all but complele. We kept up with strikeouts on a clothesline thj:oughout the playoffs, •stoking the fitit' thwnderous roars and irritating Oppçrtèhtsi Little did we know the tree house фиШ live in Legion lore. ' What a beautiful scene il was. Rich Park in the Summer of ‘89 is perhaps the most romnntic sports vision in Davic Couniy history.. Fans placed Iheir lawn chairs on the hill hours before game lime, 2,000-plus streamed through the gale and ihe team made an incredible run to second place in the stnte. Times change. Things change. Stm- shine turns to clouds. Nowadays the Mocksville Mountain is a .symbol for “Remember when...” Sonny Kurfees, who has served as president of the Legion progrnm since its return from n 15-yenr hibernation in 1982, cnn close, his eyes and recall ev­ erything nbout’ Ihe big crowds - the cheers resonating as background music, Ihe “iroe-room-pniy" uudience forcing people lo line up outside the fence nnd follow the action from the back of Iheir trucks, S-year^old Paul Sparks wearing eye black ip the game because his idol (Mntt Marion) always wore eye black, Please See Summer - Pnge B6 To kWs, the 1989 players were giants. Gray Bovender signs an autograph for Daniel Stephen Potts, 8. 1 !;í if 'В2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, July 15,2004 ; R e p r e s e n t a t i v e J u l i a H o w a r d For - being a "statesman"... not just a politician For - Y ou r\o^ o\\!^ to your constituents... not just partisan politics For - getting the job done in a quiet, effective way...often witfi no recognition for having done so For - not participating in the toxic politics of today’s environment For — your dQVOWon to our county’s best interest... no matter the personal costs Y o u h a v e been there for u s - N o w w e Y e here fo r you. kJ> V o te FO R Julia H o w ard o n July 20! ,v- Paid for by these Republican &UnafFiliated Supporters of Julia Howard n i l 9 Л / H u g e H a l i b u t Shane Carter Is show standing beside a 225- pound Halibut he caught while fishing in Gustavus, Alaska on July 2. The large fish measured 76 Inches long. The 11 year old is the son of Vanessa and Billy Carter of Mocl<svllle.___________________ O ld S c h o o l Davie Sports From July, 1977 • Davie Higti earned tlie Nortli Piedmont Conference record for most confcrence cliiimpionships at 26. Recogni­ tion of this awurd was made at a special meeting closing out the Western North Carolina High School Activities Association. In the fall of ‘77, all schools from the WNCHSAA started partici-' pnting in the NCHSAA. • Hickory Hill’s first-year swim team lost to Bermuda Run nnd Pinebrook Country Club. Coach Marion Pitts' individual winners against Bermuda Run were Bruce Bullock (8-under freestyle), Scolt Gantt (9-10 free), Ann Everidge( 13-14 free) andJanaFergu,sson(l5-l7 free). Hickory H ill’s winners against Pinebrook included the 11 -12 boys medley relay (Roger Deines, Billy Overcash, Mark Rickcll and John Kimberly), Traci Southern (9-TO free), Brad Bullock (15-17 free) und Curtis Fulbright (13-14 backstroke). • Tummy Allen and Jill Amos won the 18-under girls doubles in the Mountaineers tennis tour­ nament in Boone. Allen and Amos cUnohcd the lUlo with a 7- 6,6-3 victory, bccomtiig tho first Davic Gounty’gtrls to wlrfi u USTA tournament. Important Dates • Rcglstnitlon for the Davic Hag football Icaguo at the YMCA I41I1S through July 24. Tiic cost for YMCA-mcinber teams is $6(K), $650 for non-member teams. To qualify as a member leam, there must be six V members of nny branch of YMCA of Northwest North Carolina. Players must be 21 or older. Teams may have 18 players. Individual, compnny or church teams can partici­ pate. For more information or details, contact Lauren Fowler at the D avie Y at 751-9622 or visit the w ebsite at w w w .geocities.com /davieflagrootball < http;// www.geocitics,com/davieflagfootball>. You can also contnct Bob Richardson at brich68@yadtel.net. • The Mocksville-Davie Recreation Department Is taking reg­ istration for coed softball.The league will begin in mid-August and play on Mondays,Tuesdays and Thursdays. The deadline is July 30. Call Joe Boyette at 751-2325 or em ail him nt joeb@ umpire.com. • Sports physicals will be given at South Davie Middle School on July 19 from 5-7 p.m. The cost is $10. S a tu rd a y K ig h t Oates open for practice dt 6 p.m. FIRST RACC AT 8 P.M. , NIGHT OF Presented by UPN48 Television M O N S T E R T R U C K C A R . C R U S H I N G and a D E M O L S T i O N D E R B Y ! Plus Modllled, Bport«man, Street Stock and Stadium Stock raeesl Fnns' Prize: S400 worth ol gnsolino from 4 Brothers Food Stores ’ Admission: Adulls, 10 and older- $10 Ages 12-17- $6. --------------->. Aoes 8-11 - SI Childten under 6 FREE wilh adult oscoit•••’immut_____________PLENTY OK FREE PARKING___________ Intormallon about stadium racing; (336) 723-1819 otrieiAi ввшщ ттш DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tiiursday, July 15,2004 - B3 FORD MERCURY ЮЗ Expedition XLT 4x4s 5.4L V8 engine, low miles, full pow er o m y $ 2 5 . Ш Г *03 Taums SES Sedans V6, auto, pow er seats, loaded with options!! o m y $ 1 1 f i 5 ( X r *03 Focus SE Sedans Auto, CD, alloys, full power, low m iles o m y $ 9 £ 5 0 ! t ^ Crown Vic LX Sedans V8, leather, dual m w e r seats, full power, low m iles o m y $ 1 6 , 9 9 5 ! t G r e a t D e a l s o n P i c k - U p s ! ! ! '02 Chevy Silverado #110ALT, Extra Cab, 4x4,5.3LV8, laather, lull power, 44k miles »23,850 'OICtoySteKloZTI ‘99F-150SKXLT #135AExtt cab, Uvera* LS, va auto, 4x4, sirrino СШ, ^ Im niifes, local trado. #P53A 5.4L VS auto, bodlinor. full powor, 78k milos. *20,995* *12,750 WRSOXLTFIareslde ff75.\ V8, auto, (ull powor. 26k milos *19,850 ‘01 F-150 sc XLT #P35AV6, nulo, 4 doors, full powor, 4Bk milos *15,850* *34,850* Check out these deals on QUALITY Pre-Owned Vehicles for less than $ 9 ,0 0 0 !! '99 F-150 XL Reg, Cab ff72ütУС,5ч».чЮ in, z i t t i i %,995‘ L ow Prices! FORD MERCURY Shop US online at a a fO rd .C O m Just off 1-40 Exit 170, Hwy. 601 • Mocksville, N0 • (336) 751-2161 ‘Plus lax & fees. Dealer keeps rebates. "W.A.C. and Musl llnance with Ford Credit. ‘"Must qualify for certain Incentives. See dealer for delalls. $Ш»4ГШ í^ I-« Ш* 1 AMU1CAN'<A fOiO ^ MUCUBY JMocktville »лйНк 9-ш.i Cart NoylorGonofOtManí^KoUh DovonportSüiosMwioof Dnio RattodgoAssistant Sfíhs Mvvigof Lonnio Burnoss Chuck Walkor I I В4 - DAVIK COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, .luly 15, 2004 Mocksville's bench Is all smiles during a run of tO wins in 11 games. Afler finishing second in Ihe regular season, it swept Concord 3-0 in the first round of the playoffs. Cody Crotts concentrates on a pitch.- Photos by James Barringer M igh ty M ite Boyles Flexes Muscles In Game 1 Hoylf.s 'I hc smiillcsi player im llic field slDod tallest ol' illl 11 s Mocksville's Legion liase- ball leam grabbed Game One of Its firsl- roiinil Soiilii- crn Division playoff se­ ries againsi visiting Concord on July 6 a( Rich I'ark. Wilh Ihird-seedcd IVlocksvillc trailing No. 6 Concord 2-1 in Ihc boiloni of Ihe fourlh inning. 5- fool-7 David Boyles sparked a 6-4 win with a lliree-run, go- ahead homer lo Icl'i. "Il was a curveball and dial’s probably Ihe fir.sl curvcball I've hil hard all season," the second baseman said. "Maybe it's jusl finally coining around." During Ihe regular season, Boyles had displayed .serious Ihunip from Ihe eiglilh spul in liie order, as four long balls repre- senled one oflhc major surprises ; during Mocksville's jusl-a-whis- ' kcr-away run al first place in the ■division. Hul Ihis was Boyles' biggesi yard work. "Il was a big Iifl," Coach Mike Lovelace said. “Me didn’l have a home run all year (for W. Forsylh I ligh), and he's been our guy al |he boilom of ihc ortler, He led off for Wesl and ihey were a final-eighl lenm in Ihe stale. He’s gelling lo .see some ’ fasiballs at the bullom, and he's Inking udvuntnge of ihem. "Me’s nol only swinging ihe bat, he turned a nicc double play (in Ihc ninlh)." Bolh teams had ihcir best arms going, and Mocksville (16- 8) banged Concord lofty Andy Benson around for 11 hiis. Jess Maloney wcni .1 for 4, while Foo Smilh, Mall I lulchens and Wes­ ley Douglas added Iwo hiis cach as Mocksville beat Concord for the second lime in three meel- ings and dropped Ihe visitors lo l.Vll. "Benson's only loss wns to Kowan Coumy last week," Lovelnce said. “Their coach said he's been prclly much unbcnl- ablc, and for us to get 11 hits off n ciuality lefthander und only strike oul two times, lht\t says something for our lenm." Mocksville ace Dnn I’oindex- ler hurled his fourlh complcle game in si,\ iries, bul his si,\lh win again.sl one loss pnlcd in comparison lo Ihe others. For he sen’cd up a pair of iwo-run hom­ ers in llie fourlh and fiflh as the game's firsl eight runs were scored on balls dial lefl Ihc build­ ing. Il was 4-4 nfler four and a half. "I didn’t luive it," f’oindcMer .suid. "The whole night I renlly didn’l hil spois well." "Dan doesn't usunlly need a ’ boosi," Boyles said. "Bul he worked around il, and that's all Ihal matters." Il mu.sl be nice lo limit a lenm 10 four runs on an off night. Thni’.s how dom inant I’oindcxler's been, and he had no problem handling Ihc enemy af­ ter the second homer, wilh Con­ cord managing one hil in die fi­ nal four innings. “(Concord’s sccond lioincr) mnde me all ihe more mad, nnd that’s when I decided lo slow down, i|uit trying to overthrow and keep my weight back and slay clo.sed," he said. "I fell like I gol more pop on my fnslbaii nfler I concenlraied on doing those things." Concord’s 2-(l lead in the top of the fourlh didn’t last long. On Ihe firsl pilch oflhc boilom half, Mnloncy cul Ihe margin in hnlf wilh one swing, Inunching his ninlh homer lo sirnighlaway ccn­ ler. The shot made him Ihe eighth player to hit at least nine, join­ ing Mall Marion, Chad Triplcll, Mall Fife, Wes Mccham, Drew Kidenhuur, Bryan Bisiiop and K.J. Speaks, nil of whom pinyed between 1987-1УУ9. Boyles’ ihrce-run sliol came four bailers later. Afler Concord lied it at 4 in the next hnlf in­ ning, Smith put M ocksville ahead for good with a two-out single. Dougins adtled insurance in Ihc sixth, singling to make it 6-4 after Hutchcns’ sac bunt pushed Nick Sicga-Rl/, into scor­ ing position, Mocksville for 4 for 4 on sac-buni attcmpis. "I think Ihrcc of his five hom­ ers have been in Ihe same inning Ih'al 1 hil one," Maloney said of Boyles. The win mighl have comc wilh a price. Maloney wcni hori­ zontal on a pop foul near the Mocksville bencli nnd sinyed on the ground for a while, grimac­ ing al a shoulder injury. If il's serious, it woidd be a terrible loss of a cleanup batter who hnd been hilling Ihe ball on Ihe nose (..172). “Any lime you lake a mon- ■ster bat out like his, ihni could be a big blow," Lovelace said. Notes: Mocksville has won 10 of 12.... No. y bailer Hulch- cns has foiintl a groove jusl in lime afler struggling all .season. He has five hiis in his lasi II) al- bals. ... Siega-Riz, who walked twice and gol hil by a pitch, has been a prololypicnl leadoff, lend­ ing in wnlks (21) nnd stolen bnscs (16). ... While Maloney climbed ihc homer chan, Poin- ilexier forged a sixth-place lie in single-season wins. Mocksville 6, Concnrd A Mock Siet'ii-Ulz cf Oijugliis c I’iiimlfslerp Maliini.-)’ Ill Snow 111 Smilh If Criills 3b Houtii rf lloylus 2I> MUICllL-ns ss I'dluls Ci>iic(ird MuckAVlllv IIK - Maliincy (')), Mnylcs (.S). Sll - Sicsa-Ri/dfi). Miii'k ll> II !< KH Illl .SO I'oinilxlr W‘J K 4 4 ■ .1 .1 111) r Il 1)1 1 1 0 0 4 (» 2 I •1 0 0 0 A 2 Л 1 (I (\0 0 4 1 2 1 A 1 1 0 2 0 (t 3 1 1 .1^ 0 2 0 29 (\М 6 (НЮ 220 (КИ)-.| (KW Л\\ (KU-6 Mando Maniacs BehtindMocí<sviiie Legion liy Dillon Miuircr Enlcrprisc Intern It all slarled on a Tuesdny evening at 7; 15. It was your typi­ cal baseball evening at Rich Park. Tlie sky was blue, the air was warm and Ihc Mocksville Legion team wns pumped and rendy 10 timi up the heat againsi Concord. The Mando Maniacs consisiing of Brandon Slewarl, ficnih Boyd, Dillon Mnurer, Brad Corriher, Zach Vogler, Tay­ lor Cox, Chris Rogers and Saxon Prati were set up behind left Held, rendy lo make lliings a lilllc more inieresiing Ihal niglil. Al­ though Poindexler did nol Iiave his besl pilching performance, A Kannapolis infielder collides with Mocksville runner Matt Hutchens. Ihe Mnndo Maniacs conlinucd to Sland behind Mocksvillc all Ihe way nml rooicd ihem on lo n 6- 4 win. Brad Corrilier said, “ We are whnt kepi Mocksville Legion going that night and we were nol going lo slop," 1 guess that means Ihal Ihe "Mando Maniacs" are slill alive and well and ready for nnolher pinyolf series.Dan Poindexter took a 6-1 record into the second round against Rowan County. DAVIE COUNTY EN l'EUIMUSE RECORD, Thursday, .July 15, 2004 - B5 W e r n s in g A n s w e r s T h e C a li In G a m e T w o R o u t If Michncl Wernsing wns a forgotten man heading into Onnie Two al Concord on July 7, he isn’t anymore. Wernsing had been lurking in the shadows for two weeks, get­ ting no action in the past three games and one at-bat in the last to. Jess Maloney injured his shoulder in Game One and didn’t dress, but thnt wasn’t going to changc Wemsing’s role as Dusty Snow wns slated to replace Mal­ oney at first base. Then Snow became ill. Wernsing had been sitting on a .370 average but didn’t mope about it. When Snow’s late scratch cracked the door, Wcms- ing barged through with a two- hit, threc-RBI surprise that helped Mocksville smash Con­ cord 13-0 wilhout a star who is hitting ,372 wilh team-high to­ tals in hits and home runs (38,9) nnd 29 RBIs. “It was unexpected because Dusty would have been playing and I was thinking I'd be on the bench doing my regular thing, and maybe come in in the sev- % ' W ernsing Hciim enlh for defense,” Wernsing said afler Mocksville romped 13-0 for a 2-0 lead in the best-of-5, first- round Southern Division scries. “It felt good to comc through nnd help the leam out." Coach Mike Lovelace ad­ mires the way Wernsing handles his low-proFile role. He’s proven time and again thal he’s starter material in the wings, and his lat­ est lift inflated his average to .400 in 30 al-bals. “We called on him nnd he an­ swered,” Lovelace said. “He’s answered every call, whether it’s playing left field, second base, Ihird base. I gave hitn the sac bunt with two strikes, ami he got it down to put two runners in scoring position. He throws bal­ ling practice before Ihe game. He’s jusl a team player, und you don’t find many of Ihosc guys, especially a 19-ycur-old.” Mocksville’s raging offense (15 hiis) let John McDaniel coast to 4-1. Nick Siega-Riz had three hits and fourRBIs. Wesley Dou­ glas singled and doubled twice.' Dan Poindexter had three hits and Ihree RBIs. David Boyles drew Ihree of Concord's seven walks. And Evan Beam went 3 for 3 as Mocksville won for Ihe ninlh time in 10 games. How hot arc Slega-Rlz and Douglas'? Siega-Riz is 9 for 15 in Ihe last four games, and Dou­ glas is 12 for 20 in the Inst five. Poindexter climbed back over .400. “We didn’t have Jess and we still smashed it,” Beum suid. “I’ve said Ihe whole time people will hear Siega-Riz's name,” Lovelace said. “We had great Icflhandcd leadoff batters in Zach Greene nnd Brad Bull­ ard, and now Siega-Riz. Tonight he was Mr. Clulch. It was a 1-0 game when he gol his first hil. and Ihe Iwo limes he gol oul he hit shots. He could huve gone 5 for 5.” D ouglas’ double and Poindexter’s sac fly started the .scoring in the first. In the second, Wernsing laid down a two-strike sac bunt and Siega-Riz followed wilh a two-out, Iwo-nin single up the middle. Douglas and Poin­ dexter singled in a onc-run third. Mocksville was just getting sturled. After Dougins and Poin­ dexter roped doubles in the fiflh, Ihe star of the show - Sicga-Riz - delivered another two-oui, two- run single as Mocksville poured across five runs for u 9-0 bulge. Concord starter George Smitli gol hammered for 10 hil!i in four innings while failing to 0-3 in the season series. Concord used four pitchers in a hopeless attempt to stop tho bleeding. "Maloney is 6-7 wilh a 7-5 wingspan when he reaches oul,” Lovelace said. “I asked Foo about playing first and he said: ‘ Yeah, (Jr. Legion coach Charles) Kurfees had me play there last year.' He’s such a good athlete Ihal he can adapt lo diffcrciil po­ sitions. “Wc didn’t miss a bent, nml il was somebody differcnl again.” That somebody was the nl- ways-ready W ernsing, who added salt lo the wound with a two-run single lhat keyed a four- run seventh. While Wernsing was making up for M aloney's absence, McDanicl svas taking the sling out of his previous outing, a di­ sastrous I l/3reliefslintina 14- 4 loss lo Rowan Counly two tiays earlier. “1 Iricd not lo worry about it too bad,” McDaniel said. “1 usu­ ally do better when I start a game. I don’l know what il is.” After pilcliing oul of iwo-on jams in Ihe second and fuurlli, McDaniel overwhelmed Con­ cord in the last Ihrcc innings. He retired the last 10 baiters, struck out four of the Insi six, faced six above the minimum and covercd seven innings in jusl 76 pilches. "It was a rcal posilivc for him to come back after the outing he had against Rowan,” Lovclacc saiil. “He was inside, outside, knuckleball, curvcball. I mean they didn’t know which wny it was going.” Notes: The steady, if unspec­ tacular, Smith stands at .302 and liasn’l dipped below .289 all sea­ son. ... Beam leaped from .219 to .250. Although his hitting hud faded. Beam’s contributed witli nice discipline at the plate, draw­ ing the third-most walks. Mocksvillc 13, Concord 0 Mock Slcgi>-Rl7. cf Doughi.s c CliilJcrs c t’oiiulexlcr 3b Snillli lb Crolls (III Hoyles 2b tleam rt Wcnisliig ir IhilcbciiK .ss 'riiliils ub r h bl 5 4 1 3 4 2 3 0 0 1 0 0 4 1 3 3 3 I I I 4 U 0 I 2 3 0 0 3 3 3 I 3 1 2 3 3 0 0 0 31 13 1.1 13 Miicksvillc 121 1Ш 4 -13 Coiicoril ООО ООО 0 -0 2» - Douglas 2 (6), I’olmlcxicr (8). SI) • Hoyles, llcaiii (4). Muck II> II It KK HII SO McD W 7 4 0 0 0 ft Siega-Riz, Crotts Lead l\/Iocksville Legion To Gam e 3 Rout Continued From Page Dl lo get for Ihe cycle, so I went for it,” he snid. “I’ve nlways had a little power; I hit four homers at Wesl Forsylh. (On the homer) he gave me an inside pitch - 1 hadn’t seen one in a while - and I jusl yanked il. But I was glud I camc back and hit singles like a lead- off man’s supposed lo do.” “If it’d been a tight game, he would have stayed at second,” Lovelace said of Siega-Riz’s ; у Siega-Riz D ouglas failed triple allcmpt. “But he was going for something you don’l sec a lot. He’s been hilling ev­ erything to left-center (opposite field), and one hit was up the middle, one was to left and the homer was no doubt to right. That shows you what type of hit­ ter he is." Foo Smith wasted no lime ' piilling Mocksville ahead l-O in the first, and Siegn-Riz’s thrce- run slioi an inning laler was mom than Crolls needed to im­ prove Ills rccord to 2-1). M ocksvillc beat up on Concord’s help­ less pitchcrs in all six of its at- H utchcns bats, an on- Г А Д 'è'-, il 4 | í ; ^ v | slaughi Ihal included Poindexter’s ilcep sac fiy in the Ihird (it was close lo a grand slam), Beam’s fourth-inning double, C rolls' fiflli-inning single and Sicga-Rlz’s two-run double in the sixth. “Tliey came out Ihc first game and were trying rcal hard (in a 6- 4 loss), bul we’ve been hilling the ball so well ihjit it really didn't matter whal they did or what they threw - wc were go­ ing to hit it," Siega-Riz said. “And that’s how it was every game.” Mocksvillc crushed the ball no matter who wus at the plale. Besides Siega-Riz’s 4-for-4, five-RBI night, Douglas, Smilh, Beam, Wernsing and Hutclicns had two hits, and Poindexter was I for 1 wilh two walks us every Mocksvillc starter contributed a hit. Afler a siring of shaky oiil- ings, Crolls pitched only two in­ nings over the previous nine games. But a well-rcslcd Crolls was sensational in liis firsl com­ plete game since last year’s play­ offs, throwing a tliree-hiller. Concord couldn’t do anything against tlie third-year rigliihander for six innings (one hit and one base runner). The visitors finally got on tho board in tho seventh and final inning. Crotts, who wns Inst yenr’s ace with a 6-3 record and 3.03 ERA, recaplured his old form to lower his ERA from 5.40 to 4.50. Combined Poindexler, McDuniel and Crolls allowed IS hits in 23 innings, walked Ihrce and fanned 16. Their ERA was 1.95. ”1 liadn’l pitched in a while und iny arm felt absolutely gival,” Crolls said, ”1 ilidn'l liavc my arm in the beginning, and I’m slarlingloget il back a lilllc bit." "He looked like Ihe old Cody Crotts," Lovelace said. “His firsl nine pilclies were strikes, and his velocity was up. You say he’s our No. 3 pilclier, bul his line was as impressive or more impressive lhan anyone’s in llie series. Thai’s a big lift. He looked like a guy thal’s been around u while." Notes: Concord finislicd IS­ IS. ... Douglas has stormed to .348, Poindexter is back above .400 and Smith's series clip was 5 for 11.... Wernsing rose lo .411, und he was playing only because of Maloney’s Injury. ... The re­ surgent Hutchens has made the biggesi move, .113 lo .186. ... The only loss In Mocksville’s 10- 1 run is to Rowan Counly, the opponent in the next series in the SD semifinals. Mocksvillc II, Ctmcord 1 Mock Sicgu-Klzcf Douglas с Piiimlcxlct 3h Sinllh Ih Crolls p Hoyles 2b Hciuii rf Wenisliig ir IIuIcIkhs ss Tululs nb r b bl 4 3 4 .1 ■“I 1 2 I 1 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 I I 1 1 0 2 2 1 2 2 0 2 2 0 33 11 17 II Cnncnril ООО ООО 1- \ M(ick.svlllc 142 112 x - ll 2U - SIcgu-RU 2 (6), SmW) (4), Beam (3). IIK - Sicga-RU. SB - Slogn-RI< (17). Muck II' II К EK nn SO Crmis W 7 3 I I 0 rV Mocksville Trying To Reverse Rowan Fortunes Continued From Page B l Poindexter said. “Their muin thing is their pitching. We hit Adams fairly well (in the 6-4 loss), but sonic things just went the wrong way, 1 know we cnn hit the pitchers they’ve got, Concofcl hud some pretty good pitchcrs, und we just kept hit­ ting it. Our bats «re hot and I feel really confidcnl.” Helping M ocksville’s case is the expected return of cleanup baiter Jess Maloney, who missed the last two games wilh n shoulder injury. In the long haul, you jusl can’t re­ place his nine hom ers, 29 RBIs, .372 average and 7-foot- 5 wingspun at first. "He will play,” Lovelace ■said. “Me swung the bat (be­ fore Game Three vs. Concord), and w e’re going to have lo have him to win this next one.” The storied rivalry, the curse (or the streak, depending M o c k s v i l l e L e g i o n B a s e b a l l S t a t i s t i c s Record: 18-8 H irriN G Evan Beam David Boyles Cody Crotts Philip Childers Wesley Douglas Lance Emert Matt Hulchens Jess Maloney Andrew McClannon Dan Poindexter Nick Siega-Riz Foo Smilh Dusty Snow Clint Slanley Colt Slanley Michael Wernsing Others TOTALS PITCHING Cody Crotts Spencer Hodges Jess Maloney Andrew McClannon John McDaniel Dan Poindexter Nick Siega-Riz Dusty Snow Otiiers TOTALS SAVES: Poindexter 2, Siega-Riz o , ^ STOLEN BASES: Siega-Riz 17, Beam 4, Poindexter 4, Douglas 2, Maloney 2, Co. Stanley 2, Boyles. Hulchens, Smilh, Cl, Stanley r. WALKS/HPB: Siegtt-Ri/.22, Poindexter 18, Beam 16,Smith 13, Maloney 12, Boyles IO,CroH.s 10, Dpuglas 10, Hulchens 10, Childers 7, Wernsing 7, Snow 4. Co. Slanley 4, Emerl 3, Cl. Slanley 2, McClannon, Others 3 AVG. AU R H RBI 211 3B HR .265 79 22 21 13 3 0 1 .306 75 16 23 18 5 0 5 .350 57 10 20 15 2 0 2 .187 16 4 3 4 1 0 0 ,348 89 . 25 • 31 19 6 2 1 ,222 27 4 6 3 0 0 0 .186 75 15 14 8 1 0 0 .372 102 25 38 29 6 0 9 ,307 13 3 4 1 0 0 0 ,411 90 30 37 35 8 1 8 .336 IOI 31 34 19 6 2 1 .311 90 21 28 14 4 0 0 .222 9 1 2 1 0 0 0 .210 19 2 4 3 0 0 0 .181 11 4 2 0 0 0 0 ,411 34 10 14 7 0 0 0 .250 12 0 3 0 ■0 0 0 .315 899 223 284 189 43 5 27 W-L IP H R ER BB SO ERA 2-0 32 35 23 16 7 25 4.50 0-0 5 2/3 ■2 1 0 2 3 0.00 0-0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.00 3-3 31 36 18 12 10 29 3.48 4-1 58 2/3 66 42 26 13 26.3.98 6-1 52 1/3 50 22 18 12 52 3.09 0-0 3 5 2 1 2 4 3.00 3-3 31 37 26 16 18 29 4.64 0-0 3 1 1 1 4 3 3.00 18-8 217 2/3 234 135 90 68 171 3.72 your perspective), the tossup forecast and big crowds should make for a thrilling scries, “It’s going lo be hostile en­ vironm ents und a lot o f peo p le,” L ovclacc said. "They’ve been the lop team nround, and our team is really believing. What else could you ■ask for?" Notes: Lovelace entered the sem irinals w ith a 101-80 record. While he trails all-time winner Dale Ijamcs, who went 175-88 from 1989-1995, he leads Mocksville’s third-wiii- ningest coach by 34 victories. On the too milestone, he said: “You’ve got to havo the pluyers to do that, and we’ve been fortunate," Mocksville Legion (1 8 -8 ) W Mock 11, Mooresville 4 W Mock 9, Asheboro 3 W Mock 9, Kemersville 7 W Mock 5, E. Randolph 4 L Mooresville 6, Mock 3 L Kemersville 10, Mock 8 L Asheboro 9, Mock 6 W Mock 12, Soulh Rowan 2 L Slanly Co. 5, Mocksville 4 L Concord 9, Mocksville 7 W Mock 13, Lcxinglon 3 L Rowan Co. 6, Mocksvillc 4 W Mocksville 13, Wilkes 2 W Mock 12, Moorc.sville 2 LM oor5, Mock,sville3(ll) W Mock 16, Slanly Co. 12 W Mock 5, Wilkes Co. 4 W Mock 9, Kannapolis 1 W Mocksvillc 8, S. Rowan 7 WMock 3, Lcxinglon 2 (10) W Mock 15, Kannapolis 6 W Mocksville 14, Concord 7 L Rowan 14, Mocksville 4 Playoffs W Mocksville 6, Concord 4 W Mock.sville 13, Concord 0 W Mocksville II, Concord I 12 at Rowan Counly 13 vs. Rowan Counly . 14 at Rownn County 15 vs. Rowan (if necessary) I 16 at Rowan (if nece.ssnry) Legion Recap July 6 - Mock 6, Concord 4 Jess Maloney slams his ninth homer, David Boyles hits his fifth with two on and Dan Poindexter improves to 6-1 despite giving up two homers. July 7 - iVlock 13, Concord 0 Nick Sicga-Riz, Wesley Douglas, Dnn Poindexter and Evan Beam get three hits ench, MichacI Wernsing adds Iwo and pitcher John McDaniel cruises to 4-1, July 8 - Mock U, Concord I Siega-Riz goes 4 for 5 with five RBIs, and Cody Crolls fires a Ihrcc-hiiier in his first mound start in 10 games. In Ihc three- game sweep, Mocksville hil .462. "“TOM FI£MING C O M M IS S IO N E R filili for II) 1(1111 Hcaiiii);, Caiulldalt' F I R S T G R E E N S B O R O H O M E E Q U I T Y WE OFFER... Loans I’or All 'Pypes of Crcdil Situations 100% Piiicha.scs • Conventional • FH A & VA 125% Financing • No Income Vcrilication Mobile Homes (SW & DW) • i'.elf-Employcd Bankruptcy OK For Excellent Service and Quick Closings CONTACT TAMARA CHURCH FIRST GREENSBORO HOME EQUITY 1300 W cstgatc Center Drive W inston-Salcni, NC 27103 IMione 1-336-768-7566 or I-800-296-OS51 Al'lcr Hours 692-9974 • Fax 1-336-768-9864 В 6. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July IS, 2004 Teenagers packed the grandstand. They spent most.of their summer nights at the ball game. Sum m er O f ‘8 9 ... In the tree house tallying stril<eouts are, from left, Chad Merrell, Dale Parrish, Brian Pitts and Scott Callison. Conllnued Kroin I’uRi' IM brciilhtcss kids gelling uiilu- graph.s aflcr Ihc gume. Piftccn years liilcr. il tircaks Kiirfucs' hearl lo luok al Ihe Mocksville Mounliiin. Mocks­ ville Is slill Ihe second-biggest draw in Ihe Southern Division - behind perennial leader Rowan Counly • but Ihc good limes aro long gone, "Every lime I come oul here. 1 Just wisli il could be like il was. Every time I come out here," he said. "Now if we have 250, 3(X) people, we’ve got a pretty big crowd. Back then we turned the popcorn machine on when wc gol here and never cul il off until about the eighth inning. We popped popcorn i\s fast ns wc X could pop it, wc poured drinks T a.s fast as wc could hand 'em oul the window, and we probably made l,(KK) to 1,5(10 hot dogs u nighl. ll was exciting." In Ihe good ol’ days. Legion games were an event for nil nges. Tcenuged guys were there to walch girls walk by, und adulls were there to boo the urnps and disrupt Ihe opponent. Ijumes said Ihat had a lol lo do wilh Mock.sville's 37-15 sea­ son. "They can help you get a lot ofiho.se close culls," he suid then. "In Ihe pluyoffs Ihe hill wus full of chairs ut 4 o’clock. The fans won so many games. They were Hat awesome." "I'd like lo SCO ll like Ihul again,’’ Kurfees said. “People don’t rculize what they're miss­ ing in this town, ll was packed aboul every night wc played. 1 don’t know whnl wc can do to get the crowds back. We’ve got a great leam. an exciting team." Charles K urfees’ dispirit .".hows in his face. "I think aboul it all the lime, about how great it would be to have those duys aguin." he said. “I can remember coming out here lo gel Ihc field ready and people were lining their yard chairs up ul 9 o’clock in the nioniing. The lasl big crowd wus when Lexington beut us (oul in Ihc lyy.l playoffs).’’ A handful of Junior Legion players ure trying Iheir hurdesi lo recapture the old times. When Lefly Slewurt showed them Ihe photo of the 1989 Burk Boys in Ihe tree house, they found Ihcm- sclvcs a scaffolil nnd hung Ks in lust week’s 6-4 win over Con­ cord. “We were like; ‘Man, we’ve got to do that,’ " Briul Corriher suid. “My dad hud the perfcci idea, and we got some scaffold from the high school." Whut happened lo Ihe glory duys? Will Ihey ever return? "I’d love to pluy in front of a crowd like lhal, lo have the en­ tire hill filled up." Corriher said. "I cun-i imuginc thut muny people sitting here. People were sitting on Ihe hill, Iheir chuirs wouldn’t even sit straight and , they didn’t cure. We’re trying to get everybody punipetl up again, get the Irudition buck going ugain. Hopefully we can gel some younger people inlo it again." PULL UP A COUCH, and through the mind’s eye. let's take a walk to 1989. ' Ijumes won the state champi­ onship ut Kemersville in 1988, But Kernersville’s drcudful fol­ lowing beat him down nnd prompted the 1969 Davie gradu­ ate to comc buck home. Ijumes alone was worth Ihe price of ad­ mission, uiways yacking, always stomping uround und always playing mind games with oppo­ nents. His assistants were George Daywult and Bradley Craddock. 'I'hcir leam wus loudcd, uvcr- aging nearly u run per inning and staging three seven-game win­ ning streaks. Al one point Mocksville won 25 of 28. The rosier included Duvie’s Matt Webb, Mike McDanicl, Matt Marion. Denny Key. Alex Null, Wes Mcchani und Anslo Fowler; West Torsyth’s FreddieTrnnsou, Scoll McDaniel, Nule Newsome, Brantley Smilh, Mike Lovelace and Gray Bovender; and Starniounl’s Chad Triplett. Cmilinucd On Page B7 Denny Key was a fireballer who was drafted by the Cleve­ land Indians. Mil<e McDaniel strucl< out 17 in a 1989 game and batted .415. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursduy, July IS, 2004 - B7 The fiery Dale Ijames led Mocksville to 37 wins in 1989. Fans would put out their lawn chairs hours before game time, ensuring a seat among 2,000-plus fans. Sum m er O f ‘89 Continued From Page B6 Brockc Walker, Stu Holt and Michael Shore. "There’s as much baseball lul- cnt in this county right now us I can ever remember seeing,” Day­ walt said then. Dnvie High chargcd lo Ihe 4- A semifinals. West nnd Stnr- mounl also ventured deep in Ihc pluyoffs. Wilh Ijnmcs using u makeshift lineup, Mocksvillc started 0-3. When Ijames got all his guns, Mocksville immedi­ ately won 12 of 13. Some samples of how the players performed; • McDaniel, who was 34 for 54 at one point for Dnvie, had u 10-for-21 week in Legion. On the day ho signed with UNC- Ashevillc, the lefty pitcher struck ■out 17 and went 3 for 5 in a 3-2 win over Stanly County. He was hitting .442 through 47 games. Torn tendons in his hnnd hnm- pered him down the stretch us he settled for .415. • Newsome started 18 for 18 in slolen buses. The leadoff man hil .345 nnd swiped 28 bugs. • Lovelncc, a 16-yenr-old phe- ■ nom who Inter pitched for UNC- Charlolie, struck out 10 butters in a row and 12 of 13 In two games. He funned, 16 ngninst North'Wllkcsboro, took a no-hit­ ter Into the eighth one nighl and gnve up three hits in nn 18-inning stretch. He finished 10-2 wilh three saves and 141 strikeouts in 125 innings. • Walker hit .480 with 10 homers as a Siumiount senior. He wns drnfted by the Milwaukee Brewers, but quttrtcrbucked nt Wnke Forest instead. The center fielder hil .344 with eight hom­ ers. • Mnrion hit the inost dnunatic homer in Duvie history, n Ihree- run shot on n 3-2 pilcli for n 3-2 win over West on the finnl duy of the regular season. It gave Davie ils Ihird strnighi confer­ ence tille when u loss would huve crented n Urst-plncc tie beiween Dnvic, West and two others. Unfortimutely, u knee injury and broken wrist cost the slug­ ging first bu.scmnn und future Pfeiffer standout 25 gimies. He still hud Iwo homers and six RBIs in a playoff game. When he broke his wrist in the next round, Marion wanted lo cut the eust off. “Dr. (Joel) Edwnrds suid if ho sees me trying lo play ball, he’s coming on Ihe field after me," Marion snid then. "But he doesn't come to nwny gnmes." Marlon was the definition of dedication. Even though he played in ihc stnte-title series nt Whiteville. he didn’t miss foot- bnll prncticc, driving 180 miles (one wny), getting lo bed at 3 u.m. and driving ull Ihe wny back to Whitcville nfter footbnll prac­ tice. With ail that mileage und slceple.ssness weighing on his shoulders, lie homered twice in Game Three vs. Whitcville. The injury-plngued slur lilt .329 with six homers. • Key wns n 6-4 flnmelhrower (88 mph) who signed with Wnke Forest before getting drnfted by the Clevclnnd Indians. He hnd u 1.88 ERA through 72 Innings, threw five strnighi compleie games nnd struck out 13 in u Western Norih Cnrolinn pinyoff gnme. He finished 9-4. x • Trnnsou, a 16-year-old out­ fielder, enjoyed a 5-for-5 night and hil .339 in 48 gnmes. • Fowler wns un outfielder who hit n grund slum in one gnme und u three-run blusi In Ihe nexl, "He cnrried us for two weeks.” Ijumes said yenrs Inter. • Triplell wns u rising Slnr- mount senior who wus un ACC prospect in biusebnll nnd football. He's genernlly considered the grentesi nil-nround pluyer in Mocksvillc history. He hit .329 with 12 homers nnd 45 RBIs. On the mound he wenl 7-2 wilh n 2.69 ERA. • Mechnm launched three homers in three gnmes in u licaled division championship scries against Concord. • Bovender was anotlicr 16- year-okl phenom al shortstop. He nnd Newsome were Ihc fastest white boys you've over seen. Bovender turned down n possible pro bnsebnll cnrecr lo become n wide rcceivcr ut North Curolinu. He hil ;326 in 49 gumcs. • Shore came out of nowhere lo spur Mocksville to a convinc­ ing triumph over Asheboro in the Area III finals, going 9 for 13 after getting benched for a mis­ erable slump. Snapshots of Mocksville’s stomp through the Southern Di­ vision nnd first two pinyoff rounds; It trailed Rownn Counly 6-0, but won 9-8. It trailed Montgom­ ery Country 8-2 before rallying 9-8. It went 13-1 in the SD, and that one loss wus meaningless us Ijumes rested rcgulnrs for the pluyoffs. It won Ihe lengue by five gnmes. Through 18 gumcs, McDuniel wus hilling .444, Mechnm .417 nnd Triplett .414. The stuff gnve up two earned runs In n span of 30 innings. Through the second round of Ihe playoffs, Lovelnce wns 7-0, Triplett 6-0, Key 5-0 nnd McDnniel 4-0. In the first two playoff rounds, Mocksville ripped through North Wilkesboro and Lexington in Ihree straight games. Thnt set up the most memornble series ever, the division finnls against hnlcd Concord. Concord won Ihe fir.il ihree gnmes of Ihe bcsl-of-7 series. When Concord won Game Three 5-4 al Rich Pork, plnle umpire Jeff Sufrit burely mnde it out of Rich Purk. Triplett hnd usked for time with two on and two outs in Ihe bollom of the ninth. Snfrit didn'l grunt time und Triplett struck oul. Snfrit was cscorted out by poliec, bui even one of thé offic­ ers wus riding Sufrit. After Mocksville lost Gnme Two 4-0, u rowdy herd of Con­ cord funs wnitcd for Mocksvillc ut the bus. One of them suid; “We've nlready beat you boys twice in n row, why you wunnn get your (expletive) bent ngnin.” Concord had ace Billy Grny rested for Gnme Four, He wns 8- 1 with his only loss to Mocks­ ville. But Concord's conch chosc not to go for Mocksville's jugu­ lar, nnd Mocksville won 9-2. The conch snvcd Orny ngnin in Gnme Five, and Mocksvillc won 7-6. When the conch finnlly sum­ moned Gray in Game Six, Mocksvillc blistered him wllh 14 hils in n 7-3 win thnt evened the series ul 3-3. “People were coming up to me saying they'd worn the snme clothes since we won Ihe (fourth) game,” Ijnmes snid then. As the drama on the field rose to goose-bump heights, there was c|uite n sideshow off the field. Nenl Jones and his buddies culled themselves the Rnlly Tenm. They trnded biirbs with enemy funs during Gnme Six.nl Concord, nnd n nnsly incident ensued, < In 1987 Jones wns ejected from n gume for running over the cnlcher. In 1988 he wns ejected from Iho stands for ihioy/ing a ball at nn opposing fan. And on this night, he wnsn'l jusl thrown oul of Ihe gnme, he was thrown in jnil for trying to break up n fight. After crossing Ihc bng on n ground out, n Concord pinycr pickcd up a rock nnd fired it to- wnrd Jones' crew. One of the Dnvie boys wnlked lo Ihe Con­ cord dugout und fnced the entire tenm, triggering u melee. Funs poured onlo the field, Jones tried lo pull his friend nwny, someone grnbbcd Jones in a ehokehold nnd Jones took a swing. He swung nt Lt. Don Ovcrcush of the Concord police. “1 know that was wrong, but when something like Ihul hnp- pens, you don't wnit lo see who's going to hit you nexl,” Jones said tlien. Jones was cuffcd nnd pul un­ der $ 1 ,000 bond. That didn 'I .stop him from making Ihe seventh game. “The only way we can lose momentum is if wc don't make it to Ihe bus," Ijnmcs suid nfter Gnme Six, stnring siruiglit nt the volutile Key. “I don't cure If they spit on you, cuss you or wnnl to fight, just gel on Ihnt bus." Wilh 2,500 fnns jnmmed inlo Rich Purk, M ocksville took Game Seven 7-4, capping a rally thnt will live forever. More fireworks were coming. After Mocksvillc won Gnme TVvo, ll-IO, of the Aren III finals to tie Asheboro nl l-l, there wus u meeting held by Aren III com­ missioner Gaither Keener, who guve an ultimntum to the conches. “If there’s n fight I will not hesitntc lo move this series lo a neutrnl site,” Keener snid. “If I hnve lo. I'll pluy it with no fnns." Mocksville thumped Ashe­ boro in Ihe final three gnmes. Mocksvillc ronred pust Stnnley, four gnmes to one, in the West­ ern North Cnrolinn finnls. The stnte-championship sc­ ries opponent, Whiteville, was 27-8 and featured studs from W hileviUe H igh's 2-A state chnmplon. Mocksville wns 36- 11, They were pluying for u berth in ihe Southeustem Rcgionnls in Bnseball City, Flu. Mocksville's slale-lille dream vanished in two one-run losses. Whiteville won the series 4-1, but Couch Linwood Hcdgcpcih wnsn'l sure how. "Mocksville could hnve eas­ ily won this series with a little luck,” he said. “I don't know how we did It." Mocksville lost Game Two 1- 0 when Key struck out 10 and wulkcd none. Whiteville mnde five errors in Ihnt gume, but Mocksvillc stranded 10 runners. Whiteville pilchers wnlked 46 in five gam es, but M ocksvillc couldn't enpilnlize. A rush of in­ juries took its toll. "If we hnd been henlthy ...,” Ijumes snid then. Severul yenrs Inter, Ijnmcs rc- flecied on Ihe drenm tenm. "It's one ofthe few Icums Ihnt lind u super blend of power und speed," he suid. "Tiioy htid it all. Everybody on the teum contrib­ uted und there were no primn donnns. Yet ench one of Ihem wus primn donnas in high school. Wc hud nn outfield of Newsome, Wulker, Trnnsou und McDuniel. What an outfield. No colleges nround hud Ihul good nn outfield. Triplett went to Eust Cnrolinn. Key went to Wnke Forest and got drafted. And McDaniel was jusl nn unbelievable pinycr. As u conch you would drenm of get­ ting McDnnicI to the plnte. Walker wns jusl unronl.” Mock.sville roared on, nnd fnns pncked the hill, for the nexl four yenrs. Mocksville wns a homer-n-thon in 1990, rucking up 80 homers and 80 doubles (in 38 games). Mocksvillc went 142-61 from 1989-93. But the curtain began lo fall in 1994, and Ijames was gone in 1995. “To be honest with you, wc got too succcssful lhal first year, and the powers to be in Ameri­ can Legion wanted to make sure they look Starmount nwny from" us,” Ijames said. “They were iifruid, so they brought a King team in. They did u lol of under­ handed stuff that sort of got us because Ihe potential wns there to be just ns dominunt. The nexl yenr we led the country in home runs. We just hnd unbetievnble power. So the success wc hnd those first two yenrs ullowed the politics to jump in there, nnd thnt wus the most depressing thing. "And it's hurd in toduy’s world to nsk kids to give up Iheir summers nnd give up their atti­ tudes." The photo of Ihe tree house conjured up memories of the Summer of ‘89. Funs who have remained faithful love to talk nboul Ihe good times. With archrival Rowan Counly coming to town for Game Four Thursday ul 7; 15 (ifncccssury). it’s ngood time to relive it. Brocke Walker was drafted by the Brewers, but chose to quarterback at Wake Forest. Among the big sticks were, from left, Wes Mecham, Matt Marion and Chad Triplett In 1989 the Charlotte ObserverwoXB a story about Mocksville’s crowds, which reached 2,500 in the playoffs. Mike Lovelace once struck out 10 straight batters. i ì, I ■ В8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 15,2004 U n stoppable Vogler Le ad s M o cksville Into 3rd R oun d By Brian IMtts Davic Couniy Enlcrpri.se Rccord Tiic cruslier turned into a countcr-piinchcr. The Mocksvillc Junior Legion baseball team’s winning streak reached nine when il opened the sccond round of the Area 111 playoffs wilh an 18-12 win over Eastern Randolph. But when Eastern Randolph bounced back for a 13-7 win in Game TVvo at Rich Park, il wn.s do or die in Ihc besl-of-3 series. M ocks­ villc didn't gel rallied. Il rose to the o c c a s io n and slcam- rollcd scc- ond-seedcd ER 17-7 in five innings, capturing an ultra-inlcn.sc .scries lhat players and parents will slill be talking about in 20 years. “There was a lot of trash talk- Voglcr VOTE FOR CHARLES O. WILLIAMS Republicnn Candidate for County Commissioner of Davie County Would Appreciate Your Vote PAID FOR BY CHARLES 0. WILLIAIVIS Ing going on in Ihc sccond game, and it got started right off the bat in the first Inning of Game Three,” Coach Charles Kurfees said after No. 3 Mocksvillc ad­ vanced lo the Area III finals against No. 1 Rowan County. “There v/ere a coupic arguments wilh the umpires, both teams were mouthing n little bit and the fans gol into the game. Our fans really supported these guys. My dad counted 100 (Mocksvillc) fans (in Game Three at Eastern Randolph). “There were some interesting moments. The intensity level was unbelievable, and wc stepped up to Ihe challenge. We played wilh a lol of heart." The series was an endless dis­ play of impressive offense. ER’s lineup was scarier than Dracula's fangs, bul Mocksville managed to outhit a team (45 to 35) that entered Ihe .scries wilh a 16-3 rccord. Tlie hero was Znch Vogler. In I STMNNlÄSrER <§!» ,\ì)l)l'V C'iirjìl'l The Premier STAINMASTER* Carpet Collection - only at Abbey Carpet. Th# numbtr‘one*sclllng c»rpel brand (n Am«rlc®, STAINMASTER* carp«t combines luKurlous styte with unbtatablt ptfformanc«.STAINMASTIR* carpets are deslQned with the latest t^nologlet to keep them looking great year after year. And now, exclusively at Abbey stores, you'll find an Incredible selection of America's beit'loved carpet In The Premier STAINMASTER* Carpet Collection, featuring today's gorgeous colors and styles In an easy-to-shop envlionment. this colloctlon has tha STAINMASTER* carpet that's Just fight for your Interior and your lifestyle. Visit us today and see what all the exdtemenfs about. 12 Months No Payments No Interest Hours: Mon. -tri. 8-6 8c Sat. 9-1 213 New Highway 64 West, Lexington, NC Phone: 249-6672 CARPET & FLOORING COVERING Mocksville's five playoff games, he's been as constant as a ham­ mer when you're trying to sleep, going 13 for 22 (.591). "That’s the most ficree line­ up I've seen. Tiiey could flat out hit it," Kurfecs said. "Everybody says: ‘By gosh, you outhit ‘cm.’ We got base hits and got on base, but their guys could hit it in the trees. They hit it off the wall when they hit it. “But Ihey couldn't play the leather at all." Mocksville 18, ER 12 The hosts were wondering what hit them in Game One, when Mocksville took chargc with ID runs in the top of the first inning. Vogler got the snowball roll­ ing with a leadoff double. Bran­ don Slewart, Brad Corriher, Zach Howard, Josh Eder, Chad Jarvis and Hcaih Boyd contributed to a lO-hll inning in which Mocks­ viiio didn’t make an out until the eighlh spol in Ihe order. Vogler and Corrihcr had two hits oach in the first. Mocksvillc spoiled starting pitcher Corriher a 15-0 lead in Iho second. Cameron Clinard gol Ihc win, relieving in the fifth and recording the final nine outs. “And then they hit the ball (after trailing 15-0)," Kurfees said. “Wc couldn’t ever put them away in five innings. Wc hit it as good as I’ve ever seen us. They threw five or six pilchcrs, They throw everything they had.” Corriher went 4 for 5, Vogler 4-6, Jarvis 2-4 and Stewart 2-5. Vogler rapped out three doubles and a triple. ER 13, Mocksvillc 7 ER returned the favor in Game Two at Rich Park, scoring in the first three innings, never trailing after the second and snapping Mocksville’s long win­ ning streak. Mocksville milled for a 6-6 tic in the fourth, but the visitors ex­ ploded in the fifth and again in the seventh. "It looked like It was going lo G E N E ’S A U T O P A R T S We Make Hydraulic I Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 766-9148 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons be another slugfest, but wc just couldn’t hit it wilh them,” Kur­ fecs said. “They hit two home runs, one over the scoreboard and they picked it up down there on the softball field.They hit an­ other home run over Iho trees (in the seventh to ice it)." Mocksville’s leading hitters were Vogler (2-3), Corriher (2- 4) and Brandon Johnson (2-4). Mocksvillc 17, ER 7 Unshaken by ER’s Oame Two outburst, Mocksville silenced the boisterous hosts in the decisive round. Oncc again Mocksvillc estab­ lished a safe lead with a 10-run eruption. The gigantic sccond destroyed ER’s 2-0 lead. And that was mote lhan enough for Jarvis, who pitched all five in­ nings. “Jarvis didn’t strike out a lot of them, bul wc spotted him enough tuns whctc he could coast,” Kurfees said. “They hit the ball hard, but right at people." ER couldn’t stop Vogler. Ho went 3 for 4 to fuel a 13-hit at­ tack. Timmy Allen, Howard, Mocksville Jr. Legion (23-9 Record) W9,'n>ylorsvillc 8 (11) W Mock 10, Mooresville 2 L Rowan 1, Mock 0 L Rowan 6, Mock 5 L Lexington 3, Mock 2 W Mock 12, Mooresville 2 W Mock 9, Mooresville 4 W Mock 9, Kemersville 0 W Mock 2, Loxington 1 W Mock 5, Rowan Co. 4 W Mock 7, South Rowan 1 L Soulh Rowan 5, Mock 4 W Mock 4, Cherryville 2 L Cherryville 5, Mock 2 W Mock 7, South Rowan 3 L Mooresville 6, Mock 4 WMoefc 12, Cherryville 7 W Mock 8, S. Rowan 6 WMock 14, S. Rowan 3 L Loxington 7, Mock 3 L Rownn Co. 2, Mocksville 1 W Mock 5, Mooresville 4 W M ock 18, Mooresville 5 WMock 10. Rowan Co. 3 W Mock 9, Lexington 5 W Mocksville 4, S. Rowan 0 W Mock 5, Taylorsville 0 Playoffs W Mock 12, Kemersville 4 W Mock 9, Kemersville 5 WMock 18, E. Randolph 12 L E. Randolph 13, Mock 7 W Mock l7,E.Rutidolpll7 13 al Rowan Couniy 14 vs. Rowan County 15 at Rowan (if necessary) Reprinted from the BOONE REPORT, Summer 2004 How GOP won the election but lost anyway J u l i a H o w a r d v o t e d t o p u t D e m o c r a t s i n c o n t r o l o f N . C . H o u s e State Rep. Julia Howard of Davie County is one of five Republican mem­ bers of the North Carolina House of Rep­ resentatives who voted with all 60 D<>- moCTat membCTS to elect Democrat Jim Black and Republican Richard Morgan “Co-Speakers” ofthe House. The vote effectively placed the De­ mocrats in control of the chamber. With the help of a handful of Republicans they passed a budget that raised taxes for the third year in a row and drew new legisla­ tive districts that carved Iredell County up into parts of four different House districts. Although most voters would prefer otherwise, the N.C. General Assembly is very partisan in nature. In the House, the S p ^ e r selects üie Chairmen and mem­ bers of the committees. Through control of the gave) and the committees, the Speaker and the leading members of his political party can usually block bills they don’t want considered and pass legisla­ tion Ihey support. Members who are out of iavor with Üie Speaker generally have little influence. In the 2002 election, the voters elected 61 Republicans and 59 Democrats to the N.C. House. Mike Decker of For­ syth County, who had won election as a Republican, switched his affiliation to Democrat, creating a 60/60 tie. The Democrats nominated Rep. Jim Black of Mecklenburg Co. for Speaker; the Republicans nominated Rep. Oeorge Holmes of Yadkin Co. Several votes were cast, all resulting in a deadlock. Holmes proposed a power-sharing agreement that would give both political parties equal representation on commit­ tees, but was rebuffed by Black. It soon became apparent that Morgan had also been negotiating behind die scenes. Black and Mwgan were nomi­ nated as Co-Speakers, and elected with the votes o f 60 Democrats and five Re­ publicans, including Julia Howard. It soon became apparent why Black and the Democrats agreed to the alliance with Morgan. Democrats were given sole control of 14 committees; Republicans were given sole control of only four com­ mittees. More significantly, Demixnrats gained control of the powerful Rules Committee, which assigns bills and de­ cides which bills will be considered on any given day. The Democrats were in control of the House in all but name. As part of the deal, Morgan was given a hand in the drawing of the new legislative districts that had to be adopted for the 2004 election. He openly boasted diat he planned to use this power to retali­ ate against Republicans House members who had opposed him. An article in the July 20, 2003, Ra­ leigh News & Observer reported: “Morgan is candid that he also plans to punish some old oiem ies....D au^try is at the top of Morgan’s hit lisf, along with Sam Ellis of Raleigh and Frank Mitchell of Iredell Co.” The article quoted Mor­ gan: ‘T o me, loyalty is more important than competence even. They’re either your friends or they’re not.” The redistricting plan that Mwgan helped aaft almost guarantees the De­ mocrats a majority in the state House. Iredell County is divided among four separate districts, with irregular lines Üiat split several precincts. One has to view a detailed map to determine which district many voters live in. The unfortunate &ct is that it is likely that liberals will dominate the General Assembly for the remainder of the dec­ ade. North Carolina will continue to suf­ fer a higher tax burden than its neighbors. That outcome might have been avoided had it not been for the deal brokered by Richard Morgan and supported by four of his Republican colleagues. Paid for by Franii Mitchell for N. C. House Committee Tbylor Cox and Johnson had two hits, while Stewart and Boyd added one. Kurfees sounded exhausted nfter a most amazing series. In two years he has guided Mocks­ ville lo 52 victories in 69 games, but this was his most gratifying moment. “They hnd a lot of varsity players - from Eastern Randolph, Southwest Guilford and Randiemnn - but they weren't real strong on the mound,” he snid. “You look at the scorcs and think; ‘Man, that's not baseball.’ But my gosh, it was exciting.” N otes: The M ocksvilie- Rowan scries In the Area 111 fi­ nals is a best-of-3, with a bid to the eight-team state tournament on Ihe line. Rowan has an auto­ matic berth as the state-touma- ment host.... Game One was July 13. Mocksvillc hosts Game TVvo July 14 at 7:15. Oame Three (if nccessnry) would bo at Rowan - at Salisbury High - July 15 al 7. Eder Cox Juniors Knock Out Kemersville Winning, and winning big, became routine for the Mocks­ ville Junior Legion baseball team at the end of the regular season. Nothing changed in the first round of the playoffs as Mocks­ ville overwhelmed Kerncrsville with a two-game sweep that stretched its winning streak to eight. Mocksville won by scores of 12-4 and 9-5. In the first game, Zach Voglot • nnd Heatl^ Boyd paced a nine-hit attack.They hnd two hils nplcce, whilo Brandon Stewart, Brad Corriher, Zach Howard, Josh Eder and Cameron Clinard added one. Stewart also had two walks and three runs, while Boyd knocked In two runs. Reaching base 19 times by cither a hit or walk, they made things easy for starter Chad Jnrvis and reliever Clinard, who earned the win by holding Kern- ersviilc to one hit in the final 2 1/3 innings. The biggest play in the field came from Eder, who ruined Kemersville’s shot to tic or take the lead when the bases were londcd with two outs nnd Mocks­ viiio clinging to a 4-2 lend. “He gol tangled up wilh his feet, fell down and still made the calch (in deep left),” Coach Charles Kurfees said, “It was one of those highlight-red plays. That saved us.They were headed for a big inning." In Gnme Two, Mp>ksville bolted to a quick 7-1 lead for the second straight dny, settling for n 9-5 decision. Kurfees summoned Taylor Cox to third base when shortstop Hownrd reinjured his hand, and Cox played like a star, gobbling up grounders and going 3 for 3 at the pUitc. “And it was the first time he’s played third this season,” Kur- fees said. “We wore proud of him.” Complete-game pitcher Bran­ don Johnson nlso got boosts from Vogler (2 for 4, two RBIs), Timmy Allen (2-3) nnd desig- naied-hitter Howard (2-4, two RBIs). Stewart, Corrihcr and Eder ndded one hil. Other than giving up a three- nm homer lo Kernorsville's No. 3 baiter, Johnson was dominant. Ho scattered six hits. “He made one bad pitch," Kurfecs said. Notes: M ocksville’s most productive bat in tho scries wns Vogler, who went 4 for 9, Howard was 3 for 5. Stewarl, Corriher nnd Boyd were 2 for 5. ... Mocksvillc has won its lust seven games hy и least four runs. S p o t l i g h t o n B u s i n e s s Christine Julian of Perfect Paws Dog Grooming with her dog, Shasta. P e ife c t P a w s D o g G r o o m in g N o w O p e n in M o c k s v ille For Christine Julian, having a business lhat provides a little 'TLC” for dogs is a dream come true. It's also the fruition ol a passion that began In childhood.. As a young girl living with her parents, Christine loved dogs irom the time she could walk. As she grew, her affec­ tion for canines became more apparent through her ten­ dency to bring home any stray dog that needed a good home. On one occasion she even took an abused dog right out of Its yard to save It from the owner beating It to death. ™ “My parents were actually glad when I got married and " % started taking In dogs at my own home," she says wllh a laugh. Extensive training As owner of Perfect Paws In Mocksville, Christine now has another place to share her love and affection for man's best friend. She opened the business In February 2003 after completing advanced certification at Ihe Black Diamond Cut Dog Grooming School In Ohio in January 2003. “It took 120 hours of hands-on dog grooming to earn my certification,'' Christine says with pride. "It was a lot of work but It Is definitely worth ll.Christine said her decision to pursue a career In groom­ ing was made afler an impromptu styling session with her dog.“What really got me interested In opening a dog grooming facility was my over protectiveness with my own dog, a Pomeranian named Shasta,” she recalled. “I decided to try and cut her long hair and 1 did a pretty good job." After Shasta’s successful makeover, friends started asking If Christine would groom their dogs as well. The business has taken off from there.All-natural shampoos klK fleas and ticks At Perfect Paws, rule number one Is to treat each dog as well as possible. And one of the ways Christine does that Is by grooming all breeds of dogs (up to 75 pounds) with all­ natural shampoos that kill fleas and ticks. In the future, Christine would like to carry grooming supplies and specialty dog foods.“I have always worked with animals. At one time I trained UGLY ROOF STAINS REMOVED FOR A LIKE NEW LOOKII Nation's Ugest & Oldest Roof Stain Removers R o o f- B r ite ^ 7 8 5 -2 0 3 0 100 Rovnt Oatt Dr.. Win5lon~Sa)cmMjC_2JMO^ P E R F E C T P A W S Pet Salon All Ndtiirol ProdiKta 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -9 0 7 4 CcrtHied Groonwr Chrisliuc Julian Mocksvillc, N.C. Sil'Fainlly Store Everything 33f o r less Games, tiousowaros, tools & now ilBtnsI______ We now sell cigarettes CHEAP! Ihw 158 » Fooil Uiin Slioiiplwl Cent«' ‘E H m e D i r t C h e a p ’ Dminago Drain Sysloma Grading Slump Removal Ught l-£ind Clearing Hauling Light Domolition Erosion Conlrol M u lc h • D i r t • S a n d • G r a v e l _ 336 749-0465 6131 Stiicliuin Dr Clemmons NC Tom Joncs Much Ado About Knitting E xperience A N ew A dventure In Yarn L a r g e . v a r i e t y of accessories, tools, books, patterns,Other unusual & funky stuff! Exclting Classes - Export Project - Finishing Sorvicos Socinl & Charity Knitting Groups Outstanding Customer Service Worm & Welcoming Environment O wnerst M ichelle S p illm a n • Stephanie Isley 1317 Lewiaville-Clem m ona Rd., L ew isville Corners S hopping C enter ( 3 3 6 ) 7 7 8 -1 9 9 8 Ilrs. M-F 10-8PM • Sat. 10-5PM horses, so being around and caring (or animals has always been my passion,” she says.One of Christine’s fondest memories growing up was of her “best friend” Ginger.“She was a Pekinese, Poodle and Chihuahua mix that was my baby for 20 years. She house-trained all the other dogs In the house and wouldn't let them get Into the garbage or even gel near my niece's plates of food,” Christine fondly remembers.Ginger passed away In 1990 and It took nine years before she was able to get another house dog. “We always had outside dogs but 1 just couldn't replace the love I had for Ginger," she says.That kind of love Is what makes Perfect Paws so special. Located on Dover Lane In Mocksville Perfect Paws Is located at 184 Dover Lane In Mocksville. The hours are by appointment only. Christine can be reached at (336) 751-9074. Atlvcrlislng Proiiiolitm i i') в 10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 15,2004 Ryan Barneycastle dumps water on Billy Carter. R ive rca ts W in State Tourney Coach Doug Constable promised a llmo if the Rivercats won the state title, and he delivered after a 5-0 run. In llic beginning of llie sca­ .son, il would hnve been ridicu­ lous to cull llie Yndkin Riverciils tl stulc-chnmpiuiisliip contender, The local 11-under USSSA ba.seball team looked mediocre while lo.sing si.\ of 10 games in ihrcc Mnrch loumanicnls. March was a long time «go. Now Ihe Rivcrcals arc a much dinereni tenm. A .seemingly impos.slble dream evolved inlo an nsiound- ing succcss story ns tlw Rivcrcals won 23 of ihcir next 27 games. After that inauspi­ cious slarl, they finished first or sccond in six .siraighl lourna­ menls, Including ft 5-0 waltz to Ihe Oouble-A slaic champion­ ship in lale June. The Davie Counly leam con­ sists of Rynn Bamcyca.sile, Josh Bcttver, Connor Bodenhamer, Shane Carter, Seth Constable, Pelcr I-iclds, Calob Howard, David Howard, Scan Newman, Camcron.Phillips, Javan Phillips and Shane Winters.The coaches arc Jeff Barneycastle, Billy Curler, Doug Consiable, Bill Field.s, Carl Roberson and Danny W iniers., The Rivercats sailed ihrough the state tourney, winning four of five games by five or more runs; 10-5 over Ihe Roanoke Rapids Vipers, 4-3 over the Sand Hills Patriots, 8-0 over the Black Mountain Cavaliers, 12-3 over Pleasant Garden and 10-2 over Ihe Vipers. When Ihe Rivcrcals bagged the big trophy and rode off in a Hummer lim ousine (Coach Doug Constable promised a linio if the boys pulled off the stale title), iheir rccords slood at 27-10 overall and 23-3 in Double-A play. The Yadkin Rivercats, from left; front row - Jake Barneycastle (bat boy), Javan Phillips, Seth Constable, Josh Beaver, Calob Howard, Shane Winters, David Howard and Shane Carter; second row - Cameron Phillips, Peter Fields, Ryan Barneycastle, Sean Newman and Connor Bodenhamer; back row - coaches Carl Roberson, Bill Fields, Billy Carter, Doug Constable, Danny Winters and Jeff Barneycastle, b e a m e m b e r N O W Y O U C A N T h in k in g a b o u t o p en in g a new c ertific a te o r IR A ? T h in k T ru lia n t F ed eral C re d it U n io n . A t T ru lia n t, bein g a m e m b e r m ean s m o re b e n e fits fo r you - b e n e fits you can ’tg e tfr o m a b a n k , D uring th e m o n th o f July you can get a great rate on o u r spccial 20 and 28 m o n th certificates - o r receive a 1/4% bonus on any o f our o th er IR A and certificate term s from 3 to 36 m onths. a . 3 5 % J APY* 28 m o n th s ^ . 7 5 % A P Y ' 2 0 m o n t h s S tart enjoying all th e benefits m em bership has to offer. S top by one o f o u r convenient G reensboro locations o r give us a call today. T R I A N T ^Federal Credit Union 664.1955 i trullantfcu.org •APycu,™i«ofW04,ubJ«,.o.han8e.Speclalolfo,equi,«$l0,000|„„,„™ne. ««I «cW«lM%new money bonus. Penalt/forM,lywllhd,i.wal, Offer ends 7/3I/M DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, I hur.sduy, July 15, 2004 - И11 Ryan Johnson'will travel to Wyoming next week for the national high school rodeo finals. Davie H igh 12tli Grader Q uaiifies For Rodeo Finals Ryan Jolin.son, u 12 grade student at Davic High School, has earned a position on Ihe Norlh Carolina rodeo loam and will travel to Gillette, Wyoming July 19-25 to com­ pete at the 56th Annual Na­ tional High School Finals Ro­ deo in bullriding. Featuring more than 1,500 contestants from 39 states, five Canadian provinces and Australia, the finals is Ihc world’s largest rodeo. Conles- tiints will com pcte for .$125,000 in prizes and more than $225,000 in scholar­ ships. Contestants must finish in the top 20 after two go-rounds of competition to advance to Sunday’s finals, which will be televised on the Outdoor Life Network. It is scheduled to air at 6 p.m. Aug. 15 and 8 p.m. Aug. 22. To check results online, log onto m\WMhsra.ori>. W ar Eagle Pride y Booster Club Hopes To Increase Membership By > Increasing Awareness NCUA Lu.st school ycur DuvIc High fielded over 600 athletes. That’s big. The booster club, on Ihe other hand, consisted of 73 members. That’s bad, John Boehm and the 2004-05 booster club wants to do som ething about that discouraging membership. They want to increase the community's awareness of how imporlanl Ihe booslerclub’s role is in balancing the athletic budget. More and more across the country, Ihere are high schools where parents have lo pay fees for kids to play. Davie’s annual athletic budget is over $90,000, which is primarily funded by the gale and supplemented by Ihe booster club. “I don’l Ihink people realize how fortunate wc arc,” Boehm said. “But 1 don’t think u lot of people know Ihe budget for the «Ihlelic program is over $90,000, Mosl of that comes from the gate, bul whal doesn’t gel funded comes from the booster club. The counly does help by funding llie busses and Ihe lighls, bul Ihe balance of the budget comes from the gale and booster club.” There’s a disturbing rumor that all Ihe booster club supports is football. Nothing could be further from llie truih, Boehm said. "Wo touch all sports und provide for ull the bamiuels, all Ihe lellers and Ihe awards,” he said. “This year we spent quite a bit of money for baseball, softball and track that came to well over $5,000. I have heard people say; ‘I’m nol going to help Ihe booster club because il juiil helps football.’ Last year the membership was really sad; our goal Ihis year is lo grow Ihe num ber of members and volunteers.” Booster Club President Boehm and fellow officers Mark Corriher (vice president), Lynn Yokley (secretary) and Lisa O ’Brien (treasurer) arc trying 10 increase the membership in fam ilies, individuals and businesses. There are different levels of support. M em bership forms and inform ation arc available al www.warcaglepnde.com lhal Tilden Carter put together. Il’s mighty impressive. Everything you need to know about War Eagle sports Is ihere. “Frankly, il’s us good as many college websites,” Boehm said. “Tilden has done an outstanding job with what Ihe coaches submit, and we want to drive people to Ihe website, ll touches everything.” A new source of funds is preparing Ihe fall sports program. In Ihe past that’s been done by an outside group, and the booster club is lak ing that in- housc bccause il’s turned out to be a great fundraiser. “A large percentage of Ihe money wenl to an outside company, and now it’s all going to go toward Ihe athletic progrum,” he said. In a very unfortunate developmenl, there’s a scam going around witii advertisers m isreprcseniing Ihe athletic department. "W e’ve got local business people being contacted by outside individuals that say Ihey represent our . athletic department, selling a iwo-by- iwo ad on u magnet for $400 or an advertisement on a cup,” Boehm said. “And none of that’s going lo Ihe athletic deparlmenl. They’ve gol a football schedule on Ihc magnet that’s nol even correct. Local businesses think , they’re helping the school and athletic deparlmenl, and they're gelling taken. "Larry Gibb is Ihe only person from the athletic department lhal is legitimate. If anybody gels conluclcd by someone olher than Lurry, Ihcy need to cull Ihe school before they write a check. We're trying lo do som ething from a legilimale siundpoinl, nnd these ¡•oiks are like; 'We jusl helped you out.’ '* For more informulion go to www.WiirEtiiilePride.com. R o w a n R e g i o n a l M edicai. C i;ntür Community Programs Habetes Screening— $ 15 fee An individual consultation with a ccrtliled diabclcs educator. Participants get a fingerstick blood glucose test and arc assessed on their risks for developing diabetes. This screening is,by appointment only. Screenings are held at; Education & Wellness Outpatient Services Building, 721 Grove St., Salisbury. Call (704) 638-1437 for an appoinlmenl or for more information.____ SalsiMiiyMalHeaHiliair Join representatives from Rowan Regional for health information and screenings. Departments In attendance includci Diabetes Education, Qirdiac Rehabilitation, Respiratory Girc, Radiology, Physical Tlierapy, Home Health & Hospice and Rowan Medical Facilities. Infomiation also will be available about organ and tissue donation. The Health Fair will be held Wednesday, July 28 from 10 a.m. ■ 4 p.m. at the Salisbury Mall, 1935 Jake Alexander Blvd. In Salisbu^_________________________ Educational Programs Diabeies Classes Small group classcs and individual instruction arc offered on a weekly basis to help master tiic skills and concepts for the control of diabetes. These classcs have a fee, which is covered by most insurance plans. All classes are held at the Salisbury City Park Recreation Center, 316 Lake Drive in Salisbury. D iabetes classcs will be offered on (he following dates, and you m ust attend all three sessionsi July 20, 27 and August 3 • 9 - 11 a.m. July 28, August 4 and 11 • I - 3 p.m. Call (7D4) 638-1437 for niae Infamalion. (kKTXtary Artery Dteeaso Educatton Ctess Leam about the risk factors for heart disease and whal caidiac rehabilitation options are available. Tlie free class meets the first and third Tliursday of each month from 9-11 a.m. in the Cardiac Rehabilitation «< Wellness Center, 2nd floor, Kiser Mcdical Office Building, Rowan Regional Medical Centcr. Call.(704) 2106412 for m ae informalion. Gestational Diabetes Glasses A certified diabetes educator provides a spccial program for expectant mothers with gestational diabetes. Tlie program includes basic facts, meal planning and liome blood glucose monitoring. Tliese classcs have a fee, which is covered by most insurance plans. G estational diabetes classcs will be offered on the following dates/ attend the date of your choice. July 22, 29 •9-11 a.m.. Rowan Regional Education & Wellness Outpatient Services Building, 721 Crove St., Salisbury. Call (7041638-1437 for nnae iniormallon. Lool( Good, Feel Bettar An American Cancer Society program that tenches cancer patients techniques lo address the cosmetic side effects of treatment. Call (704) 8S7-0614 for an appointment or for more information,________________ July .Classes & Events Support Groups ADHD Support Gnwp Provides support nnd education for par­ ents of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder July 27 • 6-.S0 p.m., Salisbury Pediatric Associates, 129 Woodson St., Salisbury. Cail f704) 63&S576 for more Infamalion. AWAKE (Alert, Well And Keeping Energetic) Provides a social and educational forum for anyone with a sleeping disorder Cail the Sleep Medicine Center d Salisbury at (704) 637-1533 fg meeUng infamalion. Better Bnattiing Club Offere membere and guests the opportunity to leam about breathing disorders. Tlie Better Breathing Club does not meet in July or August. Meetings resume in September._______________________ Gardtac Support Group Provides support and education for cardiac latlents, people who are at high risk for lart disease and their families, pal hci This group meets the third Tuesday of the month during February, June and October. 7 p.m., Cardiac Rehnbilitation & Wellness Center, 2nd floor, Kiser Medicnl Office liuilding. Rowan Regional Mcdical Center. Call (704) 21»5412 for m ae inlgmallon.. Colon Cancer Support Ctaup Offers support and education for people with colon cancer and colon cancer survivore. July 20 • 7 p.m., Library at St. John's Lutheran Church, 200 W. Innes St., Salisbury. Call (704) 637-1093 fg m ae Infamation. Gophg w№ Grief Support Groiv Provides support for those dealing with the loss of a loved one. Sponsored by Rowan Regional Home Health & hlospice. Day and evening support groups are available. ■ Call (704) 637-7645 la more inlamalion. Diabetes Support Group Offers programs to provide support and education for people with diabetes and their families, Tlie Diabeies Support Group will not meet in July. Support group meetings resume Augvist^3^______________ Epiepsy Support Group Provides support and education for people with epilepsy and their families. Support group meetings resume in September. Call (704) 638-8664 fg more inlamalion. Prostate Cancer Support Group Offers support and education for people with prostate cancer and prostate cancer survivors. July 15 • 5:30 p.m.. Cardiac Rehabilitation & Wellness Center, 2nd floor, Kiser Medical Office Building, Rowan Regional Medical Center. Cail (704) 63»0942g (704) 2105104 ta m ae inlormalion. ___________^ Women’s Health All classcs meet In the Women's Health Center, 3rd floor. Rowan Regional Medical Center Call (704) 210-5544 to register or for more informalion. Getting Ready for Batiy lYe-Adnilsslon Glass Tills class prepares new parents for what lo cxpcct prior to delivery. Leam the signs of prc-temi labor, know when to come to the hospital, and review important policy and registration infomiation. Classcs arc offered every Tuesday at 3 p.m. New mothers need to sign up for the one-time class' between the 22nd and 28th week of their pregnancy. Tliere Is no charge for the class, but space is limited. Every 3rd Wednesday of the month, o(ferccU ______ ■--------------------------■ ^ — ■ —-Lamaze m pared ышшмш and Baby Basics Leam what to expect during labor, birth and postpartum periodsj coping sklllS) relaxation and breathing lcchnic|ties/ and ireparing for childbirth. Taught by our imaze-certified childbirth educators. Classes meet once a week for five weeks, nnd n clnss fee is chnrgcd. Limnze cinsscs will be offered on the following dnics; July 27 - August 24 • 6 ■ 8:30 p.m. Mammography Appointments Mammography appointments arc available at the South Rowan Medical Mall. The Medical Mall is located at 308 E. Cenlerview St. in Chinn Grove. Gill (704) 855-2400 to schedule your appointment. Blood Pressure Clinic Every Wednesday from 9 a.m. - noon, n free blood pressure clinic is held In the main lobby of Rowan Regional Medical Center. Volunteer nurses conduct the clinic. Free parking is provided ih the medicnl center's parking garage on Henderson Street. Nurse - On - Duty For routine, non-emergency medical problems or for answers to your medical questions, call Nurse-On-Duty 24 hours a day, seven dnys a week. It's free. 1-800-33&4921 R< i\\ \ \ Isl I ,ii I.'' Rowan Regional Medical Center oilers a variety of health and w ellness education classes. For m ore inlormalion or lo register lor any classes or support groups, call (7 0 4 ) 2 1 0 -5 0 0 0 612^ M ocksville Avenue, Salisbury, North Carolii^a 28144 www.rowan.org • ’ », i ’ -t ,1 I il I i ■ B12 ■ IMVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, July 15,2004 ! i Cyclist Williams Mills of Advance competes in the State Games the last weekend of June. David Mills with gold medal cyclist William Mills (right). A d v a n c e C y c list W in s State Title Saturday and .Sunday, June; the lime trials on a rate againsl 26and27,WilliainiV1ills()fAd- Ihc clock on a 6..S mile coursc vancc conipclud hi the North near Bast Hend. Carolina Stale Oames.The crilernim was a closed Actually, he did more lhan course around Muncs Park In jusl compcte. He won. \VU\slon-S»l«m, wilh hciul-to- head competition against other The cycUsl won Ihc Mnto boys )n the 10-12 year age chuinplonship Гог bicycle time group, trial» and crilerlum. It Is the .sec- William, 12. is a Boy Scout ondcoiiscciHivcycttrhehrtswoii in Troop 1У2, He mtends North Davie Middle School.William Mills is a gold medal winner in the State Games for two consecutive years. D a v ie P e o p le DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July IS, 2004 ■ Cl f- , ■ i t i I I David Koontz looks over the Silver Queen corn crop at Hilltop Orchards. This year’s crop is one of the best ever, he said.■ Photos by Robin Fergusson Peaches Ready, Corn Not Far Behind The peaches are ju icy and sw eet. Ju st a sk T .J. and Jn co b Stum bo, w ho w ere m aking their first trip to H illtop O r­ c h a rd s on Ija m e s C h u rc h R ond. V isiting the o rchard w ith their parents, Jin) and M elissa Stum bo o f Hnnmony, they hnd to try a bit w hile they w ere filling the bn.skets. “T hey’re a little sm all, but they’re really good in flavor,” said D av id K o o n tz , w ho w orks the fanii near M ocks­ ville w ith his father B ill, “It'.s pick your ow n, and tlie trees are loaded.” Peaches should be avail­ able throughout the m onth at $20 per bushel. Som e o f the trees are 25 years old. B y this w eekend or next w eek, the Silver Q ueen corn ' should be ready. Selling for $2,75 n B aker’s D ozen, it’s b ecom e a popular item for m any D nvie fam ilies, K oontz .said. “A lot o f people get their com from us. A lot o f people depend on us,” he said. "T his is som e o f the best com w e’ve ever had. T here’s a unique quality to it, som e o f the silk is as long as the e a rs. M e and d ad d y have never seen thnt.” B ut w hen it’s gone, it’s gone. A school tencher at G lenn H igh School, K oontz enjoys his sum m ers on the farm. “T his has been m y sum ­ m er jo b every sum m er,” he snid, “W hen I’m gone,daddy gets m ad,” i Jacob Stumbo, 4, takes a bite out of the juicy fruit Koontz puts peaches.into,bags for Melissa Stumbo. Ш Ш Щ - ': ■ Jacob and T.J. Stumbo fill a basket wilh peaclies.Melissa ahd Jacob Stumbo at the orchard (left). The trees are loaded with fruit (right). \ ■ ( ' V ■ C2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 15,2004 Mr. a n d Mrs. John E dw ard C ook III James-Cook C ou ple S p e a k M arriage Vom/s Mrs. Ja so n W ayne M cCray W a lt e r s - M c C r a y C o u p l e M a r r i e d I n C o o i e e m e e Mrs. Joshua A dam G oodm an F r y e - G o o d m a n C o u p le . W e d A t S o u t h R iv e r B a p t is t Kalhy Lynn Lulhnni James of SnILsbury and John Edward Cook III of Salisbury were unilcd in marriage on Friday, May 7 ul Sloan Park Gazebo, Mt. Ulitt by the Rev, Brooks Gibson. The bride is the daughter of Mr. ond Mrs, E. Woync Latham of Mocksvillc. She is a 1984 graduate of Davle High School und a gniduate of Salisbury Busi­ ness College. She is employed by Risk Management Services Inc. of Salisbury as a claims ad­ juster. Tlie groom is the son of Mrs. Steve Howe of Salisbury and Mr. John E. Cook II of Shullotte. He is a 1998 graduote of South Rowan High school and an hon­ ors graduate of Catawba Col- ■ lege. He is employed by Freightllner Inc. of Cleveland as a production supervisor. Malron of honor was the bride’s sister, Jcunnle Ortiz, of Clemmons. Bill Yule, of Salisbury, served as the besl man. The groom’s son, Ooge Cook, was ring beorer. The couplc enjoyed a week long cruise of the western Car­ ibbean aboard the Caribbean Princcss, slopping at Ihe ports of Princess Cays, Bahamas, M ontego Bay, Jam aica, Georgetown, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel, M exico. The couple will reside in Salisbury. Valerie Eskridge Frye of Mocksville and Joshua Adam Goodman of Rockwell were united in marriage on Saturday, June 26 at South River Baptist Church at 4 p.m. Reverands Carl Cook and Hampton Drum officiated. Following the ceremony, the reception was held at South River Baptist CJiurch. The bride is the daughter of Harold and Vicky Frye of M ocksville. She attended Immanuel Christian School. The groom is the son of Darrell and Donna Goodman of Rockwcll. He attended East Rowan High School. Matron of honor was Kelly Kluttz. Bridesmaids were Jessica Branham, Amanda Goodman, Alison M cNeil, and Amy Brumley. Darrell Goodman served as the best man. Groomsmen were Chad Goodman, Brad Goodman, Nathan Robinson, and Joseph Frye, Michah Kluttz was the ring bearer. Lisi Frye was the flower girl. The couplc enjoyed a honey­ moon In Nlagra Falls, Canada and now reside in Mocksvillc. Natasha Lynn W allers of W inston-Salem and Jason Wayne McCray of Mocksville were united in marriage of 2 p.m. Saturday, July 10, ut Victory Baptist Church, Cooleemee. Rev. Brian Taylor officiated, with Rev. Shelby Harbour lend­ ing the couple in pruyer. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Walters of Winston-Salem. She is n 2001 graduate of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and earned a bachelor’s degree in communications mass media, She Is employed by Stryker Spine and \»orks as a mcdical sales representative. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. David McCray of Mocksville, He is a 1992 gradu­ ate of Davie High School. He is currently employed by Martin Marrietta of Woodleaf. The bride chose her sister. Mrs. Pumilu Fcarrington, and best friend, Mrs. Jennifer Bryanl, us matrons of honor. Bridesmaids were Ms. Jessie Dillon, Ms. Amanda Hc.ster, Ms. Jami Jones, Ms. Devin Sprinkle, and Mrs. Amy Stones, The groom’s father was the best man. Groomsmen were Mr. Jesse Coleman, Mr. Jason Correll, Mr. Churiie Crenshaw, Mr. Chad Dyson, Mr, Brittin Osbome, and Mr. Steve Parker. Patsy Crenshaw was wedding director. The regisler and progrum ut- tendants were Mrs. Laura Hannah, Ms. Alli.son Mason, and Mrs. Nikki Shelton. A reception was held al Jerusalem Buptist Church fol­ lowing the ceremony. Afler a seven day Jamaican vacation, the couplc will make Iheir home in Heritage Oaks, Mocksville. >- r r S T R U E / / / / / ✓ Julia said publicly - “SHE WOULD DO THE SAME AGAIN.” Davie County Deserves Better. Please Vote For F r a n k M itc h e ll Paid for by Frank Mitchell for N.C. House Committee Julia Howard was one of five renegade Republicans that gave away control of the House to Democrats. Julia DID vote to Raise Taxes ONE BILLION DOLLARS while claiming she cut taxes. Julia Dffi propose a New Tax on dog and cat food calling it an assessment. Julia DID vote for Richard Morgan’s redistricting plan which hurt Republicans. Julia was CONDEMNED at the GOP State Convention for betraying Republicans. -sr R i c h a r d B . POINDEXTER Davie County Commissioner With Your Support I Will Continue: ★ To Represent All The County, Not Special Interest Groups ★ To Carefully Plan and Control Growth ★ To Preserve Our Quality of Life ★ To Help IVIal<e Government IVIore Accountable to the Taxpayers ★ To Keep Davie County A WondertuI Place to Live and WorK V O T E JIULY 2 0 T H Paid for by Richard B. Poindexter -----------------------------------^ ^------------------------------------------------- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Thursday, .July 15,2004 C3 ':>l T h e p e o p le o f D a v ie C o u n ty d e s e r v e t o k n o w T R U T H ! Davie County has had enough toxic politics, enough false allegations, and enough misrepresentation. Davie County is about good things and good people. We are a team working together to achieve goals and improve the lives of others. We are a community of neighbors helping neighbors. One of our most important team members is Representative Julia Howard. Recently, Julia Howard has been the subject of a series of F A L S E a t t a c k s by her campaign opponent, Frank Mitchell. For the past 16 years, Julia has always campaigned on her record, talking about the good things we have accomplished and the good things planned for the future because she knows that is what we want and expect. She is'being attacked from a post office box in Greensboro; by a “Republican Legislative Majority of North Carolina” Committee that is NOT registered with the State Board of Elections. W H O A R E T H E S E P E O P L E ? W H Y A R E T H E S E S E C R E T O U T S I D E R S T E L L I N G U S L I E S ? it is certainly not our Republican party where Representative Howard been honored many times over the years for her dedicated and loyal service. You have heard no mean-spirited or negative ads from Julia Howard. Why? Because Julia believes in getting the job done; not dragging the voters down with negative ads. With an evenly divided House of Representatives, getting the job done requires cooperation ... and a bigger perspective than running for re-election. Julia_Howard is a devoted servant to her constituency and is a victim of the t O X iC p o l i t i c s designed to p o i s o n t h e i n i n d s of Davie County voters. Y o u d e s o r v o t O ic n O W t h e t r u t h . Julia Howard has always been about truth and fairness. She has a reputation built on honesty and integrity. S o , l e t ’s s e t t h e r e c o r d S T R A I G H T ¥ i > i Frank Mitchell W A S N ’ T T R U T H F U L when he told us and the State Board of Elections that he lived in the district. The truth is he owns rental property iri the district and simply claimed the mailing address. That’s not right. Would you want HIM representing YOU? Frank Mitchell W A S N ’ T T R U T H F U L when he told U S Julia raised the sales tax. The truth is there was no increase in the Sales Tax. That’s not being honest. DO we want him representing US? Frank Mitchell W A S N ’ T T R U T H F U L when he told us Julia raised the personal income tax. The truth is there was no increase in the Personal Income Tax. Ask yourself, are you paying more today in taxes than you did two years ago? The answer is NO! So WHY is he misrepresenting the truth? V o te J u ly 2 0 th to R E - E L E C T \ J u l i a H o w a r d -A NC House 'A' District 79 ^ P a id f o r b y R E P U B L I C A N s u p p o r t e r s o f R e p . J u l i a H o w a r d C4 - OAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thur.sday, July 15,2004 DAVIE COUNTY EN I'ERPRISE RECORD. Thursday .luly 15.2004 - C5 E r v i n - S m i t h E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Gary iiiul Jane Ann Ervin of Advance announce llie engagement of their (laughter, Lycliu Ann, lo Willinm Gray (Billy) Smilh Jr., son of J.K. anil Mary Smith of Mocksville. A wedding is being planned for October. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Durham and family M a y h e W ‘ D u r h a m C o u p l e U n i t e d I n M a r r i a g e J u n e 5 W e ’v e M o v e d ! ! D a v ie D o m e s tic V io le n c e S e iiic e s a n d R a p e C iis is C e n te r We are now located nt: 123 South M ain Street, on the 3rd Floor of the Admlnistr.illnn Biiildlna .tcross from the D.ivic County Courthouse in downtown Mocksvillc Ntio OJ)hr Ihiiri: Moil. - Гг1. ilMini-5:<H)imi wilh 2‘l Ur. Crisis Line Servlcos Oilorod Include; Court Advocacy, Support Qroup, Hospital Advocacy, Voluntoor Opportunltlos and Crisis Couneollng. C R I S I S L I N E : 7 5 1 - H E L P ( 4 3 5 7 ) — ли Scn’ici's un' Ow/iiiciitiiil anil Free — Angelia M. Mayhew and Clinton ‘‘Dink” Durham of Mocksville were united in mar­ riage lU 4 p.m. June 5 in im out­ door ceretnony at their home. Tyler Lynde officiiited. The bride is the daughter of the lane Connie Hiiines and Mr. atid Mrs. David Mayhew of Har­ mony. She is employed al Baker Furniture. The groom is the son of the late Laura Lee Durham. He is employed by Durham’s Ma­ sonry. Bridesmaids were dnughters ofthe bride; Mandy Law.son and Megan Lawson. Groomsmen were the groom’s son, Cha.se Durham, and hi.s best friend, Eddie Hepler. After a cookoul nt their home in Mocksville, the coupic went on a wedding trip to the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Thomas Sluder L o ck w o o d -S lu d er C o u p le M arried Christian Women’s Clubs To Meet The Iwo Christiiin’s Women's Clubs of Wiiislon-Salcni will meet (III July 2 1 iiml 22 at nemuida Run Country Club. Tlic speaker will be l.ynell Hell of Asheville. flic llicnie for the luneheoii on Wednesday is "Lii/.y Days of Sum­ mer". Special feature will be Cnthy R e p r e s e n t a t i v e J u l i a A B m m n o f h I ( y o u .speak to a n y o n e w h o ha,s ev er w o rk e d w ith o r k n o w n N o rtii C a ro lin a R epre.sentativc Ju lia H o w a rd , o n e o v e rrid in g th e m e keeps ri.sing to th e su rface: H e re is a p e rso n o f in teg rity . M rs. H o w a rd is a p e rso n o f stro n g m o ral c o n v ic tio n w ith u n assailab le e th ics. A fair a n d o b jectiv e rev iew o f h e r leg islativ e reco rd b ears w itn e ss to this. M rs. H o w a rd serves as C h a ir o f b o th th e H o u s e E th ics C o m m itte e a n d th e F in a n c e C o m m itte e a n d as a m e m b e r o f th e C o m m itte e s o f P u b lic U tilitie s, L egislative R e d istric tin g , a n d R ules, C a le n d a r a n d O p e ra tio n s o f th e H o u se . M rs. H o w a rd ’s q u ie t g race, belies th e te n a c ity w ith w h ich sh e rep re sen ts h e r c o n s titu e n ts . S h e is a tireless a d v o cate for th e citizen s o f h e r d istric t a n d listen s to every v oice - n o t ju st th e rich a n d p o w erfu l o r th e sp ecial in terests. W h e n o n e lo o k s a t th e re c o rd o f Ju lia H o w a rd , it b e c o m e s e v id e n t th a t h e r m issio n is to im p ro v e th e lives o f h e r c o n s titu e n ts . I have b een p ro u d to k n o w Ju lia H o w a rd fo r m a n y years a n d in th a t tim e have h a d o ccasio n to call o n h e r fo r assistan ce. A s a b u sin e ss o w n er, it is vital th a t I h av e an a d v o cate in R aleig h w h o w ill listen a n d a c t o n m y b eh alf. N e v e r h av e I called o n M rs. H o w a rd th a t sh e d id n o t m ak e tim e to h ear m y c o n cern s. Ju lia H o w a rd h as b u ilt h e r c a m p a ig n a n d in d e e d h e r e n tire legi.siative career o n b u ild in g u p a n d im p ro v in g th e lives o fth o .se sh e rep re sen ts - n o t o n a tta c k in g h e r o p p o n e n ts . Y ou h av e to ask y o u rself, d o y o u w a n t a re p re se n ta tiv e in R aleig h to b e an a d v o cate fo r y o u o r so m e o n e w h o se e n tire p la tfo rm a n d a g e n d a is to a tta c k a n d a tte m p t to d isc re d it th e ir o p p o n e n t? I f y o u w a n t an effective a n d p ro v en leader, th e c h o ic c is clear; R e -elect Ju lia H o w a rd to th e N o rth C a ro lin a H o u s e o f R ep resen tativ es. P h illip E. F uller, Jr. ife-JGfeci Julia Howard N C House District 7 9 Paid for l/y Phillip E huller, jr. Shellon of Lowe’s Foods. There will be speeiiil music by Kiirolyn Cliapninn and Terry Hicks, Tlic Brunch group will meet Thursday with the tlicnic “Teachers Appreciation Drunch". Susan Carswell, a retired tcacher who now designs purses and bags, will be fen- twrcil. Lou Wilson, n Dnvic County tcachcr, will provide music, These meetings are open to tho public, but reservations nre required by July 19. A nursery is provided. The luncheon on Wednesdny begins at 11 a.m. mid cost $12.25. Cull 659-74K6. The brunch time on Thursday is 9:.10-ll:30 a.m. and cost Sl()..5() Cull <J40-fi885 or 760- ■1253 for reservmions. Kristen Duwn Lockwood and Matthew Thomas Shider were unilcd in mnrringc in an outdoor ccremony Saturday, Mnrch 27, at the hi.storic Van Lnndinghnm Estate in Charlotte nl 6 p.m. The Rev. Georgio HIntt offi­ ciated. Following the ceremony, the reception was held at Frankie's Itnlian Grille in Charlotte. The bride is the daughter of Mel nnd Jackic Lockwood of Greensboro. She is the grand- dnughlerof James Lockwood of Kernersville. Kristen’.s godpar­ ents are Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L, Reese. She is u graduate of The University of Richmond with n B.S. in religious studies and is employed by The Barnabus Counseling Center in Chnrlotte. The groom Is the son of Cnrolyn nnd Gary Martin of Ad­ vance nnd Onry Sluder of Lox­ ington. He Is the grandson of Ruth and Cameron Smith of Asheville. Mntt is a graduate of The University of North Caro- lina at Greensboro with a B.S. in international business and fi­ nance. He is employed by Bank of America in Charlotte. The bride was escorted by her father. She was attended by Mrs. Julia Chitester of Charlotte as matron of honor. Bridesmnids were Ms. Marcia Coman of Chnrlotte, Mrs. Lori Smilh, sister of the groom, of High Point, nnd Mrs, Katherine Laning of Serverna Park. Md. The flower girl was Miss Catherine Sluder of Winston- Salem, niece of the groom. Mr. W illiam Dwiggins of Mocksville was best man. Groom sm en were Scott Sluder, brother of groom, of Winsion-Salem. Mr. Ying Tse of Tempa. Fl. and Mr. Damian Marta of Charlotte. Th(i couple spent their hon­ eymoon nt the Grand Bnhnma Resort in Pnradi.se Island. Bnha- mas. They now reside in Charlotte. ^1| ANDREWS 7 R E I^ U B L IC A N C A N D ID A T E FO R I M C S E N A T E D is tr ic t 3 4 W h y V o t e F o r C u s A n d r e w s ? F a r m e r s F r i e n d . . . ★ Sii|)porteil (ind funded Itirnil.ind pif'scuiilKiii ★ Slroiiji supporli;! of Idti.icco .illoJiniMtl ljuvoiils E x p e r i e n c e . . . . currently C hiunnan of tha-R ow an eonnly C om m issioners * A husiiiL'Ssniiin vvlKi undiisf.iiids vmi ( .in l Sj)cnd inoic 111,in von l.ikc in * As ii fncnd of Ihc vvoikiiii', in,in. I nndiisl,iii(lthcK.’ IS only so imicli iiionoy in llic p,iyi lici K .. ■ ■ ★ Also ,IS ,1 pnvcllc I Ill/Cll Im|()VVIII(>, llicic is loo l m;iiiy Icixes tiiid lees loi woikini’, l.iinilies to piiy ★ And ris (I F.illioi iiiid Giiindl.illiei wilh .Ui yenis i,.,-' ;i ¥' E of iiiiirnage I supporl siroiif; moiiil ,iiul f.iiiiily V VHluOS. ★ I ¡liso know our fiituie is oiii ( liildrcn ,iiid I suppod clasbioom lucichi.'is ,iml woiKiii)', loj\(;thei lo meel hij’,li(>r sl,iiKl,iíds. ★ Willl (1 lovinj.; Mom o f 90. I know fiisf li.ind Ihc dil niinimuni lix.(i(l mcoines ,uc c'.pencncinp, iii iKsillli i Й1 > ^ 'S S 'o n ; if'.'; * ReslorinR econom ic clt.-vtilopmt.'iil ,iiiil i ir,il.iiig )■ fl * '‘¡1 * Siip|)Ortiii[^ (ícliicíilion <:l,i4M(iom tc.K licis ,iinl i cumniLinitv collo^(‘S ★ PromolinK prudenl ^uvi.'m mcnl spci P * * Cullin(> tcixes f * Making heiiltlrc.iri,' m oie dccessiple ■ ’ * Protecting senior (:iii/(;ns I : ’" Я ' ★ Supportine lañiily Vcilu(;s PAID FOR BY THE COMMITTEE TO ELECT GUS ANDREWS, GARY DAVIS, TREASURER СНЛМПШОГciiMiyiincr C H A M B E R FO C U S DAVIDSONr i u o u n f i V ^ ^ W h o l e s a l e / I ' ^ * Supply, Inc. 653 Wilkesboro St., Mocksville 336-936-0123 fax: 336-936-0130 O P E N T O T H E P U B L I C Bank of The Carolinas 135 Boxwood Village Drive, M ocksville 751-5755 352 Hwy 80 1 S., Advance 998-1003 Telephone (336) 998-2427 HILLSDALE DENTAL FAMILY AND COSMETIC GENERAL DENTISTRY Ofllce Hours By Appointment 135 Medical Drive Advance, NC 27008 BB&cF libu can tell we want your business. Since 1872 119 Giiilhor Stri-'ct, Mocksvillc. NC 75I-.S951 Willow Oiik Shopping Center, Mocksvillc, NC 75I-.S956 MARK S. CULLER A t t o r n e y AT Law 26 COUIiT SQUARE MOCKSVILLE, NC 27028 (33G) 751-2918 О тся Hoiiiis: Monday - F/тму 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM Italian Fam ily Restaurant ’l^ngli'wiHHl Shopping Ci'ntcr • Illll.sdnIc • 940-6787 H o rn O il C o m p a n y , In c . Horn's Express I • 751-7676 Horn's Express II • 751-5789 GAS, SNACKS & SO MUCH MORE! W e s a c r i f i c e f o r a n d c h e r i s h o u r F r e e d o m t o V o te , ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ W h e t h e r y o u a r e e n t h u s i a s t i c o r a r e f r u s t r a t e d a t t i m e s w i t h o u r p o l i t i c a l p r o c e s s . . . t h e R E A L i s s u e is t o e x e r c i s e y o u r p r i v i l e g e t o s e l e c t t h o s e c a n d i d a t e s o n t h e l o c a l , s t a t e a n d n a t i o n a l l e v e l s t o b e s t s e r v e y o u r i n t e r e s t s , y o u r c o m m u n i t y a n d y o u r c o u n t r y ! BE A GOOD STEWARD T u e s d a y , J u ly 2 0 OR C a s t y o u r b a l l o t e a r l y a t t i i e B o a r d o f E l e c t i o n s ’ O f f i c e (across the street from the Chamber) Early voting will be available until 1:00 pm, Saturday, July 17. Elections’ office is open daily from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ S u fip o n t ‘D atM e ... Continue to Strengthen O ur Econom y T h e s e B u s i n e s s e s E n c o u r a g e Y o u T o S u p p o r t Y o u r C o m m u n i t y a n d S I t o p L o c a l l y SI ( 3 f o 0 l e r 's > 2 ^ Serving Davie County Foh Over 50 Years! 171 N.Miiln Street,Mocksvilli:, NC Phone: 3.16-751-27.17 Margaret Foster. Owner J 3 F A B L E S T STAFFING SERVICES Industrial, Clerical, Tem p to Hire (336) 751-4414 Mocksvillc, NC Edwardjones Matt VorehInvc.slimml l{«presLMilntiv(! 66 Court Sijuare Mocksvillc, NC2702Í1 w w w .cd ivjin ljo tn 'S .ro iii Scr\iii((lniliH<bin1 lnM4ti>riSin<r IR7I Mombor SIFC EATON FUNERAL SERVICE SIN C E 1951 325 North Main Street Mocksvillc, NC <. 751-2148 Davidson Coimty Community College 1205 SALISBURY RD - MOCKSVILLE 336-751-2885 CCB Central Gtrolina Bank - 4 DAVIE COUN’l'Y LOCATIONS - M8 W. Wilier St., Mtwk.svillc • 751-59.16 «80 Yiiclkinvlllc R(l„ Mdcksville • 751-6261 C(H)Iecniec Shopping Cenler, Cooleemee • 284-2542 5361 US llwy. ISK. Advimec • 940-2420 SYLVAN LEARNING CENTER’ Boxwood Village Mocksville (336) 753-0100 • louerais - — • Crcmiilions -----' ■I’n-'-Amuiicmcnls ^ 7=-------------“T l * In.suraiK‘tfFu n e r a l H o m e • Nolaiy 635 Wilke.slxm) Slavi MiK’ksville, NC (336) 751-1100 ;111 ' С б. DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 15,2004 C o m a t z e r N e w s By Dottle Polls Comatzer Correspondent Clara Barney was treated Гог a kidney mfection at Davie Counly Hospital last week. Maxine Long has bee moved from the Elms of Tanglewood lo Aulumn Carc of Mocksvillc. IToltie Polls visited Jo Bowens last Friday and visiled Mae Laird at Somerset Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Potts. Sharon Potts, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Allen. Pam and Brent Harpe and Laura Smith enjoyed a trip with the Christian Tours lo Pennsylvania, July 1-3, They visiled the Worid War II memorial in Washington, D.C., visited placcs in Amish coun­ try and a guided tour of the fields. a guided tourof Herr's snack food factory, toured Longwood Gar­ dens, attended the production of Noah and Abraham and Saroh, a Journey of Love at the sight and sound theatres. Glen and Tammy Clodgo arc preparing for the mission field in Spain and are living in the mission house of Comatzer Baptist Church. Vacation Bible School was held at Comatzer Baptist June-21-25. Commencement was June 27. David Owens and W.O. Potts gave an interesting presentation of the work of the Gideon Bibles on Sunday, July II. Dot Robcrt.son Brooks is recu­ perating from knee surgery she had in Statesville Hospilal recently. C o a c h e s P r o u d O f B u lld o g C h e e r l e a d e r s Members of the Shady Grove Bulldog cheerieading team have been announced by varsity coaches - Tracy Ducote and Molly Kincaid. They Include: m ascots, Hannah Anderson and Kelsey M iller; cheerleaders, Lexie A rm ini, Brittany Bennett, Kristen Carpenter, Tara Carter, Cellie Comatzer, Anna Goheen, Rachel Goheen, Amanda Hughes, Carly Kincaid, Sarah Lambert, Haley Miller, Chelsey Orr, Jennifer Weatherman, and Kathryn Wollenweber. The girls took part in the Davie High Cheer Camp, plac­ ing first in best cheer, third in best chant and third in best dance. The JV coaches, Patti Gryder and Sharen Wooten, recognize; mascots, Katherine Irwin, Brit­ tany Landreth and Caitlyn Peebles; and cheerleaders, M adisyn Creekm ore, Jill Duffner, Molly Fields, Amber Finney, Leah Gryder, Sarah Hinson, Allie Jackson, Morgan Lane, Maddi M yers, Lauren Thurmond and Sydney Wooten. They came home from the camp with a first place in best dance, second place in best chant and third in best cheer, Assistant coaches are Cariy Comatzer and Kaitlyn Ducote. B o h a n n o n D e s c e n d a n t s P la n R e u n i o n Four Corners News By Marie White Four Comers Correspondent Mrs, Chariie McClamrock was honored for her 80th birthday at a supper Sunday night the home of Mr, and Mrs, Leonard Shellon. Several relatives and friends en­ joyed the occasion wilh her. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Bcck vis­ ited Mrs. Sylvia McKinney and Mrs. SI.S Burrow of Rural Hall Monday. Mrs, Ollivc Burgess celebrated her 75th birthday recently at Batllebronch. Those enjoying the occasion wllh her were Linda Bur­ gess, Diane Burgess, June Brackcn. Dennis and Patsy Foster, Doris Bodford, and Oailher, Ann and Jason Markland, Mrs, Jessie Rulh Boger is on oiir sick list and needs our contin­ ued prayers. Jon and Ivey (Clontz) G unter o f A dvance are proud to announce the birth o f th eir son , Jonathan Colin Gunter. Jonathan was born on June 25 at 4:50 a.m . at Forsyth M edical Center. He weighed 7 lbs. 15.2 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long. Jonathan is the grand­ son of Brodis and Alice Clontz o f A dvance and Betty Gunter of Advance. The descendants of Jacob Benjamin Bohannon and Julia Ward Bohannon, previously of Mocksville, will host their sev­ enth Family Reunion on Satur­ day and Sunday, July 24 and 25, in Clemmons. Jacob and Julia had eight children, Augustus, Charlie Gleniaus, Rachel, Katie, Rich­ ard Benjamin, Millie, Julia and Jacob Jr. ,whom are all de­ ceased. This year's reunion theme is "Coining Back Home." The Bohannon Family Reunion Committee is inviting, all the offsprings - Bohannons, Bailey, I t ’s y o u r t u r n t o c h a n g e y o u r l i f e i n 3 0 m i n u t e s . We С4П hflp at Cune*. And now thffe’i one in yuuf neighbofhocxl Cutv«t U thitty-mmute funcu, commontenK wei|(h( tmi and the iupfwrt >t>u netd (o do both. Call in кчЬу and ditcovtr whal over 3 million wmen iliejdy know: iliai at Curve», )-oiir dfeami are our goab. www.curvetimernaiional.com C u r v e s ^ I Ih (mihi ( (» ,iiiw(r 1Г ' COMING SOON TO MOCKSVILLE MontUyiJal/19 755-2Ш 375 Hoipltal Sr. Suite A Mockiville. NC 27028 Ovtr 7.MI0 lâeeriotuto»*rv4y9u. 6 6 < 'o O l T St r V M I. I 14 Barren, Barringer, Brock, Claybrook, Conrad, Cuthrell, Griggs, Oailher, Frost, Hooper, Jam es, Johnson, Lyons, Kimbrough, M illers, Speas, Stimpson, and Sullivan to join them and catch up on the past. The family history will be shared with by Elder Advisor- Clara Bohannon Barringer and historian, Linda Barringer Studevent of Winston-Salem. The fee for this reunion is $35 and $10 optional for the Bohannon Family Reunion T- Shirts. The reunion will take place with a picnic, and games at Tanglewood Park Saturday, July 24, from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Pool Party 2-5 p.m. Family meeting 5 p.m.. Reception and a Night of Elegance 7 p.m.-mid- nlght at The Village Inn Confer­ ence Ccnler. On Sunday, July 25, the fam­ ily will have breakfast buffet, devotion servicc and farewells at the Village Inn Center. The speaker for the Sunday devotion services will be the Rev, Joseph Venable, For more information, con­ tact tho president, Jackie Lyons White nt 919-541-7552 or cell 919-452-1981, e-mail at JWeventplanner ® aol.com,• or Linda Studevent at 767-0067, e- mail at SiiidevcntL@aol.com, or 2004 Host- Carol Wilkins at 457-1275, or vin an e-mail at Cbw56@hoimaU.com, Class Of W To Have Reunion The Davie High School Class of 1969 will hold its 35th year reunion on Saturday, Sept. 25 at the Village Inn in Clemmons. Call Doris Short at 751-1867 or send an email message to; doris.shorl®cenliiry21.com or timallenl@yadlel.net. D a v ie A A R P T o H e a r A b o u t M e d ic a r e P r e s c r ip tio n P la n The Davie Chopter of the AARP will meet at 10 a,m. Wednesday, July 21 at Davie Senior Services, lower level. Brock Building, Nonh Main Street, Mocksville. The guest speaker will be Jeanne Schepisl with SHIPP on tho new Medicare carc prescrip­ tion plan. The meeting is open to any­ one inleresled in senior issues. s A fteñas M e x ic a n R e s ta u r a n t N O W O P E N ! ! 1 5 5 G a i t h e r S t . , M o c k s v i U e • ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 5 5 8 3 Family Owned & Operated ■ — All Food Prepared /Is You Order LUNCH SPKOALS (Nosiilwlilution. |)l«i4<', й(!г\(ч1 Monday lim)UBÍi I’riday I lnm -2iim ) j u s . * 4 ^ t o * 5 ’ ’ DINNER COMBINATIONS AVAILARfF Ti-v our HOUSE SPEQALTIES • P o lio A d o v e • S h r im p A d o v e • F a jita s • P a r r illa d a M e x ic a n a Hours; Ihim - 9pm Sunday- Thursday Friday and Satimlay 11am - 10pm MaslerCiml Iísíí, DLmtvr, Ameriam Exprr.a and Diners Club Accepteil AUstate Fixed Annuity Rates Reaching your retirement and savings goals is veiy important. We can help get you there. We offer fixed annuities with competitive interest rates and product benefits Ihat fit your needs, such as: ♦ Guaranteed, tax-deferred growth from a company you can depend on • Principal protection, regardless of economic conditions SureHorizon^^ Annuity R ates Effective: 7/05/04 for Initial P rem ium ; A PY In terest R ates' $100,000 or Greater 6 .2 5 % $20,000 to $99,999 6 .0 0 % $3,000 to $19,999 5 .7 5 % Allstate® Treasuiy-Linked Annuity R ates Effective: 0 6 /1 4 /0 4 -0 7 /1 8 /0 4 for A ccount V alues: A PY Interest Rate^ $100,000 or Greater 3 .2 0 % $5,000 to $99,999 3 .0 0 % Ask your Allstate agents, M a rk Jones & Steve Ridenhour, for details about these fixed annuities. C all (336)751-0669 Altau<*Tra«iy-Uiiktil Aaniiiy á i llaiHe [«tiiihiiii derenol unuily bnd by Albiile Life luunoce Coitpjiiy, Home OITw, Nonhlmx*. II. SmIlocimoSM UI (leiibk inniuni defmed unuily iiu«l by Unooh flinefil tjfc Cominny, i wboli» <w,wd «ibsidÍKy ot AllsUle lift iMaiKe Compmy. M uauita ue wld by Alkttle Ajenu wlio ue iniuiiiw-licaiwl AIIHiK« Tttuuiy-Unled Anouiiy it iviiUble llireiijh conlncl lerie» UJIOI« iml eolifiole leria LUIO H9. SmHoriuoSM it ivúUMe i» oosntiw *iih «and «rid AP OJM in! mlitolt witj GAP 0300. Ttoe pmhitti uc lo Hile •nilibiliiy. Rut ire oflnd U Ihe Mle diicnlioo of Allitiie Ufe liwjnwe Cooruy. We icktvc Ibe light to diioxiliiue ihein U uiy lime. Aonuilia difTa tlpitianily ta tRwy KXa, ual Ihe lomiiy Itttota ihouM be tocuidenil tireMly before ;«ichiiíiií. Allüitto Trttsuiy.Linked Atmily 1) not uncliooed by Ihe US. Tituiiy Defvneiil, nd Ihe iKmi uniei ihii uniiiy ii iubj«t lo Ihe cliii№|>iyiii| iblliiy of Alluile Life luvn» Cbmpviy. ^ Uiltd Wet ue fo( I ,ycK {uuinlec paiod ud include I fun yeu bonii. Retuin of Pinhuc Piynen wilver b nol whided. iRtUni of PuichM Piymal OuuiiiK« Rida b nolincludid. m]S Ailitiu Ufe luuuK« Coo|>uy. Alluilexom 03AH C o u n t y L i n e N e w s DAVIE COUNTV EN I'ERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .July 15,2004 ■ C7 By Shirley Thorne County Line Comsipondcnl Piney Grove AME Zion Church and Salem United Meth­ odist Church have been conducl- ■‘ing vacation Bible schools this week. Piney Grove’s school is Trom 6:30-8;30 each nighl and will end Friday evening, July 16, wilh commencement and a pizza supper. Salem’s school is from 6:45- 9 each night and will have com­ mencement and a holdog lunch Salurday, July 17, from 9 a.m, lil noon. The Clarksbury Seniors will have their regular monthly meet­ ing al 11 a.m. on Tuesday, July Pino News 20, Tho group will meet in the church fellowship hail for a cov­ ercd dish luncheon followed by a fun time playing Bingo, All senior residents in Ihe area are inviled to come and enjoy the fun and fellowship. Stacy Johnson, recenl high school graduate of Clarksbury, will be leaving Salurday, July 17, for a one week missions trip to Ihe Dominican Republic. Piney Grove AME Zion Church will sponsor o “Touched by an Angel” summer day camp July'21-23 at Ihe church. The camp will be for children of all ages and will be held 8 a.m. lil 5 p.m. each day. Camp aclivilles will include picnics, games, crafts, field trips, elc. All area children are inviled to come and enjoy the fun and fellowship. Society Baptist Church will have a five week (July 3-Aug. 10) course regarfling the role of a church deacon. The course will be held al 7 p.m. each Tuesday in Ihe church fellowship hall and will include videos, workbooks, elc. All class material will be free lo attendees. The V-Point Ruritan Ciub is now taking orders for the 2005 Rurilan calendars. Anyone or- ; dering a calendar may include spccial personal dates on the cal­ ender. They are $5 each and all profils from Iheir sale will ben- eni V-Poinl Rurilan scholarship fund. For furlher informalion call Alice Absher at (704) 546- 7820 or contacl any V-Point Rurilan member. The ciubis ulso sponsoring a special fund drive to erect a me­ morial paying tribute to James Mebane Robort.son. M.D. of Harmony. The memorial will bo erected on the grounds of Robertson's clinic iocatccl on the northwest corner of the intcr,sec- lion of N.C, 901 and U.S. 21 in Hannony. The club is planning u special ham breakfast fundraiser on Aug. 20. Be sure and mark this date on your cal­ ender. As many of you recall. Dr. Robertson practiced medicine in our area for several decades. He and his family lived next door to his clinic. Regardless of Ihe weather or lime of duy. Dr, Robertson willingly made house calls lo treat the sick. Prior lo marrying my mother, my dud drove lo Dr, Robertson’s for a while. Whenever he mude an office visit or u liouse call I Slill remember liis big hefty rours of laughter when he and my dad would reminisce about their driving conditions lo make house culls in remote areus. Will any of us ever forget those big sulphur tablets and while liquid medicine he guve us? Probably few children grow­ ing up in Counly Line in Ihe late 40s, 50s. and 60s missed being irealcd by Dr, Robertson al his clinic or in their home. Our communily sends get well wishes lo Virginia Daywail, Olivia Fosler. und Candy Taylor Seugle. Virginiu has been hospitalized ul Forsylh Mcdical Cenler, Olivia wus hos­ pitalized after falling in her iiome, and Cundy. u new bride, fell und broke her unkic. Both Olivia and Candy ure recuperat­ ing ut home, Puuline Stroud is now recu­ perating ut lier home. Please join us us we pray for God's iieuling in iheir lives, Wc send best wishes lo Cheryl Anderson, duughlcr of Bobby and Edna Anderson of Kinder Road, Cheryl recently graduated from Pfeiffer College und will wed Selh Huilhcox on Salurday evening, July 17. The wedding will be at Clarksbury United Methodisl Church at 6 p.m. If you have news or memo­ ries to share, call (336) 492-5115 or email sdtllnk@hotmail.com. By Nora Latham Pino Correspondent Visitors at Wesley Chapel on Sunday, July 4 were Elizabeth Fortney of Tennessee, sister of Rolund Wesl and Nancy Collette who lives on Bonkin Lake Road. The Wesley Chapel UMW had their July monthly meeling at the home of Belly Wesl in Cana. There were 10 members pre.sent. Presideni Dewillu Smilh conducted the meeting. Mindy Williams gave the program. Af­ ter Ihe meeting delicious refresh­ ments were served by the host­ ess. Others attending wore Mario M iller, Sara Eure, Toby Hawkins, M adelyn Gentry, Louise Dill, Nora Latham and Kttlhy Ellis. Bob and Louise Dill along with their duughier, Fran, her husbnnd, Dennis, and grand­ daughter, Megan, have relumed home after a five-week trip across the United Stales. The family of W.W. and Agnes Miller West gathered at Frostland, the ancestral home of Belly Elchison Wesl, on July 4, They gathered to honor Elizubeth West Fortney of Maryville, Tenn and newlyweds Oreg and Sully Spangler Dupier of Hednon, Va, Those providing lunch for the group in addition to Rolund and Betty West were; Lonnie Grey and Lisa Dixon Wesl and Luther and Osline Wariick Wesl. Others who enjoyed the occasion in ad­ dition 10 those above were; Mr, and Mrs, Dennis Dupier of Fairfax County, Va„ Mrs, Edna Dupier of Bincetown, NJ, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rollins of K em ersville, Boyd West, Rebecca Wesl, Sarah West and Zeno Dixon of Pino, Jared Stanley of Advancc, Paul and George Anthony Tukarz of Char­ lotte, Henry We.<it of Cana, Mr. nnd Mrs. Bill Babcock of Ra­ leigh, Greta and Chris Dees of Winston-Salem, Judy Steeiman of Yadkinvllle, Mindy Spillman and her twins, Aulumn and Alexander, of Yadklnville, Lauren and Ethan Dupier and Stove Mento of Fairfax County, Vu. Elizabeth Wesl Fortney and her daughter, Lindalee Thomas, of Knoxville, Tenn. visiled rela­ tives in the ureu lust week. Lindalee had to return home but she und her friend, Lynn, camc back and picked up Elizabeth on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Luther West, Mr, and Mrs, Lonnie Grey West Jr,, Mr. and Mrs. Roland West und Mrs. Eliabeth West Fortney at­ tended the wedding of Greg Dupier and Sully Spagler at Home Moravian Church in Win- slon-Salem on Saturday, July 3, and a dinner following the cer­ emony at Starmount Couniry Club in Greensboro. Sally Spangler is Ihe daughter of Kathryn Dees Rollins and tho granddaughter of Lois Wesl Dees. James nnd Leila Essie re­ cently relumed from Iwo weeks on the eastern shore of Virginia." They wenl especially lo attend the high school graduation of grandson, Edward Bumes, son of daughter, Anne. They also cel­ ebrated the birthday of thoir granddaughter, Elizabeth. She turned 12. Advance News Uy Edith Zimmcrmiin Advuncc Correspondent Oliviu Talbert's visitors on Friday were Carol Jane Cusl and son Bryan of Topeka. Kan., and Susan Hadley from Virginia, who spent the dny. Curol June is in the urea for 10 days und is visit­ ing many relatives including her sister, Geraldine Akers in Win- ston-Salem. Other visitors of Oliviu wus her new grandson Gunnon Elisha Talbert and his mother Milizi from Winslon-Sa- lom and anolhcr grandson. Aus­ tin Talbert of Kentucky. Charlie and Ruth Latham, their daughter, son-in-luw und grandson, Sandy and Heilh LoRoy and Hunter LcRoy spent July 4th weekend at White Lake. Alvin Myors of Elbavllle communily und duughlcr Mclissu Myers of High Point ulong witii Melissa's fianco Josse Gavin of Columbiu, S.C. were among llie visitors al Ihe Methodist church Sunday. An October wedding is planned for the young couple, Siidic Howard was udmmiled lo Forsylli Medicul Centcr lust week for tests und obscrvution, Aflcr Ihree duys she was dis­ charged und is ut the iiome of her duughier und son-in-luw Joyce and Dumcii НоЬсП.чоп, Gel well wishes go oul lo her, Junine Vogler Roberts under­ went gall bladder surgery lasl Wednesday ul Forsyth Mecicui Cenler. She is recuperating nicely und ultendcd the early church service al Melhodlsl church Sunday. A speedy recov­ ery is wished for lier. We express synipalhy lo Dun Burrell in Ihc dcuth of his futlier, Donald BarroU, who died in Laurinburg lasl Tuesday. Those from this community attending Mr. Bnrrott's funeral on Satur­ day were Medford and Nancy Shoaf. Brent Shoaf uiid the Rev. Harry Sammons. Dan is one of our active church members. Janey Brooks was a Sunday nfiernoon visitor of' Edilh Zinimermun. She visited home- bound Sudie Howurd, John Yunliss. wlio has been spending Ihe past month wilh Ihe Zim merm an boys, Harold, Randy and Mike, has gone to Alabama where he has accepted a position. Prior to coming liere John wus involved in Teen Chal­ lenge Ministry in New York and Alabama, Janna Jones Walson and fam­ ily have moved back here from Purlear, Her parents Leonard und Mury Nell Jones ure plensed. In response to the anony­ mous criticnl letter 1 received from a community member con­ cerning tho death of my dear friend Lib Carter, In Ihe July 1 issue of llie Enterprise I had a long purugraph expressing deep­ est sympathy lo son Jaek Carter, wife June Carter and grandsons Phillip and David Carter, ommiling Ihe sisler und brother which were in tlie July 8 issue of the Enlerprise. My apologies lo those 1 offended. B R O Y H IL L C O N G R E S A N O R T H C A R O L I N A T R A D I T I O N Dear Voters of N ortli Carolina's Sth Congressional District: For over a year, I have traveled into each of the countie.s in the Sth District meeting people, talking about the issues and asking for your supporl. Election Day is Tuesday, July 20 and you will be casting your vote for your next Congressman. I applaud the fine job Richard Burr has done as our Congressman, and pledge my full support to him in his race for the United States Senate. Our great President, George W. Bush can also count on me to stand with him. I have outlined where I stand on the issues. Never hnve I wavered in my position to carry the conservative banner and run a positive campaign message to you. Negative campaign tactics turn voters away and make them feel left out. My message has been one to include you and build upon the positive, not the negative. My record is clear. I am a lifelong conservative Republican who will fight for our unalienable rights as guaranteed Ed and Melanie Broyhill in our Constitution. I will protect and defend the rights of the unborn. As a life member of the NRA, I will protect and defend the right to keep and bear arms. I will stand up for the right to keep God in our pledge, our classrooms, our courtrooms and forever in our lives. Men and women of Christian faith have forever been tested in our nation's history, and with God by our side, have always prevailed. With your help and vote, 1 too will prevail in my fight for you. I am very proud and honored to have as my campaign co-chairmen. Senators Jesse Helms, Lauch Faircloth, as well as my father. Senator Jim Broyhill. They are also joined by my good friend, Iredell County Sheriff, Phil Redmond, who defied the district court judge that tried to cease using any reference to God in the courts. Former Vice Presidential candidate, Jack Kemp, who left the hate-filled campaign of one of my opponents, has now joined my campaign of hope and optimism. Yes, my record is very clear. As your Congressman, I will go to Washington from the first day and work for you. I will continue tlie same outstanding constituent service work as my father. Senator Jim Broyhill. His record of service is still modeled by many Congressmen and Senators across the country. I have enjoyed hearing untold number of stories from you about how my father helped you or your family when he was in Washington. I pledge to carry on that tradition. Lastly, Melanie and I would like to personally tliank you for the opportunity to come into your homes, meet your families and share our lives with you this past year. You have honored us with your support and we are so grateful. We have been blessed with the support of so many gracious and wonderful people. I ask for your vote on Tuesday, July 20. , God's richest blessings to you and your family. Ed and Melanie Broyhill V o t e E D B R O Y H I L L f o r C o n g r e s s o n T u e s d a y , J u l y 2 0 t h ! ! Paid for aiid authorized by Broyhill for Congress, L. G lenn Orr, Jr., Treasurer ' C8 - DAVIK COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,Thursdny, July 15,2004 Adrienne Gray A Leader At Harding Aclricime Gray of Mocks­ villc lias bcun sclcclcd as an energy group leader for Harding University’s 2004 Student Im­ pact, nn orientation program de­ signed to tielp freshmen and new students make tlie transi­ tion to collegc life. Gray is a sophomore major­ ing in communication disor­ ders. Student Impact features a va­ riety of activities, including ser- vico projects and games, de­ signed to make new students comfortable with each other and the university. Students arc divided into groups of 20, called energy groups, which meet throughout the day to dis­ cuss school, n'llcs, campus life and other issues of Importance. More than 1,000 students will pariicipate In Ihc pgroam Aug. 19-23 at the Harding cam­ pus in Searcy, Ark. ii' NOWOPEK Q Z H K O i p a n e s e R e s t a u r a n ! A u th e n tic J a p a n e s e C u is in e Dinc-in or Tukc-out 678 Wilke.sboro St., Mocksville 336-753-6867 Fax: 336-753-6847 In Former Powuins Localion liu.sincss Ilours Sunday - Thursday 11 '.OOatii - 0:00pm Friday - Saturday 1 hOOaiii - lO.OOpm Pickup Window Aviilln\)le ш е т m ш т ш т т т ^ А щ ш г E m e rg e n c y s ta n d -b y g e n e r a to r s b y G e n e ra c PropiintVNuUiral Gas/Dlosoi • Fully automatic switch over. Opening Soon in Advance! 775-9222 Automalic Switch Gears ElecUlcal supplies tor all goneralors кOur larger : liquid-cooled standby... Repair and Service Dealer for Qdnerac Warning; Never operate portable generators inside tiome. Repairs on Portable G enerators and' Pressure W ashers: R.V. G6nerators/AC A utom atic S w itches for Portables r S te v en E . H e lm a n , M D & A sso c ia te s, P A S tcvca E. H clm an, M .D. D anielle C arter-A dkins, PA-C S avan a LaM ar, PA-C arc plea.sed to welcome R . T ed T ob org, M D Oh August 1, 2004 the practice looks Ibrwaril to the addition of R. Ted Toborg. M.D. Dr. Toborg is a graduate of the Utiiversity of Iowa College of Medicine and completed his residency training at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. Dr. Toborg is board certified in Fumiiy Mcdicine and will limit his practice to adole.scents and adults. Dr, Toborg will be available to see new and established patients. All providers Me «cccpting new patients, Dr. Helmuti & Dr. Toborg provide inpatient cure for their patients at Forsyth Medical Center. Please call for an appointtiient. 3333 Brookview Hills Blvd., Suite 204 Witi.ston Salem, NC 27103 336-774-3740 Hours: Monday-Friduy 8:30am-5:00pm u ___________^ .v’-'.;,;: ...... # W ^b II Yes, that appears b be a successful belly flop attempt at the Davle County United Way free iday of swimming June 12 in Cooleemee. C o o lin g O ff United Way’s 2nd Day At The Pool A Success DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July IS, 2004 ■ C9 The Davle Counly United Way (DCUW) hosted a free day of swimnrmg and I'estivities al Ihe Cooleemee pool on Saturday, June 12. Altliough It looked like rain, the sun prevailed and the day was a big success with 121 people going swimming. Many people picked up literature from Unilcd Way and other ageitcles. Davic Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Center set up a display as did Davie Family YMCA. Drawings were held throughout the day, giving away two family pool passes, two children pool passes and eight summer gifl bags that included towels, swim goggles, can koo/les, and small Items from member agencies such as m agnets, pencils, pens and balloons. DCUW provided pizza,chips and a drink for $2 and free ice pops lo all attendees. Scholarships to the Cool­ ecmee Pool (a Davie Family YMCA facility) were subsidized by the Special Projects and Programs funding of the Davle County United Way. The mission of the Davle County Unilcd Way Is to unite the voluntary strength of our community to care for one another. ThI.s Is achieved Ihrough direct communily Impact projects and programs facilitated by DCUW and the funding of 20 nonprofit agencies that provide programing In three Impact areas: childrcit und youlh, health and wellness and crisis Intervention. For more information, call DCUW al 751-0313 or email <lavwimiU’tlmiy®m(>ck.'iville£(>m. Carol Ijames and family won a family pass to the Cool­ eemee Pool, Children and adulls made new friends at the United Way day at thé pool. V a c a t i o n B i b l e S c h o o l for ages 3-18 Thurs. & Fri., July 15 & 16 • 6pm to Spm (Registration starts at 5:45pm) Saturday, July 17 • 5pm>7pm Saturday beginning at Spm Jr./Sr, Hlah Survivor Challenges Saturday Family Fun NIaht following other activities Cookout wllh games, horseback riding, zip line and a rock climbing wall S m i t h G r o v e U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h 3492 US Hwy. 158, Mocksville Call 998-3854 to pre-register Ashley Browning and friend enjoy the day. ^ -k -k -k -k -k V O T É ^ * * * * * B i c u s P i ANDREWS Conservative Republican for I NC SENATE i L J D i s t r i c t 3 4 G u s 'M i s s i o n : P r o t e c t i n g S e n i o r c i t i z e n s * S e n io r c itiz e n s h av e w o rk ed h artj a n d p aid la x e s al) Ih eir lives a n d th ey d e s e rv e o u r iorolcclion d u rin g th e g o ld en y e a rs. * All s e n io rs ab o v e th e a g e of 6 9 sh o u ld b e e x e m p t from paying p ro p e rty ta x e s o n th e h o m e th ey live in. (C eiling $ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 ) * S e n io rs a b o v e 6 9 sh o u ld n ev er b e th re a t­ e n e d witli th e lo s s o f th eir h o m e b e c a u s e of Iheir in c re a s e d tax b u rd en . H o m e s te a d . e x e m p tio n s sh o u ld rem ain in p la c e . | (HI m CdniMMfk’t* {(I l (îliS Ocif y ÜÜVIS. Jrodsuror. A 'k A' A A 'h is  A- ^ iV Vr yy ‘Little Lambs’Speciai To Mocl<sviile Woman For 10 years Little Lambs ministry has been ministering to tho needs of the orphans in Ukraine. Il all began with a visit to or­ phanage 21 in Kiev In which volunteers learned that 55 chil­ dren would be sent lo a psychi­ atric hospital that summer due to tack of oфhanagc staff and funding. “The local Christians wanted to help, but due to economic hardships, very few could even lake care of themselves those years,” said Linda Harmon of Mocksville. “We were asked lo help and for Ihe first time that summer in 1992 we helped or­ ganize a camp for orphans. “We felt in love with the chil­ dren we met ut the camp. The chiidrcn who have been de­ prived of love und uttention were like sponges soaking in nil Ihe love and affection we gave them. “That summer I realized that it does not take a higher educa­ tion lo help orphans - just a big heart. Later that year, ufter much prayer nnd consulting wllh friends, Liule Lambs Ministry was bom. From 55 children at one camp in 1992, the ministry has grown to .2,020 children at 10 camps in 1999. For Ihe lust four years, 10 camps in 10 оф1шп- ages have been held. "Ood hns opened the door to 2-3 new orphanages every yenr and I am continually amazed at how Ood is bringing new people and needed resources for the ministry to grow,” she said. The summer camps nre the biggest nnd most fuinillng pro­ gram, but they wouldn't happen without Ihe relief program. "In the last 10 years, wc have shipped over 30 containers (thnnks lo Ihc free shipping from our government) lo Ihe chiidrcn who hnve nothing. Wc can't just comc and tell them that Ood loves them and teach them some Bible lessons without taking care of Iheir physical needs. The two work logctiier,” In some orphanages, Ihc shoes and the clothes open Ihe door for volunteers lo run the camp programs. "While -seeing Ihe orphan­ ages every summer und learning more about about the children who live there, we prayed for Ood to send some people who will raise the orphans in a Chris­ tian home," she said. A few years ago, three Little Lambs Homes were started. To­ day, 45 children live in these homes. Each has Christian house parents who take cure of the children and give them Ihe opporlunily lo grow up In a Christian environment. "As we look buck on whut Ood has done in the last 10 years, I want to thank all of you for parterning with Lillie Lambs,” Hannon said. "As a tes­ timony of Ciod'.s faithfulness, I want to tell you that we have never have a project thnt we could not do becnuse of the luck of funds, God hns shown us ugnin and again that He Is In con­ trol and He is faithful." Last summer, bccause of a donation from the Soulhside E d J o r d a n C h i e f O p e r a tin g O f f i c e r F o r L o c a i B a n i< •Ф- Ed Jordun hus been named president and chief operating officer for Bank of the Caroli­ nas by the board of directors al the regular meeting May 27 in Mocksvillc. "I am absolutely delighted Ed Jordan has accepted Ihe position wilh our bank,” said Robert E. Mnrzjnno, chair and chief execu­ tive officer, "A seasoned bank­ ing executive, his outstanding background and financial indus­ try expertise make him uniquely qualified to assume this pivotal role, “He will provide strong lead­ ership in continuing and accel­ erating Ihc profitable growlh of the bank,” Marziano said. . “I am excited about, and ap­ preciative of the opportunity my new position offers,” Jordan said, "Bank of the Carolinas has an established tradition and com­ mitment lo tolal qualily in ser­ vice lo our customers, stockhold­ ers, and employees. I look for­ ward to building upon lhat com­ mitment in expanding the future success of the bunk.” For 23 years, Jordan has held management and executive po­ sitions wilh another North Caro­ lina bused bank, most recently as businessbanking director for the Piedmont Triad region, A graduate of Lexington Se- .lordan Mar/.iiino L a m b e r t ■ III- — - !For S c h o o l B o a r d Experienced Q Leadership • Past PreBldent, Rotary Club of Mooksvllle• Paot President, Davle FamHy YMCA Board of Manövers• Member and Lay Leader,First United Methodist Church• Past Chair Finance, Flret United Methodist Churoh • Past Member, Davle County United Way• Paat Member, Mockevllle Elementary Sohool Parent Advisory Board• Aotlve Community Leader with Three Children Involved In the Davle County School System O i would appreciate your Vote and Support on July 20. I . °ai€H er^\r^rH :am berh Bapllsi Church In Moore.svllle, Jerry and Linda Harmon of Mocksvillc were able lo pur­ chase 120 pairs of shoes for one of tlwsc orphanages. This com­ ing July, Fork Baptist Church of M ocksvillc has donated the funds to purchase slioes for an­ other orphanage that Ihc Little Lumbs Ministry will be working in. These children share shoes in Ihe winlcr monihs which are 30° below with much snow. The government is able to give only $3 per child for a year lo these homes to furnish ull iheir needs. Al age 18, these children are turned out with no training for uny type of work. ■ ' Little Lambs has smnll homes where 18 year olds and up mny stay to learn a trade. Four American teams have left for the Ukraine to work during June. Seven more groups will g9. These teams urc mnde up of high school and collegc students from muny areas across the U.S. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon met Ihe founder of Ihe Little Latnbs Ministry last yeur In Ihe capital city of Kiev. “Rennie Kurz and her family are deeply concerned and love these cliildren. Renate grew up in one of Ihc former Soviet Union countries and knows Ihe hardship and lieurtaclies of these people," Hnrmon said. She lives In Ihc Unilcd States. Contnci Lillie Lambs Minis­ try al www.littlclamhs.coni. Each year, students 17 und up arc welcomed lo travel for one month lo work in Russia nnd Ihe Ukrninc in one of these orphun- nges. Linda Harmon (left) with Little Lambs founder, Renate Kurz. nlor High School, he holds a bachelor’s degree in business adminislrntlon from Washington & Lee University. He serves on the boards of directors of Ihc Dnvidson County Economic Development Commission, Lexington Memo­ rial Hospilal and Davidson Vi­ sion. He is president of David­ son Progress. Jordan and wife Carol have Iwo sons, Sam and Charlie. They live in Lexington, wiiere they attend Grace Episcopal Church. Bank of the Cnrolinas is the state-chartered, stockholder- owned communily bank head­ quartered in Mocksvillc, wilh full-service offices in Advnncc, Asheboro, Carthage, Clevelnnd, Hnrrisburg, Lnndls, Mocksvillc and soon, Lexington, The bank’s common slock is traded on the OTC Bulletin Board under Ihc symbol BCAR. More infonnation is avnilable nt www.bimkoftliecoroHnax.com. T o T h e G o o d C i t i z e n s o f D a v i e C o u n t y ^ On July 20th you will have the opportunity to exercise one of the greatest privileges In the free world, to vote in an election and determine Davie CouniyS leadership For the past four years it has been my honor to serve you as a County Commissioner. The seat does not belong to me, it belongs to you. The issues facing us today are complicated and challenging. When I ran four years ago, we were not at war, faceless cowards had not flown airplanes into buildings, and our economy was not struggling. Our county received millions from the state every year that was used to balance our budget. Being the fastest growing county in the Piedmont caused our schools to become overcrowded. Mobile classrooms had to be added at every school. Our master water plan became severely outdated. Our infrastructure (roads, sewer, emergency services Police, Fire and EMS) were not able to keep up with growth. In addition our hospital and emergency room was closed. Our budget was growing at an alarming pace. We were faced with the choices of raising taxes.,. cutting services... finding a better way to utilize our resources. Over the past four years, accomplishments: I am proud to report to you significant progress and some major ■ The Davle County H ospital is open, th e emergency room Is staffed 24 hours per day and 160 Jobs were saved. ■ The approved school bonds will allow needed im provem ents and additional space. ■ A n increase in funding to our V olunteer Fire Departments allows them to buy m uch needed life saving equipm ent. ■ A paid day tim e fire fighter program w as started w hich can help keep hom eow ner^ insurance premiums low. ■ A "new" m aster w ater plan has been revised. ■ Significant upgrades to im prove w ater quality at both w ater plants have been m ade. ■ A new w ater tank w as constructed a t 801 and 601 to Improve w ater pressure. ■ A g ran t w as obtained to repair th e Cooleem ee w aste w ater treatm ent so th a t tax dollars w ould n o t have to be used. ■ N ew industry has been recruited, existing industry has expanded. This creates jobs and increases our tax base. . . keeping our tax rate low. I am proud that all of the above, except a voter approved school bond, was done without raising your taxes. The leaders you elect must have vision, good business knowledge in order to develop a strategic plan for our future plus work with state and federal leaders. We must formulate a course of action to deal with land use, education, economic development, jobs, recycling, healthcare and infrastructure. Our tax rate rem ains one of the lowest in the area while our quality of life has been improved. I promise to continue to work to have the best schools. The best investment we can rnake in our future is to educate our children ... not only the basics, but with a focus on technology. As your commissionec I will continue to work hard to keep our taxes low and to maintain the quality of life we enjoy Although much has been accomplished, there is much more to do, I thank you again for the privilege of sen/ing you and ask for your continued support and vote on July 20th. Best regards, K e n W h i t e V o t e J u l y 2 0 t h t o R ^ E I e c t '^11!1 \\'| D a v i e C o u n t y C O M M IS S IO IM E R с ю ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thiirsdii.v, .July IS. 2004 O bituaries V o te L E E R O L L I N S D a v ie C o u n ty C o m m is s io n e r I f'È iM ^.IMI In \oii hi. Ггтчсгм’ (U R priTidtis ((iiiililyof liri' I’ni-tiUT with till' Diivii' { '(Hinly Schools lo I'lisiiiT O l R I'hildri'ii niiiliniK' lo rm 'i\o Ihi; Ih'sI I'diioilioii \4 )l'K lav (Uilliirs (к'мтлс I’mmoU- lair and im partial thiiikin)> on hi'haU'ol'ALL, parts оГ1)а\ li‘ ('oim l\ I’roliTt \ O t R pri'cioiis (n\ (lolliii s and Miaki- llirm «ork hard lor ^О Г " E X P E R I E N C E M A T T E R S S p e c ia l o£ th e W e e k Cheerw ine Long N e c k s Assorted Flavors ea. Limit 1 Case W hile Supplies Last It’s Here! Bring Your Film and Save Money! I n S to r e P h o to P r o c e s s in g • D igital Prints • E iilargeineiits ¡•’«»I: (jreiit inronnatiMn «11 (IniKs & health prol>lcliis, до (о www.losterdi-uüco.coiii Sarah Lou Bryson Siiruli Lou Peoples Byrson died June 30, 2004 in Arlington, Vii., where she huil resided tnosl of her adult life after l)e- ing rnlsed ill Ihc Clarksville com­ munity of Davic Couniy. She was Ihe daughter of the lalcAlfordD. and Annie Moore Peoples and wns n graduate of Fnrmington High Scheool nnd High Point College. She wns preceded in denlh by her husband, Woodrow Byrson. Surviving: a daughter, Debbie Blnlchford of Remington, Va., nnd a sister, Faye McCormick of Chester, Vn. Burial is .scheduled later this niontli in Arlington Cemetery with her husbnnd. Ca r t n e r A n g u s FARMS INC. Wc Will Treat You Rii’Ut! SAND & GRAVEL HAULING DOZING J.P. Cartner Donnoy Stroud (336)492-5764 (7Q4)683-21B2 (704)880-0168 (336)492-2015 Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Saf 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 Foster D ru g Co. 495 Valley Road • M ocksville • (336) 751-2141 w w w .lostertlrugeo.com Send A Daile Coimfy Vatíve Ilo Congress Ed Powell - 5fli DIsliict Congim G overnor j ini H olshouser, C lininiim i R everend C oy P rivette, Vicc-Chninnm i - Born in Davie County to Margaret and Harrell Powell of Calahaln community - Attended Davie County Schools and graduated from Davie County High School uate .aw graduate ìcTtì - Jniversity of North Carolina grac - Wake Forest University School of 1___ - Vietnam veteran, U. S, Army; Awardeci the Bronze Star - Attorney in Winston-Salem; represented thousands of citizens all across the Fifth District I S S U E S - Restore Economy of Sth District - Win War on Terrorism and Strengthen National Security and Defense - Abolish Income Tax and replace with national sales tax - Help our seniors with Medicare and Prescription Drug Relief - Fight for family values Visit www.powellforcongress.com for more information IHiS AD COURTESY OF MAXINE AND GTLRFRT ROHFi? Paid for by Powell for Congress Henry Seward Reep Mr. Henry Scwnrd Keep, 89, of Sanford Avenue, Mocksville, died Friday morning, July 9, 2004, al the Dnvis Community Hospital in Statesville nfler a short illness. Mr. Reep was bom in Catawba Couniy, Dec. 8, 1914 to the Inte Harvey Banks and Mnrtha Reep und for over 50 years wns tlic owner and opernlorof Ihc Snnford Avenue Groccry. He wns a mem- l)cr of the Corinth Church of Christ at Needmore nnd wns a veternn of the US Army serving during World Wnr II. He enjoyed woodcnrving. He was preceded in death by his parenls and a sister, Mrs. Ethel Brown Lenlhermnn. Surviving; his wife of 62 years, Vetra Freeman Reep of Ihe home; n daughter, Phyllis Reep of Mocks­ villc: a grnnddaughter; 2 grent- graiiddnughters; 3 sisters, Helen Dellinger of Catawba, Ruby Wallace of Greensboro nnd Vir­ ginia Slecn of Ft. Mill. A graveside service was con­ ducted at 2 p.m. Sunday, July 11, in Ihc Corinth Church of Chrisl Cemetery wilh Tim Pinkston olTi- ciallng. Billie Ann W hite Billie Ann Powe While, 58, of Dulin Rond, Mocksville, died Tuesday, July 6, 2004 al Forsylh Mcdical Center. Born in Butler, Ala. on Sept. 17, 1945, she was the dnughter of Ihc lale Robert E. Powe nnd Dorothy Johnson Powe, who survives. She was of Ihe Baptist faith and en­ joyed crafts. Survivors: her husband of 40 years, J.B. While of Mocksville: 2 brolhers, Roberi E. (Ruby) Powe Jr. of Mocksville, Reggie (Boniln) Powe of Tnylorsville; 2 sisters, Emily (Pee Wee) Couch of Mocks­ ville, Sissy (Rnlph) KImrey of Mocksville; severni nieces nnd nephews; nnd sevcrni great-nicces nnd grent-iiephcws. Funeral services wee held Fri­ day, July 9 nt the Davie Funernl Service Chapel wilh the Rev. Bill Pharr officiating. Burial followed In the Wesllnwn Gardens of Memory in Clemmons. Memorinls; Davie County Hos­ pice, 158 Hospilnl St., Mocksville. H t t v r i s P o o l & S u p p l i e s (Ь|||«*(ЫсаЬ>|||$Шо11 Opeidng & fbiRg • Vln)l Uner RMxmNt Tt)iiimy Hanis/Owncr-Ovcr 20 Yn.. 1др. 277 I'lciiMini Aciv Dr., Mock-svillc Home (336)284^17 ^ Business (336) 9094027 i Ule’rejusta mouse-click away... D A V I B C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/iSl^ECORD Go to the Davie County Enterprise Record website at www.enterprise-record.com for a convenient link to our latest edition. It’s your online connection to Davie County. rciasslflB d ^ (fteailer'sTóÍfí C‘ lUealher;'^ Davie County... WeVe Got You Covered Online! www.enterprise-recor(l.coin Nancy E. Anderson Miss Nancy Elizabeth Ander­ son, 52 of Hwy 601 South, Mocksville, died Monday, July 12,2004 at Davie Couniy Hos­ pital, She was bom Jnn. 16, 1952 in Rowan County to Mnry Daniel Anderson of Mocksville and the lale Roy Lester Ander­ son and wns retired from Jim Maltón Accounting with 30 years of service. She wns a graduate of Davic High School class of 1970 and Rowan Tech­ nical College with an associnlc degree in business and computer sciencc, nnd was ntlcnding High Point University pursuing a bachelor’s degree In accounting. She wns a member of Ihe Na­ lional Association of Accoun­ tants. Miss Anderson was nn actlvc nnd lifelong member of Liberty United M ethodist Church. Her favorite past time wus rending. Survivors, in nddition lo her mother; a sister Joyce (Michael) W hitaker; a niecc, Erin Whitaker; a nephew, Jeremy (Jill Seamon) W hitaker, all of Mocksville; and severni nunts, uncles nnd cousins. Funeral servicc.? were Wedne.sday, July 14 at 11 a.m. at Liberty United Methodist Church wilh Dr. John Andrews officiating. Burinl was in Ihe church ccmetcry. They request memorinls be considered for the memorial fund of Liberty United Methodist Church, 141 Liberty Circle, Mocksville, N.C. 27028. Brandon D. Hillird Brandon D. Hillird, 6-ycar- oUl son of Wayne and Shannon Hillird, died Wednesday, July 7, 2004, Maternal grandparents are Kenneth Gernld nnd Terri Myers Willinms of Powder Springs, On. Mntemal great-grandparents are Willie and Brownie Powell Wil­ liums of Mock.sville, and Clarencc nnd Margarcl Myers of - Cooleemce. A funernl scrvice wns held at Roy Dnvis Funeral Home on Salurdny, July 10, wilh burinl In Powder Springs, Gn. Donald W allce Barrett Mr. Donnld "Don" Wallace Barren, 81, of ILnurinburg, died at his home Tuesday evening, July fi, 2004, nfter a battle with pan­ creatic cancer. Survivors; his wife, Betty Hunley Bnrrcti; 2 sons, Jim Barrell nnd wife Shnron Tracey Barrett of Asheville and guberna­ torial candidate Dan Barrell and wife Kathleen Anderson Barrett of Advance; n daughter, Betsy Barrell Rosemnnn and husband Ed Rosemann of Goldsboro; 2 brolhers, Rel. Col. Reid Barrell nnd wife Huberta of Charlotte and Dr. Charles Barrett and wife Sally of Boiling Springs, S.C.; a sister. Belly Barren Bell nnd husband David of Charlolle; 6 grandchil­ dren. Mr, Barrett wns borh Feb, 24, 1923, in Spartanburg, S.C., and was the son of the lale Rev, James A. Barrell and Bryte Forbes Barrett and stepson of Helen Reid Bnrrett. He was n graduate of Wofford College and served in the U.S. Air Corps during World Wnr 11. He was a retired induslrinl en­ gineer wilh J.P. Stevens. He was an active member of the Firsl United Melhodlst Church, served Ihree terms as Lnurinburg cily councilman, wns co-founder of Hnbilal for Humanity of Scotland County, was a recipient of the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Ser­ vice Award from St. Andrews Presbyierian College and wns rec­ ognized us "Outstanding Senior Citizen" in 1994 by the Lnurinburg Jaycces. He was in­ volved as a communiiy and cluirch leader by example and be­ hind the scenes. The memorial servicc was held at 11 a.m, Saturday, July 10, at the Pirsi United Melhodisl Church, officiated by the Rev. Dr, Stan Smith and the Rev. Nancy Willard. Memorials: Hospice of Scot­ land, P.O. Box 1033, Lnurin-burg, 28353; or Ihc Ed Guest Class, First’ United Melhodisl Church, 101 W, Church St., Lnurinbiirg, 28352. C o n c o r d , L ib e r ty M e th o d is t C iiu r c h e s G e t N e w l \ / l i n i s t e r Mark D. Evans has been named minister at Liberty and Concord United Methodist churches in Davie County. He comes to Ihc job with wife, Diane, and Iheir children, Will, Jackson nnd Mnllory. Worship scrvice at Liberty is at 9:45 n.m,, nt Concord services stnrt nt 11 n.m. R y a n H e p l e r S h o w s H i s P a t r i o t i s m B y S i n g i n g Ryan W. Hepler watched witli his mother as the airplanes flew inlo the Twin Towers on Sept. 11,2001. They cried. Tliey prayed. And Ryan dccided he wanted to lenm how lo sing “The Slar Spangled Banner," Once he learned il, he would sing lo any­ one who would listen. At the July 4th tractor show the next year, Jeffrey Cornntzer was looking for someone to sing Ihc song. Sis Hendrix suggested Ryan. The boy was n bit scared, but with Jerry Amisworthy standing beside him, he made it through the song, nnd the crowd loved it. This yenr, he snng Ihc Stnr Spangled Banner nt the Irnctor Ryan W. Hepler si,ow for the third year. E le c t TOM FLEMING CO M M ISSIO N ER raid lor In fum l lomhig. (iindidau- Dear Voters of Davie, I hope you will consider C l a r e n c e L o S P I L L M A N f o r D a v i e C o u n t y C o m m i s s i o n e r 1 - He will protect your tax dollars 2- He will make sure they are spent wisely 3- Over 25 Years as Treasurer of the Cooleemee Fire Dept. 4- Air Force Veteran for over 34 years 5- Has a Business Administration Degree from Catawba College 6- He will provide sound leadership 7- Conservative like Jesse Helms 8- Caring man and father God Bless You and Your Families Paid for by David \N. Spillman H a s tfie s a m e th in g h a p p e n e d to y o u r feith? kkiilyi lUkl »picslkHV* uiib jIu-v’ic »vk'HllC in ilMiali- The Episcopal Church of the Ascension W elcomes You. Visit Us Anytime @ www.asccnsion-fork.org Wc nre now on our SUMMER SCIIEDULK with Worsliip cach Sunday al 10;(K)A.M, DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July IS, 2004 - C ll P l e a s e A t t e n d T h e C h u r c h O f Y o u r C h o i c e No Creek Primitive Baptist Church, 222 Aubrey Merrell Rd., Mocksville. 2nd S 4lh Sundays, 10:30 a.m. Fourih Solurday worship and conlerence, 1:30 p.m. Poslor, Richard Kirby. Eaaie Heights Church,10 a.m. Sundny worship, 7 p.m. Tuesday Powerllme, 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, Bible study andAwanas. Casual dress, conlem-porary muslc/worshlp. 5103 U.S. 158, Hillsdale, Mockgvllle Wealeyan Churoh! Hospital St., Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. V/orshlp, 11. Wednesday Prayer Meeting, 7 p.m. Rav. George Troyer. 751-5595. Union Chapel United Methodist Church: 2030 U.S. 601 N. Sundoy School, 9:45 a.m.; Worship, 11 a.m.. Poslor, Rev. Jim Sanders. Center United Melhodlst Church: U.S. 64 W. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Poslor, Stephen Blolr. 751-2754. Childcare directors: Carla Prevetle, 492-5735 & Sandra Autry, 940-3753. Elbavllle United Methodist Church:' N.C. 801, Advance. Fellowship, 9 a.m. Sundoy School, 10. Worship, 11. Kids For Chrisl (ages 4-11), 1 si & 3rd Sun., 3-4:30 p.m. Teens lor Christ (ages 12- 18) meet Sun., 5-6:30 p.m. Pastor: Rev. Neville Slorey. Cooleemee Church ol Qod; Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship Service and Chlldten’s Churoh, 11 a.m. Tues. Prayer Meeting, 7 p.m. Wed. Family Service, 7 p.m. For more Inlo, call paslor Roberi Hulelle al 284-2180 or visll wviw.coolcog.org. Cornatzer United Methodist Church; 1244 Cornalzer Rd. Sunday School, 10 o.m. Worship, 11 a.m.. Rev. Kaye Frye, pastor. . Bethel United Methodist Churoh: Belhel Church Rd. Worship, 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:50 a.m. Rev. Ed Carter, paslor. Advanco United Methodist Church: Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Youth, 5 p.m. Rev. Harry D. Sommons.Downtown Advance. Farmington United Melhodlsl Church: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. 1939 Farmington Rd. 998-5569. Rev. Tommy Robertson. Oak Grove Unltod Methodist Church: 1994 U.S. 158, Mocksville. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Concord United Melhodlst Churoh, Cherry Hill Rd., Mocksvllio, Worahip: II a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Dr. Mark E. Evans. Hardison United Methodist Churoh: Worship, 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45. Wondorlul Wednes-days Children's program, 6-7:30. Pastor, Rev. Dennis B. Marshall. Community Baptist Church: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Sunday Worship, 11, Evonlng service, 6. Wednesday Bible Sludy, 7 p.m. QIadslone Road. Hillsdale United Methodist Church: 5226 U.S. 158, Advance. Sunday worship, 9 & 10:45 a.m. Adull Classes, 10-10:45. Sunday Night Live lor |r. and sr. high youlh. Wonder Filled Wednesdays, lellowship meal and prayer lime, 6:15-7:30. Small groups throughut the week. For more Inlormalion, check the website www.hlllsdaleumc.com, or call Ihe church olllco al 998-4020. Wosley Chapel United Melhodlst Church: Worship Service: 10 a.m. Sunday School: 10:45 o.m. Rev. Tommy Robertson. Pino Rd. Rodland Pentecostal Holiness Church: Sunday School: 10 a.m. Worship: 11 a.m. Evonlng: 6:30. Wednesday prayor meoling & Bible sludy, 7:30 p.m. Rev. Joel Boyles. Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1913 US 601 s. Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday School; 9:15. Rev. Robert Kasllng. 751-5419. mm.mlnaspn'ng.com/‘'holycross/ Mocksville First Presbyterian Churoh. 261 S. Main St. Worship; 11 o.m, Church School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday evening: Chorlslers (grades 1-5) & Youlh (grades 6-12), 5:30 p.m. Paslor; Neal Carler. 751-2507. Mocks United Melhodlst Church, ofl N.C. 801 S. al Mocks Church/ Beau­ champ roads. Advance. Rev. Donnie Durham, 998-5518. Sunday worship: 6:45 & 11 o.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m, Smllh Grove Melhodlst Church: 3492 U.S. 158, Mocksville. Poslor: Chris Clonlz. Sunday School: 10 a.m., worship, 8:50 & 11. Children's ministry. Before and afler school programs, 940- 5296. Hillsdale Baptisl Church: Sunday Small Groups, 9 a.m.. Worship, 10:30 a.m; Wednesday Fellowship Meal, 6 p.m. Children's youth acllvllles, prayer meeting, 6:30 p.m. 940-6618. Minister of Music, Brent Mellon. 481S U.S. 158, Advance. Faith ond Victory Family Worship Center, 1687 Hwy. 601 N. Sunday Services, 10 a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m. New Believers Ministries, 350 Railroad St., Mooksvllle. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11. Wednesday nlghl Bible sludy, 7. Paslor Ellzabelh Mock. Assoc, paslor, Derrick Mock. 492-5568. Liberty United Melhodlst Church, U.S. 601 s. Worshlp:9:45 o.m. Sunday School: 11 a.m. First Unlled Melhodlst Church of Mocksvillo, Early Sunday Worship Service, 8:50 a.m. Praise singing, casual dress, conlemporary lormal. Tradllionai service, 10:55 a.m. 305 N. Main SI. 751-2503. Paslors, Cryslal Alexander and Donald W. Roulh. Believer's Sonshlp Tabernaole: Sunday worship, 10:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Wed. evening, 7. Paslor: Jerry L. Couch, 998-1324. Cana Rd. - Potter's Lane. Turrentlne Beptlst Church: Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.. Worship, 11; Night Service, 6. Pastor: Rev. Joe Smllh. Bethlehem United Melhodlst Churoh; Sunday early worship, 6:45 a.m.; Sundoy School, 10. Worship, 11 a.m. Lighthouse Service, conlemporary worship, Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. 321 Redland Rd., Advance. 996-5083. Fax: 940-5502. E-Mail: olflcbelhumc@yadlei.nel Episcopal Church of the Ascension, Fork-Bixby Rd., Advance, Sun. School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. 998-0857. Dial A Story Ministry for children. Bill and Peggy Long of Advance, 996-7716. Clement Qrove Churoh ot Qod, Body of Christ. 159 Parker Rd., Mocksville. 492-5125. Saturday Services: Sabbath School, 10 a.m.. Worship, 11:45. Wednesday Bible Sludy, 7 p.m. Pastor: Elder Ernest Ijames. Radio Broadcast: The Bible Is Right, Tuesdays, 5-5:30 p.m., WDSL 1520 AM and Sundays, 8- 8:30 a.m., WSTP 1490 AM, Green Meadows Baptist Churoh Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study, 7 p.m. Paslor Rev. Michael Walers, 998-3022. Liberty Wesleyan Churoh, 2106 Shelfleld Rd., Harmony, Sunday School 10 a.m.. Morn. Worship 11 a.m.. Wed. Bible Advenlure 7 p.m., Sr, Mlnlslry 2nd Tues. each monlh 10 a.m. 402-2963. Pastor; Ronald Lee. Bixby Presbyterian Churoh, 1806 Fork-Bixby Rd., near Cornalzer Rd„ Sun. School 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11. Pastor; Peter Peterson, 998- 8813. Dulln United Methodist Church, 897 Dulln Rd., Mocksville, 998-5409, Pastor; .David Smllh. Sun School 10:30 a.m.. Worship 9:30 o.m. Cooleemee United Methodist, Main St., Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship, 11. Kids Kamp Sun. 5-6:30. Paslor: Rev. Perry Bradshaw (284- 6135) In Home Bible Studies, by Randy Howell. 284-4667. Bear Creek Baptlet Church, Bear Croek Ch. Rd., Sun. School 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11 o.m,, Bible Sludy Wed, 7 p.m. Rev. William Loe Cook III, paslor. Cooleemee First Boptlsl Church, 284 Marginal St., Sun. Bible Sludy 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m.. Eve. Worship 7 p.m., Wednesday prayer meeting, 7 p.m. Music minister, Regina Chandler. Dr. Tommy Regisler, paslor. Mocksvltle Second Presbyterian, 400 Pine St. Sunday School, 8:30 a.m. Worahip, 9:30. Only African-American Presbyterian church In Davla Couniy. Rev. Thomos M. Leaoh.751-1410 St, Frencis ol Assisi, RC. Masses: Salurday Vigil, 5 p.m. Sunday, 8 and 10:30 a.m., Spanish Mass, 12:30 p.m.; Wednesday evonlng Mass, 7. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Friday & Salurday, 7:30 a.m. Masses. Rev. Andrew Draper, TOR, 751-2973. Farmington Baptist Church, Sunday morning Bible study, classes for all ages, 10. Worship; 11.1841 Farmlng-lon Rd., 5 miles from 1-40. Paslor: Scotl Lyerly. Church: 998-3826. Home: 998-5372. Blaise Baptist Church, Blaise Church Rood, off U.S. 601 N. at 1-40, Mocksvillo, 751-3639. Worship, Sunday, 8:30 & 11 a.m.; Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Sunday evening, 7, Wednesday BIbie sludy and mission programs for all ages, 7 p.m. Pastor: Glenn Seilers. Assoc, paslor, Ken Furches. ivww.blalsebaplisl.org. Shiloh Baptist Church, 544 E, Depot St., Mocksville. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning worship: 11 a.m. 751- 0597. Fulton United Methodist Church, 3895 N.C. 801 S., Advance. Worship: 9:45 o.m. Sunday School, 10:45 a.m. Fullon Youlh In Chrisl. Sundays, 5-6:30 p.m. Paslor: Rev. Neville Slorey. Heaven Bound Full Qospel Church.U.S. 64 W., Mocksviiie. (beside Cenier Fire Dept.). Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship, 11. Sunday nlghl praise/ worship, 6, Wednesday nlghl praise/ worship, 7, Poslor, James Ward. 998- 6394. First Baptist Church, 390 N. Main St., Mocksviile, across Irom pubiic library. 751-5312. Conlemporary worship sewice, 8:30 a.m. Sunday School for ali ages, 9:45 a.m. Tradllionai worship service, 10:55 a.m. Fork Baptist Church, 3140 U.S. 64 E., Mooksvllle. Sunday School, 9:45, Worship service, 11 a.m,, 6:30 p.m, Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Awanas, Sunday 6 p.m.998-8306. Cornatzer Baptisl Church, 1372 Cornalzer Rd., Mocksville. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship, 11; evening, 6:30; Awana's Worship, 7 p.m. Wednesday evening, 7:30 p.m. New Union Melhodlst Church, 1869 Shellield Rd„ al County Line Rd. Services: 8:30 a.m., conlemporary worship with casual dress and relreshments; 9:45 a.m. Sunday School assembly. 10, Sunday School for all ages. 11 a.m.. Worship. 492- 5367. Ijames Bapilsl Church, Sheffield Rd., Mocksviiie. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., worship, 11, Sunday evening, 8, Wednesday, 7 p.m. Pastor, Tommy Fausl. St, John AME Zlon Churoh, 145 Campbell Rd., Mocksville. Sunday School, 9:30. Mornlngworshlp, 11 a.m. Paslor, George C. Banks. Advance First Baptist Church, 1938 N.C. 801 S. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Wednesday Bible Study/ mission groups, 7 p.m. Pastor:Marlln Kastner. 998-6302, Churoh cl Qod ol Prophecy, 2323 U.S. 601 S., Mocksville. Sunday School, 10 а.m., worship, 11, Sunday evening, 6; Wednesday evening, 7, Pastor: Rev. Bobby Shinauil. 719- 6565 or 284-2935. Victory Baptist Church, Midway St., Cooleemee. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship 11, Sunday evening, 6; Wednesday Awana/Youlh, 6:45 p.m., Prayor & Bible Sludy, 7, Rev, Shelby Harbour. 284-2077. Seventlf Day Advenllst Churoh, Milling Rood, Mooksvllle. Sabbalh School, Saturday, 9:30-11; Worahip, 11- noon. Paslor, Ron Davis. 751-3886. Macedonia Moravian Church, 700, N.C. 801 N., Advance. Sunday School, 9:45 o.m. Worship, 11 a.m. 998-4394. Interim Paslor: Roger Kimball. Vadkin Valley Baptist Churoh, 1324Yadkin Valloy Road, Advance. Paslor: Ronnie Craddock. 998-4331. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11 S б. Wednesday Nlghl Prayer meeting, 7:30. Live Sundays, WDSL 1520AM, 11- Noon. Mt, Zlon Holiness Churoh ol Qod, U.S. 64 E. al Mill St., Mocksville, Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Morning Worahip, 11, Paslor: Bishop James Ijames, Ml, SInal AME Zlon Church. 486 Peoples Creek Road, Advance. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., worship, 11 a.m., Wednesday nlghl Bible sludy, 7. Dr. Oils B. Robinson Sr., paslor. 998-6231. Bixby Church of the Living God, 2121 Cornalzer Rd., Advance. Paslor, Louise Hooker, 768-1606. Worship, Sunday 10-11 a.m., 6 p.m. Salem Unlled Methodist Church, Salem Church Road oil Davie Academy Rd., 8 miles west of Mocksville. Worship, Sundays al 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45.UMW, second Wednesday, UMM first Sunday breakfast al 7:30. UMYF Sunday evenings. Rev. Stephen Blair Piney Grove United Methodist Churoh, 376 Underpass Rd., Advance. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship, 11. Paslor: Rev. Kendall C. Glover. 998-7316. New Jerusalem Apostolic Church, 291 Campbell Rd., Mocksville, Paslor, Nellye Ijames-Barber, 751- 0049. Sun. School, 10 a.m.. Worship 11. Wednesday nlghl: Bible class, 7:30. Intercessory prayer, 6 p.m. True Light Christian Mlnlslry, meetings at Davie County Public Library, Mocksville. Founding paslor: Steven W. Dalton. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11. Episcopal Church ol the Good Shepherd, Church & Cross sts., Cooleemee. Worship, 9:30 a.m., fellowship hour afler church. Bible Sludy 2nd and 41h Sundays aller church. Priest: Rev. Noah Howard. Jesus Life Mission, Liberly Church Rd„ Mocksville, Sunday School, lOo.m., mornlngworshlp, 11. Sunday evening at 6 and Tuesdays al 7 p.m. Paslor: Hilda Reavls. Mocksville Church ol Qod, 862 U.S. 64 E. (beside Armory). 751-0817. Paator; Larry Hollllleld. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11, Sunday evening, 6, Wednesday evening, 7, Jerusalem Baptist Church, 3203 US 601 S., Mocksville, 284-2328. Sunday sen/lces: 8:15 a.m., praise and worship; 9:45, Sunday School (or all ages; 11, morning worship; 7, evening worahip. Wednesday services: 6 p.m., family fellowship meal; 7 p.m,, TeamKID, Youlh 4 Chrisl, Adull Bible Sludy. Nursery for Infanta and toddlers. Fellowship Baptist Churoh, 1084 Rainbow Rd., Advance. 908-6544. SundaySchool, 10 a.m., worship, 11, Sundays, 6 p.m. Wednesday sen/lce, 7 p.m. Thursday visitation. 7 p.m. Paslor, Wayne Swisher, 492-7210, Smllh Qrove AME Zlon Church, 3707 Hwy. 158, Mocksviile. Sunday morning worhslp, 11, Sundoy School, 10 a.m. Rev. Frank Cornelius, paslor. Eatons BapUsl Church, 495 Eolons Church Rd., Mocksville, Sunday School, 10 a,m., worship, 11, Wednesday prayer meeling, 7:30 p.m. Paator; Dr. David Qllbreoth. 998- 6149. Abundant Lite Christian Victory Center, 117 E. Depot St., Mocksville. Paslor, Daniel Brown. 753-4453. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Morning worship, 11. Lite Community Church, Sundays, 10 a.m.. Brock Performing Arts Cenier, North Main Slreel, Mocksville, Contemporary style worship with Paslor Kevin Stewart. 753-LlFE. Hope Baptist Tabernaole, 2408 Hwy, 158, t^ocksvllle, 998-3818, Worship, 11 a.m., Sunday School, 10 a,m„ 6 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m. AWANA children and leens, adulla, prayer meeting and Bible study. East Davie Baptist Church Bermuda Ouay Shopping Center, 5397 U.S. 158, Advance. Sundays, 9:30, Bible sludy (or all ages: 10:45, morning worship; 6, Sunday evening service. Wednesdays, 7 p.m., Bible Sludy and Prayer Service. Paslor, Max T. Furr. Youlh, children and music, Jeremy Amick. 998-5584. Life Community Church, Days Inn, Madison Road, Mocksville. Sen/lces Sunday, to o.m. Coll Kevjn Stewart, pastor, about Wednesday evening lile groups, 753-5433. Malnvllle AME Zlon Churoh, 210 Main Church Rood, Mocksville. Sun­ day School, 10 a.m., worship, 11, Bible Sludy, Wednesday, 7 p.m. Pas­ tor; Rev. Robert H. Bailey. Bailey's Chapel United Melhodlst Church, Bailey's Chapel Road, Ad­ vance, SundaySchool, 10a.m., Wor­ ship 11 o.m. Postor, Rev. Ed Corter. Support These Local Businesses W.G. WHITE & C 0 . 850 N, Trade St, Winston Salein, NC 27102 336-723-1669 VOGLER &SONS 2849 Middle Brook Dr. Clemmons, NC 27012 336-766-4714 SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY Jericho Road Mockbvllle, NC 27028 336-751-5148 SHEFFIELD LUMBER & PALLET GO. A PALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5565 JERRY'S MEAT PROCESSING We Custom Meat Process Beef - Pork - Deer 30 years experience 602 Ralph Raliedgo Rd • Mocksvillo 492-5496 LARRY’S WOOD FLOORING SERVICE 2‘f Years Experience Sanding • Retlnlahlna Installallon • Old & Now Work Larry McClenney«Mocksvillo 336-751-1721 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9144 CRAIG GARTER BUILDER, ING. 119 Hwy, 801 S, Suitel Advanco, NC 27006 336-940-2341 C\í^h^п^ .W VfinCfii(! i\. Cjflff. I*rciitkni ■ .\1л11л С. Öfter, Мл Prcv J. P. GREEN MILLING CO., INC. Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksville, NC 336-751-2126 EATON F U N E R A L H O M E SINCE 19.11 325 Norlh Main Slreel Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2148 FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2141 F U L L E R K l'rte Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Fabrication 8515 Salisbury Ro,id, Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-3712 CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2167 AUTO PARTS MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTIVE 884 S. Main SI. • Mocksville 336-751-2944 GENTLE MACHINE &TOOL INC. 3319 u s Hwy 158 Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-3350 Л С Е . 5431 Hwy. 158* Advance, NO 336-998-1987 C12 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, July 15,2004 H is P la c e Coffee House Also Offers Entertainment There is a new venue in Mocl<svillc for those who want coffee, entertainm ent and fellowship. “His Place,” a coffeehouse, is being offered by First U nilcd M ethodist C hurch, Moclisville. The idea began 10 years ago, when Shane Young was speaking with a friend from New Jersey. "M y friend mentioned that they had started a Christian cofTeehouse, and it was a great tool for reaching young people who did not have a desire to attend a m orning church service," said Young. Shane tuclsed the idea away as something thal would be good to do someday, when the time was right. Over the years he brought Ihe idea up lo his paslor a few limes, bul it never camc to fruition. It seemed Ihc coffee beans weren't yet ripe for picking. In June 2003, Rev. Don Routh arrived lo take over the pastoral dulies at First M eth­ odist. It w asn’t long before Young mentioned the idea of the coffeehouse to his new pastor. Routh had some pre­ vious experience, and was in­ trigues by the idea of doing something similar in Mocks­ villc. “The coffeehouse is a very positive place for people in Davie County to come and be logelher to share and be them­ selves. To our knowledge this is the only Christian coffee­ house in Davie County," said Roulh. In late fall of 2003, Routh attended n m eeting of Ihc United M ethodist Church's Lexington District Committee on Young Adult M inistries, The Rev. Darren Alexander, chair of this commiltce, asked for churches that were willing Io start outreach ministries to young adults.This was the op­ portunity First United Meth­ odist had been looking for. A fter volunteering his church to begin a coffeehouse, Routh brought the responsibil­ ity for making it happen back to Mocksville. He contacted Patsy Brewer, head of the church’s commit­ tee on evangelism, and she .set things in motion. Members of the committee have worked diligently to make the once- a-m onth event a success. Libby B anks has m ade tablemats, aprons, mugs and buttons. Palsy Brew er has been in charge of refresh- racms, and Doris Miller has been the group’s "prayer war­ rior,” In addition, the rest of the committee has done the grunt work of m aking the events happen, "Our goals is to have two bands at each coffeehouse,” Young said. "W e’ve had Chords of Faith and Imago Dei, both from the Lexington area. W e’ve also hud the Hillsdale United M ethodist Church Praise Team, and the First U nited M ethodist Church Team. Other bands are .scheduled for future dales.” In addition to this, there are games available to play, and Christian m usic videos run when Ihc bands are nol on stage, Philip Sm ith handles Ihe technical duties. "Phil runs sound for the bands if Ihey need it, and keeps the videos rotating when they are not on stage.” J Attendance has been grow­ ing us word o f mouth hus spreud. “If we reach even one person, it’s all worth it," said Brewer. The Rev. Crystal Alexander says, “This a place where people can com e and go as they wish, gather with friends and enjoy g reat m usic.” Alexander is the a.ssociale pas­ lor of First United Methodist Church and the wife of the Rev. Darren Alexander, chair of the District Committee. He is the pastor of G reer’s United M ethodist Church. The dis­ trict committee has been ac­ tive in helping with the cof­ feehouse. "Darren has been at every coffeehouse us an opportunity lo evaluate the viability of other, similar ministries in the urea. The next church lo be­ gin a coffeehouse will prob­ ably be som ew here in Davidson County. The next coffeehouse ut First Methodisl is Friday, July 16 in Ihc Fumily Life Center beginning at 7 p.m. The first M ethodist Prui.sc Team will perform at 7:30, A dam Cunningham, a rising Nash­ ville slur, will perform at 9, Phillip Smith handles the sound duties for the coffee house at Mocksville First United Methodist Church.Patsy Brewer. Shane Young and the Rev. Crystal Alexander play big roles In "His Place” coffeehouse. í ;I Members of the Hillsdale Praise Team play some music at the coffeehouse. v i e О REPRESENTATIVE JULIA C. HOWARD NO RTH CA R O LIN A H O U SE O F REPRESENTATIVES 1106 State LcgislaUve Building • Raleigh, NC 27601-1096 • Tel 919-733-5904 • Fax 919-754-3182 Dear Friends,.lends,I want to thank you for the trem endous support I have received in the race to continue m y service as D avie County’s voice in the North Carolina H ouse o f R e p resen tativ es. A s m any o f you icnow, D avie County has alw ays been my hom e, so I cannot im agine a greater privilege than representing the concerns o f m y friends and neighbors in Raleigh. • — ctihiect o f a series o f false attack*’ m v cam paign opponent, 1• ■ anA ‘ ua -----xuu ~.JW , D avie County has alw ays utw.. representing the concerns o f m y friends and neighbors in Raleign, R ecently, I have been the subject o f a series o f false attacks by m y cam paign opponent. I regret that this com m unity has been the target o f such tactics, and I believe it is important to set the rccord straight;After convening session on January 2 9 ,2 0 0 3 , and after nine consecutive votes selecting •> - i~-.,inrchin o f the H ouse, no Speaker had been elected. It becam e apparent, given the-:.u AO Rnnublicans and 6 0 Dem ocrats, neither party‘ o f a Speaker After convening session o»ithe leadership o f the H ouse, no Speaker had been eiecicu. ч ----------split m embership o f the H ouse with 6 0 Republicans and 6 0 D em ocrats, neither рапу w ould b e able to successfully elect a single Speaker. W ithout the selection o f a Speaker, the business o f the H ouse could not be conducted. So, on February 5 ,2 0 0 3 ,1, along with 13 other Republican H ouse m embers, voted to support the current Co-Speakership betw een Richard M organ and Jim Black. T he H ouse w as then quickly organized, with the C o-Speakers delegating an equal number o f Chairs and members to every vital com m ittee. ” - *■>» ¡п/^глпке! Jnorftased in the 2( nuiiiuvr o f Cnairs aiiu --------- There w as H Q billion dollar tax increase!• T he current sales tax w as enacted in 2001 and w as N O T increased in the 2003 budget,• There w as N O increase in the personal incom e tax. • There w as N O increase in the Estate Tax.A sk yourself, are you paying any m ore in taxes today than you paid tw o years ago? — fiimate. W e are now a two-party State. I believe tlo'^rnss oarty lines, in c • There w as rsw A sk yourself, are you paying any m ore in taxes toaay um.. . North Carolina has a changing political clim ate. W e are now a two-party State. I believe that the people o f D avie County expect their legislators to work together, across party lines, in order to maintain good govem m ent and m ove North Carolina forward. I have kept m y prom ise to provide every citizen o f D avie County with the very best quality o f life possible. I am grateful for your trust in m y abilities and judgm ent over the past 16 years, and I value the faith that you have alw ays shown in me. I encourage you to vote on next Tuesday, July 2 0 ', and I w ould appreciate your support. Thank you and G od bless you. ^presentative Ju lia C. Howard hy Julia hhwitrd ¡or Ноше Committee DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 15,2004 - Dl F e a t u r e _______________________ N o r t h D a v i e G o e s B e y o n d T h e C o r e T e a c h e r s F in d L o s t S p a c e r, counselor, and ................Wc all have them, Placcs nround the house and yard that have great potential but get "lost". North Dnvic Middle School is.no exception. In n corner formed by the bnnd room and the Beyond the Core elective classcs wing was a “lost” concrete patio. Who knows whnt visions the architects had for this place when NDMS was born, . Over the yenrs, though, it became an "out-of-sight-out-of- mind” blemish decorated by a coupic of wimpy pine trees hugging the wnll, a coating of green-black algne over most of the concrete, nnd n skirt of nncmic grnss struggling for its life In bull tnllow ciny. With a rcal stretch of the imaginntiori, the large bluc-grny electrical ‘whatchnm acalllt’ perched between the bus parking lot und the lost corncr could have been considered an attempt at further decoration. The runs of rust down the sides did add somo contrast and color to an otherwise nondescript eyesore. Unfortunately, utility docs not translate into beauty. Except for the occasional use by a few last-period bnnd students racing to catch the afternoon bus or a faculty member or two sprinting out the band room door for bus duty,'the area jusl sat, looking forlorn and uninviting. Count the “lost” ccrncr now , “found” and a real beauty. Never underestimate Beyond I Iho Core teachers when they let their creative forces go. After all, Ihey are the "artsy- crafty" bunch who put drama, nrt,'m usic, foreign language, ■^ home arts and technology fun ■ into cach middle schoolers dny. Misty MoOill, drama lencher, became excited about the potential for an outdoor theater, Jnson Whitaker, band teacher, trum peted notes of encouragement from the band room, Anna Thrower, interim art tcacher and trained interior designer, literally lit a fire with her students. Using donated tiles, students painted and fired small and large decorative picces in the cerumic kiln. Each of her classes designed a special "Beyond tho Core Square” nnd pnintcd n four- by-four section of the freshly scrubbed, clean concrete, Snmnntha Smiley, technology specialist, saw potential for the pine trees and brought in plants to give life lo the nrea, , The projcct took on an qnorgy nil its own. Enthusiasm and curiosity got tho whole school involved during spring cleanup day, Thomas Johnson, carccrs teacher, wont to work hiding the old ‘whatchamacallit’ behind n wooden screen. Belly Gooding, home arts teacher, siiovelcd oul old dirt, hauled in new soil und swentcd, to get the gnrden spot rendy. She is especially grateful lo the parents and students manning the trnctor and scoop, "I’d still be shoveling away if they hadn’t made short work of that huge pile of new dirt,” Karen Budd, PTSA Beautification Committee Cliair, nnd Assistant Principal, Lisn Wiggins, were quite inspired by the rennissance of the former "losl" corner and the new garden. The old, falling-down board fcnce separating tlie bus pnrking lot breezeway and the athletic fields just begged to be replaced and "beautified”. After lots of penny counting and research, a proposal was offered for new fencing. Dr. Dwaine Phifer, counselor, and H jghlandcrs teacher, John Marshall, and their eighth grade students then mnde short work of tearing the old mess down, removing bolh a safely hazard and an outdated attempt at a fence. The NDMS Beyond the Core students and teachers are proud of their handiwork. Emily Kelly says of her work on the project, "It helped me feel like I was part of something good.” James Kuell became almost poetic with his summation. "The Patio Projecl represents all our BYC elective clnsses as a part of a whole, nol a half. When people ate not part of a whole, they do not do anything to their fUll potential. The o|d boat up patio now represents all of NDM’s students’ ability to work together nnd be part of a whole." The pntio glistens with new pniht nnd cntchcs the eye with its bold designs. The fired clay mosaic stepping-stones lend one gently toward the bus pnrking lot. The newly reborn ‘ whatehtt- m a c a 1111 ’ provides a restful backdrop for tho manicured pines nnd the p I e n s i n g gnrden. Tile wind chimes tinkle sweetly, Brett S chnoggen- burger says, "The hands-on ■ approach to this project caused us to use our own artistic ability in our own stale of mind to do whal wo think looks good.” Garrett Tuddeucci thought the project promoted .self- discipline nnd cooperation, "We pretty much got to do whnt wc wanted, the way wc wanted as far as design, and nobody caused problems because they loved the work,” Anthony Madden and S h a v o n e Barnes both loved the freedom they experienced, “We really like hands-on projects. If Interim arts teacher Anna Thrower shows one of the tiles used to refurbish Ihe patio at N. Davie. Avery Lutz and Ciana Sampson work on a design for the patio area. Devon Casper and Paige Carter work on painting a design. Joanna Lucero and Michael Deluda landscape. people got too loud, we would lell them to be quiet and not mess up our chance to get the patio fiaished." Chris Gerrety feels the project tapped right into his artistic nature and enjoys the fact that, "The pntio will be som ething the school cnn remember us eighth graders by in the future," Devon Casper feels the project linked the whole school in one goal, "We got to work individunlly and with our friends on the squares, but wc hnd to remember other classes were working on theirs, too,” Brooke W agoner, a sixth grader, working ^de by side with ______________________ — ............. Mrs, Thrower, Shavonne Barnes, and Brooke Wagoner hold one of the decorations for the "new" patio area at the middle school. I eighth grader Cn.ssic Baker, ugrecd, “You hnve to see the whole design wiien you do nrt. We got to do our own tiling', but it had to fit everyone else’s,” Eighth graders Waylon Webb, Josh Grifffii, and Dewnync King worked tirelessly on some of the hottest school days of the year, “We wanted to gel it done right nnd let Mrs. Thrower know wo could work hard," chorused Dewayne nnd Josh, Waylon, the recipient of the NDMS, artist of the year award and n very quiet person, just sm iled and beamed his agreement as lie stood in the middle of his centerpiece happy/ (A bove) Shavonne Barnes with a mosaic. (Right) Waylon Webb, Josh Griffin, and Dewayne King paint. sad thoiucr masks. Michncl Delucia and Joanna Lucero were especially fond of tho garden project, "We like to see things grow. Tiie plants ure like nrt work too becnuse you cnn make designs witli them nnd the colors plunts put in our world," Should your spirit need refreshing nnd your eye begs for benuty, drive through the bus pnrking lot at North Davie and enjoy the “new" pntio area out bnck. One should never take lightly the power of an extreme makeover. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, July 15,2004 D a v i e C o u n t y B o a r d o f E d u c a t i o n C a n d i d a t e s M a g n o l i a A c r e s O f f e r s S c e n i c V i e w O f R o l l i n g F a r m l a n d Nature crcatcd the view in Magnolia Acres, a ne%v ajtnnnunity in Advnnce, sumxindcd by rolling fnmilaiid imd equestriiut estitfcs. T\w locsvl builtlere hnve been scIccted lo ctcatc distinctive homes beginning in tlie $250,000 pricc range to nvitch the view. Locatcd wilhin sU miles of IntciMutc 40 olT People’s Creek Road, ihe 35 homesitcs nrc spacious, ntnging in size up to 3,5 acres. ‘The entnince is lined willi beautiful flowering trees, and the dsvelopmcnt team has taken great carc lo preserve tlie niiiunil beauty,” says Vfcki Rcniing, marketing agent willi CoklwcII Bimkcr Triad, Renllois. Shellon Coastnictioii Services Inc. nnd Oaig Carter Builden;, Inc. arc the local contmclora choscn as the exclusive buikling team. Bodi contractoni arc hnnds^n pnafessionak wlio work willi tlieir own arehilecte to crcate custom doilgns for their elKnts. Cun Shellon and Cniig Cailerbelk»« n new home in Magnolia Acres Ls more lhan Just a purchase but intlicr a true invesUnent lhat will not only npprcclate in value bul enchnncc the owners quality of life. Magnolia Acres Ls in Davie County which ntuucis families whonrc intercstcd in a top-rated sctiool systeia tow property taxes and easy acccs.s to uitan arcas. The county’s promL'ung futurc is built on the stability of ils post and a piojccted growth rate of 25 penxnl nccoiding lo US Census figures. Located 18 miks fnam downtenvn Wiaslon-Safcrn, Magnolia Acres Ls only minutes away fh»n golf couises at Beimiida Run Counuy Oub, 'Hiigkwtxxl Park, and llie Arnold Palmer designed cxxiise at Oak Valley. COLDUieU. B A N K G R 0 TRIAD, REALTORS' Davle/Clemmons Office Intersection of Hwys 158 & 801 336-998-8816 Relocation 1-800-327-4398 A b so lu te R e a l E state . C l e m m o n s / D a v i e C o . O f f i c e • 3 3 Ó - 7 1 4 - 4 4 0 0 • 8 7 7 - 3 7 1 - 5 8 2 2 N EW LISTING -1ййДЫ>> N EW L IS T IN G ^ ^ . "'■'I 120 Covington Drivo 5183,900 Laura Vines 791 Grinnell Streot 5147,900 Gloria Matthews 7041 Kenbridge Drive 5164,000 Laura Vines 199 Pennbrooke 5124,900 Kathy Phillips 1908 Vv^estheimer Drive 5279,900 Sandy Dyson 38 Bermuda Run West 5413,900 Sherri Coram, ABR 262 Riverbend Dr. 5291,000 Gloria Matthews ) Riverbend Dr. 5260,000 Bev Supple 3010 Deercroft Lane 5347,500 Kristina Farrell 1205 Cane Ridge Lane 5187,900 Cheryl Fink 11 Oak Grove 5289,500 Pat KInnamon 3223 Bermudo Village 5140,000 Gloria Matthews 585 Ook Valley Bivd 5410,000 Bev Supple 1526 Peoples Creek Rood 5486,000 Laura Vines 808 Yakima Ct 5134,900 Andrea Suggs Audrey Fuhrmann I ПШй Andrea SuQQti\um Bev Supple 91Г71]; Bobble Mendenholll Brod Hunler 1\Ш1 Brenna FalHn Cheryl Finkniim Dorothy Holl I Cloilo OuclcMOTth j ;t4442S Gloria Motlhewtт ш . Jerry Supple 911-2123 Kalhy Phlllipi 113-5335 Kriitino Farre)! ШМ\1 Laura VInei П4 4472 I Maddalene Agnoli I П4Ш? Paf KInnamonn im Sandra Hedrick 345 2102 Sandra Johnton 714-4401 Sandy Dyson 3B7-H30 Sherri Coram 909-0019 www.prudentialcarolinas.com ^^/uiJnde^endenHjj^wnec^n^ogeraled^iio^ber^Mh^iPnjder^^ Ellis: Technology, Giving Bacl< To Community Important Discuss the high school cunstructlon Issue. Ellis'. The bond vole in Murch of last year showed lhat un overwhelming number of voters disagreed wilh the proposal to build a sccond high school. There are a lot of emotions surrounding this issue, but when you put lhat aside we heard some valid concerns about costs,curriculum and resources. There is no question that the student populntlon continues to rise not just al Ihe high school, bul at cach level in our school system. Wc should be concerned that our schools aren’t so large iftid impersonal that students across Ihe spectrum fail lo reach their potential. At the same time, the number of studenls on a campus alone docs not diclntc the quality of education provided. As a communiiy, we must work together lo solve these issues and concerns. Since we have nol reached a consensus on building a sccond high school, Davie High should be maintained and expanded to meet the pressing needs. The high school issue was only part of the task force recommendations that led to the bond vole last March. Another bond did pas.< last year lo address the elementary school needs, but wo have nol yet acted on anything regarding the task force reconimcndntion for Ihc middle schools. The two middle .schools are over capacity and growing, so Ihls must also be addressed. All of us ns Clllzens hnve a right lo expect those who represent us lo listen to nil our concerns and work together to make sound decisions. If I nm elected, I will do my best to sec that all our students hnve an equal opportunity to get a greal education. Do you Hgrcc with u plan fur un Alternative School on Ihe Duvle High campus? Ellis: 1 do agree with this plan. In today’s economy, it is more important lhan ever thnl wc engage students and help Ihcm earn a high school diploma. Muny students in our school system are at-risk for not graduating for a variety of reasons like absenteeism , problems niiing in, and grades thnl don't reflccl Iheir abilities. Wc cannot give up on these young people or let Ihem feel no one cares nbout Iheir future. Sludies nnd experience have shown lhal n different approach can drnmnticnlly improve results. We can offer « curriculum more suited to these specini needs, wilh Ihc staff and re.sourccs to back it up. We cun reach ihcsc sludents with smaller classes and personal educntion plans bnsed on their own talents nnd inleresis. As a community, we can help the schools by reaching out lo the.se sludents in and oul of the classroom. The Eagle Academy beginning this fall is a result of careful study and planning for how wc can better serve students who.se needs cannot be met in n regular classroom. Such programs have proven successful in other school systems and I am glad to see us making a commitment lo do il nt Davie High. What is the best thing about Davic County Schools... nnd what needs Improving the most? ‘ Ellis: One of the best things about Davic Couniy Schools is the support our studenls receive from parents and the community at large. People here carc nbout our students and support them on so many levels. Our educators cnn depend on nctivc volunteers who help in the classrooms and also with extra curricular activities. Our parent teacher associations are strong and making a difference In the ihings our schools arc able to do. The values wc cherish arc being taught and modeled for our childrcn. I hnve seen tenchers give deeply from their own time nnd resources lo help students in need. I see others in our comm unity celebrnte and encourage our students in tholr nccomplishmenls. I .sec busine,ss lenders respond continually lo support our schools. All of these things arc so important bccnusc our young people need to see how much wc all value their education nnd their future. We hnvc n tradition of excellent schools in Davie County, bul there is always room to improve und build on thnt. We need to continunlly evaluate whnt wc nro doing to meet the needs of students ncro.ss the spectrum. Wc must chnllcngc them to learn and give them the opportunity to meet tholr highest potential. Continued success as a school system requires Ihnl we nol stnnd on pnst accomplishments alone, but lhal wo always bo willing to look at whnt we’re doing nnd make sure wc arc providing the besi educntion possible to nil our sludcnls. Other Issues Ellis: One ihing on the immediate horizon for Davie County Schools is a challenge grnnt for new technology. The Mebane Chnritnblc Foundnlion hns offered 5750,000 if we can raise $ 1.5 million privnlely from individuals, businesses, corporations, churches, civic organizations nnd foundnlions. This is an unprecedented opportunity lo provide our schools wilh the technology needed to better prepare .students for their future roles in a changing economy. Fundraising is nlrendy underway and many people nre working hnrd lo meet tho goals and make this a reality. Once that happens, how it’s implemenlcd will Impact our school system for yenrs to come. Technology is somcihing of pnrlicular inlercsl lo me because in addition to being a big pari of my own education, technology has enabled me lo have a cnreer where I can live and work in Davic County. As n member of the school bonrd, 1 Ihink I cnn contribute in this area and I am excited aboul Ihe opporiunity to make this happen for our studenls. Name Rick Ellis Age 39 Address Hwy. 801 North, Advance Family Wife, Kim Ellis: Cliildren, iVlatttiew, 9, Joiin, 4 Education Davie Higii Sciiooi (1983), B.S. Engineering, N.C. State University (1988): iVlaster’s of Business Administration, Wai<e Forest University (1992) Occupation Presitient and co-founder of NextUp Teciinologies, a software company developing voice syntiiesis applications. Duties include ' managing daily operations for internet commerce, mari<etlng and company finances. In The Community • Member, ciiildren’s teaciier, administrative board member, lay delegate to WNC Annual Conference - Betiilehem United l\/1etiiodist Ctiurcti Cub Scout Leader, Pacl< 732, BUMC Sciiooi Volunteer and Odyssey of tiie IVlind Coacii - Pinebrook Elementary Why did you decide to seek this office? would like to become a member of tiie Board of Education because I really care about our young people and the education they receive, love Davie County and am thankful to live, work and raise a family in this place that has always been a wonderful home for me. Having been through our schools as a student and as a parent now experiencing them again, I have found that we are blessed with many strong educators who care deeply about the quality of education our children receive. Another important part of our schools’ success has been active participation from those in the community who can help shape the current and future direction for our school system. I feel led to give back to this community and our young people by serving on the Board of Education. V O T E Republican Candidate for Davie County Commissioner m T o m F le m in g Please Vote July 20th, 2004. Thank You. I’aid for by Tom Fleming, Candidate D a v i e C o u n t y B o a r d o f E d u c a t i o n C a n d i d a t e s Ferrell: No Personal Agenda, Just Best Opportunities For Students Name Mickey Ferrell Age 51 Address 257 Wandering Lane, Mocksviile Family Wife, Karen Ferrell, teacher at Davie High School; Son, Perry Ferrell, 6th grader at South Davie Middle Education Attended University oT Tennessee Employment Retired president, Independent Dealer Supply: Owner of several small businesses, hardwood floors, Christmas trees and wreaths, farming, catering In The Community Davie County Schools 2004 Volunteer of the Year Cub and Boy Scout leader Mocksville Elemen­ tary PTA president 2 years, vice president 2 years • Member, Church of Ascension, Fork Classroom volunteer, 5 years Why did,you decide to seek this office? To continue my active Involvement with Davie County School In a manner to best use my talents as a father and business associate. I have no personal agenda. Perhaps it is best for someone without an agenda to serve the citizens and all the Issues at hand. Davie County students desen/e the very best opportunities available. Discuss the high school con­ struction Issue. Ferrell: I would not pretend lo have the answers lo any of Ihese queslions. I realize I can personally debale the issues bolh ways and win. I do realize ihe public hns to have more facts nnd dcinils and act without emotions and individuals pursuing per­ sonal agendas. I would hope lo see school administration dem­ onstrating forward thinking, politicians without agendas, nnd mosl of all, parenls u.slng well informed ideas withoul irrnlio- nnl emollons lo solve the prob­ lem. Listening lo the professionals seems to allow us to debate bnsed on logic. Respecting the work of commiltee.s and all par­ ties involved is our only answer nt this time. Yes, the issues will hnvc lo be addressed and level hend.s need lo be involved. Do you agree with Ihe pinn for an nlternutlvc school on the Davie High School cnmpus? Ferrell'. Tho mission of our schools is to cducnic students. Certainly anything we can do lo reduce dropout rates and en­ hance students’ success is good. This appears to be a very cost ef­ ficient way to enhance our Davie County Schools. I am encour­ aged lo see the forward lliinking nnd crcnlive wnys used. What Is the best thing ubout Dnvle County schools und what needs iinproving the most? Ferrell: The foundalionnl knowledge given lo ench sludenl to allow them to be successful in Ihclr individual wulks of life. Our school size Is allowing studenls to interact wilh peers and educators ihnl cnn only ben­ efit them in later life. The inter­ est in new programs and learn­ ing methods keep Davie Couniy Schools outstanding. In passing the school bond wc sec llic inleresl in facilily main­ tenance. The daily surrounds for studenls need lo allow them Ihc besi cducalion in the nation. This can be as simple as more com­ puters, less students in classes, more elecllves and belter class- Groce: Right Person At The Right Time Discuss the high school con­ struction issue. Groce: One high school be­ cnuse of equality. Davie Couniy High School is Ihe cenlral loca­ lion of Ihc couniy. We need one foolball leani, one baskelbnll team, one baseball team, etc. We need one school spirit. We need to stay a 4-A .school bul wilh Iwo high schools, we would become Iwo 3-A schools. Bollom line - one high school is needed. We need to enlarge und im­ prove the curreni Duvie Couniy High School. Space in cducalion is imporlani lo everyone. Since we work on Ihe principle of mass education, the school manages and directs lurgc numbers of slaff and students at any given lime. How spucc is used wilhin the learning environment hns psychological implicnlions. Teachers and pupils are very pro­ tective of their spuce, und leach­ ing and learning have u beiler chnnce of being successful when spuce nllocutions are sensillvc lo such personal needs. We do noi like overcrowding, nnd we do nol like to hnvc our personal .space violated.This psychologi­ cal need is imporlnnl when we look at spuce and slalTing for the school program. Fixed Space. Most school buildings have been constructed along conventional lines with large corridors und self-con- tained classrooms on bolh sides of the corridor. Library, physi­ cal education und other resource rooms nre conveniently locutcd for ensy ucccss to sludcnls. Use of fixed spuce in this wuy usu­ ally supports a grade level lype. Flexible spucc for inslruction is often lacking, and ihcre is of- len little or no cooperulion among teachers regarding space utilization. Open Space. Open space fa- cililies lend lo be larger inslruc- lional areas wilh movable wulls, llexlble Ienrning environments, nnd instructional organizations thal are non-grnded. Whnt an open space facilily does imply is Ihe capacity for non-grudcd organization. A .school lhat is configured like Ihis lends lo be more conducive lo diversified instructional and grouping pat­ terns. Although il’s popularity hus incrcused rnpidly, the open .spucc fncility is still found pri- mnrily nl Ihe elemcniary and middle school levels. One of the biggest problems nssocinled wilh the intended use of open space fucilliies is the Inck of ndeqiiale preparnlion of leachers. When school dislricls conlemplate the use of an open spuce facilities, they should plan for nn adequate in scrvicc slaff I’Icnsc l\irn To I*nge D4 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .July 15,2004 - D3 VOTE DAPHNE FRYE Candidate for DAVIE COUNTY COMMISSIONER on July 20th ____________Paid (or by Daphne Frye Т01И FLEMING C O M M ISSIO N ER I’liid for !)) Tom Unnliij;, {iimllilali- 'A Storehouse For Jesus Now Collecting School Supplies To Ul- Distributed Starting August 4th To Davie Co. C hildren in N eed. Item s N eeded: Crayons, Bookbags, Childrens Scissors, G lue, Rulers, C om passes, Folders, L oose Leaf Paper, 3 Ring Binders, C om position N otebook s, Pens & Pencils Donations Should Be Brought To A Storehouse For Jesus 4 6 4 D e p o t S t. M o c k s v ille M o n - T h u r s . 9 A M - 5 P M ( Evenings by Appointment) 751-1060 IB V -- Your Vote for J o h n n y F r y e Republican Candidate for D a v i e C o u n t y B o a r d o f I C o m m i s s i o n e r s would be greatly appreciated. . *“4 « Thanl< You VOTE •k P le a se VOTE July 2 0 , 2 0 0 4 -k Paid for by friends for Johnny ftyc,candidate M iCHEALS R o a d Seller offering to pa^ Closing Spacious 3BR, 2BA, doublewide on 1 ac. All appllancesi Priced BELOW Tax Valuel $64,900 Call Lisa HOWARD REALTY 3 3 0 s . S a l i s b u r y S t. iV lo ck sv ille ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 3 5 3 8 Hours: Мот!лу-Гг1с1лу H-6 Snturdny ‘>-12, Sumlny By Лрр!. И MLS] 3BR, 2BA, 310+Л nma wllh lOOt/-ocroa jmnl.3Bft2BA, out- HlMoilMl ООН, 2BA, homo on 4 80 Wionm nnd pond $2,528,000. bidos., crooK $549,000. „cioj, with Immaculnto Inndscoplno 70»/- nc. horso larm. 23Q(ht. home (no valuo givon) C&ll Mary $455,000. 4.81ac., borders Oulcfiman Crook, 30Я, Now conslructioa Too many Qroat OorQoous 30П. 3.50A log homo on Spacioua 4QR. 3.5BA, 2FP’e, Comer гВА, miny amoniliosi $329,900. things lo llsll 40П, ЗВЛ. $324,000. oocliK)«! 5 38 nnos $299,500 lol In Onfdm Vallo/. $274,900 Щ a l ÍOO Ruffin Street ГЖП 131 Ропк Bixùv Hiirmony-30R, 2ВА, 29.26 асгоз.О IMMACULATEIl Harmony. 3BR. Tolaliy ronovalod 4BR with 2445 sq. ft. 3BR, 2.5BA, now windows, onclosort Hisioiic 4BR, 2BA on 2.36 ncros in foncod), lac.pond,barn$212,500 2.5DAor) 13+/-acroa,$209,900 on 1.56acros.$183.500. porcfi.oxc.location$164,900. gfoallocalion,$159,900. 2358 Hwy. ISO 198 SpniNOHiLL DnivE Г7МП 572 Danner ЯоаЬ ГЛП 164 Hickory Drive Only 3 monlhs oldl On 3+/- ocroa. Froshly romodolod ЗВП, 2BA, on apprx. 2BR. 1.5BA. $149.900. 5aMos(2lonced). $144,900.2 Story. 2200 eq. ll. tfomondous Cozy 3BR. 2BA oo 1 aero, AH apf^iancos. valuol FP, gazobo, $144,900. AMUSTSEEI $129,900. 187 CnESTViEw Driv^ I 247 Cana Road Twinbrook, 3BR. 20А, FP, Groot Brick Ranchor. 3BR, 2ВД with opon lioor pinni $125,000. LOTS of rooml $123,900 4BR, 2.5BA, Soulhwood Acros Sub., brIcK firoplflco. $127,000. 144 Hoose Lane ГЛП 560 JuncYion Road 5BR, ЗВА, wofkahop. 3.5 acfos, 3BR, 2ВЛ, on piivalo 1.20 acios, largo back dock. $119,900. scrocncd porch, di^. $118,900.Rocer% upöaWö 3BR, 2BA on 1 aero, Gamo/Rec rm, KilüR combo $118,900 IIO Sir Charles Erwin STREET ГЗМП 141 Dakota Lane IЛЧ I 109 Claude Ratledge i /щ\ \ 193 Pineville Road Ctominons. ЗВП, 2ВЛ, many amoniiios 4BR, 2ВА. mnlritonanco froo, many А» appliances. $115,000. updalos, WONT LASTI $114,900. 3BR, 2BA, Ö.5 acros. groat mini ЗВЯ, IBA, 2*1- ncros, somo loncod farm. $109,900. aroa, updalos. $109,900. Uniquo L-shnpod, 3BR, 2BA, sunroom, don, oKico, 2дагадо$... $105,000. 411 Ijames Church Rd. i 1360 Rolling Hills Ln. I im I 949 N. Main Street iTBTl 360 Eaton Road iT E i 110 stone Wood Rd. Spacious 3QR, 2BA, stono FP. Extra cioan, mony updalos! 3BR, much morol $99,900. 1 5BA. Movo right int $99,900.Spacious 2BR, IBA, DR, Sunroom, Groal Startorl 3BR, 2BA with largo full basomonti $99,900, dock on t/2 aero, $99,800.Almoüt now 3DR, 2BA. FP. all nppiiancoaon .9G nc. $89,000 133 Brook Rose 264 Windward Cn. ГЯП 113 Metabreeze Ln. ГлП 3801-L Old Rosebud ГЗМП 107 Powell Road 2ВП, 2BA, 10.5+Л acros. All READY TO MOVE INII All appliances 3BR, 1.5ВА on .48 ßc, Curronlly Groal 2BR, 2BA uppor condo in 3QR, 2BA, foncod back yard, scroon oppliancos. $89,900 (omainliaOR, ZBA. $88,900. bol»>o updated. $84,900. Clommons, ovcrlooWng pool. $81,500 porch, dock, .71ac, $79,900. 253 MainStreetJ 1 125 Yadkin Street rTlTl 292 Watt Street 152 Grove Street H K l 142 Ef^ERALO Lane 3BR, 1.5BA, Ccoloemoo. now hoat/AC, Spacious 3BH, IBA, Cooloomoo, Easomont onto back of proporty. 1 Bodroom, 1 Balh cottngo wilh nico 2BR, IBA on 3/4 ucro lol. Boi.'^ now plumb., comp, updalod $66,900 updalod oloct. $58,000. 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bath, $51,900. from porch. $41,900. sold‘'asls'' $35,000. AV A tt ЛН1 t L o t s ANO LA N II ANH R1-N t'AL PKOIMilU II.S CItedel RoadHwv.WI H.........II ¿ilmoni noad...#2 Salmoria Road...Cedar Rldga Rd....VlrcaiidjflLana...Tittle ТгЫ1...Hwy. во IN..Lot 19, Northbrook.... .1,19 Ac. $26,000 ...2.2SAC.HQ Ш,«00 ...24 Ac. $140,825..to Ac. Ш.050I 257 aerea S29,000 2 29 aerea StB.OOO...ЮьстО! $172,500....6.5 aerei $46,475..2.29 aerea $».500 Valley Road......................................Lol $115,000lake Drive.......ШШШШШ.............Lot $15,900........11 acre# $71,877...$425,OOG E.Thomp:629 Mfldlfon Road..876 Mr. Henry Road...........................5.I aerei $36,000Bear Creek Church Road...................40W< aerea $225,000 BEMTAL EROEEaTiea $18 nivorbend, Bermuda Run.....Avon SIreet..............Mobile Home Lot, Daniel Road....2015 H«y. 166....................Mobile Home Lot, Quo Club Road...Mobile Homo. Gun Club Road.....4142 Hwy. 158 (4 bedroom)........174 Hickory St.. Cooleemee saoo P/M $400 P/M $125 P/M ...S5bOP/M ...$225 P/M ...$550 P/M $750 P/M ...$500 P/M г. D4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, July 15,2004 D a v i e C o u n t y B o a r d o f E d u c a t i o n C a n d i d a t e s FOR SALE NKVV I 1/2 story Cape Cwl style hoiLsc, 349 Spring St., ill liLstoric il(m'iiti»vn MiM.'k.svillv. tillage livinj! HKiin, 313U. 2.5BA, exlni hiryo niiistcr bcclnK)m and master bath. 2 car garage, imlinislKil bonus axini. M UST SE E • (704)546-3118 lariic iktk. Only $13S,(KH) W ic k Buildings- P IE D M O N T ^ ^ S ^ B a r n & F e n c e Antliorizcd Wick Hiiildor I'or Metal Uuililini,^; Srnall Or Largo • Oiimni'rcial ■ Waroliouse, Oflicc • Agriculture - Bnms & Stjililes • Kesiilential - Shops, Storage Call; ,'336-240-8099 .^ 3 6 4 9 2 -5 5 8 6 ______«■ww.wickbiiildinug.cimi_______ Groce... Contimicd From Pnge 1)3 dovclopmeiit. If tcachers learn how to be more comfortable In open space, they will use it us it was intended. In summury, Davic County High School i.s u fixed .spacc. Blit, we need to incorporate the use of open spacc and fixed space to help case our over­ crowding. Do you ugrce wllh the plan Гог nn ullernative school on Ihc Davie High School ciinipus? Groct". No. It Is Davic County High School. There are many upgrades needed to the physical cam pus, but no alternative school should be considered. At risk children should be incorpo­ rated with Ihe high school. At risk children should have the same rights of the olher Davic High School students. Fantasia was an at-risk student and she is now a superstar. In Bill Saunder's book “At Risk," ho stiUes, “Wo have challenges with at risk Ktudc'nts due to sociul and economic disadvuntagcs. But wc must turn failures into suc­ cesses.” Whnt Is Ihc best thing about Davlc County Schools ... and whnt needs im proving the most? Groce'. The best thing - the people! Whut needs improving ... .safety. Wc want our children lo always be safe. So, wc need lo teach Safely Smart. At the forum and dinners, I spoke of the sim­ plistic view of safety, "Keep your eye open for spills, trips and falls.” But safety is much O m u iK 2 1 Swicegood Wall & McDaniel T w o T r i a d L o c a t i o n s ! Jorlcho Cti. bl(V№w«i ^8488,900 ZI4BR/3.1 BAQeAniUifniDwtHKrtrji cnrf^/rvvir/f) 0:r\/.KXn Kvtj amiM' trct4rv%.3 avrftrful ОРГЛ(/) fAitttlai 11 0 AC «lito CvJ Mx>jo ‘.Ма(ГИ9(\У.Ш]Ш1 7)8227,800 Z]3BR/2.IBAn CkA Vnfcv kr| mxiMi 2 »orno dfcn f Ï < (Í » ia 4«i on Gul |iK* Л krwB iMti Ci J K.ÄI io> 1 rx, /]8182,в00 !^ЗВШ2.1 BAFVnlAi ol LikJt t HT« Cll nriiKid I OlAC k4v4v)ii«\ k) I-Ю. 2 1 n«i IcMi, \ at\ C(4Uxi<Jo{VtO(l&t9 21$144,800 Z2BR/2.1BAh U«miki F^(1 ty ksf Oo»\ c(«(v grntf Kf X) Hwoe (QIj tnontjertli|) bOnCC tm I кkA Cd 00& l(xn(Wl2t4l4) $128,800 3BR/2BA(kiit inrcfi vvyt«inn cuàJ Coi ( él niirxtiixj BAs C.Í Aàw»»74CO (V/3?G774J 8102,400 2BR/2BA 0«vui<<K)WickxvSiá«Ti Irg rmv. Olia kg ГР, hJMl fKcmctlu. ОЛЫ.хЗпо [>К><ОЮ(У73СМЛ)П) Zl$104,800 Zia BR/IBAVury Qbun btK inrdigfn FnC r4c() kftiu) nril(fc*qv/rpC.-^ Аки !>K>74CO(WHGUB) аШ8,в00 ZI3BR/3.1 BA &hi.itodon<Mv9ncs UrtiMJfcCfS. COflVIIC Ыо. lwt)tAitti сДсл, ctet A fcAVvixiiyfrits/KKi гоо»л ovpf got Cal AJcw Э-Ю-740Э (W3239G7) ^8224,800 ^3BR/2.1BA ■jtgiiao 2 rty hm« ai wcxxlod U Cq;V tbi W idwd «Í A ll г (Т*.чЬилУ11 m'É-'T. hiilLR M i)Gi т1 шгО |»п hгл1Кпвш/>1720 (waiaao) 28168,800 21з В№2.1 ВАEnofT/cftciort. SOLI х1 homo W prMAi MS. qwrnrny MkiionK auto ri«jiocltiT)iy < temt Сл1Е^*-<юв) 0a>2fW fwjeoett) Z SI 34,800 ÌZI4BR/2BAI OoryLlAe Inri) ÍLCnlod Ì1 tu 1 pLV.i.4 8п>с4пРЪ1соа111^лшх1I krCVÜ h txcifynnl (OM docK ■; Istfrcl'crigtnx^.ColKVntnL IOKV73U3 (УШХЙС) Z]$129,000 ÍZI3BR/2BAS(iikx«e nrdi ri NorV) dtiKrjrn on ий^><Л[;Гиюх 1 ЬгкА y»rd. ten ( №(ti K«) u'ArtlittJ me. kg MOR Ci* 9C0- ìfrW W3KlCCß> Zl$107,800 Z12BR/1BA Al btk txMUi aìfjAwvi 4 ACr NowKVAC, i<w{4nte\) Sfi»iQaf«cuTi l^}Oft& tt»2avi (w:ra&.M) 21892,600 ÌZ13BR/2BA r^ш'(^/цUiud^Clmvлhlr£«vfxaÀMa' Fii ii/rc/ed btt»ttitCfl>Mo(Xin 0а>34П5 (W31t0iH) ZI8234,S00 Z14BR/S.1BAGocyotXB 2 s»c*y hpcT»faf nocJ.¥id VAiy. Imi/ cukto-snc Ы РсЛл) poVx) icklu & at bg rVtn AcUd rrWiO 4в) DR. CiiKoUi a»-1720 (W3?.13I2) 8191,500 3BR/2BALog itemi w0iCortury2l Humo Wnrsit/ Ert*i WtiKn cirtig nron. sond bl* ртсЛ kg ci* Ä kg МОП CfìIJkmv 009-1019 (W3202t0) 8199,900 4BR/3BAOctnncfti nroa catírjOa) iwnow'awOOOSrOww/ A00flCrtMnt*tj»»flW3 (WJÛ2475) [2]8131,900 [Zl3BR/2BAS(i Ìoar*w vy tfco d MÜÍ\ bl* kiТУг«го(Ы(&Шк^rirward0;iy kdtt iQ i^cr A (k^Cri McQin gcKKVIQS CMMSOI) 8113,860 3BR/2BARondici БрлспсШю! & FP ki 1Л Prqxt V bokiQ sài ki'A0 b* cortitmCol Atól W074OT (WX2023) [ZI$10S,000 IZl2BR/1BACawnat batfui мЪд locodn bod<ywd WWd mnto rtco ctvtof Of idn.ij homo < i»ra dowetórg. Col Mmta2-t4-l2CO (W3I4146) [ZS98,900 1ZI2BR/1.1 BAPodüct tori otn» or 1 ä Inv tx/yor. Cicicmbul ono cvm horno on C.TlV\Wl 0714429 (W3Ù0C(>1) YOUR VERY OWN HOMETOWN TEAM OF REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS e2oo4C2, a m ah hiqhts reserved. MOCKSVILLE 854 Valley Rd. Sullo 100 (336) 751-2222 Hours: Mon - Fri 8 am lo 5:30 pm 8 am to 5:30 pm Sat: 9 am to 1pm Ш Ш t'UiM»{Vun к\ц\\tlUlil '«•i''»« C L E M M O N S 2419 Lewlavllle-Clemmons Rd (336) 778-2221 Hours: M-F 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Sat: 9:00am- 5:00pm / Sun: 1-5 pm more comple.\.The studenls will leurn categories that will follow them fora lifctinic. Most Impor­ tantly, employers will wunt our Davie County students for their knowledge of Safety Smart. Each student will leuvc with knowledge of: severe weather conditions, transportation safety, alcohol and drugs, attitudes, chemicals, clo.se calls, commu­ nication, confined spaces, elec­ trical huzurds,ergonomics (dcul- ing with the comfort and sufcty of the human body by adjusting tools, work stations and .work processes to fit the worker), falls, fire, general safety, health and first aid, horse play, house­ keeping, industrial trudes, lad­ ders. lifting and backs, lockouts, PPE (noise level), seasonal safety, security, shift work, tools, and driving. O ther Issues Groct". Wo have a dream, a dream about schools where young people ure treuted with respect and huve Ihe opportunity to leurn the skills ihcy need for a successful lifo. A dream ubout schools where children will never experience humiliation when Ihcy fail, but wiJI instead feel empowered by the opportu­ nity lo learn from their misiake.s in n safe environment. It is a dream about schools where stu­ dents learn cooperation instead of competition, where students and teachers collaborate on so- lulions. It is a dream ubout stu­ dents and leuchers helping one anolher lo create un environment Ihnt inspires excilemcnt for life and learning because fcur und feelings of inadequacy and dis­ couragement are no longer part of Ihc learning environment. The end result is un educutionul sys­ tem Ihut nurtures yotnig people and give them the skills und ut- titudcs to help them be huppy contributing members of society. This is my educational philoso­ phy built on the principles of my religious beliefs und my Davic County roots. Wc keep this dream of public education ulivc by paying fcd- erul stute and locaf taxes. The federal lax is the fonn of income taxes. The school .system re­ ceives aboul 7% from Ihe fed­ eral government. The stale lax is in Ihc form of income tux und sales taxes. The school system receives ubout 53% from the state government. The local tax is in the form of property tax, the property tax has been the pri­ mary source cf local revenue for schools. It’s linw.'J on the value of real cst'.iie and personal prop­ erty. Real estate Includes lund holdings and buildings such us homes, commercial buildings and fuclorics. Pcrsonul property consists of uutomobiles, muchin- ery, furniture, livestock and tan­ gibles, such as slocks anil bonds. The property lax hus bolh udvun- tnges und limitutions. The mnin advantage of the property tax is it's stability. Although il lags behind other changes in market value, il provides steady, regu­ lar income for the taxing agency. Also, property that is fixed is not easily moved to escape taxulion, Davie County has a true dream. Wc have three Christian candidntes lhal makes a winning Agents; Uwnnc» ‘ BrokM С«1:»0»-}в)9 Or>J Liwrtnct • Braktr C*<l: Building Loi* 1^3 acre Loti Hunt St-$14,900 Commission as low as I'b lfe w ^ is lfc in lg ^ Ш 3 .9 % , No Sacrlflcc in Sorvice & ‘ Advertising! Ju st Savingsl“ '■ !)W Gwyn 81 • 3BR 20A. W«il kepi lars« atfvnc bl« vi beth.|ш«г U(jaSF,coy«<ttQ poten. Ibnced txK^rd qu4e nghUtx] S1H<K>0 Ml VilUf Rd • t k^e trc^t 17* VVoodhavon Ln 3RR 2 SOArw«ro6( 41)П М«с*г«угвг,17.а1И IW>3(ÍA ovtr J 2Ü0 sr ro<me LRftbR 2 fkjQ* rnifwo 2K('if P» fntiwi с*и»гш. 1227.600 UVÍe»! nn. лосЗ»сор« • lIM.ft»« IM 8onthln# Wty • ImrniKAiete 30П 2ПА on 1 7 i¥-ib% fJeHied »txrwl t«euti4*tC;riiu^ irarv d*«' »oout • t<t,fOO tu SpUUbufV Ct - Upo#w3 Ч1Ж 3QA. wvf 2Ö00SF. 1 32ftC w/ilTOAm. G/*nrt* 4 Cwion cnfnopi, ffwhd Ытгл. huge Ml-r> kl. »srMn*d d*ck • 13)9.000 МЮ Qwyn II • 36R. гмч И c«tMì*i» 1119 RJv*r«ld« Or • w*« 3ñR ?ПАkid Ы Ыгсьооа firi r*c«nt г*« c«r(;t' »luüded MCüu»v f'** »•» cv»f7\< lio. gji k^» irx* i iloae paintnmObCk »(ОГЫ40И9.000 ю dnch p«w ? cw oa/«o* ИИ.400 131 E«»l L«ht Dr • Ne« Ctp« Cod 30R rOA ШШПК N1«. o«*loyi. c«'f>*üi»i c«'iing Irtmnt ßo/. 12 I 20 iiuag« tDtdg S13|,l00 321 Qwyn 91-ЗвР 2ВА 0>Ш Поаф1«п «Il txKk grtal cond>tior\ p«nry,r>K:«p(t«»l«p«to r>«igrte(hood mown 1102,000 @ [n D íl^ ¡b % й № âo<ûjjim C o v ìn g ^ t o n C r e e k © n r n s ö D i Ö f e « ( S e Q a m tq p ü D ^ j l U r o i s s 112 Covinflior» Of • Covmgrng Cre«k Commiri/ n A(Kanca feftiurino luniv» ccutt. guffbo t>iV« traili. • Immaojlai* 3nn 2 5 [IA Qor^oit*•hCMToom rlAwgni Formtl dirmg, g«a k>g>, /Miad (ub »«pwaia {«jrvirY. larga kit «^••kfati »TM. iMr dacti, 2 car gaiago. partial^ wooded krt • t1T9,M0 DIrecllon»; Fiom 1-40, take exit 180, go south on Hwy 801 approximately S.S mll«s. take righl Inlo Covington Creek Community, house 2nd on right. combination for the educat|onul system. So vote on the fcdcrul level for education - Ed Broyhill. So vote on the stute level for Juliu Howard, and on the local level, vote for Miss Debra Brown Groce. Vote foru brighter future today! With God. all things arc possible. Name Debra Brown Groce Age 51 Address 302 Hwy. 601 N.. Mocks­ ville Family Daughter of the late "Buffalo" Bob Groce and Ihe late Carrie Mallnda Irene Brown Groce of Davie County Education William R. Davie, IVlocl<sviiie elementaries; Davie High Schooi, 1971 graduate: bachelor's and master’s degrees in political science/public administration, Appala­ chian State University: further studies, Duke University and UNC-Greensboro Employment Forsyth Technical Com­ munity College, Instruc­ tor of government: Debra Brown Groce & Associates, CEO, duties including meeting with corporations to promote and educate consumers of products in chain stores: former Congressional staff for 15 years In The Community • Member, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International for over 10 years Member, NC League of the SOIJTH (¿hris'tlaH' Womens Club of Bermuda Run •Make a Wish,Habitat for Humanity of Forsyth (special project of Presi­ dent Jimmy Carter) Past volunteer, Van­ tage golf tournament • Volunteer, NC Zoo, speaker to youth groups about government • Member, Yadkin Cham­ ber of Commerce Governors appointee, North Carolina WorkFirst Friend of Davie County Public Library Why did you decide to seek this office? Right person at the right time. 1 want to give back to Davie County. I had a wonderful experience in the Davie County School system. 1 was able to excel in the basics. To this day, I adore my friends and former classmates. Lifelong resident. Right person at the right time. K i;i*ui:.4i;N rA nvi': Julia Howard /V i ■ //(«/.S i' 7 ‘М / г D is lr ic i P U m c cditUicl me in; MOCKSVILLE; (336) 751-8567 RALEIGH: (919) 733-5904 State Legislative Building 16 W. Jones Street, Rm 1106 Raleigli, NC 27601-1096 Email: ¡uliah@ncleg.net I'MII niK m JuiM llowm> Remember When? Louise Stroud does. Kead her nm.iinii.i on Mock.wille hi.KWry the Jlr.li i.Kiie of each month in the Enterprise Record. DAVIE COUNTY IÍN I KUFR1SK RliCORD,Tluirstlay,.Fuly 15,2004 - D5 D a v i e C o u n t y B o a r d o f E d u c a t i o n C a n d i d a t e s Lam bert: Supporting Quality O f Life Discuss the high school construction issue. Lambert: Tho question of the sccond high school really has more to do with what type of growth Davic County is facing or expecting. At some point in the future, facilities will need to be reviewed again. This is be­ ing fnced all over the state, as well ns the country. There will always be challenges regnrding growth und how it is managed. Name Carl G. Lambert Age 41 Address 161 Hallander Drive, Mocksville Family Wife, Kim: Children, Allison, 11, Jacob and Hayiey, 8 Education Graduated Crestwood High School, Mantua, Ohio, 1981; attended Kent State University (Ohio) 1981-83: graduated Cincinnati Coiiege of Mortuary Science, 1987 Employment Funeral director, managing partner, Eaton Funeral Service In The Community • First United Methodist Church of Mocksville, past chair of finance, current lay leader • Past president, Mocksville Lions Club • Past president, Rotary Club of Mocksville • Past president, Davie Family YMCA Board of Management: Past member, Greater Winston-Salem YMCA Executive Committee • Past board member, Davie United Way • Past member, Mocksville Elementary Parent Advisory Committee Why did you decide to seek this office? Having three children in the school system was certainly a driving force. We should be active in our communities and support those things that can improve oar quality and way of life. Davie County has been very good to my family and I and it is only right to give back service to the community. We simply cnnnot deny thul growlh exists in our county. One possible considerution, to meet the cun-ent chnllcnges, would be to build n third middle school, In doing this, we could look into K-6, 7-9 and 10-12 grude nr- tiingemems,This could possibly help in ullcviiuing an already strained facility ut Davic High. It would make sense to plan this carefully on land that will be large enough to meet additional future needs, should those needs arise. This facility could bo built with other items pinnned or built. Such items might include n trnck, nthletic fields or stn- dium fncilities. With respect to the question of expnnding the current high school, there is re­ nlly limited Innd spucc to meet the needs of nny signitlcunt cx- punsion. Do you agree with the plun for un altcrnntlvc school on the Dnvic High cnmpus? Umibert: Yes,This will give un opportunity for students to im prove them selves and strengthen their ncttdcmic áreas. This is such un important thing ns they face challenges in the working world. Muny times citizens huve asked me about an opportunity in the school.*! to meet as many needs us possible for all sludenis. This should be n grent start to do just thnt. W hut Is the best thing nbout Dnvle Counly Schools ... nnd whnt needs improving the most? Lambert; 1 nm nn optimist nnd hope that 1 will nlwnys rc- mnin ns such. Wc cnn not lose hope for our children. They have to be shown thnt the future is as bright as they svant it to be. Our greatest strength is us, the people, the citizens, tho touch­ ers. We will always have brick nnd mortnr issues. But, it is working together to meet the needs of our children, thnt will have Ihc grentest impuct on the future of this grent county. Whut wc nil need to improve upon, ench und every one of us, is to work together for one common purpose, the cducntion of our children. Today, if you were to ask most people, what was most impressive about this county, they would say it is the schools. We need to build on that great reptitulion. O ther Issues Lambert: One of the most importnnt issues fncing the sy.i- tem todny is thnt of technology. Wc simply cnnnot sit buck nnd not bring our schools into the most up-do-dnte fncilitics thnt we cun. The economy is chnng- ing nnd we nre fucing chul- lenges never bSforc seen. There is n need to "re-tool” our work force nnd prepare our students to be the very best they cnn be. Wc nre nt the crossrouds und wc huve to fnce the technology chullcngcs beforo us. Wc will grnduntc our children to com­ pcte wilh students from nil over the country nnd they must be tnught nt the very highest level to competc for those cnrcers thnt they will be afforded. Wc must, also, have the very best level of educators uvailuble to us, nnd our children. The Mebane Chal­ lenge is an example of nn op­ portunity that wc can nol let puss us by. It stnnds to be one of the grentest cducutionul op­ portunities in rccent Itistory. Il will ullow public nnd privnie sectors to comc together nnd unite for n grent und common purpose, lo build u technology bnse thnt will hnve n long term iinpnct on the future of Dnvic County. Silver Queen Corn Peaches N O W A V A I L A B L E HILL TOP ORCHARD 336-492-7246 Directions: From MocksvlllB: Hwy B01 North, Loll on Ijnmes Church Rond Follow Signs. Debbio l’rilclK'l Owiu'i'/IJi'oUcr :1:н!-!ит-12н 1 P r e m i e r C a r o l i n a P r o p e r t i e s 336-998-7777 Hodncy liiiiloy •Ownt'iVUiiiUtT :ì:ì(ì-ìiii!i-;iho;! F e a t u r e d L i s t i n g Committed Lot 9 Laurens Drive Advancc $227,900 • • • • • Armsworthy Acros 3 Bedroom 2B nth Attached Gnrnge C ustom er Service ' " ' i P 199 IWatls street 579,900 275 Utevitw) Drhre S179,C(00 482 Will Boono Road SI 30,000 373 IVtlchaols Road S89,ООО ■мг1шиш1гг11ии1тлт1‘г-' т ш ш я я т ш А » . 518 Salisbury street 8134,900 166 (keen №iss Road $149,900 831 Sain Road 8114,900 151 Summit Drive $129,900 т т ят ш яш ш яш яя л шяшяхЮ'' if f liie ii Lot 1№л Dwiggins 8108,700 232Jamestowiio Or $74,000 171 Crosh/low Drive $103,000 407 Cornalzer Road $89,900 S»r s p i a l i . Ш ш В н Н ■■ .--il ^ 166 ByotysCliapelRd $112,000 . 559 WHtcsboro SL $72,900 201 Rolling Hills Ljjno $103,000 6570 Shallowford Rd $484,900 (*ст‘га!'Мипац<м-C a l l t o d a y f o r y o u r F R E E h o m e m a r k e t a n a l y s i s ! Miifj lliiidiiclis Kiislcn I1(kH'(ii(I I’((ci-Heaven 1лч'liiii'lwl' ПНдаЧ 1‘W i'll Mnrjmie Foster t'iiuly Durham ;i.’i(i-!MO-7i)77 .CKt-iHiii-inTi) ;i;i(>.!i7M.2(KK ;i,'I(ì-ìhhi-;iih(1 ' .'««MirÆ»!!» :i;«MKKM(i7-t ;!;1(НШ)-7Г)И C O L D U i e L L ^ % BANKGRв TRIAD, REALTORS’ ,cbtriacl.conn F o r c o m p l e t e l i s t i n g s o f h o m e s f o r s a l o v ; Davle/Clemmons Office Intersection of Hwys 158 & 801 336 998-8816 Relocation 1-800-327-4398 IMIfMWUMHIVUT Ш14ВП358АfiOulow oolf couise W Mufino «11 ippoinied Ш«п, cv№i>410 vu tt>]Dft. ML mas», ЗВЙ A bonuj c*i upper le«l, McGtjKa OrSKOUMPtACC DAVI|4Dn2S*QA2 Ä a Ä Ä o S ® д а ? » 14» КОРШ CUU Ito DkVII 3Bfì 2 Ь8А 4 СвДС BraJfoid liiie Ite üiive Ы tr^is home w UilefH Üííie Courtu Гlл^ lanrfxisxix) tejLtili» triis open I Uixy borne кЛ|щУ1е<1 №1 JIM ülfP & 3i(T\ííiicle Щй, urge (uoms, »a 126 WNTI fUU CT OAVIf M 28ЛStkKjoui, 0{iea ora Ы lj\ с— ' " •" 221 nut URO LA« OAVII 5(ll< 35СЛ /76АС ftoain leiix in detiiat'e Ujvie Itx^ioA. r.u^om tuin torre ln woooed »tiuiQ »1!Л2роп(« Rocltingdul/(roirlporch,2i)ixVj, Qiwî (of «’leitiiwiiQ Comwiet« lo sí.U»Ií Изгыга Allen 998 1154 |W3M89l)|33t,000 Íícelicni opportmiif/ Iw nmn 1ел1 matíer & i tul) unfmiy<e(] bivmil Г iiineij t, piuniUd íM luitire eipsion F'utbc «raier A Saisnpöith 2(iMmiotlCffcrítwinW S, Ы1 rieinir^ ШЛ1У (W3084S5) $279,000 lOT M rOMIT OUN DAVIC 4ÜH 258A íiciling oppo<lun/l/ olHed by Jeif feiguson. Ine Wonüc-iful waikln )П1с storage. Ml MUi stili««/ AiJi close«. aiiaciieiJ «rage, Ww)s on Ml, Med ms Coiiwlopî. tOJiiw fP. Vtki fwniing 308- II67(W32289ÏÏ$24I,M0 or 27 niDUNO PIACE 0АУ1С4Ш<2Шíe# Ojïie DeítíoimcM ol % twnei Juit tü cnotigii aivar lo enjov an mtilr^ aimo:piM:ie, iusl тшЛе} tioni iniciiijie, s/kivtng and JKrejiion lijiWfa Л1СП m-WJ iW3j,365y) $2J9,N0 .OTURfOUNOPlACE DAVIE 3Üfl 2 SOA aL4itous Car« coti In itestiit'.« tViite Cty ication liocling üiair ticxit pcicfi, iaro<i lur üetk. laniily room, dmlmi nxvn oin] (Шу ...m-W3 W -. w.~ ... atl'«-SâC localion lw*tJilnlflAW lakhenWMiaotJ (lowî Irto фМ1 room %1P. íovtíií Mßfi suilê Misleí, gteü im & IR ail к;« lo scieen рогсЛ. Home «a/rar^ livcy MarsTiail »3ä liei ) СОШТОИ Oft COVMOTON CREEKm Ш 2 50A \Н peiìecl gtta«)) \т аbusy lileslyle Is viiling lur you al Covimion CiBcii. Play ^ 1ГК) invisible fcnce inciuji^gcolla», loínu!. lf\ A Wl. fjitf*ooúv sunn/kifcixn №^iiu nooJt f .............W8-1t6?(W3074l3)|kifcixn w^ku noe* & pyiiï Vicki íleniing ........... -lIlM.iÄ ЮТ 5 FERMHIU OAVIOSON ЗПЛ 25ÜA 'ievr toftsiniüicrt 2 slMy bsiTiV tie* сшнипЛу olteis playground, soccer l,eU, »aik and picnic itfis Built l0( W W1Ï tKRy lamtlies Ы lotoy l^lS l\on¿ is Ш1 а.'»] iirv;ting t1^ CC li 1ял?1 Ä/aa-rtaWe oller Cimj/ JoIkisoíi 93а 117; (№085^1169,900 LOT 2 DUTCHMAN НШ OAVII 36П 2 ÍOAlouiion great tw easy acesj lo Yjakinyiiie, Mocksville A Mithin 30 min. ol WS ínjoy ile country in tlHS boine wit» ImisJieilbascmeni loom. ()a»ie Ciy SciKtois A ii»es Oaibara AJien 998-1154 ('ИШЩ $1(9,900 581 KPOTST OAVIEnn[lACtuiiiiiiK]ClJei >юл« Mied №ih ciuracler, 10' cciiiiigs, In good ■ " ■ ■■ 3.U daMuowiiwùeirti,... ... - lieisy(wraitus.wb cc>nd!liQn On large coniéi lol (ie.v'd MitVviiiic foiìeil lesióeiiliji w Илу/ J)eis_y. SliejjfieriJ S9fl'1l5; 3127 BERMUOA VIUAQE DAVIE 20П 2QA&АП jwif fiofiie in Uh« lyj:,'''!ul гй(ге;»1с<|1 village A couitlry club. Sunini. on ground Iati st^s I)« £iage lot ал l-ì Mísljie Service ,)jfk3(/( ol tca'ih & leisure aciiniies J3U00 ijecw jiiumt tiiKtert tirty УатУчЧ WIIBI(W32GW)|M7,500 lOT i DUTCMtM ИШ шг 26^ IloA crwtlioofpian,Srt AviiiWciii'nav ••■’'ЫпыпГгу.«ominoliJitvj, Ш Vied i(»ms. wHk-ln P^irv. cov«(ed Iroi« pùfcb. {iceiieril value' Cruts (>aiiU - V3IM45||1«.900 UIIHOltnilUMtntEET 0AVIE3&[\2QAClassy uie level living' Ihli new WkJi nome lias 1 lo( ш oilei. ? ceiitnos. gas log ff'. Mrdwwl and cerariHC dooiing, gas leai Open Plooi pian 1MCMSTV1EW DAV«B\2»AC‘»tMncrfiorne il) convenlem neigiiboiNxHj Largu kilclieti, loimil tlm^ivj шл.Itome in greal condiiion. Слмокам lo Mocksville Cinoy Johnson 598-117/ |W319ü12)$t2l,900 191179ШШРАНХ ОАУ113Ш\25ВА 477 ПЕАШ ACME DRIVE 0AVIÍ3ÜR ШАi (Непл^у ciiJ'rning torne vkiin basaiicnl 2 car! NlíW(l» MiÍKVJS. llIíp'iCí »1x1 tv „.V.U full bisemeiif Й11П droii In ceiling f Kiiiitun m-1160 (W2885971 $112,90C page 1 I r^t)raand cerartuc Hooiing. gas 1Ш.М0 02004 Coldwell Oíilkci BcjI 14.11c Coc|im,ilion. Coldwell B.inlcl'1) It .1 icQliIcccd li.ideni.lik ol Coldwell tonici Coi|ior.ilion. Ли ti|o.il 0|i|iolli]|illy Comiuny. [ciual Hooling 0|i|ioilunlli(. ladi Ollicc Is iiidcpcndcnlly llwiicd jml Oliciotcd, ....viiiy» eri, ieí)iaci:n«rt »»iixIoas. vin^lllooíiog in baih A *.ile( íw^er üieoi rooin tiiclucfcs (tvioí A diniivj ms b Ы IMiixl, Mi uniin. tsnit accessed liom outside tUi! l’aAlik 998-1165 (W30ü095)$99,9« M DAVIE ЗШ1 IQA ^ . iiiih.!i4jt5iiilulMnks'.iiie, 2U ivii:« ítiis nane oilers S|i.ve large tV.iu.fied________Kirkman M8-11tû(WJril60$W,900 133 WINWARD CIRCLE MTERS PARK DAVIE3l'li 15HA fiist tiirv liüaKtHnuis dfe.jni lümliCü^^pil.^l•ly lenoviicd fJew teat [гиир, urití, vinyl Sìdiy, gijli’jis viíl mviï iiwie updiies Ilia lV11sVi5nO‘)(WJ23l6Ü)$M,500 Dèvie Office Agents: /MiaNaMillu 991-11eaibtrtMlen 998-11S^ekyCook 99S't1B«n««n 991-11 BelnjM«i) 99M1, BittStltni 99t-11 , (hrliOilile 99M1tlnJiIrtiiison »911-11 IHnjMW'Ptotlor 99W1SÍ..inHeriom« 998-11HKalhy Sriow 998-11«Kaythgnitlet 998'I1«SlaOma Polli 991-Ш9MeUndaSiellga 998-1118Mlkollmmtimjo 99M1MNutiVanuu «98-1114NantyMnslull »(-1181'V NtraWiliman 998-11(0 Patti Walttii/и м 998-116tSallyHiCuIre. '99а-1К5SheiilllOTlin »8-1180 VliUllemliig 998-1167 D6 ■ DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD,Thursduy, July 15,2004 Э- D a v i e C o u n t y B o a r d o f E d u c a t i o n C a n d i d a t e s Barnette: Experience, Knowledge Can Help Discuss tlie high scliool con­ struction issue. Diiriii'llc: In a county that is growing as rapidly as Davie, spacc is a major need, and con- •struclion is inevilable. There arc, however, several ways lo solve our space problems. The most obvious solution is lo build a new high school. How­ ever, if Ihis were done, the school system would have lo decide which students would go to which school. Il would not be fair for some of our students lo con­ tinue their education at Ihe old building while others attend a brand new school. Therefore, if a new high school were built, perhaps the old school could serve ull the ninth and tenth grad­ ers while the eleventh and twelfth grades could attend the new school. This solution might cause problems wilh sports and other extracurricular activities, but il would be fair lo all of our students. : Another possible idea would be to build a new middle school or junior high .school. Ifthls were done, il would require a reorga­ nization of the school system so that the present high school would house grades 10-12, jun­ ior high would have grades 7-9, and clcmeiitary would be K-6. Ho|)cfully, the new construction could absorb the elementary stu­ dents. A Ihird possibility is to totally renovate, restore and add signifi­ cant space lo the e.xisting old campus. There is nothing inher­ ently wrong with the old build­ ing, but il needs lo be creatively redesigned (perhaps even adding the auditorium that we were promised in 1956.) Every school needs an auditorium for special programs and events, particu­ larly for graduation ceremonies for seniors sincc lhat Is one of the most important events of a lifetime. Of course, the best bul least likely solution bccausc of the money it would cost would be to constnict two new high schools und use the old building for a third middle school and offices. This would be ideal, but it prob­ ably will nol happen in llic near future becuu.se of the cost. Finally, I must add lhat Ihe key lo solving growth related M i c n y ® T r e e Se r v ic e Serti Iredji I & Yad LCaunti 75’ Working Height Bucket Truck Be»W«ntlBl ei Itonmerlc»! i f n f f f r f f n ftiTiiyt • Lot Cl«arlng • Ire« Feeding • Tree Removal FertllluUon • Stump Gilnding • Hazardoat • Selective Trlminlng Removal ftPninlng ■ Skid Sleer Work ■ Storm Damage 3 3 ^ 4 9 2 -2 9 4 4 Toll Fre«;J.-8eSri77-mE (8733) (U>mpleto Clean up ' Fully Insured problems is planning. Planning needs to be done before rather than after the fact. Do you agrct' wilh the plan for n new ulternntlvi' school on the'Duvic nigh School cam ­ pus? Uarncttf. I most certainly do agree wilh the plan to put the new alternative school called Ihe Eagle Academy on Ihe Davie High School campus. Duvic Counly needs to do more lo keep our ul-risk students In school, und the Eugle Acadcmy is a step in Ihc righl direction. Students arc at risk of dropping oul of school for various rcasoii.«, - be­ havioral, social and academic as well as Ihe lack of parent and tcachcr involvement. To locutc them in a separate placc away from their peers would make these .students feel more isolated than they probably ulready do. Housing them on the same cum­ pus as tho other high school stu­ dents might give them a sense of pride and importance which may keep muny of them In school. In this setting these students will also have a closcr relationship wilh Iheir leachcrs who will be positive role models. These and all other students need to know Ihul Iheir leachcrs cure uboul them. This is the kind of work that my son does in anolher school .system, and he feels his to be u worthwhile and gratify­ ing job. Remember lhal every person deserves a good educa­ tion. Also, bear in mind thul some of Ihe greatest people in the history of Ihe world, like Einstein and Edison, did nol fit into a regular school situation. , Whnt is the best thing nbout Dnvie County Schools ... and whttt needs Iniprovlnu the most? lUinieiw. Having taught in the Davie County schools for over 20 years. I can truthfully suy thut Ihc leachcrs arc bright and dedicated, the parents ure sup­ portive und involved, the stu­ dents arc superior, und adminis­ trators are caring and ucccssiblc. Our schools consistently do well on the End of Grade tests, and several of them hnve been des­ ignated as Schools of Excellence and Schools of Distinction. Wc also have u relatively large num­ ber of Nalionul Board certified teachcrs. Some areas lhal need to be improved are planning for our county’s continued growth. In olher words, classrooms need to be ready before overcrowding occurs so Ihere will be no need for mobile units, Becaii.se I spent many years of my career In mo­ bile units, 1 am convinced lhal they are neither conducive lo learning nor are they safe be­ cause they are not connected to the main buildings.They arc not convenient to Inside libraries, labs or buthrooms. Our students deserve belter than this! So do our teachers. Other Issues llariwiw. There are many other issues lhat our system must address, including curriculum, sufcly, tcacher rccruiim cnt, qualificalions and retention among others. While I feel that Ihe curricu­ lum offered in our school system Is busicully good, Ihere are im­ provements that can be mude. At' the high .scliool, for example, Ihc block system needs to be revis­ ited und tliere needs lo be more different action between tech prep, college prep, and honors courses. Гог example, people seem to feel lhat Ihc honors classes and the APclasscs arc too similar. I would like to see the high school offer a program such ington ompany E A L T Y Mocksvillc Office: 336-751-9400 TOLL ГКПЕ 1-800-539-3383 Hillsdale/Advance Office: 336-998-8900 TOLL PULE 1-888-828-2234 Pennington & Company Welcomes Steve Leslie Steve joins Pennington & Coinpany after rclirin); from PPG Industries. He is a graduate of J.Y, Monk Real Estale School. Steve is a incnibcr of Bermuda Run Country Club and an active member of the Union Unilcd Mcthoilisi Church of Lewisville, i'lease call Steve lor all your real estate needs. He looks lorwaril to SLMvini’ you. l ie may be rcached at the Mocksville ollicc at 336-751-9*100 01 cell at 336-813-5686 or home at 336-733-7530. www.pennmgtonrealty.com UNTixa 160 Ath Drive *$129,500Desirable iplit ioycf homo witf» (oom for e*parnlon, 3BR, 2.5BA, large inaMer suite. Ouy now t)nd choose your colors Convcnieni loc.itlon. J00% (Incittclncj availobie to (|ualincd buyer. A7-;u' ijsriiv a 248 Summit Drive • $118,500rarnlllar ranch with new modern look. Split bcdioom plan wUh pfivacy foi the entire family. 2BA. rocking chair front porch. Ov>y now .imi ticooseyour colors. 100% financing avaii.ible to qiiallfied buyers. xi:\Y i.isri,\a 191 No Creek Road >$102,000lovely cottage nestled .imonn pocan orchard. Larne.levet corner lol, beautifully landsciipea circle drive. Lg ouibldg w/ parking l/pdaiei-refinished hardwoods, paint, updated balh. Agenr related lo owner. 236 Summit Drive « $136,900Underconsiruction. ‘JllR. 3UA, split foyer In wonderful newneighborhood.lown w.itcr and sewer. Less than 5 minuies lo MO, Make your purchase now and choose your colors. 4413 Hwy 158 - Advance • $94,900Gorgeous I ownorcaltagewlth30R.2DA nestled among flowers, rose bushes & pccan Irees. Sunroom, large level lot, .niached & detached garage, large garden spot. A must sec! 124 Charleston Ridge Dr • $134,900Like nev/ home In an excelleni location wilh 3 bedrooms, 2 balhv and a 2 cat garage. Caitie<lr.il ceiling and bay window in the great tooin. 266 Summit Drive«$137,500Great open floor plan with large rooms. 3Bf), 2ВЛ bikk/vinyl ranch wilh many cusiom feaiuros including wood floors & maple cabineis.Great community. 125 Scotland nidge Dr * $149,000Winsion-Salern ■ open & Inviting ranch with O'ceilings throughout. Large walk-ln closet in MBR. separate (ub & shower. Great family nelgliborhood wilh playground, lili 239 Greenhlll Road * $159,900Cape Cod style home in beautihil couniry selting with gorgeous hardwoods. 4DR. 2UA anu 5th bedroom or playroom. Master bedroom on main. 2*1>( 13 wired storage building, 12*24 deck.Large eat in kilchen, 446 Avon Street • $104,900In lown localion. {hick ranch situated on nicely landscaped lot. 3DR, J BA with fenced backyard and storage building 130 Underpass Road * $197,500Hiitoric 2 story borr>e in AdvarKe.Lois of room for iimity W/4BR 2BA. livii-Kj lOom & den & 2 bonus rooms on 2nd kvel. 7 Fiiepbces.Fronl porch w/ swing & beautiful setlirig w/siiV3ll garden aiea.Convenieril loSha^ Grove ^:1юо1. 144 Hickory Tree Road * $84,9003BR, I .SDA homo in ntove*ln condilioni Many recent updates, all appliances stay, fenced yard, paved drive, quiei comrnuni^ly. Great staitor home or investment property. 1189 Jericho Church Rd • $199,900Restored Historic 1825 home on I 82 private acres. Main house w/ 3 fireplaces.guest house which was fotnvei Bed & Breakfast, separate detached commercial kitchen. A laio find. 2113 Junction Road • $89,900excellent move in condiilon brick homo.3 bedrooms, largo living room with gas log fIteplate.Lots of storago In the floored Itic, I car garage wllii toot room and wired woikshop- 433 North Main St * $149,900Wonderlul downtown localion In Historic Mocksville. Convenient to library, YMCA. shopping, aits center. 3BR, 20A, updated willl beautiful hardwood floofv A large privale deck. 103 Meta Breeze Lane • $118,500Great refurbished 1,5 story home. 4BR. 20A with 2-car garage,paillally fenced back yard, new windows, new doors, new fiardwood & carpel. All new kitchen. Janice McDaniel Bobby Jonc! Jonic Minton Glen Stanley Teresa Scarlett Shirley Branyon Susan Cohen Jarrctt Bailey Iackie Coulston 909-0747 909.J530 971-8787 {,50-5172' 918-9802 f.7U7ltf 655-0084 998-8900 ^ '' 751:9400 as the Internaliunal Bacculuurc- ute for our most udvunced stu­ dents. These students also could lake collcgc crcdit courses al DCCC while finishing tlieir high school courses, plus have the opportunily to take independent studies and on-line classcs. Truly, the possibililies arc unlim­ ited. On the otiicr hand, il is im­ perative that the lEP's (Individu­ alized Education Plans) of stu­ dents ■ in the Exceptional Children's program be followed lo Ihe letter and that their curricu­ lum modifications be carried out us wrillen. This is not a choicc that the high school has, for ex­ ample, because lEP’s are essen­ tially legal documents. I think further lhat the AIG programs ut North and South Duvie should be Ihc same und thut the principuls need to assure that Ihe Davic Counly plan for Acudcm ically/Inlcllectually Gifted Sludenls be followed us written in ull the schools. Another issue to be uddressed is safety. Although all the schools have school safety plans in place, more needs to be done, espe­ cially at Davio High. That cam­ pus is so open - simply a scries of separate buildings connccted by brcezcways - making il ex­ tremely vulnerable. There arc, 1 understand, plans for al least building more fences on campus. However, when plans arc made for new buildings, all the class­ rooms, gyms, etc., need lo be put into a larger two-story building with fewer enlrunces and exits. Of coursc, I realize thut sufcly was not an issue in 1956, Davie Couniy must do more lo recruit and retain highly quali- ficd leachcrs to rcplacc all the re­ tiring leachcrs. We need to be sure that every teacher hired is certified in the field hc/she , tcachcs, which will be a federal rciiuiremenl in 2005, To attract now teachers, we need n higlier supplement and a bolter monlorlng program. Furlhoi'-' more, all the local students who get their leaching credentials should be given a chance to tcuch here if Ihcy so desire. In conclusion, u vole for me will be a vole lor someone wilh the knowledge und the expertise 10 .serve our counly well on Ihe Bourd of Education. After ull, experience counts. Name Linda Hartley Barnette Age 62 Address 170 W, Church SL, Mocksville Family John L, Barnette, husband: Eric and Brandy Reeder, son and his wife, both teachers; Nathan Reeder, 3, grandson Education Davie High School graduate; bachelor's degree in English, Catawba College, master’s in English, University of Tennessee Employment 20 and 1//2 years as a teacher of academically and'intellectually gifted students in Davie Schools: prior college English teacher In The Community • Center United Methodist Church, administrative council and cemetery committee, past education chair Secretary, Davie County Public Library Board of Trustees NC Library Association Davie County and NC Association of Educators Davie Family YMCA Why did you'decide to seek this office? Since 1 have spent most of my life teaching, I feel that being a member of the school board will enable me to continue my work for children in a different capacity, 1 also can help the school system continue its tradition of excellence because of my experi­ ence arid knowledge In the area of curriculum. Most importantly, my family taught me that public service is the most noble way to help others, and this is the purpose of a life well lived. DHSS Christian Bool<s & School Supplies is moving on July 30 50-80% off all In-stock Christian titles All fixtures for sale. 10-5, M-F 127 N. Salisbury St., Mocksvllle 753-6977 www.ilhss.com ...... ~ ■' ........... ■' " ■" ■ ....... M i f f i n g ' W a x j (Л И Г )! \ \ Ii i,\S Come Regisler for our Monthly $500 Giveaway! Now thru September 30,2(XV4. Omu9i. 2 1 . Swicegood Wall & McDaniel (336)751-2222 Open House Sat/Sun 2 -4 PM Within walking distance ol Historic downtown Mooksvllle, library, school, park, senior center, local churches and more. picnic area. Minutes away Irom major cities ol Winston-Salem, Lexington, Clemmons. Near top-notch goll, shopping and medical lacllitles. 100% Financing Available. Adm inistrative C ourt DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .July 15, 2004 - D7 The following cases were dis­ posed of in Davie Administrative Court June 4. Presiding; IVIugis- irute Robert W. Cook. Prosecut­ ing; Kevin Beale, ussistunt DA.- Duvid G. Strand, unsafe tires, dismissed per correction, - Donald H. Taylor, rcckless driving/wanton disregard, re­ duccd to un.safe movement, cost. - Steven M. Whitaker, allow­ ing unlicensed lo drive, dis­ missed; failure lo secure passen­ ger under 16, $25, cost. - Paula A. White, failure lo yield to slopsign/flashing red light, dismissed per civil settle­ ment, - Lorraine T. Wilkie, expired/ no inspection sticker, dismissed per correction. - Tommy E, Woollen, speed­ ing 84 in a 70, reduccd to im­ proper equipment, $50, cost; no operators license, dismissed. - Wendy L. Worcester, speed- ing 55 in a 35, reduccd to im­ proper equipmcm, $100, cost. - Katy J. Haywood, speeding 80 in a 70, rcduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Pamela R. Billups, expired/ no inspection stickcr, dismissed per correction. - John K. Canupp, speeding 68 in a 45, rcduced to 54 in a 45, SIO, cost. - Jorge Z. Castillo, failure lo stop for red light, reduccd to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Trucy S. Cope, speeding 68 in a 55, reduced lo improper equipment, $25, cost, - Dwayne A, Doucette, speed­ ing 85 in a 70, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost, - Gregory F, Givens, speeding 80 in a 70, rcduced lo improper equipment, $25, cost, - Donuld W. Gobble, speed­ ing 58 in u 45, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Rebekuh R. Gryder, speed­ ing 80 in a 70, reduccd to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost; fol­ lowing too closely, dismissed. - Julian W. Harris, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Kimberly V. Harris, speed­ ing 70 in a 55, reduced to im­ proper equipmcnl, $25, cost. - MichacI T. Harriston, speed­ ing 50 in a 35, rcduced to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost, - Patricia A. Hartley, expired regislralion card/tag, dismissed per correction; failure to stop for slopsign/flashing red light, re­ duccd lo improper equipment, $25, cost. - Ricky L. Hester, speeding 70 in a 55, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. . - Wiiiiam T. Hillard, unsafe passing on a yellow line, reduced lo improper equipment, $25, cost. - Austin T. Joffc, expifed/no inspection slicker, dismissed per correction; failure to yield to stopsign/llushing red light, rc­ duced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Kutbicen T. Jordan, speed­ ing 60 in a 45, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Briun L. Marandino, speed­ ing 62 iu a 45, reduced №■ im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. - Lyric S. Murlin, unsafe movement, dismissed per civil settlement. - Russell 0. Mouzon, .speed­ ing 89 in a 70, reduccd to im­ proper equipment, $100, cost, - Alexander B, Taylor, speed­ ing 72 in a 50, rcduced lo 59 in a 50, $10, cost. - Kevin L. Williamson, speed­ ing 74 in a 55, reduccd lo im­ proper equipment, $100, cost; following too clo.sely, dismissed per plea. N e w B o o k s A d d e d To P u b lic L ibrary Dlrectlona: NO West lo Exit 174, turn lett. Hwy m turn right, go past city llmltislgna. e/tOolmlle, left on Milling Road, right Into Milling Way. Som e o f (lie new books at D nvic C ounty Public Libraiy, 371 N. M ain St., M ocksville; Fiction A L oving Scounclrel by Johannii L indsey T he Enem y by Lee C hild C an you keep a Secret? By Sophie FCinsella T he N arrow s by M icheál C onnely T he Full C upboard o f Life by A, Sm ith H id d e n P re y by Jo h n Sandford Just O ne Look by H urlan C obcn T h e ra p y by Jo n a th a n K ellcrm nn T h e Ju n e A u sten B o o k C lub by K aren Fow ler T he C o n fu sio n by N eal Stephenson* T he A ccusers by y. L indsey D avis • T h e F lo o d m a k e rs by M ylene D ressier . • H ard by Em niti G old • H id d e n P rey t>y Jo h n Sandford • Ludies w ith Prospects by C ynthia H arlw ick • M an and B oy by Ton Par­ sons • T he N arrow s by M ichael C onnelly • A Secret W ord by Jenni­ fer Paddock • S lig h tly D angerous by M ary Balogh • T h e T a k in g by D ean K oontz N on-F iction P la n o f a tta c k by B ob W oodw ard B ig R uss nnd m e; father nnd son: lessons o f life by Tim R ussert A le x an d e r H am ilto n by R on C hem ow F o u n d in g m o th e rs: the w om en w ho raised our nation by C okie R oberts T h re e w e ek s w ith m y brother by N icholas Sparks R ew riting history by D ick M orris G race and pow er: the pri­ vate w orld o f the K ennedy W hite H ouse by Sally Sm ith H ow to R esto re C lassic Fnrm Tractors: T he U ltim ate D o-It-Y ourself G uide Sham eless E xploitation in Pursuit o f Ihe C om m on good by Paul N ew m an W inning H abits: 4 Secrets that w ill change Ihe rest o f your life by D ick Lyles* The A rt o f the Steal: Inside the Sotheby’s-C hristie’s A uction H ouse Scandal • B ecom ing Real: D efeat­ ing the Stories W e Tell Our- .selves That H old U s Back • T h ree W eeks W ilh M y B rother by N icholas Sparks • Fam ilies Like M ine; C hil­ dren o f G ay Parents Tell It Like It Is • F ish in g E ssen tials for D um m ies * Im perial A m erica: R e­ flections on the U nited States o f A m nesia by G ore V idal * S ellin g U p S hop: T he Practical G uide to D esigning an d B u ild in g Y our D ream Shop * Status A nxiety * Tales from the Bed: O n Living, D ying and H aving It A ll: A M em o ir by J e n ife r Estess * W ho A re W e?: The C hal­ lenges lo A m erica’s N ational Identity CD-ROMS O regon Trail 5th Edition C luefinders: T he Incred­ ible Toy Store A dventure L earn to play C hess w ith Fritz & C hesster A m erican Idol Zoom binis L ogical Jour­ ney I Spy Treasure H unt I Spy School D ays I Spy Fnntnsy I Spy Spooky M ansion E scape from M onkey Is­ land A nita Long m ade a dona­ tion in honor o f M rs, Sara C a m p b e ll’s 80lh birthday, Lori D yer m ade a donation lo the S um m er R eading prize box, D avie Craft A ssociation m ade a gift donation, R uth H oyle m ade a d o n atio n in honor o f Ella G ray S m ith’s service on the Librury B oard ofT rustees, C om e in und get a cnlen- dar nnd sign up for Sum m er Bringing Baclc Memories Autumn Care resiijlent Thelma Mauldin enjoys the quarter horses brought to the facility by Rema and Samantha Britt, Rema, a housekeeper and her daugh­ ter, Samantha, brough a buck skin horse and a saurei. [Residents watches them ride the horses, and reminisced about the “good old days" when they had hoi'ses at home. V o te L E E R O L L I N S l> a v ie C o u n ty C o m m i.s s io n e r I’lT sm I' ( И It pri'i'iims t(iiiilit> of life 1‘iu luiT with the l)ii\iv ('(timl> Silioiils lo ciisiiri' U iJ i i hildiTii ctiiitiiuK' t(i i i4TÌ\c llu' lu'sl c'diiiiilimi ^O l К liiv dollars di'scrvc I’lyimoU' fail' :md im partial lliiiiKin^ on hrIiiilfiif.VI.I. piut.s of D a' ii' ( ouiiIn I’nili'i'l \O l U pririoiis lav dollars and iniikc llu'iM «ork hard lor \O I K X P K R l E N C E M A i T K R S /’<((</ /(>r /'V /.<’(' I (liulltluic R ick E llis f o r S c h o o l B o a r d Elect« Dcdiciited Lender Who Cares About Our Dnvie County Schools I grew up in Davic County and received a quality education in our schools. As u parent, businessman, and leader in the community, I know this only happens when wc work together to serve all our children. I really carc about young [x-oplc and choose to spend a lol of my time where I can have an impact on Ihelr future. I would like to bccomc a member of the school board so 1 cun lend my skills und experience lo help cnsuni that all our students gel the best possible education. • Married, willl Iwo sons Miilllicw, 9 und John, 4 • Children's Tcuciicr, Adminislnilivc Boanl Memlicr, Confctcnce Uiy Delegiilc, Bclhlcliuni Unilcd Melhodlsl Church • Cub Scout Leader, School Volunteer, Odys.sey of Ihe Mind Coach • Davie High Onidimlei 1983) • B.S. EagHiccring, North Ciimlinii Stale University (1988) • Miisler's of Business Adniliilslnillon, Wake Forest University (1992) • Prcsidcnl raid Co-founder, NcxlUpTechnologies I would appreciate your support on July 20. www.EllisForSchoolBoard.com Paid for by Rick Ellis R eading Program , Program s for the fam ily at 7 p.m , on M o n d ay s, C ra ft p ro g ram s d u rin g the w eek. “ F rid ay Flicks" m ovies for pre-teen and teenagers 2 p,m , Fridays, Som e program s are space lim ­ ited and require sign up. For in fo rm atio n on youth p ro ­ gram s call L isa N eal 7.‘5I- 2023. Library hours: 9 a,m,-8:.10 p.m , M o n d ay -T h u rsd ay , 9 a.m .-5:30 p.m . Friday, 9 a,m ,- 3 p.m. Saturday, 2-5 p.m . Sun­ day. C ooleem ee B ranch, phone 2 8 4 -2 8 0 5 . O p e n M o n d ay , noon-5 p,m „ T uesdny-Friday 10 u,m .-5 p ,m „ clo sed for lunch 12:30-1:30, RED PIG ШЕСУЕ-^i^J Please join us for; F R E E H O T D O G S ^ F R E E H A M B U R G E R S F R E E S O F T D R I N K S & ^ . L i v e C o u n t r y M u s i c | Sunday, July 18 5 p.m. nnUl The Red Pig BBQ • Greasy Corner (Hwy. 801 @ Hwy. 601) Specialists in Quality Full-Service Remodeling & Home Improvements / f r l y BU IU D IN e Advance, N.C. Dependable. NAHB Professional Crews '^ 's s s r - •KHchens & Baths »Raplacamsnt W indows & Doors •Cabinets & Tile .Vinyl Siding •Sunrooms & Additions «Decks & Screen Porches «Light Commarclal_______.Structural & Termite Repairs M . D a v id M ille r, C G R , C A P S Cenljled Grmliiate Ranvdvlur CerriJIctI Aglng-ln-Place SpciiaUsl NC Lie. №4960^ (336) 998-2140 STRONG CD RATE. WITH AN EVEN STRONGER GUARANTEE. Ciel a guarameed yield witli a Ccriilicaie of Dcposii Irom Stole Iw m Uanli“ Il's a securc place to grow your money. Гог nuirc inlarmailon, call me today. And talk with someone you know you can count on. W E LIVE W HERE YOU LIVE." Darryl Bandy State Farm Agent Í2-UU1S Hifilnv.iy 15Й AiiviiiKc, NC I.IKl-AGOODNCICÌIIBOU. STAini'AUM iSTilHRI:.'Greg Morris Stale Farm Agent 346 .S. Siilislniry Street Moclcsvlllc, NC 336-751.5900•AtíHtuíi I'VMt-nJíisf Víilíls «ч i)f 06/2.WW, niíf» mib/rrt Id iwXhudi IPK mxit r. .Sftdlmum Kifiitx f lo оро un i<m>iiiii iii d tihuilii ihf ишЫ APV U S.51)D. A fii(i,v hr for n ivuÍKÍimva/prlur ш m«tiirlt>: ..............•" ...............'t’i/u'nCVMi/lruffii iiiiit>i*mlliiil(v ГП1ГН’ <ii imuni/iv ii( ffu* i/ti*n cimrm jor iht* wmn' rrriii. л>к1 ^eniirs m>( <ii n{{STATE FARM QANK * HOME OfflCE: flLOOMiriQTON, iLLlNOtS * «Ше1агт com'OilO . D8 • DAVIË COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 15,2004 P U B U C N O TIC ES NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NQTICE.QF_SUBSTITUTE Under and by virtue of Ihe power and authority contained in that cer­ tain Deed ot Trust executed and delivered by David W, Spaugh and Stacey L. Spaugh, dated January 26, 2000, and recorded In the Of­ fice ot the Register of Deeds ot Davle Counly, f^orlh Carolina, In Book 325 at Page 536, and be­ cause of default having been made In Ihe payment of the Indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust and failure lo do and perform Ihe stipu­ lations and agreements therein contained, and pursuant to demand of the Owner and Holder of the In­ debtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will expose for sale at pub­ lic auction to the highest bidder for cash the property therein de­ scribed, to wit: Ail that certain lot or parcel sltu- oted In the Cily ot Advance, Town­ ship, Davle County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point In the Ilne of Wayne Smith, the northwest cor­ ner ol the wllhin described tract and the northwest corner ol Ihat tract described In Deed Book 108, at Pago 32. said point also being the southwest corner of Paul Spaugh’s .93 acre tract described In Deed Book 102, at Page 517, thence Irom Ihe beginning, south 80 deg, 09 mln. East 95 leel to a point, tho Northeast corner ol Ihe within de­ scribed tract: thence with the West­ ern edge of a roadway, South 34 deg. 06 mln. West 169,fS feet lo a poinl; thence with the roadway, South 6 deg. 30 mln. West 200 leal 10 a point in the western edge of said roadway, Iho new Southeast corner ol the within described tract Ihe new Northeast corner ol Paul Spaugh's tract; thence a new line. North 84 deg, 15 mln, Wesl 27,86 leet lo a point, the new Southwest corner ot the wllhin described tract and Paul Spaugh's new Northwest corner; thonce North 8 deg, 20 mln, Eost 356 leet to Ihe point and place ol beginning, containing .320 acres ■ more or less, and being the North­ ern part ol that ,84 acre tract de­ scribed in Deed Book 108, al Page 32, and Deed Book 86, at Page 432,' Also conveyed is the perpetual right ol Ingress, egress and regress along Ihat roadway described In the easemenis described In Deed Book 107, al Page 346 and Page 461, Davle Counly Registry, to which relerence is hereby made for a more particular description. Address; 148 Aurora Ln., Ad­ vance, NC 27006. Tax Map or Par­ cel ID No.: C-7-93,01. Present Record Owners: David W. Spaugh and Slacoy L. Spaugh The tonns of the sale are Ihat the real property hereinbefore described will be sold lor cash lo Ihe highest bid­ der and that the undersigned may re­ quire tlie successlul bkkler at the sale lo Immediately deposit cash or a certi­ fied check in an amount equal to Ihe greater of five percent (5%) of the high bldorS75000. The real property hereinabove described will bo sold “as Is," “where is,' subject lo any and all superior liens, and sub|ect to taxes and spe­ cial assessments. The sale will be held open lor ten (10) days for upset bids as by law required. Dale and Hour tor Sale: July 22, 2004 al 11:00 a.m. Place ol Sale; Davle Counly Courthouse Date ol this Notice: May 24,2004 Stephen A. Lamb, Substllute Trustee 7-8-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE ol Ihe power ol sale contained In lhal cer­ tain Deed ol Trust executed by Stephen E. Capuson, dated No­ vember 26,2001, and recorded in Book 396 at page 4668 and re-re- corded In Book 416 at Page 905 In the Office of the Register ol Deeds ol Davle County; and under and by virtue ot the authority vested In Ihe undersigned as Substllute Trustee ol Davle Counly; and under and by virtue ol lhal certain Authorization, f=lndings and Order entered by the Clerk of Superior Court of Oavie Counly on June 29, 2004, and of recorded In File 04 SP 116, default having been made In tho payment ol the Indebledness secured by said Deed ol Trust and Ihe said Deed ol Tnjst being by its terms subject lo foreclosure, and Iha holder of Ihe indebledness thereby secured having demanded Ihe fore­ closure thereol for Ihe purpose of sallslying said Indebledness, and due notice having been given to those enlllied to seme, the under­ signed Subslilute Trustee will oiler for sale al public auction, lo Ihe highest bidder, lor cash, al Ihe Courthouse door in Mocksville, Davie County, North Carolina, at 12:00 Noon, on July 23,2004, tho land convoyed In said Deed ol Trust, Ihe same being owned ol record by Stephen E. Capuson, and being more particularly de­ scribed as lollows; That certain IracI of land con­ taining 27,719 acres, more or less, located in Calahain Township, Davie County, North Carolina; and bounded, now or lormerty, by natu­ ral boundaries and/or lands owned by and/or In the possession ol per­ sons as follows: North by Madallne Jones and Eleanor Dyson, Easl by SR 1159, South by Qearthart and Lucy Evans and Wesl by Marvin Williams: said tract lying approxi­ mately lour miles Southeast Irom the Town of Mocksville end being moro speclllcally described as fol­ lows: BEQINNINQ al an Iron pin In the center of SR 1159 right ol way (commonly known as the “Ridge Road') the same being the North­ east cornor ol Eleanor M, Dyson (see Deed Book 76, page 420) and running Ihence wllh Ihe center ol SR 1159 righl of way the lollowing six courses and distances; South 60 degs, 32 mln, 40 sec. East 187.88 leet; South 54 degs. 21 mln. 53 sec. Easl 175.47 leel; South 52 degs. 49 min. 10 sec. Easl 100.72 leel; South 47 degs. 29 mln. 42 seo. Easl 98.19 feet; South 39 degs. 36 min. 43 sec. East 125.85 leel; South 36 degs. 20 min. 29 sec. East 248.64 leel to an Iron pin in Ihe canter ol said righl of way, JoAnn Williams Northwesl corner (see Deed Book Bl, age 79); thence South 18 degs. 44 mln. 25 sec. Wesl passing a lolal distance ol 418.00 leet lo an Iron pin, JoAnn Williams Southwest corner; Ihence South 36 degs. 09 mln. 07 seo. East 255.16 leal lo an Iron pin in the line of Lucy S. Evans, Jo Ann Williams southeast corner; Ihence with Evans line the following two courses and distances: South 18 degs. 34 mln, 05 sec. West 750.21 leet to an Iron pin; thence South 13 degs. 36 min. 11 sec. West 526.90 feet to an Iron pin, Marvin L. Will­ iams Northeast corner In Lucy S. evans line North 56 degs. 40 mln. 57 sec. West 506.88 leel to an iron pin, Madallne Jones Southeast cor­ ner (seo Deed Book 76, page 42) FO R SA LE:Cars • Trucks Utility Buildings Carpoils: All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lols 336-751-3442 Mocksville, NC HAPPV SOtil BIRTHDAY Terrv siew^uiv 16 In Williams line; Ihence with Jones line North 04 degs. 0 mln. 0 seo. East 1,897,16 leel to en iron pin, Madallne Jones Northeast comer; thence North 87 degs. 11 min, 44 sec. Wesl 67.56 leel lo an Iron pin. Southeast corner ol eleanor M. Dyson; thence wllh Dyson line and wllh a private road North 04 degs, 0 mln, 0 sec. West 270,60 leal TO THE POINT AND PUCE OF BE­ GINNING, containing 28.622 acres, more or less, as surveyed January 12,1981, by Tutterow Sur­ veying Service, SAVE AND EXCEPT the follow­ ing described tract: BEGINNING al an Iron pin In Ihe cenler of SR 1159 (known as the Ridge Road), the Northwest corner 01 JoAnn Williams (Deed Book 81, page 79) and running thence with Williams line South 18 degrees 44 minutes 25 seconds West 393.38 feet to an Iron pin, JoAnn Williams Southwest comer; thence North 36 degrees 09 minutes 07 sec. West 100 feet to a point, a new corner; Ihence North 18 degrees 44 min­ utes 25 seconds East 393.36 feet to a point In the center ol SR 1159, a now comer; thence wllh the cen­ ler ol R 1139 right ol way South 36 degrees 29 minutes 36 seconds East 100 feet TO THE POINT AND PLACE OFTHE BEQINNINQ, con­ taining 0.903 acres. In addition to Ihe above de­ scribed property covered by Ihis Instrument, Is one 1981 model, 24’x52’ Champion Mobile Home, Style 004, SN; F23-2-004-4821 A&B alfixed to Ihe real estate in a permanent manner. Together wllh all the buildings, fixtures and improvements Ihereon, and all rights, easements, heradi- ilaments and appurtenances Ihere- unto belonging. Including all heat­ ing, plumbing, ventilating, lighting goods, equipment and other tan­ gible and Intangible property, at­ tached to or reasonably necessary to the use ol such premises. The aloresaid sale wlli be made subject to all encumbrances exist­ ing prior lo the recording of tho above-relerenced Deed ol Trust, Including all valid and enlorceabie liens and also wlli be subject to ali laxes and special assessments outstanding against Ihe property. Tho property lo be ollered pur­ suant to this notice ol sale Is being offered tor sale, transfer and con­ veyance "AS IS, WHERE IS,“ Nei­ ther Ihe TrtJslee nor Iho holder ol the note secured by the deed ol trust/security agreement, or bolh, being foreclosed, nor Ihe olflcers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representa­ tives of either the Trustee or the holder of Ihe note make any ropro- sentatlon or warranty relating to Ihe title or any physical, environmen­ tal, health or safety conditions ex­ isting In, on, at or relating lo the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and ail responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing out ol or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. The successlul bidder at sale may be required to make an Imme- ■ diate cash deposit ol Ihe greater ol live percent (5%) of Ihe amount bid or Seven Hundred Fifty and no/100 Dollars (S750.00). Dale of Notice; June 29,2004. Janna B. Thomas, Esq. Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 21029 Winston-Salem, NC 27120- 1029 336-722-3700 7-15-2tn NORTH CAROLINA GUILFORD COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 04 CVD 7075 SUMMIT CREDIT UNION, Plalntllf, V. TIM J. KEATON, Defendant. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION To: Tlm.J. Keaton: Lasl known address: 548 Pineville Road, Mocksville, NC 27028 Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been liled In the above-entitled action. The nature ol the rellel being sought Is as follows: Plaintiff seeks recovery of the delendant Ihe amount of $4,776.77 with Interest, You are required to make de- lense to suoh pleading not later than August 19, 2004, and upon your failure to do so the party seek­ ing sen/lce against you will apply to the court lor the relief sought. This, the 8lh day ol July, 2004. J. Patrick Adams, Attorney lor the Plalntllf ADAMS & OSTEEN 201 W, Mari<el Street, Suite 410 Greensboro, NC 27401 336/274-2947 7-8-3IP NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE The Department ol Public In- slructlon Is Invoking Ils authority as an Ed-llex state to Issue waivers for one year of section 1119(a)(1) or PL 107-110(No Child Lelt Behind), Section 1119(a)(1) requires Ihat ail teachers ol core academic subjects In Tille I schools hired after the first day ot the 2002-2003 school year be highly qualified. The Davie County School Sys­ tem will submit a waiver request to the Department of Public Instruc­ tion, The Davle County School Sys­ tem lully supports Ihe Intent of the No Child Left Behind legislation, and is committed lo providing all students with highly qualilled teach­ ers, The decision to request a waiver Is based on a thoughtful analysis ot the options available to us. Public comment on the decision Is Invited, For additional informa­ tion, to review the waiver request, or to comment, please contact by July 31,2004: Mr, Jeff Albarty, Assistant Super­ intendent Human Resources & Curricu­ lum/Instruction Davie County School System 220 Cherry Street Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-5921 phone (336) 751-9013 lax aibarty®davle.k12,nc,us 7-15-1ln C A U fA L U M E 2 0 YEAR W ARRANTY Longest Lasting 3' Coverage / Many Colors Pole Buildings Metal Roofs & Siding f 1-888-278-6050 MID-STATE METALS A U C T IO N I 2 1 0 B e e c h V a l l e y R A . , L e w i s v i l l e W e d . , J u l y 2 1 • 1 0 / Estate Of: Howan! H. & C lu M h G. AmoM Ш п ф DlfìECTlONS: From WS: 421N to Shatlowford Rd. exit. Tun) loft onto Shallowford Rd. Tmvùilù/IOmìie.ìum right onioBoech Vaiioy Rd. Followslgns lo sole. FURMITUREt OlnlnQ Room ToblQ aad CtvaUa; Quftel; 3 Pleco Q^toom SuU; End Toblos: 3 Omwor Chos!; RolMop Oosk; Cafó Table and 4 Chaire MISCELLANEOUS: 12 GQuga Merlin Modol 19 SholQun; Glassware; Linens; Ffomod Ptlnls and PalaUnQs; Ott on Canvav. Cioam Can; Eleclrical Work Bench; Aulomoblla Tow Onr; Mlscollaneous Motors (All functional); Jack Stands; Electrical Work Bench; Drafting Tablo; Tool Boxes FARM EOmPWEWT fc TOOLSt 5020 AIlls Chalmere 2 Cyllr>der Diesel Tractor (370 Hours); Boom Polo; Sub-Soller; Carry All; Scoop Pan; Angle 6lade; 0ox Scrape; Cultivator; Sitfox 5' Mower; 5' x 12' 4 Wheel Tandum Trailer (TlUed); 10 Ton Hydraulic Prose; Electric Concrete Mixer; Craftsman Scroller Saw; Powor Hacksaw; Craftsman Dillle; A«aa 5HP Shroddor/Bagger; Puih Mowers; Hand Tools; Yard Tools; Propane Torches; SoldorinQ Iron; plus much more.... AUCTIONEER'S NOTEt Soiling in 2 locatkNis. house and storage shed. Bring a ct\air and plan to spend the day w№) us hav^ fun ihe Ihriti of thè actkxi on auctkxi day! Food ond restrooms wiK bo avaWabte. We are not iespons^bte lor acckJonte. Col. Kenneth Ci. Ketner. Pres., NCAL 3268 F ir s t C h o ic e A u c tio n & R e a lty Fimi Liccnse «7229 • PO Box 335, Uwisvillc (336) 945-4118Viilt Oat Web Silo it M»»».riri■ emil: cfìntchoìceitì^irìtdtT-com NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilled as the Execu­ trix ol the Estate ol ALONZO ARNOLD, late ol Davie County, this Is lo notify all persons having claims against said estate to present Ihem to the undersigned on or beforo Ihe 24th day of September, 2004, be­ ing three (3) monihs from the first day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol Ihelr recovery. All parsons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay­ ment lo the undersigned. This the 21 st day of June, 2004. Sharon D. Redmond, Execu­ trix P.O. Box 701 Mocksville, NC 27006 Martin 4 Van Hoy, LLP Attorney al Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 6-24-4tn. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF STANLY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 04-CVD-677 NOTICE OF SERVICE PROCESS BY PUBLICATION SARAH NICOLE CARPENTER AND LARRY ALLEN CARPEN­ TER, Plaintiffs vs. URRY MORRIS, Defendant TO; Lariy Morris, the above named defendant TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been liled on the 4th day ol May, 2004, In the above entitled Summons and Complaint. The nature of the rellel being soughi Is as lollows: Custody You aro required to make de­ fense to suoh pleading nol later lhan the 18lh day August, 2004, said date being 40 days from the llrst publication of this notice, or from the date complaint is required to be filed, whichever Is later; and upon your lallure to do so the party seeking service againsl you will apply to the court lor the rellel sought. This Ihe 23rd day ol June, 2004. By; Lisa W, Currie Attorney for Plalnllll 214 East North Street Albemarie, NC 28001 704-983-6116 State Bar #21285 7-1-3tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilled as the Execu­ trix of Ihe Estate of DANIEL L. WHITAKER, late of Davle Counly, this Is lo nollly all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of October, 2004, being three (3) monihs from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to said fislafe will please make Imme­ diate payment to the undersigned. This the 30th day of June, 2004. Jane J. Whilaker 1163 Beauchamp Road Advance, NC 27006 Marlin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 7-8-4ln RANDY MILLER &SONS 29S Miller Road •Mocksvillc (336) 284-2826 • Now Pumping Stptlc Tanks > SMdSlMrWorli TnnchnWotk Hauling M A R S H A ’S K O I & WATER GARDENS FOR ALL YOUR WATER OARDEN NEEDSI 1щ е Stkcllon ofFkhA I'bntsI Tindo/Gntn Water? SEKMEI Building N w Water Garden or Adding To Exkling Garden? SEE Ш1 ^ _____ WW10 Calahain Rd. (Nc.ïUikcMycn. ca-npgmund) 33B-492-7423 Mocksvlllc Free E stim ates (Í3 *) 2 8 4 - 6 9 9 2 Olflce/Fax I3M) 4 0 6 - 4 3 8 9 Cell No Job Too B i g or Too Small PO Box 621 Mooksvllle, NC 27028 M REWARD $ 2 0 0 for return of “Shy” Contact John at 336-936-0049 A U C T IO N S A L E SAT. .iULY 17,2004,9:00 A. M. 1977 HWY. 158, MOCKSVILLE, N.C. (ACROSS I'R O M O AK CROVE U N ITED M ETH O D IST C H URC H) Pcr.sonal Property Of Brenda S. Long (Living) Furnilure! Mupic Hutch And Tea Cart, Art Dcco Chinn Cnblncl, Solid Oak Trcslle Tnblu, Pecan China Cabinet. Tiger Oak Chest Of Drawers, Maple Chest Of Drawers, Solid Wood Entertainment Cenler, Table & Eiglii Chairs, Old China Cabinet, Small "nibles. Old Chairs. fllnss! Foslora Crystal, Spade China From England, Old Dishes And Glassware, Old Vases & Pottery, Old Punch Bowl Set, Princess House. Miscellaneous; Enamel Wave, Oil Lamps, Gas Dryer (Like New), Piclurc.s & Prints, Linens & Bed Spreads, Rccord Albums, Books, Gin Air Eiee. Grill, Sharpe Cash Regisler, Old Sewing Machine, Baskets, Misc, Figurines, Old Music Boxes, Old Trunk, Drapery Material, Old Iron Lasl, Old Jewelry, Lols More. Sold Under Conflrmallon: Uncirculated Magazines W/Princess Diana Stories, China Cabinet, 1-ate 1800 Early ;900’S Collage Style Hand Painted Bedroom Suite. Lots O f SItade Sule Conducted By; Donald R. LufTman NCAL #2804 2137 Milling Roud, Mocksville, NC Phone: 336-998-4059 Or 336-391-2199, Pood Will Be Available Nol Responsible For Accidents Of Any Kind DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July IS, 2004 - D9 PU BLIC N O TIC ES NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY 04 SP IIS SALE Under and by virtue ol a Power of Sale contained In lhal certain Deed of TnJst executed by KBVIN a. CUPPEBTON, MARRIED AND CHERYL T. CUPPEBTON, MARRIED to John C. MacNelilJr., Trustee(s), which was dated November 26, 2002 and recorded on December 2, 2002 In Book 452 BtPage 130, DavieCounty Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made In Ihe payment ol the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned. Trustee Services ol Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee In said Dead ol Trust by an Instalment duly recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Davle County, North Carolina, and the holder of the note evidencing said indébtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be loreclosed, Ihe linderslgned Subslilute Trustee will olfer for sale at the camlho.U58.tor ■ ot the county cpurttiousa where the property Is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conducting the sale on July 20,2004 at 12:30PM, and will sell lolhe highest bidder lor cash the following described properly situated In Davle County, North Carolina, to wll: BEQINNINQ et an Iron pin, said point ol BEQINNINQ being the Southwest corner ol Michael P. Bernhardt (Deed Book 182 a! Page 540) and the Northwest corner ot Lee M. McCulloh (Deed Book 179 at Page 335), and running Ihence Irom the point and place ol BEQINNINQ wilh McCulloh South 04 deg. 43 mln. 11 sec. West 883.74 teet to an Iron pin. Southeast corner ol the within described tract and lying in the Northern boundary olA.C. Clemeni Heirs, thence with Clemeni Heirs North 84 deg. 18 mln. 03 sea. IVssf 100.00 leet to an Iron pin. Southwest corner of the within described tract, thence a new line wllh James ft(l. Summers (Deed Book 92 at Page 627) North 04 ^ deg. 43 mln. 11 sec. Easl 805.54 ^ feet to an iron pin, thence continuing said new Ilne North 47 . deg. 55 min. 43 sec. West 289,38 I feel to an Iron pin,, yv^giefamost corner ol the within described tract and the Southernmost corner ol Qarry K. Spears (Deed Book 203 at Page 399), Ihence with Spears North 38 deg. 27 mln. 35 sec. Easl 303.26 feet to an Iron pin located on Ihe Southern right of way margin of SR 1642 (Oak Qrove Church Road), thence continuing said bearing 30.00 feet to a point in the centerline ■ of said road. Northernmost corner ol the within described tract, thence with Ihe centerline of SR 1642 South 62 deg. 05 min, 34 seo. East 157.65 teet to an unmarked point in the centerline of said road, Northeast corner of the within described tract, thence with Michael P. Barnhardl South 04 deg. 43 mln. 11 sec. West J 14.49 feet to an iron pin, thence continuing said bearing 299,64 feet to Ihe point and place of BEQINNINQ, containing 4.125 acres as per plat and survey of Grady L. Tutterow, RLS, dated May. 8,1998. The above described tract Is a portion ol the James M. Summers properly described in Deed Book 92 at Page 627 and is aiso known as a portion of Panel 30, Davle County Tax Map H-5 dated f^arch 28, 1976. Save and except any releases or deeds ol release of record. Said properly Is commonly known as 212'Oak Orove Church Road, Mocksville, NC 27028. Third party purchasers must pay Ihe excise lax, and Ihe court costs ol Forty-Five Cents (45e) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursuant to NCGS 7A-308(a)(1), A cash deposit (no personal checks) of live percent (5%) ol the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fllty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at Ihe time of Ihe sale. Following Ihe expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounis are Immediately due and owing. Said property to be ollered pursuant to this Notice ol Sale Is being offered lor sale, transler and , conveyance 'AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations ol warranty relating lo the lllle or any physical, envlronmenlal, heallh or salety conditions existing In, on, al, or relating lo the properly being offered for sale. This sale Is made subject to ali prior liens, unpaid taxes, special assessm ents, easements, rights ol way, deeds of release, and any olher encumbrances or exceptions of record, To Ihe best of Ihe knowledge and belief ol Ihe undersigned, the current owner(s) of Ihe property Is/ are KEVIN GENE CLIPPERTON AND WIFE,CHERYL TEAGUE CLIPPERTON. Trustee Services ol Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee By:---------------------------------------- Member/Manager 5919 Oleander Drive Sullel 15 ■ Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone (910) 392-4988 Fax (910) 392-8051 File No,: FM040S17M2279 7-8-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Ancillary Administrator lor the Estate of JOHN V. WALKER, SR., deceased, a resident ol Montgomery Counly, in Wharton, Texas, and lormeriy ol Davle County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notily ali persons, firms and corporations having claims against Ihe estate ol said decedent lo exhibit them to the undersigned at P.O. Drawer 25008, WInslon-Salem, NC 27114-5008, on or belore the 1st day ol Octo­ ber, 2004, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. Ali person, firms and corporations in­ debted lo the said estate will please make Immediate payment lo Ihe undersigned. This Ihe 1st day ol July, 2004. 'Doris M. Walker, Anclliaty Administrator c/o James E. Creamer, Jr. Blanco Tackabery Combs and Matamoros, P.A. P.O. Drawer 25008 WInslon-Salem, NC 27114-' 5008 NORTH CAROLINA 7-1-4tn DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Ihe Execu­ trix ol the Estate ol NOLAN ALBERT WRIGHT, late ol Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or belore Ihe 8lh day of Octo­ ber, 2004, being three (3) months Irom the lira! day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol Ihelr recovery. Ali persons Indebted to said estate will please make Im- . .mediate payment.to the under- o signod^'t^tn : This Ihe 29th day ol June, 2004. Rita Ann Wright, Executrix 717 Milling Road Mocksvllla; NO 27028 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 7-8-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualilled as Execulor ol the Estate ol Alice Ader Hartman, Deceased, lale ol Davle Counly, North Carolina, this Is to nollly all persons having claims against the estate ol Ihe deceased lo exhibit Ihem to the uiidersigned on or be­ lore September 24, 2004, or this Notice will be pleaded In baroljheir righl lo recover against the estate ol the said deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate wlli please make immediate payment. This the 23rd day ol June, 2004, Richard S. Hartman Execulor of Ihe Estate of Alice Ader Hartman c/o E, Edward Vogler, Jr. Attorney for Richard S. Hartman, Execulor 181 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 6-24-4tnNORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Co-Execu­ tors of the Estate ol ESTHER BODMER HALVERSON (also known as Esther B. Halverson, Esther Halverson, Betty Halverson), late ol Advance, Davle County, North Carolina, the under­ signed does hereby notify ail per­ sons, firms, and corporations hav­ ing claims against the estate ol said decedent lo exhibit them to the undersigned al One Wesl Fourth Sireel, WInslon-Salem, NC 27101, on or belore the 24lh day ol Sep­ tember, 2004, or this notice wlli be pleaded In bar of their recovery. Ali persons, firms and corporations Indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment lo the undersigned. This the 24th day of June, 2004. Sandra H, Taylor, Sandra H. Karnatz and Elizabeth L. Quick, Co-Executors ol the Estate ol Esther Bodmer Halverson Elizabeth L. Quick Womble Cariyle Sandridge & Rice, PLLC One West Fourth Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 6-24-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING ON REQUESTFOR ANNEXATfON TAYLOR OIL COMPANY The public will take notice lhal the Board ol Commissioners ol the Town ol Mocksville has called a publlo hearing at 7:00 P.M. on Au­ gust 3, 2004 at the Town Hall In Mockslvile on the quesllon ol an­ nexing Ihe following described ter­ ritory, requested by petition tiled pursuant lo G.S. 160A-31: Beginning al an existing iron lo­ cated at the east right of way tine of Valley Road (U.S. Hwy, 601 [said beginning point being located South 0S«56’44'' West 1082.34 feet from NCGS monument "St. Francis," N=788,248.098, E- I,531,872.360), Irom said point and place ol BEQINNINQ, and running with the east righl ol way line of Valley Road (U.S. Hwy. 601) on a curve lo the ielt, said curve having a radius of 704.81 feet, Ihe follow­ ing Iwo chord bearings and dis­ tances; (1) North 14»01'24" Easl 13.00 leel to an existing Iron, and (2) North 1S«I9’00" West 18.90 feet lo an existing Iron, the southeast corner ol property nor or formerly owned by W/lson Brown, el al, by will (W.B. 89-E-76) and see Plat Book 2, page 57, of the Davle County Registry (also known as David County tax parcel 140000006404 as presently consti­ tuted); thence with the southern line ol the Brown property North 86'27'40” East 264.33 feet ot an existing iron being Ihe soulheasl corner ol Ihe Brown property and In Ihe western line of property owned now or lormeriy by Егаге Shore and Garnet B. Shore (Deed book 63, page 326); thence along the western line of property now or formeriy owned by Mallhew Killian (Deed Book 189, page 329), and property now or formerly owned by E. Edward Vogler, Jr., Trustee, (Deed Book 164, page 25), south ISMB’ie" Easl (crossing Irons al II.98 leet, 18.80 leet, and 44.80 (eel) a total ol 204.80 feet to a hole In a concrete drive; thence North 87'31'25" Eesl 8.24 leet to en ex­ isting iron; thence South 11"2S'38" East 4.41 leel lo a point on Ihe northern right of way ol Wilkesboro Street; thence with Ihe northern right of way line of Wilkesboro Street south 87»4S'00”Wesf 201.55 teet to an existing Iron; Ihence along the northeast Intersection ol Ihe Wilkesboro Street and Valley Road (U.S. Hwy. 601) right ol way tines North 48«29'29’' East 93.64 feet lo a place Iron; thence along Ihe eastern right of way line of Val­ ley Road (U.S. Hwy. 601) on a cun/e to the lelt, said cun/e having a radius ol 704.81 leet, chord bear­ ing and distance ol North 09*17’40" West 103.25 feel lo Ihe poinl and place ol Beginning; and containing 1,202 acres, more or less. In ac­ cordance wllh a Plat ol Survey lor Taylor Oil Company by Grady L. Tullerow, Professional Lend Sur­ veyor, dated August 14,2002, and as revised on November S, 2002 (Drawing No, 20902-3). Togelhar with all of the Grantor's right, title and Interest lo real es­ tate lying with any street, road or right ol way contiguous or adjoin­ ing the above described real prop­ erty. Being Ihe same real properly acquired by Grantor by deeds re­ corded in Book 192, page 129; Book 199, page 43, and re-re­ corded In Book 199, page 1S1; and Book 305, page 386. Christine W. Sanders Town Clerk 7-15-ltn I STRETCH WRINKLED CARPETS Wrinkled Carpet Man 336-998-8402 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY 04SP107 SALE Under and by virtue ol a Power ol Saie contained In that certain Deed ot Trust executed by BRENDA S. LONG AKA BRENDA LONG MCGRAW (SINGLE) lo TIM, INC., Truslee(s), which wes dated the 19 day of MARCH 1998 and recorded March 24, 1998 In Book 272 al Page 793, Davle Counly Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made in Ihe payment ol ihe note Ihereby se­ cured by the said Deed olTnJsl and Ihe undersigned. Trustee Services ol Carolina, LLC, having been sub­ stituted as Trustee In said Deed ol Trust by an Instrument duly re­ corded in the Ollice of the Regisler ol Deeds ol Davle County, North Carolina, and Ihe holder ol Ihe nole evidencing said Indebtedness hav­ ing directed that the Deed ol Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Subslilute Trustee will otter lor sale county CQUrlhouaa where the prop­ erty is located, or the usual and customary iocallon al the counly courthouse for conducting the sale on July 20,2004 at 12:30PM, and will sell lo Ihe highest bidder lor cash the following described prop­ erty situated in DaWd County, North Carolina, to wit: BEING Lots Nos. 89,90 and 91 of Ihe W. R. Clement Properiy ac­ cording to a plat thereof prepared by James D. Justice recorded in Map Book 23, Page 528, Davle Counly Registry, lo which reference is hereby made for a more particu­ lar description. Save and except any releases or deeds ol release ol record. Said property Is commonly known as 321 Qwyn Street, Mocksville, NC 27028. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, and {he court costs of Forty-Five Cents (45c) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursu­ ant to NCGS 7A-308(a)(1). Acash deposit (no personal checks) ol live percent (5%) ol Ihe purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the time ol the sale. Following the expiration ol the slalutory upset bid period, all Ihe remaining amounts are immedi­ ately due and'owlng.''■ Said property to be offered pur­ suant to this Notice of Sale is be­ ing olfered for. sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations ol warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safely conditions existing in, on, al, or relating lo Ihe property being of­ fered for saie. This saie Is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid laxes, special assessments, ease­ ments, rights of way, deeds of re­ lease, and any other encum­ brances or exceptions of record, To the best ol the knowledge and be­ lief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property Is/ara BRENDA L. MCQRAW (DI­ VORCED). Trustee Services ol Carolina, LLC, Substitute Trustee By:_ Member/Manager 5919 Oleander Drive Suite 115 Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone (910) 392-4988 Fax (910) 392-8051 Fite No.; FM040S13M2240 7-8-2tn M ILLER EQ UIPM ENT RENTAL SUMMER IS HEBEI Bobcat, aeratot coro nluoger a more lor rent toilayi Moci<svillc 13361 751-2304 I M M E D I A T E O P E N IN G Local area company is seeking an experienced dispatcher and logistics .specialist. Must have experience in truckload and less-than-truckload planning. Transportation brokerage experience is a “plus”. Should be knowledgeable in the use of Microsoft software including Excel and Access. Salary Commensurate to qualifications. If you qualify, send resume to; PO Box 224, Mocksville, NC 27028, attn: Personnel Dept. NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 2004 J 51 IN RE: MADISON CHEYENNE JOHNSON, a minor child, MYRA JOHNSON STANLEY, Petl- lloner (molher) vs, DAVID SCOTT WALKER, Respon­ dent (Father), NOTICE OFSERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: DAVID SCOTT WALKER (Falher) TAKE NOTICE that a petition seeking termlnalion of parenlai rights against you has been liled In the above-entitled action. The na­ ture of Ihe relief sought Is termlntion of your parenlai rights as to MADI­ SON CHEYENNE JOHNSON bom May 15,2001. You are required lo llie a wril- ten answer lo suoh pleading nol later than August 24, 2004, said date being 40 days Irom Ihe date ol Ihls notice, or 30 days from Ihe date a copy of Ihe Petition and sum­ mons Is personally served upon you, Aller such time, the petllioner will apply lo the court lor ihe relief sougtit. This 14th day ol July, 2004. Grady L, McClamrock, Jr. NCSBff7866 161 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone (338)751-7502 Attorney lor Ihe Petitioner, Myra Lynn Johnson Stanley 7-15-3tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTV EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualilled as Executor ol the Estate of ANNA MARIE NICHOLS, deceased, late of Davle Counly, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims againsl said estate to present them lo Ihe undersinged on or belore Ihe 15lh day ol October, 2004, said date being at least three monihs Irom Ihe dale ol llrst publication ol this notice, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This 15th day ol July, 2004, the same being the the first publication . dale, Thomas C, Nicolls, Executor of the Estae of ANNA MARIE NICOLLS Grady L, McClamrock, Jr„ NCSB S#7866, Attorney for the Estato 161 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone; (336) 751-7502 7-15-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Ihe Execu­ trix of the Estate of JERRY WAYNE HENDRIX, late of Davle Counly, Ihls Is lo nollly all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore the 1st day ol Oclober, 2004, being Ihree (3) months Irom the llrst day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of Ihelr recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Imme­ diate payment lo Ihe undersigned. This the 1st day ol July, 2004, Jodi Monique Dyson 236 Mullins Road Mooksvllle, NC 27028 7-1-4IP I G E N E T R E X L E R R O O F IN G New & Old Roofs Small Repair Jobs Free Estimates 3 3 6-284-4571 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE ro CREDITORS Having qualified as the Execu­ tor ol the Estate ol LOIS SENTER STEPHENS, late of Davie Counly, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore Ihe 1st day of October, 2004, being three (3) monihs Irom the lirst day of publication or this notice will ba pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make imme­ diate payment lo Ihe undersigned. This the 22nd day of June, 2004. Rebecca S. Fosler, Executrix 478 Baltimore Road Advance, NC 27006 ' Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Atlorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 7-1-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilled as the Admin­ istrator ol Ihe Estate ol LUCILLE WALLACE BOWLES, lale ol Davie Counly, this is lo nolily all persons having claims against said estate to present them to tho undersigned on or belore Ihe 24lh day of Septem­ ber, 2004, being Ihree (3) monihs from the lirst day ol publication or this no­ tice will be pleaded In bar of their re­ covery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undereigned, This the 24th day ol June, 2004. Tiilhia M. Hanes, EXEC P.O. Box 84 Mocksville, NC 27028 6-24-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilled as the Execu- Irix ol the Estate ol RICHARD THO­ MAS TISE, lale of Davio Counly, Ihis Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate lo present them to the undersigned on or belore the 1st day ol October, 2004, being Ihree (3) monihs Irom the lirst day ot publlcalion or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail persons Indebted lo said estate will please make Imme­ diate payment to the undersigned. This the 1st day ol July, 2004. Doris W. TIse, EXEC P.O. Box 337 ^ Cooleemee, NC 27014 7-1-4tp HELP WANTED Now Accepting Applications I'or Full Time & Pan Time Supervisory Positions & CNA Positions for an Assisted Living Facility. Apply in pcr.son at: Davie Place Residential Care 337 Hospital Street Mocksvillc, NC J3 F A B LE S T S T A F F I N (S SERVICES A blest is seeking g re a t w orkers for tem p-to-hire p ositions in M ocksville. All jo b s are 12 h o u r fixed shifts. 8AM /8PM - $9.50 days/$10.50 nights. Must have a stable work record with at least one year In a fast- paced environment, manufacturing preferred, Must be able to perform physically active work that includes climbing steps and being on your feet in both hot and cool weather. High school or GED required. Must be able to read and write English and be computer literate, Must have good attendance and safety record. References and clean criminal background required. Qualified candidates will be required to complete an interview and testing process prior to beginning work. This client offers an excellent work environment with a strong wage and benefit package. Those interested can apply directly with Ablest Stalling. 959 Yadkinvllle Road • Mocksville, NC • 751 -4414 Mocksvllle@ablest.com • www.ablest.com t;OE t! ■ I . 1)10 • DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, July 15,2004CLASSIFIEDS I E FBOFCCABLB Animals 2 BOER GOATS-1 doe, 1-buck, lor pets or breeding only. 998- 4292. 9am-9pm MISSINQ-BLACK ANGUS (16“ 18 monihs old) Cornalzer area. Any Info call 998-4670________ Apartments 1BR,1 BA-UTILITIES In­ cluded- Mocksvllle $425/monlh Janice McDaniel Pennlnglon & Company Really 751-9400 LARGE 1 BEDROOM Api] Downtown Mocksvllle. No chil­ dren, pels or HUD. 704-278- 1717. NICE BASEMENT apt., fully lur- nlshed. 492 Main Church Rd. Mocksvllle, 751-2967.________ Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILD care has opelngs for all ages, 0-12 yrs. Full-time, Part-time, Drop-In, Be­ fore & Afler School and Out ol School Days. 1st & 2nd shilt, Open 5;30 am. Flexible hours. Split shills also. Call Debra, 751 - PLAY (7529) 571 S Main Sl„ Mocksville, across Irom Welch's Funeral Home. EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCA- TOR (15 yrs experience) turned slay al home mom will provide 3 mornings of positive learning ex­ perience for children ages 21/2 to 4. Group size nevermore than 4. Mon., Wed., Fri. 9am- 12pm. Group art & other devel. appropriate learning activities will be offered. Great first step to big school & greal way to give par­ ents/grandparents a morning break. Program will slarl Aug. 16 and end May 27. Wiil operate according to Davle Counly School schedule. Call lor more Inlo. 998-2212. Only 3 slots avail­ able. Cornatzer area. THE DAVIE COUNTY schools preschool program for 3 and 4 year olds have avaiiabie child care slots for $115.00 a week. For more Information please contact Peggy D, Nuckolls at 751-0016. WLL PROVIDE EXPERIENCED child care In my hom e, Have ref­ erences. 284-2725. ^ H T O KEEP 2 infanlslTmy _ home starting In mid August. Good references, years of expe­ rience. Hillsdale area, 2 miles from 1-40. First shill only. 998- 2804._________________ Commercial Property COMMERCIAL BUILDING FOR lease-529 Redland Rd.-4 olllces, 18x18, 2BA, coffee bar & reo. hall. 998-5726 Condos For Rent ATTENTION: UNC CHAR­ LOTTE students. Walk to class, 2BR, 2BA condo w/ stove, relrig­ erator, dishwasher, washer/dryer, A/C, cable. $625/monlh. Avall- ableAug.l or sooner._________ Employment ALLIANCE HOME CARE: Cer- tilied Nursing Assistant to wori< on contract basis in Davle County. Experience In home care pre- lerred. hours will vary. Call 1-888- 691-4968 ext. 2. Employment CLEMMONS NURSING & rehab cenler Is looking lor an experi­ enced Housekeeping Supervisor. We need someone who has a greal deal of energy, a sell starter who is knowledgeable In lloor care, scheduling and maintaining a clean environment. We olfer a competitive salary, benefits and a chance lor you to take us to the topi Please, conlacl Sandra Creech, Admlnlslralor at (336) 766-9158 or fax (336) 766-8666. CLEMMONS NURSING CEN- TER Is looking for an experienced slatting person. We olfer a com- petilive wage, benefits and a dy­ namite working envlromenti Please conlacl Evelyn Booth, acting DON at (336) 766-9158 or fax (336) 766-8666. DEPUTY FIRE Marshall/FIre Inspector The primary responsibility of the Deputy Fire Marshall/Flre Inspector will be to perform code enlorcemenl and lire Inspections under the NC Fire Prevention Code and other duties as may be assigned. The employee is expected lo work a maximum of 20 hours/week The candidate shall be a high school graduate with some fire- related post-secondary educa­ tion. A college degree Is highly desirable, but nol required. The candidate shall possess tact and the ability to relate to business owners and manag­ ers. The candidate shall possess ( or have the ability to obtain) state Inspection certifications. A Fire Inspector Level III is preferred. To apply, submit a Davle County Application Form to: W. O. Whaley, Director Development Services & Facilities Management 172 Clement Street Mocksvilie, NC 27028 The position Is open Immedi­ ately and applications will be accepted unlil position Is filled. Davle County is an Equal Opporiunlty Employer DIESEL MECHANICS NEEDED, 2nd aWIt, 3-11, salary neg. Call 998-8700 lor Interview. Drivers NEED MORE HOME TIME MID-WEEK AND WEEKENDS RUNS AVAILABLE $.40 TO $.52 CENTS PER MILE DETENTION, STOP, UYOVER AND HOURLY PAY INCLUDED $850.00/$ 1000.00 PER WEEK, PLUS $.02 CPM SAFETY BONUS. BENEFITS: DENTAL/MEDICAL WITH PRESCRIPTION CARD. 401-K RETIREMENT WE F1EQUIRE: CDL-A AND 24 MONTHS RECENT OTR EXPERIENCE VISIT: SALEM CARRIERS Meet; Corisy Waugh Friday July 16th 8:00am-6;00pm Comfori Suites 1-85 Exit 191 Lexingion, NC Call 1-800-709-2536 for information AUCTION S a l . , J u l y 2 4 , 2 0 0 4 ' 9 : 3 0 a . i n . Personal Property ot Jam es Frank & Grade Fletcher (deceased) 4825 Dippen Road, Winston-Salem, NC Ciirs - rurnitiirc - Applhmix-s - Atilii|uc.s Cdllccliblcs - LiiWHiuowcrs - Dolls - Miicli More See complete listing in next week’s paper. Auctioneer: Roy F. Wrlglit NCAL 2120 AclvaiKC, NC 27006 • 336-TO8-8637 Horn’s Country Kitchen HELP WAHTED F U L L T IM E P R E P C O O K P A R T T IM E G R IL L C O O K M u s t b e a v a ila b le fo r A L L S H IF T S N o p h o n e c a lls . Apply at Horn’s Country Kitchen Hwy 601 N at 1-40 • Mocksvllle Employment EXPERIENCED CARPENTER FOR framing crew. 40-plus hours weekly w/overtime. Must be de­ pendable. No drugs, no hot­ heads. 336-467-7061 or 336- 998-7428. EXPERIENCED COOK NEEDED. Apply In person at Miller's Restaurant. HABILITATION TECHNICIAN- SEEKING responsible, caring individual to provide direct care services to our consumers with develop.menlal disabilities. Ideal candidate should possess CPR/ First Aid certification or willing lo obtain. Must be energetic and highly motivated. Experience wori<lng wilh the population pre­ ferred but not necessary. Mini­ mum requirements: Must be at least 18 years of age, possess a high school diploma or equiva­ lent, have a valid drivers license and reliable transportation. The several positions available for the lollowing hours: Mon-Fri, 3pm- 8pm, Various weekend hours and ‘ one weekday, Wed & Fri, evening hours. Apply in person or send resumes to: Charles Hines & Son, Inc., 401 Norlhgate Park Drive, W inston-Salem, NC 27108.336-896-0950, (fax) 336- 896-0955 HURRY WE ONLY have a few positions leftll Raffles Salons is actively recruiting full-time, part- time stylist and an assistant man­ ager position at our Mocksvllle location. Clientele Provided. All ai^llcants must have a current NC cosmetology license and be available to work al least 2 eve­ nings per week and weekends. No Sundaysl Please contact Pam Burrow at 800-476-7233 for a confidential interview. We offer: major medical insurance, paid vacation, sick pay and olher ben­ efits. EOE iNCOME MAINTENANCE CASEWORKER II: Position with the Davle County Department ol Social Services. Employee will be responsible for Ihe total process lirig giblllty lor the Food Stamp Pro­ gram. Work Includes such tasks as the Interviewing of clients lo obtain required iniormalion, com­ pleting Initial applications, verify­ ing Information obtained, deter-fi __________required. Applicants must have good math­ ematical reasoning and compu­ tational skills and must have the ability to read, analyze, and In­ terpret rules and regulations. Must have Ihe ability to commu­ nicate with the clients, explain and Interpret policies and proce­ dures, and be able to complete casework functions within struc­ tured time frames. Must have a valid NC Driver's License and a vehicle available for work. One year experience as an Income Maintenance Caseworker 1; or an equivalent combination of training and experience.Submit a completed state application, (PD- 107), to Pat Heimstetler, Davle Counly Department of Social Services, P 0 Box 517, Mocks­ ville, NC 27028 before 5:00 p.m. Monday, July 19, 2004, Tele­ phone Number: 336-751-8850. Equal Opporlunily Employer. u iis s c a R v s R MINI-STORAGE For all your storage needs, choose us! Come by to inquire about free rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E in Fork Coil toilayl ( 3 3 6 ) 9 9 8 - 8 8 1 0 J ii c k e r LAWN CARE Is iicccpiing iipplications for Lawn C are Specialist Qiiallflcatlon.s: Dutiiil oriented, cusUuiicr scrvicc Miiiiileil, neat In iippcarancc, rcliahle, piincuiiil, inistwonhy. Experience In green Inclusiry or A.ssiK'iatc Degree in lioniculliire or related lield a plus. NCDL, g(XKl driving record. Omg Te.st, Criminal n:eonl elicck. Duties: Inslallalion and ntainlenance of residential and commercial land.scajxis. Hoiini: 7;0() - 5:30 Monday - lliursday, w/I’riday as a makeup day lor bad weather. (336)284-6501 lo apply. Employment LICENSED MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT agents needed immediately for local seminar sales. If you're not making at least $2000 per week call Cindy at 1- 866-224-8450 ext. 1109. OFFICE ASSISTANT: FULL- llme position wilh Ihe Town of Bermuda Hun. Employee will be responsible for various office tasks, minute taking, project man­ agement, etc. Applicant must have good communication skills bolh wrillen and verbal) be pro- iclent In computers and be self- motivated. Must have a valid NC Driver's License and a high school diploma. Submit resumes to tho Town of Bermuda Run, Attn: Town Manager, 169 Yadkin Valley Road, Advance, NC 27006, by July 23, 2004. Equal Opportunity Employer. SALON MANAGER-RAFFLES salons is seeking a manager for our Mocksvliie location. Must have currenl NC cosmetology li­ cense and 3-5 yrs. management experience. Salon has an expe­ rienced staff wilh established cli­ entele. Position offers guaranteed salary plus commis­ sion with heallh benefits. Must be avaiiabie lo work al leasl 2 eve­ nings per week and Saturdays. No Sundaysl Call Cathy al 336- 751-2941 or Pam Burrow at 800- 476-7233 for a conlidenlial Inter­ view. EOE SHORT ORDER COOK experi- enced or will train Tuesday-Sat- urday. Caii 998-7290 SOUTHERN BRIDE iN Yndkinvilie accepting applications for experienced sales associate 10 wort< In bridal & tuxedo depart­ ments. Professional appearance & retail experience required. Cali Lisa al 679-2005 for appointmeni. TELEMARKER NEEDED LO- CAL Mocksville company needs part time work from home doing questionnaires. Earn up to $10.00 per hour. Please call NC Air Control. 336-749-3178 Farm Machinery JOHN DEERE, L 110, automatic, 2004,19 hrs, 42” cut, 17.5kohler engine, $1,675.998-8997 Furniture 5 PIECE SOLID oak bedroom suite & computer desk. In good condition. $900. Caii 751-4592 after 6'p.m. ENTERTAINMENT CENTER- BROYHILL; Malson Lenoir Col­ lection; 1 glass door, 2 pocket doors, 3 drawers, 2 adjustable shelves, VCR box, co-axial hookup, TV back panel (TV Inte­ rior dimensions: W34-1/2, H26- 3/4: Will hold most 32" TVs);64- 1/4Wx22-1/4Dx55-1/2H. Great ConditionI $350. 336-751-2988. LITTLE TY1<K TODDLERrace car bed with a Clifford sheet set. $75.00. 492-2539____________ Homes For Rent 253 MAIN ST, Cooleemee, lor reni or sale, 3 large BR, 1.5BA, kilchen/dining room, garage, new heal/air, completely remodeled. Some financing. 704-278-2623 or 751-1702 Homes For Rent Homes For Sale 2BR, 1BA HOUSE FOR rent. 100 Graham St., Mocksville $475.00 Cali 336-692-8326 3BR.1BA, BRICK home, 1 acre lot, country setting, double car­ port, central air, gas heat. 336- 940-5119 3BR, 2BA, full basement w/fire- piace, screened porch, 2 car ga­ rage. Deposit & references re­ quired. 276 Park Ave. 704-636- 6182. CALL CENTURY 21 SWICEGOOD WALL & MCDANIEL 336-751-2222 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm 336-751-5555 ExL 213 Nights & Weekends WHAT A DEALI Beautiful 4BR, 2.5BA home on Eaton's Church Rd. Over 2000 sq. ft,, LR, DR, basement, attacned carport, washer, dryer, stove, dish­ washer, double ovens and disposal IncludedI $1000/monlh 2BR possibly 3BR, 1 BA home on Howardtown Rd. Refrigera­ tor, range oven and attached carport included. Oil heal and window units. $550/month 2BR, 1BA home on Yadkinviile Rd. Greal locatloni Oil heat & window units. No appliances. $500/monlh 1BR, 1BA home on E. Lexington Rd. No appli­ ances but utilities Included in rent price, $425/monlh 2BR, 1BA home on E. Lexington Rd. No appliances $450/month Olflce space available with great Hwy 601 frontage. Jusl minutes from Wal-Mart. Cali for ________more details.________ HUGE HOME, LARGE wooded lol, 3BR, 2.5BA, fuii basement, hardwood lloors, large deck, would consider rent lo own. $1295/mon. 751-4371 RECENTLY RENOVATED 3BR, 1BA, wooded lot, $600. 935 Peoples Cl. TE Johnson & Sons. 722-6133. RENT TO OWN 3BF1, 1BA, In counlry, large lol, carport, wooded. $030/month 751-4371 Homes For Sale 181 RANDOM ROAD, Mocks­ ville, Davle Counly, split level, four bedroom, 2.5 baths, nicely landscaped In great neighbor­ hood, near Davle High School, $189,500. Call for appointment 336-751-4358, 2/3BR, 1BA, IN town, com­ pletely remodeled, large lot. Kitchen, dining room, laundry, office, hardwood floors 704-278-2623 or 751-1702 2000 SKYLINE 3BR/2BA, double-wide. Private wooded 1.27 acres. Large covered porch, shed, appliances, dry- waii. Over 2,000 sq. fl. Many extra’s. Relocating. $112,000, (336) 492-2777. 253 MAIN ST, Cooieemee, for rent or sale, 3 large BR, 1,5BA, kitchen/dining room, garage, new heat/aIr completely remod­ eled. Some financing. 704-278- 2623 or 751-1702 EASTERN DAVIE COUNTY- 1 mile from 1-40. Recently up­ dated 5BR, 2.5BA, apprx. 2300 sq ft on large wooded comer lot, split foyer-open fioor plan, move in condition. Under $150,000. Call 998-5639. FOR SALE BY owner 2000 Skyline doublewlde, 3BR, 2BA, like new, 1,3 acre corner lot, $10,000 below appraisal. $115,000. 776-4989 GOV'T LOANS AVAILABLE for land/home packages easy to qualify credit challenges accepted $250 down, low monthly payments-OAC limited lime, apply nowl 336-751-0444 HOUSE FOR SALE by owner. 3BR, gas furnace, central air, basement garage, 121 Erwin St., Cooleemee, 336-284-2359 LIMITED TIME-$aSO down land/home packages 3BR, $425 per monlh good, bad, or no credit Ail appllcalions will be submlltedi 336-751-0444 NEW CUSTOM BUILT home, 3BR, 2BA w/huge bonus room "on your lot" Normal cost $120,000,00 on sale for $79,900.00 unlll August 1st. Call 1-800-672-9223. NEW DOUBLEWIDE HOME, big lol, 3BR, 2BA, front porch, rear deck, heal pump, $76,000. reduced lo $69,900. 998-5816 or 284-2653. ONE CALL DOES It All No Credit, Bad Credit government financing ■ а^аПйЫе on land/home ' packages For quick pre-approval call 336-751-0495 SECLUDED 38 ACRES, 5BR/ 1 BA farmhouse, 9-stali barn w/ tack & feed room, 4,000 bale loft, tractor shed, well & sm okehouse & workshop, 14x70 mobile home. Additional 50 acres avaiiabie, $225,000. 704-278-2679 Autumn Care of Mocksvilie is now hiring: Full Time 3*11 LPN Full Time 7-3 CNA’s Full Time 3-11 CNA’s Please apply In person at: M J T U M N C A R E O F M O C K S V I L L E 1007 Howard St. Mocksvllle EOE 7S1-3S35 \vwv.lciii|X)r.*r)'res<Hiaies.a)iii .\v>vw.lcin[xir.uynji<)iimji.a)iii www.tciiiporaryixsdLirces.com i NOW OPEN IN MOCKSVILLE © T e m p o r a r y R e s o u r c e s , I n c .Fxperimre... Ihe DiJJmiur in Steßng 300 s. Main St. Mocksville Corner of Hwy 64 and Hwy 6011 (3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 -5 1 7 9 RECRUITING FOR: Material Handlers Assemblers Production Workers Forklift Operators . The first 50 people to apply and mention this flyer will receive a freo glftl Job Locations In: Mocksville Clemmons Winston-Salem Applications Accepted Monday-Thursday 9am-l lam or lpm-3pm 300 s. Main Street Mocksville Comer of Hwy 64 and Hwy 601 ***8ring 2 forms of Identification to apply*** DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,Thursdny,.July 15, 2004 - OilGLASS]MEXBENSIVE p b o f ix a b l b Land For Sale Mobile Home/Sale RV/Motor Home Service 1.12 ACRES W/DRIVEWAY and septic system, Jamestown Dr., Mocksvilie. $16,400 655-3147 or 492-7309. STICK BUILT HOMES orrobiie home lots for sale. 998-5816, 284-2653____________________ Lawn Care LAWN MOWING, YARD work & clean up. Mark Parchment. 492- 7671.________________________ Lost & Found FOUND: SMALL MALE dog In Jockey Inlernallonal Caii & indentify. 336-463-2201. MISSING BLACK/WHITE Sibe- rian Huskey, Fork BIxby area. Contact 940-4299____________ Lots For Rent SHADY ACRES MOBILE Home Park, John Crotts Road, Hwy 64E, Mocksvllle. Two Mobile home spaces are avaiiabie, up to 80 leel, new or used. Call 998- 8276 or 998-6222.____________ Miscellaneous 445 JOHN DEERE lawn mower, 22HP waler cooled engine, 54 In cul w/Peco vacuum, dumps from the seat. Please call after 6:30pm, 998-2312, 998-3177, 998-3479, 998-5128 FOR SALE-MAYTAG washer, good condition. Love Seal, very good condition $125,00 for boln of them. Need lo move. 336-463- 2556 LINDA'S PERENNIALS 898 Junction Rd. A variety of Shade & Sun loving planis 336-492-5855 SIMCO 15" WESTERN saddle.. Call 284-2553. SOFA $45, FREEZER $35, ac- cordlon $95, night stand $5, set ol golf clubs $50 & art wori< 998-6187. SPACE FOR RENT in old hay shed, 70x32. $150.00/month. 492-6540.____________________ Mobile Home/Rent 2BR, 1BA, MOBILE home for rent, 801S, $325/monlh. 336-406-1981 2BR, 1BA, PRIVATE lot, all ap- pliances furnished, no pets, 158 East, 3.5 miles, 1 person. 751- 4299 2BR, 2BA, C/A, storage building on private lot. 492-2807 2BR, 2BA, MOBILE home, cen- tral air, electric heat, good condi­ tion. $470/mo includes lot rent. No smoking, no pets. 336-779- 2054. 2BR, 2BA, PRIVATE lot, $350/ mo, $350 deposit, 492-5263 3BEDFl6oM, 11/2 bath on a ^ vale lot. $475/month and $475.00 deposit. No Pets, No HUD. 336- 492-7082 1999, 28X80, 4BR, Oakwood repo., set up In park, excellent condition $29,500.00 423-323- 2055 or 423-677-5841 CAPE COD, 2 slory true off frame modular, $69,995.00 Phone 1- 877-283-4344 CUSTOMER ORDERED HOME Came with wrong colors Pets FURNISHED 2BR MOBILE home on private lot, no pets, 3 people limit, deposit & rent, ref­ erences. Call for appointment & details. 336-284-4758. GET HOOK, ROUND & tape­ worms. Rotate Happy Jack tape­ worm lablels and Liqul- Vicl.....Davie Farm Sen/ice 751- 5021 READY TO MOVE In furnished, aii utlillles, upstairs, $550/mo. 336-751-1218. MICE FOR SALE for pets or feeders. Caii 492-7947 anytime ESTATE AUCTION SAT. • lULY 17 • 10:АМ IIU |U V » W |||Ъ I-W.IIHIV V /I 1TII« »IV»«» Mrs. Jo Ann Trent (Moved To A.ssbtc<l LIvlny) 1010 Darwid: Rd., ^^^nstim-Saiem UmXmnNS: take IIWY I» ЯНЯИ Il’iniin.S CRl;fK I’KWYI TO Till-: IMVinsON raUhrrY I.JNElUKNHIOirromo()M).SAI.ISmJKYROAnAnilliTOAmcl.lCilrr.C»AI1'HOX.IMII.mOIMRWirK ii(Mt) & TtinN иет, sAi .i: IS OS TI ii: i ,i :rr. look roii our skins!FLIINrrUIIKl OAK S’R I'llACK tUl’OTAW) • OAK HAU' A IIAl.l' W/ I'AOI.H A Al'II.IEI) CARVINOS - OAK SLAW nuiw LAllUiS ЦГЖ- ! OAK WASIISTANDS -0,\K SliKl'IWlNi; DlinS-SI-R W MIIIROR- ОЛК CHl-ST or DRAWEiiS W/ PAW ГМП' - OAK DININO TAIiLE Wl I’AW П'ТГТ - ft OAK l'RISSI-1) HACK a lAIRS - OAK SAWmrK ГАНГЕ - OAK DRE.«!'« - OAK CIOTER TAIll.ES - 3 K' OAK HR .Slini; (NEW) - IRON urn W/IIRASS ACC’ENrS - MAllOilANY UESK - ROCKINQ CHAIRS - CEriAH СИЕ.ЧТ - •S-l RAIfiirr HACK CHAIRS - I1CNIC TAIILE LAVVN HI:NCII - OAK I1.A1WAKE 1ЮХ - HAHV Л IX)I I. (■OLU:ciilll.LS: OVER И,(м«1 HASEIIALI. & SmRr CARDS St REU IEI) ГП’ЛВ - WAl.lllAM IS JEWEL LADIES (K)LD КЮКЕГ WAICII • MI.XINO HOWl-S (Hl.lJE & WHITE SAlT4iL,\Zli WATE IITITERY AiniE. ra.lin RINO i EIRE KINO )ЛППТ; SWIRI.) - A1 ANIA.S-11C 0)1.1 ECflON И' OVI-H I» HOS»VN ■lEHRIER I lflURINIiS INCLUDINO MLY CAST IRON IXK)R SIOI'S. EARLY I’ULI, TOY. OLI) I’RIOTS IN OAK IRAMI-:. CASr IRON HANKS. OIALK ART, 10Г М1ГГА1.. IWER MACIIE. CLASS CANDY (OOTAINER, CAST IRON НШ'П.Е OPENER & MANY MORE - WISfERN ELECfRIC CANDI.kSna I'llONE ■ 1И1 CIX'A COU PIKCIL .SETS - Wlim’. HOUSE VINEGAR JUOS . I.IIDWIO LUNCII 1ЮХ - roi'EVE il Plllll.ire «11W HANKS - HAW-S coumv S-rORi; IAK - Ol.n WllliAT I'UNNir-S & use. COIN sins - Ц MOUCL A Wl lEELS - lOM C|j\RK ONOME "DAVliY ALLISON" -1 RXiE STAMP AI.HUM -MonELCARSATKUCKSINTlllim.X-l'ORCEUINCIXIWNS-JrKSCRAl’HOOK-CA.SriRONl'Or* l',\NS - OLD RADIO TUnia -aiSrUME JEWEI.RY(STi;RLINO ft Rl IINEATONEI^ILSCl Zliiril nV-nilANU NEW DIOrrALCAMERA. DIRT DEVII.UPRiairr VMimM-MKIIOWAVU- Bi;rRl«l\llA10R - SlNCiEH lORTAllLF. SllWINQ MACHINE - IWER SlWt.DDf.R - ¡AMI'S - t'lTClIF« APPLIANCES • CROCHETIB Al OIIANS - 1ЮХ1Я OF YARN - IIUNDIIEDS Of HOOKS (ROMANCE NOVEI4 CIVIL WAH, inc.) - BASKET MAKING SUPI'I.IILS - CHRLSTMAS pCttlR - LINENS - |КЛ5 Л l'ANS-lDPPERWARE-lllSIIES-C00K№KS-SILKI1,0WERS-irrC.......1 (H)l.Si WIZAKD RIDINO MOWER (I I HPM " cun - 2 PUSH MOWERS - MULC HER - Wl lEEI. HARROW -llANDiOAHDENTOOl.S-Ul'C. , ,, , , <U ravt lii.n 1.4« Ч li i!i SiiLwI!' AIX1IILM4I |ЦШ1«’11»0ИК1’КНЖ10КАиП1М1 :|IAV(H SAII •(t»N(LSSH*W.A\AiUIIII.AIl.ANNf)«IN(U«NIS UAY()» SAIIi MU1 K.SIJ)i; Al l IHINn.D ММГЛ1А1. •». LLC »ТМЕ ESTATE SETTLEM ENT PRO FESSIO N A LS’’ANTIQUE$.CCX,LECTIOLES-FARM MACHINERY^REAL ESTATEOUSINESS LIQUIDATIONSwww.teinbachauctlons.com ж тллс N.c.A.L.«ea7i, n.c.a.po..«esse,336-764-514D N.0,R.E.L. » IMMO. N.0.R.E.B.L. #100022 1999 JAYCO EAGLE travel trailer, 26ft, sleeps 5, like new. Cali after 5pm. 998-8657 Service Please call 336-767-0240 DISPLAY SALEI ONLY one In slock at this price. 3BR, 2BA, 1,568 sq. tt. $43,300 phone 1-877-283-4344 EASY TO OWNI New 3 & 4 BR homes located In Troutman area. Beautiful wooded lots and private roads. If interested please call 800-203-5911 ExL 201 for Sandy or 800-243-2231 Ext. 139 for Jill. LAND/HOME PACKAGE, IREDELL Co. area. Ready lo oc- cupyl $89,995. Phone 1-877- 283-4344 LiMlTED TIME $250 down land/home packages 3BR, $425 per month good, bad or no credit all applications wlli be submitted 704-883-7706 MOBILE HOME FOR sale on rented lot In 601 Mobile Home Court, 2BR, 2BA, large porch. Cali 336-492-7968. MOBILE HOME IN Farminglon Heights jusl off 1-40, clean quiet community. This 2BR, 1 BA home is very affordable al $12,800. Call 998-2151. NICE 1500-1800 sq. ft, homes ready to move In. Landscaped and lurnlshed. Easy access to In­ terstate 77. 4-5 miles from Mooresville. Call Sandy at 800- 203-5911 ext. 201 or Jill at 800- 243-2231 ext. 139. ONE CALL DOES II aii no credit, bad credit government financing available on land home packages tor quick pre-approval call 704-878-0147 RENT TO OWN ■ 2002 2BR, 2BA PLEASE CALL 336-767-0207 STOP PAYING RENTl Own your own home for no more lhan rent, payments. 3 homes lo choose from. These homes are available •noWI'Completeand p'dwer Is.on, Call today Sandy al 800-203- 5911 ext. 201 or Jill at 800-243- 2231._______________________ Music PIANO TUNING repair, regulate, rebuilding, work guaranleed W. Barford 336-998-2789 WURLITZER SPINET PIANO, cherry finish, greal condition. $500 998-8435. _______ A TO Z Masonry Specializing in Small Jobs: Porches, Steps, Underpinnings and much morel Zach Hartman (336)692-7715 CLEANING...would you like the day olf? Call us today (or house cleaning...References... bonded...call Stephanie 940- 3653. FACIALS AND MILD chemical peeis-New client special-$45. Featuring DeClevr’ products for all you sion care needs. Advance (336)413-4500 LINK’S SEAMLESS GUTTER- ING Richard LInk-Owner Free Estimates 998-1798 TOMBERLIN'S LAWN CARE & Handyman Services. Ail types of lawncare and handyman ser­ vices, mowing and weedeating, bushhogging & trimming trees and busnes, plugging, seeding, fertilizing, leaf removal, mulching, pine needles. Call Brent lor free estimate (residential and com­ mercial services) Home phone ........... 391-2266.492-5424 Mobile Travel GREENBRIAR BUNKER TOUR July 21 Includes tour of fallout sheller and lunch In bunker under Greenbriar Resort 336-945-9391 336-024-6461 gri 24 MULCH FOR SALE-can deliver iravel, up to 6 tons. 336-492- '41 leave message. NURSING SERVICES AVAIL- ABLE for Davle County. Experi­ enced register nurse-resume and reference on request. 413-4500 OSBORNE ELECTRIC for all your eleclrical needs Free Éstimates 751-3398 SNIDER'S LANDSCAPING & Lawn Service, LLC We Do llAlIl Mowing, trimming, bush- 3¡nq, plugging, tree & shrub planting & fertilizing, grass seeding & fertilizer application, soil preparation, micro-lrriga­ tlon, licensed pesticide applica­ tor, water garden inslallailon, retaining walls Spring & Fall Yard Clean-Up Qutler Cleaning Pine Needles Delivered & Spread $6,50/bale Call for Free Estimates Residential & Commercial Olflce (336) 492-2174 Cell (336) 409-0113 SUMMER POOL SPECIAL 16 X 32 Inground pool Includes: 8ft walk-ln step Hayward pump & filter Ladder . , .Winter cover 1! Cleaning SupplldS’Twr Completely Installed & Back Filled Ready for Decklaay fl $11,',000 Sea Breeze Pool Service 336-391-3525 THE PROTECTOR- Body Guard Service. 336-655-9725. Wanted C A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES, COLLECTABLES, OLD METAL TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE cm tothuf Bostick 33a-«92-5992 T p EXPERIENCE LIFE UNDER OUR ROOF _.pjsiaiauiiai^_Q eB .Q ,atuw itiEö______ productivity partnerships unparalleled opportunities lnpmlii|H«Ml> The good life just got a whole lot better. Tliat's because Lowe's offers EXCITEMEN'r, OPPORTUNITY and OWNERSHIP, nol to mention a unique culture ond a refreshing combination of benefits that Is considered one of the best packages In retail. Experience what It's like under our roof wilh one of the following outstanding fulltime opportunities; DISTRIBUTION TEAM MEMBERS Building & Shipping Departments These posltlons-start at $9.50 per hour plus a $.50 per iiour shift Incentive. We are cun-entiy hiring for night shift, 6:30pm • 5:00am. Shift is 10 hour nlghls and 4 nlghls per week. Overtime varies. Requirements Include: the ability to lift up to 701bs; 18 years of age or older; a stable work histoiy; and the ability to successfully pass a drug screening and criminal background check. Fori3lft experience Is preferred. For more Information about Lowe's Companies, Inc., or to apply on-line for dlstribullon opportunities, go lo www,loweB,oom/careBrs. To apply In person, Friday between 9:00amslop by anytime Monday ■ and 4:0000pm. Lowe's Distribution Center 711 Tomlin Mill Rd Statesville, NC Lowe's Is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to Diversity and Inclusion. Yard Sales Yard Sales Harrah's Cherokee Casino Trip Frl-Nlle July 23rd Sat-Day July 31sl Tri-Slate Dog Track & Casino Sal-DayAug 14lh EZ WAY TRAVEL LOCAL 998-4732 JOHN & EVELYN WYATT Vehicles 1996 NISSAN ALTIMA 105,000 miles, excellent condition, $4,200. 998-8435. 1996 ST BLAZER, while, auto- matic, 4 wheel drive, LT every opilon avaiiabie, $8200.00 firm. Excellent condition. 998-8948 1998 DODGE RAM 1500SLT, 4x4, LB, PW, PB, PM, towing package, am-fm cass, auto, chrome wheels, 30,900 miles, EC 284-2553 2002 GRAND CHEROKEE Laredo, steel blue, excellent con­ dition, all power options, $16,500. 336-998-1852. 2004 TOYOTA TACOMA SR 5, extra cab, aulo, bucket seats, cruise, keyless entry, low milage, $17,000. 998-8997 99 DAKOTA~SPORT, 4x4, 5 speed, AC, power. 998-6421 FORD AEROSTAR VAN, V-6, 7 passenger, 1990, 67,000 miles, extras, $2000. 751-2777, 704- 872-6442 '95 F1S0 XLT, 6 cylinder, runs & looks great, navy wllh silver, aulo, , ..air, .dvybL.ahprtbed, well .main­ tained, 2nd owner, won't last, $4500. firm, serious calls please, 336-413-4500. 20+ ACRES OF farmland In Davie or Rowan County w/year round water for single family home. 704-636-5205. 2 FAMILY YARD sale, Sal. July 17 from 8-1pm. Juney Beauchamp Rd., Advance. Girls clothing 4-5T, mens and womens clothing, toys, household Items, above ground pool Items. 3 FAMILY YARD sale, Saturday, July 17, 8am until...glris namebrand cloth­ ing (6X-10), shoes, accessories, games, books, full mattress set, i’rincesss House Home Decor, clothing for ail, Greal Pricesll Horn Oil Company parking lot (190 N Main St) Rain Cancels. 417 CORNATZER RD, Sat. 17th, 8-2 boys clothes & accessories, inlant-4T, lawn mower, etc. ADVANCE AREA, 2404 Hwy 801S,July16&17, Fri. 8-4, SaL 8-2. Kids clolhes (giris & boys) all sizes-seasons, bikes, computer games, miscellaneous. luly 17, 266 Society Rd. 704-546-7141, old glassware, records, shoes, Jr,, Petite & regular size clothing, Christmas & home decos-furni- lure, pictures, quilt books. FRI & SAT 8am-12noon, 1688 County Line Rd, boys clothing (summer & winter), boys leans & dress pants (6,7,8,9,1(3,12 & 14), ladies clothing, sofa & chair and lamps. FRI. & SAT., 8-2, 169 Gun Club Rd. GARAGE SALE-SAT. July 17, 333 Cedar Creek Rd. Hydrostatic lawn tractor with Implements, lawn trailer, assorted hand tools. GARAGE SALE: 1424 County Home Road, 1 1/2 miles from Ingersoll Rand, Sat., July 17,7am unlll......computer desk, computer games, CD tower, childrens vid­ eos, fisher price loys, bookbags, power rangers, games, Ladies- Old Navy shirts-XL, baby items, brand name clothes, boys-slze 5- 7, girls size 10/12 to giris plus. Too many toys and other liems to list. HUGE YARD SALE-7/17, 8:00- 1:00 al 3928 Wyo Rd al Taber­ nacle behind the church, tools, household, fumiture, dolls, baked goods, etc. Don't missi JULY 16, 8AM-12pm & July 17 7am-12pm. 149 Arbor Hill Ave., Mocksvilie (Forest Glen Develop-. ment, oil Sain I=td). Appliances, books, Christmas decorations, clothing, craft supplies, home accessories, hand-crafled Jew­ elry and much more. MOVING SALE-dlnIng room suite, bedroom stille, lawn equip­ ment, etc. 940-5065 leave mes­ sage. MOVING SALE-FRIDAY only Oam-2pm, 4209 Hwy 158, Ad­ vance. Living room set, king size bed, riding mower, dresser, household Items, miscellaneous. MOVING SALE: JULY 16-17^ 8:00am-3;00pm. Furniture, dishes, clothes, tools. All must gol 120 Fork Bixby Rd. MULTI-FAMILY YARD sale, Sat- urday, July 17 (8:00), 646 Un­ derpass Fid, Advance, gas grill, hutch, excerclse equipment and more. ONLY A DOLLAR Dollar Dreams & More 854 Valley Rd, Suite 500 Mocksville, NC 27028 336-753-8997 beside Ketchie Creek Bakery A dollar variely and gift store. Hours: Tues-Fri 10-6, Sat 10-4 SAT. 8:00-12:00,1334 Hwy 64W. Baby Items, maternity clothes, kid clothes and toys, housewares. SAT. JULY 17, 7am untii...1148 Caiahain Rd., clothes, kids clothes, toys & other miscella­ neous. SAT., 7-11, 139 Leslie Ct. In Creekwood. Furniture, clothing, dishes, miscellaneous TRADING POST-601/801/ Greasy Corner. Open Fri, & Sal, 10-5. Buy, sell, trade. Will buy whole or partial estaies. Also, buying timber. Caii 284-4302. YARD SALE rain or shine), July 17th, 8am -l2pm , 159 East Maple, Mocksvllle, furnllure, golf­ ing equipment and much more... YARD SALE, JULY 17,8-12pm, 269 Walt Wilson Rd„ double bed, go-cart, toys, books, space heater 150000 btu and more. YARD SALE Sat. July 17-7am-Noon 734 Wooodwaid Rd., Mocksviiio (HwyeotNtoCnnaRd) Bunk Bed, Clotos, Household Itoms, Lots ol Misc. Horns •RalnorShino- Multi-Dealer Y A R D S A L E S a t . , 9 4 1 1 4 Antiques, Houselioltl, Oltl Tools, Adirondack & Yard Furniture, Collectibles, Tonica Toys, BIG load from PA! A H T IV IIiS 2i0Hwy.90i 1/4 Mile From Hwy. 64 W 336 492-2834 Vendor Space Available w w w .yorkauctlon.com A 'NOIUm'IMIMIUN ' UCTION S a t u r d a y , J u l y 1 7 1 0 a , m , for M e b an e C . H enderson — estate (deceased) ' West Hpustonviile Rd / . J H a r m o n V i M .C . ' from HofmoiW, N.C. take Hwy: 21.North for? |/2 mllçi. ilicii Left on AC Tractor moJJ D w/culli. (restored) 1982 Buick Riviera (clean, 1 owner, load«], +/-IIO,ООО miles, kept inside} 600SiJfi Cujwm Ыт1 Mow« (fciiofcdl ** Troy*Oilt Tillff (Pony, 5 hp, clecl. Jtin) '* Troy-Bill Sicklc Moucf (Trail Hli/ff, tifci. juit, uiftJ v<ry liiile) '* 7ih.7llligeToo! '*6 fluihllog *• m<ul Сту'АП, 3 pt fi." Angle ПЫг '• Dirt Pin ** IIjitow, ) pi. h. •• Potato Plow •' Doom Pole '* Sean Puiii Mower *♦ 36 Aeraiof, pull lype " Aeraiof'Fert. Spfeidcf, pull lype *' 36 Fert. Spfcadef, pull lype •• Pfcciilon OirJen Seeder ** llorjc Drawn Com Plmiei •• 2 PuJh Cunien Plowi *• Com Stitllfr (re«orcd) Injerwll-Rind 2 hp Ail Compiciwf •• Sean Drill Preu (15,12 »p., w/iwiveMili table) '• Sean 6_ Joinler w meul " Sean RiJtil Arm S«w, 2.) hp. w/metil iiard" Sean 10 Table Saw w/<luu caicher" Sein 12 \^ood Lalbe w/metal »land" Scon 18 Scroll Saw ** Sean Rouiei Table Sean 6 Bell Table Sander w'nrul uind" Ryobi Orbii Sanier Tibk'*SewScrullSaw*»2HeiilIiufrmgJiPoMing Table *'Miniaiiire bihe»M i30 Dell Table SiuVi Sean DiKuil Joinler" Ryobi Cordleii Drill '* I Ton Hoor Jack •' [knile Jack ** 4 Columbian Vise ** lilecl, IM Power Tool) (4 lide irioder, b.d. drill, кгоН uwi, belt & hand mdert, drillt, reciprocaiing uw), circle lavt, rouier) •• 6 Hand Uiilli •• Pipe’i Hand Clampj» Saw VIm A Saw Sel •* Pipe Culler •• Drill Diu •• Dado A Saw Dlaib •* SUfTtll Gauge •' Doveuil Hirnluw (England)" СЫ«1 ii Scrspen Laihe Knives (Sianley A Sean) •• Rooter Ditl *• Caning Kniveililect & Manuel Wood Bender 4 Jaw Wood Uihe Chuck •• Letler Siamp Sew " new Drawing Knife» Wood Working Suppl'iei *» »and Ш ElecL Glue Pot •• 2 Ton Соше-А-Ьп^ (new) *• bg Chaini" Glue UpFnme ViK '* imyofFikt, Sharpening Toob, Druihet, A Sanduig Paper Anvil(USA) A Prtt ** llUckimilh Tooli *' 2 Miniaiure Anvils" old Wrtnclw A Hand Tooli (rcnored)" old Trader Tooli (reHoceil)" liand Augen *' Spoke Shaw •• Froei '* 1Ы S<)thei '• 2 Wuh Hoard$ •• hand Tobacco Sulk Culler ♦* Shoe Uiti • • lleel Uaiher Culler • • licewe PUies •» 2 Apple Peelen Old Spool Single N *' Шггс! Sofa A Chair *' Sewing Mach. Table w/nuible top" Wood lleiier ** Ока Schmide Auto Harp mod « •' Conn Вгш Trumpet '• Modem Hone Sewing Mach. •' old Drau Honii " Candy Lamp Containen •• McCoy Planten Iron I>iteb Oven Ironware '• Tob. A Diking Powder AJv, Tiiu •* elecl. Coca CoU Clock (rrp.) *' Co/Tec Grinder (rep.) *' 42 pc. Pfalwgnpf Remembrance " 38 pc. Cele^le China *' Aloha Stoneware " Glaiiwve •• Duller Diih •• Bottlei" ChiU $ PoolTableItlf. Hmlerson Htn щ pcriicular mi akosi j e\xry 11Ш u dm i ir in grmi to mini ctrnJiiit»). not rcipomlble for iccldtnti *** Hems sold is Is Many Olher lum *** Lunch AmUle *** Restroom YORK AUCTIO]V & REALTY 356 Fox Hunter Rd., Harmony, N.C. 28634 704-546-2696 o r 704-929-9311 ccU _____________ncal #74'*'**s1iicc 1935_____________ ,1 ' D12 - UAVIK COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Thursdny, July 15,2004Davie Dateline F u n d r a i s e r s Saturday, July 17 Yard Saic.al riiirficid Bapl. Churcli, 601 South, insiilc. Saturday, July 24 llamburgcrs, Holdogs, llomcnindc Icc Cream, ul Slicrflcld-Caliihnln Comiii. Clr„ 4:30-7:30 p.m. Takc- 0UI.4 available, donulions uccepled. Ongoing Cooleemee Civlluns UdQ Chickcn, cach 3rd Snt, of month nt Cooleemec Hardware Store. Serving 1/2 chickcn, baked beans, BBQ slaw, roll, and dessert. Time: 11 a.m. until sold oul. Come carly, only prepare 120 hnlvc.s cach monlh. R e u n i o n s Sunday, July 18 McCullouRh Kcunlan, I p.m.. nl Turrentlne Church Fcllow.ship llidl, covcrcddish. Bring pholos/momenlos. Questions: 751-2986. R e li g i o n Thm Friday, July 16 Vncnilon Bible Scho<ii, nl Advance UMC, 6:30-8:30 p.m», 4 years lo adults, locniion; 801 S, corner of Fire Slalion Rd, nl niilrond trucks. Tlicme: "Hero Quest". Come let us look for hcuws in Ihc Bible. Sunday, July 18 Annual Missionary Day, nt Cedar Creek Missionary Bapt, Chureh, be­ gins 4 p,ni, Gue.st spenker Pnslor Beverly Wesl. Public invited, Sun.-Thur., July 18-22 Vacation Illlitc School, nt Pirst Pres. Church & Holy Cro.ss Lutheran Church, 261 S, Mnin St., cook-oul nnd covcncd dish Sun, 5 p.m, followed by program й p.m.-8:15 p.m. Mon- liiurs. dinner nl 5:30 followed by program 6-8:15 p.m. Tlicnic: “Settle the Last Frontier". Info: 751-2507 or 751-5419, Ongoing rrc.sciiool/l’iircnls Mornlnu Out, Bethlehem United Mclh. Time: 9 n,m,-noon. Ages I & 2 • M.W orT, Th, Age 3 - M,T,Th. Age 4 & I’rc- K - Ihree or four dnys per week. Cnll ЧЧ8-6820. I’rc.4cll0ul/l'flrcilts MornlllK Out, Center United Melh., Ages 2, Thurs.: Ages 3 Mon,, Wed.: Ages 4 Mon., Wed.,Tliurs.Cnll940-3753or492- 5735,8:30-11:30 n.m. Before School Prn)>runi fnrShudy Grove Students, available Mon.- Fri. beginning 6 n.m. nt Advance UMC Community Bidg. School bus arrives 8 n.m. lo lnke children lo Shndy Grove Elementary. Call 998- 0199 for fees nnd info. Awana & lllble Sludy, Wednes­ days nl 7 p.m., Hope Baplist Taber­ nacle, ИсГоге School Program, Advancc UMC Bidg, N,C, 801 S. for Shndy Grove students, drop off 6 a,m„ school bus pick-up 8 a,m. Registra­ tion required.Call 998-0199 for info. Lighthouse Scrvice, Thursdnys, 7:30 p.m., Bethlehem UMC. 321 Redland Rd„ Advance, 998-5083, S p e d a l E v e n t s Every Friday Night Jam Scffllons.niShcffieldMusic Hnll, cnll 492-7417 for Info, Sunday, Aug. 1 What The Reverend Don’l Know, presented by NAACP, 4 p.m., n piny ndaptcd for stnge full of Inughler. dnmia.nnd spirit-rdlcd. Al Brock Per­ forming Arts Cenler. N. Muin Street. Mocksvillc.Tickcl.s:lnAdvnnce$l2. groups of 10 or more; $10, at the door $15. Now Thru Aug. 31 Exhibit, nl The Communily Founda­ tion of Davie Counly Office, 194 Wilkesboro St„ wulcrcolors by locul urtist Sue Boggs, Contnct Comm. Foundntion for hours: 753-6903. Friday, July 9 Jammln’ 0« The Square, 6-9 p.m. downtown Mocksville. Bobby Wood & Friends, bluegrass/country, Saturday, July 17 Summer Picnic, Ihe Autism Society of N.C. Dnvie Chnplcr, nl Belhlehem UMC, a great wny lo get lo know one another nnd hnve children internet. Fvcry fumily needs to bring covercd dish & drink. Hope lo sec you Iherc. Info; 998-3764 or 492-7(X)l. Friday, Juiy 23 Jammln’ On The Square, 6-9 p.m. downtown Mocksville. Danny Cnsstcvcns Л Co. Friday, Aug, 6 Jammln* On The Square, 6-9 p.m. downtown Mocksvillc. Promise Breakcis, rhythm & blues, Friday, Aug, 20 Jammln' On The Square, 6-9 p.m, downlown Mocksville, Joe Phillips, Bobby & Mike (from 'Open Mic') D a t e s to R e m e m b e r Monday, July 19 Cruise In, Main Si, in downtown Mocksville, 6-9 p.m,, 50/50 drawing held each time, and DJ plays favorite music. Sponsored by Piedmont Clas­ sic CARS Club, Davie Rcscue Squad Free Heallh Class,atnewfacilityonCountyHomc Rd,S»imming Pool nnd WnterSnfety, 7-9 p,m. Monday, Aug. 2 Cruise In, Mnin St, In downtown Mocksville, 6-9 p.m„ 50/50 drawing held cnch time, nnd DJ pinys fnvorite music. Sponsored by Piedmont Clns- sic CARS Club, Monday, Aug. 16 Crubc In, Mnin St, in downlown Moeksvlllc, 6-9 p.m., 50/50 drawing held each time, nnd DJ plays fnvorite music. Sponsored by Piedmont Clas­sic CARS Club, Monday, Aug. 30 Dnvic Rescue Squud Free Heallh Clnss,al new facility on County Homo Rd. Signs & Symptoms of Heart At­ tack & Stroke, 7-9 p.m. Ongoing visit Cooleemcc's Mill Village Mu- .wuni, l4ChurchSt..Tues,&T1iurs,.9 a,m.-noon, Sals,, 11 n,m.-2 p.m. Tours also available by nppl. Cnll 294-6040, Sloryllmcs, nl Davie Co, Library. Mondnys 7 p.m, Fnmily Sloiyliine &/ or special program, Tues, 11 a.m. Toddler Time (stories, songs & fun forages l-3).Thuis. lOa.m.Stoiyhou for 3-5's. Fridays 11 a.m. Fridny free- for-all. everyone welcome. Programs free & open to everyone, Klchard Burr Ho№ Oflice Hours In l)uvle,2ndTliurs.ofevery month. 9 u.m. til 4 p.m„ Mocksvillc Town Hnll Building, S|Kclal Olympic.^ of Davlc Counly, play aclivics & fun nitc, Wedncsduys ut Brock Bidg. Play nctivities 6-7 p.m. Fun Nile 7-8:31) p.m. Open lo nil per- Ф-1 The race for S^ate Auditor doesn't attract a lot of attention. It does impact yeur poekitbook. More than any other elected official, the State Auditor has the opportunity to fundamentally change the way state government spends your money. Vste f©i Lsslis Mfjritt, Gfk in the M y 10 E@puBueaa fnmary. T h e T a x p a y e r s ' W a t c h d o g L e s lie M e r r it t — A P ro v e n C o n s e rv a tiv e • Former Wake County Commissioner; led the fight to cut taxes by 17% while improving critical services. • Endorsed by five former State Chairmen of the N.C. Republican' Party and by numerous Republican elected officials. V o te f o r L e s lie M e r r i t t , C P A i n t h e J u ly 2 0 R e p u b lic a n P r im a r y . M E R R IT TState Auditor Paid for by the Les Merritt Committee / 919-828-3600 - www.LesMerritt.com sons wilh disabilities & their families. M e e t i n g s Monday, July 26 NAACP, 7 p,m„ at New Jerusalem Holiness Church, Campbell Rond. Ongoing Humane Socicly of Duvic Co., monthly meetings 2nd Tues. of each monlh. nt office 'yndkinville Rd. be­ hind car wa,sh. 751-5214, Davie County Diabetes Support Group, lust Tliurs, of every month, 7- 8;30p.m.,ntDavieCo,Public Library Smnll Conference Room. Info: 751- 8700, R e c r e a t i o n Formore informhtion on these events, cull 751-2325, Tuesday, July 27 Lake Norman Cruise, $25 per person, includes ndmisslon & trniisporlulion. Lunch on your own after cruise, then shopping. Line Dancing Fnrmlngton.Communlly Center, Ev­ ery Tuesday, Coiit: $2, Instruclors: Steve&Llnda llulley, Formore info. call75l.38|)8,' :-': ;^',::, QbodTlmèrsSqùireDance Dnnce Lessons $5 per month. Volun­ teers for different soclul events, Con­ tact Ethel nt 998-3837. Senior Walking Program Seniors, 50 nnd up. M-F, 6:30-9 n.m. No chnrgc. Incentive breukfast held quatlely. Register now ul Rec, Dept, or Sr. Services, The Dance Company Mon., Tues,, Wed,, & Sal, Cnll Emily Robertson,998-5163, Horse Camp $185 per ciiiid (8-15 yni. old) per week. 7:30 n.ni.-5;30 p.m„ Mon,-Fri. Riding inslruclion, equine cnrc. horse fncls, crafis, projects; & field trips. Plus swimming if wenther permits. Beginners: 7/12-16: Intermediates 7/ 5-9.AdvnnccdÆeglnner7/19-23.Call 751 -2325 for info and régistration, CompetifiohCheerleading $25 registration und $45 mo, for 2 times per week. Cnll Wendy Shoe- muker 284-6300. U6-U12 Soccer Registering in Aug, $35 included Tshirt, DavieGymnastics Academy Cnll I leidi Ogle 998-1742 for info'. Tennis Leagues nvallnble for men, women.co-ed.jun- iors.Call Sandra for info, Basic Cake Decorating Available Sept. Cnll for delnils. Big Sweep Help clenn local rivers nnd streums, Cnll Mike Onmer for info. Comm. Clean-Up Day At Ihe RlverPark nl Cooleemee Fulls. 4lh St. of cnch month, 8 n.m. until. Cnll Bill Gibson 284-4774 or Rec. Dept, for more ihfo. Shelter Rentals Available nt Rich Pnrk and RlverPark nt Cooleemee Fulls, Cull 751-2325 to mnke reservations, Davie Youth Council Ages 13 lo graduation, meet at Rec. Dcpl. 2nd nnd 4th Tues. nights euch months.CallEmily751-2325 for info. Battle of the Bands 1st Snt, in Sept, Bunds und sponsors mny call 751-2325 for info. Spon­sored by Davie Youth Council lo ben­ efit youth of Davlc Co, Special Olympics Fun Nlte Wednesdays ill Rec, Dept, 7-8:30 p.m. Open Ip athletes, ihcir rnmilles, nnd volunteetis,'' ' I ■ ' ‘ ' Special Friends Dance Van Monthly Fri,nlghtdnncein Lewisville, Open to ndults with dovclopmcnini delays, Reservations required for transportntion, call Knthic 751-2325 by Tliursdnys. Vnn leuves Rec, Dept. 6:30p.m,nndlnlersecllonofN.C,801 &U.S,158al6:45p,m. Y M C A For more information, call 751-9622 or visit Davlc Family 'VMCA. Water Exercise Class For beginners and Ihe experienced. Ail ngcs. Cnll for clnss types & times. Swim Lessons Choo.se fnmi 4 wk„ Snt. moniing or privute lessons, Reg, begins 2 wks, prior lo clnss, Cnll for clu.ss times. Karate-Carucado Style Tuesdnys, 7-8:45 p.m. Ages 7 & up. Tae Kwon Do Ages 6 iSt up. Meel Tues. & Thurs., 6:00,6:45 p,m. Sunshine Club For all older uctive i|duils, Fun, fel­ lowship, good news, Wc do molhly pot luck luncheons wilh a spenker. Costs 10 members/$20 non-members. Family Night July 9tli. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Trcut your fnmily lo evening ut Y huving dinner, pinyinggnnics.swinmiing.ond more. Cost $2 per person (5 and under free). Summer Day Camp We offer full day childcare for chil­ dren 5-12. Call frani desk for delnils. S e n i o r s Ail Senior Activities lnke pluce nt Davie CounlySeniorScrviccslocatcd in the Brock Building on North Main Strcel. Mocksville unless otherwise noted. Call 751'-0611. Ongoing Sr. Lunehbox, M.T.W . 11:30 a.m., Th,&Fri„ 11 n,m.,lunchscrveddaily. Silver Health Excrcl.scs, East Room ofSeniorServiccs,M,W,F,8:30n,m. Quilllng,evcryMonday,IOa.m.,Eust Room.Scrabblc,every Monday, 1 p.m„Crafl Room,Bridge,Tuesdnys lp.m; & Fridays2 p.m.. Easl Room. ^ SKIPBO, Wednesdays, 1:30 p,m„ Bust Room. . \Scrnpbimklng. 2nd Tuesday, 2 p.m. Paint Class, Wednesday s. 8:301\ ., Craft Room. \ Dr. Dunn, Podlntrl.sl,nt Sr, Service.s', every three weeks on Monday, 8:30 u.m., Cruft Room, Free Bloud Pressure Chcck!i,once n monlh, nt 10:45 a.m. in ihc Nutrition Site, Sr. Choru.4,Tliursdays, 10 u.m.. Enst Room, Tni Chi Classes, Tue.sdiiys. 10-11 a.m., Nnture’s Gifts.Cluss siu lim­ ited, cull Sr. Services 111751-0611 lo pre-register. Every Thursday Crafty Ladies, nctivily nt Sr. Ser­ vices, 10 n.m.-12 noon, in the Craft Room. Cull 751-0611 for more info. Stiver Ileulll) Excrclscs, 10 u.m., nl MockPluce.401 N,MuinStrcct,Open to nny senior, Ч \ Report Davie Datel(^ne Items By Noon Monday Items Гог Davie Dateline should be reportcil by noon Monday ofthe pub- llcallon week; Cnll 751-2120 or drop il by Ihe oflice. at S, Main St. across from Ihe coutlhnuse. After we build it, we’ll help you furnish it. Kissdt How would you like a free room of Bassett® furniture for your new home? When you sign a contract by August 15th w ith us you can choose a beautiful bedroom, living room or dining room suite with a retail value of up to $7500, But don’t sit around on your old furniture thinking about your new furni­ ture for too long. This offer ends soon. A Division of Centex^Homes Statesville, NC Exit 154 off 1-40 704-872-898Q 800-714-2324 ext.2 www.WayneHomes.com t i i[0ШCWHIUHil-i ih m S Hnancing must bethrough CTX Mortgage. Wayne Homes Is a registered trademark oi Centex Corp. A N a t u r a l D a v ie M a n L e a r n s T a x id e r m y W o r k T o K e e p U p W it h H is H u n t in g H o b b y ___________________P a g e C 1 D A V I E C O U N T Y E NTE R P R I/^ E C OR D USPS .149-60 Nurhber28 Thursday, July 22, 2004 36 PAGES Election Results Close Linda Barnette, Carl Lambert On Ed Board By Mike Rnrniiardt Davlc County Enterprise Record Otii it good, oid-fitsiiioned log work. Linda Bamcttc tuugiit .scliool for some 30 year,s in Davie County, Slie, Iier lutsbnnd, son and friends went door to door, meeting tlie resi­ dents. She called tliem on tlie tele- piione, Tliat liard work paid off Tuesday as tlie M ocksville resident was elected lo llie Davie County Board of Education, leading tlie lickcl wilh 3,320 votes, or 27 percent of those cast. Also elected was Carl Lambert of Mocksville with 2,927, or24 per­ cent of the votes. Coming in a close third was Rick Bllis with 2,772 votes, followed by Debra Bfown Groce with 1,469, Helen Robertson with 1,116 and Mickey Ferrell with 7S6! ;,.,.4 ; ' Barnette sat wide-eyed Tuesday night as Ihe results were Hashed on a screen in the Davie County Court­ house, “I'm amazed and surprised and thrilled,” she said, "This is an'an­ swer to a prayer and a chance for Please See 2 Elcctcd - Page 8 Andrew Brock Re-Elected To NC Senate By Dwight Spurks Davie County Enterpise Record “Thank you, Davie County,” Sen. Andrew Brock said Tuesday night. An hour later, he was also thank­ ing Rowan County, which he also carried in his re-election bid, • His home county gave him a commanding 84 percent vote in his bid for a second term in tlie N,C. Senate, but he had to worry if it would be enough to win the night. With his 4,595 vote to 863 for Rowan challenger Gus Andrews, Brock had to wait for the results from the m uch more populous Rowan County. His face was beet red from sun­ burn after working polls from North Kannapolis to Salisbury to Davie County during the day. The trip paid off for hlmi. Rowan gave him a 3j07 l_lo 2,955 vote over Gus Andrewsrchlur ofTfie Rowan County commissioners and one of Andrews’ opponeiits in his Í2000 race. The total for both countics was 7,666 to 3,818. Brock’s district had been re­ drawn by the General Assembly, and he lost 'Vadkin County, which PIcusc See Brock - Page 8 Johnny Frye Tops Voting For Connmission By Mike Gunning Davie County Enterprise Record The Davie County Board of Commissioners will have at least two new faces after the November elections, after incumbent Ken White failed to get the necessary votes to hold his chair. W hite placed fourlh in a light race that saw newcomer Johnny Frye (2,649) holding a lead from wire to wire. Mocksvillc business­ man Tom Fleming will join Frye and incumbent Richard Poindexter in the general eltjction in Novem­ ber, where they will oppose Demo­ crat Tamma O ’Mara for the three open scats. Commissioner Dan Barrett va­ cated his seal to concentrate on his gubernatorial campaign. The polls closed at 7:30, and by ^7^38 Fr^io w as h d able eigfit point load oi”et |i'iemirig and Poindexter, with Lee Rollins, White and Daphne Frye trailing by 10 points after the ab.sentqe votes were tallied, Rollins rallied'to over­ take Poindexler for second placc, but a strong showing in the Cool­ eemee and Shady Grove districts pushed Poindexter back into a top Please See Frye - I’ugc 8 Julia Howard with son Abe and grandchildren Mason. 4, Perie, 7, and'Sydney, 10 after learning of her victory, > Photo by Robin Fergusson Julia Howard Wins Tight Race Over Frank IMitchell Woman Convicted Of Embezzlement; Mother’s Outburst Results In Contempt By .lackie Seaboll Davie County Enlcrprise Record Afler a day of testimony frotn the prosecution's side, a Davie woman was found guilly of embezzlement and given a suspended sentence, Renee Howell of Hickory Tree Road, M ocksville, appeared in Davie Superior Court last Tue.sday acconi|)anied by her lawyer, Rob Raisbeck. Howell was indictcd in March 2002 on a cliarge of embezzlctlieni. Her case was tried by jury and Judge Howard R. Greeson Jr, over­ saw the precedings. During the opening statement for the slate, Assistant Di.slrict Attorney Rob Taylor told the jury the case against Howell involved a great deal of paperwork, but witnesses' testi­ monies would show Howell em­ bezzled a check written jfor a Duke Power electric payment/of $ 132.29 on July 30,2001, / Please See Embezzlement - Page 8 By Dwight Spnrks Davie County Enterprise Record Rep, Julia Howard survived a nail-biting re-election bid Tuesday, defeating Rep. Frank Mitchell of Iredell, ' Davie County Republicans gavé Rep. Julia Howard a two-lo-one support in Tuesday’s’primUry elec­ tion, enough to survive a loss in Iredell. The unofficial vole for both counties was 3,865 for Howard, 3,280 for Mitchell, Bolh are incumbents, and the General Assembly redrew the dis­ tricts this year. Mitchell moved to a rental home he owns in Harmony lo claim residency in the di.slrict. He was upset that Howard had backed a co-speakership in the General As­ sembly this session, saying it hurt the Republican Party. Nasty and expensive, the race saw Mrs, Howard tai-geted for de­ feat by .several political action com­ mittees, and they spent heavily againsi her. Please Sec Julia ■ Page 8 L o u d A n d P ro u d : D avie M an W in s Hollerin’ C ontest Kevin Jasper is scheduled to appear on The Late Show with David Letterman Sunday night. - Photo by Robin Fergusson By Mike Barnhardt Davie Counly Enterprise Record The sounds rolled across the hills below Pudding Ridge, melodic, loud, sad, happy and fun, A bit of yodeling mixed with sing­ song type cliants, even some “eefing and eifing” for a change, Kevin Jasper was hollerin,’ and for the firsl lime since he moved 10 the high ridge near Farmington, his neighbors could hear. It’s the way hollerin’ used to be. Neighbors, usually farmers, lived miles apart. They would holler lo communicate, Jasper knows, Wlien it conies lo liollerin', lie’s a chmnpion. Last month, for tlie second time, he became National Hollerin’ Champion at Spivey’s Corner, He’s scheduled to demon­ strate the art Monday night, July 26 on Lale Night With David Letterman, He’s already appeared on Ihe sliow, in 2000 when he was champion for tho first lime. For two other years, he got the trip to New York as a backup in case tlie champion couldn’t go on stage. Don’t expect to turn on the TV and see a redneck making noise. Hollerin’, lo Jasper, is an art - a folk art he has studied sincc 1997, He had seen Dan McLamb and his dog on The Johnny Carson show, "I wondered how did this guy frotn North Carolina get on TV,” Jasper said. He went to the library, and gol the name of Earnion Godwin, the founder of the hollerin’ contest, started in 1969 because Godwin saw the art being lost, “He told me about the hollerin’ CD, They had recorded a lol of the old-time hollerers from the early 70s. I listend to it and worked up a routine,” Jasper fir.st entered the contest in 1998, “I kept working it and tho next year I won second place, I started to learn to listen to and appreciate the expressive liollers.” ' Jasper, who sometimes sings at Smith Grove United Methodist Church, has a powerful voice. And ho practiced the yodeling teciinique. “People all over the world call their hogs and clogs in ... yçu use a high pitch so the animals can hear it,” he said. In the farming counlry around Sampson County, where Spivey’s Corner is located, farmers used the same technique to communi­ cate with Oiich other, Jasper said. . “Tiioy would get up in the morning and holler to their neiglibors.” They would holler hymns and other songs, some­ times adapting them to their , hollerin’technique. . “Basically, it is a folk art. That’s what I want to keep alive is that tradition. They were doing it for fun, but this meant something to them.” His favorite is a old-timey holler by Floyd Lee. “It’s really beautiful, kind of like a lament,” he said. Since June, Jasper has libliercd for a movie, one which starts at a hollerin’ contest. The movie is trying to Iretu hollerin’ as a folk art, as well, he said. Why Letterman? Contestiints ill the hollerin’ contest sign a waiver saying they PIcnsc See Man Hollers - Page 4 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 22,2004EditonalPage Outside Groups In The Mail... Try To Usurp Loyalty, Control We Will Be Judged By Our Own Choices ► Sure it wus ntisty, but the most disturbing uend of tliis political scu.son wa<in't the lies, distortions and mudslinging. Tliat has always been port of politics, even if it was delivered by the truckload this time. The most ominous change was the intrusion of state and national political action committees into local elections. These committees are trying to usurp candidates’ loyally to the voters and make them puppets of Iheir oi;ganizations. No longer are candidates admired for being independent-minded or adopting to a changing political landscape. Candidotes now have lo be cookie-cutter politicians, clones of tlie organizations that conlrol them. They are allowed to vole one way — or risk political death at the hands of oiganizalions far removed from their disUicls. Several groups bu.shwhacked Rep. Julia Howard of Mocksville in the Republican primary. One of them, an anti-lax group, also recruited candidates for Forsyth County commissioner lo sign ils no-lax pledge. Some did. Signing such a pledge is always dangerous. Il doesn’t allow for drastic changes in the economy, school bond referendums or other times when goverameni desperately needs money. Sometimes, Ihe public wants lo be taxed. Voters want govern­ ment lo provide services, and Ihey expect to pay. But Ihis anti-tax group doesn’t core aboul popular opinion. If an incumbent votes for any new tax or assessment — regardle.ss of size or purpose — he will find himself on a hit list in the next eleclion, and the committee will use a sophisticated media sword against him. Tlte groups do lilllc or nothing lo help a new candi­ date get elected. But the incumbents they tai:get arc Uvated like terrorists. Tlie groups give no consideration for the candidate’s history of .service, his chantcler or a past record of support. Selecting one vole oul of a Ihousiuid, the groups latget a candidate for a political death. Twisting Ihc truth, giving only a snippet of Ihe xsal picture and disguising the identity of the messenger, the groups assail the incumbent with a wilting, professional ad blitz lo ta r^ d feather Ihem with innuendos and lies. Citizens for a Sound Economy. Republican Legidative Majority Committee. Chizens for Prosperity, "1 feel like I’m running against aboul eight diffeicnt groups,” Mrs. Howard said. The comtnillce titles sound good, but who are they? And what is their real motivation?'’ ’ ------. Citizens for Prosperity has Libertarian Party rools. Citizens for a Sound Economy'Was angry about the General Assembly’s decision to extend a hulf-ceni sales tax for Iwo more years. The Republican Legislative Majority Commiltee was funded wilh $200,000 from former legislator Art Pope, a multimillionaire businessman. That money was used to flog Mrs. Howanl and her allies in a personal vendetta lhal hud nothing to do with her (|ualily of servicc, voting record or responsibility lo her district. ll wus Ihc sume wilh Ihe olher groups — none bf them were from the district, but all of them had big dollius lo influence elections and intimidate incumbents. “It hus been just brutal,” Mrs. Howard said Tuesday, ‘T ve never been involved in a race lhat became so personal. They attack your crcdibilily and honesty. Il has really been incredible.” She spent $5,000 in her first campaign for Stale House, and she had never had serious competition in recent elections. Tliis time, Mrs. Howiud said her campaign has exceeded $50,000, and her enemies spent much more. Hie General A.ssembly faced a billion dolliu- budget shortfall two years ugo. A sour economy had reduced revenue, and state governments ucross the country faced a revenue crisis. Tlie anti-tax crowd would have been happier if the legislature hnd closed schools, fired teachers, wildlife officers luid health inspectors, let the potholes grow wider and deeper, and abandon mainicniince of the slate parks. Tlie General Assembly didn't do thul. Cnll it a tax hike, cull it u tax extension — it was still the right thing to do. The groups’ shake-down tactics will drive away good potential candidates. Tliey huve multiplied the cost of local campaigns. But they don’t own a single vote. Voters can’t lei tliese committees hijack our politicians. Luwniukers first loynlty and allegiance must remain wilh llie voters. — Dwight Spurks D A V I E C O U N T Y USPS 149-160) 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (3.36) 751-2120 Published weekly by the Davie Publishing Co. Dwight Sparks.................................Editor/Publisher Robin Fergusson............................General Manager Mike Barnhardt................................Managing Editor Ray Tullerow...................................Advertising Director Brian PItls.........................................Sports Editor Mary Lynne Bayslnger..................Circulatlon/Classllled Mocksville Enterprise Davie Record Cooleemee Journal 1916-1958 1899-1958 1901-1971 Periodiculs Postage Paid in Mocksville, NC 27028 Subscription Rntes Single Copy, 50 Cents $20 Per Year In N.C., $25 Outside N.C. POSTMASTER Send Address Changes to; Oavie Couniy Enterprise Record P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 To the editor: I am responding lo the article written by Mr. Swede Jurgensen. Using the Bible, especially the fifth chapter of Romans, I find there that people moke choices thnt will offect their entire life. God placed Adorn and Eve in the garden where everything was perfect. There was only one condition, not to eat from Ihe tree of good and evil. They made the wrong choice and ate, as a result, they plunged all their posterity into sin. The Bible says as by one man sin entered inlo the worid, bul because of one man’s obedience, salvation wns made available lo all. You have heard much of Ihc passion of Christ lately. When Chrisl died on Ihe cross. He took my place for my sin, so I was faced with o decision. I chose Jesus Chrisl os my Saviour. You see, Swede, we arc all held accountable for making the right choice. You ore absolutely right in saying Ihnt clergy nre i-espon- sible for preaching nnd teaching the truth of the Bible. Many do not. The same Bible tells me that there nre wolves in sheep’s cloth­ ing lhal are out to kill and destroy. Tho Apostle Paul says that cach one preaching will be held accountable for whnl he tenches. Choiccs nre made every dny thnt dclcnnine our future. Satan will do every­ thing in his power to deceive and distort. The reason that the moral issue is in disarray is the apathy where­ by we, as citizens, mnke wrong choices. For too long we ns citizens have stood by and allowed those elected lo officc bring in nn agenda that hns nllowcd'the moral situation lo decline. Wc huve not held to n higher standard when we elect people who hnve been able to pass into law Ihings that have brought in abortion, teaching evolution, taking prayer out of schools, promoling alternative lifestyles which will lead to same sex marriage. We are all responsible for Ihis de­ cline. We need lo know where every candidate stands on Ihese is­ sues and vole to overturn Ihem. Yes, some clergy have contributed to this dcciine, which is noth­ ing new. They will be judged by a Holy and Rightous Ood. The Bible'leaches, Ihe grealer Ihe responsibility, the greater Ihe judg­ menl. We have two sons pastoring churches. They are seeing people being saved and lives completely changed. They arc making a great impact on their communities. Wc olso have a son-in-law and daughter leaching in a Bible School, training many who will be pastors and missionaries. They take their culling very seriously. They realize . they will stand before Ood and give an account for what they have loughl. II is important to know what Ihe Bible leaches. No one will be able to blame someone else on Ihut "day,” but will be judged on the basis of the choices we alone make. Jay Stroupe, Mocksville Humane Society Event A Success Political Mud-Slinging Disturbing To the editor: The Humane Society of Dnvie County sends a heartfelt thank you to Mark Roy for the generous support at the antique car show lield al Bi-Lo on June 12, We also want to express out gratitude to Ihe Boy Scout Troops 305 and 732 who collected donaiions of pet food and money ul Ihe door and who also held a bake sale to raise even morc money for the society. The fundraiser wns successful nnd Ihe humane society deeply appreciates everyone who gave his or her time and donations to muke ihis effort a succcss. Linda Hartle, Mocksville Secretary of the Humnne Society D a v i e H o s p it a l M e e t s N e e d s I'o the editor: On July 12,1 wcnt to Davie Hospilnl Urgent Care to havo a prob­ lem wilh my ankle cxnmined for whnl I ihoiighl may hnve been a fracture. 1 entered Ihe urgent cure unit at approximately 2:30 p.m. 1 did the required paper work; was called immediately and taken to X- ray to have my ankle examined. Within minutes. X-rays were taken and exum.incd by Dr. Jennifer Thill. lately explained to me os just a sprained m ankle support and sent on my way at The results wcre lmji' ankle. I was fitted wii« approximately 3:10 p.m. I want to give a big thnnk you to all Ihe staff in the urgent care unit for such prompt and courteous service. I could nol have asked for or received better carc. Servicc was outstanding in ail respects. The residents of Davie Couniy should be thankf^ul and proud lo have a fncility like the Dnvie County Hospital lhat is so readily avuilnble lo meet our needs. We should all give our complete sup­ port. John Cuudle Farmington The Truth Will Make You Free To the editor: The two men seeking to be president, both being enemies of each olher, ore wrong lo begin wilh and should be settled. 1 think I um safe to say, the Bible says the truth will make you free. I’m sure when It’s all over, ihere will be many voters with a larger bank sav­ ings than before. Sam Erwin came to Washington as a senator. 1 don’t know how many times he was elcclcd, but he asked for no money, his record wns all he needed, He worked for Ihe people and his counlry. I felt honored to have the same birthday, Sept. 27. One of our problems todny is the dress code of the young genera­ tion. It’s a shame, a disgrace, lo themselves and the older generation who lived a godly life and set a good example for everybody, 1 feel sorry for Ihe children, Ihcy did nol ask to come here and Ihey cer­ tainly deserve better. Being the mother of five, I know were of 1 speak. These children couldn’t have had a belter fulher nor 1 a bcllcr husband. We have 47 yenrs, 6 months, 4 dnys that 1 cun never forget, just thankful we had so much thul I will relive our mnny times. There were tears, lieart- nche and mnny prnyers thut Ood so kindly answered. I thank Him for it all. 1 can look at our children and see many years of joy of many years past. When old age takes over, look back and count your blessings of which we had our share, and more. Now we wail for lhal final call, when we don’t know, bul I’m nol afraid. Now that I have said my peace, I will close. I'm believing in whal I believe to be right. Sec Proverbs 15 - V. 3. The watchful eye. Thelmu Motley Mnuldin Mocksville ernews^flavie-eriterprise.Coiii/ G o t A n O p in io n ? Add your vote to our weekly online poll that asks questions affecting you and Davie County. Log on at www.enterprise-record.com and click on reader’s poll to cast your vote. Results will be listed tiere weekly. Should school students be required to wear uniforms? Log on now to cast your vote on the new/est question; www .enterprise-record.com Yes, 55% No, 45% To the editor: I have been a registered voter in Davie County for almost 30 years. I have never missed an opportunity lo vote in any election. I believe lhat it is of the utmost importance to vote for the person you feel the best qualified to be placed in that position, I have been disturbed by all of Ihe mud slinging, rock throwing and name calling by .several of the candidates in Ihis election, but most of all by Frank Mitchcll. There is absolutely no sane reason that anyone, for any reason, should resort to such junior high school antics. I do nol know Mrs. Howard very well, we are ucquoinlun- ces, and I have never thought lhat she was anything other than u very gracious, curing individual. I have much respect for her, and will, continue to huve much admiration for her. Even if I did not know of her, I ccrtainly would nol vote for anyone who spent so much time, energy, and money to fill my mailbox every dny wilh such malicious intent. Best wishes Mrs, Juliu Hownrd, And thnnk you for not spending your valuable lime and resources to refute whut everyone knows to be pure bull. Keith Hilton Mocksville Y e a r b o o k N o t T o R e m e m b e r | To the editor: Duvie High - you sure know how to make a yearbook thut a student doesn't want lo remember. Whnl kind of nuts do we hnve at Davie High putting together Ihe yearbook? My son, who graduated this year, doesn’t have a piclurc in Ihe yearbook al all, well maybe they have a picture of his eyes. I'm nol sure the eyes at Ihe bottom of a page are his or not. There is a picture of another boy that definitely Is not my son there at his name. Who checks to be sure everything is correct? One thing is sure that whoever did has made a senior yearbook for my son to remember since hia picture does not appear in it at all. I appreciate tha! yi^ refundcd his money, but that sure does nol make up for someone i ¿Ily dropping the ball. Oh, by Ihe way, he did graduate this year and I just received your prcregistration forms for Ihis upcoming year. I’m sorry lhat you will not be receiving Ihem Ihis year since he is going to college. Thanks lo you folks at Ihe Enterprise for al least putting his se­ nior picture in the newspaper. Luther White Mocksville > L e f f e / s W e l c o m e d ' iJ^TjejEiiterprise Record welcpines lellers from its read-; ^ ^ i^he letters may be on topics of local, state, national or (inioipat^onal jjssucs. An'effort will b^ made to print all letters, provided^theyi /are’iiot libelous; vulgar or in poor taste. The editor réserVes : theiightito edit letters for grammar and for spact:, ' ’ ;/ .^ll, letters should include the name and addresi; Of the ;wriier, including ti signature. A telephone numb.er; noti.to be published, is also requested, .1', Plcttse jhtwe letters in the newspaper offlcc no latei tl^an ’4 p.m, Monday of the week to be published. Davie Gountjr Enterpri.se Record P.O. Box, .99, Mocksvillo, or email to: C o r n a t z e r B a s e b a ll - 1 9 4 6 Members of the Cornatzer baseball team in 1946 included, from left: front - Garland Bowens, Jack Jones, their most avid fan George Laird, Montceiio Hendrix; second row - Harold Hendrix, John Beck, Albert Bowens; third row - unknown, Willy Lee Laird, Ralph Jones and Tony Howard, In The Mail ___________ It’s Time For Christians To Make A Stand To the editor: Maybe this letter is too late lo do any good, but then maybe it will wake up people, especially Chris­ tians. As 1 write Ihis letter the U.S. Senate Is debat­ ing whether to have an amendment thnt marriage is between one mnn and one woman. When I was growing up, and I’m only 46, who would have ever thought we would be talking about somelhing as perverted as of two men or two women gelling mar­ ried? Even back ihen wo nil knew there wns some­ thing wrong about that. However, now you see this perversion going on all Ihe time. If you turn on the television homosexuals seem lo be on every show, Hollywood and the media wont lo make Ihis seem like something normal. However, it is not. When I was growing up, we had Ihe usual pels, birds and dogs. My grandma lived on a farm; she hud cows, horses, chickens and cots. One thing you noticed, you never saw two male dogs or two bulls having sex with each other, even the animals know the natural order.'However, let two perverted male human beings (supposedly with normal brain func­ tions) get together and they end up doing acts that used to be against Ihe law and still is in Ihe Bible, Did you know ifyou put 100 male homosexuuls on a deserted island and 100 female homosexuuls on another deserted island, in 10 years time the popu­ lation would not have Increased by one person? Gen­ esis 1:27-28 In Ihe beginning Ood created Adorn and Eve nnd Ihe imnge of Ood He creatcd him; mule and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to ihem. Be fruitful and multi­ ply; fill the earth. Have you though the Bible might jusl be right Adnm nnd Eve not Adum nnd Steve? Of course in today’s world, some might say lhat 1 am not tolerant of others. Bul no, 1 just believe that 1 ns u Christiun should stnnd up und cull sin, sin. We should be the salt of the world. Solan wonts us lo sit on our hands, shut up, say nothing and do nothing. Did you know lhat in Canada preachers cannol stand in the pulpit and say the same words aloud that 1 just wrote? If we do nol speak up, this nation will lose ils power, it’s freedom of speech, imd we will sink lower and lower. Are you willing to lose that God-given right, lo lose that freedom of speech? Today, right now, it is same sex marriage. Tomorrow it will be child pornography. How about sex with onimols or brother and sister marrying? Is this not disgusting lo you? Sure it is now, soy whut Gay Marriage The Topic Of The Day , To the editor: It seems gay marriage is Ihe topic of Ihe day. All political, of course. Just for the sake of argu­ ment, lei’s go back in lime, putting creation and evolution aside. In the beginning, there was male and female, human and animal, so in order for them lo multi­ ply you needed one of each, male and female. Two moles or two females con't reproduce. So if populaiihg the world was the reason for marriage, where is the argument? One, Ihey should change the marriage vows from until death do us DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 22,2004 ■ 3Barrett Reaches Swansboro,Completes Walk Across State about 20 years from now, what then? In the Bible, Jeremiah 6:15 says, "Were they ashamed when they hnd committed? Nol They were not ashamed, nor did they know how lo blush.” The worid wants lo mnkc Christiuns feel wrong when we speak out againsl sin. Well, I have news for you. Ood hates sin. He''will not stnnd for il in any wny, shape or form. He turns away from sin because he cannot look upon it. Il is the sumo way wilh Ihe abortion issue or baby murder as I choo.se to call it. John Kerry and John Edwards both sup­ port Ihis abortion or baby murder. I do nol care how they phrase it, murder is murder. That baby did not have a choice in the matter and will never have a say in il. If you vote for them, you are voting for it also. No matter whal you say In Ihe end, Think of abortion this say, Ihis life, this creation. Will he/she ever be held or kissed by a mother or fall asleep on daddy’s chest? Will he/she ever get lo have lhal 1st birthday or Christmas or sit on grnndpn’s knee on the tractor, or run and play with puppies or kittens, or get to go to preschool, or let daddy lake to her first daddy daughter dance, or get to fall in love and make all Ihe mistakes in life that you did. Will he/ she get lo walk down Ihe oisle with all Ihe fomily there, take his bride in his arms, ond soy I do. Will he/she gel to make plans for lhat new baby com­ ing? Just think of the power you have to say yes or no, lo make the right or wrong choices in life, lo have a voice and lo use il, not lo be silent and stand back and let the world make the choices for you. We have a book that gives us oil our answers lo everydoy problems. This is о book of law, u book of life. This is the Bible, the book of God’s lows ond he will pass the final judgment upon us, are you going to be ready for when il comes? We musl moke Ihe righi choices in life or we will hove to answer for Ihem the rest of your life. Finally, 1 ask all Christians to stand up nnd let your voice be heard. Regisler to vote. Make your voice heard. This country will be judged eventu­ ally, We right now are no better than Sodom and Gomorrah, and look whal happened to them. The Bible snys we should go out into ull Ihe worid. This menns nil preachers, lay people, all members of the church of Jesus Christ. Together with God, we can bring nbout chnnge. Make a stnnd and make your voice heard. Jimmy D. Moon, Mock.sville Following is an account of Week 11 of Dan Barrett's walk across North Carolina In his bid for the Republican nomination for governor. July 13 I started walking about 7:30 a.m. outside of New Bern. I walked about six miles the nighl be­ fore wilh a friend, Robert Greene, so lhal I would be in position to finish on Wednesday evening. Reached Jones County. Passed the Foscue Plantnlion House, built in 1804. Slopped in "Trent Restnurant" in downlown Pollocksville nnd visiled with diners. Jessica Jones with UNC radio was with me. Warren was con­ cemed about inadequate schools and the lack of good jobs in Jones County. Another fellow was concerncd aboul Ihe governor's taking of monies from towns and coun­ ties. He is a town councilman in a nearby town. He understood first-hand the problems created by stale government bnlnncing its budget on the backs of local communities. Visiled ill an unlique shop across the street. The lady working Ihere was fascinated that I had walked 550 miles. She asked if 1 walked in thun­ derstorms. I suid "No, 1 want lo live to wolk An­ other day," Stopped in and lolked lo Darrell Bell and some olhcr fellows nl a repair shop. He wonted me to sec his "mongoose". I sold thanks, but I had al­ ready been shown that trick in Davie County, Darrell gol greal pleasure, however, in showing his "mongoose" lo my assistant, Dustin, who came up after me. The mongoose box is a conlropiion where you think you see a cute mongoose toil in a box, ond then when you gel close enough to see the mongoose, Darrell sloms the box and scores you. In Duvic Couniy, there was also lolcum pow­ der involved. On u breuk, Dustin and I reminisced about the wolk ond how il seemed like only yesterday lhal we were in the mounloins of western North Caro­ lina. Now, we’re olmosi lo the coosl. Passed Lee's Chapel M ethodist Church, founded in 1790. The sign there said, "If God did not forgive sin. Heaven would be empty." A DOT employee stopped to talk to me. He says that slate employees ore fed up with no pay raises for 3 years, with only a 1% pay raise pro­ posed for this year. With increases in health in­ surance and Innuiion, he’s effectively tuking home less money every year. Reached Mayesville. Talked to Boomer at Town Hall. Boomer said he had been all over the worid (in the military), but he liked it best right here in Mayesville. Talked to Lucille at the "Seven J Cafe". She told of being robbed at gunpoint. Lucille has been rlmping Ihe reslaurant since 1980. Prior to lhat. she lived in Raeford (which is where I got my start in life). Crossed Ihe While Oak River inlo Onslow County. Tumcd onto "Belgrade-Swansboro Road" and got my first whiff of sea air. I walked 18.1 miles for the day. I'm only 14 miles from Swansboro, which is where my walk will end. July 14 This is the last day of my walk. The tempera­ ture is supposed to reach into the high 90s, with o heat index of around 110. J.B. Melville and his son John slopped by. J.B. said he had seen my ad on television. He said, "A man who'll walk across Ihe stole hos got my vote." Reoched Silverdule, n smnll furming commu­ nity. Visiled in "Silverdule Grocery nnd Seafood". Mel a delightful gentleman named Milton Gillette while in the grocery. His favorite gover- ' nor was Kerr Scott. He said that Scotl wns a hardworking man with common sense. Mr. Gillette implied lhat he thought those two quali­ ties were In short supply in politicians today. He wants to see folks have experience in real life, rais­ ing a family and making a payroll, before Ihey get into politics. After we talked, Mr. Gillette headed oul lo make 4 chums of homemade ice cream with his antique ice cream chum. A lady stopped by lo visil when I relumed lo walking. I asked her lo be sure and gel out lo vole on July 20, She said, "Now that I know what you're doing, I"ll definitely be out to vote." Thunderstorms rolled Ihrough. Once Ihe lighl- ning ended, I slarled walking again. Reached the outskirts of Swansboro. My brother and nieces joined me for Ihe remaining 2.5 miles. My mom and aunt joined us us we got closer, os did other friends and supporters. Finished our walk at the home of Bob and Nila Jockson, who live on ihe walerfronl. We had a big barbecue and celebrolion wilh family, friends and supporters, The final total was 582 miles. I wanl lo ihank everyone for their kindness and hospilolily us I wolked ocross our great stote. This was one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life. I met so many wonderful folks, and there is no doubt that the greatness of North Carolina is in its people. Thank you to the friends who cnme out nnd walked with me along the way. It was great to have you be part of this experience. A thank you to Dwight Sparks who carried this journal, and allowed me to tell folks in Davie and Clemmons about my walk. Finally, thank you to Kathleen, Daniel, and Rebekah, who were so sup­ portive of my walk across the stale, but who arc glad lo havo me home. I’m glad to be Viome. ШШт part, to as long as we con put up wilh each olher. In a recent article, marriage and divorce are in u dead heal, divorce is gaining. When children are involved, it's a custody buttle, If you’re living together wilhoul the benefil of clergy, there’s pullmony. Slop und think about il, isn't this matrimony business messed up enough without messing up the Consiiluiion lo bool? After the election this will be ancient his­ tory, wilh most of us. Swede Jurgensen Advance W E O FFER O U R NEXT TOUR: Sunday, July 25th, 4:00 PM. All expectant mothers lahlng the tour will receive a Special Deilveiy Sleep ShlrtI •Resciyallons are not required for the tour m l /(Willy members aii welcomc. Far addlilonal injonmlon, pkase call our Special Deilveiy Deiiarlmeni at (704) 838-74S8, Medicaid 6- all major insurance plans arc accepted. Sibling ciùscf"'! i|!McdKty,Ex{lrc5s ReglttraiKui Íí/Bícpcr," “ ,y)^-dHNurse.y. 218 ÖW M ocksvllU Rond^-tO, Exil 15-1, SlattivUle • ( uLlUbsi'TVs ijínd VG№,u>‘, this, «iñdjthp s«c4r|w\i p . ■■ 'i '. , i 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTKRPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, July 22,2004 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 22,2004 - 5 Jasper lets out a rare holler outside his Pudding Ridge home. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Silver Queen Corn $2.75/ dozen N O W A V A IL A B L E H I L L T O P O R C H A R D 336-492-7246Hours; 8:00 am 'til Dark Monday • Sunday Diroctions: From Mocksville: Hwy 601 North, Lett on l|amos Cliutcli Hoad Follow Signs. Kevin Jasper demonstrates the art of hollerin’. He will be on David Letterman for the second time Monday. Man Hollers His W ay To National Cham pionship Contiiuiwl From Page 1 won't iiuikc any majur Iclevi.sion appearances withoul pemiission of the promoters. For weeks after the event, Jasper was on the radio every morning. Even on vacation, lie ncldet.1 ccll phone calls to demonstrate hollerin’ via radio. A software developer for Wake Forest University, Jasper most often practices iiollcrin’ in the car. Some­ times he gets into the walk- in closet, around the clothes. His wife thinks he’s goofy. But every day, Jasper liol lers. “We need to help people know lhat his is a folk art,” he said.Jasper shows the trophy that declares him the national hollerin’ champion. The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Davie Ck>unty V l f r £ i | » - U | 3 P s i i r t y WHEN: Monday, August 2nd at 6:00 p.m. WHERE: Gasthaus on the Square Food and Beverages provitlctl by Q ’doba Mexican Grill and Gusthaiis on the Square WHO: All team captains AND team members involved with the 2004 Relay For Life. In order to insure enough food, please R» S. E hy June 26ih io Susan Williams at the American Cancer Society by dialing TOLL Fl^EE 1-866-227-3264 ext. 20, Awards will he ffiveii oul to top fund-raisers and all-star teams. Brinii yourself, your team and your ideas to make Ihc 20Q5 Relay For Life bi^aer and belter! M oney ca n still be turned In until A ugust 3 1 s t to help u s g e t clo ser to o u r goal o f $125,000.00. W e h a ve a b o u t $6,000.00 to go. , J u ly 2 4 • 1 0 a m -3 p m • Boots Clothes (Browning, Smith & Wesson, Nikon Jacicets) • and Lots of Other Good Stuff • Bake Sale T o B e n e f i t t h e W e s t R o w a n B i b l e T e a c h e r ’s A s s o c i a t i o n - Enter Our Drawiag To ^ Win Something Nifty! (need not be present to win) 11895 COOL SPRINGS ROAD U I WOODLEAF, NC 27054 i r I W r B HWY 801 BETWEENlELI tm WtB. STATESVILLE AND SALISBURY SUN SHOP 704-278-9159 www.falloutsheltergunshop.com OPEN TUES.-FRI. 10AM-6PM SAT 10AM-3PM *We're too cheap to rent the whole tent! C o o l e e m e e O K s F i r s t P l a n n i n g B o a r d During the regular monthly meeting of the Cooleemee Town Board, Tuesday, June 15, Mayor John Chandler announced the first winner of the W illiam R. Gales Scholarship. The Scholarship Committee selected Brandi Leigh Taylor of 180 Watts St. as the winner of the $1,000 Scholarship. Taylor plans to attend Forsyth Technical Com m unity College and pursue a degree in nuclear medicine. M em bers of B randi’s family and members of the Gales family attended the special event. Taylor was presented a framed certificate from the town. Special recognition was given to Cooleemee Police Officer Jason K. Sheets On May 5, Sheets exhibited exemplary conduct while on duty, by taking action in an em ergency situation and rendering immediate aid to save the life of Mr. Richard Tise who lives in Cooleemee, Chandler said. If it had not been for the life-saving and skilled ' response of Siieets, Mr. Tise’ life may have been lost at that moment, the mayor said. Sheets was presented him a framed certificate from the town. The new Town of Cooleemee Planning Board members were given the oath of office by Chandler. Planning board members are: Earl Lester, Aubrey Wensil, Jack Jerome, Dennis Ж W hitley, Sarah M cDaniel, T Peggy Foster and Ann Spry. (Pictured left to right) Mrs. and Mr. Billy Gales, Brandi Taylor, Mrs. and Mr. Bill (Pat Gales)Campbell af last month’s Cooleemee town meeting. Brandi Taylor was awarded the William R. Gales Schol­ arship by Mayor Chandler. (itval (x)vcrage Siarls wilh Blue Blue Advantage* Plans No Referral HMO, PPO and POS Сго1ф Plans Small Group Coverage Johnson Insurance Services, Inc. J o h n W o o d(336) 751-6281 • Long U'nn Carc • Medicare Supplement liuucancc • I>;nlal Coverage for Individuals and Groups • Blue Extras” Discount Programs B lu e C r o s s B lu e S h ie ld o f N o r th C a r o lin a CMitid jftif вь« Спи» »M Sh •« oi Nonh м*гм lor etiift tfii d*t*ii el ee>*«/*9<,und*' «1« pdxy b« cenlPuAd lorr« Ал liewitM Ы th« • Ы ’t » Olu« Опм mdOlu« Sh«ldAueei«bo<i. SMol Blu* Сюм *л<1 Blu« SbcidAunaitirw UTOe} •. Zr03 REAL ESTATE WEEKLY By Debbie Prachel Promlor Corollna Properllo« Cooleemee Police Officer Jason Sheets Is presented a certification for exemplary conduct by Cooleemee Mayor Jason Chandler. H ow To Interview A R ealtor One of the most Imporlitnt decisions to be initdc in buying or soHing a liomc is clioosing iin experienced Realtor wtio w ill represent your best Interests tlirougliout the trunsncllan process. It’s useful to know whnt questions lo usk when looicinB for the right agent. When interviewing u rcol estate professional, ask about what forms of marketing they use, and whnt kind of results they get from their advertising. What is the average time on Ihe market prior to sale of Ihclr listings and how close lo the listed pricc do Ihcir properties normally sell for. In addition, nsk If they can supply you wUh locnl rcferenccs from bolh buyers nnd sellers. The Rcnllor-cllcnt relationship Is built on trust, so explain what you want lo achieve in Ihe transaction, but don't stop there. Ask Ihe Realtor lo communicate whal they understand about your goals, and listen carcfully to sec if they understand your needs. Successful Realtors sell homes bccause Ihey really listen to Ihclr clients. Whclh6r InlervlcwinK Realtors to a,ssisl with a sale, pi remember this Is going to be a "team" effort and lhal should be Ihe feeling you get when the Interview Is complete. DMiie Is an uwtml-winning fiill-llnie pro/e.i.iional real csiaie broker In Davie County. far professional advice on all a.ipecl.^ of Imyinf; and sellinii real esune. you can reach Deltbie al Premier Carolina Properlies, 336- 99S-7777 or 336-909-I284, or visil her wehsile al www.pei>nc.com. New Cooleemee Planning Board members are given their oath of office by Mayor Chandler, Pictured left to right; Earl Lester, Aubrey Wensil, Jack Jerome, Dennis Whitley, Sarah McDaniel, Peggy Foster, and Ann Spry. T h a n k Y o u ! I would like to thank ai! my friends in Davie County who supported me in my campaign for Davie County Commissioner. Your suggestions, prayers, support & votes were truly appreciated. Daphne Frye Paid for by Daplme Frye Папк You for your vote and support. vote ana support. Г 7 TOM FLEMING Paid lorl)\ I'lim lliinlng, Candldalr Cedar Rock Assisted Living ofMoclisvllle Paul Portcli Cedar Rock is piviitl Id .saiiue Paul Porlch as an oumanding residenl. Paul has made his home wilh us for 2 years now. During dtp siinmier months you will find him enjoying Ihe weather on tiw palio. However, should the Atlanta Braves be playing, you will find him glued lo the television .let pulling for his leant. A former player for the Washington Senators, he never mi.ues a Braves game on television! Paul played for Ihe Wa.ihinglon Senators in the 1930's and .lays things changed greatly in profcs.iional sports throtish Ihe year.il Private jets and iu.xury hu.ses are a big ehange from his mode of tran.iportatlon gelting lo aiul from his games! Paul Is our own little celebrity, How many people in this area can actually .lay they played pro ball in the I930’s? Wc would tike to thank Paid for choosing Cedar Rock as his home, and being part of our little family! W C e d a r R o c k 191 Crestview Drive Mocksville (336)751-1515 Sheila Sammons 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 22,2004Public Records Sheriff’s Department The following incidenis were reported lo Ihe Davie Counly Sheriff’s Departmenl. - On July 8 Vnn Johnson re­ ported a vehicles windows were damaged ot a location on Buck Seaford Road, Mocksville. - Jo Gregory reported a mail­ box was damaged on Yadkin Val­ ley Road, Advancc on July 9. - On July 9 mailboxes were reported damaged at homes on Arrests Yadkin Valley Road. - Tracy Crisco reported a mail­ box was damaged on Evergreen Lane, Advance on July 9, - On July 9 Tonya Overby re­ ported damage at a pool at Kinderton, Advance. - Charles Gunter reported a vchicle was laken from a resi­ dence on Sheffield Road, Mocks­ ville on July 10. - On July 12 Jerry Bradley re­ ported a sign was damaged at Lake Myers Resort, Mocksvillc. - David Bolin reported a li­ cense plate was taken on Essie Rood, Mocksville on July 12, - On July 12 animal abuse was reporled on Turrentlne Church Road, Mocksvllle. - TYocy Welch reported vehicle windows were damaged on Grant Trail, Mocksville, July 14. - The breaking ond entering of a coin-operated machine on Hwy. 158, Advance, reporled July 17. - The breaking, entering and larceny from a drink machine in Bermuda Quay Shopping Center was reported July 16. - The lofceny of a block, 16- foot flatbed trailer with a lawn gote, 0 walk-behind Gravely lawnmowcr and two tillers from o business ot Hwys. 64 ond 901 wos reported July 17. - The larceny of seven tropical flsh from a decorated pond at Lake Myers was reported July 17. - The larceny of jewelry from 0 residence off Joe Road wos re­ ported July 15. - The larceny of o choinsow and Weedealer from a residence oh Hwy. I58wosreportedJuly 16. - The larceny of o pit bull puppy from a residence on Cummings Lane was reported July 17. - The breoking, entering ond larceny of fishing rods and reels from a building off Deadmon Rood wos reported July 16. - A license plate was lost or slo- len from Shadybrook Road, Mocksville, it wos reported, July 15. - The larceny of an air com­ pressor from a residence on Sain Rood was reported July 15. The Davie Sheriff s Department made the following arresls; -JomesChrislopherCovington, 23, Greensboro,an ested July 8 for failure lo appear. Trial dote; July 22. - Lester Clorence Scott III, 25, of 161 Clork Rood, Cooleemee, arrested July 9 for resisting a pub­ lic officer, injury to personal prop­ erty, ond possession of morijuona. Trial dote; Aug. 2. ■ Virginia Vance Penland, 48, of 128 Diana Lone, Mocksville, arrested July 9 for driving wilh license revoked and possession of stolen vehicic. Trial date; July 15. -Calvin Williamson,50,of 140 Bryant Lane, Mocksville was ar­ rested July 9 for child support. Triol date; July 15. - Roger Franklin Penlond, 47, of J28 Diana Lane, Advance was arrested July 9 for felony larceny. Trial date; July 15. -EdwordDoleQuillan,47, Ook Island, arrested July 10 for failure to appear. Trial dote; July 13. - Timothy Bemord Eccles, 34, of 4230 U.S. 158, Advonce was arrested July 11 for driving wilh license revoked, ond coreless/reck- less. Trial date; Aug, 20. - Herbert Wesley Totum, 35, of 122 Cheyenne Lane, Mocksville wos orreslcd July 11 for misdc- meanor larceny, forgery of en­ dorsement, and uttering forged endorsement, trial dote; Aug. 5. - Rodney Forrest Evans, 27, of 1356 U.S. 64 West, Mocksville wos arrested July 11 for failure to comply with non-support. Trial dole; Aug. 17. - Jimmie Dean Hart, 27, of 137 Lakewood Drive, Mocksville wos arrested July 12 for DWI. Trial date; Aug. 20, - Robert William Harmon, 32, of Salisbury was arrested July 13 for probOtion and child support. Trial date; July 15. I - Amy Jo Newinghom, 32, of Clemmons, arrested July 13 for simple assault. Trial dale; Aug, 12. - John Allen Creekmore, 37, of 389 Covington Drive, Advance was arrested July 13 for assault on 0 female. Trial date; Aug. 12. - Jessica Leigh Winters, 16, of Kernersville was arrested July 14 for no operolors license ond false info lo officer. Trial date; Aug. 6. - Elizabeth Bernice Brock, 20, of 338 Oakland Avenue, Mocks­ ville was orresledJuly 15forDWI ondexpired registrotion. Trioldole; Aug, 15. - Oscar Lynn Young, 33, of 304 Legion Hut Rood, Mocksville, chorged July 15 with foilure lo appeor in court. Trial dole; Aug. 10. - Melissa Leigh Jones, 24, of Charlotte, was charged July 15 with possession of cocaine, pos­ session of drug paraphernalia, and misdemeanor possession of mari­ juana. Trial dale; July 22, - Brionna Lynn Lester, 25, of Chariotte, was charged July 15 wilh possession of cocaine, pos­ session of drug parophemallo, ond misdemeonor possession of mari- juono. Triol dote; July 22. - Melvin Frank Allred, 52, of 1791 Sheffield Road, Mocksville, charged July 16 with writing a worthless check. Trial dale; Sept. 18. - Marlin Lloyd House Sr., 45, of311 Swicegood St., Mocksville, was charged July 18 with failure to appear. Trial dole; Aug. 17. - Roy Oorzo, 43, of 461 Duke Whittaker Road, Mocksville, was charged July 18 with failure lo oppeor. Trial date; Aug. 5. -Donald Mitchell Allen. 22, of 1803 Junction Rood, Mocksvllle, charged July 16 with corrylng a conceoled weapon. Trial dote; Sept. 9. - Betty Jo Talbert, 17, of 135 Rupord Trail, Mocksville, was chargedJuly ISwilh assault. Trial date; Aug. 5. Highway Patrol The following traffic wrccks in Dovie Counly were lisled by the N.C. Highway Patrol. Wreck On U.S. fiOl No chorges were filed after on accident on July 12. Thelma Rector Presnell of Marion was turning her 2002 Buick onto 601 Bast from Madi­ son Rood. Jomes Lloyd Rochelle Jr. of Hampstead was driving his 1996 Ford pick-up soulh on 601. Presnell failed to see Rochelle's truck ond pulled into it's path. The two vehicles collided. Trooper L.J. Staley Jr. reported Marriages the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 12; 15 p.m. Driver Nol Charged In Wrcck No charges were filed after on Occident on July 12. Poul Anthony Pifer of 160 Everhart Rood, Mocksville was driving his 2003 Dodge vehicle east on Bobbit Rood. Pifer drove his vehicle off Ihe righl side of the rood, overcorrected and ran off the left side of Ihe rood, overcorrected again and ran off the righl side of Ihe road, and struck a tree. Trooper L.J. Staley Jr. reported the accident occurrcd at approxi­ mately 3;55 p.m. and there were no injuries. Wreck On Interstate No charges were filed after o wreck on July 13. GaryKinordWiliiomsofWin- slon-Solem was driving a 2000 Freighlliner tractor-trailer eo.sl on 1-40 behind a 2003 Mercury ve­ hicle driven by Foynita Smith Brannan of 2513 Cornatzer Road, Advance, Bronnon slowed her ve­ hicle for traffic ond Williams' truck collided wilh her vehicio. Trooper M.C. Howell reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 5;24 p.m. and there were no injuries. Man Charged In Wreck An Alabamo man wos chargcd wilh safe movement violation af­ ter Ihc vehicle he was driving hit onotheron July 13. James Horlond Walden of Ath­ ens wos backing a 2000 Mock tractor-trailer on Iho west bound ramp of 1-40 to U.S. 601, Jeremy Edward Redd of 175 Kennen Krest Road, Mocksvillo was stopped behind Walden's truck in his 1993 Mazda vehicle. Walden backed his truck into Redd's ve­ hicle. Trooper L.J. Staley Jr. reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 2;40 p.m. and Ihere were no injuries. One Deer HU In County One deer was reported hit by automobile In Dovie, In the fol­ lowing accident no injury to the driver was reporled; Heather Michelle Chambers of 376 Ben Anderson Road, Mocks­ ville was driving her 2003 Mitsubishi vehicle west on TUrkeyfoot Road when a deer ran inlo the passenger side of the ve­ hicle. Trooper M.C. Howell reporled the Occident occurred at approxi­ mately 4;48 p.m. on July 12, Vehicle Hits Dog David Allen Wineborger of 2203 Angell Rood, Mocksvillo wos driving his 1999 Dodge pick­ up south on Duke Whitokor Road when a dog ron inlo the road ond was struck by Wineborger's truck. Ttooper M.C, Howell reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 8;03 p.m. on July 14. The following were issued marriage licenses by ihe Dovie Register of Deeds. - Kevin Brod Wyrick, 30, and Lori Renee Smith, 29, both of Mocksville. - Timothy MIchoel McIntyre, 57, and Ruth Ann McMastcrs, 49, both of Advance. - Clinton Seaford Durham, 37, and Angelia Marie Lawson, 37, both of Mocksville. - Shannon Dale Mayhew, 24, of Mocksville and Corrie Lynn Jeni, 21,ofareer, S.C. - James Daniel Potts, 54, of Cleveland, N.C. ond Notolia Raye Hogan, 39, of Mocksville. - Michael Karl Matthews, 51, of Jacksonville and Judy Matilda Gardner, 49, of Hamplonvillc. - Antonio Garcia-Lopez, 18, and Natali Romirez-Mendozo, 19, both of Mocksville. - Lloyd Kent Mitchell Jr., 40, of Advance ond Jo Ann Belfield, 40, of Winston-Salem. • Keith Hilton Lolham, 42, of Mocksville and Linda Lorraine Hunt, 44, of Advonce. • Arvil Spencer Stanley, 48, ond Tonyo Lynn Stanley, 36, both of Mocksville. - Robert Juslin Alien, 19, of Mocksvillc, and Alicia Marie Kolcun, 16, of Winston-Salem. - Jaime Wesley Barker, 27, ond Kristen Louise Loft, 23, both of Clemmons. • Liury Gene Chappell, 26, and Anionda Cheryl tylcr, 22, both of Mocksville. - Richard Warren Combs, 45, and Koren Lynn Word, 46, both of Mocksville. - Bobby Ronald Couch, 50, and Sherrie Yvonne Ashley, 49, both of Mocksville. - Juslin Frye Foster, 26, and Laura Elizabeth Surratt, 23, both of Mocksville. - James Matthew Creech, 26, and Misty Leighelte Hooper, 23, both of Mocksville. - Jorge Cniz, 46, ond Esperanza D. Estrada, both of Mocksvillc. - Robert Lee Fox III, 33, and Crystal Dawn Broadway, 38, both of Advance. - Jamey Kenneth Holt, 23, of Advance and Julie Ann Fuller, 24, of Mocksville. - Kevin Patrick King, 45, of Charlotte and Sandro Koy King, 49, of Mocksville. - Mark Allen Grom, 35, and Paulette Lee Grant, 34, both of Winslon-Salem. - Rodger Lee Lewis, 28, and Mary Beth Lin, 37, botli of Cool­ eemee. - Rusty Mark Miller, 20, and Tamara Leigh Chose, 20, both of Mocksvillc. - Eric Galen Nichols, 44, and Brenda Lee Estep, 52, both of Mocksville. - Kenneth Dwayne Nieft, 27, und Amanda DcAnn Cline, 27, both of Mocksvillc, - Lester Rodriguez, 38, amd Sonja Michelle Rivers, 31, both of Buford, Ga. - Christopher Michael Robinson, 26, and Koty Margaret Ryon, 25, both of Mocksvillo. - James Edward Smiley II, 40, of Mocksvllle and Janet Sue Plyler, 45, of Landis. - Jomes Wesley Swicegood, 43, of Cleveland, N.C. and Johnnie Lynn Bolley, 32, of Mocksville. - Richard Lee Van Tiiyl, 21, and Kristine Dawn Miller, 18, both of Woodleuf, - John Ross Wood, 22, and Amy Jo Hatley, 28, both of Mocksville. - Christopher Andrew Vest, 36, ond Stephanie Lynn Myers, 24, both of Mocksvillc. - John Nicholas Alvino, 34, and Cynlhia Barbee Knight, 40, both of Mocksvllle. - Robert Joseph Pelletier, 43, and Dione Lorraine Gorant, 40, both of Warren, R/I. - Robert Glenn Harned, 44, of Asheville and Lauro Kathleen Ward, 35, of Thomasville. - Anthony Lamar Driver, 26, and Nkeshai Monique Height, 25, both ofOxon Hill.Md. - Roy Marlin Beam, 34, ond Jenny Morie Ashley, 31, both of Mocksville. - Tizinno Patrick Temple, 28, and Rosa Argello Meda, 30, both of Winslon-Salem. - Donald Ernest Foley Jr., 27, and Shelly Lynn Longer, 24, both of Mocksville. - Jose Luis Garcia-Rodriguez, 26, and Mono Isabel Abonzo- Hornondez, 19, both of Yadkinville, - Patrick Kenlrllle Stout, 34, of Salisbury and Tonya Olivia Tatum, 31, of Mocksvllle. - Joson Wayne McCray, 30, of Mocksville and Natosha Lynn Walters, 25, of Winston-Salem. - Gary Wayne Seamon, 54, and Elizabeth Ann Holcomb, 51, both of Mocksville. - Lorio Alvin Wood, 67, of Mocksville and Karen Suzanne Douglas, 56, of Kernersville. Land Transfers The following land transfers were recorded with the Davie Register of Deeds, lisled by par­ ties involved, acreage, township and deed stomps purchased, with $2 represenling $ 1,000. - Jessica L. Logie to Sandro F. Vestal and Steven R. Vestal, .21 acre, Jerusalem, $17. - Individually and as adminis­ trator of estote of Marie Catherine Fiye, Keith Frye, Margaret Ander­ son and Franklin Anderson, Amy Sue Taylor and David. M. Taylor lo Juslin Riddle, 1.37 acres, Farm­ ington, $156. - Marion C. Amparo to Dou­ glas Constable and Jennifer Con­ stable, 1 lol, Farmington, $598. ■ Earl Steelman and os ottomey in fact for Eva L. Steelman to Rol> ert Luffman ond Julie Luffmon, 1 lol, Farmlnglon, $57. - Mark D. Muncus to R. Dean Smilh and Michael S. Whitley, .31 acre, Mocksville, $66. - Dennis Scott Page and Anno M. Page lo Don C. Cook and Kelly Mocksville Police Fires The following incidenis were reported to the Mocksville Police Deportment. - A woman reported July 14 that a neighbor's dog on Milling Road chased her back into her home. - The breaking, enlering and larceny of electronic equipment from a residence on Windsong Road was reported July 18. • The breaking, entering and lorceny of a wallet and tools from a vehicle on Cloister Drive was reported July 16. - The breaking, entering ond lorceny of money from on office on Soulh Main Sireel was reponed July 16. Arre.sts - Brian Casey Thames, 21, of 645 E. Lexington Rood, was chargedJuly 15 wilh breaking and enlering a vehicle. Trial date; July 22, Orlando Hernondez Rodriquez, 20, of 114 Dcck Circle, was charged July 17 wilh posses­ sion of cocaine, Trial dole; July 29. 'H'fllTIc Accidents - A Mocksville man was charged with failure to yield right of way and driving without o li­ cense after a wreck on Wilkesboro Street at 3:09 p.m. July 18. Dorian Russell Shrout,, 27, backed 0 1994 Chevrolet from his driveway al 214 Wilkesboro St., causing it to be struck by a 1992 Chevrolet driven by Ann Carter Dyson, 55, of 153 Frank Short Road, reported Officer Danny R. Chandler. - A Mocksville teen was charged with driving a vehicle wilh slick tires after a wreck on North Main Street ot 7 o.m. July 17. Tabitha Lee Easling, 17, of 1385 Main Cliurch Road Exten­ sion, was driving a 1987 Chevrolet south on North Main Street when it went off the road to Ihe righl and hit 0 utility pole, reported Officer J.D. Finney. Dovie County fire deportments responded to the following colls; July 12: Center, 6;20 p.m., I- 40 West, von fire; County Line assisted. July 13: Advance, 9:15 a.m., Hidden Creek Drive, residential fire alarm; Smith Grove assisted; Smith Grove, 10:48 a.m., N.C. 801 South, business fire alonn; Advance assisted; Farmington as­ sisted; Coniatzer-Dulin assisted; Sheffield-Colohaln, 3:20 p.m., Sheffield Forms Troll, residential fire alarm; County Line assisted; Fork, 6;43 p.m., U.S. 64 East, ou- tomobile accident. July 15: Mocksville, 7:29 a.m., Bethel Church Road, fire alarm; Fork assisted. L. Michaels, 1 lot, Mocksville, $164. - Jerry L. Crews and Janie Crews to Polly Bennett, I lot, Farmington, $450. - Marital trust of Cube S. Droke and Thelma S. Droke lo Christopher Scott Berry ond Sh­ annon Camp Berry, 4 lots, Farm­ ington. - Christopher Scoll Berry and Shonnon Camp Berry lo Jerry Jo­ seph Lynde and Jennifer Louise Lynde, 4 lots, Farmington, $18. ■ Gurney W. Walker to Lewis Walker and Ruby Walker, 23.85 acres, Forminglon, $400. - John Baker and Sherry Baker to Frankie J. Newsome and Jill D. Newsome, I lot, Farmington, $489. - Wongduen Shoof and Defoy Shoof lo TVler W. Lynde and Amy M. Lynde, 1 lot, Clarksville, $32. - Pomelo Updegroff Price and H. Craig Price to Mark Beuter, 3 lots, $130. - JP Morgan Chase Bank to karen Michelle Adams, .58 acre, Farmington, $256. - Prudential Residential Ser­ vices to Selester Stewort Jr., 1 lot, Farmington, $1,154. - Eric T. Rothrock and Heather Rothrock to Elizabeth B. Hutchins and Charies J. Alley Jr., 1 lot, Fulton, $331. - Donna Kay Shahpozion and Peter F. Shahpazian, Richy Dole Wagner ond Sharon Gentry Wagner to John Bishop, 1.5 acres, Jerusolem, $100. - The Cana Group to Mike' Hester Building, 1 lot, $40. - BR 549 lo Morgan Builders, 1 lot, Farmington, $131. -Kimberly E. Dunn to Timothy C. Dunn, 1 acre, Clarksville, - Virginia B. Cope and Charlie Cope to Kimberly B. Presnell, 5 acres, Jerusalem. - Virginia B. Cope and Charlie Cope lo Brion Justin Beaver, 5 acres, Jerusalem. - Virginio B. Cope and Charile Cope to Mdryonn B. Sellers, 5 acres, Jerusalem. - Thomas Clement Smith to Neal Frederick Smith and Rondoll Thomas Smith, I lot, Jerusalem, - LSB Properties to Pedro A. Hllarlo Jr. and Polricia A, Hilorio, 5 acres, Calahaln, $320. - A Storehouse for Jesus to J.P. Green Milling Co., 1 tract, Mocks­ vllle, $206. - Shiriey Jeon P. Redmon to Gregory Cropps and Donna Cropps, .29 acre, Mocksville, $138. - G, Marquis Greene and Eliza­ beth B. Greene lo Jerry W. Smith, 3 tracts, Farmington, $1,450. - Budd Farm to Richard P. Budd and Sylvia S. Budd, 4 tracts, Farmington, $4,784. - Cambridge Isenhour Homes to Richard W. Ackley and Sandro H. Ackley, I villa, Farmington, $546, - Jolene R. Smith to Jeffrey R. Wilson and Katherine A. Wilson, I lot, Mocksvllle, $25. - Parker & Loncoster Corp. lo Linda P. Davis and Robert E. Davis, 1 lot, Farmington, $410. - Weslvlew Development Co. to John P. Porcari, I lot. Shady Orove, $35. - Darren Burke Construction to Homer R. Locklear and Wendy A. Lockleor, I lol, $520, ■ Lynne Hicks and as heir of June M. Hicks, and June M. Hicks to Michelle Barneycastle Callahan, 8 lots, $30, - Nell Porter Westbrook and Whitney Leigh Westbrook to Fred Glenn, 2 tracts, Mocksville, $200. - Brenda H. WelU to Pedro Hilario and Patricia Hilorio, 2,150 square feel, Coloholn,$l. Continued On Page 7 County O K s Funds For Emergency Fire Truck Repairs DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tiiursday, July 22,2004 - 7 r I By Dwight Sparks Davie Counly Enterprise Rccord Davic County commissioners sel aside $37,500 Monday lo be used for emergency repairs to firetrucks. Using money unspent in last year's fird budget, the commis­ sioners agreed to divide the money among the county’s de­ partments as needed, “If the transmission goes out on a truck, they jusl can’t go out and have a barbecue," commis­ sioner Ken White said, “Our in­ tent is to keep every piece of fire fighting equipment in service." The board sel n $5,000 limit to be used by each departmenl for emergency repairs. Commissioner Michael Allen said the fire departments cnn’l wait when vital equipment is broken. The bonrd approved Ihe ex­ pansion of subdivisions in Redland Way and al Oak Valley. Redland Way had submitted ils plnns for construclion of 16 more single family units in lhat subdivision off U.S. 158. Onk Valley asked the bourd to ap­ prove construction of 49 more residential lots on 31 acres in Ihc Hiddenbrooke and Broudmoor sections. For Oak Valley, Ihe latest ex­ pansion completes the develop­ ment begun in 1994. The origi­ nal proposal called for 752 homes. The development, be­ cause of some changes in plans, now has 661 lots. The board henrd public com­ ments on a community develop­ ment block grant for North Cool­ eemee. Community resident Barry Melton suid some houses need to be demolished nnd some need lo be repaired. County Mnnngor Terry Bralley snid all the county's block grant money had been dedicated to lhal neighborhood, but there was not enough to fin- U K l’UI-.SKN i v n v Iv Julia Howard /VC ■ //oiiw 7Vlh Dixnict Please ctmuwt me in: MOCKSVILLE; (336) 751-8567 RALEIGH: (919) 733-5904 ish the job. “The money only goes so far, bul wc arc always looking oul for more money,” said commis­ sioner Richurd Poindexter. Bralley said the grants usu­ ally will pay to rchabilllate about 10 houses al a time. In other business, the board: • Allowed fire departments lo use money designated to pay firemen for purchase of fire hy­ drants. • Renewed long-standing contracts with the towns of M ocksville, Cooleemee and Bermuda Run for two additional yenrs for tax collection, building Inspections, fire protection nnd more. • Deslgnnted Allen lo repre­ sent the board al Ihe N.C. Asso­ ciation of County Commisslon- ers’annunl conference Aug. 19- 21 in Asheville. • Appointed optometrist Dr. Lisa Davis to the counly bonrd of health- and reappointed den­ tist Dr. Pnul Mighion. • Appointed John Deans of Bermuda Run lo ihe Senior Ser­ vices Council. • Appointed members to the Juvenile Crim e Prevention Council, Wendy Terry, John M azzullo, Lynne Hicks and Jerry Byerly Jr. Reappointed lo Ihe board were W.O. Polls, Jack Keller, Cindy Hognn, Dr. Regina Graham-Hauser, Judge Jimmy Myers, Trnccy Cnrler and Bar­ bara Owen. • Authorized the Dnvic Board of Educntion to spend $35,000 for lechnicinns to protect the schools’ email, telecommunica­ tions, internet and security sys­ tems, "We have in excess of 1,300 computers, 20 servers and numerous other hardware equip­ ment that we must innlntain," Superintendent W.G. "Dub" Potts wrote to the board: ■ - ■ ■ • Agreed to keep Ihe snme cleaning services for existing county buildings. These Scouts from Troop 732 and their leaders completed a 50-mile bicycle ride around Davie County. B o y S c o u t s C o m p l e t e 5 0 -M i l e B i c y c l e R i d e Those yellow jerseys seen on Dnvie roads on Saturday, July 10 belonged lo a group of dedicated Boy Scouts from Troop 732, who were earning Iheir Bicycling Merit Badge. The group included five Scouts attempting the Merit Badge, Alex Bell, Sam Jumes, Parker Lee, Blake Rosier und Ben Sccord. The Senior Scout leader, Willinm Mills, who hnd ulready earned his batige, was riding Ihe 150 miles of required riding for Ihe second time, Tiie adult leaders were Hugh Lee, Jim Sccord and David Mills. As part of the Merit Badge requirem ents, the Scouts mapped oul a 50-mile bicycle route for the final ride. They designed a loop around Davie County. Starting from Bethlehem United Methodist Church, they traveled south to Cooleemee, west lo Sheffield, back east through Cana and Farmington to complete the 50 miles back lo Bethlehem church. The Scouts believe it is Ihe firsl lime Ihe final ride for the Merit Badge has laken place entirely in Duvic County. They overcame mechanical problems, severe heat and heal exhaustion, hills, hills nnd more hills, and finished tired and in good spirits after seven hours in the saddle. Help came from a womnn on Junction Road who re-filled Iheir w ater bottles. Land Transfers Continued Krom Page A - Green Tree Financing to Stncec S. Wyrick nnd Willinm D. Wyrick, 1.13 acrcs, Jerusalem, $84. - DR 549 to Homes by Jonathan Lee, 1 lot, Fnmiinglon, $1.37. - BR 549 lo Homes by Jonathan Lee, I lot, Fnmiinglon, $144. - John Dackow and Laura Dackow to Bob Donohue and Bar­ bara Donohue, 1 lol, Clarksville, $816..................- ' - Alex Rhoades Homes of El­ egance to James Monroe nnd Lynn Monroe, I lot, Shndy Grove, $557. - Federal Nalionnl Mortgage Association lo Wachovia Mort­ gage Corp., I lot, Cniahnln. - Wachovia Mortgage Corp. to Bert Mcihnel Tribble and Sheila F. Tribble, I lot, Calahaln, $114. - James R. Spillman lo Mary Normun, Shirley Simpson and Barbara Culler, 6.61 acres, $40. - William R. Smoot and Bealrice Smoot to Dennis A. Smoot, I tract, Mocksville. - C.J. Ramey, attorney in fact for Oak Valley Associates, Ridge Run Properiies nnd Oak Valley Properties to Davis Building, 1 lot, Farmlnglon, $192. - Henry P. Vnn Hoy II, execu­ tor of estate of Erna S. Tracy and Willinm Trncy, trustee of Ihe Erna S. Tracy Trust lo Bermuda Village Retirement Cenler, 1 villa, $489. - Bermuda Village Retirement Cenler lo Evelyn W. Adamson, 1 villa, Farmington, $489. - Robert L. Darnell by allorney in fact, Joanna J. Damali, and Joanna J. Domali to Joanna J. Domali, 1 lol, Mocksville. - Bilco Corp. lo Dealer Man­ agement Services, .5 acre, Mocks­ ville. - Louise G. Mise to B&B In- veslments, 1.65 acres, Mocksvillc. 16 W, Jones Street, Rm 1106 Raleigh, NC 27601-1096 Email: juliah@ncleg.net Pmu hm iirJuuA Истки DHSS IChristian Bool(s & School Supplies is moving on July 30 50-80% off all In-stock Christian titles Ail fixtures for sale. 10-5, M-F 127 N. Salisbury St., Mocksvllle 753-6977 iNWW.dhss.com G r e a t e r F r e e d o m Large calling areaLots of minutes 1 0 0 0 A n y tim e M in u te s UNLIMITED Night & Weekend Minutes UNLIMITED Mobile-to-Mobile Minutes FREE Nationwide Long Distance FREE ACTIVATION F R E E Nnkia Ш51 •Voicc Diliiiiig Гог 25 numc tiijSN •Ptionchook will) tip In 5()0 contact *Culcmiar nrnl Cli>ck witli Alarm •30 King Tones Л Vibrallng Alert •4 Gumc!> Incluiicd •CUu»t«4hlc Httccjilrtlci Phone pronioiion uvailuble on new lino nf Krvice on uny Л1ХТШ. rule plan $39,У5 or higkr* З ^ Т Н Е P H O N E P L A C E *49^pU566Regulat3ry Cost Recovery Fee ,54. ! • ' ■i " ''i. 121 Depot St Mocksvliie, NC 27028 Mon.-Fr|. 8¡30am-5pm Sat 0am*12noon ^ u r a . AUTHORIZED AGENT Ofm Itfc^lr9й m; IncMt Mtril-1 il№AW 1ш% Ш Ce« 1» • • Trte« Ce^ or î^rr vr*. er*4i & »pprewO Мм» Г*» «MO« ^ lit»(ИГмтеч. "WW « tonwittâ«* 0Я»Г| M lo w ALIÎEL Ii<mi t Cortteni (и Соттиликкч S«f«« Allstate Fixed Annuity Rates Reaching your retirement and savings goals is very important. We can lielp get you tliere. We offer fixed annuities with competitive interest rates and product benefits that fit your needs, such as: Guaranteed, tax-deferred growth from a company you can depend on Principal protection, regardless of economic conditions, Su re H o riz o tf^ A n n u ity Rates Effective: 07/19/04 fcr Initial Premium: APY Interest Rates' $100,000 or Greater 6 . 0 5 % $20,000 to $99,999 5 . 8 0 % $3,000 to $19,999 5 . 5 5 % Ask your Allstate agent for details about these fixed annuities. MARK JONES Mocksville (336)751-0669 STEVE RIDENHOUR Mocksville (336)751-0669 Surcllorizon“' Is a llcxiblc pn;mlum dcrcmil annuily Issued by Lincoln UcncHt Life Company, a wholly ouiicil subsidiary of Alístale Lire Insurance Company. Aniiullles are sold by Allstale Agents who are msurance-llcenscd representatives. Sure Horizon^'' Is available in must slates with contnct Al’ 0300 and ccrtllicale series OAf 0300. IWuct subject to stale availability. Kales are olTered at the sole discretion of Allstale Life Insurance Company. Wc Reseñ e Ihe right to illsconllnue Ihem al any time. Ouanintees subject tn claitiis payingablllty of Insurer, 'Listed rales are for i-year guarantee period and Include a first year bonus. Rclura of Purchase Payment waiver Is nol Included. MM IW C2004 Alístale LlfclnsunmccCompaiiy. Allstato.com 03/04 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 22,2004 2 E l e c t e d T o S c h o o l B o a r d Tom Fleming, Jim Gregory, Andrew White, Johnny Frye, Don Howard and Richard Poindexter discuss the election results. ■ Photo by Robin Fergusson Frye, Fleming, Poindexter Nominated Continued From Pugc 1 three po.sition thnt he would not relinquish. Rollins .said the experience of watching the changing numbers was nerve-wracking. “This couldn't end fast enough,” Rollins said as new numbers pushed him back into fourth. “It's interesting to see how the precincts vole. Il makes me ihink back to what I could of done differently." Poindexter was equally fo­ cused on the changing numbers. “The voters have spoken loud and clear,” Poindexter said as the final numbers appeared. “We had so many good candidates, this Is the best field I’ve ever run with." Poindexter finished third with a total of 2,333 votes, 60 behind Fleming, and said he was looking forward lo working with Fleming and Frye in the coming months. “We had a terrific board,” Poindexler said. “I believe with these two men joining, we’ll continue to have a terrific board.” Fleming agreed. “This was a great slate of can­ didates," Fleming said. “I think its an honor 10 move forward and represent the party." White, who has spent much of the last two weeks tending to his ailing mother in Atlanta, said he was disappointed in his Tm- ish, but that he was confident the county would continue to be well served by the board. Wliite finished 158 votes behind Poindexter, but said he would not consider asking for a re­ count. “Its been an honor to serve the people of Davie County,” White said. “And when the people speak, the debate ends. I wouldn’t consider a run off. “I’m comfortable knowing our county is in good hands.” Frye, who has served ns the director of Davie EMS, said he looks forward to working for the people of Davie as a commis­ sioner. “To huve received these voles, wow,” Frye said. “I’m just honored thut the people of Davie would think enough of me to give me their confidence.” Frye said he was especially grateful to his supporters, friends and family for sticking by him through the campaign. “I wouldn’t be here right now If not for them,” Frye said. “I'll do my best to work hard for the people of Davie County, and make sure I make them proud for supporting me like this.” Brock Wins Davie And Rowan Continued From Page I he had carried heavily two years ago. “I had such a strong base of support in Yadkin County, and when they redrew Ihe district Ihcy said I was vulnerable.” But Davie County protected him. "They knov' Ihc Brocks and Harpes, and they know how to gel hold of me. In Rowan Counly, they knew where I stood on Issues, and I worked hard on constituent services. There’s no glory in it, but people appreci­ ate it. “Like iny father always said, it's not about me. The seat be­ longs to the people. I'm glad they decided to renew my lease." ■ All thofie Brocks and Harpes — bolh isides of his family — also helped him. From early In the moming un­ til closing time, Laura Brock Kelly worked for her brother’s re-election. She stood outside the Hillsdale precinct, hoping her presence would remind voters to help return Davie County's na­ tive son to the State Senate. "He works so hard," she said. She lives in Rolesvillc. norlh of Raleigh, now, but her entire clan, the Brocks on her father’s side and the Harpes on her mother’s, picked i\ precinct and held up a sign. . “I think this is tho holiest spot^ in Davie Counly, but it’s wwln it lo do whal 1 can for Andrew,” his sister said, her face flushed from hours in the sun. An uncle, William Brock, worked the Farmington precinct. Her molher, M argaret Jo, A B A C K - T O - S C H O O L S A L E F O R T O D A Y 'S K ID S ! ▼ VBdHlnVBlleij X cinqular fits you best” IAS ijf, Family Talk r*quiioi a two-year Mfvtca agreement for oach Una. PamltyTalk piana Induda only package minules tncludod with primary number and are ahared by the adddkxMl Hnea. PamltyTalk It not available on all rale plana. Soe Wlrelew Servica Agroameiil and Rale Plan Droctiuro (or addllk>nal cotidiUons artd feitrtcttona. CIngular, the grapt>ic toon, and FamilyTaik are Reglilerod Tradomarka ol Cingular Wiroloia LLC. PW you Beat and Rollover are Servlco Marka ol Cingular Wlrelota LLC. 2003 Cir>oular WIroleis LLC.'AH righia raiarved. Restrlctlor)« apply. Aak lor detalla. up for <1ш/ ofllivHt’ Hvn'icva tuiiv oiul тчи! t/our ItUlii Imvii In in'fiiHtl willi и IREI' YVl'Duffvl ИаЦ1 Continued From Page 1 me to continue working with children, just in a different ca­ pacity, and be a servant of the people.” Barnette said she is commit­ ted to doing her besl for the six- year term. Lambert said he wants lo continue wilh Ihe positive direc­ tion he sees in Davie Schools. He plans to keep an open door policy lo hear people’s concerns. "I am very gratified they put their confidence and trust in me and I hope to serve them well,” Barnette led the votes in nine precincts. Ellis carried Farming­ ton, East Shady Orove, West Shady Orove and Smith Orove. Lambert carried Soulh Mocks­ ville and those voters who cast ballots early or absentee. A total of 12,390 voters cast. Iheir ballots in the board of edu­ cation race. I‘^'.1 i'i Julia Howard Wins In Nail Biter worked the North Mocksville precinct. Cousin Slayton Harpe took Smilh Orove, and other family members divided them­ selves across Ihc counties. ' Brook’s aunts, uncles, cous­ ins and his grandmother att joined him at the Davie Counly courthouse to watch the election results come in. "Cam paigning in Davie Counly is very enjoyable,” Brock said. "You hnve all the candidates and their families and friends. It’s not testy here like some places." Continued From Page 1 Her friends gathered on the sidewalk in Downtown Mocks­ ville and sang, “For she’s a jolly good lady” after the results were clear. “Thank you for everything you did,” Mrs. Hownrd said. "You put out my signs, you licked my mnil, you gave me money. It takes a lot to make me cry ...” And she did. “Everyone of you. I'm very grateful. I couldn’t have done it wiihoul you. We’re going back lo make Davie County a better plnce.” Bolh candidates spent the day visiting polls in Iredell and Davie. And Iheir families and friends camped oul at the polls, distributing literature lo voters/ Onyle Mitchell spent most of the day at the Hillsdale precinct working for her husband. Daughter Keeley Ward worked the Smith Drove precinct. Mrs. Mitchell callcd this cam­ paign the “roughest ever” for her husband. She grew up in Har­ mony and once worked for the old B.C. Moore store in Mocks- Embezzlement Continued From Page 1 Raisbeck told Ihe jury the evidence against his client was all circumstantial and that no eyewitnesses, video, or hnnd writing analysis could connect Howell with the check. The state's first witness was Judy Dennison of Mocksville. Dennison told Taylor she and her husband had lived in Davie more lhan five years. On July 30, 2Q01 she went to the Yndkin Val­ ley payment cenler beside Wal- Mart lo pay her electric and phone bills. ' Dennison idenlified Howell as the teller working that day. Dennison said she handed Howell a bill and check for her telephone payment. Next, she testified slie handed Howell the bill and check for her electricity paymenl. "She look the statement and check and lurned towards Ihe com puter," Dennison said. "Then snid 'I need the check'. I told her I jusl gave it to you and she said 'I don'l seem lo have it here'." Dennison said Howell'did search the area, behind Ihe counter but Ihe check was not lo­ cated. Dennison then said she re­ turned to the parking lot area but did not find the check. Later thal day, Dennison and her husband returned to the pay­ ment center and wrote another check for their electric payment. By lhat time, Howell's work shift had ended and another teller processed the paymenl for Ihe Dennisons. Dennison said Iwo lo ihree weeks later she received her can­ celled checks and both checks written that day had been cashed. Both checks were submitted as slate's evidence. The first check written had been altered wilh a black marker. The words Duke Power had been marked ihrough on the pay lo the order of line and the word “Cash” had been written in. Dennison said she returned to Ihe paymenl center after receiv­ ing both cancelled checks in the mnil and confronted Howell, who denied having anything to do wilh the incident. The case was lurned over to Mocksville Police Detective David Miller. Miller, an eight-year veteran wilh Mocksville police, filed ville. A few steps owoy, Howard friends Paulette Hendrix, Ashley Whitlock and Kent Matthewson held signs for their candidate.- “I got up at 6:30 this morn­ ing,” Matthewson said. He cut his finger at one point, and some blood dripped onto the sign. “I’ve given her my blood to­ day," he joked. At Smilh Orove precinct, Abe Howard had traveled from Lewisburg, Pa., to work for his mother’s re-election, He came with Ills wife, Lynn, and three children, ages 10, 7 and 4, and they were at precincts in Iredell, “They wanted to come help, and il has been a great experi­ ence for them,” he said. Being out of slate, he said he had beejn spared hearing all Ihe negative campaigning. “I think people of this area will remember who has been there for them,” he predicted. His molher visited her own * South Mocksville precinct Tues­ day morning, then went to a Slatesville precinct, the largest in the district, before returning to South Mocksville, Charge Upheld charges against Howell on Aug, 22,2001, Raisbeck questioned Miller about handw riting sam ples given by Howell and the olher teller who look the Dennison's second check. He asked why those samples were not sent to the SBI’s lab until Oct. 3, 2003 - almosi two years laler. "1 wns waiting on Ihc D istrict Attorney's office to lell me lo send off the handw riting samples," Miller said. Video surveillance tapes for ' that July 31 were missing. Ac­ cording to Taylor, Howell would have been the one to change the tape that morning at the begin­ ning of her work shift. Howell did not testify during the trial and the defense pre­ sented no evidence. During Ihe stole's closing ar­ gument, Taylor lold the jury Howell's case could be difficult to follow, but that is was about credibility and common sense, "Circumstantial evidence builds this case." Raisbeck lold the jury the case was over three years old and the state has nol proven il's case. He described Miller's han­ dling of the case as "terrible po­ lice work." Afler an hour and a half of deliberations the jUry returned with a guilty verdict. Howell wiped her eyes as Judge Greeson sentenced lier to three years supervised proba­ tion. She was ordered to pay a $ 1,000 fine and court costs, re­ ceive a mental heallh evalualion, perform 60 hours of communily service, and pay $ 132,29 in res­ titution. As the jury made their way ‘ oul of the courtroom Howell's molher, Wilma Smilh, stood and shouted "All of you are a bunch of idiots." Oreeson ordered Smilh re­ moved from Ihe courtroorn and , sentenced her lo 30 days in jail. As Smith was being taken from the courtroom, Oreeson told the bailiff to read her her rights. "I know my rights as a par­ ent," she said, Smilh was later allowed to return and apologize, Oreeson retracted the 30 days in jail but did give Smith one year proba­ tion and ordered her to pay $500 and court costs. Enterprise staff member Robin Fergusson contrihuied to this story. Stx>rts DAVIE COUN'rv ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 22,2004 ■ Bl A C C B o u n d : R a n d o lp h P ic k s W a k e F o r e s t By Brinu Pitls Davie County Enterprise Record Wake Forest foolball has been fighl- ing an uphill battle for more thun 50 years. The Dea­ cons haven’t fin­ ished as high as third in the ACC since 1987. Their records in the last 10 years include 3- 8, 1-10, 3-8, 3-8 and 2-9. Their all- time record is 370- 560-33. So when it comes 10 recruit­ ing, you can imagine how difficult it is for the Deacons lo convince high- school players to pick them over rivals Florida Stale, Norlh Curolina, N.C. Slate, Virginia. Oeorgla Tech, Mary­ land. Clemson - and now Miami nnd Virginia Tech. The highest average al- lendance ever in Oroves Stadium is Randolph 29,000, and ACC rivals bring twice as many fans. Il’s often a mismatch when Wake puls a scholarship on the table and pro­ grams wilh greater foolball profiles jump in. Wake offered Davie High ris­ ing senior Ted Randolph, but so did Clemson, North Carolina, Soulh Caro­ lina and Stanford, Duke, Easl Carolina and Toledo nlso pursued Ihe 6-4, 248- pound tight end who can run the 40- yard dash in 4,9 seconds, and more big- time teams would have surely followed throughout the fall. Wake coaches told Davie coach Doug Illing they would give anything to get Randolph, but they figured the odds were stacked, W iike's coaches were wrong. Randolph announced last week he’s going lo Wake. The underdog stole one from the big boys. The underdog look a big stride in iis quest lo build on what has been Ihree respectable years under Coach Jim Orobe, “They didn’t ihink they liad a chance of getting him,” Illing said. “They of­ fered four lighl ends nol ihinking Ihey were going lo be nble to get Ted ul nil. They were up ngninst (big names). He’s one of the top tight ends in the nation, but they knew he’s a local boy that’s on everybody’s list and Ihey needed to jump on him and try lo convince him.” Wake might be an underdog much of the time on Ihe field, bul it’s among the heavyweights in academics. Thai’s one reason Randolph picked Wake. An­ other is he’s intrigued by the prospect of helping Orobe enhance his reputa­ tion ‘as a giant killer. In Orobe’s first Ihree yenrs, the Deacs have knocked off V irginia, North Carolina (twice), Purdue, Georgia Tech, Oregon, Boston College, N.C. State and Clemson. they finished 6-5 in 2001, 7-6 in 2003 nnd 5-7 last year, when they cracked the na­ tional rankings wilh a 2-0 start. Orobe is 18-18 al Wake, which Is more im­ pressive lhan going, say, 22-14 at an- olher school. And then there’s the excitement of playing closc lo home in fronl of fam­ ily and friends. "You graduate from there, you can get a job wherever you want. Olher schools didn’t have that capability," Randolph said. "Some schools have tra­ dition already. What would be beller would be starting a tradition and being apart of a building block. That was also a big thing. They’re going to be gopd, they have potcnlial, and why not start it? “It was a real easy choice. Wake has everything I would want, and it’s close to home." Rnndolph will make his decision of­ ficial in February, when the NCAA sign­ ing period begins. • Randolph’s commitment gives Davie three ACC football players, in­ cluding sophomores Palrick Lowery (linebacker) of N.C. State and David Wooldridge (punier) of North Carolina. Who would have predicted lhat 10 years ago? Dan Poindexter dives back to first on a Rowan County pickoff attempt. Rowan won the series 3-1.- Photo by James Barringer Train Wrecii: Rowan Beats Mocksville Unmercifully By Krhm Pitls Davie County Enlcrprise Rccord The Mocksville Legion baseball team thought il had hil rock boilom when il lost Game One at Rowan County 13-0. Il was wrong. Mocksville’s nexl trip lo Newman Park in Game Three on July 14 was as low us you can go, losing 22- 3. Mocksville wns coming off a crisp 6-2 win Ihnt evened Ihe series, but its euplioria lurned lo despair in a hurry us Rowan look a 2-1 lead in the second- round, bcst-of-5 Southern Division playoff series. "It’s really unexplainable,” Rowan third basemun Bubba Morris .suid. “I have no explanation for it,” Rowan couch Jim Ganll said. “When we wanl 10 play, we play well. Other times, we don’l play so well.” Mocksvillc coach Mike Lovelace wus so disgusted lie refused lo lalk af­ ter the game. When Rowan scored three runs in the second and five more in the third, Mocksville figured it was in for a long night - it just didn’t know how long. Rowan added two in the fourth, six in the fifth and six in Ihe sixlh. The hu­ miliation ended afler six and a half in­ nings via llie 10-run rule. Rowan knocked starter John McDaniel around for eight runs (four eurned) on seven hits in three innings. With the game oul of hnnd at 8-0, Lovelnce hnd to save his regular pilch­ ers for Ihe rest of the series. Thai meant four arms who had combined for 11 In­ nings all year had lo mop up. Predict­ ably. Rowan pounded each of Mocksville's l-can-throw-it-ucross-ihe- pinle relievers into submission. Rowan's brighlesl slars were Brell Hatley and Morris. Hailey went 5 for 5 witli seven RBIs after entering the game al a modest .243, including a .205 clip over Ihe last 11 games. Morris added four hits and six RBIs as Rowan rolled up 20 hits. A pitcher who gave up six runs to Mooresville in his last slnrt. Wade Moore, held Mocksville to five hits. The only Mocksville positive was Dan Poindexter, who singled and homere^ in three at-bnts. Poindexter’s ninlh homer lied him with teamm ate Jess Maloney and marked only the I ith time a Mocksville slugger has connected at least nine times. Il also gave Poindexler a season average of .414. Wesley Douglas, Cody Crolls und Foo Smilh had one hil each. Smith hil safely for the 10th time in 12 gnmes. Notes; Second-seeded Rowan moved to 22-15 while No. 3 Mocksville fell to 19-10. McDaniel iiad won four of five decisions.... Clint Stanley made his firsl pilching uppenrunce since middle school. Twin brother Coll Slunley appeared for the second time in the series afler nol toeing Ihe rubber sincc his Norlh Davie dnys, Rowun Си. 22, IVlocksvillc 3 Mock lib r h bi .Slcga-Rizcr 2 1 0 0 Doiielusc 3 I I U Poindexler 3b 3 1 2 3 Muluniiy lb 3 0 0 0 Croll.ulh 3 0 1 0 .Smilh ir 2 0 1 0 Hoyle.4 2h 3 0 0 0 licuiiirf 1 0 0 0 Wemslnsrf 2 0 0 0 Нтс1ю11.ч .IS 1 0 0 0 Childers pli 1 0 0 0 Emerl s.s 1 О О О Tiiliil.4 24 3 5 3 Mock.svlllc ООО 100 2 -3 Rownn Co. 035 266 *-22 HR-Poindexler(9). Mock Il> H К KR nil SO McD L 3 7 R 4 3 1 Co. Slanley ,2 2 2 2 2 1 Hodges .2 3 5 .1 2 0 Cl.Slimluy .2 3 4 4 2 0 Sicjju-RIz I .I 3 3 1 2 Rowan Haunts Mocksville In Jr. Legion Death, luxes nnd Rowan over Mocks­ ville. Those are liie three greate.sl cer- ininlies. Nol even a 1-0 lead in u besl-of-3 series could chunge that for Mocksville’s Junior Legion baseball team. Pilcher Brnndon Johnson und I' Mocksville grubbed Gume One 1-0 16 i put them one win from Ihe Wesiem fi- I nuls. Bul ns hus been the cuse in 10 plny- |o fr series between the senior tennis and Inow iwo scries in Iwo years between llie |junior squads, Rowan captured the se- iries by winning liie next two games, 7- |4 ul Rich Pnrk nnd 10-0 nl Rowan. Mock.sville (24-11) hud all of 11 hits Bn the series. Four hits were enough when Johnson outdueled Josh Moneycull in eiglil innings, but Ihe bats let Mocksville down in the next two. And it mnde Mocksville sick to its slomnch. “They were upset,” Conch Chnrles Kurfees snid. "They stuyed oul here nt the park all day hilling baseballs. We just got beat. We just played bad.” Going into Game Two. the season series was 3-3 and five of the games Iiad been decided by one run. Bul what promised to be a thrilling conclusion was a Rowan cakewalk, In the second’game. Rowan rocked Mocksville 5-1 in the firsl iwo innings and coasled lo the 7-4 decision. Brnd Corriher nllowed 10 iiils while going Ihe distunce, bul Mocksville’s offense only contributed three hits und the defense willed. “We jusl mnde loo mnny niislakes,” Kurfees said, pointing lo an infield er­ ror on the game’s first pilch and a dropped fiy wilh two outs. "You can’t make those kinds of mistakes against a good team like that or you're going to lose every time," Mocksville’s lone run in the first four innings came on n Chad Jarvis single, Rowan’s wildness helped Mocksville produce Ihree runs in tiie fiflh. Walks to Brandon Slewarl, Corrilier, Timmy Allen and Josh Eder - sandwiched uround u hil by pitch lo Znch Hownrd - pulled Mocksville to 6-4, Tlie wulks pul Mocksville in conten­ tion, but the rnlly could have been big­ ger. One potential run was erased when il wns ihrown out trying lo score on n wild pitch, Thnt deflnting piny hurt more when Znch Vogler opened Ihe bottom of the sixlh wilh n double, "We cume bnck nnd mude it n little interesting," Kurfees snid, "We just couldn’t gel over the hump.” Josh Eder hnd Mocksville’s third hit. ROWAN PICKED UP RIG H T wliere it left off in llie decisive Onme PIcnsc See Domlnnting - Page B6 “It’ll be a litlle more inieresiing to go watch Wake," said Illing, a former Wake kicker who boomed a 47-yard field goal againsi Maryland in 1984, “When you get pi'ayers to come through like thal, you hope you get Iheir names oul there and get the recognition. We’ve been fortunate to get colleges lo come through here and give them offers.” • Illing’s smile turned inlo a frown when the conversation moved to the new stadium. Construction on the new home side is behind schedule, perhaps wny behind. M aking m atters worse is Davie’s first three games, starling Aug, 20, nre nt home. “It’s disappointing, especially with all the hoopla nnd excitement in the community,” he snid. "Il’s exciting ihni we’re getting it, bul we were hoping lo bring Norlhwesl Guilford inlo a new sta­ dium, and it doesn't look like it’s going to be ready unless they’re nble to work double-shifts. I’ve heurd il Inkes nny- thing from 3-6 weeks to construct il. Hopefully it’ll be three weeks,” Rowan Continues i\/lastery Of Moclcsville By Brian Pitls Davie County Enterprise Rccord Mocksville camc into the second round of the playoffs on a spectacular 10-1 roll, nnd il was NOT going lo lose to Rowan Counly again. Wilh Moeks- viiie playing the best ball in the South­ ern Division nnd Rownn doing just enough lo get by, the local American Legion baseball leam was confident the demons of the past would finally be lifted, Mocksville would have done jusl aboul anything to see that happen, but after Onme Four of ihe besl-of-5 series, there wn.s an nll-loo-familinr scene of Rownn ceiebrating a lopsided series vic­ tory and Mocksville contemplating whnt went wrong. As bndly as Mocksville wunled to give Rowan n dose of its own medicine, Ihe curse wns nol reversed. Zero for 10, That’s Mocksville’s all- time series batting average against Rowan after the visitors won 12-8 July 15 lo compleie a ihrce-games-to-one demolishing. For all that went wrong, Mocksvillc still considered Ihe .season a succe.ss, and rightfully so. While the final stages were a rough ride, il finished second in the nine-team regulnr-senson race for the second year in a row and wns one win from its firsl SD championship since 1993. Another consolation prize was the most wins since 2000. "We wanted .to beat Rownn, but we went oul the best we could,” Cody Crolls snid. “You cnn’l nsk for more. It's. been a greal season. We tried to comc bnck, we jusl fell a little short,” “There’s nothing lo hang our heads about,” Wesley Dougins said, “We did good in the regular season and had a chnnce lo win il,” “We hnd n good run, especinlly nl ihe end of Ihe regulnr senson,” Jess Maloney snid, “It's .still nol n bad way lo go out,” Coach Mike Lovelace emphasized the positives, giving high praise for chopping an 11-3 deficit to 11-8 and playing as hard as they could until the final out, “Afler being down 11-3,1 couldn’t be more proud of a leam for Ihe wny Ihey battled back,” he said, "They gave me everything they had. We jusl came up short.” Rowan jum ped on Andrew McClannon in the top of the first, but Mocksville did the same to Phillip Hillard in the bottom haif, Nick Siega- Riz’? second-inning single provided a 3-2 lend ngninst n pitcher who cnme in 2-0 wilh Iwo snves and a 1.67 ERA in 18 appearances, Back-to-bnck doubles by Rownn tied it nl 3, and three hits and two walks sent Rowan ahead 5-3 in Ihe fourlh, Rownn would hnve scored more in Ihe third nnd fourth if it had not been for second baseman David Boyles, who made two Plense See Rowan - Page H4 I В2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Thursdiiy, July 22,2004 Oak Valley Sixth In W inston-Salem Sw im Cham pionshps Oak Valley look sixth placc In the W inston-Salem swim championships last week. Coach Lnrry Umbergcr said his team conlinucd to make progress in the annual championships which end the summer swim season. W hile Sherwood Pool dominaled the event, the second through sixth place teams were tightly competitive. "Wc Hnlshed only 67,5 points away from the team who Hnlshed sccond, meaning that five teams were all In a pretty tight race to Hnish sccond, including us. Last ' year we finished 7th and 157 points out of second, so we arc very proud because we are narrowing the gap each year which is important. Next year looks very positive to make another huge jump," he said. “The kids swam incredibly well. V/c had several who were seeded out of placing position, bul who camc up and placed In the top six and others who were seeded In the lop six bul bumped theni.selves all the way up to medal positions. Everyone seemed to swim extremely hard and finish strong, which in this meet could have made the difference between Sth place in an event and 2nd placc. "Another feat we accomplished in Ihis championships was that we gol a gold medal relay for Ihc first lime. In fact wc got it, Ihc 11 -12 girls A und 9-10 girls A relays bolh won Iheir medley and free relays. Also both the 11-12 girls and 9-10 girls won their age groups in- total points nt championships. “Also Aulumn Jones wns one of only five swimmers in the championships lo win all Iheir events." Al Ihc team also presented Ihe following awards: • Most Points, Quin l lolland. Zack Waller, Palmer Benson, Laura Shelton, Autumn Jones, Daniel Wendel. • Most Improved, Michael Mcbcl, Nolan Day, Cara Wallon, Molly Gmham, Summer Holland • Coach’s Award, Jonathon Davis, Zachary Coffey, Erika Coffey, Morgan Rowe, Alex Folk, Katie Davis, Jamie Stancliff, Jny Stnncliff. • Spirit Award - Dominick Carbone • Orca of the Year, Drew Esposito, Taylor Moore. Here are the top finishers in . Ihe championship event held at Ihc Clemmons West pool: 7-8 Giris: Medley Relny - 3"' Placc - Teddi Ull, Caitlyn Rndnlovich, Grace Bartelt, Lilly Smithdeal; Free Relay - 5"' Place —^Teddi Ult, Elizabeth Carbone, Graces Bartell, Lilly Smithdeal; Cnitlyn Radatovich - 6"' place brEaststrokc; Teddi Ull -4"' place backstroke 7-8 Boys; Medley Relay -2"^ PInce - Zachary Coffey, Noliin Day, Michael Mcbcl, Jonathon Davis; Free Relny - 5"' pluce - Zuchury Coffey, Nolan Dny, MichacI Mcbcl, Jonnlhon Davis; Michuel Mebel-2'«* PInce-5 0 free, 2~' Plucc - 25 free, 2'“' Placc - butterfly; Zuchury Coffey - 2'*' PInce - buckstroke, 2"' pluce - brenststroke. 9-10 Girls: A Medley Reluy - 1" pluce -Eriku Coffey, Pnlmer Benson, Laura Shelton, Madi Pnitapas; A Free Relny - 1“ place - Erilta Coffey, Palmer Benson, Laura Shellon, Madi Pratapas; B Medley Relay - 7"' place — Hailey Folk, Megnn Hennings, Kristen Dray, CInirc Whltnkcr; B Free Relay - 7"' place - Hailey Folk, Megnn Hennings. KrI.sten Druy, Cluire Whilukcr; Palmer Benson - 2"'' place - breaststroke, 3"* placc - 50 free, 5'" place - butterfly; Erlkn Coffey - 3'^ placc - buckstrokc, S“" plucc - IM; Lnura Shellon - 1 Í ' ' /Vn‘. _ e 4 - ^ ' ^ ^ " v . ' I ? ? ' y ’ i g Kristin Dray shows her competitive spirit for Oai< Valley during the city championship meet. 4"’ placc - butterfly, 4"' place - breaststroke, 6* place - IM. 9-10 Boys: Medley Reluy-3'^ place — Paul Ountner, Brendan Rndnlovich, Znck' Wnllcr,.Bryce Bartelt; Free Relay - 5''' placc - -Paul Guntner, Brendan Rndnlovich, Zack Waller, Bryce Bartelt; Brycc Bartelt - б* place - brenststroke; Brendan Radatovich - 4'" place - brea.4tstrokc; Zack Waller - 2“' placc - 25 free, 3"' place - butterfly, 4"'place-buckstroke. 11-12 Boys; Medley Relay - 6''' pluce — Kyle Mucey, Patrick Keeney, Jay Stancliff, Christian Day; Free Relny - 7"' pIncc - Kyle Mucey, Pnirick Keeney, Jay Stancliff, Christian Day. 11-12 Girls: A Medley Relay - 1" place - Autumn Jones, Taylor Moore, Molly Graham, Summer Holland; A Free Relay - 1" place - Autumn Jones, Taylor Moore, Molly Graham, Summer Holland; B Medley Relay - 4"' place — Hannah Keeney, Alex Sm ithdeal, Jennifer Booth, Ashleigh Whaling; B Free Relay - S'” place — Elizabeth Dayis, Jennifer Booth, Ashleigh W haling, Hannah Keeney; Molly Graham - 4"' place - breaststroke; Summer Holland- - 5'" place - 100 free, e* place - 50 free; Autumn Jones - 1 ” place - IM. 1« place - 100 free, 1« place - butterfly; Hannah Keeney— 5“' place - backstroke; Taylor Moore— 2"'* place - backslrokc. 3"“ place - 50 free, S“-place-IM . 13-14 Girls: Medley Relay - 6"' place —Amber Parrish. Clare Moser. Jamie Stancliff. Cnrly Pratapas; Jumie Stancliff - 3"* place - 50 free, 5* place - IM, 6"' place - 100 free, e* place - butterfly. 13-14 Boys; Daniel Wendel- 2"^ place, - 50 free. 3"* place - IM. 3"“ place -100 free, 4"' place - backstroke. 15-18 Girls: Medley Relay­ s''' pluce - Stephanie Wendel, Brittany Rowe, Curu Hennings. Miranda Esposito; Free Relay - S"' place - Cara Hennings. Stephanie W endel, Miranda Esposito. Brittany RoweT 15-18 Boys: Free Relay - 4“' place — Daniel Wendel, David Stein. Bennett Shipman. Drew Esposito; Drew Esposito - 4"' place - backstroke, ö* place - IM. 6"' place - breaststroke; David Stein - 4"' place - 50 free. 6"' place - 100 free. b e amember N O W Y O U CAN. Thinking about opening a new certificate or IRA? Think Truliant Federal Credit Union. At Truliant, being a member means more benefits for you - benefits you can’t get from a bank. During the month of July you can get a great rate on our special 20 and 28 month certificates - or receive a 1/4% bonus on any of our other IRA and certificate terms from 3 to 36 months. 3.35% APY’ 28 m o n th s Л .75% APY* 20 m o n th s Start enjoying all the benefits membership has to offer. Stop by one of our convenient Greensboro locations or give us a call today. T R U ^ l A N T * Federal Credit Union 664.19551 trullantfcu.org •APV currenl as of 7W04 lubjeci to change. Special offer requires $ 10,000 In new money and excludes Irtitnewmone/bonus. Penally for early withdrawal. Offer ends 7/31/04,NCUA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 22,2004 - B3 Bermuda Run swimmers ham It up during a recent meet BR Swimmers Post Best Scores Of Year Hannah Tedder swims for the Barracudas Tlic BernuKla Run UiuTiieii- dus cnilcd their scusoii witli ii home meet ngninst Old Town Country Club «ml i\n awny nicel ul Jonestown, Bermudu Run hud its best score of the yeur uguinsi Old Town und cunie close to mulch­ ing il al the Jonestown meet. Bermudu Run held its own ngninst both tenms, producing two very close meets. Tliey will compete in Ihe llnnls on July 17 at Sulem Glen. Teammates offer encouragement to each other.Swimming Is fun, but so Is the comraderle among the children at the meets. Coach Christen Howard encourages the team. Morgan Sessoms, Hannah Weal^land, Ashiey Dowell, Ivey Carney and Kerry Eagan celebrate tha end of the swim season. Davie County, I THANK YOU for your prayers & support! ANDREW C. BROCK РЛШ ivii HY BliocK 1Ш s m \m Ser Irotl M i C n y ”S *T re e S ervice Reslileirtial a Commarlcal • UlCleatHij •TueFMilIng Cofflnlele 75’ -Troo Removal FerUlliatlon cjaanudWorking ■ Stump Grindino • Hazanlaus «-'Banup ' Helaht ‘ Selectivo Trimming Removal Bucket »•’"'"N -Skid Steer Work pully “ 492-2944 ^ Toll Free;A-9№477-TREp (8733) ^ f » . Thank You foryour vote and support. TOM FLEMING I’lild lor hy Umi I'ltmliiK, ( jirulidali- В4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, July 22,2004 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 22,2004 - BS Cody Crotts went out in style, evening the series in Game Two.Cody Crotts pitched eight shutout innings in Mocl<sville’s lone win vs. Rowan County. Rowan Wins Playoff Series 3 - 1 Jess Maloney left as one of the best power hitters ever. Conlinued From Page Bl nifly plays lhal added to his sea­ son-long collection. The outconic was iillimately settled by Rowan's six-run fiftli, which included a Iwo-run double by Bretl Mulkey and a two-riui homer by the next batter, Seth Waller. Mocksville had seen Rowati explode like the ‘27 Yan­ kees belore, losing 13-0 in Game One and 22-3 in Gume Three. The latest Rowan merry-go- roiind made it 11-3. Lovclacc stuck with McClan­ non in the dismal fiftli because he was without Dusty Snow (mono) and needed lo have top guns Dan Poindexter ami Cody Crotts available for Game Five. As rough as the fifth wus, McClannon showed plenty of heart, responding with seorcless work in the. sixth, seventh and eighth. "Our staff had gotten a little thin,” Lovelace said. “We lost one of our main pi'tehiirs to mono and wc ran oul of pitching. I told McClunnon we’re going to h«ye to ride you, and he found a wny to lust (7 2/3). lie did everything wc asked him to do." Mocksvillc mounted a come­ back behind Poindexter (3 Ibr 4, Iwo RBIs), Douglas (3-5), Crotts (2-.‘i, Ihree RBIs), Foo Smilli (2- 5) and Siega-Riz (2-3, two walks). It clawed to 11-5 in the llHh and put itself within rcach - Spencer Hodges and Clint Stanley (2) meet Dan Poindexter (9) after scoring a run. at 11-8 - with a three-run sixth lhal featured a two-out, two-run single by Crotts. Mocksville outhit Rowan 15- 12 and hnd n chancc to draw even closer in the eighlh, when Dou­ gins laced a single to left and Maloney walked. That brought the potential tying run to the plute with two ouls. Bul Rowan's third pitcher, Craige Lyerly, coaxed a ground oul from Crotts, and Rowun tacked on lui insurance run in the ninth. Lyerly didn't make it to the sccond inning in Mocksville's 6- 2 win in Onme Two, but he made sure Mocksville never caught up in three one-hit Innings. Cy Young Improved to 5-0 despite giving up three runs in I 1/3, atid Lyerly got Ihe save. "We outhit them, bul lhat doesn’t nlways count on the scoreboard," Lovelace snid, "Hey, they're a good team. They’re rundumentally sound, they play good defense, Ihey swing the bats well and they look advantage of everything we gnve them tonight." Notes: Rowan’s one run in 1 - 1/3 against Poindexter was uii- eamed.... Secondrseedod Rowan ' advanced to the Area III semifi­ nals with a 23-15 rccord. No. 3 Mocksville finished 19-U. ... Rowan shortstop and No. 3 bat­ ter Bryan Graham fouled a pitch off his face wilh two ouls in the fourth, breaking his nose und getting helped off Ihc field after laying on the ground for 10 min­ utes. When Jason Cauble stepped in for Graham, he lined the first pitch he saw for a tiebreaking Dan Poindexter has the No. 3 average of all-time, .427. Coach Mike Lovelace talks to Foo Smith.■ Photos by James Barringer F I R S T G R E E N S B O R O H O M E E Q U I T Y WE OFFER... 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NaUonwklt Mutual Intunnc« Company and AtfltUUd Companlai, Horn* Oiflce: Columbui, OH 4)215*2220 Al 11/00 BANKofiЮКГН1ЕАНаИЫА MORTGAaE M ortgage rates are the low est th ey have been in 4 0 years! H ave you refinanced? D o you w an t to purch ase a hom e? P lease ca ll us today! There co u ld n ’t b e a b etter tim e! JERRY KAPP Manager/Loan Olllcer 1336 Westgate Center Drive WInston-Salom, N027103 Telephone; (333) 774-2944 Mobile: (336)462-3932 E-Mall; ¡)(щ>р@ЬагМк.сот Member гою Crott’s Ends Rowan’s Streak Over l\/locksvllle single. Rowan Co. 12, Mocksville 8 Mock ab r h Ы SIeüii-RUcr 3 3 2 1 Dougins с 5 2 3 0 Poindexier 3b-p Muloney lb ' 4 2 3 2 4 0 1 2 Crotis dh-3b 5 0 2 3 Smilh If 5 0 2 0 1 Boyles 2b 4 0 1 0 Deom rf 4 1 1 0 Cl. Siuntey 1 0 0 0 Hulchens SS 2 0 0 0 Wernsing ph 1 0 0 0 Ernert KS 1 0 0 0 Taints 39 8 IS 8 Rownn 201 26C1 001-12 Miicksvllle 210 023 000 -8 2B - Dougins (7), Polndexler( 10), Smith (5), Beam (4). Kownn IP II R ER nil so Hillard 4.2 11 5 5 2 3 Young W l.t 3 3 2 1 1 , i Lyerly S 3 t 0 0 1 2 : Mock IP II R ER BB so McClnnL 7.2 12 II 7 7 5 Poindexier I.I 0 1 0 1 2 By Brian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record Cody Crotts knew exactly what was at stake when he took the mound in Game Two of the second-round, best-of-5 South­ ern D ivision playoff series against Rownn County July 13 at Rich Park. Mocksville was coming off a horrendous 13-0 loss, and if it falls behind 2-0 in the series, it must win three straight against a team it has de­ feated four times in the last 11 years. Crotts didn't let lhat dreadful scenario unfold, coming lo the rescue with an inspired complete gnme. A furious five-run first inning brought buck M ocksville’s heartbeat, and Crotts took it from there, protect­ ing a 6-2 win that was as delight­ ful as the night before was de­ pressing. "It could be my last series, and probably the last time I’ll ever pitch against Rowan," Mocksville Legion (19-11) W Mock 11, Mooresville 4 W Mock 9, Ashcboro 3 W Mock 9, Kemersville 7 W Mock 5, E. Randolph 4 L Mooresville 6, Mock 3 L Kemersville 10, Mock 8 LAsheboro 9, Mock 6 W Mock 12, South Rowan 2 L Stanly Co. 5, Mocksville 4 L Concord 9, Mocksville 7 W Mock 13, Lexington 3 L Rowan Co. 6, Mocksvillc 4 W Mocksville 13, Wilkes 2 W Mock 12, Mooresville 2 L Moor 5. Mocksvillc 3(11) .WMock 16, Stanly Co. 12 W Mock 5, Wilkes Co. 4 W Mock 9, Kannapolis I W Mocksville 8. S. Rownn 7 W Mock 3, Lexington 2(10) W Mock 15, Kannapolis 6 W Mocksville 14, Concord 7 L Rownn 14, Mock.sville 4 Playoffs W Mocksville 6, Concord 4 W Mocksvillc 13, Concprd 0 W Mocksville 11, Concord 1 L Rownn 13, Mocksville 0 W Mocksvillc 6, Rownn 2 L Rowan 22, Mocksville 3 L Rowan 12, Mocksville 8 Boyles Hutchcns Crotts .saidi “1 just had to comc through big nnd Iry to pick up my tcum from yestcrdny." Crolts wobbled through a dis­ appointing regular senson (5.40 ERA). But no one has been bet­ ter in the playoffs, u 1.68 ERA in 16 innings after throwing cighl shutout innings against Rowan. Crolts’ record is 3-0 Ihis year and 9-3 in the lasl two years. “A lot of people have nlmost lost faith in Cody becnuse of his first few outings, and he luid a rough go of things in college (UNC-Pcmbroke)," third base­ m an/pitcher Dan Poindexter snid. “Bul I've played with Cody since I was a freshman, and I know Cody can get the job done and do what he did tonight." People nround Mocksvillc expect the worst against Rowan, and Mocksville's psychological hurdle popped up again in the lop of the first. With the 13-0 debacle fresh on everyone’s mind, Michael Gcgorek lined Ihe Legion Recap July 12 - Rowan 13, Mock 0 Patrick Adams of Rownn strikes out 12 in n thrcc-hittcr. Dan Poindexier fulls lo 6-2, with both losses to Rownn. July 13 - IVIock 6, Rownn 2 Mocksville scorcs five in the •first, then rides Cody Crotts to victory. Mall Hulchens reaches base four times and Crotts im­ proves lo 3-0 ns Mocksville squures the .series ut 1-1. July 14 - Rownn 22, Mock 3 Rowun pounds five pitcliers unmercifully, scoring 18 earned runs on 20 hits. Mocksville’s lone highlight wns Poindexter’s nimh home run. July IS - Rowan 12, Mock 8 Rowan builds an 11-3 lend nnd holds on to end Mocksville's senson in the playoffs for the lOth time in 10 tries. gumc's first pitch for u hit, und No. 2 batter Bubba M orris reached on an error when Poindexter's throw from third to second on a possible double-play ball sailed wide. Could anything else go wrong? That question was an­ swered on a soft grounder to Crotts, who couldn’t field it smoothly and threw lute to sec­ ond. With the bnses loaded and one out, Mocksville wns facing the real possibility of more em­ barrassment. That’s when Crotts snarled nt fenr und mnde the pitch of the gnme and the season, striking out Seth Waller. Mocksville cscapcd unscathed when Brett Mulkey fiew out, and then its offen.sc charged out like some hungry Rottweilers after being caged forever. "1 don't believe in supernatu­ ral voodoo curses or anything like thut, but it wusn't the best start I've ever had," Poindexter said. “1 was a liltle worried." Mocksvillc turned the scries momentum around in one fluri'y. Wesley Douglas got Ihings go­ ing with a single by third, fol­ lowed by a Poindexter walk. That set up four straight hits, a Jess Maloney double off the wall in center, n Crotts single between short und third, a Foo Smith single over the right fielder's head and n David Boyles double to ccnter. Before you knew it, it was 4-0 Mocksvillc. Malt Hutchens, the ninth bat­ ter, mashed the sixth hit of the frame to make it 5-0. That wns it for Rownn sturter Crnige Ly- crly, who camc in as Rowan's most reliable pilcher. "It's n big Ihing," Poindexter snid of the series history. “They nlwnys beat us no mutter whnt rcnl consistently. Everybody ev­ erywhere snys Rowun is the leum we can’t beat, and up until tonight it was looking like the streak was jusl going lo con­ tinue." “You jum p on somebody eariy like that, you can relax u little bit and hnve n little bit more fun," Dougins snid. “We showed Ihem whal we’ve renlly got and it’s going lo be a fight the whole way. Obviously (Rowan over Mocksville is) the way it’s been M o c k s v ille L e g io n B a s e b a ll S t a t is t ic s Record: 19-11 HITTING Evan Beam Andrew Beck David Boyles Cody Crolts Philip Childers Wesley Douglas Lance Emert Matt Hulchens Jess Maloney Andrew McClannon Jonathan McIntosh Dan Poindexter Nick Siega-Riz Foo Smith Dusty Snow Clint Slanley , Colt Slanley Brandon Stewart Zach Vogler Michael Wernsing TOTALS PITCHING Cody Crotts Spencer Hodges Jonathan Hutchcns Jess Maloney Andrew McClannon John McDaniel Dan Poindexter Nick Siega-Riz Dusly Snow Cl. Stanley Co. Stanley Others TOTALS SAVES: Poindexter 2, Siega-Riz STOLEN BASES: Siega-Riz 17, Beam 4, Poindexier 4, Douglas 2, Maloney 2, Co. Sinnley 2, Boyles, Hulchens, Smith, Cl. Sinnley WALKS/HPB: Sicgu-Riz 25, Poindexter 19, Beam 16, Muloney 16, Smilh 15, Hulchens 12, Boyles II, Douglas II, Crotts 10, Childers 7, Wernsing 7, Snow 4, Co. Stanley 4, Emert 3, McIntosh 2, Cl. Stanley 2, McClannon, Vogler AVG.AB R H Kill 2H ЗИ HR .244 90 23 22 13 4 0 I .333 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 .284 88 16 25 19 5 0 5 .347 72 II 25 19 2 0 2 .176 17 4 3 4 I 0 0 .346 104 29 36 19 7 2 1 .207 29 4 6 3 0 0 0 .195 82 16 16 10 1 0 1 .354 113 26 40 32 7 0 9 .307 13 3 4 1 0 0 0 .000 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .427 103 34 44 40 10 I 9 .325 114 35 37 20 6 2 1 .324 102 22 33 15 5 0 0 .222 9 I 2 1 0 0 0 .200 20 2 4 3 0 0 0 .166 12 4 2 0 0 0 0 .000 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 .500 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 .378 37 10 14 7 0 0 0 ■ .311 1017 240 316 206 49 5 29 W-L IP H R ER 1Ш SO ERA 3-0 41 43 25 18 9 31 3.95 0-0 ■7 2/3 9 10 9 5 4 10.56 0-0 3 1 1 I 4 3 3.00 0-0 I 1 0 0 0 0 0.00 3-4 38 2/3 48 29 19 17 34 4.42 4-2 61 2/3 73 50 30 16 27 4.37 6-2 57 1/3 59 32 24 16 56 3.76 0-0 4 •10 5 4 3 6 9.00 3-3 31 37 26 16 18 29 4.64 0-0 2/3 3 4 4 2 0 54.00 0-0 1 2/3 2 ■2 2 3 3 10.80 0-0 3 1 1 I 4 3 3.00 19-11 247 2/3 287 184 .127 93 193 4.61 forever. It’s tough. You’ve gol to get over it, overcome it, and hopefully we can get that done." After the tone-selling first, the rest of the night belonged lo Crolts and his second baseman. Boyles sm olhcrcd seven of Crotts’ 13 ground-bull outs, in­ cluding two dazzling plays to his left. Rowan’s only chancc to score between the sccond and eighth was a firsl-and-lhlrd, one-out threnl in the fifth. Rowun cumc up empty when Dougins made a fabulous recovery on a passed ball. Crotts covercd home and got the runner by an inch. Rowan didn’t end Crotts’ shutout until tlic ninth, when four straight butlers renched uf- ler there were two ouls and no­ body on. Before that, the right­ hander retired 11 of 13. “Crolls was just unbeliev­ able," Coach Mike Loveluce said. “That’s Iwo .starts in tlic playoffs and both have been complete games." “Holding a hilling team like lhal - those kids ure murderers nt the plate - to Iwo runs... that's stellar right there," Poindexter suid. Boyles' first highlight-reci pluy came in the fourlli when he ranged into sliorl riglit, threw off one fool und denied Mulkey by u hulf-step al first. Boyles robbed Ronnie King in the seventh, mnking nnolhcr tlirow off bnl- ance from Ihc grass. “He went three steps in right field," Loveluce suid of the fourth-inning ussist. “He's been unbclicvnblc defensively all year. I've said it before; 'He's as good a sccond baseman us we've had. They were two iremendous plays." The icing to this clutch win wns supplied by Hutchcns, whose high drive in the eighlh squcuked over llie left-field wull for his first homer. Hutchens, who hns slowly bul surely rounded into batting forth, was 2 for 2 with two walks. “1 went and worked with (scout) Freddy Suggs a coupic games ago, and he seemed to liclp," said Hutchcns, who is 10 for 26 (.384) since dipping to .113. “Mr. Maloney and my dad have also helped me." "When he rounded sccond (on the homer) he was smiling from ear lo ear," Lovclacc said. “He's made a few udjuslmenls and it's paid off from .113 to .202. That's u huge jump." Smith mulched Hutchcns with two hits, und Muloney hnd a double and two walks. Reliever Juson Cauble stymied Mocks­ villc for six innings, but the dum- uge had been done. “To bounce bnck ngninst a team like Rowan makes it even swccler, bccause every question that's been asked has been: ‘Well, y'all hnve lost the lust nine scries,’ “ Lovelace said. “One win isn’t thal big a deal. 1 want to win the series," Notes: It was Mdcksvillc's first win of the year over Rowan in four tries. ... Rowan’s 3-4-5 batters wenl 1 for 12. Mocksville 6, Rowan Co. 2 Mock Slcp-RI/.сГ Daiigl№ с I’oimtcxler 3b Mnloncy 111 Crolts p Smilh ir Uoylcs 2b Beum rf lIUIclwnH SS Tutnis ttowiin Co. МоскчуШс ab r tl Ы .1 0 0 0 5 1 1 0 .1 I 2 I 4 I 3 I 4 4 2 I 0 I I I I I I I 2 I 0 I I О О О 1 2 2 32 6 9 6 ООО ООО 002 -2 .too ООО OIX-6 2П - Muloney (7). MR - Hulchens. Kotvnn Lyerly L J, Cuiible LIn/u Miick Crolls W IP II R ER BU SO t 6 5 .“i 1 1 6 2 0 0 5 5 1 I I I 0 I If It R KR mi so 9 к 2 2 2 6 Game 1 A Mocksville Nightmare The Mocksvillc Legion base­ bull team ’s hislory againsi Rowan County is depressing, but the stars seemed to be aligned for Mocksvillc as it entered the scmifinnls of the Soulhern Divi­ sion playoffs July 12 al Catawba College’s Newman Park. Mocksville had won 10 of 11 and outscored Concord 30-5 in a first-round sweep. Rowan cllminaled Mooresville three games to one, but it was unim­ pressive in doing it to a below- .500 team. So with Mocksville far atid away the hottest team in the eight-team field, and with Rowun still senrchlng for nn identity 34 ganies into tlie sea­ son, Mocksville fell il was on the verge of a breakthrough in Gnme One of Ihe lOth Mocksville- Rowan postseason scries since 1982. So much for M ocksville’s massive momentum. So much for Rowan’s soul-searching. Game One turned out to be just another day in the life of the Rowan Curse. M ocksville (18-9) was drubbed 13-0. Rowan nee pitcher Pnlrick Ailums fired u three-hit­ ter, while Mocksville ace Dan Poindexier was roughed up for nine runs (six 'earned) in 3 2/3 innings, “We knew wc were cupuble of it, especiniiy with Patrick on the mound," said Coach Jim Gunll of Rowun (21-14). "We seemed a little more relaxed to­ night." No wonder. Look nl what Mocksville has endured in this stinking curse; It marked Ihe sixth loss in a row at Newman Park, the 34th loss in the last 38 overall meetings and the 35th loss in 39 postseason meetings. There’s more. Poindexter is 6-0 with a 2.38 ERA ugninsi ev­ erybody excepl Rownn. Poin­ dexter is 0-2 with u 10,12 ERA this yenr uguinst Rowun. Both of Mocksville's defents in Ihe last 12 games have come by Rowun. In Ihe final rcgular-senson game, Mocksville was one win from its first regulur-season champion­ ship since 1993, und Rowun spoiled thnl. Couch Mike Lovc- ince is 4-19 ngninst Rowun, He is 97-62 against everybody else, "I think it’s more in our heads, I really do," Mocksville catcher Wesley Douglas snid, “ It’s more in our heads that they've gol lhal natnc ‘Rowan’ and wc come out a little bit in­ timidated every now und then." Mocksville’s horrible night started In tlio second Inning, and the fourth wus a nightmare. Rowan sent 11 baticrs lo the pinte, hit bullets all over the place and scorcd six runs for a 9-0 lead, Rowun pounded re­ liever Spenccr Hodges in Ihe fifth, hitting u two-run triple and a two-run homer, Hodges’ ERA soared from 0,(K) to 5,14, “Thnt's the wny we're ca­ pable of playing, but you can’t expect that every nighl," Gantt said, “Because Mocksville’s a very good team, and Ihey muy do that to us tomorrow.' “Poindexter’s a very quulity pitcher, nnd things didn’t go right for him enrly. Like (Hall of Fumer) Steve Carilon snid: ‘If you pilch long enough, you're going to get hit .some.'The next time he pitches, he may sliove it right up our butts." W hile Rowan's offense ripped Mocksville apnrl, its pitcher wns lights oul. Adums allowed one runner pusl first, struck oul Ihc side twice nnd faced tlircc above the ininiinum. He finished with 12 strikeouts nnd one wnlk. “When he's right, that’s the way he can pitch," Gantt said, “Me hnsn'l been that way since he hurl his thumb (in April), This has been wrong and thnt's been wrong. Tonight you didn’t hear nny of thnl, he jusl went out and pitched." The Elon-bound Adums looked unbeatable despite com­ ing in wilii a 1-2 rccord. He had n legendury curccr at Wesl Rowan Higli. After returning from the thumb injury, he went 3-0 in a seven-day slrelch in the Ciass 3-A playoffs, nnd went 10- 1 with 95 strikeouts as West fin­ ished second in the slale. His cn­ reer numbers; 25-5 record, 1.77 ERA and 272 Ks. The 5-foot-10 righty has a fuslbail that cnn reach 90 mph. . “ll all .started wllh the guy they hnd on the mound, and it snowballed," Lovelace said. "We’ll find out what we’re re­ ally mnde of" “We were not disciplined at Ihc plule ut nil, swinging at brenking pitches eariy in the count," Poindexter snid. "He wus mnking us look silly, bnsicnily." Notc.s: Ironically, Rownn didn’t scorc off a guy who hadn’t pitched since middle school at North Davie. Mopping up in Ihe sixth, Coll Slanley struck out two of the four batters he faced. ... Nick Siegu-Riz, Poindexter and Cody Crotts hnd, Mocksville’s hits. Rowan Co. 13, Mocksvillc 0 Muck «1. r h bl Slegu-RI/.cr 3 0 1 0 Douglus e 3 0 0 0 Poindexier p-3b 3 0 I 0 Maloney \\i 2 0 0 0 Smilh If 2 0 0 0 Co. Stanley p I 0 0 0 Crolls 3b 3 0 1 0 Boyles 2b 2 0 0 0 Beam rf 2 0 0 0 llulcliens SS 2 0 0 0 Totiils 23 0 3 0 Mocksvillc ООО ООО 0 -0 Rowun Co.021 640 x-13 2B - Poindexier (9). Muck IP H R ER BB so Polndxicr 1.3,2 9 9 6 3 2 Hodges 1,1 4 4 4 1 1 Co. Slunley 1 0 0 0 1 2 Rowun IP II It ER BB so Adams W 7 3 ,0 0 1 12 Q u a lit y B u i l d i n g s W o o d e n a n d M eta l B u ild in g s • Carports starting at *595 Wooden & Metal Storage Buildings starting at *6!95 • Metal Garages and RV Covers ! Financing Available • 998 West Pine St. Mount Aiiy, NC (336) 786-6070 (800) 597-5520 В6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 22,2004 Brandon Johnson wenl 6-0 with a 1.21 ERA for Ihe Mocksville Jr. Legion team. S p e c ia l o f th e W e e k Assorted Limit 8 W hile Supplies Lust It’s Here! Bring Your Film and Save Money! I n S to r e P h o to P r o c e s s in g • Digital Prints • Enlargements I'or iiilormiilion on drills Л. hi'iilth imiblems, >>o w H W .IoslerdruK C o.fom Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 Foster D ru g Co. 495 Valley Road • M ocksville • (336) 751-2141 w w w .fosterdrunco.coni All-American Ford Receives Customer Satisfaction Award For Third Straight Month Parts S Service Zona Manager Nikola Peed presents Ihe Sallslaclion Bowl to Service Mngr. Mark Vogler (center) while General Manager Carl Naylor and the service staff watch. All-American Ford o f Mocicsvillc was recently awarded the 2004 Atlanta Region Satisfaction Bowl for June. This is the third monlh in a row the dealership has received the trophy. The award, which includes Ford dealerships in the greater Charlotte area, is given to service departments with the highest overall rankings based on follow-up surveys o f recent service customers. Ford Parts and Service Zone Manager Nikoie Reed presented the trophy to Scrvice Manager Mark Voglcr and General Manager Carl Naylor and the rest o f the sei-vice staff. FORD MERCURY Shop us online at a a f o r d .C O ITI Just off 1-40 Exit 170, Hwy. 601 • Mocksville, NC • (336) 751-2161 Joh n so n A nd Clinard Lead l\Aocl(sville To G am e 1 W in Brnndon Johnson .showed iignin why he’s a future stnr in Moclcsville American Legion baseball, dominating the No. 1 seed in the Western Junior Le­ gion playoffs in a 1-0, eight-inning win al Rowan County. That should give a guy the right " • 'W I iS P 'n to gloat. Yet, — :— when . Johnson was given the opportunity to boast, he deflected the glory to his teammates. “II wasn't just me. It was mostly defense," he said after Mocksville took a 1-0 lend in the best-of-3 semifinal serie.s. “I just let ‘cm put it in pluy and the defense took care of me. They saved me. They’d hit gappers and our outfield would run ‘em down. And the infield played solid. Everybody didfiverything right behind me.” Johnson needed just minimal offensive help, and he got il from Cameron Clinard, who singled home Ihe game’s only run in Ihe top of the eighth. Johnson outlasting Rowan’s Josh Honeycutt in an electric pitchers duet was not surprising. It was his sixth complete game in seven starts and improved his numbers to 6-0 (record) and 1.21 (ERA) in 52 inning.s. Johnson finished with a three- hitter, while Honeycutt lost dc- .spitc giving up just four hits. “Brandon Johnson is the man,” Coach Charles Kurfees said after Mocksville improved to 24-9. “He got drilled right on the ankle (halfway through Ihe game). He rolled around on the grass, got up, threw a couple pitches - and boom. He’s n lot like Johnny Mac (John McDaniel), and he throws a little hanler.” “He hits the corners wilh his fastball, his curveball is good and his changeup works also,” assistant Andrew Jones sold. Znch Vogler opened the game with a dguble off the. wnll, but Mocksville couldn’t push him home. Johnson worked around bases-loadcd and sec- ond-and-third trouble carly on, and it wns scoreless going into extra innings, Johnson’s perfect record wouldn’t hnve continued with­ out n spnrk from Josh Eder and Clinard’s clutch hit. Honeycutt hit Eder to start the eighth, and Taylor Cox bunted him over. Eder wasn’t satisfied wilh one base, racing all the way to third on the play and barely beating the throw from first. D o m in a t in g Rowan Takes Series With 2 Straight Wins In Jr. Legion Playoffs Continued From Page B l Three, luuntncring Mocks­ villc 10-0 in six innings. Jarvis owned a 6-1 record be­ fore running into Todd Poole, who gave Mocksville night­ mares with a nine-strikeout, four-hitter. He also collected two hits and Ihree RBIs. “Poole shoved it up our (butt),” K urfees said. “ We didn’t hit and wo made four er­ rors.” No(c.s: As humbling as the fall was, Mocksville could slill advance to tho eight-team state tournament. The Wesl bracket gels threij berths, and Ihe Mocksyille-Steel Creek survi­ vor in the third-place con.sola- tions will advuncc to Rowun, Ihe state host. Mocksville and Steel Creek split the first Iwo games on July 17-18. The deci­ sive Game Three wns played July 19 at Steel Creek in Char­ lotte. That set the stage forClinard, who drove a full-count pitch up the middle. It put a fitting cap on an exceptional game. “Clinard played a hcckuva third base,” Kurfees said. “W e’ve been searching for somebody to play third. We’ve practiced o little bit of every­ body over there, and man he played a heckuva game, ‘'(3ur whole infield wns grent - Znch Hownrd, Hcnih Boyd nnd Brad Corriher.” Notes: Jones said Timmy Allen was superb behind Ihe plate. ... M ocksville’s win squared the season series at 3- 3. Five of the six hnve been de­ cided by one run. “It wus fun,” Johnson snid. “It’s emotionnlly high against a rival like that.” ... Mocksville has won five of six postseason games. ... Be­ sides Vogler and C linard, Mocksville’s other two hits off Honeycutt cnme from Allen and B oyd., M ocksville Jr. L egion (24-11 Rccord) W 9. Taylorsville 8 (11) W Mock 10, Mooresville 2 L Rowan l.M ockO L Rownn 6, Mock 5 L Lexington 3, Mock 2 W M ock 12, Mooresville 2 W Mock 9, Mooresville 4 W M ock9, Kemersville0 W Mock 2, Lexington I W Mock 5, Rowan Co. 4 W Mock 7, South Rowan I L South Rowan 5, Mock 4 W Mock 4, Cherryville 2 L Cherryville 5, Mock 2 W Mock 7, South Rowan 3 L Mooresville 6, Mock 4 W Mock 12, Cherryville 7 W Mock 8, S. Rowan 6 W Mock 14, S. Rowan 3 L Lexington 7, Mock 3 t^ Rowan Co. 2, MocksviUe 1 W Mock 5, Mooresville 4 W Mock 18, Mooresville 5 W Mock 10, Rowun Co. 3 W Mock 9, Lexington 5 W Mocksville 4, S. Rownn 0 W Mock 5, Taylorsville 0 Playoffs W Mock 12, Kemersville 4 W Mock 9, Kemersville 5 WMock 18, E. Randolph 12 L E. Randolph 13, Mock 7 W Mock 17, E. Randolph 7 W Mocksville 1, Rowan 0 (8) L Rowan 7, Mocksville 4 L Rowan 10, Mock.sville 0 iU lo c k s v iile L e g io n B a s e b a ll S t a t is t ic s Record: 24-12 (through July 17) HITTING Timmy Allen Heath Boyd Cameron Clinard Brad Corriher Taylor Cox Josh Eder Ryan Hellard d im Howell Zach Howard Chad Jnrvi.s Brandon Johnson Dillon Maurer Chad Pennington Chris Rogers Brandon Stewart Juslin Thompson Zach Voglcr Austin Walker TOTALS PITCHING Cameron Clinard Brad Corriher Taylor Cox Chad Jarvis Brandon Johnson Brandon Stewart Zach Vogler TOTALS S S i o x '^ ^ '^ ^ ’ 2. Vogler 2, WALKS/HPB: Stewart 32, Allen 12, Howard 12, Corriher 11 Cox 11 Thom n«n„ n Rogers 9, Boyd 8, Eder 8, Clinard 6, Hellard 4, j;hn.son 4, i S l o n Й Г з , W a ^ T AVG.AB R H RBI 2B 3B HR .254 67 17 17 9 3 0 0 .212 85 17 18 6 2 0 0 .292 48 . 6 14 7 3 0 0 .321 109 20 35 30 9 2 0 .250 44 10 11 7 2 0 0..101 103 23 31 25 4 3 0 .417 12 6 5 1 2 0 0.250 8 1 2 4 0 0 0 .298 84 22 25 10 8 1 0 .185 27 4 5 3 0 0 0 .286 42 9 12 5 1 0 0 .222 9 4 2 1 0 0 0•.091 11 2 1 0 0 0 0 I.276 58 7,16 7 3 0 .354 96 41 34 13 6 2 2.239 71 20 17 11 5 0 1 .373 134 40 50 28 15 2 3.152 33 3 5 1 1 0 0 .287 IÒ45 252 ,300 169 64 10 6 W-L IP H R ER HB SO ERA4-1 36 2/3 29 23 11 22 39 2,104-3 52 2/3 51 32 24 12 38 3,253-5 45 47 '42 32 34 26 4,986-2 50 53 32 26 20 48 3,646-0 0-0 0-1 52 4 5 2/3 41 4 7 22 4 5 9 1 5 9 1 2 33 6 2 1.21 1,75 6,1824-12 252 236 162 109 100 200 3,03 c)- N o t e s & Q u o t e s D o u g la s A m o n g F in e s t C a tc h e r s I n L a s t D e c a d e • M ove over C h ris B rak e and Carlton Hire. Make room for W esley Douglas, who grabbed a seat among the best hitting catchers in the last decade. Hire hit .377 in 106 at-bats in 1996, Brake hit .355 in 104 ABs in 2000, and they were the only everyday catchers for M o c k sv ille ’s L egion baseball team to hit at least .333 in the last 10 years until D ouglas achieved the feat this summer. Douglas hit .346 over 104 ABs. Everybody talked aboul first basem an J ess M alon ey’s 7-fool-5 w ing- ,span and home-run power and D an P oindexter’s bril­ liant combination of pitching and hitting. But M ocksville’s 19 wins and runner-up finish in the regular season would not have been possible with­ out D ouglas’ amazing contri­ butions. A catcher’s average is supposed to gradually fade when he handles the gru­ eling nine-inning task behind the plate night after night. But the heavy work­ load did nothing to cool off D ouglas’ bat. He continued to post stellar num­ bers, including 3 for 5 in the tlnal game, despite catching over 200 of a possible 248 innings. “He’s been lost in the shuffle,” Coach M ike L ovelace said. “H e’s been as solid as anyone w e’ve had. To catch nine innings every nighl in 90 degrees ... And he not only did it behind the plate, he also hit it for us,” Lovelace said Douglas was a ques­ tion mark at the start of the season. He paid his dues in 2003, getting only 13 ABs as Josh B urgess’ backup, and his patience was rewarded in 2004. “I didn’t have to call any pilches,” Lovelace said. “H e’s that good han­ dling guys on the mound.” “It was a bunch of innings, but it was fun,” said Douglas, who has a year of Douglas eligibility left. • M ock sville’s frustration at the Rowan Curse grew. By exiting the best- of-5, second-round series in four games, it stands 5-37 in 10 playoff series and 5-36 in the last 41 overall meetings. It marked the fifth time in eight years that R ow an ended M ocksville’s season. “I think it’s a mental thing ... and it takes them out o f their gam e,” Rowan coach Jim G antt said. “Our guys didn’t panic, just played, and didn’t think the w o rld ’s against them . It’s strange. Maybe w e’re nol press­ ing and wanling lo beat (the opponent) so bad.” •A side from the mis­ erable showing against R ow an, M o ck sv ille had a strong season, winning seven straight games to finish second in the regular season for the second straight year. It finished one game behind regu- lar-season champion Kannapolis. When M ocksville m ixes 12 return­ ers with som e fabulous talent from the Junior Legion squad, it should have the makings of a deeper and more talented team next year. “This is probably the best group of guys that I’ve been around,” Lovelace said, “I hate to see the six that w e’re losing go, but I feel like next year we can be as good or better.” • Poindexter and M aloney etched their nam es in M ock sville’s record books.. Poindexter jumped on the charts in home runs (nine), gam es won (six) and average. His .427 average is the third-best in 23 years of play. M aloney climbed among the great­ est power hitters in the first postseason game. But after hitting his 9lh homer, ■he injured his shoulder, sat out 2 games and went homerless against Rowan. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 22, 2004 - B7 T w o C r a c k i n t o L e g i o n R e c o r d B o o k s M ost Hom e Runs Matt Marion 15(1990) Chnd Triplett 14(1990) MntlFife 12(1991) ChadTriplcU 12(1989) MntlFife 10(1990) Wes Mecham 10(1990) Drew Ridenhour 9(1999) Brynn Bishop 9(1987) R.J. Speaks 9(1994) Jess Mnloney 9 (2004) Dnn Poindexler 9 (2004) .400 Club (mill. 50 Alls) Shune Wagoner ,449 (1990) David Perkins .430 (2003) Dnn Poindexter .427 (2004) Steve LeFaivrc .423(1998) Chad Triplett ,423(1990) Mike Wilcox .420(1982) Atislo Fowler .419(1988) Mike McDnniel .415(1989) Barry Whitlock .409(1982) Chariie Wands .405(1996) Steve LeFnivre .400(1999) M ost W ins JackKimel 12-3(1987) Mike Lovelncc 10-2(1989) Denny Key 9-4(1989) Skipp Crider 8-2(2000) Miko Lovelace 7-2(1991) Chad Triplett 7-2(1989) Cody Wright 7-3 (2000) Marcus King 6-0(1993) Brock Keene 6-1 (1993) Mike Lovelace 6-2(1990) Dnn Poindexter 6-2 (2004) G ene S a a lw e a c h te r CUSTOM BUILT FURNITURE \-íKPA< , , Д< ' ' J ' J Í* * ^ f * » {'* и . . (; ' В SPECIALIZING IN YOUTH BEDROOM FURNITURE COHAGE CHIC FURNITURE FOR SUN ROOMS AND SCREEN PORCHES TRADITIONAL STYLES CUSTOMER CAN PROVIDE PICTURES OR JUST THEIR IDEAS NO DOWN PAYMENT G e n e S a a l w e a c h t e r Email inquires to: g§.aa|w.@.allte!iD9J FREE DELIVERY WITHIN FORSYTH COUNTY Or Call 336-816-9682 Sorry for all the noise. But we're so excited about our 2004 NCPA Advertising Awards we just had to let out a little yell. Davie County Enterprise Record — 1 st P lace — S|)ot C olui A()|)<m'l. Jt’w cliy iKi A m ’S'iom,". At! . M.iy IlllU'IOVV — 1st P lace — Ill'.llIllllO rU ll A(l Mciy I uIUmow — 1 st Place — AdvcitiM iK i H.iy lu lli'io w D A V I E C O U N T Y 171 S.Maln Street • Mocksville,NC 27028 336-751-2129 ¥ B8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 22,2004 Senior Girl All-Stars Win District, Advance To State Not sincc the Little League Senior Girls All-Star softball team of 1999 hail a team from Davie's Senior League mlvanced oul of Ihe District 2 tournament. The 2004 Senior League girls won the district und will be rep­ resenting Davie County in the state tournament this weekend in Canton. In District 2 pool play, Davie defeated Kemersville 7-1, “I was glad to see our girls patient at the plate and aggres­ sive on the bases, but I was es­ pecially glad lo see Brillany Hill pull down Ihe long fly ball wilh bases loaded and Jenny Munn hit the long ball," Coach Angie Wil­ liams said. In the next game, Davie squeaked past Southwest Forsyth thanks lo a bnses-looded triple in the bottom of the sixth inning by Lea Tarleton, In u rematch with Kerners- vilie, Megan Williams pitched a two-hitter and second basemun Jennifer Cope, shortstop Whit­ ney Williams and Ihird baseman Mann provided a stunning dis­ play of defense, including two double plays, in an 11-0 Davie romp, Firsl basemun Rachel Coin controlled several throws und Megan Pitts hold down the out­ field. Tarleton socked another triple and Katelyn Jones put down a perfect bunt. “The best part about ihis gume is that wc had hitting and bunting ull the way up and down Ihe lineup, and the defense clicked at the same time," Coach Paul Spillman said. Southwest Forsyth escaped the losers bnicket and earned a retnatch with unbeaten Davie. Bul Davie won again, 12-2. Afler Whitney Williams pro­ vided a 1-0 lead. Coin delivered a thrce-run triple later in the first. Catcher Katie McDougall, who led Davie wilh Ihrce hits and three RBIs, Cope and Jones sup­ plied the defense to go with Davie's hitting and bunting com­ bination. Dnvic ended the game eurly on a hil up the middle by The Davie Senior Girls All-Stars are, from left, Lea Tarleton, Katie iVlcDougall, Coach Paul Spillman, Megan Pitts, Jenny Mann, Megan Williams, Katelyn Jones, Brittany Hill, Rachel Goin, Jennifer Cope, Whitney Williams, Amy Alexander, Coach Angie Williams and E.J. Shoffner. Megan Williams. Davie has two players on Ihe disabled list, Amy Alexander and E.J. Shoffner. "We hope lo gel Ihcm back soon," Coach Williams said. “This team is starting to gel and get a contribution from everyone. both by Ihe glove and Iho bat. We appreciate Ihe great support from all the parents and fans." Davie will leave Friduy to purliclpate In Saturday's state lournament in Canion, Its first game is at 4 p.m. -I# ' \ ... . % > Davie Majors players include, from left; front - Annelise Chesnee, Morgan Wyatt, Sara Handy, Kayla Cornatzer, Michelle Hamilton and Hannah Keeney; second row - Emma Gordon, Jordan Moore, Maleia Stevenson, Sam Tarleton, and Katie VanNiman; back - David Allen, Jon VanNiman, Bob Tarleton and Mike Wyatt. ^ M a j o r G i r l s A d v a n c e T o S t a t e T o u r n a m e n t г ш т The Davii: Major girl's .soft­ ball team is advancing lo the .stute lournamenl this weekend ut Eusi Surry Little Lcugiie Field In Pi­ lot Mountain. The team consists of girls uge 11-12, udvuncing wilh a .‘>-2 lour- namenl rccord. They will play Friduy, July 23 at 8 p.m. The girls begun Ihe regionuis wilh pool play where they fin­ ished with a .1-1 record. In Ihe double diminution tournament lliat followed, Ihe team posted a 2-1 record. The girls have worked hard and have hondeil to Ibnn u sirong teum, coaches said, adding Ihal each player has contributed in many wuys. Davie National All-Stars 2-2 In District Play Members of the Davie National Ail-Stars baseball team Include, from left: kneeling - Nick Holder, Kaieb Koontz, Jesse Hilton, Josh Callaway, Raheem Martin; standing - Brandon Wails, Will Marrs, Brad Gaither, Greg Nuckols, B.J. Plummer, Josh Berryhill and Gus Meloy. O l d S c h o o l D a v i e S p o r t s F r o m J u l y , 1 9 6 4 50 Free Warthog Baseball Tickets Available Free tickets to see the Win- ston-Salem Wurthogs pluy minor league baseball Friday, July 2.3, at 7 p.m. are available from Darryl Bandy at Stale Farm, 5248 U.S. 1.5«, Advance (beside Dairy Queen). Bandy hus 50 tickets avuil- uble on a Tirsi-come basis. • In Little Lciiguc baseball, Mocksvillc defeated Fork 7- 4. Robert Ridge hit a tiebreaking, Ihreo-run home run in Ihe seventh inning. John McDaniel was the win­ ning pilchcr. Advunce beiU Mocksvillc 6-4. McDanicl pitched again and Denny Hupp was the leading hitter, • R, Sherrill struck out 12 and allowed just one hit as Mocksville beat Smith Grove 2-0 in Pony League baseball. S. Sain drove in both runs with u first-inning triple. Sprint DSL" is ^ a m onth fo r one year w ith a qualifying local & long-distance calling package (ta x e s antJ fe e s e x c lu td e d ) G r a b t h i s g r e a t d e a l ! Sign up for Sprint DSL for $24.99 a month for one year with a qualifying Sprint Solutions“ pacl<age and get a great money-saving combination. Sprint DSL gives you a fast Internet connection with EarthLini^® E-mail and Personal Start Page. Plus, it's all on one bill for a low price, IDSL roqulros a one-yoar service agreoment and $49.99 activation tee.) Call 1-866-514-7394, visit sprint.com /local or hurry to a participating Sprint Store. o> One Sprint, Many Solutions^* Î** '.'iS“' S'!!.“?" "Л ''“'“'»I 4« «11-Ч и W" apply I« I! Mnlhl « long ai tuilomw lubutiMl lo bolh Smial Solutoi Stiiylaid Hun ш 5™», nti u ' , „ .ipilrt OïU A Ol fla« epptiei »o new OSI cuHometi Actus) регМтгпсв (му vary due lo coíHJ noni outmJe of Saint'i netwoik cantini ^ fee will appiy aftci 1? monlhi Rdto apoiisi to 612 Kiioi idmhMtyv«k^.ition.ierv«andr(Mw.peodtolw.b»it»i,w^ Nofnirtftxifflliyelolipiadiigt-lameed OffarwbjectSprinl OSI and Sprint Solüt,o«» ora lra<lama/ii of Spimi Commun,«tion» Compar., IR Farthltnk i, a leg.iteied tradamaH oí FafWink. li. ' ^ apply. (D 2004 SpóM. All .ighii feierved. Spfini И Я Я SICS- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .fiily 22,2004 - H9 Spotlight on Business The staff of Animal Hospital of East Davie gather at the sign of the new business on U.S. 158 In Hillsdale. ' ■ Ш The transformation is complete. An old auto mechanic’s shop has been renovated into the nev\/ Animal Hospital of East Davie. Animal Hospital of East Davie transforms old garage building G row ing up on a 17-acro cattle ranch In W ilkes Counly, Dr. Em ily R oberson learned a greal deal about the lives ol anim als. But It w a s the death ol an anim al that ultimately Inspired her true calling. A s a young girl, Em ily w a s sad d e ne d w hen her pet oat w a s se ­ verely Injured after being attacked by another anim al on a Su n d a y afteroon. U nable to m end the extensive w ound at hom e and unable • lo find a local veterinary clinio that w a s open for em ergency situa­ tions, her only recourse w a s to provide love and support a s the fe­ line slow ly p a sse d away. Motivated by a need to rem edy lhat unfortunate situation. Dr. R ob erson decided to dedicate herself to a life In veterinary m edi­ cine. That dedication now benefits hundreds of family pets In Ihe surrounding area. “I love all types of anim als and I w anted to m ake sure lhat Ihey alw ays have a place w here Ihey can be treated, regardless of the ailment," sh e explained recently from her Anim al Hospital of East D avie office In Advance. “A pet Is a m em ber of the family and de- sen/es the finest health care available." Dr. R o b e rso n h a s stro n g tie s to the area In addition to her love of anim als, R o b e rso n also loves the area, a place thal she h a s alw ays had strong ties with. H er grandfather, G e o rge Row land, ow ned Ihe W e sle rn A uto In Court S q u a re In M ocksville for 24 years. H e w a s the m ayor of M ocksville for one term. Em ily graduated Irom the top of her cla ss at W ilkes Central H igh School, graduated cum laude from W ake Forest University in '90 and earned her doctorate from North Carolina Stale U nlverslly-CVM In '94. S h e h a s been practicing In Forsyth and D avie Counties ever since, and h a s been living In D avie C ounty since 1996. S h e Is an active m em ber of Ea st D avie Baptist Churoh, and currently is serv­ ing a s Su n d a y Schoo l teacher for high school students. S h e and husband, Craig, have two boys a g e s three and four. O n the b oa rd of the D a v ie C o u n ty H u m a n e So cie ty Professionally, Dr. R oberson h a s just beeti elected lo sen/e on the board for the D avie C ounty H um ane Society. Previously, she h a s been the consulting vet lor Forsylh Anim al Control, wrote Ihe pet doctor colum n for the W inston-Salem Journal, and h a s been Interviewed for several television new s show s. W id e variety of se rv ic e s a n d treatm ents D r R oberson sa y s she enjoys treating d o g s and cats. S h e also h a s had m any pet rabbits, and h a s experience In medicine and sur­ gery with rabbits, ferrets, guinea pigs, ham sters, mice and rats. S h e d o e s internal medicine, soft tissue surgery, with special interests in dentistry and canine reproduction. E xp e rie n ce d a n d ded icated staff A long with Dr. Roberson, the staff al Anim al Hospital ol East Davie Includes a licensed technician, and two technicians wilh a com bined 15 years ol experience In veterinary medicine. O n e is currently also w orking al the specially hospital In G reensboro doing em ergency •Hw AdvertisinB Promotions ■ BAKERY THRIFT STORE j .B u y 1 A rn o ld Bread| & G e t 1 F R E E | * Mquiil nr I.L'KN Viillic I I 1 Coupon Fvr CuKtoiiiur I'umlly I j ICxplrtN K/]/(M I I Clemmons T h rift S tore. I 20GOLowtovil(H:bmmonanj. Clunvnona ^(Across from VAKMContlo A Otfts) |I tlba-Fll.M; 8iiMrSm.ia.6'708<«i0 I UGLY ROOF STAINSREMOVED FOR A LIKE NEW LOOKI!Nation's Largest & Oldest Roof Stain Removers Roof-Brite^ 785-2030100 Rova) Oak Dr.. Winston-Solem. NC 27^07 ----------- -----1 r--------------------------Í PERFECT PAWS Pet Salon AU Natural Products 336-751-9074 Certified Groomer Christine Julian Mocksville, N.C. Chiclets - 4 for 99C 9 9 'Fa iiiil; Store 5275 1И « l^ood Uw Slwwlna CwHl Much Ado About Knitting E x p e rie n c e A N ew A d v e n tu r e In Y arn L arge v ariety of accessories, tools, books, p a tte rn s, O th er u n u su al & funky stuff! Exciting Classes - Export Project - Finishing Services Socini & Charity linitting Groups Outstanding Customor Service Warm & Welcoming Environment O w ners! M ic h e lle S p illm a n • S te p h a n ie la le y 1317 L e w lsville -C le m m o n a Rd. L e w is v ille C orners S h o p p in g C e n te r(336) 778-1998 H rs. M -F 10-8P M • S at. 10-BPM R oberson also has a greal support stall ol six other team m em ­ bers to help sen/e you belter. M edicine, surgery, g ro o m in g a n d b o a rd in g available A H E D offers medicine, surgery, baths, basic groom ing and board­ ing. "W e are fully com puterized w llh a full service w ebsite at www .anlm a1hospllaloleastdavle.com ," sh e notes. “You can e-mail u s with quest'ons, refill requests or to m ake an appointment. W e also offer Senior Citizen discounts pn T u e sd a ys and hom e deliver­ ies for m edications or pet foods. "And," sh e adds, "w e carry a full line of Proplan dog and cat foods." O ffice at 5 16 2 H ig h w a y 158 Is fo rm e r g a ra g e A n Interesting side note to the Anim al Hospital of East Davla Is its hom e office. Located at 516 2 U S H ighw ay 158 In A dvance (just 4/ 1 0s of a mile from the 158-801 Inlerseclion), A H E D Is headquar­ tered In an old garage that w a s originally built In the 19 4 0 's by Ellard Lee. It w a s an operating garage for m any years. T he entire floor w a s covered In concrete, and though Ihe building had power. It had no plum bing or heat, other than an old w ood stove. But Dr. R oberson decided to m ake It her office afler sh e fell In love wllh the wonderful high ceiling, Ihe abundance of w indow s and the full basem ent. "Creating a floor plan w as challenging," sh e admitted. "W e busted out the concrete floor, than added new lloors, walls, celling, heating and plum bing, Also, w e replaced all the w indow s and Ihe old garage door with a new door and m ore w indows. "W e are pleased wllh Ihe final product, although we know lhat our parking lot Is sm all and close to the road. But Ihere w ere D O T restrlclions thal w e had lo follow." S to p b y for a visit o r call 940-3442 for a n a ppointm ent Dr. R ob e rson and her entire stafl’w ould love to provide the high­ est quality health care for your pet. T hey urge you to stop by and visit or give Ihem a call at 336- 9 4 0 -3 4 4 2 to sch e d u le an a p ­ pointment. Their hours are M o n ­ day-Friday 7:30 am to 6:00 pm and Saturday 9:00 arn to 12:00 pni. W e i ^ 9 9 8 - 9 6 6 1 / Climate Control / 24 hr Computerized Gate / Fenced with 24 hr lighting /Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 / Video Camera Security / Next to Bermuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance r iL E R IT E 3 3 6 ) 8 1 3 -T IL E- -■ДД- .(84S3) ' <1 J i lo o m g Hours; Mon.-Fri. 10-6 Sat. 10-2 Specializing In... Carpet & Vinyl Ceramic Tile Hardwood Floors & Refinishing CounterTops Laminated Floors (336)766-0733 21 Years Experience NOWOPEN TOTHE PUBUC Install ceimic and stone tile. Fami)’ omml buvM lor 16 We bke grrat [lilc iffourwwkanJnBlnmqCTkf.ftwBtlmafaliT^d SAVINGS up A ЛЛ, EVERYDAY to Senior Citizen« DIticoiinti SUMMER BLOW OUT! A L L C L O T H E S BUY 1, GET 1 FREEO f EQUAL OR LESSEH VALUE (Spwiceni Noi Ineliidad) Clemmons Discount Sales 1533 Lewlsvlllo-Clemmons Rd. 766-4449 • ClBtnmons • 766-4936 LowUvtlla-Cwmmom |vvhllniy'lj 5919-C Ja m e s St. Clet Italian Family Restaurant Tanglewood Shopping Ctr HillsdaleDine In • Tahe Oul • Free Delivery 3J6-940-6T87 ■ Fax m - m m i . *I>onc D ir t C h e a p ’ DrDlnago Drain Systems Grading Stump Roimral Light Land Claaitng HnuVmg Light Domolilkm Erosion Control M u lc h • D irt • S an d • G ra v e l 336 749-0465 6131 Stadium D r Clem m ons N C T o n i J o n c s 0 Husqvarna 'VIKING ОшпепАпп M ichel, Teresa Lupaie A n d W tm nita Broiun •Qimlitv fabric ,ii grc.it priccs •Cotnpleic line of sewing machines anil sctRcts. I von •Scrvicc and rcpair- srgcti •Adult and youth classc.v all makes and models. •Noilons-Qiiilting & Embroidery Supplies ^ а Ш ,\ Monilay-Thursílity ¡0 -8 Friday-Saturday 10-5 421 é" Leimvllle-Clemmons Road Lewisville (336) 7б6‘8271 ичшЛ1ешпщ1ууочг1,сот Garaae E>ccr Repairs All Electrical €»ener Repairs > Emergency Service ' Senior Citizens Discount ' 25 Years Experience W MNas O AR AG E DOOR SER VICES “M r. E d ’> (336) 998‘2336 * F a r m i n g t o n , N 0 940-3442 Full service Veterinary Hospital ^^■ D IffllB H I^H W M c(licinc-S uri>cry-D cnti.stry " I ’imilly Mciticinc Por Your Pel" H iith ii.n im rilin irDr. Emily Kober.son Biiths-BoarUiiig 5162 US Hwy 1.^8 Advance Dogs, Cats, and Pocket Pets $1 ^ off yo ur 1 st v is it ^1 Services only Exp. 8/1/04 J »'orkslm lis diintftes j t e t W o n r i w f t r k s '3 3 M 6 8 Ì 1 1 9 4 ’ Affardahlt Pitrialile Builiimfts Storage Buildings 5328 St. Paul Church Rd. Hamptonville, NC 27020 O il/ h ir D Irecllam AV» S im iltiy O ills f ’leasv .BlO ji^V IE COUNTY ENTER1»R1SE RFXORP, Thursday, July 22.2004 FORD MERCURY V - D o w n / / / N O I V W e ’ i e G o n n a D o H EVEN BETTER!! Now through the end of the month we’re going to ADD to the list of our 1/2 A Dollar Deal!!! N o t o n l y c a n y o u b u y a n y n e w i n - s t o c k Expedition, Explorer or Mini-Van a t . 5 0 0 O V E R I N V O I C E , B u t N O W w e’re g o in g to a d d Any Mustang, Taurus or Crown-Vic to the list!!! Tau№s SE Sedan SIk# 80 *04 Freestar SE I SIk# 074 Original MSRP = $21,495" Our I^ A Dollar Deal = $19,986“ Cash Back To You!! - SALE PRICE = $1 5 ^9 8 6 ^^' You SAVE *04 Explorer XLS 4x4 O U T r/n h M r ‘04 Crown Victoria i.;K-.‘v:waiaS' Original li^SRP = $28,610” Our 1/2A Dollar Deal = $26,268'® Cash Back To You!! - $6,000”" SALE PRICE = $ 2 1 f e SIk# IBS ‘04 Mustang Coupe Slk#-IC1982 ‘04 Expedition XLT 4x4 Original MSRP = $30,995*” Our 1i2A Dollar Deal = $28,511”' Cash Back To You!! - $5,000^' SALE PRICE = $2 3 ,5 1 1 ®^* You SAVE OVEr££^{ Original MSRP = $28,365" Our1/2ADollarDeal = $26,289" Cash Back To You!! - ^ ,000“" SIk# 4DT8335 Original MSRP = $19,250“ Our1/2ADollarDeal = $18,026^ Cash Back To You!! - $2,500*" Original MSRP = $38,690" Our1/2ADollarDeal = S S W Cash Back To You!! - $5,000”" SALE PRICE K $ 2 1 ¡2 8 9 ^^* SALPDRire il« ~ ''2 -------S^*'EPRICE = $1 5 ^ 2 6 SALE PRICE = $2 9 , ^8 ^* You SAVE OVERSi$§pO0i You SAVE OVER ^You SAVE OVER S! _-OWNED VEHICLES!! ' These units are clean, low mileage vehicles that are EQUIPPED,.NOT STRIPPED!! ONLY 3 LEFT! ‘03 Expeditions■ >QM ti5 4L VB. W portw, 3id ui.«, HVtf A.C I omy »25,995* OR Payments As Low As $ 4 4 2 '" fc:; SEVERAL TO CHOOSE '03 Taurus SESVO, uuto, jpm Mjata, wUi « ¡ m u - only *11,850 * o n Payments As Lov/As $ 1 9 9 " ONLY 2 LEFT! ‘03Crown-VicsLX. ki.ilivy, VO, (liwof Mills. only »16,995 * OR Payments As Low As $ 2 8 9 • 2 IN STOCK! ‘03Windsfars•I door, loii/ /VC. fuU powor only »16 ,850* OR Payments As Low As $ 2 8 8 ” CHECK IT OUT! ‘03 Escape XLTSIk » P2 Ve.CD. nuto.biiMiwr only »16,850 * OR Payments As Lo wAs $ 2 8 8 ‘" GREAT DEAL! ‘03 MountaineerStk »M4 AWD, VO, 3oi oont, luKpowtT fonrA/C only »22,900 * OR Payments As Lo wAs $ 3 8 9 " ‘ WOW!! '03 Explorer XLT 4x4StK.«30TUQ5A Roiir A/C, 3fil sont, lull fxwof. Only »19,995 * OR Payments As Low As $ 3 3 9 " ' PICK-UP! ‘03 F-150 XLTStk.#75A FI.VÜSÍCÍI), VO. iuilo, lull powor only »19,850* OR Payments As Low As $ 3 3 6 “ ‘ № JifSt A Sh m tE M v e To All-Ameitean Foid & toWlSfces.' FORD MERCURY Shop us online at 3dfO rd.C O ITI Just off 1-40 Exit 170, Hwy. 601 • Mocksville, NC • (336) 751-2161 •Plus tax & lees. •'W.A.C. and Must linance wilh Ford Credit lo receive all Incenlives. “ ‘W.A.C. 72 mos, al 6.9% plus lax & tees. See dealer (or details. 1 »utmtw 6 Í r AU- ^1 AMatUN-^ 1 rMD ^ 1 MtlCMT 1 >------------ Alockivll/» Cart Naylor G onora/M injgor Kollh Dovonportn,V.TA)S MvxiffCf Dalo RatlodgoAssistjntsakis Lonnio BurgosB Chuck Wolkor SaJos iDavie People DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 22,2004 - C l Wendell Koontz’ building In western Davie Is filled with animals he has killed and prepared using his mostly self-taught taxidermy skills A - P h o to s b y R obin Fe rgu sso n A N a t u r a l D a v i e H u n t e r L e a r n s T o D o O w n T a x id e r m y l/ l/ o r A Koontz tries to place his animals in natural - or uncon­ ventional - poses. Uy Mike Durnlinrdt Davic County Enterprise Recoril Wcnclcll Koontz is II natural «1 tuxidcriny work. Walk into Ilis building in western Davie, and you’ll see. In between the motorcycle, pool table and wcightliriing equipment, iliere are Ihc mounts. Deer, Big deer. Bison, elk, turkey, a rull-size bear, coyote, .siiuirwl, fox, a duck (killed in Davie with a tag from Saskelchewan), Every glance is a different mount, Koontz did all the work. He hunted Ihe animals, then did the taxidermy work, "I’ve licen messing wilh it for about 20 years. Everything I kill is something I wanl and I don’t want lo pay for il (lo be mounted)," ho said, "rvo gol ‘cm mounted In ev­ ery way you could imagine. 1 don’t wanl them to look like ev­ eryone else’s.” Jaguar teeth on a deer mount? He’s gol il, Koontz is n jack of all trades, and admits that he can pick up on Jusl aboul any type of work. He's a farrier, a builder, and a welder. It's a family tradition. Buildings on the family’s prop­ erty off Davie Academy Road were built from mnleriais on ihe land, PIcusc See Davie - Page CK Koontz, a jack of all trades, made this light fixture from antlers. ?[■' This cat is displayed perched on a limb, 1 The deer mounts gre turned every which way. Yes, that's a buffalo among the deer trophies - and The Duke, k different animal awaits every view in Koontz' building, Wendell Koontz with some of his mounts.One animal appears to be jumping from the wall. 1 -^ í i i C2 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 22,2004 Mr. and Mrs. Justin Frye Foster S u r r a t t - F o s t e r C o u p le M a r r ie d A t N e w R i v e r Brother-in-iaw GeraidSpors keeps the coupie, Robert and Diane Garant Peiietier, at the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Scott Myers .. , r n n a m s - M y e ^ c o u p le G a r a n t - P e l l e t i e r M a r r ie d i n C o o ie e m e e C o u p l e M a r r i e d Laura Elizabeth Surratt and Justin Frye Foster, both of Mocksville, were married Satur­ day, June 19 in un outdoor cer­ emony at the New River in Sparta. The Rev. Deborah Kelly ofTiciated at the 2 p.m. ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Joel and Pamela Surratt of Lewisville. She graduated from West Forsyth High School and Appalachian State University. She is employed as a kindergar­ ten teacher nl Shady Grove El­ ementary School in Advance. The groom is the son of Ken and Patricia Foster of Advance. He graduated from Davie High - School and Appalachian State University. He is employed with Foster Construction in Sparta. Tlie bride w as escorted to Ihe altar by her father. Michellc Conley of Clemmons was Ihc maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Natalie Foster of High Point, the groom's sister; Julie Oonofrio; Elizabeth Claussi and Kristen Pemell, The groom’s father served as best man. Groomsmen were Brian Surratt of Lewisville, the bride's brother; Bobby Brown; P.J. Mallory; nnd Juson Robertson. After n wedding trip to Key West, Fin., the couple live In Mocksville. 'A Storehouse For Jesus Now Collecting Scliool Supplies To Be D i.stribiitc’cl S tarting A u g u st 4 th To D avie C o. C h ild ren in N eed. Items Needed: Crayons, Bookbags, Childrens Scissors, Glue, Rulers, Compasses, Folders, Loose Leaf Paper, 3 Ring Binders, Composition Notebooks, Pens & Pencils Donations Should Be Brought To A Storehouse For Jesus 464 D epot St. M ocksville M on -T h urs. 9 A M - S P M ( Evenings by Appointment) 751-1060 Kelly Darlene Williams of Harmony nnd Brian Scott Myers of Mocksvillc were united in marriage at 5 p.m. April 10 at Victory Baptisl Church. The Revs. Shelby Harbour and Gary Marshall officiated. The bride is the duughter of Ronnie and Ruth Williams of Harmony. She is a graduate of North Iredell High School and earned n bachelor's degree with honors in elementary educntion from Western Carolina Univer­ sity. She is employed ns a fifth grade lenchcr with Davie County Schools at Mocksville Elemen­ tary School. The groom is the son of R. Barry nnd Lynda Myers of Main Church Road, Mocksville. He is a graduate of Davic High School and earned a bachelor's degree in business management from Western Carolina University, where he was a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon fratcmity and Order of Omega. He is em­ ployed as an insurunce agent with Davie Farm Bureau. Given in marriage by her fa­ ther, the bride chose Julie Will­ iums as maid of honor. Brides­ maids were Christai Giese, Amy Kapp, Leslie Carter and Ei'in Stroup. The groom’s father wns best man. Groomsmen were John Williams, Thomus Knpp, Brian Jucobs nnd Brnndon Fanner. Ushers were Matthew Howell, Jason Murphy, Rodney Pruelt and Ryap Buller. Flower girl wns Savannah Beck, and ring bearer was Chrls- topher Kapp, After n wedding trip to Ocho Rios, Jnmaicd, the couplc mnde their home on Autumn Court, Mocksville. Diune Oarant and Robert Pelletier wanted to gel away from the standard wedding cer­ emony and opted for a quiet country shotgun wedding nt the Richie Rond home of Denise Spors, the bride’s sister. On July 4 nl 1:30 p.m., the couplc were united in murringc by the Rev. Lnwrencc Monroe Otto. The song "Love Can Build A Bridge” plnyed while the bride cros'sed n bridge over Ihe crock, in lieu of the trnditional walk down the aisle, to be joined with her intended groom. The bride is the daughter of Therese Dunrle of Full River, Mass. nnd Rene Gnrnnt of Ports­ mouth, R.I. She is a graduate of the University of Rhode Island and is employed ns a cuse worker for North Americun Family In­ stitute Professional Parent Pro­ gram in Providence, R.I. The groom is the son ol Theresa and Robert Pelletier of Port Lucie, Fla. He is a graduate of Diman Regional Vocational in Fall River, Mass., and is em­ ployed as n boal designer by Blount Marine in Warren, R.I. Given in marriage by her brother-in-law, Gcrnld Spors ol Mocksville, the bride chose tlic couple's stepdaughter. Holly, as maid of honor. Best men were the bride's son, Ethan and the groom’s son, Robert. Following the ceremony, family, friends nnd neighbors eelebrnted with a barbecue cook­ out and festivities culmlnuting will) a colorful fireworks display.- The couplc returned tb Wat- ren, R.I. on July 10, where they reside. A reception will be held on July 31 aboard Ihe Millennium Lady in Newport, R.I. C e r e m o n y O n T h e F a rm U n it e s W a r d -C o m b s C o u p ie JU LYzooa BAR GAIOF TUfc MONTH r * 2-Pk. M lie r BS-Watt* n o o d lls h ti^ Ctsch Ufi firtH òrti ()uf I^A ex/’t Щ >CU A'jrl Í ? • lu«/1 k« g »« U>M• 2Ul>r(i( 14 1*И|Ии К S * 2(Ы1). Charcaal BrlqueU ñru 4/t COC« 1*4« aj»u4)îs*jnafc ( » iraïrt latV>trwc4 luKx tn«W • ■’VI КЖГ(. 1)НЫ)М ^ t f l/VhHe O scillating starni Fan hС1Г\Ф I rit4л Гг«а*х) *" tnt Vkì èvtuUt, Karen Lynn Ward and Rich­ ard Warren Combs were united in marriage on June 5 at 7 p.m. at On The Hill Farm in Mocks­ villc. The Rev. Orcg Little offi­ ciated. The bride is the daughter of the late Cecil and Lcatha Wurd. She is owner of On The Hill Farm. The groom is tlie son of Mar­ guerite Wilson und the late Wil­ liam A. Combs. He is owner of Combs Elcctricnl. The bride wus given in mur- ringe in honor of lier parents by Wuyne Buynes, who escorted her from n horse-drnwn carriage. The bride wore an ivory wed­ ding gown with an overiuy of petite beading and delicate em­ broidery. She wore n tiarn nnd carried n bouquet of pink roses. The bride's maid of honor was Brittney Crews. The groom's brother, Com­ mander William Wood Combs of Virginia Beuch, Vn., wus best man. Following Ihe ceremony, the bride and groom along with fam­ ily and guests were served a ca­ tered dinner. A bluegrass band was provided for entertainment. Social Events • On Mny 22, a bridal shower wns hosted by Suzanne Dorsey and Gail Baynes ut On The Hill Furm. • On May 24, a rehearsal wns held al On The Hill Fnnn. Re­ freshments were served. Attend­ ing were the Rev. Greg Little, Snndrn Jones, Brittney Crews, Gnil and Wayne Baynes, along with the bride and groom. • On June 4, a dinner wus given in honor of the bride and groom by Marguerite Wilson, the mother of the groom. Those attending from out of state; Commander nnd Mrs. Willinm Combs, brother and sister-in-law of the groom, Dnrrel Combs, nephew of the groom. Bob Achilles, and Theresa Banzanni, sister of the groom, all of Vir­ ginia Bcach, Vn.; Brittney Crews, Amy Jones, Bob and Rosemary Williams, Wayne and Gnil Baynes.Mr. and Mrs. Richard Warren Combs У л ш Ц /а Ё и л ^ C audell L u m b e w B uildin g Supplies ^ 162 Sheek Street* 751-2167 Open Dally Weekdays 7:30 • 5:00 W a te rw e ll D rillin g Does Your Water Have a Bad Taste or Odor? be wjU) an affotdable ^ Call Webb Well Drilling for all your water needs. 998-4321, leave message T h a n k y b t d Iw o u ld like to thank everyone w ijo supported vte in tn ycam paig/ijbr re-election to N C House. la m ff'a t^ d jh r the vm ny k in d wotds o f en co um ^n ien tfiom m y fi-iends a n d neighbors fjew in D avie County. Again, H im k You, Jtdia .Julia Howard The Stained Glass Playhouse production of Andrew Lloyd Webber's and Tim Rice’s Jesus Christ Superstar, directed by John Rushton with Joy Rushton as musical director, will be on July 23,24,30,31, Aug. 6 nnd 7 nt 8 p.m.; and July 25, Aug. I and 8 nt 2 p.m., in the Playhouse ut 4401 Indiana Ave. in Winston- Snlem. Cnll 499-1010 lo mnke reser-vntions. Tickets will be $10. The enst will include; Brandon Allen ns Jesus, Alexnndra Wiseman ns Mary Mngdalene, David Webster ns y Annas, Mark Wulek as Pilate, Chris Athun ns Peter, Mike Burke as Caiaphas, Alvin Tyndall ns King Herod, and Kenny Mathews as Simon Zealotes. A total of 21 other community volunteer actors fill roles of Apostles, Soldiers, Apostles women nnd crowd members. The NAACP of Davic County will present Andre Minkin's "What the Reverend Don't Know .. at the Brock Performing Arts Center on Sun­ day, Aug. 1 at 4 p.m. A play, adapted for the stage by playwright Andre Minkins, is full of laughter, drama, and spirit-filled gospel music as a choir gets stranded at a rest stop on the way to help a sister church in Florida raise money after hurricane devastation. The pastor, going along on the trip, struggles to seek God’s answers on how to get himself and his choir to do the right things for the right reasons. The bus driver and resident me- Wetmore Farms W O O D L E A F Available Now Homegrown Tomatoes Watermelons Squash, Cucumbers, Homegrown Cantaloupes Green Beans, Corn Local Peaches & Blueberries Open Monday-Saturday 8:00 am-6:00 pm Closed on Sundays From MocktmHtkM 601 Soirihjo Bill Ipttr ^ , turn right at llght 4 m iht to c a v tfo n IlgM In m otlhtt. follow signs to turn. 7 0 4 -2 7 8 -2 0 2 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 22,2004 - C3 ‘P u b iic i- i a n g in g ’ A t T h e B r o c i( Brandon Allen of Mocksville plays the role of Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar at Th e Stained Glass Playhouse. B r a n d o n A lie n P la y in g J e s u s in S t a in e d G la s s P r o d u c tio n The Davie County Arts Council will host “A Public Hanging,” an art show for all community artists working in ony medium. The art will be on display in the gallery at the Brock Performing Arts Center Aug. 20-Gct. 1. "A Public Hanging" is on annual art show in its third year. This year two pieces will be ac­ cepted from each artist. The show will be juried, but no art­ work declined, providing space available. Everyone who enters Ihc show is guaranteed to have at lenst one piece on display. The show is open to two- and three-dimensional pieces of art and fine craft that do not exceed 36 inches in any dimen­ sion, including frame. Each entry must be framed with wire. hanger and completed less lhan five years ago. Sculptures must sit on a flat surface or be ready to hang. Entries must be an original idea created and com­ posed by the artist. No repro­ duction prints will be accepted. Fees are $10 per artist. Cash prizes will be awarded for first, $100; second, $75; and third, $50. The Arts Council will be receiving artwork Aug. 9-10 from 1-5 p.m. at Ihe Brockat 622 N. Main St., Mocksville. A reception will be held in ' conjunction wilji the opening of the 2004-2005 Senson of the Arts; Riders In The Sky on Fri­ day, Aug. 20. The reception be­ gins at 6 p.m., and the show starts at 7. The reception is free. The cost of Ihe perfor­ mance is $25 adulls, $22 slu- denls/seniors, and $20 groups of 15 or more. For a prospectus or more in­ formation, visit Ihe website www.daviearts.org., or call 751- 3112. Jesus Christ Superstar was the first rock opera. Created at tl)c end of tlie turbulent 60s, it seems fitting that il should have at it's heart a social and political rebel. Jesus’ meteor-like rise provides, ns Ihe title suggests, a parallel to contemporary cele­ brity worship. As his radical teachings arc evermore embraced, Judas increasingly questions Ihe enlightened motives of this new prophet, leading to betrayal. Christ’s final days are dramatized wilh emotional intensity, thought-provoking edge and explosive theatricality. Propelled by a stirring score, by turns driving and majcstic, satirical and tender, Jesus Christ Superstar illuminates the transcendent power of the human spirit with a passion thnt goes straight to the he.art. The Stained Glass Playhouse produces n season of four plays per yenr thnt nrc dramatic works with positive messages. ‘W h a t T h e R e v . D o n ’t K n o w ’ P i a y s A u g . 4 chnnic, Dcncon Jordan, helps his paslor and longtime friend lo work on how to change hearts and minds nwny from selfish motives in the wnke of a scries of mishnp.s. Meanwhile, Ihe choir is stranded oul in the woods try­ ing lo deal with each other. The show has proved to be an enjoy­ able evening of music, fun and reflection for the whole family. Tickets are $12 in advance, $10 for groups of 10 or more, and $15 at the door. The Brock Performing Arts Center is located at 622 N. Main St., Mocskville. For more in­ formation contact the Rev. S. Squire at 751-0597. I t ’s your tu rn to change your life in 30 m inutes. 3 3 6 -7 5 3 -2 3 4 8 375 Hospital St., Suite A Mocksvllle, NC 27028 Over 7,000 locations to serve you. )oiii !Ni>\\ 6 6 % O f f S c r v ic c I c c Wc can help at Curves. And now ilictc’s one in your neighborhood. Curves is thirty-minute fitness, commonsense weight ioss and the support you need to do both. Call us tod.iy and discover what over 3 million women already know; that at Curves, your dreams ace our goals. WWW,ciirvesintetnationai.com 'I'he powtT I» iitibi/c )Ч1ипс1Г. ‘ HMnuai I) ■№ IJ ftrfitm. I»U *,ik ШГ Erika’S D ream O f Being A N urse Is C oming T rue B ecause O f H er Dedication A nd Scholarship. For aa long a> «lie can tomombor, Btika Springs wantctl to worli in liiialtlicarc. Slio took tlia rigkt claages at Soutli Rowan Hi^li School nnil conaiJurud aiivoriil lioaltli caruor optiana boiorc (leoiiling to bocomo a nurau. Her cxcollont graJoa and engaging poraonality pcovoJ btinuficial (or pursuing bor dream. At age 17, bowevcr, Erika became pregnant and suddenly (accd difficult choices. She lived with her grandmotber, wbicb helped, but her fast food restnurant job provided only n »mall income. The dream of attending collcge seemed an insurmountable goal. Hope came for Qriha through three employees at Rowan Regional Medical Center. Vice President Vnlarie Stewart learned about her through an essay Erika wrote while opplying for a scholarship from a United Way agency. Valarie talked wilh Wyna Howe, a nurae in Education & Welliieas, who helped Erika apply for a scholarship from Rowan Regional Medical Center. ■ Soon afterward, Erika had a healthy baby boy and started school wilh her scholarships at Winslon-Salom State University. Bul with money still an issue, she again faced giving up college and her lifelong dream, t Forlunalely, Shorty Trawick in the medical contor'a Human Resources Department found I2tlkn a parl-time job in our Laboratory. Tho job helped Erika with her finance» and allowed her lo continue her education. Recently, Erika was inductcd into the National Honor Society, another indication of ho\v ahe'a builijing a better future (or herself and her young son. Before long, aho’ll achieve her dream of becoming a nurse because of hor detormination, sacrifice, devotion and »trength. The same iiualities wo see every day in out employees ot Rowan Regional Medical Center. Erikn Springs Valarie Slewarl, Wyna Howe niirf Sherry Tymvick Ro w a n Re g io n a l Medical Center 612 Mocksville Avenue • Salisbury, North Carolina •'58144 • www.rowan.org C4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 22,2004 D a v i e U n i t e d W a y P i a n n i n g S e c o n d D a y O f C a r i n g Tim Zimmerman and The King’s Brass will be in concert at the Brock Performing Arts Center on Friday, July 30. T h e K i n g ’s B r a s s T o B e A t T h e B r o c i < Titn Zimmernum iincl tlw King's Brass will lie uppciiring in conccrt at the Brocic I\'rfomi- ing Arts Center in Moclcsville, on Friday. July 30 nt 7:30 p.m. Tills brass ensemble will present hymn classics wiih .n contemporary fiair. The King's Brass reutures three trumpets, three trom­ bones, IV tuba, percussion and keyboards. These instruments blend together lo create « time of innovative worship for all generations. Secular und sucred music critics applaud their concerts us "superb in every way und inno­ vative und well played ...truly an unforgettnble experience." The King’s Brass, formed over two decades ago, is com­ prised of profession«) musicians from across the country who desire to use the instruments they love to lead others in praise und worship. The King's Brass' original urrungements ure featrued on 11 recordings. This ycur they will introduce their new I'Praise and Worship" CD featuring the Sweetwater Strings and the Men of Praise. Tickets nre $15 for ndults, $13 for students and seniors, $12 for groups of 15 or more. Contact the box officc at 751-3000 for more informa­ tion. A rts C o u n c il R e a d y To O p e n N e w S e a s o n The Davie Counly Arls Council’s 2(X)4-20()5 Season of Ihe Arls will combine enlerluin- menl wilh influences from all over the world. On tup for the upcoming sea­ son are a cellic festival, fla­ menco dance, and legendary bluegrass music. The Arts Council is offering two scries this season, the first, a mix of dance, music, ami live theatre; and the second, blue­ grass music inu series cul led the Bluegrass Puss, This year's evenls will in­ clude a concert by Oraniniy- awurd winners Riders In Ihe Sky, as well as, Mol Club of Cowlown, u spunky western swing group from Auslin, Texas; The Raleigh Ringers, an inlcr- nalionally-ucclaimed hand be.ll choir from Raleigh; and Fla­ menco Ole!, a ilance Iroupe ol' Spanish tradition. Of course, tiic Arls Council has plenty for fumilies lo enjoy from a musical talc of Beatrix Potter’s Peter Rabbit performed by lurger-lhun-.'ife animuled puppels, lo Romeo & Juliet, Ihe clussic romance lale, The Brock Perfonning Arts Cenler is known for ils inliniale space and limited seating, mak­ ing performances such as Rhonda Vincent & the Rage one- of-a-kind. Offering a uni(|ue al- lernalive to perfonnunces ul out­ door festivals among thousands of people, llie Brock provides a premiere listening space for leg­ endary musicians such as J D Crowe & the New South, Charlie Waller & the Country Ocnilemen, Oramniy-nominec, Tim O’Brien, and morel The Brock Performing Arls Center Is located al 622 N. Main St., Mocksville. For a complete listing of performances, check Ihe website at w w w .d avica rls.orii or call Ihc box oflice at 751-.3000. Fish Fry Saturday The Le Jour des Femmes Club of Mocksville is sponsor­ ing a fish fry on Saturday, July 24 on Depol SirecI in fronl of Steele’s Cab Co. Chib members will have fish sandwiches or plates available for sale starting at 11 a.m. M o v ie P la n n e d F o r Sr. C e n te r The movie Calendar Girls will be shown al I p.m. Wednes­ day, Aug, 11 at Davie Senior Services. The PO-13-raled movie is a comedy based on a true slory of 12 members of a prim und proper womun’s club who give the ira- ditional culendur sale an unlradilional Iwisl. Refreshmcnls will be .served. For more infonnalion. call 751- 0611. Jo i[/icCiannrool< Honored On 80th Birthday Jo McClamrock wns honored with an 8()th birthday party on Sunduy, July 11. Her family and friends en­ joyed u cookout and swim party al Ihc home of Mr. and Mrs. I. e 0 n a r d Sheilon. Jo und hus- bund Charlie huve Ihrce daugh­ ters, Jean Sheilon, Junel Bales and Linda Tesh. They have Ihrce grandchildren and four grcal- grundchildren. Davic County United Way begnn planning the second annual Day of Curing with its first cDmmiltee meeting on July 6. The Day of Caring will be held on Saturday, Sept. 11. when companies and individ­ uals come together to complete projects that benefit people and nonprofit organizations within the community. United Wny staff and volunteers nre securing projects nnd teams of volunteers lo com­ plete the work. Volunteer poshions nre nvnilable on the steering committee, DCUW sinff will accept projects nnd volunteer project tenms until July 30. Project idens include: painting the interior, of a youth recreation center, landscaping Ihe yard of a nonprofit organization, paint Ihe exterior of a senior citizen's home or help wilh yard work, build n wheelchair ramp for someone in need, or accompany a group of children on the waiting list of Big Brothers Big Sisters to a bowling event. If you would like to become involved or know of a nonprofit organization that may benefit. contact the United Way office nt 751-0313 or send an email to da\'mmUcdway@mocksviUe.com. ‘i'm excited that this year's Day of Caring will be held on a Saturday,” stated Brian Williams, president of Davie County United Way. “This will give companies whose em­ ployees work during the week a chance to become more involved in Ihe true spirit of volunteerism.” The Day of Caring nlso mnrks the kick-off to the Dnvie County United Wny campaign. "Blending these two evenls is only naiural,” said Mary Beth Forst, executive dDircctor. “li truly is Ihe best combination when giving of your time, treasure and talents.” The mission of Ihe Davic County United Way is to unilc Ihe voluntary strength of our communily lo care for one another. This is achieved through direct communily impact projects and programs facilitated by DCUW and Ihe funding of 20 nonprofit agencies that provide programing in three impact areas; children and youth, health and wellness and crisis intervention. J o h n s o n R e u n io n S u n d a y A t T a n g t e w o o d P a r k William Johnson descen­ dants will gather for their 5 Isl reunion on Sunduy, July 25 in Tungle-wood Park in Clemmons. The reunion will begin with u worship service in Ihe historic Mount Plea.sant Meihodisi Church at 10:30 a.m. conducted by the Rev. Neill Shaw. Follow­ ing the service, the group will visit Johnson’s grave in the cem­ etery. Pictures will be mnde prior to the service. At Shelter 3, the group will have a covered dish luncheon and meeting. Officers are; chair, the Rev. Thomas H. Johnson Sr.; secre­ tary, Emmie C. Johnson; trea­ surer, William Johnson; histo­ rian, John Emory Johnson; spe­ cial promotion, George M. Johnson Jr.; publicity, Carolyn Johnson; nominations, Lester P. Marlin; and registrar, Kntliy* Sparks. A number of de.scendants live in Davic Counly. For more in­ formalion, call 765-3434. Veterans N o t Soliciting A group has been soliciting in Davie Counly as "American Veleruns” claiming lo assist homeless vclerans. Asking for credit card dona­ tions, the group is using a non­ working number, said Davie Veterans Service Officer Nonn Cariiqn, The orgunizulion i.s nol un officnily recognized veterans service orgnnizulion, lie snid. He nlso warns Davie resi­ dents not to reveui their credit card infonnalion over the lele- phone. T in fio th y P a in t e r G r a d u a t e s F r o m A r m y B a s ic T ra in in g Army Reserve Pvl. Timolhy W. Painler has grudualed from busic infunlry training al Fori Bcnning, Columbus, Ga, During Ihe eight weeks of training, Ihe soldier received training in drill and ceremonies, weapons, map reading, tactics, military courtesy, military jus­ tice, physical fitness, first aid, and Army history, corc values und traditions. Additional train­ ing included development of basic combat .skills and battle­ field operations and tactics, uml experiencing use of vurious weupons und weapons defenses available to the infantry crew­ man. Painter is the son of Kelly Livengood of Statesville and the nephew of Nancy Lipscomb of U.S. 64 E., Mocksville. He graduated in Ihe year 2000 from Norlh Iredell High School, Slate.sville. L e a rn To A v o id Id e n tity T h e ft Don’t be a victim of idenlily Ihefl, and leurn some lips on Tuesduy, Aug. 10 ut 10:30 u.m, ul Duvie Senior Services. Duvie Sheriff Allen Whitaker and the district postal inspector will speuk. Call 751-0611 to register. McClamrock C le a n u p D a y S a tu rd a y A t P a rk A cleanup day for RivcrPark at Cooleemee Falls, The Bullhole, will be held beginning at 8 a.m, Sat­ urday, July 24 at the park off In Pain? Stressed? B ryan C udd, LMBT License #3979 Loc-ated ul; IV a tu rc S G i№ 5 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 4 2 9 2 Cell: 3 5 6 - 9 0 9 4 1 6 2 6 B n n g This A d fo r Ч 0 OH 1 sf V isit Needmore Road in Rowan County. All volunteers arc welcome. R e m e m b e r W h e n ? Louise Stroud does. Read her musings on M ocksville’s history the firs t week o f each month. County Line News DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 22,2004 ■ CS Kevin and Jcsslca (Miller) Parker proudly announce the birth of their daughter, Eva Alexandra Parker. Alexandra was born June 30 at 10:40 p.m. at Forsyth Mcdical Centcr. She weighed 6 lbs. 6 o/,. and was 20 and 1/2 Inches long. Ale.xandra is the grand­ daughter of Glcn Miller of Winston-Salem and Eva Miller of PfaiTlown; Larry and Ernestine Parker of Advance; and the great-granddaughter of Lorena Wesl of Advance. By Shirley Thorne County Line Corre.spondcnl Our community is in the midst of summer vacation time. Bluckberry season is winding down; but delicious com, toma­ toes nnd peaches abound, There are few church activities, but more ure in the planning stage. Calvary Baptist is planning a spccial activity which will in­ clude a fish fry nnd bnll gume nt the Jericho-Hardison Rurilan Cenler on Saturday, Aug. 7. During Ihe next four weeks. Cal­ vary will be raising money for World Hunger. Spccial offerings will be laken cuch Sundny. The Senior Choir of Piney Orove AME Zion Church will have a special anniversary ser­ vice at 3 p.m. Sunday, July 25. Prior to the service, there will be a church-wide covered dish din­ ner. Remember the "Touched by nn Angel" day camp for children which began Wednesday. The camp will continue 8 a.m.-5 p.m. through Friday, July 23. Camp uctivities include picnics, gnmes, field trips, nnd crufts. The ladies of Pleasant View Baptist Church will have a plan­ ning niecling on Tuesday, July 27 al 7 p.m. in the fellowship hall. Virginia Daywalt remains ut Forsyih Medical Cenler and has developed pneumonia. We also conlinue to have several resi­ dents who are Inking chemo­ therapy and radiation trenlmenls. Please join us as we pray for the Lord's divine healing and com­ fort in their lives. We send best wishes to Jill Seamon, daughter of Jerry and Jnne C. Seamon of Shady Knoll Lane. Jill recently graduated from Winslon-Sulcni Slate Uni­ versity and will wed Jeremy Whitaker Saturday evening, July 24 ut Jerusalem Buplisi nl 4 p.m. As our communily prepnres lo honor posthumously Dr. Jnmes Mebnne Robertson, we hope you hnve some fond memories of him lo .share. Ifso, call Lee Cartner nl 492-7290 or me at 492-5115. Lust week Ihe dute for the ham brenkfnst fundrniser for the memorinl for Dr. Roberlson was incorrectly stnted ns Aug. 20. The dute should huve been Aug, 29. Also it was stated thnt, prior lo marrying my moiher, my dad drove to Dr. Robertson's. It sliould have staled lhal my dnd drove for Dr. Robertson for a while. My dnd drove Dr, Roberlson to his various house calls. Dr. Roberlson was de­ voted lo caring for his patients; by hiring a reliable driver, ha was able to rest while riding from hou.se call to house call. If you have news to shure, call 492-5115 or send an email to sdlUnk@liolmidl.com. Kinderton News By John Godwin Kinderton Correspondent Robert Bowman jusl recently relumed home from a camping and hiking trip to the Shining Rock wilderness urea in the North Cnrolinu mountains. His hiking trip took him to elevations us high us 6,000 feel above sen level und nl one point lie even snw a wild bluck benr. The bunks of Luke Lillian were rcccnlly mowed on all sides and Ihis looks great as well as the fresh pine straw placed under all of the trees Ihnl line ihe side­ walks. The fireworks display al Ihe Yadkin River Saturday and Sun­ duy were grent. Mnny of the res­ idenls hnd 4lh of Julypnrlies and Ihe guests were able lo observe the fireworks from their front porches or patios. Rylnnd Homes recenlly broke ground on their new homes. 11 is exciting to watch Kinderton Vil­ lage grow. Tho Craig Carter homes ure selling ns soon ns they nre built und Craig Curter him­ self lives in Kinderton. The pool nnd club house have been busy pinces this summer us the members enjoy the summer sun. Wendy Gnllimore hns been very helpful in licr roll us prop­ erly mnnnger al Gallimore Man- ugcment Associntcs. Her news- lellers nre informnlive with such n fust growing neighborhood. Welcome to Robert nnd Linda Dnvis. They nre tlie inlcsl fnmily to move to Kinderton Villnge. They moved in Friduy night nnd were greeted by Toby nnd Julie Hill nnd John Godwin wilh n welcome bnskel. The welcome basket provides now Kinderton residents with the opportunity to Pino News be inlroduced lo loeui businesses thnl would like lo be included in snying "Hello, und welcome lo our neighborhood.” Businesses hnve Ihe opportunity lo provide snmples of vurious products und useful ilems, chnrmingiy dis­ played in a bag or woven baskel. ■Personalized discount coupons and supporting liienilurc ure in­ cluded wilh individuni snrnplcs. The welcome basket is great for new neighbors and the busi­ nesses Ihnl purlieipnte. Toby Hill and two ofhis sons, Tuylor and Connor, recenlly re­ lumed from a trip to Gettsyburg, Penn. Tlicy attended a Christian lender weekend tilled Lend with Chnrncier. Cuptnin's Gulley opened on July 6 und hns been pncked ever since. Mark L. and Christy Smith of Advance announce Ihe birth . of their son, Luke Raymond Smllh. Me was born Mny 26, 2004 at Forsyih Medlcal'Center. At birth he weighed seven pounds and 15 ounces nnd was 21 nnd one-quarter Inches long. Paternal grandparents are Ann Smith of Clemmons, Ihe owner of Carolina Marble nnd Tile, nnd Frnnk Raymond Smith. Maternal grandparents are Eihma and Samuel Compton Sr. of Conover. Advance News Hy Edith Zimmermun Advnnce Correspondent . A beautiful cut flower ar­ rangement was on the Method­ ist church altar Sunday in honor of Betty Barney's birtliday July 18, given by Debbie and Steve Hege, Tux and Wiley. The Vacution Bible School ut Meihodisi church wns u big suc­ cess Insl week wilh nn nveruge of 40 children. Thnnks lo Junine Jon and Ivcy (Clontz) Gunlcr of Advancc are proud to announce the birth of their son, Jonathan Colln Gunter. Jonathan was born on June 25 al 4:50 a.m. at Forsyih Mcdical Centcr. He weighed 7 lbs. 15.2 ounces and was 20 1/2 Inches long. Jonathan Is the grandson ol' Brodls and Allcc Clontz of Ad­ vance and Betty (Junter of Ad­ vancc. Allyah Janell Byerly, duughler of Lee and Misty (Goodwin) Byerly celebrated her 1st birthday July 10th. Shc had a CarcUear Cake and dccoratlons were done by her mother. Those present to help her cclcbratc were her inawa w and papnw Goodwin, her aunt Tammy and Uncle John, her aunt Rita, the Parsons family, Best Friend Malachi and his parents, Kandy and Larissa Woodward. Roberts for nil the hnrd work, lime nnd effort shc put inlo ihe Bible school. CongruUilnlions lo Dnve und Frunces Wnrd who celebrnted their 50th wedding unnivcrsury July 19. Jnne Cornntzer Sunders of Fort Worth, Texas spent lust week with her sister and broiher:in-lnw Jenn> C. Livengood nnd husband Bill Livengood In the Fork Church community. During the week they visited many relatives in Moeksville, Winston Sulem und Advnnce. On Thursdny nfier- noon they visiled Edith Zlinmer- mun nnd Ihe Meihodisi church where they once nttended, nnd the ceinclery lo pul flowers on llieir parenls' grnvcs,( Waller and Jennie Myers Comatzer.) Jeanelle Cornalzer has re­ turned from a Ihrce weeks visit with her children and grnndchil­ dren Leliu und Jny Orny und Erin nnd Jnck Orny in Winter Hnven, Flu. Grant und Trisha Wnrd and son Luke spent several days va­ cationing in Summersville, W.Va. lust week. Dave Mnrkland and duugh­ ter Ashley of Hickory were Fri­ day visitors ofhis parenls, Frank and Margie Markland. Edilh Zimmermun visiled shut-ins Sudie Hownrd nnd Frnnk nnd Murgie Mnrklnnd Insl week. Hnppy Birthdny lo Dick Vogler who celebniled his birlh- duyJuly 18. By Nora Latham Pino Correspondenl Frnnk Bibas, a lay leader from Duvidson County, presented the Luity Award to Sura Eure for her dedicated work nt Wesley Chapel nnd throughout the community. Shc is Sundny School Superin- lendenl, hend of the Oulreuch commiiiee, works wilh the Nur­ turing Committee, helps nt Ihe brenkfnst, worked for Relny For Life, coordinnlcs n mcnl for the Storehouse for Jesus four times a year nnd does nnything else she is nsked lo do. Wesley Chupel is forlunnte lo hnve her. Andren Gentry nnd Christie Gnrdncr plnced flowers in the snnctunry at Wesley Chnpel Sun­ day in honor of the 35th wedding anniversary of their parents, Jesse nnd Mndelyn Gentry. * ■ Joyce Parrish wus a visitor al Wesley Chapel Sunday. James and Lelia Eslc spent last week at Lees MacRue Col­ lege for Alumni Week. While there Ihey allendcd ihe Highland Games und Ihc wulk on ihc mile high bridge nl Grnndfnlher Mounluin. Johnsie Sheilon is feeling much better und hus relumed to her home. She will celebrnte her 93rd birthdny this week. We wish her n very hnppy birthdny. We nlso wish n hnppy birth­ dny lo Dewilln Smith who ccl- ebrnled her birthdny on Mondny. . Belly West spenl n few dnys lust week ut Allnnlic Bench wllh her friend, Peggy Dickerson. Ted nnd Mindy Willinms spent a few days last week in Fredricksburg and Richmond, Va. They visited several Civil Wur memorials. Bob and Kuthy Ellis hosted lunch on Sunday to honor Bob's son, Robert, and his new wife. J 3 T . HOWOPEH A u tk e n tio Japanese C u isin e Dinc-in or Take-out 678 Wilkesboro St., Mocksville 336-753-6867 Fax; 336-753-6847 In Former Potmans Location a Bu.slness Hours Sunday - Thursday 11:00am - 9:00pm Friday - Saturday 11:00am - 10:00pm N pickup Window Available S T R O N G C D R A TE . WITH AN EVEN STRONGER GUARANTEE. Gel .T guaranteed yield vvlili a Ccriiflcalc of Deposli from State Farm Dniik? It's ii sccurc placc lo grow your money. Por more informallon, call me loday And lalk wllh someone you know you can count on. W E L IV E W H E R E Y O U L IV E .' Bank. Darryl Dandy State Farm Agent52-1» US lliftlnviiy 15fl Adv.mcc. NC 336.9-Ю-2302 LIKKAGOODNEIGIIDOK, STATI’ TARM VS TIIUWC.*'Grcg Morris Suuc Farm Agent 3*^6 s. S;illshury Sued Mocksville. NC 336-75l-:i90ftMmiiujl iVnriK.ivt* ПгЫ» oJ 06/2J/ÌÌ4,«iWi'ci fu t/umj-f «'(iiioin riodcf. Mlníimim kWdfiíc r im/ircoim( и/ J im iln liu’ sfaii'il Af’V и S500. A (vimft)' Hiííybc lín|«»ctijiiir(nvuñdtmv«l «Mtir U' i»uu«iiiy CaUßcdtn trnciv íií mtimrljy ш the ihm (-Hnfi» »«iii*Jor(hi* MiiHC («mi. .S'umr pimlticu iiml .sri virrs >ii>l iivitli(jl>lt' in iiii mi4)>. STATE FARM BANK • HOME ОЖСЕ: OLOOMINQTON. ILLINOIS * lUlífarm.coigJ^ Tinn. They were manied on July 13, Others attending were Tina’s sons, Matthew and Chris Purdue, Tina’s moiher, KatherineTunnan of High Poiint, Tinu’s sisler nnd husbnnd, Rcnen nnd Shnne Wood of Kernersvllle, Hnrmon and Norn Luthnm, Jim nnd Chineru Luthnm, Kendrn Jucobs, nnd Ted nnd Mindy Williums, Four Corners News By Marie White Four Corners Corrcspondcnl Mrs. Johnsie Shelton has re­ turned home after recent surgery nnd is slowly improving. Visit­ ing Iter during the weekend were Mr, nnd Mrs. L.S. Shelton Jr., Mr. nnd Mrs. Clnrence Bnity nnd Mr, nnd Mrs. Zeno Adnms. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth While of Florida and Harold While vis­ iled Mr. and Mrs. Joe White Sun­ day afternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Leonard Shelton have returned home after spend­ ing the weekend at the beach. Mrs, Glenda Sapp visited Mr, and Mrs. Joe White Sunday night. Salem Gastroenterology Associates, P.A. Wllllatn E. Austin, M.D. William G. Blackard, Jr., M.D. James S. Gibbs, M.D. Henry T. Mixon, M.D. Randy A. Peters, M.D. Michael H. Rubin, M.D. David R. Wood, M.D. a n n o u n c e th e a s s o c ia tio n o f Harvey G. Phillips, M.D. for the practice of Gastroenterology • Hepatology • Endoscopy 1830 S. Hawthorne Road Winston-Salem, N0 27103 (336) 765-0463 280 Broad Street, Suite A Centeral Triad Medical Park Kernersvllle, NC 27284 (336) 996-6136 S a tu rd a y N ig h t Qales open for practice al 0 p.m. nnSTHACEATBRM. P r e s e n t e d b y W S J S 6 0 0 H 2 0 0 100-Lap Modllled raco plus Sportsman, Street Stock and Stadium Stock ( $ | U M \ j w % / Fornaio fane admlUod I E S ’ N IG H T ' Fornaio fane admlUod for I I (no oicort required), courtaiy o f BuctvnlMr, Fans' prize liom Sears: 18.5-hp Crallsmnn Deluxe yaid traclqr *44 y y _J f Admission; Adulls, 18 ond older - $10 Aaes 12-17 -.$6 X n W L jiM J l. ~ ctiildren under 6 FREE wllh adull escortPLENTY OF FREE PARKINQ Information about stadium racing; (336) 723-iet9 5'' C 6 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 22,2004 O b i t u e u ^ i e s Geraldine D. DeHaan Mrs. Geraldine "Gerry" Doxiater DeHaan, 72, of Ad­ vancc, died Saturday, July 17, 2004, al the Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home. She was bom Oct. 15, 1931, in Grand Rapids, Mich., to .Marshall and Marie Doxtater. She was a member of Clemmons United Methodist Church, and of Ihc Hope Valley Carden Club for 32 years. Survivors: her husband of 53 years, Gordon L. DeHaan; her children, Susan Gottke and hus­ band Wayne of Mount Vemon, Ohio, and Paul DeHaan and wife Kay of Advance; 4 grandsons; 2 brothers, Ken and Dwayne Doxtater, A funeral service was con­ ducted at 11 a.m. Tuesday, July 20, at Clemmons Unilcd Meth­ odist Church. Buriat followed at Westlawn Gardens of Memory. Memorials; Kate B. Rey­ nolds Hospice Home in Win­ ston-Salem or Clemmons United Methodisl Church. John Donald Reavis John Donald Reavis, 86,of Autumn Care of Mocksville, for­ merly of Liberty Church Road, died on Sunday, July 18, 2004 at Autumn Care, Bom in Davie County on Jan. 22, 1918, he was the ¡¡on of the lale William Dudley and Lula Mae Harkey Reavis. He was a minister and a member of the Masons. He had been a farmer and a supervisor in the furniture industry. Survivors: a son, Ronnie (Hilda) Reavis of Yadkinville; 2 grandchildren; and 2 great­ grandchildren; He was preceded in death by tt son, Donnie Reavls, in Sep­ tember of 2003. The funeral service was on Wednesday, July 21 at 3 p.m. al Ihe Liberty Baptist Church with Ihe Rev. David Darnell offlciat- )- ing. Burial wns in the church ccmetery. I GENE’S AUTO PARTS W e Make Hydraulic Hosos & Mix Auto Paint 7 6 M 1 4 8 3612 Clem m ons Road Clemmons Remem ber W hen? Louise Stroud does. Read her musings on Mocksville’s history the first week of each monlh. с < .] ///, у ///; '////, Sarah L Bryson j Died June 30,2004 ; ; ARUNGTbN, VA Henry S.Heep !, 1914 - 2004 •, ,MOQksvai.E Billie A. While 1945-2004 . MOCKSVIUE Nancy E;A>iderson 1952 - 2004 , ’ MOCKSyiLLB / ; Brandon D,HUlir(H j Died July 7,2004 I POm>ER SPRINGS, GA | ! Donald H Barreti -1923 - 2004 .■ LAURINBURG 325 N. Main Strpet MocksviUe, NC(Э36) 7 5 ;-2 Ш j I Jacl(ie Gray Matthews Mr. Jackic Gray Mallhews, 73, of Pfafftown died Tuesday, July 13, 2004, at Forsyth Medi­ cal Center. He was bom in Winston-Sa­ lem on Feb. 15,1931, to Goldie and Lee Matthews of Winslon- Salem. He was an active mem­ ber of Elm Grove United Meth­ odist Church in Pfofftown. Mr. Matthews retired from R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. in 1986 after 35 years of service. He en­ joyed volunteering for SALT for the Forsyth County Courts through the Forsyth Counly SherifTs Office. He was preceded in death by his parents and o brother, Bobby Lee Matthews. Surviving: his wife of 53 years, Johnnie Petree Matthews; 2 daughters, Gina (David) Byerly of Pfafftown and Tanya (James) Hendrix of Advance; 5 grandchildren; a brother, Connie (Judy) Matthews of Tobacco- ville; a sister-in-law, Peggy Matthews of Pfafftown; several nieces and nephews; and a host of family members and friends. A graveside service was con­ ducted nt 11 a.m. Friday, July 16, at Forsylh Memorial Park by the Revs. Dwight Cartner and Dick Patzfahl. ' Memorials; Hospice/Pallia­ tive CareCenler, 1100-C S. Stratford Road, Winslon-Salem, 27103. Clara Kiger Harbin Mrs. Clara Opal Kiger Harbin, 89, of Lewisville died Tuesday, July 13, 2004, at the Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home. She was bom Ocl. 16, 1914, in Forsylh Counly to William Steadman Kiger Sr. and Bertie Ella Fulk Kiger. Mrs. Harbin was Q member of Lewisville Baptist Church and the Sallie Lillington Sunday School Class. She was Lewisville Baptist Church's member wilh the great­ est number of years of continu­ ous membership and service. She was retired from R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. after 31 years of service. She was preceded in death by her stepmother, Della Hege Kiger and a sisler. Ruby Kiger Nelson. Mrs. Harbin is the widow of Bruce Buford Harbin, to whom she was married for 56 years. Surviving; her son, Brucc Allen Harbin Sr, and wife Susan Patton Harbin of Bermuda Run; 2 grandsons; her brother, W.S. Kiger Jr. and wife Mary of Clemmons; her sisler. Sue Gray Kiger EmsI of Winston-Salem; many nieces and nephews; and a host of friends. A graveside service was held at 11 a.m. Friday, July 16, at Lewisville Baptist Church. Memorials: Lewisville Bap­ tist, P.O. Box 327, Lewisville, 27023; or the Kale B. Reynolds Hospice Home, 101 Hospice Lane, Winston-Salcm, 27103. Thanks u. .11 „U 1 ; Irioillls I'c slippt>l'k'rs ||)Г _\ (П11 I''"''-' ''‘"''I' i" I'" ciiirip;ii_!:i) ■ ^ ioraninl) cumiiiissiuiKT. L e e I ^ o l l i n s I'iH il h\ / I t I ,m ill,lii), W h e r e , w o m e n s t a n d i n o u r c h u r c h . The Episcopal Church of the Ascension at Fork Summer Sclieilule: Worship each Sunday al 10.00 A.M. 183 Fotk-Bixby Road • Adviuicc, NC 27006 • 336,998.0857 Visit us anytime ® www.ascenslon-fork.org John Pat McEachin Jr. Mr. John Pat "Crab" McEachin Jr., 51, of Lexington died Thursday, July 15,2004, at Wake Forest University Baptist Medicai Center as a result of a motorcycle Occident. He wns bom May 22, 1953, a son of John Pat and Opal ■Young McEachin Sr., who pre­ ceded him in death. He was also preceded in death by a brother, John Wesley Young "Dub" Wallace. He wos a tire shop supervi­ sor wilh ABF Freight Liner and a member of Teamsters Local 391 and Midway United Meth­ odist Church. Mr. McEochln was a fan of NASCAR driver Tony Stewart and loved to ride his Harley Davidson motorcycle. Surviving: his wife, Lynn Ayers McEachin of the home; 2 sons, Johnny Pot McEochin III and Daniel Shane McEachin, both of the home; his brothers, Tom Wallace of Kemersvillc and Dan Wallace and wife Jean of Low Gap; his father-in-law and mother-in-law. Bill and Clara Mae Barr of Lewisville; a sister- in-law, Karen Davis and hus­ band Jeep of Mocksville; a brother-in-law, Gary Ayers and wife Regina of Trinity; and many friends, nieces and neph­ ews. A memorial service was con­ ducted at 2 p.m. Sunday, July 18, at Davidson Funeral Home Hickory Tree Chapel by Ihe Rev. David Calhoun. Donations: Shane McEachin College Fund at Lexington Stale Bank, Midway, 11492 Old Hwy 52, Winston-Salem, 27107, aim: Lynn McEachin. Vivian Hooven Vi'ebb Mrs. Vivian Hooven Morri­ son Webb, 41, died Saturday, July 17, 2004, at Forsyth Mcdi­ cnl Cbnter. She was bom Oct. 4, 1962, in Galax, Va., to Elmer Junior and Janet Fells Hooven. She was owner of Face Masters Day Spa and president and owner of the N.C, Estheticism Association. She was a member of Reynoldh Presbyterian Church and leader of an Intercessory prayer team. She served in the U.S. Army. She was preceded in death by her grandparents, Guy C. and Burler Ayers Fells and Emory and Freída Hooven. Surviving: her husband, Lucius Webb; 2 children, Michael Graham Morrison ond Michele Hollin Morrison and their dad, Mike Morrison; her porenis; a sisler, Beverly Hooven; 2 brothers, Christopher Hooven, Charles Hooven and wife Wendy; her stepfather, Roy Wagner; 3 stepbrothers, Keith Wagner, Terry Wagner and Brelt Wagner; a stepsister. Dee Gibbs. The funeral service was held al Blaise Baptist Church in Mocksville wilh the Revs. Jim Glasgow and Ken Furches offi­ ciating, Burial followed in Ihe church cemetery. Memorials: Teen Challenge, where she volunteered. 5 0 % o f a ll p r e g n a n c ie s a r e u n p la n n e d .O v e r 5 0 b ir t h c o n t r o l p ro c d u c ts a r e n o w a v a ila b le . W o u lc d y o u lik e s o m e o n e t o t u U o to ? и Birth control options are more readily available than ever, so how do you decide what's best fo r> w ? What productwlll be mosteffective?Or the safest?lama20-year-board<ertifled gynecologist from DavieCounty, and my solo practice offers personal attention and continuity in care from a staff together nine years, We offer up-to-date non-surglcal care In a quiet setting, and Invite you to contact us for your GYN concerns, Dr. Annette Luther, GYN Office Gynecology • 2828-B Maplewood Avenue, Winston-Salem,NC 27103,(336)768-9877 Ema Lucille Hutchens Mrs. Ema Lucille Canter Hutchens, 83, widow of Sid Edgar Hutchens, died Monday evening, July 12, 2(K)4, at ihe Winston-Salem Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center. Mrs. Hutchens was bom in Forsylh County on March 15, 1921, daughter of Ihe Iole Charlie Lee and Nancy Doty Canter. She loved lo travel wllhin the U.S., pitch horse­ shoes, ride her bike, walk and go to the mountains of N.C. and lo White Lake. She was a house­ wife unlil her children were grown, then she owned and op­ erated Lucille's Cusiom Drapery Shop unlil the early 1990s. Mrs. Hutchens said she loved the Lord, including her Bible and church, her family and flowers, especially roses, in that order. Strangers slopped by lo admire her rose garden. She retired as church pianist and organist in 1988 after beginning at age 11. She made the music al numer­ ous weddings and funerals al no charge, since this was her God- given talent. She loved making quilts, which she shared with her family as each of them married. Surviving: 4 daughters, Josephine (Bernie) Gross of Winslon-Salem, Nancye Layell of Pfafftown, Judy (Don) Lewis of the home and Pam (Ben) Watson of Siloom; 3 sons, Jarvis of Pfafftown, R. Wayne (Cathy) of Lewisville and Tony (Brenda) of Advance; 17 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; 6 slep- grenl-grnndchildren; nnd 2 step- greal-greal-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by 6 brothers and 4 sisters, Elmer Canter, Fred Canter and Henry Canter of Clemmons, George Canter, Ralph Canter, "Buck" (Nonnie Lester) Canter, Mary Slewarl, M ade Ellis. Irene Binkley ond Alene Johnson. The funeral service was con­ ducted at 2 p.m. Thursday, July 15, at Grace Baptist Church by the Revs. Ricky Hamann and Robert Taylor. Memorials; Grace Baptist Church, 7795 Grapevine Rood, Lewisville, 27023. Margie Hoots Ratiedge Mrs. Margie Hoots Ratiedge, 79, of Mocksvillc, died Monday, July 5, 2004 at Forsyth Memo­ rial Hospilal. She was born in Yadkin County on Dec. 5, 1924, the daughter of Ruffin F. “Joe” and Jetiie Gough Hoots. She was a 1944 graduate of Courtney High School, 0 persotial caregiver and a member of Bear Creek Boplsit Church. In addition lo her^arenls, she was preceded in death by her husband, D.S. Ratiedge and a brother, Lawrence Melvin "Bud" Hools. Surviving: her sisler, Betty H. Driver ofYadkinville; anephew; and 2 nieces. The funeral was conducted at 8 p.m. July 7 at Gentry Family Chapel in Yadkinville, by the Rev. Lee Cook. Burial was at Deep Creek Baptist Church Cemetery. Memorials: Deep Creek Bap­ tist Cemetery Fund, c/o Woody Gough, PO Box 1051, Yudkinville, 27055. Ella Mae ‘Jerri’ Pitts Ella Mae (Jerri) Tutterow Pitts of Bermuda Village, Ber­ muda Run, died Friday evening July 16, 2004 at the Bermuda Village Health Cenler. Bom in Davie County on Jan. 30, 1914, she was the daughter of the late David G e o rg e Tutterow and Ida Bowles Tutterow of Davie Counly. She was preceeded in death by her husband, Ihe late Charles Hampton Pitts of Alexondrio, Vo. Mrs. Pitts grew up in Win- ston-Soleqi and was о graduate of Reynolds High School. Fol­ lowing groduation she went to Washington, D.C. where she at- • tended business college and worked for the U.S. govemment. Jerri (a nickname she picked for herself os a schoolgirl) spent most of her adult life living just oulside Wa.shingion in Alexan­ dria. She first worked for whal was Western Electric, then wilh the Departmenl of Agriculture, Interns secretnry to REA Admin­ istrator Anchor Nelson, nnd re­ tired ns financial analyst for the Rural Electric Administration. Early in life she was injured in 0 cor accident that left her with a handicap bul il never stopped her from traveling and enjoying things she hod planned lo do. Travels took her to England, Germany, Spain, Italy, Switzer- lond, Ihe Caribbean, and most of the United States including Alosko and Howaii. After her retirement she did volunteer work in ihe office of the American Red Cross in Al­ exandria. She nnd her husband volunteered for Menis on Wheels where she did the driving and he. delivered lo Ihe door. She moved back lo Dovie County around 20 yeurs ago when the new retirement home, Bermuda Village, opened. She took an active pari in the activi­ ties there as long os she was able and traveled on many trips with the residents. Not long after moving to Bermuda ■■ "llage she accepted the job of registering new residents to vote. After moving back to the area she be­ came 0 member of First Chris­ iion Church, Country Club Rood, Winston-Salem. Survivors: her sister, Nancy Tutterow of Mocksville; о brother, David George Tutterow Jr. and wife Gladys of Alexan­ dria, Vo.; 0 niece; a nephew; 2 greot-nieces; о greal-nephew; and 6 greot-greot-nieces ond nephews. Funeral services were held Monday, July 19 at 11 n.m. nt Eaton Funerol Home in Mocks­ ville. Burial was at Cenler United Methodist Church Cemetery in Mocksville. Memorials: Jim Tutterow Memorial Scholarship Fund, с/ 0 Hank Von Hoy, Martin & Van Hoy Attorneys at Law, 10 Court Square, Mocksville; or to Cen­ ler Methodist Cemetery Fund, с/ о Linda Owings, 728 Wilkes­ boro St., Mocksville. T w in S e t s S ta rt a t *9 9 F u ll S e t s sta rt at *1 1 9 Q ueen S e t s sta rt a t *1 8 9 We Finance OAC All major credit cards accepted Williams Furniture * M o c k s v ille _ З З б -7 5 1 -4 8 9 3 • W e d -F ri 1 0 a m -5 p m R e v i v a l A t M t . S i n a i A ! \ / i E Z i o n A u g . 1 - 4 Pastor Otis B. Robinson and members of Mt. Sinai AME Zion Church in Advance invite Ihe public lo henr two .fpcukers al re­ vival services Sunday, Aug. 1 through Wednesday, Aug. 4. Sunday morning worship .service begins ut 11 u.m., followed by dinner at 1:30 in the A.M. Spaulding/Hazel Mack Fellowship Hall. The afternoon speaker at 3 will be the Rev. Bernard Adams of Salem Baptist Church in Lexington, joined by his congrega­ tion. Tho nightly services, Monday-Wednesdny ul 7:30, will be con­ ducted by Pastor Sheldon M. McCarter, senior pastor and teacher of the Greater Cleveland Avenue Christian Church in Winston- Salem. McCarter, along with his partner in ministry, co-pastor Joyce N. McCarter, and his congregation will lead the services, preceded by prayer service each night. “Though Pastor McCarter is tlie minister of and has minis­ tered to some of tlie largest churches oil across the United States, he still remains humble nnd obedient, to God wherever Ihe coll heeds, even small pastorates like Mt. Sinai," Robinson .said. “Please join us in the hearing of the Word of God both Sunday and nightly.” Mt. Sinai is located on Peoples Creek Road at Burton Road in Advance. Turn off NC 801 at Elbaville United Methodist Church. Ml. Sinai is on Ihe right about a mile down tiie road. H o m e co m in g A t B a ile y ’s C fia p e i Homecoming will be celebrated Sunday, July 25 at Bailey’s Chapel United Methodist Church in Advance. The Rev. Neville Storey will conduct the 11 a.m. servicc, followed by lunch and special singing in the afternoon. Truck Driver g Total Cost Is Lesi Than $ 5 7 5 .« “iCIasfes «Job Placement Assistance • COL Training START DATE END DATEAugust 16th - October 8th LIMITED SPACE - CALL NOW! 3 3 6 .2 4 9 .8 1 8 6 Extension 227 tQuil Opportunity Col'«9* E m e rg e n c y s ta n d -b y g e n e ra to rs b y G e n e ra c Propaiio/Niiluiiil Ciiis/D.iest'l • Fully ciutomalic switc,h over. Ш Ш Ш & Opening Soon in Advance! (336) 776-9222 Automatic Switch Gears ' Electrical supplies for all generators OurlnrgBf liquid-cooled atatidb^.y Repair and Service Dealer for Generac W a rn in g : N e v e r ope rate portab le ge n e ra to rs in Sid e hom e. Repairs on Portable Generators and Pressure Washers: R.V. Generators/AC Automatic Switches for Portables S te v e n E . H e ln i a n , M D & A s s o c ia te s , P A Steven E. Helman, M.D. Danielle Carter-Adkins, PA-C Savana LaMar, PA-C arc pletised to welcome R . T e d T o b o r g , M D On Augu.st 1, 2004 the practice looks forward to the addition of R. Ted Toborg, M.D, Dr. Toborg is a graduate of the University of Iowa College of Medicine and completed his residency training at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. Dr. Toborg is board certified in Family Medicine and will limit his practice to adolescents and adults. Dr. Toborg will be available to see new and established patients. All providers are accepting new patients. Dr. Helman & Dr. Toborg provide inpatient care for their patients at Forsytl^ Medical Center. Please call for an appointment. 3333 Brookview Hills Blvd., Suite 204 Winston Salem, NC 27103 336-774-3740 Hours: Monday-Friday 8;30atti-5;0Üpm DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RF.CORD, Thursdiiy, July 22,2004 ■ C7 P le a se A tte n d The C h u rch O f Your C h o ice 1 J No Creek Primitive Beptlst Ctiurcti, 222 Aubrey Merrell Rd., Mocksvllle. 2nd S 4th Sundays, 10:30 n.m. Fourth Salurdny worship ond conference,1 ;30 p,m, Paslor, FUcliard Kirby. Eagle Heights Ctiurcti,10 a.m. Sunday worship, 7 p,m. Tuesday Powetllnio, 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, Bible study andAwanas. Casual dress, contem-porary muslc/worshlp. 5103 U.S. 158, Hillsdale. Mocksvllle Wesleyan Churcli: Hospilal St., Sundoy School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Wednesday Proyer Meeting, 7 p.m. nev. George Troyer. 751-6595. Union Chapel United Methodist Church: 2030 U.S. 601 N. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m.; Worship. 11 a.m.. Paslor. Rev, Jim Sanders. Center United Methodist Church: U.S. 64 W. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship. It. Paslor, Stephen Qlalr. 751-2754. Childcare directors: Carla Prevelte, 492-5735 & Sandra Aulry, 940-3753. Elbavllle United Methodist Church: N.C. SOI, Advance. Fellowship, 9 a.m. Sunday School, 10. Worship, 11. Kids For Chrlsl (agos 4-11), 1 st & 3rd Sun., 3-4:30 p.m. Teens lor Christ (ages 12- ie) meet Sun., 5-6:30 p.m. Paslor; Rev. Novllle Storey. Cooleemee Church ol God: Sunday School. 10 a.m, Worship Service and Children’s Church, 11 a.m. Tues. Prayer Moetlng, 7 p.m. Wed. Family Servlco, 7 p.m. For rhore Inlo, coll pastor Floben l-lulelle al 28.4-2180 or visll miw.coo/coff.o/g. Cornatzer United Methodist Church! 1244 Cornalier Rd, Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship. 11 o.m., Rev. Kaye Frye, pastor. Belhel United Methodist Church; Belhel Church Rd. Worship, 9:45 a.’m. Sunday School, 10:50 a.m, Rev, Ed Carter, paslor. Advanco United Melhodlsl Church:Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Youth, 5 p.m. Rov. Horry D. Sammons.Downlown Advance. Farmington United Melhodlsl Church: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. 1939 Farmlnglon Rd. 998-5569. Rov. Tommy Robertson. Oak Qrovo United Molhodlst Church: 1994 U.S. 158, Mocksvllle. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Concord United Methodist Church. Cherry Hill Rd., Mocksvllle. Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday School; 10 a.m. Youlh, 5 p.m. Paslor, Dr. Mnrk E. Evans. itwK ConcordUMChurch.com Hardison United Methodist Church; Worship. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45. Wonderlul Wednes-days Children's program. 6-?;30, Paalor, Rov. Dennis B. Marsholl, Communily Baptist Church: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Sunday Worship, 11. Evening service, 6. Wednesday Bible Sludy, 7 p.m. Gladstone Road. Hillsdale United Methodist Church; 5228 U.S. 158, Advonco, Sunday worship, 9 & 10:45 o.m. Adull Classes, 10-10:45. Sundoy Night Live (orlr. and sr. high youlh. Wonder Filled Wodnesdnys. loiiowshlp meal and prayer tlmo, 6;15-7:30. Small groups Ihroughut Ihe week. For more Information, chock tho webslto www.hlllsdaloumc.com, or call the church olllce ol 998-4020. Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church; Worship Service; 10 o.m. Sunday School; 10:45 a.m. Rev. Tommy Roborlson. Pino Rd. Redland Pantecostal Hoilnoss Church: Sunday School; 10 a.m. Worship; 11 a.m. Evening: 6:30. Wednesday prayer meeting & Bible study, 7:30 p.m. Rev. Joel Boyles. Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1913 US 601 S. Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday School; 9;15. Rov. Robert Kasting. 751-5419. mm.iriMspring.com/^holycross/ Mocksvllle First Prosbytorlan Church. 261 S. Main SI. Worship; 11 a.m. Church School; 9:45 a.m. Sunday evening; Choristers (grados 1-5) & Youlh (grndes 6-12), 5:30 p.m. Paslor; Noal Conor. 7S1-2507. • Mocks United Melhodlsl Church, off N.C. 801 S. 01 Mocks Church/ Beau­ champ roads, Advonco. Rov. Bob Symonskl. 998-5518. Sunday worship: 8:45 & 11 a.m. Sunday School; 10 a.m. Youlh groups, K-college. Youlh director; Bill Bradley, www.lormlnlsliy.com/ 27006mumc Smith Qrove Methodist church; 3492 U.S. 15B, Mocksvllle. Paslor; Chris Clontz. Sunday School; 10 a.m., worship, 8:50 S 11. Children's ministry. Before and alter school programs, 940- 6298. Hillsdale Bapllsl Church; Sunday Small Groups, 9 a.m., Worship, 10:30 a.m; Wednesday Fellowship Meal, 8 p.m. Children's youlh activities, prayer meeling, 6:30 p.m.’ 940-6618. Minister of Music, Brenl Hellon. 4815 U.S. 158, Advance. Faith and Victory Family Worship Center, 1687 Hwy. 601 N. Sundoy Services, 10 a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m. New Believers Ministries, 350 Railroad St., Mocksvllle, Sunday School, 10 a.m.. worship, 11. Wednesday night Bible study, 7. Paslor Ellzabelh Mock. Assoc, paslor. Derrick Mock. 492-5566. Liberty United Melhodlsl Church.U.S. 601 S. Worshlp:9;45 a.m. Sunday School: 11 a.m. First United Melhodlsl Church ot Mocksvllle. Early Sunday Worship Service, 8:50 a.m. Praise singing, casual dress, contemporary lormat. Tradlllonal service, 10:55 o.m. 305 N. Main St. 751-2503. Pastors, Crystal Alexonder and Donald W. Roulh. Believer's Sonshlp Tabernscle; Sunday worship, 10:30 a.m, & 6:30 p,m. Wed. evening, 7, Pastor; Jerry L, Couch, 998-1324. Cana Rd. - Potter's Lone. Turrentlne Baptist Church; Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.. Worship, It; Night Service, 6. Paslor; Rev. Joe Smith. Bethtehem United Molhodlst Church: Sunday early worship, 8:45 a.m.; Sunday School, 10. Worship, 11 o.m. Lighthouse Service, conlemporary worship, Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. 321 Redland Rd„ Advance. 998-5083. Fax; 940-5502. E-Mail: olflcbelhumc(3>yadlel.nel Episcopal Church of Ihe Ascension, Fork-Bixby Rd„ Advance, Sun. School, 10 a.m. Worship. 11 o.m. 998-0857.Dial A Story Ministry for children. Bill and Peggy Long ol Advance. 998-7716. Clemenl Orove Church ol Qod, Body ol Christ. 159 Parker Rd., Mocksvllle. 492-5125. Saturday Senlces; Sabbath School. 10 a.m.. Worship, 11:45. Wednesday Bible Sludy, 7 p.m. Paslor: Elder Ernest ll'ames. Radio Broadcast; Tho Bible Is Right, Tuesdays, 5-5:30 p.m., WDSL 1520 AM and Sundays, 8- 8:30 a.m., WSTP 1490 AM. Qreen Meadows Bapllsl Church Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayer & Bible Sludy, 7 p.m. Paslor Rev. Michael Waters, 998-3022. Liberty Wesleyan Churoh, 2106 Sheffield Rd., Harmony, Sunday School 10 a.m., Morn, Worship 11 a.m.. Wed, Bible Advenlure 7 p.m., Sr. Mlnlslry 2nd Tues. each monlh 10 o.m. 492-2983. Pastor; Ronald Lee. Bixby Presbyterian Church, 1806 Fork-Bixby Rd., near Cornatzer Rd., Sun. School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11. Pastor; Peter Peterson, 09B- 6813, iDulln United Methodist Church, 897 OulIn Rd., Mocksvllle, 998-5409, Paslor; Oavid Smith. Sun School 10:30 a.m., Worship 9:30 a.m.Cooleemee United Melhodlsl, Main St.. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship, 11. KIde Kamp Sun. 6-6:30. Pastor; Rov. Porry Bradshaw (284- 8135) In Home Blliio Studios, by Randy Howell. 284-4687. Bear Creek Baptist Church, Boor Creek Ch. Rd.. Sun. School 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m., Bible Sludy Wed, 7 p.m. Rev. William Lee Cook ill, paslor, Cooleemee First Baptist Church, 284 Marginal St., Sun. Bible Sludy 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m.. Eve. Worship 7 p.m., Wednesday prayer meeting, 7 p.m. Music minister, Regina Chandler. Dr. Tommy Register, paslor. Mocksvllle Second Presbyterian, 400 Pine SI. Sunday School, 8:30 a.m. Worship, 9:30, Only Afrlcon-Amorlcon Presbyterian church In Davie County. Rev. Thomas M. Loach.751-1410 St. Francis ol Assisi, RC. Masses: Snturday Vigil, 5 p.m. Sunday. 8 and 10:30 a.ni,, Spanish Mass, 12:30 p.m.; Wednesday ovoning Mass, 7. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Fridoy & Saturdoy, 7:30 o.m. Masses. Rev. Andrew Draper, TOR, 751-2973. Farmlnglon Baptist Church, Sunday morning Bible sludy, dosses lor all ages, 10. Worship; 11.1841 Farmlng-lon Rd,, 5 miles Irom 1-40. Poslor; ScoU Lyerly. Church; 998-3826. Home: 998-5372. Blaise Baptist Church, Blolse Church Road, 0« U.S. 601 N. al 1-40, Mocksvllle. 751-3639. Worship, Sunday, 8:30 & 11 a.m.; Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Sunday evening, 7. Wednesday Bible study and mission progroms lor oil oges, 7 p.m. Paslor; Glenn Soliers. Assoc, pastor, Ken Furches. www.blalsebaptisl.org. Shiloh Baptist Church, 544 E. Depot St.. Mocksvllle. Sunday School; 9:45 a.m. Morning worship; It o.m. 751- 0597. Pastor, Savalas R. Squire Sr. Fullon United Methodist Church, 3895 N.C. 801 S., Advance. Worship; 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45 o.m. Fullon Youth In Christ, Sundays, 5-6:30 p.m. Paslor: Rev. Neville Storey. Heaven Bound Full Gospel Church.U.S. 64 W., Mocksvllle. (beside Cenler Fire Depl.). Sunday School, 10 a.m., Worahip, 11. Sunday night praise/ worship, 6. Wednesday night praise/ worship, 7. Paslor, James Ward. 998- 8394. Firsl Baptist Church. 390 N. Main St., Mocksvllle, across from pubfic library. 781-5312. Contemporary worship sen/lce, 8:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages, 9:45 a,m. Traditional worship sorvice, 10:55 n,m, ' Fork Bapllsl Church, 3140 U.S. 84 E., Mpcksvilie. Sunday School, 9:45, Worship service, 11 a,m„ 6:30 p,m. Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Awonos, Sunday 6 p.m.998-8306. Cornatzsr Baptist Churoh, 1372 Cornatzer Rd., Mocksvllle. Sunday School, 10 o.m., Worship, 11; evening, 8:30; Awana's Worship, 7 p.m. Wednesday evening, 7:30 p,m.New Uniort Melhodlsl Church, 1869 Sheffield Rd., at County Line Rd. Services; 8:30 a.m.. contemporary worship with casual dress and refreshmenis; 9:45 a.m. Sunday School assembly. 10, Sunday School for all ages. 11 a.m.. Worship. 492- 5387. i|ames Baptist Church. Sheffield Rd., Mocksvllle. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., worship, 11. Sunday evening, 8, Wednesday, 7 p.m. Paslor, Tommy Foust. St. John AME Zlon Churoh, 145 Campbell Rd., Mocksvillo: Sunday School, 9:30. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Pastor, Qeorge C. Bonks. Advance First Baptist Church, 1938 N.C. 801 S. Sunday School, 9:45 o.m. Worship, 11. Wednesdoy Bible Study/ mission groups, 7 p.m, Paslor;Morlin Kaslner, 998-6302. Church ol Qod ol Prophecy, 2323 U.S. 801 S., Mocksvllle. Sunday School, 10 а.m., worship, 11. Sunday evoning, 8; Wednesday evening, 7, Poslor: Rev. Bobby Shlnoull. 719- 6585 bt284-2035.Victory Baplisl Churoh, Midway St„ Cooleemee, Sunday .School, 10 a.m., worship 11, Sunday' evening, 6; Wednesday Awana/Youlh, 6:45 p,m„ Proyer. & Bible Study, 7, Rev. Shelby Harbour. 264-2077. Seventh Day Adventist Church, Milling Road, Mocksvllle, Sebboth School, Saturday, 6:30-11; Worship, 11- noon. Pastor, Ron Davis. 751-3886. Macedonia Moravian Church, 700 N.C. 801 N., Advance, Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 o.m. 998-4394. Interim Pastor; Roger Kimball. Yodkln Vaffey Bapllsl Church, 1324Yodkln Valley Road, Advance. Pastor; Ronnie Craddock. 998-4331. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11 & б. Wodnosday Nighi Prayer meeling, 7:30. Live Sundays, WDSL 1520AM, 11- Noon. Mt. Zlon Holiness Church ol God,U.S. 84 E. al Mill St.. Mocksvllle. Sunday School, 10 a.m,. Morning Worship, 11. Pastor; Bishop James Ijames. Ml. Sinai AME Zion Church, 488 Peoples Crook Rood, Advonce, Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., worship, 11 a.m., Wednesday night Bible sludy. 7. Dr. Oils B. Robinson Sr., poslor. 998-6231. Bixby Church ol Iho Living Qod. 2121 Cornatzer Rd., Advance. Pastor, Louise Hooker, 768-1608. Worship, Sunday 10-11 a.m., 6 p.m. Salem United Methodist Church, Salem Church Road off Davie Academy Rd., 8 miles west of Mocksvllle. Worship, Sundays nt 9:45 a,m. Sunday School, 10;45.UMW, second Wednesday, UMM first Sunday breakfast at 7:30. UMYF Sunday evenings. Rev. Stephen Blair. PIney Qrove Untied Melhodlsl Church, 376 Underpass Rd., Advance. Sunday School, 10 a.m., Worship, 11. Poslor: Rev. Kendall C. Glover. 998-7316.New Jerusalem Apostolic Church, 291 Campbell Rd., Mocksvllle. Pastor, Nellye liomes-Barber, 751-0049. Sun. School, 10 a.m.. Worship 11. Wednesday night; Bible class, 7:30. Intercessory prayer, 6 p.m. True Light Chrisllan Ministry, meetings at Dovle County Public Library, Mocksvllle. Founding paslor; Steven W. Dalton. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11. Episoopai Church ol the Qood Shepherd, Church & Cross sis., Cooleemee. Worship, 9:30 a.m., fellowship hour after church. Bible Sludy 2nd and 4th Sundays aller church. Priest; Rev. Noah Howard. Jesus Life Mission, Liberty Church Rd., Mocksvllle. Sunday School, 10a.m., morning worship, 11, Sunday evening at 6 and Tuesdays ot 7 p.m. Pastor; Hilda Reavln. Mocksville Church ol God, 862 U.S. 84 E. (beside Armory). 751-0817. Pastor; Larry Hollllleld. Sunday School, 10a.m., worship, 11. Sunday evening, 6, Wednesday evening, 7. Jerusalem Baptist Church, 3203 US 801 S., Mocksvllle. 284-2328. Sunday services: D;15 a.m., prolse and worship: 9:45, Sunday School lot all oges; 11, morning worship: 7, evening worship. Wednesday services: 6 p.m., family fellowship meal; 7 p.m., £ TeamKID, Youlh 4 Chrlsl, Adull Bible Sludy. Nursery tor Inlonts and toddlers.Fellowship Baptist Church. 1084 Rainbow l?d., Advance. 998-6544. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11, Sundays, 6 p.m. Wodnosdoy service, 7 p.m. Thursday visitation, 7 p,m. Paslor, Wayne Swisher, 492-7210. Smith Grove AME Zlon Church, 3707 Hwy. 158, Mocksvllle. Sunday morning worhsip, 11. Sunday School, 10 o.m. Rev. Fronk Cornelius, paslor, Eatons Baptist Church, 495 Eatons Church Rd.. Mocksville. Sunday School, 10 a,m., worship, 11. Wednesday prayer meeting, 7:30 p.m. Poslor; Dr. DovId Gilbreath. 998-6149. Abundant Llie Christian Victory Center, 117 E. Depot St., Mocksvllle, Paslor, Danlol Brown. 753-4453. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Morning worship, 11.Life Community Church, Sundays, 10 a.m., Brock Perlorming Arte Center, Norlh Main Strool, Mocksville. Conlemporary style worship with Paslor Kevin Stewart. 753-LIFE. Hope Baptist Tabernacle, 2408 Hwy. 15S, Mocksvllle. 998-3616. Worship, til a.m., Sunday Schobl. 10 a.m., 6 p.m.; Wednesday, t p-m.i,AWANA children and teens, adults, prayer meeting and Bible sludy. East DevlB Baplisl Churoh Bormuda Quay Shopping Center, 5397 U.S, 158, Advance, Sundays, 9:30, Bible sludy for alf ages; 10;4S, morning worship; 8, Sunday evening service. Wednesdays, 7 p.m., Bible Sludy and Prayer Service. Pastor, Max T. Furr. Youlh, children and music, Jeremy Amlck. 998-5584. Llie Community Church, Days Inn. Madison Rood, Mocksvllle. Services Sundoy, 10 a.m. Coll Kevin Sfewon, paslor, aboulWednesday evening Hie groups, 753-5433, Malnviiie AME Zlon Churoh, 210 Main Church Road, Mocksvllle, Sun­day School, 10 a.m., worship, 11. BIbte Sludy, Wednesday, 7 p.m. Pas­lor: Rov. Robert H. Balloy. Bailey's Chepel United Methodist Church, Bailey’s Chapel Road, Ad­ vonco, Sunday School, 10 a.m., Wor­ ship It o.m. Poslor, Rev.Nevlllo Storey.. Support These Local Businesses W.G. WHITE & C 0 . 850 N. Trade St. Winston Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 VCXÍLERA-SONS i’Uncrai ituniL- 2849 Middle Brook Dr. Clemmons, NC 27012 .m - 7 6 6 A 7 1 .4 . SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY Jericho Road Mooksvllle, NC 27028 336-751-5148 SHEFFIELD LUMBER & PALLET CO. A PALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksvllle, N0 27028 336-492-5565 JERRY'S MEAT PROCESSING W e C u sio m M eat P ro c e ss Beef - P o rk - D eer 30 years Bxperience 602 Ralph natlodQO nd • Mocksvillo 4 9 2 -5 4 9 6 LARRY’S WOOD FLOORING SERVICE 2 4 Years Experience Sanding • Rollnlatiing inslaliatlon • Oid & Now Work Uarry McClenney • Mocksvliie 336-751-1721 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9144 CRAIG CARTER BUILDER, INC. 119 Hwy. 801 S, Sulle 1 Advance, NC 27006 3 3 6 -9 4 0 -2 3 4 1 HuiIJcrof Quiliiy Cusim Homa hxoitriO Irjn Crai^ A. i'artcf. ♦ Mjflifi C, Cajlcf, Vicc J. P. GREEN MILLING CO., INC. Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksvllle, NC 336-751-2126 EA TO N F U N E R A L H O M E SINCE 19.4! 32.‘i Norlh Main .Sliccl Mocksvillc, NC 271)28 336-751-2148 FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksvllle, NC 27028 336-751-2141 FULLER№sïiir Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Fabrication 855 Salisbury Road, Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-3712 CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street Mocksvllle, NC 27028 336-751-2167 AUTO м я т а MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTIVE 8 84 S, M ain St. • Mocksvllle 336-751-2944 GENTLE MACHINE & TOOL INC. 3319 us Hwy 158 Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-3350 М Ж . щтштшт 5431 Hwy. 168» Advance, NC 336-998-1987 w C8 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 22,2004 A f t e r w e b u i l d i t , w e ’ l l h e l p y o u f u r n i s h i t . D a m M a n T a k e s H u n t i n g i - i o b b y O n e S t e p F u r t i i e r I x i s s t i t How would you like a free room of Bassett® furniture for your new home? When you sign a contract by August 15th with us you can choose a beautiful bedroom, living room or dining room suite with a retail value of up to $7500. But don’t sit around on your old 1 A furniture thinking about your new furnl- H ture for too long. This offer ends soon. A Division ofCentex^Homes Statesville, NC Exit 154 off H O 704-872-8989 800-7!4-2324 ext.2 www.WayneHomes.com OKcr expires 8/15/0<l and applies lo qualified buyers. Pinancing must be through CTX Morlgage. Wayne Homes is a registered trademark of Centex Corp. Continued From Page C l But most of ali - he’s a hunter. “I watched a man mount deer four times. I came home and mounted a deer,” Koontz suid. He watched some more, and learned more skills. His mother, the late Nancy Koontz, supported his hunting hobby. His father, Glenn, went on many hunts with his son. Koontz rarely hunts for deer in Davie County, unless it's to take a youngster out on their first hunting trip, or for meat for the table. He wants the trophies. "I don’t hunt around here much, there’s nothing here for me lo kill,” he said. “I may kill a couple of does for meat... or take a kid hunting. “I used to hunt around here in hopes of killing a big buck. These people around here will kill anything they see. The bucks won’t get that big if you do that.” Koontz looks at the mounts he has completed, and wonders what it would have cost to pay a taxidermist. "1 would have a fortune in this,” he said. Koontz and buddy Rodney Couch lease land in Illinois where deer season is open all year. He’s been hunting in Canada, and worked for Out­ fitters guiding other hunters in Wyoming. Every party he guided got at lenst a deer and an antelope. Koontz hunts mostly with a bow, and wishes there was a way he could make a living hunting. “I’m in the wrong part of the worid,” he said. In Wyo­ ming, the nearest store was 82 miles away. "I loved it," he said. “1 know how to hunt here, Virginia, Illinois, Wyoming. I have an advantage,” he said. “I’m pretty sneaky when I get into the woods. You’ve got lo play the game.” Deer can’s see well, but they have keen smell and hear­ ing senses. He has two kills listed in the Pope & Young record book. “I’m always trying to chal­ lenge myself,” Koontz said. Wendell Koontz: "I watched a man mount deer four times. I cam e hom e and mounted a deer." - P h o to b y R o bin Fe rgu sso n ' 2 0 0 4 D o d g e D u ran g o i$249/monlh tor 3Ó monihs $1000 due at signing '' M il oofm id Owti, lAti I»«, lag ond Doe 2 0 0 4 C hrysler C ro»»flre $299/month for 36 monihs $2000 dua at signing Wnh epfxTMvd to«, led and tkoeN«,UKpMyoortDp$)0,7M g )0 ^ Jijl^O ranfJ $299/month for 36 monihs , $1000 due at signino Ш cHdit iwiMШ tteo ftW; littt c»‘ , ум (tO,^UyJÌHBÌIÌÌIHÌlL. 2 0 0 4 Jeep Liberty Sport 4 x 4 MSRP $22,940 .$17,940 tidonoo 2 0 0 4 Jeep G ra n d C herokee L arado 4 x 2 MSRP $28,620 ^/CFC FiggnclngYOUR PRICE $20,920 2 0 0 4 D o d g e G ra n d C a ra v a n MSRP $21,995 #3009X10 2 0 0 4 D o d g e Ram 1 5 0 0 Reg C a b MSRP $20,700 w/CFC Financing YOUR PRICE $12,488 ■ HWliO с D ako k) MSRP $21,535 YQUR PRICE $14,908 2 0 0 5 C hrysler Town & C ountry Touring D em o MSRP $34,345 w/CFC Financing YOUR PRICE $28,34 1400170 www.weslslclechryslerdodgejeep.coin In beautiful Downtown M ocksville 298 East Oepol SI. • Mocksville, NC 27Ú28 B U S 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 5 9 4 8 F e a t u r e DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 22,2004 - DI L i f e ’ s G r e a t J o u r n e y D a v i e N a t i v e W r i t e s A b o u t C a s s i d y F a m i l y ’s Ir is h R o o t s By Jackie Scabult Davie County Ешсфпзе Record I first met Davie native Brept Cassidy in the sum­ mer of 2000. He had recently returned from Finland where he had begun teaching kindergar­ ten. Since that time Cassidy has moved lo Finland and , returns hoine during sum­ mers and holidays (o visit ills fumily. During a rccent visit' \ Iiome Cassidy shared his newest project he'd com- pleted, a book on the írisíl. ' roots of Иге Cassidy fdttiily.' Cassidy named tlie book Speculated Truth: A j ' Geneological Journey of Truth and Speculation. Cassidy began his research for.the book six years ago when he began, regular visits to Ireland eacii summer. While lhet;e, ; Cassidy spoke with histori­ ans and geneologists and after numerous interviews i and diligent journaling lie began writing. It look a year to complete and another year and a half ' to publish. The Cassidy Clan of Ireland helped Cassidy publish the work and he is giving all proceeds from the book's sale back to them. The book tells the story ' of Lucas Cassidy and his journey from Rosslea, County Fermanagh to North , Carolina in the 18th Cen- tury.';';. .-/. , Cassidy provides a wealth of knowledge about the Cas.sidy name and il's roots and |oniieclions to the':' Irish peopie and Iheir land . , wiiile sharing his sights and experience? during liis own. visits toiiie homeland, :. Ciis’sidy remembers first .hearing about Ireland while at his grandfather's store in Mocksville, Center View Grocery. As a young boy he remembers neighbors gathering at his grandpa's store to sit down and chat ■ with friends or to share one of his grandpa's thick lipmemade ihilkshakes. When Cassidy first visited County Fermanagh in northern Ireland in 2001 he said the area was similar to Davic County, though the weather there wfls wet and cooler. He described the area as rural, with many farms and friendly people. During one of his visits to Ireland.Cassidy only missed former President Bill Clinton by a week. He later learned Clinton is on another branch of the Cassidy family tree. All this information as well a complete history of the Cassidy family name can be found in Speculated Truth. One chapter of Specu­ lated Truth is titled An Aistear Mor, an Irish phrase ■ that means "life's great journey.". Cassidy says his book has taught him.a great deal about himself through Ihe stories and history of his family and he says he's met many friends along the way. "Yes, friends, as I have never met a stranger, but rather a friend unknown yet." Copies of Cassidy's book are $18 and can be pur­ chased at Center View Grocery in Mocksville or by contacting Cassidy at flnland.e.\perieiwe@ nicfi to request more information. Copies of Cassidy's book can be purchased at Center View Grocery, along with one of the grocery's famous milkshakes.Brent Cassidy shares his adventures in Ireland during the writing of his book. I : ' 'I I i Ii Ì ' 1 I b; ! I Center View Grocery in Mocksville in 1954. This is where Cassidy says he first learned of his family’s connection with Ireland, D2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 22,2004 L e g is la t u r e O K s B u d g e t ; D a v ie G e t s F u n d s F o r S r . C e n t e r By Julin C. Howard N.C. House of Kcprcscnlntivcs After cxhiiuslivc nego- tinlions, the House nnd Scnutc . passed Ihc stale budget in the 1^'carly hours of Insi Sunday “morning. The 2003-2004 .“■session of Ihe Legislature »adjourned ul 6;2I n.ni., after an ;;all night session that nctunlly « began nt I noon on Saturday. * Some stHlcwide highlights of 'the budget include: £ • Credits $ 116.6 million lo "the Savings Reserve Account (or .■ “Rainy Day" Fund). “ • Credits S78.8 million to Ihc TRepnirs and Renovations ^Reserve Account, i,' • Fully funds the State Health "Plan wilh no inercnse In '^employee oul of • pocket expenses. • Provides a step increase for public school teachcrs plus an additional 0,67% increase. • Provides slale employees with a.salary increase of $1,000 or 2,5%, whichever is greater, • Provides $10 million for Ihe Mental Health Trust Fund. • Provides $62 million for Ihe Clean Waler Manngement Trust Fund. • Provides $26,5 million for Water Resources Development Projects, • Restores $4.5 million In vocntionni educntion funding lhat was cut from last year’s budget. • Provides an additional $31 million for grenter-thnn- cxpecled growth in Ihe public school student population. • Provides $50,5 million to reduce class .size in third grade classrooms, • Provides $9 million lo expand Ihe More al Four Progrnm by 2,000 slots, • Provides $13 million in tnx relief, Al the locnl level, Davie Couniy will receive $50,000 in seed money for the construction of a new Senior Citizen Center. I have not mentioned this project in Ihe past bccause the funding could not be verified until now. But I am so pleased to report this good news for our couniy. Dnvle County nlso received funding for nn nddilional mngistrnte position. This will be the fourih magistrate in Davie and is desperately needed. The budget also included a Alex’s Lemonade Stand Caitlyn B rake, R yan ne M cD aniel antd Catherine Brake raisetd $ 2 8 9 for A le x ’s •Lem onade S ta nd , a nationw ide effort to raise m oney to fight pediatric cancer. $217,500 appropriation for the expansion of the allied health, early childhood, and college transfer programs on the Davie County Cnmpus of Dnvidson County Community College, As I noted briefly above, the budget included a pny raise for state employees. This raise represents the first in four years for slate personnel. The raise Is equal to $1,000 or 2.5%, whichever is greater. For a state employee with an average salary of $36,000, the raise equates to nn approximate 2,8% increase. Public school teachers received a 1.83% average experience step increase plus an additional 0.67% salary schedule increase, for a total nvernge incrense of 2,5%. Community college fnculiy and professional staff will receive an additional 2% salary increase, in addition to Ihe raises for olher stale employees. This nddilional funding was provided in an effort to bring the compensation rales for Norlh Cnrolinn's community college personnel closer to the national average. The budget nlso grnnls a 1.7% cost of living incrense to Ihc sinte's retirees, increnses the Firemen’s and Rescue Squad Workers’ Pension Fund from $158 to $161 per month, and includes Probation nnd Parole Officers in Ihe $50,000 line-of- duiy death benefit. On a personal note, nn important item included in Ihis year’s budget is a grant-in-kind of $50,000 to the Jim “Cntfish" Hunter Chnpter of the ALS (Amyotrophic Lntcrnl Sclerosis) Association. This has been n personal mission of mine for mnny years. And I hope that this O n f u i ) ^ Swicegood Wall & McDaniel I w o I r i a d L o c a t i o n s ! 12) $488,800 0 4 В Ш 3 .1 BA cr.tfbiTvvriil) Мч)iZaú\f\.3aiíilVtinJ ¡fmijt lAtAiJui n (j ЛС^аМЛ)■Uc<< Zl$188,90ü iZl4B№ 3BACkimcneonn fJow ottAclui homo СМЗГ ?000 sr, Омо/ AoixlCdhiii«&K4r>(0 IW3CXM75} [7]$182,eOO |03B R /Z.1 BAÍJtniAJ Ы (купо Cfi ! MxiitaJ t M AC U ^Т1пж1 |k>l<ia2MÍV\ tro l(VW2roOR) CZI$i3i,aoo [ZISBR/ZBASiJi n V/СЙХ1 Ci U « f ) a HTTVJ t AJ fn ( Ц ' VN(f iiT A (>yu ai Mo^r (Шаюб 218118,800 2 )8 BR/ZBA bo 49) DR Ug vicriistTp M«i . Corpáiáj^fímxbajQ^s. UD4Aicia(V11>74C0 (W32í)774) $105,800 ЗВШ2ВАOein b<u tuy мЫсм h <1п|1ц aon. F'R m ol bri«K№ fr, & TV niunLil rgMS.N3dQirnx;u1цжтл A{;u<UV'lCfilS«iV 91&ые(улг4ай) [ZI$8Z,600 (213BR/ZBA Пйоайу iixidoci horno mDi riurv pcMlÜüdaiirfrUnt Uv№V)rtQ4Mognn 00t>3>tü& (W3»00) -¿527 tiwYja'i.aatu i 324 Rockhrirtnn Dr. ZI3BR/1BAU4s to icol tía Ckod 1ЛГАЛ1 tnrUL Г£**кзв inra, Ofuílcrficíwa Müfl a«i »лкмо »v>u&w (W3co n(3) 7]$186,800 ¡ Z b b w z b h (>uii VQáJol CloM to WMa> Stám Untvta\ Gnxn^oro, PiioMo UJ«»X) оспмоЫ CdfAvtu 4CC-7ü(K(W33ne23} ¿l$144,e00 2 1 z b r /z .ib aNcod n Domijcti Rir ty Ы Oonn, qm Ktq epocce.{CU} rnonteniipto Dnccrvljctod) caOu^-eOO& t009 (WX;414) [Zl$128,000 IZlSBR /ZBAnrtti h Fkioo uixKtion on ai<i>fi>ic. Foxod hvJtyaftl, beirt hw>kyii*iriiaJiTTB.»y MOR 04 Лгт V OCI> 1 &U) (W3SCfi6) $113,860 3BR/ZBA Rari^ Mff) фпооцв Шюп & FP h 1Л PiqwV b(*X3 И’Ae 1еГ ocnttaiG-tf Afcia 7400 (W322Ü23) |21$104,800 I2I3BR/1BAVuydcflTttitkin'dx Oftttnni.C(xi)kki№n arvi ilniQVíFP.Cal AJai ÍMO-7400 (W31GU0Ì 0$2Z7,8OO IZl3B№ Z.1BA> tomo ^ Onk VUuy, krpuQi^ 2 tftylcvwA LA(tonw*DnotogFR homo cObo Ihül cnüü bo 4t) ün. Qd prK4ngua.po(J&lari)(rná Col Krt * ИЮ-»720 рЛСе*Й20) ¡^$181,600 •d3BR/ZBAUiQ hará v4h CortJV 21 Storno aroa, «and bck preK ky & k\) ¡MnaCííjhTTv ao-iM9(W32ÍCt6) 2I$134,800 Z 4B ¡V 2 B »Qo^)0cu9 homo badd и te pcpiior Soc|xÉ) Pinoo eUxKtícn. knxK^Jnbocicyud, rmvck)cK «Miod дшлоо. Col MiVtfin (М0-7ЭС0 {VV3300Ú0) 0$1ZB,8OO IZ13BR/2BACX«2QOOSF,LedüiiALo tcruB non 4oo(kyctoo(te;kg Molbrcto^nod lot, o» loga, roMfod. A^wwrort/04 Db( 4006708 О/ШММ) 28107,800 Z IZ B R / IB AAJ bti( hcmo on смог 4 ACe. New HVAC. íWVpáfTttx^ Spodous nrvocm üg Bño, wo^hvmCofEtoMh 000-2SM (W320644) $102,400 2B№ ZBAMirqWbyOfntonv*». ContrárttoWaUgMS, nrroorrv 006 pooC ldMlfcB,oorflrTiclto Cd Kyi) 00>5332 (W32S023) ]И878,800 [Z13BWZBA1Л ard (in (ll UJcri (i^AiGoe rcnni vwul Ufnrg FP MO hoi prvit» li> and ficptnio июш. Cam tt Col AJai £>»7400 JilWiOOTT) $82,600 ]2ВШ 2ВА , |2mctiaharnaecn2*^a3ai ’ I м/fècM doni рх( krts &I atiAAio Affiime Gkiy h bcti I осц:< W&O h cna FtonU рф*1у^lyeamelotWav |C(<№noo3aiaDi|WEaea) Y O U R V E R Y O W N H O M E TO W N TE A M O F R E A L E S T A T E P R O F E S S IO N A L S o2004C2t swm.auRioHTsnssERVED. M O C K S V IL L E 854 Valley Rd. Suite 100 (336) 7 5 1 -2 2 2 2 Hours: Mon • Ffl 8 am to 5:30 pm 77-;— ,Т7Г. 6 am lo 5:30 pm Sal: 9 am to l pm miiKìjunu CLEMMONS 2419 Lewlsville-Clemmons Rd ]3 3 6 ) 778-2221 Hours; M-F 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Sat: 9:00am- 5:00pm / Sun: 1-S pm line item will be of hope lo the patients and families who have experienced this dreaded disease. This one Is for you, Abe, and so many others in this stale. An announcement clearing one of the major hurdles holding back the completion of the budget process was made last Wednesduy. House and Senate Budget negotiators revealed their intent to finance $463 million on a number of University of North Carolina projects, land purchnses for ndditionnl state parks, and the construction of new youth detention centers. Five specific university projects would include: n $180 million sldie-of-the-art Cancer Center at UNC-Chapel Hill, a $60 million dollar Cardiovascular Center at East Carolina University, a $35 million dollar Genetics Analysis Cenler at UNC-Chariblte, a $35 million wellness center at UNC- Asheville, and a $28 million Pharmacy School at Elizabeth Cily Slate University, The plan sets also aside $50 million for planning and land acquisition for five projects: a nursing school at Fayetteville Stale University, a joint millennial campus for N,C. A&T Stale University and UNC- Greensboro, an optometry school at UNC-Pembroke, a cenler for heallh and aging at Western Carolina University, and a center for design innovation at Winston-Soiem Stole University and the N.C. School for the Arts, Signlflcant growth in research and industry throughout the entire is expccted from these projects, which will aid the state in ils continuing economic recovery. The financing plan includes $45 million in funds to purchase 6,000 acres of land for parks (land preservation for futurc generation) and buying or acquiring conqervalion casements on up to 17,000 acres near military bases as a means to prevent conflict wilh future development. Some $30 million would be made nvailable to help fund the conslructlon of up to 13 new youlh detention centers. The necc.ssity of funding this project •surfaced from a May 2003 state audit showing that the dire physical condition of existing youth facilities increnses security risks and could prompt court-ordered changes unless the Stale replaces the centers. The House unanimously passed “far-reaching" domestic violence legislation last Wednesday and sent the bill to the governor for approval, HB 1354 - Strengthen Domestic Violence Laws was the product of study of the House Select Committee on Domestic Violence, lo which I was a member. This legislation Increases sentences for repeat offenders, mandates treatment for abusers during probation, ond increased domestic violence training for judges and low enforcement ofncers. It also includes a measure to make strangulation resulting in injury a felony, which has been sought for years by victims’ advocates who soy strangulation is often a precursor to murder. The legislation raises an estimated $ I million annually for agencies thal provide legal representation to domestic violence victims, asks the Department of Public Inslruction to study anti­ violence education in schools and training for teachers, requires abuser treatment for offenders in prison, permits judges to award custody to victims during domestic violence protective order hearings when children are al risk for abuse, and prohibits employment discrimination againsi victims who take time off work lo seek 0 restraining order. During the last week of session, after much discussion and debate, the House passed HB 1464 - School Calendar Changes. As discussed in the past two newsletters, the original House version of the bill reduced the number of teacher workdays from 20 to 10 and requires lhal schools cannot start before Aug, 25 nor end before Juno 10, Tlie bill was then heard in the Senate, where the bill was changed slightly by reducing the number of teacher workdays by 5 (from 20 to 15). A conference committee was appointed to resolve this difference, and in the early hours of last Sunday morning, both chambers' approved the measure passed by the Senate. The governor Is expected to sign the bill into law in the near future^ and it will take effect beginning wilh Ihe 2005- 2006 school year. This newsletter will be the Inst until the beginning of next ses.sion in January or February of 2005, Thank you for reading each week, 1 do hope these newsletters have been worthwhile and informative for you. As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free lo call on me. I’m here to help. Locals Attend New Horizons Show Davie County Food Service Association attended the 2004 annual conference in Greens­ boro on June 23-25, Thirty employees oltended the New Horizons Trade Show, There were eighI employees who attended the presidential conferencc workshop, nnd five who attended the Ihree day con­ ference. Brenda Norman, manager al North Davie Middle, won first place in the culinary yeast com­ petition, Talia Booe, manager at Davie High, won third place in the tal­ ent show. Doughn Parker was rein­ stated as Secretary of the North Carolina Food Service Associa­ tion, Sign Up For Cost Share The Davie Soil & Water Conservation Dislrict will be receiving ils program year 2005 allocation for the N.C. Agricul­ tural Cost Share Program soon. There will be a general signup held until Aug, 13 for anyone wishing lo apply for cost share assistance on agricultural land. These cost share funds are available to assist landowners and operators wilh Ihe inslalla­ tion of Best Management Prac­ tices (BMPs) that reduce Ihe amount of sediment, nitrogen, phosphorous, pesticides, animal waste, and other agriculture- related pollutants from entering surface and ground waters of the slate. Agricultural landowners and operators may apply for cost share assistance lo install BMP’s, This year’s priority has been set on stream protection measures (i.e, fencing livestock I out of creeks, streams, and rivers). There is assistance included to provide alternative watering sources. There are also many other BMP’s available, such as cropland conversion, sod based rotation, diversions, grasses woterways, long term no-iill, nutrient management, animal waste management systems, slock trails, nnd many others. All applications will be approved on a priority basis. Those sites lhat provide the grealesl water quality benefils will be approved first. Any landowners or operators that wish lo opply for cosl share funds may do so during the general signup. For more informalion, con­ tact the Dovie Soil & Water Con­ servation Dislrict al 180 S, Main St., Mocksville, County Office Building, Room 313, Mocks­ ville, 751-5011. V Щ I iii II Crotts Horton Lambe WiHiams Four Receive White-Martin Scholarships Jennifer Horton, Jcniiifor Williams, Mandy Lambe, and Brittney Crolls arc recipients for Ihe 2004-2005. Whilc-Mnrtin Scholarship, The scholarship, which lias been awarded for more thnn 30 years to deserving Davic High students, was created through a gift from the White Foundation, Inc, lo create the White-Mnrlin Scholarship Fund. The fund is structured to ussist Duvie County sludents pursue higher education into perpetuity, Jennifer Horton, daughler of Pally and Darryl Horton, hns been singing and acting throughout her high school career as well us being active in student government and an honor roll student. The mosl important things in life lo her are family, friends, and her relationship wilh God. Horton will attend Ihc University of Norlh Carolina al Greensboro lo study sociology/ psychology. She plans to become a social worker, Jennifer Williams, daughler of Cindy and Thomas Williams, describes herself as a quiet, shy DCCC Offers Classes Here ^ . The Dnvic Campus of X Dnvidson County Communiiy College will offerihe following classes, featured in the 2004 Fall Semester Tabloid on pnges 58- 63, Cail Duvie Cnmpus Officc at 751-2885. Elcclrictil Level I Stundnrd In.spcctlun Course Course 0400447 This course fulfills the Code Officials Qualification Board’s prescribed' training course to gain admission to the qualifying examination for a Standard Ccrtificute ul Level I only (in.specting residential und small commercial work). Parlicipanis should becomc fumiliur with the applicable code sections, NC Electrical Code book needed. July23-Auii. J.F. Sat. Sun.. 8 a.m.-S p.m., 40 hours. Instruc­ tor: Albert Ru.i.iell, $60. Mechnnlcnl Level I Standard Inspection Course Come Register for our Monthly $500 Giveaway! Now thni Scpleniber 30,2(XM, O n l u ! ^ Swicegood Wall & McDaniel (336) 751-2222 Open House Sat/Sun 2-4 PM Within walking distance of Historic Downtown Mocksville, library school, park, senior center, local churches and more. Two spacious BR’s and Baths, lovely sunroom, built-in entertainment dr., 9’ ceilings, great storage, nbhd pool wllh pool house and deck, walking trail, beautiful landscaping and picnic area. Minutes away from major cities ol Winston-Salem, Lexington, Clemmons. Near lop-notoh golf, shopping and medical facilities. 100% Financing Available._______________ Dlwcttons: NO Wèst to Exit 174, turn lelt. Hwy 1S3 turn right, go past city limits signs, e/10 ofmlle, lelt on Milling m d , right Into Milling Wsy. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thur.sday, July 22,2004 - D3 F o o d S e r v i c e P e r s o n n e l E n d Y e a r W i t h B a n q u e t Davic County Food Scrvice Association held its end of the year bunquct on April 26. President Carla Mast wel­ comed everyone. Superintendent W.G. Potts wid Dr, Van Johnson were also presenl. Child Nutrition Director Duughn Parker recognized Yvonne Ijaities and Laura Jane Barnhardt, who retired this year wilh 20 years of servicc, Melinda Beuuchamp, from Comatzer Elementary, was named employee of Ihe year. S O L D S t e r l i n g P u c e and hardworking person. She is an avid fisherman, swimmer, and shopper, Williams hns a large collection of John Deere items lhat she hopes to continue after college. She works nt Foster Drug in Mocksville and plans to attend Western Carolina University lo pursue a career in nursing, Mandy Lambe, dnughter of Murcin and .Mickcy Lumbe, enjoys playing vollcybnll and wus u Scholnr Athlete al Duvie High, She is described ns u hard working, dedicaled student, Lumbe works at Food Lion in Hillsdale and plans to attend Western Carolina University where she will sludy graphic design, Brittney Crotis, daughter of Bonnie niid Benny Crotts, is a certified blue bell. Crotis has been active in checrleading, FBLA. Photography Club, und Art Club. She has always been surrounded by "family and lols of love," and was laught to do her best, Crotts will attend Ihe Universily of Norlh Curolinu ul Charlotte where she plans to study business/finance. P en n in g to n , Company к I I I \ M ocksville 336-751-9400 Mi lisciai c/A cl vahee 336-998-8900 Your H om etow n R eakors Visil our.wchsitc af. \\\v,pciminj;lonrcaity,e.()m B e a u t if u l T o w n h o rn e C o m m u n it y • P ea ceful C o u n tr y A tm o s p h e re • 1 i i 2 I^ v e l D u p le x e s s ta rtin g at *132,500 • 1 Le ve l T rip le x e s s ta rtin g at *139,900 • 1 & 2 C a r A tta c lie d G a ra g e • S cre e n e d P o rc h o r S u n ro o m Course 0400629 For Individunis inspecting residenlinl and small commer­ cial work, Ihe course provides u working knowledge of Ihe code applicable to residential and small commercial conslructlon inspection und fulfills require­ ments lo lake Ihe qualifying exam for Level 1, Parlicipunts should became familiar wilh the applicable code sections, July '29-Aug. I, Th-Sim.. S a.m.-5 p.m.. 32 hours. Iiistruclor: Chris Nuckolls,. $60. Notary Public Educntion Course 0400473 ■ This course satisfies slale requirements for certification as a Notary Public, Leurn the general powers, limitations, and requirements for attestation, Parlicipanis must be ut 'leusl 18 years of age, July 26-28,M,W,, 5;30-9p.m„ 5 hours. Instructor: Luther Polls, $.S0,Texlbook: Approx, $17, 1 6 4 H i c k o r y D r i v e R ED U C ED Il 2 story home In Soulhwood Acres, 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths In great neighborhood,$124,900 Call Jane HOWARD R E A L T Y 3 3 0 s . S a lis b u r y S t. M o c k s v ille ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 3 5 3 8 I Ioufn: MoiuJay-Frlday ft-6 S.iturdiiy ‘>-12, Sund.iy By Appt. 3BR , ZBA, 316+/« Qcroa, wllh 100W -ocioa larm, 3BR , 2BA, oul- HtetotlcaieBR.2BA.homow\4.6Q 70W-ac,tW(Mtarra.230(Ht,horr№l«vb elroam ond pond $ 2 ,5 2 8 ,0 0 0 . bldgs., crook. $ 5 4 9 ,0 0 0 . ecroe. with ImmoculQlo iarxlacaplno valuo Qivon) Cnll Maiy $ 4 5 5 ,0 0 0 . New construclion. Too mnny gronl 4.81flC.. borders Dutchman Crook. 30П, Gorgoous 30П. 3.5ВЛ Ioq homo on Spacious 40R, 3.5BA, 2FP'e, Corner things to list! 40П, 30A, $324 » 0 0 0 . 2DA, rnany amoniliosi $ 2 9 9 ,9 0 0 . socludod 5 36 осгоэ, $ 2 0 9 ,5 0 0 lol In Qardon Valloy. $ 2 7 4 ,9 0 0 14 2 0 C o u n t y Lin e Яо.Гт К п 17 5 .F o x Hu n t e r R d. / V i 3 10 9 U S Hw y. 16 8 Harmony-3BR, 2DA. 20.2fl ocroa,(3 foncod), 1 ac. pond, barn $ 2 12 ,5 0 0 IMMACULATEII Harmony. 3BR , Totally ronovalod40R with 2445 sq, II. 3BR, 2.58A. now windows, orwlosod Histortc 4Bn, 2BA on 2,36 acroa in 2.5BAon 13fA acros. $ 2 0 9 .9 0 0 on 1.56ocro9. $ 16 3 ,5 0 0 . porch, oxc. locaHon $ 16 4 ,9 0 0 . Qroatlocation. $ 15 9 ,9 0 0 . 4 2 8 Fa iim in g t o n R o a d 5 7 2 D a n n e r R o a d I I 1B 7 C r e s tv ie w Drive Only 3 months okli On 3+Л acros, 2Bñ, 1.5BA. $ 14 9 ,9 0 0 . 247 CftNA Road Freshly fomodoled 3BR, 20A, on appnc, 2 story, 2200 sq. It. Iromondous Согу 30fl, 2BA on I acro, M appiiancas. Twinbrook, 3BR. 2BA, FP. Great 5 acroa (2 foncod), $ 14 4 ,9 0 0 . valuo! FP. owobo. $ 14 4 ,9 0 0 . AMUSTSEEI $ 12 9 ,9 0 0 . opon floor plani $ 12 5 ,0 0 0 . 144 HOOSE LANE Г7ШП 560 JUNCTION ROADJ | 110 SIR CHARLES CT. Brick Ranchor. 3BR , 2BA with LOTS ol rooml $ 12 3 ,9 0 0 SBR. 3BA. workshop, 3,5 ncros. 3QR. 28A. on privato 1.29 acros, Recentiy updated 30П, 2QA on 1 aero, CiomrDons, 3BR.2aA. many a largo back dock, $ 119 ,9 0 0 . scroonodporch, dock. $ 118 ,9 0 0 . Gamc/Rccrm.KiVDRcomtx) 5 118 ,9 0 0 AH appliances. $ 115 ,0 0 0 . too Claude Ratledge i /m I 141 Dakota Lane я Щ щ а ш д Ш д Е Е а г ! i ] | E 36 0 R o llin g Hil l s 1-n, 4BR, 2BA, mainlenanco froo, many opdales, WONT LASTI $ 114 ,9 0 0 . 3DR. IDA. 2+/-acros, somo foncod 3BR, 20A. 5.5 acros, Qroal mini Unique L-stuipod, 3BR, 2BA, swwoom, ExUa ctean, mony updalosi 3BH, aroa. updalos, $ 10 9 ,9 0 0 . farm, $ 10 7 ,5 0 0 . don, oifco, 2 garages... $ 10 5 ,0 0 0 . i .SBA. Movo righl inl $9 9 ,9 0 0 . 36 0 E aton R oftf) П Ш П 949 N. Main St r e e t Г 7 Ж П 1 1 0 S t o n e Wo o d R d. Г 7 Ж П 1 3 3 B r o o k Ro s e Г ш р ^ Ija m e s CtluncH Rd Qrool Slorlorl 3BR, 2ÜA wllh largo dock on 1/2 aero. $9 9 ,6 0 0 . Spacious 2BR, IBA, DR, Sunroom, full basomonll $6 9 ,9 0 0 . ш ш г п . т л Ш Ш Almost now 3DR. 2BA. FP. nil 2QR. 2BA. J0.5W- acroa, appliancos on .00 nc, $ 8 9 ,9 0 0 oppliancos. $8 9 ,9 0 0 Spacious 3BR, 2BA, stono FP. much morol $ 9 8 ,5 0 0 . 1 1 3 M e ta b h e e z e Ln . Г З К П 3 8 0 1-L O ld R o s e b u d i ìm v I 10 7 P o w e ll R o a d READY TO MOVE INIl All nppliancos romoinll3Ba2BA. $6 6 ,9 0 0 . 3BR. Т,5ВА on ,40 no. Currontly Gtoai 2QR. 2BA upper condo ir^ 3BR, 2BA, (oncod backyard, шооп ЗВП, V5BA. Cooloomoo, now hoal/AC. bolno updalod. $8^1,900. Clommons, ovortooking pool, $ 8 1,5 0 0 porch, dock, .71uc. $ 7 9 ,9 0 0 . now plumb,, comp, updalod, $6 8 ,9 0 0 392 lVlicMAF.L'H Roap I I 125 Yadkin Street Г7ШП 292 Watt Stre^ | 152 Grove Street [7Ж 1 142 Emerald Lane 30R, 2BA, dblewidd on 1 ac.. All appliances, Bolow tax value $6 4 ,9 0 0 Cll«d0l Ro«d.......Hwy. Ml N.........•1 MmoniRoad.... #3 Salmoni Roid,..C*dar Rldflt Rd....Vlrcuidol! Um« ....nni# Trail..........Hwy.MIH......... Spacious 3BR , 1 BA, Cooloomoo. Easomont onto back of proporty, updated olocl. $ 5 6 ,0 0 0 . 2 Bodrooms, 1 Bath. $ 5 1,9 0 0 . \ Bodfoom, \ Bait> coUago wuh nico 2BR, 1BA on 3/4 aero lot. Bolng Ironl porch, $41,900. sold "as is" $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 . Av/Mi Л1И I Lens ANI) Land an d Ri:n ia l Pkoi>I'KTii;s .....1.19 Ac. 126,000,..2.2SAC.KB $89,900 34 AC. $140,835 10 Ac. 145,050. ...t.3S7acre« $29,000...2.39 ■croi $18,000...ЭОасш $173,500....6.5 BCfftt $46,475 Valliy Road..E.LaUo 639 MadliottRoad....87fl Mr, Henry Road..I_Dear Creek Church Road. ...2.29 aerei $29,500.........Lot $115,000...........Lot $15,900......1t aerei $71,877..............$425,000.....5.1 aerei $38,000..40*A aerei $225,000 BEHTAI HRQeEFlIlE&275 DenAnderion................................616 nWeibenrt, Bormuda Run.....................Mobile Home Lol, Daniel Road....................Mobil! Home Lot, Gun Club Road.................Mobile Home, Qun Club Road....................4142 Hwy, 158 (4 bedroom)........................t?4 Hickory SI, Cooleemw.......................113Motabree2e............. $}OOP/M ...SBOOP/M $125 P/M $225 P/M $S50P/M $/50 P/M $500 РЛД $700 P/M Г I D4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 22,2004 F o u n d a t i o n T o M a n a g e M c G u i r e T r u s t F u n d s The Communiiy Foundution of Davie County recently bccamc trustee of tlic James McGuire Scholarship Trust and the Mary and Jane McGuire Library Trust. The foundution'will manage the investment of the trusts, administer the selection of Scholarship recipients, and award annual funds to Davic County Public Library. “Wc are honored that the existing trustees were conndent in our ability to manage the trusts in accordance with the McGuirc wishes," said Jane Simpson, foundation president, “The former trustees were well respected by the McGuire sisters and have served the trusl faithfully." “Tlie McGuire sisters were a wonderful example of ladies who had a desire to give back lo Davie County," said Charlie Dunn, retiring trustee. “They hud a vision of enriching the community ihrough these trusts and cnrich the commimity they have since 1992." The Mary and Jane McGuire Library Trusl has been responsi­ ble for funding a variety of activities at Ihe public library over the last 12 years. “The trust started in 1992, juM as Ihc library expanded its facility." said Ruth Hoyle, library director. “The trust fund monies allowed the library lo expand enrichment activities in our new space as opposed to replacing county funding." Trust fund dollars enabled the library to create a part-time History Room Librarian in 1992 and still helps lo maintain that position. Trust funds were used to sponsor adult programs such as Ihe "Lei’s Talk Aboul It" series and a classical guitar concert by Miguel Pico this year. Children have benefited from th e trust funds participating in prograrrts wilh Mark Daniel and the Catawba Sciencc Ccnier. Summer crafls havo been made available Ih ro u g h Ihc McGuire Trusl Fund grant. • “The Mary and Jane McGuire Library Trust has hud a substantial positive impact on the Davic County Public Library," said Hoyle, “and because Ihe trust is endowed, it will have an eternal impact." Davie High School sludenis know the positive impact of ihe James McGuire Scholarship Trusl. To date, more than 100 students have received one or niultiple yenr awards to assist them with collcge tuition. The trust has awarded morc lhan $115,000 in Ihc lasl 12 years. Graduated students arc now pharmacists, teachcrs, and dentists. “I wus amazed at the impact of the scholarships when I looked buck Ihrough the lists of students thut had received awards," said Jane Simpson. “Some of them have even comc buck to Dnvie County to live und work. The most exciting purl of the scholarship endowment is that it will continue 10 help students pursue a college education. In today's society, additionnl education is a musl for all of our students." The mission of the foundu­ tion is to "advance philanthropy and pool donor assets for the benent of our community." It is working to build a pemmnenl endowment lhal Is inveslcd eternally. Earnings from the endowment will benent Duvie churiilcs and projects. The foundulion accepts gifts in any amount, ut any time, toward its Comnumily Scholar­ ship Fund and ils Communiiy Chest Fund. A variety of options for establishment of named funds in honor or memory of donors is also available. To Iparn more, conlaci Simp-son Ul 75.1-6903 or by email ul ¡simpson@(laviefoimdation.org or visit the foundation web-site, www.tlatiie/aiiiidaiian.org, Area residents wait in the Davie County Public Library for a classical guitar concert sponsored by the Mary and Jane McGuire Library Trust. .‘Л ' Young people show off their hats made at summer camp. Scholar Magadeia Pena, professor from Davidson College, with Let’s Talk About It participants, from left, Debra Woodruff, Ms. Pena, Library Director Ruth Hoyle, TomLentz and Cheryl Lentz. Magician Marl< Daniel, a Mocksville native, combines magic with an encouraging message to get children fo read. Young people pack the library for an event sponsored by the McGuire Trust. Davie FSA Committee Nominations Accepted Duvidson-Davie County FSA Office will start receiving nominutions for FSA committee election candidutes on July 15. Furmers ure urged to nominate their farm neighbors as cundidules in the FSA couniy comniillce elections. Davic Couniy nominations and election of county committee member for this year will come from LAA 4. LAA 4 includes Ihe areu norlh of 1-40. Farm owners, operators, tenants, and sharecroppers of legal voting age muy be a candidate for thecommiiiee if they ure eligible to purlicipuie in uny FSA program. It is crucial that every eligible producer lake part in Ihis eleclion because the county FSA commillee is u direct link between the furm communiiy and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The election of responsible agricultural pro-ducers is important 10 farmers. For more information, cull Duvidson-Duvie County FSA at 1-800-324-3389. OPEIHmUSE 1 R I T A ( l A K S • Great location, convcnicnl to Winston-Salem, Mocksvillc, Sali.sbury, & Lexington • Beautiful 2/3 acre homesites for '• custom construction • Neighborhood of homes priced from mid ,$140’s to $250,000 • Close to golf, shopping & schools C O M ING SOON PHASE II 29 Lots • From M ochville, Hwy 64 East Inwards Lexingion C h a i’lo s J o n o s < ii;u lii' K >'ally,lne ............. (flfmI чип! I jours Il í;iil.i t « uni 'v.i llilrlrsjulli sn ¡ill s.i (tin F A JR W A V L O T 149 HJUHWOM ■ 3 01 4BD. 38A miWerantt lies Cape Wopen р1ал, №R suile on main level, coveied lioni path. 2 и a page. $11»,ИЮ ..... ЗВД spill loyei, Mck liM, 2 caj bsml oage. Tiey ceiling maslei BR. Additional M In basemenl. Buv now andctaeco№.$199,HOO COnstrUCtiOIL ^ ■ Cuslom buiil 3BR,- . ....-fi on main level, bonus(oora om oarage, htó t lile lleois, gas ogs. 36>8 covered Iionl loiiciti« salio.»17B,««) M HAiaiWOD - 3BR, 2BA lanch vi/2 cai teemcnt oaiage and 2 unlinished rooms and fill BA In й Я ю enpanslon. D a v i e D a t e l i n e DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 22,2004 - D5 Fundraisers Th u rsda y, Ju ly 22 Poor Man’s Supper, Cooleemee United Methodist Church, Main St., 5-7 p.m. Saturday, July 24 Hamjiurgers, Holdogs, Homemade Ice Cream, at Sheffield-Caliihnln Comm. Qr„ 4::i0-7;30 p.m. Take­ outs nvallable, donations uccepied. Fish Fry by Lc Jour ties Fcnuncs club, in front of Steele’s Cab on Depot St., Mocksville, starting at 11 a.m. Sandwiches aad plates. O n going Cooleemee Civilans BBQ Chicken, each 3rd Sat. of month nt Cooleemee Hardware Store. Serving l/2chlckcn, baked beans, BBQ slaw, roll, and dessert. Time; 11 a.ni. until sold oul. Come early, only prepare 120 halve.s cach monlh. Religion T h ru T h u rs ., Ju ly 22 Vacation Bible School, at First Pros, Church & Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 261 S. Main St., cook-out midcovereddlsh Sun. 5 p.m. followed by program 6 p,m,-8:15 p.m. Mon- Thurs. dinner at 5;30 followed by program 6-8:15 p.m. Theme: "Settle the Last Frontier". Info; 751-2507 or 751-54f9. S u n d a y, Ju ly 25 Homecoming, Bailey’s Chnpel United Melhodlst Churvh, Advunce. Neville Storey brings niessnge nt 11, followed by meal and singing, A u g . 1-4 Revival, Ml. SInal AME Zlon Church, Peoples Creek and Burton roads, Advance, Sunday moming and afternoon, and 7:30 Mondny- Wcdnesday. Special Events E ve ry Friday Night JamSesslans,ntSliefncldMusicllall, call 492-7417 forinfo, Friday, Ju ly 23 Jammin’ On The Square, 6-9 p.m, downtown Mocksvillo. Danny Casstevens & Co, S un d ay, A u g . 1 What The Reverend Don’t Know, presented by NAACP, 4 p,m., a play h adapted for stage full of laughter, drama,undsplrit-niled, Al Brock Per­ forming Arts Centcr, N. Main Street, Mocksville. Tickets: InAdvanco$12, groups of 10 or more: $ 10, at Iho door $15. • A u g . 3 Davie Craft Association Jurying to be craft vendor, 6 p,m„ Davie County Public Library, North Main Sl„ Mocksvillc, Glenn Miller, 751-5749, N o w Th ru A u g . 31 Exhibit, at The Communiiy Founda­ tion of Davie County Office, 194 Wiikesboro St„ watercolors by local artist Sue Boggs, Contact Comm. Foundation for hours: 753-690.3. Friday, A u g . 6 Jammin’ On The Square, 6-9 p.m, downtown Mocksville, Promise Breakers, rhythm' & blues, Friday, A ug . 20 Jammin’ On The Square, 6-9 p,m, downtown Mocksville, Joe Phillips, Bobby & Mike (from ‘Open Mic’) W ednesday, Sept. 1 Luncheon and floral siiow by Susun M, Jnckson ut Bermuda Run Counlry Club,Oardenraarket,demonslralions, sllpnt auction, $20, Bennuda Run Garden Club, call 998-5247 by Aug, 25, Dates to Remember M onday, A ug . 2 Cruise In, Main St, in downlown Mocksville, 6-9 p,m., 50/50 drawing held cach time, nnd DJ plays favorite music. Sponsored by PiedmonI Clas­ sic CARS Club, M onday, A u g . 16 Cruise In, Main St. in downtown Mocksville, 6-9 p.m., 50/50 drawing held each time, and DJ plays favorite music. Sponsored by Piedmont Clas­ sic CARS Club, M onday, A u g . 30 Davie Rcscue Squad Free Health Class, nt new fncility on Couniy Home Rd, Signs & Symptoms of Heart At­ tack & Stroke, 7-9 p,m, M onday, Sept. 6 Cruise In, Main Si, In downlown Mocksville, 6-9 p,m„ 50/50 drawing held cach time, and DJ plays favorite music. Sponsored by Piedmont Clas­ sic CARS Club, M onday, Sept. 20 Cruise In, Main St, In downlown Mocksville, 6-9 p,m„ 50/50 dmwing held each lime, nnd DJ plays favorite music. Sponsored by Piedmont Clas­ sic CARS Club, M onday, Sept. 27 Davie Rescuc Squad Free Hcallh Cla.ss,alnewfacllily on Couniy Homo Rd. Injury prcvenlion for Infnnls, chil­ dren, and elderly, 7-9 p.m, M onday, O ct. 4 Cruise In, lasl line iiir Ihe wnr. Main Sl,lndownlownMock.svillo,6-9p,m„ 50/50drawing held each lime, and DJ plays,favorite music. Sponsored by Piedmont Classic CARS Club. Meetings M onday, Ju ly 26 NAACP, 7 p,m„ al New Jenisalcm Holiness Cliurch, Campbell Road, O ngoing Humnne Society of Dnvie Co., monthly meetings 2nd Tues. of each monlh, at office Yadkinville Rd. be­ hind car wash. 751-5214. Disabled American Veterans Post 75 meets on ihird Monday of ench monlh, 6:30 p.m., at 1958 Hwy, 601 S, ConUict J. Renfro at 284-4664 for more info. Autism Support Group 3nl Monday of cnch monlh, 6:30 p,m„ nl Ccninil Davio Ed. Cenier, Mocksville, Davic Du.s. Women’s Assuclaton I st Wed. of every monlh, 12 noon, al MocksvllleRolaryonSallsbuiyStreel, Speaker of Inloto.it and catered lunch, cosl $6. Yenr membership $25. Con­ tact 998-1153 for morc Info. Davic County Diabetes Support Group, lastTlmts, of evcty monlh, 7- 8:30p,m„ at Davie Co, Public Library Small Confercnce Room, Info: 751- 8700. Davie Voulh Council, meels 2nd & 4ih Tucsduys each monlh, 6:30 p,m„ at Mocksvllle/Davle Parks & Rec, meeling room. Info: Wendy While 287-1292, Davie Co. Hospital Auxllary, every second Tues,, at hospilal cafeteria, 7 p,m, Duvie Business Women’s Associa­ tion, first Wed, of each monlh. 12 noon, at Mocksville Rolnry Club Hut, luncheon mceling,calercdmealavall- able. Forinfo: 998-1153 or940-3600, DavlcRcpubllcnnMcnsClub,meets 4thSalurday of eachmonth,7;30a.m„ Red Pig BBQ, CelcbrulcRccovery, weekly support group for those simggling wilh bad habits, addictions, nnd victims of abuse. Meels Fridays, 7 p.m., al Hill.idnlc Bapl. Church, Hwy. 158, Advance. Call 940-6618 forinore info. DavieCounty HorscEmergcncy Res­ cue Team, 7:30 p.m,, downslnire al Ihe Agricullunii Building, Mocksville, Ev- ciy3nl Tuesday each monlh, Forinfo: 940-2111, Davie Co. Band Hooslers, meets 2nd Tuesday of monlh, 7:30 p.m., Davie High Band Room. Family Services "What Every Par- cnlShouldKnuw",parcnlingclasses 10 inleresled parents of leens in local areas, every Mon. 6-7:15 p.m., al Mocksvillc office Sanford Ave. Cost $ 15, For more info: 751 -4510. Christian Businessmen's Commil­ lee of Mocksvillc, Thursdays, 7 a.m, Mocksville Rotary Hut, Gold Wing Touring Association, Red Pig Barbccuc, Greasy Comer, N.C. 801 nl U.S. 601, 6 p.m. 284- 4799. Dnvlc County Stamp Club, 2nd Thurs., Davie Senior Cenier, 7 p.m, 751-0611, Cooleemee Recreallon Association, Znchnry House, 1st Tuesday, 7 p,m, Hotneschool 4-H Club, 2nd & 4lh Tiiursday, Call 998-8925 for morc info. The Artist Group, Davic County Li­ brary, 7 p.m, /iLst Tues. Call Bonnie al 998-5274. Concerned Bikers Association, Foothills Chapter, 2nd Wednesday. WeslemSlcer, U.S. 601 at 1-40.7 p.m. Public welcome. Advance Garden Club, 1st Tues., 9 a.m.,Mocks UMC, 998-2111, Narcotics Anonymous Against All Odds Group, BC Brock Bidg., 622 N. Main St., Thurs. 7 p.m.. Sun, 6 p,m. Drug Problem? Helpline,336-785- 7280, Mocksville American Legion Post 174, VFW Hut, Snnford Ave,, 2nd Thursday, 7 p.m. Mocksville Clvllnn Club, 7 p.m., 2nd & 4lh Mondays, al CCB, 880 Yadkinvillc Rd„ Advnnce Memorial Pust 8719 Vet­ erans of Foreign Wius luid Lndics Auxiliary, 4lh Tues., 7:30 p,ni„ post home. Feed Mill Road, Davie Couniy Right To Life, 7 p,m„ 3rd Thursday,grand jury room,court- house, 751-5235 or 492-5723, Coolccmeu Memorinl VFW Post 1119,2nd, 4lh Thurs,, 7 p,m„ VFW Hall, N,C,801, Corlnthlun Lodge No, I7F&AM, 2nd, 4th Fridays, 7:30 p,m, at llie Mocksville Lodge No, 134,1st Tues­ day, 7:30 p,m, nl Ihe lodge, Cooleemee Clvllun's Club Meet­ ing, 1st and 3rd Mon. each month, 7 p.m.. Red Pig, Hwy. 801, Cooleemce. Cub Scout Pack 504, sponsored b Fuhon United Mclh. Church, 1st nnd 3rd Tues. nighls each monlh, 7-8:30 p.m, Young boys 1-5 gnides who would like 10 bccome a member nre welcomc to allend, Dnvie Co. MS Support Group, 2nd Mon, of each monlh, 6 p,m„ Dnvie Co, Hospilnl, VFW Auxiliary Po.st 4024,1 p,ni„ 4lh Thurs, each monlh In lower level of Brock Bidg,, N, Main Street, Eli­ gible members wclcome, Dnvlc KIwnnts Club, 1st nnd 3rd Tuesdny, 6:30 p,m. nl Webb Henl­ ing & Air, 998-2121. Recreation Formorc informnlion on lliescevenis, cnll 751-2325. Tu e sd a y, Ju ly 27 Lake Nomian Cniise, $25 per person, includes ndmission & Iransportatian. Lunch on your own nflcr cmlse, Ihen shopping. Line D ancing Fanninglon Community Cenier, Ev­ ery Tuesday, Cosl: $2. Instmclors: Sieve & Linda Hailey. For more Info, call 751-3848. G o o d T im e rs S q u a re Dance Diuice Lessons $5 per monlh. Volun­ teers for different social events. Con­ lnct Elhel nt 998-3837. Senior W alking Program Seniors, 50 and up, M-F, 6:30-9 n.m. No charge. Incentive breakfast held quartely. Regisler now al Rec. Depl. or Sr. Services. T h e D an ce C o m p a n y Mon.,Tues,, Wed,, & Sal. Call Emily Robertson, 998-5163, H orse C a m p $185 licr child (8-15 yni, old) per week, 7:30 n.m,-5:30 p.m,, Mon.-Fri, Riding inslnicllon, equine care, liorse facts, crafls, projecls, & field trips. Plus swimming if weather pcnnils. Advanced/lx.-ginner7/l 9-23, Call 751 - 2325 for info nnd regislralion. County Planning Board To Discuss Text Amendments There will be a meeting of the Davic County Planning Board on Tuesday Jiijy 27, at 7 p,m. in the 2nd floor Commissioners Room of Ihe Dnvie County Administrnlion Building, 123 S. Main St., Mocksvillc. Lonnie Griggs hns submitted for final, plat reviewia four-lot single family residential subiiivision tilled Hilltop Estates. This 3.5 acre tract is located off the norlh side of Sheffield Rond east of the Ire­ dell Couniy line, and is a portion of Parcel 12.04 of Davie County Tax Map F-1. Adams, Egloff, Avant Properties has submitted for preliminary plat review n 66-lot single fnmily residential subdivision titled Kinderton Villnge Phase 2. This 26.22 acre tract is located off the norlh side of Norlh Forke Drive and the end of Bcllhuvcn Drive, udjoining the Kinderton Village Phase 1, and is a portion of Par­ cel 3.01 of Davie Tax MapC-8. The Planning Boord will consider a text amendment lo 13155.050(0 of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the minimum size for pnrking spaces. Currently, parking spaces must be at least 10 feet by 20 feet. The proposed amendment would reducc spaces to 9 by 18. The planning board will elect the chair and vice chair for the next year. The meeling is open. Anyone interested may obtain nddllionnl informallon or u.sk questions by visiting the Development Services Depurl- ment on weckduys between 8:30 tt.m, nnd 5 p,m, or by telephone nt 751-3340, Competition Cheerleading $25 regislralion nnd $45 mo, for 2 times per week. Cull Wendy Slioe- mnker 284-6300, U 6 -U 1 2 S o ccer Registering in Aug, $35 included Tshirt. Davie'Gymnastics Academy Cull Heidi Ogle 998-1742 for info. Te n n is Leagues nvnilnble for men, women, co-ed, jun- iois. Cnll Snndra for info, B asic C a k e Decorating Avnllable Sept. Cnll for delnils. Big S w e e p Help cican local rivers and strcunis. Cull Mike Gamer for Info. C o m m . C le a n -U p D ay At the RiverPark ut Cooleemce Falls, 4th St. of each month, 8 n.m, unlil, Cnll Bill Gibson 284-4774 or Rec, Depl, for morc Info. Shelter Rentals Available nt Rich Park nnd RIverPurk nl Cool­ eemee Falls. Call 751-2325 lo make re.scrvalions. D avie Youth Council Ages 13 lo gnidualion, meet nt Rcc. Dept. 2nd nnd 4lh Tues. nighls cnch months. Call Emily 751 -2325 for info. Battle of the B ands 1st Sal. in Sepl. Bunds nnd spoiuors mny cnll 751-2325 for Info. Spon­ sored by Dnvie Youlh Council lo ben­ efit youth of Davie Co. Special O lym pics Fun Nite Wedne.sdays at Rec. Depl. 7-8:30 p.m, Oticn lo nllileles, Iheir families, and volunteers. Special Friends Dance Van MonlhlyFri.nlglitdanceinLcwisvillc. Open to ndulls wilh devcloprnenlnl delnys. Reservnllons required for imnsportnlion, cnll Kaihie 751-2325 by Thursdays. Van leaves Rcc. Depl. 6:30 p.m. and Inlerseclionof N.C, 8() I & U,S. 158 nl 6:45 p.m, YMCA For more Infonnnlion, call 751-9622 or visil Duvic Fnmily YMCA, W ater Exercise Class For beginners nnd the experienced. All ngcs. Cull for cluss types & tlme.s. Sw im Lessons Choose from 4 wk„ SnI, moming or privule lessons, Reg, begins 2 wks. prior lo class. Call for class times. K arate-C arucado Style Tuesdays, 7-8:45 p.m. Ages 7 & up. T a e Kw on D o Ages 6 & up. Meet Tues. & Thurs,. 6:00,6:45 p.m. Sunshine C lub For all older active adulls. Fun, fel­ lowship, good news. We do molhly pot luck luncheons wilh u spenker. Cosl $ 10 niembcrs/$20non-menibers. Fam ily Night 6:30-8:30 p.m. Treat your fnniily to evening at Y having dinner, pinying gnmes, swimming, nnd more. Cost $2 per person (5 nnd under free). S u m m e r D ay C a m p Wo offer full dny childcare for chil­ dren 5-12. Cnll front desk for delnils. Seniors All Senior Activities lake place at Davie County SeniorServices located 111 Ihe Brock Building on North Mnin Streel. Mocksvillc unless otherwise noted. Cnll 751-0611. O ngoing Sr. Lunchbox, M,T,W, 11:30 u.m., Th.&Frl., 11 n,ni„lunchserved dully. Sliver Henllh Exercises, East Room of SenlorS(;rvices. M, W, F,8:.30 u.ni. Quilling,every Monday, IOn.m.,Easl Room, Scrabble,every Monday, 1 p.ni„Crafl Room. Bridge,Tuesdnys Ip.in. &Frldnys2 p.m., EnsI Room. SKIPBO, Wednesdays, 1:30 p.m., Easl Room. Scrupbooklng, 2nd Tuesduy, 2 p.m. Paint Clnss, Wednesdays, 8:30 u,m„ C/nfl Room, Dr. Dunn, Podlntrlsl, nl Sr, Services every three weeks on Monduy, 8:30 u,m„ Craft Room. Free Blood Pre.ssure Chccks, once n monlh, ut 10:45 n.m. in the Nutrilion Site. Sr. Chorus, Thursdnys, 10 a,m„ East Room, Tnl Chi Clusses, Tue.sdays, 10-11 n,m„ Nature's Qil'ts,Clnss size lim­ ited, cull Sr. Services at 751-0611 lo pre-rcglslcr. E ve ry Th u rsd a y Crafty Ludle.s, aclivily at Sr. Ser­ vices, 10 a,m.-12 noon, in the Craft Room, Call 751-0611 for more hifo. Silver Health Exerclsc.s, 10 a.m., al MockPlacc,401 N.MaiiiSlreeI.Open to nny senior. Report Davie Dateline Item s By Noon M onday Items for Dnvlc Dateline should be reported by noon Monday of the pub­ lication week. Call 751-2120 or drop il by the office, al S. Main St. across from the courthouse. F O R S A L E NEW I 1/2 Story Cnpe Cod style lum.4“, 349 Spring St., in historic downto>vn Mocksvillc. Large living rtKiiii, 3BR, 2.5BA, cxtm large miLstcr bcdrcxim und masler balli, 2 car garage, imlini.slicd Ixinus room, iVlUST SEK • (704)546-3118 lurgc deck. Only $135,000 Absolute Real Estate. C le m m o n s /D a v le C o . O ffic e • 3 3 6 - 7 1 4 - 4 4 0 0 • 8 7 7 - 3 7 1 - 5 8 2 2 120 Covington Drive $183,900 Laura Vines 153 Bermuda Run West $335,500 Kalhy Phillips 2469 W US Hwy 64 $159,900 Gloria Matthews UNDER CONTRACT 4021 WhirlawayCt, $79,900 Andrea Suggs i U N D E R ^ ''^ C O N T R A C T ^ ^ ' : 11 Oak Grove $289,500 Pal Kinnamon T2 Slonegole @ Village Grow $209,900 Sherri Coram, ABR 123 Fox Run Drive $218,000 Bev Supple 791 Grinnell Streel $147,900 Gloria Matthews 585 Oak Valley Blvd $410,000 Bev Supple 3010 Deercroft Lane $347,500 Kristina Farrell 1205 Cane Ridge Lane $187,900 Cheryl Fink 1908 Weslhaimer I $279,900 Sandy Dyson 1526 Peoples Creek Road $486,000 Laura Vines Audrey Fuhrmann 7iUm Andrea Sugo» П Ш 6 Bev Supple 918-2827 |ВоЬЫе Mendenhall I 71И415 Brad Hunter JIÍ4W Brenna Pallin 7ÌU424 Cheryl Rnk /82-2«3 Dorothy Hall 94Q-2800 808 Ycikima Ct $134,900 Andrea Suggs I Gloria Duckworth | 7H-447S Glorlo MaUhc'HiJ tim Jerry Supple 916-2823 Kaihy Philllpi 8U-S33S 303 Hollybrook Dr $199,950 Kalhy Phillips Kritllna Farrell Loura Vino» 7M4422 Sandra Hedrick 345-2302 Sandra Johnton 714-4408I Maddalene Agnoli |B Sandy Dyson714-4427 Щ 287-6630 Pal Klnnamon BB Sherri Coram7W-e3S6 ■ 909-00)9 w w w .p r u d e n tia lc a r o lin a s .c o m ^AM\nde^enden¡i¡¡^m¡ne¿ando¿erá¡edmemb^ D6 - DAVIE COUN'I Y ENTERPRISE RECORD, riiursday, July 22,2004 Schools’ Transportation Rates Best Inspection Score In This Region DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursday, July 22,2004 - D7 P U B L I C N O T I C E S Davie County Schools’ Transportation Department earned the best inspection scorc in the Central Region, according to inspection records compiled by Ihe N.C. Department of Pub­ lic Instruction. Davie County Schools earned a score of 6.67. The average score for Ihe Central region was 31.4. Inspection scores ranged ' from 6.67 lo 54.1 with low scores denollng lhe best‘performance. Davie County Schoolsf Transportation Director Todd Naylor said that department staff wa.1 proud to be recognized for something that Ihey do on a daily basis. "We strive to keep our equipment and buses in top con-' dition. This award shows that our hard work and diligence really can make a difTercnce," Nnylor said. Each year, transportation con- ', ^ sultants from the NC DPI inspect ' , a sample of school buses from , ' evei7 local school district. This inspection comes on top of the ■ .i':' monthly inspection local scliool districts perform in addition to a preventive maintenance pro­ grum. These combined efforts help to ensure the safety of the 13,400 scliool buses operated daily across the state. The information compiled from these inspections is entered inlo a database lhat tracks some 400 bus defects and assigns point values to each. The goal of the state inspeclion program is not to find as many defects as pos­ sible, but rather lo help school districts muintnin their bu.ses in the best po.ssiblc condition. Su- perintendenls und transportation directors cun guuge the effective­ ness of their school bus mainte­ nance operation by comparing scores from one year to Ihe nexl. Naylor and the entire trans­ portation staff were honored June 22 ttt Ihe annual conferencc of the N.C. Pupil Transportation Association in,Winston-Salem. For more infonnation. con­ tact DPI Transportation Services at 919/807-3570. Miriain Wright Promoted By Corning Cable Systems Wright Corning Cable Systems, a subsidiary of Corning Inc.. has named Mariam O. Wrighi of Davie County as senior vice p resid en t, A m e ric a s Cable Operations. As purl of C o m in g 's e x e c u tiv e leadership team, Wright leuds the Arncricus cable nmnufuciuring operations; the research, development and engineering organlzulion; und the cable product line nianagc- •< y ment groups. She is responsible for activities related lo Ad­ vanced Cable Systems, Coming Cable Systems' equity venture with Hitachi Cable in Japan, "The people of Corning Cable Systems have accom­ plished significant results over Ihe years; among these ochieve- rnents is Ihe legacy of Americas Cable Operations success and excellence," says Wrighi, "This business is critical to Coming's success in telecommunications and 1 am excited lo have Ihe opporlunily lo lead Ihc business as well as to continue working with Ihis laienled team." Wrighi has more Ihun 24 years of experience with Coming Cable Systems, part of Coming's telecommunications segment. Gaining experience in a number of division und manufacturing roles, she bccame responsible for the start-up of Ihc Winston- Salem cable manufacturing facilily In Winston-Salem in 1993. Wrighi was named plant manager in 1994. with responsibility for all facilily operations. Ill 2(KK1, she was named plant manager of the telecom­ munications Cable Plant in Hickory, (now the Hickory Cable Fucility). Wrighi rose to Ihe position of vice president, Americus Cubic Manufacturing in 2001, in which she headed cable manufacturing prior to joining llte executive leadership team and taking responsibility for all Corning Cable Systems cable operations in the Americas und Jupun. Wriglit received a bachelor's degree from Oardner-Webb University and earned a master’s of business administration from Wuke Forest University's Bub- cock School of Munugemcnt. Wright lives with her fumiiy in Davie Counly. S o c ia l S e r v i c e s In P ilo t P r o g r a m ,V Ш : Davic County Sociul Services is part of a 52-counly pilot program implementing a new system callcd Multiple Response System (MRS). North Carolina law requires lhat local county departments of social .services ensure children's safety in their homes. When a Child Protective Services (CPS) report meets the legal definition of abuse, ncglcct, or dependency, Ihe departmenl will decide whether to conduct a traditional investi-gation response or whether a family assessment response may be more appropriate. Since there may be more lhan one response from Social Services, this process is called Multiple Respon.se System. According 10 NC General Statute 7B-302, il means a ivsponse lo a child abuse, neglect or dependency report that uses a formal information gathering process to detennine whether or not neglect has occurrcd and provides necessary services to prevent abuse, neglect, or dependency. This is the iruditional response used in North Carolina. The family is generally not contacted until after the children have been interviewed. The family moy feci they are in an ,odversarlal position witli the worker. \ 'Fdr valid reports of neglect or dependency Social Services conducts a family us.scssnicnt' This upproach is family centered and non-confroiitalional. The social worker conlacis the family to set up a time for a meeting with the whole family. Children are not interviewed first as with tlie traditional response. SocinI Services works in partnership with the fumiiy to help solve the problems. There are tiiree types of MRS cuse decisions; services needed - there are safely issues and future risk of hurm lo the children. The agency will be providing involunlury services lo the family; services recommended - safety of the children and future risk of harm 10 Ihe children is nol un issue, hul Ihe family would benefit from referrals to communily programs to help enrich the fumiiy; und services not recommended - safety and future risk of iiarm lo the children arc nol issues and the family has no need of other non­ safety related services. In the near future, the community will be hearing more about Multiple Response. Davic County Social Services is confident that Multiple Response will help improve •services, .said Cindy Justice, The goal is lo provide services to people in need and to help improve the qualily of life for Davie Counly residenls, she said. NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 03 SP168 Under and by virltua o( the power ol sale contained in a certain Deed o( Trust made by Ray , A. Blrke and Catherine D. BIrke, husband and wllc to Brock & Scott, Trustees, dated the 26th day o( August, 1999, and recorded In Book 313, Page 1, Davle County Registry, North Carolina, delault haveing been made In the payment ol th enote thereby secured by the said deed of Trust and Ihe undersigned, H. Terry Hutchens, PA having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed o( Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Olllce of the Register ot Deeds of Oavle County, North Carolina and Ihe holder ot hte note evidencing said Indebtedness having directed that Ihe Deed of Trust be loreclosed, Ihe undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the Courthouse Door In' Ihe City of Mocksvllle, Davle Counly, North Carolina at 3:00 p.m. on August 4, 2004, and will sell to Ihe highest bidder for cash Ihe following real estate situated In lha Township of Fulton, In thè Counly ol Oavle, North Carolina, and being more particularly as follows: Tract 1 : Lying and being In Fulton Township, Davle County, North Carolina and beginning al an Iron placed 16 Inches to cenler ol Fork Bixby Road (SR 1116), said, beginning Iron being located South 69 degrees, 00 mlnules, 00 seconds East 9.78 feel Irom the northeast corner ol Lonnie Bonce Jones, Deed Book 50, Page 117; Ihence Irom said new beginning Iron, North 12 degrees, 32 minutes, 46 seconds West 404.23 leet to an Iron stake lound 43 leet to center ol road, said Iron stake being located In tho Southern line of Alma Williams, Deed Book45, Page 298; Ihence with said Williams line, North 89 degrees, 32 minutes, 03 seconds Easl 43,57 leet to an unmarked point In the cenler ol said road; Ihence with Ihe center of said road, Soulh 09 degrees, 42 mlnules, 48 seconds East 399,83 leet to an unmarked point In the center ol said road; thence wllh the cenler of said road. South 09 degrees, 42 mlnules, 48 secodns East 399.83 leel lo an unmarked point In the cenler of said road; thence North 69 degrees, 00 mlnules, 00 seconds West 16.33 feel to Ihe Point and Place of Beginning and containing 0.271 acres as surveyed by Tutterow Surveying Company, November 7,1996 as revised April 22, 1997. Tract 2: Lying and being In' Fulion Township, Davle County, North Carolina and beginning at an Iron stake found 43 feet to center of Fork Bixby Road (SR 1611), said Iron slake also being In Ihe Southern line ol Alma Williams, Deed Book 45, Page 298; Ihence North 27 degrees, 06 minutes, 13 seconds Easl 73.68 feet lo a p/k nail set In cenler of said road; thence wilh cenler of said road. South 08 degrees, 42 mlnules, 48 seconds East 66.00 (eel to an unmarked point In the center ol said road; thence with the Southern line of said Alma Williams, Soulh 89 degrees, 32 minutes, 03 seconds West 43.57 to Ihe Point and Place of Beginning and conlalning 0,033 acres as surveyed by Tutterow Surveying Company, November 7, 1996, revised, June 6,1997. Tract 3: Lying and being In Fiilton Township, Davle County, North Carolina and beginning al 0,5 Inch iron found, said Iron found being the Norlhweslern corner of the within described property and Ihe Southwestern corner of Alma Williams, Deed book 45, Page 298 and being localed In the Eastern line ol Morrison Gray Carter, Deed Book 45, Page 298; thence with said Williams line. North 89 degrees, 32 mlnules, 03 seconds Easl 950.33 feet to an Iron stake lound 43 leel lo center of Fork Bixby Road (SR 1611); Ihence South 12 degrees, 32 minutes, 46 seconds Easl 202.23 feet to a new Iron set; thence South 89 degrees, 41 minutes, 53 seconds West 1,010.62 leet to a naw Iron sel, said new Iron set being located In Ihe Eastern line of Morrison Gray Carter, Deed Book 53, Page 498; thence with said Carter line North 04 degrees, 48 minutes, 05 seconds East 195.69 leet to the Point and Place of Beginning and containing 4.418 acres as surveyed by Tulterow Surveying Company, November 7,1996. Tract 4: Lying and being In Fulton Township, Davle County, North Carolina and beginning al a 0.5 Inch Iron found al fence corner, said Iron lound being the Southwestern corner of the within described property and Ihe Northwestern corner ol Lonnie E. Jones, Deed Book 185, Page 519, and being located Int he Eastern line ol Morrison Grray Carter, Deed Book 53, Page 498; thence wilh said Carter line, North04 degress, 48 mlnules 05 seconds East 173.80 teet lo a , new Iron set; thence North .89 degrees, 41 minutes, 53 seconds East 1,010.62 leet to a new Iron set, 30 feet lo center ol Fork Bixby Road (SR 1611); thence Soulh 12 degrees, 32 minutes, 46 seconds East 202.00 feet to an Iron placed 16 feet to center of road; Ihence wilh line ol Lonnie Bonce Jones, Deed Book 50, Page 117, North 89 degrees, 00 minutes, 00 seconds West 398.12 leet to an existing Iron, said existing Iron being the Northwestern corner of said Lonnie Bonce Jones and the ' Northeastern corner ot Lonnie E. Jones, Deed Book 185, Page 519; thence with said Jones line, North 89 degrees, 00 minutes, 00 seconds West 661.30 teet to the Point and Place of Beginning and containing 4.418 acres subject to SR 1611 right-of-way as surveyed by Tullerow Surveying Company, November 7,1996, Together wllh Improvements localed thereon, said property being located at 765 Fork Bixby Road, Advance, North Carolina, Save and Except; Lying, and being In Fulton Township, Davle County, North Carolina and beginning at a new Iron set, said new Irons et being located Soulh 89 degrees, 00 mlnules, 00 seconds Easl 107.90 feet from an existing Iron, said existing Iron beng the Northwest corner ol Lonnie Bonce Jones, Deed Bk 50, Page 117, and being Ihe Northeast corner of Lonnle.E. Jones, Deed Book 185, Page 519; thence from said beginning new Iron set. North 12 degrees, 32 minutes, 46 seconds West 120.00 feet lo anew Iron set; thence South 89 degrees, 00 mlnues, 00 seconds East 324.47 leet to an unmarked point In the center of Fork Bixby Road (SR 1611); thence wllh Ihe center ol said road. South 08 degrees, 42 mlnules, 48 seconds East 118.36 leet to an unmarked point In the center of Ihe road; thence North 89 degrees, 00 mlnules, 00 seconds West 16.33 feet to an exisling Iron; thgnce North 89 degrees, 00 minutes, 00 seconds. West 9.78 feet to a solid Iron found; Ihence North 89 degrees, 00 mlnues, 00 seconds. West 290.22 leel lo the Point and Place 01 Beginning and being 0.858 acres as surveyed by Tutterow Surveying Company, April 7, 1997. Togelher with all Improvemerits constructed upon, the above described real property. Including without limitation the residential dwelling located thereon, which dwelling Is a “Manufactured Home" and which manufactured home Is hereby conclusively deemed to be real properly, described as follows: Mask, Model; 1996 Serial: MP 1802749 Should the properly be purchased by a third party, that peson must pay Ihe tax of Forty- Five Cenls ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCQSE7A-308(a)(1). The property to be ollered pursuant to this notice of sale is being ollered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither Ihe Trustee nor the holder ol the note secured by the deed ot trust/security agreement, or bolh, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, allorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative ol either the Trustee or the holder ol th enote make any representation or warranty relating lo the title or any physical, environmental, heallh or safety conditions existing In, on, at, or relating to the properly being offered (or sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out ol or In any way relating lo any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property Is being sold subject lo all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or encumbraces ol record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) of five | percent (5%) ol Ihe purchase price, or seven hundred Illty dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required al the time gf the sale. This 14th day of July, 2004. H. TERRY HUTCHENS, PA SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE H. Terry Hutchens, PA Subslitule Trustee P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetlevllle, NC 28311 Case No. 593.66428 7-22-2Ш NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue ol the powe of sale contained In a certain Deed of Trust execued by Barbara Stewart (Present Record Owner; Barbara Stewart), to Thurman E. Burnette, Trustee, dated August 31, 1999, recorded In Book 312, page 723, Davle County Fleglslry, North Carolina; default having been made In the payment of the Note thereby secured by the said Deed of trust and the undersigned, Richard R. Foust, Attorney-at-Law, having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed ol Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the oltlce ol the Regisler ol Deeds ol Davle Counly, North Carolina, gnd the holder of Ihe Nole evidencing said Indebtedness having dlreced that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, Ihe undersigned Substitute Trustee will olfer for sale al the Davle Counly Courthouse, in the city of Mocksvllle, Davle Counly, North Carolina at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, August 3,2004 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in the County of Oavle, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows; BEGINNING al an Iron rebar set al the Norlhweslern corner of the withln-described tract In Ihe line of Oakland Heights (PB 4, page 122), said Iron also being the Southwestern corner of proposed Lot #1, said point of beginning also being located Ihe following courses and distances from NCGS Concrete Monumenl “Cartner” N;240251.905M and E;457050.989M; thence South 49»23’20" East 1215.38 feet lo an established Iron rod; Ihence South Z«7’50" West 288 leel to the BEGINNING POINT; th ence from the BEGINNING North 80«38'25" Easl 212.60 feel to an Iron rebar sel, the Northeastern corner of the-wllhln-descrlbed tract In the western right of way margin ol Davled Academy Road (SR 1143), the saidd point also being the Southeastern corner of proposed lot #1, thence with the right of way margin ol said road South 37«50'35” East 52.85 feet to an Iron rebar set; thence South 33’01 '00 East 78.30 leet to an Iron rebai'set, the Southeastern corner ol the withln-described tract, Northastern corner ol proposed lot #3; Ihence South 80«39'30" West 293.23 leet lo an Iron rebar set, the Southwestern corner ol Ihe withln-described tract. Northwestern corner ol proposed Lol #3, thence North 02*07'50" Easl 120.50 leet to the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING, contalclng 0.690 acres as shown on a survey by Stone Land Sun/eylng Company, dated April 26, 1999 (Job #S10398H) and being a portion ol lhat property described In Deed Book 131, page 462, Davle Couly Registry, and being a portion of that properly known as parcel 38 of Tax Map l-l, Should Ihe properly be purchased by a third party, that person must pay the tax ol Forty- live Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars required by NCGS 7A-308(a)(1). The property lo be olfered pursuant to this notice of sale Is being offered for sale, transler and conveyance "AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither Ihe Trustee nor the holder ol the Nole secured by the Deed of Trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the olllcers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representatives ol ellher the Trustee or the holder ol the Note make any representation of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or salely conditions In, on, at or relating to Ihe property being ol lered lor sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or In any way relating to any such condition expessi/ expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property Is being sold subject lo all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances ol record any recorded releases. A cash deposit (no personal cheeks) ol live percent (5%) of Ihe purchase price, or seven hundred Illty dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the time of Ihe sale. This Ihe 4th day ol June, 2004. Richard R. Foust Substitute Trustee Richard R. Foust, Attorney at Law Stamey, Foust & Dwyer, LLP 204 Muirs Chapel Road, Suite 300 Greensboro, NC 27410 Ph. 336-834-0510 Fax 3336-834-0160 7-22-2lnNORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING belore the Davle County Zoning Board ol Ad|u8tment at 7:00 p.m. on . Monday, August 2, 2004, In the ‘ 2nd Floor Commissioners Room ol the Davle County Administration Building, Mocksvllle, N.C. The public Is Invited to attend, The lollowing Items are scheduled to be heard: Paul Malforv Jr. has applied for a Special use Permit for a Class C Manufactured Home In the Residential Agricultural (R-A) zoning district pursuant lo£155.i25(B) of Ihe Davle County Zoning Ordinance. This property Is localed al 435 Bonkin Lake Road, Mocksvllle, NC, approximately 1/ 2 mile east ol Essie Road, and Is lurther described as Parcel 19.01 of Oavle County Tax Map B-4. ShanpgiLHollar has applied lor Temporary Use permit lor a iTianufactured home In the Residential (R-20) zoning dlstrlcl based on a personal hardship pursuant to£155.190(A) ol the Davle Counly Zoning Ordinance. This property Is located al 206 Riddle Circle, Advance, NC, approximately 1/4 mile south ol Gordon Drive, and Is lurther described as Parcel 39.05 of Davle County Tax Map D-7. BaltSouth_______Parsonal CommunlcallQiis d/b/a CInaulat Wlreleea has applied for a Special Use Permit lor a Telecommunications Tower and Facility In a Residential Agricultural (R-A) zoning district pursuant. toei 55.125(B) ol the Davie County Zoning Ordinance. This properly Is located al 218 Double A Trail, Advance, NC, approximately 1/2 mile south of Yadkin Valley Road, and Is further described as Parcel 131 ol Oavle County Tax Map C- 7. ftellSouth_____Efltflflnal CQmtnunlcatlana.d/J>/B..Clngulai iMrelflaa has applied for a Special Use Permit .for .a Telecommunications Tower and Facility In a Resldenllal Agricultural (R-A) zoning dlstrlact pursuant toEl 55.125(B) ol the Davie County Zoning Ordinance. This properly Is localed a( 3174 US Hwy 601 North, Mocksvllle, NC, approximately 1/4 mile souih ol Liberty Church Road and Is furthei described as Parcel 62.01 of Davle County Tax Map F-3. A sign will be placed on the above listed properties lo advertise the Public Hearing. All parties and Interested citizens are invited to attend said hearing at which time they shall have an opporlunily lo preseni lacts and testimony In support ol, or In opposition to, the request. Prior to the hearing, additional Information on a request' may be obtained by visiting the Development Services Department weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, or by telephone al (336) 751-3340. John Gallimore Planning Director 7-22-2tn CARTNERg Angus S Farm s iNcJ I m W ill Treat You Right! | Sand & gravel Hauling dozing I.P. Cartner Denney Stroud K fi^(336)492-5764 (704)883-21621' ^(704)880-0168 (336)492-2015 P f o r S A L E : C a rs • T ru c k s Utility Buildings Carports: Ail Sizes, Ail Galvanized All Size Dog Lots 336-751-3442Mocksvllle. NO PUBLIC N O T IC E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualilied as Co- Executrlxes of the Estate ol ELSIE T STANLEY, deceased, late of Davle County, North Carolina, this Is to notlly all persons having claims against said eslale lo present them to the undersigned on or belore the 22nd day ol October, '2004, said date being al least Ihree months Irom the date ol llrst publlcallon ol this notice, or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to Ihe undersigned. This 18th day ol July, 2004. Marie Hawks & Louise Gunter c/o 2521 Wyo Road Yadkinviile, NC 27055 MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksvllle, NC 27028 7-22-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor ol the Estate of JEAN LAPIEJKO, late ol Oavle County, Ihis Is to notify ail persons having claims against s^ld'estate to preseni them to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day ol October, 2004, being three (3) months Irom the llrst day ol publication of Ihis notice or Ihls notice will be pleaded In bar of Ihelr recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate Will please make Immediate payment lo the undersigned, Kenneth J. Laplejko, EXEC 112 Isleworth Court Advance, NC 27006 7-22-4tn NORTH CAROLINA OAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE ol the power ol sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Stephen E. Capuson, dated November 26, 2001, and recorded In Book 396 ai page 4668 and re-recorded In Book 416 at Page 90S in the Office ot the Register ol Deeds of Davle Counly; and under and by virtue ol Ihe authority vested In tho undersigned as Substitute Trustee of Davle County; and under and by virtue ol lhat certain Authorization, Findings and Order entered by the Clerk ol Superior Court ol Davle County on June 29. 2004, and of recorded in File 04 SP 116, default having been made In the payment ol the indebtedness secured by said Deed ol Trust and the said Deed ot Trust being by Ils terms subject to foreclosure, and the holder of Ihe Indebtedness thereby secured having demanded the foreclosure thereol for the purpose ol satlslying said Indebtedness, and due notice having been given lo those entitled lo same, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will oiler for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Courthouse door in Mocksville, Oavie County, North Carolina, at 12:00 Noon, on July 23, 2004, the land conveyed In said Deed ol Trust, the same being owned of record by Stephen E. Capuson, and being more parlicularly described as follows; That certain tract ol land containing 27.719 acres, more or less, located In Caiahain Township, Davle Counly, North Carolina; and bounded, now or formerly, by natural boundaries and/or lands owned by and/or in Ihe possession ol persons as follows: North by Madeline Jones and Eleanor Dyson, East by SR 1159, South by Gearthart and Lucy Evans and West by Marvin Williams: said tract lying approximately four miles Southeast from Ihe Town ol Mocksvllle and being more specifically described as lollows; BEGINNING al an Iron pin In the center ol SR 1159 right of way (commonly known as the “Ridge Road") the same being the Northeast corner of Eleanor M. Dyson (see Deed Book 76. page 420) and running thence wllh the cenler of SR 1159 righl of way the following six courses ■ and distances; South 80 degs. 32 mln. 40 sec. East 187.88 feet; South 54 degs. 21 mln. 53 sec. Easl 175,47 feet; South 52 degs. 49 min. 10 sec. Easl 100.72 feel; Soulh 47 degs. 29 mln. 42 sec. East 98.19 feet; South 39 degs. 36 mln. 43 sec. East 125.85 feet; South 36 degs, 20 mln. 29 sec. East 248.64 leet lo an Iron pin In the cenier of said right of way, JoAnn ’Williams Northwest corner (see Deed Book 81, age 79); thence South 18 degs. 44 mln. 25 sec. West passing a tolal distance of 418.00 leet lo an Iron pin, JoAnn Williams Southwest corner; thence South 36 degs. 09 mln. 07 sec. East 255.16 feet to an Iron pin In Ihe line of Lucy S. Evans, Jo Ann Williams southeast corner; thence wilh Evans line the lollowing two courses and distances; Soulh 18 degs, 34 mln. 05 sec. West 750.21 leet lo an Iron pin; thence South 13 degs. 36 mln. 11 sec. West 526.90 feel lo an Iron pin, Marvin L, Williams Northeast corner In Lucy S. evens line North 56 degs. 40 mln. 57 sec. West 506.88 feet lo an Iron pin, Madallne Jones Southeast corner (see Deed Book 76, page 42) In Williams line; thence with Jones line North 04 degs. 0 mln. 0 sec. East 1,897.16 feet lo an Iron pin, Madallne Jones Northeast corner; Ihence North 87 degs. 11 mln. 44 sec. West 67,56 lest to an Iron pin, Southeast corner ol eleanor M. Dyson; thence with Dyson line and with a private road North 04 degs. 0 mln, 0 sec. West 270.60 leet TO THE POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 28.622 acres, more or less, as surveyed January 12, 1981, by Tutterow Surveying Service, SAVE AND EXCEPT Ihe lollowing described tract: BEGINNING at an Iron pin In the center ol SR 1159 (known as Ihe Ridge Road), the Northwest corner ol JoAnn Williams (Deed Book 81, page 79) and running thence wilh Wllllarns line South 18 degrees 44 minutes 25 seconds West 393.36 feet to an Iron pin, JoAnn Williams Southwest corner; Ihence North 36 degrees 09 minutes 07 sec. West 100 leet lo a point, a new corner: thence North 18 degrees 44 mlnules 25 seconds East 393.36 feel lo a point in the center ol SR 1159, a new corner; Ihence wllh the cenler ot R 1139 right ol way South 36 degrees 29 minutes 36 seconds East 100 leet TO THE POINT AND PLACE OF THE BEGINNING, containing 0.903 acres;In addition to tho above described property covered by this Instrument, Is one 1981 model, 24'x52' Champion Mobile Home, Style 004, SN: F23-2-004-4821 A&B affixed to the real estate In a permanent manner. Together with all Ihe buildings, fixtures and Improvements thereon, and all rights, easements, heradl- NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 2004 J 51 IN RE; MADISON CHEYENNE JOHNSON, a minor child, MYRA JOHNSON STANLEY, Petitioner (molher) vs. DAVID SCOTT WALKER, Respondent (Father). NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO; DAVID SCOTT WALKER (Falher) TAKE NOTICE that a petition seeking termination of parental righls against you has been filed In the above-enlllled acllon. The nature ol the rellei sought Is termlntlon of your parental rights as to MADISON CHEYENNE JOHNSON bom May 15, 2001. You are required to file a wrillen answer lo such pleading not later than August 24, 2004, said date being 40 days Irom the date of this notice, or 30 days Irom Ihe date a copy ol Ihe Petition and summons Is personally served upon you. Alter such time, the petitioner will apply to the court (or the rellei sought. This 14th day ol July, 2004. Grady L. McClamrock, Jr, NCSB#7866 161 South Main Street Mocksvllle, NC 27028 Telephone (336) 751-7502 Attorney lor the Petitlonei', Myra Lynn Johnson Sianley 7-15-3tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE dOUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of a Power ol Sale contained In that certain Deed of Trust executed by Brian Darcy and Laura Darcy to Pamela A, Lowe, Trustee, dated March 22, 2001, and recorded In Book 364, Page 39, Davle Counly Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made In Ihe payment ol tfie note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned. Priority Trustee Services of NC, L.L.C., having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded In the Olllce of the Regisler ol Deeds of Davle County, North Carolina, and the holder ol the note evidencing said Indebtedness having directed that the Deed ol Trust be loreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at Ihe Courthouse Door, in the City of Mooksvllle, Davle County, North Carolina, at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, August 4,2004, and will sell lo the highest bidder for cash the following described situated In Davle County, North Carolina, to wit; All lhat certain lot or parcel of land situated in Mocksvllle Township, Davle County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows; Beginning at P.K. nail found In . a walkway along Salisbury Street, said P.K, nail being the northwest corner ol Ihe withln-described tract, the southwest corner ol Peggy L. Nall (DB 111, page830); Ihence wllh Ihe nail line Soulh 80 degrees 5 minutes 15 seconds East 260.17 leel lo a tali Iron, southeast corner ol Peggy L. Nall (DB 111, page 830); thence continuing Soulh 80 degrees 5 minuies 15 seconds Easl 10.60 leel lo a new iron; Ihence South 6 degres 31 minutes 25 seconds West 148.57 feet to an Iron; thence South 77 degrees 43 minuies 15 seconds East 90.33 leet to an iron, southeast corner ol Edna T. Jones (DB 52, page 207), said Iron being In the line ol John R. Latham (OB 183, page 856); thence wllh Ihe Latham line South 13 degrees 23 minutes 35 seconds West 73.0 leet to an Iron, northwest corner ol W.S. Walker (OB 20, page 380), said Iron being Ihe southeast corner of the wllhln- descrlbed tract, northeast corner ol Laura V. Coe (DB 68, page 497); thence with the Cole line North 72 degrees 5 minutes 20 seconds West 133.17 feet lo an Iron; Ihence continuing wllh Ihe Coe line Norlh75 degrees, 21 minutes 25 seconds West 262.96 leet to a PK nail lound in a concrete walk; thence North 19 degrees 55 minutes SO seconds East 186.98 leet lo a PK nail, the point and place ol beginning, containing 1.469 acres, more or less. ID#74040F0014 , Said property Is commonly kown as 428 Salisbury Street, Mocksvllle, NC 27028. Thirty parly purchases must pay the excise tax, and Ihe court cosls of Forty-live Cents (45e) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00). A cash deposit (no personal checks) oi live percent (5%) ol the purchase price, or Seven Hunded 'Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required al the time ol the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory .upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are Immediately due and owing. Said property lo be olfered pursuant to this Notice of Sale Is being offered for sale, Iransler and conveyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." There are no representations of warranty relating to Ihe lllle or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at, or relating lo the pr operly being olfered tor sale. This sale Is made subject to aii prior Hens, unpaid taxes, special assessments, land transfer taxes, II any, and encumbrances of record, To the best bl Ihe knowledge and belief of the undersigned, Ihe currenl owners ol Ihe property are Brian Darcy and Laura Darcy. Priority Trustee Services of NC, LLC Subslil'ute Trustee P.O. Box 3868 Cary, NC 27519 File No.: 732.0407363NC/ SGW 7-22-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue ol Ihe power of sale contained In a certain Deed of Trust made by Deborah Kesler and Husband, Jimmy Kesler (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Deborah, Kesler) lo Wade H. Leonard, Jr., Attorney al Law, Truslee(s), dated the 26th day ol April, 2001, and recorded In Book afiZ, Page 432, Davle Counly Registry, North Carolina, delault having been made In the payment of the nole thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, H. Terry Hutchens, PA having been subsllluted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In'the Olllce ol the Register ol Deeds of Davle Counly, North Carolina and the holder of the nole evidencing said Indebtedness having directed that the Deed ol Trust be loreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will olfer lor sale at the Courthouse Door In Ihe City ol Mocksvilie, Davle Counly, North Carolina al 3:00 pm on August 4, 2004 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated In Ihe County of Oavle, North Carolina, and being more parlicularly described as lollows; Being part ol Tax Lot 83 and being 3.50 acres more or less as recorded In Plat Book 7, Page 163, Davle Counly Registry to which relerence Is hereby made for a more particular description. Together with Improvements located Ihereon; said property being localed al 671 Will Boone Road, Mocksvllle, North Carolina. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that person must pay the lax of Forty- Five Cenls ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS£7A-308(a)(1). The property to be olfered pursuant to this notice ol sale is being olfered lor sale, transler and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder ol the note secured by the deed ot trust/security agreement, or both, being loreclosed, nor tho olllcers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized rapresentatWe ol either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating lo the lllle or any physical, environmental, health or salety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to Ihe property being offered for sale, and any and ell responsibiliiies or liabilities arising oul ol or In any way relating lo any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property Is being sold subject lo all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) ol Ihe purchase price, or seven hundred Illty dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at tho time of the sale. Thls14lh day ol July, 2004. H. TERRY HUTCHENS, PA SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY; H. Terry Hutchens, Esquire PresidentH. Terry Hulchens, PA Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsay Street Fayellevlile, North Carolina 28311 Case No: 466.77541 7-22-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having quallfled as the Executrix ol the Estate of RICHARD THOMAS TISE, late of Davie County, Ihis Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to preseni them lo the undersigned on or belore the 1 st day of October, 2004, being three (3) monihs Irom the first day of publication or Ihis notice will be pleaded In bar ol Ihelr recovery, All persons Indebted to said estate w ill. please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 1 st day of July, 2004. Doris W.TIse, EXEC P.O. Box 337 Cooleemee, NC 27014 7-1-4tp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having quallfled as the Executrix of Ihe Estate of RICHARD THOMAS TISE, late of Davle Counly, Ihls Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before Ihe 1st day of October, 2004, being three (3) monihs Irom the llrst day ol publication or Ihls notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment lo Ihe undersigned. This the 1st day ol July, 2004. Doris W. TIse, EXEC P.O. Box 337 Cooleemee, NC 27014 7-1-4tp NORTH CAROLINA OAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as the Executrix of the Estate ol JERRY WAYNE HENDRIX, late ol Davle County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present Ihem lo the undersigned on or before the 1 st day of October, 2004, being three (3) monihs from the first day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 1st day of July, 2004. Jodi Monique Dyson 236 Mullins Road Mocksville, NC 27028 7-1-4lp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as the Executor ol the Estate of LOIS SENTER STEPHENS, late of Davle County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to preseni them lo Ihe undersigned on or belore Ihe 1st day ol October, 2004, being three (3) months Irom the llrst day ol pubilcation or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 22nd day of June, 2004. Rebecca S. Foster, Executrix 478 Baltimore Road Advance, NC 27006 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Allorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksvllle, NC 27028 7-1-4tn NORTH CAROLINA GUILFORD COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION ' 04 CVD 7075 ■ SUMMIT CREDIT UNION, Plaintiff, V. TIM J. KEATON, Defendant. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION To: Tim J, Keaton; Last known address: 548 Pineville ROad, Mocksvllle, NC 27028 Take notice that a pleading seeking rellei against you has been llled in the above-entitled acllon. The nature of Ihe rellei being sought Is as follows: Plaintiff seeks recovery of the defendant the amount of $4,776.77 with Interest. . You are required to make defense lo such pleading nol laler than August 19, 2004, and upon your failure to do so the parly seeking service against you will apply to the court lor the relief sought.This, the 8th day of July, 2004. J. Patrick Adams, Attorney lor the Plalntlll ADAMS. & OSTEEN 201 W. Market Street, Suite 410 Greensboro, NC 27401 336/274-2947 7-6-3tp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as the Executrix of the Estate of DANIEL L. WHITAKER, late ol Davle Counly, this is to notily all persons having claims against said estate to present ■ them to the undersigned on or belore the 8th dayol October, 2004, being Ihree (3) months Irom Ihe first day ol publlcallon or Ihls hollce will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons' indebted to said estate will please . make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 30th day ol June, 2004. Jane J. Whitaker 1163 Beauchamp Road Advance, NC 27006 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Allorney al Law Ten Court Square Mocksvllle, NC 27028 7-8-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Ihe Executrix ol the Estate o NOLAN ALBERT WRIGHT, Iale ol Davle County, this Is lo nollf) all persons having claims agalns said eslale lo present them lo the undersigned on or before the 811 day of October, 2004, beln( three (3) months Irom the lirs day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of thei< recovery. All persons Indebted tc said eslale will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 29th day of June 2004. Rita Ann Wrighi, Execulrl) 717 Milling Roac Mocksvllle, NC 2702£ Martin & Van Hoy, LLF Allorney al Law Ten Court Square Mocksvllle, NC 2702( 7-8-4U NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS • Having qualilied as the Executrix ol the Estate of DANIEL L. WHITAKER, late ot Davle County, this Is to noMly all persona having claims against said estate lo present them lo the undersigned on or before Ihe 8lh day of October, 2004, being three' (3) months from the first day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of Ihelr recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This Ihe 30lh day of June, 2004. Jane;). Whitaker 1163 Beauchamp Road Advance, NC 27006 Marlin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney al Law Ten Court Square Mocksvllle, NC 27028 7-8-4ln I STRETCH WRINKLED CARPETS W rinkled Carpet Man 336-998-8402 Harris Pool^ & Supplies Cle«ii««(%einicab*liistablioii Opening t Ckidng • №)l liner Repiacmeiit Tummy I Janis/Owncr-Ovcr 20 Yrs. Uxp. 2 77 Pleasant A cre Dr., M ocksvllle Home|336| 284-4817 bslness (336) 9094027, GALVALUME 2 0 Y E A R W A R R A N T Y Longest Lasting 3' Coverage I Many Colors Pole Buildings ■ Metal Roofs & Siding f 1-888-278-6050 MID-STATE METALS 1) ;} D8 • DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 22,2004 IWEXRBWSIVE FBOFITABLB A b o rtio n A lte rn a tiv e E m p lo y m e n t DEPUTY FIRE E m p lo y m e n t H o m e s F o r R e n t H o m e s F o r R e n t H o m e s F o r S a le HURRY WE ONLY have a few 133 HILLCRESTST.. Mocksville. COUNTRY HOUSE. 505 2/3BR, IBA, IN town, completely Center offers confidential & free pregnancy tests, support ser­vices, and referrals. Make a healthy choice tor your llfel Call 753-HOPE lor appolnlment. Marstiall/Fire Inspector The primary responsibility of Ihe Deputy Fire Marshall/FIre Inspector will be to perform code enlorcement and lire Inspections under the N0 Fire Prevenlion Code and other duties as may be assigned. The employee Is expected to work a maximum ol 20 hours/week The candidate shall be a high school graduate with some llre- related post-secondary educa­tion, A college degree Is highly desirable, but nol required,The candidate shall possess tact and the ability to relate to business owners and manag­ers, The candidate shall possess ( or have the ability to obtain) slate Inspection certlllcatlons. A Fire Inspector Level III Is preferred. To apply, submit a Davle County Application Form to:W, 6, Whaley, Director Development Services & Facililies Management 172 Clement Street Mocksville, NC 27028 The position Is open Immedi­ately and applications will bs accepted until position Is filled. Davle County is an Equal Opportunlly Employer EXPERIENCED CARPENTER FOR framing crew. 40-plus hours weekly w/overtlme. Must be de­ pendable, No drugs, no hot­heads, 336-467-7061 or 336- 998-7428, EXPERIENCED FRAMERS NEEDED In Davle County area. Top pay, based on experience, 492-6208 after 6pm, HAB^ILITATION TECHNICIAN- SEEKING responsible, caring Individual to provide direct care services to our consumers with developmental disabilities. Ideal candidate should possess OPR/ First Aid certlllcatlon or willing to obtain, Must be energetic and highly motivated. Experience working with the population pre­ferred but not necessary. Mini­mum requirements; Must be at least 18 years of age, possess a high school diploma or equiva­lent, have a valid drivers license and reliable transportation. The several positions avallable for the lollowing hours: Mon-Frl, 3pm- 8pm, Various weekend hours and one weekday. Wed & Fri, evening ■ hours. Apply In person or send resumes to: Charles Hines & Son, Inc., 401 Northgate Park Drive, Winston-Sarem, NC 27106.336-896-0950, (fax) 336- 896-0955 A n im a ls 2 BOER GOATS-1 doe, 1-buck, for pels or breeding only, 998- 4292, 9am-9pm______________ A p a r tm e n ts 1BR,1 BA-UTILITIES In­cluded- Mocksville $425/month Janice McDaniel Pennington & Company Realty 751-9400 LARGE 1 BEDROOM Apt. Downtown Mocksville. No chil­dren, pets or HUD, 704-278- 1717, _________ C h ild C a re ALfliOSr HOME CHILD care has opelngs for all ages, 0-12 yrs. Full-time, Part-time, Drop-In, Be­ fore & After School and Out of School Days, 1st & 2nd shift. Open 5:30 am. Flexible hours, Split shills also. Call Debra, 751- PLAY (7529) 571 S Main St., Mocksville, across from Welch’s Funeral Home. Iron- Callme N^ED A BABYSITTER or usttime away? Loving mother Is ak- ing 0-8yrs, second shllt hours, some weekends available, greal rales In a non-smoking envii ment, in town Mocksville. at 753-6951 WISH TO KEEP 2 Infants In my home starting In mid August. Good references, years ol expe­rience, Hillsdale area. 2 miles from 1-40. First shill only. 998- 2804._________________ Commercial Property COMMERCIAL BUILDING FORlease-529 Redland Rd.-4 offices, 18x18, 2BA, coffee bar & roc. hall. 998-5726 COMMERCIAL BUILDING FORsale or iease-40x60 Morton Build­ing located In Northern Davle County, 4 yrs old, like new condi­tion, 2 large doors, ollice, balh, lormeriy a HVAC business, 1 acre, well, septic, $850/monlh 336-751-7502 C o n d o s F o r R e n t ATTENTION: UNC CHAR­LOTTE students. Walk to class, 2BR, 2BA condo w/ stove, refrig­erator, dishwasher, washer/dryer, A/C, cable. $625/month. Avall- able Aug.1 or sooner._________ E m p lo y m e n t ALLIANCE HOME CARE: Cer- tllled Nursing Assistant to work on contract basis In Davle Counly. Experience In home care pre- lerred. hours will vary. Call 1 -888- 691-4968 ext, 2. CAREERS IN REAL Estate, Great Opportunity, Great Train­ing, Looking for sell motivated people wilh a desire to not have a job but a careerl Call Century 21 Swicegood Wall & McDaniel 336-751-2222 ask lor Mackle or Kyle, RANDY MILLER &SONS 295 Miller Koail’ MiHksvllIc (3 3 6 ) 2 8 4 -2 8 2 6 • Now Pumping Septic Tanks ■ Sklä steer Work Trencher Work Hauling -tIcSvilems Foollngi Loader Work positions leftll Rallies Salons is actively recruiting full-time, part- time stylist and an assistant man­ager position at our Mocksville location. Clientele Provided. Ali ai^llcanls must have a current NC cosmetology license and be available lo work at least 2 eve­ nings per week and weekends. No Sundaysl Please contact Pam Burrow at 800-476-7233 lor a confidential Interview, We olfer; major medical Insurance, paid vacation, sick pay and other ben- ellts. БОЕ LAND ТЕК GMS, ground malnlalnence workers 8. supervi­sors. Pay DOE, heallh benelits, vacation. For appointment call 998-9340, OFFICE MANAGER WITH some marketing responsibilities needed immediately In Mocks­ville area. Excellent communica­tion and customer service skills a must. Experience with MIcrosolt and Excel a I, Minimum ol 2 years ollice management experience. Fax resume to (828) 758-2445 or email resume to slmccrary@yahoo.com РЯ OFFICE ASSISTANT-Ber- muda Mini's Self Storage needs mature, dependable person to answer questions, rent storage units and generally oversee the ollice & laclllty when on duty. Basic computer knowledge. Great )ob lor retiree. 12-14 hours weekly. Must be able to work Irom - 10am to 2pm on Saturdays as needed. Contact Sandra at 998- 9661. SHORT ORDER COOK experl- enced or will train Tuesday-Sat- urday. Call 998-7290 TELEMARKER NEEDED LO-CAL Mocksville company needs part time work Irom home doing questionnaires. Earn up to $10.00 per hour. Please call NC Air Conlrol. 336-749-3178 TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERSneeded. Class A-CDL required, Benelits, Call 998-8700 to apply. F u r n itu r e 5 PIECE SOLID oak bedroom suite & computer desk. In good condition. $900. Call 751-4592 alter 6 p.m. ENTERTAINMENT CENTER" BROYHILL; Maison Lenoir Col­lection; 1 glass door, 2 pocket doors, 3 drawers, 2 ad|ustable shelves, VCR box, co-axial hookup, TV back panel (TV Inte­rior dimensions: W34-1/2, H26- 3/4: Will hold most 32" TVs^;64- 1/4Wx22-1/4Dx55-1/2H. Great Condltloni $350. 336-751-2988. 2 blocks Irom YMCA, $480/mo., $350 deposit. 336-751-4730, 5-73336-736-7382. 253 MAIN ST, Cooleemee, for rent or sale, 3 large BR, 1.5BA, kllchen/dlnlng room, garage, new heat/alr, completely remodeled. Some financing. 704-278-2623 or 751-1702 2 BR, IBA HOUSE FOR rent, too Graham St., Mocksville $475.00 Call 336-692-8326 2BR, 1BA, HOME, centrall heat/ air, washer/dryer, all electric, no pels. 305 Avon St., $475 monlh $475/deposlt 751-7502 2BR,1BA,US 158E,$95/Week 336-924-1824 3BR, 2BA, full basement w/llre- place, screened porch, 2 car ga­rage. Deposit & references re quTred. 27(6182.76 Park Ave. 704-636- CALL CENTURY 21 SWICEGOOD WALL«, MCDANIEL336-751-2222 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm 336-751-5555 Ext. 213 Nights & Weekends WHAT A DEALI Beautilul 4BR, 2.5BA home on Eaton’s Church Rd. Over 2000 sq. ft., LR, DR, basement, attached carport, washer, dryer, stove, dish­washer, double ovens and disposal IncludedI $1000/month 2BR possibly 3BR, 1 BA home on Howardlown Rd. Refrigera­tor, range oven and attacned carport Included. Oil heat and window units. $550/month 2BR, IBA home on Yadklnville Rd. Great localloni Oil heat & window units. No appliances. $500/month 1BR, IBA home on E. Lexington Rd. No appliances but utilities Included In renl price, $425/month 2BR, IBA home on E, Lexington Rd,No appliances $450/month ' Ofllce space available with great Hwy 601 frontage. Just minutes Irom Wal-Mart, Call lor more details. Turkeyfool Road, Call after 4pm, 336-414-1448 HOWARD REALTY ‘ Gena Cline 751-8562 3BR,1BACooleemee$500/month 2BR, IBA Cooleemee $500/monlh 3BR,2BA mobile home-Wm R Davie $5Q0/month 2BH, 2BA mobile home-Advance $550/month 3BR,1.5BA Mocksville $700/month Large 4BR,1 BA $750/month Townhouse -Bermuda Run Country Club 3BR,2.5BA $900/montb Mobile Home Lots: Gun Club Rd. $225.00 Daniel Rd. $125.00 HUGE HOME, LARGE wooded lot, 3BR, 2.5BA, full basement, hardwood floors, large deck, would consider rent lo own. $1295/mon. 751-4371 RENT TO OWN 3BR, IBA, In country, large lol, carport, wooded. $630/month 751-4371 H o m e s F o r S a le remodeled, large lot, kitchen, din­ing room, laundry, office, hard­wood floors704-278-2623 or 751-1702 2000 SKYLINE 3BR/2BA,double-wide. Private wooded 1.27 acres. Large covered porch, shed, appliances, drywali. Over 2,000 sq. It. Many extra’s. Relo­cating. $112,000. (336) 492- 2777. _________________ 253 MAIN ST, Cooleemee, for renl or sale, 3 large BR, 1.5BA, kltchen/dlnlng loom, garage, new heat/alr completely remodeled. Some financing. 704-278-2623 or 751-1702 HOUSE FOR SALE by owner. 3BR, gas lurnace, central air, basement garage, 121 Eiwln St., Cooleemee, 336-284-2359 NEW CUSTOM BUILT home, 3BR, 2BA w/huge bonus room “on your lot” Normal cost $120,000.00 on sale for $79,900.00 until August 1st. Call 1-800-672-9223. NEW DOUBLEWIDE HOME, biglot, 3BR, 2BA, Iront porch, rear deck, heat pump, $76,000. re­duced to $69,900. 998-5816 or 284-2653. SECLUDED 38 ACRES, 5BR/ IBA larmhouse, 9-stall barn w/ tack & leed room, 4,000 bale lolt, tractor shed, well & smokehouse & workshop, 14x70 mobile home. Additional 50 acres available, $225,000, 704-278-2679 L a n d F o r S a le 1.12 ACRES W/DRIVEWAY andseptic system, Jamestown Dr„ Mocksville, $16,400 655-3147 or 492-7309, STICK BUILT HOMES or mobile home lots for sale, 998-5816, 284-2653 181 RANDOM ROAD, Mocks­ville, Davle Counly, split level.L o s t & F o u n d lour bedroom, 2.5 baths, nicely landscaped In great neighbor­hood, near Davle High School, $189,500. Call for appointment 336-751-4358. FOUND: 3 LEG cat, yellow, male, approx. 1 + years of age. Friendlyl 492-7333 W A I.I.K U I>I,U M 1U N (; mul KlOIVVIlt.S .t.V>-2S4--1.<S4 i.'i Ml M \ 1 1 \l I’M Mill .1 C A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTÂTES, COLLECTABLES, OLD MÉTAL TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE C«ll «rDmr loMIck 33«-492-sm The Wallace Co., LLC Richard Wallace Lawn Care Maintenance and Development Free Estimates 1338) 2 8 4 - 6 9 9 2 Olllce/Fax (ззв| 4 0 6 * 4 3 8 9 Cell No Job Too B i g o r Too Small PO Box 621 Mocksville, NC 27028 M IL L E R E Q U IP M E N T R E N T A L SUIVlMEBIS HEBE! Bobcat, aeratot cote plugget amore for rent todayl Hwy. 601 S.. WA nnn»Mocksvillc (3361 7or2304 MOCKSVILLE MINI gflBg B i STORAGE Siz e Per M.oi.>.t.h Inside storage For: 5 'x l O '$ 4 0 .0 0 Fum iture l O 'x l O '$ 5 5 .0 0 Household Goods l O ' x l S '$ 6 5 .0 0 Business Inventory, Etc. 1 0 'x 2 0 '$ 8 0 .0 0 Security Fence * Lighted 1 0 'x 2 5 '$ 9 5 .0 0 Electronic Gates Ю 'х З О '$ 1 0 5 .0 0 24 Hour A ccess O D erated h v (3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 -2 4 8 3 MOCKSVILLE OIL COMPANY Ь Ц ^ Р Е Т :В А К С Я у S I R L O I N F A M I L Y S T E A K H O U S E _ Hiring Experienced M anagers S e n d R e s u m e s T o : jamesh@primesirloin.com o r f a x 828-459-2757 Perspective . Be a Flex RN at Rowan! Schedule your work around your life. Rogistorod Nurooa, il Is time for a chango. How would you 111(0 tho opportunity to actiodute your shifts oround your llfo and earn $25-$30 an hour? Rovoiutionary? Not at Rowan Rogionai Modlcal Contor, Hora, wo undotatand that ovoryday realities can put many demands on your time, that It can bo a challenge to achieve a healthy work/life balance. If you want to stay activo in tho nursing field, but you don't iiavo tho time to commit to a regular full or part-time schedule, or If you are simply looking for a flaxiblo career opportunity to fit your lifestyle — look no further than Rowan Regional, Please visit w w w .row an.orK lo Ica m a b o u t o u r cxcllinii Job o pp o rtu n lllcs. lnt(.TMlal cindidalcs, apply online or in person al: Rowan Renlonal Medical Ccnler, Attn; HR, 6 12 Mocksvlllc Ave., Salisbury, NC 3814.*, TAXi (704) 010-5034, Phone: (704) 310-5303, E-inall; |obs@rowan.or|{. Llni(|ue liulividuals «ive us a diverse perspective. liOl:. / l.()catc4Í in bistoiic S.ilislniry, NC, Rowan RcKionnI Mcdlcnl CcMUcr is a 30«-кч1 liClllC СЛГС incilily oíícriliíí Л unique proícssiíínnl jUUinK liuit is both collahoraiivc and indiviciunliy nurturing. At Rowan Rt'Kionnl Mcdical CcMHer, StrOHH potcmltil and proícssiíHia! saiisinclion comcs loKclhcr Wc proudly offer compciitivc salnricv, Kcnorous bcnefils nnd much more. Rcwän Recionai.MnnCAi CfXUR , _ _ E ...... P E iîS P E g T iy E . ’ Be a Flex RN at Rowan I ' Schedule your work around your life. Rogisterod Nursos, it is time for a change. How would you like ihe opportunity lo schedule your shifts around your llfo and earn $25'$30 an hour? Revolutionary? Nol at Rowan Regional Medical Cenler. Here, wo understand that everyday realities can put many demands on your lime, Ihat It can bo a challenge to achiave a healthy work/life balance, If you wanl lo slay active In Iha nursing field, but you don't have the time to commit to a regular full or part-time schedule, or If you aro simply looking for a flexible career opportunity to fit your lifestyle — look no further lhan Rowan Regional. Please visit w w w .row an.org to Icorn a b o u t o u r excU lno job o p p u rlu n lllc s. Interested caiulicKiles, apply online or in person at: Row.in Regional Medical Cenler, Attm HR, (¡13 Mocksville Ave., Salisbury, NC 38144, FAX; (704) 310-5034, Phone; (704) 310-5303, E-niall; lahs@ruwan.ora. Llnique indivUluals «Ive us a diverse penipective. EOE. \ 1-ocaled in liisuirit Salisbury, NC, Rowan Regional Medical Center Is a 308-bcd /acute care facility offerinn a unique professional settliiK thal is lioih collaborative and Individually nurlurlns. At Rowan Regional Medical Cenlcr, slrono Krowth polenlial and professional satisfaction comes loKether We proudly iiifor conipeiiiivc salaries, lienerous henefiis and niucli more. Rowan Regional DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, 'I’liiir.sday, .lul.v 22, 20(M - D9 CT.Afig|I Q Í I 4 H I INEMPEMSiyE FBOFITABLB M is c e lla n e o u s M o b ile H o m e /S a le FOUND;THURSDAY MORN­ING on Jericho Church Rd., dulfle bag containing clothes. 284-4211 MISSING BLACK/WHITE Sibe­rian Huskey, Fork Bixby area. Contact 940-4299____________ M is c e lla n e o u s 445 JOHN DEERE lawn mower, 22HP water cooled engine, 54 In cut w/Peco vacuum, dumps Irom Ihe seal. Please call after 6;30pm. 998-2312, 998-3177, 998-3479, 998-5128 3 power c tjsed less than 20 hrs. List $5000.00 will sell for $3000.00 Phone 751-3985 SPACE FOR RENT In old hayshed. 70x32. $150.00/month. 492-6540. STEEL BUILDINGS All must gol Factory Seconds Freight Damaged & Repos 16x24, 25x30, 35x52 MAKEOFFER-Flnanclng No reasonable olfer refused Serious Inquiries Onlyl 1-800-405-7501 USED CRAFTSMAN LAWNtractor w/ twin bagger Used Troybllt Chipper-Shredder 21/2 ton Air Condition Compres­sor- almost new 3 monihs old)¡all; 336-751-5759 anytime M o b ile H o m e /R e n t ! 2BR, IBA, PRIVATE lot, appll- I ances and water furnished, $425/ mo plus $425 deposit, HUD ac- fceptedw/deposit 284-4499 '^(/2BR, IBA, PRIVATE lot, $350/ i.vmo, $350 deposit,1492-5263 i|2BR, 1BA, PRIVATE lot, all ap- ?tpllances furnished, no pets, 158 |E, 3.5 miles, 1 person, 751-4279 |2BR, 2BA, ADULTS only. No Ipets. Farmington area. $450/ |month. 998-4740. 2BR, 2BA, MOBILE home, cen- tral air, electric heat, good con­dition. $470/mo Includes lot rent. No smoking, no pets. 336-779- 2054. 2BR, 2BA, PRIVATE lot, appll- ances & water furnished. HUD accepted w/deposll $450/mo & $450/deposlt..Ready Aug. 1. 284-4499. 3BE0R00M, 11/2 bath on a pri­vate lot. $475/month and $475.00 deposit. No Pels, No HUD. 336-492-7082 3BR, 2BA, SlNGlIiWlDE trailer, on acre lol, ullllty bidg., carport, $550/month and $550/ deposit. 492-5897. READY TO iiioVE In furnishecT all utilities, upstairs, $550/mo. 336-751-1218. SINGLE WIDE MOBILE home, 2BR, 2BA, nice wooded lot with lenoed-ln back yard. $600/ month, mobile 336-399-3242; home 336-940-3222._________ M o b ile H o m e /S a le 1999, 28X80, 4BR, Oakwood repo., set up In park, exceilenl condition $29,500.00 423-323- 2055 or 423-677-5841 CAPE COD, 2 story true off frame modular, $69,995.00 Phone 1-877-283-4344 CUSTOMER ORDERED HOMECame wllh wrong colors Big savlngsl Please call 336-767-0240 M u s ic PIANO TUNINGrepair, regulate, rebuilding, work guaranteed W. Barford 336-998-2789 P e ts S e r v ic e $$$ SPECIAL $$$Muffler & tall pipe For most cars & light trucks $79.95 Installed Catalytic Converter $99 & up Installed ReavIs Welding Shop Hwy 601 In Courtney (3 1/2 ml south of Yadkinvllle) 336-463-2517 A TO Z Masonry Specializing In Small Jobs; Porches, Steps, Underpinnings and much morel Zach Hartman (336) 692-7715 A U C T IO N SATURDAY, J u ly 24, 2 0 0 4 » 9 :3 0 A.M . Personal Property of James (Frank) and Gracle Fletcher (Deceased) 4825 D ip p e n R o a d , W in s to n -S a le m , N C 27105 Diieclions', Wm. 62 Noilh lo Palleison Avcnuo, (lioM on Palleison Avo.-nioM on Ivtoloi noail-nijjhl on Old Rural Mall fill -1011 on Old WaHeilown nd-Lell on Dippen nd,-S.ilo on liijhl al 4825 Dippen fload tUTOS: 1891 Cadillac OcVillo 4-(looi, m i Cadillac Coope DeVill« 2-m\ (Nico cais-bolh have been well mainlained and oa:aoed)-------------- (ion Lucy VMS Tapes, 1969 iUR Caiaran Newslellei, Mink Hals liom Russia,\Foieign" ol m , Tapes,.........................................-........ -Itecoid Albums, ÓIÍ) Poslcaiifs, Foieign SHmps, Elvis Pliolo Tribute Maoazlne, r/Mf - LIF£ ' ■■ "um ol TmCmm. 1959 Souvenii Holiday on Ice i'lomam, I, Repio on PaiclinienI Papei ol Lincoln's Gellysbuig Address,• LOOKtMiptlm. 1923-1976 AlbumSpecial Convenlion Issue ol Geom Ri.r....................-r- - ----------. .. = ,1863 Pioc. 01 Emancipalion, 186Пе11е( lo Mis. BIxby, 2nd Inauaural Address, Billy Cailais Service Slalion Caps, RJR Caps, Military Books, Old Sewing liaskel. Ciienlal Vases, Homer Laughlin, Wlieal Pallein China.------1 Anciioi llockino. Fenlon. FiieKIno, Noiilake Folkslone, Pressed Glass, Slemware, Crystal,mpJ/2 lb. Bullet Oisfi. Pilcher »/Bosses (Upjon Tea PjemJuins)1952 Sinijer Model 15-91 I r Siwino Machine. Diningiving lilachine, 10/6 Sinf., ......, - ..I chairs, l>iano."Bedioorn Suiles, Old №tdiobe, Old High Cliair, Cabinet Model Stereos, GE SIde-by-Slde Relrlgerator, Maylag Washer and Dryer. ChesI .iranno Mictowave, Gas Grllf, Fans, TVsEasier Baskets, Eggs, Ojitdoor Llghled Halloween GhosI, Ouldoot Santa, Outdoor _____________________________ 4 Wheels, Aljhans,Cootoeai, lujjage, Ciall Maleilals, Hocklns) Hoisi, Conctele Table 8, Bench, ( PtCM: Easier Baskets, Eggs, Outdoor Lighted Halloween GhosI, Oul SeceiSeveral Sizes ot ChilslmasTieos, Wiealhs, DickensvillB Villano UMOUS! Yard 4 Hand Tools, Picnic Table S Denches. Walker w/Seal els. Linens. Oishes, Cootoeai, Lujoage, Ciall Maleilals, Hocklns lloise, Concieie laoie & iitncn, p 39-inch llidino Mower, Push Mower. Leal BioOTt. Old Swing Set Gjl 100S ol Ootls Including Gl Joe, 60s lo 90s Baltics & Kens & Ppicelaln, FIshei Puce LilIl«i^Noati's Ark. McDonald's Hamburger Snack Maker, Little tykes Wastier & Dtyer, Cook-N-Ciean Micnen, Balnbow Glil Seviino Machine, Ullle Tykes Oulside Playhouse, Sand Buckets, Beach Toys, Many more loo numerous to mention. Ttili Is a partial llillnglll Much mot«. Mr. & Mri. Fluljluii wer» world travolin onit Ihst« ar» many unlou« llgmi fiom around Ihe woild. Food Avallohl«...Btlni! a chair and snloy a hug» »«nety of Itemi »l.thli auction.TEUMS OF SAU: Cash or Approved Chcck. No buyeri premium. Alt items sold as Is, where is. «oneernSmponsible lor any discrepancies or inaccuracies In advertising.Nol lesponsiblp tor loss or accidents Announcoments on lole day take prscedenco ovor any provlou« •nnounoemonti or prlntad material. A UC TIO N EER: Roy F. W right N CA L 2120 150 Gateway Une «Advance, NC 27006 336-998-8637 S e r v ic e S e r v ic e V e h ic le s DISPLAY SALEI ONLY one Instock al this price. 3BR, 2BA, 1,568 sq. It. $43,300 phone 1-877-283-4344 E i^ T O OWNI New 3 & 4 BR homes located In Troutman area. Beautilul wooded lols and private roads. II Interested please call 80.0-243-2231 Ext. 139. LAND/HOME PACKAGE, IREDELL Co. area. Ready to oc- cupyl $89,995. Phone 1-877- 283-4344 NICE 1500-1800 sq. It. homes ready to move In, Landscaped and furnished. Easy access to In­terstate 77. 4-5 miles Irom Mooresville. Call 800-243-2231 ext. 139. RENTTOOWN - 2002 2BR, 2BA PLEASE CALL 336-767-0207 STOP PAYING RENTI Own your own home for no more than rent payments. 3 homes to choose Irom. These homes are available nowl Complete and power Is on. Call 800-243-2231. BUSTED UNCLE-ORIGINALrock music and covers (80's rock & hard rock) www.busteduncle.com CLEANING...would you like the 'eaiurlng DeClevr' products for ikin care needs. Advance EVERYTHING’S ON SALE. Pi­anos available. Lessons avail­able Mon-Frl., 1:00-9:00. Guitar, mandolin, banjo, bass, piano, -. keyboard, vocal, saxaphone, gri trumpet, clalrinet, flute & much 24 more. Dave’s Music 751-1934 day off? Call us today for house oleanlng...References... bonded..;call Stephanie 940- 3653. DAVIE CLEANING SERVICE isrunning a 10% off special lor the llrst time cleaning. Insured and bonded. Free estimate. Call 751- 3700 or 909-2886. FACIALS AND MILD chemical peels-New client speclal-$45.Featurinc ~ ............................allyousl< (336)413-4500 FARMER’S MARKET, MON-Thur. Ilam-lpm, across from McDonalds-Hlllsdale. Also Lunch, Drinks, Pies, Cookies & Catering available. LINK'S SEAMLESS GUTTER- INGRichard Link-Owner Free Estimates 998-1798 MS MOBILE HOME supply-ali mobile home parts M-F, 8-5 336- 751-0037 TOMBERLIN'S LAWN CARE & Handyman Services. All types of lawncare and handyman ser­vices, mowing and weedeating, bushhogging & trimming trees and busnes, plugging, seeding, fertilizing, leaf removal, mulching, pine needles. Call Brent for free estimate (residential and com­ mercial services) Home phone 492-5424 Mobile 391-2286. S ta te w id e AUCTION-SATURDAY, JULY24, 10;00am, Ahoskie, NC. 2 brick houses, personal property. For more Iniormation, call 336-■ 789-2926, Rogers Realty & Auc­ tion, NCAL # 685 or visit; www.rogersrealty.com FAMILY HEALTHCARE W/PRE- SCRIPTION plani $69.95/month; Best network, excellent cover- age.'No limitations. Includes Den­ ial, vision, pre-existing condition OKI Call World Class Services, 1-800-288-9214 ext 2351. FREE DIRECTV SATELLITEsystem and 3 free monihs of HBO, Includes delivery and in­stallation with one year of Service, 1994 CHEVY LUMINA-looksgreat, runs great, air, CD player, 132,000 miles. $4000 or best oi­ler. Must sell 751-5779 1995 DODGE CARAVAN SEmlnlvan, ps, pb, p/locks, win­dows, new transmission, new tires, cruise, AG, tilt, AM/FM/ Casette. Cloth Interior. 114K, ec, $3300 OBO. Call; 336-492-6551. 1996 NISSAN ALTIMA 105,000 miles, excellent condition. $4,200.. 998-8435. 1996 SIO BLAZER, white, auto- matlc, 4 wheel drive, LT every option available, $8200.00 firm. Excellent condition. 998-8948 2002 GRAND CHEROKEELaredo, steel blue, excellent con­dition, all power options, $16,500. 336-998-1852. ■84 CHRYSLER- New Yorker, 1S0K miles, $500.00 704-880-7899 ■ ■95 F150 XLT, 6 cylinder, runs & looks great, navy wllh silver, auto, air, dwbl, shortbed, well maln- tainedi 2nd owner, won't last, $4250.00 serious calls please, 336-413-4500. W a n te d MULCH FOR SALE-can deliver avel, up to 6 tons. 336-492- :441 leave message. WURLITZER SPINET PIANO, cherry finish, great condition. $500 998-8435. AKC REGISTERED ROTT­WEILER puppies. Dew claws re­moved, tails docked, wormed & llrst shots. 6 weeks old. $350 each. 492-5727 BOXER SMALL FEMALE hasbeen neglected-needs good In­side home 941-7270 FREE FEMALE KITTEN, 8 wksold. Please save from the pound. 751-5277 FREE KITTENS. 751-3489. MICE FOR SALE lor pets or feeders. Call 492-7947 anytime R e c r e a tio n a l “GIANT" MOUNTAIN BIKE-verygood condition, used very tittle. $125.00 (approx. half the cost ol new one). 751-2103 R V /M o to r H o m e 1999 JAYCO EAGLE travel trailer, 26ft, sleeps 5, like new. Call after 5pm. 998-8657 NURSING SERVICES AVAIL­ABLE lor Davle County. Experi­enced register nurse-resume and reference on request. 413-4500 OSBORNE ELECTRIC lor all your electrical needs Free Estimates 751-3398 SNIDER’S LANDSCAPING S Lawn Service, LLC We Do ItAlll Mowing, trimming, bush­hogging, plugging, tree & shrub pranting & lertlTlzIng, grass seeding & lerllllzer applloatlon, soli preparation, mlcro-irrlga- tion, licensed pesticide applica­ tor, water garden installation, retaining walls Spring & Fall 'rard Clean-Up Gutter Cleaning Pine Needles Delivered & Spread $6.50/bale Call for Free Estimates Residential & Commercial Olflce (336) 492-2174 Cell (336) 409-0113 SUMMER POOL SPECIAL16 X 32 Inground pool Includes;8ft walk-ln step Hayward pump & filter Ladder'Winter cover '...f-jnlng Supplies Com pletely Installed & Back Filled Ready lor Deck $11,000 Sea Breeze Pool Service 336-391-3525 THE PROTECTOR- Body Guard Service. 336-655-9725. I GENE TREXLER ROOFING New & Old Rools Small Repair Jobs Free Eslimatas 3 3 6 -2 8 4 -4 5 7 1 system and 3 free months of es dell 1 one yecall lor detail. 1-800-352-9992,. www.DTVsatelllte.com LAKE TASTON VA/NC 350' miles shoreline. Free Lake Map/ Buyers Guide. Tanglewood Re­ alty, Box 116’, Bracey, VA 23919 www.TanglewoodRealty.com 1- 800-338-8816. LICENSED INSURANCE AGENT needed for sales man­ ager position. No Cold Calling. First Year Income Potential $100K to $200K. Training/Sup­port Provided. Call Mike 866-224- 8450 ext. 1412._____________ _________T ra v e l _________ Harrah's Cherokee Casino Trip Fri-Nlte July 23rd Sat-Day July 31st TrI-Slate Dog Track & Casino Sat-Day Aug 14th EZ WAY TRAVEL LOCAL 998-4732 JOHN & EVELYN WYATT HILLSVILLE, VA Sept. 3 BILL GAITHER HOMECOMING TOUR Greensboro, Oct. 16 336-945-9391336-924-6461 I %v\v\v.tcm|H)raryTCS(iiu\.x's.aMu \v\v\v.lcmjx)r,\ryivst)uives;a)m %vww.temporaryrc\sourccÄj 20-f ACRES OF larmland In Davle or Rowan County w/year round water lor single lamlly home. 704-636-5205._________ Y a r d S a le s 3 FAMILIES, WHITE house across Irom Davle High School Sal. 7 until.... 3 FAMILY YARD sale-Frl. 23rd, 8am-5pm. 222 Walt St., Cooleemee. Children & adult ciblhes. Lots ol miscellaneous. BIG YARD SALE-Frl. & SaT 7;30-3pm oil 801 on Carter Rd. Furniture, knlck-knacks,plus size clothing, too many Items lo men­tion. BIG YARD'SALE-wome’tVs clothes sizes 12-22, men's clothes, children's clothes, toys,. household Items. Something lor everyone. 132 Bingham St. near Caudell Lumber. Saturday July. 24,8am-1pm' CLEAN SWEEP MOVING sale, Fri. e-3 & Sat. 8-2 at the Farmington Community Center. Little T^e jungle gym, toys, vid­eos, collectibles, household items, baby supplies, child-adult clothes, etc. Something for every­one. Rain or Shine. Y a rd S a le s ESTATE yARD SALE-Sat. 8am- noon, antiques, housewares, la­dles' plus size clothing and shoes, linens. 100 Bingham St., near Caudell Lumber. FRIDAY & SATURDAY, 17Ö Wall St., Cooleemee. Bargains, x-tra large men & women's clothes, hospital bed to much to name. GARAGE SALE- Sat., July 24 8am-3pm, 123 Westview Ct., Advance. GARAOE-SAt;E=SATrJDly-24, 473 RIvervlew Rd, Advance, baby clothes, baby Items and much more. HUGE YARD SALE-Sat. JuTy 24th, 7:00am, 686 Oak Valley Blvd, Advance, Hwy 801S to Oak Valley. 1 1/2 miles on right. Ft4rnllure,TV, lamps, oriental rug, decorative , yard tools, clothes, housewares, copier, books, adult & children clothes, -much morel Priced to Sell. Cash Onlyl jULY 24, 7-12, 849 Fork Bixby Rd., women & men clothing, teenage girl & boy namebrand clothing, golf clubs, weight ma­chine, furniture, miscellaneous, household items. MOWnG SALE-BABY boy & girl clothes, 2 baby swings, playpen,2 In 1 car seat, stroller, exercise bike, construction materlals- block, brick, 4x4x8 treated posts, trim boards & much more. Fri, & Sat, 7am-4phii. 170 Will Boone Rd, near 801S, MULTI-FAMILY YARD sale-Frl- day & Saturday, July 23 a 24,, 8am until....395 Deadmon Road. Adult and children’s clothing, toys, household Items, pool toys & accessories and lots more to choose (rom. ONLY A DOLLARDollar Dreams & More 854 Valley Rd, Suite 500 Mocksville, NC 27028 336-753-8997 beside Ketohle Creek Bakery A dollar variety and gilt store. Hours; Tues-FrI 10-C Sat 10-4 SATURDAY, JULY 24TH,8am...332 Daniel Rd, adult and baby clothes, toys, chain saws, desK and chairs, many other spe­cial Items. SEVERAL FAMILY YARD sale- Frl.23and Sat. 24at 1196Hwy. 801N-tlme 7;30am until....... TRADING POST-601/801/Greasy Corner. Open Fri. & Sat. 10-5. Buy, sell, trade. Will buy whole or partial estates. Also, buying tlmoer. Call 284-4302. NOW OPEN IN MOCKSVILLE © U ilS S C O R V S T ^ MINI-STORAGE For nil your storape needs,' choose us! Come by to inquire about free rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E in Fork C o ll toolftijl (336) 9 9 8 -8 8 1 0 T e m p o r a r y R e s o u r c e s , I n c . Expemnce.., 'Пк DiJJantce in Staffing 30 0 s. Main St. Mocl<sviiie Corner of Hwy 64 and Hwy 6 0 1 1 (336) 751-5179 •“ Positions Require Clean Criminal Record Reliable Transportation,Stable Work History. Most Facilities Are Not Air Conditioned.*** R E C R U I T I N G F O R : M a t e r i a l H a n d l e r s A s s e m b l e r s P r o d u c t i o n W o r k e r s F o r k l i f t O p e r a t o r s The first 50 pooplo to apply and montlon this flyer will receive a free gifti Applications Accepted Monday-Thursday 9am-l lam or lpm-3pmJob Locations In: Mocksville Clemmons Winston-Salem 300 s. Main Street Mocksville Comer of Hwy 64 and Hwy 601 **Bring 2 forms of Identification to apply* ?\vw\v.ícm|x)níryit?»()iuxx!s.tt)m \v\v>v.(ciii|X)miyivw)iiius.ct)m www.tcniporaryrasoiirccs.coin- A b s o l u t e A u c t i o n W I N S T O N - S A L E M Yadkin Valley Estate 1 1 . 6 + A c r e s B e a u t if u l L o g M a n o r Great Room with Massive Stone Fireplace • Dining Room • Gourmet Kitchen • 3 Bedrooms • 3.5 Baths • Oak Floors • Garage/Shop • Generator • Extensive Landscaping • Magniflcient Hilltop Views • Located In Heart of Carolina Wine Country W e d n e s d a y , A u g u s t 1 1 Selling Regardless Price! No Minimums • No Reserves FKii Brocmuhe; 1-800-445-6597 or (256) 547-3434 THE NATIONAL AUCTIO N GROUP, INC.^ 6<I4 Wdlnul Sited • GadideK, AL IS'JQl • wwvv.natia<taUuct(on{^{<}ii(i.comtM fiitonil \icton GfOtp. ix RE IC105«71 NCAL »6671.T fiWs II/M24 i NCAlltMM ....................... ■ ................................................................ DIO ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 22, 2004 r e m i e r C arolin a P ro 3 3 6 - 9 9 8 - 7 7 7 7 D e b b ie P r a c h e l. O w n e r /B r o k e r ;}3(>909-1284 w w w .pcpnc.com t= 3 □ R o d n e y B a ile y O w n e r /B r o k e r 336-909-3803 BUYING or SELLING?ШН Е А 1 . R S 'l’A T K W U K K L Y B y D e b b ie P ra c h e l ProiTilor C n ro U n n РГ0()РГ1(ПЯ ■ Пш' ч1 l)u' tlli'sl mij*i'ttl,(lll ill4l'M'H' II' I'1‘ Itl.ulc 111 bUNIIlL’ 'Ч ^ IH'OVIIIL’ .III f\|4'l ll-llv, rti KvmIIhI \' llO W ill tr|)trsClll }l'lll l'çsl III (III- II.ins.U Ill'llIlu- HimII'M Jiriil n.-|;ilM'iishi|' is ImiiII on liiisl Siuw s^hil Ui 1чч .llls f I|K 4 Ii m IK lis te n II* (IH ’II ^ Ik'IHs C o m m i t t e d : ■ ' C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e Our Professional Team Is Here To Assist You!! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * ( ¡(‘tuTiil iVlamiWT Maiy HciKlnclt.4 Kristen Botlfoixl Peter Heaven , :j:í‘(}-})10-7077 3:]6-9()9-4079 :й 6-978-2002 Lee Barber • Bríggett Feirell Maijone Foster Cindy Durham 336-909.3046 336-665-2849 336:909-1674 336-940-7522 Our Priorities Are Simple, They’re Yours! 151 Summit Drive • .$129,900 Directions; I-40W to Exit 170 to L Hwy 601S to L Country Lano to H Cnmpboll H(1 lo H Siiiiiniit Dr. Pro|X!rty on ll'il. lee Bycrlys Chnpel Roml $112,000 .'IIIR, 2ПЛ. Hocludi’d Kri'iil Hi'ltiníít'ovi'rt'íi [Mirclt, jmnmcnlnU' нкуИкЫ, wiKHlliurninK l''l* 5089 Rnmillc Run $250,000\Vin.4t(m-.Sak‘i», .'UUi, 2,Г>ИЛ.2 .stnry w/uniH'Iievnlilü mii.nter .suite, Ix'iuitilully 1пп(1я'Л|нч1, (1Ы l(»t, in-i'niunil ixH)I, (lo^; run. iunml, lidt tub, paved (irive & much mori!.' 173 Wandering Lane $1.49,900 U N D E R C O N T R A C T IN 8 D A Y S! 297 Brungus Wny $075,000 Exclusivo Gütcíl KqyjuHlrian Eslntü on 10,7Г>+/- Acre«. Garticous custom Inûlt 4UI{, 3.5ИЛ w/mnU’hing 4*atnll luim.I Hitlvvood, liltf, carpet & mnrblc Ноогн,I oak mantle & coIumiiH, chorry kitchen. Ghoose Your New Home Today...We List! 108 Kingsmffl Placo $271^00 6570 ShaOowtortl 5484,900 . Lot 9 Laurens Orivo S227,900 158 Old Marph Boad 8219,900 142 Bunker Way S227,000 269 Farmland BdS349.900 ^i r S r ’ ■ M k “é^:-áu.: .äsSS^Ä äib- - ’¿ я Я М ? . : . 176 Winding Creek Road SW4,900 1416 Bear Cm* ChRd 5174,500 275 lakeylew Dr 5179,000 15Ç Hamillon Cl 5194,400 264 Becktown Rd 5179,900 301 Dogwood Lano 5189,900 ^ 2S45ComabEerRd 5159,900 167 NewHanípshiniCt 5152,500 № 00 Shallowtoid Rd 5172,500 ' 831 Sain Rd 5114,900 166 Green Grass Rd 5149,900 U t l Kmi Dwiggins 5108 700 '■ т & ш т ш ш ш ш в н и и - i Ш Ш Ш Ш Ш Я txit 2 Ken Dwlg^ 5105,900 3939 Westridgo Meadow 5109,900 1989 Winding Ridge Rd 5106,000 171 Crestviow Dr 5103,000 201 Rolling Hills Uno 5103,000 518 Salisbury 515134,900 f ■ MümM I 482 МШ Boono RdSlSO^n 122R)vorOqksCt5102,000 559 Wilkesboro St 572,900 181 Tara Ct 599,900 "^199 Watts Я579 900 , Й2,500 , j P ¡ | L a j J l ..... 407 Comatzer Rd 590,900 431 Ijames Ctiurcti Rd 589,900 163 Erwin St 593,900 252 Davio St 579,000 ш ы Ш Ä f ш i j L 107 Yadkin st 559,900 373 АШиеЬ Rd 589,000 1724 Camden Rd 584,900 Ш А ЧОЭО nwy OUI N 540ДЮ0 891 Yadkinville Rd 5500,000 486 Calahain Rd 5199,900 176 Pino Vailey Rd 5167,000 i 331 West Maple St 892,900 1 8 0 Ш i He Could Do It All G r i m e s P a r k e r , N e w D a v i e H i g h H a l l O f F a m e M e m b e r , W a s A S t a r In A ll S p o r t s P a g e B l D A V I E C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/^ECORD U S P S 149-60 N u m b e r 29 T h u rs d a y , J u ly 29 , 2004 32 P A G E S G l r l , 3 , F o u n d W a l k i n g O n 6 0 1 A Mocksvillc vvomim hus been charged with misdcnicunor child abuse after a Davlc sheriff’s deputy picked up her 3-ycar-old daughter walking alone on the side of U.S. 601 South on Saturday afternoon. Nicole Louise Coursey, 18, of 155 Whetstone Drive, was released on her own recognizance nfter sign­ ing for a $500 bail, and is scheduled to appear in court on Aug. 8. The child, who was dirty but ap­ peared to bo in good health, told Deputy Mark Crater she was trying to go to a friend’s house. The area where she was walking is a 45 mph zone with no sidewalks and liltle shoulder area. When Craler went to the house jater. It took the mother scvbriil 'niinutes to come to iho door. Coursey is no stranger to the courts. She has appeared as a defen­ dant to face as many as 11 charges in the past year, including driving without a license, safecracking and possession of stolen goods. She re­ cently served 45 days in jail on a separate felony larccny charge. Coursey is on four years probation for that offense. Crater was traveling along U.S. 601 approximately one quarter of a mile east of Michaels Road when he spoiled the child. A non-secured custody order was issued and the child was delivered lo social ser­ vices. Sheriff deputies also removed a 1-monih-old child from the Coursey home at the time of her ar­ rest. According to Karen Smith of Duvie Counly Social Services, both children have been placed with a foster family, and will remain in fos­ ter care pending a hearing. i' ■'.'■li T h e W inters family, Kenneth, Jaso n, Stephanie, D ebbie and Rick, look over som e photographs of their brother and son, Kevin, w ho died in a car w reck last w eek on U .S . 64 W est. - P h o to b y R o b in F e rg u s s o n An Amazing Kid T e e n W h o D i e d I n W r e c k B r i g h t e n e d R o o m s W i t h H i s S m i l e By Mike Gunning Davie County Enterprise Record He was an amazing kid who smiled a lol, and wanted lo help those less fortunate than him. That’s how Kevin Winters, a 2004 graduate of Davie High School, was remembered by fam­ ily and friends this past week. Winters, 19,died inaone car ac­ cident on U.S. 64 near the entrance lo Lake Myers campground last Thursday evening. Winters was employed by O’Reilley Automotive of Mocks- ville, and had just completed a de­ livery when the accidcnt occurred. “He was just a fantastic kid,” Ja­ son Fitzhugh, O’Reilly manager said. “You couldn’t ask for a better attitude.” Although only employed with O’Reilley for a short time, Fitzhugh snid Winters made a huge impres­ sion with his generous nature. “We just did a benefit for the Vic­ tory Junction Gang,” Fitzhugh said. “Kevin worked real hard on il, he was renl excited nbout the whole thing, helping out the kids.” Helping out children may have been Winters’ calling. . Rick Winters said his son was planning to attend Forsyth Tech this fall with hopes of transferring to a four year school to earn a degree in human services. “He wanted to work with kids, especially kids with disabilities,” said Rick. “He was always looking oul for kids thal were less fortunate than he was.” That was evident at an carly age. Rick suid thal his son, who as an elementary school student was'con- sidercd big for his age, is remem­ bered as being a protector of smaller children. It was a common sight to see Kevin holding the heavy doors to make sure the younger stu­ dents made it safely Ihrough. "I watched Kevin grow up,” said Davie High principal Larry Bridgewater, who was Winters’ prin­ cipal al Shady Grove Elementary, Please See Kevin - Page 4 Ì ' m I ' W e I Д winters County Gets Pressure To Improve Water System By Mike Gunning Davie County Enterprise Record For residents living in the County Line Fire District of Davie Counly, taking a shower may require a little lime management. “When we’re testing the hydrants, residual pressure goes lo zero,” snid Jack Koontz, co-founder nnd former chief of the Counly Line Voliuiteer Fire Department. "If lliere are people in the bath when we’re testing, we’re going to leave them covered with soap," This concerns Koontz, bccause the slate recommends having a minitnum of 20 pounds of residual pressure when testing a line. Residual pressure would allow homeowners to have continued use of water even though n nenrby hydrant is opened. The severe drop in pressure could also prevent olher hydrants down the line from functioning, which could be disastrous if fighting a large brush fire, Kooniz said. Residents of the County Line district arc so concerned aboul the stale of the water supply thal the volunteer fire deparlmenl that Koontz belongs to has offered the county $50,000 of the money they have raised through fund raisers to get improvements started, “This is all money we’ve raised over the years,” Koontz said, "None of the money we’re offering comes from taxpayers’ pockets,” Koontz is concerned lhat the hydrants he has tested have a water flow of 250 gallons per minute, which barely meels the slate minimum requirements for certification. The stale requires hydrants to maintain a flow of nt “ T h e y ’re s ittin g o n t h e w a t e r m o n e y , a n d n o t to a c t , to n o t d o s o m e th in g to c o r r e c t th is , is ju s t n o t r ig h t.’ * - County Line, resident, Jack Koontz least 250 gallons for one hour, bul Koontz can’t do an hour lest. To do so would leave the homeowners in the area without water pressure, an inconvenience Kooniz is not willing to create. The county has been making improvements based on an aclion plnn prcpnred in 1997, That plan addressed the need to make improvements on areas of the county wherQ development was likely, which resulted in n heavier concentration of system improvemenis in Eastern Dnvie, The old plan nlso indicated thnt the population growth of the counly was expected to be approximately 35,000 by the year 2017, According to the 2000 census, the counly has | nlrendy surpnssed thnt number. | Because of this unanticipated growth, John Grey Engineering of > Mocksville was commissioned by the counly lo draw a new plnn that addresses water distribution. The ’ new plan continued lo look al areas of development as high priority mens, bul also placed under-served areas, and areas where fire flow were nol preseni, as high priority areas. The areas Kooniz is concerned wilh would be addressed in the first three years of Grey's plan, The county water system began in the 1920s with the building of the Cooleemee wuter treatment plant, which served the old mill in town. The county took possession of the plant in the 1970s, and with funding from the Farmer’s Home Administration (FmHA) , two and four inch water lines were installed to serve nn ngrlcultural community,. The system was designed to bring water to area homes, and can still sustain lhat function, bul was nol designed lo support a firefighting system. The Grey plan addresses the issue of dead end lines, a primary cause of water quality problems that plagued the counly in 2002, by looping dend end lines together. The problem with dead end lines is stngnant water at the extreme ends ' of those lines which is prone lo contamination due to the PIcnsc See Fire - Page 8 / n ■2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 29,2004 Editorial Райе R t . 1 , A d v a n c e ’sI ' O s c a r P o in d e x t e r L e a v e s M e m o r i e s Oscar Poindexter died on Monday, luid with him went one of the symbols of the way things used lo be. Years ago, he was Ihe postal carrier for Advance, NC 27006. ». He wa-s Ihc only mail man in all of Advancc. He covercd the jntirc zip code from tlie south at U.S. 64 and N.C. 801 north lo Joe tangston Road near Famiinglon. J“ Everybody had a "Route 1" address. [ Everybody knew him. They could scl their clock by him. His hrrival was a big deal back in the day.s before there was .so much lo flo and so many distractions. ! Zipping up and down dirl roads in u cloud of dust, he brought the mail. There wasn't as much mail then. There weren’t as many people !ftnd homes, either. Now, Advance 270061ms 10 mail carriers covering the same gcdgraphic area. Thci« are many more roads now. Almost all of them paved. Each mail carrier handles about 600 slops. Bul there was a lime when one good man could do it all. y V e ’re O n O u r O w n Iln F ig h t F o r F re e d o m ! Things haven’t gone swimmingly for us in Iniq. Our gallant troops have suffered casualties in Irac) and Afghanistan. Maybe we Uidn't Hnd the stockpiles of terrible weapons wc expected in the jl^scrt sands. I. Gut at leiLsl we did something. ~ Wc have tried lo avenged Ihc terrible as.sault on this counlry. Wc feave hunted for the villains who indi.scriminaiely attacked civilians hniong us. And we have, not relented in Ihe pursuil of Ihese terrorists who have intimidated most of the rest of the world. Should we leam from mistakes? Certainly. But that look backward should not diminish the tremendous tnilitaiy victories in bolh countries, the brilliant adaptability of our Riililary leaders, or the purpose for which they fought. J Tlic 9/11 attack required a massive response. Lobbing a few ftruise mi.ssilcs was not enough. We had to mount a large, sustained ïttack to kill the assassins who wanl to kill us. •y. » The mission in Iraq is n Icgltimme issue in this presidential bampaign. Bul as ilie Democratic National Convention this week 3emonstratcs, some people in America want peace so badly they )ivould have turned the other cheek. « Tlie same is mie in other nalioivs. ; Wilh one well-timed bombing, terrorists changed the political landscape of Spain. By .seizing one citizen in Iniq, terrorists were able to prompt the Philippines lo ¡mnounce a willidrawal of ils few troops who were helping the Americans. South Korea was also inlimidaled. Other countries have been unwilling to join our effort in inui for fear of becoming a hostage and for fear of public reaction at home. Sen. John Kerry calls for us lo court the good will and coopera­ tion of other countries in our effort to defeat terrorism. Pivsident Bush did that lo little avail. , Tlie plain truth is that Greal Britain is about the only real friend we've gol willing to risk blwHi and coin in the defense of liberty and freedom. Long comfortable in the shade of our military umbrella, the rest of Ihe free worid is content la let uk do Ihe work, bear the hardship and risk our sons and daughlers on the front lines of this engagement. Tlicy lack the will, the amiamenis and the resolve to face this common thre'al. Painfully, we must realize those pacifist nations dislike us more than the terrorists. ' Changing our leader may satisfy the Europeans who have s<|uiniied in the coinpari.son. I lad he been presideni these four years. Sen. Kerry might have avoided some of Presideni Bush's mistakes, lie may have made more. ; Bul it is painfully clear that he could do no belter wooing others lo take amis in an uncomfortable, long and cosily war againsi enemies that are hard lo find and difficult lo eradicate. Like il or nol, it's up 10 us. — Dwight Sparks D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T G R P R I / i l ^ E C O R D USPS 149-160) 171 S. Main St., P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-2120 Published weekly by ihe Davie Publishing Co. DwIghI Sparks................................Editor/Publisher Robin Fergusson...........................General Manager Mike Barnhardt...............................Managing Editor Ray Tutterow..................................Advertising Director Brian Pitts........................................Sports Editor Mary Lynne Bayslnger..................CIrculatlon/Classllled Mocksville Enterprise Davie Record Cooleemee Journal 1918-1958 1899-1958 1901-1971 I’eriixlicals Postage Paid in Mocksville, NC 27028 Sub.scription Rales Single Copy, 50 Cents S20 Per Year In N.C., $25 Outside N.C. POSTMASTER Senil Address Changes to; Davic Counly Enterprise Rccord P.O. Box 99, Mocksvillc, NC 27028 B a t s In Y o u r B e l f r y ? B e G la d Barney Fife believed it. That’s why he didn’t wanl to go into Lost Lover’s Cave with Thelma Lou on a roman­ tic walk, just like Andy and Helen had done. He wasn’t .scared of the kiss he would get, it was something else. Bats. And according to Barney, if a bat flies into your hair and lays eggs, you’ll go crazy. You're funny, Barney, but bats don’t lay eggs. They’re mammals. They’re bom alive. They don’t have feathers, they have fur. Their babies nurse. Sure, but bats will give you rabies. They’ll fly into you a night because they are blind. Wrong, bats aren’t blind. They can see you just fine. They can carry rabies, but that’s extremely rare ... about as rare as the chance one will ever bite you. Our friend David Springer from Point Farm brought in some interesting facts about bats the other day. He likes them, and with the West Nile Virus scare going around, everyone should like to have a few bats hanging around. A single brown bat can catch 1,200 mosquitoes in an hour. Did I mention that bats are busy little critters? The bats catch the insects with their feet, then put . them to their mouths to eat. Springer lives at the point where the Yadkin and South Yadkin rivers meet. There’s plenty of water, and plenty of insects. So it makes sense for him to have plenty of bats around to take care of the insect problem. Anyone with bats in their attic should leave.them there, he said. It’s like having a bug zapper and a mo.squito magnet all in one. They search for the insect and pouf! It’s gone. Mike Barnhardt Here are some of the interesting facts Mr. Springer passed along, some which I found more interesting that others. For example: • Tequila is produced from agave plants whose seed production drops to l/3,000th of normal without bat pollinators, Jose Cuervo has plenty of bats in his belfry. • An anticoagulant from vampire bat saliva may soon be used to treat human heart patients. I wonder if those surgeries will have to be done in Transylvania. • The world’s smallest mammal is the bumble­ bee bat of Thailand, weighing less than a penny. A bat that small would be in a fair fight with a mosquito. • The brown bat can live for 34 years or longer, I wonder if those old bats can still chase down a lively mosquito, or if they wait for the weak or wounded to fly by? • Vampire bats adopt orphans and have been known to risk their lives to share food with less fortunate roost-mates. How about that, a Good Samaritan bat. • Male epauleted bats have pouches in their shoulders that contain large, showy patches of white fur, which they flash during court.ship to attract mates. Wouldn’t we all, if we only could? The bat facts go on and orf, but most disturbing to Mr. Springer and others that know of the benefits of the furry creatures, is that the numbers worldwide are declining. I’m not yet ready to adopt one for a pet, but I have a new-found respect for the bat. And to think that all along, I thought bats’ main pur­ pose in life was to find a head of thick hair in which to lay their eggs. To learn more, log onto www.halcon.orn. In The Mail... F a r m in g to n C o m m u n it y D a y A S u c c e s s 'tb the editor; On behalf of the Fanninglon Community Centcr, I would like lo thank everyone who participated in our Community Fun Day. Thanks lo those who prepared the wonderful food, the musicians who sup­ plied great music, and lo the Famiington Fire Department which supplied fun for the kids. Also, thanks lo all the businesses who • donated ilems for our silent auction, lo all the volunteers who helped, and mosl of all, thanks to all who came out to show Iheir support for Ihe communily center. You have shown that our Fanninglon Communily continues to be a thriving, closely woven conununily, nble to come logelher when needed. ' On Saturday, wc were able lo raise $ 1,200 lo go lowad repairs on -4 the Communily Center. Our goals Is lo make repairs on Ihe building, update the ball field, and make changes lo the grounds so thal il will belter sei’ve Ihe community. We are excitcd and encouraged about the future of the Farming­ ton Community Center, to see it brought back lo life lo serve the communily like it did for so many years. We conlinue lo need funds and volunteers lo help muke it happen. For moro info on how you can help, call me at 998-0825. Laura Mathis Mocksvillc M a n y H e l p e d W i t h B e n e f i t G o l f T o u r n a m e n t To the editor: I would like 10 lake this opportunity lo thank everyone who helped with or participated in the Jake Linville Benefit Oolf Tournament, Jake, son of fomier DHS football and baseball coach Lee Linville and his wife, Kim, was recently diagnosed wilh leukemia. With the dedicated help of Mike Absher, Susan Athey, Renee Bailey, Shar Beck, Tilden Carter, Daphne Frye, Mike Herndon, Suzy Horton, Buddy Lowery, Roxanne McDaniel, Colleen Pitts, Lynn Ray, Malt Sain and Ashley Whitlock, we raised $11,505 lo help with Jake’s mcdical costs. Glass Should Be Recycled To the editor; There is a problem. We in Davie County are not recycling glass. Glass takes 4,(KK) years lo degrade. Placing glass in landfills causes increased landfill usage and higher landfill fees. Consumers pay higher taxes because of the increased landfill usage and fees. Glass cun be recycled many times. Recycling glass decreases manufacturer's energy costs. Recycling glass decreases need for raw materials. This saves our environment. Recycling glass de­ creases landfill usage and fees. Please write lo your commissioners and GDS, urging them to include glass in Ihe recycling progrum. This is u wuy for us to con­ serve natural resources, decrease energy use, und decreuse landfill use. Janies Tunzer Advunce The people in this community arc lo be commended for their kindness and generosity. We hud 26 four-man teams and 61 hole sponsors. In addition, we had people who contributed money just because the life of u 3-yr. old boy was al stake. I would ulso like lo thunk Pudding Ridge Golf Course for allow­ ing us lo use their facilities for the day, Debbie Kooniz, for donating lunch. Please continue lo keep the Linville family in your thoughts and prayers, . Keith Whitaker, Organizer, Jake Linville Oolf Toumament Letters Weicomed The Enterprise Record welcomes letters from its read­ ers. The letters may be on topics of local, state, national or international issues. ■ . , /.VrAn effort wjll be made to print all letters, provided they t e hot libelous, vulgar or in poor tiiste. The editor reserves the right to edit letters for grammar and for space. All letters should include the name and address of the writer, including a signature. A telephone number, not to be published, is also requested. _ Pleasb have lellers in the newspaper office no later tlian 4 p.m, Monday of the week to be published. Davie County Enterprise Record P.O.'Box, 99, Mocksville, or email to ernew!!@davie-enlerprise,com. G o t A n O p i n i o n ? Add your vote to our weekly online poll that asks questions affecting you and Davie County. Log on at www.enterprise-record.com and click on reader's poll to cast your vote. Results will be listed here weekly. Should school students be required to wear uniforms?Yes, 58% No, 42% Log on now to cast your vote on the newest question: Will you vote tor Virginia Fox over Vernon Robinson ior tiie U.S. Congress nomination? w w w .e nte rp rlse-reco rd.com DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 29,2004 - 3 Spotlight on Business Garage Door Services of Farmington M u c h A d o A b o u t K n i t t i n g The new Much Ado About Knitting In the Lewisville Corners Shopping Center has added three new Instructors and estab­ lished a social knitting group called, "Chicks with Stocks." The group meets on Wednesday from 6-8 p.m. and again Saturday 1-4 p.m. The group gets together to exchange tips and patterns and have a good time knitting. Call for the store's class schedule, 778-1998. Co-owners Stephanie Isley and Michelle Spillman want you to come and experience a new adventure In fiber. J. That's has been the driving force behind Much Ado About Knitting. The shop Is exciting, different and, moat Important, a customer's delight. "Michelle and I had been talking about opening this busi­ ness for years," explains Stephanie, who confesses to being passionate about knitting. "We've always felt like our knowl­ edge could be helpful to others." Both women, who are nurses at Medcost, have been good friends for years. Michelle, another knitting lover, just recently quit her job there to work In the store full-time. Anxious to serve customers Fresh from their recent grand opening, Stephanie and Michelle have finally achieved their dreams of bringing their sen/ices to the public. Starting their venture took a great deal of pondering. But Stephanie likes to recall the poetic words of her husband, James, as they were about to jump Into opening their store. "He said it's sometimes better to talk about the fishing trip than to actually go on ll," she said with a laugh, “But in April we decided to get into the boat and It's been full steam ahead ever since." Combined total of 28 years of experience In Fiber Arts Even before ll opened, shoppers peered Into their window, eager to know what was going on inside. "Our main focus will be on excellent customer service and we enjoy helping out and answering any questions that cus­ tomers may have. Together we have 28 years of combined experience In fiber arts," Stephanie said. Terrific books, patterns and fun knitting groups The store will be carrying upscale yarns and tool accesso­ ries along with terrific books, patterns and other funky stuff. They will also offer exciting and friendly knitting groups, some of which will be charity-based. “We wanl the groups to be fun and provide a good social time for everyone. There will be varied multl-leveled classes and the class size wili vary between 6-12 people," Stephanie notes. Blocking and finishing services available One other great thing Much Ado About Knitting will offer is blocking and finishing services, "A lol of people love to knit but don't like the sewing aspect UGLY ROOF STAINS REMOVED f OR A LIKE NEW LOOK!! Ni.tion’s largest & Oldest Roof Stain Removere Roof-Brite^ 785-2030 inn Bnval Oak Pt., WinsLon-Salem. NC 27107 P E R F E C T P A W S Pet Salon All Naimil Pivcliicis 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -9 0 7 4 Ccrlincii Groomer Ciiri,stiiie Juliiin Mocksville, N.C. Guess H<»w Many Boxes of Cliir.lels & Win C h ic le ts - 4 fo r 9 9 Ф 99‘Famlly Store 5275 Nwy 188 « foDil llan Shopiilm Cent« Atlvertising Promotions I C Icm m a n H T h r if t S to re iI ?cr)flLiMi5vilo-Clummo(«fÍd Clomnora '(^oRSfran VftifJoCflndtoA Oils) I I ItovFll. 0-7; SM. IM • Твв-МОО I Piedmont Storage Solutions Mocksville, NC Mike Keller 336-998-2344 336-817-4881 Mobile CniS|ï PC&TIM0&reoo*tor&Docabinot«.com Much Ado About Knitting E x p e rie n c e A N e w A d v e n tu r e In Y a r n L a rg e v a rie ty o f accessories, tools, books, p a tte rn s , O th e r u n u s u a l & fu n k y s tu ff! Exciting ClassGS - Export Projoct - Finishing Servicos Social & Charity KniUing Groups Outstanding Cu.stomor Servico Wnrni & Wolcoming Environment O w ners; M ic h e lle S p illm a n • S te p h a n ie la le y 1311 L e w isville -C le m m o n a R d., L e w is v ille C orners S h o p p in g C en ter (336) 778-1998 M rs. M -F 10-8PM • S at. 10-5P M The garage door on your home is one of those things you rarely think too much about until it stops worklngl The staff at Garage Door Services of Farmington knows that your garage door can be more than just a garage door- it's often the main entrance for you and your family to get In and out of your home. It also provides your home with an extra level ol security. Wilh this In mind, Garage Door Services strives to ensure that you will never be without its service. Garage Door Services excels in service of all makes and models of garage doors and electric door openers. They also provide sales and installation of Liftmaster 1/2 Horsepower Professional residential electric door openers. In the garage door business, the staff al Garage Door Ser­ vices knows the Inner workings of garage doors and tholr com­ ponents. You can always roly on a quick diagnosis and timely repair for any problems. To help prevent experiencing any problems. Garage Door Services are currently ollering a garage door tune up special. This Includes diagnosis, adjustment and lubrication of the door and opener for just $39.95. Also be sure to ask about their senior citizen discount. The staff of Garage Door Serives prides themselves on being prompt and reliable on all sen/lce calls. They will ar­ range appointments according to your schedule and treat cus­ tomer service as their primary goal. Garage Door Sen/ices is available Ihroughtout Davie County and in the Lewisville and Clemmons areas. Call 998-2336 today for an appointment. They also offer emergency sen/lce at anytime of day or night. s $ e l: i i“ iS S t o r a g e , 998-9661 / Climate Control / 24 hr Computerized Gate / Fenced with 24 hr lighting /Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 / Video Camera Security / Next to Bermuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance T IL E R IT E . (3 3 6 ) 8 1 3 -T IL E ;_^р^^(в4ВЗ) i ey oormg Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10-6 Sat. 10-2 Specializing In... C a rp e t& V in y l C eram ic Tile H ardw ood Floors & RefinishIng C ounter Tops Lam inated Floois (336)766-0733 21 Years Experience NCWOPEN T O m PUBUC Ш b lá ceramic and stone tUd Fimi)'(MTwJ Kmn ibr 16 bitt pftat pile hwwd(ai>lnrt»Tier>mice.FpctclirolRlns^ SAVINGS up EVERYDAY •« 4 1Senior Citui'Oit OiAcountii SUMMER BLOW OUT! A L L C L O T H E S BUY 1, GET 1 FREEOF EQUAL on LESSER VALUE (SpwM«n Not IndudMO Clemmons Discount Sales 1533 Lowlsvillo-Clemmons'Rd. 766*4449 • Clemmons • 766-4938 iwhltney'i 5 9 1 9 -C J a m e s S t. (taUan Family Restaurant Tatiálewood Shopping Ctr . Hillsdale Oltie In • Tahe Oul • Free Delivery 336-940-6787 Fax 336-940-6786 Stephanie Isley and Michelle Spillman. of it. We are here to do that for them," comments Stephanie. Store located In Lewisville Corners Shopping Centor Much Ado About Knitting is located at 1317 Lewisville- Clemmons Road in the Lewisville Corners Shopping Center (across from Kaplans.) The store hours are Mon- __ __ ^ day-Frlday 10am to8 pm and ¡m m m K m m ii/m "BAKERY I Saturday 10 am to 5 pm. C U K W n jiP THHIFT , Stephanie and Michelle can be reached at 778-1998. j r ^ I j B u y 1 E n tc iu n a n n ’s | ' & G e t 1 F R E E | M u lch • D irt • Sand • G rav el 336 749-0465 6131 Stiuliiiin D r Clcmnion.4 NC TcMTl Jones Owncrt A nn M icheli Teresa Lupole A n d W annita D row ti Qualii^ iiibric iU grc.1t pricc.sIIV ;U gi'Complete line of-siewing d .icrgcrs. util сЬияея.macliines jind scr^ .1 vou ul rer•Adult nnJ •Scrvicc iiiul repiiir ati makes ami т<н}е15. •Nntioiis-Quilting & Embroidery Supplies Monday-Thnnday Î0-8 Friday-Saturday 10~5 / 421 & Lewisviilc-Clemntous Rond LewisviU^ (336) 766-8271 HfWMsewinf’lxyonrs.cotn e a r a a e D c c r R e p a i r s A n E l e c t r i c a l C i i e n e r R e p a i r s • Emergency Service • Senior Citizens Discount ' 25 Years Experience CAKES G AR AG E DOOR SER VICES "M r. E d ’’ (3 3 6 ) 9 9 8 -2 3 3 6 « Fa r m in o t o n, N C 940-3442 Full .service Veterinary Hospital IH IiD D S B D iE B H H M cdicine-S urgcry-D enti.stry McJicinc P«r Y»«r Pc," Bnths-Boardiiig Dr. Emily Roberson „ . i n i . n .,^lfi2 US Hwy 1.“)» Advnnce Dogs, Cats, and I ocket Pets r $1 ^ o ff y o u r 1 st v isit ^ Services only _____) \Xbii/si>oi» (im iÿvs Mggt Woodworks Affonlahft РпшЫ< BiiHiHniif Storage Buildings 5328 St. Paul Church Rd. Hamptonville, NC 27020 Ctill h ir nin'cllims No Siiiuliiy ('Milt Pitale 4 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, July 29,2004 ' l ' ï The Winters family members console each other while remembering Iheir son and brother. K e v in W i n t e r s L o v e d T o H e l p O t h e r s C u n tin u c d F ro m P n g u 1 "T h e re urc som e kills w ho i\re just e a sy to get to know , som e y o u gel to k n o w m ore tliltn others, K e v in w u s one ol' those kills." U riilge w m e rsn id the loss o f W inters w us II trugedy thut w ill be felt throughout the school. “ T w o m o n lh s n g o , I ’m slinking h is hand nt grnduntion, und now ..." Brid ge w ate r suid. “ H e w us just ono o f those kids yijii felt g o o d uboul k n o w in g ." • W n r E u gle s tcum m ute B illy Rjfldle got W inters in v o lv e d w jlli the y o u lh group nt V ictory Bpptist C h u rch in C ooleem ee. I l5s youth paslor, Stan Riddle, ivinenibers K e v in as som eone w fio had a kn ack for m a kin g frfcnds, Thut becam e evident o n S u n d a y . R id d le su id iip- piX).ximutely 5 0 0 m ourners al- tcpded W in te rs’ funcrul. ¡ “ T h e c o m m u n it y lo v e d K | v in , " R id d ic sa id .' “ Y o u ^ hifrdly ever snw h im not sm il- ii$ . " S K c v in ’s ’ m other, D e b b ie W inters, suid her younge st o f tivteo b o y s w u s a lio m c b o d y w jio lo v e d to p la y v id e o yiim es. ; "H e liad ju sl ub ou l e ve ry gilm e yo u c o u ld lia ve ." said Dpbbie. "H e loved to just sit a ro u n d un d p lu y h is I’(ayslation." : "H e used to help m e train for so cce r," sa id h is brotiicr Jason, a form er player for the W a r Eagles. “W h e n he w as in m iddle school, h e 'd run up und d o w n tiie sid e lin e s w h ile we practiced und chuse the bulls w h e n th e y w e n t o u t o f b o u n d s." Socce r w ns the first love o f K e v in , but u succe.ssful sh o w ­ ing in Ihc N F L ’s Punt, Puss & K ic k com petition in tiie se v-' cnth grade led K e v in to try out for foolball. T hat sw itch w us lo Ihe re­ lie f o f h is parents. " I rem em ber K e v in and Ja­ son p la yin g soccer in the buck- y u r d , " s a id h is siste r, Stephanie. "T lie y broke about every w in d o w in Ihe buck o f the hou se ." “T hut w us n little Itard for ih c m to h id e ," R ic k sa id . "F o o lb a ll just cam c natural to K e v in , no o n e sh o w e d h im h o w to do il, he just d c cid cd .i one d a y he w arned lo d o 11. and he d id ." ■ ' • W in te r’s p layed tw o sea­ so n s behind D u v id W oolrid ge , n o w w ith U N C , fo r C o n c h D o u g Iliin g. Iliin g rem em bers W inters as a c o n fid e n t a th le te w ith a strong w ork ethic w h o w orked hard to learn from W oolrid ge , and in turn w as selfle ss in g iv ­ in g h is tim e to h e lp in g younge r players develop their skills. Kevin and Stephanie share a laugh. " W h e n o th e r k id s w ere han gin g out in front o fth e gym after school, K e v in w us in the locker ro o m getting ready to pructice.’’ Iliin g said. " H e w as ulw nys the llrst one out ihere practicing, w o rkin g w ith Brad (C orrihe r, J V k ick cr)." U U n g sa id W in te rs w u s a • skille d pluye r lh al ho kn o w he could count on. “ W h e n e v e r w o got inside the 4 0 ,1 felt w c had a chance to put p o in ts on tho bourd,” Iliin g suid. “ Ils not oficii you huve n p luyer w h o is so skilled at botii field go a ls and punt­ ing." “ K e v in w o n a few gam es for us w ith h is foot." R ic k W inte rs suid this w as the toughest trugedy he und his D i s t r i c t C o u r t DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .Iuly 29,2004 - S Kevin Winters and his sister, Stephanie, are dressed up and ready for the prom. fa m ily have e ver had to face, und lhat ho w a s grnteful lo tho c o m m u n ily fo r e m b ra c in g them in tlieir tim e o f grief. " T h e s e p e o p le , t h e y ’ v e been so g o o d to us Ihcsc last fe w d a y s ." R ic k said . “T h e pe op le that have em braced us, ii's 'ju st so incredible.’’ H is w ife agreed. "W e d id n ’t even k n o w so m a n y o f tho people that have rc a c h e d out to u s ," D e b b ie suid. "W e ’ll a lw a ys be grate­ ful lo this co m m unity for that." T o honor K e v in ’s m em ory, und continue his goal tow ards he lp in g children, fam ily friend H e a th e r H o w e ll h a s e sta b ­ lis h e d the K e v in W in t e r ’s Fu n d . T h e fund is being held at Central C urolin u Bunk. A n y ­ one w ish in g to m ake donations can m a ke them at a ny C C B brunch. T h e m onies collccted w ill g o lo the future e d u ca ­ tio n a l e xp e n se s o f a sp ccia l needs ch ild in D a v ic County. N . C . H ig h w a y P a tro l T ro o p e r M a tth e w H o w e ll re­ porled tivil W inters w ns d riv ­ ing the truck at n high rule o f sp e e d , headed cast, w hen it w ent o ff tho road to the right, and overturned against u tree in u culveri. H e w as declared dead ut the .sccne.Kevin is surrounded by friends and football players, Billy Riddle (top) and Brandon Pane, bottom. Rescue workers look al the wreck scene in a culvert across U.S. 64 West from Ihe Lake Myers entrance. J A C O B ' S F e e 4 , T ^ c k E tc. 7 0 4 -2 7 M in -S S SF a ik iR d -W o o d lie l Саг i toa’xh Tied Ca.tltn« T«U. i Kir; Hw.ú4:Hîw bivíLUr/ Агг.’л:^ Wetkiy I5c<; С:л S -1.:5W A utl>orlxed T ex Ton S o d d ifl D e a le r S a d d le s N o w in Slock 1 В Х Ш r Plflelng String» Uother BeH» S te tfo n * R esU tol • C h a rlie 1 H or<e ItiT- TuK-Fn 0:Wts3;:0 - ф- T h o fo llo w in g cases w ere heard In Dnvic District Court on July 22. Presiding; Judge Ted S. Royster. Prosecuting; Kevin Benlc , Assistant D A . - Brynn Jeffrey Asbury, posses­ sion of schedule II controlled sub­ stance, dism issed per officer's re­ quest. - M ichelle K. Baird, inisde- niennor possession of schedule V I controlled substance, prnyer for judgment continued, evidence or­ dered destroyed, $130 attorney fee. $50. - Ronald 0 . Blyden Jr., extra- dition/fitgilive other slate, d is­ missed, waived extrndltlon. - Kathy A . Broadway, harass­ ing phone call, d ism issed per inedlculion, - Aleshia L. Cogdell, posses­ sion o f drug parnphernaliw, prayer for judgment continued; evidence ordered destroyed; misdemeanor possession o f schedule V I con­ trolled substance, dism issed per plea. - Janies C. Covington, tiiking game during closed senson, hunt­ ing without a license, and luint- ing/fishing/lrapplng with no gnme license, sentenced lo 16 days in jail. - Derek D. Davis, no operators license, dism issed per correction; exceeding safe speed, reduced lo im proper ei|uipinenl, $100. • Julie M . Dyson, no operator's license and possession o f drug parnplicrnalln, dism issed per plea; resisling a public officer nnd m is­ dem eanor p o sse ssio n o f drug paraphernalia, sentenced lo .10 days in jail, suspended ihree years, cost, credit for 36 days served, evidence ordered destroyed; m is­ demeanor larceny, senleiteed to 45 days in juil, suspended three years, substance abuse assessment/treat­ ment, violate no laws, submit to random drug testing, cost, $100 restitution lo Dnvie C ounly Ahi- innl Shelter, $260 nllorney fee; possession o f burglary lools, fail­ ure to operate tnll lights, fnilure 10 burn headlights, m irror violn- tlon, dism issed per plen. - C nrlos H. Bspinnza, m isde­ meanor larceny, sentenced to i S days in jail, credit for 15 days served. - Tnylor W. Fearringlon, driv­ ing after con sum ing under 2 1 , prayer for judgment continued. - K e vin I,. Harrison, m isde­ meanor possession of schedule V I controlled substance und posses­ sion o f drug paraphernalia, dis­ m issed per compliance. - M iguel Z, Hernandez, m isde­ meanor lurceny, senlenced lo 15 days in jail, credit for 15 days served, evidence to Storehouse For Jesus. - H olly L. Hunter, failure to re­ duce speed, dism issed per civil settlement. - M ichael R. Lentiyel, speed­ ing 103 in a 70, prayer for judg­ ment continued. - Am anda N. Lilly, speeding 82 in a 70, dism issed per plea; D W I, senlenced lo 60 duys in jail, sus­ pended two years, $10 0 , cost, credit for substnnce aonse assess­ ment. surrender license, nol lo operate a motor vehicle unlil li­ censed by D M V , 24 hours com ­ m unily service, $163 allorney fee. - Benjam in R. M organ, speed­ ing 89 in a 55, reduced lo exceed­ ing snfe speed, prnyer for judg­ ment continued. - M ichnel W. Neverett, simple assault, prayer for judgm eni con­ tinued. - JuliaC. Nichols, speeding 60 in a 45, reduced to im proper equipment, cost. - Lauren E. Peddycord, m isde­ meanor larceny and breaking/en­ lering. senlenced lo45 days in jail, suspended three years, substance abuse assessment/treatment, cost, credit for assessment, $130 attor­ ney fee, $10 0 restitution; posses­ sion of burglary tools, disnnssed per plea. - Jennifer Perrym an, sim ple worthless check, dism issed per civil settlement. - A shley N. Polk, driving w ilh license revoked, reckless driving wilh wanton disregard, dismissed. - Jeffrey K. Polls Jr., failure lo w ear drivers .seat bell, m isde­ meanor possession o f schedule V I controlled substance, dism issed per compliance. - Juan J. Ramirez, no operators license, dismi.ssed per correction. - Rita L. Robertson, possession o f drug paraphernalia nnd m isde­ meanor possession o f schedule V I controlled substnnce, prayer for judgment continued, evidence or­ dered destroyed; im proper use of a dealer permit/tag, dism issed per plea. - Crystal D. Sm ilh, speeding 68 in u 45, dism issed per plea; fail­ ure to notify D M V of address change, prnyer for judgment con­ tinued. - Adnm J. Tnylor, mi.sdcmeanor probation violation, senlenced to 45 days in jail, credit for six days served; m isdem eanor probation violation, sentenced to 45 days in jail at expiration of prior sentence. - Eric W. Ward, misdemeaimr larceny, dism issed per request o f prosecuting witness. - C ynlhia D. Zuhiaga, D W I, dism issed. Failed T n A ppenr: - Norris E. Hudson, possession o f stolen good.s/properly. - R o b in F. Pullinin, sim ple worthless check. - James S. Rice, D W I, driving after consum ing, speeding 115 In • a 70, driving with license revoked, possession of drug parnphernnlla. unsealed wlne/llquor in passenger area. - Herbert W. Tatum, forgery of endorsement, utlerlng forged en­ dorsement. - Eliezare Zuniga, no operators license, m isdem eanor larceny. .Iuly IS T h e fo llo w in g cuses w ere henrd in Dnvie District Court on July 15. Presiding: Judge Ted S. Royster. Prosecuting: Kevin Beale and Scott Cranford, A ssistant D A s. - Darrell W. Allen, D W I, ex­ pired regislralion card/ing, open container after consum ing alcohol first, and operating a vehicle w ilh no insurance, dismis.sed per plea. - Carm elita V. Aniunez, failure 10 slop for steady red light, re­ duced to im proper equipm ent, cost. - Donnie L. Beaver, expired/no inspection sticker, ficlitious/con- cealed/revoked registration card/ tug, operating a vehicle with no in­ surance, dism issed per plea; pos­ session of drug paraphernalia, senlenced to 45 days in jail, sus­ pended 24 monlhs, cost, subsiance abuse assessinenl/treatment, $260 allorney fee. $50. submit to war­ rantless searches nnd random drug screens, conlrabimd ordered de­ stroyed, credit for 69 days served: misdem eanor larceny and posses­ sion o f stolen goods, sentenced lo 45 days in jail ut expiration ofpre- vious sentenced, suspended 24 months, cost, $290 restitution. - Karen D. Blackw ell, felony conspiracy and misdem eanor lar­ ceny. dism issed per request of proscculing witness. - Ronnld G. Blyden JR.. driv­ ing with license revoked, sen­ lenced lo 10 duys In jnil, credit for nine days served; white light rear- drive forward and possession of drug paraphernalia, dism issed per plea. - Jeffrey D. Calas, consum ing beer/wine underage, dismissed per wrong person charged. - Juanita V. Campbell, driving w ilh license revoked, reduccd to no operators license, sentenced to 45, days in jnil, suspended 12 months, cost; possession o f mari- juiuui up to half ounce, dism issed per plea, contraband ordered de­ stroyed. - Dew ayne E. Chunn, D W I, sentenced to 120 days In jail, sus­ pended 24 m onths, $200, cost, subsiance abuse assessmenl/lreat­ menl, surrender license, not lo operate a motor vehicic unlil li­ censed by D M V , 48 hours com ­ m unily servicc, $325 atlorney fee, $50; possession of drug parapher- nnlia, sentenced to 45 days in jail nl expiration o f previous scnience, cost, contraband ordered de­ stroyed; driving w ilh license re­ voked, expired registration card/ lag, possession o f open container/ consum ing alcohol in passenger aren, driving with license revoked, fnilure to yield for slopsign/flash­ ing red light, dism issed per plea. - Joshua S. Cookson, posses­ sion of n malt beveragc/unfonlficd w ine not 19/20, dism issed per compliance. - Gregory A. C ox Jr.. posses­ sion w ilh inlenl lo manufacture/ sell/deliver schedule II controlled substance, dismis.sed per plea; felony possession o f marijuana and carrying a conecaled weapon, reduced to possession of a sched­ ule V I, senlenced lo 45 days in jull, suspended 12 months, cost, substance abuse assessmenl/lreat­ m enl, contraband ordered de­ stroyed. „ ' - G regory E. Cranfill, driving with license revoked, dism issed per plea; speeding 85 in a 55, re­ duced to 64 in a 55, cost; failure to wear sent belt, $25. - M nrk T. Dnilon, speeding 70 in n 55, reduced to im proper equipment, cost. - B illy T. E lle r Jr., m isde­ meanor possession o f schedule V I controlled substance, dism issed in the Interest of justice, contraband ordered destroyed. - Steven W. Frye, driving wilh license rcvoked, reduccd lo no op­ crulors license, cost. - Nicholas D. Quilher, expired registration card/tag, dism issed per correction; driving left of cen­ ler, dismissed per civil sclllemenl. - Gregory S, Glass, speeding 85 in a 70, reduced lo im proper, c((uipment, remit cost. - Justin W. Hartón, speeding 86 In a 70, reduced lo im proper equipment, remit cost. - Matthew L. Herr, speeding 88 in a 70, reduced lo im proper equipment, remit cost; no opera­ tors license, dism issed per plea. - Joseph L. Hinson, Uttering nol more thnn 15 pounds, prnyer for judgment continued 30 days, five hours com m unity service picking up irnsh, cost, $ 130 allor­ ney fee, $50; possession/display o f altered/ficlilious/revoked driv­ ers license, dism issed per plen. - A lison C. Hope, sim ple as­ sault, dismissed. - Meredith I. Howell, sccond degree trespassing, dism issed per plea; Injury to real properly and resisting a public officer, prayer for judgm eni continued. - Joshua I. Hubbard, D W I, sen­ lenced lo 120 days in juil, sus­ pended 24 m onlhs, $200, cost, substance abuse assessment/treat­ ment, surrender license, not to operate,a motor vehicle until li­ censed by D M V , 48 hours com ­ m unily service, $293 ultorney fee, $50; Heeing/eluding arrest w ilh m otor vchle lc, fo llo w in g loo closely, speeding 82 in a 65, driv­ ing after consum ing under 2 1, reckless driving lo endanger, dis­ missed per plea. - Kelly L. Johnson, assault on u female, dism issed per medica­ tion; com m unicating threats, sen­ tenced to 30 days in jail, credit for 30 days served, no contnct wilh complninnnl. - Cicero H. Jones Jr., assault on a female, com m unicating threats, dism issed per failure of prosecut­ ing witness to appear.. - Kevin A. Jones, driving wilh license revoked and speeding 86 in a 70, reduced lo no operators lice nse and im prope r ciiuipmeni.senlcnccd to45 days in jail, suspended 12 months, not to operate a motor vehicle unlil li­ censed by D M V . cost, $228 nllor­ ney fee, $50; expired/no inspec­ tion slicker nnd expired registra­ tion cnrd/lug. dism issed per plea. - Steven C. K night, sim ple worthless chcck, sentenced to 60 d ays in jnil; sim ple w orthless chcck, senlenced lo 60 days in jnil at expirnlion of previous sentence. - Laura K. Lackey, d rivin g w ilh license revoked, reduccd to failure lo notify D M V of address change, cost; possession/display of altered/l'ictitiou.s/rcvoked driv­ ers license, dism issed per plea. - Am ber L. Lankford, posses­ sion of fortiried wine/liquor/mall beverage under 2 1 , dism issed per plea; consum ing beer/wlne under­ age, prayer for judgment contin­ ued on cost, - A bdul A. Leonard, currying a concealed weapon, sentenced to 45 days In ja il, suspended 12 months, cost, weapon ordered de­ stroyed; misdem eanor possession o f schedule V I controlled sub­ stance, dismis.scd per plea, e vi­ dence ordered destroyed. - T inglin Li, speeding 88 In a 70, rcduced to im proper equip­ ment, $75, cost. - Brian T. Mantle, speeding 92 in a 70, reduced lo 74 in a 70, cost; no operators license, dism issed per plea. - Debra K. Mathis, sim ple as­ sault, dism issed per medication. - M ichnel S. M okofsky, pos­ session of drug pnraphernalin, prayer for judgm ent continued tliree monlhs, subsiance abuse as- sessm enl/lrealm ent, 10 hours com m unity service, cost; iildhig/ abetting im paired driving, d is­ m issed per plen. - M nrk K. Moseley, speeding 87 in a 70, reduced lo improper equipment, $50, cost. - Carl B, Nelson, driving with license revoked, failure to wear drivers sent belt, and possession of drug paraphernalia, dism issed per plea; possession of drug para­ phernalia, senlenced to 45 days in jail, suspended 12 monlhs, cost, contraband ordered destroyed. - Carla L. Perry, speeding 97 in n 70, prnyer for judgment con- Charges Dismissed Against Businessman Happy times: Kevin Winters holds Mary Brahnson while his brother Jason holds his wife, Laura. A M o c k sv ille busincssm nn had five crim inal chargcs d is­ m isse d in d istrict cou rt Inst T hursd ay due to a lack o f evi­ dence. W esley C laude Scgre si ap­ peared b e fo re ju d g e T e d S. Royster to face three counts of violating a protective order, one counl o f m isdem eanor larceny und one count o f dom estic crim i­ nal trespass. C iting the lack of evidence, R oysterxli.smis.scd all coim is, "T h e la w is v e ry d e a r , " R o yste r snid. "Y o u need e v i­ dence. I ’m appalled that this case cam e lo trial." Segrest wus chnrged w ilh the crim es by his form er employer, D a n a G nd dy. G ud dy, o f 175 Lnkew ood Road in M ocksville , said she shared a hom e and wns involved with Segrest in a per­ sonal relationship that lasted n ycnr und eight months. G nd dy hnd trouble rccnliing the events thnt led lo her Inking out a restraining order ngainst Segrest, and w hen questioned by A ss is ta n t D ist ric t A llo r n e y K e vin Beale, requested perm is­ sion to use u journal to recall tim es and events, "T h e re w ns so m uch stuff g o in g on e ve ry d u y ," G n d d y snid. " I l w a s lik e there w ns som ething happening M o n d a y ihrougit Friday, M on d a y through Saturduy, there wore too m nny Ihings to remember.” G add y often shuffled litrough pages o f notes, and on occasion seem ed confused by questions from Beale. A rm e d w ith cop ies o f the com pluints, B eale led G a d d y through a scries o f questions re­ garding the incidenis that led up to Segrest being taken into cus­ to d y on se ve ra l o c c n ssio n s. W he n Beale asked G nddy if she saw Segrest or if he nilcm pted to threaten or harm her on tite dates in question, she said "n o ." G a d d y’s testim ony failed to pluce Segrest in or around a dis­ p lny cnse thni n iiegedly held som e com puter hardw are titat Segrest w ns accused o f stealing. A n outburst b y G n d d y led R o yste r to direcl Beale to in ­ struct her thnt su ch n otion s w ould not be tolerated by the court. “T h is court w ill not be inter­ rupted a ga in ,” R o y ste r said, “O ne m ore time, and som eone is go in g to spend Ihe next 30 days in jail for contem pt." A llo rn e y R ob Raisbeck, rep­ resenling Segrest, asked Royster to dism iss the charges against his client. "T h e y huve com pletely fniled lo present nny evidence to sup­ p o rl nny o f these c ln im s," Rai.sbeck said. “It’s a m ailer of law.” " I ’m jusl glad this is over,” Segrest said follow ing the trial. "T h is hns been a nightm nre for Ihe Inst three m onlhs. I ’ve been drugged out o f m y slore in hand­ cuffs over tills, N o w m aybe 1 can m ove forward, nnd jusl go back to running m y business.” linued on cost. - Randy C. Plott, driving with license revoked, rcduced lo no op­ erators license, .sentenced to 60 days in jail, suspended 12 months, cost, not lo operate a motor ve­ hicle until liccn.sed by D M V . - Anthony G. Ratliff, speeding 92 in a 70, reduced to exceeding safe speed, cost. -L u is A. Salgndo, driving with license revoked, prayer for judg­ ment continued on cost; posses­ sion/display o f altered/fictitious/ rcvoked drivers license, dismissed per plea. - Jerry 0 . Sclph Jr., consum ­ ing beer/wine underage, dismis.sed per plea. - Pnsshhn L. Sm ith, mi-sde- niennor probntlon violation, sen­ tenced 10 45 days In jail, credit for eight days served. - R icky T. Sm ilh Jr.. no opera­ tors license, sentenced to 91 days in jail, crcdit for lime .served. - Jeffrey D. Stahr, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced to Im proper equipment, cost. - Gregory L. Stove, speeding 87 in a 70. reduced lo improper equipment. $50. cost. - Paul T. Sw iderski, assault on a female, dism issed per fnilure of pro.sccuting witness lo appear. - Gam ine R. T\imer, possession of drug paraphernalia, dism issed per pleu, contraband ordered de­ stroyed; domestic crim inal tres­ passing, sentenced lo 45 duys in jail, suspended 12 months, cost. - Eric W. Wnrd, driving w ilh license revoked, sentenced to 4 5 ‘«.r.W days in juil, suspended 12 monlhs, not to operate a motor vehicic un-.,¡ til licensed by D M V , cost. - Frank P. Westwood, d riv in g^ w ilh license revoked, reduced to," no operators license, $100, cost.',« - James D. W hite III, s p e e d in g 87 in a 70, D W I, possession o ( j drug pnraphernnlin, dism issed per;;,' plen; driving aflcr consum ing u n i" der 2 1, prnyer for judgment c o ii"^ tinued on cost. • Jlunbln Xle, speeding 84 In n 70,‘ reduced to Im proper equip- ' ment, cost. ; Failed To A ppear: - Byron J. Alm endarcz, D W I, I speeding 85 in n 70, no opcrntors i license. ; - M ichuel C. Edw in, consum - I Ing beer/wlne underage. ! - Bradford K. Gaither, drlving-j w ilh license rcvoked. ': - Tonry L. Heaggins, no opera­ tors license, explrcd/no Inspection., stickcr. D W I. ~ - Farren J. Hudson, no opera-"" tors license, misdemeanor posses­ sion o f schedule V I controlled • substance. - G ary W, M yers, failure to no-; , lify D M V o f address change, no . liability Insurance, failure to wear ■ drivers sent belt. , - Jeffrey S. Rcdm on, driving with licen.se revoked, resi-sting n public officer, possession o f drug pnrnphcrnalla, possession of marl- ' juanu up to ludf ounce. - Jose A. Valez, assault InlTict- ing :icrious injury. Thank YoM I Davie H County P f o r a ll y o u r s u p p o r t ! _ D a n ^ B a r ir e t t P,:iidfoi h y O a n B rirrc n t . I w ould like to th an k all m y fam ily and friends w h o supported m e during th e Prim ary Election. I've never felt so h u m bled as I did Tuesday night w atching th e election returns com e in; All I can say is, I w ill do m y best. Paid for by Johnny frye.andldate W e v e h e lp e d p r o te c t y o L ir car, h o m e a n d life , n o w ' le t iis p r o t ^ t o r t h e lo n g t e r m Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company’c Lonj Term Care Insurance Policy Wlini ibfrf i .1 iicftl fi>r СХ1ГП.Ы c.irf ill pur fainil)', llip C(uts СЛ1) be a lnin(iii.V«nir 1'дгт №itv.ni Insiir.ince can оП'ег .11.onj; Trrm Cirr Insiimiici* policy. 'I’lii.s jwli’cy c.ut lifiji (лег tllf finiiit. F«alur«i Avallabl« Inciudt: • CÀntrajje in ailiill Jay care, luutu* c.ire, nursing lionir Jfilings, • Infbiion Pn>irction. • Cuiaramccil rtncwablc. • Nrt prior lw«}'ii.\liMtw5vw»)«iiti{. • oHig.«ion .МУ-iliiy iVff {Ъц lut 4«uinlinu(UMw iititukukM» «M; nuyjjTni )uirr>im^. K4((nii«kl<nnpi(iriki«b FARM BUREAU INSURANCE Aulo .Home .Life H e l p i n g ^ u is what we do best. Mocksville (336) 751>6207 Advance (336) 998*6521 •fbll.oom • поП)1п1.со1л i 6 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Thursday, July 29,20(14 i Public Records II I: A rre s ts \ The Davic County Slw riffs Dc- i piirtnieiU mmic tlic follow ing ar- ; rests; J -C oily Allen Keller, 17. of 3868 ! U.S. fiOl Norlh. M ocksville was ; arrested July 22 for po.ssession wilh ; intent lo sel l/dcliver ninrijuanu and ; possession o f drug paraphernalia. I Triul date: July 29. I -Brnndon Geoffrey Oliver. 22, i of 226 Ralph Road, M ocksville was arrested July 22 for driving I wilh license revoked, possession -w ith intent 10 sell/deliver m ari­ juana, and possession of drug para- ■phernalia. Trial dute; July 29. > ■ Ronuld Gene Blydcn JR., 33. I o f 2295 U.S. 601 Soulh, M ocks- i vllle was arrested July 7 for failure lo appear. Triul dale; July 15. - Betty Jo Tulbert. 17, of 135 Rupard Trail, M ocksville wus ur­ rested July 19 for sim ple assault. Trial dale: Aug. 5. - M arisu A nn Muultsby, 26, of Charlolle was arre-ited July 19 for com m on law forgery.obstrueling. nnd delnylng. Trinl dale: July 22. - Edel Fuenles Hernandez, 25, of 287 Sw icegood Street, M o c ks­ ville w as arre.sled July 19 for no operators license. Trial dale: Aug. 6. - R hoyd Eugene Barnes, 69, of 133 C arol Street. A dvancc wns arrested July 20 for assaull wilh a deadly weapon. Trial date; Aug. 5. - Terry Matthew Dalton. 52, of 445 Dalton Road, M ocksville was arrested July 21 for failure lo ap- |K-ar. Trial date; July 28 in Guilford Couniy. - M isty Duw n Hall, 25, of 387 Fred Lanier Road, M ocksvillc wns nrresled July 21 for hnrassing phone cull. Trial date: July 29. - Jeffery W ebb Harrison Jr., 23. o f 380 Polls Road, Advance was urrested July 21 for com m u­ nicating Ihreuts. Trinl dnte; Aug. 20 in Surry Couniy. - Am anda M cD aniel Marlin, 27, of W inston-Salem was arrested July 2 1 fnr larceny, injury lo per­ sonal properly. Trial dale: Sept. 8 in Davidson County. - Norris Eugene Hudson.40, of 148 Foster Street, M ockville was arrested July 21 for failure to ap­ pear. Triul date; July 21. - Junn Ram irez Cnrbnjal, 49, of 100 Sunset Drive, M ocksville was arrested July 22 for driving with license revoked. Trial date; Sept. 29 in Yadkin Couniy. - Joseph W ayne Nunn, 30, of 4750 U.S. 601 North was urrcslcd July 23 for assnult on a female. Trinl dnte: July 29. - X3nry W ayne M yers, 34, of 1643 N.C. 801 Norlh, M ocksville was arrested July 23 for failure to uppeur. Triul dale: Sepl. 23. - Herbert W esley Tnlum Jr., 25. of 205 Fonzo Road, M o c ks­ ville was arrested July 23 on an order for arrest. Trial dute: Aug. 19. - Joshua M ilton Hnrdin, 29, of 132 Bingham Street, Mock.sville was arrested July 23 for brenking, entering, nnd felony larccny. Trial dale: July 29. - Thom as Michael Sheet, 2 1, of 126Sunset Drive, M ocksvillc was arrested July 23 for violation of pre-trial release. Trial date: Sept. 7. - Edw nrd Olenii Tale, 50, of 158 John C rolls Roud, M ocksville wns arre.sled July 24 for fictitious lug luid no ofierators liccnsc. Trial dale: nol arrested. - Jnmes Albert M cCallum , 36, o f 109 Northridge Court, M o c k s­ ville w as arrested July 24 for sim ple assmill. Trinl date: Aug. 5. - Shawn C arilonM cBruyer, 18, o f 149 Bultim orc Road, Advance w as urrested July 24 for posses­ sion of schedule V I. possession with intent to sell/deliver, posses­ sion of drug paraphernalia, curry­ ing a concealed weapon, failure lo slop al a stop.slgn, nnd w indow tint violation. Trial dale: not lisled. - Dean Arthur RIendeau, 43, of 1910 Furm ington Road, M o c ks­ ville wus arrested July 25 for driv­ ing with license revoked. Trial date: Aug. 20. iL a n d T ran sfers y The follow ing land transfers • were filed w ilh the D avie R cg - ii.ster o f Decd.-i, lisled by parties »involved, acrcage, tow nsliip aiul ;d cc(l stam ps purchased, w ith $2 ircprc,scnling $I,(XK). ; - K e lly Contrucling Services lo L a r r y P e llc g und K a re n i Pellcg, 1 lot, $848. 1 - Susan M . Atchley, exccutrix ! o f estate o f Florence Stafford ; M o c k to Stnfrord M . H ym an nnd ; M icha cI R. H ym an, I acre, $86. ! - Jack L. W atkins and Sandra IG . W atkins to Fielding C o m b s and A n n C om bs, I lol, Fam iing- ; ton, $122. ; - Raym ond J. M arkland and ¡R u t h S. M a rk la n d , D .C . ¡L a w re n c e a n d Patty S u e ' L a w rc n c c , a n d E u g e n e O. G e a rrcn to M ic h a c I D o u g la s H a y e s a n d L c u h C a m e ro n H ayes, 1 lol, $56. - M n b e l K . M in iz lo Kenneth R. M in tz and J. M a rk M in iz, 3 tracts, Mock.svillc. - Z a c k Rolhrock Builders to G eorge W . M artin and B rook W. M artin, I lot. Farm ington, $ 112. - Jam es Goforth lo Sheena M . Shellon, 1.34 acres, Calahaln. - J. E m o ry C ra w fo rd and M a rtlu i C . C ra w fo rd to Beechtrec’s Trio, I tract, Farm ­ ington. - M a rg a re t B. A llis o n to Jum es Ed w a rd A lliso n , 3 par­ cels, Calahaln, $120. - Betty Jean H endrix to Jerry Clyde Hendrix, 2 racis. Shady Grove, $308. - Frunces Irene Sloncstreet to Je sse W a y n e P e rk in s and Beveriy P. Perkins. I lot, M o c k s­ ville. .$91. - A llo n M auld in and Gabriele M a r lu - C h r is liu n e R is c h e - M a u ld in to R a m o n a M . Blunkall, 1.17 acres, Jerusalem. - N o rm a n C . B a rllc ll and Janet 0 . B a r llc ll to A in y H ardister, I lol, M o c k sv ille , $216. - H a ro ld 0 . S c a ts und D e b o ra h C . S e a ts lo E a rlie Beaucham p, T im M a b c, R ic k T c sh a nd R o n Z im m e rm a n , tru ste e s o f E a g le H e ig h ts C hurch, 3 acres, Farm ington, $65. - M u lva n c y H om es lo Sharon M . Espclund, I lot, Furm ington, $338. - W illia in R u fu s Sm ith and M ic k c y S. S m ilh to T im o th y W ayne G ranfili and Donna W. C rnnfill, 2 tracts, $116. - Brent E d w n rd T om bcrlin and A pril O. Tom bcrlin lo Gerald L. T oinberlln und Deborah A . Tom beriin, 1.93 acrcs, M o c k s­ ville, - G in d y L. B yrn to Eliznbelh L. Hall, H ot, M ocksville , $2.50. - A ustin Byrne and Jennifer J e ssin g B y rn e lo G e o rg e A. Sealey and Teresa S. Sculey, I lol, Farm ington, $708. - C.J. Ram ey, attorney in fact for O ak Valley Associates, Ridge R u n Properties and O a k Valley Propcrlies lo Forrc.st C . Cranfill Construction, 1 lot, Farm ington, $109. - O uk V alle y A sso cia te s lo Cam bridge Isenhour Home.s, I villa lot, Furm ington, $89. - F re d e ric k L . A lle n and Cheryl K a y A lle n to W illiatn S. B ailey, 10 acres, M o c k sv ille , $580. - D iunc D . M eadcr lo Jatnes E. A b e rn e tliy nnd T a n y a W. Abernethy, 1 lot, Farm ington, $804. - M u lva n c y Hom es lo L u is A. Saniizo, 1 cpndom inium , Fnrm ­ ington, $264. - M u lva n c y H om es to R ob in C hinn, 1 lot, Farm ington, $310. - K e lly D . W illiam s to K e lly W illia m s M y e rs und B riu n S. M ye rs, 1 lot, Calahaln. - T. M ichae l Hutnphrcy and M e lissa H um p hrey lo Ello n C. S lig h Jr., I lol, F u rm in g lo n . $264. - B R 549 to Ironstone Hom es, 1 lot, Furm inglon, $144. - Lena C. H aire and George H aire to Lena C. H uirc (half in­ terest), 25.63 acrcs, Fnrm ington. - T hoinas H. Clem ents, sub­ stitute trustee to Green Tree Se r­ vicing, 3.97 acrcs, $129, - A dam s E g lo ff Avant Prop- ctlies and Salem Developm ent Ventures to M u lv a n c y H om es, 1 lot, Farm ington, $71. - C h r is to p h e r T h o m a s B la c k b u rn a n d D e n ise J. Blackb urn 10 G iim c y T. Johnson und W nnda B, Johnson. 1 tract, Fuhon. I j H ig h w ay P atrol I The following traffic wrccks in t D avic County were listed by the ¡N .C . Highw uy Pntrol. I Drivers Ilospltullzcd AOcr W rcck A Duvic man was charged with ■ fuilure 10 rcducc speed after the ; vehicic he wus driving hit unother ¡July 14. Ronnie Lee Coble o f 455 Mr, Henry Road, M ocksville was driv­ ing u 1997 Dodge vchicle west on U.S, 64 behind u 1989 M ercury vehicle driven by C a lv in Dean O 'N eal o f 2631 U.S. 601 Sbulh, M o cksville . O ’Neal slow ed his vchiclc to m nkc n right turn onlo Brook Rose Lnne, n grnvel drivc- wny. Coble fulled to slow his vc­ hicle in time und it collided with O'Nenl's. Coble's vchiclc then col­ lided with n dllch nnd overturned, com ing lo a Unal unconirollcd rest on the shoulder. Trooper M .C. How ell reported i Fires ■ Davic County firedepartrnenls responded lo ihe follow ing culls; I ,luly 16: M ocksville, 7:11 n.m., I Enterprise W uy, hnznrdous condi- Ilions; W illium R. Duvie nssisted: ‘ M ocksville, 12:23 p.m.. Vulley ; Ridge View, sm oke invesllgnlion. ,' ,|uly 17: C ouniy Line, 1:14 i p.m., 1-40 Easl, vehicle fire; Cool- ;eemee.4;.54p.ni.,N.C.801 Soulh, ‘.n ssisi R ow an C ou n ty; Sm ith jCirovc, 6:.37 p.m., U.S. 158, nulo- ; mobile nccideni. ; .luly IK: M ocksville, 3:04 n.rn., iM n in Church Road, nutomobile I uccident; Sinith Grove, 10:06 p.m., ¡Redlund Road, fire aliirnv. Farm- inglon nssislcd. .luly 19; M ocksvillc, 12:11 n.m.. U.S. 601 South, fire itlarm: Jcrusulem assisted. .luly 20: M ocksville, 10:56 a.m., Jcricho Church Road, auto­ mobile accidcnt; Center assisted; Cenier, 4:08 p.m., ljumes Church Road, cubic line down; W illiam R. Davie nssisted. ,luly 2 ): Jerusnlem, 12:38 p.m., Tntum Roud, fire nlurni; C o o l­ eemee nssislcd. July 22: Sm ilh Grove, 2:52 p.m., 1-40 Easl, uulom obilc ueci- deni; Furm inglon nssisted; W ill­ iam R. Davie, 4;.59 p.m., U.S. 601 Norlh, uulom obilc accident; C en­ tcr, 5:57 p.m.. U.S. 64 West, uulo- m ob ile nccid eni; S h e ffie ld - Calnhaln, com pany transfer. .Iiily 23: Jeru.saleni, 5:01 p.m., Fairfield Road, automobile acci­ dent. Ju ly 24: Centcr, 2:14 p.m., 1- 40 West, grass fire; Poiinly Line assisted. Ju ly 25: County Line, 3:35 p.m., 1-40 in Iredell Couniy, aulo- mobilc accident; Fanninglon,4:19 p.m.. Maplewood Lane, fire alarm; Sm ilh Grove assisled; Center, 4:.30 p.m., on standby. iS h e riffs D ep artm en t ! The following inciilenis were ¡reported to the D a vie C ounty ¡Slie riffs Depanment. ¡ - O n July 19 Richard Sm ith ■ reported an assaull w iih a deadly ¡weapon al a location on Cluyhon ¡Drive. Advancc. 1 - Jane Nivens reported a eon- •cretc bench w as laken from a •church on N.C. 601 North. M(K-ks- ¡vilic on July 19. '■ - O n July 19 Sirom y Ham m ■ reported gas was tuken w ilhoul ;pay from Dean's M in i Mart, Ad- ;vunce. i - Caroline A lh e y reported a ¡television anil door were damaged ut u home on W hetstone Road, M ocksville on July 20. - On July 20 B illy Potts re­ ported dishes, an ice pick, a cop­ per pol, vacuum cleaner, clock, pillow, and food containers were tnken from u location on Potls Road, Advuncc. - Brenda Jester reponed a m ail­ box was dam aged on Peop le Creek Road, Advancc on July 20. - O n July 22 Jaclyn Athey re­ ported u license plalc was taken from a residence in Davie County. - M oney wus reported stolen from a coin operated machine at L A W Corner Store, M ocksvillc on July 23. - O n July 22 John M eN eely reported a 1972 Ford Iruck was taken from the old Davie landfill, - A domestic disturbance was reported al a residence on U.S. 601 Norlh, M ocksville on July 23. - O n July 23 Larrie Frank re­ ported a m issing person al a resi­ dence on Levity Lane, Mocksville. - Charlie Harnett reported a towed vehicic at a locaiion on Bear Creek Church Road, M o c ks­ villc on July 24. - O n July 24 Felton Mayfield reported an assault al a locution on Duke Street, Cooleemee. jM ocksville Police ! The follow ing inciilenis were ¡reported lo the M o c ksville Po- ¡licc Department. J - The breaking and entering 'o f a house on C am pbell Roud .'was reported July 19. ■ - T h o lu rc e n y o f $ 2 6 .3 9 Iw orth o f g a so lin e from Fast ¡Track, Y a d kin v ille Road, w as ¡reported July 20. - The larccny o f rim s, chuine ¡and pedals from u bicycic at nti ¡apartment off M illin g R oad wi.s •reported July 22. ¡ - The breaking and entering ;of a b u ild in g on D epot Slreel ¡was reported July 21. A rre sts - Brian C a se y Tham es, 2 1, of 6 45 U. L e x in g io n Road, w as ch arge d w ith tw o co u n ts o f breaking and entering u vehicle iuul llirce counts o f lurccny from a vehicle. T rinl dnte; July 22. - Juslin K y le Leonard, 18, o f 3 63 Cana R oa d , w as chargcd July 23 with possc.ssion o f m ari­ juana, possession o f dnig pura- phcm nlia und underage posses­ sion of beer. T rial date: Sepl. 17. - Laverne Dillard, 43, o f 425 C am pbell R o a d , w as ch argcd Ju ly 26 w ilh obtaining property b y false pretense. T ria l date: A ug. 5. 'IV uffic A ccident - A M o c k s v illc m an w as charged w ith exceeding u safe speed and operating a car with unsafe tires afler a w reck on North M a in Street al 6:52 p.m. July 24. Barlolo Herrera Flores, 24, o f 120 Hiilcrest Court, w us driving a 1993 Ford that went off the road to the right and struck a utility pole before traveling an­ other 61 feel and hilling a tree, reported Officer L. Keith Gunter Flores w us tuken lo Ihc hospital w here he w as treated and re­ leased for a broken arm. the accident occurrcd at approxi­ mately 6:42 p.m. and both men • were taken lo Baptisl Hospital in W inston-Salem for trealmenl. D ru n k D riv e r W re c ks Vehicle A Duvic mun was chargcd with D W I and driving with liccnsc re­ voked after he wrecked the vchiclc he was driving July 16. Joseph Edward Cregar of 316 U nderpass Road, A dvance wns driving his 2004 Toyota vehicle north on N.C. 801 and entered a curve at an excessive rale of speed. Cregar run his vehicle offthe roud to the right, collided with an em- bunkment und u drivew ay culvert. Crcgar's vchiclc bccamc airborne, overturned, and came lo resl up­ right In a privule yard. Trooper M.T. Dalton reported Ihc nccidcnt occurred at approxi­ mately 10 p.m. C ulllslun A t Intersection A W oodleaf man wus churgcd wilh exceeding safe speed after the vehicle he was driving hil another July 16. M ig u e l A n g e l F ra n c o o f W oodleaf was driving his 1987 Clievrolcl pick-up south on U.S. 601 und attempted to m ake a right turn onlo Liberty Circle. A 2004 Ford vchicle driven by Ellic Jones Bobbitt o f 1828 Junction Roud, M o c ksville was slopped al ihe sto p sig n on L ib e riy C ircle , Franco's iruck crossed llic center line and collided with Bob bin's vchiclc. T ro o p e r F.C. F e rg u so n re­ ported the accident occurrcd m up- proximatcly 3:36 p.m. Culllslun O n U.S. 601 A Duvie mun wus churgcd with failure lo rcducc speed afler the vchiclc he was driving hit another July 16, Ancelm o Pastor Rum os of 498 I lospilul Street Extension, M ocks­ villc wus driving hi.s 1992 M azda vehicle norlh on U.S. 601 behind a 2003 DiKlgc pick-up driven by G nrlnnd E d w in C n rr o f 136 Brookw ood Trail, M o cksville . Carr slowed his Iruck for traffic und Ram os' vehicle collided wilh his pick-up. T rooper F.C . F e rg u so n re­ ported Ihe accident occurred al ap­ proximately 4:12 p.m. and there were no injuries. M n n C linrged In W reck A Duvic man was charged w ilh un.safc movement after the vchiclc he was driving hit imolhcr July 16. W nyne G ilb e rt D e a l o f Statesville wns bncking his 1992 C M C vchiclc cast onlo N.C. 801 from a privule drive. Dorothy Sue Jolly of 218 Coilonluil Lune, A d ­ vnnce wns slopped in her 1999 Ford vehicle fucing oust in u pri­ vule drive. Deal's vehicle struck Jolly's in the left rear. Trooper A .A . Justice reported the accident occurrcd ul upproxl- mutely 10:15 a.m. and there were no Injuries. W rc c k O n Intcrstutc A Davic mun wns charged w iih failure to rcducc speed after the veiiicle he was driving hit another July 18. Justin C lark Sherrill o f 216 B ro o k D rive, M o c k sv ille w us driving a 2 0 0 1 Honda vchiclc east on 1-40 behind a 2004 Saturn driven by Ralph Scott H alliscy of Cary. H allisey hnd slopped his vehicic for stopped traffic and Shcrill failed lo slow his vehicle In lim e before it collided w ilh H alllscy's. Trooper M.T. Dalton reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 4:55 p.m. and there were no Injuries. D rive r Charged, D ru n k D riving A Dnvie mnn wus churgcd with D W I, driving left o f cenier, nnd e xp ire d in sp e ctio n nfler he wrecked the vehicle he wus driv­ ing July 18. Joshuu A lun M n rio n of 126 M o rse Street, M o c k sv illc w ns driving n 1998 Chevrolel pick-up west on U.S. 158 when he drove the truck off the roud to the right onto the gruss shoulder. M urion ovcrcorrcctcd his pick-up, crossed the center line into n side skid, collided with un embankment, nnd overturned. Trooper M.T, Dulton reported the accident occurred nt approxl- C ooleem ee Police The follow ing are from C o o l­ eemee P o lic c D ep a rlincnl re­ ports. - M atthew B oyd Garner, 24, o f 156 Springhill Drive, M o c k s­ ville, w us charged July 21 with two counts o f probation viola- , lion, - It w as reported Ju ly 24 som eone wus trespassing on the dam on the South Yadkin River, - It w as reported July 22 that som eone h«d bent a fencc on South Y ndkin P ow er property neur T h e Bullhole. - T he larceny o f new'spnper rucks from the shopping center w us reported July 19. mutely 3 n.m. Triictor Trailer H its Phone Line N o chnrges were filed nfler nn nccideni Involving n Soulh C aro­ lina m an on July 20. Donny R. M unloy Sr. o f AnU cr-' son w as driving his (988 Pcicrblll iraclor-lrailcr north on John Crotts Rond with il collided with a Sprint telephone line that was hanging ucro.ss the road. The lelcphone pole the broke and collided with side o f M anley's vchiclc. T roop e r F.C. F e rg u so n re­ ported the nccidcnt occurrcd at np­ proximately 11:18 n.m. and there were no injuries. D ru n k D rive r H its M a ilb o x A Davie man was chargcd with D W I. left of center, nnd exceed­ ing a sufe speed afler he wrecked the vchiclc he was driving July 20. Dnniel Steven Koolstrn of 202 Hidden M eadow s Trnll, M o c k s­ villc wus driving hi.s 1993 G M C pick-up south on Rnlph Rnlledge Rond when he drove ihc Iruck of( Ihe lefl side of ihe roud and col­ lided w ilh a m nilbox. Kooistrn then drove his truck buck onto tlie roud nnd run off the righi side, •siruck n ditch, nnd overturned. Trooper L.J. Sinley Jr. reported Ihc nccidcnt occurrcd ul npproxi- matcly 9:52 p.m. und there were no injuries. W rc ck A t Diivie H ig h School A Dnvie teen wns chnrged wilh snfe movement violulion afler Ihc vchicle he was driving hil anoiher July 20. Terry Alexander Stcclc Jr. of 164 Laird Lnne, A d v a n cc wns bncking his 1998 Ford pick-up in the Dnvie H igh pnrking lot when he bnckcd inlo u pnrkcd 1994 Buick vehicic. Trooper M .C. How ell reported the nccideni occurred al npproxi- malcly 1:17 p.m. and there were no injuries. N o C h a rg e s Klled In W re ck N o chargcs w ere'filed after u wreck on July 22. Tim othy Ray W all o f Hunnony was d riving his 2004 Kcnw orih tra clo r-lrn ilcr east on Ijam es Church Roud. A ulilily line was sagging across the road und W nll's Iruck collided with it. The line wns lorn from the pole und came to rest in the roadwuy. Trooper M .C . How ell reporlcd the accidcnt occurred at approxi­ mately 4:41 p.m: und there were no Injuries. Accident On lltick Seafurd Ruud N o charges were filed after un accidenl on July 20. Piense T u rn To Page 7 At Cam p B o y S co u ts from Tro o p 57 5 attended a cam p at C h e ro k e e S co u t R e se rva ­ tion, O ld N orth State C ouncil, during the w ee k of Ju ly 4 -1 0 . T h e ca m p is lo­ cate d in C asw e ll C o u n ty n ear Y anceyville, T h e Sco uts w ere given the opportu­ nity to w ork on m erit badges a n d rank a d van cem en ts. Tax Free Holidays Next Week Friday, Aug. 6 through Sun­ day, Aug. 8 is a sales tax free weekend for biick-to-school shopping. Included in Ihe tax exemp­ tion are clothing, footwear, and .school suppl ies of $ 100 or less ■ per item; sports and recreation equipment of $50 or le.ss per item; and computers of $3,500 or less per item. Clothing accessories, jew­ elry, cosmetics, protective equipment, wallets, furniture, items used in a trade or busi­ ness, nnd rentals are not cov­ ered by the exemption nnd will be subject to the applicable tax. ^ Computers sold during the ' holiday period with a sales price of $1,000 or more per Item must be documented by means of Form E-599H, North Cnrolina Sales Tax Holiday Exemption Certificate, or other evidence to establish the exemption. The vendor must maintain the documentation. Davie Schools’ Open Houses Wednesday, Aug. 4 N orth D avie M iddle, 6th G ra d e 5 -7 p .m . S o u th D avie M iddle, 6th G ra d e 6 -8 p .m . D a vie H igh, Fre sh m e n N e w Students 7 -8 :3 0 p .m . Thursday, Aug. 5 C o o le e m e e E le m e n ta ry 5 -7 :3 0 p .m . C o rn a tze r E lem en tary 5 -7 :3 0 p .m . ELL 4-5:30 p.m., media center Parents of third graders should m eet In the gym at 6:30 to discuss reading assessment PreK and kindergarten, Aug. 3, 5:30-7:30 M ocksville Ele m e n ta ry 5 -8 p .m . P in ebroo k E le m e n ta ry 5 -7 p .m . S h a d y G ro v e Ele m e n ta ry 5 -8 p .m . W illiam R . D a vie E lem en tary 5 -7 :3 0 p .m . N orth D avie M iddle, 7lh a n d Sth G ra d e s 5 -7 p .m . S o uth D avie M iddle, 7th a n d Bth G ra d e s 6 -8 p .m . H ig hw ay P atrol C ontinued F ro m Page 6 G a rry R a y n o r G u th rie o f Ham ptonville was driving a 1988 M a ck iruclor-lruilcr north on Buck Seaford Roud when it collided with an Energy United power line thul was hanging low across the roadway. T ro o p e r F.C. F e rg u so n re­ ported the uccident occurred at np- proxiii'nlely 10:32 n.m. and there were no Injuries. V ehicic H its Fallen Tree N o charges were filed after an accident on July 21. C arol Slu m p M u llis o f 938 H ow ell Road, M o c k sv illc w as d riv in g her 1990 Ford vehicle soulh on U .S. 6 0 1. A tree hnd been cut down and had fallen onlo Ihc bolh lanes of 601. M u llis' vehicle collided w ilh tree. Trooper M .C . How ell reported the accident occurrcd ut approxi- m alcly 9:13 p.m. imd there were FREE Movie Night Friday, July 30 - 8;30pm j Bring family, friends, a blanket or lawn chair Enjoy a “fam ily movie" with us F e ature film ; Second Hand Lions • Free p o p co rn , drin ks, c o tto n c a n d y • Sixm sorcd b \: ^ 1/2 mile from Dairy Queon on Hwy 158 Call Bronda lor details _ 940-6618 ^ no injuries. C ollision O n Interstate A Norlh Carolina w om an was charged w ith fnilurc to reduce speed nfter the vehicle she was driving hit another July 23. Eb on y N icholc Pritchard of Greenville was driving her 1994 Nissan vehicic east on 1-40 behind a 1990 Acura vehicle driven by ■lohnny M ciTcll Johnson of 168 Pem brook Ridge Court, Advuncc. Johnson slow ed his vehicle for irnffic and Pritchard's vehicle col­ lided wilh his. Trooper M .C , How ell reported the nccidcnt occurrcd ut upproxi- mutely 2:53 p.m. and Pritchard w as taken to Forsyth M cd lcal Cenier in W inston-Sulcm for tivat- menl. Sleeping D riv e r Wreck-s A Davic man wus charged with rcckless driving after he wrecked the vchiclc he was driving July 22. M ichacI Louis Boger o f 192 Fostull D rive , M o c k sv illc w as driving his 1993 Chevrolet vehicle north on U.S. 601 and stated he fell asleep. Boger's vehicle was driven off the right side o f the road, Ihen off ihc left side, and overturned. Trooper A.J. Farm er reported the uccidcnt occurred al approxi­ mately 5 p.m. and there were no injuries. C able L in e S tru c k B y T ru ck N o charges were filed uftcr an nccideni on July 23. Brudlcy Scolt M orris o f 103 Drnughn Lane, M ocksville wns driving a 2001 Freightliner truc- tor-lrallcr east on Fairfield Road when il collided wilh an Adelphin C able line hanging ilcross ihc roadway. Trooper A .J. Farmer re­ ported the uccident occurred ut np­ proximately 5 p.m. nnd there were no injuries. Wetmore Farms W O O D L E A F Canning Tomatoes Homegrown Tomatoes Watermelons Squash, Cucumbers, Homegrown Cantaloupes Green Beans, Corn Local Peaches & Blueberries Open Monday-Saturday 8 : 0 0 a m ~ 6 :0 0 p m C lo s e d o n S u n d a y s from Mocksville take 601 South to 801 Intersection, turn rlgiit at light. 4 miles to caution light In Woodleat. Follow signs to farm. 704-278-2028 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .luly 29,2004 - 7 Quality Buildings W o o d e n a n d M e t a l B u ild in g s • C a r p o r t s starting at * 5 9 5 W o o d e n & M e t a l S t o r a g e B u i l d i n g s starting at * 6 9 5 • M e t a l G a r a g e s a n d R V C o v e r s F in a n c in g A v a ila b le • 9 9 8 W est P in e St. M o u n t A iiy , N C (3 3 6 ) 7 8 6 -6 0 70 (80 0) 5 9 7 -5 5 20 Ì S i G r e a t e r F r e e d o m Large calling area Lots of mlhutes 1000 Anytime Minutes U N L IM IT E D N ig h t & W e e k e n d M in u te s U N L IM IT E D M o b ile -to -M o b ile M in u te s F R E E N a tio n w id e L o n g D is ta n c e F R E E A C T IV A T IO N F R E E Ndkiii тм •Vnlcc Dtliiing for 25 n.UDc (идя •1’1итсЫн»к with wp 5(K» voutncts •CDlcndiir uml CItK'k. with Alarm •Л0 Uiiii! Tones Л Vilmiling Alcrl •4 Onrncx Included •ClwngttHWc FiKcplattts I'honc prmnoiinn aviiilublc on new line» of icrvice on m y ЛИЛ RL m t plan $39.95 of lilghcr* I th e phone p la c e 1 2 1 0«pot BL Mon,*Prl. 8:30anv5pm M ockiv«l*,NCa702e 8«19мгЫ гпооп 336-751-2626 Fmo piusMeneguüioíyCostRecove^FM «jaUDDBLт т т г б т г г г г Е z z o x E H z : Aitf I ti4M WKftMH I Im МЦ iMt 1КЫГМ • M fltfuiN«nr Co« fWcoTvv 1 1 m ffuMtMlMwul r«4 tm 11 III «Н J«» to IVHceOiM AlUEL eiitf il pirttwinj 1г- И J-yf Mtvw «ml #«гл*11 appnMd hirtdiel imtnti Um пм pltn флул t miwwn ccrti»«. *200 »V to# «ppt«! Actu4lC№«<tg* ivt tMe* oulMto («rou' ■ lutifKI t Mt/I кмшга. mnut« â Ьпм*1«к« cfiirM. CXVi ar* trw AllIEL 1*mt i CcnKoni lof Codvnu'ejlcni Stiwtt.C<irgpiÉn(tM4<i.âicng»nltmi«con(Ma4,tr«mai«tyArLTElWO4«Mraill*lctmfiÿ>lirtUun-W«»0ftm-{S9«ffl W«*ttAr*ftt900[*^W»vSi9in\Mcíi.to^lo-Mct«toMnut«»»«íyK)WliC<«kirwiri('g.4ii| voc«m<4Mhliclu(M rMo'fwff»Vu(^irwPnoniiPuc«onVi»№i2<múnmconMcl ;of the A R T S ÌP 0 5 : . г а г Season Opener Riders In the Sky Fritjay, August 20 al 7;00pm Jazz Under The Stars Saturday, September 11 at 7;00pm Salem Justice Tuesday, October 19 at 7:00pm Romeo & Juliet IVIonday, October 25 at 7:00pm Rhonda Vincent & The Rage Saturday, November 6 at 7:00pm • Raleigh Ringers Saturday, December ■ •A Celtic Festival Saturday, January 8 at! • Hot Club of Cowtownf Saturday, February 5. • The Musical Tale of P| Tuesday, February 22¡ • Amelia Bedelía Coes i Sunday, May 1 at 2:3,t • Ramenco Ole' Saturday, May 7 at 7.| m a i‘l ,*i 'J t ? f îîf iif e lïl 1,1 5"', " biuegrass &more • Ronnie Bowman Saturday 18 at 7:00pm • Rhonda Vincent & The Rage Saturday, November 6 at 7:00pm > JD Crowe & The New South Saturday, December 11 at 7:00pm ■ Charlie Waller a The Country Gentleman Saturday, January 15 at 7:00pm • 2nd Annuali Friday & S(i| a 12 at 7:0| • David Pete Friday, Mai • Seldom See Friday, Mai • Grass Cats Saturday, - T l m O 'l ! « á . ..■“ K ü Ш В I Purcliue a »ason ticket I and be pail of each shewl I ForonlyJISO,anyone can j t« part ol out cnllr* Kisont ICall (336)751-3000 I boxolllct®il>«leail>.oig I I_____________________J Jk;’; •¿urv’;... bliicgrasM puss bo part ot our D a v ie C o u n ty A r t 's C o u n c il Brock Performinq Ar (i22 Ni)ith M.iiii Street • Mdcksvil] Hov Olflu-lhiurs: М«)и Гг112 •ЛП l’nli>riiunii'\ licMal Ihc НикКЧч. ____ * lliili^> Olln-t\vlH- NoIsS 8 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 29,2004 A V ery Special T H A N K Y O U Thank you to all the good people of Davie County who supported me in the recent primary election. it has been a great honor to serve you the past eight years and with your support In November I look forward to serving you four more years. R ic h a rd B. P o i n d e x t e r Paid for by Richard B. Poindexter DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .luly 29,2004 - 9 i.% V IR G IN IA F O X X FO R CO NG RESS Performance is Better Than a Promise! T H A N K Y O U ! For your vote in ihc July Rcpublicun Primary. M a k e n o b o n e s a b o u t i t Y o u d e s e r v e a h a r d w o r k in g , p r o v e n c o n s e r v a t iv e t o r e p r e s e n t y o u in C o n g r e s s ! P A ID F O R B Y F O X X F O R C O N G R E S S The King's Brass They've called from South Carolina for tickets, and from across North Carolina. The King’s Brass is a popular group that will bring its mix of hymn classics with a contemporary flair on Friday, July 30 at 7:30 p.m. at the Brock Performing Arts Center, North Main Street, Mocksville. Tickets are $15. F ir e D e p a r t m e n t O f f e r s C o u n t y $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 C o u n t y L in e : W a t e r S y s t e m W o r k O v e r d u e Contlducd From Pukc 1 b re a k d o w n o f tin y o rg iin ic m alcriiils. such ns Iciil'particlcs, lhat w ere n o l cn ii^ h l In the IruulniL'nl plant. O r c y ’s plan w ould have a series o f loops, as opposed to one i!iant lo o p a ro u n d the counly. T h is w ould a llow better flo w w ith le ss c h a n c e o f pressure loss. T h e p la n is the m ost cornprehensive study ever put lo g e lh e r o f the g r o w in g c o u n t y 's n e e d s in b o th D is c o v e r H o w T o S a v e U p T o 3 3 % O n Y o u r C a r In s u ra n c e . Y o u c o u ld q u a lify f o r th is a m a z in g n e w p ro g r a m i f y o u : • Have no tickcis in thi; past 3 years • Have no accidents in pul 3 yean. • Malnlaincd continuous coverage for Ihe pasl 3 years If you're sick and tired of skyrocketing car insurance rates, do yourself a favor and call us. We've specialized in car insurance for years. We are the expertsi Do not send your current company another cent until you call us; you could be overpaying by as much as 13 -27-33% or f>/10RE! You owe il to yourself to find out just how much you can save. CALL NOW! N S A C EN<iIUmv)I Society of Agmtt lorConsumer Education WaU-Climn!, Cl'CU Author, CousuUaut anil i.iccfiscd lnsur>incc Ai’viK Don ’ t S en d Another Red C ent O f Your Hard Earned C ash To Your Insurance C om pany Before You Call Us. • |)n u n iU to )nu* ihi* jH u kiiH Ilf Ihi* i*riT dv n i» u r;iiu c (i)iii|> iiitio ? • \rf \oii sun- vou'n- ;iri- i*iUitin Ihc hv>l io\ i liiuc .it ihi IknI |uici'.’ • \ti- \o ii u iilin u illl o f Illl (llscounlN th at u iu d c sv iM .* Don’t luri*vt U\ ;\sU lor our I ri'c ilcport--! 1 N\ :i) s 1 o Sii\ i* Moiii'\ On ( ¡ir Iiisnraiici' S e e W h y So M an y P eo p le A re F lo ckin g T o C lin ard In s u ra n c e “I have been with Clinarti for 15 plus years. Recently I called Geico, AIG, AARP, and Na­ tionwide lo see ifl could get lower insurance rates. None of them could heal, Clinard, ! insure all my needs through Clinard: home, boat, autos,'and they always find me the best deal. The people at the agency are ¡jreat to work with, 1 am more than pleased with Clinard Insurance.” Joe Strieker of Clemmons, NC "I’ve been with Clinard over 20 years. One day Geico called and wanted me to try them but afier crunching the numbers Clinard could not be beat and Geico was nabberjjasted. I’m happy with Clinard and I don’t plan to go anywhere else. Stephanie Kay, Kemersville, NC ^ w i n s t o n s a l e m chimbtr of (om m tfti C n ll o u r O d o le L in o N o w 7 6 5 -1 2 3 1 re sid e n tia l u sa g e a nd fire protection, G rey said. G re y spoke to co u n ly fire c h ie fs to a sse ss each a re a 's needs, and crcaled a grid m ap o f w hat the future o f D a v ie ’s w aler system should strive to be. U n d e r Ihe h e w plan, the system w ould be iible to support .“iOO ga llo n s a m inute for fire protection in virtually all parts o f the county, “Eve n if there is o nly one house out there,” G re y said, “W c w ould be nlilc to bring an adequate su p p ly o f wnter and m a in ta in that flo w fo r fire protection," O r c y ’s p ln n p ro m o te s increasing the am ount o f water lines in the com m unities thnt urc under served, and increasing the diam eter o f fe e d in g lin e s lo firerightlng sum dards lo nrciis that have few or no hydrants. T h e report also indicates that give n Ihe co u n ty’s population g ro w th , u s in g sta n d a rd calculations, the pre.seni system w ill no,longer be able lo meet tiie needs o f the residents by the year 2006, Although actual usage charts sh o w residents arc not u sin g w a le r at m n x in iu in capacity, G re y ’s figures have not been disputed as unlikely. “ H e u se d a svo rse ca se scenario here, as he absolutely s h o u ld h a v e ," sa id c o u n ty m anager Terry Bralley. G re y presented the report during a budget w o rksh o p on M a y .1, The board hns not taken any aclion on tho plnn, K oontz recently asked board chair Richard I’oindoxter, at a ca n d id a te ’s fo ru m , w hat the delay w as regarding the plan. I’oin d cxtcr said the plnn w as u n d e rgo in g ch ange s and w as ' not ready to be pul before the board. C o m m issio n e r K e n W hite sa id he w a s unaw are o f any reason the plan w as held up. P o in d e x t e r sn id he hns spoke n to K o o n tz on several occa sion s regarding the w ater plan, and w ns at a loss ns to w hy he w us questioned pub licly nt the forum . “ H e kn o w s the plnn is still being w orked on,” Poindexter snid. “S ta ff (Terry B rn lle y) is w o r k in g o n it, a n d w e ’re w a itin g lo be presented w ith so m e d ire c tio n , n fte r Ih c clianges nre m ade,” P oindexler snid the changes were necessnry bccause the plnn has to be u se d stric tly as n guideline, nnd the bonrd needs tho fle x ib ility to e h n n go the order o f im provem ents bnsed on s h if t in g nn d u n a n tic ip a te d needs, “ If w e have n com m ercial project or a developer com es in , w e 'll need to change priorities, and gel them the wnter first,” Poindexter said, Poindexter snid the new plnn needs to be studied clo.scly, nnd to e x a m in e the a m o u n t o f num ey the county is lo o k in g al spending on the im provem ents, “ I d o n ’t th in k he (P o in d e x te r) w ant-s to d o a n y t h in g u n lil a fte r the prim nry,” said K o o n iz . " I'v e spoken lo n lot o f people nbout this, including John Grey. There aren’t any changes in the plnn needed al this time. It’s politics, that's nil.” G rey snid he w as not asked to m ake changes to ihe plnn, bul rather to look nt costs. G rey snid it w ill cost about $20 m illion ove r a 2 .‘i-five year period to bring the county up lo a level o f service thnt provides potable wnter nnd fire protection to Ihe w hole county. “ It’s not unreasonable for the FUN • FOOD • FRIENDS Join us for a CO OKO UT T h i s S a t u r d a y J u ly 3 1 a t 6 P M FREE HAMBURGERS <£ HOTDOGSI K a r a o k e Starting at 9PM Watch NASCAR E a c h S u n d a y o n o u r B ig S c r e e n T V ! B ik e N io h t E v e r y F r id a y ! com m issioners to w ant lo sludy the num bers on this," John G rey suid, “T h is is go in g to be a very expensive plun,” C o m m issio n e r D a n Barrett snid n n olh e r renson Ihe plan h n d n ’t m nde the ngendn w ns becnuse o f the b usy load the com m issione rs faced in recent m onths, “T h is is nn e x c e lle n t proposal put together by .lohn G re y," Barrett snid. “ But w e 'v e had n num ber o f other issues to fnce in recenl m ontlis, including the budget. I k n o w (M n y ) to June so u n d s like n lo n g lim e, b u l w h e n y o u c o n sid e r the nm ount o f other issues w e 'v e fnced, it’s renlly not.” P o in d e x te r sn id thnt the m oney nllocnted is at w ork, nnd that im p ro v in g D a v ie ’s w ater sy st e m h a s n o v o r s lo p p e d . ^ Im provem ents and repnirs are nlw nys o n go in g under the old plun, he .said. C o n tin u in g to spend m oney on the old plan d oe sn ’t address the issue o f fire protection for the areas that have liltle or none nvailablo, K o o n tz said. C o u n ly L in e is one o f those a re a s, ns nre p n rls o f the F n rm in g lo n nnd W illin m R . D a v ie districts. Bralle y said he is prepared to advise the bonrd thnt he is ready to put both tho year one and year tw o im provem ents inlo action, w hich w ould address the areas Koontz is concerned w ilh. "T h e board should be in a p o s it io n , c e rt a in ly b y the A u g u s t m e e tin g , to m o v e forw nrd,” Bralley said. “ It m ay not be H perfect plan, il m ny need a tw eak o r tw o, bul w e 'll kn o w w here to tw cnk w hen the lim e com es,” T h e re is m o re thnn $ 3,5 m illion nllocnted to Ihc w aler c o n stru c tio n fu n d fo r the construction o f water fneilities for this fiscal year. T h e funds to initiate the im provem ent are in place, and Ihut m akes K o o n tz angry, “ 1 realize that w e're not the fastest gro w in g .section o f Ihe coim ty, but we deserve w aler, lo o ,” K o o n iz said , “T h e y ’re sillin g on the water m oney, nnd nol 10 aci, 10 not do som ething to correci this, is just nol right,” Veterans: B ew are O f Scam s A n o llie r sca m to try lure m oney IVom veterans has been reported in D a vie County. "L e t Freedom R in g ,” an or­ g a n iz a tio n lhat p ro m ise s a $6,000 grant lo w ar injured so l­ diers, is fake, said D a vie Veter­ a n s S e r v ic e O IT ic e r N o rm Carllon. “T h is is a rip o ff in order lo gain linancial inform ation from veterans,” C arllon said. M e n t o r s B i g B r o t h e r s / B ig S is t e r s C e ie b r a t e s F i v e Y e a r s O f H e lp in g D a v ie C h ild r e n Ш O n e hund re d years ago, a b usine ssm a n noticed a yo u n g boy rum m uging through a trash can for food and bought him a itienl. F ro m thnt m e e tin g . B ig Brothers B ig Sisters w a s born and has becom e the nation’s larg­ est and oldest m entoring agency. In June, n cclebrnlion w ns held in N ew Y o rk that included the T od a y S h o w ’s M att Lauer, a form er B ig Brother. L o ca lly, B ig B ro th e rs B ig Sisters o f D avie C o u n ly has a lot 10 celebrnie. Five yenrs ago. B ig Brothers B ig Sisters opened a sulellite of­ fice in D a vie County, dem ented to provid ing youth in need with an ndult m entor. T o dnte Iho ngency hns served more than 100 youth ill D a v io C o u n ly through its B ig Brother and Sister, Lunch Buddy, B ig B u d d y and w niting list program s. In addition lo spending lim e w eekly w ilh their B ig Brother, Sister or Budiiy, chidren in Ihe progrum have opportunities to participate in spccini aclivitics. Recent aclivitics inchided nn in- Iroduclion to martial arts, nnd nn ice cre a m s o c ia l h o ste d b y T u rre n tln e B a p tist C h u rc h , W hether it’s a trip lo see n W ar- Ihogs gam e or a group sponsored eve nt lik e th o se liste d . B ig Brothers B ig Sisters couldn’t do it without the help o f its volu n ­ teers, “ W e appreciate ihe time and el'fort our volunteers spend w ilh children in our program s,” said Dr, Regina G raham -I Iauser, di­ rector, “ Volunteers are the heart­ beat o f our orgnnizntion and their consisteni m entoring w ilh ch il­ dren truly m akes a difference, "Unfortunutely, alt itiose pro­ gram s cost m oney,” she snid, “ Il costs nbout $ 1,000 to match ench child, nnd we have a list o f ch il­ dren w a itin g lo be m atched. There are so inany children in D avio C ounty lhat w ould benelit from a B ig Brother or Sister, that we are turning to the com m unily for their help nnd support." T o m n k e the c h ild re n ’s drenm s become reality, the orga­ nization needs volunteers and fi- nanciai donations, w hich is w hy It has crcaled its first nnnunl cam pnign. W ilh the help o f the com m unity and a local founda­ tion, B B B S hopes to m ake those dream s com e true for m oro chil­ dren in D a vie County. “T h e M e b a n e C h a rita b le Foundntion has Issued a chal­ lenge m atching grant to help us m o d our goal o f $20,000. For e v e ry d o In r ra ise d , u p to $10,000, the M e bane Founda­ tion w ill match it dollar for dol­ lar. W e ’re very excited to have that support as w e begin this an­ nual cam paign.” T he benefits to the children in the progrum and their fam i­ lies are enorm ous, she said. A cc o rd in g to n privnte sludy. Little Brolhors.und Sisters aro 46 perccnt less likely to begin us­ in g illegni drugs, .^2 percenl less likely to skip school nnd 27 per­ ccnt less likely to begin using alcohol. In addition, they be­ com e m ore conndent in school and behave belter at home. A ll that from one hour a w eek with an adull w ho is doing tilings w illi them, nnytliing from w ashing a car 10 reading n book, G raliani- M auser said. If yo u ’re interested in becom ­ in g a volunteer or w ould like m ore inform ation, contact B ig Brothers B ig Sisters o f D a vio C o u n ly «1751-9906. D onations can be m ailed to B ig Brothers B ig S is te rs , P.O . B o x 5 2 2 , ' M o c ksvillc, N C 2702«. ^ ■ Monica White receives a plaque from Regina Grahann-Hauser in appreciation for being a high school “Big Buddy" for Big Brothers/Big Sisters for four years. The women of Turrentlne Baptist Church host an ice cream social for Big Brothers/Big Sisters participants. Jeff Battles demonstrates martial arts to children in the BBBS program. D a v ie C a m p u s O ffe rin g M e d ic a l A s s is ta n t, L a w E n fo rc e m e n t C la s s e s M edical A ssistin g and B a sic L a w R n fo rc e m e iil T r a in in g ( B L E T ) are two new academ ic program s o f sludy that w ill be offe re d on D a v id so n C o u n ty C o m m u n ily C o lle g e 's D a v io C a m p us this fall. C lasses for those w lio w ish to pursue a cnreer as a medicnl assistant w ill begin on Thursday, A u g. 19, and a new Basic L a w E n fo rc e m e n t a n d T r a in in g program w ill start on M onday, Oct. 18, B o lh w ill be offered al the D a vie Cam pus, located at 1205 S a lisb u ry R oa d , M o c k s v ille , a cro ss the street from D a v ie H ig h School. "W o are so happy to offer both o f these program s at our D a vie C a m p us for the first time Ihis fnll," snid Dr. M a ry Riltling, collcge pre.sidenl, "W c want to bring m ore educational oppor­ tunities to the cilizens o f D avio C o u n ly , a nd b o lh o f ihese program s can lead nol o nly lo im m ediate em ploym ent bul can be used as a stepping stone to either tw o -ye a r or fo u r-ye a r college degrees," M edical assisting classes w ill tie offered in the late afternoon and e v e n in g w ilh c o u rse s beginning at 4:30 p,m, and 6:30 Hank Van Hoy On Bar Association Committee H a n k V a n H o y o f M o c k s ­ v ille hns been iinm ed co -ch a ir o f the ju d ie in l ind e p end e n ce co m m itlc e o f the N o rlh C n ro ­ lin a B a r A sso c in lio n , T h e a p p o in t m e n t w n s m nde b y N C B A P resid e nt G , G ra y W ilso n o f W in s to n -S a ­ lem , It b e ca m e e ffe ctive on J u ly 1, D i n g y W a t e r P o s s i b l e A u g . 1 0 Jockey Textiles w ill lest Пге pum ps on Tuesday, A u g. 10 at 9 n.m. A re a s soulh o f M o c k sv ille m ay experience d in gy w aler. Contact D a vio C o u n ly W ator at 7 5 1 -5888 should you experience any problems. p.m. T he iw o-sem esler certificate program prepares students lo perform a range o f basic office skills u.scd in physicians’offices, hospitals, heallh departm ents and heallh m ainlcnancc organ­ izations. C ourse w ork includes ana­ tom y and physiology, m edical tenninoiogy, appoinlm enl pro­ cessing, m edicnl records, m ain­ tenance o f e q u ip m e n t and supplies, m cdical econom ics and introductory insurance proce­ dures, “ O n c e e n ro lle d , stud e nts huve the option o f elioofing to take m cd ica l transcrip tion or m cdical insurance coding,’’ said Jeannino \yood y, w ho ch airs D C C C ’s h e a llh te c h n o lo g y division, “T h o average starling salary for medicnl assistants is between $19,000 und $26,000 per year, and tile program is especially good I'or those w ho want lo slarl a new career and finish in less lhan a year,” C o u r s c s co m p le te d b y students can bo applied lo either D C C C ’s m o d ica l a ss is tin g diplom a or tw o-year associate’s degree. T o enroll, students must be liigh school graduales or have their G E D ; sub m it a D C C C application: com plete a sk ills assessm ent and achieve accep­ table sc o re s and huve b asic c o m p u te r k n o w le d g e and keyboarding skills. F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n on enrolling in Iho medical assisting cerlinente program on the D avie Cam pus, call 751-2885, slop by Ihc c a m p u s o r v is it u’M’hv <Uivi(lson.cc.nc.iis B a s ic L a w E n fo rc e m e n t , T raining (B L E T ) w ill be offered in October to better meet the law cnl'orccm eiit training needs o f D avio C ounly. B L E T training is m andated for all law enforce­ ment officers by tiie C rim inal J u stice T r a in in g S in n d a rd s C om m ission, a division o f the N .C. Departm ent o f Justice, "W e arc excited that we are e x p a n d in g the B a s ic L a w Enforcem ent T raining program lo the D a v ie Cam pus, and we hope it w ill be m ore convenient for residents tliere,” said Patrick Hennoily, w ho direcis D C C C ’s B a s ic L a w E n fo rc e m e n t T n iin in g or B L E T program . C ln sse s for the 6 1 2 -h o u r program w ill begin Oct. 18, and w ill end Feb. 22, 2005. In stru c tio n w ill in c lu d e crim inal, Jnvenjlc, civil, Iraffic, and a lc o h o lic beverage law s; investigative, patrol, custody, and court p roce dure s; em er­ g e n c y re sp o n se s; ethics and c o m m u n ily relation.s; se lf- d efe nse, fire a rm s, d r iv e r ’s training and first aid. “W e have hnd great succcss w ilh Ihe sam e program on the D a v id so n C a m p u s,” H ennoily said, “und I um proud to say our graduates iiave had a 1 (X) percent p a ssin g rate for the pasl five years.” Hennelly, a fom ier N.C. Stato H ig h w a y Patrol trooper w ho retired in - 1998, has lived in M o cksville for the pasl 10 years. He w ill be the supervisor for the day classes thal w ill be offered M onday-Friday. B a s ic L a w E n fo rc e m e n t T raining provides students witii sk ills required I'or entry-level em ploym ent as law enforcement officers w ith state, county, or m unicipal governm ents, or with private enterprise, G radnnles receive a curricnhim certincale and are (|uulifiod to take c e rtific a tio n e x a m in a tio n s mandated by the N,C, Crim inal Jusiicc Education and Training Sla n d ard s C o m m issio n or Ihe N ,C , S h e riffs ' E d uca tion and T r a in in g Stnndard.s C o m - mi.ssion, B L E T graduale.s receive 15 som estor hour credits tow ard D G C C ’s a so c ia le d e gre e in criniinni justice. Applicants m usl havo a high school diplom a or G E D ; a N ,C . d rive r’s license; com plete and subm it a D C C C a d m iss io n 's a pplication ; and achieve acceptable scores on a sk ills assessm ent. In addition, they m ust be at least 20 yenrs of ago, o f good m oral character and be sponsored by a law enforce­ ment agency. T h o se interested in learning m ore about B L E T m ay pick up an a p p lic a tio n at the D a v io cam pus, call H ennelly at 249- 8 186 ext. 360, or via the internel al w w w ,(lii\'iilxoii.<T.iif.ii.i. T h a n k Y o u to everyone who supported my campaign for Davie County Sohool Board. 1 truly appreciate the faith you have shown in me. L a m b e r t Paid for by Carl Lambert - g ,ii '‘A Storehouse For Jesus Now Collecting School Supplies To Be Distributed Siartinn A u g u s t 4 th T o D a v i e C o . C h i l d r e n i n N e e d . Items Needed: Crayons, Bookbags, Childrens Scissors, Glue, Rulers, Compasses, Folders, Loose Leaf Paper, 3 Ring Binders, Composition Notebooks, Pens & Pencils »Him tUm s SlioukI Be Brought To A Storehouse I'o r Jcsns 4 6 4 D e p o t St. M ocksville M o n -T n u rs. 9A M - 5 P M ( Evenings by Appointment) 751-1060 10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, July 29,2004 Davie People Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Couch A s h l e y - C o u c h C o u p l e M a r r i e d Mr. and Mrs. Jackson DanielJernigan S m i t h - J e r n i g a n C o u p l e M a r r i e d A t H e b r o n R o c k Slicrric Ashli;y ¡ind Ronnie Couch were iiiiitcd in niiirriiige 111 5 p.m. on Saturday, June 19 at llie home of Ihe groom. The Rev. Dennis Miirshall officiated. The bride is the daughter of Florence Hampton of Clemmons and Ihe late D.E. Humpton. The groom Is the .son of Nellie Couch of Mock.sville and the lute George E. Couch Sr. After ¡1 wedding trip to Ohio, the couple mude their home in Mocksville. R U R A L D E V E L O P M E N T ' (fo rm e rly F a rm e rs H o m e A d m in is tra tio n ) 1C F O R E C L O S U R E S A L E 2499 Davie Academy Rd Mock.sville, NC 27028 3Bedioom, 2 Bath Ranch, j [ 2 Car Garage, 1083 st|. ft,, .72 acre E.stimated Starting Bid: $56,709 jf“ Saie date: Augu.st 3, 2004 @ i I a.m. DAVIE COUNTY COURTHOUSE ¡ I'or Iiifornmtlon call (704) 982-5114 Ext. 4 Allicnuirlf, North Carolimi Anna Elizabeth Smith of Mock.sville and Jackson Duniel Jernigai) of Shelby were united in marriuge on Muy 29 at Hebron Rock Colony near Price Luke Pnrk on Ihc Blue Ridge Purkway. The Rev. Gary Jennings offici­ ated the ceremony. The bride is the duughter of the Rev. und Mrs. Rundy Smith of DIpolog City, Philippines. Mntcrnal grundparents urc Blizn- belh Bliickwclder of Mocksvillc and the Inte Puul Bluckwelder. Puternul gruiulparcnis arc Tho­ mas C. Smith of Cooleemee and the late Mildred Scott Smith. The bride gradualed from Faith Acadcmy in Manila, Phil­ ippines und Appninchinn Stute University in Boone. Sho works for Watauga County Schools. ' Tho groom is tho son of Lisa Jernigun of Shelby and Walter Jernigan of Anderson, S.C. Mu- ternal grandparents are Ann Ward of Shelby and the Into Billy Lee Ward. Puternal grandparents are Walter and Shelia Jernigan of Shelby ami Pam White of Anderson, S.C. The groom gruduuted from Burn.s High School in Shelby and Appulachian State Univer­ sity in Boone. He is the .senior systein,s udministrntor for Appstate.net in Boone. The bride wore un ivory .silk gown nnd carried u boui|uet of wild flowers. Her headpiece wns u ring of daisies. Music nnd decoruiions were courtc.sy of Moiher Nuture. A brunch followed in Price Luke Pnrk. The couple re.sides in Boone. Snclul Events • A shower wus given for the bride on Muy 16 by the Strugglers Sunday School class of First Baptist Church. • Mrs. D.C. Redmond hosted n brunch ut her home on Ivy Lune In Mockavllle on July 5. Assisting were Athcnn Mineo and Gubriclle Mineoof Raleigh, • Tho Rov. and Mrs. Randy Smilh hosted ti reception on July 11 at Enst Tuylorsville Baptist Church in Taylorsville. • A family luncheon was given hy Lisa Jernigan, moiher of the groom, at her home in Shelby on July 17. S te v e n E . H e lm a n , M D & A s s o c ia te s , P A Steven E. Hciman, M.D. Danielle Carter-Adkins, PA-C Savana LaMar, PA-C are pleased to welcome R . T e d T o b o r g , M D On Augu.st 1, 2004 the practicc look.s forward to the addition of R. Ted Toborg, M.D. Dr. Toborg i.s a gntduate of the University of Iowa College of Medicine and completed his residency training ut Wake Forest University School of Medicine. Dr, Toborg is boitrd certified in Family Medicine and will limit his practice to adole.scents and adults. Dr. Toborg will be available to see new and established patients. All providers are accepting new patients . Dr. Helman & Dr. Toborg provide inpatient care for their patients iit Forsyth Medical Center. Please call for an appointment. 3333 Brookview Hills Blvd., Suite 204 Winston Salem, NC 27103 336-774-3740 Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm W h i t a k e r - P e a k E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Mr. and Mrs. Tom Whitaker of Mocksville announce the en­ gagement of their daugliter, Suruh Elizubeth lo Rundy Allen Peuk of Win.4ton-Salem, the son of Murgie Peak (Steve) of Swunsboro and Larry (Judy) Peak of Advunce. The bride-elect is a 1998 gruduato of Davic High School and is studying nursing nt Forsyih Technicnl Community College. She is employed by Forsyth Mcilical Center, The groom-to-be is a lOg.") graduate of Davie High School and uttends Forsyth Technical Community Collcgc for business man­ agement. He is the general munuger of Gallins Vending, An August wedding is planned in Suvunnuh, Gu. Afler u honey­ moon al the Grand Bench Resort, Orlando, Flu., the couple will make their homo in Winston-Salem. J Wick Buildings- P I E D M O N T ^ ^ S t e k Barn & Fence Authoriml Wick Hulldur For Metal Buildings Small Or Ijirgo • Coinniercinl - WnrdiiiusD, ОШсс • Agriculture • liarns & Stnble.4 • Re.sidcntial - Slioi«), Storuge Cull: 336-240-809® 336492-5586 vw w .pii4lniontbaninndfence,com Mrs. Jeremy Ray Whitaker S e a m o n - W h ita ker C o u p le S p e a k V o w s Jill Candice Scumon of 292 Shady Knoll Lane, Mocksville nnd Jeremy Ruy Whilakcr of 162 Country Lane, Mocksville were united in murriuge ut 4 p.m. Sut­ urdny, July 24 nt Jerusnlem Bap­ tist Church, Cooleemee, The Rev. Jimmy Lnncnster offieiftted, The bride is the daughter of Jerry C. and June Cartner Scamon of Mocksville. Her mn- ternul grundparents nre Mr. und Mrs. Tommy Carlner of Mocks­ ville. Her paternal grandparents are Evelyn Seamon and the lute Mr. J.C. Senmon of Mocksville. She is a 2000 graduate of Davie High School. Shc gradualed from Mitchell Communily College in 2003 with nn nssoclntc degree. She is a senior al Winston-Salem Slate University where she is continuing her cducution in the Held of elementary teaching. Shc is employed by Lake Myers Family RV Re.sorl. The groom is the son of Michael R. and Joycc Anderson Whilakcr of Mocksville. His maternal grandparents arc Mary Anderson and the lale Lester Anderson of Mocksville. Hi.s paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ruy Whitnker of Yadkinville. He is n 1999 grudu- ate of Davic High School und u 2000 graduate of Forsyth Tech­ nical School with a degree in cleclricnl electronics engineer­ ing. He is employed by Hnnes Electric. The bride cho.sc her sisler, Junna Seamon of Mocksville, as her muid of honor. Bridesmaids were Erin WhiUiker, sister of the groom, und Aimec Tuylor of Mocksvillc. Junior bridesmaids were Carmen Grubb und Jennifer West of Mocksville. Flower girls were Kalio Whitaker and Emily Whitaker of Yadkinville, cousin.s of the groom. The groomsman’s father wns his best man. Groomsmen were Nathan Foil and Bradley Lagle of Mocksville. The junior grooms­ men were Jess Cartner and Will Curtner of Mocksville,cousins of the bride. The ring bearer wns Joseph Spry of Mocksville. The bride chose Jonathnn West of Mocksville and C.J. Dwiggins of Mocksville, cousin of the bride, as the acolytes. Jimmy Anderson was the or­ ganist und Jcssicu Allen wns the soloist. Junna Scumon was a song interpreter lo '‘Butterfly Kisses” and “From the Mo­ ment,” recorded by the bride. Jenny Turner of Mocksvillc, nunl of the bride, was the wed­ ding director. The register wns kepi by Shirley West of Mocksville. Tho progrnm nttendanl was Emily. Lnkcy. A reception wns held al the Jerusalem Baptist Fellowship Hnll immedlutcly following the | ceremony. Bonnnie Troutman and Leaman Cartner greeted the guests. The reception wus ca­ tered by Debbie Robins. Servers were Kelly Cnrtner, Priscilln Dwiggins, uunls of the bride, Angie Whitnker, nunl of the groom, nnd Donnu Koontz. After a honeymoon trip to Pi­ geon Forge, Tenn., the couple will make their home at 189 Shady Knoll Lane, Mocksville, Rehearsal Dinner The rehearsal dinner was hosted by the groom’s parents nt the Jerusalem Baplisi Fellowship Hall.The bride and groom chose this time to present gifts lo the bridesmaids and groomsmen. Sociul Events • The bridé and groom were honored wilh u shower nt the home of Angie Whitaker on May 16. Family and friends were present. • The bride wns honored with a .shower on June 27 nl Jerusa­ lem Buptisl Church, given by Debbie Robins and Shirley West, • The bride wns honored by shower lit Society Baptist Church on July n with more than 100 guests, including family mem­ bers, neighbors and close friends. • On July 17, the bride was honored with a shower nt tho Davie County Library by his family members. • On July 18, the bride was honored with a paniry shower nt Liberty Methodist Church, hosted by members of the church. • A bridesmaids’ luncheon wns heljl Friday, July 23 nl the home of Jenny Turner. The lun­ cheon was hosted by Jenny Turner, Kelly Cunncr, Priscilla Dwiggins and Donna Kooniz. | r ^ P \ DHSS I ’ " Christian B ool<s& School Supplies is m o v in g o n J u l y 3 0 5 0 -8 6 % o f f a li in -s t o c l( C lir is t ia n title s A ll fix tu r e s fo r s a le . 10-5, M-F 127 N. Salisbury St., Mocksville 753-6977 www.dhss.com Kenneth Eugene and Bertha Hamilton Correll Correll C o up le Celebrates 6 0 th W edding Anniversary Kenneth Eugene Correll und Bertha Hamilton Correll celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on Suturday, July 17, with a party hosted hy their family. The couple wus married in Mocksvillc on July 19, 1944. They have three sons, Thomas Correll, Jerry Correll nnd Terry Correll, nil of Mocksville. They have six grnndchildren and eighl greal- grandchildren. They rcccived a flower arrangement us a gift from their family. Mrs. Correll is a resident of Autumn Care. Director So u g h t For Spring Production O f ‘M u sic M a n ’ Duvie County Arts Council is seeking u dynamic, motivulcd director for production of Meredith Wilson’s “The Music Mnn.” Audilion/cullback dales; Jnn. 17, 18,'2005. Production dates; April 1,2.3,8,9,2005, All per­ formances will be held at the Brock Perfonning Arls Center in Mocksville. Send resume with cover let­ ter to Shanda Smilh, Davie Arts Council, 622 N, Main St, Mocksville, NC 27028. For more information, con­ lnct Smith al 751-3000 or via email ssiiiilli® iltivietiri.'!.org. Deadline for submission; Friday, Aug, 6. T â k e A J o g With Your D o g The Humane Society of Davie County will have its sec­ ond annual Doggie Jog on Sat­ urday, Sept, 11. Meet at the Ma.sonic Picnic grounds, behind the Brock Com- ' plex on Norlh Main Street in Mocksville, al 9 a.m. Dogs and their owners will travel across the street for a jog or walk Ihrough the park. You don’t even : 3- have lo hnve a pel. The Humane Society of Davie County is a not-for-profit organization nnd an all-volun­ teer group. There is an adoption program for foster care nnimais, u spay- nculer assistance program, Pri­ vnie donulions, grunts und fundraisers fund the work and programs. The socicty plans to build an udoption centor to be opened next year. The property li'is been obtained and donations are needed to fund the building pro­ cess. Monies from the Doggie Jog will go to the adoption cen­ tor fund. Several types of sponsor­ ships arc available. A program booklet will be printed and each sponsor’s name will be listed under the specific category ac­ cording to the type of donnlion given, "Get nt when you walk wilh your pel nnd enjoy the scencry while bencfitling Ihe Humnne Society of Davic County,” said Tosha Chump. Registrution forms will be mailed a month before the wulk lo members und people on the mulling list. The event will be ndvcrtiscd und forms will be avuiluble nl the Davio Counly Public Librury in Moeksville nnd ut veterinarian’s ofnccs. Descendants of John und Minnie Anderson will hold llieir annual family reunion on Saiur- duy.July 31 al 6 p.m. at the Jeri­ cho Hardison Ruritan Building Dun and Bonnie (Roesel) Lawrence of Union City,Tenn., announce the birth of their duughler, Isabella Nicole, on July 2, 2004, ut Jackson Madi­ son Counly Gcnerul Hospilal in Jackson,Tenn. “Belln” weighed 6 lbs. 12 oz. ¡ Ш Ш FAMILY STEAKHOUSE B R E A K F A S T B U F F E T SAT. & SUN . • T u e s d a y & S a t u r d a y K id s E a t F r e e ! (up lo age 10) • W e d n e s d a y & S u n d a y D e s s e r t S p e c ia l! All You Can Eat Dessert & Beverage After 7:30pm Only For Franchise Information call 1-800-244-1314 336-751-0436 1580 Yadkinville Rd, • Mocksville www.primBslrloln.com_________________ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 29,2004 - 11 N A A C P P r o d u c t i o n S u n d a y A t T he B ro c k Anderson Reunion Saturday The NAACP of Davie County will present .^ndre Minkins’ “Whut the Reverend Don’t Know . . .” al the Brock Performing Arts Center on Sun­ day, Aug. 1 ul4 p.m. A piny, adnpled for the stugc by pluywright Andre Minkins, is full of laughter, drama, and spirit-filled gospel music ns n choir gets slrunded ul a rest slop on the wny lo help a sister churcti in Floridu raise money after hur­ ricane devastation. The pastor, going along on the trip, struggles to seek God’s unswers on how to get himself und his choir to do the right things for the right reasons. The bus driver and resident me­ chanic, Deacon Jordan,,helps his pnslor nnd longtime friend to work on how to chnnge heurts and minds away from selfish motives in the wake of n series of mishaps. Meanwhile, the choir is stranded out in the woods trying to deni wilh eucit other. The show hus proved to be un oiijoyuble evening of music, fun nnd reflection for the whole fumily. J a m @ th e H a u s Saturday, A u g . 7 On Snturdny, Aug. 7, the Davie Arts Council, in conjunc­ tion with The Gasthaus on the Square, will hosl Jam @ the Haus, nn opon mic nighi for musicians of ull nges und types of music nt 8 p.m. Groups of musicinns urc in­ vited to participate, as well as in­ dividuals. Whether you play solo or are looking for someone lo pluy with, bring your insinimonl and jam ulong, A PA system will be pro­ vided, A keyboard nnd drums are avuiluble upon request. Ench entry receives 20 minules of pluy lime. If timo allows, musicians may have the oppor­ tunity lo play uguin later in the evening. Pre-registration guarantees the opportunity to pluy and pro­ vided lime slots are open - mu­ sicians muy register at the event. The Jam is located at Gaslhaus on the Squure, 101 N. Main St., Mocksville, upstairs in The At­ tic. Music starts around 8 p.m. Admission for participants, us well as audience members is $3. Direct all inquiries und rcg- islrutions to Regan Jones at 751 - 3112 or rJone.'!®(la\'U’(irix.org. Minkins is the founder of 7AM Productions in Greens­ boro. His multi-talented reper­ toire has earned him u reputation for delving into directing, writ­ ing, acting and producing all over the nation. In addition lo his workings with his company, he continues to act nnd direct in professional Iheatre ucross the country and participated in awurd-wimiing "Cump Logan”, wiiinorofthc 1994NAACPtm- nge Award for “Best Play” in Los Angeles, Calif. The Brock Performing Arls Centcr is ut 622 N. Main St., Mocksvillc. Tickets are $12 ill advance, $10 for groups of 10 or more, und $15 ut the door. Contact Priscilla Williams at 751 -1655 for more informution. R E A L E S T A T E W E E K L Y By Debbie Prachel Prom ior C arolina Proportloe Home Buyers Expect Cosmetic Improvements Mo.sl homeowners make improvements bccause Ihey assume that Ihc cost will be offsel by an increase in Ihe market value of tlicir home. Although I'ealurcs such as a luxury bathroom, an upgraded kitchen nnd a mulliple-cnr garage add value, Ihey can cost more lo install than Ihcy actually return when the homo sells. Furthermore, it’s nol always ccrluin that your home improvement plan is going lo accommodate every prospective buyer’s taste in dccor style, finishing nnd appliances. Instend of pouring money into expensive renovations prior lo selling your home, consider the more conservullve approach rccomniended by many real e.slale professionals; concentrate on cosmetic enhancements. Whnt mosl nome shoppers wnnt lo see is well-groomed Inndseaplng and an immnculale, clutter-freo interior If you want to repainl, choose a neutral palette Ihul provides a generic background iiaainsl which homebuyers can visualize their own furniture, Repair or replace whatever makes the homo look shabby— cracked windows or walkways, sagging porch steps, chipped plaster, m issing roof shingles or drawer pulls. Tliese simple und relatively inexpensive improvements will go u long wuy in a polential buyer s eyes. Debbie is an aw anl-w innlttii full-llm e profcssiom il m il estate broker ill Ddvie Cmmty. For professional a<lvice on a ll aspects o f buying and selling real estate, ro ll can reach Debbie at Premier Carolina Properties, jSO- 998-7777 or 336-909-I284, or visit her website al imw.pcpiic.cvin. on Greenhill Rond, Mocksville. Everyone is asked to bring a covered dish. Contuct Jim Anderson ut 492-7600 for fur­ ther informution. Lawrence Couple Has A Daughter und was 19.5 inches long. Muternul grandpurcnts urc Lois und Bill Roesel of Mock.s­ ville. Puternul grundpurenis are Dolores (Deo) Lawrence and ihe lute Don Luwrence of St. Peters, Mo. u i : i ’i<i:,si: \ i \ n \ !■: Julia Howard Vi ■ //«KVC 7<Jth nisnii t PUm e contact w c in: MOCKSVILLE: (336) 751-8567 RALEIGH: (919) 733-5904 State Legislative Building 16 W. Jones Street, Rm 1106 Raleigh, NC 27601-1096 Email: juliah@ncteg.nel l‘,WIKIHIIVjUIJ,\ltOW,M<l> Allstate Fixed Annuity Rates Reaching your retirement and savings goals is very important. W e can help get you there. W e offer fixed annuities with competitive interest rates and product benefits that fit your needs, such as: Guaranteed, tax-deferred growth from a company you can depend on Principal protection, regardless of economic conditions. S u r e H o r iz o t f ^ A n n u it y Rates Effective; 07/19/04 for In itial Prem ium ; A P Y Interest Rates' $100,000 or G reater 6.05% $20,000 to $99,999 5.80% 1 $3,000 to $19,999 5.55% Ask your Allstate agent for details about these fixed annuities. M A R K JONES Mocksville (336)751-066? STEVE RIDENHOUR Mocksville (336)751-0669 SurolliTOon*'’ Is a flexible premium dcfcmid onmiily issued by Liiieoln llcncfil Lift Cimipariy, a ivholly owned subsidiary of Allslalc Life Insurance Company. Annuilies arc sold by Allslalc Agcnls who ate insutimcc-licaised tcpKsenlativcs, Sure Horizon*' is available in mosl slates wilh coniraci AP (1300 and certificate scries GAP 0300. Product subjccl lo slate availability. Rates ate offered ut Ihc sole discretion of Allstate Life insuianec Company. Wc Rescivc the пвЫ to discontinue ihem al any lime. Guarantees subject lo claims paying ability of insurer. 'Listed talcs arc for t-ycat suaiantcc period and includc a liisl year bonus. Relnm of Ihircbasc Payinenl waiver is nol included. MM 1747 KO W Allslalc LifelnsuranceCompany. Allslaic.com 03/04 I t ’ s y o u r t u r n t o c h a n g e y o u r l i f e i n 3 0 m i n u t e s . 336-753-2348 375 Hospital St., Suite A Moclövillc.NC 27028 O ver 7,000 locations to serve you. jo in N o w 6 6 % O f f S e r v ic e F e e We can help at Curves. And now ilicre',s ono in your iieighbothood. Curves is tliirty-minutc I'ltness, coninionsfiisc weight loss and the sup|iort you need to do both. Call us today and discover what over 3 million women already know; that ar Ciir\’cs, your dreams are our goals. , . , ’Oil« t..»www.curvcsmtcrnatumal.com C n r v e ^ 'I'ljt: |>\>woT И) ЛП1Л/С yim i\oll' 12 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 29, 2004 D ia b e t e s , B io o d P r e s s u r e S c r e e n in g s F r id a y B y L io n s Free diabetes screening and bi'ood pressure checks, spon­ sored by Ihe Mocksvillc Lions Club, will take place Friday, July 30 from 9 a.m.-12 noon at Fcislcr Drug, 495 Valley Road, MiKksville. These free screenings arc held every lasl Friday of the month. Trained volunteers and miudical staff will obtain a drop of blood by finger slick and it will be tested in a gluconicter. If requested, blood pressure will M a r t in E a r n s P r o m o t io n F r o m U S A F Robert Mailin, a 17-year veteran of Ihe U.S. Air Force, has been promoleil to master ser­ geant E-7. M a rlin graduated from Davie II i g h School in 1986. He is Ihe son of Jim and Jo Martin of M ii r lin Mocksville. Martin and his wife, Nadine have two sons, Julian and Ethan. Me is stationed at Ellsworth Air Force Base in South Dakota. D a v i e Y o u t ii T o B e i n 4 - H L a m b , G o a t S t i o w A u g . 7 >Many Davle County youth hnve been working their entries for the Yadkin-Davie 4-H Mar­ ket Lamb and Meat Goat Show Saturday, Aug, 7 at S p.m. at the Dixie Classic Fair Catile Bam in Winston-Salem. “These youlh have spent many hours of hard work, lime and sweat to prepare their ani­ mals for Ihis event," said Co­ operative E.xicnsion agent, Phil Ruckcir, "The show is a time the participants get to exhibit the fruits of their labor and receive the ac.'colades they deserve. "The laid-back, family at- inosphere makes this event a perfiici place lo relax while watching local youth compete, make friends, have fun and learn some itnporlanl life skills along the way,” 1-ood will be available, with proceeds going to defray costs of the show and lo help the youth. Contact Cooperative Exten­ sion al 7.“! 1-6297 for more in­ formalion. be checked. Results will be given. • All tests and results are con- ndential. • Report results to your fam­ ily physician. • The Lions Club is nol re­ sponsible for diagnosis and treatment. Tliese are voluntary screenings. • Contributions to help with Ihe expenses and help wilh needy visually and hearing im­ paired are accepted but not re­ quired. Ryan IVlycrs celebrated his first birthday on Saturday, June 26. My family threw me u big WInnic-lhc-l’ooh party. They served hamburgers and hot dogs with all the trim ­ mings lo my guc.sts. Then I had three Winnie-thc-Pouh cakes, one to share with my smaller guest.s und one for my bigger guests one fur my very own. iVIy big brother CJ then surprised me with a spccial visit from Harney. Uarncy had visited C,) on his first birthday and he thought II would be neat If Barney came und helped me celebrutc my flr.st birthday as well. All of my guests enjoyed seeing him. Aflcr that, my daddy nnd big brother took my 1945 John Deere “B” tractor and loaded up all my friends and went on a hayride, I hope ev­ eryone had a greal lime, I know I did. My daddy and mommy are C liff‘Brad” and Michelle Myers. My big brother is CJ Myers, all of Smith Grove. My maternal grandparents are Lindsey und Joyce FIshel of Cornatzer, My paternal grandmother is Faye Myers of Smith Grove. My great­ grandmothers arc Mae Starr of Cornatzer and Blanche KLshel of Advance, My grcat- aunt is Carolyn Atwood of Cornut/.er. A special thanks to my daddy for making all three of my VVinnie-the-Pooh cakes. They were so delicious. Love, Ryan T h e r e ’s o n l y o n e p r o b le m w i t h r e lig io n s t h a t h a v e a ll t li e a n s w e rs . T h e y d o n ’t a llo w q u e s tio n s . Il )<•! bdiflllltn lu«r .|11П1кЧ1< jl<4 ( H <{ ifkl ilir iiu'Jiiitii; < 4 litr, IA ll>C IMIJI We are now on our SUMMER Schedule wilh Worship each Sunday at lO'.tlOAM. '!■ ‘f The Episcopal Church of the Ascension at Fork Visit us Anylinii; @ www.iLsccnsion-fork.org 18.1 Fork-Bixby Road • Advance, NC 27(X)6 • 336,998.0857 Four Com ers News DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 29,2004 - 13 Edna Mason Allen (center witli corsage) was honored on her 86lh birthday by family members, from left, Carma, baby, Mary Mason, Deeann Stanton, Billy Mason and Sherman Mason. S e t t i n g A G o o d E x a m p l e E d n a M a s o n A l i e n S u r p r i s e d O n 8 6 t h B ir t h d a y A surprise celebralion was held in honor of Edna Mason Allen's 86th birthday on June 5 al Cedar Grove Baptist Church Fellowship Hall in Mocksville. When Mrs, Allen entered, the audience was singing "I'm Run­ ning For My Life," led by James Roseboro. At the end of the song, the honoree’sgreal-niece. Dr. Regina Graham-Hauser, mistress of ceremony, an­ nounced to Mrs. Allen that ev­ eryone was gathered for a birth­ day party in her honor. Shocked, she began to cry. Then she stood and an­ nounced, “Happy Birthday. I'm not going lo lell you all how old 1 am." After everyone sang "Happy Birthday," a corsage was pinned on her by her daughter, DeAnn Stanton from Waterford Works, N.J. She said; “I pin this flower on you mommy, bccause you are the flower of my life." The celebration continued with a solo, "My Help Cometh From The Lord," sung by Carma Mason, Mrs. Allen's grand­ daughter from Greensboro. The Rev. Calvin Smith, pas­ tor of Cedar Grove, read Psalm; 86 and thanked Mrs. Allen for her dedication and years of ser­ vice. Sherman Mason, Mrs. Allen's grandson of High Point, said; "Thank you for a role model of a godly life. Your out­ going personality is literally fruit of a blessed walk with God." He then led a prayer and asked God lo lengthen her days. One of Mrs, Allen's favorite soloists, the Rev. Norman Dudley of Hamiony, sang "Your Grace And Mercy," a selection she enjoys hearing him sing. Next, Julius Suiter shared an experience of driving home late one night and recognizing a grey car with Edna Mason, Ida Goolsby and Geneva James. He decided to follow them to make sure they got home safely. He jo­ vially staled that she was travel­ ing 70 mph. Seriously, he said: "Her life sets a style and pace that all young people can follow. She has done so much for so many for so long, and so gra­ ciously." The praises continued as Mrs. Hilton, Mrs. Allen’s employer, reminisced, "I've known Edna since PASO. She is a wonderful person, friend, and companion. I appreciate all the help she has given me, my brother and my family," Further appreciation was given by the Davie Counly Union of Churches and the Dis­ trict 3 Group 2 Women’s Bap­ tisl Home and Foreign Mission­ ary, represented by Louise Hudson. “When our group meets. Mrs. Allen always says 'Praise the Lord, everybody' and that uplifts us." She read Psalm 16:1, 7 and acknowledged lhat Edna's was like a Bible. “Edna is the chairperson of the District 3 Group 2 Women's Baplisl Home and Foreign Mis­ sionary. She keeps .saying she’.s going to give il up. Bul the mein- bers keep saying, ‘No, we need you’." More accolades of apprecia­ tion came form the members of Cedar Grove church, repre­ sented by Minister Sandra James, She described Mrs. Allen as a "beautiful jewel in the house­ hold of faith. As I think back through the history of this church, I see Aunt Edna and Aunl Lula. They were always logcther. They were a pair. She has been a pillar of this church. Aunt Edna serves as president of the Senior Missionary Circle. She is always warm and loving, bul she won’t let you .sit down on the job. She shared a book wilh me years ago about how to sow Christian seeds. I can tnily say Aunt Edna sows seeds for Ihe Lord.” Throughout the evening, Mrs. Allen was portrayed as a sieadfasi Chrisiian worker who doe.sn’l give up. Nexl came another of her fa­ vorite songs, “Stand," sung by Paula Lewis. The chorus of Ihe .song says, "... you just hold on, and keep on ... the Lord will see you through. Afler you've done all you can, you just stand." John Ijames, Mrs. Allen’s youngest brother, testined that her work ethic began as a young girl. “In a family of seven chil­ dren and both parents working, Edna and the other older chil­ dren were responsible to look af­ ter the young ones. 1 always repsected her discipline and through the years 1 have re- .spected her life." He named all other siblings including Ivan Ijames, 11a I. Rucker, both deceased, and. Aimer Ijames, Ralph Ijames, and Ernest Ijames, who all live in Newlon. Family reflections con­ tinued as DeAnn M. Stanton, daugliter, told of the many happy limes she remembered. "My molher made idenlical dresses for she and I lo wear. 1 enjoyed wearing malching clolhes. Sewing was a big pari of our lives al Ihal time," She told of a time that her mother sewed a spectacular gown for DeAnn lo wear at the Debutante Ball in Sali.sbury. She won first place, bul said lhat more important than the hand- sewn dress was the hand-sewn love and training her mother pro­ vided. W a te rw e ll D rillin g O o e s Y o u r W a t e r H a v e a B a d T a s t e o r O d o r ? ''A I It can be fixed with an affordable Water Conditioning System C a ll W e b b W e ll D rillin g fo r a ll y o u r w a te r n e e d s . 9 9 8 -4 3 2 1 , le a v e m e s s a g e Billy Mason and Deeann Stanton share some thoughts about their mother. "She never spanked me,” DcAtui said. “She would always say, ‘There’s no use crying now, because you're gonna gel il when your daddy gets home.' She instilled a pride in me lhat I was somebody. Another 1 appre­ ciate is lhat I can always cidl my mom and she'll laugh with me. That’sso important.The life I’ve tried to follow other than Jesus Christ has been my mom.” Her broiher, Billy Mason of Greensboro, eclioed his sister’s remarks. "Moin was a motiva­ tor. You can do tinylhing you set your mind to do. I can do, I can be, if only I do. That kind of drive breeds success. She would never accept failure, 1 quickly learned it was all aboul work. Both mom and dad were workaholics. Daddy was sur­ prised lhat monnna knew how to work cotton. Wet got our cotton allotment and had to iioe in rot­ ten soil. But we made it through, and Christ was always first in our lives.” "She never wliipped me. Bul she could give you one of those close in your face talk in a way that you would search inside yourself and see whal you had done. Training happens al home. I'm lhankful lo say we received first-cla.ss training." Billy told of how he was in­ terested in music as a child and since the local system did not have a music program at lhat time, his parents allowed him lo live in High Point wilh relalives so he could be in a music pro­ gram. “Because of their sacrifice, my interest in tntisic was able to flourish, and later I becanie the first African-American lo play in the Greensboro Symphony, I thank my dad (who is deceased) and my mom for raising us as they did and allowing us lo be who we wanted to be." He sang "How Great Thou Art" along with his sister, DeAnn and his .son, Sherman. Next on the program was the presentation of gifts. Belly Godwin presented a gift from Cedar Grove churcli. She said: “Edna supports every­ thing that goes on in this church. She encourages us to be better people.” Jetlye Lindsay presented a gifl from the Usher Board. She n admitted that she had to lie lo Aunl Edna to get her to attend the program (and she couldn’t sleep well because of the lie she had told). Jetlye said Aunl Edna was a good cook and Fixed col- lard greens and cornbread for her. Another gift came from James Roseboro on behalf of Chestnut Grove Baptist Church, where Edna’s liusband, Baxter, pastored forinany years. "Baxter Mason stood tall, and he was highly honored for whal he stood for. He was a true man, and I can .se him reflccled in his son Billy, And sis. Edna is a lady of grace. 1 ihank God that she has weath­ ered the storms in her life. “She doesn’t look 86. She wears it well, all bccause of the God in lier.” Mary Hilton presented a gift from Bobby, Mildred and her­ self. "We appreciate whal she’s done for Mrs. Hilton and the en­ tire family." Then il was time for Ihc hon­ orée to have her say. She kepi il simple, and lo tlie point, "1 give God the prai.se, This was really a surprise,” .she said. “I thought everything was over when iny husband passed away. But somehow, I’ve made it Ihrough, 1 want lo ask my daugh­ ter to read my favorite scripture tiiat 1 readjust aboul every day,” DeAnn read Psalm 27: 1, The Rev, Smilh gave the clos- ing prayer, and guesls wore served cuke and ice cream. T h a n k Y o u \ t o a l l t h e p e o p l e w h o v o t e d , f o r m e o n c J u ] y S O a n d t o a l l o f t h o s e w h o h e l p e d w i t h m j » ' c a m p a i g n . L in d a H . B a r n e tte Paid for by Unda H, Barnette By Marie White Four Comers Correspondent Kenny Smith was honored for his 81st birthday at liie liome of his son, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and Charlotte, wilh a cookout with all the trimmings. A large number of relatives at­ tended the event on Saturday af­ lernoon. Mrs, Johnsie Shelton was honored for iier 93rd birthday al a supper Sunday afternoon. About 25 celebrated the occasion at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Von Shelton in Mocksville. Mrs. Margaret Walls and Mrs. Glenda Sapp visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe White Sunday nighl. Advance News By Edith Zimmerman Advancc Correspondent Wc welcomed R,C, Athey as a member lo Ihe Melhodisi church Sunday morning. The Fork Church Seniors spent last Thursday in Stokes j County at the Whip-Poor-Will Farms. Twenty-six people en- I joyed the trip. Dorothy Carter I was a member of the group frotn I this communily. The " Over The Hill Gang" I went 10 Wilkesboro lasl Friday evening to see the play "Tom ¡Dooley". Forty-five people I were on ihe bus tour and enjoyed la meal al Ryan’s Restaurant prior 5 to tho play. Gram and Trisha Ward and ison Luke spent the weekend in INew Hampshire visiting ITrisha’s relalives. Sympathy is extended to the Ifamily of Paul Barney in the ¡death of his son, Paul Barney, Jr. Jack and Dorothy Carter ¡County Line News iUy Shirley Thorne |Cotmty Line Correspondent Our community welcomes the cooler weather this week. jOut-of-.school activities forchil- ;Ureii are winding down since rea schools will be starting ilhin a few weeks. Piney Grove AME Zion Church will have an end-of- summer water park trip on Au­ gust 6 for children who attended Vacation Bible School. The church will celebrate Friends and Family Sunday at the 11 a.m. worship service this Sun­ day, August 1. Each member is asked to bring a friend or fam­ ily member to the service. Clarksbury United Methodist Church will have Youth Sunday this Sunday morning, August 1. The Clarksbury Youth will ac­ tively participate in all areas of the worship service and will preseni a special song servicc. Pleasant View Baptist Church will have a special gos­ pel sinking at 7 p.m. Saturday, July 31. The featured singing group will be the Ostwall Bap­ tisl Quartet. Everyone is invited to attend. The Melhodisi Men of Salem United Methodist Church will liave a prayer breakfast at 7:30 a.m. Sunday, August l.The breakfast will be in the church fellowship hall and will include a report by Jack Koontz on his recent church building trip to Ala.ska. The Salem Sunday Nighl Bible Study completed the study of Ephesians last week.The new study beginning al 7:30 p.m. ihis Sunday, August I, will be on the book of Genesis and will be led by Pastor Stephen Blair. Every­ one is invited to attend the dis­ cussion/study which will meet in Uhe church fellowship hall. The annuul Veterans Supper sponsored by the V-Point Home Demonstration Club, V-Point Ruritan Club, V-Point Woodmen of the World, and the local churches will be held ut 6 p.m. Monday,August 2 al the V-Point Building on Old Mocksville iRoad. All donated foods should |be brought to Ihe building by ¡.^¡SO p.m. that Monday. The ¡Color Guard of Winston-Salem will preseni the after-dinner pro­ gram. All veterans in the com­ niunity arc invilcd to attend, I Our comniunity extends its tdeepe.st sympathy to the family |of Carol Turner Forrest, who died last week. Carol, daughter of the late Bruce and Frances spent the weekend in Easley, S,C. visiting Raymond Myers and wife. George Harris underwent kneo surgery on Tuesday. A speedy recovery is wished. Sympalhy is exlcnded to the family of Oscar Poindexter. He died Monday afler a 22-day stay al Forsyth Medical Center and a brief slay at Meadowbrook Ter­ race of Davie. Dale Myers of Denver, Colo, spent the weekend wiih his molher, Anna Lee Myers. He look his mother and sisler Marcia Goshorn lo Tho Galley in Kinderton for a belated birth­ day dinner for Marcia on Satur­ day aflernoon. Edilh Zimmerman visited Charlotte Williams, a shut-in,on Saturday afternoon. Get woll wislies go to Omie Sue Barnhardt, who is recuper­ ating from recent hip repliice- nient surgery. These dancers from Baylin strike a pose at Disney’s magical Music Days. D a n c e rs P e rfo rm A t D is n e y ’s M a g ic K in g d o m Jones Turner, was reared on Mr. Henry Road. She graduated from Cool Spring Higii School in 1963, drove a school bus her senior year, and was active in 4- H projects. We also extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Mnry Blair, who died unexpectedly in her sleep early Monday morn­ ing. Mrs. Blair’s son, the Rev. Stephen Blair, Is the paslor of Salem United Methodist Church, Mrs. Blair lived with her husband, Clyde, in Thomasville. We send gei-wcll wishes to Lee Cartner of Salem and to Eslelle Thorne of Society. Lee is scheduled for surgery this week. Eslelle suffered a slight stroke on Sunday and has been hospitalized at Iredell Memorial Hospital. Virginia Daywalt re­ mains al Forsyth Medical Cen­ ter. Join us as wo pray for the Lord's comfort and healing in the lives of the above residents who have had loved ones to die or who are burdened wilh health problems. Remember lo let us know if you have stories lo share aboul Dr. Robertson. Just call Lee Cartner at 492-7290 or ine at 492-5115. Until next week, wo hope you enjoy shopping, visiting or jusl driving iibout in County Line. Baylin Dance Studio of Clemmons, led by director Denise Bassen and teachers Terri Butcher, Samantha Murchison and Tori Mossman, look 26 dancers, parents and siblings for a program called Disney's Magi­ cal Music Days. R S V P V o l u n t e e r s M a k e A D i f f e r e n c e Make a difference in your community. The Retired and Senior Vol­ unteer Program (RSVP) pro­ vides opportunities for people 55 and over to make a differ­ ence in their community by volunteering. RSVP volunteers work from a few to more than 40 hours a week, serving through schools, duy care centers, po­ lice departments, hospitals and other nonpront and public or­ ganizations to help meet criti­ cal community needs. RSVP offers flexibility and choice to volunteers, matching the personal interests and skills of older Americans with op­ portunities to help solve com­ munity problems, They re­ ceive supplemental insurunce while on duty, und on-the-job training from the agency or or­ ganization where volunteers ure placed. Volunteers may tutor chil­ dren in reuding and math, re- .spond to natural disasters, help to build houses, model parenting skills to teen parents, participate in Neighborhood Watch programs, plan commu­ nity gardens, deliver meals or help community organizations operate more efficiently. Volunteers must be at least 55 years of age. Volunteers ure needed to make items for the annual RSVPbazaar in October. Sew­ ers meet every Tuesday morn­ ing at 10, and fabric and no­ tions are provided. Call 753- 8270. WAREHOUSE CLOTHING SALE /*' Quality Clothing at Wholesale Prices N e w Ite m s A r r iv in g W e e k ly ! Ladie.s’ & Mcn’.s Clothing • Sock.s For The Whole Family Diabetic Socks $3.00 Pair or,........................2 Pair (or $ 5 - 0 0 Dresses & 2 Pc. Suits Reg, $49.......... $ 1 0 .0 0 Tops & Blouses Reg. $25............... ..........................$ 6 .0 0 Pants & Skirts Reg, $29................. ...........................$ 7 .0 0 Ladles' Jeans Reg. $49............... ..........................$ 1 2 .0 0 Scrub Tops & Pants Reg. $21 Each..........Each Pc.$11 .0 0 Pajamas, Robes & Gowns Reg. up to $29.... $ 7 .0 0 Ladies’ Boots Reg, $99................................ $ 1 5 .0 0 Ladies’ Leather Coats Reg. $140.......................... $ 7 0 .0 0 We buy overstocks from major mail order houses. Not all items available in all sizes or colors. Money back guiiraiitee. Visit t)tir website: w\vw.warchoii.scclotliingsale.coni or call for brochure: 1-866-786-7211 The girls had to audition and were selecied to bcconie pari of a performance en.senibic for a day at Magic Kingdom. Four teams look stage al the Galaxy Theater in Tomorrow- land. Tile audience heard four numbers before the finale dance of slardom for Ihe girls. Per­ forming “All Thm Jazz" by Fred Ebb and John Cander, made popular in Bob Fosse’s musical “Chicago" ended ihe day. The girls participated in a workshop in addition to per­ forming, going through a mock audition and learning combina­ tions used in actual Disney pro­ ductions.,The girls learned les­ sons from production dancers. The girls and studio was re­ warded with a banner stating, “We were selected to perform for the world,” 5 0 Y e a r s T h r e e m e m b e r's of M o c k s ville C h a p te r 1 7 3 , E a s te rn S ta rs, w e re p re ­ se n te d 5 0 -y e a r V e te ra n s M e d a ls re c e n tly - V e n a H a rris , H e le n H e n d ric k s and B eu la h H artledge. P ic­ tu re d a b o v e , C h a r le s A n d e rso n , District D epu ty G ra n d Patron, V e na Harris, H ele n H endricks, Jea ne tte W ilk ie , D is tric t D e p u ty G r a n d M a tro n , C e c il C a rtn e r, W o rth y l p u r­ chase d a pair of loafers last spring. T h e heel is com ing off of th e s h o e s , e v e n though they haven't been w orn m ore than 15 o r 20 tim es, a nd not that m uch w a lk in g o n th o s e tim e s. W h a t Should I do? P a tro n , a n d P a ts y Staley, W orthy M atron. At right is B eu la h H a rtle d ge ' with W ilkie and Staley. ( т И ( ш Э S E A L Y * B A C K S A V E R TW IN SET *229® FULL SET *299® QUEEN SET *369“ KING 3-PCSET »498® T lifs t' u rt' S fl piUM*4. • <.Vu7.4 - u i/fju y t' WE t t E m if e t ^ B o x s i^ m s л m rT » E s si(8 F B ^ , D o n 't B u y J u s t A n y M a t t r e s s G e t T h e J B e s t ^ } n e T h a t W ill L a s t Y o u F o r Y e a rs rh-/-^MocKSViLLE Furniture & Appliance inc. D o w n to w n M o c k s v ille , N C * (3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 -5 8 1 2 Sales@MocksvllleFurniture.com 14 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, July 29,2004 Obituaries Kevin Matthew Winters Kevin Matthew Winters, 19, of US 64 East, Mocksvillc, died Thursday, July 22, 2004, from inju­ ries sus­ tained in an automobile accident. Mr. Win­ ters was born in G u ilfo rd County June 5, 1985. He was the son of Ricky and Debbie Halkcr Winters. He was a gruduivtc of Davie High Scliool class of 2004, and was employed at O'Reilly Auto Parts in Mocksville. He attended Victory Baptist Church and was active in the Youth for Christ. During his time nt Davic High he was a kicker/punter on the football squad. He enjoyed the high jump and in 2003 was a re­ gional finalist in track. He played soccer with the Rowan Ruge und later wus with the Winston-Salem Twins and was all confcrencc football in 2003. He was to enter Forsyth Tech­ nical Community College this fall to study human resources. Survivors, in addition to his purents: a sister, Stephanie Nicole Winters of the home; 2 brothers, Kenneth Michael Johnson ofTampa, Flo. and Ja­ son Allen (Laura) Winters of Advance; maternal grandpar­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Halker of New Port Richey, Fla,; niu- tcrnal grundmother, Juanita Halkcr of Advancc; paternal grandparents, Louis (Jean) Winters of Winston-Salem und Gray Stanley of High Point; 2 aunts, Cindy Flynt of Thomasville and Renee Maness of Greensboro; 2 greai-aunts, Dina Scott of Win­ ston-Salem and Gay Yarber of High Point; several cousins; and many friends. Funeral services were at 4 p.m. Sunday, July 25, in Vic­ tory Baptist Church in Cool­ eemee wilh Revs. Stan Riddle and Shelby Harbour officiat­ ing. Burial was In Rose Cem­ etery in Mocksville, Memorials: Victory Baptist Youth. P. O. Box 686, Cool­ eemee, George Otis Jacobs George Otis Jacobs, 58, of Riverside Drive, Cooleemee, died on TIuirsday. July 22.2004 at Forsyth Mcdical Center in Winslon-Salem. Bom on Jan. 20,1946, he was the son of the late Charles and Lucy "Maggie” Head Jacobs. He worked as a carpenter before his disability and was of the Pres­ byterian faith. He served in the U.S. Army in the 1960s, He was prccedcd in death by 2 brothers. Jerry and Steve Jacobs. Survivors; 3 aunts; 2 uncles: a number of nieces and nephews; friends Jeff and Melinda Conn and family. A graveside memorial scr­ vice was held Wednesday, July 28 at 11 u.m. at Legion Memo­ rial Park in Cooleemee with the Rev. Chris Williams officiuting. Gracc Spuch Blalock Mrs. Grace Spach Blalock, 81, of Winslon-Salem died Sat­ urday, July 24, 2004, ut Kate B. Reynolds Ho.spice Home. She wus born Muy 30, 1923, in Winslon-Salem to Charles and Daisy Knight Spuch. She was a lifelong member of First United Church of Christ, She was preceded in deuth by 3 sisters; 3 brothers; and 2 nieces. Survivors; her husband of 58 years,Richard "Ric" H. Blalock of the home; 2 daughters, Susan B. Hicks of Mocksvillc and Jill B, (Rick) Clay of Win.ston-Sa- lem; 3 grandchildren; 3 great­ grandchildren; a brother, Wil­ burn (Wilma) Spach of Winston- Salem; and several nieces, neph­ ews und sisters-in-luw. A memoriul service was con­ ducted al 6 p.m, Tuesday, July 27, ut First United Church of Christ with the Rev. Elizabeth Parker officiating Memorials; First’United Church of Christ, 1912 Waugh- townt,,Winston-Salem, 27107; or lo Kate B, Reynolds Hospice Home, 101 Hospice Lane, Win- slon-Sulern, 27103. Katlieryn Kerley Young Mrs. Katheryn Kerley Young, 82, of Lakewood Drive, Mocksville, died Friday, July 23, 2004, at her home. Mrs. Young was born in Rowan County to the late Isom and Essie Dunn Kerley and wus a home­ muker, She enjoyed spending time with her fumily and read­ ing her Bible. She was a mem­ ber of the Mocksville Pentecos­ tal Holiness Church where she wus past president of the Womens Auxiliary, sang in the church choir and enjoyed plac­ ing the flowers on the church pulpit on Sundays. Mrs. Young was preceded in dealh by her husband, Wuyne C, Young: daughter, Kalhy Robertson; son, Terry Paul Young: sister, Janie Vogler; brother. Jack Kerley; and a grandson, Eric Young. Survivors; a daughter, Regina Olivia (Calvin) Cline of Mocksvillc; sons, Kerley (Joy) Young of Winston-Salem, Jan Michael Young, Steven Young, and Kim (Sheila) Young, all of Mocksville; son-in-law, Gary Robert-son of Mocksville: sis­ ter, Peggy Hill of Cooleemee; brothers, Leroy Kerley o.f Sulisbury und Jerry Kerley of Advunce; 10 grundchildren; und 5 grent-grandchildren. Funeral scrviccs were at 2 p.m. Monduy,July 26, in Eaton Funeral Chapel with Pastor James Ward and Kevley Young officialing. Burial wus in Rose Cemetery. I^emoriuls; Building Fund of Heaven Bound Full Qospei Church, 181 Hartley Road, Mocksvillc; or to Hospice of Davie, PO Box 848, Mocks­ ville, 27028. G r e a l ( C o v e r a g e S t a r t s w i l h B l u e BlueAilvanUge* I’l,ms No Rcltrral HMO, I'I’O and lUS Group l’l.ins .Small firoup Coverage J o h n s o n In s u ra n c e S e rv ic e s , In c . J o h n W o o d(336) 751-628,1 • IiiiiiBH:nnCare • Mcillcarc Supplement Insurance » Denial Coverage for IndMiluals anil Groups • Blue E.\lras* Discount Ptograms B lu e C r o s s B lu e S h ie l d o f N o r t h C a r o l i n a Crx4Kl r<*<' Kt'Oi'icd tfb« Crott *nd Üiu« Ы Nonh *9«o( <«< cmu «rd K/thvUl <4'i. ««Oubori u/rnt bf<Ur #1« po^-oy méf b« л biv*. Ar licart*« Ы Iht 0IÓ« Thank You t o a ll w h o s u p p o r t e d m e in th e J u ly p rim a ry . Clarence L. Spillman Pa/d for by Clarence Spillman Paul Giles Barney Jr. Paul Giles Barney Jr., of Montclair Drive, Advance, died Thursdny July 22, 2004 at his home. He was born in Rowan County, Oct, 14, 1952, to Pnul Giles (Betty) Barney Sr. of Ad- ■ vunce and Blanche Harrison Mathis of Ocala, Fla. He was employed with RJ Reynolds To­ bacco Co'. He was a member of the Elbaville United Methodist Church. Surviving: his wife. Gale Melton Burney of the home; u sister, Brenda Burney of Win­ ston-Salem; a brother, Rnndy (Jill) Barney of Mocksvillc; u step-sister, Debbie (Steve) Hege of Advnnce; brothers-in-luw, Maxie (Vickie) Melton, and Tony (Libby) Mellon, all of Ad­ vance; 5 nephews; a greut- nephew; and 2 special friends, Mike Pike and Van Dunn. He wns preceded in death by his mother-in-law, Edith Beal Melton on Dec. 27,1996, his fa­ ther-in-law, Troy Wesley Melton on Dee. 29,2000, nnd his grand­ mother, Paulina S. Barney on April 12,2004. Funeral services were ut 2 p.m. Sunday, July 25, in Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Alton Beal officiating. Burial was in the Advancc United Methodist Church Cemetery. Memorials; Davie County Humune Society, P. O. Box 153, Mocksville. Beverly Nlland-Will Beverly Joe-Anne Nilund- Will, 70, of Pine Ridge Roud, Mocksville, died on Thursduy, July 22, 2004 ut Autumn Carc of Mocksville. Born in Turner County, S.D. on Feb. 17, 1934, she was the daughter of the late Clarencc and Luella Marie Wert Kunklc. She hnd been an elementary school teacher and wns of the Baptist faith. Survivors: a son, Jnmes Pe­ ter Niland of Laurinburg; 2 daughters, Ava Katlierine (Ed) Hamilton of Mocksville and Nnncy (Doug) Christcn.sen of South Dakota; 2 brothers, Russell (Cathy) Kunkle of Texas, and Rodney (Ruth) Kunkle of Virginia; a sister, Nila (Gerald) Rczae of Soulh Dakota; 5 grandchildren; und 3 great- grundchildrcn'. Herman Edward Myers Mr. Herman Edward Myers, 74, of Clemmons Villnge II, died Sunduy, July 25,2004 al Forsyth Mcdical Cenler. He was born Feb. 1, 1930, in Davie County to the late Rosa Stewurt und Alex Myers und hud served in Ihe U.S Army during the Koreun Wur. He wus retired from Clemmons Villuge us u cook. Survivors; his wife, Virginia Gules Myers of the home; daughter, Lynn Myers Bauer of Jasper, Ala.; son, David G. Myers of Knightdale; 2 grand- chiUiren; and 3 great-grandchil­ dren. A private graveside service wns held ul Rose Cemetery. A inemorial servicc wus held at 7 p.m. Monday, July 26, al Clemmons Villuge II, Clemmons. Carol Turner Forrest Mrs. Curol Turner Forrest, 58, of Veteruns Drive, Mocks­ ville, died lute Tuesday night, July 20, 2004 at the W FU/Bap- tist Medical Center. Mrs. Forrest was born in Davie County, Sept. 4,1945 to the late Bruce and Francis Jones Turner. She was a gradu­ ate of Ihe Cool Springs High School in Iredell County, wns n grnduate of the Winslon-Sulem Business College nnd was a dedicaled member of the Jericho Church of Christ being involved in many uspects of tho church serving her Lord and her com­ munity. She wns a full time wife, mother and homemaker. After her children left for college she became a deputy register of deeds for Davie County. Surviving; her husband Norman Forrest; 2 sons, Chad (Christy Longworth) Forrest of Mocksville, Ben (Jennifer) Forrest of Nashville, Tenn.; 2 sisters, Mury Polly Hilton of Lexington and Lib (Ralph) Leonard of Mocksville; 2 broth­ ers, Jim (Jeanette) Turner of Winston-Salem and Steve (Hilda) Turner of Mooresville; and many nieces, nephews nnd friends too numerous to count. Funeral services were at 11 * a.m. Saturday, July 24, at Jeri­ cho Church of Christ with Dr. Tom Torpy officiating. Burinl was in the church cemeteiy. Memorinls; contribution to the childrens play area at the Jericho Church of Christ, P.O. Box 154, Mocksvillc: and should be marked Childrens Play Aren. Oscar B. Poindexter Jr. Oscar Burton Poindexter Jr., 83, of Advancc, died early Mon­ day morning, July 26, 2004 nt Wake Forest University Bnptist Medicnl Ccnter. He wus born Mny 20, 1921 to the lute Oscar Burton and Mattie Shult Poindexter. He grew up in Advancc, graduating from Shndy Grove High School. During World War II, he was a staff sergeant in charge of opera­ tions at homing stations in North Africa, Sicily and Italy, for pi­ lots returning from missions. On Sept. 9. 1945, he married Ruth Bowden, with whom he reared tt family of 4 sons. He was a ru­ ral mail carrier for the U.S. Postal Service, retiring in 1973, He was a member of Calvary Baptist Church in Winston-Sa- lem. He was preceded in denlh by his wife, Ruth Bowden Poindexter; n brother, George Frnncis Poindexter, and a grand­ daughter, Tina Leigh Poindexter. Survivors; 4 .sons, Donald M. Poindexter and J. Gordon Poindexier, bolh of Davidson County, and Richard B. Poin- dxter and Gene H. Poindexter, both of Davie County; 7 grand­ children; and 2 great-grandchil­ dren. Thfc funeral wus at 2 p.m. Wednesday, July 28, ut Vogler’s Clemmons Chapel wilh buriul following ut For.sylh Memoriul Cemclcry. 2 0 0 2 jeRam Quad Cab SLT ' Fmm AUf UCD. po»«i-.kirt (»«•(Utt.M СП4И.АС ГЧ «у«'! t-Sw. $18,988 1999 Dodge Grand Caravan Spcxl. PW, РСЧ., ;<o**r muron. 3 - « мдЬпа. СПМ4.1Л. A.C, AUf M' С4И «til» $7,988 ^001 Chrysler ЗООМ AUTU-CwWCO.•и1»|йск, П1«1П(00(. ncr««i•у«г>1Гта М.сллм. tuto AMI cwilrii, ortf 3bK $16,988 1998 Ford Expedition $9,988 - . _ _ - wwM/ vv o stíiiU ü clu vslü riJo ttg o jo cp .co m v...u4. чодг. in D o w n t o w n M o c k s v i l l e 157 Oepot street • 751-5948 • 1-888-469-3781 Otis Clayton Phelps Mr. Otis Clnyton Phelps, 78, of Clemmons, died Monday. July 19,2004. at his home. He was bom March 25,1926, in Forsyth County to William McKinley and Ruth Daniels Phelps. Mr. Phelps was retired from Sara Lee Hosiery and was a member of the First Christian Church of Clemmons. He played as a musician at seven nursing homes a month ns long ns his heallh permitted. He played wilh several music groups. Surviving: his wife, Lucy Fearrington of the home; a daughter, Linda Meadows and husband William of Advance; a son, Billy Phelps of Woodlawn, Va.; 5 grandchildren; nnd 2 great-grandchildren. The funeral service was con­ ducted at 2:30 p.m. July 21 at the First Christian Church of Clemmons by Pastor Bob Mar­ tin. Burial followed in,the church cemetery. Memorials: Ho.spice/Pullia- tlve CureCenter, IIOO-C S, Stratford Rond, Winston-Salem, 27103. Helen Renegar Helen Renegar, 84, of Har­ mony died Tuesday, July 20, 2004, al Yadkin Nursing Cenler in Yadklnville. She wns born Aug. 31,1919, dnughter of the late Avery Jo­ seph and Julia Cook Rcnegar, Survivors; a brother, James (Libbie) Rencgar of Asheville; sistcrs-in-law Eloise (Edward) Renegar of Monroe and Rossie (Muck) Renegar of Harmony; and numerous nieces and neph­ ews. She was preceded in death by her 5 brothers, W.B, Edward, Otis, Mack and Jennings Rcnegar; and 3 sisters, Ina Haynes, Mablc (Susie) Brandon and Odessa (Deck) Renegar. Ms. Renegar was a member of Sandy Springs Baptist Church and retired from J.P. Stevens Co,. The funeral service wns con­ duclcd al 2 p,m. Friday, July 23 at Sandy Springs Baptist Church, with llie Revs, David Kiser and Howard Wagoner of­ ficiating. Entombment followed in Iredell Memorial Gardens in Stalcsvillc. Memorials: Cemetery Fund of Sandy Springs Baptist, 2930 Sandy Springs Road, Harmony, 28634; or the Joyner Commu­ nity Center, c/o Marlene Johnson, 832 E. Houslonville Road, Harmony, 28634. Agnes Malinda Ratledge Agnes Malinda (Whitaker) Railcdge of Oak Tree Drive, Mocksviile died Wednesday, July 21, 2004, ut Autumn Cnre of Mocksville. She wus born Feb. 20, 1923, in Dnvie County to the lale Lonnie and Edna (McClamrock) Whitaker. A member of the Zion Chapel United Methodist Church, she enjoyed cooking, gardening with flowers and spending time with family. Survivors: a son, Kenneth Starr Ratledge Jr. and wife Etta of Winston-Salem; 3 daugliters, Ann Barnes of Mocksvillc, Knren Deadmon and husbund David of Mocksvillc and Sharon Denise Rutledge of Lynwood; 2 brothers, Lonnie Ray and C.L. Whitnker, both of Mocksville; u sister, Joyce Teugue of Advance: 5 grandchildren; and 3 grcat- grundchildren. She wns preceded in deuth by her pnrenis; und her husbnnd, Kenneth Starr Rnlledge Sr., on Murch 5, 1995, and 2 sisters, Frankie Summers and Faye Johnson. The funeral scrvice was at 4 p.m. July 24 at llie Oak Grove United Methodist Church wilh tlio Rev. Galen Hahn ofthe Now Union United Methodist Church nnd the Rev. Dilly Jarrell of the Flag Springs Uniled Melhodisl Cliurch officiating. Burial fol­ lowed in the Zion Chapel Cein- clery. Memorinls; the Zion Chupcl Cemetery, c/o Rny Cleary, 1535 Sheffield Road, Mocksville. L u k e R a y C o n f i r m e d In t o L u t h e r a n F a it t i Luke Ray, son of Lynn Ruy of Mocksville and Luther Ray of Washington, D.C, was confirmed inlo the Lutheran faith al a spe­ cial service July 4 ut Holy Cross Lutheran Church. He spenl two years in catechism classes studying the teachings of Marlin Luther and the tlieology and doctrine of the Lutheran church. A rising freshman at Davie High School, Luke is a member of the foolball team, active in his church’s youlh group, and a mem­ ber of Boy Scout Troop 525. Holy Cross, loculed on US 601 Soulh, is u membcrof Ihc Evan­ gelical Lutheran Cliurch in America. The Rev. Roberl Kasting serves ns the puslon O u t d o o r M o v ie F r id a y N i g t i t A t h iiii s d a ie Remember the drive-ins? Hillsdale Baptist Church is sponsor­ ing an ouldoor movie night Friday, July 30, for members and non- members at 8:30 p.m. The movie and snacks, popcom, cotton candy and soft drinks, arc free. Bring the family, friends, a blanket or lawn chair to watch a family movie. The feature will be “Sccond Hand Lions.” Hillsdale Baptist is located on US 158 a mile wesl ofNC 801. Call Brenda for details al 940-6618, T u r r e n t in e B a p t is t T o C e ie b r a t e A n n iv e r s a r y Turrentlne Baplisi Church, 613 Turrentine Church Road, Mocksville, will celebrate ils 9lsl anniversary wilh homecoming on Sunday, Aug. I beginning nl 10 u.m. wilh u concert by the south­ ern gospel group, Zion Hill. During Ihe 11 a.m, worship lime, the Rev. Amis Daniel will bring the message, with Ihe traditionul home­ coming meal to follow. The church invites everyone. B e a r C r e e k B a p t is t P la n s H o m e c o m in g A n d R e v i v a l Bear Creek Baptist Cliurch will host homecoming on Sunday, Aug. I. Sunday School starts at 9:45 a.m, und worship will begin al 11. Homecoming lunch will be served after worship. Revival will be held each night at 7:30, Sunday-Wedncsday. The Rev. Dwayne Miiioni will hold Ihe honiecoming .service, as well us lend the rcvivul. Miiioni hus a master’s degree, a muster’s of divinity degree nnd is studying for his doctoraic, He has served ns senior paslor of Open Door Baplisi Cliurch in Raleigh for the past five years. He leaches adjunciivcly ut Southeastern Baptist ^ Theological Seminary In preaching and pastoral counseling. He nnd wife Kny huve four childrcn. H o m e c o m in g S u n d a y A t D u H n Dulin United Methodist Church will celebrate ils 133rd year with homecoming on Sundny, Aug. 1. Special music will be by New Mercy and local talent. Music slnrls at 9 u.ni. Dress is casiiul. There will be leftionaile and refrcshincnls on the grounds. Wor­ ship at 11 a.m, will be led by the Rev, Rny O’Ferrell, A covercd dish luncheon will follow. N e w U n io n T o C e le b r a t e H o m e c o m in g O n S u n d a y New Union United Melhodist Church, 1869 Sheffield Road, will celebrate homecoming on Sunday, Aug. Sut 11 a.m. Acovered dish luncheon will follow the service. Everyone is inviled. This year’s speaker will bo the Rev, Bruce Grayson Hobson. Hobson served the Sheffield Charge in llie mid-60s, which consisled of New Union, Chestnut Grove and Zion Chapel United Melhodisl churches. Hobson was educated in Ihe High Point scliool system. He joined Ihe US Navy in 1950, serving three yenrs in Koreu during the Koreun War. Afler returning home in 1953, he attended High Point University, then spent six summers at Duke University to complete his education for the ministry. He is married to the former Ellen Summey. They hnvc three sons, Kirk, Kyle and Kris and six grandchildren. He and Ellen celebrated Iheir 50lh wedding anniversary Ihis ycur. They mnke tlieir home in Kings Mounluin. He is the pnslor of El Belhel United Melhodisl Churcli in Kings Mounluin. Y a r d / F o o d S a ie S a t u r d a y Tliere will be u yard snle Fridny, Aug. 6 and Salurday, Aug. 7 beginning at 8 a.m, at Mt. Zion Holiness Church, U.S. 64 East al Mill Street, Mocksville. Plales of food will be sold bolh days. Chicken und fisii wilh ull the fixings, hotdogs und hamburgers will be sold. Place orders by calling 751-2978, C o n c o r d M e t h o d i s t P l a n s H o m e c o m i n g T h is S u n d a y Concord Uniied Melhodisl Church lioniccoming will be Sunday, Aug. I. Services begin al 10 u.m, wilh music by Chunge of Heart from Concord. Sunday School will be al 10:45 willi worship ul 11, Dr, Mark Evans, new minister for Ihe Concord/Liberty charge, will deliver tho sermon. Eveiyone is invited to a covered disli lunch to follow. Moh.sun DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 29, 2004 - 15 P i e a s e A t t e n d T h e C h u r c h O f Y o u r C h o i c e No Creek Primitive Beptist Chuich, 222 Aubrey Merrell Rd.. Mocksville. 2nd & 4lh Sundays, 10.30 a.m. Fourih Saturday worship and conlerence, 1:30 p.m. Paslor, Richard Kliby.Eoglo Helgtite Ctiurcti,10 a.m. Sunday worship, 7 p.m. Tuesday Powerllme. 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, BIbts sludy andAwanas. Casual dress, contem-poraiy muslc/worshlp. 5103 U.S. 158, Hillsdale. Mockavllle Wesleyan Church: Hospilal St., Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11. Wednesday Prayer Meeling, 7 p.m. Rev, George Troyer. 751-5595. Union Chapol United Methodlat Church: 2030 U.S. 601 N. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.; Worship, 11 a.m.. Pastor, Rev. Jim Sanders.Center United Methodist Church: U.S. 64 W. Sunday Schooi, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Pastor, Stephen Blair. 751-2754. Childcare difectorai Coila Prevelle, 492-5735 & Sandra Aulry, 940-3753. Elbavlllo United Methodlat Churoh; N.C. 801, Advanco, Fellowship, 9 a.m. Sunday School, 10. Worship, 11. Kids For Chrisi (ages 4-11), Isl S 3rd Sun., 3-4:30 p.m. Toens lor Chrisi (ages 12- 18) meet Sun., 5-8:30 p.m. Poslor; Rev. Neville Slorey. Cooleemeo Churoh ol Ood: Sunday School. 10 a.m. Worship Sen/ico and Chlldron's Church, 11 a.m. Tues. Prayer Meeting, 7 p.m. Wed. Family Service. 7 p.m. For more inlo, call pastor Robort Huieile al 284-2180 or visit www.coolcog.org. Cornotior United Mothodlat Church: 1244 Cornalzer Rd. Sunday Schooi, 10a.m. Worship, 11 a.m., Rev. Kayo Frye, pnslor. Bethel United Mothodlst Church: Bolhel Church Rd. Worship, 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 10:50 a.m. Rev. Ed Carlor. paslor. Advanco United Methodlsl Church: Sunday School, 9.45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Youth, 5 p.m. Rov. Harry D, Sammons.Downlown Advanco. Farmington United Mothodlst Church: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. 1939 Farmington Rd. 998-5569. Rev. Tommy Robertson. Oak Qrove United Melhodisl Church: 1994 U.S. 150, Mocksviile. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Concord United Melhodist Church, Cherry Hill Rd., Mocksviiio. Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday School; 10 a.m. Youlh, 5 p.m. Paslor, Dr. Mark E. Evans. IHHK ConcordUMChurch.com Hordlson United Methodlsl Church: Worship, 9:45 a.m. Sunday Schooi, 10:45. Wondorlul Wednes-days Children's program, 6-7:30. Paalor, Rev. Dennis B. Marshall. Community Baptist Church: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Sunday Worship, 11. Evening servlco, 6. Wodnosday Bible Sludy, 7 p.m. Gladslono Road. Hllisdalo United Methodist Church! 5228 U.S. 158, Advance. Sunday worship, 9 & 10:45 a.m. Adult Ciassos,10-10:45. Sunday Night Live lot )r. and sr. high youlh. Wonder Filled Wodnosdayg, lellowship meal and prayer tlmo, 6:15-7:30. Small groups Ihroughul Iho week. For more Inlormalion, chock the website www.hiilsdaieumc.com, or call Iho chuich ollice al 99D-4020, Wesley Chapel United Methodlsl Church: Worship Service: 10 a.m, Sunday School: 10:45 a.m. Rev. Tommy Roberlson. Pino Rd. Redland Pentecostal Hollnoss Church: Sunduy School: 10 a.m. Worship; II a.m, Evening; 6:30. Wednesday prayer meeting S Bible sludy, 7:30 p.m. Rov. Joel Boyles. Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1913 US 601 S, Worship; 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:15. Aov. Robert Kasling. 751-5419. www.mindspring.com/^holycross/ Modksvllle First Presbyterian Church, 261 S. Main SI. Worship; 11 a.m. Church School; 9:45 a.m. Sunday evening: Chorlslors (grades 1-5) & Youlh (grados 6-12), 5:30 p.m, Paslor; Neai Carlor, 751-2507, Mocks United Melhodist Church, oil N.C. 801 S. al Mocks Church/ Beau­ champ roads, Advance. Rev. Roboil Symanskl. 998-5518. Sunday worship: 8:45 & 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Youlh groups, K-college. Youth director: Bill Bradley. www.formMstry.com/ ¿ТООбтитсSmilh Qrove Melhodist Church: 3492 U.S. 158, Mocksvlllo. Pastor: Chris Clontz. Sunday School: 10 a.m., worship, 8:50 & 11. Children's minislry, Belore and aller school programs, 940- 5296. Hillsdale Baptist Church: Sunday Smaii Groups, 9 a.m.. Worship, 10:30 a.m: Wednesday Fellowship Meal, 8 p.m. Children's youlh aclivilies, prayer meeling, 6:30 p.m. 940-6618. Minister ol Music, Brenl Hellon. 4815 U.S. 158, Advance. Fallh and Victory Family Worship Center, 1687 Hwy. 601 N. Sunday Services, 10 a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m. ■ New Believers Ministries, 350 Railroad St., Mocksville. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11. Wednesday nighl Bible study, 7. Pastor Elizabeth Mock. Assoc, paslor. Derrick Mock. 492-5566, Liberty United Methodlsl Church. U.S. 601 s. Worshlp:9;4S a.m. Sunday School; 11 a.m. Flrat United Methodist Church of Mockavllle, Early Sunday Worship Service, 8:50 a.m. Praise singing, casual dross, contomporary lormat. Tradlllonal servlco, 10:55 a.m. 305 N. Main SI. 751-2503. Pastors, Crystal Alexander and Donald W. Roulh. Bellovor'a Sonahip Tabornaolet Sunday worship, 10:30 a.m, S 6:30 p.m. ■ Wed. evening, 7. Paslor: Jerry L. Couch, 898-1324. Cana Rd. - Poller’s Lano. Turrentlne Baptist Church: Sunday Schooi, 9:45 a.m.. Worship, 11: Night Service, 8. Paslor: Rev. Joe Smilh. Bethlehem United Mothodlst Churoh: Sunday early worship, 8:45 a.m.: Sunday School, 10, Warship, 11 a.m. Lighlhouse Service, conlomporary worship, Thursdays al 7:30 p.m. 321 Redland Hd., Advance. 998-5083. Fax; 940-5502. E-Mail:olllcbelhumc@yadlei.net Episcopal Church ol the Ascension, Fork-Bixby Rd., Advance, Sun. School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. 998-0857. Dial A Story Ministry for children. Bill and Peggy Long ol Advance. 998-7716. Clement Grove Church of Qod, Body ol Christ. 159 Parker Rd., Mocksviiio. 492-5125. Saturday Services: Sabbath School, 10 a.m.. Worship, 11:45. Wednesday Bibie Sludy, 7 p.m. Paslor; Elder ErnesI l|ames. Radio Broadcasl: The Bible Is Right, Tuesdays, 5-5:30 p.m., WDSL 1520 AM and Sundays, 8- 8:30 a.m., WSTP 1490 AM. Green Meadows Baptlsl Churoh Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, II a.m., 7 p.m. Wodnosday Prayer & Bible Sludy, 7 p.m. Paslor Rev. Michael Walers, 998-3022. Liberty Wesleyan Churoh, 2106 Sheilleld Rd., Haimony, Sunday School 10 a.m.. Mom. Woiship 11 a.m.. Wed. Bibie Advenluie 7 p.m.. Sr. Ministry 2nd Tues. each monlh 10 a.m. 492-2063. Pastor; Ronald Loe. Bixby Prosbylerlan Churoh, 1808 Fork-Bixby Rd., noar Cornatzor Rd., Sun. School 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11. Poetori Peter Peterson, 998- 6813. Dulln United Methodlsl Church, 807 Dulin Rd., Mocksviile, 998-5409, Paslor; David Smilh. Sun School 10:30 a.m.. Worship 9:30 a.m.Cooleemee United Methodist, Main SI., Sunday School, 10 a.m., Worship, 11. Kids Kamp Sun. 6-6:30. Paslor; Rev. Porry Bradshaw (284-6135) In Homo Bible Studies, by Randy Howell. 204-4667. Boar Creek Baptist Church, Bear Creek Ch. Rd., Sun. School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Bible Study Wed. 7 p.m. Rev. William Leo Cook III, paslor, Cooleemoe Flral Bapllst Church, 284 Marginal Sl„ Sun. Bible'Sludy 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m., Evo. Worship 7 p.m., Wednesday prayer meeting, 7 p.m. Music minister, Regina Chandler, Or, Tommy Regisler, paslor, Mocksville Second Prosbylerlan, 400 Pine SI. Sunday School, 8:30 a.m, Worship, 9:30, Only Alrlcan-Amerlcan Presbyterian church in Davie Couniy. Rev. Thomas M. Leach.751-1410 St, Francis ol Assisi, ЯС. Masses; Solurday Vigii, 5 p.m. Sunday, 8 and 10:30 a.m., Spanish Mass, 12:30 p.m.; Wednosday evening Mass, 7. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Friday & Salurday. 7:30 a.m. Masses. Rov. Andrew Draper, TOR, 751-2973. Farmington Baptist Churoh, Sunday morning Bible study, classes lor all ages, 10. Worship: 11.1841 Farmlng-lon Rd., 5 miies Irom 1-40. Poslor; Scoll Lyerly, Church; 998-3826. Home; 998-5372. Blaise Bapllst Church, Blaise Church Road, oil U.S. 601 N. at 1-40, Mocksviile. 751-3839. Worship, Sunday, 8:30 & 11 a.m.: Sunday Schooi, 9:45 a.m. Sunday evening, 7. Wednesday Bibie sludy and mission programs lor all ages, 7 p.m. Paslor: Glenn Sellars. Assoc, pastor, Ken Furches. ivww.blalsebaptisl.org. Shiloh Baptist Church, 544 E. Depol St., Mocksville. Sunday Schooi: 9:45 a.m. Morning worship; 11 a.m. 751- 0597. Paslor, Savaias R. Squire Sr. Fulton United Mothodlst Chureh, 3895 N.O. 801 S., Advanco. Worship: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45 a.m. Fuilon Youlh In Christ, Sundays, 5-6:30 p.m. Paslor; Rov, Noviiie Slorey. Heaven Bound Full Qospei Church.U.S. 64 W„ Mocksville. (beside Canter Fire Oept.). Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship, 11. Sunday night praise/ worship, 6. Wednesday nighl praise/ worship, 7. Pastor, James Ward. 998- 6394. First Bapllal Churoh, 390 N. Main St., Mocksviile, across (rom public library. 751-5312. Contemporary worship service, 8:30 a.m. Sundny School lor all ages, 9:45 a.m. Tradlllonal worship sendee, 10:55 a.m. Fork Baptist Church, 3140 U.S. 64 E., Mocksvlllo. Sunday School, 9:45, Worship service, 11 a.m., 6:30 p.m. Wednesdnys, 7 p.m. Awanas, Sunday 6 p.m.998-8306.Cornalzer Bapllal Church, 1372 Cornalzer Rd„ Mocksville. Sunday School, 10 a.m., Worship, 11: evening, 6:30: Awana's Worship, 7 p.m. Wednesday evening, 7:30 p.m. New Union Methodlat Church, 1869 Sheilleld Rd., at County Line Rd. Services; 8:30 a.m., contemporary worship wilh casual dress and relreshmenls: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Schooi assambly. 10, Sunday School lor all agos. 11 a.m., Worship. 492- 5367. I|ames Bapllst Church, Shellieid Rd., Mocksviiio. Sunday Schooi, 9:45 a.m., worship, 11. Sunday evening, 8, Wednesday, 7 p.m. Pastor, Tommy Faust. SI, John AME Zion Churoh, 145 Campbell Rd., Mocksviile. Sunday School, 9:30. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Paslor, George C. Bonks. Advanco Flral Baptlsl Church. 1938 N.C. 801 S. Sunday Schooi, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Wednosday Bible Study/ mission groups, 7 p.m. Pa3lor:Martln Kaslner. 990-6302.Church of Qod of Prophecy, 2323 U.S. 601 S., Mocksviile. Sunday Schooi, 10 а.m., worship, 11. Sunday evening, 6; Wednesday evening, 7. Paslor: Rev. Bobby Shinauil. 719- 6565 or 284-2935.Victory Bapllst Ctiurcti, Midway St., Cooleemee. Sunday School, 10 a,m„ worship 11, Sunday evening, 6: Wednesday Awana/Youlh, 6:45 p,m,, Prayer & Bible Study, 7. Rev. Shelby Haibour. 204-2077. Seventh Day Advontlet Church, Milling Road, Mocksviile. Sabbath School, Saturday, 9:30-11: Worship, 11- noon. Paslor, Ron Davis. 751-3886. Macedonia Moravian Churoh. 700 N.C. 801 N.. Advance, Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. 998-4394. Interim Paslor: Roger Kimball. Yadkin Valley Bapllst Churoh, 1324Yadkin Valley Road, Advanco. Paslor; Ronnie Craddock. 998-4331. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11 & б. Wednesday Nlghl Prayer mealing, 7:30. Live Sundays, WDSL 1520AM, 11- Noon. Mt, Zion Holiness Churoh ol Qod, U,S. 64 E. ol Mill St., Mocksviile. Sunday Schooi, 10 a.m.. Morning Worship, II. Paslor: Bishop James ijames. Ml, SInal AME Zion Church, 488 Peoples Creek Road, Advance. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., worship, II a.m., Wadnesday nighl Bible sludy, 7. Dr Oils B. Robinson Sr., paslor. 098-6231. Bixby Church ol tha Living Qod. 2121 Cornalzer Rd.. Advance. Paslor, Louise Hooker. 768-1606. Worship, Sunday 10-11 a.m., 6 p.m. Salem United Methodist Church, Salem Church Road oil Oavle Academy Rd., 8 miles west ol Mocksviile. Worship, Sundays al 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45.UMW, second Wednesday, UMM llrst Sunday broaklasl at 7:30. UMYF Sunday evenings. Rev. Stephen Blair. Piney Qrove United Methodlsl Church, 376 Undorpass Rd., Advance. Sunday School, 10 a.m., Worship, 11. Paslor; Rev. Kendaii C. Qlover. 998-7316. Now Jerusalem Apostolic Church, 291 Campbell Rd., Mocksville. Paslor, Nellye Ijames-Barber, 751-0049. Sun. School, 10 a.m.. Worship 11. Wednosday nighl: Bibie class, 7:30. Inlercessoty prayer, 6 p.m. True Light Christian Ministries, at Oavle Couniy Public Library, Mocksviile. Sunday School, to a.m., worship, 11.Founding paslor: Sleven W. Dallen. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Church & Cross sis., Cooleemeo. Worship, 9:30 a.m., leiiowshlp hour alter church. Bible Study 2nd and 4lh Sundays aller church. Priesl: Rev. Noah Howard. Jesus Lite Mission, Liberty Church Rd., Mocksville. Sunday School, 10a.m., morning worship, 11, Sunday evening al в and Tuesdays al 7 p.m. Paslor; Hilóla Reavis. Mocksvlllo Church ol Qod, 882 U,S. 64 E. (beside Armory). 751-0817. Paslor; Larry Hoiillieid. Sunday Schooi, 10a.m., worship, II. Sunday evening, 6, Wednesday evening. 7. Jerusalem Baptist Church, 3203 US 601 S., Mocksviile. 284-2328. Sunday services; 8:15 a.m., praise and worship; 9:45, Sunday School lor ai! ages: 11, morning worship; 7, evening worship. Wednesday sendees: 6 p.m., lamlly lellowship meal: 7 p.m.. TeamKID, Youlh 4 Chrisi, Adull Bible Study. Nursery lor Inlanls and loddleis. Fellowship Baptist Church, 1084 Rainbow Rd., Advance. 998-8544. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11, Sundays, 6 p.m. Wednesday service, 7 p.m. Thursday visitation, 7 p.m. Paslor, Wayne Swisher, 492-7210. Smith Grove AME Zion Church, 3707 Hwy. 158, Mocksvlllo. Sunday morning worhsip. 11, Sunday School, 10 a.m. Rev. Frank Cornelius, pastor. Eatons Baptist Church, 495 Ealons Church Rd., Mocksville. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11. Wednesday prayer meeling, 7:30 p m. Paslor; Dr. David Giibreaih. 998-6149. Abundant Llfo Christian Victory Center, 117 E.' Depol SI., Mocksville. Pastor, Daniel Brown. 753-4453. Sunday Schooi, 9:45 n.m. Morning worship, 11. Ule Community Chureh, Sundays,10 a.m.. Brock Peilormlng Arts Cenler, Norlh Main SIreel, Mocksvlllo. Contemporary stylo worship wllh Pastor Kevin Slewarl. 753-LIFE. Hop» Baptist Tatietnasle, 2408 Hwy. 158, Mocksviile. 098-3618. Worship11 a.m., Sunday School, 10 a.m., 6 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m., AWANA children and teens, adulls, prayor meeling and Bible sludy.East Davie Bapllst Church Bermuda Ouay Shopping Cenler, 5397 U.S. 158, Advance. Sundays, 9:30, Bible sludy (or all ages; 10:45, morning worship: 6, Sunday evening service. Wednesdays, 7 p.m., Bible Sludy and Prayor Service. Paslor, Max T. Furr. Youlh, children and music, Jeremy Amick, 998-5584. Life Community Church, Days Inn, Madison Road, Mocksville. Services Sunday, 10 a.m. Coll Kevin Slewarl, paslor; aboul Wednesday evening lile groups, 753-5433,Malnvillo AME Zion Church, 210 Main Church Road, Mocksville. Sun­ day School, 10 a.m., worship, 11. Bible Sludy, Wednesday, 7 p.m. Pas­ lor; Rev. Roberl H. Bailey. Bailey's Chapel United Methodist Church, Bailey's Chapol Road, Ad­vance, Sunday Schooi, 10 a.m.. Wor­ ship 11 a.m. Paslor, Rev.Noviiie Slorey.. Support These Local Businesses W.G. WHITE & C 0 . 850 N, Trade St, WInsfon Salem, NC 27102 3 3 6 -7 2 3 -1 6 6 9 V O G L E R & S O N S ИШйтТП(Ш|'е~ 2849 Middle Brook Dr. ClemiTions, N0 27012 -a36i.Z6.fc4.7J-4. SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY Jericho Road •Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-5148 SHEFFIELD LUMBER & PALLET CO. A PALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Fool Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5565 JERRY'S MEAT PROCESSING We Custom Meat Process Beef - Pork - Deer 30 years experience 692 Ralph Ratlodgo Rd • Mociovlllo 4 9 2 -5 4 9 6 L A R R Y ’S W O O D F L O O R IN G S E R V IC E 24 Years Experience Sanding • Reliniahing Inslallation • Old & New Work Larry McClonnoy • Mocksvlllo 336-751-1721 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Churcti Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9144 CRAIG CARTER BUILDER, INC. 119 Hwy. 801 S, Sultol Advance, NC 27006 3 3 6 -9 4 0 -2 3 4 1 IluihhofQiiJhl} ( h tm IliW s/iVíHíTli'JA Cfjig A i'jntf. iVc»iti<Jil « Mjitin C. ùncf, Vnv ho. J. P. GREEN MILLING CO., INC. Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custoin Blend Depot St., Mocksville, NC 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -2 1 2 6 E A T O N F U N E R A L H O M E SINCE 1951 32.') Norlh Main Slrccl Mocksville. NC 27028 336-751-2148 FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2141 F U L L E R ^ » Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Fabrication 655 Salisbury Ro.id, Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-3712 CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2167 Д^р5Т AUTO PARTS MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTIVE 884 S. M ain St. • Mockavllle 3 3 6 -7 5 1-2 9 4 4 GENTLE MACHINE &TOOL INC. 3319 us Hwy 158 Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-3350 щ и т ш ш ж 5431 Hwy. 158 • Advance, NC 3 3 6 -9 9 8 -1 9 8 7 16. DAVIE COUN I Y ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 29,2004 SelMDownH! e W G k m n a D o t t EVEN BETTERS Now through the end of the month we’re going to ADD to the list of our 1/2 A Dollar DeaUU Not only can you buy any new in-stock E x p e d i t i o n , E x p lo r e r o r M i n i - V a n at . 5 0 0 O V E R I N V O I C E , But NOW we ’re going to add <04 preesiar A n y M u s t a n g , T a u r u s o r C r o w n - V i c t o t h e l i s t ! ! ! Original MSRP = $28,6F Our 1/2 ADollar Deal = $26,268'® Cash BackToYou!! - $6,000”" SALE PRICE = $ 2 1 ) 2 6 8 ^04 Taurus SE Sedan Original MSRP Our 1/2 A Dollar Deal = $19,986“ Cash BackTo You!! - $4,000^' SALE PRICES $ 1 5 , p “ ’ VbuSAVEOVER^ = S21495'« ' = $19!986“ . , " S ji- . You SAVE OVE ‘04 Explorer XLS4x4 *04 Crown Victoria Slk« 44 - - ^ E s B B v Original MSRP = $30,995“ Our 1/2 A Dollar Deal = $28,511” Cash Back To You!! - $5,00(F" SALE PRICES $ 2 3 , 5 1 1 ” ' VouSAI^EOI^ERifl Slk# 188 *04 Mustang Coupe ‘04 Expedition XLT 4x4 Slk#4C1DB2 Original MSRP = $28,365“ Our1/2ADollarDeal = $26,289" CashBackToYoul! - $5,00Г SALEPRICE = $ 2 1 , 2 8 r Slk# 4070335 \ . Origin^ MSRP = $19,250* Our 1/2 ADollar Deal = $18,026^ CashBackToYoul! - $2,50T ;34* You SAVE 0 SALE PRICES You SAVE OVi s $ 1 5 , 5 2 6 Original MSRP = $38,690“ Our1/2ADollarDeal = $34,458” CashBackToYoul! - $5,00T 20*SALE PRICES You SAVE OVER s $ 2 9 , 4 5 8 » M ^ -'’^ 4 '■■л --a41 T h e s e u n i t s a r e c l e a n , l o w m i l e a g e y ^ h i c l e s t h a t a r e E Q U I P P E D ^ N O T S T R I P P E D ! ! y MERCURY Shop us online at aafOrd.COm Just off 1-40 Exit 170, Hwy. 601 • Mocksville, NC • (336) 751-2161 'Plus lax & lees. "W.A.C. and Must linance wilh Ford Credit to receive all Incentives, "'W .A.C. 72 mos. at 6.9% plus tax & fees. See dealer (or details. I AU. . tOHÙ Л MflCUKT Uock§vtll0 Kollh Davonport Dato RatiedgeAssisanlSakaMmenr Lonnlo BuraessSalps Chuck W.ilkor Solos Soorte DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 29,2004 - Bl fs : f S ' ‘■'i i 'I Y,*. : W I jL By Brian Pltls Davlo County Enterprise Recortl There’s no way lo definitively compare athletes or dirferent genera­ tions. Athletes from the last 20 years have enjoyed the advantage of timing, exposure nnd sports options for all shapes and sizes. Davie High’s statistics weren’t always recorded in the fifties, sixties and seventies, and stars didn’t receive big headlines. The counly has grown so much in recent years that some of you won't recognize a guy who had countless skills in the early 1960s. But take the word of those who played against, alongside ond coached Coolecmee's Grimes "Bimmy" Parker Jr. Many consider him “The Man” among multisport athletes in the history of Davie. "In my opinion, he’s the best alj- around athlete that Davie’s ever had,” said Ken Boger, a catcher from Class of 1965. “We didn’t have but three sports (foolball, basketball and baseball) back then, and he was outstanding in all three. I think he could have played college ball in either of the three. .1 think he would have had a future in professional baseball had he wanted to go that route.” Parker and Alleen Steelman were Inducted into tlie Davie High Athletic Hall of Fame last fall. Roger Pierce said Parker was an automatic pick. "Of my era, Bimmy was the bost all-arouiid ballplayer, and in baseball he was unbelievable,” said Pierce, a Cooleemee native who lives in Erwin, a small town like Cooleemee tucked between Raleigh and Fayetteville. “Bimmy could do it all. He could pilch, he could run, he could throw, he could hit. He was the best baseball player that I’ve seen - bar none. I . haven’t seen anybody who could come close to him - not all-around.” •Parker was known for intensity, toughness and quietness. He didn’t say much. He wore a stoic, serious look as a player and coach. But whal made him unique - whal every coach and teammate could appreciate - was an ultra competitiveness. He hod a burning desire to win, and that desire made him mean and nasty between the lines. Jack Ward’s picture of Parker gives you cold chills. “The best thing aboul Bimmy was he was a real strong, lough competitor who was going to do whatever it took to win,” said Ward, who coached Porker in football and Legion baseball. "He always had lhal keen competitive look in his eye. “He was quiet. He’s not one of lliose fellas that’s going tn be real colorful or real pretty, but he’s going One Of State’s Best Two Clutch Wins Give Jr. Legion Bertii To The Big Show Grimes “Bimmy" Parker was an all-state pitcher, Davie's MVP in basketball and the QB in football. D o - l t - A I I S t a r G rim e s P a rk e r O n e O f T h e G re a te s t E v e r to beat you. You wouldn't really know he was around until the game started. He didn't do a lol of things to put . » attention on himself. But when the ball went up on the kickoff, whatever he could do lo beat you, that’s what he was going to do. "At 16 and 17, Bimmy was mature, quiet and resolved. He was intense and focussed about what we were going to do at 8 o’clock. You didn’t have lo look over your shoulder and see whal Bimmy was doing. Was he getting ready? Was he doing this? Was he doing that? He was thinking about whippin' you.” Parker’s will to win was so fierce lhal when the leam failed to meet his expectations, you didn’t want to get In his way. He just couldn't accept losing. “He had a temper, believe me,” Pierce said. “Him and Nemo (Wood­ ward) used to get in some spats at practice. But he was an exception to the rule because he could funnel his aggression in the righl placc. He had a head on his shoulders that sort of set him apart.” “You didn’t want to play against him. I'll tell yoM that,” said Charles Crenshaw, a fellow ‘63 grad who coached with Parker at South Davie. "(Parker and Woodward) were good Please See Grimes Parker - Page B4 By Briun Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record The pressure was intense. The slakes were the highest of the season. The sce­ nario was do or die. Game Three between the Mocksville Junior Legion baseball leam and Steel Creek decided Ihe third and final berth to the eight-team state toumoment, and Brad Corriher pitched his best game in the biggest game, hurling a four-hiller in a 10-0 victory. The win was Mock.sville's second in a row when a loss in either game would have ended ils season. Mocksvillc lost Game One 8-5, then won 13-6 to set up Corriher’.s grand performance. “Oh man. Brad was on,” assistant coach Andrew Jones said. "He hit his spots - low and right on the comcr - and his changcup went straight down to the ground. He had everything working for him.” What started as a season of high hopes has evolved into a season of ful- nilmeni. After falling one step short of the stole tournament lost year wilh a shocking iwo-games-to-none loss to Rowan County, Moeksville got popped by Rowan in similar fashion this year. Rowan stopped Mocksville’s quest for an Area III title, bul il did not erase its state-tournument hopes. In the third- place consolations, Mocksvllle took a detour through Steel Creek and kept Its 26-12 sea.son alive. With Rowan hosting the double- elimination state tournament, Mocks­ viUe opened against Cary on July 27, “We worked hard lo gel there, and I'm proud for the guys to bn one of the top eight teams in the state,” Coach Charles Kurfees said. “We’d love to win Ihe state championship - that would be great for our Legion program, this town and for these young men who have dedi­ cated their summer to play on this icom - bul anything wc do from here on oiit is prelly much gravy. They’ve sacrificed beach trips, camps and all kinds of stuff to get a shot at playing In a state cham­ pionship. And hopefully It’ll take them somewhere one day.” Steel Creek 8, Mocksvllle S In Gome One, pltcherTay- lor Cox and Mocksvllle held 0 5-3 lead with six outs lo go. Bul Steel Creek punched vis­ iting Mocksville in the gut wilh five sixth-inning runs. “Tlicy had their top hitters coming up in Ihe sixlh, and Ihcir lop four con really hil,” Jones said. “We knew they were going to hit it; we didn’t know they were going to score five runs. Il wos shocking.” Corriher Mocksville traced Ihe loss lo shoddy defense (five er­ rors) and cold hitting (six hits). It wos the tiilrd loss in three games and the fourth straight game lhat Mocksville floundered ul the plate. "We were up 5-2, nnd all of a sudden the wheels rolled off,” Kurfees sold. Chris Rogers led wilh two hits. Zach Vogler, Corriher, 2^ch Howord and Josh Eder had one each. Cox worked 4 1/3 innings and Cameron Clinard pitched 1 2/3 In relief. Mocksvillc 13, Steel Creek 6 Mocksville’s stagnant offense roared buck lo life, and Brandon Johnson reaped the benefits as Mocksvillc staved off elimination and forced a Game Three. Aflcr failing 10 surpass six hlls for four games, Vogler, Corriher, Howard and Justin Thompson rapped two cach ns Mocksvillc collected 11 hits. Sleel Creek compounded its problems by walking or hitting 11 batters. “We told them it was (possibly) the ' last game ot the year and play like U,” Jones said. “Eastern Randolph was the Inst time we hnd hit the boll hard. The most hits wc hnd ogoinsi Rowan was Please See Jr. Leglun - Page B6 RH Lawn/Davie Alarm Takes Softball Tourney The C & C Palnl/Osbome’s Towing softboll Icom mighl hove won Ihc rcgu- lor sea.son in llie Mocksville-Duvie Rec­ reation Department’s men’s open soft­ ball league, but RH Lawn Carc/Dovic Alarm was the lust one standing in Ihe loumomeni. C & C Paint/Osbome’s Towing won tiie regular season at 14-2, wilh Federal Security sccond al 13-3 and RH Lawn Care/Davie Alarm third al 12-4. RH Lawn Care/Davie Alarm, though, proved to be tho best at season’s end, going 4-0 in the tournament. It knocked C & C Painl/Osbome’s Towing into Ihe losers brackel, Ihen wrapped up Ihe lour- namcnt by beating C & C Paint/ Osborne’s Towing again In the finals. RH Lown Carc/Dovie Alorm’s final record was 16-4. Ils position lineup for ihe loumomeni included Steven Smith in Icfl field, Benny Howord lefl-ccnier. Jack Fowler right-center, David Whitaker right, Kenny Riddle third base, Tyrone Mnrlin .shorlslop, William Arm- sworihy second, Dennis Whisenhuni firsl, Tim McCulloh pilchcr, Ru.stin Harpe catcher and Mark Robertson DH. Robbie Jackson was also DH. The C & C Paint/Oiibome’s Towing lineup consisted of Bradley Prevelle in left, Bubbn Coleman left-center, Brent Wnll right-center, Jnmey Holt right, Brinn Pitts third, Bnrry Whitlock short, Tony Renegnr .sccond, Danny Allard firsl, Germain Mayfield catcher and Shane Dyson pitcher. Jason McCray, Chad Dyson, Britt Osbome and Charlie Crenshaw did not play in the tourna­ ment. The story on Ihe church league tour­ nament comes next week. Tamika Reynolds Тигптд Heads Everywhere In Track liy Briun Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record When you're 14 and in your first year of AAU track ond field, you’re suppo.scd to drown in the competition. Not Tamikn Reynolds. When you’re three monlhs removed from the first event of your life, nnd you dnre lo step Into the AAU world, you're supposed 10 take your lumps nnd go through a learning curve. Not Tamikn Reynolds. The rising Dnvie High freshmnn is a huge overnight success story. Last spring at North Davie Middle, the eighlh grader tried track for the first time. How did the new kid fare? She scorched the field in multiple events, setting n conference record while going undefeated in the long jump and winning every IÜO race but one, a sec­ ond-place finish in the nine-tenm Mid- Soulh Conference meet. “Wc lived in Yndkin Counly and they don’l have track,” Rcynokis said. “We moved lo (Advnnce) in Jnnuary. They asked (twin sister Tanisha and I); ‘Do you want to run track?’ “ After making the remorkoble show­ ing ot North Dovle, Tamika joined o Winslon-Salem AAU leam (Tri-City Relay Track Club), discovering the leam when someone from her church gave her molher, Toni Wright, a fiyer. In the AAU siale meel in June, Rcynokis finished fourth in ihe triple jump (30-3) nnd fifth in the long jump (14-9). In tiie Regional 111 meet In July in Knoxville, Tenn., against competitors from North Carolina, Alnbnmn and Ten­ nessee, she finished third In the triple jump nnd fifth in the long jump. The 31 - 7 in the triple jump enrned Reynolds n berlh 10 the Junior Olympics. And in Inst weekend’s Russell Blunt/ ^ 1 b e lie v e s h e c a n ta k e it to th e c o lle g e le v e l a n d th e n a tio n a l le v e l. S h e ju s t h a s th a t n a tu ra l ta le n t.” - A A U c o a c h , K e ish a H a ye s En.st Const InvitntionnI nt North Caro­ lina A&T, she finished fifth in the long jump (14-10) and helped the 1600 relay grnbfifth(4;10). “She’s been n grenl nddition to the leam,” Reynolds’ AAU coach, Keisha Hayes, suid. "I believe she can take it to tlw college level and the national level. She jusl hns thnt nnlurnl tnlent.” It’s hard for even Reynolds to believe site’s made it this far this fast. "I am surprised by how good I jump because it’s my first year,” she snid. “Some of these giris have been doing this for seven or eight years, but I’m nol far behind them.” Tlic meel ot A&T was international, featuring 50 tcoms und 3,000-plus ath­ letes. Compeiitors came from Philadel­ phia, New York, Fioridn, Bermudn, Mexico, Jnmalca and the Bahamas. Making Reynolds' performance nil the more impressive, she was shoved onlo the 4x4 relay team ns an emergency replacement, and the foursome ran a 4:10 after doing a 4:24 in Knoxville. Reynolds’ split wns 1:01. If Reynolds is a work in progress as a runner, the finished product should be spectaculnr. “The girl’s got some heart,” Buddy Hayes, Ihe father of Reynolds’ conch, said. "Site’s run 4x1, but I don't think she had ever run a 4x4. For a person to run n qunrter-mile right al n minule. thnl’s exceptional. You’ve got high- school girls that can’t do that - guys fpr that matter. They only hnd three girls show up, and she was Ihe only allemale. She had lo gut il oul und she cnme Ihrough for Ihem. In Knoxville that re­ lay ran a 4:24 without her and a 4:10 today. That iclls you someihlng righl Ihere.” Buddy Hayes snid Reynolds hns all the qualities you want in an athlete; Enormous potential and strong charac­ ter. “She’s powerful from the waisji down," he said. “Dnvie’s got a special person. She’s so easy to conch, she doesn’t back down from nny drills you give her nnd she doesn’t lulk bnck. She’s jusl n well-mnnnered child. Her mother’s always right there with her, and that may have something to do wilh il. I think she makes the other girls beller because she works harder.” B2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 29,2004 i H u n t e r E d u c a t i o n C l a s s T o B e T a u g l i t I n D a v i e ‘ Huntcrcclucation courses will ,bc (aught Aug. 6 an(l7 nt the ; Duvie County Law Enforcement ; Training Center behind (he Davie : Counly Detention Ccnicr. Rcgislralion is nol required. Classes will be frotn 6-10 p.m. Aug. 6 and from 8 a.m,-2 p.m, Aug, 7. Call N.C. Wildlife Commis­ sion Officer Kenneth Osborne at 998-3925. R e d la n d S w e e p s T itle s In S m ith G r o v e The Silver Spirits I, from left: Coach Vanessa Carter, Elizabeth Williard, Charlotte Miller, Rachel Howard, Sue Allen S o ftb a ll L e a g u e Silver Spirits Win Gold Medals Redland niled the church soft- ;ball league at Smith Grove, win- ;ning the regular season and tour­ nament. Redland went 15-0 in the regular .sea.son, finishing ahead of 11-4 Green Meadows, 10-5 Ad- .^vancc/Mocks, 5-10 Smith Grove, :4-ll Bethlehem and l-14Hllls- ,dale. I. Redland went 4-1 In the tour- ;namenl. Its firsl and only loss of Ithe season was n slugfest against ;Orcen Meadows, which prc- valled 36-24 to knock Redland into the losers bracket. Redland bounced back in the finals, beat­ ing Green Meadows 9-4 and 19- II to end the season 19-1. Redlund’s rosier; Jeff Pardue, Mark Robcrlson, Joseph Meola, Dave Owens, Kenny Riddle, Del Welch. Stan Garraughty, Adam Dellinger, Trampas Butcher, Brad McKcnzie, Sleven Dunn, Brad Wombaugh, Jetcmy Miller, Daniel Comb, Andy Ellis and Tim Dunn, F I R S T G R E E N S B O R O H O M E E Q U I T Y WE OFFER... Loans For All Typtjs of Crcdii Situations 100% Purchit.scs • Convcnilonal • FH A & VA 125% Financing • No Incomc Verification Mobile Homes (SW & DW ) • Self-Employed Bankruptcy OK F or Excellent Sirvice m ul Q uick Closings CO NTACT TA M A R A C HU R CH F IR S T G R E E N S B O R O H O M E E Q U IT Y 1300 Wc.stBute CeiUtT Drive Winston-Salem, NC 27103 Piione 1-336-768-7566 or 1-800-296-0551 After Hours 692-9974 • Fax 1-336-768-9864 The Silver Spirits I and Sil­ ver Spirits II brought home gold medals at the 2004 West Virginia State Senior Games on June 19. The Silver Spirits 1, a 60-64 year old ladies 3-on-3 baskctbSll team, took first placc by defeat­ ing the Wesl Virginia Golden Mountaineers 45-25. Rachel Howard was the top scorer with 23 points, including two ihree- pointcrs. Charlotte Miller added 14 points and Libby Williard scored eight, Nancy Haynes helped with offensive screen plays. Sue Allen played only momentarily because of a leg in­ jury' Tho Silver Spirits II, a 55-59 ladies leam, won medals by wal­ loping the West Virginia Almost Heaven 27-4. Aileen Steeiman won top scoring honors with 15 points. Including three frce throws in as many aiiempls. Joycc Smilh was sccond wllh six points. Vickie Frye, Dolly Urdanick and Lucy Swaim scored two cach, Lois Green and Pat Kams were strong on defense with several rebounds. The Silver Spirits I played tho Awesome 3-Somc, a 50-54 Wesl Virginia tearh in a consolation game. Miller scorcd 27 points with two 3-pointers, Howard added four and Haynes two. The Silver Spirits II also played the Awesome 3-Somc in a con.solation game. Steeiman was the leading scorer wilh 12 points, and Smith added four. Wining these games qualified bolh ladies' teams to play in the 2005 National Senior Games in Pennsylvania. Vanessa Carter coaches the Silver Spirits 1 and Silver Spirits II, and Sandra Boy­ ette is the Senior Games Direc­ tor. Absent from the West Vir­ ginia games was Alice Barnette. The silver Spirits II, from left: front - Dolly Urdanick, Coach Vanessa Carter, Aileen Steeiman: back - Lucy Swaim, Pat Karnes, Vickie Frye, Joyce Smith and Lols Green. Kenneth Hutchcns Sales Manager Bill Miller Sales Bobby Melton Sales ^‘T he D a n B e c k F a m ily ^ ^ W e ^ e C l e a r e d O u t t h e O L D T o M a k e W a y f o r t h e N E W LeighAnne Johnson Service Manager Dan Beck Ford has been serving your sales and service needs for 39 years. The'OS's are in now. We offer special prices on remaining'04's, Our service department is second to none with the lowest labor rates in the area. Dan Beck Ford has iwo master technicians to service your car properly the first time! • Genuine Parts &Service D A N B E C K F O R D "C e le brating 39 Years in Business" Hwy. 601 N. to Yadkinvllle Left at 3rd Light Past Old Hwy. 421 (Main St) Yadklnville (336)679-8841 Winaton-Salem (336)722-9850 ilT E R i. BUN SHOP 1 1 8 9 5 C O O L S P R IN G S R O A D W O O D L E A F , N C 2 7 0 5 4 3,4 MILES FROM HW Y 801 BETWEEN STATESVILLE AND SALISBURY 704-278-9159 www.falloutsheltergunshop.com OPENTUES,-FRl, 10AM-6PM SAT 10AM-3PM Logan Sessoms First For Bermuda Run In Swim Season Finals DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 29,2004 - B3 The Bermuda Run Barracudas participated in finals on July 17 at Salem Glen Couniry Club, Several swimmers improved Ihcir limes nnd the leam as a whole did well. Logan Sessoms won first in boy’s 7-8 backstroke and Ihird in boys 7-8 freestyle. Kolherinc Marlin won sccond in girls 9-10 Individual Medleys and broke the WSASC (Winston-Salem Associated Swim Clubs) rccord with a time of 1;27. She won third in Distance Freestyle. The boys 7-8 Medley Relay won 5th place (Evan Dowell. Logan Sessoms. Nick Castellano and Christian Marlin) and they were sixth in the Free Relay. Evan Dowell was sixth in 7- 8 boys backstroke. “These swimmers arc very dedicated to our Icam," said Coach Christin Howard. “Although wc arc a small leam, wc have a ton of fun and a lol of hcnrt, They have put forth a tremendous amount ofcffort this season, they have all improved tt great deal and I am so proud of citch and every one of them." Bermuda Run will have its closing swim team pnrly, an ice cream social al the Bermuda Run tennis pavilion, on Aug. 7 where awards and trophies will be given out. Katherine Martin, Natalie Castellano, Nick Castellano, Hannah Lee, Jadd Smith, Ashley Dowell, Hampton Hynes, Morgan Sessoms, Jessica Hynes, Kerry Eagan, Chris Eagan, Madison Heyden, Evan Dowell, Logan Sessoms, Christian Martin with coaches Megan McCormick and Christin Howard. Hannah Lee swims for Bermuda Run.Madison Heyden gets ready to dive into the water for the Bermuda Run Barracudas. Tegan Smith, Elizabeth Hartman, Caitlin Hauser, Lindsey Hynes and Kimberly Davis enjoy a moment beiween races. S p e c i a l o f t h e W e e k Christian Martin swims the backstroke in the final meet of the season. L a n c e Honeybuns Dunkin’ Sticks Peanut Bars Limit 8 While Supplic.s Lii.st It’s Here! Bring Your Film and Save Money! I n S t o r e P h o t o P r o c e s s i n g • D ig ita l P r in ts • E n la rg e m e n ts Tor iiil'orinalion on (lnit>s \ health problems, to www.loslerdniHCO.l'ojii Regular Hours: iVl-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 ^v\vw,f'ostcrdrllgt•o.c()nl If you could a-sk Jesus to teach you anything whal would it be? How lo make a million? Or maybe il would be how lo predict Iho stockmarkel. How lo pick the right spouse, or just lo understand the one you gol? Knowledge of ihe cure lo the worlds diseases? Maybe it would be ns simple as how to raise family? The possibilllics arc endless on whal Jesus could teach us if wc had the change to ask. D id you know that the disciplcs actually had that chance! They had the opportunity to ask Jesus to tc.icli them anything, how to raise the dead, heal the sick, secrets o f ther Kiiigdom , cast out dem ons, prcach, they could have ask H im anything. Hilt do you know what the only thing they ask H im to teach them was? Lukc 11:1 "Anti il came lo pass, that, as he H'Oi praying In a certain place, when he ceased, one o f his disciples said unto him. Lord, teach us to pray" Stalistics now show lhal there are more Americans praying lhan ever. Bui Ihe question is, do they know how lo pray, whal to pray, when lo pray, lo whom lo pray, whal lo say? Jesus answered Ihat question when His disciples ask Him. He gave ihem Ihe Lord’s Prayer which is really a model prayer. Jesus gave us ihc blueprint on how to have an cfTcctive prayer life. Come and join us in Ihe next five messages in our mini series "Can You Hear Me Now " as wc Icam from Jesus how to pray, "Can You Hear Me Now” Part 1 -Tho Man Upstairs (who is He) - Matthew 6:9 - August 1‘‘ Revival Speaker Rev. Jack Franks (Sacrijice) - August S"" - Ilumccomine Part 2 - Why Am 1 Her« (God's purpose form e) Matthew 6:10 -August li'' Part 3 - My Last Nerve (Overcoming Stress) Matthew 6:11 - August 22"^ Part 4 - Mallec (Recovering from a hurt) Matthew 6:12 - August 29"' Part 5 - Resisting Arrest (Freedom from temptation) Matthew 6:13 - September S"" Farmington Baptist Church 1835 Farmington Rd. Sundny Worahlp @ 11:00 a.m. Online: farmlngtonbaptist.org Ц4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 2!), 201)4 poach Grimes Parker won titles in 3 sports at S. Davie. Norman Woodward and Grimes Parlier share a laugh. Grimes Parner gives a play lo his 7 4 Cooleemee quar­ terback, Steve Fleming. (primes Parker's assistant coaches (or Cooleemee foot­ ball were Russ Spry (left) and Mike Alexander (right). Charles Crenshaw and Grimes Parker shake hands at Grimes' Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony last fall. The group includes mother Hazel Parker (middle), wife Fran Parker and brother John Parker. Grimes Parker's family, from left; around the table - Hazel Parker, Alicia Johnson, Lauren Parker, Steve Parker and. Drew Parker; standing - John Parker, Patty Lookabill, Grimes Parker, Ronnie Lookabill, Fran Parker and Craig Johnson, holding Brooks Johnson. G r im e s P a r k e r ... Cuiillniiud I'Vom I’liHf 111 IViiMiils, lull llicy liiul il kiiock- cl(uvn-(lnii!-()iil rijitil in llie middle ordiaskellwll) praclice. The iKxl diiy Ihey were tiesi buddies." Jolm I’arker, who pitched in Class AAA during ;i seven-year pro carcer, remembers llie lime he cosl his older hrolhcr a perfect game by making an error on a rniilinc play nt first base. "I stayed away (Votn him I'or days,” John said. "I knew what was coming. 1 had lo sleep in the same room with him. It was either at the locker room, gettiiig embarrassed In Iront of them guys, or standing toe to toe at the house. "It was tough growing up with him. He hated to lose. Losing hurt him, and we used to light a lol. Me was a cotn- petiKir, that's whal il amounted to. He ju.st wasn't a lo.ser. Nobody likes to lose, but he just took it to hcurl.” George Daywalt, Parker Legion catcher for three years, said; "John was a nnessc pitcher who could throw hard and had the good curvc. Bimmy was a hard-core alhtcic. He used lo keep his knees nil tore to pieces. He’d give everything he had. He was so hardnosed, the way he ran and the way he slid, 1 guess whal you call a winner" IIIk (>riincs IMuycd Fur The A’s It’s easy lo see where the "Fat" Parker played for the Philadelphia A’s. Lefl is a letter from Connie tvlack to Fat's parents, >t ,> , Parker boys got their ,skill.s. Father Grimes "Fal” Parker Sn made the major leagues us a pitcher for the Philadelphia Athletics. Unfortunately, he suffered a career-ending arm injury in 1936 Spring Training and never pilched in a regular- season gaine for Connie Mack, Ihe all-time winningesl manager with .3,776 wins from I'JOI-IWI. "He signed wilh Philadel­ phia and went to Mexico City," Bimmy said. "He hurt his arm, so he,gave il up and came back and coached." "He had a chipped bone in his shoulder, which Ihey couldn’t fix back in ihe ‘3()s," John said, "A chippc-d bone now, they would jusl lake part of it out. I heard (Ihe lale) Graily Spry make a comment about iladdy. He said he was a 100-miles-per-hour kid, We have a baseball signed by my daddy, Connie Mack and Connie Mack’s brother, and a letter from Connie Mack lo (Grimes Sr.'s parents). That was a he 1 lava honor," They Pliiyed All I'lif Time Those athletic genes held true in Bimmy and John. They were always in Ihe back yard or behind the school playing ball with Iheir Cooleemee buddies. Pal, a calm and humble man who died of a heart attack in 1У7.‘> al age 57, played for the I'anwiis Cooleemee Cools and was heavily involved wilh kids, running Ihe recreation center and coaching t.egion basebiill, Everyone was embraced al the home of Fat and Hazel Parker "We'd get in the back yard and John would always throw ami 1 always hit," Bimmy said, "Maybe that's the reason he was a better pilchcr anti had a beller curvcball. On Saturdays and Sundays, if wc playeil at 5 o’clock in the evening, we’d have our .suits on al У o’clock in Ihe morning, [fit rained, we’d just aboul cry becausc wc wanted to play ball so bnd. We’d nil go up behind the old school wilh a slick and a tennis ball. We’d throw Ihnt bnll a.s hard as wc could ngainst the brick. We had games like thut ull the time." “Fal Parker httd an equip­ ment shed behind his houiie thal wus like going lo u loy store," said Nonnan "Netno" Woodward of Clemmon.s, who grew up in Cooleemec and remains Bimmy’s besl friend. "Grimes was lucky lo hnve a mom und dad like Fal and Hazel. You’d never know Fat played (profe.ssionally) unless you saw some of the pictures on his wall. He could really give you some advice." One moment in ihc laic 1950s - when a tornado hil Cooleemee - epilomized their love for ball. “They didn’t hnve sense enough to come home, so niommn had to send me to the park lo get Ihose boys to come home,” sister Pntty Parker Lookabill said, "They diiln’l have u clue. They were just meandering along with Mike Jordan and Nemo. I was so mad. The tornado tore down the fence at the ballpark. From the ballpark down Ruffin Streei, it did right much damage. We took off running and it’s n wonder wc didn’t get killeci. Wc had to slop and get on the porch nl Firsl Baptist Church. Lightning struck the niessnge board in front of the church and il scared the daylights oul of us. "They didn’l have sense enough to conic home, but monimn nlwnys knew where they were. You don’l see kids playing ball like that now. They don't get out and play and play and play. And it’s kind of sad." PIua.sc nirn I'o Page HS P a r k e r ... Continued From Page B4 Bimmy was dynnmite from dny one. His Coolectnee Midget baseball team won the Salisbury Rec title. His Little League lenm in 1957 weni 8-0, nnd Bimmy pitched all eight games nnd hil .526. His •seventh- and eighlh-grade basketball leam nt Cooleemee weni 8-0, nnd Bimmy was the only seventh-grade starter “He was a rising fifth grader playing wilh rising eighth and ninlh graders like Mole Spry and Fred Pierce," Woodward said. "Wc won Ihe league that year I was on the team but didn’t gel to play much. Bimmy pinyed shorislop. He ,wns one of the lucky ones. I was his catcher (in 1957), He was such a good pitcher at thal age, most of the guys couldn’t hit him nnd n lot of guys couldn’t catch him," “Everybody heard of him before you saw him,” said Crenshaw, who played for Mpoksville, “You knew who Grime.s Parker wns and everybody was ju.sl in awe of him, I remember Ihc first game I ever played Little League, we played them. He pitched Ihc game and won nnd hil two home runs, Wc played al Rich Park and he hil ‘cm way out," Davie’s Uo-It-AII Star While bnsebnll wns his signature sport, Bimmy was outstanding in football (quarter­ back) nnd bnskelbnll (point guard). Parker nii.sscd ills junior foolbnll senson wilh n leg injury. As n senior the 6-2, 175-pound QB piloted Davie lo the best record in its scvcn-yenr hi.story, 6-4 ovetnll nnd second in the Norlh Piedmont Confer­ ence behind unbeaten Norlh Rownn, which edged Davie 7- 6. The team wns buill around Ronnie McClnmrock, who nvcragcd 100 yards n gninc, but “n lot of thal wns due to ; y Bimmy," Ward said of Davie’s succcss, “Nb mailer what you’re playing - volleyball, ping-pong, whatever - Bimmy was the one you wnnted on your team, Fie could throw or he could keep the ball. The besl Ihing svas his leadership. We wanted to win and Bimmy brought everybody along the same trucks,” “I was the backup quarter­ back as a (1962) sophomore, and Grimes is the only one 1 ever remember that called his own plitys,” John Parker said, "He just hud n feet for Ihe game. He jusl knew what was coming next. Back in those days they’d always run plays in. I’m nol saying Ihey didn’t run Ihem in on him some, bul he called a lot of the plays." “When you stepped in the huddle, you shut up,” Wood­ ward said. “Thai kind of rcspect, Ihal’s whnt il lakes when you're playing qunrler- back or point guard.” Bimmy made Davie's varsily basketball icam as a freshman. The point guard was DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thurstlay, .Fuly 29, 2004 - B5 Shawn Brooks listens to his tough-love coach.Grimes Parker devoted 30-plus years to teaching and coaching, even swim lessons. All-NPC as a junior and senior directing a 1961-62 team lhat ranks among the greatest of all­ lime, Tlie Rebels went 17-5 and won the NPC at 13-1. Davie hns only won three Icuguc titles sincc. Bill Evuns, 6-7 Chuck Tomlinson, Jim Anderson, Junior Beal and Purker nil averaged at least eight points. Dnvic finished sccond in Pnrker's senior year The key elements in 1962-63 included Anderson, Gary McDaniel, Commie Shoffner and Wood­ ward, Anderson and Purker were All-NPC selections, nnd Parker wns nnmed team MVP. Parker wasn’t u powerful scorer (8 ppg on the 1962 title lenm), bul he brought defensive tenacity nnd could dish the ball like nobody’s business. “He would just as soon make a good pass as score,” Woodward said. "He could have scored more, but wc had such a good team he didn’t need to score,” Crenshnw said. “He’d throw a lol of no-look, hard passes that somehow would get through, More thnn a pure shooter, he was just a winner - whether it wns diving on the floor, battling some big guy, whatever,” “If one certain player wns the star player of a team. Grimes would guard him,” said Hnrry Lee Howell of Hannony, a teammate in baseball and basketball, “He was such a good defensive player, und he mnde plays that weren't noticeable,” Parker enjoyed football and bnskelbnll, but baseball was his passion. He ,starlcd at third base as a freshman, he was All-NPC us u junior und he was All-Stnie ns n senior He threw two no- hitters, .set records for strikeouts and wins and led the conference in 1963 with a ,582 nvernge, “He was us strong us a horse, he could throw it like n rific shot, he could hil nnd he wns n phenomenal pitcher," Pierce said, “Not only wns he good, he wns stnari," "1 cnn remember him hilling two opposilc-ficld home runs in the snme game, nnd thal was a pretty good shot then al Rich NOV#CIPEN A u tK e n tio Japanese C u is in e Dinc-in or Takc-out 678 Wilkesboro St„ Mocksville 336-753-6867 Fax: 336-753-6847 III Form er Potmims LocuHon Business Hours Sunduy - Tlutrsday 11 ;00am - 9:Q0pm Friday - Saturday 1 hOOam - 10;()0pm Pickup Vyinclow Availnlilc Park," Boger said, “He could have played any position. He wns just Ihnt good of nn nthletc." "1 remember one gume he hil ono out in left-center, came up the next lime nnd hit one out in right-cenier,” Crenshaw said, “And he probably pilched the game, too, A lol of guys snid he hud un uwesome knuckleball, but he didn't hardly ever use it. He mostly could just throw it by everybody.” While.many pluy hurd, few have ever combined such desire with skill and grnco. Parker struck out 18 of the 21 batters he fnced in a 1962 no-hitter ngninst Monroe. Thai broke the record of 17 Ks by Clarence Driver in 1958. In 1963, he fnced 22 butters in a one-hitler ngainst Moores­ ville anil had a no-hitlcr Ihrough five when he fanned 13 ngainst Ea.st Rownn. Tlie third baseman/pitcher uvcruged 11 Ks a game, went 9-1 and hit ,582, The wins broke Carl Jacobs' 1958 record of eight. After helping Davlc win 13 of 15 gnmes nnd enpturc Its first NPC title in seven yenrs of trying, he was one of five pitchers named to the All-Stnte teum, Parker’s All-NPC teummntes were shorislop Beal and outfielders Bob Peoples and Woodwnrd, "Most people think of Grimes for his pitching, but he was one heckuvn third baseman," Woodward snid, “If he would huve stayed at third full-time, he would hnve probably hnd more scouts uftcr him.” “He's as good u third baseman n.s I’ve ever seen, nnd bnck in our time he hnd ns much power as uny kid you’ve ever seen,” Daywalt said, “If you got one by him, you hit it over his head or in Ihe hole," John Parker .snid. Parker starred on Ward’.s Legion teams for four years. Woodward slill gets goose bumps thinking about a homer in the summer of '63, "His power lo opposite field always amazed me,” he said, "We were playing Thomasville. The game started right licfore the sun wont down. The lights were on, but it was hard to .see long lly balls in the light sky. Grimes hit one to riglit-centcr thut I saw clear Ihc fence by 50 feet - nt lenst .425 feet. Neither umpire pickcd up the fiiglit of the bull, and they called it a ground-rulc double. Grimes never said a word, just griilned. I've never seen a righthander hit ‘cm 10 oppo.sitc field like that. Right-ccnicr was n deep shot back then ut Rich Park.” Parker look his slick glove nnd hot but to Wingate Junior Collegc, sinrting two years at third and hilling over .4(K) ns a sophomore. In n doublehcnder wilh Spnrtnnburg, he went 3 for 5 in bolli games. Againsi Wnke Forest, he made two sparkling pinys that helped Wingatc’.<i pitcher lo u no-liitter, Parker hnd Whnt it took to rcnch ihe pro level, but he qui| baseball when he left Wingute for Appalachian Slate, "Scouts from the White Sox and Ynnkee.s cume to see me hil al Rich Park," he snid, "They said they were interested, but I wasn’t, Al lhat time, I Just didn't want to go," He left mnny lo wonden How far could he hnve gone? “John played pro baseball nnd Bimmy could have gone a lone ways,” Pierce said, “I don’t have any doubt in my mind, and he could have pluycd any position. For whatever renson ,„ I’d like to hnve seen him continue on.” "Our last yenr in Legion he had n chnncc to sign nnd wouldn’t do it,” Dnywnll ,'iaid, “Then you didn't get drafted. They just came nround and shopped people. The Senators were inlcrestcd. I'm thinking somebody offered to send him to Buriington to play close lo home ifhe would sign. But lie jusl wouldn’t, II kind of bothered me becausc he wouldn't goon and play further Bimmy never wanted lo gel away from Cooleemee much,” John Parker will never forget listening to a discussion between his father and a scout. “Me and daddy went lo High Point," he said. “Grimes E m ergency stand-by g en erato rs by G en erac Propane/Natural Gas/Diesel • Fully automatic switch over. Opening Soon In Advance! 775-9222 t Aulomatlc Switch Gears Eleclrical supplies for all generators Our larger liquid-cooled i standby... Repair and Service Dealer for Qenerac i i ' ' # Warning: Never operate portable generators inside home. R e p a irs o n P o rta b le G e n e ra to rs a n d P re s s u re W a s h e rs : R .V . G e n e ra to rs /A C A u to m a tic S w itc h e s fo r P o rta b le s was hitting close to ,400, He had so many comc and talk to him. One of them camc up and talked to duddy. Grimes went like 3 for 4 thal ufternoon. He offered him u pretty good lump ifhe would sign, und I'm Ihinking; ‘Go.sh.' It was unbelievable, "In my opinion, he could have mnde it ca.sy becausc he had it nil going for him. I played in the minor leagues - A, AA, AAA. As far as A-ball nnd AA-bnll, he would hnve had no problem. I’m not saying he would have made Ihe major leagues, but he would hnve buttled his (butt) off and tliey would hnve given him a strong look,“ “He didn’l want lo leave Cooleemee, that’s basically whnt it was,” sister Pally suid, "He wns a homebody nnd ,<iiill is," Ih Pnrker’s next life, he wus n beloved lencher nnd coach, spending 12 years nt Cool- ccmce and 18 at South Davie, He pluycd ferociously, nnd thnt’s Ihe wny he wns on the sldollncs. His tough-love stylo produced championships In every sport he coached - foolbnll, baseball and girls softball, “Kids loved him. All the kids jusl loved him,” Daywalt ,said, "I remember when (my son) Andrew cnme Ihrough, they thought he wns the stuff. Thnt wns n plus for South." “They all rcspecicd him,” Crenshnw .snid. “He ilidn’l mind getting on them, but they ■ knew he wns trying to help them. I’ve seen kids who ; pinyed for him when we're oul pinying golf, und they'll come i up to him, Tlicy'vc slill got a ; lol of respect for him and want ! to come speak lo him,” “A lot of parents would fusS becnuse he would holler," John snid, "He wus a competitor and; he wns n winner Somo of the , " kids mighl hnve regretted it ’ then, bul now they rcspect him;; foril," i While Bimmy wns the perfect nll-around nthletc, he is j nol senlimentnl. He’s nlwnys been tt siruight-shootcr, but he’s; done npoorjob of letting '■ unyone know nbout his \ achievements. Even son Steve ; hns heard liltle nbout whnt he < did, ; "Steve doesn’t know i anything nboul what he ; nccoinpllshcd,” sister Putty ; snid, “Grimes won't talk ubout j himself. It makes me so mnd. I'll -say; ‘Grimes, you’ve got to ! be proud of what you’ve done,’ ; He'lt say:‘Well, I know, bull didn't do anything spcctaculur,''; He’s very humble. He won’t _j- talk to Steve about that kind ot.. stuff,” ; “That means n lot," Biinmy snid of mnking the hnll of fnnio! j “That is super nice. It brings buck a lot of memories for me nnd my teanimnlc.s. Il puls them; in a high position, loo, becausc | I couldn't have been where I i wns bnck Ihcn wiihoul my ; icnnimnles." I COMING T O M O C K S V IL L E SATURDAY & SUNDAY July 31 & August 1 B e n F r a n k l i n Saturday, 10am to 5pm Sunday, 1pm to. 5pm Color P ortrait Package Special 3-8x10’s 3 - 5x7’s 12-Wallets 13 95 Ш Ш D e p o s it Customer pays $11.00 when portraits delivered al store approximalely one week laler. • DON’T IVIISS IT • NO AGE LIMIT FAMILY GROUPS ALSO «ADULTS TOO! All work GiiiirantcccI by: T R I V E T T E S T U D IO B e n F r a n k l i n Willow Oak Center • Mocksville, NC Hf. - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 29,2004 Jr. Legion Entering State Tournament At Catawba College Cunllnucd From Pugc Ul fbur, uiid in Ihc first gume against Steel Creek wc didn't hit well. ; "When our bats come alive, *c ’re a loiigh leam to beat." Johnson was subpar. allowing six runs in five innings and leav­ ing with a sore arm, but the of­ fense gave him a boost that lifted his record lo an astounding 7-0. Clinard relieved again and closcd sVilh two scoreless innings. ' Brandon Stcwurt reached base four times without a hit, wnlking iWice and getting bcnned twice, (jotrlher hud a single, double nnd three walks. Howard had two singles and two sacrificcs. Th­ ompson reached four time.s (two singles, walk, hit by piicii). Rog­ ers, Austin Wnlker and Heath Boyd added singles. Mocksvillc 10, Steel Creek 0 ; It was time for somebody’s season to end, and Mocksville wasted no lime making sure it Wus Steel Creek’s Insl gasp. Il scorcd Ihrcc runs in the lop of the first, Ihrce in the second and cruised to an easy five-inning win. ll cruised becausc Sled Creek's piichers, who unraveled in Game T\vo, walked 12 more halters. Vogler, Stewart, Corriher and Eder gol iwo free passes cach. The way Corriher was pitch­ ing, the big first inning was all Mocksvillc needed. Ils four hiis came from Vogler, Siewart, Cor­ riher and Howard. "Corriher^was just glad we got some nms for him,” Jones said. “Wc pitched good against Rowun, but we didn't have the hits. Corriher needed a good gnme to get him back in a groove (or the state touroament." Third baseman Thompson made the best defensive play. Wilh Iwo on and two ouls in the Ihird, he speared a ball that ap­ peared headed down the left-field line. “He laid oul right on Ihe line, grabbed il, gol up and lagged ihird,” Jones said. "Thai was big bccause that was the top of their lineup.” Notes: There wns n major concern as Mocksvillc cnicrcd the stale tournamenl al Catawba College’s Newman Park. Ace pitchcr Johnson was question­ able with a sore elbow. “We feel like every lime he’s on ihe mound we’re going to get u win,” Jones said, Johnson snid; “I’m jusl wniling lo sec how it feels nn game day. I’ve been icing it. Hopefully il’ll keep gelling bel­ ter.”Zach Howard, one of Mocksville's big bats, rips a pitch. The Jr. Legion team is 26-12. - Photo by James Barringer Agents: L tv tm * • Braktr CdL' 909-2OI Uvr««(« • Irekrr CtU: 909-1395 Omcr 7)1.20)) (336)751-2055 9W (Kryn t t • ЭвЯ 20A, WM hepL ИгоАгиЬЪикт. MramleUtHba^ MW roûi. ПМГ1400SF. oov«nM por<<\ fme«} bediyd, quii« ngnbmd tIHtPO MO Owjpn «f. 38R n«w U caUntif. âhx of hanMood 1И. racmt rwMT Mrtral cooGn«, publie гмйриЬмМпа mod (McM.rMrdKk.ttortMotM.000 "ÜndèrîGôntrâct I UnWGontFa^ w/pt#r.WMM«nUffWd.r)««n)0f.4BR flu«MUld»i«0Mb«nt.h«tOtnt». 30AOv«r3.200e f.ro n n « IL R « D a s CMmlcHM.9MtP0«.№c*ftMon»p«h FP«, fn t t m i Ь ш г щ * . ШТ.МО » бяА ptar. 3<«r pvae« Ц9М00 • 1тт«аМ«Э0Я •L o ti Hunt S t..33 acre, nice level building lol near Mocksville HIslorte Dislilct, tllcli built or true modular only allowed -114,900 20A on V 7 acm, Н«»Нм) arour>d bMUAifhardMli. bordv* Ou(ch(n«M CrMk,m«vd*«r«boU* t ta ijiHirtury a » upd#>d m зал M t 2000SF. 1.32m w fifn m x Orar#* t СогЫ cnbtep*. 1r»hd temni. Kn» M(-lnUl,icr«w)eddKfc* im ,000 Ш Cm« Lab» Or • ONE itv«i 4ВП ЭВА op«n flrpien. OM loo», M iMn d»a trwKh doora to priv»(» putto. eovar*d brattaway to 2-<ar gar • I1IM 00 N l-W I Ì4 (lll« | 1210 Brootnvood Or. • Al brick. 3BR. nuQ» Ira»» ki fanead baeicyanj, hardwood ftoore, pine kit еаЫпа(», oaw (Qof *09. Ы un№ b«ml tW,e00 N c \v b i.4 t iiit | i . 7 5 A c r e к Ш РаЬЫа VaNay Way. Mvanca tfaa. Wvfl MX 36R 2BA. fpl. paacalbl â »»dudad. »MoN» ihrifout. aM of cabinaliftcourÁartopipac«. tIOMOO , N 4 ..iv '7 0 0 ,S I t«C№rlH»an» ' Wjaail,<Hpr.t<)caCü>aCod, 3eM.Oof9aou«ihowmofndaa)on< 2M. o»ramio lia. hrdivd». oa»tonnai dntfi»»ap lM fi« y .^ lu id ^ togi. eatfiadrai ca*na 2-car Ьмчк <a«rdadi&maraU|lT»,Mt 0ar.13x20»tor»0ablda9tniN0 noorviiarv аВ ЫсК tfraaloonúboa pañtiy. rècé prhrata patío. quM naighborW n town 1102.000 R»cart)y rvfìovatod, huQaflrMbad A«Stft2.MA n»¿V370«F. ba»amanl,2FP’».t^«4ian i,Ota«tond«capa'ttM,MO ^JC . -J Ш M tr H»r •>*« • MR 3BA Mm Com. Du« 2001. bighi MiMn. I«m<l l»ckyin>, huoo 24 < 1} wnd iloragatuMna. t tlacrau -ии.ма • Davie High's piclure duy all fall sports is Aug. 6 at 3 p.m.This incUidcs checrlciulcrs, band, dancing boots, clc. •The Mocksvillc-Davie Rcc- reulion Deparlmenl is tuking reg- islrulion for coed softball. The league will begin in mid-Augusl and play Mondays,Tuesdays nnd Tiuirsdays. The deadline is July 30. Call Joe Boycllc at 751 -2325. • Tryouts for Ihe Davie High girls tennis team are July 28-30 from 8-10 u.m. al South Dnvic. You must huve a physical. • The first praclice for the Davic High varsily'and JV soc­ ccr Icuins is Tliursduy from 5-7 p.m. ul llie YMCA. C O L D l U e U . B A N K E R Ш TR IA D , REALTORS' С b t r i a d . C O m V ' . ' ' : . ■ ■ 4 F o r.có m p le te lis tin g s o f h o m e s fo r sa le Davle/Clemmons Office Intersection of Hwys 158 & 801 336 998-8816 Relocation 1-800-327-4398 m UAmnrooo num uvu л'л m?iauc riK-K» ЙГО ÍÍI]¿i Kit eu/í (Vf brf ifrJuVv Ni К f4i bJti lu>i fu/Ti. tj{ tVT<t« It гл foc> JuJ W iVeprr-J (/j.t [A * '/j6\\‘А\Шмг\Щ%лл siiJUHViiAcviuiif< MAC Gofjwxrt (.ix/t'iM* leteJ «J«. ■■.vM h cfvd f jriiv< U"V*orUfic(i,}K)gi •,U1 r\i.t ЫГ« (<91 & iUttif«}Qffi rm ttfXrt fifl Л Wofe* V<iu 111 СОУМТОЯ CIKIK 0ДУ1С4ВЯ?!ЛАГ1ц^ ^ Ж*1 IWiCUBÚ «OüfiÚJ í'f iif/iúiíucíiííi to} irí««y Ilifiwoö índ 111? r¡ü«v «jirtioj yflri appiiiftei ачгЛч ccu/fflow. »ocd Мил. üftíiíil ttífJi ni iwt V<ii fieniing УЛ-П67 MUI2I4) tM,IOO 231IKDIC UlC Ш11Г FAMI OAVK 3iJFi bLCAC iCrtir hofte *,'p.ne ttfj, lif« II Wen jnj *Tjo itwjfid «yOi 2 ( íítftUrn 5lef» ■ítftUrn isTeftíC Х.1П '?(W3(W;1|27I,000 1П7 КШСИАМР RO DAVtC Ш 2БАIЛАС ÜuJt in llie lile ISOOs 1сллд’/ ffsíciM *lmrf mol If^uies. f, üi*i ti^ii) tub. W*d m lile (irt. яЛ pcrc/«. poiiifv] yvd. yuúío *Лгух ortf gvJíe on ir* 1« Hwi« Dfví, Joftnw Wflll7MW32?n9| OT 4 MDUÜID rucf DkV1l4BI<25ÜA0(и of ) kind' í)om miS5 ] cMnce al !/ní or«. One Iwil fnjVef, tiii^ fooíTn, hjKjMXxJJ, ura-Tirc lile. сиУо.71 ifim maiairj, lairendoui en Of bonus CfiriJ Ga/(Je W0-1I58 (V/323C^l$2S9,QOO 1(ГТ U UOIANO NAT DAVII ?‘{>A A ff* tui*' Uivrwlif.'l tlrt.5 IC«’/«'*' ÍM ïWiO Ц-JÿS. JIÍ kg myeJW 5ÍM*/ г«х«.ы' v*.»iíU^wVj'/v')|2H,M0 t» tOMRSCT CT OAVII m bA'-r.íLM*« h(/r# Й1-) u/iji rwifi. XjüeiJ Î.VÇ eíefu.it 1.Го*ч4;-^гл icatíO clr<í to CjiVi'rt Aii'ecííCfli/ifí Cj'IIC«Üi CrtJ/yjf.wm п?/1иш/1^1$т,ю6 lor 11 niuMU OAViQto« зеа m vcty от м dutcwun hiu oav» зёя -mя pijn »m Nûh tiíit'rtp, .V< tírtíOümj. inn iVJijt JJOOO 191СИМАКМУ CTий А ‘leio/iU irttf.i/ rjii rr, ^ lu t i nrj 'jf » И » tcwrij troW■JVÁ ’.1 ':.-éu '.!Ы 1Л-Лhr»’ ii’^ '/И l'ci Irt'tV//*) IIU.OOO 97) mm m van ifrouit davsiñrt ¿bK Uiyx-a Ktiri'.fre *,U'9f »jjrrt lr.:fij(y..íri íHtJí ií//trtínmj r«n«pai'l AJO e-nW П-:Д№№П)|lSI,ÍOiJ 1 c«í*(J b irtií - 240 CUfUWOOO OfI OAVII 3SH 2bBK HiHl« *00^ Prol^ii&njtljtjfiijaítwl )VÍ w\ nu:ru.nf(j fome. ffjny ф11!«. itttíl iiítí>úí üi'l Ги.;; •' t Wl *vfW, ÍUn Gl Je W liy ictjj(iOfai valus' 1600»У wfi on ijcwiiy 1« üftritiûwpiinti'eiîiijw/iiîi^s, icjciö 'гтцУе/ Ui'.e. trv'Jiea bc<i(;5 icwi WjilidOi«5 in Л1 tttJrcmj Cfi/ií ы ае M 142 WHITIWAO on CREtifWMO LAKES OAVII 4ÍIH 2У1А ftffiieni locaiiyn' íc/üs\ liOfTi Ojk Viiit'í ^ nitfiin mmutcs o< r40 A Wimioii ía'ífti i!eiiwvjo4i^ la toj'ijiu ih'uUvJ i».1lú*t;(i,ig (rtrt Piicwl (o scil шчтыае!» Vxii r^g 908'U6í ДО2<И0| $174,900 12виПЕЯиЛС OAVIE ЗВП 3S.BAGrejl tw,' Wc^eilut »«me Ш w:i ÍCOOÍf. í.n.irvd bVT4 íKxiui foom Ä kiifftái Cortfcd txi. poitíi. ¿ Ul &3’jw l3»ge Vita^n *,itiHickcf/ oti,nc!s Musí 5«' fiíeii G(ut*t) И1)- 1153 iwy:i2ne)$i72,ООО »9 CUVTON FOSTEfl OAVIMFli 35IIA Sfw:licisi<t antJ uiuQ(Ä иа«!тшУ1ф cn h aae5 Jpji ol líw fitujimbiWírl.tkV ana v.u-titcd poich in з pir.te ■*0(x>.'O MMiQ ßjitori Alien WÜ-IIS'Ímmmbbó,wi 10T t DUTCHMAN HIIU OAVII 3(]n ¿GA 1 mz Ctory ft anouJjtle, is aMI roull tme in Hus laiiduii» limsM fioiTie 9 ceiimgs, cfOAn noijing ley ceiling in Mjsitnijiie fuirfisiiiHur tuii;'e eipannwi Chds tin<k W8-HS8 |A'J230/5) $159,900 190 CROSSWIND DR MARCHMONT ACAU PAVII 4[)R 3 5HA 8 7?AC (iJled соппцШ/ A OQide'ed by Î «I'aiTi. itvi 6 7 acws o( Ы>л!' ffeidoí» 4 giigeoui aooH Ims C6.Î tt of lOJd (lonsjg- A гЫу. sunioOT, ало Iao twus iDornj are lejtitfsd in l'«s hofrt ViCki Пешшд <^}а11В?(УШ^5й)«99.000 SU KAU. «AIKÍR RO DAVIE 3Üf) ^BA ?AC ««.'j' Ы*« 10 ilie türteifTirt and conJol dì tre rrvi^n iroiougfifj/î Swcioask'c/rn 4Г0 anifirt Líiitmji'Cíi fpioy r^’o'e IlfiiTl tr< (tliiiM deck SflC l‘»(Üf (UrU'i Al!tf\ ЙЗ 11M ГЛЗгВД $141.000 274 ШЮМ CREEK CHAflUSTON RIDGE DAVIE íliñ 2ÜA fitfjulitui hune' Ik-rti imn пел' DfjfTúi»;, s(4;i lcT(tt finiÿej avre (oom and ЛЛ ifi \f.ni Pdïjcy/^vn lirk IoxjrJ lïkyira Si! fvlI'LΫ Cor,y!ij№ t/tllfKjj S;cfi»] 99â-li;e ^2/360) $131,900 Ш «miARO CnClE ПКЕНОКТ DAVIE3fifl 2HA feni «fien »ou tan crun! Well caredtótttìiTe jinhp>vfí,iTio»e-inwi<;iW)n Maint- Irte edeiiof fenced tark/inj. lots ol sMA: liKs AlUS intlixW l«/ âOÂU 10 MO Kji Crtar«};ei !»6- lice (W32^4| $92,900 17& SAM con DAVIE 3ßl^ 2DA [п|оу this t*autiljitiofníonapiftiiity»oodíd,pfi/áie 1.3Í acre; laniasiic kjlc/icn includes чщеч'а! ft dis^wsiKf Ma«ei BA witccaiüs stoAC'MjiíJen tub 20 minuldS 10 Wmsion SjIííti Mrfindj Síelw«9-tU8(W22703S)$í9,900 lOT 474 HIOOENBROOKE DAVIE 4F!R 4 5BA I(en«ndout («(w lM<W */№ei«ltis! 1Мл\1145 mjci |fi 2st/ lorfr, (omul king & d.nirig tms A EitcftöVlkiM (lOuiiM kiUtiöi. ifiistw by«, 'foofn лЛи11 Ш Uniifiisiied stofifM fooin. • 5 leming <ß8-1167IW33I622) $479,000 I COWTRT СШЕ DAVIE 4BR 2t^ACG'tHWl/Xít’CrultAÜ.Vnílkjt lyri,»! t<^\ CM Cfrtik»! 'tüUflíj’ «-fct«' *' *.4J to M l> (.Wi> й'и UiHtú МЫЫ lufCfWiiViíi^ 1i9l|W3.m$)4S,900 1И TIFTO* IIKCT OAVII «íR 25ЛА OT 21 UOUÜiO ПЛП 0АУ1ЕЗеН2№А Й-кс-.л!» v.'f^ «Вмгтыа Ftfl [OíOi«vuÿ lAïii МЭА л^;Ыеч че5Cíí.uru’’íi r« It>n Ajis mfií/í» tlW[V¥Jin23|$2»4.»0 nc. ;Jeaur< kxaNon il end st'cH F'ur< . ^1 lüf íttai;ng tíni iv íiíü'Uion a yofij! aro tntci'utrííd loi wn U9« úper fooms *!i'íal Tci* irtiuJej trwn Cir^ Jc/ñvyi ISOVMOAirrUAO DAVIE 4№ 26A 12AC lirJ. {«(itct ticre-JftW Seref»! u^üii^es К itfv}'a!e toifJfr k<lctcr) PtrloJ (o' fwvei tóJ'.icwl b -*« icAúí i IOÜ.OÍ ?0 y.ia JaM imw 9‘;ail5î №i14j5)$2U,WO lOr 11 REOIANO FUCI DAVIE 46Я35ВА lüiie beyelofxniíi. Cirtlom inm iinis/i. hjrdMxd and iHiiir^ Iront pwcii ai end oí ií/WPi/Uri Allöl йЗ П54 (W323SM) $2М,4М ОТ 20 REOUM) ПАСЕ OAVIE ЗвН 2 SSAJnder ccmiruciion. 2 stuY Ш1юпа1, iotj ol Miduroah, III« iniiç« ol xin^l, vtxswti c*>i'ng^ gai logs, liry ceil'ng m fclßfl »/frttvv*! i.g(iting, wstìm no*n ШЩ. poivbii eiparcJon m bJfTl Mki /immeiman 9^'’8-1187 (W332!fle) 119 WARWCKE FUCC DAVIE 3ÜA 21ÌA tirt^ìii IVamicke пнЛ1 avìiijbie. sunim, ConbtaiiWì G^VOn, erigili ы1 in kilchen. JiWit CDLdjird. (Ш n/coufSi yie« fiertni beat t^/rps. WH foci И Pull BñCC rrtirb golf, рсй1, lems füíKv М4ГЛ1И М8 USI ÌW3Ì30I3) $218,500 Йтпкоинопш UVU4№2ÍMiíi cçtr. & er*frtí/»ng tica Ул fc/rr.k i líNífl »135 cüí Oc^ ■ ;i' «»ÜCUSmWtí l'j-í«. -'>Cljv<5 LJ /ifoS mtUff hTi IX»?: 4Ti W\.\ r-.vr Гг,/1 G|3íV>e tiyr,V?¿V/4i|2l4,900 i lOT 11 MTMIMI ÑUS DAVIE ЗеЯЛ1А Л'лу.-1ц< tu/ífj tvre tói'Js a M fla/ [•i‘i T*i слг!е-5 rxif»; c/ar potei« V.’* ój fi.vfs, cíwn t'« ceiíi«} mri.v,rrf Vi’i* SijíiAj c/i t. i-te !c< i,Ni5 Íií Je ■•'•í Hí¿.v,3U^/iU$l74,WJ mUJBAUK OAVIE3Bfl2iaABeaJ.yherí (/1 tg toi •'•.V4krt;;t W*\ fA !Г< tuliirq Onrií/M» таУЯ 6« IS hJOí *i!fi IjiuítW , . WíU A »Ал! Sic'fi» Je и;Г7 5'.>*УяИЬ2ГШ)1й)$119.900 IM HttMU» RO DVTCHMAII muí DAVIEЗВй 2ícA Gttji tiijöt (íjn iraijf:rig mwJ Níc's ir> Icyrf 1ГЧ1 »плэ rxjn. kilíften «i/piiifí aftJ WSS iUixr^ 10 i qf.ivMy U'Mr 'ixvn. la unir Vj !» fît 1иГ incVH Cl-Jell U'.. se^kViie sW< y>i ЛГ ijaiiv V1Ú1 flinv-ij 'ЛЗ-ПО/ 170 MU TOT DRIVE OAVIE Ш 3fiACoir(ry Hcne И/-е A pertttl piace lo can Пел« L«t ot î^MTi lof Yoji liiuiy. on Î к(в W (fticï H 1103 |W324V>'j| $149,000 141 $U«UMT UUK DAVIE 3S!( Ш BeaiiW salinji Huge oak lft*s m.ne ivj mio tione* SWei on 53 ac, pit!!; Mrie k.lcffn. fryVet iuile »/Í1.5 A kf nu*f tJiiiS' Spiious (canj *,'(W;uNtui iitiefioi, 2 ociwdg^J^A^rcii (lienGfilòWa 1I53(W3Ì2IM1 199 aOtSTIR DRIVE DAVIE ЗВЯ 26Atomfon jnd convenience in ihti ore 1«че1 twne Anijctirtir iamhcaped From porch, back deck. 2 car quiv ioca(»l on ftu<rt Uittí ßaitüu All«i938-l1i4(W32Û329)jlî0,900 99M1S4998-1183998>11649964157998-1176998-115899í-1t77998-1188W8-11«998<;i51 244 DA»U RO fCrrERSTOK DAVIE2ÎA foi-J vti'v 1icKi tvnt VWoJ о I ,.-g ’’xr. (.p !i*1 If.i t#>Lirj JfO ■*:ftpu Corvf.«il W 14} Ji-ri Vi'Jíí» Aj, »:П182Г|«;4‘-.5Г)$1Я.900 SS4 НГМТКТ RO DAVU 3ßH 'MIn Pt KVii' IXjj.Vi ijftft Cf\ (И-íií^ coir« :.l IdC arj *fÇ 'Л;жг ct ruJef Wh, erí-^-t jsefjryKïiLÇ lu'rujìd Wi/iJ Ы Jj VM tnirr, iJJti »KirtdlJ ujyjjrt »offfM moOei ftne Ifcij K.ik;w</)б-т{итшуп,9Л 111 MIIK UK DAVtf 3№ 2fiX 117AC. ^‘uded tre ciii ftitmc-’i flj Ca^crt. «on■ .........11.rt, ne>ti iirt^iÛ372I $19,900 137 UKfWOOO D»VE MV» Ш 16Лw (iisi iifw b^e< sfrtiii' R'ick ficfi icaeO Ui dk-*J «fO 'J'tel i i'ttH HC. moni/ с£гУМ< Pfiííd «li Wcw Ul Ulte Sdd as is condition Cali loi dibits Mike Airefrrwi !»3-l tS7 (\Yi3l9ì6l$«,ÌOO 297 DWE STRUT DAVIE 3BR 2BA (Ы'Ч lo*n oturre («oD(Je care' lífís <«х«Ы loi on Qjiit vrctt rk№s greal Uy:}p(iv):y full byr< tUL^TioQ. (NCIVi.’el 2 C4( ÜtHKf«] Шиб. üoiaoi Íídg, ГкМ II) iA)er саг(с(. IH & den <•/Oil Co IP Ь îTOi m fiffning 90Ô116) fc7rj)$lS4,M 0 1091 EDDUMAN DR ГАОХШ4Вп25ЛА4 MAC Сот-гокз!» tJüVm WJ>on S'ini;te5 tu W S 5есШ Panali» cleared'Шй И 51WI toí hütsa ?.w:ioiJi Men Носи plan oftej Sfili Bfi úesiari Kay Cfur^'tí Ш m КААОиоН ST DAVIE 2i№ ША in Ыпhrli Selling ítfttiy wil mamliinod Uvne РШМ »i»d i-kJ 1^0 lltxiij. «plwiTíM wridowj 1} 2<il4 Oul bldg чЛш tHid hojse S ä i Ä CJ004 CoWwell üjfikci Kc.il lil.»tfi CoipofJiton (oliiwcll Danker i is л ifgitlefed ifadenwik of Coldwell Uankei Coipwailon. An íqual 0(>()0(iuniiy Compjny, £qu.il Housing OpiwlunltY, lath OllUc is Indcpciwkntly Owned anti Opeioltd. 4'v Cavie Office AgentsAmsmUMlllei 998^1186 Oaibara Alien BediyCook BtnSty«» « r '(tuU6aÌ4e : » t ó r' aillMk(«nel .........antlMulciiWill M)-tl»2UeiweOow-WiiitM WI-1156|ptinH«(om« 9»!-1t7llUlh/Snow 9M-11M W8016Huópufj Polli S9MW9Mtlinda iitllgi 99l-lt78•»1^111®««!!!» 9S8-1H7NJIhVJUlUei 99«'lta4NlnnMillilui! 998-ligt. HonMikman 99i-iitoMItlWillOTfemW 99M1MSallyMceuIn 99t'11SSSjwltortm 998-tlM• «diKlemliiJ : 998-1147 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .July 2% 2004 - В7 O l d S c h o o l Davie Sports News From July, 1969 ' Lurry Jones nnd the Fork Lillie Lenguc baseball team complelcd a perfect regular sea­ son by routing Smilh Orove 14- 3. Jones started on the mound and Craig Seaford closcd in re­ lief. Jones scorcd 4 nuis while hilling a homer, 2 triples nnd a single. Scaford added 3 hits. Going into Ihe toprnnmenl. Fork’s pitching staff gave up jusl four earned runs and 19 hiis. Il averaged 11 runs to opponents' one. Jones was the league’s best pitcher, throwing five shutouts and two no-hitlers. Aguinsi Fork’s toughest competition, second-place Cooleemee (10-2), it won 1-0 in nine innings and 4-1. Jones pitchcd a onc-hilter and ihrcc-hiitcr in those games. Wesl Dnvle and Farmington tied for third. • In the semifinals of the first annual Twin Cedars Oolf Cham­ pionship, Jim Miller beat Kenny Mabe 1-up nnd Bob Benson beul Von Shelton 3-2. That set up a title maich between Benson and Miller. In the first flight. Bob Shel­ ton defeated Rhober Allen 7-6. Gene Smllh beul Woodrow Mubc 2-1 in the sccond fiight. In the third fiight, Jim Ellcnburg beat Murlin Rierson und Muc Deadmon bent Terry Burton 1 - up. In the fourth ITighl, Boone Trexler beul Bill Mcll 2-1 and Juck Nichols bcal Ronald Guntl. Ben Moore beat Joe Brown in Ihc fifth nighi. In Ihe sixth flight, Don Godwin bcal Mickcy Ad- ums 5-4 und Bob Zimmerman beat Jerry Barllelt, And in the •sevenlh llighl. John Phipps beat Duvc Ward und John Godwin beul Bill Dwiggins, F O R S A L E NKW l 1/2 story Cape Cod style liou.sc, 349 Spring St., in hbilorlc (lotvnlown Mocksvillc, Liii£e living room. 3BR. 2.5BA. cxU-.i lai'gc miBtcr bedroom und master bulh. 2 car gunige, imfinishcd i)onus Kwm. IVIUST SEE • (704)546-3118 huiic dcck. Only $13S,0(K) » b i n l l f i u l r i t k s The A’s won the Minor Division tournament. They are, from left: front - Stone Stroud, Ben Beeson, Hayden Wright, Alex Mitchell, Nici< Tate and Colin Joldersma; middle - Payton Kelly, Jonah Womble, Rob Blake III, Will Beeson, Colby Widener, Clay Whittington and Andrew Lee; and back - coaches Zach Wright and Doug Joldersma. J u s t L IS T E D 173 W andering Lnno S O L D in 8 D ays! N e w L i s t í n ^ N e w L i s t i n g 160 H ic k o iy D r iv e • $180,900 All brick, i\ll gas home. Split 3DK, 2D/\ floor plan, vaulted coilitiK», Ig. mwitcr BA w/ jeltocl tub, foyer & fonnal diniiiii w/ htlwd floora.Hccuritj^awtcni.G IjIcckh Ix'hind __________Dnvio Hish School.__________ 276 Soulhwood Aeree • $141»000Т1ш Ш DR, ЗВЛ homo i.4 hvatod in doeirnblo raUiblwhttl neighborhtXKi. Цл den w/k«h log FP, new windows, ovtT 2000 Bíjít Situatcxl on iiiaturu landHcaiKxl .9-1 uc lot. Davie High Fall Sports Schedules Varsity Football Aug. 20 vs. NW Guilford 27 vs. West Rowan Sept. 3 vs. Cresl 10 ul Mooresville 17 nl Stntesville 24 vs. Freedom (homecom­ ing) Oct. I at North Forsyih 15 vs. W. Forsyth (hall of ^ fame) 22 at Soulh Rowan 29 vs. Reynolds (senior night) Nov. 5 at North Davidson Notes! All games begin at 7:30 p.m. ...The last four are con­ ference games. .IV Football Aug. 26 at West Rowan at 7 Sept. 2 at Crest al 7 9 vs. Mooresville al 7 16 vs, Statesville at 7 23 at Freedom at 7 30 vs. Norlh Fonsylh nl 7 Oct. 14 al Wesl Forsyth al 6 21 vs. Soulh Rowan ul6 28 al Reynolds at 6 Nov.4 vs. N. Davidson at 6 Cross Country Aug. 19 Stnlesville Relays 21 at We.sl Iredell Sept. 8 at N. Duvid.son at 4:30 11 Hagan Slone Relays 15 at Soulh Rowan at 4; 30 25 Greensboro Invitational 29 at Reynolds al 4:30 October 6 home CPC nl 4:30 ' 13 nl West Fonsylh ul 4:30 20 CPC meet al West Forsyth 30 NCHSAA Regional Nov. 6 NCHSAA Stale al Tanglewood Pnrk 27 Fool Locker South Re­ gional Volleyball Aug. 17-19 CPC-Melro Tour­ ney at W. Forsyih 23 vs. North Forsyth nt 4:30 24 al North Iredell ut 4:30 26 vs. West Rowan at 4:30 30 vs. Asheboro al 4:30 Sept. I vs. E. For-syth ul 4:30 7 vs. North Iredell at 4:30 8 vs. We.sl Iredell at 4:30 9 ut Soulh Iredell nl 4:30 13 al Asheboro at 4:30 15 vs. West Rowan nt 4:30 16 vs. West Forsyth at 4:30 20 vs. Mooresville al 4:30 21 al Soulh Rowan al 4:30 23 vs. RJ Reynolds al 4:30 28 ul North Duvidson al 4:30 29 at Mooresville nl 4:30 Oct. 5 nt West For.syili al 4:30 7 vs. Soulh Rowan al 4:30 9 at We.st Iredell * nt 10 12 at RJ Reynolds at 4:30 14 vs. North Davidson at 4:30 19-20 CPC Toumument Notes: Vnrsily malches fol­ low the JV mulch.... * Denoie.s varsity only. Girls Tennis Aug. 17 vs. Wesl Rowan 18 al Moore.sville 20 nt East Rowan 23 at North Iredell 25 vs. Mooresville 26 nt Stntesville 30 nt Enst Forsyth 31 nt West Rownn Sept. 2 vs. Stntesville 8 vs. West Forsyth 9 vs. North Iredell 13 at South Rowan 15 vs. Reynolds 16 al Asheboro 20 at Nonh Davidson 23 vs. Asheboro 27 nl West Forsyih 29 vs. Soulh Rowan Oct. 4 ut Reynolds 6 vs. North Davidson 12-13 CPC Tournament Notcj The only regulur-sca- son maich thnt doesn't slarl at 4:30 is Scpl. 16, which begins al 5. Varsity/JV Boys Soccer AuB.16vs.N.Iredellul5:l5/ 7 18 vs. Forbush at 5:15/7 23 at East Forsyih at 5:15/7 26 vs. West Rowan nl 5:15/7 30 ut Norlh Iredell al 5:30/7 Scpl. 1 at W. Rowan al 5:30/ 7 7 at Asheboro al 511 8 vs. Ea.st For-sylli ul 5:15/7 13 vs. N. For.syih al 5:15/7 20 al Norlh Forsyih at 5:15/7 23 nl Lake Norman al 5:15/7 27 vs. Asheboro al 5; 15/7 30 vs. West For.syih al 5:15/7 Oct, 5 at S. Rowun ul 5:15/7 7 vs. Reynolds al 5:15/7 11 vs. SW Randolph (vursiiy) at 6 12 nl N. Duvidson al 5:15/7 19 ul Wesl Fonsyih ul 5:15/7 21 vs. Soulh Rowun ut 5:15/7 26 nt Reynolds Ul 5:15/7 28 vs. N. Davidson at 5:15/7 www.howardrealty.com H O W A R DC all, C lick or C om e By! 330 s. Salisbury St. Mocksville ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 3 5 3 8 Motirs: Monclay-Frlday в->6 Saturday *>-12/ Siiiul.iy Uy Appt. ШИжш 2Л6 Adams Road 1085 N. Main St. i/mv I 3175 Foster Road S h e P h y e d , T o o Lindsey Bailey was qmiKetl from Ihe Davie Majors soft­ ball team that was pictured lost week for advancing to the ,statetbuniament. ■ ■ ' ‘ ' 3BR , 2BA, 3l& fA Qcros, with 100W> QcroB iarm. 3BR, 2DA, ou^ BermudaRun-(nJocK^,aDn.3.1 filroam and pond $ 2 ,5 2 8 ,0 0 0 . bidos., crook. $ 5 4 9 .0 0 0 . groBl storooe space. 9 5 2 5 ,0 0 0 . I, aoj^. 3.6BA, Hitìorteoi BBR, 2BA, homo on 4,BO ftctoa. vdih itwnaculato iandecaploo 70+/- ac. bom tnrm, 2300ai, homo (no valuo Qlvoa) Call Maty $ 4 5 5 ,0 0 0 . Now conetfutìion. Toc »палу iaioc.,bord0f8DiiichftianCf00k,30n, Оогдоооз ЗВЯ. 3,58A log homo on Spactoya 4BR, 3.50A, 2FPg, Corner Spactoug 40П, 2,5UA, FP. fóncod lhlr)09 lo lisiuan, ЗОЛ. $ 3 2 4 ,0 0 0 , 20Л, mnny nwnitiosl $ 2 9 9 ,9 0 0 . aocturiod 5.38 осгоз. $ 2 9 9 ,6 0 0 tot ir)GnidonV.illoy. $ 2 7 4 ,9 0 0 l).ick yard. $ 2 5 9 ,0 0 0 1420 COUNTY Line Ro.i /ш \ i 175 Fox НимтЕП Rd. 189 Ruffin Sthcet i/m i 131РопкВ1хву ПИП428 Farminqton Roadi Ha/mony-30R, 2BA, 29.26 acros,(3 IMMACULATEII Unrmony. 3B R . 3BR, 2.5BA, new windows, onclosod Hislortc 4QR, 20A oo 2,36 acros in fenced), U c.pon d,bnm $212,5 0 0 2.50A on 13f/*acros, $20 9 ,9 0 0 porch,oxc.localion$ 16 4 ,9 0 0 , QroatlocaliQn.$159,900, Fioshly romodtjteò ЗОП, 2DA. on appot- 5acfüs(2(ofic«í). $ 14 4 ,9 0 0 . go.SpniNGMiLL Drive Г7МП 176 Elmwood St. | д у |__572 Ранмсп Road Г7К1'87 Chestview Dhive Г7ЖП 164 HicKonv Dhive г sloiy, 2200 sq. 11. liomoratous Woll topi 3BR, 2ВЛ, lìollor paya Cory 30П. 2BA «i I acra. All »p(ilanaM. Twinbrook, ЗВЯ, ЯВА, FP, Öroal valuolFP.gaiobo. $ 14 4 ,9 0 0 . $2,500 towaids о/с, $ 13 2 ,5 0 0 . А MUST SEEI $ 12 9 ,9 0 0 . opon tioorplnni $ 12 5 ,0 0 0 . 247 Cana Road |[I ^BR, 2.GBA, Southwood Acros Sub., brick liroplnco. $ 12 4 ,9 0 0 . Brick Ronchof. 3BR , 2BA wilh LO TSol looml $ 12 3 ,9 0 0 5BH, 3BA, workshop, 3.5 acros, ЗВЯ, 2BA on privale 1.29 acros. Recenti/ t^xJaled 3BH, 20A on 1 ocio targo back dock. $ 119 ,9 0 0 . scroonod porch, dock. $ 118 ,9 0 0 . Оатв^есгт.К|Ы)ПсошЬо$118,900 Clommons. 3QR, 2BA. many amonitios. All appliances. $ 115 ,0 0 0 . 189 C la u d e R a tle d g e П Я П 141 D a k o ta L an e ( .щ ч I 193 P in e v ille R o a d Г Л П 360 R o llin g H iù s Ln, 4BR, 2DA, malntonanc» (too, many updates, WONT LASTI $ 114 ,9 0 0 . 3BR, IBA, 2*/' acioa, somo ioncod 3BR, 2BA, Б.6 ocrog, groat mini Uniquo L-shapod, 3BH, 2BA, sunrooni. oroa. updntos. $ 10 9 ,9 0 0 . (arm. $ 10 7 ,5 0 0 . don, ottico, 2 garages... $ 10 5 ,0 0 0 . Bxira cloan, mony updalesi ЗВП, 1.5ВЛ, Movo rlgt)i ini $99,'900. 360 E a to n R q a d Г 7 М П 949 N. M ain S t r e e t Г Т И П MO S to n e W o o d R d . Г 7 Ж П 133 B r o o k R o s e I > V 4 1411 Ijam es Смипсн Rd. Groal Sianoti 3DR, 2BA wilt) largo dock on 1/2 acro. $9 9 ,8 0 0 . Spacious 2BR, IBA, DR, Sunroom, AlmosI new 3BR, 2BA, PR nil 2ВП, 2BA. 10.5+/- ncros. All lull bason^ontl $ 8 9 ,9 0 0 . appliances on .96 ac. $ 8 9 ,9 0 0 appiiancos. $ 8 9 ,9 0 0 Spacious 3BR, 2BA, alono FP, much moro! $ 9 8 ,5 0 0 . 26*1 Windw ard Cn. Г 7 И П 1 1 3 M e t a b r e e z e Ln. Г 7 Ж 1 3 8 0 1-L Old Ro s e b u d Г 7 Щ П t0 7 Po w e l l Ro a d Г Л П 2 6 3 M a in S t r e e t ready to move INII All appllnncos romalnll3BR.2BA $8 8 ,9 0 0 . 3BR, 1.5BA cn .48 ac. Curronlly Groal 2QR, 2BA upper concio In 3BFÌ. 2BA, loncod back yard, scroon being updalod. $ 8 4 ,9 0 0 . Clcnvnon3,ovortookingpool.$ei,500 porch,dock, .7Inc. $ 7 9 ,9 0 0 . 3flR, 1.50A, Co<^flemoo, now hoal/AC, nowpiumlx,comp. updalod, $6 8 ,9 0 0 3Bfl, 20A, dbiowHk) on 1 ac . A)) Spacious 3BR, IBA, Cooloomoo, Easomonl onlo back of property. 1 Bodroom, 1 Balh collage with nico 2BR, 1 BA on 3/4 aero lot. BoInQ appiiancos, Below lax v&iiio $ 6 4 ,9 0 0 updalodoloct. $ 5 8 ,0 0 0 . 2 Bodrooms, 1 Bath. $ 5 1,9 0 0 . Ironlporch, $ 4 1,9 0 0 . sold'asis" $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 . A v a i i.A H i i: L o t s a n d L a n d a n d R i n i a i Р к о 1М ;Кг п :я CItedtl Road......... Hwy.eotN. fláatmoni Ro«d... 12 Salmoni Road...,С«<1дг Rldoend.....VIrceiidellLan«.... тт>» Trait..Hwy. WIN., .......1,19 Ac. 123,000,..2.25 Ac. MD Ш.вОО 24Ac.$UO,B25 10 Ac. $45.050 ...1.257 acres $39,000....2.20ocrei $ie,000.....30 acres $172.5006 Sacres $46,475 Volley Road...............E. Lake Drive.............ÍThonipion Lan«,... ...2.29 acres $»,500 676 Mr.Heniy Road... Bear Creek Church R ...11 acres $71,677....................$425,000.....5.1 actes $36,000, 40i/' acres $225,000 . R üiiT Ä l E flQ E fiailE a275 Den Anderson...................................................Mobile Home Lot. Daniel Road............................... Mobile Home Lol, Qun Club Road..........................Mobtia Home, Qun Club Road................................4142 Hwy. 156 {4 bedroom).....................................174 HIctiorySl,, Cootftomee.................................... liaMetabrMie..5176 Hwy. 156.... LISAwisr. B8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 29,2004 Samantha Judd Named Carolina SportsGirl Saninnllui Murie "Satntnie J" Judd of Mocksvillc was named North Ciirolina’s SportsGirl 2004. During tlic spring, slw wus nominated for SportsGirl, a GoGirlGol award of the Women's Sports Foundation. The awards committee evalu­ ated more than 1,200 nomina­ tions from across the nation and she wus chosen ihc winner for North Carolina. The nominations were based on spori.s/physical activity par­ ticipation, leadership qualities, and scrvice to the community. Samantha has participated in many physicol uclivities al tlie middle school level including cheerleading, volleyball, bas- ketball and soccer. She served as captain on many of the teams. She served on the Leadership Team for North Davie Middle School and was the secretary for Junior Honor Society. She is a member of the youlh group at Macedonia Moravian Church und is entering Iier 10th year as u Girl Scout. While in Scouting, she has received the highest awards of Bronze and Silver awards. Samantha held one of the lead roles in North Davie’s spring musical. She has re­ ceived respect and responsibil­ ity awards and the character educulion award. In addition, .she has muin- Foundation To Manage Crosby Scholarships S T R O N G C D R A T E . W r m A N EVEN STRONGER GUARANTEE. Cicl a ^iiariuuccil yield with a CcriUicaic of Pcposil from 5idi(’ It's a 5ос11Г1‘ placc ю f>rou- your money For morc information, call me today And lalk with someone you know you can count on. W E LIVE W H E R E YOU LIVE,' iik i:a (u x ìI)N j;k ìm h o k . sr,ucr,VRM .s rm .u,- c r e g M o rris SiîUc Farm Agcni S.ilisbiiiy Mroft N<‘. *Лп«|Л|| V/r/ih ih ol ioU\ Mtbji't i rcu/iitn^r tvtf/icut .Minimum wiiiiuI' i»i iiftonni in ihr UjinvM PV Is 55i\). Л fY»íi/ív nt¡iy bl* /misnfu/itru utt/iiirdtwij iiijo> f»urwnii/{v Гги|/1|Ч»Г|*» «íiiíiifiiíjiírnlh if пек tir mtiiiifli)’ «í tíir í/irn ainrm riucfor fhr uiitir u-ini. >»>1 iJVíííIúMc In rtil <ur«n. STATE ГАЯМ ОА/Ж • MOME OfFICE: DLOOMINQTOH. ItlWOlS • lUUftfm Darryl Uiindy StiUe Глгт Agent .Ailv.imi-, NCÍ5fv04(l.2 \02 m Samantha ,Fudd lained u straight “A” average. The SportsGirl 2004 uwurd recognizes 50 young femules - one from each state - who excel in their sport and demonstrate leudenship skills on und off the field. As a stale winner, she picked the Davie High Girls Volleyball team to rcceive a $250 award. She i.s in competition with a girl from each state for one of five nutionul finulist positions. If named u Nutional SportsGirl, she will receive a trip to New York und u donation of $5,000 to the aclivily of her choicc. She is Ihe daughter of Heidi and Steve Judd and the sislcr of Harrison Judd of Mocksville. She will be a freshman ut Davie High School. GENE’S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 766-9148 3612 Ciemmons Road Clemmons The Comnuinity Foundation of Davie County has been selected lo manage the Dnvie County Crosby Scholarship Fund. The scholarship fund has been endowed with monies remaining from the former Davic County Crosby Scholars Progrnm. The program, uctive in Davie middle schools and Duvie High, focused on academic endeavor, communiiy .service, and a drug free lifestyle. With the di.sconiinuation of Tho Crosby Golf Tournament, the program found itself without a major funding partner. “Tho Steering Committee felt the best use of tho remaining funds was to award scholarships to Davic student.s who exemplified whal the Crosby Scholars Progrutu represented," said Perry Cull, Crosby Scholars president. "Currently we ure offering two $1,000 scholarships - one bused on ncadcmic oxcellencc, supported by community servicc, and the other based oii community servicc, supported by acadeiuie merit. “Wc hope that our fund.s w ill grow und that more scholarships can be awarded in the future. 1 would welcomc the opportunity to talk with anyone, organization or company that rccognizcs the imporiuncc of Ihese worthy ^ w i » itfiT '' Debbie I'nifhel Owncr/Urokcf P r e m i e r ' ) . 11; :> C a r o l i n a P r o p e r t i e s 336-998-7777 w v v v v .p c p n c .c o n r Com m itted To Custom er Service New Listings Hóclnoy Bailey Ownei/Dl'okcr 33G-»()9-380H attributes and would like to support this fund." The fund has been established as a Donor Advi.sed Fund with the Community Foundation. The fund will generate a better rate of earnings while allowing Ihe Davie County Crosby Scholarship Steering Committee to selcct the recipients of the award each year. "Donor advised fund.s give donors the highest level of flexibility ul the Community Foundation," said Jane Simpson, foundation president. “They encourage the donor(s) lo remain in a relationship with the foundation." If ut any time, the Crosby Steering Committee decidcs to no longer be as actively involved, tho donor advised fund will bo converted to an endowed scholarship ut the foundation. "Even when the fund converts to un endowed scholurship, the steering committee will specify the criteria for selecting recipients," said Simpson. "The charitable purpose of the ■scholarship will be carried oul into eternity." Tho mission of the foundation is to “advancc philanthropy and pool donor assets for the benefit of our community.” The foundution is working to build a permunont endowment invested eternally. Earnings will benefit Davie charities nnd projects. Tho foundation nccopts gifts in uny amount, at any time, toward its Community Scholar-ship Fund and Us Community Chest Fund. A variety of options for establishment of named funds in honor or memory of donors is availuble. To learn more, contact •Simpson ut 753-6903 or pimi>.sim@ilii\'iefomulalion.ori; or visil the foundution web-site ul m \'\\’.(l(i\'iefoiintlalion.org. tl A Shady Groyc Booster Chib Shndy Grove football rcgisinulon diltc.s arc August 7,9AM III noon at the Ilut at .Shady Grove KIcmcmary and Aiisu.st 14,9AM til noon In the gym at he Hrock Uulldliig In Mocksvillc. A rcccnt phy.slcal form, copy of birth ccrlincatc, and $85 rcgl.stnillon fee is rctjuried. l)ocloi-s will be aviillable lo conduct physlciils at the lirock rcgisinition, free ol charge. I'or liil'uriiuitloii ctdl Jennifer Stroud at 998-1768 or Donivi Jackson at 940-3976 Fusaro J a i m e F u s a r o E a r n s D e g r e e Jaime Fusaro, daughter of Lnuru and Thomas Powers, gruduntcd wilii honors on May 23 from Southampton Collcge, N.Y. Foster R y a n F o s t e r D e f e n d s P h . D D i s s e r t a t i o n On July 1, Ryan Dean Foster successfully defended his Pli.D. disserimion,“A Meusurcmeiu of the Longitudinal Spin-Depen­ dent Totnl Cross Section Differ­ ence in tlie Neulron-Dcuteron Sysiem.” He will graduate on Aug. 10 with a doctorate in nuclear phys­ ics from North Carolina State University. He performed his reseurch ut Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory in Durham. Foster begins a radiation on­ cology physics residency ut the University of Nebruska Medical Cenier in Omaha, Neb. Aug. 2. He is murried lo the former Amanda Rogers of Elkin. His parents arc Jane and the late Don I'oster of Mocksvillc. His grand­ parents are Juy Jones and the lute Alene Jones and Buddie and Billie Foster. Sliady Grove Football Mini Campllie Shady Grove football couches will hold a non­contact football minlcamp AiigiLst9lhrcHiBhAugu,si 12, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the .Shady Grove Klcmenlary pnictice field. T-shirts, shorts, and cleats are the only required equipiiient. Tlie camp Is optional and free of charge. All potential football players grades 3 through b are cncoumged to attend. For Information Call Jennifer StroiKl at 998-1768 Salem Gastroenterology A s s o c ia te s , P .A . William E. Austin, M.D. William G. Blaci^ard, Jr., M.D. James S. Gibbs, M.D. Henry T. Mixon, M.D. Randy A. Peters, M.D, Michael H. Rubin, M.D. David R. Wood, M.D. a n n o u n c e th e a sso cia tio n o f Harvey G. Phillips, M.D. for the practice of Gastroenterology • Hepatoiogy • Endoscopy 1830 S. Hawthorne Road Winston-Salem, N0 27103 (336) 765-0463 280 Broad Street, Suite A Central Triad Medical Park Kernersville, N0 27284 (336) 996-6136 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 29,2004 - B9 J- Mocksville Office: 336-751-9400 T O L L F R E E 1 -8 0 0 -5 3 9 -3 3 8 3 Hillsdale/Advance Office: 336-998-8900 T O L L F R E E 1 -8 8 8 -8 2 8 -2 2 3 4 wvmpenningtonrealty.com iB msI â 4413 Hwy 158 - Advance Gorgeous 1 owner cottage with 3BR, 2BA nestled ¿imong flowers, rose bushes & peciin trees. Sunroom, litrge level lot, attached & detaclied garage, iarge garden spot. A must seel 124 Charleston Rldge Dr $134,900 Like new home In an excellent location wUU 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and a 2 cat garage. Githcdral celling and bay window In the great room, 125 Scotland Rldge Dr $149.000 .Winston-Salem ■ open & Inviting ranch ' wUh 9'ccHlngs throughout. Large walk-)n closet In MDR, separate tub & shower. Great family neighborhood with playground. 3090 Hwy 64 East $79,900 Beautiful updated 2BR, t BA cottage ncstlcf n shaded country selting.Doiached garag with larae 5 room 2-sto(y storage building Loncrete dog lot with house. ^wy15B-/i $39/900 Older homo needing renovation situated or 1 facfo, partially wooded.Wonderful locatlo» in eastern Davie County. 819 Sheffield Road S74,900 Just across the line In Iredell County. 3 bedroom, 2 bath Iiome with new paint and cat pet. Laige back yatd wUI> stof age bulldllng. 239 Greenhlll Road • $159,900 Capo Cod style home In beautiful country setting with gorgeous hardwoods.4DR, 20/setttno V and Sill ut;u(v.>uiii и I (iuiyiui.'iii.ii'iuiiv'i bedroom on main.2<1xl3 wired storage building, \ 2x24 deck. Laitje eot-ln-kitchen. 191 No Creek Road *$99,500 Lovely cottage nestled among pecan orchard. Larne, level corner lot, bcautliully landscaped, circle drive. Lg outbidg w/ parking. Updates'rcfinished hardv/oods, paint, updated bath. Agent related to owner. 448 Avon Streel • $104,900 In town location. Orick ranch situated on nicely landscaped lot.3DR, IDA with fenced backyard and storage building. 130 Underpass Road • $197,500 Historic 2 story home In Advance. Lots of room for family w/'lBR. 2BA living room & den & 2 bonus rooms on 2nd level, 7 Fitfploccs.Fiont porch w/ swing & beautiful sotting w/jm.>il garcien area. Convenient to Shady Grove ^hool. 1514 Ja'nlia Drive - i l 21,000 Wlnston*5alem - Beautiful new Cape CckI with 4RR, 2BA. Master BR on main or upper level.Lovely kitchen w/dlning area & sliding door to deck which ovetlooks natural backyard area, Priced lo sellll 144 Hickory Treo Road • $84,9003HR, I .SUA home In move-ln condition! Many recent updates, all appliances stay, fenced yard, paved drive, quiet commurjity. Great starter home or irwestruent ptopetiy. «3NorthMalnS» *$149,900 16BHammonCourf$189,000 1189JerIchoChurchRd.$199,900 Wonderful downlown location In Historic Golf coufsc view w/BRCC membership Restored Historic ÌB25 home on 1.82 Mocksviile. Convenient lo library, YMCA, included.itallan lile flooring in kitchen, Ig private acres. Main house w/ 3 flreplaces, shopping, nrls center. 3BR, 2DA, updated master suite & balh, Greal room w/gas log with beautiful hardwood floors & large Rtcplace.sumoom, 3BR, 2BA, ^ h e n A rare ffnd 700 Conestoga Trail • $137,500 Charming 2 story home with 3Bn, 2.5BA It» Walkertown area, Hreplace In living roort\, hardwood floors,dock, 2 car allached garage, fencod yard and storage bulldllng. ^ 730 Robbins Perch Trail • $216,500 Spacious 3DR, 2BA ranch near completion, Absoiutoiy gorgeous home.Large lot In desirable Kernersville subdivision. MBA w/ garden tub & separate shower, BreakMst rm w/bay window. Study/office. l l l g l 145 Old Oak Lane'$119,900 Very nice Iiome on 3.5 acresi Private, mostly wooded w/pood & 2 springs, 3BR.2BA w/ nice kitchen, lots of cabinets & formal DR. Motivated seller. m u i 3962 Westridge Meadow • $108,500 Clemmons - Quiet, private, one-level living, Condo with privacy fence, within walking distance to nrocery & other shopping. 2BR, 2BA gas log (iteplace.AII appliances remain. 2847 Amber Lane *$55,000 WALKERTOWN - Lots of room to roam on over 5 acres of land! Located lust outside o( Walkertown. Convenient toWinston-Saiern, Greensboro & High Point, 268 Cleary Road *$57,900 Situated on I acre, Ihis 3 bedroom, 2 bath 234 lois Lane • $79,900 New cottage under construction. Согу, home has л pflvate setting In the country, quaint brick getaway In quiet hide-away. All i»& storage buirding, Road soon appliances stay, ived. Priced to sell.Deck, porch &storag< tobe pavei 172 Summit Drive • $126,900 Like new home In convenient location. 3 bedroom, 2 balh home with his & hers walk-ln closets, half bath slatted In basement. Great new neighborhood. 2997 Hwy 601 S* $87,900Wonderful 3 bedroom. 2 balh home on 2 acres.Close to schools and town. Immaculate! Pdced to sell! Tanicc McDanicl Bobby Jones Janie Minton Glen Stanley Teresa Scarlett 909-0747 909-3530 971-8787 650-5172 918-9802 Shirley Branyon Susan Cohen Jarrett Bailey 671-8718 .............. ...............655-0084 998-8900 Steve Leslie Jackie Coulston 813-5686 751-9400 S t e r l i n g P u c e B e a u t i f u l T o w n h o m e C o m m u n i t y • Peaceful C ountry A tm osphere • 1 & 2 Level D uplexes startin g at *132,500 • 1 Level T riplexes startin g at *139,900 » 1 & 2 C ar A ttached G arage • S creened P o rch o r S unroom Directions: 1-40 West to lixit 170, left on Hwy. 601 Soulh, Left on Coimtry Lctne. Untmnce on ¡.eft. 1 0 3 M e ta B re e z e L a n e • 4 Bedrooms, 2 Baths • 2 Car Attached Garage • Hardwoods I}livcllous:l-‘io m ‘st lo Exit 174, l.vfl on I'll n il liigton Hit., Rijiht on Hwy ¡58, Left on M illing Rd, RIkM on liolllna Hills, Klglit on Meta lliveze, I’roperly on Rlal.it N orth R id g e W o n d e r f u l l y C o n v e n i e n t M o c k s v i l l e L o c a t i o n • 3 B edroom , 2 Baths • L and/H om e Packages A vailable • T ow n W ater & Sew er A vailable Directions: 1-40 West to Exit 170, Left on Hwy. 601 South, iM ft on Coimtry Lane, Right on Campbell Road, RiglJt into North Ridge. 4 0 0 S a lis b u ry S tre e t • Historic Mock.svllIc • 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths • Hardwoods Dhvctions: 1-40 West to l:.\it 170, Left on Hwy 601 SoutI}, Right an Sallslm iy Stivet. ProjK'ny on l.cfl. «10 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, July 29,2004 Davie Dateline F u n d r a is e r s - Monday, Aug. 2 Mi'ucfll DImicr Kiir.luke l.iiivlllc,4 yr. old with Iciikcniiii, (he is Ihc son of fonner Uavic High coach). Al I’ier «11. YiKlkiiivMIc Ril., from .‘i-8 p.m., S7 |K'r philc. All proceed (Includini! lips) go lo Linville family. Info: call 751 -5‘128 afier 2 p.m. Come oul und help HS make Ihis event n succe.ss. Fri. & Sat., Aug. 6 & 7 Kuod Event & Yurd Siitc.nl Ml. Zion Holiness Church. 8 n.m. unlil. on the conier of Mill St. & U.S. 64. Mnny bargains imd delicious food. Oiicken & fish w/fi.xings, hot dog.s & hiuH- burgers. May call to place order 751 ■ 2978 or comc by for a deal and bile lo cai. R e u n io n s Saturday, July 31 ,)uhn & Minnie Andct-sun Annuul Knmily Kcunlon. at Jcricho Mardison Kuritiui Bldg., Greenhili Rd., fi p.m. Every one ttskedtobringcovereddish. Conlacl Jim Aiulcrsoii 4‘J2-76(X1 for info. Sunday, Aug. 8 Annuul Hull}’ Reunion, ut Turners Creek Bapt. Church fellow.ship bldg. Lunch served I p.m.. Bring a covered dish. R e lig io n Sunday, Aug. 1 lluniecumlnf! & Revlvul, al Bear Creek Bupi, Church, Sunday School 9:4.i n.m., worship II n.m. Home- coming lunch ufcr worship. Revival ■Sun.-Wed, each night nt 7:30 p,m, llomecumln)!, Dulin UMC celebrat­ ing 1.13 yeurs, .special music stuns 9 u.m., ciLsuul dres.s, lemomide & re- freshnienl.s on the grounds. Worship 11 u.m. Covered dish ufter .service, lluniecumlnf!, <>■ Concord UMC, lie- gins 10 n.m. with spccial music. Sun­ day scIkwI I0;4,S n.m., worship 11 u.m. Everyone invilcd tocovercd dish lunch lo follow. iluinn'uniln!’, ut Turrcmine Bnpt. Churcli celebmting 91 st miniversnry, Turrentine Church Rd.. Mocksville. Begins lUa.ni. wilh concert. II n.m. worship, und traditional homecoming meal 10 follow. Everyone invited. S p e c ia l E v e n ts Every Friday Night ,liinKSesslun.s,nl Sheffield Music Hall, cnll 492-7417 for info. Friday, July 30 Outduur iMuvIc At lllll.'idnic Bupt., remember the drive-in? Everyone in­ vited to 8;.30 p.m. for popcorn, cotton candy, & drinks. Food is free, movie is free. Bring fiunity, friends, blanket or Inwn chair. Feature film Second Himd Lions. Hillsdale Bapl. located I mi. west of Hwy. 801 & 158, Call Brendu 940-6618 fordclnll.s, Sunday, Aug. 1 VVIinl The Reverend Don't Knuw, presented by NAACP, 4 p.m., a piny ndnplcd for singe full of luughlcr, dnunu, nnd spirit-filled. Al Brock Per- fomiing Arts Cenler, N, Main Street, Mocksvillc, Tickcts: In Advance $12, groups of to or more: $ 10, ut the door $I.S. Now Thru Aug. 31 Kxhlbll, ut The Community Founda­ tion of Dnvie County Office, 194 Wilkesboro St., wntereolors by locul urtlst Sue Boggs, Contuct Comm, Foundtttion for hours: 753-6903, Friday, Aug. 6 Jummin' On The .Squiire, 6-9 p.m, downtown Mocksvillc, Promi.se Brenkers, rhythm & blues, Friday, Aug. 20 Jummln' On The Square, 6-9 p.m, downtown Mocksvllle, Joe Phillips, Bobby & Mike (from ‘Open Mic') Wednesday, Aug, 4 School Open iluuse<!, N, Dnvle Middle: 6th gnide, 5-7 p.m, S, Dnvie Middle: 6lh graik:, <i-8 p,ni. Duvie High: freshman & new sludents, 7- 8:30 p.m, Thursday, Aug. 5 Schuul Open lluiisc.s, Cooleemee Eleni: 5-7;30p.m.ComntzerElem: 5- 7:30 p.m. ELL; 4-5:30 p.m. (media cenler) Piuents of 3nt graders should mecl in gym nl 6:30 lo discuss Rend­ ing Assessment (Cornatzer PreK & Kindergarten Aug. 3.5:.30-7:30p.m.) Mocksvillc Elcm: 5-8 p.m. Pinebrook Elcm: 5-7 p.m. Shady Orovc Eleni: 5- 8 p.m, William R, Davie Eleni: 5-7:30 p.m, N. Dnvie Middle: 7th & 8th grade, 5-7 p.m. S. Davie Middle; 7th & 8th grade; 6-8 p.m. Monday, Aug, 16 Cruise In, Muin St, in downtown Mocksville, 6-9 p.m., 50/50 drawing held each time, and DJ plays fuvorite music. Sponsored by Piedmont Cliis- sic CARS Club. Monday, Aug. 30 Davle Rescue Squud Free Heullh СТи.!«, ut new fuel lity on Counly Home Rd. Signs & Symptoms of Henri Al- Inck & Stroke, 7-9 p.m. M e e t in g s Tuesday, Aug. 10 llumnneSoclctyufDiivlpCounty,? p.m., nt office on Yndkinvilie Rd. ^hiiid cur wiish ucross from Arby's) Cull 751-5214 for more info. Come CUI nnd help .suve Dnvie's homeless nnimuls. Ongoing llumune Society of Duvie Cu,, monthly meetings 2nd Tiies. of ench month, nl office Yndkinvilie Rd. be­ hind cur wush. 751 -5214. DLsublcd Atnerlcnn Velenins Post 75 meets on third Monduy of each month, 6:30 p.m., at 1958 Hwy. 601 S, Contuct J. Renfro ut 284-4664 for more info, Duvie Hus. \Vunien’.sAs.<iaclnlan l.st Wed. of eveiy month, 12 noon, at MocksvilleRotary on Sulisbury Street. Speaker of interest and entered lunch, cosl $6. Yenr memlwrship $25, Con- tnct 998-1153 for more info. Ouvlc County Dlubctes Support (iroup, lust Thurs. of every month, 7- 8:30 p.ni.,ut Davic Co, Public l.ibrary Small Conference Room, Info: 751- 8700, Davic Domestic Violence Services und Rape Crisis Center. Offers weekly support group for domestic violence & .sexual iLssault vietims.Tlie group mcet.s every Tues. evening from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Please cull office for locution, 751-3450, Family Violence Prevention Ser­ vices of Davle Counly, Free counsel­ ing for victims of violence und their children. Separate groups. Tuesdnys, 6-7:30 p.m.First United Methodist Church of Mocksville. Call 1-800- 728-3413. Concerned Uii<cr.<; Assueiution, Foothills Chapter, 2nd Wediie.sdny, WeslemSteer, U,S, 601 ut i-40,7 p.m. Public welcome. Advnncc Garden Club, lstTues.,9 a.m„Mocks UMC, 998-2111, Mock.<iville Garden Club, I stTluirs., Jericho Church of Christ fellowship hnll, 7 p.m. Visitors welcome, .Son.s of Confedcrute Veteran.«, 1st Mondny,Coolcemee Historicnl Build­ ing, 7 p.m. 4-H nit.t & Bridle Ciub, every Ihird Tue.s„6-7:30p.m, at Dlxlelmid Fnniis. Cull 492-6403 for more Info, Mocksvillc Rotary Club, Tuesdays, 12:10 p,m„ Rotary Hut, Furmington Ma.'iunic Lodge No, 265, 2nd Mondny, 7:30 p,ni. ut the lodge, Mocksvillc Lion.-! Club, 1st, 3rd Thursduys, 7 p,m„ fellowship hall of St, Fruncis of Assisi, Yndkinvilie Road, Mocksville, DuvIc Co, United Way Board of Directors, 4th Monday, 5:30 p.m.. Brock Center Annex, Conf. Room 208. Mocksviiie-Davie Homebuilders, 4lli Tliursday,7p.in„CnptninSteven’s, Davic High Athletic Ilonsters, 3rd Monday, 7 p.m,, .school cnfetcriu, Furmington Kurltan Club, 2nd Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Famiingion McthiKtist chuteh. HKLI’S Ministries,Christian recov­ ery progrum for women sexunlly nbuscd as children. Mondays, 7:30 O n l U I J i Swicegood W all & M cDaniel T w o T r i a d L o c a t i o n s ! 08489,800 0 4 BR/8.1 BAI7f V f n VtAV (i f ■) Inin 60 G(ifvx)BKtv<vui vJ 3atruvr^)Cn6ncсил ^(r40{W:t3(XI0l) (Zl$199,900 IZ4BR/88AСкгптклй onxi Now ССЛЕ*\КвСП 1ыт« 2Í100 SF-Олта/ AOut MH&40(WJ0W7b) j^$181,600 ✓]3BR/2BALogtaTUMtfiCnrftjyZt Ikind Ы n UUun drv^ лги». toTtJ ÍÍ* prOx It* 4 кц M inCW Jim v 000-1649 (WUffilB) 08144,900 02BR/2.1BA\kxMX n IVnnita Hm Iv W Ckkir. grort Mxj чт» (ai) rrnrÍJOrW«) to ÍVCC iria x^ 0 4 СП& 10») (Wnzi414) 08128,800 03ВП/2ВАCMj»aoüSF,iüUui&io UllD rtnn VAjiktfikcttvultl. nfHKfi A/lSwvrrtrfy OK«« 40í>e7CÜ 08116,000 08BR/2BAVnry vTkil JO (Л ^ k< n ол( c<áiSíítv 9i»M:e(W:rb2fij) Z]8104,900 2I3BR/1BA\A»yc*rtilrcfcnitii tiAlii aril(4|*ЧУ^ГР а л Airjn »К>74Ш (W3ir¿¿Ü)ЕИЧЗШ Ш КИГ!!]* 8418,800 04BR/8.1 BAГ(4д1апАтги%11>тюм' 1 Of АСа и/апи(м*х1»А1г üfivtf (ArAU h nii,i)ikunl Ckmnua hxnttYi Cnirviriuo 3i\za\ (W3310.H) 718185,800 ZÍ3BR/2BAGmd VDàol Qxo to VWvA:r>- Scácm Luio^tcn Gnnrixvo PiVok) Gcony onci ooonuiy QilMani 402-7Mf5(W330fC3) ¡^8182,800 Z]8BR/2.tBAВойиЛ< rtiirt* imo cn tfKlKkxi 101 U I m. tot-40 2MltfllnkvikM< Id) idWhMi C(i)Mii<JdtmQ&10Олзглхи) 8131.900 8BR/2BA^ V/c*jogI МОГ\ W.riYDadc&M tnil/u^yrnitt fAra» Crf íAv»i ooEKViee (wrc4ioi) 08126,800 03BR/1BAOrDol 1кт) ViVi nyiny Ым fai. (urtxliüd (ÍAA latím HanoVAìfiaft/kcàtJixl AMüSTSEDCfíAfc« CM0740ÚIW3324X) 8107.900 2ВП/1ВАAl tnii ttn-e Ui fill (МЯ 4 МГл ^ JflW ^ f/ЛС, nuw г* 11 < « |цSfiUTAB atnnn U\j (tfh. 00>2iW (W323&J4) 0892,600 03BR/2BARnrartf / ipLttol hcini v,«» nw/ pniiiMoeJ Fl J irfrKiiod UiuimtC{4№(^vi 0CCKVW6 (WailfiO) 08227.800 03BR/2.1 BAHcmo П Onk VWuy 1гц*ак#л 2 свуЬ/oth 1Л (iviw^iatogF^ IОШ cfeo V vil cn U to 4«h 6R, Gd ГУ^*)goa pod Alcrvii ovni СЛ1 Kitfi ООО 1726 (W325220) 08195.000 ЗВШ2ВАAdDoyo h Ctorrtnona »#41 wrtoMiw/, ^^orт1o has higo fDomo, tx»4 AJ Itxietm. inl rruá 1 pctort.-i aJDony 4144»7t) (УШХ>11) 08140.800 03BR/2.1 BAGtni bort 0é pnoo tor tf is cquvo toctauu! FneiKxi bent bon A roansA ICBAISirny.qwni uryK*iiGnh«4)CDnto • QaiTOti 00-2684 ГЛЧ20С00) ZI8128,000 ZÍ3BR/2BASpncoua roncti h Nottfi utx^^úcn сл Fciuod 1х*Л ушЦ tent wtfi hw^urAiciiodmie,kQ МОЯ CiJ JHvny ООО-1640 8118,800 3BR/2BAЕЗгх^ rorch w^rvDom (int ooUd t» 4lh ВЯ Ug VriDtVzhp vvtti . Conpioit^tnnxiütodDAa Ji CnlAlCH»(a740D (W32OT4I 08185.000 0 2 BR/1 BACoíMjfiiuií ioatonvsei k¥uoWcUtlnvkQ ncu iitnrtur orüütil tan» tf ycu ^onidMienig Со1Лтт1л 24+4200 (W3I4140I 882,600 2BR/2BA2 mrti} t erica a\ 2*/- oute V/d £M> (jai ti pcd. knou &аДл i t AfTinui Of ly n bci№ (Mif 1 W&D n cm FVrt4 (jnifnly а<1ПашЭЭ1-2Э)| (V\Q¿Q(X3) YOUR VERY OWN HOMETOWN TEAM OF REAL ESTATE PRO FESSIO NALS O 2004 C*2I SWM. All niOHTS RESERVED. M O C K S V IL L E 854 Valley Rd, Sullo 100 (336) 7 5 1 -2 2 2 2 Hours: Mon • Fri 8 am to 5:30 pm В am lo 5:30 pm Sot: 9 am to 1pm * ' ''-»H I ii'iiffiiia La'S,, "'lí üir' CLEMMONS 2419 LevKlsviiie-Clsmmons Rd Í3 3 6 ) 778-2221Hours: M-F 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Sat; 9;00am- 5:00pm 1 Sun; 1-5 pm p.m., 41 court Square, Room 210, Urcust-reedingSupportGraup,2nd Tuesday, Davic Heallh Dept,, 6-7:30 p.m. Corinlhlnn Lodge No. 17F&AM, 2nd, 4th Fridays, 7:30 p.m. nt the lodge, Mocksvliiel^dgcNo. 134,1st Tues­ day, 7:30 p.m. al the lodge. Cooleemee Civltan'.? Club Meet­ ing, 1st and 3ni Mon, each month, 7 p.m.. Red Pig, Hwy, 801, Coolccmce, Cub Scout Pack 504, sponsored b Fulton United Meth. Church, 1st nnd 3rd Tues, nights cach month, 7-8:30 p.m. Young boy.s 1-5 grades who would like to beconic a member nre welcome to uttend. Davie Co. MS SupporlGroup, 2nd Mon, of each month, 6 p.m,, Dnvie Co, Hospital, VFW Auxiliary Post 4024,1 p.m.. 4th Thurs, each monlh in lower level of Brock Bldg,, N, Mnin Street, Eli­ gible members wclcome, Duvie Kiwnnis Club, 1st nnd 3rd Tuesduy, 6:30 p,m. nt Webb Heut- ing& Air, 998-2121. R e c r e a tio n For moreinl'omiulion on these events, cnll 751-2325, Line Dancing Farmington Community Center, Ev­ ery Tuesdny, Cost; $2, Inslructois: Steve&LindnHntley, Formore info, cull 751-3848, - Good Timers Square Dance Dance Lessons $5 per month. Volun­ teers for different social events. Con­ tact Ethel at 998-3837, Senior Wali<ing Program Seniors, 50 and up, M-F, 6:30-9 n.m. No charge. Incentive breakfast held ciuarlcly, Regisler now nt Ree, Dept, or Sr, Services. The Dance Company Mon., Tues., Wed., & Sat. Cnll Emily Robertson. 998-5163. Competition Cheerleading S25 registnition und $45 mo. for 2 times per week. Call Wendy Shoc- ninker 284-6300. U6-U12 Soccer Registering in Aug. $35 included Tshin. Davie Gymnastics Academy Call Heidi Ogle 998-1742 for info. Tennis Leagues available for men, women, co-ed. Jun­ iors. Call Snndni for info. Basic Cake Decorating Available Sept. Call for details. Big Sweep Help clean locul rivers and .streiuns. Call Mike Oanier for info. Comm, Clean-Up Day At Ihe Riveri’ark at Cooleemee Fulls, 4lli Sal. of eacii month, 8 n.m. unlil. Cnll Bill Gibson 284-4774 or Rcc, Depl. for more info. Shelter Rentals Available at Rich Pnrk nnd RiverPnrk at Cool­ eemee Falls. Cull 751-2325 lo make reservations. Davie Youth Council Ages 13 lo graduation, meet al Rec. Dept, 2nd nnd 4th Tues. nights ench months. Cnll Emily 751 -2325 forinfo, Battle of the Bands 1st Sat. in Sept. Blinds nnd sponsors muy C(\l! 751-2325 for info. Spon­ sored by Davic YoiUl\ Council tobcn^ cl1l youili of Davie Co. Special Olympics Fun Nite Wednesdays at Rcc. Dept, 7-8:30p.m. Open to nthlelcs, Ihcir fnmllics, nnd volunteers. Special Friends Dance Van Monthly Fri.nightdiuice in Lewisville. Open to ndults wilh developmentnl delnys, Reservutions required for Irnnsportation, cnll Knthlc 751-2325 by Thursdays, Van lenves Rcc, Dept, 6:30 p.m. and intersection of N.C, 801 & U.S, 158 ut 6:45 p.m, Y M C A For more Information, call 751-9622 or visit Duvie Fiunily YMCA. Water Exercise Class For beginners luid the experienced. All nges, Cnll for clnss types & times. Swim Lessons Choosc from 4 wk„ Snt, moming or privnte ie.ssons, Reg. begins 2 wks, prior to clnss. Cnll for clnss times. Karate-Carucado Style Tuesdnys, 7-8:45 p.m. Ages 7 & up. Tae Kwon Do Ages 6 & up. Meet Tues. & Tliurs., 6:00,6:45 p.m. Sunshine Club For ail older active ndults. Fun, fel­ lowship, good news, Wc do mothly pot luck luncheons with a speaker. Costs 10mcmbcrs/$20non-members, Family Night 6:30-8:30 p.m. Trent your fumiiy to evening nt Y huving dinner, playing gomes, swimming, nnd more. Cost $2 per person (5 und under free). Summer Day Camp We offer full dny childcare for chil­ dren 5-12, Cull front desk for dctuils. S e n io r s Ail Senior Activities tukc plnce nl Davie Counly ScniorScrvices located in the Brock Building on North Muin Street, Mocksville unless othcrwi.se noted, 0111751-0611, Ongoing Sr. Lunchbox, M,T,W, 11:30 n,m„ Tli.ft Frl„ 11 n,m.,lunch served dnIly, Sliver Health Exercises, Enst Room of ScniorScrvices, M, W, F,8;30 a,m, Tucs. 9 a.m, nt Mock Plnce, Thurs, 10 u,ni, at Mock Plnce (open to any se­ nior). Qullllng,evcryMondny, IOn.ni.,East Room, ' Scrabblc,cvcry Mondny, 1 p,m„Cmft Room. Ilrldgc, Tuesdays ip,m. & Fridays 2 p.m., EilsI Room, SKIPBO, Wednc-idnys, 1:30 p.m., Enst Room. Scrapbuoking, 2nd Tuesdny, 2 p.m. Dr. Dunn, Podiulrlst, nt Sr, Services every three weeks on Mondny, 8:30 a.m., Crafl Room, Free HlooU Pressure Checks, once a month, al 10:45 a.m. in the Nutrition Site. Tai Chi Cinsscs, Tuesdnys, 10-11 n.m., Nnture's aifls,Ciass size lim­ ited, call Sr, Services nt 751-0611 to pre-register. Next class Sept, 28th. Yogu For Seniors, eveiy Tues, & Thurs. 2 p.m., East Room, must pre- rcgistcr. Report Davle Dateline Items By Noon Monday Items for Duvie Dateline .should be reported by noon Mondny of the pub­ lication week. Call 751-2120 or drop it hy the offiee, al S. Mnin St. ucross from the courthouse. W a y (. VKIIl Л M il \S Come Register for our Monthly $500 Giveaway! Now tlini Septcnilicr 3(). 2(X)4. O n l U 9 i . 2 1 .Swlcogood Wall & McDaniel (336)751-2222 Open House Sat/Sun 2-4 PM Within w/alklng distance of Historic Downtown Mocksvllle library, school, park, senior center, local churciies and more' Two spacious BFl's and Baths, lovely sunroom, built-in entertainment ctr., 9’ ceilings, great storage, nbhd pool with pool house and deck, walking trail, beaullfiil landscaping and picnic area. Minutes awav Irom major cities of Winslon-Salem Lexington, Clemmons. Near top-notch golf, shooDlno anH medical lacilitles. 100% Financing Availghle. DIrecllona; HO IVm( to Exil 174, (urn left. Hwy 153 turn righl, go paat citv llmlls stgns. 6/10 of mile, left on Milling Road, right Inlo Milling Way. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,Thursday, ,[uly 29,2004 - Bll P U B L I C N O T I C E S i^GRTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTiCE OF SALE UNDERAND BY VIRTUE olthe power ol sale contained In that cer­ tain Deed of Trust executed by Stephen E, Capuson, dated No­ vember 26,2001, and recorded In Book 396 at page 4668 and re-re­ corded In Book 416 at Page 905 In the Olflce olthe Register of Deeds of Davle County; and under and by virtue ol Ihe authority vested In Ihe undersigned as Substltuta Trustee of Davie County; and under and by virtue ol lhat certain Authorization, Findings and Order entered by the Clerk of Superior Court ol Davle County on June 29, 2004, and of recorded In File 04 SP 116, delault having been made in the payment of the Indebtedness secured by said Deed ol Trust and the said Deed ol Trust being by Its terms subject to foreclosure, and the holder of Ihe Indebtedness thereby secured having demanded the loreclosure thereol lor the purpose ol satlslying said Indebtedness, and due notice having been given to those entilled to same, the un­ dersigned Substllute Trustee will oiler lor sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, lor cash, al Ihe Courthouse door In Mocksvllle, Davle County, North Carolina, at 12:00 Noon, on July 23,2004, Ihe land conveyed In said Deed of Trust, Iho same being owned of record by Stephen E. Capuson, and being more particularly de­ scribed as follows; That certain tract ol land con­ taining 27.719 acres, more or less, localed In Caiahain Township, Davle County, North Carolina; and bounded, now or lormeriy, by natu­ ral boundaries and/or lands owned by and/or In Ihe possession of per­ sons as lollows: North by Madallne Jones and Eleanor Dyson, East by SR 1159, South by Qearthart and Lucy Evans and West by Marvin Williams: said tract lying approxi­ mately lour miles Southeast Irom the Town ol Mocksvllle and bolng more speclllcally described as lol­ lows: BEQINNINQ at an Iron pin In Ihe center ol SR 1159 right ol way (commonly known as the "Ridge Road”) the same being Ihe North­ east corner ol Eleanor M. Dyson (sob Deed Book 76, page 420) and running thence wllh the center ol SR 1159 right ol way the lollowing six courses and distances: Soulh 60 degs. 32 mln. 40 sec. East 187.88 leet; South 54 degs. 21 mln. S3 sec. Easl 175.47 teet; Soulh 52 degs. 49 mln. 10 sec. East 100.72 laet; South 47 dags. 29 mln. 42 sec. East 98.19 feet; South 39 degs. 36 mln. 43 sec. East 125,85 leet; South 36 degs. 20 mln, 29 sec. East 248.64 leet to an Iron pin In the center ol said right of way, JoAnn Williams Northwest corner (see Deed Book 81, age 79); thence South 18 degs. 44 mln. 25 sec. West passing a tolal distance ol 418.00 feel to an Iron pin, JoAnn Williams Southwest corner; thence South 36 degs. 09 mln. 07 sec. East 255.16 leet to an Iron pin In the line ol Lucy S. Evans, Jo Ann Williams southeast corner; thence wllh Evans line the lollowing Iwo courses and distances: Soulh 18 degs. 34 mln. 05 sec. West 750.21 leet to an Iron pin; thence South 13 degs, 36 mln. 11 sac. West 526.90 leet to an Iron pin, Marvin L. Will­ iams Northeast corner In Lucy S. evans line Norih 56 degs. 40 mln. 57 sec. West 506.88 leel to an Iron pin, Madeline Jones Southeast cor­ ner (see Deed Book 76, page 42) In Williams line; thence with Jones line North 04 degs. 0 mln. 0 sec. East 1,897.16 feel to an Iron pin, Madallne Jones Northeast corner; thence North 87 degs, 11 min. 44 sec. West 67.56 leet to an Iron pin, Southeast corner ol eleanor M. Dyson; thence wllh Dyson line and with a private road North 04 degs. 0 mln. 0 sec, West 270.60 leet TO THE POINT AND PUCE OF BE­ GINNING, containing 28.622 acres, more or less, as surveyed January 12,1981, by Tutterow Sur­ veying Service, SAVE AND EXCEPT the lollow­ ing described tract: BEGINNING at an Iron pin In the center ol SR 1159 (known as the Ridge Road), the Northwest corner 01 JoAnn Williams (Deed Book 81, page 79) and running Ihence with Williams line South 18 degrees 44 minutes 25 seconds West 393.36 leet to an Iron pin, JoAnn Williams Southwest corner; thence North 36 degress 09 mlnules 07 sec. West 100 feet to a point, a new corner; thence North 18 degrees 44 min­ utes 25 seconds East 393.36 leet to a point In the center ol SR 1159, a new corner; thence with the cen­ ter of R 1139 right ol way South 36 degrees 29 mlnules 36 seconds East 100 leet TO THE POINT AND PUCE OFTHE BEGINNING, con­ taining 0.903 acres, In addition lo the above de­ scribed property covered by Ihls Instrument, Is one 1981 model, 24’x52' Champion Mobile Home, Style 004, SN: F23-2-004-4821 A&B alllxed to the real estate In a permanent manner, Togelher wllh all the buildings, lixtures and Improvements thereon, and all righls, easements, heradl- Itaments and appurtenances there­ unto belonging. Including all heat­ ing, plumbing, ventilating, lighting goods, equipment and olher tan­ gible and Intangible property, at­ tached to or reasonably necessary to Ihe use of such premises. The aforesaid Sale will ba made subject to all encumbrances exist­ ing prior lo Ihe recording ol Ihe above-relerenced Deed ol Trust, including all valid and enlorceable liens and also will be subject to all taxes and special assessments outstanding against Ihe property. The property to be olfered pur­ suant to this notice ol sale Is being ollered lor sale, Iransler and con­ veyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Nei­ ther the Trustee nor the holder ol Ihe note secured by the deed ol trust/security agreement, or both, being loreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representa­ tives ol either the Trustee or the holder ol Ihe note make any repre­ sentation or warranty relating lo the title or any physical, environmen­ tal, health or salety conditions ex­ isting In, on, at or relating lo the title or any physical, environmental, health or salety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the property being olfered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing oul ol or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. The successlul bidder at sale may be required lo make an Imme­ diate cash deposit ol the greater ol live percent (5%) of Ihe amount bid or Seven Hundred Filly and no/100 Dollars ($750.00). Date ol Notice: June 29,2004. Jenna B. Thomas, Esq. Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 21029 Winston-Salem, NC 27120- 1029 336-722-3700 7-15-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 03 SP 168 Under and by virltue ol Ihe power ol sale contained In a certain Deed ol Trust mado by Ray A. Blrke and Catherine D. Blrke, husband and wile lo Brock & Scott, Trustees, dated Ihe 26th day ol August, 1999, and recorded In Book 313, Page 1, Davle County Registry, North Carolina, delault haveing been made In the payment ol th enote thereby secured by the said deed ol Trust and Ihe undersigned, H. Terry Hutchens, PA having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by on Instrument duly recorded In Ihe Olllce ol Ihe Register ol Deeds ol Davle Counly, North Carolina and the holder ol hte note evidencing said indebtedness having directed Ihal- the Deed ol Trust be loreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will olfer lor sale at the Courthouse Door In the City of Mocksvllle, Davle County, North Carolina at 3:00 p.m. on August 4, 2004, and will sell to the highest bidder lor cash the lollowing real estate situated In Ihe Township ol Fulion, In the County ol Davle, North Carollria, and being more particularly as lollows: Tract 1: Lying and being In Fulton Township, Davle County, North Carolina and beginning at an Iron placed 16 Inches to center of Fork Bixby Road (SR 1116), said beginning Iron being located South 89 degrees, 00 minutes, 00 seconds East 9.78 leet Irom the northeast corner ol Lonnie Bonce Jones, Deed Book 50, Page 117; Ihence Irom said new beginning Iron, North 12 degrees, 32 minutes, 46 seconds West 404.23 leet to an Iron stake lound 43 leet to center oi road, said Iron stake being located In the Southern line of Alma Williams, Deed Book45, Page 298; Ihence wllh said Williams line, North 89 degrees, 32 minutes, 03 seconds East 43.S7 leet to an unmarked point In the center of said road; thence wllh Ihe cenler of said road. South 09 degrees, 42 minutes, 48 seconds East 399.83 leel to an unmarked point In Ihe center ol said road; thence with the center ol said road, South 09 degrees, 42 minutes, 48 secodns Easl 399.83 leet lo an unmarked point In the cenler ol said road; Ihence North 89 degrees, 00 minutes, 00 seconds West 16.33 leet to the Point and Place ol Beginning and containing 0.271 acres as surveyed by Tullerow Surveying Company,' November 7,1996 as revised April 22,1997. Tract 2: Lying and being In Fulton Township, Davle County, North Carolina and beginning at an Iron stake found 43 leel lo center ol Fork Bixby Road (SR 1611), said Iron stake also being In Ihe Southern line ol Alma Williams, Dead Book 45, Page 298; thence North 27 degrees, 06 minutes, 13 seconds Easl 73.68 leet to a p/k nail set In center oi said road; thence with center ot said road. South 08 degrees, 42 minutes, 48 seconds East 66.00 leet to an unmarked point In the center ol said road; Ihence wilh Ihe Southern line ol said Alma Williams, South 89 degrees, 32 minutes, 03 seconds West 43.57 to the Point and Place ol Beginning and conlalning 0.033 acres as surveyed by Tutterow Surveying Company, November 7, 1996, revised, June 6, 1997. Tract 3: Lying and being In Fulton Township, Davle County, North Carolina and beginning at 0.5 Inch Iron found, said Iron lound being Ihe Northwestern corner ol the within described property and the Southwestern corner ol Alma Williams, Deed book 45, Page 298 and being located In the Eastern line ol Morrison Gray Carter, Deed Book 45, Page 298; Ihence wllh said Williams line. North 89 degrees, 32 minutes, 03 seconds East 950.33 leet to an Iron stake lound 43 leet to center ol Fork Bixby Road (SR 1611); thence South 12 degrees, 32 mlnules, 46 seconds Easl 202.23 leet to a new Iron set; thence Soulh 89 degrees, 41 minutes, 53 seconds West 1.010.62 leet to a new Iron set, said new Iron sat being located In the Eastern line ol Morrison Gray Carter, Deed Book 53, Page 498; thence with said Carter line North 04 degrees, 48 mlnules, 05 seconds East 195.69 leet to the Point and Place ol Beginning and conlalning 4.418 acres as surveyed by Tullerow Surveying Company, November?, 1996. Tract 4: Lying and being In Fulton Township, Davle Counly, North Carolina and beginning at a 0.5 Inch Iron found at lence corner, said Iron found being the Southwestern corner ol Ihe within described proporly and the Northwestern corner ol Lonnie E. Jones, Deed Book 185, Page 519, and being localed Inl he Eastern line ol Morrison Grray Carter, Deed Book 53, Pago 498; thence wllh said Carter line, North04 degrees, 48 minutes 05 seconds East 173.80 leet to a new Iron set; thence North 89 degrees, 41 minutes, 53 seconds Easl 1.010.62 feet to a new Iron set, 30 leel lo center ol Fork Bixby Road (SR 1611); thence Soulh 12 degrees, 32 minutes, 46 seconds East 202.00 leel to an Iron placed 16 feel lo cenler ol road; Ihence wllh line ol Lonnie Bonce Jones, Deed Book 50, Page 117, North 89 degrees, 00 minutes, 00 seconds West 398.12 leet to an existing Iron, said existing Iron being the Norlhweslern corner of said Lonnie Bonce Jones and Ihe Northeastern corner ol Lonnie E. Jones, Deed Book 185, Page 519; thence with said Jones line. North 89 degrees, 00 minutes, 00 seconds West 661.30 leet to the Point and Place ol Beginning and conlalning 4.418 acres subject lo SR 1611 righl-ol-way as surveyed by Tutterow Surveying Company, November?, 1996. Together with Improvements located thereon, said property being located at 765 Fork Bixby Road, Advance, North Carolina. Save and Except: Lying, and being In Fulton Township, Davle County, North Carolina and beginning at a new Iron set, said new Irons el being localed South 89 degrees, 00 minutes, 00 seconds East 107.90 leet Irom an existing Iron, said existing iron beng the Northwest corner ol Lonnie Bonce Jones, Deed Bk 50, Page 117, and being the Northeast corner ol Lonnie E. Jones, Deed Book 185, Page 519; thence Irom said beginning now Iron set. North 12 degrees, 32 mlnules, 46 seconds West 120,00 feet to anew Iron set; thence South 89 degrees, 00 mlnues, 00 seconds East 324.47 feet to an unmarked point In the center ot Fork Bixby Road (SR 1611); thence with the center of said road, South 08 degrees, 42 minutes, 48 seconds Easl 118,36 feel lo an unmarked point In the cenler of the road; thence North 89 degrees, 00 minutas, 00 seconds West 16.33 leet to an existing Iron; thence North 89 degrees, 00 mlnules, 00 seconds, West 9.78 leet lo a solid Iron lound; thence North 89 degrees, 00 mlnues, 00 seconds, West 290.22 leel lo the Point and Place ol Beginning and being 0.858 acres as surveyed by Tutterow Surveying Company, April 7,1997. Togelher with all Improvements constructed upon, Ihe above described real property. Including without limitation Ihe resldenllal dwelling located thereon, which dwelling Is a "Manulactured Home" and which manulactured home Is hereby conclusively deemed lo be real property, described as lollows; Mask, Model: 1996 Serial: MP 1802749 Should the property be purchased by a third party, that peson must pay Ihe lax ol Forty- Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100,00) required by NCGSE7A-308(a)(1). The property to be ollered pursuant to this notice ol sale Is being olfered (or sale, transfer and conveyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Trustee nor Ihe holder ol Ihe note secured by Ihe deed ol trust/security agreement, or both, being loreclosed, nor the olllcers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative ol either the Trustee or the holder ol th enote make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safely conditions existing In, on, al, or relating lo Ihe properly being ollered lor sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising oul ol or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property Is being sold subject to all laxes, special assessments, and prior liens or encumbraces of record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) ol live percent (5%) ol the purchase price, or seven hundred Illty dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater. will be required at the time ol the sale. This 14th day ol July. 2004. H. TERRY HUTCHENS, PA SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE H. Terry Hutchens, PA Subslllute Trustee P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetlevllle, NC 28311 Case No. 593.66428 7-22-2Ш NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualilied as Executor ol the Estate ol ELMER S. WALL, Iale of Davle County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the un­ dersigned on or belore the 29th day dl October, 2004, being three (3) months Irom the llrst day of publl­ callon or Ihls notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This 29th dayol July, 2004. Robert Lanier Wall, Jr. - EXEC 157 Hickory Drive Mocksvllle, NC 27028 7-29-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualilied as Co-Execu- lors ol Ihe Estate ol ELLAT PITTS, late of Davle County, this Is to no- llly all persons having claims against said estate lo present them to the undersigned on or belore the 29th day ol October, 2004, being Ihree (3) months Irom Ihe first day of publlcallon or Ihls notice will be pleaded In bar ol Ihelr recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate palyment lo the undersigned. This 21st day ol July, 2004. RAY C. TUTTEROW, Co- Executor 198 Greenhili Road Mockavllle, NC 27028 DAVENAT. PRAU Co- Executor 6600 Greenlelgh Alexandria, VA 22310 MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksvllle, NC 27028 7-29-4tn C o m e a n d jo in o u r c o u n ty s n e w e s t C iv ita n C lu b D a te s :J u ly 2 6 ,A u g u s t2 ,A u g u s t9 ,2 0 0 4 T im e ; 7 :0 0 p .m . L o c a tio n ; B ro c k G y m W e a re re p re s e n tin g a ll o f o u r c o m m u n ity n o m a tte r w h a t th e C h a lle n g e Absolute Real Estate. C lem m ons/D avie Co. O ffice * 3 3 6 -7 1 4 -4 4 0 0 • 8 7 7 -3 7 1 -5 8 2 2 Too New Photo Not For Photo Available 5645 Shamrock Glen Lane $980,000 Andrea Suggs 1812 Curraghmore Rd $314,000 Andrea Suggs 120 Covington Drive $183,900 Laura Vines 791 Grinnell Street $147,900 Gloria Mallhews 585 Oak Valley BK $410,000 Bev Supple 1526 Peoples Creek Road $486,000 Laura Vines 7041 Kenbridge Drive $164,000 Laura Vines 3010 Deercroft Lane $347,500 Krlsllna Farrell 153 Bermuda Run Vv'esl $335,500 Kalhy Phillips 808 Yakima Cl $134,900 Andrea Suggs 1205 Cane Ridge Lane $187,900 Cheryl Fink 199 Pembrooke $124,900 Kalhy Phillips 2469 WUS Hwy 64 $159,900 Gloria Mallhews H Audrey Fuhrmann I Brad Hunter iЦ 7IU400 ■П Ш 1 S A ndrea SuQgs H Brenna Fallln 1H 71И416 Щ 7M-442< Я Bev Supple H Cheryl Fink9 918-заг7 n 7в3-м93 В в о Ь Ы е M e n d e n h a llH Dorolhy Hall jИ ■1 940-2800 1 1908 Westheimer Drive $279,900 Sandy Dyson 4021 Whirlaway CL $79,900 Andrea Suggs I G loria Duckworth | 7HH2S G lo ria M atthews 71f4^0S Jerry Supple Kalhy Phillip» S13-S335 Kriitlna Farrell 7 H W 7 Laura Vlfiej 7И-4422 I M addalen a Agnoli I 7 Ì U W Pat Kinnamon 717-8356 Sand ra HoHrIck 3<5-2302 Sand ra Johnson 714-Ш Sand y D yion 287-8630 Sherri Coram 909 0019 P ru d e n tia lw w w .prudentialcarolinas.com _j^nJndeigendet£¡í_owme¿an¿ogerate¿member_ofjhe^P^ i. BU - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,Thursday, July 29,2004 ■ PUBLIC N O T IC E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of Ihe powe of sale contained In a certain Deed of Trust Qxecued by Barbara Stewart (Present Record Owner: Barbara Stewart), to Thurman E, Burnette, Trustee, dated August 31, 1999, recorded In Book 312, page 723, Davle Counly Registry, Nbrtfi Carolina; delault having been made In the payment of ttie Note tliereby secured by the said Deed of trust and the undersigned, Ricliard R, Foust, Attorney-at-Law, having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed ol Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Davle County, North Carolina, and the holder of the Nole evidencing said Indebtedness having dlreced thal the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the Davle County Courthouse, In the city of Mocksville, Davle Counly, North Carolina at 11:00 a,m, on Tuesday, August 3,2004 and will ' sell to Ihe highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated In the County of Davle, North Carolina, and being more partlcularty described as follows: BEGINNING ai an Iron rebar set at the Northwestern corner of the withln-descrlbed tract In the line of Oakfand Heights (PB 4, page 122), said Iron also being the Southwestern corner of proposed Lot «1, said point of beginning , also being located the following courses and distances from NCGS Concrete Monument “Cartner" N;240251.905M and E:457050,989M: thence South 49»23'20" East 1215,38 feet to an established Iron rod; thence Souih 2»7'50" West 288 feet to the BEQINNINQ POINT; th ence from Ihe BEGINNING North 80'38'25" East 212.60 feet to an Iron rebar set, the Northeastern corner of the-wlthln-descrlbed tract In the western right of way margin ot Davled Academy Road (SR 1143), tho saidd point also being the Southeastern corner of proposed У lot »1, thence with the right of way margin of said road South 37<'S0'3S- East 52,85 1ёе1 to an Iron rebar set; thence South 33»01'00 East 78.30 feel to an Iron rebar set, the Southeastern comer of the withln-descrlbed tract, Northastern comer of proposed lot #3; thence South 80»39'30" West 293.23 feet to an Iron rebar set, the Southwestern corner of the withln-doscrlbed tract, Northwestern corner of proposed Lot «3, thence North 02W50" East 120,50 feet to the POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING, contalcing 0.690 acres as shown on a survey by Stone Land Surveying Company, dated April 26, 199i) (Job KS10398H) and being a portion of that property described In Deed Book 131, page 462, Davle Couty Registry, and being a portion of that property known as parcel 38 of Tax Map l-l. Should the property be purchatied by a Ihird party, Ihat person must pay the tax of Forty- five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundrod Dollars required by NCGS 7A-308(a)(1), The- property to be offered pursuant to this, notice of sale Is being offered for sale, transler and conveyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the Note secured by tho Deed of Truot/securlty agreement, or both, toeing foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized repreaentatives of either tho Trustee or Ihe holder of the Note make any representation of warranty relating to ihe title or any physical, envlronmenlal, heallh or safety conditions In, on, at or relating to the property being ol fered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising oul of or In any way relating to any such condition expessly expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property Is being sold subject lo all taxes, special assessments, and prior Hens or encumbrances of record any r'Bcorded releases. A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty (Jollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the time ot the sale. Tnis the 4th day of June, 2004, Richard 1^. Foust Substitute Trustee RIchaid R. Foust, Attorney at Law Stamey, Foust & Dwyer, LLP 20it Muirs Chapel Road, Suita 300 Greensboro, NC 27410 Ph, 336-834-0510 Fax 3336-834-0160 7-22-2tnV NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Ihe Executrix of (he Estate of NOLAN ALBERT WRIGHT, late of Davle County, this is to notily all parsons having claims against said estate to present them to Ihe undersigned on or before the 8th day of October, 2004, being three (3) months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to Ihe undersigned. This Ihe 29th day of June, 2004, Rita Ann Wright, Executrix 717 Milling Road Mocksville, NC 27028 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 7-8-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 2004J 51 IN RE: MADISON CHEYENNE JOHNSON, a minor child, MYRA JOHNSON STANLEY, Petitioner (mother) vs. DAVID SCOTT WALKER, Respondent (Father), NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: DAVID SCOTT WALKER (Fafher) TAKE NOTICE that a petition seeking termlnalion of paientai rights against you has been filed In the above-entitled action. The nature of the relief sought Is termlntion of your parental rights as to MADISON CHEYENNE JOHNSON born May 15, 2001, You are required to file a written answer to such pleading not later than August 24, 2004, said date being 40 days from the date of this notice, or 30 days from the date a copy of the Petition and summons la pareonally served upon you. After such time, tho petitioner will apply to the court for the relief sought. This 14th day of July, 2004, Grady L. McClamrock, Jr, NCSBD7B6a 161 South Main Sireel Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone (336) 751-7502 Attorney (or the Petitioner, Myra Lynn Johnson Stanley 7-15-3ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of ANNA MARIE NICOLLS, deceased, lale ot Davle County,. North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to Ihe undersigned on or before the 15th day of October, 2004, said date being al least three monihs from the dale of first publication of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All parsons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This 15th day of July, 2004, the same being Ihe Ihe first publlcalion dale. Thomas C, Nicolls, Execulor ol the Estate of ANNA MARIE NICOLLS Grady L. McClamrock, Jr., NCSB S#7866, Attorney for the Estate 161 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 Telephone: (336) 751-7502 7-15/29, 8-5/12-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate ol JEAN LAPIEJKO, late o( Davie Counly, this Is lo notify all persons having claims againsl said estate to present Ihem to tho undersigned on or belore Ihe 22nd day of October, 2004, being three (3) months (rom the Ural day of publication ol this notice or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. Kenneth J, Laplejko, EXEC 112 Isleworth Court Advance, NC 27006 ^ 7-22-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY 04 SP 133 SALE Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained In thal certain Deed of Trust executed by BRBNDA S LONG Single lo TIM INC., Tnjstee(s), which was dated and recorded Ihe 07 day of SEP- TEMBBR 1999 In Book 313 at Page 361, Davle County Raglslty, North Carolina, Defaull having been made In the payment of the note ihereby se­ cured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned. Trustee Sen/ices of Carolina, LLC, having been sub­ stituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly re­ corded in tiie Office of the Regisler of Deeds of Davle County, North Carolina, and the holder of the nole evidencing said Indebtedness hav­ ing directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee wlli oKar for sale at the erty Is iocaled, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conducting the sale on August 9, 2004 at 12;fl0PM, and will sell to Ihe highest bidder (or cash Ihe (ollowing described property sllualed In Davle Counly, North Carolina, to wit: BEQINNINQ at an existing Iron In Ihe Southeast comer ol Blllle E. McDaniel (Deed Boolt 190, Page ■ 439) Northeast corner ol Bliile E, McDaniel (Deed Book 57, Page 104); thence from the point and place of beginning wllh the Blllle E. McDaniel Ilne North 02 degs. 53 mln. 45 sec. West 68.26 feet to an unmarked point in Iha roadway: thence continuing North 02 degs. S3 mln. 45 sec. West 29.76 leet io an unmarked point In the roadway; thence North 77 degs, 38 mln. 10 sec. East 38,34 feet lo an un­ marked point In Sf^ 1602; thence North 74 degs. 52 min. 00 sec. East 85.87 feet to an unmarked point In Sfl 160S: thence North 72 degs. 41 min. 25 sec. East 84.75 teet lo an unmarked point in SR 1602;lhBnce North 71 degs. 23 mln. 05 sec, East 70.52 teet to en unmarked point in SR 1602; Ihence North 71 dega. 03 mln, 00 SBC. East 90,68 feet to an unmarked point In SR 1602 North easternmost comer of the within described tract In Ihe line of Linda H, Dunn (Dead Book 206, Page 710); thence wllh the Dunn line South 03 degs. 17 min. 35 sec. West 19.74 feet to an existing iron in SR 1602: thence continuing South 03 degs. 17 min. 35 sec. West 196,01 feet to an existing iron In Ihe Ilne of Linda H. Dunn (Deed Book 191, Page 029); Ihence Nonh 8 8 degs, 51 mln, 35 sec. West 113,89 leet to an existing Iron, com­ mon comer wllh Linda H, Dunn (Deed Book 191, Page 029); Ihence wilh Ihe Linda H, Dunn line South 03 degs, 45 mln. 10 sec. Easl 1600.49 feet lo a point In Ihe right ot way of U.S. Highway 64; Ihence North 85 degs. 49 mln. 00 sec. West 231,55 feel lo a point near Ihe edge of Ihe right of way of ^J,S, 64; thence North 03 degs, 47 mln. 25 sec. Wesl 1,588.15 leet lo aniron, the POINT AND PLACE OF BEQINNINQ, containing 9.647 acres, more or less, as surveyed by August 23, 1999, by C. Ray Cales, Registered Land Surveyor, and being those lands conveyed to Ihe Grantor In Deed Book 65, Page 211 and Deed Book 57, Page 104. For further reference see Davie Counly Tax Map J-5, Parcel 9. The above described trad Is conveyed subject lo any easemenis, agree­ ments or rights ol way and olher encumbrances of record. Save and except any releases or deeds of release of record. Said properly Is commonly known as 158 John Crolls Road, MocksviUe, NC 27028. Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, and the court costs ot Forty-Five Cents (45c) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) pursu­ ant to NCGS 7A-308(a)(1), Acash deposit (no personal checks) ol five percent (5%) of Ihe purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is grealer, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all Ihe remaining amounis are Immedi­ ately due and owing. Said property lo be offered pur­ suant to this Notice of Sale Is be­ ing offered for sale, transler and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS,” There are no representations of warranty relating lo the title or any physical, environmental, heallh or safety conditions existing In, on, at, or relating to Ihe property being of­ fered for sale. This sale Is made subject to all prior Hens, unpaid taxes, special assessments, ease­ ments, rights of way, deeds of re- lease, and any other encum­ brances or exceptions of record. To Ihe best of the knowledge and be­ lief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property Is/are BRENDA S. LONG. Trustee Sen/Ices of Carolina, LLC, Substllute Trustee 5919 Oleander Drive Suite 115 Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone (910) 392-4988 Fax (910) 392-8051 Filé No.; FM040603M25B6 7-29-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate ot BENJAMIN B, HINKLEY JR., late of Davle County, tills Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate lo present them to the undersigned on or before the 29lh day of October, 2004, being Ihree (3) monihs from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of Ihelr recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Imme- dlale payment lo the undersigned. This 29th day of July, 2004, Robert M, Stephenson Jr., EXEC 46 Beacon Hill Road Columbia, SC 29210-5663 7-29-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as fhe Executrix of the Estate of DANIEL L. WHITAKER, late of Davle County, Ihls Is to notify ail persons having claims againsl said estate to present them to Ihe undersigned on or before the 8th day of Oclober, 2004, being three (3) months from the first day of publication or Ihls notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 30th day of June, 2004, Jane J, Whitaker 1163 Beauchamp Road Advance, NC 27006 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksvllla, NC 27028 7-8-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of SAMUEL LUTHER DAYWALT, lale of Davle County, this Is lo notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 29lh day of October, 2004, being three (3) months (rom the llrst day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery, Ali persons Indebted lo said eslate will please make Imme­ diate payment to the undersigned. This 29th day of July, 2004, Richard L. Daywalt, EXEC 1593 Davle Academy Road Mocksville, NC 27028 7-29-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Deborah Kesier and Husband, Jimmy Kesier (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Deborah Kesier) to Wade H. Leonard, Jr., Attorney al Law, Trustee(s), dated the 26lh day of April, 2001, and recorded In Book 3fiZ, Page iSQ, Davle County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made In the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, H. Terry Hutchens, PA having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded In Ihe Office of Ihe Register of Deeds of Davle County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Subslllule Trusiee wlli offer for sale al the Courthouse Door in the City of Mocksville, Davle County, North Carolina at 3:00 pm on August 4, 2004 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real eslate situated in the County of Davle, North Carolina, and being more partlcularty described as lollows: Being part ol Tax Lot 83 and being 3.S0 acres more or less as recorded In Pial Book 7, Page 163, Davle County Registry to which reference Is hereby made for a more particular description. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being iocaled at 671 Will Boone Road, Mooksvllle, North Carolina, Should Ihe property be purchased by a third party, that person must pay the lax of Forty- Five Cents ($0,45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100,00) required by NCQS£7A-308(a)(1), The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered tor sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS," Nellherthe Trusiee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the property being olfered for sale, and any and all responslbllilles or liabilities arising out of or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property Is being sold sub|ecl lo all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances ot record and any recorded releases, A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750,00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. This 14th day of July, 2004, H, TERRY HUTCHENS, PA SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY: H, Terry Hutchens, Esquire President H, Terry Hutchens, PA Substllute Trustee P,0, Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayellevlile, North Carolina 28311 Case No: 466,77541 7-22-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTYEXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Co- Executrixes of the Estate ot ELSIE T, STANLEY, deceased, late of Davle County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims againsl .said eslate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of October, 2004, said date being at least Ihree months Irom the date of (Irst publication ot Ihls notice, or Ihls notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted lo said eslate will please make Immediate payment lo the undersigned. This 16th day of July, 2004.' Marie Hawks & Louise Gunter c/o 2521 Wyo Road Yadkinviile, NC 27055 MARTIN & VAN HOY, LLP Attorney al Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 7-22-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY CREDITORS NOTICE Having qualified as Execulor of the Estate of GLENN E. SEAFORD, late of Davle County, this Is to notify all persons having claims againsl said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before Ihe 29th day of Oclober, 2004, being three (3) monihs from the first day of publication or Ihis notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. Ail persons Indebted to said estate will please make imme­ diate payment to the undersigned. This 29lh day of July, 2004. ELOiSE S. SEAFORD, Execulor 176 Buck Seaford Road Mocksville, NC 27028 CROWELL & PORTER Attorneys and Counsellors at Law 120 North Jackson Street Salisbury, NC 28144 7-29-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTYNOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as the Executrix of the Estate of DANIEL L. WHITAKER, late of Davle County, Ihls is to notify ail persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 8th day o( October, 2004, being three (3) monihs from the (irst day o( publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar o( their recovery. Ail persons Indebted lo said estate will , please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 30th day ol June, 2004.Jane J. Whitaker 1163 Beauchamp Road Advance, NC 27006 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 7-8-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING before the Davle County Zoning Board of Adjustment at 7:00 p.m, on Monday, August 2, 2004, in the of the Davie County Administration Building, Mocksville, N,C, The publlo Is Invited to attend. The following Items are scheduled to be heard: lor a Special use Permit for a Class C Manufactured Home in the Residential Agricultural (R-A) zoning district pursuant toE155,125(B) of the Davie County Zoning Ordinance, This property Is located at 435 Bonkin Lake Road, Mooksvllle, NC, approximately 1/2 mile east of Essie Road, and Is further described as Parcel 19,01 of Davie County Tax Map B-4. Shannan.MoJIaC has applied for Temporary Use permit for a manufactured home In the Residential (R-20) zoning district based on a personal hardship pursuant toE155.190(A) ot the Davie County Zoning Ordinance, This property Is located at 206 Riddle Circle, Advance, NC, approximately 1/4 mile south of Gordon Drive, and Is further described as Parcel 39,05 of Davie County Tax Map D-7, Communlcatlonft.t№/a.Clnanlar wireless has applied for a Special Use Permit for a Telecommunications Tower and Facility In a Residential Agricultural (R-A) zoning district pursuant toE155.125(B) of the Davie Counly Zoning Ordinance, This property Is located at 218 Double A Trail, Advance, NC, approximately 1/2 mile south of Yadkin Valley Road, and Is further described as Parcel 131 of Davle Counly Tax Map C-7. Wireless has applied for a Special Use Permit for a Telecommunications Tower and Facility In a Residential Agricultural (R-A) zoning distriact pursuant toE155,125(B) of the Davle County Zoning Ordinance, This properly Is located at 3174 US Hwy 601 North, Mocksville, NC, approximately 1/4 mile south of Liberty Church Road and Is further described as Parcel 62.01 of Davle County Tax Map F-3. A sign will be placed on the above listed properties to advertise the Publlo Hearing. Ail parties and Interested citizens are Invited to attend said hearing at which time they shall have an opportunity to present lads and testimony in supporl of, or in opposition lo, the request. Prior to the hearing, additional informalion on a request may be obtained by visiting the Development Services Department weekdays beiween 8:30 a.m, and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, or by telephone al (336)751-3340. John Gallimore Planning Director 7-22-2tn After School Program Hardison UMC will be offering an After School Program starting Aug, 9th from 3pm-6pm Mon, - Fri, Open Teacher Work Days, Out of School Days, Early Release Days, and some Snow Days. Bus Drop Off, Homework Assistance, Crafts, Activities, Devotion, Snack Provided For more info call 751-5630 or 998-4124 DAVIE COUN I’Y ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, .luly 29,2004 - В13 CLASSIFIEDS ЛЖНИИЖДУЕ PROFITABLE Abortion Alternative DAVIE PREGNANCY CARECenter offers confidential & free pregnancy tests, support ser­vices, and referrals. Make a healthy choice tor your llfel Call 753-HOPE for appointment. A riim a ls 16 YR OLD Appaloosa mare- $1,200 negotiable. 751-6359. ¿ "B T u F G O A fs ^ i^ irT omonths old- $15.00 each 940-3359 _________________ A n tiq u e s ANTIQUE BARBER CHAIRAntique Duncan Phyfe sofa 7S3-2349 FOR SALE: 2 Antique Steamer trunks $150,00 for both. Call 940- 62B3 after 6:00.______________ A p a r tm e n ts 1BR,1 BA-UTILITIES In­ cluded- Mocksville $425/month Janice McDaniel Pennington & Company Really 751-9400 tLARGE 1 ’BEDROOM A |^I Downtown Mocksville, No ohll- Idren, pets or HUD. 704-278- |l717. MOCKSVILLE SUNSET TER- { RACE: Ail brioi< energy efficient I apartment, 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, [basketball court & swings, ¡Kitchen appliances furnished in- jciudlng dishwasher, 1,5 baths, Iwasher/diyer connections. High fenergy effiolenl heat pump pro- Ivldes central heat and air, I Prewired for cable TV & phones, llnsulated windows & doors. No Bwax kitchen & bath floors. Lo- ^caied In Mocksville behind the old ¡Hendricks Furniture building |(now Carolina Precision Machln- leiy) on Sunset Dr, of(o( Hwy, 158, SOfflce hours 1-6 M-F & Sat, 10- 112, Phone 751-0168,_________ C h ild C a re SALMOST HOME CHILD care in i' has opelngs (or ali ages, 0-12 yrs. p,#. Full-time, Part-time, Drop-In, Be- Itore & After School and Oul of i^: :! School Days, 1st & 2nd shift, fOpen 5;30 am. Flexible hours. Spilt shifts also. Call Debra, 751- PLAY (7529) 571 8 Main St„ Mocksville, across from Welch’s Funeral Home, n KOUNTRY KORNERll. DAYCARE-a (our star center of Advance has Immediate open- j I Ings (or ages 6 wks thru school age. Call 998-2220 ask for Linda ! or Christie, S T A Y ^H o M ln ^ ^ ^ looking to watch children In her home ages 1-4 years. Nutritious ' meals provided, along with other ' children. Daily lesson pians and (un activities. Please call 336- 1751-2910 for an interview, (Ask ! for Kim), C A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES, COLLECTABLES, OLD METAL TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE Call /IrUiur BosUck 336-492-5992 Com m ercial Property COMMERCfAL BUILDING FORlease-529 Redland Rd.-4 offices, 18x18, 2BA, coffee bar & rec, hail, 998-5726 COMMERCIAL BUILDING FORsaie oriease-40x60 Morton Build­ing locafed in Northern Davie County, 4 yrs old, like new condi­tion, 2 large doors, office, balh, formerly a HVAC business, 1 acre, well, septic, $850/monlh 336-751-7502 VARIOUS COMMERCIAL“ PROPERTIESWarehouse & Office space Janice McDaniel Pennlngtot^&^C^o^rnpany Realty C o n d o s F o r R e n t 2br, 2ba condo-Ciemmons- $800/month Janice MpDanlel Pennington & Company Realty 751-9400 ATTENTION: UNC CHAR­LOTTE students. Walk to class, 2BR, 2BA condo w/ stove, refrig­erator, dishwasher, washer/dryer, /VG, cable. $625/month, Avall- able Aug.1 or sooner,_________ E m p lo y m e n t BOJANQELS' OF MOCKSVILLE now Inlervlewing crew members and kitchen staff (or the A.M, shIH ONLY. Ability to work week-ends. Must have a clear criminal record with reliable transportation.„Opportunity (or advancement,„Apply in person lo 1468 Yadklnville Rd, or (ax re­sume to 336-751-1196. BUS^iNESS OPPORTlJNiTY^ WORK from home. Local team expanding. Free training & website. No selling, Unltd, in­come potential, www,chlpstaylnhome,com 1-888-310-6204 ■' DEPUTY fir!Marshali/Fire inspector The primary responsibility of the Deputy Fire Marshali/Fire Inspector wlli be to perform code enforcement and lire Inspections under the NC Fire Prevention Code and olher duties as may be assigned. The employee is expected lowork a maximum of 20 hours/week The candidate shall be a high school graduate wllh some fire- reialed post-secondary educa­ tion, A college degree is highly desirable, but not required. The candidate shall possess tad and Ihe ability lo relate to business owners and manag­ ers, The candidate shall possess ( or have the ability lo obtain) state Inspection certifications. A Fire InspectorLevel ill is preferred. 601 Auction Co. located at 1518 Hwy. 601 S. In Yadklnville Is having Open Sale NIghtI Anyone & Everyone can sett this night. All you have to do Is show up & get a turn. Friday July 30 at 7 p.m. Bring new or used Hems to sell so we can "Gltter Done & Do BIdneSG” Call 336-240-4470 (or Into, or Just show upl E m p lo y m e n t Deputy Fire Marshall conllnued;To apply, submit a Davle Counly Application Form to: W. O, Whaley, Director Development Services & Facilities Management 172 Clemeni Street Mocksville, NC 27028 The position Is open immedi­ ately and applications will be accepted until position Is filled, Davle County Is an Equal Opportunity Employer DRIVER PAY INCREASEHome Weeklyi Company Start-38c/mile O/Ops Start-99e/mlle ' 2,500-2,800 miles per week 70% Drop & l4ook 99% No Touch Pre-quaiify In 10 minutes Class A CDL + 1 yr, OTR required 1-800-539-8016 www.lanclalr.com EXPERIENCED CARPENTERFOR framing crew, 40-plus hours weekly w/overtime. Must be de­pendable. No drugs, no hot­heads, 336-467-7061 or 336- 998-7428, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIS- TANT-Wlil have widely varied re- sponsibliilies Including clerical duties, managing databases, pro­ duction of newsletter and olher Bromotlonai materials, assisting Irector with special projects, handling accounting (unctions (or the department and assisting wllh programs and special events. Candidate must possess strong compuler & organizational skills, strong communication & Interper- sonarskilis, a vehicle for use dur­ ing work & a desire to wori< with older adults. Education beyond High School & considerable sec­ retarial, clerical, fiscal or office management skills preferred. Starting salary $22,225 + ben­efits, Submit counly Application to Kim Shuskey, Direclor, Davle Co, Senior Services, 622 N Main St., Mocksville , N0 27028, Ap­plications will be received unlil position Is filled, Davle County Is an Equal Opportunlly Employer, LAND TEK QMS, ground malntalnence workers & supervi­sors, Pay DOE, health benefits, vacation. For appointment call 998-9340, MACHINlSHOP-OPEFMNOlorP/T or F/T experienced deburrer. Steel, brass and plastic precision machined parts. Good hand-eye coordination required. Daytime hours. Yadklnville 336-463-2311. GALUALUME 2 0 Y E A R W A R R A N T Y Longest Lasting 3' Coverage / Many Colors Pole Buildings Metal Roofs & Siding f 1 -8 8 8 -2 7 8 -6 0 5 0 MID-STATE METALS N O W H I R I N G © T e m p o r a r y R e s o u r c e s , I n c .Expaiaux... '¡Ix Diffhrnce in St4tJJiiig 300 S. Main St. Mocksville Corner of Hwy 64 and Hwy 601 (336) 751-5179 R E C R U I T I N G F O R : M a t e r i a l H a n d l e r s A s s e m b le r s P r o d u c t i o n W o r k e r s F o r k l i f t O p e r a t o r s Applications Accepted Monday-Thursday 9am-11am or 1pm-3pm (‘"Bring 2 Forms of ID to apply***) F re e S e m in a rs I Spaco 15 limited. Call 75b5^79 to roscrvo your soai. WEDNESDAY AUGUST 4IH 9:00 AM "Things That Keep You From Getting A Job." WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 1ST WEQNESPAY 6IH 9:00 AM "Make Sure You Get 9:00 AM “How To Turn Temporary Work The Job-lntervlew Successfully," Into A Permanent Solution." P'In E m p lo y m e n t MILLING MACHINE OPERA­TOR, opening for P/T experi­enced operator of Bridgeport mill­ing machines and horizontal mill­ers. Must be able lo read blue­ prints and use standard measur­ ing equipment. Candidate should be able to use drilling and tap­ ping equipment and Be able lo deburr parts. Daytime hours, Yadklnville 336-463-2311, QUALIFIED PRO^W ONALS (2). Supervise Udentai Health and DD 1-on-1 home and community- based services. Masters and/or ECl exp a plus. Deadline 8/5. HomeCare Mgmt, 704-873-5399 or 1-888-301-6934, SHORT OR'DERWdiTex^TT enced or will train Tuesday-Sat- urday. Call 998-7290 SOCIAL W'0RKER'iii7Fan% Assessments and Case Manage­ment. Davle Couniy Department of Social Services, The worker will be responsible for Child Pro­tective Services Family Assess­ments and Case Management. Will assume other duties as re- q^uired. Some on call required. Graduation Irom a (our-year col­ lege or university Is required and prefer work experience In social work or related human services fields. Must have a vehicle avail­able for work and have a valid North Carolina driver's license. Submit a completed PD-107 and a college transcript of the high­est degree earned lo Cindy Jus­tice, Social Work Supervisor, Davle County Department of So­cial Services, P 0 Box 517, Mocksville, NC 27028. Teie- 3hone-336-751-8800. Appllca- lion Deadline; August 9, 2004 before 5:00PM, Equal Opportu­ nity Employer, TRACTOR TRATlER DRIVEHS needed. Class A-CDL required, Benefits. Call 998-8700 to apply. F u r n itu r e 5 PIECE SOLID oak bedroom suite & computer desk. In good condition, $900, Call 751-4592 after 6 p,m, oUiEEN AWET^HERRV'di- nette, Lane sofa table, baby fur- nllure. 336-940-5746._________ H o m e s F o r R e n t 133 HILLCREST ST., Mocksville, 2 blocks from YMCA. $480/mo,, $350 deposli, 336-751-4730, 336-736-7382, 253 MAIN ST, Cooleemee, for renl or saie, 3 large BR, 1,5BA, kltchen/dlnlng room, garage, new heat/alr, completely remodeled. Some financing. 751-5925 or 751-1702 pl iii w ig g c a w s R MINI-STORAGE For all your .storase needs, choose us! Come by to liiiiuire about free rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E in Fork C olt today! (3 3 6 ) 9 8 8 - 8 8 1 0 RANDY MILLER &SONS Miller Koad • Mocksvlllc (336) 284-2826 • Now Pumping SopllcTanlts • Skid Stoar Work Trencher Work Hauling Septic S/all Fooling! i l . Л H a p p y 4 0 th A n n iv e rs a ry ! B ill & L ee H in d s Love, Katie Sc Keith John & Mary Catherine H o m e s F o r R e n t 2BR, IBA, HOME, central heat/ air, all electric, No pets, 305 Avon St., $475 month $475/deposit 751-7502 2BR,1BA,US 158E,$95/W 06k 336-924-1824 3BR, 1 BA LARGE outbuilding In Mocksville, $495/month. 751- 5200 ^ ADWI^ci-3BR, 2BA convenient lo 1-40 $725/mo ADVANCE-3BR, 2BA Iri-level wllh wired outbuilding $900/mo WINSTON SALEM-3BR2,5BA Deck, 2 car garage $975/mo MOCKSVILLE-ЗВП, 1,5BA Ginglewlde $500/mo Pennington & Company Realty 751-9400 CALL CENTURY 21 SWICEGOOD WALL & MCDANIEL336-751-2222 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm 336-751-5555 Ext, 213 Nighls & Weekends WHAT A DEALI BeautKul 4BR, 2,5BA home on Eaton’s ChurchRd, Over 2000 sq. (t„ LR, DR, basement, attacned carport, washer, dryer, stove, dish-washer, double ovens and disposal IncludedI $1000/monlh 2BR possibly 3BR, 1BA home on Howardlown Rd, Refrigera­ tor, range oven and attacned carport included. Oil heat and window units, $550/monlh 2BR, IBA home on Yadklnville Rd, Great localloni Oil heat & window units. No appliances, $500/month 1BR, ISA home on E. Lexington Rd, No appliances but ullillles included In rent price, $425/month 2BR, 1 BA home on E. Lexington Rd,No appliances $450/monlh Olflce space available with great Hwy 601 frontage. Just minutes from Wal-Mart. Call for more details. W A l.L E R P L U M m N i; mulUKPAIU.S l it // I'l.’d.’IM siDiMi M PI I \im \(; H o m e s F o r R e n t COUNTRY HOUSE, 505Turkeyfool Road. Call after 4pm, 336-414-1448 HOW ARD^m S y Gena Cline 751-8562 3BR, 1BA Cooleemee $500/monlh 2BR,1BACooleemee$500/month 3BR, 2BA mobile home-Wm R Davle $500/monih 2BR, 2BA mobile home-Advance $550/month 2BR, IBA Country home w/porches Advance $600/month 3BR,1.5BAMocksville $700/monih Large 4BR, IBA $750/month Townhouse -Bermuda Run Country Club 3BR, 2.5BA $900/monlh Mobile Home Lots: Gun Club Rd, $225,00 Daniel Rd. $125,00 RENT TO OWN 3BR, 1BA, In country, large iot, carport, wooded. $630/monlh 751-4371 H o m e s F o r S a le 181 RANDOM ROAD, Mooks­ vllle, Davle County, spilt level, four bedroom, 2,5 baths, nicely landscaped in great neighbor­hood, near Davle High School, $189,500. Call for appointmeni 338-751-4358, 253 MAIN ST, Cooleemee, for rent or sale, 3 large BR, 1,5BA, kltchen/dlnlng room, garage, new heat/air completely remodeled. Some (Inancing, 751-5925 or 751-1702 < bonanzamobllehomes.commobiles & modulars. We wlli not be undersold. Shop us, Cali us, 1-888-462-7806. Harvis Pool & Supplies iMng>ClieniicaU*liistailaü(» Opmlng&Closlng'iAnylUneTNacment 'Ibinmy llarris/Owiicr-üvcr 20 Yrs, Exp. 27? VkimrnAcK Dr.. Motisvillc Home (336) 284-4817 ^ ^ K in ^ ^ 6 )9 0 » 4 0 ^ ---------------------^ W E’RE B U ILD IN G B ETTER CAREERS DISTRIBUTION OPPORTUNITIES. productivity partnerships unparalled opportunities 0 ^ ^ InmvklHoiMlsprmMir Lowe's Companlos, inc., a Fortiino 50 company, oilers a unique culture ond a loFrosiilng connblnatlon of benefits tiiat Is considered one of liio t»st packages in retail, Build your career at Lowe's with one of Iiie following outstanding iuil-liniQ opportunitiGS: DISTRIBUTION TEAM MEMBERS Receiving, Building & Slilpplng Departments NIGHT SHIFTThese |X)sillons start ot $9.50 per hour plus a $.50 per iiour shift Inccntivo, Wq are currently hiring for nigiit shift. 6:30pm • S:00anii. Siiift is 10 liour nights ond 4 nights per week. Overtime varies, WEEKEND DAY SHIFTThese (xjsllions sinrt at $9.50 per liour plus a $1.05 per liour weekend premium. We are cunonlly hiring for weekend day shift, 5:45am lo 6:16pm on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Overtime varies. Requirements include: the ability to lift up to 70lbsi i 8 years of ago or older; a stable work lilstory: and the ability to successlfjlly pass a dnig screening and criminal baokgrciund check. FoiWift oxporienco is preferred. For more Inforniatlun about Lowa'a Companies, Inc., or to apply on-line for distribution opportunities, go to www,lowe8,ooni/cnreara. To apply in person, stop by anytime Monilay • Friday between 9:00am and 4:00pm. Lowe's Distribution Center 711 Tomlin Mill Rd StateavillB, NC Lowe's Is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to Diversity nnd Inclusion. -i---- B14 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD. Thursduy, July 29,2004 IE P R O f T C A B L E H o m e s F o r S a le M o b ile H o m e /R e n t M o b ile H o m e s /S a le R V /M o to r H o m e S e r v ic e S e r v ic e S ta te w id e V e h ic le s Y a rd S a le s Y a rd S a le s Y a rd S a le s Y a rd S a le s FOR SALE BY Owner: Hwy 64E, 30R, 2BA, oulside building, on private lot. .96 ac. Please call 336-998-2952. FoUSETOR^SAirby owner. 3BR, gas furnace, central air, basement garage. 121 Erwin St., Cooleemee, 336-284-2359 NEW CUSTOM BUHjliorne, 3BR, 2BA, “on your lol." Normal Cost $120,000.00 on sale for $79,900.00 until Seplember 1st. Call 1-800-672-9223. snly.pets. Farmington area. $450/ monlh. 998-4740. 2BR, 2BA, fVlOBILE home, cen­trai air, electric tieat, good condi­tion. $470/mo Includes lol rent. No smoking, no pels. 336-779- 2054. NEW DOUBLEWIDE HOME, biglot, 3BR, 2BA, front porch, rear deck, heat pump, $76,000. re­duced to $69,900. 998-5816 or 284-2653. jnty Line area. Qualified buyer 3BR/2BA, CHA, appliances In kitchen, fenced backyard, paved drive. Call 704-278-0974. SECLUDED aS A C F^, 5BR/ IBA farmhouse, 9-slali barn w/ lack & feed room, 4,000 bale loft, traclor shed, well & smokehouse & workshop, 14x70 mobile home. Additional 50 acres available, $225,000.704-278-2679 ___ L a n d F o r S a le STICK BUILT HOMES or mobile home lols lor sale. 998-5816, 284-2653___________________ L o s t & F o u n d FOUND BROWN PUPPY, Davie High area, call to identify 492- 7170. LO St-^LE BLACK caíw/coi- lar & orange lag. Milling Road area. If seen call 751-9584. m ís s íñ q b lS cí^í^^^rian Huskey, Fork Bixby area. Contact 940-4299____________ M is c e lla n e o u s JET MODEL, JET 3 power chair used less than 20 hrs. List $5000.00 will seil for $3000.00 Phone 751-3985 ory IImodular, $69,995.00 Phone 1- 877-283-4344 CUStOMElToFDERiDHOMECame wilh wrong colors Big savlngsl Please call 336-767-0240 DISPLAY SALEI ONLY one Instock at this price. 3BR, 2BA, 1,568 sq. II. $43,300 phone 1-877-263-4344 EASY TO OWNI New 3 & 4 BR homes localed in Troutman area. Beautiful wooded lols and prívale roads. If Interested please call 800-243-2231 Ext. 139. PLANT SALE-CREPE myrtles & leyiand cypress. Locally grown. Sat. July 31, Bam-5pm. Howardlown Rd. to Pamela to Woodberry Trail. 940-2734. STEEL BUiLOlNQS■ All must gol Faoloty Seconds Freight Damaged & Repos 10x24, 25x30, 35x52 fvlAKE OFFER-Flnancing No reasonable olfer refused Serious Inquiries Onlyl 1-800-405-7501 M o b ile H o m e /R e n t 2BR, IBA, PRIVATE lot, appli­ances and waler furnished, $425/ mo plus $425 deposit, HUD ac­cepted w/ deposit 284-4499 2BR, IBA, PRIVATE lot, $350/ mo, $350 deposit,492-5263 LAND/HOME PACKAGE, IREDELL Co. area. Ready lo oo- cupyl $89,995. Phone 1-877- 283-4344 RENT TO OWN - 2002 2BR, 2BA PLEASE CALL 336-767-0207 F O R S A L E : C ars • T rucks Utility Buildings Carports; All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lots 336-751-3442 Mocksville, NC CARTNER ANGUS i FA R M S IN C . H i' W ill T real You R ia iu ! | Sa n o & G r a v e l H a u l in g D dZING Í 1 J.P . C a rtn e r D o n n e y S tro u d [i] 1(336)492-5764 (704)883-2182 1(704)880-0168 (336)492-2015 P F i f t y r ’ P O S IT IO N A V A IL A B L E The Dnvie Couniy Bnterprise-Rccord has un opening for H clerical position wilh a wide array of responsibilities — entry buukkecpint', classified advertisiiiB and circulation. Applicants, of cour.se, must Ixs able lo work well with Ihe public and handle a fa.sl-pacc envlronnienl. Excellent typ­ ing !ikill.s are required. Tlie iX)sillon Is full-time with health ln.sunince beneni.s, company 401 (k) nnd mure. Apply lo; P.O. Box 99. McKksvllle, NC 27028 D A V IB C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/g^^ECORD 2BR, 2BA. ON private lot, cen­ tral air. 430 Bethel Church Rd. $450.00 plus deposit $450.00. 336-751-2532. зв р,ТваГ81Но1 1 Ш е ^on acre lot, utility bidg., сафог1, $550/monlh and $550/ deposit. 492-5897. SÍNGLE ^ Ж м ОвГСе home! 2BR, 2BA, nice wooded lot with fenced-in backyard. $600/month, mobile 336-399-3242; home 336- 940-3222.___________________ M o b ile H o m e s /S a le 1990 OAKWOOD CUSTOM mo­bile home, 2BR, 2BA, refrigera­tor, stove & 8x12 oulbullding In­cluded. $13,000. Currently sel up in Deer Run IHobiie Home Par1<. Cali 751-3607 STOP PAVING RENTI Own your own home for no more than rent payments. 3 homes to choose from. These homes are available now! Complete and power Is on. Call 800-243-2231. ‘97 FLEETWOOD 14X80 w/shingle rool, vinyl siding, 2BR, 2BA, 8x24, covered deck on renled lot In 601 H/lobiie Home Park. Musi see lo appreciate. 336-782-8923 before 9pm. 1999 JAYCO EAGLE travel trailer, 26ft, sleeps 5, like new. Call after 5pm. 998-8657 S e r v ic e M u s ic EVERYTHING'S ON SALE. Pi­anos available. Lessons avail­able Mon-Frl., 1;00-9;00. Guitar, mandolin, banjo, bass, piano, keyboard, vocal, saxaphone, trumpet, clalrlnet, flute & much more. Dave's Music 751-1934 PÍANO TUNINGrepair, regulate, rebuilding, work guaranteed W. Barford 336-998-2789 P e ts 1999, 28X80, 4BR, Oakwood repo., set up In park, excellent condiilon $29,500.00 423-323- 2055 or 423-677-5841 AKC REG. LAB puppies. Call 998-5845. Leave message. AKC REGISTERED ROTT- WEILER puppies. Dew claws re­ moved, tails docked, wormed & first shots. 6 weeks old. $350 each. 492-5727 MICE FOR^ALE*for pets or feeders. Call 492-7947 anytime NEED TO GET rid of; two Chows- one male & one female, 7 monlhs old. $200 each or $300/both. 998- 1811._______________________ R e c r e a tio n a l 1986 АТС 250SX-3 wheeler for sale. Runs good, looks good. New plastic. Call after 3;30.336- -4374. $600. OBO "GIANT" MOUNTAIN BlKE-verygood condition, used very iiltie. $125.00 ( approx. half Ihe cost of new one). 751-2103 NICE 1500-1800 sq. fl. homes ready to move In. Landscaped and furnished. Eaoy access lo In­terstate 77. 4-5 miles Irom Mooresville. Call 800-243-2231 ext. 139. $$$ SPECIAL $$$fVluHler & tall pipe For most cars & light trucks $79.95 Installed Catalytic Converter $99 & up Installed Reavis Welding Shop Hw/y 601 in Courtney (3 1/2 mi south of Yadkinville) 336-463-2517 A TO Z Masonry Specializing in Small Jobs; Porches, Steps, Underpinnings and much morel Zach Hartman (336) 692-7715 DAVIE CLEANING SERVICE isoinning u 10% olf special tor the first time cleaning. Insured and bonded. Free estimate. Call 751 - 3700 or 909-2886. FACIaT s ANiT m ILD chemical peeis-Free consultation. New cli­ent special-$45. Featuring DeCieor' products for ali you skin care heeds. Advance (336) 413- 4500 FARMER’S MARKET-NC pro- duce, coffee -60e, Mon-fhur. 6am-9am, Hiii&dale Homemade Baked Qoods/Calering available. 336-413-4500 LINK’S SEAMLESS GUTTER- INGRichard Llnk-Owner Free Estimates 998-1798 MS MOBILE HOME supply-all mobile home parts M-F, 8-5 336- 751-0037 GENE TREXLER ROOFING N o w & O ld R o o fs S m a ll R o p a ir Jo b s F re e E stim ó lo s 3 3 6 - 2 8 4 - 4 5 7 1 NURSING/HOSPICE SER­VICES Davie County. Experi­enced register nurse-resume and reference on request. 336-413- 4500 OSBORNE ELECTRICfor all your electrical needs Free Estimates 751-3398 SNIDER'S LANDSCAPING &Lawn Service, LLC We Do It All!Mowing, trimming, bush­hogging, plugging, Iree & shrub piantlng ■ 'ilizing, grass • fertilizer application, I, micro-lrrl planting & ferì seeding i ..soil preparation, micro-lrrlga- lion, licensed pesticide applica­ tor, water garden installation, retaining walls Spring & Fall "rard Clean-Up Gutter Cleaning Pine Needles Dellvered'& Spread $6.50/bale Call for Free Estimates Residential & Commercial Office (336) 492-2174 Cell (336)409-0113 SUMMER POOL SPECIAL.16X32 Inground pool Includes; 8fl walk-ln step Hayward pump & filler Ladder Winter cover Cleaning Supplies Completely Installed & Back Filled Ready for Deck $11,000 Sea Breeze Pool Service 336-391-3525 TOMBERLIN’S LAWN CARE & Handyman Services. All types of Iawnoare and handyman ser­ vices, mowing and weedeating, bushhogging & trimming trees and busTies, plugging, seeding, fertliizlng, leaf removal, mulching, pine needles. Call Brenl for free estimate (residential and com­mercial services) Home phone 492-5424 Mobile 391-2266. LPN or RN Needed W eekends 7pm*7am LPN Needed 3pm -11pin, Full-Tim e & P art-Tim e Available PRN, LPN & RN Needed For All Shifts C o n ta c t V a n e s s a W ils o n D ire c to r o f N u rs in g EOE ‘itUTUMNCARE OF MOCKSVILLE 1007 Howard St. Mocksvllle 751-3S35EXI.107 SURPLUS VEH ICLES Tk Yadkin Vall^ Economic Development District Inc. ofTers for sale Ihe following Sun>liu Vehicles. “As Is” condition applies lo each vehicle. Bid opening July 30,2004. SbertID VlnNunibtr Mikt/ Model Mlkige ’ ' Mlnlimiin Bid 42J 2B7KB3IZ9RK153371 94 Dodge Side Lift 383544 600.00 122 2B7KB31ZÍRKI52M7 94 Dodge Cenler Aisle 205663 uoaoo 302 2B7KB31Z3TK151452 96 Dodge Cenler Aisle 207739 1^.00 103 2B7KB31Z2VK552221 97 Dodge Cenler Aisle 175280 2,40a00 303 2B7KB31Z5TKI51453 96 Dodge Cenler Aisle 184128 ],4oaoo 308 2B7KB3IZ3VK595238 97 Dodge Rear Lift 191746 2,500,00 1102 2B7K631Zim(l51436 94 Dodge Cenler Aisle 197406 9oaoo 202 2B7KB31Z4VK352222 97 Dodge Center Aisle 163669 2,70a00 203 2B7KB31Z6VK3S2223 97 Dodge Cenler Aisle 165504 ],4oaoo 206 2B7KB31Z4VK595233 97 Dodge Center Aisle 157582 2,10000 1060 2B7KB31ZIVK555237 97 Dodge Cenler Aisle 282461 t,ioaoo 301 2B7KB31Z3VK555970 97 Dodge Rear Lift 190869 2,400,00 lOS 2B7KB31Z1VK56Í913 97 Dodge Rear Lift 184389 2,400.00 213 2B7KB31Z1SK558359 95 Dodge Center Aisle 255913 1,000.00 322 2B7№31ZXSKSS8358 9SDodge Cenler Aisle 282461 850.00 Vehicki wj be Inspected from 8:00 ajn. Iiil4;30 p.m Monday-Friday. Bid Sheets and vehicles are located al Ihe forwr Dule Power Building, 1413 W. Main St., Yadkinville, NC Phone: (79-2071 Titles will be bsued wilh payment T O P PA Y! Adecco in Ingcrsoll-Rand I.S now iiiring M a c h in is t s , W e ld e r s , F o r k L i f t O p e r a t o r s , a n d S e c o n d S h i f t J a n i t o r s . I’ur inlbnnalion rcgiiriling \\msc aiul olhc-T available ixxsilioti.s plea.sc call 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 6 8 6 0 Adecco EOE M A R SH A ’S K O I & W Á TER GARDENS FOR ALL YOUR WATER GARDEN NEEDSI 1лгц{ Seltctian of Fbit Л Plaiils! Timlo/dmn Waler? SKEM E! Iliiitiling New Waler Ganleii or /liWins To Hxisliiig (¡arden'/ SKH ME! WWioCalaliaIn Ril.Open Wed , 11m.. - - f 'l ii '“.!;':!!!;» cump8n«nd) 336-492-7423 Mucksvillc HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT • In p a lto n t C o d in g S p e c ia lU t Full'tirno; M onday-Friday, first shift. • O u tp atien t C o d in g S p e o ia llit Port'tlmo; 40 hours por pay period; M onday-Friday, floxiblo schodulo. HOME HEALTH & HOSPICE • C e rtifie d O c c u p a tio n a l T h e ra p ist (O TR)--Full-tim o, M onday-Friday, firal shift. • R e g ltte re d N u rse fo r C A P C are Full'tirno. • R e g iste re d N u rse fo r H o sp ice Part-timo, wooi(ond option Snturday/Sunday 12 hours. LABORATORY • C u sto m e r S e rv ic e R ep resen tatlve-< P art-tim o ; M onday-Friday, 5pm -9pm . • M edical T ech n o lo g ist—Full lim o; Sunday-Thursdoy, 2;30p m -n:00p m . • S tu d e n t Techn)clar>— Parttlm o; floxiblo to woric w ilh school schedule. NURSING • R egistered f4urses— Plox N ursing positions; Critical Caro Servlc68-> 12*hour shifts, straight pm 's or rotating sh lfis; M edical Su rgical Sorvlcos— 12-hour shifts, straight pm 'e or rotating shifts; Em ergon cy Dopartmont; Cardiac Rohabllitatlon— oxporlonco doslrod. SIQN^ON BO N U S with 2*yoar com m itm ont. PHARMACY • Clinical sta ff Pharm ocitt fiPh/Pharm D—Fulltim o, M onday- Friday, rotoUonol wool(ond8 ovory third and llmltod second shift. PHYSICAL REHABILITATION • Licensed Physical Therapists, LPT Fuii-tlm o, M onday-Friday, no call, one WQQkond por m onth, Acuto Caro. • Certified O ccupational Therapist & A ssistan t—Part-time. M on day- Friday, no call, ono w eekend por m onth, Acute C are. RADIOLOGY if (Ioxiblotowori<wiihschoor8ch«dul<>. •Technologist CV(ARRT) CT T echnologist CT (ARRT) CT registry required; fuli-tim o, second shift. MRI Technologist M R (ARRT) M R registry required; full-tim e. Interested caniiidatcs, apply online or in person at; R o w a n R eg io n al M cd icaiCcnicr, Adnt HR, 61 a Mockivlllc Avc., Salisbury, NC 38144; f*axi (7 0 4 ) 3 l0 > 5 0 3 4 f F h n n ei (7 0 4 ) 3 1 0 - 5 3 0 3 f G*m alh )o bs(^row an .oru. Llnlfiue individuals yive u« a diverse perspective. HOI:. Ro w a n Re g io n a l M edical CKhniR Localed In hiscortc Saiiibiiry. NC, Rowan RcHkinat Mcdicai C«nttr is a not-for-proiil, 308-bcd acute care facility oifering a unique profeislonai scuiny dial Is belli collaborative and individually nuriurinK- Our Mcdicai Center couples the riKbl co(iibii)atinn nf rc«)urces and cncouraKcmcni, enabling you to make an impact on people's lives... and your career. 13iscovcr real success at Rowait RcBlonal. At Riiwan RcHional Mcdicai Center, stronK growilt potential and professional saiisiaclion come togcllier Wc pro<idly offer compciiiive salaries, ¿enerous benefits and much more. To learn more about Ibese and o ilie r cxcliInK oppurtunhles, please vUtt o u r website att www.rowan.org DAVIE C O U N TY ENTERPRISE RECORD,Thursday, July 2 9 ,2 Ш - 1И5 Ш Л З В Ш Е О в Ш Е Х 1 » Е Р 1 8 1 У Е f b o f t e a b l b i-iwwiiwm-iucouMT MUUUSI3rd. Waterlront Estate on Historic James River Williamsburg, VA. Tommy Wagner Auction Com­ pany., Jerry Craig King 2907003147, JP King Auction Co., inc. 2907003147. Cali 1- 800-558-5464 BE A WTNNERTBacomTa Truckerl Training Available, Jobs Walling. M & M Trucking, 1-800- 398-9908, Call Todayl FUUi^niiiEi^CHEN assist^ Live/work on privately ov\ined Is­land off Georgia coast. Benelils included. Fax resume:912-634- 1811 or call; 912-638-4405 X 13. Drug test required. PROFESSIONAL VENDING R O U T E /E Q U IP M E N T /INCOMESnacks/Soda/Water. Fi­nance with $7500 down. Call 877-843-8726, Vendors Purchas­ing Agent Network. VIRGINIA LA N O yio'W acre parcels. On-slle Equestrian Cen­ler. Incredible huntlng/fishlng/prl- vale. Near Smilh Mountain and Leesvllle Lakes, Staunton River & Blue Ridge Parkway. 434-369- 8275 WWW.3mltherfamlly.com T r a v e l Harrah’s Cherokee Casino Trip Sal-Day July 31st Frl-Nite Aug 6th Trl-Stale Dog Track & Casino Sal-Day Aug 14lh Pearl River Resort & Casino SepI 3rd thru 5lh EZ WAY TRAVEL LOCAL 998-4732 JOHN & EVELYN WYATT ' HILLSVILLE, VA Sept. 3 BILL GAITHER HOMECOMING TOUR Greensboro, Ocl. 16 336-945-9391336-924-6461 cab w/cap, V-8, automatic, 185K miles, $3500.00. Looks and runs great.1987 Audi 5000S, 5 cyl., auto­ matic, good running oar, $1450.00. Call 336-940-5582 or cell 336- 407-7256 ТЙ4 CHEVY LUMINA VAN-looks greal, runs greal, air, CD player, 132,000 miles. $4000 or best offer. IHust sell 751-5779 1995 DODQi'CARAVAN s lmlnivan, ps, pb, p/locks, win­ dows, new transmission, new tires, cruise, AC, till, AM/FM/ Caselte. Cloth Interior. 114K, ec, $3300 OBO. Call; 336-492-6551. 1996 S10 BLAZERTwhiieTaLiro'^ malic, 4 wheel drive, LT every option available, $8200.00 firm. Excellent condition. 998-8948 2002 Qlf/UiD^CHlROKiEE Laredo, sleel blue, excellent con- dllion, all power options, $16,500. 336-998-1852. ^ '4 с 1Тй7 з Ш Г №уГ уоЖ ;150K miles, $500.00 704-880-7899_______________ W a n te d 20+ ACRES OF farmland in Davie or Rowan Counly w/year round water for single family home. 704-636-5205. WANTED fOBUY^coinsTcaii Bud Hauser. 998-8692. WANTED TO BUY rldln^rnow^ ers lhal need repair; also utility trailers 998-2627_______ Y a rd S a le s 14 FAfWILY YARD sale TASC U- 14 United soccer team, Sal. Aug. 7th, 8am-12pm. St. Clement's Church, Нафег Rd, between 1-40 & Peacehaven, Clemmons. Spaces are available lo rent for $15. CailNancy McKay 940- 2345. ^MiLYYXRDs^eTFrFsrSai. 8-2.1283 Hwy 801 N. Tlie Wallace Co., LLC Richard Wallace Lawn Care Maintenance and Development Free Estim ates (азв) 2 8 4 - 6 9 9 2 Ollice/Fax (336) 4 0 6 - 4 3 8 9 Cell • No Job Too Big or Too Sm all PO Box 621 Mocksville, NC 27028 AUCTION S a tu rd a y A u g u s t 7 , 9 :3 0 A M Personal Property of Jeannle Howard (living) 363 Hall-Walker Lane, Advance, NC Splnnet Piano (Victorian Style), Queen Anne Camelback Settee, Stamp Collection, Dolls from Germany, Gravy Boat Collection, Much More Fine Furniture And Collectibles. See complete listing in next week's paper. A U C TIO N E E R : Roy W right N C A L 2120 • 336-998-8637 Ш R E W A R D $ 2 0 0 fo r r e tu r n o f “S h y ” C o n t a c t J o h n a t 3 3 6 - 9 3 6 - 0 0 4 9 * * * * * * ★ * ★ ★ * ★ 7:00AM JULY 31ST, muili-fam- toddler, clothing, furnilure & lectronlcs. B&B Greenhouse- 5116 Hwy 158, Advance. 965 CORNATZElTl^.rf=rrj"uiy 30th, 8:00-4:00, outside sale. Nothing over $3.00. Inside trailer half price on everything. bT(3 THREE'FAMfLYsaieT^ 31st, corner of 601N and 801. Juniors name brand clothes, mens, womens, misc. furniture. Too much to list. Rain cancels. Rain dale 8/11/04. BiGYARDSALE-Fri. 7/30 & Sal. 7/31. Corner Fork Bixby & Hwy 64. John boat, furniture, decora­tive, antiques, rugs, houseware, collectibles. ™ & SAT. at 178 Feed Mlil Rd.,Advance, Sam until......boysclothes 0-12, king size & super single waterbed, toys, adult clolnes, misc. QAflM E’^ L E -S A X ’S ^ ^ Sam. Rain or Shine. Hwy 64 to 801 to People’s Creek Rd to Shamrock Acres-263 Dublin Rd. New designer clothing, ladles sizes 12-14, new Disney t-shirts, oak furnilure, Fenlon glass, loys & loo much lo list. GARAGE SALE-SAT. July 31. 8am-3pm, 296 Cheriy Hill fioad, Mocksvllle. GARSQE/MOViNG"July 31st, 7;00am-noon. 315 Magnolia Ave. Looking for bar­ gains? Everything must gol l^ur- niture, clolhing all sizes, decor, baby clothes, stroller and many olher baby Items, toys, misc. GARDEN VALLEY-245 Beechwood. Furniture, TV, computer printer, bedding sets, chilaren's, yard bench, 4 wrought Iron patio chairs, books, Christ­mas Deco, lamps, antiques and much, much morel 8:00 Sat. morning. HUGE 10-FAMlLY yardsaiTat Hillsdale in Advance. Captain's Galley-7-12, Sal. July 31. Heavenbound Full Qospel Church. All funds go to building fund. HUGE 4 FAMILY sale-235 Wilkesboro St., July 30 and 31st, Sam III...Princess htouse, AVAJI.Mitl It INI t (IMtMH. ktil «HKI't______________rOCMVtVt nHVriHt> -VAMIIVUtKHmOIODatX VUM>lUnM'ANllU« MKiri .UdJ AClinUI IM'T «»'»MIKniM M Rli;(lllt;r«MI> • M> LVmilMV IMRVHIM) ««1> ai n 11 Kill no IVir willl W) WAkHAHtll.1 (N A^NIN'MUIt/fl’IUtUi* 5AJI M IIHMIK All IVLVIIDMMIRL«!. «All ((Nil'll IIUV Leinbach Auction & Realty, LLC OWNER / AUCTIONEER I BROKER I APPRAISER • TODD A. UINBACH ASSISTED BY AUCTIONEER MIKE HIHCHENS, NCAL #6922«THE ESTATE SETTLEMENT PROFESSIONALS'' AWTlQ(JtS-COt.t.EGTlOLES-FAnM fMCHlMERY-nEAL ESTA1E-DUS1NESS UOUIDATK>NSwwwJeinbachaucthns.com N.C.A.LOSa?!, N.C.A.F.U. #6056, N.C.n.E.L. # 164040. N.C.R.E.B.L. #100022336-76Ф5146 MOVING SALE: SHOP vacuum $35, size 7 wedding gown $50. king bed $10, golf clubs $35/set, pictures $10-$35, iexmark printer & stanc $25, trophy/plant stand $75, books, games, bedding. CallSunday 998-6187. small furniture, CD’s, VHS and clothes In all types and sizes. HUGE YARD SALE, clothes^ toys, TV, weight set & miscella­ neous. Fri. & Sat. 8-1. 208 Pepperstone Drive. HUGE YARO~SALE. Cherry dl- netle, Lane sofa table, horse tack, toys. Sal. July 31, 8 un­ lil....3077 Cornatzer Rd., Ad­vance. INDOOR YARD"SALE-Sat. July 31,2074 Hwy 601N al Mocksvllle AutoAucllon-Sam unlil....Rain or Shine. Lols of baby Items, infant to 3T clothes, adult clothes & nu­merous other Hems. Baby Furni­ture. MOVING SALE, SAT. 7/31, 8am- 3pm, furniture-office, living room & dining room, self cleaning stove, radial arm saw & more. Oak Valley-135 Oakmont Drive ONLY A DOLLAR Dollar Dreams & More 854 Valley Rd, Suite 500 Mocksville, NC 27028 336-753-8997beside Ketchle Creek Bakery A dollar variety and gilt store. Hours: Tues-Fri 10-6, Sat 10-4 SAT. 31ST, 8AM-3pm 422Becktown Rd., Mocksvllle. SAT. 0:00 UNTlL...PIaystatron& Xbox games, muzzleloader, womens, mens, girls & boys clothes, toys movies, shoes. Look for signs-601 to Liberty Church Rd, turn on Bear Creek Church Rd. turn right on Ben Anderson Rd right on Shoffner Rd-1 st home on SATURDAY JULY 31, 2004. 7:30-1:00.164 Dusly Hill Rd. off of Angell Rd. Clothes, dish­washer, dog lol, loys, baby ilems, nursing items, much more. Rain date August 7th. TRADING ’ P 0^-601/80T/ Greasy Corner. Open Fri. & Sal. 10-5. Buy, seil, trade. Will buy whole or partial estates. Also, buying timber. Call 284-4302. YARD SALE-FRI. & Sat., 8-2 155 Jones Rd. off' Davie Acad­emy Rd. rightleft. SAT. JULY 31,165 West Church St., baby stroller & odds-n-ends. SAT. JULY 31; 7;00 until....Liberty Church Rd. Children clothes & toys, flsh tank, Mary Kay, Avon, dirt bike & household ilems. MILLER EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUMMEBIS HEBEI Bobcal, neratoi: core pluaoer a more lor rent lodavl Mocl<!ville^ ' 13301 7 51 -2 3 ()4| 'Г ДТ У 1 S A T . - J U L Y 3 1 - 9 : A M A N T I Q U E S * C O L L E C T r o L E S O f M rs. Elizabeth B. Berry CDcceased) 1 2 0 5 C o lis e u m D r ^ W in s t o n - S a le m omicnoNS: sAu: IS i.ocM m o s а и ш и м dn ivk ш ш ш n kv sih.da поло л í’HKHHV.ViKKKr NK/ílí KK.VrWfí/W). UH)K ЮН OVHSICNSI RIHNriTJHKj НЛНК tlHL'A J79U HOJ-K Ш ) (I4KS. NO • l-^tU.Y lXn.l.*S m im ciiAiK Л siitM ííiri илек chaih w/ (»h kjín a i. I'a in i - U)Lso s tTi.iNi)KH 11л м :к w/ CAllINKi A II7 l VI.INI)m4.MAM(X;ANYm(imiACKllH>\V/AmjniCAHVlN<»- V ieim iA N МЛМ1Я.К roí* DHfXSKU - VICnm UN WALNirr ClIfXl' W/ U)l*. I4KIT:R KOI'E IIH) - IIIO.N tlHí W/ niL\.4S ACCt-VIS - M\»(K;ANY lm^í>SKK >S7 MtHHOR Л AW’IJH ) C,\RV1N(¡S - m aii(h;anv h()I.i;i()i« dksk • о л к iía i.ls w t - o ak iiu m :i' w/ а л \ \ г е к г - о л к a/R\ia> v w m rtiiNA cA m sK r w c b w r a :i - о л к ito b sta i. ta h ii: - sh:r o f 4 о л к c h a irs WASILSIANIW - VICTORIAN CARVW) - I.OV»l-:viS - KMIIROIDKRWI VVIWJtlAC'K с п л т . VIC'lt)RIAN n.(K)M 1ДМ1Ч W/ (¡MKS .S'l AINKI) (ИЛЧЧ SlIAOW (1 W/ CA.ST I.IONSJ - {•Л.Ч1 mo.N IIA.sk H.OOR oil. 1ЛМ1*. avRIA ТЛ14. м т и л ч г к 1И.ЧК - WAIJ^Ur t-DKAWVR S-|A,NP W/ niRNWi Ш.Н - IK)UIJI.K ХС11(И)1. Ш-ЖП - MLSC*. AVliyUK C'lWIRS IN NKH) OF Rli-AlK-(H.I>riUlNKS&\V(K»l)t:NS*U)HAtiKI«Wt5i-WJWLH-MNHAnnt)l1-lDMPOH(5AN- HAnVÍJHANmiANO-ORíJANAV/lNm'.VKKH.SW/CVfriRONI.HW-MARm.KVWrniOI'W/ t*OKCi:i-\lN KNtHK -ЛНК/\ Hl'tiS 9t RUNNKR.S - rRI.NimVK 1И-Ж11 W/ (iRUlN I'AIVI - CKPAR CIIHSI-A.VIiyUKCllANI)W.IFR.4-HRAS4HVIí:RIÍ)RIAVimNS(l,IK)RVAUX-l'ARL4Ht.» (;IA4S Л CmNAi tu IX..S. op л и .ш и \!» liNCilANlJ lU.UI’. WiUX)\V - M5 It’S, o r CHURCimJ. .STAIH)HIXSIIIHHm.UKW(UX)W-MlNlAtURHlll.UUWltaiOWn’AStir(OCX:,JAIVVN>.inNKA(ma->j DIÜWLWIONGIASS -.id i'CS. <)I’‘CARNIV,U.OIA« (líl-UÍJ IVNCll nOWLSIfT. NDR'IllWfXiDHOWI, uKWiN (xisti-cmi, inc.) - m i c howi. л iira itH siir - KNtiUsn RUD'mAmii-RWARH • si-vhral MLSC. CHINA PATniRNS «.US NUMINOUS Г)|Ю0КАТ1УП AOlXSORIIiS 2Д DtCK W -V im tNCI.L1)lN(} WlX)t>. CORK, CANVAS (JI-WS KVfS, K m I'Í.IS COU JC CIION OF COINIWNK.SI.NCI.UI)INOCA.4TIRON,.>nNIAlURKSAf>S,KrC ItJllACCIANAJlHXTTMCK I1.UaHOX-niHUCKl/\RimBIUSI1iJSI-R-l1X)WHOVC/\N-L'rC. liNAMKI.WARft 90 Mt.XFil tU.UK & WUtlK, <;KAV, WURT, ÍH.UK A (JREl-lN COWIRS INCI.in)IN<} С’о т ж Itn s, HE l’;VNS, MUmN P/VNS, CUIS Л U D U S, КГС.TOVSi AiniH'XnC ÜLSNBY CAinUON Oí-S • lINNOailO КПЧПГГ - SNÍ)W w nm j COlJjrnilULS • l!ARbYCnilJ)'.S ROCKING IIORSR ON PRAMÜ - Л WHI-iaüI) .SCWn-R - CAST IRON CAP llW X Ji - CAST IROS TltAlNS - C/VTT IRON HANKS • RARIi R,\RLY IX)|J-S ( I IN IT^UNK) - UNUSUAL a ilU J’S SWINO. .SNt)\V.SI tons, i:rc. MUSICYARh OVIiR Id) ICS. OP 1КАМШ) ARTWORK INCIUDINO Oil. ON CANVAS. SKimill-.S. WAlia<COI X)RS, IKIVrS. inc. - STKAtllVARlUS VKJUN MAfMl IN CilJ<M;\NY (I'AClliHAT ANNO П22) - ACOlJSTlCOtirrAR A Al/rOHARP MtSCi HWiWINO WAIVR COOI.KH W/ DHINKINO И Ш Г Л тлТ Г А П 1.М ^Г - NA'MO.NAI, CASURttíLS'lKU-OAKKKH.CII^.JCOm itM JRINDKIW -IKJZKNH-VnRONS-íiRLSW Ollí A WAtsNK« \ \ ш - iK uxm iiow i.s - coii'F R iioii.hiR - coiTKR 1ч п х . FRuri’JAR.S - п / н т SCAIIS - .SPRINÍÍ WA'IKR Н(УГП.1-?<- 2 SPICK RACKS - IIUNDRtaiS OP HOOKS - iUMllO И-АШГ TIN - niP/XNY Iim.TIItJCKULS ((tX.’A C tiU A WIÜ.US l-AROO) - IJVia<VI)AVIIOt;si-:ilOIJ) OLSIIKS, i’oi>5.p,vvs.inv.-\viNiAtAKiNGsum ii:s-!-iJx:micsvi»TJx:HAiKA(ín»iHm -Ms •I(K)I.S:(1IAlNS/\W-AI.UM.UI)I)|-KS-Wi;ia)liMliC‘>.TAIJUi70P.SAW-llANirnXU.S-irrC.KKVntK WKA-niKH OATV Vtm nUVKINAbinionUrrV . MmiUYAtHL 1« AT i>w mlUi|l>.^uIUultllШ.lШUcaл\LШiL.шlt;lVüCllш>жuJluu.^ШJшaIuшnniUu:.uц.u.tlл\LЛlлalшu f{V wiñTpiclmi Л mi)« infominhm. pltwe vitif www.vorkauctlon.com NO lU Y IC I m illU II A l U C T IO N Saturday July 31,2004 @ 10 a.m. @ Ihe lloniffiliwc of Ik' lllle R. Roscoc and Anne A. Cain - estates (MÍf conihicltil/or .inne K. Cnin) 1021 U.S. Hwy. 21 *** llaniplonvlllc, N.C. (AmIftJtWUak U Ы Уи (»Ыll»mtb Л* 1«Лй Г«/ MnlblU) ll.ihtnbldU; • •Jm.loii.lh*(iin lí«nffU»>nmill«Tm«ir.NC,ulicll*) 2IS’<filikiVain('o Im IbcUnltonpUciitb« l’ huuwuikflnYaAiAro t5,0WPoNDl)«yofSilr ’ wl5iU«ttlWj$CM4 ttiilaW »III Al* MiMljrd h nvfimoikm REAlESTATF:\V|l.bl)ES01.0 (911 ON SAT. July 31" INtflOTIOHby«ppe/fftn)Ml В111УмИ|И»У|Шг*|Л»1| 8 room H'/i balhs BRICKS HOUSE wihanhmxlfloor» on a tojc+/-l_ aere Lot ______ri«in«AUCtlO.S______ Walnut Ghost ol Drawers (laOQ'a, Yadkin Co., aolld end 2 ovor Sdrawata, dovotalls) Flama Mahogany Chest ol Drawers (1800's, Ohio)" Walnut Easilako style Dresser (Late teOO's, bought 0 Will Qamer estale Yadkin Co.)" Walnut 3- Place Cano Uvlng Room SuHo " OnK Carved Back B e d O a k Washsland " Oak Pressed Back Spindle Rocker" pair ol Oak Chairs 1615 Yadkin Co. Deed "• Yadkin Co. Slave Documenis " 1B70's Yadkin Co. Summons Documents (prominent Yadkin Co. names)" 1050's N.C. Way-Bills (Salem lo Jellaison w/promlnant YadWn Co. names)" other early Documanla "se l ol toeo Peterson's Ladles National Magazines" 1060'a Progressive Farmer" 1024 Salesman's Suit Calalog “ 1st Edition Books early 7 shot Hex Barrel Pistol (‘H & R ARMS)'' tgiS Hercules 20 ga. D.B. Shotgun " early Alamo-Ranger 38 Revolver" 6 Shol Saturday Night Special Pistol " German Ammo Pouch " Russian Mllllary Badge array ol Old Money (paper, silver coin, proofs, etc.) early John Taylor 4 Piece Canister So l" M. A. Hadley Pottery " Hand Painted Tlio 'Carol at Berea” College " Pottery Storage Jars (1 & 3 gal)" Music Box Art Pollery Vase " nice 1884 Cotlon Sleeping Qov*r\ (signed & dated)" Glass Beaded Purses " Sterling Compact" Vintage Lace, Linens, Shawls, Collars, & Culls ’• Old Bedspreads & Quilts " Vintage Hals " early lOOO's Pr. Long Gloves ■' local Cotton Feed Sacks " Buttons, Sewing Notions i Old Boxes Weiss Brooch " Austrian Crystal Necklace " W. German Necklace & Earrings " 4 Pair 14K Cullllnks" Colleclable Sterling (Beau, Slam, Nye)" Vintage Jewelry (Rhinestone, Sterling, Bakellle)" Rhinestone Flowers " Sonja Henie Skate Pendant" Scrap Gold " pair Bakellte Napkin Rings iRabblts) circa 1030 R.R. Promotion Print 4 Frame " N.Y. Central R.R. Lantern " N. Y. Central Napkins " Carriage Lamp " 1027 T-Model Lamp Hand Colored Print ■Bermuda'' by H. Marshall Gardiner" rare Vogue Picture Record (78 rpm. Blues)" Max Parrish style Nude Print" Armstrong Nude Print" Fromes & Prints early Magic Lonlern Slides (Military, Cartoons, Farming, Flags, History, etc.) German Porcelain style Clock & pair ol Vases (hand palnled)" LLADRO Figurines (‘Sad Sax", 'Summer", Wedding Arch)" 1895 Limoges Mustache Cup & Saucer" Porcelain Hal Pin Holder (artist signed)" 1933 Chicago Napkin Ring " + /-176 old Postcards" Celluloid Music Box " Roosevelt Pin Bullón " Oak Gathering Basket" Fire King " Cast Iron Trivets early Barbie, Ken, Midge w/ciothlng " 1926 Disney Wooden Mickey Mouse " Melal Farm Toys " Glass & Clay Morblas " Toy Cap Pistol (Germany) early 2-piece Coca-Cola Lighter" Celluloid Medical Adverllsing Tape Measure " palreariylOOO's Prudential Insurance Needle Holders" 1004 Cuban Cigar Box M any Other Items *** l.micli Available Re.\lroiiai Y O R K A U C T IO N & R E A L T Y 356 Pox Hunter Rd., I-Inrmony, N.C. 28634 704-546-2696 704-929-9311 coll ncal #74'“'"*sincu 193Г) A b s o l u t e A u c t i o n W I N S T O N - S A L E M Yadkin Valley Estate 1 1 . 6 ± A c r e s B e a u t if u l L o g M a n o r Great Room with Massive Stone Fireplace • Dining Room ' Gourinet Kitchen • 3 Bedrooms • 3.5 Baths • Oak Floors • Garage/Shop • Generator • Extensive Landscaping • Magnlflclent Hilltop Views • Located In Heart of Carolina Wine Country ' W e d n e s d a y , A u g u s t 1 1 Selling Regardless PriceI No M i n i im u m s • N o R e s e r v e s Fr[[ IIrociiurc 1-000-445-6S97 or (2S6) 547-3434 THE NATIONAL AUCTION GROUP, INC.^644 Walnut Staa't < G.i(isili'n, AL IS'iOl * vswtv.naliünalaucHon^tuup.cum ThíNilaulAuClaiQfeup, inc fl£ iCl0517SNCAL íM?!, r eiVM Mj,riej 0/ckeU|7ti24S NCAll68j3 1И6 - DAVIK COUNTY ENTKRPRISE RECORD,Thursduy, July 29,2004 H o s p i c e C a r e s F o r T h o s e W i t h L i m i t e d L i f e E x p e c t a n c i e s In July of 1984, Hospico of Davie County begun as ii voluntary, community-based, nonprofit organization to serve the residents of Davie County. "Over the years Hospice of Davie has evolved in its approach to providing care for those in our community with a limited life expectancy (generally, six months or less),” suid Janet Blair, director. "Our hospicc wns created to provide sensitive und compassionate home euro to people facing the final stage of u terminnl illness.” Like most hospice ugencles, it’s focus is to provide comfort care (known as palliative care), ruthcr thun Hggrcssively treating the illness (curutivo carc). Hospicc centers its euro uround uggrossivoly treating the symptoms of nn illness, with a priority on controlling the puin experienced by the patient. Hospicc docs not metoly deal with the puticnt's puin - it uddrcsscs the cmotionul puin the fnmily exporlcnces during a loved one’s illness nnd after his or her dcnth, by providing follow up bercnvcment support. Hospice of Dnvie County served 40 pntients Inst yenr. Blnir stutcd thnt although the mujority of pntients served nre diagnosed with terminal cunccr, hospicc nlso accepts pntients with other illnesses such as congcstive henrt fnilure, ond- stnge renal disense, Alzheimer's disense, nnd AIDS. Hospicc sei'vos pntients of uny nge, nllhough most nro older adults. A holistic nppronch is whnt makes hospicc unique from other forms of mcdical carc.. In •nddition to mooting the mcdical needs of a patient, the stnff offers emotionnl, socini, nnd spiritual support to patients and their families. Physicians, nurses, socini workers, therapists, pastoral nnd bereavement counselors, and A BACK-TO-SCHOOL SALE FOR TODAY'S KIDS! VodHlnValleq 1\imk4nnr CnnMttSng X cingular fits you best" PO Bo< 36t Y«IMnvm>, NC 27QJS )lt.4 t]-S Q 2 2 vi«w.y>dt<l.n<t Fnmily Так toquifei 0 t*o-veai isivlcfli agra«m«nt IM each Kae. FamWyTalti plant include only package mlnulaa inctlKlad wilii primary number and aro aharad liy tno addilional llnoi FamilyTalli |l nol available on all rale plana. Soe Wlrileaa Servlco AorasmenI and Rale Plan Oroettuie lor addilional condlllon» and гачпсмпа. Cinoular, me (jiaphii: 1соЛ. and FamilyTalk are Rejlalered Tradomarka ol Cingular Wlraloai LlO. File yog Baal and Rollover are Service Marka ol Cingular Wiroloas LLC 2003 Cingular Wirolaet LLC. All righla reaorvod. Reilricliona apply. Mk lor dalalla. -----------------------— 5Г” --------------------------------------------------—-------------'“i ----------------------------------- .SVjJd ll/f ¡ttr tini/ tl/ t/ll'M' fil'ri’in'lt /irriti rrrii/ »cnr/ t/ntjr irV/. U i l„ Jm .l n'ith t, iw :i- YVI'D;,li:i volunteers work as a team to communicate needs, coordinate services, and determine the best plnn of care for a patient and his or her fomily. Hospice provides a bereavement support scrvicc, which is offered to the families of hospicc patients for one year after tho death of their loved ones. “It is nol unusual for a person or a family to be frightened when a doctor makes a referral for hospico services,” Blair said. "It is not uncommon for people to typically view hospice as the last resort, and the message is received thnt there is no hope. "While hospico cortainly intervenes in the lives of families at difficult crossroads, the stnff views ench patient through the eyes of hope. Sometimes hope is not the expectation of a euro, but the assurance that the best carc will be given to keep a person and his or hor family comfortable, supported, and to know thal assistance is only a phone call away, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The hope is that families do nol have lo face their journeys alone. “The staff of Hospice of Davie Counly is honored to have served the community for the pnst 20 ycitfs, and looks forward lo many more,” Blair said. Blair hns been the director of Hospice since its inception In 1984. Melinda Smilh, RN, serves as Hospice RN, and Janine Atkinson Is the medical social worker for Hospice of Davio. If you would like more information nboul hospice nnd services provided, call Hospice of Davio, Monday-Friday, at 751-8770. Volunteers nre needed tmd welcomed—there is a job for everyone. A volunteer chaplain is needed: Special volunteer training will be offered (al a time to be announced) for those who are interested in serving In the community through hospicc. New Bethel Baptist Sponsors ‘Giving Back To Community’ The pastor nnd members of New Bethe' ' itlst Church, Mocksville, Wl. orthe scc­ ond annual “Olvi. „ tinck to the Community” Snturdny, July 31, or if rnln occurs, Aug. 7, from 9:30 n.m.-1 p.m. The ontrnncc foe is u donntion of school supplies (niler paper, composition books, 3-ring bind­ ers, pencils, pens, etc.) for 65 Dnvie and Rowun school chil­ dren. The Now Bethel Baptist Church members will bo respon­ sible for purchasing book-bngs. A day filled with games, sing­ ing,praise stop-teums, free food, story-telling, etc. Lu,st yenr gos­ pel singing groups Second Touch, New Beginnings Choir and Love Christian Center Choir rendered music selections. Kujimnni nnd the Love Chrislinn Center Dnncc Teum performed spirituni dnnccs. If you or your church group would like to perform, cull the church nt 284-2990. The church is located nt 3727 US 601 South, , Mocksvillc, approximately oni mile from the Rowan County lino in Dnvie County. Clarion Earns Distinction Among School Yearbooks The North Curolina Scholas­ tic Media Association recently uwardcd Davie County High ScliQ ol’s yearbook, the 2004 Clarion, un honor of distinction for Scholastic Journalism Excoi- lence. This uwurd is given to year­ books bused on creativity, origi­ nality and adherence to contem­ porary yearbook and journalistic standards. The honor of distinc­ tion is the socond highest award eurned by a yearbook staff at the stute level. In addition, the staff earned a third pluce award for excellence in copy writing. “NCSMA awards rocognizo muny tulonted North Carolina student journalists," said Monica Hill, director of the NCSMA. “These awards reflect the qual­ ity and value of free expression." The NCSMA also awarded individual honors. Kierston Karhs won first placc for theme copy and Katy Russell won first placo for caption writing. Emily Evans nnd Kierston Knhrs aro the cdltors-ln-chiof ol this nward winning book and Lynn Ray is the advisor. “I am very proud of my stu­ dent journalists for whnt they have achieved,” Rny snid. “A lot of people do not rcniize the dedi­ cation and hours after school nnd on weekends that those students put into producing an award win­ ning yearbook that is essentially a history of whnt happened dur­ ing the year.” S a tu rd a y N ig h t Golaa opon (ot practice at 6 p.m. FIRST RACE AT 8 P.M. N I G H T "Doing More 4 You" Presented by U PN 48 Television M odtded and Sport»m an "M adhouse Scram ble" doim te/oaillrM plu* Street Slock and Sladium Slock races and a C H A I N R A C E Teams of two cars chained together! Fans’ prize: $400 worth o! gasoline Irom 4 Brothers ' AVJ¡5>,-^A<írrilsslon;Adultii. 18ondo!<Jer-$lo Anna 1» 17 cn — «»*-w I r<r>fMiNva Information aboul stadium racing: (336) 7 2 ^ ie iF